
Sample records for em camundongos swiss

  1. Teratogenic effect of retinoic acid in swiss mice Efeito teratogênico do ácido retinóico em camundongo swiss

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    Paulo Roberto Veiga Quemelo


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To identify the types of malformations resulting from the administration of retinoic acid (RA to Swiss mice on different days of pregnancy. METHODS: Twenty-four pregnant Swiss mice were divided into 4 groups of 6 animals each. The experimental groups received a single intraperitoneal injection of RA (70 mg/kg on gestational days 7, 8 and 9 (D7, D8 and D9, while control animals (C received only saline solution. RESULTS: Were obtained: exencephaly (C:0; D7:16.1%; D8:25.4%; D9:0, myelomeningocele (C:0; D7:25.8%, D8:30.9%, D9:0, spina bifida occulta (C:0, D7:29%, D8:41.8%, D90, gastroschisis (C:0, D7:6.4% D8:5.4%, D9:0, omphalocele (C:0, D7:6.4%, D8:14.5%, D9:0, lower limb alterations (C:0, D7:74.1%, D8:80%, D9:0, imperforated anus (C:0, D7:100%, D8:100%, D9:100%, and tail agenesis/alteration (C: D7:100%, D8:100%, D9:100%. CONCLUSION: The experimental model using Swiss mice proved to be efficient in the induction of the different types of defects, with the eighth gestational day being the one that most favored the induction of neural tube defect, omphalocele, gastroschisis, lower limb defects, imperforated anus and tail agenesis/alteration. On this basis, this is a useful model for future investigation of neural development and of the formation of the appendicular skeleton.OBJETIVO: Identificar os tipos de malformação resultantes da administração do ácido retinóico (AR a camundongos Swiss em diferentes dias gestacionais. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 24 camundongos fêmeas, linhagem Swiss, prenhes, divididos em 4 grupos com 6 animais cada. Os grupos experimentais receberam uma única injeção intraperitoneal de AR (70mg/Kg nos dias gestacionais 7, 8 e 9 (D7, D8 e D9, enquanto que os animais do grupo controle (C receberam apenas solução salina. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados: exencefalia (C:0; D7:16.1%; D8:25.4%; D9:0; mielomeningocele (C:0; D7:25.8%; D8:30.9%; D9:0; Espina Bífida Oculta (C:0; D7:29%; D8:41.8%; D90; gastrosquise (C:0

  2. On the tissular parasitism of Trypanosoma cruzi y strain in swiss mice Sobre o parasitismo tecidual da cepa Y do Trypanosoma cruzi em camundongos albinos (Swiss-Webster

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    Maria Auxiliadora de Sousa


    Full Text Available A review of the tissular parasitism of Trypanosoma cruzi Y strain in Swiss mice was carried out. This strain parasitized preferentially smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscle fibers, with low transitory spleen and liver parasitism, as previously found by some Authors, although differing from other reports. These results can be related to the host genetical constitution and/or the degree of the strain virulence at the time of this study. Furthermore, we discuss that the high macrophagotropism reported for this strain in some instances could be an artificially induced condition resulting from its serial maintenance in mice, either for a longer time and/or by using young animals. The heavy parasitism and inflammation observed in the bladder, pancreas and spermatic duct of some inoculated mice, as well as the testis parasitization, were also noteworthy findings.Através deste trabalho fizemos uma revisão do parasitismo tecidual da cepa Y do Trypanosoma cruzi em camundongos albinos (Swiss-Webster. Esta cepa parasitou preferencialmente as fibras musculares lisas, esqueléticas e cardíacas, sendo baixo e transitório seu parasitismo do baço e fígado, conforme já observado por alguns Autores, embora diferindo de outros achados. Estes resultados podem estar relacionados com o padrão genético do hospedeiro e/ou com o grau de virulência da cepa por ocasião deste estudo. Além do mais, discutimos a possibilidade de que o intenso macrofagotropismo descrito para esta cepa em algumas ocasiões possa ser uma condição artificialmente induzida através de sua manutenção seriada em camundongos por tempo prolongado e/ou pelo uso de animais jovens. Também são dignos de nota, o intenso parasitismo e inflamação da bexiga, pâncreas e canal espermático de alguns animais inoculados, assim como, o encontro de ninhos de amastigotas no testículo.

  3. Relação entre a patogenicidade do Schistosoma mansoni em camundongos e a susceptibilidade do molusco vetor: III. Mortalidade, pesos corporal e das vísceras

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    Zanotti-Magalhães Eliana Maria


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a relação entre o desenvolvimento da hepatomegalia, da esplenomegalia, peso corporal e taxa de mortalidade em camundongos experimentalmente infectados por Schistosoma mansoni com o grau de susceptibilidade de Biomphalaria glahrata e B. tenagophila nas quais se desenvolveram as cercárias infectantes respectivamente, das linhagens BH e SJ. Foram utilizados como hospedeiro definitivo camundongos Swiss, SPF e como hospedeiros intermediários populações de moluscos selecionados geneticamente para o caráter susceptibilidade. Foram observados menores pesos corporais e das visceras em camundongos infectados com cercárias provenientes de moluscos que apresentaram elevado grau de susceptibilidade. A maior susceptibilidade dos moluscos à infecção pelo S. mansoni correspondeu a uma menor sobrevivência dos camundongos infectados. Os resultados fazem crer que a maior adaptação do parasita ao hospedeiro intermediário, traduzidos pelas taxas mais elevadas de susceptibilidade, pode levar a um comportamento diferente deste parasita no hospedeiro definitivo.

  4. Surto de varíola murina em camundongos suíços em biotério: Relato de caso An outbreak of mousepox in swiss mice in a laboratory animal facility: Case report

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    S. Diniz


    Full Text Available Duzentos camundongos suíços foram alojados em um biotério com instalações e condições de manejo adequadas para uma criação de animais convencionais sadios. Após 14 dias de alojamento, dois animais tiveram morte súbita, e em 74 animais (37% foram observados sintomas clínicos como edema da face e das patas. Uma semana após foram observadas lesões generalizadas na pele ou somente no dorso, na face, no focinho e nas patas, nódulos na cauda, e em cinco animais conjuntivite. A necropsia de 10 camundongos indicou alterações como hepatomegalia, esplenomegalia e hiperplasia dos gânglios. Amostras do fígado, baço e de lesões da cauda foram inoculadas em membrana corioalantóide (MCA de ovos embrionados de galinha. Após 72 horas foram detectadas lesões necróticas típicas denominadas "pocks". As MCAs foram maceradas e inoculadas em culturas de células Vero e detectado efeito citopático após 72 horas. O diagnóstico da varíola murina foi baseado nos sinais clínicos, lesões, cultivo e na identificação do vírus.Two hundred Swiss mice were housed following the requirements to produce healthy laboratory animals. After 14 days two mice had an acute lethal infection and one week later 74 animals (37% presented multiple skin lesions some of them associated with conjunctivitis. Necropsy of 10 mice with clinical signs (swelling of feet and facial area revealed alterations in the spleen, liver and lymphonodes. Samples of hepatic and splenic tissues and of tail lesions were inoculated on chorioallantoic membrane (MCA of embrionated chicken eggs and pocks lesions were detected. The MCAs were grinded and inoculated in Vero cell cultures and the cytophatic effect was detected after 72 hours. Diagnosis of mousepox was based on clinical signs, lesions and virus isolation and identification.

  5. Infecção experimental pelo Trypanosoma cruzi em camundongos: influência do exercício físico versus linhagens e sexos

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    Roberta Cristhiany Occhi Soares


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A doença de Chagas é uma infecção causada pelo Trypanosoma cruzi que afeta oito milhões de pessoas na América Latina. Um fator ligado ao estilo de vida que interfere significativamente na resposta à infecção é o exercício físico, dependendo do tipo, intensidade e frequência da atividade praticada. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência do exercício físico aeróbio moderado crônico pré-infecção na evolução da infecção experimental pelo T. cruzi em camundongos de duas linhagens distintas pertencentes aos dois sexos. MÉTODOS: Camundongos Swiss e BALB/c (machos e fêmeas com 30 dias de idade foram divididos em quatro grupos para cada linhagem e sexo (total de 16 e nomeados como segue: SM (Swiss machos, SF (Swiss fêmeas, BM (BALB/c machos e BF (BALB/c fêmeas. Os grupos foram: NT+NI (não treinado+não infectado, T+NI (treinado+não infectado, NT+I (não treinado+infectado e T+I (treinado+infectado. O programa de exercício físico aeróbio moderado crônico pré-infecção foi realizado durante oito semanas, com uma sessão diária de treinamento, cinco vezes na semana. O inóculo foi de 1.400 tripomastígotas sanguíneos da cepa Y do T. cruzi, via intraperitoneal. Foi avaliado o pico de parasitos, parasitemia total média e as medidas das atividades séricas de CK e CK-MB. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: O treinamento físico promoveu nas duas linhagens e em ambos os sexos redução no pico de parasitos e na parasitemia total média em animais infectados pelo T. cruzi. O treinamento físico promoveu redução nas atividades séricas de CK e CK-MB em animais infectados pelo T. cruzi, de ambos os sexos, das duas linhagens, exceto para fêmeas Swiss na atividade de CK e CK-MB.

  6. Avaliação da mutagenicidade e antimutagenicidade de um biopolímero extraído do microorganismo Agrobacterium radiobacter em camundongos Swiss

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    Milka Selestina Primo

    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa avaliou a ação mutagênica e antimutagênica de um biopolímero de glucose extraído da Agrobacterium radiobacter (Biopolímero de Agrobacterium radiobacter. O experimento foi realizado com camundongos Swiss machos divididos em oito grupos. O tratamento com o biopolímero foi realizado por gavage em dose única concomitante a uma dose de solução tampão fosfato nos grupos de avaliação da mutagenicidade, ou ao agente indutor de danos no DNA, ciclofosfamida, na concentração de 50 mg/kg (peso corpóreo - p.c., nos grupos de avaliação da antimutagenicidade. Utilizou-se o teste de micronúcleo em sangue periférico e a coleta de sangue foi realizada 24 e 48 h após a aplicação das substâncias-teste. A análise estatística demonstrou que o biopolímero não possui atividade mutagênica e que é efetivo em prevenir danos no DNA. As porcentagens de redução de danos nos grupos de antimutagenicidade foram de 83,9%, 89,1% e 103,1% em 24 h e 101,24%, 98,14% e 120,64% em 48 h para as doses de 75, 150 e 300mg/kg (p.c., respectivamente. A alta porcentagem de redução de danos associada à ausência de efeitos mutagênicos indica, além da atividade quimioprotetora, a possibilidade do biopolímero ser um alimento funcional candidato à utilização como co-adjuvante na quimioterapia para prevenir efeitos colaterais.

  7. Susceptibility and morbidity between male and female Swiss mice infected with Angiostrongylus costaricensis: Susceptibilidade e morbidade entre camundongos Swiss machos e fêmeas infectados com Angiostrongylus costaricensis

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    Márcia B. Mentz


    Full Text Available The gender of vertebrate hosts may affect the outcome of parasitic infections. An experimental murine infection with Angiostrongylus costaricensis was followed with determinations of body weight, fecal larval elimination, number and length of adult worms, number of macroscopic intestinal lesions, and mortality. Groups of male and female Swiss mice were infected with 10 3rd-stage A. costaricensis larvae per animal. The results indicate there are no significant differences related to gender of the host, except for higher length of worms developed in male mice.O sexo dos hospedeiros vertebrados pode influenciar no resultado de infecções parasitárias. A infecção experimental de camundongos com Angiostrongylus costaricensis foi acompanhada com observação do peso corporal, eliminação de larvas nas fezes, número e comprimento dos vermes adultos, número de lesões macroscópicas nos intestinos e mortalidade. Grupos de camundongos Swiss machos e fêmeas foram infectados cada um com 10 larvas de terceiro estágio de A. costaricensis. Os resultados indicam que não há diferenças significativas relacionados ao sexo dos hospedeiros, exceto pelo maior comprimento dos vermes nos hospedeiros machos.

  8. Effect of clarithromycin on the cell profile of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in mice with neutrophil-predominant lung disease Efeito da claritromicina na celularidade do lavado broncoalveolar em camundongos com doença pulmonar neutrofílica induzida

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    Leonardo Araújo Pinto


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Macrolide antibiotics have anti-inflammatory properties in lung diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of clarithromycin in pulmonary cellular inflammatory response in mice. METHOD: Eight adult Swiss mice were studied. All animals received an intranasal challenge (80 µL with dead Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1.0 x 10(12 CFU/mL. Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed 2 days later, with total cell count and differential cell analysis. The study group (n = 4 received clarithromycin treatment (50 mg/kg/day, intraperitoneal for 5 days. Treatment was initiated 2 days before intranasal challenge. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in total cell count between the groups (mean: 2.0 x 10(6 and 1.3 x 10(6, respectively. In both groups, there was a predominance of neutrophils. However, the study group had a higher percentage of lymphocytes in the bronchoalveolar lavage than the control group (median of 19% vs 2.5%, P = .029. CONCLUSION: Clarithromycin alters the cytological pattern of bronchoalveolar lavage of Swiss mice with neutrophil pulmonary inflammation, significantly increasing the percentage of lymphocytes.OBJETIVO: Os antibióticos macrolídeos podem apresentar um efeito antiinflamatório em doenças pulmonares. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar o efeito da claritromicina na resposta inflamatória celular pulmonar em camundongos Swiss. MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 8 camundongos Swiss adultos (6-8 semanas. Todos os animais receberam um desafio intranasal (80 µL com Pseudomonas aeruginosa mortas (1 x 10(12 UFC/mL. Dois dias após o desafio, foi realizado lavado broncoalveolar (LBA com contagem total de células (CTC e exame citológico diferencial. O grupo em estudo (n=4 recebeu tratamento com claritromicina (50mg/kg/dia, intraperitoneal por 5 dias, sendo iniciado o tratamento 2 dias antes do desafio intranasal. O grupo controle (n=4 não recebeu tratamento com claritromicina. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferen


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    Antonio Sergio Varela Junior


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of three disaccharides (sucrose, threalose and lactose used as nonpenetrating cryoprotectants in extender for mice semen. The parameters evaluated were sperm motility (MOT and cleavage rate (CLV after in vitro fertilization in the SWISS-ALBINA and BALB/c lines. The treatments were S1=sucrose; S2=threalose; S3=lactose, for SWISS-ALBINA; and B1=lactose; B2=threalose for BALB/c.  MOT was evaluated after: thawing (THA, centrifugation and re-suspension in P-1 medium (CEN and after 10 minutes of incubation (10M. The MOT for the SWISS-ALBINA line was higher for S2 (P<0.001 in the 3 evaluated steps (47% at DES; 66.5% at CEN and 67.2% at 10M than for S1 (32.5% at DES; 51.5% at CEN and 47.7% at 10M and S3 (30% at DES, 46.5% at CEN and 32.7% at 10M. For the BALB/c line, MOT was superior for B2 than for B1 (P<0.001. Thus, the tested disaccharides, especially threalose, can be recommended for freezing of mice sperm.

    KEY WORDS: Cryopreservation, disaccharides, mice, semen. 

    O trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos dos dissacarídeos sacarose, trealose e lactose, como crioprotetores impermeáveis à membrana plasmática em diluentes para criopreservação de sêmen de camundongos. Para avaliação do sêmen utilizaram-se os seguintes parâmetros: motilidade progressiva (MOT das células espermáticas, e a taxa de clivagem embrionária (TXCL obtida por meio de fertilização in vitro, nas linhagens SWISS-ALBINA e BALB/c. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: S1=sacarose; S2=trealose; S3=lactose, para SWISS-ALBINA e B1=lactose; B2=trealose para BALB/c. Avaliou-se a MOT durante as seguintes etapas: descongelação (DES, centrifugação e ressuspensão no meio P-1 (CEN e após dez minutos de incubação (10M. A MOT no S2 para a linhagem SWISS-ALBINA nas três etapas (47% no DES; 66,5% na CEN e 67,2% no 10M foi superior (P<0,001 a S1 (32,5% no DES; 51,5% no

  10. Mielencefalite espontânea dos camundongos

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    Hermínio Linhares


    ástrica deu sempre resultados negativos. Camundongos muito jovens são mais suscetíveis do que os adultos. 9 — O vírus foi sempre isolado ate 90 dias pos-inoculação, do cérebro e da medula de camundongos com paralisia. Animais inoculados por via i.c., que permaneceram aparentemente normais, albergam o vírus no cérebro pelo menos durante 30 dias. 10 — Não foi possível isolar vírus do fígado, pulmão, bago, rim e sangue de camundongos infetados por via intracerebral. 11 — Camundongos que foram inoculados por via i.c. e não apresentaram sintomas de infecção, mostraram-se em geral imunes a uma posterior inoculação de vírus. Os soros de animais convalescentes apresentam anticorpos neutralizantes verificados por provas de proteção. 12 — A inoculação intracerebral do vírus em macaco, coelho, cobaia e rato, todos jovens, não produziu infecção. 13 — As lesões encontradas foram de poliomielencefalite aguda, com atrofia do corno anterior da medula. Ao nível da substancia cinzenta medular e cerebral encontram-se abundantes focos inflamatórios, com predominância de mononucleares, bem como em torno de numerosos vasos. Em certos pontos do cérebro, sobretudo no rinencéfalo, foram vistos focos extensos de encefalite hemorrágica. É evidente que em torno do foco e participando das infiltrações celulares, muitos elementos microgliais puderam ser reconhecidos. As meninges, especialmente a pia-máter, mostraram-se levemente alteradas e assim mesmo em focos esparsos.1 — Two strains of virus which produce myeloencephalitis were isolated from two white swiss mice, from breeding, spontaneously infected, among 7000 mice examined; another strain was obtained by trituration and filtration of the intestines of normal mice. 2 — There were made separately ten serial passages in young and adult mice by intracerebral route. By crossed immunological test it was verified that the three strains were identical, and so only one was continued. 3 — The infective

  11. Seqüência dos estudos sobre a produção experimental de megassíndromes em camundongos

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    Vania A. Soares


    Full Text Available A capacidade de produção de megassíndrome de três cepas de Trypanosoma cruzi de diferentes origens foram examinadas usando-se técnicas previamente descritas. Uma correlação significante foi encontrada entre volume e peso do estômago através de autópsia e a área correspondente a silhueta de bário do órgão. Todas as três cepas causam dilatação significante da área do estômago, após prolongada infecção em camundongos quando comparados com o grupo controle não infectado. Todavia, o modelo de comportamento da cepa (MEGA, previamente estudada, pode ter sido alterada pela reciclagem em camundongos nos laboratórios.

  12. Infecção experimental pelo Encephalitozoon cuniculi em camundongos imunossuprimidos com dexametasona

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    Lallo Maria Anete


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O microsporídio Encephalitozoon cuniculi tem sido reconhecido como um patógeno oportunista em indivíduos imunossuprimidos, tais como pacientes com Aids. O objetivo do trabalho foi desenvolver animais farmacologicamente imunossuprimidos como modelo da infecção natural pelo E. cuniculi. MÉTODOS: Foram usados grupos distintos de camundongos Balb-C adultos, imunossuprimidos com diferentes doses de dexametasona (Dx, 3 ou 5 mg/kg/dia por via intraperitoneal fraction three-quarters IP e inoculados com esporos de E. cuniculi por via IP. Também foram usados grupos controle (animais inoculados, mas nãoimunossuprimidos, e animais imunossuprimidos, mas não inoculados. Os esporos de E. cuniculi foram previamente cultivados em células MDCK. Os animais foram sacrificados e submetidos à necropsia aos 7, 14, 21, 28 e 35 dias pós-inoculação. Fragmentos teciduais foram coletados e processados para análise por microscopia de luz, utilizando-se as técnicas de coloração de Gram -chromotrope e de hematoxilina-eosina. RESULTADOS: Em todos os animais imunossuprimidos e inoculados, porém especialmente naqueles que receberam 5 mg/kg/dia de Dx, os achados de necropsia mais proeminentes foram hepato e esplenomegalia. A inoculação experimental resultou em uma infecção disseminada e não-letal, caracterizada por lesões granulomatosas em diversos órgãos (fígado, pulmões, rins, intestino, encéfalo, porém mais notadamente no tecido hepático. Esporos de E. cuniculi foram observados em poucos animais tratados com 5 mg/kg/dia de Dx aos 35 dias pós-infecção. CONCLUSÕES: Microsporidiose em camundongos imunossuprimidos com Dx fornece um modelo útil para estudos da infecção por microsporídios, assemelhando-se àquela naturalmente observada em indivíduos imunodeficientes com Aids.

  13. Investigação de lipofuscina em miócitos cardíacos de camundongos após tratamento com oxamniquine

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    Maria Luiza Silveira Mello


    Full Text Available A fluorescencia natural devida à presença de corpos de lipofuscina foi pesquisada em miócitos cardíacos de camundongos adultos jovens tratados com oxamniquine. O objetivo foi buscar uma evidência de indução de envelhecimento celular precoce, com base em dados prévios de acentuação poliploidia, promovida pela droga. Comparando o miocárdio dos camundongos tratados com animais contrôle jovens e velhos, não foi observada a presença de lipofuscina nos seus miócitos. Isto possivelmente se deva a um não comprometimento da eficiência das lipases lisossomiais apesar da acentuação do fenômeno de poliploidização induzida pela droga.

  14. Efeito do congelamento sobre a imunogenicidade da vacina contra a raiva produzida em tecido cerebral de camundongo

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    Albas Avelino


    Full Text Available A resposta imune humoral induzida pela vacina contra a raiva produzida em cérebros de camundongos recém-nascidos foi estudada em 23 cães e o teste de soroneutralização em camundongos foi usado para avaliação dos níveis de anticorpos rábicos. Um grupo com 10 animais recebeu vacina conservada de 2 a 8°C e apresentou os seguintes resultados: após 30 dias da vacinação 6 (60% amostras responderam ao teste; após 180 dias 4 (40% e após 360 dias apenas 1 (10%. O outro grupo com 13 cães recebeu vacina previamente congelada e somente 2 (15,4% amostras no dia 30 apresentaram resposta satisfatória; os demais períodos (180 e 360 após a vacinação, não foi encontrado título. A análise estatística dos dados referentes a cada uma das variáveis consideradas no estudo foi efetuada segundo a técnica de análise de variância seguida por Tuckey e indicaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos.

  15. Efeito de Momordica charantia I. Em camundongos infectados por Plasmodium berghei

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    Helene Mariko Ueno


    Full Text Available A Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS citou a malãria como um dos principais problemas de saúde no Brasil e no terceiro mundo, onde 80% da população recorre à medicina tradicional (popular para sanar vários problemas de assistência médica primária. No que se refere à malária, seu tratamento e controle têm sido dificultados devido às cepas resistentes às drogas comumente utilizadas. Isso torna urgente a busca de novas drogas antimaláncas. Sabe-se que a população utiliza-se de diferentes plantas para o tratamento e cura de vários males, inclusive a malãria. Neste trabalho nos propusemos reavaliar o efeito de Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae sobre camundongos infectados por Plasmodium berghei. A planta foi testada sob a forma de extratos aquoso e etanólico, na dose de lOOOmg por kg cle peso coipóreo do camundongo, ministrado por via oral, por cinco dias consecutivos da infecção (2º ao 6º. O efeito foi avaliado em função da parasitemia e da sobrevida dos animais. Embora a população indique e utilize essa planta na malária humana, nos ensaios deste trabalho, nas condições do experimento, os extratos de M. charantia não apresentaram atividade satisfatória contra o P. berghei.

  16. O etanercepte induz QRS de baixa tensão e disfunção autonômica em camundongos com doença de Chagas experimental

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    Héctor Rodríguez-Angulo


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A doença de Chagas é uma doença parasitária tropical causada pelo protozoário flagelado Trypanosoma cruzi. A cardiomiopatia chagásica é caracterizada por distúrbios na regulação autonômica e na condução do potencial de ação nas fases aguda e crônica da infecção. Embora o fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-α tenha sido associadoà cardiomiopatia em modelos experimentais e em pacientes com doença de Chagas, outros relatos sugerem que o TNF-α pode exercer ações antiparasitárias durante a fase aguda da infecção. OBJETIVOS: Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar os efeitos de um blocker TNF-α solúvel, o etanercepte, em parâmetros eletrocardiográficos na fase aguda da infecção experimental com Trypanosoma cruzi. MÉTODOS: Foram feitos eletrocardiogramas em camundongos infectados não tratados e camundongos infectados que foram tratados com etanercepte 7 dias após a infecção. Os parâmetros de variabilidade onda do eletrocardiograma e frequência cardíaca foram determinados utilizando o Chart para Windows. RESULTADOS: O tratamento com etanercepte resultou em uma baixa tensão do complexo QRS e uma redução da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca em comparação com a ausência de tratamento. No entanto, os camundongos tratados apresentaram um atraso na queda da curva de sobrevivência durante a fase aguda. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que, embora o tratamento com etanercepte promova a sobrevivência em camundongos infectados com uma linhagem virulenta de T. cruzi, o bloqueio do TNF-α gera um complexo de baixa tensão e disfunção autonômica durante a fase aguda da infecção. Esses resultados indicam que a mortalidade durante a fase aguda pode ser atribuída a uma resposta inflamatória sistêmica, em vez da disfunção cardíaca.

  17. Estudo comparativo do ciclo evolutivo de Rhodnius neglectus alimentados em pombos ou camundongos

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    Liléia Diotaiuti


    Full Text Available Baseados no encontro de 77,2% de reação de precipitina positiva para soro antiave de R. neglectus capturados em palmeiras da periferia de Belo Horizonte, estudamos o ciclo evolutivo de uma colonia recém-estabelecida no laboratório alimentada com sangue de pombo ou camundongo, na expectativa de demonstrarmos maior adaptação deste triatomíneo ao sangue da ave. Para comparação, estudamos o ciclo evolutivo destes insetos numa colônia há muito mantida em insetário. Nossos resultados mostram um desenvolvimento mais rápido da colônia recém- estabelecida, assim como do lote de triatomíneos alimentado em camundongo. Esses achados sugerem menor potencial biológico para triatomíneos criados por longo tempo em insetário em comparação a novas colônias. Sendo as aves os principais habitantes das palmeiras, a aparente preferência alimentar por sangue de aves demonstrada pela reação de precipitina parece ser circunstancial e não seletiva na busca do sangue com o qual o triatomíneo obteria melhor desenvolvimento.Feeding pattems of R. neglectus collected in palm trees around Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brazil were investigated. Precipitin tests showed 77.2% of avian blood. In view of these results, a new colony of R. neglectus established in the laboratory was fed regularly on pigeons or mice, in order to verify a possible better adaptation of this insect to the avian blood. As a control group a colony of R neglectus which has been maintained for several years in the laboratory was also observed. The results show a better development of the “new" colony in comparison with the old one, and of those bugs nourished with mice blood. Such findings suggest a poorer biological potential for triatomines maintained for long time in artificial conditions, in comparison with those living in the natural environment. As birds are the main vertebrate inhabitants of palm trees (the natural ecotope of R neglectus, the apparent feeding preference of

  18. Oogram studies in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni and treated with dexamethasone Oograma em camundongos infectados com Schistosoma mansoni e tratados com dexametasona

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    Marco Victor Hermeto


    Full Text Available Mice infected with about 90 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni (LE strain were treated during five consecutive days with dexamethasone (50 mg/Kg, subcutaneously, starting on the 42th day of infection. Groups of five mice were then daily sacrificed from the first day after onset of treatment until the first day after. The perfusion of the portal system was performed and a piece of the intestine was processed for qualitative and quantitative oograms. This treatment carries to larger numbers of eggs in the tissues of treated mice, when compared with untreated groups. No changes were observed in the kinetics of oviposition, as all stages of viable eggs were observed in the tissues of treated and control mice. These data reinforce the hypothesis of a partial blockade of the egg excretion in immunossupressed mice.Camundongos infectados com cerca de 90 cercárias da cepa LE de Schistosoma mansoni foram tratados durante 5 dias consecutivos com dexametasona (50mg/ Kg, subcutaneamente a partir do 42º dia de infecção. Grupos de cinco camundongos foram sacrificados diariamente após o primeiro dia do início do tratamento até o primeiro dia após o término. A perfusão do sistema porta foi feita e fragmentos do intestino foram processados para a realização de oogramas qualitativos e quantitativos. O tratamento leva a um maior número de ovos nos tecidos dos camundongos tratados, se comparado com os grupos não tratados. Nenhuma mudança foi observada na cinética de oviposição, e ovos viáveis em todos os estádios evolutivos foram observados nos tecidos de camundongos tratados e controles. Estes dados reforçam a hipótese de um bloqueio parcial na saída de ovos dos tecidos do intestino para o lúmem intestinal em camundongos imunossuprimidos.

  19. A resposta oxidativa em corações de camundongos é modulada por background genético The oxidative response of mouse hearts is modulated by genetic background

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    Marco Aurélio Santos-Silva


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: o tabagismo apresenta importante papel sobre as doenças cardiovasculares, entretanto permanecem pouco compreendidos os motivos pelos quais alguns seres humanos as desenvolvem e outros não. OBJETIVO: nosso objetivo foi analisar o perfil redox do coração de diferentes linhagens de camundongos após exposição à fumaça de cigarro. MÉTODOS: camundongos machos suíços (n = 10, C3H (n = 10, BALB/c (n = 10 e C57BL/6 (n = 10 foram expostos à fumaça de cigarro (12 cigarros/dia, enquanto os respectivos controles (n = 10 ao ar ambiente por 60 dias. Após sacrifício, o coração foi retirado para análises bioquímicas. RESULTADOS: embora o conteúdo de malondialdeído não tenha aumentado em nenhum grupo, a atividade da catalase diminuiu no grupo suíço (p BACKGROUND: Smoking plays an important role in cardiovascular diseases. However, the reasons why some individuals develop those diseases and others do not remain to be explained. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed at assessing the redox profile of the heart of different mouse strains after exposure to cigarette smoke. METHODS: Male mice of the Swiss (n = 10, C3H (n = 10, BALB/c (n = 10 and C57BL/6 (n = 10 strains were exposed to cigarette smoke (12 cigarettes/day, while their respective controls (n = 10 were exposed to ambient air for 60 days. After being euthanized, their heart was removed for biochemical analyses. RESULTS: Although the malondialdehyde content did not increase in any of the groups, catalase activity decreased in the Swiss (p < 0.05 and BALB/c (p < 0.05 strain mice as compared with their respective control groups, while myeloperoxidase decreased in the C3H (p < 0.05 and C57BL/6 (p < 0.001 strain mice as compared with their respective control groups. The reduced glutathione content decreased in the Swiss, C3H, C57BL/6 (p < 0.05 and BALB/c (p < 0,001 strain mice as compared with their respective control groups. Regarding reduced glutathione content, an increase was

  20. Evaluation of oxidative stress in mice subjected to aerobic exercise Avaliação do estresse oxidativo em camundongos submetidos ao exercício físico aeróbico

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    Mônica Cruvinel de Lima


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of aerobic exercise on oxidative stress in mice. METHODS: The study included twenty female mice Mus musculus-Swiss divided into two groups: sedentary control (GA and exercise (GB, each containing ten animals. All animals underwent an adaptation period of seven days isolated in individual boxes. After this period, the animals in the exercise group (GB were trained in angled running wheel with circumference of 25 cm assembled on an articulated axle during five minutes for three consecutive days. On the fourth day, they underwent an exercise program of one session lasting 45 minutes. The evaluation of oxidative stress was performed by determining the levels of malondialhyde derived of lipid peroxidation by the TBA method. The samples were read in a spectrophotometer at 535 nm. RESULTS: No significant difference was observed in the intergroup comparison of MDA levels in the tissues evaluated. A significant difference was observed in the intragroup comparison of MDA levels in the control group (p = 0.0201.The Tukeys' post hoc test indicated significantly lower values of MDA in the smooth muscle in relation to plasma. In the analysis of variance in the exercise group, a significant difference between tissues (p = 0.0009, with significantly lower values in the smooth muscle in relation to plasma (pOBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência do exercício físico aeróbico sobre o estresse oxidativo em camundongos. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 20 camundongos (Swiss, distribuídos em dois grupos: controle-sedentário (GA e exercício (GB cada um contendo dez animais. Todos os animais passaram por um período de adaptação de sete dias. Após os animais do grupo (GB receberam treinamento em roda giratória angulada montada sobre eixo articulado por cinco minutos durante três dias consecutivos. No quarto dia foram submetidos à única sessão de exercício por 45 minutos. A avaliação do estresse oxidativo foi realizada por

  1. Alterações da junção neuromuscular em miopatias experimentais no camundongo

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    Luiz Fernando Bleggi Torres


    Full Text Available As alterações morfológicas observadas em junção neuromuscular de dois modelos de miopatia em camundongos são estudadas por métodos histoquímicos para demonstrar atividade da enzima acetilcolinesterase e por microscopia eletrônica. Em ambas as situações os resultados obtidos são similares, indicando que a junção neuromuscular permanece intacta mesmo quando a fibra que inerva está sofrendo necrose. Em fibras musculares regeneradas há acentuada simplificação das pregas pós-sinápticas, com redução de até 50% dos valores normais, comprovado por estudos morfométricos. A ausência de repercussões fisiológicas ou clínicas detectáveis nesses modelos, apesar da significativa hipotrofia da membrana pós-sináptica, sugere que a exuberante quantidade de pregas pós-sinápticas normalmente encontradas nas junções mioneürais pode representar mecanismo anatômico de segurança na transmissão química neuromuscular.

  2. Persistence of specific antibody response in different experimental infections of mice with Toxocara canis larvae Persistência da resposta humoral em camundongos experimentalmente infectados com larvas de Toxocara canis

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    Pedro Paulo Chieffi


    Full Text Available Anti-Toxocara antibody production and persistence were studied in experimental infections of BALB/c mice, according to three different schedules: Group I (GI - 25 mice infected with 200 T. canis eggs in a single dose; Group II (GII 25 mice infected with 150 T. canis eggs given in three occasions, 50 in the 1st, 50 in the 5th and 50 in the 8th days; Group III (GIII - 25 mice also infected with 150 T. canis eggs, in three 50 eggs portions given in the 1st, 14th and 28th days. A 15 mice control group (GIV was maintained without infection. In the 30th, 50th, 60th, 75th, 105th and 180th post-infection days three mice of the GI, GII and GIII groups and two mice of the control group had been sacrificed and exsanguinated for sera obtention. In the 360th day the remainder mice of the four groups were, in the same way, killed and processed. The obtained sera were searched for the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies by an ELISA technique, using T. canis larvae excretion-secretion antigen. In the GI and GII, but not in the GIII, anti-Toxocara antibodies had been found, at least, up to the 180th post-infection day. The GIII only showed anti-Toxocara antibodies, at significant level, in the 30th post-infection day.Estudou-se a cinética de anticorpos anti-Toxocara em camundongos BALB/c infectados experimentalmente segundo três esquemas: Grupo I (GI: 25 camundongos infectados com dose única de 200 ovos embrionados de T. canis; grupo II (GII: 25 camundongos infectados com 150 ovos embrionados de T. canis, divididos em três doses de 50 ovos, administrados no 1º, 5º e 8º dias; Grupo III (GIII: 25 camundongos infectados com 150 ovos embrionados de T. canis, administrados em três doses de 50 ovos no 1º, 14º e 28º dias. Um grupo de 15 camundongos foi mantido nas mesmas condições, porém sem infecção, constituindo o grupo controle (GIV. No 30º, 50º, 60º, 75º, 105º e 180º dias pós-infecção três camundongos dos grupos GI, GII e GIII e dois do

  3. Animais de laboratório: o camundongo

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    A experimentação animal nas pesquisas científicas tem contribuído sobremaneira para o desenvolvimento da ciência e tecnologia, promovendo ao longo dos anos a descoberta de medidas profiláticas e tratamentos de enfermidades que acometem os seres humanos. Animais de várias espécies têm sido utilizados nos últimos tempos, sendo os camundongos os mais intensamente utilizados e os mais profundamente conhecidos cientificamente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um levantamento bibliográfico, incluindo os trabalhos do nosso grupo, sobre o emprego de camundongos na experimentação animal, abordando sua biologia geral, fisiologia de reprodução, sistemas de criação, genética, habitação, alimentação, manejo, dor e eutanásia, técnicas de risco desenvolvidas na experimentação, coleta de sangue, experimentos farmacológicos e toxicológicos. Embora tendências atuais preconizem a utilização de métodos alternativos (estudos in vitro, culturas de células, etc., os modelos animais, como os camundongos, apresentam como principal vantagem o fornecimento de informações sobre o organismo como um todo, fato que não é conseguido com outros métodos, o que ainda possibilita o seu emprego em pesquisas científicas. Palavras-chave: experimentação animal; camundongo; biologia geral; técnicas de risco na experimentação.

  4. Estudo histopatológico das lesões causadas pelo veneno de urutu (Bothrops alternatus em músculo esquelético de camundongos

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    L. S. Queiroz


    Full Text Available Veneno bruto de urutu (Bothrops alternatus dissolvido em solução salina fisiológica foi injetado no músculo tibial anterior direito de camundongos adultos na dose de 80 μg. Os músculos foram examinados em cortes de parafina, corados por Hematoxilina e Eosina. Aos 10 minutos já havia intensa hemorragia difusa no M. tibial anterior, mas apenas raras fibras musculares estavam necróticas. Nas horas seguintes, contudo, observou-se rápido aumento do número de fibras afetadas, sendo que às 24 hs o músculo apresentava-se totalmente necrótico. Vasos sangüíneos intramusculares e nas proximidades do M. tibial anterior mostravam necrose hialina da camada média e por vezes trombose. A fagocitose dos restos celulares ocorreu da periferia para o centro e acompanhou-se de regeneração muscular. Após 1 a 2 meses, em vários animais houve recuperação considerável do músculo, embora com persistência de cicatriz. As fibras regeneradas possuiam núcleos centrais e variavam em diâmetro, estando muitas atróficas. Em outros camundongos a regeneração do M. tibial anterior foi muito precária, tendo este sido substituído por tecido fibroadiposo com apenas raras fibras musculares. Os resultados mostram que, apesar da gravidade das lesões iniciais devidas ao veneno, ocorre regeneração muscular em grau variável de animal para animal. Sugere-se que a má regeneração observada em alguns casos poderia ser devida, ao menos em parte, a dano vascular permanente.

  5. Effects of taurine supplementation and swimming, associated or not, on obesity and glucose homeostasis in mice = Efeito da suplementação com taurina e da natação, associadas ou não, sobre a obesidade e homeostase glicêmica em camundongos

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    Iris Cheng


    Full Text Available . Studies show that physical exercise (PE is associated with a reduced fat accumulation and increased insulin sensitivity, and taurine (TAU improves glucose homeostasis in lean rodents. The aim in this work was evaluate the effects of supplementing TAU and practice of PE, associated or not, on obesity and glucose homeostasis on obese MSG-mice. Neonate male Swiss mice received injections of monosodium glutamate (MSG group or saline (CON group. From the 30th to the 90th day of life, one group of animals received TAU in drinking water (MSG TAU group, another was subjected to PE (MSG PE group and a third group underwent both procedures (MSG PE TAU group. Mice treated with MSG become obese, hypertriglyceridemic, glucose intolerant and insulin resistant. The supplementation with TAU and the PE, isolated or associated, reduced the triglycerides (38%, glucose intolerance (around 30% and KITT (79% in MSG-obese animals, but did not influence the accumulation of fat. Interestingly, the combination of both strategies significantly reduced the insulin resistance, compared to animals subjected to isolated strategies. In conclusion, the supplementation with TAU and PE, isolated or associated, did not influence the accumulation of fat in MSG-obese mice, however, reduce the triglycerides and insulin resistance. O exercício físico (EF está associado à redução do acúmulo de gordura e aumento na sensibilidade à insulina e a taurina (TAU melhora a homeostase glicêmica em roedores magros. Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da suplementação com TAU e do EF, associados ou não, sobre a obesidade e a homeostase glicêmica em camundongos obesos-MSG. Camundongos Swiss machos neonatos receberam injeções de glutamato monossódico (grupo MSG ou salina (grupo CON. Do 30º ao 90º dia de vida, um grupo de animais MSG recebeu TAU na água de beber (MSG TAU; outro foi submetido ao EF (MSG EX e um terceiro grupo foi submetido aos dois procedimentos (MSG EX TAU

  6. Estudo da atividade do látex do Croton urucurana Baill. sobre o trânsito gastrintestinal de camundongos

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    Luilma Albuquerque Gurgel

    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem como propósito avaliar uma possível atividade inibitória do látex do Croton urucurana Baill. sobre o trânsito gastrintestinal de camundongos, bem como tentar esclarecer os possíveis mecanismos de ação envolvidos em sua atividade. Foram utilizados os modelos de trânsito gastrintestinal normal e trânsito gastrintestinal estimulado por fisostigmina em camundongos. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o látex inibiu o trânsito gastrintestinal de camundongos, e, muito embora seu mecanismo de ação ainda não seja claro, seu efeito é independente da participação de mecanismo opióide, colinérgico, α2-adrenérgico ou nitriérgico.

  7. Imunogenicidade da cepa avirulenta RV194-2 do vírus rábico em camundongos

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    Rugimar Marcovistz


    Full Text Available O vírus rábico RV194-2, uma variante avirulenta da cepa CVS (Challenge Vírus Standard, produz uma infecção inaparente quando inoculado intracerebralmente em camundongos adultos. Sugerindo que a resposta imunológica do hospedeiro permite a eliminação do vírus do sistema nervoso central. Por esta razão foram estudadas a indução de interferon e a resposta imune humoral em camundongos BALB/c inoculados com vírus RV194-2. Durante a infecção, estes camundongos apresentaram elevados níveis de interferon no plasma e no cérebro com altos títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes anti-rábicos. A 2-5A sintetase. um marcador da ação dos interferons,foi também analisada no cérebro destes animais. Sua atividade, aumentou, paralelamente, á produção de interferon, demonstrando que este interferon é bioquímicamente ativo. O vírus RV194-2 também induziu, 45 dias após sua inoculação, proteção aos animais quando desafiados com a cepa virulenta CVS. Estes resultados demonstram que a cepa RV194-2possui um alto nível imunogênico.RV194-2 rabies virus, an avirulent mutant of CVS strain, induces an inapparent infection limited to the central nervous system (CNS in adult mice inoculated intracerebrally. This fact suggest that immune response of the host is able to eliminate the virus in CNS. For this reason, we have studied the induction of interferon and the humoral immune responses in BALB/c mice after RV194-2 inoculation. These mice presented high levels of interferon in the plasma and in the brain, with elevated levels of neutralizing antirabies antibodies. The 2-5A synthetase, an enzyme marker of interferon action, was analyzed in the brain of inoculated animals. Its enhancement in parallel to the interferon production in the brain, showed biochemical evidence that this interferon is active. Forty five days after RV194-2 virus inoculation, mice were protected against a challenge with the CVS virulent strain. The results presented

  8. Oral candidosis by Candida albicans in normal and xerostomic mice Candidose oral por Candida albicans em camundongos normais e xerostômicos

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    Marilda Aparecida Gonçalves Totti


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of sialoadenectomy on the development of oral candidosis after one or four inoculations of Candida albicans. Initially, a suspension containing 10(8 cells/ml of C. albicans ATCC 36801 was prepared. Seventy-eight sialoadenectomized mice and a similar amount of mice with normal salivary flow received a single inoculation of C. albicans suspension. Another group with a similar number of mice received 4 inoculations. The control group consisted of 6 sialoadenectomized mice and 6 mice with normal salivary flow that were not inoculated with C. albicans. Candidosis development was studied histologically in the tongue of the animals 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 days after inoculation and at 15-day intervals up to 165 days. According to the results obtained, it could be concluded that sialoadenectomy and a higher frequency of yeast inoculation influenced the presence and extension of candidosis lesions.O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o efeito da sialoadenectomia sobre o desenvolvimento da candidose oral após uma ou quatro inoculações de Candida albicans. Inicialmente, uma suspensão contendo 10(8 células/ml de C. albicans ATCC 36801 foi preparada. Setenta e oito camundongos sialoadenectomizados e mesma quantidade de camundongos com fluxo salivar normal receberam uma única inoculação de suspensão de C. albicans. Outro grupo, com o mesmo número de camundongos, recebeu 4 inoculações. O grupo controle consistiu de 6 camundongos sialoadenectomizados e 6 com fluxo salivar normal que não foram inoculados com C. albicans. O desenvolvimento de candidose foi estudado histologicamente na língua dos animais em períodos de 1, 2, 3, 5 e 8 dias após a inoculação e em intervalos de 15 dias até 165 dias. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, conclui-se que a sialoadenectomia e uma maior freqüência de inoculação influenciaram na presença e extensão das lesões de candidose.

  9. Association of mesenchymal stem cells with platelet rich plasma on the repair of critical calvarial defects in mice Associação de células-tronco mesenquimais com plasma rico em plaquetas na reparação de defeitos críticos em calvária de camundongos

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    Betânia Souza Monteiro


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC from eight mice C57BL/6 gfp+ bone marrows expanded in cultures associated with platelets rich plasma (PRP deriving from another eight mice, in the repair of critical defects in calvarial bone produced in twenty-four adult isogenic mice C57BL/6. METHODS: The animals were submitted to a cranial defect of 6.0mm in diameter and divided into two equal experimental groups. Control group did not receive treatment and the treated group received a MSC pellet containing 1.0 x 10(7 cells/mL associated with 50.0µL of plasma gel containing 1.0 x 10(9 autologous platelets within the defect. RESULTS: In the treated group was observed process of angiogenesis and bone repair better than control group. CONCLUSION: Mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow of C57BL/6 gfp+ mice associated with PRP gel applied in bone critical defects produced in calvarial contributes positively to the process of bone repair.OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da associação das células-tronco mesenquimais (MSC oriundas da medula óssea de oito camundongos jovens C57BL/6 gfp+ e expandidas em culturas, com Plasma Rico em Plaquetas (PRP provenientes de outros oito camundongos, na reparação de defeitos críticos confeccionados em calvária de 24 camundongos adultos C57BL/6. MÉTODOS: Os animais foram submetidos a um defeito craniano de 6,0mm de diâmetro e separados em dois grupos experimentais iguais. O grupo controle não recebeu tratamento e no grupo tratado foi administrado, no interior do defeito, pellet de MSC contendo 1,0 x 10(7 células/mL associado com 50,0µL de plasma em gel autólogo contendo 1,0 x 10(9 plaquetas. RESULTADOS: No grupo tratado verificou-se processo de angiogênese e reparação óssea superior ao grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: A associação das células-tronco mesenquimais (MSC derivadas da medula óssea de camundongos C57BL/6 gfp+ com gel de PRP aplicadas em defeitos ósseos cr

  10. Ação de raios gama sobre formas sanguícolas de Trypanosoma cruzi: estudo experimental em camundongos

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    Gentilda K. F. Takeda


    Full Text Available Amostras de sangue de animais infectados com cepa Y de Trypanosoma cruzi foram submetidas, respectivamente, a 200 e 300 krad de radiação gama. Para verificar a eficácia do método na eliminação do parasita, o material foi inoculado em camundongos e os parâmetros utilizados na avaliação foram: parasitemia, cultura, xenodiagnóstico, subinoculação, reinoculação com cepa virulenta e exame anátomo-patológico das vísceras. Os sangues expostos às duas diferentes intensidades de radiação e inoculados em dois períodos após o processo, mostraram-se inócuos quanto a capacidade de produzir infecção nos animais

  11. Perfis clínico e hematológico de camundongos submetidos ao envenenamento escorpiônico experimental por Tityus fasciolatus

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    P.T.C. Guimarães


    Full Text Available Estudou-se o quadro clínico do veneno decorrente do envenenamento por Tityus fasciolatus e sua ação refletida nos componentes hematológicos no modelo murino. Para o estudo do perfil hematológico, foram utilizados 54 camundongos Swiss CF1, machos, com 30g, distribuídos em três grupos (G (n=18 inoculados via subcutânea com: 50µL de PBS (G1; 24µg de veneno de T. fasciolatus (G2 e 8µg de veneno de T. serrulatus (G3. Cada grupo foi subdividido em três subgrupos (n=6 de acordo com o momento da coleta de sangue que foi estipulada em uma, oito e 24h após a inoculação do veneno, e foram realizados o hemograma e a dosagem de proteínas totais e fracionadas. O veneno de T. fasciolatus na dose de 24µg causou piloereção, comportamento nociceptivo, secreção nasal e oral acentuada, dispneia, prurido na face e reflexos exacerbados. No exame hematológico, foram observadas policitemia relativa e leucocitose com linfocitose.

  12. Remodelamento miocárdico após grandes infartos converte potenciação pós-pausa em decaimento da força em ratos

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    Danilo Sales Bocalini


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A Contração Pós-Repouso (CPR do músculo cardíaco fornece informações indiretas sobre a manipulação de cálcio intracelular. OBJETIVO: Nosso objetivo foi estudar o comportamento da CPR e seus mecanismos subjacentes em camundongos com infarto do miocárdio. MÉTODOS: Seis semanas após a oclusão coronariana, a contratilidade dos Músculos Papilares (MP obtidos a partir de camundongos submetidos à cirurgia sham (C, n = 17, com infarto moderado (MMI, n = 10 e grande infarto (LMI, n = 14, foi avaliada após intervalos de repouso de 10 a 60 segundos antes e depois da incubação com cloreto de lítio (Li+ em substituição ao cloreto de sódio ou rianodina (Ry. A expressão proteica de SR Ca(2+-ATPase (SERCA2, trocador Na+/Ca2+ (NCX, fosfolambam (PLB e fosfo-Ser (16-PLB foi analisada por Western blotting. RESULTADOS: Os camundongos MMI apresentaram potenciação de CPR reduzida em comparação aos camundongos C. Em oposição à potenciação normal para camundongos C, foram observadas degradações de força pós-repouso nos músculos de camundongos LMI. Além disso, a Ry bloqueou a degradação ou potenciação de PRC observada em camundongos LMI e C; o Li+ inibiu o NCX e converteu a degradação em potenciação de CPR em camundongos LMI. Embora os camundongos MMI e LMI tenham apresentado diminuição no SERCA2 (72 ± 7% e 47 ± 9% de camundongos controle, respectivamente e expressão protéica de fosfo-Ser16-PLB (75 ± 5% e 46 ± 11%, respectivamente, a superexpressão do NCX (175 ± 20% só foi observada nos músculos de camundongos LMI. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados mostraram, pela primeira vez, que a remodelação miocárdica pós-IAM em camundongos pode mudar a potenciação regular para degradação pós-repouso, afetando as proteínas de manipulação de Ca(2+ em miócitos.

  13. Efeitos do reiki na evolução do granuloma induzido através da inoculação do BCG em hamsters e do tumor ascítico de Ehrlich induzido em camundongos


    Ricardo Rodrigues Garé


    Estudaram-se os efeitos da influência do Reiki na evolução do granuloma induzido experimentalmente pela inoculação do BCG no coxim plantar de hamsters, assim como os efeitos da mesma terapia em camundongos portadores do tumor ascítico de Ehrlich in vivo e in vitro. No modelo de inflamação granulomatosa crônica, utilizou-se 40 hamsters machos, os quais após serem inoculados com BCG no dia 0 no coxim da pata posterior direita, foram separados em dois grupos contendo 20 animais em cada. Um grupo...

  14. Basofilia e anisotropia nucleares em células de camundongo após tratamento com oxamniquine

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    Ivanira José Bechara


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de se estudar a ação da oxamniquine, uma droga utilizada no tratamento da esquistossomose, sobre a cromatina de núcleos de células animais, foram estudados os padrões de basofilia e anisotropia nucleares em hepatócitos, em células do músculo cardíaco e em linfócitos de camundongos adultos jovens. A oxamniquine foi administrada por via oral (436 mg/kg e preparados foram obtidos após diversos tempos de fornecimento da droga aos animais. Nos núcleos corados com azul de toluidina a pH 4,0, após digestão com RNAse, não se encontrou diferença quanto aos padrões de basofilia e anisotropia comparando-se animais tratados com controles. Demonstrou se assim que as moléculas de oxamniquine não se alojam no interior da dupla hélice do DNA, não alteram a sua conformação helicoidal nem se ligam aos grupos fosfatos livres desta macromolécula, diferindo, portanto, da atuação de outro esquistossomicida, o hycanthone.

  15. Novo método de dosagem de soros antipeçonhentos em camundongos lactentes: I - dosagem do soro anticrotálico New method for dosage of antivenoms sera in baby mice: I-Anticrotalic serum's dosage

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    Bruno Soerensen


    Full Text Available A atividade biológica dos soros antipeçonhentos pode ser determinada "in vivo" em pombos, coelhos, cobaios e camundongos adultos, não existindo, entretanto, nenhum método que possa ser recomendado internacionalmente. Estudou-se comparativamente aos métodos tradicionais de dosagem de soros em pombos e camundongos adultos, a validade do uso de camundongos lactentes de 6 a 7 dias, pesando 4 a 5g, inoculados pela via subcutânea. Inicialmente foi determinada a toxidez do veneno de Crotalus durissus terríficus através do estudo da sintomatologia do envenenamento e da atividade letal. O estudo comparativo dos três métodos forneceu maior concordância de resultados em DE100 entre as dosagens realizadas com camundongos lactentes e adultos. A DE100 e DL50 determinadas em camundongos lactentes forneceu resultados mais constantes que os dos métodos de camundongos adultos e pombos. O uso deste novo método permite eliminar a dificuldade de obtenção do atual animal de prova; a utilização de um maior número de animais por ponto de avaliação biológica, possibilitando uma maior precisão e conseguindo-se uma uniformidade nas características exigidas neste tipo de dosagem como peso, idade e linhagem, visando a reprodução sistemática dos resultados.The biological activity of antiserum against venoms can be assessed by "in vivo" tests using pigeons, rabbits, guinea-pigs and adult mice although there is no International standardized reaction for it. The traditional methods using pigeons and adult mice were comparatively studied with those using mice of 4-5 g (6-7 days of age, inoculated by subcutaneous injection. The toxicity of the Crotalus durissus terrificus venom was initially determined by studying the symptomatology after administration of venom and lethal activity. The comparative study of these three methods showed that the best concordance in the results of the ED100 was obtained using adult and baby mice. The most homogeneous ED100

  16. Translocation of Klebsiella sp. in mice fed an enteral diet containing prebiotics Translocação de Klebsiella sp. em camundongos alimentados com dieta enteral contendo prebióticos

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    Daniele Ferreira da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This work aimed to evaluate the effect of fructooligosaccharide and inulin added to an enteral diet on the translocation of Klebsiella sp. in mice. METHODS: Four- to six-week-old Swiss albino mice were divided into nine groups and fed enteral diets containing different combinations of fructooligosaccharide, inulin, antibiotic and corticoid, inoculated or not with Klebsiella pneumoniae. On day 5, the animals of four groups were fed an enteral diet contaminated with approximately 10(10CFU/g of K. pneumoniae. At defined times, two animals of each group were sacrificed and their organs (spleen, heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys were aseptically collected, weighed, and analyzed for the presence of typical Klebsiella sp. colonies. RESULTS: A higher number of CFU/g of Klebsiella was detected in the organs of the animals in the immune-suppressed group fed the diet contaminated with K. pneumoniae and without prebiotics. Animals fed the diet enriched with fructooligosaccharide and inulin, at a concentration of 15.3mg/g of body weight, had a shorter period of Klebsiella sp. translocation, compared with those not fed prebiotics in the diet. CONCLUSION: The addition of fructooligosacharide and inulin in enterais diets at a concentration of 15.3mg/g of body weight resulted in the reduction of translocation of Klebsiella for spleen, heart, liver, lung and kidneys of mice that had received the diet contaminated associated or not with antibiotic and imunodepressor drug.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da administração de frutooligossacarídeo e inulina, adicionados à dieta enteral, na translocação de Klebsiella sp. em camundongos. MÉTODOS: Camundongos albinos suíços, com quatro a seis semanas de vida, foram divididos em nove grupos e tratados com dietas enterais contendo diferentes combinações de frutooligossacarídeos, inulina, antibiótico e corticóide, inoculadas ou não com Klebsiella pneumoniae. No quinto dia de experimento, os animais dos

  17. Trypanocidal activity of human plasma on Trypanosoma evansi in mice Atividade tripanocida do plasma humano sobre Trypanosoma evansi em camundongos

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    Aleksandro Schafer Da Silva


    Full Text Available This study aimed to test an alternative protocol with human plasma to control Trypanosoma evansi infection in mice. Plasma from an apparently 27-year-old healthy male, blood type A+, was used in the study. A concentration of 100 mg.dL-1 apolipoprotein L1 (APOL1 was detected in the plasma. Forty mice were divided into four groups with 10 animals each. Group A comprised uninfected animals. Mice from groups B, C and D were inoculated with a T. evansi isolate. Group B was used as a positive control. At three days post-infection (DPI, the mice were administered intraperitoneally with human plasma. A single dose of 0.2 mL plasma was given to those in group C. The mice from group D were administered five doses of 0.2 mL plasma with a 24 hours interval between the doses. Group B showed high increasing parasitemia that led to their death within 5 DPI. Both treatments eliminated parasites from the blood and increased the longevity of animals. An efficacy of 50 (group C and 80% (group D of human plasma trypanocidal activity was found using PCR. This therapeutic success was likely achieved in the group D due to their higher levels of APOL1 compared with group C.Este estudo teve como objetivo testar um protocolo alternativo com plasma humano para controlar a infecção por Trypanosoma evansi em camundongos. O plasma foi oriundo de um homem aparentemente saudável, com idade entre 27 anos e tipo de sangue A+. Foi detectada uma concentração de 100 mg.dL -1 de apolipoproteína L1 (APOL1 no plasma. Quarenta camundongos foram divididos em quatro grupos, contendo dez animais cada. Grupo A, composto de animais não infectados. Os roedores dos grupos B, C e D foram inoculados intraperitonealmente com um isolado de T. evansi. O Grupo B foi usado como um controle positivo. Três dias pós-infecção (DPI, os camundongos foram tratados com plasma humano. Uma dose única de 0,2 mL de plasma foi administrada nos roedores do grupo C. Os ratos do grupo D receberam cinco

  18. Antiamnesic evaluation of C. phlomidis Linn. bark extract in mice Avaliação da atividade antiamnésica da casca de C. phlomidis Linn. em camundongos

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    anumanthachar Joshi


    Full Text Available Clerodendron phlomidis Linn. (Verbenaceae is known as Agnimantha in sanskrit. Bark of the plant is used in treating various nervous disorders. In the present study C. phlomidis was investigated for its potential as a nootropic agent in mice. The aqueous extract of the C. phlomidis (100 and 200 mg/kg, p.o. was administered for 6 successive days to both young and aged mice. Exteroceptive behavioral models such as elevated plus maze and passive avoidance paradigm were employed to evaluate short term and long term memory respectively. Scopolamine (0.4 mg/kg, i.p., diazepam (1 mg/kg, i.p. were employed to induce amnesia in mice. To delineate the mechanism by which C. phlomidis exerts nootropic action, its effect on brain acetyl cholinesterase levels were determined. Piracetam (200 mg/kg, i.p. was used as a standard nootropic agent. Pretreatment with C. phlomidis (100 and 200 mg/kg, p.o. for 6 successive days significantly improved learning and memory in mice. It reversed the amnesia induced by scopolamine, diazepam and natural ageing. It also decreased the acetyl cholinesterase levels in the whole brain. The bark of C. phlomidis can be of enormous use in the management of treatment of cognitive disorders such as amnesia and Alzheimer's disease.Clerodendron phlomidis Linn. (Verbenaceae é conhecida como Agnimantha em sânscrito. A casca da planta é utilizada no tratamento de várias disfunções neurológicas. No presente estudo, C. phlomidis foi investigada pelo seu potencial como agente nootrópico em camundongos. O extrato aquoso de C. phlomidis (100 e 200 mg/kg, p.o. foi administrado por seis dias consecutivos tanto para camundongos jovens quanto para idosos. Modelos comportamentais exteroceptivos, tais como labirinto em cruz elevada e paradigma de esquiva passiva foram empregados para avaliar memória recente e tardia, respectivamente. Escopolamina (0,4 mg/kg i.p., diazepam (1 mg/kg i.p. foram empregados para induzir amnésia em camundongos. A

  19. Efficacy of drugs against Giardia muris in mice Mus musculus naturally infected/ Eficácia de drogas contra Giardia muris em camundongos Mus musculus naturalmente infectados

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    Silvia Gonzalez Monteiro


    Full Text Available This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of metronidazole, fenbendazole and secnidazole against Giardia muris in mice naturally infected. Forty mice of the species Mus musculus were divided in four groups of ten each, being group A non treated, the control group and groups B, C and D treated with 4mg/ml of metronidazole, fenbendazole and secnidazole, respectively. Two feces collection, on day 0 and on day 10 after treatment, were done in order to evaluate the efficacy of the drugs. Samples were analyzed by the centrifugal-flotation method with zinc sulfate. Efficacy of 97,05% for metronidazole, 98,30% for fenbendazole and 100% for secnidazole were observed in the study. According to the results it was concluded that the tested drugs were effective for the treatment of mice parasitized by Giardia muris.Este estudo visou avaliar a eficácia do metronidazol, fenbendazole e secnidazol contra Giardia muris em camundongos naturalmente infectados. Foram utilizados 40 camundongos da espécie Mus musculus divididos em quatro grupos de 10 animais cada, sendo grupo A, grupo controle, não tratados, e grupos B, C e D tratados com 4mg/ml de metronidazol, fenbendazole e secnidazol, respectivamente. Para avaliar a eficácia dos medicamentos foram realizadas duas coletas de fezes uma no dia zero e outra 10 dias após tratamento. As amostras foram processadas e analisadas a partir do método de centrífugo-flutuação com sulfato de zinco. No estudo observou-se eficácia de 97,05% para metronidazol, 98,30% para fenbendazole e 100% para secnidazol no tratamento de giardiase murina. Com base nos resultados concluí-se que as drogas testadas apresentaram eficácia no tratamento de camundongos parasitados por Giardia muris.

  20. Avaliação do pigmento de Lawsonia inermis (henna como carreador de antígenos inoculados por via transcutânea em camundongos = Evaluation of Lawsonia inermis (henna pigment as a carrier of antigens inoculated by transcutaneous immunization pigment in mice

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    Biffi, Karoline


    Conclusões: As vacinações transcutâneas com antígeno bruto de P. brasiliensis e albumina sérica bovina em suspensão de pigmento de L. inermis não produziram resposta antigênica detectável em camundongos

  1. Resposta osteomielogênica ectópica ao implante de matriz óssea desmineralizada em camundongos tratados com bussulfano

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    Julieta Rodini Engrácia de Moraes


    Full Text Available Camundongos Swiss, fêmeas, (25-30 g; n = 100 receberam 4 injeções de bussulfano (20 mg/kg, ip a intervalos de 15 dias (n = 100. Antes do tratamento e após 30, 60 e 90 dias, os animais deste e de um grupo controle (n = 15 foram avaliados quanto ao leucograma, taxa de hemoglobina e hematrócito por meio do sangue colhido por punção retroorbital. Sessenta dias após o início do tratamento, 60 animais sobreviventes do grupo tratado e 15 animais do grupo controle receberam implantes intermuseulares de matriz óssea desmineralizada (MOD-10 mg. No 90s dia (30 dias após o implante foram sacrificados para exame histológico da medula óssea esternal (MOE e da resposta osteomielogênica ao implante de MOD. Trinta dias após o início do tratamento observou-se leucopenia, com diminuição do número de granulócitos, linfócitos e monócitos nos animais que receberam bussulfano. O hematócrito e a taxa de hemoglobina apresentaram-se diminuídos no 609 dia. O exame histológico da MOE do grupo tratado revelou hipocelularidade, dilatação dos capilares sinusóides e redução do número de megacariócitos (50%. Os animais controle apresentaram 100% de resposta positiva ao implante de MOD, havendo formação de placas metaplásicas compostas por trabéculas ósseas contendo cavitações preenchidas por células hematopoiéticas. Em 46,7% dos animais tratados observou-se resposta osteomielogênica semelhante à do grupo controle, mas com hipocelularidade e maior componente de adipócitos; 25% apresentaram resposta osteomielogênica tardia e incompleta com menor componente ósseo, maior componente cartilaginoso e ausência de células hematopoiéticas; nos 28,3% restantes a resposta foi negativa.

  2. Lagochilascaris minor: antibody production in experimentally infected mice Lagochilascaris minor: produção de anticorpos em camundongos experimentalmente infectados

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    Mariana Félix de Souza Prudente


    Full Text Available Lagochilascaris minor is the causative agent of lagochilascariosis, a disease that affects the neck region and causes festering abscesses, with eggs, adult parasites and L3/L4 larvae within the purulent exudates. Today, mice are considered to be intermediate hosts for the parasite. C57BL/6 mice produce immunoglobulin IgM, IgA and IgG against the crude extract of the parasite; on the other hand, antibodies produced against the secreted/excreted antigens of Lagochilascaris minor present lower levels of IgM, IgA and IgG. This is the first description of antibody detection against different antigens of Lagochilascaris minor.Lagochilascaris minor é o agente etiológico da lagochilascariose, uma doença que afeta a região do pescoço causando abscessos exudativos com presença de ovos, parasitos adultos e larvas nos de exudatos purulentos. Hoje em dia, camundongos são considerados os hospedeiros intermediários para o parasita. Camundongos C57BL/6 produziram imunoglobulinas IgM, IgA e IgG contra o extrato bruto do parasita; por outro lado, anticorpos produzidos contra os antígenos secretados/excretados de Lagochilascaris minor apresentaram níveis mais baixos de IgM, IgA e IgG. Esta é a primeira descrição da detecção de anticorpos contra diferentes antígenos de Lagochilascaris minor.

  3. Efeitos da música clássica como elemento de enriquecimento ambiental em Mus musculus em cativeiro (Rodentia: Muridae

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    José Geraldo Pereira da Cruz


    Full Text Available No ambiente selvagem, os animais são submetidos a mudanças constantes nos estímulos sensoriais. Entretanto, o ambiente de cativeiro é muito mais pobre em termos de estímulos fornecidos aos animais alojados no seu interior. Numa tentativa de remediar esta situação e promover um melhor bem estar, camundongos (Mus musculus foram expostos a duas condições: sem estímulos auditivos e com música clássica. Em todos os experimentos foi utilizada uma bateria de testes comportamentais. Os resultados demonstram uma diminuição significativa na imobilidade no nado forçado, aumento de entradas nos braços fechados do labirinto em cruz elevado e diminuição na imobilidade no campo aberto, nos animais que haviam sido pré-expostos anteriormente a 24h de música e sugerem que a música clássica causas mudanças na atividade motora em camundongos. Este estudo leva a conclusão que o enriquecimento do ambiente causa profundos efeitos sobre o comportamento de camundongos nos testes comportamentais e a música clássica é um método relativamente simples de contribuir para o bem estar de camundongos em cativeiro, mas pode comprometer resultados de experimentos como o nado forçado.

  4. Arquitetura comparativa dos pulmões de camundongos normais e afetados pela Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne

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    Thais B. Lessa


    Full Text Available Resumo: A Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD é uma doença genética de caráter recessivo que caracterizada por fraqueza muscular progressiva de cintura pélvica e escapular evoluindo para insuficiência respiratória e, ou cardíaca. O camundongo mdx é um modelo amplamente utilizado para estudos da DMD. Apesar do fenótipo destes animais serem mais suave, estes apresentam o principal músculo respiratório, o diafragma com morfologia e bioquímica semelhante à DMD humana, fato este que pode comprometer a função respiratória e consequentemente os pulmões. Foi realizado um estudo anatômico descritivo do parênquima pulmonar dos pulmões de 5 animais modelo mdx comparando estes com os pulmões de 5 camundongos BALB/C57 (Mus musculus. Os pulmões foram analisados macroscopicamente e através de microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura. Os achados sugerem que o modelo mdx apresenta morfologia pulmonar semelhante aos camundongos BALB/C57 e que seu uso deve ser cauteloso e criterioso em ensaios clínicos que aborde este órgão.

  5. O tumor experimental de Ehrlich induz comportamento nociceptivo em camundongos : padronização de um novo modelo para o estudo da fisiopatologia da dor no câncer e triagem de analgésicos


    Cássia Calixto de Campos


    A dor afeta diretamente a qualidade de vida dos pacientes com câncer o que ressalta a importância deste campo de pesquisa. O tumor de Ehrlich foi descrito em 1905 como um adenocarcinoma mamário de camundongos fêmeas e pode ser desenvolvido em formas sólidas e ascítica, dependendo da administração em tecidos ou cavidades, respectivamente. O presente estudo investigou se a administração subcutânea plantar das células tumorais de Ehrlich induz o comportamento da dor manifesta (agitação da pata),...

  6. Evaluation of the immune response to CRA and FRA recombinant antigens of Trypanosoma cruzi in C57BL/6 mice Avaliação da resposta imune em camundongos C57BL/6 imunizados com os antígenos recombinantes CRA e FRA de Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Valéria Rêgo Alves Pereira


    Full Text Available Humoral and cellular immune responses were evaluated in 44 C57BL/6 mice immunized with the Trypanosoma cruzi recombinant antigens CRA and FRA. Both antigens induced cutaneous immediate-type hypersensitivity response. The levels of IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3 were high in CRA immunized mice. IgG3 was the predominant isotype. Although no difference in antibody levels was observed in FRA-immunized mice when compared to control mice, both antigens were able to induce lymphoproliferation in immunized mice. Significant differences were observed between incorporation of [³H]- thymidine by spleen cell stimulated in vitro with CRA or FRA and the control group. These results suggest that CRA and FRA could be involved in mechanisms of resistance to Trypanosoma cruzi infection.As respostas imune humoral e celular foram avaliadas em 44 camundongos C57Bl/6 imunizados com os antígenos recombinantes CRA e FRA de Trypanosoma cruzi. Ambos antígenos induziram reação de hipersensibilidade do tipo imediato. Os níveis de IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b e IgG3 foram elevados nos camundongos imunizados com CRA. IgG3 foi o isotipo predominante. Nenhuma diferença nos níveis de anticorpos foi observada em camundongos imunizados com FRA em relação aos animais controle. No entanto, ambos antígenos foram capazes de induzir proliferação de linfócitos em camundongos imunizados. Diferenças significativas foram observadas entre a incorporação da timidina - [³H] pelas células esplênicas estimuladas com CRA ou FRA e o grupo controle. Esses resultados sugerem que CRA e FRA poderão estar envolvidos nos mecanismos de resistência à infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi.

  7. Avaliação toxicológica e reprodutiva de camundongos machos adultos tratados com femproporex - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.1089 Fenproporex treatment in male mice: behavior and toxicology reproductive analysis - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.1089


    Estefânia Gastaldello Moreira; Camila Queiroz Moreira; José Eduardo Baroneza; Maria José Sparça Salles de Faria


    O femproporex é utilizado no mundo todo como potente anorexígeno. Este estudo visa esclarecer se o uso diário de femproporex provoca toxicidade comportamental e/ou reprodutiva em camundongos machos adultos. Para tanto, foram utilizados 40 camundongos, divididos em quatro grupos experimentais, cada um contendo dez animais. Um dos grupos recebeu, via gavage, apenas água, e os outros foram tratados diariamente com femproporex, nas doses de 7,5, 15 e 30 mg kg-1, por um período de 40 dias. Como re...

  8. Sacarose como veículo de suplementação dietética de ácido fólico em camundongos prenhes Saccharose as a vehicle for the supplementation of folic acid in pregnant mice

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    Giovanna Arcaro de Lima


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A ingestão adequada de folato é essencial durante a embriogênese, e sua deficiência está associada à ocorrência de defeitos no fechamento do tubo neural. OBJETIVO: Determinar se a sacarose é um bom veículo para a suplementação de folato em camundongos. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Quarenta camundongos Swiss fêmeas foram divididos nos grupos: C: ração comercial + água ad libitum; DS: ração balanceada isenta de folato + folato adicionado à sacarose diluída na água por 14 dias; D/DS: ração balanceada isenta de folato + água com sacarose sem folato por 14 dias seguida de ração balanceada isenta de folato + folato adicionado à sacarose diluída na água por mais 14 dias; D: ração balanceada isenta de folato + água com sacarose sem folato por 14 dias. Os animais de todos os grupos experimentais receberam ração balanceada isenta de folato + folato adicionado à sacarose diluída na água durante os três dias do acasalamento e nos 15 dias restantes até o sacrifício. RESULTADOS: Os animais dos grupos D e D/DS apresentaram alopecia, palidez ocular e adinamia enquanto consumiam água com sacarose sem folato, sinais que foram revertidos quando receberam folato adicionado à sacarose diluída na água. Não houve diferença entre os grupos em relação a prenhez, implantes, fetos vivos, reabsorção, morte fetal tardia, nível sérico de folato e contagem de hemácias ao final do experimento, não tendo sido observadas anomalias congênitas em nenhum dos grupos. CONCLUSÃO: A sacarose é um meio adequado para a suplementação de folato na dieta.Adequate folate intake is essential during embryogenesis and its deficiency is associated with neural tube defects. OBJECTIVE: To investigate if saccharose is a good vehicle for the supplementation of folate in mice. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 40 Swiss female mice were allocated into the following groups: C (commercial mouse food + ad libitum water; DS (folate-free balanced diet

  9. A novel model of distal colon cancer in athymic mice Novo modelo de câncer de cólon distal em camundongos atímicos

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    Denise Gonçalves Priolli


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: The present a novel adenocarcinoma model in athymic mice. METHODS: Seven athymic mice were used. Colon diversion and distal fistula were made. Adenocarcinoma cells were inoculated in the submucosa of fistula. Tumor growth was monitored daily. Scintigraphy with 99mTc-MIBI was performed to identify the tumor. RESULTS: The model of distal colon cancer is feasible. Tumor detection was possible by both, macroscopically and molecular imaging. All resections demonstrated poorly differentiated tumors. Colon obstruction occurred in one case, similarly to evolution in human tumors of distal colon. CONCLUSION: The proposed model of distal colon cancer is feasible, allows for easy monitoring of tumoral growth by both, macroscopically and molecular imaging, and is suitable for studying the evolution of tumor with implementation of cytotoxic therapy in vivo.OBJETIVO: Apresentar novo modelo de adenocarcinoma distal em camundongos atímicos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados sete camundongos atímicos. Desvio do cólon distal e fístula foram feitas. Células de adenocarcinoma foram inoculadas na submucosa da fístula. O crescimento do tumor foi monitorado diariamente. Cintilografia com 99mTc-MIBI foi realizada para identificar o tumor. RESULTADOS: O modelo de câncer de cólon distal é viável. Detecção do tumor foi possível macroscopicamente e por imagem molecular. Todas as ressecções demonstraram tumores pouco diferenciados. Obstrução do cólon ocorreu em um caso, de forma semelhante à evolução em tumores humanos do cólon distal. CONCLUSÃO: O modelo de câncer do cólon distal proposto é viável, permite a monitorização fácil do crescimento tumoral macroscopicamente e por imagem molecular, sendo adequado para o estudo da evolução de tumor com aplicação de terapia citotóxica in vivo.

  10. Infecção experimental pelo Encephalitozoon cuniculi em camundongos imunossuprimidos com dexametasona Experimental Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in dexamethasone-immunosuppressed mice

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    Maria Anete Lallo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O microsporídio Encephalitozoon cuniculi tem sido reconhecido como um patógeno oportunista em indivíduos imunossuprimidos, tais como pacientes com Aids. O objetivo do trabalho foi desenvolver animais farmacologicamente imunossuprimidos como modelo da infecção natural pelo E. cuniculi. MÉTODOS: Foram usados grupos distintos de camundongos Balb-C adultos, imunossuprimidos com diferentes doses de dexametasona (Dx, 3 ou 5 mg/kg/dia por via intraperitoneal ¾ IP e inoculados com esporos de E. cuniculi por via IP. Também foram usados grupos controle (animais inoculados, mas nãoimunossuprimidos, e animais imunossuprimidos, mas não inoculados. Os esporos de E. cuniculi foram previamente cultivados em células MDCK. Os animais foram sacrificados e submetidos à necropsia aos 7, 14, 21, 28 e 35 dias pós-inoculação. Fragmentos teciduais foram coletados e processados para análise por microscopia de luz, utilizando-se as técnicas de coloração de Gram -chromotrope e de hematoxilina-eosina. RESULTADOS: Em todos os animais imunossuprimidos e inoculados, porém especialmente naqueles que receberam 5 mg/kg/dia de Dx, os achados de necropsia mais proeminentes foram hepato e esplenomegalia. A inoculação experimental resultou em uma infecção disseminada e não-letal, caracterizada por lesões granulomatosas em diversos órgãos (fígado, pulmões, rins, intestino, encéfalo, porém mais notadamente no tecido hepático. Esporos de E. cuniculi foram observados em poucos animais tratados com 5 mg/kg/dia de Dx aos 35 dias pós-infecção. CONCLUSÕES: Microsporidiose em camundongos imunossuprimidos com Dx fornece um modelo útil para estudos da infecção por microsporídios, assemelhando-se àquela naturalmente observada em indivíduos imunodeficientes com Aids.OBJECTIVE: Microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi has been recognized as an opportunistic pathogen in immunosuppressed individuals, such as AIDS patients. The objective of the

  11. Expressao genica associada ao estresse oxidativo no coracao de camundongo apos isquemia intestinal

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    Frederico Somaio Neto


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O fenômeno da isquemia e reperfusão intestinal é um evento frequente na clínica e está associado a repercussões deletérias em órgãos a distância, em especial ao coração. OBJETIVO: Investigar a expressão gênica do estresse oxidativo e defesa antioxidante no coração de camundongos isogênicos, submetidos a isquemia e reperfusão intestinal (IR. MÉTODOS: Doze camundongos (C57BL/6 foram distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo IR (GIR com 60 min de oclusão da artéria mesentérica superior, seguidos de 60 min de reperfusão. Grupo Controle (GC submetidos a anestesia e a laparotomia sem o procedimento de IR observados por 120 min. As amostras de intestino e coração foram processadas pelo método (RT-qPCR / Reverse transcriptase - quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction para determinar a expressão gênica de 84 genes relacionados ao estresse oxidativo ("t" de Student, p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Observou-se no tecido intestinal (GIR uma expressão significantemente aumentada em 65 (74,71% genes em relação ao tecido normal (GC, e 37 (44,04% genes estiveram hiperexpressos (maior que três vezes o limiar permitido pelo algoritmo. No tocante aos efeitos da I/R intestinal a distância no tecido cardíaco verificou-se a expressão significantemente aumentada de 28 genes (33,33%, mas somente oito genes (9,52% se hiperexpressaram três vezes acima do limiar. Quatro (7,14% desses oito genes se expressaram simultaneamente nos tecidos intestinal e cardíaco. No GIR notaram-se cardiomiócitos com núcleos de menor tamanho, picnóticos, ricos em heterocromatina e raros nucléolos, indicando sofrimento cardíaco. CONCLUSÃO: A I/R intestinal promoveu a hiperexpressão estatisticamente significante de oito genes associados ao estresse oxidativo a distância no tecido miocárdico.

  12. Atividade dissacaridásica intestinal da esquistossomose mansônica: estudo evolutivo em camundongos com diferentes cargas de infestação

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    M. G. A. Sadek


    Full Text Available A esquistossomose mansônica compromete vários órgãos, sendo o intestino e o fígado os mais agredidos. Com a intenção de verificar o comprometimento do intestino delgado, dependente da intensidade e do tempo de infecção pelo Schistosoma mansoni, analisou-se a atividade das dissacaridases — lactase, sacarase e maltase — em 112 camundongos, distribuídos em 3 grupos: grupo I — controle, grupo II — infestado com 30 cercárias, grupo III — infestado com 60 cercárias. Observamos uma diminuição da atividade lactásica, sacarásica e maltásica do intestino delgado, decorrente da infestação esquistossomdtica, do tempo de infestação e da alteração entre ambos. O íleo é o segmento que demonstrou maior sensibilidade a esquistossomose, tendo uma diminuição das suas dissacaridases a partir da fase inicial de infestação. Opostamente, o jejuno só mais tardiamente mostra essas alterações, exceto em relação a lactase. Detectou-se um aumento da atividade dissacaridásica, inclusive para a lactase, em todos os grupos, com a evolução etária dos animais, quantitativamente menor nos infestados. Cargas de 30 e 60 cercárias devem ser consideradas de mesmo porte, pois produziram ledução semelhante na atividade dissacaridásica.

  13. Home range dynamics of mountain hare (<em>Lepus timidusem> in the Swiss Alps

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    Anne-Sophie Genini-Gamboni


    Full Text Available Abstract Little is known on the ecology and behaviour of alpine mountain hare (<em>Lepus timidusem>. Between 1996 and 1997 we analysed by radiotracking the pattern of space use of 8 mountain hares from the Swiss Alps. We estimated home range size using both the kernel density estimator and the minimum convex polygon. We found smaller ranges (38 ha compared to those reported for the species in boreal or arctic habitats, but similar to ranges in Scotland. Hares did not use a centre of major activity (core area and showed high home range overlap, confirming their non-territorial behaviour. Smaller ranges were used during winter compared to the other seasons, whilst no difference in size was found between sexes. Riassunto Dinamica dell'uso dello spazio della lepre bianca (<em>Lepus timidusem> nelle Alpi Svizzere Le informazioni relative all'ecologia e al comportamento della lepre alpina (<em>Lepus timidusem> sono ad oggi scarse. In questo studio abbiamo analizzato l'utilizzo dello spazio di una popolazione di lepre bianca sulle Alpi Svizzere. Tra il 1996 e il 1997 sono stati marcati con redio collare 8 individui di lepre alpina. L'<em>home rangeem> è stato calcolato utilizzando lo stimatore di densità kernel (KDE ed il metodo del minimo poligono convesso (MCP. L'ampiezza degli <em>home rangeem> (38 ha è risultata inferiore a quella riportata per la specie in habitat boreali ed artici. ma simile a quella riscontrata in Scozia. All'interno dell <em>home rangeem> non è stato rilevato alcun centro di maggiore attività (<em>core areaem> ed è stata evidenziata una notevole sovrapposizione tra gli stessi, confermando la non territorialità della specie. Le aree frequentate in inverno sono risultate più piccole rispetto alle altre stagioni e non sono state riscontrate differenze tra i sessi.

  14. Redução do peso e da glicemia resultante da suplementação de ácido linoleico conjugado e fitosteróis à dieta hiperlipídica de camundongos Weight and blood glucose reduction resulting from conjugated linoleic acid and phytosterols supplementation on hiperlipidic diets of mice

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    Anne y Castro Marques


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as possíveis alterações causadas pela ingestão de ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA e de fitosteróis no ganho de peso, na glicemia e no perfil lipídico de camundongos alimentados com dieta hiperlipídica. Durante nove semanas, vinte e cinco camundongos Swiss machos receberam dietas hiperlipídicas suplementadas com CLA e/ou fitosteróis, na concentração de 2%. Foram aferidos consumo alimentar, ganho de peso, glicemia em jejum, além dos níveis séricos de colesterol total, triglicérides, HDL colesterol e ácidos graxos livres. O grupo suplementado com CLA e fitosteróis apresentou menor ganho de peso e bom controle glicêmico, quando comparado aos demais grupos. Os resultados encontrados incentivam a continuação de pesquisas que investiguem os efeitos biológicos causados pela suplementação concomitante de CLA e fitosteróis, com possível aplicação na indústria de alimentos.The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible changes caused by conjugated linoleic acid (CLA and phytosterols intake in weight gain, blood glucose levels and lipid profile on mice fed with high fat diet. Twenty-five male Swiss mice received for nine weeks high fat diets supplemented with 2% of CLA and/or phytosterols. Feed intake, weight gain, blood glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol and free fatty acids were determined. The group supplemented with CLA and phytosterols gained less weight and showed better glycemic control compared to other groups. The results encourage further research to investigate the biological effects caused by supplementation of CLA and phytosterols, with possible application in food industry.

  15. Teste de eficiência de vacinas antiaftosa. II. Relação entre o Índice C em cobaias e o Índice Proteção Camundongos

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    Ernani Ibirá Gonçalves


    Full Text Available O exame da eficiência de seis vacinas antiaftosa, realizado com os testes “Indice Proteção Camundongos” e "Índice C” utilizando 15 ou mais cobaias por diluição de vírus na titulação, demonstrou a presença de boa correlação e alta significância entre os resultados das duas provas. O valor do índice Proteção Camundongos foi aproximadamente o dobro do valor do índice C. Assim, o índice Proteção Camundongos pode ser recomendado como teste de eficiência de vacinas antiaftosa. principalmente quando se necessita um grande número de provas, devido a seu baixo custo e facilidade de execução, por usar exclusivamente camundongos.

  16. Remyelination in experimentally demyelinated connexin 32 KnockOut mice Remielinização em camundongos KnockOut para conexina 32 desmielinizados experimentalmente

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    Adriano Tony Ramos


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of connexin 32 (Cx 32 during remyelination of the peripheral nervous system, through a local injection of either 0,1% ethidium bromide solution or saline in the sciatic nerve of Cx 32 knockout mice. Euthanasia was performed ranging from 1, 2, 3, 7, 15, 21 to 30 days after injection. Histochemical, immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopical techniques were used to analyze the development of the lesions. Within the sciatic nerves, Schwann cells initially showed signs of intoxication and rejected their sheaths; after seven days, some thin newly formed myelin sheaths with uneven compactness and redundant loops (tomacula were conspicuous. We concluded that the regeneration of lost myelin sheaths within the PNS followed the pattern already reported for this model in other laboratory species. Therefore, these results suggest that absence of Cx 32 did not interfere with the normal pattern of remyelination in this model in young mice.Este estudo visou avaliar o papel da conexina 32 (Cx 32 durante a remielinização no sistema nervoso periférico. Uma injeção local de 0,1% de solução de brometo de etídio foi realizada no nervo ciático de camundongos deletados para a Cx 32, com eutanásia dos animais aos 1, 2, 3, 7, 15, 21 e 30 dias pós-injeção. Avaliações histoquímicas, imunoistoquímicas, por imunofluorescência e por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão foram utilizadas na análise do desenvolvimento das lesões. Nos nervos ciáticos, células de Schwann mostraram inicialmente sinais de intoxicação e rejeitaram suas bainhas. Após sete dias, observaram-se finas bainhas neoformadas, com compactação desigual e alças redundantes (tomácula. Conclui-se que a regeneração de bainhas de mielina perdidas no SNP seguiu o padrão já relatado deste modelo em outras espécies de laboratório. Portanto, estes resultados sugerem que a ausência da Cx 32 n

  17. Efeitos do exercício físico e do extrato de soja no perfil lipídico, no estresse oxidativo e na aterosclerose em camundongos deficientes do gene para receptor de LDR-/-


    Tatiana Ramos Fonseca


    Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do exercício físico e do extrato de soja no perfil lipídico, no estresse oxidativo e na aterosclerose em camundongos deficientes do gene para o receptor de LDL (LDLr-/-).Métodos: Os animais foram divididos: grupo que não realizou exercício e recebeu dieta controle (CT; n=8); grupo que realizou exercício e recebeu dieta controle (EX; n=8); grupo que não realizou exercício e recebeu dieta contendo extrato de soja (ES; n=8); grupo que r...

  18. Evidência da ação antiparasitária da azitromicina na infecção experimental de camundongos pelo Plasmodium berghei

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    Gakiya Erika


    Full Text Available A azitromicina debelou a infecção experimental de camundongos pelo Plasmodium berghei quando administrada, pela via oral e durante 28 dias, na dose de 100mg/kg, iniciada no mesmo dia em que os animais foram infectados. Mediante uso de 10mg/kg houve insucesso. Os resultados obtidos suscitam investigações complementares sobre a referida atividade antiparasitária desse medicamento.

  19. Pathogenicity of Rhodococcus equi in mice, isolated from environment, human and horse clinical samples Patogenicidade atogenicidade em camundongos de isolados clí- clínicos, nicos, ambientais e humanos de Rhodococcus equi

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    Mateus M. Costa


    cido micólico e alguns produtos codificados por um grande plasmídeo de 85-90Kb foram descritos como fatores de virulência. Entretanto, a patogênese da infecção e a susceptibilidade dos potros não s��o completamente entendidas. Nove cepas carreando o plasmídeo e isoladas de potros doentes, um isolado de paciente humano imunossuprimido, e seis cepas sem plasmídeo (4 de fezes, 1 de pastagem e 1 de paciente humano imunossuprimido foram inoculadas em camundongos imunossuprimidos com ciclofosfamida. As alterações patológicas e a viabilidade das células de R. equi no fígado foram verificadas depois do terceiro, sexto e décimo dia após a inoculação para isolados clínicos e depois do primeiro, terceiro e sexto dia para isolados de pacientes humanos. Na necropsia foram detectados infiltrado de macrófagos e lesões piogranulomatosas no fígado e baço dos camundongos após o sexto dia da inoculação. Para isolados clínicos, somente os plasmídeo positivos foram virulentos, mas para os humanos, ambos os isolados (plasmídeo positivos e plasmídeo negativos foram virulentos. Ambos os grupos de camundongos imunossuprimidos inoculados com isolados ambientais mostraram alterações patológicas. Todos os isolados foram incapazes de matar camundongos imunocompe-tentes.

  20. Análise comparativa entre galectinas-1 humana e de camundongo sob os aspectos biológico e molecular


    Amanda Cristina Trabuco


    A galectina-1 (Gal-1) é uma lectina homodimérica multifuncional capaz de reconhecer e se ligar a beta-galactosídeos por meio de um domínio denominado carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD). A Gal-1 humana (Gal-1h) e a Gal-1 de camundongo (Gal-1c) mantêm 88,15% de homologia e, apesar de não existirem mutações em aminoácidos-chave do CRD, há substituições próximas a esses resíduos. Considerando as implicações dessas diferenças em estrutura e função, e que é comum a utilização de modelos murinos ...

  1. Experimentally induced intravaginal Tritrichomonas foetus infection in a mouse model Infecção experimental intravaginal com Tritricho-monas foetus em modelo camundongo

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    Pedro Soto


    no camundongo BALB/c com diferentes quantidades de T. foetus, em dois grupos experimentais. O Grupo A foi tratado com 5µg de 3-benzoato de beta estradiol, para sincronizar o estro, 48 h antes da inoculação vaginal com T. foetus, e o Grupo B foi inoculado durante o estro natural. O efeito do 3-benzoato de beta estradiol decresceu gradualmente. A totalidade dos animais ciclaram regularmente após 5-7 dias pós-tratamento. Após a primeira semana pós-infecção, todos os animais foram amostrados durante 34 semanas, para avaliar o andamento da infeção vaginal e o estádio de cío. O Grupo A apresentou 93,6% de animais infetados e o Grupo B 38%. Com diferentes dosagens de T. foetus se obteve a instalação e persistência da infecção vaginal durante 34 semanas. Embora tenham-se registrados diferentes comportamentos entre cada um dos lotes dos Grupos A e B, não houveram diferenças significativas entre as doses infectantes. O tratamento com 3-benzoato de beta estradiol teve efeito favorável na instalação da infecção (P<0,0001, porém não teve influência na persistência (P= 0,1097. Em função dos resultados obtidos, apresenta-se um modelo experimental em camundongo, adequado para aprofundar estudos sobre mecanismos de patogenicidade, resposta imune, avaliação protetora de imunógenos e o efeito terapêutico de fármacos.

  2. Morfologia e desenvolvimento de Schistosoma mansoni Sambon, 1907 em infecções unissexuais experimentalmente produzidas no camundongo Morphology and development of Schistosoma mansoni Sambon, 1907 in unisexual infections produced experimentally in mice

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    Eliana Maria Zanotti


    Full Text Available Estudou-se o desenvolvimento de Schistosoma mansoni em infecções unissexuais no camundongo. Os esquistossomos fêmeos apresentaram-se menos desenvolvidos do que os machos. Houve correlação entre o comprimento dos machos e o número de testículos. Verificou-se que o isolamento sexual é prejudicial aos dois sexos, principalmente à fêmea.The Schistosoma mansoni development in mice submitted to unisexual infections was studied. The single female worms developed less than the single males. There was correlation between the male's length and the number of his tests. It was verified that sexual isolation of the schistosomes is prejudicial to both sexes, mainly for the female.

  3. Efeito da oxamniquina sobre a adesão celular da larva do S. mansoni na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos


    Melo, Alan Lane de; Pereira, Leógenes Horácio


    The treatment of naive mice with high closes of oxamniquine, 1 hour before the intraperitoneal inoculation of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae, induces a delay in the transformation process resulting in a longer host cell adhesion.O tratamento de camundongos sem infecção prévia com altas doses de oxamniquina, 1 hora antes do inóculo intraperitoneal com cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni, induz a um atraso no processo de transformação, resultando conseqüentemente em larvas com adesão celular mais d...

  4. Pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia and ductal adenocarcinoma induced by DMBA in mice: effects of alcohol and caffeine Neoplasia pancreática intraepithelial e adenocarcinoma ductal induzidos pelo DMBA em camundongos: efeitos do álcool e da cafeína

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    Luiz Roberto Wendt


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of alcohol and caffeine in a pancreatic carcinogenesis mouse model induced by 7,12-dimethylbenzantracene (DMBA, according to the PanIN classification system. METHODS: 120 male, Mus musculus, CF-1 mice were divided into four groups. Animals received either water or caffeine or alcohol or alcohol + caffeine in their drinking water. In all animals, 1 mg of DMBA was implanted into the head of the pancreas. After 30 days, euthanasia was performed; excised pancreata were then fixed in formalin, stained with hematoxylin-eosin and categorized as follows: normal ducts, reactive hyperplasia, PanIN-1A, PanIN-1B, PanIN-2, PanIN-3 or adenocarcinoma. RESULTS: PanIN lesions were verified in all groups. Adenocarcinoma was detected in 15% of animals in the caffeine group, 16.6% in the water group, 23.8% in the alcohol + caffeine group and 52.9% in the alcohol group (POBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do álcool e da cafeína na carcinogênese pancreática induzida pelo 7,12-dimetilbenzantraceno (DMBA em camundongos, descrevendo as lesões de acordo com a classificação das neoplasias pacreáticas intraepiteliais (PanIN. MÉTODOS: 120 camundogos machos, Mus musculus, CF-1 foram divididos em quatro grupos. Animais receberam água ou cafeína ou álcool ou álcool + cafeína para beber. Em todos animais, 1 mg de DMBA foi implantado na cabeça do pâncreas. Após 30 dias, eutanásia foi realizada, o pâncreas foi removido, fixado em formalina e corado com hematoxilina e eosina sendo classificado em: ductos normais, hiperplasia reativa, PanIN-1A, PanIN-1B, PanIN-2, PanIN-3 ou adenocarcinoma. RESULTADOS: Neoplasias pancreáticas intraepiteliais foram encontradas em todos grupos. Adenocarcinoma foi detectado em 15% dos animais do grupo cafeína, 16,6% do grupo água, 23,8% do grupo álcool + cafeína e 52,9% do grupo álcool (P<0,05. CONCLUSÕES: O modelo experimental de carcinogênese pancreática em camundongos utilizando DMBA induz

  5. Efeito dos resíduos de café seco e fermentado por Monascus ruber no metabolismo de camundongos Apo E

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    Larissa Froede Brito


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A aterosclerose é uma doença inflamatória crônica de origem multifatorial que ocorre em resposta à agressão endotelial. O fungo Monascus ruber apresenta atividade hipocolesterolêmica e polifenóis presentes no resíduo de café apresentam atividade antioxidante, podendo auxiliar na prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares. O resíduo de café possui quantidade significativa de açúcares fermentescíveis, constituindo-se em substrato apropriado para o cultivo de fungos. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito dos resíduos de café seco e fermentado por Monascus ruber no metabolismo lipídico de camundongos knockout Apo E. MÉTODOS: O ensaio biológico foi realizado com 30 camundongos knockout para o gene Apo E, divididos em cinco grupos e submetidos a diferentes tratamentos. Foi realizada a prospecção fitoquímica e quantificação de compostos fenólicos dos resíduos fermentado e sem fermentar. O soro dos animais foi analisado utilizando kits enzimáticos e o tecido aórtico incluso em parafina e corado com H/E para realização da análise histopatológica. RESULTADOS: O resíduo de café sem fermentar 2%, em relação ao grupo controle, diminuiu em 42% o nível sérico de triacilgliceróis e em aproximadamente 41% a fração VLDL-c. Os grupos dos animais alimentados com 10% de resíduo não fermentado e 2% de resíduo fermentado diminuíram a área de lesão 10,5% e 15,4%, respectivamente, quando comparados ao controle. O resíduo fermentado apresentou um teor de compostos fenólicos superior ao resíduo não fermentado. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo mostra que a fermentação do resíduo de café apresenta potencial efeito benéfico sobre as doenças cardiovasculares, especialmente a aterosclerose.

  6. Effects of short term fasting on the evolution of fecal peritonitis in mice Efeitos de jejum de curta duração na evolução de peritonite fecal em camundongos

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    Fernando Antônio Martins Bermudes


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of 72 hours food suppression on the evolution of fecal peritonitis in mice evaluating the mortality and measuring the number and size of abscesses formed into the peritoneal cavity. METHODS: Mice receiving commercial diet and water ad libitum (control group, N=35 and mice fasted during 72 h (N=35, receiving only water ad libitum, were inoculated by i.p. route, with 4uL/g body weight of a fecal suspension diluted 1:6 or 1:9 in 0.15M NaCl solution (1:6 dilution, 22 controls and 18 fasted; 1:9 dilution, 13 controls and 17 fasted. Animals were followed up until two weeks after fecal inoculation, when the survivors were euthanized for evaluation of the number and size of intra-peritoneal abscesses. Mortality was evaluated by Kaplan Meyer curves. RESULTS: Mortality was significantly higher in fasted groups than in controls. However the number and size of abscesses were significantly less in fasted groups than in controls. CONCLUSION: Seventy two hours food suppression increased the susceptibility to endotoxic shock (high mortality after peritonitis induction and the resistance to infection with fecal microorganisms (less number and size of intra-peritoneal abscesses.OBJETIVO: Investigar o efeito de jejum de 72 horas na evolução de peritonite fecal em camundongos, avaliando a mortalidade e o número e tamanho dos abscessos formados na cavidade peritoneal. MÉTODOS: Camundongos recebendo dieta ad libitum (grupo controle, N=35 e camundongos submetidos a jejum durante 72h (N=35 foram inoculados, por via intraperitoenal, com 4uL/g de peso corporal de uma suspensão de fezes diluída a 1:6 ou 1:9 em NaCl 15M (diluição 1:6, 22 controles e 18 jejum; diluição 1:9, 13 controles e 17 jejum. Os animais foram acompanhados até duas semanas após a inoculação das fezes quando eram eutanaziados para avaliação do número e tamanho dos abscessos intraperitoneais. A mortalidade foi avaliada através das curvas de Kaplan

  7. Schistosoma mansoni: aspectos quantitativos da evolução de cercarias irradiadas a nível da pele, pulmões e sistema porta, em camundongos Schistosoma mansoni: quantitative aspects of the evolution of gamma-irradiated cercariae at the skin, lungs, and portal system, in mice

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    Gileno de Sá Cardoso


    Full Text Available Foi estudada a migração do Schistosoma mansoni (cepas LE e SJ em oito grupos de camundongos albinos (Mus musculus não isogênicos, infectados transcutaneamente com cerca de 450 cercarias não irradiadas (grupos controles e irradiadas com 3 Krad, 20 Krad e 40 Krad de radiação gama proveniente de cobalto-60, Na pele, observou-se uma diminuição progressiva das taxas de recuperação em função do tempo e, nos pulmões e sistema porta, verificou-se uma relação inversa significativa entre as taxas de recuperação total e as doses de irradiação. A dose de 20 Krad praticamente impede a migração dos parasites, de ambas as cepas, dos pulmões até o sistema porta, enquanto a de 40 Krad praticamente impede a migração dos mesmos da pele para os pulmões.The migration of Schistosoma mansoni (LE and SJ strains has been studied in eight groups of outbred Swiss albino mice (Mus musculus, which were previously infected with ca 450 cercariae, transcutaneously. The infection of mice was performed with non irradiated cercariae (control groups, or with gamma-irradiated cercariae, at the schedule of 3, 20 and 40 Krad. Regarding the skin, a progressive decrease was detected for the recovery rates, related to the time of infection. As far as the lungs and portal system are concerned, a significant inverse correlation was observed between the total recovery rate and the irradiation dosages. The dose of 20 Krad practically hinders the migration of the parasites (in both strains from the lungs to the portal system, whereas the dose of 40 Krad prevents the migration of most of the parasites from the skin to the lungs.

  8. Contribuição do plasma rico em plaquetas na reparação óssea de defeitos críticos criados em crânios de camundongos Platelet-rich plasma contribute to the process of bone repair of critical defects created in the calvaria of mice

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    Betânia Souza Monteiro


    Full Text Available No presente estudo, foram avaliados, de forma macro e microscópica, os resultados da aplicação do PRP em defeitos ósseos críticos de 6,0mm de diâmetro confeccionados em calvária de 24 camundongos isogênicos C57BL/6 jovens, separados em dois grupos experimentais. O grupo controle não recebeu tratamento, e no grupo tratado foram depositados, no interior do defeito, 50,0µL plasma em gel contendo 1,0x10(9 plaquetas. Constatou-se que o gel de PRP autólogo depositado em defeitos críticos contribuiu positivamente para o processo de reparação óssea, mormente na fase inicial.This study aimed to evaluate macro and microscopic results after PRP application in bone critical defects of 6.0mm in diameter realized in cavarial of twenty-four young isogenic mice C57BL/6. Control group didn't receive treatment and in the treated group it was deposited 50.0µL of plasma gel containing 1.0x10(9 platelets in the defects. It was found that autologous PRP gel contributed positively to the bone repair process, especially in initial phase.

  9. Avaliação da toxicidade aguda do extrato aquoso do pó do mesocarpo de Orbignya phalerata Mart (babaçu)


    dos Santos e Silva, Ana Paula; de Sousa, Geane Felix; Mendes de Freitas, Rivelilson; Cunha Nunes, Lívio César


    Objetivos: os efeitos da administração aguda oral do extrato aquoso do pó obtido do mesocarpo de Orbignya phalerata Mart foram investigados sobre parâmetros bioquímicos e hematológicos em camundongos Swiss machos. Métodos: os animais (n= 5-7/grupo) foram tratados por via oral com as doses de 1, 2 e 3 g/kg de peso corporal, observados durante 24 h e em seguida foi feita a coleta do sangue para avaliação dos parâmetros bioquímicos e hematológicos. Resultados: o tratamento com extrato aquoso do ...

  10. Embryo quality of mice (“Mus musculus” fed royal jelly Qualidade embrionária de camundongos ("Mus musculus" suplementados com geléia real

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    Bruno Edésio dos Santos Melo


    Full Text Available The study was carried out to verify the effect of feeding royal jelly associated to follicle growth induction on number and quality of mice (Mus musculus embryos. Sixty Swiss females ageing from eight to ten weeks were distributed into three treatments: the first one, composed by animals fed 0.2 mL of physiological solution intraperitoneal (control group, n=20; the second and third ones, composed by females fed 0.5 and 1.0 mg of royal jelly diluted in 0.2 mL of physiological solution (n=20, respectively. Royal jelly was administered during 15 days, followed by the follicular growth induction process. Embryos were collected 68 hours after mating, by uterine flushing. No treatment effects on the number of females that answered to superovulatory process, the number of total recovery structures, the number of viable and non viable structures and the morphological quality of viable embryos (P>0.05 were observed. Therefore, royal jelly doses used were not efficient to increase the number of embryos and to improve the quality recovery from superovulated mice.Objetivou-se verificar a influência da geléia real, associada ao tratamento de indução de crescimento folicular, no número e na qualidade de embriões de camundongos (Mus musculus. Foram utilizadas 60 fêmeas da linhagem Suíço albino com idade entre oito e dez semanas, distribuídas em três tratamentos: o primeiro, composto por animais que receberam 0,2 mL de solução fisiológica, via intraperitonial (grupo controle, n=20; o segundo e terceiro, compostos de fêmeas que receberam 0,5 e 1 mg de geléia real diluídos em 0,2 mL de solução fisiológica via intraperitonial (n=20, respectivamente. Foi administrada geléia real por um período de 15 dias, segundo o processo de indução do crescimento folicular. As coletas dos embriões ocorreram 68 horas após a cobertura, utilizando-se o método da lavagem uterina. Não houve diferença no número de fêmeas que responderam ao tratamento

  11. Inibição da expressão de ciclooxigenase 2 em feridas cutâneas de camundongos NOD submetidos à terapia a laser de baixa intensidade Inhibition of cyclooxygenase 2 expression in NOD mice cutaneous wound by low-level laser therapy

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    Carolina de Lourdes Julião Vieira Rocha


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: A terapia a laser de baixa intensidade (LLLT tem sido relatada como importante moduladora da cicatrização de feridas cutâneas aumentando a proliferação fibroblástica associada ao aumento da expressão da citocina fator transformador de crescimento- β2 (TGF-βB2. OBJETIVO: No presente estudo foram avaliados os efeitos da LLLT sobre a expressão da enzima ciclooxigenase 2 (COX2 no sítio do reparo tecidual utilizando o modelo experimental com camundongos diabéticos não obesos (NOD para estudar a cicatrização de feridas cutâneas. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 30 camundongos NOD, destes 14 ficaram diabéticos e foram divididos em dois grupos: o grupo I (n=7 foi submetido a um procedimento cirúrgico de feridas cutâneas e o grupo II (n=7 foi submetido a um procedimento cirúrgico de feridas cutâneas e tratados com LLLT. O grupo II foi submetido à LLLT nos seguintes parâmetros: 15 mW de potência, dose de 3,8 J/cm² e tempo de aplicação de 20 segundos. Após sete dias do ato cirúrgico e após aplicação do laser, os animais foram eutanasiados com sobredose de anestesia e amostras das feridas foram colhidas para posterior análise histopatológica, histomorfométrica e imuno-histoquímica. RESULTADOS: A LLLT promoveu a inibição da expressão da COX2 em feridas cutâneas de camundongos diabéticos. CONCLUSÃO: Em conjunto, os resultados sugeriram que a LLLT é capaz de modular negativamente a expressão da enzima COX2 contribuindo para o controle da resposta inflamatória em feridas cutâneas de camundongos NOD.BACKGROUND: Low-level laser therapy (LLLT has been reported to modulate the healing of wounds by inducing an increase in fibroblast number associated with increased expression of the cytokine transforming growth factor-β2 (TGF-β2. OBJECTIVE: In the present study, the effect of LLLT on expression of COX2 at the site of tissue repair was evaluated, using an experimental model with non obese diabetic mice (NOD to study

  12. A thioacetamide-induced hepatic encephalopathy model in C57BL/6 mice: a behavioral and neurochemical study Modelo de encefalopatia hepática induzida por tioacetamida em camundongos C57BL/6: estudo comportamental e neuroquímico

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    Aline Silva de Miranda


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Hepatic encephalopathy (HE is a neuropsychiatric syndrome resulting from liver failure. In the present study, we aimed to standardize an animal model of HE induced by thioacetamide (TAA in C57BL/6 mice evaluating behavioral symptoms in association with liver damage and alterations in neurotransmitter release. METHOD: HE was induced by an intraperitoneal single dose of TAA (200 mg/kg, 600 mg/kg or 1,200 mg/kg. Behavioral symptoms were evaluated using the SHIRPA battery. Liver damage was confirmed by histopathological analysis. The glutamate release was measured using fluorimetric assay. RESULTS: The neuropsychiatric state, motor behavior and reflex and sensory functions were significantly altered in the group receiving 600 mg/kg of TAA. Biochemical analysis revealed an increase in the glutamate release in the cerebral cortex of HE mice. CONCLUSION: HE induced by 600mg/kg TAA injection in C57BL/6 mice seems to be a suitable model to investigate the pathogenesis and clinical disorders of HE.OBJETIVO: A encefalopatia hepática (EH é uma síndrome neuropsiquiátrica resultante da falência hepática. O objetivo do presente estudo foi estabelecer um modelo de EH induzida por tioacetamida (TAA em camundongos C57BL/6 avaliando transtornos comportamentais, falência hepática e alterações na liberação de neurotransmissores. MÉTODO: A EH foi induzida por meio de uma única dose intraperitoneal de TAA (200 mg/kg, 600 mg/kg, 1.200 mg/kg. As alterações comportamentais foram avaliadas utilizando a bateria SHIRPA. A falência hepática foi confirmada através de análises histopatológicas e a liberação de glutamato medida, por ensaio fluorimétrico. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas alterações significativas no estado neuropsiquiátrico, comportamento motor e função reflexa e sensorial no grupo que recebeu 600 mg/kg de TAA. Análises bioquímicas revelaram aumento na liberação de glutamato no córtex cerebral dos camundongos com EH

  13. Comportamento da cepa LE de Schistosoma mansoni, após passagem em hospedeiro humano infectado acidentalmente

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    Neusa Araújo


    Full Text Available Uma auxiliar de laboratório infectou-se acidentalmente, com cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni, cepa LE, mantida rotineiramente em nossos laboratórios. Decorridos 5 meses, o exame parasitológico de fezes revelou 108 ovos/g . A pacientefoi tratada com oxamniquine, porém a infecção continuou ativa (6 ovos/g. Foi então obtido o isolado SSF mantido no modelo Biomphalaria glabrata - camundongo albino. Os resultados obtidos no estudo comparativo, entre o isolado SSF e a cepa LE, que lhe deu origem, mostraram que a duração do período pré-patente e o índice de infectividade em camundongos, bem como a resposta aos agentes esquistossomicidas (hycanthone, oxamniquine epraziquantel não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Por outro lado, o número de miracídios obtidos dos intestinos e fígados dos camundongos infectados foi o dobro com a cepa LE, quando comparados com aquele do isolado SSF. Também a variação do peso dos animais foi bastante diferente. Concluiu-se que apenas uma passagem pelo hospedeiro humano não mudou substancialmente as características da cepa estudada.A laboratory technician was accidentally infected with the LE strain of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae maintained in our laboratories. After 5 months infection parasitological examination revealed 108 eggs/g faeces. Althrough treated with oxamniquine, the infection still persisted (6 eggs/g of faeces. An isolate (SSF was obtained from that person and maintained in Biomphalaria glabrata - Swiss mouse by alternate passage. The experimental comparative results between the newly obtained SSF isolate and the original LE strain showed that the differences in pre-patent period, the mice infectivity level and the schistosomicidal response to hycanthone, oxamniquine and praziquantel was not statistically significant. On the other hand the number of miracidia recovered from intestines and livers of equally infected mice was twice as miich in the LE strain than

  14. Efeito da administração de cordiasalicifoliacham (CSC sobre o metabolismo glicídico de camundongos tornados intolerantes a glicose pela administração neonatal de monoglutamato de sódio (MSG

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    Daniela Sayumi Tsuchiya


    Full Text Available Introdução. A CSC é atribuída um possível efeito benéfico no metabolismo de glicose. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da CSC sobre o peso corporal e metabolismo glicídico de camundongos que receberam administração neonatal de MSG. Metodologia: Camundongos Swiss receberam MSG do 2o ao 11o dia de vida (grupo MSG ou o mesmo volume de solução fisiológica (grupo CONT. Aos 3 meses de vida, parte dos animais passou a receber uma solução CSC (grupos MSG+CS e CONT+CS, 400 mg/kg. Os demais animais receberam água normal (grupo CONT e MSG. O peso foi acompanhado semanalmente. Ao final das 8 semanas, os animais foram submetidos aos testes de tolerância oral à glicose e de tolerância à insulina. Resultados: A indução de obesidade determinou aumento de peso, marcada intolerância à glicose, resistência à insulina, aumento da gordura visceral e maior massa ventricular. O tratamento com CSC nos camundongos MSG determinou um menor ganho de peso e redução significante da intolerância à glicose, apesar de que estes valores ainda sejam maiores que os animais controles. Não houve melhora na resistência à insulina. A melhora da intolerância à glicose foi semelhante àquela que aconteceu no peso da gordura visceral. Conclusão:A CSC determinou menor gordura visceral e formação de mediadores inflamatórios que determinaram melhora do metabolismo glicídico.

  15. Comportamento experimental de amostras de Schistosoma mansoni em relação às formas clínicas de esquistossomose: I. Estudo em camundongos Experimental behavior of samples of Schistosoma mansoni in relation to clinical forms of schistosomiasis: I. Study in mice

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    Mario José da Conceição


    Full Text Available Como já descrevemos em publicação anterior (Conceição, 1985, foram isoladas 20 amostras de S. mansoni de pacientes do sexo masculino com idades entre 13 e 30 anos, autóctones do distrito de Capitão Andrade, município de Itanhomi, no Vale do Rio Doce, em Minas Gerais. Das amostras, seis eram portadores de esquistossomose-infecção (tipo I, seis da forma hepatointestinal (tipo II e oito da forma hepatoesplênica (tipo III, adaptadas inicialmente, à B. glabrata da mesma área. Cada uma das amostras foi inoculada em 48 camundongos em lotes de 16, respectivamente com 25,50 e 100 cercárias, mantendo-se 12 animais não infectados, com controles. Após 90 dias perfundiu-se o sistema porta de 12 animais (quatro de cada lote. Os animais mortos naturalmente em diversos períodos e a metade de cada lote sacrificada aos 90 e 180 dias foram estudados através dos seguintes parâmetros: 1§ determinação dos pesos de fígado, baço, pulmão e intestino; 2§ contagem de ovos em intestinos (proximal e mediano e grosso (distal. O número de vermes obtidos pela perfusão nos três grupos em média de 21,9%, 22% e 17,8%% para os tipos I, II e III. A mortalidde natural média dos camundongos submetidos à infecção com 25, 50 e 100 cercárias, foi respectivamente, 12,4%, 23,2% para o grupo I; de 4,7% 19,3% e 22,2% para o grupo II e 11,4%, 29,5% e 41,6% para o grupo III, apresentando-se, portanto, proporcional aos inóculos. O peso dos órgãos dos animais infectados bem como o número de ovos de S. mansoni foi sempre proporcional ao inóculo e a contagem mais elevada nas partes mediana e proximal do intestino nos três grupos. Concluiu-se que não houve correlação entre as formas clínicas da esquistossomose e o comportamento das amostras de S. mansoni em camundongo, ressaltando-se que as alterações parasitológicas encontradas foram proporcionais ao inóculo empregado e ao tempo de infecção, evidenciando os aspectos quantitativos na determina

  16. Parâmetros morfofisiológicos testiculares de camundongos (Mus musculus suplementados com geleia real Morphophysiological parameters of mice (Mus musculus testicles supplemented with royal jelly

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    A.C.T. Morais


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os efeitos da geleia real sobre os parâmetros morfofisiológicos testiculares de camundongos (Mus musculus. Utilizaram-se 57 machos Swiss, com quatro meses de idade, distribuídos aleatoriamente em seis tratamentos: T1: solução fisiológica, via intraperitoneal; T2: 0,1mg de geleia real, via intraperitoneal; T3: 0,2mg de geleia real, via intraperitoneal; T4: água destilada, via oral; T5: 0,1mg de geleia real, via oral; e T6: 0,2mg de geleia real, via oral. Após 45 dias de suplementação com geleia real, os animais sacrificados e pesados tiveram seus testículos coletados, incluídos em parafina e corados com hematoxilina/eosina. Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos quanto aos: pesos corporal e testicular, índice gonadossomático, diâmetro tubular, altura do epitélio, comprimento total dos túbulos seminíferos, comprimento tubular por grama de testículo, índices tubulossomático e leydigossomático e valores de proporção volumétrica referentes à túnica própria, epitélio seminífero, vaso sanguíneo e vaso linfático. Foi encontrada diferença entre T1 e T3 em relação aos túbulos seminíferos e ao espaço intertubular.The effects of royal jelly on the morphophysiological parameters of mice (Mus musculus testicles were studied. Fifty-eight male Swiss mice were evaluated. They were four-month old and were randomly distributed in six treatments: T1: physiological solution, intraperitonial route; T2: 0.1mg of royal jelly, intraperitonial route; T3: 0.2mg of royal jelly, intraperitonial route; T4: distilled water, orally; T5: 0.1mg of royal jelly, orally; and T6: 0.2mg of royal jelly, orally. After 45 days of supplementation with royal jelly, the animals were weighted, slaughtered, and the testicles collected, included in paraffin, and stained with haematoxylin-eosin. No differences among treatments were observed for: body and testicular weights, gonadossomatic index, tubular diameter, epithelial height, total

  17. Immunohistochemical expression of oestrogen and progesterone receptors during experimental acute and chronic murine Schistosomiasis mansoni Expressão imunohistoquímica de receptores para estrogênio e progesterona nas fases aguda e crônica da esquistossomose mansônica experimental em camundongos

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    Fawzia Ahmed Habib


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: The responsibility of Schistosoma mansoni in female infertility is still controversial. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of acute and chronic schistosomiasis mansoni infection on the endometrium using immunohistochemical analysis of uterine hormone receptor expression. METHODS: Twenty-four nonpregnant swiss albino mice were divided into three groups: control, noninfected; acute; and chronic Schistosoma mansoni infection. Histological sections of uterine specimens were examined by light microscope with an image analyzing system to detect structural histological, estrogen receptor (ER and progesterone receptor (PR expression in the endometrium. RESULTS: No secretory phase was detected in the endometrium in acute and chronic Schistosoma infection. Hormone receptor expression (ER and PR showed statistically significant differences among the groups (pINTRODUÇÃO: A responsabilidade do Schistosoma mansoni em esterilidade feminina é ainda controversa. Este estudo é conduzido para avaliar o efeito da esquistossomose mansoni aguda e crônica no endométrio usando análise de imuno-histoquímíca da expressão de receptor hormonal uterina. MÉTODOS: Vinte e quatro camundongos fêmeas albinas suíças não grávidas foram divididas em 3 grupos (controle não-infectado, grupos agudos e crônicos infeccionados com Schistosoma mansoni. As seções histológicas de espécimes uterinos foram examinadas por microscópio leve com imagem, analisando sistema para detectar no endométrio expressões histológicas estruturais, receptor de estrogênio (ER e receptor de progesterona (PR. RESULTADOS: Nenhuma fase secretora foi detectada no endométrio com infecção aguda e crônica de Schistosoma. A expressão hormonal de receptor (ER e PR mostrou diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre grupos diferentes (p<0,05 com baixa significativa hormonal de ER com infecção crônica (comparado com controle proliferativo, controle secret

  18. Perfil de proteases de lesões cutâneas experimentais em camundongos tratadas com a lectina isolada das sementes de Canavalia brasiliensis Proteases profile of skin wounds treated with lectin from Canavalia brasiliensis seeds

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    Flávio de Oliveira Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o perfil de proteases em lesões cutâneas experimentais tratadas com a lectina isolada das sementes da Canavalia brasiliensis (ConBr livre e conjugada com o seu açúcar específico. Lesões cirúrgicas foram produzidas assepticamente na região dorsal de camundongos (n=120, divididos de acordo com o tratamento empregado: Grupo NaCl (NaCl 150mM, Grupo manose (manose 100mM, Grupo ConBr (ConBr 100µg mL-1 e Grupo ConBr/manose (solução contendo ConBr 100µg mL-1 preparada em manose 100mM. Amostras da área lesada foram coletadas para determinação do perfil de proteases e atividade colagenolítica no 2°, no 7° e no 12° dia de pós-operatório. O perfil das proteínas realizado através de eletroforese SDS-PAGE demonstrou a presença de proteínas com massa molecular de 67kDa em todos os grupos. O Grupo ConBr/manose apresentou a maior atividade colagenolítica no 12° dia de pós-operatório. A lectina isolada das sementes da Canavalia brasiliensis influenciou a expressão de proteases com atividade colagenolítica podendo assim interferir no processo cicatricial das lesões cutâneas em camundongos.The objective of the present study was determining the proteases profile of cutaneous healings treated with free and conjugated lectin of Canavalia brasiliensis (ConBr and their specific sugar. An aseptic wound was produced in the thoracic area of the mice (n=120, divided according to the employed treatment: NaCl Group (150mM NaCl, manose Group (100mM manose, ConBr Group (100µg mL-1 ConBr and ConBr/manose Group (solution containing 100µg mL-1 ConBr prepared in 100mM manose. Samples of the injured area were collected for determination of proteases profile and collagenolytic activity on 2nd, 7th e 12th days after the surgery. Electrophoresis SDS-PAGE demonstrated proteins with molecular mass of 67kDa in all groups. Group IV presented the highest collagenolytic activity on the 12th day post surgery. Con

  19. Relação entre a patogenicidade do Schistoma mansoni em camundongos e a susceptibilidade do molusco vetor: II. Número de ovos nas fezes e número e tamanho dos granulomas nas vísceras Relationship between the pathogenicity of Schistoma mansoni in mice and the susceptibility of the vector mollusc: II. Number of eggs in the feces and number and size of granulomas in the visceras

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    Eliana Maria Zanotti-Magalhães


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a influência da susceptibilidade de moluscos vetores do S. mansoni no desenvolvimento da patogenicidade do trematódeo no hospedeiro definitivo. Foram utilizadas progênies de moluscos Biomphalaria tenagophila e Biomphalaria glabrata selecionadas para o caráter susceptibilidade ao S. mansoni das linhagens SJ e BH, respectivamente. Cercárias oriundas das gerações P, F1 F2, F3 e F4 foram usadas para a infecção de camundongos Swiss, que foram sacrificados oito semanas após a exposição às larvas. Por esta ocasião verificou-se o número de ovos nas fezes e o número de granulomas no fígado, baço e intestino. Avaliou-se também o tamanho das reações granulomatosas nestas vísceras. Concluiu-se que a maior susceptibilidade de B. tenagophila induziu a uma maior eliminação de ovos do parasita nas fezes. Verificou-se maior número de granulomas por área de tecido hepático em roedores infectados com cercárias oriundas de moluscos mais susceptíveis. Nos mesmos roedores, constatou-se relação inversa entre a área dos granulomas esplênicos, hepáticos e intestinais e a taxa de infecção dos moluscos que forneceram as cercárias para a infecção dos camundongos.The influence of the susceptibility of the vector snails of S. mansoni on the development of the pathogenicity of the worm to the host was studied. Off-spring of snails Biomphalaria glabrata and Biomphalaria tenagophila were used, selected with regard to the susceptibility to S. mansoni of the strains BH and SJ trait, respectively. Parenteral, F1,F2, F3 and F4 generation cercariae were used for the infection of Swiss mice, which were killed eight weeks after infection. The number of eggs in the feces and the number of granulomas in the liver, spleen and intestines were counted. The size of the granulomatous reactions was evaluated. The results led to the conclusion that greater susceptibility of B. tenagophila was associated with a larger egg production in the feces

  20. Expressão de galectina-3 e beta-catenina em lesões pré-malignas e carcinomatosas de língua de camundongos Galectin-3 and beta-catenin expression in premalignant and carcinomatous lesions in tongue of mice

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    Juliana Moreira de Almeida Sant'ana


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A galectina-3 (GAL3 apresenta importantes papéis na biologia tumoral e recentemente foi mostrada a sua participação na via de sinalização Wnt, translocando a beta-catenina para o núcleo. Expressão alterada de GAL3 e beta-catenina tem sido descrita em cânceres, mas não há estudos avaliando a expressão de ambas em displasias e carcinomas desenvolvidos em modelos de carcinogênese de língua. OBJETIVOS: Estudar a expressão de GAL3 e beta-catenina em lesões displásicas e carcinomas induzidos experimentalmente em língua de camundongos. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Vinte camundongos C57BL/6 machos foram desafiados com 4NQO na água de beber por 16 semanas e sacrificados na semana 16 e 32. Após o sacrifício, as línguas foram removidas, processadas, coradas por hematoxilina e eosina (HE para detecção de displasias e carcinomas. Ensaio imuno-histoquímico foi realizado para determinar o índice de positividade para GAL3 e beta-catenina nessas lesões, bem como uma correlação entre elas em carcinomas. RESULTADOS: O número de camundongos afetados por carcinoma aumentou entre as semanas 16 e 32 (22,2% vs. 88,9% e o de displasia diminuiu (66,7% vs. 11,1%. Um aumento de células positivas para beta-catenina não membranosa e GAL3 citoplasmática foi observado nas displasias e nos carcinomas, mas essa diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa. No entanto, um aumento estatisticamente significativo de GAL3 nuclear foi observado na evolução de displasia para carcinoma (p = 0,04. Nenhuma correlação foi encontrada entre beta-catenina e GAL3. CONCLUSÃO: Tanto nas displasias quanto nos carcinomas a via de sinalização Wnt está ativa, e o aumento de GAL3 nuclear nos carcinomas sugere um papel na transformação maligna do epitélio lingual.INTRODUCTION: Galectin-3 plays pivotal role in tumor biology and its participation in Wnt signaling pathway translocating beta-catenin into the nucleus has been recently demonstrated

  1. White tea (Camellia sinensis extract reduces oxidative stress and triacylglycerols in obese mice Extrato de chá branco reduz extresse oxidativo e triacilglicerois em camundongos obesos

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    Lílian Gonçalves Teixeira


    com 0,5% de extrato de chá branco durante 8 semanas. Foram estudadoso tecido adiposo bem como o perfil lipídico e o estresse oxidativo. A suplementação com chá branco não foi capaz de reduzir a ingestão alimentar, peso corporal ou adiposidade visceral. De forma similar, não foram encontradas diferenças no perfil de lipoproteínas ricas em colesterol. Uma redução de triacilgliceróis sanguíneos, associada ao aumento de lipídios cecais, foi observada no grupo suplementado com chá branco. A suplementação também reduziu o estresse oxidativo no fígado e tecido adiposo. Em conclusão, suplementação com extrato de chá branco (0,5% não interfere no peso corporal ou adiposidade em camundongos obesos. Seus benefícios são restritos redução do estresse oxidativo associada obesidade e melhora da hipertrigliceridemia.

  2. Uso combinado da laserterapia de baixa potência e da inibição da ciclooxigenase-2 na reepitelização de ferida incisional em pele de camundongos: um estudo pré-clínico


    Santuzzi,Cíntia Helena; Buss,Hygor Franca; Pedrosa,Diego França; Freire,Martha Oliveira Vieira Moniz; Nogueira,Breno Valentim; Gonçalves,Washington Luiz Silva


    FUNDAMENTOS: A laserterapia de baixa potência e os inibidores seletivos da ciclooxigenase-2 (ICOX2) vem sendo muito utilizados para modular a resposta inflamatória, entretanto, os seus efeitos na reepitelização de feridas não são bem compreendidos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos isolados e combinados da laserterapia de baixa potência e da ICOX2 na reepitelização de ferida incisional na pele de camundongos. MÉTODO: Foi induzida uma ferida de 1 cm no dorso de cada camundongo, que foram divididos ...

  3. Infecção via oral por Trypanosoma evansi em animais de laboratório Oral infection by Trypanosoma evansi in rats and mice

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    Aleksandro Schafer da Silva


    Full Text Available Testou-se a infecção de Trypanosoma evansi pela via oral em ratos e camundongos, através de sangue contaminado de ambas as espécies. Dez ratos e dez camundongos foram alocados em quatro grupos iguais A e B (ratos, C e D (camundongos. Os grupos A e C receberam sangue contaminado de um rato e o grupo B e D de um camundongo, através de uma sonda. O volume de sangue administrado foi de 0,2ml, o qual apresentava uma concentração de 10(7 tripanossomas ml-1. Os animais foram mantidos em temperatura e umidade constantes (25°C e 80% UR, sendo realizados esfregaços sanguíneos diários para identificar o período pré-patente e a evolução do parasita na circulação. Nos grupos A e B, o período pré-patente variou de 19 a 25 dias, e o período entre a detecção dos parasitas e a morte dos animais foi em média de 12,7 dias. Os camundongos do grupo C e D não apresentaram infecção pelo parasita, sendo estes avaliados por 60 dias. Os ratos foram susceptíveis a infecção por T. evansi pela via oral; entretanto, os camundongos não se contaminaram com o protozoário por via digestiva.In this research, Trypanosoma evansi infection was tested in rats and mice by oral ingestion of contaminated blood. Groups of ten rats and ten mice were disposed in four experimental groups: A and B (rats, C and D (mice. The groups A and C were contaminated by rat-contaminated blood; B and C groups by mouse-contaminated blood. The blood was given using a probe filled with 0.2ml of contaminated blood with 10(7 trypanosomes ml-1. These animals were maintained at constant temperature and humidity (25°C and 80% UR. Dairy blood smear were done to identify the prepatent period and evolution of parasite in the circulation. In the A and B groups, the pre latency period varied from 19 to 25 days and the period of parasite detection and animals death was an average of 12.7 days. The C and D groups did not present infection by the parasite even when evaluated for 60 days

  4. Comportamento das cepas Y e Peruana do Trypanosoma cruzi no camundongo, após passagem em diferentes meios Behavior of the Y and Peruvian strains of Trypanasoma cruzi in mice, ofter passage through different media

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    Juracy B. Magalhães


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de verificar se o comportamento morfobiológico e histopalógico de cerpa do Trypanosoma cruzi é mantido após modificações no seu meio de manutenção e multiplicação, foram estudados oito grupos de infecção experimental em camundongos com as cepas Y e Peruana, após manutenção nas seguintes condições cultura acelular em meio de Warren, criopreservação em Nitrogênio líquido durante trinta dias, passagem em triatomíneos e passagem em camundongos. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: parasitemia, mortalidade, sobrevida, morfologiaq dos parasitos no sangue periférico, tropismo tíssular e lesões histopatológicoas. Tanto com a cepa Y como Peruana, cada grupo experimental foi dividido em dois subgrupos de acordo com a dose de inóculo, sendo um inoculado com 10.000 e outro com 50.000 formas tripomastigotas, menos o inoculado com formas de triatomíneos em que o inóculo foi apenas com 10.000 tripomastigotas. Observou-se na infecção pela cepa Y, retardo na evolução da parasitemia nos inoculados com formas de cultura e atenuação de virulência com o inóculo de 10.000 formas. Os caracteres básicos da cepa foram mantidos com predominância de macrofagotropismo na fase inicial da infecção e miotropismo nas fases tardias,predominância de forma delgadas e elevada patogenicidade, com 100% de mortalidade embora com variação nos periodos de sobrevida. Na infecção pela cepa Peruana observou-se também retardo da evolução da parasitemia com o inóculo de 10.000 formas provenientes de triatomíneos, de cultura e de criopreservação. Entretanto, as características morfológicas, o tropismo tissular e a patogenicidade foram mantidos.The behavior of two strains of Trypanosoma cruzi (Y and Peruvian strains in experimental mouse infection, after being passed through different conditions of maintainance and cultivation was studied. The conditions were: Warren's acellular culture medium, cryopreservation in liquid

  5. Effects of mitomycin C on infiltration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes after epithelial scrape injury in the mouse cornea Efeito da mitomicina C na infiltração de leucócitos polimorfonucleares após lesão epitelial em córnea de camundongo

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    Ana Cecília Souza Leão Escarião


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To determine whether mitomycin C (MMC alters appearance and disappearance of polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN in the cornea stroma, using an epithelial scrape injury in eye mouse model. METHODS: Twenty-mice underwent mechanical epithelium debridement in the central cornea using 20% ethanol. After the scrape, the right eye received 0.02% MMC for one minute, while the left eye received physiological saline. The animals were sacrificed on days 1, 2, 5, and 14 after surgery, and corneal whole mounts were prepared for histology. PMN distribution was analyzed in digitized microscope images. Cell division in the cornea was determined by immunohistochemical detection of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU, which was injected intraperitoneally before the mice were sacrificed. RESULTS: Epithelial scrape injury triggered infiltration of PMNs into the corneal stroma. An analysis of PMN distribution revealed that there was no difference between eyes treated with and without MMC at all time points. BrdU labeling showed that 0.02% MMC for one minute blocked keratocyte proliferation completely. CONCLUSION: MMC treatment regimen, which is common in clinical practice, inhibits keratocyte proliferation during wound healing, but when used at 0.02% for one minute, it does not affect PMN infiltration into the corneal stroma, and subsequent movement toward the injury site, or the disappearance of PMNs from the stroma, in the mouse epithelial injury model.OBJETIVO: O objetivo do estudo foi determinar se a mitomicina C (MMC altera o aparecimento dos leucócitos polimorfonucleares (PMN no estroma corneano após abrasão epitelial central, utilizando olhos de camundongo como modelo. MÉTODOS: Vinte camundongos foram submetidos à abrasão epitelial em córnea central utilizando etanol a 20%. Após a lesão, o olho direito recebeu MMC a 0,02% por 1 minuto, enquanto o olho esquerdo recebeu solução salina. Os animais foram sacrificados em 1, 2, 5 e 14 dias após a cirurgia e

  6. Reinfections with strains of Trypanosoma cruzi, of different biodemes as a factor of aggravation of myocarditis and myositis in mice Reinfecções com cepas do Trypanosoma cruzi de diferentes biodemas como fator agravante da miocardite e miosite em camundongos

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    Sonia Gumes Andrade


    Full Text Available Reinfections with Trypanosoma cruzi in patients from endemic areas have been claimed to be an aggravation factor of cardiac manifestations in Chagas' disease. In the present study, the influence of triple infections with strains of different biodemes, on cardiac and skeletal muscle lesions was experimentally tested. Fifty eight mice chronically infected with the Colombian strain (Biodeme Type III were successively reinfected as follows: 1st group - reinfected with 21 SF strain (Type II followed by Y strain (Type I ; 2nd - group reinfections with Y strain followed by 21SF strain. Isoenzyme analysis of parasites from hemocultures obtained from triple infected mice, revealed the patterns of three distinct zymodemes in the same animal. Each Trypanosoma cruzi strain was reisolated after four passages in mice on either the 7th, 14th or 30th day after inoculation with the blood of triple infected mice. Histopathology results demonstrated a significant exacerbation of cardiac and skeletal muscle inflammatory lesions, confirmed by morphometric evaluation, in mice with triple infection. No aggravation of parasitism was detected. The possibility of an enhancement of cellular response in the triple infected mice is suggested.Reinfecções pelo Trypanosoma cruzi em pacientes de áreas endêmicas têm sido mencionadas como fator agravante das manifestações cardíacas na doença de Chagas. No presente estudo, a influência da tríplice infecção com cepas de diferentes biodemas, sobre as lesões do miocárdio e de músculo esquelético foi investigada experimentalmente. Cinqüenta e oito camundongos cronicamente infectados com a cepa Colombiana do Trypanosoma cruzi (Biodema Tipo III foram sucessivamente reinoculadas como a seguir: 1º grupo - reinfectados com a cepa 21 SF (Tipo II seguido pela cepa Y (Tipo I; 2º grupo - reinfecção com a cepa Y seguida pela cepa 21SF. A análise isoenzimática dos parasitas das hemoculturas obtidas dos animais com tr

  7. Schistosoma mansoni: aspectos quantitativos da fertilidade e sobrevida de vermes oriundos de cercárias irradiadas com 3 Krad, em camundongos Schistosoma mansoni: quantitative aspects of the fertility and survival of worms obtained from irradiated cercariae (3 Krad, in mice

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    Gileno de Sá Cardoso


    Full Text Available Quatro grupos de camundongos albinos (Mus musculus não isogênicos foram infectados transcutaneamente com cerca de 450 cercárias (das cepas LE e SJ do S. mansoni não irradiadas (grupos controles e irradiadas com 3 Krad de radiação gama proveniente de cobalto-60, com a finalidade de observar o efeito da irradiação gama sobre a fertilidade das fêmeas e a sobrevida dos vermes no sistema porta. A partir do 33º dia ocorre uma certa estabilidade na população dos vermes sobreviventes, ficando esta população constante, notadamente em relação à cepa LE, até o final das observações (90º dia. Concluiu-se que esta dose de radiação gama impede a produção de ovos dos vermes em 98,1% dos camundongos infectados, sendo mortos todos os ovos detectados; as fêmeas são mais resistentes à irradiação e o efeito desta sobre a mortalidade dos machos somente se torna estatisticamente significativo a partir do 61º dia de infecção. O longo tempo de permanência de vermes adultos irradiados estéreis no sistema porta de camundongos e o seu provável envolvimento no desenvolvimento de imunoproteção, tipo imunidade concomitante sem as implicações imunopatológicas para o hospedeiro, são discutidos nesse trabalho.The effect of gamma irradiation on the fertility of female mice, as well as the survival of worms in their portal system, have been observed in four groups of outbred albino mice (Mus musculus, experimentally infected with ca 450 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni (LE and SJ strains, by transcutaneous route. The cercariae used were a non-irradiated (control groups, and b irradiated with 3 Krad of gamma irradiation (Co-60. From the 33rd day on, some estability in the population of surviving worm could be observed. This population remained constant till the end of the observation period (90th day, notedly in relation to the LE strain. Thus, it was concluded that gamma irradiation (at the dose of 3 Krad is able to hinder the worm egg

  8. Ocorrência de Cryptosporidium spp. em animais exóticos de companhia no Brasil

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    M. S. de Souza


    Full Text Available RESUMOA infecção por algumas espécies ou genótipos de Cryptosporidiumrepresenta um risco em potencial para a saúde pública, principalmente por causa de morbidade e mortalidade em crianças de zero a cinco anos de idade e em pacientes imunodeprimidos. Embora existam alguns relatos de infecção por Cryptosporidiumem animais de companhia, sua participação na epidemiologia da criptosporidiose humana é incerta, e a literatura sobre esse tema ainda é bastante escassa. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ocorrência e realizar a classificação molecular deCryptosporidiumspp. em amostras fecais de animais exóticos criados como animais de estimação no Brasil. Um total de 386 amostras de seis espécies de animais foi colhido e armazenado em solução de dicromato de potássio 5% a 4°C. Os oocistos foram purificados por centrífugo-sedimentação em água/éter, seguindo-se a extração de DNA genômico e a realização da nestedPCR para amplificação de fragmento parcial do gene da subunidade 18S do rRNA. Positividade para Cryptosporidiumspp. foi observada em 11,40% (44/386 das amostras. O sequenciamento de fragmentos amplificados permitiu a identificação de Cryptosporidium tyzzeri em camundongos,Cryptosporidium murisem camundongos, hamster e chinchila, Cryptosporidium parvumem chinchila, Cryptosporidiumgenótipo hamsterem hamstere Cryptosporidiumsp. em porquinho-da-índia. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que há uma variedade de espécies de Cryptosporidiumpresentes em animais exóticos de companhia no Brasil. Os dados sugerem que esses animais podem participar da epidemiologia da criptosporidiose humana, particularmente por seu estreito convívio.

  9. Esquistossomose mansônica. I - evolução do quadro patológico: análise parasitológica, hematológica e histopatológica Schistosomiasis mansoni. I - evolution of the pathologic picture: parasitologic, hematologic, and histopathologic analyses

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    Ajax Mercês Atta


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de acompanhar a evolução da infecção bissexual primária de camundongos por S. mansoni, foram infectados camundongos Swiss com 100 cercárias da linhagem mineira (BH de Schistosoma mansoni. A evolução da infecção foi acompanhada por um período de 8 semanas. Foi verificada uma relação entre o número de granulomas hepáticos e o número de vermes totais. O ganho de peso corporal, o peso do baço e a percentagem do peso do fígado em relação ao peso corporal foram diferentes quando comparados os animais infectados e controles. O quadro leucocitário dos camundongos infectados apresentou alterações no número de leucócitos totais, neutrófilos e linfócitos. Os exames histológicos do baço e do fígado revelaram alterações nestes órgãos de acordo com a fase da infecção.In order to accompany the evolution of primary bisexual inifection of mice by Schistosoma mansoni, Swiss mice were infected with 100 cercariae of the Belo Horizonte strain of Schistosoma mansoni, and the infection's evolution was followed for eight weeks. A relationship between the number of hepatic granulomas and the number of worms was verified. Body weight gain, spleen, and the percentage of the liver weight in relation to body weight were different when compared to infected and control animals. White blood cells in the infected mice presented alterations in the total number of leukocytes, neutrophils, and lymphocytes. The histologic analyses of the spleen and liver revealed alterations in these organs; these alterations varied according to the stage of infection.

  10. Ensaio terapêutico na infecção por Giardia muris em camundongo com metronidazole, tinidazole, secnidazole e furazolidone

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    Claudia Cristina Pedigone Cruz


    Full Text Available Foi testado in vivo a sensibilidade de Giardia muris a quatro drogas comumente usadas no tratamento da giardíase humana. Foram utilizados 7 grupos de animais, com 12 camundongos cada, sendo que o grupo controle recebeu apenas solução salina 0,15M (0,5ml/animal. Os demais grupos receberam em dose única: metronidazole e furazolidone (500mg/kg, tinidazole e secnidazole (200mg/kg. A eficácia das drogas foi avaliada através da contagem de cistos nas fezes e pela ausência de trofozoítos no intestino. O metronidazole foi a droga mais eficaz. Os cortes histológicos mostraram diferenças entre o padrão da mucosa intestinal de animais normais e parasitados. No entanto, não se observou diferença entre o padrão de mucosa de animais infectados tratados e não tratados, o que sugere que estas alterações podem ser causadas pelo parasito e não pelas drogas.A comparative study about the effectiveness of metronidazole, tinidazole, secnidazole and furazolidone was performed on Giardia muris from mice naturally infected. Groups of 12 animals each was constituted: the control treated with saline; one treated with metronidazole; one treated with furazolidone; one treated with tinidazole; one treated with secnidazole; histological normal control; histological infected. Samples of three stools were examined before and after treatment with quantification of cysts. Animals were cured when the trophozoites was not seen in the small bowel. The curative activity of drugs was 58.3% for metronidazole, 50% for furazolidone, 40% for secnidazole and 16% for tinidazole. It was also showed that there was a different pattern of the intestinal mucosa from the control and infected groups, treated or not, suggesting that the alterations encountered in the mucosa of infected animals were due to the parasitism either the action of the drugs.

  11. Remodelamento miocárdico após grandes infartos converte potenciação pós-pausa em decaimento da força em ratos Miocárdio remodelado después de grandes infartos en ratas convierte potenciación post-pausa en disminucion de la fuerza Myocardial remodeling after large infarcts in rat converts post rest-potentiation in force decay

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    Danilo Sales Bocalini


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A Contração Pós-Repouso (CPR do músculo cardíaco fornece informações indiretas sobre a manipulação de cálcio intracelular. OBJETIVO: Nosso objetivo foi estudar o comportamento da CPR e seus mecanismos subjacentes em camundongos com infarto do miocárdio. MÉTODOS: Seis semanas após a oclusão coronariana, a contratilidade dos Músculos Papilares (MP obtidos a partir de camundongos submetidos à cirurgia sham (C, n = 17, com infarto moderado (MMI, n = 10 e grande infarto (LMI, n = 14, foi avaliada após intervalos de repouso de 10 a 60 segundos antes e depois da incubação com cloreto de lítio (Li+ em substituição ao cloreto de sódio ou rianodina (Ry. A expressão proteica de SR Ca(2+-ATPase (SERCA2, trocador Na+/Ca2+ (NCX, fosfolambam (PLB e fosfo-Ser (16-PLB foi analisada por Western blotting. RESULTADOS: Os camundongos MMI apresentaram potenciação de CPR reduzida em comparação aos camundongos C. Em oposição à potenciação normal para camundongos C, foram observadas degradações de força pós-repouso nos músculos de camundongos LMI. Além disso, a Ry bloqueou a degradação ou potenciação de PRC observada em camundongos LMI e C; o Li+ inibiu o NCX e converteu a degradação em potenciação de CPR em camundongos LMI. Embora os camundongos MMI e LMI tenham apresentado diminuição no SERCA2 (72 ± 7% e 47 ± 9% de camundongos controle, respectivamente e expressão protéica de fosfo-Ser16-PLB (75 ± 5% e 46 ± 11%, respectivamente, a superexpressão do NCX (175 ± 20% só foi observada nos músculos de camundongos LMI. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados mostraram, pela primeira vez, que a remodelação miocárdica pós-IAM em camundongos pode mudar a potenciação regular para degradação pós-repouso, afetando as proteínas de manipulação de Ca(2+ em miócitos.FUNDAMENTO: La Contracción pos pausa (CPP del músculo cardíaco provee informaciones indirectas sobre la manejo del calcio intracelular. OBJETIVO

  12. Caracterização da imunogenicidade das proteínas recombinantes Virb9, Virb10 e fator termo instável de Elongação de Peptídeos de Anaplasma marginale em camundongos

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    Ana Beatriz Canevari Castelão


    Full Text Available Considerando as limitações dos atuais métodos de controle contra a anaplasmose bovina, o desenvolvimento de uma vacina efetiva se faz necessário. A partir do advento da análise genômica e proteômica, novas proteínas de membrana de Anaplasma marginale foram identificadas como possíveis candidatas a componentes de uma vacina, tais como, VirB9,VirB10 e Fator Termo Instavél de Elongação de Peptídeos (EF-Tu. Embora estas proteínas ainda não estejam bem caracterizadas na membrana de A. marginale, a produção destas na forma recombinante (rVirB 9, rVirB10 e rEF-Tutem sido realizada, mas as mesmas ainda não foram exploradas em formulações vacinais. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se ouso de rVirB9, rVirB10 e rEF-Tu emulsionadas em adjuvante Montanide em camundongos. Nas condições testadas, verificou-se a indução de forte resposta imune humoral com a produção de IgG1 e IgG2a, sendo que as proporções dos níveis de produção destas subclasses indicam predomínio de IgG1. Entretanto, esplenócitos de animais, que foram injetados com rVirB9 ou rVirB10, produziram interferon-gama acima do limite de detecção do ensaio após estimulação in vitro, sinalizando assim resposta celular específica. Assim, novas avaliações serão realizadas com a finalidade de modular o perfil de resposta imune obtido em bovinos e avaliar a proteção contra A. marginale.

  13. Efeitos dos anabolizantes sobre a densidade de neurônios dos núcleos da base

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    Ariane Cristine de Freitas

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivos: Pouco se sabe sobre a atuação dos esteroides androgênicos anabolizantes (EAA no cérebro humano e, por isso, resolvemos estudar a perda neuronal causada pelo uso e abuso de EAA em camundongos. Métodos: Utilizamos 60 camundongos da linhagem Swiss, sendo 30 machos e 30 fêmeas, divididos em três grupos: 20 animais foram tratados com Deposteron® (cipionato de testosterona; outros 20 animais foram tratados com Winstrol Depot® (stanozolol; os últimos 20 animais foram tratados com solução salina. Todos foram submetidos à natação por 15 minutos. Finalizado o tratamento, os animais foram sacrificados pelo método de inalação de Halotano. Os encéfalos foram retirados e armazenados em solução de formaldeído a 4% por 24 horas. De cada encéfalo foram retiradas amostras homotípicas da região média do cérebro em cortes frontais para que pudéssemos avaliar as áreas estabelecidas para este estudo. Resultados: As análises da estimativa dos perfis celulares mostraram que houve uma diminuição do número de perfis no núcleo pálido dos animais machos tratados com Winstrol Depot®. Conclusão: Esses resultados nos permitem inferir que o uso inadequado e sem orientação médica de EAA pode levar a degenerações celulares.

  14. Basofilia e anisotropia nucleares em células de camundongo após tratamento com oxamniquine Nuclear basophilia and anisotropy in cells of mice treated with oxamniquine

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    Ivanira José Bechara


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de se estudar a ação da oxamniquine, uma droga utilizada no tratamento da esquistossomose, sobre a cromatina de núcleos de células animais, foram estudados os padrões de basofilia e anisotropia nucleares em hepatócitos, em células do músculo cardíaco e em linfócitos de camundongos adultos jovens. A oxamniquine foi administrada por via oral (436 mg/kg e preparados foram obtidos após diversos tempos de fornecimento da droga aos animais. Nos núcleos corados com azul de toluidina a pH 4,0, após digestão com RNAse, não se encontrou diferença quanto aos padrões de basofilia e anisotropia comparando-se animais tratados com controles. Demonstrou se assim que as moléculas de oxamniquine não se alojam no interior da dupla hélice do DNA, não alteram a sua conformação helicoidal nem se ligam aos grupos fosfatos livres desta macromolécula, diferindo, portanto, da atuação de outro esquistossomicida, o hycanthone.With the aim of evaluating the effect of oxamniquine, a drug used in the clinical trials of schistosomiasis mansoni, on chromatin of animal cell nuclei, the patterns of nuclear basophilia and anisotropy were determined for hepatocytes, cardiac miocytes, and lymphocytes of young adult mice. The animals received the oxamniquine orally in a single dose of 436 mg/kg. Cell preparations were obtained at various times after the administration of the drug. The nuclei were subjected to RNAse digestion and stained with a toluidine blue solution at pH 4.0. No difference was found when comparing the patterns of nuclear basophilia and anisotropy of treated animals with those of untreated controls. It was demonstrated that the oxamniquine molecules do not penetrate the interior of the DNA double helix, neither do they alter the helical conformation of this nucleic acid. Furthermore, the oxamniquine molecules do not attach themselves to the free phosphate groups of the DNA. Therefore, this drug does not affect the DNA of the

  15. Effect of oxamniquine on cell adhesion to Schistosoma mansoni larvae in the peritoneal cavity of naive mice Efeito da oxamniquina sobre a adesão celular da larva do S. mansoni na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos

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    Alan Lane de Melo


    Full Text Available The treatment of naive mice with high closes of oxamniquine, 1 hour before the intraperitoneal inoculation of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae, induces a delay in the transformation process resulting in a longer host cell adhesion.O tratamento de camundongos sem infecção prévia com altas doses de oxamniquina, 1 hora antes do inóculo intraperitoneal com cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni, induz a um atraso no processo de transformação, resultando conseqüentemente em larvas com adesão celular mais duradoura.

  16. Estudo imunohistoquímico do remodelamento pulmonar em camundongos expostos à fumaça de cigarro Immunohistochemical study of lung remodeling in mice exposed to cigarette smoke

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    Samuel Santos Valença


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Muitos estudos sobre enfisema são realizados com exposição de animais à fumaça de cigarro durante um longo tempo, focando o tipo de célula envolvida no desequilíbrio protease/antiprotease e a degradação da matriz extracelular. A expressão aumentada de metaloproteinases no enfisema está associado com citocinas e evidências sugerem um papel importante da metaloproteinase de matriz-12 (MMP-12. Nosso objetivo foi estudar a detecção de inibidor tissular de metaloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2, fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-α e interleucina-6 (IL-6 por métodos imunohistoquímicos no pulmão de camundongos. MÉTODOS: Camundongos C57BL/6 machos foram expostos 3 vezes ao dia a fumaça de 3 cigarros por um período de 10, 20, 30 ou 60 dias através de uma câmara de inalação (grupos CS10, CS20, CS30 e CS60, respectivamente. O grupo controle foi exposto às mesmas condições ao ar ambiente. RESULTADOS: Nós observamos um aumento progressivo de macrófagos alveolares no lavado broncoalveolar dos grupos expostos. O diâmetro alveolar médio, um indicador de destruição alveolar, aumentou em todos os grupos expostos quando comparado ao grupo controle. O índice imunohistoquímico (II para MMP-12 aumentou nos grupos CS10, CS20 e CS30 em paralelo a uma redução do II para TIMP-2 nos grupos CS10, CS20 e CS30. O II para as citocinas TNF-α e IL-6 aumentou em todos os grupos expostos quando comparado ao grupo controle. Enfisema foi observado no grupo CS60, com alterações na densidade de volume de fibras colágenas e elásticas. CONCLUSÕES: Estes achados sugerem que a fumaça de cigarro induz enfisema com uma participação importante do TNF-α e da IL-6 sem a participação de neutrófilos.OBJECTIVE: Various studies of emphysema involve long-term exposure of animals to cigarette smoke, focusing on the cell type involved in the protease/antiprotease imbalance and on extracellular matrix degradation. In emphysema, increased expression of

  17. Diagnosis and isolation of Toxoplasma gondii in horses from Brazilian slaughterhouses Diagnóstico e isolamento de Toxoplasma gondii em equídeos de frigoríficos brasileiros

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    Fernanda Evers

    Full Text Available This study aimed to investigate anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and to isolate the parasite from the brains of horses processed at slaughterhouses in Brazil. We collected brain and blood samples from 398 horses of various ages, from six Brazilian states. Serum samples were evaluated by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT cut-off titre ≥ 1:64, and brains were submitted to mouse bioassay. Among the 398 horses, positivity for T. gondii was identified in 46 (11.6% by IFAT and in 14 (3.5% by mouse bioassay. In 12 of those 14 bioassays, mice were positive only by IFAT (cut-off titre ≥ 1:16, T. gondii being isolated in the remaining two. Using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP analysis of 18S rDNA to differentiate among T. gondii, Neospora caninum, and Sarcocystis neurona, we found that two of the 14 brains were positive for T. gondii only. For genotyping of the two isolates and the PCR-positive brain, we performed PCR-RFLP based on 13 markers, and SAG2 all samples were Toxoplasma gondii type I. Collectively, IFAT of horse sera and mouse bioassay identified positivity in 60 (15% of the samples. Our results show that some horses sent to slaughter in Brazil have been exposed to T. gondii.O objetivo do estudo foi investigar anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii e isolar o parasita do cérebro de equídeos abatidos em matadouros-frigoríficos no Brasil. Colheram-se amostras de 398 cérebros e sangue de equídeos machos e fêmeas de idades variadas, provenientes de seis estados brasileiros. As amostras de soro foram avaliadas pelo teste de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI para T. gondii (ponto de corte ≥ 64, e os fragmentos de cérebros foram submetidos ao bioensaio em camundongos. Por meio da IFI, 46 (11,6% equídeos foram soropositivos. Pelo bioensaio em camundongos, 14 (3,5% cérebros de equídeos testados foram positivos. Em doze dos bioensaios, os camundongos foram positivos somente pela IFI (ponto

  18. Avaliação do cetoconazol em camundongos inoculados com Paracoccidioides brasiliensis pela histopatologia de fígado e baço e pela intradermorreação de paracoccidioidina

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    Maria do Rosário Rodrigues Silva


    Full Text Available Camundongos machos albinos, foram inoculados por via intravenosa com 0,5xl07 células viáveis de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis da amostra rotulada como Pb 2052 e tratados diariamente com cetoconazol nas dosagens de 50 e 100mg/kg durante 50 dias e em seguida sacrificados. Observou-se o número de parasitas .formação de granulomas no fígado e baço e reação de hipersensibilidade retardada usando-se antígeno de P. brasiliensís preparada segundo Fava Neto, inoculado na pata direita do animal. Verificou-se que: 1. cetoconazol diminuiu acentuadamente o número de parasitas encontrados no fígado e baço; 2. não havia diferença entre o número de granulomas formados no baço e fígado de animais tratados e não tratados; 3. a intensidade dos testes cutâneos tardios foram similares em todos os animais.Male albino mice were inoculated intravenously with0,5 x IO7viabley eastforms of P. brasiliensis (strain 2052, These animals were treated with two doses of ketoconazole (50and 100mg/kg during fifty days and the sacrificed. VSe studied the presence of P. brasiliensis, the inflammatory granulomatous response of liver and spleen and the anti P. brasiliensis delayed hypersensitivity response measured by the footpad test after 48 hours. It was observed that: 1. animals infected and treated with ketoconazole showed reduction in the number of fungi in the organs studied; 2. there was no difference in the number of granulomas among animals treated and non-treated; 3. the cutaneous delayed tests intensity was similar in all animals.

  19. Avaliação toxicológica e reprodutiva de camundongos machos adultos tratados com femproporex = Fenproporex treatment in male mice: behavior and toxicology reproductive analysis

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    José Eduardo Baroneza


    Full Text Available O femproporex é utilizado no mundo todo como potente anorexígeno. Esteestudo visa esclarecer se o uso diário de femproporex provoca toxicidade comportamental e/ou reprodutiva em camundongos machos adultos. Para tanto, foram utilizados 40 camundongos, divididos em quatro grupos experimentais, cada um contendo dez animais. Um dos grupos recebeu, via gavage, apenas água, e os outros foram tratados diariamente com femproporex, nas doses de 7,5, 15 e 30 mg kg-1, por um período de 40 dias. Como resultados, verificou-se que o femproporex não alterou a evolução normal da massa dos animais analisados, e concluiu-se que a utilização da droga não promoveu toxicidade comportamental, verificada nos testes de natação forçada e de campo aberto; e reprodutiva, quando verificados genotoxicidade, síntese de testosterona, morfologia de espermatozóides e histologia testicular. Assim sendo, concluiu-se que o femproporex, na concentração e delineamentos experimentais propostos por este trabalho, não apresentou potencial toxicológico.Fenproporex is used worldwide as a powerful anorectic drug.This study was designed to evaluate whether daily intake of fenproporex would lead to behavioral and/or reproductive toxicity in adult male mice. Fourty male mice were used, divided into 4 groups of 10 animals each. The control group received only water by gavage, whereas the experimental groups were treated daily with fenproporex in the doses of 7.5, 15 and 30 mg kg-1, for a period of 40 days. The results demonstrated that fenproporex did not alter the normal evolution of the animals’ body mass; it also showed that the use of the drug did not promote behavioral toxicity (open-field and forcedswimming tests or reproductive toxicity (genotoxicity, changes in the morphology of spermatozoa and testicular histology. Thus, the present results indicate that fenproporex, in the evaluated dose and experimental conditions, does not present behavioral and reproductive

  20. Betametasona e extrato aquoso de Arctium lappa no tratamento da angiostrongilíase Betamethasone and aqueous extract of Arctium lappa for treating angiostrongyliasis

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    Camila Argenta Fante


    Full Text Available Angiostrongylus costaricensis é um parasita que causa angiostrongilíase abdominal em humanos, seu tratamento inclui o uso de antiinflamatórios apesar da falta de estudos que justifiquem esta conduta. O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar o efeito da betametasona e da Arctium lappa na evolução de lesões intestinais induzidas pelo parasita. Utilizou-se camundongos Swiss, machos, adultos, distribuídos em 4 grupos: infectados tratados com betametasona; com Arctium lappa; não tratados e grupo controle. Os tratamentos iniciaram no 15º dia de infecção e permaneceram por 15 dias. Infiltrado eosinofílico e granuloma foram avaliados (1-leve; 2-moderado; 3-severo. A betametasona permitiu a evolução das lesões para formas mais graves, enquanto o extrato não interferiu na progressão da patologia. As substâncias empregadas não mostraram eficácia na proteção das lesões induzidas pelo Angiostrongylus costaricensis em camundongos. Estes achados desmotivam o uso de betametasona e Arctium lappa em humanos acometidos por angiostrongilíase abdominal.Angiostrongylus costaricensis is a parasite that causes abdominal angiostrongyliasis in humans. The treatment for it includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, despite the lack of studies to justify this approach. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effect of betamethasone and Arctium lappa on the evolution of intestinal lesions induced by this parasite. Adult male Swiss mice were used, distributed into four groups: infected and treated with betamethasone; infected and treated with Arctium lappa; infected and not treated; and control group. The treatments were started on the 15th day after infection and continued for 15 days. The presence of eosinophilic infiltration and granuloma was evaluated (1-mild; 2-moderate; 3-severe. Betamethasone allowed the lesions to evolve into more severe forms, while the extract did not interfere with disease progression. The substances applied were

  1. Avaliação dos efeitos depressores centrais do extrato etanólico das folhas de Synadenium umbellatum Pax. e de suas frações em camundongos albinos Evaluation of the central depressor effects of the ethanolic extract of the leaves of Synadenium umbellatum Pax. and its fractions in Swiss mice

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    Rodrigo Borges de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O Synadenium umbellatum Pax. (Euphorbiacea é uma planta nativa da África tropical conhecida como "cola-nota", "avelós", "cancerola", "milagrosa", dentre outros. A planta é utilizada pela população brasileira como detentora de propriedades antiinflamatória, analgésica, dentre outras. Foram avaliados os efeitos depressores sobre o sistema nervoso central (SNC do extrato etanólico das folhas de Synadenium umbellatum (EES e de suas frações - hexânica (FH, clorofórmica (FC e metanol/água (FM. Vários testes foram utilizados em camundongos machos albinos (Mus musculus, dentre eles, o sono induzido por barbitúrico, campo aberto e o teste do rota-rod. O EES foi testado nas doses de 25, 50 e 100 mg/kg, enquanto que a FH foi testada na dose de 10 mg/kg, a FC na dose de 20 mg/kg e a FM na dose de 25 mg/kg. O EES e as frações FH e FC, mas não a FM, apresentaram um possível efeito depressor sobre o SNC, visto que foram capazes de aumentar o tempo parado e diminuir o número de bolos fecais no campo aberto, além de potencializarem o sono induzido por barbitúrico. No teste do rota-rod, observou-se que o EES e as frações não foram capazes de causar incoordenação motora ou relaxamento muscular. Assim, conclui-se que o extrato etanólico e as frações FH e FC do Syandenium umbellatum Pax. possuem possível efeito depressor sobre o SNC.Synadenium umbellatum Pax. (Euphorbiacea is a native plant from tropical Africa known as "cola-nota", "avelós", "cancerola", "milagrosa", among others. The plant is used by Brazilian folks for having anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, among others. It was evaluated the depressor effects over the central nervous system (CNS of the ethanolic extract of the leaves of Synadenium umbellatum (EES and its fractions - hexane (HF, chloroformic (CF and methanol/water fractions(MF. Several tests were used in Swiss mice (Mus musculus, among them, barbiturate-induced sleep, open field and rota-rod test. The

  2. Grape extract and α-Tocopherol effect in cardiovascular disease model of Apo E -/- Mice Efeito do extrato de uva e α-Tocoferol em camundongos Apo E -/-, modelo de doença cardiovascular

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    Maria do Carmo Gouveia Peluzio


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To verify the effect of consumption of grape extract isolated or combined with α-tocopherol supplementation on atherosclerosis model with Apo E -/- mice. METHODS: After six weeks of atherogenic diet, Apo E -/- mice were divided into the following groups: Control, Grape, Tocopherol and Grape plus Tocopherol. The treatment progressed for 11 weeks when animals were submitted to euthanasia. RESULTS: All the treatments presented hypocholesterolemic effect with reduction of serum and liver cholesterol levels. This effect was parallel to an increase in the fecal excretion of cholesterol. There was also a higher fecal excretion of saturated fatty acids in groups receiving grape extract or α-tocopherol. All the groups treated presented a tendency to show higher levels of vitamin E. The fatty acid profile showed a tendency for monounsaturated fatty acid preservation after grape extract and α-tocopherol consumption. Morphological analysis revealed a lower degree of evolution of the atherosclerotic plaque of the animals that were fed α-tocopherol combined with grape extract, even when no difference was found in the size of the largest lesion. CONCLUSION: A synergistic effect between the polyphenols and α-tocopherol was observed, resulting in diminished evolution of atherosclerosis and a greater beneficial effect on atherosclerosis than the isolated consumption of antioxidants.OBJETIVO: Verificar o efeito do consumo de extrato de uva isolada ou combinada com a suplementação de α-tocoferol em modelo de aterosclerose, utilizando camundongos Apo E -/-. MÉTODOS: Os camundongos Apo E -/- foram tratados com dieta aterogênica por seis semanas e foram divididos em quatro grupos: Controle, Uva, Tocoferol e Uva e Tocoferol. Após 11 semanas de tratamento os animais foram submetidos à eutanasia. RESULTADOS: Todos os tratamentos apresentaram efeito hipocolesterolêmico, com redução de colesterol plasmático e hepático. Este efeito foi acompanhado

  3. Transplante experimental cardíaco heterotópico e cutâneo em camundongos Experimental heterotopic cardiac and cutaneous transplantation in mice

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    Patrícia Sestrheim


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudo experimental com o objetivo de desenvolver e avaliar a viabilidade das técnicas de transplante experimental cardíaco heterotópico abdominal vascularizado e cutâneo em camundongos, criando um instrumento para investigação da eficácia de soluções de preservação, novas drogas imunossupressoras, agentes biológicos, terapia gênica e indução de tolerância imunológica. MÉTODO: Para este estudo, as técnicas utilizadas foram descritas previamente por Corry et al. e Billingham et al. RESULTADOS: O tempo cirúrgico total para a realização dos transplantes cardíacos (n=20 foi, em média, 60,3±6,3 minutos e para os transplantes cutâneos (n=20, 17,75±0,71 minutos. A média de sobrevida dos aloenxertos cutâneos (n=34 e cardíacos (n=24 foi, respectivamente, 7 e 11 dias, enquanto que os isoenxertos sobreviveram por mais de 100 dias. CONCLUSÕES: Ambas as técnicas se caracterizaram pela fácil reprodutibilidade dos modelos experimentais. As diferenças entre as técnicas não se limitaram às peculiaridades metodológicas ou ao tempo de sobrevida e vascularização, mas principalmente à sua imunogenicidade e suscetibilidade à rejeição.OBJECTIVE: This is an experimental study which aims at developing and evaluating the feasibility of experimental techniques of vascularized and cutaneous abdominal heterotopic heart transplant in mice, creating an instrument of investigation for the effectiveness of prservation solutions, new immunosuppressive drugs, biological agents, genetic therapy and induction of immunological tolerance. METHOD: The techniques used in this work were previously described by Corry et al. and Billingham et al. RESULTS: The total surgical time to perform the cardiac transplants (n=20 was on average 60.3+6.3 minutes and the time of cutaneous transplants (n= 20 17.75+0.71 minutes. The average survival of the cutaneous allografts (n=34 and cardiac (n=24 allografts was 7 and 11 days, respectively, while

  4. Early weaning impairs body composition in male mice

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    Maria Carolina Borges


    Full Text Available This study aimed to evaluate the effect of early weaning on body composition and on parameters related to nutritional status in mice. The experimental group consisted of male Swiss Webster mice that were weaned early (at postnatal day fourteen and fed an appropriate diet for growing rodents until postnatal day twenty-one (EW group. The control group consisted of male mice breastfed until postnatal day twenty-one (CON group. All animals were sacrificed on the twenty-first day of life. The EW group showed a decrease in liver and muscle protein content and concentration, brain protein concentration, brain DNA content and concentration, as well as liver and muscle protein/RNA ratio (pO presente estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito do desmame precoce sobre a composição corporal e sobre parâmetros indicativos do estado nutricional de camundongos. O grupo experimental consistiu de camundongos Swiss Webster, machos, desmamados precocemente (14º dia de vida e alimentados com ração apropriada para roedores em crescimento até o 21º dia pós-natal (grupo DESM. O grupo controle consistiu de camundongos amamentados até o 21º dia pós-natal (grupo CON. Todos os animais foram sacrificados no 21º dia de vida. O grupo DESM apresentou redução da concentração e conteúdo hepático e muscular de proteínas, da concentração cerebral de proteínas, da concentração e conteúdo cerebral de DNA e da razão proteína/RNA hepática e muscular (p<0,05. Quanto à composição corporal, o grupo DESM apresentou maior conteúdo de umidade, maior percentual de umidade e lipídios e menor conteúdo e percentual de cinzas e proteína na carcaça (p<0,05. Os resultados indicam que o desmame precoce acarreta em prejuízo à composição corporal e a parâmetros indicativos do estado nutricional, o que pode estar relacionado ao retardo do processo de maturação química. Os dados do presente estudo podem contribuir para o entendimento da influência da alimenta

  5. Constituintes químicos e estudos toxicológicos do óleo essencial extraído das folhas de Citrus limon Burn (Rutaceae

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    L.M.L. Campelo


    Full Text Available A caracterização química do óleo essencial de folhas de Citrus limon (Rutaceae resultou na identificação de mistura de monoterpenos (limoneno, linalol, cis-óxido de limoneno, trans-óxido de limoneno, citronelal, neral, geranial, nerol e acetato de geranil. As estruturas dos compostos do óleo essencial foram identificadas por GC/MS, por comparação com dados da literatura. Os efeitos da administração crônica oral do óleo essencial de folhas de Citrus limon foram investigados sobre parâmetros bioquímicos e hematológicos em camundongos Swiss machos. Os animais (n = 10/grupo foram tratados por via oral diariamente durante 30 dias com óleo essencial de folhas de Citrus limon, nas doses de 50, 100 ou 150 mg kg-1 de massa corporal e os parâmetros bioquímicos e hematológicos avaliados. O tratamento não causou nenhuma morte ou toxicidade nos animais. A administração do óleo essencial não alterou os parâmetros bioquímicos e hematológicos e a massa dos órgãos, exceto por diminuição de 21 e 11% em uréia e ácido úrico, respectivamente, e 9%, nos níveis plasmáticos de aspartato transaminase (AST. Para os parâmetros hematológicos, houve pequenas mudanças nas contagens de neutrófilos, linfócitos, eosinófilos e monócitos, mas estes não foram diferentes dos valores de referência. Além disso, houve diminuição significativa nos triglicerídeos detectado nos animais tratados com dose de 150 mg kg-1 de óleo essencial. Em conclusão, a administração crônica de óleo essencial não induziu nenhum efeito de risco na maioria dos parâmetros bioquímicos e hematológicos estudados em camundongos Swiss machos. No entanto, a diminuição dos níveis de uréia e ácido úrico em doses elevadas, sugere um possível efeito de insuficiência renal e aumento no teor de AST, sugerindo possível sobrecarga hepática que deve ser investigada com mais detalhe.

  6. Toxicity and teratogenicity evaluation of fenproporex in mice fetuses descending from parents that were exposed to this drug during intrauterine life Avaliação da toxicidade e da teratogenicidade do femproporex em fetos de camundongos provenientes de pais expostos à droga durante a vida intra-uterina

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    Camila Queiroz Moreira


    Full Text Available Fenproporex is an anorectic drug that is transformed into amphetamine in the organism. The use of amphetaminic compounds during pregnancy increases the risk of exencephaly, cleft palate and cardiac malformations. The aim of this study was to evaluate embryo-fetal development, embryotoxicity and possible teratogenic effects in mice fetuses descending from parents that were exposed to fenproporex duringintra-uterine development. Pregnant females were treated daily, by gavage, with 15 mg/kg of fenproporex during all the gestation. When the off springs reached the adult age, they were mated with integral mice, obtaining the2nd generation. On the 18th gestational day, female mice were killed. It was observed that fenproporex did not alter significantly placent weight, fetuses length, rate of postimplantation loss, visceral and skeletal analysis. This may have occurred due to the decrease of the amphetamine effects on the 2nd generation. However, there was statistically significant difference in relation to the fetuses weight. The reduction of fetal weight is used as parameter to evidence toxic effects of asubstance. Therefore, the results suggest that fenproporex presented fetaltoxicity in the tested experimental conditions. Femproporex é um anorexígeno que se transforma em anfetamina no organismo. O uso de compostos anfetamínicos durante a gravidez aumenta o risco de exencefalia, de fenda palatina e de malformações cardíacas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desenvolvimento embriofetal, a embriotoxicidade e possíveis efeitos teratogênicos em fetos de camundongos provenientes de pais que foram expostos ao femproporex durante o desenvolvimento intra-uterino. As fêmeas prenhes foram tratadas diariamente, via gavage, com 15 mg/kg de femproporex, durante toda a gestação. Quando as progênies atingiram a idade adulta, foram acasaladas com camundongos íntegros, obtendo-se a 2ª geração. No 18º dia de prenhez, as fêmeas foram mortas

  7. Determination of lethal doses 50 and 100 of propofol in lipid emulsion nor nanoemulsion intraperitoneally in miceDeterminação das doses letal 50 e 100 do propofol em nanoemulsão ou em emulsão lipídica pela via intraperitoneal em camundongos

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    Martielo Ivan Gehrcke


    Full Text Available The formulation of a drug can interfere with its absorption into the circulatory system and may result in changes in the dose required to achieve that particular effect. The aim of this study was to determine the lethal dose 50 (LD 50 and 100 (LD100 of a nanoemulsion of propofol and the lipid emulsion in mice intraperitoneally. One hundred sixty animals weighing 36.47±4.6g, which were distributed randomly into two groups: NANO and EMU who received propofol 1% in the nanoemulsion and lipid emulsion, respectively, intraperitoneally. Began with a dose of 250mg/kg (n=10 and from this isdecreased or increased the dose until achieving 0 and 100% of deaths in each group thus formed were seven subgroups in NANO (each subgroup n = 10 at doses 200, 250, 325, 350, 400, 425 and 475 mg/kg and in EMU eight subgroups (n= 10 each subset 250, 325, 350, 400, 425, 475, 525 and 575 mg/kg. In the CONTROL group (n=10 animals received saline in the largest volume used in the other groups to rule out death by the volume injected. Analysis of LD 50 and LD 100 were obtained by linear regression. The LD 50 was 320, 95 mg / kg and 4243, 51mg / kg and the LD 100 was445.99 mg / kg and 595.31 mg / kg to groups NANO and EMU, respectively. It follows that nanoemulsion is propofol in 25% more potent compared to the lipid emulsionintraperitoneally. A formulação de um fármaco pode interferir na sua absorção para o sistema circulatório, podendo resultar em alterações da dose necessária para que se consiga determinado efeito. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar as doses letais 50 (DL 50 e 100 (DL100 do propofol em nanoemulsão e emulsão lipídica em camundongos pela via intraperitoneal. Foram utilizados 160 animais pesando 36,47 ± 4,6g, os quais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: NANO e EMU que receberam propofol à 1% em nanoemulsão e em emulsão lipídica, respectivamente, pela via intraperitoneal. Iniciou-se com a dose de 250mg/kg (n=10 e a partir

  8. The use of mice as animal model for testing acute toxicity (LD-50 of toxic shock syndrome toxin Utilização de camundongos como modelo animal para a verificação da toxicidade aguda da toxina-1 da síndrome do choque tóxico

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    R.S. Dias


    Full Text Available Acute toxicity test (LD-50 using toxic shock syndrome toxin (TSST-1 was tested in BALB/c, C57BL/6 and Swiss mice. Animals (n = 10 were intraperitoneally injected with TSST-1 (0.01-10.0µg/mouse followed 4h later by potentiating dose of lipopolysaccharide (75.0µg of LPS - E. coli O111:B4 and cumulative mortality was recorded over 72h. Control animals received either TSST-1 or LPS alone. The data were submitted to qui-Square test and acute toxicity test was calculated by probit analysis (confidence limits expressed as µg toxin/kg. BALB/c mice was the most sensitive (20.0µg/kg, 95% confidence limits: 9.0-92.0 followed by C57BL/6 (38.5µg/kg, 95% confidence limits: 9.11- 401.6. Data from Swiss mice was not conclusive, indicating only low sensitivity. Selection of the animal model and standardization of the experiment are fundamental for the development of serum neutralization tests used for final quality control of vaccine production.A toxicidade aguda (DL-50 da toxina da síndrome do choque tóxico (TSST-1 foi testada em linhagens de camundongos BALB/c, C57BL/6 e Suíça. Os animais (n=10 inoculados intraperitoneal com doses crescentes de toxina (0,01 - 10,0µg/animal receberam 4h após 75µg de LPS (E. coli O111: B4. A toxicidade aguda (DL50 foi observada por um período de 72h e os dados submetidos ao teste de qui- quadrado. Os resultados e os limites de confiança foram expressos em µg de toxina/kg. A linhagem BALB/c apresentou maior sensibilidade (20µg/kg - limite de confiança a 95% entre 9,0- 92,0, seguida da C57BL/6 (38,5µg/kg - limite de confiança a 95% entre 9,11 - 401,6. A amplitude dos limites de confiança deve-se à natureza da toxina, ao mecanismo de ação, a via de inoculação e ao animal utilizado. A seleção do modelo animal e a padronização do experimento são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de testes de soro neutralização para fins de controle de qualidade do processo de produção de vacinas.

  9. Estudo morfológico no músculo gastrocnêmio de camundongos C57 BL10 submetidos à ingestão prolongada de etanol Study of ultrastructural alterations in gastrocnemius muscle of C57 BL10 mice after prolonged ethanol ingestion

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    João Batista Guedes e Silva


    Full Text Available Os efeitos do alcoolismo crônico no músculo gastrocnêmio de camundongos bem nutridos foram estudados morfologicamente com a finalidade de se avaliar a hipótese de que o etanol exerce um papel tóxico direto sobre o músculo esquelético. Foram usados 30 camundongos C57BL10 machos, adultos jovens, divididos em dois grupos: Grupo A (controle consistindo de 10 camundongos que beberam água e Grupo B (alcoólico de 20 camundongos que beberam etanol a 25%. Todos os animais receberam" uma ração balanceada de laboratório e foram mantidos nesse regime ad libitum nas mesmas condições ambientais durante 48 semanas e pesados uma vez por semana. O consumo diário de dieta e a ingestão calórica foram calculados tendo os animais apresentado substancial ganho de peso, não mostrando qualquer sinal de desnutrição. Ao final do experimento os animais foram sacrificados para estudos morfológicos. Pela microscopia óptica não foram encontradas alterações. Importantes anormalidades foram observadas pela microscopia eletrônica em todos os espécimens.O retículo sarcoplasmático mostrou-se freqüentemente dilatado, resultando na formação de grandes vesículas e envolvendo as cisternas terminais com deslocamento das tríades. Áreas de estreitamento, ruptura e perda de miofibrilas ocorreram assim como zonas de completa desorganização de miofibrilas com perda do padrão estriado normal. As mitocondrias estavam em linhas gerais dentro dos limites da normalidade. Agregados tubulares peculiares vistos comumente na paralisia periódica e outras condições patológicas humanas, foram encontrados tanto no músculo dos camundongos controles como no dos alcoólicos. Os nervos intramusculares assim como as junções neuromusculares mostravam-se normais. Importantes anormalidades nos capilares musculares foram observadas, consistindo de tumefação das células endoteliais e de espessamento da lâmina basal. Difusa infiltração lipídica microvesicular

  10. Tentativa de tratamento específico, por meio da ticlopidina, de pacientes com doença de Chagas em fase crônica

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    Rassi Anis


    Full Text Available Em investigação experimental, a ticlopidina mostrou ser ativa no sentido de diminuir a parasitemia e a mortalidade quando avaliada a infecção de camundongos pelo Trypanosoma cruzi. Por isso, este fármaco foi administrado a 12 pacientes com doença de Chagas, em fase crônica. Houve utilização de 150, 200 ou 250mg, durante 90 dias, conforme se tratasse de crianças, adolescentes ou adultos, respectivamente. Ficou documentado cabal insucesso sob os pontos de vista parasitológico e sorológico.

  11. Efeito do praziquantel incorporado a lipossomas nos diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento dos ovos de Schistosoma mansoni

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    T. F. FREZZA


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    A esquistossomose mansônica é causada pelo trematódeo digenético intravascular Schistosoma mansoni. Para o tratamento dessa enfermidade o praziquantel (PZQ e a oxamniquina (OXA são os fármacos escolhidos. No entanto, esses fármacos apresentam limitações quanto à ação e casos de resistência ou tolerância já foram relatados. Por esse motivo, são necessários os estudos de novas alternativas que visam melhorar os fármacos já existentes, como a incorporação desses em lipossomas. Este estudo verificou a ação do praziquantel incorporado a lipossomas (lip.PZQ sobre os ovos de S. mansoni, linhagem BH em camundongos Mus musculus (Swiss- SPF. Para tanto, foram testadas quatro doses de PZQ e lip.PZQ (47; 60; 250 e 300mg/kg sendo que parte dos camundongos foi tratada após 30 dias de infecção e outra após 45 dias. A análise do oograma mostrou que a dose lip.PZQ 300mg/kg administrada no 45º dia de infecção foi mais eficaz, pois reduziu a oviposição pelas fêmeas de S. mansoni. Palavras-chave: Schistosoma mansoni; praziquantel; lipossoma; oograma.

  12. Swiss State Secretary visits CERN

    CERN Multimedia


    The new Swiss State Secretary for Education and Research recently visited CERN. Peter Jenni, the spokesperson for ATLAS, gave Mauro Dell’Ambrogio, the new Swiss State Secretary for Education and Research, a tour of ATLAS and the LHC tunnel.On 2 April, the newly appointed Swiss State Secretary for Education and Research, Mauro Dell’Ambrogio, was welcomed to CERN by Director-General Robert Aymar. On arrival the Swiss minister was given a guided tour of ATLAS and the adjoining LHC tunnel by Peter Jenni, the ATLAS spokesperson. Dr Dell’Ambrogio was then greeted by Swiss scientists and attended presentations by young post doc physicists about Swiss contributions to CMS and LHCb, in particular their work concerning hardware contribution and data analysis. There are 120 physicists from Swiss universities working on CERN’s experiments, and many more Swiss people working at CERN in other departments due to Switzerland’s special position as a host state. Also before ...

  13. Esquistossomose mansônica: II - evolução dos níveis de proteínas séricas e do perfil eletroforético por técnicas de imunoeletroforese quantitativa Schistosomiasis mansoni: II - evolution of the levels of serum proteins and of their electrophoretic pattern as traced by quantitative immunoelectrophoresis

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    Ajax Mercês Atta


    Full Text Available Camundongos Swiss foram infectados com 100 cercárias da linhagem mineira (BH do Schistosoma mansoni e sacrificados semanalmente no período de 8 semanas de infecção. Os níveis de proteínas séricas totais destes animais não diferiram dos apresentados pelos animais controles. Os níveis de albumina sérica determinados por "Rocket immunoelectrophoresis" acharam-se diminuídos nas 5.ª, 6.ª e 7.ª semanas de infecção. O perfil obtido por imunoeletroforese cruzada revelou alterações em componentes séricos com mobilidade nas regiões de gama, beta e em menor grau de alfa-globulinas, após a oviposição do parasito.Swiss mice were infected with 100 cercariae of the Belo Horizonte strain of Schistosoma mansoni and were sacrificed weekly during eight weeks following of infection. The levels of serum protein totals in these animals did not differ from those presented by the control animals. However, serum albumin levels that were determined by rocket immunoelectrophoresis were lower during the 5th, 6th, and 7th weeks of infection. The pattern determined by crosed immunoelectrophoresis revealed alterations in serum components with mobility in the gamma and beta regions and, to a lesser degree, alpha-globulins, after oviposition by the parasite.

  14. Leptopirosis in animal of animal house of Biologic Science Center of Londrina State University / Leptospirose em animais do biotério central do Centro de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Estadual de Londrina

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    Ernst Eckehardt Muller


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis has been described in laboratory animal house of several countries happening among mice. albino rats. guinea pigs, dogs, rabbits, monkeys and man. The laboratory animal house of Biologic Science Center of Londrina State University maintains and breeds several species of animals and stray dogs trapped in citíes of Paraná State. In this paper w e r e utilized for leptospirosis research, 325 wistar rats. 323 albino mice. 289 dogs, 135 rabbits. 119 guinea pigs, and 57 black rats trapped around of animal house. The microscopic agglutination test with 22 cultures of Leptospira interrogans showed positive results in 110 dogs and o n e guinea pig, having been found antibodies against serovars canicola (62, 7%, pyrogenes (51,8%, castellonis (30.9% and icterobaemorrhagiae (23,6%. The dark field microscopy examination of 574 urine samples (282 albino mice, 224 wistar rats, 29 black rats, 24 dogs, 13 rabbits and two guinea pigs showed positive resuíts in six dogs. The seven attempts of urine and kidneys isolation were negatives.A leptospirose tem sido descrita em biotérios de vários países, acometendo camundongos, ratos albinos, cobaios, cães, coelhos e macacos além do manipuladores. O Biotério Centrai do Centro de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Estadual de Londrina mantém e cria várias espécies de animais além de receber cães de rua, capturados em municípios do Estado do Paraná. Neste trabalho foram utilizados para a pesquisa de leptospirose, soros de 325 ratos wistar, 323 camundongos albinos. 289 cães de rua, 135 coelhos, 119 cobaios, além de 57 ratos pretos capturados nas proximidades do biotério. A prova de somaglutinação microscópica com 22 soroiipos de Lepiospira interrogans mostrou resultados positivos em 110 cães e um cobaio, sendo encontrado anticorpos principalmente contra os soroiipos canicola (62. 7%. pyrogenes (51.8%. castellonis (30,9% e icterohaemorrhagiae (23.6%. A pesquisa direta de leptospira em

  15. Efeitos da intoxicação crônica com o etanol na evolução da Tripanosomíase cruzi experimental no camundongo

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    Nildete das Graças Lima Gomes


    Full Text Available Dois experimentos foram realizados para estudar o efeito da intoxicação crônica com o etanol (solução a 7% como única fonte de líquido sobre a evolução da infecção pelo T. cruzi em camundongos: (1 animais após 60 dias de infecção com cepa miotrópica do T. cruzi foram submetidos à intoxicação crônica com o etanol durante 6 meses; (2 animais cronicamente intoxicados com etanol durante 5 meses foram infectados com a mesma cepa do T. cruzi e, continuando a ingestão do etanol, foram acompanhados até 45 dias após a infecção. Os animais infectados e tratados com etanol apresentaram, em relação aos que não ingeriram álcool etílico: (a mortalidade semelhante nos dois experimentos; (b parasitemia mais alta na fase aguda e parasitemia patente mais freqüente na fase crônica; (b miocardite com exsudato inflamatório menos intenso e fibrose miocárdica mais extensa na fase crônica; (c no músculo esquelético, miosite menos intensa e arterite com trombose hialina menos freqüente.

  16. Swiss Property kontor = Offices of Swiss Property / kommenteerinud Tõnis Sõõrumaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Swiss Property kontoriruumid Tallinnas Rotermanni 8. Sisekujunduse autorid Kätlin Ölluk, Tiina Kesküla, Katy Seppel, Aet Kiivet, Liina Rohtlaan, Marita Mätas, Lilian Esing, Kristin Boginski (Swiss Property); arhitektid Yoko Azukawa, Hanno Grossschmidt, Tomomi Hayashi

  17. First Swiss bachelor in Photonics (United States)

    Leutenegger, Tobias; Studer, Bruno


    Swissmem, the Swiss association of mechanical and electrical engineering industries, founded a new photonics group in 2013. This reflects the importance of this key technology for Switzerland. Swissmem requested from the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences to introduce a new bachelor program to fulfill the increasing demand of the Swiss industry of young academics in the field of photonics. Optech Consulting is investigating the Swiss photonics market since many years on behalf of Swissphotonics, the Swiss national thematic network for photonics. The study concluded that the total production volume of the Swiss photonics industry in the year 2013 was 3 billion Swiss francs and a slight growth is expected for 2014. The University of Applied Science HTW Chur is located in the Eastern part of Switzerland. This area of the Rhine valley is a technology cluster of innovative companies in the field of optics and electronics. The industry is growing and the R&D departments of the worldwide active companies are lacking well-educated photonics engineers. The HTW Chur is dedicated to establish the first Swiss bachelor in Photonics. Supported by strong industrial players and an excellent network, the HTW Chur developed different job descriptions and a complete curriculum, which reflect the needs of the Swiss photonics industry. Almost 60% of the ECTS of this national degree program are assigned to photonics specific courses and the practical projects are organized in close collaboration with the photonics industry. Curriculum, job descriptions and the industrial needs will be discussed in detail in this paper.

  18. Avaliação toxicológica e reprodutiva de camundongos machos adultos tratados com femproporex - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.1089 Fenproporex treatment in male mice: behavior and toxicology reproductive analysis - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.1089

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    Estefânia Gastaldello Moreira


    Full Text Available O femproporex é utilizado no mundo todo como potente anorexígeno. Este estudo visa esclarecer se o uso diário de femproporex provoca toxicidade comportamental e/ou reprodutiva em camundongos machos adultos. Para tanto, foram utilizados 40 camundongos, divididos em quatro grupos experimentais, cada um contendo dez animais. Um dos grupos recebeu, via gavage, apenas água, e os outros foram tratados diariamente com femproporex, nas doses de 7,5, 15 e 30 mg kg-1, por um período de 40 dias. Como resultados, verificou-se que o femproporex não alterou a evolução normal da massa dos animais analisados, e concluiu-se que a utilização da droga não promoveu toxicidade comportamental, verificada nos testes de natação forçada e de campo aberto; e reprodutiva, quando verificados genotoxicidade, síntese de testosterona, morfologia de espermatozóides e histologia testicular. Assim sendo, concluiu-se que o femproporex, na concentração e delineamentos experimentais propostos por este trabalho, não apresentou potencial toxicológicoFenproporex is used worldwide as a powerful anorectic drug. This study was designed to evaluate whether daily intake of fenproporex would lead to behavioral and/or reproductive toxicity in adult male mice. Fourty male mice were used, divided into 4 groups of 10 animals each. The control group received only water by gavage, whereas the experimental groups were treated daily with fenproporex in the doses of 7.5, 15 and 30 mg kg-1, for a period of 40 days. The results demonstrated that fenproporex did not alter the normal evolution of the animals’ body mass; it also showed that the use of the drug did not promote behavioral toxicity (open-field and forced-swimming tests or reproductive toxicity (genotoxicity, changes in the morphology of spermatozoa and testicular histology. Thus, the present results indicate that fenproporex, in the evaluated dose and experimental conditions, does not present behavioral and

  19. Capacidade da matriz extracelular da medula óssea de induzir proliferação de células mielóides in vitro no modelo de desnutrição protéica em camundongos Capacity of the extracellular matrix of the bone marrow to induce proliferation of myeloid cells in vitro in model of protein malnutrition in mice

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    Cidônia de Lourdes Vituri


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo verificar se a matriz extracelular (MEC obtida da medula óssea de camundongos com desnutrição protéica energética sustenta a sobrevivência, se induz proliferação de células mielóides, bem como avaliar a capacidade desta MEC de interagir com citocinas hematopoiéticas in vitro. Camundongos machos "Swiss" foram submetidos à desnutrição protéica (4% de caseína até que perdessem 20% do peso inicial e o grupo-controle foi mantido com uma dieta contendo 14% de caseína. A medula óssea foi extraída com tampão PBS suplementado com 1 mg de aprotinina/mL. Os ensaios de proliferação foram realizados com a linhagem mielóide FDC-P1, pelo método colorimétrico de redução do MTT. A MEC obtida tanto do grupo-controle como do desnutrido induziu proliferação celular in vitro. Os ensaios de interação foram realizados com IL-3 e GM-CSF na concentração de 10 ρg e 500 ρg/mL, que demonstraram efeito sinérgico e efeito regulatório, respectivamente. A MEC obtida de animais do grupo desnutrido quando submetida ao ensaio de ligação ao GM-CSF mostrou maior proliferação celular do que a MEC obtida de animais do grupo-controle (pThe aim of this study was to verify the capacity of the extracellular matrix (ECM obtained from bone marrow of malnourished mice to sustain survival and to induce the proliferation of myeloid cells. We also verified the capacity of the tests to interact with in vitro hematopoietic cytokines. Male "Swiss" mice were submitted to protein malnutrition with a diet content of '4% casein until they lost 20% of the original weight, while the group-control was kept with a diet content of 14% of casein. The bone marrow was extracted with 1.0 mg of aprotinin/mL in PBS. The proliferation tests were carried out with myeloid cell line FDCP-1, by the colorimetric method of reduction of the MTT. The obtained ECM from nourished and undernourished mice induced cellular proliferation invitro. Tests

  20. Acute inflammatory response to a foreign body in Calomys callosus Perfil de migração celular agudo induzido pela presença de corpo estranho em Calomys callosus

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    André Kipnis


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    Calomys callosus are wild rodents present in the Brazilian savannas that were adapted to the laboratorial conditions. These animals are resistant to infections that induce chronic inflammatory responses (<em>Trypanosoma cruziem> and <em>Paracoccidioides brasiliensisem>. The objective of this work was to characterize the acute inflammatory reaction, prompted by the subcutaneous implementation of a foreign body. Twenty seven <em>C. callosusem> and thirty B10A mice received implant and were comparatively analyzed during 144 hours. Circular cover slides implanted in <em>C. callosusem> showed predominance of macrophages and eosinophils whereas in the mice, the neutrophils followed by the macrophages were the migratory dominant cells (p <0.05. It was concluded that <em>C. callosusem> present inflammatory mechanisms for the removal of foreign body different from the ones found in the other rodents as well as in the human beings.


    KEY WORDS: Acute inflammation, cover slip, granuloma, histology, wild rodents.

    Calomys callosus são roedores silvestres presentes no cerrado brasileiro, que foram adaptados às condições laboratoriais. Trata-se de animais que apresentam resistência às infecções que induzem respostas inflamatórias crônicas (<em>Trypanosoma cruziem> e <em>Paracoccidioides brasiliensisem>. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a reação inflamatória, na fase aguda, induzida pela implantação subcutânea de um corpo estranho. Vinte e sete <em>C. callosusem> e trinta camundongos (B10A foram implantados e analisados comparativamente durante 144 horas. Lamínulas implantadas em <em>C. callosusem> mostraram predomínio de macrófagos e eosinófilos, enquanto que, nos camundongos, os neutrófilos seguidos pelos macrófagos foram as células migratórias dominantes (p< 0,05. Conclui-se que os <em>C. callosusem

  1. Sanitary profile in mice and rat colonies in laboratory animal houses in Minas Gerais: I - Endo and ectoparasites Perfil sanitário de colônias de camundongos e ratos de biotérios de Minas Gerais: I - Endo e ectoparasitos

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    K.A. Bicalho


    Full Text Available The sanitary conditions of 13 animal houses in nine public institutions in Minas Gerais, and the presence of endo and ectoparasites of mice and rats colonies kept in these facilities were evaluated. Data about barriers to prevent the transmission of diseases and a program of sanitary monitoring were obtained through a questionnaire and local visit. Parasitological methods were performed for diagnosing mite, lice, helminthes, and protozoa parasites in 344 mice and 111 rats. Data have shown that the majority of the animal houses had neither proper physical environment nor protection barriers to prevent the transmission of infections. Parasitological results have shown that only one animal house (7.7% had parasite free animals, whereas the others have presented infected animals and the prevalences of parasites in the mice colonies were: Myobia musculi (23.1%; Myocoptes musculinus (38.5%; Radfordia affinis (15.4%; Syphacia obvelata (92.3%; Aspiculuris tetraptera (23.1%; Hymenolepis nana (15.4%; Spironucleus muris (46.2%; Giardia muris (46.2%; Tritrichomonas muris (53.8%; Trichomonas minuta (61.5%; Hexamastix muris (7.7%; and Entamoeba muris (84.6%. As for the rat colonies, the prevalences were: Poliplax spinulosa (8.1%; Syphacia muris (46.2%; Trichosomoides crassicauda (28.6%; Spironucleus muris (85.7%; Tritrichomonas muris (85.7%; Trichomonas minuta (85.7%; Hexamastix muris (14.3% and Entamoeba muris (85.7%.Avaliaram-se as condições sanitárias de 13 biotérios de nove instituições públicas do estado de Minas Gerais, bem como a presença de endo e ectoparasitos nos camundongos e ratos criados nesses biotérios. Os dados sobre barreiras contra infecções e sobre o programa de monitoramento sanitário dos animais foram obtidos por meio de um questionário e de visitas aos biotérios. Métodos parasitológicos foram utilizados para o diagnóstico de ácaros, piolhos, helmintos e protozoários em 344 camundongos e 111 ratos. A maioria dos biot

  2. Patogenicidade e virulência de Toxoplasma gondii isolado de suínos de criação artesanal no sul do Brasil

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    Plínio Aguiar de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Estudos com Toxoplasma gondii em suínos são relevantes porque seus produtos e subprodutos fazem parte da cadeia alimentar do ser humano. As principais vias de transmissão deste agente são o carnivorismo, fecal-oral e congênita. Seis isolados de Toxoplasma gondii de suínos de criação artesanal foram avaliados quanto à patogenicidade e virulência em camundongos suíços albinos. A suspensão de taquizoítos utilizada nos testes foi obtida através da punção ou lavagem da cavidade peritoneal de camundongos que apresentaram ascite. Cada amostra foi inoculada em grupos de cinco camundongos, com inóculo de 10¹, 10², 10³, 10(4, 10(5 e 10(6 taquizoítos vivos, via intraperitoneal. Dos isolados, 50% (3/6 foram letais e causaram sinais clínicos nos camundongos. A dose mínima letal foi de 10³ taquizoítos. A morte dos animais que apresentaram infecção aguda ocorreu entre 12 e 26 dias após a inoculação. Todos os isolados da região estudada apresentam alta capacidade de formar cistos, o que pode aumentar o risco de infecção pela ingestão de tecidos dos animais infectados pelos mesmos.

  3. Benchmarking Swiss electricity grids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walti, N.O.; Weber, Ch.


    This extensive article describes a pilot benchmarking project initiated by the Swiss Association of Electricity Enterprises that assessed 37 Swiss utilities. The data collected from these utilities on a voluntary basis included data on technical infrastructure, investments and operating costs. These various factors are listed and discussed in detail. The assessment methods and rating mechanisms that provided the benchmarks are discussed and the results of the pilot study are presented that are to form the basis of benchmarking procedures for the grid regulation authorities under the planned Switzerland's electricity market law. Examples of the practical use of the benchmarking methods are given and cost-efficiency questions still open in the area of investment and operating costs are listed. Prefaces by the Swiss Association of Electricity Enterprises and the Swiss Federal Office of Energy complete the article

  4. Avaliação do uso de pomada à base de sementes de jaqueira (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam na terapêutica tópica de feridas

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    R. N.L. Vitorino Filho


    Full Text Available As propriedades cicatrizantes da jaqueira (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam são atribuídas a uma proteína encontrada na semente de sua fruta que, em casos de queimaduras de pele, proporciona a regeneração do tecido danificado em vez da substituição por tecido conjuntivo fibroso. Objetivando avaliar macro e microscopicamente o efeito da pomada formulada com o pó obtido a partir de sementes de jaca na cicatrização, por segunda intenção, de feridas cutâneas em camundongos, limpas e infectadas experimentalmente por Staphylococcus aureus, realizou-se o estudo em 96 camundongos nos quais foram feitas feridas experimentais na região dorso-lateral. Cada grupo, com 12 animais, recebeu um tipo de tratamento. O grupo GI serviu como controle para feridas limpas, o grupo GII foi o controle para feridas infectadas e os demais foram tratados topicamente com pomada à base de semente de jaca em diferentes esquemas de administração. Os animais foram avaliados diariamente e sacrificados cinco, 10 e 13 dias após a cirurgia, sendo removido o tecido cicatricial e circunjacente para avaliação histológica. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os tratamentos. Palavras-chave: camundongos; cicatrização; feridas; jaca; Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam; lectina.

  5. The effects of treatment with melatonin on the ultrastructure of mouse leydig cells: a quantitative study Efeito do tratamento com melatonina sobre a ultra-estrutura das células de Leydig do camundongo: estudo quantitativo

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    C. A. REDINS


    Full Text Available Both the presence of receptors for gonadal steroids in the pineal gland and in vitro observations of direct action of melatonin upon Leydig cells, inhibiting testosterone secretion, indicate a direct connection between pineal gland and gonadal function. In the present study, we used a transmission electron microscope to analyze the morphologic parameters of Leydig cells from adult Swiss outbred white mice treated with daily subcutaneous injections of 100 µg of melatonin (N-acetyl, 5-methoxytryptamine, during 22 consecutive days, compared with sham-control animals which had only received the melatonin vehicle. The melatonin group of mice showed a decrease in nuclear volume and fractional nuclear volume; smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum; mitochondria; and Golgi complex. Our data also showed an increase in cytoplasmic volume, fractional cytoplasmic volume, and lysosomes in these same animals. The results suggest that melatonin, directly or indirectly, alters the ultrastructure of mouse Leydig cells and possibly influences their secretory activity by inhibiting their capacity to secrete steroids.No presente trabalho, utilizamos a microscopia eletrônica de transmissão para analisar os parâmetros morfológicos das células de Leydig de camundongos adultos, suíços outbred, tratados com uma injeção subcutânea diária de 100 µg de melatonina (5-metoxi-N-acetil-triptamina, durante 22 dias consecutivos, comparando-os com animais sham-controle que receberam apenas o veículo da melatonina. Os animais tratados com melatonina mostraram diminuição do volume nuclear, da fração volumétrica do núcleo, do retículo endoplasmático liso e rugoso, das mitocôndrias e do complexo de Golgi. Nos mesmos animais ocorreu, também, aumento do volume do citoplasma e da fração volumétrica do citoplasma e dos lisossomos. Esses resultados sugerem que a melatonina pode alterar, direta ou indiretamente, a ultra-estrutura das células de Leydig do

  6. Uso combinado da laserterapia de baixa potência e da inibição da ciclooxigenase-2 na reepitelização de ferida incisional em pele de camundongos: um estudo pré-clínico Combined use of low level laser therapy and cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibition on skin incisional wound reepithelialization in mice: a preclinical study

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    Cíntia Helena Santuzzi


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: A laserterapia de baixa potência e os inibidores seletivos da ciclooxigenase-2 (ICOX2 vem sendo muito utilizados para modular a resposta inflamatória, entretanto, os seus efeitos na reepitelização de feridas não são bem compreendidos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos isolados e combinados da laserterapia de baixa potência e da ICOX2 na reepitelização de ferida incisional na pele de camundongos. MÉTODO: Foi induzida uma ferida de 1 cm no dorso de cada camundongo, que foram divididos em quatro grupos (N=20: Controle, Laserterapia, Tratados com celecoxib e Terapia conjugada. Os animais dos grupos celecoxib e Terapia conjugada foram tratados com celecoxib por 10 dias antes da incisão cutânea. As feridas experimentais foram irradiadas com laserterapia de baixa potência He-Ne (632nm, dose: 4J/cm2 em varredura, por 12 segundos durante três dias consecutivos nos grupos Laserterapia e Terapia conjugada. Os animais foram sacrificados no 3º dia de pós-operatório. Amostras das feridas foram coletadas e coradas (Tricromio de Masson para análise histomorfométrica. RESULTADOS: Tanto o grupo Laserterapia, quanto o grupo celecoxib, mostrou aumento da reepitelização cutânea em relação ao grupo Controle, entretanto, o grupo Terapia conjugada não apresentou diferenças. Quanto à queratinização o grupo Laserterapia e Terapia conjugada apresentaram redução dos queratinócitos, comparados com o grupo Controle. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados mostram que o uso da laserterapia de baixa potência e da ICOX2 isoladamente aumentam as células epiteliais, mas somente a laserterapia de baixa potência reduziu os queratinócitos cutâneos. O tratamento conjugado restabelece a reepitelização inata e dimunui a queratinização, embora ocorra uma acelerada contração da ferida com melhora na organização da ferida na pele de camundongos.BACKGROUND: Low level laser therapy and cyclooxygenase-2 (ICOX2 selective inhibitors have been widely used

  7. Schistosoma mansoni: evolução de vermes oriundos de cercárias irradiadas a nível de sistema porta, no camundongo

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    Gileno de Sá Cardoso


    Full Text Available Oito grupos de camundongos albinos (Mus musculus, não isogênicos, foram infectados transcutaneamente com cerca de 450 cercárias (das cepas LE e SJ do S. mansoni, irradiadas com 3 Krad, 20 Krad e 40 Krad de radiação gama proveniente de cobalto-60, e não irradiados (grupos-controle. Os vermes provenientes de cercárias irradiadas com 20 e 40 Krad só foram encontrados em quantidades insignificantes no sistema porta. Verificou-se que os vermes irradiados com 3 Krad, que alcançom o sistema porta, mostram nítido retardo no desenvolvimento evolutivo quando comparados com os grupos-controles não irradiados. Os vermes da cepa SJ (irradiados ou não têm evolução mais lenta do que os da cepa LE.Eight groups of outbred albino mice were infected transcutaneously with cercariae of S. mansoni (strains LE and SJ irradiated with either 3, 20 or 40Krad, of gamma radiation from a cobalt-60 bomb and a control non irradiated group. Cercariae irradiated with 20 or 40 Kradfailed to develop in the portal system and3 Krad retarded development. Worms of the SJ strain developed more slowlt than the LE strain.

  8. Efeito do miriadenolídeo isolado de Alomia myriadenia (Asteraceae sobre o tumor de Erlich ascítico no camundongo Effect of myriadenolide isolated from Alomia myriadenia (Asteraceae on Ehrlich tumor in its ascitic form

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    D. Verçosa Júnior


    Full Text Available Estudou-se atividade antineoplásica de um produto natural isolado de Alomia myriadenia (miriadenolídeo no modelo do tumor de Ehrlich em camundongos. Dezoito fêmeas de camundongo Swiss foram inoculadas com 2x10(7 células viáveis de tumor de Ehrlich via intraperitoneal (0,3ml e posteriormente distribuídas aleatoriamente em três grupos que receberam: grupo I (controle - 0,3ml de solução de Hanks; grupo II - 31µg/kg de miriadenolídeo; e grupo III - 139µg/kg de miriadenolídeo. No oitavo dia de experimento, foram realizados exames hematológicos e perfil protéico sérico eletroforético. Coletou-se todo o líquido ascítico para avaliação do volume, aparência, pH, contagem de células viáveis e inviáveis, realização de esfregaços para contagem de células claras e escuras, leucócitos e avaliação das regiões organizadoras de nucléolos argentafins (AgNORs. Foram realizados exames macro e microscópicos do baço, fígado e rins e aspirado o conteúdo da medula óssea dos fêmures direito e esquerdo de cada animal para avaliação da relação mielóide:eritróide. Não houve diferença significativa no volume, pH, contagem de células viáveis e inviáveis entre os três grupos estudados, observando-se valores de 17,6 x 10(4 células tumorais viáveis no grupo III, 27,7 x 10(4 no grupo II e 21,1 x 10(4 no grupo I. As AgNORs apresentaram-se pequenas, com distribuição difusa e incontáveis no grupo I, e em menor quantidade no grupo III. Os animais do grupo III apresentaram a menor concentração protéica total sérica (4,7g/dl (PAntitumoral activity of a natural product of Alomia myriadenia (myriadenolide in Ehrlich tumor in mice was studied. Eighteen Swiss female mice were intra-peritoneal inoculated 2x10(7 viable cells of Ehrlich Tumor (0.3ml and randomly distributed in three groups receiving via intra-peritoneal on the 3rd and 5th day post-inoculation the following treatments: group I (control - 0.3ml Hanks solution; group

  9. Estudo da articulação temporomandibular em camundongos deficientes de fator VIII


    Patricia do Socorro Queiroz Feio


    Resumo: A hemofilia é uma doença hemorrágica hereditária ligada ao cromossomo X, decorrente da ausência ou da baixa quantidade no plasma dos fatores de coagulação Fator VIII (hemofilia A) ou do Fator IX (hemofilia B). Clinicamente, a hemofilia se caracteriza por episódios recorrentes de sangramentos profundos, que podem ocorrer espontaneamente ou em decorrência de traumatismos. O sistema músculo-esquelético é freqüentemente afetado pelos eventos hemorrágicos nos pacientes portadores de hemofi...

  10. EUROPE: Swiss role

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    On its continual round of CERN Member States, the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) met in Bern, Switzerland, in March. With CERN based in Geneva, and with a national research centre at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Villigen, Switzerland figures prominently in European particle physics. The Bern ECFA meeting provided a full picture of Swiss particle physics activities, project by project, and was prefaced by an overview by Claude Joseph of Lausanne. The number of experimental particle physicists in the country is about 200, with an academic staff of about 170. These are distributed among seven universities - Basel, Bern, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel and Zurich. In addition there are substantial research groups at ETH-Zurich and at PSI. Probably reflecting the proximity of CERN, the size of the national research community, when scaled to the population, is above the CERN Member State average. At CERN, there is a strong Swiss participation in research at the LEP electron-positron collider (concentrated on L3), with 44 physicists. There are also 33 physicists working at the LEAR low energy antiproton ring, in particular the Crystal Barrel and CP-LEAR studies. In addition there is interest in heavy ion research and in neutrino physics (NOMAD) as well as substantial participation in research and development work for experiments at the LHC. Away from CERN, there are 6 Swiss physicists working at the HERA electron-proton collider at DESY, Hamburg, with the national PSI programme involving about 40 physicists. (The PSI programme was covered at the Bern ECFA meeting by H.C. Walter.) Following the illustrious tradition of Fritz Zwicky, Switzerland also counts many astrophysicists. Theoretical physics, with a community of some 80 researchers, has a great tradition. Throughout the 20th century, leading Swiss research centres have been beacons of brilliance. Zurich, in particular, played a leading role, with Einstein, Schrödinger and Pauli among

  11. Comparação de dois testes de neutralização, utilizados no diagnóstico sorológico do vesiculovírus Piry

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    Tavares-Neto José


    Full Text Available Realizou-se inquérito sorológico para pesquisar anticorpos neutralizantes contra o vesiculovírus Piry, na cidade de Catolândia-Bahia-Brasil. Duas técnicas de vírus-neutralização foram comparadas em cultura das células C6/36, com revelação pelo método imunoenzimático ( TN-C6/36 e em camundongos recém-nascidos (TN-camundongos, que é considerada a prova maior. Em 204 soros, dos 1 .274 colhidos, a concordância das duas técnicas foi de 98,7% (K= 0,9853. Com este resultado do TN-C6/36, que também é mais exeqüível, decidiu-se desenvolver o estudo soro-epidemiológico do vesiculovírus Piry, em Catolândia, baseado nesta nova técnica.

  12. Biological and immunological studies of five Brazilian rabies virus isolates

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    Fernanda Bernardi


    Full Text Available Estudou-se em camundongos aspectos do comportamento biológico de amostras brasileiras de virus rábico isoladas de cão, bovino, eqüino, morcegos hematófago e insetívoro. Observou-se transmissão oral em camundongos alimentados com cérebros infectados de morcego insetívoro (8,82%, cão (8,57% e eqüino (3,03%. O período de incubação médio para todas as amostras foi de 6 dias após a inoculação intracerebral, com sintomas variando, desde hiperexitabilidade (amostra canina, paralisia progressiva principalmente de membros posteriores e maior duração do curso clínico até a morte (eqüino e morte repentina, sem sintomas aparentes (morcego insetívoro. Pela imunoistoquímica detectou-se produção de IFN nos cérebros dos camundongos inoculados com amostra de bovino e morcego insetívoro, TNF e iNOS nos animais infectados com amostra de cão, bovino e morcego insetívoro e reação astrocitária com aumento da expressão de GFAP em todas as cinco amostras. A eficácia de 2 vacinas comerciais inativadas, uma nacional e outra importada, para a proteção contra a infecção experimental em camundongos foi avaliada através dos testes NIH e CDC, usando as amostras de campo para o desafio. Não houve diferença significativa entre o desempenho das vacinas, quando comparadas para um mesmo teste de potência e amostra de desafio sugerindo que não há necessidade de se produzir vacinas com amostras isoladas de campo.

  13. Action of the medicine Canova® on peritoneal resident macrophages infected with Trypanosoma cruzi = Ação do medicamento Canova® em macrófagos peritoniais residentes infectados por Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Vanessa Tagawa Cardoso de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Approximately 20 million of people are chronically infected withTrypanosoma cruzi in Latin America. The present work investigated the action of the homeopathic medicine Canova® on in vitro experimental infections with T. cruzi Y strain, using Swiss mice resident peritoneal macrophages. Our results demonstrated that Canova®induced a decrease in the production of H2O2 and TNF-a at 20 and 40% concentrations when compared to the control RPMI. However, when compared with this medicine excipient, a significant decrease in these mediators was observed with Canova® at 40% concentration only. The production of NO and phagocytic activity were not affected. TNF-a inhibits T. cruzi replication in peritoneal macrophages in vitro, becoming an important agent of infection control by this parasite. Within this context, Canova®, unlike what has been reported with other infections, would function as a stimulator of the infection, since it inhibited the production of TNF-α by peritoneal resident macrophages in vitro. Further studies should be carried out with elicited macrophages, in order to confirm the inhibitoryactivity of Canova® on the production of TNF-α and other mediators in macrophages infected by T. cruzi.Aproximadamente 20 milhões de pessoas são cronicamente infectadas pelo Trypanosoma cruzi na América Latina. O presente trabalhoinvestigou a ação do medicamento homeopático Canova® em infecções experimentais “in vitro” com Trypanosoma cruzi, cepa Y, usando macrófagos residentes peritoniais de camundongos Swiss. Os resultados indicaram que Canova® induz a diminuição significativa da produção de H2O2 e TNF-α em concentrações de 20 e 40%, quando comparado com ocontrole RPMI. Quando comparado com o excipiente do medicamento, observou-se diminuição na concentração destes mediadores apenas na concentração de 40%. A produção de NO e a atividade fagocítica não foram afetadas. TNF-α inibe a replicação do protozoário em

  14. The Swiss LCT-coil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vecsey, G.; Benz, H.; Horvath, I.


    With delivery of the coil to ORNL on February 4, 1984, the second phase of the Swiss Large Coil Program - design and construction - was terminated. Mainlines of the Swiss design concept are summarized and related to theoretical calculations, experimental results of the supporting program, fabricational experience and first successful test results. An attempt is made to draw preliminary conclusions with regard to the design of future toroidal systems such as NET

  15. Caracterização biológica, histopatológica e análise de ácido nucléico de uma cepa Trypanosoma cruzi da região de Marília, SP Biological and histopathological characterization together with nucleic acids analysis of a Trypanosoma cruzi strain from Marília, São Paulo State

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    Luciamáre Perinetti Alves Martins


    Full Text Available Estudou-se o comportamento biológico e histopatológico de uma cepa genuínamente mariliense de Trypanosoma cruzi, isolada em 1997 através de xenodiagnóstico artificial. Vinte e cinco camundongos swiss foram infectados intraperitonealmente, sendo 11 utilizados para a realização da curva parasitêmica e observação da morfologia dos tripomastigotas e 14 foram sacrificados após o 17, 23, 30, 60 e 180 dias pós-infecção e coletados coração, esôfago, fígado, cólon, e músculo esquelético (fragmento da coxa direita para análise histopatológica. Cultura em meio LIT foi realizada para análise de DNA. Os resultados mostraram predomínio de formas largas, baixa parasitemia com picos médios de 860 tripomastigotas/5mil de sangue ao redor do 20º dia de infecção. Nenhum camundongo morreu na fase aguda da infecção. Exame histopatológico mostrou poucos ninhos de amastigotas em coração, raros em músculo esquelético e cólon com discreto processo inflamatório. Comparada com a cepa Y, que foi isolada de uma paciente da mesma região, notamos diferentes características biológicas e comportamentais, porém a análise de DNA as coloca no mesmo grupo, demonstrando a proximidade dessas cepas.The aim of this report was to study the biological and histopathological behavior of a Trypanosoma cruzi strain, which is found in the region of Marília. The strain was isolated in 1997, by artificial xenodiagnosis. Twenty-five swiss mice were intraperitoneally inoculated. Eleven were used for observation of parasitemia and trypomastigotes morphology and 14 were sacrificed after 17, 23, 30, 60 and 180 days post-infection. Heart, esophagus, liver, colon, and skeletal muscle (fragment of the right thigh were collected for histopathological study. LIT culture medium was accomplished for DNA analysis. The results showed predominance of broad forms, low parasitemia with mean peaks of 860 trypomastigotes/5mul of blood of the 20th day of infection. No

  16. Prevalência de anticorpos neutralizantes para o arbovirus Piry em individuos da região de Ribeirão Preto, Estado de São Paulo

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    Luiz Tadeu Moraes Figueiredo


    Full Text Available Como parte de um inquérito sorológico pesquisando anticorpos para arbovírus, em habitantes da região de Ribeirão Preto, 202 soros foram testados por neutralização em camundongos, para o vírus Piry. Trata-se de um vesículo-vírus (Rhabdoviridae isolado em Belém do Pará, das vísceras de um marsupial e do sangue de um caso humano. O Piry é causa de doença humana aguda febril. Desconhece-se seus reservatórios animais, vetores e seu ciclo biológico. Os 202 soros testados foram obtidos por venopunção, de moradores adultos em áreas rurais e urbana da cidade de Ribeirão Preto. Os resultados mostraram prevalência de 14,3% de anticorpos neutralizantes para o vírus Piry. Conclui-se que infecções pelo Piry, ou outro agente antigenicamente relacionado, ocorram endemicamente nesta região.

  17. Efeito do uso tópico de capsaicina na mucosite intestinal induzida por 5-fluorouracil em camundongos Swiss


    Lorrayne Gonçalves Lopes


    5-FU (5-Fluorouracil) é um agente quimioterápico chave no tratamento de diversos tipos de câncer, sendo amplamente usado contra o câncer colorretal. Mucosite intestinal com diarreia e vômito é um efeito adverso frequentemente dose-limitante da terapia com 5- FU, afetando a qualidade de vida dos pacientes e a continuidade da terapia. Capsaicina (trans-8-metil-N-vanílico-6-nonenamida) é um componente de várias espécies de pimenta, sendo responsável pela pungência dos frutos. Ela apresenta amplo...

  18. Estudo imunobiológico de estoques de Trypanosoma cruzi isolados de pacientes na fase aguda da doença de Chagas

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    T.L. Kipnis


    Full Text Available Estoques de tripanossomas isolados de pacientes na fase aguda da doença de Chagas foram injetados em grupos de camundongos albinos não isogênicos nas doses de 10³, 10(4 e 10(5 parasitas/camundongos. O curso da infecção foi seguido por três meses. A pctrasitemia foi em geral baixa, com picos recorrentes, na maioria das vezes os animais evoluiam para cronicidade. Somente um estoque induziu alto índice de mortalidade. Os parasitas e as lesões apesar de detectadas no pico da parasitemia e restritos ao coração estavam ausentes aos três meses. Nesta época os perfis de Igs apresentaram diferenças marcantes. Grupos de animais que foram inoculados com estes estoques foram desafiados com doses letais da cepa Y ou CL. Em alguns casos obteve-se uma parasitemia, mas patente.

  19. SwissFEL injector conceptual design report. Accelerator test facility for SwissFEL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pedrozzi, M.


    This comprehensive report issued by the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland takes a look at the design concepts behind the institute's SwissFEL X-ray Laser facility - in particular concerning the conceptual design of the injector system. The SwissFEL X-ray FEL project at PSI, involves the development of an injector complex that enables operation of a FEL system operating at 0.1 - 7 nm with permanent-magnet undulator technology and minimum beam energy. The injector pre-project was motivated by the challenging electron beam requirements necessary to drive the SwissFEL accelerator facility. The report takes a look at the mission of the test facility and its performance goals. The accelerator layout and the electron source are described, as are the low-level radio-frequency power systems and the synchronisation concept. The general strategy for beam diagnostics is introduced. Low energy electron beam diagnostics, the linear accelerator (Linac) and bunch compressor diagnostics are discussed, as are high-energy electron beam diagnostics. Wavelength selection for the laser system and UV pulse shaping are discussed. The laser room for the SwissFEL Injector and constructional concepts such as the girder system and alignment concepts involved are looked at. A further chapter deals with beam dynamics, simulated performance and injector optimisation. The facility's commissioning and operation program is examined, as are operating regimes, software applications and data storage. The control system structure and architecture is discussed and special subsystems are described. Radiation safety, protection systems and shielding calculations are presented and the lateral shielding of the silo roof examined

  20. Wind energy and Swiss hydro power

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ott, W.; Baur, M.; Fritz, W.; Zimmer, Ch.; Feldmann, J.; Haubrich, H.-J.; Dany, G.; Schmoeller, H.; Hartmann, T.


    This report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) examines the possibilities of using Switzerland's hydropower generation facilities as a means of control and as a capacity-reserve for a European power system that includes a considerable amount of wind-generated electricity. The aims of the study - the analysis of possible changes in power availability and of the relative importance of peak load compensation, economic optimisation potential for the use of Swiss hydropower and organisational aspects - are presented. Various methods for organising production timetables and trading are looked at, as are future developments in the European power market. Methods of assessment of the value of Swiss hydropower installations are discussed in detail and possibilities of increasing capacity are discussed. The report is concluded with recommendations on the participation of Swiss hydropower in the market for regulation energy and the development of associated strategies. Also, environmental aspects are examined and the influence of national wind-energy concepts are discussed

  1. Tax evasion and Swiss bank deposits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johannesen, Niels


    quarters immediately before and after the tax was introduced. We also present evidence suggesting that the drop in Swiss bank deposits was driven by behavioral responses aiming to escape the tax - such as the transfer of funds to bank accounts in other offshore centers and the transfer of formal ownership......Bank deposits in offshore financial centers may be used to evade taxes on interest income. A recent EU reform limits the scope for this type of tax evasion by introducing a withholding tax on interest income earned by EU households in Switzerland and several other offshore centers. This paper...... estimates the impact of the withholding tax on Swiss bank deposits held by EU residents while using non-EU residents who were not subject to the tax as a comparison group. We present evidence that Swiss bank deposits owned by EU residents declined by 30–40% relative to other Swiss bank deposits in two...

  2. Efeitos da hiperprolactinemia sobre o útero de camundongos no proestro Hyperprolactinemia effects on the female mice uterus during proestrous

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    Regina Célia Teixeira Gomes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar o efeito da hiperprolactinemia induzida pela metoclopramida sobre o endométrio e miométrio de camundongos fêmeas na fase de proestro. MÉTODOS: 24 camundongos fêmeas foram divididas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: GCtr/controle e GExp/tratadas com metoclopramida (6,7 µg/g por dia. Após 50 dias, os animais foram sacrificados na fase de proestro, e o sangue foi coletado para determinação dos níveis de estradiol, progesterona e prolactina. Os cornos uterinos foram removidos e fixados em formol a 10%; foram, então, processados para inclusão em parafina. Cortes de 4 µm foram corados pela hematoxilina-eosina (H/E. Na análise morfológica, foi utilizado microscópio de luz, da marca Carl Zeiss, com objetivas variando de 4 a 400 X, para caracterização de cada corte histológico. Na análise morfométrica, foi avaliada a espessura do epitélio superficial, da lâmina própria e do miométrio, com auxílio de um analisador de imagem (AxionVision, Carl Zeiss acoplado ao microscópio de luz (Carl Zeiss. A análise estatística foi realizada pela ANOVA seguida pelo teste Wilcoxon. O valor de p foi considerado significante quando PURPOSE: to evaluate the effect of hyperprolactinemia induced by metoclopramide on the endometrium and myometrium of female mice in the proestrus phase. METHODS: 24 female mice were randomly divided in two groups: CtrG/control and ExpG/treated with metoclopramide (6.7 mg/g daily. After 50 days, the animals were sacrificed in the proestrus phase, and the blood was collected to determine the levels of estradiol, progesterone and prolactin. The uterine horns were removed, fixed in 10% formaldehyde and processed before being included in paraffin. Slices of 4 µm were stained by hematoxylin and eosin (H/E. In the morphological analysis, a Carl Zeiss light microscope, with objectives varying from 4 to 400 X was used for each histological slice characterization. In the morphometrical analysis, the superficial

  3. Estudos sôbre reservatórios e vectores silvestres do Trypanosoma cruzi. XXIV. Variação dos dados biométricos obtidos em amostras do T. cruzi isolados de casos humanos da Doença de Chagas

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    Francisco Ferriolli Filho


    Full Text Available Estudo biométrico de 10 amostras de Trypanosoma cruzi isoladas de casos humanos da doença de CHAGAS, nove mantidas em camundongos brancos jovens e uma mantida em ratos brancos jovens, mostrou a existência de grandes variações amostrais. Assim os valores do comprimento total médio das diferentes amostras variaram entre 16,3μ e 21,8μ., enquanto os valores do índice nuclear médio oscilaram entre 0,93 e 1,52. Êstes resultados ampliam os limites de variações amostrais até agora observadas no T. cruzi, especialmente os que se referem ao índice nuclear médio.

  4. Survey of Swiss nuclear's cost study 2016

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alt, Stefan; Ustohalova, Veronika


    The report discusses the Swiss nuclear cost study 2016 concerning the following issues: evaluation of the aspects of the cost study: cost structure, cost classification and risk provision, additional payment liability, option of lifetime extension for Swiss nuclear power plants; specific indications on the report ''cost study 2016 (KS16) - estimation of the decommissioning cost of Swiss nuclear power plants'': decommissioning costs in Germany, France and the USA, indexing the Swiss cost estimation for decommissioning cost, impact factors on the decommissioning costs; specific indications on the report ''cost study 2016 (KS16) - estimation of the disposal cost - interim storage, transport, containers and reprocessing''; specific indications on the report ''cost studies (KS16) - estimation of disposal costs - geological deep disposal'': time scale and costs incurred, political/social risks, retrievability, comparison with other mining costs.

  5. SwissFEL - Conceptual design report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ganter, R.


    This report issued by the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland takes a look at the design concepts behind the institute's SwissFEL X-ray Laser facility. The goal of SwissFEL is to provide a source of extremely bright and short X-ray pulses enabling scientific discoveries in a wide range of disciplines to be made, from fundamental research through to applied science. The eminent scientific need for such an X-ray source which is well documented in the SwissFEL Science Case Report is noted. The technical design of SwissFEL has to keep a delicate balance between the demand by experimentalists for breathtaking performance in terms of photon beam properties on the one hand, and essential requirements for a user facility, such as confidence in technical feasibility, reliable and stable functioning and economy of installation and operation on the other hand. The baseline design which has been defined is discussed. This relies entirely on state-of-the-art technologies without fundamental feasibility issues. This SwissFEL Conceptual Design Report describes the technical concepts and parameters used for this baseline design. The report discusses the design strategy, the choice of parameters and the simulation of the accelerator unit and undulator. The photon beam layout is discussed, as is the installation's tera hertz pump source. The components of the facility, including the laser and radio-frequency systems, timing and synchronisation systems, magnets, undulators, and mechanical support systems are discussed. Further, the concepts behind electron beam diagnostics, vacuum equipment as well as control and feedback systems are discussed. The building layout is described and safety issues are discussed. An appendix completes the report

  6. The new Swiss Energy Act

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tami, R.


    The new Swiss Energy Act and the accompanying regulation enable the instructions given in the poll by the electorate in 1990 -- the Energy Article in the Swiss Constitution -- to be implemented. The Energy Act creates the necessary basis for an advanced and sustainable energy policy. It should contribute to a sufficient, broadly based, dependable, economical and environment-friendly energy supply. The Energy Act and the Energy Regulation entered into force on January 1, 1999. (author)

  7. Swiss energy statistics 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This comprehensive report by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2006. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The report also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2006 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Also, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable forms of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power. The third chapter provides data on the individual energy carriers and the final chapter looks at economical and ecological aspects. An appendix provides information on the methodology used in collecting the statistics and on data available in the Swiss cantons

  8. Swiss energy statistics 2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This comprehensive report by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2004. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The report also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2004 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Also, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable forms of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power. The third chapter provides data on the individual energy carriers and the final chapter looks at economical and ecological aspects. An appendix provides information on the methodology used in collecting the statistics and on data available in the Swiss cantons

  9. Swiss energy statistics 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This comprehensive report by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2005. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The report also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2005 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Also, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable forms of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power. The third chapter provides data on the individual energy carriers and the final chapter looks at economical and ecological aspects. An appendix provides information on the methodology used in collecting the statistics and on data available in the Swiss cantons

  10. Swiss energy statistics 2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This comprehensive report by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2003. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The report also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2003 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Also, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable forms of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power. The third chapter provides data on the individual energy carriers and the final chapter looks at economical and ecological aspects. An appendix provides information on the methodology used in collecting the statistics and on data available in the Swiss cantons

  11. Swiss energy statistics 2002

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This comprehensive report by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2002. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The report also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2002 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Also, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable forms of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power. The third chapter provides data on the individual energy carriers and the final chapter looks at economical and ecological aspects. An appendix provides information on the methodology used in collecting the statistics and on data available in the Swiss cantons

  12. Botulismo tipo C em ganso ocorrido em Minas Gerais, Brasil Type C botulism in a goose at Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Francisco Carlos Faria Lobato


    Full Text Available Botulismo é uma intoxicação causada pela ingestão das toxinas produzidas pelo Clostridium botulinum, que acomete mamíferos e aves, caracterizando-se por um quadro de paralisia flácida. Neste trabalho, é descrito um caso de botulismo em ganso, ocorrido no município de Santa Luzia, região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, no Estado de Minas Gerais. Ao exame clínico, o animal apresentava-se com um quadro de paralisia flácida dos músculos do pescoço, das pernas e asas, além de apresentar ainda desprendimento de penas. A necropsia não revelou lesões significativas. Foi colhido o soro do animal e submetido ao teste de soroneutralização em camundongo, que identificou a toxina de C. botulinum tipo C.Botulism is an intoxication caused by the ingestion of toxins produced by Clostridium botulinum, that affects mammals and birds, characterized by a flaceid paralysis. This report describes a case of botulism in a goose in Santa Luzia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Clinical examinations showed dropping feathers and flaccid paralysis involving the muscles of the wings, legs and neck. post-mortem examination showed no significant gross or macroscopic lesions C. botulinum type C toxin was demonstrated in the serum of the affected animal through serum neutralization test in mice.

  13. SwissEnergy - new energy for everybody

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is a richly illustrated general document on the Swiss programme 'SwissEnergy' aiming at promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Switzerland, especially as a part of efforts made to reach the target set by the Kyoto Protocol for the emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Compared to 1990 figures, CO 2 emissions in Switzerland have to be reduced by 10% until 2010. SwissEnergy is supported by the national and regional governments and by the economy as well. The document lists the main issues addressed by the programme and the proposed actions, all of them related to large dissemination of already known technologies. The document is designed as a motivation tool for ordinary people

  14. Numerical analysis of Swiss roll metamaterials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Demetriadou, A; Pendry, J B


    A Swiss roll metamaterial is a resonant magnetic medium, with a negative magnetic permeability for a range of frequencies, due to its self-inductance and self-capacitance components. In this paper, we discuss the band structure, S-parameters and effective electromagnetic parameters of Swiss roll metamaterials, with both analytical and numerical results, which show an exceptional convergence.

  15. Swiss legislation on dog ownership

    CERN Multimedia

    DSU Department


    The Swiss Permanent Mission in Geneva has requested CERN to inform the members of its personnel that a notice relating to Swiss legislation on dog ownership has been published on-line at the following address: This legislation is applicable to all international civil servants who own a dog. Relations with the Host States Service

  16. Redução na concentração de glicose no cérebro de camundongos inoculados com liquido cefalorraquiano de pacientes com esclerose lateral amiotrófica

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    J. M. Godoy


    Full Text Available Os autores analisam, por técnica cromatográfica, as concentrações de glicose no cérebro de camundongos inoculados com L.CR de 4 pacientes com ELA. Foi encontrada redução na, concentração do carboidrato no material estudado, sugerindo a presença de fator extrínseco veiculado pelo LCR.

  17. Parasite survey in mouse and rat colonies of Brazilian laboratory animal houses kept under differents sanitary barrier conditions Estudo de parasitos em colônias de ratos e de camundongos em biotérios brasileiros mantidos sob diferentes condições de barreiras sanitárias

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    R. Gilioli


    Full Text Available A parasitological study was undertaken to determine the health status of 15 mouse and 10 rat colonies bred in 18 Brazilian laboratory animal houses maintained under different sanitary barrier conditions which supply animals for teaching, research purposes and manufacture of biological products for medical or veterinary use. Parasitological methods were used for diagnosis of mites, lices, helminthes and protozoan parasites. A questionnaire was answered by institutions with the intention to obtain information about the existence of barriers against infections and of regular sanitary monitoring program of their colonies. The questionnaire data show that the majority of the animal houses investigated do not possess an efficient sanitary barrier system able to keep animals under controlled health sanitary conditions. Ecto and endoparasite infections are widespread in the colonies and multiple infections were common in animals from most facilities investigated. The prevalences of parasites detected among the mouse and rat colonies of the laboratory animal houses investigated were: Myocoptes musculinus (46.6%, Myobia musculi (26.6%, Radfordia ensifera (13.3%, Syphacia obvelata (86.6%, Aspiculuris tetraptera (60.0%, Hymenolepis nana (53.3%, Spironucleus muris (80.0%, Tritrichomonas muris (80.0%, Giardia muris (66.0%, Entamoeba muris (20.0%, Eimeria sp. (13.3%, Hexamastix muris (26.6%, Poliplax spinulosa (30.0%, Poliplax serrata (10.0%, Radfordia ensifera (30.0%, Syphacia muris (80.0%, Hymenolepis nana (40.0%, Trichosomoides crassicauda (55.5%, Spironucleus muris (90.0%, Tritrichomonas muris (80.0%, Giardia muris (60.0%, Entamoeba muris (80.0%, Eimeria sp. (60.0% and Hexamastix muris (60.0%.Um estudo parasitológico foi realizado para verificar as condições de saúde de 15 colônias de camundongos e 10 colônias de ratos produzidos em 18 biotérios de instituições brasileiras que fornecem animais para ensino, pesquisa e produção de imunobiol

  18. Swiss multinational enterprises and transnational corruption: management matters


    Bueno, N.


    In 2016, the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland sanctioned a Swiss corporation for having bribed a Libyan Minister. The same year, it opened a criminal proceeding against the Swiss bank BSI for its involvement in the corruption scandals surrounding the Malaysian company 1MDB. Swiss corporations are also currently under investigation in the Brazilian Petrobras scandal. At the international level, anti-corruption treaties encourage states to make corporations criminally liable for tr...

  19. Swiss identity smells like chocolate: Social identity shapes olfactory judgments (United States)

    Coppin, Géraldine; Pool, Eva; Delplanque, Sylvain; Oud, Bastiaan; Margot, Christian; Sander, David; Van Bavel, Jay J.


    There is extensive evidence that social identities can shape people’s attitudes and behavior, but what about sensory judgments? We examined the possibility that social identity concerns may also shape the judgment of non-social properties—namely, olfactory judgment. In two experiments, we presented Swiss and non-Swiss participants with the odor of chocolate, for which Switzerland is world-famous, and a control odor (popcorn). Swiss participants primed with Swiss identity reported the odor of chocolate (but not popcorn) as more intense than non-Swiss participants (Experiments 1 and 2) and than Swiss participants primed with individual identity or not primed (Experiment 2). The self-reported intensity of chocolate smell tended to increase as identity accessibility increased—but only among Swiss participants (Experiment 1). These results suggest that identity priming can counter-act classic sensory habituation effects, allowing identity-relevant smells to maintain their intensity after repeated presentations. This suggests that social identity dynamically influences sensory judgment. We discuss the potential implications for models of social identity and chemosensory perception. PMID:27725715

  20. Swiss identity smells like chocolate: Social identity shapes olfactory judgments. (United States)

    Coppin, Géraldine; Pool, Eva; Delplanque, Sylvain; Oud, Bastiaan; Margot, Christian; Sander, David; Van Bavel, Jay J


    There is extensive evidence that social identities can shape people's attitudes and behavior, but what about sensory judgments? We examined the possibility that social identity concerns may also shape the judgment of non-social properties-namely, olfactory judgment. In two experiments, we presented Swiss and non-Swiss participants with the odor of chocolate, for which Switzerland is world-famous, and a control odor (popcorn). Swiss participants primed with Swiss identity reported the odor of chocolate (but not popcorn) as more intense than non-Swiss participants (Experiments 1 and 2) and than Swiss participants primed with individual identity or not primed (Experiment 2). The self-reported intensity of chocolate smell tended to increase as identity accessibility increased-but only among Swiss participants (Experiment 1). These results suggest that identity priming can counter-act classic sensory habituation effects, allowing identity-relevant smells to maintain their intensity after repeated presentations. This suggests that social identity dynamically influences sensory judgment. We discuss the potential implications for models of social identity and chemosensory perception.

  1. New law on Swiss nationality

    CERN Multimedia


    CERN has recently been informed by the Swiss authorities that the Swiss Parliament adopted a new law on Swiss nationality in June 2014, which is due to enter into force in the autumn of 2016.   Under the new law, naturalisation can be granted only if the following conditions are met at the time of application: 1. the applicant must hold a settlement permit (autorisation d’établissement or permis C); and 2. the applicant must supply proof that he or she has resided in Switzerland for a total of ten years, including during three of the five years preceding the application (see Article 9 below). For the purposes of calculating the length of residence in Switzerland, any period of residence as a holder of a residence or settlement permit (autorisation de séjour or autorisation d’établissement), a temporary admission document (admission provisoire), or a legitimation card (carte de légitimation) issued by the DFAE will be taken...

  2. Valores de referência hematológicos e bioquímicos para camundongos das linhagens C57BL/6, Swiss Webster e BALB/c

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    Ed Wilson Santos


    Full Text Available The use of animals in scientific research has contributed significantly to the development of science, promoting various advances in understanding the metabolic machinery and the discovery of treatments and preventive measures applied to human and veterinary medicine. The development and use of alternative methods is encouraged; however, in some situations, the use of animals in accordance with ethical policies is still required. Established hematological and clinical chemistry reference values in laboratory animals are essential to evaluate functional changes; however, there are few data in the literature on these values, being fundamentally a comparative basis. The aim of this investigation was the establishment of hematological and clinical chemistry reference values in common strains/stocks of mice used in animal experimentation. Blood profile (hemogram, reticulocytes and myelogram and clinical chemistry serum determination of total protein, albumin, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, calcium and phosphorus were evaluated using C57BL/6, BALB/c and Swiss Webster mice, male, 2-3 months old. The results standardize reference intervals in animals reared in Laboratory Animal Facility, reflecting the expected condition in rodents subjected to scientific research.

  3. Swiss Energy Perspectives 2035 - Management summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This management summary issued by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) summarises the Swiss Energy Perspectives 2035 - a five-part synthesis report published in 2007. The report presents no prognoses but provides an 'if-then' overview of a set of four scenarios that examined ways in which Swiss energy demands could be met by the year 2035. National and international boundary conditions taken into account are reviewed and the four scenarios are introduced and briefly described. These include the reference scenario 'Business as Usual', 'Increased Co-operation' between politics and business, 'New Priorities' with goals set to reduce energy consumption and CO 2 emissions and 'On the Way to a 2000-Watt Society'. Risks posed and chances provided are discussed, as are the options for taking action

  4. Swiss energy statistics 2007

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This comprehensive report presents the Swiss Federal Office of Energy's statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2007. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The article also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2007 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Finally, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable sources of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power

  5. Swiss energy statistics 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This comprehensive report presents the Swiss Federal Office of Energy's statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2000. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The article also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2000 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Finally, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable sources of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power

  6. Swiss energy statistics 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This comprehensive report presents the Swiss Federal Office of Energy's statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2001. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The article also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2001 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Finally, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable sources of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power

  7. Caracterização morfológica e funcional de células aderentes de baço de camundongo


    Sampaio,Elizabeth Pereira; Moreira,André Luiz; Sarno,Euzenir Nunes


    A separação, caracterização e ensaio funcional das células inflamatórias presentes no local de lesão têm se tornado imperiosos no estudo de diversas doenças. Através da utilização de métodos histoquímicos para esterase e fosfatase ácida, bem como do Teste de Fagocitose e da coloração pelo Giemsa, realizados nas células esplénicas de dez camundongos, foi possível se caracterizar bem os componentes do Sistema Fagocítico Mononuclear e distinguir os outros tipos de células presentes, além de perm...

  8. Romanian - Swiss cooperative research programme "Environmental Science and Technology in Romania" (ESTROM)


    PANIN, Nicolae; GIGER, Walter


    The Romanian Ministry for Education, Research and Youth (MECT), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation had launched in 2004 the Romanian-Swiss research programme known as “Environmental Science and Technology in Romania” (ESTROM). ESTROM was established as a pilot programme of scientific co-operation between Swiss Research and Education Units with similar ones from Romania in the framework of SCOPES – a Swiss national programme for sup...

  9. Sinalização autofágica e níveis de miostatina em modelo de hipertrofia cardíaca fisiológica em camundongos


    Graziela Hünning Pinto


    A hipertrofia cardíaca é caracterizada pelo aumento do músculo cardíaco devido aumento das dimensões dos cardiomiócitos. Em condições fisiológicas ou patológicas a hipertrofia está relacionada com o aumento da força do coração, provocando alterações nas células miocárdicas. O exercício ativa a via da proteína Akt relacionada à sobrevivência celular em resposta ao exercício e atua sobre a proteína quinase mTOR, ocasionando síntese proteica e hipertrofia. A mTOR participa da proliferação e cres...

  10. The Swiss regulatory framework for paediatric health research. (United States)

    Junod, Valerie


    Medical research on minors entails both risks and benefits. Under Swiss law, clinical trials on children, including nontherapeutic drug trials, are permissible. However, ethics committees must systematically verify that all clinical studies have a favorable risk-benefit profile. Additional safeguards are designed to ensure that children are not unnecessarily involved in research and that proper consent is always obtained. Federal Swiss law is undergoing revision to extend these protections beyond clinical trials to a broad array of health research. The Swiss drug agency also seeks to improve the incentives for pharmaceutical firms to develop new paediatric drugs and relevant paediatric drug labels.

  11. The SWISS-PROT protein sequence data bank: current status.


    Bairoch, A; Boeckmann, B


    SWISS-PROT is an annotated protein sequence database established in 1986 and maintained collaboratively, since 1988, by the Department of Medical Biochemistry of the University of Geneva and the EMBL Data Library. The SWISS-PROT protein sequence data bank consist of sequence entries. Sequence entries are composed of different lines types, each with their own format. For standardization purposes the format of SWISS-PROT follows as closely as possible that of the EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Databa...

  12. Efeito da dessecação das fezes de triatomíneos na sobrevivência de formas metacíclicas de Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Vânia A. Soares


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a taxa de dessecação das fezes de triatomíneos à temperatura ambiente e diferentes umidades relativas e à temperatura média da pele humana (33 °C. O tempo necessário para evaporar a água contida nas fezes de barbeiro é inversamente proporcional ao déficit de saturação atmosférica e é acelerado a temperaturas mais altas. Estudou-se a motilidade dos flagelados fecais diretamente ao microscópio e a infectividade dos mesmos após introdução na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos. A baixa umidade ambas, motilidade e infectividade, foram perdidas antes de 30 minutos. Em altas umidades esses parâmetros foram preservados, em grau variado, por mais de 30 minutos. A 33 °C, 100% dos camundongos foram infectados depois de 15 minutos, mas somente 3,3% após 30 minutos de exposição. As condições ambientais no interior de uma casa em Mambai variaram acentuadamente no período de estudo. Entretanto, foram geralmente similares àqueles observados experimentalmente em laboratório.

  13. Automatically extracting functionally equivalent proteins from SwissProt

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    Martin Andrew CR


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There is a frequent need to obtain sets of functionally equivalent homologous proteins (FEPs from different species. While it is usually the case that orthology implies functional equivalence, this is not always true; therefore datasets of orthologous proteins are not appropriate. The information relevant to extracting FEPs is contained in databanks such as UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot and a manual analysis of these data allow FEPs to be extracted on a one-off basis. However there has been no resource allowing the easy, automatic extraction of groups of FEPs – for example, all instances of protein C. We have developed FOSTA, an automatically generated database of FEPs annotated as having the same function in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot which can be used for large-scale analysis. The method builds a candidate list of homologues and filters out functionally diverged proteins on the basis of functional annotations using a simple text mining approach. Results Large scale evaluation of our FEP extraction method is difficult as there is no gold-standard dataset against which the method can be benchmarked. However, a manual analysis of five protein families confirmed a high level of performance. A more extensive comparison with two manually verified functional equivalence datasets also demonstrated very good performance. Conclusion In summary, FOSTA provides an automated analysis of annotations in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot to enable groups of proteins already annotated as functionally equivalent, to be extracted. Our results demonstrate that the vast majority of UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot functional annotations are of high quality, and that FOSTA can interpret annotations successfully. Where FOSTA is not successful, we are able to highlight inconsistencies in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot annotation. Most of these would have presented equal difficulties for manual interpretation of annotations. We discuss limitations and possible future extensions to FOSTA, and

  14. Swiss Federal Energy Research Commission - Annual report 2009

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maus, K.


    This annual report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) provides an overview of the work carried out by the Swiss Federal Energy Research Commission CORE in 2009. The commission's main work included preparation work for the revised energy research concept for the period 2013 - 2016, a review of all research programmes operated by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE, the enhancement of cooperation with public and private research and promotion institutions, the coordination and consultation of research institutions and the improvement of international information exchange. The report summarises coordination work with the many CORE programmes and defines strategic main areas of interest for future work


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    Full Text Available

    Santa Catarina é responsável por aproximadamente 93% da produção de mexilhões (Perna perna e ostras (Crassostrea gigas cultivados no país. Embora possuam grande valor nutricional, eventualmente podem representar risco para a saúde do consumidor quando contaminados por agentes tóxicos, como por exemplo, toxinas produzidas por algas, ou ficotoxinas. Algumas ficotoxinas nocivas aos seres humanos têm como vetores os moluscos filtradores que podem acumular essas substâncias nos tecidos quando espécies de microalgas produtoras de toxinas estão presentes na água. A saxitoxina, produzida por alguns dinoflagelados, provoca a Síndrome do Envenenamento Paralisante pelo consumo de Moluscos, do inglês, Paralytic Shellfish Poison - PSP, que é um sério problema para a aqüicultura. Este estudo descreve a contaminação de mexilhões Perna perna por ficotoxinas da PSP com origem na ocorrência da microalga Gymnodinium catenatum em águas marinhas do litoral norte de Santa Catarina nos meses de abril e maio de 2006. Foram coletadas 22 amostras de água do mar e mexilhões em 10 pontos do litoral abrangendo 175Km da costa do Estado. As análises envolveram contagem de algas nocivas na água por microscopia óptica e a quantificação de ficotoxinas da PSP na carne de mexilhões através de bioensaios com camundongos e de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência - HPLC. Os resultados comprovam a ocorrência, em baixas concentrações, destas ficotoxinas na carne de mexilhões cultivados e mostram a necessidade da inclusão desses contaminantes como parâmetro para a certificação da qualidade de moluscos bivalves destinados ao consumo humano.

  16. Swiss electricity statistics 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication by the Association of Swiss Electricity Enterprises for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) provides statistical information on electricity production, trading and consumption in Switzerland in 2000. Apart from a general overview of the Swiss electricity supply that includes details on power generation, energy transfer with neighbouring countries and data on prices, average consumption and capital investment, the publication also includes graphical representations of electrical energy flows in and out of Switzerland. Tables of data give information on electricity production, import and export for the years 1950 to 2000, the data being supplied for each hydrological year and the summer and winter seasons respectively. The production of power in Switzerland is examined in detail. Details are given on the development of production capacities and the various means of production together with their respective shares of total production. Further tables and diagrams provide information on power production in various geographical regions and on the management of pumped storage hydro-electricity schemes. A further chapter deals in detail with the consumption of electricity, its growth between 1984 and 2000 and its use in various sectors. A fifth chapter examines electricity consumption, generation, import and export on single, typical days, presenting data in tables and diagrams. The next chapter examines energy transfer with foreign countries and the trading structures involved. The final two chapters cover new and future power generation capacities and the economic considerations involved in the supply of electricity

  17. Swiss energy statistics 2010

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This comprehensive report presents the Swiss Federal Office of Energy's statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2010. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The report also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2010 and energy use in various sectors are presented. The Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable sources of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power. In the third chapter, details are given related to each energy carrier. The final chapter deals with economical and environmental aspects

  18. Szekeres Swiss-cheese model and supernova observations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bolejko, Krzysztof; Celerier, Marie-Noeelle


    We use different particular classes of axially symmetric Szekeres Swiss-cheese models for the study of the apparent dimming of the supernovae of type Ia. We compare the results with those obtained in the corresponding Lemaitre-Tolman Swiss-cheese models. Although the quantitative picture is different the qualitative results are comparable, i.e., one cannot fully explain the dimming of the supernovae using small-scale (∼50 Mpc) inhomogeneities. To fit successfully the data we need structures of order of 500 Mpc size or larger. However, this result might be an artifact due to the use of axial light rays in axially symmetric models. Anyhow, this work is a first step in trying to use Szekeres Swiss-cheese models in cosmology and it will be followed by the study of more physical models with still less symmetry.

  19. The methane emissions of the Swiss gas industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xinmin, J.


    This article presents a method for the estimation of the methane emissions caused by the Swiss gas industry. Based on new data on the Swiss gas infrastructure, current emission levels are estimated for methane - one of the major greenhouse gases. The methodology and modelling used, which is based on previous studies on this topic, are discussed. Results are presented that show that the estimates provided by the current study are consistent with earlier data. Scenarios are presented that show that a steady decrease in methane emissions emanating from the Swiss gas industry's installations can be expected by the year 2012. The data used in the study and its results are presented in tabular and graphical form and commented on


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    Division des Ressources Humaines; Human Resources Division; Tel. 79494-74683


    Members of the personnel, holders of SWISS LEGITIMATION CARDS due to expire during the year 2000, need to change them. Those concerned should bring: - a recent passport photo (with NAME and first name on the back) - the expired (or due to expire) card and a recto-verso photocopy on A4 size paper (for certified authentication) to: Bureau des cartes, bldg 33.1-009/1-011. HR Division will notify members of personnel as soon as the new cards are available.Be careful: if you are in possession of expired cards (Swiss or French), or if you present non-certified copies, the Organisation will not take any responsibility in case of difficulties with the customs authorities or the police.


    CERN Multimedia



    Members of the personnel, holders of SWISS LEGITIMATION CARDSdue to expire during the year 2000, need to change them.Those concerned should bring:a recent passport photo (with NAME and first name on the back)the expired (or due to expire) card and a photocopy (for certified authentication)to: Bureau des cartes, building 33/1-025Members of personnel will be notified by HR Division as soon as the new cards are available.Be careful: if you are in possession of expired cards (Swiss or French), or if you present non-certified copies, the Organization will not take any responsibility in case of difficulties with the customs authorities or the police.Human Resources DivisionTel. 79494-74683

  2. Macroprudential Insurance Regulation: A Swiss Case Study


    Philippe Deprez; Mario V. Wüthrich


    This article provides a case study that analyzes national macroprudential insurance regulation in Switzerland. We consider an insurance market that is based on data from the Swiss private insurance industry. We stress this market with several scenarios related to financial and insurance risks, and we analyze the resulting risk capitals of the insurance companies. This stress-test analysis provides insights into the vulnerability of the Swiss private insurance sector to different risks and sho...

  3. Revisão sistemática sobre modelos experimentais de asma aguda e crônica induzidos com extrato de ácaro da poeira doméstica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moisés Santos Dutra


    Full Text Available Introdução: Asma é uma doença crônica das vias aéreas inferiores com elevada prevalência. Pesquisadores no mundo todo têm desenvolvido vários estudos experimentais em camundongos com o objetivo de entender melhor os mecanismos da doença e testar novas terapias. Ácaros estão presentes de forma abundante na poeira doméstica, sendo considerados os alérgenos mais comuns desencadeantes de asma alérgica. Este estudo objetiva apresentar e discutir desfechos inflamatórios no tecido pulmonar dos camundongos, verificar a diferença entre os modelos agudo e crônico de asma alérgica, tempo de exposição ao alérgeno, dose administrada e seu impacto nas pesquisas em modelos experimentais com asma. Métodos: A revisão da literatura foi realizada em quatro bancos de dados (PubMed, Scielo, Scopus e ScienceDirect. Os artigos selecionados foram avaliados primeiramente por dois pesquisadores de forma independente, de acordo com os critérios de inclusão. Resultados: Foram separados 126 artigos. Aplicados os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, somente 15 foram selecionados. São artigos que apresentaram diferentes protocolos de exposição ao HDM. A dose de HDM mais encontrada foi 100µg seguida por 25µg, e o tipo de modelo foi agudo. Conclusão: No modelo agudo, observa-se um elevado nível de inflamação das vias aéreas. Já o modelo crônico reproduz melhor as características da asma em humanos, hiper-responsividade brônquica e remodelamento das vias aéreas. Palavras-chave: Asma; ácaro; alérgeno; camundongos


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hélio Bernardes Pires Júnior


    Full Text Available This study was developed aiming to evaluate the acute effects of Melia azedarach hexanic fruit extract on mice. Two treated groups, one for each dose, 300 mg/kg and 2000 mg/kg, were prepared. For each treatment group, a non-treated control group was used. All groups were composed of six animals, three of each sex. The animals were evaluated at 30 min., 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 12h and 24h and then daily, for 14 days after treatment, following the Hippocratic screening. At each three days weight gain and ration consumption were evaluated. Macroscopic and microscopic alterations were evaluated in the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, spleen, intestine and brain. No alteration in the Hippocratic screening in both doses, during the 14-days interval, was observed. The mice treated with the 2000 mg/kg doses consumed fewer rations than the animals of the control group; however, weight gain was statistically similar. No statistic difference was observed between the weight of the organs, and they had no macroscopic alterations. No histopathologic alterations were found on the examined organs, for both doses, except for lung alterations such as hyperaemia, haemorrage and edema in both treated and control groups. Based on the results obtained, we conclude that the hexanic extract of M. azedarach green fruits had no acute effects against Swiss mice.

  5. Macroprudential Insurance Regulation: A Swiss Case Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philippe Deprez


    Full Text Available This article provides a case study that analyzes national macroprudential insurance regulation in Switzerland. We consider an insurance market that is based on data from the Swiss private insurance industry. We stress this market with several scenarios related to financial and insurance risks, and we analyze the resulting risk capitals of the insurance companies. This stress-test analysis provides insights into the vulnerability of the Swiss private insurance sector to different risks and shocks.

  6. Swiss electricity statistics 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication by the Association of Swiss Electricity Enterprises for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) provides statistical information on electricity production, trading and consumption in Switzerland in 2001. Apart from a general overview of the Swiss electricity supply that includes details on power generation, energy transfer with neighbouring countries and data on prices, average consumption and capital investment, the publication also includes graphical representations of electrical energy flows in and out of Switzerland. Tables of data give information on electricity production, import and export for the years 1950 to 2001, the data being supplied for each hydrological year and the summer and winter seasons respectively. The production of power in Switzerland is examined in detail. Details are given on the development of production capacities and the various means of production together with their respective shares of total production. Further tables and diagrams provide information on power production in various geographical regions and on the management of pumped storage hydro-electricity schemes. A further chapter deals in detail with the consumption of electricity, its growth between 1984 and 2001 and its use in various sectors. A fifth chapter examines electricity consumption, generation, import and export on single, typical days, presenting data in tables and diagrams. The next chapter examines energy transfer with foreign countries and the trading structures involved. The final two chapters cover new and future power generation capacities and the economic considerations involved in the supply of electricity chapters cover new and future power generation capacities and the economic considerations involved in the supply of electricity

  7. Energy efficiency and climate change: an opportunity for the Swiss economy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ziegler, M.; Baettig, R.


    This article takes a look at the results of a study elaborated for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy. The study comes to the conclusion that the Swiss economy can profit from the implementation of energy-efficiency measures as well as from global growth in the area of products for increasing energy-efficiency. Swiss companies can therefore not only help lower emission rates for greenhouse gases and increase energy efficiency but also create new jobs. The long-term potential for the reduction of CO 2 emissions is quoted as being enormous. Winners and losers in the changing energy scene are noted and opportunities for Swiss exports are examined


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    HR Division


    Members of the personnel, holders ofSWISS LEGITIMATION CARDSdue to expire during the year 2000, need to change them.Those concerned should bring:a recent passport photo (with NAME and first name on the back)the expired (or due to expire) card and a recto-verso photocopy on A4 size paper (for certified authentication) to:Bureau des cartes, Bât 33.1-009/1-011.HR Division will notify members of personnel as soon as the new cards are available.Be careful: if you are in possession of expired cards (Swiss or French), or if you present non-certified copies, the Organisation will not take any responsibility in case of difficulties with the customs authorities or the police.Human Resources DivisionTel. 79494-74683


    CERN Multimedia

    Division des Ressources Humaines; Human Resources Division; Tel. 79494-74683


    Members of the personnel, holders of SWISS LEGITIMATION CARDS due to expire during the year 2000, need to change them. Those concerned should bring : a recent passport photo (with NAME and first name on the back) the expired (or due to expire) card and a recto-verso photocopy on A4 size paper (for certified authentication)to: Bureau des cartes, Bât 33.1-009/1-011. Members of personnel will be notified by HR Division as soon as the new cards are available. Be careful: if you are in possession of expired cards (Swiss or French), or if you present non-certified copies, the Organization will not take any responsibility in case of difficulties with the customs authorities or the police.


    CERN Multimedia

    Human Resources Division; Human Resources Division; Tel. 79494-74683


    Members of the personnel, holders of SWISS LEGITIMATION CARDS due to expire during the year 2000, need to change them. Those concerned should bring: ­ a recent passport photo (with NAME and first name on the back) ­ the expired (or due to expire) card and a recto-verso photocopy on A4 size paper (for certified authentication) to: Bureau des cartes, Bât 33.1-009/1-011 Members of the personnel will be notified by HR Division as soon as the new cards are available. Be careful: if you are in possession of expired cards (Swiss or French), or if you present non-certified copies, the Organization will not take any responsability in case of difficulties with the customs authorities or the police.


    CERN Multimedia

    Division des Ressources Humaines; Human Resources Division; Tel. 79494-74683


    Members of the personnel, holders of SWISS LEGITIMATION CARDS due to expire during the year 2000, need to change them. Those concerned should bring : - a recent passport photo (with NAME and first name on the back) - the expired (or due to expire) card and a recto-verso photocopy on A4 size paper (for certified authentication) to: Bureau des cartes, bât 33.1-009/1-011. HR Division will notify members of personnel as soon as the new cards are available. Be careful: if you are in possession of expired cards (Swiss or French), or if you present non-certified copies, the Organization will not take any responsibility in case of difficulties with the customs authorities or the police.


    CERN Multimedia

    Division des Ressources Humaines


    Members of the personnel, holders of SWISS LEGITIMATION CARDSdue to expire during the year 2000, need to change them.Those concerned should bring:-\ta recent passport photo (with NAME and first name on the back)-\tthe expired (or due to expire) card and a recto-verso photocopy on A4 size paper (for certified authentication) to:Bureau des cartes, bât 33.1-009/1-011.HR Division will notify members of personnel as soon as the new cards are available.Be careful: if you are in possession of expired cards (Swiss or French), or if you present non-certified copies, the Organisation will not take any responsibility in case of difficulties with the customs authorities or the police.Human Resources DivisionTel. 79494-74683

  13. SEBARAN STASIONER PADA SISTEM BONUS-MALUS SWISS SERTA MODIFIKASINYA (Stationary Distribution of Swiss Bonus-Malus System and its Modification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cherry Galatia Ballangan


    Full Text Available Bonus-Malus System is a system in actuary that introduce the premium class (state partition, where the state is influenced by the number of annual claims reported by the policy holder. We could base the determination of the state on the stationary distribution that represent the number of policy holders in any state. Swiss Bonus-Malus System has 22 state. The number of state that involved in this system result in the difficulty of stationary distribution determination. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to study a method to obtain stationary distribution of Swiss Bonus-Malus System by recursive formula, with this recursive formula, the stationary distribution of Swiss Bonus-Malus System can be determined easier. Modification of this system with infinite state result in the changes of recursive formula to obtain the stationary. This changes including the determining of base value of the recursive formula. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Sistem Bonus-Malus merupakan sistem dalam aktuaria yang memperkenalkan pembagian kelas premi (state yang dipengaruhi oleh jumlah klaim yang diajukan oleh pemegang polis tiap tahunnya. Penetapan state dalam sistem ini didasarkan pada pencarian sebaran stasioner yang menyatakan banyaknya pemegang polis dalam tiap state. Sistem Bonus-Malus Swiss (BMS memiliki 22 state. Banyaknya state yang terlibat dalam sistem ini mengakibatkan sulitnya penentuan sebaran stasioner pada sistem BMS tersebut. Karena itu dalam tulisan ini dipelajari suatu metode penentuan sebaran stasioner dari sistem BMS tersebut, yaitu dengan menggunakan formula rekursif. Dengan formula rekursif ini, sebaran stasioner sistem BMS dapat ditentukan dengan mudah. Modifikasi sistem BMS untuk jumlah state yang tak hingga mengakibatkan perubahan pada formula rekursif untuk mencari sebaran stasionernya. Perubahan ini meliputi penetapan nilai awal dari formula rekursif tersebut. Kata kunci: sebaran stasioner, formula rekursif, sistem Monus-Malus Swiss.

  14. Host cell adhesion to Schistosoma mansoni larvae in the peritoneal cavity of naive mice: histological and scanning electron microscopic studies Adesão celular às larvas de Schistosoma mansoni na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos normais: estudos histológicos e microscopia eletrônica de varredura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alan Lane de Melo


    Full Text Available Cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni inoculated into the peritoneal cavity of naive mice induced host cell adhesion to their surface, but after 90 minutes the number of adherent cells sharply decreased. The cell detachment is progressive and simultaneous to the cercaria-schistosomule transformation. The histological study showed mainly neutrophils in close contact with the larvae. Mononuclear cells and some eosinophils were occasionally seen surrounding the adherent neutrophils. The scanning electron microscopy showed cells displaying twisted microvilli and several microplicae contacting or spreading over the larval surface, and larvae completely surrounded by clusters of cells. These results suggest that the neutrophils recognize molecules on the cercarial surface which induce their spreadingA inoculação de cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos normais induz uma aderência de células do hospedeiro a essas larvas. Essa adesão decresce rapidamente quando a larva infectante transforma-se em esquistossômulo. O destacamento das células é progressivo e simultâneo à transformação. Os métodos histológicos e a microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostraram que o neutrófilo é a célula predominante em estreito contacto com a larva. Células mononucleadas e eosinófilos foram observados rodeando o parasito, usualmente sem estar em contacto direto com a larva. Os resultados indicam que neutrófilos podem reconhecer, na superfície larvária, moléculas que induzem sua adesão e espalhamento.

  15. Experts' perspectives on SwissDRG: Second class care for vulnerable patient groups? (United States)

    Leu, A; Wepf, H; Elger, B; Wangmo, T


    On the 1st of January 2012, Switzerland introduced the diagnosis-related group hospital tariff structure (SwissDRG). It was recognised that healthcare provided to the most vulnerable patient groups would be a challenge for the new SwissDRG. Coincident with the implementation of SwissDRG, we explored hospital experts' perceptions of which patient groups are vulnerable under the SwissDRG system, what has changed for this group, as well as solutions to ensure adequate access to health care for them. We interviewed 43 experts from 40 Swiss hospitals. Participating experts named several vulnerable patient groups who share some common characteristics. These hospital experts were concerned about the patient groups that are not financially profitable and questioned the practicability of the current regulation. At the same time, they highlighted the complexity associated with caring for this group under the new SwissDRG and reported measures at the macro, meso, and micro levels to protect vulnerable patient groups from negative effects. To curb negative outcomes for vulnerable patient groups after the introduction of the SwissDRG, the Swiss legislation has introduced various instruments including the acute and transitional care (ATC) measures. We conclude that ATC measures do not produce the expected effect the legislators had hoped for. More health data is needed to identify situations where vulnerable patient groups are more susceptible to inadequate health care access in Switzerland. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Organisation and standardisation of information in SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michele Magrane


    Full Text Available SWISS-PROT is a curated, non-redundant protein sequence database which provides a high level of annotation and is integrated with a large number of other biological databases. It is supplemented by TrEMBL, a computer-annotated database which contains translations of all coding sequences in the EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database which are not yet in SWISS-PROT. Each fully curated SWISS-PROT entry contains as much up-to-date information as possible from a variety of sources and the high quality of the annotation in SWISS-PROT provides the basis for the procedure which is used to automatically annotate the TrEMBL database. The large amounts of different data types found in both databases are stored in a highly structured and uniform manner and this structured organisation means that SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL together provide a comprehensive resource with data that are readily accessible for users and easily retrievable by computer programs.

  17. SwissPalm: Protein Palmitoylation database. (United States)

    Blanc, Mathieu; David, Fabrice; Abrami, Laurence; Migliozzi, Daniel; Armand, Florence; Bürgi, Jérôme; van der Goot, Françoise Gisou


    Protein S-palmitoylation is a reversible post-translational modification that regulates many key biological processes, although the full extent and functions of protein S-palmitoylation remain largely unexplored. Recent developments of new chemical methods have allowed the establishment of palmitoyl-proteomes of a variety of cell lines and tissues from different species.  As the amount of information generated by these high-throughput studies is increasing, the field requires centralization and comparison of this information. Here we present SwissPalm (, our open, comprehensive, manually curated resource to study protein S-palmitoylation. It currently encompasses more than 5000 S-palmitoylated protein hits from seven species, and contains more than 500 specific sites of S-palmitoylation. SwissPalm also provides curated information and filters that increase the confidence in true positive hits, and integrates predictions of S-palmitoylated cysteine scores, orthologs and isoform multiple alignments. Systems analysis of the palmitoyl-proteome screens indicate that 10% or more of the human proteome is susceptible to S-palmitoylation. Moreover, ontology and pathway analyses of the human palmitoyl-proteome reveal that key biological functions involve this reversible lipid modification. Comparative analysis finally shows a strong crosstalk between S-palmitoylation and other post-translational modifications. Through the compilation of data and continuous updates, SwissPalm will provide a powerful tool to unravel the global importance of protein S-palmitoylation.

  18. Swiss Federal Energy Research Commission - Annual report 2008

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maus, K.


    This annual report presents a review of the activities carried out by the Swiss Federal Energy Research Commission CORE in the year 2008. Main points of interest were the definition of a new CORE vision, a review of all research programmes, co-operation and co-ordination with public and private institutes, active consultancy, recommendations for further education and training, improved international information exchange and good communication with business, politics and the general public. The definition of a concept for Swiss energy research for the period 2012 to 2016 is mentioned. The annual report also reports on an internal visit made to various laboratories of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and the Energy Center in Zurich. The focussing of CORE activities on particular themes is discussed

  19. Wind energy and Swiss hydroelectric power; Windenergie und schweizerischer Wasserkraftpark

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ott, W.; Baur, M. [Econcept AG, Zuerich (Switzerland); Fritz, W.; Zimmer, Ch.; Feldmann, J. [Consentec GmbH, Aachen (Germany); Haubrich, H.-J.; Dany, G.; Schmoeller, H.; Hartmann, T. [Institut fuer Elektrische Anlagen und Energiewirtschaft RWTH Aachen (IAEW), Aachen (Germany)


    This final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents the results of a study made to analyse the possible changes in the European electricity supply system, in particular with reference to the increasing amount of wind-generated electricity. Also, the role of peak-power and the optimisation potential for Swiss hydropower was examined. The part to be played by Swiss wind power in the future and the government's sustainability strategy is also looked at. The report looks at electricity dealing in the European context and introduces a method of assessment for Swiss hydropower. The report's conclusions and recommendations cover the increasing importance of energy storage in hydropower schemes, the question if grid capacity is sufficient under the new conditions, the market liberalisation question and possible ecological problems that may be encountered.

  20. Problems of gas marketing, particularly with respect to Swiss conditions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hunzinger, W


    Rising gas prices have required a change in Switzerland's marketing strategy to a greater emphasis on the residential, commercial, and service sectors. A Swiss committee on energy in 1978 reported on three different scenarios for Swiss energy development. Excluding district heating and cogeneration use, natural gas consumption, though modest by world standards, grew 13.3% in 1979 to reach 7848 GWhr, or 4.2% of the total energy consumption. The Swiss gas industry association in 1979 began an information campaign to send out a series of six letters about gas.


    CERN Multimedia

    HR Division


    Members of the personnel and their families, holders of SWISS LEGITIMATION CARDS due to expire during the year 2001, need to change them. Those concerned should bring : a recent passport photo (with NAME and first name on the back) the expired (or due to expire) card and a recto-verso photocopy on A4 size paper (for certified authentication) to Bureau des cartes, building 33/1-009/1-015. Members of the personnel will be notified by the Social and Statutary Conditions Group, HR Division as soon as the new cards are available. Be careful: If you are in possession of expired cards (Swiss or French), or if you present non-certified copies, the Organization will not take any responsibility in case of difficulties with the customs authorities or the police.

  2. Swiss electricity statistics 1996

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This detailed article discusses the following subjects: Survey of electricity supply in Switzerland in 1996; The Swiss electricity balance; Electric power generation; Electric power consumption; Generation, consumption and loads on selected days; Energy trade with other countries; Expansion capacities until 2003; Financial situation and appendix. (orig./RHM) [de

  3. The role of MHC haplotypes H2d/H2b in mouse resistance/susceptibility to cyst formation is influenced by the lineage of infective Toxoplasma gondii strain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marianne G. Resende


    Full Text Available Toxoplasma gondii strains displaying the Type I/III genotype are associated with acquired ocular toxoplasmosis in humans. Here, we used a mice model to characterize some immunological mechanisms involved in host resistance to infection with such strains. We have chosen the Type I/III strains D8, G2 and P-Br, which cause a chronic infection in mice that resembles human toxoplamosis. Mice deficient of molecules MyD88, IFN-gamma, and IL-12 were susceptible to all three parasite strains. This finding indicates the importance of innate mechanisms in controlling infection. On the other hand, MHC haplotype did not influenced resistance/susceptibility; since mice lineages displaying a same genetic background but different MHC haplotypes (H2b or H2d developed similar mortality and cyst numbers after infection with those strains. In contrast, the C57BL/6 genetic background, and not MHC haplotype, was critical for development of intestinal inflammation caused by any of the studied strains. Finally, regarding effector mechanisms, weobserved that B and CD8+ T lymphocytes controlled survival,whereas the inducible nitric oxide synthase influenced cyst numbers in brains of mice infected with Type I/III strains. These findings are relevant to further understanding of the immunologic mechanisms involved in host protection and pathogenesis during infection with T. gondii.Cepas de Toxoplasma gondii que apresentam o genótipo I/III são associadas a toxoplasmose ocular adquirida em humanos. No presente trabalho, nós utilizamos um modelo da doença em camundongos para caracterizar mecanismos imunológicos envolvidos na resistência do hospedeiro à infecção por aquelas cepas. Escolhemos as cepas D8, G2 e P-Br, que causam infecção crônica em camundongos, semelhante à toxoplasmose humana. Camundongos deficientes em MyD88, IFN-G e IL-12 foram susceptíveis a infecções com todas as três linhagens do parasita. Esses dados indicam a importância de mecanismos

  4. Swiss electricity statistics 2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) provides statistical information on electricity supply, production, trading and consumption in Switzerland in 2003. Apart from a general overview of the Swiss electricity supply that includes details on power generation, energy transfer with neighbouring countries and data on prices, average consumption and capital investment, the publication also includes graphical representations of electrical energy flows in and out of Switzerland. Tables of data give information on electricity production, import and export for the years 1950 to 2003, the data being supplied for each hydrological year and the summer and winter seasons respectively. The structure of power production in Switzerland is examined in detail and compared with that of foreign countries. Details are given on the development of production capacities and the various means of production together with their respective shares of total production. Further tables and diagrams provide information on power production in various geographical regions and on the management of pumped storage hydro-electricity schemes. A further chapter deals in detail with the consumption of electricity, its growth between 1984 and 2003 and its use in various sectors. A fifth chapter examines electricity consumption, generation, import and export on single, typical days, presenting data in tables and diagrams. The next chapter examines energy transfer with foreign countries and the trading structures involved. The next two chapters cover the future developments in energy exchange and trading with foreign countries and the possibilities of augmenting power generation capacities up to 2010. The final chapter looks at economic considerations involved in the supply of electricity. An annex provides detailed tables of data

  5. Swiss electricity statistics 2002

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) provides statistical information on electricity supply, production, trading and consumption in Switzerland in 2002. Apart from a general overview of the Swiss electricity supply that includes details on power generation, energy transfer with neighbouring countries and data on prices, average consumption and capital investment, the publication also includes graphical representations of electrical energy flows in and out of Switzerland. Tables of data give information on electricity production, import and export for the years 1950 to 2002, the data being supplied for each hydrological year and the summer and winter seasons respectively. The structure of power production in Switzerland is examined in detail and compared with that of foreign countries. Details are given on the development of production capacities and the various means of production together with their respective shares of total production. Further tables and diagrams provide information on power production in various geographical regions and on the management of pumped storage hydro-electricity schemes. A further chapter deals in detail with the consumption of electricity, its growth between 1984 and 2002 and its use in various sectors. A fifth chapter examines electricity consumption, generation, import and export on single, typical days, presenting data in tables and diagrams. The next chapter examines energy transfer with foreign countries and the trading structures involved. The next two chapters cover the future developments in energy exchange and trading with foreign countries and the possibilities of augmenting power generation capacities up to 2009. The final chapter looks at economic considerations involved in the supply of electricity. An annex provides detailed tables of data

  6. Swiss electricity statistics 2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) provides statistical information on electricity supply, production, trading and consumption in Switzerland in 2004. Apart from a general overview of the Swiss electricity supply that includes details on power generation, energy transfer with neighbouring countries and data on prices, average consumption and capital investment, the publication also includes graphical representations of electrical energy flows in and out of Switzerland. Tables of data give information on electricity production, import and export for the years 1950 to 2004, the data being supplied for each hydrological year and the summer and winter seasons respectively. The structure of power production in Switzerland is examined in detail and compared with that of foreign countries. Details are given on the development of production capacities and the various means of production together with their respective shares of total production. Further tables and diagrams provide information on power production in various geographical regions and on the management of pumped storage hydro-electricity schemes. A further chapter deals in detail with the consumption of electricity, its growth between 1984 and 2004 and its use in various sectors. A fifth chapter examines electricity consumption, generation, import and export on single, typical days, presenting data in tables and diagrams. The next chapter examines energy transfer with foreign countries and the trading structures involved. The next two chapters cover the future developments in energy exchange and trading with foreign countries and the possibilities of augmenting power generation capacities up to 2010. The final chapter looks at economic considerations involved in the supply of electricity. An annex provides detailed tables of data

  7. History of heat pumps - Swiss contributions and international milestones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zogg, M


    Compared to conventional boilers, heating by heat pumps cuts down fuel consumption and CO{sub 2} emissions to about 50%. Compared to electric resistance heating, the energy consumption is even reduced up to 80%. Therefore, the impressive market penetration growth of heat pumps will continue. Swiss pioneers were the first to realize functioning vapour recompression plants. The first European heat pumps were realized in Switzerland. To date it remains one of the heat pump champions. Swiss pioneering work in the development of borehole heat exchangers, sewage heat recovery, oil free piston compressors and turbo compressors is well known. The biggest heat pump ever built comes from Switzerland. Although there is a fairly comprehensive natural gas distribution grid, 75% of the new single-family homes built in Switzerland are currently heated by heat pumps. This paper presents some of the highlights of this success story focusing on Swiss developments and relating them to the international milestones. In order to indicate the direction in which the future development might go to, some recent Swiss research projects are presented as well. (author)


    CERN Multimedia

    Legal Service


    15 November 2002 Reimbursement of Swiss income tax The Swiss authorities have introduced a new system of taxation with effect from this year onwards. The main feature of this new system is that the tax year henceforth coincides with the year in which income is earned. One major practical consequence is that Swiss members of the personnel will receive a provisional income tax demand that must be settled by the date shown; however, the final income tax demand will not be sent until up to several months later. Hitherto, the CERN Administration only recognised this final demand as proof of payment for the reimbursement of Swiss income tax. In view of the delay the new procedure will generate between the settlement of the provisional demand and receipt of the final demand, and to avoid members of the personnel having to bear the cost of an advance payment, the CERN Administration has decided to align its reimbursement procedure with the new system of taxation. In future, the provisional income tax demand will also...

  9. The Swiss biotech referendum: A case study of science communication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cueni, Thomas B.


    On June 7 , 1998, the Swiss citizens voted on a constitutional amendment, which could have jeopardised the future of biotechnological research in Switzerland. Scientists and opinion leaders around the world expected the referendum with great anxiety. 'Nature', in an editorial, had firmly stated that the Swiss way showed 'how not to run a country', the 'Economist', a week prior to the referendum, had written that the Swiss might be the only people in the world who decided on their own to forego a world class position in scientific research. In fact, the Swiss did none of that. They rejected the constitutional amendment with an overwhelming majority of 67 per cent of the votes, and what started out as a dramatic threat to scientific research in Switzerland became a platform in favour of modern biotechnology. The presentation addresses some of the key features of the Swiss biotech campaign, analyses the success factors of the campaign, provides an insight in the most in-depth collection of data on public perception of biotechnology in the world, and draws conclusions as to what extent the Swiss experience can be of use in the way to communicate on modem science. The result of the Swiss referendum has convincingly shown that successful communication of modem science is possible if - scientists, authorities, and the industry accept the challenge to cope with the demands of communicating with the public at large, - there is a clear understanding that the public's needs may often be based on psychological rather than on logic scientific reasons, - all participants in the dialogue are willing to forego scientific jargon for clear understandable language, i.e. understand that it is hardly the public's fault if messages do not get across, - everybody accepts that dialogue, information, and education on modem science is a long-haul task. The Swiss biotech referendum was seen as a major threat to Switzerland as a leading country of scientific research. However, something which

  10. Avaliação do efeito do extrato etanólico bruto de Harpagophytum procumbens em camundongos infectados com Toxocara canis


    Sandra Regina Pereira de Oliveira


    A Síndrome da Larva Migrans Visceral (SLMV) é uma parasitose, causada pelo Toxocara canis, um dos helmintos mais freqüente em cães. Nos hospedeiros definitivos, se apresentam em diferentes formas morfológicas, ovos embrionados, adultos machos e fêmeas. Entretanto, nos hospedeiros não habituais (ex.: homem e roedores), apresentam-se apenas no estádio de larvas infectantes (L3) e não completam seu ciclo biológico. A infecção no homem ocorre pela ingestão acidental de ovos larvados, que no intes...

  11. Safety climate in Swiss hospital units: Swiss version of the Safety Climate Survey (United States)

    Gehring, Katrin; Mascherek, Anna C.; Bezzola, Paula


    Abstract Rationale, aims and objectives Safety climate measurements are a broadly used element of improvement initiatives. In order to provide a sound and easy‐to‐administer instrument for the use in Swiss hospitals, we translated the Safety Climate Survey into German and French. Methods After translating the Safety Climate Survey into French and German, a cross‐sectional survey study was conducted with health care professionals (HCPs) in operating room (OR) teams and on OR‐related wards in 10 Swiss hospitals. Validity of the instrument was examined by means of Cronbach's alpha and missing rates of the single items. Item‐descriptive statistics group differences and percentage of ‘problematic responses’ (PPR) were calculated. Results 3153 HCPs completed the survey (response rate: 63.4%). 1308 individuals were excluded from the analyses because of a profession other than doctor or nurse or invalid answers (n = 1845; nurses = 1321, doctors = 523). Internal consistency of the translated Safety Climate Survey was good (Cronbach's alpha G erman = 0.86; Cronbach's alpha F rench = 0.84). Missing rates at item level were rather low (0.23–4.3%). We found significant group differences in safety climate values regarding profession, managerial function, work area and time spent in direct patient care. At item level, 14 out of 21 items showed a PPR higher than 10%. Conclusions Results indicate that the French and German translations of the Safety Climate Survey might be a useful measurement instrument for safety climate in Swiss hospital units. Analyses at item level allow for differentiating facets of safety climate into more positive and critical safety climate aspects. PMID:25656302

  12. Carbon dioxide in electricity delivered to Swiss end-users. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jakob, M.; Volkart, K.; Widmer, D.


    In this comprehensive final report, made by TEP Energy GmbH - Technology Economics Policy - Research and Advice - a spin-off company of ETH Zuerich for the Swiss gas and oil industries, the effective CO 2 intensities involved in Swiss electricity consumption are calculated and discussed. The authors present details on how CO 2 emissions should be calculated on the basis of figures both on Swiss power generation and, also, on electricity imports and exports in a European context. Daily and seasonal export-import balances are discussed. In particular the authors note that the actual production-mix for electricity in Switzerland should not be used as a basis for judging actual consumption. Three methods for viewing Swiss electricity consumption involving net and gross power export and import are introduced and discussed. The determination of the CO 2 intensity of Swiss power is discussed, as are power demand profiles and international agreements. The results obtained using the three methods used are presented and discussed. Future developments are also examined. The report is completed with an appendix

  13. The Swiss electrical power industry: energy policy problems and prospects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tognola, F.


    The emotive consequences of the Chernobyl accident have had a devastating effect on Swiss public opinion and endanger the serious effort by the Swiss electrical power industry over many years at making possible a power supply capable of meeting increasing demand at minimum cost, compatible with security of supply and protection of the environment. It is considered that two new nuclear power stations will be required, one in 1995 and the other in 2000. The serious consequences if these are not built and, particularly, if it were decided to shut down all existing Swiss nuclear stations are stressed. (P.G.R.)

  14. Safety in Swiss nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cederqvist, H.


    Safety-related facilities and equipment are continuously backfitted in Swiss nuclear power plants. In the Beznau-1 and -2 nuclear generating units, the measures taken under the heading of 'Backfitting of Emergency Systems' included provisions to enhance the protection against earthquakes, airplane crash, and fire; in addition, the emergency power system was upgraded. In Muehleberg, the stack exhaust air monitoring system was optimized. The containment pressure suppression system of the plant has been designed to withstand a hypothetical accident exceeding the design basis. The BKM-Crud computer simulation model simulates steps taken to reduce radiation exposure. The power of Swiss nuclear power stations will be raised by 4% to 15% within the 'Energy 2000' action program. (orig.) [de

  15. CERN receives early 50th anniversary present from Swiss Confederation

    CERN Multimedia


    "Swiss President Pascal Couchepin announced Wednesday 4 June an early 50th birthday present from the Swiss Confederation to CERN. Switzerland has decided to offer the laboratory the 'Palais de l'Equilibre', a landmark building designed by Geneva architects for Switzerland's 2002 national exhibition" (1/2 page).

  16. International Nuclear Safety Experts Conclude IAEA Peer Review of Swiss Regulatory Framework

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Full text: A team of international nuclear safety experts today completed a two-week International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) review of the regulatory framework for nuclear safety in Switzerland. The Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) mission noted good practices in the Swiss system and also made recommendations for the nation's nuclear regulatory authority, the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI). ''Our team developed a good impression of the independent Swiss regulator - ENSI - and the team considered that ENSI deserves particular credit for its actions to improve Swiss safety capability following this year's nuclear accident in Japan,'' said IRRS Team Leader Jean-Christophe Niel of France. The mission's scope covered the Swiss nuclear regulatory framework for all types of nuclear-related activities regulated by ENSI. The mission was conducted from 20 November to 2 December, mainly at ENSI headquarters in Brugg. The team held extensive discussions with ENSI staff and visited many Swiss nuclear facilities. IRRS missions are peer reviews, not inspections or audits, and are conducted at the request of host nations. For the Swiss review, the IAEA assembled a team of 19 international experts from 14 countries. The experts came from Belgium, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Republic of Korea, Norway, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. ''The findings of the IRRS mission will help us to further improve our work. That is part of our safety culture,'' said ENSI Director General Hans Wanner. ''As Switzerland argued at international nuclear safety meetings this year for a strengthening of the international monitoring of nuclear power, we will take action to fulfil the recommendations.'' The IRRS team highlighted several good practices of the Swiss regulatory system, including the following: ENSI requires Swiss nuclear operators to back-fit their facilities by continuously upgrading

  17. Wind energy and Swiss hydro power; Windenergie und schweizerischer Wasserkraftpark

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ott, W.; Baur, M. [Econcept AG, Zuerich (Switzerland); Fritz, W.; Zimmer, Ch.; Feldmann, J. [Consentec, Consulting fuer Energiewirtschaft und -technik GmbH, Aachen (Germany); Haubrich, H.-J.; Dany, G.; Schmoeller, H.; Hartmann, T. [Institut fuer Elektrische Anlagen und Energiewirtschaft (IAEW), RWTH, Aachen (Germany)


    This report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) examines the possibilities of using Switzerland's hydropower generation facilities as a means of control and as a capacity-reserve for a European power system that includes a considerable amount of wind-generated electricity. The aims of the study - the analysis of possible changes in power availability and of the relative importance of peak load compensation, economic optimisation potential for the use of Swiss hydropower and organisational aspects - are presented. Various methods for organising production timetables and trading are looked at, as are future developments in the European power market. Methods of assessment of the value of Swiss hydropower installations are discussed in detail and possibilities of increasing capacity are discussed. The report is concluded with recommendations on the participation of Swiss hydropower in the market for regulation energy and the development of associated strategies. Also, environmental aspects are examined and the influence of national wind-energy concepts are discussed.

  18. Ativação da proteína TGFbetaI latente em pulmão irradiado in vivo Latent TGFbeta1 activation in the lung irradiated in vivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar no pulmão, por imunohistoquímica, a localização das proteínas TGFbeta1 latente e TGFbeta1 ativa, se ocorre ativação radioinduzida da proteína TGFbeta1 latente e a distribuição das fibras colágenas em diversos períodos de tempo após irradiação. MÉTODOS: 32 camundongos isogênicos (C57BL foram divididos em dois grupos: GI (não irradiado com 12 animais e GII (irradiado com 20 animais. Os animais do GII receberam radiação gama (telecobaltoterapia, 60Co, com rendimento de 0,97Gy/min, dose única de 7Gy em corpo inteiro. Os camundongos dos grupos I e II foram sacrificados por estiramento cervical nos períodos de 1, 14, 30 e 90 dias após irradiação. RESULTADOS: Os pulmões irradiados apresentaram: 1 congestão vascular e espessamento dos septos alveolares aos 30 dias e mais intensamente aos 90 dias depois da irradiação; 2 aumento significante da deposição de colágeno em todos os períodos de tempo após irradiação; 3 fraca ativação da proteína TGFbeta1 latente em um dia e intensa aos 14 dias depois da irradiação em brônquios e alvéolos. Nossos resultados sugerem que células dos brônquios e alvéolos podem participar do complexo mecanismo de fibrose pulmonar radioinduzida atuando como fontes da proteína TGFbeta1 ativa.PURPOSE: assess the latent and active TGFb1 localization in the lung, whether or not radiation induces latent TGFbeta1 activation, and the distribution of collagen fibers in the irradiated lung. METHODS: Thirty two C57BL mice were randomly assigned in two groups: GI (non irradiated animals and GII (irradiated animals. The mice from GII received a single whole ¾ body radiation dose of 7Gy, using a 60Co source at a dose rate of 0.97 Gy/min. They were sacrificed by cervical dislocation at 1, 14, 30 and 90 days after radiation. RESULTS: The irradiated lungs showed: 1 vascular congestion and thickness of the alveolar septa 30 days and more intense 90 days after irradiation; 2

  19. Estudo dos efeitos comportamentais, neuroquÃmicos e tÃxicos do Ãleo essencial de Zingiber officinale Roscoe


    CÃcero Francisco Bezerra Felipe


    O Gengibre (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) Ã uma planta bastante apreciada em todo o mundo, nÃo apenas como um condimento, mas tambÃm por suas importantes propriedades medicinais. Os efeitos comportamentais e neuroquÃmicos do Ãleo essencial do gengibre - OEG foram estudados em camundongos tratados diariamente com o Ãleo essencial de gengibre (OEG 25, 50 e 100 mg/Kg, i.p. e v.o.). No sÃtimo dia de tratamento foram realizados os testes do labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE), campo aberto (CA), rota ro...

  20. Swiss radon programme 'RAPROS'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeller, W.


    The results of the five-year radon research program RAPROS presented in this report, allow for scientifically valid statements on the origin of elevated levels of indoor radon in Switzerland. These results form a basis for recommendations and for actions to be taken. Indoor radon concentrations have been measured in more than 4000 living-rooms and 2000 basements; a sampling density of about 0.2% of the Swiss housing stock. According to these measurements radon leads to an estimated average annual effective dose of 2 milli-Sievert, although in some regions the annual dose may be much higher. Extrapolation of the existing data shows that in about 10'000 Swiss houses radon may exceed 1000 Bq/m 3 . For these houses remedial actions are recommended. There seems to be no radon problem in the large cities in the Swiss Plateau. High indoor radon concentrations in Switzerland are due to the soil beneath the buildings. Data from the study indicated that the most important soil characteristic influencing indoor radon concentrations was its gas permeability. Because natural ventilation in a heated house creates a slight underpressure in the lower levels with respect to surrounding soils, radon is driven from the soil into the building. Weatherization of the houses to reduce energy consumption had in most cases no effect on the indoor radon concentrations. Radon from tap water or from building materials does not contribute significantly to indoor radon levels in Switzerland. The high levels in the Jura Mountains are thought to be associated with karstic limestone bedrock. Several houses within Switzerland have now been modified to reduce radon levels. The most successful mitigation technique combined forced-air ventilation with tightening of the basement to decrease or prevent air infiltration from the soil. (author) figs., tabs., refs

  1. Proteínas do feijão preto sem casca: digestibilidade em animais convencionais e isentos de germes (germ-free Proteins of dehulled black beans: digestibility in conventional and germ-free animals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Conceição Angelina dos Santos PEREIRA


    Full Text Available O feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris, L. é uma leguminosa de grande importância para a dieta da população brasileira. No entanto, um de seus maiores problemas é representado pelo baixo valor nutricional de suas proteínas, decorrente, por um lado, da sua baixa digestibilidade e, de outro, do teor e biodisponibilidade reduzidos de aminoácidos sulfurados. Com o objetivo de avaliar a digestibilidade das proteínas albumina e globulina do feijão preto sem casca, foram realizados ensaios biológicos com camundongos isentos de germes e convencionais e com ratos (Wistar, recém-desmamados, com idade de 21 a 25 dias. Avaliou-se ainda o Escore Químico Corrigido pela Digestibilidade da Proteína. A digestibilidade verdadeira no experimento com camundongos isentos de germes foi de 90,21 e 90,00%, no teste com camundongos convencionais foi de 85,53 e 86,73%, e no experimento com ratos foi de 82,62 e 68,53%, para albumina e globulina, respectivamente. O Escore Químico Corrigido pela Digestibilidade da Proteína foi de 61,00% para a albumina e 51,00% para a globulina. A digestibilidade determinada em animais isentos de germes foi superior aos valores encontrados em animais convencionais, sugerindo que a flora intestinal esteja contribuindo para elevar o teor de nitrogênio nas fezes dos animais convencionais, e, portanto, esteja sendo subestimada a digestibilidade verdadeira do feijão.The bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, L. is a legume of great importance in the Brazilian typical diet. Nevertheless, it presents a low protein quality due to its poor digestibility and low levels and bioavailability of its sulfur aminoacids. The aim of this study was to evaluate the digestibility of albumin and globulin protein fractions of dehulled black beans in conventional and germ-free mice and also in weaning rats (Wistar of 21 to 25 days of age. Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score was also determined. True digestibility values in germ-free mice were 90.21 and 90

  2. Population structure and genomic inbreeding in nine Swiss dairy cattle populations. (United States)

    Signer-Hasler, Heidi; Burren, Alexander; Neuditschko, Markus; Frischknecht, Mirjam; Garrick, Dorian; Stricker, Christian; Gredler, Birgit; Bapst, Beat; Flury, Christine


    Domestication, breed formation and intensive selection have resulted in divergent cattle breeds that likely exhibit their own genomic signatures. In this study, we used genotypes from 27,612 autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms to characterize population structure based on 9214 sires representing nine Swiss dairy cattle populations: Brown Swiss (BS), Braunvieh (BV), Original Braunvieh (OB), Holstein (HO), Red Holstein (RH), Swiss Fleckvieh (SF), Simmental (SI), Eringer (ER) and Evolèner (EV). Genomic inbreeding (F ROH ) and signatures of selection were determined by calculating runs of homozygosity (ROH). The results build the basis for a better understanding of the genetic development of Swiss dairy cattle populations and highlight differences between the original populations (i.e. OB, SI, ER and EV) and those that have become more popular in Switzerland as currently reflected by their larger populations (i.e. BS, BV, HO, RH and SF). The levels of genetic diversity were highest and lowest in the SF and BS breeds, respectively. Based on F ST values, we conclude that, among all pairwise comparisons, BS and HO (0.156) differ more than the other pairs of populations. The original Swiss cattle populations OB, SI, ER, and EV are clearly genetically separated from the Swiss cattle populations that are now more common and represented by larger numbers of cows. Mean levels of F ROH ranged from 0.027 (ER) to 0.091 (BS). Three of the original Swiss cattle populations, ER (F ROH : 0.027), OB (F ROH : 0.029), and SI (F ROH : 0.039), showed low levels of genomic inbreeding, whereas it was much higher in EV (F ROH : 0.074). Private signatures of selection for the original Swiss cattle populations are reported for BTA4, 5, 11 and 26. The low levels of genomic inbreeding observed in the original Swiss cattle populations ER, OB and SI compared to the other breeds are explained by a lesser use of artificial insemination and greater use of natural service. Natural service

  3. Induced immune response of Escherichia coli BL21 expressing recombinant MSP1a and MSP1b proteins of Anaplasma marginale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katia Tamekuni


    105 kDa. Soro de camundongos imunizados com BL21/rMSP1b reagiram com BL21 e rMSP1b com massa molecular de 100 kDa. Esses resultados demonstram que BL21 contendo rMSP1a e rMSP1b na membrana externa foram capazes de produzir resposta imune em camundongos, reforçando o seu uso em modelos de vacina contra a anaplasmose bovina.


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    OLIVEIRA Marcia Rosa de


    Full Text Available Infection of Swiss/NIH mice with Leishmania major was compared with infection in isogenic resistant C57BL/6 and susceptible BALB/c mice. Swiss/NIH mice showed self-controlled lesions in the injected foot pad. The production of high levels of interferon-g (IFN-g and low levels of interleukin-4 (IL-4 by cells from these animals suggests that they mount a Th1-type immune response. The importance of the indigenous microbiota on the development of murine leishmaniasis was investigated by infecting germfree Swiss/NIH in the hind footpad with L. major and conventionalizing after 3 weeks of infection. Lesions from conventionalized Swiss/NIH mice were significantly larger than conventional mice. Histopathological analysis of lesions from conventionalized animals showed abscesses of variable shapes and sizes and high numbers of parasitized macrophages. In the lesions from conventional mice, besides the absence of abscess formation, parasites were rarely observed. On the other hand, cells from conventional and conventionalized mice produced similar Th1-type response characterized by high levels of IFN-g and low levels of IL-4. In this study, we demonstrated that Swiss/NIH mice are resistant to L. major infection and that the absence of the normal microbiota at the beginning of infection significantly influenced the lesion size and the inflammatory response at the site of infection.

  5. The SwissFEL Experimental Laser facility. (United States)

    Erny, Christian; Hauri, Christoph Peter


    The hard X-ray laser SwissFEL at the Paul Scherrer Institute is currently being commissioned and will soon become available for users. In the current article the laser facility is presented, an integral part of the user facility, as most time-resolved experiments will require a versatile optical laser infrastructure and precise information about the relative delay between the X-ray and optical pulse. The important key parameters are a high availability and long-term stability while providing advanced laser performance in the wavelength range from ultraviolet to terahertz. The concept of integrating a Ti:sapphire laser amplifier system with subsequent frequency conversion stages and drift compensation into the SwissFEL facility environment for successful 24 h/7 d user operation is described.

  6. Protein sequence annotation in the genome era: the annotation concept of SWISS-PROT+TREMBL. (United States)

    Apweiler, R; Gateau, A; Contrino, S; Martin, M J; Junker, V; O'Donovan, C; Lang, F; Mitaritonna, N; Kappus, S; Bairoch, A


    SWISS-PROT is a curated protein sequence database which strives to provide a high level of annotation, a minimal level of redundancy and high level of integration with other databases. Ongoing genome sequencing projects have dramatically increased the number of protein sequences to be incorporated into SWISS-PROT. Since we do not want to dilute the quality standards of SWISS-PROT by incorporating sequences without proper sequence analysis and annotation, we cannot speed up the incorporation of new incoming data indefinitely. However, as we also want to make the sequences available as fast as possible, we introduced TREMBL (TRanslation of EMBL nucleotide sequence database), a supplement to SWISS-PROT. TREMBL consists of computer-annotated entries in SWISS-PROT format derived from the translation of all coding sequences (CDS) in the EMBL nucleotide sequence database, except for CDS already included in SWISS-PROT. While TREMBL is already of immense value, its computer-generated annotation does not match the quality of SWISS-PROTs. The main difference is in the protein functional information attached to sequences. With this in mind, we are dedicating substantial effort to develop and apply computer methods to enhance the functional information attached to TREMBL entries.

  7. The Swiss nuclear installations annual report 1992

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report concerns the safety of the Swiss nuclear installations in the period of 1992. Surveillance of these installations with regard to nuclear safety, including radiation protection, is among the tasks of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (HSK). In Switzerland five nuclear power plants are operational: Beznau I and II, Muehleberg, Goesgen and Leibstadt. Research reactors of thermal capacities below 10 MWth are operational at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne and at the University of Basle. Further subject to HSK's supervision are all activities at PSI involving nuclear fuel or ionizing radiation, the shut down experimental reactor of Lucens, the exploration in Switzerland of final disposal facilities for radwaste and the interim radwaste storage facilities. The present report first deals with the nuclear power plants and covers, in individual sections, the aspects of installation safety, radiation protection as well as personnel and organization, and the resulting overall impression from the point of view of HSK (chapters 1-4). In chapter 5, the corresponding information is given for the research installations. Chapter 6 on radwaste disposal is dedicated to the waste treatment, waste from reprocessing, interim storage and exploration by the NAGRA. In chapter 7, the status of emergency planning in the nuclear power plants' vicinity is reported. Certificates issued for the transport of radioactive materials are dealt with in chapter 8. Finally chapter 9 goes into some general questions relating to the safety of nuclear installations, and in particular covers important events in nuclear installations abroad. In all, the operation of the Swiss nuclear installations in the period of 1992 is rated safe by HSK. (author) 7 figs., 13 tabs

  8. Resposta taquicárdica e controle autonômico no exercício físico em modelo genético de insuficiência cardíaca Tachycardic response and autonomic control in physical exercise in genetic model of cardiac insufficiency

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Telma F. Cunha


    Full Text Available O aumento da atividade nervosa simpática e a taquicardia em repouso ou durante esforços físicos estão associados ao aumento da morbimortalidade, mesmo na ausência de sinais clínicos de doença cardíaca. Sabendo-se da importância dos receptores α2A/α2C-adrenérgicos na modulação da atividade nervosa e frequência cardíaca (FC, o presente trabalho utiliza um modelo genético de cardiomiopatia induzida por excesso de catecolaminas circulantes baseado na inativação gênica dos receptores α2A/α2C-adrenérgicos em camundongos (α2A/α2CKO para verificar a resposta da FC ao exercício físico (EF, assim como o controle simpatovagal da FC ao EF. Testou-se a hipótese de que haveria resposta taquicárdica exacerbada durante o EF nos camundongos α2A/α2CKO mesmo quando a função cardíaca ainda estivesse preservada em repouso, sendo o receptor α2A-adrenérgico o principal responsável por essa resposta. Camundongos machos da linhagem C57Bl6J, controle (CO e com inativação gênica para os receptores α2A (α2AKO, α2C α2CKO e α2A/α2CKO foram submetidos a um teste de tolerância ao esforço físico. Outros dois grupos de camundongos, CO e α2A/α2CKO, foram submetidos ao bloqueio farmacológico dos receptores muscarínicos e β-adrenérgicos e ao EF progressivo para se avaliar a contribuição simpatovagal para a taquicardia de EF. Observou-se intolerância ao esforço físico (1.220 ± 18 e 1.460 ± 34 vs. 2.630 ± 42m, respectivamente e maior taquicardia ao EF (765 ± 16 e 792 ± 13 vs. 603 ± 18bpm, respectivamente nos camundongos α2AKO e α2A/α2CKO vs. CO. Além disso, o balanço autonômico estava alterado nos camundongos α2A/α2CKO pela hiperatividade simpática e menor efeito vagal cardíaco. Esses resultados demonstram a importância dos receptores α2A/α2C-adrenérgicos no controle autonômico não só no repouso, mas também durante o EF, sendo o receptor α2A-adrenérgico o responsável pela hiperatividade simp

  9. The information content of KOF indicators on Swiss current account data revisions


    Sturm, Jan-Egbert; Jacobs, Jan P.A.M.


    This paper analyses revisions of Swiss current account data, taking into account the actual data revision process and the implied types of revisions. In addition we investigate whether the first release of current account data can be improved upon by the use of survey results as gathered by the KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich. An answer in the affirmative indicates that it is possible to improve first releases and thereby enhance the current assessment of the Swiss economy.

  10. Future electricity supplies must be secured - Swiss outlook for 2035 / 2050

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This comprehensive article reviews an update made in 2009 by the Swiss Association of Electricity Enterprises VSE on their paper 'Outlook 2006 on Swiss electricity supply for the period up to 2035 / 2050'. The association is of the opinion that the paper can still form the basis for issue-related public discussion on energy-related questions. The Swiss 'four-pillar' strategy - energy efficiency, renewable energy, large power stations and international energy policy - is noted and supported. The special role played by electricity in the Swiss energy mix is discussed and the issue of security of supply is examined. Possible shortages that could occur in the future are discussed, as is the question of carbon dioxide emissions. Economic viability and power prices are discussed. Energy efficiency and power production options are also examined. Combined heat and power, hydropower and nuclear power are examined and, finally, import and export options reviewed

  11. Swiss roll operation for giant fibroadenoma. (United States)

    Soomro, Saleem A; Memon, Sohail A; Mohammad, Noor; Maher, Mumtaz


    Fibroadenoma 5 cm or more is called giant fibroadenoma. Giant fibroadenoma can distort the shape of breast and causes asymmetry, so it should be excised. There are several techniques for excision of giant fibroadenoma. In our technique we remove them through cosmetically acceptable circumareolar incision to maintain the shape and symmetry of breast. The objectives were to assess the cosmetic results of Swiss roll operation for giant fibroadenoma. The study was conducted for six years from January, 2002 to December, 2007. Seventy patients of giant fibroadenoma were included in this study. They were diagnosed on history and clinical examination supported by ultrasound and postoperative histopathological examination. Data were collected from outpatient department and operation theatre. Swiss roll operation was performed under general anaesthesia. Mean tumor size was 6.38 cm. Three cm and 4 cm incisions were used for tumour 6 cm in size respectively. Skin closed with Vicryl 3/0 subcuticular stitches. Sixteen out of 70 patients had no scar while others hadminimal scar. All patients had normal shape and symmetry of breast. On histopathology fibroadenoma was confirmed. Giant fibroadenoma should be removed through cosmetically acceptable cicumareolar incision especially in unmarried young females who have small breast. Swiss-roll operation is superior in maintaining the shape and symmetry of breast. No major complication was found in our series except seroma formation in 10 patients.

  12. O polissacarídeo do Anacardium occidentale L. na fase inflamatória do processo cicatricial de lesões cutâneas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Schirato Giuliana Viegas


    Full Text Available O efeito do polissacarídeo de Anacardium occidentale L. (POLICAJU foi avaliado na fase inflamatória do processo cicatricial em camundongos (Mus musculus Swiss (n=90, organizados de acordo com o tratamento empregado: Grupo I (NaCl 150mM, Grupo II (ácido ascórbico 75mg ml-1 e Grupo III (emulsão contendo POLICAJU 150mg ml-1 preparado em ácido ascórbico 75mg ml-1. As lesões cutâneas foram realizadas assepticamente na região torácica dorsal e cada ferida foi tratada em dose única (200ml imediatamente após a cirurgia. As feridas foram avaliadas diariamente sob o ponto de vista clínico e histopatológico até o 6degrees dia de pós-operatório (PO. No 5degrees dia PO, observou-se um menor percentual de edema e hiperemia no Grupo III em relação aos grupos controle, ao passo que os valores de área da ferida e do percentual de contração não foram estatisticamente significativos. A avaliação histopatológica do grupo tratado com POLICAJU demonstrou a presença de tecido de granulação fibrovascular no 6degrees dia PO, enquanto os grupos controle apresentavam tecido de granulação com padrão vascular. O tratamento proposto propiciou sinais flogísticos menos acentuados (edema e hiperemia durante o período inflamatório, compatível com o processo de reparação mais avançado do ponto de vista histopatológico, sugerindo a possível utilização clínica da emulsão contendo POLICAJU.

  13. Reimbursement of care for severe trauma under SwissDRG. (United States)

    Moos, Rudolf M; Sprengel, Kai; Jensen, Kai Oliver; Jentzsch, Thorsten; Simmen, Hans-Peter; Seifert, Burkhardt; Ciritsis, Bernhard; Neuhaus, Valentin; Volbracht, Jörk; Mehra, Tarun


    Treatment of patients with severe injuries is costly, with best results achieved in specialised care centres. However, diagnosis-related group (DRG)-based prospective payment systems have difficulties in depicting treatment costs for specialised care. We analysed reimbursement of care for severe trauma in the first 3 years after the introduction of the Swiss DRG reimbursement system (2012-2014). The study included all patients with solely basic insurance, hospital admission after 01.01.2011 and discharge in 2011 or 2012, who were admitted to the resuscitation room of the University Hospital of Zurich, aged ≥16 years and with an injury severity score (ISS) ≥16 (n = 364). Clinical, financial and administrative data were extracted from the electronic medical records. All cases were grouped into DRGs according to different SwissDRG versions. We considered results to be significant if p ≤0.002. The mean deficit decreased from 12 065 CHF under SwissDRG 1.0 (2012) to 2 902 CHF under SwissDRG 3.0 (2014). The main reason for the reduction of average deficits was a refinement of the DRG algorithm with a regrouping of 23 cases with an ISS ≥16 from MDC 01 to DRGs within MDC21A. Predictors of an increased total loss per case could be identified: for example, high total number of surgical interventions, surgeries on multiple anatomical regions or operations on the pelvis (p ≤0.002). Psychiatric diagnoses in general were also significant predictors of deficit per case (p<0.001). The reimbursement for care of severely injured patients needs further improvement. Cost neutral treatment was not possible under the first three versions of SwissDRG.

  14. Plant life management (PLIM) in Swiss nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stejskal, Jan; Steudler, Daniel; Thoma, Kurt; Fuchs, Reinhard


    Full text: The Swiss Utility Working group for ageing Management (AM) presented their programme for the first time at the PLIM/PLEX 93. In the meantime the key guideline documents have been prepared and the most so called S teckbrief - files for Safety Class 1 (SC1) are issued. The 'Steckbrief' file is a summary of the component history and includes the results of the Reviews performed and measures taken or planned to counteract ageing mechanisms. The scope of these activities does not only serve the important aspect of reliable plant service but also facilitates component and plant life extension feasibility. The older plants have been operated now for up to 30 years, so PLEX will become a more important topic for Swiss NPP. It is very encouraging, that there is an official memorandum of the Swiss authority with the clear statement, that they could not identify any technical reason, why the older plants should not extend their design life of 40 years for at least 10 and the younger for 20 years. The result of this is that a well established Ageing Management Programme (AMP) provide a good basis for Plant Life Extension (PLEX), e.g. the Swiss AMP has to be seen as a PLIM. (author)

  15. The Swiss Federal Energy Research Concept for the Years 2000-2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Swiss Federal Energy Research Concept provides details within the framework set by the Swiss Parliament and the Swiss Federal Council (Government). It maps out how publicly supported research shall be used to achieve politically decided energy goals. Information is provided on the manner in which energy education, research and technology developments will be supported during the period from 2000-2003. The Concept facilitates coordination among federal and cantonal decision makers as well as municipal authorities. Swiss energy research is dedicated to sustainable development, including the massive reduction of CO 2 emissions. This is also implicit in the concept of the '2000 W society'. A two-pronged approach strives to reduce pollution by energy systems and increase system efficiencies. Technical progress is buttressed by socio-economic measures. Priorities for publicly funded energy research have been set in the context of long-term perspectives, harmonized with European and worldwide goals. Swiss energy research must be high-level research and this requires adequate means being made available to assure both quality and continuity. It is important that the attractiveness and competitiveness of Switzerland as a home for science and technology be maintained, indeed strengthened. It has been proved worldwide that energy research needs public funding. Particularly favored is application oriented research, including pilot and demonstration projects. (author)

  16. The Swiss Federal Energy Research Concept for the Years 2000-2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Swiss Federal Energy Research Concept provides details within the framework set by the Swiss Parliament and the Swiss Federal Council (Government). It maps out how publicly supported research shall be used to achieve politically decided energy goals. Information is provided on the manner in which energy education, research and technology developments will be supported during the period from 2000-2003. The concept facilitates coordination among federal and cantonal decision makers as well as municipal authorities. Swiss energy research is dedicated to sustainable development, including the massive reduction of CO 2 emissions. This is also implicit in the concept of the '2000 W society'. A two-pronged approach strives to reduce pollution by energy systems and increase system efficiencies. Technical progress is buttressed by socio-economic measures. Priorities for publicly funded energy research have been set in the context of long-term perspectives, harmonized with European and worldwide goals. Swiss energy research must be high-level research and this requires adequate means being made available to assure both quality and continuity. It is important that the attractiveness and competitiveness of Switzerland as a home for science and technology be maintained, indeed strengthened. It has been proved worldwide that energy research needs public funding. Particularly favored is application oriented research, including pilot and demonstration projects. (author)

  17. ATLAS honours two Swiss companies

    CERN Document Server


    On 18 June 2003, ATLAS presented awards to two Swiss companies, Cicorel SA and Isola Composites AG, the suppliers of the electrodes and the composite bars for the electromagnetic calorimeter. "Physicists' dreams could not become reality without industry's active participation and creativity", said Peter Jenni, ATLAS spokesman, congratulating two of the collaboration's suppliers, to which it presented awards on 18 June. Swiss quality was the order of the day, since the two companies, Cicorel SA and Isola Composites AG, which are both involved in the production of components for the electromagnetic calorimeter, are located in Switzerland's Jura region. "You have taken up and met a challenge that bordered on the impossible", added Peter Jenni. The suppliers who received the ATLAS award: Hans Wyss from Cicorel SA (left) and Constant Gentile from Isola Composites (right).Circorel SA produced enough electrodes to cover an entire football pitch. Each electrode, measuring 2 square metres, consists of three layers of...

  18. Reminder: Swiss and French cards

    CERN Multimedia


    Communication from the HR Department to members of personnel holding an employment or association contract, above 50% and for more than 3 months, with the Organization. The HR Department would like to remind all members of personnel concerned that they are obliged to: • hold a valid Swiss  Légitimation card AND a valid French card (“Titre de séjour spécial” or “attestation de fonctions”) at all times during the exercise of their functions in the Organization; • return these documents as soon as their functions in the Organization cease. Not following these rules could be prejudicial to the Organization and appropriate measures may be taken towards the member of personnel concerned. Information and procedures concerning Swiss and French cards (first application, renewal, theft/loss, etc.) are available in the Admin e-guide. Users and Unpaid Associates must contact the Users Office HR Department Tel.: 729...

  19. Swiss and French cards - Reminder

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Communication from the HR Department to members of personnel holding an employment or association contract, above 50% and for more than 3 months, with the Organization. The HR Department would like to remind all members of the personnel concerned that they are obliged to: hold a valid Swiss Légitimation card AND a valid French card (“Titre de séjour spécial” or “attestation de fonctions”) at all times during the exercise of their functions in the Organization; return these documents as soon as their functions in the Organization cease. Not following these rules could be prejudicial to the Organization and appropriate measures may be taken with respect to the member of the personnel concerned. Information and procedures concerning Swiss and French cards (first application, renewal, theft/loss, etc.) are available in the Admin e-guide: Users and Unpaid Associates must ...

  20. Biogas plants in the Swiss agriculture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wellinger, A


    Description of the systems of Swiss biogas plants, gas production rates and the use of the gas for heating the biogas digesters and apartments, for agriculture, cheese factories, and for the production of electricity.

  1. Estudo toxicológico pré-clínico (agudo do extrato do Syzygium aromaticum (L em roedores

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    Rômulo O. H. Valente

    Full Text Available O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estimar a toxicidade aguda do extrato do cravo-da-índia (Syzygium aromaticum Linné em roedores. O extrato hidro-alcoólico a 80% foi concentrado em evaporador rotativo obtendo-se uma mistura final de extrato pilular. Camundongos albinos (Mus musculus fêmeas, divididos em 13 lotes de seis animais foram observados por 24 horas a partir da administração do extrato diluído em solução fisiológica a 0,9% nas dosagens de 137,5; 180; 187,5; 250; 375; 437,5; 500 e 1.000 mg/kg para via intraperitoneal e 1.000; 2.400; 2.880; 4.000 e 5.000 mg/kg para via oral. O cálculo proporcional foi realizado a fim de se obter a mesma dose para todos os animais de cada grupo. As punções foram por via intraperitoneal sendo respeitados intervalos de cinco minutos entre as administrações individuais. Nos ensaios de toxicidade por via oral a solução foi introduzida no trato digestório dos animais através de cânula metálica acoplada a seringa (gavagem. Os animais apresentaram alguns sinais de toxicidade, porém não letais até a dose de 5.000 mg/kg. A DL50 para via intraperitoneal foi calculada pelo método de Karber e Behrens (1964, sendo estabelecida em 255 mg/kg (muito tóxico, grau 4. Conclui-se que sob condições agudas de exposição, o extrato do cravo-da-índia é um agente tóxico, devendo ser considerado como tal, dependendo da dose administrada ou absorvida, tempo e freqüência de exposição e vias de administração.

  2. Swiss synchrotron light source at the Paul Scherrer Institute at Villigen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The brochure describes the Swiss project for a synchrotron light source to be built at the Paul Scherrer Institute at Villigen. According to the project the synchrotron light source shall be realized up to the year 2001 at costs of 165 Million Swiss Francs. figs., tabs

  3. Seizures of doping substances at the Swiss Border--a descriptive investigation. (United States)

    Weber, Christina; Kamber, Matthias; Lentillon-Kaestner, Vanessa; Krug, Oliver; Thevis, Mario


    This retrospective study evaluates the content, the destination and the source of 960 postal items seized by the Swiss customs authorities at the Swiss border between 2013 and 2014. The packages were seized because they contained at least one prohibited doping product as identified by the Swiss law on encouraging sports and physical activity. A total number of 1825 different doping products were confiscated from these parcels, accounting for an average of 1.9 doping products per seized item. In 74% of the cases, where seizures were made, anabolic androgenic steroids, mostly testosterone esters, were discovered. An obvious trading channel for doping products was identified in this study. The seized compounds were predominately manufactured in Asian countries, but sent to Switzerland mostly via South Eastern Europe countries. Due to the unique collaboration between the Swiss customs authorities and the national anti-doping agency, this study uncovered an alarming trend of illegal doping product trafficked to Switzerland. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Reinaldo Neves Sobrinho


    Full Text Available A raiva é uma enfermidade causada por um vírus neurotrópio da família Rhabdoviridae e gênero Lyssavirus. Todos os mamíferos, inclusive o homem, são susceptíveis.No período de 1976 a 2001, foram analisadas, no Centro de Diagnósticos e Pesquisas Veterinárias (CDPV, através das técnicas de imunofluorescência direta (IFD e inoculação em camundongos, 24.722 amostras do sistema nervoso central de diferentes espécies animais, provenientes de municípios do Estado de Goiás. Reações positivas para raiva foram obtidas em 22,1% (5.471 das amostras. Houve oscilações no percentual de positividade até o ano de 1996, e depois ocorreu uma diminuição gradativa, chegando a 10,9% em 2001. Os casos de raiva em cães e gatos têm decrescido de forma acentuada, sendo registrados 25 casos em cães e 2 em gatos no ano de 2001. Em bovinos, eqüinos e quirópteros o número de casos vem aumentando, sendo que do ano de 2000 para 2001 houve um crescimento de 16,4% para os casos em bovinos, atingindo 67,5% de amostras positivas(249/369 em 2001. Medidas de controle como a obrigatoriedade da vacinação de bovídeos, eqüídeos, ovinos e caprinos e o controle populacional dos quirópteros foram recentemente adotadas no Estado de Goiás. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Animais domésticos, inoculação em camundongos, raiva, reação de imunofluorescência direta, Goiás.

  5. Radiation protection in Swiss nuclear installations; Strahlenschutz in Schweizer Kernanlagen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hammer, J.; Brunell, M. [Eidgenoessisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat ENSI, Brugg (Switzerland)


    Well developed measures on operational radiation protection within Swiss nuclear installations will be presented. The focus lays on competent authority actions. Results of the last ten years, including events on radiation issues, will be discussed. Finally a view on challenges for radiation protection personnel with respect to a renewed Swiss radiation protection legislation based on recent ICRP recommendations will be given.

  6. Bi-directional charger for swiss2G - Annual report; Bi-directional charger for swiss2G - Jahresbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schwab, M.; Baumann, P.


    This short annual report for 2010 for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) takes a look at a bi-directional charger that can be used in intelligent 'Smart Grid' applications. The idea is based on being able to use electric vehicles as a source of electricity to help meet peak demand for mains electricity. The swiss2G project aims to produce an electric car battery-charger that also functions as an inverter to convert the car's DC battery voltage to mains electricity. The project was started in September 2010. The report describes the aims of the project and reports on initial work done in the areas of safety, switching electronics and AC/DC conversion. National and international co-operation is noted and prospects for further work are discussed.

  7. Imunização de camundongos com "vacina" viva avirulenta de Trypanosoma cruzi: IV. ensaio de esquema de "vacinação"[ign

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    Humberto Menezes


    Full Text Available A parasitemia e o exame histológico revelaram que, aparentemente camundongos que receberam duas doses de "vacina" reagiram melhor a vma infecção virulenta do T. cruzi do que animais "vacinados'' uma única vez. Nestes a infecção realizada quatro ou dez semanas depois da imunização não alterou substancialmente a resposta imunitária medida pela parasitemia, percentual de mortalidade e grau da resposta tissular. Animais unicamente "vacinados", com uma ou duas doses, não apresentaram alterações histológicas diferentes das dos animais normais. Êstes mostraram quase sempre um discreto grau de inflamação crônica focal no miocáráio, e fígado.

  8. The Swiss nuclear installations. Annual report 1993

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Surveillance of the Swiss nuclear installations with regard to nuclear safety, including radiation protection, is among the tasks of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (HSK). Five nuclear power plants are operational in Switzerland: the three units Beznau I and II and Muehleberg with electrical capacities in the range of 300 to 400 MWe, and the two units Goesgen and Leibstadt with capacities between 900 and 1200 MWe. These are light water reactors; at Beznau and Goesgen of the PWR type, and at Muehleberg and Leibstadt of the BWR type. Research reactors of thermal capacities below 10 MWth are operational at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne and at the University of Basel. Further subject to HSK's supervision are all activities at PSI involving nuclear fuel or ionizing radiation, the shut-down experimental reactor of Lucens, the exploration of final disposal facilities for radwaste and the interim radwaste storage facilities in Switzerland. The report first deals with the nuclear power and covers, in individual sections, the aspects of installation safety, radiation protection as well as personnel and organization, and the resulting overall impression from the point of view of HSK. In chapter 5, the corresponding information is given for research installations. Chapter 6, on radwaste disposal, is dedicated to the treatment of waste, waste from reprocessing, interim storage and exploration by NAGRA. In chapter 7, the status of emergency planning in the nuclear power plants' proximity is reported. Certificates issued for the transport of radioactive materials are dealt with in chapter 8. Finally chapter 9 goes into general questions relating to the safety of nuclear installations. All in all, the safety of operation of the Swiss nuclear installations, in the period of 1993, is judged as good by HSK. (author) 10 figs., 11 tabs

  9. The Swiss nuclear installations. Annual report 1994

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Surveillance of the Swiss nuclear installations with regard to nuclear safety, including radiation protection, is among the tasks of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (HSK). Five nuclear power plants are operational in Switzerland: the three units Beznau I and II and Muehleberg with electrical capacities in the range of 300 to 400 MWe, and the two units Goesgen and Leibstadt with capacities between 900 and 1200 MWe. These are light water reactors; at Beznau and Goesgen of the PWR type, and at Muehleberg and Leibstadt of the BWR type. Research reactors of thermal capacities below 10 MWth are operational at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne and at the University of Basel. Further subject to HSK`s supervision are all activities at PSI involving nuclear fuel or ionizing radiation, the shut-down experimental reactor of Lucens, the exploration, in Switzerland, of final disposal facilities for radwaste and the interim radwaste storage facilities. The report first deals with the nuclear power and covers, in individual sections, the aspects of installation safety, radiation protection as well as personnel and organization, and the resulting overall impression from the point of view of HSK. In chapter 5, the corresponding information is given for research installations. Chapter 6, on radwaste disposal, is dedicated to the treatment of waste, waste from reprocessing, interim storage and exploration by NAGRA. In chapter 7, the status of emergency planning in the nuclear power plants` proximity is reported. Certificates issued for the transport of radioactive materials are dealt with in chapter 8. Finally chapter 9 goes into general questions relating to the safety of nuclear installations. All in all, the safety of operation of the Swiss nuclear installations, in the period of 1994, is judged as good by HSK. (author) 11 figs., 13 tabs.

  10. What Triggers Early Retirement. Results from Swiss Pension Funds


    Monika Bütler; Olivia Huguenin; Federica Teppa


    Early retirement is predominantly considered as the result of incentives set by social security and the tax system. But people seem to retire early even in the absence of such distortions as the Swiss example demonstrates. We look for determinants of early retirement, in particular the role of lifetime income and family status, using individual data from a selection of Swiss pension funds. Our findings suggest that affordability is a key determinant in retirement decisions: More affluent men,...

  11. O modelo experimental de carcinogênese gástrica induzido por n-methyl-n-nitrosourea em ratos F344 e camundongos C3H é válido para os ratos Wistar? Experimental model of gastric carcinogenesis with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea for F344 rats and C3H mices is valid for Wistar rats?

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    Lissandro Tarso


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O N-metil-N-nitrosourea (MNU tem ação cancerígena direta, induzindo tumores em várias espécies em uma variedade de órgãos, incluindo o estômago de ratos. Tratamento do MNU na água de beber por 25-42 semanas, seletivamente, induz carcinoma gástrico glandular de ratos F344 e camundongos C3H. OBJETIVO: Estabelecer um modelo experimental para indução seletiva de câncer no estômago glandular de ratos Wistar com MNU. MÉTODOS: Um total de 48 ratos Wistar machos com oito semanas, foram utilizados no presente estudo. MNU (Sigma-Aldrich foi dissolvido em DMSO e liberada água potável ad libitum por um período variando de 16 a 70 semanas. Após 16 semanas, quatro ratos foram selecionados aleatoriamente e mortos. Depois, de seis em seis semanas, quatro animais também foram mortos até 70 semanas. RESULTADOS: A taxa de sobrevivência foi superior a 90%. Ocorreu a indução de dois adenocarcinomas, um carcinoma espinocelular e um sarcoma. A incidência de adenocarcinoma gástrico foi de 4,5% (0,5 a 15. CONCLUSÕES: O modelo experimental de carcinogênese gástrica em ratos Wistar, utilizando MNU dissolvido na água, não mostrou viabilidade prática neste estudo, devido à baixa taxa de adenocarcinoma gástrico que ocorreu.BACKGROUND: The N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU is a direct acting carcinogen, inducing tumors in several species in a variety of organs, including stomach of rats. Treatment of MNU in the drinking water for 25-42 weeks selectively induced glandular gastric carcinoma in F344 rats and C3H mice. AIM: To establish an experimental model for selective MNU induction of glandular stomach cancer in Wistar rats. METHODS: A total of 48 males eight-week-old Wistar rats were used in the present study. MNU (Sigma-Aldrich was dissolved in DMSO and provided as the drinking water ad libitum for a period ranging from 16 to 70 weeks. After 16 weeks, four rats were randomly selected and killed. After every six weeks four animals

  12. CMB seen through random Swiss Cheese

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lavinto, Mikko; Räsänen, Syksy, E-mail:, E-mail: [Physics Department, University of Helsinki and Helsinki Institute of Physics, P.O. Box 64, FIN-00014, University of Helsinki (Finland)


    We consider a Swiss Cheese model with a random arrangement of Lemaȋtre-Tolman-Bondi holes in ΛCDM cheese. We study two kinds of holes with radius r{sub b}=50 h{sup −1} Mpc, with either an underdense or an overdense centre, called the open and closed case, respectively. We calculate the effect of the holes on the temperature, angular diameter distance and, for the first time in Swiss Cheese models, shear of the CMB . We quantify the systematic shift of the mean and the statistical scatter, and calculate the power spectra. In the open case, the temperature power spectrum is three orders of magnitude below the linear ISW spectrum. It is sensitive to the details of the hole, in the closed case the amplitude is two orders of magnitude smaller. In contrast, the power spectra of the distance and shear are more robust, and agree with perturbation theory and previous Swiss Cheese results. We do not find a statistically significant mean shift in the sky average of the angular diameter distance, and obtain the 95% limit |Δ D{sub A}/ D-bar {sub A}|∼< 10{sup −4}. We consider the argument that areas of spherical surfaces are nearly unaffected by perturbations, which is often invoked in light propagation calculations. The closed case is consistent with this at 1σ, whereas in the open case the probability is only 1.4%.

  13. Swiss Strategic Communication in the Defense Sector and Its Implications for Swiss Security Policy (United States)


    rejected because of its projected higher costs compared to buying the fighter jets.392 Through a public -private partnership, the needed Gripens would...necessary military strategies, overall efficiency and coherence can be augmented to the benefit of national security, the public finances, and the...NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA THESIS Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. SWISS STRATEGIC

  14. [Development of a set of nursing-sensitive indicators for Swiss practice]. (United States)

    Kleinknecht-Dolf, Michael; Baumberger, Dieter; Jucker, Thomas; Kliem, Uwe; Zimmermann, Natalie; Spirig, Rebecca


    The SwissDRG prospective payment system is known to inadequately account for nursing intensity due to the DRG group criteria insufficiently describing the variability of nursing intensity within individual diagnosis-related groups. In order to allow for appropriate reimbursement and resource allocation, nursing intensity must be able to be explicitly quantified and accounted for. The aim of this project was to develop a set of nursing-sensitive indicators intended to reduce the variation within individual diagnosis-related groups, supplementary to existing SwissDRG group criteria. The approach comprised a variety of methods. A systematic literature review, input from an advisory board and an expert panel, as well as three focus group interviews with nurses and nurse managers formed the basis for the synthesis of data and information gathered from these sources. A set of 14 nursing-sensitive indicators was developed. The indicators are intended to improve the homogeneity of nursing intensity within SwissDRG diagnosis-related groups. Before these nursing indicators can be adopted as group criteria, they must be formulated to conform with SwissDRG and tested empirically. This set of indicators can be seen at as a first step towards nursing intensity being adequately represented in SwissDRG diagnosis-related groups. The next challenge to be met is operationalising the indicators in codable form.

  15. Instrumentation and test of the Swiss LCT-coil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zichy, J.A.; Horvath, I.; Jakob, B.; Marinucci, C.; Vecsey, G.; Weymuth, P.; Zellweger, J.


    Just before Christmas 1983 the fabrication of the Swiss LCT-coil was finished. Tests at ambient temperature were performed on the factory site and after delivery in Oak Ridge. To avoid an undesirable delay of the rescheduled Partial-Array Test it was agreed to install the coil without its superconducting bus. In July 1984 the Swiss LCT-coil was successfully cooled down to LHe temperature together with the other two fully installed coils. Besides the cooling system, the instrumentation, measured parameters of the coil and some preliminary results obtained during the ongoing Partial-Array Test are presented

  16. Physical optics simulations with PHASE for SwissFEL beamlines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flechsig, U.; Follath, R.; Reiche, S. [Paul Scherrer Institut, Swiss Light Source, 5232 Villigen PSI (Switzerland); Bahrdt, J. [Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (Germany)


    PHASE is a software tool for physical optics simulation based on the stationary phase approximation method. The code is under continuous development since about 20 years and has been used for instance for fundamental studies and ray tracing of various beamlines at the Swiss Light Source. Along with the planning for SwissFEL a new hard X-ray free electron laser under construction, new features have been added to permit practical performance predictions including diffraction effects which emerge with the fully coherent source. We present the application of the package on the example of the ARAMIS 1 beamline at SwissFEL. The X-ray pulse calculated with GENESIS and given as an electrical field distribution has been propagated through the beamline to the sample position. We demonstrate the new features of PHASE like the treatment of measured figure errors, apertures and coatings of the mirrors and the application of Fourier optics propagators for free space propagation.

  17. The Expansion of Swiss Criminal Jurisdiction in Light of International Law

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    Anna Petrig


    Full Text Available Over the last few decades, a global trend of extending the reach of domestic penal power can be observed, namely driven by the changing face of crime as it becomes increasingly transnational in nature. It is demonstrated in this article that the Swiss legislature has clearly followed this global trend of broadening the extraterritorial reach of domestic criminal law, most notably since the 1980s. It has acted with particular resolve in the last decade, adding jurisdictional bases to the Swiss Criminal Code by virtue of which Swiss criminal law can be applied to many instances of conduct taking place abroad. Certain offences – specified crimes against minors and female genital mutilation – have even been subjected to an absolute and unrestricted universality principle. The Swiss legislature is not indifferent to the problems that such an expansive approach to jurisdiction may create, notably in terms of conflicts of jurisdiction. Yet, the rules it adopted to temper the effects of applying Swiss criminal law to extraterritorial conduct only partially remedy the situation. This development in Swiss law begs the question whether such an expansive approach towards jurisdiction is permissible – or even encouraged or requested by international law. Hence, this article explores to what extent international law informs the reach of domestic penal power and concludes that international law is Janus-faced with regard to the question of the geographical scope of domestic criminal law. While some of its rules push for long-arm jurisdiction, others put limits on the domestic legislature’s endeavour to expand the reach of its domestic criminal law. In light of this, the idea of adopting, on an international level, general principles governing the definition of the scope of domestic prescriptive and adjudicative jurisdiction for transnational cases is tempting, albeit difficult to realize.

  18. ELISA indireto para detecção de Ig G anti-vírus da doença de newcastle em soro de codorna


    Daniela Duarte de Oliveira


    Foram desenvolvidos e comparados dois ELISAs para detecção de IgG de codorna (Coturnix coturnix japônica) contra o vírus da doença de Newcastle (VDN). Um deles utilizando anticorpo secundário de camundongo anti-IgG de codorna e o outro, conjugado anti-IgG de galinha. Para a produção de anticorpo secundário (IgG de camundongo anti-IgG de codorna), métodos de purificação de IgG de codorna foram avaliados utilizando 30 amostras de soros e gemas de ovos de codornas, confirmados posteriormente por...

  19. Swiss President to visit CERN

    CERN Multimedia


    "Pascal Couchepin, President of the Swiss Confederation, will visit CERN on 4 June to participate in the official inauguration of the underground cavern for the laboratory's ATLAS experiment. As the first new experimental cavern to be handed over to CERN by civil engineering contractors, this represents an important milestone for the Laboratory" (1 page).

  20. The consolidation of annual accounts in the Swiss Federal Government


    Vollenweider, Petra


    Financial reporting in the public sector is influenced by the private sector accounting standards. The Swiss Federal Government has recently started to prepare consolidated financial statements. The purpose of this study is to describe how the Swiss Federal Government is doing its consolidated financial statements. Theoretically there are different consolidation theories and methods. The choice of consolidation method can explain which consolidation theory is used when the financial statement...

  1. Large volume axionic Swiss cheese inflation (United States)

    Misra, Aalok; Shukla, Pramod


    Continuing with the ideas of (Section 4 of) [A. Misra, P. Shukla, Moduli stabilization, large-volume dS minimum without anti-D3-branes, (non-)supersymmetric black hole attractors and two-parameter Swiss cheese Calabi Yau's, arXiv: 0707.0105 [hep-th], Nucl. Phys. B, in press], after inclusion of perturbative and non-perturbative α corrections to the Kähler potential and (D1- and D3-) instanton generated superpotential, we show the possibility of slow roll axionic inflation in the large volume limit of Swiss cheese Calabi Yau orientifold compactifications of type IIB string theory. We also include one- and two-loop corrections to the Kähler potential but find the same to be subdominant to the (perturbative and non-perturbative) α corrections. The NS NS axions provide a flat direction for slow roll inflation to proceed from a saddle point to the nearest dS minimum.

  2. Large volume axionic Swiss cheese inflation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Misra, Aalok; Shukla, Pramod


    Continuing with the ideas of (Section 4 of) [A. Misra, P. Shukla, Moduli stabilization, large-volume dS minimum without anti-D3-branes, (non-)supersymmetric black hole attractors and two-parameter Swiss cheese Calabi-Yau's, (arXiv: 0707.0105 [hep-th]), Nucl. Phys. B, in press], after inclusion of perturbative and non-perturbative α ' corrections to the Kaehler potential and (D1- and D3-) instanton generated superpotential, we show the possibility of slow roll axionic inflation in the large volume limit of Swiss cheese Calabi-Yau orientifold compactifications of type IIB string theory. We also include one- and two-loop corrections to the Kaehler potential but find the same to be subdominant to the (perturbative and non-perturbative) α ' corrections. The NS-NS axions provide a flat direction for slow roll inflation to proceed from a saddle point to the nearest dS minimum

  3. Swiss and German Ministers make a joint visit to CERN

    CERN Multimedia


    On Friday, 23 May the German Federal Minister of Education and Research, Annette Schavan, and the Head of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Micheline Calmy-Rey, paid a joint visit to CERN. German Federal Minister of Education and Research, Annette Schavan and the Head of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Micheline Calmy-Rey, with Robert Aymar, Rolf-Dieter Heuer and Jos Engelen. The Swiss and German ministers in front of the ATLAS experiment, accompanied by Robert Aymar, Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Jos Engelen and Peter Jenni. Director-General Robert Aymar gave the ministers a short introduction to CERN, which was followed by the signing of the Guest Book. Both ministers took the opportunity to go to Point 1 to visit the ATLAS experiment, guided by the ATLAS spokesperson Peter Jenni, and also the LHC tunnel.

  4. The SWISS-PROT protein sequence data bank


    Bairoch, Amos; Boeckmann, Brigitte


    SWISS-PROT is an annotated protein sequence database established in 1986 and maintained collaboratively, since 1988, by the Department of Medical Biochemistry of the University of Geneva and the EMBL Data Library

  5. Opening the electricity market - the Swiss Confederation's perspectives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steinmann, W.


    This article discusses the possibilities offered by the opening of the Swiss electricity market in the European context. The importance of appropriate legislation that would enable Switzerland to actively take part in the shaping of a Europe-wide electricity market is stressed. Measures to be considered such as those in the areas of third-party access, tariffs, security of supply and the promotion of renewable sources of energy are discussed. Questions of public service are addressed and comparisons are made to solutions that have been implemented in other areas such as post, telecommunications and the railway system. The regulations and structures suggested in Swiss proposals for legislation are discussed in detail

  6. Swiss roll nanomembranes with controlled proton diffusion as redox micro-supercapacitors. (United States)

    Ji, Hengxing; Mei, Yongfeng; Schmidt, Oliver G


    We demonstrate a redox Swiss roll micro-supercapacitor by rolling up a multilayered nanomembrane with an electrochemical active layer at either the outer or inner surface for different proton diffusion behaviors. The Swiss roll micro-supercapacitor could achieve high performance (e.g. capacity and life time) in a microscale power source and is helpful for studying charge transfer at the electrolyte/electrode interface.

  7. Diagnóstico laboratorial de raiva em quirópteros realizado em área metropolitana na região sudeste do Brasil Laboratory diagnosis of rabies in chiroptera carried out of a metropolitan area of Southeastern Brazil

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    Marilene F. Almeida


    Full Text Available No período de janeiro de 1988 adezembro de 1992, foi realizado diagnóstico de raiva em 289 morcegos através das técnicas de imunofluorescência direta e de inoculação intracerebral em camundongos. Dois morcegos insetívoros da espécie Nyctinomops macrotis se apresentaram positivos, representando 0,69% da amostra. Esses morcegos foram capturados, ainda vivos, em 1988 e 1990, na sala de um apartamento no sétimo andar e no muro de uma casa, respectivamente. Ambos em bairros residenciais. Apresentaram período de incubação de 13 e 11 dias, respectivamente, na prova biológica. A existência de morcegos insetívoros infectados com o vírus da raiva é preocupante, uma vez que essa população parece ser cada vez mais freqüente em áreas urbanas, porém isto não justifica ações predatórias indiscriminadas contra as espécies, principalmente levando-se em consideração a importância do morcego no equilíbrio ecológico da população de insetos, abundante em área urbana.Between January, 1988 and December, 1992 the S. Paulo Animal Disease Control Center subjected 289 bats to rabies examinations, utilizing the direct immunofluorescence and biological techniques. Two insectivorous bats belonging to the species Nyctinomopsmacrotis, representing 0.69% of the total sample, tested positive. Both animals had been captured alive in residential neighborhoods of the city, one in 1988 in the living room of a 7' th floor apartment and the other in 1990 on top of a wall surrounding a private house. In the biological tests, the disease showed incubation periods of 13 and 11 days respectively.Although the existence of infected insectiverous bats in urban areas is cause for concern, indiscriminate predatory action against such species can in no way be justified-particularly bearing in mind their importance in preserving the ecological balance of the insect population so prevalent in cities.

  8. Regulatory oversight report 2007 concerning nuclear safety in Swiss nuclear installations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report issued by the Swiss Federal Nuclear Inspectorate (HSK) reports on the work carried out by the Inspectorate in 2007. This report reviews the regulatory activities in the four Swiss nuclear power stations and in four further nuclear installations in various Swiss research facilities. It deals with topics such as operational details, technologies in use, radiation protection, radioactive wastes, emergency dispositions and personnel and provides an assessment of operations from the point of view of safety. Also, the transportation of nuclear materials - both nuclear fuels and nuclear wastes - is reported on. General topics discussed include probabilistic safety analyses and accident management. Finally, the disposal of nuclear wastes and work done in the rock laboratories in Switzerland is commented on

  9. Análise da freqüência de eritrócitos policromáticos micronucleados em camundongos (Mus domesticus domesticus), tratados com enzicoba (COBAMAMIDA)


    Pereira, Érica Valentini Pepeliascov; Kroll, Benedito Lúcio; Souza, Edislane Barreiros de


    O anabolizante Enzicoba possui como princípio ativo a Cobamamida ou Coenzima da Vitamina B12 que é umcofator presente, em condições fi siológicas, nos tecidos de várias espécies animais (inclusive no homem), que pode interferirnos processos metabólicos da síntese protéica, essencial para o crescimento corpóreo e para o eutrofi smo do parênquimahepático. Tal composto estimula o anabolismo celular em todos...

  10. Infection by Trypanosoma cruzi in mammals in Yucatan, Mexico: a serological and parasitological study Infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi em mamíferos em Yucatan, México: estudo sorológico e parasitológico

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    J Zavala-Velázquez


    Full Text Available In order to determine Trypanosoma cruzi infection among mammals in Yucatan, Mexico, 372 animals, both wild and synanthropic including carnivores, marsupials and rodents were studied. Serological studies by indirect haemagglutination (IHA were carried out to detect antibodies to T. cruzi and a parasitological study was also performed (blood smear and histopathology. Of all the animals tested 18.54% were serologically positive, with a significantly higher frequency among the wild ones (33.33% compared to the synanthropic ones (17.79%. To determine T. cruzi in positive animals, blood was inoculated into a white mouse (webster type to prove myocardium colonization. The serological and parasitological positivity of these animals, as well as their behavior in the environment, taken together with the socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of the population, suggest that in Yucatan, Mexico, Canis familiaris, Didelphis marsupialis and Rattus rattus act as a link with the wild cycle.Para determinar a infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi em mamíferos em Yucatan, México, foram estudados 372 animais selvagens e sinantrópicos incluindo carnívoros, marsupiais e roedores. Estudos sorológicos pela hemaglutinação indireta (IHA foram realizados para detectar anticorpos contra o T. cruzi e estudos parasitológicos (esfregaços de sangue e histopatologia. De todos os animais testados 18,54% foram sorologicamente positivos com freqüência significativamente maior entre os silvestres (33,3% em comparação com os sinantrópicos (11,79%. Para determinação do T. cruzi nos animais positivos, o sangue foi inoculado em camundongos brancos (tipo Webster para provar a colonização miocárdica. Através da sua positividade sorológica e parasitológica, bem como seu comportamento no meio ambiente acompanhado pelas características sociais, econômicas e culturais da população, deduz-se que em Yucatan, México, Canis familiaris, Didelphis marsupialis e Rattus

  11. Status of the Swiss LCT-coil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zichy, J; Benz, H.; Horvath, I.; Jakob, B.; Marinucci, C.; Vecsey, G.; Weymuth, P.; Zellweger, J.


    The Swiss coil is a forced flow coil cooled by supercritical helium. A brief review of the design considerations, some of its specific features, and the progress in fabrication are described. A discussion of both the instrumentation and the cryogenic characteristics of the coil is presented

  12. Comparação de dois testes de neutralização, utilizados no diagnóstico sorológico do vesiculovírus Piry Comparison of two neutralization test for the use in the Piry serologic vesiculovirus diagnose

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    José Tavares-Neto


    Full Text Available Realizou-se inquérito sorológico para pesquisar anticorpos neutralizantes contra o vesiculovírus Piry, na cidade de Catolândia-Bahia-Brasil. Duas técnicas de vírus-neutralização foram comparadas em cultura das células C6/36, com revelação pelo método imunoenzimático ( TN-C6/36 e em camundongos recém-nascidos (TN-camundongos, que é considerada a prova maior. Em 204 soros, dos 1 .274 colhidos, a concordância das duas técnicas foi de 98,7% (K= 0,9853. Com este resultado do TN-C6/36, que também é mais exeqüível, decidiu-se desenvolver o estudo soro-epidemiológico do vesiculovírus Piry, em Catolândia, baseado nesta nova técnica.A serological survey of Piry was undertaken of the sera of inhabitants of Catolância - Bahia State, Brazil. Serum results obtained by a vesiculovirus neutralization test of C6/36 cells read by ELISA are compared with those obtained by the classic technique, carried out on newbom mice. The agreement between the results was as high as 98.7% of the 204 sera tested and the neutralization test of C6/36 cells was chosen as the most suitable technique for the sero-survey testing.

  13. Replacement of Swiss "Attestations de fonctions"

    CERN Multimedia

    DG Unit


    The Swiss Permanent Mission has informed CERN that the "attestations de fonctions" issued to certain members of the personnel and the "attestations" issued to their family members will gradually be replaced by P-type "cartes de légitimation" (see specimen copies in the printed Bulletin). This card’s name, together with its more contemporary design compared with old-style "Attestations" issued in the 1970s, will make the holder’s daily life much easier, e.g. when crossing borders, renting accommodation or setting up a telephone line. The Users Office (PH Department) and the Cards Office (HR Department), which are responsible for handling requests for "cartes de légitimation", will provide information in due course on how they intend to organise the exchange of "attestations" (priority will be given to residents of Switzerland, in particular those requiring a visa for the Schengen area). In this context, we remind you that the Swiss Permanent Mission is systematically in...

  14. Association of Swiss Electrical Utilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The report, reproduced in full, discusses Swiss energy policy in 1986, paying particular attention to the fall in confidence with nuclear power following the Chernobyl accident. Statistical data on primary and secondary energy consumption and power generation are presented. Other sections include imports/exports, construction of power stations, transmission/distribution links, finance, constitution of council, committees and public relations. (G.T.H.)

  15. 8th Swiss National Photovoltaics Congress. Conference proceedings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nowak, S.


    These congress proceedings contain the presentations made at the two-day 8 th Swiss National Photovoltaics Conference held in Winterthur, Switzerland, in February 2010. The presentations were grouped into six sessions. The first session dealt with promotional activities for photovoltaics (PV) in Switzerland. The presentations dealt with the present state of PV promotion, the cantonal support program in Basle and the Swiss photovoltaics market in a global context. The session was rounded off with a podium discussion on the Swiss cost-covering remuneration system for solar power. This theme was looked at in more detail in the second session of the conference; successes and hindrances in the system were discussed as well as an example of an alternative solar power 'exchange'. The third session looked at building-integration of PV systems; facade and roof integration and the use of flexible solar cells were discussed. The second day of the conference featured three further sessions. The first session dealt with transfer of know-how from research institutes to industry. A general overview was presented and specific examples of successful know-how transfer were reported on. The next session dealt with the great challenges presented by the efforts being made to expand the use of PV. Safety aspects were discussed, as were the certified testing of modules, mains integration and the training of personnel involved with the implementation of PV systems. The final session looked at the scenarios, perspectives and visions for Swiss and European PV business. PV systems were examined from the point of view of the semiconductor business, European energy planning, the role of PV in future energy supply and the roles of customers, investors and politics on the way to a renewable future.

  16. Representação e intervenção em saúde pública: vírus, mosquitos e especialistas da Fundação Rockefeller no Brasil

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    Löwy Ilana


    Full Text Available As tentativas feitas pelos especialistas da Fundação Rockefeller de erradicar a febre amarela no Brasil foram prejudicadas pela baixa visibilidade desta patologia. Os casos eram, em sua maioria, atípicos e se confundiam facilmente com outras febres. Na década de 1920, os especialistas dependiam de observações clínicas para avaliar a incidência da febre amarela. Na década seguinte, porém, conceberam métodos indiretos para visualizar a presença de seu agente. A viscerotomia revelava a presença de casos agudos e o teste de proteção em camundongos, contatos passados com o vírus da doença. Conjuntamente, estes testes permitiram aos especialistas da Rockefeller confeccionar mapas indicando a presença de zonas de endemicidade da doença. Puderam, então, direcionar campanhas específicas contra a febre amarela baseadas na eliminação seletiva de seu vetor, o mosquito Aedes aegypti. Na saúde pública, tal como nas ciências, as práticas de representação modelam a intervenção.

  17. The Swiss high-level waste programme: Status and future challenges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, J.W.; Zuidema, P.


    After about 25 years of studies and investigations covering both the crystalline basement as well as the overlying sediments in northern Switzerland, Nagra submitted at the end of 2002 comprehensive project documentation on the feasibility of safe disposal of SF / HLW and longlived ILW in Opalinus Clay (Project Entsorgungsnachweis, or 'demonstration of disposal feasibility' in English). The recently published reviews by the Swiss safety authorities all came to a positive conclusion about the project. The review phase was followed by a broad public consultation phase in 2005. Based on the results of the review and the public consultation phase, the Swiss Government (the Federal Council), in its meeting on 28 June 2006, decided to accept the demonstration of disposal feasibility. Furthermore, Nagra recently published a report on the siting possibilities for a SF / HLW / ILW repository from the geological point of view. All these documents show that a level of maturity has been reached that allows moving towards siting of such a repository. As a first step in the siting process the Swiss Government is currently preparing a site selection procedure that also defines the corresponding criteria; a first draft has been published in June 2006. Thus, the Swiss HLW programme is currently moving towards the important and challenging phase of deciding on the site for repository implementation, involving all relevant stakeholders. (author)

  18. Tétano em bovinos no sul do Rio Grande do Sul: estudo de 24 surtos

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    Pedro S. Quevedo


    Full Text Available São descritos vinte e quatro surtos de tétano ocorridos no ano 2009 em bovinos de corte em propriedades situadas na região de influência do Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD, sul do Rio Grande de Sul. Todos os rebanhos foram submetidos a procedimentos de vacinação e/ou aplicação de anti-helmíntico entre 8 e 25 dias antes do aparecimento dos primeiros sinais clínicos. O tempo de evolução variou de 12 horas até quatro dias. Os sinais clínicos observados foram: prolapso da terceira pálpebra, andar rígido, dificuldade de flexão dos membros e permanência em decúbito lateral com os membros estendidos e afastados do solo (paralisia espástica, pálpebras muito abertas, sialorréia, hiperexcitabilidade, orelhas eretas, trismo mandibular, acúmulo de alimento na cavidade oral e presença de espuma na boca e narinas em alguns casos. Alguns bovinos apresentavam área de necrose e edema hemorrágico circundada por exsudato purulento nos músculos onde havia sido aplicado algum medicamento. O soro sanguíneo e fragmentos de músculo com lesão de animais afetados foram coletados para posterior inoculação em camundongos. No exame histopatológico não foram evidenciadas alterações. O quadro clínico associado aos dados epidemiológicos e a ausência de lesões histológicas permitiram o diagnóstico de tétano. A infecção, provavelmente ocorreu durante o procedimento de vacinação, através injeções intramusculares utilizando agulhas contaminadas. Apesar do tétano não ser uma clostridiose importante na região fica evidenciado que surtos podem ocorrer em função de condições epidemiológicas adequadas e cuidados devem ser tomados para evitar perdas econômicas importantes como as que ocorreram no ano 2009 na região.

  19. EU stress test: Swiss national report. ENSI review of the operators' reports

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The earthquake on 11 March 2011 and the resultant tsunami led to severe accidents with core melt in three nuclear power plants (NPP) units at the Fukushima Dai-ichi site. These events were classified by the Japanese authorities as 'major accident' (INES 7). The EU stress test is part of the review process which Switzerland initiated immediately after the reactor accident. The Swiss Nuclear Safety Authority (ENSI) required from the operators of the Swiss NPPs to implement immediate measures and to conduct additional re-assessments. The immediate measures comprised the establishment of an external emergency storage facility for the Swiss NPPs, including the necessary plant specific connections, and back-fittings to provide external injection into the spent fuel pools. The additional re-assessments, which were to be carried out immediately, focused on the design of the Swiss NPPs against earthquakes, external flooding and a combination thereof, as well as investigations on the coolant supply for the safety systems and the spent fuel pool cooling. ENSI carried out an analysis of the events at Fukushima and published the results providing detailed descriptions of the causes, consequences and radiological impacts of the accident. The purpose of the EU stress test is to examine the robustness of the NPPs in case of impacts beyond the design basis due to earthquakes, external flooding and extreme weather conditions, loss of power supply and heat sink, and severe accident management. As the first step, it was necessary to present the hazard assumptions and design bases for the NPPs, and to assess their adequacy. In the second step, the objective was to identify and evaluate the protective measures implemented and their safety margins as compared to the design. Improvement measures were to be derived. The review by ENSI confirmed that the Swiss NPPs display a very high level of protection against the impacts of earthquakes, flooding and other natural hazards, as well as loss

  20. Regulatory oversight report 2008 concerning nuclear safety in Swiss nuclear installations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report issued by the Swiss Federal Nuclear Inspectorate (ENSI) reports on the work carried out by the Inspectorate in 2008. This report reviews the regulatory activities in the four Swiss nuclear power stations and in four further nuclear installations in various Swiss research facilities. It deals with topics such as operational details, technologies in use, radiation protection, radioactive wastes, emergency dispositions, personnel and provides an assessment of operations from the safety point of view. Also, the transportation of nuclear materials - both nuclear fuels and nuclear wastes - is reported on. General topics discussed include probabilistic safety analyses and accident management, earthquake damage analysis and agreements on nuclear safety. The underground disposal of highly-radioactive nuclear wastes and work done in the rock laboratories are discussed, as are proposals for additional nuclear power stations

  1. An important year for Swiss Electricity Politics - President's speech at the shareholder's meeting of the Swiss Association of Electricity Enterprises

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steiner, R.


    This article presents the speech made by Rudolf Steiner, president of the Swiss Association of Electricity Enterprises, in Bad Ragaz in September 2004. Steiner comments on 2004 as being an important year with respect to energy politics in Switzerland. A public vote turned down the idea of opting out of nuclear energy, the Federal Court decided that the Restricted Trade Practices act was also applicable to the Swiss electricity supply industry and the EU parliament passed guidelines on the opening of the European power market. The effects of large-scale blackouts in America and Europe on the public's perception of secure supplies are commented on. The importance of the Association as a provider of services for its members and as a partner for the government is stressed

  2. Food Color Induced Hepatotoxicity in Swiss Albino Rats, Rattus norvegicus


    Saxena, Beenam; Sharma, Shiv


    Objective: Certain dietary constituents can induce toxicity and play a critical role in the development of several hepatic disorders. Tartrazine, metanil yellow and sunset yellow are widely used azo dyes in food products, so the present study is aimed to investigate the food color induced hepatotoxicity in Swiss albino rats. Materials and Methods: Swiss albino rats were divided into four groups, each group having six animals. Group I served as control, Group II, Group III and Group IV were ad...

  3. Late-Glacial radiocarbon- and palynostratigraphy in the Swiss Plateau

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ammann, B.; Lotter, A.F.


    A detailed Late-Glacial radiocarbon stratigraphy for the Swiss Plateau has been established on the basis of over 90 accelerator 14 C dates on terrestrial plant macrofossils. A comparison of the radiocarbon ages derived from terrestrial, telmatic and limnic material at different sites on the Swiss Plateau yields a proposal for modifying the zonation system of Welten for the Late-Glacial. By retaining the limits of chronozones and by refining the palynostratigraphic criteria for the limits of biozones, a separation between chrono- and biozonation at the beginning of the Boelling and the Younger Dryas becomes obvious. 54 refs

  4. A scenario planning approach for disasters on Swiss road network (United States)

    Mendes, G. A.; Axhausen, K. W.; Andrade, J. S.; Herrmann, H. J.


    We study a vehicular traffic scenario on Swiss roads in an emergency situation, calculating how sequentially roads block due to excessive traffic load until global collapse (gridlock) occurs and in this way displays the fragilities of the system. We used a database from Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung which contains length and maximum allowed speed of all roads in Switzerland. The present work could be interesting for government agencies in planning and managing for emergency logistics for a country or a big city. The model used to generate the flux on the Swiss road network was proposed by Mendes et al. [Physica A 391, 362 (2012)]. It is based on the conservation of the number of vehicles and allows for an easy and fast way to follow the formation of traffic jams in large systems. We also analyze the difference between a nonlinear and a linear model and the distribution of fluxes on the Swiss road.

  5. [Main results of the Swiss study on DRGs (Casemix Study)]. (United States)

    Casemix, E


    Sponsored by the Health Administrations of nine cantons, this study was conducted by the University Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine in Lausanne in order to assess how DRGs could be used within the Swiss context. A data base mainly provided by the Swiss VESKA statistics was used. The first step provided the transformation of Swiss diagnostic and intervention codes into US codes, allowing direct use of the Yale Grouper for DRG. The second step showed that the overall performance of DRG in terms of variability reduction of the length of stay was similar to the one observed in US; there are, however, problems when the homogeneity of medicotechnical procedures for DRG is considered. The third steps showed how DRG could be used as an account unit in hospital, and how costs per DRG could be estimated. Other examples of applications of DRG were examined, for example comparison of Casemix or length of stay between hospitals.

  6. Experimental study on premixed CH{sub 4}/air mixture combustion in micro Swiss-roll combustors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhong, Bei-Jing; Wang, Jian-Hua [Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 (China)


    Excess enthalpy combustion is a promising approach to stabilize flame in micro-combustors. Using a Swiss-roll combustor configuration, excess enthalpy combustion can be conveniently achieved. In this work, three types of Swiss-roll combustors with double spiral-shaped channels were designed and fabricated. The combustors were tested using methane/air mixtures of various equivalence ratios. Both temperature distributions and extinction limits were determined for each combustor configuration at different methane mass flow rates. Results indicate that the Swiss-roll combustors developed in the current study greatly enhance combustion stability in center regions of the combustors. At the same time, excess enthalpy combustors of the Swiss-roll configuration significantly extend the extinction limits of methane/air mixtures. In addition, the effects of combustor configurations and thermal insulation arrangements on temperature distributions and extinction limits were evaluated. With heat losses to the environment being significant, the use of thermal insulations further enhances the flame stability in center regions of the Swiss-roll combustors and extends flammable ranges. (author)

  7. Estudo comparativo da imuno-antigenicidade de 8 amostras de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

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    L. M. V. Biagioni


    Full Text Available Para se detectar diferenças imuno-antigênicas entre 8 amostras de P. brasiliensis isoladas de diferentes áreas endêmicas (Botucatu: Pb 1, 2 e 3; São Paulo: Pb: 18, 192 e 265; Venezuela: Pb 9 e 73, esutdaram-se: 1. A reatividade antigênica de cada amostra nas reações de imunofluorescência indireta (II e de imunodifusão dupla em gel de agar (ID contra painel de 20 soros controles positivos para paracoccidioidomicose; 2. A capacidade de induzir resposta imune humoral (medida por imunodifusão e celular (medida pelo teste de coxim plantar em camundongos imunizados com an-tígenos de cada amostra. Observamos: 1. As amostras Pb 265 e Pb 9 mostraram-se mais reativas na II; 2. Os antígenos das amostras Pb 192 e Pb 73 foram significativamente mais reativas na ID; 3. Estes dados demonstram diferenças de antigenicidade entre estas amostras; 4. A amostra Pb 18 mostrou baixo poder indutor de resposta imune celular e alta capacidade de indução de resposta imune humoral em camundongos imunizados, revelando dissociação de sua imunogenicidade. Estas diferenças podem indicar a existência de cepas distintas do fungo ou refletir modificações do parasita no hospedeiro ou du rante seu cultivo.

  8. CERN’s Rugby Club to play the Swiss Cup semi-finals: come and support the CERN team!

    CERN Multimedia


    On Saturday 25 June, the CERN’s Rugby Club will be playing in the Swiss Cup semi-final against the Hermance Rugby Club. Although the CERN club has had a less than stellar year in the Swiss national first division, they earned a place in the Cup semi-final after beating Bern 30 – 0 and La Chaux-de-Fonds 38 – 7. The club last made it to the Swiss Cup semi-finals in 2002, where they lost to Hermance (the most successful Swiss rugby club, followed closely by CERN’s). Show your support for the CERN team and help them reach the Swiss Cup final by going to the 25 June match at 15.00 in the CERN pitch.  

  9. Trapezius Muscle Load, Heart Rate and Time Pressure during Day and Night Shift in Swiss and Japanese Nurses (United States)

    NICOLETTI, Corinne; MÜLLER, Christian; TOBITA, Itoko; NAKASEKO, Masaru; LÄUBLI, Thomas


    The aim of the present study was to analyze the activity of the trapezius muscle, the heart rate and the time pressure of Swiss and Japanese nurses during day and night shifts. The parameters were measured during a day and a night shift of 17 Swiss and 22 Japanese nurses. The observed rest time of the trapezius muscle was longer for Swiss than for Japanese nurses during both shifts. The 10th and the 50th percentile of the trapezius muscle activity showed a different effect for Swiss than for Japanese nurses. It was higher during the day shift of Swiss nurses and higher during the night shift of Japanese nurses. Heart rate was higher for both Swiss and Japanese nurses during the day. The time pressure was significantly higher for Japanese than for Swiss nurses. Over the duration of the shifts, time pressure increased for Japanese nurses and slightly decreased for those from Switzerland. Considering trapezius muscle activity and time pressure, the nursing profession was more burdening for the examined Japanese nurses than for Swiss nurses. In particular, the night shift for Japanese nurses was characterized by a high trapezius muscle activity and only few rest times for the trapezius muscle. PMID:24633074

  10. The Swiss Black Swan Bad Scenario: Is Switzerland Another Casualty of the Eurozone Crisis?

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    Sebastien Lleo


    Full Text Available Financial disasters to hedge funds, bank trading departments and individual speculative traders and investors seem to always occur because of non-diversification in all possible scenarios, being overbet and being hit by a bad scenario. Black swans are the worst type of bad scenario: unexpected and extreme. The Swiss National Bank decision on 15 January 2015 to abandon the 1.20 peg against the Euro was a tremendous blow for many Swiss exporters, but also Swiss and international investors, hedge funds, global macro funds, banks, as well as the Swiss central bank. In this paper, we discuss the causes for this action, the money losers and the few winners, what it means for Switzerland, Europe and the rest of the world, what kinds of trades were lost and how they have been prevented.

  11. Transcatheter renal denervation for the treatment of resistant arterial hypertension: the Swiss expert consensus. (United States)

    Wuerzner, Gregoire; Muller, Olivier; Erne, Paul; Cook, Stéphane; Sudano, Isabella; Lüscher, Thomas F; Noll, Georg; Kaufmann, Urs; Rickli, Hans; Waeber, Bernard; Kaiser, Christophe; Sticherling, Christian; Pechère-Bertschi, Antoinette; Baumgartner, Iris; Jacob, Augustinus L; Burnier, Michel; Qanadli, Salah D


    Transcatheter (or percutaneous) renal denervation is a novel technique developed for the treatment of resistant hypertension. So far, only one randomised controlled trial has been published, which has shown a reduction of office blood pressure. The Swiss Society of Hypertension, the Swiss Society of Cardiology, The Swiss Society of Angiology and the Swiss Society of Interventional Radiology decided to establish recommendations to practicing physicians and specialists for good clinical practice. The eligibility of patients for transcatheter renal denervation needs (1.) confirmation of truly resistant hypertension, (2.) exclusion of secondary forms of hypertension, (3.) a multidisciplinary decision confirming the eligibility, (4.) facilities that guarantee procedural safety and (5.) a long-term follow-up of the patients, if possible in cooperation with a hypertension specialist. These steps are essential until long-term data on safety and efficacy are available.

  12. Gross Revenue risk in Swiss dairy farming

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Benni, El N.; Finger, R.


    This study investigated how agricultural policy reforms, including market liberalization and market deregulation, have influenced gross revenue risk of Swiss dairy producers using farm-level panel data between 1990 and 2009. Based on detrended data, variance decomposition was applied to assess how

  13. Swiss electricity grid - Benchmarking pilot project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This article is a short version of the ENET number 210369. This report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) describes a benchmarking pilot project carried out as a second phase in the development of a formula for the regulation of an open electricity market in Switzerland. It follows on from an initial phase involving the definition of a 'blue print' and a basic concept. The aims of the pilot project - to check out the practicability of the concept - are discussed. The collection of anonymised data for the benchmarking model from over 30 electricity utilities operating on all 7 Swiss grid levels and their integration in the three areas 'Technology', 'Grid Costs' and 'Capital Invested' are discussed in detail. In particular, confidentiality and data protection aspects are looked at. The methods used in the analysis of the data are described and the results of an efficiency analysis of various utilities are presented. The report is concluded with a listing of questions concerning data collection and analysis as well as operational and capital costs that are still to be answered

  14. Summary of operating experience in Swiss nuclear power plants 1994

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In 1994 the Swiss nuclear power plants produced their highest-ever combined annual output. Their contribution to total electricity generation in the country was 36%. At Muehleberg the power uprate, undertaken in 1993, was effective for the first time for an entire year. The larger capacity of the new steam generators installed in 1993 in unit 1 of the Beznau NPP allows for an electric output of 103% of nominal power. The plant efficiency of the Goesgen and Leibstadt units was increased by replacing the low pressure turbines by the new ones with a modern design. The application for a power uprate of the Leibstadt reactor is still pending. For the first time in Switzerland, one of the reactor units, Beznau 2, operated on an extended cycle of one and a half years, with no refuelling outage in 1994. In spite of the replacements of two of its three low pressure turbines, Goesgen had the shortest refuelling shutdown since the start of commercial operation. The average number of reactor scrams at the Swiss plants remained stable, at less than one scram per reactor year. Re-inspection of crack indications detected in 1990 in the core shroud of the Muehleberg reactor revealed no significant changes. A crack indication was found in one of the other welds inspected. The Swiss government issued a limited operating licence for Beznau 2 for the next ten years, i.e. until the end of 2004. The only other unit with a limited operating licence (until 2003) is Muehleberg. The remaining three reactor units, have no time limits on their operating licences, in accordance with the Atomic Law. Goesgen is the first Swiss nuclear power plant having now produced more than 100 billion kWh. As from January 1, 1995, the nominal net power of the largest Swiss reactor unit, Leibstadt, has been fixed at 1030 MW; that of the Goesgen NPP has been increased by 25 MW to 965 MW. (author) figs., tabs

  15. Summary of operating experience in Swiss nuclear power plants 1994

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In 1994 the Swiss nuclear power plants produced their highest-ever combined annual output. Their contribution to total electricity generation in the country was 36%. At Muehleberg the power uprate, undertaken in 1993, was effective for the first time for an entire year. The larger capacity of the new steam generators installed in 1993 in unit 1 of the Beznau NPP allows for an electric output of 103% of nominal power. The plant efficiency of the Goesgen and Leibstadt units was increased by replacing the low pressure turbines by the new ones with a modern design. The application for a power uprate of the Leibstadt reactor is still pending. For the first time in Switzerland, one of the reactor units, Beznau 2, operated on an extended cycle of one and a half years, with no refuelling outage in 1994. In spite of the replacements of two of its three low pressure turbines, Goesgen had the shortest refuelling shutdown since the start of commercial operation. The average number of reactor scrams at the Swiss plants remained stable, at less than one scram per reactor year. Re-inspection of crack indications detected in 1990 in the core shroud of the Muehleberg reactor revealed no significant changes. A crack indication was found in one of the other welds inspected. The Swiss government issued a limited operating licence for Beznau 2 for the next ten years, i.e. until the end of 2004. The only other unit with a limited operating licence (until 2003) is Muehleberg. The remaining three reactor units, have no time limits on their operating licences, in accordance with the Atomic Law. Goesgen is the first Swiss nuclear power plant having now produced more than 100 billion kWh. As from January 1, 1995, the nominal net power of the largest Swiss reactor unit, Leibstadt, has been fixed at 1030 MW; that of the Goesgen NPP has been increased by 25 MW to 965 MW. (author) figs., tabs.

  16. Toxoplasma gondii: humoral and cellular immune response of BALB/c mice immunized via intranasal route with rTgROP2 Toxoplasma gondii: avaliação da resposta imune humoral e celular de camundongos BALB/c imunizados pela via nasal com rTgROP2

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    Michelle Igarashi


    Full Text Available TgROP2 is an intracellular protein associated with rhoptries of Toxoplama gondii and an antigen component of a candidate vaccine for toxoplasmosis. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of rTgROP2 to stimulate humoral and cellular immune responses in BALB/c mice via intranasal injection. TgROP2 partial coding sequence was (196-561 amplified by PCR from genomic T. gondii RH strain DNA and cloned into the pTrcHis expression vector. Escherichia coli Rosetta 2 cells transformed with pTrcHis-TgROP2 showed high levels (~1 mg.mL-1 of recombinant protein after 4 hours of IPTG induction. Recombinant TgROP2 exhibited an apparent Mr equal to 54 kDa. In order to test immunogenicity of the recombinant protein, 10 BALB/c mice received 10 µg of rROP2 protein + 10 µg of Quil-A via intranasal injection. Doses were administered at days 0, 21, and 42. Three animals were euthanized and used to evaluate cell-ular immune response on day 62. Five (50% and two (20% out of ten animals produced IgG (DO mean = 0.307; cut-off = 0.240 and IgA (DO mean = 0.133, cut-off = 0.101, respectively, by ELISA on day 62. The proliferation of splenocytes revealed high stimulation index (SI when co-cultured with 5, 10 and 15 µg.mL-1 of rTgROP2. These results indicate that intranasal immunization with recombinant protein ROP2 plus Quil-A can elicit both cellular and humoral immune responses in BALB/c mice.TgROP2 é uma proteína localizada nas roptrias do Toxoplasma gondii, sendo um antígeno candidato a componente de uma vacina contra a toxoplasmose. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a eficácia da TgROP2 recombinante em estimular a resposta imune celular e humoral de camundongos BALB/c após estímulo intranasal. A sequência da TgROP2 foi amplificada pela PCR a partir da cepa RH e clonada em vetor de expressão pTrc-His. Após a transformação em Escherichia coli- Rosetta 2, a pTrcHis-TgROP2 exibiu alto nível de expressão após 4 horas de indu

  17. Swiss-cheese models and the Dyer-Roeder approximation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fleury, Pierre, E-mail: [Institut d' Astrophysique de Paris, UMR-7095 du CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 98 bis, boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris (France)


    In view of interpreting the cosmological observations precisely, especially when they involve narrow light beams, it is crucial to understand how light propagates in our statistically homogeneous, clumpy, Universe. Among the various approaches to tackle this issue, Swiss-cheese models propose an inhomogeneous spacetime geometry which is an exact solution of Einstein's equation, while the Dyer-Roeder approximation deals with inhomogeneity in an effective way. In this article, we demonstrate that the distance-redshift relation of a certain class of Swiss-cheese models is the same as the one predicted by the Dyer-Roeder approach, at a well-controlled level of approximation. Both methods are therefore equivalent when applied to the interpretation of, e.g., supernova obervations. The proof relies on completely analytical arguments, and is illustrated by numerical results.

  18. Compliance with guidelines for disease management in diabetes: results from the SwissDiab Registry. (United States)

    Schimke, Katrin E; Renström, Frida; Meier, Sandro; Stettler, Christoph; Brändle, Michael


    Tight glycemic control and aggressive treatment of additional cardiovascular risk factors can substantially reduce risk of diabetes-related complications. In 2013, the Swiss Society of Endocrinology and Diabetology (SSED) established national criteria on good disease management in diabetes, but little is known about compliance in clinical care. Here we assessed to what extent patients from two tertiary care centers in the German-speaking part of Switzerland enrolled in the Swiss Diabetes (SwissDiab) Registry adhere to the SSED criteria. SwissDiab is a prospective observational cohort study of patients regularly treated at Swiss tertiary diabetes centers. Data were collected through standardized annual health examinations. Baseline participant descriptive statistics, stratified by diabetes mellitus type 1 (DM1) and type 2 (DM2), were compared with SSED targets for glycemic control, blood pressure, blood lipids, weight maintenance, and ophthalmic examination. By the end of 2016, 604 participants with DM1 (40%) and DM2 (60%) had data available for analyses, 36% and 29% women, respectively. At baseline, all the SSED targets were met with two exceptions: a glycated hemoglobin A1c value management in diabetes were achieved in the majority of participants at the time of enrollment, but results also highlight areas where disease management can be improved, particularly the role of nutrition counseling.

  19. Histopatologia da esquistossomose mansoni em fígado de Mus musculus infectado por amostras humanas de fase aguda e crônica da periferia de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

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    Amélia Dulce Vilela de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Exemplares de Biomphalaria glabrataforam infectados com miracídios obtidos de ovos de Schistosoma mansoni, encontrados em fezes de indivíduos de 7 a 18 anos, da região de Lagoa da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, MG. Os pacientes de fase aguda se infectaram em uma primeira visita ao foco. Os da fase crônica eram moradores próximos aos focos. Para cada caso clínico, isolou-se a respectiva amostra do parasita. Foram infectados pela cauda 55 camundongos fêmeas com 70 ± 10 cercárias. Cortes histológicos de fígados, corados por HE, tricrômico de Gomori, impregnação metálica pela prata, e PAS foram observados à microscopia óptica. Não houve diferenças estatísticas em relação às médias das mensurações dos diâmetros dos granulomas referentes às amostras e datas de sacrifícios. Os granulomas apresentaram fase exsudativa do tipo Ha (reação de inflamação mista e IIIa (granuloma com células epitelióides. Com amostras de pacientes em fase aguda o padrão predominante foi a Ha na 7ª semana. Na 10.ª semana predominaram granulomas do tipo IIIa. Nas amostras de pacientes em fase crônica, verificou-se uma mescla de granulomas do tipo Ha e IIIa na 7ª semana. Na 10ª semana predominou o tipo IIIa. Alguns aspectos histopatológicos de fígados foram descritos e comparados com aqueles existentes na literatura.

  20. Proposal for the award of a contract for cleaning on the Swiss part of the CERN site

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the award of a contract for cleaning on the Swiss part of the CERN site. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a contract with TOP-NET SERVICES (CH), the lowest bidder complying with the specification, for the provision of cleaning and building maintenance work on the Swiss part of the CERN site for three years for a total amount of 5 841 159 Swiss francs, not subject to revision until 1 January 2009, with options for additional services for an additional amount of 350 000 Swiss francs, not subject to revision until 1 January 2009, bringing the total amount to 6 191 159 Swiss francs, not subject to revision until 1 January 2009. The contract will include options for two one-year extensions beyond the initial three-year period.

  1. The Swiss Institute for Nuclear Research SIN

    CERN Document Server

    Pritzker, Andreas


    This book tells the story of the Swiss Institute for Nuclear Research (SIN). The institute was founded in 1968 and became part of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in 1988. Its founding occurred at a time when physics was generally considered the key discipline for technological and social development. This step was unusual for a small country like Switzerland and showed courage and foresight. Equally unusual were the accomplishments of SIN, compared with similar institutes in the rest of the world, as well as its influence on Swiss, and partially also on international politics of science. That this story is now available in a widely understandable form is due to the efforts of some physicists, who took the initiative as long as contemporary witnesses could still be questioned. As is usually the case, official documents always show just an excerpt of what really happened. An intimate portrayal of people who contributed to success requires personal memories. This text relies on both sources. In addition, the e...

  2. Swiss Federal Energy Research Concept 2008 - 2011

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents the plan for the activities of the Swiss Federal Commission on Energy Research CORE during the period 2008 - 2011. The motivation behind the state promotion of energy research is discussed. The visions, aims and strategies of the energy research programme are discussed. The main areas of research to be addressed during the period are presented. These include the efficient use of energy in buildings and traffic - batteries and supercaps, electrical technologies, combustion systems, fuel cells and power generation are discussed. Research to be done in the area of renewable sources of energy are listed. Here, solar-thermal, photovoltaics, hydrogen, biomass, geothermal energy, wind energy and ambient heat are among the areas to be examined. Research on nuclear energy and safety aspects are mentioned. Finally, work on the basics of energy economy are looked at and the allocation of funding during the period 2008 - 2011 is looked at

  3. Biological aspects of the DM28C clone of Trypanosoma cruzi after metacylogenesis in chemically defined media Aspectos biológicos do clone Dm 28c de Trypanosoma cruzi após metaciclogênese em meio quimicamente definido

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    Victor T. Contreras


    Full Text Available The biological characterization of the Trypanosoma cruzi clone Dm 28c in terms of its growth in LIT medium, cell-cycle, infectivity to mice and interaction with professional and non-professional phagocytic cells shows that it behaves as a bona fide T. cruzi representant. The biological properties of this myotropic clone do not change according to the origin of the trypomastigote forms (i. e., from triatomines, infected mice, cell-culture or from the chemically defined TAUP and TAU3AAG media. In addition Dm 28c metacyclic trypomastigotes from TAU3AAG medium display a high infectivity level to fibroblasts and muscle cells. Experiments on binding of cationized ferritin to trypomastigotes surface show the existence of cap-like structures of ferritin in regions near the kinetoplast. However the nature and role of these anionic sites remain to be determined. The results indicate that metacyclic trypomastigotes from Dm 28c clone obtained under chemically defined conditions reproduce the biological behaviour of T. cruzi, rendering this system very suitable for the study of cell-parasite interactions and for the isolation of trypanosome relevant macromolecules.A caracterização biológica do clone Dm 28c de Trypanosoma cruzi em termos do seu crescimento em meio LIT, ciclo celular, infectividade para camundongos e interação com células fagocíticas profissionais e não-profissionais, mostra que o mesmo comporta-se como um fiel representante da espécie T. cruzi. As propriedades biológicas deste clone miotrópico não mudam de acordo com a proveniência das formas tripomastigotas (i. e., de triatomíneos, de camundongos infectados, de cultura celular ou dos meios quimicamente definidos TAUP e TAU3AAG. Ainda mais, formas tripomastigotas metacíclicas do clone Dm 28c derivado do meio TAU3AAG apresentam um alto grau de infectividade para fibroblastos e células de músculo. Experimentos de ligação de ferritina cationizada à superfície de

  4. Bioquímica da esquistossomose mansônica: envolvimento dos siderossomos nos processos inflamatórios hepáticos

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    Luiz Erlon Araújo Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Os processos inflamatórios que se desenvolvem durante as etapas avançadas da esquistossomose mansônica hepática foram relacionados, com o acúmulo de siderossomos, a capacidade dos íons ferrosos/férricos de desencadearem a formação de radicais livres e aperoxidação de lipídios membranáceos, assim como à diminuição da estabilidade das membranas dos diversos componentes do compartimento lisossômico hepático. Os lisossomos isolados de figados de camundongos infectados por 100 cercárias, com 80 e 100 dias de infecção, foram respectivamente, 2,5 e quase 4 vezes mais frágeis que os controles, isolados de figados de camundongos não infectados. A presença de siderossomos em grande quantidade foi demonstrada por espectrometria aos raios-X.

  5. Pneumocystis carinii: its incidence in rodents and enhancement of the infection by corticosteroids

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    Helly A. Lage


    Full Text Available A survey was made on the incidence of Pneumocystis carinii in 361 rodents including sewer rats, albino rats, albino mice, guinea-pigs and rabbits. P. carinii was found in 4 of the 215 Rattus norvegicus examined (1,8%. These results accord with recent observations but disagree with investigations made by the researchers who first studied this parasite in the past when high indexes of infection were found. However, in 20 albino rats treated with corticosteroids (betamethazone we found 8 positive (40% and in 20 albino mice treated by the same way, 9 were positive for P. carinii (45%. These results confirm the opportunistic character of P. carinii in rodents already well demonstrated in man.Foi feita uma investigação sobre a ocorrência de P. carinii em 361 roedores, incluindo ratos de esgoto, ratos albinos, camundongos albinos, cobaios e coelhos. Só foram encontrados positivos 4 Rattus norvegicus em 215 examinados (1.8%. Estes resultados estão de acordo com observações feitas nos últimos anos, os quais constrastam com as verificações feitas nos primeiros anos, os quais contrastam com as verificações feitas nos primeiros anos de estudo do P. carinii, quando foram assinalados altos índices infecciosos. Entretanto, em 20 ratos albinos tratados com corticosteróides (betametasona foram encontrados 8 positivos (40%; e em 20 camundongos albinos, tratados do mesmo modo, foram encontrados 9 positivos (45%. Estes resultados confirmaram o caráter oportunístico do P. carinii no roedores, do mesmo modo como acontece no homem.

  6. Trypanosoma (Herpetosoma rangeli Tejera, 1920: nota prévia sobre a histopatologia em camundongos infectados experimentalmente

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    Cecilia de Scorza


    Full Text Available Ratones machos (cepa NMRI de 3 y 5 gr, inoculados i.p. con 8 x 10(6 y 9 x 10(4 metatripo- mastigotes/gr cosechados de cultivo LIT de 12 días de repique de la cepa "Perro-82" de Trypanosoma rangeli fueron procesados, em determinados períodos postinoculación, para seccionar y teñir con hematoxilina-eosina y Giemsa-colofonio trozos de corozón, hígado, bazo, pulmones, fémur, riñon, intestino, estómago, cerebro, cerebelo, esternón y columna vertebral. Se detallan los resultados preliminares sobre la histopatologia provocada por el T. rangeli en los cinco primeros órganos citados. Los tejidos conjuntivos subcutáneo, periosteal, intersticial y peribronquial, así como las miocélulas del corazón fueron altamente parasitados por amastigotes y tripomastigotes. Se discuten las posibles razones de la disminución del parasitismo tisular cuando la parasitemia se encontró en sus niveles máximos, así como la escasa inflamación obtenida en los tejidos parasitados. Las observaciones de varios autores sobre el comportamiento del protozoario en humanos y en animales de laboratorio así como los resultados descritos en este trabajo, plantean la posibilidad de que determinadas cepas de T. rangeli, en condiciones particulares, podrían causar alteraciones patológicas en el mamífero.

  7. Is the swiss health care system a model for the United States? (United States)

    Chaufan, Claudia


    Both supporters and critics of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) have argued that it is similar to Switzerland's Federal Law on Health Insurance (LAMal), which currently governs Swiss health care, and have either praised or condemned the ACA on the basis of this alleged similarity. I challenge these observers on the grounds that they overlook critical problems with the Swiss model, such as its inequities in access, and critical differences between it and the ACA, such as the roots in, and continuing commitment to, social insurance of the Swiss model. Indeed, the daunting challenge of attempting to impose the tightly regulated model of operation of the Swiss model on mega-corporations like UnitedHealth, WellPoint, or Aetna is likely to trigger no less ferocious resistance than a fully public, single-payer system would. I also conclude that the ACA might unravel in ways unintended or even opposed by its designers and supporters, as employers, confronted with ever-rising costs, retreat from sponsoring insurance, and workers react in outrage as they confront the unaffordable underinsurance mandated by the ACA. A new political and ideological landscape may then ensue that finally ushers in a truly national health program.

  8. Extratos de Curcuma longa L. e Kalanchoe brasiliensis Camb. no tratamento local do envenenamento por Bothrops alternatus

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    F. V. Fonseca

    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo a utilização dos extratos aquosos das plantas Curcuma longa e Kalanchoe brasiliensis na terapêutica tópica complementar do envenenamento botrópico experimental em camundongos, visando a antagonização dos efeitos locais (edema, hemorragia e necrose provocados pelo veneno. O experimento mostrou que os melhores resultados foram obtidos com o extrato de Kalanchoe brasiliensis.

  9. Importância do camundongo mdx na fisiopatologia da distrofia muscular de Duchenne The importance of mdx mouse in the pathophysiology of Duchenne's muscular distrophy

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    Sandra Lopes Seixas


    Full Text Available O camundongo mdx desenvolve distrofia muscular recessiva ligada ao cromossoma X (locus Xp21.1 e não expressa distrofina. Embora não apresente intensa fibrose do tecido muscular e acúmulo de tecido adiposo, é considerado o modelo animal mais adequado da distrofia muscular de Duchenne. As alterações estruturais no tecido muscular associadas à mionecrose e presença do infiltrado inflamatório com predomínio de linfócitos e monócitos/macrófagos sugerem uma participação do sistema imunológico nesta miopatia. Além disso a modulação na expressão dos componentes da matriz extracelular no microambiente muscular nas várias fases da doença (início, mionecrose, regeneração indicam um papel importante do conjuntivo no direcionamento das células inflamatórias para o foco da lesão muscular. O camundongo mdx coloca-se como um excelente modelo para o estudo dos mecanismos patogenéticos da mionecrose e regeneração na distrofia muscular de Duchenne, possibilitando inclusive o desenvolvimento de estratégias terapêuticas mais adequadas.The mdx mouse develop an X-linked recessive muscular dystrophy (locus Xp21.1 and lack dystrophin expression. Despite showing less intense myofibrosis and scarce deposition of fatty tissue, mdx mice are considered an adequate animal model for studies on the pathogenesis of Duchenne-type muscular dystrophy. Marked histological alterations in the muscular tissues associated to myonecrosis and inflammatory mononuclear cell infiltrate (lymphocytes, monocytes/macrophages suggest a participation of the immune system in this myopathy. Modulation of the extracellular matrix (ECM components in the muscular tissue during all phases (onset, myonecrosis and regeneration of disease, indicate an important role for the ECM driving inflammatory cells to the foci of lesion. Therefore mdx mice should be regarded as an important tool for studies on pathogenetic mechanisms of Duchenne-type muscular dystrophy. Such

  10. Patogenicidade e virulência de Toxoplasma gondii isolado de suínos de criação artesanal no sul do Brasil


    Oliveira,Plínio Aguiar de; Oliveira,Fernando Caetano de; Faria,Laura Maria Jorge de; Cademartori,Beatris Gonzalez; Marcolongo-Pereira,Clairton; Coelho,Ana Carolina Barreto; Pappen,Felipe Geraldo; Farias,Nara Amélia


    Estudos com Toxoplasma gondii em suínos são relevantes porque seus produtos e subprodutos fazem parte da cadeia alimentar do ser humano. As principais vias de transmissão deste agente são o carnivorismo, fecal-oral e congênita. Seis isolados de Toxoplasma gondii de suínos de criação artesanal foram avaliados quanto à patogenicidade e virulência em camundongos suíços albinos. A suspensão de taquizoítos utilizada nos testes foi obtida através da punção ou lavagem da cavidade peritoneal de camun...

  11. 26 CFR 509.106 - Control of a United States enterprise by a Swiss enterprise. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 19 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Control of a United States enterprise by a Swiss enterprise. 509.106 Section 509.106 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE... a United States enterprise by a Swiss enterprise. In effect, Article IV of the convention provides...

  12. Human behaviour towards climatic change during the 4th millennium BC in the Swiss Alpine forelands

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karg, Sabine

    Human behaviour towards climatic change during the 4th millennium BC in the Swiss Alpine forelands.......Human behaviour towards climatic change during the 4th millennium BC in the Swiss Alpine forelands....

  13. Uso de fluorescência em um método de dissector modificado para estimar o número de miócitos no tecido cardíaco

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rômulo Dias Novaes


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Métodos convencionais de dissector atualmente requerem consideráveis custos financeiros, técnicos e operacionais para estimar o número de células, incluindo cardiomiócitos, em uma área de 3D. OBJETIVO: Usar a microscopia de fluorescência em um método de dissector modificado para determinar o número de miócitos no tecido cardíaco em condições normais e patológicas. MÉTODOS: O estudo empregou camundongos Wistar machos com quatro meses de idade e peso de 366,25 ± 88,21 g randomizados em grupos controles (GC, n = 8 e infectados (GI, n = 8. Os animais do GI foram inoculados com cepa Y de T. cruzi (300.000 tripomastigotas/50 g. Após oito semanas, os animais foram pesados e sacrificados. Os Ventrículos Esquerdos (VE foram removidos para análise estereológica da densidade numérica de cardiomiócitos (Nv [c] e o número total dessas células no VE (N [c]. Esses parâmetros foram estimados usando um dissector fluorescente (DF e comparados com os métodos convencionais de dissector óptico (DO e dissector físico (DFi. RESULTADOS: Em ambos os métodos de dissector, os animais do GI apresentaram queda significativa de Nv[c] e N[c] em comparação com os animais do GC (P > 0,05. Uma correlação forte, igual ou superior a 96%, foi obtida entre DF, DO e DFi. CONCLUSÃO: O método DF parece ser igualmente confiável para determinar Nv[c] e N[c] em condições normais e patológicas, apresentando algumas vantagens em relação aos métodos convencionais de dissector: redução de cortes histológicos e imagens na análise estereológica, redução do tempo de análise das imagens, a construção de DF em microscópios simples, utilizando o modo de epifluorescência, distinção de planos de dissector em ampliações inferiores.

  14. Reactor physics teaching and research in the Swiss nuclear engineering master

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chawla, R.


    Since 2008, a Master of Science program in Nuclear Engineering (NE) has been running in Switzerland, thanks to the combined efforts of the country's key players in nuclear teaching and research, viz. the Swiss Federal Inst.s of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL) and at Zurich (ETHZ), the Paul Scherrer Inst. (PSI) at Villigen and the Swiss Nuclear Utilities (Swissnuclear). The present paper, while outlining the academic program as a whole, lays emphasis on the reactor physics teaching and research training accorded to the students in the framework of the developed curriculum. (authors)

  15. Survey of Swiss nuclear's cost study 2016; Pruefung der Kostenstudie 2016 von swissnuclear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alt, Stefan; Ustohalova, Veronika [Oeko-Institut e.V. - Institut fuer Angewandte Oekologie, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)


    The report discusses the Swiss nuclear cost study 2016 concerning the following issues: evaluation of the aspects of the cost study: cost structure, cost classification and risk provision, additional payment liability, option of lifetime extension for Swiss nuclear power plants; specific indications on the report ''cost study 2016 (KS16) - estimation of the decommissioning cost of Swiss nuclear power plants'': decommissioning costs in Germany, France and the USA, indexing the Swiss cost estimation for decommissioning cost, impact factors on the decommissioning costs; specific indications on the report ''cost study 2016 (KS16) - estimation of the disposal cost - interim storage, transport, containers and reprocessing''; specific indications on the report ''cost studies (KS16) - estimation of disposal costs - geological deep disposal'': time scale and costs incurred, political/social risks, retrievability, comparison with other mining costs.

  16. What next after the rejection of Swiss electricity market legislation?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miolo, A.; Rechsteiner, S.


    This article discusses the situation in Switzerland after the rejection of new legislation on the liberalisation of the Swiss electricity market (Electricity Market Law, EMG) in a public vote in September 2002. The problems thus posed and the possibilities for further action available to those involved and affected are discussed. The legal situation after the rejection of the EMG is discussed with respect to Swiss regional structures and cantonal regulations. Three possible scenarios are discussed - the status quo, a solution to be provided by the electricity business or a Federal decree. The possibilities open to electricity enterprises for optimisation and the realisation of synergies to increase efficiency and competitiveness are discussed

  17. Immigration and Swiss House Prices


    Kathrin Degen; Andreas M. Fischer


    This study examines the behavior of Swiss house prices to immigration flows for 85 districts from 2001 to 2006. The results show that the nexus between immigration and house prices holds even in an environment of low house price inflation, nationwide rent control, and modest immigration flows. An immigration inflow equal to 1% of an area's population is coincident with an increase in prices for single-family homes of about 2.7%: a result consistent with previous studies. The overall immigrati...

  18. Depression in early adulthood: Prevalence and psychosocial correlates among young Swiss men


    Barth, Jürgen; Hofmann, Karen; Schori, Dominik


    QUESTION UNDER STUDY Depression in young adults is common, but data from Switzerland are scarce. Our study gives a point prevalence estimate of depression in young Swiss men, and describes the association between depression and education, material and social resources, and job/school satisfaction. METHODS We used data from the cross-sectional Swiss Federal Surveys of Adolescents (ch-x) from 2010 to 2011 comprising 9,066 males aged between 18 and 25 years. Depression was assessed b...

  19. Energy as a competitive factor - Opportunities for the Swiss economy; Wettbewerbsfaktor Energie - Chancen fuer die Schweizer Wirtschaft

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ziegler, M.; Baettig, R.


    This report Swiss for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) reviews opportunities offered to the Swiss economy by regarding energy as a competitive factor. Goals set in Switzerland regarding the reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions and measures taken in this area are commented on. The report takes a look at measures that are technically and economically implementable in the building and transport areas. The costs and investment involved in the implementation of a particular scenario are examined. The chances offered to Swiss companies in the area of replacements for fossil fuels are examined. Market potentials in the areas of renewable energy sources and energy productivity are reviewed as are related financial services and workplace effects.

  20. Use of simulation-based medical training in Swiss pediatric hospitals: a national survey. (United States)

    Stocker, Martin; Laine, Kathryn; Ulmer, Francis


    Simulation-based medical training (SBMT) is a powerful tool for continuing medical education. In contrast to the Anglo-Saxon medical education community, up until recently, SBMT was scarce in continental Europe's pediatric health care education: In 2009, only 3 Swiss pediatric health care institutions used SBMT. The Swiss catalogue of objectives in Pediatrics does not acknowledge SBMT. The aim of this survey is to describe and analyze the current state of SBMT in Swiss pediatric hospitals and health care departments. A survey was carried out with medical education representatives of every institution. SBMT was defined as any kind of training with a mannequin excluding national and/or international standardized courses. The survey reference day was May 31st 2015. Thirty Swiss pediatric hospitals and health care departments answered our survey (response rate 96.8%) with 66.6% (20 out of 30) offering SBMT. Four of the 20 hospitals offering SMBT had two independently operating training simulation units, resulting in 24 educational units as the basis for our SBMT analysis. More than 90% of the educational units offering SBMT (22 out of 24 units) were conducting in-situ training and 62.5% (15 out of 24) were using high-technology mannequins. Technical skills, communication and leadership ranked among the top training priorities. All institutions catered to inter-professional participants. The vast majority conducted training that was neither embedded within a larger educational curriculum (19 out of 24: 79.2%) nor evaluated (16 out of 24: 66.6%) by its participants. Only 5 institutions (20.8%) extended their training to at least two thirds of their hospital staff. Two thirds of the Swiss pediatric hospitals and health care departments are offering SBMT. Swiss pediatric SBMT is inter-professional, mainly in-situ based, covering technical as well as non-technical skills, and often employing high-technology mannequins. The absence of a systematic approach and reaching only

  1. Evaluation of cytotoxicity of two endodontic cements in a macrophage culture Avaliação da citotoxicidade de dois cimentos endodônticos em cultura de macrófagos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Celso Emanoel de Souza Queiroz


    obtenção do hermético selamento marginal, sendo sua biocompatibilidade dependente do somatório das respostas de cada célula presente na região periapical. Por conseguinte, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar em cultura de macrófagos peritoneais de seis camundongos Swiss, a citotoxicidade de dois cimentos endodônticos, um à base de resina epóxica (Sealer 26 e outro contendo óxido de zinco e eugenol (Endofill, quanto a indução da produção de óxido nítrico. Após a presa e pulverização, alíquotas de 100ml da suspensão contendo 18mg/mL dos respectivos cimentos foram adicionados em placa de cultura de tecido de 96 poços, contendo a cultura de macrófagos na concentração de 5,0X10(6 células/ml. Após 48 horas de incubação, a 37ºC, em 5% de CO2, foi feita a leitura em um leitor ELISA automático para se averiguar a liberação de óxido nítrico. Verificou-se, para o cimento Sealer 26, que a produção de óxido nítrico oscilou de 36,1 a 313,0 mimols, com média de 143,82±111,03, enquanto para o Endofill estes valores foram significativamente menores (p=0.01, variando de 50,8 a 125,7, com média de 80.33±28,42 mols. Nos grupos controles positivo e negativo a média de liberação de óxido nítrico foi de 162,75mimols e 4,42mimols, respectivamente. Não houve diferença significativa entre o grupo controle positivo e o cimento Sealer 26 (p>0.05. Portanto, o cimento Sealer 26 causou, significativamente, maior toxicidade aos macrófagos, possivelmente devido aos seus componentes, a exemplo da resina epóxica e ao formaldeído, liberados durante a sua reação de polimerização.

  2. Óleo de copaíba (Copaifera langsdorfii Desf. em padrões reprodutivos de camundongos e no desenvolvimento embriofetal Copaiba oil (Copaifera langsdorfii Desf. on mouse reproductive patterns and embryonic or fetal development

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.C.S. Lourenço


    Full Text Available A utilização de plantas medicinais sempre foi bem difundida, porém hoje se faz necessária uma abordagem científica para comprovar sua eficácia. Este estudo foi realizado para avaliar a possível toxicidade materna e teratogenicidade do óleo de copaíba, um óleo resina exudado do tronco de Copaifera langsdorfii, muito utilizado na medicina natural. Três doses de óleo de copaíba, administradas por gavage durante 5 dias do período gestacional de fêmeas de camundongos, foram testadas 0,3 mL Kg-1, 0,6 mL Kg-1 e 0,9 mL Kg-1 (p.c.. Em relação ao ganho de peso materno, peso dos órgãos, número de fetos vivos e implantes e viabilidade fetal, não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos. Os dados demonstram que este fitoterápico não apresenta toxicidade materna. Com relação às médias de peso e comprimento fetal dos grupos tratados, houve diferença estatística quando comparados ao controle, mas os fetos ainda se encontravam dentro do peso adequado à idade de prenhez. A prole das fêmeas tratadas não apresentou malformações ou alterações externas, viscerais e esqueléticas. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que o óleo de copaíba, nas doses administradas e período estudado, não apresentou toxicidade materna ou causou teratogenicidade na prole das fêmeas tratadas. Portanto, podemos considerar seu uso seguro durante o período gestacional.The use of medicinal plants has always been widely spread, but today a scientific approach is needed to prove their efficiency. The present study was performed to evaluate the possible maternal toxicity and teratogenicity of copaiba oil, a resin oil exudate from the trunk of Copaifera sp., extensively used in natural medicine. Three copaiba oil levels, administered through gavage for 5 days during the gestational period of female mice, were tested: 0.3 mL Kg-1, 0.6 mL Kg-1 and 0.9 mL Kg-1 (b.w.. As regards maternal weight gain, organ weight, live fetus number, implants and fetal


    CERN Document Server

    Relations with the Host States Service


    The Swiss Permanent Mission to the International Organisations in Geneva has just confirmed to CERN that it is not necessary to hold a carte de légitimation or an attestation de fonctions issued by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs to drive a vehicle subject to a customs restrictions agreement (engagement douanier), i.e. purchased or imported free of tax and customs duty, provided that the vehicle concerned is registered on ordinary Swiss number plates and not on diplomatic plates. We should like to remind you that the documents published by the Relations with the Host States Service since 1996 can be consulted on the Service's Web pages (, which are updated as soon as new information is received from the Authorities of the Host States.

  4. Swiss Federal Energy Research Commission - Annual report 2008; Eidgenoessische Energieforschungskommission CORE. Jahresbericht 2008

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maus, K.


    This annual report presents a review of the activities carried out by the Swiss Federal Energy Research Commission CORE in the year 2008. Main points of interest were the definition of a new CORE vision, a review of all research programmes, co-operation and co-ordination with public and private institutes, active consultancy, recommendations for further education and training, improved international information exchange and good communication with business, politics and the general public. The definition of a concept for Swiss energy research for the period 2012 to 2016 is mentioned. The annual report also reports on an internal visit made to various laboratories of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and the Energy Center in Zurich. The focussing of CORE activities on particular themes is discussed

  5. The Swiss ''CANUPIS'' study on childhood cancer in the vicinity of nuclear power stations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Voelkle, Hansruedi


    A nationwide cohort study on leukaemia and any other childhood cancer in the vicinity of Swiss nuclear power stations (CANUPIS) was supported by the Krebsliga Schweiz and the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. The results, covering the years 1985 to 2009 and including some 21 million person years, was published in July 2011. Three zones around nuclear installations were investigated: 0 to 5 km, 5 to 10 km and 10 to 15 km distance. The CANUPIS study found no evidence for a statistically significant increased cancer risk among 0 to 15 year old children living near Swiss nuclear power stations, compared to children living in other regions of the country. (orig.)

  6. Ciclo Vital de Schistosoma mansoni através do Holochilus brasiliensis (Desmarest, 1818 em ambiente semi-natural (Trematoda, Shistosomatidae; Rodentia, Cricetidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Omar dos Santos Carvalho


    Full Text Available Junto ao Lago da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, MG, foram capturados (julho/72-novembro/73 28 exemplares de Holochilus brasiliensis, dos quais 11 (39,3% eliminavam nas fezes ovos viáveis de S. mansoni. Miracídios da cepa mencionada ("H" infectaram Biomphalaria glabrata e as cercárias obtidas também infectaram camundongos albinos, recuperando-se, ao final do experimento, 35,3% de vermes adultos. Por outro lado, cercárias de cepa humana ("LE" de S. mansoni infectaram sete exemplares de H. brasiliensis, nascidos em laboratório, recuperando-se no fim de 60 dias, 30,5% de vermes adultos. Estudos anatomapatológicos de H. brasiliensis demonstraram infecção generalizada, encontrando-se granuloma no esôfago, estômago, intestino (delgado e grosso, fígado, baço, pâncreas e linfonodos abdominais. Espessamentos fibrosos da íntima da veia porta, granulomas em espaços porta e fibrose incipiente dos espaços porta e interlobular foram lesões decorrentes da presença de ovos de S. mansoni encontrados no fígado. Em ambiente semi-natural, foi possível fechar o ciclo do S. mansoni sem direta participação humana, utilizando-se B. glabrata experimentalmente infectadas com trematódeos da cepa "LE", H. brasiliensis nascidos em laboratório e B. glabrata nascida no ambiente semi-natural estabelecido. Verificou-se que ambas as cepas ("H" e "LE" comportaram-se de maneira análoga, não sendo verificadas, também, diferenças morfológicas entre os ovos e vermes adultos de ambas. As observações, realizadas no campo e no laboratório demonstraram que o Holochilus brasiliensis é bom hospedeiro de Schistosoma mansoni. Assim, em determinadas áreas e sob certas condições ecológicas, o cricetídeo em questão poderá, efetivamente, integrar-se ao ciclo do trematódeo na natureza, independente ou paralelamente à presença do homem. Assinala-se, finalmente, que o presente trabalho relata o segundo fechamento do ciclo biológico de S. mansoni em condi

  7. Swiss electricity statistics 2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) provides statistical information on electricity supply, production, trading and consumption in Switzerland in 2003. Apart from a general overview of the Swiss electricity supply that includes details on power generation, energy transfer with neighbouring countries and data on prices, average consumption and capital investment, the article also includes graphical representations of electrical energy flows in and out of Switzerland. Tables of data give information on electricity production, import and export for the years 1950 to 2003, the data being supplied for each hydrological year and the summer and winter seasons respectively. The structure of power production in Switzerland is examined in detail and compared with that of foreign countries. Details are given on the development of production capacities and the various means of production together with their respective shares of total production. Further tables and diagrams provide information on power production in various geographical regions and on the management of pumped storage hydro-electricity schemes. A further chapter deals in detail with the consumption of electricity, its growth between 1984 and 2003 and its use in various sectors. A fifth chapter examines electricity consumption, generation, import and export on single, typical days, presenting data in tables and diagrams. The next chapter examines energy transfer with foreign countries and the trading structures involved. The next two chapters cover the future developments in energy exchange and trading with foreign countries and the possibilities of augmenting power generation capacities up to 2010. The final chapter looks at economic considerations involved in the supply of electricity. An annex provides detailed tables of data

  8. Swiss electricity statistics 2002

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne


    This publication by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) provides statistical information on electricity supply, production, trading and consumption in Switzerland in 2002. Apart from a general overview of the Swiss electricity supply that includes details on power generation, energy transfer with neighbouring countries and data on prices, average consumption and capital investment, the article also includes graphical representations of electrical energy flows in and out of Switzerland. Tables of data give information on electricity production, import and export for the years 1950 to 2002, the data being supplied for each hydrological year and the summer and winter seasons respectively. The structure of power production in Switzerland is examined in detail and compared with that of foreign countries. Details are given on the development of production capacities and the various means of production together with their respective shares of total production. Further tables and diagrams provide information on power production in various geographical regions and on the management of pumped storage hydro-electricity schemes. A further chapter deals in detail with the consumption of electricity, its growth between 1984 and 2002 and its use in various sectors. A fifth chapter examines electricity consumption, generation, import and export on single, typical days, presenting data in tables and diagrams. The next chapter examines energy transfer with foreign countries and the trading structures involved. The next two chapters cover the future developments in energy exchange and trading with foreign countries and the possibilities of augmenting power generation capacities up to 2009. The final chapter looks at economic considerations involved in the supply of electricity. An annex provides detailed tables of data

  9. Swiss electricity statistics 2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) provides statistical information on electricity supply, production, trading and consumption in Switzerland in 2004. Apart from a general overview of the Swiss electricity supply that includes details on power generation, energy transfer with neighbouring countries and data on prices, average consumption and capital investment, the article also includes graphical representations of electrical energy flows in and out of Switzerland. Tables of data give information on electricity production, import and export for the years 1950 to 2004, the data being supplied for each hydrological year and the summer and winter seasons respectively. The structure of power production in Switzerland is examined in detail and compared with that of foreign countries. Details are given on the development of production capacities and the various means of production together with their respective shares of total production. Further tables and diagrams provide information on power production in various geographical regions and on the management of pumped storage hydro-electricity schemes. A further chapter deals in detail with the consumption of electricity, its growth between 1984 and 2004 and its use in various sectors. A fifth chapter examines electricity consumption, generation, import and export on single, typical days, presenting data in tables and diagrams. The next chapter examines energy transfer with foreign countries and the trading structures involved. The next two chapters cover the future developments in energy exchange and trading with foreign countries and the possibilities of augmenting power generation capacities up to 2010. The final chapter looks at economic considerations involved in the supply of electricity. An annex provides detailed tables of data


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    K. Sai sudha


    Full Text Available Background: Cricket is one of the most popular game in India played by men and women of all ages. The increased physical demands on the players may be associated with an increased risk of injuries. Core muscle strength is important to prevent risk of injuries in elite cricketers. The beginners in the cricket must have enough strength of core muscles, as core is the bridge between upper and lower limbs. So, it should be strong enough to prevent low back and lower limb injuries in cricketers. The aim is to determine the effectiveness of swiss ball exercises versus floor exercises on core muscle strength in elite cricketers. The objective is to study and compare the effectiveness of swiss ball exercises and floor exercises in elite cricketers in terms of back strength. Method: The total number of students in this study were 30 eilte cricketers between 16-25 years out of which 15 subjects were included each in floor exercise(n=15 and swiss ball group(n=15. Back strength was measured before and after the intervention of 6 weeks using isokinetic analyser. Results: After the analysis, the results revealed significant improvement of back strength in both the groups(p< 0.00. The swiss ball group showed significant results when compared with floor exercise group. Conclusion: Although the study showed beneficial results in both the groups, the results reflected that swiss ball group had better improvement of core muscle strength than the floor exercise group.

  11. Swiss overall energy statistics 1979

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The comprehensive statistics are produced by the Federal Department of Energy and the Swiss National Committee of the World Energy Conference, and are divided into three sections, (1) Consumption of energy in 1979, (2) Development of the energy balance-sheet from 1974 to 1979, and (3) Comments relative to the energy balance-sheet. Appendices are also included giving tables of energy consumption in the year 1950 and for the period 1960 - 1979, and the energy consumption by industry and other branches in 1979. (A.G.P.)

  12. Desafios atuais da pesquisa em toxicologia: Avaliação da toxicidade de nanomateriais manufaturados para o desenvolvimento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabella Fernandes Delgado


    Full Text Available Nanomateriais são partículas ou fibras que possuem pelo menos uma das três dimensões na faixa de tamanho entre 1 e 100 nm. Em virtude das suas propriedades físico-químicas ímpares as nano partículas têm uma variedade de usos na indústria e cada vez mais fazem parte do nosso cotidiano. Entretanto, apesar do número crescente de produtos da nanotecnologia chegando ao mercado, a avaliação dos riscos das NPs para saúde está na sua infância. Os efeitos nocivos das NPs sobre o desenvolvimento pré-natal tem sido ainda menos investigados. Este artigo sumariza a literatura sobre os efeitos das NPs sobre o desenvolvimento. Os estudos são em geral muito recentes e incluem experimentos ex vivo empregando invertebrados e vertebrados não-mamíferos, ensaios in vitro (células tronco embrionárias de camundongos e in vivo em roedores. Muito pouco tem sido publicado a respeito dos efeitos das NPs na placenta e sobre a passagem das NPs da mãe para o embrião e feto humanos. Algumas limitações dos ensaios ex vivo e in vitro para evidenciar potenciais perigos das NPs para o desenvolvimento prenatal humano são discutidas nesta revisão. As diferenças de estrutura e função entre a placenta de roedores e a placenta humana no período inicial da gravidez e a possível relevância delas para a transferencia transplacentária de NPs também são comentadas.

  13. Ultrafast phenomena at the nanoscale: science opportunities at the SwissFEL X-ray laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abela, R.; Braun, H.; Ming, P.; Pedrozzi, M.; Quitmann, Ch.; Reiche, S.; Daalen, M. van; Veen, J.F. van der; Mesot, J.; Mesot, J.; Shiroka, T.; Veen, J.F. van der; Mesot, J.


    In today's fast-moving society, standing still is effectively synonymous with being left behind. If it is to maintain, beyond the coming 10-15 years, its high international standing as a complex of large research infrastructures, the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) must now lay the foundation for a competitive future. Experts worldwide foresee a strongly growing demand within science and technology for photon sources delivering ultra-short, coherent X-ray pulses. Such a source, called a free electron laser (FEL), is nothing less than a gigantic flash camera, allowing us to take a deeper look into matter than with any other machine before. By literally seeing molecules in action, scientists will be able not only to capture chemical and biological processes of direct relevance and benefit to society but also to improve them. It is a dream coming true. For the first time, it will not only be possible to take pictures of molecular structures, we will be able to make movies of their motion. The new X-ray laser project at PSI, known as SwissFEL, will be an important addition to the existing complex of PSI facilities that serve interdisciplinary and international research teams from academia and industry. The SwissFEL is an essential element of Switzerland's strategic focus and will prolong our nation's leading position in scientific research for years to come. It will attract top scientists from Switzerland and abroad, and will strengthen the position of PSI as a world-class research institute. This new high-tech facility will also provide an important incentive for Swiss industry, through which existing highly-qualified jobs will be maintained and new ones created. In this report we present a wide range of important, open questions within science and engineering disciplines that SwissFEL will contribute towards solving. These questions, which form the 'scientific case' for SwissFEL, have been identified through a range of workshops organized over the past few years and by

  14. Tools for the Classroom. Gruezi Miteinand! A Focus on Swiss-German Culture and Language Online. (United States)

    Moehle-Vieregge, Linda


    Swiss-German language and culture rarely form the core focus in basic German language instruction. This article examines Swiss-German culture, focusing on geography and history, language, sports, world organizations, legendary figures, literature, music, art, holidays, and food. It points out online resources that touch upon aspects of Swiss…

  15. Summary of operating experience in Swiss nuclear power plants 1993

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In 1993 the Swiss nuclear power plants produced their third highest combined annual output. The contribution to the total electricity generation in the country was close to 37%. Replacement of the steam generators in Beznau Unit 1 resulted in a longer than usual annual outage. For the other four units the availability figures were close to, or exceeded, those of previous years. The energy utilization was, however, lowered due to load reduction in autumn resulting from unusually high production by the hydro-electric power plants. The steam generator replacement at Beznau enabled an increase in electrical power of about 2% without increase in reactor power. With the approval of the Swiss government in December 1992, the output of the Muehleberg power plant was increased in two stages by a total of 10%. The application for an unlimited operating license for Beznau Unit 2, and for a power uprate at the Leibstadt power plant, are still pending. The average number of scrams at the Swiss plants remained stable, at less than one scram per reactor year. As a result of experience in the Swedish nuclear power plant at Barsebaeck, the suction strainers of the emergency core cooling systems of the boiling water reactors at Muehleberg and Leibstadt were replaced by strainers with larger surface areas. The re-inspection of crack indications previously detected in the core shroud of the Muehleberg reactor and the penetration tubes in the reactor pressure vessel closure head of Beznau revealed no growth during the intervening operating periods. Following the completion of installation activities during the annual outages at Beznau Unit 1, Goesgen and Leibstadt, all Swiss nuclear power plants are now equipped with filtered containment venting systems. (author) figs., tabs

  16. Occurrence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in brown trout bile and liver from Swiss rivers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hartmann, Paul C. [Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Ueberlandstrasse 133, P.O. Box 611, 8600 Duebendorf (Switzerland); Burkhardt-Holm, Patricia [Department of Environmental Science, University of Basel, Vesalgasse 1, 4051 Basel (Switzerland)]. E-mail:; Giger, Walter [Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Ueberlandstrasse 133, P.O. Box 611, 8600 Duebendorf (Switzerland)]. E-mail:


    The ranges of total polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in fish from four Swiss rivers were 0.8-240 ng/g in the bile and 16-7400 ng/g lipid in the liver. PBDE concentrations varied within each river and among the various rivers. Female fish tended to have higher concentrations in the liver, while the male fish had higher concentrations in the bile. From the resulting PBDE concentrations in fish it could not be infered that these contaminants contribute to the causes of the observed fish catch decline in Swiss rivers. - PBDEs with the most abundant BDE-47 were determined in brown trout bile and liver from Swiss rivers.

  17. Occurrence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in brown trout bile and liver from Swiss rivers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartmann, Paul C.; Burkhardt-Holm, Patricia; Giger, Walter


    The ranges of total polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in fish from four Swiss rivers were 0.8-240 ng/g in the bile and 16-7400 ng/g lipid in the liver. PBDE concentrations varied within each river and among the various rivers. Female fish tended to have higher concentrations in the liver, while the male fish had higher concentrations in the bile. From the resulting PBDE concentrations in fish it could not be infered that these contaminants contribute to the causes of the observed fish catch decline in Swiss rivers. - PBDEs with the most abundant BDE-47 were determined in brown trout bile and liver from Swiss rivers

  18. The influence of climate-warming on the power production of Swiss hydroelectric power stations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaeppi, A.


    This article summarises an interview with Michael Piot of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) on a study commissioned by the office that takes a look at the influence of a possible climate warming on water flow in the Swiss alpine area. In particular, the influence of such possible changes on the Swiss power generation industry are looked at. Prognoses for climate change are reviewed, as are the results of a study made by the SFOE on energy perspectives for the period up to the year 2035. Possible changes in the alpine climate are discussed and their influence on the water household of the region is examined. Possible further and more drastic changes in the period up to 2099 are briefly commented on

  19. Enterotoxemia em caprinos no Rio Grande do Sul Caprine enterotoxaemia in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edson M. Colodel


    Full Text Available São descritos surtos de enterotoxemia em caprinos em cinco propriedades no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os animais afetados eram, normalmente, encontrados mortos ou apresentavam evolução aguda de 2 a 3 horas com acentuada depressão, cólicas abdominais e diarréia profusa com fibrina. Em duas propriedades relataram-se casos com a evolução de até 12 horas. Em treze animais necropsiados observaram-se aumento de líquidos nas cavidades abdominal, torácica e pericárdica, congestão e hiperemia da serosa e mucosa do intestino, conteúdo do cólon líquido com fibrina além de hemorragias de serosa e fibrina. Em um animal constatou-se microangiopatia cerebral caracterizada por acúmulo de material homogêneo e eosinofílico no espaço perivascular. No conteúdo intestinal, colônias com bastonetes morfológica e bioquimicamente sugestivos de Clostridium perfringens foram caracterizadas no estudo bacteriológico. A soroneutralização em camundongos com conteúdo intestinal dos animais afetados, revelou a presença da toxina épsilon. Estes achados evidenciam a enterotoxemia como doença de importância para criação de caprinos no Rio Grande do Sul.Five outbreaks of caprine enterotoxaemia in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were studied. The animals were found dead or had a clinical course that usually lasted 2-3 hours. From two farms a clinical manifestation period of 12 hours was reported. Clinical signs were characterized by depression, marked abdominal discomfort, profuse watery diarrhea with fibrin clots, and death. Thirteen necropsies were performed and hydropericardium, hydrothorax and hydroperitoneum were commonly found. The mucosa and serosa of the colon were congested, and its contents was watery with multiple fibrin clots. Serosal hemorrhages and fibrin clots in the gallbladder were also seen. Fibrinous colitis and thyphilitis were the most frequent histological changes. Cerebral microangiopathy was observed in one case, which was

  20. Swiss breeder research programme

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A new initiative for a Swiss Fast Breeder Research Program has been started during 1991. This was partly the consequence of a vote in Fall 1990, when the Swiss public voted for maintaining nuclear reactors in operation, but also for a moratorium of 10 years, within which period no new reactor project should be proposed. On the other hand the Swiss government decided to keep the option 'atomic reactors' open and therefore it was essential to have programmes which guaranteed that the knowledge of reactor technology could be maintained in the industry and the relevant research organisations. There is also motivation to support a Swiss Breeder Research Program on the part of the utilities, the licensing authorities and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). The utilities recognise the breeder reactor as an advanced reactor system which has to be developed further and might be a candidate, somewhere in the future, for electricity production. In so far they have great interest that a know-how base is maintained in our country, with easy access for technical questions and close attention to the development of this reactor type. The licensing authorities have a legitimate interest that an adequate knowledge of the breeder reactor type and its functions is kept at their disposal. PSI and the former EIR have had for many years a very successful basic research programme concerning breeder reactors, and were in close cooperation with EFR. The activities within this programme had to be terminated owing to limitations in personnel and financial resources. The new PSI research programme is based upon two main areas, reactor physics and reactor thermal hydraulics. In both areas relatively small but valuable basic research tasks, the results of which are of interest to the breeder community, will be carried out. The lack of support of the former Breeder Programme led to capacity problems and finally to a total termination. Therefore one of the problems which had to be solved first was

  1. bipyridinium dichloride-induced hepatic and renal toxicity in Swiss

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pharmacotherapy Group, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, Benin City, 300001 Nigeria. ... Methods: Three groups of Swiss albino mice (n = 10), i.e., control, paraquat (15 mg/kg) ... Control and vitamin C-treated mice .... Tokyo, Japan).

  2. The Election System of the Swiss Confederation: Counting of Votes and Establishment of Election Results

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Magdalena A. Tarnavskaya


    Full Text Available In the following article the author covers the process of counting the votes and the disclosure rules of establishment the election results in the Swiss Confederation. Switzerland along with other EU member states pays special attention to the determination of the election results. According to Art. 149 para. 2 Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation the elections to the National Council, which is one of two chambers of the Federal Assembly, are held according to proportional representation system. The Hagenbach-Bischoff system is used for allocating seats in National Council of the Swiss Con federation. However the above mentioned system for determining the quota of votes per each mandate creates ambiguous opinions among Swiss scientists and legal experts, which frequently comes up in discussions whether to modify it or not. In this article, the author also gives a brief description of the main political parties in Switzerland and statistics of seats allocation in 49 legislature of National Council following the elections of October 23, 2011. As a result, the author provides the full information on the process of votes counting and establishment of election results in the Swiss Confederation. The material presented in this article is particularly interesting and relevant in terms of improving the electoral legislation in the Russian Federation. The information presented by the author will be useful to all parties interested in electoral law.

  3. EFSA NDA Panel (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies), 2013. Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of a health claim related to a combination of red spinach, green spinach, red chicory, green chicory, green leaf chard, red leaf chard, red Swiss chard, golden Swiss chard

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tetens, Inge

    related to a combination of red spinach, green spinach, red chicory, green chicory, green leaf chard, red leaf chard, red Swiss chard, golden Swiss chard and white Swiss chard and maintenance of normal blood cholesterol concentration. The food that is the subject of the health claim, a combination of red...... spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), green spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), red chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), green chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), green leaf chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla), red leaf chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla), red Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla), golden Swiss chard...... for the scientific substantiation of the claim were provided by the applicant. The Panel concludes that a cause and effect relationship has not been established between consumption of a combination of red spinach, green spinach, red chicory, green chicory, green leaf chard, red leaf chard, red Swiss chard, golden...

  4. Extreme chirality in Swiss roll metamaterials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Demetriadou, A; Pendry, J B


    The chiral Swiss roll metamaterial is a resonant, magnetic medium that exhibits a negative refractive band for one-wave polarization. Its unique structure facilitates huge chiral effects: a plane polarized wave propagating through this system can change its polarization by 90 deg. in less than a wavelength. Such chirality is at least 100 times greater than previous structures have achieved. In this paper, we discuss this extreme chiral behaviour with both numerical and analytical results.

  5. Variation in treatment strategies of Swiss general practitioners for subclinical hypothyroidism in older adults. (United States)

    Baumgartner, Christine; den Elzen, Wendy P J; Blum, Manuel R; Coslovsky, Michael; Streit, Sven; Frey, Peter; Herzig, Lilli; Haller, Dagmar M; Mooijaart, Simon P; Bischoff, Thomas; Rosemann, Thomas; Gussekloo, Jacobijn; Rodondi, Nicolas


    As the best management of subclinical hypothyroidism is controversial, we aimed to assess variations in treatment strategies depending on different Swiss regions, physician and patient characteristics. We performed a case-based survey among general practitioners (GPs) in different Swiss regions, which consisted of eight hypothetical cases presenting a female patient with subclinical hypothyroidism and nonspecific complaints differing by age, vitality status and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration. A total of 262 GPs participated in the survey. There was considerable variation in the levothyroxine starting dose chosen by GPs, ranging from 25 µg to 100 µg. Across the Swiss regions, GPs in the Bern region were significantly more inclined to treat, with a higher probability of initiating treatment (60%, p = 0.01) and higher mean starting doses (45 µg, p treatment rate and other physician characteristics. GPs were more reluctant to initiate treatment in 85-year-old than in 70-year-old women (odds ratio [OR] 0.77, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.63-0.94), and more likely to treat women with a TSH of 15 mU/l than those with a TSH of 6mU/l (OR 8.71, 95% CI 6.21-12.20). There are strong variations in treatment strategies for elderly patients with subclinical hypothyroidism across different Swiss regions, including use of higher starting doses than the recommended 25 µg in the Swiss guidelines, which recommend a starting dose of 25 µg. These variations likely reflect the current uncertainty about the benefits of treatment, which arise from the current lack of evidence from adequately powered clinical trials.

  6. Expressão da proteína tgfbeta1 em coração irradiado in vivo In vivo evaluation of expression of TGFbeta1 in the irradiated heart

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renato José Affonso Júnior


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar, no coração, por imuno-histoquímica, a localização das proteínas TGFbeta1 latente e TGFbeta1 ativa, se ocorre ativação radioinduzida da proteína TGFbeta1 latente, e a distribuição das fibras colágenas em diversos períodos de tempo após irradiação. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Trinta e dois camundongos isogênicos (C57BL foram divididos em dois grupos: GI (não irradiado, com 12 animais, e GII (irradiado, com 20 animais. Os animais do GII receberam radiação gama (telecobaltoterapia, 60Co, com rendimento de 0,97 Gy/min., dose única de 7 Gy em corpo inteiro. Os camundongos dos grupos I e II foram sacrificados por estiramento cervical nos períodos de 1, 14, 30 e 90 dias após irradiação. RESULTADOS: Os corações irradiados apresentaram: 1 alterações nucleares e diminuição das estriações das células musculares cardíacas; 2 aumento significante da deposição de fibras colágenas aos 90 dias depois da irradiação; 3 ativação da proteína TGFbeta1 latente em cardiomiócitos e células do conjuntivo depois da irradiação. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados mostram a importância da proteína TGFbeta1 no processo de fibrose cardíaca radioinduzida e sugerem que células do parênquima (cardiomiócitos e do conjuntivo podem participar deste mecanismo atuando como fontes da proteína TGFbeta1 ativa.OBJECTIVE: To assess the latent and active TGFbeta1 localization in the heart, to evaluate whether or not radiation induces latent TGFbeta1 activation, and to study the distribution of collagen fibers in the irradiated heart. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-two C57BL mice were randomly assigned in two groups: GI (non irradiated animals and GII (irradiated animals. The mice from GII received a single whole-body radiation dose of 7Gy, using a 60Co source at a dose rate of 0.97 Gy/min. The animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation at 1, 14, 30 and 90 days after irradiation. RESULTS: The irradiated hearts showed: 1

  7. Leadership style in Swiss evangelical churches in the light of their historically shaped leadership culture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Russenberger


    Full Text Available This article is a sociological-historical study of the inter-relation between the historically developed leadership culture of democracy and leadership practice in the evangelical churches of Switzerland. Contemporary Swiss leadership style is based on the cultural inheritance of the Celts, the Romans and the Germanic tribes, the foundation of the Confederation, as well as the history of Christianity. The core values that shaped Swiss leadership culture are the idea that not too much power should vest in the individual, that there should be a democratic right of co-determination, that there should be federal freedom, and that work and achievement are very important. These same basic values still affect leadership in Swiss evangelical congregations today.

  8. Ultrafast phenomena at the nanoscale: science opportunities at the SwissFEL X-ray laser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abela, R.; Braun, H.; Ming, P.; Pedrozzi, M.; Quitmann, Ch.; Reiche, S.; Daalen, M. van; Veen, J.F. van der; Mesot, J. [Paul Scherrer Intitute (PSI), Villigen (Switzerland); Mesot, J.; Shiroka, T.; Veen, J.F. van der [Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ), Zuerich (Switzerland); Mesot, J. [Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne (Switzerland)


    In today's fast-moving society, standing still is effectively synonymous with being left behind. If it is to maintain, beyond the coming 10-15 years, its high international standing as a complex of large research infrastructures, the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) must now lay the foundation for a competitive future. Experts worldwide foresee a strongly growing demand within science and technology for photon sources delivering ultra-short, coherent X-ray pulses. Such a source, called a free electron laser (FEL), is nothing less than a gigantic flash camera, allowing us to take a deeper look into matter than with any other machine before. By literally seeing molecules in action, scientists will be able not only to capture chemical and biological processes of direct relevance and benefit to society but also to improve them. It is a dream coming true. For the first time, it will not only be possible to take pictures of molecular structures, we will be able to make movies of their motion. The new X-ray laser project at PSI, known as SwissFEL, will be an important addition to the existing complex of PSI facilities that serve interdisciplinary and international research teams from academia and industry. The SwissFEL is an essential element of Switzerland's strategic focus and will prolong our nation's leading position in scientific research for years to come. It will attract top scientists from Switzerland and abroad, and will strengthen the position of PSI as a world-class research institute. This new high-tech facility will also provide an important incentive for Swiss industry, through which existing highly-qualified jobs will be maintained and new ones created. In this report we present a wide range of important, open questions within science and engineering disciplines that SwissFEL will contribute towards solving. These questions, which form the 'scientific case' for SwissFEL, have been identified through a range of workshops organized over

  9. The Swiss strategy on the new Electricity Industry Decree ('Elektrizitaetswirtschaftsordnung', ELWO)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steinmann, W.


    This lecture by Dr. Walter Steinmann, director of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, describes in three parts the efforts being made in the electricity sector to reorganise the Swiss electricity market. The first part deals with international aspects, including electricity trading between Switzerland and the European Union and the associated reciprocal agreements as well as the realisation of transnational European power trading systems. The second part of the lecture deals with cross-connections between ELWO and other related areas such as public services, energy and climate policies and long-term security of supply. The last part of the lecture examines the strategy behind the new ELWO legislation in detail

  10. Antidiarrhoeal efficacy of Mangifera indica seed kernel on Swiss albino mice. (United States)

    Rajan, S; Suganya, H; Thirunalasundari, T; Jeeva, S


    To examine the antidiarrhoeal activity of alcoholic and aqueous seed kernel extract of Mangifera indica (M. indica) on castor oil-induced diarrhoeal activity in Swiss albino mice. Mango seed kernels were processed and extracted using alcohol and water. Antidiarrhoeal activity of the extracts were assessed using intestinal motility and faecal score methods. Aqueous and alcoholic extracts of M. indica significantly reduced intestinal motility and faecal score in Swiss albino mice. The present study shows the traditional claim on the use of M. indica seed kernel for treating diarrhoea in Southern parts of India. Copyright © 2012 Hainan Medical College. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. A cross-national comparison of the transition out of elite sport of Swiss, Danish and Polish athletes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Küttel, Andreas; Boyle, Eleanor; Christensen, Mette Krogh


    The main purpose of this study was to compare the transition out of elite sport of former Swiss, Danish, and Polish athletes in terms of (a) preconditions of retirement, (b) the transitional and adaptation period, and (c) consequences of the transition. The sample consisted of 231 Swiss, 86 Danish...... athletes relocated mainly in jobs connected to the sport and thus rated their previous sport network as more important for finding an occupation compared to Swiss and Danish athletes. Based on our results and in line with findings of previous cross-national studies, we emphasize that it is important...... from the three countries. Athletes differed significantly in their educational level, their athletic identity, and their working experience while active in the sport. Swiss athletes experienced the least distress during the transition, while Polish athletes reported the highest difficulties. Polish...

  12. Relative age effects in Swiss junior soccer and their relationship with playing position. (United States)

    Romann, Michael; Fuchslocher, Jörg


    Relative age effects (RAEs) refer to age differences between children in the same selection year. The present study investigated the prevalence of RAEs and their link to playing positions in Swiss junior soccer. Swiss male junior soccer players (n=50,581) representing 11% of the age-matched population - members of extra-curricular soccer teams - were evaluated to determine the influence of RAEs on Swiss junior soccer. Subgroups were the national talent development programme (n=2880), and U-15 to U-21 national teams (n=630). While no RAEs were found for the self-selected extra-curricular soccer teams or for the U-20 teams (P>0.05), significant RAEs were found for talent development and the national U-15 to U-19 and U-21 teams (Pborn early in the year were significantly overrepresented compared with goalkeepers, midfielders and strikers (Ptalent identification process for U-15 to U-18 teams, significantly influencing the selection of players in talent development teams already at an early age, but do not influence self-selected participation in extra-curricular soccer. Additionally, the RAE bias may be a predictor of playing positions in national teams. To minimise RAEs in Swiss soccer, systematic education for all coaches regarding RAEs should be established, in addition to a slotting system with rotating calendar cut-off dates.

  13. Infecção per os de gatos com formas vegetativas de Toxoplasma gondii Nicolle & Manceaux, 1909 sem produção de oocistos Oral infections of domestic cats with vegetative forms of Toxoplasma gondii Nicolle & Manceaux, 1909 without oocyst production

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felippe Nery-Guimarães


    Full Text Available Quatro grupos de 6 gatos (24 gatos recém-nascidos e desmamados receberam "per os", respectivamente, suspensões de toxoplasmas de camundongos com 3-4 dias de infecção, de 4 amostras de T. gondii. Cada grupo teve um gato testemunha. Nenhum dos gatos de experiência eliminou oocistos atribuíveis a T. gondii, em períodos de observação de 6 a 20 dias; e suas fezes, conservadas 2-4 dais em bicromato de potássio a 2,5% e ministradas "per os" a camundongos, não induziram toxoplasmose nesses roedores. Com exceção dos que eram portadores de Isospora, os gatos não mostraram formas evolutivas de coccídios no epitélio intestinal. Em todos os grupos a infecção toxoplásmica foi comprovada pela positividade da reação de Sabin & Feldman (1:16 a 1:1024; e pelo isolamento de toxoplasmas pela inoculação de triturados dos seus principais órgãos em camundongos indicadores. De um modo geral, os gatos mais crescidos não mostraram sinais de doença, porém os outros, e principalmente os recém-nascidos adoeceram e vários morreram de toxoplasmose sistêmica: esplenite, hepatite, enterite, penumonia e, mais raramente, miocardite e encefalite. Os toxoplasmas foram encontrados em todos esses órgãos e, tamém, nos rins e supra-renais.Vegetative forms of 4 strains of Toxoplasma from peritoneal fluid of mice with 3-4 days of acute infection were orally administered to 4 groups of 6 newborn and wealing kittens respectivelly. Each group had a control kitten. All kittens were observed for eriods of 6-20 days ans never passed in their faeces oocysts attributabel to T. gondii. On the other hand, their faces after 2-4 days in potassium dichromate at 2.5% inoculated orally in mice didn't produce Toxoplasma infection in these animals; and with exception of the cats that have had spontaneous isosporosis (I. felis and/or I. rivolta we didn´t see evolutive forms of Coccidia in the intestinal wall of the cats. In all cat groups the toxoplasmic infection was

  14. [Swiss surgery: quo vadis? Reader and market analysis for strategic positioning of a specialty journal]. (United States)

    Freiermuth, O; Todorov, A; Bolli, M; Heberer, M


    Scientific journals currently face challenges including cost pressures caused by economic constraints, increasing rivalry among competitors, limited market potential of non-english speaking journals, increasing medical specialization with resulting market fragmentation, and internet-based competition. We therefore analyzed strategic opportunities of the journal Swiss Surgery on the basis of customer surveys and of a market analysis. Swiss surgeons expressed their interest in the continuation of the journal but also indicated their support for changes in its concept and for an increased use of electronic media. An international market analysis points-out the difficulties of national, non-english speaking journals in gaining impact points and in attracting authors and readers of scientific medical articles. Therefore, a journal such as Swiss Surgery should identify and use publication niches. The demand for a concept addressing surgical training including continuous postgraduate education was confirmed by the customers of Swiss Surgery. A corresponding offer does not presently exist in the area and could become the new focus of the journal. This change of concept may have a number of consequences: A journal focusing on surgical training and education should use the results of readers' surveys rather than impact point assignment to evaluate quality. The journal should increasingly use electronic services including data bases, pictures, videos and closed user groups to supplement the print version. At short term, however, the printed version should be continued and not be substituted by the electronic version in order to maintain the established brand "Swiss Surgery".

  15. “Finite” non-Gaussianities and tensor-scalar ratio in large volume Swiss-cheese compactifications (United States)

    Misra, Aalok; Shukla, Pramod


    Developing on the ideas of (Section 4 of) [A. Misra, P. Shukla, Moduli stabilization, large-volume dS minimum without anti-D3-branes, (non-)supersymmetric black hole attractors and two-parameter Swiss cheese Calabi-Yau's, Nucl. Phys. B 799 (2008) 165-198, arXiv: 0707.0105] and [A. Misra, P. Shukla, Large volume axionic Swiss-cheese inflation, Nucl. Phys. B 800 (2008) 384-400, arXiv: 0712.1260 [hep-th

  16. Policy changes and the dynamics of capacity expansion in the Swiss electricity market

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ochoa, Patricia; Van Ackere, Ann


    Capacity of supply is a crucial matter in electricity markets as it directly influences reliability of supply, price volatility and blackout risk. In this paper, we analyse the dynamics of capacity expansion in the Swiss electricity market and the impact of different policies such as nuclear phaseout and management of electricity exchanges - imports and exports - policies. This article develops the conceptualization model presented in [Ochoa, P., 2007b. Policy changes in the Swiss electricity market: a system dynamics analysis of likely market responses. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 41 (4):336-349.]. We build a system dynamics model based on the dynamics of capacity expansion explained in the latter paper and present and analyse different scenarios. We conclude that international electricity exchanges are important for the Swiss market as they help to lower costs and to increase the income of the utility companies; however, we illustrate the need for explicit policies for managing imports and exports of electricity to avoid import dependence from neighbouring countries. (author)

  17. Experimental life cycle of Lagochilascaris minor Leiper, 1909 Ciclo evolutivo experimental de Lagochilascaris minor, Leiper 1909

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dulcinéa Maria Barbosa Campos


    Full Text Available The life cycle of Lagochilascaris minor was studied using material collected from human lesion and applying the experimental model: rodents (mice, hamsters, and carnivorae (cats, dogs. In mice given infective eggs, orally, hatch of the third stage larvae was noted in the gut wall, with migration to liver, lungs, skeletal musculature and subcutaneous tissue becoming, soon after, encysted. In cats infected with skinned carcasses of mice (60 to 235 days of infection it was observed: hatch of third stage larvae from the nodules (cysts in the stomach, migration through the oesophagus, pharynx, trachea, related tissues (rhino-oropharynx, and cervical lymphonodes developing to the mature stage in any of these sites on days 9-20 post inoculation (P.I.. There was no parasite development up to the mature stage in cats inoculated orally with infective eggs, which indicates that the life cycle of this parasite includes an obligatory intermediate host. In one of the cats (fed carcass of infected mice necropsied on day 43 P.I., it was observed the occurence of the self-infective cycle of L. minor in the lung tissues and in the cervical region which was characterized by the finding of eggs in different stages of development, third stage larvae and mature worms. It's believed that some component of the carnivorae gastrointestinal tracts may preclude the development of third stage larvae from L. minor eggs what explains the interruption of the life cycle in animals fed infective eggs. It's also pointed out the role of the intermediate host in the first stages of the life cycle of this helminth.A partir de material colhido de lesões humanas estudou-se o ciclo evolutivo de Lagochilascaris minor empregando-se o modelo experimental: roedores (camundongos, hamster e carnívoros (gatos, cão. Em camundongos inoculados com ovos infectantes, por via oral, observou-se eclosão de larvas de 3º estágio na parede do intestino, migração das mesmas para o fígado, pulm

  18. Cadmium and chromium effects on seed germination and root elongation in lettuce, spinach and Swiss chard

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar V Bautista


    Full Text Available The La Ramada district and the Bogota River are the principal water resources used for horticultural crop production on the Bogota Plateau, which contain channel pollutant materials, including heavy metals due to domestic and industrial activities on the Plateau. These materials have effects on crop production in this zone. The present research, under laboratory conditions, aimed to evaluate the effect of three concentrations (25, 35 and 50 µM L-1 of cadmium (Cd and chromium (Cr on imbibition, seed germination and root elongation in lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. Batavia, Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris var. cicla "White Ribbed", and spinach (Spinacia oleracea Hib. 424, three species widely cultivated on the Plateau. The three species used for evaluation showed a differential susceptibility response to Cd and Cr. In lettuce, fresh weight increase (imbibition was lower with all Cd concentrations at the last day of observation and at 25 µM L-1 of Cd in Swiss chard. Cadmium reduced seed germination by up to 46%, 97% and 8% in Swiss chard, lettuce and spinach, respectively. Also, root elongation decreased in Cd treatments by up to 57%, 89% and 56%, for Swiss chard, lettuce and spinach, respectively. Chromium, which showed fewer negative effects, decreased germination by up to 29% in Swiss chard, 6% in lettuce and 34% in spinach, as compared to the control

  19. Biodemes and zymodemes of Trypanosoma cruzi strains: correlations with clinical data and experimental pathology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonia G. Andrade


    Full Text Available With the objective of establishing biological and biochemical characteristics of a significant number of Trypanosoma cruzi strains from different geographical areas, 138 strains isolated from naturally infected humans, triatomine or vertebrate hosts were studied; 120 were isolated from different areas of Brazil and 18 from other South and Central American countries. Inocula from triatomine or culture forms were injected into suckling Swiss mice, followed by passages into mice 10 to 12 g. Biological characters and histopathological study permitted the inclusion of the strains into three Types or biodemes: I, II, III. Isoenzymic analysis confirmed a correspondence between the biodemes and zymodemes : Type I and Z2b, Type II and Z2, Type III and Z1. Results showed the ubiquitary distribution of the several types of strains. The predominance of the same Type and zymodeme in one geographical area was confirmed : Type II strains among the human cases from eastern Bahia and east of Goiás; Type III strains from humans of north Brazil and Central America and from silvatic vectors or vertebrates from other geographical areas. The biological types of strains correlate with different histopathological lesions considering cardiac involvement and neuronal lesions. These findings suggest that the biological behavior together with isoenzymes patterns and pathological pictures in the vertebrate host can be an important tool for establishing correlations between strains behavior and clinico-pathological manifestations of Chagas' disease in different geographical areas.Foram estudados os caracteres biológicos e isoenzimáticos de 138 cepas do Trypanosoma cruzi de diferentes áreas geográficas, sendo 120 do Brasil e 18 de outros paises da América do Sul e Central. Camundongos recém-nascidos foram inoculados com formas metacíclicas de triatomineos ou de culturas axenicas, seguindo-se passagem em camundongo de 10 a 12g. Os caracteres biológicos e o estudo

  20. [Traffic casualties and injuries: a problem of costs, too. A Swiss survey]. (United States)

    Martinoli, S; Quadri, B; Casabianca, A


    Based on an epidemiological observation in Ticino 1985, following statement is possible: in Switzerland every year 900 people dye in traffic casualties. Many victims of tragic accidents get lifetime disabled. Direct and indirect costs of traffic injuries are yearly 3 billions of swiss francs. Only a small percentage (6%) is devoted to medical treatment. The most part is due to compensation of income, disability with its allocations and lost productivity. Among "avoidable" deaths, traffic victims are an essential portion because the are young. More efforts should be undertaken to lower road mortality because she erodes the swiss population pyramid in a significant manner.

  1. Swiss Photovoltaics Programme 2008 edition - Summary report, annual project abstracts for 2007

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This comprehensive, illustrated report issued by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents an overview of activities in 2007 within the framework of the Swiss Photovoltaics Research Programme. Work completed in 2007 and the results achieved in the areas of cell technology, solar modules and building integration, electrical systems technology, supplementary projects and studies are summarised. National and international co-operation is examined. New, current and completed Pilot and Demonstration projects are reported on as are the prospects for the year 2008. The report is completed with lists of research and development as well as pilot and demonstration projects.

  2. Suicide in adolescents: findings from the Swiss National cohort. (United States)

    Steck, Nicole; Egger, Matthias; Schimmelmann, Benno G; Kupferschmid, Stephan


    Suicide in adolescents is the second most common cause of death in this age group and an important public health problem. We examined sociodemographic factors associated with suicide in Swiss adolescents and analysed time trends in youth suicide in the Swiss National Cohort (SNC). The SNC is a longitudinal study of the whole Swiss resident population, based on linkage of census and mortality records. We identified suicides in adolescents aged 10-18 years from 1991 to 2013. A total of 2.396 million adolescents were included and 592 suicides were recorded, corresponding to a rate of 3.7 per 100,000 [95% confidence interval (CI) 3.4-4.0]. Rates increased with age from 0.0 per 100,000 at age 10 years to 14.8 per 100,000 (95% CI 12.6-17.5) at 18 years in boys, and from 0.0 to 5.4 per 100,000 (4.1-7.2) in girls. Being a boy, living in a single parent household, being an only or middle-born child, and living in rural regions were factors associated with a higher rate of suicide. Hanging was the most common method in boys, and railway suicides were most frequent in girls. There was no clear evidence for an increase or decrease over calendar time. We conclude that familial and socioeconomic factors including type of household, birth order and urbanity are associated with youth suicide in Switzerland. These factors should be considered when designing prevention programmes for youth suicide.

  3. New Swiss legislation on nuclear third party liability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fischer, U.


    Following a description of the Paris Convention and Brussels Supplementary Convention system for nuclear third party liability and that prevailing until now in Switzerland, the paper reviews the new Swiss nuclear third party liability Bill prepared after a popular consultation. The new provisions are analysed and in particular, that providing for unlimited liability. (NEA) [fr

  4. Swiss operating experience: availability and post-Chernobyl upgrading

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wenger, H.


    Switzerland started its era of nuclear power with the foundation stone for the country's first nuclear power unit (Beznau-1) onSeptember 6, 1965. Up to that date, Switzerland was the classic country for hydropower, negligible amounts of electricity being produced by fossil-fuelled plants. Today, nuclear accounts for close to 40 % of Swiss total electricity generation. Whwn credits for lifetime capacity factors of each individual plant are combined, Switzerland tops the world list for light water reactor performance over many years. The Chernobyl reactor type RBMK-1000 has very little in common with the light water reactors operating in Switzerland, so one would certainly not expect any direct influence on Swiss plant design, operation or maintenance as an immediate consequence of the accident. Some important safety measures against severe accidents are currently being implemented. These measures were not a direct outcome of the Chernobyl accident and were already in discussion quite some time before. With this action, the proper position of nuclear power to meet the ever increasing demand for electricity in Switzerland will hopefully again find greater public acceptance. 1 tab

  5. A Note on Price Risks in Swiss Crop Production – Empirical Results and Comparisons with other Countries

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Finger, R.; Benni, El N.


    The liberalization of Swiss agricultural markets will not only decrease crop price levels but is also expected to increase the volatility of prices. Even though these potential increases in price volatilities for Swiss producers are acknowledged as an important fact, no empirical estimates are

  6. Making good progress. SwissEnergy 2nd annual report 2002/03

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The second annual report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy's 'SwissEnergy' programme presents the activities carried out and the results achieved within the framework of the programme, which aims to help implement Switzerland's climate change policy. SwissEnergy is a national programme in which the government, the cantons, local authorities, the private sector, consumer and environmental organisations, as well as public and private-sector agencies work together as partners. In the first part of the report, strategies - including increasing energy efficiency and the promotion of the use of renewable forms of energy - are described, as are the measures taken, which focus on voluntary efforts by trade and industry. Also, the programme's organisation in four sectors - public sector and buildings, trade and industry, mobility and renewable energy - are described. The second part of the report is dedicated to activities carried out in 2002/2003 and describes economic and policy developments, project management activities and those carried out in the four sectors. The third section discusses the impact of the programme's activities in 2002 on Switzerland's energy consumption and its contribution to the implementation of Switzerland's climate policy. The evaluation procedures used to establish the impact and their accuracy are discussed. The report also discusses the programme's impact on investment and employment in Switzerland

  7. Development of a monitoring instrument to assess the performance of the Swiss primary care system. (United States)

    Ebert, Sonja T; Pittet, Valérie; Cornuz, Jacques; Senn, Nicolas


    The Swiss health system is customer-driven with fee-for-service paiement scheme and universal coverage. It is highly performing but expensive and health information systems are scarcely implemented. The Swiss Primary Care Active Monitoring (SPAM) program aims to develop an instrument able to describe the performance and effectiveness of the Swiss PC system. Based on a Literature review we developed a conceptual framework and selected indicators according to their ability to reflect the Swiss PC system. A two round modified RAND method with 24 inter-/national experts took place to select primary/secondary indicators (validity, clarity, agreement). A limited set of priority indicators was selected (importance, priority) in a third round. A conceptual framework covering three domains (structure, process, outcome) subdivided into twelve sections (funding, access, organisation/ workflow of resources, (Para-)Medical training, management of knowledge, clinical-/interpersonal care, health status, satisfaction of PC providers/ consumers, equity) was generated. 365 indicators were pre-selected and 335 were finally retained. 56 were kept as priority indicators.- Among the remaining, 199 were identified as primary and 80 as secondary indicators. All domains and sections are represented. The development of the SPAM program allowed the construction of a consensual instrument in a traditionally unregulated health system through a modified RAND method. The selected 56 priority indicators render the SPAM instrument a comprehensive tool supporting a better understanding of the Swiss PC system's performance and effectiveness as well as in identifying potential ways to improve quality of care. Further challenges will be to update indicators regularly and to assess validity and sensitivity-to-change over time.

  8. Swiss economy and the future energy policy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leuenberger, A.F.


    Lecture of the president of the Swiss Trade and Industry Association at their premises on the occasion of the Annual General meeting of the SVA. The lecture dealt with the subject of economic growth and the difficulties faced by this growth in Switzerland. He formulated energy-political theories in respect of provision security, market economy, free choice between suppliers, economy-friendly energy laws, keeping the nuclear energy option open

  9. Price transmission in the Swiss wheat market: does sophisticated border protection make the difference?


    Esposti, Roberto; Listorti, Giulia


    This study deals with horizontal wheat price transmission from the international markets to the domestic Swiss market. The analysis takes into account trade policies implemented at the borders that might shelter the domestic market from international markets fluctuations, as well as the presence of explosive behavior in some of the price series. Furthermore, the Swiss case is peculiar due to the presence of different border policies for wheat according to its domestic use, food or feed. The p...

  10. Decision of the Swiss Federal Council of 22 August 1979 (nuclear power station Leibstadt)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    On the occasion of an appeal in administrative matters, launched by private persons domiciled in the Federal Republic of Germany against two part-construction permits for the Leibstadt nuclear power plant, the Swiss Bundesrat decided that these private persons do have the right to launch an appeal, in accordance with section 48 a of the Rules of administrative proceedings. The appeal may, however, only be based on infringement of rights protected by Swiss national law. (HP) [de

  11. Incentives for an adequate, economic and reliable Swiss transmission grid. Final version

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Twomey, P.; Neuhoff, K.; Newbery, D.


    This comprehensive final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) discusses incentives necessary for the implementation of an adequate, economic and reliable Swiss electricity transmission grid. As Switzerland moves towards a more liberalised and competitive electricity market, an essential task of policy makers will be to ensure that incentives are in place for the construction, maintenance and operation of adequate, economic and reliable transmission infrastructure. As well as continuing to serve the domestic market, the location of Switzerland at the centre of Europe also means that policy should embrace opportunities in servicing the developing European Internal Market by providing transit and other services. Topics discussed include the economic evaluation of transmission investment proposals, regulated transmission investment, investments in transmission lines by power merchants, power auctions and congestion management as well as inter-TSO compensation mechanisms. European regulations and practice are discussed as are access questions and transmission charges. Developments in interconnection management and harmonisation are examined. The particular characteristics of the Swiss energy system, its prices and its legal frameworks are discussed. Cross-border trading and security of supply are also discussed

  12. Incentives for an adequate, economic and reliable Swiss transmission grid. Final version

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Twomey, P.; Neuhoff, K.; Newbery, D.


    This comprehensive final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) discusses incentives necessary for the implementation of an adequate, economic and reliable Swiss electricity transmission grid. As Switzerland moves towards a more liberalised and competitive electricity market, an essential task of policy makers will be to ensure that incentives are in place for the construction, maintenance and operation of adequate, economic and reliable transmission infrastructure. As well as continuing to serve the domestic market, the location of Switzerland at the centre of Europe also means that policy should embrace opportunities in servicing the developing European Internal Market by providing transit and other services. Topics discussed include the economic evaluation of transmission investment proposals, regulated transmission investment, investments in transmission lines by power merchants, power auctions and congestion management as well as inter-TSO compensation mechanisms. European regulations and practice are discussed as are access questions and transmission charges. Developments in interconnection management and harmonisation are examined. The particular characteristics of the Swiss energy system, its prices and its legal frameworks are discussed. Cross-border trading and security of supply are also discussed

  13. A First Standardized Swiss Electronic Maternity Record. (United States)

    Murbach, Michel; Martin, Sabine; Denecke, Kerstin; Nüssli, Stephan


    During the nine months of pregnancy, women have to regularly visit several physicians for continuous monitoring of the health and development of the fetus and mother. Comprehensive examination results of different types are generated in this process; documentation and data transmission standards are still unavailable or not in use. Relevant information is collected in a paper-based maternity record carried by the pregnant women. To improve availability and transmission of data, we aim at developing a first prototype for an electronic maternity record for Switzerland. By analyzing the documentation workflow during pregnancy, we determined a maternity record data set. Further, we collected requirements towards a digital maternity record. As data exchange format, the Swiss specific exchange format SMEEX (swiss medical data exchange) was exploited. Feedback from 27 potential users was collected to identify further improvements. The relevant data is extracted from the primary care information system as SMEEX file, stored in a database and made available in a web and a mobile application, developed as prototypes of an electronic maternity record. The user confirmed the usefulness of the system and provided multiple suggestions for an extension. An electronical maternity record as developed in this work could be in future linked to the electronic patient record.

  14. Associação de betabloqueadores e treinamento físico na insuficiência cardíaca de camundongos Asociación de betabloqueantes y entrenamiento físico en la insuficiencia cardíaca de ratones Association of physical training with beta-blockers in heart failure in mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andréa Somolanji Vanzelli


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O tratamento da insuficiência cardíaca (IC conta atualmente com diversos tipos de intervenções. Dentre elas, destacam-se a terapia com betabloqueadores (BB e o treinamento físico (TF. Contudo, os efeitos da associação dessas terapias são pouco estudados. OBJETIVO: Verificar os efeitos do tratamento com BB, metoprolol (M e carvedilol (C associados ao TF na IC em camundongos. MÉTODOS: Utilizamos modelo genético de IC induzida em camundongos por hiperatividade simpática. Inicialmente, dividimos os animais com IC em: sedentários (S; treinados (T; tratados com M (138 mg/kg (M ou C (65 mg/kg (C. Na segunda parte, dividimos os grupos em S; treinado e tratado com M (MT e treinado e tratado com C (CT. O TF consistiu em treinamento aeróbico em esteira por 8 semanas. A tolerância ao esforço foi avaliada por teste progressivo máximo e a fração de encurtamento foi avaliada (FE por ecocardiografia. O diâmetro dos cardiomiócitos e a fração de colágeno foram avaliados por meio de análise histológica. Os dados foram comparados por ANOVA de um caminho com post hoc de Duncan. O nível de significância foi considerado p FUNDAMENTO: El tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardiaca (IC cuenta actualmente con diversos tipos de intervenciones. De entre ellas podemos destacar la terapia con betabloqueantes (BB y el entrenamiento físico (EF. Con todo, los efectos de la asociación de estas terapias son poco estudiados. OBJETIVO: Verificar los efectos del tratamiento con BB, metoprolol (M y carvedilol (C asociados al EF en la IC en ratones. MÉTODOS: Utilizamos modelo genético de IC inducida en ratones por hiperactividad simpática. Inicialmente, dividimos los animales con IC en: sedentarios (S; entrenados (E; tratados con M (138 mg/kg (M o C (65 mg/kg (C. En la segunda parte, dividimos los grupos en S; entrenado y tratado con M (ME y entrenado y tratado con C (CE. El EF consistió en entrenamiento aeróbico en estera por 8 semanas. La

  15. Estudo da patogenicidade para camundongos recém-nascidos de amostras de echovirus tipo 9 isoladas de casos de meningite durante um surto epidêmico no Rio de Janeiro Pathogenicity for newborn mice of echovirus type 9 samples isolated from cases of meningitis during an outbreak in Rio de Janeiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita Maria Ribeiro Nogueira


    Full Text Available A patogenicidade do echovirus tipo 9 para camundongos recém-nascidos foi estudada, utilizando-se 12 amostras isoladas em cultura de células primárias de rim de macaco, a partir do liquor de crianças com meningite. Os animais inoculados com o fluido da primeira passagem em células desenvolveram paralisia flácida, após um período de 5 dias, com a morte ate o 8º dia. Os especimens originais de liquor não continham suficiente vírus para provocar sinais clínicos nos animais inoculados no período de 21 dias de observação. Ao exame histopatológico os animais doentes apresentaram miopatia necrotizante da musculatura paravertebral, língua e diafragma. Animais inoculados que não desenvolveram paralisia durante o período de observação apresentaram miosite discreta, sem que tenha sido encontrada necrose das fibras musculares.The pathogenicity for baby-mice of 12 strains of echovirus type 9, isolated in primary monkey kidney cells, from liquor specimens of children with meningitis, have been studied. The animals inoculated with the first passage in tissue culture show after a period of 5 days, a flaccid paralysis and died by the 8th day after inoculation. The original liquor specimens did not contain enough virus to cause clinical signs in the inoculated animals, during the 21 days of observation. Histopathologicals studies in the sick animals, show a necrosis of the paravertebral muscles, tongue and diafragm. Inoculated animals wich did not develop paralysis during the observation period, show light miositis without necrosis of the muscle tissue.

  16. Organizational issues in stroke treatment: The Swiss paradigm - Stroke units

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Georgios K Matis


    Full Text Available Stroke represents the leading cause of acquired disability in adults and poses a tremendous socioeconomic burden both on patients and the society. In this sense, prompt diagnosis and urgent treatment are needed in order to radically reduce the devastating consequences of this disease. Herein the authors present the new guidelines recently adopted by the Swiss Stroke Society concerning the establishment of stroke units. Standardized treatment and allocation protocols along with an acute rehabilitation concept seem to be the core of the Swiss stroke management system. Coordinated multidisciplinary care provided by specialized medical, nursing and therapy staff is of utmost importance for achieving a significant dependency and death reduction. It is believed that the implementation of these guidelines in the stroke care system would be beneficial not only for the stroke patients, but also for the health system.

  17. Biological potency evaluation and characterization of rhG-CSF in pharmaceutical products Avaliação biológica da potência e caracterização de rhG-CSF em produtos farmacêuticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristiane F. Codevilla


    Full Text Available The identification of rhG-CSF was carried out in pharmaceutical preparations by non-reducing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and western blotting with specific antibodies, showing a single band in the 19 kDa region. The potency was assessed by the neutropenia mouse bioassay giving values between 88.4 and 122.4% of the stated potency. The precision index expressed by weight was between 141 and 432 for the independent assays. Batch-to-batch, the samples met the requirements for the safety test and bacterial endotoxins test. The biological and immunological results showed the quality of the products in clinical use and the specifications established contribute to assuring the safety and efficacy of biological medicines.Realizou-se a identificação do fator estimulador da colônia de granulócitos humanos recombinante em produtos farmacêuticos por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida não redutora e imunodetecção com anticorpos específicos, que apresentaram banda única na região de, aproximadamente, 19 kDa. A avaliação de potência baseada na contagem do número de neutrófilos em camundongos com neutropenia forneceu valores entre 88,4 - 122,4 % em relação à potência declarada. A precisão expressa pela ponderação, calculada nos ensaios independentes, forneceu valores entre 141 e 432. As amostras lote-a-lote cumpriram os requisitos dos testes de toxicidade e endotoxinas bacterianas. Os resultados dos ensaios biológicos e imunológicos demonstram a qualidade dos produtos farmacêuticos em uso clínico, e as especificações sugeridas contribuem para assegurar a inocuidade e eficácia terapêutica dos produtos biológicos.



    Ana Paula de Oliveira Ferreira


    O traumatismo crânio encefálico (TCE) é uma das maiores causas de morte e de incapacitação, resultando frequentemente em disfunções neurológicas e prejuízo cognitivo. Neste contexto, tem sido demonstrado que a bradicinina, o principal metabólito do sistema calicreína-cininas, está envolvida no aumento da permeabilidade da barreira hematoencefálica, na formação de edema e no acúmulo de leucócitos induzidos pelo TCE. Achados experimentais também indicam uma interconexão entre os receptores das ...

  19. Swiss-Cheese Gravitino Dark Matter (United States)

    Misra, Aalok


    We present a phenomenological model which we show can be obtained as a local realization of large volume D 3 / D 7 μ-Split SUSY on a nearly special Lagrangian three-cycle embedded in the big divisor of a Swiss-Cheese Calabi-Yau [Mansi Dhuria, Aalok Misra, arxiv:arXiv:1207.2774 [hep-ph], Nucl. Phys. B867 (2013) 636-748]. After identification of the first generation of SM leptons and quarks with fermionic super-partners of four Wilson line moduli, we discuss the identification of gravitino as a potential dark matter candidate. We also show that it is possible to obtain a 125 GeV light Higgs in our setup.

  20. Swiss-Cheese Gravitino Dark Matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Misra, Aalok


    We present a phenomenological model which we show can be obtained as a local realization of large volume D3/D7μ-Split SUSY on a nearly special Lagrangian three-cycle embedded in the big divisor of a Swiss-Cheese Calabi-Yau [Mansi Dhuria, Aalok Misra, (arXiv:1207.2774 [hep-ph]), Nucl. Phys. B867 (2013) 636–748]. After identification of the first generation of SM leptons and quarks with fermionic super-partners of four Wilson line moduli, we discuss the identification of gravitino as a potential dark matter candidate. We also show that it is possible to obtain a 125 GeV light Higgs in our setup

  1. Swiss-Cheese Gravitino Dark Matter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Misra, Aalok


    We present a phenomenological model which we show can be obtained as a local realization of large volume D3/D7μ-Split SUSY on a nearly special Lagrangian three-cycle embedded in the big divisor of a Swiss-Cheese Calabi-Yau [Mansi Dhuria, Aalok Misra, (arXiv:1207.2774 [hep-ph]), Nucl. Phys. B867 (2013) 636–748]. After identification of the first generation of SM leptons and quarks with fermionic super-partners of four Wilson line moduli, we discuss the identification of gravitino as a potential dark matter candidate. We also show that it is possible to obtain a 125 GeV light Higgs in our setup.

  2. Technical and operational organisation of the 'Swiss Marketplace': GridCode CH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imhof, K.; Baumann, R.


    This article describes the minimum requirements placed on the operators of electricity grids by the planned Swiss Electricity Market Law. These are compiled in the Swiss Grid Code - GridCode CH. The various players in an open electricity market such as generating companies, power brokers, those responsible for balance groups, grid operators, system co-ordinators, the operators of fine distribution networks and the final consumer and the roles they play are examined. The history of the development of the Grid Code, which contains technical and operational regulations for the successful co-operation of the market players, is reviewed. The contractual obligations of the partners involved and, in particular, regulations concerning metering, measured value designation and the provision of data are discussed

  3. Attitudes of Swiss Health Care Providers Toward Childhood Immunizations. (United States)

    Schuler, Marianne; Schaedelin, Sabine; Aebi, Christoph; Berger, Christoph; Crisinel, Pierre-Alex; Diana, Alessandro; Niederer-Loher, Anita; Siegrist, Claire-Anne; Vaudaux, Bernard; Heininger, Ulrich


    INFOVAC is a network providing information about immunization issues to health professionals. The aim of this study was to assess the attitude of INFOVAC subscribers toward the current Swiss immunization schedule, potential modifications, and current and hypothetical immunization practices regarding their own children. In March 2015, a Web-based survey was sent to 4260 physicians and pharmacists subscribed to INFOVAC. Participation was anonymous and voluntary. The following information was obtained: (1) current immunization status of own children; (2) which immunizations would currently be accepted for a hypothetical own child and (3) attitudes toward potential modifications of the Swiss immunization schedule. Descriptive methods and multivariate models to correct for covariables were used for data analysis. Nine hundred and fifty-five valid questionnaires were received: 886/3704 (23.9%) from physicians and 69/556 (12.4%) from pharmacists. Current (>95%) and hypothetical (>99%) immunization rates were high for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis and measles-mumps-rubella. Most pediatricians (61%) would support more vaccines for their children than currently recommended by the Swiss immunization advisory committee, whereas about 50% of other physicians and pharmacists would decline at least one of the recommended immunizations, most frequently varicella, pneumococcal or meningococcal C conjugate vaccines. Strong general support was expressed for the expansion of human papillomavirus immunization to males, acceleration of the measles-mumps-rubella schedule and a 2 + 1 instead of 3 + 1 diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, acellular-inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine (DTPa-IPV)/Haemophilus influenzae type b ± hepatitis B virus (HBV) schedule. Survey participants generally demonstrated a positive attitude toward immunization, with pediatricians being the most progressive subgroup with the largest percentage of participants (63.1%) neither declining nor postponing any

  4. How Swiss fuel dealers are fighting natural gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    May, U.


    The upward trend of natural gas in Switzerland and its favourable future prospects have put Swiss fuel dealers into a state of alarm. The trade has set itself the aim to prevent a further expansion of natural gas with all the means at its disposal. The author describes and comments on the arguments put forward and measures taken to this end. (orig.) [de

  5. Basic principles of Swiss energy policy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kiener, E.


    The author shows that Swiss energy problems, and the measures to be adopted for their solution, are similar to those in other industrial countries. For Switzerland water power is still the most important indigenous energy source. In energy policy it is necessary to make economies. It is important that those responsible for energy policy tackle the problems today, and not leave it to a time when it is too late. The author is convinced that science and engineering will make much more progress in the energy field. (orig.) [de

  6. Successful Swiss solar bicycles in Australia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hansen, K.


    The article takes a look at the Swiss 'Spirit of Bike' team's success in the 'Power Challenge' race across Australia using solar-bicycles based on commercially available models. Apart from the sporting aspects of race, technical details on the cycles and their supply of solar power are given. Also, the history behind the success of the team is presented and the monitoring of man (and woman) and machine during the race is described. The article also discusses the electric bicycles that are commercially available and the potential of these energy-efficient vehicles in Switzerland

  7. [[History of Community Health in Africa. The Swiss Medical Missionaries' Endeavour in South Africa]. (United States)

    Mabika, Hines


    It was not Dutch settlers nor British colonizers who introduced public and community health practice in north-eastern South Africa but medical doctors of the Swiss mission in southern Africa. While the history of medical knowledge transfer into 19th-20th century Africa emphasises colonial powers, this paper shows how countries without colonies contributed to expand western medical cultures, including public health. The Swiss took advantage of the local authorities' negligence, and implemented their own model of medicalization of African societies, understood as the way of improving health standards. They moved from a tolerated hospital-centred medicine to the practice of community health, which was uncommon at the time. Elim hospital's physicians moved back boundaries of segregationist policies, and sometime gave the impression of being involved in the political struggle against Apartheid. Thus, Swiss public health activities could later be seen as sorts of seeds that were planted and would partly reappear in 1994 with the ANC-projected national health policy.

  8. Predictors of In-Hospital Death After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Analysis of a Nationwide Database (Swiss SOS [Swiss Study on Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage]). (United States)

    Stienen, Martin Nikolaus; Germans, Menno; Burkhardt, Jan-Karl; Neidert, Marian C; Fung, Christian; Bervini, David; Zumofen, Daniel; Röthlisberger, Michel; Marbacher, Serge; Maduri, Rodolfo; Robert, Thomas; Seule, Martin A; Bijlenga, Philippe; Schaller, Karl; Fandino, Javier; Smoll, Nicolas R; Maldaner, Nicolai; Finkenstädt, Sina; Esposito, Giuseppe; Schatlo, Bawarjan; Keller, Emanuela; Bozinov, Oliver; Regli, Luca


    To identify predictors of in-hospital mortality in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage and to estimate their impact. Retrospective analysis of prospective data from a nationwide multicenter registry on all aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage cases admitted to a tertiary neurosurgical department in Switzerland (Swiss SOS [Swiss Study on Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage]; 2009-2015). Both clinical and radiological independent predictors of in-hospital mortality were identified, and their effect size was determined by calculating adjusted odds ratios (aORs) using multivariate logistic regression. Survival was displayed using Kaplan-Meier curves. Data of n=1866 aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage patients in the Swiss SOS database were available. In-hospital mortality was 20% (n=373). In n=197 patients (10.6%), active treatment was discontinued after hospital admission (no aneurysm occlusion attempted), and this cohort was excluded from analysis of the main statistical model. In the remaining n=1669 patients, the rate of in-hospital mortality was 13.9% (n=232). Strong independent predictors of in-hospital mortality were rebleeding (aOR, 7.69; 95% confidence interval, 3.00-19.71; P <0.001), cerebral infarction attributable to delayed cerebral ischemia (aOR, 3.66; 95% confidence interval, 1.94-6.89; P <0.001), intraventricular hemorrhage (aOR, 2.65; 95% confidence interval, 1.38-5.09; P =0.003), and new infarction post-treatment (aOR, 2.57; 95% confidence interval, 1.43-4.62; P =0.002). Several-and among them modifiable-factors seem to be associated with in-hospital mortality after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Our data suggest that strategies aiming to reduce the risk of rebleeding are most promising in patients where active treatment is initially pursued. URL: Unique identifier: NCT03245866. © 2018 American Heart Association, Inc.

  9. The promotion of work safety. A continuous task for the Swiss gas industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luescher, H.J.


    The modern Western European population values the work safety very highly because of ethical and economical reasons. In Switzerland too, safety at work is actively promoted. Based on national legislation and on the SGWA-Association Statutes, the Swiss Gas Industry, with great engagement, promotes the measures for accident prevention. Following a general introduction into the legislative basis, possible ways and means for the promotion of safety at work are described. Subsequently, the concrete activities of the Gas Supply Authorities and the SGWA are pointed out, followed by a description of the future work-safety programmes of the Swiss Gas Industry. (orig.) [de

  10. The Reference Scenarios for the Swiss Emergency Planning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanspeter Isaak; Navert, Stephan B.; Ralph Schulz


    For the purpose of emergency planning and preparedness, realistic reference scenarios and corresponding accident source terms have been defined on the basis of common plant features. Three types of representative reference scenarios encompass the accident sequences expected to be the most probable. Accident source terms are assumed to be identical for all Swiss nuclear power plants, although the plants differ in reactor type and power. Plant-specific probabilistic safety analyses were used to justify the reference scenarios and the postulated accident source terms. From the full spectrum of release categories available, those categories were selected which would be covered by the releases and time frames assumed in the reference scenarios. For each nuclear power plant, the cumulative frequency of accident sequences not covered by the reference scenarios was determined. It was found that the cumulative frequency for such accident sequences does not exceed about 1 x 10 -6 per year. The Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate concludes that the postulated accident source terms for the reference scenarios are consistent with the current international approach in emergency planning, where one should concentrate on the most probable accident sequences. (N.C.)

  11. Análise da ação do embrião e dos hormônios ovarianos na regulação da matriz extracelular de células deciduais: estudo in vivo e in vitro.


    Ambart Ester Covarrubias Cisterna


    Durante a gestação, em varias espécies de mamíferos, os fibroblastos endometriais são alvos de profundas modificações morfofuncionais que levam a aquisição de um fenótipo epitelial e à expressão de novas moléculas, formando uma nova estrutura no útero denominada decídua. Em camundongos, a reação decidual pode ser estimulada artificialmente (na ausência de embrião), resultando na formação do deciduoma, um modelo de grande relevância para a identificação de fatores oriundos ou não do embrião ne...

  12. Explaining electricity demand and the role of energy and investment literacy on end-use efficiency of Swiss households

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blasch, J.E.; Filippini, Massimo; Boogen, Nina; Kumar, Nilkanth


    This paper estimates the level of transient and persistent efficiency in the use of electricity in Swiss households using the newly developed generalized true random effects model (GTREM). An unbalanced panel dataset of 1994 Swiss households from 2010 to 2014 collected via a household survey is used

  13. Evaluation of <em>HER2em> Gene Amplification in Breast Cancer Using Nuclei Microarray <em>in em>S>itu em>Hybridization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xuefeng Zhang


    Full Text Available Fluorescence<em> em>>in situ em>hybridization (FISH assay is considered the “gold standard” in evaluating <em>HER2/neu (HER2em> gene status. However, FISH detection is costly and time consuming. Thus, we established nuclei microarray with extracted intact nuclei from paraffin embedded breast cancer tissues for FISH detection. The nuclei microarray FISH (NMFISH technology serves as a useful platform for analyzing <em>HER2em> gene/chromosome 17 centromere ratio. We examined <em>HER2em> gene status in 152 cases of invasive ductal carcinomas of the breast that were resected surgically with FISH and NMFISH. <em>HER2em> gene amplification status was classified according to the guidelines of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and College of American Pathologists (ASCO/CAP. Comparison of the cut-off values for <em>HER2em>/chromosome 17 centromere copy number ratio obtained by NMFISH and FISH showed that there was almost perfect agreement between the two methods (κ coefficient 0.920. The results of the two methods were almost consistent for the evaluation of <em>HER2em> gene counts. The present study proved that NMFISH is comparable with FISH for evaluating <em>HER2em> gene status. The use of nuclei microarray technology is highly efficient, time and reagent conserving and inexpensive.

  14. Respostas metabólicas em camundongos submetidos à dieta indutora de obesidade e alimentados com iogurtes probióticos e yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius)


    Pereira, Juciane de Abreu Ribeiro


    Muitas pesquisas têm sido realizadas na busca de terapias alternativas para a obesidade, a qual caracteriza-se por estado inflamatório que interfere em vários processos metabólicos, modificando perfil lipídico e glicêmico, podendo causar dislipidemias e resistência à insulina. Os alimentos com alegação de propriedades funcionais se destacam nesse contexto, a exemplo de iogurtes probióticos e raiz tuberosa de yacon (Smallanthus sonchinfolius). O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos d...

  15. Neonatal Phosphate Nutrition Alters <em>in em>Vivo> and <em>in em>Vitro> Satellite Cell Activity in Pigs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chad H. Stahl


    Full Text Available Satellite cell activity is necessary for postnatal skeletal muscle growth. Severe phosphate (PO4 deficiency can alter satellite cell activity, however the role of neonatal PO4 nutrition on satellite cell biology remains obscure. Twenty-one piglets (1 day of age, 1.8 ± 0.2 kg BW were pair-fed liquid diets that were either PO4 adequate (0.9% total P, supra-adequate (1.2% total P in PO4 requirement or deficient (0.7% total P in PO4 content for 12 days. Body weight was recorded daily and blood samples collected every 6 days. At day 12, pigs were orally dosed with BrdU and 12 h later, satellite cells were isolated. Satellite cells were also cultured <em>in vitroem> for 7 days to determine if PO4 nutrition alters their ability to proceed through their myogenic lineage. Dietary PO4 deficiency resulted in reduced (<em>P> < 0.05 sera PO4 and parathyroid hormone (PTH concentrations, while supra-adequate dietary PO4 improved (<em>P> < 0.05 feed conversion efficiency as compared to the PO4 adequate group. <em>In vivoem> satellite cell proliferation was reduced (<em>P> < 0.05 among the PO4 deficient pigs, and these cells had altered <em>in vitroem> expression of markers of myogenic progression. Further work to better understand early nutritional programming of satellite cells and the potential benefits of emphasizing early PO4 nutrition for future lean growth potential is warranted.

  16. The Materials Science beamline upgrade at the Swiss Light Source

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Willmott, P. R., E-mail:; Meister, D.; Leake, S. J.; Lange, M.; Bergamaschi, A. [Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen (Switzerland); and others


    The wiggler X-ray source of the Materials Science beamline at the Swiss Light Source has been replaced with a 14 mm-period cryogenically cooled in-vacuum undulator. In order to best exploit the increased brilliance of this new source, the entire front-end and optics have been redesigned. The Materials Science beamline at the Swiss Light Source has been operational since 2001. In late 2010, the original wiggler source was replaced with a novel insertion device, which allows unprecedented access to high photon energies from an undulator installed in a medium-energy storage ring. In order to best exploit the increased brilliance of this new source, the entire front-end and optics had to be redesigned. In this work, the upgrade of the beamline is described in detail. The tone is didactic, from which it is hoped the reader can adapt the concepts and ideas to his or her needs.

  17. Nuclear Energy In Switzerland: It's going ahead. Challenges For The Swiss Nuclear Society Young Generation Group

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Streit, Marco; Bichsel, Thomas; Fassbender, Andre; Horvath, Matthias


    Swiss energy policy is focused on generating domestic electric power without combusting fossil fuels for already four decades. Roughly 60% of the electricity is generated in hydroelectric plants, which is possible due to the country's favourable topography; the remaining 40% are produced by the country's five nuclear power plants (NPPs). As in any other country nuclear power has its enemies in Switzerland. Due to the direct democracy system in Switzerland the nuclear opposition has a lot of possibilities to disturb the energy policy. Since 1969, when the first Swiss nuclear power plant went online, four plebiscites were held on the issue of civil use of nuclear energy. Four times Swiss citizens voted in favour of further operation of the existing plants also in the latest battle for nuclear energy, which was won in 2003. In 2005 and 2006 several Swiss studies about the future energy situation, especially the electricity situation, have been published. All off them show clearly that there will be a big gab around the year 2020 when the oldest three nuclear power plants will fade out. A public debate was started, how to solve the problem. Beside others, building new nuclear power plants was mentioned and discussed rationally. In 2007 the energy police of the Swiss government changed into a more nuclear friendly position and at the end of the same year some electricity companies lunched a new build program. Hosting the International Youth Nuclear Congress 2008 (IYNC 2008) in Switzerland seems to be just the right moment for the nuclear industry in our country. The slightly changed surroundings effected the organization of Swiss Nuclear Society (SNS) and SNS Young Generation Group (SNSYG) and enlarged the fields of activities for SNSYG. Those activities mentioned in the previous chapters will be developed in the future. The discussion about new builds in Switzerland has started and because of that more nuclear activities in Switzerland will occur. And surely there will

  18. Bosnian Draft of the law on the conversion of Swiss-francs loans: Critical review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Popović Igor


    Full Text Available Firstly, the author explains what motivated him to write this article, because Swiss-francs loans issue is very important for almost all Balkans states. After that, the essence of Swiss-francs loans is explained and what caused litigations relating to the nullity of these loans agreements. Courts are of the opinion that these agreements are legal and valid. They point out that currency clauses within these agreements are lawful and valid. Such courts' conclusion is a premise on which rests this article. The author emphasizes that subject of this article is not whether currency clauses regarding mentioned loans are lawful or not, but whether the Draft of the law on the conversion of Swiss-francs loans is constitutional and legitimate. The author explains the content of the mentioned Draft, especially the method of the intended conversion. Essence of the proposed conversion is as follows - conversion of Swiss-francs loans into the local currency (convertible mark at rates which had existed at the moment of the conclusion of an agreement. The author points to the vagueness of the Draft provisions and the possible problems that may arise in its application, if enacted. Next and main part of the article concerns the potential retroactive application of the Draft provisions. Draft covers all loans agreements, i.e. agreements which have ever been concluded, regardless of whether they are no longer in force. Thus, main effect of the Draft would be retroactive application of its provisions. Retroactivity undermines principle of legal certainty and to some extent principle of separation of powers, since courts have confirmed validity of the mentioned agreements. Draft, also, places all negative effects of rates exchange on creditors (banks, meaning that the question of proportionality could arise. Thus, the author argues that enactment of the Draft in proposed capacity would probably violate the principle of non-retroactive application of law and

  19. Production versus environmental impact trade-offs for Swiss cropping systems: a model-based approach (United States)

    Necpalova, Magdalena; Lee, Juhwan; Six, Johan


    There is a growing need to improve sustainability of agricultural systems. The key focus remains on optimizing current production systems in order to deliver food security at low environmental costs. It is therefore essential to identify and evaluate agricultural management practices for their potential to maintain or increase productivity and mitigate climate change and N pollution. Previous research on Swiss cropping systems has been concentrated on increasing crop productivity and soil fertility. Thus, relatively little is known about management effects on net soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and environmental N losses in the long-term. The aim of this study was to extrapolate findings from Swiss long-term field experiments and to evaluate the system-level sustainability of a wide range of cropping systems under conditions beyond field experimentation by comparing their crop productivity and impacts on soil carbon, net soil GHG emissions, NO3 leaching and soil N balance over 30 years. The DayCent model was previously parameterized for common Swiss crops and crop-specific management practices and evaluated for productivity, soil carbon dynamics and N2O emissions from Swiss cropping systems. Based on a prediction uncertainty criterion for crop productivity and soil carbon (rRMSEGM). The productivity of Swiss cropping systems was mainly driven by total N inputs to the systems. The GWP of systems ranged from -450 to 1309 kg CO2 eq ha-1 yr-1. All studied systems, except for ORG-RT-GM systems, acted as a source of net soil GHG emissions with the relative contribution of soil N2O emissions to GWP of more than 60%. The GWP of systems with CT decreased consistently with increasing use of organic manures (MIN>IN>ORG). NT relative to RT management showed to be more effective in reducing GWP from MIN systems due to reduced soil N2O emissions and positive effects on soil C sequestration. GM relative to CC management was shown to be more effective in mitigating NO3

  20. The epic of the Swiss electric utilities: the entry into a new era of the Swiss history

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Remondeulaz, J.


    Until the 19 th century the only resources of Switzerland were wood and hydraulic energy. Their exploitation was adequate to produce heat and useful mechanical energy. The electrification of the country was introduced in the second half of the 19 th century in the form of hydropower in DC. The potential is very important, with a gigantic buffer constituted by the glaciers, estimated to be 50 TWh a year. Today, it is used at around 65-85% (for the time being, annual hydropower generation varies from 42.3 TWh in 2001 to only 32.6 in 2006). The standardization of power distribution in AC was realized during World War I: public and private lighting, space heating and hot water, mechanical power, drive propulsion system in replacement of gas, coal and vapour, e.g. with the electrification of the national railway network. Between 1875 and 1914 more than 1000 electric utilities have been established. The first law concerning hydropower was decided in 1916. During World War II the restrictions on fossil fuel import were an incentive for the development of new hydropower plants: it was the epic of the dams. The high voltage network (220 kV) was developed in order to enable interconnection with the neighbour countries France, Germany and Italy. Since 1958 this interconnection is established on the whole European level. Switzerland was entrusted with the frequency adjustment of the European network and the controlling of the exchanges in the framework of a special European agreement on electricity. From the Swiss point of view the international trade of electricity is very profitable: thanks to its accumulation lakes Switzerland can sell expensive peak load energy to whole Europe. Since the mid 50ies it was clear that the exploitation of all economically available hydropower would not be enough to cover the increasing demand of the country. A first experimental nuclear power plant was decided in 1961, built from 1962 on and turned into operation in 1968 (30 MW th and 6 MW el

  1. Swiss energy research concept for the period 2004-2007; Konzept der Energieforschung des Bundes 2004-2007

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) made by the Swiss National Energy Research Commission CORE lists and discusses energy research topics that are to be looked during the period 2004 to 2007. The report discusses the fundamentals, visions and short and long-term targets for Swiss energy research and presents strategies for reaching them. Research areas dealt with include the efficient use of energy, renewable sources of energy, nuclear energy and the energy-economics basics necessary for the implementation of sustainable energy policy. Also, implementation aspects such as pilot and demonstration installations are discussed. The current state of research is noted and strategic targets and the ways and means of reaching them are examined. Main areas of research for the period are listed and financing issues are discussed.

  2. ENET News July 2004 - Information on Swiss energy research; ENET News, Juli 2004, Nr. 58 deutsch

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wellstein, J.


    This edition of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy's Magazine (SFOE) with information on Swiss energy research presents a large selection of articles on various energy-relevant topics. These include research strategies, a discussion on oil reserves, technology transfer and innovation, Swiss biomass activities, winning power from the drinking water mains and the use of ambient heat. Further articles cover the topics of energy-efficiency and lighting in buildings, the use of batteries in vehicles, the increasing decentralisation of power generation and the use of supra-conducting current-limiters. Also, research on improved fuel use in nuclear plant and models for batch-processes in the processing industry are looked at. Further articles cover the wood fuels, photovoltaics and wind-energy areas as well as heat storage using geothermal techniques.

  3. Differences in health status and health behaviour among young Swiss adults between 1993 and 2003


    Mohler-Kuo, Meichun; Wydler, Hans; Zellweger, Ueli; Gutzwiller, Felix


    OBJECTIVE: Very few studies specifically have examined the health status of 20-year-olds. The purpose of the present study is to examine the changes in health status and behaviour among young Swiss adults between 1993 and 2003. METHODS: The present study used data from the Swiss Federal Surveys of Adolescents, conducted in 1993 and 2003 among 20-year-olds in Switzerland. The study sample included military recruits and a representative community cohort. More than 20,000 subjects participate...

  4. Swiss Atlas of PHYsical properties of Rocks (SAPHYR) (United States)

    Zappone, Alba; Kissling, Eduard


    The Swiss Atlas of PHYsical properties of Rocks (SAPHYR), is a multi-year project, funded entirely by Swiss Commission for Geophysics (SGPK), with the aim to compile a comprehensive data set in digital form on physical properties of rocks exposed in Switzerland and surrounding regions. The ultimate goal of SAPHYR is to make these data accessible to an open and wide public including industrial, engineering, land and resource planning companies, as well as academic institutions, or simply people interested in geology. Since the early sixties worldwide many scientists, i.e. geophysicists, petrologists, and engineers, focused their work on laboratory measurements of rocks physical properties, and their relations with microstructures, mineralogical compositions and other rock parameters, in the effort to constrain the geological interpretation of geophysical surveys. Particularly in the years in which seismic reflection and refraction crustal scale projects were investigating the deep structures of the Alps, laboratories capable to reproduce the pressure and temperature ranges of the continental crust were collecting measurements of various rock parameters on a wide variety of lithologies, developing in the meantime more and more sophisticated experimental methodologies. In recent years, the increasing interest of European Countries on non-traditional energy supply, (i.e. Deep Geothermal Energy and shale gas) and CO2 storage renovated the interests in physical characterization of the deep underground. SAPHYR aims to organize all those laboratory data into a geographically referenced database (GIS). The data refer to density, porosity, permeability, and seismic, magnetic, thermal and electric properties. In the past years, effort has been placed on collecting samples and measuring the physical properties of lithologies that were poorly documented in literature. The phase of laboratory measurements is still in progress. Recently, SAPHYR project focused towards developing

  5. Kalam's visit to cement Indo-Swiss ties in high tech area

    CERN Multimedia

    Sumir, Paul


    Seeking to boost Indo-Swiss cooperation in high tech areas, President APJ Abdul Kalam arrived in Geneva on a four-day visit to Switzerland aimed at firming up plans for future cooperation with the CERN

  6. SAPHYR: the Swiss Atlas of PHYsical properties of Rocks (United States)

    Wenning, Q. C.; Zappone, A. S.; Kissling, E.


    The Swiss Atlas of PHYsical properties of Rocks (SAPHYR) is a multi-year project, aiming to compile a comprehensive data set on physical properties of rocks exposed in Switzerland and surrounding areas. The ultimate goal of SAPHYR is to make these data accessible to an open and wide public, such as industrial, engineering, land and resource planning companies, as well as academic institutions. Since the early sixties worldwide geophysicists, petrologists, and engineers, focused their work on laboratory measurements of rocks physical properties, and their relations with microstructures, mineralogical compositions and other rock parameters, in the effort to constrain the geological interpretation of geophysical surveys. In combination with efforts to investigate deep structure of the continental crust by controlled source seismology, laboratories capable to reproduce pressure and temperature conditions to depth of 50km and more collected measurements of various parameters on a wide variety of rock types. In recent years, the increasing interest on non-traditional energy supply, (deep geothermal energy, shale gas) and CO2 storage renovated the interests in physical characterization of the deep underground. The idea to organize those laboratory data into a geographically referenced database (GIS) is supported by the Swiss Commission for Geophysics. The data refer to density and porosity, seismic, magnetic, thermal properties, permeability and electrical properties. An effort has been placed on collecting samples and measuring the physical properties of lithologies that are poorly documented in literature. The phase of laboratory measurements is still in progress. At present SAPHYR focuses towards developing a 3-D physical properties model of the Swiss subsurface, using the structure of the exposed geology, boreholes data and seismic surveys, combined with lab determined pressure and temperature derivatives. An early version of the final product is presented here.

  7. Aerial surveys for Swiss needle cast in Western Oregon. (United States)

    A. Kanaskie; M. McWilliams; J. Prukop; D. Overhulser; K. Sprengel


    In the last decade, Swiss needle cast (SNC), caused by the native fungus Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii, has severely damaged Douglas-fir in the Coast Range of western Oregon. The primary impact of the pathogen on Douglas-fir (the only susceptible tree species) is premature loss of foliage, which results in significant reduction in tree growth. Recent...

  8. The revision of the Swiss Inventory of Geosites (2006-2012) (United States)

    Reynard, Emmanuel


    Switzerland has a long history of geoconservation but it is only during the last two decades that a growing attention has been given to geoheritage protection and promotion. In order to disseminate knowledge of Swiss geoheritage and to encourage the Swiss Confederation and the cantons to protect this heritage accordingly, the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) created a working group on Geotopes in 1993. The working group undertook the compilation of a list of geosites of national importance. This work was not a real inventory, based on a common methodology, but rather a list of proposals made by experts from various parts of the country, various fields (palaeontology, mineralogy, geomorphology, etc.), and various institutions (cantonal administrations, nature historical museums, universities, etc.). More than 800 proposals were received from which the working group retained 401 geosites. This list suffered several problems. One of them was its heterogeneity both in terms of content (regional discrepancy, differences between the various fields of Earth sciences) and of form (some proposals were very well documented in spite of others which were limited to the name of the site without any details of perimeter and description). Moreover, there was no information in digital form. As a result, a revision of the inventory was carried out in 2006 by the working group, with the financial support of the SCNAT and the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). The revision was both formal and digital. A relational database was created and hosted on the SCNAT server. It allowed project contributors to introduce information in the system by completing a form from their office. In parallel, all the geographical information - especially the perimeters - was managed within a Geographical Information System (GIS) in order to simplify use by the public administrations. At the end of the project, the list was published on the Geological data viewer ( of the

  9. An important year for Swiss Electricity Politics - President's speech at the shareholder's meeting of the Swiss Association of Electricity Enterprises; Strompolitisch relevantes Jahr

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Steiner, R


    This article presents the speech made by Rudolf Steiner, president of the Swiss Association of Electricity Enterprises, in Bad Ragaz in September 2004. Steiner comments on 2004 as being an important year with respect to energy politics in Switzerland. A public vote turned down the idea of opting out of nuclear energy, the Federal Court decided that the Restricted Trade Practices act was also applicable to the Swiss electricity supply industry and the EU parliament passed guidelines on the opening of the European power market. The effects of large-scale blackouts in America and Europe on the public's perception of secure supplies are commented on. The importance of the Association as a provider of services for its members and as a partner for the government is stressed.

  10. Efeitos da suplementação de probióticos na prevenção da obesidade e suas complicações em camundongos Swiss


    Renata Alvares Bagarolli Zambon


    Resumo: A obesidade é caracterizada por processo inflamatório crônico e resistência à insulina (RI), os quais são responsáveis por grande parte de suas doenças associadas. Sabe-se que diversas moléculas do sistema imune inato estão associadas à RI e obesidade, destacando-se o receptor toll-like-receptor 4 (TLR4). Sua via de sinalização está ativada na obesidade, devido à presença aumentada na circulação de seu principal ligante, lipopolissacarídeo (LPS). Acredita-se que esta endotoxemia metab...

  11. The Swiss cheese model of safety incidents: are there holes in the metaphor?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Perneger Thomas V


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Reason's Swiss cheese model has become the dominant paradigm for analysing medical errors and patient safety incidents. The aim of this study was to determine if the components of the model are understood in the same way by quality and safety professionals. Methods Survey of a volunteer sample of persons who claimed familiarity with the model, recruited at a conference on quality in health care, and on the internet through quality-related websites. The questionnaire proposed several interpretations of components of the Swiss cheese model: a slice of cheese, b hole, c arrow, d active error, e how to make the system safer. Eleven interpretations were compatible with this author's interpretation of the model, 12 were not. Results Eighty five respondents stated that they were very or quite familiar with the model. They gave on average 15.3 (SD 2.3, range 10 to 21 "correct" answers out of 23 (66.5% – significantly more than 11.5 "correct" answers that would expected by chance (p Conclusion The interpretations of specific features of the Swiss cheese model varied considerably among quality and safety professionals. Reaching consensus about concepts of patient safety requires further work.

  12. The UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot knowledgebase and its Plant Proteome Annotation Program. (United States)

    Schneider, Michel; Lane, Lydie; Boutet, Emmanuel; Lieberherr, Damien; Tognolli, Michael; Bougueleret, Lydie; Bairoch, Amos


    The UniProt knowledgebase, UniProtKB, is the main product of the UniProt consortium. It consists of two sections, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, the manually curated section, and UniProtKB/TrEMBL, the computer translation of the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ nucleotide sequence database. Taken together, these two sections cover all the proteins characterized or inferred from all publicly available nucleotide sequences. The Plant Proteome Annotation Program (PPAP) of UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot focuses on the manual annotation of plant-specific proteins and protein families. Our major effort is currently directed towards the two model plants Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa. In UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, redundancy is minimized by merging all data from different sources in a single entry. The proposed protein sequence is frequently modified after comparison with ESTs, full length transcripts or homologous proteins from other species. The information present in manually curated entries allows the reconstruction of all described isoforms. The annotation also includes proteomics data such as PTM and protein identification MS experimental results. UniProtKB and the other products of the UniProt consortium are accessible online at

  13. Experimental studies on Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum cruzi strains isolated from man, from animals and from triatomine bugs in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    W. B. Petana


    Full Text Available A study on nine strains of T. cruzi isolated from man, from animais and from triatomine bugs in Brazil are described. The parasites were slightly viscerotropic in white mice in six of the strains, highly viscerotropic and cardiotropic in two strains, and asymptomatic on one strain. Mechanical and cyclical passage from infected to healthy mice, and treatment of the infected mice with immunosuppressant drug, did not increase the blood parasitaemia or strain virulence. The results of biometric studies on the blood trypanosomes from each strain are also described. The various aspects on the importance of T. cruzi strain Identification are emphasized and discussed.Nove cepas de T. cruzi, 5 isoladas do homem, 2 isoladas do cão e 2 outras isoladas de Triatoma infestans domiciliados, foram estudadas do ponto de vista morfólógico e de sua virulência e patogenicidade para o camundongo, em um período de observação de 8 a 12 meses. As cinco cepas isoladas do homem mostraram baixa parasitemia quando inoculadas no camundongo e provocaram nesse animal apenas redução dos glânglios mioentéricos do colon e discreto aumento desse órgão. Das duas cepas isoladas do cão uma provocou megacolon e cardiomegalia no camundongo e a outra comportau-se de forma semelhante às cepas isoladas do homem. Das cepas isoladas do T. infestans uma foi absolutamente avirulenta para o camundongo e a outra provocou redução dos gânglios do colon e do miocárdio, cardiomegalia e megacolon. Admitem os autores que a passagem "cíclica" de uma cepa de um reservatório para outro possa modificar o seu comportamento, servindo o homem como "reservatório estabilizador" da baixa virulência e patogenicidade das cepas, pelo menos daquelas isoladas de casos crônicos

  14. Laserterapia de baixa intensidade na expressão de colágeno após lesão muscular cirúrgica Low-level laser therapy in the expression of collagen after muscular surgical injury

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flávia Fonseca Moreira


    Full Text Available A laserterapia é um procedimento utilizado em larga escala nas lesões musculoesqueléticas, devido as suas diversas propriedades, antiinflamatórias, cicatrizantes entre outras. Além disso, há tipos distintos de aparelhos de laser. Mesmo com os diversos modelos experimentais existentes na literatura, não há um consenso sobre a faixa de utilização, bem como o tipo de laser que promove melhor reparo no tecido muscular. Este estudo visa analisar os efeitos da laserterapia de baixa intensidade na expressão de colágeno após lesão muscular. Camundongos Swiss albinos (n=18 foram submetidos à lesão muscular cirúrgica e divididos em dois grupos, controle (C e teste (T. Os animais foram submetidos a uma irradiação diária de 5 J/cm² pelos lasers AsGaAl 830 nm e AsGa 904 nm e, em diferentes tempos de sacrifício (7 e 14 dias. Os resultados não demonstraram diferença estatística significativa na expressão de colágeno em ambos os grupos analisados. Contudo, os dados apontam que a dose de 5 J/cm² do laser AsGa 904 nm promoveu maior deposição de fibras colágenas após 14 dias de tratamento, sugerindo que a terapia seja efetiva na síntese de colágeno. Outros estudos experimentais, em humanos, devem ser propostos para maiores inferências sobre os resultados do laser no tratamento da lesão muscular.The laser therapy is a procedure utilized at long scale in the musculoskeletal injuries, due its anti-inflammatory and reparatory proprieties and others. Besides, there are differents types of laser equipments. Despites with the many experimental models at literature, there is no consensus about the range of application as well as the type of laser that promove of the best repair in muscular tissue. The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of the low level laser therapy in the expression of collagen after muscular injury. Mice Swiss albinos (n=18 were subjected to the muscular surgical injury and separated in two groups, control (C

  15. Alterações do pericárdio na fase crônica da tripanossomíase cruzi humana e nas fases aguda e crônica da moléstia experimental

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    P. Raso


    Full Text Available Os Autores estudam as alterações do pericárdio, especialmente do pericárdio visceral na cardiopatia chagásica, confrontando-se com as alterações, observadas em outras cardiopatias (reumáticas e hipertensivas. Analisam as alterações pericárdicas no camundongo experimentalmente infectado e discutem especialmente a natureza e a gênese das lesões, a evolução e a correlação dos vários aspectos morfológicos entre si.

  16. Estudo do comportamento biológico de três amostras de trypanosoma cruzi isoladas de pacientes do instituto "dante pazzanese" de cardiologia


    Pereira,Vera Lúcia; Zamorano,Mabel M. B.; Boainain,Elias


    Foram estudadas três amostras de Trypanosoma cruzi isoladas de pacientes. As amostras foram observadas sob os seguintes parâmetros: níveis parasitêmicos, morfologia das formas sanguíneas, alterações histopatológicas, virulência e mortalidade em camundongos. A amostra IDPC-1 foi isolada de um paciente naturalmente infectado e tratado com benzonidazol. Provocou baixos índices parasitêmicos e mostrou baixa virulência, sendo que 83,4% dos animais evoluiram para a fase crônica. Os tripomastigotas ...

  17. Ética da pesquisa em modelos animais Research ethics in animal models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivan Dieb Miziara


    Full Text Available A utilização de animais em experimentos científicos é descrita desde o século V a.C. Avanços científicos na área da saúde são atribuídos a modelos animais. O status moral dos animais sempre foi debatido. OBJETIVOS: Este artigo visa à revisão histórica e resumo da legislação atual, para orientar pesquisadores ao utilizar modelos animais na pesquisa em otorrinolaringologia. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Pesquisa na base de dados Medline. RESULTADOS: no Brasil, por muitos anos não havia regulamentação para o uso de animais em experimentação. Eram seguidas normas de organizações nacionais e internacionais. Recentemente, foi sancionada a lei nº 11.794/08, que estabelece procedimentos para o uso científico de animais. Na otorrinolaringologia, os estudos com laringe utilizaram coelho, porco, cachorro, cobaias (Cavia porcellus e camundongo; estudos para face coelho, rato e cachorro; rinoplastia com coelho; e orelha interna com ratos e cobaias (albinas. CONCLUSÕES: Os pesquisadores envolvidos em trabalhos científicos com animais devem conhecer os princípios da lei nº 11.794/08 e pesquisar quais animais são apropriados para cada subárea estudada seus modelos com maior aplicabilidade. Os otorrinolaringologistas, especialmente aqueles que se dedicam à pesquisa, necessitam estar sempre atentos para o respeito às regras éticas de utilização de animais em seus estudos.The use of animals in scientific experiments has beendescribed since the fifth century BC. A number of scientific advances in health are attributed to animal models. The issue of the moral status of animals has always been debated. OBJECTIVES: This article aims to review and to present a historical summary of the current laws, to guide researchers who wish to use animal models in otolaryngology research. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Research on the medline database. RESULTS: For many years there were no laws ruling the use of animals in scientific experimentation in Brazil

  18. A proposal for refining the forced swim test in Swiss mice. (United States)

    Costa, Ana Paula Ramos; Vieira, Cintia; Bohner, Lauren O L; Silva, Cristiane Felisbino; Santos, Evelyn Cristina da Silva; De Lima, Thereza Christina Monteiro; Lino-de-Oliveira, Cilene


    The forced swim test (FST) is a preclinical test to the screening of antidepressants based on rats or mice behaviours, which is also sensitive to stimulants of motor activity. This work standardised and validated a method to register the active and passive behaviours of Swiss mice during the FST in order to strength the specificity of the test. Adult male Swiss mice were subjected to the FST for 6 min without any treatment or after intraperitoneal injection of saline (0.1 ml/10 g), antidepressants (imipramine, desipramine, or fluoxetine, 30 mg/kg) or stimulants (caffeine, 30 mg/kg or apomorphine, 10mg/kg). The latency, frequency and duration of behaviours (immobility, swimming, and climbing) were scored and summarised in bins of 6, 4, 2 or 1 min. Parameters were first analysed using Principal Components Analysis generating components putatively related to antidepressant (first and second) or to stimulant effects (third). Antidepressants and stimulants affected similarly the parameters grouped into all components. Effects of stimulants on climbing were better distinguished of antidepressants when analysed during the last 4 min of the FST. Surprisingly, the effects of antidepressants on immobility were better distinguished from saline when parameters were scored in the first 2 min. The method proposed here is able to distinguish antidepressants from stimulants of motor activity using Swiss mice in the FST. This refinement should reduce the number of mice used in preclinical evaluation of antidepressants. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Angiostrongilose abdominal: profilaxia pela destruição das larvas infectantes em alimentos tratados com sal, vinagre ou hipoclorito de sódio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Graziela Maria Zaniní


    Full Text Available A infecção acidental humana pelo Angiostrongylus costaricensis ocorre com elevada prevalência em certas áreas do Brasil meridional, eventualmente se manifestando como doença abdominal severa. Profilaxia é importante, pois não hã tratamento medicamentoso. Um dos modos de transmissão é a ingestão de frutas e vegetais contaminados com a mucosidade de moluscos infectados, os hospedeiros intermediários deste parasita. Larvas de terceiro estágio obtidas do ciclo mantido em laboratório foram incubadas a 5°C por 12 horas, em vinagre, solução saturada de cloreto de sódio e hipocloríto de sódio a 1,5%. A viabilidade das lamas tratadas foi testada através da inoculação em camundongos albinos. Os percentuais de larvas que estabeleceram infecção foram: 0% com hipocloríto de sódio, 1,8% com salmora e 2,4% com vinagre. Em conclusão, todas as substâncias - de baixo custo e disponíveis nas áreas endêmicas - reduziram à população de lamas viáveis e podem ser úteis na descontaminação de alimentos para profilaxia da angiostrongilose abdominal.There is a high prevalence of accidental human infection with Angiostrongylus costaricensis in some areas in southern Brazil and sometimes it presents as severe intestinal disease. Prophylaxis is important since there is no medical treatment for the disease. The ingestion of fruits and vegetables contaminated with the mucous secretion of infected molluscs (the intermediate hosts is one of the proposed modes of transmission. Third stage lamae were incubated at 5°C for 12 hours, in solutions of saturated sodium chloride, vinegar and sodium hypochlorite 1.5%. The larvae had their viability tested through inoculation into albino mice. The percentage of larvae that established infection were 0% in the group treated with sodium hypochloride, 1.8% with NaCl and 2.4% with vinegar. In conclusion, all substances tested reduced the population of viable larvae and may be useful in food

  20. Swiss hydropower in competition - an analysis with reference to the future European power supply system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balmer, M.; Spreng, D.; Moest, D.


    This article takes a look at a number of questions in relation to the future use of Swiss hydropower that are neither clear nor unchallenged. Questions concerning the replacement or refurbishment of hydropower schemes that will have to be renewed in the next few years are asked. Also, developments in the European power market are looked at. The future influence of wind power, trading with CO 2 certificates, increases in the price of gas etc. are examined. An analysis of the competitiveness of Swiss hydropower with reference to the European power supply system that was made by the Centre for Energy Policy and Economics CEPE at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH is described. The 'Perseus'-model developed by CEPE and the Industrial Technology Institute at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany is used to analyse possible developments over the period up to 2030. The results are presented in graphical form and commented on

  1. The Swiss heating reactor (SHR) for district heating of small communities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burgsmueller, P.; Jacobi, A.Jr.; Jaeger, J.F.; Klaentschi, M.J.; Seifritz, W.; Vuillemier, F.; Wegmann, F.


    With fossil fuel running out in a foreseeable future, it is essential to develop substitution strategies. Some 40-50 % of the heat demand in industrial countries is below 120 degrees C, for space heating and warm water production, causing a corresponding fraction of air pollution by SO 2 and to a lesser extent NO x if fossil fuels are used. Yet, contemporary LWR technology makes it feasible to supply a district heating network without basically new reactor development. Units in the power range 10-50 MW are most suitable for Switzerland, both in respect of network size and of the democratic decision making structure. A small BWR for heating purpose is being developed by parts of the Swiss Industry and the Swiss Federal Institute for Reactor Research (EIR). The economic target of 100-120 SFr/MWh heat at the consumer's seems achievable. (author)

  2. Carbon dioxide in electricity delivered to Swiss end-users. Final report; CO{sub 2}-Intensitaet des Stromabsatzes an Schweizer Endkunden. Schlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jakob, M.; Volkart, K.; Widmer, D


    In this comprehensive final report, made by TEP Energy GmbH - Technology Economics Policy - Research and Advice - a spin-off company of ETH Zuerich for the Swiss gas and oil industries, the effective CO{sub 2} intensities involved in Swiss electricity consumption are calculated and discussed. The authors present details on how CO{sub 2} emissions should be calculated on the basis of figures both on Swiss power generation and, also, on electricity imports and exports in a European context. Daily and seasonal export-import balances are discussed. In particular the authors note that the actual production-mix for electricity in Switzerland should not be used as a basis for judging actual consumption. Three methods for viewing Swiss electricity consumption involving net and gross power export and import are introduced and discussed. The determination of the CO{sub 2} intensity of Swiss power is discussed, as are power demand profiles and international agreements. The results obtained using the three methods used are presented and discussed. Future developments are also examined. The report is completed with an appendix.

  3. 78 FR 69640 - Notice of Decision To Authorize the Importation of Swiss Chard From Colombia Into the Continental... (United States)


    ... States of Swiss chard from Colombia. Based on the findings of a pest risk analysis, which we made..., based on the findings of a pest risk analysis (PRA), can be safely imported subject to one or more of... introducing or disseminating plant pests or noxious weeds via the importation of Swiss chard from Colombia...

  4. Muscle activation when performing the chest press and shoulder press on a stable bench vs. a Swiss ball. (United States)

    Uribe, Brandon P; Coburn, Jared W; Brown, Lee E; Judelson, Daniel A; Khamoui, Andy V; Nguyen, Diamond


    The aim of this study was to examine the effects of a stable surface (bench) vs. an unstable surface (Swiss ball) on muscle activation when performing the dumbbell chest press and shoulder press. Sixteen healthy men (24.19 +/- 2.17 years) performed 1 repetition maximum (1RM) tests for the chest press and shoulder press on a stable surface. A minimum of 48 hours post 1RM, subjects returned to perform 3 consecutive repetitions each of the chest press and shoulder press at 80% 1RM under 4 different randomized conditions (chest press on bench, chest press on Swiss ball, shoulder press on bench, shoulder press on Swiss ball). Electromyography was used to assess muscle activation of the anterior deltoid, pectoralis major, and rectus abdominus. The results revealed no significant difference in muscle activation between surface types for either exercise. This suggests that using an unstable surface neither improves nor impairs muscle activation under the current conditions. Coaches and other practitioners can expect similar muscle activation when using a Swiss ball vs. a bench.

  5. Empirical study of ERP systems implementation costs in Swiss SMES

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Equey, C.; Kusters, R.J.; Varone, S.; Montandon, N.; Cordeiro, J.; Felipe, J.


    Based on sparse literature investigating the cost of ERP systems implementation, our research uses data from a survey of Swiss SMEs having implemented ERP in order to test cost drivers. The main innovation is the proposition of a new classification of cost drivers that depend on the enterprise

  6. The Determinants of House Prices and Construction: An Empirical Investigation of the Swiss Housing Economy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borowiecki, Karol


    This paper studies the Swiss housing price determinants. The Swiss housing economy is reproduced by employing a macro-series from the last seventeen years and constructing a vector-autoregressive model. Conditional on a comparatively broad set of fundamental determinants considered, i.e. wealth......, banking, demographic and real estate specific variables, the following findings are made: 1) real house price growth and construction activity dynamics are most sensitive to changes in population and construction prices, whereas real GDP, in contrary to common empirical findings in other countries, turns...

  7. Swiss association for atomic energy (SVA/ASPEA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    A report of the general assembly of the Swiss association for atomic energy held on 4th June 1985. The president, Alain Colomb, called for a 'second electrification' of the country to free Switzerland from a dependence on petroleum. Nuclear energy is necessary to combat air pollution. An invited speaker, Manuel Poyatos of the 'Electricite de France', recounted the French experience of restructuring their electric production system; particular the increasing contribution of nuclear energy and the beneficial effects on the environment. (G.T.H.)

  8. Swiss Life Sciences - a science communication project for both schools and the wider public led by the foundation Science et Cité. (United States)

    Röthlisberger, Michael


    The foundation Science et Cité was founded 1998 with the aim to inform the wider Swiss public about current scientific topics and to generate a dialogue between science and society. Initiated as an independent foundation by the former State Secretary for Science and Research, Dr. Charles Kleiber, Science et Cité is now attached to the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences as a competence center for dialogue with the public. Due to its branches in all language regions of the country, the foundation is ideally suited to initiate and implement communication projects on a nationwide scale. These projects are subdivided into three categories: i) science communication for children/adolescents, ii) establishing a dialogue between science and the wider public, and iii) conducting the role of a national center of competence and networking in science communication. Swiss Life Sciences is a project that fits into all of these categories: a year-round program for schools is complemented with an annual event for the wider public. With the involvement of most of the major Swiss universities, the Swiss National Science Foundation, the foundation Gen Suisse and many other partners, Swiss Life Sciences also sets an example of national networking within the science communication community.

  9. Swiss Energy research 2007 - Overview from the Heads of the Programs; Energie-Forschung 2007. Ueberblicksberichte der Programmleiter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calisesi, Y


    This comprehensive document issued by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents the overview reports elaborated by the heads of the various Swiss energy research programmes. Topics covered include the efficient use of energy, with reports covering energy in buildings, traffic and accumulators, electrical technologies, applications and grids, ambient heat, combined heat and power, cooling, combustion, the 'power station 2000', fuel cells and hydrogen and process engineering. Renewable energy topics reported on include solar heat, photovoltaics, industrial solar energy, biomass and wood energy, hydropower, geothermal heat and wind energy. Nuclear energy topics include safety, regulatory safety research and nuclear fusion. Finally, energy economics basics are reviewed. The report is completed with annexes on the Swiss Energy Research Commission, energy research organisations and a list of important addresses.

  10. Swiss Energy research 2007 - Overview from the Heads of the Programs; Energie-Forschung 2007. Ueberblicksberichte der Programmleiter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calisesi, Y.


    This comprehensive document issued by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents the overview reports elaborated by the heads of the various Swiss energy research programmes. Topics covered include the efficient use of energy, with reports covering energy in buildings, traffic and accumulators, electrical technologies, applications and grids, ambient heat, combined heat and power, cooling, combustion, the 'power station 2000', fuel cells and hydrogen and process engineering. Renewable energy topics reported on include solar heat, photovoltaics, industrial solar energy, biomass and wood energy, hydropower, geothermal heat and wind energy. Nuclear energy topics include safety, regulatory safety research and nuclear fusion. Finally, energy economics basics are reviewed. The report is completed with annexes on the Swiss Energy Research Commission, energy research organisations and a list of important addresses.

  11. Swiss Light Source SLS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Paul Scherrer Institute has begun work on the implementation of the Swiss Synchrotron Light Source (SLS). The construction of this facility, which will have international scope, is intended to provide a national focus for co-operation between various disciplines and for research in material sciences. Although basic research in physics and chemistry, biology, medicine and environmental sciences would seem to be in the foreground, industrial users also have an interest in the SLS. At present, this mainly centres on investigations into the structure of biological and chemical molecules, the use of high-performance methods of analysis, and the manufacture and investigation of microstructures. SLS is planned to be taken into service with an initial experimental installation by the middle of 2001. In this brochure an overview is presented on the main characteristics of the SLS facility and on its significance as a tool for interdisciplinary research.

  12. Swiss Light Source SLS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Paul Scherrer Institute has begun work on the implementation of the Swiss Synchrotron Light Source (SLS). The construction of this facility, which will have international scope, is intended to provide a national focus for co-operation between various disciplines and for research in material sciences. Although basic research in physics and chemistry, biology, medicine and environmental sciences would seem to be in the foreground, industrial users also have an interest in the SLS. At present, this mainly centres on investigations into the structure of biological and chemical molecules, the use of high-performance methods of analysis, and the manufacture and investigation of microstructures. SLS is planned to be taken into service with an initial experimental installation by the middle of 2001. In this brochure an overview is presented on the main characteristics of the SLS facility and on its significance as a tool for interdisciplinary research

  13. Swiss Foundation Code 2009 principles and recommendations for the establishment and management of grant-making foundations

    CERN Document Server

    Sprecher, Thomas; Janssen, Martin


    The «Swiss Foundation Code 2009» takes up and completes the first European Good Governance Code for grant-making foundations, published in 2005. It contains practical governance guidelines regarding the establishment, organization, management and monitoring of grant-making foundations as well as making due reference to support activities, financial and investment policies. The abridged English version of the „Swiss Foundation Code 2009“ contains 3 principles and 26 recommendations – but not the extensive commentary parts.

  14. ENET News March 2004 - Information on Swiss energy research; ENET News, Maerz 2004, Nr. 57 deutsch

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wellstein, J.


    This edition of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy's (SFOE) magazine with information on Swiss energy research presents a large selection of articles on various energy-relevant topics. These include the Swiss research strategy for the period 2004 to 2007, a discussion on wind energy, saving electricity, stand-by losses of coffee machines and information on hydrogen and fuel-cells. Further articles cover road-traffic topics including zero-emission vehicles and clean engine technology. Also, research on better fuel use in nuclear plant and models for batch-processes in the processing industry are looked at. Further articles cover the use of photovoltaics, wood fuels and biomass. Results of a field-analysis of heat-pump installations and the storage of solar energy using zinc powder as well as building insulation are covered. Finally, the ETDE is honoured as being the largest collection of energy documents.

  15. ENET News November 2004 - Information on Swiss energy research; ENET News, November 2004, Nr. 59 deutsch

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wellstein, J.


    This last edition of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE)'s magazine with information on Swiss energy research presents a large selection of articles on various energy-relevant topics. These include a review of energy research in Switzerland in general and the work of the Swiss Federal Energy Research Commission CORE in particular and a look at the basis for energy-economical perspectives in Switzerland. Further articles take a look at activities in the solar-chemical area, biomass and small-hydro projects, wind and geothermal energy as well as solar heating, photovoltaics and the use of ambient heat. Energy-efficiency in the buildings and traffic areas and combustion and combined heat and power are further topics covered. Nuclear energy and process engineering, fuel cells and activities in the international sector are examined. The publication is completed with a list of recent publications in the energy area.

  16. Life-cycle assessment of photovoltaic systems: results of Swiss studies on energy chains

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dones, Roberto [Paul Scherrer Inst., Villigen (Switzerland); Frischknecht, Rolf [Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (Switzerland)


    The methodology used and results obtained for grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) plants in recent Swiss life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies on current and future energy systems are discussed. Mono- and polycrystalline silicon cell technologies utilised in current panels as well as monocrystalline and amorphous cells for future applications were analysed from Swiss conditions. The environmental inventories of slanted-roof solar panels and large plants are presented. Greenhouse gas emissions from present and future electricity systems are compared. The high electricity requirements for manufacturing determine most of the environmental burdens associated with current photovoltaics. However, due to increasing efficiency of production processes and cells, the environmental performance of PV systems is likely to improve substantially in the future. (Author)

  17. Life-cycle assessment of photovoltaic systems: results of Swiss studies on energy chains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dones, Roberto; Frischknecht, Rolf


    The methodology used and results obtained for grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) plants in recent Swiss life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies on current and future energy systems are discussed. Mono- and polycrystalline silicon cell technologies utilised in current panels as well as monocrystalline and amorphous cells for future applications were analysed from Swiss conditions. The environmental inventories of slanted-roof solar panels and large plants are presented. Greenhouse gas emissions from present and future electricity systems are compared. The high electricity requirements for manufacturing determine most of the environmental burdens associated with current photovoltaics. However, due to increasing efficiency of production processes and cells, the environmental performance of PV systems is likely to improve substantially in the future. (Author)

  18. Analysis of geohazards events along Swiss roads from autumn 2011 to present (United States)

    Voumard, Jérémie; Jaboyedoff, Michel; Derron, Marc-Henri


    In Switzerland, roads and railways are threatened throughout the year by several natural hazards. Some of these events reach transport infrastructure many time per year leading to the closing of transportation corridors, loss of access, deviation travels and sometimes infrastructures damages and loss of human lives (3 fatalities during the period considered). The aim of this inventory of events is to investigate the number of natural events affecting roads and railways in Switzerland since autumn 2011 until now. Natural hazards affecting roads and railway can be classified in five categories: rockfalls, landslides, debris flows, snow avalanches and floods. They potentially cause several important direct damages on transportation infrastructure (roads, railway), vehicles (slightly or very damaged) or human life (slightly or seriously injured person, death). These direct damages can be easily evaluated from press articles or from Swiss police press releases. Indirect damages such as deviation cost are not taken into account in this work. During the two a half last years, about 50 events affecting the Swiss roads and Swiss railways infrastructures were inventoried. The proportion of events due to rockfalls is 45%, to landslides 25%, to debris flows 15%, to snow avalanches 10% and to floods 5%. During this period, three fatalities and two persons were injured while 23 vehicles (car, trains and coach) and 24 roads and railways were damaged. We can see that floods occur mainly on the Swiss Plateau whereas rockfalls, debris flow, snow avalanches and landslides are mostly located in the Alpine area. Most of events occur on secondary mountain roads and railways. The events are well distributed on the whole Alpine area except for the Gotthard hotspot, where an important European North-South motorway (hit in 2003 with two fatalities) and railway (hit three times in 2012 with one fatalities) are more frequently affected. According to the observed events in border regions of

  19. Neurocriptococose por Cryptococcus neoformans não capsulado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C.S. Lacaz


    Full Text Available Os autores registram um caso de neurocriptococose em paciente HIV-negativo, por Cryptococcus neoformans acapsulado ou deficiente em cápsula. O quadro neurológico era de meningoencefalite subaguda, compatível ao diagnóstico de neurotuberculose, pelo exame do líquido cefalorraqueano (LCR, Estruturas leveduriformes foram encontradas no interior de macrófagos, ao exame citomorfológico do LCR. Cultivo do sedimento do LCR revelou a presença de Cryptococcus neoformans não capsulado (identificação bioquímica. A inoculação da amostra em camundongo, por via intraperitoneal, permitiu a produção de cápsula que desaparecia em cultivos. Foi estudada a micromorfologia do fungo à microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A evolução foi favorável com o emprego da anfotericina B associada a 5-fluorocitosina. Não foi caracterizada a variadade de Criptococcus neoformans agente do processo.

  20. Can a fake fir tell the truth about Swiss needle cast? (United States)

    A key question in dendrochronology to reconstruct forest disturbance history is how to distinguish between the effects of Swiss needle cast (SNC) and other forest disturbance agents (e.g., Douglas-fir beetle, tussock moth, western spruce budworm, laminated root rot, Armillaria ro...

  1. Swiss pioneers enjoy success - in spite of all prophesies of doom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niederhaeusern, A.


    This article takes a look at two Swiss companies, both founded in 1991, that were initially laughed at but are now two market leaders in their business segments. They demonstrate that renewable forms of energy are an economic factor that is to be taken seriously. The first company discussed is Sputnik Engineering who build and sell inverters for photovoltaic installations. The success of this Swiss company, especially in Germany, is discussed and the importance of reliable inverter technology for the high availability rates needed by solar installations is discussed. The second company looked at is the Kompogas AG, who manufacture and operate digester systems for green wastes from kitchens and gardens. These fermenters produce biogas which can be fed into the gas mains or used as a fuel for vehicles or combined heat and power units. Market chances at home and abroad are discussed

  2. ATLAS computing on Swiss Cloud SWITCHengines (United States)

    Haug, S.; Sciacca, F. G.; ATLAS Collaboration


    Consolidation towards more computing at flat budgets beyond what pure chip technology can offer, is a requirement for the full scientific exploitation of the future data from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva. One consolidation measure is to exploit cloud infrastructures whenever they are financially competitive. We report on the technical solutions and the performances used and achieved running simulation tasks for the ATLAS experiment on SWITCHengines. SWITCHengines is a new infrastructure as a service offered to Swiss academia by the National Research and Education Network SWITCH. While solutions and performances are general, financial considerations and policies, on which we also report, are country specific.

  3. ATLAS computing on Swiss Cloud SWITCHengines

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00215485; The ATLAS collaboration; Sciacca, Gianfranco


    Consolidation towards more computing at flat budgets beyond what pure chip technology can offer, is a requirement for the full scientific exploitation of the future data from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva. One consolidation measure is to exploit cloud infrastructures whenever they are financially competitive. We report on the technical solutions and the performances used and achieved running simulation tasks for the ATLAS experiment on SWITCHengines. SWITCHengines is a new infrastructure as a service offered to Swiss academia by the National Research and Education Network SWITCH. While solutions and performances are general, financial considerations and policies, on which we also report, are country specific.

  4. Reference Gene Selection in the Desert Plant <em>Eremosparton songoricuem>m>

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dao-Yuan Zhang


    Full Text Available <em>Eremosparton songoricum em>(Litv. Vass. (<em>E. songoricumem> is a rare and extremely drought-tolerant desert plant that holds promise as a model organism for the identification of genes associated with water deficit stress. Here, we cloned and evaluated the expression of eight candidate reference genes using quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reactions. The expression of these candidate reference genes was analyzed in a diverse set of 20 samples including various <em>E. songoricumem> plant tissues exposed to multiple environmental stresses. GeNorm analysis indicated that expression stability varied between the reference genes in the different experimental conditions, but the two most stable reference genes were sufficient for normalization in most conditions.<em> EsEFem> and <em>Esα-TUB> were sufficient for various stress conditions, <em>EsEF> and <em>EsACT> were suitable for samples of differing germination stages, and <em>EsGAPDH>and <em>Es>UBQ em>were most stable across multiple adult tissue samples. The <em>Es18Sem> gene was unsuitable as a reference gene in our analysis. In addition, the expression level of the drought-stress related transcription factor <em>EsDREB2em>> em>verified the utility of<em> E. songoricumem> reference genes and indicated that no single gene was adequate for normalization on its own. This is the first systematic report on the selection of reference genes in <em>E. songoricumem>, and these data will facilitate future work on gene expression in this species.

  5. Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society and the Austrian Physical Society

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The meeting was organised - as every two years - as a joint meeting with the Austrian Physical Society ((ÖPG) and the Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy (SSAA). The Swiss Institute of Particle Physics (CHIPP) participated additionally to their usual 2-year rhythm. We also welcomed for the first time the NCCR MARVEL (Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials). They all together guarantee an exciting conference covering physics at its best. This meeting was hosted by CERN, Genève. The plenary sessions gave an overview of the present status of research in molecular spintronics, biophotonic micro manipulation of cells, gravitational waves, spectroscopy of trapped antihydrogen atoms, reflective optical systems for astronomical applications, trapped-ion interfaces for quantum networks and quantum photonics. The topical sessions were dedicated to: Applied Physics and Plasma Physics; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics; Biophysics, Medical Physics and Soft Matter; Condensed Matter Physics; Correlated-Electron Physics in Transition-Metal Oxides; Earth, Atmosphere and Environmental Physics; Emergent phenomena in novel low-dimensional materials; History of Physics; Magnetism and Spintronics at the Nanoscale; Nuclear, Particle- and Astrophysics; Physics in Startups; Scientific Opportunities with SwissFEL; Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films; Theoretical Physics. Those contributions which are in the INIS subject scope are indexed individually.

  6. Comprehensive assessment of energy systems: approach and current results of the Swiss activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirschberg, S.; Dones, R.; Kypreos, S.


    This paper provides an overview of the approaches used and results obtained to this date within the Swiss Project GaBE on ''Comprehensive Assessment of Energy Systems''. Based on the ''cradle to grave'' approach detailed environmental inventories for major fuel cycles have been generated. In comparison to earlier studies a very broad spectrum of resources and air and water pollutants has been covered. Also non-energetic resources such as land depreciation have been considered. Numerous examples of evaluations are provided in the paper, including comparisons of greenhouse gas emissions, land use, radiation and wastes, and illustrating the impact of consideration of full energy chains. In the part concerning severe accidents some evaluations based on the database established as the Paul Scherrer Institute are presented as well as the estimated contribution of hypothetical severe accidents to the external costs associated with a specific Swiss nuclear power plant. Results of applications of the large scale energy-economy model MARKAL to the Swiss energy system and greenhouse gas scenarios are described. This includes cost-optimal contributions of different technologies to reduce CO 2 emissions, and trade-offs on the national and international level. Finally, the content of other GaBE activities either being in progress or planned is provided. (orig.)

  7. Annual Report 2003. Research programme 'Electricity' of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brueniger, R.


    This report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) summarises the work done in 2003 in the various research areas covered by the Swiss Electricity Research programme. Work done in the programme's five main areas - electricity transport and storage, high-temperature superconductivity, energy and information technologies, drives and electric motors, and appliances is reviewed. In the electricity transport and storage area an agreement with the Swiss Association of Electricity Producers (VSE) on the transfer of findings was made and the focus of work was set on decentralised systems. Also, the use of compressed-air storage systems was looked at and the AC corrosion of pipelines was examined. Swiss participation in an IEA Implementing Agreement for a Co-operative Programme for Assessing the Impact of High-Temperature Superconductivity on the Electric Power Sector is mentioned, as is the market potential of superconductive current limiters. A total of 8 institutions and industries are involved in theoretical or practical research in the area of high-temperature superconductors. Information and communications technologies are reviewed, including work on energy-efficient EDP server management. Work in other areas summarised includes lighting and uninterruptible power-supplies and work on the energy consumption of process control units. In the electrical drives area, work is summarised in various areas ranging from an industry agreement on the energy-efficiency of motors through to the optimisation of compressed-air systems and energy-efficient gearless drives. Efficient hotel minibars, the energy-efficiency potential in the area of water dispensers and the energy-efficiency potential of hot beverage dispensers used in the area of staff catering and the standby consumption of household appliances are just a few of the topics dealt with. Co-operation with Swiss institutions and international organisations such as the IEA is reviewed. Implementation work in the

  8. 78 FR 40688 - Notice of Availability of a Pest Risk Analysis for the Importation of Swiss Chard From Colombia... (United States)


    ...] Notice of Availability of a Pest Risk Analysis for the Importation of Swiss Chard From Colombia Into the... availability. SUMMARY: We are advising the public that we have prepared a pest risk analysis that evaluates the... weeds via the importation of Swiss chard from Colombia. We are making the pest risk analysis available...

  9. Fog Chemistry at Different Altitudes in the Swiss Alps (United States)

    Michna, P.; Eugster, W.; Wanner, H.


    During two extended summer seasons in 2006 and 2007, we installed two battery driven versions of the Caltech active strand cloud water collector (MiniCASCC) at the Niesen mountain in the northern Swiss Alps. Along, we measured air temperature, relative humidity, wind, and visibility. During these two field operation phases we gained weekly samples of fogwater, where we analysed the major anions and cations, and the stable water isotopes δD and δ18O. The fog collectors were installed at an altitude of 2300 and 1600 m asl to resolve altitudinal differences in fog chemistry. We found a large variability between the events, but no clear altitudinal gradient. At both sites, the most important ions were nitrate, ammonium, and sulphate. Higher concentrations occured preferably in late spring (start of sampling period) and in autumn (end of sampling). Compared to previous studies at lower elevations in the Swiss Plateau during wintertime, our measurements showed considerable lower ion loads in the fogwater. The combination of these results suggest that lowest ion loads are found in convective clouds with a short lifetime and that the highest ion loads occur during radiation fog events at lower elevations.

  10. UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, the Manually Annotated Section of the UniProt KnowledgeBase: How to Use the Entry View. (United States)

    Boutet, Emmanuel; Lieberherr, Damien; Tognolli, Michael; Schneider, Michel; Bansal, Parit; Bridge, Alan J; Poux, Sylvain; Bougueleret, Lydie; Xenarios, Ioannis


    The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt, ) consortium is an initiative of the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB), the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) and the Protein Information Resource (PIR) to provide the scientific community with a central resource for protein sequences and functional information. The UniProt consortium maintains the UniProt KnowledgeBase (UniProtKB), updated every 4 weeks, and several supplementary databases including the UniProt Reference Clusters (UniRef) and the UniProt Archive (UniParc).The Swiss-Prot section of the UniProt KnowledgeBase (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot) contains publicly available expertly manually annotated protein sequences obtained from a broad spectrum of organisms. Plant protein entries are produced in the frame of the Plant Proteome Annotation Program (PPAP), with an emphasis on characterized proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa. High level annotations provided by UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot are widely used to predict annotation of newly available proteins through automatic pipelines.The purpose of this chapter is to present a guided tour of a UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entry. We will also present some of the tools and databases that are linked to each entry.

  11. Oxidative stress gene expression profile in inbred mouse after ischemia/reperfusion small bowel injury Perfil da expressão gênica do estresse oxidativo em camundongos isogênicos após lesão de isquemia e reperfusão intestinal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Roberto Bertoletto


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To determine the profile of gene expressions associated with oxidative stress and thereby contribute to establish parameters about the role of enzyme clusters related to the ischemia/reperfusion intestinal injury. METHODS: Twelve male inbred mice (C57BL/6 were randomly assigned: Control Group (CG submitted to anesthesia, laparotomy and observed by 120min; Ischemia/reperfusion Group (IRG submitted to anesthesia, laparotomy, 60min of small bowel ischemia and 60min of reperfusion. A pool of six samples was submitted to the qPCR-RT protocol (six clusters for mouse oxidative stress and antioxidant defense pathways. RESULTS: On the 84 genes investigated, 64 (76.2% had statistic significant expression and 20 (23.8% showed no statistical difference to the control group. From these 64 significantly expressed genes, 60 (93.7% were up-regulated and 04 (6.3% were down-regulated. From the group with no statistical significantly expression, 12 genes were up-regulated and 8 genes were down-regulated. Surprisingly, 37 (44.04% showed a higher than threefold up-regulation and then arbitrarily the values was considered as a very significant. Thus, 37 genes (44.04% were expressed very significantly up-regulated. The remained 47 (55.9% genes were up-regulated less than three folds (35 genes - 41.6% or down-regulated less than three folds (12 genes - 14.3%. CONCLUSION: The intestinal ischemia and reperfusion promote a global hyper-expression profile of six different clusters genes related to antioxidant defense and oxidative stress.OBJETIVO: Determinar o perfil de expressão dos genes associados com estresse oxidativo e contribuir para estabelecer parâmetros sobre o papel das familias de enzimas relacionadas com a lesão de isquemia / reperfusão intestinal. MÉTODOS: Doze camundongos machos isogênicos (C57BL/6 foram distribuídos aleatoriamente: Grupo Controle (CG submetido à laparotomia anestesia, e observado por 120min; Grupo isquemia/reperfusão (IRG

  12. Connoisseurship as a Substitute for User Research? The Case of the Swiss Watch Industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthew Sinclair


    Full Text Available Conventional wisdom holds that new product development is more successfully undertaken when design is user-led. An exception is the luxury goods sector, in which a common presentation of the brand is one where the customer should aspire to the vision of its designers. In such cases, the proprietor is often cast as a connoisseur, an expert in the brand’s history who is intuitively able to give vision and direction. Within the Swiss luxury watch industry, heritage and the illusion of exclusivity are vital strategies in the communication of products as luxury items. Connoisseurship plays a central role in this communication, establishing the boundaries of brands whose products might otherwise appear similar. In such cases, connoisseurship is presented to the customer as superior to user research, engendering products with a sophistication which customer insights cannot provide. Nonetheless, whilst conventional user research methods play little part in the design of Swiss watches, less formal methods are employed. These are shown to also have application in non-luxury sectors too. The utilization of strategies employed by the Swiss watch industry in future scenarios of new product development is also discussed.

  13. Effects of post-Kyoto policy on the Swiss national economy - Analysis using a single-country equilibrium model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This final report elaborated for the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) deals with questions concerning Swiss climate policy after 2012. In 2012, existing climate legislation as defined in CO 2 emission legislation is to be revised and brought in line with European legislation on greenhouse gases. The paper presents and discusses the proposals of the Swiss government that are to make Switzerland climate-neutral. These questions include how high a steering-tax must be in order to provide a 20% reduction in CO 2 emissions, which effects on the economy in general (BIP) and on particular sectors are to be expected, how households will be affected and how large the positive secondary side-effects are. The methods used in the study and their limitations are examined. In particular, a dynamic, single-country equilibrium model is introduced and various scenarios are discussed

  14. Environmental impact of energy standards - Perspectives for Swiss building; Umweltwirkungen von Energiestandards. Perspektiven fuer den Gebaeudepark Schweiz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dettli, R.; Baur, M.; Philippen, D. [Econcept AG, Zuerich (Switzerland); Frischknecht, R.; Faist Emmenegger, M. [ESU-Services GmbH, Uster (Switzerland)


    This comprehensive final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) deals with the effects energy standards have in the environmental area. First of all, the buildings examined, system limits and reference parameters and indicators are defined. The standards examined, types of building and energy systems used are dealt with, as are energy performance figures and Swiss standards such as SIA 380/1, MuKEn, Minergie and Minergie-P. The environmental loading caused by building activities is discussed both in general as well as for various particular standards. The influence of various factors such as the use of heat pumps, the electricity mix used and buildings with oil heating is discussed. The results for new and refurbished buildings are examined and future developments in the Swiss residential buildings area and their environmental impact are discussed. A comprehensive annex completes the report.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henny Syapitri


    Full Text Available Abstract The balance of body is one of the main factor in doing fungsional activity. In every activity, the body always need control of the body balance, because basically every phisic activity right static or dinamic will take someone on unstable position with big risk to having fell. Swiss Ball exercise as support is believed on labile surface will make spine have big chance to stabling the muscle between vebra and increase the dinamic balance to restrain the repeats stability. The research object to know The Effect of Swiss Ball Exercise toward The Body Balance to Less The Risk Fall of Older at UPT Social Service of Older and Children Under Five district Binjai and Medan in Year 2016. The research type is Quasi Experiment with pre test-post test one group only design method. Population in this research all of older at UPT Social Service district Binjai as much as 172 older with number of man is 81 and woman is 91, with Purposive sampling Technique that is 15 respondences. Data collecting using observation sheet with analysis that used is univariat: respondence characteristics, the body balance of older before and after doing Swiss Ball practice, and bivariat with Paired t-Test. The research result showing the average of body balance before doing Swiss Ball as much (Mean 38,07 and after (Mean 46,33. Conclusion: there is the effect of Swiss Ball toward body balance to less the risk fall of older (p=0,000 ; p=< 0,05. Sugessted for older to practice the balance himself more steady so that not easy to have risk fall further. Influenced, and for the next researcher can research about another factor that foregrounded the risk fall of older. Keywords    : Swiss Ball, Balance Exercise, Risk Fall

  16. Basel III D: Swiss Finish to Basel III


    Christian M. McNamara; Natalia Tente; Andrew Metrick


    After the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) introduced the Basel III framework in 2010, individual countries confronted the question of how best to implement the framework given their unique circumstances. Switzerland, with a banking industry that is both heavily concentrated and very large relative to the size of its overall economy, faced a special challenge. It ultimately adopted what is sometimes referred to as the “Swiss Finish” to Basel III – enhanced requirements applicable...

  17. Present lead content of the vegetation near Swiss highways

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Keller, T


    This study examined the lead content of the vegetation near Swiss highways. The factors influencing the total lead content of the trees, shrubs and grasses were found to be the direction of the traffic, the age of the plants, the season, the surface peculiarities of the plant, and the lateral and vertical distance between the plants and the road. 15 references, 5 figures, 2 tables.

  18. A Swiss Manufacturer Sees the Industrial Revolution in England* (United States)

    Buess, Heinrich


    I have recently come across the diaries of Johann Conrad Fischer. These diaries span six decades and cover the years of social, economic, and technological upheaval which marked the industrial revolution in England. The reader is given a picture of these years through the eyes of a Swiss manufacturer with a good perception of history, and his notes are of some value to historians. PMID:13874462

  19. Initial experience gained with the balance-group system of the Swiss power supply legislation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waldner, M.; Rechsteiner, S.


    This article takes a look at the initial experience gained with the Swiss balance-group system. This system was introduced within the framework of Swiss power supply legislation (StromVG - Stromversorgungsgesetz). The balance-group system was considered to be an essential precondition for the implementation of an energy trading business in a liberalised power market. The associated rights and responsibilities and the economic risks involved are discussed in detail. The partners and structures involved in such a balance-group are looked at and basic models for the associated contracts are examined. The relationship between balance-groups and the national power grid Swissgrid are discussed

  20. EFSA NDA Panel (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies), 2013. Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of a health claim related to a combination of red spinach, green spinach, red chicory, green chicory, green leaf chard, red leaf chard, red Swiss chard, golden Swiss chard

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tetens, Inge

    related to a combination of red spinach, green spinach, red chicory, green chicory, green leaf chard, red leaf chard, red Swiss chard, golden Swiss chard and white Swiss chard and protection of blood lipids from oxidative damage. The food that is the subject of the health claim, a combination...... of the following frozen vegetables: red spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), green spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), red chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), green chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), green leaf chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla), red leaf chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla), red Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. var...... conclusions could be drawn for the scientific substantiation of the claim were provided by the applicant. The Panel concludes that a cause and effect relationship has not been established between consumption of a combination of red spinach, green spinach, red chicory, green chicory, green leaf chard, red leaf...



    Liebig, Thomas; Puhani, Patrick A.; Sousa-Poza, Alfonso


    We investigate the relationship between income tax rate variation and internal migration for the unique case of Switzerland, whose system of determining tax rates primarily at the community level results in enough variation to permit analysis of their influence on migration. Specifically, using Swiss census data, we analyze migratory responses to tax rate variations for various groups defined by age, education, and nationality/residence permit. The results suggest that young Swiss college gra...

  2. Fiftieth anniversary celebrations get underway with a Swiss philatelic gift

    CERN Multimedia


    A special commemorative stamp dedicated to CERN will go on sale in post offices throughout Switzerland on 9 March, marking the official start of CERN's 50th anniversary celebrations. On your marks, get set...go! The first ten stamp-lovers born in 1954 to present themselves at the counter of CERN's Meyrin post office at 9.00 a.m. on Tuesday 9 March will receive the new Swiss commemorative stamp issued in honour of CERN, together with a surprise gift. Designed by Swiss artists Christian Stuker and Beat Trummer, the stamp aims to convey the spirit of CERN in an area no larger than 28 mm by 33 mm. 'We wanted to get away from existing CERN imagery and create something symbolic for this 50th anniversary,' Christian Stucker explains. The radiating design portrays an opening, a spreading-out 'towards infinity', which reflects CERN's fundamental goals of research and the transmission of knowledge. The stamp will be available from 9 March onwards in all post offices across Switzerland as well as in the philatelic cen...

  3. Can a fake fir tell the truth about Swiss needle cast? (paper) (United States)

    A key question in dendrochronology to reconstruct forest disturbance history is how to distinguish between the effects of Swiss needle cast (SNC) and other forest disturbance agents (e.g., Arceuthobium spp., Armillaria, Phaseolus schweinitzii, Dendroctonus ponderosae, Dendroctonu...

  4. Nuclear Energy In Switzerland: It's going ahead. Challenges For The Swiss Nuclear Society Young Generation Group

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Streit, Marco [Aare-Tessin Ltd for Electricity, Bahnhofquai 12, CH-4601 Olten (Switzerland); Bichsel, Thomas [BKW FMB Energie AG, NPP Muehleberg, CH-3203 Muehleberg (Switzerland); Fassbender, Andre [NPP Goesgen-Daeniken AG, CH-4658 Daeniken (Switzerland); Horvath, Matthias [National Emergency Operations Centre, CH-8044 Zurich (Switzerland)


    Swiss energy policy is focused on generating domestic electric power without combusting fossil fuels for already four decades. Roughly 60% of the electricity is generated in hydroelectric plants, which is possible due to the country's favourable topography; the remaining 40% are produced by the country's five nuclear power plants (NPPs). As in any other country nuclear power has its enemies in Switzerland. Due to the direct democracy system in Switzerland the nuclear opposition has a lot of possibilities to disturb the energy policy. Since 1969, when the first Swiss nuclear power plant went online, four plebiscites were held on the issue of civil use of nuclear energy. Four times Swiss citizens voted in favour of further operation of the existing plants also in the latest battle for nuclear energy, which was won in 2003. In 2005 and 2006 several Swiss studies about the future energy situation, especially the electricity situation, have been published. All off them show clearly that there will be a big gab around the year 2020 when the oldest three nuclear power plants will fade out. A public debate was started, how to solve the problem. Beside others, building new nuclear power plants was mentioned and discussed rationally. In 2007 the energy police of the Swiss government changed into a more nuclear friendly position and at the end of the same year some electricity companies lunched a new build program. Hosting the International Youth Nuclear Congress 2008 (IYNC 2008) in Switzerland seems to be just the right moment for the nuclear industry in our country. The slightly changed surroundings effected the organization of Swiss Nuclear Society (SNS) and SNS Young Generation Group (SNSYG) and enlarged the fields of activities for SNSYG. Those activities mentioned in the previous chapters will be developed in the future. The discussion about new builds in Switzerland has started and because of that more nuclear activities in Switzerland will occur. And surely

  5. Swiss energy statistics 2004; Schweizerische Gesamtenergiestatistik 2004/Statistique globale suisse de l'energie 2004

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This comprehensive report by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2004. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The report also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2004 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Also, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable forms of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power. The third chapter provides data on the individual energy carriers and the final chapter looks at economical and ecological aspects. An appendix provides information on the methodology used in collecting the statistics and on data available in the Swiss cantons.

  6. Swiss energy statistics 2005; Schweizerische Gesamtenergiestatistik 2005/Statistique globale suisse de l'energie 2005

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This comprehensive report by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2005. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The report also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2005 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Also, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable forms of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power. The third chapter provides data on the individual energy carriers and the final chapter looks at economical and ecological aspects. An appendix provides information on the methodology used in collecting the statistics and on data available in the Swiss cantons.

  7. Swiss energy statistics 2003; Schweizerische Gesamtenergiestatistik 2003/Statistique globale suisse de l'energie 2003

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This comprehensive report by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2003. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The report also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2003 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Also, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable forms of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power. The third chapter provides data on the individual energy carriers and the final chapter looks at economical and ecological aspects. An appendix provides information on the methodology used in collecting the statistics and on data available in the Swiss cantons.

  8. Swiss energy statistics 2006; Schweizerische Gesamtenergiestatistik 2006/Statistique globale suisse de l'energie 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This comprehensive report by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2006. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The report also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2006 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Also, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable forms of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power. The third chapter provides data on the individual energy carriers and the final chapter looks at economical and ecological aspects. An appendix provides information on the methodology used in collecting the statistics and on data available in the Swiss cantons.

  9. Swiss energy statistics 2002; Schweizerische Gesamtenergiestatistik 2002/Statistique globale suisse de l'energie 2002

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This comprehensive report by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2002. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The report also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2002 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Also, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable forms of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power. The third chapter provides data on the individual energy carriers and the final chapter looks at economical and ecological aspects. An appendix provides information on the methodology used in collecting the statistics and on data available in the Swiss cantons.

  10. Freedom of choice of specialist physicians is important to Swiss resident: a cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Peytremann-Bridevaux, Isabelle; Ruffieux, Christiane; Burnand, Bernard


    To assess how important the possibility to choose specialist physicians is for Swiss residents and to determine which variables are associated with this opinion. This cross-sectional study used data from the 2007 Swiss population-based health survey and included 13,642 non-institutionalised adults who responded to the telephone and paper questionnaires. The dependent variable included answers to the question "How important is it for you to be able to choose the specialist you would like to visit?" Independent variables included socio-demographics, health and past year healthcare use measures. Crude and adjusted logistic regressions for the importance of being able to choose specialist physicians were performed, accounting for the survey design. 45% of participants found it very important to be able to choose the specialist physician they wanted to visit. The answers "rather important", "rather not important" and "not important" were reported by 28%, 20% and 7% of respondents. Women, individuals in middle/high executive position, those with an ordinary insurance scheme, those reporting ≥2 chronic conditions or poorer subjective health, or those who had had ≥2 outpatient visits in the preceding year were more likely to find this choice very important. In 2007, almost half of all Swiss residents found it very important to be able to choose his/her specialist physician. The further development of physician networks or other chronic disease management initiatives in Switzerland, towards integrated care, need to pay attention to the freedom of choice of specialist physicians that Swiss residents value. Future surveys should provide information on access and consultations with specialist physicians.

  11. How neighbours of the first large Swiss wind farm perceive the wind turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Droz, Y.; Mieville-Ott, V.; Monsutti, A.


    This report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy presents the results of a study on the way the neighbours of the first large Swiss wind farm react on this particular neighbourhood. A survey involving 421 people showed that, as a general rule, the wind turbines are well accepted. However, it also showed that a transparent negotiation with the population during wind turbine project developpement is absolutely needed. Public acceptance also depends on the way the turbine arrays are aesthetically integrated in the landscape. The report is rounded up by recommendations for companies in charge of wind energy projects in order to minimize troubles with the concerned population. For example, financial compensation could be a suitable means when dealing with farmers

  12. RPE and RPO in the revised Swiss radiation protection legislation; RPE und RPO in der revidierten schweizerischen Strahlenschutzgesetzgebung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jahn, S.G. [Eidgenoessisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI), Brugg (Switzerland); Stritt, N.; Bogni, S. [Bundesamt fuer Gesundheit (BAG), Bern (Switzerland); Hammans, M. [Schweizerische Unfallversicherungsanstalt (SUVA), Luzern (Switzerland); Duerst, B. [Departement fuer Verteidigung, Bevoelkerungsschutz und Sport (VBS), Bern (Switzerland); Kuehne, G. [Paul-Scherrer-Institut (PSI), Wuerenlingen (Switzerland); Besancon, A. [Institut de Radiophysique (IRA), Lausanne (Switzerland)


    Currently the Swiss 'Ordinance on Radiation Protection' and the 'Ordinance about Education and Training in RP' are undergoing a revision process. Concerning responsibilities and obligations as well as the capabilities and skills in RP the new ordinances are supposed to take account on the new EU Basic Safety Standard on the one hand and on the other hand to resume the approved approaches on RP in Switzerland. An overview of the planned content of the revised ordinances will be given in this report. In the Swiss system the education, training and retraining of RPO has a higher priority. Particularly it will be described which groups of persons assume the roles of RPE and therefore the definition of RPE in the new Swiss legislation is needless. (orig.)

  13. Radiological hazard indices and elemental composition of Brazilian and Swiss ornamental rocks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    El Hajj, T.M. [Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL), Pocos de Caldas, MG (Brazil); Silva, P.S.C.; Santos, A., E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Gandolla, M.P.A. [Universita della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Lugano (Switzerland); Dantas, G.A.S.A.; Delboni Junior, H. [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil)


    The objective of this paper was to evaluate the radiological risk index of ornamental rocks sold both in Brazil and Europe and to correlate their radioactive content with their chemical composition. The {sup 238}U, {sup 232}Th and {sup 40}K mean values were 62 ± 65, 122 ± 111, 1126 ± 516 Bq kg{sup -1} for Brazilian and 93 ± 59, 70 ± 67 and 1005 ± 780 Bq kg{sup -1} for Swiss samples, respectively. The radiological index: radium equivalent, external hazard index, absorbed dose rate in air, annual gonadal equivalent dose, annual effective dose equivalent, and excess lifetime cancer risk for Brazilian and Swiss samples were calculated. The main contribution for the radiological indices observed was the radionuclide {sup 232}Th, which is associated with REE, Br, Hf, Na, Rb, Sb and Zr in the rock matrix. (author)

  14. Irreducible Vagueness<em/>

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ekman, Ulrik


    This article argues that Blur Building, Diller & Scofidio's architectural project for the Swiss Expo 2002, demonstrated performatively and interactively how contemporary worldmaking involves cultural and technological invention and construction both, implying our cultural co-evolution with ubiqui......This article argues that Blur Building, Diller & Scofidio's architectural project for the Swiss Expo 2002, demonstrated performatively and interactively how contemporary worldmaking involves cultural and technological invention and construction both, implying our cultural co......-evolution with ubiquitous computing and media such that "worlding" must today be approached and approximated as a question of realities that mix virtuality and actuality. This article not only touches upon the actual inventions produced in this project--with its atmospheric architecture of tensegrity structures, its vast...

  15. A specimen of <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> in Barn Owl's pellets from Murge plateau (Apulia, Italy / Su di un <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> (Insectivora, Soricidae rinvenuto in borre di <em>Tyto albaem> delle Murge (Puglia, Italia

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    Giovanni Ferrara


    Full Text Available Abstract In a lot of Barn Owl's pellets from the Murge plateau a specimen of <em>Sorex> sp. was detected. Thank to some morphological and morphometrical features, the cranial bones can be tentatively attributed to <em>Sorex samniticusem> Altobello, 1926. The genus <em>Sorex> was not yet included in the Apulia's fauna southwards of the Gargano district; the origin and significance of the above record is briefly discussed, the actual presence of a natural population of <em>Sorex> in the Murge being not yet proved. Riassunto Viene segnalato il rinvenimento di un esemplare di <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> da borre di <em>Tyto albaem> delle Murge. Poiché il genere non era stato ancora segnalato nella Puglia a sud del Gargano, viene discusso il significato faunistico del reperto.

  16. IT-Benefits-Management in the Swiss Financial Sector


    Schwabe, G; Baenninger, P


    Companies engage in IT-projects in order to gain some benefits; however they complain that those bene-fits are difficult to achieve. On the basis of a survey in the Swiss financial industry this paper comes to the conclusion that due to a fundamental misconception companies reproduce the lack of success in reaping IT benefits: Many companies regard benefit management as an instrument to support project proposals rather than as an instrument to gain optimal benefits. Conse-quently, benefits ma...

  17. Efecto de extractos vegetales de <em>Polygonum hydropiperoidesem>, <em>Solanum nigrumem> y <em>Calliandra pittieriem> sobre el gusano cogollero (<em>Spodoptera frugiperdaem>

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    Lizarazo H. Karol


    Full Text Available

    El gusano cogollero <em>Spodoptera frugiperdaem> es una de las plagas que más afectan los cultivos en la región de Sumapaz (Cundinamarca, Colombia. En la actualidad se controla principalmente aplicando productos de síntesis química, sin embargo la aplicación de extractos vegetales surge como una alternativa de menor impacto sobre el ambiente. Este control se emplea debido a que las plantas contienen metabolitos secundarios que pueden inhibir el desarrollo de los insectos. Por tal motivo, la presente investigación evaluó el efecto insecticida y antialimentario de extractos vegetales de barbasco <em>Polygonum hydropiperoidesem> (Polygonaceae, carbonero <em>Calliandra pittieriem> (Mimosaceae y hierba mora <em>Solanum nigrumem> (Solanaceae sobre larvas de <em>S. frugiperdaem> biotipo maíz. Se estableció una cría masiva del insecto en el laboratorio utilizando una dieta natural con hojas de maíz. Posteriormente se obtuvieron extractos vegetales utilizando solventes de alta polaridad (agua y etanol y media polaridad (diclorometano los cuales se aplicaron sobre las larvas de segundo instar. Los resultados más destacados se presentaron con extractos de <em>P. hydropiperoidesem>, obtenidos con diclorometano en sus diferentes dosis, con los cuales se alcanzó una mortalidad de 100% 12 días después de la aplicación y un efecto antialimentario representado por un consumo de follaje de maíz inferior al 4%, efectos similares a los del testigo comercial (Clorpiriphos.

  18. A contribution to the identification of promising technologies for SwissEnergy R and D policy in 2050

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buerer, M. [E4tech Switzerland, Lausanne (Switzerland); Cremer, C. [Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Centre for Energy Policy and Economics (CEPE), Zuerich (Switzerland)


    This comprehensive final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) takes a look at the conclusions of a study-project on promising energy technologies that could make a contribution to Swiss energy supply in the future. A review of literature on the subject is presented and the methodology used for the identification of the promising technologies is described. Four future possibilities of combining low or high levels of decentralisation of power generation with a low or high degree of fossil fuel utilisation are presented and discussed. The opinions for industry and the Swiss economy on the subject are looked at, as is research currently being carried out. Also, the so-called '2000-Watt Society' is briefly looked at. European aspects are discussed. Finally, exemplary prioritisation for the four options mentioned above along with the case of nothing being done at all are discussed.

  19. Rapid Development of Microsatellite Markers with 454 Pyrosequencing in a Vulnerable Fish<em>,> the Mottled Skate<em>, Raja em>pulchra>

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    Jung-Ha Kang


    Full Text Available The mottled skate, <em>Raja pulchraem>, is an economically valuable fish. However, due to a severe population decline, it is listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. To analyze its genetic structure and diversity, microsatellite markers were developed using 454 pyrosequencing. A total of 17,033 reads containing dinucleotide microsatellite repeat units (mean, 487 base pairs were identified from 453,549 reads. Among 32 loci containing more than nine repeat units, 20 primer sets (62% produced strong PCR products, of which 14 were polymorphic. In an analysis of 60 individuals from two <em>R. pulchra em>populations, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 1–10, and the mean allelic richness was 4.7. No linkage disequilibrium was found between any pair of loci, indicating that the markers were independent. The Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium test showed significant deviation in two of the 28 single-loci after sequential Bonferroni’s correction. Using 11 primer sets, cross-species amplification was demonstrated in nine related species from four families within two classes. Among the 11 loci amplified from three other <em>Rajidae> family species; three loci were polymorphic. A monomorphic locus was amplified in all three <em>Rajidae> family species and the <em>Dasyatidae> family. Two <em>Rajidae> polymorphic loci amplified monomorphic target DNAs in four species belonging to the Carcharhiniformes class, and another was polymorphic in two Carcharhiniformes species.

  20. Behavior of Leishmania major metacyclic promastigotes during the course of infection and immune response development in resistant versus susceptible hosts Comportamento de promastigoteas metacíclicos de Leishmania major durante o curso da infecção e da resposta imune em hospedeiros resistentes versus suscetíveis

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    Regina Coeli Cunha Dórea


    negativamente carregadas, enquanto que promastigotas metacíclicos não se aderem à coluna e podem ser recuperados com facilidade. Condições ótimas de cromatografia foram validadas por análise estatística. O rendimento médio de parasitas obtidos após separação em colunas de lã de vidro e a viabilidade dos promastigotas foram estimados por microscopia óptica. Os promastigotas metacíclicos tiveram um rendimento médio de 43,5% a 57,5%. Camundongos BALB/c (susceptíveis e camundongos C57BL/6 (resistentes apresentaram padrões distintos de lesões cutâneas, os primeiros com lesões mais agressivas, induzidas por promastigotas metacíclicos. As respostas à reação de HTR foram maiores nos grupos de camundongos C57BL/6, submetidos à infecção com promastigotas metacíclicos. Estes resultados indicam que o novo método poderia ser integrado aos protocolos existentes para estudar a metaciclogênese de parasitas do gênero Leishmania in vivo.

  1. Solidarity and cost management: Swiss citizens' reasons for priorities regarding health insurance coverage. (United States)

    Schindler, Mélinée; Danis, Marion; Goold, Susan D; Hurst, Samia A


    Approaches to priority-setting for scarce resources have shifted to public deliberation as trade-offs become more difficult. We report results of a qualitative analysis of public deliberation in Switzerland, a country with high health-care costs, an individual health insurance mandate and a strong tradition of direct democracy with frequent votes related to health care. We adapted the Choosing Healthplans All Together (CHAT) tool, an exercise developed to transform complex health-care allocation decisions into easily understandable choices, for use in Switzerland. We conducted focus groups in twelve Swiss cities, recruiting from a range of socio-economic backgrounds in the three language regions. Participants developed strategic arguments based on the importance of basic coverage for all, and of cost-benefit evaluation. They also expressed arguments relying on a principle of solidarity, in particular the importance of protection for vulnerable groups, and on the importance of medical care. They struggled with the place of personal responsibility in coverage decisions. In commenting on the exercise, participants found the degree of consensus despite differing opinions surprising and valuable. The Swiss population is particularly attentive to the costs of health care and means of reducing these costs. Swiss citizens are capable of making trade-offs and setting priorities for complex health issues. © 2018 The Authors Health Expectations published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Swiss electro-industry is oriented towards export

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Horat, E


    When a Swiss enterprise years ago got an order from the USA for two steam turbines with a power of 1100 and 1300 MW a British economic journal refered to this as a 'literally revolutionary event'. The reason was that the biggest machines for generation of electric energy had a performance of merely 500 to 600 MW. In between the competitive industry has gained pace and now builds machines of the same performance class. The competition for the technical leadership still goes on, research and development are constantly being pushed forward, emphasis is put on improving the degree of efficiency.

  3. ATLAS Computing on the Swiss Cloud SWITCHengines

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00215485; The ATLAS collaboration; Sciacca, Gianfranco


    Consolidation towards more computing at flat budgets beyond what pure chip technology can offer, is a requirement for the full scientific exploitation of the future data from the Large Hadron Collider. One consolidation measure is to exploit cloud infrastructures whenever they are financially competitive. We report on the technical solutions and the performance used and achieved running ATLAS production on SWITCHengines. SWITCHengines is the new cloud infrastructure offered to Swiss academia by the National Research and Education Network SWITCH. While solutions and performances are general, financial considerations and policies, which we also report on, are country specific.

  4. A strategy for reducing CO_2 emissions from buildings with the Kaya identity – A Swiss energy system analysis and a case study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mavromatidis, Georgios; Orehounig, Kristina; Richner, Peter; Carmeliet, Jan


    Within the general context of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reduction, decomposition analysis allows the quantification of the contribution of different factors to changes in emissions as well as the assessment of the effectiveness of policy and technology measures. The Kaya identity has been widely used for that purpose in order to disaggregate carbon emissions into various driving forces. In this paper, it is applied for the analysis of emissions resulting from energy use at three different scales. First, a decomposition analysis of the carbon emissions for the complete Swiss energy system is presented using the future projections from the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050. The Kaya identity is then applied to the Swiss building sector after it is adapted with factors that are more relatable to building parameters, such as floor area instead of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Finally, the last level of analysis is a small scale community energy system for a unique Swiss village that aims to significantly reduce its emissions. An energy strategy is developed and its effectiveness is assessed with the adapted Kaya identity and benchmarked against the Swiss average values. The presented method demonstrates how the performance of buildings under various retrofitting scenarios can be benchmarked against future emission targets. - Highlights: • The Kaya identity is used to perform multi-scale emission decomposition analysis. • The original Kaya identity is updated with building-related parameters. • The main drivers of emissions reduction of the Swiss building stock are determined. • An energy strategy to transform the building stock of a Swiss village is developed. • The performance of efficiency measures are benchmarked using the Kaya identity.

  5. The Swiss automobile industry - Situation, structure, trends, challenges and chances; Automobilindustrie Schweiz. Branchenanalyse 2008

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schulze, A.


    This paper presented at the Swiss 2008 research conference on traffic takes a look at the situation of the Swiss automobile industry in 2008. The results of the study are presented and include figures on the automobile industry, its history, structure, turn-over, employment and its position from the international point of view. Research and development in the sector, investments and challenges faced are discussed. The products and services offered are looked at and the relevant strategies examined. The sector's competitive environment and possibilities for growth are looked at and the advantages offered by strategic partnerships and geographical location are noted. Finally, interviews with important actors in the business are presented.

  6. A New Natural Lactone from <em>Dimocarpus> <em>longan> Lour. Seeds

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    Zhongjun Li


    Full Text Available A new natural product named longanlactone was isolated from <em>Dimocarpus> <em>longan> Lour. seeds. Its structure was determined as 3-(2-acetyl-1<em>H>-pyrrol-1-yl-5-(prop-2-yn-1-yldihydrofuran-2(3H-one by spectroscopic methods and HRESIMS.

  7. Purification, Characterization and Antioxidant Activities <em>in Vitroem>> em>and <em>in Vivoem> of the Polysaccharides from <em>Boletus edulisem> Bull

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    Yijun Fan


    Full Text Available A water-soluble polysaccharide (BEBP was extracted from <em>Boletus edulis em>Bull using hot water extraction followed by ethanol precipitation. The polysaccharide BEBP was further purified by chromatography on a DEAE-cellulose column, giving three major polysaccharide fractions termed BEBP-1, BEBP-2 and BEBP-3. In the next experiment, the average molecular weight (Mw, IR and monosaccharide compositional analysis of the three polysaccharide fractions were determined. The evaluation of antioxidant activities both <em>in vitroem> and <em>in vivo em>suggested that BEBP-3 had good potential antioxidant activity, and should be explored as a novel potential antioxidant.

  8. Community of Faithful Dissidents. Representations of Anabaptism in Swiss Historical Fiction by Walter Laedrach and Katharina Zimmermann

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    Berit Jany


    Full Text Available The twentieth-century Swiss local authors Walter Laedrach and Katharina Zimmermann rediscovered the dark chapter of Swiss history documenting the torture and execution of non-resistant and non-conformist Christians in the Bernese Oberland. The following anal­ysis of the literary representation of these pacifist Anabaptists will identify historiographical sources that served as inspiration to the authors and the contributions their historical no­vels make in Switzerland’s process of coming to terms with its tragic past.

  9. Comparison of Czech, Slovak and Swiss Product Innovation Oriented Firms’ Communication in Social Media

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    Vít Chlebovský


    Full Text Available Objective of the research described in this article is to analyze and compare the use of social media communication channels in Czech, Slovak and Swiss product innovation oriented companies, where Swiss set of the companies is used as a benchmark. Primary research was made through manual activity scanning of the selected companies within social media. European company database Amadeus provided by Bureau van Dijk was used for the company selection in all three countries under the same search criteria. There were made two research sets of the companies in each country. One set covers top turnover product innovation oriented companies, second set avoided product innovation orientation search criteria and covers top companies by turnover in the respective country. Each particular sample set covered 74 to 100 companies.Activities of the selected companies on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn were manually scanned and particular metrics were scaled. Microsoft Excel was used for storing, statistical processing and graphic outputs of the research. Evaluated results show significant gaps in use of social media communication tools in Czech and Slovak companies comparing to Swiss benchmark. It has been also confirmed that social media communication activity in product innovation oriented companies is equal to other companies. The hypotheses were statistically tested and results confirmed.

  10. 5 years of ambient pressure photoelectron spectroscopy (APPES) at the Swiss Light Source (SLS)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Olivieri, Giorgia [Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology, Department of Materials, ETH Zürich, CH-8093, Zurich (Switzerland); Giorgi, Javier B. [Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, and Centre for Catalysis Research and Innovation, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5 (Canada); Green, Richard G. [Measurement Science and Standards, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6 (Canada); Brown, Matthew A., E-mail: [Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology, Department of Materials, ETH Zürich, CH-8093, Zurich (Switzerland)


    Highlights: • A review of the ongoing research using the APPES endstation of the Swiss Light Source is presented. • Research interests include the liquid-vapor, liquid-nanoparticle and vapor-solid interfaces. • An outlook to the next five years of research at the Swiss Light Source is presented. - Abstract: In March of 2012 an endstation dedicated to ambient pressure photoelectron spectroscopy (APPES) was installed at the Swiss Light Source (SLS) synchrotron radiation facility on the campus of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). The endstation is mobile and operated at the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV), Surfaces/Interfaces: Microscopy (SIM) and Phoenix beamlines, which together afford a nearly continuous photon energy range from 5−8000 eV. This broad energy range is by far the widest available to a single currently operational APPES endstation. During its first five years of operation this endstation has been used to address challenging fundamental problems in the areas of soft-matter colloidal nanoscience, environmental science and energy storage—research that encompasses the liquid-nanoparticle, liquid-vapor (or vacuum) and solid-vapor interfaces. Here we present select highlights of these results and offer an outlook to the next five years of APPES research at the SLS.

  11. <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem> in red foxes (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> and badgers (<em>Meles melesem> from Central and Northern Italy

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    Marta Magi


    Full Text Available Abstract During 2004-2005 and 2007-2008, 189 foxes (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> and 6 badgers (<em>Meles melesem> were collected in different areas of Central Northern Italy (Piedmont, Liguria and Tuscany and examined for <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem> infection. The prevalence of the infection was significantly different in the areas considered, with the highest values in the district of Imperia (80%, Liguria and in Montezemolo (70%, southern Piedmont; the prevalence in Tuscany was 7%. One badger collected in the area of Imperia turned out to be infected, representing the first report of the parasite in this species in Italy. Further studies are needed to evaluate the role played by fox populations as reservoirs of infection and the probability of its spreading to domestic dogs.
    Riassunto <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem> nella volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> e nel tasso (<em>Meles melesem> in Italia centro-settentrionale. Nel 2004-2005 e 2007-2008, 189 volpi (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> e 6 tassi (<em>Meles melesem> provenienti da differenti aree dell'Italia settentrionale e centrale (Piemonte, Liguria Toscana, sono stati esaminati per la ricerca di <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem>. La prevalenza del nematode è risultata significativamente diversa nelle varie zone, con valori elevati nelle zone di Imperia (80% e di Montezemolo (70%, provincia di Cuneo; la prevalenza in Toscana è risultata del 7%. Un tasso proveniente dall'area di Imperia è risultato positivo per A. vasorum; questa è la prima segnalazione del parassita in tale specie in Italia. Ulteriori studi sono necessari per valutare il potenziale della volpe come serbatoio e la possibilità di diffusione della parassitosi ai cani domestici.


  12. Documentation on the development of the Swiss TIMES Electricity Model (STEM-E)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kannan, R.; Turton, H.


    This comprehensive report by the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland documents the development of the Swiss TIMES Electricity Model (STEM-E). This is a flexible model which explicitly depicts plausible pathways for the development of the Swiss electricity sector, while dealing with inter-temporal variations in demand and supply. TIMES is quoted as having the capability to portray the entire energy system from resource supply, through fuel processing, representation of infrastructures, conversion to secondary energy carriers, end-use technologies and energy service demands at end-use sectors. The background of the model's development and a reference energy system are described. Also, electricity end-use sectors and generating systems are examined, including hydropower, nuclear power, thermal generation and renewables. Environmental factors and the calibration of the model are discussed, as is the application of the model. The document is completed with an outlook, references and six appendices

  13. Global Biodiversity Loss by Freshwater Consumption and Eutrophication from Swiss Food Consumption. (United States)

    Scherer, Laura; Pfister, Stephan


    We investigated water-related resource use, emissions and ecosystem impacts of food consumed in Switzerland. To do so, we coupled LCA methodologies on freshwater consumption, freshwater eutrophication and the consequent local and global biodiversity impacts with Swiss customs data and multiregional input-output analysis. Most of the resource use, emissions and impacts occur outside the national boundaries which illustrates the extent of environmental outsourcing facilitated by international trade. Countries that are severely affected by Swiss food consumption include Spain, the United States and Ecuador. Cocoa, coffee, and almonds stood out as products with high impacts. By identifying spatial hotspots and impactful products, awareness of policy-makers as well as individual consumers can be raised and efforts of detailed assessments can be streamlined. However, political and economic constraints and the resistance by individual consumers limit the high potential of changes in diets and trade relations to decrease the environmental impacts of food.

  14. Assessment of Genetic Fidelity in <em>Rauvolfia em>s>erpentina em>Plantlets Grown from Synthetic (Encapsulated Seeds Following <em>in Vitroem> Storage at 4 °C

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    Mohammad Anis


    Full Text Available An efficient method was developed for plant regeneration and establishment from alginate encapsulated synthetic seeds of <em>Rauvolfia serpentinaem>. Synthetic seeds were produced using <em>in vitroem> proliferated microshoots upon complexation of 3% sodium alginate prepared in Llyod and McCown woody plant medium (WPM and 100 mM calcium chloride. Re-growth ability of encapsulated nodal segments was evaluated after storage at 4 °C for 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks and compared with non-encapsulated buds. Effects of different media <em>viz>; Murashige and Skoog medium; Lloyd and McCown woody Plant medium, Gamborg’s B5 medium and Schenk and Hildebrandt medium was also investigated for conversion into plantlets. The maximum frequency of conversion into plantlets from encapsulated nodal segments stored at 4 °C for 4 weeks was achieved on woody plant medium supplement with 5.0 μM BA and 1.0 μM NAA. Rooting in plantlets was achieved in half-strength Murashige and Skoog liquid medium containing 0.5 μM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA on filter paper bridges. Plantlets obtained from stored synseeds were hardened, established successfully <em>ex vitroem> and were morphologically similar to each other as well as their mother plant. The genetic fidelity of <em>Rauvolfia em>clones raised from synthetic seeds following four weeks of storage at 4 °C were assessed by using random amplified polymorphic<em> em>DNA (RAPD and inter-simple sequence repeat<em> em>(ISSR markers. All the RAPD and ISSR profiles from generated plantlets were monomorphic and comparable<em> em>to the mother plant, which confirms the genetic<em> em>stability among the clones. This synseed protocol could be useful for establishing a particular system for conservation, short-term storage and production of genetically identical and stable plants before it is released for commercial purposes.

  15. Prevalência de ecto e endoparasitas em camundongos e ratos criados em biotério

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    M. Cecília R. Vieira Bressan


    observed in the mice and rats from conventional colonies, but not in animals from the control colony. Mild alopecia and bristly hairs were detected in all animals from the evaluated colonies. Ectoparasites such as Myobia musculi, Myocoptes musculinus, Radfordia affinis, R. ensifera and Poliplax spinulosa were identified in the conventional colonies, in multiple and single infestations. Myobia musculi is described for the first time in rats reared in breeding colonies. Endoparasites such as Hymenolepisnana, Syphacia sp, Aspiculuris tetraptera, Tritrichomonas muris, Spironucleusmuris, Giardia muris, and Eimeria sp were observed in the conventional colonies. However, through necropsy results, in the control colony Syphacia sp and Aspiculuris tetraptera were the only parasites found. Necropsy confirmed the indication of the anal swab method for detection of Syphacia sp rather than the Willis method, and revealed the degree of infection by intestinal protozoa and Syphacia sp. H. nana and Aspiculuris tetraptera were efficiently detected by Willis method.

  16. Sulla presenza di <em>Sorex antinoriiem>, <em>Neomys anomalusem> (Insectivora, Soricidae e <em>Talpa caecaem> (Insectivora, Talpidae in Umbria

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    A.M. Paci


    Full Text Available Lo scopo del contributo è di fornire un aggiornamento sulla presenza del Toporagno del Vallese <em>Sorex antinoriiem>, del Toporagno acquatico di Miller <em>Neomys anomalusem> e della Talpa cieca <em>Talpa caecaem> in Umbria, dove le specie risultano accertate ormai da qualche anno. A tal fine sono stati rivisitati i reperti collezionati e la bibliografia conosciuta. Toporagno del Vallese: elevato di recente a livello di specie da Brünner et al. (2002, altrimenti considerato sottospecie del Toporagno comune (<em>S. araneus antinoriiem>. È conservato uno di tre crani incompleti (mancano mandibole ed incisivi superiori al momento prudenzialmente riferiti a <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>antinorii>, provenienti dall?Appennino umbro-marchigiano settentrionale (dintorni di Scalocchio - PG, 590 m. s.l.m. e determinati sulla base della pigmentazione rossa degli ipoconi del M1 e M2; Toporagno acquatico di Miller: tre crani (Breda in Paci e Romano op. cit. e un esemplare intero (Paci, ined. sono stati trovati a pochi chilometri di distanza gli uni dall?altro tra i comuni di Assisi e Valfabbrica, in ambienti mediocollinari limitrofi al Parco Regionale del M.te Subasio (Perugia. In provincia di Terni la specie viene segnalata da Isotti (op. cit. per i dintorni di Orvieto. Talpa cieca: sono noti una femmina e un maschio raccolti nel comune di Pietralunga (PG, rispettivamente in una conifereta a <em>Pinus nigraem> (m. 630 s.l.m. e nelle vicinanze di un bosco misto collinare a prevalenza di <em>Quercus cerrisem> (m. 640 s.l.m.. Recentemente un terzo individuo è stato rinvenuto nel comune di Sigillo (PG, all?interno del Parco Regionale di M.te Cucco, sul margine di una faggeta a 1100 m s.l.m. In entrambi i casi l?areale della specie è risultato parapatrico con quello di <em>Talpa europaeaem>.

  17. Comparison of Swiss basic health insurance costs of complementary and conventional medicine. (United States)

    Studer, Hans-Peter; Busato, André


    From 1999 to 2005, 5 methods of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) applied by physicians were provisionally included into mandatory Swiss basic health insurance. Between 2012 and 2017, this will be the case again. Within this process, an evaluation of cost-effectiveness is required. The goal of this study is to compare practice costs of physicians applying CAM with those of physicians applying solely conventional medicine (COM). The study was designed as a cross-sectional investigation of claims data of mandatory health insurance. For the years 2002 and 2003, practice costs of 562 primary care physicians with and without a certificate for CAM were analyzed and compared with patient-reported outcomes. Linear models were used to obtain estimates of practice costs controlling for different patient populations and structural characteristics of practices across CAM and COM. Statistical procedures show similar total practice costs for CAM and COM, with the exception of homeopathy with 15.4% lower costs than COM. Furthermore, there were significant differences between CAM and COM in cost structure especially for the ratio between costs for consultations and costs for medication at the expense of basic health insurance. Patients reported better quality of the patient-physician relationship and fewer adverse side effects in CAM; higher cost-effectiveness for CAM can be deduced from this perspective. This study uses a health system perspective and demonstrates at least equal or better cost-effectiveness of CAM in the setting of Swiss ambulatory care. CAM can therefore be seen as a valid complement to COM within Swiss health care. Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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    Kothalanka Viswaja


    Full Text Available Background: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of trunk training and Swiss ball exercises in acute stroke subjects. Trunk is often neglected part in the stroke rehabilitation, trunk training exercises and Swiss ball exercises result in better recruitment of trunk muscles thus improving sitting balance and gait parameters in acute stroke subjects. However literature evidences for trunk training exercises and Swiss ball exercises in improving sitting balance and gait are scarce in acute stroke population. Methods: A total of 60 subjects who met the inclusion criteria were recruited from department of physiotherapy, G.S.L general hospital and were randomly allocated into 2 groups with 30 subjects in each group. Initially all of them were screened for balance and gait using trunk impairment scale and by assessing gait parameters, after that they were given a 30min of trunk training and Swiss ball exercises for 5 days a week for 4 weeks. Both the groups received conventional physiotherapy for 4 weeks. Results: Post intervention there was no significant difference between the two groups. There was improvement post treatment in trunk training group (P0.5. Conclusion: The results had shown that both groups noted significant difference. But when comparing between these two groups there is no statistical significance noted. So this study concluded that there is no significant difference between trunk training exercises and Swiss ball exercises on sitting balance and gait parameters in subjects with stroke.

  19. Efeito da dessecação das fezes de triatomíneos na sobrevivência de formas metacíclicas de Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Vânia A. Soares


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a taxa de dessecação das fezes de triatomíneos à temperatura ambiente e diferentes umidades relativas e à temperatura média da pele humana (33 °C. O tempo necessário para evaporar a água contida nas fezes de barbeiro é inversamente proporcional ao déficit de saturação atmosférica e é acelerado a temperaturas mais altas. Estudou-se a motilidade dos flagelados fecais diretamente ao microscópio e a infectividade dos mesmos após introdução na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos. A baixa umidade ambas, motilidade e infectividade, foram perdidas antes de 30 minutos. Em altas umidades esses parâmetros foram preservados, em grau variado, por mais de 30 minutos. A 33 °C, 100% dos camundongos foram infectados depois de 15 minutos, mas somente 3,3% após 30 minutos de exposição. As condições ambientais no interior de uma casa em Mambai variaram acentuadamente no período de estudo. Entretanto, foram geralmente similares àqueles observados experimentalmente em laboratório.We studied the rate of dessication of bug faeces at room temperature with different relative humidities and at the mean temperature of the human skin (33°C. The time necessary to evaporate the water present in bugfaeces was inversely proportionalto the atmosphere saturation deficit and was accelerated at higher temperatures. We studied the motility offaecalflagellates on direct microscopy and infectivity ofthe same afterthe introduction of the faeces in the peritoneal cavity of mice. At low humidities, both motility and infectivity were lost within 30 minutes, at high humidities these parameters were preserved up to 30 minutes at 33°C. 100% ofmice were infected after 15 minutes, butonly 3.3% after 30 minutes exposure at this temperature. Ambiental conditions of the interior of a house in Mambai varied greatly over a year of observation. However they were often similar to those of our laboratory experiments.

  20. Kinetics of the cercaria-schistosomulum transformation in vivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. L. Melo


    Full Text Available Sitice most studies on the cercaria-schistosomulum transformation have been carried out in vitro, the authors used the inoculation ofcercariae into the peritoneal cavity of mice tofollow the steps involved in this progressive adaptation of cercarie to the vertebmte host. The main conclusions were: 1. Most cercariae reach the schistosomular stage between 90-120 min after intraperitoneal inoculation. 2. Changes usuallystart with detachment of the tail followed by loss, rupture or changes of the glycocalix. 3. After 120 min most larvae loss their tails and present water sensitivity. 4. Acetabular grands depletion usually does not occur in cercaria-shistosomulum changes in the peritoneal cavity of mice. These steps differ in some way from those described in the kinetics of the in vitro observations performed by other investigators, and is more like those described in the penetration in the skin of living vertebrates.Uma vez que a maioria dos estudos da transformação cercária-esquistossômulo têm sido realizados in vitro, os autores usaram a inoculação de cercárias na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos para seguir as etapas envolvidas nesta adaptação progressiva das larvas ao hospedeiro vertebrado. conclusões principais foram: 1. A maioria das cercárias atinge 0 estádio de esquistossômulo entre 90 - 120 minutos após a inoculação intraperitoneal. 2. As modificações usualmente são iniciadas com a perda da cauda, seguidas pela perda, ruptura ou modificações do glicocálice. 3. Após 120 minutos do inóculo, a maioria das larvas perde sua cauda e apresenta intolerância à água. 4. A depleção das glândulas acetabulares habitualmente não ocorre durante o processo de transformação cercária-esquistossômulo, na cavidade peritoneal do camundongo. Os resultados da inoculação intraperitoneal em camundongos aproximam-se mais dos achados da penetração da cercária na pele de hospedeiros vertebrados, e diferem, em parte, das