
Sample records for abordagem fuzzy para

  1. Ecosystem approach and the Fuzzy logic: a dialectical proposal for information on Environmental Health Abordagem ecossistêmica e lógica Fuzzy: uma proposta dialética para o uso da informação em Saúde Ambiental

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    Daniel Canavese


    Full Text Available The ever-growing production and the problematization of Environmental Health have shown the need to apprehend complex realities and deal with uncertainties from the most diversified instruments which may even incorporate local aspects and subjectivities by means of qualitative realities, while broadening the capacity of the information system. This paper presents a view on the reflection upon some challenges and possible convergences between the ecosystemic approach and the Fuzzy logic in the process of dealing with scientific information and decision-making in Environmental Health.O avanço da produção intelectual sobre Saúde e Ambiente tem demonstrado a necessidade de apreender realidades que são complexas, além de lidar com suas incertezas. Nesse sentido, os instrumentos utilizados deveriam incorporar aspectos subjetivos e qualitativos, além dos elementos de cunho quantitativo, ao retratar uma condição local. Esse artigo apresenta uma reflexão a respeito dos desafios e dos possíveis pontos de convergência entre uma abordagem ecossistêmica e a lógica Fuzzy nesse processo de lidar com a informação para apoio a tomada de decisão envolvendo Saúde e Ambiente.

  2. Para uma abordagem virtuosa do Jornalismo

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    Rogério Christofoletti


    Full Text Available As últimas décadas têm favorecido o crescimento do interesse e dos estudos sobre a ética jornalística. No Brasil e em outras praças, as abordagens deste tema têm sido na maioria das vezes por um caráter deontológico ou utilitarista. Neste artigo, chamamos a atenção para uma perspectiva que privilegie as virtudes como pontos de partida para os debates acerca das condutas dos profissionais. Uma ética das virtudes remete a Aristóteles e aos estoicos, mas vem sendo retomada por autores mais contemporâneos, como Macintyre e Comte-Sponville, entre outros. No jornalismo, esta abordagem não é definitiva ou totalizante, mas contribui para uma compreensão mais ampla da discussão, chamando inclusive a atenção para recomendações éticas úteis, práticas e atuais.

  3. Proposta de uma abordagem psicoeducacional em grupos para pacientes adultos com Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade


    Grevet, Eugenio Horácio; Abreu, Paulo Belmonte de; Shansis, Flávio


    Os autores do presente artigo propõem, a partir do modelo pedagógico proposto por Antoni Zabala, uma abordagem psicoeducativa grupal para pacientes adultos portadores de Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade. Para tanto, adaptam esta estrutura pedagógica para fundamentar a abordagem de grupos psicoeducacionais. O presente trabalho adiciona uma nova técnica para o tratamento do TDAH no adulto a partir da interface entre a pedagogia e a psicoterapia. TIn this paper the authors sugg...

  4. Cálculo K: uma abordagem alternativa para a relatividade especial


    Conto,G. De; Lima,A.; Ortega,P.H.; Schmitz,E.R.


    Neste artigo apresentamos a abordagem alternativa feita por Bondi para a teoria da relatividade especial. Durante o desenvolvimento, analisamos os diagramas de Bondi, recursos visuais dos quais podemos retirar algumas informações sobre os sistemas analisados, e discutimos o fator K da teoria de Bondi, que está no cerne deste trabalho. Posteriormente, discutimos alguns dos principais resultados obtidos pela relatividade especial de Einstein tais como a dilatação temporal, a contração espacial ...

  5. Abordagem da dependencia de substancias psicoativas na adolescencia: reflexao etica para a enfermagem

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    Cecilia Nogueira Valenca


    Full Text Available O uso indiscriminado de drogas entre os jovens cresce progressivamente no Brasil e no mundo. Este estudo objetivou refletir acerca da abordagem ética da enfermagem na atenção a adolescentes usuários de drogas lícitas e ilícitas. Trata-se de um estudo teórico de caráter reflexivo fundamentado em uma revisão bibliográfica do tipo narrativa, utilizando livros e artigos científicos. Emergiram reflexões sobre a dependência de substâncias psicoativas em expansão na adolescência que culminaram na discussão sobre a abordagem ética da enfermagem ao adolescente usuário de drogas. O enfermeiro pode priorizar uma assistência voltada para a promoção da saúde do adolescente em uma perspectiva emancipatória dos jovens na prevenção do uso de drogas. Concluiu-se que o enfermeiro deve realizar uma abordagem ética aos adolescentes dependentes químicos, considerando seu contexto e sua subjetividade.

  6. Tradução - Uma Abordagem de Ensino/Aprendizagem para o Secretariado Executivo

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    Aline Cantarotti


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é o de proporcionar aos professores e alunos de tradução no curso de Secretariado Executivo uma visão mais ampla acerca da abordagem de ensino/aprendizagem nessa área, apresentando primeiramente teorias e procedimentos da atividade tradutória e em seguida, propondo-se uma sequência didática tendo como gênero utilizado para a prática da tradução os contratos empresariais. Sua relevância se dá devido ao fato de ser necessária uma abordagem de ensino específica de tradução que se adeque às necessidades profissionais do secretário executivo, pois devido a globalização, as empresas estão cada vez mais expandindo seus negócios para o exterior. Para isso, elas precisam da intermediação do profissional de secretariado que esteja capacitado a realizar traduções adequadas, já que uma tradução mal sucedida pode comprometer toda a comunicação e trabalho de uma organização. A partir do plano de aula proposto, é possível demonstrar procedimentos para o ensino/aprendizagem de tradução que contribuam para uma sólida formação do secretário executivo especificamente em línguas estrangeiras e tradução, além de demonstrar a transformação do pensamento dos alunos sobre o conceito de tradução.DOI:10.7769/gesec.v3i1.98

  7. Psicologia Positiva: uma nova abordagem para antigas questões

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    Simone dos Santos Paludo


    Full Text Available Historicamente, a Psicologia preocupou-se em investigar patologias, negligenciado os aspectos saudáveis dos seres humanos. Mas, a partir de 1998, assumindo a presidência da American Psychological Association, Seligman iniciou movimento denominado Psicologia Positiva, que visa oferecer nova abordagem às potencialidades e virtudes humanas, estudando as condições e processos que contribuem para a prosperidade dos indivíduos e comunidades. Este artigo apresenta e discute essa nova proposta científica, que promete melhorar a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos e prevenir patologias; também as lacunas existentes nas investigações em Ciências Humanas, as contribuições teóricas e empíricas e as possíveis aplicações desse conhecimento.

  8. Estimativa das condições de conforto térmico para avicultura de postura usando a teoria dos conjuntos Fuzzy Estimated thermal comfort condition for layers according to Fuzzy theory

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    Henrique L. de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, foi utilizada uma ferramenta matemática promissora na análise de sistemas e/ou processos, particularmente na área de produção animal. Essa ferramenta é a desenvolvida segundo a abordagem da teoria dos Conjuntos Fuzzy e, neste caso específico, permitiu a análise da composição das variáveis climáticas independentes, como temperatura de bulbo seco e umidade relativa do ar, que influenciam na variável dependente denominada conforto térmico das aves. Foi realizada a construção de regras baseadas na intuição humana, segundo o conhecimento de especialistas da área, a partir do que é possível simular cenários distintos para o suporte à decisão de construção de galpões para abrigo a animais. Neste trabalho, foi estimado o conforto térmico para alojamento de aves poedeiras em produção. Os resultados foram analisados, usando-se o ambiente de computação científica MATLAB 6.5, o que pode ser realizado iterativamente a cada cenário gerado. Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode-se analisar as condições de conforto para distintas composições das variáveis de entrada.In this research a promising mathematical tool in system's analysis and/or process particularly in the area of Animal Production was used. Such tool was developed according to Fuzzy theory which in this specific case allows analyzing the composition of independent climatic variables, such as temperature and humidity that may influence the dependent variable named bird's thermal comfort. It was necessary to build up rules based on human intuition according to experts in this area, from which was possible to simulate distinct scenarios for supporting the decision of the construction of animal's housing. In this research thermal comfort for layer's housing in production were considered. The results were analyzed using the scientific computer environment of MATLAB 6.5, which could be done iteratively for each generated scenario. Based on the results

  9. Uma abordagem arquitetural para o desenvolvimento rigoroso de sistemas confiáveis baseados em componentes


    Patrick Henrique da Silva Brito


    Resumo: A incorporação de tolerância a falhas em sistemas de software normalmente acarreta em um aumento da complexidade, o que consequentemente torna a sua análise mais difícil. Além disso, o uso de mecanismos de tratamento de exceções de uma maneira não-sistemática pode acarretar na adição de novas falhas ao sistema. Esta tese apresenta uma abordagem rigorosa e centrada na arquitetura para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de software tolerantes a falhas. Dependendo do modelo de falhas e da dis...

  10. A neuro-fuzzy system to support in the diagnostic of epileptic events and non-epileptic events using different fuzzy arithmetical operations Um sistema neuro-difuso para auxiliar no diagnóstico de eventos epilépticos e eventos não epilépticos utilizando diferentes operações aritméticas difusas

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    Lucimar M.F. de Carvalho


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To investigate different fuzzy arithmetical operations to support in the diagnostic of epileptic events and non epileptic events. METHOD: A neuro-fuzzy system was developed using the NEFCLASS (NEuro Fuzzy CLASSIfication architecture and an artificial neural network with backpropagation learning algorithm (ANNB. RESULTS: The study was composed by 244 patients with a bigger frequency of the feminine sex. The number of right decisions at the test phase, obtained by the NEFCLASS and ANNB was 83.60% and 90.16%, respectively. The best sensibility result was attained by NEFCLASS (84.90%; the best specificity result were attained by ANNB with 95.65%. CONCLUSION: The proposed neuro-fuzzy system combined the artificial neural network capabilities in the pattern classifications together with the fuzzy logic qualitative approach, leading to a bigger rate of system success.OBJETIVO: Investigar diferentes operações aritméticas difusas para auxíliar no diagnóstico de eventos epilépticos e eventos não-epilépticos. MÉTODO: Um sistema neuro-difuso foi desenvolvido utilizando a arquitetura NEFCLASS (NEuro Fuzzy CLASSIfication e uma rede neural artificial com o algoritmo de aprendizagem backpropagation (RNAB. RESULTADOS: A amostra estudada foi de 244 pacientes com maior freqüência no sexo feminino. O número de decisões corretas na fase de teste, obtidas através do NEFCLASS e RNAB foi de 83,60% e 90,16%, respectivamente. O melhor resultado de sensibilidade foi obtido com o NEFCLASS (84,90%; o melhor resultado de especificidade foi obtido com a RNAB (95,65%. CONCLUSÃO: O sistema neuro-difuso proposto combinou a capacidade das redes neurais artificiais na classificação de padrões juntamente com a abordagem qualitativa da logica difusa, levando a maior taxa de acertos do sistema.

  11. Gamificação: abordagem e construção conceitual para aplicativosem TV Digital Interativa

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    Marcos Américo


    Full Text Available A implantação da TV Digital no Brasil abre espaço para o desenvolvimento de conteúdos educativos baseados nos conceitos de t-learning e edutretenimento. O estudo propõe a aplicação da gamificação como elo comunicacional para incentivar e modificar o comportamento dos usuários. No entanto, esbarra-se na problemática conceitual do termo, uma vez que a literatura traz diversas e amplas definições, que variam de acordo com o contexto de aplicação. O objetivo deste trabalho, de caráter exploratório, é propor uma abordagem conceitual, a fim de construir um conceito delimitado e que fundamente o sistema de gamificação em TV Digital Interativa.

  12. Comparação entre os métodos Fuzzy TOPSIS e Fuzzy AHP no apoio à tomada de decisão para seleção de fornecedores


    Francisco Rodrigues Lima Junior


    A seleção de fornecedores tem impacto significante no custo e na qualidade de produtos manufaturados. Por isso, a seleção de fornecedores passou a ser vista como uma atividade bastante crítica para o desempenho da empresa compradora. Muitos estudos da literatura propõem o uso dos métodos multicritério fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) e fuzzy AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) para apoiar a seleção de fornecedores. Contudo, não são encontrados estu...

  13. Abordagem profunda e abordagem superficial à aprendizagem: diferentes perspectivas do rendimento escolar Deep and surface approach to learning: different perspectives about academic achievement

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    Cristiano Mauro Assis Gomes


    Full Text Available O presente estudo investiga a relação entre a abordagem superficial e a abordagem profunda à aprendizagem na explicação do rendimento escolar. Algumas questões são delineadas buscando verificar o papel de cada uma das abordagens na proficiência escolar em séries distintas. Foram analisados dados de 684 estudantes da sexta série do ensino fundamental à terceira série do ensino médio de uma escola particular de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Foi delineado um modelo para comparação das séries escolares, através da modelagem por equação estrutural. O modelo desenhado apresentou bom grau de ajuste (c²=427,12; gl=182; CFI=0,95; RMSEA=0,04 para a amostra completa e para cada série escolar. Os resultados mostram que há uma participação distinta da abordagem superficial e da abordagem profunda no desempenho escolar nas diferentes séries. São discutidas implicações dos resultados para a teoria das abordagens.This study investigates the relationship between deep and surface approach to learning in explaining academic achievement. Some questions are outlined aiming to verify the role of each approach in student's proficiency in different grades. Data from 684 students from junior high school (6th year to high school (12th year of a private school in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, were analyzed. A model was designed to compare the grades through structural equation modeling. The designed model showed a good fit (c² = 427.12; df = 182; CFI = .95, RMSEA = .04 for the full sample and for each grade. The results show that there is a distinct contribution of both approaches in academic achievement in the different grades. Further implications to the learning approach theory will be discussed.

  14. As Armas Não Letais como Abordagem Temática para o Ensino de Química


    Razuck, Fernando Barcellos


    Nos últimos anos o Brasil acompanhou uma série de manifestações reivindicando a melhoria na qualidade dos serviços públicos. Como resposta a essas manifestações houve uma intensa abordagem policial, com o uso de armas não letais, como o gás lacrimogêneo e o spray de pimenta. Considerando a importância de se atrelar o momento histórico à presença da ciência, este trabalho, realizado em uma escola pública na forma de oficina temática durante a Semana de Educação para a Vida, teve o objetivo de ...

  15. Fuzzy model to estimate the number of hospitalizations for asthma and pneumonia under the effects of air pollution. (United States)

    Chaves, Luciano Eustáquio; Nascimento, Luiz Fernando Costa; Rizol, Paloma Maria Silva Rocha


    Predict the number of hospitalizations for asthma and pneumonia associated with exposure to air pollutants in the city of São José dos Campos, São Paulo State. This is a computational model using fuzzy logic based on Mamdani's inference method. For the fuzzification of the input variables of particulate matter, ozone, sulfur dioxide and apparent temperature, we considered two relevancy functions for each variable with the linguistic approach: good and bad. For the output variable number of hospitalizations for asthma and pneumonia, we considered five relevancy functions: very low, low, medium, high and very high. DATASUS was our source for the number of hospitalizations in the year 2007 and the result provided by the model was correlated with the actual data of hospitalization with lag from zero to two days. The accuracy of the model was estimated by the ROC curve for each pollutant and in those lags. In the year of 2007, 1,710 hospitalizations by pneumonia and asthma were recorded in São José dos Campos, State of São Paulo, with a daily average of 4.9 hospitalizations (SD = 2.9). The model output data showed positive and significant correlation (r = 0.38) with the actual data; the accuracies evaluated for the model were higher for sulfur dioxide in lag 0 and 2 and for particulate matter in lag 1. Fuzzy modeling proved accurate for the pollutant exposure effects and hospitalization for pneumonia and asthma approach. Prever o número de internações por asma e pneumonia associadas à exposição a poluentes do ar no município em São José dos Campos, estado de São Paulo. Trata-se de um modelo computacional que utiliza a lógica fuzzy baseado na técnica de inferência de Mamdani. Para a fuzzificação das variáveis de entrada material particulado, ozônio, dióxido de enxofre e temperatura aparente foram consideradas duas funções de pertinência para cada variável com abordagem linguísticas: bom e ruim. Para a variável de saída número interna

  16. Trabalhismo, reforma agrária, legislação para as populações rurais: uma abordagem do projeto político de Fernando Ferrari

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    Ricardo Oliveira da Silva


    Full Text Available No presente texto, apresentamos uma abordagem introdutória do projeto político de Fernando Ferrari para a questão agrária. Ao longo da década de 1950 e começo dos anos de 1960, esse autor participou das discussões em torno dos problemas rurais brasileiros com base na doutrina trabalhista, desenvolvida por Alberto Pasqualini. Nesse sentido, destacamos o projeto trabalhista defendido por Fernando Ferrari para o campo mediante dois temas constantes em seus escritos: a reforma agrária e a legislação para a população rural.

  17. A Dynamic Systems: constraints approach to rehabilitation Uma abordagem dos sistemas dinâmicos: restrições para a reabilitação

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    Kenneth G. Holt


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Classification systems (Nagi, International Classification for Function [ICF] have become popular for categorizing the level of ability (ICF or disability (Nagi associated with movement disorders. Nevertheless, these classifications do not explore the ways in which one level may influence other levels. For example, how might the weakness and stiffness associated with some cases of cerebral palsy result in a stereotypical toe-gait? In this overview we describe a dynamic systems/constraints (DS/C approach to understand relationships between levels, and how the approach can be used to rationalize a novel process for the evaluation and treatment of movement disorders. OBJECTIVES: There are three specific aims in this paper: first to present a general systems approach to understanding behavior at different levels; second to present tools of, and the results of empirical work using the DS/C approach; third to discuss the clinical implications and results of clinical interventions motivated by DS/C analysis for children with cerebral palsy, and individuals with Parkinson disease.CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: Sistemas de classificação (Nagi e Classificação International de Funcionalidade (CIF têm se tornado populares para categorização do nível de habilidade (CIF ou de incapacidade (Nagi associado com distúrbios do movimento. No entanto, essas classificações não exploram as formas pelas quais um nível pode influenciar outros níveis; por exemplo, como a fraqueza e a rigidez observadas em alguns casos de paralisia cerebral podem resultar no padrão estereotipado de marcha equina. Neste artigo, descreve-se uma abordagem denominada sistemas dinâmicos/restrições (DS/C para compreender as relações entre níveis e como ela pode ser utilizada para racionalizar um novo processo que norteie a avaliação e a intervenção de distúrbios do movimento. OBJETIVOS: Este artigo tem três objetivos específicos: apresentar uma abordagem geral sist

  18. A modalidade escrita do português como L2 para alunos surdos: análise de abordagem em classe de inclusão no ensino médio

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    José de Sousa Silva


    Full Text Available Neste artigo buscamos analisar a abordagem de ensinar Língua Portuguesa em modalidade escrita numa classe inclusiva composta de alunos com surdez profunda e alunos ouvintes a partir da filmagem de uma aula de produção de texto com o intuito de interpretar evidências de adequação do insumo oferecido e co-construído em sala e de permeabilidade do filtro sócio-afetivo. Registrou-se uma abordagem formal textualistapouco voltada para a verdadeira inserção do surdo na escola regular dos ouvintes.

  19. Enfoque MDA para el diseño de un data warehouse difuso A model driven approach for fuzzy data warehouse design

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    Carolina Zambrano Matamala


    Full Text Available Un data warehouse (DW es un repositorio de datos que provienen de distintas fuentes. Es un sistema para el análisis de datos usado para el apoyo a la toma de decisiones. En el ámbito de análisis de datos es usual encontrar relaciones entre los datos de naturaleza difusa. Por ejemplo, en un contexto académico la respuesta a la consulta "qué alumnos obtuvieron buena nota final" no puede ser obtenida desde un DW tradicional pues no maneja información cualitativa. Debido a las limitaciones de los DW tradicionales es que se pueden extender usando lógica difusa a un DW Difusos (DWD. Por otro lado, en el ciclo de desarrollo de DW se han considerado diversas metodologías y modelos que tienen como desventaja que no integran los distintos niveles de abstracción ni el proceso de diseño de DW. Sin embargo, el enfoque MDA es una alternativa de integración que otorga un marco de desarrollo integrado basado en la arquitectura de modelos y transformaciones entre distintos niveles de abstracción, que la hace adecuada para este tema. En este artículo se presenta un enfoque MDA para el diseño de un DWD que considera medidas difusas, relaciones difusas y niveles difusos, para lo cual se proponen un metamodelo CWM OLAP Difuso, reglas QVT y un ejemplo. También se presenta la secuencia metodológica para la aplicación de las reglas QVT. Finalmente, se proporciona un caso de estudio de análisis en el ámbito educacional.A Data Warehouse (DW is a repository of data from different sources. Is a system for data analysis used to support decision making. In the area of data analysis is common to find relationships between data from fuzzy nature. In this context, the questions give me the marks quantity of good, average and bad cannot be obtained from the traditional DW because do not handle as qualitative information. Due to the limitations of traditional DW is that it can be extended to Fuzzy DW (DWD using fuzzy logic. On the other hand in the DW

  20. Comparison between genetic fuzzy system and neuro fuzzy system to select oil wells for hydraulic fracturing; Comparacao entre genetic fuzzy system e neuro fuzzy system para selecao de pocos de petroleo para fraturamento hidraulico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castro, Antonio Orestes de Salvo [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Ferreira Filho, Virgilio Jose Martins [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), RJ (Brazil)


    The hydraulic fracture operation is wide used to increase the oil wells production and to reduce formation damage. Reservoir studies and engineer analysis are made to select the wells for this kind of operation. As the reservoir parameters have some diffuses characteristics, Fuzzy Inference Systems (SIF) have been tested for this selection processes in the last few years. This paper compares the performance of a neuro fuzzy system and a genetic fuzzy system used for hydraulic Fracture well selection, with knowledge acquisition from an operational data base to set the SIF membership functions. The training data and the validation data used were the same for both systems. We concluded that, in despite of the genetic fuzzy system would be a younger process, it got better results than the neuro fuzzy system. Another conclusion was that, as the genetic fuzzy system can work with constraints, the membership functions setting kept the consistency of variables linguistic values. (author)

  1. Implementación de una estrategia fuzzy adaptativa para el control activo de vigas vibratorias


    Moreno-García, Francisco Ernesto; Becerra-Vargas, José Armando; Cárdenas-Contreras, Edwin Martín


    Este trabajo propone un control activo de vibraciones en un sistema mecánico tipo viga en voladizo, utilizando un controlador fuzzy implementado en LabVIEW. Para la etapa de medición se utiliza un acelerómetro capacitivo capaz de detectar el desplazamiento presentado en la estructura debido a una fuerza generada mediante un impactador instrumentado con un sensor piezorresistivo. Para la implementación computacional es utilizado el software LabVIEW operando en conjunto con una tarjeta de adqui...

  2. Paisagens e trilhas : uma abordagem sustentável para o turismo de visitação na Chapada dos Veadeiros – Goiás


    Silva, Romero Gomes Pereira da


    Os sistemas de informações geográficas podem incorporar na análise da paisagem o conceito de viewshed, ou seja, a modelagem do “campo de visão” partindo de um alvo para mapear regiões visíveis. Essa abordagem é útil para conduzir o planejamento de trilhas, serve como apoio à tomada de decisões e reduz a subjetividade nas avaliações de impacto visual de possíveis empreendimentos. Mais importante que o modelo, é sua aplicabilidade no turismo de natureza. Ao aportar a análise no Parque Nacional ...

  3. Implementación de una estrategia fuzzy adaptativa para el control activo de vigas vibratorias


    Francisco Ernesto Moreno-García; José Armando Becerra-Vargas; Edwin Martín Cárdenas-Contreras


    Este trabajo propone un control activo de vibraciones en un sistema mecánico tipo viga en voladizo, utilizando un controlador fuzzy implementado en LabVIEW. Para la etapa de medición se utiliza un acelerómetro capacitivo capaz de detectar el desplazamiento presentado en la estructura debido a una fuerza generada mediante un impactador instrumentado con un sensor piezorresistivo. Para la implementación computacional es utilizado el software LabVIEW operando en conjunto con una tarjeta de adqui...

  4. Ergonomia participartiva: uma abordagem efetiva em macroergonomia

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    Alvaro Divino Taveira Filho


    Full Text Available O objetivo básico do presente artigo é apresentar os principais aspectos referentes à evolução e desenvolvimento da Macroergonomia, seus conceitos o metodologia, bem como procurar as contribuições factíveis daquela abordagem à qualidade de vida no trabalho e à eficácia das organizações. As possibilidades imediatas para a aplicação desses conceitos o métodos são enfocados e é apresentada uma abordagem específica dentro da macroergonomia, lida como particulamente promissora: a Ergonomia Participativa.The paper intends to present the main aspects concerning the evolution and development of the Macroergonomics, its concepts and methodology, as well as its results in improving the quality of life in the workplace and the organizational efficiency. The possibilities of applying these concepts and methods are discussed and a particular approach inside the macroergonomics is presented: the Participatory Ergonomics.

  5. Insuficiência cardíaca com fração de ejeção preservada: combater equívocos para uma nova abordagem

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    Ricardo Fontes-Carvalho


    Full Text Available Durante as últimas décadas, a insuficiência cardíaca com fração de ejeção preservada (ICFEP foi alvo de menor atenção por parte das comunidades médica e científica, o que levou ao aparecimento de um conjunto de equívocos relativamente às suas características, diagnóstico e abordagem terapêutica. Nos últimos anos surgiram novos estudos que alteraram os conceitos classicamente associados à ICFEP, contribuindo para uma nova visão dessa doença. Com esta revisão pretendemos abordar as mais recentes evidências existentes na área da ICFEP e combater os principais equívocos a ela associados, de forma a melhorar a sua abordagem diagnóstica e terapêutica. Temos hoje vários dados que demonstram que a ICFEP é uma entidade que necessita de uma abordagem clínica distinta da utilizada na insuficiência cardíaca sistólica (ICS. A ICFEP deixou de ser vista como uma doença "benigna", porque está associada a um mau prognóstico e a uma elevada prevalência. A sua fisiopatologia é complexa, não está totalmente esclarecida e, para além da disfunção diastólica, foram recentemente descobertos outros fatores, cardíacos e extracardíacos, que estão também implicados no seu aparecimento. Dispomos hoje de critérios objetivos para o seu diagnóstico, sobretudo recorrendo aos novos parâmetros ecocardiográficos de avaliação da função diastólica, nomeadamente ao cálculo da relação E/e' obtida por meio do Doppler tecidual. Finalmente, o tratamento da ICFEP continua a ser uma incógnita, porque não dispomos atualmente de nenhuma estratégia terapêutica capaz de alterar o prognóstico da ICFEP. Desse modo, abordaremos também os potenciais novos alvos terapêuticos que poderão revolucionar o tratamento futuro da ICFEP.

  6. Abordagem da ecoinovação para a sustentabilidade das ferrovias no sul de Santa Catarina

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    Ricardo Alves Colonetti


    Full Text Available O artigo buscou verificar como o ecoinovação pode contribuir para a sustentabilidade das ferrovias no sul de Santa Catarina. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva e bibliográfica com abordagem qualitativa e um estudo de caso. Foi aplicado um questionário, junto ao responsável do projeto e gerente de manutenção e transporte da Ferrovia Tereza Cristina SA. A fabricação e a implementação do eco-vagão trouxe vários benefícios no campo econômico, ambiental e social, tais como redução dos custos operacionais em 15%; a vida útil do vagão triplicou; aumentou a capacidade transportada em 1,5 toneladas de carga útil por vagão; redução do tempo de cinco minutos para três minutos na operação de descarga do material; absorção de materiais reciclados, redução do nível de ruído no processo de descarga do material, risco de contaminação por vazamento durante o transporte, eliminou a derrubada de duas árvores por vagão, substituição da madeira por material reciclado.

  7. Implementación de un control fuzzy para el control cinemático directo en un robot manipulador Implementation of a fuzzy control for the direct kinematic control of a robot manipulator

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    D.A Tibaduiza


    Full Text Available En este artículo se muestra el desarrollo e implementación de la lógica difusa como herramienta de control de posición para cada una de las articulaciones de un robot tipo PUMA. Se hace una descripción general del robot y se muestra el cálculo del volumen de trabajo, el cual es usado para la fuzzificación en el desarrollo del controlador. Finalmente es mostrado el desarrollo y la simulación del controlador usando la toolbox fuzzy de Matlab, así como la descripción de una implementación realizada en un PLC.In this article, the development and implementation of a fuzzy logic system as position control tool of each one of the joints in a PUMA robot is shown. A general description, which include general descriptions about the robot as workspace and therefore the development of the strategy of control with the definition of the rules in the fuzzification process is also included. Finally are shown the development and simulation of the controller using the fuzzy control toolbox of Matlab and the description of a implementation in a PLC.

  8. Fuzzy ABC: Modelando a Incerteza na Alocação dos Custos AmbientaisFuzzy ABC: Modeling the Uncertainty in Environmental Cost AllocationFuzzy ABC: Modelando la Incertidumbre en la Alocation de los Costos Ambientales

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    BORBA, José Alonso


    Full Text Available RESUMOEm muitos casos, prevenir a poluição e a destruição do meio ambiente é menos oneroso do que remediar esses danos. Nesse contexto, a alocação de custos ambientais aos produtos permite uma melhor visualização e análise da rentabilidade dos produtos. Entretanto, a alocação dos custos ambientais aos produtos envolve informações estimadas e assume uma linearidade entre o consumo das atividades e os produtos, que muitas vezes não existe. Para contemplar essa não linearidade, esta pesquisa apresenta uma metodologia baseada na utilização da lógica fuzzy para modelar a incerteza e a subjetividade, inerentes ao processo de alocação dos custos ambientais. Para isso, além de um estudo de caso desenvolvido por Hansen e Mowen (2001, p. 584, que foi utilizado como referência, outras variáveis foram incorporadas. Em seguida, uma proposta de solução, que utiliza fundamentos da teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy, ou nebulosos, foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de contemplar a subjetividade e a incerteza na alocação dos custos ambientais. Para simular esse modelo, foram estabelecidas 126 regras de inferência. A etapa final da elaboração do modelo nebuloso consistiu na fuzzificação e defuzzificação dos dados existentes e dos novos direcionadores gerados por intermédio da utilização do software FuzzyTECH®. Os resultados encontrados no modelo proposto - FuzzyABC (Fuzzy Activity Based Costing - evidenciam que a lógica fuzzy pode ser utilizada como uma importante ferramenta para tratar da ambigüidade e da incerteza, inerentes ao processo de alocação dos custos ambientais.ABSTRACTIn many cases, preventing pollution and environmental destruction is cheaper than remedying these damages. In this sense, environmental cost allocation enables a better visualization and analysis of a product’s profitability. However, the environmental allocation process involves estimated information and assumes linearity between activity consumption

  9. Princípios e Regras: Uma abordagem evolutiva


    Antonio Henrique Lindemberg Baltazar


    Este trabalho pretende realizar uma reflexão sobre o atual modelo constitucional principiológico. Para tanto, adotamos como metodologia a abordagem histórico-evolutiva do Estado Jusnaturalista ao moderno Estado Pós-Positivista. A evolução jurídica, desde o jusnaturalismo até o pós-positivismo nos mostra a tentativa de se lançar mão de um Estado principiológico, cujos valores são alçados como fund...

  10. Abordagem do enfermeiro no grupo educativo com gestantes candidatas à laqueadura

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    Arlete de Souza Barros


    Full Text Available Enfocamos neste trabalho a abordagem do enfermeiro enquanto coordenador de grupo educativo com gestantes candidatas à laqueadura. Enfatizamos a necessidade de um referencial teórico específico para trabalharmos com grupos de pacientes. Queremos evidenciar também o papel de educador inerente ao enfermeiro e a importância da sua atuação na equipe multiprofissional da área de saúde. A metodologia do grupo educativo é suscintamente descrita, na forma de um protocolo, que apresentamos como sugestão para o desenvolvimento de atividades semelhantes.

  11. Uma abordagem via análise envoltória de dados para o estabelecimento de melhorias em segurança baseadas na FMEA A data envelopment analysis approach to safety improvements based on FMEA

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    Pauli Adriano de Almada Garcia


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho apresenta uma abordagem baseada em análise envoltória de dados (Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA para estabelecer direcionamentos de melhoria para os modos de falhas identificados na análise dos modos e efeitos de falha (FMEA. A abordagem tradicional da FMEA baseia-se num número de priorização de riscos que vem sendo alvo de inúmeras críticas embasadas em diversos artigos científicos. No presente trabalho, o número de priorização de risco é baseado em DEA. Por meio desse número de priorização de risco DEA, considerando-se o conceito de fronteira de eficiência, serão identificadas diretrizes de melhoria para os modos de falha com base nos índices de risco estabelecidos pela equipe executora da FMEA. Por meio dos resultados alcançados nas duas aplicações práticas, pode-se demonstrar a eficácia da abordagem proposta para tratar essa classe de problemas.The present study presents a data envelopment analysis (DEA based approach to establish guidelines for the improvement of the failure modes identified by a failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA. The traditional FMEA approach is based on risk priority number (RPN, which has been target of scientific criticism. In the present study, the RPN is based on DEA and considers the concept of efficiency frontier. Based on this concept and on the risk indexes, some improvement directives for the failure modes can be established. The obtained results concerning the two practical applications demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in dealing with this kind of problem.

  12. Nursing and fuzzy logic: an integrative review Enfermería y lógica fuzzy: una revisión de integradora Enfermagem e lógica fuzzy: uma revisão integrativa

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    Rodrigo Jensen


    Full Text Available This study conducted an integrative review investigating how fuzzy logic has been used in research with the participation of nurses. The article search was carried out in the CINAHL, EMBASE, SCOPUS, PubMed and Medline databases, with no limitation on time of publication. Articles written in Portuguese, English and Spanish with themes related to nursing and fuzzy logic with the authorship or participation of nurses were included. The final sample included 21 articles from eight countries. For the purpose of analysis, the articles were distributed into categories: theory, method and model. In nursing, fuzzy logic has significantly contributed to the understanding of subjects related to: imprecision or the need of an expert; as a research method; and in the development of models or decision support systems and hard technologies. The use of fuzzy logic in nursing has shown great potential and represents a vast field for research.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar una revisión integradora investigando como la lógica fuzzy ha sido utilizada en investigaciones con participación de enfermeros. La búsqueda de los artículos fue realizada en las bases de datos CINAHL, Embase, SCOPUS, Medline y PubMed, sin especificar un intervalo de años determinado. Fueron incluidos artículos en los idiomas: portugués, inglés y castellano; con una temática relacionada a la enfermería y a la lógica fuzzy; y con autoría o participación de enfermeros. La muestra final fue de 21 artículos, de ocho países. Para el análisis, los artículos fueron distribuidos en las categorías: teoría, método y modelo. En la enfermería, la lógica fuzzy ha contribuido significativamente para la comprensión de temas relativos a la imprecisión o a la necesidad del especialista, como método de investigación y en el desarrollo de modelos o sistemas de apoyo a la decisión y de tecnologías duras. El uso de la lógica fuzzy en la enfermería ha demostrado gran

  13. Em busca de uma abordagem não atomizada para o exame das relações entre liderança transformacional e comprometimento organizacional


    Maciel, Cristiano de Oliveira; Nascimento, Mauricio Reinert


    As pesquisas tradicionais sobre liderança fazem uso de uma abordagem atomizada, que desconsidera os efeitos de diferentes padrões (gestalts) do construto e prioriza a lógica de uma variável por vez. A partir dessa crítica, o objetivo no presente trabalho é analisar a relação de distintas gestalts (configurações) de liderança transformacional com o comprometimento organizacional. Para a consecução desse objetivo, foram analisados 331 questionários de funcionários de oito organizações do setor ...

  14. Un algoritmo fuzzy para la selección de personal basado en agregación de competencias

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    Liern Carrión, Vicente


    Full Text Available En este trabajo presentamos un sistema de ayuda a la decisión útil para la selección de personal en la empresa. Utilizando como base la teoría de conjuntos fuzzy y la gestión por competencias, desarrollamos un método que permite ordenar los candidatos a ocupar una vacante en varias situaciones.

  15. Aproximación neuro-fuzzy para identificación de señales viales mediante tecnología infrarroja

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    G.N. Marichal


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este artículo se presenta un sistema basado en tecnología infrarroja para la clasificación de marcas viales empleando un sistema Neuro-Fuzzy como herramienta de clasificación. El sistema se ha testeado a partir de los datos suministrados cuando se ha instalado un prototipo en un robot móvil. Los resultados obtenidos son explicados en este artículo, haciendo hincapié en el diseño de nuevas reglas y la mejoría lograda mediante los métodos propuestos. Palabras clave: Control Inteligente, Robótica, Navegación de robots, Sistemas Neuro-Fuzzy

  16. Abordagem cirúrgica inédita para denervação acetabular em cães A new surgical approach to acetabular denervation in dogs

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    Cássio R.A. Ferrigno


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar nova abordagem cirúrgica para denervação seletiva das fibras sensitivas do periósteo acetabular, para tratamento da displasia coxo femoral em cães, conduzidas em 189 articulações. Para tanto, é descrita abordagem da região cranial e dorso-lateral do acetábulo de cães por incisão em forma de meia lua de aproximadamente de três centímetros de extensão, iniciando trocânter maior do fêmur e em direção ao corpo do ílio. Após rebatimento dorsal do músculo glúteo médio, secciona-se parcialmente a inserção do m. glúteo profundo para acesso às regiões citadas. Com auxílio de cureta foi removido, em todos os pacientes, periósteo na margem acetabular cranial e dorso lateral, até a exposição da cortical óssea. Em todos os animais foi possível a abordagem, tanto da face cranial como também acesso para a curetagem da face dorsal do acetábulo, com a técnica descrita, com incisão de pele de aproximadamente 3,2cm. A curetagem da porção cranial do acetábulo foi, em todos os casos realizados, sem visualização do osso, mas de fácil confecção e sem intercorrências de lesão de nervos ou músculos. Em todas as abordagens foi possível visualizar a cápsula articular da articulação coxo femoral, e em nenhum dos animais esta estrutura foi incisada por erro de técnica. Conclui-se que a abordagem cirúrgica descrita no presente trabalho é factível para este tipo de procedimento cirúrgico em cães, promovendo acesso adequado, com mínima invasão e sem complicações de qualquer natureza.The purpose of this study is to demonstrate a new surgical approach for the selective denervation of the sensitive fibers of the acetabular periosteum, for the treatment of hip dysplasia in dogs, conducted in 189 joints.The surgical approach of the cranial and dorso-lateral regions of the acetabular joint in dogs, by moon-shaped incision of approximately 3cm in extension, starting from the

  17. Modelo conceptual de datos difusos de triaje para emergencia hospitalaria representado con FuzzyEER

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    Wuilfredo Rangel


    Full Text Available El triaje de emergencia persigue desarrollar el proceso de valorización clínica preliminar para ordenar los pacientes según el nivel de urgencia o gravedad, antes de la atención médica, de forma que en una condición de saturación del servicio o disminución de recursos, los pacientes más graves sean tratados con prioridad. Un proceso de triaje presenta un alto grado de imprecisión o incertidumbre al momento de expresar el estado de salud de un paciente, en consecuencia puede haber dificultad y riesgo en la clasificación de las urgencias. En los servicios de emergencias de loshospitales públicos venezolanos, en especial el servicio de emergencia del Hospital Universitario de Caracas (HUC, seha evidenciado un incremento en el número de casos que se atienden, siendo una constante la saturación del servicio, lo cual imposibilita que los pacientes con prioridad de atención, sean tratados más rápidamente de forma oportuna y eficaz. En este trabajo se propone un modelo conceptual de datos difuso de triaje para el sector salud venezolano basado en el proceso de triaje hospitalario de la Sociedad Venezolana de Medicina de Emergencia y Desastres (SVMED, ya que un modelo de datos que contemple la representación de atributos difusos puede representar de mejor forma los requerimientos del sistema. El modelo propuesto utiliza la notación Entidad Relación con elementos difusos (FuzzyEER para la representación de las entidades y atributos con imprecisión. Dicho modelo será la base de un sistema automatizado de triaje que hará uso del lenguaje de consultas difusas FSQL (Fuzzy SQL.

  18. Sistema fuzzy para estimativa do bem-estar de matrizes pesadas System fuzzy for estimate of welfare of broiler breeders

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    Danilo F. Pereira


    Full Text Available Entender o comportamento e suas pequenas variações decorrentes das mudanças do ambiente térmico e desenvolver modelos que simulem o bem-estar a partir de respostas das aves ao ambiente constituem o primeiro passo para a criação de um sistema de monitoramento digital de aves em galpões de produção. Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido um sistema de suporte à decisão com base na teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy para a estimativa do bem-estar de matrizes pesadas em função de frequências e duração dos comportamentos expressos pelas aves. O desenvolvimento do sistema passou por cinco etapas distintas: 1 organização dos dados experimentais; 2 apresentação dos vídeos em entrevista com "especialista"; 3 criação das funções de pertinência com base nas entrevistas e na revisão da literatura; 4 simulação de frequências de ocorrências e tempos médios de expressão dos comportamentos classificados como indicadores de bem-estar utilizando equações de regressão obtidas na literatura, e 5 construção das regras, simulação e validação do sistema. O sistema fuzzy desenvolvido estimou satisfatoriamente o bem-estar de matrizes pesadas, tendo na sua última versão, com maior número de regras, acertado 77,8% dos dados experimentais, comparados com as respostas esperadas por um especialista. O sistema pode ser utilizado como instrumento matemático-computacional para apoiar decisões em galpões de produção de matrizes pesadas.To understand the behavior and its small variations originated from changes of the thermal environment and to develop models that simulate the welfare from broiler breeders' answer to the environment constitute the first step for the creation of a system for digital monitoring of broiler breeders housing. In this paper it was developed a system of decision support based on the fuzzy conjuncts' theory to estimate the welfare of broiler breeders in function of frequencies and times of occurrences of behaviors. The

  19. Lógica nebulosa para avaliar riscos na auditoria Fuzzy logic for risk assessment in auditing

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    Jerônimo Antunes


    Full Text Available A avaliação dos riscos de que os controles internos de uma entidade possam falhar constitui-se em significativo desafio para os auditores independentes de demonstrações contábeis. As metodologias de trabalho empregadas para tal finalidade, normalmente, utilizam a lógica clássica, ou também denominada binária, presumindo que os fatores de riscos estão presentes, ou não, em um determinado tipo de processo de controle. O objetivo deste trabalho foi conceber um modelo de avaliação de risco dos controles internos de uma entidade utilizando a lógica nebulosa (fuzzy logic, para contemplar os elementos difusos que compõem os fatores desse tipo de risco analisados na auditoria de demonstrações contábeis. A validação conceitual do modelo concebido foi realizada por meio de entrevistas e debates com especialistas em auditoria de demonstrações contábeis e com consultas a bibliografias relevantes pertinentes. Como conclusão do estudo, ficou patente que o modelo de avaliação de risco, com o uso da lógica nebulosa, elimina a restrição binária da lógica clássica e permite tratar, de forma quantitativa, conceitos ambíguos através da aplicação de uma escala psicométrica, para refl etir predicados tais como: "muito bom", "bom", "razoável", "de grande importância", "de pouca importância" etc., tendo potencial para produzir resultados mais amplos e próximos da realidade.The assessment of the risks that an entity's internal control system may fail represents a significant challenge to independent auditors. The methodologies used to audit financial statements are usually supported by classical logic, also called binary logic, departing from the relatively simplistic premise that risk factors are either present or not in a certain kind of control process. This study aimed to conceive a risk assessment model for an entity's internal control system, using the fuzzy logic approach, to take into account the diffuse elements that

  20. Praxiologia motriz e a abordagem crítico-superadora: Aproximações preliminares

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    Pablo Aires Araujo


    Full Text Available O presente estudo tem por objetivo propor uma aproximação dentro do campo teórico-metodológico entre a abordagem crítico-superadora e os elementos conceituais da Praxiologia Motriz no sentido de apresentar as primeiras orientações para a prática pedagógica do professor de Educação Física. Acredita-se que através da apropriação dessas duas temáticas poder-se-á obter uma ferramenta a mais para o ensino dos Jogos e Desportos, mediante o processo metodológico da abordagem crítico-superadora. Desse modo, chega-se a um mais claro entendimento acerca do funcionamento dos jogos e desportos, já que a Praxeologia Motriz possibilita esse aprofundamento na compreensão da lógica interna dessas práticas, contribuindo, portanto, para uma melhor compreensão da lógica dialética que sustenta os pressupostos da proposta crítico-superadora. Para ilustrar tais afirmações utilizou-se como exemplo o jogo de Voleibol. O exercício teórico desenvolvido neste estudo evidenciou que o conhecimento praxiológico poderá instrumentalizar professores e alunos possibilitando o entendimento das relações inerentes a cada modalidade desportiva no sentido de superar os modelos desportivizados.

  1. Mapas de taxas epidemiológicas: uma abordagem Bayesiana

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    Assunção Renato Martins


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, apresentamos métodos estatísticos desenvolvidos recentemente para a análise de mapas de taxas de morbidade quando as unidades geográficas possuem pequenas populações de risco. Eles adotam a abordagem Bayesiana e utilizam métodos computacionais intensivos para estimação do risco de cada área. O objetivo dos métodos é separar a variabilidade das taxas devida às diferenças entre as regiões do risco subjacente daquela devida à pura flutuação aleatória. As estimativas de risco possuem um erro quadrático médio total menor que as estimativas usuais. Aplicamos esses novos métodos para estimar o risco de mortalidade infantil nos municípios de Minas Gerais em 1994.

  2. Princípios e Regras: Uma abordagem evolutiva

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    Antonio Henrique Lindemberg Baltazar


    Full Text Available Este trabalho pretende realizar uma reflexão sobre o atual modelo constitucional principiológico. Para tanto, adotamos como metodologia a abordagem histórico-evolutiva do Estado Jusnaturalista ao moderno Estado Pós-Positivista. A evolução jurídica, desde o jusnaturalismo até o pós-positivismo nos mostra a tentativa de se lançar mão de um Estado principiológico, cujos valores são alçados como fundamento do edifício jurídico.


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    André Bozzetto Junior


    Full Text Available Este trabalho se propõe a estudar o conto de Machado de Assis denominado “Noite de almirante”, abordando-o sob uma perspectiva irônica, calcada principalmente na noção defendida por uma linha de pensamento conhecida como “ironia romântica”, que tem como uma de suas características a visão de que a condição humana estaria constantemente sujeita à ambigüidade. Esta decorre de tudo aquilo que se almeja como ideal e aquilo que de fato se pode obter no plano real. Para este estudo, o principal embasamento teórico utilizado foi a obra Ironia e irônico de Muecke, que expõe a evolução do conceito de ironia ao longo do tempo e apresenta as principais características da “ironia romântica”, sob o prisma da qual se realizou a análise do conto machadiano. Em “Noite de almirante”, a abordagem do conto com olhar irônico nos leva a crer que a intenção de Machado de Assis foi utilizar a desventura amorosa de seu personagem, Deolindo Venta-Grande, para evidenciar - mas sem a necessidade de emitir julgamentos – toda a imperfeição da natureza humana, com sua vaidade, seu egoísmo, suas ilusões e contradições, que fazem com que a vida seja constantemente permeada por ambigüidades.

  4. Nova abordagem no tratamento da esquizofrenia

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    Walter Speltri


    Full Text Available Foram tratados 11 casos de esquizofrenia com a guanetidina, substância considerada, do ponto de vista farmacodinâmico, como simpaticoplégica. Na opinião do autor, os surpreendentes e significativos resultados obtidos autorizam uma nova abordagem nas pesquisas à procura da etiopatogenia da esquizofrenia e, a partir dos elementos colhidos, considera plausível uma "teoria psicossomática da esquizofrenia". Recusa-se, entretanto, a cair no atraente, mas inútil, terreno especulativo. Prefere aguardar que os farmacologistas e fisiologistas forneçam dados pais precisos sobre o mecanismo de ação da guanetidina e que novos estudos confirmem seus resultados para, depois, dar publicidade à sua teoria.

  5. Embates entre ideologias cristalizadas e do cotidiano: elementos para uma abordagem bakhtiniana do jornalismo brasileiro

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    Erike Luiz Vieira Feitosa


    Full Text Available Este artigo recorre a princípios, conceitos e categorias do pensamento de Bakhtin e de seu Círculo para propor uma abordagem dialógica a respeito do jornalismo praticado por grandes conglomerados de mídia no Brasil contemporâneo. Demonstra que o jornalismo atua tanto no campo das chamadas ideologias cristalizadas quanto no âmbito das ideologias do cotidiano, refletindo e refratando a ambas. Para ilustrar e aprofundar essa reflexão, utiliza como exemplo uma matéria publicada pelo jornal Folha de S. Paulo, que destaca uma suposta improdutividade do trabalhador brasileiro em comparação com a de outros países – desenvolvidos –, notadamente com o trabalhador americano. Por fim, aponta que a compreensão dos processos ideológicos é crucial para a leitura dialógica do jornalismo e também da vida. Palavras-chave: Filosofia da Linguagem; Jornalismo; Dialogismo; Pensamento bakhtiniano.DOI: Crashes between cristallyzed and everyday ideologies: elements for a baktnian approach on brazilian journalismABSTRACTThis article is based on principles, concepts and categories of thought of Bakhtin and his Circle to propose a dialogical approach about the journalism practiced by large media conglomerates in contemporary Brazil. It shows that journalism operates both in the field of so-called crystallized ideologies as in the context of everyday ideologies, reflecting and refracting both. To illustrate and deepen the study, it analyses  an article published by the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, which emphasizes  an alleged lack of productivity of Brazilian workers compared with other developed countries, especially with the American workers. Finally, it points out that the understanding of ideological processes is crucial for dialogic reading of journalism and also of life.Keywords: Philosophy of Language; Journalism; dialogism; Bakhtinian thought.

  6. Proposta de uma abordagem psicoeducacional em grupos para pacientes adultos com Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade Propuesta de un abordaje psico-educacional en grupos para pacientes adultos con trastorno de déficit de Atención/ Hiperactividad A psychoeducacional approach in group therapy for adult patients with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

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    Eugenio Horácio Grevet


    Full Text Available Os autores do presente artigo propõem, a partir do modelo pedagógico proposto por Antoni Zabala, uma abordagem psicoeducativa grupal para pacientes adultos portadores de Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade. Para tanto, adaptam esta estrutura pedagógica para fundamentar a abordagem de grupos psicoeducacionais. O presente trabalho adiciona uma nova técnica para o tratamento do TDAH no adulto a partir da interface entre a pedagogia e a psicoterapia.Los autores del presente artículo proponen, a partir del modelo pedagógico propuesto por Antoni Zabala, un abordaje psico-educativo grupal para pacientes adultos portadores del Tratamiento del Déficit de Atención/Hiperactividad. Para tanto, adaptan esta estructura pedagógica para fundamentar el abordaje de grupos psico-educacionales. El presente trabajo adiciona una nueva técnica para el tratamiento del TDAH en el adulto a partir de la interfase entre la pedagogía y la psicoterapia.TIn this paper the authors suggest a psycho-educative group approach to adult patients with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD based on a pedagogic model proposed by Antoni Zabala. This paper intends to present this new technique for the treatment of adults with ADHD. The conceptualization is based on the interface between pedagogy and psychotherapy.

  7. Abordagem do paciente ferido por arma branca na zona de Ziedler

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    Decio Luis Portella


    Full Text Available Introdução: Ferimentos cardíacos penetrantes já foram considerados letais e intratáveis. Homero fez a primeira descrição da morte de Sarpedon em A Ilíada, em 3000 a.C. Em 1883, Billroth afirmou em um Congresso Europeu de Cirurgia que "o cirurgião que tentar suturar um ferimento cardíaco deverá perder o respeito de seus colegas". Em 1897, Rehn apresentou o primeiro caso bem sucedido de cardiorrafia de ventrículo direito Cerca de 87% das lesões cardiovasculares são, em particular, oriundas de trauma penetrante. E, as lesões ventriculares são mais frequentes que as atriais Objetivo: Descrever a abordagem realizada no serviço para pacientes com ferimento por arma branca (FAB na zona de Ziedler, através da experiência de sete casos relatados em 7 anos Discutir a relevância da utilização do FAST (Focused Assesment with Sonography for Trauma na avaliação primária do protocolo ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support e a sequência de reavaliação, e analisar qual o melhor procedimento diagnóstico e terapêutico para cada apresentação clínica do paciente. Método: Realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo, descritivo e analítico de sete pacientes atendidos no pronto atendimento do Politrauma do Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba. O conteúdo deste trabalho foi obtido através da revisão de prontuário e descrição cirúrgica, registro fotográficos, além de revisão da literatura. Resultados: A experiência do serviço mostra que a abordagem inicial descrita pelo ATLS é fundamental para guiar o atendimento ao ferido. Quando da realização do FAST na avaliação primária indicando ausência de líquido na janela pericárdica deve-se manter o paciente com FAB em zona de Ziedler na sala de urgência sendo assistido por profissionais capacitados. A necessidade de Tomografia Computadorizada com contraste demonstra-se relevante para os casos em que há FAST inconclusivo, ainda que com paciente estável. A amostra exibe um caso de

  8. Abordagem do marketing de relacionamento no ensino superior


    Nunes, Getúlio Tadeu; Lanzer, Edgar Augusto; Serra, Fernando Ribeiro; Ferreira, Manuel Portugal


    O artigo apresenta uma análise do atual cenário competitivo do Ensino Superior brasileiro, com o objetivo de demonstrar que a utilização de estratégias de marketing é um fator crítico de sucesso para essas organizações. O trabalho trata da existência de barreiras contra uma abordagem de marketing nas universidades, fruto de um modelo de gestão acadêmica desenvolvido tendo como base um mercado sem competição, comprovando que há uma resistência contra o uso de estratégias mercadológica...

  9. Representação e pensamento na obra freudiana: preliminares para uma abordagem cognitiva

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    Fabio Thá


    Full Text Available Apresentam-se algumas considerações preliminares para uma abordagem cognitiva da doutrina psicológica presente na obra de Freud. Analisam-se as teorias freudianas da representação, do pensamento e da linguagem, com a finalidade de mostrar a coerência de seus conceitos com modelos que estão sendo debatidos atualmente nas ciências cognitivas. Correlacionando aspectos relevantes da teoria freudiana e alguns conceitos contemporâneos sobre o assunto, procura-se mostrar como os modelos atuais e o modelo freudiano concebem o pensamento como originário da experiência do sujeito, argumentando-se que não há dois processos de pensamento distintos mas diferentes padrões de conexão entre representações.Representation and thought in Freudian theory: introduction to a cognitive approach. This text presents some preliminary considerations for a cognitive approach to Freud's psychological theory of psychoanalysis. It analyses Freudian theories of representation, thinking, and language, in order to show that they are coherent with the cognitive models that are being discussed nowadays in the cognitive sciences. The text links some relevant aspects of the Freudian theory to contemporary concepts and shows how the models discussed and the Freudian models conceive the experiential origin of thought, arguing that there are not two distinct processes of thinking but different patterns of connections involving representations.

  10. Elementos para uma abordagem das dimensões esquemática e emergente do discurso

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    Gustavo Ximenes Cunha


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta apontamentos para uma abordagem que situe, em um quadro teórico unificado, as noções de gêneros do discurso, contexto, tipos de discurso e sequências discursivas. Adotando uma perspectiva sócio-interacionista dos estudos da linguagem e buscando contribuições do Modelo de Análise Modular do Discurso, partimos da hipótese de que, ao longo de uma interação, duas ordens de restrições regulam a maneira como os interactantes elaboram suas produções discursivas. A primeira é de ordem esquemática e diz respeito às expectativas de natureza sócio-histórica que nos fazem saber como agir por meio da linguagem. A segunda ordem de restrições é emergente e corresponde aos parâmetros contextuais que exercem papel sobre as ações linguageiras de fato realizadas. Tomando como base empírica de nossa exposição o tipo narrativo do gênero reportagem e a forma como esse tipo se manifesta em uma sequência narrativa específica, buscamos mostrar que, no curso de uma interação, as dimensões esquemática e emergente do discurso são constante e dinamicamente confrontadas pelos interactantes.

  11. Análise de projetos para unidades de conservação, usando lógica fuzzy Analysis of projects in conservation units, using fuzzy logic

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    Sandro Medeiros


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um método para a análise de projetos candidatos à implantação em Unidades de Conservação, que usa a operação dos principais indicadores da economia, sociologia e ecologia, por meio da lógica fuzzy. São estruturadas árvores de decisão no modo top-down, onde as entradas são os indicadores primários e cada output é resultado de operações lógicas em um bloco de regras do tipo "se, e, ou, então". A lógica fuzzy foi escolhida em função da sua transparência para operar as informações, permitindo aos decisores uma clara compreensão sobre as conseqüências decorrentes das decisões tomadas ao longo do processo de análise. Como objeto de análise, foi considerada a possibilidade da implantação de um projeto turístico em uma área de restinga pertencente ao Estado de Santa Catarina. O resultado da aplicação do método mostra que ele é capaz de indicar aos decisores os níveis de apropriação de um projeto específico às condições dadas.This work presents a method for projects analyses, which are applying for implantation in Conservation Units, which operates economics, sociology, and ecology indicators by fuzzy logic. Top-down decision trees are structured, where the entries are the primary indicators and each output is the result of logic operations in a block of rules with operators "if", and, or, so". The fuzzy logic was chosen due to its transparency when operating the information, allowing the stakeholders to clearly understand the consequences caused by the decisions made throughout the analysis process. The possibility of implanting a tourist project was considered as object of analysis, in an area that belongs to the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The State government has already showed the intention of building a ecological park in such area. The result of the utilization of the method shows that it can show the stakeholders the levels of adequacy of a specific project to the given

  12. Sistema de classificação fuzzy para o risco de infestação por plantas daninhas considerando a sua variabilidade espacial Fuzzy classification system for risk of weed infestation considering spatial variability

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    G.M. Bressan


    Full Text Available Este artigo trata do problema de classificação do risco de infestação por plantas daninhas usando técnicas geoestatísticas, análise de imagens e modelos de classificação fuzzy. Os principais atributos utilizados para descrever a infestação incluem a densidade de sementes, bem como a sua extensão, a cobertura foliar e a agressividade das plantas daninhas em cada região. A densidade de sementes reflete a produção de sementes por unidade de área, e a sua extensão, a influência das sementes vizinhas; a cobertura foliar indica a extensão dos agrupamentos das plantas daninhas emergentes; e a agressividade descreve a porcentagem de ocupação de espécies com alta capacidade de produção de sementes. Os dados da densidade de sementes, da cobertura foliar e da agressividade para as diferentes regiões são obtidos a partir de simulação com modelos matemáticos de populações. Neste artigo propõe-se um sistema de classificação fuzzy utilizando os atributos descritos para inferir os riscos de infestação de regiões da cultura por plantas daninhas. Resultados de simulação são apresentados para ilustrar o uso desse sistema na aplicação localizada de herbicida.This paper deals with the problem of classifying the risk of infestation by weeds in a field using geoestatistics techniques, image analysis and fuzzy classification models. The main attributes used to describe the infestation include seed density, seed density patch, weed cover and aggressivity to produce seeds in each region. Seed density reflects seed production per area unit; seed density patch reflects the influence of the neighbouring seeds in a clustering; weed cover indicates the extension of the emergent weed plant clusterings; and, finally, aggressivity describes the percentage of occupation of species with high weed seed production capacity. Data for seed density, weed cover and aggressivity for the different regions are obtained from mathematical models. In

  13. Design de sistemas de informação centrado no usuário e a abordagem do sense-making

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    Edmeire Cristina Pereira

    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa analisa alguns aspectos da interação ser humano-computador e da abordagem do Sense-Making (Dervin e outros, também reconhecida na literatura como "abordagem centrada no usuário" ou, ainda, "abordagem da percepção do usuário". Examina um site de uma empresa carioca (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil do setor de farmácia, cosméticos e perfumaria, levando-se em consideração o lay-out das sucessivas telas com janelas, menus, botões, ícones e todos os componentes do sistema visíveis para o usuário. Como resultado das análises do conteúdo das páginas, da comunicação visual e de sua interatividade com os usuários potenciais, evidencia-se que o site não atende a todos os critérios de qualidade sugeridos pela literatura e, nem tampouco, a todas as diretrizes básicas para o design de sistemas de informação centrado no usuário, por Schneiderman e Bastien & Scapin.

  14. Mediastinite Aguda: Estudo Retrospetivo de 8 Anos de Abordagem em Cuidados Intensivos

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    Ana Bastos Furtado


    Conclusão: A nossa série difere do reportado na literatura relativamente aos dados demográficos (mulheres, com idade média superior e à etiologia das mediastinites (perfuração do esófago e mediastinites descendentes. Para o sucesso do tratamento é fundamental o diagnóstico e abordagem atempada em ambiente de cuidados intensivos pela gravidade, complexidade e multiplicidade das técnicas aplicadas.

  15. Implementación de una estrategia fuzzy adaptativa para el control activo de vigas vibratorias

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    Francisco Ernesto Moreno-García


    Full Text Available Este trabajo propone un control activo de vibraciones en un sistema mecánico tipo viga en voladizo, utilizando un controlador fuzzy implementado en LabVIEW. Para la etapa de medición se utiliza un acelerómetro capacitivo capaz de detectar el desplazamiento presentado en la estructura debido a una fuerza generada mediante un impactador instrumentado con un sensor piezorresistivo. Para la implementación computacional es utilizado el software LabVIEW operando en conjunto con una tarjeta de adquisición de datos DAQ 6009. Para el sistema de actuación se ubican en la barra láminas de material piezoeléctrico, que tienen la función de atenuar la vibración presente mediante la generación de fuerzas opuestas. Los resultados experimentales se presentan con el objetivo de acumular experiencias y demostrar la eficacia del control activo de vibraciones con la utilización de actuadores piezoeléctricos.


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    Sergio L. Martínez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar el desempeño de dos controladores fuzzy y un controlador proporcional. La variable controlada es el nivel de un tanque con descarga gravitatoria. Para realizar el estudio, se desarrolló un simulador dinámico implementado en Simulink® de MatLab®. Para cada controlador estudiado, se evaluó la respuesta producida ante un cambio escalón en el set point. Para realizar una comparación válida, los controladores fueron ajustados para producir offset iguales. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los sistemas basados en heurísticas (controladores fuzzy pueden ser tanto o más convenientes que aquellos basados en conocimiento determinístico (el controlador proporcional. Si bien el controlador proporcional actúa con mayor velocidad, los controladores fuzzy mejoran los valores de algunos de los índices más importantes de desempeño, como los sobrepicos, las oscilaciones y el factor de ripple.

  17. Abordagem transxifóidea sem esternotomia para correção da comunicação interatrial Transxiphoid approach without sternotomy for the correction of atrial septal defect

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    Miguel Barbero-Marcial


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliação de uma nova abordagem cirúrgica para fechamento da comunicação interatrial. MÉTODOS: A abordagem da comunicação interatrial através da janela xifóidea foi realizada em 6 pacientes do sexo masculino e 1 do sexo feminino e a idade variou de 6 meses a 14 anos, com média de idades de 5,1 anos. Em todos, foi utilizada acirculação extracorpórea, através de canulação da artéria femoral e átrio direito e videotoracoscopia para auxiliar a visibilização da aorta e do canal arterial, assim como das estruturas correspondentes às cavidades esquerdas. RESULTADOS: Não houve complicações intra-operatórias ou pós-operatórias e, em todos os pacientes, foi possível a extubação na sala de operações. CONCLUSÃO: A janela xifóidea, sem a abertura do esterno, permitiu a correção da comunicação interatrial com bons resultados, podendo constituir-se em uma nova abordagem, minimamente invasiva.PURPOSE: Evaluate a new access for surgical correction of atrial septal defects. METHODS: The access by xiphoid window was done in 7 cases with atria! septal defect type ostium secundum. The age ranged from 6 months to 14 years, mean-age 5.1 years old. In all cases the extracorporeal circulation was done with femoral artery and right atrial cannulation and aortic clamping. The video-assisted endoscopy was utilized to help the visualization of the aorta, ductus arteriosus and the anatomy of the left intracardiac structures. RESULTS: There was no intraoperative or postoperative complications and in our 7 cases the extubation at the operating room was possible. CONCLUSION: The xiphoid window without opening the sternum permited correction of the atrial septal defect with good results and without complications, and could be used as a new technique, less invasive, to correct these defects.

  18. Abordagem sociocultural: algumas vertentes e autores Sociocultural approach: some perspectives and authors

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    Adriana Ferreira Paes Ribas


    Full Text Available A necessidade de enfocar aspectos socioculturais nas investigações em psicologia tem sido destacada por diferentes autores, em diferentes épocas, e a abordagem sociocultural representa uma fonte conceitual proveitosa neste sentido. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir algumas idéias centrais da abordagem sociocultural, mudanças pelas quais esta abordagem passou nas últimas décadas, algumas de suas vertentes e autores. Os conceitos aqui discutidos não esgotam o tema, mas podem ser úteis para tentativas de articular investigações de diferentes temas em psicologia à abordagem sociocultural. As considerações finais apontam no sentido da necessidade de incluir as investigações em psicologia em um cenário conceitual que considere a cultura e o contexto social como elementos centrais, articulando as contribuições da psicologia transcultural e da cultura.The need to approach sociocultural aspects in psychological investigations has been emphasized by different authors in different times, and the sociocultural approach represents a profitable conceptual source in this sense. The purpose of this article was to discuss some concepts of the sociocultural approach, changes by which this approach went through last decades, some of their perspectives and authors. The concepts here discussed can be useful in the attempts to articulate psychological investigations in a sociocultural approach. The conclusions point to the need of including the investigations in psychology into a conceptual approach that considers the culture and the social context as central elements, articulating the contributions of the cross-cultural psychology, and of the culture.

  19. Nova abordagem metodológica para locação, modelagem 3D e monitoramento de barragens subterrâneas no semiárido brasileiro


    Lima, Alexandre de Oliveira


    Apesar do número significativo de barragens construídas nos últimos anos no Brasil e mesmo em outros países, são poucos os estudos técnicos que dão suporte a este crescimento. Com o objetivo de propor uma nova abordagem metodológica para o processo de locação e monitoramento de barragens subterrâneas, em condições de clima semiárido, foram realizados estudos em duas sub-bacias hidrográficas (do rio das Cobras e Pau Lavrado) ambas situadas no semiárido do Estado do Rio Grande. Nesta nova abord...

  20. Ensino por problemas: uma abordagem para o desenvolvimento do aluno Teaching through problems: an approach to student development

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    Raquel Aparecida Marra da Madeira Freitas


    Full Text Available O ensino por meio de problemas tem sido caracterizado, no Brasil, como proposta inovadora, geralmente aparecendo em duas abordagens: aprendizagem baseada em problemas e metodologia da problematização. Tais abordagens apresentam-se como metodologias que superam o ensino tradicional, com a clara intenção de propiciar a aprendizagem ativa do aluno. Ambas contribuem, de fato, para tornar o aluno mais ativo na aprendizagem, mas também apresentam algumas insuficiências. Neste texto, são discutidas essas insuficiências e apresentada uma abordagem situada na perspectiva da teoria histórico-cultural: a teoria do ensino desenvolvimental. Tal teoria também valoriza o ensino por problemas, avançando nos seguintes aspectos: explicação teórica e metodológica da atividade de aprendizagem numa perspectiva histórico-cultural; explicação da formação de conceitos como processo de mudança qualitativa do pensamento do aluno e de sua capacidade para estabelecer novas relações com o conhecimento associado a ações transformadoras. Argumenta-se que essa abordagem histórico-cultural é mais promissora, uma vez que realça a formação do pensamento teórico-científico do aluno como fator de desenvolvimento de suas capacidades intelectuais, de sua atividade pensante. Além disso, propõe-se um sistema de ações de aprendizagem que ajudam o aluno a formar um método de pensamento baseado na compreensão do objeto de conhecimento em sua gênese e movimento de transformação. Na conclusão, destaca-se que essa abordagem histórico-cultural pode potencializar os efeitos do ensino no desenvolvimento do aluno e conferir mais qualidade à aprendizagem, sendo útil nos diversos níveis de ensino.In Brazil, teaching through problems has been characterized as an innovative proposal, usually appearing in two approaches: problem-based learning and methodology of questioning. Such approaches are presented as methods that go beyond traditional teaching

  1. Decomposition of fuzzy continuity and fuzzy ideal continuity via fuzzy idealization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zahran, A.M.; Abbas, S.E.; Abd El-baki, S.A.; Saber, Y.M.


    Recently, El-Naschie has shown that the notion of fuzzy topology may be relevant to quantum paretical physics in connection with string theory and E-infinity space time theory. In this paper, we study the concepts of r-fuzzy semi-I-open, r-fuzzy pre-I-open, r-fuzzy α-I-open and r-fuzzy β-I-open sets, which is properly placed between r-fuzzy openness and r-fuzzy α-I-openness (r-fuzzy pre-I-openness) sets regardless the fuzzy ideal topological space in Sostak sense. Moreover, we give a decomposition of fuzzy continuity, fuzzy ideal continuity and fuzzy ideal α-continuity, and obtain several characterization and some properties of these functions. Also, we investigate their relationship with other types of function.

  2. Abordagem integrativa: reterritorialização do saber clínico?

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    Ana Cristina Sundfeld

    Full Text Available Este artigo contextualiza o surgimento e a consolidação da Psicologia como ciência no período da modernidade e as repercussões do pensamento dessa época para o modelo e a prática psicológicos. Apresenta também as características da pós-modernidade e da subjetividade contemporânea a partir de uma perspectiva complexa, que redimensiona a visão clássica e propõe uma racionalidade diversa para a compreensão dos seres vivos. Baseando-se no pensamento complexo, aborda o movimento da abordagem integrativa em psicologia clínica, considerando-a uma expressão de importantes questionamentos no interior da Psicologia.


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    Melody de Campos Soares Porsse


    Full Text Available A Abordagem das Capacitações, desenvolvida por Amartya Sen, consiste em um amplo modelo normativo que pode ser usado como um instrumento alternativo para o desenho e avaliação de políticas públicas de acordo com seu impacto sobre as capacitações humanas. O artigo, empregando esse background, analisa o Programa Primeira Infância Melhor (PIM, uma política pública do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul lançada em 2003, e verificar se tal política está baseada na Abordagem das Capacitações. O trabalho usa informações referentes ao PIM para identificar quais os funcionamentos (e capacitações que o Programa insere em suas linhas de ação e que visa alcançar com a execução dessas ações. Embora o PIM não tenha sido criado com base na Abordagem das Capacitações, pode-se inferir que o Programa é orientado por essa perspectiva em suas linhas de ação, contribuindo para a expansão das capacitações humanas e para a redução da pobreza; tem como um dos seus alicerces a comunidade e a família, notadamente às mães, como os agentes cruciais na promoção do desenvolvimento e da saúde.

  4. Uma abordagem sociológica da sociologia: a ciência como campo

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    Vívian Matias dos Santos


    Full Text Available O presente ensaio objetiva analisar como o conceito de campo de Pierre Bourdieu pode contribuir para uma abordagem sociológica da Sociologia. A discussão desdobra-se desde a reflexão mais geral de como se firma a ciência até as possibilidades de compreensão da Sociologia neste espaço. Para tanto, fez-se necessário abordar o “campo científico” por meio das relações entre sua estrutura e seus agentes - relações “multidimensionais” que podem representar uma exitosa tentativa de superação da dicotomia ação/estrutura; indivíduo/sociedade; micro e macroteorização.

  5. Alternativas de control para un Péndulo de Furuta

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    Javier Gonzalo González Fontanet


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta el diseño de tres alternativas de control utilizadas para el control global de un péndulo de Furuta: Control de la Energía + Realimentación de Variables de Estado, Control Fuzzy + Realimentación de Variables de Estado y Control Fuzzy + Control Predictivo, evidenciándose las prestaciones de cada una de ellas. Los resultados de simulación se obtienen mediante el Matlab y las ventajas del control Fuzzy para el balanceo del péndulo y del control predictivo para la posición invertida son evidentes, brindando así una alternativa de control global que mejora notablemente la respuesta del sistema. Abstract: In this paper is presented a design of three control strategies for the global control of the Furuta's pendulum: Energy Control plus State - Feedback, Fuzzy Logic Control plus State - Feedback and Fuzzy Logic Control plus MPC. Simulations using Matlab show the advantages of the Fuzzy Logic Control for the pendulum's swinging and the MPC Control for the inverted position. Palabras clave: Control Fuzzy, Control Predictivo, Modelado, Control de la Energía, Sistema Controlado, Keywords: Fuzzy Control, Predictive Control, Modelling, Energy Control, Controlled System


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    Rogério Faé


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é fundamentar a escolha pela perspectiva teórica do materialismo histórico-geográfico, desenvolvida pelo geógrafo David Harvey para compreender uma região. Para tanto, apresentamos e discutimos também os referenciais predominantes nas análises sobre regiões, com o intuito de demonstrar os limites desses referenciais e as possibilidades abertas pela perspectiva de Harvey. Assim, apresentamos alguns dos principais conceitos que têm orientado as ações de governos dos mais diversos matizes; a abordagem de David Harvey bem como seus pressupostos teóricos e históricos; e uma análise comparativa em que demonstramos as limitações dos referenciais predominantes e as possibilidades da perspectiva do último autor. Ao final, conclui-se que o materialismo histórico-geográfico permite compreender que as dinâmicas sociais e econômicas de uma região se caracterizam em processos conflituosos e contraditórios e resultam em uma configuração regional específica e transitória.

  7. Uma Abordagem ao Págico baseada no Processamento e Análise de Sintagmas dos Tópicos

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    Ricardo Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Este artigo descreve a abordagem ao Págico seguida pelo sistema Rapportágico. Trata-se de uma abordagem centrada na indexação dos artigos da Wikipédia, na identificação de sintagmas nas frases dos tópicos dados, e no seu posterior processamento e análise, de forma a facilitar a correspondência entre tópicos e artigos que lhes possam servir de resposta. Os sintagmas facilitam a identificação de pequenas estruturas com diferentes papéis dentro da frase. Antes de serem utilizados para consulta, alguns sintagmas sofrem manipulações, como, por exemplo, a expansão das palavras que os constituem em palavras de significado semelhante (sinónimos. Embora haja ainda um longo caminho a percorrer, o sucesso da abordagem traduziu-se, em termos de resultados, na obtenção de uma pontuação com algum destaque entre todas as participações no Págico, especialmente naquelas automáticas.


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    Rafael Gonçalves Bezerra


    Full Text Available A educação brasileira tem os livros didáticos como principal recurso de informação a alunos e professores. Este trabalho analisa como ocorre a abordagem do bioma Cerrado em seis livros didáticos de biologia destinados ao Ensino Médio. Os aspectos analisados foram o número de páginas destinadas ao tema, figuras, exemplificações acerca da fauna e flora local e abordagem do tema. A análise mostrou que todos os aspectos são apresentados de maneira resumida. Exemplos da fauna e flora local, quando presente nos livros, são citados apenas com o nome popular. Como resultado, o bioma Cerrado é tratado de maneira acrítica quanto à sua situação de degradação e importância para a manutenção da biodiversidade mundial.

  9. A trapaça e os trapaceiros: algumas sugestões para uma abordagem retórica dos gêneros do discurso

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    Marco Antônio Gutierrez


    Full Text Available A correspondência indesejada (spam representa na melhor hipótese um incômodo e, na pior, um risco à segurança e à privacidade dos usuários. No entanto, trata-se de fenômeno típico do uso massivo da Internet e só isso parece-nos suficiente para indicar a necessidade de sua compreensão. O presente artigo aborda uma das categorias mais insidiosas desse tipo de correspondência – as mensagens de Cavalo de Tróia, elaboradas por criminosos com o objetivo de instalar programas maliciosos nos computadores de usuários incautos. Nossa abordagem, porém, será eminentemente retórica, buscando compreender o fenômeno como um jogo argumentativo, como parte de um contexto mais amplo destinado a situar e categorizar gêneros emergentes do discurso em meio digital.

  10. Uma abordagem investigativa do trabalho experimental no ensino da química a alunos não-químicos na universidade


    Figueiredo, Margarida; Maia, Maria Elisa


    Pretende-se divulgar os resultados de um estudo sobre a implementação de um tipo de abordagem ao Trabalho Experimental de Química, cujos objectivos são: - Contribuir para motivar os alunos para a aprendizagem da Química; - Contribuir para melhorar o sucesso na formação em Química dos alunos que não sendo de Química necessitam de fazer aprendizagens nesse domínio; - Contribuir para uma revalorização do trabalho experimental enquanto estratégia privilegiada para o ensino da Química....

  11. Abordagem da imagem em um livro didático voltado para a alfabetização: perspectivas de letramento visual

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    Trícia Tamara Boeira do Amaral


    Full Text Available Em vista da grande multiplicidade de linguagens e considerando que a alfabetização é uma importante prática de letramento na constituição da criança, este artigo tem o objetivo de identificar o tipo de abordagem dado à imagem em um livro didático do 1º ano (EF, aprovado pelo PNLD (2010. O intuito é discutir em que medida a amostra analisada favorece uma leitura compreensiva e crítica do texto imagético. Para tanto, as ponderações foram realizadas por meio de uma epistemologia interpretativa, à luz da teoria dos letramentos sob uma perspectiva sociocultural, e também a partir da sintaxe da linguagem visual, que pode trazer uma contribuição positiva às análises discursivas visuais. A pesquisa indica que a imagem é proposta a partir de perspectivas socioculturais; que as atividades de leitura favorecem o letramento visual e que a condução do professor pode fazer diferença nas abordagens e leituras.

  12. Abordagem grupal para avaliação de alterações de linguagem em crianças pequenas

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    Amanda Brait Zerbeto


    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo do presente estudo é descrever as contribuições de uma abordagem terapêutica grupal de enfoque sociointeracionista na avaliação de linguagem de crianças entre 1:9 e 3:0 anos. Participaram nove crianças, avaliadas em três grupos de três participantes (G1 e G2 – crianças com queixas de alterações de linguagem, G3 – crianças sem queixas de linguagem. Para cada grupo foram realizados quatro encontros videogravados, com duração entre 30 e 60 minutos cada. Os vídeos foram analisados juntamente com o diário de campo, com foco na participação das crianças e em sua produção oral e não oral. A análise detalhada de G2, apresentada no presente trabalho, indicou aumento de produção oral e ampliação das funções linguísticas ao longo das sessões. Os aspectos não verbais contribuíram para a identificação de elementos relevantes da linguagem, especialmente no nível pragmático. O contexto de brincadeira e interação no grupo, e mesmo de disputas por objetos, propiciou a detecção desses diferentes aspectos da linguagem. A proposta de avaliação descrita permitiu a observação da linguagem das crianças em seu exercício vivo e constituiu um modelo que abrange os diferentes aspectos da linguagem, em contextos significativos de interação.

  13. Uma comparação entre os métodos TOPSIS e Fuzzy-TOPSIS no apoio à tomada de decisão multicritério para seleção de fornecedores

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    Francisco Rodrigues Lima Junior


    Full Text Available A seleção de fornecedores é considerada a atividade mais crítica da função de compras e impacta diretamente a qualidade dos produtos manufaturados e o desempenho do comprador. Na literatura acadêmica, dezenas de métodos de tomada de decisão multicritério vêm sendo explorados para apoiar a seleção de fornecedores. Dentre esses, o TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution e o Fuzzy-TOPSIS (uma adaptação do primeiro se destacam por sua simplicidade de uso e pela capacidade de avaliar um número ilimitado de alternativas e critérios simultaneamente. Embora muitos autores sugiram a adoção do TOPSIS e do Fuzzy-TOPSIS para suportar a seleção de fornecedores, na literatura não são discutidas as reais vantagens de uso e as limitações destes métodos quando aplicados neste domínio de problema. Diante de tal lacuna, este estudo compara o TOPSIS e o Fuzzy-TOPSIS, em relação à complexidade computacional, à estrutura dos algoritmos e aos resultados fornecidos quando aplicados em um mesmo caso real de seleção de fornecedores. Os métodos foram implementados usando MATLAB(r e aplicados na seleção de fornecedores de uma empresa de cabos de transmissão. Os resultados mostram que o TOPSIS requer menor esforço para coleta de dados e processamento computacional. Em contrapartida, o Fuzzy-TOPSIS não sofre inversões no ranking e se mostra adequado para lidar com informações qualitativas e imprecisas. Os resultados deste estudo podem orientar pesquisadores e profissionais na escolha do método mais adequado para lidar com o problema de seleção de fornecedores em questão.

  14. Síndrome de Cushing: é possível simplificar e padronizar sua abordagem diagnóstica?


    Rollin, Guilherme A.F.S.; Czepielewski, Mauro A.


    A síndrome de Cushing representa um desafio diagnóstico, requerendo suspeita clínica apurada, conhecimento adequado da regulação hormonal do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal, aplicação precisa de testes funcionais que estimulam ou inibem este eixo e a indicação de exames de imagem resolutivos para as diversas etiologias investigadas. Neste artigo, discutimos a abordagem diagnóstica da síndrome de Cushing, analisando a aplicação dos diversos testes utilizados tanto para o diagnóstico sindrômic...

  15. Sistema fuzzy para predição do desempenho produtivo de frangos de corte de 1 a 21 dias de idade Fuzzy system to predict productive performance of broiler chicks from 1 to 21 days old

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    Patrícia F. Ponciano


    Full Text Available Um sistema de inferência fuzzy foi desenvolvido baseado em dados da literatura para predição do consumo de ração, ganho de peso e conversão alimentar de frangos de corte com idade variando de 1 a 21, dias submetidos a diferentes condições térmicas. O sistema fuzzy foi estruturado com base em três variáveis de entrada: idade das aves (semanas, temperatura (°C e umidade relativa (% ambientes, sendo que as variáveis de saída consideradas foram: ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar. A inferência foi realizada por meio do método de Mamdani, que consistiu na elaboração de 45 regras e a defuzzificação por meio do método do Centro de Gravidade. Com base nos resultados, ao se compararem os dados da literatura com os obtidos pelo sistema fuzzy proposto, verificou-se desempenho satisfatório na predição das variáveis respostas, com R² da ordem de 0,995; 0,998 e 0,976, respectivamente. O ganho de peso predito pela lógica fuzzy foi validado com dados experimentais de campo, no qual se obteve R² = 0,975, apresentando grande potencial de uso em sistemas de climatização automatizado.A fuzzy inference system was developed based on literature data to predict feed intake, weight gain, and feed conversion of broiler chicks from 1 to 21 day old submitted to different thermal conditions. The fuzzy system was structured based on three input variables: age of chick (weeks, ambient temperature (°C and ambient relative humidity (%; and the output variables considered were: weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion. The inference was performed using the Mamdani's method, which consisted of the elaboration of 45 rules, and the defuzzification using the Center of Gravity method. Comparing literature data with the results obtained by the fuzzy system proposed, it is possible to conclude that the fuzzy system predicts satisfactorily the weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion, which R² were 0.995, 0.998, and 0

  16. Creating Clinical Fuzzy Automata with Fuzzy Arden Syntax. (United States)

    de Bruin, Jeroen S; Steltzer, Heinz; Rappelsberger, Andrea; Adlassnig, Klaus-Peter


    Formal constructs for fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic are incorporated into Arden Syntax version 2.9 (Fuzzy Arden Syntax). With fuzzy sets, the relationships between measured or observed data and linguistic terms are expressed as degrees of compatibility that model the unsharpness of the boundaries of linguistic terms. Propositional uncertainty due to incomplete knowledge of relationships between clinical linguistic concepts is modeled with fuzzy logic. Fuzzy Arden Syntax also supports the construction of fuzzy state monitors. The latter are defined as monitors that employ fuzzy automata to observe gradual transitions between different stages of disease. As a use case, we re-implemented FuzzyARDS, a previously published clinical monitoring system for patients suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Using the re-implementation as an example, we show how key concepts of fuzzy automata, i.e., fuzzy states and parallel fuzzy state transitions, can be implemented in Fuzzy Arden Syntax. The results showed that fuzzy state monitors can be implemented in a straightforward manner.

  17. Redes e observatórios da agrobiodiversidade, como e para quem? Uma abordagem exploratória na região de Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre

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    Laure Emperaire

    Full Text Available Resumo A diversidade de plantas cultivadas, selecionadas e conservadas pelos agricultores tradicionais, é de interesse tanto local quanto nacional, além de constituir um patrimônio biológico e cultural. No caso da Amazônia, apesar de atualmente dispormos de uma suma de dados sobre a agrobiodiversidade, a diversidade das opções metodológicas mobilizadas torna difícil uma visão sintética de suas dinâmicas. Para entendê-las, torna-se imprescindível assegurar um monitoramento, em longo prazo, de localidades sentinelas ou observatórios, e construir indicadores a serem compartilhados entre populações locais, pesquisadores e formuladores de políticas públicas. Como exemplo, propomos uma abordagem exploratória da agrobiodiversidade levantada junto a 52 agricultores de duas comunidades da região de Cruzeiro do Sul (Acre, a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa sobre as formas locais de denominação das plantas e quantitativa, fundamentada sobre a medida da riqueza (número de espécies ou variedades presentes. A amplitude da riqueza é de 338 plantas, principalmente variedades locais, levantadas com uma alta frequência de espécies ou de variedades apenas cultivadas por um ou dois agricultores, sua estruturação é marcada pela presença de um modelo aninhado, sendo evidenciado o núcleo de plantas de maior coesão.


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    Roxana Martínez Sánchez


    Full Text Available En Venezuela, las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME contribuyen considerablemente a la actividad económica y son un gran generador de empleo. Este trabajo plantea el desarrollo de un modelo borroso que permita evaluar los factores de producción que afectan la productividad, con el fin de estimar su impacto y minimizarlos para que de esta manera la empresa no pierda su nivel del aprovechamiento de los recursos. La importancia del mismo radica en la utilización de la lógica borrosa para la evaluación del efecto de factores como costo de producción, producto y satisfacción del cliente en la productividad de las PYME.// Abstract: In Venezuela, small- and medium sized companies PYME contribute considerably to economic activity and are a great employment generator. This article state a fuzzy model development which permit to evaluate the production factors that affect productivity, in order to estimate and minimize their impact and, in this way the company dosen‘t loose the use or resource level. The importance of this development lies in the use of fuzzy logic to evaluate the effect of factors like production and client satisfaction in PYME‘s productivity.

  19. Abordagem Fuzzy na Taxa de Sobrevivência de Trypoxylon (Trypargilum lactitarse (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae / Fuzzy Approach in the Survival Rate of Trypoxylon (Trypargilum lactitarse (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae

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    Lilian Berton


    Full Text Available ResumoEste trabalho apresenta um sistema baseado em regras fuzzy (SBRF abordando a interação entre fertilidade, tamanho do ninho e sobrevivência de machos e fêmeas de Trypoxylon lactitarse Saussure. A partir de informações sobre fertilidade e tamanho do ninho, o sistema retorna a taxa de sobrevivência de machos e fêmeas permitindo abordar as implicações de uma razão sexual enviesada a favor de machos, uma razão sexual enviesada a favor de fêmeas, ou uma razão sexual de 1:1.AbstractThis paper presents a fuzzy rule-based system (FRBS addressing the interaction among fertility, size of the nest and survival of Trypoxylon lactitarse Saussure males and females. From information on fertility and nest size, the system returns the survival rate of male and female allowing us to address the implications of a skewed sex ratio in favor of males, a skewed sex ratio in favor of females, or a sex ratio of 1:1.

  20. Abordagem multidisciplinar no trauma facial: um relato de caso

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    Carolina Ando Matsuno


    Full Text Available Introdução: Em todo o mundo, diversas medidas de segurança têm sido aplicadas para minimizar os danos relacionados aos acidentes de trabalho. Ainda assim, muitos casos são rotineiramente encaminhados aos Prontos Socorros do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS, particularmente nas zonas rurais. Objetivo: Relatar a abordagem multidisciplinar de um caso de traumatismo facial grave secundário a acidente de trabalho atendido no Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba (CHS. Relato do Caso: Paciente masculino, 19 anos, branco, trabalhador rural, vítima de trauma após ter saltado de um trator em movimento durante o exercício de sua atividade laboral, trazido por seus familiares com hemiface direita, desfigurada pela avulsão da pele e da musculatura com exposição óssea, caracterizada à TC como fratura complexa zigomático-maxilar Le Fort tipo 2 à direita além da destruição do seio maxilar, do assoalho da órbita e dos rebordos orbitários lateral, superior e inferior. A abordagem cirúrgica foi realizada pelas equipes de Cirurgia Plástica, Cirurgia Bucomaxilofacial e Cirurgia Oftalmológica que procederam à reconstrução óssea por placas de titânio, estabilização da arcada dentária superior por amarramento e reposicionamento das partes moles. O globo ocular foi preservado por apresentar-se íntegro. Conclusões: A abordagem multidisciplinar das fraturas faciais complexas busca primariamente restaurar a complexa anatomia de toda essa região por primeira intenção. Considerando tratar-se de fratura secundária a um “acidente de trabalho”, ilustramos aqui uma trágica consequência do não uso dos equipamentos de proteção individual e da inobservância das normas de segurança.

  1. Nova abordagem para o grave problema da desnutrição infantil

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    Benedito Scaranci Fernandes


    Full Text Available A desnutrição energético-protéica (DEP é a principal alteração de saúde de crianças em países e regiões pobres. Os atuais modelos explicativos da DEP apontam para um espectro de condições: a alimentação, os cuidados de saúde, a situação social e econômica da família e a necessidade de políticas sociais adequadas. Entre os cuidados de saúde, tem relevância o papel dos profissionais de saúde que, em função da origem social da DEP, têm dificuldade em cuidar das crianças desnutridas. Essa dificuldade nasce da concepção de saúde sobre a qual está moldada a formação e a atuação profissional. O autor propõe um conceito de saúde baseado no "patrimônio" da família e no "pertencer" da pessoa. A utilização dessa abordagem tem permitido uma nova forma de atenção às crianças e famílias, e tornará possível a reorganização dos cuidados de saúde.The protein-energy malnutrition (PEM is the main children's health disturbance in poor countries and regions. The current explanatory models of PEM indicate several factors: feeding; health care; the social and economic situation of the family; and the necessity of adequate social politics. Among the mentioned factors, the health care is the one in which the role of the health professionals is relevant, despite the social origin of the PEM, that makes the care with the malnourished children more difficult. This problem results from the health concept which determinates the professional training and work. The author proposes a health concept based on the family's "heritage" and on the person's "belongingness". The use of this approach has allowed a new kind of children and family care and will make possible the reorganization of health care.

  2. Abordagem da equipe de enfermagem ao usuário na emergência em saúde mental em um pronto atendimento

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    Érika Hissae Kondo


    Full Text Available Pesquisa qualitativa exploratória desenvolvida em 2008, num Centro Municipal de Urgências Médicas/Curitiba. Objetivos: conhecer a concepção da equipe de enfermagem sobre emergências em saúde mental e analisar como se desenvolve a abordagem da equipe de enfermagem ao usuário com transtorno mental em situação de emergência. Participaram 6 enfermeiros e 7 técnicos em enfermagem que atuam na emergência e internamento. Os dados foram obtidos mediante entrevista semi-estruturada e organizados em categorias temáticas. Para os participantes, emergências psiquiátricas são situações que apresentam risco de vida para a pessoa ou a terceiros. Como características de emergência citaram: comportamento agressivo e agitado, tentativa de suicídio e abuso de substâncias. A primeira impressão do comportamento do paciente e a tentativa de diálogo determinam quais condutas os profissionais adotam. Reconhecem dificuldade e despreparo na abordagem ao paciente. Conclui-se que há necessidade de educação permanente sobre novos serviços e adaptações dos existentes para o atendimento nessa área.

  3. On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Filters of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Coframes

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    Rajesh K. Thumbakara


    Full Text Available Frame theory is the study of topology based on its open set lattice, and it was studied extensively by various authors. In this paper, we study quotients of intuitionistic fuzzy filters of an intuitionistic fuzzy coframe. The quotients of intuitionistic fuzzy filters are shown to be filters of the given intuitionistic fuzzy coframe. It is shown that the collection of all intuitionistic fuzzy filters of a coframe and the collection of all intutionistic fuzzy quotient filters of an intuitionistic fuzzy filter are coframes.

  4. Why fuzzy controllers should be fuzzy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nowe, A.


    Fuzzy controllers are usually looked at as crisp valued mappings especially when artificial intelligence learning techniques are used to build up the controller. By doing so the semantics of a fuzzy conclusion being a fuzzy restriction on the viable control actions is non-existing. In this paper the authors criticise from an approximation point of view using a fuzzy controller to express a crisp mapping does not seem the right way to go. Secondly it is illustrated that interesting information is contained in a fuzzy conclusion when indeed this conclusion is considered as a fuzzy restriction. This information turns out to be very valuable when viability problems are concerned, i.e. problems where the objective is to keep a system within predefined boundaries

  5. A abordagem ambiental: Questões para reflexão

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    Arlete Moysés Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O texto apresenta reflexões sobre abordagens ambientais e como as matrizes discursivas oficiais ocultam o território, o espaço, as classes sociais e deslocam os conflitos da produção destrutiva, intensificada pelo meio técnico-científico, para o planejamento do uso de recursos no século XX. Destaca aspectos da ocupação produtiva e da ocupação/da produção destrutivas, apontando o processo de domínio do território, das técnicas e do avanço do capital. Apresenta algumas ideias norteadoras para repensar os temas que envolvem a problemática ambiental, destacando a necessidade de ultrapassar o pensamento único centralizador e simplificador para um pensamento complexo.

  6. Em busca de uma abordagem não atomizada para o exame das relações entre liderança transformacional e comprometimento organizacional

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    Cristiano de Oliveira Maciel


    Full Text Available As pesquisas tradicionais sobre liderança fazem uso de uma abordagem atomizada, que desconsidera os efeitos de diferentes padrões (gestalts do construto e prioriza a lógica de uma variável por vez. A partir dessa crítica, o objetivo no presente trabalho é analisar a relação de distintas gestalts (configurações de liderança transformacional com o comprometimento organizacional. Para a consecução desse objetivo, foram analisados 331 questionários de funcionários de oito organizações do setor de serviços. O método de pesquisa é classificado como levantamento (survey, com amostragem não probabilística por conveniência. Para o tratamento dos dados, fez-se uso da técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais no processo de análise da validade e confiabilidade das escalas. Na sequência, a análise de cluster evidenciou três configurações de liderança, denominadas: desorientação, subliderança e conversão. Para a verificação da influência dessas gestalts sobre o comprometimento organizacional, foi testado um modelo linear generalizado - MANCOVA fatorial. Os resultados indicaram a relação entre as configurações de liderança transformacional e as dimensões afetiva, instrumental e normativa do comprometimento; entretanto, para o comprometimento instrumental, a relação é mediada pelo grau de instrução dos liderados. Por fim, são discutidas as implicações dos achados empíricos.

  7. Visão e abordagem cultural de professores em sala de aula de LE (inglês e os PCNs

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    Oldinê Ribeiro de França


    Full Text Available O presente artigo relata um estudo cujo objetivo foi identificar a visão de professores de língua estrangeira - LE (inglês sobre o ensino de cultura e a abordagem cultural adotada em sala de aula, especialmente se espaços interculturais eram criados, como apregoam os documentos oficiais, a saber, os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs, que orientam o Ensino Fundamental e Médio no Brasil. O estudo ocorreu em uma escola pública de línguas com dois professores; os dados foram obtidos por meio de observações de aulas, questionários e entrevistas. Os resultados indicaram diferenças evidentes entre eles, e embora ambos reconheçam a interdependência entre língua e cultura e as considerem importantes no processo de ensino/aprendizagem de línguas, notamos contradições entre o discurso e a prática. Observamos que um deles não desenvolve o elemento cultural de forma sistemática, todavia o explora, e que o outro o trabalha de forma superficial. Depreendemos que eles não estabeleceram a abordagem cultural adotada, mas constatamos que um deles trabalha de forma bastante próxima da abordagem intercultural de modo intuitivo e implícito. Os resultados revelam ainda que os professores não enfocam profundamente espaços interculturais tão importantes para preparar o aprendiz para viver no mundo contemporâneo, conforme explicitam os PCNs.

  8. Controlador fuzzy de código aberto para uso em controladores programáveis.


    Edinei Peres Legaspe


    Sistemas de controle fuzzy são amplamente empregados na indústria de controle de processos. Normalmente controlando variáveis analógicas, tais como pressão, temperatura, vazão, posição e velocidade. Hoje existem diversas soluções de mercado que permitem o uso da lógica fuzzy em CPs (Controladores programáveis). Porém essas soluções são proprietárias e de custo elevado. Adicionalmente existe a norma IEC 61131-7, introduzida no ano de 2000, que especifica sistemas fuzzy em CPs, onde a mesma def...

  9. A controladoria utilizando a lógica fuzzy no auxílio à empresa para definição das prioridades do planejamento estratégico: um estudo em uma empresa de turismo

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    Adolfo Alberto Vanti


    Full Text Available Este artigo demonstra o resultado de uma pesquisa que apresenta a lógica fuzzy contribuindo com a controladoria na formulação e avaliação das estratégias organizacionais. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a lógica fuzzy em uma aplicação empresarial como uma técnica de análise e julgamento para a tomada de decisão, capaz de auxiliar os gestores e a controladoria na modelagem de indicadores e de estratégias organizacionais. As metodologias utilizadas, para embasar os pressupostos deste trabalho, são duas: uma pesquisa bibliográfica e um estudo de caso aplicado numa empresa do setor de turismo, localizada no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Neste estudo, as variáveis serão analisadas por meio da aplicação do modelo de administração lógica, desenvolvido por Espín, Becker e Vanti (2005, sistema este embasado nos pressupostos da lógica fuzzy. Ao final da investigação, demonstra-se que a lógica fuzzy pode ser um instrumento utilizado com sucesso pela controladoria na construção e visualização da priorização dos objetivos e das ações estratégicas.

  10. Language teaching and fairytales: contextualized teaching, a new approach = Ensino de língua e contos de fada: ensino contextualizado, uma nova abordagem

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    Baratz, Ana Hemmons


    Full Text Available Como podemos instigar a imaginação da criança em favor do ensino de língua? Egan (1992 aponta uma abordagem de ensino infantil que difere do comum. Essa abordagem trás para o centro do currículo a imaginação da criança. ‘Ensinando com contexto’ (usando contos de fadas pode ser relacionando aos gêneros de Bakhtin. Eles estão presentes no nosso cotidiano e são impossíveis de separar do aprendizado de língua. Duas versões de um mesmo conto-de-fadas foram linguisticamente comparados através de uma análise de corpus com o fim de investigar qual versão seria a ideal para uso em contexto escolar. As estórias analisadas são de Branca de Neve e Cinderela, uma versão traduzida do Alemão e outra recentemente adaptada da mesma

  11. Countable Fuzzy Topological Space and Countable Fuzzy Topological Vector Space

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    Apu Kumar Saha


    Full Text Available This paper deals with countable fuzzy topological spaces, a generalization of the notion of fuzzy topological spaces. A collection of fuzzy sets F on a universe X forms a countable fuzzy topology if in the definition of a fuzzy topology, the condition of arbitrary supremum is relaxed to countable supremum. In this generalized fuzzy structure, the continuity of fuzzy functions and some other related properties are studied. Also the class of countable fuzzy topological vector spaces as a generalization of the class of fuzzy topological vector spaces has been introduced and investigated.

  12. Meios e fins do desenvolvimento para Celso Furtado

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    Fabio Antonio de Campos


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse artigo é expor o conceito de desenvolvimento para Celso Furtado. Para tanto, nos interessa apresentar o desenvolvimento nacional como um fim em sua abordagem sobre a formação social brasileira Para atingir tal estágio, os meios para o autor seriam assegurados por um típico desenvolvimento capitalista. Dentro dessa problemática, mostraremos também o alcance e os limites dessa concepção para o caráter dependente e subdesenvolvido do capitalismo brasileiro.

  13. Ensino interativo na abordagem de Eletricidade numa escola portuguesa

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    Maria José Quintas


    Full Text Available A exploração de materiais didáticos interactivos é vista como potenciadora de uma melhor aprendizagem da Física. Neste trabalho apresentam-se alguns resultados obtidos da realização de atividades práticas de laboratório (APL e exploração de ferramentas baseadas em recursos educativos digitais (RED, na abordagem de Eletricidade em algumas escolas portuguesas. Nesta investigação, os alunos foram divididos em Grupo Experimental (GE e Grupo de Controlo (GC. Na recolha dos dados foram usadas fichas, relatórios de aula, inquéritos e entrevistas. Os resultados apontam para uma melhor aprendizagem dos alunos do GE, validando assim as hipóteses de qualidade e de continuidade desta prática de ensino e aprendizagem nas escolas. Este trabalho mostra também que quer a utilização pelos alunos dos materiais interativos quer a formação dos professores na exploração desses materiais, são necessárias para promover uma aprendizagem colaborativa.

  14. Optimality Conditions for Fuzzy Number Quadratic Programming with Fuzzy Coefficients

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    Xue-Gang Zhou


    Full Text Available The purpose of the present paper is to investigate optimality conditions and duality theory in fuzzy number quadratic programming (FNQP in which the objective function is fuzzy quadratic function with fuzzy number coefficients and the constraint set is fuzzy linear functions with fuzzy number coefficients. Firstly, the equivalent quadratic programming of FNQP is presented by utilizing a linear ranking function and the dual of fuzzy number quadratic programming primal problems is introduced. Secondly, we present optimality conditions for fuzzy number quadratic programming. We then prove several duality results for fuzzy number quadratic programming problems with fuzzy coefficients.

  15. Fuzzy Itand#244; Integral Driven by a Fuzzy Brownian Motion

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    Didier Kumwimba Seya


    Full Text Available In this paper we take into account the fuzzy stochastic integral driven by fuzzy Brownian motion. To define the metric between two fuzzy numbers and to take into account the limit of a sequence of fuzzy numbers, we invoke the Hausdorff metric. First this fuzzy stochastic integral is constructed for fuzzy simple stochastic functions, then the construction is done for fuzzy stochastic integrable functions.

  16. Solving fully fuzzy transportation problem using pentagonal fuzzy numbers (United States)

    Maheswari, P. Uma; Ganesan, K.


    In this paper, we propose a simple approach for the solution of fuzzy transportation problem under fuzzy environment in which the transportation costs, supplies at sources and demands at destinations are represented by pentagonal fuzzy numbers. The fuzzy transportation problem is solved without converting to its equivalent crisp form using a robust ranking technique and a new fuzzy arithmetic on pentagonal fuzzy numbers. To illustrate the proposed approach a numerical example is provided.

  17. Cultura, self e autonomia: bases para o protagonismo infantil

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    Sergio Fernandes Senna Pires

    Full Text Available Neste artigo são discutidas as bases do protagonismo (ou participação infantil na sociedade: cultura, construção do self e autonomia. São apresentados os principais fundamentos teóricos da abordagem sociocultural construtivista ao se discutir o self como sistema complexo e dinâmico, co-construído mediante a interação entre sujeito ativo e canalizações culturais. Diante das práticas culturais relacionadas à institucionalização da infância, analisam-se como crenças e valores podem contribuir para a participação infantil nos processos decisórios e para a superação das limitações atuais. Conclui-se que a abordagem co-construtivista, efetivamente, pode contribuir para a promoção do protagonismo infantil, visto que destaca as dimensões da cultura e do sujeito construtivo, aí implicadas.



    Richartz, Fernando; Borgert, Altair; Rocha, Jacita Manfio da


    O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um sistema de custeio para uma indústria de conservas de palmeira real situada no município de Antônio Carlos/SC. A metodologia para a realização deste estudo é descritiva e exploratória, com abordagem predominantemente qualitativa, desenvolvida por meio de uma pesquisa-ação. Através da aplicação da abordagem do custeio por absorção na indústria chega-se ao seguinte custo unitário dos produtos: Picadinho pequeno R$ 1,99; Rodela pequena R$ 2,73; Tolete p...

  19. Abordagem proteômica para estudos de fotobiologia e fotoinativação de fungos


    Guilherme Thomaz Pereira Brancini


    A proteômica é uma técnica muito importante e amplamente utilizada na elucidação de diversos mecanismos biológicos. Essa técnica pode ser usada, por exemplo, na avaliação da resposta celular a estímulos ou na determinação de modificações proteicas resultantes de um tratamento. Neste trabalho, a abordagem proteômica foi utilizada em dois sistemas diferentes: (1) na elucidação da resposta à luz no fungo Metarhizium acridum e (2) na determinação dos danos proteicos causados pelo tratamento fotod...

  20. Diamond Fuzzy Number

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    T. Pathinathan


    Full Text Available In this paper we define diamond fuzzy number with the help of triangular fuzzy number. We include basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction of diamond fuzzy numbers with examples. We define diamond fuzzy matrix with some matrix properties. We have defined Nested diamond fuzzy number and Linked diamond fuzzy number. We have further classified Right Linked Diamond Fuzzy number and Left Linked Diamond Fuzzy number. Finally we have verified the arithmetic operations for the above mentioned types of Diamond Fuzzy Numbers.


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    Martín Darío Arango Serna


    Full Text Available En este artículo se desarrolla un modelo de inferencia difusa para la toma de decisiones en condiciones de incertidumbre aplicado al diseño de productos bajo un esquema de ingeniería concurrente. Los requisitos del cliente y los criterios de los diferentes equipos interdisciplinarios para evaluar un diseño en particular son presentados como variables difusas. El modelo aquí desarrollado es aplicado a una empresa de confecciones.In this article a fuzzy inference model is developed for decision making under uncertainty conditions, applied to the design of products under a scheme of concurrent engineering. Customer requirements and criteria of different interdisciplinary teams to evaluate a particular design are presented as fuzzy variables. The model developed is applied to a garment company.


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    Murilo Carneiro

    Full Text Available Resumo Este estudo avalia, de forma comparativa, por meio da abordagem de intermediação, o grau de eficiência de 99 instituições financeiras que atuaram, em 2013, no mercado financeiro brasileiro. Foi a atividade de intermediação financeira que gerou o surgimento e a consolidação das instituições financeiras por todo o mundo. Portanto, essa foi uma das razões que motivou a escolha da abordagem de intermediação para se avaliar a eficiência das instituições financeiras. Acredita-se que seja relevante avaliar se tais instituições, no Brasil, estão conseguindo ser eficientes em sua atividade mais tradicional, a intermediação financeira. É importante ressaltar que, além da abordagem de intermediação, há também duas outras principais abordagens para se avaliar a eficiência das instituições financeiras: produção e rentabilidade. A técnica data envelopment analysis (DEA, cuja aplicabilidade para avaliação da eficiência bancária é muito difundida na literatura, foi adotada para calcular os escores de eficiência das instituições, que foram classificadas de acordo com quatro critérios: origem do capital, porte, risco (rating de crédito e setor de atuação. Foram identificadas 22 instituições com maior grau de eficiência, havendo certa heterogeneidade em relação à origem do capital, porte e setor de atuação. Por outro lado, foi identificado um indício de que há uma relação diretamente proporcional positiva entre o rating de crédito e a eficiência.


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    Jesús Cejas-Montero


    Full Text Available

    La Lógica Difusa Compensatoria es un modelo lógico que permite la modelación simultánea de los procesos deductivos y de toma de decisiones. Sus características más importantes son: la flexibilidad, la tolerancia con la imprecisión, la capacidad para moldear problemas no-lineales y su fundamento en el lenguaje de sentido común. El artículo pretende llevar a la comunidad académico-empresarial las ideas fundamentales de la Lógica Difusa Compensatoria, ilustrándola en sus posibles campos de aplicación para lograr la competitividad de una organización.


    The Compensatory Fuzzy Logic is a logical model that allows the simultaneous modeling of the deductive and decision-making processes. The most important characteristics of Compensatory Fuzzy Logic are: the flexibility, the tolerance with the inaccuracy, the capacity to model no-lineal problems and its foundation in the language of common sense. The article seeks to bring the basic ideas of the Compensatory Fuzzy Logic to the academic–managerial community, illustrating it in its possible fields of application, in order to achieve the competitiveness of an organization.

  4. Fuzzy forecasting based on fuzzy-trend logical relationship groups. (United States)

    Chen, Shyi-Ming; Wang, Nai-Yi


    In this paper, we present a new method to predict the Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index (TAIEX) based on fuzzy-trend logical relationship groups (FTLRGs). The proposed method divides fuzzy logical relationships into FTLRGs based on the trend of adjacent fuzzy sets appearing in the antecedents of fuzzy logical relationships. First, we apply an automatic clustering algorithm to cluster the historical data into intervals of different lengths. Then, we define fuzzy sets based on these intervals of different lengths. Then, the historical data are fuzzified into fuzzy sets to derive fuzzy logical relationships. Then, we divide the fuzzy logical relationships into FTLRGs for forecasting the TAIEX. Moreover, we also apply the proposed method to forecast the enrollments and the inventory demand, respectively. The experimental results show that the proposed method gets higher average forecasting accuracy rates than the existing methods.

  5. Implementação Eletrônica de Sistemas Fuzzy.


    André Luís Jorge Garcia


    Este trabalho investiga a implementação de sistemas fuzzy com circuitos eletrônicos. Tais sistemas têm demonstrado sua capacidade de resolver diversos tipos de problemas em várias aplicações de engenharia, em especial nas relacionadas com controle de processos. Para processos mais complexos, o raciocínio aproximado da lógica fuzzy fornece uma maneira de compreender o comportamento do sistema, permitindo a interpolação aproximada entre situações observadas de entrada e saída. A ...

  6. On the Fuzzy Convergence

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    Abdul Hameed Q. A. Al-Tai


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to introduce and study the fuzzy neighborhood, the limit fuzzy number, the convergent fuzzy sequence, the bounded fuzzy sequence, and the Cauchy fuzzy sequence on the base which is adopted by Abdul Hameed (every real number r is replaced by a fuzzy number r¯ (either triangular fuzzy number or singleton fuzzy set (fuzzy point. And then, we will consider that some results respect effect of the upper sequence on the convergent fuzzy sequence, the bounded fuzzy sequence, and the Cauchy fuzzy sequence.

  7. Uma abordagem semiótica e indicial da identidade na era de YouTube

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    Fernando Andacht


    Full Text Available O artigo estuda os efeitos comunicacionais e imaginários produzidos pelos vlogs, quer autênticos, quer falsos, no YouTube através de alguns casos célebres na história desse site para carregar e compartilhar vídeos. Em muitas dessas produções audiovisuais há um predomínio dos signos indiciais – a classe de significação que surge do contato do signo com seu objeto, como as pegadas ou os sintomas. Na época atual, estes signos são muito procurados pelos públicos para satisfazer o interesse coletivo por um corpo a corpo com os realizadores amadores – ou aqueles que se apresentam assim – de vlogs autobiográficos. A abordagem teórica da semiótica triádica de Peirce é usada para a análise da identidade humana na era da internet, e também para uma análise da dúvida sobre o autêntico e seu oposto, o simulado, um elemento inseparável dessa experiência midiática

  8. Stability Analysis of Interconnected Fuzzy Systems Using the Fuzzy Lyapunov Method

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    Ken Yeh


    Full Text Available The fuzzy Lyapunov method is investigated for use with a class of interconnected fuzzy systems. The interconnected fuzzy systems consist of J interconnected fuzzy subsystems, and the stability analysis is based on Lyapunov functions. Based on traditional Lyapunov stability theory, we further propose a fuzzy Lyapunov method for the stability analysis of interconnected fuzzy systems. The fuzzy Lyapunov function is defined in fuzzy blending quadratic Lyapunov functions. Some stability conditions are derived through the use of fuzzy Lyapunov functions to ensure that the interconnected fuzzy systems are asymptotically stable. Common solutions can be obtained by solving a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs that are numerically feasible. Finally, simulations are performed in order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed stability conditions in this paper.

  9. Stochastic Optimal Estimation with Fuzzy Random Variables and Fuzzy Kalman Filtering

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    FENG Yu-hu


    By constructing a mean-square performance index in the case of fuzzy random variable, the optimal estimation theorem for unknown fuzzy state using the fuzzy observation data are given. The state and output of linear discrete-time dynamic fuzzy system with Gaussian noise are Gaussian fuzzy random variable sequences. An approach to fuzzy Kalman filtering is discussed. Fuzzy Kalman filtering contains two parts: a real-valued non-random recurrence equation and the standard Kalman filtering.

  10. Abordagem tecnológica para rastreio de pessoas com dislexia

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    Raimundo José Macário Costa


    Full Text Available Resumo. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar um sistema “inteligente” desenvolvido para rastrear pessoas com dislexia e a comorbidade TDAH associada. Este rastreio se faz através de classificação probabilística, usando redes neurais artificiais. As pessoas, uma vez identificadas, podem ser encaminhadas para atendimento específico, intervenções precoces, de modo, a minimizar o comprometimento da aprendizagem escolar.

  11. A neural fuzzy controller learning by fuzzy error propagation (United States)

    Nauck, Detlef; Kruse, Rudolf


    In this paper, we describe a procedure to integrate techniques for the adaptation of membership functions in a linguistic variable based fuzzy control environment by using neural network learning principles. This is an extension to our work. We solve this problem by defining a fuzzy error that is propagated back through the architecture of our fuzzy controller. According to this fuzzy error and the strength of its antecedent each fuzzy rule determines its amount of error. Depending on the current state of the controlled system and the control action derived from the conclusion, each rule tunes the membership functions of its antecedent and its conclusion. By this we get an unsupervised learning technique that enables a fuzzy controller to adapt to a control task by knowing just about the global state and the fuzzy error.

  12. Abordagem Anestésica na Síndrome de Kounis - Um Inimigo Cardíaco Pouco Conhecido: A Propósito de um Caso Clínico

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    Carolina Gonçalves


    Com esta publicação pretende-se fazer uma revisão teórica acerca da abordagem anestésica direcionada para esta síndrome dado que se trata de um tema re-cente, pouco conhecido e com envolvimento multidisciplinar (Anestesiologia, Cardiologia e Medicina Intensiva.

  13. Resolução de conflitos em centros integrados de cidadania: uma abordagem à luz da perspectiva sociotécnica de grupos de trabalho

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    Almir Cordeiro Júnior

    Full Text Available Por meio da análise do modelo de Centro Integrado de Cidadania, implantado em Vitória, e dos equipamentos que o antecederam, busca-se, neste artigo: identificar os serviços que devem estar presentes num equipamento urbano dessa natureza, à luz dos instrumentos governamentais que originaram sua concepção; categorizar os serviços identificados segundo algumas das principais classificações existentes na literatura específica (Chase, 1978; Lovelock, 1983; Schmenner, 1986; discutir as unidades de atendimento como integrantes de um processo de produção induzido pelo cliente, à luz das estruturas básicas propostas por Wild (1977; direcionar o foco da abordagem para as unidades que estão voltadas à resolução pacífica de conflitos, confrontando seus subsistemas técnico e social com os pressupostos da Escola Sociotécnica (Biazzi Júnior, 1994; comparar a atuação dessas unidades com o job design para grupos semiautônomos (Cherns, 1994 e, por fim, comentar a importância da estruturação dessas unidades como grupos autogeridos, mostrando que esta abordagem contribui sobremaneira para a integração operacional e a gestão dessas unidades.

  14. Complex Fuzzy Set-Valued Complex Fuzzy Measures and Their Properties (United States)

    Ma, Shengquan; Li, Shenggang


    Let F*(K) be the set of all fuzzy complex numbers. In this paper some classical and measure-theoretical notions are extended to the case of complex fuzzy sets. They are fuzzy complex number-valued distance on F*(K), fuzzy complex number-valued measure on F*(K), and some related notions, such as null-additivity, pseudo-null-additivity, null-subtraction, pseudo-null-subtraction, autocontionuous from above, autocontionuous from below, and autocontinuity of the defined fuzzy complex number-valued measures. Properties of fuzzy complex number-valued measures are studied in detail. PMID:25093202

  15. Instrumento para a abordagem psicossocial do indivíduo e da família na assistência domiciliar: condições de aplicabilidade Instrumento para el abordaje psicosocial del indivíduo y familia en la asistencia domiciliaria: las condiciones de aplicabilidad Psychosocial instrument to approach person and family in home care: conditions of applicability

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    Vilanice Alves de Araújo Püschel


    Full Text Available Na Assistência Domiciliar (AD, o modelo clínico e hospitalar tem sido hegemônico. A abordagem psicossocial mostra-se necessária para os problemas identificados no âmbito domiciliar. Este artigo tem como objetivos: apresentar um instrumento de abordagem psicossocial do indivíduo e da família na assistência domiciliar e mostrar as condições de aplicabilidade do modelo psicossocial no domicílio, a partir da utilização desse instrumento. Esse instrumento foi aplicado pelas participantes de um curso de capacitação para a AD numa abordagem psicossocial, em pessoas doentes e familiares que estavam recebendo o cuidado no domicílio. Verificou-se que este é viável, porém à onipotência própria da clínica se sobrepõe uma impotência quase absoluta de raciocínio clínico-psicossocial. Há necessidade de validação desse instrumento e da composição de um campo de pesquisa significativo para a qualificação do ensino e da prática assistencial na AD.En la asistencia domiciliaria (AD el modelo clínico y hospitalario ha sido hegemónico. El abordaje psicosocial muestra que es necesario para los problemas identificados en el ámbito domiciliario. Este artículo tiene como objetivos: presentar un instrumento de abordaje psicosocial al individuo y a la familia en la asistencia domiciliaria y mostrar las condiciones de aplicabilidad del modelo psicosocial en el domicilio a partir de la utilización de ese instrumento. El instrumento fue aplicado, por las participantes de un curso de capacitación para la AD con abordaje psicosocial, en personas enfermas y familiares que estaban recibiendo el cuidado en el domicilio. Se verificó que éste es viable, sin embargo la omnipotencia propia de la clínica se sobrepone a una impotencia casi absoluta de raciocinio clínico-psicosocial. Hay necesidad de validar el instrumento y de la composición de un campo de investigación significativo para la calificación de la enseñanza y de la pr

  16. Hierarchical type-2 fuzzy aggregation of fuzzy controllers

    CERN Document Server

    Cervantes, Leticia


    This book focuses on the fields of fuzzy logic, granular computing and also considering the control area. These areas can work together to solve various control problems, the idea is that this combination of areas would enable even more complex problem solving and better results. In this book we test the proposed method using two benchmark problems: the total flight control and the problem of water level control for a 3 tank system. When fuzzy logic is used it make it easy to performed the simulations, these fuzzy systems help to model the behavior of a real systems, using the fuzzy systems fuzzy rules are generated and with this can generate the behavior of any variable depending on the inputs and linguistic value. For this reason this work considers the proposed architecture using fuzzy systems and with this improve the behavior of the complex control problems.

  17. Fuzzy portfolio model with fuzzy-input return rates and fuzzy-output proportions (United States)

    Tsaur, Ruey-Chyn


    In the finance market, a short-term investment strategy is usually applied in portfolio selection in order to reduce investment risk; however, the economy is uncertain and the investment period is short. Further, an investor has incomplete information for selecting a portfolio with crisp proportions for each chosen security. In this paper we present a new method of constructing fuzzy portfolio model for the parameters of fuzzy-input return rates and fuzzy-output proportions, based on possibilistic mean-standard deviation models. Furthermore, we consider both excess or shortage of investment in different economic periods by using fuzzy constraint for the sum of the fuzzy proportions, and we also refer to risks of securities investment and vagueness of incomplete information during the period of depression economics for the portfolio selection. Finally, we present a numerical example of a portfolio selection problem to illustrate the proposed model and a sensitivity analysis is realised based on the results.

  18. Combining fuzzy mathematics with fuzzy logic to solve business management problems (United States)

    Vrba, Joseph A.


    Fuzzy logic technology has been applied to control problems with great success. Because of this, many observers fell that fuzzy logic is applicable only in the control arena. However, business management problems almost never deal with crisp values. Fuzzy systems technology--a combination of fuzzy logic, fuzzy mathematics and a graphical user interface--is a natural fit for developing software to assist in typical business activities such as planning, modeling and estimating. This presentation discusses how fuzzy logic systems can be extended through the application of fuzzy mathematics and the use of a graphical user interface to make the information contained in fuzzy numbers accessible to business managers. As demonstrated through examples from actual deployed systems, this fuzzy systems technology has been employed successfully to provide solutions to the complex real-world problems found in the business environment.

  19. Fuzzy Languages (United States)

    Rahonis, George

    The theory of fuzzy recognizable languages over bounded distributive lattices is presented as a paradigm of recognizable formal power series. Due to the idempotency properties of bounded distributive lattices, the equality of fuzzy recognizable languages is decidable, the determinization of multi-valued automata is effective, and a pumping lemma exists. Fuzzy recognizable languages over finite and infinite words are expressively equivalent to sentences of the multi-valued monadic second-order logic. Fuzzy recognizability over bounded ℓ-monoids and residuated lattices is briefly reported. The chapter concludes with two applications of fuzzy recognizable languages to real world problems in medicine.

  20. Contribuição para o estudo de sistemas de tratamento de água para abastecimento associados à remoção de compostos farmacêuticos


    Cid, Joana Ferraz Leal de Sobral


    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Engenharia Sanitária Este trabalho pretende contribuir para o estudo de sistemas de tratamento de água para abastecimento associados à remoção de compostos farmacêuticos. Assim, para melhor compreender a importância da remoção dos compostos farmacêuticos da água para abastecimento surge uma abordagem sobre a presença dos compostos...

  1. Relational Demonic Fuzzy Refinement

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    Fairouz Tchier


    Full Text Available We use relational algebra to define a refinement fuzzy order called demonic fuzzy refinement and also the associated fuzzy operators which are fuzzy demonic join (⊔fuz, fuzzy demonic meet (⊓fuz, and fuzzy demonic composition (□fuz. Our definitions and properties are illustrated by some examples using mathematica software (fuzzy logic.

  2. Corrimentos vaginais em gestantes: comparacao da abordagem sindromica com exames da pratica clinica da enfermagem

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    Thais Marques Lima


    Full Text Available Estudo avaliativo de abordagem quantitativa, com amostra de 104 gestantes, com o objetivo de comparar os achados de infecções vaginais em gestantes obtidos por meio do fluxograma de corrimento vaginal com exames presentes na prática clínica da Enfermagem. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista e exame ginecológico realizados de janeiro a julho de 2011. O fluxograma não se mostrou eficaz na identificação de candidíase e tricomoníase, apresentou baixa sensibilidade (0,0%; 50% e valor preditivo positivo (0,0%; 3,6% para as duas infecções e baixa especificidade para tricomoníase (46%. Mostrou-se satisfatório para vaginose bacteriana, com alta sensibilidade (100%, valor preditivo negativo (100% e acurácia (74%. Conclui-se que o emprego do fluxograma precisa ser reavaliado, visto que não foi eficaz em identificar infecções importantes em gestantes. Os esforços para o desenvolvimento de testes eficazes devem ser contínuos, com intuito de prevenir a disseminação de infecções e reduzir tratamentos desnecessários.

  3. A provocação poética dos elementos materiais: novas categorias de análise na abordagem sócio-poética

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    Cláudia Tavares


    Full Text Available Gauthier, Santos (1996 descrevem a sócio-poética como uma abordagem no conhecimento do ser humano e da sociedade, um caminho para a produção do conhecimento, que por meio de práticas diferenciadas de pesquisa e do educar mutual transforma poeticamente o saber para melhor conhecer. Os idealizadores da sócio-poética utilizam os lugares sócio-míticos, como categorias de produção e análise dos dados. Mas estimulam aqueles que trabalham com esta abordagem, a criarem novas técnicas e vivências, que facilitem a produção de dados no grupo pesquisador. Atendendo a este desafio e inspiradas no conceito de Imaginação Material de Gaston Bachelard, na Técnica da Imaginação Ativa de C.G.Jung e nos experimentos de crescimento da gestalt-terapia de John Stevens, criamos novas técnicas e categorias de estudo na abordagem sócio-poética denominando-as de Técnica dos Elementos Materiais. Como os primeiros filósofos gregos, acreditamos que muito das imagens que produzimos provêm da provocação dos 4 elementos materiais (água, terra, fogo e ar. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com diferentes grupos de enfermeiras, professoras de enfermagem, pós-graduandas em enfermagem e equipe de enfermagem de um hospital psiquiátrico. Evidenciou-se que a Técnica dos Elementos Materiais favorece a expressão de conteúdos inconscientes ou silenciados que interferem no cuidado de enfermagem, possibilitando à enfermeira explorar criativamente a si mesma, para inovar sua prática profissional.

  4. Fuzzy logic

    CERN Document Server

    Smets, P


    We start by describing the nature of imperfect data, and giving an overview of the various models that have been proposed. Fuzzy sets theory is shown to be an extension of classical set theory, and as such has a proeminent role or modelling imperfect data. The mathematic of fuzzy sets theory is detailled, in particular the role of the triangular norms. The use of fuzzy sets theory in fuzzy logic and possibility theory,the nature of the generalized modus ponens and of the implication operator for approximate reasoning are analysed. The use of fuzzy logic is detailled for application oriented towards process control and database problems.

  5. Fuzzy Neuroidal Nets and Recurrent Fuzzy Computations

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Wiedermann, Jiří


    Roč. 11, č. 6 (2001), s. 675-686 ISSN 1210-0552. [SOFSEM 2001 Workshop on Soft Computing. Piešťany, 29.11.2001-30.11.2001] R&D Projects: GA ČR GA201/00/1489; GA AV ČR KSK1019101 Institutional research plan: AV0Z1030915 Keywords : fuzzy computing * fuzzy neural nets * fuzzy Turing machines * non-uniform computational complexity Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics

  6. Flexibilidade na utilização de Diesel ou Biodiesel: uma abordagem via Opções Reais

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    Edson Daniel Lopes Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Este trabalho abordará o desenvolvimento do Biodiesel como combustível de fontes renováveis na matriz energética brasileira. Em especial será abordada a flexibilidade de utilização entre o Diesel tradicional de origem petrolífera e o Biodiesel de origem vegetal. Assim, nosso objetivo é avaliar a flexibilidade existente entre o Diesel mineral e o Biodiesel. Para tanto, utilizaremos uma abordagem via opções reais, no qual a escolha do combustível para abastecimento é modelada como uma sequência de opções européias. Estas "Switch Input Real Options" geram valor ao projeto e minimizam riscos associados a falta de oferta de energia, outro problema recorrente em nossa realidade.Por fim, será comentado o potencial de ganho no agregado para um país como o Brasil, com um modal de transportes predominantemente rodoviário e dependente do Diesel.

  7. Neuro-fuzzy system modeling based on automatic fuzzy clustering

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Yuangang TANG; Fuchun SUN; Zengqi SUN


    A neuro-fuzzy system model based on automatic fuzzy clustering is proposed.A hybrid model identification algorithm is also developed to decide the model structure and model parameters.The algorithm mainly includes three parts:1) Automatic fuzzy C-means (AFCM),which is applied to generate fuzzy rules automatically,and then fix on the size of the neuro-fuzzy network,by which the complexity of system design is reducesd greatly at the price of the fitting capability;2) Recursive least square estimation (RLSE).It is used to update the parameters of Takagi-Sugeno model,which is employed to describe the behavior of the system;3) Gradient descent algorithm is also proposed for the fuzzy values according to the back propagation algorithm of neural network.Finally,modeling the dynamical equation of the two-link manipulator with the proposed approach is illustrated to validate the feasibility of the method.

  8. Combinational Reasoning of Quantitative Fuzzy Topological Relations for Simple Fuzzy Regions (United States)

    Liu, Bo; Li, Dajun; Xia, Yuanping; Ruan, Jian; Xu, Lili; Wu, Huanyi


    In recent years, formalization and reasoning of topological relations have become a hot topic as a means to generate knowledge about the relations between spatial objects at the conceptual and geometrical levels. These mechanisms have been widely used in spatial data query, spatial data mining, evaluation of equivalence and similarity in a spatial scene, as well as for consistency assessment of the topological relations of multi-resolution spatial databases. The concept of computational fuzzy topological space is applied to simple fuzzy regions to efficiently and more accurately solve fuzzy topological relations. Thus, extending the existing research and improving upon the previous work, this paper presents a new method to describe fuzzy topological relations between simple spatial regions in Geographic Information Sciences (GIS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Firstly, we propose a new definition for simple fuzzy line segments and simple fuzzy regions based on the computational fuzzy topology. And then, based on the new definitions, we also propose a new combinational reasoning method to compute the topological relations between simple fuzzy regions, moreover, this study has discovered that there are (1) 23 different topological relations between a simple crisp region and a simple fuzzy region; (2) 152 different topological relations between two simple fuzzy regions. In the end, we have discussed some examples to demonstrate the validity of the new method, through comparisons with existing fuzzy models, we showed that the proposed method can compute more than the existing models, as it is more expressive than the existing fuzzy models. PMID:25775452

  9. Abordagem otimizada na ressuscitação cardiocerebral

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    Karl B. Kern


    Full Text Available A ressuscitação cardiocerebral (RCC é uma nova abordagem à ressuscitação de pacientes com parada cardíaca fora do hospital (PCFH. O primeiro componente principal da RCC são as compressões torácicas contínuas (CTC, também chamadas de RCP com compressões torácicas isoladas ou "RCP somente com compressões torácicas" ("Hands-only" CPR, recomendadas como parte da RCC por todos os observadores que testemunhem um colapso súbito de origem presumidamente cardíaco. O segundo componente é um novo algoritmo de tratamento de Suporte Avançado de Vida em Cardiologia (ACLS para Serviços Médicos de Emergência (SME. Esse algoritmo enfatiza compressões torácicas ininterruptas a despeito de outros procedimentos contínuos como parte do esforço de resgate. Um terceiro componente foi recentemente adicionado à RCC, e é o cuidado agressivo pós-ressuscitação. A RCC tem aumentado a participação de testemunhas e tem melhorado as taxas de sobrevivência em varias comunidades. Essa é a hora para outras comunidades re-examinarem seus próprios desfechos com parada cardíaca e considerar a possibilidade de se juntar a essas cidades e comunidades que dobraram e até mesmo triplicaram as suas taxas de sobrevivência de PCFH.


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    Karyati Karyati


      One of algebraic structure that involves a binary operation is a group that is defined  an un empty set (classical with an associative binary operation, it has identity elements and each element has an inverse. In the structure of the group known as the term subgroup, normal subgroup, subgroup and factor group homomorphism and its properties. Classical algebraic structure is developed to algebraic structure fuzzy by the researchers as an example semi group fuzzy and fuzzy group after fuzzy sets is introduced by L. A. Zadeh at 1965. It is inspired of writing about semi group fuzzy and group of fuzzy, a research on the algebraic structure of the ring is held with reviewing ring fuzzy, ideal ring fuzzy, homomorphism ring fuzzy and quotient ring fuzzy with its properties. The results of this study are obtained fuzzy properties of the ring, ring ideal properties fuzzy, properties of fuzzy ring homomorphism and properties of fuzzy quotient ring by utilizing a subset of a subset level  and strong level  as well as image and pre-image homomorphism fuzzy ring.   Keywords: fuzzy ring, subset level, homomorphism fuzzy ring, fuzzy quotient ring

  11. On fuzzy quasi continuity and an application of fuzzy set theory

    CERN Document Server

    Mahmoud, R A


    Where as classical topology has been developed closely connected with classical analysis describing topological phenomena in analysis, fuzzy topology with its important application in quantum gravity indicated by Witten and Elnaschie, has only been introduced as an analogue of the classical topology. The development of fuzzy topology without close relations to analytical problems did not give the possibility of testing successfully the applicability of the new notions and results. Till now this situation did not change, essentially. Although, many types of fuzzy sets and fuzzy functions having the quasi-property in both of weak and strong than openness and continuity, respectively, have been studied in detail. Many properties on fuzzy topological spaces such as compactness are discussed via fuzzy notion. While others are far from being completely devoted in its foundation. So, this paper is devoted to present a new class of fuzzy quasi-continuous functions via fuzzy compactness has been defined. Some characte...

  12. Neuro-fuzzy models for systems identification applied to the operation of nuclear power plants; Sistemas neuro-fuzzy para identificacao de sistemas aplicados a operacao de centrais nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alves, Antonio Carlos Pinto Dias


    A nuclear power plant has a myriad of complex system and sub-systems that, working cooperatively, make the control of the whole plant. Nevertheless their operation be automatic most of the time, the integral understanding of their internal- logic can be away of the comprehension of even experienced operators because of the poor interpretability those controls offer. This difficulty does not happens only in nuclear power plants but in almost every a little more complex control system. Neuro-fuzzy models have been used for the last years in a attempt of suppress these difficulties because of their ability of modelling in linguist form even a system which behavior is extremely complex. This is a very intuitive human form of interpretation and neuro-fuzzy model are gathering increasing acceptance. Unfortunately, neuro-fuzzy models can grow up to become of hard interpretation because of the complexity of the systems under modelling. In general, that growing occurs in function of redundant rules or rules that cover a very little domain of the problem. This work presents an identification method for neuro-fuzzy models that not only allows models grow in function of the existent complexity but that beforehand they try to self-adapt to avoid the inclusion of new rules. This form of construction allowed to arrive to highly interpretative neuro-fuzzy models even of very complex systems. The use of this kind of technique in modelling the control of the pressurizer of a PWR nuclear power plant allowed verify its validity and how neuro-fuzzy models so built can be useful in understanding the automatic operation of a nuclear power plant. (author)

  13. A abordagem da Avaliação Educacional em Larga Escala nos cursos de graduação em Pedagogia

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    Marcela Mara dos Santos Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo: A pesquisa fez um levantamento sobre a abordagem do conteúdo de Avaliação Educacional em Larga Escala (Aele nos cursos de Pedagogia presenciais, públicos e privados do País, bem como verificou a percepção de professores e coordenadores acerca da relevância dessa abordagem. Concluiu-se que foi baixo o índice de instituições de ensino superior (IES participantes desta pesquisa que ministram o conteúdo Aele, devendo-se atentar para tal ocorrência uma vez que o ensino desse conteúdo está previsto na legislação específica dos cursos de graduação em Pedagogia. Em geral, há embasamento legal na formulação da matriz curricular dos cursos e a maioria dos profissionais pesquisados tanto considera importante que o conteúdo seja contemplado quanto acompanha os resultados nacionais e estaduais, inserindo-os em sala de aula.

  14. Improvement of Fuzzy Image Contrast Enhancement Using Simulated Ergodic Fuzzy Markov Chains

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    Behrouz Fathi-Vajargah


    Full Text Available This paper presents a novel fuzzy enhancement technique using simulated ergodic fuzzy Markov chains for low contrast brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI. The fuzzy image contrast enhancement is proposed by weighted fuzzy expected value. The membership values are then modified to enhance the image using ergodic fuzzy Markov chains. The qualitative performance of the proposed method is compared to another method in which ergodic fuzzy Markov chains are not considered. The proposed method produces better quality image.

  15. A inserção das pequenas e médias empresas no comércio exterior : uma abordagem da viabilidade e do desempenho exportador


    Samuel de Miranda Melo Júnior, José


    O presente estudo tem como abordagem principal fornecer subsídios para a discussão sobre a inserção das pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) brasileiras no comércio exterior, com enfoque para o vetor viabilidade e desempenho desse segmento no mercado internacional. Tal escolha deu-se em função de duas razões: a primeira enquanto uma forma de recolocar na agenda de discussões brasileiras a questão da importância do desenvolvimento das PMEs como agente dinamizador das exportações e ...

  16. Fuzzy control. Fundamentals, stability and design of fuzzy controllers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Michels, K. [Fichtner GmbH und Co. KG, Stuttgart (Germany); Klawonn, F. [Fachhochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbuettel (Germany). Fachbereich Informatik; Kruse, R. [Magdeburg Univ. (Germany). Fakultaet Informatik, Abt. Wiss.- und Sprachverarbeitung; Nuernberger, A. (eds.) [California Univ., Berkeley, CA (United States). Computer Science Division


    The book provides a critical discussion of fuzzy controllers from the perspective of classical control theory. Special emphases are placed on topics that are of importance for industrial applications, like (self-) tuning of fuzzy controllers, optimisation and stability analysis. The book is written as a textbook for graduate students as well as a comprehensive reference book about fuzzy control for researchers and application engineers. Starting with a detailed introduction to fuzzy systems and control theory the reader is guided to up-to-date research results. (orig.)

  17. Introduction to fuzzy systems

    CERN Document Server

    Chen, Guanrong


    Introduction to Fuzzy Systems provides students with a self-contained introduction that requires no preliminary knowledge of fuzzy mathematics and fuzzy control systems theory. Simplified and readily accessible, it encourages both classroom and self-directed learners to build a solid foundation in fuzzy systems. After introducing the subject, the authors move directly into presenting real-world applications of fuzzy logic, revealing its practical flavor. This practicality is then followed by basic fuzzy systems theory. The book also offers a tutorial on fuzzy control theory, based mainly on th

  18. Stability analysis of polynomial fuzzy models via polynomial fuzzy Lyapunov functions


    Bernal Reza, Miguel Ángel; Sala, Antonio; JAADARI, ABDELHAFIDH; Guerra, Thierry-Marie


    In this paper, the stability of continuous-time polynomial fuzzy models by means of a polynomial generalization of fuzzy Lyapunov functions is studied. Fuzzy Lyapunov functions have been fruitfully used in the literature for local analysis of Takagi-Sugeno models, a particular class of the polynomial fuzzy ones. Based on a recent Taylor-series approach which allows a polynomial fuzzy model to exactly represent a nonlinear model in a compact set of the state space, it is shown that a refinemen...

  19. Relational Demonic Fuzzy Refinement


    Tchier, Fairouz


    We use relational algebra to define a refinement fuzzy order called demonic fuzzy refinement and also the associated fuzzy operators which are fuzzy demonic join $({\\bigsqcup }_{\\mathrm{\\text{f}}\\mathrm{\\text{u}}\\mathrm{\\text{z}}})$ , fuzzy demonic meet $({\\sqcap }_{\\mathrm{\\text{f}}\\mathrm{\\text{u}}\\mathrm{\\text{z}}})$ , and fuzzy demonic composition $({\\square }_{\\mathrm{\\text{f}}\\mathrm{\\text{u}}\\mathrm{\\text{z}}})$ . Our definitions and properties are illustrated by some examples using ma...

  20. Intuitionistic supra fuzzy topological spaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abbas, S.E.


    In this paper, We introduce an intuitionistic supra fuzzy closure space and investigate the relationship between intuitionistic supra fuzzy topological spaces and intuitionistic supra fuzzy closure spaces. Moreover, we can obtain intuitionistic supra fuzzy topological space induced by an intuitionistic fuzzy bitopological space. We study the relationship between intuitionistic supra fuzzy closure space and the intuitionistic supra fuzzy topological space induced by an intuitionistic fuzzy bitopological space

  1. Intelligent control-I: review of fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagrial, M.H.


    In the past decade or so, fuzzy systems have supplanted conventional technologies in many engineering systems, in particular in control systems and pattern recognition. Fuzzy logic has found applications in a variety of consumer products e.g. washing machines, camcorders, digital cameras, air conditioners, subway trains, cement kilns and many others. The fuzzy technology is also being applied in information technology, where it provides decision-support and expert systems with powerful reasoning capabilities. Fuzzy sets, introduced by Zadeh in 1965 as a mathematical way to represent vagueness in linguistics, can be considered a generalisation of classical set theory. Fuzziness is often confused with probability. This lecture will introduce the principal concepts and mathematical notions of fuzzy set theory. (author)

  2. Hesitant fuzzy sets theory

    CERN Document Server

    Xu, Zeshui


    This book provides the readers with a thorough and systematic introduction to hesitant fuzzy theory. It presents the most recent research results and advanced methods in the field. These includes: hesitant fuzzy aggregation techniques, hesitant fuzzy preference relations, hesitant fuzzy measures, hesitant fuzzy clustering algorithms and hesitant fuzzy multi-attribute decision making methods. Since its introduction by Torra and Narukawa in 2009, hesitant fuzzy sets have become more and more popular and have been used for a wide range of applications, from decision-making problems to cluster analysis, from medical diagnosis to personnel appraisal and information retrieval. This book offers a comprehensive report on the state-of-the-art in hesitant fuzzy sets theory and applications, aiming at becoming a reference guide for both researchers and practitioners in the area of fuzzy mathematics and other applied research fields (e.g. operations research, information science, management science and engineering) chara...

  3. Fuzzy logic in management

    CERN Document Server

    Carlsson, Christer; Fullér, Robert


    Fuzzy Logic in Management demonstrates that difficult problems and changes in the management environment can be more easily handled by bringing fuzzy logic into the practice of management. This explicit theme is developed through the book as follows: Chapter 1, "Management and Intelligent Support Technologies", is a short survey of management leadership and what can be gained from support technologies. Chapter 2, "Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic", provides a short introduction to fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations, the extension principle, fuzzy implications and linguistic variables. Chapter 3, "Group Decision Support Systems", deals with group decision making, and discusses methods for supporting the consensus reaching processes. Chapter 4, "Fuzzy Real Options for Strategic Planning", summarizes research where the fuzzy real options theory was implemented as a series of models. These models were thoroughly tested on a number of real life investments, and validated in 2001. Chapter 5, "Soft Computing Methods for Reducing...

  4. The World of Combinatorial Fuzzy Problems and the Efficiency of Fuzzy Approximation Algorithms


    Yamakami, Tomoyuki


    We re-examine a practical aspect of combinatorial fuzzy problems of various types, including search, counting, optimization, and decision problems. We are focused only on those fuzzy problems that take series of fuzzy input objects and produce fuzzy values. To solve such problems efficiently, we design fast fuzzy algorithms, which are modeled by polynomial-time deterministic fuzzy Turing machines equipped with read-only auxiliary tapes and write-only output tapes and also modeled by polynomia...

  5. Intuitionistic fuzzy calculus

    CERN Document Server

    Lei, Qian


    This book offers a comprehensive and systematic review of the latest research findings in the area of intuitionistic fuzzy calculus. After introducing the intuitionistic fuzzy numbers’ operational laws and their geometrical and algebraic properties, the book defines the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy functions and presents the research on the derivative, differential, indefinite integral and definite integral of intuitionistic fuzzy functions. It also discusses some of the methods that have been successfully used to deal with continuous intuitionistic fuzzy information or data, which are different from the previous aggregation operators focusing on discrete information or data. Mainly intended for engineers and researchers in the fields of fuzzy mathematics, operations research, information science and management science, this book is also a valuable textbook for postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students alike.

  6. Fuzzy risk matrix

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markowski, Adam S.; Mannan, M. Sam


    A risk matrix is a mechanism to characterize and rank process risks that are typically identified through one or more multifunctional reviews (e.g., process hazard analysis, audits, or incident investigation). This paper describes a procedure for developing a fuzzy risk matrix that may be used for emerging fuzzy logic applications in different safety analyses (e.g., LOPA). The fuzzification of frequency and severity of the consequences of the incident scenario are described which are basic inputs for fuzzy risk matrix. Subsequently using different design of risk matrix, fuzzy rules are established enabling the development of fuzzy risk matrices. Three types of fuzzy risk matrix have been developed (low-cost, standard, and high-cost), and using a distillation column case study, the effect of the design on final defuzzified risk index is demonstrated


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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Muchos requerimientos de usuario pueden involucrar criterios de preferencia expresados en el lenguaje natural por medio de términos difusos; éstos son llamados requerimientos difusos. Por otro lado, los lenguajes de consulta a bases de datos han sido extendidos incorporando la lógica difusa para manejar las preferencias de usuarios. Pocas de las metodologías conocidas para el desarrollo de aplicaciones sobre base de datos consideran las consultas difusas. En este trabajo, se propone un método para aplicaciones a bases de datos cuyo objetivo es desarrollar sistemas de software con soporte de consultas difusas. Lo novedoso de éste es la extensión al cálculo de tuplas para la especificación formal de consultas difusas. Además, el método incluye reglas de traducción de una especificación formal a una consulta en SQLf (structured query language + fuzzy logic, un lenguaje de consultas difusas sobre bases de datos precisas. Se ilustra su utilidad con la aplicación a un caso de estudio real.

  8. Fuzzy containers allocation problem in maritime terminal

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    Seyed-Mohammad Seyed-Hosseini


    Full Text Available Normal.dotm 0 0 1 140 799 UPC 6 1 981 12.0 0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ascii-font-family:Cambria; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:??; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Cambria; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Containers allocation in terminals has attracted lots of research works due to practical & theoretical importance in transportation literature. In this paper, we developed a fuzzy mathematical programming model for solving problem of allocating the containers in terminal area. The objective is minimizing the total distance traversed by the containers from the ship to the terminal area they are assigned. Fuzzy set concepts are used to treat imprecision regarding the distances between berth and terminals area, number of containers in an arrived ship and estimation of available area in each terminal at a port. We proposed two types of models for optimistic and pessimistic situations. The proposed models have been coded in LINGO8.0 solver and a numerical example has been solved for illustration purpose. The full analysis of the proposed models can cause an optimum allocation of containers of several ships to different terminals of berths in fuzzy environment.

  9. Global sensitivity analysis for fuzzy inputs based on the decomposition of fuzzy output entropy (United States)

    Shi, Yan; Lu, Zhenzhou; Zhou, Yicheng


    To analyse the component of fuzzy output entropy, a decomposition method of fuzzy output entropy is first presented. After the decomposition of fuzzy output entropy, the total fuzzy output entropy can be expressed as the sum of the component fuzzy entropy contributed by fuzzy inputs. Based on the decomposition of fuzzy output entropy, a new global sensitivity analysis model is established for measuring the effects of uncertainties of fuzzy inputs on the output. The global sensitivity analysis model can not only tell the importance of fuzzy inputs but also simultaneously reflect the structural composition of the response function to a certain degree. Several examples illustrate the validity of the proposed global sensitivity analysis, which is a significant reference in engineering design and optimization of structural systems.

  10. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Subbialgebras and Duality

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    Wenjuan Chen


    Full Text Available We investigate connections between bialgebras and Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Firstly we define an intuitionistic fuzzy subbialgebra of a bialgebra with an intuitionistic fuzzy subalgebra structure and also with an intuitionistic fuzzy subcoalgebra structure. Secondly we investigate the related properties of intuitionistic fuzzy subbialgebras. Finally we prove that the dual of an intuitionistic fuzzy strong subbialgebra is an intuitionistic fuzzy strong subbialgebra.

  11. Fuzzy topological digital space and digital fuzzy spline of electroencephalography during epileptic seizures (United States)

    Shah, Mazlina Muzafar; Wahab, Abdul Fatah


    Epilepsy disease occurs because of there is a temporary electrical disturbance in a group of brain cells (nurons). The recording of electrical signals come from the human brain which can be collected from the scalp of the head is called Electroencephalography (EEG). EEG then considered in digital format and in fuzzy form makes it a fuzzy digital space data form. The purpose of research is to identify the area (curve and surface) in fuzzy digital space affected by inside epilepsy seizure in epileptic patient's brain. The main focus for this research is to generalize fuzzy topological digital space, definition and basic operation also the properties by using digital fuzzy set and the operations. By using fuzzy digital space, the theory of digital fuzzy spline can be introduced to replace grid data that has been use previously to get better result. As a result, the flat of EEG can be fuzzy topological digital space and this type of data can be use to interpolate the digital fuzzy spline.

  12. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Model Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Reasoning

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    Ya’nan Wang


    Full Text Available Fuzzy sets theory cannot describe the data comprehensively, which has greatly limited the objectivity of fuzzy time series in uncertain data forecasting. In this regard, an intuitionistic fuzzy time series forecasting model is built. In the new model, a fuzzy clustering algorithm is used to divide the universe of discourse into unequal intervals, and a more objective technique for ascertaining the membership function and nonmembership function of the intuitionistic fuzzy set is proposed. On these bases, forecast rules based on intuitionistic fuzzy approximate reasoning are established. At last, contrast experiments on the enrollments of the University of Alabama and the Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index are carried out. The results show that the new model has a clear advantage of improving the forecast accuracy.

  13. Fuzzy forecasting based on two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationship groups and the probabilities of trends of fuzzy logical relationships. (United States)

    Chen, Shyi-Ming; Chen, Shen-Wen


    In this paper, we present a new method for fuzzy forecasting based on two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationship groups and the probabilities of trends of fuzzy-trend logical relationships. Firstly, the proposed method fuzzifies the historical training data of the main factor and the secondary factor into fuzzy sets, respectively, to form two-factors second-order fuzzy logical relationships. Then, it groups the obtained two-factors second-order fuzzy logical relationships into two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationship groups. Then, it calculates the probability of the "down-trend," the probability of the "equal-trend" and the probability of the "up-trend" of the two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationships in each two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationship group, respectively. Finally, it performs the forecasting based on the probabilities of the down-trend, the equal-trend, and the up-trend of the two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationships in each two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationship group. We also apply the proposed method to forecast the Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index (TAIEX) and the NTD/USD exchange rates. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the existing methods.

  14. Probabilistic fuzzy systems as additive fuzzy systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Almeida, R.J.; Verbeek, N.; Kaymak, U.; Costa Sousa, da J.M.; Laurent, A.; Strauss, O.; Bouchon-Meunier, B.; Yager, R.


    Probabilistic fuzzy systems combine a linguistic description of the system behaviour with statistical properties of data. It was originally derived based on Zadeh’s concept of probability of a fuzzy event. Two possible and equivalent additive reasoning schemes were proposed, that lead to the

  15. Models for cooperative games with fuzzy relations among the agents fuzzy communication, proximity relation and fuzzy permission

    CERN Document Server

    Jiménez-Losada, Andrés


    This book offers a comprehensive introduction to cooperative game theory and a practice-oriented reference guide to new models and tools for studying bilateral fuzzy relations among several agents or players. It introduces the reader to several fuzzy models, each of which is first analyzed in the context of classical games (crisp games) and subsequently in the context of fuzzy games. Special emphasis is given to the value of Shapley, which is presented for the first time in the context of fuzzy games. Students and researchers will find here a self-contained reference guide to cooperative fuzzy games, characterized by a wealth of examples, descriptions of a wide range of possible situations, step-by-step explanations of the basic mathematical concepts involved, and easy-to-follow information on axioms and properties.

  16. Multicriteria optimization in a fuzzy environment: The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process

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    Gardašević-Filipović Milanka


    Full Text Available In the paper the fuzzy extension of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP based on fuzzy numbers, and its application in solving a practical problem, are considered. The paper advocates the use of contradictory test to check the fuzzy user preferences during fuzzy AHP decision-making process. We also propose consistency check and deriving priorities from inconsistent fuzzy judgment matrices to be included in the process, in order to check if the fuzzy approach can be applied in the AHP for the problem considered. An aggregation of local priorities obtained at different levels into composite global priorities for the alternatives based on weighted-sum method is also discussed. The contradictory fuzzy judgment matrix is analyzed. Our theoretical consideration has been verified by an application of commercially available Super Decisions program (developed for solving multi-criteria optimization problems using AHP approach on the problem previously treated in the literature. The obtained results are compared with those from the literature. The conclusions are given and the possibilities for further work in the field are pointed out.

  17. Fuzzy weakly preopen (preclosed) function in Kubiak-Sostak fuzzy topological spaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zahran, A.M.; Abd-Allah, M. Azab.; Abd El-Rahman, Abd El-Nasser G.


    In this paper, we introduce and characterize fuzzy weakly preopen and fuzzy weakly preclosed functions between L-fuzzy topological spaces in Kubiak-Sostak sense and also study these functions in relation to some other types of already known functions.

  18. Suporte básico de vida e suporte avançado de vida em cardiologia: proposta de uma nova estratégia para abordagem e prevenção das intercorrências clínicas em cirurgia dermatológica


    Timoner,Fábio Roismann; Ferrari,Nelson Marcos; Ribeiro,Manoel Carlos Sampaio de Almeida; Plavnik,Frida Liane; Machado Filho,Carlos d'Aparecida Santos


    Com o aumento da complexidade cirúrgica e comorbidades da população, o risco de intercorrências clínicas em cirurgia dermatológica aumentou nas últimas décadas. Para sua abordagem foi criado um fluxograma baseado na tríade decisória formada pelo estado físico do paciente, grau de sedação e porte do procedimento, indicando o tipo de suporte cardiovascular em cada procedimento. Pacientes submetidos a cirurgias de "porte pequeno" e ASA < 2 devem receber suporte básico de vida; os submetidos a ci...

  19. On Fuzzy β-I-open sets and Fuzzy β-I-continuous functions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keskin, Aynur


    In this paper, first of all we obtain some properties and characterizations of fuzzy β-I-open sets. After that, we also define the notion of β-I-closed sets and obtain some properties. Lastly, we introduce the notions of fuzzy β-I-continuity with the help of fuzzy β-I-open sets to obtain decomposition of fuzzy continuity.

  20. On Fuzzy {beta}-I-open sets and Fuzzy {beta}-I-continuous functions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Keskin, Aynur [Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Arts, Selcuk University, Campus, 42075 Konya (Turkey)], E-mail:


    In this paper, first of all we obtain some properties and characterizations of fuzzy {beta}-I-open sets. After that, we also define the notion of {beta}-I-closed sets and obtain some properties. Lastly, we introduce the notions of fuzzy {beta}-I-continuity with the help of fuzzy {beta}-I-open sets to obtain decomposition of fuzzy continuity.


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    Leonardo Pinto dos Santos


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho visa explorar as possiblidades presentes nos sentidos paladar, olfato e/ou tato dentro do ensino da ciência geográfica com abordagem para a Educação Ambiental, levando discentes e educadores a (re inventar saberes e fazeres na educação básica. Dentro da oficina intitulada de “geografia dos aromas e sabores” os alunos participantes do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência explorarão a sensibilidade propiciada por parte dos sentidos humanos na compreensão da ampla interdependência global a qual estamos vivendo, levando-os a percepção do quando se torna importante pensarmos em uma conscientização coletiva sobre o meio ambiente e sobre nossas práticas cotidianas.

  2. Fuzzy stochastic damage mechanics (FSDM based on fuzzy auto-adaptive control theory

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    Ya-jun Wang


    Full Text Available In order to fully interpret and describe damage mechanics, the origin and development of fuzzy stochastic damage mechanics were introduced based on the analysis of the harmony of damage, probability, and fuzzy membership in the interval of [0,1]. In a complete normed linear space, it was proven that a generalized damage field can be simulated through β probability distribution. Three kinds of fuzzy behaviors of damage variables were formulated and explained through analysis of the generalized uncertainty of damage variables and the establishment of a fuzzy functional expression. Corresponding fuzzy mapping distributions, namely, the half-depressed distribution, swing distribution, and combined swing distribution, which can simulate varying fuzzy evolution in diverse stochastic damage situations, were set up. Furthermore, through demonstration of the generalized probabilistic characteristics of damage variables, the cumulative distribution function and probability density function of fuzzy stochastic damage variables, which show β probability distribution, were modified according to the expansion principle. The three-dimensional fuzzy stochastic damage mechanical behaviors of the Longtan rolled-concrete dam were examined with the self-developed fuzzy stochastic damage finite element program. The statistical correlation and non-normality of random field parameters were considered comprehensively in the fuzzy stochastic damage model described in this paper. The results show that an initial damage field based on the comprehensive statistical evaluation helps to avoid many difficulties in the establishment of experiments and numerical algorithms for damage mechanics analysis.



    Dhruba Das; Hemanta K. Baruah


    In this article, based on Zadeh’s extension principle we have apply the parametric programming approach to construct the membership functions of the performance measures when the interarrival time and the service time are fuzzy numbers based on the Baruah’s Randomness- Fuzziness Consistency Principle. The Randomness-Fuzziness Consistency Principle leads to defining a normal law of fuzziness using two different laws of randomness. In this article, two fuzzy queues FM...

  4. A Eficácia do Uso de uma Abordagem Via Gêneros Textuais no Ensino da Habilidade de Produção Escrita em Inglês como Língua Estrangeira, para Alunos do Ensino Fundamental: um Estudo de Caso


    Maria Raquel de Andrade Bambirra


    Este trabalho de pesquisa investigou a eficácia do uso de uma abordagem via gêneros textuais no ensino da habilidade de produção escrita em inglês como língua estrangeira para alunos de Ensino Fundamental, no Brasil. Seu suporte está na teorização de Halliday (1989) acerca do contexto de cultura dos textos, notadamente as noções de campo, teor e modo, e na teorização de Hasan (1989) com relação ao contexto de situação, em especial sua classificação da estrutura genética dos textos através do ...


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    Dhruba Das


    Full Text Available In this article, based on Zadeh’s extension principle we have apply the parametric programming approach to construct the membership functions of the performance measures when the interarrival time and the service time are fuzzy numbers based on the Baruah’s Randomness- Fuzziness Consistency Principle. The Randomness-Fuzziness Consistency Principle leads to defining a normal law of fuzziness using two different laws of randomness. In this article, two fuzzy queues FM/M/1 and M/FM/1 has been studied and constructed their membership functions of the system characteristics based on the aforesaid principle. The former represents a queue with fuzzy exponential arrivals and exponential service rate while the latter represents a queue with exponential arrival rate and fuzzy exponential service rate.





    Esta dissertação investiga o desempenho de técnicas de inteligência computacional na previsão de carga em curto prazo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor e avaliar sistemas de redes neurais, lógica nebulosa, neuro-fuzzy e híbridos para previsão de carga em curto prazo, utilizando como entradas variáveis que influenciam o comportamento da carga, tais como: temperatura, índice de conforto e perfil de consumo. Este trabalho envolve 4 etapas principais: um estudo...

  7. Introduction to Fuzzy Set Theory (United States)

    Kosko, Bart


    An introduction to fuzzy set theory is described. Topics covered include: neural networks and fuzzy systems; the dynamical systems approach to machine intelligence; intelligent behavior as adaptive model-free estimation; fuzziness versus probability; fuzzy sets; the entropy-subsethood theorem; adaptive fuzzy systems for backing up a truck-and-trailer; product-space clustering with differential competitive learning; and adaptive fuzzy system for target tracking.

  8. Uncertainty analysis of flexible rotors considering fuzzy parameters and fuzzy-random parameters

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    Fabian Andres Lara-Molina

    Full Text Available Abstract The components of flexible rotors are subjected to uncertainties. The main sources of uncertainties include the variation of mechanical properties. This contribution aims at analyzing the dynamics of flexible rotors under uncertain parameters modeled as fuzzy and fuzzy random variables. The uncertainty analysis encompasses the modeling of uncertain parameters and the numerical simulation of the corresponding flexible rotor model by using an approach based on fuzzy dynamic analysis. The numerical simulation is accomplished by mapping the fuzzy parameters of the deterministic flexible rotor model. Thereby, the flexible rotor is modeled by using both the Fuzzy Finite Element Method and the Fuzzy Stochastic Finite Element Method. Numerical simulations illustrate the methodology conveyed in terms of orbits and frequency response functions subject to uncertain parameters.

  9. Statistical Methods for Fuzzy Data

    CERN Document Server

    Viertl, Reinhard


    Statistical data are not always precise numbers, or vectors, or categories. Real data are frequently what is called fuzzy. Examples where this fuzziness is obvious are quality of life data, environmental, biological, medical, sociological and economics data. Also the results of measurements can be best described by using fuzzy numbers and fuzzy vectors respectively. Statistical analysis methods have to be adapted for the analysis of fuzzy data. In this book, the foundations of the description of fuzzy data are explained, including methods on how to obtain the characterizing function of fuzzy m

  10. Paired fuzzy sets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rodríguez, J. Tinguaro; Franco de los Ríos, Camilo; Gómez, Daniel


    In this paper we want to stress the relevance of paired fuzzy sets, as already proposed in previous works of the authors, as a family of fuzzy sets that offers a unifying view for different models based upon the opposition of two fuzzy sets, simply allowing the existence of different types...

  11. Fuzzy Arden Syntax: A fuzzy programming language for medicine. (United States)

    Vetterlein, Thomas; Mandl, Harald; Adlassnig, Klaus-Peter


    The programming language Arden Syntax has been optimised for use in clinical decision support systems. We describe an extension of this language named Fuzzy Arden Syntax, whose original version was introduced in S. Tiffe's dissertation on "Fuzzy Arden Syntax: Representation and Interpretation of Vague Medical Knowledge by Fuzzified Arden Syntax" (Vienna University of Technology, 2003). The primary aim is to provide an easy means of processing vague or uncertain data, which frequently appears in medicine. For both propositional and number data types, fuzzy equivalents have been added to Arden Syntax. The Boolean data type was generalised to represent any truth degree between the two extremes 0 (falsity) and 1 (truth); fuzzy data types were introduced to represent fuzzy sets. The operations on truth values and real numbers were generalised accordingly. As the conditions to decide whether a certain programme unit is executed or not may be indeterminate, a Fuzzy Arden Syntax programme may split. The data in the different branches may be optionally aggregated subsequently. Fuzzy Arden Syntax offers the possibility to formulate conveniently Medical Logic Modules (MLMs) based on the principle of a continuously graded applicability of statements. Furthermore, ad hoc decisions about sharp value boundaries can be avoided. As an illustrative example shows, an MLM making use of the features of Fuzzy Arden Syntax is not significantly more complex than its Arden Syntax equivalent; in the ideal case, a programme handling crisp data remains practically unchanged when compared to its fuzzified version. In the latter case, the output data, which can be a set of weighted alternatives, typically depends continuously from the input data. In typical applications an Arden Syntax MLM can produce a different output after only slight changes of the input; discontinuities are in fact unavoidable when the input varies continuously but the output is taken from a discrete set of possibilities

  12. Intuitionistic fuzzy logics

    CERN Document Server

    T Atanassov, Krassimir


    The book offers a comprehensive survey of intuitionistic fuzzy logics. By reporting on both the author’s research and others’ findings, it provides readers with a complete overview of the field and highlights key issues and open problems, thus suggesting new research directions. Starting with an introduction to the basic elements of intuitionistic fuzzy propositional calculus, it then provides a guide to the use of intuitionistic fuzzy operators and quantifiers, and lastly presents state-of-the-art applications of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. The book is a valuable reference resource for graduate students and researchers alike.

  13. Abordagem profissional da violência familiar contra o idoso em uma unidade básica de saúde

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    Ana Claudia Nunes de Souza Wanderbroocke


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo descrever a abordagem profissional da violência familiar contra idosos em uma unidade básica de saúde (UBS. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, com dados coletados por meio de observação participante com registro em diário de campo e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Participaram das entrevistas dez profissionais da UBS. Os dados foram analisados segundo o referencial da Grounded Theory e duas categorias foram discutidas: manejo profissional de situações de violência familiar contra o idoso e condições da UBS para atender a situações de violência familiar contra o idoso. Os dados apontam para dificuldades dos profissionais de identificar situações de violência e crenças relacionadas à impossibilidade de enfrentá-la. Em termos institucionais, os dados indicam fatores que desfavorecem a detecção e acompanhamento dos casos como a menor ênfase no trabalho interdisciplinar e rotinas voltadas para a saúde física. O estudo sugere a necessidade de oferecer aos profissionais oportunidade para a reflexão sobre violência e possibilidades de intervenção.

  14. (L,M-Fuzzy σ-Algebras

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    Fu-Gui Shi


    Full Text Available The notion of (L,M-fuzzy σ-algebras is introduced in the lattice value fuzzy set theory. It is a generalization of Klement's fuzzy σ-algebras. In our definition of (L,M-fuzzy σ-algebras, each L-fuzzy subset can be regarded as an L-measurable set to some degree.

  15. O estudo dos neologismos semânticos no ensino de português: abordagem a partir de textos publicitários


    Elida Ferreira Martins


    Neste trabalho, enfocamos um aspecto do léxico do português que diz respeito aos neologismos semânticos, bem como sua abordagem no ensino de Língua Portuguesa no Brasil. O objetivo principal da pesquisa consiste em analisar, qualitativamente, os neologismos semânticos encontrados em textos publicitários de revistas noticiosas de circulação nacional, a partir de uma perspectiva pedagógica. Para a constituição do corpus de neologismos, utilizamos uma amostra do Acervo Digital da revista Veja...

  16. Recurrent fuzzy ranking methods (United States)

    Hajjari, Tayebeh


    With the increasing development of fuzzy set theory in various scientific fields and the need to compare fuzzy numbers in different areas. Therefore, Ranking of fuzzy numbers plays a very important role in linguistic decision-making, engineering, business and some other fuzzy application systems. Several strategies have been proposed for ranking of fuzzy numbers. Each of these techniques has been shown to produce non-intuitive results in certain case. In this paper, we reviewed some recent ranking methods, which will be useful for the researchers who are interested in this area.

  17. Fuzzy production planning models for an unreliable production system with fuzzy production rate and stochastic/fuzzy demand rate

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    K. A. Halim


    Full Text Available In this article, we consider a single-unit unreliable production system which produces a single item. During a production run, the production process may shift from the in-control state to the out-of-control state at any random time when it produces some defective items. The defective item production rate is assumed to be imprecise and is characterized by a trapezoidal fuzzy number. The production rate is proportional to the demand rate where the proportionality constant is taken to be a fuzzy number. Two production planning models are developed on the basis of fuzzy and stochastic demand patterns. The expected cost per unit time in the fuzzy sense is derived in each model and defuzzified by using the graded mean integration representation method. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the optimal results of the proposed fuzzy models.

  18. A segurança alimentar e nutricional e o uso da abordagem de direitos humanos no desenho das políticas públicas para combater a fome e a pobreza Food and nutritional security and the use of a human rights-based approach on the development of public policies to fight hunger and poverty

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    Maria de Fátima Machado de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Este ensaio tem como objetivo enfatizar a importância da utilização da abordagem de direitos humanos no desenho das políticas públicas para combater a fome e a pobreza no Brasil. Inicialmente foi apresentado um marco teórico sobre o conceito de segurança alimentar e nutricional e o direito humano à alimentação adequada. Também foram identificadas as obrigações do Estado para a realização do direito humano à alimentação adequada, bem como o que se identifica como potenciais violações deste direito. Depois se buscou discutir o significado de uma abordagem baseada nos direitos e como esta abordagem pode contribuir para a promoção do direito à alimentação adequada. Foi realizada uma breve reflexão sobre a questão da (insegurança alimentar, suas diversas formas de avaliação e sobre a importância de investigar mais detalhadamente as repercussões desta questão sobre o indivíduo e a família, inclusive daquelas que participam de programas sociais.This essay aims to discuss the meaning of a human rights-based approach in the context of the public policies used in the fight against hunger and poverty in Brazil. Some aspects were presented such as the accepted concepts of food and nutritional security and the human right to appropriate nutrition. The obligations of the State to fulfill the human right to appropriate nutrition were also identified as well as that which is seen as potential violations of this right. Then, the meaning of a rights-based approach and how this approach can contribute to promote the right to appropriate nutrition were discussed. A concise reflection was done on the food (insecurity issue, its many ways of assessment and the importance of investigating in a more detailed manner the repercussions of this issue on individuals and families, including those who are benefited by social programs.

  19. Construction of Fuzzy Sets and Applying Aggregation Operators for Fuzzy Queries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hudec, Miroslav; Sudzina, Frantisek

    Flexible query conditions could use linguistic terms described by fuzzy sets. The question is how to properly construct fuzzy sets for each linguistic term and apply an adequate aggregation function. For construction of fuzzy sets, the lowest value, the highest value of attribute...... and the distribution of data inside its domain are used. The logarithmic transformation of domains appears to be suitable. This way leads to a balanced distribution of tuples over fuzzy sets. In addition, users’ opinions about linguistic terms as well as current content in database are merged. The second investigated...

  20. Uma abordagem hermenêutica da relação saúde-doença

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    Andrea Caprara

    Full Text Available Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a discussão presente sobre a relação entre a saúde e a doença, abordando a problemática por meio da perspectiva hermenêutica. Na primeira parte, retomando a discussão que foi se desenvolvendo dentro das linhas filosóficas hermenêutica, fenomenológica e existencial, será analisada a obra de dois filósofos, Kierkegaard e Heidegger, que influenciaram profundamente a hermenêutica contemporânea. Será apresentado o conceito de angústia que, ao contrário da abordagem biomédica, para Kierkegaard é um componente constitutivo dos seres humanos: para este autor, assim como sucessivamente para Heidegger, a ansiedade não é um sintoma patológico mas um estado que permite um acesso privilegiado de autoconhecimento. Na segunda parte, tentaremos abordar como, na hermenêutica, e principalmente na obra de Gadamer, foram sendo desenvolvidos os conceitos de saúde, doença, sofrimento; analisaremos também como esta perspectiva influenciou, nos últimos anos, as ciências sociais que abordam os problemas de saúde, em particular a antropologia médica. Na terceira e última parte, apresentaremos as implicações da hermenêutica na formação e prática clínica, mostrando a aplicabilidade do pensamento de Heidegger e Gadamer no trabalho de médicos e enfermeiros.

  1. Fuzzy social choice theory

    CERN Document Server

    B Gibilisco, Michael; E Albert, Karen; N Mordeson, John; J Wierman, Mark; D Clark, Terry


    This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the social choice literature and shows, by applying fuzzy sets, how the use of fuzzy preferences, rather than that of strict ones, may affect the social choice theorems. To do this, the book explores the presupposition of rationality within the fuzzy framework and shows that the two conditions for rationality, completeness and transitivity, do exist with fuzzy preferences. Specifically, this book examines: the conditions under which a maximal set exists; the Arrow’s theorem;  the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem; and the median voter theorem.  After showing that a non-empty maximal set does exists for fuzzy preference relations, this book goes on to demonstrating the existence of a fuzzy aggregation rule satisfying all five Arrowian conditions, including non-dictatorship. While the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem only considers individual fuzzy preferences, this work shows that both individuals and groups can choose alternatives to various degrees, resulting in a so...

  2. Relations Among Some Fuzzy Entropy Formulae

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Fuzzy entropy has been widely used to analyze and design fuzzy systems, and many fuzzy entropy formulae have been proposed. For further in-deepth analysis of fuzzy entropy, the axioms and some important formulae of fuzzy entropy are introduced. Some equivalence results among these fuzzy entropy formulae are proved, and it is shown that fuzzy entropy is a special distance measurement.

  3. New fuzzy EWMA control charts for monitoring phase II fuzzy profiles

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    Ghazale Moghadam


    Full Text Available In many quality control applications, the quality of a process or product is explained by the relationship between response variable and one or more explanatory variables, called a profile. In this paper, a new fuzzy EWMA control chart for phase II fuzzy profile monitoring is proposed. To this end, we extend EWMA control charts to its equivalent Fuzzy type and then implement fuzzy ranking methods to determine whether the process fuzzy profile is under or out of control. The proposed method is capable of identifying small changes in process under condition of process profile explaining parameters vagueness, roughness and uncertainty. Determining the source of changes, this method provides us with the possibility of recognizing the causes of process transition from stable mode, removing these causes and restoring the process stable mode.

  4. Inference of RMR value using fuzzy set theory and neuro-fuzzy techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bae, Gyu-Jin; Cho, Mahn-Sup [Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Koyang(Korea)


    In the design of tunnel, it contains inaccuracy of data, fuzziness of evaluation, observer error and so on. The face observation during tunnel excavation, therefore, plays an important role to raise stability and to reduce supporting cost. This study is carried out to minimize the subjectiveness of observer and to exactly evaluate the natural properties of ground during the face observation. For these purpose, fuzzy set theory and neuro-fuzzy techniques in artificial intelligent techniques are applied to the inference of the RMR(Rock Mass Rating) value from the observation data. The correlation between original RMR value and inferred RMR{sub {sub F}U} and RMR{sub {sub N}F} values from fuzzy Set theory and neuro-fuzzy techniques is investigated using 46 data. The results show that good correlation between original RMR value and inferred RMR{sub {sub F}U} and RMR{sub {sub N}F} values is observed when the correlation coefficients are |R|=0.96 and |R|=0.95 respectively. >From these results, applicability of fuzzy set theory and neuro-fuzzy techniques to rock mass classification is proved to be sufficiently high enough. (author). 17 refs., 5 tabs., 9 figs.

  5. Outdoor altitude stabilization of QuadRotor based on type-2 fuzzy and fuzzy PID (United States)

    Wicaksono, H.; Yusuf, Y. G.; Kristanto, C.; Haryanto, L.


    This paper presents a design of altitude stabilization of QuadRotor based on type-2 fuzzy and fuzzy PID. This practical design is implemented outdoor. Barometric and sonar sensor were used in this experiment as an input for the controller YoHe. The throttle signal as a control input was provided by the controller to leveling QuadRotor in particular altitude and known well as altitude stabilization. The parameter of type-2 fuzzy and fuzzy PID was tuned in several heights to get the best control parameter for any height. Type-2 fuzzy produced better result than fuzzy PID but had a slow response in the beginning.

  6. ps-ro Fuzzy Open(Closed Functions and ps-ro Fuzzy Semi-Homeomorphism

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    Pankaj Chettri


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to introduce and characterize some new class of functions in a fuzzy topological space termed as ps-ro fuzzy open(closed functions, ps-ro fuzzy pre semiopen functions and ps-ro fuzzy semi-homeomorphism. The interrelation among these concepts and also their relations with the parallel existing concepts are established. It is also shown with the help of examples that these newly introduced concepts are independent of the well known existing allied concepts.

  7. A new approach to microbial production of gallic acid Uma nova abordagem para produção microbiana de ácido gálico

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    Bhakti Bajpai


    Full Text Available In a new approach to microbial gallic acid production by Aspergillus fischeri MTCC 150, 40gL-1 of tannic acid was added in two installments during the bioconversion phase of the process (25gL-1 and 15gL-1 at 32 and 44h respectively. The optimum parameters for the bioconversion phase were found to be temperature: 35ºC, pH: slightly acidic (3.3-3.5, aeration: nil and agitation: 250 rpm. A maximum of 71.4% conversion was obtained after 71h fermentation with 83.3% product recovery. The yield was 7.35 g of gallic acid per g of biomass accumulated and the fermenter productivity was 0.56 g of gallic acid produced per liter of medium per hour.Em uma nova abordagem para produção de ácido gálico por Aspergillus fischeri MTCC 150, adiciona-se 40 g.L-1 de ácido tânico em dois momentos da fase de bioconversão do processo (25 g.L-1 e 15 g.L-1 a 32h e 44h, respectivamente. Os parâmetros ótimos para a fase de bioconversão foram: temperatura 35ºC, pH levemente ácido (3,3 a 3,5, nenhuma aeração e agitação 250 rpm. Um máximo de 71,4% de conversão foi obtido após 71h de fermentação, com 83,3% de recuperação do produto. O rendimento foi 7,35g de ácido gálico por g de biomassa acumulada e a produtividade do fermentador foi 0,56g de ácido gálico por litro de meio por hora.

  8. Determination of interrill soil erodibility coefficient based on Fuzzy and Fuzzy-Genetic Systems

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    Habib Palizvan Zand


    Full Text Available Introduction: Although the fuzzy logic science has been used successfully in various sudies of hydrology and soil erosion, but in literature review no article was found about its performance for estimating of interrill erodibility. On the other hand, studies indicate that genetic algorithm techniques can be used in fuzzy models and finding the appropriate membership functions for linguistic variables and fuzzy rules. So this study was conducted to develop the fuzzy and fuzzy–genetics models and investigation of their performance in the estimation of soil interrill erodibility factor (Ki. Materials and Methods: For this reason 36 soil samples with different physical and chemical properties were collected from west of Azerbaijan province . soilsamples were also taken from the Ap or A horizon of each soil profile. The samples were air-dried , sieved and Some soil characteristics such as soil texture, organic matter (OM, cation exchange capacity (CEC, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR, EC and pH were determined by the standard laboratory methods. Aggregates size distributions (ASD were determined by the wet-sieving method and fractal dimension of soil aggregates (Dn was also calculated. In order to determination of soil interrill erodibility, the flume experiment performed by packing soil a depth of 0.09-m in 0.5 × 1.0 m. soil was saturated from the base and adjusted to 9% slope and was subjected to at least 90 min rainfall . Rainfall intensity treatments were 20, 37 and 47 mm h-1. During each rainfall event, runoff was collected manually in different time intervals, being less than 60 s at the beginning, up to 15 min near the end of the test. At the end of the experiment, the volumes of runoff samples and the mass of sediment load at each time interval were measured. Finally interrill erodibility values were calculated using Kinnell (11 Equation. Then by statistical analyses Dn and sand percent of the soils were selected as input variables and Ki as

  9. Foundations Of Fuzzy Control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jantzen, Jan

    The objective of this textbook is to acquire an understanding of the behaviour of fuzzy logic controllers. Under certain conditions a fuzzy controller is equivalent to a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller. Using that equivalence as a link, the book applies analysis methods from...... linear and nonlinear control theory. In the linear domain, PID tuning methods and stability analyses are transferred to linear fuzzy controllers. The Nyquist plot shows the robustness of different settings of the fuzzy gain parameters. As a result, a fuzzy controller is guaranteed to perform as well...... as any PID controller. In the nonlinear domain, the stability of four standard control surfaces is analysed by means of describing functions and Nyquist plots. The self-organizing controller (SOC) is shown to be a model reference adaptive controller. There is a possibility that a nonlinear fuzzy PID...

  10. Properties of Bipolar Fuzzy Hypergraphs


    Akram, M.; Dudek, W. A.; Sarwar, S.


    In this article, we apply the concept of bipolar fuzzy sets to hypergraphs and investigate some properties of bipolar fuzzy hypergraphs. We introduce the notion of $A-$ tempered bipolar fuzzy hypergraphs and present some of their properties. We also present application examples of bipolar fuzzy hypergraphs.

  11. Abordagem diagnóstica da tosse crônica em pacientes não-tabagistas: diagnostic approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacomelli Márcia


    Full Text Available A tosse, como mecanismo fisiológico, tem fundamental importância na remoção das secreções respiratórias, constituindo, assim, um dos mecanismos de defesa pulmonar. No entanto, os quadros de tosse crônica constituem uma das principais causas de procura por assistência médica no mundo, o que ressalta o significado da correta identificação e tratamento dos fatores desencadeantes e/ou perpetuadores. Dentre os vários fatores relacionados aos quadros de tosse crônica, alguns assumem papel de relevada importância, tais como o refluxo gastroesofágico, a rinorréia posterior ou a asma, já que, isolada ou conjuntamente, constituem cerca de 95% das causas. O passo fundamental para o sucesso terapêutico nos quadros de tosse crônica é uma abordagem diagnóstica racional, que investigue a tosse crônica de maneira progressiva, permitindo, assim, a instituição do tratamento de forma mais custo-efetiva. Para isso, a proposta de um algoritmo a ser seguido serve como base para essa investigação inicial.

  12. Word Similarity from Dictionaries: Inferring Fuzzy Measures from Fuzzy Graphs

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    Vicenc Torra


    Full Text Available WORD SIMILARITY FROM DICTIONARIES: INFERRING FUZZY MEASURES FROM FUZZY GRAPHS The computation of similarities between words is a basic element of information retrieval systems, when retrieval is not solely based on word matching. In this work we consider a measure between words based on dictionaries. This is achieved assuming that a dictionary is formalized as a fuzzy graph. We show that the approach permits to compute measures not only for pairs of words but for sets of them.

  13. Comparison of fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TODIM methods for landfill location selection. (United States)

    Hanine, Mohamed; Boutkhoum, Omar; Tikniouine, Abdessadek; Agouti, Tarik


    Landfill location selection is a multi-criteria decision problem and has a strategic importance for many regions. The conventional methods for landfill location selection are insufficient in dealing with the vague or imprecise nature of linguistic assessment. To resolve this problem, fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making methods are proposed. The aim of this paper is to use fuzzy TODIM (the acronym for Interactive and Multi-criteria Decision Making in Portuguese) and the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) methods for the selection of landfill location. The proposed methods have been applied to a landfill location selection problem in the region of Casablanca, Morocco. After determining the criteria affecting the landfill location decisions, fuzzy TODIM and fuzzy AHP methods are applied to the problem and results are presented. The comparisons of these two methods are also discussed.

  14. (Fuzzy) Ideals of BN-Algebras (United States)

    Walendziak, Andrzej


    The notions of an ideal and a fuzzy ideal in BN-algebras are introduced. The properties and characterizations of them are investigated. The concepts of normal ideals and normal congruences of a BN-algebra are also studied, the properties of them are displayed, and a one-to-one correspondence between them is presented. Conditions for a fuzzy set to be a fuzzy ideal are given. The relationships between ideals and fuzzy ideals of a BN-algebra are established. The homomorphic properties of fuzzy ideals of a BN-algebra are provided. Finally, characterizations of Noetherian BN-algebras and Artinian BN-algebras via fuzzy ideals are obtained. PMID:26125050

  15. Design of a fuzzy logic based controller for neutron power regulation; Diseno de un controlador basado en logica difusa para la regulacion de flujo neutronico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Velez D, D


    This work presents a fuzzy logic controller design for neutron power control, from its source to its full power level, applied to a nuclear reactor model. First, we present the basic definitions on fuzzy sets as generalized definitions of the crisp (non fuzzy) set theory. Likewise, we define the basic operations on fuzzy sets (complement, union, and intersection), and the operations on fuzzy relations such as projection and cylindrical extension operations. Furthermore, some concepts of the fuzzy control theory, such as the main modules of the typical fuzzy controller structure and its internal variables, are defined. After the knowledge base is obtained by simulation of the reactor behavior, where the controlled system is modeled by a simple nonlinear reactor model, this model is used to infer a set of fuzzy rules for the reactor response to different insertions of reactivity. The reduction of the response time, using fuzzy rule based controllers on this reactor, is possible by adjusting the output membership functions, by selecting fuzzy rule sets, or by increasing the number of crisp inputs to the fuzzy controller. System characteristics, such as number of rules, response times, and safety parameter values, were considered in the evaluation of each controller merits. Different fuzzy controllers are designed to attain the desired power level, to maintain a constant level for long periods of time, and to keep the reactor away from a shutdown condition. The basic differences among the controllers are the number of crisp inputs and the novel implementation of a crisp power level-based selection of different sets of output membership functions. Simulation results highlight, mainly: (1) A decrease of the response variations at low power level, and (2) a decrease in the time required to attain the desired neutron power. Finally, we present a comparative study of different fuzzy control algorithms applied to a nuclear model. (Author)

  16. An Application of Fuzzy Inference System by Clustering Subtractive Fuzzy Method for Estimating of Product Requirement

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    Fajar Ibnu Tufeil


    Full Text Available Model fuzzy memiliki kemampuan untuk menjelaskan secara linguistik suatu sistem yang terlalu kompleks. Aturan-aturan dalam model fuzzy pada umumnya dibangun berdasarkan keahlian manusia dan pengetahuan heuristik dari sistem yang dimodelkan. Teknik ini selanjutnya dikembangkan menjadi teknik yang dapat mengidentifikasi aturan-aturan dari suatu basis data yang telah dikelompokkan berdasarkan persamaan strukturnya. Dalam hal ini metode pengelompokan fuzzy berfungsi untuk mencari kelompok-kelompok data. Informasi yang dihasilkan dari metode pengelompokan ini, yaitu informasi tentang pusat kelompok, digunakan untuk membentuk aturan-aturan dalam sistem penalaran fuzzy. Dalam skripsi ini dibahas mengenai penerapan fuzzy infereance system dengan metode pengelompokan fuzzy subtractive clustering, yaitu untuk membentuk sistem penalaran fuzzy dengan menggunakan model fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno orde satu. Selanjutnya, metode pengelompokan fuzzy subtractive clustering diterapkan dalam memodelkan masalah dibidang pemasaran, yaitu untuk memprediksi permintaan pasar terhadap suatu produk susu. Aplikasi ini dibangun menggunakan Borland Delphi 6.0. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh tingkat error prediksi terkecil yaitu dengan Error Average 0.08%.

  17. Avanços na abordagem do carcinoma precoce de esôfago

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    Vitor Arantes

    Full Text Available Nos países ocidentais, o carcinoma de células escamosas de esôfago (CCE geralmente é detectado em estágio avançado, quando as possibilidades de cura são remotas e o prognóstico reservado. Entretanto, nos anos recentes, ocorreu uma série de avanços na abordagem do CCE de esôfago, tais como a identificação dos grupos de risco para o surgimento desta neoplasia; o uso da endoscopia de alta resolução e cromoendoscopia com lugol favorecendo o diagnóstico do CCE em estágios iniciais; e o desenvolvimento de técnicas endoscópicas de ressecção tumoral endoluminal em monobloco denominada dissecção endoscópica de submucosa. Este progresso tem possibilitado a aplicação do tratamento endoscópico minimamente invasivo com potencial curativo em pacientes selecionados com CCE superficial de esôfago. O presente artigo de revisão, elaborado por um grupo multicêntrico internacional, tem como objetivo primário contribuir para o entendimento dos principais avanços recentes ocorridos no manejo do CCE precoce de esôfago. Como objetivo secundário, pretende propiciar uma revisão detalhada e minuciosa da estratégia técnica de DES desenvolvida pelos experts japoneses, de forma a colaborar para a difusão deste conceito e a incorporação destas tecnologias na Medicina Brasileira e Latino-americana.

  18. Abordagem supraclavicular da artéria subclávia direita para estabelecimento de circulação extracorpórea nas doenças da aorta

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    FABRI Hélio Antônio


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estabelecer a circulação extracorpórea através de canulação da artéria subclávia direita por meio de incisão supraclavicular. MÉTODO: Foram estudados, no período de outubro de 2001 a março de 2002, quatro pacientes com diagnóstico de dissecção aguda de aorta tipo A de Stanford, sendo realizada em todos os casos canulação da artéria subclávia direita por via supraclavicular e realização de perfusão cerebral anterógrada durante o período de parada circulatória total. RESULTADOS: A artéria subclávia direita foi canulada diretamente e não houve nenhuma complicação neurovascular relacionada ao procedimento. A circulação extracorpórea foi mantida com fluxo adequado durante toda a operação. Houve 1 óbito hospitalar, não relacionado ao procedimento. DISCUSSÃO: Um dos passos mais importantes na melhora dos resultados operatórios é a perfusão sistêmica anterógrada, realizada através do sistema arterial e a subclávia para isso permite a perfusão da luz verdadeira. A abordagem supraclavicular nos proporciona um campo operatório adequado e facilidade para a realização da perfusão cerebral anterógrada que também é importante neste arsenal para uma redução da mortalidade operatória. CONCLUSÃO: A incisão supraclavicular nos proporciona um acesso factível com boa exposição da artéria subclávia direita em uma região em que ela apresenta um bom calibre e com poucas estruturas adjacentes que poderiam ser lesadas. Além disso, possibilita a canulação de forma direta e com boa posição da cânula arterial.

  19. Fuzzy control and identification

    CERN Document Server

    Lilly, John H


    This book gives an introduction to basic fuzzy logic and Mamdani and Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. The text shows how these can be used to control complex nonlinear engineering systems, while also also suggesting several approaches to modeling of complex engineering systems with unknown models. Finally, fuzzy modeling and control methods are combined in the book, to create adaptive fuzzy controllers, ending with an example of an obstacle-avoidance controller for an autonomous vehicle using modus ponendo tollens logic.

  20. Fuzzy pharmacology: theory and applications. (United States)

    Sproule, Beth A; Naranjo, Claudio A; Türksen, I Burhan


    Fuzzy pharmacology is a term coined to represent the application of fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory to pharmacological problems. Fuzzy logic is the science of reasoning, thinking and inference that recognizes and uses the real world phenomenon that everything is a matter of degree. It is an extension of binary logic that is able to deal with complex systems because it does not require crisp definitions and distinctions for the system components. In pharmacology, fuzzy modeling has been used for the mechanical control of drug delivery in surgical settings, and work has begun evaluating its use in other pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic applications. Fuzzy pharmacology is an emerging field that, based on these initial explorations, warrants further investigation.

  1. Por uma abordagem (independência de cláusulas à luz da noção de "unidade informacional"

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    Maria Beatriz Nascimento Decat


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetiva mostrar que o caráter (independentedas cláusulas pode ser melhor explicado em termos da noção de "unidade de informação", bem como das funções discursivas das cláusulas que constituem opções de organ ização do discurso. Em outras palavras, pretende-se evidenciar o que significa, para uma cláusula, ser, ou não, dependente. Numa abordagem fun cional-discursiva, trabalhandos e, portanto, com a noção de língua em uso e considerando-se a função comunicativo-interacional da linguagem -, pretende-se ainda fornecer uma explicação para a ocorrência isolada, cada vez mais frequente em textos escritos, de cláusulas vistas como dependentes pelas análises tradicionais.

  2. Fuzzy data analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Bandemer, Hans


    Fuzzy data such as marks, scores, verbal evaluations, imprecise observations, experts' opinions and grey tone pictures, are quite common. In Fuzzy Data Analysis the authors collect their recent results providing the reader with ideas, approaches and methods for processing such data when looking for sub-structures in knowledge bases for an evaluation of functional relationship, e.g. in order to specify diagnostic or control systems. The modelling presented uses ideas from fuzzy set theory and the suggested methods solve problems usually tackled by data analysis if the data are real numbers. Fuzzy Data Analysis is self-contained and is addressed to mathematicians oriented towards applications and to practitioners in any field of application who have some background in mathematics and statistics.

  3. Compound Option Pricing under Fuzzy Environment

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    Xiandong Wang


    Full Text Available Considering the uncertainty of a financial market includes two aspects: risk and vagueness; in this paper, fuzzy sets theory is applied to model the imprecise input parameters (interest rate and volatility. We present the fuzzy price of compound option by fuzzing the interest and volatility in Geske’s compound option pricing formula. For each α, the α-level set of fuzzy prices is obtained according to the fuzzy arithmetics and the definition of fuzzy-valued function. We apply a defuzzification method based on crisp possibilistic mean values of the fuzzy interest rate and fuzzy volatility to obtain the crisp possibilistic mean value of compound option price. Finally, we present a numerical analysis to illustrate the compound option pricing under fuzzy environment.

  4. Fuzzy measures and integrals

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mesiar, Radko


    Roč. 28, č. 156 (2005), s. 365-370 ISSN 0165-0114 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/04/1026 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10750506 Keywords : fuzzy measures * fuzzy integral * regular fuzzy integral Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 1.039, year: 2005

  5. Fuzzy Control Tutorial

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dotoli, M.; Jantzen, Jan


    The tutorial concerns automatic control of an inverted pendulum, especially rule based control by means of fuzzy logic. A ball balancer, implemented in a software simulator in Matlab, is used as a practical case study. The objectives of the tutorial are to teach the basics of fuzzy control......, and to show how to apply fuzzy logic in automatic control. The tutorial is distance learning, where students interact one-to-one with the teacher using e-mail....

  6. Pemodelan Sistem Fuzzy Dengan Menggunakan Matlab

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    Afan Galih Salman


    Full Text Available Fuzzy logic is a method in soft computing category, a method that could process uncertain, inaccurate, and less cost implemented data. Some methods in soft computing category besides fuzzy logic are artificial network nerve, probabilistic reasoning, and evolutionary computing. Fuzzy logic has the ability to develop fuzzy system that is intelligent system in uncertain environment. Some stages in fuzzy system formation process is input and output analysis, determining input and output variable, defining each fuzzy set member function, determining rules based on experience or knowledge of an expert in his field, and implementing fuzzy system. Overall, fuzzy logic uses simple mathematical concept, understandable, detectable uncertain and accurate data. Fuzzy system could create and apply expert experiences directly without exercise process and effort to decode the knowledge into a computer until becoming a modeling system that could be relied on decision making.

  7. Integrating Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy ARAS for evaluating financial performance

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    Abdolhamid Safaei Ghadikolaei


    Full Text Available Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM is an advanced field of Operation Research; recently MCDM methods are efficient and common tools for performance evaluation in many areas such as finance and economy. The aim of this study is to show one of applications of mathematics in real word. This study with considering value based measures and accounting based measures simultaneously, provided a hybrid approach of MCDM methods in fuzzy environment for financial performance evaluation of automotive and parts manufacturing industry of Tehran stock exchange (TSE.for this purpose Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP is applied to determine the relative important of each criterion, then The companies are ranked according their financial performance by using fuzzy additive ratio assessment (Fuzzy ARAS method. The finding of this study showed effective of this approach in evaluating financial performance.

  8. Fuzzy Graph Language Recognizability


    Kalampakas , Antonios; Spartalis , Stefanos; Iliadis , Lazaros


    Part 5: Fuzzy Logic; International audience; Fuzzy graph language recognizability is introduced along the lines of the established theory of syntactic graph language recognizability by virtue of the algebraic structure of magmoids. The main closure properties of the corresponding class are investigated and several interesting examples of fuzzy graph languages are examined.

  9. Safety critical application of fuzzy control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schildt, G.H.


    After an introduction into safety terms a short description of fuzzy logic will be given. Especially, for safety critical applications of fuzzy controllers a possible controller structure will be described. The following items will be discussed: Configuration of fuzzy controllers, design aspects like fuzzfiication, inference strategies, defuzzification and types of membership functions. As an example a typical fuzzy rule set will be presented. Especially, real-time behaviour a fuzzy controllers is mentioned. An example of fuzzy controlling for temperature control purpose within a nuclear reactor together with membership functions and inference strategy of such a fuzzy controller will be presented. (author). 4 refs, 17 figs

  10. Radiation protection and fuzzy set theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishiwaki, Y.


    In radiation protection we encounter a variety of sources of uncertainties which are due to fuzziness in our cognition or perception of objects. For systematic treatment of this type of uncertainty, the concepts of fuzzy sets or fuzzy measures could be applied to construct system models, which may take into consideration both subjective or intrinsic fuzziness and objective or extrinsic fuzziness. The theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy measures is still in a developing stage, but its concept may be applied to various problems of subjective perception of risk, nuclear safety, radiation protection and also to the problems of man-machine interface and human factor engineering or ergonomic

  11. Fuzziness and fuzzy modelling in Bulgaria's energy policy decision-making dilemma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xingquan


    The decision complexity resulting from imprecision in decision variables and parameters, a major difficulty for conventional decision analysis methods, can be relevantly analysed and modelled by fuzzy logic. Bulgaria's nuclear policy decision-making process implicates such complexity of imprecise nature: stakeholders, criteria, measurement, etc. Given the suitable applicability of fuzzy logic in this case, this article tries to offer a concrete fuzzy paradigm including delimitation of decision space, quantification of imprecise variables, and, of course, parameterisation. (author)


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    Nivaldo dos Santos


    inovação se tornaram os principais fatores de crescimento econômico, desenvolvimento e promoção de bem-estar, o presente trabalho visa um estudo da função social do contrato buscando uma aplicabilidade mais objetiva a partir dos Contratos de Transferência de Tecnologia. Objetiva-se uma abordagem conceitual da fi gura contratual e sua importância para o desenvolvimento do país. Em seguida pretende-se apresentar a posição do Brasil no cenário internacional no que se refere à inovação tecnológica, demonstrando os dispositivos legais pátrios de incentivo à inovação elegendo o contrato como instrumento apto para transformações socioeconômicas.

  13. Educação Escolar Indígena, matemática e cultura: a abordagem etnomatemática

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    Lucí T. M. dos Santos Bernardi


    Full Text Available Esse artigo, de cunho teórico, busca promover uma reflexão sobre os desafios da Educação Escolar Indígena brasileira na construção de um processo educativo na Educação Matemática que contemple amatemática tradicional dos povos e a matemática acadêmica. O trabalho tem como elemento fundamental que as práticas e a produção de conhecimentos matemáticos ocorrem em todas as culturas humanas, e temfecundidade na Etnomatemática enquanto campo de pesquisa e de ensino. Aponta a Abordagem Etnomatemática como perspectiva para conceber esse processo, oportunizando a comunidade indígena a posse destes dois conhecimentos, de forma que consiga fortalecer-se politicamente, tornando-se consciente das diferentes possibilidades de utilização do conhecimento matemático, analisando as relações de poder envolvidas no uso destes dois conhecimentos na busca de alternativas para solucionar conflitos ou crises com os quais se deparam, privilegiando uma dimensão sociopolítica para a Educação Matemática.

  14. Fuzzy combination of fuzzy and switching state-feedback controllers for nonlinear systems subject to parameter uncertainties. (United States)

    Lam, H K; Leung, Frank H F


    This paper presents a fuzzy controller, which involves a fuzzy combination of local fuzzy and global switching state-feedback controllers, for nonlinear systems subject to parameter uncertainties with known bounds. The nonlinear system is represented by a fuzzy combined Takagi-Sugeno-Kang model, which is a fuzzy combination of the global and local fuzzy plant models. By combining the local fuzzy and global switching state-feedback controllers using fuzzy logic techniques, the advantages of both controllers can be retained and the undesirable chattering effect introduced by the global switching state-feedback controller can be eliminated. The steady-state error introduced by the global switching state-feedback controller when a saturation function is used can also be removed. Stability conditions, which are related to the system matrices of the local and global closed-loop systems, are derived to guarantee the closed-loop system stability. An application example will be given to demonstrate the merits of the proposed approach.

  15. [Predicting Incidence of Hepatitis E in Chinausing Fuzzy Time Series Based on Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Analysis]. (United States)

    Luo, Yi; Zhang, Tao; Li, Xiao-song


    To explore the application of fuzzy time series model based on fuzzy c-means clustering in forecasting monthly incidence of Hepatitis E in mainland China. Apredictive model (fuzzy time series method based on fuzzy c-means clustering) was developed using Hepatitis E incidence data in mainland China between January 2004 and July 2014. The incidence datafrom August 2014 to November 2014 were used to test the fitness of the predictive model. The forecasting results were compared with those resulted from traditional fuzzy time series models. The fuzzy time series model based on fuzzy c-means clustering had 0.001 1 mean squared error (MSE) of fitting and 6.977 5 x 10⁻⁴ MSE of forecasting, compared with 0.0017 and 0.0014 from the traditional forecasting model. The results indicate that the fuzzy time series model based on fuzzy c-means clustering has a better performance in forecasting incidence of Hepatitis E.

  16. The foundations of fuzzy control

    CERN Document Server

    Lewis, Harold W


    Harold Lewis applied a cross-disciplinary approach in his highly accessible discussion of fuzzy control concepts. With the aid of fifty-seven illustrations, he thoroughly presents a unique mathematical formalism to explain the workings of the fuzzy inference engine and a novel test plant used in the research. Additionally, the text posits a new viewpoint on why fuzzy control is more popular in some countries than in others. A direct and original view of Japanese thinking on fuzzy control methods, based on the author's personal knowledge of - and association with - Japanese fuzzy research, is also included.

  17. Introduction to fuzzy logic using Matlab

    CERN Document Server

    Sivanandam, SN; Deepa, S N


    Fuzzy Logic, at present is a hot topic, among academicians as well various programmers. This book is provided to give a broad, in-depth overview of the field of Fuzzy Logic. The basic principles of Fuzzy Logic are discussed in detail with various solved examples. The different approaches and solutions to the problems given in the book are well balanced and pertinent to the Fuzzy Logic research projects. The applications of Fuzzy Logic are also dealt to make the readers understand the concept of Fuzzy Logic. The solutions to the problems are programmed using MATLAB 6.0 and the simulated results are given. The MATLAB Fuzzy Logic toolbox is provided for easy reference.

  18. A Fuzzy Query Mechanism for Human Resource Websites (United States)

    Lai, Lien-Fu; Wu, Chao-Chin; Huang, Liang-Tsung; Kuo, Jung-Chih

    Users' preferences often contain imprecision and uncertainty that are difficult for traditional human resource websites to deal with. In this paper, we apply the fuzzy logic theory to develop a fuzzy query mechanism for human resource websites. First, a storing mechanism is proposed to store fuzzy data into conventional database management systems without modifying DBMS models. Second, a fuzzy query language is proposed for users to make fuzzy queries on fuzzy databases. User's fuzzy requirement can be expressed by a fuzzy query which consists of a set of fuzzy conditions. Third, each fuzzy condition associates with a fuzzy importance to differentiate between fuzzy conditions according to their degrees of importance. Fourth, the fuzzy weighted average is utilized to aggregate all fuzzy conditions based on their degrees of importance and degrees of matching. Through the mutual compensation of all fuzzy conditions, the ordering of query results can be obtained according to user's preference.

  19. Modelo de PCP para pequenas empresas do setor alimentício


    Carvalho, Vianey Santos de; Pacheco, Diego Augusto de Jesus


    O principal objetivo desta pesquisa foi desenvolver e implantar um modelo de Planejamento e Controle da Produção no contexto das pequenas empresas do setor alimentício brasileiro. Os principais procedimentos metodológicos adotados foram a abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa e o estudo de caso para avaliar o desempenho do modelo. O estudo de caso contemplou o desenvolvimento de um modelo específico para o setor alimentício e a aplicação de atividades de PCP de acordo com as necessidades da pe...

  20. Fuzzy Rough Ring and Its Prop erties

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    REN Bi-jun; FU Yan-ling


    This paper is devoted to the theories of fuzzy rough ring and its properties. The fuzzy approximation space generated by fuzzy ideals and the fuzzy rough approximation operators were proposed in the frame of fuzzy rough set model. The basic properties of fuzzy rough approximation operators were analyzed and the consistency between approximation operators and the binary operation of ring was discussed.



    El-Latif, Alaa Mohamed Abd


    − The notions of fuzzy pre open soft sets and fuzzy pre closed soft sets were introducedby Abd El-latif et al. [2]. In this paper, we continue the study on fuzzy soft topological spaces andinvestigate the properties of fuzzy pre open soft sets, fuzzy pre closed soft sets and study variousproperties and notions related to these structures. In particular, we study the relationship betweenfuzzy pre soft interior fuzzy pre soft closure. Moreover, we study the properties of fuzzy soft pre regulars...

  2. Fuzzy Constraint-Based Agent Negotiation

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Menq-Wen Lin; K. Robert Lai; Ting-Jung Yu


    Conflicts between two or more parties arise for various reasons and perspectives. Thus, resolution of conflicts frequently relies on some form of negotiation. This paper presents a general problem-solving framework for modeling multi-issue multilateral negotiation using fuzzy constraints. Agent negotiation is formulated as a distributed fuzzy constraint satisfaction problem (DFCSP). Fuzzy constrains are thus used to naturally represent each agent's desires involving imprecision and human conceptualization, particularly when lexical imprecision and subjective matters are concerned. On the other hand, based on fuzzy constraint-based problem-solving, our approach enables an agent not only to systematically relax fuzzy constraints to generate a proposal, but also to employ fuzzy similarity to select the alternative that is subject to its acceptability by the opponents. This task of problem-solving is to reach an agreement that benefits all agents with a high satisfaction degree of fuzzy constraints, and move towards the deal more quickly since their search focuses only on the feasible solution space. An application to multilateral negotiation of a travel planning is provided to demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of our framework.

  3. Fuzzy Commitment (United States)

    Juels, Ari

    The purpose of this chapter is to introduce fuzzy commitment, one of the earliest and simplest constructions geared toward cryptography over noisy data. The chapter also explores applications of fuzzy commitment to two problems in data security: (1) secure management of biometrics, with a focus on iriscodes, and (2) use of knowledge-based authentication (i.e., personal questions) for password recovery.

  4. Multi-dimensional Fuzzy Euler Approximation

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    Yangyang Hao


    Full Text Available Multi-dimensional Fuzzy differential equations driven by multi-dimen-sional Liu process, have been intensively applied in many fields. However, we can not obtain the analytic solution of every multi-dimensional fuzzy differential equation. Then, it is necessary for us to discuss the numerical results in most situations. This paper focuses on the numerical method of multi-dimensional fuzzy differential equations. The multi-dimensional fuzzy Taylor expansion is given, based on this expansion, a numerical method which is designed for giving the solution of multi-dimensional fuzzy differential equation via multi-dimensional Euler method will be presented, and its local convergence also will be discussed.

  5. Fuzzy Control Teaching Models

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    Klaus-Dietrich Kramer


    Full Text Available Many degree courses at technical universities include the subject of control systems engineering. As an addition to conventional approaches Fuzzy Control can be used to easily find control solutions for systems, even if they include nonlinearities. To support further educational training, models which represent a technical system to be controlled are required. These models have to represent the system in a transparent and easy cognizable manner. Furthermore, a programming tool is required that supports an easy Fuzzy Control development process, including the option to verify the results and tune the system behavior. In order to support the development process a graphical user interface is needed to display the fuzzy terms under real time conditions, especially with a debug system and trace functionality. The experiences with such a programming tool, the Fuzzy Control Design Tool (FHFCE Tool, and four fuzzy teaching models will be presented in this paper. The methodical and didactical objective in the utilization of these teaching models is to develop solution strategies using Computational Intelligence (CI applications for Fuzzy Controllers in order to analyze different algorithms of inference or defuzzyfication and to verify and tune those systems efficiently.

  6. Fuzzy statistical decision-making theory and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Kabak, Özgür


    This book offers a comprehensive reference guide to fuzzy statistics and fuzzy decision-making techniques. It provides readers with all the necessary tools for making statistical inference in the case of incomplete information or insufficient data, where classical statistics cannot be applied. The respective chapters, written by prominent researchers, explain a wealth of both basic and advanced concepts including: fuzzy probability distributions, fuzzy frequency distributions, fuzzy Bayesian inference, fuzzy mean, mode and median, fuzzy dispersion, fuzzy p-value, and many others. To foster a better understanding, all the chapters include relevant numerical examples or case studies. Taken together, they form an excellent reference guide for researchers, lecturers and postgraduate students pursuing research on fuzzy statistics. Moreover, by extending all the main aspects of classical statistical decision-making to its fuzzy counterpart, the book presents a dynamic snapshot of the field that is expected to stimu...


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    Ilse Maria Beuren

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este estudo analisa, sob a abordagem institucional, as implicações da implantação de um Centro de Serviços Compartilhados (CSC nas funções da Contabilidade Gerencial. Para tal, foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza descritiva com abordagem qualitativa, a partir de um estudo de caso em empresa situada na região Sul do Brasil, constituída sob a forma de um CSC. Sob a lente da Teoria Institucional, consubstanciada no modelo proposto por Burns e Scapens (2000, foi analisada a institucionalização de regras e rotinas na Contabilidade Gerencial da empresa. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que a implantação do CSC teve implicações diretas e indiretas nas funções da Contabilidade Gerencial, visto que foi necessário alterar várias de suas funções, atividades, divisionalizações, inclusive profissionais, portanto, uma reestruturação ampla e profunda em todo o setor. Quanto às dicotomias de mudanças ocorridas com a implantação do CSC, foram observadas mais mudanças formais do que informais, evolucionárias do que revolucionárias e progressivas do que regressivas nas funções da Contabilidade Gerencial. Conclui-se com base na análise triangulada dos dados coletados, que a implantação do CSC na empresa pesquisada teve implicações significativas na estrutura organizacional e na natureza das funções da Contabilidade Gerencial, as quais resultaram na institucionalização de novas regras e rotinas nos moldes preconizados por Burns e Scapens (2000. Os resultados do estudo contribuem para o desenvolvimento de novos papéis na Contabilidade Gerencial, sob o argumento que o modelo de CSC gerou novas regras e rotinas em toda a corporação, com implicações diretas e indiretas nos papéis gerenciais institucionalizados.

  8. Abordagem grassroots e resistência: atualizando a concepção de desenvolvimento sustentável

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    Augusto Marcos Carvalho de Sena

    Full Text Available Resumo Em contrapartida às especificidades impositivas do modelo de produção capitalista - incluindo-se nesse modelo os meandros de arranjos produtivos que inserem o meio ambiente enquanto alinhado à versão tríplice da concepção tradicional de desenvolvimento sustentável -, tem surgido uma massa crítica de literatura focada na resistência ao modo de funcionamento do capitalismo ocidental. Em relação à teoria, economia solidária (pilar econômico, movimentos sociais (pilar social, ecologia política (pilar ambiental e raízes culturais (pilar cultural são aparatos importantes que não devem ficar à margem na estruturação de uma concepção alternativa do desenvolvimento sustentável. Tais aparatos são considerados elementos de resistência, visto terem fatores diferenciados quando comparados com as características tradicionais dos pilares da criticada concepção de desenvolvimento sustentável. Assim, o objetivo do presente ensaio teórico é conceber alternativas à concepção padrão do desenvolvimento sustentável, considerando aspectos da abordagem grassroots importantes para esse propósito. A contribuição é relevante tendo em vista a consideração de aspectos alternativos e complementares envolvidos na leitura da atualização conjecturada. Os prospectos do desenvolvimento grassroots têm sido usados como guia prático em ações de desenvolvimento local envolvendo comunidades menos desenvolvidas em várias partes do mundo, sem a conjectura que sinaliza para elementos conceituais que podem oferecer uma conformação alternativa à concepção do desenvolvimento sustentável. Conclui-se que a versão tradicional do desenvolvimento sustentável pode ser atualizada com elementos alternativos advindos da abordagem grassroots.

  9. Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional 1-D para uso em projeto de turbinas a vapor


    Fábio Santos Nascimento


    O presente trabalho trata do projeto aerotermodinâmico de turbinas a vapor de múltiplos estágios baseado em uma abordagem de técnicas de modelamento unidimensional. Um programa computacional foi desenvolvido para projeto preliminar de turbinas a vapor de múltiplos estágios escritos em linguagem FORTRAN 90, visando à redução do tempo de projeto preliminar, a independência de programas comerciais e o acesso ao código fonte para modificar e implementar novos modelos para melhorar o potencial da ...


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    Liliana González Palacio


    Full Text Available Los métodos usados actualmente para definir la personalidad de un individuo están compuestos por un conjunto de preguntas que son analizadas por un especialista, y de acuerdo con unos parámetros establecidos se genera el diagnóstico. Este procedimiento incorpora subjetividad, y potencia la aparición de errores. Buscando evitar el sesgo en los resultados que aparece por el criterio del especialista y automatizar tareas de procesamiento de información disminuyendo tiempos y cantidad de errores, en este artículo se propone un mecanismo para definir rasgos de la personalidad de un individuo usando lógica difusa.Methods used currently to define an individual's personality consist of a set of questions which are analyzed by a specialist and, according to several parameters, a diagnosis is made. This procedure incorporates subjectivity and error emergence possibility. In the search for avoiding biased results caused by the specialist's criterion and automating information processing tasks to reduce times and amount of errors, a mechanism for defining an individual's personality traits using fuzzy logic is proposed in this article.

  11. Fuzzy Clustering Methods and their Application to Fuzzy Modeling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kroszynski, Uri; Zhou, Jianjun


    Fuzzy modeling techniques based upon the analysis of measured input/output data sets result in a set of rules that allow to predict system outputs from given inputs. Fuzzy clustering methods for system modeling and identification result in relatively small rule-bases, allowing fast, yet accurate....... An illustrative synthetic example is analyzed, and prediction accuracy measures are compared between the different variants...

  12. A computationally efficient fuzzy control s

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    Abdel Badie Sharkawy


    Full Text Available This paper develops a decentralized fuzzy control scheme for MIMO nonlinear second order systems with application to robot manipulators via a combination of genetic algorithms (GAs and fuzzy systems. The controller for each degree of freedom (DOF consists of a feedforward fuzzy torque computing system and a feedback fuzzy PD system. The feedforward fuzzy system is trained and optimized off-line using GAs, whereas not only the parameters but also the structure of the fuzzy system is optimized. The feedback fuzzy PD system, on the other hand, is used to keep the closed-loop stable. The rule base consists of only four rules per each DOF. Furthermore, the fuzzy feedback system is decentralized and simplified leading to a computationally efficient control scheme. The proposed control scheme has the following advantages: (1 it needs no exact dynamics of the system and the computation is time-saving because of the simple structure of the fuzzy systems and (2 the controller is robust against various parameters and payload uncertainties. The computational complexity of the proposed control scheme has been analyzed and compared with previous works. Computer simulations show that this controller is effective in achieving the control goals.

  13. Shapley's value for fuzzy games

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    Raúl Alvarado Sibaja


    Full Text Available This is the continuation of a previous article titled "Fuzzy Games", where I defined a new type of games based on the Multilinear extensions f, of characteristic functions and most of standard theorems for cooperative games also hold for this new type of games: The fuzzy games. Now we give some other properties and the extension of the definition of Shapley¨s Value for Fuzzy Games Keywords: game theory, fuzzy sets, multiattribute decisions.

  14. FFLP problem with symmetric trapezoidal fuzzy numbers

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    Reza Daneshrad


    Full Text Available The most popular approach for solving fully fuzzy linear programming (FFLP problems is to convert them into the corresponding deterministic linear programs. Khan et al. (2013 [Khan, I. U., Ahmad, T., & Maan, N. (2013. A simplified novel technique for solving fully fuzzy linear programming problems. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 159(2, 536-546.] claimed that there had been no method in the literature to find the fuzzy optimal solution of a FFLP problem without converting it into crisp linear programming problem, and proposed a technique for the same. Others showed that the fuzzy arithmetic operation used by Khan et al. (2013 had some problems in subtraction and division operations, which could lead to misleading results. Recently, Ezzati et al. (2014 [Ezzati, R., Khorram, E., & Enayati, R. (2014. A particular simplex algorithm to solve fuzzy lexicographic multi-objective linear programming problems and their sensitivity analysis on the priority of the fuzzy objective functions. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 26(5, 2333-2358.] defined a new operation on symmetric trapezoidal fuzzy numbers and proposed a new algorithm to find directly a lexicographic/preemptive fuzzy optimal solution of a fuzzy lexicographic multi-objective linear programming problem by using new fuzzy arithmetic operations, but their model was not fully fuzzy optimization. In this paper, a new method, by using Ezzati et al. (2014’s fuzzy arithmetic operation and a fuzzy version of simplex algorithm, is proposed for solving FFLP problem whose parameters are represented by symmetric trapezoidal fuzzy number without converting the given problem into crisp equivalent problem. By using the proposed method, the fuzzy optimal solution of FFLP problem can be easily obtained. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the proposed method.

  15. O Significado da pele para mulheres portadoras de dermatoses : abordagem para educação em saúde


    Paz, Maria Hercilia Dias da


    Trata-se de um estudo com mulheres portadoras de dermatoses hospitalizadas numa instituição filantrópica de Fortaleza - Santa Casa de Misericórdia (SCM). Meu desempenho profissional como terapeuta ocupacional e também como docente despertou-me para investigar os significados atribuídos à pele no processo saúde/doença para este grupo de mulheres com dermatoses e identificar aspectos revelantes de suas vidas no contexto biopsicossocial que me permitisse compreender o cuidado desta clientela, pr...

  16. Uma abordagem centrada no usuário para o projeto de máquinas agrícolas de tração animal An user centered approach to the design of animal traction agricultural machinery

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    Eduardo Romeiro Filho


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta um estudo realizado como parte do projeto de uma semeadora-adubadora à tração animal, utilizando princípios relacionados a disciplinas como Usabilidade, Ergonomia e Antropotecnologia, dentro de uma perspectiva de Design para Sustentabilidade (DfS e desenvolvimento de produtos adequados à Base da Pirâmide (BoP. O estudo forneceu subsídios para uma série de alterações a serem introduzidas no equipamento, tendo em vista a melhoria das condições de trabalho em pequenas propriedades de agricultura familiar. A partir desta abordagem na análise de um implemento existente, são sugeridas formas de adequação do produto e apresentada uma proposta para uma nova semeadora-adubadora à tração animal.This paper presents a study conducted as a part of the design of an Animal Traction Sewing Machine using principles related to Usability, Ergonomics, and Antropotechnology focusing on Design for Sustainability (DfS and product development suitable for the Base of the Pyramid (BoP. The present study provided information for a series of design changes in the equipment in order to improve working conditions in small family farming properties. From this approach to the analysis of an existing implement, ways of adjusting the product are suggested, and a proposal for a novel Animal Traction Sowing Machine is presented.

  17. Effectiveness of Securities with Fuzzy Probabilistic Return

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    Krzysztof Piasecki


    Full Text Available The generalized fuzzy present value of a security is defined here as fuzzy valued utility of cash flow. The generalized fuzzy present value cannot depend on the value of future cash flow. There exists such a generalized fuzzy present value which is not a fuzzy present value in the sense given by some authors. If the present value is a fuzzy number and the future value is a random one, then the return rate is given as a probabilistic fuzzy subset on a real line. This kind of return rate is called a fuzzy probabilistic return. The main goal of this paper is to derive the family of effective securities with fuzzy probabilistic return. Achieving this goal requires the study of the basic parameters characterizing fuzzy probabilistic return. Therefore, fuzzy expected value and variance are determined for this case of return. These results are a starting point for constructing a three-dimensional image. The set of effective securities is introduced as the Pareto optimal set determined by the maximization of the expected return rate and minimization of the variance. Finally, the set of effective securities is distinguished as a fuzzy set. These results are obtained without the assumption that the distribution of future values is Gaussian. (original abstract

  18. Application of fuzzy logic to social choice theory

    CERN Document Server

    Mordeson, John N; Clark, Terry D


    Fuzzy social choice theory is useful for modeling the uncertainty and imprecision prevalent in social life yet it has been scarcely applied and studied in the social sciences. Filling this gap, Application of Fuzzy Logic to Social Choice Theory provides a comprehensive study of fuzzy social choice theory.The book explains the concept of a fuzzy maximal subset of a set of alternatives, fuzzy choice functions, the factorization of a fuzzy preference relation into the ""union"" (conorm) of a strict fuzzy relation and an indifference operator, fuzzy non-Arrowian results, fuzzy versions of Arrow's

  19. Algumas ressonâncias entre a abordagem enativa e a psicologia histórico-cultural

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    Beatriz Sancovschi


    Full Text Available O artigo examina as ressonâncias entre a abordagem enativa de F. Varela e a psicologia histórico-cultural de L. S. Vygotski, tomando como foco os mecanismos de construção da cognição. O mecanismo histórico-dialético e o mecanismo autopoiético são comparados quanto à possibilidade de darem conta da inventividade da cognição. A metodologia utilizada tem por base as indicações fornecidas por Y. Clot na coletânea Avec Vygotski. São analisadas as ressonâncias entre os autores, sublinhando seus pontos de afastamento e de proximidade, com destaque para as respectivas contribuições ao entendimento da aprendizagem, envolvendo o questionamento do foco na solução de problemas e do determinismo do meio ambiente.

  20. Implementation of Steiner point of fuzzy set. (United States)

    Liang, Jiuzhen; Wang, Dejiang


    This paper deals with the implementation of Steiner point of fuzzy set. Some definitions and properties of Steiner point are investigated and extended to fuzzy set. This paper focuses on establishing efficient methods to compute Steiner point of fuzzy set. Two strategies of computing Steiner point of fuzzy set are proposed. One is called linear combination of Steiner points computed by a series of crisp α-cut sets of the fuzzy set. The other is an approximate method, which is trying to find the optimal α-cut set approaching the fuzzy set. Stability analysis of Steiner point of fuzzy set is also studied. Some experiments on image processing are given, in which the two methods are applied for implementing Steiner point of fuzzy image, and both strategies show their own advantages in computing Steiner point of fuzzy set.

  1. On Modeling the Behavior of Comparators for Complex Fuzzy Objects in a Fuzzy Object-Relational Database Management System

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    JuanM. Medina


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a parameterized definition for fuzzy comparators on complex fuzzy datatypes like fuzzy collections with conjunctive semantics and fuzzy objects. This definition and its implementation on a Fuzzy Object-Relational Database Management System (FORDBMS provides the designer with a powerful tool to adapt the behavior of these operators to the semantics of the considered application.

  2. Metamathematics of fuzzy logic

    CERN Document Server

    Hájek, Petr


    This book presents a systematic treatment of deductive aspects and structures of fuzzy logic understood as many valued logic sui generis. Some important systems of real-valued propositional and predicate calculus are defined and investigated. The aim is to show that fuzzy logic as a logic of imprecise (vague) propositions does have well-developed formal foundations and that most things usually named `fuzzy inference' can be naturally understood as logical deduction.

  3. Construction of fuzzy automata by fuzzy experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mironov, A.


    The solving the problem of canonical realization of partial reaction morphisms (PRM) for automata in toposes and fuzzy automata is addressed. This problem extends the optimal construction problem for finite deterministic automata by experiments. In the present paper the conception of canonical realization of PRM for automata in toposes is introduced and the sufficient conditions for the existence of canonical realizations for PRM in toposes are presented. As a consequence of this result the existence of canonical realizations for PRM in the category of fuzzy sets over arbitrary complete chain is proven

  4. Construction of fuzzy automata by fuzzy experiments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mironov, A [Moscow Univ. (Russian Federation). Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science


    The solving the problem of canonical realization of partial reaction morphisms (PRM) for automata in toposes and fuzzy automata is addressed. This problem extends the optimal construction problem for finite deterministic automata by experiments. In the present paper the conception of canonical realization of PRM for automata in toposes is introduced and the sufficient conditions for the existence of canonical realizations for PRM in toposes are presented. As a consequence of this result the existence of canonical realizations for PRM in the category of fuzzy sets over arbitrary complete chain is proven.


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    Jaime Echeverri


    Full Text Available Actualmente los consumidores no son pasivos, están altamente conectados y vinculados con las empresas. Por ello, algunas empresas aprovechan estas características para innovar productos a partir de los aportes de clientes. La co-creación como modelo colaborativo para la innovación se caracteriza por estar dividida en etapas relacionadas entre sí, con el fin de capturar apropiadamente los aportes de los clientes. La capacidad de valorar y clasificar los aportes de los agentes que participan en este proceso colaborativo es una tarea de crucial importancia para las organizaciones. El presente artículo propone un sistema difuso que permite valorar los aportes de los agentes que participan en forma colaborativa en la co-creación de productos y servicios.Now the customers are not passive, they are highly networked and connected with companies. Some companies take advantage of these features to innovate products from customer contributions. Co-creation like collaborative model to the innovation is characterized from being divided into interrelated stages in order to capture client's contributions in an appropriate way. The ability to assess and rank the contributions of the actors involved in this collaborative process is a crucial organizations task. The present paper proposes a fuzzy system that allows valuation for agent's contributions that participate in a collaborative way in products and services co-creation.

  6. Image matching navigation based on fuzzy information

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    田玉龙; 吴伟仁; 田金文; 柳健


    In conventional image matching methods, the image matching process is mostly based on image statistic information. One aspect neglected by all these methods is that there is much fuzzy information contained in these images. A new fuzzy matching algorithm based on fuzzy similarity for navigation is presented in this paper. Because the fuzzy theory is of the ability of making good description of the fuzzy information contained in images, the image matching method based on fuzzy similarity would look forward to producing good performance results. Experimental results using matching algorithm based on fuzzy information also demonstrate its reliability and practicability.

  7. Uso da lógica fuzzy na caracterização do ambiente produtivo para matrizes gestantes The use of fuzzy logic for the productive environment characterization for pregnant sows

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    Héliton Pandorfi


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu na avaliação do ambiente de alojamento, estimando as condições favoráveis ao melhor desempenho de matrizes gestantes. O experimento foi realizado no período compreendido entre 4-1 e 11-3-2005, em propriedade de produção industrial de suínos, localizada no município de Elias Fausto - SP. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no setor de gestação, com 24 matrizes primíparas, 12 fêmeas alojadas em baias individuais (T1 e 12 em baias coletivas (T2. O trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas, em função da forma de avaliação dos dados: análise bioclimática e da qualidade do ar, e estimativa dos padrões de conforto térmico ambiental. As variáveis bioclimáticas T (ºC, UR (%, Tgn (ºC e fisiológicas, taxa respiratória (mov min-1 e temperatura retal (ºC apontam o sistema de confinamento em baias coletivas como o que possibilitou melhor condicionamento térmico natural às matrizes em gestação. O uso da teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy permitiu que se fizesse inferência entre os dados resultantes do trabalho experimental com os estabelecidos pela literatura, por intermédio de base de regras, para a determinação do conforto ambiental aplicado a matrizes na fase de gestação.The objective of this research was to estimate the environment of housing systems for pregnant sows, as well as variables that have effect on production system. The trial was conducted out from January 4th to March 11th 2005 in a specialized farm in industrial production of pork, located in Elias Fausto City, São Paulo State. In gestation facility 24 gilts were allocated: 12 in individual stalls (T1 and 12 in group housing (T2. Basically, this study was divided in two steps in function of the way chosen for data analysis: bioclimatic and air quality analysis; and prediction for environmental thermal comfort patterns. The environmental variables (T, ºC; UR, %; Tgn, ºC and physiological (respiratory rate, mov min-1; rectal temperature

  8. Desenvolvimento de uma abordagem computacional para a descoberta de compostos-líderes para fármacos anticancerígenos


    Cruz, Sara Miguel Dinis Mamede da


    Atualmente o cancro é uma das principais causas de morte, causando uma crescente demanda para a descoberta de fármacos para o seu tratamento. O objetivo desta dissertação foi a construção de modelos computacionais para auxiliar a descoberta de novos compostos líder anticancerígenos contra o cancro do cólon. Foram realizados dois diferentes estudos da Relação Quantitativa Estrutura Atividade (QSAR), o primeiro intitulado Modelo A, que utilizou conjuntos de descritores estruturais e fingerpr...

  9. Fuzzy Entropy: Axiomatic Definition and Neural Networks Model

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    QINGMing; CAOYue; HUANGTian-min


    The measure of uncertainty is adopted as a measure of information. The measures of fuzziness are known as fuzzy information measures. The measure of a quantity of fuzzy information gained from a fuzzy set or fuzzy system is known as fuzzy entropy. Fuzzy entropy has been focused and studied by many researchers in various fields. In this paper, firstly, the axiomatic definition of fuzzy entropy is discussed. Then, neural networks model of fuzzy entropy is proposed, based on the computing capability of neural networks. In the end, two examples are discussed to show the efficiency of the model.

  10. On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Context-Free Languages

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    Jianhua Jin


    automata theory. Additionally, we introduce the concepts of Chomsky normal form grammar (IFCNF and Greibach normal form grammar (IFGNF based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets. The results of our study indicate that intuitionistic fuzzy context-free languages generated by IFCFGs are equivalent to those generated by IFGNFs and IFCNFs, respectively, and they are also equivalent to intuitionistic fuzzy recognizable step functions. Then some operations on the family of intuitionistic fuzzy context-free languages are discussed. Finally, pumping lemma for intuitionistic fuzzy context-free languages is investigated.

  11. Abordagem anestésica de grávida com malformação arteriovenosa cerebral e hemorragia subaracnoidea durante a gravidez: relato de caso

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    Catarina Santos Carvalho


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A ocorrência de hemorragia subaracnoidea (HSA durante a gravidez é rara, sendo que cerca de metade é devida a malformações arteriovenosas (MAV. Os autores descrevem a abordagem anestésica de uma grávida de 39 semanas proposta para cesárea, com história de HSA por MAV às 22 semanas. RELATO DO CASO: Grávida de 39 semanas, saudável previamente à gravidez, com antecedentes de HSA às 22 semanas de gestação, manifestada por cefaleias, vômitos e tonturas, sem perda de consciência ou outros déficits à admissão no serviço de urgência. A ressonância magnética (RM revelou MAV frontal esquerda. Após curto internamento para estabilização e diagnóstico, decidiu-se manter a gravidez e o seguimento ambulatorial multidisciplinar por neurocirurgia e obstetrícia em consulta de alto risco. Optou-se por fazer cesárea eletiva às 39 semanas sob anestesia peridural lombar. No intraoperatório ocorreu um episódio de hipotensão rapidamente revertida com fenilefrina. O Índice de Apgar do recém-nascido foi de 10/10. O cateter peridural foi usado para analgesia pós-operatória, também sem intercorrências. CONCLUSÕES: São muito raros os casos publicados de abordagem anestésica de grávidas com MAV sintomáticas. Todas as decisões tomadas pela equipe multidisciplinar, desde optar por continuar a gravidez ao momento ideal para intervir na MAV, passando pelo tipo de anestesia e analgesia, foram ponderadas em função do risco de dano cerebral. Do ponto de vista anestésico, os autores enfatizam a necessidade de estabilidade hemodinâmica.

  12. Fuzzy Evidence in Identification, Forecasting and Diagnosis

    CERN Document Server

    Rotshtein, Alexander P


    The purpose of this book is to present a methodology for designing and tuning fuzzy expert systems in order to identify nonlinear objects; that is, to build input-output models using expert and experimental information. The results of these identifications are used for direct and inverse fuzzy evidence in forecasting and diagnosis problem solving. The book is organised as follows: Chapter 1 presents the basic knowledge about fuzzy sets, genetic algorithms and neural nets necessary for a clear understanding of the rest of this book. Chapter 2 analyzes direct fuzzy inference based on fuzzy if-then rules. Chapter 3 is devoted to the tuning of fuzzy rules for direct inference using genetic algorithms and neural nets. Chapter 4 presents models and algorithms for extracting fuzzy rules from experimental data. Chapter 5 describes a method for solving fuzzy logic equations necessary for the inverse fuzzy inference in diagnostic systems. Chapters 6 and 7 are devoted to inverse fuzzy inference based on fu...

  13. Fuzzy promises

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Anker, Thomas Boysen; Kappel, Klemens; Eadie, Douglas


    as narrative material to communicate self-identity. Finally, (c) we propose that brands deliver fuzzy experiential promises through effectively motivating consumers to adopt and play a social role implicitly suggested and facilitated by the brand. A promise is an inherently ethical concept and the article...... concludes with an in-depth discussion of fuzzy brand promises as two-way ethical commitments that put requirements on both brands and consumers....

  14. Análise interlinguística de gêneros textuais: contribuições para o ensino e a tradução

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    Florencia MIRANDA

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este artigo se situa na linha do interacionismo sociodiscursivo (Bronckart 1997 e 2008b, entre outros e tem o objetivo de propor uma via específica de estudo de gêneros textuais: a análise de gêneros em uma perspectiva comparativa interlinguística. O trabalho começa refletindo sobre a noção de gênero textual e a concepção específica do interacionismo sociodiscursivo sobre os gêneros. Depois, as características da abordagem comparativa de gêneros são apresentadas. Finalmente, observam-se algumas potencialidades e contribuições significativas dessa abordagem para o ensino de línguas e para a tradução. Os dados para alimentar a discussão e exemplificar as questões tratadas surgem de projetos de pesquisa desenvolvidos em Portugal e na Argentina sobre gêneros diversos (e vinculados a diferentes atividades sociais / de linguagem produzidos em português e espanhol.

  15. On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Theory

    CERN Document Server

    Atanassov, Krassimir T


    This book aims to be a  comprehensive and accurate survey of state-of-art research on intuitionistic fuzzy sets theory and could be considered a continuation and extension of the author´s previous book on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, published by Springer in 1999 (Atanassov, Krassimir T., Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Studies in Fuzziness and soft computing, ISBN 978-3-7908-1228-2, 1999). Since the aforementioned  book has appeared, the research activity of the author within the area of intuitionistic fuzzy sets has been expanding into many directions. The results of the author´s most recent work covering the past 12 years as well as the newest general ideas and open problems in this field have been therefore collected in this new book.

  16. The first order fuzzy predicate logic (I)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheng, Y.M.


    Some analysis tools of fuzzy measures, Sugeno's integrals, etc. are introduced into the semantic of the first order predicate logic to explain the concept of fuzzy quantifiers. The truth value of a fuzzy quantification proposition is represented by Sugeno's integral. With this framework, several important notions of formation rules, fuzzy valutions and fuzzy validity are discussed

  17. Theta-Generalized closed sets in fuzzy topological spaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Shafei, M.E.; Zakari, A.


    In this paper we introduce the concepts of theta-generalized closed fuzzy sets and generalized fuzzy sets in topological spaces. Furthermore, generalized fuzzy sets are extended to theta-generalized fuzzy sets. Also, we introduce the concepts of fuzzy theta-generalized continuous and fuzzy theta-generalized irresolute mappings. (author)

  18. A new fuzzy regression model based on interval-valued fuzzy neural network and its applications to management

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    Somaye Yeylaghi


    Full Text Available In this paper, a novel hybrid method based on interval-valued fuzzy neural network for approximate of interval-valued fuzzy regression models, is presented. The work of this paper is an expansion of the research of real fuzzy regression models. In this paper interval-valued fuzzy neural network (IVFNN can be trained with crisp and interval-valued fuzzy data. Here a neural network is considered as a part of a large field called neural computing or soft computing. Moreover, in order to find the approximate parameters, a simple algorithm from the cost function of the fuzzy neural network is proposed. Finally, we illustrate our approach by some numerical examples and compare this method with existing methods.


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    Flaviano Maciel Vieira


    Full Text Available Novas formas de fazer poesia surgem em meio aos suportes computacionais. Esse novo fazer poético apresenta uma inovadora forma de escrita para os olhos, consequentemente categorias poéticas próprias do suporte computacional começam a se configurar nos sistemas criados nestes meios. Isso exige dos leitores novos olhares e interpretações, numa adequada forma de ver-ler-ouvir-traduzir a poesia. A proposta desse artigo é apresentar uma possível metodologia de abordagem de poéticas digitais, independente da tecnologia e programas disponíveis no momento histórico de suas composições. A base teórica que auxiliará na explicitação da abordagem será a semiótica triádica de Charles Sanders Peirce. A importância da semiótica peirciana está em dispor de um modelo teórico que abrange o estudo dos signos verbais e não-verbais. Para Décio Pignatari (2004, a semiótica peirceana destina-se a desempenhar um papel de relevo, tanto na crítica literária quanto na teoria. Espera-se, neste sentido, contribuir com o percurso conceitual-teórico geral já existente sobre poesia em meios computacionais, algo que vem sendo tão bem desenvolvido por autores como Julio Plaza, Antônio Risério, Philadelpho Menezes, José Augusto Mourão, Pedro Barbosa, Jorge Luiz Antonio, Alckmar Luiz dos Santos, Pedro Reis e Rui Torres, só para citar alguns importantes pesquisadores.

  20. Fuzzy GML Modeling Based on Vague Soft Sets

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    Bo Wei


    Full Text Available The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC Geography Markup Language (GML explicitly represents geographical spatial knowledge in text mode. All kinds of fuzzy problems will inevitably be encountered in spatial knowledge expression. Especially for those expressions in text mode, this fuzziness will be broader. Describing and representing fuzziness in GML seems necessary. Three kinds of fuzziness in GML can be found: element fuzziness, chain fuzziness, and attribute fuzziness. Both element fuzziness and chain fuzziness belong to the reflection of the fuzziness between GML elements and, then, the representation of chain fuzziness can be replaced by the representation of element fuzziness in GML. On the basis of vague soft set theory, two kinds of modeling, vague soft set GML Document Type Definition (DTD modeling and vague soft set GML schema modeling, are proposed for fuzzy modeling in GML DTD and GML schema, respectively. Five elements or pairs, associated with vague soft sets, are introduced. Then, the DTDs and the schemas of the five elements are correspondingly designed and presented according to their different chains and different fuzzy data types. While the introduction of the five elements or pairs is the basis of vague soft set GML modeling, the corresponding DTD and schema modifications are key for implementation of modeling. The establishment of vague soft set GML enables GML to represent fuzziness and solves the problem of lack of fuzzy information expression in GML.

  1. On rarely generalized regular fuzzy continuous functions in fuzzy topological spaces

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    Appachi Vadivel


    Full Text Available In this paper, we introduce the concept of rarely generalized regular fuzzy continuous functions in the sense of A.P. Sostak's and Ramadan is introduced. Some interesting properties and characterizations of them are investigated. Also, some applications to fuzzy compact spaces are established.

  2. Logika Fuzzy untuk Audit Sistem Informasi

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    Hari Setiabudi Husni


    Full Text Available The aim of this research is to study and introduce fuzzy logic into audit information system. Fuzzy logic is already adopted in other field of study. It helps decision process that incorporates subjective information and transforms it to scientific objective information which is more accepted. This research implements simulation scenario to see how fuzzy logic concept should be used in audit information process. The result shows that there is a possible concept of fuzzy logic that can be used for helping auditor in making objective decision in audit information system process. More researches needed to further explore the fuzzy logic concept such as creating the system of fuzzy logic and build application that can be used for daily information system audit process. 

  3. Fuzzy model to predict porosity thought conventional well logs; Modelo Fuzzy para predicao de porosidade via perfis convencionais de poco

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mimbela, Renzo R.F.; Silva, Jadir C. [Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (UENF), Macae, RJ (Brazil). Lab. de Engenharia e Exploracao do Petroleo (LENEP)


    The well logs have a great applicability in the search and evaluation of hydrocarbon. In this work we calculate porosities of the Namorado field with help of the 'Fuzzy Rule'. This is done segmenting jointly both the neutron ({phi}{sub N}) and density ({phi}{sub d}) porosities logs in groups with better relation of internal linearity. The grouping is processed keeping the best number of groups, which is efficiently chosen by a criterion related to the minimum value of 'Fuzzy Validity' measurement. As a first step, we choose the {phi}{sub N} and {phi}{sub d} values only at that depths where cores exist. To prevent picking measurements errors a previous data filtering is performed by selecting only the and their correspondent values that exhibit a maximum discrepancy with core porosity ({phi}{sub C}) around 5pu (porosity unit). A conventional average porosity {phi}{sub MED}, mixing {phi}{sub N} and {phi}{sub d} is calculated at each point, concerning its own lithological and fluids characteristics. Finally, an inversion algorithm is applied to indicate the best curve curve that fit linearly {phi}{sub C} vs. {phi}{sub MED}, {phi}{sub C} vs. {phi}{sub D} and {phi}{sub C} vs. {phi}{sub N}, and at the same time determines the values of the constants to be extrapolated in order to calculate the porosity of the whole field. (author)

  4. Beyond fuzzy spheres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Govindarajan, T R; Padmanabhan, Pramod; Shreecharan, T


    We study polynomial deformations of the fuzzy sphere, specifically given by the cubic or the Higgs algebra. We derive the Higgs algebra by quantizing the Poisson structure on a surface in R 3 . We find that several surfaces, differing by constants, are described by the Higgs algebra at the fuzzy level. Some of these surfaces have a singularity and we overcome this by quantizing this manifold using coherent states for this nonlinear algebra. This is seen in the measure constructed from these coherent states. We also find the star product for this non-commutative algebra as a first step in constructing field theories on such fuzzy spaces.

  5. O significado de cuidado para profissionais da equipe de enfermagem

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    Maria Aparecida Baggio


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo exploratório descritivo de abordagem qualitativa que objetivou compreender o significado de cuidado para profissionais da equipe de enfermagem. Os sujeitos participantes são auxiliares e técnicos em enfermagem e enfermeiros da rede de saúde. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista estruturada e semi-estruturada. A análise de conteúdo foi o método utilizado para análise dos dados. Os resultados permitiram identificar as seguintes categorias de cuidado do outro: o cuidado verbal e não-verbal; a minimização da dor física no cuidado; cuidar com empatia para atender o todo; o envolvimento e o processo de cuidar.

  6. Fuzzy tree automata and syntactic pattern recognition. (United States)

    Lee, E T


    An approach of representing patterns by trees and processing these trees by fuzzy tree automata is described. Fuzzy tree automata are defined and investigated. The results include that the class of fuzzy root-to-frontier recognizable ¿-trees is closed under intersection, union, and complementation. Thus, the class of fuzzy root-to-frontier recognizable ¿-trees forms a Boolean algebra. Fuzzy tree automata are applied to processing fuzzy tree representation of patterns based on syntactic pattern recognition. The grade of acceptance is defined and investigated. Quantitative measures of ``approximate isosceles triangle,'' ``approximate elongated isosceles triangle,'' ``approximate rectangle,'' and ``approximate cross'' are defined and used in the illustrative examples of this approach. By using these quantitative measures, a house, a house with high roof, and a church are also presented as illustrative examples. In addition, three fuzzy tree automata are constructed which have the capability of processing the fuzzy tree representations of ``fuzzy houses,'' ``houses with high roofs,'' and ``fuzzy churches,'' respectively. The results may have useful applications in pattern recognition, image processing, artificial intelligence, pattern database design and processing, image science, and pictorial information systems.


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    Muchammad Husni


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Ledakan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan informasi dalam dunia maya menjadikan personalisasian informasi menjadi isu yang penting. Personalisasi informasi yang akan diberikan oleh situs web akan sangat mempengaruhi pola dan perilaku pengguna dalam pencarian informasi, terutama pada perdagangan elektronis (e-commerce. Salah satu pendekatan yang memungkinkan dalam personalisasian web adalah mencari profil pengguna (user profile dari data historis yang sangat besar di file web log. Pengklasifikasian data tanpa pengawasan (unsupervised clasification atau metode metode clustering cukup baik untuk menganalisa data log akses pengguna yang semi terstruktur. Pada metode ini, didefinisikan "user session" dan juga ukuran perbedaan (dissimilarity diantara dua web session yang menggambarkan pengorganisasian sebuah web site. Untuk mendapatkan sebuah profil akses pengguna, dilakukan pembagian user session berdasarkan pasangan ketidaksamaan menggunakan algoritma Fuzzy Clustering. Kata kunci : Adaptive Website, Fuzzy Clustering, personalisasi informasi.

  8. Fuzzy logic controller using different inference methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Z.; De Keyser, R.


    In this paper the design of fuzzy controllers by using different inference methods is introduced. Configuration of the fuzzy controllers includes a general rule-base which is a collection of fuzzy PI or PD rules, the triangular fuzzy data model and a centre of gravity defuzzification algorithm. The generalized modus ponens (GMP) is used with the minimum operator of the triangular norm. Under the sup-min inference rule, six fuzzy implication operators are employed to calculate the fuzzy look-up tables for each rule base. The performance is tested in simulated systems with MATLAB/SIMULINK. Results show the effects of using the fuzzy controllers with different inference methods and applied to different test processes

  9. Fuzzy control of small servo motors (United States)

    Maor, Ron; Jani, Yashvant


    To explore the benefits of fuzzy logic and understand the differences between the classical control methods and fuzzy control methods, the Togai InfraLogic applications engineering staff developed and implemented a motor control system for small servo motors. The motor assembly for testing the fuzzy and conventional controllers consist of servo motor RA13M and an encoder with a range of 4096 counts. An interface card was designed and fabricated to interface the motor assembly and encoder to an IBM PC. The fuzzy logic based motor controller was developed using the TILShell and Fuzzy C Development System on an IBM PC. A Proportional-Derivative (PD) type conventional controller was also developed and implemented in the IBM PC to compare the performance with the fuzzy controller. Test cases were defined to include step inputs of 90 and 180 degrees rotation, sine and square wave profiles in 5 to 20 hertz frequency range, as well as ramp inputs. In this paper we describe our approach to develop a fuzzy as well as PH controller, provide details of hardware set-up and test cases, and discuss the performance results. In comparison, the fuzzy logic based controller handles the non-linearities of the motor assembly very well and provides excellent control over a broad range of parameters. Fuzzy technology, as indicated by our results, possesses inherent adaptive features.

  10. ENSINO DE CONTABILIDADE NO DISTRITO FEDERAL - Uma abordagem crítico-reflexiva

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    Antonio Fávero Sobrinho


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma análise crítico-reflexiva a respeito do ensino superior de Ciên-cias Contábeis no Distrito Federal. Para tanto, recorremos a um conjunto de dados coletados no decorrer do desenvolvi-mento da disciplina Didática Aplicada à Contabilidade do Curso de Especialização em Ciências Contábeis da Universidade de Brasília e também na disciplina correlata no curso de Mestrado em Ciências de Informações Contábeis da ULAC – Universida-de Latino-Americana e do Caribe. No desenvolvimento dessas disciplinas, tendo como base uma abordagem teórica das várias concepções de educação que fundamentam o ensino superior, recorremos à pesquisa da realidade sócio-pedagógica como um instrumento de interação da relação teoria-prática e também como um meio para se co-nhecer com maior profundidade a prática pedagógica efetiva dos professores. As pesquisas e estudos foram realizados junto aos cur-sos de Ciências Contábeis da UnB, CEUB, UPIS, AEUDF e UNEB, entre os anos de 1997 e 1998. A coleta de dados foi fei-ta mediante dois instrumentos básicos de pesquisa: um questi-onário destinado aos professores e outro, aos alunos. Tanto um como outro estavam divididos em duas partes: um bloco específico para identificação de perfil dos participantes da pes-quisa e outro relativo à prática pedagógica efetiva em sala de aula. Para elaboração desses instrumentos de coleta, utilizamos uma metodologia participativa, onde professor e alunos estiveram envolvidos coletivamente em todas as fases de sua construção.

  11. Enric Trillas a passion for fuzzy sets : a collection of recent works on fuzzy logic

    CERN Document Server

    Verdegay, Jose; Esteva, Francesc


    This book presents a comprehensive collection of the latest and most significant research advances and applications in the field of fuzzy logic. It covers fuzzy structures, rules, operations and mathematical formalisms, as well as important applications of fuzzy logic in a number of fields, like decision-making, environmental prediction and prevention, communication, controls and many others. Dedicated to Enric Trillas in recognition of his pioneering research in the field, the book also includes a foreword by Lotfi A. Zadeh and an outlook on the future of fuzzy logic.

  12. Fuzzy Logic in Medicine and Bioinformatics

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    Angela Torres


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to present a general view of the current applications of fuzzy logic in medicine and bioinformatics. We particularly review the medical literature using fuzzy logic. We then recall the geometrical interpretation of fuzzy sets as points in a fuzzy hypercube and present two concrete illustrations in medicine (drug addictions and in bioinformatics (comparison of genomes.

  13. Model predictive control using fuzzy decision functions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kaymak, U.; Costa Sousa, da J.M.


    Fuzzy predictive control integrates conventional model predictive control with techniques from fuzzy multicriteria decision making, translating the goals and the constraints to predictive control in a transparent way. The information regarding the (fuzzy) goals and the (fuzzy) constraints of the

  14. Algebraic Aspects of Families of Fuzzy Languages

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Asveld, P.R.J.; Heylen, Dirk K.J.; Nijholt, Antinus; Scollo, Giuseppe


    We study operations on fuzzy languages such as union, concatenation,Kleene $\\star$, intersection with regular fuzzy languages, and several kinds of (iterated) fuzzy substitution. Then we consider families of fuzzy languages, closed under a fixed collection of these operations, which results in the

  15. Approximate Solution of LR Fuzzy Sylvester Matrix Equations

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    Xiaobin Guo


    Full Text Available The fuzzy Sylvester matrix equation AX~+X~B=C~ in which A,B are m×m and n×n crisp matrices, respectively, and C~ is an m×n LR fuzzy numbers matrix is investigated. Based on the Kronecker product of matrices, we convert the fuzzy Sylvester matrix equation into an LR fuzzy linear system. Then we extend the fuzzy linear system into two systems of linear equations according to the arithmetic operations of LR fuzzy numbers. The fuzzy approximate solution of the original fuzzy matrix equation is obtained by solving the crisp linear systems. The existence condition of the LR fuzzy solution is also discussed. Some examples are given to illustrate the proposed method.

  16. Fuzzy histogram for internal and external fuzzy directional relations


    Salamat , Nadeem; Zahzah , El-Hadi


    5 Pages; Spatial relations have key point importance in image analysis and computer vision. Numerous technics have been developed to study these relations especially directional relations. Modern digital computers give rise to quantitative methods and among them fuzzy methods have core importance due to handling imprecise knowledge information and vagueness. In most fuzzy methods external directional relations are considered which are useful for small scale space image analysis but in large s...

  17. Fuzzy relational calculus theory, applications and software

    CERN Document Server

    Peeva, Ketty


    This book examines fuzzy relational calculus theory with applications in various engineering subjects. The scope of the text covers unified and exact methods with algorithms for direct and inverse problem resolution in fuzzy relational calculus. Extensive engineering applications of fuzzy relation compositions and fuzzy linear systems (linear, relational and intuitionistic) are discussed. Some examples of such applications include solutions of equivalence, reduction and minimization problems in fuzzy machines, pattern recognition in fuzzy languages, optimization and inference engines in textile and chemical engineering, etc. A comprehensive overview of the authors' original work in fuzzy relational calculus is also provided in each chapter. The attached CD-Rom contains a toolbox with many functions for fuzzy calculations, together with an original algorithm for inverse problem resolution in MATLAB. This book is also suitable for use as a textbook in related courses at advanced undergraduate and graduate level...



    Araujo, Eliane Pawlowski de Oliveira; Paula, Claudio Paixão Anastácio de


    A proposta deste artigo é apresentar os resultados parciais de uma pesquisa realizada com o objetivo de analisar a subjetividade de indivíduos envolvidos em atividades de tomada de decisão e seus esforços para interpretar a realidade em um contexto marcado pela cultura da urgência. O estudo configurou-se na investigação dos comportamentos informacionais por meio de métodos que privilegiaram as dimensões simbólicas e afetivas – em especial a Abordagem Clínica da Informação e o Teste Arquétipo ...

  19. On the mathematics of fuzziness

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chulichkov, A.I.; Chulichkova, N.M.; Pyt`ev, Y. P.; Smolnik, L.


    The problem of the minimax linear interpretation of stochastic measurements with fuzzy conditions on values of the object`s parameters is considered. The result of a measurement interpretation is the fuzzy element (u, h, alpha, mu(.,.,.)), where u is the object`s parameter estimation, h is the estimation accuracy and alpha is the reliability of interpretation, mu is the characteristic function of a fuzzy element. Reliability is the characteristic of the agreement between fuzzy a priori information and measuring data. The information on the values of the parameters of an object under investigation is interactively submitted to the computer.

  20. Fuzzy upper bounds and their applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soleimani-damaneh, M. [Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Science and Computer Engineering, Teacher Training University, 599 Taleghani Avenue, Tehran 15618 (Iran, Islamic Republic of)], E-mail:


    This paper considers the concept of fuzzy upper bounds and provides some relevant applications. Considering a fuzzy DEA model, the existence of a fuzzy upper bound for the objective function of the model is shown and an effective approach to solve that model is introduced. Some dual interpretations are provided, which are useful for practical purposes. Applications of the concept of fuzzy upper bounds in two physical problems are pointed out.

  1. Fuzzy Clustering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berks, G.; Keyserlingk, Diedrich Graf von; Jantzen, Jan


    A symptom is a condition indicating the presence of a disease, especially, when regarded as an aid in diagnosis.Symptoms are the smallest units indicating the existence of a disease. A syndrome on the other hand is an aggregate, set or cluster of concurrent symptoms which together indicate...... and clustering are the basic concerns in medicine. Classification depends on definitions of the classes and their required degree of participant of the elements in the cases' symptoms. In medicine imprecise conditions are the rule and therefore fuzzy methods are much more suitable than crisp ones. Fuzzy c......-mean clustering is an easy and well improved tool, which has been applied in many medical fields. We used c-mean fuzzy clustering after feature extraction from an aphasia database. Factor analysis was applied on a correlation matrix of 26 symptoms of language disorders and led to five factors. The factors...

  2. Application of Bipolar Fuzzy Sets in Graph Structures

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    Muhammad Akram


    Full Text Available A graph structure is a useful tool in solving the combinatorial problems in different areas of computer science and computational intelligence systems. In this paper, we apply the concept of bipolar fuzzy sets to graph structures. We introduce certain notions, including bipolar fuzzy graph structure (BFGS, strong bipolar fuzzy graph structure, bipolar fuzzy Ni-cycle, bipolar fuzzy Ni-tree, bipolar fuzzy Ni-cut vertex, and bipolar fuzzy Ni-bridge, and illustrate these notions by several examples. We study ϕ-complement, self-complement, strong self-complement, and totally strong self-complement in bipolar fuzzy graph structures, and we investigate some of their interesting properties.

  3. Influence of fuzzy norms and other heuristics on “Mixed fuzzy rule formation”


    Gabriel, Thomas R.; Berthold, Michael R.


    In Mixed Fuzzy Rule Formation [Int. J. Approx. Reason. 32 (2003) 67] a method to extract mixed fuzzy rules from data was introduced. The underlying algorithm s performance is influenced by the choice of fuzzy t-norm and t-conorm, and a heuristic to avoid conflicts between patterns and rules of different classes throughout training. In the following addendum to [Int. J. Approx. Reason. 32 (2003) 67], we discuss in more depth how these parameters affect the generalization performance of the res...

  4. Towards the future of fuzzy logic

    CERN Document Server

    Trillas, Enric; Kacprzyk, Janusz


    This book provides readers with a snapshot of the state-of-the art in fuzzy logic. Throughout the chapters, key theories developed in the last fifty years as well as important applications to practical problems are presented and discussed from different perspectives, as the authors hail from different disciplines and therefore use fuzzy logic for different purposes.  The book aims at showing how fuzzy logic has evolved since the first theory formulation by Lotfi A. Zadeh in his seminal paper on Fuzzy Sets in 1965. Fuzzy theories and implementation grew at an impressive speed and achieved significant results, especially on the applicative side. The study of fuzzy logic and its practice spread all over the world, from Europe to Asia, America and Oceania. The editors believe that, thanks to the drive of young researchers, fuzzy logic will be able to face the challenging goals posed by computing with words. New frontiers of knowledge are waiting to be explored. In order to motivate young people to engage in the ...

  5. Sputtering properties of tungsten 'fuzzy' surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishijima, D.; Baldwin, M.J.; Doerner, R.P.; Yu, J.H.


    Sputtering yields of He-induced W 'fuzzy' surfaces bombarded by Ar have been measured in the linear divertor plasma simulator PISCES-B. It is found that the sputtering yield of a fuzzy surface, Y fuzzy , decreases with increasing fuzzy layer thickness, L, and saturates at ∼10% of that of a smooth surface, Y smooth , at L > 1 μm. The reduction in the sputtering yield is suspected to be due mainly to the porous structure of fuzz, since the ratio, Y fuzzy /Y smooth follows (1 - p fuzz ), where p fuzz is the fuzz porosity. Further, Y fuzzy /Y smooth is observed to increase with incident ion energy, E i . This may be explained by an energy dependent change in the angular distribution of sputtered W atoms, since at lower E i , the angular distribution is observed to become more butterfly-shaped. That is, a larger fraction of sputtered W atoms can line-of-sight deposit/stick onto neighboring fuzz nanostructures for lower E i butterfly distributions, resulting in lower ratio of Y fuzzy /Y smooth .

  6. Influence of fuzzy norms and other heuristics on "Mixed fuzzy rule formation" - [Corrigendum


    Gabriel, Thomas R.; Berthold, Michael R.


    We hereby correct an error in Ref. [2], in which we studied the influence of various parameters that affect the generalization performance of fuzzy models constructed using the mixed fuzzy rule formation method [1].

  7. On the Power of Fuzzy Markup Language

    CERN Document Server

    Loia, Vincenzo; Lee, Chang-Shing; Wang, Mei-Hui


    One of the most successful methodology that arose from the worldwide diffusion of Fuzzy Logic is Fuzzy Control. After the first attempts dated in the seventies, this methodology has been widely exploited for controlling many industrial components and systems. At the same time, and very independently from Fuzzy Logic or Fuzzy Control, the birth of the Web has impacted upon almost all aspects of computing discipline. Evolution of Web, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 has been making scenarios of ubiquitous computing much more feasible;  consequently information technology has been thoroughly integrated into everyday objects and activities. What happens when Fuzzy Logic meets Web technology? Interesting results might come out, as you will discover in this book. Fuzzy Mark-up Language is a son of this synergistic view, where some technological issues of Web are re-interpreted taking into account the transparent notion of Fuzzy Control, as discussed here.  The concept of a Fuzzy Control that is conceived and modeled in terms...


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    Ada Amelia Lopes


    Full Text Available Com base no fenômeno de transferência de massa, a lógica fuzzy desenvolvida no presente estudo estabeleceu relações entre a Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio (DBO e o Oxigênio Dissolvido (OD, para diferentes lançamentos. A aplicação da lógica fuzzy neste cenário, permitiu que as incertezas das variáveis envolvidas no processo, especificamente na solução da equação de advecção, fossem avaliadas e o risco de contaminação de um sistema hídrico diante dos lançamentos de poluentes pudesse ser investigado. No desenvolvimento da lógica fuzzy,  os parâmetros de DBO/OD foram convertidos em um conjunto de equações diferenciais e representados como funçõe de pertinência. Para execução das simulações da qualidade da água, os autores utilizaram um programa computacional codificado em linguagem FORTRAN. De acordo com os resultados, concluiu-se que a combinação da Teoria do Transporte de Massa e a da Lógica fuzzy pode ser uma importante ferramenta para a avaliação da Análise de Risco em sistemas hídricos, contribuindo sobremaneira para o monitoramento de temáticas prioritárias da Engenharia Ambiental.

  9. Neuro-fuzzy Control of Integrating Processes

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    Anna Vasičkaninová


    Full Text Available Fuzzy technology is adaptive and easily applicable in different areas.Fuzzy logic provides powerful tools to capture the perceptionof natural phenomena. The paper deals with tuning of neuro-fuzzy controllers for integrating plant and for integrating plantswith time delay. The designed approach is verified on three examples by simulations and compared plants with classical PID control.Designed fuzzy controllers lead to better closed-loop control responses then classical PID controllers.

  10. Frechet differentiation of nonlinear operators between fuzzy normed spaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yilmaz, Yilmaz


    By the rapid advances in linear theory of fuzzy normed spaces and fuzzy bounded linear operators it is natural idea to set and improve its nonlinear peer. We aimed in this work to realize this idea by introducing fuzzy Frechet derivative based on the fuzzy norm definition in Bag and Samanta [Bag T, Samanta SK. Finite dimensional fuzzy normed linear spaces. J Fuzzy Math 2003;11(3):687-705]. The definition is divided into two part as strong and weak fuzzy Frechet derivative so that it is compatible with strong and weak fuzzy continuity of operators. Also we restate fuzzy compact operator definition of Lael and Nouroizi [Lael F, Nouroizi K. Fuzzy compact linear operators. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2007;34(5):1584-89] as strongly and weakly fuzzy compact by taking into account the compatibility. We prove also that weak Frechet derivative of a nonlinear weakly fuzzy compact operator is also weakly fuzzy compact.

  11. Solution of Fuzzy Differential Equations Using Fuzzy Sumudu Transforms

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    Raheleh Jafari


    Full Text Available The uncertain nonlinear systems can be modeled with fuzzy differential equations (FDEs and the solutions of these equations are applied to analyze many engineering problems. However, it is very difficult to obtain solutions of FDEs. In this paper, the solutions of FDEs are approximated by utilizing the fuzzy Sumudu transform (FST method. Significant theorems are suggested in order to explain the properties of FST. The proposed method is validated with three real examples.

  12. New Applications of m-Polar Fuzzy Matroids

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    Musavarah Sarwar


    Full Text Available Mathematical modelling is an important aspect in apprehending discrete and continuous physical systems. Multipolar uncertainty in data and information incorporates a significant role in various abstract and applied mathematical modelling and decision analysis. Graphical and algebraic models can be studied more precisely when multiple linguistic properties are dealt with, emphasizing the need for a multi-index, multi-object, multi-agent, multi-attribute and multi-polar mathematical approach. An m-polar fuzzy set is introduced to overcome the limitations entailed in single-valued and two-valued uncertainty. Our aim in this research study is to apply the powerful methodology of m-polar fuzzy sets to generalize the theory of matroids. We introduce the notion of m-polar fuzzy matroids and investigate certain properties of various types of m-polar fuzzy matroids. Moreover, we apply the notion of the m-polar fuzzy matroid to graph theory and linear algebra. We present m-polar fuzzy circuits, closures of m-polar fuzzy matroids and put special emphasis on m-polar fuzzy rank functions. Finally, we also describe certain applications of m-polar fuzzy matroids in decision support systems, ordering of machines and network analysis.

  13. Design of interpretable fuzzy systems

    CERN Document Server

    Cpałka, Krzysztof


    This book shows that the term “interpretability” goes far beyond the concept of readability of a fuzzy set and fuzzy rules. It focuses on novel and precise operators of aggregation, inference, and defuzzification leading to flexible Mamdani-type and logical-type systems that can achieve the required accuracy using a less complex rule base. The individual chapters describe various aspects of interpretability, including appropriate selection of the structure of a fuzzy system, focusing on improving the interpretability of fuzzy systems designed using both gradient-learning and evolutionary algorithms. It also demonstrates how to eliminate various system components, such as inputs, rules and fuzzy sets, whose reduction does not adversely affect system accuracy. It illustrates the performance of the developed algorithms and methods with commonly used benchmarks. The book provides valuable tools for possible applications in many fields including expert systems, automatic control and robotics.

  14. Comparison of Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS for Road Pavement Maintenance Prioritization: Methodological Exposition and Case Study


    Yashon O. Ouma; J. Opudo; S. Nyambenya


    For road pavement maintenance and repairs prioritization, a multiattribute approach that compares fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Ideal Situation (TOPSIS) is evaluated. The pavement distress data was collected through empirical condition surveys and rating by pavement experts. In comparison to the crisp AHP, the fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS pairwise comparison techniques are considered to be more suitable for the subjective analysis of the pa...

  15. Approximations of Fuzzy Systems

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    Vinai K. Singh


    Full Text Available A fuzzy system can uniformly approximate any real continuous function on a compact domain to any degree of accuracy. Such results can be viewed as an existence of optimal fuzzy systems. Li-Xin Wang discussed a similar problem using Gaussian membership function and Stone-Weierstrass Theorem. He established that fuzzy systems, with product inference, centroid defuzzification and Gaussian functions are capable of approximating any real continuous function on a compact set to arbitrary accuracy. In this paper we study a similar approximation problem by using exponential membership functions

  16. Fuzzy-based HAZOP study for process industry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahn, Junkeon; Chang, Daejun, E-mail:


    Highlights: • HAZOP is the important technique to evaluate system safety and its risks while process operations. • Fuzzy theory can handle the inherent uncertainties of process systems for the HAZOP. • Fuzzy-based HAZOP considers the aleatory and epistemic uncertainties and provides the risk level with less uncertainty. • Risk acceptance criteria should be considered regarding the transition region for each risk. - Abstract: This study proposed a fuzzy-based HAZOP for analyzing process hazards. Fuzzy theory was used to express uncertain states. This theory was found to be a useful approach to overcome the inherent uncertainty in HAZOP analyses. Fuzzy logic sharply contrasted with classical logic and provided diverse risk values according to its membership degree. Appropriate process parameters and guidewords were selected to describe the frequency and consequence of an accident. Fuzzy modeling calculated risks based on the relationship between the variables of an accident. The modeling was based on the mean expected value, trapezoidal fuzzy number, IF-THEN rules, and the center of gravity method. A cryogenic LNG (liquefied natural gas) testing facility was the objective process for the fuzzy-based and conventional HAZOPs. The most significant index is the frequency to determine risks. The comparison results showed that the fuzzy-based HAZOP provides better sophisticated risks than the conventional HAZOP. The fuzzy risk matrix presents the significance of risks, negligible risks, and necessity of risk reduction.

  17. Supply chain management under fuzziness recent developments and techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Öztayşi, Başar


    Supply Chain Management Under Fuzziness presents recently developed fuzzy models and techniques for supply chain management. These include: fuzzy PROMETHEE, fuzzy AHP, fuzzy ANP, fuzzy VIKOR, fuzzy DEMATEL, fuzzy clustering, fuzzy linear programming, and fuzzy inference systems. The book covers both practical applications and new developments concerning these methods. This book offers an excellent resource for researchers and practitioners in supply chain management and logistics, and will provide them with new suggestions and directions for future research. Moreover, it will support graduate students in their university courses, such as specialized courses on supply chains and logistics, as well as related courses in the fields of industrial engineering, engineering management and business administration.

  18. Optical Generation of Fuzzy-Based Rules (United States)

    Gur, Eran; Mendlovic, David; Zalevsky, Zeev


    In the last third of the 20th century, fuzzy logic has risen from a mathematical concept to an applicable approach in soft computing. Today, fuzzy logic is used in control systems for various applications, such as washing machines, train-brake systems, automobile automatic gear, and so forth. The approach of optical implementation of fuzzy inferencing was given by the authors in previous papers, giving an extra emphasis to applications with two dominant inputs. In this paper the authors introduce a real-time optical rule generator for the dual-input fuzzy-inference engine. The paper briefly goes over the dual-input optical implementation of fuzzy-logic inferencing. Then, the concept of constructing a set of rules from given data is discussed. Next, the authors show ways to implement this procedure optically. The discussion is accompanied by an example that illustrates the transformation from raw data into fuzzy set rules.

  19. Intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation and clustering

    CERN Document Server

    Xu, Zeshui


    This book offers a systematic introduction to the clustering algorithms for intuitionistic fuzzy values, the latest research results in intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation techniques, the extended results in interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy environments, and their applications in multi-attribute decision making, such as supply chain management, military system performance evaluation, project management, venture capital, information system selection, building materials classification, and operational plan assessment, etc.

  20. Designing PID-Fuzzy Controller for Pendubot System

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    Ho Trong Nguyen


    Full Text Available In the paper, authors analize dynamic equation of a pendubot system. Familiar kinds of controller – PID, fuzzy controllers – are concerned. Then, a structure of PID-FUZZY is presented. The comparison of three kinds of controllers – PID, fuzzy and PID-FUZZY shows the better response of system under PID-FUZZY controller. Then, the experiments on the real model also prove the better stabilization of the hybrid controller which is combined between linear and intelligent controller.

  1. Ellipsoidal fuzzy learning for smart car platoons (United States)

    Dickerson, Julie A.; Kosko, Bart


    A neural-fuzzy system combined supervised and unsupervised learning to find and tune the fuzzy-rules. An additive fuzzy system approximates a function by covering its graph with fuzzy rules. A fuzzy rule patch can take the form of an ellipsoid in the input-output space. Unsupervised competitive learning found the statistics of data clusters. The covariance matrix of each synaptic quantization vector defined on ellipsoid centered at the centroid of the data cluster. Tightly clustered data gave smaller ellipsoids or more certain rules. Sparse data gave larger ellipsoids or less certain rules. Supervised learning tuned the ellipsoids to improve the approximation. The supervised neural system used gradient descent to find the ellipsoidal fuzzy patches. It locally minimized the mean-squared error of the fuzzy approximation. Hybrid ellipsoidal learning estimated the control surface for a smart car controller.

  2. Research on Bounded Rationality of Fuzzy Choice Functions

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    Xinlin Wu


    Full Text Available The rationality of a fuzzy choice function is a hot research topic in the study of fuzzy choice functions. In this paper, two common fuzzy sets are studied and analyzed in the framework of the Banerjee choice function. The complete rationality and bounded rationality of fuzzy choice functions are defined based on the two fuzzy sets. An assumption is presented to study the fuzzy choice function, and especially the fuzzy choice function with bounded rationality is studied combined with some rationality conditions. Results show that the fuzzy choice function with bounded rationality also satisfies some important rationality conditions, but not vice versa. The research gives supplements to the investigation in the framework of the Banerjee choice function.

  3. "Metodologia Automatizada para Seleção de Áreas para Disposição de Resíduos Sólidos. Aplicação na Região Metropolitana de Campinas (SP)"


    Maria José Brollo


    Objetivo. Esta tese tem como objetivo geral desenvolver uma metodologia para a seleção de áreas para disposição de resíduos sólidos, apoiada em princípios e recursos de Geoprocessamento, através de um Sistema Gerenciador de Informações (SGI). Metodologia. São analisados aspectos de uso e ocupação do solo e aspectos fisiográficos do terreno que interferem na correta seleção de áreas para disposição de resíduos sólidos, considerando-se uma escala de abordagem regional (1:100.000). São definidos...


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    Abbas Parchami


    Full Text Available Such as other statistical problems, we may confront with uncertain and fuzzy concepts in quality control. One particular case in process capability analysis is a situation in which specification limits are two fuzzy sets. In such a uncertain and vague environment, the produced product is not qualified with a two-valued Boolean view, but to some degree depending on the decision-maker strictness and the quality level of the produced product. This matter can be cause to a rational decision-making on the quality of the production line. First, a comprehensive approach is presented in this paper for modeling the fuzzy quality concept. Then, motivations and advantages of applying this flexible approach instead of using classical quality are mentioned.

  5. Esplenectomia parcial para tratar hemangioma esplênico

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    Andy Petroianu

    Full Text Available Apesar de a esplenectomia ser eficaz na abordagem terapêutica de pacientes com hemangioma esplênico, esse procedimento é acompanhado de elevada morbidade e até mortalidade, principalmente devido à sepse, quando realizado em crianças e adolescentes com sistema imunitário ainda imaturo. Para prevenir os efeitos adversos da asplenia, propõe-se neste artigo a esplenectomia parcial, com a retirada apenas da região do hemangioma, mantendo o restante do baço e preservando suas importantes funções.

  6. AS PESQUISAS EM EDUCAÇÃO EM CIÊNCIAS NA INTERFACE COM A EDUCAÇÃO INDÍGENA: a abordagem qualitativa na evidência dos dados

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    Lúcia Helena Soares de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta resultados das pesquisas de doutoramento desenvolvidas nos programas de pós-graduação em Educação em Ciências e Matemática sobre as abordagens metodológicas que tem sustentado os estudos sobre os saberes tradicionais indígenas e o ensino de ciências naturais no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Buscou-se analisar que tratamento metodológico poderia ser competente para enfrentar a problemática do universo de significados que envolvem uma pesquisa cultural. Visto que, é importante saber, que a opção por um tipo de enfoque depende da área de estudos à qual vai se aplicar. Assim como, determinar o tratamento metodológico que se mostre competente para enfrentar a intrincada problemática respeitando os requisitos básicos de avaliação epistêmica são fatores que devem ser priorizados pelo pesquisador. Diante dos achados, fortalece-se a certeza de que o enfoque que mais se adéqua para os estudos culturais tem ancoragem na abordagem qualitativa. Nas pesquisas analisadas verificou-se a interpretação de aspectos em profundidade numa descrição da complexidade humana detalhada. Portanto, a abordagem qualitativa permite a compreensão detalhada dos significados e das características situacionais dos sujeitos envolvidos, assim como, preocupa-se com uma realidade que não pode ser quantificado e nem reduzido à operacionalização de variáveis. Visto, a finalidade da pesquisa cientifica não está centrada tão somente na exposição de um relatório ou descrição dos dados, mas em relatar o desenvolvimento interpretativo dos dados obtidos.

  7. Fuzzy systems for process identification and control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorrini, V.; Bersini, H.


    Various issues related to the automatic construction and on-line adaptation of fuzzy controllers are addressed. A Direct Adaptive Fuzzy Control (this is an adaptive control methodology requiring a minimal knowledge of the processes to be coupled with) derived in a way reminiscent of neurocontrol methods, is presented. A classical fuzzy controller and a fuzzy realization of a PID controller is discussed. These systems implement a highly non-linear control law, and provide to be quite robust, even in the case of noisy inputs. In order to identify dynamic processes of order superior to one, we introduce a more complex architecture, called Recurrent Fuzzy System, that use some fuzzy internal variables to perform an inferential chaining.I

  8. A new fuzzy Monte Carlo method for solving SLAE with ergodic fuzzy Markov chains

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    Maryam Gharehdaghi


    Full Text Available In this paper we introduce a new fuzzy Monte Carlo method for solving system of linear algebraic equations (SLAE over the possibility theory and max-min algebra. To solve the SLAE, we first define a fuzzy estimator and prove that this is an unbiased estimator of the solution. To prove unbiasedness, we apply the ergodic fuzzy Markov chains. This new approach works even for cases with coefficients matrix with a norm greater than one.

  9. Fuzzy control in environmental engineering

    CERN Document Server

    Chmielowski, Wojciech Z


    This book is intended for engineers, technicians and people who plan to use fuzzy control in more or less developed and advanced control systems for manufacturing processes, or directly for executive equipment. Assuming that the reader possesses elementary knowledge regarding fuzzy sets and fuzzy control, by way of a reminder, the first parts of the book contain a reminder of the theoretical foundations as well as a description of the tools to be found in the Matlab/Simulink environment in the form of a toolbox. The major part of the book presents applications for fuzzy controllers in control systems for various manufacturing and engineering processes. It presents seven processes and problems which have been programmed using fuzzy controllers. The issues discussed concern the field of Environmental Engineering. Examples are the control of a flood wave passing through a hypothetical, and then the real Dobczyce reservoir in the Raba River, which is located in the upper Vistula River basin in Southern Poland, th...

  10. The fuzzy approach to statistical analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Coppi, Renato; Gil, Maria A.; Kiers, Henk A. L.


    For the last decades, research studies have been developed in which a coalition of Fuzzy Sets Theory and Statistics has been established with different purposes. These namely are: (i) to introduce new data analysis problems in which the objective involves either fuzzy relationships or fuzzy terms;

  11. Mapas de taxas epidemiológicas: uma abordagem Bayesiana Maps of epidemiological rates: a Bayesian approach

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    Renato Martins Assunção


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, apresentamos métodos estatísticos desenvolvidos recentemente para a análise de mapas de taxas de morbidade quando as unidades geográficas possuem pequenas populações de risco. Eles adotam a abordagem Bayesiana e utilizam métodos computacionais intensivos para estimação do risco de cada área. O objetivo dos métodos é separar a variabilidade das taxas devida às diferenças entre as regiões do risco subjacente daquela devida à pura flutuação aleatória. As estimativas de risco possuem um erro quadrático médio total menor que as estimativas usuais. Aplicamos esses novos métodos para estimar o risco de mortalidade infantil nos municípios de Minas Gerais em 1994.This article presents statistical methods recently developed for the analysis of maps of disease rates when the geographic units have small populations at risk. They adopt the Bayesian approach and use intensive computational methods for estimating risk in each area. The objective of the methods is to separate the variability of rates due to differences between regions from the background risk due to pure random fluctuation. Risk estimates have a total mean quadratic error smaller than usual estimates. We apply these new methods to estimate infant mortality risk in the municipalities of the State of Minas Gerais in 1994.

  12. Minimal solution for inconsistent singular fuzzy matrix equations

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    M. Nikuie


    Full Text Available The fuzzy matrix equations $Ailde{X}=ilde{Y}$ is called a singular fuzzy matrix equations while the coefficients matrix of its equivalent crisp matrix equations be a singular matrix. The singular fuzzy matrix equations are divided into two parts: consistent singular matrix equations and inconsistent fuzzy matrix equations. In this paper, the inconsistent singular fuzzy matrix equations is studied and the effect of generalized inverses in finding minimal solution of an inconsistent singular fuzzy matrix equations are investigated.

  13. Frontiers of higher order fuzzy sets

    CERN Document Server

    Tahayori, Hooman


    Frontiers of Higher Order Fuzzy Sets, strives to improve the theoretical aspects of general and Interval Type-2 fuzzy sets and provides a unified representation theorem for higher order fuzzy sets. Moreover, the book elaborates on the concept of gradual elements and their integration with the higher order fuzzy sets. This book also introduces new frameworks for information granulation based on general T2FSs, IT2FSs, Gradual elements, Shadowed sets and rough sets. In particular, the properties and characteristics of the new proposed frameworks are studied. Such new frameworks are shown to be more capable to be exploited in real applications. Higher order fuzzy sets that are the result of the integration of general T2FSs, IT2FSs, gradual elements, shadowed sets and rough sets will be shown to be suitable to be applied in the fields of bioinformatics, business, management, ambient intelligence, medicine, cloud computing and smart grids. Presents new variations of fuzzy set frameworks and new areas of applicabili...

  14. Fuzzy forecasting based on two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationship groups and particle swarm optimization techniques. (United States)

    Chen, Shyi-Ming; Manalu, Gandhi Maruli Tua; Pan, Jeng-Shyang; Liu, Hsiang-Chuan


    In this paper, we present a new method for fuzzy forecasting based on two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationship groups and particle swarm optimization (PSO) techniques. First, we fuzzify the historical training data of the main factor and the secondary factor, respectively, to form two-factors second-order fuzzy logical relationships. Then, we group the two-factors second-order fuzzy logical relationships into two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationship groups. Then, we obtain the optimal weighting vector for each fuzzy-trend logical relationship group by using PSO techniques to perform the forecasting. We also apply the proposed method to forecast the Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index and the NTD/USD exchange rates. The experimental results show that the proposed method gets better forecasting performance than the existing methods.

  15. A criança hiperativa: uma visão da abordagem gestáltica


    Antony, Sheila; Ribeiro, Jorge Ponciano


    A pesquisa objetivou investigar o funcionamento psicológico da criança hiperativa em base a teoria do ciclo do contato da abordagem gestáltica, proposta por Ribeiro (1997). O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH) caracteriza-se por distúrbios motores, perceptivos, emocionais e comportamentais. Segundo os critérios diagnósticos do DSM-IV (1994), esse transtorno reúne 18 sintomas básicos de desatenção, hiperatividade e impulsividade. A pesquisa adotou uma abordagem qualitativa....

  16. Multicriteria Personnel Selection by the Modified Fuzzy VIKOR Method

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    Rasim M. Alguliyev


    Full Text Available Personnel evaluation is an important process in human resource management. The multicriteria nature and the presence of both qualitative and quantitative factors make it considerably more complex. In this study, a fuzzy hybrid multicriteria decision-making (MCDM model is proposed to personnel evaluation. This model solves personnel evaluation problem in a fuzzy environment where both criteria and weights could be fuzzy sets. The triangular fuzzy numbers are used to evaluate the suitability of personnel and the approximate reasoning of linguistic values. For evaluation, we have selected five information culture criteria. The weights of the criteria were calculated using worst-case method. After that, modified fuzzy VIKOR is proposed to rank the alternatives. The outcome of this research is ranking and selecting best alternative with the help of fuzzy VIKOR and modified fuzzy VIKOR techniques. A comparative analysis of results by fuzzy VIKOR and modified fuzzy VIKOR methods is presented. Experiments showed that the proposed modified fuzzy VIKOR method has some advantages over fuzzy VIKOR method. Firstly, from a computational complexity point of view, the presented model is effective. Secondly, compared to fuzzy VIKOR method, it has high acceptable advantage compared to fuzzy VIKOR method.

  17. Fuzzy commutative algebra and its application in mechanical engineering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, J.; Song, H.


    Based on literature data, this paper discusses the whole mathematical structure about point-fuzzy number set F(R). By introducing some new operations about addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and scalar multiplication, we prove that F(R) can form fuzzy linear space, fuzzy commutative ring, fuzzy commutative algebra in order. Furthermore, we get that A is fuzzy commutative algebra for any fuzzy subset. At last, we give an application of point-fuzzy number to mechanical engineering


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ES Obe

    One major drawback of fuzzy logic controllers is the difficulty encountered in the construction of a rule- base ... The greatest limitation of fuzzy logic control is the lack ..... c(kT)= e(kT)-e((k-1)T). (16) .... with the aid of fuzzy models”, It in Industrial.

  19. Abordagem pedagógica e diversificação dos cenários de ensino médico: projetos selecionados pelo PROMED

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    Lucia Maria Horta Figueiredo Goulart

    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisa as principais propostas de abordagem pedagógica e diversificação de cenários do processo de ensino apresentadas pelas escolas selecionadas pelo Programa de Incentivo a Mudanças Curriculares nas Escolas de Medicina (Promed, instituído em 2002 pelos ministérios da Saúde e da Educação. Foi realizada pesquisa documental, utilizando-se roteiro com base no termo de referência do programa para a leitura dos projetos. Verificou-se que todas as escolas selecionadas já se encontravam em processo de mudança curricular por ocasião do edital Promed. Embora buscassem alcançar os objetivos apresentados pelo programa, os projetos selecionados apontaram diferentes caminhos para sua realização. Conhecer essas propostas e a maneira como se articularam entre si e com o objetivo final do Promed é de capital importância para os educadores da área de saúde envolvidos com mudanças curriculares em suas instituições, bem como para os gestores dessa área que vêm apresentando suas demandas em consonância com as necessidades de saúde da população

  20. A new method for ordering triangular fuzzy numbers

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    S.H. Nasseri


    Full Text Available Ranking fuzzy numbers plays a very important role in linguistic decision making and other fuzzy application systems. In spite of many ranking methods, no one can rank fuzzy numbers with human intuition consistently in all cases. Shortcoming are found in some of the convenient methods for ranking triangular fuzzy numbers such as the coefficient of variation (CV index, distance between fuzzy sets, centroid point and original point, and also weighted mean value. In this paper, we introduce a new method for ranking triangular fuzzy number to overcome the shortcomings of the previous techniques. Finally, we compare our method with some convenient methods for ranking fuzzy numbers to illustrate the advantage our method.

  1. Fuzzy Stochastic Optimization Theory, Models and Applications

    CERN Document Server

    Wang, Shuming


    Covering in detail both theoretical and practical perspectives, this book is a self-contained and systematic depiction of current fuzzy stochastic optimization that deploys the fuzzy random variable as a core mathematical tool to model the integrated fuzzy random uncertainty. It proceeds in an orderly fashion from the requisite theoretical aspects of the fuzzy random variable to fuzzy stochastic optimization models and their real-life case studies.   The volume reflects the fact that randomness and fuzziness (or vagueness) are two major sources of uncertainty in the real world, with significant implications in a number of settings. In industrial engineering, management and economics, the chances are high that decision makers will be confronted with information that is simultaneously probabilistically uncertain and fuzzily imprecise, and optimization in the form of a decision must be made in an environment that is doubly uncertain, characterized by a co-occurrence of randomness and fuzziness. This book begins...

  2. On a Fuzzy Algebra for Querying Graph Databases


    Pivert , Olivier; Thion , Virginie; Jaudoin , Hélène; Smits , Grégory


    International audience; This paper proposes a notion of fuzzy graph database and describes a fuzzy query algebra that makes it possible to handle such database, which may be fuzzy or not, in a flexible way. The algebra, based on fuzzy set theory and the concept of a fuzzy graph, is composed of a set of operators that can be used to express preference queries on fuzzy graph databases. The preferences concern i) the content of the vertices of the graph and ii) the structure of the graph. In a s...

  3. An Integrated Approach of Fuzzy Linguistic Preference Based AHP and Fuzzy COPRAS for Machine Tool Evaluation.

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    Huu-Tho Nguyen

    Full Text Available Globalization of business and competitiveness in manufacturing has forced companies to improve their manufacturing facilities to respond to market requirements. Machine tool evaluation involves an essential decision using imprecise and vague information, and plays a major role to improve the productivity and flexibility in manufacturing. The aim of this study is to present an integrated approach for decision-making in machine tool selection. This paper is focused on the integration of a consistent fuzzy AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process and a fuzzy COmplex PRoportional ASsessment (COPRAS for multi-attribute decision-making in selecting the most suitable machine tool. In this method, the fuzzy linguistic reference relation is integrated into AHP to handle the imprecise and vague information, and to simplify the data collection for the pair-wise comparison matrix of the AHP which determines the weights of attributes. The output of the fuzzy AHP is imported into the fuzzy COPRAS method for ranking alternatives through the closeness coefficient. Presentation of the proposed model application is provided by a numerical example based on the collection of data by questionnaire and from the literature. The results highlight the integration of the improved fuzzy AHP and the fuzzy COPRAS as a precise tool and provide effective multi-attribute decision-making for evaluating the machine tool in the uncertain environment.

  4. Fuzzy neural network theory and application

    CERN Document Server

    Liu, Puyin


    This book systematically synthesizes research achievements in the field of fuzzy neural networks in recent years. It also provides a comprehensive presentation of the developments in fuzzy neural networks, with regard to theory as well as their application to system modeling and image restoration. Special emphasis is placed on the fundamental concepts and architecture analysis of fuzzy neural networks. The book is unique in treating all kinds of fuzzy neural networks and their learning algorithms and universal approximations, and employing simulation examples which are carefully designed to he

  5. Abordagem da violência no sistema classificatório DSM na perspectiva psicanalítica

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    Ângela Buciano do Rosário


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, propõe-se a discussão da importância assumida pela medicalização da vida na contemporaneidade. Após breve levantamento da abordagem da violência nas principais vertentes da psicopatologia, destacam-se as consequências da operacionalização dos sistemas classificatórios promovida, sobretudo, pelo DSM, em duas vertentes: a degradação do diagnóstico a um levantamento formal de sintomas e a acentuação da correlação histórica entre psicopatia e delinquência. Considera-se que a violência é intrínseca e estruturante ao homem. Ao circunscrever a violência como patologia, inviabiliza-se qualquer resposta do sujeito acerca de seu ato e uma possível punição, entendida como necessária para o reconhecimento de um dispositivo de regulação social e sustentação da cultura.

  6. Da necessidade de princípios de Arquitetura da Informação para a Internet das Coisas

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    Flavia Lacerda

    Full Text Available Analisa-se neste artigo o cenário da Internet das Coisas (IdC e seus impactos para a sociedade. Identifica-se a necessidade de uma abordagem humanista e sistêmica na área de Arquitetura da Informação, baseada essencialmente em princípios, que componha um arcabouço teórico transdisciplinar para lidar com questões tecnológicas, informacionais e sociais emergentes do fenômeno da IdC.



    Fernandes, Rui Jorge Gama; Fernandes, Ricardo Jorge Lopes


    A cidade, considerando as transformações económicas, sociais, políticas e tecnológicas, renasce no quadro de um crescente colapso das barreiras espaciais, contribuindo para a formulação de um novo paradigma de desenvolvimento, fortemente relacionado com o aumento da importância dos factores territoriais, essenciais no novo contexto de competitividade entre cidades. Neste sentido, torna-se fulcral definir um quadro de coabitação entre o espaço digital e o espaço físico, entre o veículo de conh...

  8. A gestão da demanda em cadeias de suprimentos: uma abordagem além da previsão de vendas Demand management on supply chains: more than sales forecast

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    Daniela de Castro Melo


    Full Text Available A gestão da demanda emerge nos campos de conhecimentos da gestão da cadeia de suprimentos e de marketing. Busca-se a rápida e adequada integração das necessidades originadas do mercado na direção dos fornecedores, de modo a balancear e alinhar estrategicamente a demanda com a capacidade operacional ao longo da cadeia de suprimentos. O objetivo deste artigo é propor uma abordagem conceitual para a implantação de um processo efetivo de gestão da demanda em cadeias de suprimentos fornecendo uma visão mais ampla da gestão da demanda como um processo integrado e não uma atividade isolada ou resumida à previsão de vendas. Para o desenvolvimento desta abordagem, realizou-se uma ampla revisão da literatura, usando a metodologia da revisão sistemática de literatura. Os resultados apontam que o primeiro passo da abordagem conceitual consiste na compreensão do mercado por meio da análise das capacidades, restrições, oportunidades dos ambientes interno e externo à empresa. Este conhecimento ditará as diretrizes e práticas estratégicas e operacionais da organização. O processo de gestão da demanda envolve um time multifuncional composto por integrantes de diversos níveis e setores da organização, bem como representantes estratégicos da cadeia de suprimentos (fornecedores e clientes. Este time será responsável pelo desenvolvimento conjunto das previsões de vendas, da elaboração, execução e acompanhamento do plano de negócio. Para isto, os agentes internos e externos da cadeia precisam ter uma orientação para a cadeia de suprimentos. Uma implementação bem conduzida desta abordagem pode melhorar o nível de serviço prestado ao cliente e gerar benefícios substanciais para os resultados financeiros da empresa.Demand management emerges in knowledge fields of supply chain management and marketing. It aims at rapid and appropriate integration of the needs arising from the market towards the suppliers in order to

  9. Fuzzy preference based interactive fuzzy physical programming and its application in multi-objective optimization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Xu; Huang, Hong Zhong; Yu, Lanfeng


    Interactive Fuzzy Physical Programming (IFPP) developed in this paper is a new efficient multi-objective optimization method, which retains the advantages of physical programming while considering the fuzziness of the designer's preferences. The fuzzy preference function is introduced based on the model of linear physical programming, which is used to guide the search for improved solutions by interactive decision analysis. The example of multi-objective optimization design of the spindle of internal grinder demonstrates that the improved preference conforms to the subjective desires of the designer

  10. Fuzzy Nonnative Phonolexical Representations Lead to Fuzzy Form-to-Meaning Mappings

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    Svetlana V Cook


    Full Text Available The present paper explores nonnative (L2 phonological encoding of lexical entries and dissociates the difficulties associated with L2 phonological and phonolexical encoding by focusing on similarly sounding L2 words that are not differentiated by difficult phonological contrasts. We test two main claims of the fuzzy lexicon hypothesis: (1 L2 fuzzy phonolexical representations are not fully specified and lack details at both phonological and phonolexical levels of representation (Experiment 1; and (2 fuzzy phonolexical representations can lead to establishing incorrect form-to-meaning mappings (Experiment 2.The Russian-English Translation Priming task (Experiment 1, TJT explores how the degree of phonolexical similarity between a word and its lexical competitor affects lexical access of Russian words. Words with smaller phonolexical distance (e.g., parent - parrot show longer reaction times and lower accuracy compared to words with a larger phonolexical distance (e.g., parent – parchment in lower-proficiency nonnative speakers, and, to a lesser degree, higher-proficiency speakers. This points to a lack of detail in nonnative phonolexical representations necessary for efficient lexical access. The Russian Pseudo-Semantic Priming task (Experiment 2, PSP addresses the vulnerability of form-to-meaning mappings as a consequence of fuzzy phonolexical representations in L2. We primed the target with a word semantically related to its phonological competitor, or a potentially confusable word. The findings of Experiment 2 extend the results of Experiment 1 that, unlike native speakers, nonnative speakers do not properly encode phonolexical information. As a result, they are prone to access an incorrect lexical representation of a competitor word, as indicated by a slowdown in the judgments to confusable words.The study provides evidence that fuzzy phonolexical representations result in unfaithful form-to-meaning mappings, which lead to retrieval of

  11. An extension of fuzzy decisi

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    Basem Mohamed Elomda


    Full Text Available This paper presents a new extension to Fuzzy Decision Maps (FDMs by allowing use of fuzzy linguistic values to represent relative importance among criteria in the preference matrix as well as representing relative influence among criteria for computing the steady-state matrix in the stage of Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM. The proposed model is called the Linguistic Fuzzy Decision Networks (LFDNs. The proposed LFDN provides considerable flexibility to decision makers when solving real world Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM problems. The performance of the proposed LFDN model is compared with the original FDM using a previously published case study. The result of comparison ensures the ability to draw the same decisions with a more realistic decision environment.

  12. Fuzzy control for optimal operation of complex chilling systems; Betriebsoptimierung von komplexen Kaelteanlagen mit Fuzzy-Control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Talebi-Daryani, R. [Fachhochschule Koeln (Germany). Lehrgebiet und Lab. fuer Regelungs- und Gebaeudeleittechnik; Luther, C. [JCI Regelungstechnik GmbH, Koeln (Germany)


    The optimization potentials for the operation of chilling systems within the building supervisory control systems are limited to abilities of PLC functions with their binary logic. The aim of this project is to replace inefficient PLC-solutions for the operation of chilling system by a Fuzzy control system. Optimal operation means: reducing operation time and operation costs of the system, reducing cooling energy generation- and consumption costs. Analysis of the thermal behaviour of the building and the chilling system is necessary, in order to find the current efficient cooling potentials and cooling methods during the operation. Three different Fuzzy controller have been developed with a total rule number of just 70. This realized Fuzzy control system is able to forecast the maximum cooling power of the building, but also to determine the cooling potential of the out door air. This new Fuzzy control system has been successfully commissioned, and remarkable improvement of the system behaviour is reached. Comparison of the system behaviour before and after the implementation of Fuzzy control system proved the benefits of the Fuzzy logic based operation system realized here. The system described here is a joint project between the University of applied sciences Cologne, and Johnson Controls International Cologne. The Fuzzy software tool used here (SUCO soft Fuzzy TECH 4.0), was provided by Kloeckner Moeller Bonn. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Betriebsoptimierung von Kaelteanlagen innerhalb von Gebaeudeleitsystemen ist auf die Faehigkeiten von logischen Steuerverknuepfungen der Digitaltechnik begrenzt. In diesem Zusammenhang kann nur ein geringer Anteil der Information ueber das thermische Speicherverhalten des jeweiligen Gebaeudes herangezogen werden. Ziel des vorliegenden Projektes war es, die unzureichenden logischen Steuerverknuepfungen durch ein Fuzzy-Control-System zu ersetzen, um die Arbeitsweise der Kaelteanlage zu optimieren. Die Optimierungskriterien dieses

  13. Forecasting Enrollments with Fuzzy Time Series. (United States)

    Song, Qiang; Chissom, Brad S.

    The concept of fuzzy time series is introduced and used to forecast the enrollment of a university. Fuzzy time series, an aspect of fuzzy set theory, forecasts enrollment using a first-order time-invariant model. To evaluate the model, the conventional linear regression technique is applied and the predicted values obtained are compared to the…

  14. Fuzzy control of pressurizer dynamic process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ming Zhedong; Zhao Fuyu


    Considering the characteristics of pressurizer dynamic process, the fuzzy control system that takes the advantages of both fuzzy controller and PID controller is designed for the dynamic process in pressurizer. The simulation results illustrate this type of composite control system is with better qualities than those of single fuzzy controller and single PID controller. (authors)

  15. A version of Stone-Weierstrass theorem in Fuzzy Analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Font, J.J.; Sanchis, D.; Sanchis, M.


    Fuzzy numbers provide formalized tools to deal with non-precise quantities. They are indeed fuzzy sets in the real line and were introduced in 1978 by Dubois and Prade , who also defined their basic operations. Since then, Fuzzy Analysis has developed based on the notion of fuzzy number just as much as classical Real Analysis did based on the concept of real number. Such development was eased by a characterization of fuzzy numbers provided in 1986 by Goetschel and Voxman leaning on their level sets. As in the classical setting, continuous fuzzy-valued functions (fuzzy functions) are the central core of the theory. The principal difference with regard to real-valued continuous functions is the fact that the fuzzy numbers do not form a vectorial space, which determines all the results, and, especially, the proofs. The study of fuzzy functions has developed, principally, about two lines of investigation: - Differential fuzzy equations, which have turned out to be the natural way of modelling physical and engineering problems in contexts where the parameters are vague or incomplete. - The problem of approximation of fuzzy functions, basically using the approximation capability of fuzzy neural networks. We will focus on this second line of investigation, though our approach will be more general and based on an adaptation of the famous Stone-Weierstrass Theorem to the fuzzy context. This way so, we introduce the concept of “multiplier” of a set of fuzzy functions and use it to give a constructive proof of a Stone-Weiestrass type theorem for fuzzy functions. (Author)

  16. Qualitative assessment of environmental impacts through fuzzy logic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peche G, Roberto


    The vagueness of many concepts usually utilized in environmental impact studies, along with frequent lack of quantitative information, suggests that fuzzy logic can be applied to carry out qualitative assessment of such impacts. This paper proposes a method for valuing environmental impacts caused by projects, based on fuzzy sets theory and methods of approximate reasoning. First, impacts must be described by a set of features. A linguistic variable is assigned to each feature, whose values are fuzzy sets. A fuzzy evaluation of environmental impacts is achieved using rule based fuzzy inference and the estimated fuzzy value of each feature. Generalized modus ponens has been the inference method. Finally, a crisp value of impact is attained by aggregation and defuzzification of all fuzzy results

  17. Blended learning: uma proposta para o ensino híbrido

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    Cíntia Moralles Camillo


    Full Text Available Vive-se em uma época de mudanças, transformações e de grandes oportunidades do ponto de vista educacional, principalmente por meio das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs. Com as TICs foram criadas diversas modalidades de ensino a distância, inclusive o ensino híbrido, que combina atividades presenciais e atividades educacionais a distância. Blended learning ou sala de aula invertida é uma das diferentes maneiras de combinar as atividades educacionais presenciais e a distância. O objetivo deste estudo é discutir as modalidades do ensino híbrido no ensino superior e, em especial a sala de aula invertida. Explorando o uso das TICs na implantação dessa abordagem pedagógica, as razões para a sua implantação, e os aspectos positivos e negativos, usando a abordagem da sala de aula invertida.

  18. a New Model for Fuzzy Personalized Route Planning Using Fuzzy Linguistic Preference Relation (United States)

    Nadi, S.; Houshyaripour, A. H.


    This paper proposes a new model for personalized route planning under uncertain condition. Personalized routing, involves different sources of uncertainty. These uncertainties can be raised from user's ambiguity about their preferences, imprecise criteria values and modelling process. The proposed model uses Fuzzy Linguistic Preference Relation Analytical Hierarchical Process (FLPRAHP) to analyse user's preferences under uncertainty. Routing is a multi-criteria task especially in transportation networks, where the users wish to optimize their routes based on different criteria. However, due to the lake of knowledge about the preferences of different users and uncertainties available in the criteria values, we propose a new personalized fuzzy routing method based on the fuzzy ranking using center of gravity. The model employed FLPRAHP method to aggregate uncertain criteria values regarding uncertain user's preferences while improve consistency with least possible comparisons. An illustrative example presents the effectiveness and capability of the proposed model to calculate best personalize route under fuzziness and uncertainty.

  19. Reprojeto de um dispositivo eletromecânico em uma abordagem de engenharia reversa integrada ao projeto para manufatura e montagem e à prototipagem rápida Redesign of an electromechanical device in a reverse engineering approach integrated to design for manufacturing and assembly and rapid prototyping

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    Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello


    Full Text Available O tema deste trabalho é o estudo da integração do projeto para manufatura e montagem com a prototipagem rápida, em uma abordagem de engenharia reversa, como ferramenta de suporte ao reprojeto de produtos. A partir de uma fundamentação teórica sobre esses conceitos, o presente trabalho visa analisar a aplicação de um modelo para a utilização integrada do projeto para manufatura com a prototipagem rápida em uma abordagem da engenharia reversa no processo de reprojeto de produtos eletromecânicos e analisar os resultados da aplicação do referido modelo para a redução do tempo de produção/montagem e dos custos de manufatura/montagem no reprojeto desse produto que está, há mais de 30 anos, no mercado. O método de pesquisa empregado foi a pesquisa-ação, uma vez que o pesquisador buscava resolver um problema identificado dentro do objeto de estudo em parceria com a equipe de profissionais da empresa. Os resultados das recomendações para o reprojeto do produto apresentam uma redução no tempo de montagem, do número de processos e de componentes e no custo-meta do produto, propiciando a oportunidade de melhorar a sua competitividade no mercado.The purpose of this work was the study of the integration between design for manufacturing and assembly with rapid prototyping, in a reverse engineering approach, such as some tools to support product redesign. Based on a literature review of these concepts, this paper aimed at examining the application of a model that integrates the design for manufacture and assembly with rapid prototyping in reverse engineering approach in the redesign of an electromechanical device. The objective was to analyze the results of the application of this model in order to reduce the time of manufacture/assembly and the cost of assembly in the redesign of the product, which has been marketed for more than 30 years. The research method employed was action-research, because the researcher wanted to address a

  20. Consolidity analysis for fully fuzzy functions, matrices, probability and statistics

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    Walaa Ibrahim Gabr


    Full Text Available The paper presents a comprehensive review of the know-how for developing the systems consolidity theory for modeling, analysis, optimization and design in fully fuzzy environment. The solving of systems consolidity theory included its development for handling new functions of different dimensionalities, fuzzy analytic geometry, fuzzy vector analysis, functions of fuzzy complex variables, ordinary differentiation of fuzzy functions and partial fraction of fuzzy polynomials. On the other hand, the handling of fuzzy matrices covered determinants of fuzzy matrices, the eigenvalues of fuzzy matrices, and solving least-squares fuzzy linear equations. The approach demonstrated to be also applicable in a systematic way in handling new fuzzy probabilistic and statistical problems. This included extending the conventional probabilistic and statistical analysis for handling fuzzy random data. Application also covered the consolidity of fuzzy optimization problems. Various numerical examples solved have demonstrated that the new consolidity concept is highly effective in solving in a compact form the propagation of fuzziness in linear, nonlinear, multivariable and dynamic problems with different types of complexities. Finally, it is demonstrated that the implementation of the suggested fuzzy mathematics can be easily embedded within normal mathematics through building special fuzzy functions library inside the computational Matlab Toolbox or using other similar software languages.

  1. Controle fuzzy espacialmente diferenciado para um sistema de irrigação


    Feliciano, Rafaelle de Aguiar Correia


    Projetos de irrigação tradicionais não determinam localmente a disponibilidade de água no solo. Assim, podem ocorrer ciclos irregulares de irrigação: alguns insuficientes, o que provoca déficit de água; outros em demasia, o que causa falta de oxigenação nas plantas. Devido à natureza não-linear do problema e do ambiente multivariável de processos de irrigação, a lógica fuzzy é sugerida como substituta aos sistemas comerciais de irrigação tipo ON-OFF com temporização pré-definid...

  2. An Extension of the Fuzzy Possibilistic Clustering Algorithm Using Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Techniques

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    Elid Rubio


    Full Text Available In this work an extension of the Fuzzy Possibilistic C-Means (FPCM algorithm using Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Techniques is presented, and this is done in order to improve the efficiency of FPCM algorithm. With the purpose of observing the performance of the proposal against the Interval Type-2 Fuzzy C-Means algorithm, several experiments were made using both algorithms with well-known datasets, such as Wine, WDBC, Iris Flower, Ionosphere, Abalone, and Cover type. In addition some experiments were performed using another set of test images to observe the behavior of both of the above-mentioned algorithms in image preprocessing. Some comparisons are performed between the proposed algorithm and the Interval Type-2 Fuzzy C-Means (IT2FCM algorithm to observe if the proposed approach has better performance than this algorithm.

  3. A study on generalized hesitant intuitionistic Fuzzy soft sets (United States)

    Nazra, A.; Syafruddin; Wicaksono, G. C.; Syafwan, M.


    By combining the concept of hesitant intuitionistic fuzzy sets, fuzzy soft sets and fuzzy sets, we extend hesitant intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets to a generalized hesitant intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets. Some operations on generalized hesitant intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets, such as union, complement, operations “AND” and “OR”, and intersection are defined. From such operations the authors obtain related properties such as commutative, associative and De Morgan's laws. The authors also get an algebraic structure of the collection of all generalized hesitant intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets over a set.


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    Edwar Jacinto Gómez


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el software  Fuzzy Tool desarrollado como una herramienta educativa para el aprendizaje de sistemas difusos, define los métodos y operaciones difusos más importantes y utilizadas en el diseño de sistemas difusos en el mundo. FuzzyTool se implementó como una herramienta computacional educativa teniendo como referencia cada una de lo programas que se encuentran en la actualidad para el desarrollo, diseño y simulación de sistemas y controladores difusas (fuzzytech, Matlab, Unfuzzy, etc..La herramienta que se desarrollo le entrega al usuario una interfaz gráfica donde es guiado en el diseño de los sistemas difusos, por medio de tres pasos fundamentales como lo son: la edición de las variables, la construcción de la base de reglas o base de conocimiento y por ultimo, la inferencia de reglas.

  5. Uma comparação entre os métodos TOPSIS e Fuzzy-TOPSIS no apoio à tomada de decisão multicritério para seleção de fornecedores


    Lima Junior,Francisco Rodrigues; Carpinetti,Luiz Cesar Ribeiro


    A seleção de fornecedores é considerada a atividade mais crítica da função de compras e impacta diretamente a qualidade dos produtos manufaturados e o desempenho do comprador. Na literatura acadêmica, dezenas de métodos de tomada de decisão multicritério vêm sendo explorados para apoiar a seleção de fornecedores. Dentre esses, o TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) e o Fuzzy-TOPSIS (uma adaptação do primeiro) se destacam por sua simplicidade de uso e pela...

  6. A note on the L-fuzzy Banach's contraction principle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martinez-Moreno, J.; Roldan, A.; Roldan, C.


    Recently, Alaca et al. [Alaca C, Turkoglu D, Yildiz C. Fixed points in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2006;29:10738] proved fuzzy Banach fixed point theorem in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces and Saadati [Saadati R. Notes to the paper 'fixed points in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces' and its generalization to L-fuzzy metric spaces. Chaos, Solitions and Fractals 2008;35:80-176] extended it in generalized fuzzy metric spaces. The purpose of this paper is to give a correct proof of the main result in Saadati [Saadati R. Notes to the paper 'fixed points in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces' and its generalization to L-fuzzy metric spaces. Chaos, Solitions and Fractals 2008;35:80-176].


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    Z. Gonul BALKIR


    Full Text Available The necessity of examination of every case within its peculiar conditions in social sciences requires different approaches complying with the spirit and nature of social sciences. Multiple realities require different and various perceptual interpretations. In modern world and social sciences, interpretation of perception of valued and multi-valued have been started to be understood by the principles of fuzziness and fuzzy logic. Having the verbally expressible degrees of truthness such as true, very true, rather true, etc. fuzzy logic provides the opportunity for the interpretation of especially complex and rather vague set of information by flexibility or equivalence of the variables’ of fuzzy limitations. The methods and principles of fuzzy logic can be benefited in examination of the methodological problems of law, especially in the applications of filling the legal loopholes arising from the ambiguities and interpretation problems in order to understand the legal rules in a more comprehensible and applicable way and the efficiency of legal implications. On the other hand, fuzzy logic can be used as a technical legal method in legal education and especially in legal case studies and legal practice applications in order to provide the perception of law as a value and the more comprehensive and more quality perception and interpretation of value of justice, which is the core value of law. In the perception of what happened as it has happened in legal relationships and formations, the understanding of social reality and sociological legal rules with multi valued sense perspective and the their applications in accordance with the fuzzy logic’s methods could create more equivalent and just results. It can be useful for the young lawyers and law students as a facilitating legal method especially in the materialization of the perception and interpretation of multi valued and variables. Using methods and principles of fuzzy logic in legal



    Rafael Gonçalves Bezerra; Rodrigo Capelle Suess


    A educação brasileira tem os livros didáticos como principal recurso de informação a alunos e professores. Este trabalho analisa como ocorre a abordagem do bioma Cerrado em seis livros didáticos de biologia destinados ao Ensino Médio. Os aspectos analisados foram o número de páginas destinadas ao tema, figuras, exemplificações acerca da fauna e flora local e abordagem do tema. A análise mostrou que todos os aspectos são apresentados de maneira resumida. Exemplos da fauna e flora local, quando...

  9. INFUZZY: Ferramenta para desenvolvimento de aplicações de sistemas difusos

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    Ederson Luis Posselt


    Full Text Available A ferramenta de modelagem de sistemas difusos, InFuzzy, foi desenvolvida com o intuito de agir como um facilitador do uso da técnica por parte de estudantes e de profissionais interessados nessa subárea da Inteligência Artificial (IA. A lógica difusa é uma excelente técnica para a solução de problemas que envolvam o uso de dados imprecisos, porém, a sua implementação e o seu entendimento não são fatos triviais. As seguintes etapas foram contempladas: estudo dos conceitos da lógica difusa, softwares existentes no mercado, ergonomia e usabilidade de interfaces, modelagem e desenvolvimento da ferramenta InFuzzy e homologação das suas funcionalidades. Como resultado, apresenta-se a ferramenta desenvolvida, uma interface gráfica para modelagem de aplicações de sistemas difusos, dotada de recursos de simulação e integração com outros softwares por meio do protocolo UDP/IP. Até o momento, muitos usuários instalaram o software InFuzzy, dentre ao quais pesquisadores e alunos de programas de mestrado e de doutorado dos seguintes estados brasileiros: Amazonas, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, Pará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondônia, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, São Paulo e Distrito Federal.

  10. More on θ-compact fuzzy topological spaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ekici, Erdal


    Recently, El-Naschie has shown that the notion of fuzzy topology may be relevant to quantum particle physics in connection with string theory and ε ∞ theory. In 2005, Caldas and Jafari have introduced θ-compact fuzzy topological spaces. The purpose of this paper is to investigate further properties of θ-compact fuzzy topological spaces. Moreover, the notion of θ-closed fuzzy topological spaces is introduced and properties of it are obtained

  11. Abordagem neurologica na sindrome do X fragil


    Marilisa Mantovani Guerreiro


    Resumo: Com o propósito de realizar a abordagem neurológica na Síndrome do X Frágil (SXF), estudaram-se 11 pacientes com este diagnóstico citogenético. A idade variou de 8 a 19 anos. Nove pacientes eram do sexo masculino e dois do feminino. Todos os indivíduos apresentaram pavilhões auriculares grandes e faces alongadas. Observou-se fronte proeminente em 63% dos casos e macrorquidia em 33% dentre aqueles do sexo masculino. Atraso na aquisição da fala, fala repetitiva, perseverativa, impulsiva...

  12. Comunicação da responsabilidade social na internet: uma abordagem voltada para o público interno [doi: 10.5329/RECADM.2014015

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    Thiago Braga Martins


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem o objetivo de identificar as iniciativas voltadas ao público interno (colaboradores, com foco nas ações de responsabilidade social empresarial, comunicadas na internet pelas empresas cearenses classificadas no ranking Great Place to Work 2013. Para tanto, verifica-se o quanto tais empresas, consideradas “modelo” no relacionamento com seus colaboradores, comunicam suas iniciativas voltadas para o público interno em seus websites corporativos e apresenta-se uma proposta de mensuração e avaliação de conteúdo de websites corporativos na divulgação das iniciativas destinadas ao público interno. A abordagem de pesquisa é quantitativa, por verificar a ocorrência de determinados indicadores previamente estabelecidos, e quanto aos fins esta pesquisa é descritiva. No que diz respeito à coleta de dados, trata-se de pesquisa documental, de forma telematizada, através da internet, na medida em que explora e analisa o conteúdo dos websites das 40 melhores empresas para se trabalhar no Ceará. Verificou-se que o indicador mais presente foi o referente à comunicação das premiações recebidas pelo bom relacionamento com o público interno (86,8% e os menos presentes foram os referentes às práticas inclusivas e afirmativas relativas ao colaborador, e à transparência e accountability (relatório social disponível (15,8%. Palavras-chave Responsabilidade social empresarial; Internet; Reputação corporativa; Público interno; Great Place to Work.     COMMUNICATION OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ON THE INTERNET: AN EMPLOYEE APPROACH   ABSTRACT This article aims to identify initiatives to address workforce (employees, focusing on the actions of corporate social responsibility, communicated on the Internet by companies classified in Great Place to Work 2013 Ceará Ranking. This paper focuses in discover how such companies considered "reference" in relationship with its employees, communicate their initiatives to

  13. Risk Mapping of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis via a Fuzzy C Means-based Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (United States)

    Akhavan, P.; Karimi, M.; Pahlavani, P.


    Finding pathogenic factors and how they are spread in the environment has become a global demand, recently. Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL) created by Leishmania is a special parasitic disease which can be passed on to human through phlebotomus of vector-born. Studies show that economic situation, cultural issues, as well as environmental and ecological conditions can affect the prevalence of this disease. In this study, Data Mining is utilized in order to predict CL prevalence rate and obtain a risk map. This case is based on effective environmental parameters on CL and a Neuro-Fuzzy system was also used. Learning capacity of Neuro-Fuzzy systems in neural network on one hand and reasoning power of fuzzy systems on the other, make it very efficient to use. In this research, in order to predict CL prevalence rate, an adaptive Neuro-fuzzy inference system with fuzzy inference structure of fuzzy C Means clustering was applied to determine the initial membership functions. Regarding to high incidence of CL in Ilam province, counties of Ilam, Mehran, and Dehloran have been examined and evaluated. The CL prevalence rate was predicted in 2012 by providing effective environmental map and topography properties including temperature, moisture, annual, rainfall, vegetation and elevation. Results indicate that the model precision with fuzzy C Means clustering structure rises acceptable RMSE values of both training and checking data and support our analyses. Using the proposed data mining technology, the pattern of disease spatial distribution and vulnerable areas become identifiable and the map can be used by experts and decision makers of public health as a useful tool in management and optimal decision-making.

  14. Risk Mapping of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis via a Fuzzy C Means-based Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System

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    P. Akhavan


    Full Text Available Finding pathogenic factors and how they are spread in the environment has become a global demand, recently. Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL created by Leishmania is a special parasitic disease which can be passed on to human through phlebotomus of vector-born. Studies show that economic situation, cultural issues, as well as environmental and ecological conditions can affect the prevalence of this disease. In this study, Data Mining is utilized in order to predict CL prevalence rate and obtain a risk map. This case is based on effective environmental parameters on CL and a Neuro-Fuzzy system was also used. Learning capacity of Neuro-Fuzzy systems in neural network on one hand and reasoning power of fuzzy systems on the other, make it very efficient to use. In this research, in order to predict CL prevalence rate, an adaptive Neuro-fuzzy inference system with fuzzy inference structure of fuzzy C Means clustering was applied to determine the initial membership functions. Regarding to high incidence of CL in Ilam province, counties of Ilam, Mehran, and Dehloran have been examined and evaluated. The CL prevalence rate was predicted in 2012 by providing effective environmental map and topography properties including temperature, moisture, annual, rainfall, vegetation and elevation. Results indicate that the model precision with fuzzy C Means clustering structure rises acceptable RMSE values of both training and checking data and support our analyses. Using the proposed data mining technology, the pattern of disease spatial distribution and vulnerable areas become identifiable and the map can be used by experts and decision makers of public health as a useful tool in management and optimal decision-making.

  15. Stabilization of nonlinear systems using sampled-data output-feedback fuzzy controller based on polynomial-fuzzy-model-based control approach. (United States)

    Lam, H K


    This paper investigates the stability of sampled-data output-feedback (SDOF) polynomial-fuzzy-model-based control systems. Representing the nonlinear plant using a polynomial fuzzy model, an SDOF fuzzy controller is proposed to perform the control process using the system output information. As only the system output is available for feedback compensation, it is more challenging for the controller design and system analysis compared to the full-state-feedback case. Furthermore, because of the sampling activity, the control signal is kept constant by the zero-order hold during the sampling period, which complicates the system dynamics and makes the stability analysis more difficult. In this paper, two cases of SDOF fuzzy controllers, which either share the same number of fuzzy rules or not, are considered. The system stability is investigated based on the Lyapunov stability theory using the sum-of-squares (SOS) approach. SOS-based stability conditions are obtained to guarantee the system stability and synthesize the SDOF fuzzy controller. Simulation examples are given to demonstrate the merits of the proposed SDOF fuzzy control approach.

  16. Estudo da logística de distribuição física de um laticínio utilizando lógica fuzzy Study of physical distribution logistics of a dairy industry using fuzzy logic

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    Alysson Vinícius Neves dos Santos


    Full Text Available Este estudo versa sobre a viabilidade da aplicação da lógica fuzzy para auxiliar o gerente de uma indústria de laticínios na tomada de decisão na área de logística de distribuição física. O estudo de caso realizado numa indústria de laticínios de pequeno porte em Minas Gerais identificou que, a cada novo pedido solicitado via internet, o profissional de logística manipula ao mesmo tempo um grande número de informações e decide, com base na sua experiência, a melhor forma de distribuição desses pedidos. A proposta deste trabalho é apresentar um modelo fuzzy como uma alternativa de apoio aos métodos tradicionais de processamento de pedidos e tomada de decisão logística. Os resultados permitiram concluir que o modelo foi transcrito de forma adequada ao problema proposto ao apresentar as mesmas decisões tomadas pelo especialista e que, se observados os pontos fracos detectados, este modelo pode se constituir em importante ferramenta para a competitividade das indústrias.This study focuses on the viability of fuzzy logic application to assist the management of a dairy industry in the process of decision-making in physical distribution logistics. The case study, carried out in a small dairy industry in the State of Minas Gerais, identified that, for each new order request via internet, the logistician copes with a large amount of information at the same time and decides, based on experience, the best way to distribute such orders. The purpose of this research was to present a fuzzy model as an alternative support to traditional methods for order processing and logistics decision-making. The results showed that the model adequately reproduced the problem proposed as it produced the same decisions made by the specialist and, if the weak points detected are observed, this model can be used as an important tool for the competitiveness of industries.

  17. A Combined Fuzzy-AHP and Fuzzy-GRA Methodology for Hydrogen Energy Storage Method Selection in Turkey

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    Aytac Yildiz


    Full Text Available In this paper, we aim to select the most appropriate Hydrogen Energy Storage (HES method for Turkey from among the alternatives of tank, metal hydride and chemical storage, which are determined based on expert opinions and literature review. Thus, we propose a Buckley extension based fuzzy Analytical Hierarchical Process (Fuzzy-AHP and linear normalization based fuzzy Grey Relational Analysis (Fuzzy-GRA combined Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM methodology. This combined approach can be applied to a complex decision process, which often makes sense with subjective data or vague information; and used to solve to solve HES selection problem with different defuzzification methods. The proposed approach is unique both in the HES literature and the MCDM literature.

  18. Type-2 fuzzy granular models

    CERN Document Server

    Sanchez, Mauricio A; Castro, Juan R


    In this book, a series of granular algorithms are proposed. A nature inspired granular algorithm based on Newtonian gravitational forces is proposed. A series of methods for the formation of higher-type information granules represented by Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets are also shown, via multiple approaches, such as Coefficient of Variation, principle of justifiable granularity, uncertainty-based information concept, and numerical evidence based. And a fuzzy granular application comparison is given as to demonstrate the differences in how uncertainty affects the performance of fuzzy information granules.

  19. Fuzzy expert systems using CLIPS (United States)

    Le, Thach C.


    This paper describes a CLIPS-based fuzzy expert system development environment called FCLIPS and illustrates its application to the simulated cart-pole balancing problem. FCLIPS is a straightforward extension of CLIPS without any alteration to the CLIPS internal structures. It makes use of the object-oriented and module features in CLIPS version 6.0 for the implementation of fuzzy logic concepts. Systems of varying degrees of mixed Boolean and fuzzy rules can be implemented in CLIPS. Design and implementation issues of FCLIPS will also be discussed.

  20. Possibility Fuzzy Soft Set

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    Shawkat Alkhazaleh


    Full Text Available We introduce the concept of possibility fuzzy soft set and its operation and study some of its properties. We give applications of this theory in solving a decision-making problem. We also introduce a similarity measure of two possibility fuzzy soft sets and discuss their application in a medical diagnosis problem.

  1. Operator’s Fuzzy Norm and Some Properties


    Bag, T.; Samanta, S.K.


    In this paper, a concept of operator’s fuzzy norm is introduced for the first time in general t-norm setting. Ideas of fuzzy continuous operators, fuzzy bounded linear operators are given with some properties of such operators studied in this general setting.

  2. The majority rule in a fuzzy environment.


    Montero, Javier


    In this paper, an axiomatic approach to rational decision making in a fuzzy environment is studied. In particular, the majority rule is proposed as a rational way for aggregating fuzzy opinions in a group, when such agroup is defined as a fuzzy set.

  3. New types of bipolar fuzzy sets in -semihypergroups

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    Naveed Yaqoob


    Full Text Available The notion of bipolar fuzzy set was initiated by Lee (2000 as a generalization of the notion fuzzy sets and intuitionistic fuzzy sets, which have drawn attention of many mathematicians and computer scientists. In this paper, we initiate a study on bipolar ( , -fuzzy sets in -semihypergroups. By using the concept of bipolar ( , -fuzzy sets (Yaqoob and Ansari, 2013, we introduce the notion of bipolar ( , -fuzzy sub -semihypergroups (-hyperideals and bi--hyperideals and discuss some basic results on bipolar ( , -fuzzy sets in -semihypergroups. Furthermore, we define the bipolar fuzzy subset ,               and prove that if  ,       is a bipolar ( , -fuzzy sub -semihypergroup (resp., -hyperideal and bi--hyperideal of H; then ,               is also a bipolar ( , -fuzzy sub -semihypergroup (resp., -hyperideal and bi--hyperideal of H.

  4. Make man-machine communication easier: fuzzy programming

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Farreny, H; Prade, H


    Procedures and data used by the human brain are not always accurately specified; fuzzy programming may help in the realisation of languages for the manipulation of such fuzzy entities. After having considered fuzzy instruction and its requirements, arguments, functions, predicates and designations, the authors present the outlines of a fuzzy filtering system. Two applications are given as examples; these are the accessing of a database and an expert system which may be used to solve problems in robotics.

  5. Fuzzy controller of speed-power of a synchronous micro generator; Controlador difuso de velocidad-potencia de un microgenerador sincrono

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinez Alvarado, Raziel


    This thesis shows the design and implementation of a speed-power fuzzy-logic controller. The controller implementation was carried out on the Schrage motor-synchronous generator set. The synchronous alternator is rated 7 kVA, 220 V, 1800 rpm, 60 Hz. Two PI like fuzzy-logic controllers were developed with 9 and 25 rules. The controllers use the speed or power error and its integral as input variables and as an output the control signal from the brush-positioner of the Schrage motor. At the controller design stage, the anfis (adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system) learning and structure procedure was used for tuning up parameters of the membership functions used on the designed fuzzy controllers. These controllers are first-order Sugeno-type. The designed controllers were tested on the motor-generator set under loaded and no-loaded conditions. It was found that PI-9 rules fuzzy-logic controller had better performance on both operating conditions. [Spanish] En este trabajo de tesis se presenta el diseno e implementacion de un controlador difuso de velocidad-potencia, para un grupo motor Schrage-generador sincrono de 7 kVA, 220 V, 1800 rpm, 60 Hz. Se implementaron controladores difusos del tipo PI de 9 y 25 reglas. Estos controladores utilizan como variables de entrada el error y la integral del error, de velocidad o potencia segun corresponda, y como variable de salida la senal de control del posicionador de las escobillas del motor Schrage. En la etapa de diseno de los controladores, se utilizo la estructura y el procedimiento de aprendizaje anfis (Sistema de Inferencia Difuso Basado en Redes Adaptables, por sus siglas en ingles) para sintonizar los parametros de las funciones de membresia de los controladores difusos, los cuales son del tipo Sugeno de primer orden. Con la finalidad de validar los controladores disenados, se realizaron pruebas experimentales al grupo motor-generador en condiciones de vacio y carga. Se encontro que el controlador difuso tipo

  6. Driver's Behavior Modeling Using Fuzzy Logic

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    Sehraneh Ghaemi


    Full Text Available In this study, we propose a hierarchical fuzzy system for human in a driver-vehicle-environment system to model takeover by different drivers. The driver's behavior is affected by the environment. The climate, road and car conditions are included in fuzzy modeling. For obtaining fuzzy rules, experts' opinions are benefited by means of questionnaires on effects of parameters such as climate, road and car conditions on driving capabilities. Also the precision, age and driving individuality are used to model the driver's behavior. Three different positions are considered for driving and decision making. A fuzzy model called Model I is presented for modeling the change of steering angle and speed control by considering time distances with existing cars in these three positions, the information about the speed and direction of car, and the steering angle of car. Also we obtained two other models based on fuzzy rules called Model II and Model III by using Sugeno fuzzy inference. Model II and Model III have less linguistic terms than Model I for the steering angle and direction of car. The results of three models are compared for a driver who drives based on driving laws.

  7. Decision model on the demographic profile for tuberculosis control using fuzzy logic

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    Laisa Ribeiro de Sá


    Full Text Available This study aimed to describe the relationship between demographic factors and the involvement of tuberculosis by applying a decision support model based on fuzzy logic to classify the regions as priority and non-priority in the city of João Pessoa, state of Paraíba (PB. As data source, we used the Notifiable Diseases Information System between 2009 and 2011. We chose the descriptive analysis, relative risk (RR, spatial distribution and fuzzy logic. The total of 1,245 cases remained in the study, accounting for 37.02% of cases in 2009. High and low risk clusters were identified, and the RR was higher among men (8.47, with 12 clusters, and among those uneducated (11.65, with 13 clusters. To demonstrate the functionality of the model was elected the year with highest number of cases, and the municipality district with highest population. The methodology identified priority areas, guiding managers to make decisions that respect the local particularities.

  8. Fuzzy logic control and optimization system (United States)

    Lou, Xinsheng [West Hartford, CT


    A control system (300) for optimizing a power plant includes a chemical loop having an input for receiving an input signal (369) and an output for outputting an output signal (367), and a hierarchical fuzzy control system (400) operably connected to the chemical loop. The hierarchical fuzzy control system (400) includes a plurality of fuzzy controllers (330). The hierarchical fuzzy control system (400) receives the output signal (367), optimizes the input signal (369) based on the received output signal (367), and outputs an optimized input signal (369) to the input of the chemical loop to control a process of the chemical loop in an optimized manner.

  9. Fuzzy logic applications to control engineering (United States)

    Langari, Reza


    This paper presents the results of a project presently under way at Texas A&M which focuses on the use of fuzzy logic in integrated control of manufacturing systems. The specific problems investigated here include diagnosis of critical tool wear in machining of metals via a neuro-fuzzy algorithm, as well as compensation of friction in mechanical positioning systems via an adaptive fuzzy logic algorithm. The results indicate that fuzzy logic in conjunction with conventional algorithmic based approaches or neural nets can prove useful in dealing with the intricacies of control/monitoring of manufacturing systems and can potentially play an active role in multi-modal integrated control systems of the future.

  10. Definição de operadores de distância qualitativa para objetos geográficos estendidos


    Nunes Martins Lopes, Weyler


    Tradicionalmente, a maioria dos Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG) utiliza métodos puramente baseados na geometria dos objetos geográficos para representar uma informação espacial. Dessa forma, estes sistemas são eficientes para analisar e integrar informações espaciais por meio de dados modelados em coordenadas espaciais. Esta abordagem, porém, apresenta sérias limitações quando desejamos lidar com informações espaciais que refletem a forma como concebemos e raciocinamo...

  11. Fuzzy model-based observers for fault detection in CSTR. (United States)

    Ballesteros-Moncada, Hazael; Herrera-López, Enrique J; Anzurez-Marín, Juan


    Under the vast variety of fuzzy model-based observers reported in the literature, what would be the properone to be used for fault detection in a class of chemical reactor? In this study four fuzzy model-based observers for sensor fault detection of a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor were designed and compared. The designs include (i) a Luenberger fuzzy observer, (ii) a Luenberger fuzzy observer with sliding modes, (iii) a Walcott-Zak fuzzy observer, and (iv) an Utkin fuzzy observer. A negative, an oscillating fault signal, and a bounded random noise signal with a maximum value of ±0.4 were used to evaluate and compare the performance of the fuzzy observers. The Utkin fuzzy observer showed the best performance under the tested conditions. Copyright © 2015 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Some fixed point theorems in fuzzy reflexive Banach spaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sadeqi, I.; Solaty kia, F.


    In this paper, we first show that there are some gaps in the fixed point theorems for fuzzy non-expansive mappings which are proved by Bag and Samanta, in [Bag T, Samanta SK. Fixed point theorems on fuzzy normed linear spaces. Inf Sci 2006;176:2910-31; Bag T, Samanta SK. Some fixed point theorems in fuzzy normed linear spaces. Inform Sci 2007;177(3):3271-89]. By introducing the notion of fuzzy and α- fuzzy reflexive Banach spaces, we obtain some results which help us to establish the correct version of fuzzy fixed point theorems. Second, by applying Theorem 3.3 of Sadeqi and Solati kia [Sadeqi I, Solati kia F. Fuzzy normed linear space and it's topological structure. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, in press] which says that any fuzzy normed linear space is also a topological vector space, we show that all topological version of fixed point theorems do hold in fuzzy normed linear spaces.

  13. Defuzzification Strategies for Fuzzy Classifications of Remote Sensing Data

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    Peter Hofmann


    Full Text Available The classes in fuzzy classification schemes are defined as fuzzy sets, partitioning the feature space through fuzzy rules, defined by fuzzy membership functions. Applying fuzzy classification schemes in remote sensing allows each pixel or segment to be an incomplete member of more than one class simultaneously, i.e., one that does not fully meet all of the classification criteria for any one of the classes and is member of more than one class simultaneously. This can lead to fuzzy, ambiguous and uncertain class assignation, which is unacceptable for many applications, indicating the need for a reliable defuzzification method. Defuzzification in remote sensing has to date, been performed by “crisp-assigning” each fuzzy-classified pixel or segment to the class for which it best fulfills the fuzzy classification rules, regardless of its classification fuzziness, uncertainty or ambiguity (maximum method. The defuzzification of an uncertain or ambiguous fuzzy classification leads to a more or less reliable crisp classification. In this paper the most common parameters for expressing classification uncertainty, fuzziness and ambiguity are analysed and discussed in terms of their ability to express the reliability of a crisp classification. This is done by means of a typical practical example from Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA.


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    Miguel Eduardo Moreno Añez


    Full Text Available A competição entre os mercados exige que as organizações administrem de forma eficaz seus recursos tangíveis e intangíveis. Atualmente, o capital não deve ser o principal recurso a ser gerenciado, tendo em vista que a valorização de ativos intangíveis – tais como a marca – torna-se cada vez mais essencial para que as organizações se mantenham competitivas e sobrevivam no mercado, considerando que tais aspectos são de difícil imitação. Diante dessa realidade, a marca deve ser considerada um recurso estratégico valioso, capaz de proporcionar uma vantagem competitiva sustentável as organizações. O objetivo deste ensaio teórico é incitar uma discussão sobre a importância dos ativos intangíveis, especificamente a marca, para a manutenção e sobrevivência no mercado. Para tanto, tal discussão será baseada em duas importantes teorias organizacionais contemporâneas – a teoria institucional e a abordagem baseada em recursos. Após a colocação de alguns conceitos relevantes e pertinentes, apresenta-se uma breve discussão acerca do estudo das marcas à luz de alguns aspectos das teorias supramencionadas. Por fim, salienta-se a importância dos recursos intangíveis – especialmente as marcas – na manutenção e sobrevivência das empresas no contexto atual.

  15. Design of supply chain in fuzzy environment (United States)

    Rao, Kandukuri Narayana; Subbaiah, Kambagowni Venkata; Singh, Ganja Veera Pratap


    Nowadays, customer expectations are increasing and organizations are prone to operate in an uncertain environment. Under this uncertain environment, the ultimate success of the firm depends on its ability to integrate business processes among supply chain partners. Supply chain management emphasizes cross-functional links to improve the competitive strategy of organizations. Now, companies are moving from decoupled decision processes towards more integrated design and control of their components to achieve the strategic fit. In this paper, a new approach is developed to design a multi-echelon, multi-facility, and multi-product supply chain in fuzzy environment. In fuzzy environment, mixed integer programming problem is formulated through fuzzy goal programming in strategic level with supply chain cost and volume flexibility as fuzzy goals. These fuzzy goals are aggregated using minimum operator. In tactical level, continuous review policy for controlling raw material inventories in supplier echelon and controlling finished product inventories in plant as well as distribution center echelon is considered as fuzzy goals. A non-linear programming model is formulated through fuzzy goal programming using minimum operator in the tactical level. The proposed approach is illustrated with a numerical example.

  16. Design of fuzzy systems using neurofuzzy networks. (United States)

    Figueiredo, M; Gomide, F


    This paper introduces a systematic approach for fuzzy system design based on a class of neural fuzzy networks built upon a general neuron model. The network structure is such that it encodes the knowledge learned in the form of if-then fuzzy rules and processes data following fuzzy reasoning principles. The technique provides a mechanism to obtain rules covering the whole input/output space as well as the membership functions (including their shapes) for each input variable. Such characteristics are of utmost importance in fuzzy systems design and application. In addition, after learning, it is very simple to extract fuzzy rules in the linguistic form. The network has universal approximation capability, a property very useful in, e.g., modeling and control applications. Here we focus on function approximation problems as a vehicle to illustrate its usefulness and to evaluate its performance. Comparisons with alternative approaches are also included. Both, nonnoisy and noisy data have been studied and considered in the computational experiments. The neural fuzzy network developed here and, consequently, the underlying approach, has shown to provide good results from the accuracy, complexity, and system design points of view.


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    N. Mijani


    Full Text Available Landslide is one of the main geomorphic processes which effects on the development of prospect in mountainous areas and causes disastrous accidents. Landslide is an event which has different uncertain criteria such as altitude, slope, aspect, land use, vegetation density, precipitation, distance from the river and distance from the road network. This research aims to compare and evaluate different fuzzy-based models including Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy-AHP, Fuzzy Gamma and Fuzzy-OR. The main contribution of this paper reveals to the comprehensive criteria causing landslide hazard considering their uncertainties and comparison of different fuzzy-based models. The quantify of evaluation process are calculated by Density Ratio (DR and Quality Sum (QS. The proposed methodology implemented in Sari, one of the city of Iran which has faced multiple landslide accidents in recent years due to the particular environmental conditions. The achieved results of accuracy assessment based on the quantifier strated that Fuzzy-AHP model has higher accuracy compared to other two models in landslide hazard zonation. Accuracy of zoning obtained from Fuzzy-AHP model is respectively 0.92 and 0.45 based on method Precision (P and QS indicators. Based on obtained landslide hazard maps, Fuzzy-AHP, Fuzzy Gamma and Fuzzy-OR respectively cover 13, 26 and 35 percent of the study area with a very high risk level. Based on these findings, fuzzy-AHP model has been selected as the most appropriate method of zoning landslide in the city of Sari and the Fuzzy-gamma method with a minor difference is in the second order.

  18. Comparison of Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS for Road Pavement Maintenance Prioritization: Methodological Exposition and Case Study

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    Yashon O. Ouma


    Full Text Available For road pavement maintenance and repairs prioritization, a multiattribute approach that compares fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP and fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Ideal Situation (TOPSIS is evaluated. The pavement distress data was collected through empirical condition surveys and rating by pavement experts. In comparison to the crisp AHP, the fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS pairwise comparison techniques are considered to be more suitable for the subjective analysis of the pavement conditions for automated maintenance prioritization. From the case study results, four pavement maintenance objectives were determined as road safety, pavement surface preservation, road operational status and standards, and road aesthetics, with corresponding depreciating significance weights of W=0.37,0.31,0.22,0.10T. The top three maintenance functions were identified as Thin Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA overlays, resurfacing and slurry seals, which were a result of pavement cracking, potholes, raveling, and patching, while the bottom three were cape seal, micro surfacing, and fog seal. The two methods gave nearly the same prioritization ranking. In general, the fuzzy AHP approach tended to overestimate the maintenance prioritization ranking as compared to the fuzzy TOPSIS.

  19. ST-intuitionistic fuzzy metric space with properties (United States)

    Arora, Sahil; Kumar, Tanuj


    In this paper, we define ST-intuitionistic fuzzy metric space and the notion of convergence and completeness properties of cauchy sequences is studied. Further, we prove some properties of ST-intuitionistic fuzzy metric space. Finally, we introduce the concept of symmetric ST Intuitionistic Fuzzy metric space.

  20. Fuzzy associative memories for instrument fault detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heger, A.S.


    A fuzzy logic instrument fault detection scheme is developed for systems having two or three redundant sensors. In the fuzzy logic approach the deviation between each signal pairing is computed and classified into three fuzzy sets. A rule base is created allowing the human perception of the situation to be represented mathematically. Fuzzy associative memories are then applied. Finally, a defuzzification scheme is used to find the centroid location, and hence the signal status. Real-time analyses are carried out to evaluate the instantaneous signal status as well as the long-term results for the sensor set. Instantaneous signal validation results are used to compute a best estimate for the measured state variable. The long-term sensor validation method uses a frequency fuzzy variable to determine the signal condition over a specific period. To corroborate the methodology synthetic data representing various anomalies are analyzed with both the fuzzy logic technique and the parity space approach. (Author)

  1. Analysis of inventory difference using fuzzy controllers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zardecki, A.


    The principal objectives of an accounting system for safeguarding nuclear materials are as follows: (a) to provide assurance that all material quantities are present in the correct amount; (b) to provide timely detection of material loss; and (c) to estimate the amount of any loss and its location. In fuzzy control, expert knowledge is encoded in the form of fuzzy rules, which describe recommended actions for different classes of situations represented by fuzzy sets. The concept of a fuzzy controller is applied to the forecasting problem in a time series, specifically, to forecasting and detecting anomalies in inventory differences. This paper reviews the basic notion underlying the fuzzy control systems and provides examples of application. The well-known material-unaccounted-for diffusion plant data of Jaech are analyzed using both feedforward neural networks and fuzzy controllers. By forming a deference between the forecasted and observed signals, an efficient method to detect small signals in background noise is implemented

  2. On Algebraic Study of Type-2 Fuzzy Finite State Automata

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    Anupam K. Singh


    Full Text Available Theories of fuzzy sets and type-2 fuzzy sets are powerful mathematical tools for modeling various types of uncertainty. In this paper we introduce the concept of type-2 fuzzy finite state automata and discuss the algebraic study of type-2 fuzzy finite state automata, i.e., to introduce the concept of homomorphisms between two type-2 fuzzy finite state automata, to associate a type-2 fuzzy transformation semigroup with a type-2 fuzzy finite state automata. Finally, we discuss several product of type-2 fuzzy finite state automata and shown that these product is a categorical product.

  3. A first course in fuzzy logic, fuzzy dynamical systems, and biomathematics theory and applications

    CERN Document Server

    de Barros, Laécio Carvalho; Lodwick, Weldon Alexander


    This book provides an essential introduction to the field of dynamical models. Starting from classical theories such as set theory and probability, it allows readers to draw near to the fuzzy case. On one hand, the book equips readers with a fundamental understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of fuzzy sets and fuzzy dynamical systems. On the other, it demonstrates how these theories are used to solve modeling problems in biomathematics, and presents existing derivatives and integrals applied to the context of fuzzy functions. Each of the major topics is accompanied by examples, worked-out exercises, and exercises to be completed. Moreover, many applications to real problems are presented. The book has been developed on the basis of the authors’ lectures to university students and is accordingly primarily intended as a textbook for both upper-level undergraduates and graduates in applied mathematics, statistics, and engineering. It also offers a valuable resource for practitioners such as mathematical...

  4. Aumann Fuzzy Improper Integral and Its Application to Solve Fuzzy Integro-Differential Equations by Laplace Transform Method

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    Elhassan Eljaoui


    Full Text Available We introduce the Aumann fuzzy improper integral to define the convolution product of a fuzzy mapping and a crisp function in this paper. The Laplace convolution formula is proved in this case and used to solve fuzzy integro-differential equations with kernel of convolution type. Then, we report and correct an error in the article by Salahshour et al. dealing with the same topic.

  5. Solving fuzzy two-point boundary value problem using fuzzy Laplace transform


    Ahmad, Latif; Farooq, Muhammad; Ullah, Saif; Abdullah, Saleem


    A natural way to model dynamic systems under uncertainty is to use fuzzy boundary value problems (FBVPs) and related uncertain systems. In this paper we use fuzzy Laplace transform to find the solution of two-point boundary value under generalized Hukuhara differentiability. We illustrate the method for the solution of the well known two-point boundary value problem Schrodinger equation, and homogeneous boundary value problem. Consequently, we investigate the solutions of FBVPs under as a ne...

  6. Probabilistic Quadratic Programming Problems with Some Fuzzy Parameters

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    S. K. Barik


    making problem by using some specified random variables and fuzzy numbers. In the present paper, randomness is characterized by Weibull random variables and fuzziness is characterized by triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy number. A defuzzification method has been introduced for finding the crisp values of the fuzzy numbers using the proportional probability density function associated with the membership functions of these fuzzy numbers. An equivalent deterministic crisp model has been established in order to solve the proposed model. Finally, a numerical example is presented to illustrate the solution procedure.

  7. Fuzzy logic and neural networks basic concepts & application

    CERN Document Server

    Alavala, Chennakesava R


    About the Book: The primary purpose of this book is to provide the student with a comprehensive knowledge of basic concepts of fuzzy logic and neural networks. The hybridization of fuzzy logic and neural networks is also included. No previous knowledge of fuzzy logic and neural networks is required. Fuzzy logic and neural networks have been discussed in detail through illustrative examples, methods and generic applications. Extensive and carefully selected references is an invaluable resource for further study of fuzzy logic and neural networks. Each chapter is followed by a question bank

  8. A New Method to Find Fuzzy Nth Order Derivation and Applications to Fuzzy Nth Order Arithmetic Based on Generalized H-Derivation

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    Laleh Hooshangian


    Full Text Available In this paper, fuzzy nth-order derivative for n in N is introduced. To do this, nth-order derivation under generalized Hukuhara derivative here in discussed. Calculations on the fuzzy nth-order derivative on fuzzy functions and their relationships, in general, are introduced. Then, the fuzzy nth-order differential equations is solved, for n in N.

  9. Fuzzy Multi-objective Linear Programming Approach

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    Amna Rehmat


    Full Text Available Traveling salesman problem (TSP is one of the challenging real-life problems, attracting researchers of many fields including Artificial Intelligence, Operations Research, and Algorithm Design and Analysis. The problem has been well studied till now under different headings and has been solved with different approaches including genetic algorithms and linear programming. Conventional linear programming is designed to deal with crisp parameters, but information about real life systems is often available in the form of vague descriptions. Fuzzy methods are designed to handle vague terms, and are most suited to finding optimal solutions to problems with vague parameters. Fuzzy multi-objective linear programming, an amalgamation of fuzzy logic and multi-objective linear programming, deals with flexible aspiration levels or goals and fuzzy constraints with acceptable deviations. In this paper, a methodology, for solving a TSP with imprecise parameters, is deployed using fuzzy multi-objective linear programming. An example of TSP with multiple objectives and vague parameters is discussed.

  10. Flows in networks under fuzzy conditions

    CERN Document Server

    Bozhenyuk, Alexander Vitalievich; Kacprzyk, Janusz; Rozenberg, Igor Naymovich


    This book offers a comprehensive introduction to fuzzy methods for solving flow tasks in both transportation and networks. It analyzes the problems of minimum cost and maximum flow finding with fuzzy nonzero lower flow bounds, and describes solutions to minimum cost flow finding in a network with fuzzy arc capacities and transmission costs. After a concise introduction to flow theory and tasks, the book analyzes two important problems. The first is related to determining the maximum volume for cargo transportation in the presence of uncertain network parameters, such as environmental changes, measurement errors and repair work on the roads. These parameters are represented here as fuzzy triangular, trapezoidal numbers and intervals. The second problem concerns static and dynamic flow finding in networks under fuzzy conditions, and an effective method that takes into account the network’s transit parameters is presented here. All in all, the book provides readers with a practical reference guide to state-of-...

  11. Enfermagem pediátrica e abordagem da família: subsídios para o ensino de graduação Enfermería pediátrica y abordaje de la familia: aportes para la enseñanza de pre-grado Pediatric nursing and the family approach: subsidies for undergraduate teaching

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    Semiramis Melani Melo Rocha


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar instrumentos utilizados na abordagem de enfermagem da família, divulgados na literatura internacional, e fornecer subsídios para sua utilização, pela enfermagem brasileira, na assistência à crianças, em abordagens de saúde da família. As autoras apresentam a experiência de introduzir, no ensino de Enfermagem Pediátrica, uma metodologia de assistência sistematizada cujos instrumentos para levantamento de dados são o APGAR da família, geneograma e ecomapa. Argumentam que esses instrumentos não substituem a fundamentação teórica da assistência nem tão pouco a razão e o discernimento para dar sentido e significado aos dados e encontrar as melhores soluções para o cuidado à criança e sua família.El objetivo de este artículo es presentar instrumentos utilizados en el abordaje de enfermería de la familia, divulgados en la literatura internacional y ofrecer aportes para su utilización, por la enfermería brasileña, en la atención a niños, en abordajes de salud de la familia. Las autoras presentan la experiencia de introducir en la enseñanza de Enfermería Pediátrica, una metodología de atención sistematizada cuyos instrumentos para levantamiento de datos son el APGAR de la familia, genograma y ecomapa. Argumentan que estos instrumentos no van a substituir la fundamentación teórica de la atencion ni tan poco la razón y el discernimiento para dar sentido y significado a los datos y encontrar las mejores soluciones para el cuidado al niño y a su familia.This work aims at presenting the instruments used in the family nursing approach as depicted in the international literature as well as at providing subsidies for their utilization by Brazilian nursing professionals in family health approaches to child care. The authors present the experience of introducing a methodology for systematized care in Pediatric Nursing programs using instruments for data collection such as the family

  12. Human factors and fuzzy set theory for safety analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishiwaki, Y.


    Human reliability and performance is affected by many factors: medical, physiological and psychological, etc. The uncertainty involved in human factors may not necessarily be probabilistic, but fuzzy. Therefore, it is important to develop a theory by which both the non-probabilistic uncertainties, or fuzziness, of human factors and the probabilistic properties of machines can be treated consistently. In reality, randomness and fuzziness are sometimes mixed. From the mathematical point of view, probabilistic measures may be considered a special case of fuzzy measures. Therefore, fuzzy set theory seems to be an effective tool for analysing man-machine systems. The concept 'failure possibility' based on fuzzy sets is suggested as an approach to safety analysis and fault diagnosis of a large complex system. Fuzzy measures and fuzzy integrals are introduced and their possible applications are also discussed. (author)

  13. Fuzzy randomness uncertainty in civil engineering and computational mechanics

    CERN Document Server

    Möller, Bernd


    This book, for the first time, provides a coherent, overall concept for taking account of uncertainty in the analysis, the safety assessment, and the design of structures. The reader is introduced to the problem of uncertainty modeling and familiarized with particular uncertainty models. For simultaneously considering stochastic and non-stochastic uncertainty the superordinated uncertainty model fuzzy randomness, which contains real valued random variables as well as fuzzy variables as special cases, is presented. For this purpose basic mathematical knowledge concerning the fuzzy set theory and the theory of fuzzy random variables is imparted. The body of the book comprises the appropriate quantification of uncertain structural parameters, the fuzzy and fuzzy probabilistic structural analysis, the fuzzy probabilistic safety assessment, and the fuzzy cluster structural design. The completely new algorithms are described in detail and illustrated by way of demonstrative examples.

  14. Possible use of fuzzy logic in database

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    Vaclav Bezdek


    Full Text Available The article deals with fuzzy logic and its possible use in database systems. At first fuzzy thinking style is shown on a simple example. Next the advantages of the fuzzy approach to database searching are considered on the database of used cars in the Czech Republic.

  15. Optimal solution of full fuzzy transportation problems using total integral ranking (United States)

    Sam’an, M.; Farikhin; Hariyanto, S.; Surarso, B.


    Full fuzzy transportation problem (FFTP) is a transportation problem where transport costs, demand, supply and decision variables are expressed in form of fuzzy numbers. To solve fuzzy transportation problem, fuzzy number parameter must be converted to a crisp number called defuzzyfication method. In this new total integral ranking method with fuzzy numbers from conversion of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers to hexagonal fuzzy numbers obtained result of consistency defuzzyfication on symmetrical fuzzy hexagonal and non symmetrical type 2 numbers with fuzzy triangular numbers. To calculate of optimum solution FTP used fuzzy transportation algorithm with least cost method. From this optimum solution, it is found that use of fuzzy number form total integral ranking with index of optimism gives different optimum value. In addition, total integral ranking value using hexagonal fuzzy numbers has an optimal value better than the total integral ranking value using trapezoidal fuzzy numbers.

  16. Markowitz portfolio optimization model employing fuzzy measure (United States)

    Ramli, Suhailywati; Jaaman, Saiful Hafizah


    Markowitz in 1952 introduced the mean-variance methodology for the portfolio selection problems. His pioneering research has shaped the portfolio risk-return model and become one of the most important research fields in modern finance. This paper extends the classical Markowitz's mean-variance portfolio selection model applying the fuzzy measure to determine the risk and return. In this paper, we apply the original mean-variance model as a benchmark, fuzzy mean-variance model with fuzzy return and the model with return are modeled by specific types of fuzzy number for comparison. The model with fuzzy approach gives better performance as compared to the mean-variance approach. The numerical examples are included to illustrate these models by employing Malaysian share market data.

  17. A study of fuzzy control in nuclear scale system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Yu; Zhang Yongming; Wu Ruisheng; Du Xianbin; Liu Shixing


    The new development of the nuclear scale system which uses fuzzy control strategy is presented. Good results have been obtained in using fuzzy control to solve the problems, such as un-linearities, instabilities, time delays, which are difficultly described by formula, etc. The fuzzy variance, membership function and fuzzy rules are given, and the noise disturbances of fuzzy control and PID control are also given

  18. New approach to solve symmetric fully fuzzy linear systems

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    concepts of fuzzy set theory and then define a fully fuzzy linear system of equations. .... To represent the above problem as fully fuzzy linear system, we represent x .... Fully fuzzy linear systems can be solved by Linear programming approach, ...

  19. Hesitant fuzzy methods for multiple criteria decision analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Zhang, Xiaolu


    The book offers a comprehensive introduction to methods for solving multiple criteria decision making and group decision making problems with hesitant fuzzy information. It reports on the authors’ latest research, as well as on others’ research, providing readers with a complete set of decision making tools, such as hesitant fuzzy TOPSIS, hesitant fuzzy TODIM, hesitant fuzzy LINMAP, hesitant fuzzy QUALIFEX, and the deviation modeling approach with heterogeneous fuzzy information. The main focus is on decision making problems in which the criteria values and/or the weights of criteria are not expressed in crisp numbers but are more suitable to be denoted as hesitant fuzzy elements. The largest part of the book is devoted to new methods recently developed by the authors to solve decision making problems in situations where the available information is vague or hesitant. These methods are presented in detail, together with their application to different type of decision-making problems. All in all, the book ...

  20. A revisit to quadratic programming with fuzzy parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, S.-T.


    Quadratic programming has been widely applied to solving real-world problems. Recently, Liu describes a solution method for solving a class of fuzzy quadratic programming problems, where the cost coefficients of the linear terms in objective function, constraint coefficients, and right-hand sides are fuzzy numbers [Liu ST. Quadratic programming with fuzzy parameters: a membership function approach. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2009;40:237-45]. In this paper, we generalize Liu's method to a more general fuzzy quadratic programming problem, where the cost coefficients in objective function, constraint coefficients, and right-hand sides are all fuzzy numbers. A pair of two-level mathematical programs is formulated to calculate the upper bound and lower bound of the objective values of the fuzzy quadratic program. Based on the duality theorem and by applying the variable transformation technique, the pair of two-level mathematical programs is transformed into a family of conventional one-level quadratic programs. Solving the pair of quadratic programs produces the fuzzy objective values of the problem. With the ability of calculating the fuzzy objective value developed in this paper, it might help initiate wider applications.

  1. On the intuitionistic fuzzy inner product spaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goudarzi, M.; Vaezpour, S.M.; Saadati, R.


    In this paper, the definition of intuitionistic fuzzy inner product is given. By virtue of this definition, some convergence theorems, Schwarts inequality and the orthogonal concept for intuitionistic fuzzy inner product spaces are established and introduced. Moreover the relationship between this kind of spaces and intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces is considered.

  2. Construction of fuzzy spaces and their applications to matrix models (United States)

    Abe, Yasuhiro

    Quantization of spacetime by means of finite dimensional matrices is the basic idea of fuzzy spaces. There remains an issue of quantizing time, however, the idea is simple and it provides an interesting interplay of various ideas in mathematics and physics. Shedding some light on such an interplay is the main theme of this dissertation. The dissertation roughly separates into two parts. In the first part, we consider rather mathematical aspects of fuzzy spaces, namely, their construction. We begin with a review of construction of fuzzy complex projective spaces CP k (k = 1, 2, · · ·) in relation to geometric quantization. This construction facilitates defining symbols and star products on fuzzy CPk. Algebraic construction of fuzzy CPk is also discussed. We then present construction of fuzzy S 4, utilizing the fact that CP3 is an S2 bundle over S4. Fuzzy S4 is obtained by imposing an additional algebraic constraint on fuzzy CP3. Consequently it is proposed that coordinates on fuzzy S4 are described by certain block-diagonal matrices. It is also found that fuzzy S8 can analogously be constructed. In the second part of this dissertation, we consider applications of fuzzy spaces to physics. We first consider theories of gravity on fuzzy spaces, anticipating that they may offer a novel way of regularizing spacetime dynamics. We obtain actions for gravity on fuzzy S2 and on fuzzy CP3 in terms of finite dimensional matrices. Application to M(atrix) theory is also discussed. With an introduction of extra potentials to the theory, we show that it also has new brane solutions whose transverse directions are described by fuzzy S 4 and fuzzy CP3. The extra potentials can be considered as fuzzy versions of differential forms or fluxes, which enable us to discuss compactification models of M(atrix) theory. In particular, compactification down to fuzzy S4 is discussed and a realistic matrix model of M-theory in four-dimensions is proposed.

  3. Fuzzy logic control of nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yao Liangzhong; Guo Renjun; Ma Changwen


    The main advantage of the fuzzy logic control is that the method does not require a detailed mathematical model of the object to be controlled. In this paper, the shortcomings and limitations of the model-based method in nuclear power plant control were presented, the theory of the fuzzy logic control was briefly introduced, and the applications of the fuzzy logic control technology in nuclear power plant controls were surveyed. Finally, the problems to be solved by using the fuzzy logic control in nuclear power plants were discussed

  4. Neuro-fuzzy modelling of hydro unit efficiency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iliev, Atanas; Fushtikj, Vangel


    This paper presents neuro-fuzzy method for modeling of the hydro unit efficiency. The proposed method uses the characteristics of the fuzzy systems as universal function approximates, as well the abilities of the neural networks to adopt the parameters of the membership's functions and rules in the consequent part of the developed fuzzy system. Developed method is practically applied for modeling of the efficiency of unit which will be installed in the hydro power plant Kozjak. Comparison of the performance of the derived neuro-fuzzy method with several classical polynomials models is also performed. (Author)

  5. Development of a new fuzzy exposure model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasconcelos, Wagner Eustaquio de; Lira, Carlos Alberto Brayner de Oliveira; Texeira, Marcello Goulart


    The main topic of this study is the development of an exposure fuzzy model to evaluate the exposure of inhabitants in an area containing uranium, which present a high natural background. In this work, a fuzzy model was created, based on some of the following main factors: activity concentration of uranium, physiological factors and characteristic customs of the exposed individuals. An inference block was created to evaluate some factors of radiation exposure. For this, AHP-fuzzy technique (Analytic Hierarchic Process) was used and its application was demonstrated for a subjected population to the radiation of the natural uranium. The Mandami type fuzzy model was also created from the opinion of specialists. The Monte Carlo method was used to generate a statistics of input data and the daily average exposure served as comparison parameter between the three techniques. The output fuzzy sets were expressed in form of linguistic variables, such as high, medium and low. In the qualitative analysis, the obtained results were satisfactory when translating the opinion of the specialists. In the quantitative analysis, the obtained values are part of the same fuzzy set as the values found in literature. The global results suggest that this type of fuzzy model is highly promising for analysis of exposure to ionizing radiation. (author)

  6. Development of a new fuzzy exposure model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vasconcelos, Wagner Eustaquio de; Lira, Carlos Alberto Brayner de Oliveira [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Energia Nuclear. Grupo de Engenharia de Reatores], E-mail:, E-mail:; Texeira, Marcello Goulart [Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Terrestrial Modelling Group], E-mail:


    The main topic of this study is the development of an exposure fuzzy model to evaluate the exposure of inhabitants in an area containing uranium, which present a high natural background. In this work, a fuzzy model was created, based on some of the following main factors: activity concentration of uranium, physiological factors and characteristic customs of the exposed individuals. An inference block was created to evaluate some factors of radiation exposure. For this, AHP-fuzzy technique (Analytic Hierarchic Process) was used and its application was demonstrated for a subjected population to the radiation of the natural uranium. The Mandami type fuzzy model was also created from the opinion of specialists. The Monte Carlo method was used to generate a statistics of input data and the daily average exposure served as comparison parameter between the three techniques. The output fuzzy sets were expressed in form of linguistic variables, such as high, medium and low. In the qualitative analysis, the obtained results were satisfactory when translating the opinion of the specialists. In the quantitative analysis, the obtained values are part of the same fuzzy set as the values found in literature. The global results suggest that this type of fuzzy model is highly promising for analysis of exposure to ionizing radiation. (author)

  7. Automatic approach to deriving fuzzy slope positions (United States)

    Zhu, Liang-Jun; Zhu, A.-Xing; Qin, Cheng-Zhi; Liu, Jun-Zhi


    Fuzzy characterization of slope positions is important for geographic modeling. Most of the existing fuzzy classification-based methods for fuzzy characterization require extensive user intervention in data preparation and parameter setting, which is tedious and time-consuming. This paper presents an automatic approach to overcoming these limitations in the prototype-based inference method for deriving fuzzy membership value (or similarity) to slope positions. The key contribution is a procedure for finding the typical locations and setting the fuzzy inference parameters for each slope position type. Instead of being determined totally by users in the prototype-based inference method, in the proposed approach the typical locations and fuzzy inference parameters for each slope position type are automatically determined by a rule set based on prior domain knowledge and the frequency distributions of topographic attributes. Furthermore, the preparation of topographic attributes (e.g., slope gradient, curvature, and relative position index) is automated, so the proposed automatic approach has only one necessary input, i.e., the gridded digital elevation model of the study area. All compute-intensive algorithms in the proposed approach were speeded up by parallel computing. Two study cases were provided to demonstrate that this approach can properly, conveniently and quickly derive the fuzzy slope positions.

  8. Fuzzy improvement of the SQL

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    Hudec Miroslav


    Full Text Available Structured Query Language (SQL is used to obtain data from relational databases. Fuzzy improvement of SQL queries has advantages in cases when the user cannot unambiguously define selection criteria or when the user wants to examine data that almost meet the given criteria. In this paper we examine a realization of the fuzzy querying concept. For this purposes the fuzzy generalized logical condition for the WHERE part of the SQL is created. It allows users to create queries by linguistic terms. The proposed model is an extension of the SQL so that no modification inside databases has to be undertaken.

  9. Fuzzy resource optimization for safeguards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zardecki, A.; Markin, J.T.


    Authorization, enforcement, and verification -- three key functions of safeguards systems -- form the basis of a hierarchical description of the system risk. When formulated in terms of linguistic rather than numeric attributes, the risk can be computed through an algorithm based on the notion of fuzzy sets. Similarly, this formulation allows one to analyze the optimal resource allocation by maximizing the overall detection probability, regarded as a linguistic variable. After summarizing the necessary elements of the fuzzy sets theory, we outline the basic algorithm. This is followed by a sample computation of the fuzzy optimization. 10 refs., 1 tab

  10. A New Fuzzy Harmony Search Algorithm Using Fuzzy Logic for Dynamic Parameter Adaptation

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    Cinthia Peraza


    Full Text Available In this paper, a new fuzzy harmony search algorithm (FHS for solving optimization problems is presented. FHS is based on a recent method using fuzzy logic for dynamic adaptation of the harmony memory accepting (HMR and pitch adjustment (PArate parameters that improve the convergence rate of traditional harmony search algorithm (HS. The objective of the method is to dynamically adjust the parameters in the range from 0.7 to 1. The impact of using fixed parameters in the harmony search algorithm is discussed and a strategy for efficiently tuning these parameters using fuzzy logic is presented. The FHS algorithm was successfully applied to different benchmarking optimization problems. The results of simulation and comparison studies demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach.


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    Leonel Figueiredo de Alencar


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetiva, primeiramente, evidenciar a utilidade da CFG e da FCFG no estudo da sintaxe formal. A aplicação de parsers baseados nesses formalismos na análise de um corpus pode revelar consequências de uma dada análise que de outro modo passariam despercebidas. O NLTK é uma caixa de ferramentas para o PLN em Python que possibilita a construção de parsers em diferentes arquiteturas. No entanto, para uma utilização não trivial dessa biblioteca na análise sintática automática são necessários conhecimentos de programação. Para permitir o acesso de não programadores à implementação e testagem de parsers, desenvolvemos o Donatus, uma interface gráfica amigável para as facilidades de parsing do NLTK, dotada de recursos adicionais que a tornam interessante também para programadores. Como exemplo do funcionamento da ferramenta e demonstração da sua relevância na investigação sintática formal, comparamos implementações de duas análises alternativas da modificação adjetival em português. A primeira abordagem, baseada na Teoria X-barra tradicional, produziu um grande número de pseudoambiguidades. Esse problema foi evitado por um parser baseado em abordagem no âmbito do Programa Minimalista. Sem o recurso do computador, essa diferença entre as duas abordagens não seria facilmente revelada.

  12. Fuzzy Dynamic Discrimination Algorithms for Distributed Knowledge Management Systems

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    Vasile MAZILESCU


    Full Text Available A reduction of the algorithmic complexity of the fuzzy inference engine has the following property: the inputs (the fuzzy rules and the fuzzy facts can be divided in two parts, one being relatively constant for a long a time (the fuzzy rule or the knowledge model when it is compared to the second part (the fuzzy facts for every inference cycle. The occurrence of certain transformations over the constant part makes sense, in order to decrease the solution procurement time, in the case that the second part varies, but it is known at certain moments in time. The transformations attained in advance are called pre-processing or knowledge compilation. The use of variables in a Business Rule Management System knowledge representation allows factorising knowledge, like in classical knowledge based systems. The language of the first-degree predicates facilitates the formulation of complex knowledge in a rigorous way, imposing appropriate reasoning techniques. It is, thus, necessary to define the description method of fuzzy knowledge, to justify the knowledge exploiting efficiency when the compiling technique is used, to present the inference engine and highlight the functional features of the pattern matching and the state space processes. This paper presents the main results of our project PR356 for designing a compiler for fuzzy knowledge, like Rete compiler, that comprises two main components: a static fuzzy discrimination structure (Fuzzy Unification Tree and the Fuzzy Variables Linking Network. There are also presented the features of the elementary pattern matching process that is based on the compiled structure of fuzzy knowledge. We developed fuzzy discrimination algorithms for Distributed Knowledge Management Systems (DKMSs. The implementations have been elaborated in a prototype system FRCOM (Fuzzy Rule COMpiler.

  13. Expert system driven fuzzy control application to power reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsoukalas, L.H.; Berkan, R.C.; Upadhyaya, B.R.; Uhrig, R.E.


    For the purpose of nonlinear control and uncertainty/imprecision handling, fuzzy controllers have recently reached acclaim and increasing commercial application. The fuzzy control algorithms often require a ''supervisory'' routine that provides necessary heuristics for interface, adaptation, mode selection and other implementation issues. Performance characteristics of an on-line fuzzy controller depend strictly on the ability of such supervisory routines to manipulate the fuzzy control algorithm and enhance its control capabilities. This paper describes an expert system driven fuzzy control design application to nuclear reactor control, for the automated start-up control of the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II. The methodology is verified through computer simulations using a valid nonlinear model. The necessary heuristic decisions are identified that are vitally important for the implemention of fuzzy control in the actual plant. An expert system structure incorporating the necessary supervisory routines is discussed. The discussion also includes the possibility of synthesizing the fuzzy, exact and combined reasoning to include both inexact concepts, uncertainty and fuzziness, within the same environment

  14. A Hybrid Fuzzy Time Series Approach Based on Fuzzy Clustering and Artificial Neural Network with Single Multiplicative Neuron Model

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    Ozge Cagcag Yolcu


    Full Text Available Particularly in recent years, artificial intelligence optimization techniques have been used to make fuzzy time series approaches more systematic and improve forecasting performance. Besides, some fuzzy clustering methods and artificial neural networks with different structures are used in the fuzzification of observations and determination of fuzzy relationships, respectively. In approaches considering the membership values, the membership values are determined subjectively or fuzzy outputs of the system are obtained by considering that there is a relation between membership values in identification of relation. This necessitates defuzzification step and increases the model error. In this study, membership values were obtained more systematically by using Gustafson-Kessel fuzzy clustering technique. The use of artificial neural network with single multiplicative neuron model in identification of fuzzy relation eliminated the architecture selection problem as well as the necessity for defuzzification step by constituting target values from real observations of time series. The training of artificial neural network with single multiplicative neuron model which is used for identification of fuzzy relation step is carried out with particle swarm optimization. The proposed method is implemented using various time series and the results are compared with those of previous studies to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method.

  15. Fuzzy controllers in nuclear material accounting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zardecki, A.


    Fuzzy controllers are applied to predicting and modeling a time series, with particular emphasis on anomaly detection in nuclear material inventory differences. As compared to neural networks, the fuzzy controllers can operate in real time; their learning process does not require many iterations to converge. For this reason fuzzy controllers are potentially useful in time series forecasting, where the authors want to detect and identify trends in real time. They describe an object-oriented implementation of the algorithm advanced by Wang and Mendel. Numerical results are presented both for inventory data and time series corresponding to chaotic situations, such as encountered in the context of strange attractors. In the latter case, the effects of noise on the predictive power of the fuzzy controller are explored

  16. The fuzzy bag model revisited

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pilotto, F.; Vasconcellos, C.A.Z.; Coelho, H.T.


    In this work we develop a new version of the fuzzy bag model. Th main ideas is to include the conservation of energy and momentum in the model. This feature is not included in the original formulation of the fuzzy bag model, but is of paramount importance to interpret the model as being a bag model - that, is a model in which the outward pressure of the quarks inside the bag is balanced by the inward pressure of the non-perturbative vacuum outside the bag - as opposed to a relativistic potential model, in which there is no energy-momentum conservation. In the MT bag model, as well as in the original version of the fuzzy bag model, the non-perturbative QCD vacuum is parametrized by a constant B in the Lagrangian density. One immediate consequence of including energy-momentum conservation in the fuzzy bag model is that the bag constant B will acquire a radial dependence, B = B(r). (author)

  17. The fuzzy bag model revisited

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pilotto, F.; Vasconcellos, C.A.Z. [Rio Grande do Sul Univ., Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica; Coelho, H.T. [Pernambuco Univ., Recife, PE (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica


    In this work we develop a new version of the fuzzy bag model. Th main ideas is to include the conservation of energy and momentum in the model. This feature is not included in the original formulation of the fuzzy bag model, but is of paramount importance to interpret the model as being a bag model - that, is a model in which the outward pressure of the quarks inside the bag is balanced by the inward pressure of the non-perturbative vacuum outside the bag - as opposed to a relativistic potential model, in which there is no energy-momentum conservation. In the MT bag model, as well as in the original version of the fuzzy bag model, the non-perturbative QCD vacuum is parametrized by a constant B in the Lagrangian density. One immediate consequence of including energy-momentum conservation in the fuzzy bag model is that the bag constant B will acquire a radial dependence, B = B(r). (author)

  18. Soft ideal topological space and mixed fuzzy soft ideal topological space

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    Manash Borah


    Full Text Available In this paper we introduce fuzzy soft ideal and mixed fuzzy soft ideal topological spaces and some properties of this space. Also we introduce fuzzy soft $I$-open set, fuzzy soft $\\alpha$-$I$-open set, fuzzy soft pre-$I$-open set, fuzzy soft semi-$I$-open set and fuzzy soft $\\beta$-$I$-open set and discuss some of their properties.

  19. Recent advances in fuzzy preference modelling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van de Walle, B.; De Baets, B.; Kerre, E.


    Preference structures are well-known mathematical concepts having numerous applications in a variety of disciplines, such as economics, sociology and psychology. The generalization of preference structures to the fuzzy case has received considerable attention over the past years. Fuzzy preference structures allow a decision maker to express degrees of preference instead of the rigid classical yes-or-no preference assignment. This paper reports on the recent insights gained into the existence, construction and characterization of these fuzzy preference structures



    A. Nagoorgani; A. Mumtaj Begam


    This paper introduces a new type of fuzzy shortest path network problem using triangular fuzzy number. To find the smallest edge by the fuzzy distance using graded mean integration representation of generalized fuzzy number for every node. Thus the optimum shortest path for the given problem is obtained.

  1. Abordagem da dor pélvica crônica em mulheres Management of chronic pelvic pain in women

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    Antonio Alberto Nogueira


    Full Text Available Dor pélvica crônica é uma doença debilitante e de alta prevalência, com grande impacto na qualidade de vida e produtividade, além de custos significantes para os serviços de saúde. O dilema no manejo da dor pélvica crônica continua a frustrar médicos confrontados com o problema, em parte porque sua fisiopatologia é pobremente compreendida. Conseqüentemente, seu tratamento é muitas vezes insatisfatório e limitado ao alívio temporário dos sintomas. Nesta revisão, nós discutimos uma abordagem ampliada da dor pélvica crônica. Salientamos que uma história clínica e exame físico adequados deveriam incluir atenção especial aos sistemas gastrintestinal, urinário, ginecológico, músculo-esquelético, neurológico, psicológico e endócrino. Dessa forma, uma abordagem multidisciplinar é recomendada. Adicionalmente, enfatizamos que, embora úteis, procedimentos cirúrgicos específicos, tais como a laparoscopia, deveriam ser indicados somente para pacientes selecionadas, após excluir principalmente síndrome do intestino irritável e dor de origem miofascial.Chronic pelvic pain is a debilitating and highly prevalent disease with a major impact on quality of life and work productivity, beyond significant costs to health services. The dilemma of managing patients with chronic pelvic pain continues to frustrate physicians confronted with these complaints, in part because its pathophysiology is poorly understood. Consequently, its treatment is often unsatisfactory and limited to temporary symptom relief. In the present revision, we discuss the adequate management of chronic pelvic pain. We point out that a comprehensive medical history and physical examination should include special attention to gastrointestinal, urological, gynecological, muscle-skeletal, neurological, psychiatric, and endocrine systems. Thus, a multidisciplinary approach is recommended. Additionally, we emphasize that, although useful, specific surgical

  2. Implementing fuzzy polynomial interpolation (FPI and fuzzy linear regression (LFR

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    Maria Cristina Floreno


    Full Text Available This paper presents some preliminary results arising within a general framework concerning the development of software tools for fuzzy arithmetic. The program is in a preliminary stage. What has been already implemented consists of a set of routines for elementary operations, optimized functions evaluation, interpolation and regression. Some of these have been applied to real problems.This paper describes a prototype of a library in C++ for polynomial interpolation of fuzzifying functions, a set of routines in FORTRAN for fuzzy linear regression and a program with graphical user interface allowing the use of such routines.

  3. Fuzzy implicative hyper BCK-ideals of hyper BCK-algebras


    Jun, Young Bae; Shim, Wook Hwan


    We consider the fuzzification of the notion of implicative hyper BCK-ideals, and then investigate several properties. Using the concept of level subsets, we give a characterization of a fuzzy implicative hyper BCK-ideal. We state a relation between a fuzzy hyper BCK-ideal and a fuzzy implicative hyper BCK-ideal. We establish a condition for a fuzzy hyper BCK-ideal to be a fuzzy implicative hyper BCK-ideal. Finally, we introduce the notion of hyper homomorphisms of hyper ...


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    Attila Nemes


    Full Text Available This article presents a novel fuzzy identification method for dynamic modelling of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles. The method is based on a special parameterization of the antecedent part of fuzzy systems that results in fuzzy-partitions for antecedents. This antecedent parameter representation method of fuzzy rules ensures upholding of predefined linguistic value ordering and ensures that fuzzy-partitions remain intact throughout an unconstrained hybrid evolutionary and gradient descent based optimization process. In the equations of motion the first order derivative component is calculated based on Christoffel symbols, the derivatives of fuzzy systems are used for modelling the Coriolis effects, gyroscopic and centrifugal terms. The non-linear parameters are subjected to an initial global evolutionary optimization scheme and fine tuning with gradient descent based local search. Simulation results of the proposed new quadrotor dynamic model identification method are promising.

  5. Petr Hájek on mathematical fuzzy logic

    CERN Document Server

    Montagna, Franco


    This volume celebrates the work of Petr Hájek on mathematical fuzzy logic and presents how his efforts have influenced prominent logicians who are continuing his work. The book opens with a discussion on Hájek's contribution to mathematical fuzzy logic and with a scientific biography of him, progresses to include two articles with a foundation flavour, that demonstrate some important aspects of Hájek's production, namely, a paper on the development of fuzzy sets and another paper on some fuzzy versions of set theory and arithmetic. Articles in the volume also focus on the treatment of vague

  6. Fuzzy sets, rough sets, multisets and clustering

    CERN Document Server

    Dahlbom, Anders; Narukawa, Yasuo


    This book is dedicated to Prof. Sadaaki Miyamoto and presents cutting-edge papers in some of the areas in which he contributed. Bringing together contributions by leading researchers in the field, it concretely addresses clustering, multisets, rough sets and fuzzy sets, as well as their applications in areas such as decision-making. The book is divided in four parts, the first of which focuses on clustering and classification. The second part puts the spotlight on multisets, bags, fuzzy bags and other fuzzy extensions, while the third deals with rough sets. Rounding out the coverage, the last part explores fuzzy sets and decision-making.

  7. Fuzzy logic control for camera tracking system (United States)

    Lea, Robert N.; Fritz, R. H.; Giarratano, J.; Jani, Yashvant


    A concept utilizing fuzzy theory has been developed for a camera tracking system to provide support for proximity operations and traffic management around the Space Station Freedom. Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic based reasoning are used in a control system which utilizes images from a camera and generates required pan and tilt commands to track and maintain a moving target in the camera's field of view. This control system can be implemented on a fuzzy chip to provide an intelligent sensor for autonomous operations. Capabilities of the control system can be expanded to include approach, handover to other sensors, caution and warning messages.

  8. Fuzzy set classifier for waste classification tracking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gavel, D.T.


    We have developed an expert system based on fuzzy logic theory to fuse the data from multiple sensors and make classification decisions for objects in a waste reprocessing stream. Fuzzy set theory has been applied in decision and control applications with some success, particularly by the Japanese. We have found that the fuzzy logic system is rather easy to design and train, a feature that can cut development costs considerably. With proper training, the classification accuracy is quite high. We performed several tests sorting radioactive test samples using a gamma spectrometer to compare fuzzy logic to more conventional sorting schemes

  9. Application of fuzzy logic control in industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van der Wal, A.J.


    An overview is given of the various ways fuzzy logic can be used to improve industrial control. The application of fuzzy logic in control is illustrated by two case studies. The first example shows how fuzzy logic, incorporated in the hardware of an industrial controller, helps to finetune a PID controller, without the operator having any a priori knowledge of the system to be controlled. The second example is from process industry. Here, fuzzy logic supervisory control is implemented in software and enhances the operation of a sintering oven through a subtle combination of priority management and deviation-controlled timing

  10. On Bipolar Valued Fuzzy k-Ideals in Hermirings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahmood, T.; Ejaz, A.


    In this paper we discuss some results associated with bipolar valued fuzzy k -ideals of hermirings. We also define bipolar valued fuzzy k-intrinsic product and characterize k-hemiregular hermirings by using their bipolar valued fuzzy k -ideals. (author)

  11. An integrated supply chain model for the perishable items with fuzzy production rate and fuzzy demand rate

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    Singh Chaman


    Full Text Available In the changing market scenario, supply chain management is getting phenomenal importance amongst researchers. Studies on supply chain management have emphasized the importance of a long-term strategic relationship between the manufacturer, distributor and retailer. In the present paper, a model has been developed by assuming that the demand rate and production rate as triangular fuzzy numbers and items deteriorate at a constant rate. The expressions for the average inventory cost are obtained both in crisp and fuzzy sense. The fuzzy model is defuzzified using the fuzzy extension principle, and its optimization with respect to the decision variable is also carried out. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the model and sensitivity analysis is performed to study the effect of parameters.

  12. Una metodología basada en números difusos para la evaluación de criterios evaluables mediante un juicio de valor =A methodology based on fuzzy numbers for the evaluation of evaluable criteria through a value judgment

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    José Luis Fuentes Bargues


    Full Text Available La adjudicación de un contrato por parte de una administración pública depende de criterios de adjudicación evaluables mediante fórmulas y de criterios evaluables mediante juicios de valor. Los primeros disponen de fórmulas definidas mientras que los segundos siempre tienen un sesgo subjetivo porque dependen del técnico que realiza la valoración. Con objeto de minimizar las consecuencias de las arbitrariedades o incertidumbres en la evaluación de los criterios evaluables mediante un juicio de valor se puede recurrir a la lógica difusa. La lógica difusa, borrosa o fuzzy es el razonamiento matemático que permite calcular de forma exacta las magnitudes correspondientes a conceptos vagos o situaciones poco previsibles para poder tener control sobre ellas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es desarrollar una metodología que permita a los órganos de contratación la evaluación de los criterios evaluables mediante un juicio de valor mediante la utilización de la lógica difusa. Abstract The award of a contract by a public administration depends on criteria assessed by formulae and criteria assessed by value judgements. For the former, various predetermined formulae can be employed while for the criteria assessed by value judgements will always contain some subjective bias by the individual who performs the evaluation. In order to minimize the consequences of the arbitrariness or uncertainties in the evaluation of criteria assessed by value judgments is possible to use the fuzzy logic. Diffuse, fuzzy or fuzzy logic is the mathematical reasoning that allows to calculate accurately the magnitudes corresponding to vague concepts or situations that are not very predictable to have control over them. The objective of this paper is to show a methodology which permits to the contracting authority to evaluate the criteria assessed by value judgments through fuzzy numbers.

  13. Fuzzy modeling and control theory and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Matía, Fernando; Jiménez, Emilio


    Much work on fuzzy control, covering research, development and applications, has been developed in Europe since the 90's. Nevertheless, the existing books in the field are compilations of articles without interconnection or logical structure or they express the personal point of view of the author. This book compiles the developments of researchers with demonstrated experience in the field of fuzzy control following a logic structure and a unified the style. The first chapters of the book are dedicated to the introduction of the main fuzzy logic techniques, where the following chapters focus on concrete applications. This book is supported by the EUSFLAT and CEA-IFAC societies, which include a large number of researchers in the field of fuzzy logic and control. The central topic of the book, Fuzzy Control, is one of the main research and development lines covered by these associations.

  14. A fuzzy logic based PROMETHEE method for material selection problems

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    Muhammet Gul


    Full Text Available Material selection is a complex problem in the design and development of products for diverse engineering applications. This paper presents a fuzzy PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation method based on trapezoidal fuzzy interval numbers that can be applied to the selection of materials for an automotive instrument panel. Also, it presents uniqueness in making a significant contribution to the literature in terms of the application of fuzzy decision-making approach to material selection problems. The method is illustrated, validated, and compared against three different fuzzy MCDM methods (fuzzy VIKOR, fuzzy TOPSIS, and fuzzy ELECTRE in terms of its ranking performance. Also, the relationships between the compared methods and the proposed scenarios for fuzzy PROMETHEE are evaluated via the Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Styrene Maleic Anhydride and Polypropylene are determined optionally as suitable materials for the automotive instrument panel case. We propose a generic fuzzy MCDM methodology that can be practically implemented to material selection problem. The main advantages of the methodology are consideration of the vagueness, uncertainty, and fuzziness to decision making environment.

  15. A fuzzy chance-constrained programming model with type 1 and type 2 fuzzy sets for solid waste management under uncertainty (United States)

    Ma, Xiaolin; Ma, Chi; Wan, Zhifang; Wang, Kewei


    Effective management of municipal solid waste (MSW) is critical for urban planning and development. This study aims to develop an integrated type 1 and type 2 fuzzy sets chance-constrained programming (ITFCCP) model for tackling regional MSW management problem under a fuzzy environment, where waste generation amounts are supposed to be type 2 fuzzy variables and treated capacities of facilities are assumed to be type 1 fuzzy variables. The evaluation and expression of uncertainty overcome the drawbacks in describing fuzzy possibility distributions as oversimplified forms. The fuzzy constraints are converted to their crisp equivalents through chance-constrained programming under the same or different confidence levels. Regional waste management of the City of Dalian, China, was used as a case study for demonstration. The solutions under various confidence levels reflect the trade-off between system economy and reliability. It is concluded that the ITFCCP model is capable of helping decision makers to generate reasonable waste-allocation alternatives under uncertainties.

  16. Fuzzy interval Finite Element/Statistical Energy Analysis for mid-frequency analysis of built-up systems with mixed fuzzy and interval parameters (United States)

    Yin, Hui; Yu, Dejie; Yin, Shengwen; Xia, Baizhan


    This paper introduces mixed fuzzy and interval parametric uncertainties into the FE components of the hybrid Finite Element/Statistical Energy Analysis (FE/SEA) model for mid-frequency analysis of built-up systems, thus an uncertain ensemble combining non-parametric with mixed fuzzy and interval parametric uncertainties comes into being. A fuzzy interval Finite Element/Statistical Energy Analysis (FIFE/SEA) framework is proposed to obtain the uncertain responses of built-up systems, which are described as intervals with fuzzy bounds, termed as fuzzy-bounded intervals (FBIs) in this paper. Based on the level-cut technique, a first-order fuzzy interval perturbation FE/SEA (FFIPFE/SEA) and a second-order fuzzy interval perturbation FE/SEA method (SFIPFE/SEA) are developed to handle the mixed parametric uncertainties efficiently. FFIPFE/SEA approximates the response functions by the first-order Taylor series, while SFIPFE/SEA improves the accuracy by considering the second-order items of Taylor series, in which all the mixed second-order items are neglected. To further improve the accuracy, a Chebyshev fuzzy interval method (CFIM) is proposed, in which the Chebyshev polynomials is used to approximate the response functions. The FBIs are eventually reconstructed by assembling the extrema solutions at all cut levels. Numerical results on two built-up systems verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

  17. Custo econômico do tratamento das úlceras por pressão: uma abordagem teórica

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    Ana Julia Silva


    Full Text Available O presente artigo consiste numa abordagem teórica sobre a problemática dos custos económicos das úlceras por pressão. Parte-se do conhecimento do problema, numa perspetiva conceptual, para, de seguida, apresentar resultados de estudos de prevalência, a partir dos quais foram delineados estudos de impacto económico. O objectivo deste artigo é o de reflectir sobre os custos económicos associados às úlceras por pressão, quer numa perspetiva global, considerando a repercussão financeira, quer numa vertente personalista, atendendo aos custos intangíveis. Relativamente ao impacto económico das úlceras por pressão, foi efectuada uma estimativa ao nível da Região Autónoma dos Açores do custo total do tratamento por ambiente de cuidados. Nos cuidados domiciliários o custo com o tratamento de todas as categorias é calculado em 7.086.415 euros; nos cuidados hospitalares, em 1.723.509 euros, e nos cuidados prestados em lares de idosos, em 1.002.562 euros. Nos Açores, a estimativa do custo total do tratamento das úlceras por pressão, considerando todas as suas categorias, ronda os 9.812.486 euros. Quanto ao impacto emocional associado, este tem elevados custos para pessoa e para os familiares, nomeadamente pelo sofrimento gerado. De facto, as úlceras por pressão acarretam elevados custos económicos associados ao tratamento, bem como custos intangíveis pelo sofrimento vivenciado por pessoas e cuidadores.

  18. Choquet Integral of Fuzzy-Number-Valued Functions: The Differentiability of the Primitive with respect to Fuzzy Measures and Choquet Integral Equations

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    Zengtai Gong


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the Choquet integral of fuzzy-number-valued functions based on the nonnegative real line. We firstly give the definitions and the characterizations of the Choquet integrals of interval-valued functions and fuzzy-number-valued functions based on the nonadditive measure. Furthermore, the operational schemes of above several classes of integrals on a discrete set are investigated which enable us to calculate Choquet integrals in some applications. Secondly, we give a representation of the Choquet integral of a nonnegative, continuous, and increasing fuzzy-number-valued function with respect to a fuzzy measure. In addition, in order to solve Choquet integral equations of fuzzy-number-valued functions, a concept of the Laplace transformation for the fuzzy-number-valued functions in the sense of Choquet integral is introduced. For distorted Lebesgue measures, it is shown that Choquet integral equations of fuzzy-number-valued functions can be solved by the Laplace transformation. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the main results at the end of the paper.

  19. S-fuzzy Version of Stone's Theorem for Distributive Lattices

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Y. S.Pawar; S. S.Khopade


    In this paper,we initiate a study of S-fuzzy ideal (filter) of a lattice where S stands for a meet semilattice.A S fuzzy prime ideal (filter) of a lattice is defined and it is proved that a S-fuzzy ideal (filter) of a lattice is S-fuzzy prime ideal (filter) if and only if any non-empty a-cut of it is a prime ideal (filter).Stone's theorem for a distributive lattice is extended by considering S-fuzzy ideals (filters).

  20. Abrasive slurry jet cutting model based on fuzzy relations (United States)

    Qiang, C. H.; Guo, C. W.


    The cutting process of pre-mixed abrasive slurry or suspension jet (ASJ) is a complex process affected by many factors, and there is a highly nonlinear relationship between the cutting parameters and cutting quality. In this paper, guided by fuzzy theory, the fuzzy cutting model of ASJ was developed. In the modeling of surface roughness, the upper surface roughness prediction model and the lower surface roughness prediction model were established respectively. The adaptive fuzzy inference system combines the learning mechanism of neural networks and the linguistic reasoning ability of the fuzzy system, membership functions, and fuzzy rules are obtained by adaptive adjustment. Therefore, the modeling process is fast and effective. In this paper, the ANFIS module of MATLAB fuzzy logic toolbox was used to establish the fuzzy cutting model of ASJ, which is found to be quite instrumental to ASJ cutting applications.

  1. Transportation optimization with fuzzy trapezoidal numbers based on possibility theory. (United States)

    He, Dayi; Li, Ran; Huang, Qi; Lei, Ping


    In this paper, a parametric method is introduced to solve fuzzy transportation problem. Considering that parameters of transportation problem have uncertainties, this paper develops a generalized fuzzy transportation problem with fuzzy supply, demand and cost. For simplicity, these parameters are assumed to be fuzzy trapezoidal numbers. Based on possibility theory and consistent with decision-makers' subjectiveness and practical requirements, the fuzzy transportation problem is transformed to a crisp linear transportation problem by defuzzifying fuzzy constraints and objectives with application of fractile and modality approach. Finally, a numerical example is provided to exemplify the application of fuzzy transportation programming and to verify the validity of the proposed methods.


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    Amalia Maria Goldberg Godoy


    Full Text Available Os neoclássicos defendem que o mercado garante o equilíbrio entre a disponibilidade e a demanda das águas e que a cobrança altera para melhor o comportamento dos agentes. Os objetivos do artigo são discutir os limites dessa abordagem, apresentar alguns resultados internacionais assim como discutir o conceito de campo, proposto por Fligstein (2001 e Bourdieu (1990, que rompe com esta lógica predominante e se mostra como uma alternativa de análise da implantação dos comitês de bacia hidrografica. O campo representa a relação de força ou poder entre os agentes. Nessa nova perspectiva teórica, os preços são resultados das opções, negociações e dinâmicas sociais existentes nos comitês e não de mecanismos de mercado.

  3. Donatus: uma interface amigável para o estudo da sintaxe formal utilizando a biblioteca em Python do NLTK

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    Leonel Figueiredo de Alencar


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetiva, primeiramente, evidenciar a utilidade da CFG e da FCFG no estudo da sintaxe formal. A aplicação de parsers baseados nesses formalismos na análise de um corpus pode revelar consequências de uma dada análise que de outro modo passariam despercebidas. O NLTK é uma caixa de ferramentas para o PLN em Python que possibilita a construção de parsers em diferentes arquiteturas. No entanto, para uma utilização não trivial dessa biblioteca na análise sintática automática são necessários conhecimentos de programação. Para permitir o acesso de não programadores à implementação e testagem de parsers, desenvolvemos o Donatus, uma interface gráfica amigável para as facilidades de parsing do NLTK, dotada de recursos adicionais que a tornam interessante também para programadores. Como exemplo do funcionamento da ferramenta e demonstração da sua relevância na investigação sintática formal, comparamos implementações de duas análises alternativas da modificação adjetival em português. A primeira abordagem, baseada na Teoria X-barra tradicional, produziu um grande número de pseudoambiguidades. Esse problema foi evitado por um parser baseado em abordagem no âmbito do Programa Minimalista. Sem o recurso do computador, essa diferença entre as duas abordagens não seria facilmente revelada.

  4. Fuzzy logic applications in engineering science

    CERN Document Server

    Harris, J


    Fuzzy logic is a relatively new concept in science applications. Hitherto, fuzzy logic has been a conceptual process applied in the field of risk management. Its potential applicability is much wider than that, however, and its particular suitability for expanding our understanding of processes and information in science and engineering in our post-modern world is only just beginning to be appreciated. Written as a companion text to the author's earlier volume "An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Applications", the book is aimed at professional engineers and students and those with an interest in exploring the potential of fuzzy logic as an information processing kit with a wide variety of practical applications in the field of engineering science and develops themes and topics introduced in the author's earlier text.

  5. Solving Fully Fuzzy Linear System of Equations in General Form

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    A. Yousefzadeh


    Full Text Available In this work, we propose an approach for computing the positive solution of a fully fuzzy linear system where the coefficient matrix is a fuzzy $nimes n$ matrix. To do this, we use arithmetic operations on fuzzy numbers that introduced by Kaffman in and convert the fully fuzzy linear system into two $nimes n$ and $2nimes 2n$ crisp linear systems. If the solutions of these linear systems don't satisfy in positive fuzzy solution condition, we introduce the constrained least squares problem to obtain optimal fuzzy vector solution by applying the ranking function in given fully fuzzy linear system. Using our proposed method, the fully fuzzy linear system of equations always has a solution. Finally, we illustrate the efficiency of proposed method by solving some numerical examples.


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    Full Text Available In this paper we introduce the notions of interval-valued fuzzy bi-ideal, interval-valued anti fuzzy bi-ideal and interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy bi-ideal in ternary semirings and some of the basic properties of these ideals are investigated. We also introduce normal interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy ideals in ternary semirings.

  7. Fuzzy model-based control of a nuclear reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Den Durpel, L.; Ruan, D.


    The fuzzy model-based control of a nuclear power reactor is an emerging research topic world-wide. SCK-CEN is dealing with this research in a preliminary stage, including two aspects, namely fuzzy control and fuzzy modelling. The aim is to combine both methodologies in contrast to conventional model-based PID control techniques, and to state advantages of including fuzzy parameters as safety and operator feedback. This paper summarizes the general scheme of this new research project

  8. Fuzzy One-Class Classification Model Using Contamination Neighborhoods

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    Lev V. Utkin


    Full Text Available A fuzzy classification model is studied in the paper. It is based on the contaminated (robust model which produces fuzzy expected risk measures characterizing classification errors. Optimal classification parameters of the models are derived by minimizing the fuzzy expected risk. It is shown that an algorithm for computing the classification parameters is reduced to a set of standard support vector machine tasks with weighted data points. Experimental results with synthetic data illustrate the proposed fuzzy model.

  9. Avaliação do conhecimento em práticas de higiene: uma abordagem qualitativa

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    Paula Tavolaro


    Full Text Available Investigou-se o conhecimento de ordenhadores de cabra sobre higiene nas operações de ordenha, antes e após uma capacitação em Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF, por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa. Para isto, foram realizadas entrevistas com ordenhadores de três propriedades rurais do Estado de São Paulo, baseadas em um formulário semi-estruturado, cujas respostas foram gravadas, transcritas e analisadas de acordo com a metodologia do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Após a entrevista inicial dos ordenhadores, em cada propriedade, realizou-se a capacitação em BPF por intermédio de aula expositiva dialogada, de uma hora de duração, sobre os temas "princípios gerais de BPF" e "cuidados higiênicos recomendados para ordenha". Após dois meses da capacitação, realizou-se nova entrevista com os ordenhadores. Não foram identificadas diferenças nos discursos obtidos antes e após a capacitação. A análise individual dos discursos mostrou que os ordenhadores apresentavam prévia experiência em ordenha de animais, gostavam do que faziam no trabalho e desejavam aprender mais sobre o ofício, mas não tinham sugestões claras em relação à melhoria do seu fluxo de trabalho.

  10. New similarity of triangular fuzzy number and its application. (United States)

    Zhang, Xixiang; Ma, Weimin; Chen, Liping


    The similarity of triangular fuzzy numbers is an important metric for application of it. There exist several approaches to measure similarity of triangular fuzzy numbers. However, some of them are opt to be large. To make the similarity well distributed, a new method SIAM (Shape's Indifferent Area and Midpoint) to measure triangular fuzzy number is put forward, which takes the shape's indifferent area and midpoint of two triangular fuzzy numbers into consideration. Comparison with other similarity measurements shows the effectiveness of the proposed method. Then, it is applied to collaborative filtering recommendation to measure users' similarity. A collaborative filtering case is used to illustrate users' similarity based on cloud model and triangular fuzzy number; the result indicates that users' similarity based on triangular fuzzy number can obtain better discrimination. Finally, a simulated collaborative filtering recommendation system is developed which uses cloud model and triangular fuzzy number to express users' comprehensive evaluation on items, and result shows that the accuracy of collaborative filtering recommendation based on triangular fuzzy number is higher.

  11. Control de un sistema eólico-fotovoltaico utilizando un controlador fuzzy; Control of a wind-photovoltaic system using a controller fuzzy

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    Alfredo G M Gámez López


    Full Text Available En este artículo, se prueba de manera virtual, un controlador basado en lógica difusa para un sistema híbrido degeneración de energía. La simulación digital emplea como herramienta el Labview, obteniéndose resultadosgráficos descriptivos de la acción del controlador, así como la interfaz gráfica representativa del comportamientodel sistema. In this article is tested a virtual controller using fuzzy logic for a hybrid system of power generation.LABVIEW is used as a digital simulation tool obtaining descriptive graphical results of the action of the driveras well as a graphical interface of the behavior of the system.

  12. Fuzzy logic of Aristotelian forms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perlovsky, L.I. [Nichols Research Corp., Lexington, MA (United States)


    Model-based approaches to pattern recognition and machine vision have been proposed to overcome the exorbitant training requirements of earlier computational paradigms. However, uncertainties in data were found to lead to a combinatorial explosion of the computational complexity. This issue is related here to the roles of a priori knowledge vs. adaptive learning. What is the a-priori knowledge representation that supports learning? I introduce Modeling Field Theory (MFT), a model-based neural network whose adaptive learning is based on a priori models. These models combine deterministic, fuzzy, and statistical aspects to account for a priori knowledge, its fuzzy nature, and data uncertainties. In the process of learning, a priori fuzzy concepts converge to crisp or probabilistic concepts. The MFT is a convergent dynamical system of only linear computational complexity. Fuzzy logic turns out to be essential for reducing the combinatorial complexity to linear one. I will discuss the relationship of the new computational paradigm to two theories due to Aristotle: theory of Forms and logic. While theory of Forms argued that the mind cannot be based on ready-made a priori concepts, Aristotelian logic operated with just such concepts. I discuss an interpretation of MFT suggesting that its fuzzy logic, combining a-priority and adaptivity, implements Aristotelian theory of Forms (theory of mind). Thus, 2300 years after Aristotle, a logic is developed suitable for his theory of mind.

  13. Evaluation of B2C website based on the usability factors by using fuzzy AHP & hierarchical fuzzy TOPSIS (United States)

    Masudin, I.; Saputro, T. E.


    In today's technology, electronic trading transaction via internet has been utilized properly with rapid growth. This paper intends to evaluate related to B2C e-commerce website in order to find out the one which meets the usability factors better than another. The influential factors to B2C e-commerce website are determined for two big retailer websites. The factors are investigated based on the consideration of several studies and conformed to the website characteristics. The evaluation is conducted by using different methods namely fuzzy AHP and hierarchical fuzzy TOPSIS so that the final evaluation can be compared. Fuzzy triangular number is adopted to deal with imprecise judgment under fuzzy environment.

  14. Proposição de um modelo conceitual para mitigação de riscos no planejamento de transportes em cadeias de suprimentos globais


    José Benedito Silva Santos Júnior


    Resumo: Cadeias de suprimentos globais requerem uma coordenação precisa dos fluxos de insumos, produtos acabados, informações e recursos financeiros. A natureza dinâmica das relações entre os diversos elos da cadeia de suprimentos evidencia a necessidade de uma abordagem apropriada para a gestão de riscos para todos os processos inerentes ao planejamento das operações em âmbito global, em particular, para as operações de transportes. A gestão de riscos no planejamento de sistemas de transport...

  15. Fuzzy Sets-based Control Rules for Terminating Algorithms

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    Jose L. VERDEGAY


    Full Text Available In this paper some problems arising in the interface between two different areas, Decision Support Systems and Fuzzy Sets and Systems, are considered. The Model-Base Management System of a Decision Support System which involves some fuzziness is considered, and in that context the questions on the management of the fuzziness in some optimisation models, and then of using fuzzy rules for terminating conventional algorithms are presented, discussed and analyzed. Finally, for the concrete case of the Travelling Salesman Problem, and as an illustration of determination, management and using the fuzzy rules, a new algorithm easy to implement in the Model-Base Management System of any oriented Decision Support System is shown.

  16. Advances in type-2 fuzzy sets and systems theory and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Mendel, Jerry; Tahayori, Hooman


    This book explores recent developments in the theoretical foundations and novel applications of general and interval type-2 fuzzy sets and systems, including: algebraic properties of type-2 fuzzy sets, geometric-based definition of type-2 fuzzy set operators, generalizations of the continuous KM algorithm, adaptiveness and novelty of interval type-2 fuzzy logic controllers, relations between conceptual spaces and type-2 fuzzy sets, type-2 fuzzy logic systems versus perceptual computers; modeling human perception of real world concepts with type-2 fuzzy sets, different methods for generating membership functions of interval and general type-2 fuzzy sets, and applications of interval type-2 fuzzy sets to control, machine tooling, image processing and diet.  The applications demonstrate the appropriateness of using type-2 fuzzy sets and systems in real world problems that are characterized by different degrees of uncertainty.

  17. On the Difference between Traditional and Deductive Fuzzy Logic

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Běhounek, Libor


    Roč. 159, č. 10 (2008), s. 1153-1164 ISSN 0165-0114 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR KJB100300502 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : deductive fuzzy logic * fuzzy elements * gradual sets * entropy of fuzzy sets * aggregation * membership degrees * methodology of fuzzy mathematics Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 1.833, year: 2008

  18. On macroeconomic values investigation using fuzzy linear regression analysis

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    Richard Pospíšil


    Full Text Available The theoretical background for abstract formalization of the vague phenomenon of complex systems is the fuzzy set theory. In the paper, vague data is defined as specialized fuzzy sets - fuzzy numbers and there is described a fuzzy linear regression model as a fuzzy function with fuzzy numbers as vague parameters. To identify the fuzzy coefficients of the model, the genetic algorithm is used. The linear approximation of the vague function together with its possibility area is analytically and graphically expressed. A suitable application is performed in the tasks of the time series fuzzy regression analysis. The time-trend and seasonal cycles including their possibility areas are calculated and expressed. The examples are presented from the economy field, namely the time-development of unemployment, agricultural production and construction respectively between 2009 and 2011 in the Czech Republic. The results are shown in the form of the fuzzy regression models of variables of time series. For the period 2009-2011, the analysis assumptions about seasonal behaviour of variables and the relationship between them were confirmed; in 2010, the system behaved fuzzier and the relationships between the variables were vaguer, that has a lot of causes, from the different elasticity of demand, through state interventions to globalization and transnational impacts.

  19. Landscape evaluation of heterogeneous areas using fuzzy sets

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    Ralf-Uwe Syrbe


    Full Text Available Landscape evaluation is an interesting field for fuzzy approaches, because it happens on the transition line between natural and social systems. Both are very complex. Therefore, transformation of scientific results to politically significant statements on environmental problems demands intelligent support. Particularly landscape planners need methods to gather natural facts of an area and assess them in consideration of its meaning to society as a whole. Since each land unit is heterogeneous, a special methodology is necessary. Such an evaluation technique was developed within a Geographical Information System (ARC/INFO. The methodology combines several known methods with fuzzy approaches to catch the intrinsic fuzziness of ecological systems as well as the heterogeneity of landscape. Additionally, a way will be discussed to vary the fuzzy inference in order to consider spatial relations of various landscape elements. Fuzzy logic is used to process the data uncertainty, to simulate the vagueness of knowledge about ecological functionality, and to model the spatial structure of landscape. Fuzzy sets describe the attributes of thematically defined land units and their assessment results. In this way, the available information will be preserved in their full diversity. The fuzzy operations are executed by AML-programs (ARC/INFO Macro Language. With such a tight coupling, it is possible to use the geographical functions (neighbourhoods, distances, etc. of GIS within the fuzzy system directly.

  20. Molecular processors: from qubits to fuzzy logic. (United States)

    Gentili, Pier Luigi


    Single molecules or their assemblies are information processing devices. Herein it is demonstrated how it is possible to process different types of logic through molecules. As long as decoherent effects are maintained far away from a pure quantum mechanical system, quantum logic can be processed. If the collapse of superimposed or entangled wavefunctions is unavoidable, molecules can still be used to process either crisp (binary or multi-valued) or fuzzy logic. The way for implementing fuzzy inference engines is declared and it is supported by the examples of molecular fuzzy logic systems devised so far. Fuzzy logic is drawing attention in the field of artificial intelligence, because it models human reasoning quite well. This ability may be due to some structural analogies between a fuzzy logic system and the human nervous system. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. Robust fuzzy output feedback controller for affine nonlinear systems via T-S fuzzy bilinear model: CSTR benchmark. (United States)

    Hamdy, M; Hamdan, I


    In this paper, a robust H∞ fuzzy output feedback controller is designed for a class of affine nonlinear systems with disturbance via Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy bilinear model. The parallel distributed compensation (PDC) technique is utilized to design a fuzzy controller. The stability conditions of the overall closed loop T-S fuzzy bilinear model are formulated in terms of Lyapunov function via linear matrix inequality (LMI). The control law is robustified by H∞ sense to attenuate external disturbance. Moreover, the desired controller gains can be obtained by solving a set of LMI. A continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), which is a benchmark problem in nonlinear process control, is discussed in detail to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach with a comparative study. Copyright © 2014 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Equipment Selection by using Fuzzy TOPSIS Method (United States)

    Yavuz, Mahmut


    In this study, Fuzzy TOPSIS method was performed for the selection of open pit truck and the optimal solution of the problem was investigated. Data from Turkish Coal Enterprises was used in the application of the method. This paper explains the Fuzzy TOPSIS approaches with group decision-making application in an open pit coal mine in Turkey. An algorithm of the multi-person multi-criteria decision making with fuzzy set approach was applied an equipment selection problem. It was found that Fuzzy TOPSIS with a group decision making is a method that may help decision-makers in solving different decision-making problems in mining.

  3. A neuro-fuzzy inference system for sensor monitoring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Na, Man Gyun


    A neuro-fuzzy inference system combined with the wavelet denoising, PCA (principal component analysis) and SPRT (sequential probability ratio test) methods has been developed to monitor the relevant sensor using the information of other sensors. The paramters of the neuro-fuzzy inference system which estimates the relevant sensor signal are optimized by a genetic algorithm and a least-squares algorithm. The wavelet denoising technique was applied to remove noise components in input signals into the neuro-fuzzy system. By reducing the dimension of an input space into the neuro-fuzzy system without losing a significant amount of information, the PCA was used to reduce the time necessary to train the neuro-fuzzy system, simplify the structure of the neuro-fuzzy inference system and also, make easy the selection of the input signals into the neuro-fuzzy system. By using the residual signals between the estimated signals and the measured signals, the SPRT is applied to detect whether the sensors are degraded or not. The proposed sensor-monitoring algorithm was verified through applications to the pressurizer water level, the pressurizer pressure, and the hot-leg temperature sensors in pressurized water reactors

  4. Descarte de pilhas e baterias - A problemática da abordagem nos livros didáticos de química do PNLD 2015 para o conteúdo de eletroquímica

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    Ana Nery Alves Martins


    Full Text Available O crescente avanço científico e tecnológico promoveu o desenvolvimento de uma diversidade de eletroeletrônicos, tais como: computadores, celulares, brinquedos, aparelhos de som, televisões, câmeras fotográficas, entre outros. O nome dado aos resíduos resultantes do descarte destes equipamentos eletrônicos é lixo ou resíduo eletrônico e são causadores de impactos ambientais. Nesse sentindo, os livros didáticos estão sendo sinalizados com diferentes objetivos e propostas para o ensino com a abordagem das questões ambientais. Neste contexto, os livros didáticos e os temas que são por eles desenvolvidos é uma ferramenta de grande importância no ensino e aprendizagem dos conceitos de química. Portanto, este trabalho objetivou-se um diagnóstico de quatro coleções de livros didáticos selecionados pelo Programa Nacional Brasileiro do Livro Didático (PNLD 2015, para investigar nestes livros como o tema “descarte de pilhas e baterias” foi abordado e quais as abordagens são dados no capitulo eletroquímica. Esse trabalho foi uma pesquisa qualitativa e os resultados apontaram que, as quatro coleções analisadas apresentaram o tema com diferentes intensidades, porém com propósitos semelhantes, sendo que a coleção Química Cidadã foi a que se destacou por apresentar questões que relaciona ciência, tecnologia, sociedade e ambiente, mostrando diversas discussões a cerca do tema, o que demonstra a significância de se discutir este tema no ensino de química, numa perspectiva das prescrições exigidas pelos documentos legais, que vincula o tema em questão ao enfoque Ciência, Tecnologia, Sociedade e Ambiente (CTSA.

  5. Fuzzy Law and the Boundaries of Secularism

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    W Menski


    Full Text Available The author delivered a speech at a Religare Conference. Showing his distaste for fuzzy law, he argues that "moderate secularism" is not merely another fuzzy concept, but it is "super-fuzzy", and that lawyers claiming to love certainty "have a tendency to sit in judgment over matters and even pre-judge things they know little about, including legal pluralism" leading to much irritation.

  6. Study of decision framework of wind farm project plan selection under intuitionistic fuzzy set and fuzzy measure environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Yunna; Geng, Shuai; Xu, Hu; Zhang, Haobo


    Highlights: • Experts’ opinions are expressed by using the intuitionistic fuzzy values. • Fuzzy measure is used to solve the dependence problem of criteria. • The compensatory problem of performance scores is reasonably processed. - Abstract: Project selection plays an important role in the entire life cycle of wind farm project and the multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods are very important in the whole wind farm project plan selection process. There are problems in the present MCDM methods decrease evaluation quality of the wind farm project plans: first, the information loss exists in the wind farm project plan evaluation process. Second, it is difficult to satisfy the independent assumption of the multi-criteria decision making methods used in the wind farm project plan evaluation in fact. Third, the compensatory problem of performance scores of the wind farm project plans is processed unreasonably. Hence the innovation points of this paper are as follows: first, the intuitionistic fuzzy numbers are used instead of fuzzy numbers or numerical values to reflect the experts’ intuitive preferences to decrease the probability of information loss; second, the fuzzy measure is used to rate the important degrees of criteria in order to avoid the independent assumption and to increase the reasonability; third, the partial compensatory problem of performance scores is well processed by using intuitionistic fuzzy Choquet (IFC) operator and generalized intuitionistic fuzzy ordered geometric averaging (GIFOGA) operator. These operators can deal with the compensatory performance scores and non-compensatory performance scores respectively. Finally, a case study demonstrates the effectiveness of decision framework

  7. A Brief History of Fuzzy Logic

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    Angel Garrido


    Full Text Available

    The problems of uncertainty, imprecision and vagueness have been discussed for many years. These problems have been major topics in philosophical circles with much debate, in particular, about the nature of vagueness and the ability of traditional Boolean logic to cope with concepts and perceptions that are imprecise or vague. The Fuzzy Logic (which is usually translated into Castilian by “Lógica Borrosa”, or “Lógica Difusa”, but also by “Lógica Heurística” can be considered a bypass-valued logics (Multi-valued Logic, MVL, its acronym in English. It is founded on, and is closely related to-Fuzzy Sets Theory, and successfully applied on Fuzzy Systems. You might think that fuzzy logic is quite recent and what has worked for a short time, but its origins date back at least to the Greek philosophers and especially Plato (428-347 B.C.. It even seems plausible
    to trace their origins in China and India. Because it seems that they were the first to consider that all things need not be of a certain type or quit, but there are a stopover between. That is, be the pioneers in considering that there may be varying degrees of truth and falsehood. In case of colors, for example, between white and black there is a whole infinite scale: the shades of gray. Some recent theorems show that in principle fuzzy logic can be used to model any continuous system, be it based
    in AI, or physics, or biology, or economics, etc. Investigators in many fields may find that fuzzy, commonsense models are more useful, and many more accurate than are standard mathematical ones. We analyze here the history and development of this problem: Fuzziness, or “Borrosidad” (in Castilian, essential to work with Uncertainty.

  8. A fuzzy neural network for sensor signal estimation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Na, Man Gyun


    In this work, a fuzzy neural network is used to estimate the relevant sensor signal using other sensor signals. Noise components in input signals into the fuzzy neural network are removed through the wavelet denoising technique. Principal component analysis (PCA) is used to reduce the dimension of an input space without losing a significant amount of information. A lower dimensional input space will also usually reduce the time necessary to train a fuzzy-neural network. Also, the principal component analysis makes easy the selection of the input signals into the fuzzy neural network. The fuzzy neural network parameters are optimized by two learning methods. A genetic algorithm is used to optimize the antecedent parameters of the fuzzy neural network and a least-squares algorithm is used to solve the consequent parameters. The proposed algorithm was verified through the application to the pressurizer water level and the hot-leg flowrate measurements in pressurized water reactors

  9. Sanitizing sensitive association rules using fuzzy correlation scheme

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hameed, S.; Shahzad, F.; Asghar, S.


    Data mining is used to extract useful information hidden in the data. Sometimes this extraction of information leads to revealing sensitive information. Privacy preservation in Data Mining is a process of sanitizing sensitive information. This research focuses on sanitizing sensitive rules discovered in quantitative data. The proposed scheme, Privacy Preserving in Fuzzy Association Rules (PPFAR) is based on fuzzy correlation analysis. In this work, fuzzy set concept is integrated with fuzzy correlation analysis and Apriori algorithm to mark interesting fuzzy association rules. The identified rules are called sensitive. For sanitization, we use modification technique where we substitute maximum value of fuzzy items with zero, which occurs most frequently. Experiments demonstrate that PPFAR method hides sensitive rules with minimum modifications. The technique also maintains the modified data's quality. The PPFAR scheme has applications in various domains e.g. temperature control, medical analysis, travel time prediction, genetic behavior prediction etc. We have validated the results on medical dataset. (author)

  10. Improved hybridization of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) algorithm with Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making - Simple Additive Weighting (FMADM-SAW) (United States)

    Zaiwani, B. E.; Zarlis, M.; Efendi, S.


    In this research, the improvement of hybridization algorithm of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) with Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (FTOPSIS) in selecting the best bank chief inspector based on several qualitative and quantitative criteria with various priorities. To improve the performance of the above research, FAHP algorithm hybridization with Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making - Simple Additive Weighting (FMADM-SAW) algorithm was adopted, which applied FAHP algorithm to the weighting process and SAW for the ranking process to determine the promotion of employee at a government institution. The result of improvement of the average value of Efficiency Rate (ER) is 85.24%, which means that this research has succeeded in improving the previous research that is equal to 77.82%. Keywords: Ranking and Selection, Fuzzy AHP, Fuzzy TOPSIS, FMADM-SAW.

  11. Computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a fuzzy matrix

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    A. Kumar


    Full Text Available Computation of fuzzy eigenvalues and fuzzy eigenvectors of a fuzzy matrix is a challenging problem. Determining the maximal and minimal symmetric solution can help to find the eigenvalues. So, we try to compute these eigenvalues by determining the maximal and minimal symmetric solution of the fully fuzzy linear system $widetilde{A}widetilde{X}= widetilde{lambda} widetilde{X}.$

  12. Fuzzy audit risk modeling algorithm

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    Zohreh Hajihaa


    Full Text Available Fuzzy logic has created suitable mathematics for making decisions in uncertain environments including professional judgments. One of the situations is to assess auditee risks. During recent years, risk based audit (RBA has been regarded as one of the main tools to fight against fraud. The main issue in RBA is to determine the overall audit risk an auditor accepts, which impact the efficiency of an audit. The primary objective of this research is to redesign the audit risk model (ARM proposed by auditing standards. The proposed model of this paper uses fuzzy inference systems (FIS based on the judgments of audit experts. The implementation of proposed fuzzy technique uses triangular fuzzy numbers to express the inputs and Mamdani method along with center of gravity are incorporated for defuzzification. The proposed model uses three FISs for audit, inherent and control risks, and there are five levels of linguistic variables for outputs. FISs include 25, 25 and 81 rules of if-then respectively and officials of Iranian audit experts confirm all the rules.

  13. Organizações como processos e Teoria Ator-Rede: a contribuição de John Law para os Estudos Organizacionais

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    Maria Fernanda Rios Cavalcanti

    Full Text Available Em anos recentes, muito se tem debatido a respeito de alternativas às ditas "abordagens representacionais" nos estudos das organizações. Tais discussões costumam destacar o aspecto processual e fluido da organização, que não pode ser tomada como um fim ou um objeto estático e, por isso, ela exige outras formas de explorar e compreender seu fenômeno. Uma abordagem que surge com relevante popularidade é a Teoria Ator-Rede (TAR. Entretanto, tal abordagem tem sido alvo de diversas críticas, que dizem respeito principalmente a uma suposta falta de caráter ou potencial político e/ou crítico. Tendo em vista tal contexto, o objetivo deste artigo é contrapor tais críticas às ideias forjadas nos trabalhos empíricos realizados por um dos autores que mais disseminaram e suscitaram discussões a respeito da TAR nos Estudos Organizacionais: John Law. Com isso, almeja-se, aqui, contribuir com subsídios para uma melhor compreensão da aplicabilidade da TAR nos estudos das organizações, destacando pontos que devem ser levados em consideração para que não sucumba às críticas a ela direcionadas; além disso, são discutidas algumas implicações dessa abordagem em trabalhos empíricos.

  14. Fuzzy logic guided inverse treatment planning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan Hui; Yin Fangfang; Guan Huaiqun; Kim, Jae Ho


    A fuzzy logic technique was applied to optimize the weighting factors in the objective function of an inverse treatment planning system for intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). Based on this technique, the optimization of weighting factors is guided by the fuzzy rules while the intensity spectrum is optimized by a fast-monotonic-descent method. The resultant fuzzy logic guided inverse planning system is capable of finding the optimal combination of weighting factors for different anatomical structures involved in treatment planning. This system was tested using one simulated (but clinically relevant) case and one clinical case. The results indicate that the optimal balance between the target dose and the critical organ dose is achieved by a refined combination of weighting factors. With the help of fuzzy inference, the efficiency and effectiveness of inverse planning for IMRT are substantially improved

  15. Fuzzy Reasoning Based on First-Order Modal Logic,

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhang, Xiaoru; Zhang, Z.; Sui, Y.; Huang, Z.


    As an extension of traditional modal logics, this paper proposes a fuzzy first-order modal logic based on believable degree, and gives out a description of the fuzzy first-order modal logic based on constant domain semantics. In order to make the reasoning procedure between the fuzzy assertions

  16. Location Discovery Based on Fuzzy Geometry in Passive Sensor Networks

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    Rui Wang


    Full Text Available Location discovery with uncertainty using passive sensor networks in the nation's power grid is known to be challenging, due to the massive scale and inherent complexity. For bearings-only target localization in passive sensor networks, the approach of fuzzy geometry is introduced to investigate the fuzzy measurability for a moving target in R2 space. The fuzzy analytical bias expressions and the geometrical constraints are derived for bearings-only target localization. The interplay between fuzzy geometry of target localization and the fuzzy estimation bias for the case of fuzzy linear observer trajectory is analyzed in detail in sensor networks, which can realize the 3-dimensional localization including fuzzy estimate position and velocity of the target by measuring the fuzzy azimuth angles at intervals of fixed time. Simulation results show that the resulting estimate position outperforms the traditional least squares approach for localization with uncertainty.

  17. Train Repathing in Emergencies Based on Fuzzy Linear Programming

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    Xuelei Meng


    Full Text Available Train pathing is a typical problem which is to assign the train trips on the sets of rail segments, such as rail tracks and links. This paper focuses on the train pathing problem, determining the paths of the train trips in emergencies. We analyze the influencing factors of train pathing, such as transferring cost, running cost, and social adverse effect cost. With the overall consideration of the segment and station capability constraints, we build the fuzzy linear programming model to solve the train pathing problem. We design the fuzzy membership function to describe the fuzzy coefficients. Furthermore, the contraction-expansion factors are introduced to contract or expand the value ranges of the fuzzy coefficients, coping with the uncertainty of the value range of the fuzzy coefficients. We propose a method based on triangular fuzzy coefficient and transfer the train pathing (fuzzy linear programming model to a determinate linear model to solve the fuzzy linear programming problem. An emergency is supposed based on the real data of the Beijing-Shanghai Railway. The model in this paper was solved and the computation results prove the availability of the model and efficiency of the algorithm.

  18. Train repathing in emergencies based on fuzzy linear programming. (United States)

    Meng, Xuelei; Cui, Bingmou


    Train pathing is a typical problem which is to assign the train trips on the sets of rail segments, such as rail tracks and links. This paper focuses on the train pathing problem, determining the paths of the train trips in emergencies. We analyze the influencing factors of train pathing, such as transferring cost, running cost, and social adverse effect cost. With the overall consideration of the segment and station capability constraints, we build the fuzzy linear programming model to solve the train pathing problem. We design the fuzzy membership function to describe the fuzzy coefficients. Furthermore, the contraction-expansion factors are introduced to contract or expand the value ranges of the fuzzy coefficients, coping with the uncertainty of the value range of the fuzzy coefficients. We propose a method based on triangular fuzzy coefficient and transfer the train pathing (fuzzy linear programming model) to a determinate linear model to solve the fuzzy linear programming problem. An emergency is supposed based on the real data of the Beijing-Shanghai Railway. The model in this paper was solved and the computation results prove the availability of the model and efficiency of the algorithm.

  19. Integrated development environment for fuzzy logic applications (United States)

    Pagni, Andrea; Poluzzi, Rinaldo; Rizzotto, GianGuido; Lo Presti, Matteo


    During the last five years, Fuzzy Logic has gained enormous popularity, both in the academic and industrial worlds, breaking up the traditional resistance against changes thanks to its innovative approach to problems formalization. The success of this new methodology is pushing the creation of a brand new class of devices, called Fuzzy Machines, to overcome the limitations of traditional computing systems when acting as Fuzzy Systems and adequate Software Tools to efficiently develop new applications. This paper aims to present a complete development environment for the definition of fuzzy logic based applications. The environment is also coupled with a sophisticated software tool for semiautomatic synthesis and optimization of the rules with stability verifications. Later it is presented the architecture of WARP, a dedicate VLSI programmable chip allowing to compute in real time a fuzzy control process. The article is completed with two application examples, which have been carried out exploiting the aforementioned tools and devices.

  20. Fuzzy linguistic model for interpolation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abbasbandy, S.; Adabitabar Firozja, M.


    In this paper, a fuzzy method for interpolating of smooth curves was represented. We present a novel approach to interpolate real data by applying the universal approximation method. In proposed method, fuzzy linguistic model (FLM) applied as universal approximation for any nonlinear continuous function. Finally, we give some numerical examples and compare the proposed method with spline method

  1. Fuzzy torus via q-Parafermion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aizawa, N; Chakrabarti, R


    We note that the recently introduced fuzzy torus can be regarded as a q-deformed parafermion. Based on this picture, classification of the Hermitian representations of the fuzzy torus is carried out. The result involves Fock-type representations and new finite-dimensional representations for q being a root of unity as well as already known finite-dimensional ones

  2. Ensino de Português para Nativos e Estrangeiros: na Prática, a Teoria é Outra

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    Maria Helena da Nóbrega


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta diferentes momentos do ensino de línguaportuguesa para nativos e estrangeiros, procurando pontos de contato entreambos. Esse percurso metodológico destaca noções ligadas ao sistema e ao usoda língua, além de explicar os métodos da gramática e tradução, oaudiolingual e, com maior ênfase, a abordagem comunicativa. A análise dessasformas de ensino revela a centralização ainda vigente em propostasgramaticalistas, apesar de as investigações teóricas já terem questionado essetipo de abordagem. Após refletir sobre as causas do pouco aproveitamento daspesquisas na sala de aula, propõem-se maneiras de reverter a distânciaobservada entre os avanços teóricos e a prática pedagógica.

  3. A abordagem ambiental na geografia agrária brasileira: uma análise dos periódicos Revista Agrária, Revista Campo-Território e Revista NERA


    Artur Leonardo Andrade


    O presente estudo procurou analisar a abordagem ambiental na geografia agrária brasileira a partir dos periódicos Revista Agrária, Revista Campo-Território e Revista NERA. Para isso, foram selecionados e analisados 78 artigos que debatem, de forma direta, a questão ambiental. Como os periódicos foram criados a partir da década de 1990, a escolha metodológica possibilitou uma análise do período atual da geografia agrária, o pós-1990, marcado pela pluralidade teórico-metodológica. Esta pesquisa...

  4. Uma abordagem evolutiva para recuperação de imagens da web


    Katia Cristina Lage dos Santos


    Os avanços no armazenamento de dados e nas tecnologias para aquisição de imagens tornaram possível a criação de grandes bases ou coleções de imagens. Além disso, o enorme sucesso da Web tem proporcionado baixo custo e acessibilidade em larga escala deste material. Aliado a esses fatores, uma variedade de atividades lucrativas demandam transferência de informação baseada em imagem. Exemplos típicos são projetos arquitetônicos, desenhos de engenharia e de moda, perfumes, novos carros, campanhas...

  5. Efficient solution of a multi objective fuzzy transportation problem (United States)

    Vidhya, V.; Ganesan, K.


    In this paper we present a methodology for the solution of multi-objective fuzzy transportation problem when all the cost and time coefficients are trapezoidal fuzzy numbers and the supply and demand are crisp numbers. Using a new fuzzy arithmetic on parametric form of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers and a new ranking method all efficient solutions are obtained. The proposed method is illustrated with an example.

  6. Logical Characterisation of Ontology Construction using Fuzzy Description Logics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Badie, Farshad; Götzsche, Hans

    had the extension of ontologies with Fuzzy Logic capabilities which plan to make proper backgrounds for ontology driven reasoning and argumentation on vague and imprecise domains. This presentation conceptualises learning from fuzzy classes using the Inductive Logic Programming framework. Then......, employs Description Logics in characterising and analysing fuzzy statements. And finally, provides a conceptual framework describing fuzzy concept learning in ontologies using the Inductive Logic Programming....


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    Edwin De La Sota


    Full Text Available A gestão empresarial moderna vem efetuando o reconhecimento dos fundamentos econômicos para serem aplicados na tomada de decisão; as empresas de serviços do transporte rodoviário de passageiros inter-regionais não podem fugir desta nova abordagem. Os analistas perguntam-se permanentemente sobre questões pertinentes a produção de nos serviços. de serviços, estrutura de custos dos operadores e impactos vindos da regulamentação e desregulamentação que podem incidir sobre os preços das tarifas e o nível de serviços que vem ofertando este setor, assim como, sobre as decisões do mercado desta indústria.

  8. Interpolation of fuzzy data | Khodaparast | Journal of Fundamental ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Considering the many applications of mathematical functions in different ways, it is essential to have a defining function. In this study, we used Fuzzy Lagrangian interpolation and natural fuzzy spline polynomials to interpolate the fuzzy data. In the current world and in the field of science and technology, interpolation issues ...

  9. Implementation of fuzzy logic control algorithm in embedded ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Fuzzy logic control algorithm solves problems that are difficult to address with traditional control techniques. This paper describes an implementation of fuzzy logic control algorithm using inexpensive hardware as well as how to use fuzzy logic to tackle a specific control problem without any special software tools. As a case ...

  10. Polynomial fuzzy observer designs: a sum-of-squares approach. (United States)

    Tanaka, Kazuo; Ohtake, Hiroshi; Seo, Toshiaki; Tanaka, Motoyasu; Wang, Hua O


    This paper presents a sum-of-squares (SOS) approach to polynomial fuzzy observer designs for three classes of polynomial fuzzy systems. The proposed SOS-based framework provides a number of innovations and improvements over the existing linear matrix inequality (LMI)-based approaches to Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy controller and observer designs. First, we briefly summarize previous results with respect to a polynomial fuzzy system that is a more general representation of the well-known T-S fuzzy system. Next, we propose polynomial fuzzy observers to estimate states in three classes of polynomial fuzzy systems and derive SOS conditions to design polynomial fuzzy controllers and observers. A remarkable feature of the SOS design conditions for the first two classes (Classes I and II) is that they realize the so-called separation principle, i.e., the polynomial fuzzy controller and observer for each class can be separately designed without lack of guaranteeing the stability of the overall control system in addition to converging state-estimation error (via the observer) to zero. Although, for the last class (Class III), the separation principle does not hold, we propose an algorithm to design polynomial fuzzy controller and observer satisfying the stability of the overall control system in addition to converging state-estimation error (via the observer) to zero. All the design conditions in the proposed approach can be represented in terms of SOS and are symbolically and numerically solved via the recently developed SOSTOOLS and a semidefinite-program solver, respectively. To illustrate the validity and applicability of the proposed approach, three design examples are provided. The examples demonstrate the advantages of the SOS-based approaches for the existing LMI approaches to T-S fuzzy observer designs.

  11. Modelo de avaliação do nível de sustentabilidade urbana: proposta para as cidades brasileiras

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    Maria de Fátima Martins


    Full Text Available Os indicadores de sustentabilidade permitem captar características do ambiente urbano e revelar a (in sustentabilidade urbana, gerando informações que dão suporte às políticas públicas e ao processo de desenvolvimento. A partir dessa constatação, o objetivo do artigo é propor um modelo para análise da sustentabilidade urbana, construído a partir das matrizes de Acselrad (2009. Tal proposta é dividida em: uma abordagem conceitual, marco ordenador para avaliação da sustentabilidade do espaço urbano, no sentido de unificar o entendimento sobre a sustentabilidade pelos diversos públicos interessados; e uma abordagem operacional, que define as matrizes, as dimensões e os temas para análise da sustentabilidade, com seus respectivos critérios de análises, indicadores e parâmetros de operacionalização, que permitem o monitoramento da sustentabilidade das cidades, servindo como instrumento para orientação das políticas públicas urbanas. Em termos metodológicos, trata-se de um ensaio teórico baseado na literatura sobre sustentabilidade urbana, especialmente acerca das matrizes discursivas. A importância do trabalho refere-se ao fato de o modelo permitir a análise da sustentabilidade urbana, dadas as especificidades da problemática das cidades brasileiras. Em termos de contribuição, é importante por gerar subsídios para análises mais consistentes desses problemas e, por meio de indicadores urbanos e de critérios de análises, possibilitar uma orientação para o processo de desenvolvimento urbano e de monitoramento da sustentabilidade das cidades, oferecendo suporte às políticas públicas.

  12. On Some Nonclassical Algebraic Properties of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Soft Sets (United States)


    Interval-valued fuzzy soft sets realize a hybrid soft computing model in a general framework. Both Molodtsov's soft sets and interval-valued fuzzy sets can be seen as special cases of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets. In this study, we first compare four different types of interval-valued fuzzy soft subsets and reveal the relations among them. Then we concentrate on investigating some nonclassical algebraic properties of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets under the soft product operations. We show that some fundamental algebraic properties including the commutative and associative laws do not hold in the conventional sense, but hold in weaker forms characterized in terms of the relation =L. We obtain a number of algebraic inequalities of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets characterized by interval-valued fuzzy soft inclusions. We also establish the weak idempotent law and the weak absorptive law of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets using interval-valued fuzzy soft J-equal relations. It is revealed that the soft product operations ∧ and ∨ of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets do not always have similar algebraic properties. Moreover, we find that only distributive inequalities described by the interval-valued fuzzy soft L-inclusions hold for interval-valued fuzzy soft sets. PMID:25143964

  13. On Some Nonclassical Algebraic Properties of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Soft Sets

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    Xiaoyan Liu


    Full Text Available Interval-valued fuzzy soft sets realize a hybrid soft computing model in a general framework. Both Molodtsov’s soft sets and interval-valued fuzzy sets can be seen as special cases of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets. In this study, we first compare four different types of interval-valued fuzzy soft subsets and reveal the relations among them. Then we concentrate on investigating some nonclassical algebraic properties of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets under the soft product operations. We show that some fundamental algebraic properties including the commutative and associative laws do not hold in the conventional sense, but hold in weaker forms characterized in terms of the relation =L. We obtain a number of algebraic inequalities of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets characterized by interval-valued fuzzy soft inclusions. We also establish the weak idempotent law and the weak absorptive law of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets using interval-valued fuzzy soft J-equal relations. It is revealed that the soft product operations ∧ and ∨ of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets do not always have similar algebraic properties. Moreover, we find that only distributive inequalities described by the interval-valued fuzzy soft L-inclusions hold for interval-valued fuzzy soft sets.

  14. On some nonclassical algebraic properties of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets. (United States)

    Liu, Xiaoyan; Feng, Feng; Zhang, Hui


    Interval-valued fuzzy soft sets realize a hybrid soft computing model in a general framework. Both Molodtsov's soft sets and interval-valued fuzzy sets can be seen as special cases of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets. In this study, we first compare four different types of interval-valued fuzzy soft subsets and reveal the relations among them. Then we concentrate on investigating some nonclassical algebraic properties of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets under the soft product operations. We show that some fundamental algebraic properties including the commutative and associative laws do not hold in the conventional sense, but hold in weaker forms characterized in terms of the relation = L . We obtain a number of algebraic inequalities of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets characterized by interval-valued fuzzy soft inclusions. We also establish the weak idempotent law and the weak absorptive law of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets using interval-valued fuzzy soft J-equal relations. It is revealed that the soft product operations ∧ and ∨ of interval-valued fuzzy soft sets do not always have similar algebraic properties. Moreover, we find that only distributive inequalities described by the interval-valued fuzzy soft L-inclusions hold for interval-valued fuzzy soft sets.


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    Ina Amanatur Risqiyah


    Full Text Available This research aims to identify and evaluate the risks of the supply chain management of salacca at the SME of Ambudi Makmur using fuzzy logic. In this research, identification of the supply chain risk was performed on each subject of supply chain using survey method. Furthermore, the results of supply chain risk in Ambudi Makmur were evaluated using FMEA’s fuzzy logic, a methodology using fuzzy logic to identify the problems or causes of failures that have occurred by consideration of criteria of Severity (S, Occurrence (O, and Detection (D. The identification results show that there are eight risk factors at the farm level, 11 risk factors, at the agribusiness industry level of SME of Ambudi Makmur, 4 risk factors at distributor level and 3 risk factors at the retailer level. The largest risk factor is in agribusiness industry, and the most dominant is on “make”. Based on the Fuzzy Risk Priority Number (FRPN, the first rank of risks of salacca supply chain is delay. Thus, this risk is the first priority that must be solved by Ambudi Makmur. Keywords: Fuzzy FMEA, risk supply chain, supply chainABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi dan mengevalusi risiko rantai pasok salak di UKM Ambudi Makmur Bangkalan menggunakan logika fuzzy. Pada penelitian ini identifikasi risiko rantai pasok dilakukan pada tiap pelaku rantai pasok menggunakan metode survei. Selanjutnya, hasil identifikasi risiko rantai pasok pada UKM Ambudi Makmur dievaluasi menggunakan logika fuzzy FMEA.  Fuzzy FMEA merupakan metodologi yang memakai logika fuzzy dalam mengidentifikasi permasalahan atau penyebab kegagalan yang terjadi melalui pertimbangan kriteria severity (S, occurence (O, dan detection (D. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa pada tingkat petani terdapat delapan faktor risiko, pada tingkat usaha agroindustri, yaitu UKM Ambudi Makmur terdapat 11 faktor risiko, pada tingkat distributor terdapat empat faktor risiko, pada tingkat retailer terdapat tiga

  16. Control difuso para el seguimiento de guiñada del AUV Cormorán

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    Julián González


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta en detalle el diseño de un control difuso para el seguimiento de guiñada de un vehículo autónomo submarino. Este control está desarrollado a partir de la descripción matemática del modelo hidrodinámico del vehículo, que se estudia y discute bajo diferentes situaciones de velocidad de avance o cambios en la referencia de guiñada. Se linealiza el modelo matemático y se estudian diferentes controles lineales que son diseñados para actuar en situaciones concretas, de forma que el control difuso se encargue de manejar dichos controles de manera global. Abstract: This work presents in detail the fuzzy control design for yaw tracking of an autonomous underwater vehicle. This control has been developed from the mathematical description of the hydrodynamic model of the vehicle, which is studied and discussed from different situations both in surge velocity as in changes in yaw reference. The model is linearized and several linear controls are designed for their actuation at certain situations, in a way that the fuzzy control allows to handle those controls globally. Palabras clave: fuzzy control, autonomous vehicles, linear control systems, mathematical models, continuous path control, Keywords: fuzzy control, autonomous vehicles, linear control systems, mathematical models, continuous path control.

  17. The fuzzy TOPSIS and generalized Choquet fuzzy integral algorithm for nuclear power plant site selection - a case study from Turkey

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurt, Ünal


    The location selection for nuclear power plant (NPP) is a strategic decision, which has significant impact on the economic operation of the plant and sustainable development of the region. This paper proposes fuzzy TOPSIS and generalized Choquet fuzzy integral algorithm for evaluation and selection of optimal locations for NPP in Turkey. Many sub-criteria such as geological, social, touristic, transportation abilities, cooling water capacity and nearest to consumptions markets are taken into account. Among the evaluated locations, according to generalized Choquet fuzzy integral method, Inceburun–Sinop was selected as a study site due to its highest performance and meeting most of the investigated criteria. The Inceburun-Sinop is selected by generalized Choquet fuzzy integral and fuzzy TOPSIS Iğneada–Kırklareli took place in the first turn. The Mersin–Akkuyu is not selected in both methods. (author)

  18. Portfolio Selection Based on Distance between Fuzzy Variables

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    Weiyi Qian


    Full Text Available This paper researches portfolio selection problem in fuzzy environment. We introduce a new simple method in which the distance between fuzzy variables is used to measure the divergence of fuzzy investment return from a prior one. Firstly, two new mathematical models are proposed by expressing divergence as distance, investment return as expected value, and risk as variance and semivariance, respectively. Secondly, the crisp forms of the new models are also provided for different types of fuzzy variables. Finally, several numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

  19. Uma abordagem probabilística para a avaliação de riscos em cadeias de suprimento

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    Kevin P McCormack


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma proposta envolvendo a aplicação do conceito de redes Bayesianas para o gerenciamento de riscos em cadeias de suprimento, especificamente no relacionamento de díades fornecedor-cliente, a partir do mapeamento de categorias de risco e de eventos correlatos. O trabalho pode ser identificado como uma tentativa de contribuição à construção de modelos preditivos que permitam dar suporte ao processo de tomada de decisão gerencial, no tocante ao gerenciamento e mitigação de riscos. No artigo, um exemplo hipotético foi desenvolvido para se ilustrar a potencialidade de aplicação de redes Bayesianas para os fins propostos. O artigo detalha, por fim, a potencialidade do modelo teórico-conceitual proposto, bem como de questões relevantes para futuras pesquisas sobre o tema.

  20. Integração de dados do laser scanner com a banda pan-cromática do sensor QuickBird II para a identificação de edificações através das redes neurais numa abordagem orientação a regiões - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v27i2.1489

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    Mosar Faria Botelho


    Full Text Available A imagens produzidas pelo sensor QuickBird II e pelos dados laser scanner são produtos caros para comercialização, porém têm mostrado seu valor técnico-científico no processamento digital de imagens. O objetivo deste estudo está em mostrar uma alternativa viável para a identificação de edificações através da classificação de imagem de alta resolução utilizando dados do sistema laser scanner e imagens do QuickBird II. No intuito de diminuir os custos na aquisição dos dados para o processamento digital, foram utilizados dados de intensidade e altimetria do laser, integrando-os com a banda pan-cromática do sensor QuickBird II, por meio do algoritmo de redes neurais e uma abordagem orientada a regiões. O trabalho justifica-se por utilizar tecnologias recentes (laser scanner e imagem QuickBird II e um algoritmo integrador de variáveis de diferentes origens (as redes neurais artificiais, na elaboração de mapas temáticos com custos menores. O método mostrou-se viável para a elaboração de mapa temático