
Sample records for abdominal para disminuir

  1. Construyendo procesos participativos para disminuir el riesgo de inundación en La Hacienda

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    María de Lourdes Flores Lucero


    Full Text Available La participación social para prevenir el riesgo de inundación representa serias dificultades en un contexto de relaciones sociedad-gobierno basadas en la desconfianza, un marco legal enfocado principalmente a atender la emergencia y, la desorganización y apatía social generalizada para formar parte de procesos participativos. Esta situación ha sido observada en la Colonia La Hacienda, del Municipio de Puebla, en la cual, a pesar de existir una franja de alto riesgo de inundación, donde se ubican 1,174 habitantes, no se ha logrado realizar trabajos significativos para disminuir su condición de riesgo. Esta investigación, analiza, a partir de un trabajo basado en la investigación-acción, las principales acciones que han llevado a cabo las autoridades del Municipio de Puebla para disminuir el riesgo de inundación y el incipiente proceso de participación ciudadana en dicha colonia. Crear las condiciones para desarrollar un trabajo participativo organizado y así atender las zonas de riesgo de pequeña escala, entre autoridades y habitantes, se vislumbra como una acción urgente con miras a avanzar en la construcción de una sociedad resiliente ante las inundaciones.

  2. Gestión de conocimiento: la solución para disminuir el reproceso en las pruebas de software

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    Luz A. Perona Ossaba


    Full Text Available La gestión de conocimiento se ha convertido en una clave fundamental en los procesos de la ingeniería de software, permitiendo mejorar y optimizar cada una de las actividades que se ejecutan durante todo el ciclo de desarrollo de software. Cada una de las etapas de la ingeniería de software ha adoptado de la gestión de conocimiento algunas características, de acuerdo con las necesidades que se presentan, adecuándolos y fortaleciéndolos para reducir los tiempos y disminuir la fuga de información dentro de las organizaciones. Es por esto que las pruebas de software han adoptado la gestión de conocimiento como la alternativa para disminuir el reproceso en las pruebas de software.

  3. Intervenciones de enfermería para disminuir la sobrecarga en cuidadores: un estudio piloto

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    Rosa Tulia Sánchez Martínez


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los cuidadores informales, son  personas familiares o no, que  asumen el cuidado directo a una persona por voluntad, necesidad u obligación cultural,  no reciben remuneración y se exponen  a problemáticas debidas al contexto y desgaste que significa cuidar, convirtiéndose en sujetos de cuidados para el profesional de enfermería,  requiriendo generar estrategias de acompañamiento y fortalecimiento para evitar la sobrecarga del cuidador. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio cuasi-experimental sin grupo control, con medición pre y post de las escalas de Zarit y APGAR familiar para evidenciar el efecto de las  intervenciones de enfermería en el nivel de sobrecarga del cuidador  derivadas de las necesidades de cuidado identificadas en la valoración previa de la diada cuidador-adulto mayor. Resultados: Muestra compuesta por  diadas, el 88% de los cuidadores eran mujeres, edad media de 52± 16 años, dedicaban 24 horas al cuidado. El 100% de receptores de cuidado eran dependientes del cuidador. Las intervenciones, disminuyeron la sobrecarga percibida por los cuidadores. Discusión: El cuidado de enfermería brindado en otros espacios extra hospitalarios y centrados en personas no enfermas,  contribuye a disminuir la  sobrecarga requiriendo del apoyo permanente del profesional de enfermería. Conclusiones: Se evidenció  la disminución de la sobrecarga de  cuidadores y el aumento del grado de funcionalidad de las familias  al medirlos después de realizar las intervenciones identificación rol de cuidador, autocuidado, estrategias para brindar cuidado con calidad, manejo de conflictos intrafamiliares, comunicación, relajación y habilidades de cuidado. Cómo citar este artículo: Sánchez RT, Molina EM, Gómez-Ortega OR. Intervenciones de enfermería para disminuir la sobrecarga en cuidadores: un estudio piloto. Rev Cuid. 2016; 7(1: 1171-84.

  4. La gestión eficaz de los recursos naturales para disminuir los impactos negativos de la urbanizacion


    Higueras García, Esther


    lA GESTION EFICAZ DE LOS RECURSOS NATURALES PARA DISMINUIR EL IMPACTO DE LA URBANIZACION .- La gestión de los recursos naturales, la capacidad de carga .- Adecuación entre la ordenación y el medio .- La densidad y sus consecuencias ambientales .- La paradoja de la realidad construida madrileña: espacios compactos con densidades dispersas. .- La densidad sostenible. .- La gestión sostenible del agua en los entornos urbanos

  5. Eficacia de una Intervención para Disminuir la Ansiedad frente a los Exámenes en Estudiantes Universitarios Argentinos

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    Luis Alberto Furlan


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la efectividad de un programa para disminuir la ansiedad ante los exámenes, la procrastinación académica e incrementar la autoeficacia regulatoria, con 19 estudiantes universitarios de Argentina. El programa estimula el automonitoreo de las estrategias de aprendizaje implementadas, el aprendizaje de técnicas cognitivo-conductuales de control de la ansiedad y el ensayo anticipado de exámenes. Al comparar los resultados pre- y posintervención, se constataron mejorías moderadas. Se deben revisar los procedimientos para incrementar la adherencia al programa y la validez de los resultados.

  6. Alternativas orgánicas para disminuir la aplicación de nitrógeno en nogal pecanero

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    Juan Manuel Soto Parra


    Full Text Available Introducción: El nitrógeno es el nutriente más demandado por los árboles de nogal pecanero, por lo que es considerado un factor limitante para su desarrollo, producción y calidad de la nuez. Sin embargo, ante el aumento en el precio de los fertilizantes y sus efectos adversos en el ambiente, actualmente es más evidente la necesidad de aplicar nutrientes de manera sustentable. Una alternativa para disminuir la aplicación de fertilizantes nitrogenados inorgánicos en nogal pecanero, es complementarlo con composta, humus de lombriz, lixiviado de lombriz y microorganismos potenciadores de la fertilidad del suelo, como son las micorrizas, entre otros. Por lo que el objetivo del estudio fue reducir la aplicación de nitrógeno inorgánico al suelo mediante la adición de enmiendas orgánicas y microorganismos potenciadores de la fertilidad del suelo sin afectar producción ni calidad. Método: El estudio se realizó en el municipio de Aldama, Chihuahua, durante los ciclos 2010-2012 en árboles ‘Western Schley’, se utilizó una estructura Taguchi L16 para cuatro factores y cuatro niveles para cada factor: nitrógeno 330, 220, 110 y 0 kg ha-1; composta 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 t ha-1; humus de lombriz (OptiHumusMR 0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 t ha-1 y micorrizas (Sehumic-VamMR 0, 7.5, 15.0, 22.5 g pulg-1 de tronco. Se determinó el contenido de materia orgánica y nitratos en el suelo, producción y calidad de la nuez, los cuales se analizaron por superficie de respuesta. Resultados: A pesar de que para producir 2.9 t ha-1 se logró reducir la aplicación de nitrógeno, este nivel no permitió obtener una buena calidad de la nuez ni alcanzar un contenido adecuado de materia orgánica y nitratos en suelo. Para un rendimiento de 2.9 t ha-1 con 153 nueces kg-1 y 59.4% de nuez comestible, 1.06% de materia orgánica y 183 ppm de nitratos en suelo se requirieron 305 kg de N, 6600 kg de composta, 3500 kg de humus de lombriz y 18 g de micorrizas por pulg-1 de tronco

  7. Propuesta para disminuir la temperatura en la cabina del avión T-90 Calima

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    Néstor Fabián Cedeño Niño


    Full Text Available La temperatura es un factor importante en el momento de realizar una labor; sí la sensación térmica no es agradable, un trabajo sencillo puede transformase en un trabajo complicado, donde se puede exponer la integridad de la persona. En las aeronaves de entrenamiento los pilotos no son ajenos a los inconvenientes de la exposición a una temperatura elevada generada por radiación solar, equipos, entre otros. Al incluir un sistema de refrigeración a la cabina de entrenamiento de la aeronave ésta se ve afectada en características como equilibrio, mayor consumo de combustible, disminución de la eficiencia debido al aumento de peso. En este artículo, se proponen tres formas de disminuir la temperatura en la cabina del avión T-90, en las diferentes fases de vuelo, que consisten en implementar tomas y salidas de aire, utilizar una película térmica para la cabina y desarrollar un dispositivo que permita la circulación de aire en la fase previa al despegue.

  8. Diseño de una intervención de enfermería para disminuir la ansiedad perioperatoria y el dolor postoperatorio del paciente quirúrgico


    Mora Alins, Sofía


    Objetivo: Valorar la eficacia de una intervención de enfermería para disminuir la ansiedad perioperatoria y el dolor postoperatorio en el paciente quirúrgico programado en el hospital de Barbastro. Metodología: Estudio cuasi-experimental del tipo antes y después. La muestra representativa resultante es de 376 pacientes que serán distribuidos: 188 formaran parte del grupo de intervención a los que se les entregará un cuestionario informativo y otras 188 formaran parte del grupo de control. ...

  9. Implementación de un sistema de control activo para disminuir las vibraciones producidas por personas en una tribuna

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    Diego Fernando Hernández


    Full Text Available La agrupación de personas en escenarios públicos puede producir vibraciones que generan incomodidad y, en algunas ocasiones, daños a la estructura. Entre las estructuras más vulnerables a esta excitación se encuentran las tribunas de los estadios de fútbol. Por este motivo se diseñó y construyó una tribuna con parámetros dinámicos similares a la tribuna sur del Estadio Olímpico Pascual Guerrero de Cali-Colombia, para representar a escala natural el efecto de las barras bravas al saltar coordinadamente sobre la gradería. En el trabajo descrito en este artículo se utilizó un actuador electromagnético con 13,2 kg de masa móvil y una estrategia de control activo para disminuir las vibraciones producidas por la interacción Humano/Estructura. La estructura junto con el controlador fueron modelados, identificados y validados experimentalmente. El desempeño del sistema de control se verificó en simulación y su estabilidad y robustez se comprobaron con ensayos experimentales con personas con una masa total hasta 232 kg. En los ensayos experimentales el sistema de control disminuyó la respuesta hasta en un 50% de los valores sin control.

  10. Programa "Actividad Lúdica" para disminuir el comportamiento agresivo en niños de 5 años de la I.E.I N° 365 "La Molina", Carabayllo, 2016


    Arquiñigo Rios, Yeny Jessica


    La investigación que se ha realizado tiene por objetivo la gran tarea de realizar la disminución del comportamiento agresivo mediante el Programa “Actividad Lúdica” para disminuir el comportamiento agresivo en niños de 5 años de la I.E.I N° 365 “ La Molina” , Carabayllo 2016. Es una investigación aplicada, con diseño experimental de subdiseño pre experimental, en una población de 55 niños y una muestra de 25 niños de 5 años respectivamente. Luego de obtener la validez y conf...

  11. Proposta para padronização do relatório de tomografia computadorizada nos aneurismas da aorta abdominal A proposal for standardizing computed tomography reports on abdominal aortic aneurysms

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    Fabiola Goda Torlai


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Propor um modelo de padronização de relatório para aneurisma da aorta abdominal na tomografia computadorizada. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas, no período de abril a outubro de 2004, entrevistas com integrantes da Disciplina de Cirurgia Vascular da nossa instituição, para elaboração de um modelo de padronização de relatório de tomografia computadorizada para o estudo do aneurisma da aorta abdominal. A partir deste modelo foi elaborado um questionário, enviado a nove outros cirurgiões, todos com experiência em cirurgia da aorta abdominal. O índice de resposta aos questionários foi de 55,5% (5/9. RESULTADOS: Os parâmetros de interesse citados mais freqüentemente para a avaliação dos aneurismas de aorta abdominal foram: diâmetro máximo do colo proximal, extensão do colo proximal até a artéria renal mais baixa, forma do colo proximal, diâmetro máximo do aneurisma e diâmetro das artérias ilíacas comuns. Estes dados permitiram elaborar uma proposta de modelo para padronização de relatório na tomografia computadorizada. CONCLUSÃO: Um modelo para a análise tomográfica padronizada do aneurisma de aorta abdominal permite atender às necessidades dos cirurgiões vasculares para acompanhar a evolução e planejar o tratamento destes pacientes.OBJECTIVE: To propose a model to standardize computed tomography reports on abdominal aortic aneurysms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Interviews were carried out with members of Vascular Surgery Division of our institution, in the period between April and October 2004, aiming at developing a standardized model of computed tomography reports on abdominal aortic aneurysms. Based on this model, a questionnaire was elaborated and sent to other nine surgeons, all of them experienced in the field of abdominal aortic surgery. The questionnaires response rate was 55.5% (5/9. RESULTS: The most frequently mentioned parameters of interest for evaluation of abdominal aortic aneurysms

  12. Efectividad de la hidroterapia para disminuir el dolor y mejorar la calidad de vida y función física en adultos con osteoartritis de rodilla: revisión sistemática


    J.L. Ibarra Cornejo; D.G. Quidequeo Reffers; D.A. Eugenin Vergara; E.A. Beltrán Maldonado; S.R. Ricci Muñoz; M.J. Fernández Lara


    Objetivo: determinar la efectividad de la hidroterapia para disminuir el dolor, mejorar la calidad de vida y función física en adultos con osteoartritis de rodilla, mediante la recopilación de los diferentes estudios científicos de alta calidad metodológica publicados a la fecha. Material y métodos: se realizó una revisión sistemática en las bases de datos de: PEDro y MEDLINE. Fueron incluidos ensayos controlados aleatorios con pacientes diagnosticados de osteoartritis de rodilla. Se seleccio...


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    Luis Alberto Furlan


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la efectividad de un programa para disminuir la ansiedad ante los exámenes, la procrastinación académica e incrementar la autoeficacia regulatoria, con 19 estudiantes universitarios de Argentina. El programa estimula el automonitoreo de las estrategias de aprendizaje implementadas, el aprendizaje de técnicas cognitivo-conductuales de control de la ansiedad y el ensayo anticipado de exámenes. Al comparar los resultados pre- y posintervención, se constataron mejorías moderadas. Se deben revisar los procedimientos para incrementar la adherencia al programa y la validez de los resultados.

  14. Intervención psicoeducativa para disminuir el estrés académico en estudiantes de primer año de Medicina

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    Yanet Díaz Martín


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de intervención en estudiantes de primer año de la carrera Medicina, en el período de noviembre de 2012 a enero de 2013, con el objetivo de implementar una intervención psicoeducativa para disminuir el estrés académico en ellos. Se utilizó un muestreo intencional puro, donde se escogieron 19 estudiantes del año y carrera referidos, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 22 años de edad y que presentaban síntomas y conductas asociadas al padecimiento de estrés académico. Para la etapa diagnóstica y de evaluación final se utilizó el Inventario SISCO del Estrés Académico, al cual se le hizo una normalización sociocultural. Los estresores encontrados, los síntomas y las estrategias de afrontamientos desadaptadas mostraron la necesidad de diseñar y aplicar la intervención educativa. Los estudiantes presentaron antes de la intervención un predominio del nivel moderado de estrés académico, con dificultades con sus estrategias de afrontamiento. Posterior a la intervención realizada predominó el nivel leve y mejoraron las estrategias de afrontamiento enfocadas a la solución del problema, el manejo del estrés académico

  15. Síndrome de Prune Belly: cirugía para mejoría estética y reconstrucción abdominal

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    M.A. León-Hernández


    Full Text Available El Síndrome de Prune Belly (abdomen en ciruela pasa es una enfermedad congénita rara en la que, además de las manifestaciones genitourinarias, la pared abdominal se ve afectada en todos los pacientes en diferentes grados. Presentamos el caso de un varón con seguimiento de 15 años en el que se realizaron 2 cirugías de pared abdominal: la primera a la edad de 8 años con técnica de Montfort y la última 14 años después para corregir pliegues cutáneos y asimetría abdominal, realizando abdominoplastia con acceso de Grazer con el objetivo de colocar una malla de polipropileno para obtener mejor contención y a la vez mejorar la estética de la pared abdominal. No se presentaron complicaciones en ninguno de los 2 procedimientos y los resultados estéticos obtenidos fueron muy satisfactorios. Ofrecemos una alternativa quirúrgica para el tratamiento de aquellos casos en los que la primera cirugía no resuelve el defecto de pared y la anomalía estética abdominal.

  16. Estrategias para negociaciones exitosas.


    José B. Parra V; Evelinda Santiago J.; Misael Murillo M.; Candy Atonal N.


    Las estrategias de negociación son herramientas para disminuir conflictos o para intercambiar bienes y servicios. Una negociación exitosa crea relaciones de solidaridad y propicia reciprocidad, cooperación y confianza para quienes tendrán relaciones permanentes de negociación con beneficios para ambas partes. Una estrategia de negociación exitosa requiere manejar el desarrollo del ambiente social del grupo de personas, con la finalidad de tener presente las fronteras que no pueden irrumpirse....

  17. Ecografía abdominal dedicada al trauma (FAST

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    Dr. O. Víctor Dinamarca


    El lavado peritoneal diagnóstico ha sido el gold standard para diagnóstico de hemoperitoneo, con una tasa de complicaciones de hasta un 10%. La ecografía abdominal focalizada para trauma abdominal o ecografía FAST (focused abdominal sonography for trauma es una herramienta accesible, portátil, no invasiva y confiable para el diagnóstico de la presencia o ausencia de líquido en el abdomen. Este artículo describe la técnica de la ecografía abdominal focalizada para el trauma abdominal cerrado, su utilización clínica, ventajas y limitaciones.

  18. Programa de escuela para padres orientado a disminuir el ídice de maltrato intrafamiliar de los niños/as que asisten a la Escuela Fiscal mixta Remigio Crespo Toral del cantón Cayambe, provincia de Pichincha.


    Túquerrez Pavón, Teresa Mariana


    Elaborar un programa para padres, que incluya talleres de trabajo, conferencias, videos y foros entre otros; orientado a disminuir el maltrato infantil de los niños/as de los segundos y terceros años de educación básica de la Escuela Remigio Crespo Toral. Las causas que inducen al maltrato infantil, el nivel socio económico y socio cultural de los padres y madres de familia; los mismos que conllevan a los tipos de maltrato infantil que recae a los niños/as. La investigación fue de diseño n...

  19. Ruptura de aneurismas de aorta abdominal. Herramienta informática para su predicción // Rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Software for its prediction

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    Guillermo Villalta‐Alonso


    Full Text Available La ruptura de los aneurismas de aorta abdominal representa un evento clínico muy importantedebido a su alta tasa de mortalidad. Los indicadores empleados actualmente para decidir eltratamiento a pacientes con aneurismas son el diámetro máximo transversal y la tasa de crecimiento,los que pueden ser considerados insuficientes, pues no tienen una base teórica físicamentefundamentada. En el presente artículo se definen los fundamentos para el diseño de una herramientainformática para PC que permita predecir, con suficiente precisión para ser clínicamente relevante, elriesgo de ruptura de aneurismas de aorta abdominal sobre bases personalizadas del paciente. Laherramienta consta de 3 módulos, que están diseñados para procesar toda la información delpaciente e integrarla mediante un modelo que incorpora la interrelación de los factores biomecánicosde diferentes naturalezas (biológicos, estructurales y geométrico y escalas (temporal y dimensional,con el objetivo de calcular un indicador numérico y personalizado del riesgo de ruptura. Estaherramienta debe constituir un elemento auxiliar del facultativo médico en la toma de decisionesrespecto del tratamiento adecuado a pacientes con aneurisma.Palabras claves: AAA, riesgo de ruptura, modelo multiescala, predicción, herramienta informática.___________________________________________________________________AbstractThe rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA represents an important clinical event due to its highmortality rate. Currently the criteria to decide on the treatment of AAA patients are the peaktransverse diameter and the growth rate which can be considered insufficient because they have nota reasonable physical base. The foundations for the design of PC software to predict, with sufficientaccuracy to be clinically relevant, the risk of AAA rupture on patient-specific basis are defined in thispaper. The software consists of 3 modules which are designed for processing all

  20. Elaboración y valoración de un programa familiar para prevenir problemas de desobediencia en la infancia


    Egea Sánchez, Mª Ester


    La tesis “Elaboración y valoración de un programa familiar para prevenir problemas de desobediencia en la infancia” tiene como objetivos valorar la eficacia del programa para disminuir la intensidad y el número de problemas de conducta infantil en el hogar y escuela; aumentar la asertividad parental, disminuir la sintomatología depresiva de los padres; mejorar el ajuste marital; valorar la validez social y generalización del programa. En el estudio, llevado a cabo en la Universidad de Murcia,...

  1. Auditoría ambiental: estrategia para disminuir la contaminación ambiental generada por las aguas residuales de la EPSASA periodos 2011 - 2012


    Enciso Huillca, Edwar Rafael


    La presente investigación de tesis, surge como una necesidad de disminuir la contaminación ambiental generada por las aguas residuales. Es muy amplio hablar de una auditoría ambiental en general, por tal motivo se ha tomado una empresa que de una u otra forma es parte de ese conglomerado universal y que de alguna manera repercute en el medio ambiente que nos rodea. La EPSASA es una empresa prestadora de servicios, dedicada a la captación, tratamiento, almacenamiento y distribución del agua po...

  2. Procedimiento para el cierre de canteras de materiales para construcción en Cuba

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    Julio Montero-Matos


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de facilitar a los concesionarios de canteras de materiales para la construcción una herramienta metodológica para efectuar el cierre de estas y garantizar una minería sostenible se propuso un procedimiento en seis etapas a partir del diagnóstico realizado en 22 canteras, ubicadas en tres regiones mineras cubanas. El procedimiento busca disminuir los impactos ambientales provocados por la explotación de las canteras y ofrecer a la industria un estándar para lograr uniformidad en la planificación y ejecución del cierre con un costo mínimo.

  3. Test para la profilaxis de la prematuridad


    Cruz Laguna, Gladys María


    La prematuridad constituye un problema mundial de salud, la comunidad científica busca predictores para disminuir su incidencia. La investigación persiguió obtener una escala de puntuación que modele las características cervicales y permita diagnosticar la condición de riesgo de las gestantes para extender el período de gestación y lograr nacimientos al término. Se realizó un cuasiexperimento en gestantes con factores de riesgo para la prematuridad del municipio Holguín. La muestra fue confor...

  4. Detección de aneurisma de la aorta abdominal en una población derivada para ecocardiografía transtorácica

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    Clotilde S. Berensztein


    Full Text Available Se evaluó: 1 la factibilidad de realizar una ecografía limitada a la aorta abdominal en pacientes a quienes se indica un ecocardiograma transtorácico, 2 las variables clínicas y ecocardiográficas que se correlacionan con el diámetro de la aorta abdominal, 3 la prevalencia de aneurisma de la aorta abdominal (AAA y 4 los factores de riesgo clínicos para AAA. Se evaluaron prospectivamente 280 pacientes consecutivos (media de edad: 68, rango 18 a 93 años, 118 de sexo masculino [42%]. Se verificó que: 1 el examen ecográfico de la aorta abdominal es factible en la mayoría de los pacientes (95,36% [IC 95% 92,88-97,84%], 2 el diámetro de la aorta abdominal se correlaciona con el sexo masculino, la edad, los antecedentes personales de enfermedad vascular periférica y los antecedentes de familiares de primer grado con AAA; también se correlaciona con el diámetro de la raíz aórtica (RA y con el grosor parietal relativo (GPR, 3 existe una prevalencia alta de AAA en la población estudiada (4,49% [IC 95% 1,99-7,00%], particularmente en los varones = 65 años (12,33% [IC 95% 4,60-20,05%] y 4 el sexo masculino, la hipertensión arterial, la dislipemia, el tabaquismo, la diabetes, los antecedentes personales de cardiopatía isquémica o de vasculopatía periférica y los antecedentes de familiares de primer grado con AAA son factores de riesgo para AAA. En conclusión, estaría justificada la realización de una ecografía abdominal como extensión de la ecocardiografía transtorácica en varones = 65 años, en particular si coexisten otros factores de riesgo para AAA.

  5. Avaliação da reprodutibilidade ultrassonográfica como método para medida da gordura abdominal e visceral Reproducibility of ultrasonography as a method to measure abdominal and visceral fat

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    Angélica Lemos Debs Diniz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a variabilidade interobservador do método ultrassonográfico para medida da gordura subcutânea, visceral e perirrenal por meio de técnica padronizada. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 50 pacientes entre novembro de 2006 e janeiro de 2007. A medida da espessura subcutânea foi realizada com transdutor linear de 7,5 MHz posicionado transversalmente a 1 cm acima da cicatriz umbilical. Para a gordura visceral foi utilizado transdutor de 3,5 MHz posicionado 1 cm acima da cicatriz umbilical, considerando-se a medida entre a face interna do músculo reto abdominal e a parede posterior da aorta na linha média do abdome. A gordura perirrenal foi medida no terço médio do rim direito, com transdutor posicionado na linha axilar média. RESULTADOS: A reprodutibilidade interobservador foi analisada por meio do teste t de Student, com significância de 95%. Não houve diferença significativa entre as médias das medidas das gorduras subcutânea, visceral e perirrenal, com p = 0,7141, 0,7286 e 0,6368, respectivamente. As médias encontradas, com seus respectivos desvios-padrão, foram: 2,64 ± 1,37 para a espessura subcutânea, 6,84 ± 2,38 para a espessura visceral e 4,89 ± 2,6 para a espessura perirrenal. CONCLUSÃO: A ultrassonografia apresentou boa reprodutibilidade interobservador para avaliação da gordura abdominal por meio das medidas das espessuras subcutânea, visceral e perirrenal.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the interobserver variability of ultrasound in the measurement of subcutaneous, visceral and perirenal fat through standard technique. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From November 2006 to January 2007, 50 patients were evaluated. The subcutaneous fat thickness was measured with a 7.5 MHz linear transducer transversely positioned 1 cm above the umbilical scar. For the visceral fat, a 3.5 MHz transducer was also positioned 1 cm above the umbilical scar, considering the

  6. Fatores de Risco para Infecção Pós-histerectomia Total Abdominal Risk Factors for Infection after Total Abdominal Hysterectomy

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    Melania Maria Ramos de Amorim


    Full Text Available Objetivos: determinar os principais fatores associados à ocorrência de infecção do sítio cirúrgico em pacientes submetidas a histerectomia total abdominal (HTA no Instituto Materno ¾ Infantil de Pernambuco (IMIP. Métodos: realizou-se um estudo de corte transversal incluindo todas as pacientes submetidas a histerectomia total abdominal no IMIP no período de janeiro de 1995 a dezembro de 1998, desde que tivessem retornado no 7º e no 30º dia pós-operatório para controle de infecção (n = 414. A freqüência de infecção do sítio cirúrgico (definida pelos critérios do CDC, 1998 foi de 10% (42 casos. Calculou-se o risco de prevalência (RP de infecção do sítio cirúrgico e seu intervalo de confiança (IC a 95% para as seguintes variáveis: idade, obesidade, hipertensão, diabetes, doença maligna, tipo de incisão, tempo cirúrgico e antibioticoprofilaxia. Realizou-se análise de regressão logística múltipla para determinação do risco ajustado de infecção. Resultados: encontrou-se aumento significativo do risco de infecção do sítio cirúrgico para as seguintes variáveis: idade >60 anos (RP = 2,39; IC-95% = 1,15-4,94, obesidade (RP = 3,2; IC-95% = 1,83-5,59, duração da cirurgia >2 horas (RP = 2,36; IC-95% = 1,32-4,21 e associação com diabetes (RP = 6,0; IC-95% = 3,41-10,57. Por outro lado, o risco de infecção esteve significativamente diminuído quando utilizou-se antibiótico profilático (RP = 0,38; IC-95% = 0,21-0,68. Não se encontrou associação estatisticamente significativa de infecção com o tipo de incisão, a indicação da cirurgia por patologia maligna e a presença de hipertensão. Conclusões: os fatores associados a risco aumentado de infecção do sítio cirúrgico pós-HTA no IMIP foram: idade >60 anos, obesidade, diabetes e duração da cirurgia >2 horas. A antibioticoprofilaxia apresentou efeito protetor, com diminuição do risco de infecção.Purpose: to determine the main factors associated

  7. Conceptos de diseño para manufactura (DFM de piezas microfundidas

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    Carlos Julio Cortés Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Una de las metodologIas utilizadas por la ingenierIa concurrente o diseno integrado de productos es el diseno para manufactura, DEM. Esta técnica, que está orientada a melorar la fabricación de piezas analizando geometrIas, valores y tolerancias, es utilizada en las primeras etapas de diseno para disminuir los costos de los elementos a fabricar. Se estudió el diseno para manufactura estableciendo reglas de diseno a fin de elaborar una metodologIa para diseno en microfundición.

  8. Comercio estratégico y políticas ambientales para las industrias oligopólicas

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    Alberto Gallegos


    Full Text Available En este artículo nos ocupamos de la relación entre el comercio internacional y la contaminación endógena con un mecanismo en que la política comercial proporciona al gobierno nacional una advertencia creíble que influye en el comportamiento estratégico de las empresas para adoptar tecnologías más limpias. El gobierno tiene un incentivo mayor para proteger una industria limpia que para proteger a una muy contaminante. En este sentido, una economía abierta localmente contaminada con una estructura de mercado imperfectamente competitiva tenderá a disminuir las emisiones de contaminantes en mayor medida que con un régimen autárquico. Un compromiso con el libre comercio sería contraproducente: eliminaría la capacidad del gobierno para amenazar creíblemente a los niveles de protección más bajos. Demostramos que cualquier liberación del comercio podría disminuir el bienestar del país.

  9. Método para incrementar la fertilidad de las plantas


    Abbas, Mohamad; Alabadí, David; Blázquez, Miguel Ángel


    [ES] Método para incrementar la fertilidad de las plantas. La presente invención se relaciona con un método para incrementar la fertilidad de una planta que comprende inhibir, disminuir o bloquear la expresión del gen que codifica la proteína IAMT1 con respecto a un control o la actividad de la proteína IAMT1, y la planta derivada de la aplicación de dicho método, así como el uso de gen que codifica la proteína IAMT1 para incrementar de fertilidad de la planta.

  10. Usos alternativos para la biomasa (residuos de madera)


    Romero Guerra, Ricardo D.; Islas Díaz, Andrea A.; Loftus Asseeva, Liam; Madero Hernández, Camila


    Tiene por objetivo informar y conscientizar a la población en general y, específicamente, a los trabajadores de sectores medioambientales sobre los usos alternativos de la biomasa (residuos de madera). Se propone disminuir o eliminar la quema de biomasa para elevar el uso de energías sustentables y 100% limpias. De esta manera, un uso alternativo e innovador de la biomasa es la producción de tablas de polimero a base de madera para la construcción sustentable. En este recursos infográfico se ...

  11. Varicela y herpes zóster: retos para la salud pública


    Vázquez, Mirella; Cravioto, Patricia; Galván, Fernando; Guarneros, Diana; Pastor, Víctor Hugo


    Resumen: Objetivo: Evaluar el comportamiento epidemiológico de la varicela y el herpes zoster (HZ) para determinar políticas de salud y disminuir prevalencia y complicaciones. Material y métodos: La frecuencia de casos se estimó con datos del Sistema Único de Información para la Vigilancia Epidemiológica (SUIVE), periodo 2000-2013; para los egresos hospitalarios de varicela y HZ, se utilizaron datos del Sistema Nacional de Información en Salud (Sinais). Resultados: El promedio de casos ...

  12. Abdominal fat indicators: anthropometry vs dual energy x-ray absortometry

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    Maria Fátima Glaner


    totalAXDE e 18 homens (31,9±11,6 anos; 19,0±8,0 %G totalAXDE submetidos à mensuração dos PAB2,5, PABum, DC suprailíaca (SI, axilar medial (AM, abdominal (AB, e %G abdominal (L1-L4 por AXDE. Correlação de Pearson e a regressão linear múltipla (método enter foram empregadas para verificar a correlação e o percentual de explicação das medidas antropométricas em relação ao %G abdominalAXDE. Correlações fortes e explicações significativas (p<0,05 foram encontradas, para mulheres e homens para o PAB2,5 (0,90; 81% e 0,89; 78%, PABum (0,90; 83% e 0,83; 69%, DC AB (0,82; 67% e DC AM (0,81; 66% - homens e moderadas para DC SI (0,51; 26% e 0,73; 53% e AM (0,74; 54% - mulheres. Conclui-se que o PAB2,5, PABum e a dobra cutânea abdominal podem ser empregados como indicadores de obesidade abdominal, uma vez que apresentaram as melhores correlações e maior poder de explicação para o %G abdominalAXDE.

  13. Estudo prospectivo de pacientes pediátricos com dor abdominal crônica Prospective study of infants with chronic abdominal pain

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    Tatiana Kores Dorsa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Classificar a dor abdominal crônica em crianças e adolescentes por meio dos critérios de Roma II e definir o desfecho diagnóstico em três anos de seguimento. MÉTODOS: Durante um ano, 71 pacientes com dor abdominal crônica foram atendidos como casos novos num ambulatório terciário de gastroenterologia pediátrica. Causas orgânicas foram excluídas por bases clínicas e laboratoriais, e relatos clínicos foram avaliados especificamente quanto à possibilidade de preencherem os Critérios de Roma II para dor abdominal em crianças. Para estabelecer o diagnóstico definitivo, os pacientes foram seguidos por três anos, em média. RESULTADOS: A alocação dos 71 pacientes segundo Roma II foi: doença orgânica (n=12, remissão dos sintomas após a primeira consulta (n=7, ou preencheram os critérios para dor funcional (n=52. Dos 12 pacientes de doença orgânica, nove foram diagnosticados como intolerantes à lactose, mas foram re-alocados para doença funcional no seguimento, visto que a dieta de isenção não aliviou a queixa. Dos 52 pacientes com doença funcional (idade mediana=9,3 anos, 50% meninos, nove, que inicialmente preencheram o critério para dor abdominal funcional, foram re-alocados no diagnóstico de constipação funcional e 43 mantiveram o diagnóstico funcional: 24 com dispepsia funcional, 18 com dor abdominal funcional e um com síndrome do intestino irritável. CONCLUSÕES: Dentre os casos de dor abdominal crônica, a dor do tipo funcional foi mais comum que as causas orgânicas e, dentre os seus subgrupos, a dispepsia funcional foi mais freqüente. O seguimento em longo prazo permitiu estabelecer o diagnóstico definitivo da origem da dor abdominal nessas crianças.OBJECTIVE: To classify chronic abdominal pain in children and adolescents, according to Rome II criteria and to define diagnosis outcome in a three-year follow-up period. METHODS: During one year, 71 consecutive new patients with abdominal pain

  14. Distribuição de obesidade geral e abdominal em adultos de uma cidade no Sul do Brasil Distribution of general and abdominal obesity in adults in a city in southern Brazil

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    Rogério da Silva Linhares


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi determinar a prevalência e a evolução da obesidade geral e abdominal em adultos com 20 anos ou mais em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Estudo transversal de base populacional realizado em 2010. A obesidade geral foi definida pelo índice de massa corporal (IMC > 30kg/m² e a obesidade abdominal definida como > 88cm para mulheres e > 102cm para homens. Foram entrevistados 2.448 indivíduos. A prevalência de obesidade foi de 21,7% nos homens e 29,2% nas mulheres, já a obesidade abdominal foi de 19,5% e 37,5%, respectivamente. Na análise multivariada, menor escolaridade esteve associada ao aumento da obesidade geral e abdominal em mulheres. Renda familiar apresentou relação inversa com obesidade abdominal em homens. Comparativamente, mostraram aumento das prevalências de obesidade de 1,2 vez para as mulheres e 1,5 vez para os homens, com estudos em 1994 e 2000. Porém, para obesidade abdominal houve pequena redução entre as mulheres e se manteve semelhante para os homens. A prevalência de obesidade geral aumentou nos últimos 10 anos, enquanto que a obesidade abdominal mostrou estabilidade.The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and trends in general and abdominal obesity in adults 20 years or older in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, using a cross-sectional population-based design, in 2010. General obesity was defined as body mass index (BMI > 30kg/m² and abdominal obesity as waist circumference (WC > 88cm for women and > 102cm for men. Interviews were held with 2,448 eligible individuals. General obesity prevalence was 21.7% in men and 29.2% in women, while abdominal obesity was present in 19.5% of men and 37.5% of women. According to multivariate analysis, lower schooling was associated with increased BMI and WC in women. Family income was inversely related to abdominal obesity in men. Prevalence of general obesity had increased 1.2 times in women and 1.5 in men, when compared to

  15. Proposta de pontos de corte para indicação da obesidade abdominal entre adolescentes Propuesta de puntos de corte para indicación de la obesidad abdominal entre adolescentes Proposal of cut points for the indication of abdominal obesity among adolescents

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    Rômulo Araújo Fernandes


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A ausência de valores críticos para a identificação de risco cardiovascular entre adolescentes brasileiros representa uma importante limitação. OBJETIVOS: Elaborar valores críticos para circunferência de cintura e analisar sua eficiência na indicação de valores elevados de pressão arterial. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal que avaliou 1.145 adolescentes de 11 a 17 anos (536 do sexo masculino e 609 do feminino, dos quais foram coletados valores de peso corporal, estatura, resistência, reatância, dobra cutânea tricepital, circunferência de cintura e pressão arterial (n= 334. A obesidade abdominal foi indicada por meio de valores de circunferência de cintura. RESULTADOS: Os adolescentes obesos apresentaram valores mais altos de circunferência de cintura e, independentemente de gênero e grupo etário, houve relação significativa entre os valores de circunferência de cintura e todos os indicadores de adiposidade adotados no estudo. Os valores críticos propostos apresentaram maior sensibilidade na indicação de valores elevados de pressão arterial. CONCLUSÕES: Os valores críticos propostos para circunferência de cintura foram mais sensíveis na indicação de valores elevados de pressão arterial. Entretanto, ainda são necessários estudos para averiguar a eficiência dos mesmos na indicação de outros parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais.FUNDAMENTO: La ausencia de valores críticos para la identificación de riesgo cardiovascular entre adolescentes brasileños representa una importante limitación. OBJETIVOS: Elaborar valores críticos para el perímetro de cintura y analizar su eficiencia en la indicación de valores elevados de presión arterial. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal que evaluó a 1145 adolescentes de 11 a 17 años (536 de sexo masculino y 609 de femenino, de quienes se recolectaron valores de peso corporal, estatura, resistencia, reactancia, pliegue cutáneo tricipital, circunferencia de cintura y

  16. Ultra-sonografia da aorta abdominal e de seus ramos em cães Ultrasonography of abdominal aorta and its branches in dogs

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    Lilian Kamikawa


    Full Text Available O ultra-som bidimensional e o ultra-som Doppler foram utilizados para avaliar a biometria e a hemodinâmica da aorta abdominal e artérias ilíacas externas de 131cães clinicamente normais. Os resultados da avaliação biométrica da aorta abdominal indicaram um diâmetro médio de 0,80cm para o seu segmento diafragmático (AOD; 0,74cm para o seu segmento caudal às artérias renais (AOR e 0,69cm para o segmento cranial à sua bifurcação (AOT. A artéria ilíaca externa direita (AIED apresentou o diâmetro médio de 0,42cm e a artéria ilíaca externa esquerda (AIEE o diâmetro médio de 0,39. O estudo hemodinâmico da aorta abdominal apresentou velocidade de pico sistólico médio de 104,00cm/s para AOR; 99,61cm/s para AOT; 85,47cm/s para AIED e 99,51cm/s para AIEE. Verificaram-se correlações de diferentes intensidades entre os diâmetros vasculares em diferentes pontos de tomadas e os fatores biométricos corpóreos (CRL. Correlações baixas foram observadas quando esses diâmetros foram confrontados com a idade.A duplex ultrasound system incorporating a pulsed wave Doppler ultrasound probe with conventional B-mode real-time imaging was used to evaluate the biometric and the hemodynamic of abdominal aorta and external iliac arteries of a hundred and thirty one normal dogs. Results of biometrics of abdominal aorta, presented a mean diameter of 0.80cm in its diaphragmatic segment (AOD; 0.74cm in its segment caudal to the renal arteries (AOR and 0.69cm in the segment cranial to its termination (AOT. The right-external-iliac artery (AIED presented a mean diameter of 0.42cm and the left-external iliac artery (AIEE a mean diameter of 0.39cm. The hemodynamic study of the abdominal aorta presented a medium systolic peak velocity to AOR of 104cm per sec.; to AOT of 99.61cm per sec.; to AIED of 85.47cm per sec. and to AIEE of 99.51cm per sec. Correlations of different intensities between the vascular diameters have been verified between the

  17. Rediseño de una lavadora de bidones para envasado de agua tratada


    Martinez Lozano, Ernesto Rolando


    El objetivo de esta tesis es aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos, para realizar el rediseño de una lavadora manual para bidones de una empresa de tratamiento de agua, se establecerán las condiciones de diseño optimo para disminuir el tiempo en el proceso de lavado de los bidones que son utilizados en el proceso de envasado del agua tratada el cual es realizado manualmente, en donde los tiempos de lavado varían entre 40 y 60 botellas por hora; queriendo llegar a obtener un tiempo estándar de ...

  18. Ramos colaterais parietais e terminais da aorta abdominal em Myocastor coypus (nutria Terminal and parietal colateral branches of the abdominal aorta in Myocastor coypus (nutria

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    Paulete de Oliveira Vargas Culau


    Full Text Available Neste estudo, utilizaram-se 30 nutrias, 15 fêmeas e 15 machos, com o sistema arterial aórtico-abdominal preenchido com látex 603, pigmentado em vermelho, e fixado em uma solução aquosa de formaldeído a 20%. A aorta abdominal emitiu de sua superfície dorsal de 6 a 8 artérias lombares únicas. Das artérias renais, direita e esquerda, originaram-se as artérias frênico-abdominal para irrigar parte do diafragma e da parede abdominal lateral cranial. A aorta abdominal lançou dorsalmente, a artéria sacral mediana, cranialmente a sua bifurcação em artérias ilíacas comuns. As artérias ilíacas comuns, ramos terminais da aorta abdominal, originaram as artérias ilíacas interna e externa. A artéria ilíaca interna distribuiu-se nas vísceras da cavidade pélvica. A artéria ilíaca externa emitiu uma artéria umbilical e, antes de alcançar o anel femoral, lançou a artéria circunflexa ilíaca profunda para a parede abdominal lateral, em seus dois terços caudais. A artéria ilíaca externa lançou o tronco pudendo-epigástrico, que originou a artéria epigástrica caudal, para a parede abdominal ventral e a artéria pudenda externa, que saiu pelo canal inguinal, para irrigar a genitália externa. Os ramos parietais diretos da aorta abdominal foram as artérias lombares e a artéria sacral mediana, enquanto as artérias frênico-abdominal, circunflexa ilíaca profunda e epigástrica caudal, foram ramos colaterais parietais indiretos. Os ramos terminais da artéria aorta abdominal foram as artérias ilíacas comuns com seus ramos, as artérias ilíacas interna e externa.For this study it was used 30 nutria, 15 females and 15 males, with its abdominal aorta system full filled with latex 603, stained in red, and fixed in an aqueous solution of formaldehyde 20%. The abdominal aorta emitted from its dorsal surface 6 to 8 single lumbar arteries. From the renal arteries, left and right, it has been originated the phrenicoabdominal arteries

  19. Bloqueio do plano transverso abdominal contínuo bilateral em doente com cirurgia abdominal prévia

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    Isabel Flor de Lima


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam um caso clínico em que foi realizado um bloqueio do plano do músculo transverso abdominal, com colocação de cateter bilateral, para analgesia pós-operatória de laparotomia exploradora, em doente com cirurgia abdominal prévia, insuficiência cardíaca, renal e hepática, em opção à analgesia epidural e aos opioides endovenosos em perfusão.

  20. Fundamentos básicos de la ejecución holística de ejercicios abdominales para estabilizar la columna lumbo-abdominal

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    Juan Antonio León Prados


    Full Text Available Los estudios sobre el efecto de ejercicios específicos para fortalecer y reforzar la zona central del cuerpo y su relación con el rendimiento deportivo y la salud han tenido especial relevancia en los últimos años. La acción sinérgica de la fuerza de la musculatura abdominal, la dinámica ventilatoria y un adecuado control postural contribuyen a estabilizar la columna vertebral lumbar y a minimizar el estrés que soporta a la hora de levantar, trasportar o elevar determinadas cargas. Esta consideración resulta un aspecto esencial no solo en el rendimiento deportivo sino en la conservación y mejora de la salud y calidad de vida. No obstante, para el diseño y selección de ejercicios destinados a dicho fin resulta imprescindible en cada momento conocer la capacidad de cada sujeto de garantizar una adecuada ejecución de los ejercicios seleccionados. En el artículo se detallan pautas específicas para un acondicionamiento holístico de la musculatura que moviliza y estabiliza la columna lumbo-abdominal, haciendo especial hincapié en aspectos relacionados con el control y aprendizaje técnico de los ejercicios en relación tanto a su efecto como factor condicionante en numerosas acciones motrices desarrolladas en un ámbito deportivo como a la mejora de la higiene postural en un ámbito utilitario.

  1. Estrategias para negociaciones exitosas.

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    José B. Parra V


    Full Text Available Las estrategias de negociación son herramientas para disminuir conflictos o para intercambiar bienes y servicios. Una negociación exitosa crea relaciones de solidaridad y propicia reciprocidad, cooperación y confianza para quienes tendrán relaciones permanentes de negociación con beneficios para ambas partes. Una estrategia de negociación exitosa requiere manejar el desarrollo del ambiente social del grupo de personas, con la finalidad de tener presente las fronteras que no pueden irrumpirse. Otro aspecto importante, es el lenguaje corporal utilizado por las personas y las tácticas que se practican. El manejo de esta información permite diseñar diferentes modelos de negociaciones para cada caso específico. Este documento propone la utilización de la herramienta MONACO, diseñada por los autores, que es un software útil para encontrar los mejores tácticas posibles dentro de una negociación; basándose en el lenguaje corporal que muestra el negociante oponente durante cada oferta monetaria. El uso de este software da al negociador la oportunidad de manejar las negociaciones con mayor control, el negociador que usa el software puede elegir una estrategia de acuerdo a las relaciones que espera mantener con el negociador oponente.

  2. Los informes del desarrollo humano y el plan milenio de la ONU: una evaluación para México


    Asael Mercado Maldonado


    Este artículo documenta los informes de la ONU sobre desarrollo humano de 1990 a 2005, así como la aparición del Proyecto del Milenio un intento mundial para que la humanidad supere los enormes problemas que la globalización ha acentuado, como desigualdad, pobreza y deterioro de la ecología , que propone ocho objetivos fundamentales para disminuir las desigualdades entre los seres humanos

  3. The Effectiveness of four Motor Games for the Abdominal Conditioning Eficacia de cuatro juegos motores para el acondicionamiento de los músculos del abdomen

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    B. Flores


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of four traditional motor games (“the tunnel”, “the chicken battle”, “the drunk” and “the wheelbarrow race” for strengthening the abdominal muscles. Electromyography (EMG was collected from rectus abdominis (RA, external oblique (EO, and internal oblique (IO from twelve healthy volunteers during the performance of the games and the trunk curl-up exercise. The EMG amplitude was averaged and normalized using maximal voluntary isometric contractions. A two-way ANOVA (muscle / task was used to compare the level of contraction activity and the way the abdominal muscles co-activated during the different tasks. For EO and IO, the EMG amplitudes during the games were equal or greater than the EMG amplitudes of the curl up. The wheelbarrow race produced the highest intensity of contraction for all muscles. The curl up principally activated RA and IO. On the other hand, the games activated the oblique muscles with higher intensity than RA. On the basis of these results, the motor games are effective for abdominal conditioning.
    KEY WORDS: motor games, exercises, training, abdominal muscles, electromyography.


    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la eficacia de cuatro juegos motores (“el túnel”, “la pelea de gallinas”, “el tentetieso” y “la carretilla” para el fortalecimiento de los músculos del abdomen. Para ello, se registró la electromiografía de los músculos rectus (RA, obliquus externus (OE y obliquus internus abdominis (OI de 12 voluntarios sanos durante la ejecución de los juegos y del ejercicio de encorvamiento del tronco. La amplitud electromiográfica fue promediada y normalizada respecto a la contracción voluntaria isométrica máxima. Posteriormente, se realizó un ANOVA de dos factores (músculo / tarea para comparar la intensidad de la activación muscular y

  4. Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa exportadora de productos orgánicos.


    Segovia Murillo, Wilson Edelberto


    El estudio que se presenta es de tipo descriptivo y busca analizar la factibilidad de la creación de una empresa certificada exportadora de productos agropecuarios orgánicos, que agrupe a productores agrícolas de la provincia de Chimborazo; como una alternativa para disminuir la migración del campo a la ciudad. Para ello se trabajó en dos etapas; la primera fue la elaboración de una encuesta para productores y comercializadores de cebolla, que permitió determinar los aspectos específicos sobr...

  5. Proyecto para la reducción de desperdicios en el proceso de producción de la Empresa INDALUM S.A.


    Illizaca Pugo, Luis Fabián; Sánchez Narváez, Héctor Hernando


    El presente estudio, tiene como objetivo principal disminuir los residuos más representativos, identificados en los procesos de producción de la Empresa INDALUM S.A., los mismos que para ser seleccionados se basan en cuatro etapas que comprenden: recopilación de información, diagnóstico, identificación de prioridades con sus principales indicadores y planteamiento de proyectos para mejoras en los procesos productivos con sus respectivos análisis financieros. Para llevar a cabo esta tesis, ...

  6. CT diagnosis of abdominal lymph node metastases in hepatocellular carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tanaka, T; Nakamura, H; Choi, S; Morimoto, K; Kawamoto, S; Hori, S; Tokunaga, K; Yoskioka, H; Kuroda, C


    CT scanning is useful for diagnosing abdominal lymph node metastasis. Using this technique, histologically confirmed abdominal lymph node metastases were detected in nine of 49 patients (33 autopsy cases and 16 laparotomy cases) with hepatocellular carcinoma (hepatoma). Among the 49 patients, three had periportal (6.1%), six peripancreatic (12.2.%) and six para-aortic adenopathies (12.2%). Two of the patients had adenopathy at all three sites. Retrospectively, CT detected two periportal, four peripancreatic and all six para-aortic adenopathies. Most of the hepatomas with adenopathy showed infiltrative growth; tumour thrombosis of the portal vein was a common complication.



    García-Fernández, Laura


    El trastorno por déficit de atención con o sin hiperactividad es abordado aquí valorando la comorbilidad asociada al mismo. Principalmente nos centramos en el trastorno de ansiedad por ser uno de los más frecuentes dentro de este grupo. Además de dar a conocer la sintomatología de ambas problemáticas y la relación que entre ellas existe, se propone un programa de intervención dirigido a la infancia, para disminuir la ansiedad asociada al TDAH. Para llegar a este punto primero se realiza un re...

  8. Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms Rastreamento de aneurismas da aorta abdominal

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    Telmo Pedro Bonamigo


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms may be useful to decrease mortality related to rupture. We conducted a study to assess the prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysms in southern Brazil and to define risk factors associated with high prevalence of this disorder. The screening was conducted using abdominal ultrasound. Three groups were studied: Group 1 - cardiology clinic patients; Group 2 - individuals with severe ischemic disease and previous coronary surgery, or important lesions on cardiac catheterism; Group 3 - individuals without cardiac disease selected from the general population. All individuals were male and older than 54 years of age. The ultrasonographic diagnosis of aneurysm was based on an anteroposterior abdominal aorta diameter of 3 cm, or on an abdominal aorta diameter 0.5 cm greater than that of the supra-renal aorta. RESULTS: A total of 2.281 people were screened for abdominal aortic aneurysms in all groups: Group 1 - 768 individuals, Group 2 - 501 individuals, and Group 3 - 1012 individuals. The prevalence of aneurysms was 4.3%, 6.8% and 1.7%, respectively. Age and cigarette smoking were significantly associated with increased prevalence of aneurysms, as was the diagnosis of peripheral artery disease. DISCUSSION: We concluded that screening may be an important tool to prevent the mortality associated with abdominal aortic aneurysms surgery. Additionally, the cost of screening can be decreased if only individuals presenting significant risk factors, such as coronary and peripheral artery disease, smokers and relatives of aneurysm patients, are examined.OBJETIVO E MÉTODOS: O rastreamento de aneurisma da aorta abdominal infra-renal é importante pois pode diminuir a mortalidade relacionada à ruptura. Realizamos um estudo para definir a prevalência desses aneurismas em diversos segmentos da população em nossa região do Brasil. O rastreamento foi realizado utilizando-se a ecografia de abdômen. Tr

  9. Jejunal perforation caused by abdominal angiostrongyliasis Perfuração jejunal causada por angiostrongilíase abdominal

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    Jaques WAISBERG


    natureza benigna, seu curso pode evoluir para formas complicadas como a obstrução ou perfuração intestinais que necessitam de tratamento cirúrgico. Atualmente, não há tratamento medicamentoso eficaz para a angiostrongilíase abdominal. Neste estudo, os autores realizam uma revisão desta afecção em relação à sua etiopatogenia, quadro clínico diagnóstico e tratamento.


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    Full Text Available En las organizaciones actuales la tomade decisiones está acompañada de cierto grado deincertidumbre, lo que no permite planificar sobre resultadosciertos. En algunas ocasiones medir estosresultados también implica incertidumbre asociadacon la ambigüedad o subjetividad del instrumentoutilizado. Como solución para este problema, sepropone un sistema de medición y análisis basadoen el Balance Scorecard que incorpora técnicas delógicas difusas para disminuir la incidencia de estaincertidumbre en los procesos de toma y análisis dedecisiones.

  11. Trauma abdominal em grávidas Abdominal trauma in pregnant women

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    Gustavo Pereira Fraga


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: avaliar os fatores indicativos (parâmetros clínicos e índices de gravidade fisiológicos e anatômicos da evolução materna e fetal entre gestantes vítimas de trauma abdominal submetidas à laparotomia e discutir as particularidades do atendimento nesta situação. MÉTODOS: análise retrospectiva dos prontuários de 245 mulheres com trauma abdominal e tratamento operatório, atendidas entre 1990 e 2002. Foram identificadas 13 gestantes com lesão abdominal submetidas à laparotomia. Para registro e análise estatística dos dados foram utilizados o protocolo Epi-Info 6.04 e o teste exato de Fisher, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. Foram relacionados com a mortalidade fetal: escore na escala de coma de Glasgow, pressão arterial sistólica, índices de trauma (RTS, ATI, ISS e lesão uterina. RESULTADOS: a idade variou de 13 a 34 anos (média de 22,5. Seis mulheres (46,2% estavam no terceiro trimestre de gestação. O trauma penetrante correspondeu a 53,8% das lesões e em seis dessas pacientes o mecanismo de trauma foi ferimento por projétil de arma de fogo. Três pacientes tiveram lesões uterinas, associadas com óbito fetal. Não houve óbito materno e a mortalidade fetal foi de 30,7%. Não houve associação entre os índices de trauma e a mortalidade materna e fetal. A lesão uterina foi o único fator preditivo de risco para perda fetal (p=0,014. CONCLUSÕES: apesar da casuística pequena e de se tratar de estudo retrospectivo de gestantes com trauma grave, os achados deste estudo mostram que não há indicadores com boa acurácia para indicação da evolução materna e fetal.PURPOSE: to evaluate the predictors (clinical findings and physiological and anatomical scores of the maternal and fetal outcomes among pregnant women victims of abdominal trauma who were submitted to laparotomy and to discuss particularities of assessment in this situation. METHODS: retrospective analysis of the medical records of 245 women with

  12. Puntos de corte de perímetro de cintura para el diagnóstico de obesidad abdominal en población colombiana usando bioimpedanciometría como estándar de referencia

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    Richard Buendía


    A partir de este estudio se propone como definición de obesidad abdominal, el punto de corte de perímetro de cintura para hombres y mujeres, mayor o igual a 91 cm y mayor o igual a 89 cm, respectivamente. Esta medida conveniente, le permite al médico clasificar de forma adecuada a los pacientes con obesidad abdominal y síndrome metabólico.

  13. Corredores: Bases científicas para la elección de calzado y prevención de lesiones


    Dr. B. Francisco Carreño; Dr. U. Giovanni Carcuro


    El diseño de calzado deportivo para corredores aumenta en tecnología aplicada con el fin de disminuir las lesiones propias de este deporte como las tendinopatias y fascitis plantar. Existen múltiples opciones para conseguirlo, estas son principalmente los acolchados especiales en pacientes supinadores y las suelas con control de la pronación en hiperpronadores. Otros puntos en discusión son los materiales y su duración, el tipo y superficie de entrenamiento. Distintos trabajos asociaron el...

  14. Consideraciones biomecánicas en el trabajo de la musculatura abdominal

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    Mercedes Pérez de Obanos Frieros


    Full Text Available La realización de ejercicios de fortalecimiento de la musculatura abdominal constituye una práctica muy extendida entre la población que realiza deporte con cierta asiduidad. Hemos constatado, por nuestra experiencia clínica y deportiva, la existencia de una mala ejecución de los ejercicios de fortalecimiento abdominal de forma generalizada. Este hecho conlleva, no sólo a no conseguir el objetivo del ejercicio (fortalecer los abdominales sino que entraña riesgos importantes para la salud tanto de la columna lumbar como de la musculatura del suelo pélvico. El objetivo de este artículo es dar una serie de pautas para la correcta realización de los ejercicios de fortalecimiento de la musculatura abdominal evitando así lesionar otras estructuras del aparato locomotor.

  15. Detection of abdominal lymph node metastases from esophageal and cardia cancer by computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shima, S; Sugiura, Y; Yonekawa, H; Ogata, T [National Defence Medical Coll., Tokorosawa, Saitama (Japan)


    In order to evaluate the sensitivity of computed tomography (CT) scan in detecting the abdominal lymph node metastases, preoperative CT scan was performed in 16 patients with carcinoma of the esophagus and gastric cardia. Ten patients (62.5%) had pathological evidence of lymph node metastases in the abdominal cavity and 4 of them were identified to involve the para-aortic nodes. CT scan correctly demonstrated the lymph node metastases in the para-aortic and celiac axisis areas, but failed to detect other abdominal lymph node involvements, which were small enough to be excised by operation. The para-aortic nodes on the CT scan showed the following two features; one was nodular mass in shape, which did not obscure the aorta or inferior vena cava, and the other was conglomerated mass, which was difficult to be distinguished from the aorta. The former was resectable and the latter was not.

  16. Vacunas para la prevención de la gripe en personas de edad avanzada


    Jefferson, Tom; Di Pietrantonj, Carlo; Al-Ansary, Lubna A.; Ferroni, Eliana; Thorning, Sarah; Thomas, Roger E.


    Antecedentes: Durante las últimas cuatro décadas, las vacunas han sido la principal arma global para disminuir la repercusión de la gripe en las personas de edad avanzada, y a nivel mundial se recomiendan para los individuos de 65 años o más de edad. El objetivo principal de la vacunación contra la gripe en las personas de edad avanzada es reducir el riesgo de complicaciones en quienes son más vulnerables. Objetivos: Evaluar la efectividad de las vacunas sobre la prevención de la gripe, la...

  17. Detención Precoz de Estudios Clínicos Randomizados: ¿Beneficio para los pacientes o para el investigador?: Sobrestimación de resultados, Reglas de Detención y Comités de Monitorización de Datos.

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    Roberto Candia


    Full Text Available Los estudios clínicos randomizados detenidos precozmente por beneficio son cada vez más frecuentes en la literatura médica. La detención precoz se fundamenta en la necesidad ética de ofrecer rápidamente una intervención beneficiosa a toda la población en riesgo, especialmente a los pacientes que son parte de grupo control del estudio. A pesar que la detención se fundamenta en análisis que demuestran beneficio estadísticamente significativo, se sabe que los estudios truncados precozmente tienen riesgo de detectar diferencias que realmente no existen. Este fenómeno se produce porque habitualmente estos estudios son de pequeño tamaño muestral y están sustentados en análisis estadísticos repetitivos, realizados a medida que se reclutan los pacientes. El lector debe ser capaz de detectar estos estudios e identificar las herramientas para disminuir el riesgo de error y sesgo. El objetivo de la presente revisión es dar a conocer las herramientas disponibles para disminuir el riesgo, las estrategias estadísticas para sostener una adecuada detención temprana de un estudio, los comités de monitorización externa de los datos, la evidencia que sustentan estas afirmaciones y las iniciativas que se están llevando a cabo para cuantificar el riesgo y eventualmente ofrecer una solución.

  18. Matriz para ingenieria de tejido oseo: modificacion superficial con zinc Estudio preliminar


    Martinez, Cristian; Olmedo, Daniel; Ozols, Andres


    El objetivo del presente trabajo es desarrollar un metodo de sintesis de matrices para ingenieria de tejidos, capaces de acelerar los procesos reparativos y disminuir el riesgo de infeccion, destinadas a cirugias reconstructivas que involucren el tejido oseo. A este fin se emplea la fase mineral de hueso bovino, la hidroxiapatita, conservando su estructura tridimensional. Esta se obtiene a partir de un proceso de lavado quimico, seguido de un proceso termico que elimina todos los componentes ...

  19. Dor abdominal aguda como manifestação de violência física em lactente: alerta aos pediatras Dolor abdominal agudo como manifestación de violencia física en lactante: alerta a los pediatras Acute abdominal pain as a manifestation of physical violence in an infant: alert to pediatricians

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    Patricia Gomes de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Alertar os pediatras e residentes de Pediatria quanto à possibilidade da ocorrência de violência contra a criança por meio do relato de um caso clínico. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Paciente de 18 meses deu entrada à emergência com dor abdominal e vômitos há 48 horas. O exame abdominal revelou dois orifícios e massa pequena endurecida. O raio X de abdome mostrou imagem compatível com três objetos metálicos. Duas agulhas e um prego sem cabeça foram removidos da cavidade abdominal por meio de laparotomia. COMENTÁRIOS: O diagnóstico foi realizado no segundo atendimento médico, provavelmente por não ter sido aventada a possibilidade de lesão intencional no primeiro. A violência física é um diagnóstico diferencial a ser pensado nos quadros de dor abdominal em crianças. Ressalta-se a importância de aprimorar a formação do residente de Pediatria e dos pediatras em geral para a abordagem da violência contra a criança, de forma que estejam mais preparados para o acionamento da linha de cuidado em situações de violência.OBJETIVO: Alertar a los pediatras y médicos internos en Pediatría respecto a la posibilidad de ocurrencia de violencia contra el niño por medio del relato de un caso clínico. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL CASO: Paciente con 18 meses llevado a la emergencia por dolor abdominal y vómitos hace 48 horas. El examen abdominal reveló dos agujeros y masa pequeña endurecida. Rayo-X abdominal mostró imagen compatible con tres objetos metálicos. Dos agujas y un clavo sin cabeza fueron removidos de la cavidad abdominal mediante laparotomía. COMENTARIOS: El diagnóstico se realizó en la segunda atención médica, probablemente por no haber sido aventada la posibilidad de lesión intencional en la primera atención. La violencia física es un diagnóstico diferencial que se debe tener en cuenta en los cuadros de dolor abdominal en niños. Se subraya la importancia de perfeccionar la formación del médico interno en

  20. El uso de Google Docs para incrementar la motivación para la escritura en inglés en un curso de inglés para propósitos específicos en el área de la Administración


    Oguilve, Verónica; Universidad Estatal a Distancia; Vindas, Nuria; Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica; Moya, Maciel; Universidad de Costa Rica


    En la mayoría de clases de inglés como lengua extranjera, la escritura es unade las habilidades a las que tradicionalmente le falta un propósito comunicativoy un público. Como consecuencia, los estudiantes podrían desarrollar actitudesnegativas hacia los trabajos escritos y su motivación podría disminuir. En estainvestigación, Google Docs, una herramienta 2.0, fue usada como una herramientacomunicativa para aumentar la motivación en trabajos escritos. Los resultadosdemostraron que en su mayor...

  1. Evaluación del puntaje de sangrado “CRUSADE” como prueba diagnóstica para determinar sangrado mayor en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo sin elevación del ST

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    Fernán Mendoza, MD


    Conclusiones: el punto de corte para el puntaje “CRUSADE” propuesto, es mayor o igual a 35. Dada la importancia de realizar una estratificación del riesgo de sangrado, estos resultados sirven para recomendar la implementación sistemática del puntaje de sangrado “CRUSADE”, y si este es mayor o igual a 35, establecer las recomendaciones para disminuir el riesgo de sangrado, y por ende, la morbilidad y la mortalidad.

  2. Diseño de un plan de mantenimiento para la fábrica Pan del Ecuador S.A.


    Sigüencia Zambrano, Vicente Ramiro; Sigüencia Bravo, Walter Andrés


    En la actualidad el nivel de competitividad industrial exige una mejor atención en la planificación y aplicación del mantenimiento en cada empresa, con el fin de aumentar la rentabilidad y disminuir los costos de producción; para conseguir esto es necesario mantener la maquinaria confiable y disponible, y así garantizar una excelente calidad en el producto y atender las exigencias del mercado. El contar con un sistema de mantenimiento para la empresa Pan Del Ecuador S.A. permitirá resolver...

  3. Prevalência e fatores associados à obesidade abdominal em adolescentes Prevalencia y factores asociados a la obesidad abdominal en adolescentes Prevalence of abdominal obesity and associated factors in adolescents

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    Marcelo Romanzini


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência de obesidade abdominal e sua associação com fatores demográficos, econômicos e estilo de vida em adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal conduzido em 644 adolescentes (397 do sexo feminino e 247 do masculino, de 15 a 19 anos. Foram coletadas informações demográficas (sexo e idade, econômicas (nível econômico e comportamentais (atividade física, alimentação, tabagismo e etilismo. A obesidade abdominal (desfecho foi determinada com base em pontos de corte para a circunferência de cintura, específicos ao sexo e à idade. A análise multivariada foi realizada por meio de regressão logística, estimando-se Odds Ratios (OR brutas e ajustadas, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de obesidade abdominal foi de 7,5%. Adolescentes do sexo masculino (OR 2,34; IC95% 1,27-4,32, de nível econômico intermediário (OR 2,89; IC95% 1,35-6,19 e alto (OR 2,98; IC95% 1,31-6,77 e que consumiam bebida alcoólica de forma abusiva (OR 2,12; IC95% 1,10-4,09 apresentaram maior chance de possuírem obesidade abdominal. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de obesidade abdominal foi baixa em comparação aos estudos internacionais. Ademais, encontrou-se que o sexo, o nível econômico e o consumo abusivo de álcool se associaram à obesidade abdominal.OBJETIVO: Verificar la prevalencia de obesidad abdominal y su asociación con factores demográficos, económicos y estilo de vida en adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal conducido en 644 adolescentes (397 del sexo masculino y 247 del femenino de 15 a 18 años. Se recogieron informaciones demográficas (sexo, edad, económicas (nivel económico y comportamentales (actividad física, alimentación, tabaquismo, alcoholismo. La obesidad abdominal (desfecho fue determinada con base en puntos de corte para la circunferencia de la cintura, específicos al sexo y la edad. El análisis multivariado se realizó mediante regresión logística, estimando



    Acosta Niño, Gema Eunice; Bourdón García, Alejandro; Coy Barrera, Carlos Andrés


    RESUMEN Con el fin de generar los medios necesarios para poder llevar a cabo las pruebas de remoción de cromo(VI) en aguas residuales de la industria galvánica, se realizó la captura de datos a partir de prototipo de equipo inicial a escala de laboratorio para conseguir el objetivo principal, disminuir la cantidad de metales en aguas residuales contaminadas con diferentes metales. Es así que con los datos obtenidos en el presente estudio se plantearon algunas modificaciones necesarias para me...



    Gema Eunice Acosta Niño; Alejandro Bourdón García; Carlos Andrés Coy Barrera


    Con el fin de generar los medios necesarios para poder llevar a cabo las pruebas de remoción de cromo(VI) en aguas residuales de la industria galvánica, se realizó la captura de datos a partir de prototipo de equipo inicial a escala de laboratorio para conseguir el objetivo principal, disminuir la cantidad de metales en aguas residuales contaminadas con diferentes metales. Es así que con los datos obtenidos en el presente estudio se plantearon algunas modificaciones necesarias para mejorar la...

  6. Síntesis y caracterización del lactato ferroso para la fortificación de alimentos infantiles


    Anabel Pacios; Yiliam Cruz; Antonio Bell; Emilia Carrera; Georgina Michelena


    Para prevenir y controlar la deficiencia de hierro, el MINAL, el MINSAP y la UNICEF están llevando a cabo un proyecto para la fortificación con hierro de los purés de frutas de la canasta básica. Esta suplementación hace que estos alimentos tengan un alto porcentaje de la dosis diaria de vitaminas y minerales que los niños deben ingerir. El programa de fortificación de alimentos infantiles se soporta sobre la importación de lactato ferroso. Con el objetivo de disminuir el costo de este progra...

  7. Análise macroscópica infra-vermelha da difusão do óxido nitroso via inalatória para a cavidade abdominal, em ratos submetidos a pneumoperitônio Análisis macroscópica infrarroja de la difusión del óxido nitroso vía inhalatoria para la cavidad abdominal, en ratones sometidos a pneumoperitoneo Macroscopic infrared analysis of inhaled nitrous oxide diffusion to abdominal cavity in rats submitted to pneumoperitoneum

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    Daniel Colman


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O óxido nitroso (N2O, por ser uma estrutura tri-atômica assimétrica, assume características de alta emissão e absorção de energia no espectro infra-vermelho, com um pico característico de absorção em 4,5 µm, o que o torna visível ao infra-vermelho curto, quando contrastado com uma fonte emissora de calor (anteparo quente. Diversos autores têm descrito a difusão do N2O para cavidades fechadas por métodos como cromatografia gasosa e analisador de gases, que não permitem um estudo macroscópico detalhado do gás. O presente estudo teve como objetivo a filmagem macroscópica no espectro infra-vermelho da difusão de N2O, utilizado em anestesia inalatória, para a cavidade peritoneal de ratos submetidos a pneumoperitônio de 20 mmHg com ar ambiente. MÉTODO: Dividiu-se os animais em três grupos, de acordo com o anestésico utilizado: I - controle venoso: tiopental intra-peritoneal; II - controle inalatório: isoflurano a 1,2% em O2 100%; III - óxido nitroso: N2O 66% em oxigênio e isoflurano a 0,6%. Os termogramas provenientes da descompressão abdominal foram obtidos, por meio de um radiômetro AGEMA 550 filmados a 7 quadros por segundo. RESULTADOS: O N2O demonstrou-se visível ao infra-vermelho. No momento da descompressão abdominal, não houve nos grupos I e II termogramas com rastros de gases visíveis ao infra-vermelho. Houve, porém, rastros de gases visíveis ao infra-vermelho no grupo III. CONCLUSÕES: Conclui-se que o óxido nitroso inalatório a 66% difundiu-se para a cavidade peritoneal de ratos submetidos a pneumoperitônio de 20 mmHg com ar ambiente, sem aumento de pressão intra-abdominal.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El óxido nitroso (N2O, por ser una estructura tri-atómica asimétrica, toma características de alta emisión y absorción de energía en el espectro infrarrojo, con un pico característico de absorción en 4,5 µm, lo que lo hace visible al infrarrojo corto, cuando contrastado

  8. Advanced abdominal pregnancy, with live fetus and severe preeclampsia, case report. (United States)

    Hailu, Fekade Getachew; Yihunie, Getnet Tesfaye; Essa, Ahmed Amdihun; Tsega, Walelign Kindie


    Abdominal pregnancy may account for up to 1.4% of all ectopic pregnancies. The incidence of abdominal pregnancy differs in various literatures and ranges between 1:10,000 pregnancies to 1:30, 000 pregnancies. The clinical symptoms of an uncomplicated abdominal pregnancy are unspecific. There are reports of maternal and fetal survival from advanced abdominal pregnancies. Our case was a 26 years old gravida 4, para 3 (2 alive, one early neonatal death) woman. She presented to Felegehiwot Referal Hospital with a principal complaint of vomiting, epigastric pain, headache, and blurring of vision. Emergency cesarean delivery was decided with the impression of bicornuate uterus with intrauterine pregnancy, intrauterine growth restriction and sever was found to be advanced abdominal pregnancy. Placenta was removed and pack was used to control bleeding. Both the mother and neonate were discharged in a good condition. Abdominal pregnancy with live fetus is an extremely rare condition and requires a high index of suspicion. Endometrial cavity may not be required for development of severe preeclampsia and packing is effective in controlling bleeding in selected cases.

  9. Tratamiento acortado estrictamente supervisado para tuberculosis pulmonar

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    Alvarez-Gordillo Guadalupe del Carmen


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la posibilidad de aplicar el tratamiento acortado estrictamente supervisado (TAES en el Programa de Control de la Tuberculosis en Chiapas, México. Material y métodos. Se evaluó la eficacia y la eficiencia del tratamiento en una cohorte de pacientes con tuberculosis pulmonar confirmada por baciloscopía, que ingresaron a tratamiento con esquemas de autoadministración semisupervisión y estricta supervisión, de enero a junio de 1996. Resultados. La eficacia fue de 90.9. 97.7 y 100% para los esquemas de tratamiento autoadministrado, semisupervisado y TAES, respectivamente, mientras que la eficiencia fue de 68.1. 77.6 y 88.5% en el mismo orden. Conclusiones. Para la salud pública el TAES demostró ser la actividad más importante en el control de la tuberculosis, al elevar las tasas de curación y disminuir, por lo tanto, las fuentes de transmisión de la enfermedad.

  10. Recurrent abdominal pain: when an epileptic seizure should be suspected? Dor abdominal recorrente: quando suspeitar de crise epiléptica?

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    Renata C. Franzon


    . O neuropediatra deve estar alerta para essas duas entidades que podem cursar com dor abdominal.

  11. Diseño de un calibrador de calidad para disminuir el desperdicio en el área de ensamble de un componente para automóvil

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    Paloma Michelle Torres Hernández


    Full Text Available Esta investigación de tipo aplicada es realizada en una empresa dentro de la industria automotriz en Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua México, en la cual se presenta un problema en el área de preforme para el doblez de los pines de los transistores que son ensamblados en un dispositivo llamado AFC (Automotive Fan Control, por sus siglas en inglés, el cual es utilizado para el funcionamiento del encendido y apagado de los ventiladores de enfriamiento del motor de un vehículo. El propósito de este proyecto es el diseñar un calibrador de calidad (Gage Go no Go, traducido al inglés mediante el método de la función de despliegue de la calidad para verificar el correcto ensamble de estos componentes, debido a que actualmente la empresa no cuenta con dicho calibrador. Los resultados muestran que la función de despliegue de la calidad es una metodología que garantiza el diseño satisfactorio de este tipo de dispositivo.

  12. Diseño de un calibrador de calidad para disminuir el desperdicio en el área de ensamble de un componente para automóvil

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    Paloma Michelle Torres Hernández


    Full Text Available Esta investigación de tipo aplicada es realizada en una empresa dentro de la industria automotriz en Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua México, en la cual se presenta un problema en el área de preforme para el doblez de los pines de los transistores que son ensamblados en un dispositivo llamado AFC (Automotive Fan Control, por sus siglas en inglés, el cual es utilizado para el funcionamiento del encendido y apagado de los ventiladores de enfriamiento del motor de un vehículo. El propósito de este proyecto es el diseñar un calibrador de calidad (Gage Go no Go, traducido al inglés mediante el método de la función de despliegue de la calidad para verificar el correcto ensamble de estos componentes, debido a que actualmente la empresa no cuenta con dicho calibrador. Los resultados muestran que la función de despliegue de la calidad es una metodología que garantiza el diseño satisfactorio de este tipo de dispositivo.

  13. Tuberculosis abdominal Abdominal tuberculosis


    T. Rubio; M. T. Gaztelu; A. Calvo; M. Repiso; H. Sarasíbar; F. Jiménez Bermejo; A. Martínez Echeverría


    La tuberculosis abdominal cursa con un cuadro inespecífico, con difícil diagnóstico diferencial respecto a otras entidades de similar semiología. Presentamos el caso de un varón que ingresa por presentar dolor abdominal, pérdida progresiva y notoria de peso corporal y fiebre de dos meses de evolución. El cultivo de la biopsia de colon mostró presencia de bacilo de Koch.Abdominal tuberculosis develops according to a non-specific clinical picture, with a difficult differential diagnosis with re...

  14. El Bachillerato del CESDER en México, una oportunidad para mejorar la vida de las personas de regiones empobrecidas desde la educación intercultural


    Gómez Zepeda, Gabriela


    Este texto se presentó como comunicación al II Congreso Internacional de Etnografía y Educación: Migraciones y ciudadanías. Barcelona, 5-8 Septiembre 2008. El estudio de la experiencia del Bachillerato del Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Rural (CESDER) en México, nos permite acercarnos a una experiencia educativa en donde se ponen en evidencia las potencialidades de las Escuelas Interculturales como alternativa para hacer frente a la tarea urgente de disminuir la marginación, la excl...

  15. Técnica de respiración Jacobson para reducir el estrés de enfermeras de unidades de cuidados intensivos


    Téllez Sánchez, Anna María


    Problema del estudio: El sector de enfermería perteneciente a las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos presentan estrés, y se ofrece la Técnica de respiración Jacobson como herramienta para disminuir los niveles y los problemas derivados del estrés. Objetivo general: Evaluar la eficacia de la técnica de respiración Jacobson sobre el estrés en los profesionales de enfermería de UCI. Objetivos específicos: Diseñar un taller de respiración de la técnica Jacobson, para enfermería de UCI; comparar l...

  16. Revisión de los fundamentos teóricos de la gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva


    Cabañas Armesilla, Maria Dolores


    La gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva (GAH) es un sistema de tonificación de la musculatura abdominal, del suelo pélvico y de los estabilizadores de la columna. Como característica diferenciadora se alega que estos ejercicios no provocan aumento de la presión abdominal. El objetivo es evaluar la validez de los fundamentos teóricos de la GAH y fundamentar su práctica. Para ello se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica. Se han encontrado discrepancias entre los fundamentos teóricos de la ...

  17. Médicos de la familia ante los traumatismos del sistema nervioso: Pueden disminuir la mortalidad?

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    Ramiro Pereira Riverón


    Full Text Available La mortalidad y las secuelas permanentes de los pacientes con traumatismos craneoencefálicos o raquimedulares graves, pueden disminuir por acciones de los médicos generales integrales y otros miembros de las áreas de salud. Aparte del esencial trabajo de prevención de accidentes, impedir o tratar rápidamente la hipoxia y la hipotensión arterial postraumática son factores decisivosThe mortality and permanent sequelae of patients suffering from severe head or spinal cord injuries may be reduced by the actions of the specialists in general comprehensive medicine and other members of the health area. Besides the essential work carried out to avoid accidents, to prevent or treat the posttraumatic hypoxia and arterial hypertension quickly are also decisive factors

  18. Geometría y TICs: un binomio para el Siglo XXI


    Santos-Avilés, Gema


    En la actualidad se podría hablar de la existencia de una auténtica crisis en la enseñanza de la Geometría. Las matemáticas modernas han contribuido a disminuir la importancia de la geometría euclidiana en favor de otros aspectos de la matemática como son los “hechos numéricos”. Este trabajo fin de grado pretende analizar la importancia que tiene el aprendizaje de la Geometría para el desarrollo integral de la persona, en tanto que contribuye a desarrollar los procesos de razon...

  19. Detecção de hipertensão arterial em adolescentes através de marcadores gerais e adiposidade abdominal Detección de hipertensión arterial en adolescentes por medio de marcadores generales y adiposidad abdominal High blood pressure detection in adolescents by clustering overall and abdominal adiposity markers

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    Diego G. D Christofaro


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A obesidade está ligada à hipertensão arterial (HA na infância. Entretanto, o papel da gordura como preditor de HA em adolescentes permanece desconhecido. OBJETIVO: Investigar a associação entre obesidade geral e abdominal com HA e identificar a sensibilidade e especificidade desses indicadores para detectar HA em adolescentes. MÉTODOS: A amostra consistiu em 1.021 adolescentes com idade de 10-17 anos. Os indivíduos foram classificados como normal, sobrepeso/obesidade, de acordo com as medidas do IMC, e como não-obeso com obesidade abdominal, de acordo com as medidas da circunferência da cintura (CC. A pressão arterial sistólica (PAS e diastólica (PAD foi avaliada através de um dispositivo oscilométrico. Regressão logística e curvas ROC foram usadas na análise estatística. RESULTADOS: A prevalência geral de HA foi 11,8% (13,4% em meninos e 10,2% em meninas. A prevalência de HA em meninos e meninas com sobrepeso/obesidade foi 10% e 11,1%, respectivamente. A prevalência de HA em meninos com obesidade abdominal foi 28,6%. Para ambos os sexos, o odds ratio (OR para HA foi mais alto na obesidade abdominal do que no sobrepeso/obesidade geral (4,09 [OR IC95% = 2,57-6,51] versus 1,83 [OR IC95% = 1,83-4,30]. O OR para HA foi mais alto quando sobrepeso/obesidade geral e obesidade abdominal estavam agrupados (OR = 4,35 [OR IC95% = 2,68 -7,05], do que quando identificados como sobrepeso/obesidade geral ou obesidade abdominal apenas (OR = 1,32 [OR IC95% = 0,65- 2,68]. Entretanto, ambos os tipos de obesidade apresentavam baixo poder preditivo na detecção de HA. CONCLUSÃO: Obesidade geral e obesidade abdominal foram associadas com HA; entretanto, a sensibilidade e especificidade dessas variáveis na detecção de HA são baixas em adolescentes brasileiros.BACKGROUND: Obesity is linked to high blood pressure (HBP in childhood. However, the role of fat as a predictor of HBP in adolescents remains unknown. OBJECTIVE: To

  20. Gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva y su aplicación en el postparto


    Martínez Álvarez, Mercedes


    Introducción. La elevada prevalencia de disfunciones del suelo pélvico en las mujeres después del parto, promueve la necesidad de utilizar terapias como la Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva. Se trata de un método creado por el Dr. Marcel Caufriez, utilizado actualmente en fisioterapia uroginecológica, para el tratamiento de las disfunciones del suelo pélvico. Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad de la Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva mediante publicaciones con evidencia científica y analizar qué ef...

  1. Aneurisma de la aorta abdominal: Tratamiento endovascular con una endoprótesis fenestrada Abdominal aortic aneurysm: Endovascular treatment with fenestrated endoprothesis

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    Román Rostagno


    Full Text Available El tratamiento endovascular de los aneurismas de aorta abdominal es una alternativa a la cirugía abierta para pacientes de alto riesgo. Consiste en la exclusión del saco aneurismático mediante la interposición de una endoprótesis colocada por vía femoral. El tratamiento endovascular no puede ser utilizado en todos los pacientes. Una limitación frecuente la constituye el nacimiento de una arteria visceral desde el saco aneurismático. Para contrarrestar esta limitación recientemente se han desarrollado endoprótesis fenestradas que presentan orificios que se corresponden con el nacimiento de las arterias involucradas en el aneurisma evitando su oclusión, permitiendo de esta manera el tratamiento endovascular. En esta comunicación se presenta un caso de tratamiento endovascular de un aneurisma de aorta abdominal mediante la colocación de una endoprótesis fenestrada en un paciente cuya arteria renal izquierda nacía directamente del saco aneurismático.Endovascular treatment of the abdominal aortic aneurysm is consider an alternative to open surgery for high risk patients. Its goal is to exclude the aneurysm from the circulation by using an endoprothesis introduced from a femoral approach. Patients must be strictly selected to avoid possible complications. The most frequent limitation is related to anatomic contraindications such as visceral arteries involved in the aneurysm. Fenestrated endograft have been recently developed to allow endovascular treatment when anatomic features contraindicate classic endovascular procedures. Fenestrated endograft have holes that match with the origin of the visceral arteries maintaining its potency. In this paper we report the endovascular treatment of an abdominal aortic aneurysm by using a fenestrated endoprothesis in a patient whose left renal artery is originated from the aneurysm.

  2. Staged abdominal re-operation for abdominal trauma. (United States)

    Taviloglu, Korhan


    To review the current developments in staged abdominal re-operation for abdominal trauma. To overview the steps of damage control laparotomy. The ever increasing importance of the resuscitation phase with current intensive care unit (ICU) support techniques should be emphasized. General surgeons should be familiar to staged abdominal re-operation for abdominal trauma and collaborate with ICU teams, interventional radiologists and several other specialties to overcome this entity.

  3. Los efectos del Fondo de Aportaciones para la Infraestructura Social sobre la pobreza en México

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    Fernando Ramones


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se examinan los efectos en el ámbito estatal del Fondo de Aportaciones para la Infraes - tructura Social sobre la pobreza y rezago en México, del año 2000 al 2010. Con el uso de modelos de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios y de mínimos cuadrados de dos eta - pas, con variables instrumentales para corregir por endo - geneidad, se encontró una relación nula o muy débil del monto asignado de dicho fondo con las diferentes medidas de pobreza. Estos resultados sugieren la posible existencia de incentivos perversos, sin embargo, el hecho de que no haya una relación también se puede deber a la incapacidad de los gobiernos para administrar el fondo, o bien a la falta de recursos para disminuir la pobreza extrema en México.

  4. Intra-abdominal pressure: an integrative review. (United States)

    Milanesi, Rafaela; Caregnato, Rita Catalina Aquino


    There is a growing request for measuring intra-abdominal pressure in critically ill patients with acute abdominal pain to be clarified. Summarizing the research results on measurement of vesical intra-abdominal pressure and analyzing the level of evidence were the purposes of this integrative literature review, carried out based on the databases LILACS, MEDLINE and PubMed, from 2005 to July 2012. Twenty articles were identified, in that, 12 literature reviews, 4 descriptive and exploratory studies, 2 expert opinions, one prospective cohort study and one was an experience report. The vesical intra-abdominal pressure measurement was considered gold standard. There are variations in the technique however, but some common points were identified: complete supine position, in absence of abdominal contracture, in the end of expiration and expressed in mmHg. Most research results indicate keeping the transducer zeroed at the level of the mid-axillary line at the iliac crest level, and instill 25mL of sterile saline. Strong evidence must be developed. RESUMO Em pacientes críticos com quadros abdominais agudos a esclarecer é crescente a solicitação da aferição da pressão intra-abdominal. Sintetizar resultados de pesquisas sobre a mensuração da pressão intra-abdominal pela via vesical e analisar o nível de evidência foram os objetivos desta revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada nas bases LILACS, MEDLINE e PubMed, no período de 2005 a julho de 2012. Identificaram-se 20 artigos, sendo 12 revisões de literatura, 4 estudos exploratório-descritivos, 2 opiniões de especialistas, 1 estudo de coorte prospectivo e 1 relato de experiência. O método vesical para mensuração da pressão intra-abdominal foi considerado padrão-ouro. Existem variações na técnica, entretanto pontos em comum foram identificados: posição supina completa, na ausência de contratura abdominal, ao final da expiração e expressa em mmHg. A maioria indica posicionar o ponto zero do

  5. Abdominal Tuberculosis Mimicking Intra-abdominal Malignancy: A ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    BACKGROUND. Abdominal TB usually presents with nonspecific findings and may thus m.,mw a multitude of gastrointestinal disorders. Abdominal tuberculosis may therefore present as large and palpable intra-abdominal masses usually arising from lymphadenopathy which may mimic lymphomas and other malignancies.

  6. Abdominal tuberculosis mimicking intra-abdominal malignancy: A ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Abdominal TB usually presents with nonspecific findings and may thus mimic a multitude of gastrointestinal disorders. Abdominal tuberculosis may therefore present as large and palpable intra-abdominal masses usually arising from lymphadenopathy which may mimic lymphomas and other malignancies.





    Los sistemas concreto-acero de refuerzo son considerados estructuras durables y resistentes; sin embargo, con el paso del tiempo se ven afectados por problemas de corrosión, la cual, se desarrolla cuando los cloruros se encuentran más allá de un cierto nivel umbral, en el que se inicia la despasivación o la ruptura la capa pasiva que protege al acero de refuerzo. Para contrarrestar los daños ocasionados por la corrosión, se han propuestos varios métodos para disminuir y/o preve...

  8. Tratamiento de aguas residuales del efluente una fábrica de alimento balanceado para camarones, mediante el diseño de procesos unitaríos


    Prado Garces, Carlos; Orozco Patiño, Kleber; Guallpa Yambay, Giovanni; Landivar Zambrano, Jose Jerry


    La contaminación es la antesala a la polución de los ecosistemas, por lo tanto para que exista un desarrollo sustentable de la industria, es necesario tomar medidas de prevención para disminuir su impacto. La industria camaronera está encaminada por la corriente de cultivos semi-intensivos, esto ha logrado que el alimento suplementario pase a ser un renglón importe en esta actividad. Como consecuencia de esto se estima que las plantas de balanceados estarían fabricando el casi doble de la...

  9. Metodología para incentivar la inserción laboral de personas en sillas de ruedas: una propuesta para Ecuador

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    Thalía San Antonio


    Full Text Available Motivado por la baja inserción laboral de personas que utilizan sillas de ruedas y el favorable marco legal en Ecuador se presenta una metodología para comparar los costos relacionados con la inserción laboral de personas en sillas de ruedas con dos componentes: (1 modificación del ambiente de trabajo según parámetros ergonómicos y (2 variación de las prestaciones de las sillas de ruedas en función de la eliminación o minimización de los cambios que la empresa debe realizar para ofrecer un ambiente apropiado al empleado con discapacidad. Para el estudio se plantea incluir individuos que utilizan sillas de ruedas, tienen la capacidad de realizar actividades profesionales con sus miembros superiores. La hipótesis planteada es que resultará más eficiente mejorar las capacidades de las sillas, ya que esta opción disminuirá la inversión que debe realizar la empresa en función de ofrecer el empleo a la persona discapacitada, aumentando las posibilidades reales de su inserción laboral.

  10. Nontraumatic abdominal emergencies: acute abdominal pain: diagnostic strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marincek, B.


    Common causes of acute abdominal pain include appendicitis, cholecystitis, bowel obstruction, urinary colic, perforated peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, diverticulitis, and nonspecific, nonsurgical abdominal pain. The topographic classification of acute abdominal pain (pain in one of the four abdominal quadrants, diffuse abdominal pain, flank or epigastric pain) facilitates the choice of the imaging technique. The initial radiological evaluation often consists of plain abdominal radiography, despite significant diagnostic limitations. The traditional indications for plain films - bowel obstruction, pneumoperitoneum, and the search of ureteral calculi - are questioned by helical computed tomography (CT). Although ultrasonography (US) is in many centers the modality of choice for imaging the gallbladder and the pelvis in children and women of reproductive age, CT is considered to be one of the most valued tools for triaging patients with acute abdominal pain. CT is particularly beneficial in patients with marked obesity, unclear US findings, bowel obstruction, and multiple lesions. The introduction of multidetector row CT (MDCT) has further enhanced the utility of CT in imaging patients with acute abdominal pain. (orig.)

  11. Nontraumatic abdominal emergencies: acute abdominal pain: diagnostic strategies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marincek, B. [Institute of Diagnostic Radiology, University Hospital Zurich, Raemistrasse 100, 8091 Zurich (Switzerland)


    Common causes of acute abdominal pain include appendicitis, cholecystitis, bowel obstruction, urinary colic, perforated peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, diverticulitis, and nonspecific, nonsurgical abdominal pain. The topographic classification of acute abdominal pain (pain in one of the four abdominal quadrants, diffuse abdominal pain, flank or epigastric pain) facilitates the choice of the imaging technique. The initial radiological evaluation often consists of plain abdominal radiography, despite significant diagnostic limitations. The traditional indications for plain films - bowel obstruction, pneumoperitoneum, and the search of ureteral calculi - are questioned by helical computed tomography (CT). Although ultrasonography (US) is in many centers the modality of choice for imaging the gallbladder and the pelvis in children and women of reproductive age, CT is considered to be one of the most valued tools for triaging patients with acute abdominal pain. CT is particularly beneficial in patients with marked obesity, unclear US findings, bowel obstruction, and multiple lesions. The introduction of multidetector row CT (MDCT) has further enhanced the utility of CT in imaging patients with acute abdominal pain. (orig.)

  12. Diseño de un sistema experto para el análisis de créditos en la Caja Municipal de Arequipa de la ciudad de Puno 2007


    Albarracin Machicado, Rudy Shernell


    La presente investigación implementa un Sistema Experto de Evaluación de Créditos en la entidad microfinanciera Caja Municipal Arequipa de la ciudad de Puno, empresa dedicada al servicio crediticio, que busca disminuir el riesgo de pago al capital asignado; para tal objetivo se planteo el modelo basado en Sistemas Expertos que permite soportar estas decisiones de asignación de recursos financieros. Para el análisis crediticio, se implementó la base de conocimientos y las reglas de inferencia ...

  13. Evaluación del riesgo de ruptura de aneurismas de aorta abdominal personalizados mediante factores biomecánicos/Patient-specific abdominal aortic aneurysms rupture risk assessment by means of biomechanical factors

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    Ariel Zúñiga‐Reyes


    Full Text Available El Aneurisma de Aorta Abdominal es la dilatación localizada, irreversible y progresiva que experimenta la pared aortica. Esta patología ha sido reconocida como un importante problema de salud, puesto que su ruptura está asociada mayormente a consecuencias fatales. La falta de criterios fiables, respecto a los actualmente utilizados, para la evaluación del riesgo de ruptura, constituye un inconveniente en la gestión clínica de la enfermedad. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar el riesgo de ruptura de Aneurismas de Aorta Abdominal, mediante indicadores numéricos, como es previsto por el enfoque biomecánico. Fueron utilizadas técnicas de modelación por elementos finitos para determinar el comportamiento del flujo sanguíneo y el estado tensional de la pared arterial. Los resultados mostraron que ninguno de los aneurismas analizados presenta riesgo de ruptura elevado y que la evaluación del riesgo de ruptura mediante índices numéricos, es un camino viable para prever la ruptura de un aneurisma específico.Palabras claves: aneurisma de aorta abdominal, factores biomecánicos, interacción fluido-sólido, riesgo de ruptura.______________________________________________________________________________AbstractAbdominal Aortic Aneurysm is a localized, progressive and permanent dilation of the infra-renal aorta.AAA has increasingly been recognized as an important health problem in the last decades. The AAA rupture is mostly associated with fatal consequences. The lack of more reliable criteria for rupture riskassessing, results in a problem in the clinical management of the disease. This paper aims to assess the rupture risk of abdominal aortic aneurysms by means of numerical indexes, as envisaged by the biomechanical approach. Finite Volume Techniques were used to determine the blood flow behavior within aneurysmatic sac and the structural state of the arterial wall. The results showed that none of the assessed aneurysms is at

  14. Defectos de la pared abdominal

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    Adis L. Peña Cedeño


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de los fetos con malformaciones congénitas, dadas por defecto de la pared abdominal (DPA, nacidos en el Hospital Universitario Ginecoobstétrico de Guanabacoa durante los años 1984 al 2000, para determinar la frecuencia de los distintos tipos de defectos de la pared abdominal y las malformaciones asociadas a éstas. Se revisaron los protocolos de necropsias e historias clínicas en este período y se obtuvieron 25 casos con DPA. La malformación más frecuente fue el onfalocele con 14 casos, seguido de la gastrosquisis con 6 casos. Se hallaron malformaciones asociadas en el 68 % de los casos, y se comprobó la efectividad del Programa Nacional de Malformaciones Congénitas, pues en el 80 % de las pacientes se interrumpió precozmente el embarazo.A study of the fetuses with congenital malformations due to defect of the abdominal wall (AWD that were born at the Gynecoobstetric Teaching Hospital of Guanabacoa from 1984 to 2000 was conducted aimed at determining the frequency of the different types of defects of the abdominal wall and the malformations associated with them. The protocosl of necropsies and medical histories corresponding to this period were reviewed and 25 cases with AWD were detected. The most common malformation was omphalocele with 14 cases, followed by gastrosquisis with 6 cases. Associated malformations were found in 68 % of the cases and it was proved the effectiveness of the National Program of Congenital Malformations, since pregnancy was interrupted early in 80 % of the patients.

  15. Distribuição de obesidade geral e abdominal em adultos de uma cidade no Sul do Brasil


    Linhares,Rogério da Silva; Horta,Bernardo Lessa; Gigante,Denise Petrucci; Dias-da-Costa,Juvenal Soares; Olinto,Maria Teresa Anselmo


    O objetivo foi determinar a prevalência e a evolução da obesidade geral e abdominal em adultos com 20 anos ou mais em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Estudo transversal de base populacional realizado em 2010. A obesidade geral foi definida pelo índice de massa corporal (IMC) > 30kg/m² e a obesidade abdominal definida como > 88cm para mulheres e > 102cm para homens. Foram entrevistados 2.448 indivíduos. A prevalência de obesidade foi de 21,7% nos homens e 29,2% nas mulheres, já a obesidade...

  16. Chronic abdominal wall pain misdiagnosed as functional abdominal pain. (United States)

    van Assen, Tijmen; de Jager-Kievit, Jenneke W A J; Scheltinga, Marc R; Roumen, Rudi M H


    The abdominal wall is often neglected as a cause of chronic abdominal pain. The aim of this study was to identify chronic abdominal wall pain syndromes, such as anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES), in a patient population diagnosed with functional abdominal pain, including irritable bowel syndrome, using a validated 18-item questionnaire as an identification tool. In this cross-sectional analysis, 4 Dutch primary care practices employing physicians who were unaware of the existence of ACNES were selected. A total of 535 patients ≥18 years old who were registered with a functional abdominal pain diagnosis were approached when they were symptomatic to complete the questionnaire (maximum 18 points). Responders who scored at least the 10-point cutoff value (sensitivity, 0.94; specificity, 0.92) underwent a diagnostic evaluation to establish their final diagnosis. The main outcome was the presence and prevalence of ACNES in a group of symptomatic patients diagnosed with functional abdominal pain. Of 535 patients, 304 (57%) responded; 167 subjects (31%) recently reporting symptoms completed the questionnaire. Of 23 patients who scored above the 10-point cutoff value, 18 were available for a diagnostic evaluation. In half of these subjects (n = 9) functional abdominal pain (including IBS) was confirmed. However, the other 9 patients were suffering from abdominal wall pain syndrome, 6 of whom were diagnosed with ACNES (3.6% prevalence rate of symptomatic subjects; 95% confidence interval, 1.7-7.6), whereas the remaining 3 harbored a painful lipoma, an abdominal herniation, and a painful scar. A clinically relevant portion of patients previously diagnosed with functional abdominal pain syndrome in a primary care environment suffers from an abdominal wall pain syndrome such as ACNES.

  17. Desarrollo de un horno solar para el secado de plantas y vegetales usando control difuso

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    Oscar G. Ibarra Manzano


    Full Text Available Recientemente, el aprovechamiento de la energía solar en el deshidratado de productos agrícolas se ha vuelto cada día más común debido a los altos rendimientos en los productos post-cosecha. La inversión en tecnologías propias para contribuir con los productores del sector agroalimentario es un factor importante para el desarrollo de las cadenas produc­tivas de nuestro país. En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un horno solar para el secado de plantas y vegetales utilizando control difuso. Este es un sistema térmicamente controlado que permite disminuir el tiempo de secado de varios días a unas horas. Se reali­zaron pruebas de secado usando flor de jamaica, en las cuales se pudo disminuir el tiempo de secado de cuatro días a aproximadamente 5 h. Se presentan tanto la parte de diseño conceptual, como resultados experimentales del mismo. Los resultados obtenidos permiten ver la viabilidad del diseño propuesto.Recently, the use of solar energy in the dehydration of agricultural products is becomingmore common as high yields in the post-harvest products. Investment in technologies forcontributing to the producers of food products is an important factor for the development ofthe productive chains of our country. This paper presents the development of a solar oven fordrying plants and vegetables using fuzzy control. This is a heat-controlled system that allowsdecreasing the drying time from several days to hours. Drying tests were conducted usingjamaica flower, which could decrease the drying time from four days to about 5 h. We presentboth the conceptual design of the experimental results. The results obtained allow us to seethe feasibility of the proposed design.

  18. Obesidade abdominal em adolescentes: prevalência e associação com atividade física e hábitos alimentares Abdominal obesity in adolescents: prevalence and association with physical activity and eating habits

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    Cláudio Barnabé dos Santos Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A obesidade abdominal em adolescentes está associada a doenças cardiovasculares e metabólicas, mas a prevalência e os fatores associados à sua ocorrência são ignorados. OBJETIVOS: Determinar a prevalência e verificar se indicadores de atividade física e hábitos alimentares estão associados à ocorrência de obesidade abdominal em adolescentes. MÉTODOS: A amostra compreendeu 4.138 estudantes do ensino médio (14-19 anos, selecionados mediante amostragem por conglomerados em dois estágios. Obtiveram-se os dados por meio do Global School-based Health Survey, enquanto medidas antropométricas foram aferidas para determinação de excesso de peso e obesidade abdominal. Regressão logística binária foi empregada para análise dos fatores comportamentais associados à ocorrência de obesidade abdominal. Identificação dos casos de obesidade abdominal foi efetuada por análise da circunferência da cintura, tomando-se como referência pontos de corte para idade e sexo. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi de 16,8 anos (s =1,4, e 59,8% dos sujeitos eram do sexo feminino; a prevalência de obesidade abdominal foi de 6% (IC95%:5,3-6,7, significativamente superior entre as moças (6,7%; IC95%: 5,8-7,8 em comparação aos rapazes (4,9%; IC95%:3,9-6,0. As análises brutas evidenciaram que sexo e excesso de peso são fatores associados à ocorrência de obesidade abdominal. O ajustamento das análises por regressão logística permitiu observar que a prática de atividades físicas está significativamente associada à ocorrência de obesidade abdominal nesse grupo (OR = 0,7; IC95%:0,49-0,99, independentemente da presença de excesso de peso. CONCLUSÕES: A Prevalência de obesidade abdominal foi baixa em comparação ao observado em levantamentos internacionais, e a prática de atividades físicas é um fator associado à ocorrência desse evento em adolescentes.BACKGROUND: Abdominal obesity in adolescents is associated with

  19. Consumo de bebida alcoólica e adiposidade abdominal em doadores de sangue Consumo de bebida alcohólica y adiposidad abdominal en donadores de sangre Alcohol consumption and abdominal fat in blood donors

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    Márcia Gonçalves Ferreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e adiposidade abdominal. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com uma amostra de homens doadores de sangue (N=1.235, de 20 a 59 anos, em Cuiabá (MT, realizado de agosto/1999 a janeiro/2000. Os indicadores de adiposidade abdominal foram circunferência da cintura e relação cintura/quadril, ajustados pela adiposidade total. As medidas aferidas foram: peso, estatura, circunferências da cintura e do quadril. O consumo de álcool foi avaliado utilizando-se um questionário sobre tipo, freqüência e quantidade da bebida consumida. A associação entre o consumo de álcool e adiposidade abdominal foi analisada por regressão linear múltipla, com os modelos ajustados para idade, atividade física, tabagismo e adiposidade total. RESULTADOS: Após ajuste, a circunferência da cintura e a relação cintura quadril mantiveram-se associadas positivamente ao consumo de cerveja (p=0,02 e ao total de álcool consumido (p=0,01 e 0,03, respectivamente. O consumo de aguardente mostrou associação somente com a circunferência da cintura (p=0,04. CONCLUSÕES: O consumo de álcool, particularmente de cerveja, associou-se com a localização abdominal de gordura.OBJETIVO: Analizar la asociación entre el consumo de bebidas alcohólica y adiposidad abdominal. MÉTODOS: Se efectuó estudio transversal con una muestra de hombres donadores de sangre (N= 1.235, de 20 a 59 años, en Cuiabá (Centro-Oeste de Brasil, realizado de agosto/1999 a enero/2000. Los indicadores de adiposidad abdominal fueron circunferencia de la cintura y relación cintura/cuadril, ajustadas por la adiposidad total. Las medidas verificables fueron: peso, estatura, circunferencias de la cintura y del cuadril. El consumo de alcohol fue evaluado utilizándose un cuestionario sobre tipo, frecuencia y cantidad de la bebida consumida. La asociación entre el consumo de alcohol y adiposidad abdominal fue analizada por regresi


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    Nevein Mohammed Mohammed Gharib


    Full Text Available Background: Obesity is a medical condition that may adversely affect wellbeing and leading to increased incidence of many health problems. Abdominal obesity tends to be associated with weight gain and obesity and it is significantly connected with different disorders like coronary heart disease and type II diabetes mellitus.This study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of vacuum therapy as compared to abdominal exercises on abdominal obesity in overweight and obese women. Methods: Thirtyoverweight and obese women participated in this study with body mass index > 25 kg/m2andwaist circumference ≥ 85 cm. Their ages ranged from 28 - 40 years old.The subjects were excluded if they have diabetes, abdominal infection diseases or any physical limitation restricting exercise ability. They were randomly allocated into two equal groups; group I and group II. Group I received vacuum therapy sessions (by the use of LPG device in addition to aerobic exercise training. Group II received abdominal exercises in addition to the same aerobic exercisesgiven to group I. This study was extended for successive 8 weeks (3 sessions/ week. All subjects were assessed for thickness ofnthe abdominal skin fold, waist circumference and body mass index. Results: The results of this study showeda significant difference between group I and group II post-interventionas regarding to the mean values of waist circumference and abdominal skin fold thickness (p<0.05. Conclusion: It can be concluded that aerobic exercises combined with vacuum therapy (for three sessions/week for successive 8 weeks have a positive effect on women with abdominal obesity in terms of reducing waist circumference and abdominal skin fold thickness.

  1. Cirurgia para controle de danos: estado atual

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    Rodrigo Camargo Leão Edelmuth

    Full Text Available A cirurgia de controle de danos é um conceito amplamente aceito atualmente entre os especialistas em trauma abdominal quando se trata de doentes gravemente traumatizados. Nestes pacientes a morte decorre, na maioria das vezes, da instalação da tríade letal (hipotermia, coagulopatia e acidose e não da incapacidade de reparar as graves lesões presentes. Nesta revisão, os autores abordam a tríade letal, em suas três fases, e enfatizam as medidas adotadas para preveni-las. Além de discutirem a indicação e o emprego da cirurgia para o controle de danos em seus vários estágios. A restauração dos padrões fisiológicos do doente na UTI, para que o mesmo possa ser submetido à operação definitiva e ao fechamento da cavidade abdominal, outro desafio no paciente traumatizado grave, também é discutida.

  2. Prevalência de obesidade abdominal em hipertensos cadastrados em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família Prevalence of abdominal obesity in hypertensive patients registered in a Family Health Unit

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    Edmarlon Girotto


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A obesidade abdominal é importante fator de risco cardiovascular e, juntamente com as dislipidemias, a intolerância a glicose e a hipertensão arterial, compõe a síndrome metabólica. OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência de obesidade abdominal e fatores associados em hipertensos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com hipertensos de 20 a 79 anos cadastrados em uma Unidade Saúde da Família do município de Londrina, Paraná. A obesidade abdominal foi identificada por meio da relação cintura-quadril (RCQ e da circunferência abdominal (CA, conforme pontos de corte recomendados pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (RCQ > 1,0 e CA > 102 cm para homens, e RCQ > 0,85 e CA > 88 cm para mulheres. RESULTADOS: Entre os 378 entrevistados, a prevalência de obesidade abdominal identificada pela RCQ foi de 65,3% nos adultos e 68,1% nos idosos, sendo de 87,9% no sexo feminino e de 30,2% no masculino (p BACKGROUND: Abdominal obesity is an important cardiovascular risk factor and, along with dyslipidemia, impaired glucose tolerance and hypertension, it makes up the metabolic syndrome. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence of abdominal obesity and associated factors in hypertensive patients. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with hypertensive patients aged 20 to 79 registered in a Family Health Unit in the city of Londrina, Paraná. Abdominal obesity was found through waist-hip ratio (WHR and waist circumference (WC according to the cutoff points recommended by the World Health Organization (WHR > 1.0 and > WC 102 cm for men and WHR > WC 0.85 and > 88 cm for women. RESULTS: Among 378 respondents, the prevalence of abdominal obesity determined by WHR was 65.3% in adults and 68.1% in the elderly, and 87.9% in females and 30.2% in males (p <0.001. In women, WHR was associated with reports of high cholesterol, failure to perform regular physical activity, lack of paid work and low education. There was no association of WHR with any variables in males

  3. Programa de prevención del sobrepeso y obesidad infantil en centros educativos de Navarra


    Oses Recalde, Maddi


    El objetivo general de este TFM es disminuir la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad infantil en navarra. Todo ello para mejorar la salud en la población infantil y consecuentemente mejorar la salud en su edad adulta. Para ello se identifican los siguientes objetivos específicos: 1) Mejorar los hábitos alimentarios de los participantes del proyecto. 2) Aumentar la actividad física de los participantes. 3) Disminuir el sobrepeso y la obesidad de los participantes del programa. Para la ...

  4. Factores de riesgo para el neonato pequeño para la edad gestacional en un hospital de Lima, Perú

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    J. Eduardo Tejeda-Mariaca

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Identificar factores de riesgo para neonatos a término pequeños para la edad gestacional. Materiales y métodos. Cohorte retrospectiva que utilizó datos del Sistema Informático Materno Perinatal del Hospital María Auxiliadora de Lima, del período 2000 a 2010. Se evaluó la edad materna, paridad, nivel educativo, estado civil, índice de masa corporal pregestacional, número de controles prenatales, presencia de patologías como preeclampsia, eclampsia, infección urinaria y diabetes gestacional como factores de riesgo en pequeños para edad gestacional. El peso para la edad gestacional fue calculado sobre la base de percentiles peruanos. Se calcularon los riesgos relativos crudos (RR y ajustados (RRa con sus intervalos de confianza al 95% usando modelos lineales generalizados log binomial. Resultados. Se incluyeron 64 670 gestantes. La incidencia de pequeños para la edad gestacional fue 7,2%. La preeclampsia (RRa 2,0; IC 95%: 1,86-2,15, eclampsia (RRa 3,22; IC 95%: 2,38-4,35, bajo peso materno (RRa 1,38; IC 95%: 1,23-1,54, nuliparidad (RRa 1,32; IC 95%: 1,23-1,42, edad ≥35 años (RRa 1,16; IC 95%: 1,04-1,29, tener controles prenatales de 0 a 2 (RRa 1,43; IC 95%: 1,32-1,55 y 3 a 5 (RRa 1,22; IC 95%: 1,14-1,32 fueron factores de riesgo para ser pequeños para la edad gestacional. Conclusiones. Es necesario identificar a las gestantes con factores de riesgo como los encontrados para disminuir la condición de pequeños para la edad gestacional. Se debe actuar poniendo énfasis en factores modificables, tales como la frecuencia de sus controles prenatales

  5. Fascitis necrotizante de punto de partida abdominal: a propósito de un caso

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    Dayyorsem Canelón


    Full Text Available La fascitis necrotizante es una infección de etiología típicamente polibacteriana, cuyas toxinas afectan los tejidos blandos (fascias, subcutáneo, vasos y nervios. Caso Clínico: masculino de 47 años de edad, hipertenso crónico no controlado, quien ingresa en shock hipovolémico secundario a abdomen agudo quirúrgico traumático por herida de arma de fuego en región lumbar sin orificio de salida. Se aplica ABC para paciente politraumatizado incluyendo profilaxis antimicrobiana a base de Ampicilina-Sulbactam-Metronidazol. Es llevado a quirófano teniendo como hallazgos operatorios: 1400 cc de hemoperitoneo y contenido intestinal (materia fecal libre en cavidad, desvascularización de mesocolon ascendente, lesión de arteria ileocólica y colon, por lo que se procede a realizar hemicolectomía derecha ampliada. En el postoperatorio inmediato y de evolución rápida presenta lesiones cutáneas dadas por eritema, edema, vesículas, flictenas en flanco derecho, a las 36 hrs cursa con necrosis que se extiende hasta tercio medio y lateral de muslo, se toma cultivo que reporta Streptococcus sp. β hemolíticos, Escherichia coli, Citrobacter perfringens. Decidiéndose realizar fasciotomía, ampliar la antibioticoterapia de amplio espectro con (Tigeciclina y dar soporte ventilatorio mecánico teniendo a pesar de ello, una evolución tórpida que conduce a falla multiorgánica y deceso. Consideramos que si bien es una patología poco frecuente debe tenerse presente para garantizar el tratamiento precoz y de esta manera disminuir su alta mortalidad. Necrotizing fasciitis from abdominal starting point: purpose of case Abstract The necrotizing fasciitis is an infection of typically polybacterial etiology, whose toxins affects the soft tissues (fascias, subcutaneous, blood vessels and nerves. Clinical case: 47 years old male, with uncontrolled chronic hypertension, admitted for hypovolemic shock secondary to acute surgical traumatic abdomen by gunshot

  6. Detecção de hipertensão arterial em adolescentes através de marcadores gerais e adiposidade abdominal

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    Diego G. D Christofaro


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A obesidade está ligada à hipertensão arterial (HA na infância. Entretanto, o papel da gordura como preditor de HA em adolescentes permanece desconhecido. OBJETIVO: Investigar a associação entre obesidade geral e abdominal com HA e identificar a sensibilidade e especificidade desses indicadores para detectar HA em adolescentes. MÉTODOS: A amostra consistiu em 1.021 adolescentes com idade de 10-17 anos. Os indivíduos foram classificados como normal, sobrepeso/obesidade, de acordo com as medidas do IMC, e como não-obeso com obesidade abdominal, de acordo com as medidas da circunferência da cintura (CC. A pressão arterial sistólica (PAS e diastólica (PAD foi avaliada através de um dispositivo oscilométrico. Regressão logística e curvas ROC foram usadas na análise estatística. RESULTADOS: A prevalência geral de HA foi 11,8% (13,4% em meninos e 10,2% em meninas. A prevalência de HA em meninos e meninas com sobrepeso/obesidade foi 10% e 11,1%, respectivamente. A prevalência de HA em meninos com obesidade abdominal foi 28,6%. Para ambos os sexos, o odds ratio (OR para HA foi mais alto na obesidade abdominal do que no sobrepeso/obesidade geral (4,09 [OR IC95% = 2,57-6,51] versus 1,83 [OR IC95% = 1,83-4,30]. O OR para HA foi mais alto quando sobrepeso/obesidade geral e obesidade abdominal estavam agrupados (OR = 4,35 [OR IC95% = 2,68 -7,05], do que quando identificados como sobrepeso/obesidade geral ou obesidade abdominal apenas (OR = 1,32 [OR IC95% = 0,65- 2,68]. Entretanto, ambos os tipos de obesidade apresentavam baixo poder preditivo na detecção de HA. CONCLUSÃO: Obesidade geral e obesidade abdominal foram associadas com HA; entretanto, a sensibilidade e especificidade dessas variáveis na detecção de HA são baixas em adolescentes brasileiros.

  7. Inibição da formação de abscesso abdominal em rato: mortalidade por sepse Inhibition of abdominal abscess formation in rat: Mortality by sepsis

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    Fernando Henrique Oliveira Carmo Rodrigues


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Atribui-se aos abscessos intra-abdominais e às aderências peritoniais a função de isolar os processos sépticos e proteger o organismo da bacteremia. Por outro lado, esses fenômenos também dificultam o afluxo de fatores imunitários e antibióticos para a região infectada. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da prevenção de abscessos na sobrevida após peritonite bacteriana. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 30 ratos Wistar machos que receberam solução de fezes a 50% intra-abdominal e que foram distribuídos em três grupos (n = 10. Grupo 1: controle (solução de fezes; grupo 2: solução de fezes mais solução salina a 0,9%; grupo 3: solução de fezes mais carboximetilcelulose a 1%, para inibir a formação de aderências. Os três grupos foram divididos em dois subgrupos (n = 5: subgrupo A: nova laparotomia, após 4 dias, para inspeção da cavidade abdominal; e subgrupo B: acompanhamento durante 30 dias para avaliação da mortalidade e da causa de morte. A análise estatística utilizou o teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: O acréscimo de solução salina a 0,9% não aumentou a mortalidade do grupo. Entretanto, no grupo em que se acrescentou a solução de carboximetilcelulose, houve menor formação de abscessos, que também foram mais tênues e a mortalidade aumentou em relação ao grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: A inibição na formação de aderências peritoniais e de abscessos acompanha-se de maior mortalidade decorrente do processo séptico intra-abdominal generalizado.

  8. Should abdominal sequences be included in prostate cancer MR staging studies?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McEvoy, S.H.; Lavelle, L.P.; Purcell, Y.M.; Quinlan, D.M.; Skehan, S.J.; Collins, C.D.; McMahon, C.J.


    Highlights: • ESUR guideline that abdominal MR sequences are reserved for high-risk prostate cancer is tested. • Routine abdominal sequences are of low yield in prostate cancer MR staging. • Routine abdominal staging sequences frequently result in incidental findings. • Abdominal staging sequences should be reserved for high-risk prostate cancer cases. - Abstract: Objectives: Prostate cancer staging MR examinations commonly include abdominal sequences to assess for non-regional (common iliac or para-aortic) nodal metastasis. In our experience the diagnostic yield of this is limited, but incidental findings are frequent, often necessitating further investigations. The aim of this study is to assess the diagnostic utility of abdominal sequences in routine prostate cancer MR staging studies. Methods: Findings on abdominal sequences of consecutive MRI prostate studies performed for staging newly diagnosed prostate cancer between September 2011 and September 2013 were reviewed with respect to adenopathy and additional incidental findings. Results were correlated with Gleason grade and serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level in each case. Results: 355 MRI prostate examinations were reviewed. 4 (1.1%) showed enlarged non-regional lymph nodes. Incidental findings were found in 82(23.1%) cases, neccessitating further investigation in 45 (12.7%) cases. Enlarged non-regional nodes were associated with higher PSA level and Gleason grade (p = 0.007, p = 0.005 respectively). With a combined threshold of PSA > 20 ng/mL and/or Gleason grade ≥8 the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV were 100, 60, 3 and 100% respectively for predicting the presence of non-regional adenopathy. Conclusions: Routine abdominal sequences are of very low yield in routine prostate cancer MR staging, frequently resulting in incidental findings requiring further work-up and should be reserved for high-risk cases. Our experience supports the use of an abdominal staging sequence in high


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    Gema Eunice Acosta Niño


    Full Text Available Con el fin de generar los medios necesarios para poder llevar a cabo las pruebas de remoción de cromo(VI en aguas residuales de la industria galvánica, se realizó la captura de datos a partir de prototipo de equipo inicial a escala de laboratorio para conseguir el objetivo principal, disminuir la cantidad de metales en aguas residuales contaminadas con diferentes metales. Es así que con los datos obtenidos en el presente estudio se plantearon algunas modificaciones necesarias para mejorar las condiciones y eficiencia del equipo y aumentar las posibilidades de uso mediante la determinación de los parámetros de trabajo usando la técnica de electrocoagulación. Los parámetros analizados fueron: voltaje, intensidad de corriente, conductividad, pH y temperatura durante una hora de funcionamiento del reactor. A lo largo del texto se pueden observar los cambios realizados sobre el prototipo inicial, cuyo concepto principal es el manejo de la electrocoagulación, para disminuir la cantidad de metales en aguas residuales. Un resultado final de interés a analizar entre otros, es el consumo de energía, pues basándose en este consumo se calculó el valor final del gasto energético versus el costo ambiental, lo que sin duda resulta ser un aporte importante para su uso en la remoción de metales pesados y abre la posibilidad de continuar con estudios posteriores de este tipo para la elaboración de nuevos reactores mucho más eficientes y útiles en la industria en general, y como respuesta, ayudará bastante en la disminución de la contaminación ambiental.

  10. Diferentes aferições do diâmetro abdominal sagital e do perímetro da cintura na predição do HOMA-IR Mediciones distintas del diámetro abdominal sagital y del perímetro de la cintura en la predicción del HOMA-IR Different measurements of the sagittal abdominal diameter and waist perimeter in the prediction of HOMA-IR

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    Ana Carolina Junqueira Vasques


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A correlação entre aumento de gordura visceral e de resistência à insulina coloca o diâmetro abdominal sagital e o perímetro da cintura como instrumentos potenciais para a predição de resistência à insulina. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade de diferentes aferições do diâmetro abdominal sagital e do perímetro da cintura e analisar o poder discriminante dos mesmos para predizer resistência à insulina. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 190 homens adultos. O diâmetro abdominal sagital (menor cintura, maior diâmetro abdominal, nível umbilical e ponto médio entre as cristas ilíacas e o perímetro da cintura (nível umbilical, menor cintura, imediatamente acima da crista ilíaca e ponto médio entre a crista ilíaca e a última costela foram aferidos em quatro locais diferentes. A resistência à insulina foi avaliada pelo índice HOMA-IR. RESULTADOS: Todas as medidas apresentaram correlação intraclasse de 0,986-0,999. Tanto o diâmetro abdominal sagital aferido na menor cintura (r=0,482 e AUC=0,739±0,049 como o perímetro da cintura aferido no ponto médio entre a última costela e a crista ilíaca (r=0,464 e AUC=0,746±0,05 apresentaram maiores correlações com o HOMA-IR, bem como um melhor poder discriminante para o HOMA-IR segundo a análise ROC (pFUNDAMENTO: La correlación entre aumento de la grasa visceral y de la resistencia a la insulina pone el diámetro abdominal sagital y el perímetro de la cintura como los instrumentos potenciales para la predicción de resistencia a la insulina. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la reproductibilidad de distintas mediciones del diámetro abdominal sagital y del perímetro de la cintura y analizar el poder discriminante de las mismas para predecir resistencia a la insulina. MÉTODOS: Se evaluaron a 190 varones adultos. El diámetro abdominal sagital (menor cintura, mayor diámetro abdominal, nivel umbilical y punto promedio entre las crestas ilíacas y el perímetro de la cintura (nivel

  11. Manobra de recrutamento alveolar e suporte ventilatorio perioperatorio em pacientes obesos submetidos a cirurgia abdominal

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    Luiz Alberto Forgiarini Junior


    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento da cirurgia abdominal proporcionou uma alternativa terapêutica para obesos mórbidos; entretanto, os pacientes submetidos a esse procedimento frequentemente apresentam complicações pulmonares pós-operatórias. Uma possível alternativa para a redução dessas complicações é a utilização da manobra de recrutamento alveolar e/ou estratégias ventilatórias perioperatórias, com foco na redução das complicações pulmonares pós-operatórias. Nesta revisão, são descritos os benefícios de estratégias ventilatórias perioperatórias, assim como a realização de manobra de recrutamento alveolar em pacientes obesos submetidos a cirurgia abdominal.

  12. Sustancias húmicas en aguas para abastecimiento

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    Miller Camargo Valero


    Full Text Available Las sustancias húmicas hacen parte de los productos de degradación de la materia orgánica del suelo y se incorporan a las aguas superficiales por la acción de lavado que realizan las aguas de escorrentía. Estas sustancias han sido reconocidas como precursores en la formación de subproductos de la desinfección con cloro libre en plantas de tratamiento de agua potable. Los subproductos de desinfección, compuestos orgánicos halogenados, se han catalogado como sustancias potencialmente cancerígenas en humanos, y por tanto el interés en conocer más sobre las sustancias precursoras, mecanismos de formación de subproductos de desinfección, situación nacional y métodos para disminuir su formación.

  13. Mejoramiento de la eficiencia de una extrusora de doble tornillo para fabricación de tubería


    Suescum, Juan A.; Rigail, Andres


    El rendimiento de las máquinas en una industria es de gran importancia en el momento de determinar los costos del producto elaborado. En este trabajo se enfocó la optimización en el uso de una extrusora de doble tornillo con la finalidad de disminuir los gastos generados por desechos y fallas de calidad. Para esto, se describió el proceso de extrusión, considerando la composición del compuesto, el diseño del molde y de los calibradores. Conociendo el proceso se logró identificar sus limita...

  14. Programa de intervención a nivel de extremidad inferior para mejorar la propiocepción en corredores


    Fierro Aja, Daniel; Perdigones Saiz, Lucía


    RESUMEN: Objetivo: El fin de este trabajo es contrastar dos grupos de ejercicios diferentes defendiendo que para disminuir la posibilidad de lesión, sobre todo en la transición de correr con calzado amortiguado a comenzar a correr lo más descalzo posible, merece la pena seguir una progresión lenta de adaptación, ya que tus pies necesitan mejorar su movilidad, fuerza y propiocepción., planteamos una serie de ejercicios de adaptación del pié frente a los ejercicios convencionales más conocidos....

  15. Soportes tridimensionales biodegradables basados en micropartículas para la regeneración del cartílago articular


    Zurriaga Carda, Javier


    Introducción El cartílago es una estructura viscoelástica, hipocelular, aneural, alinfático y avascular. Su función en el organismo consiste en el soporte y distribución de carga, soportando cerca de 10 millones ciclos carga/año. Gracias a sus propiedades biomecánicas, permite un movimiento casi libre de fricción al disminuir el coeficiente de rozamiento. Es por tanto de vital importancia para la correcta congruencia y función articular. Las lesiones cartilaginosas poseen escasa capacid...

  16. An abdominal tuberculosis case mimicking an abdominal mass

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    An abdominal tuberculosis case mimicking an abdominal mass. Derya Erdog˘ an a. , Yasemin Ta ¸scı Yıldız b. , Esin Cengiz Bodurog˘lu c and Naciye Go¨nu¨l Tanır d. Abdominal tuberculosis is rare in childhood. It may be difficult to diagnose as it mimics various disorders. We present a 12-year-old child with an unusual ...

  17. Abnormal brain MRI in a case of acute ataxia as the only sign of abdominal neuroblastoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Molla Mohammadi, M.; Karimzadeh, P.; Khatami, A.; Jadali, F.


    Ataxia is a movement disorder that may manifest an acute, intermittent, non progressive or chronic progressive course. Ataxia alone is rare as a para neoplastic sign, especially if it is due to neuroblastoma (abdominal or chest). We report an abdominal neuroblastoma in a two-year-old girl presenting with only acute ataxia and abnormal neuroimaging. Brain MRI showed abnormal signal finding in the medulla, pons, cortico spinal tract and the periventricular space. In the abdominal CT, a mass was detected in the right adrenal gland with calcification and the histopathologic examination re-vealed neuroblastoma. We suggest in children with acute ataxia, with or without opalescence-myoclonus, neuroblastoma should be considered.

  18. Diseño de voladuras de contorno para el laboreo de túneles

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    Yoandro Diéguez-García


    Full Text Available Se realiza el diseño de la voladura de contorno en el tramo II del túnel Levisa-Mayarí del Trasvase Este–Oeste, a través de una novedosa metodología que considera las propiedades de las sustancias explosivas y la acción de estas sobre el macizo de rocas. En el cálculo se considera el desacople de las cargas de cordón detonante en los barrenos de contorno y las cargas compactas de Senatel MagnafracTM para el grupo de barrenos de cuele y arranque. Los resultados después de la voladura permitieron disminuir la sobrexcavación en el túnel y obtener un área de la sección trasversal de laboreo cercana a la exigida por proyecto, lo que significa para la empresa un ahorro considerable de tiempo y recursos.

  19. Imagem corporal, estado nutricional, força de resistência abdominal e aptidão cardiorrespiratória de crianças e adolescentes praticantes de esportes Imagen corporal, estado nutricional, fuerza de resistencia abdominal y aptitud cardiorrespiratoria de niños y adolescentes practicantes de deportes Body image, nutritional status, abdominal strength, and cardiorespiratory fitness in children and adolescents practicing sports

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    Alexandre Schubert


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar se há associação entre estado nutricional, nível de aptidão física e imagem corporal em crianças e adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo transversal 401 estudantes (236 meninos e 165 meninas com idades entre 8 e 16 anos, praticantes de esportes nos clubes locais. Para o estado nutricional calculou-se o índice de massa corpórea. Foram avaliadas a satisfação com a imagem corporal, a força de resistência abdominal e a aptidão cardiorrespiratória. As variáveis foram analisadas no mesmo dia, seguindo ordem padronizada. Para verificar as associações entre as variáveis foi utilizado o teste do qui-quadrado. Posteriormente, a regressão logística binária foi aplicada para identificar a magnitude das associações, considerando-se significante pOBJETIVO: Verificar si hay asociación entre estado nutricional, nivel de aptitud física e imagen corporal en niños y adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Participaron de este estudio transversal 401 estudiantes (236 muchachos y 156 muchachas con edades entre 8 y 16 años. Para el estado nutricional se calculó el índice de masa corporal. Se evaluaron la satisfacción con la imagen corporal, la fuerza de resistencia abdominal y la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria. Las variables fueron analizadas en el mismo día, siguiendo orden estandarizado. Para verificar las asociaciones entre las variables se utilizó la prueba del chi-cuadrado. Posteriormente, se aplicó la regresión logística binaria para identificar la magnitud de las asociaciones, considerando como significante pOBJECTIVE: To verify the association between nutritional status, physical fitness, and body image in children and adolescents. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 401 students (236 boys and 165 girls aged between 8 and 16 years that were regularly enrolled in sports in the local clubs. The nutritional status was evaluated by the body mass index. Students were assessed for satisfaction with body

  20. Diseño e implementación de un modelo de enseñanza en ambiente simulado de paracentesis abdominal

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    Thomas Uslar


    Full Text Available El aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Medicina de Pregrado en ambiente simulado constituye una alternativa en la obtención de competencias técnicas y no técnicas. Objetivo: Desarrollar un fantoma e implementar un taller modular de entrenamiento de paracentesis abdominal en ambiente simulado para estudiantes de Medicina. Métodos: Se diseñaron y desarrollaron modelos para la realización de paracentesis abdominal en la Escuela de Diseño de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC y se implementó un taller para alumnos de 4to año de Medicina de la PUC, utilizando un enfoque constructivista, sesiones de entrenamiento simulado con debriefing basadas en el modelo plus-delta y evaluación pre y post-procedimiento siguiendo los principios de evaluación para el aprendizaje. Resultados: Se desarrollaron 3 prototipos hasta llegar a un modelo definitivo de alta fidelidad basado en la percepción de 20 expertos. 237 alumnos asistieron a un taller de paracentesis abdominal en el Centro de Cirugía Experimental y Simulación Universidad Católica (UC. Este consistió en una actividad práctica grupal (7-8 alumnos por sesión que incluyó: una evaluación pre-sesión, un vídeo instruccional, una demostración en tiempo real en el fantoma por parte de un docente, la realización guiada del procedimiento por parte de los alumnos, debriefing y cierre de la sesión. Conclusiones: Un modelo de enseñanza en ambiente simulado es posible de ser diseñado e implementado exitosamente en un centro educacional para estudiantes de Medicina de Pregrado. Este taller de paracentesis permite entrenar a los alumnos en la realización de paracentesis abdominal en un ambiente seguro para los alumnos y pacientes y puede ser implementado a bajo costo en otros centros o instituciones.

  1. Existen ventajas en el abordaje extraperitoneal para el tratamiento del aneurisma de aorta abdominal? Are there advantages in the extraperitoneal approach for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm?

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    Heinz Hiller


    Full Text Available Existen controversias acerca de las posibles ventajas del abordaje transperitoneal vs. extraperitoneal en la cirugía de aneurisma de aorta abdominal; con este último, algunos estudios reportan menor morbilidad y complicaciones operatorias. Este estudio describe los resultados que se obtuvieron con los dos abordajes en un solo centro de referencia. Es un estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, de doce años, en un grupo de 299 pacientes con diagnóstico de aneurisma de aorta abdominal que fueron intervenidos de manera electiva y distribuidos en dos grupos según el abordaje (transperitoneal = grupo 1, extraperitoneal = grupo 2. En total se operaron 93 pacientes en el grupo 1 y 206 pacientes en el 2. En ambos predominaron pacientes del sexo masculino. La edad media fue de 68 años. Las frecuencias de co-morbilidades fueron similares en los dos grupos. Se registró una tendencia a menor número de reoperaciones en el grupo 2 (12,9% vs. 5,8%, De otra parte, se observó una tendencia de mayores complicaciones post-operatorias en el grupo 1 con una frecuencia de 30,1% vs. 12,6% en el grupo 2; sin embargo, el tipo de complicaciones fue similar. Los resultados mostraron una estancia hospitalaria media de 13,3 días (DE ± 10,4 vs. 7,19 días (DE ± 4,20 p= 0,00001, estancia post-operatoria media de 9,16 días (DE ± 8,1 vs. 5,62 días (DE ± 3,46 p= 0,001 y estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos media de 2,76 días (DE ± 4,19 vs. 1,56 días (DE ± 1,86 p= 0,00001 en los grupos 1 y 2 respectivamente. La mortalidad inmediata total fue de 3,3%. La frecuencia de mortalidad para los grupos fue de 6,5% (n= 6 vs. 1,9% (n= 4 respectivamente. En nuestra experiencia el abordaje por la vía extraperitoneal presenta una tendencia favorable para los pacientes en cuanto a la estancia hospitalaria, la estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, la frecuencia de complicaciones post-operatorias y la frecuencia de re-intervenciones en el post-operatorio inmediato

  2. Dolor abdominal recurrente (DAR) o crónico en niños y adolescentes


    Y. Mónica González, Dra.; H. Francisca Corona, Dra.


    El dolor abdominal crónico es muy frecuente en la edad pediátrica. Los criterios de Roma III permiten hacer el diagnóstico de las diferentes entidades con dolor abdominal funcional, en base a la sintomatología, y no como de exclusión. Actualmente se propone una etiología biopsicosocial, que obliga a una aproximación integrada para ofrecer tratamiento centrado en la sintomatología de cada paciente pudiendo combinarse cambios en la alimentación, fármacos e intervenciones psicosociales. Aunque l...

  3. Ratos isogênicos F344 como modelo biológico de sepsis intra-abdominal

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    Sueli Blanes Damy


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de estudar um modelo biológico de sepsis intra-abdominal aguda para estudos experimentais, foram infectados ratos isogênicos F344, convencionais, com a bactéria Escherichia coli (E.coli, cepa ATCC 11775, sorotipo H7:O1:K1. Os animais inoculados, machos e fêmeas, apresentaram 6 horas após a inoculação por E.coli os seguintes sintomas: arqueamento do dorso, piloereção, hiperpnéia e diminuição das atividades motoras. A dose que produziu 50% de mortalidade (DL50 após 7 dias, determinada pelo método Reed & Muench, foi de 6 x 10(5 CFU/ml (analisado em 32 machos e 32 fêmeas. A maior concentração de mortalidade foi observada nas primeiras 24 horas. A disfunção hepática, comum em sepsis intra-abdominal, foi avaliada por provas enzimáticas, em 0, 24, 48 e 168 horas após a inoculação. O estudo da migração de células polimorfonucleares-neutrófilos (PMN e mononucleares-macrófagos (MN apontou um aumento significante de PMN entre o grupos de machos (z ³ 4,7; p < 0,003 e de fêmeas (z ³ 6,2; p < 0,0003 inoculados E.coli, quando comparados ao grupos controles. Quanto às células MN, não houve diferença entre os grupos inoculados e os controles, tanto para os machos (z=2,3; p = 0,0107, como para as fêmeas (z=1,8; p =0,0359. Em conclusão, estes resultados demonstram que os ratos isogênicos F344 são modelos biológicos adequados para estudos de sepsis intra-abdominal aguda.

  4. Propuesta de un sistema de seguridad y salud ocupacional para una empresa del sector de mecánica automotriz


    UPC, Repositorio Academico; Rodríguez Páez, Nadya Leyla


    Se estudia la situación actual de una pequeña y mediana empresa (MYPE) que pertenece al sector de mecánica automotriz, la cual presenta el problema de sobrecostos por el incremento del número de accidentes y enfermedades ocupacionales. Ante esta situación, se propone establecer un sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional que contribuya a disminuir el número de accidentes de trabajo y los sobrecostos ocasionados por ellos. Para ello, se deberá estudiar las actuales condiciones de lo...

  5. Razones para reducir el consumo de alcohol en universitarios

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    Karina Conde


    Full Text Available Las razones para reducir el consumo de alcohol pueden ser definidas como motivos que llevan a una persona a disminuir el consumo de alcohol o mantener la sobriedad. Este tema suele ser poco estudiado, particularmente en países latinoamericanos y en poblaciones en riesgo. El objetivo de esta investigación de diseño secuencial exploratorio fue explorar las razones para cambiar el consumo de alcohol en universitarios que lo hayan modificado (N = 100, de la ciudad de Mar del Plata, Argentina, con una pregunta abierta. A su vez, la descripción se realizó sobre la base de la experiencia previa de consumo excesivo episódico del alcohol, trastornos por uso de alcohol, y el sexo de los participantes. Los resultados indican que el motivo más frecuente es el disgusto o indiferencia por la sustancia en casi todos los grupos considerados. Sin embargo, cuando el trastorno por uso de alcohol fue grave o moderado, se observaron diferencias. Se discuten los aportes teóricos de la investigación, entre ellos, comprender qué lleva a cada grupo a cambiar su consumo alcohol, y las implicancias para el desarrollo de intervenciones específicas basadas en esta información.

  6. Intra-abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome in association with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm in the endovascular era: vigilance remains critical. (United States)

    Bozeman, Matthew C; Ross, Charles B


    Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) are common complications of ruptured abdominal aortoiliac aneurysms (rAAAs) and other abdominal vascular catastrophes even in the age of endovascular therapy. Morbidity and mortality due to systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and multiple organ failure (MOF) are significant. Recognition and management of IAH are key critical care measures which may decrease morbidity and improve survival in these vascular patients. Two strategies have been utilized: expectant management with prompt decompressive laparotomy upon diagnosis of threshold levels of IAH versus prophylactic, delayed abdominal closure based upon clinical parameters at the time of initial repair. Competent management of the abdominal wound with preservation of abdominal domain is also an important component of the care of these patients. In this review, we describe published experience with IAH and ACS complicating abdominal vascular catastrophes, experience with ACS complicating endovascular repair of rAAAs, and techniques for management of the abdominal wound. Vigilance and appropriate management of IAH and ACS remains critically important in decreasing morbidity and optimizing survival following catastrophic intra-abdominal vascular events.

  7. Castleman Disease Presenting as an Abdominal Mass. (United States)

    Shariati, Farnaz; Verter, Elizabeth; Chang, Wendy; Huang, Li; Joshi, Virendra


    Unicentric Castleman disease is a rare condition of lymphoid hyperplasia, of which only 15% of cases occur in the abdomen. We report a 66-year-old man who presented with complaints of abdominal pain. Computed tomography scans revealed nephrolithiasis and a homogeneous calcified mass between the pancreas and stomach and several para-pancreatic nodes. Direct visualization during exploratory laparotomy revealed a mass on the lesser curvature of the stomach. Pyloromyotomy and mass resection were performed. Biopsy showed reactive lymphoid hyperplasia consistent with the hyaline vascular variant of Castleman disease.

  8. Abdominal trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giordany, B.R.


    Abdominal injury is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in childhood. Ten percent of trauma-related deaths are due to abdominal injury. Thousands of children are involved in auto accidents annually; many suffer severe internal injury. Child abuse is a second less frequent but equally serious cause of internal abdominal injury. The descriptions of McCort and Eisenstein and their associates in the 1960s first brought to attention the frequency and severity of visceral injury as important manifestations of the child abuse syndrome. Blunt abdominal trauma often causes multiple injuries; in the past, many children have been subjected to exploratory surgery to evaluate the extent of possible hidden injury. Since the advent of noninvasive radiologic imaging techniques including radionuclide scans and ultrasound and, especially, computed tomography (CT), the radiologist has been better able to assess (accurately) the extent of abdominal injury and thus allow conservative therapy in many cases. Penetrating abdominal trauma occurs following gunshot wounds, stabbing, and other similar injury. This is fortunately, a relatively uncommon occurrence in most pediatric centers and will not be discussed specifically here, although many principles of blunt trauma diagnosis are valid for evaluation of penetrating abdominal trauma. If there is any question that a wound has extended intraperitonelly, a sinogram with water-soluble contrast material allows quick, accurate diagnosis. The presence of large amounts of free intraperitoneal gas suggests penetrating injury to the colon or other gas-containing viscus and is generally considered an indication for surgery

  9. Morbilidad y mortalidad por traumatismo abdominal (2002 a 2004 Mortality and morbidity from abdominal trauma (2002-2004

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    Carlos A Sánchez Portela


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y longitudinal entre el 1ro. de enero de 2002 y el 31 de diciembre de 2004, cuyo universo estuvo constituido por los 123 pacientes con el diagnóstico de traumatismo abdominal, ingresados en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital General Universitario «Abel Santamaría Cuadrado» (Pinar del Río. Se tomaron los datos primarios de las historias clínicas y se utilizó el método de análisis porcentual y la frecuencia absoluta para todas las variables medidas. En el estudio predominaron las edades entre 21 y 30 años (54 pacientes; 39,4 %. El mecanismo de lesión productor de trauma de abdomen más frecuente fue el accidente de tránsito (57 pacientes; 46,54 % y existió, además, predominio del traumatismo abdominal cerrado. Los pacientes que llegaron al hospital durante la primera hora de ocurrido el traumatismo (90,24 % tuvieron una evolución satisfactoria y la menor mortalidad (4,07 %. La punción abdominal fue el medio diagnóstico de más valor (83,08 % de positividad. El hígado y el bazo fueron los órganos más lesionados en estos pacientes. El shock hipovolémico (48,18 % y la peritonitis generalizada (22,63 % fueron las complicaciones más observadas. El shock hipovolémico fue la principal causa de muerteA retrospective, longitudinal and descriptive was performed on 123 patients diagnosed with abdominal trauma from January 1st, 2002 to December 31st, 2004 and admitted to General Surgery service of “Abel Santamaría Cuadrado” general university hospital in Pínar del Río province. Primary data were taken from the medical histories, using the method of percentage analysis and absolute frequency for all measured variables. The 21-30 years age group was predominant (54 patients, 39,4 %. The most common mechanism of abdominal trauma-causing lesion was traffic accidents (57 patients; 46,54 %. Blunt abdominal trauma prevailed. The patients that arrived at the hospital within the

  10. Diseño e instalación de una red industrial para el control de 2 líneas de transportadores de periódicos y control de consumo de tinta negra en planta sur de diario El Universo


    Zhagui Quirola, Andrés Gabriel


    La red MPI instalada en el diario El Universo, mejora los procesos necesarios para la impresión del diario; elimina las islas que antes funcionaban. Los anteriores procesos utilizaban controladores lógicos de diferentes marcas, dificultando su comunicación. La implementación exigió modernizar ciertos procesos que intervienen en la producción e integrarlos dentro de la red MPI; logrando: facilitar su operación a los prensistas, disminuir el tiempo de paro e identificar fallas. Para realizar la...

  11. Excesso de peso e gordura abdominal para a síndrome metabólica em nipo-brasileiros

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    Lerario Daniel D G


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A obesidade, especialmente de distribuição abdominal, associa-se a fatores de risco cardiovasculares como a dislipidemia, a hipertensão arterial (HA e o diabetes mellitus (DM. A importância desses fatores em nipo-brasileiros foi previamente demonstrada, apesar de a obesidade não ser característica marcante dos migrantes japoneses. Realizou-se estudo com o objetivo de avaliar a prevalência de excesso de peso e a adiposidade central (AC em nipo-brasileiros e suas relações com distúrbios metabólicos. MÉTODOS: A amostra incluiu 530 nipo-brasileiros (40-79 anos de primeira e segunda gerações, submetidos a medidas antropométricas de pressão arterial, perfil lipídico e teste oral de tolerância à glicose. A prevalência (por ponto e intervalo de confiança de excesso de peso foi calculada pelo valor de corte >26,4 kg/m². O diagnóstico de AC foi baseado na razão entre as circunferências da cintura e do quadril (RCQ, sendo que valores > ou = 0,85 e > ou = 0,95, para mulheres e homens, respectivamente, firmavam esse diagnóstico. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de excesso de peso foi de 22,4% (IC95%-- 20,6-28,1, e a de AC, de 67,0% (IC95% -- 63,1-70,9. Além de maiores prevalências de DM, HA e dislipidemia, estratificando-se pelo índice de massa corporal (IMC e RCQ, indivíduos com excesso de peso e adiposidade central apresentaram pior perfil metabólico: a pressão arterial foi significantemente maior naqueles com excesso de peso, sem e com AC; indivíduos com AC apresentaram maiores índices de glicemia, triglicerídeos, colesterol total e LDL e menor HDL quando comparados aos sem excesso de peso e sem AC; a insulinemia de jejum foi significantemente maior em indivíduos com excesso de peso (sem e com AC do que naqueles sem excesso de peso e sem AC. CONCLUSÃO: A comparação de subgrupos com e sem adiposidade central foi compatível com a hipótese de que a deposição abdominal de gordura representa fator de risco para

  12. Excesso de peso e gordura abdominal para a síndrome metabólica em nipo-brasileiros

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    Daniel D G Lerario


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A obesidade, especialmente de distribuição abdominal, associa-se a fatores de risco cardiovasculares como a dislipidemia, a hipertensão arterial (HA e o diabetes mellitus (DM. A importância desses fatores em nipo-brasileiros foi previamente demonstrada, apesar de a obesidade não ser característica marcante dos migrantes japoneses. Realizou-se estudo com o objetivo de avaliar a prevalência de excesso de peso e a adiposidade central (AC em nipo-brasileiros e suas relações com distúrbios metabólicos. MÉTODOS: A amostra incluiu 530 nipo-brasileiros (40-79 anos de primeira e segunda gerações, submetidos a medidas antropométricas de pressão arterial, perfil lipídico e teste oral de tolerância à glicose. A prevalência (por ponto e intervalo de confiança de excesso de peso foi calculada pelo valor de corte >26,4 kg/m². O diagnóstico de AC foi baseado na razão entre as circunferências da cintura e do quadril (RCQ, sendo que valores > ou = 0,85 e > ou = 0,95, para mulheres e homens, respectivamente, firmavam esse diagnóstico. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de excesso de peso foi de 22,4% (IC95%-- 20,6-28,1, e a de AC, de 67,0% (IC95% -- 63,1-70,9. Além de maiores prevalências de DM, HA e dislipidemia, estratificando-se pelo índice de massa corporal (IMC e RCQ, indivíduos com excesso de peso e adiposidade central apresentaram pior perfil metabólico: a pressão arterial foi significantemente maior naqueles com excesso de peso, sem e com AC; indivíduos com AC apresentaram maiores índices de glicemia, triglicerídeos, colesterol total e LDL e menor HDL quando comparados aos sem excesso de peso e sem AC; a insulinemia de jejum foi significantemente maior em indivíduos com excesso de peso (sem e com AC do que naqueles sem excesso de peso e sem AC. CONCLUSÃO: A comparação de subgrupos com e sem adiposidade central foi compatível com a hipótese de que a deposição abdominal de gordura representa fator de risco para

  13. Reconstrucción de las secuelas de la pared abdominal en pacientes con extrofia de cloaca Reconstruction of abdominal wall sequelae in patients with cloacal extrophy

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    P. Iwanyk


    Full Text Available Los defectos abdominales congénitos de la línea media inferior, como la extrofia cloacal, se producen por fallos en el mesodermo entre la región umbilical y la membrana cloacal provocando severos defectos viscerales, musculares y óseos. Los reiterados intentos para la reconstrucción de los tractos intestinal y génitourinario en este tipo de malformaciones, pueden ocasionar secuelas graves en la pared malformada. La complejidad de esta malformación y los numerosos procedimientos a los que deben ser sometidos estos pacientes, requieren de un abordaje interdisciplinario desde el inicio del tratamiento y en cada una de las etapas reconstructivas a fin de evitar, al máximo, las lesiones de los tejidos abdominales para lograr, al final, una pared adecuada. Presentamos 2 casos de reconstrucción de la pared abdominal en sendos pacientes de sexo femenino con secuelas importantes de extrofia cloacal, utilizando tejidos expandidos, colgajos musculares y complementando el tratamiento en una de las pacientes con una malla protésica. En ambos casos, y a pesar de la falta de tejido provocada por la malformación y las secuelas de múltiples cirugías, obtuvimos un buen resultado funcional y estético.Abdominal congenital defects of the middle line have their origin in developmental faults of mesoderm between the umbilical region and the cloacal membrane, originating visceral, muscular and osseous defects in the abdominal wall. Repeated attempts to reconstruct the intestinal and genitourinary tract here and in other malformations, can cause serious sequeals in the previously deformed abdominal wall. We present 2 cases of abdominal wall reconstruction in patients with serious sequelae of cloacal extrophy. Complexity of this malformation calls for an interdisciplinary treatment to avoid the severe damage that may be caused during reconstructive attempts. In spite of lack of tissue because of the malformation and the sequelae of multiple surgeries we

  14. Estudio de viabilidad para la implantación de un nuevo sistema de push-back en el aeropuerto de Barajas


    Martí Soler, Ferran


    Bibliografia En el presente trabajo se realiza el estudio de viabilidad para la implantación de un nuevo sistema de push-back en el aeropuerto de Barajas. Con este nuevo sistema push-back, las aeronaves serían remolcadas desde plataforma hasta pie de pista y viceversa durante el horario nocturno, con el objetivo de disminuir costes en carburante y la reducción de emisiones contaminantes. El trabajo presenta un análisis de los diferentes aspectos técnicos, operacionales, legales y económico...

  15. Ergonomía del conductor de automóvil para la prevención de lesiones en accidentes de tráfico


    Jordá Rodrigo, Pablo; Meroño Gallut, Antonio Javier


    Introducción: los accidentes de tráfico se han convertido en los pases desarrollados en una de las primeras causas de muerte y discapacidad. Se trata de un problema con repercusiones sociales, sanitarias, económicas y judiciales que puede y debe ser objeto de estudio por parte de todos los colectivos implicados de forma directa o indirecta en el problema. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal el análisis de la posición correcta del conductor para disminuir la gravedad ...

  16. Abdominal ultrasonography in the diagnostic work-up in children with recurrent abdominal pain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wewer, Anne Vibeke; Strandberg, C; Pærregaard, Anders


    We report on our experience with routine abdominal ultrasonography in 120 children (aged 3-15 years) with recurrent abdominal pain, in order to determine the diagnostic value of this investigation. Eight children (7%) revealed sonographic abnormalities: gallbladder stone (n = 2), splenomegaly (n...... = 1) and urogenital abnormalities (n = 5). The recurrent abdominal pain could be explained by these findings in only two (may be three) cases. CONCLUSION: The diagnostic value of abdominal ultrasonography in unselected children with recurrent abdominal pain is low. However, the direct visualization...... of the abdominal structures as being normal may be helpful to the parents and the child in their understanding and acceptance of the benign nature of recurrent abdominal pain....

  17. Problemas de fonética española para los estudiantes tailandeses: propuesta de ejercicios

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    Penpisa Srivoranart


    Full Text Available La pronunciación es clave para la conversación entre un nativo y un extranjero,o bien entre los extranjeros, como podemos ver en la gran cantidad de casos de malentendidos producidos a causa de la mala pronunciación. Por consiguiente, el profesor de E/LE debe tener en cuenta este aspecto desde el principio del aprendizaje e intentar eliminar o disminuir lo máximo posible los problemas y las dificultades de sus alumnos. En este trabajo señalaremos los problemas de pronunciación de los alumnos tailandeses de español y, como siguiente paso, propondremos unos ejercicios que sirven para la enseñanza de ciertas cuestiones fonéticas con el objetivo de que los alumnos tailandeses de español puedan pronunciar bien y, al mismo tiempo, distinguir las diferencias entre unos sonidos y otros.

  18. Cultivo de meristemas, termo y quimioterapia en chayote (Sechium edule Jacq. Sw.) para la erradicación del virus del mosaico del chayote (ChMV)


    Abdelnour-Esquivel, Ana; Bermudez, L.C.; Rivera, C; Alvarenga-Venutolo, Silvana


    Recientemente se identificó en Costa Rica una nueva enfermedad viral en chayote, denominada "virus del mosaico del chayote" (ChMV, Chayote mosaic virus). Además de disminuir los rendimientos, esta enfermedad causa reducciones y malformación de los frutos, lo que eventualmente podría incidir en el incremento de frutos rechazados para la exportación. La enfermedad puede ser transmitida durante la propagación vegetativa y por la semilla. El cultivo de meristemas se utiliza en muchas ...

  19. The value of plain abdominal radiographs in management of abdominal emergencies in Luth. (United States)

    Ashindoitiang, J A; Atoyebi, A O; Arogundade, R A


    The plain abdominal x-ray is still the first imaging modality in diagnosis of acute abdomen. The aim of this study was to find the value of plain abdominal x-ray in the management of abdominal emergencies seen in Lagos university teaching hospital. The accurate diagnosis of the cause of acute abdominal pain is one of the most challenging undertakings in emergency medicine. This is due to overlapping of clinical presentation and non-specific findings of physical and even laboratory data of the multifarious causes. Plain abdominal radiography is one investigation that can be obtained readily and within a short period of time to help the physician arrive at a correct diagnosis The relevance of plain abdominal radiography was therefore evaluated in the management of abdominal emergencies seen in Lagos over a 12 month period (April 2002 to March 2003). A prospective study of 100 consecutively presenting patients with acute abdominal conditions treated by the general surgical unit of Lagos University Teaching Hospital was undertaken. All patients had supine and erect abdominal x-ray before any therapeutic intervention was undertaken. The diagnostic features of the plain films were compared with final diagnosis to determine the usefulness of the plain x-ray There were 54 males and 46 females (M:F 1.2:1). Twenty-four percent of the patients had intestinal obstruction, 20% perforated typhoid enteritis; gunshot injuries and generalized peritonitis each occurred in 13%, blunt abdominal trauma in 12%, while 8% and 10% had acute appendicitis and perforated peptic ulcer disease respectively. Of 100 patients studied, 54% had plain abdominal radiographs that showed positive diagnostic features. Plain abdominal radiograph showed high sensitivity in patients with intestinal obstruction 100% and perforated peptic ulcer 90% but was less sensitive in patients with perforated typhoid, acute appendicitis, and blunt abdominal trauma and generalized peritonitis. In conclusion, this study

  20. Barreras y oportunidades para el desarrollo de comunidades energéticas sostenibles en España. Estudio comparativo con Estados Unidos y Alemania


    Romero Rubio, María del Carmen


    Las comunidades energéticas sostenibles son organizaciones en las que sus miembros se implican fuertemente para gestionar su propia energía, generarla con la máxima eficiencia y utilizar fuentes renovables. Estas comunidades aprovechan, en la medida de lo posible, los recursos locales de que disponen (energía solar, eólica, biomasa, etc.), con el fin de aumentar su autonomía y disminuir la dependencia de suministros externos. Dentro de un sistema de generación distribuida, las comunidades...

  1. Evaluation of the levels of metalloproteinsase-2 in patients with abdominal aneurysm and abdominal hernias. (United States)

    Antoszewska, Magdalena


    Abdominal aortic aneurysms and abdominal hernias become an important health problems of our times. Abdominal aortic aneurysm and its rupture is one of the most dangerous fact in vascular surgery. There are some theories pointing to a multifactoral genesis of these kinds of diseases, all of them assume the attenuation of abdominal fascia and abdominal aortic wall. The density and continuity of these structures depend on collagen and elastic fibers structure. Reducing the strength of the fibers may be due to changes in the extracellular matrix (ECM) by the proteolytic enzymes-matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) that degrade extracellular matrix proteins. These enzymes play an important role in the development of many disease: malignant tumors (colon, breast, lung, pancreas), cardiovascular disease (myocardial infarction, ischemia-reperfusion injury), connective tissue diseases (Ehler-Danlos Syndrome, Marfan's Syndrome), complications of diabetes (retinopathy, nephropathy). One of the most important is matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2). The aim of the study was an estimation of the MMP-2 blood levels in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm and primary abdominal hernia, and in patients with only abdominal aortic aneurysm. The study involved 88 patients aged 42 to 89 years, including 75 men and 13 women. Patients were divided into two groups: patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm and primary abdominal hernia (45 persons, representing 51.1% of all group) and patients with only abdominal aortic aneurysm (43 persons, representing 48,9% of all group). It was a statistically significant increase in MMP-2 blood levels in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm and primary abdominal hernia compared to patients with only abdominal aortic aneurysm. It was a statistically significant increase in the prevalence of POCHP in patients with only abdominal aortic aneurysm compared to patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm and primary abdominal hernia. Statistically significant

  2. Criterios y metodología para la determinación de los parámetros dinámicos y cinemáticos para la remotorización.

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    M. Cárdenas Garnier


    Full Text Available La remotorización, ha significado una valiosa opción para solucionar los problemas que se presentan en los medios de transporte para alargar la vida útil a los equipos existentes, para disminuir los altos consumos de combustible, o bien porque en ocasiones se hace imposible adquirir el motor y la caja de velocidades originales del vehículo. En el presente trabajo se discuten los criterios mínimos y necesarios, así como la metodología para el cálculo de los parámetros o indicadores que se han seleccionado como criterio para la comparación de las variantes entre si (motor original y motor nuevo, se llega a resultados sobre la propuesta y se presentan conclusiones y recomendaciones al respecto. Title: Criteria and methodology for the determination of dynamic and cinematic parameters for engine exchange.Engine exchange is a valuable option to solve the problems that show up in the means of transportation to increase the useful life of the existent vehicles in order to decrease the high consumptions of fuel, or because to acquire the original engine and gearbox of vehicle sometimes becomes impossible. Present paper discussed minimal and necessary criteria, as well as the methodology for the calculation of the parameters or indicators that are been selected as a comparison criteria among the considered variants (original and new engine, this allows reach results about proposal, conclusions are presented.

  3. Utilización del método de superficie de respuesta para formular una base de banano (Musa AAA para batidos

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    Marta Gamboa White


    Full Text Available El Método de Superficie de Respuesta se utiliza para optimizar o reformular productos. Se usa principalmente para economizar dinero y reducir el tiempo de pruebas, al disminuir el número de ensayos. Se presenta la aplicación del Método de Superficie de Respuesta para desarrollar una base a partir de bananos (Musa AAA var. Cavendish cv. Gran Enano de rechazo de exportación a manera de caso para estudiar su uso. Por medio de una encuesta se identificó que el dulzor, espumosidad y sabor fueron los atributos que los consumidores consideraron más importantes en un batido. Con base en estos atributos y con los ingredientes: pulpa de banano, goma guar y azúcar, se elaboraron y seleccionaron varias mezclas base, que fueron degustadas, en forma de batidos en leche, por un grupo de 90 consumidores. Por medio del diseño de superficie de respuesta se determinó que el batido con la mayor aceptación estuvo constituido por un 77,0 % de leche y un 23,0 % de mezcla base, compuesta esta última por 0,12 % de goma guar, 80,50 % de pulpa de banano y un 19,50 % de azúcar. Un Análisis de Componentes Principales permitió determinar que el contenido de sacarosa, que define el grado de dulzor, fue el atributo más importante para la aceptación del batido y se demostró que la combinación del Método de Superficie de Respuesta con el Análisis de Componentes Principales constituyó una herramienta útil en la formulación y optimización de productos, sobre todo para entender la interrelación de las variables.

  4. Prevalencia de los factores de riesgo para toxoplasmosis congénita en maternas

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    Yolanda Torres de Galvis


    Full Text Available

    La toxoplasmosis a pesar de no ser una causa frecuente de infección en la gestante, sí constituye un factor de riesgo para el binomio madre-hijo. En nuestro medio la incapacidad para hacer un diagnóstico prenatal precoz y específico es muy grande debido a los costos; por lo tanto, la estrategia para disminuir este problema es principalmente la prevención. La toxoplasmosis congénita adquiere importancia cuando ocurre como primoinfección en la mujer embarazada, ocasionando anormalidades fetales. Los principales factores de riesgo están asociados a la convivencia con felinos.
    En la ciudad de Medellín se han desarrollado dos estudios sobre el
    tema: uno en el sector oficial con prevalencia de infección en gestantes del 38% (610 mujeres, y el segundo una encuesta en Susalud con 200 mujeres maternas en el que se encontró que el 86% de ellas desconocían la enfermedad, un 14.5% convivían con gatos, y el 27.6% comían carne mal cocida.


  5. Estudios de intervención dirigidos a disminuir el riesgo de padecer diabetes mellitus tipo 2 Intervention studies aimed at lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    José Luis Valenciaga Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Los estudios de intervención en población de riesgo, dirigidos a disminuir la frecuencia de la aparición de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM 2, son considerados orientadores para el enfoque del trabajo con esos pacientes. El objetivo del presente estudio es revisar los resultados de investigaciones dirigidas a disminuir el riesgo de padecer DM 2. Los sujetos estudiados presentaban alguna de las siguientes condiciones: glucosa alterada en ayunas (GAA o tolerancia a la glucosa alterada (TGA, antecedente personal de diabetes gestacional y síndrome metabólico. Se citan, entre otros, DPP (diabetes prevention program, DPS (diabetes prevention study, STOP-NIDDM (study to prevent non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, Hiperglucemia en ayunas, DAISI (dutch acarbose intervention trial, Da Quing (estudio chino, TRIPOD (troglitazone In the prevention of diabetes, intervención, XENDOS (xenical in the prevention of diabetes in obese subjects, WOSCOPS (west of scotland coronary prevention study, EDIT (early diabetes intervención trial, NAVIGATOR (nateglinide and valsartan in impaired glucose tolerance outcomes research, DREAM (diabetes reduction assessment with ramipril and rosiglitazone medication. Estos consistían en cambios de estilo de vida (fundamentalmente ejercicios físicos sistemáticos y orientaciones nutricionales y/o intervenciones terapéuticas. Se concluye que en personas con 25 o más años de edad de ambos sexos, con riesgo de padecer DM 2, la adopción de un estilo de vida saludable logra disminuir el riesgo de padecer el síndrome diabético. En sujetos con alto riesgo de DM 2, los fármacos que reportan mejores y más consistentes resultados son el metformin y la acarbosa. Otros como la nateglidina, rosiglitazona, ramipril y valsartan, se están investigando actualmente.Intervention studies on population at risk aimed at lowering the frequency of occurrence of type 2 diabetes mellitus(DM2 are considered as guiding lines for the work

  6. Focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) in blunt paediatric abdominal trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faruque, A. V.; Qazi, S. H.; Khan, M. A. M.


    Objective: To evaluate the role of focussed abdominal sonography for trauma in blunt paediatric abdominal trauma patients, and to see if the role of computed tomography scan could be limited to only those cases in which sonography was positive. Methods: The retrospective study covered 10 years, from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2009, and was conducted at the Department of Radiology and Department of Emergency Medicine, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi. It comprised cases of 174 children from birth to 14 years who had presented with blunt abdominal trauma and had focussed abdominal sonography for trauma done at the hospital. The findings were correlated with computed tomography scan of the abdomen and clinical follow-up. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy of focussed abdominal sonography for trauma were calculated for blunt abdominal trauma. SPSS 17 was used for statistical analysis. Results: Of the total 174 cases, 31 (17.81%) were later confirmed by abdominal scan. Of these 31 children, sonography had been positive in 29 (93.54%) children. In 21 (67.74%) of the 31 children, sonography had been true positive; 8 (25%) (8/31) were false positive; and 2 (6%) (2/31) were false negative. There were 6 (19.3%) children in which sonography was positive and converted to laparotomy. There was no significant difference on account of gender (p>0.356). Focussed abdominal sonography for trauma in the study had sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95%, positive predictive value of 73%, and negative predictive value of 73% with accuracy of 94%. All patients who had negative sonography were discharged later, and had no complication on clinical follow-up. Conclusions: Focussed abdominal sonography for trauma is a fairly reliable mode to assess blunt abdominal trauma in children. It is a useful tool to pick high-grade solid and hollow viscous injury. The results suggest that the role of computed tomography scan can be

  7. Focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) in blunt paediatric abdominal trauma. (United States)

    Faruque, Ahmad Vaqas; Qazi, Saqib Hamid; Khan, Muhammad Arif Mateen; Akhtar, Wassem; Majeed, Amina


    To evaluate the role of focussed abdominal sonography for trauma in blunt paediatric abdominal trauma patients, and to see if the role of computed tomography scan could be limited to only those cases in which sonography was positive. The retrospective study covered 10 years, from January 1,2000 to December 31,2009, and was conducted at the Department of Radiology and Department of Emergency Medicine, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi. It comprised cases of 174 children from birth to 14 years who had presented with blunt abdominal trauma and had focussed abdominal sonography for trauma done at the hospital. The findings were correlated with computed tomography scan of the abdomen and clinical follow-up. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy of focussed abdominal sonography for trauma were calculated for blunt abdominal trauma. SPSS 17 was used for statistical analysis. Of the total 174 cases, 31 (17.81%) were later confirmed by abdominal scan. Of these 31 children, sonography had been positive in 29 (93.54%) children. In 21 (67.74%) of the 31 children, sonograpy had been true positive; 8 (25%) (8/31) were false positive; and 2 (6%) (2/31) were false negative. There were 6 (19.3%) children in which sonography was positive and converted to laparotomy. There was no significant difference on account of gender (p>0.356). Focussed abdominal sonography for trauma in the study had sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95%, positive predictive value of 73%, and negative predictive value of 73% with accuracy of 94%. All patients who had negative sonography were discharged later, and had no complication on clinical follow-up. Focussed abdominal sonography for trauma is a fairly reliable mode to assess blunt abdominal trauma in children. It is a useful tool to pick high-grade solid and hollow viscous injury. The results suggest that the role of computed tomography scan can be limited to those cases in which focussed

  8. Obesity-Associated Abdominal Elephantiasis

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    Ritesh Kohli


    Full Text Available Abdominal elephantiasis is a rare entity. Abdominal elephantiasis is an uncommon, but deformative and progressive cutaneous disease caused by chronic lymphedema and recurrent streptococcal or Staphylococcus infections of the abdominal wall. We present 3 cases of patients with morbid obesity who presented to our hospital with abdominal wall swelling, thickening, erythema, and pain. The abdominal wall and legs were edematous, with cobblestone-like, thickened, hyperpigmented, and fissured plaques on the abdomen. Two patients had localised areas of skin erythema, tenderness, and increased warmth. There was purulent drainage from the abdominal wall in one patient. They were managed with antibiotics with some initial improvement. Meticulous skin care and local keratolytic treatment for the lesions were initiated with limited success due to their late presentation. All three patients refused surgical therapy. Conclusion. Early diagnosis is important for the treatment of abdominal elephantiasis and prevention of complications.

  9. Simuladores para entrenamientos en la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana

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    José Fernando Sizza Moreno


    Full Text Available La simulación es una técnica que compromete ingeniería de software, ingeniería mecánica e ingeniería electrónica, además de emulación, que definen los modelos matemáticos para dotar a una máquina especificaciones funcionales, para la apariencia en tiempo real de comportamientos idénticos a los de su contraparte a imitar. Asimismo, emular es una reproducción de las operaciones de otro, intentando igualarlas e incluso excederlas. De esta manera, una máquina se dota con la simulación y la emulación en tiempo real, diseñando máquinas capaces de imitar y remedar otras, sin los riesgos, humanos o de infraestructura que involucra en la realidad, con la emulación acorde con la máquina a igualar. El entrenamiento puede ejecutarse en este tipo de máquinas, para proporcionar y evaluar las habilidades necesarias a desarrollarse en la vida real, con el fin de disminuir los costos y los tiempos que implican. Es así que el objetivo de este artículo es proporcionar una visión sobre simuladores aeronáuticos puestos en práctica en la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana.

  10. “Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una microempresa procesadora de desechos orgánicos para la obtención de compost y su comercialización a los pequeños y medianos agricultores de la Provincia de Chimborazo en la Parroquia Yaruquíes.”


    Sánchez Tene, Daysi Elizabeth


    RE Implementado el proyecto de producción del Compost se puede disminuir la basura y se verá una mayor duración de los rellenos sanitarios, además provee una iniciativa y alternativa que ayude a contrarrestar la contaminación, aportando cambios positivos en el medio ambiente (aire y tierra). Ésta investigación consta de varios estudios, el primero a desarrollarse fue el ESTUDIO DE MERCADO, el cual permite conocer si hay o no un mercado potencial para el producto que se de...

  11. Child with Abdominal Pain. (United States)

    Iyer, Rajalakshmi; Nallasamy, Karthi


    Abdominal pain is one of the common symptoms reported by children in urgent care clinics. While most children tend to have self-limiting conditions, the treating pediatrician should watch out for underlying serious causes like intestinal obstruction and perforation peritonitis, which require immediate referral to an emergency department (ED). Abdominal pain may be secondary to surgical or non-surgical causes, and will differ as per the age of the child. The common etiologies for abdominal pain presenting to an urgent care clinic are acute gastro-enteritis, constipation and functional abdominal pain; however, a variety of extra-abdominal conditions may also present as abdominal pain. Meticulous history taking and physical examination are the best tools for diagnosis, while investigations have a limited role in treating benign etiologies.

  12. Propuesta de Estrategias de Marketing para la prestación de servicios de outsourcing administrativo-financiero orientado al mercado de las PYMES en la ciudad de Cuenca


    Valencia Orellana, María Cecilia


    Las PYMES de la ciudad Cuenca ejecutan estrategias de outsourcing administrativo – financiero para disminuir costos. El servicio más externalizado es el contable, en tanto que servicios como los de proveeduría y administración de talento humano las PYMES prefieren manejarlos internamente por considerarlas críticas e indelegables. La externalización contable responde a la necesidad de cumplir con disposiciones legales sin que exista ningún valor agregado por parte del prestador del servicio. S...

  13. Abdominal fat distribution on computed tomography predicts ureteric calculus fragmentation by shock wave lithotripsy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Juan, Hsu-Cheng; Chou, Yii-Her [Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Department of Urology, Kaohsiung (China); Lin, Hung-Yu [Kaohsiung Medical University, Graduate Institute of Medicine, Kaohsiung (China); E-Da Hospital/ I-Shou University, Department of Urology, Kaohsiung (China); Yang, Yi-Hsin [Kaohsiung Medical University, Institute of Oral Health Sciences, Kaohsiung (China); Shih, Paul Ming-Chen [Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital, Department of Radiology, Kaohsiung (China); Kaohsiung Medical University, Department of Radiology, Kaohsiung (China); Chuang, Shu-Mien [Yuh-Ing Junior College of Health Care and Management, Kaohsiung (China); Shen, Jung-Tsung [Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital, Department of Urology, Kaohsiung (China); Juan, Yung-Shun [Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Department of Urology, Kaohsiung (China); Kaohsiung Medical University, Graduate Institute of Medicine, Kaohsiung (China); Kaohsiung Medical University, Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, Kaohsiung (China)


    To assess the effects of abdominal fat on shock wave lithotripsy (SWL). We used pre-SWL unenhanced computed tomography (CT) to evaluate the impact of abdominal fat distribution and calculus characteristics on the outcome of SWL. One hundred and eighty-five patients with a solitary ureteric calculus treated with SWL were retrospectively reviewed. Each patient underwent unenhanced CT within 1 month before SWL treatment. Treatment outcomes were evaluated 1 month later. Unenhanced CT parameters, including calculus surface area, Hounsfield unit (HU) density, abdominal fat area and skin to calculus distance (SSD) were analysed. One hundred and twenty-eight of the 185 patients were found to be calculus-free following treatment. HU density, total fat area, visceral fat area and SSD were identified as significant variables on multivariate logistic regression analysis. The receiver-operating characteristic analyses showed that total fat area, para/perirenal fat area and visceral fat area were sensitive predictors of SWL outcomes. This study revealed that higher quantities of abdominal fat, especially visceral fat, are associated with a lower calculus-free rate following SWL treatment. Unenhanced CT is a convenient technique for diagnosing the presence of a calculus, assessing the intra-abdominal fat distribution and thereby helping to predict the outcome of SWL. (orig.)

  14. Abdominal fat distribution on computed tomography predicts ureteric calculus fragmentation by shock wave lithotripsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Juan, Hsu-Cheng; Chou, Yii-Her; Lin, Hung-Yu; Yang, Yi-Hsin; Shih, Paul Ming-Chen; Chuang, Shu-Mien; Shen, Jung-Tsung; Juan, Yung-Shun


    To assess the effects of abdominal fat on shock wave lithotripsy (SWL). We used pre-SWL unenhanced computed tomography (CT) to evaluate the impact of abdominal fat distribution and calculus characteristics on the outcome of SWL. One hundred and eighty-five patients with a solitary ureteric calculus treated with SWL were retrospectively reviewed. Each patient underwent unenhanced CT within 1 month before SWL treatment. Treatment outcomes were evaluated 1 month later. Unenhanced CT parameters, including calculus surface area, Hounsfield unit (HU) density, abdominal fat area and skin to calculus distance (SSD) were analysed. One hundred and twenty-eight of the 185 patients were found to be calculus-free following treatment. HU density, total fat area, visceral fat area and SSD were identified as significant variables on multivariate logistic regression analysis. The receiver-operating characteristic analyses showed that total fat area, para/perirenal fat area and visceral fat area were sensitive predictors of SWL outcomes. This study revealed that higher quantities of abdominal fat, especially visceral fat, are associated with a lower calculus-free rate following SWL treatment. Unenhanced CT is a convenient technique for diagnosing the presence of a calculus, assessing the intra-abdominal fat distribution and thereby helping to predict the outcome of SWL. (orig.)

  15. Implementación de un plan de gestión para la Seguridad Industrial y Salud Ocupacional de la Empresa de Cocinas y Hornos FACOPA de la ciudad de Cuenca


    Escobar Torres, Jhon Javier


    El proyecto de titulación consiste en implementar y organizar un plan de seguridad industrial y salud ocupacional en la empresa "FACOPA", haciendo un previo diagnóstico del estado de protección física que poseen los empleados, teniendo como finalidad disminuir los accidentes laborales y paras productivas, de acuerdo a las normativas ecuatorianas y extranjeras. The titling project consists of implementing and organizing an industrial safety and occupational health plan for the company "FACO...

  16. Colpossacrofixação para correção do prolapso da cúpula vaginal Abdominal sacropexy to repair vaginal vault prolapse

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    Eliana Viana Monteiro Zucchi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar o resultado da técnica da colpossacrofixação (CSF para tratamento de pacientes que apresentaram prolapso de cúpula vaginal pós-histerectomia e que foram tratadas no período de 1995 a 2000. MÉTODOS: foram incluídas, retrospectivamente, 21 pacientes com prolapso de cúpula vaginal pós-histerectomia e correção prévia de cistocele e retocele. Foram analisados a idade, paridade, peso e índice de massa corpórea (IMC o intervalo entre a histerectomia e o aparecimento do prolapso. A colpossacrofixação foi realizada em 15 pacientes, das quais se avaliaram o tempo cirúrgico, perda sangüínea e recidiva. As pacientes submeteram-se a CSF com ou sem interposição de prótese de material sintético entre a cúpula vaginal e o sacro. RESULTADOS: para 15 das 21 pacientes acompanhadas em nosso serviço, a técnica de CSF foi a de eleição. Em um caso houve dificuldade técnica intra-operatória e optou-se pela correção a Te Linde. A média de idade das pacientes foi de 63,7 (47 a 95 anos, paridade 4,6 e o IMC 26,9. A CSF foi realizada, em média, 18 anos após histerectomia total abdominal e 3 anos após histerectomia vaginal. O tempo cirúrgico médio foi de 2 horas e 15 minutos, sem necessidade de transfusão sanguínea. Não houve recidiva do prolapso ou dos sintomas pré-operatórios (seguimento de 1 a 5 anos. CONCLUSÕES: o tratamento cirúrgico do prolapso de cúpula vaginal pode ser realizado pela via vaginal (colpocleise ou fixação ao ligamento sacroespinhoso e pela via abdominal (colpossacrofixação. Esta última apresenta a vantagem de restaurar o eixo vaginal preservando sua profundidade, o que, além de melhorar o prolapso, permite o restabelecimento das funções sexuais, intestinal e urinária (principalmente quando associada a colpofixação - Burch. Assim, quando o diagnóstico e tratamento são adequados e a equipe cirúrgica tem pleno conhecimento da anatomia pélvica, podemos afirmar que a CSF atinge

  17. Ectopic abdominal pregnancy due to uterine perforation after an attempt to terminate pregnancy: a case presentation

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    Alexander Abreu


    Full Text Available Resumen El embarazo ectópico abdominal secundario tiene una baja frecuencia de presentación en la práctica clínica, pero puede llevar al incremento de la mortalidad materna. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con embarazo abdominal secundario a una perforación uterina, causada por una interrupción voluntaria del embarazo. Este evolucionó durante nueve semanas con dolor abdominal y sangramiento vaginal escaso. A la paciente se le realizaron diagnósticos como enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica aguda, infección del tracto urinario, restos ovulares post aborto y definitivamente se concluyó como embarazo ectópico abdominal mediante ecografía abdominal. Se le realizó laparotomía exploradora y se extrajo el feto y la placenta sin dificultades con una evolución postoperatoria favorable hacia la curación. Se concluyó que la perforación uterina durante el curetaje de la cavidad pudo pasar inadvertida, llevando a implantación abdominal secundaria del embarazo con un cuadro clínico variable. En dicho cuadro, el ultrasonido juega un papel fundamental para su diagnóstico, siendo el manejo laparotómico el más apropiado en estos casos.

  18. Abdominal fat distribution on computed tomography predicts ureteric calculus fragmentation by shock wave lithotripsy. (United States)

    Juan, Hsu-Cheng; Lin, Hung-Yu; Chou, Yii-Her; Yang, Yi-Hsin; Shih, Paul Ming-Chen; Chuang, Shu-Mien; Shen, Jung-Tsung; Juan, Yung-Shun


    To assess the effects of abdominal fat on shock wave lithotripsy (SWL). We used pre-SWL unenhanced computed tomography (CT) to evaluate the impact of abdominal fat distribution and calculus characteristics on the outcome of SWL. One hundred and eighty-five patients with a solitary ureteric calculus treated with SWL were retrospectively reviewed. Each patient underwent unenhanced CT within 1 month before SWL treatment. Treatment outcomes were evaluated 1 month later. Unenhanced CT parameters, including calculus surface area, Hounsfield unit (HU) density, abdominal fat area and skin to calculus distance (SSD) were analysed. One hundred and twenty-eight of the 185 patients were found to be calculus-free following treatment. HU density, total fat area, visceral fat area and SSD were identified as significant variables on multivariate logistic regression analysis. The receiver-operating characteristic analyses showed that total fat area, para/perirenal fat area and visceral fat area were sensitive predictors of SWL outcomes. This study revealed that higher quantities of abdominal fat, especially visceral fat, are associated with a lower calculus-free rate following SWL treatment. Unenhanced CT is a convenient technique for diagnosing the presence of a calculus, assessing the intra-abdominal fat distribution and thereby helping to predict the outcome of SWL. • Unenhanced CT is now widely used to assess ureteric calculi. • The same CT protocol can provide measurements of abdominal fat distribution. • Ureteric calculi are usually treated by shock wave lithotripsy (SWL). • Greater intra-abdominal fat stores are generally associated with poorer SWL results.

  19. Abdominal Compartment Syndrome

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    Pınar Zeyneloğlu


    Full Text Available Intraabdominal hypertension and Abdominal compartment syndrome are causes of morbidity and mortality in critical care patients. Timely diagnosis and treatment may improve organ functions. Intra-abdominal pressure monitoring is vital during evaluation of the patients and in the management algorithms. The incidence, definition and risk factors, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of intraabdominal hypertension and Abdominal compartment syndrome were reviewed here.

  20. Abdominal wall fat pad biopsy (United States)

    Amyloidosis - abdominal wall fat pad biopsy; Abdominal wall biopsy; Biopsy - abdominal wall fat pad ... is the most common method of taking an abdominal wall fat pad biopsy . The health care provider cleans the ...

  1. Aplicación de metodología seis sigma para disminuir intervenciones en proceso de fabricación de vidrios

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    Carlos Torres Navarro


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se realizó con la finalidad de reducir el tiempo promedio de intervenciones de un proceso de corte mecánico de vidrio en una importante empresa manufacturera de la región. La metodología utilizada consideró la aplicación de la metodología Seis Sigma y especialmente la implementación del ciclo de procesos DMAMC, propio de esta metodología. Para el análisis estadístico de los datos se utilizaron  herramientas de control de procesos y la utilización del software Minitab como ayuda al proceso de procesamiento y análisis de datos. La situación problema bajo estudio estaba relacionada con la observación de una alta cantidad de intervenciones humanas sin una justificación técnica de ellas, con la consiguiente reducción de la productividad del personal técnico operativo involucrado en el proceso de corte de vidrio. La situación problema poseía el respaldo de la alta dirección de la empresa, dado que el comportamiento del personal técnico operativo no era similar al observado en otras plantas de similar naturaleza. Para el desarrollo de la metodología se identificaron problemas prioritarios, estableciéndose métricas para cada uno de ellos. Los resultados obtenidos, producto de la aplicación del ciclo DMAMC,  permitió identificar Procesos, Actividades y Horas del día críticos, y para cada uno de ellos se estableció un plan de mejoras. Los resultados alcanzados, luego de cuatro meses de seguimiento de las mejoras implementadas, indican que fue posible cumplir y sobrepasar las metas establecidas identificando con mayor precisión las conductas del personal en el proceso de corte de vidrio, las  necesidades de inversión tecnológica , actuales y potenciales  y la identificación de aquellos aspectos de gestión que posibilitan la implementación exitosa de la metodología adoptada. This work was realised in order to reduce to the time average of interventions of a glass cuts process in an important

  2. Accuracy of the abdominal examination for identifying children with blunt intra-abdominal injuries. (United States)

    Adelgais, Kathleen M; Kuppermann, Nathan; Kooistra, Joshua; Garcia, Madelyn; Monroe, David J; Mahajan, Prashant; Menaker, Jay; Ehrlich, Peter; Atabaki, Shireen; Page, Kent; Kwok, Maria; Holmes, James F


    To determine the accuracy of complaints of abdominal pain and findings of abdominal tenderness for identifying children with intra-abdominal injury (IAI) stratified by Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score. This was a prospective, multicenter observational study of children with blunt torso trauma and a GCS score ≥13. We calculated the sensitivity of abdominal findings for IAI with 95% CI stratified by GCS score. We examined the association of isolated abdominal pain or tenderness with IAI and that undergoing acute intervention (therapeutic laparotomy, angiographic embolization, blood transfusion, or ≥2 nights of intravenous fluid therapy). Among the 12 044 patients evaluated, 11 277 (94%) had a GCS score of ≥13 and were included in this analysis. Sensitivity of abdominal pain for IAI was 79% (95% CI, 76%-83%) for patients with a GCS score of 15, 51% (95% CI, 37%-65%) for patients with a GCS score of 14, and 32% (95% CI, 14%-55%) for patients with a GCS score of 13. Sensitivity of abdominal tenderness for IAI also decreased with decreasing GCS score: 79% (95% CI, 75%-82%) for a GCS score of 15, 57% (95% CI, 42%-70%) for a GCS score of 14, and 37% (95% CI, 19%-58%) for a GCS score of 13. Among patients with isolated abdominal pain and/or tenderness, the rate of IAI was 8% (95% CI, 6%-9%) and the rate of IAI undergoing acute intervention was 1% (95% CI, 1%-2%). The sensitivity of abdominal findings for IAI decreases as GCS score decreases. Although abdominal computed tomography is not mandatory, the risk of IAI is sufficiently high that diagnostic evaluation is warranted in children with isolated abdominal pain or tenderness. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Internal Mammary Vessels’ Impact on Abdominal Skin Perfusion in Free Abdominal Flap Breast Reconstruction

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    Solveig Nergård, MD


    Conclusions:. Using the IMV in free abdominal flap breast reconstruction had a significant effect on abdominal skin perfusion and may contribute to abdominal wound healing problems. The reperfusion of the abdominal skin was a dynamic process showing an increase in perfusion in the affected areas during the postoperative days.

  4. Validade de um índice prognóstico para ocorrência de complicações pulmonares no pós-operatório de cirurgia abdominal alta

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    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Observar se a freqüência de complicações pulmonares observadas no pós-operatório de cirurgia abdominal alta eletiva corresponde a freqüência estimada pelo índice prognóstico de Pereira et al Detectar fatores de risco implicados na mortalidade pós-operatória. MÉTODOS: 283 pacientes foram avaliados no pré-operatório por questionário clínico, exame físico, radiograma de tórax e espirometria. Ao final, calculou-se para cada paciente o risco de desenvolver complicações pulmonares pós-operatórias (CPP segundo o índice prognóstico de Pereira et al. No período pós-operatório, registrou-se a ocorrência de complicações, a incidência e causa de óbitos bem como o tipo de cirurgia, a duração da mesma, o tempo de internação total e em unidade de terapia intensiva. RESULTADOS: 69 pacientes (24,4% desenvolveram 87 CPP. Pneumonia foi a mais freqüente (30/87;34%, seguido por atelectasia (21/87;24%, broncoespasmo (15/87;17%, insuficiência respiratória aguda (11/87;13%, ventilação mecânica prolongada (8/87;9% e infecção brônquica (2/87;2%. A análise univariada, seguida pela regressão logística, identificou como fatores de risco independentes para a ocorrência de CPP idade > 56 anos (p=0,0039, tempo cirúrgico > 210 minutos (p=0,0044 e pneumopatia crônica (p=0,0257. Ao comparar a freqüência de CPP que ocorreu em cada uma das oito categorias de risco com a freqüência estimada, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre nenhum dos grupos, quando utilizou-se como referência a idade do paciente, o tempo de cirurgia e a presença de pneumopatia crônica. Quando para o cálculo do risco utilizou-se a relação VEF1/CVF, houve diferença entre a freqüência estimada para ocorrência de CPP e a observada, para os pacientes pertencentes ao grupo com VEF1/CVF 210 minutos e ausência de doença clínica. Constatou-se também, por análise univariada, que a presença de doença clínica associada

  5. Excesso de peso e gordura abdominal para a síndrome metabólica em nipo-brasileiros Weight excess and abdominal fat in the metabolic syndrome among Japanese-Brazilians

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    Daniel D G Lerario


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A obesidade, especialmente de distribuição abdominal, associa-se a fatores de risco cardiovasculares como a dislipidemia, a hipertensão arterial (HA e o diabetes mellitus (DM. A importância desses fatores em nipo-brasileiros foi previamente demonstrada, apesar de a obesidade não ser característica marcante dos migrantes japoneses. Realizou-se estudo com o objetivo de avaliar a prevalência de excesso de peso e a adiposidade central (AC em nipo-brasileiros e suas relações com distúrbios metabólicos. MÉTODOS: A amostra incluiu 530 nipo-brasileiros (40-79 anos de primeira e segunda gerações, submetidos a medidas antropométricas de pressão arterial, perfil lipídico e teste oral de tolerância à glicose. A prevalência (por ponto e intervalo de confiança de excesso de peso foi calculada pelo valor de corte >26,4 kg/m². O diagnóstico de AC foi baseado na razão entre as circunferências da cintura e do quadril (RCQ, sendo que valores > ou = 0,85 e > ou = 0,95, para mulheres e homens, respectivamente, firmavam esse diagnóstico. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de excesso de peso foi de 22,4% (IC95%-- 20,6-28,1, e a de AC, de 67,0% (IC95% -- 63,1-70,9. Além de maiores prevalências de DM, HA e dislipidemia, estratificando-se pelo índice de massa corporal (IMC e RCQ, indivíduos com excesso de peso e adiposidade central apresentaram pior perfil metabólico: a pressão arterial foi significantemente maior naqueles com excesso de peso, sem e com AC; indivíduos com AC apresentaram maiores índices de glicemia, triglicerídeos, colesterol total e LDL e menor HDL quando comparados aos sem excesso de peso e sem AC; a insulinemia de jejum foi significantemente maior em indivíduos com excesso de peso (sem e com AC do que naqueles sem excesso de peso e sem AC. CONCLUSÃO: A comparação de subgrupos com e sem adiposidade central foi compatível com a hipótese de que a deposição abdominal de gordura representa fator de risco para

  6. La medición de la presión intrabdominal, una herramienta diagnóstica para el médico de familia Intra-abdominal pressure measurement, a diagnostic tool for family physician

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    Nizahel Estévez Álvarez


    Full Text Available Resulta muy oportuno establecer un diagnóstico precoz de las afecciones intrabdominales agudas, por eso consideramos prudente poner en manos de nuestro personal de salud que labora en el sistema de urgencia del nivel primario, una herramienta diagnóstica más para el Médico de Familia, como es la medición de la presión intrabdominal, por no existir prácticamente experiencias de su empleo fuera de las unidades de atención al paciente grave. Es este un método perfectamente implementable en nuestro medio por su fácil aplicabilidad técnica y su alta especificidad diagnóstica, que permite inferir, en las primeras horas de evolución de los pacientes con cuadros dolorosos abdominales, cuáles resultarían potencialmente necesitados de tratamiento quirúrgico, y de esta manera, ganar en resolutividad. La imposibilidad de realizar esta técnica nunca debería de retrasar la remisión del paciente para su valoración por un especialista en cirugía general, por tanto, esta solo pudiera ser considerada como un complemento más del arsenal diagnóstico al alcance del Médico de Familia, en centros acondicionados para su implementación y con el entrenamiento previo adecuado.It is very appropriate to establish an early diagnosis of acute intra-abdominal infections, thus, authors believe cautious that our health staff working in the primary level of emergence system to count on another diagnostic tool for Family Physician, the intra-abdominal pressure measurement, due to practically the lack of experience of its job out of the care units for the severe patient. This is a method perfectly applicable in our environment by its easy technical application and its high diagnostic specificity allowing inferring during the first hours of evolution of patients presenting with abdominal painful symptoms, who will be potentially needed of surgical treatment and so to achieve a solution. The impossibility to perform this technique never must to retard the

  7. Don't Forget the Abdominal Wall: Imaging Spectrum of Abdominal Wall Injuries after Nonpenetrating Trauma. (United States)

    Matalon, Shanna A; Askari, Reza; Gates, Jonathan D; Patel, Ketan; Sodickson, Aaron D; Khurana, Bharti


    Abdominal wall injuries occur in nearly one of 10 patients coming to the emergency department after nonpenetrating trauma. Injuries range from minor, such as abdominal wall contusion, to severe, such as abdominal wall rupture with evisceration of abdominal contents. Examples of specific injuries that can be detected at cross-sectional imaging include abdominal muscle strain, tear, or hematoma, including rectus sheath hematoma (RSH); traumatic abdominal wall hernia (TAWH); and Morel-Lavallée lesion (MLL) (closed degloving injury). These injuries are often overlooked clinically because of (a) a lack of findings at physical examination or (b) distraction by more-severe associated injuries. However, these injuries are important to detect because they are highly associated with potentially grave visceral and vascular injuries, such as aortic injury, and because their detection can lead to the diagnosis of these more clinically important grave traumatic injuries. Failure to make a timely diagnosis can result in delayed complications, such as bowel hernia with potential for obstruction or strangulation, or misdiagnosis of an abdominal wall neoplasm. Groin injuries, such as athletic pubalgia, and inferior costochondral injuries should also be considered in patients with abdominal pain after nonpenetrating trauma, because these conditions may manifest with referred abdominal pain and are often included within the field of view at cross-sectional abdominal imaging. Radiologists must recognize and report acute abdominal wall injuries and their associated intra-abdominal pathologic conditions to allow appropriate and timely treatment. © RSNA, 2017.

  8. Correlation between intra-abdominal pressure and pulmonary volumes after superior and inferior abdominal surgery

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    Roberto de Cleva


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE:Patients undergoing abdominal surgery are at risk for pulmonary complications. The principal cause of postoperative pulmonary complications is a significant reduction in pulmonary volumes (FEV1 and FVC to approximately 65-70% of the predicted value. Another frequent occurrence after abdominal surgery is increased intra-abdominal pressure. The aim of this study was to correlate changes in pulmonary volumes with the values of intra-abdominal pressure after abdominal surgery, according to the surgical incision in the abdomen (superior or inferior.METHODS:We prospectively evaluated 60 patients who underwent elective open abdominal surgery with a surgical time greater than 240 minutes. Patients were evaluated before surgery and on the 3rd postoperative day. Spirometry was assessed by maximal respiratory maneuvers and flow-volume curves. Intra-abdominal pressure was measured in the postoperative period using the bladder technique.RESULTS:The mean age of the patients was 56±13 years, and 41.6% 25 were female; 50 patients (83.3% had malignant disease. The patients were divided into two groups according to the surgical incision (superior or inferior. The lung volumes in the preoperative period showed no abnormalities. After surgery, there was a significant reduction in both FEV1 (1.6±0.6 L and FVC (2.0±0.7 L with maintenance of FEV1/FVC of 0.8±0.2 in both groups. The maximum intra-abdominal pressure values were similar (p= 0.59 for the two groups. There was no association between pulmonary volumes and intra-abdominal pressure measured in any of the groups analyzed.CONCLUSIONS:Our results show that superior and inferior abdominal surgery determines hypoventilation, unrelated to increased intra-abdominal pressure. Patients at high risk of pulmonary complications should receive respiratory care even if undergoing inferior abdominal surgery.

  9. Correlation between intra-abdominal pressure and pulmonary volumes after superior and inferior abdominal surgery. (United States)

    Cleva, Roberto de; Assumpção, Marianna Siqueira de; Sasaya, Flavia; Chaves, Natalia Zuniaga; Santo, Marco Aurelio; Fló, Claudia; Lunardi, Adriana C; Jacob Filho, Wilson


    Patients undergoing abdominal surgery are at risk for pulmonary complications. The principal cause of postoperative pulmonary complications is a significant reduction in pulmonary volumes (FEV1 and FVC) to approximately 65-70% of the predicted value. Another frequent occurrence after abdominal surgery is increased intra-abdominal pressure. The aim of this study was to correlate changes in pulmonary volumes with the values of intra-abdominal pressure after abdominal surgery, according to the surgical incision in the abdomen (superior or inferior). We prospectively evaluated 60 patients who underwent elective open abdominal surgery with a surgical time greater than 240 minutes. Patients were evaluated before surgery and on the 3rd postoperative day. Spirometry was assessed by maximal respiratory maneuvers and flow-volume curves. Intra-abdominal pressure was measured in the postoperative period using the bladder technique. The mean age of the patients was 56 ± 13 years, and 41.6% 25 were female; 50 patients (83.3%) had malignant disease. The patients were divided into two groups according to the surgical incision (superior or inferior). The lung volumes in the preoperative period showed no abnormalities. After surgery, there was a significant reduction in both FEV1 (1.6 ± 0.6 L) and FVC (2.0 ± 0.7 L) with maintenance of FEV1/FVC of 0.8 ± 0.2 in both groups. The maximum intra-abdominal pressure values were similar (p=0.59) for the two groups. There was no association between pulmonary volumes and intra-abdominal pressure measured in any of the groups analyzed. Our results show that superior and inferior abdominal surgery determines hypoventilation, unrelated to increased intra-abdominal pressure. Patients at high risk of pulmonary complications should receive respiratory care even if undergoing inferior abdominal surgery.

  10. Estrategias para mejorar la reperfusión con terapia fibrinolítica en infarto con elevación del ST-T


    Jerjes-Sánchez D, Carlos; Sosa del Angel, Edgar; García Sosa, Anabel; Reyes Cerezo, Esteban; Garza Ruiz, Angel


    Las estrategias de reperfusión en la fase temprana del infarto con elevación del ST-T tienen como principal objetivo restituir y mantener la perfusión tisular. La terapia fibrinolítica puede considerarse como el tratamiento estándar por su accesibilidad y efectividad para disminuir daño miocárdico y mortalidad. La principal imperfección de esta estrategia de reperfusión radica en el porcentaje no despreciable de fracaso terapéutico y reoclusión por fenómenos de resistencia y retrombosis. La t...

  11. Physicians' Abdominal Auscultation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    John, Gade; Peter, Kruse; Andersen, Ole Trier


    Background: Abdominal auscultation has an important position in the physical examination of the abdomen. Little is known about rater agreement. The aim of this study was to describe rater agreement and thus, indirectly, the value of the examination. Methods: In a semi-virtual setup 12 recordings...... subjects and in patients with intestinal obstruction was acceptable for a clinical examination. Abdominal auscultation is a helpful clinical examination in patients with acute abdominal pain....

  12. Análisis económico financiero para el traslado de personal operativo hacia una empresa outsourcing o hacia un servicio técnico inhouse


    González Orellana, Humberto Javier


    La presente tesis previa a la obtención del título de Master en Dirección de Empresas tiene como objetivo principal el analizar dos posibles modelos a ser implementados en la unidad de negocios NESCAFE® de la empresa NESTLE ECUADOR S.A. con el fin de disminuir los costos operativos que impactaron drásticamente en el estado de pérdidas y ganancias de 2006. Para lograr esto, como primera instancia se describirá el modelo actual con el que viene trabajando la unidad NESACFE® en el Ecuador. Pa...


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    Ángela Tapias Saldaña


    Full Text Available La psicología jurídica y forense se ve enfrentada a múltiples retos y dificultades en Latinoamérica, donde debido a la relativa carencia de literatura científica y programas de formación especializada, además de la falta de mecanismos formales de control o sanción de la mala praxis de los psicólogos, algunos profesionales han sido descalificados. Uno de los aspectos en que este problema puede ser solucionado radica en disminuir las evaluaciones erráticas y los errores judiciales, particularmente a través del desarrollo de procedimientos e instrumentos de evaluación forense estandarizados, válidos y confiables. Se presentan algunos protocolos de evaluación psicológica forense, uno para víctimas que a raíz del delito han desencadenado alteraciones psicológicas y otro para imputados que argumentan psicopatología como defensa legal por inimputabilidad.

  14. The therapeutic impact of abdominal ultrasound in patients with acute abdominal symptoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dhillon, S.; Halligan, S.; Goh, V.; Matravers, P.; Chambers, A.; Remedios, D.


    AIM: The technical performance of abdominal ultrasound in the investigation of acute abdominal pain has been thoroughly investigated but its therapeutic effects are less well understood. We aimed to determine the therapeutic effect of abdominal ultrasound in the investigation of acute abdominal pain. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A pre- and post-intervention observational study design was used to determine the diagnostic and therapeutic effects of abdominal ultrasound for acute abdominal pain. Referring clinicians completed a pre-ultrasound questionnaire that detailed their leading diagnosis, confidence in this and intended management in 100 consecutive adult patients. Following ultrasound a second questionnaire was completed. This again detailed the leading diagnosis, confidence in this and their intended management. Clinicians quantified the management contribution of ultrasound both for the individual case in question and in their clinical experience generally. RESULTS: The leading diagnosis was either confirmed or rejected in 72 patients and a new diagnosis provided where no prior differential diagnosis existed in 10. Diagnostic confidence increased significantly following ultrasound (mean score 6·5 pre-ultrasound vs 7·6 post-ultrasound, P < 0·001). Intended management changed following ultrasound in 22 patients; 15 intended laparotomies were halted and a further seven patients underwent surgery where this was not originally intended. Ultrasound was rated either 'very' or 'moderately' helpful in 87% of patients, with 99% of clinicians finding it either 'very' or 'moderately' helpful generally. CONCLUSION: Abdominal ultrasound has considerable diagnostic and therapeutic effect in the setting of acute abdominal pain. Dhillon, S. et al. (2002)

  15. Cesarean section after abdominal mesh repair for pregnancy-related desmoid tumor: a case report

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    Ooi S


    Full Text Available Sara Ooi, Harry Ngo Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department, Liverpool Hospital, Liverpool, NSW, Australia Abstract: We report the case of a 32-year-old gravida 2 para 1 woman with a background of partially resected desmoid tumor (DT arising from the previous cesarean section (CS scar. This case details the management of her DT by surgical resection and mesh repair and second pregnancy following this. Pregnancy-related DTs are a relatively rare entity, and there is a paucity of literature regarding their management during pregnancy. There are only five reported cases of DTs arising from CS scars. To our knowledge, this is the only report to illustrate that subsequent CS is possible after desmoid resection and abdominal mesh repair. It provides evidence that CS can be safely accomplished following abdominal wall reconstructions and further arguments against elective lower segment CS. Keywords: abdominal wall, cesarean section, complications, desmoid tumor, surgical mesh

  16. Chronic Abdominal Wall Pain. (United States)

    Koop, Herbert; Koprdova, Simona; Schürmann, Christine


    Chronic abdominal wall pain is a poorly recognized clinical problem despite being an important element in the differential diagnosis of abdominal pain. This review is based on pertinent articles that were retrieved by a selective search in PubMed and EMBASE employing the terms "abdominal wall pain" and "cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome," as well as on the authors' clinical experience. In 2% to 3% of patients with chronic abdominal pain, the pain arises from the abdominal wall; in patients with previously diagnosed chronic abdominal pain who have no demonstrable pathological abnormality, this likelihood can rise as high as 30% . There have only been a small number of clinical trials of treatment for this condition. The diagnosis is made on clinical grounds, with the aid of Carnett's test. The characteristic clinical feature is strictly localized pain in the anterior abdominal wall, which is often mischaracterized as a "functional" complaint. In one study, injection of local anesthesia combined with steroids into the painful area was found to relieve pain for 4 weeks in 95% of patients. The injection of lidocaine alone brought about improvement in 83-91% of patients. Long-term pain relief ensued after a single lidocaine injection in 20-30% of patients, after repeated injections in 40-50% , and after combined lidocaine and steroid injections in up to 80% . Pain that persists despite these treatments can be treated with surgery (neurectomy). Chronic abdominal wall pain is easily diagnosed on physical examination and can often be rapidly treated. Any physician treating patients with abdominal pain should be aware of this condition. Further comparative treatment trials will be needed before a validated treatment algorithm can be established.

  17. Intra-Abdominal Hypertension and Abdominal Compartment Syndrome in Association with Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in the Endovascular Era: Vigilance Remains Critical

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    Matthew C. Bozeman


    In this review, we describe published experience with IAH and ACS complicating abdominal vascular catastrophes, experience with ACS complicating endovascular repair of rAAAs, and techniques for management of the abdominal wound. Vigilance and appropriate management of IAH and ACS remains critically important in decreasing morbidity and optimizing survival following catastrophic intra-abdominal vascular events.

  18. Torsion of abdominal appendages presenting with acute abdominal pain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Jaberi, Tareq M.; Gharabeih, Kamal I.; Yaghan, Rami J.


    Diseases of abnormal appendages are rare causes of abdominal pain in all age groups. Nine patients with torsion and infraction of abdominal appendages were retrospectively reviewed. Four patients had torsion and infarction of the appendices epiploicae, four patients had torsion and infarction of the falciform ligament. The patient with falciform ligament disease represents the first reported case of primary torsion and infarction of the falciform ligament, and the patient with the transverse colon epiplocia represents the first reported case of vibration-induced appendix epiplocia torsion and infarction. The patient with the falciform ligament disease presented with a tender upper abdominal mass and the remaining patients were operated upon with the preoperative diagnosis of acute appendicitis. The presence of normal appendix with free serosanguinous fluid in the peritoneal cavity should raise the possibility of a disease and calls for further evaluation of the intra-abdominal organs. If the diagnosis is suspected preoperatively, CT scan and ultrasound may lead to a correct diagnosis and possibly conservative management. Laparoscopy is playing an increasing diagnostic and therapeutic role in such situations. (author)

  19. Ejercicios para desarrollar la rapidez de reacción según la posición del jugador para atletas de béisbol categoría 13-14 años de la escuela comunitaria # 1 del municipio Bahía Honda

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    Michel Sánchez Cruz


    Full Text Available Esta investigación es una respuesta al esfuerzo por proyectar el proceso de entrenamiento hacia la búsqueda de alternativas encaminadas a mejorar cada una de las capacidades físicas. Para la realización de mismo se tomó una muestra de 27 jóvenes talentos de béisbol a los cuales se les aplico un pequeño pesquisaje para valorar en qué medida los ejercicios propuestos podían influir en la mejora de esta capacidad, los ejercicios se aplicaron en el inicio de la preparación física general y al concluir la preparación especial. Del trabajo derivó una guía de ejercicios que puede ser aplicada por entrenadores y técnicos deportivos para las diferentes categorías, siempre y cuando tengan en cuenta los requisitos que emanan de la metodología del entrenamiento deportivo en relación con la aplicación de las cargas, de esa manera disminuirá el nivel empírico del proceso. La

  20. Intra-abdominal pressure and abdominal compartment syndrome in acute general surgery.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Sugrue, Michael


    BACKGROUND: Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) is a harbinger of intra-abdominal mischief, and its measurement is cheap, simple to perform, and reproducible. Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH), especially grades 3 and 4 (IAP > 18 mmHg), occurs in over a third of patients and is associated with an increase in intra-abdominal sepsis, bleeding, renal failure, and death. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Increased IAP reading may provide an objective bedside stimulus for surgeons to expedite diagnostic and therapeutic work-up of critically ill patients. One of the greatest challenges surgeons and intensivists face worldwide is lack of recognition of the known association between IAH, ACS, and intra-abdominal sepsis. This lack of awareness of IAH and its progression to ACS may delay timely intervention and contribute to excessive patient resuscitation. CONCLUSIONS: All patients entering the intensive care unit (ICU) after emergency general surgery or massive fluid resuscitation should have an IAP measurement performed every 6 h. Each ICU should have guidelines relating to techniques of IAP measurement and an algorithm for management of IAH.

  1. Síndrome de compartimento abdominal durante pinçamento por via endoscópica de perfuração intestinal secundária à colonoscopia Síndrome de compartimiento abdominal durante pinzamiento por vía endoscópica de perforación intestinal secundaria a la colonoscopia Abdominal compartment syndrome during endoscopic clamping of an intestinal perforation secondary to colonoscopy

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    Magda Lourenço Fernandes


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A colonoscopia é um exame muito utilizado nos dias atuais para diagnóstico, tratamento e controle de doenças intestinais. A perfuração intestinal, embora rara, é a mais temida complicação deste exame. A correção da perfuração pode ser feita através do uso de clipes posicionados por via endoscópica. O objetivo deste relato de caso foi alertar os especialistas para a ocorrência e o tratamento de síndrome de compartimento abdominal durante pinçamento endoscópio de perfuração intestinal secundário à colonoscopia. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, 60 anos, estado físico ASA II, submetida à colonoscopia sob sedação. Durante o exame constatou-se perfuração acidental do intestino e optou-se por tentar pinçar a perfuração por via endoscópica. A paciente evoluiu então com dor e distensão abdominal, pneumoperitônio, síndrome de compartimento abdominal, dispnéia e instabilidade cardiovascular. Realizou-se punção abdominal de emergência, o que determinou a melhora clínica da paciente até que laparotomia de urgência fosse realizada. Após laparotomia exploradora e sutura da perfuração a paciente evoluiu clinicamente bem. CONCLUSÕES: O pinçamento por via endoscópica de perfuração intestinal secundária à colonoscopia pode contribuir para a formação de pneumoperitônio hipertensivo e síndrome de compartimento abdominal, com repercussões clínicas graves que exigem tratamento imediato. Profissionais capacitados e recursos técnicos adequados podem ser fatores determinantes do prognóstico do paciente.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La colonoscopia es un examen utilizado muy a menudo en la actualidad para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y el control de las enfermedades intestinales. La perforación intestinal, aunque sea rara, es la más temida complicación de ese examen. La corrección de la perforación puede ser hecha a través del uso de clips introducidos por vía endosc

  2. Diarrea y micronutrientes


    Alonso Zea; Theresa Ochoa


    La diarrea continúa siendo una causa importante de morbi-mortalidad en niños pequeños. Si bien el uso de las sales de rehidratación oral ha sido de gran ayuda para disminuir la mortalidad asociada a deshidratación, aún se requieren de estrategias efectivas para disminuir la morbilidad asociada a esta enfermedad. El zinc y la vitamina A son dos micronutrientes que han demostrado ser útiles en la prevención y tratamiento de la diarrea en niños. La suplementación de zinc actualmente es recomenda...

  3. Validez de una prueba rápida dual para detección de VIH/sífilis en tres delegaciones del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.O. Coreño Juárez


    Full Text Available A pesar de que existen muchas pruebas para realizar tamiz para la detección de infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH o para sífilis, hasta el momento en nuestro país no se ha evaluado una prueba dual que permita disminuir las oportunidades perdidas para la detección de ambas enfermedades. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer la confiabilidad de una prueba rápida dual de tamiz para la detección de VIH y sífilis en población derechohabiente de tres delegaciones del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS. Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico que permitió conocer el valor diagnóstico de la prueba, a través de la determinación de sus valores de sensibilidad y especificidad, con la finalidad de evaluar su uso como prueba de tamizaje para la infección por el VIH/sida y para sífilis, con una tasa de detección similar a la de las pruebas convencionales utilizadas por separado.

  4. Embarazo abdominal avanzado con feto vivo: Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura


    Gélvez-Téllez, Samuel


    Objetivos: describir el caso de una paciente con embarazo abdominal a término y feto vivo, y realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre el diagnóstico y tratamiento, con énfasis en la extracción de la placenta y el uso de metotrexate para el manejo de la placenta residual. Materiales y métodos: se presenta el caso de una paciente con un embarazo abdominal avanzado de 38 semanas y 5 días de gestación, atendida en un hospital público de referencia de mediana complejidad, ubicado en el departa...

  5. Retrospective comparison of abdominal ultrasonography and radiography in the investigation of feline abdominal disease (United States)

    Won, Wylen Wade; Sharma, Ajay; Wu, Wenbo


    Abdominal radiography and ultrasonography are commonly used as part of the initial diagnostic plan for cats with nonspecific signs of abdominal disease. This retrospective study compared the clinical usefulness of abdominal radiography and ultrasonography in 105 feline patients with signs of abdominal disease. The final diagnosis was determined more commonly with ultrasonography (59%) compared to radiography (25.7%). Ultrasonography was also able to provide additional clinically relevant information in 76% of cases, and changed or refined the diagnosis in 47% of cases. Based on these findings, ultrasonography may be sufficient as an initial diagnostic test for the investigation of feline abdominal disease. PMID:26483582

  6. [Differential diagnosis of abdominal pain]. (United States)

    Frei, Pascal


    Despite the frequency of functional abdominal pain, potentially dangerous causes of abdominal pain need to be excluded. Medical history and clinical examination must focus on red flags and signs for imflammatory or malignant diseases. See the patient twice in the case of severe and acute abdominal pain if lab parameters or radiological examinations are normal. Avoid repeated and useless X-ray exposure whenever possible. In the case of subacute or chronic abdominal pain, lab tests such as fecal calprotectin, helicobacter stool antigen and serological tests for celiac disease are very useful. Elderly patients may show atypical or missing clinical signs. Take care of red herrings and be skeptical whether your initial diagnosis is really correct. Abdominal pain can frequently be an abdominal wall pain.

  7. Elements to diminish radioactive accidents; Elementos para disminuir accidentes radiactivos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cortes I, M.E.; Ramirez G, F.P. [Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Eje Central Lazaro Cardenas 152, C.P. 07730 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    In this work it is presented an application of the cause-effect diagram method or Ichikawa method identifying the elements that allow to diminish accidents when the radioactive materials are transported. It is considered the transport of hazardous materials which include radioactive materials in the period: December 1996 until March 1997. Among the identified elements by this method it is possible to mention: the road type, the radioactive source protection, the grade driver responsibility and the preparation that the OEP has in the radioactive material management. It is showed the differences found between the country inner roads and the Mexico City area. (Author)

  8. Sensor Virtual Adaptable de Concentración de Etanol para Fermentadores Industriales

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    Boris Martínez


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los sistemas de control emplean sensores para observar el estado del proceso y tomar decisiones. En ocasiones, se necesita estimar las variables del proceso pues el sensor adecuado no existe, es prohibitivamente costoso o las mediciones son difíciles de realizar. Una solución consiste en inferir las variables no medidas a partir de otras variables mediante sensores virtuales o sensores por software (soft-sensors. En los procesos de fermentación alcohólica, la medición de la concentración del etanol es esencial. Sin embargo, no existen sensores baratos y confiables para medirla en línea ni existe una solución aceptada por todos del modelado de dicha variable. Además, las fermentaciones nunca son iguales pues los microorganismos son muy sensibles a pequeñas desviaciones en las variables involucradas. Por tanto, estos procesos requieren un sistema de estimación adaptable y altamente robusto. En este trabajo se presenta un sensor virtual adaptable para un proceso fermentativo de bioetanol empleando un modelo borroso evolutivo a partir de datos del proceso. Además, el modelo obtenido es compacto y presenta una estructura adecuada para su aplicación futura en estrategias de control, en aras de optimizar la productividad del proceso y disminuir los costos de producción. Palabras clave: bioetanol, procesos fermentativos, sensores virtuales o sensores software, sistemas adaptables, sistemas borrosos

  9. Prevalência e fatores associados à obesidade abdominal e ao excesso de peso em adultos maranhenses Prevalence and factors associated with abdominal obesity and excess weight among adults from Maranhão, Brazil

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    Helma Jane Ferreira Veloso


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Determinar a prevalência de excesso de peso e obesidade abdominal e analisar associações com fatores socioeconômicos, demográficos e comportamentais em adultos maranhenses. MÉTODOS: Amostra probabilística por conglomerados em múltiplos estágios, investigada por meio de inquérito domiciliar com 1.005 adultos de 20 a 59 anos (393 homens e 612 mulheres. Foram aferidos peso, estatura e circunferência da cintura (CC. A obesidade abdominal foi considerada quando CC > 80 para mulheres e > 94 para homens. Índice de massa corporal (IMC, peso em quilogramas dividido pelo quadrado da altura em metros, >25 kg/m² foi considerado excesso de peso. A variável dependente foi dividida em quatro categorias: IMC e CC normais, excesso de peso sem obesidade abdominal (EP, obesidade abdominal sem excesso de peso (OA e obesidade abdominal com excesso de peso (OAEP. Foi utilizada a análise de regressão logística multinomial e as estimativas levaram em consideração o delineamento complexo de amostragem. RESULTADOS: Nos homens, a prevalência de OA isolada foi 1,3%, EP 20,3% e OAEP 27,5%. Nas mulheres, 15,5% tinham OA, 1,3% EP e 42,0% apresentavam OAEP (p-valor 9 anos e estar unido foram fatores associados à maior prevalência de EP. Idade > 35 anos, renda familiar > 2 salários mínimos e viver com companheira se associaram à maior prevalência de OAEP. Nas mulheres, idade > 35 anos e viver com companheiro se associaram à maior prevalência de OA. Idade > 35 anos, viver com companheiro e escolaridade Objective: To determine the prevalence of excess body weight and abdominal obesity and assess the association with socioeconomic, demographic and behavioral factors among adults of Maranhão, Brazil. METHODS: Multistage cluster sample investigated through a household survey on 1,005 adults aged 20 to 59 years (393 men and 612 women. Anthropometric measures: weight, height and waist circumference (WC were assessed. Abdominal obesity was

  10. Significance of residual abdominal masses in children with abdominal Burkitt's lymphoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karmazyn, B.; Horev, G.; Kornreich, L.; Ash, S.; Goshen, Y.; Yaniv, I.


    Purpose: To evaluate the natural history of children with abdominal Burkitt's lymphoma who had complete clinical remission and residual abdominal mass after treatment. Material and methods: The charts and imaging findings of all children with abdominal Burkitt's lymphoma treated and followed at our medical center between 1988 and 1999 were reviewed for the presence, management, clinical course, and prognosis of residual mass. Results: Only children who achieved complete clinical remission were included. The study group consisted of 33 children (20 boys and 13 girls) aged 2.6-17.6 years (mean 7.2 years). Of these, seven (20.6 %) were found to have a residual abdominal mass. Two underwent second-look operation with no evidence of viable tumor on histology. The remaining five were followed by imaging studies for 2.2-9.1 years (mean 6.1 years); none relapsed. Conclusion: Residual mass is not uncommon in children with abdominal Burkitt's lymphoma. The presence of residual mass in a child with complete clinical remission does not alter the long-term prognosis. Therefore, in children with Burkitt's lymphoma and residual mass with no other signs of disease activity, expectant watching may be appropriate. (orig.)

  11. Abdominal wall blocks in adults

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Børglum, Jens; Gögenür, Ismail; Bendtsen, Thomas F


    been introduced with success. Future research should also investigate the effect of specific abdominal wall blocks on neuroendocrine and inflammatory stress response after surgery.  Summary USG abdominal wall blocks in adults are commonplace techniques today. Most abdominal wall blocks are assigned......Purpose of review Abdominal wall blocks in adults have evolved much during the last decade; that is, particularly with the introduction of ultrasound-guided (USG) blocks. This review highlights recent advances of block techniques within this field and proposes directions for future research.......  Recent findings Ultrasound guidance is now considered the golden standard for abdominal wall blocks in adults, even though some landmark-based blocks are still being investigated. The efficiency of USG transversus abdominis plane blocks in relation to many surgical procedures involving the abdominal wall...

  12. Cesarean section after abdominal mesh repair for pregnancy-related desmoid tumor: a case report. (United States)

    Ooi, Sara; Ngo, Harry


    We report the case of a 32-year-old gravida 2 para 1 woman with a background of partially resected desmoid tumor (DT) arising from the previous cesarean section (CS) scar. This case details the management of her DT by surgical resection and mesh repair and second pregnancy following this. Pregnancy-related DTs are a relatively rare entity, and there is a paucity of literature regarding their management during pregnancy. There are only five reported cases of DTs arising from CS scars. To our knowledge, this is the only report to illustrate that subsequent CS is possible after desmoid resection and abdominal mesh repair. It provides evidence that CS can be safely accomplished following abdominal wall reconstructions and further arguments against elective lower segment CS.

  13. Dolor abdominal recurrente (DAR o crónico en niños y adolescentes

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    Y. Mónica González, Dra.


    Full Text Available El dolor abdominal crónico es muy frecuente en la edad pediátrica. Los criterios de Roma III permiten hacer el diagnóstico de las diferentes entidades con dolor abdominal funcional, en base a la sintomatología, y no como de exclusión. Actualmente se propone una etiología biopsicosocial, que obliga a una aproximación integrada para ofrecer tratamiento centrado en la sintomatología de cada paciente pudiendo combinarse cambios en la alimentación, fármacos e intervenciones psicosociales. Aunque la mayoría de los pacientes mejora al tranquilizarlos y con el tiempo, una proporción significativa sigue con sintomatología intensa y discapacitante en la adultez.

  14. Evaluation of indium-111 colloid for radionuclide imaging of the abdominal lymph nodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vieras, F.; Hamilton, R.F.; Grissom, M.P.; Kiepffer, R.F.; Vandergrift, J.F.


    The experimental evaluation of indium-111 colloid for imaging the para-aortic lymph nodes in animals is described and preliminary results obtained in human subjects. Serial lymphatic scintigraphy performed in beagle dogs following bilateral pedal subcutaneous injections of indium-111 colloid revealed good para-aortic lymph node visualization. A normal migration pattern of indium-111 colloid was also observed in human subjects following subcutaneous injection in the feet; there was clear visualization of the ileo-inguinal and para-aortic lymph nodes. Organ distribution studies for indium-111 colloid were performed in rats following unilateral pedal subcutaneous injection in rats; these results were used for calculating radiation dose estimates to various organs. The study demonstrates the feasibility of using 111 In-colloid clinically for abdominal lymphatic scintiography for the use of sup(99m)Tc-labelled colloids results in lower radiation doses. (U.K.)

  15. Dynamic CT in the abdominal organ, 2. Dynamics in the abdominal malignancies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fukuda, K [Jikei Univ., Tokyo (Japan). School of Medicine


    The potential role of the abdominal dynamic CT in malignant tumors was evaluated. Among total of 112 cases dynamically studied included were, 22 cases of abdominal malignancies, renal cell carcinoma in 7, hepatocellular carcinoma in 7, metastatic liver tumor in 5, renal pelvic carcinoma in 2, and pancreatic cystadenocarcinoma in one. The results led to the following advantages of the abdominal dynamic CT over conventional CT. (1) The tumor thrombus and the lymphnode involvement could be better demonstrated. (2) The tumor vessels and the tumor stain could be depicted. (3) The extent of the tumor in the parenchyma could be better appreciated. The more invasive catheter angiography would likely to be replaced by the abdominal dynamic CT in the selected case.

  16. Testicular shield for para-aortic radiotherapy and estimation of gonad doses


    Ravichandran, R.; Binukumar, J. P.; Kannadhasan, S.; Shariff, M. H.; Ghamrawy, Kamal El


    For radiotherapy of para-aortic and abdominal regions in male patients, gonads are to be protected to receive less than 2% of the prescribed dose. A testicular shield was fabricated for abdominal radiotherapy with 15 MV X-rays ((Clinac 2300 CD, Varian AG) with low melting point alloy (Cerroband). The dimensions of the testicular shield were 6.5 cm diameter and 3.5 cm depth with 1.5 cm wall thickness. During treatment, this shield was held in position by a rectangular sponge and Styrofo...

  17. Abdominal elephantiasis: a case report. (United States)

    Hanna, Dominique; Cloutier, Richard; Lapointe, Roch; Desgagné, Antoine


    Elephantiasis is a well-known condition in dermatology usually affecting the legs and external genitalia. It is characterized by chronic inflammation and obstruction of the lymphatic channels and by hypertrophy of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The etiology is either idiopathic or caused by a variety of conditions such as chronic filarial disease, leprosy, leishmaniasis, and chronic recurrent cellulites. Elephantiasis of the abdominal wall is very rare. A complete review of the English and French literature showed only two cases reported in 1966 and 1973, respectively. We report a third case of abdominal elephantiasis and we briefly review this entity. We present the case of a 51-year-old woman who had progressively developed an enormous pediculated abdominal mass hanging down her knees. The skin was thickened, hyperpigmented, and fissured. She had a history of multiple abdominal cellulites. She underwent an abdominal lipectomy. Histopathology of the specimen confirmed the diagnosis of abdominal elephantiasis. Abdominal elephantiasis is a rare disease that represents end-stage failure of lymph drainage. Lipectomy should be considered in the management of this condition.

  18. Abdominal migraine in childhood: a review

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    Scicchitano B


    Full Text Available Beatrice Scicchitano,1 Gareth Humphreys,1 Sally G Mitton,2 Thiagarajan Jaiganesh1 1Children's Emergency Department, 2Department of Paediatric Gastroenterology, St Georges Hospital, St Georges Healthcare NHS Trust, Tooting, London, United Kingdom Abstract: The childhood condition of abdominal migraine has been described under many different synonyms, including "abdominal epilepsy", "recurrent abdominal pain", "cyclical vomiting syndrome", and "functional gastrointestinal disorder". In the early literature, abdominal migraine is included in the "childhood periodic syndrome", first described by Wyllie and Schlesinger in 1933. Abdominal migraine has emerged over the last century as a diagnostic entity in its own right thanks to the development of well defined diagnostic criteria and its recent inclusion in the International Headache Society's Classification of Headache disorders. Despite this progress, little is known about the pathophysiology of the condition, and the treatment options are poorly defined. Here we summarize the recent literature, with particular focus on establishing the diagnosis of abdominal migraine and its pathophysiology, and suggest an approach to management. Keywords: abdominal migraine, recurrent abdominal pain, abdominal epilepsy, cyclical vomiting

  19. Intra-abdominal tuberculous peritonitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, G.; Ahlhelm, F.; Altmeyer, K.; Kramann, B.; Hennes, P.; Pueschel, W.; Karadiakos, N.


    We report the case of a 15-year-old boy suffering from progressive dyspnea on exertion and painful abdominal protrusion. Final diagnosis of intra-abdominal tuberculosis (TB), including lymphadenopathy and abdominal abscess formation, was made following elective laparotomy. This type of disease is a rare manifestation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The imaging findings in unenhanced and contrast-enhanced MRI and laparoscopic images are presented. Differential diagnosis of abdominal abscess formation and other fungal or bacteriological infections, as well as the imaging findings of this type of lesion, are discussed. This case demonstrates that atypical manifestation of TB may remain unrecognized; thus, awareness of this kind of manifestation of tuberculosis may prevent patients from being subjected to inappropriate therapies. (orig.)

  20. Intra-abdominal tuberculous peritonitis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schneider, G.; Ahlhelm, F.; Altmeyer, K.; Kramann, B. [Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, University Hospital, Homburg (Germany); Hennes, P. [Dept. of Pediatrics, University Hospital, Homburg (Germany); Pueschel, W. [Dept. of Pathology, University Hospital, Homburg (Germany); Karadiakos, N. [Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, University Hospital, Homburg (Germany)


    We report the case of a 15-year-old boy suffering from progressive dyspnea on exertion and painful abdominal protrusion. Final diagnosis of intra-abdominal tuberculosis (TB), including lymphadenopathy and abdominal abscess formation, was made following elective laparotomy. This type of disease is a rare manifestation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The imaging findings in unenhanced and contrast-enhanced MRI and laparoscopic images are presented. Differential diagnosis of abdominal abscess formation and other fungal or bacteriological infections, as well as the imaging findings of this type of lesion, are discussed. This case demonstrates that atypical manifestation of TB may remain unrecognized; thus, awareness of this kind of manifestation of tuberculosis may prevent patients from being subjected to inappropriate therapies. (orig.)

  1. Evaluation of abdominal CT in the initial treatment of abdominal trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Shinsuke; Ishii, Takashi; Kuwata, Katsuya; Yoneyama, Chihiro; Kitamura, Kazuya; Sasaki, Yoshifumi; Kamachi, Masahiro; Nishiguchi, Hiroyasu.


    During the last four years 102 patients with abdominal trauma were examined by CT for preoperative evaluation in our hospital. In 35 patients (34 %), the CT scans revealed no abnormal findings. They were all managed conservatively except for one case of perforated small bowel. In 67 patients (66 %) CT revealed evidences of substantial abdominal or retroperitoneal trauma. In 30 of them CT findings were confirmed by surgery. Hepatic injury is usually easily recognized by CT. CT is also useful for the detection of renal or splenic injuries. The majority of those parenchymatous organ injuries were successfully managed with conservative therapy, despite apparent traumatic lesions revealed by CT. Repeat CT scans is proved to be very useful to follow the changes of these traumatic lesions. In conclusion, application of abdominal CT is extremely useful for the initial decision making in treatment of patients with abdominal trauma and for the follow-up observation of injured lesions. (author)

  2. Guia de atencion integral para la prevencion, deteccion temprana y tratamiento de las complicaciones del embarazo: Sección de Toxoplasmosis

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    Jorge Alberto Cortes

    Full Text Available Resumen Como parte de la Guia de atencion integral para la prevencion, deteccion temprana y tratamiento de las complicaciones del embarazo, desarrollada y financiada por el Departamento de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion, Colciencias, y el Ministerio de Salud y Proteccion Social de Colombia, se seleccionó a la infeccion por Toxoplasma para el desarrollo de recomendaciones para su prevencion, diagnostico y tratamiento. La infeccion por Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii durante el embarazo puede resultar en graves complicaciones para el feto y dejar importantes secuelas al recien nacido. Se realizo una guia basada en la mejor evidencia disponible en la literatura cientifica, con especial pertinencia a la informacion colombiana. Un consenso de expertos en parasitologia, ginecologia, neonatologia e infectologia, tanto de adultos como pediatrica, desarrollo las recomendaciones. Se propone que las recomendaciones de esta guia de atencion integral sean utilizadas por los profesionales de salud de los programas de atencion del embarazo del pais con el fin de disminuir la morbilidad y mortalidad atribuible a esta enfermedad. Se formulan recomendaciones especificas para el diagnostico desde el primer trimestre, consejos de prevencion en las mujeres no infectadas, identificacion de la infeccion del feto o del recien nacido y recomendaciones de tratamiento en estos escenarios.

  3. Abdominal epilepsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasan, N.; Razzaq, A.


    Abdominal epilepsy (AE) is a rather uncommon clinical entity in children that might create diagnostic confusion especially when it lacks the typical manifestations of an epileptic seizure. We report the case of a young boy having apparently unexplained episodes of paroxysmal abdominal symptoms with no other suggestion of an underlying epileptic disorder. The case also explains how the clinical presentation can be misleading unless a high index of suspicion is maintained to reach the ultimate diagnosis. (author)

  4. Cirurgia para controle de danos: estado atual Damage control surgery: an update

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Camargo Leão Edelmuth


    Full Text Available A cirurgia de controle de danos é um conceito amplamente aceito atualmente entre os especialistas em trauma abdominal quando se trata de doentes gravemente traumatizados. Nestes pacientes a morte decorre, na maioria das vezes, da instalação da tríade letal (hipotermia, coagulopatia e acidose e não da incapacidade de reparar as graves lesões presentes. Nesta revisão, os autores abordam a tríade letal, em suas três fases, e enfatizam as medidas adotadas para preveni-las. Além de discutirem a indicação e o emprego da cirurgia para o controle de danos em seus vários estágios. A restauração dos padrões fisiológicos do doente na UTI, para que o mesmo possa ser submetido à operação definitiva e ao fechamento da cavidade abdominal, outro desafio no paciente traumatizado grave, também é discutida.The damage control surgery is a widely accepted concept today among abdominal trauma specialists when it comes to the severely traumatized. In these patients, the death is due, in most cases, to the installation of the lethal triad (hypothermia, coagulopathy and acidosis and not the inability to repair the serious initial damage. In this review, the authors address the lethal triad in its three phases and emphasize the measures taken to prevent them, as well as discussing the indication and employment of damage control surgery in its various stages. Restoring the physiological status of the patient in the ICU, so that he/she can be submitted to final operation and closure of the abdominal cavity, another challenge in severe trauma patients, is also discussed.

  5. ¿Sirve la goma de mascar para acelerar la recuperación luego de una cirugía abdominal?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriel Rada


    Full Text Available Postoperative ileus is a common condition that delays recovery after an abdominal surgery. The early use of sham feeding, with chewing gum, stimulates peristalsis; thus should allow an earlier nutrition. Searching in Epistemonikos database, which is maintained by screening 20 databases, we identified 14 systematic reviews including 24 randomized trials. We combined the evidence using meta-analysis and generated a summary of findings following the GRADE approach. We concluded that chewing gum probably reduces the length of hospital stay after an abdominal surgery.

  6. Abdominal Sepsis. (United States)

    De Waele, Jan J


    Abdominal infections are an important challenge for the intensive care physician. In an era of increasing antimicrobial resistance, selecting the appropriate regimen is important and, with new drugs coming to the market, correct use is important more than ever before and abdominal infections are an excellent target for antimicrobial stewardship programs. Biomarkers may be helpful, but their exact role in managing abdominal infections remains incompletely understood. Source control also remains an ongoing conundrum, and evidence is increasing that its importance supersedes the impact of antibiotic therapy. New strategies such as open abdomen management may offer added benefit in severely ill patients, but more data are needed to identify its exact role. The role of fungi and the need for antifungal coverage, on the other hand, have been investigated extensively in recent years, but at this point, it remains unclear who requires empirical as well as directed therapy.

  7. Abdominal wall hernias: computed tomography findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    D'Ippolito, Giuseppe; Rosas, George de Queiroz; Mota, Marcos Alexandre; Akisue, Sandra R. Tsukada; Galvao Filho, Mario de Melo.


    Abdominal hernias are a common clinical problem Clinical diagnosis of abdominal hernias can sometimes be challenging, particularly in obese patients or patients with previous abdominal surgery. CT scan of the abdomen allows visualization of hernias and their contents and the differentiation from other masses of the abdominal wall such as tumors, hematomas and abscesses. Moreover, CT may identify complications such as incarceration, bowel obstruction, volvulus and strangulation. This study illustrates the CT scan findings observed in different types of abdominal wall hernias. (author)

  8. Da Vinci-assisted abdominal cerclage. (United States)

    Barmat, Larry; Glaser, Gretchen; Davis, George; Craparo, Frank


    To report the first placement of an abdominal cervicoisthmic cerclage using the da Vinci robot. Case report. Tertiary-care hospital. A 39-year-old female with a history of cervical insufficiency who required a cerclage and was not a candidate for transvaginal cerclage placement. Abdominal cervicoisthmic cerclage placement using the da Vinci robot. Ability to safely and successfully place an abdominal cerclage using the da Vinci robot. Abdominal cerclage was successfully placed using the da Vinci robot. The patient had minimal blood loss and was discharged to home on the same day as surgery. Da Vinci robot-assisted abdominal cerclage placement is an innovative application of robotic surgery and may alter the standard of care for women who require this surgery.

  9. Can We Spare the Pancreas and Other Abdominal Organs at Risk? A Comparison of Conformal Radiotherapy, Helical Tomotherapy and Proton Beam Therapy in Pediatric Irradiation. (United States)

    Jouglar, Emmanuel; Wagner, Antoine; Delpon, Grégory; Campion, Loïc; Meingan, Philippe; Bernier, Valérie; Demoor-Goldschmidt, Charlotte; Mahé, Marc-André; Lacornerie, Thomas; Supiot, Stéphane


    Late abdominal irradiation toxicity during childhood included renal damage, hepatic toxicity and secondary diabetes mellitus. We compared the potential of conformal radiotherapy (CRT), helical tomotherapy (HT) and proton beam therapy (PBT) to spare the abdominal organs at risk (pancreas, kidneys and liver- OAR) in children undergoing abdominal irradiation. We selected children with abdominal tumors who received more than 10 Gy to the abdomen. Treatment plans were calculated in order to keep the dose to abdominal OAR as low as possible while maintaining the same planned target volume (PTV) coverage. Dosimetric values were compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The dose distribution of 20 clinical cases with a median age of 8 years (range 1-14) were calculated with different doses to the PTV: 5 medulloblastomas (36 Gy), 3 left-sided and 2 right-sided nephroblastomas (14.4 Gy to the tumor + 10.8 Gy boost to para-aortic lymphnodes), 1 left-sided and 4 right-sided or midline neuroblastomas (21 Gy) and 5 Hodgkin lymphomas (19.8 Gy to the para-aortic lymphnodes and spleen). HT significantly reduced the mean dose to the whole pancreas (WP), the pancreatic tail (PT) and to the ipsilateral kidney compared to CRT. PBT reduced the mean dose to the WP and PT compared to both CRT and HT especially in midline and right-sided tumors. PBT decreased the mean dose to the ispilateral kidney but also to the contralateral kidney and the liver compared to CRT. Low dose to normal tissue was similar or increased with HT whereas integral dose and the volume of normal tissue receiving at least 5 and 10 Gy were reduced with PBT compared to CRT and HT. In children undergoing abdominal irradiation therapy, proton beam therapy reduces the dose to abdominal OAR while sparing normal tissue by limiting low dose irradiation.

  10. Efectos de un programa de ejercicio físico de 12 semanas en sujetos con revascularización coronaria o postangioplastia transluminal percutánea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirary Mantilla-Morrón


    Conclusiones: El programa de ejercicio físico que fue utilizado en este estudio, pudo en todos los sujetos incrementar la capacidad cardiorrespiratoria y la tolerancia al ejercicio, y disminuir el perímetro abdominal. Los efectos benéficos obtenidos cambian el pronóstico de la enfermedad coronaria y disminuyen los factores de riesgo metabólicos.

  11. Functional abdominal pain. (United States)

    Grover, Madhusudan; Drossman, Douglas A


    Functional abdominal pain syndrome (FAPS) is a relatively less common functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorder defined by the presence of constant or frequently recurring abdominal pain that is not associated with eating, change in bowel habits, or menstrual periods (Drossman Gastroenterology 130:1377-1390, 2006), which points to a more centrally targeted (spinal and supraspinal) basis for the symptoms. However, FAPS is frequently confused with irritable bowel syndrome and other functional GI disorders in which abdominal pain is associated with eating and bowel movements. FAPS also differs from chronic abdominal pain associated with entities such as chronic pancreatitis or chronic inflammatory bowel disease, in which the pain is associated with peripherally acting factors (eg, gut inflammation or injury). Given the central contribution to the pain experience, concomitant psychosocial disturbances are common and strongly influence the clinical expression of FAPS, which also by definition is associated with loss of daily functioning. These factors make it critical to use a biopsychosocial construct to understand and manage FAPS, because gut-directed treatments are usually not successful in managing this condition.

  12. Childhood abdominal cystic lymphangioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konen, Osnat; Rathaus, Valeria; Shapiro, Myra; Dlugy, Elena; Freud, Enrique; Kessler, Ada; Horev, Gadi


    Background: Abdominal lymphangioma is a rare benign congenital malformation of the mesenteric and/or retroperitoneal lymphatics. Clinical presentation is variable and may be misleading; therefore, complex imaging studies are necessary in the evaluation of this condition. US and CT have a major role in the correct preoperative diagnosis and provide important information regarding location, size, adjacent organ involvement, and expected complications. Objective: To evaluate the clinical and imaging findings of seven children with proven abdominal cystic lymphangioma. Materials and methods: Clinical and imaging files of seven children with pathologically proven abdominal lymphangioma, from three university hospitals, were retrospectively evaluated. Patient's ages ranged from 1 day to 6 years (mean, 2.2 years). Symptoms and signs included evidence of inflammation, abnormal prenatal US findings, chronic abdominal pain, haemorrhage following trauma, clinical signs of intestinal obstruction, and abdominal distension with lower extremities lymphoedema. Plain films of five patients, US of six patients and CT of five patients were reviewed. Sequential imaging examinations were available in two cases. Results: Abdominal plain films showed displacement of bowel loops by a soft tissue mass in five of six patients, two of them with dilatation of small bowel loops. US revealed an abdominal multiloculated septated cystic mass in five of six cases and a single pelvic cyst in one which changed in appearance over 2 months. Ascites was present in three cases. CT demonstrated a septated cystic mass of variable sizes in all available five cases. Sequential US and CT examinations in two patients showed progressive enlargement of the masses, increase of fluid echogenicity, and thickening of walls or septa in both cases, with multiplication of septa in one case. At surgery, mesenteric lymphangioma was found in five patients and retroperitoneal lymphangioma in the other two. Conclusions: US

  13. Childhood abdominal cystic lymphangioma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Konen, Osnat; Rathaus, Valeria; Shapiro, Myra [Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Meir General Hospital, Sapir Medical Centre, Kfar Saba (Israel); Dlugy, Elena [Department of Paediatric Surgery, Schneider Medical Centre, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University (Israel); Freud, Enrique [Department of Paediatric Surgery, Sapir Medical Centre, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University (Israel); Kessler, Ada [Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Sourasky Medical Centre, Tel-Aviv (Israel); Horev, Gadi [Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Schneider Medical Centre, Tel-Aviv (Israel)


    Background: Abdominal lymphangioma is a rare benign congenital malformation of the mesenteric and/or retroperitoneal lymphatics. Clinical presentation is variable and may be misleading; therefore, complex imaging studies are necessary in the evaluation of this condition. US and CT have a major role in the correct preoperative diagnosis and provide important information regarding location, size, adjacent organ involvement, and expected complications. Objective: To evaluate the clinical and imaging findings of seven children with proven abdominal cystic lymphangioma. Materials and methods: Clinical and imaging files of seven children with pathologically proven abdominal lymphangioma, from three university hospitals, were retrospectively evaluated. Patient's ages ranged from 1 day to 6 years (mean, 2.2 years). Symptoms and signs included evidence of inflammation, abnormal prenatal US findings, chronic abdominal pain, haemorrhage following trauma, clinical signs of intestinal obstruction, and abdominal distension with lower extremities lymphoedema. Plain films of five patients, US of six patients and CT of five patients were reviewed. Sequential imaging examinations were available in two cases. Results: Abdominal plain films showed displacement of bowel loops by a soft tissue mass in five of six patients, two of them with dilatation of small bowel loops. US revealed an abdominal multiloculated septated cystic mass in five of six cases and a single pelvic cyst in one which changed in appearance over 2 months. Ascites was present in three cases. CT demonstrated a septated cystic mass of variable sizes in all available five cases. Sequential US and CT examinations in two patients showed progressive enlargement of the masses, increase of fluid echogenicity, and thickening of walls or septa in both cases, with multiplication of septa in one case. At surgery, mesenteric lymphangioma was found in five patients and retroperitoneal lymphangioma in the other two

  14. Inter-observer agreement for abdominal CT in unselected patients with acute abdominal pain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Randen, Adrienne van; Lameris, Wytze; Nio, C.Y.; Spijkerboer, Anje M.; Meier, Mark A.; Tutein Nolthenius, Charlotte; Smithuis, Frank; Stoker, Jaap; Bossuyt, Patrick M.; Boermeester, Marja A.


    The level of inter-observer agreement of abdominal computed tomography (CT) in unselected patients presenting with acute abdominal pain at the Emergency Department (ED) was evaluated. Two hundred consecutive patients with acute abdominal pain were prospectively included. Multi-slice CT was performed in all patients with intravenous contrast medium only. Three radiologists independently read all CT examinations. They recorded specific radiological features and a final diagnosis on a case record form. We calculated the proportion of agreement and kappa values, for overall, urgent and frequently occurring diagnoses. The mean age of the evaluated patients was 46 years (range 19-94), of which 54% were women. Overall agreement on diagnoses was good, with a median kappa of 0.66. Kappa values for specific urgent diagnoses were excellent, with median kappa values of 0.84, 0.90 and 0.81, for appendicitis, diverticulitis and bowel obstruction, respectively. Abdominal CT has good inter-observer agreement in unselected patients with acute abdominal pain at the ED, with excellent agreement for specific urgent diagnoses as diverticulitis and appendicitis. (orig.)

  15. Inter-observer agreement for abdominal CT in unselected patients with acute abdominal pain

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Randen, Adrienne van [University of Amsterdam, Department of Radiology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (Netherlands); University of Amsterdam, Department of Surgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Lameris, Wytze [University of Amsterdam, Department of Radiology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (Netherlands); University of Amsterdam, Department of Surgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Nio, C.Y.; Spijkerboer, Anje M.; Meier, Mark A.; Tutein Nolthenius, Charlotte; Smithuis, Frank; Stoker, Jaap [University of Amsterdam, Department of Radiology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Bossuyt, Patrick M. [University of Amsterdam, Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Bioinformatics, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Boermeester, Marja A. [University of Amsterdam, Department of Surgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    The level of inter-observer agreement of abdominal computed tomography (CT) in unselected patients presenting with acute abdominal pain at the Emergency Department (ED) was evaluated. Two hundred consecutive patients with acute abdominal pain were prospectively included. Multi-slice CT was performed in all patients with intravenous contrast medium only. Three radiologists independently read all CT examinations. They recorded specific radiological features and a final diagnosis on a case record form. We calculated the proportion of agreement and kappa values, for overall, urgent and frequently occurring diagnoses. The mean age of the evaluated patients was 46 years (range 19-94), of which 54% were women. Overall agreement on diagnoses was good, with a median kappa of 0.66. Kappa values for specific urgent diagnoses were excellent, with median kappa values of 0.84, 0.90 and 0.81, for appendicitis, diverticulitis and bowel obstruction, respectively. Abdominal CT has good inter-observer agreement in unselected patients with acute abdominal pain at the ED, with excellent agreement for specific urgent diagnoses as diverticulitis and appendicitis. (orig.)

  16. Abdominal emergencies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raissaki, M.


    Full text: There are numerous conditions that affect mainly or exclusively the pediatric population. These constitute true emergencies, related to patient's health. Delay in diagnosis and treatment of abdominal non-traumatic emergencies may result in rapid deterioration, peritonitis, sepsis, even death or in severe complications with subsequent morbidity. Abdominal emergencies in children mostly present with pain, tenderness, occasionally coupled by vomiting, fever, abdominal distension, and failure to pass meconium or stools. Diarrhea, blood per rectum, abnormal laboratory tests and lethargy may also be manifestations of acute abdominal conditions. Abdominal emergencies have a different aetiology, depending on age and whether the pain is acute or chronic. Symptoms have to be matched with age and gender. Newborns up to 1 months of age may have congenital diseases: atresia, low obstruction including Hirschsprung's disease, meconium ileus. Meconium plug is one of the commonest cause of low obstruction in newborns that may also develop necrotizing enterocolitis, incarcerated inguinal hernia and mid-gut volvulus. Past the immediate postnatal period, any duodenal obstruction should be considered midgut volvulus until proven otherwise and patients should undergo ultrasonography and/or properly performed upper GI contrast study that records the exact position of the deduno-jejunal junction. Infants 6 months-2 years carry the risk of intussusception, mid-gut volvulus, perforation, acute pyelonephritis. Preschool and school-aged children 2-12 years carry the risk of appendicitis, genito-urinary abnormalities including torsion, urachal abnormalities, haemolytic uremic syndrome and Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Children above 12 years suffer from the same conditions as in adults. Most conditions may affect any age despite age predilection. Abdominal solid organ ultrasonography (US) coupled with gastrointestinal ultrasonography is the principle imaging modality in radiosensitive

  17. Prevalência de obesidade abdominal e excesso de gordura em escolares de uma cidade serrana no sul do Brasil Prevalence of abdominal obesity and excess fat in students of a city in the mountains of southern Brazil

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    Lahna dos Reis Roth


    Full Text Available A obesidade é considerada a mais importante desordem nutricional devido ao aumento acelerado de suas prevalências nos últimos anos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi estimar a prevalência de obesidade abdominal e excesso de gordura em escolares de 11 a 14 anos (meninos e meninas de uma cidade serrana no sul do Brasil, e verificar as possíveis associações com classificação econômica, sexo, idade, hábitos alimentares, hábitos de vida (atividades físicas e atividades sedentárias e insatisfação com a imagem corporal. Foram avaliados 1230 escolares através de um estudo transversal. As variáveis antropométricas estudadas foram circunferência da cintura e as dobras cutâneas do tríceps e da panturrilha. Foi realizada uma análise descritiva e uma bivariada entre as variáveis independentes e o desfecho. As prevalências de obesidade abdominal e excesso de gordura corporal foram 28,7% e 40,1%, respectivamente. Houve associação estatítisca significante com maior número de refeições e insatisfação com a imagem corporal para obesidade abdominal, que também esteve associada com os avaliados do sexo feminino, e para excesso de gordura corporal e. As prevalências de obesidade abdominal e excesso de gordura corporal estão elevadas e justificam a implementação de ações de saúde nas escolas.Obesity is considered the most important nutritional disorder due to a rapid increase in its prevalence in recent years. The scope of this study was to estimate the prevalence of abdominal obesity and excess fat in students aged 11 to 14 (boys and girls from a town in the mountains of southern Brazil, and to verify the possible associations with economic classification, gender, age, eating habits, lifestyle habits (physical activity and sedentary activities and dissatisfaction with body image. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 1230 students. The anthropometric variables studied were the waist circumference and the skin folds of

  18. Aproximaciones técnico tecnológicas para la evaluación de psicopatología en el medio forense

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    Ángela Tapias Saldaña


    Full Text Available La psicología jurídica y forense se ve enfrentada a múltiples retos y dificultades en Latinoamérica, donde debido a la relativa carencia de literatura científica y programas de formación especializada, además de la falta de mecanismos formales de control o sanción de la mala praxis de los psicólogos, algunos profesionales han sido descalificados. Uno de los aspectos en que este problema puede ser solucionado radica en disminuir las evaluaciones erráticas y los errores judiciales, particularmente a través del desarrollo de procedimientos e instrumentos de evaluación forense estandarizados, válidos y confiables. Se presentan algunos protocolos de evaluación psicológica forense, uno para víctimas que a raíz del delito han desencadenado alteraciones psicológicas y otro para imputados que argumentan psicopatología como defensa legal por inimputabilidad.

  19. Análise da correlação entre síndrome de pseudo-exfoliação e aneurisma de aorta abdominal Analysis of correlation between pseudoexfoliation syndrome and aneurysm of the abdominal aorta

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    Paulo de Tarso Ponte Pierre Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Examinar a correlação sugerida entre síndrome de pseudo-exfoliação e aneurisma de aorta abdominal. MÉTODOS: Sessenta e cinco pacientes recentemente operados por aneurisma de aorta abdominal e 51 controles com aterosclerose periférica, sem aneurisma, submeteram-se ao exame oftalmológico sob dilatação pupilar para investigar a presença de síndrome de pseudo-exfoliação. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre a média de idade, distribuição por sexo e raça entre os 2 grupos (p > 0,05. Dois dos 65 pacientes com aneurisma de aorta e um dos 51 controles apresentaram síndrome de pseudo-exfoliação (p = 1,00. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de síndrome de pseudo-exfoliação em pacientes operados por aneurisma de aorta abdominal e em pacientes com aterosclerose periférica foi similar. Este achado não confirma a associação proposta entre síndrome de pseudo-exfoliação e aneurisma de aorta abdominal.PURPOSE: To investigate the suggested association between pseudoexfoliation syndrome and aneurysm of the abdominal aorta. METHODS: 65 patients recently operated for abdominal aortic aneurysm and 51 controls with peripheral atherosclerosis, without aneurysm, underwent an ophthalmologic examination under pupillary dilatation to detect the presence of pseudoexfoliation syndrome. RESULTS: There were no significant differences regarding mean age and distribution by gender and race between the groups (p > 0.05. Two of 65 patients with aortic aneurysm and one of 51 controls presented pseudoexfoliation syndrome (p = 1.00. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of pseudoexfoliation syndrome in patients operated for abdominal aortic aneurysm and in patients with peripheral atherosclerosis were similar. This finding does not support the proposed association between pseudoexfoliation syndrome and abdominal aortic aneurysm.

  20. A estimulação russa no fortalecimento da musculatura abdominal Russian stimulation in strengthening abdominal muscle

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    Evelyne Patrícia Fernandes Lima


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO - A flacidez muscular surge com maior frequência nas mulheres, o que causa fator ruim para a estética corporal. OBJETIVO - Analisar os resultados da corrente russa no fortalecimento da musculatura abdominal. MÉTODOS - Revisão bibliográfica com base nas publicações acessíveis pelas seguintes bases de dados: Medline/Pubmed, Scielo, Lilacs com cruzamento dos descritores corrente russa, flacidez, abdômen. O uso da eletroestimulação age tanto sobre as fibras brancas, que respondem pela velocidade, como também sobre as fibras vermelhas dado à sua sustentação, e ainda sobre as fibras intermediárias. CONCLUSÃO - Os dados publicados mostram a satisfação e êxito do tratamento, enfatizando que a corrente russa favorece o aumento da hipertrofia e força muscular.INTRODUCTION - Muscle weakness appears most often in women, the factor that causes bad esthetics. OBJECTIVE - To analyze the results of the Russian current strengthening the abdominal muscles. METHODS - Literature review based on publications available in the following databases: Medline / Pubmed, Scielo, Lilacs with crossing headings Russian current, sagging, abdomen. The use of electrical stimulation acts both on the white fibers, which account for the speed, but also on the red fibers given their support, and on intermediate fibers. CONCLUSION - The data published show the satisfaction and success of treatment, emphasizing that the Russian current promotes increase of muscle strength and hypertrophy.

  1. Laparoscopic management of abdominal cocoon

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    Makam Ramesh


    Full Text Available "Peritonitis fibrosa incapsulata", first described in 1907, is a condition characterized by encasement of the bowel with a thick fibrous membrane. This condition was renamed as "abdominal cocoon" in 1978. It presents as small bowel obstruction clinically. 35 cases of abdominal cocoon have been reported in the literature over the last three decades. Abdominal cocoon is more common in adolescent girls from tropical countries. Various etiologies have been described, including tubercular. It is treated surgically by releasing the entrapped bowel. We report a laparoscopic experience of tubercular abdominal cocoon and review the literature.

  2. Propuesta de políticas e intervenciones para reducir las desigualdades sociales en salud en España A proposal of policies and interventions to reduce social inequalities in health in Spain

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    Full Text Available En noviembre de 2008, a petición de la Dirección General de Salud Pública y Sanidad Exterior del Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social, se constituyó la Comisión para Reducir las Desigualdades Sociales en Salud en España con el cometido de elaborar una propuesta de medidas de intervención para disminuir las desigualdades en salud. El objetivo de este artículo es exponer el trabajo realizado y los documentos elaborados por la Comisión. Los 18 profesionales que la formaban realizaron un análisis de situación sobre las desigualdades en salud y las políticas para reducirlas, revisaron documentos internacionales y consultaron a 56 expertos de distintos ámbitos para elaborar una propuesta de recomendaciones para disminuir las desigualdades en salud. En mayo de 2010, la Comisión presentó el documento «Avanzando hacia la equidad: Propuesta de políticas e intervenciones para reducir las desigualdades sociales en salud en España». En el documento se detallan 166 recomendaciones, divididas en 14 áreas y ordenadas por prioridad. Las recomendaciones evidencian que la reducción de las desigualdades sociales en salud no es posible sin un compromiso para impulsar la salud y la equidad en todas las políticas y para avanzar hacia una sociedad más justa.In November 2008, at the request of the Directorate General of Public Health of the Ministry of Health and Social Policy, the Commission to Reduce Social Inequalities in Health in Spain was established with a mandate to develop a proposal for interventions to reduce health inequalities. This article aims to present the work carried out and the documents prepared by the Commission. The Commission, consisting of 18 members, conducted a situational analysis of health inequalities and of the policies to reduce them, reviewed international documents and consulted 56 experts from distinct fields to develop a proposal for recommendations to reduce health inequalities. In May 2010, the Commission

  3. Pseudocisto esplênico não parasítico: um relato de caso

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    Alice de Moraes Baier


    Full Text Available Os cistos esplênicos são raros, podem ser congênitos ou adquiridos e são encontrados, muitas vezes, em exames incidentais. Aparecem como tumorações na topografia do hipocôndrio esquerdo, associados a sintomas obstrutivos e dor abdominal. Os pseudocistos são formados por uma camada de tecido fibroso, sem revestimento epitelial, e têm como fator etiológico mais provável o trauma esplênico prévio. Atualmente, o ultrassom abdominal é o método mais importante para o diagnóstico de cisto esplênico, pois evita a realização de exames mais agressivos. Para o tratamento de cisto esplênico sintomático de grande tamanho, não parasítico, com risco aumentado de ruptura e etiologia desconhecida, a indicação de escolha é a esplenectomia. Este relato objetiva apresentar essa doença incomum, ressaltando seu quadro clínico, métodos diagnósticos e tratamento. Palavras-chave: Pseudocisto; baço; esplenectomia

  4. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) (United States)

    ... Professions Site Index A-Z Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) occurs when atherosclerosis or plaque buildup causes the ... weak and bulge outward like a balloon. An AAA develops slowly over time and has few noticeable ...

  5. Abdominal emergencies in pediatrics. (United States)

    Coca Robinot, D; Liébana de Rojas, C; Aguirre Pascual, E


    Abdominal symptoms are among the most common reasons for pediatric emergency department visits, and abdominal pain is the most frequently reported symptom. Thorough history taking and physical examination can often reach the correct diagnosis. Knowing the abdominal conditions that are most common in each age group can help radiologists narrow the differential diagnosis. When imaging tests are indicated, ultrasonography is usually the first-line technique, enabling the diagnosis or adding relevant information with the well-known advantages of this technique. Nowadays, plain-film X-ray studies are reserved for cases in which perforation, bowel obstruction, or foreign body ingestion is suspected. It is also important to remember that abdominal pain can also occur secondary to basal pneumonia. CT is reserved for specific indications and in individual cases, for example, in patients with high clinical suspicion of abdominal disease and inconclusive findings at ultrasonography. We review some of the most common conditions in pediatric emergencies, the different imaging tests indicated in each case, and the imaging signs in each condition. Copyright © 2016 SERAM. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  6. Abdominal tuberculosis: Imaging features

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pereira, Jose M.; Madureira, Antonio J.; Vieira, Alberto; Ramos, Isabel


    Radiological findings of abdominal tuberculosis can mimic those of many different diseases. A high level of suspicion is required, especially in high-risk population. In this article, we will describe barium studies, ultrasound (US) and computed tomography (CT) findings of abdominal tuberculosis (TB), with emphasis in the latest. We will illustrate CT findings that can help in the diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis and describe imaging features that differentiate it from other inflammatory and neoplastic diseases, particularly lymphoma and Crohn's disease. As tuberculosis can affect any organ in the abdomen, emphasis is placed to ileocecal involvement, lymphadenopathy, peritonitis and solid organ disease (liver, spleen and pancreas). A positive culture or hystologic analysis of biopsy is still required in many patients for definitive diagnosis. Learning objectives:1.To review the relevant pathophysiology of abdominal tuberculosis. 2.Illustrate CT findings that can help in the diagnosis

  7. Tratamiento de aorta abdominal e ilíacas con técnica endovascular: Experiencia quirúrgica Treatment of abdominal aorta and iliac arteries with endovascular technique

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    Juan G Barrera


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: desde 1991 la técnica endovascular se ha aplicado con éxito en el manejo de los aneurismas de aorta infrarrenal, y se ha perfeccionado de manera tal que rápidamente se ha convertido en una alternativa para pacientes de alto riesgo para la cirugía convencional. Objetivo: describir los resultados institucionales en el manejo de las patologías de aorta abdominal e ilíacas mediante técnica endovascular desde 2003 a 2005. Diseño-Método: estudio descriptivo, longitudinal, retrospectivo, en el que se analizaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes sometidos a procedimiento endovascular de aorta abdominal e ilíacas. El análisis se realizó en Stata 8,0 S/E. Resultados: a 9 pacientes se les realizó exclusivamente manejo de lesiones en aorta abdominal e ilíacas. Todos los pacientes del estudio fueron hombres con edad media de 68,9 + 8,1 años. Los diagnósticos fueron aneurisma de aorta infrarrenal en 6 pacientes y aneurismas anastomóticos en los 3 restantes. Se evidenció requerimiento de endoprótesis en promedio de 1,9 + 0,8. Se realizó puente femoro-femoral como procedimiento simultáneo en 4 de los 9 pacientes. El 77,8% de los pacientes no tuvo complicaciones. La mortalidad por el procedimiento alcanzó el 22% (2 pacientes, si bien cabe anotar que las complicaciones se presentaron sólo en esos dos pacientes. Conclusiones: la exclusión de aneurismas de aorta y de ilíacas con endoprótesis modulares, se está implementando ampliamente como una opción válida de tratamiento, con resultados excelentes que evitan los riesgos de la intervención convencional y la morbilidad asociada.Antecedents: since 1991 endovascular technique has been successfully used in the management of infra-renal aortic aneurysms and it has been improved in such a way that it has quickly turned into an alternative for patients considered having high risk for conventional surgery. Objective: describe the institutional results in the management of

  8. Gestión y prioridades geográficas por sectores en Manabí para mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y desarrollo

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    Ana Afonso Gallegos


    Full Text Available La inadecuada gestión de recursos financieros y económicos para disminuir la vulnerabilidad de la Seguridad Alimentaria en las zonas geográficas manabitas, es una de las prioridades a ser tratadas por autoridades de niños sub-nutridos, para distribuir estos recursos, existe una insuficiente capacidad de gestión local. La Seguridad Alimentaria es un fenómeno complejo y multidimensional; la metodología utilizada es de tipo descriptivo, comparativo y correlacional, con variables planteadas en trabajos de Smith/ Haddad 2000 y UNICEF 1990, cuyos factores principales son: alimentos, ingresos, infraestructura, agua, saneamiento, salud y educación. El objetivo principal es establecer las prioridades de actuación para mejorar el estado nutricional y promover el desarrollo de Manabí. Se ha medido factores determinantes de la vulnerabilidad cantonal, la gravedad del problema de cuánta gente la padece y su capacidad de respuesta. Para resolverlo se plantea una adecuada gestión de prioridades geográficas y sectoriales, principalmente de recursos financieros de las instituciones competentes.  Palabras  clave:  Gasto  público,  desarrollo  humano,  política  pública,  políticas  de planificación, desarrollo.

  9. Central obesity and dietary intake in HIV/AIDS patients Obesidade abdominal e consumo alimentar em portadores de HIV/Aids

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    Patrícia Constante Jaime


    abdominal, definida pela razão das circunferências da cintura e quadril >0,95 para os homens e >0,85 para mulheres. As variáveis dietéticas estudadas foram consumo de energia (calorias e calorias/quilo de peso corporal, macronutrientes (em gramas e % da energia ingerida, fibra total (gramas e consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes (gramas. Potenciais fatores de confusão examinados foram sexo, raça, idade, escolaridade, renda, índice de massa corporal, nível de atividade física, tabagismo, contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ e tempo de uso de inibidor de protease. Estimou-se modelo de regressão logística para avaliar a relação entre obesidade abdominal e consumo alimentar. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de obesidade abdominal foi de 45,7% e esteve associada ao maior consumo de lipídeos: para cada aumento de 10 g de lipídio na dieta a chance aumentou 1,28 vezes. O consumo de carboidratos mostrou-se negativamente associado (OR=0,93 com a presença de obesidade abdominal após ajuste pelas variáveis de controle. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem que a quantidade de carboidratos e lipídeos na dieta, independente do consumo energético, pode modificar a chance de desenvolver obesidade abdominal na população estudada. Intervenções nutricionais podem ser benéficas na prevenção de obesidade abdominal entre pacientes vivendo com HIV/Aids.

  10. Blunt abdominal trauma in children. (United States)

    Schonfeld, Deborah; Lee, Lois K


    This review will examine the current evidence regarding pediatric blunt abdominal trauma and the physical exam findings, laboratory values, and radiographic imaging associated with the diagnosis of intra-abdominal injuries (IAI), as well as review the current literature on pediatric hollow viscus injuries and emergency department disposition after diagnosis. The importance of the seat belt sign on physical examination and screening laboratory data remains controversial, although screening hepatic enzymes are recommended in the evaluation of nonaccidental trauma to identify occult abdominal organ injuries. Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) has modest sensitivity for hemoperitoneum and IAI in the pediatric trauma patient. Patients with concern for undiagnosed IAI, including bowel injury, may be considered for hospital admission and serial abdominal exams without an increased risk of complications, if an exploratory laparotomy is not performed emergently. Although the FAST exam is not recommended as the sole screening tool to rule out IAI in hemodynamically stable trauma patients, it may be used in conjunction with the physical exam and laboratory findings to identify children at risk for IAI. Children with a normal physical exam and normal abdominal CT may not require routine hospitalization after blunt abdominal trauma.

  11. Acomodación abdominal: Fisiopatología de la Distensión Abdominal


    Villoria Ferrer, Albert


    La distensión abdominal es una alteración clínica frecuente en la población general y en especial en los pacientes afectos de trastornos funcionales digestivos donde se manifiesta de una manera más intensa. El volumen de la cavidad abdominal presenta variaciones fisiológicas en respuesta a la ingesta de alimentos, el llenado vesical o la evacuación rectal. Nuestros datos indican que cuando se realiza un incremento del volumen abdominal de forma experimental en sujetos sanos mediante la infusi...

  12. Métodos de aquecimento na prevenção da hipotermia no intraoperatório de cirurgia abdominal eletiva

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    Rutes de Fatima Terres Danczuk


    Full Text Available Resumo Objetivo: Identificar os métodos de aquecimento para prevenir hipotermia em pacientes adultos no intraoperatório de cirurgia abdominal eletiva com exposição visceral. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, exploratório e descritivo, prospectivo, realizado num hospital público da região sul do Brasil. Constituiu a amostra 63 pacientes. Observaram-se os métodos de aquecimento utilizados e foi aferida a temperatura timpânica. Para tratamento dos dados, aplicou-se a estatística descritiva por meio do software SEstatNet. Resultados: Foram utilizados métodos de aquecimento ativo e passivo. A infusão de fluidos aquecidos para irrigação da cavidade abdominal foi a medida mais empregada (nº 63; 100% do método ativo, enquanto que a manutenção do sistema de refrigeração desligado até o início da cirurgia foi a medida mais utilizada (nº 57; 90,5% do método passivo. Conclusão: Com os métodos de aquecimento empregados não houve hipotermia grave, porém, existem métodos atuais mais eficientes que poderiam prevenir a hipotermia leve e moderada encontradas.

  13. Abdominal tuberculosis: Imaging features

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pereira, Jose M. [Department of Radiology, Hospital de S. Joao, Porto (Portugal)]. E-mail:; Madureira, Antonio J. [Department of Radiology, Hospital de S. Joao, Porto (Portugal); Vieira, Alberto [Department of Radiology, Hospital de S. Joao, Porto (Portugal); Ramos, Isabel [Department of Radiology, Hospital de S. Joao, Porto (Portugal)


    Radiological findings of abdominal tuberculosis can mimic those of many different diseases. A high level of suspicion is required, especially in high-risk population. In this article, we will describe barium studies, ultrasound (US) and computed tomography (CT) findings of abdominal tuberculosis (TB), with emphasis in the latest. We will illustrate CT findings that can help in the diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis and describe imaging features that differentiate it from other inflammatory and neoplastic diseases, particularly lymphoma and Crohn's disease. As tuberculosis can affect any organ in the abdomen, emphasis is placed to ileocecal involvement, lymphadenopathy, peritonitis and solid organ disease (liver, spleen and pancreas). A positive culture or hystologic analysis of biopsy is still required in many patients for definitive diagnosis. Learning objectives:1.To review the relevant pathophysiology of abdominal tuberculosis. 2.Illustrate CT findings that can help in the diagnosis.

  14. Validity of a new abdominal bioelectrical impedance device to measure abdominal and visceral fat: comparison with MRI


    Browning, Lucy M; Mugridge, Owen; Chatfield, Mark; Dixon, Adrian; Aitken, Sri; Joubert, Ilse; Prentice, Andrew M.; Jebb, Susan A


    Abdominal fat, and in particular, visceral adipose tissue (VAT), is the critical fat depot associated with metabolic aberrations. At present VAT can only be accurately measured by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This study was designed to compare a new abdominal bioelectrical impedance device against total abdominal adipose tissue (TAAT) and VAT area measurements made from an abdominal MRI scan, and to assess it’s reliability and accuracy.

  15. Abdominal binders may reduce pain and improve physical function after major abdominal surgery - a systematic review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rothman, Josephine Philip; Gunnarsson, Ulf; Bisgaard, Thue


    INTRODUCTION: Evidence for the effect of post-operative abdominal binders on post-operative pain, seroma formation, physical function, pulmonary function and increased intra-abdominal pressure among patients after surgery remains largely un-investigated. METHODS: A systematic review was conducted...... formation and physical function. RESULTS: A total of 50 publications were identified; 42 publications were excluded leaving eight publications counting a total of 578 patients for analysis. Generally, the scientific quality of the studies was poor. Use of abdominal binder revealed a non-significant tendency...... to reduce seroma formation after laparoscopic ventral herniotomy and a non-significant reduction in pain. Physical function was improved, whereas evidence supports a beneficial effect on psychological distress after open abdominal surgery. Evidence also supports that intra-abdominal pressure increases...

  16. Lateral abdominal muscle size at rest and during abdominal drawing-in manoeuvre in healthy adolescents. (United States)

    Linek, Pawel; Saulicz, Edward; Wolny, Tomasz; Myśliwiec, Andrzej; Kokosz, Mirosław


    Lateral abdominal wall muscles in children and adolescents have not been characterised to date. In the present report, we examined the reliability of the ultrasound measurement and thickness of the oblique external muscle (OE), oblique internal muscle (OI) and transverse abdominal muscle (TrA) at rest and during abdominal drawing-in manoeuvre (ADIM) on both sides of the body in healthy adolescents. We also determined possible differences between boys and girls and defined any factors-such as body mass, height and BMI-that may affect the thickness of the abdominal muscles. B-mode ultrasound was used to assess OE, OI and TrA on both sides of the body in the supine position. Ultrasound measurements at rest and during ADIM were reliable in this age group (ICC3,3 > 0.92). OI was always the thickest and TrA the thinnest muscle on both sides of the body. In this group, an identical pattern of the contribution of the individual muscles to the structure of the lateral abdominal wall (OI > OE > TrA) was observed. At rest and during ADIM, no statistically significant side-to-side differences were demonstrated in either gender. The body mass constitutes between 30% and <50% of the thickness differences in all muscles under examination at rest and during ADIM. The structure of lateral abdominal wall in adolescents is similar to that of adults. During ADIM, the abdominal muscles in adolescents react similarly to those in adults. This study provided extensive information regarding the structure of the lateral abdominal wall in healthy adolescents. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Fatores demográficos e comportamentais associados à obesidade abdominal em usuárias de centro de saúde de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil Demographic and behavioral factors associated with abdominal obesity in women attending a health care unit in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Edílson Ornelas Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar variáveis sócio-demográficas e comportamentais potencialmente associadas à obesidade abdominal, em mulheres usuárias de unidade básica de saúde. MÉTODOS: Foram investigadas 827 mulheres entre 12 e 65 anos, residentes na região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, utilizando-se desenho transversal. A obesidade abdominal foi definida como valores de circunferência da cintura >88cm. A associação entre obesidade abdominal e as covariáveis foi avaliada por meio da técnica de regressão logística não condicional, com modelos hierarquizados, que estimam os Odds Ratio e os respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: As maiores prevalências de obesidade abdominal foram encontradas em mulheres >51 anos (63,3% e em mulheres com >5 partos (53,8%. As seguintes variáveis permaneceram associadas à obesidade abdominal no modelo final: idade (Odds Ratio variando entre 2,53 e 27,64, escolaridade 5 filhos (Odds Ratio=3,20, intervalo de confiança 95%: 1,48 - 6,90 e atividade física leve no trabalho (Odds Ratio=1,63, intervalo de confiança 95%: 1,01 - 2,64. As variáveis idade e índice de massa corporal também foram incluídas no modelo final para controlar confundimento. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que a escolaridade e a paridade são potenciais preditores para o desenvolvimento da obesidade abdominal no grupo estudado e devem ser levados em consideração em estudos sobre obesidade.OBJECTIVE: To identify sociodemographic and behavioral variables potentially associated with abdominal obesity in women attending a health care unit. METHODS: A total of 827 women aging from 12 to 65 years and living in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, were investigated using a cross-sectional design. Abdominal obesity was defined as waist circumference >88cm.The association between abdominal obesity and the co-variables was assessed by unconditional logistic regression. This technique estimates the

  18. Prevalência e fatores associados à obesidade abdominal em pacientes em hemodiálise em Goiânia - GO

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    Ana Tereza Vaz de Souza Freitas


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A presença de excesso de peso, especialmente obesidade visceral, contribui para o maior risco de complicações metabólicas e cardiovasculares em pacientes com doença renal crônica. OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência e os fatores associados à obesidade abdominal em pacientes em hemodiálise (HD. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 344 pacientes maiores de 18 anos. A obesidade abdominal foi definida pela circunferência da cintura > 94 cm nos homens e > 80 cm nas mulheres. As variáveis independentes envolveram aspectos socioeconômicos, demográficos, hábitos de vida, tempo em HD, consumo alimentar e índice de massa corporal (IMC. A análise dos fatores associados foi realizada por regressão de Poisson múltipla, permanecendo no modelo final as variáveis com p 25 kg/m². Nos homens, a classe econômica D/E também permaneceu associada à obesidade abdominal, p < 0,05. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se alta prevalência de obesidade abdominal em pacientes em hemodiálise. Idade superior a 40 anos, classes econômicas mais baixas, ingestão proteica inferior ao recomendado e excesso de peso foram associados à obesidade abdominal.

  19. Efectividad de la gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva frente al entrenamiento perineal clásico en el fortalecimiento del suelo pélvico de la mujer: revisión sistemática


    Díaz Águila, María Estrella


    Antecedentes: La Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva es un método creado en la década de los 80 por el Dr. Marcel Caufriez en el ámbito de la reeducación postparto. En Fisioterapia Uroginecológica se emplea como terapia para el tratamiento de las disfunciones del suelo pélvico y desde el año 2007 se utiliza también como forma de entrenamiento abdominal. Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar la evidencia publicada sobre la efectividad de la Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva en el fortale...

  20. Desarrollo de nuevos materiales de electrodo para la obtención de Hidrógeno a partir de la electrólisis alcalina del agua.


    Herraiz Cardona, Isaac


    El término "Economía del Hidrógeno" responde a una visión de futuro donde este gas, generado de forma limpia y económica, serviría para alimentar el grueso de las necesidades energéticas de la sociedad. Esta propuesta reduciría la dependencia actual sobre los combustibles fósiles, ya que el hidrógeno podría ser producido a partir de otras fuentes primarias como las renovables o la nuclear. Igualmente se disminuiría la contaminación atmosférica y la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero, pues...

  1. Intra-abdominal pressure during swimming. (United States)

    Moriyama, S; Ogita, F; Huang, Z; Kurobe, K; Nagira, A; Tanaka, T; Takahashi, H; Hirano, Y


    The present study aimed to determine the intra-abdominal pressure during front crawl swimming at different velocities in competitive swimmers and to clarify the relationships between stroke indices and changes in intra-abdominal pressure. The subjects were 7 highly trained competitive collegiate male swimmers. Intra-abdominal pressure was measured during front crawl swimming at 1.0, 1.2 and 1.4 m · s(-1) and during the Valsalva maneuver. Intra-abdominal pressure was taken as the difference between minimum and maximum values, and the mean of 6 stable front crawl stroke cycles was used. Stroke rate and stroke length were also measured as stroke indices. There were significant differences in stroke rate among all velocities (P pressure and stroke rate or stroke length (P pressure and stroke indices when controlling for swimming velocity. These findings do not appear to support the effectiveness of trunk training performed by competitive swimmers aimed at increasing intra-abdominal pressure. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  2. A nicotina atua como fator deletério na reparação da parede abdominal The nicotine has a deleterious effect on the healing of abdominal wall

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aldo da Cunha Medeiros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da nicotina na cicatrização da camada musculoaponeurótica da parede abdominal. MÉTODOS: Estudo experimental em que foram usados 16 ratos da raça Wistar pesando em média 210± 8g, separados aleatoriamente em 2 grupos de 8. Nos animais do grupo A foi implantado disco de nicotina (Nicotinel Ò na dose de 5mg/Kg de peso/dia no subcutâneo da região dorsal, trocado a cada dois dias, a partir do 5º dia antes da operação em que foi feita laparotomia mediana de 5 cm, até o 10º dia de observação. No grupo B (controle foram usados discos de celulose com o mesmo diâmetro. Tubo de silicone multiperfurado foi implantado no subcutâneo a 1cm da lesão da parede abdominal. A camada musculoaponeurótica e a pele foram suturadas com fio de nylon 5-0. No 10º dia pós-operatório foi colhido 1ml de líquido seroso do tubo de silicone por punção percutânea para dosagem de pO2 e os animais receberam dose letal de anestésico. Foi ressecado um segmento da camada musculoaponeurótica com 2cm de largura para tensiometria, em seguida processado e corado em HE e tricrômico de Masson para análise quantitativa dos dados histopatológicos em sistema digitalizado. A análise estatística foi feita pelo ANOVA e teste Newman-Keuls, com significância 0,05. RESULTADOS: No grupo A a pO2 do líquido tecidual atingiu o valor 17,75± 3,4 mmHg e no grupo B (controle a pO2 = 40,75± 6,4 mmHg (pOBJETIVE: An experimental study was done to evaluate the effect of nicotine on the healing of abdominal wall. METHODS: Sexteen Wistar rats weighing 210± 8g were randomly separated into two groups of eight rats each. In the group A Nicotine (Nicotinel Ò was implanted in the back subcutaneous 5mg/Kg each two days, begining at the fifth preoperative day. A 5cm median laparotomy was done, sutured with nylon 5-0 and the rats were observed in individual cages. The group B (control didn’t use nicotine. A multiperfurated silicone tube was implanted

  3. Investigación de seromas postliposucción y dermolipectomía abdominal Investigation about seromas in liposuction and abdominal dermolipectomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Moretti


    Full Text Available El seroma es una de las complicaciones de los procedimientos estéticos de la pared abdominal. Este líquido contenido en el tejido celular subcutáneo y en el espacio supraaponeurótico es frecuente tema de discusión debido a que hay opiniones divergentes y contradictorias con respecto a los factores etiológicos, los elementos que contribuyen a su formación y a su tratamiento. El presente estudio de 2 años de duración, fue diseñado para investigar la incidencia de seromas en liposucciones y dermolipectomías abdominales aisladas, y cuando ambos procedimientos se realizan directamente en el colgajo abdominal. Se estudió esta complicación desde diferentes aspectos: experimental (15 conejos albinos de Nueva Zelanda, histopatológico y mediante análisis restropectivo en 60 casos. Se concluye, desde el punto de vista experimental, que los seromas son exudados. Su origen linfático se demostró por la presencia de linfangiectasias en las biopsias de los animales. El análisis retrospectivo de los casos clínicos y los resultados de laboratorio determinaron que cuando la dermolipectomía y liposucción se realizan en forma aislada el riesgo de desarrollar seromas es menor (13,04% que cuando ambos procedimientos se realizan juntos sobre el colgajo (50%. La aparición de células polimorfomucleares en el líquido indica la contaminación del seroma.Seroma is one of the complications of the aesthetic procedures in the abdominal wall. This fluid collected in the subcutaneous cellular tissue and in the supraaponeurotic space is a frequent subject of discussion since there are many divergent and contradictory opinions with regard to the etiologic factors and the elements that contribute in its formation and or its treatment. A two-year study was conducted to investigate incidence of seromas in liposuction and abdominal dermolipectomy and when both procedures was performed in the abdominal flap. We studied this complication from different aspects

  4. Abdominal tuberculosis. On-going challenge to gastroenterologists

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ibrahim, Mahgoub; Osuba, Abimbola


    The aim of this study is to record the observations and experience on the diagnosis and management of abdominal tuberculosis (TB) and to highlight the difficulties in the diagnosis and management of this condition. Two hundred consecutive patients attending the Gastroenterology Department of the King Khalid National Guard Hospital, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia between May 1991 and May 2001, suspected with abdominal TB were investigated. A detailed clinical history and physical examination were obtained. Data of 75 confirmed cases of abdominal TB were analyzed. The most common presenting symptoms were anorexia (84%), abdominal pain (84%) and weight loss (72%). Abdominal tenderness was the most common clinical finding, followed by ascites and abdominal mass (42%). The chest radiograph suggestive of pulmonary TB was diagnosed in 24 patients (32%). Computed tomographic (CT) scanning revealed abnormalities in all 51 patients who underwent the procedure, while positive findings were observed by abdominal ultrasound in 66% of the tested patients. Histopathological examination of patients showed tuberculosis granuloma, while acid fast bacilli were seen in 34%. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was identified by microbiological methods in 60% of patients. The most common presenting symptoms were anorexia (84%), abdominal pain (84%) and weight loss (72%). Abdominal tenderness was the most common clinical finding, followed by ascites and abdominal mass (42%). The chest radiograph suggestive of pulmonary TB was diagnosed in 24 patients (32%). Computed tomographic (CT) scanning revealed abnormalities in all 51 patients who underwent the procedure, while positive findings were observed by abdominal ultrasound in 66% of the tested patients. Histopathological examination of patients showed tuberculous granuloma, while acid fast bacilli were seen in 34%. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was identified by microbiological methods in 60% of patients. A high index of clinical suspicion is

  5. Increased pressure within the abdominal compartment: intra-abdominal hypertension and the abdominal compartment syndrome. (United States)

    Roberts, Derek J; Ball, Chad G; Kirkpatrick, Andrew W


    This article reviews recent developments related to intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH)/abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) and clinical practice guidelines published in 2013. IAH/ACS often develops because of the acute intestinal distress syndrome. Although the incidence of postinjury ACS is decreasing, IAH remains common and associated with significant morbidity and mortality among critically ill/injured patients. Many risk factors for IAH include those findings suggested to be indications for use of damage control surgery in trauma patients. Medical management strategies for IAH/ACS include sedation/analgesia, neuromuscular blocking and prokinetic agents, enteral decompression tubes, interventions that decrease fluid balance, and percutaneous catheter drainage. IAH/ACS may be prevented in patients undergoing laparotomy by leaving the abdomen open where appropriate. If ACS cannot be prevented with medical or surgical management strategies or treated with percutaneous catheter drainage, guidelines recommend urgent decompressive laparotomy. Use of negative pressure peritoneal therapy for temporary closure of the open abdomen may improve the systemic inflammatory response and patient-important outcomes. In the last 15 years, investigators have better clarified the pathogenesis, epidemiology, diagnosis, and appropriate prevention of IAH/ACS. Subsequent study should be aimed at understanding which treatments effectively lower intra-abdominal pressure and whether these treatments ultimately affect patient-important outcomes.

  6. CT of abdominal abscesses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korobkin, M.T.


    The imaging search for a suspected abdominal abscess is common in hospitalized patients, especially after recent abdominal surgery. This paper examines the role of CT in the detection, localization, and treatment of abdominal abscess. The accuracy, limitations, and technical aspects of CT in this clinical setting are discussed. The diagnosis of an abscess is based on the demonstration of a circumscribed abnormal fluid collection. Although percutaneous aspiration with gram stain and culture is usually indicated to differentiate abscess from other fluid collections, the CT-based detection of extraluminal gas bubbles makes the diagnosis of an abscess highly likely. CT is compared with conventional radiographic studies, US, and radio-nuclide imaging. Specific CT and clinical features of abscesses in the following sites are emphasized: subphrenic space, liver, pancreas, kidneys, psoas muscle, appendix, and colonic diverticula. Most abdominal abscesses can be successfully treated with percutaneous drainage techniques. The techniques, results, and limitations of percutaneous abscess drainage are reviewed

  7. Adult abdominal hernias.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Murphy, Kevin P


    Educational Objectives and Key Points. 1. Given that abdominal hernias are a frequent imaging finding, radiologists not only are required to interpret the appearances of abdominal hernias but also should be comfortable with identifying associated complications and postrepair findings. 2. CT is the imaging modality of choice for the assessment of a known adult abdominal hernia in both elective and acute circumstances because of rapid acquisition, capability of multiplanar reconstruction, good spatial resolution, and anatomic depiction with excellent sensitivity for most complications. 3. Ultrasound is useful for adult groin assessment and is the imaging modality of choice for pediatric abdominal wall hernia assessment, whereas MRI is beneficial when there is reasonable concern that a patient\\'s symptoms could be attributable to a hernia or a musculoskeletal source. 4. Fluoroscopic herniography is a sensitive radiologic investigation for patients with groin pain in whom a hernia is suspected but in whom a hernia cannot be identified at physical examination. 5. The diagnosis of an internal hernia not only is a challenging clinical diagnosis but also can be difficult to diagnose with imaging: Closed-loop small-bowel obstruction and abnormally located bowel loops relative to normally located small bowel or colon should prompt assessment for an internal hernia.

  8. Tinidazol versus cefazolina na antibioticoprofilaxia de histerectomia vaginal e abdominal Tinidazole versus cefazolin in antibiotic prophylaxis of vaginal and abdominal hysterectomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Antonio Simões


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: comparar a eficácia do tinidazol e da cefazolina na antibioticoprofilaxia da morbidade febril e infecciosa pós-histerectomia vaginal e abdominal. MÉTODOS: estudo clínico randomizado, no qual as mulheres internadas para histerectomia foram aleatorizadas para um dos seguintes grupos de antibioticoprofilaxia: Grupo C (2 g de cefazolina EV na indução anestésica; Grupo T (2 g de tinidazol VO 12 horas antes da cirurgia; ou Grupo C+T (2 g de tinidazol VO 12 horas antes da cirurgia e 2 g de cefazolina EV na indução anestésica. Amostras cervicovaginais foram coletadas para culturas específicas e o diagnóstico de vaginose bacteriana (VB foi baseado nos critérios de Amsel e Nugent. As pacientes foram reavaliadas sete e 30 dias após a cirurgia para sinais de morbidade febril e/ou infecciosa. Para avaliar as diferenças entre os três grupos, realizaram-se os testes do χ2 ou exato de Fisher com nível de significância de 5%. Calulou-se o poder da amostra (1-β através do programa SAS. RESULTADOS: morbidade infecciosa sete dias após a histerectomia foi diagnosticada em 6,6% das mulheres, mas não houve diferença significativa na distribuição entre os três grupos estudados (p=0,12. Não diagnosticou-se morbidade febril ou infecciosa no pós-operatório imediato ou após 30 dias da cirurgia. A freqüência de VB no pré-operatório foi significativamente maior entre as mulheres submetidas à histerectomia vaginal do que naquelas submetidas à histerectomia abdominal (27 versus 7%, p=0,02. Também se observou freqüência maior de VB após 30 dias entre as mulheres submetidas à histerectomia vaginal (20 versus 8%, porém sem significância estatística (p=0,19. CONCLUSÕES: o uso do tinizadol, isoladamente ou em associação com cefazolina, não apresentou maior eficácia que o uso de apenas cefazolina na prevenção de morbidade febril ou infecciosa pós-histerectomia. A elevada freqüência de VB no pré-operatório imediato

  9. Evaluación de programa piloto de apoyo para trabajadores que cuidan a familiares dependientes: estudio pre-postest

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    Solange Campos


    Full Text Available El envejecimiento de la población aumenta la posibilidad de requerir cuidados, los cuales son proprocionados por las familias, especialmente por las mujeres. Para quienes tienen trabajo remunerado, significa cumplir un doble rol. Esto es un factor de riesgo para la salud del trabajador, la calidad del cuidado entregado y su rendimiento laboral Objetivos: evaluar el efecto de programa piloto de apoyo a trabajadores que ejercen tareas de cuidado informal, sobre su percepción de carga de cuidado y de apoyo social. Métodos: estudio pre-postest, con 25 funcionarios que ejercen el doble rol de trabajador-cuidador informal. Resultados: la intervención demostró ser efectiva al disminuir la percepción de carga de cuidado y aumentar la percepción de apoyo social. Conclusión: intervenciones implementadas dentro del ámbito laboral y con el apoyo de la institución aportan a la percepción de apoyo de los trabajadores y a su satisfacción con el programa.

  10. Problemas de fonética española para los estudiantes tailandeses: propuesta de ejercicios

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    Penpisa Srivoranart


    Full Text Available La pronunciación es clave para la conversación entre un nativo y un extranjero,o bien entre los extranjeros, como podemos ver en la gran cantidad de casos demalentendidos producidos a causa de la mala pronunciación. Por consiguiente, elprofesor de E/LE debe tener en cuenta este aspecto desde el principio del aprendizaje eintentar eliminar o disminuir lo máximo posible los problemas y las dificultades de susalumnos.En este trabajo señalaremos los problemas de pronunciación de los alumnostailandeses de español y, como siguiente paso, propondremos unos ejercicios que sirvenpara la enseñanza de ciertas cuestiones fonéticas con el objetivo de que los alumnostailandeses de español puedan pronunciar bien y, al mismo tiempo, distinguir lasdiferencias entre unos sonidos y otros.

  11. Sphincter-saving extrasphincteric rectal dissection and proximal segmental sphincteric excision techniques by using combined abdominal and transvaginal anterior perineal access in female patients who have lower rectal cancer (Transvaginal low anterior rectal resection

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    Ali Naki Yücesoy


    Full Text Available Background: Combined abdominal and transvaginal anterior perineal approaches have been used as an alternative surgical method for the surgical treatment of the lower rectal cancer. The main aim of this paper is to describe the surgical stages of the combined abdominal and transvaginal approaches performed for lower rectal cancer, especially in transvaginal anterior perineal stage. Method: We have performed sphincter-saving surgical operations by using transvaginal anterior perineal access by combining with the abdominal access in four female patients who had lower rectal cancer. Results: Sphincter-saving extrasphincteric dissection and proximal segmental sphincteric excision techniques were performed in four female patients operated with combined abdominal and transvaginal anterior perineal approach. All patients were found to have continence. Postoperatively, one patient was converted to abdominoperineal rectal amputation due to the detected distal resection margin positivity. Conclusion: Transvaginal anterior perineal access provides the extrasphincteric rectal dissection possibility in the ischioanal fossa. Therefore, the combined abdominal and transvaginal anterior perineal approaches have been based on the different anatomical and surgical features when compared to intersphincteric dissection technique which is the most common used surgical procedure in lower rectal cancer surgery. Resumo: Introdução: Uma combinação de abordagens abdominal e perineal anterior transvaginal tem sido empregada como método cirúrgico alternativo para o tratamento cirúrgico do câncer de reto baixo. O principal objetivo do presente artigo é a descrição dos estágios cirúrgicos das abordagens abdominal e transvaginal combinadas realizadas para câncer de reto baixo, especialmente no estágio perineal anterior transvaginal. Método: Realizamos operações cirúrgicas com preservação de esfíncter com o uso do acesso perineal anterior transvaginal, em

  12. Actinomycosis mimicking abdominal neoplasm. Case report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waaddegaard, P; Dziegiel, Morten Hanefeld


    In a patient with a 6-month history of nonspecific abdominal complaints, preoperative examination indicated malignant disease involving the right ovary, rectum and sigmoid, but laparotomy revealed abdominal actinomycosis. Removal of the ovary and low anterior colonic resection followed by penicil......In a patient with a 6-month history of nonspecific abdominal complaints, preoperative examination indicated malignant disease involving the right ovary, rectum and sigmoid, but laparotomy revealed abdominal actinomycosis. Removal of the ovary and low anterior colonic resection followed...... by penicillin treatment gave a good result....

  13. Acute appendicitis after blunt abdominal trauma

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    Marjan Joudi


    Full Text Available Appendecitis is one of the most frequent surgeries. Inflammation of appendix may be due to variable causes such as fecalit, hypertrophy of Peyer’s plaques, seeds of fruits and parasites. In this study we presented an uncommon type of appendicitis which occurred after abdominal blunt trauma. In this article three children present who involved acute appendicitis after blunt abdominal trauma. These patients were 2 boys (5 and 6-year-old and one girl (8-year-old who after blunt abdominal trauma admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain and symptoms of acute abdomen and appendectomy had been done for them.Trauma can induce intramural hematoma at appendix process and may cause appendicitis. Therefore, physicians should be aware of appendicitis after blunt abdominal trauma

  14. Lógica difusa para la toma de decisiones y la selección de personal

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    Francisco Javier Ruvalcaba Coyaso


    Full Text Available Este trabajo de investigación se enfoca en la lógica difusa. Identifica de qué manera sirve para la selección de personal y qué publicaciones relevantes existen acerca de su efectividad en el escenario empresarial. La revisión realizada se llevó a cabo a partir de una búsqueda en bases de datos especializadas. Se encuentra que la fuzzy logic puede ofrecer al proceso de selección de personal algo de certidumbre, en particular en la toma de decisiones que lo acompaña. Puede contribuir también en el proceso de identificación de la persona más adecuada para realizar un conjunto de actividades, de acuerdo, además, con su perfil psicológico. Su uso ayuda, en efecto, a disminuir la ambigüedad y la subjetividad inherentes a la decisión en estos procesos. Esto, dado que los resultados de las pruebas psicométricas y de las entrevistas no son discrecionales, ellas se acompañan, usualmente, de múltiples criterios de asignación de valor.

  15. Abdominal imaging findings in gastrointestinal basidiobolomycosis. (United States)

    Flicek, Kristina T; Vikram, Holenarasipur R; De Petris, Giovanni D; Johnson, C Daniel


    To describe the abdominal imaging findings of patients with gastrointestinal Basidiobolus ranarum infection. A literature search was performed to compile the abdominal imaging findings of all reported worldwide cases of gastrointestinal basidiobolomycosis (GIB). In addition, a retrospective review at our institution was performed to identify GIB cases that had imaging findings. A radiologist aware of the diagnosis reviewed the imaging findings in detail. Additional information was obtained from the medical records. A total of 73 GIB cases have been published in the medical literature. The most common abdominal imaging findings were masses in the colon, the liver, or multiple sites and bowel wall thickening. Initially, many patients were considered to have either a neoplasm or Crohn disease. We identified 7 proven cases of GIB at our institution, of which 4 had imaging studies (4 computed tomography [CT] examinations, 4 abdominal radiographs, and an upper gastrointestinal study). Imaging studies showed abnormalities in all 4 cases. Three-fourths of our study patients had an abdominal mass at CT. Two of 3 masses involved the kidneys and included urinary obstruction. All masses showed an inflammatory component with adjacent soft tissue stranding, with or without abscess formation. Radiologists should consider GIB when a patient from an arid climate presents with abdominal pain, weight loss, and an inflammatory abdominal mass on CT. Abdominal masses of the colon or liver, bowel wall thickening, and abscesses are the most common imaging findings.

  16. Utilización de microondas y ultasonidos en la preparación de hectoritas mesoporosas para su aplicación como soportes de catalizadores de cobre en la reacción catalítica de hidrogenólisis de glicerol a 1,2-propanodiol.


    Sánchez Motta, Tatiana


    El principal objetivo de esta tesis era la obtención de forma sostenible de arcillas mesoporosas del tipo hectorita, utilizando ultrasonidos en la mezcla de reactivos y microondas en el tratamiento hidrotérmico para disminuir los tiempos de síntesis, obteniéndose materiales con interesantes características con un menor coste energético. Posteriormente estas hectoritas mesoporosas se utilizaron como soportes de catalizadores de cobre, que se probaron en la reacción de hidrogenól...

  17. Abdominal imaging in AIDS patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Dawei; Wang Wei; Yuan Chunwang; Jia Cuiyu; Zhao Xuan; Zhang Tong; Ma Daqing


    Objective: To evaluate abdominal imaging in AIDS. Methods: The imaging examinations (including US, CT and MR) of 6 patients with AIDS associated abdominal foci were analysed retrospectively. All the cases were performed US, and CT scan, of which 4 performed enhanced CT scan and 1 with MR. Results: Abdominal tuberculosis were found in 4 patients, including abdominal lymph nodes tuberculosis (3 cases) and pancreatic tuberculosis (1 case). The imaging of lymph nodes tuberculosis typically showed enlarged peripheral tim enhancement with central low-attenuation on contrast-enhanced CT. Pancreatic tuberculosis demonstrated low-attenuation area in pancreatic head and slightly peripheral enhancement. Disseminated Kaposi's sarcoma was seen in 1 case: CT and MRI scan demonstrated tumour infiltrated along hepatic portal vein and bronchovascular bundles. Pelvic tumor was observed in 1 case: CT scan showed large mass with thick and irregular wall and central low attenuation liquefacient necrotic area in the pelvic cavity. Conclusion: The imaging findings of AIDS with abdominal foci is extraordinarily helpful to the diagnosis of such disease. Tissue biopsy is needed to confirm the diagnosis. (authors)

  18. [Diagnostic imaging and acute abdominal pain]. (United States)

    Liljekvist, Mads Svane; Pommergaard, Hans-Christian; Burcharth, Jakob; Rosenberg, Jacob


    Acute abdominal pain is a common clinical condition. Clinical signs and symptoms can be difficult to interpret, and diagnostic imaging may help to identify intra-abdominal disease. Conventional X-ray, ultrasound (US) and computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen vary in usability between common surgical causes of acute abdominal pain. Overall, conventional X-ray cannot confidently diagnose or rule out disease. US and CT are equally trustworthy for most diseases. US with subsequent CT may enhance diagnostic precision. Magnetic resonance seems promising for future use in acute abdominal imaging.

  19. Valor del estudio celular del esputo en el seguimiento de las enfermedades inflamatorias de la vía aérea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Antonio Mazzei


    Full Text Available El análisis celular del esputo, espontáneo u obtenido mediante la técnica de esputo inducido, se ha transformado en una herramienta ampliamente difundida para la evaluación y orientación del tratamiento de las enfermedades inflamatorias de la vía aérea, principalmente asma, enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica y bronquitis eosinofílica. Se han aportado evidencias sobre la utilidad de la técnica del esputo inducido, validada y estandarizada, para ser empleada en pacientes con dificultades para expectorar. Numerosas investigaciones dieron cuenta de la efectividad de basar las decisiones terapéuticas en el componente inflamatorio de la vía aérea mediante el recuento de células en el esputo. Varios estudios mostraron que, en pacientes con asma el análisis celular de esputo guía en la determinación de estrategias para disminuir las exacerbaciones y para mejorar la función pulmonar, aun en pacientes con asma grave, para disminuir el remodelamiento; también se ha descrito su utilidad en pacientes con EPOC, para la disminución de las exacerbaciones.

  20. Radiologic findings of abdominal wall endometriosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seo, Jung Wook [Inje Univ. Ilsan Paik Hospital, Goyang (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the imaging findings of abdominal wall endometriosis. In seven of 17 patients with surgically proven endometriosis of the abdominal wall, we retrospectively reviewed the findings of radiologic studies such as abdominal US (n=3), CT (n=4), and MRI (n=1). One patient under went more than one type of imaging, apparently. The surgical history of the seven, and their symptoms and preoperative diagnosis were reviewed, and the size, location, margin and nature of the mass, and the contrast enhancement patterns observed at radiologic studies, were assessed. The chief symptoms were palpable abdominal wall mass (n=5) and lower abdominal pain (n=2) around a surgical scar. Previous surgery included cesarean section (n=5), cesarean section with oophorectomy (n=1) and appendectomy (n=1). Masses were located in the subcutaneous fat layer (n=5) or rectus abdominis muscle (n=2), and their maximum diameter was 2.6 cm. Imaging findings, which correlated closely with the pathologic findings, included a well (n=5) or poorly marginated (n=2) solid mass, with a focal cystic area apparent in two cases. Although imaging findings of abdominal wall endometriosis may not be specific for diagnosis, the presence of a solid abdominal mass in female patients of reproductive age with a history of surgery is a diagnostic pointer.

  1. Radiologic findings of abdominal wall endometriosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seo, Jung Wook


    To evaluate the imaging findings of abdominal wall endometriosis. In seven of 17 patients with surgically proven endometriosis of the abdominal wall, we retrospectively reviewed the findings of radiologic studies such as abdominal US (n=3), CT (n=4), and MRI (n=1). One patient under went more than one type of imaging, apparently. The surgical history of the seven, and their symptoms and preoperative diagnosis were reviewed, and the size, location, margin and nature of the mass, and the contrast enhancement patterns observed at radiologic studies, were assessed. The chief symptoms were palpable abdominal wall mass (n=5) and lower abdominal pain (n=2) around a surgical scar. Previous surgery included cesarean section (n=5), cesarean section with oophorectomy (n=1) and appendectomy (n=1). Masses were located in the subcutaneous fat layer (n=5) or rectus abdominis muscle (n=2), and their maximum diameter was 2.6 cm. Imaging findings, which correlated closely with the pathologic findings, included a well (n=5) or poorly marginated (n=2) solid mass, with a focal cystic area apparent in two cases. Although imaging findings of abdominal wall endometriosis may not be specific for diagnosis, the presence of a solid abdominal mass in female patients of reproductive age with a history of surgery is a diagnostic pointer

  2. Aprovechamiento del lactosuero como fuente de energía nutricional para minimizar el problema de contaminación ambiental

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    Álvaro Vicente Araujo Guerra


    Full Text Available En este artículo se trata de conceptuar el potencial que tienen algunos desechos orgánicos que pueden ser utilizados como fuentes de energía, como es el caso del lactosuero, provenientes de la industria de productos lácteos, el cual genera un serio problema ambiental, debido a que afecta física y químicamente la estructura del suelo, lo que genera una disminución en el rendimiento de cultivos agrícolas y cuando se desecha en el agua, reduce la vida acuática al agotar el oxígeno disuelto; por lo tanto es necesaria la búsqueda de alternativas para disminuir el impacto causado por este tipo de residuo de la agroindustria, los cuales buscan el aprovechamiento de desechos orgánicos como fuentes de energía para que microrganismos seleccionados sinteticen los compuestos orgánicos y posteriormente se logre la obtención de masas microbianas que constituyen una gran fuente alimenticia de alto valor proteico, que so­lucionen el problema de alimentación humana, el cual también implica resolver el problema de las fuentes de proteínas para la alimentación animal y de igual manera se haría un aporte para minimizar el problema de contaminación ambiental.

  3. Hipertensão, obesidade abdominal e baixa estatura: aspectos da transição nutricional em uma população favelada Hypertension, abdominal obesity and short stature: aspects of nutritional transition within a shantytown in the city of Maceió (Northeastern Brazil

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    Haroldo da Silva Ferreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar, em mulheres de muito baixa renda, a prevalência e a associação entre a baixa estatura, o sobrepeso, a obesidade abdominal e a hipertensão arterial, discutindo os achados, segundo o processo de transição nutricional e a hipótese da programação fetal (hipótese Barker. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas 223 mulheres de 18 a 65 anos, por meio dos seguintes indicadores: índice de massa corporal (kg/m² >25 para sobrepeso + obesidade ou 0,8 para obesidade abdominal; pressão arterial sistólica e/ou diastólica >140/90mmHg para hipertensão; percentil 25 (1º quartil para baixa estatura. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de sobrepeso + obesidade (35,9% foi superior à de magreza (9,4%. A pressão diastólica associou-se com o índice de massa corporal (r=0,37; IC 95%: 0,01 OBJECTIVE: To investigate the frequency of occurrence of short stature, overweight, abdominal obesity and arterial hypertension, and the possible correlations among such factors, in women of very low income. The findings were considered in terms of nutrition transition and the Barker's programming hypothesis. METHODS: A group of 223 women, 18 to 65 years of age, were studied with respect to the following parameters: for body mass index (kg/m², values >25 indicated overweight and obesity, whilst values 0.8 indicated abdominal adiposity; for systolic/diastolic blood pressure, values >140/90 mm Hg indicated hypertension; and for height, values within the 25th percentile (1st quartile indicated short stature. RESULTS: The frequency of occurrence of overweight and obesity (present in 35.9% of the group was greater than that of underweight (9.4% of the group. The diastolic blood pressure was positively associated with body mass index (r= 0.37; CI 95,0%: 0.01


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    Sandro Javier Bolaños Castro


    Full Text Available En el presente documento se expone una estrategia para disminuir el fracaso que existe en el proceso de apropiación del conocimiento para soportar la toma de decisiones en organizaciones de producción de bienes y servicios.Se evidencia la falta de hacer efectivo el conocimiento para obrar y tomar decisiones, es decir no se potencia el uso del conocimiento por deficiencia en el sistema logístico requerido para suapropiación.Se busca mostrar un camino para hacer que las organizaciones se provean de inteligencia por lo que se propone la utilización de un sistema de aprendizaje organizacional, basado en el diseño de un operador de integración logística de conocimiento con struido a partir de la unión sinérgica de sistemas de gestión de conocimiento y de sistemas de soporte a la decisión.La estrategia para construir el estado del arte parte del concepto propio de inteligencia individual, y por interacción como afecta a las estructuras organizacionales, para luego abordar los conceptos de inteligencia de negocios, inteligencia organizacional y gestión de conocimiento y su papel enel proceso de aprendizaje organizacional. Por lo que la hipótesis de la propuesta es:“Con la Integración Logística de Conocimiento, que se configura como la unión sinérgica de un sistema de soporte a la decisión (DSS y la gestión del flujo de conocimiento; se dota de inteligencia a las organizaciones de producción de bienes y servicios, con capacidad para actuar exitosamente frente a procesos de toma de decisiones que no son abordados con las teorías y enfoques tradicionales.” Para lo cual en primer lugar se propone determinar el estado del arte a partir de la caracterización de la estructura y el ambiente organizacional, determinando los diferentes factores y elementos, en donde se presentan problemas de decisión en la gestión de organizaciones productivas de bienes y servicios en ambientes estratégicos, tácticos y operativos y que proporcione

  5. Abdominal compartment syndrome with acute reperfusion syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maleeva, A.


    Abdominal compartment syndrome was recognized clinically in the 19th century when Marey and Burt observed its association with declines in respiratory function. Abdominal compartment syndrome is first used as a medical terminology from Fietsman in a case of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. A condition caused by abnormally increased pressure within the abdomen. Causes of abdominal compartment syndrome include trauma, surgery, or infection. Common symptoms: abdominal distension, fast heart rate, insufficient urine production, or low blood pressure Medical procedure: nasogastric intubation Surgery: laparotomy Specialists: radiologist, primary care provider (PCP), surgeon, and emergency medicine doctor [6, 10]. Keywords: Stomach. Gastroparesis . Diabetes Mellitus [bg

  6. La anemia por deficiencia de hierro: estrategias de la OPS/OMS para combatirla

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    Full Text Available La anemia por deficiencia de hierro es uno de los problemas nutricionales de mayor magnitud en el mundo. A pesar de conocer su etiología y tener a disposición el conocimiento de cómo enfrentarla y de saber que las intervenciones son de bajo costo, aún no se ha podido superar este problema. Este documento parte de una estimación de la magnitud del problema y plantea los elementos necesarios para el diseño, la ejecución y la medición del impacto de la suplementación con hierro y la fortificación, como las intervenciones más efectivas para disminuir considerablemente la dimensión de la anemia por falta de hierro. Propone una lista de pasos a seguir previos a la elaboración de un proyecto y recomienda una serie de elementos a considerar en ello. Define, asimismo, los aspectos que se deben incluir en una propuesta de fortificación y en otra de suplementación. El documento concluye con un listado de actividades complementarias que la Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud ofrece dentro de su paquete de cooperación técnica.

  7. Mechanical characterization of porcine abdominal organs. (United States)

    Tamura, Atsutaka; Omori, Kiyoshi; Miki, Kazuo; Lee, Jong B; Yang, King H; King, Albert I


    Typical automotive related abdominal injuries occur due to contact with the rim of the steering wheel, seatbelt and armrest, however, the rate is less than in other body regions. When solid abdominal organs, such as the liver, kidneys and spleen are involved, the injury severity tends to be higher. Although sled and pendulum impact tests have been conducted using cadavers and animals, the mechanical properties and the tissue level injury tolerance of abdominal solid organs are not well characterized. These data are needed in the development of computer models, the improvement of current anthropometric test devices and the enhancement of our understanding of abdominal injury mechanisms. In this study, a series of experimental tests on solid abdominal organs was conducted using porcine liver, kidney and spleen specimens. Additionally, the injury tolerance of the solid organs was deduced from the experimental data.

  8. Effects of bromopride on abdominal wall healing with induced peritoneal sepsis after segmental colectomy and colonic anastomosis in rats Efeitos da bromoprida na cicatrização da parede abdominal com sepse peritoneal induzida e submetidos à ressecção segmentar e anastomose do cólon esquerdo em ratos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos Vinícius Melo de Oliveira


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Evaluate the effects of bromopride on abdominal wall healing of rats with induced peritoneal sepsis after segmental colectomy and colonic anastomosis. METHODS: Forty rats underwent sectioning of the left colon and end-to-end anastomosis and were divided into two groups of 20 animals for the administration of bromopride (bromopride group - B or saline solution (control group - C. Each group was divided into subgroups of 10 animals each to be killed on the third (GB3 and GC3 or seventh postoperative day (GB7 and GC7. It was analyzed the following characteristics: breaking strength of the abdominal wall's wound; surgical and histopathological features of the abdominal wall; and clinical features of the rats. RESULTS: There was no difference between the groups in relation to the weight of the rats and the breaking strength of the abdominal wall's wound. The GB7 group presented less edema and less quantity of fibrin during histopathological evaluation compared to the GC7 group. CONCLUSION: Bromopride did not have harmful effects on the healing of abdominal wall in rats.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da bromoprida, na cicatrização da ferida operatória da parede abdominal de ratos com sepse peritoneal experimentalmente induzida e submetidos a ressecção segmentar e anastomose de cólon esquerdo. MÉTODOS: 40 ratos distribuídos em dois grupos contendo 20 animais, para administração de bromoprida (grupo bromoprida- B ou solução de NaCl 0,9% (grupo controle - C. Cada grupo foi dividido em subgrupos contendo 10 animais, para eutanásia no terceiro (GB3 e GC3 ou sétimo dia (GB7 e GE7 de pós-operatório. Os ratos foram submetidos à secção do cólon esquerdo e anastomose término-terminal. No dia da eutanásia foram avaliadas as características cirúrgicas da cavidade abdominal e clínicas dos ratos. Foram coletados segmentos da parede para a avaliação histopatológica e de resistência tênsil da ferida operatória. RESULTADOS: N

  9. Experimental study of abdominal CT scanning exposal doses adjusted on the basis of pediatric abdominal perimeter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei Wenzhou; Zhu Gongsheng; Zeng Lingyan; Yin Xianglin; Yang Fuwen; Liu Changsheng


    Objective: To optimize the abdominal helical CT scanning parameters in pediatric patients and to reduce its radiation hazards. Methods: 60 canines were evenly grouped into 4 groups on the basis of pediatric abdominal perimeter, scanned with 110,150,190 and 240 mAs, and their qualities of canine CT images were analyzed. 120 pediafric patients with clinic suspected abdominal diseases were divided into 4 groups on the basis of abdominal perimeter, scanned by optimal parameters and their image qualities were analyzed. Results: After CT exposure were reduced, the percentages of total A and B were 90.9 % and 92.0 % in experimental canines and in pediatric patients, respectively. Compared with conventional CT scanning, the exposure and single slice CT dose index weighted (CTDIw) were reduced to 45.8%-79.17%. Conclusion: By adjusted the pediatric helical CT parameters basedon the of pediatric abdominal perimeter, exposure of patient to the hazards of radiation is reduced. (authors)

  10. Children's (Pediatric) Abdominal Ultrasound Imaging

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... particularly valuable for evaluating abdominal, pelvic or scrotal pain in children. Preparation will depend on the type ... help a physician determine the source of abdominal pain, such as gallstones, kidney stones, abscesses or an ...

  11. El impacto socioeconómico del glaucoma primario de ángulo abierto en México

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    José Eduardo Erasmo García Luna Martínez


    Conclusión: El GPAA es una enfermedad que genera altos costos para la sociedad mexicana. Los esfuerzos deben enfocarse en el diseño de un tamizaje adecuado, que permita el diagnóstico temprano y el inicio de tratamiento oportuno, para así disminuir los costos del GPAA.

  12. Abdominal epilepsy in a Nigerian child S

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Abdominal epilepsy is an exceptionally rare cause of abdominal pain that is more likely to ... We report on a child with episodic paroxysmal abdominal pain, accompanied by ... causes for the presenting complaints, work-up should proceed.

  13. Morphological description of collateral branches from the abdominal aorta of lesser anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla

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    Breno Costa Macedo


    Full Text Available Tamandua tetradactyla, Xenarthra, is a native species from South America which, due to the few number of studies on its biology, still has many unknown aspects in its morphology. Taking into account the importance of morphological data for various studies, this paper aimed to elucidate the branching of the abdominal aorta in this species to foster the development of further studies. To do this, 4 specimens were used, 2 male and 2 female, all young, from the Bauxite Mine – Paragominas, Para, Brazil, donated after death due to running over to the Animal Morphology Research Laboratory (LaPMA of Universidade Federal Rural da Amazonia (UFRA. The arterial system was filled with contrasted latex and the animals were fixed in a formaldehyde solution (10%, and then dissected, in order to evidence the abdominal aorta and its collateral branches. The parietal branches consisted of 1 pair of caudal phrenic arteries, 2 pairs of intercostal arteries, and 3 pairs of lumbar arteries. Among the visceral branches, stood out: celiac artery; cranial mesenteric artery; adrenal arteries; renal arteries; caudal mesenteric artery; and external, internal, and median sacral iliac arteries, formed from the final portion of the abdominal aorta. Testicular and ovarian arteries originated from the renal arteries, differing from that described in various species.

  14. Anastomosing hemangioma involving the para-arotic region: A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jung Min; KIm, Hyun Cheol; Yang, Dal Mo; Kim, Sang Won; Won, Kyu Yeoun


    Anastomosing hemangioma (AH) is a rare and benign vascular neoplasm that is regarded as a morphological variant of capillary hemangioma. AH has been encountered primarily in the kidney. To our knowledge, para-aortic involvement of AH has not been reported previously. Here, we report a case of slowly progressing AH involving the left para-aortic region in a 72-year-old woman with a history of breast cancer surgery. A contrast-enhanced, dynamic abdominal CT scan revealed that the lesion had peripheral enhancement with slow centripetal fashion, which is an enhancement pattern similar to that of hepatic hemangioma

  15. Anastomosing hemangioma involving the para-arotic region: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Jung Min; KIm, Hyun Cheol; Yang, Dal Mo; Kim, Sang Won; Won, Kyu Yeoun [Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Anastomosing hemangioma (AH) is a rare and benign vascular neoplasm that is regarded as a morphological variant of capillary hemangioma. AH has been encountered primarily in the kidney. To our knowledge, para-aortic involvement of AH has not been reported previously. Here, we report a case of slowly progressing AH involving the left para-aortic region in a 72-year-old woman with a history of breast cancer surgery. A contrast-enhanced, dynamic abdominal CT scan revealed that the lesion had peripheral enhancement with slow centripetal fashion, which is an enhancement pattern similar to that of hepatic hemangioma.

  16. DIEP breast reconstruction following multiple abdominal liposuction procedures


    Farid, Mohammed; Nicholson, Simon; Kotwal, Ashutosh; Akali, Augustine


    Objective: Previous abdominal wall surgery is viewed as a contraindication to abdominal free tissue transfer. We present two patients who underwent multiple abdominal liposuction procedures, followed by successful free deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flap. We review the literature pertaining to reliability of abdominal free flaps in those with previous abdominal surgery. Methods: Review of case notes and radiological investigations of two patients, and a PubMed search using the ter...

  17. Recovery after abdominal wall reconstruction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Kristian Kiim


    Incisional hernia is a common long-term complication to abdominal surgery, occurring in more than 20% of all patients. Some of these hernias become giant and affect patients in several ways. This patient group often experiences pain, decreased perceived body image, and loss of physical function......, which results in a need for surgical repair of the giant hernia, known as abdominal wall reconstruction. In the current thesis, patients with a giant hernia were examined to achieve a better understanding of their physical and psychological function before and after abdominal wall reconstruction. Study...... was lacking. Study II was a case-control study of the effects of an enhanced recovery after surgery pathway for patients undergoing abdominal wall reconstruction for a giant hernia. Sixteen consecutive patients were included prospectively after the implementation of a new enhanced recovery after surgery...

  18. Abdominal angina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Becker, G.J.; Stewart, J.; Holden, R.W.; Yune, H.Y.; Mail, J.T.; Klatte, E.C.


    Abdominal angina due to occlusive disease of the mesenteric arteries has been the to become clinically manifest only in the presence of severe disease in at least two of the following vessels: celiac, SMA, and IMA. Still, many patients who gradually develop significant two-vessel disease have few or no associated symptoms. Differences in collateral circulation and in cardiac index account for some of the clinical variation. The usual clinical manifestations include severe post-prandial pain, sitophobia (fear of eating because of the anticipated symptoms), and profound weight loss. Uncommonly, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting may be encountered. Smoking is a common historical feature. Most series document a female predilection. Aside from occasional abdominal bruits and (more commonly) findings of peripheral vascular occlusive disease, the physical exam discloses only cachexia. But the differential diagnosis of profound weight loss is extensive. Therefore, abdominal angina has always created a diagnostic challenge. Multiple imaging modalities are often employed, and a seemingly negative evaluation often culminates in biplane aortography. The latter typically reveals stenoses and/or occlusions in at least two of the three mesenteric arteries. The authors discuss how a variety of surgical treatments, including thromboendarterectomy and bypass grafting, have evolved. Recently reported results have been excellent

  19. Profilaxis perioperatoria antimicrobiana con cefazolina en cirugía estética

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    Adolfo Martínez Padrón


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio prospectivo de la efectividad de la cefazolina como antibiótico profiláctico perioperatorio en operaciones de cirugía estética, para contribuir a disminuir las infecciones posoperatorias, pues una cicatrización deficiente o inadecuada constituiría el fracaso total de la operación. El mayor porcentaje de intervenciones quirúrgicas correspondió a las hipertrofias mamarias con el 67,5 % y la deformidad abdominal sólo en el 32,5 %. La tasa de infección para el grupo control resultó ser del 20 %, mientras que con la aplicación de la profilaxis perioperatoria de 2,5 %. El empleo de este antibiótico demostró gran efectividad frente a las bacterias habituales que causan infección en las heridas; con él se obtuvieron excelentes resultados y ventajas económicasA prospective study on the effectiveness of cefazolin as a perioperative prophylactic antibiotic in cosmetic surgery was conducted to contribute to reduce postoperative infections, since a deficient or inadequate cicatrization would lead to the total failure of the operation. The higher percentage of surgical procedures corresponded to breast hypertrophies with 67.5 %, and only 32.5 % to abdominal deformities. The infection rate for the control group was 20 %, whereas with the application of perioperative prophylaxis it was just 2.5 %. This antibiotic proved to be highly effective against those bacteria that usually cause wound infection. Excellent results and economic advantages were attained with its use

  20. Radiographic evaluation of foals and ponies with abdominal disorders. 2. Findings in 60 patients with acute abdominal discomfort

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerhards, H.; Klein, H.J.; Offeney, F.


    A diagnostic approach based on clinical and radiographic examinations for evaluation of young foals and small ponies with acute abdominal discomfort is presented. Standing right to left lateral abdominal radiographs were taken of 54 foals and 6 ponies using a previously described technique. Interpretation of the radiographs was in conjuction with all clinical and laboratory findings and patient management. Using this approach, the site and cause of acute abdominal discomfort could be diagnosed accurately in 55 of 60 (91%) patients as confirmed by clinical, surgical or PM findings. Typical radiographs and photographs taken at surgery or at PM examination are presented. Typical radiographic findings, their interpretation and possible underlying gastrointestinal diseases are listed. It is concluded that the incorporation of standing lateral abdominal radiography in the clinical evaluation of foals and ponies with acute abdominal diseases gives findings of high diagnostic significance and should contribute to clinical decision-making, and that abdominal radiography can replace data from rectal palpation in foals and ponies

  1. Uso de elementos de tierras raras contenidos en los discos duros de computadoras para optimizar la quema de combustibles fluidos

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    Carlos Vallejos


    Full Text Available La investigación examinó el uso de imanes de neodimio provenientes de los discos duros de computadoras en desuso, y su utilización como optimizadores de la combustión de fluidos tales como propano, butano o la mezcla de los mismos. En la validación del efecto del campo magnético sobre los fluidos en referencia se utilizaron dos cocinas nuevas y dos cocinas previamente utilizadas, con su respectiva alimentación de gas. Los ensayos se realizaron sin y con imanes de neodimio provenientes de desechos tecnológicos. Como resultado de la investigación se concluyó que tales imanes son aptos para este propósito, con un rango de optimización en la combustión del gas de entre el 13 y el 20%. Esto pudo demostrarse mediante la aplicación de principios generales de la mecánica de fluidos, del campo magnético y de la termodinámica. Los resultados contribuyen a la búsqueda de estrategias para disminuir el uso de combustibles fosiles en los hogares y otros espacios donde se utiliza gas licuado para la cocción de los alimentos, así cómo para contribuir al bienestar de la microeconomía.

  2. Eficacia de un programa cognitivo conductual para la disminución de los niveles de presión arterial

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    Marcela Arrivillaga Quintero


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la eficacia de un programa de intervención cognitivo conductual para la disminución de los niveles de presión arterial, a partir de un estudio cuasiexperimental con dos grupos intactos -experimental y control-, medidas pre y post intervención y análisis intra e intergrupo. La muestra estuvo conformada por 94 pacientes que asisten a control médico por hipertensión arterial en una institución de salud de la ciudad de Cali, Colombia. Se utilizaron como medidas los niveles de presión arterial sistólica y presión arterial diastólica, la Escala de estrés percibido y el Cuestionario de adherencia al tratamiento para casos de hipertensión arterial. La intervención logró disminuir significativamente los niveles de presión arterial sistólica, mantuvo controlados los niveles de presión arterial diastólica, disminuyó el nivel de estrés percibido e incrementó significativamente la adherencia al tratamiento. Los resultados del estudio respaldan la eficacia de las intervenciones cognitivo conductuales para el manejo de la hipertensión arterial.

  3. Las diferentes modalidades de la radioterapia: externa, braquiterapia e intraoperatoria. Indicaciones

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    Manuel Algara López

    Full Text Available Conclusiones: Se puede afirmar que la radioterapia contribuye a aumentar la supervivencia de las pacientes con cáncer de mama; las mejoras tecnológicas experimentadas en los últimos años han contribuido de forma importante a disminuir la toxicidad; estas mejoras permiten concentrar la radioterapia en menos sesiones, incluso en una única de forma intraoperatoria en un grupo muy seleccionado de pacientes; y que debemos seguir investigado para conocer en que pacientes podemos disminuir nuestros tratamientos, especialmente a nivel ganglionar.

  4. de Canadá: una alternativa para México

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    Carlos Alberto Tello


    Full Text Available La posibilidad de aplicar telecomunicaciones al trabajo en casa se ve como una de las alternativas viables para disminuir los problemas de congestionamiento vehicular, desperdicio de energía y contaminación del aire en las grandes ciudades. La extensión de las telecomunicaciones a casas y oficinas periféricas, así como la creciente disponibilidad de computadoras, impresoras, fax, etc., han impulsado la exploración de los esquemas telelaborales. Estos esquemas incorporan las propuestas de dicho trabajo en casa, la descentralización del lugar de producción mismo por medio de la creación de oficinas satélite, así como la adopción de nuevas estructuras que permitan reorganizar en una institución las actividades de gerencia y personal. La intención de este artículo es investigar el comportamiento de los viajes cuando los empleados de gobierno se desplazan a sus respectivos lugares de trabajo, con el afán de determinar su disposición a telelaborar en el área metropolitana de la ciudad de Ottawa, en la provincia de Ontario, Canadá. Para lograrlo se diseñó una metodología particular que practica cuatro estudios de campo: dos para examinar el comportamiento de los viajes mencionado en la gerencia y en el personal del departamento de planificación y dos más para la gerencia y el personal del departamento de transporte, ambos del gobierno municipal de Ottawa. Como se esperaba, el estudio reveló que la disposición para telelaborar, cuantificada en términos de apoyo y aceptación por parte de gerentes y empleados respectivamente es significativa: 50% de los gerentes de planificación que participaron en las encuestas y aproximadamente 86% de sus homólogos de transporte apoyaron los arreglos de tipo telelaboral. Asimismo, 41% del personal de planificación aceptó telelaborar en promedio 3.5 días por semana (entre 3 y 4 días y aproximadamente 40% del personal de transporte aceptó hacer lo mismo dos días por semana.

  5. Abdominal Pain (United States)

    ... I find more information and related topics? Functional Abdominal Pain (English, French or Spanish)—from The North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN). Gastro Kids , a ...

  6. Auriculopuntura como tratamiento de la ansiedad para la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo

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    María Esperanza Mirabal Mirabal


    Full Text Available Introducción: la auriculoterapia es una modalidad terapéutica de la Medicina Tradicional y Natural con disímiles aplicaciones de tratamiento. Objetivo: demostrar la efectividad de la auriculoterapia para disminuir la ansiedad en la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo. Material y método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo y longitudinal en el servicio de Obstetricia y Ginecología del Hospital General Docente "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" en el período comprendido entre julio-agosto del 2013. El universo estuvo constituido por todas las pacientes (N=352 que acudieron a la consulta preoperatoria para la realización de interrupción voluntaria del embarazo y se adoptó como muestra, las pacientes que acudieron a dicha consulta n=53. Resultados: la mayoría de las pacientes corresponden al grupo de la edad fértil de las féminas, el 96% se encontraban con un nivel alto de ansiedad antes del proceder, posterior a este se solamente un 6% de las pacientes mostró tener niveles bajos de ansiedad (-30 puntos, no encontrándose niveles medios ni altos. Conclusiones: la auriculoterapia es una técnica segura; económica y sencilla y el esquema de puntos seleccionados fue efectivo para el tratamiento de la ansiedad en pacientes sometidas a legrado uterino como método de interrupción voluntaria del embarazo.

  7. Evaluation of abdominal muscle endurance of individuals who attend gymnastics gym

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    Ney Marcos da Luz Pedroso


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Localized Muscular endurance (LME of the abdominal region in relation to distinct muscle groups (hip and lumbar spine fl exor of individuals in differing physical conditions. One hundred twenty subjects were selected at random (60 male and 60 female 50% of whom worked out and 50% who didn’t. The AAHPERD Test (1976 and PAULA Test (1990 were used to measure the LME of hip and lumbar spine fl exor, respectively. Results indicated that subjects who worked out differ significantly (p RESUMO Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a Resistência Muscular Localizada (RML da região abdominal em relação a grupos musculares distintos (fl exores do quadril e fl exores da coluna vertebral de indivíduos com condicionamento físico diferentes. Para tal foram selecionados aleatoriamente 120 indivíduos (60 masculinos e 60 femininos sendo 50% destes treinados e os outros 50% destreinados. Utilizou-se o teste da AAHPER e o teste de PAULA para mensurar a RML dos fl exores de quadril e fl exores da coluna vertebral, respectivamente. Os resultados demonstram que indivíduos treinados e destreinados diferem signifi cativamente (p<0,01 quanto a RML dos fl exores da coluna vertebral em ambos os sexos, e também nos fl exores do quadril no sexo feminino (p<0,05; fi cando somente os fl exores do quadril do sexo masculino sem diferenças estatisticamente signifi cativas. Existiram correlações de baixas a moderadas entre flexores do quadril e fl exores da coluna vertebral para treinadas (r=0,45 e destreinadas (r=0,44 do sexo feminino, sendo moderada em treinados do sexo masculino (r=057 e baixa para destreinados (r=0,36. Apesar destes valores de correlação terem sido signifi cativos estatisticamente (p<0,05 em mulheres treinadas e destreinadas e homens treinados, os valores de r2 demonstraram um baixo grau de variação conjunta entre os grupos musculares (variando entre 13,32% a 33,52%. Pode-se concluir que nenhum

  8. Evaluation of Forty-Nine Patients with Abdominal Tuberculosis

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    Murat Kilic


    Full Text Available Aim: Abdominal tuberculosis is an uncommon form of extrapulmonary infection. In this study, we aimed to highlight the nonspecific clinical presentations and diagnostic difficulties of abdominal tuberculosis. Material and Method: Clinical features, diagnostic methods, and the therapeutic outcomes of 49 patients diagnosed as abdominal tuberculosis between 2003 and 2014 were retrospectively analyzed. Results: The patients were classified into four subgroups including peritoneal (28, nodal (14, intestinal (5, and solid organ tuberculosis (2. The most frequent symptoms were abdominal pain, abdominal distention and fatique. Ascites appeared to be the most frequent clinical finding. Ascites and enlarged abdominal lymph nodes were the most frequent findings on ultrasonography and tomography. Diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis was mainly depended on histopathology of ascitic fluid and biopsies from peritoneum, abdominal lymph nodes or colonoscopic materials. Forty patients healed with standart 6-month therapy while extended treatment for 9-12 months was needed in 8 whom had discontinued drug therapy and had persistent symptoms and signs. One patient died within the treatment period due to disseminated infection. Discussion: The diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis is often difficult due to diverse clinical presentations. The presence of ascites, personal/familial/contact history of tuberculosis, and coexisting active extraabdominal tuberculosis are the most significant marks in diagnosis. Diagnostic laparoscopy and tissue sampling seem to be the best diagnostic approach for abdominal tuberculosis.

  9. A Newborn With Abdominal Pain. (United States)

    Alwan, Riham; Drake, Meredith; Gurria Juarez, Juan; Emery, Kathleen H; Shaaban, Aimen F; Szabo, Sara; Sobolewski, Brad


    A previously healthy 3-week-old boy presented with 5 hours of marked fussiness, abdominal distention, and poor feeding. He was afebrile and well perfused. His examination was remarkable for localized abdominal tenderness and distention. He was referred to the emergency department in which an abdominal radiograph revealed gaseous distention of the bowel with a paucity of gas in the pelvis. Complete blood cell count and urinalysis were unremarkable. His ongoing fussiness and abnormal physical examination prompted consultation with surgery and radiology. Our combined efforts ultimately established an unexpected diagnosis. Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  10. Acute abdomen in children due to extra-abdominal causes. (United States)

    Tsalkidis, Aggelos; Gardikis, Stefanos; Cassimos, Dimitrios; Kambouri, Katerina; Tsalkidou, Evanthia; Deftereos, Savas; Chatzimichael, Athanasios


    Acute abdominal pain in children is a common cause for referral to the emergency room and for subsequent hospitalization to pediatric medical or surgical departments. There are rare occasions when the abdominal pain is derived from extra-abdominal organs or systems. The aim of the present study was to establish the most common extra-abdominal causes of acute abdominal pain. The notes of all children (1 month-14 years of age) examined for acute abdominal pain in the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department of Alexandroupolis District University Hospital in January 2001-December 2005 were analyzed retrospectively. Demographic data, clinical signs and symptoms, and laboratory findings were recorded, as well as the final diagnosis and outcome. Of a total number of 28 124 children who were brought to the A&E department, in 1731 the main complaint was acute abdominal pain. In 51 children their symptoms had an extra-abdominal cause, the most frequent being pneumonia (n = 15), tonsillitis (n = 10), otitis media (n = 9), and acute leukemia (n = 5). Both abdominal and extra-abdominal causes should be considered by a pediatrician who is confronted with a child with acute abdominal pain.

  11. Automated segmentation and recognition of abdominal wall muscles in X-ray torso CT images and its application in abdominal CAD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou, X.; Kamiya, N.; Hara, T.; Fujita, H.; Chen, H.; Yokoyama, R.; Hoshi, H.


    The information of abdominal wall is very important for the planning of surgical operation and abdominal organ recognition. In research fields of computer assisted radiology and surgery and computer-aided diagnosis, the segmentation and recognition of the abdominal wall muscles in CT images is a necessary pre-processing step. Due to the complexity of the abdominal wall structure and indistinctive in CT images, the automated segmentation of abdominal wall muscles is a difficult issue and has not been solved completely. We propose an approach to segment the abdominal wall muscles and divide it into three categories (front abdominal muscles including rectus abdominis; left and right side abdominal muscles including external oblique, internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles) automatically. The approach, first, makes an initial classification of bone, fat, and muscles and organs based on the CT number. Then a layer structure is generated to describe the 3-D anatomical structures of human torso by stretching the torso region onto a thin-plate for easy recognition. The abdominal wall muscles are recognized on the layer structures using the spatial relations to the skeletal structure and CT numbers. Finally, the recognized regions are mapped back to the 3-D CT images using an inverse transformation of the stretching process. This method is applied to 20 cases of torso CT images and evaluations are based on visual comparison of the recognition results and the original CT images by an expert in anatomy. The results show that our approach can segment and recognize abdominal wall muscle regions effectively. (orig.)

  12. [Clinical Approach to Abdominal Pain as Functional Origin]. (United States)

    Ryu, Han Seung; Choi, Suck Chei


    Abdominal pain is a common symptom that patients refer to a hospital. Organic causes should be differentiated in patients with abdominal pain and treatment should be administered in accordance with the causes. A meticulous history taking and physical examination are highly useful in making a diagnosis, and blood tests, imaging modalities, and endoscopy are useful for confirming diagnosis. However, in many cases, patients have functional disorders with no obvious abnormal findings obtained even if many diagnostic tests are performed. Patients with functional disorders usually complain the vague abdominal pain located in the center and other portions of the abdominal area. Although the most representative disease is irritable bowel syndrome, functional abdominal pain syndrome is currently researched as a new disease entity of functional abdominal pain. As various receptors related to functional abdominal pain have been discovered, drugs associated with those receptors are used to treat the disorders, and additional new drugs are vigorously developed. In addition, medical therapy with pharmacological or non-pharmacological psychiatric treatment is effective for treating functional abdominal pain.

  13. Chronic appendicitis in a patient with 15 years abdominal pain

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    bizhan Khorasani


    Full Text Available Khorasani B1, Gholizadeh Pasha A2 1. Assistant professor, Department of surgery, Faculty of medicine, Tehran University of rehabilitation 2. Assistant professor, Department of surgery, Faculty of medicine, Babol University of medical sciences Abstract Background: Acute appendicitis is a completely known disease but for many physicians chronic appendicitis is unknown and some of them don believe in it. Although the number of people suffer from chronic appendicitis is much fewer than those who suffer from acute appendicitis, we shouldn ignore it. Clinical symptoms for these patients are chronic, longtime and recurrent abdominal pain, which is usually in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. In the Para clinical examinations there isn any considerable pathological problem (in urine, stool, and sonography of the abdomen and pelvis. By recognizing appendicitis and appendectomy, the symptoms will be vanished and the patients will recover. Case presentation: The case was a 57-year-old man who has complained from chronic abdominal pain in the RLQ area since 15years ago. No pathological problem had been found in all diagnostic process. Conclusion: The problem was diagnosed as the chronic appendicitis and he underwent the appendectomy by laparoscopic procedure and was completely recovered.

  14. Desarrollo e implementación de una técnica para la medición de impedancia en muestras de hueso húmedo de bovino

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    María Elena Moncada


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el desarrollo e implementación de una metodología para encontrar los valores de conductividad y permitividad eléctrica de los tejidos cortical y medular, en muestras de fémur de bovino. El tamaño de las muestras fue de diez centímetros, procedentes de animales sanos y jóvenes y con un tiempo de cuatro días después de muerto el animal. El hueso sin partes blandas fue empacado al vacío y conservado a 0°C hasta la realización de las pruebas. Para el mantenimiento y tratamiento de las muestras se desarrollaron protocolos experimentales. Para la medición se construyeron un par de electrodos de contacto de los cuales se encontró su valor de impedancia. El sistema de medición fue acompañado de un circuito RC paralelo para disminuir el efecto de la impedancia de los electrodos. Las mediciones se efectuaron para las frecuencias de 100 Hz y 120 Hz. Las variables medidas fueron impedancia (Z y ángulo (¿, y las calculadas a partir de ecuaciones matemáticas, fueron conductividad (¿ y permitividad (¿. Los resultados se encontraron dentro de los rangos reportados en literatura.

  15. Relação da medida da amplitude tóraco-abdominal de adolescentes asmáticos e saudáveis com seu desempenho físico

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    Renata Pedrolongo Basso

    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar as diferenças das amplitudes tóraco-abdominais nos três níveis (axilar, xifoide e abdominal, nos adolescentes asmáticos e nos saudáveis, e compará-las entre eles. Além de relacioná-las com a capacidade de exercício físico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 38 adolescentes, na faixa etária dos 11 aos 15 anos, de ambos os sexos, sendo 19 adolescentes asmáticos, que compuseram o grupo asmático (GA, e 19 saudáveis, que compuseram o grupo saudável (GS. Foi preenchida uma ficha de anamnese e realizada a avaliação antropométrica, espirométrica, o teste do degrau de seis minutos (TD6 e a cirtometria, e calculado o índice de amplitude tóraco-abdominal (IA RESULTADOS: Observou-se diferença significativa para IA entre os níveis axilar e abdominal e xifoidiano e abdominal em ambos os grupos. Não houve diferença significativa quanto ao IA entre os grupos. Somente no GA houve correlação positiva do número total de subidas no TD6 com o IA axilar e xifoide. CONCLUSÃO: Para adolescentes com asma intermitente e persistente leve não houve diferença na cirtometria tóraco-abdominal quando comparados aos saudáveis e houve correlação dos IA axilar e xifoidiano com o desempenho físico no TD6.

  16. Mesenteric thrombosis in patient victim of blunt abdominal trauma Trombose mesentérica em vítima de trauma abdominal fechado

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    Iwan Augusto Collaço


    para procedimento cirúrgico, encontrou-se extensa necrose de cólon ascendente e parte terminal do íleo. Realizou-se hemicolectomia direita com ileotransversostomia. Em cuidados de UTI, evoluiu com oliguria, miose, convulsão e atividade elétrica sem pulso, falecendo três dias após. CONCLUSÃO: Embora incomum, isquemia mesentérica com trombose venosa pode ser secundária a trauma abdominal fechado.

  17. Estrategia didáctica para disminuir el estrés académico hacia el contenido estadístico en los estudiantes de medicina

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    Arnaldo Espindola Artola

    Full Text Available En la carrera de medicina se evidencia desmotivación del estudiante hacia el aprendizaje del contenido estadístico y la presencia del estrés académico que genera este contenido que se imparte en la asignatura Metodología de la Investigación y Estadística. En el trabajo se diseña una estrategia didáctica para la disminución del estrés académico en los alumnos de segundo año de la carrera de medicina. Se realizó un estudio pre-experimental, con análisis cuanti-cualitativo. La muestra estuvo conformada por los 43 estudiantes del grupo A1 y B4, a los cuales se les aplicó un inventario de estrés académico y una entrevista. Como parte del proceso de experimentación se aplicaron diferentes técnicas participativas enfocadas a la enseñanza aprendizaje del contenido estadístico. Para procesar los datos se utilizó el programa SPSS. Finalmente se pudo concluir que la aplicación de técnicas participativas contribuye a minimizar el estrés académico hacia el contenido.

  18. Etiología y frecuencia de bacteriuria asintomática en mujeres embarazadas

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    D.P. Autún Rosado


    Conclusión: Se concluye que la toma de urocultivo debe efectuarse en toda paciente embarazada para, en los casos positivos, brindar un tratamiento oportuno, con la finalidad de disminuir comorbilidades en el binomio.

  19. Effect of abdominal resistance exercise on abdominal subcutaneous fat of obese women: a randomized controlled trial using ultrasound imaging assessments. (United States)

    Kordi, Ramin; Dehghani, Saeed; Noormohammadpour, Pardis; Rostami, Mohsen; Mansournia, Mohammad Ali


    The aim of this study was to compare the effect of diet and an abdominal resistance training program to diet alone on abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness and waist circumference of overweight and obese women. This randomized clinical trial included 40 overweight and obese women randomly divided into 2 groups: diet only and diet combined with 12 weeks of abdominal resistance training. Waist and hip circumferences and abdominal skin folds of the subjects were measured at the beginning and 12 weeks after the interventions. In addition, abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness of the subjects was measured using ultrasonography. Percentage body fat and lean body mass of all the subjects were also measured using a bioelectric impedance device. After 12 weeks of intervention, the weight of participants in both groups decreased; but the difference between the 2 groups was not significant (P = .45). Similarly, other variables including abdominal subcutaneous fat, waist circumference, hip circumference, body mass index, body fat percentage, and skin fold thickness were reduced in both groups; but there were no significant differences between the groups. This study found that abdominal resistance training besides diet did not reduce abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness compared to diet alone in overweight or obese women. Copyright © 2015 National University of Health Sciences. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Prevalência dos fatores de risco para diabetes mellitus de servidores públicos

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    Carla Campos Muniz Medeiros


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou verificar a prevalência dos fatores de risco para diabetes mellitus tipo 2 de servidores públicos, e relacionar os fatores de risco segundo as variáveis, sexo e glicemia. Participaram 65 sujeitos, mediante um questionário, e aferiram-se: pressão arterial, peso corporal, altura, índice de massa corpórea, circunferência abdominal e glicemia capilar de jejum. Utilizaram-se análise de variância e qui-quadrado. Os fatores de risco mais prevalentes foram: índice de massa corpórea alterado (66,1%, idade>45 anos (64,6%, circunferência abdominal alterada (61,5% e sedentarismo (61,5%. Observou-se associação entre a pressão arterial e a glicemia capilar de jejum alterada (p=0,01. Os homens apresentaram maior prevalência de glicemia capilar de jejum alterada (p<0,035 e índice de massa corpórea alterado (p<0,007. Conclui-se que os fatores de risco para o diabetes mellitus tipo 2 possuem elevada prevalência na população estudada, refletindo um estilo de vida inadequado para a prevenção desta doença.

  1. Economics of abdominal wall reconstruction. (United States)

    Bower, Curtis; Roth, J Scott


    The economic aspects of abdominal wall reconstruction are frequently overlooked, although understandings of the financial implications are essential in providing cost-efficient health care. Ventral hernia repairs are frequently performed surgical procedures with significant economic ramifications for employers, insurers, providers, and patients because of the volume of procedures, complication rates, the significant rate of recurrence, and escalating costs. Because biological mesh materials add significant expense to the costs of treating complex abdominal wall hernias, the role of such costly materials needs to be better defined to ensure the most cost-efficient and effective treatments for ventral abdominal wall hernias. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Perforated peptic ulcer associated with abdominal compartment syndrome. (United States)

    Lynn, Jiun-Jen; Weng, Yi-Ming; Weng, Chia-Sui


    Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) is defined as an increased intra-abdominal pressure with adverse physiologic consequences. Abdominal compartment syndrome caused by perforated peptic ulcer is rare owing to early diagnosis and management. Delayed recognition of perforated peptic ulcer with pneumoperitoneum, bowel distension, and decreased abdominal wall compliance can make up a vicious circle and lead to ACS. We report a case of perforated peptic ulcer associated with ACS. A 74-year-old man with old stroke and dementia history was found to have distended abdomen, edema of bilateral legs, and cyanosis. Laboratory tests revealed deterioration of liver and kidney function. Abdominal compartment syndrome was suspected, and image study was arranged to find the cause. The study showed pneumoperitoneum, contrast stasis in heart with decreased caliber of vessels below the abdominal aortic level, and diffuse lymphedema at the abdominal walls. Emergent laparotomy was performed. Perforated peptic ulcer was noted and the gastrorrhaphy was done. The symptoms, and liver and kidney function improved right after emergent operation.

  3. Imaging in Tuberculosis abdominal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suarez, Tatiana; Garcia, Vanessa; Tamara, Estrada; Acosta, Federico


    In this article we illustrate and discuss imaging features resulting from Tuberculosis abdominal affectation. We present patients evaluated with several imaging modalities who had abdominal symptoms and findings suggestive of granulomatous disease. Diagnosis was confirm including hystopatology and clinical outgoing. Cases involved presented many affected organs such as lymphatic system, peritoneum, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, ureters, adrenal glands and pelvic organs Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis renal, Tuberculosis hepatic, Tuberculosis splenic Tomography, x-ray, computed

  4. Síntese da parede abdominal: avaliação de dois tipos de sutura contínua em ratos

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    Loureiro Vanessa Medeiros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a sutura simples contínua e a sutura contínua em oito vertical no fechamento da parede abdominal de ratos. MÉTODOS: Quarenta e oito ratos machos Wistar, foram submetidos a laparotomia padronizada e fechamento da parede abdominal com sutura simples contínua (n=24 e sutura contínua em oito-vertical (n=24, com fio de polipropileno. No 7° e 14° pós-operatório foram submetidos a eutanásia 12 animais de cada grupo e deles retirados a camada músculo-aponevrótica da parede abdominal envolvendo a cicatriz operatória e preparados para exames histológico e imunohistoquímico. Os segmentos levados ao exame histológico foram corados por Hematoxilina-eosina sendo feita observação qualitativa do processo cicatricial e Picrosirius red F3BA, para avaliação quantitativa do colágeno. Também foram estudadas as porcentagens de macrófagos na linha de sutura por imunohistoquímica. Para a quantificação de macrófagos e fibras colágenas foi utilizado avaliação histológica por digitalização de imagem, baseados nos princípios de espectrofotometria. Os dados encontrados foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes qui-quadrado, exato de Fisher e Mann-Whitney (p< 0,05. RESULTADOS: A análise qualitativa, nos parâmetros necrose, fibrose, neovascularização, presença de abscesso, reação de corpo estranho e coaptação das bordas de sutura, não mostrou dados significantes nos dois grupos aos 7 ou 14 dias. A porcentagem de fibras colágenas foi significantemente maior, apenas no 7° dia, na sutura contínua em oito-vertical. A porcentagem de macrófagos mostrou-se significantemente maior na sutura simples contínua no 7º. dia. CONCLUSÃO : No 7° dia de pós-operatório a parede abdominal suturada em oito vertical apresenta significantemente, maior quantidade de fibras colágenas e menor quantidade de macrófagos do que a suturada por técnica contínua. Aos 14 dias de observação as suturas mostraram

  5. Aproximación metodológica a una articulación entre gestión del riesgo, gestión ambiental y ordenamiento territorial

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    Carmen Paz Castro Correa


    Full Text Available El nuevo escenario territorial generado por el cambio climático y la globalización económica ha aumentado la vulnerabilidad de la población a sufrir eventos asociados a riesgos naturales. El Ordenamiento Territorial surge como una herramienta para disminuir la vulnerabilidad, en forma planificada y sustentable con el ambiente. Sin embargo, para que dicha herramienta sea realmente eficaz, es necesario que integre la Gestión del Riesgo y la Gestión Ambiental, definiéndose de esa manera una metodología integradora. Con este fin, se presentan en este artículo dos aproximaciones metodológicas surgidas de la discusión de una comunidad de práctica integrada por académicos de universidades latinoamericanas que han unido sus esfuerzos y experiencias para solucionar un problema común, y que pretende disminuir el riesgo de sus poblaciones a sufrir desastres naturales.

  6. Arnebia euchroma ointment can reduce abdominal fat thickness and abdominal circumference of overweight women: A randomized controlled study. (United States)

    Siavash, Mansour; Naseri, Mohsen; Rahimi, Mojgan


    Obesity is a worldwide health problem which is associated with a lot of complications. One of these comorbidities is the metabolic syndrome that is in correlation with abdominal fat thickness and waist circumference. Various methods were used to reduce abdominal fat thickness such as liposuction. A noninvasive method is the topical agent. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of Arnebia euchroma (AE) ointment on the abdominal fat thickness. This study was a double-blind clinical trial which was done at the endocrinology clinic in Khorshid Hospital, Isfahan, Iran, in 2014. After explaining the procedure and obtaining informed consent, the candidates were randomly divided into the case and control groups. The participants of the case and control groups applied AE ointment or placebo for 6 weeks on their abdominal area. Body mass index, waist and buttock circumference, and abdominal fat thickness were measured in both case and control groups at their first visit and then at the next 2, 4, and 6 weeks. We used t -test for comparing parametric variables between groups, paired t -test for changes from baseline to final, and repeated measure ANOVA for changes at different steps. Sixty female candidates participated in this study (thirty in each group). Ten patients left the study and fifty participants finished the trial. At the end of the study, participants had a significant weight loss (2.96 ± 1.6 kg, P Abdominal circumference also decreased significantly in the participants (11.3 ± 6.7 cm, P abdominal fat thickness decreased significantly in the participants (2.3 ± 1.1 cm, P abdominal fat thickness as well as the waist circumference without causing any side effect.

  7. Child abdominal tumour in tropical context: Think about schistosomiasis!

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    A. M. Napon


    Full Text Available Schistosomiasis presenting as an abdominal mass with chronic pain in a child is not common. This report presents case of child presenting with schistosomiasis presenting as an abdominal mass with chronic pain. Abdominal ultrasonography did not particularly contribute to definitive pre-operative diagnosis. However, pathological examination of surgical specimen confirmed Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the biospy. A decrease in the mass volume was noticed under medical treatment (Biltricide. The aim of this report was to intimate clinicians on possible abdominal schistosomiasis as differential diagnosis of childhood abdominal mass. This is a clarion call for a high index of suspicion of childhood abdominal schistosomiasis in children presenting with abdominal mass in a tropical setting.

  8. Soft-tissue masses in the abdominal wall

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bashir, U.; Moskovic, E.; Strauss, D.; Hayes, A.; Thway, K.; Pope, R.; Messiou, C.


    Masses involving the abdominal wall arise from a large number of aetiologies. This article will describe a diagnostic approach, imaging features of the most common causes of abdominal wall masses, and highly specific characteristics of less common diseases. A diagnostic algorithm for abdominal wall masses combines clinical history and imaging appearances to classify lesions

  9. Abdominal Compartment Syndrome in Surgical Patients

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome, affect ... timely surgical intervention is crucial. Key words: .... On the second postoperative day, he was noted to be restless ... Although surgery is very effective in managing ACS.

  10. Radiological evaluation of abdominal trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahn, K. S.; Cho, Y. H.; Kim, O.


    Simple abdomen film has played an important role in decision of emergency operations in patients with the abdominal trauma. Nowadays, it still acts as a primary and inevitable processes in emergency condition. At the Department of Radiology, Hanil Hospital, 70 patients, who were laparotomied due to penetrating or nonpernetraing abdominal trauma, were observed and analyzed with simple abdomen film after comparison with the operative findings. The results are as follows: 1. Most frequent age distribution was 10 to 39 years and marked 70%. Male was in 90% incidence. 2. Penetrating injury largely involved the small bowel and abdominal wall. Non-penetrating injury usually involved the spleen, small bowel, liver, kidney, pancreas, duodenum. 3. Single organ injury occurred in higher incidence at the small bowel and abdominal wall. Multiple organ injury occurred in higher incidence at the spleen, liver, kidney and pancreas. 4. Organ distribution was 26% in spleen, 22% in small bowel, 14% in liver, 11% in abdominal wall. 7% in pancreas, 7% in kidney. 5% in duodenum, 4% in GB and CBD, 2% in diaphragm, 2% in colon, and 1% in stomach. 5. The specific roentgen findings and their frequency which useful in differential diagnosis at abdominal trauma, were as follows: a) flank fluid; Detectable possibility was 71% in liver laceration, 69% in spleen laceration and 57% in pancreas laceration. b) ipsilateral psoas shadow obliteration; Detectable possibility was 57% in liver laceration, 57% in kidney laceration and 46% in spleen laceration. c) free air; Detactable possibility was 60% in duodenal perforation, and 36% in peroration of upper part of small bowel. d) Reflex ileus; Detectable possibility was 64% in small bowel, 50% in liver laceration and 35% in spleen laceration. e) rib fracture; Detactable possibility was 36% in liver laceration and 23% in spleen laceration. f) pleural effusion; Detectable possibility was 29% in liver laceration and 27% in spleen laceration

  11. Roentgenologic evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Yong Zoon; Ra, Woo Youn; Woo, Won Hyung [Hankang Sacred heart Hospital, Chung Ang University School of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    This study comprises 25 cases of blunt abdominal trauma proved by surgery. It is concluded that visceral damage by blunt abdominal trauma may be suspected, but can not be satisfactorily diagnosed upon a single plane abdominal roentgenologic examination with clinical support. Contrary to some reports in the literature, rupture of the hallow, viscus is more susceptible than solid organ and ileum is more than jejunum. It is a useful roentgenologic sign denoting distension and small cresent air shadow in the duodenal sweep of the damaged pancreas.

  12. The value of intra-abdominal pressure monitoring through ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    hypertension after abdominal closure (8%) and only one of ... Ann Pediatr. Surg 13:69–73 c 2017 Annals of Pediatric Surgery. Annals of ... intra-abdominal hypertension ..... measurements as a guide in the closure of abdominal wall defects.

  13. Advanced intraligamentary pregnancy: case report; Gravidez abdominal intraligamentar avancada: relato de caso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holzhacker, Suzane; Elito Junior, Julio; Santana, Renato Martins; Hisaba, Wagner [Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP/EPM), SP (Brazil). Escola Paulista de Medicina. Dept. de Obstetricia


    Intraligamentary pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy developing within the broad ligament of the uterus. A case of a 20-year-old primigestation primipara woman is reported. The patient at 10 weeks of gestation, presented acute and continuous hypo gastric pain and was referred to ultrasonography examination, showing ectopic pregnancy and oligamnios. Another exam revealed right para-uterine abdominal pregnancy, fetal biometry of 16 weeks, placenta attached to mesosalpinx and severe oligamnios. Considering the fetal prognostics and the proximity of the placenta to iliac blood vessels, artheriographic examination was performed for evaluation of placenta insertion. Surgical procedures as salpingo-oophorectomy at the right side, appendectomy and removal of the fetus were performed.

  14. The efficacy of adhesiolysis on chronic abdominal pain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gerner-Rasmussen, Jonas; Burcharth, Jakob; Gögenur, Ismail


    INTRODUCTION: Abdominal adhesions are a frequent reason for chronic abdominal pain. The purpose of this systematic review was to investigate the evidence of performing laparoscopic adhesiolysis as a treatment for patients with chronic abdominal pain. METHODS: Medline, Embase, and The Cochrane Cen...... Central Register of Controlled Trials were searched for trials performing lysis of adhesions on patients suffering from chronic abdominal pain. Clinical studies on patients being treated for chronic abdominal pain with surgical adhesiolysis were included. The main outcome of the study...... chronic abdominal pain. A total of 22 trials were identified as case-series and included no control group. Three studies were identified as randomized controlled trials (RCT). A benefit of the intervention varied from 16 to 88 % in the non-randomized studies, with the majority reporting pain relief...... no difference between the intervention and control group. CONCLUSION: The identified studies showed promising but preliminary results of laparoscopic adhesiolysis as a treatment of chronic abdominal pain. The evidence for laparoscopic adhesiolysis is not sufficient to make definitive conclusions....

  15. Implementación de medidas de prevención y control de riesgo por iluminación, operación de montacargas y trabajos en alturas del área de bodega para una empresa de logística de alimentos del cantón Rumiñahui


    Hidalgo Viteri, Isabel Alexandra


    El presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo implementar medidas de prevención y control en iluminación industrial, riesgos derivados de la operación de montacargas y trabajos en altura para una empresa de logística de alimentos con la finalidad de disminuir el riesgo laboral. Inicialmente, esta tesis identificó y evaluó las condiciones de seguridad por operación de montacargas y trabajos en altura mediante la Metodología de la Guía Técnica Colombiana GTC-45. Los riesgos fueron: derrumbamiento de ra...

  16. Estrategias para la educación de enfermería en América Latina (siglo XXI

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    Durán de Villalobos María Mercedes


    Full Text Available

    El artículo se refiere a la situación socio económica contextual del sector social de América Latina y su relación con la educación de enfermería. Plantea interrogantes y explicaciones derivadas de la crisis de la salud y propone algunas formas de acción no tradicionales y diferentes para enfrentar el problema. Aún teniendo raíces comunes, los problemas pretenden soluciones apropiadas para cada país, pero se identifican requerimientos generales así: necesidad de disminuir la brecha educativa entre profesionales y auxiliares de enfermería, mejoramiento de la calidad de programas de todo nivel y en especial la calidad de la docencia, y enfoques curriculares que permitan el trabajo con grupos y comunidades con nuevos abordajes para identificar y solucionar problemas de forma contextual, además de la participación política en la toma de decisiones de salud. En respuesta a estos requerimientos se proponen las siguientes estrategias: transformación de paradigmas educativos y de prestación de servicios de enfermería, flexibilización de modelos pedagógicos que permitan la exposición de estudiantes a experiencias apropiadas, utilización de la informática y comunicaciones de manera rutinaria, mejoramiento de los docentes e integración y conexión de la pirámide educativa para facilitar el aprovechamiento del recurso humano de enfermería de manera óptima.

  17. Encountering the Accessory Polar Renal Artery during Laparoscopic Para-Aortic Lymphadenectomy. (United States)

    Lee, Won Moo; Choi, Joong Sub; Bae, Jaeman; Jung, Un Suk; Eom, Jeong Min


    A 60-year-old Korean woman underwent laparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and was confirmed to have high-grade serous carcinoma of both ovaries with a huge omental cake, extensive agglutinated intra-abdominal metastatic masses, extensive serosa invasion of the intestines, and mesenterial deposits. She underwent 3 cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by laparoscopic interval debulking surgery, including hysterectomy, pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy, appendectomy, partial peritonectomy, and omentectomy. We encountered the right accessory polar renal artery (APRA) during the surgery and carefully preserved the right APRA from the abdominal aorta to the right kidney (Fig. 1). Postoperative computed tomography angiography showed an intact right APRA and normal-appearing kidney (Fig. 2). The patient had adjuvant chemotherapy and is alive without disease recurrence. Because APRA is a functional end artery, it is important to preserve it during surgery to prevent ischemic damage and renal failure [1]. It is very important for the gynecologic-oncologist to have knowledge of the retroperitoneal vascular anatomy, experience in laparoscopic surgery, and an accurate surgical technique to avoid vascular injury during laparoscopic para-aortic lymphadenectomy. Copyright © 2017 AAGL. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Abdominal tuberculosis: clinical presentation and outcome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumar, R.; Saddique, M.; Iqbal, P.


    To study the clinical presentation and outcome of cases of Abdominal Tuberculosis. Fifty four patients of Abdominal Tuberculosis were seen during the study period. Four patients were lost to follow-up, which were excluded. Detailed information of all the patients including age, sex, symptoms, signs, investigations and management was recorded, analyzed and compared with local and international data. Out of the 50 patients with Abdominal Tuberculosis, 31 were females and 19 males. Their ages ranged from 17 to 63 years, with a mean age of 25.1 years. Thirty five cases were admitted through Emergency and 15 through Outpatients departments. Abdominal pain was the most common symptom found in 44 (88%) patients followed by vomiting in 33 (66%). Abdominal tenderness was seen in 22 (44%) patients, while 16 (32%) patients had rigidity and other features of peritonitis. Surgery was performed in all these patients, limited right hemicolectomy in 17 (34%), segmental resection and anastomosis in 12 (24%), ileostomy and strictureplasty in six (12%) each, repair of perforation in five (10%) and adhesiolysis in four (8%) patients. Overall mortality was 8% due to septicaemia and multiorgan failure. Abdominal Tuberculosis is a significant clinical entity with lethal complications in neglected cases. It affects a younger age group and is more common in females. Clinical features are rather non-specific but vague ill health, low grade fever, weight loss and anorexia may help to diagnose the case. (author)

  19. Value of abdominal CT in the emergency department for patients with abdominal pain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosen, Max P.; Siewert, Bettina; Bromberg, Rebecca; Raptopoulos, Vassilios; Sands, Daniel Z.; Edlow, Jonathan


    The purpose of our study is to demonstrate the value of CT in the emergency department (ED) for patients with non-traumatic abdominal pain. Between August 1998 and April 1999, 536 consecutive patients with non-traumatic abdominal pain were entered into our study. Using a computer order entry system, physicians were asked to identify: (a) their most likely diagnosis; (b) their level of certainty in their diagnosis; (c) if they thought CT would be normal or abnormal; (d) their treatment plan (prior to knowledge of the CT results); and (e) their role in deciding to order CT. This information was correlated with each patient's post-CT diagnosis and subsequent management. Pre- and post-CT diagnoses were concordant in 200 of 536 (37%) patients. The physicians' certainty in the accuracy of their pre-CT diagnosis was less than high in 88% of patients. Prior to CT, the management plan included hospital admission for 402 patients. Following CT, only 312 patients were actually admitted; thus, the net impact of performing CT was to obviate the need for hospital admission in 90 of 536 (17%) of patients with abdominal pain. Prior to CT, 67 of 536 (13%) of all patients would have undergone immediate surgery; however, following CT only 25 (5%) actually required immediate surgery. Among patients with the four most common pre-CT diagnoses (appendicitis, abscess, diverticulitis, and urinary tract stones) CT had the greatest impact on hospital admission and surgical management for patients with suspected appendicitis. For patients with suspected appendicitis, CT reduced the hospital admission rate in 28% (26 of 91) of patients and changed the surgical management in 40% (39 of 91) of patients. Our study demonstrates the advantage of performing abdominal CT in the ED for patients with non-traumatic abdominal pain. (orig.)

  20. Ectopic intra-abdominal fascioliasis


    ÖNGÖREN, Ali Ulvi


    Human fascioliasis, caused by Fasciola hepatica, is emerging as an important chronic zoonotic disease in many areas of the world, including Turkey. It primarily involves the liver and may also cause severe damage in the tissue. Herein we report on a patient with ectopic intra-abdominal fascioliasis that presented to our clinic with abdominal pain and distention. Physical and radiological examination as well as an exploratory laparotomy revealed a 10 × 10-cm mass in the splenic flexura of the ...

  1. Abdominal cerebrospinal fluid pseudocyst

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pathi, Ramon; Sage, Michael; Slavotinek, John; Hanieh, Ahmad


    A case of an abdominal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pseudocyst in a patient with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt is reported to illustrate this known but rare complication. In the setting of a VP shunt, the frequency of abdominal CSF pseudocyst formation is approximately 3.2%, often being precipitated by a recent inflammatory or infective process or recent surgery. Larger pseudocysts tend to be sterile, whereas smaller pseudocysts are more often infected. Ultrasound and CTeach have characteristic findings Copyright (2004) Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd

  2. Recent advances in the management of abdominal compartment syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saleem, T.B.; Ahmed, I.


    Abdominal compartment syndrome is a systemic syndrome involving derangement in cardiovascular hemodynamics, respiratory and renal function as a result of sustained increase in intra-abdominal pressure. This results in multi-organ failure requiring prompt action and treatment. Presentation can be acute, chronic and acute on chronic. Initial diagnosis is clinical, confirmed by measurement of urinary bladder pressure. Treatment is abdominal decompression by laparostomy and delayed abdominal closure. Awareness among the surgeons has increased because laparoscopy has resulted in determination of intra-abdominal pressure as a readily measurable quantity. They have been able to appreciate the benefit of abdominal decompression by performing repeated planned laparotomies for trauma. (author)

  3. Computerized abdominal tomography in Wilson's disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsuchikura, Keiko; Ogawa, Teruyuki; Nakajima, Akihisa; Ono, Yasuhiko


    Cranial and abdominal computerized tomography (CT) was performed in a 10-year-old boy with Wilson's disease complicated by liver cirrhosis. Abdominal CT showed diffuse high density areas over the whole part of the liver propably due to copper sediments, although there was no abnormal cranial CT findings. Decreased high density area of the liver was seen 60 days after the administration of D-penicillamine, suggesting the excretion of copper from the liver. Abdominal CT, as well as cranial CT, may be of help to diagnose Wilson's disease and evaluate therapeutic effects. (Namekawa, K.).

  4. Analysis of the tensile strength on the healing of the abdominal wall of rats treated with infliximab Análise da força tênsil na cicatrização da parede abdominal de ratos tratados com infliximabe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Vieira Lopes


    monoclonal quimérico humano-murino, sobre a força tênsil da ferida operatória abdominal. MÉTODOS: Sessenta ratos, linhagem Wistar, machos, sadios, com peso corporal inicial entre 215 e 390 g e 60 e 90 dias de vida foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, E (Experimental e C (Controle com 30 animais cada. Os animais do grupo E receberam por via subcutânea, dose única, de 5mg/Kg de infliximabe, via subcutânea e os animais do grupo C receberam, volume equivalente, de solução de NaCl a 0,9%, via subcutânea. Depois de 48h os animais de ambos os grupos foram submetidos à incisão mediana na parede abdominal com 4 cm de extensão incluindo todos os planos que foram reconstituídos com sutura contínua músculo aponeurótica e pele, separadamente, com fio de nylon 5.0. A seguir os animais grupo E foram separados por sorteio simples em três subgrupos denominados E3, E7 e E14 com dez animais e os do grupo C em C3, C7 e C14 e foram submetidos, respectivamente, à reoperação e eutanásia no terceiro, sétimo e 14º dia pós-operatório. A parede abdominal anterior, ressecada dos animais durante a reoperação, foi cortada, com lamina de bisturi nº 15, perpendicularmente à ferida operatória. Cada espécime, em forma de fita, com 6 cm por 2 cm, foi preso pela extremidade de modo que a linha de sutura ficasse eqüidistante dos pontos de fixação do dinamômetro e realizado o teste de resistência tensil. O dinamômetro, aferido a cada série de medidas, foi calibrado para aplicar velocidade do teste de ruptura de 25 mm/min e o valor de ruptura foi expresso em N (Newtons Antes da eutanásia a veia cava abdominal foi identificada e puncionada para retirada de sangue para dosagem de TNF-α. RESULTADOS: A média da força tensil encontrada para os animais dos subgrupos E3, E7, E14, C3, C7 e C14 foram, respectivamente, 16,03; 18,69; 27,01; 28,40; 27,22; 29,15 e 24,30 N. Nos resultados dos testes de múltiplas comparações foram encontradas diferenças significantes

  5. Development of control system in abdominal operating ROV


    ZHANG Weikang; WANG Guanxue; XU Guohua; LIU Chang; SHEN Xiong


    In order to satisfy all the requirements of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle(UUV)recovery tasks, a new type of abdominal operating Remote Operated Vehicle(ROV) was developed. The abdominal operating ROV is different from the general ROV which works by a manipulator, as it completes the docking and recovery tasks of UUVs with its abdominal operating mechanism. In this paper, the system composition and principles of the abdominal operating ROV are presented. We then propose a framework for a control...

  6. Modelo para la coordinación de agentes en un sistema logístico de la industria astillera colombiana

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    Wilson Adarme Jaimes


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo por los grupos de investigación SEPRO y GICO, de la Universidad Nacional, en la industria astillera colombiana, que busca coordinar agentes autónomos en una cadena de suministro (CS en un entorno descentralizado, donde los compradores (astilleros tienen una configuración productiva por proyectos. Con este fin se desarrolló un modelo exacto de programación lineal multicriterio para reducir el déficit en el cumplimiento de la demanda y minimizarle el costo logístico a todos los miembros de la CS, considerando la autonomía inherente a sus integrantes y la necesidad de coordinar su operación logística, mediante el conocimiento de la demanda de clientes y la capacidad de los proveedores en los períodos del horizonte de planeación. El modelo propuesto logró disminuir los costos totales en un 0,047% de unidades monetarias, además de identificar en forma explícita los costos logísticos para una cadena tan compleja.

  7. Abdominal pregnancy - Case presentation. (United States)

    Bohiltea, R; Radoi, V; Tufan, C; Horhoianu, I A; Bohiltea, C


    Abdominal pregnancy, a rare diagnosis, belongs to the ectopic pregnancy group, the leading cause of pregnancy related exitus. The positive diagnosis is very difficult to establish most often in an acute setting, leading to a staggering percent of feto-maternal morbidity and mortality. We present the case of 26-weeks-old abdominal pregnancy with partial feto-placental detachment in a patient, after hysteroscopy and in vitro fertilization, which until the acute symptoms that led to emergency laparotomy went unrecognized. The patient recovered completely and satisfactorily after surgery and, due to the high risk of uterine rupture with regard to a second pregnancy, opted for a surrogate mother. Abdominal pregnancy can be regarded as a difficult to establish diagnosis, with a greater chance in case of increased awareness. It is compulsory to be well informed in order not to be surprised by the diagnosis and to apply the correct treatment immediately as the morbidity and mortality rate is elevated.

  8. Treatment strategy for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms. (United States)

    Davidovic, L


    Rupture is the most serious and lethal complication of the abdominal aortic aneurysm. Despite all improvements during the past 50 years, ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms are still associated with very high mortality. Namely, including patients who die before reaching the hospital, the mortality rate due to abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture is 90%. On the other hand, during the last twenty years, the number of abdominal aortic aneurysms significantly increased. One of the reasons is the fact that in majority of countries the general population is older nowadays. Due to this, the number of degenerative AAA is increasing. This is also the case for patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture. Age must not be the reason of a treatment refusal. Optimal therapeutic option ought to be found. The following article is based on literature analysis including current guidelines but also on my Clinics significant experience. Furthermore, this article show cases options for vascular medicine in undeveloped countries that can not apply endovascular procedures at a sufficient level and to a sufficient extent. At this moment the following is evident. Thirty-day-mortality after repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms is significantly lower in high-volume hospitals. Due to different reasons all ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms are not suitable for EVAR. Open repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm should be performed by experienced open vascular surgeons. This could also be said for the treatment of endovascular complications that require open surgical conversion. There is no ideal procedure for the treatment of AAA. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, its own limits and complications, as well as indications and contraindications. Future reductions in mortality of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms will depend on implementation of population-based screening; on strategies to prevent postoperative organ injury and also on new medical technology

  9. Actinomycosis mimicking abdominal neoplasm. Case report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waaddegaard, P; Dziegiel, M


    In a patient with a 6-month history of nonspecific abdominal complaints, preoperative examination indicated malignant disease involving the right ovary, rectum and sigmoid, but laparotomy revealed abdominal actinomycosis. Removal of the ovary and low anterior colonic resection followed by penicil...


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    Валерий Иванович Подолужный


    Full Text Available Publications of recent years do not reflect the regional dynamics of hospitalization of patients with acute surgical pathology of the abdominal cavity and anterior abdominal wall. Goal – to determine the volume of hospitalizations and treatment of patients with acute surgical pathology of the abdominal and anterior abdominal wall in the Kuzbass in the dynamics from 1993 to 2016. Materials and methods. A comparative analysis of the volume of treatment of patients with acute appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, perforated ulcer of the stomach and duodenum and strangulated hernia in surgical departments of Kuzbass from 1993 to 2016 to understand the changes occurring in abdominal surgery. Estimated in the comparative aspect for two decades (1993-2002 and 2007-2016 the average annual number of treated. The estimation of indicators in calculation on 100000 population is executed. The statistical processing was carried out using IBM SPSS Statistica computer version 24 and the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test. Result. Statistically significantly decreased the number of patients with acute appendicitis and perforated ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. The average annual hospitalization of patients with acute pancreatitis and strangulated abdominal hernias has significantly increased in the last decade. There are no significant differences in the increase in the total number of patients with acute cholecystitis and acute intestinal obstruction. Conclusions: 1. Over the past decade compared with 1993-2002, the incidence of acute appendicitis per 100000 thousand of the population decreased in the region by 39.9 %, the incidence of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer by 30.2 %. 2. At this time, the number of people treated with 100000 people with acute pancreatitis increased by 94.7 %; with acute cholecystitis by 12.4 %; with an acute intestinal obstruction by 9.8 % and with a strangulated

  11. Computed tomographic evaluation of abdominal fat in minipigs. (United States)

    Chang, Jinhwa; Jung, Joohyun; Lee, Hyeyeon; Chang, Dongwoo; Yoon, Junghee; Choi, Mincheol


    Computed tomography (CT) exams were conducted to determine the distribution of abdominal fat identified based on the CT number measured in Hounsfield Units (HU) and to measure the volume of the abdominal visceral and subcutaneous fat in minipigs. The relationship between the CT-based fat volumes of several vertebral levels and the entire abdomen and anthropometric data including the sagittal abdominal diameter and waist circumference were evaluated. Moreover, the total fat volumes at the T11, T13, L3, and L5 levels were compared with the total fat volume of the entire abdomen to define the landmark of abdominal fat distribution. Using a single-detector CT, six 6-month-old male minipigs were scanned under general anesthesia. Three radiologists then assessed the HU value of visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat by drawing the region of interest manually at the T11, T13, L1, L3, and L5 levels. The CT number and abdominal fat determined in this way by the three radiologists was found to be correlated (intra-class coefficient = 0.9). The overall HU ranges for the visceral and subcutaneous fat depots were -147.47 to -83.46 and -131.62 to -90.97, respectively. The total fat volume of the entire abdomen was highly correlated with the volume of abdominal fat at the T13 level (r = 0.97, p abdominal adipose tissue measured at the T13 level using CT is a strong and reliable predictor of total abdominal adipose volume.

  12. La enfermedad celíaca se podría detectar con una determinación de anticuerpos antitransglutaminasa en la saliva


    Cuestas Montañés, Eduardo José; Ortega Páez, Eduardo


    Este estudio avanza en la posibilidad de realizar una prueba de cribado simple e inocua para detectar la enfermedad celíaca a edades tempranas, lo que puede contribuir a disminuir la morbimortalidad asociada a la enfermedad.

  13. Fraccionamiento de la grasa abdominal de pollo

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    Sotero Solis, Victor


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to determine physical and chemical properties of the products from the abdominal chicken fat fractionation. Melting point, consistency, solid fat content, fatty acid composition, iodine and saponification values were determined. Results showed that chicken fat has 67.2 % of unsaturated fatty acids. Chicken fat at 10 ºC was plastic and spreadable. A linear relationship between consistency and solid fat content was obtained. Oleins high yield (> 84 % suggest that these fractions can be used as frying oils. Stearins can be applied as components in the fat manufacturing, in pastry and in puff-pastry margarines.En este trabajo, se realizó la evaluación de las propiedades físicas y químicas de los productos del fraccionamiento de la grasa abdominal de pollo. Los análisis realizados fueron: punto de fusión, consistencia, contenido de grasa sólida, composición de los ácidos grasos e índices de iodo y de saponificación. De acuerdo a los resultados se observa que la grasa de pollo presenta 67.2 % de ácidos grasos insaturados. La grasa de pollo se presentó plástica y de buen esparcimiento a la temperatura de 10 ºC. Se obtuvo una relación lineal entre la consistencia y el contenido de grasa sólida. La alta concentración de oleínas (> 84 % sugiere la posibilidad de su aplicación como aceite de fritura. La estearina podría ser usada como base en la preparación de margarinas para pastelería.

  14. Dynamic CT in the abdominal organ, 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukuda, Kunihiko


    By utilizing a 4.5-second CT (computed tomography) scanner which allows sequential scans the changes of the iodine concentration in abdominal organs can be observed as dynamics reflected in CT number. The abdominal dynamic CT was performed as following method. After performing the preliminary scan 50ml of 60% meglumine iothalamate was rapidly injected intravenously by hands. The sequential scanning was initiated when a half dose of contrast medium was injected. In completion of the 4 sequential scans under arrested respiration the conventional post contrast scanning was performed. The analysis of 112 cases dynamically studied by CT came to the following conclusion. CT number of the abdominal aorta was greatest on the 1st or 2nd scan of the sequential scans (7.5 - 20.5 seconds after initiation of injection). Following this peak formation, CT number of the abdominal aorta declined rapidly due to both prompt diffusion of contrast medium into the extravascular space and dilution by the intravascular fluid. Iodine concentration of the abdominal aorta during the peak period was calculated as 11.3 mg/ml by the present method, being theoretically sufficient for delineation of the vessels smaller than medium size. In the patients with impaired renal function, several characteristic patterns were noted on the dynamics of contrast medium within the abdominal organs. The abdominal dynamic CT was felt to be promissing for evaluation of the renal function. (author)

  15. Contemporary imaging in abdominal emergencies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sivit, Carlos J.


    Imaging is often a fundamental part in the evaluation of an injured or ill child. A variety of imaging modalities (radiography, angiography/fluoroscopy, sonography, CT, magnetic resonance imaging and scintigraphy) are among the options. CT is worth focused attention because of its usefulness in a variety of emergency department settings, its increasing use, and its potential radiation risks. CT plays an important role in the evaluation of traumatic and nontraumatic abdominal emergencies in children. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to review current imaging approaches and controversies in the evaluation of common acute abdominal emergencies. Through discussion of various modalities, especially CT in evaluation of abdominal pain and trauma, the relative advantages and disadvantages including radiation risk will be reviewed. (orig.)


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    Virgínia da Conceição Amaro Martins


    Full Text Available

    Nas últimas décadas têm surgido diferentes tipos de materiais, tanto naturais quanto sintéticos, para a reparação cirúrgica abdominal. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal a obtenção de biomembranas a partir de centros tendinosos diafragmáticos submetidos a soluções alcalinas por diferentes períodos de tempo para posterior caracterização físico-química e utilização cirúrgica em eqüinos. Pretendeu-se analisar as alterações macro e microscópicas proporcionadas pelo tratamento em função da variável tempo, para a determinação do mais viável para utilização como implante. Em segunda instância foram implantadas amostras obtidas por 72 horas de tratamento alcalino e liofilizadas, amostras submetidas em glicerina 98% e amostras apenas liofilizadas para controle. A retirada das amostras em uma, nove e dezoito semanas permitiram avaliar a diferença de integração na interface biomaterial/tecido, sendo que as amostras do meio alcalino demonstram menor dificuldade de dissecação em relação às amostras mantidas em glicerina e ao grupo-controle.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Reparação; Biomateriais, Colágeno; Parede abdominal; Eqüinos.


    Different materials types, naturals and synthetics have appeared for the abdominal surgical repairing. This work had as main objective to get biomembranes from diafragmatic tendineous centers submitted to alkaline solutions for different periods of time for posterior physicist-chemistry characterization and surgical use in equines. It was intended to analyze the macro and microscopical alterations caused for the treatment in function of the time variable, to be able to determinate the most viable for implant use

  17. Evaluación del desempeño de aisladores de porcelana recubiertos con películas de dióxido de titanio para disminuir el ensuciamiento

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    Lorena E. Correa


    Full Text Available El ensuciamiento de aisladores eléctricos en servicio expuestos a la atmósfera constituyen un gran inconveniente para el sector eléctrico, debido a que en la superficie se deposita material de naturaleza orgánica e inorgánica, formando una capa que en presencia de humedad puede volverse conductora, produciendo diferentes fenómenos que podrían deteriorar las propiedades aislantes del elemento y finalmente conducir a la ruptura del mismo, afectando principalmente el suministro de la energía eléctrica. Actualmente se encuentra en fase de desarrollo un método que consiste en la aplicación de una película de dióxido de titanio para minimizar la acumulación de suciedad en los aisladores de porcelana sin afectar las propiedades eléctricas de los mismos. Se evaluó el desempeño de dos espesores diferentes (una y dos capas de dicha película en aisladores de porcelana, para lo cual se realizaron pruebas de adherencia, ángulo de contacto, corriente de fuga, tensión de ̄ameo en seco y ensayos de erosión en laboratorio. Finalmente, se evaluó el desempeño en aisladores en servicio en una torre de transmisión de energía. Los aisladores recubiertos exhiben un buen desempeño en las pruebas de laboratorio. Además, tras 5 meses de exposición en servicio en la línea de alta tensión energizada, se observa una disminución en el ensuciamiento.

  18. Propuesta de diseño de estrategias didácticas para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje en los estudiantes de matemática financiera del programa de pymes del instituto colombiano de aprendizaje Incap Bogotá 2014 - 2016


    Lombana Díaz, Edgar; Espinel Gómez, Betty


    Este artículo busca la reflexión del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la materia de Matemáticas Financiera en el Instituto Colombiano de Aprendizaje (INCAP), diseñando una propuesta de estrategias didácticas para mejorar el aprendizaje significativo, el rendimiento académico y disminuir la deserción de los estudiantes, también servirá a otras instituciones que presenten una problemática similar a la expuesta en la investigación. La metodología utilizada es un método mixto con triangulaci...

  19. Analgesia preemptiva com S(+cetamina e bupivacaína peridural em histerectomia abdominal Analgesia preemptiva con S(+cetamina y bupivacaína peridural en histerectomía abdominal Preemptive analgesia with epidural bupivacaine and S(+ketamine in abdominal hysterectomy

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    Ferdinand Edson de Castro


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O presente estudo investiga a capacidade de o antagonista do receptor NMDA, S(+cetamina, associado à injeção peridural de anestésico local (bupivacaína, previamente administrado à incisão promover analgesia preemptiva em pacientes submetidas a histerectomia total abdominal. MÉTODO: Foram avaliadas 30 pacientes, distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos de igual tamanho e estudadas prospectivamente de forma encoberta. Injeção peridural e inserção de cateter foram realizadas entre os interespaços de L1-L2. No grupo I (G1, n = 15, as pacientes receberam, por via peridural, 17 mL de bupivacaína a 0,25%, sem vasoconstritor, associados a 30 mg de S(+cetamina (3 mL, trinta minutos antes da incisão cirúrgica; após 30 minutos da incisão, receberam 20 mL de solução fisiológica a 0,9%. No grupo 2 (G2, n = 15, receberam 20 mL de solução fisiológica, por via peridural, 30 minutos antes da incisão, sendo feita administração de 17 mL de bupivacaína a 0,25% associados a 30 mg de S(+cetamina (3 mL, trinta minutos depois da incisão. Após a injeção peridural, realizou-se anestesia geral com propofol, pancurônio, O2 e isoflurano. Para analgesia pós-operatória foi usada solução peridural em bolus de fentanil associada à bupivacaína, em intervalo mínimo de quatro horas e suplementação com dipirona, se necessária. Avaliou-se a intensidade da dor através de escala numérica e verbal (ao despertar, 6, 12, 18 e 24 horas após o término da operação, o tempo necessário para solicitar pela primeira vez o analgésico e o consumo total de analgésicos. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos em relação ao tempo para solicitar analgésicos pela primeira vez, ao consumo de analgésicos e aos escores de dor pelas escalas numérica e verbal. CONCLUSÕES: Não foi possível demonstrar efeito preemptivo com a utilização peridural de S(+cetamina e bupivacaína nas doses

  20. Aggressive malignant abdominal mesothelioma: Clinical report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Hassan, Ahmad M.; Al-Saigh, Abdulrehman A.


    A 32-year-old Filipino female, working as an x-ray technician, presented to the Emergency Room (ER) with acute abdominal pain for one day. The pain was mainly on the left side and left hypochondrium. She had recurring abdominal pain before but not significant to worry her. She also complained of abdominal distension, which she noticed one week ago. Abdominal examination revealed fullness in the left hypochondrium with marked tenderness but negative rebound. Abdominal ultrasound (US) showed a huge mass mainly in the left hypochondrium. The origin of the mass cannot be identified by US. A computerized tomography scan showed a mass in the left side of the abdomen crossing the midline with a necrotic centre. The hospital course of the patient runs smoothly, and she was discharged after 7-days and referred to an Oncology Center. Abdominal mesothelioma is a neoplasm arising from the mesothelial surface lining the abdominal cavity. It is less frequent than that of the pleura. It is a rapidly growing and fatal malignancy with a median survival of less than 1-year. The relation between pleural malignant mesothelioma and asbestos is well recognized since it was described in 19602 but implication of asbestos exposure in the etiology of the peritoneal type is less obvious. This patient history is giving no obvious exposure to asbestos but as she is working in the Radiology Department as an x-ray technician she is well exposed to x-ray, but the effect of radioactivity on induction of mesothelioma is still disputed.4 There are several reports linking malignant mesothelioma to radioactivity due to radiation therapy.The fibrous mesothelioma (sarcomatous), as in this case, which is difficult to diagnose microscopically, looks like a fibroma, unless helped by tissue culture. The treatment options of malignant mesothelioma include surgery, intraperitoneal chemotherapy and whole abdominal radiation or multimodality therapy, which were suggested that might prolong the survival in

  1. Abdominal alterations in disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis: computed tomography findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vermelho, Marli Batista Fernandes; Correia, Ademir Silva; Michailowsky, Tania Cibele de Almeida; Suzart, Elizete Kazumi Kuniyoshi; Ibanes, Aline Santos; Almeida, Lanamar Aparecida; Khoury, Zarifa; Barba, Mario Flores, E-mail: [Instituto de Infectologia Emilio Ribas (IIER), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    Objective: to evaluate the incidence and spectrum of abdominal computed tomography imaging findings in patients with paracoccidioidomycosis. Materials and methods: retrospective analysis of abdominal computed tomography images of 26 patients with disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis. Results: abnormal abdominal tomographic findings were observed in 18 patients (69.2%), while no significant finding was observed in the other 8 (30.8%) patients. Conclusion: computed tomography has demonstrated to play a relevant role in the screening and detection of abdominal abnormalities in patients with disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis. (author)

  2. Blended-learning como herramienta para disminuir la deserción de alumnos


    Casanovas, Inés; Benegas, Miguel; Fernandez, Gladys


    La problemática de la deserción en los primeros años de las carreras de grado es sin duda uno de los mayores retos con que se enfrenta el docente universitario. Si bien se han realizado innumerables estudios sobre las variables intervinientes en el aprendizaje también se deben considerar las condiciones socioeconómicas y laborales de los alumnos ya que este incide significativamente en la concreción de los objetivos propuestos. La búsqueda de recursos o estrategias por parte del docente pa...

  3. Mechanisms and management of functional abdominal pain


    Farmer, Adam D; Aziz, Qasim


    Functional abdominal pain syndrome is characterised by frequent or continuous abdominal pain associated with a degree of loss of daily activity. It has a reported population prevalence of between 0.5% and 1.7%, with a female preponderance. The pathophysiology of functional abdominal pain is incompletely understood although it has been postulated that peripheral sensitisation of visceral afferents, central sensitisation of the spinal dorsal horn and aberrancies within descending modulatory sys...

  4. Modelo de pronóstico de reoperación en cirugía abdominal

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    Caridad de Dios Soler Morejón


    Full Text Available Introducción: En presencia de complicaciones infecciosas intrabdominales postoperatorias, la decisión de reoperar es todavía difícil para el cirujano actuante. Los modelos matemáticos representan una buena ayuda al diagnóstico en estas condiciones. Método: Estudio prospectivo observacional de 300 pacientes post-cirugía abdominal ingresados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos del Hospital Calixto García desde enero de 2008 a enero de 2010. Los pacientes fueron aleatoriamente separados (2:1 en dos grupos; estimación (GE y validación (GV. En el GE se desarrollaron tres modelos estadísticos para la reoperación, que fueron validados en el GV .Estos modelos incluyeron variables, que en estudios anteriores demostraron su utilidad en el pronóstico, como el índice predictivo de reoperación aguda (ARPI y la presión intrabdominal (PIA Resultados: El modelo ARPI-PIA fue el mejor de los tres modelos, según el estadígrafo Hosmer-Lemeshow (calibración C=9,976 p=0.267, discriminación área bajo la curva ROC=0,989 IC 95% 0,976-1,000. Conclusión: La inclusión de la PIA junto al ARPI en un modelo matemático puede aumentar la certeza del pronóstico de reoperación en presencia de complicaciones infecciosas intrabdominales tras cirugía abdominal. Este modelo puede ser de utilidad en situaciones de recursos diagnósticos limitados.

  5. Dehydration related abdominal pain (drap)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shah, S.I.; Aurangzeb; Khan, I.; Bhatti, A.M.; Khan, A.A.


    Objective: To describe the frequency of dehydration as a medical cause of acute abdomen. Subjects and Methods: All the patients reporting with abdominal pain to the surgical outpatient department or the emergency department were reviewed in the study. The clinical findings in all these cases were studied along with the mode of their management and outcome. Results: Of all the patients presenting with abdominal pain, 3.3% (n=68) were suffering from dehydration related abdominal pain. They were predominantly males in a ratio of 8.7: 1, mostly in the 2nd and 3rd decades of their lives. All these cases were suffering from acute or chronic dehydration were provisionally diagnosed by general practitioners as 'acute abdomen' and referred for surgical consultation. Associated symptoms included vomiting in 42.6%, backache in 91.2%, headache in 95.6%, and pain in lower limbs in 97.1 % of the cases. 83.8% required indoor management with intravenous fluids. All the patients became asymptomatic with rehydration therapy. Conclusion: Dehydration is a possible cause of severe abdominal pain. There is a need to educate the general public about the benefits of adequate fluid intake. (author)

  6. Chest complication after abdominal surgery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koh, B. H.; Choi, J. Y.; Hahm, C. K.; Kang, S. R.


    In spite of many advances in medicine, anesthetic technique and surgical managements, pulmonary problems are the most frequent postoperative complications, particularly after abdominal surgery. As postoperative pulmonary complications, atelectasis, pleural effusion, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and lung abscess can be occurred. This study include evaluation of chest films of 2006 patients (927 male, 1079 female), who had been operated abdominal surgery from Jan. 1979 to June, 1980 in the Hanyang university hospital. The results were as follows: 1. 70 cases out of total 2006 cases (3.5%) developed postoperative chest complications, 51 cases (5.5%) in male, 19 cases (1.8%) in female. 2. The complication rate was increased according to the increase of age. The incidence of the postoperative complications over 40 years of age was higher than the overall average complications rate. 3. The most common postoperative pulmonary complication was pleural effusion, next pneumonia, atelectasis and pulmonary edema respectively. 4. The complication rate of the group of upper abdominal surgery is much higher than the group of lower abdominal surgery. 5. Complication rate was increased according to increase of the duration of operation. 6. There were significant correlations between the operation site and side of the complicated hemithorax

  7. Diagnostic accuracy of low-dose CT compared with abdominal radiography in non-traumatic acute abdominal pain: prospective study and systematic review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alshamari, Muhammed; Geijer, Haakan; Norrman, Eva; Geijer, Mats; Jansson, Kjell


    Abdominal radiography is frequently used in acute abdominal non-traumatic pain despite the availability of more advanced diagnostic modalities. This study evaluates the diagnostic accuracy of low-dose CT compared with abdominal radiography, at similar radiation dose levels. Fifty-eight patients were imaged with both methods and were reviewed independently by three radiologists. The reference standard was obtained from the diagnosis in medical records. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated. A systematic review was performed after a literature search, finding a total of six relevant studies including the present. Overall sensitivity with 95 % CI for CT was 75 % (66-83 %) and 46 % (37-56 %) for radiography. Specificity was 87 % (77-94 %) for both methods. In the systematic review the overall sensitivity for CT varied between 75 and 96 % with specificity from 83 to 95 % while the overall sensitivity for abdominal radiography varied between 30 and 77 % with specificity 75 to 88 %. Based on the current study and available evidence, low-dose CT has higher diagnostic accuracy than abdominal radiography and it should, where logistically possible, replace abdominal radiography in the workup of adult patients with acute non-traumatic abdominal pain. (orig.)

  8. Diagnostic accuracy of low-dose CT compared with abdominal radiography in non-traumatic acute abdominal pain: prospective study and systematic review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alshamari, Muhammed; Geijer, Haakan [Oerebro University, Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Oerebro (Sweden); Norrman, Eva [Oerebro University, Department of Medical Physics, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Oerebro (Sweden); Geijer, Mats [Lund University and Skaane University Hospital, Department of Medical Imaging and Physiology, Lund (Sweden); Jansson, Kjell [Oerebro University, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Oerebro (Sweden)


    Abdominal radiography is frequently used in acute abdominal non-traumatic pain despite the availability of more advanced diagnostic modalities. This study evaluates the diagnostic accuracy of low-dose CT compared with abdominal radiography, at similar radiation dose levels. Fifty-eight patients were imaged with both methods and were reviewed independently by three radiologists. The reference standard was obtained from the diagnosis in medical records. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated. A systematic review was performed after a literature search, finding a total of six relevant studies including the present. Overall sensitivity with 95 % CI for CT was 75 % (66-83 %) and 46 % (37-56 %) for radiography. Specificity was 87 % (77-94 %) for both methods. In the systematic review the overall sensitivity for CT varied between 75 and 96 % with specificity from 83 to 95 % while the overall sensitivity for abdominal radiography varied between 30 and 77 % with specificity 75 to 88 %. Based on the current study and available evidence, low-dose CT has higher diagnostic accuracy than abdominal radiography and it should, where logistically possible, replace abdominal radiography in the workup of adult patients with acute non-traumatic abdominal pain. (orig.)

  9. Acute abdominal pain: Advances in diagnosis and management

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gans, S.L.


    The term acute abdominal pain refers to non-traumatic abdominal pain of rapid onset with duration of less than five days. Acute abdominal pain can be divided in urgent and non-urgent conditions. Urgent causes require treatment within 24 hours to prevent serious complications whereas for non-urgent

  10. Animal model of chronic abdominal hernia in rabbit Modelo animal de hérnia abdominal crônica em coelhos

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    Walter da Silva


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To create a feasible animal model of hernia that should be reliable to test the different types of mesh and/or surgical technique. METHODS: Thirty six male New Zealand albino rabbits were submitted to surgical procedure to provoke a standard hole in the abdominal wall. A metallic frame measuring 3 cm length and 1 cm width was allocated longitudinally on the umbilicus scar and the comprehensive three squared centimeters area was resected. A continuous 4.0 polyamide was performed to closure the subcutaneous and skin. RESULTS: During three weeks a score of signals/symptoms was performed to evaluate the wound and clinical conditions. No death or severe complications occurred. In the 3rd week the hernia ring and visceral adhesions were evaluated. Soft omental adherences were present in the hernial sac in all animals. The area of hernia ring ranged from 32.1±5.5 to 35.6±3.1 squared centimeter and the maximum was 39 cm² and the minimum was 30 cm². The model results in protrusion which was similar to a human incisional hernia with hernia sac, visceral adhesions and fibrous healing ring. CONCLUSION: The model was more reliable to test further techniques or mesh on hernia repair.OBJETIVO: Criação de um modelo animal de hérnia que seja confiável para testar as diferentes técnicas e tipos de telas. MÉTODOS: Trinta e seis coelhos foram submetidos a procedimento operatório que provocou uma falha na parede abdominal. Uma moldura metálica com 3 cm de comprimento e 1 cm de largura foi colocada longitudinalmente sobre a cicatriz umbilical e ressecada uma área de 3cm². Uma sutura contínua de poliamida 4.0 fechou a tela subcutânea e pele. RESULTADOS: durante três semanas o escore de sinais e sintomas foi coletado para avaliar as condições clínicas e da ferida operatória. Não ocorreram óbitos ou complicações graves. Na terceira semana o anel herniário e aderências peritoneais foram avaliadas. Aderências frouxas estavam presentes

  11. Foco Nasmyth para el telescopio 2,15mts. de CASLEO (United States)

    Casagrande, A. R.

    En principio, este proyecto intenta lograr el mayor aprovechamiento posible del instrumental que se dispone, buscando la manera de optimizar y hacer más eficiente el servicio que brinda el CASLEO a la comunidad astronómica. El mismo consiste en utilizar dispositivos ya existentes en el telescopio, y darle una utilidad. Tal es el caso del camino óptico destinado al foco Coude. Si tenemos en cuenta que disponemos de un tercer espejo Coude, con todos sus mecanismos automatizados, (actualmente sin uso), una distancia apropiada del plano focal, el espacio y el lugar físico necesario para instalar un periférico, es posible la habilitación de un foco Nasmyth en el telescopio 2,15mts. El hecho de contar con este nuevo foco, redundará en importantes beneficios. En primer lugar, posibilitará la observación, casi simultánea, con dos instrumentos. Otro aspecto a tener en cuenta, es que disminuirá el frecuente cambio del instrumental periférico, motivo este que degrada su ideal puesta a punto. Por último, también de interés, es de destacar su escaso costo de ejecución.

  12. Functional abdominal pain disorders in children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rajindrajith, Shaman; Zeevenhooven, Judith; Devanarayana, Niranga Manjuri; Perera, Bonaventure Jayasiri Crispus; Benninga, Marc A.


    Chronic abdominal pain is a common problem in pediatric practice. The majority of cases fulfill the Rome IV criteria for functional abdominal pain disorders (FAPDs). At times, these disorders may lead to rather serious repercussions. Area covered: We have attempted to cover current knowledge on

  13. Mechanisms and management of functional abdominal pain. (United States)

    Farmer, Adam D; Aziz, Qasim


    Functional abdominal pain syndrome is characterised by frequent or continuous abdominal pain associated with a degree of loss of daily activity. It has a reported population prevalence of between 0.5% and 1.7%, with a female preponderance. The pathophysiology of functional abdominal pain is incompletely understood although it has been postulated that peripheral sensitisation of visceral afferents, central sensitisation of the spinal dorsal horn and aberrancies within descending modulatory systems may have an important role. The management of patients with functional abdominal pain requires a tailored multidisciplinary approach in a supportive and empathetic environment in order to develop an effective therapeutic relationship. Patient education directed towards an explanation of the pathophysiology of functional abdominal pain is in our opinion a prerequisite step and provides the rationale for the introduction of interventions. Interventions can usefully be categorised into general measures, pharmacotherapy, psychological interventions and 'step-up' treatments. Pharmacotherapeutic/step-up options include tricyclic antidepressants, serotonin noradrenergic reuptake inhibitors and the gabapentinoids. Psychological treatments include cognitive behavioural therapy and hypnotherapy. However, the objective evidence base for these interventions is largely derived from other chronic pain syndrome, and further research is warranted in adult patients with functional abdominal pain. © The Royal Society of Medicine.

  14. Fechamento sequencial da parede abdominal com tração fascial contínua (mediada por tela ou sutura e terapia a vácuo

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    Fernando Ferreira

    Full Text Available Na última década multiplicaram-se as publicações e a utilização da cirurgia de controle de danos, resultando num número crescente de pacientes deixados com o abdome aberto (ou peritoneostomia. Uma das consequências nefastas do abdome aberto são as hérnias ventrais gigantes que resultam da impossibilidade de se fechar o abdome durante a internação hospitalar do paciente. Para minimizar esta sequela têm surgido na literatura diferentes tipos de abordagem. Para abordar este tópico, a reunião de revista "Telemedicina Baseada em Evidência - Cirurgia do Trauma e Emergência" (TBE-CiTE optou por não analisar sistemas comerciais de fechamento abdominal dinâmico, com exceção da terapia de pressão negativa ou vácuo. O grupo fez uma avaliação crítica dirigida de três artigos mais relevantes publicados recentemente sobre fechamento sequencial da parede abdominal (com tela ou sutura mais vácuo. Nesta avaliação foram incluídos dois estudos retrospectivos mais um estudo prospectivo. Baseados na análise crítica desses 3 estudos mais a discussão que contou com a participação de representantes de 6 Universidades e realizada via telemedicina, são feitas as seguintes recomendações: (1 a associação de terapia de pressão negativa com tração fascial constante mediada por tela ou sutura, ajustada periodicamente, parece ser uma ótima estratégia cirúrgica para o tratamento de peritoneostomias. (2 O fechamento abdominal primário dinâmico com sutura e mediada por tela parece ser mais econômico e eficiente do que deixar o paciente com uma hérnia gigante e planejar uma reconstrução complexa tardiamente. Novos estudos com grupos maiores de pacientes separados de acordo com as diferentes apresentações e doenças são necesários para definir qual o melhor método cirúrgico para o tratamento de peritoneostomias.

  15. Diagnosis of calcification on abdominal radiographs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lamb, C.R.; Kleine, L.J.; McMillan, M.C.


    A wide variety of normal and pathologic factors may induce intraabdominal calcification. In general, the most reliable indication of the cause of a calcification is its location; therefore, if the affected organ can be identified the radiographic diagnosis is often straightforward or, at least, limited to relatively few possibilities. With this principle in mind, a series of patients with abdominal calcification are described for the purpose of illustrating the appearance of calcification of various abdominal organs. In addition, etiology for the calcification in each patient is discussed. Certain extraabdominal calcifications which may be seen on abdominal radiographs are also mentioned

  16. Abdominal ultrasonography, 2nd Ed

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldberg, B.B.


    This volume is a new and updated edition of an extensively illustrated text and reference on the capabilities and imaging of gray scale ultrasonography for each major abdominal organ. Each major organ system is treated separately, including liver, gallbladder and bile ducts, pancreas, kidney, retroperitoneum, abdominal vasculature, and more. There are over 500 illustrations and ten pages of full color plates for cross sectional anatomy

  17. CT findings in abdominal actinomycosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, In Jae; Ha, Hyun Kwon; Lee, Moon Gyu; Kim, Pyo Nyun; Auh, Yong Ho


    Abdominal actinomycosis is a chronic, progressive, suppurative disease with a favorable response to intravenous treatment with penicillin. In many instances, however, its clinical and radiological findings may overlap with those of other inflammatory and neoplastic conditions, and the familiarity with the various radiological features can thus avoid diagnostic delays. The purpose of this paper is to describe and discuss the CT findings of abdominal actinomycosis


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    Yanmila Hidalgo Rosabal


    Full Text Available The present work constitutes a road to offer the family resources, for the precision of words at the road institutional no, during preschool infancy. It permits decreasing the scarcities that present the educational agents for the integration of contents in united activity of multiple groups. He proves to be important to guarantee than the family of the road, institutional no confront the education of them children at the home, because he contains educational stock that the development of communicative abilities and mathematics permits. RESUMEN El presente trabajo constituye una vía para ofrecer recursos a la familia, para la precisión de vocablos en la vía no institucional, durante la infancia preescolar. Permite disminuir las carencias que presentan los agentes educativos para la integración de contenidos en la actividad conjunta de los grupos múltiples. Resulta importante para garantizar que la familia de la vía no institucional enfrente la educación de los niños en el hogar, pues contiene acciones educativas que permite el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas y matemáticas.

  19. Endovascular Exclusion of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in Patients with Concomitant Abdominal Malignancy: Early Experience

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, You Ri; Chang, Nam Kyu [Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital, Hwasun (Korea, Republic of); Shin, Hyo Hyun; Oh, Hyun Jun; Kim, Jae Kyu; Choi, Soo Jin Na; Chung, Sang Young [Chonnam National University Hospital, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of); Yim, Nam Yeol [Armed Forces Yangju Hospital, Yangju (Korea, Republic of)


    To assess the outcomes of endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) for the treatment of an abdominal aortic aneurysm in patients undergoing curative surgical treatment for concomitant abdominal malignancy. The study included 12 patients with abdominal neoplasia and an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), which was treated by surgery and stent EVAR. The neoplasm consisted of the gastric, colorectal, pancreas, prostate, and gall bladder. The follow up period was 3-21 months (mean 11.8 months). All medical records and imaging analyses were reviewed by CTA and/or color Doppler US, retrospectively. Successful endoluminal repair was accomplished in all twelve patients. The mean interval time between EVAR and surgery was 58.6 days. Small amounts of type 2 endoleaks were detected in two patients (17%). One patient developed adult respiratory distress syndrome after Whipple's operation 20 days after surgery, which led to hopeless discharge. No procedure-related mortality, morbidity, or graft-related infection was noted. Exclusion of AAA in patients with accompanying malignancy show with a relatively low procedure morbidity and mortality. Hence, endoluminal AAA repair in patients with synchronous neoplasia may allow greater flexibility in the management of an offending malignancy

  20. Endovascular Exclusion of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in Patients with Concomitant Abdominal Malignancy: Early Experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, You Ri; Chang, Nam Kyu; Shin, Hyo Hyun; Oh, Hyun Jun; Kim, Jae Kyu; Choi, Soo Jin Na; Chung, Sang Young; Yim, Nam Yeol


    To assess the outcomes of endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) for the treatment of an abdominal aortic aneurysm in patients undergoing curative surgical treatment for concomitant abdominal malignancy. The study included 12 patients with abdominal neoplasia and an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), which was treated by surgery and stent EVAR. The neoplasm consisted of the gastric, colorectal, pancreas, prostate, and gall bladder. The follow up period was 3-21 months (mean 11.8 months). All medical records and imaging analyses were reviewed by CTA and/or color Doppler US, retrospectively. Successful endoluminal repair was accomplished in all twelve patients. The mean interval time between EVAR and surgery was 58.6 days. Small amounts of type 2 endoleaks were detected in two patients (17%). One patient developed adult respiratory distress syndrome after Whipple's operation 20 days after surgery, which led to hopeless discharge. No procedure-related mortality, morbidity, or graft-related infection was noted. Exclusion of AAA in patients with accompanying malignancy show with a relatively low procedure morbidity and mortality. Hence, endoluminal AAA repair in patients with synchronous neoplasia may allow greater flexibility in the management of an offending malignancy

  1. Cost and Reimbursement for Three Fibroid Treatments: Abdominal Hysterectomy, Abdominal Myomectomy, and Uterine Fibroid Embolization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldberg, Jay; Bussard, Anne; McNeil, Jean; Diamond, James


    Purpose. To compare costs and reimbursements for three different treatments for uterine fibroids. Methods. Costs and reimbursements were collected and analyzed from the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital decision support database from 540 women who underwent abdominal hysterectomy (n 299), abdominal myomectomy (n = 105), or uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) (n = 136) for uterine fibroids during 2000-2002. We used the chi-square test and ANOVA, followed by Fisher's Least Significant Difference test, for statistical analysis. Results. The mean total hospital cost (US$) for UFE was $2,707, which was significantly less than for hysterectomy ($5,707) or myomectomy ($5,676) (p < 0.05). The mean hospital net income (hospital net reimbursement minus total hospital cost) for UFE was $57, which was significantly greater than for hysterectomy (-$572) or myomectomy (-$715) (p < 0.05). The mean professional (physician) reimbursements for UFE, hysterectomy, and myomectomy were $1,306, $979, and $1,078, respectively. Conclusion. UFE has lower hospital costs and greater hospital net income than abdominal hysterectomy or abdominal myomectomy for treating uterine fibroids. UFE may be more financially advantageous than hysterectomy or myomectomy for the insurer, hospital, and health care system. Costs and reimbursements may vary amongst different hospitals and regions

  2. Epidemiología de la violencia en la pareja. Mortalidad. Morbilidad, lo conocido, lo estimado, lo oculto


    Vives-Cases, Carmen


    Se describen una serie de indicadores utilizados para medir los resultados de las intervenciones desarrolladas en España en torno a la violencia contra las mujeres en la pareja, y que permiten una aproximación al impacto de las políticas gubernamentales desarrolladas para prevenir y disminuir los efectos de la conducta violenta de los hombres contra sus parejas.

  3. Review article: the functional abdominal pain syndrome. (United States)

    Sperber, A D; Drossman, D A


    Functional abdominal pain syndrome (FAPS) is a debilitating disorder with constant or nearly constant abdominal pain, present for at least 6 months and loss of daily functioning. To review the epidemiology, pathophysiology and treatment of FAPS. A literature review using the keywords: functional abdominal pain, chronic abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome and functional gastrointestinal disorders. No epidemiological studies have focused specifically on FAPS. Estimates of prevalence range from 0.5% to 1.7% and tend to show a female predominance. FAPS pathophysiology appears unique in that the pain is caused primarily by amplified central perception of normal visceral input, rather than by enhanced peripheral stimulation from abdominal viscera. The diagnosis of FAPS is symptom-based in accordance with the Rome III diagnostic criteria. These criteria are geared to identify patients with severe symptoms as they require constant or nearly constant abdominal pain with loss of daily function and are differentiated from IBS based on their non-association with changes in bowel habit, eating or other gut-related events. As cure is not feasible, the aims of treatment are reduced suffering and improved quality of life. Treatment is based on a biopsychosocial approach with a therapeutic patient-physician partnership at its base. Therapeutic options include central nonpharmacological and pharmacological modalities and peripheral modalities. These can be combined to produce an augmentation effect. Although few studies have assessed functional abdominal pain syndrome or its treatment specifically, the treatment strategies outlined in this paper appear to be effective. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  4. CT evaluation of abdominal trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Ruiting


    Objective: An evaluation of CT diagnosis of abdominal trauma. Methods: CT appearance of abdominal trauma was analyzed retrospectively in 95 cases. thirty-three patients were cured by operation, and the other 59 patients received conservative treatment. Fifty-one patients out of 59 were seen healed or improved by a follow up CT scan after the conservative treatment. Results: The study included: 31 cases of splenic contusion, accompanying with hemoperitoneum in 25 cases; 3 cases of hepatic laceration; 33 cases of liver and spleen compound trauma accompanying with hemoperitoneum; 18 cases of renal contusion, with subcapsular hemorrhage in 12 cases; 4 cases of midriff colic; 3 cases of mesentery breach; 3 cases of digestive tract perforation. Conclusion: CT is sensitive and precise in evaluating abdominal trauma, providing important information for treatment. (author)

  5. Subtotal versus total abdominal hysterectomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Lea Laird; Ottesen, Bent; Alling Møller, Lars Mikael


    OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to compare long-term results of subtotal vs total abdominal hysterectomy for benign uterine diseases 14 years after hysterectomy, with urinary incontinence as the primary outcome measure. STUDY DESIGN: This was a long-term follow-up of a multicenter......, randomized clinical trial without blinding. Eleven gynecological departments in Denmark contributed participants to the trial. Women referred for benign uterine diseases who did not have contraindications to subtotal abdominal hysterectomy were randomized to subtotal (n = 161) vs total (n = 158) abdominal...... from discharge summaries from all public hospitals in Denmark. The results were analyzed as intention to treat and per protocol. Possible bias caused by missing data was handled by multiple imputation. The primary outcome was urinary incontinence; the secondary outcomes were pelvic organ prolapse...

  6. Simultaneous repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm and resection of unexpected, associated abdominal malignancies. (United States)

    Illuminati, Giulio; Calio', Francesco G; D'Urso, Antonio; Lorusso, Riccardo; Ceccanei, Gianluca; Vietri, Francesco


    The management of unexpected intra-abdominal malignancy, discovered at laparotomy for elective treatment of an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), is controversial. It is still unclear whether both conditions should be treated simultaneously or a staged approach is to be preferred. To contribute in improving treatment guidelines, we retrospectively reviewed the records of patients undergoing laparotomy for elective AAA repair. From January 1994 to March 2003, 253 patients underwent elective, trans-peritoneal repair of an AAA. In four patients (1.6%), an associated, unexpected neoplasm was detected at abdominal exploration, consisting of one renal, one gastric, one ileal carcinoid, and one ascending colon tumor. All of them were treated at the same operation, after aortic repair and careful isolation of the prosthetic graft. The whole series' operative mortality was 3.6%. None of the patients simultaneously treated for AAA and tumor resection died in the postoperative period. No graft-related infections were observed. Simultaneous treatment of AAA and tumor did not prolong significantly the mean length of stay in the hospital, compared to standard treatment of AAA alone. Except for malignancies of organs requiring major surgical resections, simultaneous AAA repair and resection of an associated, unexpected abdominal neoplasm can be safely performed, in most of the patients, sparing the need for a second procedure. Endovascular grafting of the AAA can be a valuable tool in simplifying simultaneous treatment, or in staging the procedures with a very short delay.

  7. Longitudinal changes in abdominal fat distribution with menopause. (United States)

    Franklin, Ruth M; Ploutz-Snyder, Lori; Kanaley, Jill A


    Increases in abdominal fat have been reported with menopause, but the impact of menopause on abdominal fat distribution (visceral vs subcutaneous) is still unclear. The objective of the study was to determine if abdominal fat content (volume) or distribution is altered with menopause. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to quantify total abdominal, subcutaneous, and visceral fat in 8 healthy women, both in the premenopausal state and 8 years later in the postmenopausal state. Physical activity (PA) and blood lipids were also measured. Body weight and waist circumference did not change with menopause (pre- vs postmenopause: body weight, 63.2 +/- 3.1 vs 63.9 +/- 2.5 kg; waist circumference, 92.1 +/- 4.6 vs 93.4 +/- 3.7 cm); however, total abdominal fat, subcutaneous fat, and visceral fat all significantly (P fat distribution was not significantly different after menopause (pre- vs postmenopause: subcutaneous, 73% +/- 3% vs 71% +/- 3%; visceral, 26% +/- 3% vs 28% +/- 3%). Lean mass, fat mass, and PA, along with total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, did not change with menopause. High-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein both increased (P abdominal fat content increased with menopause despite no change in PA, body weight, or waist circumference; however, menopause did not affect the relative abdominal fat distribution in these women.

  8. Prophylactic antibiotics for penetrating abdominal trauma. (United States)

    Brand, Martin; Grieve, Andrew


    Penetrating abdominal trauma occurs when the peritoneal cavity is breached. Routine laparotomy for penetrating abdominal injuries began in the 1800s, with antibiotics first being used in World War II to combat septic complications associated with these injuries. This practice was marked with a reduction in sepsis-related mortality and morbidity. Whether prophylactic antibiotics are required in the prevention of infective complications following penetrating abdominal trauma is controversial, however, as no randomised placebo controlled trials have been published to date. There has also been debate about the timing of antibiotic prophylaxis. In 1972 Fullen noted a 7% to 11% post-surgical infection rate with pre-operative antibiotics, a 33% to 57% infection rate with intra-operative antibiotic administration and 30% to 70% infection rate with only post-operative antibiotic administration. Current guidelines state there is sufficient class I evidence to support the use of a single pre-operative broad spectrum antibiotic dose, with aerobic and anaerobic cover, and continuation (up to 24 hours) only in the event of a hollow viscus perforation found at exploratory laparotomy. To assess the benefits and harms of prophylactic antibiotics administered for penetrating abdominal injuries for the reduction of the incidence of septic complications, such as septicaemia, intra-abdominal abscesses and wound infections. Searches were not restricted by date, language or publication status. We searched the following electronic databases: the Cochrane Injuries Group Specialised Register, CENTRAL (The Cochrane Library 2013, issue 12 of 12), MEDLINE (OvidSP), Embase (OvidSP), ISI Web of Science: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), ISI Web of Science: Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science (CPCI-S) and PubMed. Searches were last conducted in January 2013. All randomised controlled trials of antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with penetrating abdominal trauma versus no

  9. Índice de reflectancia solar de revestimientos verticales: potencial para la mitigación de la isla de calor urbana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noelia Liliana Alchapar

    Full Text Available La condición artificial del medio urbano modifica el consumo de energía y el confort térmico. El incremento de las temperaturas de una ciudad en relación a las áreas periféricas conduce a la formación de una Isla de Calor Urbana. Es por ello, que trabajar sobre las propiedades termofísicas de los materiales (techos, pavimentos y fachadas es una estrategia de mitigación viable para disminuir las temperaturas de una ciudad. El objetivo principal de éste trabajo es estudiar la capacidad de 80 revestimientos para fachadas disponibles regionalmente para mitigar los efectos negativos de la Isla deCalor Urbana, mediante la determinación del Índice de Reflectancia Solar (SRI. El material que posee el comportamiento más eficiente es el Acrílico Rulato Travertino fino marfil (SRI = 100%, Temp. Sup.= 35 ºC, mientras el más ineficiente es el Acrílico Llaneado fino gris plomo (SRI = 29%, Temp. Sup.= 74 ºC. No obstante existen alternativas intermedias que resultan del efecto combinado de la composición del material, su color y textura. Esta situación demuestra que es posible mitigar el efecto de isla de calor a partir de una adecuada selección de revestimientos verticales.

  10. Diagnostic accuracy of low-dose CT compared with abdominal radiography in non-traumatic acute abdominal pain: prospective study and systematic review. (United States)

    Alshamari, Muhammed; Norrman, Eva; Geijer, Mats; Jansson, Kjell; Geijer, Håkan


    Abdominal radiography is frequently used in acute abdominal non-traumatic pain despite the availability of more advanced diagnostic modalities. This study evaluates the diagnostic accuracy of low-dose CT compared with abdominal radiography, at similar radiation dose levels. Fifty-eight patients were imaged with both methods and were reviewed independently by three radiologists. The reference standard was obtained from the diagnosis in medical records. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated. A systematic review was performed after a literature search, finding a total of six relevant studies including the present. Overall sensitivity with 95 % CI for CT was 75 % (66-83 %) and 46 % (37-56 %) for radiography. Specificity was 87 % (77-94 %) for both methods. In the systematic review the overall sensitivity for CT varied between 75 and 96 % with specificity from 83 to 95 % while the overall sensitivity for abdominal radiography varied between 30 and 77 % with specificity 75 to 88 %. Based on the current study and available evidence, low-dose CT has higher diagnostic accuracy than abdominal radiography and it should, where logistically possible, replace abdominal radiography in the workup of adult patients with acute non-traumatic abdominal pain. • Low-dose CT has a higher diagnostic accuracy than radiography. • A systematic review shows that CT has better diagnostic accuracy than radiography. • Radiography has no place in the workup of acute non-traumatic abdominal pain.

  11. Estrategia innovadora enfocada en parejas del mismo sexo para disminuir la infección del VIH en hombres Latinos (United States)

    Martinez, Omar; Wu, Elwin; Sandfort, Theo; Shultz, Andrew Z.; Capote, Jonathan; Chávez, Silvia; Moya, Eva; Dodge, Brian; Morales, Gabriel; Porras, Antonio; Ovejero, Hugo


    Resumen El VIH es un problema de salud importante dentro de la comunidad latina de los Estados Unidos. Gracias a los esfuerzos de prevención, los niveles de contagio entre los latinos se han mantenido estables por más de una década. Sin embargo, esta población sigue siendo afectada a niveles muy altos, en particular entre hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH), de origen latino y que hablan principalmente el idioma español. Existen varios factores que contribuyen a la transmisión del VIH entre esta población, como son: el uso de drogas; la violencia dentro de la pareja; la presencia de infecciones de transmisión sexual; relaciones sexuales sin protección, dentro y fuera de la pareja; el evadir la búsqueda de recursos (prueba y tratamiento adecuado) por temor a ser discriminado o por su estatus migratorio; la escasez de recursos económicos o estado de pobreza y los patrones relacionados a la migración. En particular, Investigaciones Epidemiológicas de Comportamientos han determinado: cómo algunas dinámicas en parejas están directamente asociadas a los comportamientos sexuales de riesgos. En consecuencia, es necesaria mayor investigación para identificar esas dinámicas, y a su vez, realizar intervenciones dirigidas a la reducción de conductas de riesgo enfocadas en parejas de hombres del mismo sexo. En este escrito, se describe la importancia del uso de las relaciones de pareja como estrategia en la reducción de la trasmisión del VIH/SIDA en HSH de origen latino y que hablan principalmente el idioma español en los Estados Unidos. PMID:25580466

  12. Importancia de preparación preclínica previo al uso de sistemas mecanizados por alumnos de pregrado para evitar fracturas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dra. María Leonor Montesdeoca Breilh


    Full Text Available Durante el aprendizaje de la Carrera de Odontología los alumnos deben aprobar la materia de Endodoncia, materia de mucha importancia para mantener las piezas dentales en boca y no llegar a una extracción. Lamentablemente, la enseñanza de esta área resulta un poco compleja para el alumno de pregrado ya que se trabaja en un campo muy reducido y relativamente oscuro, lo que dificultad la visualización de los conductos, sumado a la cantidad de pasos que debe realizar para llegar a su objetivo. Dentro de esta enseñanza está la necesidad de impartir conceptos actuales, al igual que técnicas tradicionales vigentes. En la Endodoncia actual se usan tecnologías de tipo mecanizadas que han hecho que el operador pueda realizar procedimientos más rápidos y de manera correcta, pero lastimosamente son sistemas muy costosos que se pueden llegar a fracturar si no se tiene un entrenamiento preclínico previo, el cual logrará una curva de aprendizaje en el uso correcto de los mismos para evitar este desagradable problema. Esta preparación preclínica de acuerdo a la experiencia de las autoras debe tener algunas etapas antes de la realización del procedimiento en el paciente, para disminuir el número de errores durante el proceso clínico, principalmente la indeseable fractura del instrumento de Níquel-Titanio, los cuales son usados actualmente para la conformación del conducto radicular. Por tal motivo se describe en el presente artículo una dinámica de trabajo preclínico por etapas utilizados en la materia de Endodoncia de la Carrera de Odontología de la UCSG para logar este objetivo.

  13. Asymptomatic Incisional Endometrioma Presenting as Abdominal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Asymptomatic incisional endometrioma of the anterior abdominal wall is rare. Clinical diagnosis may be difficult. We present a 26 year old woman with incisional abdominal wall endometrioma discovered 5 years after caeserian section. It was painless and there was no change in size with menstruation. The patient's body ...

  14. Reducing Abdominal Fat Deposition in Broiler Through Feeding Management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cecep Hidayat


    Full Text Available Abdominal fat in broiler carcass is considered as a waste and its existence reduces the carcass quality. Abdominal fat deposition is affected by several factors such as genetic, nutrition, feed, sex, age and environment. Reducing abdominal fat deposition can be carried out by regulating the nutrient intake to ensure that no excessive nutrient was consumed. Nutrition effects to reduce abdominal fat deposition are associated with nutrient concentration of ration and quantity of daily feed intake. Daily nutrient intake can be limited, especially through restricted feeding. It is concluded that an appropriate feeding management can reduce abdominal fat deposition in broiler.

  15. Abdominal injuries in communal crises: The Jos experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emmanuel Olorundare Ojo


    Full Text Available Background: Abdominal injuries contribute significantly to battlefield trauma morbidity and mortality. This study sought to determine the incidence, demographics, clinical features, spectrum, severity, management, and outcome of abdominal trauma during a civilian conflict. Materials and Methods: A prospective analysis of patients treated for abdominal trauma during the Jos civil crises between December 2010 and May 2012 at the Jos University Teaching Hospital. Results: A total of 109 victims of communal conflicts with abdominal injuries were managed during the study period with 89 (81.7% males and 20 (18.3% females representing about 12.2% of the total 897 combat related injuries. The peak age incidence was between 21 and 40 years (range: 3–71 years. The most frequently injured intra-abdominal organs were the small intestine 69 (63.3%, colon 48 (44%, and liver 41 (37.6%. Forty-four (40.4% patients had extra-abdominal injuries involving the chest in 17 (15.6%, musculoskeletal 12 (11%, and the head in 9 (8.3%. The most prevalent weapon injuries were gunshot 76 (69.7%, explosives 12 (11%, stab injuries 11 (10.1%, and blunt abdominal trauma 10 (9.2%. The injury severity score varied from 8 to 52 (mean: 20.8 with a fatality rate of 11 (10.1% and morbidity rate of 29 (26.6%. Presence of irreversible shock, 3 or more injured intra-abdominal organs, severe head injuries, and delayed presentation were the main factors associated with mortality. Conclusion: Abdominal trauma is major life-threatening injuries during conflicts. Substantial mortality occurred with loss of nearly one in every 10 hospitalized victims despite aggressive emergency room resuscitation. The resources expenditure, propensity for death and expediency of timing reinforce the need for early access to the wounded in a concerted trauma care systems.

  16. Imaging the Abdominal Manifestations of Cystic Fibrosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. D. Gillespie


    Full Text Available Cystic fibrosis (CF is a multisystem disease with a range of abdominal manifestations including those involving the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. Recent advances in management of the respiratory complications of the disease has led to a greater life expectancy in patients with CF. Subsequently, there is increasing focus on the impact of abdominal disease on quality of life and survival. Liver cirrhosis is the most important extrapulmonary cause of death in CF, yet significant challenges remain in the diagnosis of CF related liver disease. The capacity to predict those patients at risk of developing cirrhosis remains a significant challenge. We review representative abdominal imaging findings in patients with CF selected from the records of two academic health centres, with a view to increasing familiarity with the abdominal manifestations of the disease. We review their presentation and expected imaging findings, with a focus on the challenges facing diagnosis of the hepatic manifestations of the disease. An increased familiarity with these abdominal manifestations will facilitate timely diagnosis and management, which is paramount to further improving outcomes for patients with cystic fibrosis.

  17. Radical Abdominal Trachelectomy for IB1 Cervical Cancer at 17 Weeks of Gestation: A Case Report and Literature Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yoichi Aoki


    Full Text Available Background. With regard to the therapy for early invasive cervical carcinoma during pregnancy, radical trachelectomy is also a treatment of choice, along with its advantages and disadvantages. Case Report. A 28-year-old woman, para 1-0-0-1, was diagnosed with FIGO stage IB1 squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix at 12 weeks of gestation. The patient underwent radical abdominal trachelectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy at 17 weeks of gestation. Her pregnancy was successfully maintained after the surgery. The patient underwent a planned cesarean section at 38 weeks of gestation. A healthy baby girl weighing 2970 g was born with an Apgar score of 8/9. The mother and child in overall good health were discharged. Ten months after the delivery, there was no clinical evidence of recurrence. Conclusions. We believe that it is appropriate to perform radical abdominal trachelectomy in the early second trimester with preserving uterine arteries, although it is a technically challenging approach. It may be possible that radical abdominal trachelectomy during pregnancy can help women avoid the triple losses of a desired pregnancy, fertility, and motherhood.

  18. Factores de riesgo asociados a íleo posquirúrgico prolongado en pacientes sometidos a resección electiva de colon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.A. Juárez-Parra


    Conclusiones: La presencia de estos factores de riesgo pueden servir como alertas para un seguimiento más cercano en pacientes de alto riesgo de íleo postoperatorio. El uso de anestesia peridural pudiera disminuir la incidencia de íleo.

  19. Abdominal wall hernia and pregnancy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, K K; Henriksen, N A; Jorgensen, L N


    PURPOSE: There is no consensus as to the treatment strategy for abdominal wall hernias in fertile women. This study was undertaken to review the current literature on treatment of abdominal wall hernias in fertile women before or during pregnancy. METHODS: A literature search was undertaken in Pub......Med and Embase in combination with a cross-reference search of eligible papers. RESULTS: We included 31 papers of which 23 were case reports. In fertile women undergoing sutured or mesh repair, pain was described in a few patients during the last trimester of a subsequent pregnancy. Emergency surgery...... of incarcerated hernias in pregnant women, as well as combined hernia repair and cesarean section appears as safe procedures. No major complications were reported following hernia repair before or during pregnancy. The combined procedure of elective cesarean section and abdominal wall hernia repair was reported...

  20. Abdominal radiation causes bacterial translocation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guzman-Stein, G.; Bonsack, M.; Liberty, J.; Delaney, J.P.


    The purpose of this study was to determine if a single dose of radiation to the rat abdomen leads to bacterial translocation into the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN). A second issue addressed was whether translocation correlates with anatomic damage to the mucosa. The radiated group (1100 cGy) which received anesthesia also was compared with a control group and a third group which received anesthesia alone but no abdominal radiation. Abdominal radiation lead to 100% positive cultures of MLN between 12 hr and 4 days postradiation. Bacterial translocation was almost nonexistent in the control and anesthesia group. Signs of inflammation and ulceration of the intestinal mucosa were not seen until Day 3 postradiation. Mucosal damage was maximal by Day 4. Bacterial translocation onto the MLN after a single dose of abdominal radiation was not apparently dependent on anatomical, histologic damage of the mucosa

  1. CT diagnosis of abdominal ectopic pheochromocytoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Yuping; Zhao Zhiying


    Objective: To discuss the value of CT in diagnosis of abdominal ectopic pheochromocytoma. Methods: CT findings of 5 cases surgically and pathologically proved with ectopic pheochromocytoma were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Soft tissue mass with light asymmetry enhancement was found between the abdominal aorta and the inferior vena ca-va in one case. 1 case was completely cystic with light enhancement of the cystwall located in front of the left side of the abdominal aorta. 1 case of large solid mass occurred between the renal hilum and the tail of pancreas, with irregular shape, unclear boundary, central necrosis, calcification and obviously enhancement at the solid part. 2 cases showed as oval soft lump with even density, moderate strengthening located before the abdominal aorta. Paroxysmal hypertension occurred in 3 cases and didn't in 2 cases. Hypertension happened in 1 case during the operation because of stimulation. Blood pressure appeared in 1 case during and after operation. Blood and urinary catecholamine increased significantly in 4 cases. Conclusion: Ectopic pheochromocytoma mainly located surround the abdominal aorta with diverse CT performance. It is helpful for diagnosing when finding a lesion locates at the specified sites combined with typical clinical presentation. CT can not only depict small tumor, but also can show the relationship with surrounding structure, and it provides important information for the operation and prognosis. (authors)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ankareddi Vijaya Lakshmi


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Blunt abdominal trauma is an emergency and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The aim of the study is to study incidence, demographic profile, epidemiological factors, mechanism of trauma, treatment modalities, associated injuries, postoperative complications and morbidity and mortality. MATERIALS AND METHODS A retrospective analysis of 72 patients of blunt abdominal trauma who were admitted in government general hospital between May 2013 to April 2015 in Department of General Surgery, Government General Hospital, Guntur, with in a span of 24 months were studied. Demographic data, mechanism of trauma, management and outcome were studied. RESULTS Most of the patients in our study were in the age group of 21-30 years. Spleen was the commonest organ involved and most common procedure performed was splenectomy. Most common extra-abdominal injury was rib fractures. Wound infection was the commonest complication. CONCLUSION Initial resuscitative measures, thorough clinical examination and correct diagnosis forms the vital part of the management. FAST is more useful in blunt abdominal trauma patients who are unstable. X-ray revealed 100% accuracy in hollow viscous perforation in blunt abdominal trauma patients. CT abdomen is more useful in stable patients. Definitive indication for laparotomy was haemodynamic instability and peritonitis. Associated injuries influenced morbidity and mortality. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment can save many lives.

  3. Unusual causes of abdominal pain: sickle cell anemia. (United States)

    Ahmed, Shahid; Shahid, Rabia K; Russo, Linda A


    Sickle cell disease is characterized by chronic hemolytic anemia and vaso-occlusive painful crises. The vascular occlusion in sickle cell disease is a complex process and accounts for the majority of the clinical manifestation of the disease. Abdominal pain is an important component of vaso-occlusive painful crises. It often represents a substantial diagnostic challenge in this population of patients. These episodes are often attributed to micro-vessel occlusion and infarcts of mesentery and abdominal viscera. Abdominal pain due to sickle cell vaso-occlusive crisis is often indistinguishable from an acute intra-abdominal disease process such as acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, hepatic infarction, ischemic colitis and acute appendicitis. In the majority of cases, however, no specific cause is identified and spontaneous resolution occurs. This chapter will focus on etiologies, pathophysiology and management of abdominal pain in patients with sickle cell disease.

  4. Computed tomography and nonoperative treatment for blunt abdominal trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Shinsuke; Ishi, Takashi; Kamachi, Masahiro; Takahashi, Toshio.


    Studies were undertaken to determine if computed tomography (CT) could reliably assist physical examination in the initial assessment of blunt abdominal trauma, and also to examine how various abdominal injuries were managed with the guidance of CT. A total of 255 patients underwent emergency abdominal CT following blunt abdominal trauma over a period of seven years. One hundred and fifty two patients had abnormal CT scans, including 58 hepatic, 36 renal, 25 splenic and 9 pancreatic injuries as well as 67 patients with intra-abdominal hemorrhage and 21 patients with free abdominal air. A comparative study on the detection of pneumoperitoneum revealed CT to be far superior to plain radiography. One hundred and three patients had normal CT scans, all of whom were managed nonoperatively, except for three false-negative cases and two nontherapeutic cases. The patients with injury to the parenchymal organs were given nonoperative treatment if they had stable vital signs and no evidence of associated injuries demanding immediate surgery and the majority of these patients were managed well nonoperatively. CT was thus found to be a useful adjunct in the management of victims of blunt abdominal trauma, since in a rapid and noninvasive fashion, CT accurately defined the extent of parenchymal organ injury and also disclosed any other abdominal injuries. (author)

  5. Computed tomography and nonoperative treatment for blunt abdominal trauma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Watanabe, Shinsuke; Ishi, Takashi; Kamachi, Masahiro [Saiseikai Shiga Hospital, Shiga (Japan); Takahashi, Toshio


    Studies were undertaken to determine if computed tomography (CT) could reliably assist physical examination in the initial assessment of blunt abdominal trauma, and also to examine how various abdominal injuries were managed with the guidance of CT. A total of 255 patients underwent emergency abdominal CT following blunt abdominal trauma over a period of seven years. One hundred and fifty two patients had abnormal CT scans, including 58 hepatic, 36 renal, 25 splenic and 9 pancreatic injuries as well as 67 patients with intra-abdominal hemorrhage and 21 patients with free abdominal air. A comparative study on the detection of pneumoperitoneum revealed CT to be far superior to plain radiography. One hundred and three patients had normal CT scans, all of whom were managed nonoperatively, except for three false-negative cases and two nontherapeutic cases. The patients with injury to the parenchymal organs were given nonoperative treatment if they had stable vital signs and no evidence of associated injuries demanding immediate surgery and the majority of these patients were managed well nonoperatively. CT was thus found to be a useful adjunct in the management of victims of blunt abdominal trauma, since in a rapid and noninvasive fashion, CT accurately defined the extent of parenchymal organ injury and also disclosed any other abdominal injuries. (author).

  6. [Abdominal Tuberculosis in children and adolescents. A diagnostic challenge]. (United States)

    Reto Valiente, Luz; Pichilingue Reto, Catherina; Pichilingue Prieto, Oscar; Dolores Cerna, Ketty


    To present our experience with abdominal tuberculosis in children and adolescents treated in our hospital from 2003 - 2014. It is a retrospective study. We have collected clinical records of inpatients overweight or obese and only 23.33% suffered of malnutrition. TB contact was present in 10 (33.33%). Positive tuberculin skin tests were seen in 10%. Extra-abdominal tuberculosis was found in 22 patients (63.32%). 12 cases had coexisting pulmonary tuberculosis and 4 cases had pleural effusion. 12 patients (40%) had tuberculous peritonitis; 12 patients (40%) had intestinal tuberculosis and peritoneal tuberculosis and 4 patients (13.33%) had intestinal tuberculosis. Bacteriological confirmation of tuberculosis was achieved in 10 cases (33.33%). Antituberculous therapy for 6 months was effective in 29 cases. One patient died who multifocal tuberculosis with HIV had associated. Abdominal tuberculosis is seen in 4.37% of children affected with tuberculosis, of which over 63% will have extra abdominal manifestations. Abdominal tuberculosis should be considered in patients with abdominal pain, fever, weight loss and abnormal chest radiography. Imaging can be useful for early diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis.

  7. Ultrasonography in abdominal emergencies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Risi, D.; Alessi, G.; Meli, C.; Marzano, M.; Fiori, E.; Caterino, S.


    From February 1986 to March 1988 113 abdominal US exams were performed in emergency situation to evaluate the accuracy of this methodology: 13 were blunt traumas, 18 post-operative complications. A real-time scanner with a linear probe of 5 MHz was employed. The results were confirmed by surgical and/or clinical and instrumental evaluation. In 81% of the examinations, ultrasonography allowed a diagnosis to be made. Gallbladder and biliary pathologies were the most common findings. The results (sensibility 96%, specificity 88%, accuracy 95%) confirm the affidability of ultrasonography in abdominal emergencies, as shown in literature

  8. Heterotopic bone formation as a result of abdominal polytrauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petkov, G.; Penev, B.; Kirova, G.; Ruskova, E.; Karagiozov, P.


    Full text: Heterotopic bone formation within the abdominal cavity is a rare complication of the posttraumatic abdominal surgery. There are only few cases reported in the medical literature and most of them involve the mesentery or the abdominal wall. A case of 49y-old men is presented who developed intraabdominal heterotopic ossifications as a consequence of numeral exploratory laparotomies performed after a blunt abdominal trauma. The condition was detected during the follow-up MDCT 11 months later. The case is of interest because of the rarity of the condition and the diffuse character of the calcifications in the abdominal structures, which could pose some differential diagnostic difficulties

  9. Abdominal epilepsy as an unusual cause ofabdominal pain: A case ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: Abdominal pain, in etiology sometimes difficult to be defined, is a frequent complaint in childhood. Abdominal epilepsy is a rare cause of abdominal pain. Objectives: In this article, we report on 5 year old girl patient with abdominal epilepsy. Methods: Some investigations (stool investigation, routine blood tests, ...

  10. Reducing Abdominal Fat Deposition in Broiler Through Feeding Management


    Cecep Hidayat


    Abdominal fat in broiler carcass is considered as a waste and its existence reduces the carcass quality. Abdominal fat deposition is affected by several factors such as genetic, nutrition, feed, sex, age and environment. Reducing abdominal fat deposition can be carried out by regulating the nutrient intake to ensure that no excessive nutrient was consumed. Nutrition effects to reduce abdominal fat deposition are associated with nutrient concentration of ration and quantity of daily feed intak...

  11. Amputação abdômino-perineal mais colostomia para-vaginal no tratamento do câncer reto-anal Abdomino-perineal amputation plus para-vaginal colostomy in the treatment of reto-anal cancer

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    Alcino Lázaro da Silva


    Full Text Available O apresenta uma proposta e as tentativas iniciais para evitar a colostomia abdominal quando esta tem que ser definitiva. Na mulher foi possível a sua execução, desde que se aproveitou o tono da musculatura esfincteral vulvovaginal quando ela pode ser preservada na amputação de reto-ânus. O colo, preparado com as válvulas, desce posteriormente à vagina, por dentro do conjunto esfincteral vulvovaginal. As observações iniciais mostram que esta tentativa poderia ser incrementada para melhores estudos de continência.The Author presents a proposal and lhe initial attempties to avoid the abdominal colostomy when it has to be definitive. In the woman was possible its execution, since it took advantage from the vulvovaginal esfincteral muscle nohen it can be preserved ot the anus-rectum amputation. The colon, prepared wit the valves, descend posteriorily from the vagina, inside the vulvo-vaginal esfincteral group. The initial observations shows that this attempt could be better developed for cotinency etudies.

  12. Diagnosis in acute abdominal pain and ongoing abdominal sepsis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kiewiet, J.J.S.


    Acute abdominal pain is a common reason for presentation at the emergency department. To establish a timely and adequate diagnosis, doctors use the pattern of complaints and physical examination as the basis for the evaluation of a patient. In this thesis we conducted a study that showed that

  13. Infected abdominal sacrocolpopexies: diagnosis and treatment. (United States)

    Mattox, T Fleming; Stanford, Edward J; Varner, E


    The abdominal sacrocolpopexy is an excellent procedure to surgically treat vaginal vault prolapse. A synthetic graft is often used to support the vaginal apex, but has the potential to become infected or erode, requiring its removal or revision. The purpose of this paper is to report our experience in the management of patients with infected synthetic grafts after abdominal sacrocolpopexy. A review of the patient databases from three specialty gynecology centers was performed from March 1996 to June 2002. Only patients with an infected graft after an abdominal sacrocolpopexy were included in the study; patients with either suture or graft erosion responding to conservative treatment were excluded. Twenty-two women, ages 37-73 years, developed infection of the synthetic graft after an abdominal sacrocolpopexy (1-60 months after their initial surgery, mean 8.8 months). The infected materials included polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE, Goretex, n =15) and polypropylene (n=7). Nine of the 15 PTFE meshes and four of the seven polypropylene meshes were placed at the time of a contaminated case (abdominal hysterectomy [n=12], colon resection [n=1]). Eighteen (82%) of the infected grafts involved braided permanent suture to attach the graft to the vaginal wall, monofilament/non-braided permanent suture was used in three patients, and suture type could not be determined in one. All graft removals were attempted vaginally, and this was successful in 16 cases (73%). Two patients experienced significant bleeding: the first patient required an emergency laparotomy and the second patient's bleeding was controlled with packing. A rectovaginal fistula occurred 3 weeks postoperatively in one patient. Synthetic graft infection should be considered as the differential diagnosis in a patient who has undergone an abdominal sacrocolpopexy. Transvaginal removal is preferred, but is fraught with potentially serious complications. The use of braided permanent sutures to affix the graft to the

  14. Abdominal Pain-Predominant Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in Jordanian School Children. (United States)

    Altamimi, Eyad M; Al-Safadi, Mohammad H


    Recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) is a common complaint in children. Significant portion of them are of functional origin. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of abdominal pain-predominant functional gastrointestinal disorder (FGID) and its types in Jordanian school children. This is a school-based survey at south Jordan. Information using the self-reporting form of the Questionnaire on Pediatric Gastrointestinal Symptoms-Rome III Version (QPGS-RIII) - the official Arabic translation - was collected. Classes from academic years (grades) 6 - 8 were selected. SPSS Statistical Package Version 17 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) was used. Categorical data were analyzed using Fisher's exact test, and continuous data were analyzed using t -test. P abdominal pain-predominant FGID. Seventy-nine (68%) of them were females. Forty-seven (10.6%) had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Thirty-six (8%), 17 (3.8%), 11 (2.4%) and five (1.1%) had abdominal migraine, functional abdominal pain, functional abdominal pain syndrome and functional dyspepsia, respectively. Abdominal pain-predominant FGID has become a major health issue in Jordanian children. One of four children between the ages of 11 and 15 years exhibits at least one abdominal pain-predominant FGID. The most common form of abdominal pain-predominant FGID in our children was IBS. Females are affected more often than males. Intestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms are seen regularly with abdominal pain-predominant FGIDs.

  15. Abdominal ultrasound (image) (United States)

    Abdominal ultrasound is a scanning technique used to image the interior of the abdomen. Like the X- ... use high frequency sound waves to produce an image and do not expose the individual to radiation. ...

  16. [Abdominal wall actinomycosis. A report of a case]. (United States)

    Rojas Pérez-Ezquerra, Beatriz; Guardia-Dodorico, Lorena; Arribas-Marco, Teresa; Ania-Lahuerta, Aldonza; González Ballano, Isabel; Chipana-Salinas, Margot; Carazo-Hernández, Belén


    Abdominal wall Actinomycosis is a rare disease associated with the use of intrauterine device and as a complication of abdominal surgery. Diagnosis is difficult because it is unusual and behaves like a malignant neoplasm. A case report is presented of a patient who had used an intrauterine device for four years and developed a stony tumour in the abdominal wall associated with a set of symptoms that, clinically and radiologically, was simulating a peritoneal carcinomatosis associated with paraneoplastic syndrome, even in the course of an exploratory laparotomy. The patient attended our hospital with a two-month history of abdominal pain and symptoms that mimic a paraneoplastic syndrome. The diagnosis of abdominal actinomycosis was suspected by the finding of the microorganism in cervical cytology together with other cultures and Actinomyces negative in pathological studies, confirming the suspicion of a complete cure with empirical treatment with penicillin. Actinomycosis should be considered in patients with pelvic mass or abdominal wall mass that mimics a malignancy. Antibiotic therapy is the first treatment choice and makes a more invasive surgical management unnecessary. Copyright © 2015 Academia Mexicana de Cirugía A.C. Published by Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  17. Radiological Signs of Intra-abdominal Gossypiboma

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    Ferhat Çengel


    Full Text Available Gossypiboma is a mass lesion at the site of surgery due to a forgotten surgical sponge. Forgotten foreign bodies are mostly retained in the abdominal cavity but there are some cases in the thorax, cranium, breast, and an extremity. Gossypiboma should be considered, especially by radiologists, in patients with a history of surgery, who present with non-specific symptoms and abdominal mass. In this report, we describe the case of a female patient who presented with non-specific abdominal discomfort and fever about six months after open cholecystectomy. (The Me­di­cal Bul­le­tin of Ha­se­ki 2014; 52: 47-9

  18. Functional Abdominal Pain: "Get" the Function, Loose the Pain. (United States)

    Draeger-Muenke, Reinhild


    Functional abdominal pain is a mind-body, psychosocial, and self-reinforcing experience with significant consequences for the sufferer and the surrounding support network. The occurrence of unpredictable symptoms and their severity add an element of dread and feeling out-of-control to daily life and often reduce overall functioning in a downward spiral. Two clinical presentations of functional abdominal pain are offered in this article (composites to protect confidentiality) dealing with abdominal pain syndrome and abdominal migraines. The treatment demonstrates the use of hypnotic principles for self-regulation, exploration, and meaning-making. Hypnosis treatment is conducted in combination with mindfulness-based interventions and Traditional Chinese Medicine's (TCM) teachings regarding abdominal health and illness. The clinical examples illustrate medical findings that suggest children with early life stress and an early onset of gastrointestinal somatization may not simply outgrow their functional abdominal pain but may suffer into adulthood.

  19. [Implementationof a low FODMAP dietforfunctional abdominal pain]. (United States)

    Baranguán Castro, María Luisa; Ros Arnal, Ignacio; García Romero, Ruth; Rodríguez Martínez, Gerardo; Ubalde Sainz, Eduardo


    The low FODMAP diet (fermentable oligosaccharides, monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polyols) has shown to be effective in adult patients with irritable bowel syndrome, but there are few studies on paediatric patients. The aim of this study is to assess the implementation and the outcomes of a low FODMAP diet in the treatment of functional abdominal pain in children from a Mediterranean area. A table was designed in which foods were classified according to their FODMAP content, as well as a 'Symptoms and Stools Diary'. A prospective study was conducted on children with functional abdominal pain in our Paediatric Gastroenterology Unit. A total of 22 patients were enrolled in the trial, and 20 completed it. Data were collected of the abdominal pain features over a period of 3 days, and then patients followed a two-week low FODMAP diet. Afterwards, information about abdominal pain features was collected again. After the diet, they showed fewer daily abdominal pain episodes compared to baseline (1.16 [IQR: 0.41-3.33] versus 2 [IQR: 1.33-6.33] daily episodes, P=.024), less pain severity compared to baseline (1.41cm [IQR: 0.32-5.23] versus 4.63cm [IQR: 2.51-6.39] measured by 10-cm Visual Analogue Scale, P=.035), less interference with daily activities, and less gastrointestinal symptoms. Only 15% of patients found it difficult to follow the diet. The implementation of a low FODMAP diet for 2 weeks in a Mediterranean paediatric population diagnosed with functional abdominal pain is possible with adapted diets. It was highly valued by patients, and they showed an improvement in abdominal pain symptoms assessed by objective methods. Copyright © 2018. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U.

  20. Risk Assessment of Abdominal Wall Thickness Measured on Pre-Operative Computerized Tomography for Incisional Surgical Site Infection after Abdominal Surgery. (United States)

    Tongyoo, Assanee; Chatthamrak, Putipan; Sriussadaporn, Ekkapak; Limpavitayaporn, Palin; Mingmalairak, Chatchai


    The surgical site infection (SSI) is a common complication of abdominal operation. It relates to increased hospital stay, increased healthcare cost, and decreased patient's quality of life. Obesity, usually defined by BMI, is known as one of the risks of SSI. However, the thickness of subcutaneous layers of abdominal wall might be an important local factor affecting the rate of SSI after the abdominal operations. The objective of this study is to assess the importance of the abdominal wall thickness on incisional SSI rate. The subjects of the present study were patients who had undergone major abdominal operations at Thammasat University Hospital between June 2013 and May 2014, and had been investigated with CT scans before their operations. The demographic data and clinical information of these patients were recorded. The thickness ofsubcutaneous fatty tissue from skin down to the most superficial layer of abdominal wall muscle at the surgical site was measured on CT images. The wound infectious complication was reviewed and categorized as superficial and deep incisional SSIfollowing the definition from Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. The significance ofeach potentialfactors on SSI rates was determined separately with student t-test for quantitative data and χ2-test for categorical data. Then all factors, which had p operative CTscans. Post-operative SSI was 25.2% (35/139), superficial and deep types in 27 and 8 patients, respectively. The comparison of abdominal wall thickness between patients with and without infection was significantly different (20.0 ± 8.4 mm and 16.0 ± 7.2 mm, respectively). When the thickness at 20 mm was used as the cut-off value, 43 of 139 patients had abdominal wall thickness ≥ 20 mm. The incidence of SSI of the thickness ±20 mm group was 37.2% (16/43) and of the less thickness group was 19.8% (19/96), with p operation. However, only abdominal wall thickness and wound classification were still significant

  1. [Factors associated with abdominal obesity in children]. (United States)

    Melzer, Matheus Ribeiro Theodósio Fernandes; Magrini, Isabella Mastrangi; Domene, Semíramis Martins Álvares; Martins, Paula Andrea


    To identify the association of dietary, socioeconomic factors, sedentary behaviors and maternal nutritional status with abdominal obesity in children. A cross-sectional study with household-based survey, in 36 randomly selected census tracts in the city of Santos/SP. 357 families were interviewed and questionnaires and anthropometric measurements were applied in mothers and their 3-0 years-old children. Assessment of abdominal obesity was made by maternal and child's waist circumference measurement; for classification used cut-off points proposed by World Health Organization (1998) and Taylor et al. (2000) were applied. The association between variables was performed by multiple logistic regression analysis. 30.5% of children had abdominal obesity. Associations with children's and maternal nutritional status and high socioeconomic status were shown in the univariate analysis. In the regression model, children's body mass index for age (OR=93.7; 95%CI 39.3-223.3), female gender (OR=4.1; 95%CI 1.8-9.3) and maternal abdominal obesity (OR=2.7; 95%CI 1.2-6.0) were significantly associated with children's abdominal obesity, regardless of the socioeconomic status. Abdominal obesity in children seems to be associated with maternal nutritional status, other indicators of their own nutritional status and female gender. Intervention programs for control of childhood obesity and prevention of metabolic syndrome should consider the interaction of the nutritional status of mothers and their children. Copyright © 2015 Sociedade de Pediatria de São Paulo. Publicado por Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  2. Abdominal x-ray (United States)

    Abdominal film; X-ray - abdomen; Flat plate; KUB x-ray ... There is low radiation exposure. X-rays are monitored and regulated to provide the minimum amount of radiation exposure needed to produce the image. Most ...

  3. Original Research Abdominal myomectomy: A retrospective review ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Abdominal myomectomy and outcome in Ilorin, Nigeria 37. Malawi Medical Journal 29 (1): ... rate of 3.34% has been reported for Maiduguri, northeastern. Nigeria.4 Abdominal ... of Nigeria.6. Infertility secondary to uterine fibroid is one of the.

  4. Bladder distension as a cause of abdominal compartment syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yasir, M.; Hoda, M.Q.


    Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) is increasingly identified in critically ill patient and its harmful effects are well documented. The disparity among the pressure, volume in abdominal cavity and its contents, results in ACS. The actual incidence of ACS is not known. However, it has been observed predominantly in patients with severe blunt and penetrating abdominal trauma, ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms, retro- and intra-peritoneal hemorrhage, pneumoperitoneum, neoplasm, pancreatitis, ascites and multiple bone fracture. We present a case of 40-year female who underwent emergency cesarean section and developed abdominal compartment syndrome due to urinary bladder distension secondary to blockade of urinary catheter with blood clots. This is a very unusual cause of ACS. (author)

  5. Synovial sarcoma of the abdominal wall

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matushita, J.P.K.; Matushita, J.S.


    A case report of synovial sarcoma arising in the abdominal wall is presented. A brief review of the clinical and radiological features of synovial sarcoma is made. Pre-operative diagnosis of an abdominal wall synovial sarcoma is virtually impossible, but should be considered when a soft tissue swelling is found to show amorphous stippled calcification X-ray. (author) [pt

  6. Predictors of abdominal injuries in blunt trauma. (United States)

    Farrath, Samiris; Parreira, José Gustavo; Perlingeiro, Jacqueline A G; Solda, Silvia C; Assef, José Cesar


    To identify predictors of abdominal injuries in victims of blunt trauma. retrospective analysis of trauma protocols (collected prospectively) of adult victims of blunt trauma in a period of 15 months. Variables were compared between patients with abdominal injuries (AIS>0) detected by computed tomography or/and laparotomy (group I) and others (AIS=0, group II). Student's t, Fisher and qui-square tests were used for statistical analysis, considering p3) in head (18.5% vs. 7.9%), thorax (29.2% vs. 2.4%) and extremities (40.0% vs. 13.7%). The highest odds ratios for the diagnosis of abdominal injuries were associated flail chest (21.8) and pelvic fractures (21.0). Abdominal injuries were more frequently observed in patients with hemodynamic instability, changes in Glasgow coma scale and severe lesions to the head, chest and extremities.

  7. The effects of transversus abdominis plane block on analgesic and anesthetic consumption during total abdominal hysterectomy: a randomized controlled study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tugba Karaman


    abdominal hysterectomy. Resumo: Justificativa e objetivos: O bloqueio do plano transverso abdominal é um método de bloqueio periférico que tem sido usado com sucesso para alívio da dor após histerectomia abdominal total. No entanto, os efeitos da combinação do bloqueio do plano transverso abdominal e da anestesia geral sobre a necessidade de analgésico e anestésico ainda não estão claros. Este estudo randômico e controlado com placebo tem como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do bloqueio do plano transverso abdominal sobre o consumo de analgésico e anestésico durante histerectomia abdominal total sob anestesia geral. Métodos: Foram randomizadas em dois grupos 66 mulheres submetidas à histerectomia abdominal total para receber apenas anestesia geral (grupo controle ou associada a bloqueio do plano transverso abdominal usando 20 mL de bupivacaína a 0,25% (grupo plano transverso abdominal. O consumo de remifentanil e sevoflurano no período intraoperatório foi registrado. Também avaliamos a dor pós-cirurgia, náusea, qualidade dos escores de recuperação e necessidade de analgésico de resgate durante as 24 horas de pós-operatório. Resultados: O consumo total de remifentanil e sevoflurano foi significativamente menor no grupo plano transverso abdominal, respectivamente, média (DP: 0,130 (0,25 vs. 0,094 (0,02−1.min−1; p < 0,01 e 0,295 (0,05 vs. 0,243 (0,06 mL.min−1; p < 0,01. No pós-operatório, os escores de dor foram significativamente reduzidos no grupo plano transverso abdominal logo após a cirurgia; mediana (intervalo: 6 (2-10 vs. 3 (0-5; p < 0,001, em 2 h (5 [3-9] vs. 2,5 [0-6]; p < 0,001, em 6 h (4 [2-7] vs. 3 [0-6], p < 0,001, em 12 h (3,5 [1-6] vs. 2 [1-5]; p = 0,003. As pacientes do grupo plano transverso abdominal apresentaram escores QoR-40 significativamente maiores: 190,5 (175-197 vs. 176,5 (141-187; p < 0,001. Conclusão: A combinação de bloqueio do plano transverso abdominal e anestesia geral pode proporcionar um consumo


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    Maricel Castellanos González


    Full Text Available Background: Waist circumference perimeter, as an indirect indicator of abdominal obesity, is commonly presented as an essential element in the clinical assessment of obesity. The link between abdominal obesity and insulin resistance is proposed as the core of metabolic syndrome’s pathophysiology and complications. Objective: To determine whether individuals with abdominal obesity present characteristics related to metabolic syndrome’s factors that differ from those observed in individuals with no abdominal obesity. Methods: A comparative analytical study was performed including cases control and design in two different groups. The sample was composed of 98 individuals of both sexes randomly selected out of a universe of 510 workers population at the Medical University of Cienfuegos from September to December 2005. They were all tested as to blood pressure, cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, fasting glucose and triglycerides. Results: Abdominal obesity was found in 30.6% of individuals. It was predominant in females (83.3% older than 40 years. The number of cases of obesity linked to hypertension was similar to the number of cases with low HDL cholesterol (53.3%. Impaired glucose was found in 16.7% of cases. Conclusions: Abdominal obesity is a health problem in the population included in this study and it increases as age does. Individuals with abdominal obesity are exposed to a higher risk of metabolic disorders, such as low levels of HDL cholesterol, high levels of triglycerides and total cholesterol, glucose alterations and hypertension.

  9. Postoperative abdominal complications after cardiopulmonary bypass

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    Dong Guohua


    Full Text Available Abstract Background To summarize the diagnostic and therapeutic experiences on the patients who suffered abdominal complications after cardiovascular surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB. Methods A total of 2349 consecutive patients submitted to cardiovascular surgery with CPB in our hospital from Jan 2004 to Dec 2010 were involved. The clinical data of any abdominal complication, including its incidence, characters, relative risks, diagnostic measures, medical or surgical management and mortality, was retrospectively analyzed. Results Of all the patients, 33(1.4% developed abdominal complications postoperatively, including 11(33.3% cases of paralytic ileus, 9(27.3% of gastrointestinal haemorrhage, 2(6.1% of gastroduodenal ulcer perforation, 2(6.1% of acute calculus cholecystitis, 3(9.1% of acute acalculus cholecystitis, 4(12.1% of hepatic dysfunction and 2(6.1% of ischemia bowel diseases. Of the 33 patients, 26 (78.8% accepted medical treatment and 7 (21.2% underwent subsequent surgical intervention. There were 5(15.2% deaths in this series, which was significantly higher than the overall mortality (2.7%. Positive history of peptic ulcer, advanced ages, bad heart function, preoperative IABP support, prolonged CPB time, low cardiac output and prolonged mechanical ventilation are the risk factors of abdominal complications. Conclusions Abdominal complications after cardiovascular surgery with CPB have a low incidence but a higher mortality. Early detection and prompt appropriate intervention are essential for the outcome of the patients.

  10. Lead Toxicity: A Probable Cause of Abdominal Pain in Drug Abusers

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    Hossein Froutan


    Full Text Available Background: Lead toxicity is caused by ingestion, inhalation, or contact with particles or vapors containing lead. It can present with nonspecific signs and symptoms such as abdominal pain, constipation, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and anemia. In this study, we have tried to find a relationship between lead poisoning and drug abuse.Methods: In a cross sectional study, drug addicts presenting with abdominal pain referring to GI center ofImam Khomeini hospital in 2008 were observed. Patients having occupational contact with lead were excluded from the study. Required data included age, sex, clinical findings, Para clinic results and blood lead level. Results were analyzed through SPSS-15 software.Results: 42 patients (all male with average age of 46.9 ± 10.1 years were included in the study. Averageblood lead level was 51.17±27.96µg/dl. 22 patients (52.6% had lead toxicity. A significant relation was found between lead toxicity and mode of opium drug use; however relation between lead toxicity and duration of addiction was not significant. Similarly, a meaningful relation was found between lead toxicity and abnormal liver function test, urine tests, ECG, presence of basophilic stippling and hyperuricemia.Conclusion: There seems to be a significant relation between opium drug abuse and lead toxicity. Further studies with more cases and ethnicities are needed.

  11. Absent abdominal muscles, nephro-urologic abnormalities, and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Absent abdominal muscles, cryptorchidism, and hydroureteronephrosis are known to occur in the prune belly syndrome (PBS). We present a male with absent abdominal muscles, severe neurologic damage, with global developmental delay, hydroureteronephrosis, and cryptorchidism. The patient also had arthrogryposis ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 1, 2006 ... a significant cause of abdominal injuries in Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH). The rate-of ... of selective management of abdominal injuries in. 1960 by ..... that pays great attention to the condition of the patient. (11). To aid in ...

  13. A Rare Cause of Abdominal Pain; Celiac Truncus Aneurysm

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    Zulfu Birkan


    In this case we presented a patient who were admitted to surgery department with complaints of abdominal pain and nausea. There were no pathological findings on physical examination, direct abdominal x-ray, chest radiograph and biochemical parameters. At proximal of the celiac trunk, it was shown approximately 3x2 cm in size fusiform aneurysmal dilatation on the patient%u2019s abdominal ultrasonography and turbulence, arterial flow on the patient%u2019s abdominal doppler ultrasonography subsequently. In abdominal computed tomography we detected dense calcifications, dilatation and hypodensities that may belong to a thrombus in the lumen superior mesenteric vein (SMV. At the same time, approximately 3.5 cm segment of trunk celiak we observed aneurysm dilatation which reaching 2 cm at the widest point. Celiac trunk aneurysm is a rare cause of abdominal pain and often noticed after the complicated, thus it must always be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis.

  14. Effects of bromopride on the healing of left colonic anastomoses in rats with induced abdominal sepsis Efeitos da bromoprida na cicatrização de anastomoses no cólon esquerdo de ratos sob sepse abdominal induzida

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    Silvana Marques e Silva


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of bromopride on the healing of left colonic anastomoses in rats with induced abdominal sepsis. METHODS: Forty rats were divided into two groups to receive either bromopride (experimental group- E or saline (control group- C. Each group was divided into subgroups of ten animals each to be euthanized on third (E3 and C3 or seventh day (E7 and C7 after surgery. Sepsis was induced by cecal ligation and puncture. The rats underwent segmental left colon resection and end-to-end anastomosis. Adhesion formation, tensile strength and hydroxyproline concentration were assessed. Histomorphometry of collagen and histopathological analysis were also performed. RESULTS: On postoperative third day, anastomoses in bromopride-treated animals showed lower tensile strength (p=0.02 and greater reduction in hydroxyproline concentration (p=0.04 than in control animals. There was no statistical difference in these parameters on seventh day, and the remaining parameters were similar across subgroups. Collagen content was also similar across subgroups. CONCLUSION: In the presence of abdominal sepsis, the administration of bromopride was associated with decreased tensile strength and hydroxyproline concentration in left colonic anastomoses in rats three days after surgery.OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da bromoprida sobre a cicatrização de anastomoses de cólon esquerdo de ratos na presença de sepse abdominal. MÉTODOS: Quarenta ratos distribuídos em grupos contendo 20 animais para administração de bromoprida ou salina. Cada grupo foi dividido em subgrupos contendo dez animais, para eutanásia no terceiro ou no sétimo dia de pós-operatório. A indução da sepse foi realizada pelo método de ligadura e punção do ceco. Foi realizada ressecção de um segmento do cólon esquerdo e anastomose término-terminal. À re-laparotomia, foi avaliada a quantidade total de aderências e removido um segmento colônico contendo a anastomose

  15. Abdominal paracentesis and thoracocentesis. (United States)

    Lee, Ser Yee; Pormento, James G; Koong, Heng Nung


    Abdominal paracentesis and thoracocentesis are common bedside procedures with diagnostic, therapeutic and palliative roles. We describe a useful and familiar a useful and familiar technique with the use of a multiple lumen catheter commonly used for central venous line insertion for drainage of ascites or moderate to large pleural effusions. The use of a multiple lumen catheter allows easier and more rapid aspiration of fluid with a smaller probability of the side holes being blocked as compared to the standard needle or single catheter methods. This is particularly useful in situations where the dedicated commercial kits for thoracocentesis and abdominal paracentesis are not readily available.

  16. Laparoscopic Bullet Removal in a Penetrating Abdominal Gunshot

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    Christos Stefanou


    Full Text Available Penetrating abdominal trauma has been traditionally treated by exploratory laparotomy. Nowadays laparoscopy has become an accepted practice in hemodynamically stable patient without signs of peritonitis. We report a case of a lower anterior abdominal gunshot patient treated laparoscopically. A 32-year-old male presented to the Emergency Department with complaint of gunshot penetrating injury at left lower anterior abdominal wall. The patient had no symptoms or obvious bleeding and was vitally stable. On examination we identified 1 cm diameter entry wound at the left lower abdominal wall. The imaging studies showed the bullet in the peritoneal cavity but no injured intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal viscera. We decided to remove the bullet laparoscopically. Twenty-four hours after the intervention the patient was discharged. The decision for managing gunshot patients should be based on clinical and diagnostic findings. Anterior abdominal injuries in a stable patient without other health problems can be managed laparoscopically.

  17. Contralateral Abdominal Pocketing in Salvation of Replanted Fingertips with Compromised Circulation

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    Hyung-Sup Shim


    Full Text Available Abdominal pocketing is one of the most useful methods in salvation of compromised replanted fingertips. Abdominal pocketing has generally been performed in the ipsilateral lower abdominal quadrant, but we have also performed contralateral pocketing at our institute. To determine which approach is more beneficial, a total of 40 patients underwent an abdominal pocketing procedure in either the ipsilateral or contralateral lower abdominal quadrant after fingertip replantation. Dates of abdominal pocketing after initial replantation, detachment after abdominal pocketing, range of motion (ROM before abdominal pocketing, and sequential ROM after the detachment operation and date of full ROM recovery and Disabilities of Arm, Shoulder, and Hand questionnaire (DASH score were recorded through medical chart review. Mean detachment date, mean abduction of shoulder after the detachment operation, and mean days to return to full ROM were not significantly different between the ipsilateral and contralateral pocketing groups. However, the mean DASH score was significantly lower in the contralateral group than the ipsilateral group. There were also fewer postoperative wound complications in the contralateral group than in the ipsilateral group. We, therefore, recommend contralateral abdominal pocketing rather than ipsilateral abdominal pocketing to increase patient comfort and reduce pain and complications.

  18. Contralateral Abdominal Pocketing in Salvation of Replanted Fingertips with Compromised Circulation (United States)

    Shim, Hyung-Sup; Kim, Dong-Hwi; Kwon, Ho; Jung, Sung-No


    Abdominal pocketing is one of the most useful methods in salvation of compromised replanted fingertips. Abdominal pocketing has generally been performed in the ipsilateral lower abdominal quadrant, but we have also performed contralateral pocketing at our institute. To determine which approach is more beneficial, a total of 40 patients underwent an abdominal pocketing procedure in either the ipsilateral or contralateral lower abdominal quadrant after fingertip replantation. Dates of abdominal pocketing after initial replantation, detachment after abdominal pocketing, range of motion (ROM) before abdominal pocketing, and sequential ROM after the detachment operation and date of full ROM recovery and Disabilities of Arm, Shoulder, and Hand questionnaire (DASH) score were recorded through medical chart review. Mean detachment date, mean abduction of shoulder after the detachment operation, and mean days to return to full ROM were not significantly different between the ipsilateral and contralateral pocketing groups. However, the mean DASH score was significantly lower in the contralateral group than the ipsilateral group. There were also fewer postoperative wound complications in the contralateral group than in the ipsilateral group. We, therefore, recommend contralateral abdominal pocketing rather than ipsilateral abdominal pocketing to increase patient comfort and reduce pain and complications. PMID:25379539

  19. Alternativa terapéutica basada en una propuesta de juego para el mejoramiento de la salud en pacientes hipertensos adultos mayores

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    Carlos Alberto Morales Romero


    Full Text Available Toda sociedad tiene como deber garantizarle al adulto mayor la realización sistemática de ejercicios físicos en coordinación con los profesores de Cultura Física. Dicha práctica, beneficiosa para los sistemas funcionales del organismo, resulta como un medicamento obligatorio para la prevención y la terapia de enfermedades como la Hipertensión Arterial (HTA. Con este trabajo se pretende ayudar a disminuir las cifras tensionales de las personas hipertensas a través de un conjunto de juegos para pacientes con diferentes estadios de la enfermedad. Estos adultos mayores incorporados a los círculos de abuelos realizan ejercicios aerobios, con participación de grandes grupos musculares, no siendo suficiente las acciones que se realizan para un tratamiento integral de la hipertensión arterial que incluye también atender las particularidades de cada paciente (edad, sexo, peso, clasificación enfermedades asociadas. Al revisar los documentos se pudo constatar que una de las opciones son los juegos que en el adulto mayor cumplen una función social y cultural. Aplicamos métodos teóricos y empíricos de investigación junto con el método matemático. Todo esto nos posibilitó realizar el diagnóstico y proponer el conjunto de juegos atendiendo a las características individualidades de cada paciente y en la realización de actividades educativas para una mejor concientización de la enfermedad a la hora de realizar actividades físicas.

  20. Variaciones hematológicas postoperatorias en dermolipectomía Postoperative hematological variations in dermolipectomy

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    W. Giustozzi


    Full Text Available La tétrada deformante de la pared abdominal está constituida por la obesidad, la distensión abdominal, la gravidez y la diástasis muscular. Nos planteamos como objetivo de nuestro trabajo el demostrar la variación que sufren el hematocrito y la hemoglobina con relación al porcentaje del peso corporal total que representan los colgajos dermograsos extirpados en una dermolipectomía abdominal, tomando como parámetro los valores obtenidos a las 24 horas de la cirugía y a los 7 días de postoperatorio. Diseñamos un estudio prospectivo observacional en el que analizamos 93 pacientes operados entre el 1 de agosto del 2007 y el 31 de diciembre de 2008. Las variables analizadas fueron las modificaciones sufridas por el hematocrito y la hemoglobina en relación al tanto por ciento de peso corporal total que representan los colgajos extirpados. El promedio de descenso del hematocrito a las 24 horas de la intervención fue del 6,19 % y el de la hemoglobina a las 24 horas de la intervención fue de1,9 gr/l; los valores a los 7 días de postoperatorio fueron de 3,84% y 1,25 gr/l respectivamente. Como conclusión, destacamos la necesidad de comprender la importancia de una correcta preparación prequirúrgica de los pacientes que se van a someter a una dermolipectomía abdominal, para evitar complicaciones en el postoperatorio inmediato y tardío, mejorando así su selección para disminuir la morbilidad de esta intervención quirúrgica.The deforming tetrad of the abdominal wall is formed by obesity, abdominal distension, gravidity and muscle diastases. Our objective is to show the variation of the hematocrit and hemoglobin in relation to the percentage of the total body mass that represents the fatty skin folds extirpated in a dermolipectomy, having as parameter the one obtained 24 hours after surgery and at 7 postoperative day. We design an observational prospective study on 93 patients who underwent an abdominal dermolipectomy between august 1st

  1. Temporary abdominal closure with zipper-mesh device for management of intra-abdominal sepsis

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    Edivaldo Massazo Utiyama

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: to present our experience with scheduled reoperations in 15 patients with intra-abdominal sepsis. METHODS: we have applied a more effective technique consisting of temporary abdominal closure with a nylon mesh sheet containing a zipper. We performed reoperations in the operating room under general anesthesia at an average interval of 84 hours. The revision consisted of debridement of necrotic material and vigorous lavage of the involved peritoneal area. The mean age of patients was 38.7 years (range, 15 to 72 years; 11 patients were male, and four were female. RESULTS: forty percent of infections were due to necrotizing pancreatitis. Sixty percent were due to perforation of the intestinal viscus secondary to inflammation, vascular occlusion or trauma. We performed a total of 48 reoperations, an average of 3.2 surgeries per patient. The mesh-zipper device was left in place for an average of 13 days. An intestinal ostomy was present adjacent to the zipper in four patients and did not present a problem for patient management. Mortality was 26.6%. No fistulas resulted from this technique. When intra-abdominal disease was under control, the mesh-zipper device was removed, and the fascia was closed in all patients. In three patients, the wound was closed primarily, and in 12 it was allowed to close by secondary intent. Two patients developed hernia; one was incisional and one was in the drain incision. CONCLUSION: the planned reoperation for manual lavage and debridement of the abdomen through a nylon mesh-zipper combination was rapid, simple, and well-tolerated. It permitted effective management of severe septic peritonitis, easy wound care and primary closure of the abdominal wall.

  2. Hernia Following Blunt Abdominal Trauma

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    N Aghaie


    Full Text Available Traumatic abdominal wall hernia is a rare type of hernia, which follows blunt trauma to the abdomen, where disruption of the musculature and fascia occurs with the overlying skin remaining intact. Diagnosis of this problem is very difficult and delayed. Traumatic hernia is often diagnosed during laparatomy or laparascopy, but CT scan also has a role in distinguishing this pathology. Delay in diagnosis is very dangerous and can result in gangrene and necrosis of the organs in the hernia. The case report of a 35 years old man with liftruck blunt trauma is reported. His vital signs were stable. On physical examination, tenderness of RUQ was seen. He underwent Dpl for suspected hemoprotein. Dpl was followed up by laparatomy. Laparatomy revealed that the transverse and ascending colon partially herniated in the abdominal wall defect. The colon was reduced in the abdomen and repair of abdominal hernia was done. The patient was discharged after 5 day. The etiology, pathogenesis and management are discussed.

  3. Predictors of "occult" intra-abdominal injuries in blunt trauma patients. (United States)

    Parreira, José Gustavo; Malpaga, Juliano Mangini Dias; Olliari, Camilla Bilac; Perlingeiro, Jacqueline A G; Soldá, Silvia C; Assef, José Cesar


    to assess predictors of intra-abdominal injuries in blunt trauma patients admitted without abdominal pain or abnormalities on the abdomen physical examination. We conducted a retrospective analysis of trauma registry data, including adult blunt trauma patients admitted from 2008 to 2010 who sustained no abdominal pain or abnormalities on physical examination of the abdomen at admission and were submitted to computed tomography of the abdomen and/or exploratory laparotomy. Patients were assigned into: Group 1 (with intra-abdominal injuries) or Group 2 (without intra-abdominal injuries). Variables were compared between groups to identify those significantly associated with the presence of intra-abdominal injuries, adopting ptrauma mechanism (ptrauma mechanism (p=0.008 - OR 2.85; 95%CI 1.13-6.22) and abnormal neurological physical exam at admission (p=0.015 - OR 0.44; 95%CI 0.22-0.85). Intra-abdominal injuries were predominantly associated with trauma mechanism and presence of chest injuries.

  4. Epidemiology and contemporary management of abdominal aortic aneurysms. (United States)

    Ullery, Brant W; Hallett, Richard L; Fleischmann, Dominik


    Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is most commonly defined as a maximal diameter of the abdominal aorta in excess of 3 cm in either anterior-posterior or transverse planes or, alternatively, as a focal dilation ≥ 1.5 times the diameter of the normal adjacent arterial segment. Risk factors for the development of AAA include age > 60, tobacco use, male gender, Caucasian race, and family history of AAA. Aneurysm growth and rupture risk appear to be associated with persistent tobacco use, female gender, and chronic pulmonary disease. The majority of AAAs are asymptomatic and detected incidentally on various imaging studies, including abdominal ultrasound, and computed tomographic angiography. Symptoms associated with AAA may include abdominal or back pain, thromboembolization, atheroembolization, aortic rupture, or development of an arteriovenous or aortoenteric fistula. The Screening Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Efficiently (SAAAVE) Act provides coverage for a one-time screening abdominal ultrasound at age 65 for men who have smoked at least 100 cigarettes and women who have family history of AAA disease. Medical management is recommended for asymptomatic patients with AAAs  5 mm/6 months), or presence of a fusiform aneurysm with maximum diameter of 5.5 cm or greater. Intervention for AAA includes conventional open surgical repair and endovascular aortic stent graft repair.

  5. Effect of Gender on the Total Abdominal Fat, Intra-Abdominal Adipose Tissue and Abdominal Sub-Cutaneous Adipose Tissue among Indian Hypertensive Patients. (United States)

    Sahoo, Jaya Prakash; Kumari, Savita; Jain, Sanjay


    Abdominal obesity is a better marker of adverse metabolic profile than generalized obesity in hypertensive subjects. Further, gender has effect on adiposity and its distribution. Effect of gender on obesity and the distribution of fat in different sub-compartments of abdomen among Indian hypertensive subjects. This observational study included 278 adult subjects (Males-149 & Females-129) with essential hypertension from a tertiary care centre in north India over one year. A detailed history taking and physical examination including anthropometry were performed in all patients. Total Abdominal Fat (TAF) and abdominal adipose tissue sub-compartments like Intra-Abdominal Adipose Tissue (IAAT) and Sub-Cutaneous Adipose Tissue (SCAT) were measured using the predictive equations developed for Asian Indians. Female hypertensive subjects had higher Body Mass Index (BMI) with more overweight (BMI ≥ 23kg/m(2)), and obesity (BMI≥ 25 kg/m(2)). Additionally, they had higher prevalence of central obesity based on both Waist Circumference (WC) criteria (WC≥ 90 cm in males and WC≥ 80 cm in females) and TAF criteria {≥245.6 cm(2) (males) and ≥203.46 cm(2) (females)} than male patients. But there was no difference in the prevalence of central obesity based on Waist Hip Ratio (WHR) criteria (WHR ≥0.90 in males and WHR ≥ 0.85 in females) between two genders. High TAF & IAAT were present in more females although there was no difference in the distribution of high SCAT between two genders. Female hypertensive subjects were more obese with higher abnormal TAF & IAAT compared to male patients. However, there was no difference in the distribution of high SCAT among them.

  6. Reproducibility of abdominal fat assessment by ultrasound and computed tomography. (United States)

    Mauad, Fernando Marum; Chagas-Neto, Francisco Abaeté; Benedeti, Augusto César Garcia Saab; Nogueira-Barbosa, Marcello Henrique; Muglia, Valdair Francisco; Carneiro, Antonio Adilton Oliveira; Muller, Enrico Mattana; Elias Junior, Jorge


    To test the accuracy and reproducibility of ultrasound and computed tomography (CT) for the quantification of abdominal fat in correlation with the anthropometric, clinical, and biochemical assessments. Using ultrasound and CT, we determined the thickness of subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat in 101 subjects-of whom 39 (38.6%) were men and 62 (61.4%) were women-with a mean age of 66.3 years (60-80 years). The ultrasound data were correlated with the anthropometric, clinical, and biochemical parameters, as well as with the areas measured by abdominal CT. Intra-abdominal thickness was the variable for which the correlation with the areas of abdominal fat was strongest (i.e., the correlation coefficient was highest). We also tested the reproducibility of ultrasound and CT for the assessment of abdominal fat and found that CT measurements of abdominal fat showed greater reproducibility, having higher intraobserver and interobserver reliability than had the ultrasound measurements. There was a significant correlation between ultrasound and CT, with a correlation coefficient of 0.71. In the assessment of abdominal fat, the intraobserver and interobserver reliability were greater for CT than for ultrasound, although both methods showed high accuracy and good reproducibility.

  7. Mapa cualitativo para el análisis de riesgo por BTEX por proximidad con gasolineras en la ciudad de Ensenada, Baja California, México

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    Marco Antonio Garcia Zarate


    Full Text Available La exposición a compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV presentes en la gasolina, como el benceno, tolueno, etilbenceno y xileno (BTEX, por su capacidad cancerígena se ha asociado con el aumento del riesgo a desarrollar cáncer en las personas que viven o trabajan en las proximidades de las estaciones de servicio. En este trabajo se propone una aproximación metodológica para estudiar la problemática que representan los COV en los individuos expuestos a los hidrocarburos. Los datos obtenidos indican que existe mayor presencia de COV en las zonas ubicadas en la cercanía de las fuentes puntuales de emisión y por ende con mayor exposición a factores tóxicos. Con este trabajo se plantea un procedimiento sencillo para establecer las zonas vulnerables a riesgos tecnológicos dentro del área urbana por presencia de BTEX, utilizando para ello la tecnología SIG que permite realizar un análisis espacial de las emisiones de benceno a la atmósfera. Estos resultados quedarán al servicio de los organismos involucrados en la toma de decisiones. En México no existe una legislación clara que proteja a los habitantes de las cercanías de las estaciones de servicio, por lo tanto se deben desarrollar programas para disminuir el impacto en la población a nivel ambiental, sanitario y social.

  8. Intra-abdominal fat area measurement using chest CT data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moriya, Hiroshi; Midorikawa, Shigeo; Hashimoto, Kouji; Ishii, Akira; Saitou, Kumi; Andou, Tomonori; Kitamura, Naoko; Sakuma, Koutarou


    Intra-abdominal fat obesity, which is linked with the metabolic syndrome, is usually characterized by measuring intra-abdominal fat area at the umbilical level of abdominal CT scan. In recent year, the chances of chest CT scanning are increased, as lung cancer screening survey or individual medical examination. Thus, we presented a method of measuring the areas of intra-abdominal fat and subcutaneous fat at the lower slice of chest CT scan. Fat areas found with this method were significantly correlated with those obtained at the umbilical level. (author)

  9. Unusual initial abdominal presentations of invasive meningococcal disease. (United States)

    Guiddir, Tamazoust; Gros, Marion; Hong, Eva; Terrade, Aude; Denizon, Mélanie; Deghmane, Ala-Eddine; Taha, Muhamed-Kheir


    Invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) is recognized as septicemia and/or meningitis. However, early symptoms may vary and are frequently nonspecific. Early abdominal presentations have been increasingly described. We aimed to explore a large cohort of patients with initial abdominal presentations for association with particular meningococcal strains. Confirmed IMD cases in France between 1991-2016 were screened for the presence within the 24 hours before diagnosis of at least one of the following criteria (1) abdominal pain, (2) gastro-enteritis with diarrhea and vomiting, (3) diarrhea only. Whole genome sequencing was performed on all cultured isolates. We identified 105 cases (median age 19 years) of early abdominal presentations with a sharp increase since 2014. Early abdominal pain alone was the most frequent symptom (n=67, 64%), followed by gastro-enteritis (n=26, 25%) and diarrhea alone (n=12, 11%). Twenty patients (20%) had abdominal surgery. A higher case fatality rate (24%) was observed in these cases compared to 10.4% in all IMD in France (p=0.007) with high levels of inflammation markers in the blood. Isolates of group W were significantly more predominant in these cases compared to all IMD. Most of these isolates belonged to clonal complex ST-11 (cc11) of the sublineages of the South American-UK strain. Abdominal presentations are frequently provoked by hyperinvasive isolates of meningococci. Delay in the management of these cases and the virulence of the isolates may explain the high fatality rate. Rapid recognition is a key element to improve their management.

  10. Laparoscopy in unexplained abdominal pain: surgeon's perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdullah, M.T.; Waqar, S.H.; Zahid, M.A.


    Unexplained abdominal pain is a common but difficult presenting feature faced by the clinicians. Such patients can undergo a number of investigations with failure to reach any diagnosis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of laparoscopy in the diagnosis and management of patients with unexplained abdominal pain. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences Islamabad from January 2009 to December 2013. This study included 91 patients of unexplained abdominal pain not diagnosed by routine clinical examination and investigations. These patients were subjected to diagnostic laparoscopy for evaluation of their conditions and to confirm the diagnosis. These patients presented 43% of patients undergoing investigations for abdominal pain. Patients diagnosed with gynaecological problems were excluded to see surgeon's perspective. The findings and the outcomes of the laparoscopy were recorded and data was analyzed. Results: Unexplained abdominal pain is common in females than in males. The most common laparoscopic findings were abdominal tuberculosis followed by appendicitis. Ninety percent patients achieved pain relief after laparoscopic intervention. Conclusion: Laparoscopy is both beneficial and safe in majority of patients with unexplained abdominal pain. General surgeons should acquire training and experience in laparoscopic surgery to provide maximum benefit to these difficult patients. (author)

  11. Recurrent desmoid tumor of the abdominal wall | Toughrai | Pan ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Desmoid tumors most often occur in abdominal wall. Their tendency to recur lead to repeated operations which can make the abdominal wall reconstruction difficult. We report a 28-year-old female history. The patient was referred to our hospital for a recurrent desmoid tumor of the abdominal wall. The tumor was totally ...

  12. Reconocimiento y manejo de las plagas y enfermedades de mayor importancia económica en los cítricos de la hacienda La Cristalina en el municipio de Tamesis


    Barrientos Moreno, Carlos


    En el periodo de pasantía en la hacienda la cristalina, aprendí a reconocer e identificar las plagas y enfermedades que afectan el huerto de cítricos. Realicé monitoreos para determinar las poblaciones de las principales plagas y a tomar las medidas correctivas necesarias para disminuir el daño económico. Se tomaron dos lotes para realizar una comparación entre ambos lotes sabiendo que uno de los lotes no se le realiza ninguna aplicación para controlar las principales plagas. Con los resu...

  13. Bioanálisis predictivo de tolerancia dérmica de cosméticos para bebés in vivo

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    Flor Ángela Tobón Marulanda

    Full Text Available Objetivo: prever el riesgo potencial de irritabilidad dérmica de una crema y una loción para bebés, con el fin de obtener el registro sanitario y disminuir la eventualidad de riesgo para la salud. Métodos: se realizó el bioanálisis predictivo de tolerancia dérmica in vivo en conejos, a través de un estudio de tipo exploratorio clínico cualitativo e histopatológico, basado en el enfoque de la ley del Arte para explicar el riesgo/efectividad comparable en humanos. Se aplicó la técnica de exposición aguda simple (prueba parche oclusivo en seis conejos, por cada producto. Se estimaron los efectos dérmicos mediante una escala de valores que define la probabilidad de inseguridad atribuible por la exposición al cosmético, según prueba de toxicidad dérmica de la Organización para la Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo 2004 (OCED, con ciertas modificaciones por los autores. Resultados: en el bioanálisis se encontró cierta irritabilidad dérmica en la piel de los conejos al aplicarles el cosmético en una dosis única por 92 días. El estudio clínico se complementó con el análisis histopatológico de una muestra de piel irritada y no mostró cambios significativos a los observados. Conclusiones: el bioanálisis clínico e histopatológico permite inferir una irritabilidad dérmica entre insignificante y leve, lo que sugiere la necesidad de mejorar la formulación de los cosméticos estudiados para obtener el registro sanitario, y así alertar tempranamente al productor y a la comunidad de la seguridad y eficacia de los productos.


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    Ohanna Daher de Paula FELIPE


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar os efeitos do ultrassom terapêutico de 3MHz associado a fonoforese na redução do fibro edema gelóide na região abdominal. Para tal realizou-se uma pesquisa experimental do tipo estudo de caso. O estudo foi realizado com uma paciente do sexo feminino, de30anos, com quadro de FEG graus 1 e 2 na região abdominal. Foram utilizados uma ficha de avaliação específica para fibro edema gelóide e registro fotográfico. A paciente foi submetida a 20 sessões de tratamento, realizando 3 vezes por semana, com duração de 24 minutos de ultrassom. O protocolo do US utilizado neste estudo foi frequência de 3 MHz, com intensidade de 0,6 w/cm², modo contínuo, associado a fonoforese com uma substância de acoplamento, em forma de gel, composto por arnica, algas marinhas, centella asiática, castanha da índia, cavalhinha, hera, erva mate, laranja amarga, chá verde, gengibre e L-carnitina, fabricado pela Buonavita cosméticos. Ao final do tratamento foi possível observar melhora no quadro de FEG, melhora no aspecto da pele e satisfação da paciente com os resultados. Com isso, conclui-se que o ultrassom associado à fonoforese pode ser benéfico no tratamento do FEG, provando ser um recurso eficaz na diminuição do aspecto do mesmo.

  15. Prevención de emociones negativas en la adolescencia : valoración de técnicas cognitivo-conductuales


    Olmedo Montes, Margarita; Barrio, María Victoria del; Santed Germán, Miguel Angel


    En este trabajo se presentan los datos acerca de la eficacia que posee la enseñanza de diferentes estrategias (entrenamiento en autoestima, relajación, habilidades sociales y solución de problemas) para disminuir los niveles de depresión y ansiedad en


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    Vanaja Ratnakumari Billa


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND In the recent times there has been increased incidence of abdominal trauma cases due to several causes. Quick and prompt intervention is needed to decrease the mortality of the patients. So we conducted a study to assess the cause and the management of abdominal trauma cases in our institution. The aim of this study was to know the incidence of blunt and penetrating injuries and their causes, age and sex incidence, importance of various investigations, mode of treatment offered and post-operative complications. To study the cause of death and evolve better management. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study comprises of patients admitted to and operated in various surgical units in the Department of Surgery at Government General Hospital, attached to Guntur Medical College Guntur, from August 2014 to October 2016. RESULTS Increase incidence seen in age group 20-29 years (30%. Male predominance 77.5%. Mechanism of injury–road traffic accidents 65%. Isolated organ injury–colon and rectum 40%. Other associated injuries–chest injuries with rib fractures 7.5%. Complications–wound infection 17.5%. Duration of hospital stay 8–14 days. Bowel injury management–closure of perforation 84.6%. Resection anastomosis 15.38%. CONCLUSION Thorough clinical examination, diagnostic paracentesis, plain X-ray erect abdomen and ultrasound proved to be very helpful in the diagnosis of intra-abdominal injuries. Spleen is the commonest organ involved in blunt trauma and colon is the commonly injured organ in penetrating abdominal trauma, many patients have associated extremity and axial skeleton injuries. With advances in diagnosis and intensive care technologies, most patients of solid visceral injuries with hemodynamic stability can be managed conservatively. Surgical site infection is the most common complication following surgery. The mortality is high; reason might be patient reaching the hospital late, high incidence of postoperative septic

  17. Caracterização dos traumas abdominais em pacientes atendidos no Hospital Universitário Regional de Maringá, 2006 = Abdominal trauma at the University Hospital of Maringá, 2006

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    Orlando Ribeiro Prado Filho


    Full Text Available De todas as mortes por causas externas por trauma, metade poderia ser evitada, e um terço delas é dito potencialmente evitável. Objetiva-se determinar as características comuns referentes ao paciente com traumatismo abdominal. Realizou-se um estudo de 57 casos de pacientes com traumatismo abdominal atendidos no Hospital UniversitárioRegional de Maringá, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2006. Constatou-se que a maioria das vítimas é do sexo masculino; a faixa etária mais acometida é a terceira década de vida; o trauma abdominal aberto mostrou-se discretamente mais frequente, sendo o ferimento por arma branca mais comum; a maioria das contusões abdominais se deveu aacidentes de trânsito; a realização de intervenção cirúrgica supera o tratamento conservador nos traumas abdominais abertos; nos traumas contusos, o baço e os rins foram os órgãos mais acometidos, enquanto nos ferimentos abertos a víscera mais acometida foi o intestinodelgado; a evolução para óbito predominou nos traumas abdominais abertos. Em virtude da prevalência, gravidade e importância do tema, sugere-se que mais estudos sejam realizados para que, assim, seja possível estabelecer condutas cada vez mais apropriadas à realidade doSistema Único de Saúde.Of all the deaths due to external cause trauma, half could be avoided, and a third are potentially preventable. The objective of this study was to determine the common characteristics related to patients with abdominal trauma. A study was conducted of 57 cases of abdominal trauma at the University Hospital of Maringá, during the period from January to December 2006. The majority of victims are male; the most affected age group is in its third decade oflife; open abdominal trauma proved to be slightly more prevalent, and wounds from cold steel weapons were the most common; most abdominal injuries were due to traffic accidents; the conduct of surgical intervention overcomes conservative treatment in

  18. Functional abdominal pain syndrome treated with Korean medication

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    Chang-Gue Son


    Full Text Available A 37-year-old female patient with chronic and stubborn abdominal pain had been hospitalized five times in three Western hospitals, but no effects were observed. No abnormalities were found in blood tests, gastrointestinal endoscopy, sonogram, and computed tomography of the abdomen, except mild paralytic ileus. The patient decided to rely on Korean medicine as an inpatient. She was diagnosed with functional abdominal pain syndrome, and her symptom differentiation was the “Yang deficiency of spleen and kidney.” A herbal drug, Hwangikyeji-tang, along with moxibustion and acupuncture, was given to the patient. Abdominal pain and related symptoms were reduced radically within 16 days of treatment. This report shows a therapeutic potential of Korean medicine-based treatment for functional abdominal pain syndrome.

  19. Functional abdominal pain syndrome treated with Korean medication. (United States)

    Son, Chang-Gue


    A 37-year-old female patient with chronic and stubborn abdominal pain had been hospitalized five times in three Western hospitals, but no effects were observed. No abnormalities were found in blood tests, gastrointestinal endoscopy, sonogram, and computed tomography of the abdomen, except mild paralytic ileus. The patient decided to rely on Korean medicine as an inpatient. She was diagnosed with functional abdominal pain syndrome, and her symptom differentiation was the " Yang deficiency of spleen and kidney ." A herbal drug, Hwangikyeji-tang , along with moxibustion and acupuncture, was given to the patient. Abdominal pain and related symptoms were reduced radically within 16 days of treatment. This report shows a therapeutic potential of Korean medicine-based treatment for functional abdominal pain syndrome.

  20. Abdominal fedme og fedmerelaterede sygdomme hos patienter i almen praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haugan, Ketil; Rost, Dan; Knudsen, Nils


    Abdominal obesity is associated with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia and hypertension. The prevalence of abdominal obesity and its relationship with these comorbidities have not previously been examined in Danish primary care patients.......Abdominal obesity is associated with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia and hypertension. The prevalence of abdominal obesity and its relationship with these comorbidities have not previously been examined in Danish primary care patients....

  1. A randomized, controlled trial of routine early abdominal computed tomography in patients presenting with non-specific acute abdominal pain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sala, E.; Watson, C.J.E.; Beadsmoore, C.; Groot-Wassink, T.; Fanshawe, T.R.; Smith, J.C.; Bradley, A.; Palmer, C.R.; Shaw, A.; Dixon, A.K.


    Aim: To compare the effect of an initial early computed tomography (CT) examination versus standard practice (SP) on the length of hospital stay, diagnostic accuracy, and mortality of adults presenting with acute abdominal pain. Materials and methods: Two hundred and five adults presenting with acute abdominal pain were randomized to undergo an early CT examination or current SP, which comprised supine abdominal and erect chest radiography. One hundred and ninety-eight patients (99 in each arm) were included in the analysis. The primary endpoint was the duration of inpatient stay; secondary endpoints were diagnostic certainty and mortality. Results: There was no significant difference in the length of hospital stay between the two arms (p = 0.20). At randomization 36% (35 of 96) of CT patients and 49% (48 of 98) of SP patients were correctly diagnosed; 24 h after randomization the correct diagnosis had been established in 84% of CT patients and 73% of SP patients. This refinement in diagnostic certainty was significantly better in the CT group (p < 0.001). There was no difference in mortality between the two trial arms (p = 0.31). Conclusion: Early abdominal CT in patients with acute abdominal pain improves diagnostic certainty, but does not reduce the length of hospital stay and 6 month mortality

  2. Estudo das telas cirúrgicas de polipropileno/poliglecaprone e de polipropileno/polidioxanona/celulose oxidada regenerada na cicatrização de defeito produzido na parede abdominal de ratos Study of surgical meshes of polypropylene/polyglecaprone and polypropylene/polydioxanone/oxidized regenerated cellulose on the healing of defects produced in abdominal wall of rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcia Regina Zanello Pundek


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: O uso de telas cirúrgicas para a correção de defeitos da parede abdominal vem ocupando cada vez mais espaço nas operações no mundo todo. OBJETIVO: Estudar duas telas cirúrgicas distintas (Proceed® e Ultrapro® na cicatrização de defeito produzido em parede abdominal de ratos avaliando-se macroscopia, tensiometria e microscopia. MÉTODO: A amostra foi constituída por 32 ratos Wistar, divididos em dois grupos de 16 animais e quatro subgrupos de oito, submetidos à eutanásia com 15 dias e 30 dias para avaliação. As variáveis macroscópicas foram: presença de hematoma nos bordos da sutura da tela cirúrgica na parede abdominal, união entre a tela e a borda da ferida, presença de infecção no sítio cirúrgico, presença de fístulas de vísceras com a tela cirúrgica, presença de aderências dentro da cavidade abdominal e presença de hérnia incisional. Na microscopia avaliaram-se as fases do processo inflamatório da cicatrização, e na tensiometria a força tênsil necessária para ruptura do material. RESULTADOS: A união entre a tela cirúrgica e a borda da ferida foi melhor no subgrupo Ultrapro 15 dias que no Proceed 15 dias; com 30 dias foi igual nos dois subgrupos. Não houve diferença significativa quanto às demais variáveis da macroscopia. Os dois grupos nos dois momentos tiveram a mesma proporção de casos com processo inflamatório crônico, mas houve maior escore de inflamação do Ultrapro 15 dias que do Ultrapro 30 dias. O subgrupo Ultrapro 15 dias mostrou força de ruptura maior que o subgrupo Proceed 15 dias, mas em 30 dias não houve diferença. Ultrapro mostrou força de ruptura igual para os dois momentos, mas Proceed 30 dias mostrou força de ruptura maior que Proceed 15 dias. CONCLUSÃO: As telas são semelhantes nas variáveis analisadas.BACKGROUND: The use of surgical meshes for the repair of abdominal wall defects has been increasing its share in surgeries worldwide. AIM: To study two

  3. Intra-abdominal cryptococcosis in two dogs. (United States)

    Malik, R; Hunt, G B; Bellenger, C R; Allan, G S; Martin, P; Canfield, P J; Love, D N


    Intra-abdominal cryptococcosis was diagnosed in two young dogs. The first, an entire male border collie, was presented with vomiting. An abdominal mass detected during physical examination proved to be cryptococcal mesenteric lymphadenitis on exploratory laparotomy. The second dog, a female neutered giant schnauzer, was presented with neurological signs suggestive of encephalopathy. Intestinal cryptococcal granulomas were detected in an extensive diagnostic investigation which included abdominal ultrasonography. The gastrointestinal tract was considered the most likely portal of entry for cryptococcal organisms in both cases. Both dogs were treated using surgery and multiagent antifungal chemotherapy. The first case succumbed despite therapy, while the second dog was treated successfully as gauged by return to clinical normality and a substantial decline in the cryptococcal antigen titre which continued to fall after cessation of treatment.

  4. Tumor desmoplásico de pequenas células redondas abdominal da infância: relato de caso Abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor of childhood: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulysses dos Santos Torres


    Full Text Available O tumor desmoplásico de pequenas células redondas (TDPCR é uma neoplasia rara e altamente agressiva, que afeta predominantemente jovens do sexo masculino. Relata-se um caso de TDPCR em um paciente do sexo masculino, de 11 anos, com acometimento intra-abdominal marcado por volumosa massa retroperitoneal em hipocôndrio esquerdo. O estudo histológico da massa revelou presença de blocos de pequenas células tumorais redondas e azuis, envoltas por estroma desmoplásico; a análise imuno-histoquímica evidenciou positividade para desmina, WT-1 e citoceratinas. Após o diagnóstico, o paciente foi submetido a tratamento quimiorradioterápico, tendo evoluído a óbito durante o 24º mês de acompanhamento.Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT is a rare and highly aggressive neoplasm, which predominantly affects young males. We report a case of DSRCT affecting an 11-year-old male patient, with intra-abdominal involvement characterized by a large retroperitoneal mass in left hypochondrium. Histological examination of the mass showed the presence of clusters of small blue round tumor cells surrounded by a dense desmoplastic stroma. Immunohistochemical analysis disclosed a positive reaction to desmin, WT-1 and cytokeratins. After diagnosis, the patient underwent chemo radiotherapy treatment, but died at the 24th month of follow-up.

  5. Propuesta de mejora energética para una planta de producción de clinker

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Rodriguez Urrego


    Full Text Available El siguiente trabajo presenta un análisis de la eficiencia energética en la industria cementera y un ejemplo real en donde se proponen mejoras para disminuir considerablemente el consumo energético. El aumento de la eficiencia disminuye considerablemente el costo de la energía eléctrica, además de las emisiones de CO2 ayudando así al mantenimiento y la preservación del medio ambiente. El caso de estudio fue aplicado en la planta de producción de cemento de san Vicente del Raspeig operada por CEMEX en España. En este caso se analizó una sección de la planta de producción, donde se realiza la molienda y el ensacado de cemento. Se encontró que, al implementar las mejoras propuestas, el costo de producción disminuye y el punto de equilibrio con respecto a la implementación de estos nuevos equipos no era mayor a 5 años lo cual hace que estas mejoras sean factibles.

  6. Abdominal wall surgery (United States)

    ... as liposuction , which is another way to remove fat. But, abdominal wall surgery is sometimes combined with liposuction. ... from the middle and lower sections of your abdomen to make it firmer ... removes excess fat and skin (love handles) from the sides of ...

  7. Reproducibility of abdominal fat assessment by ultrasound and computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mauad, Fernando Marum; Chagas-Neto, Francisco Abaete; Benedeti, Augusto Cesar Garcia Saab; Nogueira-Barbosa, Marcello Henrique; Muglia, Valdair Francisco; Carneiro, Antonio Adilton Oliveira; Muller, Enrico Mattana; Elias Junior, Jorge, E-mail: [Faculdade de Tecnologia em Saude (FATESA), Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil); Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Fortaleza, CE (Brazil). Departmento de Radiologia; Universidade de Sao Paulo (FMRP/USP), Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina. Departmento de Medicina Clinica; Universidade de Sao Paulo (FFCLRP/USP), Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias e Letras; Hospital Mae de Deus, Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil)


    Objective: To test the accuracy and reproducibility of ultrasound and computed tomography (CT) for the quantification of abdominal fat in correlation with the anthropometric, clinical, and biochemical assessments. Materials and Methods: Using ultrasound and CT, we determined the thickness of subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat in 101 subjects-of whom 39 (38.6%) were men and 62 (61.4%) were women-with a mean age of 66.3 years (60-80 years). The ultrasound data were correlated with the anthropometric, clinical, and biochemical parameters, as well as with the areas measured by abdominal CT. Results: Intra-abdominal thickness was the variable for which the correlation with the areas of abdominal fat was strongest (i.e., the correlation coefficient was highest). We also tested the reproducibility of ultrasound and CT for the assessment of abdominal fat and found that CT measurements of abdominal fat showed greater reproducibility, having higher intraobserver and interobserver reliability than had the ultrasound measurements. There was a significant correlation between ultrasound and CT, with a correlation coefficient of 0.71. Conclusion: In the assessment of abdominal fat, the intraobserver and interobserver reliability were greater for CT than for ultrasound, although both methods showed high accuracy and good reproducibility. (author)

  8. Abdominal surgery in neonatal foals. (United States)

    Bryant, James E; Gaughan, Earl M


    Abdominal surgery in foals under 30 days old has become more common with improved neonatal care. Early recognition of a foal at risk and better nursing care have increased the survival rates of foals that require neonatal care. The success of improved neonatal care also has increased the need for accurate diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal, umbilical, and bladder disorders in these foals. This chapter focuses on the early and accurate diagnosis of specific disorders that require abdominal exploratory surgery and the specific treatment considerations and prognosis for these disorders.

  9. Abdominal aspergillosis: CT findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yeom, Suk Keu, E-mail: [Department of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, 388-1, Poongnap2-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, 138-736 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Hye Jin, E-mail: [Department of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, 388-1, Poongnap2-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, 138-736 (Korea, Republic of); Byun, Jae Ho, E-mail: [Department of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, 388-1, Poongnap2-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, 138-736 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Ah Young, E-mail: [Department of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, 388-1, Poongnap2-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, 138-736 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Moon-Gyu, E-mail: [Department of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, 388-1, Poongnap2-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, 138-736 (Korea, Republic of); Ha, Hyun Kwon, E-mail: [Department of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, 388-1, Poongnap2-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, 138-736 (Korea, Republic of)


    Objective: In order to retrospectively evaluate the CT findings of abdominal aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients. Materials and methods: CT scans were reviewed with regard to the sites, number, morphologic appearance, attenuation, and the contrast enhancement patterns of the lesions in six patients (5 women, 1 man; mean age, 43.4 years; range, 23-59 years) with pathologically proved abdominal aspergillosis by two gastrointestinal radiologists in consensus. Medical records were also reviewed to determine each patient's clinical status and outcome. Results: All patients were immunocompromised state: 4 patients received immunosuppressive therapy for solid organ transplantation and 2 patients received chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia. Aspergillosis involved blood vessels (n = 3), liver (n = 2), spleen (n = 2), gastrointestinal tract (n = 2), native kidney (n = 1), transplanted kidney (n = 1), peritoneum (n = 1), and retroperitoneum (n = 1). CT demonstrated solid organ or bowel infarction or perforation secondary to vascular thrombosis or pseudoaneurysm, multiple low-attenuating lesions of solid organs presenting as abscesses, concentric bowel wall thickening mimicking typhlitis, or diffuse or nodular infiltration of the peritoneum and retroperitoneum. Conclusion: Familiarity with findings commonly presenting as angioinvasive features or abscesses on CT, may facilitate the diagnosis of rare and fatal abdominal aspergillosis.

  10. Evaluation of abdominal trauma by computed tomography and ultrasonography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Do Yun; Kim, Sang Jin; Lee, Jong Tae; Yoo, Hyung Sik [Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Out of 75 patients who were admitted to our hospital because of abdominal trauma and were undergone the procedures such as ultrasonography and/or CT scan within 24 hours of abdominal trauma due to suspected abdominal organ injury. We analyzed the results of 38 patients who were confirmed of diagnosis by operation, follow-up CT scan or ultrasonography. We analyzed the results of 38 patients who were confirmed of diagnosis by operation, follow-up CT scan or ultrasonography. 1. In the abdominal organ injury, solid organ injury consists of 8 cases of spleen laceration, 1 of splenic subcapsular hematoma, 7 of hepatic laceration, 7 of pancreas laceration, 3 of renal laceration, and 3 of subcapsular hematoma of kidney. 2. In addition, there were 7 bowel and/or mesenteric laceration, 2 diaphragmatic hernia, and 1 urethral rupture. 3. 2 cases of retroperitoneal hematoma and 1 case in which hemo peritoneum occurred without abdominal organ injury were confirmed by follow-up CT or ultrasonography. 4. In all of the 4 patients with multiple organ injury, pancreatic laceration was associated. 5. In abdominal trauma patients, ultrasonography or CT can be used to survey rapidly the entire abdomen for possible associated injury, and be of great help to clinicians in identifying the patients who need immediate surgery or in minimizing the incidence of unnecessary emergency abdominal exploration.

  11. Evaluation of abdominal trauma by computed tomography and ultrasonography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Do Yun; Kim, Sang Jin; Lee, Jong Tae; Yoo, Hyung Sik


    Out of 75 patients who were admitted to our hospital because of abdominal trauma and were undergone the procedures such as ultrasonography and/or CT scan within 24 hours of abdominal trauma due to suspected abdominal organ injury. We analyzed the results of 38 patients who were confirmed of diagnosis by operation, follow-up CT scan or ultrasonography. We analyzed the results of 38 patients who were confirmed of diagnosis by operation, follow-up CT scan or ultrasonography. 1. In the abdominal organ injury, solid organ injury consists of 8 cases of spleen laceration, 1 of splenic subcapsular hematoma, 7 of hepatic laceration, 7 of pancreas laceration, 3 of renal laceration, and 3 of subcapsular hematoma of kidney. 2. In addition, there were 7 bowel and/or mesenteric laceration, 2 diaphragmatic hernia, and 1 urethral rupture. 3. 2 cases of retroperitoneal hematoma and 1 case in which hemo peritoneum occurred without abdominal organ injury were confirmed by follow-up CT or ultrasonography. 4. In all of the 4 patients with multiple organ injury, pancreatic laceration was associated. 5. In abdominal trauma patients, ultrasonography or CT can be used to survey rapidly the entire abdomen for possible associated injury, and be of great help to clinicians in identifying the patients who need immediate surgery or in minimizing the incidence of unnecessary emergency abdominal exploration.

  12. Maintenance of Pain in Children With Functional Abdominal Pain. (United States)

    Czyzewski, Danita I; Self, Mariella M; Williams, Amy E; Weidler, Erica M; Blatz, Allison M; Shulman, Robert J


    A significant proportion of children with functional abdominal pain develop chronic pain. Identifying clinical characteristics predicting pain persistence is important in targeting interventions. We examined whether child anxiety and/or pain-stooling relations were related to maintenance of abdominal pain frequency and compared the predictive value of 3 methods for assessing pain-stooling relations (ie, diary, parent report, child report). Seventy-six children (7-10 years old at baseline) who presented for medical treatment of functional abdominal pain were followed up 18 to 24 months later. Baseline anxiety and abdominal pain-stooling relations based on pain and stooling diaries and child- and parent questionnaires were examined in relationship to the persistence of abdominal pain frequency. Children's baseline anxiety was not related to persistence of pain frequency. Children who, however, displayed irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms at baseline maintained pain frequency at follow-up, whereas in children in whom there was no relationship between pain and stooling, pain frequency decreased. Pain and stool diaries and parent report of pain-stooling relations were predictive of pain persistence but child-report questionnaires were not. The presence of IBS symptoms in school-age children with functional abdominal pain appears to predict persistence of abdominal pain over time, whereas anxiety does not. Prospective pain and stooling diaries and parent report of IBS symptoms were predictors of pain maintenance, but child report of symptoms was not.

  13. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (United States)

    ... AAAs don’t cause symptoms unless they leak, tear, or rupture. If this happens, you may experience: sudden pain in your abdomen, groin, back, legs, or buttocks nausea and vomiting abnormal stiffness in your abdominal muscles problems with urination or bowel movements clammy, sweaty ...

  14. Methods of patient warming during abdominal surgery.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Li Shao

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Keeping abdominal surgery patients warm is common and warming methods are needed in power outages during natural disasters. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of low-cost, low-power warming methods for maintaining normothermia in abdominal surgery patients. METHODS: Patients (n = 160 scheduled for elective abdominal surgery were included in this prospective clinical study. Five warming methods were applied: heated blood transfusion/fluid infusion vs. unheated; wrapping patients vs. not wrapping; applying moist dressings, heated or not; surgical field rinse heated or not; and applying heating blankets or not. Patients' nasopharyngeal and rectal temperatures were recorded to evaluate warming efficacy. Significant differences were found in mean temperatures of warmed patients compared to those not warmed. RESULTS: When we compared temperatures of abdominal surgery patient groups receiving three specific warming methods with temperatures of control groups not receiving these methods, significant differences were revealed in temperatures maintained during the surgeries between the warmed groups and controls. DISCUSSION: The value of maintaining normothermia in patients undergoing abdominal surgery under general anesthesia is accepted. Three effective economical and practically applicable warming methods are combined body wrapping and heating blanket; combined body wrapping, heated moist dressings, and heating blanket; combined body wrapping, heated moist dressings, and warmed surgical rinse fluid, with or without heating blanket. These methods are practically applicable when low-cost method is indeed needed.

  15. Diagnosis of abdominal abscesses with 67gallium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noguera, E.C.; Mothe, G.A.


    Twenty six patients were studied with 67 Gallium to detect and localize the site of intra-abdominal and intraperitoneal infection. They were divided in two groups: a) with and b) without physical symptoms that could localize an abcess in the abdominal cavity. All the patients with suppuration had persistent up-take of 67 Ga in one anatomic area of the abdomen, subsequently documented by computarized axial tomography (CAT) in 58% of the cases or by laparotomy in 88% of them. Scintigraphy with 67 Ga in the patients with recent surgery not only detected focal infection in 67% of the cases but excluded subphernic collection. In 78% of patients with prolonged fever, the infection was localized. There was no false positive result. The comparison in 56% of the cases with CAT demonstrated that both techniques are 100% sensitive for the diagnosis of abdominal suppurative processes. Three of the 26 patients, after six weeks of medical treatment, were restudied with 67 Ga and CAT, showing total resolution of their previous abnormalities. It is concluded that 67 Ga scintigraphy performed as the first study in febrile patients independent of the presence or absence of physical symptoms that could localize the abdominal infection, is sensitive for the detection and localization of an abdominal abscess and that a negative result excludes it. (Author) [es

  16. Una técnica novedosa para corrección de prolapso rectal completo: rectopexia percutánea asistida por endoscopia con ayuda del EndoLifter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Bustamante-Lopez


    Conclusiones: La rectopexia percutánea asistida por endoscopia es un procedimiento endoluminal seguro y factible para la fijación del recto a la pared abdominal anterior en animales de experimentación.

  17. Relationship Between Abdominal Symptoms and Fructose Ingestion in Children with Chronic Abdominal Pain. (United States)

    Hammer, Veronika; Hammer, Katharina; Memaran, Nima; Huber, Wolf-Dietrich; Hammer, Karin; Hammer, Johann


    Limited valid data are available regarding the association of fructose-induced symptoms, fructose malabsorption, and clinical symptoms. To develop a questionnaire for valid symptom assessment before and during a carbohydrate breath test and to correlate symptoms with fructose breath test results in children/adolescents with functional abdominal pain. A Likert-type questionnaire assessing symptoms considered relevant for hydrogen breath test in children was developed and underwent initial validation. Fructose malabsorption was determined by increased breath hydrogen in 82 pediatric patients with functional abdominal pain disorders; fructose-induced symptoms were quantified by symptom score ≥2 and relevant symptom increase over baseline. The results were correlated with clinical symptoms. The time course of symptoms during the breath test was assessed. The questionnaire exhibited good psychometric properties in a standardized assessment of the severity of carbohydrate-related symptoms. A total of 40 % (n = 33) had malabsorption; symptoms were induced in 38 % (n = 31), but only 46 % (n = 15) with malabsorption were symptomatic. There was no significant correlation between fructose malabsorption and fructose-induced symptoms. Clinical symptoms correlated with symptoms evoked during the breath test (p Fructose-induced symptoms but not fructose malabsorption are related to increased abdominal symptoms and have distinct timing patterns.

  18. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... pancreatitis or liver cirrhosis. cancers of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, ovaries and bladder as well as lymphoma. kidney and bladder stones. abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), injuries ...

  19. Diagnosis of mycotic abdominal aortic aneurysm using 67-gallium citrate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blumoff, R.L.; McCartney, W.; Jaques, P.; Johnson, G. Jr.


    Mycotic aneurysms of the abdominal aorta are uncommon, but potentially lethal problems. Clinical subtleties may suggest their presence, but in the past, definitive diagnosis has been dependent on surgical exploration or autopsy findings. A case is presented in which 67-gallium citrate abdominal scanning localized the site of sepsis in an abdominal aortic aneurysm and allowed for prompt and successful surgical therapy. This noninvasive technique is recommended as a adjunct in the diagnosis of mycotic abdominal aortic aneurysms

  20. Post caesarean section anterior abdominal wall endometriosis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Abdominal wall endometriosis is a likely sequelae of caesarean section as viable endometrial tissue are deposited in the peritoneal cavity or anterior abdominal wall. One such case to sensitize clinicians of this rare presentation of the disease is presented. The patient was a 48 year old woman who presented with a lesion ...

  1. Perfil antropométrico e adiposidade abdominal de escolares entre 6 a 10 anos de idade do Sul do Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela Dalsasso Ricardo


    Full Text Available O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a associação de medidas antropométricas com o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC e verificar a presença de adiposidade abdominal em escolares. Estudo transversal realizado entre 2007-2008, com 4.964 escolares de 6 a 10 anos de idade, matriculados em 345 escolas de oito municípios do Estado de Santa Catarina. As variáveis independentes utilizadas foram: dobras cutâneas subescapular (DCS e tricipital (DCT, circunferências do braço (CBr, cintura (CC e quadril (CQ e relações cintura/quadril (RCQ e cintura/estatura (RCEst. O IMC foi utilizado como variável dependente. Associações brutas e ajustadas foram estimadas mediante regressão linear e expressados como coeficiente de regressão (β. Para análise ajustada, todas as medidas antropométricas foram controladas entre si, mantendo-se no modelo aquelas com p<0,20. Classificou-se a adiposidade abdominal com a RCEst ≥ 0.5. Os resultados mostram que o IMC médio dos meninos foi 17,4kg/m2 (DP=2,8 e das meninas 17,2kg/ m2 (DP=2,8. As médias das medidas antropométricas para os sexos masculino e fe­minino foram, respectivamente: DCS=7,2 e 8,3mm; DCT=10,8 e 12,6mm; CBr=20,0 e 20,2cm; CC=60,1 e 58,5cm; CQ=71,3 e 71,9cm; RCQ=0,84 e 0,81; RCEst=0,45 e 0,44. Todas as medidas antropométricas se associaram positivamente com o IMC na análise bruta, para ambos os sexos. Na análise ajustada, nos meninos, mantiveram-se associadas: DCS (β=0,05, CBr (β=0,17, CC (β=0,19 e RCEst (β=30,5. Nas meninas, continuaram associadas a DCS (β=0,19, CBr (β=0,17, CC (β=0,13, RCQ (β=-6,2 e RCEst (β=32,1. Apresentaram adiposidade abdominal 11,9% (n=589 dos escolares, de acordo com a RCEst. Pode-se concluir que os indicadores DCS, CBr, CC e RCEst apresentaram boa relação com o IMC em escolares de ambos os sexos. Estas medidas poderiam ser utilizadas como complemento ao IMC para determinação da adiposidade corporal total e

  2. Whole abdominal irradiation in ovarian carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Romestaing, P.; Gallo, C.; Gerard, J.F.; Ardiet, J.M.; Carrie, C.


    The prognosis of ovarian cancers, which are frequently diagnosed at a late stage, can probably be improved by whole abdominal radiotherapy. 45 patients in Lyon and 8 patients in Montelimar (7 stage I or C, 10 stage II and 36 stage III) were treated by whole abdominal radiotherapy, generally after 6 courses of chemotherapy (46 cases). The overall 5-year survival of this group of patients was 48% (Kaplan-Meier method). When the patients treated by complete resection at 1st look surgery (19 cases) are compared with those in whom 1st look surgery was incomplete (34 cases), the actuarial survival was 83% versus 27%. This study demonstrates that whole abdominal radiotherapy is feasible without any serious long-term complications after two operations and 6 courses of chemotherapy. These encouraging results need to be confirmed by randomized prospective studies [fr

  3. La comunicación de los diputados españoles a través de Internet


    Sánchez Matito, Manuel


    Aunque Internet se presenta como un espacio que puede disminuir la distancia entre la ciudadanía y el poder político, los políticos todavía no han desarrollado de forma adecuada las posibilidades que ofrece el ciberespacio. Para comprobar esta situ

  4. Edad y nivel educativo asociados al conocimiento sobre signos de alarma para infecciones respiratorias en madres adolescentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Regina Domínguez Anaya


    Full Text Available Introducción: La identificación de señales de alarma durante la Infección Respiratoria Aguda (IRA, es fundamental para disminuir el impacto de la enfermedad y la mortalidad asociada. El objetivo del estudio fue estimar la relación entre la edad y el nivel educativo al conocimiento sobre signos de alarma de IRA, en madres adolescentes. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio transversal, con una muestra aleatoria de 120 madres adolescentes adscritas a una fundación privada de la ciudad de Cartagena, a quienes se aplicó el cuestionario de Prácticas Claves sobre IRA propuesto por la Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Resultados: El promedio de edad de las participantes fue 17 ± 1.3 años. Se encontró que ser mayor de 17 años aumenta la probabilidad de reconocer por lo menos tres signos alarma [OR: 2.8 (IC 95%: 1.3 - 6.1]. Asimismo, las adolescentes con un mayor nivel de escolaridad tienen más probabilidad de reconocer tres signos de alarma para la enfermedad [OR: 3.2 (IC 95%: 1.5 - 6.9], que aquellas con menor nivel educativo. Discusión y Conclusiones: Determinantes personales como una mayor edad y escolaridad impactan de forma positiva en los conocimientos de las madres sobre los signos de alarma de IRA. Es importante el fortalecimiento de los programas de educación en salud para el cuidado de los niños entre esta población. Cómo citar este artículo: Domínguez R, Tapia E, Hernández J, Castillo IY. Edad y nivel educativo asociados al conocimiento sobre signos de alarma para infecciones respiratorias en madres adolescentes. Rev Cuid. 2017; 8(2: 1628-37.

  5. Effects of abdominal pressure on venous return: abdominal vascular zone conditions. (United States)

    Takata, M; Wise, R A; Robotham, J L


    The effects of changes in abdominal pressure (Pab) on inferior vena cava (IVC) venous return were analyzed using a model of the IVC circulation based on a concept of abdominal vascular zone conditions analogous to pulmonary vascular zone conditions. We hypothesized that an increase in Pab would increase IVC venous return when the IVC pressure at the level of the diaphragm (Pivc) exceeds the sum of Pab and the critical closing transmural pressure (Pc), i.e., zone 3 conditions, but reduce IVC venous return when Pivc is below the sum of Pab and Pc, i.e., zone 2 conditions. The validity of the model was tested in 12 canine experiments with an open-chest IVC bypass. An increase in Pab produced by phrenic stimulation increased the IVC venous return when Pivc-Pab was positive but decreased the IVC venous return when Pivc - Pab was negative. The value of Pivc - Pab that separated net increases from decreases in venous return was 1.00 +/- 0.72 (SE) mmHg (n = 6). An increase in Pivc did not influence the femoral venous pressure when Pivc was lower than the sum of Pab and a constant, 0.96 +/- 0.70 mmHg (n = 6), consistent with presence of a waterfall. These results agreed closely with the predictions of the model and its computer simulation. The abdominal venous compartment appears to function with changes in Pab either as a capacitor in zone 3 conditions or as a collapsible Starling resistor with little wall tone in zone 2 conditions.

  6. Influência da adiposidade global e da adiposidade abdominal nos níveis de proteína C-reativa em mulheres idosas Influence of overall and abdominal adiposity on C-reactive protein levels in elderly women

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    Jeffer Eidi Sasaki


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Examinar como a adiposidade global e a adiposidade abdominal, expressas pela circunferência da cintura (CC, pelo índice de massa corporal (IMC e pelo somatório de dobras cutâneas (sigmaDC, influenciam os níveis de proteína C-reativa (PCR em mulheres idosas. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por 387 mulheres idosas, com idade superior a 60 anos (média, 68,9; desvio padrão, 5,9 anos. Foram avaliados o IMC, a CC, o sigmaDC, e os níveis de PCR. Foi utilizada a análise estatística ANOVA one-way para verificar as diferenças nas variáveis entre as categorias investigadas. Para avaliar a influência das medidas de adiposidade nos níveis de PCR foi utilizada a regressão logística. O nível de significância adotado foi de p OBJECTIVE: To investigate how overall and abdominal adiposity, measured by waist circumference (WC, body mass index (BMI, and sum of skinfolds (sigmaSK, affect plasma C-reactive protein levels (CRP in elderly women. METHODS: Study sample consisted of 387 women older than 60 years (mean age 68.9; standard deviation 5.9 years. BMI, WC, sigmaSK, and CRP levels were all measured. One-way ANOVA was performed to detect differences in study variables among the CRP levels investigated. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the influence of body fat measurements on CRP levels. The significance level was set at p < 0.05. RESULTS: The analysis of variance showed that mean WC was lower in women with normal CRP levels, as compared to those with high CRP levels. Logistic regression analysis examined the influence of BMI, WC, and sigmaSK quartiles on CRP levels, yielding the following results: only WC was predictive of elevated CRP levels, its highest quartile (cut-off point of 94.0 cm showing levels nearly two times higher than its lowest quartile (odds ratio = 2.23; 95% confidence interval = 1.92-4.18; p = 0.012. CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that abdominal adiposity is a strong predictor of

  7. Traumatic abdominal wall hernia secondary to motorcycle handle bar injury

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    R S Jamabo


    Conclusion: We recommend a high level of clinical suspicion for traumatic abdominal wall herniation in all patients with traumatic abdominal wall injuries. It is instructive that the area be explored with primary repair of the hernia and other tissue planes of the abdominal wall.

  8. Análise da relação entre a estatura e o perímetro abdominal em indivíduos portadores de percentuais normais de gordura Relationship between the stature and abdominal circumference in individuals with normal fat percentages

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    Walter Celso de Lima


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: No indivíduo portador de obesidade há evidentes alterações morfofuncionais, que caracterizam a síndrome. São empregados vários parâmetros e índices perimétricos na análise de suas medidas antropométricas, que possuem relação com as alterações endocrinometabólicas. Muitos destes índices são aplicados de forma generalizada à população de uma maneira geral. OBJETIVO: Verificar a existência de uma razão cintura-estatura comum em indivíduos masculinos, de 18 a 25 anos de idade, portadores de percentuais de gordura normais, para fornecer modalidade de medida da cintura (perímetro abdominal personalizada e não generalizada. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados de forma não probabilística intencional 380 sujeitos do sexo masculino, da faixa etária entre 18 e 45 anos, estratos de estatura de 160 a 169 cm, 170 a 179 cm e de 180 a 189 cm, do banco de dados do Ambulatório da Clínica Escola da empresa IBRATE - Instituto Brasileiro de Therapias e Ensino, sede de Curitiba/PR, com dados inclusos entre os anos de 2004 a 2008. Desta população foram triados 174 indivíduos, da faixa etária entre 18 e 25 anos, possuidores de percentuais de gordura dentro da faixa de normalidade, ou seja, entre 4% e 16% de gordura. Foi determinado coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (r entre o percentual de gordura e o perímetro abdominal; foi determinada a média e o desvio-padrão de todas as variáveis dispostas, e o intervalo de confiança para 95% para média do perímetro abdominal e as razões cintura-estatura da população foram transcritos em percentuais, e determinadas as médias do perímetro abdominal. RESULTADOS: A análise da amostra de 174 indivíduos resultou estarem na faixa etária de 21,2 + 2,1 anos; com estatura de 174,3 + 6,2 cm; com percentual de gordura de 10,8 %; com medida do perímetro abdominal de 75,5 + 5,7 cm e com a razão cintura/estatura apresentando o valor de 0,43 + 0,033. CONCLUSÃO: Existe relação comum

  9. Instrumentos de gestion de suelo para vivienda de interes social en colombia: Análisis de caso

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    César García-Ubaque


    Full Text Available Disponer de suelo urbanizable es requisito indispensable para cumplir el propósito de brindar viviendas a la población, pero, el acceso a este suelo enfrenta obstáculos de tipo técnico, administrativo y normativo, que generan procesos caóticos de urbanización en las principales ciudades del país. En este artículo se analizan los instrumentos de gestión de suelo disponibles y utilizados en proyectos desarrollados por Metrovivienda en la localidad de Bosa en Bogotá D.C. Como resultado, se encuentra que las principales causas son: la escasez y los altos precios del suelo urbanizable y la persistencia del fenómeno de urbanización ilegal que pretende cubrir la demanda insatisfecha, especialmente para población no vinculada al mercado laboral formal. La Política Pública de Vivienda se enfoca principalmente en la asignación de subsidios a la demanda y la implementación de proyectos de construcción, pero, sin una Política Pública de Suelo que regule el uso y mercado, no se podrá planear a largo plazo y será muy difícil disminuir la brecha entre la oferta y la demanda de viviendas y lograr un desarrollo eficiente, equitativo y ordenado de la ciudad.

  10. [Late primary abdominal pregnancy. Case report]. (United States)

    Farías, Emigdio Torres; Gómez, Luis Guillermo Torres; Allegre, René Márquez; Higareda, Salvador Hernández


    Abdominal advanced pregnancy is an obstetric complication that put at risk maternal and fetal life. We report a case of advanced abdominal pregnancy with intact ovaries and fallopian tubes, without ureteroperitoneal fistulae and, late prenatal diagnosis, in a multiparous patient without risk factors, with alive newborn, and whose pregnancy was attended at Unidad Medica de Alta Especialidad, Hospital de Gineco-Obstetricia, Centro Medico Nacional de Occidente del IMSS, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.

  11. Update on the prevention of death from ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. (United States)

    Jacomelli, Jo; Summers, Lisa; Stevenson, Anne; Lees, Tim; Earnshaw, Jonothan J


    Objectives To monitor the early effect of a national population screening programme for abdominal aortic aneurysm in 65-year-old men. Setting The study used national statistics for death rates from abdominal aortic aneurysm (Office of National Statistics) and hospital admission data in England (Hospital Episode Statistics). Methods Information concerning deaths from abdominal aortic aneurysm (ruptured and non-ruptured) (1999-2014) and hospital admissions for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (2000-2015) was examined. Results The absolute number of deaths from abdominal aortic aneurysm in men and women aged 65 and over has decreased by around 30% from 2001 to 2014, but as the population has increased, the relative reduction was 45.6% and 40.0%, respectively. Some 65% of all abdominal aortic aneurysm deaths are in men aged over 65; women aged 65 and over account for around 31%. Deaths from ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm in men aged 60-74 (the screened group) appear to be declining at the same rate as in men aged 75 and over. The relative decline in admissions to hospital with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm may be greater in men and women aged 60-74 (which contains the screened group of men), than those older, giving the first possible evidence that abdominal aortic aneurysm screening is having an effect. Conclusion The death rate from abdominal aortic aneurysm is declining rapidly in England. There is the first evidence that screening may be contributing to this reduction.

  12. Prototipo informático para la determinación del nivel de riesgo en centros educativos

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    Ruíz Morales, Edward


    Full Text Available Se expone el desarrollo de un prototipo informático para estimar el nivel de riesgo por desastre en centros educativos de Costa Rica, partiendo del hecho de que estos están continuamente expuestos al impacto de multi-amenazas dadas las características del espacio geográfico centroamericano, donde interactúan tanto amenazas de origen natural como antrópico. Los centros educativos carecen de una guía automatizada para gestionar la información referente al riesgo asociado y fortalecer sus capacidades. El prototipo propuesto en este artículo es una solución alternativa para disminuir las carencias de información en el contexto de la reducción del riesgo en los centros educativos. Para su desarrollo, se realizó un proceso de consulta inicial que determinará los requerimientos funcionales y de información del prototipo y posteriormente se diseñó y construyó el mismo con el uso del Administrador de contenidos Drupal como plataforma. A raíz de este esfuerzo, Costa Rica hoy cuenta con una herramienta informática para la estimación del nivel de riesgo en centros educativos. / This work shows the development of a computer prototype to estimate the level of risk in elementary and high schools in Costa Rica, taking into consideration that schools are frequently exposed to the impact of hazards due to the country has multiple threats. Elementary and high schools have a lack automated guide information to manage the associated risk and strength its own capabilities. The prototype is presented as an alternative solution to reduce the lack of information in the context of the reduction of risk in schools. For the development, we firstly made a consultation process to find out the information and functional requirements and subsequently we designed and built the prototype on a Drupal CMS as platform. Today, in Costa Rica there is a computer tool locally developed for the estimation of the level of risk in elementary and high schools.

  13. DIEP breast reconstruction following multiple abdominal liposuction procedures. (United States)

    Farid, Mohammed; Nicholson, Simon; Kotwal, Ashutosh; Akali, Augustine


    Previous abdominal wall surgery is viewed as a contraindication to abdominal free tissue transfer. We present two patients who underwent multiple abdominal liposuction procedures, followed by successful free deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flap. We review the literature pertaining to reliability of abdominal free flaps in those with previous abdominal surgery. Review of case notes and radiological investigations of two patients, and a PubMed search using the terms "DIEP", "deep inferior epigastric", "TRAM", "transverse rectus abdominis", "perforator" and "laparotomy", "abdominal wall", "liposuction", "liposculpture", "fat graft", "pfannenstiel", with subsequent appraisal of relevant papers by the first and second authors. Patient 1 had 3 episodes of liposuction from the abdomen for fat grafting to a reconstructed breast. Subsequent revision reconstruction of the same breast with DIEP flap was preceded by CT angiography, which demonstrated normal perforator anatomy. The reconstruction healed well with no ischaemic complications. Patient 2 had 5 liposuction procedures from the abdomen to graft fat to a wide local excision defect. Recurrence of cancer led to mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with free DIEP flap. Preoperative MR angiography demonstrated a large perforator right of the umbilicus, with which the intraoperative findings were consistent. The patient had an uneventful recovery and good healing with no fat necrosis or wound dehiscence. We demonstrate that DIEP flaps can safely be raised without perfusion-related complications following multiple liposuction procedures to the abdomen. The safe interval between procedures is difficult to quantify, but we demonstrate successful free flap after 16 months.

  14. Imaging findings of abdominal extraosseous plasma cell neoplasm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Yang Sin; Byun, Jae Ho; Won, Hyung Jin; Kim, Ah Young; Shin, Yong Moon; Kim, Pyo Nyun; Ha, Hyun Kwon; Lee, Moon Gyu; Bae, Kyung Soo


    To evaluate the imaging findings of abdominal extraosseous plasma cell neoplasm. From April 2000 to January 2005, eight patients (four men, four women; mean age, 50.6 years) with pathologically proved, extraosseous plasma cell neoplasm involving the abdominal organs were included in this study. The diagnoses were based on consensus agreement between two radiologists who retrospectively reviewed CT, ultrasonography, and enteroclysis findings. We evaluated the findings by focusing on the location, size, margin, and enhancement pattern of the lesion, and lymphadenopathy on each image. There were multiple myeloma in four patients and extramedullary plasmacytoma in the remaining four. Involved abdominal organs were the liver (n = 4), spleen (n 4), lymph node (n = 3), stomach (n = 1), small bowel (n = 1), and colon (n 1). The hepatic involvement of plasma cell neoplasm presented as a homogeneous, well-defined, solitary mass (n = 1), multiple nodules (n = 1), and hepatomegaly (n = 2). Its involvement of the spleen and lymph node appeared as splenomegaly and lymphadenopathy, respectively. Its involvement of the gastrointestinal tract including the stomach, small bowel, and colon, presented as a homogeneous, diffuse wall thickening or mass in the gastrointestinal tract. Abdominal extraosseous plasma cell neoplasm involves occasionally the liver, spleen, and lymph node, and rarely the gastrointestinal tract. When we encounter a well-defined, homogeneous lesion of the abdominal organs in patients diagnosed or suspected as having plasma cell neoplasm, we should consider its involvement of the abdominal organs

  15. Common Functional Gastroenterologic Disorders Associated With Abdominal Pain (United States)

    Bharucha, Adil E.; Chakraborty, Subhankar; Sletten, Christopher D.


    Although abdominal pain is a symptom of several structural gastrointestinal disorders (eg, peptic ulcer disease), this comprehensive review will focus on the 4 most common nonstructural, or functional, disorders associated with abdominal pain: functional dyspepsia, constipation-predominant and diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome, and functional abdominal pain syndrome. Together, these conditions affect approximately 1 in 4 people in the United States. They are associated with comorbid conditions (eg, fibromyalgia, depression), impaired quality of life, and increased health care utilization. Symptoms are explained by disordered gastrointestinal motility and sensation, which are implicated in a variety of peripheral (eg, postinfectious inflammation, luminal irritants) and/or central (eg, stress and anxiety) factors. These disorders are defined and can generally be diagnosed by symptoms alone. Often prompted by alarm features, selected testing is useful to exclude structural disease. Identifying the specific diagnosis (eg, differentiating between functional abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome) and establishing an effective patient-physician relationship are the cornerstones of therapy. Many patients with mild symptoms can be effectively managed with limited tests, sensible dietary modifications, and over-the-counter medications tailored to symptoms. If these measures are not sufficient, pharmacotherapy should be considered for bowel symptoms (constipation or diarrhea) and/or abdominal pain; opioids should not be used. Behavioral and psychological approaches (eg, cognitive behavioral therapy) can be very helpful, particularly in patients with chronic abdominal pain who require a multidisciplinary pain management program without opioids. PMID:27492916

  16. Clinical application of PET in abdominal cancers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Chang Woon


    Clinical application of positron emission tomography (PET) is rapidly increasing for the detection and staging of cancer at whole-body studies performed with the glucose analogue tracer 2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FG). Although FDG PET cannot match the anatomic resolution of conventional imaging techniques in the liver and the other abdominal organs, it is particularly useful for identification and characterization of the entire body simultaneously. FDG PET can show foci of metastatic disease that may not be apparent at conventional anatomic imaging and can aid in the characterizing of indeterminate soft-tissue masses. Most abdominal cancer requires surgical management. FGD PET can improve the selection of patients for surgical treatment and thereby reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with inappropriate surgery. FDG PET is also useful for the early detection of recurrence and the monitoring of therapeutic effect. The abdominal cancers, such as gastroesophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer and pancreatic cancer, are common malignancies in Korea, and PET is one of the most promising and useful methodologies for the management of abdominal cancers

  17. Lactose and Fructose Intolerance in Turkish Children with Chronic Abdominal Pain. (United States)

    Yuce, Ozlem; Kalayci, Ayhan Gazi; Comba, Atakan; Eren, Esra; Caltepe, Gonul


    To investigate the prevalence of lactose and fructose intolerance in children with chronic abdominal pain. Hydrogen breath tests were done to detect lactose and fructose malabsorption in 86 children with chronic abdominal pain (44 irritable bowel syndrome, 24 functional abdominal pain and 17 functional abdominal pain syndrome as per Rome III criteria) presenting to a Pediatric Gastroentreology department. 14 (16.3%) of patients were diagnosed with lactose intolerance and 11 (12.8%) with fructose intolerance. Lactose and fructose intolerance in children can lead to chronic abdominal pain and symptoms improve with dietary modifications.

  18. Sistemas silvopastoriles para mejorar la producción de leche y disminuir el estrés calórico en la región Caribe colombiana


    Barragán Hernández, Wilson Andrés


    La ganadería doble propósito en la región Caribe Colombiana, representa un alto porcentajes del inventario bovino en la región, sin embargo se presenta bajos parámetros productivos y reproductivos que condicionan su inserción en mercados nacionales e internacionales. El uso de sistemas silvopastoriles como alternativas de producción ganadera puede constituirse en una herramienta valiosa para combatir los problemas de degradación y aumentar la productividad del sistema de producción bovino dob...

  19. Diagnostic ultrasonography in cattle with abdominal fat necrosis. (United States)

    Tharwat, Mohamed; Buczinski, Sébastien


    This study describes the ultrasonographic findings in 14 cows with abdominal fat necrosis. Ultrasonography of the abdomen revealed the presence of heterogeneous hyperechoic masses and hyperechoic omentum with localized masses floating in a hypoechoic peritoneal fluid. A hyperechogenic rim was imaged around both kidneys. The intestines were coated with hyperechoic capsules and the intestinal lumens were constricted. Ultrasonographic examination of the pancreatic parenchyma showed an overall increased echogenicity which was homogenously distributed in 3 cases. A diagnosis of abdominal fat necrosis was made with ultrasound-guided biopsy of the echogenic masses, and thereafter at postmortem examination. Results from this study demonstrate the efficacy of ultrasonography as an imaging modality for antemortem diagnosis of abdominal lipomatosis in cattle. To the authors' knowledge, this study is the first that illustrates ultrasonographic findings in cattle affected with abdominal lipomatosis.


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    E.A. Kornienko


    Full Text Available Results of treatment of 30 children with visceral abdominal pain caused by different etiological factors with neurotropic selective m9cholinergic antagonist hyoscine butilbromide (buscopan are presented in this article. Two groups of children were treated with hyoscine butilbromide and drotaverine accordingly. Administration of hyoscine butilbromide allows to stop pain in 93% of patients; mean duration of abdominal pain was 3,4 ± 1,2 days (4,2 ± 1,4 days in children treated with drotaverine, р < 0,05. Activity of dyspeptic disorders was decreased at the time of treatment. a tolerance to hyoscine butilbromide was satisfactory, and no adverse events were registered. hyoscine butilbromide is effective in treatment of visceral abdominal pain in children, allowing shortening its duration more actively then drotaverine.Key words: children, visceral abdominal pain, hyoscine butilbromide.

  1. Childhood poverty and abdominal obesity in adulthood: a systematic review Pobreza na infância e obesidade abdominal na vida adulta: revisão sistemática

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    David González


    Full Text Available Adverse socioeconomic conditions in childhood can have lasting effects on health, but evidence is lacking from prospective studies concerning the effects of early poverty on abdominal obesity in adulthood. Cross-sectional studies in adults from middle and high-income countries show that current socioeconomic status is inversely related to obesity in women, but the pattern in men is not consistent. A systematic review was undertaken to assess the influence of early socioeconomic status on waist circumference, hip circumference, and waist-hip ratio in adulthood. Thirteen relevant articles were located (five cross-sectional and eight cohort, including only one from a middle-income country and the remainder from high-income settings. In all the studies, childhood poverty was associated with higher levels of abdominal obesity in women. In men, the associations were weaker, and no clear pattern emerged.Condições sócio-econômicas adversas na infância podem exercer efeitos duradouros sobre a saúde de adultos, mas são poucos os estudos longitudinais que avaliaram os efeitos sobre a obesidade abdominal. Estudos transversais em adultos de países de renda média e alta mostram uma associação inversa entre obesidade e posição sócio-econômica atual em mulheres, mas para os homens não se observa um padrão consistente. Entre homens e crianças de ambos os sexos não existe um padrão definido. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática dos estudos que avaliaram a posição sócio-econômica precoce e o seu efeito na circunferência da cintura, a circunferência do quadril e/ou na razão cintura-quadril em adultos. Dos 13 trabalhos incluídos (cinco transversais e oito coortes, apenas um foi realizado em um país de renda média, sendo os demais provenientes de países de renda alta. Em todos os estudos, a pobreza na infância esteve associada com maiores níveis de obesidade abdominal em mulheres. Em homens, as associações foram de menor

  2. Abdominal wall hernias: imaging with spiral CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stabile Ianora, A.A.; Midiri, M.; Vinci, R.; Rotondo, A.; Angelelli, G.


    Computed tomography is an accurate method of identifying the various types of abdominal wall hernias, especially if they are clinically occult, and of distinguishing them from other diseases such as hematomas, abscesses and neoplasia. In this study we examined the CT images of 94 patients affected by abdominal wall hernias observed over a period of 6 years. Computed tomography clearly demonstrates the anatomical site of the hernial sac, the content and any occlusive bowel complications due to incarceration or strangulation. Clinical diagnosis of external hernias is particularly difficult in obese patients or in those with laparotic scars. In these cases abdominal imaging is essential for a correct preoperative diagnosis and to determine the most effective treatment. (orig.)

  3. Penetrating abdominal injuries: management controversies (United States)

    Butt, Muhammad U; Zacharias, Nikolaos; Velmahos, George C


    Penetrating abdominal injuries have been traditionally managed by routine laparotomy. New understanding of trajectories, potential for organ injury, and correlation with advanced radiographic imaging has allowed a shift towards non-operative management of appropriate cases. Although a selective approach has been established for stab wounds, the management of abdominal gunshot wounds remains a matter of controversy. In this chapter we describe the rationale and methodology of selecting patients for non-operative management. We also discuss additional controversial issues, as related to antibiotic prophylaxis, management of asymptomatic thoracoabdominal injuries, and the use of colostomy vs. primary repair for colon injuries. PMID:19374761

  4. Penetrating abdominal injuries: management controversies

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    Velmahos George C


    Full Text Available Abstract Penetrating abdominal injuries have been traditionally managed by routine laparotomy. New understanding of trajectories, potential for organ injury, and correlation with advanced radiographic imaging has allowed a shift towards non-operative management of appropriate cases. Although a selective approach has been established for stab wounds, the management of abdominal gunshot wounds remains a matter of controversy. In this chapter we describe the rationale and methodology of selecting patients for non-operative management. We also discuss additional controversial issues, as related to antibiotic prophylaxis, management of asymptomatic thoracoabdominal injuries, and the use of colostomy vs. primary repair for colon injuries.

  5. Embarazo ectópico abdominal


    Karen Luz Torres Rojas; Miguel Blanco Paz; Gerardo Celorrio Montiel


    La incidencia de embarazo ectópico ha aumentado en los últimos años hasta 1:43 recién nacidos. La variedad abdominal es una de las menos frecuentes, su incidencia es de 1:10mil  nacidos vivos. El 1% de los embarazos ectópicos son abdominales y la implantación en el epiplón es una rara entidad. Pueden clasificarse como primarios o secundarios en función de que se originen o no en la cavidad peritoneal. Se presenta un caso de embarazo abdominal primario, localizado en cara posterior del útero y...

  6. Implementación de la estadística en los negocios y la industria


    Abraham, Bovas


    Los estadísticos han desarrollado muchas herramientas para su aplicación en problemas prácticos. Estas herramientas están disponibles para ser utilizadas en el mejoramiento de los negocios en general y para solucionar problemas industriales. Sin embargo, existe una brecha entre las herramientas disponibles y las que utilizan las organizaciones industriales y de negocios. Por tanto, es importante que los estadísticos dirijan su atención a disminuir esta brecha si se quiere que la estadística s...

  7. Análisis transcriptómico y proteómico de Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 en respuesta a cianuro


    Escribano Fernández, María de la Paz


    El cianuro es un compuesto natural muy tóxico para los seres vivos debido a su elevada afinidad por los metales, lo que provoca la inhibición de metaloenzimas, algunas de ellas esenciales para la vida. Además, esta afinidad del cianuro por los metales podría disminuir de la biodisponibilidad de algunos metales necesarios para procesos biológicos específicos. Muchos organismos son capaces de producir cianuro (cianogénesis), tolerarlo e incluso asimilarlo. Las plantas son la mayo...

  8. Achados ultra-sonográficos abdominais em pacientes com dengue Abdominal ultrasound findings in patients with dengue fever

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    Karen Amaral do Vabo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar os achados ultra-sonográficos abdominais em pacientes com dengue e compará-los aos descritos na literatura. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram realizados exames ultra-sonográficos abdominais de 38 pacientes, 25 do sexo feminino e 13 do sexo masculino, com idade média de 35 anos, com diagnóstico de dengue sorologicamente confirmado. Os achados foram comparados com os descritos na literatura. RESULTADOS: Os achados ultra-sonográficos mais relevantes foram espessamento difuso da parede da vesícula biliar em 18 casos (47,4%, líquido livre na cavidade abdominal e/ou pélvica em 12 (31,6%, esplenomegalia em 11 (28,9%, hepatomegalia em 10 (26,3% e líquido pericolecístico em 10 (26,3%. Vinte e seis por cento dos pacientes apresentaram exames ultra-sonográficos normais. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados ultra-sonográficos abdominais são uma ferramenta adicional útil na confirmação de casos suspeitos de dengue hemorrágica e na detecção precoce da gravidade e da progressão da doença, sendo de extrema importância para o radiologista o conhecimento destes possíveis achados.OBJECTIVE: To review the abdominal ultrasound findings in patients with serologically proven dengue fever and to compare the results with data from the literature. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-eight patients with serologically proven dengue fever, 25 female and 13 male, mean age of 35 years, were submitted to abdominal ultrasound. The ultrasound findings were compared with data from the literature. RESULTS: The most relevant ultrasound findings were diffuse gallbladder wall thickening in 18 cases (47.4%, abdominal and/or pelvic free fluid in 12 (31.6%, splenomegaly in 11 (28.9%, hepatomegaly in 10 (26.3% and perivesicular fluid in 10 (26.3%. Twenty-six percent of the patients had normal abdominal ultrasound. CONCLUSION: Abdominal sonography is a useful additional diagnostic tool for the confirmation of suspected cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever and for the

  9. Paralelización del Algoritmo Expectación–Maximización Utilizando OpenCL

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    Ernesto Insua-Suárez


    Full Text Available Actualmente, las organizaciones y empresas almacenan grandes volúmenes de datos para lograr sus propósitos. Una de las variantes para obtener información valiosa consiste en el empleo de la Minería de datos. Dentro de esta, existen diferentes tareas, una de ellas es el agrupamiento. En esta tarea los datos se agrupan según sus semejanzas entre si y diferencias con elementos de otros grupos. Dentro de los algoritmos que realizan estos agrupamientos se encuentra Expectación-Maximización, el cual presenta elevados tiempos de ejecución en la medida que aumenta el tamaño de los datos. En el presente artículo se discute acerca de la paralelización del algoritmo, utilizando técnicas de programación paralela. El diseño del algoritmo propuesto se basa en el uso de las tarjetas de procesamiento gráfico, GPU. OpenCL, lenguaje empleado para la programación en arquitecturas híbridas, permite aprovechar las arquitecturas de hardware disponibles, con lo que se logra disminuir el tiempo de ejecución de la implementación realizada. La razón principal por lo cual es posible mejorar este tiempo se debe a la cantidad de procesos paralelos que se pueden lanzar en hilos de procesamientos independientes. Para el logro de los resultados descritos se integran conocimientos del campo de la Minería de datos y la Computación Paralela y Distribuida. Como parte de esta investigación, se realizó una implementación del algoritmo utilizando las bibliotecas de OpenCL, para disminuir su tiempo de ejecución. La implementación logra disminuir en un 82% la implementación secuencial. Esto significa que el algoritmo paralelo se ejecuta 5,5 veces más rápido que su correspondiente implementación secuencial.

  10. Focal epilepsy with ictal abdominal pain: a case report


    Cerminara, Caterina; El Malhany, Nadia; Roberto, Denis; Curatolo, Paolo


    Focal epilepsy with ictal abdominal pain is an unusual partial epilepsy characterized by paroxysmal episodes of abdominal or visceral pain, disturbance of awareness and electroencephalographic abnormalities. We describe a new case of ictal abdominal pain in which gastrointestinal complaints were the only manifestation of seizures and review the previously described pediatric patients. In our patient clinical findings, ictal EEG abnormalities, and a good response to antiepileptic drugs allowed...

  11. Fallopian Tube Herniation through Left Sided Abdominal Drain Site. (United States)

    Hussain, Khalid; Masood, Jovaria


    Intra-abdominal drains have been used since long to prevent intra-abdominal collection, and detect any anastomotic leaks. We report a case of left sided fallopian tube herniation from a left lower abdominal drain site in a 27-year female who underwent caesarian section for breach presentation. Several complications related to drain usage has been described but left sided fallopian tube prolapse through drain site has not been reported in literature.

  12. [The etiological aspects of acute abdominal pain in children]. (United States)

    Dinu, C A; Moraru, D


    The study of the etiological aspects of acute abdominal pain in children, in order to perceive the clinical-etiological correlations and the disorders distribution related to age, gender and the origin of the patients. The criteria for including patients were age (between 0 and 18 years) and the presence of acute abdominal pain before or during the consultation with the physician. The research on acute abdominal pain in children was performed on the level of the Surgery and Pediatrics II clinical departments of the "Sf. Ioan" Children's Emergency Clinical Hospital in Galati, between 01.01.2009 - 01.01.2011. The clinical study performed on the patients registered in the studied groups focused on the identification, the evaluation of the symptoms of acute abdominal pain in children, diagnosing and treating it. The criteria for excluding patients were an age older than 18 years or the absence of acute abdominal pain as a symptom before or during the examination. The statistical analysis used the descriptive and analytical methods. The data was centralized and statistically processed in M.S.EXCEL and S.P.S.S. databases. The patients with acute abdominal pain represent a percentage of 92.9% (2358 cases) of the total number of patients who suffer from abdominal pain (N=2537). The highest frequency of cases is represented by acute appendicitis (1056 cases - 44.8%). In the 5-18 years age group, acute appendicitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis, ovarian follicular cysts, acute pyelenophritis and salpingitis are predominant. In the 0-4 years age group gastroenteritis, acute pharyngitis, reactive hepatitis and lower digestive bleeding are predominant. In females, acute appendicitis, gastroenteritis, gastroduodenitis and cystitis are predominant, whereas in males, peritonitis, sepsis through E. coli, the contusion of the abdominal wall and acute pharyngitis are predominant.

  13. Abdominal emergencies during pregnancy. (United States)

    Bouyou, J; Gaujoux, S; Marcellin, L; Leconte, M; Goffinet, F; Chapron, C; Dousset, B


    Abdominal emergencies during pregnancy (excluding obstetrical emergencies) occur in one out of 500-700 pregnancies and may involve gastrointestinal, gynecologic, urologic, vascular and traumatic etiologies; surgery is necessary in 0.2-2% of cases. Since these emergencies are relatively rare, patients should be referred to specialized centers where surgical, obstetrical and neonatal cares are available, particularly because surgical intervention increases the risk of premature labor. Clinical presentations may be atypical and misleading because of pregnancy-associated anatomical and physiologic alterations, which often result in diagnostic uncertainty and therapeutic delay with increased risks of maternal and infant morbidity. The most common abdominal emergencies are acute appendicitis (best treated by laparoscopic appendectomy), acute calculous cholecystitis (best treated by laparoscopic cholecystectomy from the first trimester through the early part of the third trimester) and intestinal obstruction (where medical treatment is the first-line approach, just as in the non-pregnant patient). Acute pancreatitis is rare, usually resulting from trans-ampullary passage of gallstones; it usually resolves with medical treatment but an elevated risk of recurrent episodes justifies laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the 2nd trimester and endoscopic sphincterotomy in the 3rd trimester. The aim of the present work is to review pregnancy-induced anatomical and physiological modifications, to describe the main abdominal emergencies during pregnancy, their specific features and their diagnostic and therapeutic management. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  14. Anestesia peridural contínua com ropivacaína a 0,2% associada a anestesia geral para cirurgia do abdômen superior em crianças Anestesia peridural contínua con ropivacaína a 0,2% asociada a anestesia general para cirugía del abdomen superior en niños Continuous epidural anesthesia with 0.2% ropivacaine associated to general anesthesia for upper abdominal surgery in children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jyrson Guilherme Klamt


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Técnicas anestésicas têm sido empregadas em pacientes pediátricos para vários tipos de cirurgias, apresentando entre outras vantagens, a analgesia pós-operatória. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o ritmo de infusão de propofol e a recuperação pós-anestésica de crianças submetidas à cirurgia abdominal alta sob anestesia peridural torácica com ropivacaína a 0,2%, associada à anestesia geral com propofol ou propofol mais sufentanil. MÉTODO: Vinte e seis crianças ASA I, II e III, com idades entre 0 e 4 anos, submetidas à cirurgia abdominal alta foram selecionadas para anestesia peridural torácica (T7-T8 com ropivacaína a 0,2% (1,5 Foram divididas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: Propofol (infusão de propofol e Sufentanil (infusão de propofol mais sufentanil 1 µ Os ritmos de infusões de propofol foram de 20 e 10 nos grupos Propofol e Sufentanil, respectivamente, ajustadas de modo a manter a pressão arterial cerca de 20% dos valores pré-indução e interrompidas 10 a 15 minutos antes do final estimado da cirurgia. A recuperação pós-anestésica foi avaliada através de uma escala modificada de Aldrete-Kroulik e a sedação avaliada através de uma escala de 5 pontos. RESULTADOS: Duas crianças de cada grupo foram excluídas por problemas técnicos. O ritmo de infusão foi significativamente menor no grupo Sufentanil em relação ao grupo Propofol durante 100 minutos após o início da cirurgia. Os tempos para extubação e transferência para a sala de recuperação pós-anestésica (SRPA foram significativamente menores no grupo Propofol, porém a intensidade e a duração da sedação foram maiores nesse grupo em relação ao grupo Sufentanil. Os escores de recuperação foram similares nos dois grupos. Após 3 horas na SRPA, todos pacientes haviam atingido os critérios para transferência para as enfermarias. Hipotensão arterial transitória foi observada em 2


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    David Agualsaca


    Full Text Available En la actualidad existe un uso irracional de la energía eléctrica en los hogares por la inclusión de equipos electrónicos en las actividades cotidianas y a los malos hábitos de consumo de la misma, como dejar luces encendidas en áreas inutilizadas y equipos en modo stand by. Las tendencias mundiales por el cuidado del medio ambiente exigen medidas para contribuir al ahorro de energía y disminuir el impacto que genera el producirla, por lo tanto no es posible pasar por alto el consumo de los equipos electrónicos de potencia media en modo stand by, que si bien los consumos individuales son relativamente bajos, la suma de cada uno de los aparatos electrónicos es un valor a ser tomado en cuenta. El presente articulo pretende dar una guía en el disenso y la implementación de un supresor de energía en estado stand by para equipos electrónicos de potencia media, y brindar una idea clara del ahorro tanto energético como económico que podría generar al ser implementado en hogares y oficinas principalmente.

  16. Ethnic influences on the relations between abdominal subcutaneous and visceral adiposity, liver fat, and cardiometabolic risk profile: the International Study of Prediction of Intra-Abdominal Adiposity and Its Relationship With Cardiometabolic Risk/Intra-Abdominal Adiposity. (United States)

    Nazare, Julie-Anne; Smith, Jessica D; Borel, Anne-Laure; Haffner, Steven M; Balkau, Beverley; Ross, Robert; Massien, Christine; Alméras, Natalie; Després, Jean-Pierre


    Ethnic differences in cardiometabolic risk (CMR) may be related to patterns of ethnic-specific body fat distribution. We aimed to identify differences across ethnic groups in interrelations between BMI, abdominal adiposity, liver fat, and CMR profile. In the International Study of Prediction of Intra-Abdominal Adiposity and Its Relationship With Cardiometabolic Risk/Intra-Abdominal Adiposity, 297 physicians recruited 4504 patients (from 29 countries). In the current cross-sectional analyses, 2011 whites, 166 African Caribbean blacks, 381 Hispanics, 1192 East Asians, and 347 Southeast Asians were included. Computed tomography was used to assess abdominal fat distribution and to estimate liver fat content. Anthropometric variables and CMR profile were measured. Higher ranges of BMI were associated with higher levels of visceral [visceral adipose tissue (VAT)] and deep subcutaneous [deep subcutaneous adipose tissue (DSAT)] adiposity, with significant ethnic differences regarding the slope of these relations. Despite lower absolute BMI values, East Asians presented the largest accumulation of VAT but the lowest accumulation of DSAT with increasing adiposity. The association of BMI with liver fat did not differ between ethnic groups. Liver fat and DSAT were positively correlated with VAT with no ethnic variation. All ethnic groups had a similar association between a 1-SD increase in VAT, DSAT, or liver fat with hypertension, type 2 diabetes, hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL-cholesterol concentration, or high C-reactive protein concentration. Ethnicity significantly affects abdominal adiposity and liver fat partitioning, and East Asians have the most deleterious abdominal fat distribution. Irrespective of ethnicity, abdominal and hepatic fat depots are strongly interrelated and increased with obesity. Higher amounts of VAT or liver fat are associated with a more deteriorated CMR profile in all ethnic groups.

  17. Abdominal cocoon: sonographic features. (United States)

    Vijayaraghavan, S Boopathy; Palanivelu, Chinnusamy; Sendhilkumar, Karuppusamy; Parthasarathi, Ramakrishnan


    An abdominal cocoon is a rare condition in which the small bowel is encased in a membrane. The diagnosis is usually established at surgery. Here we describe the sonographic features of this condition.

  18. Chest radiography and abdominal ultrasound in general practice

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Speets, Anouk Mariëlle


    Chest radiography (CXR) and abdominal ultrasound (US) are two widely used diagnostic imaging techniques in Western societies. General practitioners (GPs) in The Netherlands annually request approximately 500,000 CXRs and 200,000 abdominal US, and therefore clearly place a burden on health care.

  19. Paediatric surgical abdominal emergencies in a north central ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Paediatric surgical abdominal emergencies in a north central Nigerian centre. ... The causes of PSAEs vary worldwide, and the management is challenging, often with unimaginably poor outcome if not carefully handled. The aim of this ... Keywords: abdominal emergencies, acute abdomen, children, morbidity, mortality ...

  20. Intra-abdominal fat: Comparison of computed tomography fat ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Intra-abdominal fat is an important factor in determining the metabolic syndrome/insulin resistance, and thus the risk of diabetes and ischaemic heart disease. Computed Tomography (CT) fat segmentation represents a defined method of quantifying intra-abdominal fat, with attendant radiation risks.