
Sample records for techniques disponibles permettant

  1. Non disponible / Not available


    Pierre , Cuny


    Non disponible / Not available; La restauration des dents antérieures par la céramique collée impose une réussite au niveau de la biocompatibilité, de la forme mais également de la couleur du résultat définitif. En raison de l'opacité variable des céramiques utilisées, les industriels proposent des polymères de collage dont le mécanisme de prise est dit « dual ». Une gamme étendue de couleur de ces polymères decollage ainsi que des niveaux d'opacité variable permettent de répondre au mieux à ...

  2. ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNIQUE TECHNICAL TRAINING Places disponibles*/Places available **

    CERN Multimedia


    * Etant donné le délai d'impression du Bulletin, ces places peuvent ne plus être disponibles au moment de sa parution. Veuillez consulter notre site Web pour avoir la dernière mise à jour. ** The number of places available may vary. Please check our Web site to find out the current availability. Des places sont disponibles dans les cours suivants : Places are available in the following courses : Java 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 2 : Enterprise JavaBeans : 8 - 10.10.2003 (3 days) FileMaker - niveau 1 : 9 & 10.10.03 (2 jours) EXCEL 2000 - niveau 1 : 20 & 22.10.03 (2 jours) CLEAN-2002 : Working in a Cleanroom : 23.10.03 (half day, free of charge) Plannification de projet avec MS-Project/Project Scheduling with MS-Project : 2 sessions : 23.10 & 4.11.03 and 18 &25.11.03 (2 jours/2 days - langue à définir/language to be defined) AutoCAD 2002 – Level 1 : 3, 4, 12, 13.11.03 (4 days) Introduction to Pspice : 4.11...

  3. Non disponible / Not available


    Muriel , Henry


    Non disponible / Not available; L'incidence et la prévalence de l'insuffisance rénale chronique terminale (IRCT) en France sont en augmentation. Lors de cette maladie, la fonction rénale diminue et les reins ne peuvent plus assurer leurs fonctions.Le recours à une technique de suppléance est obligatoire pour vivre.Ces techniques sont la dialyse péritonéale, l'hémodialyse et la greffe rénale.Les patients en insuffisance rénale chronique terminale sont des patients polymédiqués. Il existe de no...

  4. Non disponible / Not available


    Maud , Conti


    Non disponible / Not available; La stratification des résines composites sur dents antérieures est la méthode directe qui devrait être systématiquement employée pour reconstituer la région antérieure.En effet, cette technique permet d'obtenir d'excellents résultats durables et esthétiques. Cependant, elle requiert un certain apprentissage puisqu'il s'agit d'apposer des couches successives de résine composite dans le bon ordre et dans de bonnes proportions, en suivant un protocole bien précis....

  5. Non disponible / Not available


    Bernard , Nguyen


    Non disponible / Not available; La chronobiologie est une science récente qui apporte une nouvelle manière de voir la médecine. La chronobiologie, grâce aux développements des moyens techniques de mesure physiologique, a contribué à faire d'importants progrès dans les connaissances tant dans le domaine de la physiologie que de la pathologie ou de la thérapeutique. Et son étude dans l'hypertension artérielle semble logique, puisqu'en France cette pathologie touche jusqu'à 20 à 30% de la popula...

  6. Non disponible / Not available


    Edouard , Kunegel


    Non disponible / Not available; Seules trois méthodes de traitement, aujourd'hui, s'offrent au patient insuffisant rénal chronique (IRC) en phase terminale : la dialyse péritonéale, l'hémodialyse, et la transplantation rénale. L'esquisse de ces techniques sera dessinée au fil de ce travail, avec un focus particulier sur l'hémodialyse, méthode à ce jour encore la plus utilisée. À ses débuts, les résultats proposés par cette procédure, assortis d'une lourde mortalité, étaient peu concluants.Jus...

  7. Non disponible / Not available


    Térence , Courbariaux


    Non disponible / Not available; Suite à la parution de l'article R.5104-15 du code de la santé publique 2003 relatif aux responsabilités portées par les pharmacies à usage intérieur, le CHU de Brabois a fait le pari de remplacer une partie du matériel stérile par de l'usage unique. Cette décision a nécessité la mise en place d'une centrale d'approvisionnement en matériel stérile (CAMS). Afin de se prévenir des risques de rupture et de péremption, des techniques de gestion du stock de DMS ont ...

  8. Boilers. Comparison of the main available techniques for boilers to comply with new regulations; Les chaudieres, comparaison des principales techniques disponibles permettant aux chaudieres de respecter les nouvelles reglementations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bouju, J.L. [Babcock Entreprise, 93 - La Courneuve (France)


    The main techniques, presently available, that can lead to a consequent decrease in pollutant emissions, are presented pointing out their advantages and drawbacks: sulfur oxide emissions can be lowered by fuel processing and fume desulfurization (through desulfurizer in situ injection or a downstream treatment for solid and liquid fuels); NOx emissions are decreased through fume recycling, low-NOx burners, air staging (OFA), combustion chamber over-dimensioning, combustion air temperature reduction, re-burning (IFR), injection of de-nitrifying agents (at high temperature without catalysts, at low temperature with catalysts). Associations of these techniques are also discussed. Ash processing is studied for coal and fuel oil, depending on the NOx and SOx previously selected cleansing techniques

  9. Places disponibles*/Places available **

    CERN Multimedia


    Des places sont disponibles dans les cours suivants : Places are available in the following course : Java 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 2 : Enterprise JavaBeans : 20 - 22.1.03 (3 days) Introduction to PVSS : 27.1.03 (Afternoon) free course but registration necessary Basic PVSS : 28 - 30.1.03 (3 days) MAGNE-03 - Magnétisme pour l'électrotechnique : 28 - 30.1.03 (3 jours) MAGNE-03 - Magnetism for Technical Electronics : 11 - 13.2.03 (3 days) AutoCAD 2002 - niveau 1 : 24, 25.2 et 3, 4.3.03 (4 jours) AutoCAD 2002 - niveau 2 : 10 & 11.3.03 (2 jours) C++ for Particle Physicists : 10 - 14.3.03 (6 X 3 hour lectures) AutoCAD Mechanical 6 PowerPack (F) : 12, 13, 17, 18, 24 & 25.3.03 (6 jours) * Etant donné le délai d'impression du Bulletin, ces places peuvent ne plus être disponibles au moment de sa parution. Veuillez consulter notre site Web pour avoir la dernière mise à jour. ** The number of places available may vary. Please check our Web site to find out the current availability. Si vous désirez ...

  10. Non disponible / Not available


    Claire , Michel


    Non disponible / Not available; Introduction : Les capacités de reconnaissance des expressions faciales s’altèrent avec l’âge et dans certaines pathologies telles que la maladie d’Alzheimer mais aussi, entre autres, dans d’autres démences, maladies neurologiques ou psychiatriques. Les soignants peuvent-ils être assimilés à la population générale en ce qui concerne la reconnaissance des expressions faciales ? Les patients atteints de maladie d’Alzheimer sont-ils capables d’exprimer des émotion...

  11. Non disponible / Not available


    Sonia , Assili


    Non disponible / Not available; Dans de nombreux pays développés, les patients cherchent des alternatives auxsoins dentaires devenus difficiles d’accès pour de multiples raisons. Parallèlement, lamondialisation n’épargne aucun secteur, si bien que nous assistons à la commercialisation dela santé. Le patient tend à devenir un consommateur de soins et le praticien un délivreur desoins. L’offre de soins à l’étranger et aujourd’hui dans des centres dentaires dits « low-cost »apparaissent comme un...

  12. Non disponible / Not available


    Marc , Thomas


    Non disponible / Not available; Les inspecteurs de santé publique travaillent désormais au sein de l'ARS.Ils veillent au respect et à l'application du code de la santé publique et mènent des inspections dans les pharmacies d'officine notamment pour contrôler le travail du pharmacien concernant les médicaments thermo-sensibles.Le respect de la chaîne du froid est un enjeu quotidien pour le pharmacien.Quels sont les recommandations à suivre et sur quels critères doit-il se baser pour respecter ...

  13. Non disponible / Not available


    Romuald , Bour


    Non disponible / Not available; La prise en charge d'une personne institutionnalisée atteinte de démence est souvent marquée par l'apparition de troubles du comportement perturbateurs pour la vie des autres résidents et la réalisation des soins. Ces situations peuvent amener les Médecins Traitants, en synergie avec le personnel soignant, à recourir aux Consultations Mémoire en vue d'une réévaluation clinique, d'une adaptation thérapeutique ou de la mise en place de traitements non pharmacolog...

  14. Non disponible / Not available


    Fabrice , Lavigne


    Non disponible / Not available; Nous rapportons les résultats d'une enquête prospective de 6 mois concernant 441 patients ayant présenté une douleur abdominale aiguë. Cette étude a pour objectif d 'étudier lors d'affection abdominale aiguë, d'autres paramètres hématologiques que la classique hyperleucocytose avec polynucleose neutrophile.Plus la lymphopénie est profonde, plus l'affection est potentiellement sévère; cependant sa sensibilité est faible. Une lymphopénie profonde est un pronostic...

  15. Non disponible / Not available


    Clément , Wielgus


    Non disponible / Not available; L'insuffisance rénale chronique touche plus de 2,5 millions de français. Parmi eux, plus de 55000 personnes en stade terminal, doivent recourir à un traitement de suppléance, qui, le plus souvent, est l'hémodialyse. Cette insuffisance rénale terminale est souvent associée et attribuable à d'autres maladies. C'est la diminution du nombre de néphrons sains fonctionnels qui entraîne l'apparition des symptômes de l'insuffisance rénale chronique. Ainsi le syndrome n...

  16. Non disponible / Not available


    Alexandre , Eichelberger


    Non disponible / Not available; Les objectifs de cette contribution sont d'exposer la relation qui existe entre la lumière et la matière. L'approche que nous avons de la couleur d'un matériau de restauration est mise en évidence tant au niveau de sa perception que de la relation qu'elle peut avoir avec la translucidité de celui-ci. La structure et la composition des céramiques dentaires et des résinescomposites sont exposées de manière à mieux comprendre les différentes difficultés de choix d...

  17. Non disponible / Not available


    Marion , Panek


    Non disponible / Not available; La peur du chirurgien-dentiste est un problème sérieux et très répandu. Chez les enfants, elle est la principale cause de difficultés comportementales au fauteuil, d'interférences avec le bon déroulement des séances et parfois d'orientation vers des structures spécialisées. Cela engendre bien souvent des conséquences négatives pour la santé buccodentaires du jeune patient sans oublier l'impact émotionnel (honte, impuissance ). Cependant des soins dentaires de b...

  18. Non disponible / Not available


    Aurélie , Moronval


    Non disponible / Not available; Après différents rappels sur la structure du parodonte et des parodontopathies, nous étudierons l'influence du régime alimentaire sur la santé parodontale. Nous analyserons les propriétés physiques et chimiques des aliments pour connaître leur influence sur la santé des tissus parodontaux. Diététique et parodontopathies sont fortement liées. Un régime alimentaire équilibré combiné à une bonne hygiène buccale participe à la prévention des pathologies buccales....

  19. Non disponible / Not available


    Frédéric , Pitetti


    Non disponible / Not available; L'article R5015-G du Code de déontologie impose au pharmacien de « faire preuve du même dévouement envers toutes les personnes qui ont recours à son art». Par conséquent, les pharmaciens doivent être capables de s'adapter et de trou ver des solutions pour communiquer avec les personnes étrangères, illettrées, aveugles ou sourdes . Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la relation de communication entre le pharmacien et le sourd profond .Dans la partie bibli...

  20. 90.000 trabajos disponibles en Digital.CSIC


    Oficina Técnica de Digital.CSIC; Román-Molina, Juan


    Póster elaborado al alcanzar el repositorio los 90.000 trabajos.-- Se incluye versión en formato PDF.-- El resto de los hitos está disponible en la siguiente url:

  1. Non disponible / Not available


    Erika , Nnang Obada


    Non disponible / Not available; La préservation du capital vasculaire est un challenge permanent dans la prise en charge des patients insuffisants rénaux chroniques. Cette démarche doit être systématique, précoce, même en situation d'insuffisance rénale aiguë. La mise en place de cathéters pour l'hémodialyse doit être encadrée. Tout dysfonctionnement réduit l'efficacité d'une séance de dialyse avec une morbidité non négligeable. Dans une étude rétrospective de 62 patients hémodialysés inciden...

  2. Non disponible / Not available


    Julie , Grandjean


    Non disponible / Not available; Un Plan de lutte contre le cancer a été ouvert en 2002 à l'initiative du Président de la République, Jacques Chirac. Il combine un ensemble de 70 Mesures échelonnées d'avril 2003 à décembre 2007, avec pour objectif vaincre la maladie et diminuer la mortalité par cancer de 20% pour 2007. Dans ce contexte, la réalisation d'un audit est apparue pertinente pour faire un état des lieux sur la prise en charge des patients traités par chimiothérapie anticancéreuse au ...

  3. Non disponible / Not available


    Diane , François


    Non disponible / Not available; Le millepertuis ou Hypericum perforatum L. est connu depuis l'antiquité, où il était utilisé pour soigner les blessures. Au Moyen-Age, appelé « chasse-diable », il était utilisé pour éloigner les mauvais esprits. Aujourd'hui, il est connu pour ses propriétés antidépressives.Il est efficace dans les dépressions légères à modérées, ses propriétés antidépressives sont dues principalement à l'hyperforine.La sommité fleurie est inscrite à la Pharmacopée européenne d...

  4. Presse triaxiale permettant de quantifier les modes de déformation lors d'essais mécaniques


    Reuschle , Thierry


    Presse triaxiale permettant de quantifier les modes de déformation lors d'essais mécaniques : modes de rupture ou d'endommagement, et localisation de la déformation, sur des roches volcaniques, argilites, grès ou carbonates.

  5. Non disponible / Not available


    Nicolas , Laurent


    Non disponible / Not available; Nous avons étudié de manière rétrospective la survie et les complications péri opératoires au sein de deux groupes de patients octogénaires ayant bénéficié dans notre centre de l'implantation d'une bioprothèse par méthode TAVI ou par chirurgie conventionnelle. Les deux groupes ont été appareillés par un score de propensité. Entre juillet 2009 et juin 2013, 97 octogénaires ont bénéficié d'un TAVI dans notre centre. Nous avons identifié un groupe contrôle de 220 ...

  6. Places disponibles*/Places available ** - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    Des places sont disponibles dans les cours suivants : Places are available in the following course : Java 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 2 : Enterprise JavaBeans : 20 - 22.1.03 (3 days) Introduction to PVSS : 27.1.03 (Afternoon) free course but registration necessary Basic PVSS : 28 - 30.1.03 (3 days) MAGNE-03 - Magnétisme pour l'électrotechnique : 28 - 30.1.03 (3 jours) Introduction to the CERN Engineering Data Management System : 28.1.03 (1 day) MAGNE-03 - Magnetism for Technical Electronics : 11 - 13.2.03 (3 days) AutoCAD 2002 - niveau 1 : 24, 25.2 et 3, 4.3.03 (4 jours) AutoCAD 2002 - niveau 2 : 27 & 28.2.03 (2 jours) C++ for Particle Physicists : 10 - 14.3.03 (6 X 3 hour lectures) AutoCAD Mechanical 6 PowerPack (F) : 12, 13, 17, 18, 24 & 25.3.03 (6 jours) * Etant donné le délai d'impression du Bulletin, ces places peuvent ne plus être disponibles au moment de sa parution. Veuillez consulter notre site Web pour avoir la dernière mise à jour. ** The number of places available may va...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Pérez Carrasco


    Full Text Available Se expone la relación entre el coste laboral y la renta disponible del trabajador, así como el análisis de las consecuencias sobre el salario derivadas de la cotización a la Seguridad Social. The relationship between labour costs and disposable income of the workers is exposed as well as the analysis of the impact on wages resulting from contributions to Social Security.

  8. Places disponibles/Places available

    CERN Multimedia


    Si vous désirez participer à l'un des cours suivants, veuillez en discuter avec votre superviseur et vous inscrire électroniquement en direct depuis les pages de description des cours dans le Web que vous trouvez à l'adresse : ou remplissez une « demande de formation » disponible auprès du Secrétariat de votre Division ou de votre DTO (Délégué divisionnaire à la formation). Les places seront attribuées dans l'ordre de réception des inscriptions. If you wish to participate in one of the following courses, please discuss with your supervisor and apply electronically directly from the course description pages that can be found on the Web at: or fill in an "application for training" form available from your Divisional Secretariat or from your DTO (Divisional Training Off...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available La gestión de los diferentes tipos de inventario a lo largo de una cadena de abastecimiento es un problema complejo que, en la mayoría de los casos de la industria colombiana e internacional, se aborda mediante la implementación de herramientas de software. Sin embargo, la decisión de implementar dichas herramientas está en muchos casos limitada por la capacidad financiera para invertir en ellas y por el desconocimiento de la oferta de software disponible en Colombia. Este artículo presenta una reseña del software disponible en Colombia para la gestión de inventarios con el fin de brindar a las empresas que se enfrentan a la decisión de implementar un software, una herramienta de soporte que indique cuál es la oferta en Colombia y cuáles son las características de los sistemas disponibles. Para esto se presenta primero el estado del arte, en el cual se identifica el resultado de la revisión de la literatura y el uso de las herramientas de software en la industria colombiana. Seguidamente se presenta la caracterización de los productos de software disponibles en el país. Dicha caracterización permite identificar la configuración general de los productos, los módulos de gestión con los que cuenta, las opciones de integración con otras herramientas informáticas, y la información general de precios e instalación. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones del estudio y las futuras oportunidades de investigación.

  10. Reseña del Software Disponible en Colombia Para la Gestión de Inventarios en Cadenas de Abastecimiento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valentina Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available La gestión de los diferentes tipos de inventario a lo largo de una cadena de abastecimiento es un problema complejo que, en la mayoría de los casos de la industria colombiana e internacional, se aborda mediante la implementación de herramientas de software. Sin embargo, la decisión de implementar dichas herramientas está en muchos casos limitada por la capacidad financiera para invertir en ellas y por el desconocimiento de la oferta de software disponible en Colombia. Este artículo presenta una reseña del software disponible en Colombia para la gestión de inventarios con el fin de brindar a las empresas que se enfrentan a la decisión de implementar un software, una herramienta de soporte que indique cuál es la oferta en Colombia y cuáles son las características de los sistemas disponibles. Para esto se presenta primero el estado del arte, en el cual se identifica el resultado de la revisión de la literatura y el uso de las herramientas de software en la industria colombiana. Seguidamente se presenta la caracterización de los productos de software disponibles en el país. Dicha caracterización permite identificar la configuración general de los productos, los módulos de gestión con los que cuenta, las opciones de integración con otras herramientas informáticas, y la información general de precios e instalación. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones del estudio y las futuras oportunidades de investigación.

  11. Heating plants. Comparison between the main available techniques that allow heating plants to respect the new regulations; Les chaudieres. Comparaison des principales techniques disponibles permettant aux chaudieres de respecter les nouvelles reglementations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bouju, J.L. [Babcock Entreprise, 93 - La Courneuve (France)


    This paper gives an overview of the main methods available today to improve the thermal and environmental performances of heating plants and burners and points out the technical and economical advantages and drawbacks of these methods. The methods are described according to the type of pollutant: SO{sub x} (fuel treatment, smokes desulfurization, in-situ desulfurizers injection, lime treatment of solid and liquid fuels), NO{sub x} (smokes recycling, low-NO{sub x} burners, air staging, over-dimensioning of combustion chambers, reduction of combustion air temperature, re-burning, denitrifier injection, combination of several methods), dusts (filters and cyclones). (J.S.)

  12. Potentiel de production de biogaz à partir de résidus agricoles ou de cultures dédiées en France

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    ALMANSOUR, Essam


    Full Text Available Et si on destinait une part importante des résidus agricoles à la production de biogaz ? Encore faut-il évaluer les ressources mobilisables, les taux de résidus disponibles, les moyens de collecte permettant la production ainsi que les rendements envisageables en fonction des cultures utilisées. L'étude présentée ici laisse entrevoir un potentiel important largement sous-estimé.

  13. Enseignement technique : Séminaire de l'enseigement technique

    CERN Multimedia


    Mardi 4 mai 2004 SEMINAIRE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNIQUE de 14:00 à 17:00 - Training Centre Auditorium - bât. 593 Le SPC - Statistical Process Control - dans une démarche de qualité totale Hakim Bourahla, Maurice Arrius, Charbel Tannous - ABW Concept - F-74950 SCIONZIER, France Ce nouveau séminaire de l'Enseignement Technique sera consacré à la présentation du SPC, le Statistical Process Control. Le SPC apporte une grande efficacité dans l'amélioration de la qualité des produits. Cette méthode, permettant d'assurer une qualité optimum à l'aide d'un outil statistique, est fondée sur deux concepts de base : le suivi et le pilotage des procédés industriels par cartes de contrôle, et l'étude des capabilités des systèmes de production. - Origine et objectifs du SPC - Concepts du ...

  14. Enseignement technique : Séminaire de l'enseignement technique

    CERN Multimedia


    Mardi 4 mai 2004 SEMINAIRE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNIQUE de 14:00 à 17:00 - Training Centre Auditorium - bât. 593 Le SPC - Statistical Process Control - dans une démarche de qualité totale Hakim Bourahla, Maurice Arrius, Charbel Tannous - ABW Concept - F-74950 SCIONZIER, France Ce nouveau séminaire de l'Enseignement Technique sera consacré à la présentation du SPC, le Statistical Process Control. Le SPC apporte une grande efficacité dans l'amélioration de la qualité des produits. Cette méthode, permettant d'assurer une qualité optimum à l'aide d'un outil statistique, est fondée sur deux concepts de base : le suivi et le pilotage des procédés industriels par cartes de contrôle, et l'étude des capabilités des systèmes de production. - Origine et objectifs du SPC - Concepts du ...

  15. Talco y carbonato básico de magnesio como aportantes de magnesio disponible al suelo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen Rosa Goméz Laverde


    Full Text Available Mediante dos ensayos de laboratorio se realizó un estudio sobre la solubilización de carbonato básico de magnesio y de talco para juzgar estas fuentes como aportantes de magnesio disponible. Los minerales finamente molidos se aplicaron en dosis equivalente a 3,6 meq/100 g a muestras de tres suelos de pH diferente. En el ensayo I las muestras de suelo más la fuente de magnesio se Incubaron en recipientes cerrados, a 18

  16. Tratamientos para dejar de fumar, disponibles en México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sansores Raúl H


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Describir las estrategias terapéuticas disponibles para ayudar a los fumadores a dejar de fumar. Material y métodos. Estudio realizado en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, México. Se hizo una revisión en Medline con el encabezado de meta-análisis y se consultó el Cochrane Library, de 1990 a 2001. Resultados. La farmacoterapia muestra una buena probabilidad promedio de éxito para dejar de fumar expresada como una relación entre el medicamento activo y el placebo (índice de 39, 78, 79, 117 y 119% para los chicles de nicotina, los parches de nicotina, el bupropión, el inhalador de nicotina y el spray nasal de nicotina, respectivamente. El éxito de la terapia conductual puede ser buena (RM=3.8, sin embargo, se requiere más investigación. Conclusiones. Se hace énfasis en la necesidad de combinar la terapia cognitivo-conductual con el uso de fármacos, así como la combinación de éstos entre sí para incrementar las posibilidades de éxito para dejar de fumar.

  17. Correlacion entre metodos de analisis de Zn disponible en cuatro ordenes de suelos de Costa Rica


    Eloy Molina; Elemer Bornemisza


    Se realizo una comparación entre métodos analisis del Zn disponible en 4 ordenes de sue- Analytilos de Costa Rica (Ultisoles, Vertisoles, Andisoles Inceptisoles, 25 de c/u), utilizando las siguientes soluciones extractoras: Olsen Modificado, Meh- lich 3, Morgan Modificado, DTPA y HC1. Las cantidades de Zn extrafdas dependieron de la natu- raleza qufmica de la solucion extractora. El HCl presento los contenidos mas altos de Zn en los chasuelos, excepto en Vertisoles....

  18. What is new in Office 2007 - (IT3T/2007/2)

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    IT3T/2007/2 - Quoi de neuf avec Office 2007 Nous allons présenter le nouveau type de site web disponible au CERN: "Collaboration Workspaces". Avec des fonctionnalités comme les forums de discussion, les pages wiki, la création rapide de formulaires web et les "document libraries", nous montrerons comment les Collaboration Workspaces permettent de publier, partager et récupérer l'information de manière plus simple et plus rapide, et permettent de collaborer de manière efficace sur les documents. IT3T/2007/2 - What is new in Office 2007 The presentation will introduce the new features of Microsoft Office 2007 including the new Microsoft Office Fluent user interface and explain how to use the Ribbon, Contextual Tabs, Galleries, and Live Preview. No special previous knowledge is required, at the same time a basic knowledge of Office 2003 applications (Word/Excel/PowerPoint) may be a convenient starting point.

  19. Stage de médecine générale en Mauritanie : intérêts dans la formation médicale initiale


    Gaucher , Marie-Laure


    Non disponible / Not available; Les voyages, l'immigration multiplient les situations cliniques et modifient l'épidémiologie des pathologies rencontrées en soins primaires. La formation universitaire doit sensibiliser les futurs praticiens à cette dimension internationale de la santé tout en leur permettant d'acquérir un certain nombre de compétences.Les données de la littérature ont montré que de nombreuses universités ont intégré dans leurs programmes de formation des stages pratiques à l'é...

  20. Maniement des médicaments en néonatologie


    BOUSKHOURI, Wissem; KHEDIM, Naziha


    Les essais cliniques permettent de tester l'efficacité et la toxicité des médicaments et de mettre ainsi au point des médicaments adaptés aux nouveau-nés en termes de posologie et de forme galénique. Mais pour cette population particulière, continuellement en maturation, leur réalisation est compliquée d'un point de vue éthique mais surtout peu rentable pour les firmes pharmaceutiques. Les soignants doivent ainsi utiliser les médicaments disponibles pour l'adulte, qui bien souv...

  1. Estudio sobre la pertinencia del uso de las normas disponibles del Raven en adultos mayores chilenos


    Alarcón Paz,Cristina; Díaz Valenzuela,Vanessa; Hernández Rosales,Jacqueline; Estrada Goic,Claudia


    La evaluación de la inteligencia en población adulto mayor ha aumentado su relevancia debido al incremento de la esperanza de vida. Este estudio centra su interés en la pertinencia de normas disponibles para el Test de Matrices Progresivas de Raven para dicha población. Se utilizaron normas de Colchester (1942, en Raven, Court y Raven, 2008), las más completas existentes. Participaron 102 adultos mayores voluntarios (más de 60 años). El diseño fue no experimental transversal correlacional. Lo...

  2. Quantificação do fósforo disponível por extrações sucessivas com diferentes extratores em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico


    Gatiboni, L. C.; Kaminski, J.; Rheinheimer, D. S.; Saggin, A.


    A determinação do fósforo potencialmente disponível por meio dos extratores químicos é dificultada em solos de carga variável, uma vez que existem diversos graus de energia de ligação com os colóides. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o número mínimo de extrações sucessivas necessárias para estimar o fósforo potencialmente disponível, com os métodos de Mehlich-1 e Mehlich-3 e resina de troca aniônica (RTA). Foram realizadas treze extrações sucessivas com os três métodos em amostras ...

  3. Identification des freins et des leviers dans la coopération médecin généraliste-pharmacien d'officine, au sein d'un programme d'ETP sur l'ostéoporose (Projet SIOUX)


    Mettavant , Laurie


    Non disponible / Not available; L’ostéoporose post-ménopausique est un enjeu important de santé publique. A l’heure actuelle, nousdisposons de moyens thérapeutiques efficaces permettant d’envisager une meilleure prise en charge,mais l’adhésion du patient à son traitement conditionne le succès thérapeutique. Les patientes peuventintégrer un programme d’éducation thérapeutique et prolonger leur suivi dans le cadre du projetSIOUX (Suivi Intégré de l’Ostéoporose par les URPS-X) au CHR de Metz-Thi...

  4. Modelagem e quantificação da incerteza espacial do potássio disponível no solo por simulações estocásticas

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    Ismênia Ribeiro de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho da simulação sequencial gaussiana (SSG e da simulação sequencial indicatriz (SSI na modelagem da incerteza das predições do K disponível em área de cana-de-açúcar, e comparar as simulações com o método já consagrado de krigagem ordinária (KO. Uma malha amostral com 626 pontos foi instalada em área de 200 ha, no Município de Tabapuã, em São Paulo. As simulações reproduziram a variabilidade dos dados amostrais de K disponível, enquanto a KO superestimou os baixos teores de K e subestimou os altos. O mapa de desvio-padrão obtido a partir da KO mostrou menor variação ao longo da área de estudo, quando comparado aos mapas obtidos a partir das simulações. A SSI obteve acurácia 22% superior à obtida pela SSG, na modelagem da função de distribuição condicional do K. As simulações apresentam maior eficiência que a KO para modelar incerteza na distribuição espacial do K. A SSI apresenta melhor desempenho que a SSG na estimativa dos teores de K disponível, em área de cana-de-açúcar.

  5. Exigência de fósforo disponível para tilápia-do-nilo (35 a 100 g Available phosphorus requirement of Nile tilapia (35 to 100 g

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    Wilson Massamitu Furuya


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se determinar a exigência de fósforo disponível para tilápias-do-nilo. Utilizaram-se 144 peixes com peso vivo inicial de 35,33 ± 0,66 g, distribuídos em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e três repetições. Foram fornecidas dietas com 29,0% PB, 2.980 kcal/kg de energia digestível (ED e quatro níveis de fósforo disponível (0,25; 0,35; 0,45 ou 0,55%, obtidos pela utilização de fosfato bicálcico como fonte de fósforo. As dietas foram fornecidas aos peixes três vezes por dia, até aparente saciedade, durante 46 dias. Não foi observado efeito dos níveis de fósforo disponível na dieta sobre o índice hepatossomático, a taxa de sobrevivência e os teores de água e proteína bruta na carcaça. O aumento dos níveis de fósforo disponível na dieta promoveu aumento linear do ganho de peso médio, da excreção de fósforo e dos teores de cinza na carcaça e de cinzas, cálcio e fósforo nos ossos. Houve efeito quadrático dos níveis de fósforo disponível sobre o consumo de ração, a conversão alimentar e a taxa de eficiência protéica, que foram melhores nos níveis 0,37; 0,48 e 0,48% de fósforo disponível, respectivamente. A exigência de fósforo disponível para tilápia-do-nilo de 35 a 100 g é de 0,48% (0,53% na matéria seca.The objective of this work was to determine the available phosphorus requirement of Nile tilapia. A total of 144 fishes with initial weight 35.33 ± 0,66g LW were distributed to a completely randomized blocks design, with four treatments and three replicates. Diets with 29.0% CP and 2980 kcal/kg DE and four available phosphorus levels (0.25; 0.35; 0.45 e 0.55% were used. The dicalcium phosphate was used as phosphorus source. The diets were fed to the fishes three times a day to apparent satiation, during 46 days. No significant effect of dietary available phosphorus on hepatosomatic index, survival rate and carcass water and protein contents were observed. The

  6. Niveles de calcio y fósforo disponible en gallinas durante 48 semanas en postura

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    Diana Angélica Gutiérrez Arenas


    Full Text Available Se realizó un experimento para evaluar niveles de calcio (Ca y fósforo disponible (Pd en gallinas. Se utilizaron 300 gallinas Leghorn Hy-line W36 y se alimentaron con cinco tratamientos, tomando en cuenta los niveles óptimos de encontrados en la literatura. Las dietas fueron: T1, 4.34% Ca y 0.18% Pd; T2, 4.34% Ca y 0.23% Pd; T3, 4.62% Ca y 0.18% Pd; T4, 4.62% Ca y 0.23% Pd y T5, 3.25% Ca y 0.25% Pd. Se midió consumo de alimento, consumo de Ca y de Pd, conversión alimenticia, número de huevos, masa de huevo, peso del huevo, gravedad específica y porcentaje de cascarón. Para número de huevos, masa de huevo, consumo de alimento, conversión alimenticia y peso de huevo, no se encontraron diferencias entre tratamientos (P>0.05. Se observó mayor consumo de Ca (P<0.05 en las gallinas de los tratamientos T3 y T4 (4.80 y 4.81 g ave-1 día-1 ; en cuanto a consumo de fósforo disponible, las gallinas del T5 consumieron más (P<0.05 que las demás (0.258 g ave -1 día-1 . Para gravedad específica, hubo mejores resultados con T1, T3 y T4 (1.0837, 1.0841, y 1.0840; P<0.05. En porcentaje de cascarón se observaron mejores resultados con las gallinas de T1, T2, T3 y T4 (P<0.05. Se concluye que las concentraciones de Ca sugeridas por el NRC (1994, no son suficientes para máxima calidad del cascarón; sin embargo, los niveles de Pd 0.18 y 0.23% son menores a los sugeridos por el NRC, de 0.25%.

  7. ¿Es necesario disponer de ECMO para reparar cardiopatías congénitas de complejidad elevada? Nuestra experiencia en los últimos 6 años

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    Raúl Sánchez Pérez


    Conclusiones: Creemos que actualmente es necesario disponer de la ECMO en el postoperatorio de los pacientes intervenidos de cardiopatías congénitas, dado que parece asociarse a un beneficio en términos de supervivencia.

  8. Tratamientos para dejar de fumar, disponibles en México

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    Raúl H Sansores


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Describir las estrategias terapéuticas disponibles para ayudar a los fumadores a dejar de fumar. Material y métodos. Estudio realizado en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, México. Se hizo una revisión en Medline con el encabezado de meta-análisis y se consultó el Cochrane Library, de 1990 a 2001. Resultados. La farmacoterapia muestra una buena probabilidad promedio de éxito para dejar de fumar expresada como una relación entre el medicamento activo y el placebo (índice de 39, 78, 79, 117 y 119% para los chicles de nicotina, los parches de nicotina, el bupropión, el inhalador de nicotina y el spray nasal de nicotina, respectivamente. El éxito de la terapia conductual puede ser buena (RM=3.8, sin embargo, se requiere más investigación. Conclusiones. Se hace énfasis en la necesidad de combinar la terapia cognitivo-conductual con el uso de fármacos, así como la combinación de éstos entre sí para incrementar las posibilidades de éxito para dejar de fumar.Objective. To describe smoking cessation therapies available in Mexico. Material and Methods. Literature review of meta-analysis, controlled clinical trials, and behavioral therapy studies. Results. Smoking cessation pharmacotherapy interventions showed a good chance of success on average, expressed as the ratio of the active drug vs. placebo cessation therapy outcomes (ratios of 39, 78, 79, 117, and 119%, for nicotine chewing gum, bupropion, nicotine patch, inhaler, and nicotine nasal spray, respectively. Behavioral therapy showed satisfactory results, (OR= 3.8 however, more research is needed to establish its effectiveness. Conclusions. Emphasis is made on the need to combine behavioral therapy with pharmacotherapy, to increase the likelihood of successful smoking cessation.

  9. Correlacion entre metodos de analisis de Zn disponible en cuatro ordenes de suelos de Costa Rica

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    Eloy Molina


    Full Text Available Se realizo una comparación entre métodos analisis del Zn disponible en 4 ordenes de sue- Analytilos de Costa Rica (Ultisoles, Vertisoles, Andisoles Inceptisoles, 25 de c/u, utilizando las siguientes soluciones extractoras: Olsen Modificado, Meh- lich 3, Morgan Modificado, DTPA y HC1. Las cantidades de Zn extrafdas dependieron de la natu- raleza qufmica de la solucion extractora. El HCl presento los contenidos mas altos de Zn en los chasuelos, excepto en Vertisoles. Las soluciones que hicontienen el agente quelante EDTA (Olsen Modi- ficado y Mehlich`3, extrajeron niveles interme- Modidios de Zn, en tanto que los metodos que contie- Den el quelato DTPA (Morgan Modificado y DT - PA, obtuvieron los valores mas bajos. Las corre- laciones de Zn extrafble entre los 5 metodos fue- signifirOD significativas en la mayona de los casos, tanto nivel de orden de suelos como en el conjunto de indivilos 100 suelos analizados. Los coeficientes de co- rrelacion mas altos, se presentaron entre Mehlich Morgan Modificado y DTPA. Las correlaciones Modifueron consistentes en los 4 ordenes, 10 que indica que estas soluciones poseen un amplio margen de adaptacion a diferentes tipos de suelo, siendo una caractenstica ventajosa para la selección de un metodo de analisis. El Olsen Modificado fue mas slighteficiente para la extraccion de Zn en suelos de pH ligeramente acido 0 neutro (Vertisoles e Inceptiso- les, que en suelos acidos (Ultisoles y Andisoles. EI HCI extrajo cantidades muy aItas de Zn que Moraparentementestan relacionadas con formas no disponibles para lag plantas. Se concluye que lag soluciones Mehlich 3, Morgan Modificado y DT - PA son semejantes en la forma de extraer Zn dispo- Dible, y podrian seT una altemativa para sustituir el metoda tradicional de Olsen Modificado utilizado en Costa Rica. Sin embargo,la eficiencia de ellas no puede seT establecida sino a traves de log estudios de correlacion contra rendimiento en invernadero y campo.


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    TORRES Alexia


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se determinó la vida útil de una fórmula dietética para niños con síndrome diarréico, empleando la disminución de lisina disponible como indicador de deterioro. Muestras del producto fueron empacadas en envases de material multilaminado (papel-plástico-aluminio y almacenadas a 25, 30 y 35°C, por dos meses. La lisina disponible fue medida con una frecuencia semanal y los datos fueron analizados para determinar la cinética de la reacción de deterioro y su relación con la temperatura. Al finalizar el estudio, la cantidad de lisina disponible remanente fue de 38,5% (a 25°C; 15,3 % (a 30°C y 14,1% (a 35°C. La cinética de la reacción de deterioro fue de orden uno, dependiente de la temperatura de almacenamiento, según la ecuación de interrelación de Arrhenius, con un valor de energía de activación de 15,17 kcal/mol, por lo que cae dentro del rango de las reacciones de oxidación de lípidos. De acuerdo a las características del producto [contenido de lípidos (17,5%, proteínas (17,3% y una actividad de agua de 0,46], la disminución de lisina pudiera ser explicada por la interacción de productos de oxidación de lípidos con proteínas. Considerando un valor de 0,422g lis/100g producto como punto crítico, se predijo la vida útil del producto a temperaturas diferentes a las evaluadas. Condiciones de almacenamiento por debajo de 30°C, garantizan un mayor período de vida útil: hasta 9 meses a 15°C, 6 meses a 20°C y 3 meses a 28°C, en función del indicador de deterioro evaluado.

  11. Producción de huevo, calidad del cascarón y rentabilidad en gallinas de primer ciclo con niveles de calcio y fósforo disponible

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    Víctor Manuel Valdés Narváez


    Full Text Available Para evaluar el efecto del calcio y fósforo en la calidad del cascarón del huevo se realizó un experimento con 480 gallinas Hy- Line W-36. Se usaron tres niveles de calcio (Ca (3.2, 4.2 y 5.2 % y cuatro de fósforo disponible (Pd (0.15, 0.20, 0.25 y 0.30 %. Se encontró interacción (P<0.05 del Ca y Pd en consumo de alimento (CAL y masa de huevo (MH. Con el nivel de Ca de 5.2 % y de Pd (0.15 % disminuyó el CAL (96.7 g y MH (48.7 g. El porcentaje de postura y MH fueron menores (P<0.05 con 0.15 % que con 0.3 % de Pd. La conversión alimenticia se afectó (P<0.05 por el nivel de Pd, obteniendo la mejor con 0.3 % (1.94, seguida por 0.20 % (1.96, 0.15 % (1.98, y 0.25 % (1.99. El peso del huevo fue mayor (P<0.05 en 0.7 y 0.8 g con 3.2 % que con 4.2 y 5.2 % de Ca, respectivamente. La gravedad específica se mejoró (P<0.05 al incrementar el calcio (1.080 vs 1.081 y 1.082 en la dieta. Se concluye que para buena calidad del cascarón es necesario 4.2 % de Ca, pero se debe incrementar de manera proporcional el fósforo disponible. El nivel de 0.15 % de fósforo disponible no es suficiente para obtener buena producción de huevo y conversión alimenticia.

  12. Estudio sobre la pertinencia del uso de las normas disponibles del Raven en adultos mayores chilenos Estudo sobre a pertinência da utilização das normas disponíveis de Raven em idosos chilenos Study on the relevance of using available norms Raven in Chileans older adults


    Cristina Alarcón Paz; Vanessa Díaz Valenzuela; Jacqueline Hernández Rosales; Claudia Estrada Goic


    La evaluación de la inteligencia en población adulto mayor ha aumentado su relevancia debido al incremento de la esperanza de vida. Este estudio centra su interés en la pertinencia de normas disponibles para el Test de Matrices Progresivas de Raven para dicha población. Se utilizaron normas de Colchester (1942, en Raven, Court y Raven, 2008), las más completas existentes. Participaron 102 adultos mayores voluntarios (más de 60 años). El diseño fue no experimental transversal correlacional. Lo...

  13. Recursos disponibles para la protección de mujeres migrantes en tránsito por Tamaulipas

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    Full Text Available La labor del gobierno mexicano en materia de política migratoria es una estrategia para administrar el flujo de migrantes en tránsito rumbo a Estados Unidos, no para salvaguardar su integridad y derechos, menos aún está diseñada para proteger a las mujeres. En esa medida, el interés de este artículo es hacer evidentes los escasos recursos de protección disponibles para migrantes y la ausencia de perspectiva de género en los recursos de apoyo para mujeres en tránsito por México. A través de entrevistas a autoridades y organismos sociales en la frontera de Tamaulipas y con base en el enfoque del modelo ecológico, se evaluaron los recursos de la política pública mexicana como elementos amortiguadores para los migrantes, frente a riesgos y elementos de vulnerabilidad de la mujer en tránsito.

  14. Variação do volume de gotas de colírios lubrificantes disponíveis no mercado brasileiro

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    Vitorugo Silvestre Nascimento

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a variação intra e interexaminadores do volume de gotas dispensados de frascos de colírios lubrificantes disponíveis no mercado. Métodos: Foram estudados cinco frascos de colírios lubrificantes e dezenove voluntários participaram deste estudo. A massa média de gotas de 20µl dos colírios foi obtida utilizando micropipeta e balança de precisão e como padrão para comparação com a massa das gotas obtidas pelos voluntários. Cinco gotas de cada frasco foram pesadas individualmente com o tubo de colírio perpendicular à balança, usando o primeiro e segundo dedos da mão direita, de forma que a pressão fosse aplicada somente no meio do frasco. Os experimentos foram realizados em uma sala climatizada a temperatura ambiente (21±1°C. Resultados: Todos os frascos de colírios apresentaram variação estatisticamente significante das massas das gotas obtidas pelos examinadores quando comparadas com a massa média padrão de 0,0182±0,0014g, com exceção da comparação entre os dados do colírio A com o colírio D, que não apresentou variação estatisticamente significante. Conclusão: O presente estudo demonstra a ausência de uniformidade das gotas dispensadas pelos frascos de colírios disponíveis no mercado e a sua inadequação à real necessidade, uma vez que as gotas dispensadas são maiores do que o indicado. Esse fato torna-se um problema quando se trata de período de tratamento prolongado, especialmente com colírios dispendiosos como os indicados para a terapêutica do glaucoma. Nesse sentido, a padronização das gotas de colírios se faz necessária.


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    Wendy Ximena Andrade Cedeño


    Full Text Available El trabajo se desarrolló con el objetivo de caracterizar el capital humano y natural en la microcuenca del río Membrillo y analizar la relación que existe con las estrategias de vida utilizadas. La metodología para el análisis de las variables e indicadores se basó en el enfoque de capitales de las comunidades, donde se asigna el mismo grado de importancia a cada uno de los indicadores para la generación de bienestar. Los resultados muestran en la tipificación de las familias tres grupos de hogares, que se diferencian en el uso del capital humano y natural, lo cual se relacionan con sus estrategias de vida. El grupo dos posee mayor disponibilidad de los capitales, se evidencia que el humano, es el factor que determina la cantidad y calidad de la mano de obra disponible. En el grupo uno, los dos capitales se encuentran menos fortalecidos, el capital humano está interactuando negativamente con el natural, cuestión que se relaciona con las estrategias de vida, formación, capacitación e intervención hacia los recursos naturales. El grupo tres, se encuentra en una situación intermedia; sus integrantes presentan una mayor variabilidad en el aprendizaje, se destaca la siembra de árboles para conservar el agua y dar sombra a los animales que explotan productivamente. Como resultado de este trabajo se prevé la urgencia de trabajar con el capital humano para fortalecer el capital natural y lograr un equilibro sostenible en el tiempo.

  16. Présentation Technique - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    Tuesday 9 September PRESENTATION TECHNIQUE From 09:00 - 12:00 - bldg. 40, S2-B01 Techniques de mesure: Acquisition, analyse et présentation avec LabVIEW 7 Express National Instruments Switzerland Avec LabVIEW 7 Express, National Instruments inaugure une nouvelle ère pour la programmation graphique dans le monde de la mesure et de l'automatisation. Pour la première fois dans l'histoire de la programmation par flux de données, les antagonismes inconciliables entre la programmation et la configuration se laissent réduire au même dénominateur et sont disponibles dans un environnement de développement intégré. En outre, cette nouvelle version peut-être supportée par une plus large palette de plates-formes et de matériels cibles : de Windows, Linux ou Mac OS X jusqu'aux PDA (assistants personnels) ou aux FPGA embarqués. Avec LabVIEW 7 Express, vous disposez d'un outil logiciel, qui vous permet de construire encore plus vite, plus facilement et à moindres frais vos...

  17. Estimación del gasto cardíaco: Utilidad en la práctica clínica. Monitorización disponible invasiva y no invasiva


    García, X.; Mateu, L.; Maynar, J.; Mercadal, J.; Ochagavía, A.; Ferrandiz, A.


    Esta revisión pretende profundizar en el conocimiento del gasto cardíaco, sus variables y sus condicionantes, así como repasar exhaustivamente las diferentes técnicas disponibles para su monitorización y establecer las situaciones en que el conocimiento del gasto cardíaco nos aporta una información fundamental en el manejo del paciente crítico. La técnica de Fick, utilizada en los inicios para calcular el gasto cardíaco de los pacientes, ha sido sustituida hoy en día en la práctica clínica po...

  18. Les écoulements par RMN à gradient pulsé Pulsed Gradient Nmr Techniques for Studying Flows

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    Lebon L.


    Full Text Available Nous présentons ici les techniques de RMN à gradient pulsé qui permettent d'étudier les écoulements multiphasiques en canalisation ou en milieu poreux. Les principaux avantages sont de pouvoir travailler sur des milieux non transparents et d'accéder à des échelles de longueurs faibles. On montre qu'il est possible d'obtenir des informations locales sur l'écoulement, telles que le profil de vitesse et ses fluctuations dans les écoulements diphasiques, ou les cartes de distribution des probabilités de déplacement dans des échantillons poreux hétérogènes. Pulsed gradient NMR techniques are presented here. They allow the study of multiphase flow in pipes as well as porous media. The main advantages are the possibilities of studying non transparent media at small length scales. We show that it is possible to obtain local information on the fluid flow, such as velocity profiles in two phase systems, or maps of distribution of displacement probabilities in heterogeneous porous media.

  19. Techniques d'inspection par ondes guidees ultrasonores d'assemblages brases dans des reacteurs aeronautiques = (United States)

    Comot, Pierre

    L'industrie aeronautique, cherche a etudier la possibilite d'utiliser de maniere structurelle des joints brases, dans une optique de reduction de poids et de cout. Le developpement d'une methode d'evaluation rapide, fiable et peu couteuse pour evaluer l'integrite structurelle des joints apparait donc indispensable. La resistance mecanique d'un joint brase dependant principalement de la quantite de phase fragile dans sa microstructure. Les ondes guidees ultrasonores permettent de detecter ce type de phase lorsqu'elles sont couplees a une mesure spatio-temporelle. De plus la nature de ce type d'ondes permet l'inspection de joints ayant des formes complexes. Ce memoire se concentre donc sur le developpement d'une technique basee sur l'utilisation d'ondes guidees ultrasonores pour l'inspection de joints brases a recouvrement d'Inconel 625 avec comme metal d'apport du BNi-2. Dans un premiers temps un modele elements finis du joint a ete utilise pour simuler la propagation des ultrasons et optimiser les parametres d'inspection, la simulation a permis egalement de demontrer la faisabilite de la technique pour la detection de la quantite de phase fragile dans ce type de joints. Les parametres optimises sont la forme de signal d'excitation, sa frequence centrale et la direction d'excitation. Les simulations ont montre que l'energie de l'onde ultrasonore transmise a travers le joint aussi bien que celle reflechie, toutes deux extraites des courbes de dispersion, etaient proportionnelles a la quantite de phase fragile presente dans le joint et donc cette methode permet d'identifier la presence ou non d'une phase fragile dans ce type de joint. Ensuite des experimentations ont ete menees sur trois echantillons typiques presentant differentes quantites de phase fragile dans le joint, pour obtenir ce type d'echantillons differents temps de brasage ont ete utilises (1, 60 et 180 min). Pour cela un banc d'essai automatise a ete developpe permettant d'effectuer une analyse similaire

  20. Enseignement Technique CERN 2004 - French version only

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    Monique Duval


    Instructor-led WBTechT Course for Microsoft Applications Si vous désirez participer à l'un des cours suivants, veuillez en discuter avec votre superviseur et vous inscrire électroniquement en direct depuis les pages de description des cours dans le Web que vous trouvez à l'adresse : ou remplissez une « demande de formation » disponible auprès du Secrétariat de votre Division ou de votre DTO (Délégué divisionnaire à la formation). Les places seront attribuées dans l'ordre de réception des inscriptions. ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNIQUE Monique Duval tél. 74924 Instructor-led WBTechT Course for Microsoft Applications Aimeriez-vous améliorer vos connaissances des applications de Microsoft Office ou d'Outlook ? Un nouveau cours, combinant un cours avec professeur et ...

  1. Estudio sobre la pertinencia del uso de las normas disponibles del Raven en adultos mayores chilenos Estudo sobre a pertinência da utilização das normas disponíveis de Raven em idosos chilenos Study on the relevance of using available norms Raven in Chileans older adults

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    Cristina Alarcón Paz


    Full Text Available La evaluación de la inteligencia en población adulto mayor ha aumentado su relevancia debido al incremento de la esperanza de vida. Este estudio centra su interés en la pertinencia de normas disponibles para el Test de Matrices Progresivas de Raven para dicha población. Se utilizaron normas de Colchester (1942, en Raven, Court y Raven, 2008, las más completas existentes. Participaron 102 adultos mayores voluntarios (más de 60 años. El diseño fue no experimental transversal correlacional. Los resultados indican que las normas resultan poco exigentes para ese grupo y que existen diferencias significativas entre los adultos de la tercera y cuarta edad, privilegiando a los del primer grupo. El índice de discrepancia mostró alta sensibilidad, indicando que la distribución de puntajes esperados no se corresponde al de la población general. Se discuten los resultados en torno a la necesidad de actualización de las normas y la consideración de las nuevas características de este periodo vital.A avaliação da inteligência na população idosa tem aumentado sua importância devido ao aumento da expectativa de vida. Este estudo está centrado na relevância das normas disponíveis para o teste de Matrizes Progressivas de Raven para essa população. Foram utilizadas as normas de Colchester (1942, citado por Raven, Court y Raven, 2008, as mais completas disponíveis. Participaram 102 idosos voluntários (com idade superior a 60 anos. O desenho do estudo foi não experimental transversal correlacional. Os resultados indicam que as normas são pouco exigentes para esse grupo e que existem diferenças significativas entre os adultos da terceira e quarta idade, privilegiando o primeiro grupo. O índice de discrepância mostrou alta sensibilidade, indicando que a distribuição de pontuações esperadas não corresponde a da população em geral. Os resultados são discutidos em relação à necessidade de atualização das normas e da considera

  2. Servicios clínicos disponibles para niñas, niños y jóvenes con trastornos mentales en México

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    Gabriela Zamora-Carmona


    Full Text Available En el ámbito de la salud, el bienestar físico y mental debería ser una prioridad. No obstante, en México existen limitantes importantes en la atención a la salud mental, como el estigma social que prevalece hacia las enfermedades mentales, la discriminación y violación a los derechos humanos de las personas afectadas por estos trastornos, el limitado número de servicios clínicos a los que se puede acceder, la falta de servicios de salud especializados, y la tendencia de los gobiernos a omitir esta realidad. En el presente artículo de tipo descriptivo pretendo hacer una breve revisión de los servicios clínicos disponibles para niñas, niños y jóvenes mexicanos que padecen trastornos mentales.

  3. Servicios clínicos disponibles para niñas, niños y jóvenes con trastornos mentales en México

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    Gabriela Zamora-Carmona


    Full Text Available En el ámbito de la salud, el bienestar físico y mental debería ser una prioridad. No obstante, en México existen limitantes importantes en la atención a la salud mental, como el estigma social que prevalece hacia las enfermedades mentales, la discriminación y violación a los derechos humanos de las personas afectadas por estos trastornos, el limitado número de servicios clínicos a los que se puede acceder, la falta de servicios de salud especializados, y la tendencia de los gobiernos a omitir esta realidad. En el presente artículo de tipo descriptivo pretendo hacer una breve revisión de los servicios clínicos disponibles para niñas, niños y jóvenes mexicanos que padecen trastornos mentales.

  4. detection of static eccentricity fault in psh induction motor by using ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    N. Halem

    ….). La technique la plus fréquemment utilisée est l'analyse spectrale du courant statorique, choisie ... permettant d'appliquer la technique d'analyse des signaux en vue de diagnostic des différents défauts dans le moteur à ...

  5. Non disponible


    Thibert , Valérie


    An initial extraction procedure is usually needed for the trace analysis of biological fluids to reduce the amount of interfering compounds. Thus, solid phase extraction (SPE) is often applied before the separation, but its lack of selectivity can lead to the co-extraction of interfering compounds compromising the analysis. In order to increase the selectivity of the analysis, selective tools, based on molecular recognition, can be used such as immunosorbents, using antibodies, or molecularly...

  6. Non disponible


    Zerrouki , Djamal


    Le travail de recherche exposé dans cette thèse, montre dans la premier partie la mise en oeuvre de la méthode d'émulsification pour la préparation de petits agrégats de forme anisotrope monodisperse et de forme géométrique bien définie et on a montré que la maîtrise des paramètres de la formulation permet la sélection et la production d'un maximum d'agrégats de formes données (dimère, trimère, tétramère). On a montré la faisabilité et la possibilité d'assembler tête-tête les différents types...

  7. Proposta de um modelo do serviço de referência digital para a otimização de busca às informações disponíveis em catálogos digitais Propuesta de un modelo de Servicio Referencia Digital para la optimización de la búsqueda de la información disponible en los catálogos digitales

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    Patrícia da Silva Moreno


    Full Text Available O ambiente eletrônico para a disponibilização de informações vem incorporando com frequência os serviços oferecidos pelas bibliotecas, procurando proporcionar facilidades na localização de informações e de documentos nas redes eletrônicas. Entretanto, muitos usuários encontram dificuldades na interação com certas interfaces, o que torna a busca por in-formações desestimulante e muitas vezes estressante. Com a aplicação do agente de interface busca-se avaliar a atuação deste tipo de software como facilitador da interação do usuário com acervos disponíveis, via catálogos digitais. E ainda verificar através do experimento com o protótipo, baseado na metodologia de avaliação heurística quais ações deverão ser tomadas para a correção dos erros que afetam a usabilidade da interface, além de confirmar a hipótese de eficácia de um sistema dessa natureza. Como resultado demonstra-se a construção de um sistema que utiliza ação interdisciplinar entre a Ciência da Informação e a Ciência da Computação na otimização de busca às informações disponíveis em catálogos digitais e na Internet com a ação de um agente de interface como mediador.

  8. Foire aux questions techniques concernant la Bourse du CRDI aux ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Un de mes professeurs n'a pas été en mesure de remplir à temps le formulaire lui permettant de donner des références à mon sujet. Par conséquent, je n'ai pas pu soumettre ma demande avant la date et l'heure butoirs. Est-ce que le formulaire de mon professeur peut être téléversé et soumis après la date et l'heure butoirs ...

  9. Séminaire de l'enseignement technique : Forum AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 - French version only

    CERN Multimedia

    Davide Vitè


    Jeudi 17 novembre 2005 de 14:30 à 16:30 - Training Centre Auditorium Forum AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 CADSCHOOL, CH-1207 GENEVE, Suisse Ce nouveau séminaire de l'Enseignement technique, organisé en forme de forum et en collabora- tion avec TS-MME et notre entreprise partenaire en formation, sera consacré à la présentation de la nouvelle version d'AutoCAD, AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006, disponible au CERN. Au programme : Présentation d'AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 Améliorations par rapport à AutoCAD Mechanical 6 Power Pack Questions - Réponses Langue: Français. Séminaire libre, sans inscription. Organisateurs: Manfred Mayer / TS-MME / 74499 ; Davide Vitè / HR-PMD / 75141 Pour plus d'information, veuillez SVP visiter les pages des Séminaires de l'Enseignement Technique à l'adresse . ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNIQUE TECHNICAL TRAINING

  10. Outils pour sécuriser les contrats de maintenance de bâtiments méthode et outils de suivi

    CERN Document Server

    Adda, Didier


    Les contrats de maintenance régissent le contenu des prestations et les obligations permettant de maintenir ou de rétablir un bien dans un état spécifié afin que celui-ci soit en mesure d'assurer un service déterminé. La maintenance regroupe ainsi les actions de dépannage, réparation, réglage, révision, contrôle et de vérification des équipements. Cet ouvrage propose une méthode et les éléments techniques permettant la rédaction et le suivi des contrats de maintenance en matière de chauffage, climatisation, ventilation, électricité courante faible et courant fort, installations de gestion technique de bâtiment ou centralisée, etc. Ainsi dans une 1re partie, ce livre détaille les différents types de maintenance (corrective, préventive, entretien courant), le cadre des procédures d'achats privés et publics et les outils permettant l'analyse des offres ainsi que le contrôle des devis et factures. Dans une 2e partie, il analyse les éléments de maintenance nécessaires à la rédacti...

  11. Séminaire de l'enseignement technique : Forum AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006

    - French version only

    CERN Multimedia

    Davide Vitè


    Jeudi 17 novembre 2005 de 14:30 à 16:30 - Training Centre Auditorium, Bât 593 Forum AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 CADSCHOOL, CH-1207 GENEVE, Suisse Ce nouveau séminaire de l'Enseignement technique, organisé en forme de forum et en collaboration avec TS-MME et notre entreprise partenaire en formation, sera consacré à la présentation de la nouvelle version d'AutoCAD, AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006, disponible au CERN. Au programme : Présentation d'AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 Améliorations par rapport à AutoCAD Mechanical 6 Power Pack Questions - Réponses Langue: Français. Séminaire libre, sans inscription. Organisateurs: Manfred Mayer / TS-MME / 74499 ; Davide Vitè / HR-PMD / 75141 Pour plus d'information, veuillez SVP visiter les pages des Séminaires de l'Enseignement Technique à l'adresse . ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNIQUE TECHNICAL TRAINING

  12. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    5 avr. 2016 ... technique non invasive d'évaluation du CCM permettant une exploration ... hématopathie ou au VIH [6]. ... Le diagnostic positif repose sur l'analyse histologique ... immuno histochimique avec recherche de l'expression de la.

  13. COLIBRI 2 (Matériel d'auscultation de pistes cyclables) : Faisabilité, proposition de solution mécanique : phse3.1/A du MAQ 5.3 LCPC




    Document s'intégrant dans la faisabilité de réalisation d'un prototype d'auscultation opérationnelle non destructive permettant la détection et caractérisation de défaut d'interface à l'intérieur d'un corps de chaussée (21N07461). Ce document décrit une solution technique permettant de répondre au CDCF du projet COLIBRI-2 réalisée à partir d'une remorque à avance continu et d'un module de mesure que l'on dépose à chaque pas de mesure (principe des Flash).

  14. Points cardinaux pour la conception de formations universitaires pluridisciplinaires en épistémologie et histoire des sciences pour les enseignants du secondaire, ou comment s'appuyer sur des dilemmes

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    Bernard Alain


    Full Text Available Cet article s'intéresse à quelques uns des problèmes qui sous-tendent la conception des formations en épistémologie et histoire des sciences aujourd'hui offertes en France aux enseignants du second degré, en réponse à la demande croissante qui leur est faite. Ayant relevé plusieurs points communs incontournables à toute entreprise de formation universitaire s'adressant à ce type de public, notre objet principal est de proposer quelques points cardinaux, c'est-à-dire quelques principes d'orientation permettant de guider la conception de ce type de formation, pour autant qu'il entende concilier les exigences de pertinence, c'est-à-dire d'être adapté au public visé, et de rester ancré dans la recherche universitaire. Concernant le problème de la pertinence des formations, nous proposons préalablement deux points de vue complémentaires pour cerner ces contraintes: (1 le premier s'intéresse aux structures institutionnelles ainsi qu'aux sources disponibles qui conditionnent le travail des enseignants ; (2 le second se concentre sur l'activité des enseignants et résume les principaux dilemmes professionnels qu'ils doivent affronter alors qu'ils investissent au cœur de leur enseignement un champ interdisciplinaire comme l'est l'histoire et l'épistémologie des sciences. (3 Ce double point de vue nous permet alors de proposer un ensemble de points cardinaux pour la conception de formations universitaires permettant aux enseignants ou futurs enseignants de développer leur pouvoir d'agir dans ce domaine.

  15. O uso de adoçantes na gravidez: uma análise dos produtos disponíveis no Brasil The use of sweeteners in pregnancy: an analysis of products available in Brazil


    Maria Regina Torloni; Mary Uschiyama Nakamura; Alexandre Megale; Victor Hugo Saucedo Sanchez; Claudia Mano; Annunziata Sônia Fusaro; Rosiane Mattar


    Os adoçantes são freqüentemente utilizados por mulheres em idade reprodutiva. Esta é uma revisão narrativa da literatura a respeito dos adoçantes atualmente comercializados no mercado brasileiro. Existem poucas informações sobre o uso da sacarina e ciclamato na gestação, e seus efeitos sobre o feto. Devido às limitadas informações disponíveis e ao seu potencial carcinogênico em animais, a sacarina e o ciclamato devem ser evitados durante a gestação (risco C). O aspartame tem sido extensivamen...

  16. CALCULANDO EL NIVEL DE RECURSOS DISPONIBLES A PARTIR DEL REGISTRO FUNERARIO MESOAMERICANO (Calculating the Available Resource Level from the Mesoamerican Mortuary Record

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    Pascual Izquierdo-Egea


    Full Text Available El cálculo del nivel de recursos disponibles a partir del registro funerario no solo es posible sino que arroja resultados espectaculares que aclaran cuestiones tan fundamentales como la naturaleza del cambio demográfico. Constituye un nuevo logro relevante de la arqueología de los fenómenos sociales como disciplina verdaderamente científica. Su aplicación a la Mesoamérica prehispánica confirma la coincidencia entre los resultados obtenidos para este nuevo parámetro en las tierras bajas mayas y los de la cuenca del río Balsas (México durante el Clásico Tardío. ENGLISH: The calculation of the availability of resources from the mortuary record is possible and yields dramatic results that clarify fundamental questions such as the nature of demographic change. It is a new and important achievement of the archaeology of social phenomena as a truly scientific discipline. Its application to prehispanic Mesoamerica confirms the similarity of the results obtained in the Mayan lowlands and those from the Balsas river basin in Mexico during the Late Classic.

  17. Résultats de recherche | Page 434 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... point et diffuser des techniques d''embouche et des pratiques agrofo-restières permettant d''accroître la sécurité alimentaire des exploitat. Published date. 29 août 2014. Rapports. FLOOD CONTROL URBAN POPULATION COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION URBAN PLANNING VULNERABLE GROUPS BUILDING DESIGN ...

  18. La variable ‘nivel de español’ en el léxico disponible de los estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera.

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    Marta Sánchez-Saus Laserna


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Son ya muy numerosos los estudios de disponibilidad léxica realizados sobre la lengua materna de una comunidad. Sin embargo, su aplicación a la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras apenas se ha investigado. Este artículo, fruto de una investigación en la que se ha estudiado el léxico disponible de los estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera de la Universidad de Cádiz y los factores que le influyen, analiza el efecto del nivel de español sobre el número de unidades léxicas que se han actualizado en las encuestas de disponibilidad. Además, hace especial hincapié en la importancia de que se lleve a cabo, no solo un análisis estadístico descriptivo de los resultados, sino también inductivo, el cual permite extrapolarlos a la totalidad del grupo de estudiantes que es objeto del estudio.

  19. Influence of available resources on medical practitioners' decision-making process and practice: study of a reference hospital emergency department Influencia de los recursos disponibles en la práctica clínica: estudio en una unidad de urgencias de un hospital de referencia

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    Juan Viñas Salas


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate variations in the observation period in the emergency department (ED in response to bed availability. Methods: A quasi-experimental pre-test post-test study without a control group was conducted in the ED observation ward over 2 1-month periods. During this time the only variable that changed was the number of beds available, which decreased from 20 (pre-test period to 16 (post-test period. Results: The ED attended 7,725 patients: 3,706 patients in pre-test period, 335 of whom were admitted to the observation ward, with an average length of stay of 1,105.4 minutes per patient, and 4,019 patients in post-test period, 570 of whom were admitted to the observation ward, with an average length of stay of 686.1 minutes per patient (p Objetivo: Evaluar la variación del indicador "periodo de tiempo de observación" dedicado a cada paciente, en respuesta a una reducción del número de camas disponibles. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio «quasiexperimental preprueba postprueba» sin grupo control en una unidad de urgencias durante 2 períodos de un mes. En este tiempo el único cambio fue el número de camas disponibles, que disminuyeron de 20 (período A a 16 (período B. Resultados: El servicio de urgencias atendió a 7.725 pacientes: 3.706 pacientes en el período A, 335 de los cuales fueron admitidos en la unidad de observación con una estancia media de 1.105,4 minutos por paciente; y 4.019 pacientes en el período B, 570 de los cuales fueron admitidos en la unidad de observación con una estancia media de 686,1 minutos por paciente (p < 0,001. No hubo variaciones en la mortalidad, readmisiones o quejas. Conclusiones: Una disminución en el número de camas disponibles para observación comporta una reducción en el tiempo de estancia de los pacientes.

  20. Atributos morfológicos y fisiológicos de genotipos de Brachiaria en un suelo con bajo fósforo disponible y alta saturación de aluminio

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    Sergio Mejía Kerguelen


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Se evaluaron en invernadero en un suelo de Matazul, Meta, Colombia durante 6 semanas, 2 genotipos de Brachiaria (uno mejor adaptado a bajo P, B. decumbens y otro menos adaptado, B. ruziziensis y 8 progenies del cruzamiento entre ellos ( mejores adaptados: H-7, H-40, H-28, H-58; menos adaptados: H-190, H-94, H-82, H-179. Los genotipos mejor adaptados presentaron mayor biomasa aérea, explicada por mayor área foliar, mayor absorción de P en el tallo y mayor volumen de raíz. Las características morfológicas de las raíces, principalmente longitud, peso seco y contenido de P, permiteron mejor adaptación a bajo P disponible en el suelo. El periodo de evaluación fue suficiente para observar diferencias entre progenies.

  1. Variabilidade da água disponível de uma terra roxa estruturada latossólica Available soil-water variability of a "terra roxa estruturada latossólica" (rhodic kanhapludalf

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    S.O. Moraes


    Full Text Available A partir de 250 curvas de retenção da água no solo, elaboradas com amostras indeformadas coletadas de uma área de 6250 m² de uma Terra Roxa Estruturada Latossólica de Piracicaba,SP, foram calculados quatro conjuntos de valores de água disponível assumindo-se -1x10³, -6x10³, -1x10(4 e -3x10(4 Pa como possíveis valores de potencial mátrico correspondentes à capacidade de campo e -1,5x10³ Pa um possível valor correspondente ao ponto de murchamento permanente. Foram feitas medidas de posição (média, variabilidade (coeficiente de variação, assimetria e curtose e numero necessário de amostras para estimar a média a um dado nível de probabilidade a fim de quantificar a variabilidade e a sensibilidade dos resultados em cada conjunto e entre conjuntos de valores de água disponível. A análise dos resultados mostrou que a variabilidade da água disponível, obtida à partir de dois valores de umidade da Curva de Retenção é muito maior que a variabilidade de cada valor individualmente. Ou seja, embora as variáveis envolvidas possam ser as mesmas, o grau de variabilidade (expresso, por exemplo, pelo coeficiente de variação ou a sensibilidade das medidas (expressa pelo número necessário de amostras para estimar a média dentro de um determinado intervalo de confiança pode ser bem distinto, indicando que nem sempre resultados de uma amostragem realizada com determinado objetivo poderá servir a outros, embora possam tratar-se de variáveis dependentes.From 250 soil-water retention curves of an area of 6250 m² of a "Terra Roxa Estruturada Latossólica" (Rhodic Kanhapludalf located in Piracicaba,SP, four sets of available soil-water were calculated assuming field capacity values based on soil-water contents corresponding to -1x10³, -6x10³, -1x10(4 and -3x10(4 Pa of soil water matric potential; and permanent wilting point based on soil-water contents corresponding to -1,5x10(6 Pa. Aiming to quantify the variability and the

  2. comparaison de deux techniques de replantation cacaoyère sur ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    , est vieillissant et doit être régénéré pour assurer une production durable de cacao. Mais, les réserves de forêt utilisées autrefois pour l'extension des plantations sont épuisées. Les terres cultivables disponibles sont les jachères et les ...

  3. Recursos bibliográficos disponibles en Internet sobre sustancias y residuos peligrosos y su influencia en el medio ambiente en el periodo 1975 a 2005

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    Javier Sanz-Valero


    Full Text Available Introducción. Internet se ha convertido en una fuente de información biomédica cada vez más utilizada. La documentación producida por las instituciones públicas y privadas, en relación con las sustancias peligrosas que se pueden recuperar en Internet, es fundamental para la prevención de este tipo de riesgos.Objetivo. Localizar y revisar los documentos disponibles en Internet sobre sustancias peligrosas, residuos peligrosos, incluyendo inertes, y su influencia en el medio ambiente en el periodo 1975 a 2005. Material y método. Estudio descriptivo transversal de los resultados de las búsquedas bibliográficas efectuadas en Internet, en las correspondientes bases de datos. Resultados. Se han reconocido 162 registros que cumplen con los requisitos señalados en la metodología preestablecida. Discusión. Con respecto a la documentación medioambiental pre- sente en Internet, parece conveniente incrementar su difusión y mejorar su clasificación y accesibilidad.

  4. Nitrogênio disponível ao milho: crescimento, absorção e rendimento de grãos Nitrogen available to maize: absorption, growth and yield

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    Solange França


    Full Text Available Este trabalho visou quantificar o nitrogênio (N disponível ao milho e avaliar seu efeito sobre o índice de área foliar (IAF, a produção de massa seca da parte aérea (MSPA, o N absorvido pela parte aérea e o rendimento de grãos. As avaliações foram realizadas aos 52, 65, 74, 82, 99 e 160 dias após a emergência (DAE em um experimento de manejo de solo conduzido em plantio direto desde 1985, com os sistemas de culturas de aveia/milho (A/M, aveia + ervilhaca/milho + caupi (A+E/M+C e ervilhaca/milho (E/M e duas doses de N (0 N e 180 N - kg ha-1 aplicadas no milho, na forma de uréia. Na safra 2000/01 foram aplicadas doses de 0, 60, 120 e 180 kg ha-1 de N. O N estimado disponível ao milho e calculado a partir da contribuição do solo, plantas de cobertura e do adubo nitrogenado, variou de 27 a 192 kg ha-1, sendo os menores valores associados aos tratamentos apenas com gramíneas (A/M e os maiores aos com N e presença de leguminosas no sistema (E/M e A+E/M+C. Todas as variáveis avaliadas apresentaram alta dependência do N disponível e tiveram seus valores maximizados próximos da maior disponibilidade de N (192 kg ha-1. Com esta disponibilidade foram observados, no estádio de polinização (65 DAE, o maior IAF (4,41 e a mais alta concentração de N na folha índice (2,49%, enquanto o maior acúmulo de N na parte aérea foi constatado no estádio de grão leitoso (74 DAE e o acúmulo de MSPA no estádio de grão dentado (99 DAE. O rendimento máximo de grãos atingido foi de 8.920 kg ha-1, correspondendo a uma exportação de N pelo grão, de 112 kg ha-1.This work aimed to quantify the available nitrogen (N to a maize crop and evaluate its effects on leaf area index (LAI, shoot dry matter (SDM production, N absorption by the above ground biomass, and grain yield. The evaluations were performed in a soil management experiment run since 1985, with three cropping systems (oat - Avena strigosa/maize, oat + vetch - Vicia sativa/maize and

  5. Qualidade da informação da internet disponível para pacientes em páginas em português Quality of internet information available to patients on websites in Portuguese

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    Adriana Del Giglio


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Pacientes e seus familiares frequentemente procuram na internet informações a respeito de suas doenças. Diabetes mellitus (DM, hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS e infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM são muito prevalentes no Brasil, e informações sobre estas patologias são bastante procuradas na internet. Por isso, buscamos avaliar a qualidade da informação relacionada com estas doenças disponível em português na internet. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas as primeiras 20 páginas em português de cada uma das doenças escolhidas, através do algoritmo de busca do Google®. Como ferramentas para avaliar a qualidade da informação foram utilizados o Discern Questionnarie (DQ e o Health on Net (HON. Para saber se as informações eram adequadas, foram utilizadas as diretrizes (guidelines brasileiras e internacionais para as diferentes comorbidades. RESULTADOS: Ao avaliar o conteúdo das informações disponíveis, 45%, 95%, 85% das páginas continham, respectivamente, a definição de DM, HAS e IAM. Com relação ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento, somente 25% das páginas das três comorbidades apresentavam especificamente esta informação. Somente 15%, 20% e 10% das páginas tinham a certificação pelo HON, respectivamente. Em função do DQ, as páginas obtiveram notas maiores que 50% em 70% das páginas de DM, 65% nas de HAS e 55% nas de IAM. CONCLUSÃO: A informação disponível em português na internet sobre as três patologias escolhidas (DM, HAS e IAM é frequentemente inadequada e insuficiente.OBJECTIVE: Patients and their relatives often look for information about their diseases on the internet. Diabetes mellitus (DM, systemic arterial hypertension (SAH, and acute myocardial infarction (AMI are the most prevalent in Brazil, thus, information on these pathologies is extremely searched for on the internet. For this reason, this study attempted to evaluate the quality of information available in Portuguese on the web

  6. Non disponible / Not available


    Joëlle , Linck


    We report the case of an important cholestatic hepatitis with prolonged cholestasis following two injections of gold salts. We discuss the links between this hepatisis and gold salts. In the context of a hypersensitivity reaction to gold salts, our patient developed other toxic reactions : hemolytic anemia, proeinuria, asepteic meningitis, pancreatitis, stomatitis, colitis, exanthema...We studied the mechanism of drug-induced hepatitis and more specifically gold-induced immuno-allergic reacti...

  7. Réseau des développeurs - logiciels d'exploitation libre pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Un atelier technique réunissant des utilisateurs, des développeurs et des promoteurs des logiciels libres sera organisé pour mettre au point une application prototype - des formulaires électroniques permettant de saisir des données au moyen d'un ANP puis de les transférer dans un ordinateur - pouvant combler les ...

  8. E-investigación: una introducción para principiantes (y escépticos a las fuentes de ciencia política disponibles en la web

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    Mauro Calise


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo de revisión es el de contribuir al seguimiento y el debate de los cambios en el entorno de la investigación electrónica. Vamos a presentar una visión general (adaptado principalmente a los neófitos del ciberespacio de algunos de los mejores recursos electrónicos disponibles en línea para la ciencia política, la elaboración de nuestra experiencia como editores de IPSA-Portal, el sitio web de la Asociación Internacional de Ciencia Política dedicada a la selección y revisión los mejores e-hubs en nuestra disciplina. Sin embargo, al aventurarse en el ciberespacio de la ciencia política, vamos a tratar de ofrecer una comprensión más general de las principales tendencias que afectan la galaxia del internet. Por mucho que estemos tentados sólo para pegarnos a nuestro pequeño planeta, tenemos que ser conscientes de que es parte de, y surge de, un sistema mucho más grande.

  9. Flow mapping by PIV in microstructures with three-dimensional flow behavior

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Westergaard, C.; Klank, Henning; Kutter, Jörg Peter


    fortement tridimensionnels. Ceci offre un challenge à la technique de la PIV appliquée à la micro-fluidique (souvent appelée Micro PIV). Le papier donne un exemple de mesures réalisées dans un micro-système pour illustrer les possibilités et discuter l'application du principe de stéréoscopie, permettant...

  10. Publications | Page 75 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... techniques de télédétection novatrices permettent de rendre compte de la pauvreté en Angola. Pour mesurer les répercussions de la croissance rapide des bidonvilles sur l'environnement en Angola, un bénéficiaire de subvention de longue date du CRDI conjugue des observations obtenues par satellite et des données.

  11. Publications | Page 74 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... techniques de télédétection novatrices permettent de rendre compte de la pauvreté en Angola. Pour mesurer les répercussions de la croissance rapide des bidonvilles sur l'environnement en Angola, un bénéficiaire de subvention de longue date du CRDI conjugue des observations obtenues par satellite et des données.

  12. Publications | Page 76 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... techniques de télédétection novatrices permettent de rendre compte de la pauvreté en Angola. Pour mesurer les répercussions de la croissance rapide des bidonvilles sur l'environnement en Angola, un bénéficiaire de subvention de longue date du CRDI conjugue des observations obtenues par satellite et des données.

  13. Comprendre les décisions d'adaptation des collectivités vivant dans ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    21 avr. 2011 ... Ce projet vise à renforcer les capacités locales permettant de déterminer et de concevoir des options techniques, institutionnelles et stratégiques appropriées. Selon une analyse de données sur le climat, le taux moyen de précipitation a considérablement diminué dans les montagnes, tandis que la ...

  14. Préparation à l'analyse de données dans Virgo : aspects de techniques informatiques et de techniques d'analyse pour la recherche de coalescences de binaires


    Buskulic , D.


    Le détecteur interférométrique d'ondes gravitationnelles Virgo est en phase de mise au point, il devrait atteindre une sensibilité lui permettant de prendre des données scientifiques dès la deuxième moitié de l'année 2006. La préparation à l'analyse de ces données est en cours et le mémoire traite de plusieurs aspects :- Un environnement d'analyse, VEGA, a été mis au point. Il permet à un utilisateur physicien d'accéder et de gérer les données provenant de Virgo, de développer un code d'analy...

  15. Conhecimento e atitude de usuários do SUS sobre o HPV e as vacinas disponíveis no Brasil

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    Maria José Duarte Osis


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO : Analisar o conhecimento de homens e mulheres acerca do HPV e das vacinas e sua intenção de serem vacinados e de vacinarem seus filhos adolescentes. MÉTODOS : Estudo descritivo, de corte transversal, com 286 mulheres (18 a 49 anos e 252 homens (18 a 60 anos, usuários de cinco unidades básicas de saúde e duas policlínicas do Sistema Único de Saúde, em Campinas, SP, em 2011. Foi realizada entrevista estruturada. Realizou-se análise bivariada e regressão de Poisson para identificar variáveis associadas ao conhecimento sobre HPV e vacinas e à intenção de vacinação. RESULTADOS : Quase 40,0% dos entrevistados referiram ter ouvido falar do HPV e 28,9% mencionaram informações adequadas; a principal fonte de informação foi a mídia (41,7%; 8,6% tinham ouvido falar das vacinas. Depois de informados da existência das vacinas, cerca de 94,0% dos participantes disseram que se vacinariam e/ou vacinariam filhos adolescentes se as vacinas estivessem disponíveis na rede pública de saúde. Escolaridade > 8 anos e ser do sexo feminino estiveram independentemente associados a ter ouvido falar do HPV e das vacinas e a ter conhecimento adequado sobre o vírus. Maior idade associou-se a ter ouvido falar das vacinas. Não houve variáveis associadas à intenção de vacinação. CONCLUSÕES : Os resultados reforçam a necessidade de haver intervenções educativas na população para prover informação adequada sobre o HPV e sobre medidas de prevenção.

  16. CERN Management & Communication Training programme

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Timetable of courses from November to December 2009 Please check our Web site to find out the number of places available, which may vary. Management Curriculum Managing Teams\t10, 11, 12 November (4 places available) CDP pour nouveaux superviseurs, part 1\t30 novembre, 1, 2 décembre (2 places disponibles) Managing by Project\t1, 2 December (full) Communication Curriculum Techniques d’exposé et de présentations\t10, 11 novembre + 8 décembre (complet) Managing Stress\t10, 11 November (6 places available) Communicating Effectively\t11, 12 November + 8, 9 December (4 places available) Orientation service\t12, 13 novembre (5 places disponibles) Gestion du stress\t17, 18 novembre (6 places disponibles) Animer ou participer à une réunion de travail\t9, 10, 11 décembre (3 places disponibles) If you are interested in attending any of the above course sessions, please talk to your supervisor and/or your DTO, and apply electronically via EDH from the course description p...

  17. Conference Proceedings of International High Speed Networks for Scientific and Technical Information, Held at Ottawa, Canada on 6-7 October 1993 (Les Reseaux Internationaux Rapides D’Echange D’Information Scientifique et Technique) (United States)


    reseau systtme pour que toutes les commandes soient girkes local Ethernet. dlectroniquement. Trois micro -ordinateurs permettent Ia transmission des...May 1993, ISBN 0.88736-936-7. Networking and the future of the Libraries, April 2-5, 1992. Paper 17. [71 Goodman, D., "El servicio de Directorio de

  18. Technical paper on the realisation of a continuous axenic culture of chlorella. Description of a biostat; Note technique sur la realisation d'une culture continue et axenique de chlorelles. Description d'un biostat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dalmon, J; Gilet, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    An apparatus for the continuous cultivation of chlorella is described with the means that allowed to keep axenic cultures for several months. (authors) [French] On decrit un appareil assurant une culture continue de chlorelles en insistant sur les modalites qui permettent de garder cette culture axenique durant plusieurs mois. (auteurs)

  19. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    25 mai 2013 ... (hystérectomie d'hémostase) reste parfois l'ultime geste pour sauver la malade. Les techniques de plicature utérine de B-Lynch et de compression ou capitonnage utérin (Cho) apparaissent comme une alternative intéressante surtout en cas d'atonie utérine, elles permettent de réaliser une hémostase en ...

  20. Modelagem geoestatística das incertezas da distribuição espacial do fósforo disponível no solo, em área de cana-de-açúcar

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    Ismênia Ribeiro de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O fósforo destaca-se como um dos nutrientes limitantes ao desenvolvimento da cultura da cana-de-açúcar em solos brasileiros. Esse elemento apresenta grande variabilidade espacial, coordenada pelos atributos que regem as reações de adsorção e dessorção. Estimativas espaciais são conduzidas por meio de interpolações geoestatísticas para a caracterização dessa variabilidade. No entanto, tais estimativas apresentam incertezas inerentes ao procedimento que estão associadas à estrutura de variabilidade do atributo em estudo e à configuração amostral da área. Dessa forma, avaliar a incerteza das predições associada à distribuição espacial do fósforo disponível (Plábil é importante para otimizar o uso dos fertilizantes fosfatados. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho da simulação sequencial gaussiana (SSG e da krigagem ordinária (KO na modelagem da incerteza das predições do fósforo disponível. Uma malha amostral com 626 pontos foi instalada em uma área experimental de 200 hectares de cana-de-açúcar no município de Tabapuã, São Paulo. Foram geradas 200 realizações por meio do algoritmo da SSG. As realizações da SSG reproduziram as estatísticas e a distribuição dos dados amostrais. A estatística G (0,81 indicou boa proximidade entre as frações dos valores simulados e as dos observados. As realizações da SSG preservaram a variabilidade espacial do Plábil, sem o efeito de suavização obtido pelo mapa da KO. A acurácia na reprodução do variograma dos dados amostrais, obtida pelas realizações da SSG foi, em média, 240 vezes maior que obtida por meio da KO. O mapa de incertezas, obtido por meio da KO, apresentou menor variação na área de estudo do que por SSG. Dessa forma, a avaliação das incertezas, pela SSG, evidenciou-se mais informativa, podendo ser utilizada para definir e delimitar, de forma mais precisa, as áreas de manejo específico.

  1. Peintures murales en Irlande du Nord et au Pays basque : mobilisation populaire et création d’identité nationale

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    Pascal Pragnère


    Full Text Available Cet article explore les différentes fonctions des peintures murales en Irlande du Nord et au Pays basque. Il montre comment les peintures murales, particulièrement visibles, ont la capacité de diffuser un message en permanence. En ce sens, comme les avancées conceptuelles sur la question de l’identification nationale permettent de le définir, elles constituent un support des processus de définition et de redéfinition des références identificatoires, et elles permettent de maintenir les dynamiques de polarisation communautaire comme éléments dominants de la structuration de l’espace public. Il n’y a que peu voire pas d’espace pour d’autres représentations de la vie sociale. Les peintures murales sont un outil de légitimation de la lutte, ce qui peut provoquer adhésion, soutien, ou mobilisation. Elles actualisent et élargissent le champ des références disponibles pour les processus d’identification, et rendent ce corpus de références toujours accessible à la population. Ainsi, elles participent activement à la dynamique du conflit.This article explores the several functions of mural paintings in Northern Ireland and in the Basque Country. It shows how the murals (which are particularly visible have the capacity to broadcast a message on a permanent basis. Recent conceptual progress on the question of national identification allows defining them as a basis for processes of definitions and re-definitions of identity references; they are also a means of keeping community polarization dynamics as the dominant elements in structuring the public space. Little or no space is left for other representations of social life. Murals are a tool for legitimising the struggle, which can stimulate adhesion, support or mobilization. They update and widen the field of references available for the identification processes, and make this corpus of references ready for use at any time for the population. Thus, they play an active part

  2. Determination of Thermodynamical Data of Calcium Hydroxichloride Détermination des données thermodynamiques de l'hydroxychlorure de calcium

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    Allal K. M.


    Full Text Available The reaction of hydrochloric acid with dry alkaline sorbents such as hydrated lime in the incineration units leads to the formation of not only calcium chloride but calcium hydroxichloride as well. A thermodynamic study of the chemical reactions involved in the dechlorination process is required in order to show if such a product is theoretically possible to be formed. However, the data of CaCIOH necessary to carry out such a study are not available in the literature. Hence, a method of predicting these data is developed in the present work. Predicted values of Gibbs energy and entropy of formation of CaCIOH at different temperatures are compared to values calculated by Mostafa's model and satisfactory results were obtained. La réaction de l'acide chlorhydrique avec des adsorbants alcalins tels que la chaux au niveau de stations d'incinération entraîne la formation de chlorure ainsi que de l'hydroxychlorure de calcium. Une étude thermodynamique des différentes réactions mises en jeu dans le procédé de déchloruration serait nécessaire, afin de montrer qu'un tel produit serait théoriquement susceptible d'être formé. Cependant, les données thermodynamiques de CaCIOH permettant de mener à bien une telle étude ne sont pas disponibles dans la littérature. Par conséquent, une méthode permettant de prédire ces données a été développée dans ce présent travail. Des valeurs d'énergie de Gibbs et d'entropie de formation de CaCIOH prédites par cette méthode à différentes températures ont été comparées à celles déterminées à l'aide du modèle de Mostafa, et des résultats satisfaisants ont été obtenus.

  3. Technical paper on the realisation of a continuous axenic culture of chlorella. Description of a biostat; Note technique sur la realisation d'une culture continue et axenique de chlorelles. Description d'un biostat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dalmon, J.; Gilet, R. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    An apparatus for the continuous cultivation of chlorella is described with the means that allowed to keep axenic cultures for several months. (authors) [French] On decrit un appareil assurant une culture continue de chlorelles en insistant sur les modalites qui permettent de garder cette culture axenique durant plusieurs mois. (auteurs)

  4. Absorção de água pelas plantas: água disponível versus extraível e a produtividade das culturas Water absorption by plants: available versus extractable soil water and crop production

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    Reimar Carlesso


    Full Text Available Um aspecto importante, no entendimento da relação entre a absorção de água e a produção das culturas, é como ocorre o balanço no suprimento de água do solo para satisfazer a demanda evaporativa da atmosfera. O suprimento de água é determinado pela habilidade da cultura em utilizar a água armazenada no solo e, a demanda, por outro lado, é determinada pela combinação dos fatores meteorológicos interagindo com o "dossel" vegetativo da cultura. Apesar da abundante literatura disponível, diferentes critérios tem sido utilizados na determinação do momento de ocorrência e da duração de um déficit hídrico. Muita ênfase tem sido dada para a quantificação do consumo de água pelas plantas nos diferentes subperíodos de desenvolvimento e reduzida importância tem sido conferida a quantificação da quantidade de água disponível (extraível e seus efeitos no crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas. Na discussão sobre a extração de água pelas plantas deve-se considerar, primeiramente, o problema da precisão na definição dos limites de disponibilidade de água. Esta publicação apresenta uma análise crítica das limitações normalmente encontradas na utilização dos limites de disponibilidade de água. A relação entre a água disponível e a água extraível do solo é analisada a partir de resultados sobre a taxa de transpiração e a tração de água extraível, a profundidade efetiva de extração do sistema radicular e, a extração de água por unidade de profundidade.An important issue to understanding the effect of water shortage on crop yield is how crops balance the supply of water from the soil to match the demand for water from the atmosphere. Supply is determined by the crop ability to utilise the stored soil water and, demand, on the other hand, is determined by a combination of metereological factors interacting with the crop canopy. Different criteria have been used to determine the timing and

  5. Extração de substratos para obtenção da concentração de micronutrientes disponíveis para a rúcula Extracting procedures to assess micronutrients availability for arugula plants

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    Mônica Ferreira de Abreu


    Full Text Available Vários desequilíbrios fisiológicos freqüentemente ocorrem em plantas cultivadas em substratos sem solo, causados pela falta ou excesso de micronutrientes, até o momento, não existe um método de rotina adequado para avaliar a disponibilidade deles para as plantas. Portanto, neste trabalho avaliou-se a eficiência dos métodos que utilizam extratos em água (1:1,5 e o extrato de saturação, e o extrato com solução de DTPA/CaCl2 para avaliar a concentração disponível de micronutrientes disponíveis para a Eruca sativa L. (rúcula cultivada em substratos. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, utilizando delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em esquema fatorial 3X4, com cinco repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de tipos de substratos (casca de pinus, fibra de coco e turfa e quatro concentrações de micronutrientes. Os substratos foram saturados e incubados com as soluções nutritivas até estabilizar a condutividade elétrica. Após, o substrato de cada parcela foi dividido, sendo uma parte para determinar os níveis do B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn pelos métodos 1:1,5, extrato de saturação e DTPA/CaCl2; a outra parte foi utilizada para cultivo da rúcula por 45 dias. De maneira geral, os métodos testados foram ineficientes em avaliar a disponibilidade de Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn para a rúcula. Por outro lado, houve correlação positiva entre as concentrações de B nos extratos obtidos pelos diversos métodos e a concentração de B na parte aérea da rúcula, com r>0,98**, independentemente do substrato utilizado. Todos os métodos podem ser utilizados na determinação do teor disponível de B às plantas, destacando-se o extrato de saturação com os melhores resultados.Physiological unbalances caused by micronutrient excess or deficiency are frequent in plants grown in soilless substrates and there exist no adequate routine method of analysis to assess micronutrient availability in the substrates. Therefore, the efficacy of

  6. Applications of Qualitative Microanalysis to the Determination of Secondary Species Associated with Uranium; Application de la microanalyse qualitative a la determination des especes secondaires d'uranium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Agrinier, H


    Microanalytical techniques are described which allow rapid determinations of secondary species associated with uranium. They consist in exposing the constituent elements of the ores by means of characteristic microchemical reactions. Because of their rapidity and the small amount of apparatus needed, these techniques can be used either in the field or in the laboratory. (author) [French] Les techniques de microanalyse decrites dans cet ouvrage permettent la determination rapide des especes secondaires d'uranium. Elles consistent a mettre en evidence les elements constitutifs des mineraux par des reactions microchimiques caracteristiques. En raison de leur rapidite et du peu de materiel qu'elles necessitent, ces techniques peuvent etre utilisees aussi bien sur le terrain qu'au laboratoire. (auteur)

  7. Usage de la refusion par bombardement électronique pour la purification et le recyclage des alliages Application of the electron beam remelting for the purification and the recycling of alloys

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    Bellot Jean-Pierre


    Full Text Available Parmi les techniques de purification ultime de métaux à hauts points de fusion, le procédé de refusion par bombardement électronique associe une puissance thermique garantissant la fusion du métal, et une refusion sous vide permettant l'élimination d'impuretés par distillation. Ce papier présente la technique et le potentiel d'élimination par distillation. Among the ultimate purification techniques applied to the high melting point metallic materials, the electron beam remelting process, combining a high thermal power and vacuum, is particularly conducive to volatilization. This paper describes the technique and its efficiency to remove impurities by distillation.

  8. Água disponível em um Latossolo Vermelho argiloso e murcha fisiológica de culturas Available water in a clayey Oxisol and physiological wilting of crops

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    Vilson A. Klein


    Full Text Available Para a determinação do volume de água retido no solo e disponível às plantas, é imprescindível quantificar o teor de água do solo (TAS na capacidade de campo (CC e no ponto de murcha permanente (PMP. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar os valores do TAS na CC e no PMP determinados por distintos métodos. Utilizaram-se amostras de um Latossolo Vermelho. A CC foi obtida no campo com o método do perfil instantâneo e, no laboratório, com funis de placa porosa. O PMP foi determinado, em laboratório, como sendo o teor de água residual retida no potencial matricial de -1,5 MPa, em câmara de Richards e com medidor de potencial de ponto de orvalho WP4 PotentiaMeter. Para murcha das plantas, o TAS foi significativamente menor no método fisiológico que o determinado nas câmaras de Richards; entretanto, o teor de água do solo no PMP foi estatisticamente igual para a cultura do girassol e superior para o milho, quando comparado com aquele obtido pelo WP4. A água disponível diminuiu com o aumento na tensão para a estimativa da CC e com o método WP4, mas não diferiu do método fisiológico. Assim, o WP4 permitiu adequada estimativa do PMP e disponibilidade hídrica às plantas, em solo argiloso.To estimate available soil water to plants it is necessary to measure field capacity (FC and permanent wilting point (PWP. The objective of this study was to compare soil moisture at FC and PWP measured by different methods. The soil used was a tropical Oxisol (Haplorthox. The FC was measured under field conditions, using the internal drainage method and in laboratory using porous plate funnel. The PWP was quantified in laboratory as the soil moisture at -1.5 MPa matric potential measured by pressure plate apparatus (Richards chamber and by WP4 dewpoint Potentia Meter. The physiological PWP was measured using corn and sunflower plants, when they had three leaf pairs and showed irreversible wilting. The soil moisture for PWP based on the

  9. Étude de la possibilité d'utilisation du rônier comme armature ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... traditionnelles, permettent d'envisager son utilisation comme armature dans le béton. ... Les résultats obtenus permettent de confirmer que le rônier peut être utilisé comme ... Keywords : wood, Borassus palm, framework, concrete, beam.

  10. La prevención primaria con aspirina de enfermedades cardiovasculares en personas diabéticas. Revisión de las pruebas disponibles

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    Carmen Maciá Bobes


    Full Text Available El beneficio del tratamiento con aspirina en la reducción del riesgo de infarto de miocardio, accidente vascular cerebral y muerte de origen vascular, está bien documentado en personas con enfermedad cardiovascular previa, incluido el subgrupo portador de una diabetes mellitus. Sin embargo el papel de la aspirina en prevención primaria es menos claro y objeto de discusión: los resultados de los ensayos clínicos disponibles no son consistentes, aunque los meta-análisis son favorables en algunos aspectos. Parece existir una disparidad entre el tipo de beneficio (cuando se observa y el sexo. Y en particular los resultados son contradictorios en personas diabéticas, las cuales representan un pequeño porcentaje de la muestra de población incluida en los estudios. A pesar de esto, la American Diabetes Association desde 1997, y otras sociedades científicas (incluidas varias españolas desde tiempos más recientes, recomiendan el uso de aspirina a dosis bajas en prevención primaria en todo paciente diabético mayor de 40 años, tipo 1 o tipo 2; y en todos los menores de 40 y mayores de 21 años que presenten otro factor de riesgo cardiovascular, además de la diabetes (antecedentes familiares de enfermedad vascular, hipertensión arterial, tabaquismo, dislipidemia o albuminuria. En este trabajo se revisan los resultados de los ensayos clínicos randomizados y controlados sobre la prevención cardiovascular primaria con aspirina, en los que se podrían apoyar las directrices oficiales de la American Diabetes Association, y se llega a la conclusión de que no existen actualmente pruebas científicas suficientes para sostenerlas.

  11. Caracterización morfológica y contenido de almidón resistente y disponible en bananos (Musa sapientum exportables del Ecuador

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    Edison Omar Martínez-Mora


    Full Text Available Introducción: La investigación tuvo como objetivo fundamental, la caracterización morfológica del almidón nativo de banano (Musa sapientum, contenido en almidón resistente (AR y disponible (AD, de las variedades de banano de exportación: Cavendish (AC, Filipino (AF, Orito (AO y Valery (AV.Material y Métodos: Se determinó tamaño y forma del gránulo de almidón a través de microscopia electrónica de barrido. La cuantificación del AR por medición de su fracción no hidrolizada, luego de un ataque de pepsina, y para la fracción del AD un ataque de amilasa pancreática a la fracción no hidrolizada. Se midió la absorbancia de las dos soluciones de AR y AD a 510nm contra el blanco del reactivo.Resultados: El tamaño de los gránulos de almidón de: AF, AV y AC fueron en promedio 28μm y para el AO, de 35μm aproximadamente. La forma que predominó fue la oval esférica. El contenido de AR y AD estuvo en el rango de 49 a 58,5% y de 41 a 50%, respectivamente.Conclusiones: El almidón resistente, análogo de la fibra y útil en la nutrición humana, se presentó en valores importantes en las muestras de las diferentes variedades de banano exportable del Ecuador, alrededor del 54%. Según los resultados, el almidón de banano de las variedades estudiadas puede ser incorporado en la elaboración de alimentos que demanden características funcionales, principalmente por su alto contenido en almidón resistente.

  12. Bulletin du CRDI #126

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    26 févr. 2018 ... Dans ce numéro, découvrez comment la recherche financée par le CRDI permet d'améliorer la santé des mères et des enfants dans les pays du Sud et comment les innovations techniques et sociales de l'initiative SEARCH permettent de surmonter les défis liés à la cybersanté. N'oubliez pas non plus de ...

  13. The technique of autoradiography at very low temperature; Technique d'autoradiographie a tres basse temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pellerin, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    ordinaire et la sensibilite de l'emulsion n'est pas appreciabdement modifiee. Cette technique permet de maintenir le bloc tres au-dessous de la temperature de congelation, des la mort de l'animal jusqu'au developpement; toute diffusion chimique est supprimee et la repartition de la substance radioactive saisie sur l'autoradiographie a l'instant exact de la mort par congelation. Des fraisages successifs permettent d'etudier la repartition de la substance radioactive, a toutes les profondeurs. L'absence d'effets pseudo-radiographiques est totale. Enfin, le renforcement des couleurs naturelles des elements anatomiques par cette tres basse temperature est considerable, ce qui permet de realigner l'autoradiographie en couleurs de le coupe processus de coloration. (auteur)

  14. Efeito da adição de fitase associada a diferentes níveis de proteína bruta e fósforo disponível sobre o desempenho e excreção de proteína bruta de frangos de corte


    Andréia Cristina Nakashima Vaz; Ricardo de Albuquerque; Marcelo Landim Brisola; Daniella Carolina Zanardo Donato; Paula Duarte Silva Rangel Garcia


    Foram utilizados 504 pintos de linhagem comercial para frangos de corte (Ag Ross 308) de 1 dia de idade, distribuídos em 12 tratamentos com seis repetições. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados em esquema factorial de 2x2x3, com dois níveis de fósforo disponível (0,45 e 0,34%), dois níveis de fitase (0 e 1200 FTU/kg) e três níveis de proteína bruta (22,5; 20,5 e 18,5%). Houve um aumento do peso das aves que receberam dietas contendo a enzima fitase embora não tenha...

  15. Développement des marchés financiers et évaluation des actifs bancaires : coût historique versus juste valeur. L'exemple de la titrisation


    Thuelin, Elisabeth


    Le recours au coût historique et à des techniques d'allègement des bilans comme la titrisation permettent aux banques de disposer d'une marge de manoeuvre en matière comptable. Le développement des marchés financiers et l'orientation actuelle de l'IASC et du FASB en faveur de la juste valeur sont susceptibles de bouleverser les images des établissements telles qu'elles ressortent des documents comptables.

  16. Aspects Phenotypiques De La Resistance Aux Β- Lactamines Des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusion: L'identification des phénotypes de résistance de P.aeruginosa par la technique d'antibiogramme en milieu gélosé constitue une alternative pour les laboratoires de bactériologie médicale dans les pays aux ressources limitées comme le Togo, où les techniques de biologie moléculaire ne sont pas disponibles ...

  17. The relationship between available P and selected biological properties in the rhizosphere of ten crop species under glasshouse conditions Relación entre el P disponible y algunas propiedades biológicas en la rizosfera de diez especies vegetales cultivadas en invernadero Relação entre o P disponível e um conjunto de propriedades biológicas selecionadas na rizosfera de dez espécies vegetais cultivadas em estufa

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    Ali Akbar Safari Sinegani


    disponible se midió en el suelo con Solanum lycopersicum. Helianthus annuus, Zea mays y Phasaeolous vulgaris tuvieron un efecto relativamente mayor sobre la disminución de P disponible en la rizosfera del suelo y en el suelo adherido a las raíces. S. lycopersicum y P. vulgaris presentaron la concentración de P más elevada (> 980 mg kg-1 y H. annuus y Z. mays fueron las especies que mostraron una mayor asimilación de P (17,62 mg maceta-1 y 13,13 mg maceta-1, respectivamente. El contenido medio de P en la biomasa microbiana del suelo (MBP fue significativamente elevado en la rizosfera del suelo y en el suelo adherido a las raíces de T. aestivum, Z. mays, S. tuberosum y S. lycopersicum (> 16 mg kg-1. La media del número de esporas de glomales (SNG presentó valores elevados en la rizosfera del suelo y en el suelo adherido a las raíces de P. vulgaris, S. lycopersicum, T. aestivum y Z. mays (> 167 N/10 g suelo. Las correlaciones negativas entre el P disponible y soluble con propiedades biológicas del suelo, como el SNG y la actividad fosfatasa alcalina, así como la correlación positiva con el pH del suelo, pusieron de manifiesto la importancia de los microorganismos de la rizosfera y de los glomales sobre la nutrición fosfatada de especies vegetales en suelos calizos. Así, la acidificación de la rizosfera en suelos calizos podría no ser un factor tan importante en la asimilación y adquisición de P por las plantas como es la mejora de las propiedades biológicas.

    O objectivo do presente estudo foi avaliar, em diferentes zonas de amostragem, o efeito do cultivo de 10 espécies vegetais em determinadas propriedades biológicas selecionadas bem como na disponibilidade de fósforo (P. A menor disponibilidade de P observou-se nos solos cultivados

  18. Análise de teses e dissertações em avaliação psicológica disponíveis na BVS-PSI Brasil

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    Maria Cristina Rodrigues Azevedo Joly

    Full Text Available O presente estudo objetivou verificar a produção científica de teses e dissertações em avaliação psicológica no Brasil, disponíveis na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde do Brasil (Bvs-Psi Brasil. Foram analisados 141 resumos de teses e dissertações em avaliação psicológica referentes a estudos que tinham avaliação psicológica, psicometria, validade, precisão e testes psicológicos como palavras-chave. Os resultados revelaram que 54,6% dos resumos eram de dissertações de mestrado, 43,3%, de teses de doutorado, e 2,1% eram de teses de pós-doutorado. Destes, 19,15% foram defendidos em Universidades estabelecidas na Região Sul do País, 80,14%, no Sudeste, e 0,71%, no Nordeste. Pode-se constatar que maior concentração da produção científica de avaliação psicológica fica na Região Sudeste. Verificou-se que 60,3% tinham por objetivo buscar parâmetros psicométricos, e 27,7% tinham a finalidade de utilizar os testes para validar protocolos de intervenção, descrever habilidades específicas e estudar relações entre variáveis, e constituem a maioria dos estudos transversais. Os construtos mais estudados são a personalidade e a inteligência, e as áreas de aplicação em que se utiliza mais avaliação psicológica são a clínica e a escolar, de acordo com os resultados do presente estudo.

  19. Publications | Page 2 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Documentaire sur des solutions locales qui permettent d'offrir plus de possibilités d'emploi aux femmes au Rwanda. Quand Nyirangaruye Dancilla a perdu son mari, elle s'est tournée vers la production de vin de banane pour ne pas se retrouver sans ressources. Aujourd'hui, les revenus de cette entreprise permettent à ...

  20. Publications | Page 6 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Documentaire sur des solutions locales qui permettent d'offrir plus de possibilités d'emploi aux femmes au Rwanda. Quand Nyirangaruye Dancilla a perdu son mari, elle s'est tournée vers la production de vin de banane pour ne pas se retrouver sans ressources. Aujourd'hui, les revenus de cette entreprise permettent à ...

  1. Diseño en ingeniería orientada a la capacidad tecnológica disponible; Engineering Design to the Available Technological Capacity Oriented

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    Genovevo F Morejón Vizcaíno


    Full Text Available Se presentan algunos de los resultados de la tesis doctoral: "Primera etapa del proceso de desarrollo de unhidromotor de alto par: Conceptualización y prototipo analítico". Se analiza un nuevo enfoque de diseño deingeniería con gran interés para los países que poseen una baja capacidad tecnológica en su industriametalmecánica, denominado: Desarrollo de nuevos productos orientado a la capacidad tecnológica disponible.La característica distintiva de esta metodología es el empleo de la capacidad tecnológica contenida en losproductos normalizados para diseñar otros con el objetivo de satisfacer necesidades sociales. Asimismo, sepropone una aplicación sobre el desarrollo de un nuevo tipo de hidromotor de pistones radiales llamado,hidromotor con cilindros tubulares radiales. (HCTR, el cual posee prestaciones competitivas y puede serconstruido por los países del tercer mundo. El objetivo de este trabajo no es dar una explicación pormenorizadade la metodología, sino mostrar su existencia y la gran utilidad que esta posee.  This paper presents the work of a doctoral thesis on "First stage of the process of development of a hydro-motor of high torque: conceptualisation and analytic prototype". A new focus of design is discussed. It isconvenient for the countries that possess a low technological capacity in industry. This new focus was nominatedas the process of development of new products guided to the available technological capacity, and theirdistinctive characteristic is that it uses the technological capacity contained in the products normalised todesign products to satisfy social necessities, that in another way they are impossible to design for theirelaboration demands. In an application of this procedure, a new type of hydro-motor of radial pistons wasobtained with competitive benefits that it can be built by the countries of the third world. The objective of thispaper is not to give an itemised explanation of the methodology

  2. Ferroelastic Phase Transition in Pb_3(PO_4)_2 Studied by Computer Simulation (United States)

    Parlinski, K.; Kawazoe, Y.


    A model of lead phosphate which describes its rhombohedral-monoclinic improper ferroelastic phase transition is proposed. It contains a reduced number of degrees of freedom but it is constructed consistently with symmetry changes at the phase transition. Potential parameters of the model are derived from available experimental data. The crystallites of 25× 25× 25 and 121× 121 × 25 unit cells have been simulated by the molecular-dynamics technique. The results determine the phase transition at the L point of reciprocal space, the order parameter, and the temperature behavior of monoclinic lattice parameters. In the rhombohedral phase the calculated dynamical structure factor shows inelastic peaks from which a soft branch of underdamped phonons has been established. The model has been used to calculate a diffuse scattering function which shows above T_c a maximum at an incommensurate wave vector located along the L F line of the Brillouin zone. The mentioned line is parallel to the ternary symmetry axis. On the basis of the above results we were able to vizualize the nature of the dynamical monoclinic microdomains persisting in the high-temperature rhombohedral phase. It has been shown that above T_c the fluctuations can be treated as temporary orientational monoclinic microdomains. Each type of microdomains always contains an irregular sequence of antiphase domains. Un modèle permettant de décrire la transition de phase ferroélastique impropre, rhomboédrique-monoclinique, du phosphate de plomb est proposé ci-dessous. Il est construit à partir d'un nombre réduit de degrés de liberté, tout en tenant compte des changements de symétrie caractéristique de la transition de phase. Les paramètres du modèle sont déduits quantitativement des résultats expérimentaux disponibles. La technique de dynamique moléculaire a permis de simuler le comportement des cristallites comportant 25× 25× 25 et 121× 121 × 25 mailles. Les résultats permettent de d

  3. Available phosphorus and sulphur, exchangeable aluminum and remaining phosphorus in rhodic eutrudox submitted to gypsum cultivated with wheat and soybean Fósforo e enxofre disponível, alumínio trocável e fósforo remanescente em latossolo vermelho submetido ao gesso cultivado com trigo e soja

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    Leandro Rampim


    Full Text Available The response to gypsum as a supplier of nutrients in the subsurface provides better root distribution for annual crops plants and thus provides use of larger volume of soil increasing the uptake of water and nutrients and therefore increased productivity, especially with evidence of interference of gypsum in phosphorus available in the soil. In this study evaluated the use of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O the levels of available phosphorus and sulfur, exchangeable aluminum and interference in the remaining phosphorus in the soil at 0-0.10, 0.10-0.20; 0.20-0.40 m of deep in Rhodic Eutrudox in no tillage and crop yields of wheat and soybean. We conducted sampling of soil at six and 12 months after surface application of 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 kg ha-1 gypsum and treatment without application of gypsum. The use of gypsum increased linearly the S content is available in layers from 0-0,10, 0,10-0,20 and 0,20 to 0,40 m deep, with the minimum content of available P at a dose of 2200 kg ha-1 and exchangeable Al with a dose of 3000 kg ha-1 layers evaluated, however, did not influence the values of remaining P. The use of gypsum increased linearly the S content available at depths of 0-0.10, 0.10-0.20 and 0.20-0.40 m, minimum P content available at the dose of 3166 kg ha-1 and exchangeable Al minimum point at the dose of 3300 kg ha-1 at a depth of 0.20-0.40 m however, did not affect the remaining P values. The use of gypsum increased the productivity of wheat, but did not influence soybean yield. A resposta ao gesso agrícola como fornecedor de nutrientes na subsuperfície proporciona melhor distribuição de raízes para culturas anuais e assim propicia às plantas explorar maior volume de solo aumentando a absorção de água e nutrientes e consequentemente incrementar a produtividade, com indícios da interferência do gesso no teor de fósforo disponível no solo. Neste trabalho o objetivo foi avaliar o uso do gesso agrícola (CaSO4.2H2O nos teores de f

  4. Copper availability as related to soil copper fractions in oxisols under liming Calagem e os teores disponíveis e as frações de cobre em latossolos

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    Clístenes Williams Araújo do Nascimento


    Full Text Available The knowledge of the chemical forms of copper in soils and the relationships of these forms with soil copper availability are important for predicting the copper behavior in the soil-plant system. The present work studies the influence of liming on the available contents of copper as well as on the forms of copper fractions in six types of Oxisols. Soil samples, with and without liming, received copper at rates of 0.0, 20.0 and 40.0 mg dm-3 and remained incubated for 30 days. Then, available copper was extracted with Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3, DTPA and EDTA solutions, and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Additionally, soil samples were extracted in a sequential procedure to determine Cu in fractions of soil, as follows: exchangeable-Cu fraction, organic matter-Cu fraction, Mn oxide-Cu fraction, amorphous Fe oxide-Cu fraction, crystalline Fe oxide-Cu fraction, residual-Cu fraction, and the total Cu content in the soil. Soil samples to which Cu was added presented higher Cu retention in the organic matter fraction with a small percentage retained in the exchangeable-Cu fraction. Liming resulted in a decrease of Cu in the exchangeable and organic matter fractions and an increase in the Fe and Mn oxide fractions and in the residual fraction. Without liming, the organic matter fraction presented the highest contribution to Cu content found in the soil extracts obtained with all extractors, except EDTA. For treatments with liming, Cu contents in the organic matter fraction were better correlated to Cu contents in extracts obtained with DTPA and Mehlich-3.O conhecimento das formas químicas em que se encontra o cobre em solos, e suas relações com os teores disponíveis, são importantes para a previsão do seu comportamento no sistema solo-planta. Nesse sentido, este trabalho estuda a influência da calagem sobre os teores disponíveis e sobre o fracionamento de Cu em amostras de seis Latossolos. Essas amostras, submetidas ou não a

  5. Levels of available phosphorus and calcium for broilers from 8 to 35 days of age fed rations containing phytase Níveis de fósforo disponível e de cálcio para frangos de corte de 8 a 35 dias de idade alimentados com rações contendo fitase

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    Adimar Cardoso Júnior


    Full Text Available Two experiments using Cobb broiler chicks from 8 to 35 days of age were carried out to evaluate the effect of reducing levels of calcium and available phosphorus in diets supplemented with 500 ftu phytase/kg on the performance of the birds, the content of ashes in the tibia, the metabolizable energy of the diet, and the metabolizability of the dry matter and crude protein. It was used 1,404 broiler chicks in the experiment 1 to evaluate feed intake, weight gain, food conversion and percentage of the ashes in the tibia. In the experiment 2, simultaneously carried out with experiment 1, a total of 390 birds were transferred to a metabolism room to determine the metabolizable energy and metabolizability of the dry matter and crude protein. It was used in the two experiments, a complete random design in a 3 × 4 + 1 factorial scheme with three levels of available phosphorus (0.375; 0.325; and 0.275% and four levels of calcium (0.85; 0.75; 0.65 and 0.55% in the diets, supplemented with phytase. It was also used a control diet without phytase, based on corn and soybean bran, formulated with 0.425% of available phosphorus and 0.85% of calcium. In the experiment 1, the reduction of levels of calcium and phosphorus did not cause a significant difference on the performance and percentage of bone ashes. The levels of calcium and available phosphorus used in the experiment 2 can be reduced down to 0.65 and 0.325%, respectively, because the effects are similar to those obtained with the currently suggested levels.Dois experimentos com pintos de corte da linhagem Cobb no período de 8 a 35 dias de idade foram realizados para avaliar o efeito da redução dos níveis de cálcio e fósforo disponível (Pdisp em rações suplementadas com 500 ftu de fitase/kg sobre o desempenho das aves, o teor de cinzas na tíbia, a energia metabolizável (EMAn da dieta e a metabolizabilidade da matéria seca (MS e da proteína bruta (PB. No experimento 1, foram utilizados 1

  6. Vote par sondage uniforme incorruptible


    Blanchard , Nicolas


    International audience; Introduit en 2012 par David Chaum, le vote par sondage uniforme (random-sample voting) est un protocole de vote basé sur un choix d'une sous-population représentative , permettant de limiter les coûts tout en ayant de nombreux avantages, principalement lorsqu'il est couplé a d'autres techniques comme ThreeBallot. Nous analysons un problème de corruptibilité potentielle où les votants peuvent vendre leur vote au plus offrant et proposons une variation du protocole reméd...

  7. L'intervention sous-marine : situation actuelle et perspectives d'avenir Underwater Operations and Techniques: Current Situation and Future Outlook

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    Bertrand A. R. V.


    Full Text Available A l'occasion de la Conférence Internationale de Paris sur la Pénétration sous-marine(6-8 décembre 1982, cet article fait le point sur les différents moyens d'intervention sous-marine disponibles à ce jour (plongeurs, engins télécommandés, sous-marins à pression atmosphérique et sur un certain nombre de problèmes technologiques communs (matériaux, télémanipulation, navigation, sources d'énergie. Ce domaine est encore en pleine évolution et fait appel aux récentes innovations technologiques. Bien que les engins télécommandés semblent avoir actuellement la faveur des industriels, les autres moyens restent d'avenir prometteur, la complémentarité devant remplacer dans le futur la concurrence La résurrection de l'Argyronète qui doit devenir en 1985 un banc d'essais des nouvelles techniques est le témoignage de l'activité de ce secteur industriel. This article is based on the International Symposium in Paris on Underwater Operations and Techniques 6-9 December 1982. It reviews the different methods now available for underwater operations (divers, remote-controlled vehicles, atmospheric-pressure submarines and various technological problems common to all of them (materials, remote manipulation, navigating, power sources. This field is evolving rapidly and makes use of the most recent technological innovations. Although remote-controlled vehicles now seem to be favored by industrialists, the other methods still have a promising future, and the complementariness of these methods can be expected to replace rivalry among them. The resurrection of the Argyronète project, which should become a test bench for new techniques in 1985, is a good illustration of the activity going on in this industrial sector.

  8. Banque d’instruments de mesure en recherche : Une innovation au service des membres chercheurs en sciences infirmières

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    Sylvie Le May


    Full Text Available Résumé : Introduction : Face aux difficultés que rencontrent ses enseignants et étudiants à retrouver des instruments de mesure valides dans les bases de données, le Réseau de Recherche en Interventions en Sciences Infirmières du Québec (RRISIQ a récemment choisi de développer une banque d’instruments de mesure accessible et bien documentée utilisant le logiciel bibliographique Zotero. Cet article a pour but de décrire la Banque d’instruments du RRISIQ, d’en exposer les défis et ses perspectives de développement. Description : La Banque comprend plus de 1400 liens ou références à des instruments de mesure reliés aux interventions cliniques, à l’organisation des services infirmiers et à la formation infirmière. L’utilisateur a accès à des références bibliographiques d’articles scientifiques sur les instruments, en anglais et en français. En naviguant dans la Banque, il clique sur l'article de son choix, obtenant ainsi une description bibliographique complète, dont une adresse web lui permettant d’accéder en ligne au plein texte. Résultats : La Banque d’instruments Zotero nécessite un faible coût d’entretien technique pour effectuer des sauvegardes, résoudre les difficultés et gérer les demandes d'accès. Elle est appréciée par ses utilisateurs. Discussion : La Banque prendra de l’ampleur dans les années à venir et des démarches sont actuellement réalisées par l’équipe pour la publiciser davantage auprès de ses membres et de leurs étudiants. L’équipe envisage de la rendre disponible à d’autres équipes de recherche du Québec.

  9. Classificação climatológica da energia potencial disponível para a convecção na cidade de Belém-PA

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    Josiane Sarmento dos Santos


    Full Text Available A classificação climatológica da Energia Potencial Disponível para a Convecção (CAPE foi estudada para verificar a possibilidade de ocorrer convecção e tipo de organização em Belém-PA, Brasil, associando-a com eventos extremos de precipitação (EEPRP. Para a análise da CAPE, utilizou-se dados de radiossondagens do DTCEA e de precipitação da estação do INMET, no período de 1987 a 2011. Observou-se que a atmosfera local apresenta condições favoráveis ao desenvolvimento de convecção profunda, pois a CAPE com valores maiores que 1000 J/kg foi a mais frequente, representando 61% de todas radiossondagens. O valor de 1000 J/kg, segundo alguns autores, é o limite para convecção profunda. As classificações CAPE 2 e 3 apresentaram tendências significativas de aumento ao longo dos anos, enquanto a CAPE 1 diminuição. Essa situação provavelmente é resultado do aumento da temperatura do ar ocorrido na cidade, impactando o valor da CAPE. Os resultados também mostraram que as correlações entre a CAPE e EEPRP, a CAPE e os Índices Oceânico do Pacífico e Gradiente Inter-Hemisférico do Atlântico foram baixas. Então, a CAPE não é condição suficiente para formação de nuvens e precipitação, pois forçantes dinâmicas de meso e grande escala contribuem decisivamente para modular o clima da cidade.

  10. Comportamento do sorgo granífero em função de diferentes frações da água disponível no solo Grain sorghum responses under several fractions of plant available water

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    Marcia Xavier Peiter


    Full Text Available O comportamento morfológico e fisiológico das plantas de sorgo em relação à diferentes níveis de déficit hídrico tem sido caracterizado extensivamente. Entretanto, as respostas são dependentes do grau de severidade e duração do déficit. O objetivo desse experimento foi analisar o comportamento da cultura do sorgo quando submetida a diferentes frações da água disponível no solo. O experimento foi desenvolvido no ano agrícola de 1993/94, em lisímetros de drenagem, protegidos das precipitações pluviométricas através de uma cobertura móvel. A cultivar Agroceres 3001 foi submetida a quatro tratamentos de irrigação. Irrigações foram aplicadas quando a fração da água disponível (FAD, medida na profundidade do solo explorado pelo sistema radicular das plantas, atingia valores inferiores a 0,95, 0,85, 0,75, e 0,65 da FAD, com três repetições. A altura de plantas e o índice de área foliar foram semelhantes para os tratamentos de 0,75, 0,85 e 0,95 da FAD. O manejo da irrigação com a manutenção da FAD a 0,75 e 0,85 apresentaram valores semelhantes para todas as variáveis analisadas. A manutenção da FAD a 0,65 resultou em um menor crescimento das plantas de sorgo, indicando a ocorrência de déficit hídrico.The morphological and physiological behaviour of grain sorghum plants submitted to different water deficit levels has been extensively characterized. However, plant responses are extremelly dependents of the severity and duration of lhe stress. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the performance of sorghum crop when submitted to different irrigation management levels. This experiment was conducted during 1993/94 growing season in a set of drainage lysimeters under a rain shelter. The sorghum variety Agroceres 3001 was submitted to four irrigation treatments. Irrigations were aplyied when the fraction of plant available water (PAW were lower than 0.95, 0.85, 0.75 and 0.65, with three replications

  11. Seminar on the news energy utilization in rural area of April 3 to March 24 , 1980 in Reo, Upper Volta[Energie renouvelable ; Zone rurale ; Gaz biologique ; Energie solaire ; Sechoir solaire]; Seminaire sur l'utilisation des energies nouvelles en zone rurale du 24 mars au3 avril 1980 a Reo, Haute Volta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    volume of transport much more reduced. Mastering these new technologies will help fight efficiently against desertification, and fruits and vegetables rotting. [French] L'acces a l'energie par toutes les populations reste une des preoccupations du Gouvernement de Haute Volta (Burkina Faso). C'est ainsi que sous l'egide de la Communaute Economique de l Afrique de l'Ouest (CEAO), de l'Agence Canadienne de Developpement International et du Mouvement Scout, un seminaire sur l'utilisation des energies renouvelables en zone rurale y a ete organise. Il s'agit pour les participants venus de plusieurs pays, d'apprendre a mettre en pratique, l'utilisation des energies nouvelles telles la cuisiniere a feu ferme, le gaz biologique, le chauffe- eau solaire et le sechoir solaire. L'adoption de ces nouvelles sources d'energie par les populations permettrait de pallier les problemes de desertification lies au deboisement intensif dans le pays. Tous les participants a cette rencontre sont donc sensibilises pour qu'ils apportent leur contribution et celle des populations de leurs terroirs respectifs pour une meilleure conservation des ressources naturelles disponibles. Cela passe aussi par la construction de cuisinieres a feu ferme qui permettent d'avoir deux sources d'energie. Ce type de foyer est d'une construction facile et utilisable seulement trois jours apres. Il permet d'eviter la perte d'energie qui caracterisait le foyer traditionnel (pres de 95% de perte d'energie) ; ce qui revient a consommer moins de bois tout en assurant un rendement de l'ordre de 60 a 70%. Il s'est agi pour les participants aux travaux de s'initier a l'installation de gaz suivant des modeles chinois et indien . Ils ont donc ete inities a la realisation des technologies de production de gaz biologique a travers la maitrise du schema de principe du procede de fermentation discontinue. De meme, ils ont acquis le savoir- faire sur les techniques de mise en place du chauffe- eau solaire par insolateur et du

  12. Dosage of cesium 137 in radioactive wastes by the application of sodium tetraphenylborate; Dosage du cesium 137 dans les effluents radioactifs par le tetraphenylborate de sodium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Testemale, G; Girault, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A simple technique of the dosage of {sup 137}Cs has been developed. The technique consists in the formation of cesium tetraphenyl borate, followed by a double extraction with isoamyl acetate, and washing of the organic phase. The counting of known parts of the cesium solution assaying of its purity by {gamma} spectrometry enable the determination of the {sup 137}Cs. The yield is about 98 per cent. (authors) [French] Une technique simple du dosage du {sup 137}Cs a ete mise au point. Elle consiste en une double extraction du tetraphenylborate de cesium forme par l'acetate d'isoamyle suivie d'un lavage de la phase organique. Des comptages sur des parties aliquotes de la solution de cesium et un controle de purete par spectrometrie {gamma} permettent la determination de cet element. Rendement: environ 98 pour cent. (auteurs)

  13. Relação cálcio:fósforo disponível e níveis de fitase para poedeiras semipesadas no primeiro e segundo ciclos de postura Calcium:available phosphorus ratio and phytase levels for semi heavy laying hens in the first and second posture cycle

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    José Humberto Vilar da Silva


    Full Text Available Dois experimentos foram realizados para investigar a relação cálcio (Ca:fósforo disponível (Pd e o nível de fitase (UF no primeiro e segundo ciclos de postura. No primeiro ciclo de postura, 128 aves foram distribuídas em arranjo fatorial 3 × 2 + 1, composto de três relações Ca:Pd (14:1 = 4,2% Ca e 0,30% Pd; 12:1 = 3,5% Ca e 0,30% Pd; e 9:1 = 3,5% Ca e 0,38% Pd, dois níveis de fitase (0 e 600 UF e uma relação Ca:Pd controle (11:1 - 4,2% Ca e 0,38% Pd. No segundo ciclo de postura, 240 aves foram distribuídas em arranjo fatorial 2 × 2 × 2, composto de dois níveis de cálcio (3,5 e 4,2%, dois de fósforo disponível (0,30 e 0,38% e dois de fitase (0 e 600 UF. No primeiro ciclo, entre as aves alimentadas com as rações sem fitase, o maior peso dos ovos (PO foi obtido com a relação 9:1 (3,5% Ca e 0,38% Pd e o menor, com a relação 12:1 (3,5% Ca e 0,30% Pd. A melhor massa de ovos (MO e conversão alimentar por massa de ovos (CAMO foram observadas nas aves alimentadas com a ração com relação Ca:Pd 14:1 e a pior, com a ração formulada com relação 12:1. Nas aves alimentadas com a ração com fitase, a melhor conversão alimentar por massa de ovos foi obtida com a relação 12:1 (3,5% Ca e 0,30% Pd e a pior, com a relação 9:1 (3,5% Ca e 0,38% Pd. No segundo ciclo, o consumo de ração (CR reduziu com o aumento dos níveis de cálcio (3,5 para 4,2%, fósforo disponível (0,30 para 0,38% e fitase (0 para 600. As conversões alimentares por massa de ovos e por dúzia de ovos melhoraram, respectivamente, com o aumento dos níveis de fósforo disponível e de fitase, enquanto a gravidade específica melhorou com o aumento do nível de cálcio da ração. Para poedeiras no primeiro ciclo de postura, recomendam-se as relações 14:1 (4,2% Ca:0,30% Pd sem fitase e 12:1 (3,5% Ca:0,30% Pd com 600 UF e, para aves no segundo ciclo de postura, recomenda-se relação correspondente a 4,2% Ca e 0,38% Pd. A suplementação de ra

  14. O uso de adoçantes na gravidez: uma análise dos produtos disponíveis no Brasil The use of sweeteners in pregnancy: an analysis of products available in Brazil

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    Maria Regina Torloni


    Full Text Available Os adoçantes são freqüentemente utilizados por mulheres em idade reprodutiva. Esta é uma revisão narrativa da literatura a respeito dos adoçantes atualmente comercializados no mercado brasileiro. Existem poucas informações sobre o uso da sacarina e ciclamato na gestação, e seus efeitos sobre o feto. Devido às limitadas informações disponíveis e ao seu potencial carcinogênico em animais, a sacarina e o ciclamato devem ser evitados durante a gestação (risco C. O aspartame tem sido extensivamente estudado em animais, sendo considerado seguro para uso na gestação (risco B, exceto para mulheres homozigóticas para fenilcetonúria (risco C. A sucralose e o acessulfame-K não são tóxicos, carcinogênico ou mutagênicos em animais, mas não existem estudos controlados em humanos. Porém, como esses dois adoçantes não são metabolizados, parece improvável que seu uso durante a gestação possa ser prejudicial (risco B. A estévia, substância derivada de uma planta nativa brasileira, não produz efeitos adversos sobre a gestação em animais, porém não existem estudos em humanos (risco B. Os agentes de corpo usados na formulação dos adoçantes (manitol, sorbitol, xilitol, eritrol, lactilol, isomalte, maltilol, lactose, frutose, maltodextrina, dextrina e açúcar invertido são substâncias consideradas seguras para o consumo humano. Concluindo, segundo as evidências atualmente disponíveis, o aspartame, a sucralose, o acessulfame e a estévia podem ser utilizados com segurança durante a gestação.Sweeteners are frequently used by women of reproductive age. This is a narrative review about the sweeteners currently sold in the Brazilian commerce. There is a few information on the use of saccharin and cyclamates in pregnancy and their effects on the fetus. Due to the limited information available and their carcinogenic potential in animal species, saccharin and cyclamates should be avoided during pregnancy (risk C. Aspartame

  15. Evaluación del fósforo disponible mediante tres métodos en distintos suelos y manejos productivos Evaluation of phosphorus available by three methods in different soils and productive managements

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    Carolina Fernández López


    Full Text Available El fósforo (P es un nutriente de baja solubilidad y movilidad en los suelos, que se encuentra generalmente en situaciones de deficiencia para el crecimiento vegetal, y sólo puede ser repuesto mediante la fertilización. Debido a la variabilidad en la evaluación de la disponibilidad de P en el suelo, se realizó este trabajo con el objetivo de: a comparar entre sí dos de los métodos más comunes de evaluación de disponibilidad de P del suelo (Bray I y Olsen, y el método de la tirita de papel de filtro embebida en óxido de hierro (Strip; b estimar cual de los métodos se relaciona mejor con algunas variables vegetales ante distintas condiciones de manejo y tipos de suelos. Se estudiaron suelos de los órdenes Entisol, Alfisol y Vertisol de la provincia de Corrientes en condición natural o cultivado con Citrus, arroz o pasturas, respectivamente. Se determinaron algunas propiedades físicas y químicas, verificando la similitud textural entre los suelos Testigos y Cultivados. Se realizó un ensayo en invernadero de cada uno de los seis suelos con once niveles de P (entre 0-200 mg P por kg de suelo y luego se los incubó durante 25 días a 28 °C. Al finalizar la incubación se determinó el P disponible mediante los procedimientos recomendados para los métodos de Bray I, Olsen y Strip. Se sembró "rye grass" (Lolium perenne que se cosechó a los 45 días de la siembra para cuantificar la materia seca aérea y análisis de P en tejido. Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo sugieren que todos los métodos de evaluación de la disponibilidad de P del suelo describieron de manera adecuada y significativa las relaciones entre MS (R² entre 0,35 a 0,95, y valores extremos para el Vertisol y el Entisol, %P (con R² entre 0,92 y 0,95 y P absorbido (R² entre 0,93 y 0,96 y con muy pocas diferencias entre los suelos con el P extractado por los tres métodos. Sin embargo, la bondad de los ajustes fue diferente entre suelos, extractantes y manejos

  16. Optimisation d’un Système de Séchage Solaire des Produits Agro‐alimentaires.


    MISSOUM, Djamel Eddine


    Le séchage est l'une des principales techniques de préservation des produits agricoles et alimentaires. L’étude théorique menée sur l’optimisation d’un séchoir solaire de type indirect fonctionnant en convection forcée. Elle consisteà développer un modèle mathématique permettant de décrire le comportement thermique et le pouvoir énergétique de ce séchoir. Ce modèle mathématique a été obtenu par application des lois de transfert de c...

  17. L’encadrement juridique de la recherche translationnelle : tentative de cartographie d’une normativité plurielle


    Léger-Riopel, Nicholas


    La recherche translationnelle, paradigme émergent de la recherche biomédicale, soulève une variété d’enjeux juridiques parfois inédits. À titre d’expression technique du programme de la recherche translationnelle, la multiplication des biobanques à l’échelle mondiale (ré)actualise certaines questions liées à l’encadrement éthique et juridique de la recherche biomédicale. À partir d’une définition permettant d’esquisser les pourtours d’une « carte » des différentes étapes sous-tendues par la r...

  18. Avicultura Industrial: Novos Conceitos de Materiais, Concepções e Técnicas Construtivas Disponíveis para Galpões Avícolas Brasileiros

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    Tinôco IFF


    Full Text Available Ao grande crescimento das fronteiras mercadológicas e ao extraordinário progresso científico verificado na avicultura industrial, contrapõe-se a pouca atenção que se deu, até recentemente, às técnicas de alojamento e, efetivamente, ao ambiente de criação das aves. Somente há questão de sete anos, com a perspectiva do processo de globalização que hoje movimenta a economia mundial, essa indústria passou a buscar, nas instalações e no ambiente, as possibilidades de melhoria no desempenho avícola e a redução dos custos de produção como forma de manter a competitividade. A produç��o de aves em alta densidade passou a ser imperativa e, dessa forma, a exigência de conforto térmico ambiental, que já havia crescido muito com o aumento da precocidade das aves, tornou-se ainda maior, como conseqüência da elevação da densidade de alojamento. Assim, para se manter competitiva, a indústria avícola brasileira está tendo de evoluir, rapidamente, de uma situação de quase indiferença aos princípios do acondicionamento térmico ambiente, para uma situação em que cada empresa ou integração deve tomar decisões relativas à adoção de concepções arquitetônicas e manejos inovadores, associados a sistemas de acondicionamento térmico naturais e artificiais, compatíveis com a sua realidade. Essas decisões incluem a readequação dos galpões já existentes e a concepção de novas unidades. Seguramente, estamos vivendo o momento de mais intensas transformações dos alojamentos avícolas brasileiros até então presenciado. Do exposto, esse trabalho busca abordar o planejamento, a concepção arquitetônica e os diferentes materiais e técnicas construtivas disponíveis para a indústria avícola brasileira no que diz respeito aos galpões de alojamentos das aves, visando propiciar um melhor acondicionamento térmico ambiente, compatível com as diferentes regiões climáticas brasileiras.

  19. Cuarenta años de investigación sobre la plasticidad del músculo esquelético; conclusiones personales (artículo completo disponible en inglés

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    Hans Hoppeler


    Full Text Available Este es un estudio personal altamente subjetivo sobre la investigación llevada a cabo durante los últimos 50 años que documenta los fenómenos y los mecanismos de la plasticidad del tejido muscular esquelético. Enfocaré el trabajo desde una perspectiva histórica y seguiré algunos de los hilos que han despertado mi curiosidad y han guiado mi investigación a lo largo de mi carrera investigadora. Este estudio no es ni exhaustivo ni equilibrado. Representa mis intereses personales y algunos descubrimientos cruciales que han marcado mis objetivos de investigación. He tenido la suerte de llevar a cabo este estudio con colaboradores muy creativos que han sido los que han realizado la mayor parte de esta investigación. También he tenido la suerte de contar con dos tutores excepcionales, ER Weibel y C.R. Taylor, que me han apoyado durante todo el proceso guiándome y dándome consejos e, inicialmente, facilitándome la ayuda económica necesaria. Han fomentado un enfoque global y me han enseñado a combinar la investigación funcional y estructural para lograr una visión integral del rendimiento del sistema. Cuando las herramientas moleculares apropiadas pasaron a estar disponibles a finales de los 90, estas ayudaron a descubrir los mecanismos subyacentes de la plasticidad estructural y funcional del músculo previamente descrita. La idea de que el tejido muscular esquelético activo es determinante para el bienestar físico y para la salud continuará impulsando la investigación mecanicista de la plasticidad muscular en el futuro.

  20. Comparative study of abdominal cavity temporary closure techniques for damage control. (United States)

    Ribeiro, Marcelo A F; Barros, Emily Alves; Carvalho, Sabrina Marques DE; Nascimento, Vinicius Pereira; Cruvinel, José; Fonseca, Alexandre Zanchenko


    The damage control surgery, with emphasis on laparostomy, usually results in shrinkage of the aponeurosis and loss of the ability to close the abdominal wall, leading to the formation of ventral incisional hernias. Currently, various techniques offer greater chances of closing the abdominal cavity with less tension. Thus, this study aims to evaluate three temporary closure techniques of the abdominal cavity: the Vacuum-Assisted Closure Therapy - VAC, the Bogotá Bag and the Vacuum-pack. We conducted a systematic review of the literature, selecting 28 articles published in the last 20 years. The techniques of the bag Bogotá and Vacuum-pack had the advantage of easy access to the material in most centers and low cost, contrary to VAC, which, besides presenting high cost, is not available in most hospitals. On the other hand, the VAC technique was more effective in reducing stress at the edges of lesions, removing stagnant fluids and waste, in addition to acting at the cellular level by increasing proliferation and cell division rates, and showed the highest rates of primary closure of the abdominal cavity. RESUMO A cirurgia de controle de danos, com ênfase em peritoneostomia, geralmente resulta em retração da aponeurose e perda da capacidade de fechar a parede abdominal, levando à formação de hérnias ventrais incisionais. Atualmente, várias técnicas oferecem maiores chances de fechamento da cavidade abdominal, com menor tensão. Deste modo, este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar três técnicas de fechamento temporário da cavidade abdominal: fechamento a vácuo (Vacuum-Assisted Closure Therapy - VAC), Bolsa de Bogotá e Vacuum-pack. Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura com seleção de 28 artigos publicados nos últimos 20 anos. As técnicas de Bolsa de Bogotá e Vacuum-pack tiveram como vantagem o acesso fácil ao material, na maioria dos centros, e baixo custo, ao contrário do que se observa na terapia a vácuo, VAC, que além de apresentar

  1. Rapid determination of phenol content in extra virgin olive oil

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    Favati, F.


    Full Text Available A quick extraction methodology was developed to reduce the time usually required to determine the phenol content in olive oil. The validity of this method, based on SPE technique, was tested against two other phenol extraction techniques.
    The statistical analysis of the analytical data showed that over a phenol content range of 110-550 μg/g oil, the proposed method can be a reliable alternative for a rapid extraction of the phenols from olive oil.

    No disponible.

  2. Grandeurs caractéristiques de la machine synchrone obtenues analytiquement à partir d'une réduction de modèle par une technique des multiéchelles de temps


    Guesbaoui , H.


    Il est bien connu qu'il n'est pas possible d'avoir une écriture simple des courants et des tensions pour une machine synchrone modélisée par plus d'un amortisseur par axe d et q de Park. De plus, seules des méthodes numériques permettent un calcul approché de ses grandeurs caractéristiques. Dans cet article nous proposons de déterminer les constantes de temps sous une forme analytique à partir de l'écriture de sous-systèmes réduits du premier ordre décrivant les régimes subtransitoire, transi...

  3. Techniques avancées du traitement d'antennes pour la localisation de sources : application à la localisation de mobile: cas du système UMTS.


    Grosicki , Emmanuele


    La thèse a porté sur la localisation de mobile pour les systèmes UMTS-FDD. Il s'agit d'un sujet qui intéresse de plus en plus les opérateurs, notamment dans le cas de système UMTS-FDD où il existe très peu de réseaux réels. Les différentes approches permettant de localiser un émetteur ont ainsi été envisagées, et plus particulièrement, celles basées sur les mesures de puissances, les temps d'arrivée (TOA) en liaison descendante ou encore celles basées sur les angles d'arrivée (AOA) et sur tou...

  4. Production polyphasique. Modélisation des écoulements à bouchons Multiphase Production Slug-Flow Modeling

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    Drouffe J. M.


    Full Text Available L'exploitation des hydrocarbures en mer reste une activité coûteuse et qui peut, même, se révéler, éventuellement dangereuse. Les concepts de production polyphasique tels que Poséidon permettent à la fois : - une réduction importante des coûts de production; - la suppression des risques humains liés à la présence permanente en mer d'équipes importantes. Les programmes de simulation des écoulements diphasiques actuellement disponibles pour la mise en oeuvre de ces concepts, sont tous basés sur une approche déterministeclassique. Cet article présente une nouvelle approche statistiquenon conventionnelle qui devrait nous permettre de mieux préciser les caractéristiques des écoulements à bouchons et donc de pouvoir mieux dimensionner et exploiter nos futures installations de production et transport polyphasique longue distance. Offshore hydrocarbon production remains a costly venture, and even one that might possibly be dangerous. Multiphase production concepts such as Poseidon make for both a considerable reduction in production costs and the elimination of human risks linked to the constant offshore presence of large crews. The two-phase flow simulation programs now available for implementing such concepts are all based on a standard deterministicapproach. This article describes a new and unconventional statisticalapproach that we feel more accurately describes the characteristics of slug flows and hence is more effecting for the sizing and operating of future production and long-distance pipelining installations.

  5. La digestion chez les camélidés ; comparaison avec les ruminants


    Jouany, J Pierre


    Les études sur la digestion et le métabolisme des camélidés ont bénéficié au cours des quinze dernières années des progrès techniques et méthodologiques issus des travaux conduits chez les ruminants. On dispose aujourd’hui d’éléments scientifiques fiables qui permettent de comparer les aptitudes digestives et métaboliques respectives de ces deux types d’animaux. L’anatomie des pré-estomacs ainsi que le comportement alimentaire des animaux sont très différents entre camélidés et ruminants. De ...

  6. Ionophorèse et électroporation : administration cutanée de médicaments et d'ADN


    Préat, Véronique; Vandermeulen, Gaëlle; Daugimont, Liévin; Wascotte, Valentine


    La peau est une cible intéressante pour l'administration de médicaments et d'ADN qui cependant reste limitée par la faible perméabilité du stratum corneum. L'ionophorèse et l'électroporation ont été largement étudiées afin d'obtenir une administration transdermique. Dans les deux cas, le passage de courant perturbe la perméabilité de la peau et même la perméabilité cellulaire dans le cas précis de l'électroporation. Ces deux techniques permettent d'élargir le spectre des substances administra...

  7. Amélioration des méthodes de protection anticorrosion des structures métalliques : Sous-sujet : Application des systèmes dits de "maintenance" sur préparation de surface UHP




    Le problème actuel de l'entretien de la protection anticorrosion des structures métalliques est l'augmentation du coût découlant des contraintes règlementaires récentes sur l'évacuation et le traitement des déchets. Lors d'un chantier d'entretien, le principal poste générateur de déchets est le décapage. Toutes les solutions techniques permettant de diminuer la quantité et/ou la nocivité des déchets de décapage sont donc intéressantes aussi bien du point de vue économique que de celui de la p...

  8. Exploitation réseau électrique Bilan 2000

    CERN Document Server

    Cumer, G


    Ce document présente le bilan annuel d'exploitation du réseau électrique pour l'année 2000. Après une présentation succincte des nouvelles sous-stations et équipements mis en service cette année, ce bilan est proposé au travers des statistiques des pannes et des demandes d'interventions des salles de contrôles PCR, MCR et PCR. Cette année 2000 aura été marquée par quelques pannes majeures ayant affecté le LEP et le SPS. L'analyse de ces incidents en fait apparaître les causes d'origines techniques, humaines ou extérieures au CERN, détaille les catégories d'équipements concernés. Ces données permettent de souligner l'impact et les conséquences lourdes de la moindre coupure électrique sur le fonctionnement des accélérateurs. Elles permettent d'autre part de mettre en lumière les points faibles actuels que sont les contrôleurs Micène, les câbles et les protections 18 kV SPS. Dans ce contexte et au vu des incidents de ces dernières années, un historique des pannes survenues sur les...

  9. Alignement général du CLIC: stratégie et progrès

    CERN Document Server

    Mainaud-Durand, H


    La faisabilité concernant le pré-alignement actif du CLIC sera démontrée si l?on peut prouver qu?il existe une référence et ses capteurs associés permettant l?alignement des composants à mieux que 3 microns (1?). Pour répondre à ce challenge, une méthode de mesure d?écarts à un fil tendu est proposée, basée sur 40 ans de pratique de cette technique au CERN. Quelques problèmes demeurent concernant cette méthode : la connaissance de la forme du fil tendu utilisé comme référence droite, la détermination du géoïde à la précision souhaitée et le développement de capteurs bas coût permettant des mesures sub-micrométriques. Des études ont été entreprises afin de lever les derniers points en suspens, pendant que cette solution est intégrée dans une proposition concernant l?alignement général du CLIC. Cela implique un grand nombre d?interactions au niveau du projet, dans des domaines aussi différents que le génie civil, l?intégration, la physique du faisceau, la métrologie des �...

  10. Cogeneration techniques; Les techniques de cogeneration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This dossier about cogeneration techniques comprises 12 parts dealing successively with: the advantages of cogeneration (examples of installations, electrical and thermal efficiency); the combustion turbine (principle, performances, types); the alternative internal combustion engines (principle, types, rotation speed, comparative performances); the different configurations of cogeneration installations based on alternative engines and based on steam turbines (coal, heavy fuel and natural gas-fueled turbines); the environmental constraints of combustion turbines (pollutants, techniques of reduction of pollutant emissions); the environmental constraints of alternative internal combustion engines (gas and diesel engines); cogeneration and energy saving; the techniques of reduction of pollutant emissions (pollutants, unburnt hydrocarbons, primary and secondary (catalytic) techniques, post-combustion); the most-advanced configurations of cogeneration installations for enhanced performances (counter-pressure turbines, massive steam injection cycles, turbo-chargers); comparison between the performances of the different cogeneration techniques; the tri-generation technique (compression and absorption cycles). (J.S.)

  11. Caractérisation et modélisation de la rupture des tissus hépatiques




    Dans le cadre de la sécurité routière, les essais de choc ne permettent pas la prédiction des blessures internes, notamment aux organes abdominaux. La simulation numérique apparaît comme un outil prometteur pour évaluer le risque lésionnel d'une configuration d'impact en permettant de décrire les sollicitations relatives aux différents organes. Afin de quantifier le risque de blessure, il est nécessaire de connaître le comportement à rupture des tissus du corps humain. L'objet de cette étude ...

  12. Proposals, conclusions and recommendations



    MISE EN PLACE OU CONSOLIDATION DES OUTILS DE GESTION Des modèles de simulation Les connaissances scientifiques doivent être mieux intégrées et plus accessibles aux décideurs. L’une des options possibles serait d’utiliser des modèles permettant de simuler des scénarios afin d’aider les décideurs dans leurs choix stratégiques. Trois types de modèles nous semblent particulièrement souhaitables : un modèle hydraulique simulant les écoulements et permettant notamment de faire des études d’impact d...

  13. CERN Management & Communication Training programme

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Timetable of courses from September to December 2009 Please check our Web site to find out the number of places available, which may vary. Management Curriculum Project Scheduling & Costing\t3, 4 September (full) Communicating Effectively – Residential\t15, 16, 17 September (5 places available) Personal Awareness & Impact – Follow-up\t17, 18 September (2 places available) Project Management\t22, 23 September (full) Personal Awareness & Impact\t22, 23, 24 September (full) Introduction to Leadership\t7, 8, 9 October (full) Managing Teams\t10, 11, 12 November (full) Communication Curriculum Managing Time\t22 September + 27 October + 18 November (8 places available) Making presentations\t14, 15 October + 9 November (Full) Communiquer efficacement dans votre équipe\t19, 20 octobre (2 places disponibles) Communiquer efficacement\t21, 22 octobre + 9, 10 novembre (1 place disponible) Techniques d’exposé et de présentations\t10, 11 novembre + 8 décembre (1...

  14. Management & Communication training: Date of courses for March to June 2008

    CERN Multimedia


    Please check our Web site ( )to find out the number of places available, which may vary. curriculum Management Introduction to Leadership 9, 10, 11 April (full) Core Development Package pour nouveaux superviseurs et chefs de section (partie 2) 24, 25 avril (complet) Quality Management 6, 7 May (9 places available) Personal Awareness & Impact 13, 14, 15 May (full) Managing Teams 21, 22, 23 May (8 places available) Core Development Package for new Supervisors and Section leaders (part 2) 28, 29 May (Full) Personal Awareness & Impact 2, 3, 4 June (2 places available) Dealing with Conflict 6 and 13 June (8 places available) Personal Awareness & Impact – Follow-up 9, 10 June (4 places available) Communicating to Convince 16, 17 June (4 places available) curriculum communication Communiquer efficacement 10, 11 avril + 29, 30 mai (2 places disponibles) Techniques d’exposé et de présentation 26, 27 mai + 23 juin (5 places disponibles) Communiquer effica...

  15. Rapid Methods of Determining Internal Radioactive Contamination; Methodes Rapides Permettant d'Evaluer la Contamination Radioactive Interne; 0411 042b 0414 ; Metodos Rapidos para Determinar la Contaminacion Radiactiva Interna

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sedlet, J.; Fairman, W. D.; Robinson, J. J. [Industrial Hygiene and Safety Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)


    accurate body-burden measurements are not immediately necessary. However, for each radionuclide there is an intermediate intake level at which a reasonably accurate body-burden determination is needed early to decide if treatment is warranted. The properties and factors that make the bone-seeking elements particularly difficult to handle in emergencies are discussed. (author) [French] Les methodes a utiliser en cas d'accident ou dans les situations exceptionnelles doivent etre suffisamment rapides et sensibles pour fournir des resultats dans des delais permettant de traiter efficacement les personnes sur - exposees. Les delais - qui doivent etre raisonnables - dependent en partie du nombre des personnes exposees aux rayonnements. S*il est possible d'arriver en quelques heures a des resultats interessants, on effectuera rapidement les mesures anthroporadiametriques, ce qui contribuera a reduire au minimum les dommages dus aux radionucleides introduits dans l'organisme. Pour evaluer la contamination interne en cas d'accident, on propose les methodes ci-apres: comptage gamma et comptage des rayons X in vivo; comptage des rayons gamma et des rayons X sur des echantillons d*exqreta et de sang non prepares* enfin, separation radiochimique operee sur des echantillons d'excreta et de sang, suivie de comptage. Les auteurs examinent le champ d'application, les limitations et la sensibilite de chaque methode ainsi que le temps qu'elle necessite pour des radionucleides determines, y compris les actinides, les produits de fission courants, les emetteurs beta de faible energie, etc. Ils indiquent les methodes qu*ils preferent. Une methode est juge satisfaisante si elle permet de detecter en quelques heures une dose absorbee equivalente a la plus petite charge corporelle continue admissible specifiee par la Commission internationale de protection radiologique. Bien qu'une telle sensibilite ne soit pas toujours necessaire, elle devrait toujours etre suffisante et, d'une maniere generale

  16. Atividade antiviral de extratos de plantas medicinais disponíveis comercialmente frente aos herpesvírus suíno e bovino Antiviral activity of commercially available medicinal plants on suid and bovine herpesviruses

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    V.M. Kaziyama


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo pesquisar a atividade antiviral in vitro de plantas medicinais disponíveis comercialmente sobre herpesvírus suíno (SuHV-1 e bovino (BoHV-1. As espécies adquiridas foram Mikania glomerata, Cymbopogon citratus, Equisetum arvense, Peumus boldus, Solanum paniculatum, Malva sylvestris, Piper umbellatun e Solidago microglossa. A citotoxicidade dos extratos foi avaliada na linhagem celular MDBK pelas alterações morfológicas das células e obtenção da concentração máxima não citotóxica (CMNC de cada planta. A atividade antiviral foi realizada com os extratos em suas respectivas CMNC e avaliada com base na redução do título viral e expressos em porcentagem de inibição. Os extratos aquosos de Peumus boldus e Solanum paniculatum apresentaram atividade antiviral sobre o SuHV-1 com 98% de inibição viral enquanto o de Peumus boldus inibiu apenas o BoHV-1 em 99%.This paper aims to find commercially available medicinal plants showing antiviral activity in vitro on suid and bovine herpesviruses. The following species were tested: Mikania glomerata, Cymbopogon citratus, Equisetum arvense, Peumus boldus, Solanum paniculatum, Malva sylvestris, Piper umbellatun and Solidago microglossa. The cytotoxicity was evaluated by morphological changes in cells determining the maximum not cytotoxic concentration (MNCC. The antiviral activity was evaluated by viral title reduction. The extracts from Peumus boldus and Solanum paniculatum showed antiviral activity against SuHV-1 with 98% of inhibition. The extract of Peumus boldus also showed activity against BoHV-1 with 99% of inhibition.

  17. Calculs de doses générées par les rayonnements ionisants principes physiques et codes de calcul

    CERN Document Server

    Vivier, Alain


    Cet ouvrage et les codes associés s’adressent aux utilisateurs de sources de rayonnements ionisants : techniciens, ingénieurs de sécurité, personnes compétentes en radioprotection, mais aussi médecins, chercheurs, concepteurs, décideurs… Les contraintes croissantes liées à la radioprotection rendent indispensables l’utilisation de codes de calcul permettant d’évaluer les débits de doses générées par ces sources et la façon dont on peut s’en protéger au mieux. De nombreux codes existent, dont certains restent des références incontournables, mais ils sont relativement complexes à mettre en oeuvre et restent en général réservés aux bureaux d’études. En outre, ces codes sont souvent des « boîtes noires » qui ne permettent pas de comprendre la physique sous-jacente. L’objectif de cet ouvrage est double : - Exposer les principes physiques permettant de comprendre les phénomènes à l’oeuvre lorsque la matière est irradiée par des rayonnements ionisants. Il devient al...

  18. Ionization of a cesium atom by an absorption process involving two photons from a laser beam; Ionisation d'un atome de cesium par un processus d'absorption a deux photons issus d'un faisceau laser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gontier, Y; Trahin, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The expression giving the ionisation cross-section of an atom, by an absorption process involving two photons produced from a laser beam, is derived. The non-relativistic case is considered and the dipolar approximation used. The summation over the intermediate states is carried out rigorously by means of a special technique which is described in detail. A method is presented which makes it possible to obtain the numerical solution. (authors) [French] La formule donnant la section efficace d'ionisation d'un atome, par un processus d'absorption mettant en jeu deux photons issus d'un faiseau Laser, est etablie. On se place dans le cas non relativiste et Pon utilise l'approximation dipolaire. La sommation sur les etats intermediaires est effectuee rigoureusement au moyen d'une technique particuliere qui est decrite en detail. On expose une methode permettant d'obtenir la solution numerique. (auteurs)

  19. Ionization of a cesium atom by an absorption process involving two photons from a laser beam; Ionisation d'un atome de cesium par un processus d'absorption a deux photons issus d'un faisceau laser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gontier, Y.; Trahin, M. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The expression giving the ionisation cross-section of an atom, by an absorption process involving two photons produced from a laser beam, is derived. The non-relativistic case is considered and the dipolar approximation used. The summation over the intermediate states is carried out rigorously by means of a special technique which is described in detail. A method is presented which makes it possible to obtain the numerical solution. (authors) [French] La formule donnant la section efficace d'ionisation d'un atome, par un processus d'absorption mettant en jeu deux photons issus d'un faiseau Laser, est etablie. On se place dans le cas non relativiste et Pon utilise l'approximation dipolaire. La sommation sur les etats intermediaires est effectuee rigoureusement au moyen d'une technique particuliere qui est decrite en detail. On expose une methode permettant d'obtenir la solution numerique. (auteurs)

  20. Forage pétrolier assisté par jet Jet-Assisted Oil Drilling

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    Bardin C.


    Full Text Available La destruction des roches par jet est une technique qui présente un réel intérêt dans le domaine du forage pétrolier comme en témoignent les études déjà réalisées sur le sujet depuis une vingtaine d'années. Des essais sur chantier ont fait apparaître des améliorations substantielles en vitesse d'avancement grâce aux outils combinés mécaniques et jets haute pression. Cet article explique, après une courte bibliographie sur le sujet, les motivations d'une nouvelle étude menée par l'institut Français du Pétrole (IFP au sein de l'Association de Recherche sur les Techniques d'Exploitation du Pétrole (ARTEP. L'objectif de cette étude est d'utiliser le pouvoir destructeur de la cavitation dans le cas des forages profonds en utilisant les capacités de pompage actuellement disponibles sur chantier. Cet objectif nécessite le développement d'une technique capable de créer une cavitation érosive à sigma = 2. 5 ; sigma étant défini par le rapport de la pression à l'aval du dispositif cavitant sur la chute de pression dans ce même dispositif. L'érosion de cavitation étant très dépendante des conditions de pression et de température, il a été nécessaire de concevoir des moyens d'essai permettant de simuler les conditions de fond de forage dans le cas de forage par grande profondeur. Le banc d'essai (70 MPa, 120 °C est présenté dans ce papier, ainsi que quelques essais relatifs à la destruction des roches par jet. The destruction of rocks by jetting is an important technique in the field of cil drilling, as shown by research done on this subject for some 20 years now. Fields tests have revealed substantial improvements in rates of penetration with the use of combined mechanical and high-pressure jet bits. After a brief bibliography on the subject, this paper explains the motives for a new research project being car-ried out by Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP within the ARTEP association (Association de Recherche

  1. A la recherche d’espaces invisibles de la mobilité

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    Sandrine Depeau


    Full Text Available Le recours aux techniques GPS pour la collecte de données de déplacement connaît un essor important. Si ces techniques permettent en effet d’accroître la qualité spatio-temporelle des données, leur mise en œuvre en termes de collecte et d’analyse requiert encore des phases d’expérimentation pour autoriser à la généralisation. Cet article rend compte des différentes phases d’une étude exploratoire ayant recours aux techniques de recueil de déplacements quotidiens par GPS. L’enquête menée auprès d’enfants visait d’une part à tester « l’accceptabilité » de l’outil GPS et d’autre part à dépasser l’approche origine-destination en testant des analyses portant sur l’espace du déplacement, lui-même appréhendé à partir d’indicateurs : imprégnation verte, attractivité sociale potentielle, rupture de voies (sécurité routière.

  2. Methodes d'amas quantiques a temperature finie appliquees au modele de Hubbard (United States)

    Plouffe, Dany

    Depuis leur decouverte dans les annees 80, les supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique ont suscite beaucoup d'interet en physique du solide. Comprendre l'origine des phases observees dans ces materiaux, telle la supraconductivite, est l'un des grands defis de la physique theorique du solide des 25 dernieres annees. L'un des mecanismes pressentis pour expliquer ces phenomenes est la forte interaction electron-electron. Le modele de Hubbard est l'un des modeles les plus simples pour tenir compte de ces interactions. Malgre la simplicite apparente de ce modele, certaines de ses caracteristiques, dont son diagramme de phase, ne sont toujours pas bien etablies, et ce malgre plusieurs avancements theoriques dans les dernieres annees. Cette etude se consacre a faire une analyse de methodes numeriques permettant de calculer diverses proprietes du modele de Hubbard en fonction de la temperature. Nous decrivons des methodes (la VCA et la CPT) qui permettent de calculer approximativement la fonction de Green a temperature finie sur un systeme infini a partir de la fonction de Green calculee sur un amas de taille finie. Pour calculer ces fonctions de Green, nous allons utiliser des methodes permettant de reduire considerablement les efforts numeriques necessaires pour les calculs des moyennes thermodynamiques, en reduisant considerablement l'espace des etats a considerer dans ces moyennes. Bien que cette etude vise d'abord a developper des methodes d'amas pour resoudre le modele de Hubbard a temperature finie de facon generale ainsi qu'a etudier les proprietes de base de ce modele, nous allons l'appliquer a des conditions qui s'approchent de supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique. Les methodes presentees dans cette etude permettent de tracer un diagramme de phase pour l'antiferromagnetisme et la supraconductivite qui presentent plusieurs similarites avec celui des supraconducteurs a haute temperature. Mots-cles : modele de Hubbard, thermodynamique

  3. Análise automática de citações disponíveis em arquivos XML da SciELO: o periódico "Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação" em números

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    Max Cirino de Mattos

    Full Text Available O artigo demonstra o uso de arquivos eXtensible Markup Language (XML da Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO para a criação de uma base de citações do periódico Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação. Demonstra também o uso desta base de citações fornecendo uma visão bibliométrica desse periódico para o período em que os arquivos estavam disponíveis na SciELO: 2006 a 2014, do volume 11 edição 1 ao volume 19 edição 4, incluindo o número especial desse volume. Foram analisados 532 artigos, e os resultados mostraram 387 artigos com 10.266 citações usadas (145 artigos não apresentaram nenhuma citação. O principal objetivo do artigo é destacar a possibilidade de automação da análise bibliométrica a partir da metodologia proposta - e por esse motivo os dados são apresentados sem nenhum tipo de tratamento de desambiguação. São apresentados relatórios similares aos modelos iniciais de Garfield (1972 para o Science Citation Index (SCI: frequências de citações, estatísticas dos periódicos citados e estatísticas dos periódicos citantes. Sugere-se a disponibilização da base de citações, com atualização automática, de forma integrada ao site do periódico, e a aplicação da metodologia para outros periódicos indexados na SciELO

  4. Des défenseurs du marché équitable permettent l'instauration d'un ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Chargé de faire observer la loi sur la concurrence ... L'Institut gère en effet un ensemble de lois et règlements différents. ... trois bureaux chargés des questions liées à la propriété ... sont perçus comme étant inférieurs à ceux du secteur privé.

  5. Treatment and final conditioning of solid radioactive wastes; Traitement et conditionnement definitif des dechets radioactifs solides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cerre, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The storage of solid radioactive wastes on a site is so cumbersome and dangerous that we have developed a method of treatment and conditioning by means of which the volume of waste is considerably reduced and very long-lasting shielding can be provided. This paper describes the techniques adopted at Saclay, where the wastes are sheared, compressed and enveloped in concrete of variable thickness. The main part of the report is devoted to a description of the corresponding remote handling installation. (author) [French] L'encombrement et le danger que presentent sur un site le stockage de dechets radioactifs solides nous ont amenes a etudier un mode de traitement et de conditionnement permettant une sensible reduction du volume des dechets et une protection de tres longue duree. La presente communication expose les techniques adoptees a Saclay ou les dechets sont cisailles, comprimes et enrobes dans du beton d'epaisseur variable. La description de l'installation telecommandee correspondante fait l'objet principal de cette communication. (auteur)

  6. Dismantling techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wiese, E.


    Most of the dismantling techniques used in a Decontamination and Dismantlement (D and D) project are taken from conventional demolition practices. Some modifications to the techniques are made to limit exposure to the workers or to lessen the spread of contamination to the work area. When working on a D and D project, it is best to keep the dismantling techniques and tools as simple as possible. The workers will be more efficient and safer using techniques that are familiar to them. Prior experience with the technique or use of mock-ups is the best way to keep workers safe and to keep the project on schedule.

  7. Dismantling techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiese, E.


    Most of the dismantling techniques used in a Decontamination and Dismantlement (D and D) project are taken from conventional demolition practices. Some modifications to the techniques are made to limit exposure to the workers or to lessen the spread of contamination to the work area. When working on a D and D project, it is best to keep the dismantling techniques and tools as simple as possible. The workers will be more efficient and safer using techniques that are familiar to them. Prior experience with the technique or use of mock-ups is the best way to keep workers safe and to keep the project on schedule

  8. Prediction du profil de durete de l'acier AISI 4340 traite thermiquement au laser (United States)

    Maamri, Ilyes

    Les traitements thermiques de surfaces sont des procedes qui visent a conferer au coeur et a la surface des pieces mecaniques des proprietes differentes. Ils permettent d'ameliorer la resistance a l'usure et a la fatigue en durcissant les zones critiques superficielles par des apports thermiques courts et localises. Parmi les procedes qui se distinguent par leur capacite en terme de puissance surfacique, le traitement thermique de surface au laser offre des cycles thermiques rapides, localises et precis tout en limitant les risques de deformations indesirables. Les proprietes mecaniques de la zone durcie obtenue par ce procede dependent des proprietes physicochimiques du materiau a traiter et de plusieurs parametres du procede. Pour etre en mesure d'exploiter adequatement les ressources qu'offre ce procede, il est necessaire de developper des strategies permettant de controler et regler les parametres de maniere a produire avec precision les caracteristiques desirees pour la surface durcie sans recourir au classique long et couteux processus essai-erreur. L'objectif du projet consiste donc a developper des modeles pour predire le profil de durete dans le cas de traitement thermique de pieces en acier AISI 4340. Pour comprendre le comportement du procede et evaluer les effets des differents parametres sur la qualite du traitement, une etude de sensibilite a ete menee en se basant sur une planification experimentale structuree combinee a des techniques d'analyse statistiques eprouvees. Les resultats de cette etude ont permis l'identification des variables les plus pertinentes a exploiter pour la modelisation. Suite a cette analyse et dans le but d'elaborer un premier modele, deux techniques de modelisation ont ete considerees, soient la regression multiple et les reseaux de neurones. Les deux techniques ont conduit a des modeles de qualite acceptable avec une precision d'environ 90%. Pour ameliorer les performances des modeles a base de reseaux de neurones, deux

  9. Apparatus for the measurement of the distribution of neutron flux (band and wire continuous recorders); Appareillage pour la mesure des repartitions de flux neutroniques (derouleurs a bandes et a fils)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Derrien, H; Lemerle, Y [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The apparatus of which we describe the principles and the operation, makes it possible to know the thermal neutron flux distribution in a pile channel or along a fuel element by the measurement of the {beta} activity of continuous detectors. It is also possible thereby to show the presence of a very localised sudden discontinuity in the distribution curve. (authors) [French] Les appareils dont nous decrivons le principe et le fonctionnement, permettent de connaitre la repartition du flux de neutrons thermiques dans un canal de pile ou le long d'un element combustible, par la mesure de l'activite {beta} de detecteurs continus. Ils permettent en outre de mettre en evidence un accident brutal, tres localise, de la courbe de repartition. (auteurs)

  10. Níveis de fósforo disponível e cálcio em rações suplementadas com fitase para frangos de corte nas fases de crescimento e final Calcium and available phosphorus levels in diets supplemented with phytase for broilers in the growing and finishing phases

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    Luziane Moreira dos Santos


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os níveis de cálcio e fósforo disponível (Pdisp em rações com fitase para frangos de corte da linhagem Cobb nas fases de crescimento (22 a 35 dias e final (36 a 42 dias. Utilizou-se um esquema fatorial 3 × 4 + 1, composto de três níveis de Pdisp (0,36; 0,31; 0,26% na fase de crescimento e 0,33; 0,28; 0,23% na final, quatro níveis de cálcio (0,82; 0,72; 0,62; 0,52% para a fase de crescimento e 0,76; 0,66; 0,56; 0,46% para a final e um nível de suplementação da fitase (500 ftu/kg. As rações controle não foram suplementadas com fitase e continham, respectivamente, os seguintes níveis de Pdisp e cálcio: 0,41 e 0,82% (fase de crescimento e 0,38 e 0,76% (final. Nos ensaios de desempenho, aos 35 e 42 dias de idade, avaliaram-se o consumo de ração, o ganho de peso, a conversão alimentar e o teor de cinzas na tíbia. Nos ensaios de metabolismo, foram determinados os valores energéticos das rações (EMAn e os coeficientes de metabolizabilidade da matéria seca (CMMS. Na fase de crescimento, a redução do cálcio e Pdisp para 0,52 e 0,26%, respectivamente, não comprometeu o desempenho, a mineralização óssea, a EMAn e o CMMS. Na fase final, a redução do cálcio e fósforo disponível para 0,56 e 0,28%, respectivamente, não comprometeu o desempenho, a EMAn e o CMMS e melhorou a mineralização óssea. Os níveis de cálcio e fósforo disponível em rações para frangos de corte podem ser reduzidos para 0,52 e 0,26% na fase de crescimento e 0,56 e 0,28% na fase final desde que essa redução seja combinada com a suplementação de fitase no nível de 500 ftu/kg de ração.Calcium and available phosphorus (aP levels in diets with phytase for Cobb broilers in the growing (22 to 35 days and finishing phases (36 to 42 days of age were evaluated. A 3 × 4 + 1 factorial scheme, with three aP levels (0.36, 0.31, 0.26% in the growing phase and 0.33, 0.28, 0.23% in the finishing phase, four calcium levels (0.82, 0.72, 0

  11. La pratique de l’hypnose, de la visualisation ou de l’autohypnose par des personnes atteintes d'un cancer : une transformation de soi ? The Practice of the Hypnosis, the Visualization or the Autohypnosis by Persons Affected with Cancer: a Transformation of the Self?

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    Clémentine Raineau


    Full Text Available Les recours à certaines « médecines douces » comme l’hypnose et la relaxation permettent-ils une reconfiguration des soins du cancer dans les itinéraires thérapeutiques ? À partir d’un travail de terrain ethnographique réalisé en Auvergne avec des personnes atteintes par cette maladie et avec leurs thérapeutes, nous montrons que ces techniques de soins permettent aux patients d’acquérir des compétences pratiques (autohypnose, visualisation et relaxation pratiquées sans guide en solitaire et d’être actifs dans la prise en charge de leur cancer, afin de faire face à certains effets de la maladie et des traitements. L’acquisition de ces techniques d’autonomisation permet la reconfiguration de l’itinéraire thérapeutique du malade en regard du Plan Personnalisé de Soin (PPS qui lui est proposé dans une unité d’oncologie française.L’apprentissage de la visualisation, qui se réalise à travers la découverte lors des séances d’une “matrice de l’imagination” ancrée dans le corps et son exploration (à travers la génération et la manipulation d’images, œuvre de plus à un travail de métamorphose qui tend à transformer les modalités de l’“être-au-monde”.Do hypnosis and relaxation practices allow for a reconfiguration of cancer care within therapeutic itineraries? From our fieldwork in Auvergne (France with persons affected by this disease and with their therapists, we have shown that these care techniques allow the patients to acquire practical skills (autohypnosis, self-visualization and self-relaxation and to be active in the care of their cancer, to face certain side effects of the disease and the treatments. The acquisition of these techniques of empowerment allows for the reconfiguration of the patient’s care paths vis-à-vis the “Plan Personnalisé de Soins” (Personalized Care Program proposed by a French oncology unit. The visualization training, which comes to fruition

  12. La circulation des poissons migrateurs : le transit à travers les turbines des installations hydroélectriques

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    Full Text Available La réussite des programmes de restauration des populations de poissons migrateurs (salmonidés, alose... lancés en France ces dernières années nécessite que leur libre circulation soit assurée notamment au niveau des installations hydroélectriques. Lors de la migration d'avalaison, les dommages subis par les juvéniles au cours de leur passage à travers les turbines sont difficilement prévisibles et peuvent se révéler importants. Entre 1984 et 1986, sept expérimentations ont été réalisées en France sur divers types de turbines (FRANCIS, KAPLAN, OSSBERGER, afin de mettre au point un protocole standard d'évaluation des mortalités. Les résultats obtenus lors de ces études ont permis de compléter les données disponibles dans la bibliographie et de réaliser une analyse statistique d'ensemble. Cette analyse a montré que l'importance des dommages est étroitement liée aux caractéristiques de la turbine et à la taille des poissons. Sur les turbines FRANCIS, la mortalité est influencée par des paramètres comme les vitesses absolue et relative en entrée de roue, la vitesse de rotation ainsi que par le rapport taille du poisson à l'espace inter-aubes. Sur les turbines KAPLAN, la mortalité est surtout liée au rapport de la taille du poisson à l'espace inter-pales. Des équations de régression ont été établies qui permettent de prédire l'ordre de grandeur de la mortalité sur ces deux types de turbines pour les salmonidés et les anguillidés.

  13. Surface science techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Bracco, Gianangelo


    The book describes the experimental techniques employed to study surfaces and interfaces. The emphasis is on the experimental method. Therefore all chapters start with an introduction of the scientific problem, the theory necessary to understand how the technique works and how to understand the results. Descriptions of real experimental setups, experimental results at different systems are given to show both the strength and the limits of the technique. In a final part the new developments and possible extensions of the techniques are presented. The included techniques provide microscopic as well as macroscopic information. They cover most of the techniques used in surface science.

  14. Etude statistique des brevets: un nouvel outil d'aide à la décision Patent Statistics: a New Tool for Decision Makers

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    Moureau M.


    Full Text Available Le brevet compte parmi les meilleurs outils qui permettent la surveillance de l'évolution de la technologie. Comme les publications de brevets se trouvent répertoriées dans des bases de données, celles-ci peuvent être utilisées à des fins statistiques pour établir des panoramas de l'activité technique internationale. Ceci n'est cependant possible qu'avec une base de données qui couvre bien l'ensemble des brevets déposés dans le monde, et qui fournit des informations homogènes et non redondantes dans des zones bien définies pour que les opérations de comptage ne biaisent pas les résultats. Il faut aussi disposer d'un système effectuant les calculs : plusieurs produits sont actuellement disponibles pour effectuer ce genre d'analyse. Depuis 1986, l'institut Français du Pétrole (IFP s'est intéressé à l'étude statistique des brevets, ce qui lui permet de présenter une approche méthodologique, à la fois pour poser le problème et analyser les résultats. De telles analyses rentrent ensuite dans la panoplie des outils d'aide à la décision, car mettant en évidence une certaine interprétation du passé, elles peuvent permettre des projections dans l'avenir. A patent is one of the best tools for monitoring technological developments. Since patent publications are listed in databases, these latter can be used for statistical purposes to provide an overall view of international technical activity. This is possible, however, only with a database effectively covering all patents taken out in the world and giving homogeneous and nonredundant information in well-defined areas so that counting operations do not skew the results. A system must also be available for doing the counting. Several products can currently be used for making this type of analysis. Since 1985, Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP has been studying patent statistics and has developed a methodological approach to both posing the problem and analyzing the results

  15. Câncer do pâncreas em fase inicial: é possível identificá-lo através dos instrumentos científicos e propedêuticos atualmente disponíveis? Early pancreatic cancer: the methods currently available can identify this disease?

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    José Celso Ardengh


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Chamar a atenção da classe médica em geral sobre os pacientes com alto risco de desenvolver câncer pancreático e se existem ou não formas de vigilância e prevenção dessa doença, que podem ser aplicadas à prática clínica diária. LEVANTAMENTO DE DADOS: Utilizou-se o banco de dados do PubMed (US National Library of Medicine, analisaram-se as publicações dos últimos anos, em relação haram aos grupos de risco, testes biológicos moleculares e exames de imagem empregados na identificação de pequenos tumores de pâncreas. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Mesmo após os significativos avanços no diagnóstico por imagem, tratamento e compreensão da biologia molecular do adenocarcinoma do pâncreas, a taxa de sobrevivência dessa doença permanece desprezível. Embora embrionárias, as estratégias de vigilância e prevenção para pessoas com risco elevado do câncer de pâncreas têm se desenvolvido. CONCLUSÃO: Este artigo de atualização enfoca, resumidamente, as estratégias para melhor identificação de pessoas com alto risco de desenvolver essa doença e qual é o estado da arte do aconselhamento genético e de rastreamento através dos exames de imagem disponíveis.OBJECTIVES: Call attention of the gastroenterologists and surgeons on the patients with high risk of developing pancreatic carcinoma, and whether or not forms of surveillance and prevention of this disease, which can be applied to daily clinical practice. DATA SURVEY: It was used the database of PubMed (US National Library of Medicine, looked up the publications of recent years for the groups at risk, molecular biological testing and methods of image used in the identification of small tumors of the pancreas. BACKGROUND: The survival rates of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas remain negligible, even after the significant advances in diagnosis by imaging, treatment and understanding of the molecular biology of this disease. Although embryonic strategies for

  16. Quantitative analysis of strontium 90 in the radioactive wastes by means of thenoyltrifluoroacetone; Dosage du strontium 90 dans les effluents radioactifs par le thenoyltrifluoroacetone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Testemale, G; Leredde, J L [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A simple method of analysing the quantity of {sup 90}Sr has been perfected. It consists in a double extraction of it by means of thenoyltrifluoroacetone and tributylphosphate in tetrachloride of carbon followed by eliminating yttrium 90 by means of thenoyltrifluoroacetone in the benzene. Numberings on aliquot parts of wastes make the determination of that element possible. The yield is about 97 per cent. (authors) [French] Une technique simple du dosage du {sup 90}Sr a ete mise au point. Elle consiste en une double extraction par le thenoyltrifluoroacetone et le tributylphosphate dans le tetrachlorure de carbone, suivie de l'elimination de l'yttrium 90 par le thenoyltrifluoroacetone dans le benzene, Des comptages sur des parties aliquotes d'effluents permettent la dermination de cet element. Rendement environ 97 pour cent. (auteurs)

  17. Study of the texture of porous solids using a technique of {gamma} ray absorption; Application de l'absorption du rayonnement {gamma} a l'etude de la texture des solides poreux

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ortega, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A technique, which enables us to measure locally total porosity, open porosity and pore size distribution is developed. The total porosity is calculated from the bulk density. A gamma absorption gauge is set up fitted with a Cs137 source. This enables the determination of the density by layers of carbonaceous samples in a practically automatic way. By taking adequate precautions it is possible to obtain the density with a maximum error {delta}{rho} {<=} 0,005 g/cm{sup 3}. The open porosity is evaluated by the absorption method after impregnation with bromoform. A new mercury porosimeter is developed using the absorption probe for the measurement of mercury infiltrated into the porous sample. Due to the localized character of exploration by this technique, the variations of porous texture in a heterogeneous sample can be studied. Used as a classical porosimeter, in the case of homogeneous samples, this apparatus is capable of exploring the equivalent diameters of pores between 500 {mu} and 0.14 {mu} with a maximum error {delta}P {<=} 0.002. The possibility of exploration of heterogeneous samples, with the facility of determination of porosities due to macro-pores combined with the non-limiting character of the method in the field of high pressures differentiates this apparatus from all the porosimeters of former conception. Examples of utilization of this technique in the case of graphite-gas reactions are presented. (author) [French] On a developpe une technique permettant la mesure localisee de la porosite totale, de la porosite ouverte et de la repartition de la taille de pores. La porosite totale est calculee a partir de la densite apparente. On a mis au point une jauge d'absorption du rayonnement gamma munie d'une source de Cs137. Celle-ci nous a permis de determiner la densite par couches d'echantillons cylindriques carbones d'une facon pratiquement automatique. En prenant les precautions adequates, il est possible d'obtenir la densite avec une erreur maximale

  18. Decomposition techniques (United States)

    Chao, T.T.; Sanzolone, R.F.


    Sample decomposition is a fundamental and integral step in the procedure of geochemical analysis. It is often the limiting factor to sample throughput, especially with the recent application of the fast and modern multi-element measurement instrumentation. The complexity of geological materials makes it necessary to choose the sample decomposition technique that is compatible with the specific objective of the analysis. When selecting a decomposition technique, consideration should be given to the chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the sample, elements to be determined, precision and accuracy requirements, sample throughput, technical capability of personnel, and time constraints. This paper addresses these concerns and discusses the attributes and limitations of many techniques of sample decomposition along with examples of their application to geochemical analysis. The chemical properties of reagents as to their function as decomposition agents are also reviewed. The section on acid dissolution techniques addresses the various inorganic acids that are used individually or in combination in both open and closed systems. Fluxes used in sample fusion are discussed. The promising microwave-oven technology and the emerging field of automation are also examined. A section on applications highlights the use of decomposition techniques for the determination of Au, platinum group elements (PGEs), Hg, U, hydride-forming elements, rare earth elements (REEs), and multi-elements in geological materials. Partial dissolution techniques used for geochemical exploration which have been treated in detail elsewhere are not discussed here; nor are fire-assaying for noble metals and decomposition techniques for X-ray fluorescence or nuclear methods be discussed. ?? 1992.

  19. L'eau quelle perspective pour le Moyen-Orient Arabe


    Mutin , Georges


    Au cours du dernier demi-siècle écoulé, le contrôle des eaux, leur maîtrise a été un objectif essentiel poursuivi par tous les Etats de la région. La mobilisation complète des eaux disponibles est techniquement réalisée partout et pourtant les résultats obtenus sont bien loin des objectifs fixés. Plus que jamais l'utilisation des eaux, leur partage est source de tensions et de très vives préoccupations pour l'avenir.

  20. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) (United States)

    Repellents Rodenticides Other types of pesticides Disponible en español Integrated Pest Management (IPM) IPM Company: IPM is the Key - Oregon State University Extension Service Last updated May 11, 2018 Related Insecticides Natural and Biological Pesticides Repellents Rodenticides Other types of pesticides Disponible en

  1. Translation Techniques


    Marcia Pinheiro


    In this paper, we discuss three translation techniques: literal, cultural, and artistic. Literal translation is a well-known technique, which means that it is quite easy to find sources on the topic. Cultural and artistic translation may be new terms. Whilst cultural translation focuses on matching contexts, artistic translation focuses on matching reactions. Because literal translation matches only words, it is not hard to find situations in which we should not use this technique.  Because a...

  2. Methods for determining thermal stresses values. Some examples relating to nuclear reactors; Methodes de determination des contraintes thermiques. Quelques exemples d'application aux reacteurs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bernard, J; Gautier, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires; Peres, A [Israel Institute of Technology, Dept. of Nuclear Science Technion (Israel)


    As modern techniques develop more elaborate machines, and make their way towards higher and higher temperatures and pressures, the thermal stresses become a matter of major importance in the design of mechanical structures. In the first part of this paper, the authors examine the problem from a theoretical standpoint, and try to evaluate the aptitude and limitation of mathematical techniques to attain the quantitative values of thermal stresses. This paper deals mainly with the experimental methods to measure thermal stresses. The authors show some examples relating to nuclear reactors. (author)Fren. [French] Au fur et a mesure que la technique moderne developpe des machines plus poussees et s'oriente vers des temperatures et des pressions toujours plus elevees, les contraintes thermiques deviennent un facteur d'importance capitale dans le calcul des structures mecaniques. Les auteurs examinent d'abord l'aspect theorique du probleme, ainsi que l'aptitude et les limites du calcul pour exprimer quantitativement la valeur des contraintes thermiques. Les auteurs exposent principalement, ensuite, les methodes experimentales qui permettent de mesurer ces contraintes, et illustrent cet expose de quelques exemples relatifs aux installations nucleaires. (auteur)

  3. CERN Management & Communication Training programme

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Timetable of courses from February to June 2009 Please check our Web site to find out the number of places available, which may vary. Management Curriculum Communicating Effectively – Residential\t23, 24, 25 March (Full) Introduction to Leadership\t1, 2, 3 April (1 place available) Personal Awareness & Impact\t5, 6, 7 May (full) 3, 4, 5 June (1 place available) Dealing with conflict / Gestion des conflits (Session in English or in French)\t5 + 12 June (3 places available) Managing Teams\t9, 10, 11 June (3 places available) Communication Curriculum Communiquer efficacement dans votre équipe\t26, 27 mars\t(4 places disponibles) Gestion de temps\t27 avril + 27 mai + 23 juin (8 places disponibles) Communiquer efficacement\t27, 28 avril + 26, 27 mai (3 places disponibles) Service Orientation\t28, 29 April (6 places available) Communicating Effectively in your Team\t29, 30 April (7 places available) Négociation efficace\t5, 6 mai (6 places disponibles) Animer ou par...

  4. CERN Management & Communication Training programme

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Timetable of courses from February to June 2009 Please check our Web site to find out the number of places available, which may vary. Management Curriculum Communicating Effectively – Residential\t23, 24, 25 March (Full) Introduction to Leadership\t1, 2, 3 April (1 place available) Personal Awareness & Impact\t5, 6, 7 May (full) 3, 4, 5 June (full) Dealing with conflict / Gestion des conflits (Session in English or in French)\t5 + 12 June (2 places available) Managing Teams\t9, 10, 11 June (3 places available) Communication Curriculum Communiquer efficacement dans votre équipe\t26, 27 mars\t(5 places disponibles) Gestion de temps\t27 avril + 27 mai + 23 juin (7 places disponibles) Communiquer efficacement\t27, 28 avril + 26, 27 mai (3 places disponibles) Service Orientation\t28, 29 April (5 places available) Communicating Effectively in your Team\t29, 30 April (7 places available) Négociation efficace\t5, 6 mai (6 places disponibles) Animer ou participer à un...

  5. Specific radiography technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail


    Beside radiography testing using x-ray machine and gamma source, there are several technique that developed specifically to complete the testing that cannot be done with the two earlier. This technique was specific based on several factor, for the example, the advantages of neutron and electron using to show the image was unique compare to x-ray and gamma. Besides that, these special radiography techniques maybe differ in how to detect the radiation get through the object. These technique can used to inspect thin or specimen that contained radioactive material. There are several technique will discussed in this chapter such as neutron radiography, electron radiography, fluoroscopy and also autoradiography.

  6. Avaliação de chupetas disponíveis no mercado nacional segundo os requisitos da ABNT e ANVISA = Evaluation of the pacifers available in the nacional market following the abnt and anvisa requisitions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lima, Cláudia Batista Vieira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou avaliar chupetas disponíveis no mercado nacional segundo requisitos definidos pela legislação vigente. A amostra constou de 31 tipos de 6 marcas comerciais nacionais de chupetas, sendo para cada uma adquiridas 3 exemplares de lotes diferentes. Foi analisada descritivamente a adequação ou não dos aspectos: bico, escudo, botão, pino, argola e embalagem, atendendo aos critérios de construção de chupetas definidos pela NBR 10334/2003 da ABNT e a Resolução nº 221 da ANVISA. As chupetas foram divididas em grupos (G, conforme as características do bico: G1 – universal 6 meses; G5 – convencional > 6 meses; G6 – ortodôntica > 6 meses. Verificou-se a inadequação nos itens: A – comprimento do bico; B – embalagem segundo a NBR; C – embalagem segundo a ANVISA. O percentual de inadequação encontrado para os grupos foi: A: G2 – 20%, G6 – 11,1%; B: G2 – 40%, G3 – 33,3%, G5 – 40%, G6 – 33,3%; C: G2 – 20%, G3 – 33,3%, G4 – 33,3%, G5 – 20%, G6 – 22,2%. Para os demais itens avaliados: material e forma do bico; concavidade do escudo, quantidade e diâmetro dos furos, distância do furo ao bico e à borda externa, distância entre os furos, tamanho do escudo; projeção do botão; orifício de ventilação e projeção do pino e largura e comprimento da argola constataram- se adequação para as chupetas analisadas. Conclui-se que a maioria das chupetas se apresentou adequada para os requisitos de construção, sendo a inadequação freqüentemente registrada no item embalagem

  7. Study of the texture of porous solids using a technique of {gamma} ray absorption; Application de l'absorption du rayonnement {gamma} a l'etude de la texture des solides poreux

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ortega, M. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A technique, which enables us to measure locally total porosity, open porosity and pore size distribution is developed. The total porosity is calculated from the bulk density. A gamma absorption gauge is set up fitted with a Cs137 source. This enables the determination of the density by layers of carbonaceous samples in a practically automatic way. By taking adequate precautions it is possible to obtain the density with a maximum error {delta}{rho} {<=} 0,005 g/cm{sup 3}. The open porosity is evaluated by the absorption method after impregnation with bromoform. A new mercury porosimeter is developed using the absorption probe for the measurement of mercury infiltrated into the porous sample. Due to the localized character of exploration by this technique, the variations of porous texture in a heterogeneous sample can be studied. Used as a classical porosimeter, in the case of homogeneous samples, this apparatus is capable of exploring the equivalent diameters of pores between 500 {mu} and 0.14 {mu} with a maximum error {delta}P {<=} 0.002. The possibility of exploration of heterogeneous samples, with the facility of determination of porosities due to macro-pores combined with the non-limiting character of the method in the field of high pressures differentiates this apparatus from all the porosimeters of former conception. Examples of utilization of this technique in the case of graphite-gas reactions are presented. (author) [French] On a developpe une technique permettant la mesure localisee de la porosite totale, de la porosite ouverte et de la repartition de la taille de pores. La porosite totale est calculee a partir de la densite apparente. On a mis au point une jauge d'absorption du rayonnement gamma munie d'une source de Cs137. Celle-ci nous a permis de determiner la densite par couches d'echantillons cylindriques carbones d'une facon pratiquement automatique. En prenant les precautions adequates, il est possible d'obtenir la densite

  8. Point of Technique

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Minimally invasive techniques are becoming popular choice for the recent times. These techniques are lowering the cost and giving the best cosmetic results. For cardiovascular surgery these techniques are much more newer and much more unknown. Open lumbar sympathectomy for certain indications is a very well ...

  9. Uranium exploration techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nichols, C.E.


    The subject is discussed under the headings: introduction (genetic description of some uranium deposits; typical concentrations of uranium in the natural environment); sedimentary host rocks (sandstones; tabular deposits; roll-front deposits; black shales); metamorphic host rocks (exploration techniques); geologic techniques (alteration features in sandstones; favourable features in metamorphic rocks); geophysical techniques (radiometric surveys; surface vehicle methods; airborne methods; input surveys); geochemical techniques (hydrogeochemistry; petrogeochemistry; stream sediment geochemistry; pedogeochemistry; emanometry; biogeochemistry); geochemical model for roll-front deposits; geologic model for vein-like deposits. (U.K.)

  10. Sintering of beryllium oxide; Frittage de l'oxyde de beryllium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caillat, R; Pointud, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This study had for origin to find a process permitting to manufacture bricks of beryllium oxide of pure nuclear grade, with a density as elevated as possible and with standardized shape. The sintering under load was the technique kept for the manufacture of the bricks. Because of the important toxicity of the beryllium oxide, the general features for the preliminary study of the sintering, have been determined while using alumina. The obtained results will be able to act as general indication for ulterior studies with sintering under load. (M.B.) [French] Cette etude a eu pour origine la recherche d'un procede permettant de fabriquer industriellement des briques d'oxyde de beryllium nucleaireraent pures, de densite aussi elevee que possible et de forme standardisee. Le frittage sous charge fut la technique retenue pour la fabrication des briques. En raison de la grande toxicite de l'oxyde de beryllium, les caracteristiques generales du frittage, pour l'etude preliminaire, ont ete determine en utilisant de l'alumine. Les resultats obtenus pourront servir d'indication generale pour des etudes ulterieurs avec frittage sous charge. (M.B.)

  11. Compactification de la Supergravite 10-D Sur les Varietes de Calabi-Yau (United States)

    Gagnon, Michel

    Les varietes de Calabi-Yau permettent une description relativement simple et assez juste de la realite. Recemment, de nombreuses equipes de recherche s'y sont interessees, en particulier P. Candelas, A. M. Dale, C. A. Lutken et R. Schimmrigk (13) qui ont propose une liste de 7868 configurations distinctes. Toutefois, nous croyons que certaines des techniques qui sont exploitees pour construire cette liste ne sont pas suffisamment justifiees et ont pour effet de soustraire a nos investigations bon nombre de configurations potentiellement interessantes. Ainsi, nous produisons, sans utiliser ces techniques simplificatrices, une liste de 97360 configurations. Ensuite, dans le cadre des modeles a 4 generations, nous appliquons un ensemble de criteres, fondes sur les symetries discretes, pour delimiter le domaine des configurations phenomenologiquement viables. Finalement, apres avoir fixe notre choix sur une configuration particuliere, nous essayons de montrer tout l'interet physique des varietes de Calabi-Yau en exposant certains aspects de la phenomenologie a basse energie, notamment les nombres quantiques, les spectres fermioniques, la brisure intermediaire du groupe de jauge et la duree de vie du proton.

  12. Obesidad Infantil.Alimentación,actividad física y medio ambiente


    Cabrerizo, Sofía; Díez, Sara; Fernández, Bibiana


    Situación en Asturias del problema de la obesidad infantil,aspectos multifactoriales del problema,y elaboración de una serie de recomendaciones de las evidencias disponibles a partir de las evidencias disponibles y de una revisión bibliográfica. Consejería de Sanidad del Principado de Asturias

  13. Persian fencing techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani


    Full Text Available There are numerous manuscripts, poems and stories that describe, specifically and in detail, the different techniques used in Persian swordsmanship. The present article explains the origins and the techniques of Persian swordsmanship. The article also describes the traditional code of conduct for Persian warriors. Additionally, it describes an array of techniques that were deployed in actual combat in Iran’s history. Some of these techniques are represented via the miniatures that are reproduced herein. This is the first article on Persian swordsmanship published in any periodical.

  14. Radiation scattering techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edmonds, E.A.


    Radiation backscattering techniques are useful when access to an item to be inspected is restricted to one side. These techniques are very sensitive to geometrical effects. Scattering processes and their application to the determination of voids, thickness measuring, well-logging and the use of x-ray fluorescence techniques are discussed. (U.K.)


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Prof. Adipala Ekwamu

    Des inventaires forestiers et des études écologiques réalisés dans des placeaux, permettent de ... Key Words: Adaptation, against season's agriculture, climate change, ..... champ et globale. ..... Centrale non sahélienne « Regarding rainfall.

  16. Preference for different relaxation techniques by COPD patients: comparison between six techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Michael E Hyland,1 David MG Halpin,2 Sue Blake,3 Clare Seamark,3 Margaret Pinnuck,3 David Ward,3 Ben Whalley,1 Colin J Greaves,4 Adam L Hawkins,5 Dave Seamark3 1School of Psychology, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, 2Department of Respiratory Medicine, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Exeter, 3Honiton Group Practice, Honiton, 4University of Exeter Medical School, Exeter, 5GSK House, Brentford, UK Background: A review of the effectiveness of relaxation techniques for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients has shown inconsistent results, but studies have varied in terms of technique and outcome measures. Aim: To determine patient preference for different relaxation techniques. Methods: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients were presented with six techniques via a DVD and asked to rate the techniques in terms of effectiveness, rank in order of likely use, and comment. Results: Patients differed in the technique preferred and reason for that preference, but the most commonly preferred technique both for effectiveness and ease of use was “thinking of a nice place” followed by progressive relaxation and counting. Familiarity and ease of activity were commonly given reasons for preference. Conclusion: Rather than providing patients with a single technique that they might find difficult to implement, these results suggest that it would be better to give a choice. “Thinking of a nice place” is a popular but under-investigated technique. Keywords: COPD exacerbation, anxiety, relaxation techniques

  17. Training techniques for industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, D.W.


    The advantages and disadvantages of commonly used training techniques in relation to cost-effective, prevention-oriented Quality Assurance are examined. Important questions are whether training techniques teach cost effectiveness and whether the techniques are, themselves, cost effective. To answer these questions, criteria for evaluating teaching techniques for cost effectiveness were developd, and then commonly used techniques are evaluated in terms of specific training program objectives. Motivation of personnel is also considered important to the success of a training program, and methods are outlined by which recognition of the academic quality of industrial training can be used as a motivational technique

  18. CERN Management & Communication Training programme

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Timetable of courses from February to June 2009 Please check our Web site to find out the number of places available, which may vary. Management Curriculum Communicating Effectively – Residential\t23, 24, 25 March (Full) Introduction to Leadership\t1, 2, 3 April (1 place available) Personal Awareness & Impact\t5, 6, 7 May (full) 3, 4, 5 June (full) Dealing with conflict / Gestion des conflits (Session in English or in French)\t5 + 12 June (2 places available) Managing Teams\t9, 10, 11 June (3 places available) Communication Curriculum Communiquer efficacement dans votre équipe\t26, 27 mars\t(5 places disponibles) Gestion de temps\t27 avril + 27 mai + 23 juin (7 places disponibles) Communiquer efficacement\t27, 28 avril + 26, 27 mai (3 places disponibles) Service Orientation\t28, 29 April (5 places available) Communicating Effectively in your Team\t29, 30 April (7 places available) Négociation efficace\t5, 6 mai (6 places disponibles) Animer ou participer à une réunion de travail/Chairing ...

  19. CERN wide inventory of existing vacuum and heat treatment furnaces

    CERN Document Server

    Milani, Adrien


    L’utilisation des fours au CERN a plusieurs objectifs (Traitement thermique, brasage, séchage, polymérisation, ... ). Les fours sont donc répartis dans les différents départements, en fonction de l’utilisation de chacun. Cependant il n’existe pas à l’heure actuelle de référencement permettant de connaitre la présence de chaque four ainsi que leurs caractéristiques techniques. L’objectif de mon stage a donc été de créer un inventaire des fours de traitement thermique présents au CERN, afin de connaitre précisément leurs applications possibles. Cette base de données permettra entre autre aux différents départements de savoir quelle personne contacter en fonction de l’utilisation voulue.

  20. La nouvelle-tableau (2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Géraldine Jenvrin


    Full Text Available La nouvelle « Frémissante, la feuille se flétrit » met en scène le trouble d'un détenu qui par les seuls objets dont il dispose, lutte pour s'échapper intérieurement. L'usage du regard cinématographique porté sur les détails infimes de la matérialité carcérale, leur exposition sous forme de tableaux se faisant échos, les techniques de l’anonymat et du brouillage des repères objectifs, portent à son comble les dimensions énigmatiques et l'esthétique de la  brièveté propre à la nouvelle tout en permettant de  représenter la résistance de l'homme à l'enfermement et à la persécution.

  1. 2671-IJBCS-Article-Fongang Fouepe Hensel G

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Engagements contractuels et performances des organisations de producteurs ... Aussi ces contrats permettent aux OP d'accéder à un marché plus ..... Tableau 2 : Nombre d'OP par type de contrats agricoles à l'Ouest Cameroun entre 2010 et ...

  2. Pulse holographic measurement techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Cheol Jung; Baik, Seong Hoon; Hong, Seok Kyung; Kim, Jeong Moog; Kim, Duk Hyun


    With the development of laser, remote inspection techniques using laser have been growing on. The inspection and measurement techniques by pulse holography are well-established technique for precise measurement, and widely used in various fields of industry now. In nuclear industry, this technology is practically used because holographic inspection is remote, noncontact, and precise measurement technique. In relation to remote inspection technology in nuclear industry, state-of-the art of pulse HNDT (Holographic non-destructive testing) and holographic measurement techniques are examined. First of all, the fundamental principles as well as practical problems for applications are briefly described. The fields of pulse holography have been divided into the HNDT, flow visualization and distribution study, and other application techniques. Additionally holographic particle study, bubble chamber holography, and applications to other visualization techniques are described. Lastly, the current status for the researches and applications of pulse holography to nuclear industry which are carried out actively in Europe and USA, is described. (Author)

  3. Técnica para o estudo da anatomia da epiderme foliar de batata A technique for the anatomical study of potato leaf epidermis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda Bastos Segatto


    Full Text Available Embora a batata (Solanum tuberosum seja uma espécie de grande valor econômico, são poucas as informações disponíveis sobre a anatomia foliar, principalmente de características estruturais da epiderme. O estudo da anatomia foliar assume grande importância básica, para a ecologia e fisiologia, e aplicada para a fitopatologia e o melhoramento genético. Este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar uma técnica histológica que permite a confecção de lâminas semipermanentes para avaliar a epiderme foliar, em vista frontal, de um grande número de plantas de batata em um curto período de tempo. O corte paradérmico a mão livre, o método de Jeffrey e as técnicas de hidróxido de potássio e de impressão da epiderme foram avaliados. Lâminas semipermanentes foram confeccionadas da secção frontal da epiderme de folíolos principais do terço médio de plantas de batata. A impressão da epiderme em lâmina foi a única técnica que possibilitou a avaliação adequada de todos os clones de batata utilizados. A impressão da epiderme é uma técnica muito rápida, de baixo custo e de fácil execução, que atende os requisitos necessários para a identificação e seleção de características anatômicas de um grande número de plantas em um programa de melhoramento genético de batata.Even though potato (Solanum tuberosum is an economically important crop, information about leaf characteristics of anatomical structure has not been well studied. Studies of leaf epidermis have significance for basic fields as ecology and physiology and for applied fields as plant pathology and breeding. The objective of this research was to identify a fast and easy technique to prepare semi-permanent slides for studying the anatomy of potato leaf epidermis. Para dermal free hand cut, Jeffrey method, potassium hydroxide and epidermal fingerprint on glass slide techniques were evaluated. Semi-permanent slides were prepared from the longitudinal section of

  4. SEM-based characterization techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Russell, P.E.


    The scanning electron microscope is now a common instrument in materials characterization laboratories. The basic role of the SEM as a topographic imaging system has steadily been expanding to include a variety of SEM-based analytical techniques. These techniques cover the range of basic semiconductor materials characterization to live-time device characterization of operating LSI or VLSI devices. This paper introduces many of the more commonly used techniques, describes the modifications or additions to a conventional SEM required to utilize the techniques, and gives examples of the use of such techniques. First, the types of signals available from a sample being irradiated by an electron beam are reviewed. Then, where applicable, the type of spectroscopy or microscopy which has evolved to utilize the various signal types are described. This is followed by specific examples of the use of such techniques to solve problems related to semiconductor technology. Techniques emphasized include: x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, electron beam induced current (EBIC), stroboscopic voltage analysis, cathodoluminescnece and electron beam IC metrology. Current and future trends of some of the these techniques, as related to the semiconductor industry are discussed

  5. Nuclear techniques in hydrology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moser, H.


    The nuclear techniques used in hydrology are usually tracer techniques based on the use of nuclides either intentionally introduced into, or naturally present in the water. The low concentrations of these nuclides, which must be detected in groundwater and surface water, require special measurement techniques for the concentrations of radioactive or of stable nuclides. The nuclear techniques can be used most fruitfully in conjunction with conventional methods for the solution of problems in the areas of hydrology, hydrogeology and glacier hydrology. Nuclear techniques are used in practice in the areas of prospecting for water, environment protection and engineering hydrogeology. (orig.) [de

  6. Gestion génétique des populations naturelles de poissons

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Il propose un ertain nombre de mesures simples permettant de conserver pendant un période relativement longue (20 à 30 ans des populations produisants des sujets de repeuplement "génétiquement proches" des individus sauvages de la population d'origine.

  7. Caractéristiques morphologiques et optiques du silicium ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    1) Unité de Recherche des Matériaux et des Energies Renouvelables (URMER),. Université .... solution une meilleure mouillabilité, permettant .... l'exposition ou du stockage de SiP diminue sa .... aux microsystèmes thermiques, Thèse. Lyon ...

  8. Chiffrer le travail des femmes - économie sexiste sur le marché et au ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    effectuer beaucoup plus de tâches ménagères que les hommes. Les décisions familiales et professionnelles s'entremêlent : les femmes acceptent des emplois qui leur permettent de conjuguer leurs engagements familiaux avec un travail ...

  9. L'impronta idrica di quello che mangiamo

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bacenetti, J.; Lovarelli, D.; Fiala, M.; Hoekstra, Arjen Ysbert


    È stata recentemente approvata la norma ISO (ISO 14046 Water footprint – requirements and guidelines) per la definizione dell’impronta idrica (Water Footprint) (vedi box). Questo nuovo indicatore di sostenibilità ambientale permette di quantificare il consumo di acqua dolce associato, direttamente o

  10. Protaper--hybrid technique. (United States)

    Simon, Stephane; Lumley, Philip; Tomson, Phillip; Pertot, Wilhelm-Joseph; Machtou, Pierre


    Crown down preparation is the most known and described technique since the introduction of Nickel Titanium (NiTi) rotary instruments in endodontics. This technique gives good results but has limitations, such as not addressing the initial anatomy of oval or dumb-bell shaped canals. The specific design of the Protaper instruments allows use of them with a different technique and, specifically, with a brushing motion in the body of the canal. The recent introduction of hand Protaper files has expanded the range of application of this system, especially in curved canals. The 'hybrid technique', using rotary and hand files, and the advantages of the combination of both instruments, are clearly described in this article. Used with this technique, the Protaper is a very safe system to use, and more controllable, for both inexperienced and experienced practitioners alike, than other systems. To understand the precautions needed with rotary files, and how to use them to preserve the anatomy of the canal and get a tapered shaping, even in severely curved canals.

  11. Simulación analógica basada en Spice


    Sánchez Etchegaray, Jesús María


    En este libro se describen los análisis y dispositivos fundamentales disponibles en el programa de simulación electrónica SPICE. Está dirigido a aquellas personas con conocimientos básicos de electrónica que quieran aprender a utilizar este programa y a aquellas que, conociéndolo, dessen disponer de un manual de consulta rápida.

  12. Analisi matematica

    CERN Document Server

    Canuto, Claudio


    Il presente testo intende essere di supporto ad un primo insegnamento di Matematica in quei corsi di studio (quali ad esempio Ingegneria, Informatica, Fisica) in cui lo strumento matematico parte significativa della formazione dell'allievo. Il testo presenta tre diversi livelli di lettura. Un livello essenziale permette allo studente di cogliere i concetti indispensabili della materia e di familiarizzarsi con le relative tecniche di calcolo. Un livello intermedio fornisce le giustificazioni dei principali risultati e arricchisce lesposizione mediante utili osservazioni e complementi. Un terzo livello di lettura prevede anche lo studio del materiale contenuto nelle appendici e permette all'allievo più motivato ed interessato di approfondire la sua preparazione sulla materia. Completano il testo numerosi esempi e un considerevole numero di esercizi; di tutti viene fornita la soluzione e per la maggior parte si delinea il procedimento risolutivo. La grafica accattivante, a due colori e con struttura modulare, f...

  13. Introduction à la physique quantique

    CERN Document Server

    Antoine, Charles


    Cet ouvrage expose les grandes idées et notions clefs de la mécanique quantique et y développe de façon concise le formalisme et les principales méthodes qui en découlent. Les récentes applications de la mécanique quantique sont illustrées par de nombreux exemples tirés de domaines scientifiques multiples, dont l’astrophysique et les nanotechnologies. De nombreux exercices corrigés permettent d’affiner et compléter le cours. Enfin, des conseils méthodologiques et des bilans réguliers de connaissances permettent au lecteur de vérifier sa maîtrise des concepts et méthodes, et d’évaluer sa progression dans la compréhension du monde quantique. Des compléments en ligne sont téléchargeables sur le site

  14. Low current beam techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saint, A.; Laird, J.S.; Bardos, R.A.; Legge, G.J.F. [Melbourne Univ., Parkville, VIC (Australia). School of Physics; Nishijima, T.; Sekiguchi, H. [Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tsukuba (Japan).


    Since the development of Scanning Transmission Microscopy (STIM) imaging in 1983 many low current beam techniques have been developed for the scanning (ion) microprobe. These include STIM tomography, Ion Beam Induced Current, Ion Beam Micromachining and Microlithography and Ionoluminense. Most of these techniques utilise beam currents of 10{sup -15} A down to single ions controlled by beam switching techniques This paper will discuss some of the low beam current techniques mentioned above, and indicate, some of their recent applications at MARC. A new STIM technique will be introduced that can be used to obtain Z-contrast with STIM resolution. 4 refs., 3 figs.

  15. Low current beam techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saint, A; Laird, J S; Bardos, R A; Legge, G J.F. [Melbourne Univ., Parkville, VIC (Australia). School of Physics; Nishijima, T; Sekiguchi, H [Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tsukuba (Japan).


    Since the development of Scanning Transmission Microscopy (STIM) imaging in 1983 many low current beam techniques have been developed for the scanning (ion) microprobe. These include STIM tomography, Ion Beam Induced Current, Ion Beam Micromachining and Microlithography and Ionoluminense. Most of these techniques utilise beam currents of 10{sup -15} A down to single ions controlled by beam switching techniques This paper will discuss some of the low beam current techniques mentioned above, and indicate, some of their recent applications at MARC. A new STIM technique will be introduced that can be used to obtain Z-contrast with STIM resolution. 4 refs., 3 figs.

  16. Ion-exchange resin separation applied to activation analysis (1963); Separation par resines echangeuses d'ions appliquees a l'analyse par activation (1963)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aubouin, G; Laverlochere, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The separation techniques based on ion-exchange resins have been used, in this study, for carrying out activation analyses on about thirty impurities. A separation process has been developed so as to standardise these analyses and to render them execution a matter of routine. The reparation yields obtained are excellent and make it possible to carry out analyses on samples having a large activation cross-section ween working inside a reinforced fume-cupboard. This technique has been applied to the analysis of impurities in tantalum, iron, gallium, germanium, terphenyl, and tungsten. The extension of this process to other impurities and to other matrices is now being studied. (authors) [French] Les techniques de separations sur resines echangeusee d'ions ont ete utilisees, dans cette etude, pour effectuer des analyses par activation sur une trentaine d'impuretes. Un schema de separation a ete mis au point de maniere a normaliser ces analyses et a pouvoir les faire en routine. Les rendements de separation obtenus sont excellents et permettent de proceder a des analyses d'echantillons a grande section efficace d'activation en travaillant dans une sorbonne blindee. Des applications de cette technique ont ete faites pour des analyses d'impuretes dans le tantale, le fer, le gallium, le germanium, le terphenyle, le tungstene. L'extension de ce schema a d'autres impuretes et a d'autres matrices est en cours d'etude. (auteurs)

  17. Applications of Electromigration Techniques: Applications of Electromigration Techniques in Food Analysis (United States)

    Wieczorek, Piotr; Ligor, Magdalena; Buszewski, Bogusław

    Electromigration techniques, including capillary electrophoresis (CE), are widely used for separation and identification of compounds present in food products. These techniques may also be considered as alternate and complementary with respect to commonly used analytical techniques, such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), or gas chromatography (GC). Applications of CE concern the determination of high-molecular compounds, like polyphenols, including flavonoids, pigments, vitamins, food additives (preservatives, antioxidants, sweeteners, artificial pigments) are presented. Also, the method developed for the determination of proteins and peptides composed of amino acids, which are basic components of food products, are studied. Other substances such as carbohydrates, nucleic acids, biogenic amines, natural toxins, and other contaminations including pesticides and antibiotics are discussed. The possibility of CE application in food control laboratories, where analysis of the composition of food and food products are conducted, is of great importance. CE technique may be used during the control of technological processes in the food industry and for the identification of numerous compounds present in food. Due to the numerous advantages of the CE technique it is successfully used in routine food analysis.

  18. Spectrometric techniques 4

    CERN Document Server

    Vanasse, George A


    Spectrometric Techniques, Volume IV discusses three widely diversified areas of spectrometric techniques. The book focuses on three spectrometric methods. Chapter 1 discusses the phenomenology and applications of Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS), the most commonly used optical technique that exploit the Raman effect. The second chapter is concerned with diffraction gratings and mountings for the Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectral Region. Chapter 3 accounts the uses of mass spectrometry, detectors, types of spectrometers, and ion sources. Physicists and chemists will find the book a go

  19. Spectrometric techniques 2

    CERN Document Server

    Vanasse, George A


    Spectrometric Techniques, Volume II provides information pertinent to vacuum ultraviolet techniques to complete the demonstration of the diversity of methods available to the spectroscopist interested in the ultraviolet visible and infrared spectral regions. This book discusses the specific aspects of the technique of Fourier transform spectroscopy.Organized into five chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the large number of systematic effects in the recording of an interferogram. This text then examines the design approach for a Fourier transform spectrometer with focus on optics.

  20. Spectrometric techniques 3

    CERN Document Server

    Vanasse, George A


    Spectrometric Techniques, Volume III presents the applications of spectrometric techniques to atmospheric and space studies. This book reviews the spectral data processing and analysis techniques that are of broad applicability.Organized into five chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the instrumentation used for obtaining field data. This text then reviews the contribution that space-borne spectroscopy in the thermal IR has made to the understanding of the planets. Other chapters consider the instruments that have recorded the planetary emission spectra. This book discusses as well


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    Jean-Yves BLAY


    Full Text Available La médecine  moléculaire du cancer  s’appuie sur l’identification d’anomalies génomique de  l’ADN des cellules tumorales, permettant de guider le traitement des patients, en choisissant des inhibiteurs agissant sur les protéines mutées codées par les gènes mutés. Cependant, on assiste depuis 10 ans à l’émergence très rapide d’un nouveau corpus de connaissance décrivant les anomalies génomiques des cellules cancéreuses au sein des programmes internationaux  comme ICGC ou TCGA, permettant de déboucher sur de nouvelles classifications nosologiques mais démontrant aussi l’extrème  complexité et variabilité clonale des cellules cancéreuses  chez le patient humain. Il s’agit désormais d’utiliser ces données  nouvelles de manière  efficace. Ceci requiert la constitution de plateformes de diagnostic  explorant progressivement avec  une plus grande profondeur  les anomalies moléculaire de chaque patient individuel, et l’organisation de réunions de concertation pluridisciplinaires moléculaire permettant d’intégrer ces données au contexte  clinique et global du patient, et requérant la  contribution  croissante des bio-informaticiens. Ce  court article  fait le point  sur l’évolution de cette médecine moléculaire.

  2. Modelli di previsione della domanda merci in area urbana e metropolitana

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    Agostino Nuzzolo


    Full Text Available In questa nota viene presentato lo stato dell’arte più recente dei modelli di simulazione della distribuzione urbana delle merci che consentono una valutazione ex-ante di scenari di misure che la Pubblica Amministrazione può adottare per la riduzione delle criticità del settore. Partendo dalla struttura organizzativa della distribuzione delle merci e dalle relative criticità, vengono individuati i decisori le cui scelte possono essere influenzate dalle misure in questione e vengono classificate le misure stesse in funzione degli obiettivi strategici che l’Amministrazione vuole raggiungere. È possibile in questo modo individuare in funzione delle misure, quali sono i processi decisionali che è necessario simulare con i modelli. Il sistema di modelli presentato consente di arrivare ai flussi di veicoli merci tra le zone dell’area di studio e si compone di due sottosistemi: quello di domanda che fornisce le matrici OD in consegne tra le zone, e quello logistico che permette di passare alla OD in veicoli. Il sottosistema di domanda è specificato come un modello ad aliquote parziali che partendo dai dati socio-economici dell’area di studio permette la ricostruzione delle matrici OD per tipologia di servizio di trasporto e le matrici OD in consegne per intervallo temporale e per tipologia di veicolo. Il sottosistema logistico permette di stimare i flussi OD di veicoli congruentemente ai flussi di consegne determinate precedentemente, mediante una sequenza di due modelli che forniscono la distribuzione dei tour per numero di consegne e la scelta della zona successiva di consegna.

  3. Quality Attribute Techniques Framework (United States)

    Chiam, Yin Kia; Zhu, Liming; Staples, Mark

    The quality of software is achieved during its development. Development teams use various techniques to investigate, evaluate and control potential quality problems in their systems. These “Quality Attribute Techniques” target specific product qualities such as safety or security. This paper proposes a framework to capture important characteristics of these techniques. The framework is intended to support process tailoring, by facilitating the selection of techniques for inclusion into process models that target specific product qualities. We use risk management as a theory to accommodate techniques for many product qualities and lifecycle phases. Safety techniques have motivated the framework, and safety and performance techniques have been used to evaluate the framework. The evaluation demonstrates the ability of quality risk management to cover the development lifecycle and to accommodate two different product qualities. We identify advantages and limitations of the framework, and discuss future research on the framework.

  4. Echangeurs à condensation sur fumées corrosives Condensation Heat Exchangers of Corrosive Fumes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Grehier A.


    Full Text Available Les échangeurs gaz-liquide et gaz-gaz respectivement développés par la Société Nationale Elf Aquitaine (SNEA et l'institut Français du Pétrole (IFP dans le cadre d'un contrat AFME d'aide à l'innovation permettent, grâce au recours à des matériaux plastiques, de s'affranchir du seuil de condensation sulfurique, 180°C, en deçà duquel apparaissent les problèmes de corrosion sur les récupérateurs classiques. Il en résulte un accroissement de chaleurs sensible et latente récupérées permettant, en moyenne, de doubler l'économie habituellement réalisée. Ces travaux ont démontré la faisabilité technique des solutions proposées dont la pénétration sur le marché doit être favorisée par leur faible coût d'insertion dans les installations existantes et leur temps de retour voisin de 2 ans. The gas-liquid and gas-gas heat exchangers developed respectively by the Société Nationale Elf Aquitaine (SNEA and the Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP, within the framework of an AFME contract to promote innovation, make use of plastics to overcome the sulfuric condensation threshold of 180°C. Beyond this threshold, corrosion problems appear for conventional heat recovery processes. This results in an increase in the recovery of sensible and latent heat, so that the saving normally achieved can be doubled, on the average. This research has shown the technical feasibility of the solution proposed. The market penetration of these solutions should be enhanced by their low cost of insertion in existing installations and their payout time of about two years.

  5. Mécanismes de rechange permettant d'élargir l'accès à la justice en ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    21 janv. 2016 ... Quelles sont les incidences sur les droits des citoyens ? ... L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite ... Research Foundation ont conclu un accord de coopération scientifique et technologique en ...

  6. Linking Universities and Marginalised Communities : South African ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    5 juin 2015 ... ... South African Case Studies of Innovation Focused on Livelihoods in Informal Settings ... Ces études permettent de définir l'application des politiques dans ... Louis Berlinguet s'est joint au Centre à ses débuts, à la demande ...

  7. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    . Une position inhabituelle permettant une pénétration particulièrement profonde de la verge (décubitus dorsal avec hyper flexion des cuisses, position assise), la brutalité ou une hâte excessive sont souvent à l'origine de ces ...

  8. Ce que nous faisons | Page 88 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

  9. Ce que nous faisons | Page 93 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

  10. Ce que nous faisons | Page 52 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

  16. Ce que nous faisons | Page 138 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

  17. Ce que nous faisons | Page 63 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

  1. Résultats de recherche | Page 437 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

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    Sis au Royaume-Uni, l'Overseas Development Institute (ODI) a lancé un guide en ligne permettant de comprendre l'élaboration des politiques, d'interagir avec la sphère des politiques et d'influer sur les politiques. Publication Date. 17 juin 2014. Livres.

  2. numb one

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    aboutissent à des infarctus viscéraux jalonnent son évolution. ... précoce permettent une remarquable amélioration de l'espérance et de la qualité de ... In the developed world, antenatal and neonatal diagnosis as well as early management.

  3. 26 Calcul multi-caractéristique du coût du non-qualité via la fonction ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Le coût du non - qualité (CNQ) est un indicateur permettant l'estimation de la marge ..... multicritères de Taguchi en fonction de l'évolution du poids et capacité du ... A Scheduling Example; International Journal of Information and Management.

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

  8. Validación de la metodología para la determinación cuantitativa de plomo en tintes cosméticos disponibles en el mercado nacional por espectroscopia de absorción atómica con llama

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    Paulina Silva Trejos


    Full Text Available Se validó la metodología analítica para determinar cuantitativamente plomo en tintes cosméticos disponibles en el mercado nacional, por el método de espectroscopia de absorción atómica con llama. Las muestras se digirieron por digestión húmeda con HNO3 al 65 % m/men horno de microondas; el porcentaje de recuperación para la digestión de muestras de 0,25 g y 0,45 g en 5,00 mL fue de 100,5±0,5. El ámbito de linealidad óptimo fue del límite de detección a 5,0 mg/L con un coeficiente de correlación de 0,9998.Los límites de detección y los límites de cuantificación determinados gráficamente por el método de corredor de errores para regresión lineal fueron de 0,12 ±0,02 mg/L y 0,21±0,02 mg/L, respectivamente. Se evaluó la precisión determinando la repetitividad como desviación estándar de 5 réplicas de un tinte positivo para plomo, de acuerdo con la definición de la ISO,2√2*σ, y se obtuvo un valor de 2,3. La veracidad se determinó por medio de los porcentajes de recuperación evaluados, agregando alícuotas de patrones de plomo a muestras de tinte y comparándolo con muestras de igual masa a las que no se les realizó adición. Las muestras de tintes se obtuvieron en puestos de venta, tales como farmacias, suplidoras de belleza,supermercados, centros de ventas de productos naturales y el mercado central de San José. De los tintes analizados, de marca Youthair, de fabricación norteamericana, Doni, Mont D’Or, Matador y Siempre Joven, producidos localmente, contienen acetato de plomo como ingrediente activo


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    COURSE D’ORIENTATION    Automne 2010 : Quel programme!   Après une pause de deux mois, le Club d’orientation du CERN, en partenariat avec d’autres clubs de la région, vous propose une nouvelle série de courses d’orientation pour cet automne. Ces courses ont lieu généralement le samedi entre 13h00 et 17h00. 5 circuits sont disponibles, ceci va du facile court (2 km) adapté aux débutants et aux enfants jusqu’au parcours technique long de 6 km pour les chevronnés en passant par les parcours facile moyen (4 km), technique court (3,5 km) ou technique moyen (4,5 km). Il y aura donc toujours un parcours à votre niveau. Un classement général est effectué pour vous motiver à persévérer ! Ces courses (ou promena...

  10. Detour technique, Dipping technique, or IIeal bladder flap technique for surgical correction of uretero-ileal anastomotic stricture in orthotopic ileal neobladder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohamed Wishahi


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTBackground:Uretero-ileal anastomotic stricture (UIAS is a urological complication after ileal neobladder, the initial management being endourological intervention. If this fails or stricture recurs, surgical intervention will be indicated.Design and Participants:From 1994 to 2013, 129 patients were treated for UIAS after unsuccessful endourological intervention. Unilateral UIAS was present in 101 patients, and bilateral in 28 patients; total procedures were 157. The previous ileal neobladder techniques were Hautmann neobladder, detubularized U shape, or spherical shape neobladder.Surgical procedures:Dipping technique was performed in 74 UIAS. Detour technique was done in 60 renal units. Ileal Bladder flap was indicated in 23 renal units. Each procedure ended with insertion of double J, abdominal drain, and indwelling catheter.Results:Follow-up was done for 12 to 36 months. Patency of the anastomosis was found in 91.7 % of cases. Thirteen patients (8.3% underwent antegrade dilatation and insertion of double J.Conclusion:After endourological treatment for uretero-ileal anastomotic failure, basically three techniques may be indicated: dipping technique, detour technique, and ileal bladder flap. The indications are dependent on the length of the stenotic/dilated ureteral segment. Better results for long length of stenotic ureter are obtained with detour technique; for short length stenotic ureter dipping technique; when the stenotic segment is 5 cm or more with a short ureter, the ileal tube flap is indicated. The use of double J stent is mandatory in the majority of cases. Early intervention is the rule for protecting renal units from progressive loss of function.

  11. Emerging optical nanoscopy techniques

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    Montgomery PC


    Full Text Available Paul C Montgomery, Audrey Leong-Hoi Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Ingénieur, de l'Informatique et de l'Imagerie (ICube, Unistra-CNRS, Strasbourg, France Abstract: To face the challenges of modern health care, new imaging techniques with subcellular resolution or detection over wide fields are required. Far field optical nanoscopy presents many new solutions, providing high resolution or detection at high speed. We present a new classification scheme to help appreciate the growing number of optical nanoscopy techniques. We underline an important distinction between superresolution techniques that provide improved resolving power and nanodetection techniques for characterizing unresolved nanostructures. Some of the emerging techniques within these two categories are highlighted with applications in biophysics and medicine. Recent techniques employing wider angle imaging by digital holography and scattering lens microscopy allow superresolution to be achieved for subcellular and even in vivo, imaging without labeling. Nanodetection techniques are divided into four subcategories using contrast, phase, deconvolution, and nanomarkers. Contrast enhancement is illustrated by means of a polarized light-based technique and with strobed phase-contrast microscopy to reveal nanostructures. Very high sensitivity phase measurement using interference microscopy is shown to provide nanometric surface roughness measurement or to reveal internal nanometric structures. Finally, the use of nanomarkers is illustrated with stochastic fluorescence microscopy for mapping intracellular structures. We also present some of the future perspectives of optical nanoscopy. Keywords: microscopy, imaging, superresolution, nanodetection, biophysics, medical imaging

  12. Techniques involving extreme environment, nondestructive techniques, computer methods in metals research, and data analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bunshah, R.F.


    A number of different techniques which range over several different aspects of materials research are covered in this volume. They are concerned with property evaluation of 4 0 K and below, surface characterization, coating techniques, techniques for the fabrication of composite materials, computer methods, data evaluation and analysis, statistical design of experiments and non-destructive test techniques. Topics covered in this part include internal friction measurements; nondestructive testing techniques; statistical design of experiments and regression analysis in metallurgical research; and measurement of surfaces of engineering materials

  13. Los catálogos en línea de acceso público del Mercosur disponibles en entorno web: características del Proyecto UBACYT F054 Online public access catalogs of Mercosur in a web environment: characteristics of UBACYT F054 Project

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    Elsa E. Barber


    Full Text Available Se presentan los lineamientos teórico-metodológicos del proyecto de investigación UBACYT F054 (Programación Científica y Técnica de la Universidad de Buenos Aires 2004-2007. Se analiza la problemática de los catálogos en línea de acceso público (OPACs disponibles en entorno web de las bibliotecas nacionales, universitarias, especializadas y públicas del Mercosur. Se estudian los aspectos vinculados con el control operativo, la formulación de la búsqueda, los puntos de acceso, el control de salida y la asistencia al usuario. El proyecto se propone, desde un abordaje cuantitativo y cualitativo, efectuar un diagnóstico de situación válido para los catálogos de la región. Plantea, además, un estudio comparativo con el fin de vislumbrar las tendencias existentes dentro de esta temática en bibliotecas semejantes de Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay.The theoretical-methodological aspects of the research project UBACYT F054 (Universidad de Buenos Aires Technical and Scientific Program, 2004- 2007 are outlined. Online Public Access Catalogs (OPACs in web environment in national, academic, public and special libraries in countries belonging to Mercosur are analized. Aspects related to the operational control, search formulation, access points, output control and user assistance are studied. The project aims, both quantitatively and qualitatively, to make a situation diagnosis valid for the catalogs of the region. It also offers a comparative study in order to see the existing tendencies on the subject in similar libraries in Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay and Uruguay.

  14. Separation techniques: Chromatography (United States)

    Coskun, Ozlem


    Chromatography is an important biophysical technique that enables the separation, identification, and purification of the components of a mixture for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Proteins can be purified based on characteristics such as size and shape, total charge, hydrophobic groups present on the surface, and binding capacity with the stationary phase. Four separation techniques based on molecular characteristics and interaction type use mechanisms of ion exchange, surface adsorption, partition, and size exclusion. Other chromatography techniques are based on the stationary bed, including column, thin layer, and paper chromatography. Column chromatography is one of the most common methods of protein purification. PMID:28058406

  15. New techniques in quality assurance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fornicola, J.C.


    GPU Nuclear Corp. has a multifaceted quality assurance (QA) program. This program includes a comprehensive QA organization to help ensure its implementation. The QA organization employs various techniques in assuring quality at GPU Nuclear. These techniques not only include the typical QA/quality-control verification activities, i.e., QA engineering, quality control, and audits, but also include some new innovative techniques. Several new techniques have been developed for verifying activities. These techniques include monitoring and functional audits of safety systems. Several new techniques for assessing performance and adequacy and effectiveness of plant and QA programs, such as plant assessments and QA systems engineering evaluations, have also been developed. This paper provides an overview of these and other new techniques being employed by GPU Nuclear's QA organization

  16. Microalgae harvesting techniques: A review. (United States)

    Singh, Gulab; Patidar, S K


    Microalgae with wide range of commercial applications have attracted a lot of attention of the researchers in the last few decades. However, microalgae utilization is not economically sustainable due to high cost of harvesting. A wide range of solid - liquid separation techniques are available for microalgae harvesting. The techniques include coagulation and flocculation, flotation, centrifugation and filtration or a combination of various techniques. Despite the importance of harvesting to the economics and energy balance, there is no universal harvesting technique for microalgae. Therefore, this review focuses on assessing technical, economical and application potential of various harvesting techniques so as to allow selection of an appropriate technology for cost effectively harvesting of microalgae from their culture medium. Various harvesting and concentrating techniques of microalgae were reviewed to suggest order of suitability of the techniques for four main microalgae applications i.e biofuel, human and animal food, high valued products, and water quality restoration. For deciding the order of suitability, a comparative analysis of various harvesting techniques based on the six common criterions (i.e biomass quality, cost, biomass quantity, processing time, species specific and toxicity) has been done. Based on the order of various techniques vis-a-vis various criteria and preferred order of criteria for various applications, order of suitability of harvesting techniques for various applications has been decided. Among various harvesting techniques, coagulation and flocculation, centrifugation and filtration were found to be most suitable for considered applications. These techniques may be used alone or in combination for increasing the harvesting efficiency. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Method for automatically evaluating a transition from a batch manufacturing technique to a lean manufacturing technique (United States)

    Ivezic, Nenad; Potok, Thomas E.


    A method for automatically evaluating a manufacturing technique comprises the steps of: receiving from a user manufacturing process step parameters characterizing a manufacturing process; accepting from the user a selection for an analysis of a particular lean manufacturing technique; automatically compiling process step data for each process step in the manufacturing process; automatically calculating process metrics from a summation of the compiled process step data for each process step; and, presenting the automatically calculated process metrics to the user. A method for evaluating a transition from a batch manufacturing technique to a lean manufacturing technique can comprise the steps of: collecting manufacturing process step characterization parameters; selecting a lean manufacturing technique for analysis; communicating the selected lean manufacturing technique and the manufacturing process step characterization parameters to an automatic manufacturing technique evaluation engine having a mathematical model for generating manufacturing technique evaluation data; and, using the lean manufacturing technique evaluation data to determine whether to transition from an existing manufacturing technique to the selected lean manufacturing technique.

  18. Isotope Analysis of Uranium by Interferometry; Analyse isotopique de l'uranium par interferometrie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leicknam, J P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique. Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    Among the optical methods which may be used to make isotopic measurements of {sup 235}U interferometry gives promising results. An apparatus is described which has a photomultiplier as receiver; the source must therefore have characteristics (intensity, stability, fineness of emitted rays) which have led to the use of electrode-less discharge tubes whose methods of production and excitation are given. An example of calibration is given. (author) [French] Parmi les methodes optiques permettant le dosage isotopique de l'uranium 235, l'interferometrie est une technique qui donne des resultats prometteurs. On decrit ici un appareil ayant un photo-multiplicateur comme recepteur; la source doit donc avoir des caracteristiques (intensite, stabilite, finesse des raies emises) qui ont conduit a utiliser des tubes a decharge sans electrode dont on indique la fabrication et le mode d'excitation. Un exemple d'etalonnage est enfin donne. (auteur)

  19. Ingénierie de la maintenance De la conception à l'exploitation d'un bien

    CERN Document Server

    Francastel, Jean-Claude


    La maintenance a évolué : d’abord confinée à l’entretien des équipements “réparer“ les pannes puis élargie à leur surveillance “prévoir” les pannes elle est intégrée aujourd’hui dès la phase de conception du produit avec notamment le concept de “maintenabilité” du produit. L’ingénierie de maintenance désigne ce processus d’accompagnement d’un bien industriel durant toutes les phases de son cycle de vie de la conception au démantèlement qui permet d’optimiser l’exploitation de ce bien et son coût global life cycle cost. Cet ouvrage décrit les différentes phases du cycle de vie en exposant les techniques qui permettent d’intégrer à chaque étape les concepts de maintenance.

  20. La estructura interna del léxico disponible en español como lengua extranjera (ELE de los preuniversitarios polacos

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    Antonio María López González


    Full Text Available The technique for collecting available lexicon is based on surveys of open lists in which for two minutes informants recorded all the words that come to mind in relation to each center of interest, up to a total of 16 thematic stimuli. These stimuli were defined by Gougenheim et al. (1964 as the most universally representative semantic sectors. However, those centers of interest 'are disparate semantic categories: its ontogeny, their internal organization, nor its reach are the same' (Hernández Muñoz, 2006: 134. This article characterizes the centers of interest of the available lexicon tests and examines the taxonomies of the centers of interest proposed by different authors. Finally, it analyzes the organization of the lexical repertoires of Spanish as a Foreign Language, produced by a sample of 120 students from 3rd year in bilingual high school with Spanish in Warsaw (XXXIV Liceum, Kraków (VI Liceum and Łódz (XXXII Liceum. Analysis gives attention to the type of partnerships that are prevalent in the bosom of the lexical sets, as well as describes in detail significant relationships that occur among the most frequent words.

  1. Application des techniques de diffusion de la lumière des rayons X et des neutrons à l'étude des systèmes colloïdaux. Première partie : Présentation théorique des trois techniques Application of Light, X-Ray and Neutron Diffusion Techniques to the Study of Colloidal Systems. Part One : Theoretical Description of Three Techniques

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    Espinat D.


    Full Text Available Les techniques de diffusion, des rayons X, des neutrons et de la lumière, jouent un rôle très important pour la compréhension des milieux colloïdaux. Peu d'articles de la littérature s'attachent à présenter conjointement les trois méthodes. Nous avons, dans la première partie de cet article, détaillé les principes théoriques en insistent tout particulièrement sur les spécificités de chacune. Après les rappels concernant la diffusion par les systèmes dilués, nous nous sommes intéressés aux systèmes concentrés pour lesquels les entités diffusantes sont en interaction. Les milieux dispersés montrent souvent une certaine polydispersité que l'on cherche à mesurer; les techniques de diffusion permettent cette mesure. Nous terminerons cette revue par une description des appareillages utilisés. La deuxième partie de cet article concernera une large illustration des possibilités de ces méthodes d'analyse à l'étude des systèmes colloïdaux, sur la base de travaux effectués à I'IFP (Institut Français du Pétrole ou dans de nombreux laboratoires de recherche extérieurs. This article aims to describe X-ray, neutron and light scattering techniques with emphasis on their specific nature and their scope of application. Indeed, whereas light diffusion has been used for a long time in research laboratories, in particular for characterizing polymers in solution, small angle X-ray scattering has been the subject of renewed interest in recent years. Neutron scattering, which is obviously more difficultly accessible, has proven to be extremely useful for studying various systems for which light and X-ray scattering remain relatively powerless. Whereas there is an abundant literature concerning various applications of the three methods, it should be noted that only a few articles have attempted to describe all three techniques at the same time. In this article we have tried to make up for this lack, and as such it was

  2. Les universitaires ivoiriens et Internet

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 août 2006 ... du manque de documentation risquent de la marginaliser davantage .... électroniques permettent l'accès aux résultats de la recherche et la diffusion .... enseignants un sentiment de propriété de cette machine et un droit d'en.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    9 mai 2013 ... permettant selon les besoins, coagulation, section ou vaporisation. ... tés par laser au service d'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-. LASER EN .... nose était de siège glottique pur à type de palmure dans. 3 cas et supra glottique ...

  4. Non-contact ultrasound techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khazali Mohd Zin


    Non-contact ultrasound plays significant role in material characterisation and inspection. Unlike conventional ultrasonic techniques, non-contact ultrasonic is mostly applicable to areas where the former has its weaknesses and limitations. It is interesting to note that the non-contact ultrasonic technique has an important significant application in industry. The technique is signified by the fact that the object to be inspected is further away from the ultrasonic source, no couplant is needed and inconsistent pressure between the transducer and the specimen can be eliminated. The paper discusses some of the non-contact ultrasound technique and its applications. (Author)

  5. Principles of fluorescence techniques

    CERN Document Server


    Fluorescence techniques are being used and applied increasingly in academics and industry. The Principles of Fluorescence Techniques course will outline the basic concepts of fluorescence techniques and the successful utilization of the currently available commercial instrumentation. The course is designed for students who utilize fluorescence techniques and instrumentation and for researchers and industrial scientists who wish to deepen their knowledge of fluorescence applications. Key scientists in the field will deliver theoretical lectures. The lectures will be complemented by the direct utilization of steady-state and lifetime fluorescence instrumentation and confocal microscopy for FLIM and FRET applications provided by leading companies.

  6. Manejo da água disponível no solo e adubação fosfatada: efeito sobre a cultura do milho Management of available soil water and phosphorus fertilization: effect on corn crop

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    Wagner W. de A. Alves


    Full Text Available Para o presente estudo conduziu-se um ensaio em casa-de-vegetação, no Departamento de Solo e Engenharia Rural do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Areia, PB, com o propósito de se avaliar quatro doses de fósforo (0, 40, 80 e 120 kg ha-1 de P2O5 e quatro níveis de água no solo (20, 40, 60 e 80% da água disponível sobre algumas características da cultura do milho (Zea mays L.. Usou-se o delineamento blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial 4 x 4, com três repetições. A unidade experimental foi representada por um vaso plástico com 9 kg de solo coletado na profundidade de 0 a 20 cm do perfil de um Latossolo Amarelo e, segundo a análise de variância, ocorreu efeito altamente significativo (p This study was conducted under greenhouse conditions at 'Centro de Ciências Agrárias' of 'Universidade Federal da Paraíba', located in Areia, PB, Brazil. The main objective was to evaluate the effect of four doses of phosphorus (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1 of P2O5, and of four levels of available soil water (20, 40, 60 and 80% on some characteristics of corn (Zea mays L. crop. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block using a 4 x 4 factorial scheme, with three replications. The experimental unit was represented by a plastic recipient with 9 kg of soil of the superficial layer (0 - 20 cm of Oxisol. The analysis of variance showed significant effect (p < 0.01 for the phosphorus treatments as well as for the levels of the available soil water on total dry biomass of the aerial parts, evapotranspiration and the phosphorus content of the dry biomass. The necessity of a minimal value of 40% of available soil water for the corn crop was observed to obtain the response of phosphorus doses applied to soil. A significant effect (p < 0.01 of the interaction between phosphorus and available water on phosphorus content in the biomass of aerial part of the crop was also notable.

  7. Disagreements around techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sachsse, H.

    The modern man lives in disagreement with its techniques. Technical progress is the foundation of its material and spiritual existence, but he does not like it. Specialization, difficult understanding of the technical procedures and the price that has to be paid for technical progress, have led to a deep-going enstrangement. Therefore the question: What kind of human function has our technique. It is understood as an extension and perfection of our bodily organs, in order to increase our ability to see and to hear enormously, and to intervene formatively in the existing reality. Technique is therefore an instrument of comprehensive self-realization of man. (orig./GL) [de

  8. Advanced analytical techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mrochek, J.E.; Shumate, S.E.; Genung, R.K.; Bahner, C.T.; Lee, N.E.; Dinsmore, S.R.


    The development of several new analytical techniques for use in clinical diagnosis and biomedical research is reported. These include: high-resolution liquid chromatographic systems for the early detection of pathological molecular constituents in physiologic body fluids; gradient elution chromatography for the analysis of protein-bound carbohydrates in blood serum samples, with emphasis on changes in sera from breast cancer patients; electrophoretic separation techniques coupled with staining of specific proteins in cellular isoenzymes for the monitoring of genetic mutations and abnormal molecular constituents in blood samples; and the development of a centrifugal elution chromatographic technique for the assay of specific proteins and immunoglobulins in human blood serum samples

  9. Godas Rex. La amonedación del Reino de Godas

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    Alberto Trivero Rivera


    Full Text Available Dopo una rassegna storica sulla Sardegna della seconda metà del V secolo e sulla monetazione vandala battuta da una zecca sarda, l'Autore descrive alcune rare emissioni monetarie battute in nome di Godas, sovrano conosciuto solamente grazie ad alcuni paragrafi delle Storie di Procopio di Cesarea. Lo studio delle emissioni monetarie conferma il suo testo e permette di dedurre alcuni aspetti in merito agli eventi che portarono Godas al potere nell'isola e che non sono stati narrati dallo storico palestino. Ciò permette di correggere un'inesatta interpretazione dei fatti data dagli storici sardi, i quali, basandosi sulla traduzione latina invece che sull'originale greco, scrivono che Godas fu inviato in Sardegna dal re vandalo Gelamir: invece il suo ruolo nell'isola fu necessariamente importante già durante il regno di Hilderico, il suo predecessore. L'articolo è completato dal corpus di tutti gli esemplari noti di nummi battuti in nome di Godas.

  10. Analisi matematica

    CERN Document Server

    Canuto, Claudio


    Il presente testo intende essere di supporto ad un secondo insegnamento di Analisi Matematica in quei corsi di studio (quali ad esempio Ingegneria, Informatica, Fisica) in cui lo strumento matematico parte significativa della formazione dell'allievo. I concetti e i metodi fondamentali del calcolo differenziale ed integrale in più variabili, le serie di funzioni e le equazioni differenziali ordinarie sono presentati con l'obiettivo primario di addestrare lo studente ad un loro uso operativo, ma critico. L'impostazione didattica dell'opera ricalca quella usata nel testo parallelo di Analisi Matematica I. La modalità di presentazione degli argomenti ne permette un uso flessibile e modulare. Lo stile adottato privilegia la chiarezza e la linearità dell'esposizione. Il testo organizzato su due livelli di lettura. Uno, più essenziale, permette allo studente di cogliere i concetti indispensabili della materia, di familiarizzarsi con le relative tecniche di calcolo e di trovare le giustificazioni dei principali r...

  11. Changes in urological surgical techniques

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    Oktay Üçer


    Full Text Available Recently, laparoscopic and afterwards robotic techniques have constituted most of urologic surgery procedures. Open surgery may give place to robotic surgery due to possible widespread use of robots in the future. Studies, that compare these two techniques are usually designed about radical prostatectomy, since it is the most common operation performed by using these techniques. In literature,robotic surgery seems more advantageous than other techniques but the most important disadvantage of this technique is cost-effective problems. In present review,history of open, laparoscopic and robotic surgery, and comparison of advantages, disadvantages and cost of these techniques have been discussed with literature.

  12. Amniotic Membrane Transplant with a Special Technique (Motowa's Sandwich Technique) in Mooren's Ulcer. (United States)

    Al Motowa, Saeed; Al Zobidi, Mohammed


    To illustrate amniotic membrane transplant (AMT) with a novel surgical technique ("sandwich technique") for treating patients with malignant Mooren's ulcer. A case report of a patient with bilateral, malignant Mooren's ulcer who had undergone systemic steroid therapy and topical immunosuppresive therapy to stabilize his condition. However, perforation of cornea occurred in one eye. AMT with a new surgical technique ("Motowa's sandwich technique") was performed to treat this case. On the 1(st) day postoperatively, there was no pain, no photophobia, and visual acuity was same as preoperatively. At 4 weeks postoperatively, visual acuity improved in the right eye to 20/160 with pinhole, and there was no fluorescein staining. The right eye was quiet. Amniotic membrane transplant with "Motowa's sandwich technique" resulted in the preservation of the anatomical integrity and progression of disease was halted along with an improved vision. This technique is a novel surgical modality in treating Mooren's ulcer. Further study on a large cohort of patients is required for evidence-based data to verify the outcome of this initial case report.

  13. Enseignement technique/Technical Training

    CERN Multimedia


    Bureautique et techniques administratives/Office Automation & Administrative Techniques - Premiers pas/Getting started - E-Mail - Management Tools - WWW - Applications bureautiques/Office applications

  14. Dal castrum altomedievale al restauro settecentesco: storia e archeologia del castello di Sorrivoli (Roncofreddo - FC

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    Fiorini, Andrea


    Full Text Available The methods and tools used to determine the history of construction and building techniques of the castle of Sorrivoli (Roncofreddo - FC are here described. This is a research project carried out within a study coordinated by the teaching of Medieval Archaeology (University of Bologna, which has the purpose of conducting a census of all the medieval castles in Romagna. There is certain news from the tenth century concerning the castle to be studied. However, the investigations have shown that the standing preserved structures must be dated from the fourteenth century onwards. The system of photogrammetric survey of the walls and the technique of threedimensional modelling of the structures are here described. An extended part of this paper is also devoted to results of stratigraphic, typological, geological, metrological and comparative mensio-cronological analysis.No disponible

  15. Caracterização e avaliação de processos de seleção de resíduos sólidos urbanos por meio da técnica de mapeamento Characterization and evaluation of selection processes of urban solid waste through mapping technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kelly Carla Dias Lobato


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da aplicação da técnica de mapeamento para a caracterização e avaliação dos processos de seleção de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU desenvolvidos nas instalações de uma associação de catadores de materiais recicláveis. O trabalho utiliza métodos qualitativos por meio da pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo de caso. O levantamento de dados contou com observação, entrevista e questionário. Dentre as técnicas disponíveis para o mapeamento, foram utilizados o SIPOC, o mapa de processo e o mapofluxograma. O mapeamento de processos como ferramenta gerencial possibilitou a visualização dos processos em diferentes escalas, o relacionamento entre as atividades e o cruzamento de fluxo (transporte dentro do galpão, sendo esse um dos principais gargalos de produção.The objective of this work was to present the application of the mapping technique for characterization and evaluation of procedures for selection of urban solid waste (USW developed in an association of recyclable materials collectors. This work use qualitative methods through bibliographic research and case study. The gathering of data was performed by observation, interviews and questionnaire. Amongst the techniques available for the mapping, SIPOC, process map and flowchart map were used. The process mapping as a management tool made possible the visualization of the processes in different scales, the relationship between the activities and the flow crossing (transportation in the deposits, one of the main bottlenecks of production.

  16. Tracer techniques in microelectronics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flachowsky, J.; Freyer, K.


    Tracer technique and neutron activation analysis are capable of measuring impurities in semiconductor material or on the semiconductor surface in a very low concentration range. The methods, combined with autoradiography, are also suitable to determine dopant distributions in silicon. However, both techniques suffer from certain inherent experimental difficulties and/or limitations which are discussed. Methods of tracer technique practicable in the semiconductor field are described. (author)

  17. Electronic analogue simulator of radio cardiograms; Simulateur analogique electronique de radiocardiogrammes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roux, G; Lansiart, A; Vernejoul, P de; Kellershohn, C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The various parameters of the heart pump and of the blood circulation can be determined by radio-cardio-graphical techniques. The curves thus obtained can be more easily used in radiocardiography if the electronic analogue simulator described here is employed. The experimental and simulated radio-cardiograms are made to coincide by varying the electrical parameters of the simulator. Using simple charts it is possible to obtain directly the actual original physiological parameters from these electrical parameters. Some examples are given showing the excellent accuracy obtained in the determination of ejection indices by the simulator. (authors) [French] Les differents parametres de la pompe cardiaque et de la circulation sanguine peuvent etre determines par les techniques de radiocardiographie. L'exploitation des courbes obtenues en radiocardiographie est rendue plus aisee par l'utilisation du simulateur analogique electronique presente ici. Le radiocardiogramme experimental et le radiocardiogramme simule sont superposes en agissant sur les parametre electriques du simulateur. Par l'utilisation d'abaques simples, ces parametres electriques permettent de retrouver directement les parametres reels d'origine physiologique. Quelques exemples sont donnes montrant l'excellente precision obtenue dans la determination des indices d'ejection a l'aide du simulateur. (auteurs)

  18. Gamma-scintigraphy; La gammascintigraphie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Desgrez, H.A. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Gamma-scintigraphy is a medical technique making it possible to fix the image of certain organs after the concentration in these of emitting radioactive products. It is already widely used in the case of the thyroid gland with iodine-132 by applying the isotope iodine 131. The study of the liver and gall bladder is carried out using colloidal gold 198 and Bengal pink marked with iodine 131. Serum albumin marked with iodine 131 makes it possible to study rachidian blockages. Other applications can already be foreseen in this direction. (author) [French] La gammascintigraphie est une technique medicale permettant de faire l'image de certains organes apres concentration dans ceux-ci de produits radioactifs emetteurs. Son utilisation deja repandue en ce qui concerne la thyroidine et l'iode-131 est possible avec l'iode-132 pour cette meme glande. Avec l'or colloidal 198 et le rose bengale marque a l'iode-131, on pratique des etudes du foie et de la vesicule biliaire. La serumalbumine marquee a l'iode-131 permet d'etudier les blocages rachidiens. D'autres possibilites sont des maintenant envisageables dans cette direction. (auteur)

  19. Gamma-scintigraphy; La gammascintigraphie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Desgrez, H A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Gamma-scintigraphy is a medical technique making it possible to fix the image of certain organs after the concentration in these of emitting radioactive products. It is already widely used in the case of the thyroid gland with iodine-132 by applying the isotope iodine 131. The study of the liver and gall bladder is carried out using colloidal gold 198 and Bengal pink marked with iodine 131. Serum albumin marked with iodine 131 makes it possible to study rachidian blockages. Other applications can already be foreseen in this direction. (author) [French] La gammascintigraphie est une technique medicale permettant de faire l'image de certains organes apres concentration dans ceux-ci de produits radioactifs emetteurs. Son utilisation deja repandue en ce qui concerne la thyroidine et l'iode-131 est possible avec l'iode-132 pour cette meme glande. Avec l'or colloidal 198 et le rose bengale marque a l'iode-131, on pratique des etudes du foie et de la vesicule biliaire. La serumalbumine marquee a l'iode-131 permet d'etudier les blocages rachidiens. D'autres possibilites sont des maintenant envisageables dans cette direction. (auteur)

  20. L'eau et les liquides de dialyse dans le traitement de l'insuffisance rénale chronique terminale


    Kunegel , Edouard


    Non disponible / Not available; Seules trois méthodes de traitement, aujourd'hui, s'offrent au patient insuffisant rénal chronique (IRC) en phase terminale : la dialyse péritonéale, l'hémodialyse, et la transplantation rénale. L'esquisse de ces techniques sera dessinée au fil de ce travail, avec un focus particulier sur l'hémodialyse, méthode à ce jour encore la plus utilisée. À ses débuts, les résultats proposés par cette procédure, assortis d'une lourde mortalité, étaient peu concluants.Jus...

  1. Contamination Control Techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    EBY, J.L.


    Welcome to a workshop on contamination Control techniques. This work shop is designed for about two hours. Attendee participation is encouraged during the workshop. We will address different topics within contamination control techniques; present processes, products and equipment used here at Hanford and then open the floor to you, the attendees for your input on the topics.

  2. Contamination Control Techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    EBY, J.L.


    Welcome to a workshop on contamination Control techniques. This work shop is designed for about two hours. Attendee participation is encouraged during the workshop. We will address different topics within contamination control techniques; present processes, products and equipment used here at Hanford and then open the floor to you, the attendees for your input on the topics

  3. Next generation initiation techniques (United States)

    Warner, Tom; Derber, John; Zupanski, Milija; Cohn, Steve; Verlinde, Hans


    Four-dimensional data assimilation strategies can generally be classified as either current or next generation, depending upon whether they are used operationally or not. Current-generation data-assimilation techniques are those that are presently used routinely in operational-forecasting or research applications. They can be classified into the following categories: intermittent assimilation, Newtonian relaxation, and physical initialization. It should be noted that these techniques are the subject of continued research, and their improvement will parallel the development of next generation techniques described by the other speakers. Next generation assimilation techniques are those that are under development but are not yet used operationally. Most of these procedures are derived from control theory or variational methods and primarily represent continuous assimilation approaches, in which the data and model dynamics are 'fitted' to each other in an optimal way. Another 'next generation' category is the initialization of convective-scale models. Intermittent assimilation systems use an objective analysis to combine all observations within a time window that is centered on the analysis time. Continuous first-generation assimilation systems are usually based on the Newtonian-relaxation or 'nudging' techniques. Physical initialization procedures generally involve the use of standard or nonstandard data to force some physical process in the model during an assimilation period. Under the topic of next-generation assimilation techniques, variational approaches are currently being actively developed. Variational approaches seek to minimize a cost or penalty function which measures a model's fit to observations, background fields and other imposed constraints. Alternatively, the Kalman filter technique, which is also under investigation as a data assimilation procedure for numerical weather prediction, can yield acceptable initial conditions for mesoscale models. The

  4. Évaluation de l'effet du stress hydrique et du porte- greffe sur la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 nov. 2013 ... Introduction: Au Maroc, les agrumes sont plantés dans différentes régions à conditions de sol et climats variées. .... leurs permettent une croissance continue voire la ... une réduction de la formation de la biomasse et de la.

  5. allocution de son excellence l'ambassadeur du canada au burkina ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ali Anwer

    Population et Coordonnateur de l'Unité d'Appui Régional du. PARSEP ... habilitées à concevoir et à produire les instruments nécessaires au suivi de la ... Ces outils permettent le traitement et l'analyse des données relatives à la pauvreté qui ...

  6. De l'univers de la recherche à une charge publique — Interview de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 oct. 2010 ... La ministre des Finances et de l'Économie du Pérou applique les conseils en ... étaient tout désignés pour multiplier les perspectives de croissance de la ... un solide capital humain, des mécanismes permettant de faire des ...

  7. Managerial Techniques in Educational Administration. (United States)

    Lane, John J.


    Management techniques developed during the past 20 years assume the rational bureaucratic model. School administration requires contingent techniques. Quality Circle, Theory Z, and the McKenzie 7-Framework are discussed as techniques to increase school productivity. (MD)

  8. Addendum: First injection technique recommendations for patients with diabetes, Forum for Injection Techniques India

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanjay Kalra


    Full Text Available The forum for injection techniques, India recommendation, the first ever in the country on insulin injcetion techniques, have covered the science and the art of insulin injection technique in an exhaustive manner. However, a few gaps were identified in the document, which are addressed in the current addendum. This article focuses on insulin injection technique in special clinical situations, including geriatric people, women in pregnancy and those with dermatological or surgical disease who live with diabetes. The addendum also covers salient features of administration of insulin using the insulin pump.

  9. Parachute technique for partial penectomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Korkes


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Penile carcinoma is a rare but mutilating malignancy. In this context, partial penectomy is the most commonly applied approach for best oncological results. We herein propose a simple modification of the classic technique of partial penectomy, for better cosmetic and functional results. TECHNIQUE: If partial penectomy is indicated, the present technique can bring additional benefits. Different from classical technique, the urethra is spatulated only ventrally. An inverted "V" skin flap with 0.5 cm of extension is sectioned ventrally. The suture is performed with vicryl 4-0 in a "parachute" fashion, beginning from the ventral portion of the urethra and the "V" flap, followed by the "V" flap angles and than by the dorsal portion of the penis. After completion of the suture, a Foley catheter and light dressing are placed for 24 hours. CONCLUSIONS: Several complex reconstructive techniques have been previously proposed, but normally require specific surgical abilities, adequate patient selection and staged procedures. We believe that these reconstructive techniques are very useful in some specific subsets of patients. However, the technique herein proposed is a simple alternative that can be applied to all men after a partial penectomy, and takes the same amount of time as that in the classic technique. In conclusion, the "parachute" technique for penile reconstruction after partial amputation not only improves the appearance of the penis, but also maintains an adequate function.

  10. Handbook of laboratory techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Nuclear Regulatory Authority in Argentina have laboratories of support to regulations functions on radiological and nuclear safety, safeguards and physical protection, that have a surface of 2950 m 2 in the Ezeiza Atomic Center. The manual describes in seven chapters the different techniques developed and applied in the laboratories along four decades of existence. The chapter 1: Dedicated to the treatment of environmental samples, described the procedures associated with the different types of samples: deposits, waters, sediments, vegetables, milk, fish and diet. The chapter 2: Details 48 radiochemical techniques associated to the measurements of americium 241, carbon 16, strontium 90, iodine 129, plutonium, radium 226, radon, uranium, nickel and actinides. The chapter 3: Describes the measurements techniques of alpha and gamma spectrometry. The different techniques of biological and physical dosimetry are described in the chapters 5 and 6 respectively. The final chapter is dedicated the techniques of external and internal contamination. It s important to emphasize that this manual contains the standardized technologies that the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Argentina submits regularly to international comparisons

  11. Ultrasonic techniques for fluids characterization

    CERN Document Server

    Povey, Malcolm J W


    This book is a comprehensive and practical guide to the use of ultrasonic techniques for the characterization of fluids. Focusing on ultrasonic velocimetry, the author covers the basic topics and techniques necessaryfor successful ultrasound measurements on emulsions, dispersions, multiphase media, and viscoelastic/viscoplastic materials. Advanced techniques such as scattering, particle sizing, and automation are also presented. As a handbook for industrial and scientific use, Ultrasonic Techniques for Fluids Characterization is an indispensable guide to chemists and chemical engineers using ultrasound for research or process monitoring in the chemical, food processing, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, biotechnology,and fuels industries. Key Features * Appeals to anyone using ultrasound to study fluids * Provides the first detailed description of the ultrasound profiling technique for dispersions * Describes new techniques for measuring phase transitions and nucleation, such as water/ice and oil/fat * Presents the l...

  12. Tanzanie | Page 2 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Read more about Documentaire sur des solutions locales qui permettent d'offrir plus de possibilités d'emploi aux femmes au Rwanda. Langue French. When Nyirangaruye Dancilla was widowed she turned to producing banana wine to avoid destitution. Now income from this business enables this Rwandan farmer to save ...

  13. Prévalence et facteurs de risque des mammites subcliniques dans ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 avr. 2017 ... de Kaolack ont fait l'objet de l'étude. Le California Mastitis .... L'objectif de l'étude était de déterminer la prévalence .... conditions climatiques sahéliennes. Le CMT ... fournir le résultat global de la mamelle permettant ainsi.

  14. Manufacturing Enterprise in Asia | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Inde, du Japon, de Taïwan, de la Corée, de la Thaïlande, du Bangladesh et du Vietnam. Les données recueillies permettent de cerner trois modèles distincts de développement du secteur manufacturier et de faire le lien entre le ...

  15. ÉTUDE DE CAS — Rosario, Argentine : une ville « mordue » d ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    17 déc. 2010 ... Jusqu'à la fin de 2001, son salaire de domestique et le produit de son potager ... à 20 groupes des outils de jardinage, du matériel et des semences, ... point des méthodes et des instruments permettant d'intégrer l'agriculture ...

  16. Pouvoir pathogène de Botrytis cinerea sur Catharanthus roseus à ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    38,53 et C.I=1274.41 pour BC1). Au 31ème ... Conclusion et application de la recherche : l'étude a montré le pouvoir pathogène de B. cinerea sur C. roseus à différents ..... 1977; Kosuge et Hewitt, 1964). Et permettent à des.

  17. Original file was article_J-A.tex

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    En vue de relever le défi de la performance et de la compétitivité dans un ... Ces décisions permettent d'obtenir une organisation efficace du système de production, ... L'ordonnancement de travaux sur une chaîne de production de type flow ...

  18. On Board Hydrogen Generation for Fuel Cell Powered Electric Cars. a Review of Various Available Techniques Production d'hydrogène embarquée pour véhicules électriques à piles. Aperçu de différentes techniques envisageables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prigent M.


    Full Text Available Various methods allowing onboard hydrogen generation for fuel cell powered electric cars are reviewed. The following primary fuels are considered : ammonia, methanol, ethanol, and hydrocarbons. The catalytic cracking of ammonia allows generation of a CO2-free mixture containing 75% hydrogen, which is consequently suitable without subsequent purification for the supply of alkaline fuel cells. The problems posed by this primary fuel are toxicity in the event of leaks and the risk of generating nitrogen oxides in the catalytic combustion of the cell effluent. Methanol, ethanol, and the liquid or gas hydrocarbons also allow the generation of hydrogen-rich mixes, either by catalytic steam reforming or by partial oxidation. The gas obtained in this way contains a large amount of CO2 and CO, however, and its use requires a prior purification treatment. Except for use in high-temperature cells, the CO concentration must be reduced to a very low level (a few ppm. The CO2, however, may be kept for the supply of acid electrolyte cells, although it must be eliminated for use with alkaline cells. All these methods are commonly used in industry, but the design of small fully automated facilities allowing fast frequent starting and stopping as well as continuous load variations without loss of performance or pollutant emissions is still a very delicate and uncertain matter. Différents procédés permettant la production embarquée d'hydrogène pour véhicules électriques à piles à combustible sont passés en revue. Les combustibles primaires suivants sont considérés : ammoniac, méthanol, éthanol et hydrocarbures. Le craquage catalytique de l'ammoniac permet l'obtention d'un mélange à 75 % d'hydrogène, exempt de CO2 et convenant donc sans purification ultérieure pour l'alimentation des piles alcalines. Avec ce combustible primaire, les problèmes sont la toxicité en cas de fuite et le risque de production d'oxydes d'azote lors de la combustion

  19. Nuclear techniques in industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hammad, F.H.


    Nuclear techniques are utilized in almost every industry. The discussion in this paper includes discussions on tracer methods and uses nucleonic control systems technology; non-destructive testing techniques and radiation technology. 1 fig., 2 tabs

  20. Adsorption of glyphosate in chilean soils and its relationship with unoccupied phosphate binding sites Adsorção de glifosato em solos chilenos e sua relação com sítios de adsorção disponíveis para adsorção de fosfato

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Kogan


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to investigate glyphosate adsorption by soils and its relationship with unoccupied binding sites for phosphate adsorption. Soil samples of three Chilean soils series - Valdivia (Andisol, Clarillo (Inceptisol and Chicureo (Vertisol - were incubated with different herbicide concentrations. Glyphosate remaining in solution was determined by adjusting a HPLC method with a UV detector. Experimental maximum adsorption capacity were 15,000, 14,300 and 4,700 mg g¹ for Valdivia, Clarillo, and Chicureo soils, respectively. Linear, Freundlich, and Langmuir models were used to describe glyphosate adsorption. Isotherms describing glyphosate adsorption differed among soils. Maximum adjusted adsorption capacity with the Langmuir model was 231,884, 17,874 and 5,670 mg g-1 for Valdivia, Clarillo, and Chicureo soils, respectively. Glyphosate adsorption on the Valdivia soil showed a linear behavior at the range of concentrations used and none of the adjusted models became asymptotic. The high glyphosate adsorption capacity of the Valdivia soil was probably a result of its high exchangeable Al, extractable Fe, and alophan and imogolite clay type. Adsorption was very much related to phosphate dynamics in the Valdivia soil, which showed the larger unoccupied phosphate binding sites. However relationship between unoccupied phosphate binding sites and glyphosate adsorption in the other two soils (Clarillo and Chicureo was not clear.O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a adsorção de glifosato em solos e sua relação com os sítios disponíveis para adsorção de fosfato. Amostras de três solos chilenos - Valdivia (Andisol, Clarillo (Inceptisol e Chicureo (Vertisol - foram incubadas com diferentes concentrações do herbicida. O glifosato remanescente na solução foi determinado pelo método de HPLC com detector de UV modificado. A capacidade de adsorção máxima experimental foi de 15.000, 14.300 e 4.700 mg g-1 para os solos de

  1. Airway Clearance Techniques (ACTs)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... many challenges, including medical, social, and financial. By learning more about how you can manage your disease every day, you can ultimately help find a ... Cycle of Breathing Technique Airway Clearance Techniques Autogenic ...

  2. Approximation techniques for engineers

    CERN Document Server

    Komzsik, Louis


    Presenting numerous examples, algorithms, and industrial applications, Approximation Techniques for Engineers is your complete guide to the major techniques used in modern engineering practice. Whether you need approximations for discrete data of continuous functions, or you''re looking for approximate solutions to engineering problems, everything you need is nestled between the covers of this book. Now you can benefit from Louis Komzsik''s years of industrial experience to gain a working knowledge of a vast array of approximation techniques through this complete and self-contained resource.

  3. Airway Clearance Techniques (ACTs)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... decisions about your health care. CF Genetics: The Basics CF Mutations Video Series Find Out More About ... of Breathing Technique Airway Clearance Techniques Autogenic Drainage Basics of Lung Care Chest Physical Therapy Coughing and ...

  4. Airway Clearance Techniques (ACTs)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Active Cycle of Breathing Technique Airway Clearance Techniques Autogenic Drainage Basics of Lung Care Chest Physical Therapy ... clearance. Facebook Twitter Email More Related Content Medications Autogenic Drainage Positive Expiratory Pressure High-Frequency Chest Wall ...

  5. Airway Clearance Techniques (ACTs)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... a range of treatment options. Airway Clearance Active Cycle of Breathing Technique Airway Clearance Techniques Autogenic Drainage ... LEGACY GIFT Sponsor a Participant CF Climb CF Cycle for Life Great Strides Xtreme Hike Participate In ...

  6. Airway Clearance Techniques (ACTs)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Cycle of Breathing Technique Airway Clearance Techniques Autogenic Drainage Basics of Lung Care Chest Physical Therapy Coughing ... Facebook Twitter Email More Related Content Medications Autogenic Drainage Positive Expiratory Pressure High-Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation ( ...

  7. Ion-exchange resin separation applied to activation analysis (1963); Separation par resines echangeuses d'ions appliquees a l'analyse par activation (1963)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aubouin, G.; Laverlochere, J. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The separation techniques based on ion-exchange resins have been used, in this study, for carrying out activation analyses on about thirty impurities. A separation process has been developed so as to standardise these analyses and to render them execution a matter of routine. The reparation yields obtained are excellent and make it possible to carry out analyses on samples having a large activation cross-section ween working inside a reinforced fume-cupboard. This technique has been applied to the analysis of impurities in tantalum, iron, gallium, germanium, terphenyl, and tungsten. The extension of this process to other impurities and to other matrices is now being studied. (authors) [French] Les techniques de separations sur resines echangeusee d'ions ont ete utilisees, dans cette etude, pour effectuer des analyses par activation sur une trentaine d'impuretes. Un schema de separation a ete mis au point de maniere a normaliser ces analyses et a pouvoir les faire en routine. Les rendements de separation obtenus sont excellents et permettent de proceder a des analyses d'echantillons a grande section efficace d'activation en travaillant dans une sorbonne blindee. Des applications de cette technique ont ete faites pour des analyses d'impuretes dans le tantale, le fer, le gallium, le germanium, le terphenyle, le tungstene. L'extension de ce schema a d'autres impuretes et a d'autres matrices est en cours d'etude. (auteurs)

  8. Radio-toxicological analysis of urine; Analyses radiotoxicologiques urinaires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeanmaire, L.; Jammet, H. [Commissariat a l' energie atomique et aux energies alternatives - CEA (France)


    The article is divided into two parts: general and technical. In the general part, a study of the behaviour of radioisotopes in the organism shows the hazards of internal contamination. In addition, the principle of the different methods for the estimation of this contamination is indicated. The second part, which is purely technical, describes some of the methods for urine analysis used in the S.H.A.R.P. radiotoxicology laboratory at the Saclay Nuclear Research Centre. The techniques relate to {sup 239}Pu, {sup 226}Ra, {sup 90}Sr, natural Th, natural U and {sup 233}U. Reprint of a paper published in Annales de Radiologie, Vol. 2, no. 9-10, p. 703-722, 1959 [French] L'article est divise en deux parties: generalites et techniques. Dans les generalites, l'etude du comportement des radioelements dans l'organisme met en evidence les dangers de la contamination interne. De plus le principe des differents moyens permettant d'apprecier cette contamination est indique. La seconde partie, purement technique, expose un certain nombre de methodes d'analyse urinaire utilisees au laboratoire de radiotoxicologie du S.H.A.R.P. au Centre d'Etudes nucleaires de Saclay. Les techniques concernent {sup 239}Pu, {sup 226}Ra, {sup 90}Sr, Th naturel, U naturel et {sup 233}U. Reproduction d'un article publie dans les Annales de Radiologie, Vol. 2, no. 9-10, p. 703-722, 1959.

  9. Sterility test by radiometric technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faruq, Muhammad


    Sterility test of pharmaceuticals can be carried out by the application of pharmacopoeia and radiometric technique. In Indonesia the application of pharmacopoeia technique is carried out through liquid germination for aerobacteria and for fungus and yeast. Radiometric technique is applied to autotrop and heterotrop bacteria. (SMN)

  10. Review of advanced imaging techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu Chen


    Full Text Available Pathology informatics encompasses digital imaging and related applications. Several specialized microscopy techniques have emerged which permit the acquisition of digital images ("optical biopsies" at high resolution. Coupled with fiber-optic and micro-optic components, some of these imaging techniques (e.g., optical coherence tomography are now integrated with a wide range of imaging devices such as endoscopes, laparoscopes, catheters, and needles that enable imaging inside the body. These advanced imaging modalities have exciting diagnostic potential and introduce new opportunities in pathology. Therefore, it is important that pathology informaticists understand these advanced imaging techniques and the impact they have on pathology. This paper reviews several recently developed microscopic techniques, including diffraction-limited methods (e.g., confocal microscopy, 2-photon microscopy, 4Pi microscopy, and spatially modulated illumination microscopy and subdiffraction techniques (e.g., photoactivated localization microscopy, stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy, and stimulated emission depletion microscopy. This article serves as a primer for pathology informaticists, highlighting the fundamentals and applications of advanced optical imaging techniques.

  11. DCT-based cyber defense techniques (United States)

    Amsalem, Yaron; Puzanov, Anton; Bedinerman, Anton; Kutcher, Maxim; Hadar, Ofer


    With the increasing popularity of video streaming services and multimedia sharing via social networks, there is a need to protect the multimedia from malicious use. An attacker may use steganography and watermarking techniques to embed malicious content, in order to attack the end user. Most of the attack algorithms are robust to basic image processing techniques such as filtering, compression, noise addition, etc. Hence, in this article two novel, real-time, defense techniques are proposed: Smart threshold and anomaly correction. Both techniques operate at the DCT domain, and are applicable for JPEG images and H.264 I-Frames. The defense performance was evaluated against a highly robust attack, and the perceptual quality degradation was measured by the well-known PSNR and SSIM quality assessment metrics. A set of defense techniques is suggested for improving the defense efficiency. For the most aggressive attack configuration, the combination of all the defense techniques results in 80% protection against cyber-attacks with PSNR of 25.74 db.

  12. Comparison of a new noncoplanar intensity-modulated radiation therapy technique for craniospinal irradiation with 3 coplanar techniques

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Anders T; Lukacova, Slavka; Lassen-Ramshad, Yasmin A.


    When standard conformal x-ray technique for craniospinal irradiation is used, it is a challenge to achieve satisfactory dose coverage of the target including the area of the cribriform plate, while sparing organs at risk. We present a new intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), noncoplanar...... patient using the noncoplanar IMRT-based technique, a coplanar IMRT-based technique, and a coplanar volumetric-modulated arch therapy (VMAT) technique. Dosimetry data for all patients were compared with the corresponding data from the conventional treatment plans. The new noncoplanar IMRT technique...... substantially reduced the mean dose to organs at risk compared with the standard radiation technique. The 2 other coplanar techniques also reduced the mean dose to some of the critical organs. However, this reduction was not as substantial as the reduction obtained by the noncoplanar technique. Furthermore...

  13. Airway Clearance Techniques (ACTs)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... to loosen mucus from airway walls. See how different airway clearance techniques work to help you clear the thick, sticky mucus ... Offer their tips for fitting ACTs into daily life Airway Clearance Techniques | Webcast ... Facebook Twitter ...

  14. Biomechanical comparison of the double-push technique and the conventional skate skiing technique in cross-country sprint skiing. (United States)

    Stöggl, Thomas; Müller, Erich; Lindinger, Stefan


    The aims of the study were to: (1) adapt the "double-push" technique from inline skating to cross-country skiing; (2) compare this new skiing technique with the conventional skate skiing cross-country technique; and (3) test the hypothesis that the double-push technique improves skiing speed in a short sprint. 13 elite skiers performed maximum-speed sprints over 100 m using the double-push skate skiing technique and using the conventional "V2" skate skiing technique. Pole and plantar forces, knee angle, cycle characteristics, and electromyography of nine lower body muscles were analysed. We found that the double-push technique could be successfully transferred to cross-country skiing, and that this new technique is faster than the conventional skate skiing technique. The double-push technique was 2.9 +/- 2.2% faster (P push technique had a longer cycle length and a lower cycle rate, and it was characterized by higher muscle activity, higher knee extension amplitudes and velocities, and higher peak foot forces, especially in the first phase of the push-off. Also, the foot was more loaded laterally in the double-push technique than in the conventional skate skiing technique.

  15. Interacción de los antineoplásicos orales con los alimentos: revisión sistemática


    Jiménez Torres, N. Víctor; Romero Crespo, I.; Ballester Solaz, M.; Albert Marí, María Asunción; Jiménez Arenas, V.


    Introducción: Los estudios de biodisponibilidad son parte integrante del desarrollo clínico de medicamentos para administración oral con el fin de identificar potenciales interacciones fármaco-alimento (iFA). Actualmente, para los antineoplásicos orales se empieza a reconocer su importancia clínica, aun cuando lamentablemente, la información disponible presenta variabilidad en su evidencia científica. Objetivos: Revisar la evidencia científica disponible sobre las i...

  16. Legal technique: approaches to section on types

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    І. Д. Шутак


    Full Text Available Legal technique is a branch of knowledge about the rules of doing legal work and creating in the process a variety of legal documents, which had previously been part of the theory of law. In modern conditions of the legal technique are isolated in a separate branch of legal science, focused on solving practical problems. The purpose of this article is to analyze the types of legal techniques, in particular, on the basis of theoretical propositions about legal technique to allocate substantial characteristics and types of legal technique. O. Malko and M. Matuzov consider legal technique as a set of rules, techniques, methods of preparation, creation, registration of legal documents, their classification and accounting for their excellence, efficient use. A similar meaning is investing in this concept Alekseev, determining that the legal technique is a set of tools and techniques used in accordance with accepted rules in the formulation and systematization of legal acts to ensure their perfection. So, legal technique – theoretical and applied legal science, which studies the regularities of rational legal practice in the creation, interpretation and implementation of law. In relation to the type of legal techniques in the literature proposed different classifications. For example, G. Muromtsev technique, which is used only in the field of law, divide on the technique of law-making (legislative technique, technique of law enforcement, interpretation, technique of judicial speech, interrogation, notarial activities. V. Kartashov shared legal technique on law making and enforcement (prorealtime, interpretive yourself and prevacidrebatezw, judicial or investigative, prosecutorial, and the like. Some authors clearly indicate that the criterion by which to distinguish types of legal techniques. So, S. Alekseev notes that legal technique is classified from the point of view of the legal nature of the act made on: a techniques of legal acts; b the

  17. CERN Management & Communication Training programme

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Timetable of courses from October to December 2009 Please check our Web site to find out the number of places available, which may vary. Management Curriculum Communicating Leadership - 2 October, 29 October + 1 December - (full) CDP-SL for new supervisors, part 1 - 5, 6, 7 October - (2 places available) Introduction to Leadership - 7, 8, 9 October - (4 places available) Voice your Leadership - 13, 14 October - (full) Managing Teams - 10, 11, 12 November - (7 places available) Risk Management - 17, 18 November - (6 places available) Dealing with Conflict - 20, 27 November - (5 places available) CDP pour nouveaux superviseurs, part 1 - 30 novembre, 1, 2 décembre - (4 places disponibles) Communication Curriculum Making presentations - 14, 15 October + 9 November - (Full) Communiquer efficacement dans votre équipe - 19, 20 octobre - (7 places disponibles) Gestion du stress - 20, 21 octobre - (8 places disponibles) Communiquer efficacement - 21, 22 octobre + 9, 10 novemb...

  18. Analytical system availability techniques

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouwers, J.J.H.; Verbeek, P.H.J.; Thomson, W.R.


    Analytical techniques are presented to assess the probability distributions and related statistical parameters of loss of production from equipment networks subject to random failures and repairs. The techniques are based on a theoretical model for system availability, which was further developed

  19. Les TIC permettent d'accroître l'équité en santé en Jordanie | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    24 oct. 2013 ... L'un des problèmes les plus graves auxquels se heurtent les collectivités rurales est le manque d'accès à des services de santé de qualité et à de l'information adéquate en matière de santé.

  20. GPU Pro advanced rendering techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Engel, Wolfgang


    This book covers essential tools and techniques for programming the graphics processing unit. Brought to you by Wolfgang Engel and the same team of editors who made the ShaderX series a success, this volume covers advanced rendering techniques, engine design, GPGPU techniques, related mathematical techniques, and game postmortems. A special emphasis is placed on handheld programming to account for the increased importance of graphics on mobile devices, especially the iPhone and iPod touch.Example programs and source code can be downloaded from the book's CRC Press web page. 

  1. Résultats de recherche | Page 410 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Cet ouvrage constate l'échec de l'intégration et de la coopération régionales en Afrique de l'Ouest et en analyse les raisons. Simultanément, il explore certaines des options permettant d'envisager la revitalisation de ce processus. Publication Date. 1 janvier 1997. Livres.

  2. Bolivie | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le développement ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    De 2002 à 2007, nous avons soutenu un projet collaboratif entre le Canada et la Bolivie dans le cadre duquel une méthode participative permettant de cartographier les ... Femmes appuyant les femmes : l'engagement civique en réseau pour promouvoir un leadership efficace des femmes dans l'élaboration de politiques.

  3. EDITORIAL: Measurement techniques for multiphase flows Measurement techniques for multiphase flows (United States)

    Okamoto, Koji; Murai, Yuichi


    Research on multiphase flows is very important for industrial applications, including power stations, vehicles, engines, food processing and so on. Multiphase flows originally have nonlinear features because of multiphase systems. The interaction between the phases plays a very interesting role in the flows. The nonlinear interaction causes the multiphase flows to be very complicated. Therefore techniques for measuring multiphase flows are very useful in helping to understand the nonlinear phenomena. The state-of-the-art measurement techniques were presented and discussed at the sixth International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows (ISMTMF2008) held in Okinawa, Japan, on 15-17 December 2008. This special feature of Measurement Science and Technology includes selected papers from ISMTMF2008. Okinawa has a long history as the Ryukyus Kingdom. China, Japan and many western Pacific countries have had cultural and economic exchanges through Okinawa for over 1000 years. Much technical and scientific information was exchanged at the symposium in Okinawa. The proceedings of ISMTMF2008 apart from these special featured papers were published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol. 147 (2009). We would like to express special thanks to all the contributors to the symposium and this special feature. This special feature will be a milestone in measurement techniques for multiphase flows.

  4. Ethical Use of Gestalt Techniques. (United States)

    Given, Jane A.

    The purpose of this paper is to engender a healthy respect for Gestalt theory and techniques and the use of the techniques in the client's best interest and in the interest of positive professional and self-development in the practitioner. An overview of Gestalt techniques is provided, concentrating on the two category divisions of experiments and…

  5. Advanced in-flight measurement techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Lawson, Nicholas; Jentink, Henk; Kompenhans, Jürgen


    The book presents a synopsis of the main results achieved during the 3 year EU-project "Advanced Inflight Measurement Techniques (AIM)" which applied advanced image based measurement techniques to industrial flight testing. The book is intended to be not only an overview on the AIM activities but also a guide on the application of advanced optical measurement techniques for future flight testing. Furthermore it is a useful guide for engineers in the field of experimental methods and flight testing who face the challenge of a future requirement for the development of highly accurate non-intrusive in-flight measurement techniques.

  6. Hydro-meteorological data analysis using OLAP techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Néstor Darío Duque-Méndez


    Full Text Available La riqueza de los datos registrados por las redes de estaciones hidrometeorológicas ofrece una gran oportunidad para analizar, conocer y entender mejor las variables hidroclimatológicas. Por lo tanto, el almacenamiento eficiente de los datos y su tratamiento eficaz son un requisito previo para la investigación meteorológica e hidrológica que requiere de estrategias para que la captación, transmisión, almacenamiento y procesamiento de datos que garanticen su calidad y consistencia. El propósito de este trabajo es desarrollar un modelo conceptual para una bodega de datos diseñada en un esquema en estrella que permita el almacenamiento estructurado y el análisis multidimensional de series históricas de datos hidroclimatológicos. La información registrada por las redes telemétricas de estaciones hidrometeorológicas existentes en Manizales y en el Departamento de Caldas son la fuente de información. El esquema de bodega de datos propuesto aprovecha los datos disponibles (en algunos casos más de 50 años con el fin de aplicar procesamiento analítico en línea (OLAP para analizar la calidad de la información y descubrir relaciones ocultas entre las variables, en una región particularmente afectada por el cambio climático y especialmente por fenómenos de variabilidad climática. La principal contribución de este documento abarca la exploración de alternativas a los métodos tradicionales de almacenamiento y análisis de información y la presentación de un número de casos que demuestran la eficacia del modelo propuesto en la evaluación de la calidad de los datos y de la visualización de las relaciones entre las diversas variables a diferentes escalas y para casos específicos.

  7. [Impressions techniques--Part 2]. (United States)

    Levartovsky, S; Masri, M; Alter, E; Pilo, R


    A dental impression is a positive replica of the teeth, the surrounding gingiva and the border between them; the purpose of which is to create an accurate master model. Two major techniques for impressions exist today: The conventional and the digital impressions. The current article describes both techniques. In the conventional impressions, it is important to choose a proper tray, stock or custom, and to mix the material properly. The commonly used impression techniques for making a conventional impression are described with a review on the effect of the technique on its accuracy. The effect of the wash bulk on the accuracy of the stone dies and/or the restoration is discussed, as well. The digital impressions with their advantages and disadvantages are described in comparison to the conventional impressions. Although, digital impressions eliminate some of the negative characteristics of conventional impressions, proper soft-tissue management and isolation of tooth preparation margins is still mandatory.

  8. Orbital welding technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoeschen, W.


    The TIG (Tungsten-inert gas) orbital welding technique is applied in all areas of pipe welding. The process is mainly used for austenitic and ferritic materials but also for materials like aluminium, nickel, and titanium alloys are commonly welded according to this technique. Thin-walled as well as thick-walled pipes are welded economically. The application of orbital welding is of particular interest in the area of maintenance of thick-walled pipes that is described in this article. (orig.) [de

  9. Analysis and analytical techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Batuecas Rodriguez, T [Department of Chemistry and Isotopes, Junta de Energia Nuclear, Madrid (Spain)


    The technology associated with the use of organic coolants in nuclear reactors depends to a large extent on the determination and control of their physical and chemical properties, and particularly on the viability, speed, sensitivity, precision and accuracy (depending on the intended usage) of the methods employed in detection and analytical determination. This has led to the study and development of numerous techniques, some specially designed for the extreme conditions involved in working with the types of product in question and others adapted from existing techniques. In the specific case of polyphenyl and hydropolyphenyl mixtures, which have been the principal subjects of study to date and offer greatest promise, the analytical problems are broadly as follows: Composition of initial product or virgin coolant composition of macro components and amounts of organic and inorganic impurities; Coolant during and after operation. Determination of gases and organic compounds produced by pyrolysis and radiolysis (degradation and polymerization products); Control of systems for purifying and regenerating the coolant after use. Dissolved pressurization gases; Detection of intermediate products during decomposition; these are generally very unstable (free radicals); Degree of fouling and film formation. Tests to determine potential formation of films; Corrosion of structural elements and canning materials; Health and safety. Toxicity, inflammability and impurities that can be activated. Although some of the above problems are closely interrelated and entail similar techniques, they vary as to degree of difficulty. Another question is the difficulty of distinguishing clearly between techniques for determining physical and physico-chemical properties, on one hand, and analytical techniques on the other. Any classification is therefore somewhat arbitrary (for example, in the case of dosimetry and techniques for determining mean molecular weights or electrical conductivity

  10. Anatomic partial nephrectomy: technique evolution. (United States)

    Azhar, Raed A; Metcalfe, Charles; Gill, Inderbir S


    Partial nephrectomy provides equivalent long-term oncologic and superior functional outcomes as radical nephrectomy for T1a renal masses. Herein, we review the various vascular clamping techniques employed during minimally invasive partial nephrectomy, describe the evolution of our partial nephrectomy technique and provide an update on contemporary thinking about the impact of ischemia on renal function. Recently, partial nephrectomy surgical technique has shifted away from main artery clamping and towards minimizing/eliminating global renal ischemia during partial nephrectomy. Supported by high-fidelity three-dimensional imaging, novel anatomic-based partial nephrectomy techniques have recently been developed, wherein partial nephrectomy can now be performed with segmental, minimal or zero global ischemia to the renal remnant. Sequential innovations have included early unclamping, segmental clamping, super-selective clamping and now culminating in anatomic zero-ischemia surgery. By eliminating 'under-the-gun' time pressure of ischemia for the surgeon, these techniques allow an unhurried, tightly contoured tumour excision with point-specific sutured haemostasis. Recent data indicate that zero-ischemia partial nephrectomy may provide better functional outcomes by minimizing/eliminating global ischemia and preserving greater vascularized kidney volume. Contemporary partial nephrectomy includes a spectrum of surgical techniques ranging from conventional-clamped to novel zero-ischemia approaches. Technique selection should be tailored to each individual case on the basis of tumour characteristics, surgical feasibility, surgeon experience, patient demographics and baseline renal function.

  11. Telescopes and Techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Kitchin, C R


    Telescopes and Techniques has proved itself in its first two editions, having become probably one of the most widely used astronomy texts, both for amateur astronomers and astronomy and astrophysics undergraduates. Both earlier editions of the book were widely used for introductory practical astronomy courses in many universities. In this Third Edition the author guides the reader through the mathematics, physics and practical techniques needed to use today's telescopes (from the smaller models to the larger instruments installed in many colleges) and how to find objects in the sky. Most of the physics and engineering involved is described fully and requires little prior knowledge or experience. Both visual and electronic imaging techniques are covered, together with an introduction to how data (measurements) should be processed and analyzed. A simple introduction to radio telescopes is also included. Brief coverage of the more advanced topics of photometry and spectroscopy are included, but mainly to enable ...

  12. A Technique: Exposure Therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Serkan AKKOYUNLU


    Conclusion: Exposure with response prevention is a basic and effective technique. Every cognitive behavior therapist must be able to implement this technique and be cognizant of pearls of this procedure. (Journal of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research 2013, 2: 121-128 [JCBPR 2013; 2(2.000: 121-128

  13. Techniques of radiation dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahesk, K.


    A text and reference with an interdisciplinary approach to physics, atomic energy, radiochemistry, and radiobiology. Chapters examine basic principles, experimental techniques, the methodology of dose experiments, and applications. Treats 14 different dosimetric techniques, including ionization chamber, thermoluminescence, and lyoluminescence. Considers the conceptual aspects and characteristic features of radiation

  14. Interacción de los antineoplásicos orales con los alimentos: revisión sistemática Antineoplastic oral agents and drug-nutrient interactions: a sistematic review


    N. V. Jiménez Torres; I. Romero Crespo; M. Ballester Solaz; A. Albert Marí; V. Jiménez Arenas


    Introducción: Los estudios de biodisponibilidad son parte integrante del desarrollo clínico de medicamentos para administración oral con el fin de identificar potenciales interacciones fármaco-alimento (iFA). Actualmente, para los antineoplásicos orales se empieza a reconocer su importancia clínica, aun cuando lamentablemente, la información disponible presenta variabilidad en su evidencia científica. Objetivos: Revisar la evidencia científica disponible sobre las interacciones de los aliment...

  15. Modelo conceptual de datamart para la gestión de recursos humanos en el ámbito de la Administración Pública Nacional


    Martínez, María del Rosario


    El presente trabajo propone un modelo conceptual de un datamart, en respuesta a la necesidad de mejorar la toma de decisiones en las áreas de Recursos Humanos, correspondientes a las Instituciones Estatales de la República Argentina. En dicho contexto la utilización de los factores de la producción guían el recorrido de la literatura disponible y facilitan el aprovechamiento de la experiencia, permitiendo exponer conclusiones que puedan aportar conocimiento acerca de la tecnología disponible....

  16. Theoretical and Experimental Methods in Hypersonic Flows (Les Methodes Theoriques et Experimentales pour l’Etude Des Ecoulements Hypersoniques) (United States)


    vibrationicl (fans des tuNZ~rcs tesi pri~sentee. Pour les conditions g~n~iatr-iccs consid~r~es, 1 onisation I es tenoes tie flux die Moude parfait son...lenus figures possibles, deux initialisations du champ valcurs de Y/delta (Y ktant Is distance A Ia peau wont disponibles : et DELTA , I’kpaissenr de...maillage support on calcule Plus de details sont disponibles dans les les distances des nocuds A la peau tres references . prkciskment. Le code N.S

  17. Characterisation of Fibre Reinforced Titanium Matrix Composites. (La Caracterisation des Materiaux Composites a Matrice de Titane Renforces par Fibres) (United States)


    consolidation des materiaux composites sont disponibles pour la fabrication de composants structuraux. A l’eure actuelle, certains pays diveloppent des...mat~itmru te si -Le6prouveite rayonimee perniet d’approcher ces caract~nstiqtues en uldisant des plaques disponibles stir 22-4 I ll/ol1N a12/ollN a22...Compe’: tesi Septernher I193. 23-2 are unlikely to behave as homogeneous components in service other factors become materials. The combination of elastic

  18. Integration of Fire Control, Flight Control and Propulsion Control Systems. (United States)


    pourront etre enploy6s. Avant l’attaque, des profils de vole contr~lant I’Anergie seront 6tablis pour augmenter au maximum l’dnergie disponible do...VERIIATION PROCEDURES NTRTO PERFORM CONTROL SYSTEM REPEAT TESTS WITH ACTUAL ENGIRE ITEATO INTEGRATION TO TIENMO. RUUINED TE VALIDATE TESTING TESI ...fonrtionnement est disponible . Teat-dea rodur d’nrf /sortie .an. scs i lquiesent posslde ce* deux dispositife, on test des rodeurs et sx~fiutA *Sur une vote do

  19. Modelo de inteligencia de negocio para la toma de decisiones en la empresa San Roque S.A.


    AUTOR: S??nchez Guevara, Omar Antonio


    Las empresas comercializadoras de dulces tradicionales crecen en el mercado peruano, esto obliga a dichas empresas a volverse m??s competitivas y para ello toman decisiones las cuales presentan riesgos, por lo tanto para minimizar el riesgo es esencial la cantidad y calidad de informaci??n que se tiene disponible, tal es el caso de la empresa San Roque S.A. donde la informaci??n disponible para generar y analizar las propuestas de las posibles promociones de ventas, es insuficiente, generando...

  20. EL DESARROLLO DE CAPACIDADES Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO DE LAS OPERACIONES DE DESMINADO HUMANITARIO EN LA CORDILLERA DEL CNDOR (Development of Capabilities for the Conduct of Humanitarian Demining Operations in the Condor Mountain Range) (United States)


    Dicha organización en general cuenta con personal especialista en la técnica de desminado manual y canino, operadores de comunicaciones , enfermeros...limitada. En cuanto a las comunicaciones , no se dispone de equipos de radios HF para la comunicación con las compañías y las áreas de operaciones...Además, se dispone de radios para comunicación interna limitada. No contar con un adecuado equipo de comunicaciones con medios satelitales y de

  1. « Quantifier » le paysage au long d’un itinéraire à partir d'un échantillonnage photographique au sol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Madeleine Griselin


    Full Text Available Les échantillonnages photographiques représentatifs d'un espace, enregistrés dans des banques d’images, permettent aujourd’hui d’avoir accès à un nouveau panel d’informations sur le paysage (architecture du paysage, ambiances, couleurs…. L’exemple présenté est issu d’une enquête permettant de caractériser de manière objective les paysages vus depuis deux projets d'itinéraires pédestres vers Compostelle en Franche-Comté. Il s’agissait de se mettre dans la situation des futurs utilisateurs en photographiant le paysage tel qu’il s'offre à la vue du piéton marchant vers Compostelle et d'apprécier la variation paysagère qui rythme la marche, pouvant la rendre agréable ou fastidieuse. À partir de l’analyse des photographies, traitées par triptyque, une typologie des paysages rencontrés est réalisée. La navigation dans les banques d'images et l'intégration dans un SIG permettent de visualiser les paysages tout au long des tracés. Une représentation en histogramme facilite la distinction visuelle des types et permet de dégager les variations, les “ rythmes ” du paysage. La prise en compte des processus de perception par les utilisateurs d’un espace montre à quel point le paysage se construit à travers les déplacements. Une même région, assez homogène au premier abord, va se révéler très diversifiée – en approche linéaire – par les rythmes qu'engendre la marche. Cette pratique permet de lier espace, mobilité et temporalité.

  2. Le systeme d’information des reseaux de sante: la reorganisation de la medecine en e-sante

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maryline Margueritte


    Full Text Available Les réseaux de santé ont développé depuis plusieurs années des dispositifs permettant une prise en charge coordonnée des patients en France, tant sur les plans médical que médico-psycho-social et humain. Certains ont développé des dossiers de santé partagés informatisés permettant la mise en commun d’informations utiles à la coordination et à la continuité des soins. Depuis 2009 avec la réforme de l’hôpital on veut installer des modes de fonctionnement coopératifs entre les professionnels et avec les usagers du système de santé. La mise en œuvre d’un système d’information de santé pour assurer d’une part, la transversalité du processus métier avec le patient et d’autre part pouvoir mesurer les résultats médicaux et économiques de cette évolution d’un système complexe d’information. Dans ce contexte, les possibilités offertes par les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC permettent la mise en place d’applications favorisant une augmentation de la participation « on line » des citoyens. Le « virage ambulatoire » exporte la santé hors des murs. C’est une médecine innovante qui permet au patient de rester dans son « chez soi ». En France, ce re-engeneering repose sur quatre domaines : un dossier médical informatisé, une prise en charge collective par les professions médicales et paramédicales, une autonomisation et une mise en réseau du secteur de santé.

  3. Extratores de silício disponível em escórias e fertilizantes Extractors of available silicon in slags and fertilizers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. S. Pereira


    Full Text Available Os métodos para quantificar o silício (Si disponível em fertilizantes e escórias não têm sido confiáveis até o momento. Neste estudo, determinou-se o Si extraído de diversas fontes, utilizando como extratores: Na2CO3 + NH4NO3, variando concentração, tempo de agitação e de reação; água; HCl 0,5 mol dm-3; Na2CO3 a 50 g dm-3; ácido cítrico a 50 g dm-3; ácido acético 0,5 mol dm-3; resina trocadora de cátions (Amberlite IRC-50, pK 6,1, além do método da coluna de lixiviação. Paralelamente, desenvolveu-se um experimento em casa de vegetação, com arroz irrigado, com aplicação de 125 kg ha-1 de Si total, proveniente de 12 fontes. O tempo de agitação mostrou não ser fundamental na determinação do Si, embora o resultado de três horas tenha sido superior estatisticamente aos demais. As concentrações de 10 + 16 g dm-3 e 30 + 48 g dm-3 de Na2CO3 + NH4NO3 mostraram-se as mais promissoras na extração de Si; por isso a menor concentração (10 + 16 g dm-3 foi escolhida para avaliar as fontes quanto ao tempo de repouso. Durante o período de repouso, verificou-se que todas as fontes apresentaram aumento na liberação de Si ao longo do tempo, tendo o período de 5 a 9 dias apresentado melhor correlação entre o Si extraído pelo arroz e o Si recuperado na análise das várias fontes. A extração com Na2CO3 + NH4NO3 dos fertilizantes com Si pode representar, com um bom grau de confiabilidade, o potencial de liberação deste elemento no solo e aproveitamento pelas plantas. As fontes mais eficientes na liberação de Si para o arroz foram a Rhodia, seguida da Wollastonita, enquanto as fontes MB-4 e escórias de alto-forno foram as que menos liberaram Si. Os extratores ácidos demonstraram ser mais eficientes na extração de Si das escórias de alto-forno e pouco eficientes com a Wollastonita. A água foi o extrator com a menor taxa de recuperação de Si das fontes testadas. Os extratores que apresentaram melhores correla

  4. Indications de l'abord vaginal en chirurgie urologique: à propos de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    I. Diabaté

    sclérose sténosant le vagin et ne permettant aucun rapport sexuel. Tous les PGU de cette étude .... ont pu nous signifier leur satisfaction du résultat obtenu par rapport à leur état antérieur. ... d'habitant estimé à 1900 $. Dans notre série, toutes ...

  5. Cités intelligentes…et joueuses!

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Anton


    Non contentes de rechercher la performance, nos villes veulent devenir intelligentes. Un fait permis par le développement massif des technologies digitales, et plus précisément, par les données que ces dernières permettent de collecter. Mais ces espaces urbains connectés pourraient également aller

  6. Rendement des entreprises en Asie - utilisation de données sur les ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Dans les pays en développement, toutefois, la grande majorité des micro et petites entreprises ne prennent jamais d'expansion et ne comptent que quelques ... Les entrepreneurs doivent également posséder les compétences, les ressources et les outils technologiques leur permettant de saisir les bonnes occasions qui se ...

  7. Publications | Page 133 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le 28 juin 2006, le domaine de programme Innovation, politique et science (IPS) a présenté au Conseil des gouverneurs du CRDI un plan stratégique pour orienter la phase initiale (2006 2011) des recherches ... Simultanément, il explore certaines des options permettant d'envisager la revitalisation de ce processus.

  8. Adaptive algebraic reconstruction technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Wenkai; Yin Fangfang


    Algebraic reconstruction techniques (ART) are iterative procedures for reconstructing objects from their projections. It is proven that ART can be computationally efficient by carefully arranging the order in which the collected data are accessed during the reconstruction procedure and adaptively adjusting the relaxation parameters. In this paper, an adaptive algebraic reconstruction technique (AART), which adopts the same projection access scheme in multilevel scheme algebraic reconstruction technique (MLS-ART), is proposed. By introducing adaptive adjustment of the relaxation parameters during the reconstruction procedure, one-iteration AART can produce reconstructions with better quality, in comparison with one-iteration MLS-ART. Furthermore, AART outperforms MLS-ART with improved computational efficiency

  9. Millimicrosecond pulse techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Lewis, Ian A D


    Millimicrosecond Pulse Techniques, Second Edition focuses on millimicrosecond pulse techniques and the development of devices of large bandwidth, extending down to comparatively low frequencies (1 Mc/s). Emphasis is on basic circuit elements and pieces of equipment of universal application. Specific applications, mostly in the field of nuclear physics instrumentation, are considered. This book consists of eight chapters and opens with an introduction to some of the terminology employed by circuit engineers as well as theoretical concepts, including the laws of circuit analysis, Fourier analysi

  10. Juan de Pitano y Bolívar, platero vitoriano del siglo XVI

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martín Vaquero, Rosa


    Full Text Available Juan de Pitano y Bolívar is one of the most important silversmiths of the second half of the 16th century in Vitoria. He was the successor to one of Vitoria's oldest silversmiths which had its origins in the previous century. Here we provide a biography of the man and present ten pieces of his work in which we are able to appreciated their quality together with the artistic techniques employed. All of the pieces bear his mark: PI/TANO. He was a master of his art and participated in all three of the styles which dominated the art of the silversmith in the 16th century: Gothic, Renaissance and Mannerism.No disponible

  11. Combination of behavioural and cognitive techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonida Rotvejn Pajič


    Full Text Available The cognitive - behavioral approach in the treatment of behavioral disorders, emotional disorders and learning difficulties is not limited to a single theoretical principle or technique, but integrates different techniques. The variants techniques are derived from theoretical and empirical findings in different domains of developmental psychology (self-control, social cognition, memory, metacognitive and attritional processes. The aim of the article is to present some basic cognitive and behavioral techniques that are individually adapted during therapy and mutually complete each other. A practical case of combining techniques is presented.

  12. L'ordine del mondo le simmetrie in fisica da Aristotele a Higgs

    CERN Document Server

    Barone, Vincenzo


    Il mondo ci appare come una lunga serie di contingenze locali: ogni fatto accade per ragioni sue e quindi ogni previsione relativa al fatto successivo sembra azzardata. C'è però un altro modo di guardare il mondo, ed è quello fondato sulle regolarità intrinseche, sulle trame ordinate della sua tessitura sottile. In fisica il discorso sulla struttura del mondo giunge a noi addirittura da Anassimandro, ma è con Einstein che si fa strada prepotentemente l'idea di necessità, o di inevitabilità, nel mondo fisico. È con la relatività ristretta, nel 1905, che per la prima volta entra a far parte della fisica il concetto di simmetria come elemento fondamentale della spiegazione del mondo. Da Einstein in poi, il mondo apparirà dotato di una sua struttura intrinseca, che permette lo sviluppo di certe regolarità, mentre ne nega altre, proprio come avviene nel "Castello dei destini incrociati" di Italo Calvino, dove il gioco di incroci tra le storie raccontate dai tarocchi permette alcuni sviluppi narrativi e ...

  13. L’impossible seconde vie ? Le poids des standards éditoriaux et la résistance de la bande dessinée franco-belge au format de poche

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sylvain Lesage


    Full Text Available Si le livre de poche a joué un rôle central dans la diffusion du patrimoine littéraire, la bande dessinée ne dispose pas de cet outil permettant la constitution d’un corpus de classiques aisément accessibles au plus grand nombre. En ceci, la bande dessinée constitue bien une véritable exception dans le champ éditorial français, par la quasi-absence de collections permettant de republier des classiques en format de poche. L’importance de l’image et l’impératif de lisibilité compliquent en effet le problème de l’adaptation du « grand format » vers le poche, mais demeurent insuffisants pour comprendre la réticence de la bande dessinée au poche. Le présent article propose un retour en arrière sur les expériences des années 1980-1990, afin de mieux cerner cette singularité éditoriale.

  14. Introduction aux lasers et à l'optique quantique

    CERN Document Server

    Grynberg, Gilbert; Fabre, Claude


    La plupart des ouvrages qui paraissent sur les lasers se divisent en deux catégories : d'une part, ceux qui traitent en détail de la description quantique des interactions matière-rayonnement ; d'autre part, ceux qui insistent sur telle ou telle caractéristique des sources laser et sur les problèmes nouveaux qu'elles permettent d'aborder, comme l'optique non-linéaire, la fusion inertielle ou le transfert d'information. Gilbert Grynberg, Alain Aspect et Claude Fabre ont fait le pari qu'il était possible de combiner ces deux points de vue dans un même ouvrage et de présenter à leurs lecteurs, à la fois les concepts quantiques de base qui permettent de comprendre l'absorption et l'émission de lumière par les atomes, et les principes de fonctionnement des lasers, leurs caractéristiques essentielles et quelques exemples importants d'applications concrètes. Ils ont, je crois, magnifiquement tenu leur pari.

  15. Does technique matter; a pilot study exploring weighting techniques for a multi-criteria decision support framework. (United States)

    van Til, Janine; Groothuis-Oudshoorn, Catharina; Lieferink, Marijke; Dolan, James; Goetghebeur, Mireille


    There is an increased interest in the use of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) to support regulatory and reimbursement decision making. The EVIDEM framework was developed to provide pragmatic multi-criteria decision support in health care, to estimate the value of healthcare interventions, and to aid in priority-setting. The objectives of this study were to test 1) the influence of different weighting techniques on the overall outcome of an MCDA exercise, 2) the discriminative power in weighting different criteria of such techniques, and 3) whether different techniques result in similar weights in weighting the criteria set proposed by the EVIDEM framework. A sample of 60 Dutch and Canadian students participated in the study. Each student used an online survey to provide weights for 14 criteria with two different techniques: a five-point rating scale and one of the following techniques selected randomly: ranking, point allocation, pairwise comparison and best worst scaling. The results of this study indicate that there is no effect of differences in weights on value estimates at the group level. On an individual level, considerable differences in criteria weights and rank order occur as a result of the weight elicitation method used, and the ability of different techniques to discriminate in criteria importance. Of the five techniques tested, the pair-wise comparison of criteria has the highest ability to discriminate in weights when fourteen criteria are compared. When weights are intended to support group decisions, the choice of elicitation technique has negligible impact on criteria weights and the overall value of an innovation. However, when weights are used to support individual decisions, the choice of elicitation technique influences outcome and studies that use dissimilar techniques cannot be easily compared. Weight elicitation through pairwise comparison of criteria is preferred when taking into account its superior ability to discriminate between

  16. The Delphi Technique in Educational Research

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ravonne A. Green


    Full Text Available The Delphi Technique has been useful in educational settings in forming guidelines, standards, and in predicting trends. Judd lists these major uses of the Delphi Technique in higher education: (a cost-effectiveness, (b cost–benefit analysis, (c curriculum and campus planning, and (d university-wide educational goals and objectives. The thorough Delphi researcher seeks to reconcile the Delphi consensus with current literature, institutional research, and the campus environment. This triangle forms a sound base for responsible research practice. This book gives an overview of the Delphi Technique and the primary uses of this technique in research. This article on the Delphi Technique will give the researcher an invaluable resource for learning about the Delphi Technique and for applying this method in educational research projects.

  17. Relaxation techniques for stress (United States)

    ... raise your heart rate. This is called the stress response. Relaxation techniques can help your body relax and lower your blood pressure ... also many other types of breathing techniques you can learn. In many cases, you do not need much ... including those that cause stress. Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years, ...

  18. Diagnostic techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berquist, T.H.; Bender, C.E.; James, E.M.; Brown, M.L.; McLeod, R.A.; Broderick, D.F.; Welch, T.J.


    Proper application of imaging procedures is essential to obtain needed information for diagnosis and therapy planning in patients with suspected foot and/or ankle pathology. This paper provides basic background data for the numerous imaging techniques

  19. Strongly correlated systems experimental techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Mancini, Ferdinando


    The continuous evolution and development of experimental techniques is at the basis of any fundamental achievement in modern physics. Strongly correlated systems (SCS), more than any other, need to be investigated through the greatest variety of experimental techniques in order to unveil and crosscheck the numerous and puzzling anomalous behaviors characterizing them. The study of SCS fostered the improvement of many old experimental techniques, but also the advent of many new ones just invented in order to analyze the complex behaviors of these systems. Many novel materials, with functional properties emerging from macroscopic quantum behaviors at the frontier of modern research in physics, chemistry and materials science, belong to this class of systems. The volume presents a representative collection of the modern experimental techniques specifically tailored for the analysis of strongly correlated systems. Any technique is presented in great detail by its own inventor or by one of the world-wide recognize...

  20. Two sampling techniques for game meat

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maretha van der Merwe


    Full Text Available A study was conducted to compare the excision sampling technique used by the export market and the sampling technique preferred by European countries, namely the biotrace cattle and swine test. The measuring unit for the excision sampling was grams (g and square centimetres (cm2 for the swabbing technique. The two techniques were compared after a pilot test was conducted on spiked approved beef carcasses (n = 12 that statistically proved the two measuring units correlated. The two sampling techniques were conducted on the same game carcasses (n = 13 and analyses performed for aerobic plate count (APC, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, for both techniques. A more representative result was obtained by swabbing and no damage was caused to the carcass. Conversely, the excision technique yielded fewer organisms and caused minor damage to the carcass. The recovery ratio from the sampling technique improved 5.4 times for APC, 108.0 times for E. coli and 3.4 times for S. aureus over the results obtained from the excision technique. It was concluded that the sampling methods of excision and swabbing can be used to obtain bacterial profiles from both export and local carcasses and could be used to indicate whether game carcasses intended for the local market are possibly on par with game carcasses intended for the export market and therefore safe for human consumption.

  1. Two sampling techniques for game meat. (United States)

    van der Merwe, Maretha; Jooste, Piet J; Hoffman, Louw C; Calitz, Frikkie J


    A study was conducted to compare the excision sampling technique used by the export market and the sampling technique preferred by European countries, namely the biotrace cattle and swine test. The measuring unit for the excision sampling was grams (g) and square centimetres (cm2) for the swabbing technique. The two techniques were compared after a pilot test was conducted on spiked approved beef carcasses (n = 12) that statistically proved the two measuring units correlated. The two sampling techniques were conducted on the same game carcasses (n = 13) and analyses performed for aerobic plate count (APC), Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, for both techniques. A more representative result was obtained by swabbing and no damage was caused to the carcass. Conversely, the excision technique yielded fewer organisms and caused minor damage to the carcass. The recovery ratio from the sampling technique improved 5.4 times for APC, 108.0 times for E. coli and 3.4 times for S. aureus over the results obtained from the excision technique. It was concluded that the sampling methods of excision and swabbing can be used to obtain bacterial profiles from both export and local carcasses and could be used to indicate whether game carcasses intended for the local market are possibly on par with game carcasses intended for the export market and therefore safe for human consumption.

  2. Informationization nuclear apparatus communication technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Tiqi; Fang Zongliang; Wen Qilin


    The paper explains the request of communication ability in nuclear technique application area. Based on the actuality of nuclear apparatus communication ability, and mainly combining with the development of communication technique, the authors analyzes the application trend of communication technique applying in nuclear apparatus, for the apparatus and system needing communication ability, they need selecting suitable communication means to make them accomplish the task immediately and effectively. (authors)

  3. Applying Brainstorming Techniques to EFL Classroom


    Toshiya, Oishi; 湘北短期大学; aPart-time Lecturer at Shohoku College


    This paper focuses on brainstorming techniques for English language learners. From the author's teaching experiences at Shohoku College during the academic year 2014-2015, the importance of brainstorming techniques was made evident. The author explored three elements of brainstorming techniques for writing using literaturereviews: lack of awareness, connecting to prior knowledge, and creativity. The literature reviews showed the advantage of using brainstorming techniques in an English compos...

  4. Hyphenated analytical techniques for materials characterisation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Armstrong, Gordon; Kailas, Lekshmi


    This topical review will provide a survey of the current state of the art in ‘hyphenated’ techniques for characterisation of bulk materials, surface, and interfaces, whereby two or more analytical methods investigating different properties are applied simultaneously to the same sample to better characterise the sample than can be achieved by conducting separate analyses in series using different instruments. It is intended for final year undergraduates and recent graduates, who may have some background knowledge of standard analytical techniques, but are not familiar with ‘hyphenated’ techniques or hybrid instrumentation. The review will begin by defining ‘complementary’, ‘hybrid’ and ‘hyphenated’ techniques, as there is not a broad consensus among analytical scientists as to what each term means. The motivating factors driving increased development of hyphenated analytical methods will also be discussed. This introduction will conclude with a brief discussion of gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy and energy dispersive x-ray analysis in electron microscopy as two examples, in the context that combining complementary techniques for chemical analysis were among the earliest examples of hyphenated characterisation methods. The emphasis of the main review will be on techniques which are sufficiently well-established that the instrumentation is commercially available, to examine physical properties including physical, mechanical, electrical and thermal, in addition to variations in composition, rather than methods solely to identify and quantify chemical species. Therefore, the proposed topical review will address three broad categories of techniques that the reader may expect to encounter in a well-equipped materials characterisation laboratory: microscopy based techniques, scanning probe-based techniques, and thermal analysis based techniques. Examples drawn from recent literature, and a concluding case study, will be used to explain the

  5. Hyphenated analytical techniques for materials characterisation (United States)

    Armstrong, Gordon; Kailas, Lekshmi


    This topical review will provide a survey of the current state of the art in ‘hyphenated’ techniques for characterisation of bulk materials, surface, and interfaces, whereby two or more analytical methods investigating different properties are applied simultaneously to the same sample to better characterise the sample than can be achieved by conducting separate analyses in series using different instruments. It is intended for final year undergraduates and recent graduates, who may have some background knowledge of standard analytical techniques, but are not familiar with ‘hyphenated’ techniques or hybrid instrumentation. The review will begin by defining ‘complementary’, ‘hybrid’ and ‘hyphenated’ techniques, as there is not a broad consensus among analytical scientists as to what each term means. The motivating factors driving increased development of hyphenated analytical methods will also be discussed. This introduction will conclude with a brief discussion of gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy and energy dispersive x-ray analysis in electron microscopy as two examples, in the context that combining complementary techniques for chemical analysis were among the earliest examples of hyphenated characterisation methods. The emphasis of the main review will be on techniques which are sufficiently well-established that the instrumentation is commercially available, to examine physical properties including physical, mechanical, electrical and thermal, in addition to variations in composition, rather than methods solely to identify and quantify chemical species. Therefore, the proposed topical review will address three broad categories of techniques that the reader may expect to encounter in a well-equipped materials characterisation laboratory: microscopy based techniques, scanning probe-based techniques, and thermal analysis based techniques. Examples drawn from recent literature, and a concluding case study, will be used to explain the

  6. Microscopy techniques in flavivirus research. (United States)

    Chong, Mun Keat; Chua, Anthony Jin Shun; Tan, Terence Tze Tong; Tan, Suat Hoon; Ng, Mah Lee


    The Flavivirus genus is composed of many medically important viruses that cause high morbidity and mortality, which include Dengue and West Nile viruses. Various molecular and biochemical techniques have been developed in the endeavour to study flaviviruses. However, microscopy techniques still have irreplaceable roles in the identification of novel virus pathogens and characterization of morphological changes in virus-infected cells. Fluorescence microscopy contributes greatly in understanding the fundamental viral protein localizations and virus-host protein interactions during infection. Electron microscopy remains the gold standard for visualizing ultra-structural features of virus particles and infected cells. New imaging techniques and combinatory applications are continuously being developed to push the limit of resolution and extract more quantitative data. Currently, correlative live cell imaging and high resolution three-dimensional imaging have already been achieved through the tandem use of optical and electron microscopy in analyzing biological specimens. Microscopy techniques are also used to measure protein binding affinities and determine the mobility pattern of proteins in cells. This chapter will consolidate on the applications of various well-established microscopy techniques in flavivirus research, and discuss how recently developed microscopy techniques can potentially help advance our understanding in these membrane viruses. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Teaching Speaking Through Debate Technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    . Suranto


    Full Text Available Abstract : Teaching Speaking Through Debate Technique. Speaking is one of the basic competence from the other fourth basic competence (listening, speaking, reading and writing. Speaking ability should be mastered by every students, in order to achieve that competence students should be given the right technique to study sepaking. The successfull of the students speaking can be seen from their ability to express idea, thought and feeling through speaking. The objective of this Action Research is to improve students’s oral communication skill through the debate technique. This study was conducted at MA Ma’arif Nu 5 Sekampung Lampung Timur from March to April 2014. The research data were taken from students in the eleventh class, with 28 students and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The research findings indicate that there are improvements in students’ english speaking skill through the debate technique. By analyzing data qualitatively and quantitatively from the end of the first cycle to the second cycle and it was found that the students’ English speaking skill increased 20,9% over the standard that has been determined by the researcher that is 65%. The researcher concludes that the students’ english speaking skill can be improve through the debate technique in learning process.   Key words : action research, debate technique, english speaking skill

  8. Highly reliable TOFD UT Technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Acharya, G.D.; Trivedi, S.A.R.; Pai, K.B.


    The high performance of the time of flight diffraction technique (TOFD) with regard to the detection capabilities of weld defects such as crack, slag, lack of fusion has led to a rapidly increasing acceptance of the technique as a pre?service inspection tool. Since the early 1990s TOFD has been applied to several projects, where it replaced the commonly used radiographic testing. The use of TOM lead to major time savings during new build and replacement projects. At the same time the TOFD technique was used as base line inspection, which enables monitoring in the future for critical welds, but also provides documented evidence for life?time. The TOFD technique as the ability to detect and simultaneously size flows of nearly any orientation within the weld and heat affected zone. TOM is recognized as a reliable, proven technique for detection and sizing of defects and proven to be a time saver, resulting in shorter shutdown periods and construction project times. Thus even in cases where inspection price of TOFD per welds is higher, in the end it will result in significantly lower overall costs and improve quality. This paper deals with reliability, economy, acceptance criteria and field experience. It also covers comparative study between radiography technique Vs. TOFD. (Author)

  9. Lymphography - an outdated technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peters, P.E.


    The indications for lymphography have changed with the availability of non-invasive techniques like ultrasonic techniques and computerized tomography. This review discusses: Recent results of lymphography in histologically verified patient collectives with lymphatic systemic diseases and lymphatic metastizing tumors. The present role of lymphography is derived from this status report as well as the future perspectives. (orig.) [de

  10. Presentation Technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Froejmark, M.


    The report presents a wide, easily understandable description of presentation technique and man-machine communication. General fundamentals for the man-machine interface are illustrated, and the factors that affect the interface are described. A model is presented for describing the operators work situation, based on three different levels in the operators behaviour. The operator reacts routinely in the face of simple, known problems, and reacts in accordance with predetermined plans in the face of more complex, recognizable problems. Deep fundamental knowledge is necessary for truly complex questions. Today's technical status and future development have been studied. In the future, the operator interface will be based on standard software. Functions such as zooming, integration of video pictures, and sound reproduction will become common. Video walls may be expected to come into use in situations in which several persons simultaneously need access to the same information. A summary of the fundamental rules for the design of good picture ergonomics and design requirements for control rooms are included in the report. In conclusion, the report describes a presentation technique within the Distribution Automation and Demand Side Management area and analyses the know-how requirements within Vattenfall. If different systems are integrated, such as geographical information systems and operation monitoring systems, strict demands are made on the expertise of the users for achieving a user-friendly technique which is matched to the needs of the human being. (3 figs.)

  11. Higher-order techniques in computational electromagnetics

    CERN Document Server

    Graglia, Roberto D


    Higher-Order Techniques in Computational Electromagnetics explains 'high-order' techniques that can significantly improve the accuracy, computational cost, and reliability of computational techniques for high-frequency electromagnetics, such as antennas, microwave devices and radar scattering applications.

  12. Contralateral breast doses measured by film dosimetry: tangential techniques and an optimized IMRT technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saur, S; Frengen, J; Fjellsboe, L M B; Lindmo, T


    The contralateral breast (CLB) doses for three tangential techniques were characterized by using a female thorax phantom and GafChromic EBT film. Dose calculations by the pencil beam and collapsed cone algorithms were included for comparison. The film dosimetry reveals a highly inhomogeneous dose distribution within the CLB, and skin doses due to the medial fields that are several times higher than the interior dose. These phenomena are not correctly reproduced by the calculation algorithms. All tangential techniques were found to give a mean CLB dose of approximately 0.5 Gy. All wedged fields resulted in higher CLB doses than the corresponding open fields, and the lateral open fields resulted in higher CLB doses than the medial open fields. More than a twofold increase in the mean CLB dose from the medial open field was observed for a 90 deg. change of the collimator orientation. Replacing the physical wedge with a virtual wedge reduced the mean dose to the CLB by 35% and 16% for the medial and lateral fields, respectively. Lead shielding reduced the skin dose for a tangential technique by approximately 50%, but the mean CLB dose was only reduced by approximately 11%. Finally, a technique based on open medial fields in combination with several IMRT fields is proposed as a technique for minimizing the CLB dose. With and without lead shielding, the mean CLB dose using this technique was found to be 0.20 and 0.27 Gy, respectively.

  13. Gas Well Testing Analysis Using Finite-Difference Models and Optimization Techniques Analyse d'essais de puits de gaz par des modèles utilisant la méthode des différences finies et par des techniques d'optimisation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darderes E. A.


    paramètres à partir d'essais de puits de gaz. Une des plus performantes est l'analyse du régime pseudo-permanent pour lequel on trouve, sur un graphique semi-logarithmique, une relation linéaire entre la pseudo-pression d'un gaz réel et le temps. Une autre méthode est l'ajustement à des courbes types. Les deux méthodes présentent l'inconvénient de ne pouvoir être rigoureusement appliquées qu'à des cas spécifiques. Cet article expose une méthode générale permettant d'analyser les données des essais de puits par ajustement automatisé des courbes types. Elle est basée sur le meilleur accord d'un modèle numérique avec les données obtenues dans les essais de puits de gaz grâce à des techniques d'optimisation. Le modèle numérique fournit la solution d'une équation différentielle à dérivées partielles du 2e ordre et fortement non linéaire qui régit le flux radial des gaz réels vers un puits de production. L'équation différentielle est résolue par la méthode des différences finies en tenant compte des variations des propriétés des gaz avec la pression. Pour simuler n'importe quel type d'essais de puits de gaz, on impose des conditions initiales et aux limites appropriées. On minimise les différences résiduelles entre les pressions réelles mesurées pendant l'essai et les pressions calculées par la méthode des moindres carrés. On utilise deux techniques d'optimisation pour obtenir la meilleure estimation des paramètres qui minimisent la somme des carrés des résidus : la méthode monovariante de Fibonacci [1] et la méthode polyvariante de Marquardt [1, 2]. On applique ce mode opératoire à des essais de puits menés à un débit constant et à deux débits constants. Les résultats numériques concordent très bien avec les données des essais de puits.

  14. The Matador Technique: A technique to improve prostatic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A. Pai

    Abstract. The accuracy of brachytherapy seed implantation is reduced by the movement of the prostate when needles are introduced transperineally. This report describes a simple method of introducing the first two needles, which reduces prostate deflection. This technique is analogous to the way a matador uses two ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Predrag Spirić


    Full Text Available Surgical technique of total laryngectomy is well presented in many surgical textbooks. Essentially, it has remained the same since Gluck an Soerensen in 1922 described all its details. Generally, it stresses the U shape skin incision with releasing laryngeal structures and removing larynx from up to down. Further, pharyngeal reconstruction is performed with different kinds of sutures in two or more layers and is finished with skin suture and suction drainage. One of worst complications following this surgery is pharyngocutaneous fistula (PF. Modifications proposed in this this article suggests vertical skin incision with larynx removal from below upwards. In pharyngeal reconstruction we used the running locked suture in submucosal plan with „tobacco sac“ at the end on the tongue base instead of traditional T shaped suture. Suction drains were not used.The aim of study was to present the modified surgical technique of total laryingectomy and its impact on hospital stay duration and pharyngocutanous fistula formation. In this randomized study we analyzed 49 patients operated with modified surgical technique compared to 49 patient operated with traditional surgical technique of total laryngectomy. The modified technique of total laryngectomy was presented. Using modified technique we managed to decrease the PF percentage from previous 20,41% to acceptable 8,16% (p=0,0334. Also, the average hospital stay was shortened from 14,96 to 10,63 days (t =-2.9850; p=0.0358.The modified technique of total laryngectomy is safe, short and efficient surgical intervention which decreases the number of pharyngocutaneos fistulas and shortens the hospital stay.

  16. L'évaluation au CRDI

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Le CRDI appuie le recours à la recherche, par les pays en développement, pour trouver des solutions ... appuyés par le CRDI sont complexes et mouvants, la recherche est par définition innovatrice, et les incidences sont .... Ces examens constituent le principal outil de reddition de comptes du CRDI car ils permettent de ...

  17. Global Funds: Lessons from a not-too-distant past? | Mkandawire ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cet article effectue une comparaison entre les premières tentatives de lutte contre la pauvreté à travers un développement rural intégré, et les dispositions institutionnelles actuelles permettant de combattre le VIH/SIDA à travers les Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM). Cet article affirme qu'un ...

  18. Jeunesse, mobilisations sociales et citoyenneté en Afrique de l'Ouest

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    et du processus politique (political process) et s'appuyant sur deux mouvements .... de réseaux sociaux et organisationnels permettant le recrutement, la diffusion ... la pauvreté (DSRP), Stratégie de croissance accélérée (SCA), Document ..... entreprises en difficultés, respect de la constitution, réouverture de dossiers ...

  19. Documentary shows how local solutions can expand rural women's ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    22 nov. 2017 ... Documentaire sur des solutions locales qui permettent d'offrir plus de possibilités d'emploi aux femmes au Rwanda. Quand Nyirangaruye Dancilla a perdu son mari, elle s'est tournée vers la production de vin de banane pour ne pas se retrouver sans ressources. Voir davantageDocumentaire sur des ...

  20. INTERNET5 : Favoriser l'autonomisation des femmes au moyen d ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    8 déc. 2017 ... Photo : Visual News Associates / World Bank. Dans de bonnes conditions, les technologies numériques peuvent favoriser l'atteinte des cibles prévues dans les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) d'ici 2030 en stimulant la croissance économique, et en permettant d'améliorer la gouvernance et ...

  1. The role of representations in mathematical reasoning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carter, Jessica M H Grund


    Cet article discute le rôle des représentations dans les preuves mathématiques. Il est suggéré ici que les représentations nous permettent de diviser une preuve en plusieurs parties plus faciles à traiter. Nous illustrerons cela avec un exemple de la pratique mathématique actuelle qui consiste à ...

  2. Les oiseaux piscivores comme indicateurs de la qualité de l'environnement marin: suivi des effets de la plche littorale en Afrique du Nord-Ouest

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veen, J.; Peeters, J.; Leopold, M.F.; Damme, van C.J.G.; Veen, T.


    Les recherches rapportées ici avaient pour objectif d'établir un systOme de suivi permettant de mesurer les effets futurs de la plche devant la côte ouest-africaine. Les recherches concernaient le comportement dans les sites de reproduction et la nourriture des oiseaux de mer pour avoir une idée de

  3. L'écosanté porte fruit — Nouvelles études de cas | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    29 oct. 2010 ... Les agriculteurs des pays en développement sont durement touchés, car ces changements affectent leurs moyens de subsistance, leur sécurité alimentaire, leur environnement et leur santé. Les approches écosanté permettent aux chercheurs de comprendre la dynamique complexe entre la santé et les ...

  4. Protection de la vie privée dans l'univers numérique des pays en ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'augmentation fulgurante du nombre d'internautes et l'amélioration de la capacité informatique permettent aux gouvernements et au secteur privé de recueillir et de partager des renseignements sur toutes les facettes de la vie des particuliers. Dans les pays en développement, où habitent la majeure partie des utilisateurs ...

  5. POLITIQUES ÉCLAIRÉES Des politiques judicieuses favorisent le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La valeur des travaux de recherche que le CRDI subventionne depuis 1970 réside dans les améliorations apportées aux conditions de vie. Ces travaux entraînent des changements dans les lois et les attitudes; par example, ils permettent aux pauvres de se faire entendre, augmentent les ressources financières et rendent ...

  6. Télétravail, changements climatiques et politiques publiques | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les déplacements quotidiens de millions de personnes vers leur lieu de travail constituent une importante source de pollution en milieu urbain. Les technologies de l'information et de la communication permettent de travailler à distance, contribuant ainsi à réduire les émissions des gaz à effet de serre causés par les ...

  7. Les déchets électroniques et informatiques en Afrique: Défis et ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les recherches scientifiques nous permettent de mieux mesurer les risques et de ... Ils servent de cadre mou, donc hélas facilement « négociable », à la gestion des .... Direction nationale du Contrôle des Pollutions et des Nuisances. DNSI .... de profit et de performance, les produits informatiques et électroniques voient leur ...

  8. Environnement d'apprentissage flexible pour la génération ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    l'apprentissage doit être un service en ligne personnalisé. .... d'idée portée par le FDP, la taille et le type de media comme principe ... sur mesure : les FDPs permettent une personnalisation des cours à l'échelle d'une organisation ou ..... Personality and its effects on learning performance: Design guidelines for an adaptive.

  9. Offrir un choix aux agriculteurs pauvres: Harsha de Silva (Sri Lanka ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ans de nombreux pays en développement, les téléphones mobiles permettent aux pauvres de profiter des avantages des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC). Des travaux de recherche appuyés par le CRDI et dirigés par Learning Initiatives on Reforms for Network Economies (LIRNEasia), ...

  10. A Comparative of business process modelling techniques (United States)

    Tangkawarow, I. R. H. T.; Waworuntu, J.


    In this era, there is a lot of business process modeling techniques. This article is the research about differences of business process modeling techniques. For each technique will explain about the definition and the structure. This paper presents a comparative analysis of some popular business process modelling techniques. The comparative framework is based on 2 criteria: notation and how it works when implemented in Somerleyton Animal Park. Each technique will end with the advantages and disadvantages. The final conclusion will give recommend of business process modeling techniques that easy to use and serve the basis for evaluating further modelling techniques.

  11. Formation sécurité : places disponibles dans les sessions de juin

    CERN Multimedia

    DGS Unit


    Il reste des places dans les formations sécurité suivantes. Pour les mises à jour et les inscriptions, veuillez vous reportez au catalogue des formations sécurité. Safety in Cryogenics level 1, 14 juin, en anglais, 3 heures, 9h00 – 12h00 (5 places) Radiological Protection, 18 juin, en anglais, 4 heures, 13h30 – 17h30 (15 places) Radiological Protection, 22 juin, en anglais, 4 heures, 08h30 – 12h30 (15 places) Sécurité Radiologique, 22 juin, en français, 4 heures, 13h30 – 17h30 (15 places) Conduite de chariots élévateurs, 24-25 juin, en français, 2 jours, 8h00 – 17h30 (3 places) 

  12. Industrial applications of radioisotopes: techniques and procedures of (NTIS) Nuclear Techniques Industrial Service

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, S.W.; Kruger, J.


    Radioisotope handling procedures followed by personnel of the Nuclear Techniques Industrial Service (NTIS) during the conduction of investigations in industry are described. Possible radiological implications as a result of the various measuring techniques and different types of plants are discussed. Conditions under which permanent authorization has been granted for the use of radioisotopes are mentioned

  13. Un método de descomposición propia generalizada para operadores diferenciales de alto orden


    Quesada , Carlos; Xu , G.; González , David; ALFARO , Iciar; Leygue , Adrien; Visonneau , Michel; Cueto , Elías; Chinesta , Francisco


    International audience; Los ingenieros han acudido tradicionalmente a la reducción de los modelos como única metodología disponible para solucionar problemas complejos en épocas en las que la capacidad de cál-culo disponible no era mucha. Así, por ejemplo, el modelo de viga de Euler, Bernoulli y Navier desarrolla unas ecuaciones monodi-mensionales para la resolución práctica del campo de desplaza-mientos, deformaciones y tensiones en piezas que son realmente tridimensionales. De la misma mane...

  14. Implementación de la estadística en los negocios y la industria


    Abraham, Bovas


    Los estadísticos han desarrollado muchas herramientas para su aplicación en problemas prácticos. Estas herramientas están disponibles para ser utilizadas en el mejoramiento de los negocios en general y para solucionar problemas industriales. Sin embargo, existe una brecha entre las herramientas disponibles y las que utilizan las organizaciones industriales y de negocios. Por tanto, es importante que los estadísticos dirijan su atención a disminuir esta brecha si se quiere que la estadística s...

  15. Composite Techniques Based Color Image Compression

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zainab Ibrahim Abood


    Full Text Available Compression for color image is now necessary for transmission and storage in the data bases since the color gives a pleasing nature and natural for any object, so three composite techniques based color image compression is implemented to achieve image with high compression, no loss in original image, better performance and good image quality. These techniques are composite stationary wavelet technique (S, composite wavelet technique (W and composite multi-wavelet technique (M. For the high energy sub-band of the 3rd level of each composite transform in each composite technique, the compression parameters are calculated. The best composite transform among the 27 types is the three levels of multi-wavelet transform (MMM in M technique which has the highest values of energy (En and compression ratio (CR and least values of bit per pixel (bpp, time (T and rate distortion R(D. Also the values of the compression parameters of the color image are nearly the same as the average values of the compression parameters of the three bands of the same image.

  16. Recent developments in building diagnosis techniques

    CERN Document Server


    This book presents a collection of recent research on building diagnosis techniques related to construction pathology, hygrothermal behavior and durability, and diagnostic techniques. It highlights recent advances and new developments in the field of building physics, building anomalies in materials and components, new techniques for improved energy efficiency analysis, and diagnosis techniques such as infrared thermography. This book will be of interest to a wide readership of professionals, scientists, students, practitioners, and lecturers.

  17. Possible uses of satellite remote sensing in agrometeorology; Possibilités d'utilisation de la télédétection satellitaire en agrométéorologie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guyot, G.; Seguin, B.


    Remote sensing offers new possibilities in agrometeorology. Meteorological satellites (which have good revisit capability but low spatial resolution) and earth observation satellites (which have good spatial resolution but poor revisit capability) give complementary information on crop growth conditions and on the biological status of plants. Thermal infrared data can be used to map local climates, to estimate water balance at the scale of a small region and to determine the extent and the seriousness of damage caused by major climatic accidents (frost, drought). Visible near, near and middle infrared data are well adapted to crop identification and monitoring, biomass estimation and yield forecasting. The combination of information given by these 2 types of satellites should in future provide better knowledge and better control of agricultural production. However the application of such techniques may be limited by the cloud cover [French] La télédétection offre des possibilités nouvelles dans le domaine de l’agrométéorologie. Les satellites météorologiques (qui ont une bonne répétitivité dans le temps mais une faible résolution spatiale) et les satellites d’observation de la terre (qui ont une bonne résolution spatiale mais une faible répétitivité dans le temps) permettent d’obtenir des informations complémentaires sur les conditions dans lesquelles se développent les cultures et sur leur état. Les données de l’infrarouge thermique peuvent être utilisées pour cartographier les climats locaux, estimer les bilans hydriques à l’échelle de la petite région et déterminer l’extension spatiale et l’ampleur des accidents climatiques majeurs (gel, sécheresse). Les données du visible, du proche et du moyen infrarouge permettent d’identifier les cultures, de déterminer leur stade phénologique, de suivre leur évolution, d’estimer leur biomasse et de prévoir leur production. La combinaison des informations fournies par ces 2

  18. Applicability of statistical process control techniques

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schippers, W.A.J.


    This paper concerns the application of Process Control Techniques (PCTs) for the improvement of the technical performance of discrete production processes. Successful applications of these techniques, such as Statistical Process Control Techniques (SPC), can be found in the literature. However, some

  19. Glycoprotein and proteoglycan techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beeley, J.G.


    The aim of this book is to describe techniques which can be used to answer some of the basic questions about glycosylated proteins. Methods are discussed for isolation, compositional analysis, and for determination of the primary structure of carbohydrate units and the nature of protein-carbohydrate linkages of glycoproteins and proteoglycans. High resolution NMR is considered, as well as radioactive labelling techniques. (Auth.)

  20. Laser induced pyrolysis techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vanderborgh, N.E.


    The application of laser pyrolysis techniques to the problems of chemical analysis is discussed. The processes occurring during laser pyrolysis are first briefly reviewed. The problems encountered in laser pyrolysis gas chromatography are discussed using the analysis of phenanthrene and binary hydrocarbons. The application of this technique to the characterization of naturally occurring carbonaceous material such as oil shales and coal is illustrated

  1. Fundamental study on repairing technique for cracked or damaged parts of structures by cold gas dynamic spray technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogawa, Kazuhiro; Amao, Satoshi; Ichikawa, Yuji; Shoji, Tetsuo


    This study proposes an innovative technique for repairing of cracked or damaged parts of structures, such as nuclear or thermal power plants, by means of cold gas dynamic spray (CS) technique. In the case of generation of cracks etc. in the structure, the cracks can be repaired by welding. However, the welding spends considerable time on repair, and also needs special skills. The CS technique is known as a new technique not only for coatings but also for thick depositions. It has many advantages, i.e. dense deposition, high deposition rate and low oxidation. Therefore, it has a possibility to apply the CS technique instead of welding to repair the cracks etc. In this study, the cold gas dynamic spray technique as a new repairing technique for some structures is introduced. (author)

  2. Modern recording techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Huber, David Miles


    As the most popular and authoritative guide to recording Modern Recording Techniques provides everything you need to master the tools and day to day practice of music recording and production. From room acoustics and running a session to mic placement and designing a studio Modern Recording Techniques will give you a really good grounding in the theory and industry practice. Expanded to include the latest digital audio technology the 7th edition now includes sections on podcasting, new surround sound formats and HD and audio.If you are just starting out or looking for a step up

  3. Surface science techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Walls, JM


    This volume provides a comprehensive and up to the minute review of the techniques used to determine the nature and composition of surfaces. Originally published as a special issue of the Pergamon journal Vacuum, it comprises a carefully edited collection of chapters written by specialists in each of the techniques and includes coverage of the electron and ion spectroscopies, as well as the atom-imaging methods such as the atom probe field ion microscope and the scanning tunnelling microscope. Surface science is an important area of study since the outermost surface layers play a crucial role

  4. Single well techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drost, W.


    The single well technique method includes measurement of parameters of groundwater flow in saturated rock. For determination of filtration velocity the dilution of radioactive tracer is measured, for direction logging the collimeter is rotated in the probe linked with the compass. The limiting factor for measurement of high filtration velocities is the occurrence of turbulent flow. The single well technique is used in civil engineering projects, water works and subsurface drainage of liquid waste from disposal sites. The radioactive tracer method for logging the vertical fluid movement in bore-holes is broadly used in groundwater survey and exploitation. (author)

  5. Craniospinal irradiation techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scarlatescu, Ioana, E-mail:; Avram, Calin N. [Faculty of Physics, West University of Timisoara, Bd. V. Parvan 4, 300223 Timisoara (Romania); Virag, Vasile [County Hospital “Gavril Curteanu” - Oradea (Romania)


    In this paper we present one treatment plan for irradiation cases which involve a complex technique with multiple beams, using the 3D conformational technique. As the main purpose of radiotherapy is to administrate a precise dose into the tumor volume and protect as much as possible all the healthy tissues around it, for a case diagnosed with a primitive neuro ectoderm tumor, we have developed a new treatment plan, by controlling one of the two adjacent fields used at spinal field, in a way that avoids the fields superposition. Therefore, the risk of overdose is reduced by eliminating the field divergence.

  6. Authentication techniques for smart cards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, R.A.


    Smart card systems are most cost efficient when implemented as a distributed system, which is a system without central host interaction or a local database of card numbers for verifying transaction approval. A distributed system, as such, presents special card and user authentication problems. Fortunately, smart cards offer processing capabilities that provide solutions to authentication problems, provided the system is designed with proper data integrity measures. Smart card systems maintain data integrity through a security design that controls data sources and limits data changes. A good security design is usually a result of a system analysis that provides a thorough understanding of the application needs. Once designers understand the application, they may specify authentication techniques that mitigate the risk of system compromise or failure. Current authentication techniques include cryptography, passwords, challenge/response protocols, and biometrics. The security design includes these techniques to help prevent counterfeit cards, unauthorized use, or information compromise. This paper discusses card authentication and user identity techniques that enhance security for microprocessor card systems. It also describes the analysis process used for determining proper authentication techniques for a system

  7. Preservação de fertilidade Fertility preservation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Carolina Japur de Sá Rosa e Silva


    Full Text Available Com a evolução dos recursos terapêuticos e o aumento das taxas de sobrevida dos pacientes oncológicos, as repercussões tardias destas terapias, que antes eram infreqüentes, hoje assumem um papel importante quando se fala em qualidade de vida. Dentre estas complicações tardias está a perda da função ovariana. Segundo as recomendações da Sociedade Americana de Oncologia Clínica (American Society of Clinical Oncology recentemente publicadas, os métodos comprovadamente eficazes para preservação da fertilidade feminina disponíveis hoje são: o congelamento de embriões, a cirurgia ginecológica conservadora e a ooforopexia para os casos de radioterapia localizada. Todas as demais técnicas existentes, tais como a supressão ovariana medicamentosa e a criopreservação de tecido ovariano e de oócitos, embora apresentem resultados promissores, ainda são consideradas experimentais. A escolha da melhor técnica para preservação de fertilidade aplicável em cada caso vai depender da idade da paciente, do tipo de tratamento, da existência ou não de parceiro com quem deseje constituir prole, do tempo disponível até o início da quimioterapia e do potencial do câncer em produzir metástase ovariana. Neste artigo as técnicas disponíveis e experimentais para a preservação da fertilidade são revisadas e discutidas.As therapeutic approaches for oncologic diseases are being improved and an increase in the survival rates are being achieved, long-term complications of these therapies, initially infrequent, assume these days an important place when considering life quality. Among the long term repercussions appears the premature ovarian failure. According to the recommendations of the American Society of Clinical Oncology recently published, the only procedures available nowadays considered to be effective for female fertility preservation are: embryo cryopreservation, conservative gynecological surgery and oophoropexy in cases of

  8. Radio techniques for probing the terrestrial ionosphere. (United States)

    Hunsucker, R. D.

    The subject of the book is a description of the basic principles of operation, plus the capabilities and limitations of all generic radio techniques employed to investigate the terrestrial ionosphere. The purpose of this book is to present to the reader a balanced treatment of each technique so they can understand how to interpret ionospheric data and decide which techniques are most effective for studying specific phenomena. The first two chapters outline the basic theory underlying the techniques, and each following chapter discusses a separate technique. This monograph is entirely devoted to techniques in aeronomy and space physics. The approach is unique in its presentation of the principles, capabilities and limitations of the most important presently used radio techniques. Typical examples of data are shown for the various techniques, and a brief historical account of the technique development is presented. An extended annotated bibliography of the salient papers in the field is included.

  9. Two sampling techniques for game meat


    van der Merwe, Maretha; Jooste, Piet J.; Hoffman, Louw C.; Calitz, Frikkie J.


    A study was conducted to compare the excision sampling technique used by the export market and the sampling technique preferred by European countries, namely the biotrace cattle and swine test. The measuring unit for the excision sampling was grams (g) and square centimetres (cm2) for the swabbing technique. The two techniques were compared after a pilot test was conducted on spiked approved beef carcasses (n = 12) that statistically proved the two measuring units correlated. The two sampling...

  10. A True Open-Loop Synchronization Technique

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Golestan, Saeed; Vidal, Ana; Yepes, Alejandro G.


    Synchronization techniques can be broadly classified into two major categories: Closed-loop and open-loop methods. The open-loop synchronization (OLS) techniques, contrary to the closed-loop ones, are unconditionally stable and benefit from a fast dynamic response. Their performance, however, tends...... is to develop a true OLS (and therefore, unconditionally stable) technique without any need for the calculation of sine and cosine functions. The effectiveness of the proposed synchronization technique is confirmed through the simulation and experimental results....

  11. Technique Selectively Represses Immune System (United States)

    ... Research Matters December 3, 2012 Technique Selectively Represses Immune System Myelin (green) encases and protects nerve fibers (brown). A new technique prevents the immune system from attacking myelin in a mouse model of ...

  12. Les mesures de métrologie pour le CLIC

    CERN Document Server

    Cherif, A


    Le projet CLIC est en tout point un défi technique majeur ; c?est le cas également pour la mesure dimensionnelle. Quels sont les équipements et les méthodes qui permettent de caractériser les pièces avec une incertitude de mesure aussi réduite que possible, vu les tolérances micrométriques imposées ? Afin de répondre à cette question, une veille technologique a été maintenue sur une longue période. Les acteurs relevants ont été contactés pour bénéficier d?une ouverture sur les dernières avancées dans le domaine. Différentes techniques ont été étudiées et comparées telles que la digitalisation, la tomographie X, la mesure tridimensionnelle. L'assemblage de haute précision des composants est aussi primordial. Sa mise en ?uvre sous un microscope optique ou à l'aide d'une machine tridimensionnelle est en cours d?étude. L'exposé traitera aussi de la mesure de rugosité, un domaine où nous disposons de moyens adaptés aux exigences spécifiques du projet.

  13. Nuclear techniques in analytical chemistry

    CERN Document Server

    Moses, Alfred J; Gordon, L


    Nuclear Techniques in Analytical Chemistry discusses highly sensitive nuclear techniques that determine the micro- and macro-amounts or trace elements of materials. With the increasingly frequent demand for the chemical determination of trace amounts of elements in materials, the analytical chemist had to search for more sensitive methods of analysis. This book accustoms analytical chemists with nuclear techniques that possess the desired sensitivity and applicability at trace levels. The topics covered include safe handling of radioactivity; measurement of natural radioactivity; and neutron a


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zlatan Saračević


    Full Text Available Due to the complexity of the motion, shot put technique is described in phases for easier analysis, easer learning of technique and error correction. It is complete so that in its implementation the transition from phase to phase is not noticed. In aforementioned and described phases of O'Brian spinal shot put technique a large distance, emptiness and disconnection appear between the initial position phase and a phase of overtaking the device, which in the training methods and training technique in primary and secondary education, as well as for students and athletes beginners in shot put represents a major problem regarding connecting, training and technique advancement. Therefore, this work is aimed at facilitating the methods of training of shot put technique, extending from four to six phases, which have been described and include the complete O'Brian technique.

  15. Point-source inversion techniques (United States)

    Langston, Charles A.; Barker, Jeffrey S.; Pavlin, Gregory B.


    A variety of approaches for obtaining source parameters from waveform data using moment-tensor or dislocation point source models have been investigated and applied to long-period body and surface waves from several earthquakes. Generalized inversion techniques have been applied to data for long-period teleseismic body waves to obtain the orientation, time function and depth of the 1978 Thessaloniki, Greece, event, of the 1971 San Fernando event, and of several events associated with the 1963 induced seismicity sequence at Kariba, Africa. The generalized inversion technique and a systematic grid testing technique have also been used to place meaningful constraints on mechanisms determined from very sparse data sets; a single station with high-quality three-component waveform data is often sufficient to discriminate faulting type (e.g., strike-slip, etc.). Sparse data sets for several recent California earthquakes, for a small regional event associated with the Koyna, India, reservoir, and for several events at the Kariba reservoir have been investigated in this way. Although linearized inversion techniques using the moment-tensor model are often robust, even for sparse data sets, there are instances where the simplifying assumption of a single point source is inadequate to model the data successfully. Numerical experiments utilizing synthetic data and actual data for the 1971 San Fernando earthquake graphically demonstrate that severe problems may be encountered if source finiteness effects are ignored. These techniques are generally applicable to on-line processing of high-quality digital data, but source complexity and inadequacy of the assumed Green's functions are major problems which are yet to be fully addressed.

  16. Nuclear techniques in agriculture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhagwat, S.G.


    Crops provide us food grains and many other products. Demand for food and other agricultural products is increasing. There is also need for improvement of quality of the agricultural produce. There are several technologies in use for achieving the goal of increasing the quantity and quality of agricultural produce. Nuclear techniques provide us with an option which has certain advantages. The characteristics of crop plants are determined by the genetic make up of the plant. Traditionally the genetic make up was modified using conventional breeding techniques such as cross breeding to improve crops for yield, disease resistance, stress tolerance, resistance to insect pests or to improve quality. New varieties of crops are produced which replace the earlier ones and thus the demands are met. The process of development of new varieties is long and time consuming. Nuclear technique called mutation breeding provides an efficient way of breeding new varieties or improving the older ones. This technique merely enhances the process of occurrence of mutations. In nature mutations occur at a rate of approximately one in a million, while when mutations are induced using radiations such as gamma rays the efficiency of inducing mutations is enhanced. Useful mutations are selected, the mutants are evaluated and developed as a new variety. In the Nuclear Agriculture and Biotechnology Division (NA and BTD) this technique has been used to develop mutants of many crop plants. The mutants can be used to develop a variety directly or by using it in further breeding programme. Using these approaches the NA and BTD has developed 40 new varieties of crops such as groundnut, mungbean, urid, pigeon pea, mustard, soybean, sunflower, cowpea, jute. These varieties are developed in collaboration with other agricultural institutions and are popular among the farming community. The method of mutation breeding can be applied to many other crops for improvement. There is increasing interest among

  17. Novel food processing techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vesna Lelas


    Full Text Available Recently, a lot of investigations have been focused on development of the novel mild food processing techniques with the aim to obtain the high quality food products. It is presumed also that they could substitute some of the traditional processes in the food industry. The investigations are primarily directed to usage of high hydrostatic pressure, ultrasound, tribomechanical micronization, microwaves, pulsed electrical fields. The results of the scientific researches refer to the fact that application of some of these processes in particular food industry can result in lots of benefits. A significant energy savings, shortening of process duration, mild thermal conditions, food products with better sensory characteristics and with higher nutritional values can be achieved. As some of these techniques act also on the molecular level changing the conformation, structure and electrical potential of organic as well as inorganic materials, the improvement of some functional properties of these components may occur. Common characteristics of all of these techniques are treatment at ambient or insignificant higher temperatures and short time of processing (1 to 10 minutes. High hydrostatic pressure applied to various foodstuffs can destroy some microorganisms, successfully modify molecule conformation and consequently improve functional properties of foods. At the same time it acts positively on the food products intend for freezing. Tribomechanical treatment causes micronization of various solid materials that results in nanoparticles and changes in structure and electrical potential of molecules. Therefore, the significant improvement of some rheological and functional properties of materials occurred. Ultrasound treatment proved to be potentially very successful technique of food processing. It can be used as a pretreatment to drying (decreases drying time and improves functional properties of food, as extraction process of various components

  18. Efficacy of the World Health Organization-recommended handwashing technique and a modified washing technique to remove Clostridium difficile from hands. (United States)

    Deschênes, Philippe; Chano, Frédéric; Dionne, Léa-Laurence; Pittet, Didier; Longtin, Yves


    The efficacy of the World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended handwashing technique against Clostridium difficile is uncertain, and whether it could be improved remains unknown. Also, the benefit of using a structured technique instead of an unstructured technique remains unclear. This study was a prospective comparison of 3 techniques (unstructured, WHO, and a novel technique dubbed WHO shortened repeated [WHO-SR] technique) to remove C difficile. Ten participants were enrolled and performed each technique. Hands were contaminated with 3 × 10 6 colony forming units (CFU) of a nontoxigenic strain containing 90% spores. Efficacy was assessed using the whole-hand method. The relative efficacy of each technique and of a structured (either WHO or WHO-SR) vs an unstructured technique were assessed by Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The median effectiveness of the unstructured, WHO, and WHO-SR techniques in log 10 CFU reduction was 1.30 (interquartile range [IQR], 1.27-1.43), 1.71 (IQR, 1.34-1.91), and 1.70 (IQR, 1.54-2.42), respectively. The WHO-SR technique was significantly more efficacious than the unstructured technique (P = .01). Washing hands with a structured technique was more effective than washing with an unstructured technique (median, 1.70 vs 1.30 log 10 CFU reduction, respectively; P = .007). A structured washing technique is more effective than an unstructured technique against C difficile. Copyright © 2017 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. A review on creatinine measurement techniques. (United States)

    Mohabbati-Kalejahi, Elham; Azimirad, Vahid; Bahrami, Manouchehr; Ganbari, Ahmad


    This paper reviews the entire recent global tendency for creatinine measurement. Creatinine biosensors involve complex relationships between biology and micro-mechatronics to which the blood is subjected. Comparison between new and old methods shows that new techniques (e.g. Molecular Imprinted Polymers based algorithms) are better than old methods (e.g. Elisa) in terms of stability and linear range. All methods and their details for serum, plasma, urine and blood samples are surveyed. They are categorized into five main algorithms: optical, electrochemical, impedometrical, Ion Selective Field-Effect Transistor (ISFET) based technique and chromatography. Response time, detection limit, linear range and selectivity of reported sensors are discussed. Potentiometric measurement technique has the lowest response time of 4-10 s and the lowest detection limit of 0.28 nmol L(-1) belongs to chromatographic technique. Comparison between various techniques of measurements indicates that the best selectivity belongs to MIP based and chromatographic techniques. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Orienteering Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'Orientation


    Coupe genevoise de printemps, les dernières étapes approchent Nouvelle victoire sur le parcours technique long pour Berni Wehrle du CO CERN samedi 19 mai à Sauvabelin. Sur le parcours technique moyen, c’est JB Zosso, également du CO CERN, qui remporte la course. Tous les résultats sont disponibles sur le site du club. Il ne reste plus que deux étapes pour terminer cette Coupe de printemps. Il s’agira de deux longues distances, l’une au col de la Faucille le 2 juin et l’autre, la dernière, à Bonmont, La Rippe le 9 juin. Ces dernières étapes permettront de départager les prétendants au titre dans les cinq catégories. Certains vont avoir à cœur de concrétiser leurs bons résultats de cette saison, mais rien n’est gagné à l’avance ! Pour plus ...

  1. Statistical Techniques for Project Control

    CERN Document Server

    Badiru, Adedeji B


    A project can be simple or complex. In each case, proven project management processes must be followed. In all cases of project management implementation, control must be exercised in order to assure that project objectives are achieved. Statistical Techniques for Project Control seamlessly integrates qualitative and quantitative tools and techniques for project control. It fills the void that exists in the application of statistical techniques to project control. The book begins by defining the fundamentals of project management then explores how to temper quantitative analysis with qualitati

  2. Scalable Techniques for Formal Verification

    CERN Document Server

    Ray, Sandip


    This book presents state-of-the-art approaches to formal verification techniques to seamlessly integrate different formal verification methods within a single logical foundation. It should benefit researchers and practitioners looking to get a broad overview of the spectrum of formal verification techniques, as well as approaches to combining such techniques within a single framework. Coverage includes a range of case studies showing how such combination is fruitful in developing a scalable verification methodology for industrial designs. This book outlines both theoretical and practical issue

  3. Artificial intelligence techniques in Prolog

    CERN Document Server

    Shoham, Yoav


    Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Prolog introduces the reader to the use of well-established algorithmic techniques in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), with Prolog as the implementation language. The techniques considered cover general areas such as search, rule-based systems, and truth maintenance, as well as constraint satisfaction and uncertainty management. Specific application domains such as temporal reasoning, machine learning, and natural language are also discussed.Comprised of 10 chapters, this book begins with an overview of Prolog, paying particular attention to Prol

  4. Use of communication techniques by Maryland dentists. (United States)

    Maybury, Catherine; Horowitz, Alice M; Wang, Min Qi; Kleinman, Dushanka V


    Health care providers' use of recommended communication techniques can increase patients' adherence to prevention and treatment regimens and improve patient health outcomes. The authors conducted a survey of Maryland dentists to determine the number and type of communication techniques they use on a routine basis. The authors mailed a 30-item questionnaire to a random sample of 1,393 general practice dentists and all 169 members of the Maryland chapter of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. The overall response rate was 38.4 percent. Analysis included descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and ordinary least squares regression analysis to examine the association of dentists' characteristics with the number of communication techniques used. They set the significance level at P communication techniques and 3.6 of the seven basic techniques, whereas pediatric dentists reported using a mean of 8.4 and 3.8 of those techniques, respectively. General dentists who had taken a communication course outside of dental school were more likely than those who had not to use the 18 techniques (P communication course outside of dental school were more likely than those who had not to use the 18 techniques (P communication techniques that dentists used routinely varied across the 18 techniques and was low for most techniques. Practical Implications. Professional education is needed both in dental school curricula and continuing education courses to increase use of recommended communication techniques. Specifically, dentists and their team members should consider taking communication skills courses and conducting an overall evaluation of their practices for user friendliness.

  5. New diagnostic technique for Zeeman-compensated atomic beam slowing: technique and results


    Molenaar, P.A.; Straten, P. van der; Heideman, H.G.M.; Metcalf, H.


    We have developed a new diagnostic tool for the study of Zeeman-compensated slowing of an alkali atomic beam. Our time-of-flight technique measures the longitudinal veloc- ity distribution of the slowed atoms with a resolution below the Doppler limit of 30 cm/s. Furthermore, it can map the position and velocity distribution of atoms in either ground hyperfine level inside the solenoid without any devices inside the solenoid. The technique reveals the optical pumping ef- fects, and shows in de...

  6. A Study on Nondestructive Technique Using Laser Technique for Evaluation of Carbon fiber Reinforced Plastic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Sang Woo; Lee, Joon Hyun; Seo, Kyeong Cheol; Byun, Joon Hyung


    Fiber reinforced plastic material should be inspected in fabrication process in order to enhance quality by prevent defects such as delamination and void. Generally, ultrasonic technique is widely used to evaluate FRP. In conventional ultrasonic techniques, transducer should be contacted on FRP. However, conventional contacting method could not be applied in fabrication process and novel non-contact evaluating technique was required. Laser-based ultrasonic technique was tried to evaluate CFRP plate. Laser-based ultrasonic waves propagated on CFRP were received with various transducers such as accelerometer and AE sensor in order to evaluate the properties of waves due to the variation of frequency. Velocities of laser-based ultrasonic waves were evaluated for various fiber orientation. In addition, laser interferometry was used to receive ultrasonic wave in CFRP and frequency was analysed

  7. The Delphi technique in radiography education research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    John-Matthews, J.St.; Wallace, M.J.; Robinson, L.


    Objectives: To describe and review the Delphi technique as a tool for radiographers engaged in mixed-methods research whereby agreement is required on the proficiencies needed by educational programmes for pre- and post- registration radiographers. This is achieved through a description offering a brief history of the technique. Through a literature search, radiography education research using this technique is identified. A protocol for a research project using the technique is presented. Using this worked example, advantages and disadvantages of the method are explored including sampling of participants, sample size, number of rounds and methods of feedback. Key findings: There are limited examples of the use of the Delphi technique in radiography literature including considerations on how to select experts and panel size. Conclusion: The Delphi technique is a suitable method for establishing collective agreement in the design of radiography educational interventions. Additional research is needed to deepen this evidence-based knowledge. - Highlights: • The Delphi Technique is used to gain collective agreement in forecasting healthcare education priorities. • There is increase of the use of the technique in healthcare education literature. • There are some examples of the technique in radiography education research. • A worked example of this technique is provided to critically evaluate this tool.

  8. Plataformas móveis, gamificação e aprendizagem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Pereira Dubiela


    Full Text Available Os Professores Rafael Dubiela e André Battaiola da UFPR respondem questões elaboradas por pesquisadores da Universidade Casagrande - UCG/Equador. As perguntas se referem à aprendizagem baseada (que se utiliza de plataformas móveis. Discorrem sobre os recursos disponíveis, as diferenças entre a aprendizagem tradicional e aquela baseada em tais dispositivos, o impacto dos equipamentos móveis na aprendizagem e discutem o que caracteriza o futuro nesta temática. [Idiomas disponíveis: português e espanhol].

  9. Clasificación automática de texto para el seguimiento de campañas electorales en redes sociales


    González Rubio, Cristina


    En la actualidad existe una inmensa cantidad de información disponible en formato electrónico. Toda esta información es improductiva si no se dispone de mecanismos apropiados para su acceso, clasificación y análisis. En el presente trabajo, se han desarrollado soluciones específicas de clasificación automática de textos en el ámbito de la política. Concretamente se analizan mensajes, de la popular red social Twitter (una de las redes sociales con mayor aceptación entre los usuarios), de lo...

  10. Aplicación de la inteligencia de negocios en una empresa pesquera para facilitar la toma de decisiones estratégicas.


    Oriundo Barboza, Roger; Oriundo Barboza, Roger; Oriundo Barboza, Roger


    La inteligencia de negocios es el proceso de obtener información sobre la organización a partir de los datos existentes. En la era de la información, las organizaciones tienen a su disposición vastas cantidades de datos, recolectas en sistemas transaccionales, archivos de texto, sistemas legacy, etc. Dichos sistemas, son esenciales para la operación del negocio. Disponer de datos no es lo mismo que disponer de información. Los datos se convierten en información cuando se pueden utilizar pa...

  11. Enfermedad neumocócica en el adulto: niveles de riesgo y recomendaciones de vacunación


    Vila-Córcoles, Angel; Ochoa-Gondar, Olga


    Actualmente 2 vacunas antineumocócicas están disponibles para uso en adultos: la «clásica» vacuna neumocócica polisacárida tricosavalente (VNP23) y la «nueva» vacuna neumocócica conjugada tridecavalente (VNC13). La principal ventaja de la VNC13 sería su potencial mejor inmunogenicidad, siendo sus principales inconvenientes el elevado coste y la baja cobertura de serotipos en comparación con la VNP23. Las evidencias actualmente disponibles apoyan las siguientes recomendaciones básicas: a) en l...

  12. Towards a neurobiological understanding of alexithymia


    Nicolás Meza-Concha; Marcelo Arancibia; Felicia Salas; Rosa Behar; Germán Salas; Hernán Silva; Rocío Escobar


    Resumen Si bien la literatura especializada sobre la etiología de la alexitimia es controvertida, la investigación neurobiológica sobre el fenómeno ha demostrado importantes avances. El objetivo de esta revisión es analizar la evidencia disponible en relación a las bases neurofisiológicas de la alexitimia. Se realizó una revisión exhaustiva de artículos disponibles en MEDLINE/PubMed, EBSCO y SciELO. Inicialmente, se vinculó a la alexitimia con una conexión cerebral interhemisférica reducid...

  13. Analizar el aporte a las soluciones en aplicaciones móviles para el comercio electrónico en la ciudad de Quito


    Vizuete Flores, Milton Renato


    Los antecedentes que podemos mencionar es el gran auge que ha tenido las comunicaciones móviles, desde hace varios años atrás comenzando con los primeros Smartphone’s con acceso a Internet muy básico y de muy poca utilidad pero siendo un pilar fundamental para el desarrollo de nuevas y mejores tecnologías móviles cada vez con mejores prestaciones hasta llegar a disponer de aplicaciones desarrolladas para equipos móviles que es el objeto de estudio de esta tesis, cuando una empresa dispone de ...

  14. De la organización territorial de la Iglesia a la dimensión territorial de las agencias eclesiásticas : Revisión y prospectiva desde la historiografía de la diócesis de Buenos Aires (s. XVIII

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miriam Moriconi


    Full Text Available Se examina la historiografía sobre la diócesis de Buenos Aires focalizando el problema territorial. El propósito es establecer una grilla de recursos disponibles (teórico-metodológicos, históricos e historiográficos a partir de la cual evaluar las posibilidades y las potencialidades de un marco comparativo y vislumbrar en qué medida el acervo de estudios disponibles contribuye a dotar de contenido teórico y empírico el concepto de región eclesiástica.

  15. New Light Alloys (Les Nouveaux Alliages Legers) (United States)


    composites r~alis~s avec I’alliage 15-3-3-3 (15-3) de TIMET, alliage 8 m~tastable, facilement laminable et disponible sous forme de feuillards de...part au procMd6 de fabrication - les matdriaux devant tre disponibles soit sous forme de feuillards, soit sous forme de poudres pr~alli~es - , d’autre...a naturaI so an ariii~ aain a( TeSI 5 40 SIC 1 Fig. 9. Compressive and tensile yield stress 1.b In time (secnds in an 6-Al 0 reinforced Al-A ICu alloy

  16. Nivel de Implementación de la Tecnología Data Warehouse en Grandes Empresas


    Treviño Garza, Ernesto


    Tomar mejores decisiones de negocios rápidamente es la llave para el éxito en el mercado competitivo que se vive actualmente. Comprendiendo esto, las organizaciones están buscando mejorar sus sistemas de toma de decisiones ya que pueden ser rebasados por el volumen y la complejidad de los datos disponibles provenientes de sus sistemas de producción y transaccionales. El permitir que todos estos datos estén disponibles para toda la audiencia a lo largo de la empresa es hoy por hoy uno de los r...

  17. Problemas de bancarrota multi-escenario.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisca J. Sánchez


    Full Text Available Los problemas de bancarrota representan situaciones donde un número de individuos o entidades acreedoras realizan reclamaciones sobre un cierto bien (estado y el estado total disponible es insuficiente para satisfacer la demanda de todos los acreedores. En este trabajo consideramos el caso en que las reclamaciones de los acreedores dependen de distintos escenarios o que son diferentes bajo distintos estados de la naturaleza. Para obtener repartos del estado disponible en estas situaciones proponemos distintas reglas de división que pueden considerarse racionales independientemente del escenario considerado.

  18. Análisis técnico económico preliminar para generar electricidad con energía renovable // Preliminary technical economic analysis to generate electricity with renewable energy


    M. Menéndez González


    Dentro de las posibilidades energéticas y medioambientales de los distintos tipos de energías renovables; la eólica por sucarácter limpio e inagotable, permite un gran desarrollo en aquellas áreas que cuentan con el potencial necesario para suaplicación y de forma similar, la energía solar presenta ventajas importantes, ambas son recursos gratuitos, nocontaminantes y disponibles en muchas localidades. Según las tecnologías actualmente disponibles, la utilización desistemas híbridos de energía...

  19. Stargate: Energy Management Techniques


    Vijay Raghunathan; Mani Srivastava; Trevor Pering; Roy Want


    This poster presents techniques for energy efficient operation of the Stargate wireless platform. In addition to conventional power management techniques such as dynamic voltage and scaling and processor shutdown, the Stargate features several mechanisms for energy efficient operation of the communication subsystem, such as support for hierarchical radios, Bluetooth based remote wakeup, mote based wakeup, etc. Finally, design optimizations including the use of power gating, and provision for ...

  20. Modern techniques of surface science

    CERN Document Server

    Woodruff, D Phil


    This fully revised, updated and reorganised third edition provides a thorough introduction to the characterisation techniques used in surface science and nanoscience today. Each chapter brings together and compares the different techniques used to address a particular research question, including how to determine the surface composition, surface structure, surface electronic structure, surface microstructure at different length scales (down to sub-molecular), and the molecular character of adsorbates and their adsorption or reaction properties. Readers will easily understand the relative strengths and limitations of the techniques available to them and, ultimately, will be able to select the most suitable techniques for their own particular research purposes. This is an essential resource for researchers and practitioners performing materials analysis, and for senior undergraduate students looking to gain a clear understanding of the underlying principles and applications of the different characterisation tec...

  1. Radiation technique for the destruction of plutella

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Plutella can be destroyed by cultivation technique where cabbage is grown interchangebly with other plants, biological technique where the natural enemy of plutella is used, and chemical technique where insecticide is used. Those method do not better results than the sterile male technique which can be either nuclear or chemical in nature. Laboratory, semifield research, and research in a limited field have been carried out when applying the sterile male technique. (SMN)

  2. Experimental techniques; Techniques experimentales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roussel-Chomaz, P. [GANIL CNRS/IN2P3, CEA/DSM, 14 - Caen (France)


    This lecture presents the experimental techniques, developed in the last 10 or 15 years, in order to perform a new class of experiments with exotic nuclei, where the reactions induced by these nuclei allow to get information on their structure. A brief review of the secondary beams production methods will be given, with some examples of facilities in operation or under project. The important developments performed recently on cryogenic targets will be presented. The different detection systems will be reviewed, both the beam detectors before the targets, and the many kind of detectors necessary to detect all outgoing particles after the reaction: magnetic spectrometer for the heavy fragment, detection systems for the target recoil nucleus, {gamma} detectors. Finally, several typical examples of experiments will be detailed, in order to illustrate the use of each detector either alone, or in coincidence with others. (author)

  3. Food physics and radiation techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szabo, A. S.


    In the lecture information is given about food physics, which is a rather new, interdisciplinary field of science, connecting food science and applied physics. The topics of radioactivity of foodstuffs and radiation techniques in the food industry are important parts of food physics detailed information will be given about the main fields (e.g. radio stimulation, food preservation) of radiation techniques in the agro-food sector. Finally some special questions of radioactive contamination of foodstuffs in hungary and applicability of radioanalytical techniques (e.g. Inaa) for food investigation will be analyzed and discussed

  4. A simplified indirect bonding technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Radha Katiyar


    Full Text Available With the advent of lingual orthodontics, indirect bonding technique has become an integral part of practice. It involves placement of brackets initially on the models and then their transfer to teeth with the help of transfer trays. Problems encountered with current indirect bonding techniques used are (1 the possibility of adhesive flash remaining around the base of the brackets which requires removal (2 longer time required for the adhesive to gain enough bond strength for secure tray removal. The new simplified indirect bonding technique presented here overcomes both these problems.

  5. Imaging Techniques in Endodontics: An Overview (United States)

    Deepak, B. S.; Subash, T. S.; Narmatha, V. J.; Anamika, T.; Snehil, T. K.; Nandini, D. B.


    This review provides an overview of the relevance of imaging techniques such as, computed tomography, cone beam computed tomography, and ultrasound, to endodontic practice. Many limitations of the conventional radiographic techniques have been overcome by the newer methods. Advantages and disadvantages of various imaging techniques in endodontic practice are also discussed. PMID:22530184

  6. Anticoking Coatings for High Temperature Petrochemical Reactors Revêtements pour réacteurs pétrochimiques à cokage réduit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ropital F.


    application considérée. Au cours de ce projet, L'Institut français du pétrole a développé une méthodologie pour l'étude de tels revêtements. Une première sélection de matériaux et de techniques de revêtement a été opérée au travers d'un cahier des charges et des informations disponibles dans la littérature. Les revêtements retenus ont ensuite été évalués au travers d'un test de cyclage thermique et d'un test de cokage réalisés dans des conditions proches des conditions industrielles. Pour le test de cokage, il a été mis au point un microréacteur agité permettant d'opérer jusqu'à 950°C. Les vitesses de cokage obtenues sur des éprouvettes revêtues ont été comparées à celles obtenues sur des éprouvettes en alliages réfractaires non revêtues : une réduction par un facteur 3 de la vitesse asymptotique de cokage a été observée pour le revêtement le plus prometteur. En parallèle, le Laboratorium voor Petrochemische Techniek a entrepris l'étude cinétique du cokage sur des alliages réfractaires non revêtus, ce qui a permis de modéliser le dépôt de coke sur ces matériaux.

  7. Motion Transplantation Techniques: A Survey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Basten, Ben; Egges, Arjan


    During the past decade, researchers have developed several techniques for transplanting motions. These techniques transplant a partial auxiliary motion, possibly defined for a small set of degrees of freedom, on a base motion. Motion transplantation improves motion databases' expressiveness and

  8. Tendon 'turnover lengthening' technique. (United States)

    Cerovac, S; Miranda, B H


    Tendon defect reconstruction is amongst the most technically challenging areas in hand surgery. Tendon substance deficiency reconstruction techniques include lengthening, grafting, two-stage reconstruction and tendon transfers, however each is associated with unique challenges over and above direct repair. We describe a novel 'turnover lengthening' technique for hand tendons that has successfully been applied to the repair of several cases, including a case of attritional flexor and traumatic extensor tendon rupture in two presented patients where primary tenorrhaphy was not possible. In both cases a good post-operative outcome was achieved, as the patients were happy having returned back to normal activities of daily living such that they were discharged 12 weeks post-operatively. Our technique avoids the additional morbidity and complications associated with grafting, transfers and two stage reconstructions. It is quick, simple and reproducible for defects not exceeding 3-4 cm, provides a means of immediate one stage reconstruction, no secondary donor site morbidity and does not compromise salvage by tendon transfer and/or two-stage reconstruction in cases of failure. To our knowledge no such technique has been previously been described to reconstruct such hand tendon defects. Crown Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. The attribute measurement technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    MacArthur, Duncan W.; Langner, Diana; Smith, Morag; Thron, Jonathan; Razinkov, Sergey; Livke, Alexander


    Any verification measurement performed on potentially classified nuclear material must satisfy two seemingly contradictory constraints. First and foremost, no classified information can be released. At the same time, the monitoring party must have confidence in the veracity of the measurement. An information barrier (IB) is included in the measurement system to protect the potentially classified information while allowing sufficient information transfer to occur for the monitoring party to gain confidence that the material being measured is consistent with the host's declarations, concerning that material. The attribute measurement technique incorporates an IB and addresses both concerns by measuring several attributes of the nuclear material and displaying unclassified results through green (indicating that the material does possess the specified attribute) and red (indicating that the material does not possess the specified attribute) lights. The attribute measurement technique has been implemented in the AVNG, an attribute measuring system described in other presentations at this conference. In this presentation, we will discuss four techniques used in the AVNG: (1) the 1B, (2) the attribute measurement technique, (3) the use of open and secure modes to increase confidence in the displayed results, and (4) the joint design as a method for addressing both host and monitor needs.

  10. Practical techniques for pediatric computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fitz, C.R.; Harwood-Nash, D.C.; Kirks, D.R.; Kaufman, R.A.; Berger, P.E.; Kuhn, J.P.; Siegel, M.J.


    Dr. Donald Kirks has assembled this section on Practical Techniques for Pediatric Computed Tomography. The material is based on a presentation in the Special Interest session at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Pediatric Radiology in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA in 1982. Meticulous attention to detail and technique is required to ensure an optimal CT examination. CT techniques specifically applicable to infants and children have not been disseminated in the radiology literature and in this respect it may rightly be observed that ''the child is not a small adult''. What follows is a ''cookbook'' prepared by seven participants and it is printed in Pediatric Radiology, in outline form, as a statement of individual preferences for pediatric CT techniques. This outline gives concise explanation of techniques and permits prompt dissemination of information. (orig.)

  11. Advanced sensing techniques for cognitive radio

    CERN Document Server

    Zhao, Guodong; Li, Shaoqian


    This SpringerBrief investigates advanced sensing techniques to detect and estimate the primary receiver for cognitive radio systems. Along with a comprehensive overview of existing spectrum sensing techniques, this brief focuses on the design of new signal processing techniques, including the region-based sensing, jamming-based probing, and relay-based probing. The proposed sensing techniques aim to detect the nearby primary receiver and estimate the cross-channel gain between the cognitive transmitter and primary receiver. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated by simulations in terms of several performance parameters, including detection probability, interference probability, and estimation error. The results show that the proposed sensing techniques can effectively sense the primary receiver and improve the cognitive transmission throughput. Researchers and postgraduate students in electrical engineering will find this an exceptional resource.

  12. Bibliographical resources available in the Internet about dangerous substances and residues and their influence in the environment in the period 1975-2005 Recursos bibliográficos disponibles en Internet sobre sustancias y residuos peligrosos y su influencia en el medio ambiente en el periodo 1975 a 2005

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena Ronda-Pérez


    Full Text Available Introduction. The Internet has become the most used source of biomedical information. The documentation, produced by the public and private institutions, in relation with the dangerous substances that can recover in the Internet is fundamental for the prevention of this type of risks. Objective. To locate and to check the available documents in the Internet about dangerous substances, dangerous residues, including inert, and his influence in the environment in the period 1975 - 2005. Material and Method. Descriptive and cross sectional study of the results of the bibliographical searches made in the Internet, in the corresponding databases. Results. It has been recognized 162 records that expire with the requirements indicated in the pre-established methodology. Discussion. With respect to the environmental documentation present in the Internet it seems to be suitable to increase his diffusion and to improve his classification and accessibility.Introducción. Internet se ha convertido en una fuente de información biomédica cada vez más utilizada. La documentación producida por las instituciones públicas y privadas, en relación con las sustancias peligrosas que se pueden recuperar en Internet, es fundamental para la prevención de este tipo de riesgos. Objetivo. Localizar y revisar los documentos disponibles en Internet sobre sustancias peligrosas, residuos peligrosos, incluyendo inertes, y su influencia en el medio ambiente en el periodo 1975 a 2005. Material y método. Estudio descriptivo transversal de los resultados de las búsquedas bibliográficas efectuadas en Internet, en las correspondientes bases de datos. Resultados. Se han reconocido 162 registros que cumplen con los requisitos señalados en la metodología preestablecida. Discusión. Con respecto a la documentación medioambiental pre- sente en Internet, parece conveniente incrementar su difusión y mejorar su clasificación y accesibilidad.

  13. The Technique of Special-Effects Cinematography. (United States)

    Fielding, Raymond

    The author describes the many techniques used to produce cinematic effects that would be too costly, too difficult, too time-consuming, too dangerous, or simply impossible to achieve with conventional photographic techniques. He points out that these techniques are available not only for 35 millimeter work but also to the 16 mm. photographer who…

  14. Neutron techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charlton, J.S.


    The way in which neutrons interact with matter such as slowing-down, diffusion, neutron absorption and moderation are described. The use of neutron techniques in industry, in moisture gages, level and interface measurements, the detection of blockages, boron analysis in ore feedstock and industrial radiography are discussed. (author)

  15. Applying contemporary statistical techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Wilcox, Rand R


    Applying Contemporary Statistical Techniques explains why traditional statistical methods are often inadequate or outdated when applied to modern problems. Wilcox demonstrates how new and more powerful techniques address these problems far more effectively, making these modern robust methods understandable, practical, and easily accessible.* Assumes no previous training in statistics * Explains how and why modern statistical methods provide more accurate results than conventional methods* Covers the latest developments on multiple comparisons * Includes recent advanc

  16. Materials characterization techniques

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Zhang, Sam; Li, L; Kumar, Ashok


    "With an emphasis on practical applications and real-world case studies, Materials Characterization Techniques presents the principles of widely used advanced surface and structural characterization...

  17. A disposition of interpolation techniques

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Knotters, M.; Heuvelink, G.B.M.


    A large collection of interpolation techniques is available for application in environmental research. To help environmental scientists in choosing an appropriate technique a disposition is made, based on 1) applicability in space, time and space-time, 2) quantification of accuracy of interpolated

  18. Comparison of marginal accuracy of castings fabricated by conventional casting technique and accelerated casting technique: an in vitro study. (United States)

    Reddy, S Srikanth; Revathi, Kakkirala; Reddy, S Kranthikumar


    Conventional casting technique is time consuming when compared to accelerated casting technique. In this study, marginal accuracy of castings fabricated using accelerated and conventional casting technique was compared. 20 wax patterns were fabricated and the marginal discrepancy between the die and patterns were measured using Optical stereomicroscope. Ten wax patterns were used for Conventional casting and the rest for Accelerated casting. A Nickel-Chromium alloy was used for the casting. The castings were measured for marginal discrepancies and compared. Castings fabricated using Conventional casting technique showed less vertical marginal discrepancy than the castings fabricated by Accelerated casting technique. The values were statistically highly significant. Conventional casting technique produced better marginal accuracy when compared to Accelerated casting. The vertical marginal discrepancy produced by the Accelerated casting technique was well within the maximum clinical tolerance limits. Accelerated casting technique can be used to save lab time to fabricate clinical crowns with acceptable vertical marginal discrepancy.

  19. Radiotracer techniques in hydrological studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oladipo, M.O.A.; Funtua, I.I.


    The use of radioactive tracers particularly short-lived radioisotopes frequently offers advantages over conventional methods of analyses. Applications of nuclear techniques in the field of hydrology constitute important and sometimes unique tools for obtaining critical information needed for water resources management. Essentially, radiotracer techniques offer a safe, cost effective and powerful tool in the assessment, management and protection of water resources. The Centre for Energy Research and Training, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria of late has been offering consultancy services to some industries in the area of radiotracer technique. The first nuclear reactor in Nigeria, the MNSR, is expected to be commissioned in the Centre very soon. Many short-lived radioisotopes such as Cu-64, Ga-72, Br-82, Hg-197 etc which are very important in hydrological studies can be produced by the MNSR facility. This article reports on the basic principles of the technique and its roles in hydrology

  20. Research in decommissioning techniques for nuclear fuel cycle facilities in JNC. 7. JWTF decommissioning techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogawa, Ryuichiro; Ishijima, Noboru


    Decommissioning techniques such as radiation measuring and monitoring, decontamination, dismantling and remote handling in the world were surveyed to upgrading technical know-how database for decommissioning of Joyo Waste Treatment Facility (JWTF). As the result, five literatures for measuring and monitoring techniques, 14 for decontamination and 22 for dismantling feasible for JWTF decommissioning were obtained and were summarized in tables. On the basis of the research, practical applicability of those techniques to decommissioning of JWTF was evaluated. This report contains brief surveyed summaries related to JWTF decommissioning. (H. Itami)

  1. Weighted hybrid technique for recommender system (United States)

    Suriati, S.; Dwiastuti, Meisyarah; Tulus, T.


    Recommender system becomes very popular and has important role in an information system or webpages nowadays. A recommender system tries to make a prediction of which item a user may like based on his activity on the system. There are some familiar techniques to build a recommender system, such as content-based filtering and collaborative filtering. Content-based filtering does not involve opinions from human to make the prediction, while collaborative filtering does, so collaborative filtering can predict more accurately. However, collaborative filtering cannot give prediction to items which have never been rated by any user. In order to cover the drawbacks of each approach with the advantages of other approach, both approaches can be combined with an approach known as hybrid technique. Hybrid technique used in this work is weighted technique in which the prediction score is combination linear of scores gained by techniques that are combined.The purpose of this work is to show how an approach of weighted hybrid technique combining content-based filtering and item-based collaborative filtering can work in a movie recommender system and to show the performance comparison when both approachare combined and when each approach works alone. There are three experiments done in this work, combining both techniques with different parameters. The result shows that the weighted hybrid technique that is done in this work does not really boost the performance up, but it helps to give prediction score for unrated movies that are impossible to be recommended by only using collaborative filtering.

  2. Twin - Arch technique. Revival of the "edgewise -Technique"?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacob Karp


    The SNB – Bracket brings a new dimension into the orthodontic world which is most apparent in extraction cases. Its Teflon – like material has a very low friction coefficient thus, reducing the treatment time considerably. Through the use of low dimensioned arch wires, the Twin – Arch Technique becomes a Light – wire system and simultaneously provides good anchorage and torque control.

  3. Spray deposition using impulse atomization technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ellendt, N.; Schmidt, R.; Knabe, J.; Henein, H.; Uhlenwinkel, V.


    A novel technique, impulse atomization, has been used for spray deposition. This single fluid atomization technique leads to different spray characteristics and impact conditions of the droplets compared to gas atomization technique which is the common technique used for spray deposition. Deposition experiments with a Cu-6Sn alloy were conducted to evaluate the appropriateness of impulse atomization to produce dense material. Based on these experiments, a model has been developed to simulate the thermal history and the local solidification rates of the deposited material. A numerical study shows how different cooling conditions affect the solidification rate of the material

  4. Invasive and noninvasive dental analgesia techniques. (United States)

    Estafan, D J


    Although needle-administered local anesthesia has been an essential tool of modern dentistry, it has also been responsible for many patients' fears of dental visits. Several new techniques have recently evolved that may offer viable alternatives. Two of these operate via electronic mechanisms that interfere with pain signals, two others involve transmucosal modes of administration, and a fifth technique involves an intraosseous pathway for anesthesia administration. Each of these techniques has different indications for dental procedures, but none is intended to replace needle administration in dentistry. This overview highlights the salient features of these alternative dental anesthesia techniques.

  5. Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    22 avr. 2016 ... tomodensitométrie permettent de confirmer l'augmentation de la taille du foie et parfois peuvent orienter le diagnostic étiologique. [3]. La ponction biopsie hépatique (PBH) est réalisée soit pour confirmer le diagnostic étiologique, soit pour apprécier le caractère évolutif d'une maladie hépatique chronique.

  6. La politique publique de la gestion des espaces verts par l'hôtel de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Sur le plan urbanistique de la ville de Kinshasa (capitale de la RDC), les colons, avaient prévu les espaces verts pour un cadre de vie urbain, verdoyant et permettant de se détendre et embellir la ville. De 1960 à 1980, la même politique publique urbanistique a été respectée. Mais actuellement, avec l'explosion ...

  7. Morocco : tous les projets | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les transformations démocratiques dans le monde Arabe ont relancé le débat concernant la nécessité d'avoir des systèmes politiques plus inclusifs permettant aux droits des différents groupes ethniques et religieux une priorité pendant la période de transition. Région: Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Syria, ...

  8. Le vieillissement de la population pourrait entraîner une ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    21 juin 2016 ... Des travaux récents ont montré que les changements démographiques qui se produisent à l'échelle mondiale pourraient accentuer la croissance économique et promouvoir l'équité entre les générations. Les chercheurs ont mis au point un nouvel ensemble d'outils permettant de quantifier les flux ...

  9. Le pouvoir des services de garde d'enfants | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 mai 2017 ... L'une des premières évaluations officielles d'un programme de services de garde d'enfants pour les ménages à faible revenu en Inde pourrait fournir des données empiriques permettant d'améliorer l'égalité des sexes au pays et au-delà de ses frontières.

  10. Réduction des pertes de mangues après la récolte en Asie du Sud

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    transport. • La plus grande disponibilité des mangues accroît la sécurité nutritionnelle des femmes et des enfants, tant par la consommation qui en est faite que par les revenus qu'elles procurent et qui permettent d'acheter des aliments nutritifs. • Les producteurs et les productrices de mangues ont tendance à prendre des ...

  11. Agrodiversite, gestion paysanne et importance de Dioscorea ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    biologique, sociale, culturelle locale et dispose d'une potentialité non négligeable lui permettant de jouer un rôle important dans le maintien des moyens de subsistance, le bien-être humain et l'amélioration de la santé. Mots clés: Igname, bayèrè, Dioscorea praehensilis, agrodiversité, gestion, valeurs, contraintes ...

  12. 93 Relation entre la sensibilisation locomotrice à la nicotine et les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Résumé. Le tabagisme est la consommation quotidienne de la nicotine qui constitue un sérieux problème de santé publique. Parmi ces effets qui favorisent le maintien du tabagisme et même son établissement, celui sur le poids est important. Les nombreuses études publiées jusqu'à présent, permettent d'une part ...

  13. Les vaccins pour animaux : un facteur clé de la santé et de la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    29 oct. 2013 ... Des avancées technologiques permettent de mettre au point des vaccins pour animaux plus efficaces qui promettent de réduire les pertes de bétail dévastatrices que subissent les petits exploitants agricoles des pays en développement. Cela pourrait accroître considérablement la stabilité financière de ...


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    analphabètes. Créer des programmes novateurs pour accroître la productivité et les revenus des jeunes travailleurs autonomes. Traiter les causes profondes des faibles taux de réussite scolaire. Éliminer les obstacles qui limitent le potentiel des femmes. Établir une base de données probantes permettant de créer des ...

  15. (United States)

    Diamond, Adele


    Comment aider les enfants à réussir à l'école et, plus généralement, à développer leurs capacités intellectuelles ? Les résultats de travaux fondamentaux en psychologie et en neurosciences permettent de proposer des méthodes pédagogiques efficaces, bien qu'elles semblent parfois aller contre le bon sens.

  16. Modélisation et animation gestuelle d'objets - Le système ANIMA


    Luciani , Annie; Cadoz , Claude


    International audience; Les travaux présentés dans cet article concernent l'utilisation de l'ordinateur comme outil de création d'images animées. Notre propos est de définir un outil, non seulement permettant de produire des images animées, mais également support de la découverte et de l'apprentissage du mouvement.

  17. Physical simulations using centrifuge techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sutherland, H.J.


    Centrifuge techniques offer a technique for doing physical simulations of the long-term mechanical response of deep ocean sediment to the emplacement of waste canisters and to the temperature gradients generated by them. Preliminary investigations of the scaling laws for pertinent phenomena indicate that the time scaling will be consistent among them and equal to the scaling factor squared. This result implies that this technique will permit accelerated-life-testing of proposed configurations; i.e, long-term studies may be done in relatively short times. Presently, existing centrifuges are being modified to permit scale model testing. This testing will start next year


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Markus Tilp


    Full Text Available The aims of the present study were to establish a detailed and representative record of landing techniques (two-, left-, and right-footed landings in professional beach volleyball and compare the data with those of indoor volleyball. Beach volleyball data was retrieved from videos taken at FIVB World Tour tournaments. Landing techniques were compared in the different beach and indoor volleyball skills serve, set, attack, and block with regard to sex, playing technique, and court position. Significant differences were observed between men and women in landings following block actions (χ²(2 = 18.19, p < 0.01 but not following serve, set, and attack actions. Following blocking, men landed more often on one foot than women. Further differences in landings following serve and attack with regard to playing technique and position were mainly observed in men. The comparison with landing techniques in indoor volleyball revealed overall differences both in men (χ²(2 = 161.4, p < 0.01 and women (χ²(2 = 84.91, p < 0.01. Beach volleyball players land more often on both feet than indoor volleyball players. Besides the softer surface in beach volleyball, and therefore resulting lower loads, these results might be another reason for fewer injuries and overuse conditions compared to indoor volleyball

  19. Landing Techniques in Beach Volleyball (United States)

    Tilp, Markus; Rindler, Michael


    The aims of the present study were to establish a detailed and representative record of landing techniques (two-, left-, and right-footed landings) in professional beach volleyball and compare the data with those of indoor volleyball. Beach volleyball data was retrieved from videos taken at FIVB World Tour tournaments. Landing techniques were compared in the different beach and indoor volleyball skills serve, set, attack, and block with regard to sex, playing technique, and court position. Significant differences were observed between men and women in landings following block actions (χ2(2) = 18.19, p volleyball revealed overall differences both in men (χ2(2) = 161.4, p volleyball players land more often on both feet than indoor volleyball players. Besides the softer surface in beach volleyball, and therefore resulting lower loads, these results might be another reason for fewer injuries and overuse conditions compared to indoor volleyball. Key Points About 1/3 of all jumping actions in beach volleyball result in a landing on one foot. Especially following block situations men land on one foot more often than women. Landing techniques are related to different techniques and positions. Landings on one foot are less common in beach volleyball than indoor volleyball. This could be a reason for fewer injuries and overuse conditions. PMID:24149150

  20. Biopsy techniques for intraocular tumors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pukhraj Rishi


    Full Text Available Biopsy involves the surgical removal of a tissue specimen for histopathologic evaluation. Most intraocular tumors are reliably diagnosed based on the clinical evaluation or with noninvasive diagnostic techniques. However, accurately diagnosing a small percentage of tumors can be challenging. A tissue biopsy is thus needed to establish a definitive diagnosis and plan the requisite treatment. From fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB to surgical excision, all tissue collection techniques have been studied in the literature. Each technique has its indications and limitations. FNAB has been reported to provide for 88-95% reliable and safe ophthalmic tumor diagnosis and has gained popularity for prognostic purposes and providing eye conserving treatment surgeries. The technique and instrumentation for biopsy vary depending upon the tissue involved (retina, choroid, subretinal space, vitreous, and aqueous, suspected diagnosis, size, location, associated retinal detachment, and clarity of the media. The cytopathologist confers a very important role in diagnosis and their assistance plays a key role in managing and planning the treatment for malignancies.

  1. Submucosal tunneling techniques: current perspectives. (United States)

    Kobara, Hideki; Mori, Hirohito; Rafiq, Kazi; Fujihara, Shintaro; Nishiyama, Noriko; Ayaki, Maki; Yachida, Tatsuo; Matsunaga, Tae; Tani, Johji; Miyoshi, Hisaaki; Yoneyama, Hirohito; Morishita, Asahiro; Oryu, Makoto; Iwama, Hisakazu; Masaki, Tsutomu


    Advances in endoscopic submucosal dissection include a submucosal tunneling technique, involving the introduction of tunnels into the submucosa. These tunnels permit safer offset entry into the peritoneal cavity for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery. Technical advantages include the visual identification of the layers of the gut, blood vessels, and subepithelial tumors. The creation of a mucosal flap that minimizes air and fluid leakage into the extraluminal cavity can enhance the safety and efficacy of surgery. This submucosal tunneling technique was adapted for esophageal myotomy, culminating in its application to patients with achalasia. This method, known as per oral endoscopic myotomy, has opened up the new discipline of submucosal endoscopic surgery. Other clinical applications of the submucosal tunneling technique include its use in the removal of gastrointestinal subepithelial tumors and endomicroscopy for the diagnosis of functional and motility disorders. This review suggests that the submucosal tunneling technique, involving a mucosal safety flap, can have potential values for future endoscopic developments.

  2. Metodologia para parametrizar e avaliar a técnica da ''burn-zinc'' no processo de soldagem a ponto por resistência Methodology for parameterize and assessment of the burn-zinc technique in the resistance spot welding process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vinicius Castanheira do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Para minimizar os efeitos prejudiciais do zinco na soldagem a ponto por resistência de chapas galvanizadas, utiliza-se uma técnica tradicionalmente denominada ''Burn-Zinc'' (queima do zinco. Porém, existem poucas informações e estudos disponíveis na literatura sobre quando e como utilizá-la. O presente estudo teve a finalidade de avaliar a técnica de ''burn-zinc'', procurando entender melhor o fenômeno. Para tal, foi criada uma metodologia para determinação dos parâmetros ideais para cada combinação de chapa. Uma avaliação desta metodologia foi feita com uma série de soldagens com variações sistemáticas da corrente e pressão em níveis compatíveis para se obter a queima do Zn. Visualização das soldagens através de filmagem em alta velocidade, com sincronização dos sinais elétricos, foi empregada para entender os resultados. Uma vez definidos os parâmetros, soldagens foram realizadas com ou sem a aplicação da técnica. Os procedimentos experimentais propostos mostraram ser eficientes para a verificação e parametrização da técnica ''burn-zinc''. Mas houve evidências que a utilização da técnica nem sempre vai ocasionar redução no tempo total de operação.For minimizing the detrimental effects of zinc during resistance spot welding of galvanized sheets, a technique denominated Burn-Zinc is usually employed. However, there is no much information and studies available in the current literature about when and how to use this technique. The present work had the objective of assessing and understanding better this technique. For that, a methodology for determination of ideal burn-zing parameters as a function of the sheets was proposed. The evaluation of this methodology was carried out by a series of weldments, by systematically varying current and pressure at compatible levels for zinc burning. High speed filming, synchronized with the electrical signals, was employing for visualizing and results analyses

  3. Lightweight Cryptographic Techniques

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Yuen, Horace


    The objective of this project was to develop new cryptographic techniques, and to modify the important existing ones, for applications to encryption and authentication in energy-constrained sensors...

  4. The ``hydro-wired``: more than a technique, a global concept; ``L`hydrocable``: plus qu`une technique, un concept global

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The ``hydro-wired`` technique consists in the use of small diameter synthetic pipes for the water supply of hot or cold water to space heating or cooling appliances. This new technique has several advantages regarding the thermal comfort and the realization of installations. However cares must be taken during the application of this technique and the design of installations. This paper describes: the French potential market for this technique (heating and cooling floors, traditional heating, sanitary hot water distribution), the characteristics of this technique with respect to traditional techniques (the sheathing of pipes, the specificities of the `octopus`-type distribution), and the design of installations (the different steps: preliminary thermal analysis, realization, start-up and tests). (J.S.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hidayah Nor


    Full Text Available Listening is very important skill in language because by listening students can produce language like speaking and writing by vocabulary that they get from listening. The English teacher of MAN 3 Banjarmasin used some techniques in teaching listening using the facilities in language laboratory such as tape cassette, television, and VCD/DVD. This research described the techniques in teaching listening skill of the Islamic high school students. The subjects of this study were an English teacher and 48 students of the tenth grade at MAN 3 Banjarmasin in Academic Year 2009/2010. To collect the data, it was used some techniques such as observation, interview, and documentary. Then all data were analyzed using descriptive method qualitatively and quantitatively, by concluding inductively. The result indicates that the techniques in teaching listening applied by the English teacher of the tenth grade students at MAN 3 Banjarmasin in Academic Year 2009/2010 are: Information Transfer, Paraphrasing and Translating, Answering Questions, Summarizing, Filling in Blanks, and Answering to Show Comprehension of Messages. The students’ ability of listening comprehension using six techniques is categorized in very high, high, and average levels. Keywords: listening techniques, teaching listening skill

  6. Intraosseous anesthesia: implications, instrumentation and techniques. (United States)

    Kleber, Christopher H


    The author reviews historical methods and the instruments used to bring about intraosseous anesthesia, or IOA; discusses the criteria for successful use of the intraosseous injection, or IOI, technique; and provides recommendations. Articles from before 1990 consisted of subjective reports of patient types and procedures performed using IOI as a primary technique. Studies published after 1990 yielded subjective findings on indications for expanded clinical use. The author discusses the expansion of the role of IOI relative to integrated local anesthetic delivery systems. The literature and studies verify the efficacy of IOI as a supplemental or primary technique. The author recommends anesthetics and infusion sites, and reports on the patients' perceptions of comfort. IOI can be used as a supplemental or primary technique to bring about local anesthesia in routine dental procedures. It can be used as a supplemental technique with mandibular nerve blocks to enhance deep pulpal anesthesia. It can be used as a primary technique so that patients do not experience numb lips or tongues postoperatively. Dentists can appreciate the immediate onset of anesthesia and reduced dosage levels of anesthetics associated with using IOI.

  7. CERN Management & Communication Training programme

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Timetable of courses from February to June 2009 Please check our Web site to find out the number of places available, which may vary. Management Curriculum Communicating Effectively – Residential\t23, 24, 25 March (Full) Quality Management\t25, 26 March\t(6 places available) Introduction to Leadership\t1, 2, 3 April (2 places available) Personal Awareness & Impact\t5, 6, 7 May (full) 3, 4, 5 June (1 place available) Dealing with conflict / Gestion des conflits\t5 + 12 June (3 places available) (Session in English or in French) Managing Teams\t9, 10, 11 June (3 places available) Communication Curriculum Negotiating Effectively\t3, 4 March (Full) Communiquer efficacement dans votre équipe\t26, 27 mars (4 places disponibles) Gestion de temps\t27 avril + 27 mai + 23 juin (9 places disponibles) Communiquer efficacement\t27, 28 avril + 26, 27 mai (4 places disponibles) Service Orientation\t28, 29 April (6 places available) Communicating Effectively in your Team\t29, 30 April (7 places available) Nég...

  8. A video authentication technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, C.S.


    Unattended video surveillance systems are particularly vulnerable to the substitution of false video images into the cable that connects the camera to the video recorder. New technology has made it practical to insert a solid state video memory into the video cable, freeze a video image from the camera, and hold this image as long as desired. Various techniques, such as line supervision and sync detection, have been used to detect video cable tampering. The video authentication technique described in this paper uses the actual video image from the camera as the basis for detecting any image substitution made during the transmission of the video image to the recorder. The technique, designed for unattended video systems, can be used for any video transmission system where a two-way digital data link can be established. The technique uses similar microprocessor circuitry at the video camera and at the video recorder to select sample points in the video image for comparison. The gray scale value of these points is compared at the recorder controller and if the values agree within limits, the image is authenticated. If a significantly different image was substituted, the comparison would fail at a number of points and the video image would not be authenticated. The video authentication system can run as a stand-alone system or at the request of another system

  9. Acceleration techniques for the discrete ordinate method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Efremenko, Dmitry; Doicu, Adrian; Loyola, Diego; Trautmann, Thomas


    In this paper we analyze several acceleration techniques for the discrete ordinate method with matrix exponential and the small-angle modification of the radiative transfer equation. These techniques include the left eigenvectors matrix approach for computing the inverse of the right eigenvectors matrix, the telescoping technique, and the method of false discrete ordinate. The numerical simulations have shown that on average, the relative speedup of the left eigenvector matrix approach and the telescoping technique are of about 15% and 30%, respectively. -- Highlights: ► We presented the left eigenvector matrix approach. ► We analyzed the method of false discrete ordinate. ► The telescoping technique is applied for matrix operator method. ► Considered techniques accelerate the computations by 20% in average.

  10. Diagram Techniques in Group Theory (United States)

    Stedman, Geoffrey E.


    Preface; 1. Elementary examples; 2. Angular momentum coupling diagram techniques; 3. Extension to compact simple phase groups; 4. Symmetric and unitary groups; 5. Lie groups and Lie algebras; 6. Polarisation dependence of multiphoton processes; 7. Quantum field theoretic diagram techniques for atomic systems; 8. Applications; Appendix; References; Indexes.

  11. Constant exposure technique in industrial radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Domanus, J.C.


    The principles and advantages of the constant exposure technique are explained. Choice of exposure factors is analyzed. Film, paper and intensifying screens used throughout the investigation and film and paper processing are described. Exposure technique and the use of image quality indicators are given. Methods of determining of radiographic image quality are presented. Conclusions about the use of constant exposure vs. constant kilovoltage technique are formulated. (author)

  12. Huffman-based code compression techniques for embedded processors

    KAUST Repository

    Bonny, Mohamed Talal


    The size of embedded software is increasing at a rapid pace. It is often challenging and time consuming to fit an amount of required software functionality within a given hardware resource budget. Code compression is a means to alleviate the problem by providing substantial savings in terms of code size. In this article we introduce a novel and efficient hardware-supported compression technique that is based on Huffman Coding. Our technique reduces the size of the generated decoding table, which takes a large portion of the memory. It combines our previous techniques, Instruction Splitting Technique and Instruction Re-encoding Technique into new one called Combined Compression Technique to improve the final compression ratio by taking advantage of both previous techniques. The instruction Splitting Technique is instruction set architecture (ISA)-independent. It splits the instructions into portions of varying size (called patterns) before Huffman coding is applied. This technique improves the final compression ratio by more than 20% compared to other known schemes based on Huffman Coding. The average compression ratios achieved using this technique are 48% and 50% for ARM and MIPS, respectively. The Instruction Re-encoding Technique is ISA-dependent. It investigates the benefits of reencoding unused bits (we call them reencodable bits) in the instruction format for a specific application to improve the compression ratio. Reencoding those bits can reduce the size of decoding tables by up to 40%. Using this technique, we improve the final compression ratios in comparison to the first technique to 46% and 45% for ARM and MIPS, respectively (including all overhead that incurs). The Combined Compression Technique improves the compression ratio to 45% and 42% for ARM and MIPS, respectively. In our compression technique, we have conducted evaluations using a representative set of applications and we have applied each technique to two major embedded processor architectures

  13. Neutron techniques in Safeguards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zucker, M.S.


    An essential part of Safeguards is the ability to quantitatively and nondestructively assay those materials with special neutron-interactive properties involved in nuclear industrial or military technology. Neutron techniques have furnished most of the important ways of assaying such materials, which is no surprise since the neutronic properties are what characterizes them. The techniques employed rely on a wide selection of the many methods of neutron generation, detection, and data analysis that have been developed for neutron physics and nuclear science in general

  14. Radiographic constant exposure technique

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Domanus, Joseph Czeslaw


    The constant exposure technique has been applied to assess various industrial radiographic systems. Different X-ray films and radiographic papers of two producers were compared. Special attention was given to fast film and paper used with fluorometallic screens. Radiographic image quality...... was tested by the use of ISO wire IQI's and ASTM penetrameters used on Al and Fe test plates. Relative speed and reduction of kilovoltage obtained with the constant exposure technique were calculated. The advantages of fast radiographic systems are pointed out...

  15. Arthroscopic Latarjet Techniques: Graft and Fixation Positioning Assessed With 2-Dimensional Computed Tomography Is Not Equivalent With Standard Open Technique. (United States)

    Neyton, Lionel; Barth, Johannes; Nourissat, Geoffroy; Métais, Pierre; Boileau, Pascal; Walch, Gilles; Lafosse, Laurent


    To analyze graft and fixation (screw and EndoButton) positioning after the arthroscopic Latarjet technique with 2-dimensional computed tomography (CT) and to compare it with the open technique. We performed a retrospective multicenter study (March 2013 to June 2014). The inclusion criteria included patients with recurrent anterior instability treated with the Latarjet procedure. The exclusion criterion was the absence of a postoperative CT scan. The positions of the hardware, the positions of the grafts in the axial and sagittal planes, and the dispersion of values (variability) were compared. The study included 208 patients (79 treated with open technique, 87 treated with arthroscopic Latarjet technique with screw fixation [arthro-screw], and 42 treated with arthroscopic Latarjet technique with EndoButton fixation [arthro-EndoButton]). The angulation of the screws was different in the open group versus the arthro-screw group (superior, 10.3° ± 0.7° vs 16.9° ± 1.0° [P open inferior screws (P = .003). In the axial plane (level of equator), the arthroscopic techniques resulted in lateral positions (arthro-screw, 1.5 ± 0.3 mm lateral [P open technique (0.9 ± 0.2 mm medial). At the level of 25% of the glenoid height, the arthroscopic techniques resulted in lateral positions (arthro-screw, 0.3 ± 0.3 mm lateral [P open technique (1.0 ± 0.2 mm medial). Higher variability was observed in the arthro-screw group. In the sagittal plane, the arthro-screw technique resulted in higher positions (55% ± 3% of graft below equator) and the arthro-EndoButton technique resulted in lower positions (82% ± 3%, P open technique (71% ± 2%). Variability was not different. This study shows that the position of the fixation devices and position of the bone graft with the arthroscopic techniques are statistically significantly different from those with the open technique with 2-dimensional CT assessment. In the sagittal plane, the arthro-screw technique provides the highest

  16. A comparative In vivo efficacy of three spiral techniques versus incremental technique in obturating primary teeth

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shalini Chandrasekhar


    Full Text Available Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of four different obturating techniques in filling the radicular space in primary teeth. Materials and Methods: This clinical trial was carried out on 34 healthy, cooperative children (5–9 years who had 63 carious primary teeth indicated for pulpectomy. They were divided into four groups, such that in each group, a total of 40 canals were allotted for obturation with respective technique. The root canals of selected primary teeth were filled with Endoflas obturating material using either bi-directional spiral (Group 1; incremental technique (Group 2, past inject (Group 3 or lentulo spiral (Group 4 according to the groups assigned. The effectiveness of the obturation techniques was assessed using postoperative radiographs. The assessment was made for a depth of fill in the canal, the presence of any voids using Modified Coll and Sadrian criteria. The obtained data were analyzed by using ANOVA test and unpaired t-test. Results: Bi-directional spiral and lentulo spiral were superior to other techniques in providing optimally filled canals (P< 0.05. The bi-directional spiral was superior to lentulo spiral in preventing overfill (P< 0.05. Conclusion: Based on the present study results, bi-directional spiral can be recommended as an alternate obturating technique in primary teeth.

  17. Materials characterization techniques

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Zhang, Sam; Li, L; Kumar, Ashok


    ... techniques for quality assurance, contamination control, and process improvement. The book reviews the most popular and powerful analysis and quality control tools, explaining the appropriate uses and related technical requirements...

  18. Vibration transducer calibration techniques (United States)

    Brinkley, D. J.


    Techniques for the calibration of vibration transducers used in the Aeronautical Quality Assurance Directorate of the British Ministry of Defence are presented. Following a review of the types of measurements necessary in the calibration of vibration transducers, the performance requirements of vibration transducers, which can be used to measure acceleration, velocity or vibration amplitude, are discussed, with particular attention given to the piezoelectric accelerometer. Techniques for the accurate measurement of sinusoidal vibration amplitude in reference-grade transducers are then considered, including the use of a position sensitive photocell and the use of a Michelson laser interferometer. Means of comparing the output of working-grade accelerometers with that of previously calibrated reference-grade devices are then outlined, with attention given to a method employing a capacitance bridge technique and a method to be used at temperatures between -50 and 200 C. Automatic calibration procedures developed to speed up the calibration process are outlined, and future possible extensions of system software are indicated.

  19. Empirical techniques in finance

    CERN Document Server

    Bhar, Ramaprasad


    This book offers the opportunity to study and experience advanced empi- cal techniques in finance and in general financial economics. It is not only suitable for students with an interest in the field, it is also highly rec- mended for academic researchers as well as the researchers in the industry. The book focuses on the contemporary empirical techniques used in the analysis of financial markets and how these are implemented using actual market data. With an emphasis on Implementation, this book helps foc- ing on strategies for rigorously combing finance theory and modeling technology to extend extant considerations in the literature. The main aim of this book is to equip the readers with an array of tools and techniques that will allow them to explore financial market problems with a fresh perspective. In this sense it is not another volume in eco- metrics. Of course, the traditional econometric methods are still valid and important; the contents of this book will bring in other related modeling topics tha...

  20. Radiation techniques for acromegaly

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Minniti Giuseppe


    Full Text Available Abstract Radiotherapy (RT remains an effective treatment in patients with acromegaly refractory to medical and/or surgical interventions, with durable tumor control and biochemical remission; however, there are still concerns about delayed biochemical effect and potential late toxicity of radiation treatment, especially high rates of hypopituitarism. Stereotactic radiotherapy has been developed as a more accurate technique of irradiation with more precise tumour localization and consequently a reduction in the volume of normal tissue, particularly the brain, irradiated to high radiation doses. Radiation can be delivered in a single fraction by stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS or as fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT in which smaller doses are delivered over 5-6 weeks in 25-30 treatments. A review of the recent literature suggests that pituitary irradiation is an effective treatment for acromegaly. Stereotactic techniques for GH-secreting pituitary tumors are discussed with the aim to define the efficacy and potential adverse effects of each of these techniques.