
Sample records for chilenos con fibrosis

  1. El exilio chileno : Río profundo de la cultura iberoamericana

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    Carmen Norambuena


    Full Text Available El exilio chileno dio lugar a un fenómeno cultural de grandes proporciones y el confinamiento, con todas sus secuelas, inspiró un florecimiento extraordinario de las letras y las artes de vastas proyecciones, tanto así que despertó y sigue motivando el interés de estudiosos de diversas disciplinas. Entre los miles de chilenos que se repartieron por el mundo, un grupo, cualitativamente relevante, estuvo constituido por escritores, artistas plásticos, artesanos, músicos, gente de teatro y de cine, hombres de ciencia y académicos de las más variadas disciplinas. Grupos teatrales funcionaron en muchos países; y los conjuntos musicales chilenos recorrieron el mundo. Las exposiciones de pintores, fotógrafos, y escultores chilenos eran frecuentes en las más importantes ciudades americanas y europeas, a la vez que en el marco de casi todas las manifestaciones de solidaridad las artesanías, obras de artistas profesionales y ocasionales, eran puestas a la venta; muchos refugiados lograron sobrevivir del producto de este tipo de trabajo.

  2. Análisis sobre la ponderación de la prueba en el sistema electoral chileno

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    Carlos Manuel Rosales García


    Full Text Available El Tribunal Calificador de Elecciones chileno tiene la facultad constitucional de erigirse como jurado para la valoración de las pruebas, esto significa poder apreciar la prueba de manera libre, para posteriormente, sentenciar con arreglo a derecho. Este artículo estudiará las principales características del juicio por jurado, con base en la doctrina y experiencia del derecho estadounidense, observando tanto su adopción y adaptación por el Tribunal Electoral, así como sus pros y contras en el sistema electoral chileno

  3. Chilenos en Madrid: Perfiles, trayectorias y su mirada inmigrante

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    Leonora Torres Matus


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se mostrará la información recogida durante las visitas a la asociación de chilenos en España (ACHES entre los años 2005 y 2006, específicamente a 30 casos estudiados con mayor profundidad a través de un cuestionario en un primer momento, seguido con entrevistas posteriores para complementar dicha información. Los chilenos entrevistados (en su mayoría jóvenes, de sexo masculino, solteros y sin carga familiar presentan una heterogeneidad clara, tanto en su perfil socio-económico y cultural como en sus motivos para emigrar a España, que son principalmente económicos. La media de estancia en el país es de 1-2 años desde el momento de la aplicación del cuestionario. Sus mayores problemas tienen relación con la situación legal en España y también con la precariedad laboral, que han ido solventando gracias a la red social tanto de compatriotas como de otros colectivos extranjeros y de la familia en origen. Para la mayoría, es la primera vez que inician una aventura migratoria. La nostalgia, el choque cultural y la necesidad de contar con la familia son los aspectos psicológicos y sociales que más destacan a la hora de hablar de su proceso de inserción en el país.

  4. Manifestaciones digestivas en pacientes con fibrosis quística

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    Eloísa Martí Castelló


    Full Text Available La mayoría de los pacientes con fibrosis quística presentan una insuficiencia exocrina de la función pancreática que entraña trastornos digestivos complejos. Se estudian 8 pacientes entre 1 y 12 años con el diagnóstico de fibrosis quística. Se les realizó enzimas pancreáticas en suero, electroforesis de proteínas y marcadores virales de la hepatitis B y C. También se les efectuó ultrasonido abdominal, gammagrafía esofágica, hepática y biliar. Las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes fueron la esteatorrea, cólicos abdominales y hepatomegalia. Se encontró la lipasa aumentada en suero en 2 pacientes con suficiencia pancreática y las transaminasas normales en todos ellos. Las manifestaciones hepáticas estuvieron presentes en 3 pacientes y el reflujo gastroesofágico y el prolapso rectal en 2, respectivamente. Se observó que el control terapéutico de estas manifestaciones reportan un buen estado nutricional y mejor calidad de vida.Most of the patients suffering from cystic fibrosis present an exocrine insufficiency of the pancreatic function leading to complex digestive disorders. 8 patients between 1 and 12 years old with the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis are studied. Pancreatic enzymes in serum, protein electrophoresis, and viral markers of hepatitis B and C were carried out. Abdominal ultrasound, esophageal, hepatic and biliary gammagraphy were also performed. The most frequent clinical manifestations were steatorrhea, abdominal colics and hepatomegalia. Augmented lipase in serum was found in two patients with pancreatic sufficiency, whereas transaminases were normal in all of them. 3 patients showed clinical manifestations and 2 had gastroesophageal reflux and rectal prolapse, respectively. It was observed that with the therapeutic control of these manifestations a good nutrional status and a better quality of life are reported.

  5. Eugenesia: Ciencia y religión. Una aproximación al caso chileno

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    Marcelo Sánchez Delgado


    Full Text Available El trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar las relaciones de continuidad y tensión entre el proyecto moderno, el pensamiento religioso y la propuesta eugénica en el contexto chileno. El trabajo inicia con una reflexión general sobre las relaciones entre eugenesia y religión en el contexto moderno, para luego abordar fuentes primarias que incluyen textos de médicos y abogados chilenos de la primera mitad del siglo XX. El resultado fundamental del trabajo demuestra que el debate del pensamiento eugénico en el contexto nacional no estuvo ajeno a las fuerzas religiosas, utópicas y mistificantes que tendían a ver la eugenesia como la religión del futuro y como un pensamiento de vanguardia, alternativo y crítico del cristianismo. Por otra parte, destaca también como resultado del trabajo, una aproximación y revalorización de las relaciones entre catolicismo y eugenesia en el contexto chileno.

  6. Prevalencia de deshidratación en futbolistas profesionales chilenos antes del entrenamiento


    Castro-Sepúlveda, Mauricio; Astudillo, Sebastián; Álvarez, Cristian; Zapata-Lamana, Rafael; Zbinden-Foncea, Hermann; Ramírez-Campillo, Rodrigo; Jorquera, Carlos


    Introducción: existen pocos estudios relacionados con el estado de hidratación pre-entrenamiento en futbolistas profesionales. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de deshidratación pre-entrenamiento en jugadores profesionales de fútbol. Metodos: se incluyeron un total de 156 jugadores de fútbol (edad 25,4 ± 5,2 años) de seis clubes profesionales chilenos. No se hicieron recomendaciones previas de hidratación ni de ingesta de alimentos, con el objetivo de evaluar el estado de hidratación bajo ...

  7. Lípidos séricos en escolares y adolescentes sanos chilenos de estrato socioeconómico alto

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    Zacarías S. José, Dr.


    Conclusiones: En niños y adolescentes chilenos sanos de estratos socioeconómicos altos, hay una alta proporción con colesterol total y colesterol LDL en zonas de riesgo o aumentadas. Las concentraciones de colesterol de adolescentes mujeres son significativamente mayores que las de varones. No se observó una asociación de lípidos séricos con perímetro abdominal o con IMC.

  8. Violencia y videojuegos en adolescentes chilenos y mexicanos.


    Patricia Martínez Lanz; Sharon Bohorodzaner; Eunice Kampfner


    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar la relación entre los niveles de violencia y el uso de videojuegos en adolescentes mexicanos y chilenos. Se utilizó una muestra no probabilística de 100 adolescentes, 50 de nacionalidad Mexicana y 50 de nacionalidad Chilena. Con un rango de edad de 12 a 18 años. El instrumento tuvo una serie de preguntas cerradas acerca de la conducta cotidiana del uso de videojuegos, para evaluar la violencia se aplicó un instrumento de 15 reactivos que m...


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    Carlos Matus Castillo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Verificar y analizar la relación de los clubes deportivos chilenos con las organizaciones públicas y privadas con y sin fines de lucro. Problemática: Las organizaciones deportivas son un objeto carente de análisis en Latinoamérica y también en Chile. En este país, las exiguas investigaciones no se han enfocado exclusivamente en la figura del club, por lo tanto no existen mayores evidencias respecto a sus relaciones con el entorno, lo cual ha generado un desconocimiento de información que podría emplearse en el diseño de estrategias que permitieran abordarlos. Referentes teóricos: La comprensión de la relación de los clubes con otras organizaciones de la sociedad se enfoca a partir de la teoría del tercer sector (Levitt, 1973; Salamon et al., 1999. Junto a ello, se observan las características de los clubes (Heinemann, 1999 que permiten distinguirlos de otras organizaciones del deporte. Los anteriores onstructos teóricos se sitúan desde el deporte como un sistema abierto (Puig y Heinemann, 1991. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, experimental y de corte transversal, con enfoque cuantitativo. Se aplicó un cuestionario a ciento cincuenta dirigentes deportivos provenientes de clubes de la región del Biobío. La muestra fue probabilística y estratificada, y el análisis de los datos se realizó a través de estadística descriptiva. Conclusiones: Se observó que los clubes presentaban una importante cercanía con las instituciones públicas. Llamó la atención también que tuvieran más vínculos con otras organizaciones de la sociedad que no están relacionadas directamente con el deporte.

  10. Fibrosis pulmonar asociada a vasculitis con anticuerpos anticitoplasmáticos positivos


    Marcelo Fernández Casares; Alejandra González; Flavia Caputo; Yanina Bottinelli; Patricia Nastavi; Marcelo Zamboni


    Las complicaciones pulmonares más conocidas de las vasculitis con anticuerpos anticitoplasmáticos de los neutrófilos (ANCA) positivos (VAA), son la hemorragia alveolar, los granulomas y la estenosis de la vía aérea. En los últimos años han aparecido algunos informes aislados que muestran la asociación con fibrosis pulmonar (FP), sugiriendo que ésta sería otra complicación de las VAA. En este trabajo informamos dos casos con dicha asociación describiendo sus características clínicas, tomográfi...

  11. Financiamiento del sistema de salud chileno The Chilean health system financing

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    Marcos Vergara-Iturriaga


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Explorar el financiamiento del sistema de salud chileno sobre la base de los datos más recientes disponibles. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se utiliza el marco teórico de los sistemas de salud del informe de salud del mundo del año 2000 de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS para analizar el financiamiento del sistema de salud chileno, con especial énfasis en los esquemas de aseguramiento existentes. RESULTADOS: En el sistema de salud chileno hay una gran proporción de personas cubiertas por los seguros de salud existentes (alrededor de 88%; sin embargo, se presenta una tendencia importante hacia la segmentación de la población, sea por riesgo o por ingreso. Se observan esfuerzos, en especial por parte del Fondo Nacional de Salud (FONASA, orientados a realizar una compra estratégica de servicios de salud. CONCLUSIONES: Existe aún mucho espacio para mejorar el financiamiento del sistema de salud chileno, sobre todo en cuanto a pooling y compra estratégica.OBJECTIVE: To explore the Chilean health system financing based on the most recent available data. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Using the WHO World Health Report 2000 framework, this paper analyzes the Chilean health system financing, with special emphasis on insurance schemes. RESULTS: The analysis shows that a great proportion of people is covered by the existing health insurance schemes (about 88%. However, there is a tendency towards segmentation of the population in terms of risk and income. Additionally, efforts have been made, especially by FONASA (National Health Fund, to perform a strategic purchasing of healthcare. CONCLUSIONS: There still is a need for improving the Chilean health system financing in terms of pooling and strategic purchasing.

  12. Neuromitos de los profesores chilenos: orígenes y predictores


    Varas-Genestier, Paulina; Ferreira, Roberto A


    El presente estudio investigó la prevalencia de neuromitos y el conocimiento general de neurociencia de profesores chilenos. Se encuestó a 91 profesores de enseñanza básica y media de diferentes establecimientos. En línea con las investigaciones previas, los resultados demostraron que los profesores poseen cierto conocimiento general de neurociencia, pero también tienen muchas concepciones erróneas o neuromitos como los referentes a las metodologías VAK, Brain Gym® y la dominancia hemisférica...

  13. Propiedades psicométricas de tres escalas de evaluación del trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad en escolares chilenos Psychometric properties of three rating scales for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Chilean students


    Alfonso Urzúa; Marcos Domic; Mireya Ramos; Andrea Cerda; Jael Quiroz


    OBJETIVO: Evaluar en escolares chilenos la fiabilidad y la validez de tres escalas que miden el trastorno de déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH): el inventario para déficit de atención (IDDA), la escala de evaluación del déficit de atención con hiperactividad (EDAH) y la adaptación española de la escala para la gradación del déficit de atención con hiperactividad IV (EGDAH IV). MÉTODO: Estudio instrumental con los tutores (n = 612) y los profesores (n = 82) de una muestra intenciona...

  14. Seguros de salud públicos y privados: el caso chileno


    Luis García Núñez


    En las últimas dos décadas Chile experimentó una profunda reforma en el área de los seguros de salud, estableciéndose una nueva configuración del sector con la coexistencia de un seguro público de salud junto a seguros privados. Este ensayo analiza un hecho estilizado del caso chileno: la presencia mayoritaria de personas de bajos ingresos y alto riesgo en el seguro público, observándose todo lo contrario en los seguros privados. Se desarrolla un modelo bisectorial basado en la teorfa estánda...

  15. Correlación clinico-microbiológica en 9 pacientes con fibrosis quística

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    Eloísa Martí Castelló


    Full Text Available En pacientes con fibrosis quística la Pseudomonas aeruginosa es el patógeno más importante como causa de infección pulmonar crónica y se ha demostrado que la respuesta inflamatoria del pulmón puede contribuir a la patogénesis de esta infección, con la participación de los mecanismos de defensa específicos e inespecíficos; por lo que se correlacionan las manifestaciones clínicas y microbiológicas en 9 pacientes con fibrosis quística. Los pacientes se diagnosticaron por la clínica y electrólitos en sudor y se les realizó estudio microbiológico de esputo o hisopado profundo, donde se aisló en todos los casos la Pseudomona aeruginosa. También se determinaron en suero los anticuerpos antiPseudomona aeruginosa y se relacionaron los resultados con la clínica. En todos los pacientes se obtuvieron títulos elevados en distintos serotipos determinados y existió relación entre los títulos de anticuerpos y las manifestaciones clínicas. Igualmente se observó disminución de los títulos en los pacientes tratados con esteroides o con tratamiento antiPseudomona.Among patients suffering from cystic fibrosis the Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most important pathogen as a cause of chronic pulmonary infection and it has been proved that lung inflammatory response may contribute to the pathogenesis of this infection, with the participation of specific and unspecific defence mechanisms. Therefore, clinical and microbiological manifestations are correlated in 9 patients with cystic fibrosis. Patients were diagnosed by the clinic and electrolites in sweat and it was carried out a microbiological study of sputum or deep swab, where the Pseudomona aeruginosa was isolated in all cases. Antipseudomona aeruginosa antibodies in serum were determined and the results were connected with the clinic. Elevated titres were obtained in all patients in different determined serotypes and there was a relationship between antibody titres and clinical

  16. Volúmenes pulmonares normales en pacientes con fibrosis pulmonar idiopática y enfisema Normal lung volumes in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema

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    Juan Pablo Casas


    Full Text Available La fibrosis pulmonar idiopática (FPI es una enfermedad que se caracteriza por presentar un compromiso pulmonar de tipo restrictivo, resultante de una reducción en la complacencia pulmonar secundaria a fibrosis difusa. En el enfisema, la pérdida de elasticidad pulmonar y el colapso de las vías aéreas periféricas generan obstrucción e hiperinflación. El efecto simultáneo que ambas enfermedades producen sobre la fisiología pulmonar no es del todo claro y se han descripto volúmenes pulmonares normales o casi normales. Presentamos 4 pacientes de sexo masculino de 64, 60, 73 y 70 años, con antecedentes de tabaquismo e historia de disnea progresiva, tres de ellos con grave limitación en su calidad de vida al momento de la consulta. En la tomografía de tórax de alta resolución todos los pacientes presentaban signos de enfermedad intersticial pulmonar avanzada, con cambios de tipo fibrótico con predominio basal y subpleural, que coexistían con enfisema centroacinar con predominio en lóbulos superiores. Uno de ellos tuvo confirmación diagnóstica de ambas condicioes por biopsia pulmonar a cielo abierto. En los cuatro pacientes la espirometría y volúmenes pulmonares fueron normales, pero tenían importante compromiso del intercambio gaseoso evaluado mediante el test de caminata de 6 minutos. Tres de los pacientes tenían hipertensión pulmonar grave diagnosticado por ecocardiograma. La presencia de volúmenes pulmonares normales no excluye un diagnóstico de fibrosis pulmonar idiopática en pacientes fumadores si coexisten evidencias tomográficas de enfisema. En estos pacientes el grado de compromiso funcional, determinado por la reducción de los volúmenes pulmonares, no debería ser considerado en la evaluación de la gravedad.Pulmonary function tests in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis characteristically show a restrictive pattern, resulting from reduction of pulmonary compliance due to diffuse fibrosis. Conversely, an obstructive

  17. Fibrosis pulmonar asociada a vasculitis con anticuerpos anticitoplasmáticos positivos

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    Marcelo Fernández Casares


    Full Text Available Las complicaciones pulmonares más conocidas de las vasculitis con anticuerpos anticitoplasmáticos de los neutrófilos (ANCA positivos (VAA, son la hemorragia alveolar, los granulomas y la estenosis de la vía aérea. En los últimos años han aparecido algunos informes aislados que muestran la asociación con fibrosis pulmonar (FP, sugiriendo que ésta sería otra complicación de las VAA. En este trabajo informamos dos casos con dicha asociación describiendo sus características clínicas, tomográficas e inmunológicas. Dado que en la asociación de FP y VAA notificada en los últimos años, la FP puede ser su primera manifestación, podría ser necesaria la búsqueda de ANCA en pacientes con FP, como causa de la misma y por el posible desarrollo posterior de vasculitis.

  18. Características Antropométricas de Triatletas amateur Chilenos: Un estudio piloto

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    Jorge A Sanhueza


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las características antropométricas de los triatletas son consideradas un importante factor condicionante del rendimiento deportivo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue caracterizar el perfil antropométrico de un grupo de triatletas amateur chilenos participantes de la prueba de medio Ironman de Pucón del año 2014 según categoría. Material y Métodos: Fueron evaluados 37 triatletas varones con un promedio de edad de 29,0 años y un peso de 74,3kg. Se midieron 25 variables antropométricas. Se calculó la composición corporal en cinco componentes y el somatotipo. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para la caracterización de los triatletas amateur chilenos. Resultados: Los resultados del fraccionamiento muestran valores medios (desviación estándar de masa adiposa 23,9% (3,5, masa muscular 48,0% (3,4, masa residual 11,6% (8,0, masa ósea 11,3% (1,3 y masa piel 5,2% (0,3. También se observan diferencias significativas en la masa piel entre las categorías ≤24 años y ≥35 años, y presencia de un menor porcentaje de masa adiposa y mayor masa muscular en el grupo 25-34 años. En el somatotipo se presenta una dominancia meso-endomorfica, con diferencias significativas en el componente endomórfico, mayor en ≥35 años, y ectomórfico, mayor en ≤24 años. Conclusiones: Las características morfológicas de los triatletas amateur chilenos no se asemejan a la de triatletas profesionales, observándose elevados porcentajes de masa adiposa, sumatoria de 6 pliegues y endomorfía; bajo nivel de masa muscular y ósea y del componente ectomórfico, lo cual pudiese afectar su rendimiento en este tipo de pruebas.

  19. Reflexiones sobre poderes femeninos, cuerpos y sensibilidades en un hogar chileno

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    María Eugenia Albornoz Vásquez


    Full Text Available Esta historia, co-escrita por su director junto a Pedro Peirano, guionista de “31 minutos”, muestra un momento crucial de Raquel, magistralmente interpretada por Catalina Saavedra, una nana de Santiago, que lleva trabajando y viviendo más de la mitad de su vida en casa de sus “patrones”, una “mujer empleada” que no tiene otro horizonte que ese lugar y esa rutina. También retrata agudamente un tipo de hogar chileno, se ríe con cariño de las heridas, las frustraciones, las ridiculeces y los er...

  20. Aporte de vitaminas y minerales por grupo de alimentos en estudiantes universitarios chilenos


    Samuel Durán Agüero; Susanne Reyes García; María Cristina Gaete


    Introducción: La etapa universitaria es un proceso en el cual las personas pasan por periodos prolongados de inactividad física y horarios irregulares de comidas, lo que conlleva al incremento en el consumo de alimentos procesados y de comida rápida. Objetivo: Fue determinar el aporte vitaminas y minerales por grupo de alimentos en la alimentación de estudiantes universitarios. Métodos: Se trabajó con una muestra de 654 estudiantes universitarios chilenos (18-24 años, 54% mujeres), a quienes ...

  1. Características Antropométricas de Triatletas amateur Chilenos: Un estudio piloto


    Jorge A Sanhueza; Carlos Bahamondes-Avila; Claudio Hernández-Mosqueira; Daniela Abarzua-Mandiola; Tomás Zambrano; Luis A Salazar


    Introducción: Las características antropométricas de los triatletas son consideradas un importante factor condicionante del rendimiento deportivo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue caracterizar el perfil antropométrico de un grupo de triatletas amateur chilenos participantes de la prueba de medio Ironman de Pucón del año 2014 según categoría. Material y Métodos: Fueron evaluados 37 triatletas varones con un promedio de edad de 29,0 años y un peso de 74,3kg. Se midieron 25 variables ant...


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    Gabriel Alcalá Cerra


    Full Text Available El compromiso pulmonar en pacientes con neurofibromatosis ha sido reiteradamente descrito como una complicación muy rara en la variedad tipo 1. Se caracteriza por enfermedad pulmonar intersticial difusa, fibrosis pulmonar, neoplasias torácicas y formación de bulas, estas últimas, con alto riesgo de ruptura. Describimos un caso de neumotórax espontáneo en una paciente con neurofibromatosis tipo 2, como consecuencia de cambios fibróticos pulmonares. A nuestro conocimiento, esta asociación no había sido reportada.

  3. Significaciones de la democracia en los mensajes presidenciales chilenos: 1990-2014

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    Carlos Salvatore Durán Migliardi


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone describir las significaciones que asume la democracia en el primero de los mensajes ante el Congreso Pleno emitido por cada uno de los presidentes de Chile durante el periodo 1990-2014. Junto con relevar el lugar del discurso en las dinámicas políticas, se pretende dar cuenta de las relaciones de continuidad y ruptura en torno a las significaciones hegemónicas que, en relación a este significante clave del lenguaje político, han circulado en el campo político chileno desde el retorno a la democracia en 1990.



    Leandro Navas Martínez; José Antonio Soriano Llorca; Francisco Pablo Holgado Tello; Irene Jover Mira


    Este estudio parte de la perspectiva que analiza el contenido de las metas en contextos académicos para explicar la motivación para los estudios. El objeti - vo es analizar la estructura que presentan las metas múltiples en estudiantes chilenos y sus relaciones con el rendimiento académico. Esto implica valorar las cualidades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Metas y valorar la contri - bución de las diferentes metas como variables predictoras del rendimiento académico. Participan 1773 es...

  5. Evolución de la fibrosis hepática en reclusos coinfectados por VIH y VHC que inician tratamiento con inhibidores de la proteasa potenciados

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    P. Saiz de la Hoya Zamácola


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Analizar la evolución de la fibrosis hepática medida por elastografía y pruebas bioquímicas en reclusos coinfectados por VIH y VHC que han iniciado tratamiento antirretroviral con lopinavir/ritonavir u otros inhibidores de la proteasa potenciados con ritonavir. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo, observacional y multicéntrico. Se comprobó durante 48 semanas la evolución de la fibrosis hepática medida mediante elastografía de transición (FibroScan y pruebas bioquímicas en población penitenciaria española coinfectada por VIH y VHC. Resultados: De los 94 pacientes incluidos, 54 (57,4% fueron seguidos durante 48 semanas. En la semana 48, no hubo cambios significativos en el grado de fibrosis medida mediante FibroScan (8,1 Kpa vs 8,3; p=0.20 o índice de FORNS (5,6 vs 5,1; p=0,50, aunque sí con el índice APRI (0.7 vs 0.6; p=0.05 y el índice FIB-4 (p=0,02. Cuando la medición se realizó en función del grado de fibrosis basal, se observó que el tratamiento redujo el porcentaje de pacientes con fibrosis basal de grado 3/4 (50% vs 15%; p=0,001, pero no hubo cambios en los que ya tenían basalmente grado 4 (20,4% vs 20,4%. Conclusión: Los reclusos coinfectados por VIH y VHC que inician tratamiento antirretroviral con lopinavir/ritonavir muestran una estabilización de la fibrosis hepática medida con FibroScan® tras un año de seguimiento. En conjunto, el tratamiento mejoró la fibrosis cuando la referencia de medición fue el índice APRI y el FIB-4, pero no con el índice FORNS o la elastografía.

  6. Personalidad eficaz e inteligencia emocional en contextos universitarios chilenos


    Tapia Allende, Roxana


    La investigación da cuenta sobre la relación empírica que existe entre los constructos de Personalidad Eficaz e Inteligencia / Competencia Emocional Intrapersonal e Interpersonal en contextos universitarios chilenos. Para ello, los objetivos propuestos son: establecer la relación empírica existente entre los constructos de Personalidad Eficaz y las Competencias Emocionales Intrapersonales e Interpersonales en contextos universitarios chilenos; establecer los tipos de personalidad eficaz y l...

  7. Fibrosis pulmonar asociada a vasculitis con anticuerpos anticitoplasmáticos positivos Pulmonary fibrosis associated with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-positive vasculitis

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    Marcelo Fernández Casares


    Full Text Available Las complicaciones pulmonares más conocidas de las vasculitis con anticuerpos anticitoplasmáticos de los neutrófilos (ANCA positivos (VAA, son la hemorragia alveolar, los granulomas y la estenosis de la vía aérea. En los últimos años han aparecido algunos informes aislados que muestran la asociación con fibrosis pulmonar (FP, sugiriendo que ésta sería otra complicación de las VAA. En este trabajo informamos dos casos con dicha asociación describiendo sus características clínicas, tomográficas e inmunológicas. Dado que en la asociación de FP y VAA notificada en los últimos años, la FP puede ser su primera manifestación, podría ser necesaria la búsqueda de ANCA en pacientes con FP, como causa de la misma y por el posible desarrollo posterior de vasculitis.The most frequently observed pulmonary complications of vasculitis (AAV with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic positive antibodies (ANCA are alveolar hemorrhage, granulomas and airway stenosis. In recent years, some reports have been published that show the association of vasculitis with pulmonary fibrosis (PF, suggesting that it may be another complication of AAV. We report and describe here two cases with such association, and their clinical, tomographic and immunological characteristics. Given that in the association between PF and AAV, as reported in the last years, PF could be the first manifestation of AAV, the search for ANCA in patients with PF may be necessary, as a cause of it and for the possible subsequent development of vasculitis.

  8. Uso de neumocitos de tipo II en el tratamiento de enfermedades pulmonares asociadas con fibrosis pulmonar


    Serrano-Mollar, Anna; Closa, Daniel; Bulbena, Oriol


    Se describe el empleo de neumocitos tipo II como agentes inhibidores de la proliferación de fibroblastos, por lo que pueden ser utilizados en la elaboración de un medicamento para el tratamientode enfermedades pulmonares que cursan con fibrosis pulmonar.


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    Angélica María Mateus Mora


    Full Text Available La autora presenta un análisis del film Canaguaro (1981 del chileno Dunav Kuzmanich.Se trata de una realización cinematográfica colombiana profundamenteinnovadora en su constitución, en cuanto desarrolla una construcción colectiva e imaginaria de la violencia. En este contexto de la violencia sociopolítica de la guerrilla, el protagonista no es necesariamente un personaje, sino que es el pueblo, algo que es interesante pues conecta el cine latinoamericano con una larga reflexión ensayística. Este film, muestra un cine que asume una posición crítica frente a la historia colombiana oficial, con la clara intención de develar episodios ocultos de esta historia, en especial de una etapa particular, donde el cine logra, incluso más que la misma historiografía, representar la complejidad histórica, analizar los procesos internos y proyectar esa realidad histórica al presente.

  10. Actitudes hacia la inmigración de los estudiantes de psicología chilenos: análisis diferenciales

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    Leandro Navas


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue analizar las actitudes hacia la inmigración de un grupo de estudiantes de psicología chilenos. Participaron 117 sujetos con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 33 años. Se aplicó la Escala de Actitudes hacia la Inmigración (León, Mira y Gómez, 2007. Los resultados indicaron que el instrumento seleccionado presenta coeficientes de fiabilidad aceptables y que las actitudes de los sujetos muestran una tendencia favorable, excepto en la variable distancia social positiva. No obstante, un número importante de sujetos mostró una actitud intermedia, la cual se podría relacionar con un prejuicio sutil. Existen diferencias en las actitudes que favorecen a las mujeres y a los individuos que se han relacionado con personas inmigrantes.

  11. Estatus de selenio en equinos Criollo-Chileno a pastoreo y su respuesta a la suplementación

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    Macarena Rioseco H.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Dos experimentos se realizaron para determinar el estatus de selenio en equinos Criollo-Chileno a pastoreo y, evaluar la respuesta a la suplementación con Na2SeO3. Materiales y métodos. Exp.1A caballos pertenecientes a 10 criaderos del sur de Chile se les determinó la actividad sanguínea de glutatión peroxidasa (GPx, EC. (AcGPx. Los animales pertenecieron a 3 grupos, pastoreo de otoño (PO, n=40, pastoreo de otoño y suplementados con avena (PO+A, n=47, y, pastoreo de primavera (PP, n=41. Exp2Se utilizaron equinos con carencia de selenio, distribuidos en tres grupos: G1, n=7, tratado con Na2SeO3 el día 0 (Se= 0.05 mg/kg pv, im; G2, n=8, suplementado con Na2SeO3, los días 0 y 15 y GC, n=8, control. La AcGPx se determinó al día 0, 30 y 120. Resultados. La mediana (Me de la AcGPx en todos los grupos fue menor al límite adecuado (>130 U/gHb, mayor en PO+A (Me=92, P25%=47, P75%=129 U/gHb y PP (Me=85, P25%=45, P75%=114 U/gHb que en PO (Me=35, P25%=20, P75%=85 U/gHb (p<0.05. En el experimento 2 la AcGPx fue similar y menor al adecuado en todos los grupos. La suplementación con Na2SeO3 aumentó (p<0.05 la AcGPx en G1 (121±52 U/gHb y G2 (124±69 U/gHb, sin alcanzar valores adecuados. Conclusiones. Los equinos Criollo-Chileno a pastoreo en el sur de Chile presentan carencia de Se, mayor en otoño que primavera y menor al suplementar con avena. Adicionalmente, la administración parenteral de Na2SeO3 mejora el estatus de Se, pero sin revertir el cuadro carencial.



    Javier Romero


    El presente artículo muestra las tendencias de las principales dimensiones de la religiosidad delos jóvenes chilenos que han sido difundidas en las Encuestas Nacionales de Juventudrealizadas por el Instituto Nacional de la Juventud. Dichas tendencias de cambio son parte delas transformaciones culturales que la sociedad chilena en su conjunto ha experimentado en eltiempo reciente. Los cambios que nuestra sociedad ha vivido también impactan en el campo religioso y susrelaciones con el dinám...

  13. Caracterización, por RAPD-PCR, de aislados de Pseudomonas aeruginosa obtenidos de pacientes con fibrosis quística RAPD-PCR characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains obtained from cystic fibrosis patients

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    Maribel Ortiz-Herrera


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Caracterizar a las cepas de P aeruginosa aisladas de lavados broncoalveolares de pacientes con fibrosis quística a lo largo de un periodo de tres años. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio prospectivo, de seguimiento de una población de pacientes con fibrosis quística. Se utilizó la técnica de la amplificación del ADN empleando PCR con bajas condiciones de especificidad (Random amplified polymorphic DNA, RAPD-PCR para la amplificación del ADN de cepas de P aeruginosa aisladas de lavados broncoalveolares de cinco pacientes con fibrosis quística, provenientes del Servicio de Neumología y Cirugía del Tórax del Instituto Nacional de Pediatría de la Ciudad de México, en el periodo de junio de 1996 a junio de 2002; se establecieron los patrones de amplificación de cada aislamiento, lo que permitió la identificación precisa de todas las cepas aisladas y el estudio de la epidemiología de P aeruginosa en los pacientes seleccionados con dicha enfermedad. RESULTADOS: Se definieron 18 patrones de amplificación del ADN que permitieron identificar a cada cepa de P aeruginosa aislada en las diferentes muestras de lavado broncoalveolar; no se encontró relación entre el fenotipo de P aeruginosa (mucoide o no mucoide y el genotipo de cada aislamiento, ya que cepas con fenotipos distintos mostraron patrones de amplificación semejantes; en nuestros pacientes se identificaron cepas con patrones de amplificación distintos a partir de una misma muestra, lo que sugiere la presencia de infecciones simultáneas por más de una cepa de P aeruginosa; se demostró que dos hermanos con la enfermedad compartían cepas con genotipos semejantes, lo que sugiere una contaminación cruzada entre ambos, y se demostró el aislamiento de cepas de P aeruginosa con genotipos semejantes a lo largo de los periodos estudiados. CONCLUSIONES: La identificación mediante la caracterización genotípica de las cepas de P aeruginosa aisladas de los pacientes con





    Introducción: En las últimas décadas, a nivel mundial, se ha observado un aumento en el consumo de bebidas azucaradas analcohólicas y paralelamente el incremento de peso corporal en niños y adolescentes, situación que ha sido asociada positivamente en diversos estudios. Hipótesis: Existe una relación directa entre el consumo de bebidas azucaradas analcohólicas y el Índice de Masa Corporal en los escolares chilenos entre los 6-18 años de edad. Así a medida que aumenta el cons...

  15. Tipificación molecular de aislamientos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa obtenidos de pacientes con fibrosis quística Molecular typification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from patients with cystic fibrosis

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    N. G. Iglesias


    Full Text Available La fibrosis quística es la enfermedad genética letal de mayor frecuencia en la población caucásica. La infección pulmonar crónica es la principal causa de morbilidad de la enfermedad, siendo la infección por Pseudomonas aeruginosa la más importante, ya que resulta de difícil erradicación. El Centro de Referencia Provincial de Fibrosis Quística que funciona en el Hospital de Niños "Sor María Ludovica" de La Plata asiste a alrededor de 220 pacientes con fibrosis quística cuyas edades oscilan entre los dos meses y los 45 años. La edad de sobrevida depende de una serie de factores entre los que se encuentran el diagnóstico temprano de la enfermedad y la adquisición de la infección pulmonar crónica por P. aeruginosa. La misma puede adquirirse en forma directa, por transmisión persona a persona o de forma indirecta a través del uso de elementos hospitalarios contaminados. El objetivo de este trabajo fue la tipificación molecular de aislamientos de P. aeruginosa obtenidos de pacientes con fibrosis quística, con el fin de evaluar la relación genómica entre los mismos. El estudio se llevó a cabo mediante RAPD-PCR. El análisis demostró que existe gran heterogeneidad genética entre los aislamientos. La separación en cohortes de pacientes de acuerdo con su bacteriología, que implica la asistencia en días diferentes y las hospitalizaciones en habitaciones aisladas ha demostrado, junto a otras estrategias, disminuir las infecciones cruzadas.Cystic fibrosis is the most frequent lethal genetic disease that affects the caucasian population. The main cause of morbidity is the chronic lung infection, being the infection caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa the most difficult to eradicate. This bacteria can be acquired in direct form, by person-to-person transfer, or indirectly, by hospital acquired infection. The Centro Provincial de Referencia de Fibrosis Quística functioning in the Hospital de Niños "Sor María Ludovica", in La


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    Verónica Undurraga Schüler


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aborda la relación entre honor y prácticas sociales en el siglo XVIII chileno, analizando la figura de los duelos o expresiones de violencia masculina formalizada. Junto con indagar en los mecanismos restitutorios del honor y su vinculación a los fundamentos de una masculinidad tradicional, reflexiona sobre las gamas de manejo social de dicho valor en el período señalado. Teóricamente se rescatan los aportes de la antropología y se hace un balance del tratamiento historiográfico del problema. Desde los registros judiciales se plantea el carácter transversal del honor en términos sociales y se aborda su "doble naturaleza" en cuanto espacio relacional y ámbito de confrontación de los individuos.This works deals with the relationship between honor and social practices in Chile's eighteenth century and analyzes formal duels or expressions of legalized masculine violence. This article explores various manifestations of the social ways used to deal with honor at that time, together with the inquiries about mechanisms used to restore honor and its links with traditional masculinity. Theoretically, this work rescues contributions made by anthropologists and provides an overview of how honor and masculinity have been examined in the historiography. Starting from judicial records, the article considers the transversal character of honor in social terms and approaches its "double significance" as both a relational space for people and as a sphere for the confrontation of individuals.

  17. Soporte alimentario y nutricional en niños con fibrosis quística

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    Aida Esplugas Montoya


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. La fibrosis quística es una enfermedad que se manifiesta en las vías respiratorias, el páncreas y el tracto intestinal. El control nutricional es un aspecto decisivo en el tratamiento de la enfermedad. El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar un grupo de pacientes que se encontraban en fases de soporte y rehabilitación nutricional. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo con 7 pacientes menores de 18 años, que ingresaron para su tratamiento en la unidad especializada en fibrosis quística del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario «William Soler» (La Habana. Se realizaron mediciones antropométricas al ingreso y al egreso, y se clasificó a los niños en desnutrido, de bajo peso y de peso normal. Los valores fueron comparados con las tablas de crecimiento y desarrollo de la población cubana. RESULTADOS. A 3 pacientes se les aplicó una intervención de soporte nutricional y 4 pacientes fueron tratados además con nutrición enteral suplementaria. En la evaluación nutricional se encontró que la distribución porcentual calórica que aportaron los alimentos fue de un 12 % para las proteínas, 37 % para las grasas y 51 % para los carbohidratos. La energía que aportaron los alimentos consumidos ascendió a 4 360 kcal, 134,27 g de proteínas, 177,51 g de grasas y 558,20 g de carbohidratos. CONCLUSIONES. Al aumentar la densidad calórica de los alimentos y aplicar nutrición enteral a los pacientes se obtuvo un incremento de la ganancia ponderal y mejoró el estado nutricional.



    Vásquez Palma, M. Fernanda


    El presente artículo efectúa una amplia revisión de las reformas realizadas en el Derecho societario de la Unión Europea con el objetivo de comprender y delimitar las modificaciones efectuadas en los últimos años, junto a sus fundamentos subyacentes. A partir de este estudio nos abocamos, en la segunda parte de este texto, en el análisis de estas materias en el Derecho chileno con el propósito de comenzar a construir una plataforma que nos orientará sobre los aspectos que debemos valorar de l...

  19. Movimiento estudiantil chileno de 2011 y su influencia en las reivindicaciones ciudadanas desde los márgenes regionalistas

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    Javier Ramos Galleguillos


    Full Text Available Uno de los conflictos sociales más significativos del año 2011 en Chile, fue el movimiento estudiantil, que en conjunto con diversos actores sociales, promovieron la consigna de una educación pública, democrática y de calidad. Bajo este argumento, la presente ponencia pretende analizar y describir de qué manera el Movimiento Estudiantil chileno iniciado en 2011, gatilla un empoderamiento ciudadano contra el régimen político y económico en favor de un Estado de Bienestar transversal a los distintos sectores sociales. Se indaga además, en las repercusiones que tuvo este Movimiento para la formulación de nuevas demandas desde los márgenes regionalistas, con el fin de interpretar el creciente descontento ciudadano y su necesidad de organización orientado a romper con la brecha de desigualdad existente en Chile.

  20. Diferencias en ansiedad social auto-informada entre estudiantes universitarios chilenos y franceses.


    Carolina Baeza-Velasco; Caroline Fénétrier; Marie-Christine Gély-Nargeot


    Originales / Original Papers Resumen En este trabajo se comparan las puntuaciones de 85 estudiantes universitarios chilenos y 174 franceses que respondieron a la Escala de Ansiedad Social de Liebowitz (LSAS). Los hombres franceses presentaron puntuaciones significativamente superiores que los hombres chilenos en la LSAS. Ninguna diferencia fue observada entre las mujeres de ambos países. Los resultados se discuten en términos de diferencias culturales tales como el individualismo y el colecti...

  1. Congenital hepatic fibrosis associated with von Recklinghausen's disease Fibrosis hepática congénita asociada a enfermedad de von Recklinghausen

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    O. A. Jorge


    Full Text Available Congenital hepatic fibrosis is characterized by a ductal plate malformation with duct-like structures and fibrosis. It manifests clinically with portal hypertension and may be associated with multiple congenital defects. We present the case of a 16-year-old male with splenomegaly, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, esophageal varices, and a histopathological diagnosis of congenital hepatic fibrosis. He exhibits "café au lait' spots and "Lisch' nodules, with a diagnosis of von Recklinghausen's disease. Congenital hepatic fibrosis belongs to the so-called fibropolycystic diseases, in which there is a disordered interaction between cells and the extracellular matrix. Von Recklinghausen's disease affects tissues derived from the neural crest and its diagnosis is based on clinical criteria. It is associated with multiple diseases. We describe its association with congenital hepatic fibrosis for the first time.La fibrosis hepática congénita se origina como consecuencia de una malformación de la placa ductal con estructuras tipo ductales acompañadas de fibrosis. Se manifiesta con hipertensión portal y puede asociarse a múltiples defectos congénitos. Presentamos un varón de 16 años con esplenomegalia, leuco- y plaquetopenia, varices esofágicas y diagnóstico histopatológico de fibrosis hepática congénita. La exploración física mostraba la existencia de manchas de "café con leche' y nódulos de "Lisch' con diagnóstico de enfermedad de von Recklinghausen. La fibrosis hepática congénita forma parte de las enfermedades fibropoliquísticas donde existiría una alteración en la interacción entre las células y la matriz extracelular. La enfermedad de von Recklinghausen afecta a los tejidos derivados de la cresta neural y su diagnóstico se basa en criterios clínicos. Se asocia a múltiples patologías. Presentamos por primera vez su asociación con fibrosis hepática congénita.

  2. Cine chileno e industria… el desafío que falta

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    Fernando Véliz M.


    Full Text Available El cine chileno es un campo discursivo de la industria audiovisual aún en proceso de crecimiento. Su historia está cargada de imprecisiones y múltiples inicios que muchas veces quedan truncos; es un cine que se ha comprometido con los problemas sociales, pero que también ha sabido de lejanías y silencios impuestos; es un cine artesanal que aspira a mirar como industrial; es un cine que narra desde el tercer mundo, muchas veces con un 98% de consumo (en sus momentos más fuertes de producción norteamericana; es decir, es un cine que se ha formado en la autogestión absoluta de su capital simbólico. Es un cine que, por medio de libros y películas de culto, está generando una nueva camada de directores, los cuales buscan comprender su rol en esta industria que hoy, ya con el pasar del tiempo, tiene audiencias cautivas. Es un cine que a ratos camina junto al Estado y, en otras ocasiones, es la soledad su compañera de ruta. Es un cine fundado en la creatividad, búsqueda y superación de su oficio, y que poco a poco, comprende que el valor agregado está en sus historias locales.

  3. Soporte alimentario y nutricional en niños con fibrosis quística Nutritional support in children presenting with cystic fibrosis

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    Aida Esplugas Montoya


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. La fibrosis quística es una enfermedad que se manifiesta en las vías respiratorias, el páncreas y el tracto intestinal. El control nutricional es un aspecto decisivo en el tratamiento de la enfermedad. El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar un grupo de pacientes que se encontraban en fases de soporte y rehabilitación nutricional. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo con 7 pacientes menores de 18 años, que ingresaron para su tratamiento en la unidad especializada en fibrosis quística del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario «William Soler» (La Habana. Se realizaron mediciones antropométricas al ingreso y al egreso, y se clasificó a los niños en desnutrido, de bajo peso y de peso normal. Los valores fueron comparados con las tablas de crecimiento y desarrollo de la población cubana. RESULTADOS. A 3 pacientes se les aplicó una intervención de soporte nutricional y 4 pacientes fueron tratados además con nutrición enteral suplementaria. En la evaluación nutricional se encontró que la distribución porcentual calórica que aportaron los alimentos fue de un 12 % para las proteínas, 37 % para las grasas y 51 % para los carbohidratos. La energía que aportaron los alimentos consumidos ascendió a 4 360 kcal, 134,27 g de proteínas, 177,51 g de grasas y 558,20 g de carbohidratos. CONCLUSIONES. Al aumentar la densidad calórica de los alimentos y aplicar nutrición enteral a los pacientes se obtuvo un incremento de la ganancia ponderal y mejoró el estado nutricional.INTRODUCTION. Cystic fibrosis is a disease of airways, pancreas and intestinal tract. The nutritional control is a decisive feature in treatment of disease. The objective of present paper was to characterize a group of patients in nutritional support and rehabilitation phases. METHODS. A prospective study was conducted in 7 patients aged under 18 admitted for treatment in the cystic fibrosis specialized unit or the "William Soler" University Children

  4. Asociación entre hábitos alimentarios e índice de masa corporal normal en soldados chilenos


    Durán-Agüero, Samuel; Maraboli Ulloa, Daniela; Cubillos-Schmied, Gonzalo; Fernández-Frías, Francisco


    Introducción: Se han evaluado los hábitos alimentarios de diversos grupos etarios y oficios, sin embargo, hay poca información de hábitos alimentarios en soldados. El objetivo del presente estudio es asociar hábitos alimentarios con el índice de masa corporal (IMC) normal en soldados chilenos del Regimiento Buín, Chile. Material y Métodos: Se evaluó a 412 soldados, a cada uno se le aplicó una encuesta alimentaria y una evaluación antropométrica para determinar IMC. Se consideró IMC normal cua...

  5. Una nueva estructura de garantías para los bonos chilenos de infraestructura

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    Werner Kristjanpoller Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El sistema chileno de concesiones ha sido uno de los fundamentos del desarrollo del país y ha creado una fuerte relación entre el sector público y el sector privado para financiar grandes obras. La reciente crisis financiera destruyó la confianza en las compañías de seguros "monolínea", las cuales aseguran los bonos de infraestructura de Chile aumentando su calificación de riesgo a AAA a nivel internacional. En este contexto es necesario estudiar nuevas estructuras de garantías para estos bonos, en particular para proyectos superiores a 200 millones de dólares. Se proponen dos alternativas: una Sociedad de Garantía y garantías de contratos de concesión con cobertura privada.

  6. Chronic hepatitis C treatment in a cystic fibrosis patient in the pulmonary pre-transplant stage Tratamiento de hepatitis crónica C en un paciente con fibrosis quística en situación de pretrasplante pulmonar

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    L. Adán Merino


    Full Text Available The standard treatment of chronic hepatitis C, pegylated interferon and ribavirin (pegI/R, has many limitations in both effectiveness and secondary effects, which makes it unsuitable or even contraindicated for some patients. In hepatitis C virus-infected cystic fibrosis patients this treatment could increase respiratory infections with subsequent pulmonary function deterioration. On the contrary, hepatitis C virus (HCV infection may make lung transplant (LT unfeasible. We present the case of a cystic fibrosis-young man diagnosed with HCV infection during LT assessment who was treated with pegI/R. In spite of the lung function worsening and respiratory infections, he managed to complete treatment and even sustained virological response (SVR. At present he is on LT waiting list.El tratamiento estándar de la hepatitis crónica C, interferón pegilado (INF-peg y ribavirina (RBV, puede ser inadecuado o incluso estar contraindicado en algunos pacientes debido a sus limitaciones en cuanto a eficacia y efectos adversos. En pacientes con fibrosis quística infectados por el virus de la hepatitis C (VHC el tratamiento antiviral podría aumentar las infecciones respiratorias con el consiguiente empeoramiento de la función pulmonar. Por contra, la infección por VHC podría desestimar a estos pacientes para un necesario trasplante pulmonar. Presentamos el caso de un varón con fibrosis quística diagnosticado de infección VHC durante su evaluación previa al trasplante pulmonar. El paciente fue tratado con INF-peg y RBV. A pesar del empeoramiento en la función pulmonar y numerosas infecciones respiratorias intercurrentes, logró completar el tratamiento y obtener respuesta viral sostenida, encontrándose actualmente en lista de espera.

  7. Utilidad de la elastografía de transición (Fibroscan® en la evaluación de la fibrosis hepática en pacientes con hepatopatía crónica

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    Daniel Álvarez


    Full Text Available El pronóstico de la enfermedad crónica hepática depende de la extensión y la progresión de la fibrosis hepática. Actualmente la biopsia hepática es la técnica de elección para determinar el grado de fibrosis, pero es una prueba invasiva, no exenta de complicaciones. Por ello, el desarrollo de marcadores no invasivos de fibrosis hepática se convirtió en una necesidad indiscutible. Se propuso la elastografìa por transición (Fibroscan® para valorar la fibrosis hepática en pacientes con enfermedad crónica hepática, mediante la medición de la rigidez hepática. Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar la efectividad, la objetividad y la seguridad de esta técnica. Se estudiaron 68 pacientes a los que se les realizó una biopsia hepática en los 18 meses previos al estudio. Todos los procedimientos de elastografia y biopsia hepática fueron analizados por un mismo profesional (DA y MA, respectivamente. Para la valoración de la biopsia hepática se utilizó la escala METAVIR. El valor medio de rigidez en pacientes sin fibrosis o con fibrosis leve (F0-F1 y en los pacientes con fibrosis avanzada o cirrosis (F3-F4 fue 6.8 ± 3.0 kPa y 21.0 ± 15.1 kPa, respectivamente (con diferencia significativa, p < 0.01. Las áreas debajo de la curva ROC definieron los niveles de corte en cada grupo. Con independencia del diagnóstico etiológico de enfermedad hepática, hallamos una correlación positiva, en todos los pacientes, entre rigidez hepática medida por elastografìa y grado de fibrosis hepática en la biopsia. En conclusión, podemos considerar que el Fibroscan® es un método no invasivo, seguro, fácil y rápido, que lo convierte en la alternativa a la biopsia para identificar fibrosis significativa o cirrosis.


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    Leandro Navas Martínez


    Full Text Available Este estudio parte de la perspectiva que analiza el contenido de las metas en contextos académicos para explicar la motivación para los estudios. El objeti - vo es analizar la estructura que presentan las metas múltiples en estudiantes chilenos y sus relaciones con el rendimiento académico. Esto implica valorar las cualidades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Metas y valorar la contri - bución de las diferentes metas como variables predictoras del rendimiento académico. Participan 1773 estudiantes de las regiones centro y sur de Chile en las diferentes etapas del sistema educativo, con edades comprendidas en - tre 11 y 50 años. Se analiza la dimensionalidad del instrumento con análisis factoriales, exploratorio y confirmatorio, y se realiza un análisis de regresión múltiple. Surgen tres tipos de metas (sociales, académicas y de responsabili - dad que explican el 20% de la varianza del rendimiento académico. La mayor contribución para predecir el rendimiento de los estudiantes corresponde a las metas académicas. Se derivan implicaciones prácticas y se sugieren líneas de trabajo para futuras investigaciones.

  9. Experiencia en la Argentina del Programa de uso compasivo con nintedanib en el tratamiento de la Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática


    Tabaj, Gabriela C; Sívori, Martín; Cornejo, Laura; Plotquin, Martín


    Introducción: La Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática (FPI) es una enfermedad pulmonar difusa (EPD) de etiología desconocida, crónica y progresiva. Ocurre en adultos mayores, se encuentra limitada a los pulmones y se asocia con la patente anatomopatológica y/o tomográfica de neumonía intersticial usual (NIU). El curso de la enfermedad es progresivo y se asocia con una supervivencia media a 5 años del 20%. Objetivos: Conocer las características clínicas y de función pulmonar del grupo de pacientes con...

  10. Xenofobia y Homofobia como Efectos de la Orientación Política, Religión y Sexo Mediados por Clasismo y Patriocentrismo en Jóvenes Universitarios Chilenos


    Fuad Hatibovic Díaz; Magdalena Bobowik; Ximena Faúndez Abarca; Juan Sandoval Moya


    La presente investigación examina, en estudiantes universitarios chilenos, la relación entre xenofobia, homofobia y las variables: sexo, religión y orientación política. También se evalúa el papel mediador del clasismo y patriocentrismo en la relación entre las variables sociodemográficas y la xenofobia y homofobia. Se utilizó metodología cuantitativa con diseño descriptivo correlacional. Los participantes fueron 509 estudiantes, con promedio de 20.81 años de edad (dt=2.25). Se utilizó un cue...

  11. A propósito de la Ley de Comunicación en Ecuador : diálogo con Valerio Fuenzalida


    Oquendo Sánchez, Christian


    Diálogo con el comunicólogo chileno, quien aborda el tema de la Ley de Comunicación en Ecuador a partir de la experiencia de las trasnformaciones legales y la vigencia de los medios públicos en Chile. Fuenzalida conoce muy bien ambas realidades y avizora salidas para Ecuador. Diálogo com o especialista em comunicaç?o chilenos que aborda a quest?o da Lei de Comunicaç?o no Equador a partir das transformaç?es da experiência jurídica ea validade dos meios de comunicaç?o públicos no Chile. Fuen...

  12. Parámetros funcionales y su relación con la velocidad de marcha en adultos mayores chilenos residentes en la comunidad


    Christopher Rybertt; Silvia Cuevas; Ximena Winkler; Pamela Lavados; Sergio Martínez


    Introducción. La velocidad de marcha es una prueba para medir la capacidad funcional en adultos mayores. Sin embargo, los factores que influyen en esta variable han sido poco descritos en la población sudamericana. Objetivo. Determinar la relación existente entre la velocidad de marcha usual y máxima, y los parámetros de funcionalidad en chilenos adultos mayores de la comunidad. Material y métodos. Este estudio cuantitativo, observacional y descriptivo, de corte transversal, incluyó 6...

  13. Circuitos migrantes. Itinerarios y formación de redes migratorias entre Perú, Bolivia, Chile y Argentina en el norte grande chileno

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    Full Text Available En el documento se analizan los resultados de la encuesta realizada con 200 migrantes peruanos y bolivianos en cuatro ciudades del Norte Grande chileno: Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta y Calama. Tras una breve introducción sobre la constitución histórica de las fronteras y la movilidad en estos territorios, se debaten las categorías clave de la investigación y se caracteriza la metodología del estudio (así como el perfil general de las personas encuestadas. Se explicita cómo los encuestados construyen sus redes migrantes y el papel de éstas como conformadoras de un capital social. Se aborda además la temporalidad de los desplazamientos y las expectativas de permanencia y movilidad geográfica de los sujetos. La discusión plantea entonces cómo la intensificación de la migración hacia el norte chileno se enmarca en circuitos migratorios referentes a la interconexión entre Perú, Chile, Bolivia y Argentina. Finalmente se explicitan algunas ideas claves que articulan las informaciones recopiladas en el estudio.

  14. Factores analíticos, antropométricos y dietéticos asociados al desarrollo de fibrosis en pacientes con enfermedad por hígado graso no alcohólico

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    Sara Gómez-de-la-Cuesta

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Antecedentes: la esteatohepatitis no alcohólica (EHNA mantenida en el tiempo puede conducir a estadios avanzados de enfermedad hepática y al desarrollo de hepatocarcinoma. Objetivos: evaluar los factores analíticos, antropométricos y dietéticos asociados a la presencia de fibrosis hepática, evento que más influye en supervivencia y evolución. Métodos: fueron estudiados setenta y seis pacientes diagnosticados de enfermedad por hígado graso no alcohólica mediante biopsia. Las biopsias fueron clasificadas según el NAS-score (Kleiner. Se obtuvieron parámetros analíticos, antropométricos y dietéticos y se calculó el índice no invasivo NAFLD Fibrosis Score (NFLD-FS. Se determinaron los niveles séricos de leptina, adiponectina, resistina y TNF-alfa. Resultados: cincuenta y seis pacientes eran hombres (73,7%, con una edad media de 44,5 ± 11,3 años (19-68. Pacientes con fibrosis en biopsia: 39 (51,3% (F1-F2: 84,6%; F3-4: 15,4%. Univariante: 17 mujeres (85% presentaban fibrosis, frente a 22 hombres (39% (p = 0,000. Los pacientes con fibrosis avanzada tenían mayor edad, menor recuento de plaquetas, menor albúmina sérica, mayor resistencia a la insulina (homeostatic model assessment insulin resistance, HOMA-IR, menor ingesta de lípidos, mayor nivel de leptina sérica y valores más altos de NAFLD-FS. Este índice presenta para detectar fibrosis avanzada un valor predictivo negativo del 98% y un valor predictivo positivo del 60%. Variables asociadas de forma independiente a la presencia de fibrosis (regresión logística: sexo masculino (factor protector (0,09, IC 95%, 0,01-0,7; p < 0,05 y HOMA-IR (1,7, IC 95% 1,03-2,79; p < 0,05. Conclusiones: el sexo y el HOMA-IR son los únicos factores independientes que se asociaron a la presencia de fibrosis hepática en biopsia. El NAFLD-FS es un buen marcador no invasivo para descartar la presencia de fibrosis avanzada.

  15. Caracterización epidemiológica de pacientes pediátricos con fibrosis quística Epidemiological characterization of pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis

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    Félix O. Dickinson


    Full Text Available La fibrosis quística constituye un importante problema pediátrico por la elevada y prematura mortalidad que lo caracteriza, la deficiente calidad de vida que genera en los enfermos y la ausencia de un tratamiento curativo. Métodos: Se describieron algunas características de 15 pacientes con fibrosis quística ingresados en el Hospital Pediátrico “William Soler” entre 1998 y 2002. Se calcularon porcentajes según grupos de edad, sexo, síntomas y signos más frecuentes, motivo de ingreso, estadía hospitalaria, antibióticos aplicados, y otros. Resultados: No hubo fallecidos durante el período estudiado, predominaron las edades pediátricas (86,6 %, el sexo masculino (67 % y el color de la piel blanco (80 %. Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron las infecciones respiratorias (67 %, el bajo peso corporal (48 % y los trastornos digestivos (25 %, los cuales comenzaron como promedio a los 20,6 meses de edad. La caracterización genética fue mayormente delta F 508 (66 %. Entre las causas de los ingresos se encontraron, fundamentalmente, recibir antibiótico-terapia (45 %, para tratamiento por infecciones respiratorias bajas (22 % y por fibrosis quística (15 %. Hubo un total de 72 ingresos y se acumularon 1 088 días de estadía hospitalaria, con un promedio de 15 días. En casi todos los casos se aplicó antibiótico-terapia debido a los aislamientos de Psedomona aeruginosa como causa de infección respiratoria. Se utilizaron 11 antibióticos diferentes, de los cuales los más frecuentes fueron amikacina, ceftazidima, gentamicina, tobramicina y ciprofloxacina. La combinación más frecuente, pero no la única, fue la de un beta-lactámico y un aminoglucósidoCystic fibrosis is an important pediatric problem due to its high and premature mortality, to the deficient quality of life it generates in the patients and to the absence of a curative treatment. Methods: some characteristics of 15 patients with cystic fibrosis admitted in

  16. Utilidad de la elastografía de transición (Fibroscan® en la evaluación de la fibrosis hepática en pacientes con hepatopatía crónica Usefulness of transient elastography (Fibroscan® in the assessment of fibrosis in patients with chronic liver disease

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    Daniel Álvarez


    Full Text Available El pronóstico de la enfermedad crónica hepática depende de la extensión y la progresión de la fibrosis hepática. Actualmente la biopsia hepática es la técnica de elección para determinar el grado de fibrosis, pero es una prueba invasiva, no exenta de complicaciones. Por ello, el desarrollo de marcadores no invasivos de fibrosis hepática se convirtió en una necesidad indiscutible. Se propuso la elastografìa por transición (Fibroscan® para valorar la fibrosis hepática en pacientes con enfermedad crónica hepática, mediante la medición de la rigidez hepática. Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar la efectividad, la objetividad y la seguridad de esta técnica. Se estudiaron 68 pacientes a los que se les realizó una biopsia hepática en los 18 meses previos al estudio. Todos los procedimientos de elastografia y biopsia hepática fueron analizados por un mismo profesional (DA y MA, respectivamente. Para la valoración de la biopsia hepática se utilizó la escala METAVIR. El valor medio de rigidez en pacientes sin fibrosis o con fibrosis leve (F0-F1 y en los pacientes con fibrosis avanzada o cirrosis (F3-F4 fue 6.8 ± 3.0 kPa y 21.0 ± 15.1 kPa, respectivamente (con diferencia significativa, p The prognosis and management of chronic liver disease largely depends on the extent and progression of liver fibrosis. Unfortunately, liver biopsy, an invasive and painful technique with several limitations, continues to be the gold standard for the staging and grading of fibrosis. Therefore, accurate noninvasive tests for liver injury are urgently needed. During the last years, transient elastography (Fibroscan® has been proposed for the assessment of hepatic fibrosis in patients with chronic liver disease, by measuring liver stiffness. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness, objectivity and safety of this technique. We included 68 patients who underwent a liver biopsy in the last 18 months with a wide spectrum of chronic liver

  17. Medios y periodistas en Twitter: el caso chileno

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    Alberto López-Hermida Russo


    Full Text Available Las redes sociales, como Twitter, se han convertido en plataformas usadas tanto por los cibernautas como por las corporaciones a fin de alcanzar audiencias a un nivel que, hasta hace una década, parecía inimaginable. El periodismo ha sido afectado por esta tendencia, obligando a los periodistas y empresas de comunicación a emplear estas redes sociales. La incidencia de los medios y periodistas en plataformas como Twitter plantea múltiples maneras de presentarse al público. Mientras que los medios enfrentan el reto de prolongar su cierre informativo, los periodistas buscan balancear su vida su perfil profesional y personal en la red. Tras un análisis comparativo de las cuentas de periodistas y medios chilenos en Twitter, se evidencia un problema que nos permitirá estudiar y proponer pautas de acción ante el fenómeno. Así, surgen las siguientes interrogantes: ¿Los medios pueden corporativizar una herramienta social que es esencialmente de naturaleza personal? ¿Un periodista puede informar, brindar su opinión como ciudadano común, en una cuenta de Twitter creada con su perfil profesional? ¿Los perfiles de medios y periodistas pueden coexistir en la misma red social? Las respuestas a estas preguntas conllevan nuevos retos profesionales y éticos que pueden dar cabida a estudios ulteriores.

  18. Síndrome de Mounier Kuhn en una paciente de 78 años con fibrosis pulmonar


    Severiche-Bueno, Diego Fernando; Severiche-Hernández, Diego; Severiche-Bueno, David Felipe; Vargas, María Teresa


    Resumen Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 78 años de edad con fibrosis pulmonar idiopàtica, quien consultó por exacerbación de sus síntomas respiratorios, a quien se le realizan estudios radiológicos, donde se evidencia dilatación de la vía aérea, previamente no descrita, y se realiza diagnóstico de síndrome de Mounier Kuhn. Hasta donde el conocimiento alcanza, es el primer caso reportado en Colombia y la tercera persona de mayor edad reportada en el mundo. Este es un hallazgo incidental, d...

  19. Evaluación de la conducta vocacional de estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual leve en etapa de transición escuela-empleo


    Labrín Díaz, Paula


    El objetivo de este trabajo es la construcción de instrumentos (inexistentes) que permitan evaluar los indicadores de la conducta vocacional en estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual leve que asisten al nivel laboral en centros de educación especial chilenos. Los indicadores que se consideran, acordes con los planteamientos de Rivas , son los siguientes : Historial personal, intereses vocacionales, factores de personalidad , habilidades y destrezas y estilos de aprendizaje. Los par...

  20. Parámetros funcionales y su relación con la velocidad de marcha en adultos mayores chilenos residentes en la comunidad

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    Christopher Rybertt


    Full Text Available Introducción. La velocidad de marcha es una prueba para medir la capacidad funcional en adultos mayores. Sin embargo, los factores que influyen en esta variable han sido poco descritos en la población sudamericana. Objetivo. Determinar la relación existente entre la velocidad de marcha usual y máxima, y los parámetros de funcionalidad en chilenos adultos mayores de la comunidad. Material y métodos. Este estudio cuantitativo, observacional y descriptivo, de corte transversal, incluyó 69 adultos mayores. La velocidad de marcha normal y la máxima se asociaron con la composición corporal (índice de masa corporal, la fuerza de las extremidades superiores (pruebas de flexiones de brazos e inferiores (pararse y sentarse en 30 segundos, la funcionalidad general (índice de Barthel, la flexibilidad de los tobillos (rango de movimiento, el equilibrio estático y dinámico (timed Up & Go test y la capacidad aeróbica (test de marcha en dos minutos. Resultados. La flexibilidad de los tobillos, la fuerza de las extremidades inferiores y la capacidad aeróbica, influyeron sobre la velocidad de marcha máxima (R2=0,65; p<0,001. La marcha normal se vio influida por la fuerza de las extremidades superiores e inferiores, y la capacidad aeróbica (R2=0,51; p<0,001. Conclusión. La velocidad de marcha, tanto normal como máxima, está influenciada principalmente por la fuerza de las extremidades inferiores y la capacidad aeróbica.

  1. Diagnóstico de la competencia comunicativa en inglés de un grupo de escolares chilenos: puntos de encuentro con su perfil estratégico

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    María Gabriela Sanhueza


    Full Text Available Recientemente, el Ministerio de Educación de Chile aplicó por primera vez una evaluación de las habilidades receptivas en inglés a todos los estudiantes de tercer año de enseñanza media del país. Este diagnóstico permitió advertir que en las áreas de comprensión auditiva y comprensión lectora alcanzan niveles insuficientes. Sin embargo, aún es muy poco lo que se ha investigado, en el contexto educacional chileno, acerca del estado de la competencia comunicativa de nuestros jóvenes en lengua inglesa. La presente investigación se propone establecer algunos puntos de encuentro entre la descripción de la competencia comunicativa en inglés de un grupo de escolares chilenos y el perfil de estrategias de aprendizaje de lengua extranjera que les caracteriza. Este estudio corresponde a uno descriptivo, transversal, de caso único. Los datos analizados provienen de los informes de resultados de la aplicación del examen First Certificate in English y de un perfil estratégico de aprendizaje de inglés como idioma extranjero obtenido a partir del cuestionario Strategy Inventory for Language Learning.

  2. Evaluación antropométrica de pacientes con fibrosis quística asociada a mutaciones genéticas

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    Mirtha Rondón Peña


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional y descriptivo, de corte transversal, de 19 pacientes con fibrosis quística, atendidos en consultas externas del Hospital Pediátrico Docente Provincial "Hermanos Cordové" en Manzanillo, Granma, durante el semestre de julio-diciembre del 2012, con vistas a identificar el estado nutricional de estos a partir de una evaluación antropométrica -- para lo cual se calculó el índice de Waterlow --, y luego relacionarlo con las mutaciones genéticas. Entre los resultados de la serie sobresalió que 73,7 % de los pacientes poseía peso y talla adecuados para la edad, mientras que 31,5 % fue evaluado como desnutrido. De igual modo, existió relación entre el estado nutricional y la mutación genética, y se concluyó que la mayoría de los afectados presentaba una evaluación nutricional adecuada, como consecuencia de una correcta atención multidisciplinaria

  3. Exportando democracia: la implicación española en el plebiscito chileno de 1988

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    Cristina García Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available En 1988 Chile se preparaba para un momento trascendental en su futuro político. Según el calendario marcado por la Constitución de 1980, se produciría un plebiscito que iba a decidir el modo que se iba a seguir hasta llegar a una futura transición democrática. Las opciones pasaban por un camino liderado por Augusto Pinochet a través del voto del “sí”, o la oportunidad de realizar elecciones libres a través de la opción del “no”. La coalición de oposición a la dictadura analizó otras experiencias políticas análogas de países que habían atravesado recientemente un proceso político similar. El modelo de transición política española aparecía como un ejemplo en el que fijarse desde Chile. Por su parte, España, a través del gobierno socialista liderado por Felipe González y del resto de partidos políticos del arco parlamentario, tomaron el plebiscito chileno como un proceso propio del que consideraban tenían el deber de tutelar y seguir con detenimiento. La sociedad española tampoco quedó al margen de los sucesos que rodearon al día del plebiscito. A través de diferentes fuentes documentales el presente artículo muestra la naturaleza de esta relación que aunó a los dos contextos políticos explicando los porqués del interés español en el proceso plebiscitario chileno.

  4. Neumomediastino espontáneo y fibrosis pulmonar idiopática


    Calvo Romero, J. M.


    La asociación de fibrosis pulmonar y neumomediastino es infrecuente. La tomografía computarizada es el método adecuado para la detección de un pequeño neumomediastino, difícil de detectar mediante la radiografía de tórax. Se presenta un caso de fibrosis pulmonar idiopática, con ataques frecuentes y severos de tos, que desarrolló un neumomediastino y un enfisema subcutáneo cervical, sin neumotórax, en probable relación con la rotura de bullas. La evolución fue favorable con tratamiento sintomá...

  5. Algunas consideraciones respecto del fallo del tribunal constitucional chileno relativo a la distribución de la “píldora del día después”


    Juan Pablo Beca Frei


    En este artículo damos los fundamentos jurídicos de por qué resulta plenamente legítimo que el Tribunal Constitucional chileno se pronuncie sobre algunos aspectos de las Normas Chilenas sobre Fertilidad, en lo que concierne a la entrega de anticonceptivos de emergencia. En este fallo, el Tribunal Constitucional determinó que las normas contenidas en el Decreto Supremo Nº 48, de 26 de enero de 2007, del Ministerio de Salud son –desde el punto de vista jurídico– incompatibles con nuestras norma...

  6. Fibrose miocárdica em pacientes com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica com alto risco para morte súbita cardíaca Fibrosis miocárdica en pacientes con cardiomiopatía hipertrófica con alto riesgo para muerte súbita cardíaca Myocardial fibrosis in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and high risk for sudden death

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    Afonso Akio Shiozaki


    expresan la muerte súbita como primer síntoma. Trabajos recientes vienen sugiriendo que la fibrosis miocárdica puede constituirse en un importante sustrato para las arritmias ventriculares malignas, responsables de la muerte súbita en esta enfermedad. OBJETIVO: Evaluación de la prevalencia y cuantificación de la fibrosis miocárdica (FM, en pacientes con CMH con alto riesgo o recuperados de muerte súbita, portadores de cardiodesfibrilador implantable (CDI. MÉTODOS: Un total de 28 pacientes con CMH portadores de CDI fueron sometidos a la tomografía computadorizada con múltiples detectores, para la realización de la técnica de realce tardío, y evaluación de la fibrosis miocárdica. RESULTADOS: El 96% de los pacientes presentaba fibrosis miocárdica (20,38 ± 15,55 gramos y correspondía a 15,96 ± 10,20% de la masa miocárdica total. La FM fue significativamente más prevalente que los demás factores de riesgo clásicos para muerte súbita. CONCLUSIÓN: Concluimos que existe una alta prevalencia de fibrosis miocárdica en pacientes con cardiomiopatía hipertrófica de alto riesgo o recuperados de muerte súbita, como en este grupo - portadores de cardiodesfibrilador implantable. La mayor prevalencia de la fibrosis miocárdica comparada a los factores de riesgo de peor pronóstico levanta la hipótesis de que la fibrosis miocárdica pueda ser un importante sustrato potencialmente necesario en la génesis de las arritmias desencadenadoras de la muerte súbita.BACKGROUND: The stratification of risk for sudden death in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM continues to be a true challenge due to the great heterogeneity of this disease's presentation, as most individuals remain asymptomatic during their entire lives and others present sudden death as first symptom. Recent studies have suggested that myocardial fibrosis may represent an important substrate for the malignant ventricular arrhythmias, that are responsible for the cases of sudden death related to this

  7. Violencia política en el sur de Chile : la Alianza Territorial Mapuche Pü Löf Xawün y el Estado chileno en el gobierno de Michelle Bachelet.


    Donoso Jiménez, Javiera


    Con el advenimiento Michelle Bachelet al Palacio de La Moneda, segundo gobierno socialista postdictadura, se creyó que la democracia chilena había llegado a su consolidación democrática. Sin embargo, esta nueva democracia no contempló ni implicó necesariamente la disminución de la violencia política estatal sobre la sociedad civil tanto en el ámbito estructural, como simbólico y represivo. Lo anterior se comprueba al observar la evolución del conflicto entre el Estado chileno y el pueblo M...

  8. El exilio comunista chileno: 1973-1989 = O exílio comunista chileno: 1973-1989 = Chilean Communist Exile: 1973-1989

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    Ulianova, Olga


    Full Text Available Analisamos o exílio comunista durante a ditadura militar chilena como um caso particular de exílio político contemporâneo, de caráter multiclassista e de alta organicidade. Baseado em documentos do arquivo interno do Partido Comunista Chileno no exterior, assim como dos arquivos da antiga RDA, da URSS e entrevistas, discutimos a importância da interação com os socialismos reais tardios na evolução da cultura política do PCCH e as mudanças na sua linha política

  9. Adaptaciones metodológicas para el análisis del discurso de niños con discapacidad intelectual: narrando sin lenguaje


    Manghi Haquin, Dominique; Otárola Cornejo, Fabiola; Arancibia M., Marianela


    Resumen Dada la necesidad de comprender las formas de comunicación de personas con discapacidad intelectual para favorecer su participación social, este estudio trata la narración como una instancia discursiva autogestionada más allá del lenguaje. El objetivo es sistematizar una metodología que permita explorar su discurso narrativo usando una perspectiva multimodal. La descripción corresponde a las narraciones de quince escolares chilenos con discapacidad intelectual y escaso desarrollo de l...


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    Angélica Barrios Bustamante


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone volver la mirada hacia el origen del movimiento pentecostal chileno para sostener que este responde en su planteamiento sobre la modernidad a un evento de recomposición religiosa que no se encaminó hacia la privatización de la religión, sino a la conquista de los espacios públicos en un esfuerzo de resacralizarlos. El método de trabajo fue un análisis historiográfico, principalmente de fuentes hemerográficas y revisión de literatura sobre el pentecostalismo, que incorpora como lente de observación el enfoque de la secularización a fin de entender como los y las pentecostales interpretaron desde su experiencia religiosa el proceso de modernidad, en relación directa con el protestantismo misionero y el contacto con un catolicismo reformado tocado por los cambios finiseculares. Nuestro estudio nos permite sustentar que el pentecostalismo fue un fenómeno religioso que surge y se consolida en el proceso de modernidad latinoamericana, en ese contacto ha formulado su propuesta religiosa en medio de una trama compleja y cambiante respecto al papel que las instituciones y la sociedad han jugado desde el siglo XIX.

  11. El movimiento estudiantil chileno del 2011 en intervenciones discursivas del Presidente Piñera

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    Claudio Araya Seguel


    Full Text Available Este artículo muestra evidencia lingüístico-discursiva del intento del Presidente Piñera por acallar las influencias sociales del movimiento estudiantil chileno del año 2011. Desde una mirada crítica se da cuenta del comportamiento discursivo de este hablante en el marco del primer conflicto social que enfrentó el nuevo gobierno de derecha en Chile. El valor teórico-metodológico de este estudio radica en la mirada triangular a las intervenciones discursivas. A través del análisis de un corpus de cuatro intervenciones presidenciales desde las perspectivas de las funciones estratégicas del discurso político, la teoría de la valoración y la lingüística de corpus se observa cómo Piñera deslegitima al movimiento social asociando las demandas referidas a educación con la violencia y el desorden público generado en el contexto de las crecientes marchas a lo largo del país.

  12. El impacto social y cultural de la publicidad entre los jóvenes chilenos The Social and Cultural Impact of Advertising among Chilean Youths

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    Maite Rodríguez Salineros


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo analiza el impacto de la publicidad entre jóvenes chilenos de distintos estratos socioeconómicos, con el objetivo de identificar la relación que establecen con la publicidad y la particular incorporación que hacen de ésta en sus estrategias de socialización. Por lo tanto, no se pretende dar cuenta de lo que la publicidad hace con los jóvenes, sino de lo que los jóvenes hacen con la publicidad a través de sus prácticas de recepción y apropiación. Para esto, se realizó un estudio sobre la base de grupos de discusión a jóvenes de ambos sexos, de edades entre 15 y 24 años provenientes de los niveles socioeconómicos altos y bajos residentes en Santiago de Chile. Los resultados que arrojó el estudio dan cuenta de que la publicidad es asumida como parte constitutiva de la oferta medial, la que es utilizada como información comercial y referente cultural de nuevos valores estéticos. Junto con esto, la publicidad adquiere el carácter de agente de socialización, al incorporar los contenidos de los mensajes publicitarios en las conversaciones con sus pares. Finalmente, este trabajo concluye que la publicidad entre los jóvenes chilenos estudiados, se presenta como una realidad sociocultural de primer orden, en cuanto actor central de su vida cotidiana.This work analyzes the impact of advertising among Chilean youngsters of different socioeconomic background. We aim to identify the relationship that this group establishes with advertising and, in particular, the way they incorporate it in their socialization strategies. We do not address what advertising does to youngsters, but instead what youngsters do with advertising in their practices of appropriation and reception of it. The research design included focus groups of male and female youngsters living in Santiago de Chile between 15 and 24 years of age coming from both high and low-income background. The conclusion of our research is that advertising is assumed

  13. Disidencias sexuales en el sistema escolar chileno: represión e invisibilización

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    Juan Cornejo Espejo

    Full Text Available Resumen El objetivo del artículo es dar a conocer los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo en base al registro de denuncias de discriminación por orientación sexual en el sistema escolar chileno entre los años 2009 y 2015. El catastro de esa información, proveniente de todas las regiones del país, fue elaborado por el Ministerio de Educación de Chile (MINEDUC. De ese catastro se extrajeron las denuncias específicas relativas a discriminación homofóbica. La muestra estuvo conformada por 95 casos, de los cuales el 61,5% correspondió a mujeres y el 38,4% a hombres. La metodología empleada privilegió el análisis cualitativo, siguiendo los supuestos de la Teoría Fundamentada. El análisis textual se hizo teniendo como referencia las anotaciones del funcionario del MINEDUC que acogió la denuncia, las cuales fueron conservadas en su forma original, respetando las expresiones y énfasis dados al discurso. Los resultados se presentan a través de dos codificaciones axiales, una de ellas referida a las causas que motivaron la discriminación en los establecimientos denunciados y la segunda a los efectos psico-emocionales, sociales y pedagógicos que ocasionó esa discriminación en las víctimas. En la codificación selectiva, se caracterizaron los elementos constitutivos de la discriminación homofóbica presente en el sistema escolar chileno en el período en estudio. Los principales hallazgos de la investigación muestran que las causales que suscitaron las denuncias estuvieron motivadas por medidas disciplinarias adoptadas por los establecimientos educacionales, consideradas arbitrarias por los denunciantes. Medidas que buscaban reprimir y sancionar a los estudiantes LGBT disidentes sexuales, con el consecuente reforzamiento de la homofobia escolar.


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    Sol Serrano


    Full Text Available La decadencia del modelo religioso femenino representado por los conventos de monjas contemplativas, entre fines del XVIII y la primera mitad del siglo XIX, es parte de un proceso de reforma propia del despotismo ilustrado, del liberalismo de los estados nacionales y también, en el caso chileno que aquí se estudia, del reformismo eclesiástico. Este artículo sugiere que las monjas contemplativas dejaron de ser mujeres para el liberalismo, por no cumplir su rol de madres, y en el catolicismo fueron desplazadas por las religiosas de vida activa, que eran un modelo de religiosas en el mundo que cumplían roles de madres sociales. La exclusión de las mujeres de los derechos políticos está vinculada con este proceso, en cuanto la formación del nuevo espacio público requería la formación de un espacio privado gobernado por madres. Este artículo estudia las tres etapas del reformismo ilustrado, del liberal y del religioso en el caso chileno.The decline of the women religious model represented by contemplative nun convents between the end of the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth, was part of a reform process experienced in different spheres of influence. Among them it is possible to mention the enlightened despotism, the liberalism exerted by National States and the ecclesiastical reformism of Chile. This article shows that contemplative nuns stopped being considered as women for liberalism because they did not fulfill a mother role. Moreover they were displaced within the Catholic realm by religious women with active roles in society, who fulfilled the role of social mothers. The exclusion of women from the enjoyment of political rights was linked to this process because the formationof a new public space required the conformation of a private space governed by mothers.

  15. Insulin resistance as a non-invasive method for the assessment of fibrosis in patients with hepatitis C: a comparative study of biochemical methods La resistencia a la insulina en la valoración no invasiva de la fibrosis en pacientes con hepatitis C: Estudio comparativo de métodos bioquímicos

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    M. Romera


    Full Text Available Introduction: insulin resistance (IR promotes the progression of fibrosis and diminishes response to treatment in patients with hepatitis C. Recently, Sydney's index (includes IR has been proposed as a non-invasive method for the prediction of fibrosis. Objective: to assess the usefulness of Sydney's index for the prediction of advanced fibrosis (F3-F4 or absence of significant fibrosis (F0-F1 in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Patients and methods: we included 131 patients suffering from chronic hepatitis C. Mean age was 40 ± 11, 78 men and 53 women. Fibrosis stage was (F0-F1 69 patients, F2: 40, and advanced (F3-F4 in 22 patients. We measured baseline AST, ALT, GGT, platelet, cholesterol, alcohol, and IR (HOMA - IR levels. Sydney, Forns' and APRI indexes were calculated. Results: the area under the curve for the diagnosis of absence of significant fibrosis in each method was: Sydney: 0.80, Forns: 0.71, APRI: 0.70; p = ns. Moreover, the diagnostic capacity of advanced fibrosis was: Sydney: 0.88, Forns: 0.83, APRI: 0.82; p = ns. The predictive negative value of significant fibrosis was 74, 72, and 67%, respectively. Due to the presence of intermediate values, the indexes were not applicable to 36, 44 and 43% of patients respectively. Conclusions: the incorporation of insulin resistance among biochemical non-invasive methods slightly improves the yield of other indexes. Nevertheless, results are suboptimal, and more than one third of patients might not be correctly classified.Introducción: la resistencia a la insulina (RI promueve la progresión de la fibrosis y disminuye la respuesta al tratamiento en pacientes con hepatitis C. Recientemente, se ha propuesto el índice de Sidney como método no invasivo de predicción de la fibrosis que incluye la RI. Objetivo: valorar la utilidad del índice de Sidney en la predicción de fibrosis avanzada (F3-F4 o ausencia de fibrosis significativa (F0-F1 en pacientes con hepatitis C. Pacientes y m

  16. Connectedness Among Chilean Adolescents: Factor Analysis of the Hemingway Measure of Adolescent Connectedness La Conectividad Entre Adolescentes Chilenos: Un Análisis Factorial de la Hemingway Measure of Adolescent Connectedness

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    Benedict T McWhirter


    Full Text Available The construct of connectedness was investigated among 390 Chilean adolescents using the Hemingway Measure of Adolescent Connectedness (Hemingway; Karcher, 2003. Participants were 7th-12th graders at an urban Santiago Catholic school. Results of a principal-axis exploratory factor analysis revealed an 11 factor structure that accounts for 61.92% of total explained variance of adolescent connectedness measured by the Hemingway, similar to results found in the adolescent samples in the United States. Two additional Hemingway subscales (connectedness to siblings and to boyfriend/girlfriend are also described. Correlations between domains of connectedness and additional data obtained from these adolescents, their parents, and their teachers support the construct validity of the measure in this Chilean sample. Connectedness is an important protective factor among adolescents across many national contexts and the Hemingway is a promising measure for use with Chilean adolescents.Se examinó el constructo conectividad en 390 adolescentes chilenos en un colegio urbano y católico de Santiago. Mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio de la escala Hemingway Measure of Adolescent Connectedness (Hemingway, Karcher, 2003 se observó una estructura de 11 factores que da cuenta de un 61,92% de la varianza explicada de la conectividad de los adolescentes medida por la escala Hemingway, lo cual es muy similar a los resultados obtenidos en muestras de adolescentes estadounidenses. También se describen dos subescalas adicionales (la conectividad con los/las hermanos/as y con los/las pololos/as. Las relaciones entre los factores de conectividad y los datos reportados por los adolescentes, sus padres y profesores contribuyen también a la validez de constructo de la escala en esta muestra chilena. Para los adolescentes de distintos contextos culturales la conectividad es un factor importante de protección y la escala Hemingway es un instrumento de uso prometedor

  17. Preventive effect of halofuginone on concanavalin A-induced liver fibrosis.

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    Jie Liang

    Full Text Available Halofuginone (HF is an active component of extracts derived from the plant alkaloid febrifugine and has shown therapeutic promise in animal models of fibrotic disease. Our main objectives were to clarify the suppressive effect of HF on concanavalin A (ConA-induced liver fibrosis. ConA injection into the tail vein caused a great increase in the serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST and alanine aminotransferase (ALT levels, while orally administration of HF significantly decreased the levels of the transaminases. In addition, the levels of hyaluronic acid (HA, procollagen III (PCIII and TGF-β1 in the serum and collagen I, α-SMA, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase 2 (TIMP2 and Smad3 in the liver tissue were significantly lowered with the treatment of HF. Histological examination also demonstrated that HF significantly reduced the severity of liver fibrosis. Since ConA-induced liver fibrosis is caused by the repeated activation of T cells, immunomodulatory substances might be responsible for the suppressive effect of HF. We found that the production of nuclear factor (NF-kB in the serum was increased in ConA-treated group, while decreased significantly with the treatment of HF. The changes of inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β in the serum followed the same rhythm. All together, our findings indicate that orally administration HF (10ppm would attenuate the liver fibrosis by suppressing the synthesis of collagen I and inflammation-mediated liver injury.

  18. Análisis de isonimia en una muestra de padres de pacientes antioqueños con fibrosis quística

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    Astrid Rodríguez-Acevedo


    Conclusiones. Nuestros resultados sugieren un alto porcentaje de apellidos compartidos, lo cual se ve reflejado en los valores de isonimia. Similarmente, la presencia de un número reducido de apellidos en un porcentaje importante de la población se ve reflejado en los valores Fr obtenidos para ambos análisis, los cuales sugieren homogeneidad. Así, se espera un bajo número de mutaciones CFTR en los niños antioqueños con fibrosis quística.   DOI:

  19. Usual interstitial pneumonitis UIP presenting with Wells grade 3. Can imaging methods help predict further progression of disease?; Fibrosi polmanare idiopatica con grado 3 di Wells all'esordio: possono le metodiche di diagnostica per immagini aiutare a predire la progressione ulteriore della malattia?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fasano, L.; Pacilli, A. M.G. [Bologna Policlinico, Bologna (Italy). Ist. di Fisiopatologia Respiratoria; Zompatori, M.; Monetti, N. [Bologna Policlinico, Bologna (Italy). Servizio di Medicina Nucleare; Battista, G. [Bologna Policlinico, Bologna (Italy). Ist. di Radiologia, Radiodiagnostica 1; Di Scioscio, V.; Sciascia, N.


    Three different grades of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis can be identified by HRCT pattern. Patients with predominant ground-glass opacity (grade 1) usually improve after treatment and may have a better prognosis. The subjects with a predominant reticular pattern and honeycombing (grade 3.) have irreversible fibrosis and usually do not improve after immunosuppressive therapy. Nevertheless, these patients may worsen even in the absence of HRCT features of the so-called alveolitis. The aim of this report is to investigate the predictive role of some noninvasive imaging methods (HRCT with visual score of disease extent; Gallium scintigraphy; DTPA scintigraphy) in patients with idiopathic fibrosis and a prevalent macroscopic fibrosis at HRCT study. [Italian] La fibrosi polomare idiopatica viene distinta in 3 gradi con diversa prognosi in base alla predominanza di opacita' a vetro smerigliato da alveolite o di fibrosi irreversibile. La fibrosi irreversibile tuttavia non e' necessariamente una situazione stabile ma puo progredire ed evolvere ulteriormente. In particolare i pazienti che gia all'esordio presentano solo i segni della fibrosi possono peggiorare a distanza di tempo nonostante la terapia. Scopo del lavoro e' stato quello di individuare in un gruppo di pazienti con prevalente fibrosi macroscopica quale possa essere un parametro preditivo della successiva evoluzione della malattia.

  20. Divulgación de información sobre responsabilidad social por los bancos chilenos: una aproximación desde la teoría de la legitimidad


    Gómez, Nagore Aranguren; Cerna, Luis Martinez


    Este estudio indaga en la revelación de información en el ámbito de la responsabilidad social corporativa en el sector bancario chileno. La teoría de la legitimidad y la metodología del análisis de contenido aplicado a los informes anuales y a las páginas web de seis bancos privados chilenos ayudan a nuestro propósito. Los resultados muestran que los bancos chilenos revelan información sobre responsabilidad social corporativa, constatándose diferencias en el grado y el tipo de información dep...

  1. El Movimiento estudiantil chileno y el proceso de reforma universitaria, 1967-1968

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cancino, Hugo


    En la presente ponencia analizamos el contexto histórico y cultural del movimiento de reforma de la Universidad de Chile, 1967-68 y su gestación en la Facultad de Filosofía y Educación. Este movimiento que se inscribió en la dilatada tradición de lucha de los estudiantes chilenos y latinoamericanos...

  2. Monumentos privados : arte chileno de Avanzada (1977-1982

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    María Íñigo Clavo


    Full Text Available El siguiente texto realiza un recorrido por la historia del arte conceptual chileno durante la dictadura. Desde mediados-finales de los setenta una serie de artistas comenzaron a trabajar desarrollando nuevos lenguajes, técnicas y estrategias de representación; todos ellos participaron de una crítica a la política militar unas veces de forma individual y desde lo personal y otras desde lo colectivo. El texto se divide en dos partes fundamentales, la primera de ellas se detiene en obras individuales que la mayoría de las veces trabajaban fuera de las galerías de arte, interactuando con el entorno, fuera de la oficialidad artística que marcaban las instituciones. La segunda parte recupera los trabajos artísticos del CADA, un grupo de artistas que realizaron varias acciones políticas en el espacio público.This text makes a route through the art history of conceptual Chilean art during the dictatorship. Since about the middleend ofthe 70’s decade sume artists started to work developing new languages, techniques and strategies of representation; all of them shared of a critical discoflrse to the military politic, sometime looking for personal ways and other times from collective actions. The text is divided in two fundamental parts. The first one regards in individual works that most of the time work ofltside of the art galleries, acting with the environment, ofltside of the officials institutions. The second part revises the art works of CADA, a group of artist that carried out several political actions in the public space.

  3. Representaciones sociales en torno al "conflicto" estado chileno - pueblo mapuche en jóvenes universitarios chilenos: un estudio con Redes semánticas naturales

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    Marianela Denegri Coria


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tuvo como propósito realizar una primera aproximación a las representaciones sociales sobre el "conflicto estado-nación y pueblo mapuche", en estudiantes universitarios del área de Ciencias Sociales de una universidad estatal del sur de Chile. Se trabajó con la técnica de redes semánticas naturales, utilizando cuatro frases-estímulo. Los resultados indican que existe una percepción de la circunstancia en la que se resalta la situación de conflicto, con una mirada muy negativa con respecto al gobierno, el sistema judicial, y los medios de comunicación. Se discuten las implicancias para el futuro desempeño profesional de estos estudiantes en caso de desenvolverse en un contexto laboral de intervención directa o indirecta en este conflicto.


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    Eduardo Jequier Lehuedé


    Full Text Available La presente investigación surge a partir del definitivo reconocimiento en Chile delfenómeno de la unipersonalidad y, recientemente, de la Sociedad por Acciones -SpA- con un solo socio en su vertiente originaria. Apunta en concreto a explorar el real impacto de la figura unipersonal en la estructura dogmática del derecho chileno y del derecho de sociedades en particular, construida a partir del concepto de sociedad contemplado en el artículo 2053 del Código Civil. Se analiza el origen de la unipersonalidad en el derecho comparado y sus concretas manifestaciones en el derecho chileno vigente, incluida la Empresa Individual de Responsabilidad Limitada -EIRL-, explicando en definitiva la incardinación y los efectos que genera la nueva figura de la sociedad de un solo socio en un sistema positivo inspirado, originariamente al menos, en la noción contractualista de la sociedad en general y en la concepción corporativa tradicional de la sociedad de capital en particular.The present investigation arises from the definitive recognition in Chile of the one man company phenomenon and, recently, of the Stock Company -SpA- with only one partner, in its original aspect. Its objective specifically points out to explore the real impact of this figure in the dogmatic structure of the Chilean law and specially of the company law, built from the concept of a company considered in the article 2053 of the Civil Code. What is being analyzed here is the one man company figure in compared law and its concrete declarations in the current Chilean law, including the Individual Limited Liability Corporation, explaining ultimately the incardination and the possible effects that can arise the one man company figure in a positive system, inspired originally at least, in the contractual sense of the company in general and the traditional corporative conception of the capital company particularly.

  5. El significado de la histerectomía para un grupo de hombres chilenos parejas de histerectomizadas

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    Alejandra Araya Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Se objetivó conocer el significado de la histerectomía para un grupo de hombres chilenos, parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas (HPMH. Estudio cualitativo, con entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a 15 hombres, parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas, entre Mayo y Septiembre del 2010, previa aprobación de dos Comités de Ética. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó la perspectiva fenomenológica descrita por Giorgi, y se realizó el análisis de contenido según Krippendorff. Los criterios de Creswell fueron utilizados para evaluar la credibilidad del análisis y asegurar la validez descriptiva. Emergieron cinco dimensiones que representan aspectos únicos del significado de la histerectomía para los hombres parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas: síntomas, comentarios, atributos del útero, preocupaciones, y cambios en la sexualidad. Educar los hombres parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas es una acción fundamental para apoyar a las mujeres que serán sometidas a una histerectomía, siendo necesaria su incorporación en el plan de cuidados de ellas.

  6. El significado de la histerectomía para un grupo de hombres chilenos parejas de histerectomizadas

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    Alejandra Araya Gutiérrez

    Full Text Available Se objetivó conocer el significado de la histerectomía para un grupo de hombres chilenos, parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas (HPMH. Estudio cualitativo, con entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a 15 hombres, parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas, entre Mayo y Septiembre del 2010, previa aprobación de dos Comités de Ética. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó la perspectiva fenomenológica descrita por Giorgi, y se realizó el análisis de contenido según Krippendorff. Los criterios de Creswell fueron utilizados para evaluar la credibilidad del análisis y asegurar la validez descriptiva. Emergieron cinco dimensiones que representan aspectos únicos del significado de la histerectomía para los hombres parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas: síntomas, comentarios, atributos del útero, preocupaciones, y cambios en la sexualidad. Educar los hombres parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas es una acción fundamental para apoyar a las mujeres que serán sometidas a una histerectomía, siendo necesaria su incorporación en el plan de cuidados de ellas.

  7. Presiones empresariales a los medios: El caso de un medio deportivo chileno

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    Claudia P. Lagos Lira


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es analizar cómo los intereses corporativos modelan el sistema de medios en Chile y el ejercicio periodístico. Las implicancias para la democracia también son consideradas en consideración. Este artículo usa un caso de estudio para mostrar cómo los intereses empresariales operan concretamente en los medios para fortalecer los intereses privados en vez de los públicos. El artículo sugiere que el periodismo chileno está constreñido principalmente por un marco neoliberal, jugando un rol colaborativo para no entorpecer el medioambiente empresarial debido a que éste genera empleos y crecimiento económico para el país. En segundo lugar, el texto explora el caso, analizando en el marco de la perspectiva del periodismo del desarrollo, siguiendo un discurso público más amplio sobre los requerimientos de desarrollo para Chile. De hecho, las corporaciones periodísticas y la esfera económica chilenas están fuertemente relacionadas a pesar de las tensiones de los años recientes en el sistema de medios chileno.


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    Marianela Denegri Coria


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como propósito caracterizar las relaciones existentes entre la discrepancia del Yo, las actitudes hacia la compra y valores materialistas en estudiantes de Pedagogía considerando diferencias de género. Se aplicaron las escalas de Discrepancia del Yo, Actitudes hacia la Compra y Valores Materiales, en una muestra de 167 estudiantes chilenos de las carreras de Pedagogía en Historia de dos universidades del Sur de Chile. Los resultados obtenidos, evidencian correlaciones significativas entre las dimensiones de discrepancia del Yo físico, intelectual y económico, y las actitudes impulsivas y compulsivas hacia la compra; así como en las dimensiones de valores materiales vinculadas al éxito social y felicidad personal. En cuanto al género, se observa en las mujeres un perfil de ambivalencia actitudinal, donde coexiste la racionalidad con la compulsividad. A partir de la relevancia social del futuro ejercicio profesional de los estudiantes de pedagogía, los resultados se discuten considerando la importancia de la inclusión de la educación económica y financiera en la formación inicial de profesores, con un fuerte énfasis en la toma de conciencia acerca de sus actitudes y valores hacia el consumo.

  9. Cumplimiento de las recomendaciones en rehabilitación respiratoria de la British Thoracic Society en pacientes con fibrosis quística: estudio en fisioterapeutas colombianos

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    Diana Duran-Palomino


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones en rehabilitación respiratoria (ReR, planteadas por la British Thoracic Society (BTS en pacientes con fibrosis quística (FQ se realizó un estudio transversal entre 224 fisioterapeutas colombianos para identificar el tipo de intervenciones y las características de los programas de ReR como componentes del cumplimiento de las guías clínicas basadas en la evidencia de la BTS. Un elevado porcentaje de profesionales respondieron “realizar siempre” intervenciones con alto nivel de evidencia (grado A como: técnicas de higiene bronquial (54,0% y ciclo activo de la respiración (35,3%. Se observaron también intervenciones con menor grado de recomendación (grado D como: uso de solución salina hipertónica y broncodilatador para evitar el broncoespasmo (33,9%, y técnicas de terapia manual o ejercicios de movilidad torácica y resistida (38,4% para corregir problemas posturales y respiratorios. En conclusión, se encontraron importantes discrepancias con las intervenciones y componentes sugeridos por BTS en pacientes con FQ.



    Fernando Rubio


    Esta es la tercera parte de una serie que forman una investigación más amplia titulada “La Estrategia de Citicorp en Chile: Un Intento de Investigación”. Aquí se describe la naturaleza, reglamentación, estado actual y perspectivas de más de los 25 segmentos del mercado financiero chileno, desde la banca hasta las administradoras de fondos de pensiones.

  11. La productividad total de factores en el sector manufacturero chileno

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    Claudio Candia


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza el cambio en la productividad total de factores del sector manufacturero chileno estimando el índice de Malmquist del periodo 1998-2010. El análisis envolvente de datos permite calcular este índice para determinar el cambio de la PTF y descomponerlo en eficiencia técnica y cambio tecnológico. Los resultados indican que en este periodo la PTF se redujo debido principalmente al cambio tecnológico, mientras que la eficiencia técnica se mantuvo constante.

  12. Representaciones sociales en torno al “conflicto” estado chileno - pueblo mapuche en jóvenes universitarios chilenos: un estudio con redes semánticas naturales

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    Marianela Denegri Coria


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tuvo como propósito realizar una primera aproxi - mación a las representaciones sociales sobre el “conflicto estado-nación y pueblo mapuche”, en estudiantes universitarios del área de Ciencias Sociales de una universidad estatal del sur de Chile. Se trabajó con la técnica de redes semánticas naturales, utilizando cuatro frases- estímulo. Los resultados indican que existe una percepción de la circunstancia en la que se resalta la situación de conflicto, con una mirada muy negativa con respecto al gobierno, el sistema judicial, y los medios de comunicación. Se discuten las implicancias para el futuro desempeño profesional de estos estudiantes en caso de desen - volverse en un contexto laboral de intervención directa o indirecta en este conflicto.

  13. La circulación de las ideas y la inserción de los cientistas económico-sociales chilenos en las redes conosureñas durante los largos 1960

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    Eduardo Devés Valdés


    Full Text Available El tema de este artículo, la circulación de las ideas (a través hacia y desde Chile en los largos 60, es una manera de modular dos problemas teóricos que se entrelazan: cuáles fueron las redes intelectuales a las que se articularon los intelectuales chilenos y cómo circulan las ideas en el mundo periférico. Dialogando con diferentes intérpretes del pensamiento chileno y latinoamericano de la época, se intenta elaborar un modelo que trascienda (no que niegue ni menos que ignore la noción colonial-colonialista de influencia desde el pensamiento central. Los objetivos específicos del trabajo son dos: determinar entre los cientistas económico-sociales chilenos o residentes cuáles son los 10 con mayor inserción metanacional y, a partir de allí, determinar cuáles son las ideas que ingresaron durante el período, cómo se hibridaron entre ellas y/o con las ya existentes, cómo fueron mutando y dieron origen a otras que salieron, siendo altamente apetecidas en el mercado internacional de las ideas sobre todo dentro de la propia América Latina, pero también en universidades de Europa, incluso del Este, del Caribe anglófono, de Norteamérica incluido Canadá y también África. Se ha pretendido desarrollar este trabajo eidológico (estudio de las ideas en buena medida como una ciencia de la vida acogiendo categorías como genética, nicho, ecosistema, hibridación y mutación, entre otras.The subject of this article _the circulation of ideas to, from and through Chile in the long `60s_ is a way to approach two connected theoretical problems: in what intellectual networks were the Chilean intellectuals inserted and how do ideas circulate in the periphery. A dialog with different representatives of Chilean and Latin American thought in the period should help to create a model that transcends the notion of "colonial-colonialist" influence from the center. The specific objectives of this work are to establish who are the ten social

  14. Conocimientos, actitudes y comportamiento sexual en un grupo de adolescentes chilenos




    Introducción: La sexualidad es una de las mayores preocupaciones para el adolescente, su familia y la sociedad. Objetivo: Determinar conocimientos, actitudes y conducta sexuales en un grupo de adolescentes chilenos. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo y cuantitativo realizado en la Octava Región de Chile en el año 2003. Se seleccionó una muestra de 398 alumnos de liceos municipales. Se analizaron variables como comportamiento sexual, conocimientos y actitudes sobre sexualidad. Para el aná...

  15. Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida en los Estudiantes (SLSS de Huebner en niños y niñas de 10 a 12 años de Chile

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    Jaime Alfaro

    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza las propiedades psicométricas de la escala SLSS de Huebner en una muestra de niños y niñas chilenos. Se aplicó a 1096 estudiantes de 10 a 12 años (M=11; DT= 0.89 que asistían a establecimientos municipales, particulares subvencionados y particulares pagados en las ciudades de Santiago, Valparaíso y Concepción. Se realizaron análisis de fiabilidad de consistencia interna, análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE y confirmatorio (AFE. Los resultados exhiben una aceptable fiabilidad en tanto consistencia interna de la escala (α=.86, el análisis factorial arroja dos factores en la estructura factorial de la escala que se corresponden con satisfacción con la vida y deseo de cambio. Se discute la solución bifactorial del modelo seleccionado en tanto no se corresponde con lo comunmente reportado en otras investigaciones. El estudio reporta resultados del uso de SLSS en población infantil y aporta al uso y desarrollo de herramientas de medición de autorreporte para el estudio del bienestar subjetivo en niños chilenos.

  16. Matemática y Publicidad: Una experiencia con datos reales

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    Danilo Díaz Levicoy


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una experiencia de aula, con estudiantes de secundaria, centrado en análisis del Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC de los estudiantes de un colegio chileno y la creación de afiches publicitarios a partir de esta información. Entre los resultados se destacan: la importancia de innovar en la enseñanza de la matemática; los proyectos estadísticos como elementos que favorecen el aprendizaje y el trabajo en equipo; la aplicabilidad de la matemática en la creación de publicidad; la potenciación de habilidades no matemáticas.

  17. Do all patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis warrant a trial of therapeutic intervention? A pro-con perspective. (United States)

    Moodley, Yuben; Corte, Tamera; Richeldi, Luca; King, Talmadge E


    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is an incurable condition that is characterized by progressive pulmonary fibrosis, architectural distortion of the lung and loss of gas exchange units. Until recently, there was no effective treatment for this condition. However, there were two landmark trials published earlier this year, which have changed the management of this condition. Pirfenidone (Assessment of Pirfenidone to Confirm Efficacy and Safety in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis trial) and nintedanib (Efficacy and Safety of Nintedanib in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis-1 and -2 trials) have both demonstrated positive outcomes in patients with IPF. In this perspective, we critically discuss the role of these agents in IPF and in the broader pulmonary fibrosis population. © 2015 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology.

  18. Fibrosis endomiocárdica

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    María Juliana Rodríguez-González


    Una de las formas más comunes de miocardiopatía restrictiva es la fibrosis endomiocárdica la cual es endémica en algunas zonas tropicales especialmente en África (países de bajos ingresos, pero en nuestro medio hay pocos reportes de aparición. Su etiología es desconocida, aunque existen diversos mecanismos que han sido involucrados en su fisiopatología. Su diagnóstico se basa en estudios imagenológicos (ecocardiograma transtorácico y resonancia magnética nuclear cardíaca. El pronóstico es muy pobre, y usualmente se diagnostica en etapas muy avanzadas de la enfermedad. Se describe el caso de una paciente femenina, adulta media, que debutó con cardiopatía restrictiva, cuyo diagnóstico final fue fibrosis endomiocárdica.

  19. Artritis reumatoidea y síndrome combinado de fibrosis pulmonar y enfisema


    Fernández Casares, Marcelo; Fielli, Mariano; Cristaldo, Laura; Zárate, Lucía; Capozzi, María Nieves


    La combinación de fibrosis pulmonar y enfisema es un síndrome descripto en los últimos años que tiene características propias y no es la casual asociación de dos entidades. El componente de fibrosis más común corresponde a la fibrosis pulmonar idiopática. Sin embargo, otras enfermedades intersticiales pueden formar parte de este síndrome, entre ellas las asociadas a enfermedades del tejido conectivo. Se presenta un caso de este síndrome asociado a artritis reumatoidea con la particularidad qu...


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    Rodrigo Barcia Lehmann


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza el convenio regulador en el Derecho español con miras a confrontar algunos aspectos de éste con el Proyecto de Ley de Matrimonio Civil chileno. El análisis del Derecho español presenta interesantes discusiones en torno a la naturaleza del convenio regulador previo a su homologación, naturaleza de la sentencia que lo homologa, los efectos del convenio regulador respecto de los terceros, y presenta una serie de matices con relación a los cónyuges y a los hijos. Con relación a aquéllos se restringe la intervención del Juez lo que no acontece respecto de los hijos. Después de concluir este trabajo se hace patente que el Proyecto de Ley de Matrimonio Civil peca de un exceso paternalista y es muy poco respetuoso de las decisiones de los cónyuges, además de conceder un ámbito de aplicación al convenio mucho más restringido que el Derecho español.This paper analyzes the legalization agreement in the Spanish Law with the purpose of confronting some of its aspects with the Chilean Civil Marriage Law Project. The analysis of the Spanish Law presents interesting discussions dealing with the nature of the legalization agreement prior to its ratification, the nature of the verdict that ratifies it, the effects of the legalization agreement with respect to others, and a series of guidelines in relation with the married couple and the children. The intervention of a judge is restricted concerning the couple but not in the case of the children. After concluding this paper it is clear that the Civil Marriage Law Project is too paternal and has little respect for the decisions of the couple, in addition it bestows an application limit to the agreement, which is much more restrictive than the Spanish Law.

  1. Teatro chileno y anarquismo (desde comienzos de siglo XX hasta el período dictatorial Chilean Theatre and Anarchism (from the beginning of 20th century to the dictatorship

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    Sara Rojo


    Full Text Available Este estudio analiza la relación entre el pensamiento anarquista y el teatro en Chile desde comienzos de siglo hasta el período de la dictadura militar. Comienza con un recorte teórico del concepto de anarquismo dentro del marco histórico chileno, para posteriormente analizar, de manera cronológica, producciones teatrales específicas del período anteriormente citado.This study analyzes the relationship between anarchist thinking and theatre in Chile from the beginning of the century up to the time of the military dictatorship. It begins with a theoretical highlight of the concept of anarchism in Chilean history and later chronologically analyzes theater plays that are specific to the abovementioned period.

  2. O que é ser mãe de uma criança com fibrose cística Qué significa ser madre de un niño con fibrosis quística What is being a mother of a child with cystic fibrosis

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    Keila Okuda Tavares


    Full Text Available Conhecer o que é ser mãe de uma criança que apresenta fibrose cística é fundamental para o cuidado desses indivíduos, pois geralmente ela divide as responsabilidades relacionadas ao tratamento com o filho que apresenta essa doença grave e sem cura. Nesse sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer a vivência de ser mãe de uma criança com fibrose cística. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo-exploratório, qualitativo, de caráter fenomenológico. Foram entrevistadas 14 mulheres e a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada. A análise das falas transcritas na íntegra seguiu direcionamentos propostos pela fenomenologia. Essa é uma experiência que a tristeza, angústia, dúvidas, sofrimento e medo estão presentes, levando essas mulheres a refletirem sobre suas vidas e a de seus filhos, promovendo mudanças em seu mundo vida e uma reorganização de toda a família.Conocer o que es ser madre de un niño con fibrosis quística es esencial para el cuidado de estas personas, porque generalmente ella divide las responsabilidades relacionadas con el tratamiento, con el niño que tiene esta enfermedad grave y sin cura. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer la vivencia de ser madre de un niño con fibrosis quística. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo-exploratorio, cualitativo, fenomenológico. Fueron entrevistadas 14 mujeres y la colecta de datos se realizó por medio de una entrevista semiestructurada. El análisis de las elocuciónes transcriptas en la íntegra siguió direcciones propuestas por la fenomenologia. Esta es una experiencia donde la tristeza, angustia, dudas, sufrimiento y el temor están presentes, haciendo que esas mujeres reflexionen a respecto de sus vidas y la de sus hijos, promoviendo cambios en su mundo vida y una reorganización de toda familia.Knowing what is being a mother of a child with cystic fibrosis is essential to the care of these individuals, because she usually divides the

  3. Roberto Bolaño, la memoria antiheroica del exilio chileno


    Carreras Rabasco, Adrián


    Este artículo se centra en la personalidad del escritor chileno Roberto Bolaño y su obra para profundizar en la relación existente entre el autor y Chile, su país de origen. Pese a haber abandonado el país siendo muy joven y a haber residido en otros países a lo largo de su vida, Bolaño nunca perdió el interés por recuperar sus raíces chilenas tanto como lo reflejan las novelas que dedica a la dictadura chilena, Estrella distante y Nocturno de Chile sobre todo, así como por reivindicar su pro...

  4. Fibrosis quística que simula un síndrome de Bartter Cystic fibrosis mimicking Bartter syndrome

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    Neri G Campañá Cobas


    Full Text Available La fibrosis quística es una enfermedad que se hereda como trastorno autosómico recesivo. La presentación clásica está caracterizada por enfermedad pulmonar crónica, deficiencia pancreática y concentraciones altas de electrolitos en sudor. En algunos pacientes la presentación puede ser monosíntomatica, por ejemplo, la depleción de electrolitos en sangre. El propósito de este informe es comunicar el caso de una lactante de 2 meses de edad diagnosticada de fibrosis quística, que inicialmente pareció ser un síndrome de Bartter. El motivo de ingreso fue un vómito, decaimiento y signos de deshidratación. Se realizó gasometría, estudio de electrolitos en sangre, determinación de concentración de electrolitos en la orina, prueba de electrolitos en sudor y estudio genético para fibrosis quística. La concentración de potasio (28 mEeq/L hizo pensar en un síndrome de Bartter y se comenzó tratamiento con indometacina y cloruro de potasio; se normalizaron todos los parámetros. Dos meses después reingresó con deshidratación ligera por un vómito, trastornos mixtos del equilibrio ácido-base, hiponatremia, hipocloremia y ligera hiperpotasemia. Se realizaron electrolitos en sudor en 3 ocasiones y fueron positivos, y el estudio genético para fibrosis quística demostró una mutación delta F508.Cystic fibrosis is a disease that is inherited as a recessive autosomal disorder. The classical presentation is characterized by chronic lung disease, pancreatic deficiency and high concentrations of electrolytes in sweat. In some patients, the presentation may be monosymptomatic as, for example, the depletion of electrolytes in blood. The objective of this paper is to report the case of a 2-months-old female infant with diagnosis of cystic fibrosis that initially seemed to be a Bartter syndrome. The reason to be admitted was vomit, dwindles and dehydration signs. Gasometry, study of electrolytes in blood, determination of concentration of

  5. DNA-fingerprinting di stipiti di Chryseobacterium spp isolati da pazienti con Fibrosi Cistica

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    Antonietta Lambiase


    Full Text Available Objectives: Pulmonary infections by Gram-negative bacteria, as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, are the major cause of morbidity in Cystic Fibrosis patients. In the past decade, several pathogens as Alcaligenes spp and no tuberculosis mycobacteria have been recovered in these patients. Bacteria of genus Chryseobacterium are widespread Gram-negative microrganisms and involved in human infections. Aims of this study were to value the isolation frequency of Chryseobacterium strains in a cohort of Cystic Fibrosis patients, to investigate their antimicrobial sensibility and to establish possible clonal likeness between strains. Methods:A retrospective study was undertaken between January 2003 and December 2005 on 300 patients receiving care at the Regional Cystic Fibrosis Centre of Naples University “Federico II”. Sputum samples were checked: for bacterial identification, selective media and commercial identification systems were used.The activity of antimicrobial agents was determined using diffusion and microdiluthion methods. For DNA-fingerprinting, a genomic DNA macrorestriction followed by pulsed-field electrophoresis was carried out. Results:A total of 26 strains from 17 patients were isolated (7 C. meningosepticum, 14 C. indologenes, 5 C. gleum. Strains were resistant to cephalosporins and carbapenems; some were sensitive to ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole. Macrorestriction analysis showed substantial heterogeneity among strains. Conclusions: Actually, the prognostic role of Chryseobacterium in Cystic Fibrosis is unclear and although the small number of isolations, it is need to be on the look out regard such microorganisms. The considerable resistance implies difficulties on therapeutic approach. Results of DNA-fingerprinting indicate no evidence of clonal likeness and then of patient-to-patient spread.

  6. Xenofobia y Homofobia como Efectos de la Orientación Política, Religión y Sexo Mediados por Clasismo y Patriocentrismo en Jóvenes Universitarios Chilenos

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    Fuad Hatibovic Díaz


    Full Text Available La presente investigación examina, en estudiantes universitarios chilenos, la relación entre xenofobia, homofobia y las variables: sexo, religión y orientación política. También se evalúa el papel mediador del clasismo y patriocentrismo en la relación entre las variables sociodemográficas y la xenofobia y homofobia. Se utilizó metodología cuantitativa con diseño descriptivo correlacional. Los participantes fueron 509 estudiantes, con promedio de 20.81 años de edad (dt=2.25. Se utilizó un cuestionario abreviado basado en la Encuesta de Tolerancia y No Discriminación. Los análisis de varianza mostraron que existen diferencias significativas en función de sexo, religión y orientación política. Las mujeres obtuvieron puntajes significativamente menores que los hombres en homofobia; las personas no religiosas y de izquierda obtuvieron menores puntuaciones en todas las dimensiones analizadas, comparado con las personas religiosas y de derecha. Los análisis de mediación múltiple mostraron que las variables mediadoras explican esas diferencias en la homofobia y la xenofobia.


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    Enrique Vergara Amador


    Discusión. El vasto intermedio ha sido utilizado para aplicación de medicamentos. Se tiene evidencia que esta porción muscular tiene una pobre perfusión sanguínea en niños. No se conoce aún exactamente la fisiopatología de la fibrosis. Muchos niños son mal diagnosticados, confundiéndolos con patologías articulares y reciben equivocadamente otros tipos de cirugías.

  8. El consumo de noticias de los adolescentes chilenos: intereses, motivaciones y percepciones sobre la agenda informativa

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    Ana Rayén Condeza Dall’Orso


    Full Text Available En un contexto de proliferación de medios y creciente acceso a diversos contenidos mediáticos, se vuelve necesario examinar las motivaciones de las audiencias jóvenes para consumir información. El estudio de este grupo etario es relevante, dado que la adolescencia es un período fundamental en la socialización cívica de las personas. Esta investigación explora cómo chilenos de 13 a 17 años consumen noticias, en un contexto mediático de múltiples soportes, convergencia y cultura móvil. Pocos estudios se centran en los hábitos informativos de este grupo específico. A partir de un cuestionario cuantitativo autoaplicado en 2013 a 2.273 adolescentes en establecimientos educativos de cuatro regiones del país, se analizan sus hábitos de consumo, interés en las noticias, percepción sobre la importancia de los temas de la agenda y motivaciones informativas. Los resultados muestran que los jóvenes encuestados se informan principalmente a través de redes sociales como Facebook, en detrimento de los medios convencionales. El tema que menos les interesa es la política tradicional, que, a su juicio, es el que más aparece en las noticias. Sus motivaciones en el consumo informativo se relacionan con el deseo de defender sus puntos de vista y de transmitir información a otros. Además, estiman que su representación en la agenda informativa es inadecuada y negativa. Estos resultados sugieren una deuda pendiente de la industria informativa con los jóvenes.


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    Nelly Gromiría Lagos San Martín


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue comprobar la relación entre las atribuciones de éxito y fracaso académico en Lenguaje y Matemáticas, y la ansiedad escolar en estudiantes de educación secundaria chilenos. Participaron 1314 estudiantes de 15 establecimientos de la provincia de Ñuble, en Chile, cuyo rango de edad osciló entre 13 y 17 años (M = 15.55; DE = 1.32. La Ansiedad Escolar se evaluó con el Inventario de Ansiedad Escolar (IAES, y las atribuciones causales con la Sydney Attribution Scale (SAS. Los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes que atribuyeron menos sus éxitos y fracasos a causas externas en Lenguaje obtuvieron medias más altas de ansiedad escolar. Por otro lado, presentaron mayor ansiedad escolar los sujetos que atribuyeron menos sus éxitos a la capacidad en Matemáticas y más sus fracasos a la falta de capacidad tanto en Matemáticas como en Lenguaje. Por último, los estudiantes que atribuyeron más sus éxitos al esfuerzo en Lenguaje mostraron puntuaciones medias más altas en ansiedad escolar. Se concluye que los datos corroboran hallazgos anteriores y alertan acerca de la necesidad de atender estas problemáticas en los procesos pedagógicos.

  10. La cultura nacional y su impacto en los negocios: el caso chileno


    Pedro Hidalgo Campos; Enrique Manzur Mobarec; Sergio Olavarrieta Soto; Pablo Farías Nazel


    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el impacto de la cultura nacional en los negocios. Uno de los investigadores más destacados en el análisis de la cultura nacional es Geert Hofstede (1980). Él identificó cuatro dimensiones de la cultura nacional: distancia de poder, aversión a la incertidumbre, individualismo y masculinidad. Fernández et al. (1997) midieron estas cuatro dimensiones en Chile, caracterizando a los chilenos en esas cuatro dimensiones. Revisando la evidencia empírica chile...

  11. Solidaridad en el debate global y local: reflexión desde un análisis del caso chileno

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    José Antonio Román-Brugnoli


    Full Text Available En los últimos quince años la noción de solidaridad ha vuelto al debate en las ciencias sociales, obligando a una reflexión transdisciplinar. Este debate se ha centrado en las democracias modernas liberales en el contexto de la globalización del libre mercado, caracterizándose por tres preocupaciones principales: gobernabilidad, responsabilidad y cohesión social; el papel que la solidaridad juega y puede desempeñar en el decurso de este proceso; y respecto de las mutaciones mismas de la solidaridad. Este artículo contribuye en esta reflexión desde un análisis del caso chileno, cuyo interés particular radica en su reciente proceso de recuperación de una política de derechos sociales, y en el protagonismo que la noción de solidaridad ha tenido dentro de éste. Para ello aporta datos propios de análisis de la política social de los últimos cuatro gobiernos democráticos, la publicidad sobre solidaridad y la opinión pública, los cuales son comparados con resultados de otros estudios.

  12. Fibrosis quística. Aspectos diagnósticos


    Luis Ortigosa


    La fibrosis quística (FQ) es una de las enfermedades genéticas mortales más frecuentes en la raza caucásica. Se caracteriza por una disfunción de las glándulas exocrinas, con insuficiencia pancreática y bronconeumopatía crónica. Es una enfermedad de transmisión autonómica recesiva, se sabe que el gen defectuoso está localizado en el cromosoma 7 humano, conocido como gen regulador de la conductancia transmembrana de la fibrosis quística (CFTR),y que de las más de mil mutaciones de este gen, la...

  13. Efectividad y seguridad del tratamiento con Pirfenidona en pacientes con fibrosis pulmonar idiopática (FPI)


    Martín, Cecilia; Arnáez, Eduardo; Velasco, Lucía


    Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) is a serious lung disease that, at the present time, has no cure. In an effort to find an effective treatment for these patients, pirfenidone comes up, becoming the first drug approved in IPF treatment. This observational, longitudinal and retrospective study attepts to determine the effectiveness and safety of this new drug in habitual clinical practice. Lung function parameters and safety traces were evaluated in 16 patients treated with pirfenidone in Ce...

  14. multiniveles de demanda. Un caso ilustrativo chileno

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    Fernando Rojas Zúñiga


    Full Text Available El sistema de abastecimiento de medicamentos en atención primaria de salud en Chile posee un únicoproveedor a nivel nacional y no considera multiniveles de demanda para el cálculo del aprovisionamiento,generando superávit de inventario. El presente trabajo propone una política de abastecimiento de revisiónperiódica mediante un pronóstico probabilístico de demanda, modelando su estructura de dependenciaen forma individual y mediante cópulas bivariadas, coordinando los multiniveles y minimizando loscostos. El estudio se llevó a cabo en una muestra de 104 medicamentos abastecidos durante 3 a˜nos en uncentro de salud familiar chileno. Los resultados generados muestran que la política propuesta disminuiríasemanalmente en un 8,22% los costos de compra, en un 95,47% los costos de ordenar y en un 54,6% loscostos totales.© 2015 Universidad ICESI. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. Este es un artículo Open Access bajo lalicencia CC BY (

  15. Fundamentos para un estudio del guion en el cine chileno: notas preliminares


    Rubén Dittus Benavente


    El artículo presenta el marco teórico para estudiar los modelos de guion en el cine chileno de ficción. La literatura publicada y el creciente interés en la formación de guionistas en la industria audiovisual, tanto en Chile como en el extranjero, dan cuenta de la necesidad de abordar los principios dramatúrgicos y los estándares profesionales desde una mirada integradora, que supere los clásicos modelos de escritura creativa. Más allá de las divergencias o acuerdos de dichas teorías, el guio...

  16. Personas con discapacidad y políticas públicas de inclusión educativa en Chile

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    Juan Guillermo Estay


    Full Text Available Introducción: Chile se ve enfrentado en la actualidad a un cambio de paradigma en materia educacional. La Reforma Educativa, hasta el momento, no hace mención a la educación de Personas con Discapacidad y Necesidades Educativas Especiales, que de plasmarse en ley, dejaría a Chile -entre un reducido número de países no desarrollados-, con una educación inclusiva consagrada constitucionalmente. Objetivo: Identificar las políticas de educación inclusiva que amparan a las personas con discapacidad en Chile. Metodología: Artículo de revisión. Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura en la biblioteca nacional de Chile y Google Scholar. Resultados: Se abordaron las temáticas: sistema educativo chileno, normativa internacional en materia de educación inclusiva, normativa chilena sobre inclusión y normativa chilena sobre educación e inclusividad. Conclusión: A pesar de la normatividad sobre discapacidad existente en Chile, no ha existido una verdadera inclusión de las personas con discapacidad y necesidades educativas especiales en el sistema educativo.

  17. El mercado hidrotérmico chileno: un enfoque de teoría de juegos

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    Villena Mauricio


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  18. Estudio de los textos de Historia y de Ciencias Sociales chilenos entre 2000 y 2010 Estudo dos textos de historia e de ciências sociais chilenos entre 2000 e 2010 Study of Chilean History and Social Science Textbooks between 2000 and 2010

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    Raquel Soaje-de Elias


    Full Text Available Analizar la calidad de los textos de Historia y de Ciencias Sociales, entregados por el Ministerio de Educación chileno a los estudiantes de establecimientos oficiales y subvencionados, es el objetivo de este trabajo. Se examinaron 35 textos editados entre 2000 y 2010. En la investigación de aplicó una encuesta a docentes de colegios subvencionados y de realizaron cuatro "focusgroup" con docentes de colegios particulares de alta calidad. En el estudio se tuvieron en cuenta las siguientes variables-, estructura y organización, contenido y metodología de los libros y se concluyó que sus contenidos presentan falencias, que se deben revisar para optimizar su uso como herramienta fundamental en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje.Analisar a qualidade dos textos de história e de ciências sociais, entregues pelo Ministério da Educação chileno aos estudantes de estabelecimentos oficiais e subsidiados, é o objetivo deste trabalho. Examinaram-se 35 textos editados entre 2000 e 2010. Na pesquisa se aplicou uma enquête com docentes de colégios subsidiados e se realizaram quatro "focusgroup"com docentes de colégios particulares de alta qualidade. No estudo se consideraram as seguintes variáveis: estrutura e organização, conteúdo e metodología dos livros. Concluiu-se que seus conteúdos apresentam falências que se devem revisar para melhorar seu uso como ferramenta fundamental no processo de ensino e aprendizagem.The objective of this study was to analyze the quality of history and social science textbooks provided by the Chilean Ministry of Education to students at public and subsidized schools. Fifteen (is textbooks published between 2000 and 2010 were examined for that purpose. Teachers at subsidized schools were surveyed and four focus groups were conducted with teachers from several top-rated private schools. The study took into account the following variables-, structure and organization, content and methodology of the textbooks

  19. Estatura de padres e hijos chilenos de diferente etnia y vulnerabilidad social

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    Amigo Hugo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analizar y comparar la estatura de niños que ingresan a la escuela y la de sus padres, de acuerdo con sus antecedentes étnicos y nivel socioeconómico. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal, realizado entre 1997 y 1999, en Santiago y la zona centro-sur de Chile, en 351 escolares indígenas y 531 no indígenas, y sus padres, provenientes de comunas de tres niveles de vulnerabilidad social: muy alta (pobreza, mediana y muy baja. Escolar indígena era el que tenía sus cuatro apellidos mapuches, el no indígena tenía sus cuatro apellidos de origen chileno-español. La estatura se comparó en medidas estandarizadas (puntaje Z utilizando como referencia la medición del cambio nutricional propuesta por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Se estimaron las diferencias de medias de estatura padres-hijos con análisis de varianza y se determinó el origen de tales diferencias al aplicar el procedimiento de Scheffe. RESULTADOS: Los progenitores en ambas etnias aumentaron sus promedios de estatura al mejorar las condiciones sociales, excepto las madres indígenas que no presentaron incremento significativo. Los padres de la muy alta vulnerabilidad midieron 4 cm menos que los de la muy baja vulnerabilidad y las madres 2 cm menos (p<0.001. En los escolares indígenas hay una gradiente positiva de estatura a medida que mejoran las condiciones sociales (p<0.001, no así en los no indígenas. Al comparar la estatura de progenitores e hijo(as se observa que los escolares presentaron un índice talla/edad mayor que sus padres (p<0.01, especialmente los escolares indígenas que en promedio tuvieron 1.4 puntajes Z más que sus padres. CONCLUSIONES: El incremento de estatura observado al mejorar las condiciones sociales y la mayor adecuación de talla de los hijos, independientemente de la etnia y vulnerabilidad social, representa un hecho alentador y sugiere que se debe estimular la formulación de intervenciones para los grupos m

  20. Screening de trastornos de estrés postraumático en población afectada por el terremoto chileno de 2010

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    Roberto Ariel Abeldaño


    Full Text Available Se analizó un screening de trastornos de estrés postraumático en habitantes chilenos, como consecuencia del terremoto de febrero de 2010; a partir de una Encuesta Post Terremoto con una muestra multietápica de 24.982 personas mayores de 18 años, a quienes se aplicó la Escala de Trauma de Davidson. La prevalencia de screening positivo para los trastornos de estrés postraumático fue del 11% en el país, pero a menor nivel de desagregación llegaron a observarse prevalencias del 30%. El modelo de regresión logística para la estimación de la variable trastornos de estrés postraumático identificó como factores de riesgo el hecho de pertenecer un hogar pobre, haber sufrido daños en la vivienda, haber tenido algún problema de salud en el último mes y ser mujer (p<0,05. También se encontró que el afrontamiento del sismo en familia resultó como un factor protector, en relación a afrontarlo con otros colectivos sociales (vecinos, la mayor cantidad de años de educación formal también fue identificada como un factor de protección (p<0,05. Se observaron claras desigualdades sociales en las personas que presentaron un screening positivo.

  1. Frecuencia de las mutaciones más comunes del gen CFTR en pacientes peruanos con fibrosis quística mediante la técnica ARMS-PCR


    Aquino, Ruth; Protzel, Ana; Rivera, Juan; Abarca, Hugo; Dueñas, Milagros; Nestarez, Cecilia; Purizaga, Nestor; Diringer, Benoit


    Objetivos. Determinar la frecuencia de las diez mutaciones más comúnmente reportadas en América Latina del gen CFTR mediante Sistema de Mutación Refractario a la amplificación por PCR (ARMS-PCR) en los pacientes con fibrosis quística (FQ) de dos instituciones hospitalarias de referencia en el Perú durante el año 2014. Materiales y métodos. Se evaluó la frecuencia de las diez comúnmente reportadas más comúnmente reportadas del gen CFTR en los pacientes del Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati ...

  2. LA EXTERNALIZACIÓN LABORAL Y LA CESIÓN ILEGAL DE TRABAJADORES EN EL SISTEMA JURÍDICO CHILENO Labor outsourcing and illegal cession of workers at the chilean law system

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    Irene Rojas Miño


    Full Text Available Este trabajo identifica a la cesión ilegal de trabajadores como manifestación ilícita de la externalización laboral. A la vez, analiza la configuración de la cesión ilegal de trabajadores en el ordenamiento jurídico chileno, sus concretos efectos jurídicos y, además, un particular problema que se ha planteado con la eficacia de la norma jurídica que establece este ilícito laboral.This work identifies the illegal cession of workers, as the illicit manifestation of the labor outsourcing. At the same time, it analyzes the illegal cession of workers configuration at the Chilean law system, its specifics legal effects and a particular problem derived of the efficiency of the law that establishes this labor illicit.

  3. NIÑOS y adolescentes con necesidades educativas especiales

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    S. Isabel Margarita López, Dra.


    Full Text Available Se viven tiempos de grandes y rápidos cambios socioeconómicos, culturales y tecnológicos. Las sociedades actuales promueven la equidad en un sentido amplio, afirmando el valor de la diversidad y la necesidad de la inclusión. Los conceptos de Necesidades Educativas Especiales (NEE y de inclusión cobran fuerza, con la reafirmación del derecho fundamental de todos los niños/as y jóvenes a acceder a la educación, reconociendo que cada uno de ellos “posee características, intereses, capacidades y necesidades de aprendizajes que le son propios”. En este artículo se revisan los conceptos actuales de discapacidad, NEE e inclusión, las principales condiciones que afectan a niños y adolescentes que tienen NEE y se discute en torno a las diferentes modalidades y herramientas pedagógicas actualmente disponibles en el sistema educativo chileno para cumplir esta tarea.

  4. Predictores individuales y familiares de diferentes trayectorias de sintomatología depresiva en adolescentes chilenos

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    Patricio Cumsille


    Full Text Available La sintomatología depresiva es prevalente durante la adolescencia, pero no todos los adolescentes experimentan el mismo nivel y evolución de esta sintomatología, lo que sugiere la necesidad de identificar diferencias en las trayectorias de los síntomas. Usando Growth Mixture Modeling analizamos diferentes trayectorias de síntomas depresivos en 1.072 adolescentes chilenos (12-15 años, 54% mujeres, NSE diverso. Primero, se seleccionó un modelo basal y luego se utilizó la irritabilidad del adolescente, la calidez, demanda y falta de respeto de la madre como predictores de la pertenencia a las clases. Se seleccionó un modelo con cuatro clases latentes de síntomas depresivos: alta persistente (12%, baja estable (56%, decreciente (15% y creciente (17%. La clase baja estable fue la más prevalente y se caracterizó por alto nivel de calidez maternal y bajo nivel de falta de respeto materna e irritabilidad del adolescente, en tanto que la clase alta persistente presentó características opuestas (baja calidez y alta demanda materna e irritabilidad del adolescente. Se observaron diferencias en la prevalencia de clases por sexo. Estos resultados resaltan la importancia de identificar diferentes trayectorias de síntomas depresivos y sus predictores. La asociación entre las dimensiones parentales y las trayectorias de síntomas depresivos persistentes provee evidencia de que los comportamientos parentales pueden servir, tanto como factores protectores como de riesgo.

  5. Exercise attenuates intermittent hypoxia-induced cardiac fibrosis associated with sodium-hydrogen exchanger-1 in rats

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    Tsung-I Chen


    Full Text Available Purpose: To investigate the role of sodium–hydrogen exchanger-1 (NHE-1 and exercise training on intermittent hypoxia-induced cardiac fibrosis in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA, using an animal model mimicking the intermittent hypoxia of OSA. Methods: Eight-week-old male Sprague–Dawley rats were randomly assigned to control (CON, intermittent hypoxia (IH, exercise (EXE or IH combined with exercise (IHEXE groups. These groups were randomly assigned to subgroups receiving either a vehicle or the NHE-1 inhibitor cariporide. The EXE and IHEXE rats underwent exercise training on an animal treadmill for 10 weeks (5 days/week, 60 minutes/day, 24–30 m/minute, 2–10% grade. The IH and IHEXE rats were exposed to 14 days of IH (30 seconds of hypoxia - nadir of 2-6% O2 - followed by 45 seconds of normoxia for 8 hours/day. At the end of 10 weeks, rats were sacrificed and then hearts were removed to determine the myocardial levels of fibrosis index, oxidative stress, antioxidant capacity and NHE-1 activation. Results: Compared to the CON rats, IH induced higher cardiac fibrosis, lower myocardial catalase and superoxidative dismutase activities, higher myocardial lipid and protein peroxidation and higher NHE-1 activation (p < 0.05 for each, which were all abolished by cariporide. Compared to the IH rats, lower cardiac fibrosis, higher myocardial antioxidant capacity, lower myocardial lipid and protein peroxidation and lower NHE-1 activation were found in the IHEXE rats (p < 0.05 for each. Conclusion: IH-induced cardiac fibrosis was associated with NHE-1 hyperactivity. However, exercise training and cariporide exerted an inhibitory effect to prevent myocardial NHE-1 hyperactivity, which contributed to reduced IH-induced cardiac fibrosis. Therefore, NHE-1 plays a critical role in the effect of exercise on IH-induced increased cardiac fibrosis.

  6. Motivação para aprender: o autorrelato de professores brasileiros e chilenos Motivación para aprender: medida del auto-relato de profesores brasileños y chilenos Motivation to learn: measuring the self-report of Brazilian and Chilean teachers

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    Sandra Maieski


    Full Text Available Foi objetivo deste estudo verificar a percepção de professores de duas realidades culturais diferentes: Brasil e Chile, quanto às qualidades do comportamento motivado ou desmotivado de seus alunos para aprender. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo descritivo com delineamento de levantamento e tratamento por meio da análise de conteúdo. Participaram 16 professores do ensino fundamental, sendo 7 brasileiros e 9 chilenos. Os dados foram mensurados, mediante de uma entrevista aberta com o professor e categorizados de acordo com os comportamentos motivado e desmotivado apresentados pelos alunos na visão de seus professores. Para tanto, geraram-se dados inerentes ao comportamento motivado e desmotivado apresentado pelos alunos na visão de seus professores. Os dados revelaram muita semelhança na forma como os professores das duas realidades culturais percebem as qualidades relacionadas ao comportamento motivado ou desmotivado de seus alunos. A discussão dos resultados levantados se dá em termos de algumas implicações educacionais.Fue el objetivo de este estudio verificar la percepción de profesores de dos realidades culturales distintas: Brasil y Chile, en cuanto a las cualidades del comportamiento motivado o desmotivado de sus alumnos para aprender. Se trata de un estudio de tipo descriptivo, con delineamiento de levantamiento y tratamiento por medio de análisis de contenido. Participaron 16 profesores de la enseñanza básica, siendo 7 brasileños y 9 chilenos. Los datos fueron medidos por medio de una entrevista abierta con el profesor y categorizados. Para eso, se generaron datos inherentes al comportamiento motivado y desmotivado presentado por los alumnos en la visión de sus profesores. Los datos revelaron mucha semejanza en la forma como los profesores de las dos realidades culturales perciben las cualidades relacionadas al comportamiento motivado o desmotivado de sus alumnos. La discusión de los resultados levantados se da en t

  7. Pancreatitis autoinmune asociada a fibrosis retroperitoneal: evolución tras dos años de seguimiento Autoimmune pancreatitis associated with retroperitoneal fibrosis: outcome after 24 months of follow-up

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    M. Romero


    Full Text Available Introducción: la pancreatitis autoinmune es un tipo de pancreatitis crónica caracterizado por un infiltrado linfoplasmocitario y una elevación de IgG e IgG4, que se ha descrito asociada a diversas manifestaciones extrapancreáticas y enfermedades autoinmunes, lo cual apoya la teoría de un mecanismo autoinmune fisiopatólogico de base. Caso clínico: presentamos el caso de un varón que debutó simultáneamente con una pancreatitis autoinmune asociada a fibrosis retroperitoneal y lesión de la vía biliar extrapancreática, con respuesta total tras tratamiento con corticoides durante 4 meses y ausencia de recurrencia tras 24 meses de seguimiento. Discusión: la pancreatitis autoinmune es un tipo de pancreatitis crónica que probablemente forme parte de un proceso sistémico autoinmune, cuyas manifestaciones extrapancreáticas más frecuentes son la fibrosis retroperitoneal y las lesiones de la vía biliar extrapancreática. Su correcto diagnóstico e inicio precoz del tratamiento puede favorecer la resolución completa de las lesiones, principalmente en los casos de bajo grado de actividad, con menor probabilidad de recurrencia.Introduction: autoimmune pancreatitis is a kind of chronic pancreatitis characterized by the presence of lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and severely elevated serum IgG and IgG4, which has been associated to many extrapancreatic lesions and other autoimmune disorders, leading to the theory of an autoimmune mechanism involved in the pathogenesis of this disease. Case report: we report the case of a man who simultaneously presented with autoimmune pancreatitis associated with retroperitonal fibrosis, and a lesion of the extrapancreatic bile duct, with total response to corticosteroid treatment for 4 moths and absence of recurrence after 24 months of follow-up. Discussion: autoimmune pancreatitis is a kind of chronic pancreatitis that is probably a part of a systemic autoinmune disease, with retroperitoneal fibrosis and

  8. Atención Primaria de Salud: Factores de Desmotivación y Estabilidad Laboral de Médicos Generales


    Ríos Heldt, Fabiola; Schonhaut Berman, Luisa


    Objetivo. Conocer las motivaciones laborales de los médicos chilenos con mayor permanencia en Atención Primaria de Salud (APS). Metodología. Estudio cuanti-culitativo descriptivo. Se reunió información biodemográfica y laboral de médicos chilenos que trabajaban en 10 de 15 establecimientos de APS de un Servicio de Salud urbano (Región Metropolitana). Siete médicos con mayor estabilidad laboral, es decir, permanencia superior al promedio, y 2 directivos fueron entrevistados en profundidad. Los...

  9. Stigma and cystic fibrosis Estigma y fibrosis cística Estigma e fibrose c��stica

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    Tainá Maues Peluci Pizzignacco


    Full Text Available Cystic Fibrosis (CF, also known as Mucoviscidosis, is a chronic disease of autosomal recessive origin and so far incurable. This analysis considers some characteristics of patients and family members that indicate it is a stigmatizing disease. The CF stigma’s impact on the lives of children and adolescents can affect treatment adherence, socialization, family relationships and the formation of their life histories, with direct consequences on their quality of life.La fibrosis cística (FC, también conocida como mucoviscidosis, es una enfermedad crónica de origen autosómica recesiva y, hasta el momento, incurable. La presente reflexión presenta consideraciones a respecto de algunas características que acompañan a pacientes y familiares, permitiendo comprenderla como enfermedad que estigmatiza. Las repercusiones del estigma en la vida de niños y adolescentes con FC pueden interferir en la adhesión al tratamiento, en el proceso de socialización, en la relación con los familiares y en la formación de su biografía, con reflejo directo en la calidad de vida.A fibrose cística (FC, também conhecida como mucoviscidose, é doença crônica de origem autossômica recessiva e, até o momento, incurável. A presente reflexão traz considerações a respeito de algumas características que acompanham pacientes e familiares, permitindo compreendê-la como doença estigmatizante. As repercussões do estigma na vida de crianças e adolescentes com FC podem implicar na adesão ao tratamento, no processo de socialização, na relação com os familiares e na formação de sua biografia, com reflexo direto em sua qualidade de vida.

  10. Cinema chileno e capitalismo neoliberal. Apontamentos para uma crítica da economia política da produção cinematográfica

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    Roberto Trejo Ojeda


    Full Text Available Nos últimos vinte anos foram produzidos no Chile quase o dobro dos longas-metragens realizados durante todo o século XX. As razões econômicas, tecnológicas e políticas que permitiram o boom do cinema chileno serão analisadas aqui desde uma perspectiva crítica, questionando os fatores estruturantes do desenvolvimento cinematográfico funcionais ao modelo econômico neoliberal chileno. Argumento que tal cinema pode ser definido estética, ética, conceitual e teóricamente a partir do próprio regime de produção que o engendra. Como tal, pode ser descrito estéticamente como anódino, culturalmente conservador, éticamente individualista, ideológicamente de direita e discursivamente “progresista”.

  11. Actos asertivos y cortesía: las diferentes estrategias utilizadas por brasileños y chilenos en el contexto académico

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    Adriana Marcelle de Andrade Freitas


    Full Text Available Con foco en la manifestación de la cortesía, en esta investigación buscamos describir y contrastar estrategias pragmáticas, en portugués y español, en comunidades de habla en São Paulo y Santiago de Chile. Nos proponemos indagar qué recursos los interlocutores, universitarios en encuentros orales con fines de estudio, utilizan en la actividad de imagen en actos asertivos. Para tanto, presentamos aquí una propuesta metodológica que pretende delinear el trasfondo de las construcciones discursivas. El corpus de este estudio se compone de veinticinco horas de videograbaciones y ochenta test de hábitos sociales (Hernández Flores, 2002; Contreras, 2004 y Bernal, 2007. En un análisis sincrónico, identificamos en el contexto brasileño, la tendencia del individuo a proyectar la imagen de cordialidad, cooperación y semejanza en la gestión de la autoimagen. Entre los interlocutores chilenos, la imagen de orden y la imagen de jerarquía fueron las que se evidenciaron. Destacamos contrastes, además de semejanzas, entre algunas estrategias pragmáticas, en relación con el fenómeno de la atenuación asertiva e intensificación, mecanismos de autorrepetición y alorrepetición. Los resultados, que encontraron eco en estudios de otras ciencias del comportamiento humano, en el análisis del corpus y en las respuestas de los informantes al test de hábitos sociales, pueden facilitar la proyección de experiencias específicas de un corpus a un estilo de cortesía que se extienda a otras situaciones de comunicación sin prescindir de la enorme diversidad del uso del lenguaje (Bravo, 2004a.

  12. Cambios morfológicos, celulares y moleculares en la fibrosis renal debido al envejecimiento

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    Miguel Alaga


    Full Text Available En los últimos 50 años se ha registrado un aumento gradual de la tasa de envejecimiento de la población uruguaya, reflejándose en un incremento de pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica mayores de 65 años. Este fenómeno plantea la interrogante de cómo el envejecimiento tisular afecta la función del riñón y, en particular cómo contribuye al desarrollo de la fibrosis renal. Con el envejecimiento se producen cambios morfológicos y funcionales en el riñón, tales como la esclerosis glomerular y la fibrosis intersticial. Estos cambios son consecuencia de alteraciones que ocurren a nivel celular. En este trabajo se profundizará en los mecanismos celulares que desencadenan la fibrosis intersticial y la gloméruloesclerosis, describiendo el proceso de inflamación sostenida, la transformación fenotípica de las células epiteliales a miofibroblastos, así como los mecanismos de producción de matriz extracelular y la perpetuación de la fibrosis renal. Además, detallaremos las cascadas moleculares involucradas en el proceso de fibrosis, poniendo énfasis en las cascadas reguladas por TGF-β1 y sus vías de interacción, que regulan la producción factores pro- y anti-fibróticos. También veremos como el TGF-β1 modula la expresión de ARN pequeños no-codificantes (microARNs, potentes inhibidores de la expresión génica, y como el gen anti-envejecimiento Klotho inhibe el avance de la fibrosis renal. Finalmente, discutiremos terapias para frenar o enlentecer el proceso de fibrosis renal, especialmente aquellas que tengan como blanco las cascadas de señalización activadas por TGF-β1, los microRNAs y posibles terapias de activación del gen Klotho para prevenir la progresión de esta patología.

  13. 1814 en Chile: de la desobediencia a Lima a la ruptura con España

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    Ossa Santa Cruz, Juan Luis


    Full Text Available This article analyzes how the Chilean revolutionaries moved from the disobedience to Lima to the break with Spain in 1814. First, it studies the origins of the civil war that hit Chile since 1813. Then it studies the political factionalism within the revolutionary side and the importance of the Treaty of Lircay. Finally, it presents an account of the Americanist approach adopted by the Chilean rebels after signing a political and military alliance with José de San Martín.Este artículo interpreta el paso de la desobediencia a Lima a la ruptura definitiva con España durante el año 1814. Primero estudia los orígenes de la guerra civil en Chile comenzada en 1813. Luego presenta las causas del faccionalismo en el bando revolucionario y enfatiza la importancia del Tratado de Lircay. Finalmente, analiza la causa americanista seguida por los rebeldes chilenos después de firmar una alianza político-militar con José de San Martín.

  14. Principales características clinicoepidemiológicas de pacientes con fibrosis quística en la provincia de Santiago de Cuba Main clinical-epidemiological characteristics of patients with cystic fibrosis in Santiago de Cuba province

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    Kenia Guzmán Pileta


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo y transversal durante el 2008 para determinar las principales características clinicoepidemiológicas de los 34 pacientes con fibrosis quística en la provincia de Santiago de Cuba, atendidos por el Grupo Provincial de esta especialidad. En la casuística primaron las siguientes variables: sexo masculino, piel amarilla, procedentes del municipio de Santiago de Cuba, bajo peso, con síntomas y diagnóstico de la enfermedad en la primera década de la vida e infección respiratoria; esta última como principal complicación. Entre los síntomas más frecuentes figuraron: tos, expectoración, dolor abdominal, apetito voraz, así como forma mixta según tipo de presentación, que fue además la causante del mayor número de ingresos; entre los resultados de otras pruebas predominaron, por citar algunos: disfunción ventilatoria obstructiva moderada, mutación genética DF 508 homocigótico, así como aislamiento de la Pseudomonas aeuruginosa en el esputo y estreptococo beta hemolítico en el exudado nasofaríngeo.A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out during 2008 in order to determine the main clinical-epidemiological characteristics of 34 patients with cystic fibrosis in Santiago de Cuba province assisted by the Provincial Group of this field. In the case material, the following variables: male sex, yellow skin, residents in Santiago de Cuba municipality, low weight, presenting symptoms and the diagnosis of a disease during the first decade of life and respiratory infection, the latter as main complication, were relevant. Among the symptoms, the most frequent were cough, expectoration, abdominal pain, voracious appetite, as well as the mixed form according to the occurrence type which also was the cause of the major number of admissions. Among the results of some other tests, just for quoting some examples, mild obstructive breathing malfunction, homozygotic DF 508 genetic mutation as well as

  15. Introduction to Pulmonary Fibrosis (United States)

    ... page: Introduction to Pulmonary Fibrosis What Is Pulmonary Fibrosis? Pulmonary fibrosis is a disease where there is scarring ... of pulmonary fibrosis. Learn more How Is Pulmonary Fibrosis Diagnosed? Pulmonary fibrosis can be difficult to diagnose, so it ...

  16. Aspergilosis broncopulmonar alérgica, una complicación del paciente con fibrosis quística: reporte de dos casos y revisión de la literatura = Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, a complication of patients with cystic fibrosis: Report of two cases and review of the literature

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    Ballesteros Calderón, Alicia Lucía


    Full Text Available La aspergilosis broncopulmonar alérgica (ABPA es la enfermedad pulmonar resultante de hipersensibilidad a Aspergillus, que lleva a alteración de la depuración mucociliar, impactación mucosa con obstrucción de la vía aérea e infiltración pulmonar. Se caracteriza clínicamente por disnea, sibilancias, fiebre, malestar general y expectoración de color marrón o negro, y por la mala respuesta clínica al tratamiento habitual instaurado para las exacerbaciones en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar crónica. En los pacientes con fibrosis quística (FQ puede ser difícil establecer el diagnóstico de ABPA debido a la superposición de las características clínicas, radiológicas e inmunológicas de las dos enfermedades y a la presencia frecuente de infecciones bacterianas pulmonares. Por ello, se recomienda que en el seguimiento de dichos pacientes se haga medición anual de la inmunoglobulina E (IgE sérica total y, según su resultado y el contexto clínico, se plantee el diagnóstico de ABPA y se haga el tratamiento oportuno con esteroides con el cual mejoran los síntomas, la función pulmonar, la calidad de vida y el pronóstico. Presentamos dos pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de FQ de difícil control, en quienes se hizo el diagnóstico de ABPA y cuya sintomatología pulmonar mejoró con el tratamiento esteroide.

  17. Caracterización de la fibrosis quística en el primer año de vida

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    Gladys Fuentes Fernández

    Full Text Available Introducción: la fibrosis quística es una enfermedad multisistémica, genética y letal, con daño pulmonar temprano y progresivo en los casos típicos. Objetivo: caracterizar el diagnóstico de la fibrosis quística en niños menores de un año. Métodos: estudio transversal, descriptivo, a pacientes diagnosticados con fibrosis quística según sospecha clínica, en el primer año de vida, en el Hospital Pediátrico Centro Habana, en el período 1993-2013, según datos obtenidos de los registros clínicos. Resultados: del total de 44 pacientes diagnosticados en el periodo, 35 clasificaron como enfermedad pulmonar típica, de ellos 13 fueron diagnosticados durante el primer año de vida, 7/21 en el periodo 1993-2003 (33,3 % y 6/14 entre 2004-2013 (42,8 %. Cuando se suman las formas clínicas no típicas, el total de niños diagnosticados durante su primer año fue de 16, con edad media al diagnóstico de 4,9 meses; en 11 niños (68,8 % el diagnóstico fue antes de los 6 meses, con predominio de los varones (10-62,5 %. La desnutrición estuvo presente en el 62,5 %. La forma típica con insuficiencia pancreática se evidenció en el 75 % de los menores de un año estudiados, y se aisló Pseudomona aeruginosa en el 68,8 %. Predominaron las manifestaciones respiratorias como la polipnea y el tórax hiperinsuflado (15 niños, 93,8 %, así como el tiraje (14 niños, 87,5 %, mientras que la distensión abdominal (11, 68,8 % y la esteatorrea (10, 62,5 %, fueron las más frecuentes alteraciones digestivas. La radiografía torácica mostró algún grado de alteración en todos los niños. Conclusiones: es importante una alta sospecha clínica para el diagnóstico temprano de las formas típicas de la fibrosis quística.

  18. Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (United States)

    ... submissions. MORE We Imagine a World Without Pulmonary Fibrosis The Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation mobilizes people and resources to provide ... its battle against the deadly lung disease, pulmonary fibrosis (PF). PULMONARY FIBROSIS WALK SURPASSES PARTICIPATION AND FUNDRAISING GOALS Nearly ...

  19. Más allá del “modelo” chileno: una aproximación multi-sectorial a las relaciones Estado-mercado

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    Antoine Maillet


    Full Text Available ResumenChile ha sido muchas veces caracterizado como un “modelo” desde los años 1990. Sin embargo, esta clasificación opaca la diversidad existente en las relaciones Estado-mercado. En cambio, una aproximación mediante la comparación multisectorial permite dar cuenta de la heterogeneidad de las políticas públicas en relación a los mercados, y no confundirlas bajo un supuesto “modelo” uniforme. La demonstración se fundamenta en el análisis de las trayectorias sectoriales en materias de energía eléctrica, transporte público en Santiago y pensiones desde las reformas de los Chicago Boys durante la dictadura de Pinochet hasta hoy. Basado en análisis de prensa, entrevistas con actores claves, y una extensiva revisión de bibliografía especializada, se evidencia cómo las políticas, a partir de un mismo punto de origen al final de la dictadura, tomaron caminos distintos durante los gobiernos democráticos. El caso chileno aparece entonces más fragmentado que lo generalmente considerado. Más allá del caso, esta diversidad señala la necesidad de una mayor atención a los procesos de diferenciación y autonomización de las políticas públicas sectoriales.

  20. Asertividad: Diferencias de sexo en estudiantes universitarios chilenos medidas a través del Inventario de Gambrill y Richey

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    Jorge Maluenda Albornoz


    Full Text Available La presente investigación explora diferencias de sexo en asertividad medidas a través del Inventario de Asertividad de Gambrill y Richey variable considerada signiicativa para la formación transversal de profesionales. El objetivo es identiicar diferencias de sexo en relación a asertividad en un grupo de estudiantes universitarios chilenos. Se realiza un muestreo por conveniencia, y a partir de ello, un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. El análisis estadístico se desarrolla a partir de la prueba t de Student y U de Mann y Whitney. El análisis por dimensión muestra diferencias de sexo en tres dimensiones para la escala Grado de Incomodidad: “Manifestar Oposición”, “Rechazar Solicitudes” e “Involucrarse en Situaciones Agradables” (p<0.005 . Por su parte, la escala Probabilidad de Respuesta ofrece diferencias de sexo signiicativas para cuatro dimensiones: “Manifestar Oposición”, “Exponerse a Situaciones Desconocidas” y “Manejar Situa- ciones Incómodas” (p<0.005, con puntajes mayores para las mujeres exceptuando en “Asumir Limitaciones Personales” donde hombres obtienen mayor puntaje. Se concluyen diferencias de sexo signiicativas en relación a asertividad para este grupo de estudiantes donde el rol de género ofrece una explicación para dichas diferencias.

  1. Algunas consideraciones respecto del fallo del tribunal constitucional chileno relativo a la distribución de la “píldora del día después”

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    Juan Pablo Beca Frei


    Full Text Available En este artículo damos los fundamentos jurídicos de por qué resulta plenamente legítimo que el Tribunal Constitucional chileno se pronuncie sobre algunos aspectos de las Normas Chilenas sobre Fertilidad, en lo que concierne a la entrega de anticonceptivos de emergencia. En este fallo, el Tribunal Constitucional determinó que las normas contenidas en el Decreto Supremo Nº 48, de 26 de enero de 2007, del Ministerio de Salud son –desde el punto de vista jurídico– incompatibles con nuestras normas constitucionales. El segundo aspecto que analizamos desde el punto de vista jurídico es a quién corresponde el peso de la prueba. A nuestro parecer, lo que se prueba en cualquier juicio son hechos positivos, no hechos negativos, y quien debe probar es quien alega la ocurrencia de estos hechos. En consecuencia, consideramos que el Tribunal Constitucional debió haber exigido que los recurrentes probaran que el levonorgestrel impide el implante o anidación de un óvulo fecundado y no exigir al recurrido probar un hecho negativo, cual es que el mencionado producto no impide esta anidación. Reflexionamos además sobre ciertas imprecisiones del fallo, como aquellas relacionadas con el comienzo de la vida humana y la constitucionalidad de la consejería a menores.

  2. Guía de Práctica Clínica para el manejo nutricional de personas con Fibrosis Quística (GPC-FQ

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    María Garriga


    Full Text Available La fibrosis quística (FQ es una enfermedad multiorgánica, hereditaria, autosómica y recesiva cuyos problemas más frecuentes están relacionados con las alteraciones de los pulmones y del páncreas exocrino. El objetivo de esta guía es establecer unas pautas en la práctica clínica para el manejo nutricional de personas con FQ, pudiéndose encontrar recomendaciones sobre la evaluación del estado clínico-nutricional (anamnesis, exploración física, composición corporal, bioquímica, función pulmonar, valoración dietético-nutricional, función del páncreas y malabsorción intestinal, y valoración de enfermedades asociadas, tratamiento nutricional de la enfermedad y sus síntomas (estado nutricional y pérdida de peso, intervención nutricional, suplementación con vitaminas y minerales, tratamiento de insuficiencia pancreática, diabetes, y enfermedad hepática, y otras circunstancias (embarazo, lactancia, y trasplante pulmonar. La guía ha sido elaborada mediante revisión simple por un grupo de expertos/as que tomó decisiones a través del consenso para ayudar en la toma de decisiones de los profesionales implicados en la atención de pacientes. Esta guía ha sido revisada y aprobada por el Comité Científico de la Fundación Española de Dietistas-Nutricionistas (FEDN. La guía no pretende ser de obligado cumplimiento ni sustituye el juicio clínico del personal sanitario.

  3. Evaluación de la fibrosis hepática en la hepatitis crónica por virus C mediante la aplicación prospectiva del Sabadell's NIHCED score: Sabadell's Non Invasive, Hepatitis C Related-Cirrhosis Early Detection Score Prospective evaluation of liver fibrosis in chronic viral hepatitis C infection using the Sabadell NIHCED: non-invasive hepatitis C related cirrhosis early detection index

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    G. Bejarano


    Full Text Available Introducción: la hepatitis crónica por VHC cursa de forma asintomática desarrollando cirrosis hepática y sus complicaciones en un 20-40% de los casos. En estudios previos se ha demostrado que la fibrosis avanzada es un factor pronóstico fundamental. El método gold standard para la valoración del grado de fibrosis es la biopsia hepática. Nuestro grupo ha validado un índice predictivo, el NIHCED (Sabadell's Non Invasive, Hepatitis C related-Cirrosis Early Detection Score, basado en datos demográficos, analíticos y ecográficos para determinar la presencia de cirrosis. Objetivo: nuestro objetivo es el de evaluar si el NIHCED predice la presencia de fibrosis avanzada en los pacientes con hepatitis crónica por virus C. Material y métodos: estudio prospectivo donde se incluyeron pacientes con hepatitis crónica por VHC. Se les realizó una biopsia hepática y el NIHCED. El grado de fibrosis se correlacionó con el valor del NIHCED mediante curva de ROC y el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Resultados: se incluyeron un total de 321 pacientes (ratio hombre/mujer 1,27 con una edad media de 48 ± 14 años. La biopsia hepática mostró que 131 (30,5% no tenían fibrosis o era expansión portal, mientras que 190 (69,5% tenían fibrosis avanzada o cirrosis. Para un punto de corte de 6 puntos, la sensibilidad fue del 72%, especificidad del 76,3%, VPP del 81%, VPN del 63,7% y una precisión diagnóstica del 72,5%, con un área bajo la curva fue de 0,787 y un coeficiente de correlación de Spearman de r = 0,65. Conclusiones: el NIHCED predice la presencia de fibrosis avanzada en un elevado porcentaje de pacientes sin necesidad de realizar biopsia hepática.Introduction: liver disease resulting from chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV infection follows an asymptomatic course towards cirrhosis and its complications in 20-40% of cases. Earlier studies demonstrated that advanced fibrosis is a prognostic factor. The "gold standard" for the evaluation


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    Enz PA


    Full Text Available La fibrosis sistémica nefrogénica (FSN es una entidad infrecuente, que se desarrolla en pacientes insuficientes renales en diálisis, vinculándose su etiopatogenia con diversos factores tales como el uso de gadolinio intravenoso, el antecedente de cirugías vasculares, etc.El Tamoxifeno, es un modulador selectivo (inhibición competitiva de los receptores estrogénicos, que posee propiedades antifibróticas las cuales se emplean para el tratamiento de entidades tales como: fibrosis retroperitoneal, esclerosis peritoneal asociada a diálisis peritoneal, tumores desmoides y en algunos casos de esclerodermia.En el presente articulo presentamos la hipótesis original de que el tamoxifeno, por su propiedades fibrinolíticas, podría ser una terapia no inmunosupresora potencialmente útil para el tratamiento de la fibrosis sistémica nefrogénica, evitándose desde ya su uso en pacientes portadores de contraindicaciones para recibirlo.

  5. Cambios en las formas de consumo en las sociedades tradicionales y conflictos con el mercado de trabajo. Osorno, Chile (1880-1905

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    Jorge Muñoz Sougarret


    Full Text Available En 1905 se daba por terminado el experimento agro industrial más arriesgado del diecinueve chileno, nacido de la comunión de colonos germanos y un terreno desatendido por el Estado nacional. La frontera sur araucana reunió intereses, potencialidades y capitales que le permitieron desarrollarse fuera del marco tradicional del Chile central; instituciones y personas naturales se sorprendían y maravillaban al momento de presenciar la complejidad y racionalidad del modelo fabril erigido por los germano-descendientes en la frontera sur de Chile. Para contemporáneos e historiadores, la abrupta crisis y desaparición del experimento puede ser reducida a un factor, la entrada del Estado chileno a la región. Sin méritos de desestimar tal hipótesis, nos hemos de centrar en el estudio de la crisis desde el ámbito laboral, aquello nos permitiría relocalizar su estudio desde los factores externos, a las condiciones, y condicionantes, internos de la fábrica. Posibilitándonos insertar al trabajador en un mercado de consumo en expansión que colisionaba con las políticas laborales y salariales utilizadas por tales manufacturas. Escenario que fraccionó a la industria y la debilitó frente a la aparición de un tercer sujeto, el Estado.

  6. Densidad mineral ósea en una muestra de jóvenes chilenos practicantes de diversas modalidades deportivas

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    Rossana Gómez-Campos


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Objetivos: a Comparar la densidad mineral ósea de una muestra de jóvenes chilenos practicantes de diversas modalidades deportivas y b Analizar la densidad mineral ósea en función de la maduración biológica. Métodos: Se estudiaron 146 adolescentes de sexo masculino, con un rango de edad entre 10 a 18 años. Se organizaron cinco grupos de trabajo: Grupo control (escolares n= 40, Canotaje (n= 30, Ciclismo (n=14, Fútbol (n=28 y Natación (n=34. Se evaluó el peso, estatura, altura tronco-cefálica. Se calculó el índice de Masa Corporal y la maduración biológica por medio de años de pico de velocidad de crecimiento. La densidad mineral ósea de cuerpo total y el porcentaje de grasa corporal se determinó por medio de la absorciometría de rayos X de doble energía. Resultados: Los adolescentes que practicaban fútbol evidenciaron mayor densidad mineral ósea (1,23±0,12g/cm 2 en relación a los jóvenes del ciclismo (0,99±0,11g/cm 2 , canotaje (1,09±0,17g/cm 2 , natación (1,10±0,11g/cm 2 y al grupo control de escolares (1,04±0,14g/ cm 2 (p<0.001. Hubo diferencias entre los tres niveles de maduración biológica en las cuatro modalidades deportivas y en el grupo control (p<0.001. La mayor densidad mineral ósea en función de la maduración somática se observó en los futbolistas. Conclusión: Los adolescentes que practican fútbol evidenciaron mayor densidad mineral ósea con relación a las demás modalidades deportivas y con relación al grupo control, además la maduración somática juega un papel relevante en el incremento de densidad mineral ósea, en especial en los futbolistas. Los resultados sugieren desarrollar actividades físico- deportivas de alto impacto antes, durante y después de producirse la maduración biológica en adolescentes de edad escolar.

  7. Evaluación nutricional dietética en pacientes afectos de fibrosis quística Dietetic nutritional assessment in patients with cystic fibrosis

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    Aida E. Esplugas Montoya


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. La fibrosis quística es una enfermedad hereditaria de transmisión autosómica recesiva, que afecta a las células epiteliales exocrinas, y los órganos más afectados son el páncreas y los pulmones. La esteatorrea es la más importante manifestación clínica y afecta al estado nutritivo, al desarrollo y a la absorción de micronutrientes y vitaminas liposolubles. Mantener un estado nutricional adecuado es un aspecto decisivo en el tratamiento de estos pacientes. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar el estado nutricional dietético de niños que se encuentran en situaciones de riesgo nutricional. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con un grupo de pacientes afectos de fibrosis quística. El universo comprendió 17 pacientes que recibieron atención médica y seguimiento en el Hospital Pediátrico Docente "William Soler". RESULTADOS. En la encuesta se encontró que la distribución porcentual calórica que aportaron los alimentos consumidos por los pacientes fue del 12 % para las proteínas, del 33 % para las grasas y del 55 % para los carbohidratos. La energía que aportaron los alimentos consumidos ascendió a 3400 kcal, con un intervalo mínimo de 1703 kcal y máximo de 6180 kcal. Para las proteínas el consumo fue de 101 g, con un rango de 49 a 207 g; para las grasas fue de 128 g, con rango de 60 g a 270 g y para los carbohidratos, 457 g con intervalo mínimo de 243 g e intervalo máximo de 704 g. CONCLUSIONES. La evaluación dietética de un niño puede predecir la alteración de su estado nutricional antes de la alteración bioquímica y mucho antes de que se hagan evidentes los signos clínicos de deficiencia.INTRODUCTION: Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease of recessive autosomal transmission, affecting the exocrine epithelial cells. The most affected organs are pancreas and lungs. Steatorrhea is the most significant clinical manifestation affecting the nutritional status, development and the

  8. Familial Pulmonary Fibrosis (United States)

    ... Education & Training Home Conditions Familial Pulmonary Fibrosis Familial Pulmonary Fibrosis Make an Appointment Find a Doctor Ask a ... more members within the same family have Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) or any other form of Idiopathic Interstitial ...

  9. Propiedades psicométricas de tres escalas de evaluación del trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad en escolares chilenos Psychometric properties of three rating scales for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Chilean students

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    Alfonso Urzúa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar en escolares chilenos la fiabilidad y la validez de tres escalas que miden el trastorno de déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH: el inventario para déficit de atención (IDDA, la escala de evaluación del déficit de atención con hiperactividad (EDAH y la adaptación española de la escala para la gradación del déficit de atención con hiperactividad IV (EGDAH IV. MÉTODO: Estudio instrumental con los tutores (n = 612 y los profesores (n = 82 de una muestra intencional de 640 niños y niñas de 6 a 11 años de edad, estudiantes de establecimientos municipales públicos (n = 228; 35,6% del total; subvencionados (n = 200; 31,3% y privados (n = 212; 33,1% de la ciudad de Antofagasta, Chile. La validez de convergencia de los instrumentos de medición del TDAH se determinó mediante las pruebas de Stroop y de Wechsler. RESULTADOS: Las tres escalas evaluadas presentan niveles satisfactorios de consistencia interna (coeficiente alfa de Cronbach de 0,88 a 0,97 en las escalas y de 0,76 a 0,97 en las dimensiones y una estructura factorial acorde a la teórica en la mayoría de las dimensiones evaluadas, aunque solo la EGDAH IV con los tutores y los profesores, y el IDDA con los profesores mostraron índices de ajuste comparativo y de ajuste relativo superiores a 0,90. Se encontraron diferencias significativas según la edad, el sexo y el tipo de informante (tutor o profesor. CONCLUSIÓN: El IDDA y la EGDAH IV cumplieron favorablemente con todos los criterios de fiabilidad y validez, por lo que se pueden aplicar para el tamizaje y el diagnóstico en la población chilena. La escala EGDAH IV presentó las mejores propiedades psicométricas por su confiabilidad y validez.OBJECTIVE: To assess, among Chilean students, the reliability and validity of three scales that measure attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD: the ADHD Rating Scale-IV (ADHD-IV; the scale for evaluating attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity

  10. Adaptaciones metodológicas para el análisis del discurso de niños con discapacidad intelectual: narrando sin lenguaje

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    Dominique Manghi Haquin


    Full Text Available Dada la necesidad de comprender las formas de comunicación de personas con discapacidad intelectual para favorecer su participación social, este estudio trata la narración como una instancia discursiva autogestionada más allá del lenguaje. El objetivo es sistematizar una metodología que permita explorar su discurso narrativo usando una perspectiva multimodal. La descripción corresponde a las narraciones de quince escolares chilenos con discapacidad intelectual y escaso desarrollo de la lengua oral, pero con intención narrativa. A partir de la adaptación de una tarea de recontado, se analizan discursivamente sus producciones multimodales y se observan narraciones enfocadas en las acciones de los personajes y construidas a partir de una combinación de recursos comunicativos. La metodología resulta apropiada para dar cuenta de los recursos narrativos usados por estos estudiantes en los primeros años escolares y legitima sus estrategias narrativas, lo cual contribuye al desarrollo de la disciplina educación especial y al estudio de la comunicación desde una mirada inclusiva.

  11. Nursing interventions in monitoring the adolescent with Cystic Fibrosis: a literature review. (United States)

    Reisinho, Maria da Conceição Marinho Sousa Ribeiro Oliveira; Gomes, Bárbara Pereira


    identificados, dos quais 8 atenderam os critérios de busca. As intervenções de enfermagem para adolescentes com fibrose cística e seus familiares foram identificadas. Essas intervenções foram organizadas de acordo com o papel dos enfermeiros, isto é, cuidador, coordenador, conselheiro, pesquisador, treinador e parceiro assistencial. as intervenções de enfermagem visam monitorar o adolescente ao longo do processo terapêutico, envolvendo a presença de pais/outras pessoas significantes, uma vez que tanto o adolescente como a família devem assumir a responsabilidade pelo autocuidado. Os profissionais da saúde devem ser capazes de identificar as necessidades específicas dos pacientes com doenças crônicas e suas famílias, visando alcançar uma melhor compreensão e adaptação ao processo de transição entre a saúde e a doença. buscar intervenciones de enfermería que se centren en la mejora de la calidad de vida y la promoción del autocuidado en adolescentes que sufren de Fibrosis cística. revisión de la literatura. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: estudios primarios y estudios con intervenciones desarrolladas por enfermeros en la población adolescente con Fibrosis cística, en portugués, español, francés e inglés, sin delimitación temporal, en las bases de datos Scopus, Web of Science y CINAHL. Los términos utilizados en la búsqueda fueron: enfermería AND cuidado AND adolescente AND "Fibrosis Cística" AND ("calidad de vida" OR "autocuidado"). al total, 59 artículos fueron identificados, de los cuales 8 cumplieron con los criterios de búsqueda. Las intervenciones de enfermería para adolescentes con Fibrosis Cística y sus familiares fueron identificadas. Esas intervenciones fueron organizadas según el papel de los enfermeros, esto es, cuidador, coordinador, consejero, investigador, entrenador y pareja asistencial. las intervenciones de enfermería visan monitorear el adolescente a lo largo del proceso terapéutico, involucrando la presencia de

  12. Usefulness of an index score as a predictor of hepatic fibrosis in obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery Utilidad de un índice de puntuación como predictor de fibrosis hepática en pacientes obesos sometidos a cirugía bariátrica

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    R. Díez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Objective: to evaluate the usefulness of a non-invasive clinical score to predict liver fibrosis in the steatosis associated with morbid obesity. Patients and methods: we included 88 patients, who underwent bariatric surgery in the Sanitary Area of León, Spain, and who showed a liver biopsy with steatosis greater than 5%. This is a retrospective study in which the rate of fibrosis is calculated from tests performed during the preoperative period, and is then compared to data from intraoperative hepatic biopsies. The analysis population was grouped according to the presence of advanced fibrosis in the liver biopsy (grade 3-4 or its absence (grade 0-2. The cutoff used for diagnosing advanced fibrosis was 0.676 (high cutoff point, and the cutoff point to exclude advanced fibrosis was -1.455 (low cutoff. Results: the prevalence of advanced fibrosis in the histological samples was 5.5%, and 65.9% of patients had no fibrosis. The cutoff for a low negative predictive value was 100%, and sensitivity was 100%. The cutoff point for a high positive predictive value was 1.7%, and specificity was 31.3%. Conclusions: this scoring system for morbidly obese patients eligible for bariatric surgery allows to identify those without advanced fibrosis, but cannot predict who may have advanced fibrosis.Objetivo: evaluar la utilidad de un índice de puntuación clínica no invasivo para predecir fibrosis hepática en la esteatosis asociada a la obesidad mórbida. Pacientes y métodos: se incluyeron 88 pacientes, intervenidos de cirugía bariátrica en el área sanitaria de León, que presentaron en la biopsia hepática una esteatosis mayor del 5%. Se trata de un estudio retrospectivo en el que se calculó el índice de fibrosis a partir de los datos analíticos del preoperatorio, y se comparó su resultado con los datos de la biopsia hepática intraoperatoria realizada. Para el análisis los pacientes fueron agrupados según presentaban en la biopsia hep

  13. Expresión génica en pacientes obesos con enfermedad hepática por depósito de grasa Gene expression in obese patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

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    A. Cayón


    Full Text Available La fisiopatología de la enfermedad hepática por depósito de grasa sólo se conoce de forma parcial. En este trabajo hemos analizado la expresión génica intrahepática de citoquinas, quimioquinas, receptores celulares, factores de crecimiento, transductores de señales intracelulares y proteínas de comunicación extracelular en el tejido hepático de sujetos obesos con y sin esteatohepatitis no alcohólica, en un intento de determinar un perfil de expresión génica asociado a las formas severas de la esteatohepatitis no alcohólica (EHNA. Se analizó un grupo de 38 pacientes obesos con un IMC > 35, que fueron sometidos a cirugía bariátrica. La expresión génica intrahepática se determinó en el tejido hepático dividiendo a los pacientes en tres grupos: a pacientes obesos sin datos histológicos sugestivos de EHNA (n = 12; b pacientes con EHNA sin fibrosis (n = 13; y c pacientes con EHNA y fibrosis (n = 13. Se consideró que existía una sobreexpresión génica cuando la diferencia en la expresión era, al menos, de dos veces con respecto al grupo control. Los resultados se confirmaron mediante PCR en tiempo real. Se detectó una expresión diferencial de 14 genes (10 sobreexpresados y 4 infraexpresados. Los genes sobreexpresados incluyeron prohibitina, TNF, TNF RI (p55, MCSF, R2-TRAIL, TGF-b1, CTGF, FGF, VEGF, BIGH3 y ObRb. La expresión de los genes insulin growth factor-1, insulin growth factor-2, interleuquina-2 y tyrosine-receptor fue menor que en el grupo control. En conclusión: 1. Los pacientes obesos con EHNA sin fibrosis muestran una sobreexpresión de genes proinflamatorios y proapoptóticos. En los pacientes con EHNA y fibrosis, se observa, además, una sobreexpresión de genes profibrogénicos, incluyendo el gen del receptor de la leptina. 2. La expresión de prohibitiva en los pacientes con EHNA, tanto con fibrosis como sin fibrosis, fue superior que en los controles, lo que sugiere una disfunción mitocondrial en los

  14. Propuestas para la formación en educación en medios en profesores chilenos Criteria of Media Education Program for Chilean teachers: A proposal for Continuous Training

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    María del Mar de Fontcuberta Balaguer


    Full Text Available Este trabajo, desarrollado por un grupo de investigación chileno, expone los resultados de una investigación sobre la presencia de la educación en medios en el currículum de la enseñanza media chilena, los problemas que plantea y la formación y actitudes de los profesores de Lengua Castellana y Comunicación en ese ámbito. Para su análisis adopta las definiciones y parámetros contemplados por la UNESCO en Viena (1999 y Sevilla (2002 que indican, entre otros aspectos, que la educación en medios trata sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje «con» y «sobre» los medios, más que «a través» de los medios. El estudio concluye con una propuesta para implementar la formación continua de profesores en ese campo. The article explains the results of a research about Media Education in Chilean Secondary School curriculum, its problems, and training and attitudes of teachers of Spanish Language and Communication. The analysis applies definitions and parameters adopted by UNESCO in Viena (1999 and Seville (2002 which indicate that Media Education means to teach and learn «with»» and «about» media more than «through» media. It proposes a schedule for continuous training of teachers in this field.

  15. Socialization of children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis: support for nursing care El proceso de socialización de niños y adolescentes con fibrosis quística: apoyo para la atención de enfermería O processo de socialização de crianças e adolescentes com fibrose cística: subsídios para o cuidado de enfermagem

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    Tainá Maués Pelúcio Pizzignacco


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to identify the routine (school, work, free time activities and relationships with friends and family of children and adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis (CF through their experiences and identify situations that can affect these routines. The objects of analysis of this research are children and adolescents with CF who attend a teaching hospital in a city of the State of São Paulo - Brazil. It is a qualitative research, with data collection based on open interviews and patient charts. The data brought the following themes: misleading knowledge about the disease, concern with self-image, search for self-care and hope of improvement in the future. The results evidence the repercussion of CF in those patients' socialization process, evidencing the importance of health professionals knowing about these demands and incorporating them into the care plan, with a view to effective interventions to promote infant-juvenile growth and development.La finalidad de este estudio es conocer el día a día (escuela, trabajo, actividades de ocio e interacciones con la familia y amigos del niño y del adolescente con Fibrosis Quística (FQ a partir de sus propias vivencias e identificar situaciones que puedan interferir en esa cotidianidad. Los sujetos de la investigación son niños y adolescentes portadores de Fibrosis Quística bajo seguimiento en un hospital-escuela del interior del Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, con edad entre 7 y 18 años. Efectuamos una investigación con aproximación cualitativa. Los datos empíricos fueron recopilados mediante el análisis de registros médicos y entrevistas abiertas, revelando los siguientes temas: conocimiento equivocado sobre la enfermedad; preocupación con el autoimagen; búsqueda por autocuidado y esperanza de mejoras en el futuro. Los resultados evidencian las repercusiones de la Fibrosis Quística en el proceso de socialización de esos pacientes, es importante que los profesionales de

  16. ¿Educadores o consumidores? discrepancia del yo, consumo y materialismo en estudiantes chilenos de pedagogía

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    Marianela Denegri Coria


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como propósito caracterizar las relaciones existentes entre la discrepancia del Yo, las actitudes hacia la compra y valores materialistas en estudiantes de Pedagogía considerando diferencias de género. Se aplicaron las escalas de Discrepancia del Yo, Actitudes hacia la Compra y Valores Materiales, en una muestra de 167 estudiantes chilenos de las carreras de Pedagogía en Historia de dos universidades del Sur de Chile. Los resultados obtenidos, evidencian correlaciones significativas entre las dimensiones de discrepancia del Yo físico, intelectual y económico, y las actitudes impulsivas y compulsivas hacia la compra; así como en las dimensiones de valores materiales vinculadas al éxito social y felicidad personal. En cuanto al género, se observa en las mujeres un perfil de ambivalencia actitudinal, donde coexiste la racionalidad con la compulsividad. A partir de la relevancia social del futuro ejercicio profesional de los estudiantes de pedagogía, los resultados se discuten considerando la importancia de la inclusión de la educación económica y financiera en la formación inicial de profesores, con un fuerte énfasis en la toma de conciencia acerca de sus actitudes y valores hacia el consumo. This paper aims to characterize the relationship between Self-discrepancy, attitudes toward buying and materialistic values ​​in pedagogy students considering gender differences. The Self-discrepancy scale and the Attitudes toward Purchase and Material Values scale were applied in a sample of 167 Chilean Pedagogy students majoring in History teaching in two universities in southern Chile. The results show significant correlations for Self-discrepancy between the physical, intellectual and economic dimensions and the impulsive and compulsive attitudes towards buying, as well as the dimensions of materialism linked to social success and personal happiness. Regarding gender, women display an ambivalent attitudinal

  17. Cystic Fibrosis (CF): Chloride Sweat Test (United States)

    ... on this topic for: Parents Kids Teens Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis and Nutrition Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Respiratory Screen: Sputum Cystic Fibrosis: Diet and Nutrition Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis: Diet and Nutrition View more Partner Message ...

  18. La ansiedad escénica en intérpretes musicales chilenos

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    Mimí Marinovic


    Full Text Available La ansiedad escénica (AE es uno de los mayores problemas del ejercicio profesional de los intérpretes musicales. Encuestas realizadas en países desarrollados revelan cifras de prevalencia entre 24% -70% y citan casos severos, causantes del abandono de la carrera. Objetivos: detectar la prevalencia de la AE en músicos chilenos que desempeñan su profesión en los principales conjuntos de música de concierto y determinar algunos de los factores que, a su juicio, influyen en su aparición. Método: 249 intérpretes (122 instrumentistas, 26 directores y 101 cantantes respondieron un cuestionario autoaplicado, incluido en una investigación más amplia sobre los intérpretes de arte. Este instrumento fue complementado con 36 entrevistas abiertas (13 instrumentistas, 6 directores y 11 cantantes. Resultados: el 78% de los músicos estudiados admitió haber sufrido AE, más mujeres que varones. El 64% consideró que ella se relaciona principalmente con la tarea a ejecutar (preparación insuficiente, dificultad de la obra, mientras que el 32% lo atribuyó a factores personales (ser nervioso, temor al fracaso y sólo el 4% a factores situacionales. Hubo diferencias significativas por género, especialidad y edad. Las entrevistas permitieron profundizar acerca del alcance de estos resultados. Conclusiones: se constató una alta prevalencia de AE, la cual debiera ser abordada interdisciplinariamente por especialistas de la salud mental y la música en beneficio de la educación general, la formación especializada y el desarrollo profesional de los intérpretes musicalesPerformance anxiety (PA is one of the major problems that musicians face in their careers. Surveys carried out in developed countries show prevalence figures ranging 24% -70% and quote severe cases leading to abandonment of the profession. Objectives: detect the prevalence of PA in Chilean musicians working in the main groups of concert music and determine some of the factors that

  19. La cultura nacional y su impacto en los negocios: el caso chileno

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    Pedro Hidalgo Campos


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el impacto de la cultura nacional en los negocios. Uno de los investigadores más destacados en el análisis de la cultura nacional es Geert Hofstede (1980. Él identificó cuatro dimensiones de la cultura nacional: distancia de poder, aversión a la incertidumbre, individualismo y masculinidad. Fernández et al. (1997 midieron estas cuatro dimensiones en Chile, caracterizando a los chilenos en esas cuatro dimensiones. Revisando la evidencia empírica chilena, en este artículo se analizan los principales efectos que las dimensiones de Hofstede tienen en la administración, los recursos humanos y el marketing. Este artículo ofrece varios ejemplos de cómo las dimensiones culturales afectan las prácticas en las organizaciones y es un fuerte argumento para hacer consideraciones culturales en la planificación estratégica.

  20. La cultura nacional y su impacto en los negocios: el caso chileno

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    Pedro Hidalgo Campos


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el impacto de la cultura nacional en los negocios. Uno de los investigadores más destacados en el análisis de la cultura nacional es Geert Hofstede (1980. Él identificó cuatro dimensiones de la cultura nacional: distancia de poder, aversión a la incertidumbre, individualismo y masculinidad. Fernández et al. (1997 midieron estas cuatro dimensiones en Chile, caracterizando a los chilenos en esas cuatro dimensiones. Revisando la evidencia empírica chilena, en este artículo se analizan los principales efectos que las dimensiones de Hofstede tienen en la administración, los recursos humanos y el marketing. Este artículo ofrece varios ejemplos de cómo las dimensiones culturales afectan las prácticas en las organizaciones y es un fuerte argumento para hacer consideraciones culturales en la planificación estratégica.

  1. Estructura social y modelos de «desarrollo»: el caso chileno

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El artículo analiza la relación entre la estructura social y el modelo de desarrollo, específicamente para el caso chileno, durante la dictadura de Pinochet (1973-1990. Las políticas económicas puestas en marcha por el régimen militar, y continuadas en buen grado por el gobierno de la Concertación, responden a un enfoque neoliberal que apoya el fortalecimiento del capitalismo, a expensas de más desempleo y condiciones de vida más precarias para los trabajadores y los pobres.ABSTRACT: The article analyzes the relationship among social structure and strategy of development, specifically for the Chilean case, during Pinochet's dictatorship (1973-1990. The Political Economies implemented by the military regime, and continued in many grades for the Concertation government, respond to a neoliberal approach which support the improvement of the capitalism but at the expense of more unemployment and more precarious conditions of life for the workers and the poor.



    José L. Saiz; María Eugenia Merino; Daniel Quilaqueo


    Se examinaron los meta-estereotipos sobre los mapuches chilenos, esto es, la percepción que miembros de este pueblo originario tienen sobre los estereotipos que los chilenos no indígenas les asignan. Se analizaron cinco aspectos de los meta-estereotipos: contenido (atributos), rótulos (etiquetas grupales), pre cisión (congruencia con estereotipos), uniformidad (consenso) y estructura (configuración de atributos y rótulos). Una muestra de 39 adultos mapuches de la Ciudad de Temuco (Chile) resp...

  3. Redes sociales, acción colectiva y elecciones: los usos de Facebook por el movimiento estudiantil chileno durante la campaña electoral de 2013

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    Lázaro M. Bacallao-Pino


    Full Text Available Los estudios recientes sobre las redes sociales digitales han analizado, por un lado, sus usos como parte de la acción colectiva y, por otro, sus usos durante las campañas electorales. Basado en el estudio del movimiento estudiantil chileno durante la campaña electoral de 2013 en ese país, el texto analiza los usos de Facebook por parte de tres federaciones estudiantiles que integran dicho movimiento. Los resultados indican que se priorizan las dimensiones informativa y organizativa en los usos de las redes sociales en ese contexto. Esta tendencia está mediada por las particularidades del movimiento —presencia de organizaciones estudiantiles tradicionales— y por la complejidad de la relación con la política institucional —en particular, la defensa de la autonomía frente a los riesgos de cooptación, acrecentados por el tránsito de exlíderes del movimiento a esta última—. De igual forma, también se confirma la tendencia a un mayor uso de estos espacios en momentos de mayor movilización social y se muestran las tensiones entre sus usos por parte de la acción colectiva organizada (federaciones estudiantiles y los sujetos individuales participantes en ella.

  4. Cystic fibrosis: case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Si Hyun; Lee, Hyun Ju; Kim, Ji Hye; Park, Chol Heui


    Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive genetic disease. Among Caucasians, it is the most common cause of pulmonary insufficiency during the first three decades of life. The prevalence of cystic fibrosis varies according to ethnic origin: it is common among Caucasians but rare among Asians. We report a case in which cystic fibrosis with bronchiectasis and hyperaeration was revealed by high-resolution CT, and mutation of the cystic fibrosis conductance transmembrane regulator gene (CFTR) by DNA analysis

  5. Cystic fibrosis: case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Si Hyun; Lee, Hyun Ju; Kim, Ji Hye; Park, Chol Heui


    Cystic fibrosis is a autosomal recessive genetic disease. Among caucasians, it is the most common cause of pulmonary insufficiency during the first three decades of life. The prevalence of cystic fibrosis varies according to ethnic origin: it is common among caucasians but rare among Asians. We report a case in which cystic fibrosis with bronchiectasis and hyperaeration was revealed by high-resolution CT, and mutation of the cystic fibrosis conductance transmembrane regulator gene (CFTR) by DNA analysis

  6. Aymaras, peruanos y chilenos en los Andes ariqueños: Resistencia y conflicto frente a la chilenización del norte de Chile

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    Alberto Díaz Araya


    Full Text Available Este artículo reflexiona desde un punto de vista de la antropología histórica las reacciones y articulaciones que generaron las comunidades Aymaras del área de Arica entre los años 1901 y 1926, periodo reconocido como “chilenización”, ante la presencia del Estado chileno, asumiendo posturas identitarias sociopolíticas en un ambiente de conflicto nacional.


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    Carlos Salinas Araneda


    Full Text Available La redacción del primer Código de Derecho Canónico que tuvo la Iglesia latina fue ordenado por el papa san Pío X, en 1904. La tarea codificadora, empero, no fue obra de un grupo cerrado de expertos, sino que tuvo en cuenta el parecer del episcopado, el que fue consultado en dos momentos diferentes; en ambos casos fueron requeridos los obispos chilenos. En este trabajo se estudia, a partir de la documentación guardada en el Archivo Secreto Vaticano, el aporte de los obispos chilenos en la primera consulta, realizada en 1904, en lo referido al matrimonio.The drafting of the first Código de Derecho Canónico of the Latin Church was established by Pope Pío X in 1904. The codifying task, however, was not the result of a closed group of experts. It considered the opinión of bishops around the world who were consulted in two different moments. In both cases, Chilean bishops were requested to provide their opinions. This work, which is based on documents from the Vatican Secret Archives, studies the contribution of Chilean bishops to the marriage discussion in the first round of consultation of 1904.

  8. Facilitadores institucionales y sociales para la gobernanza local de los riesgos medioambientales. Análisis empírico con municipios chilenos

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    Patricio Valdivieso

    Full Text Available Resumen El contexto latinoamericano de exposición a riesgos medioambientales demanda un mayor entendimiento de los factores institucionales que tienen impacto en la gestión medioambiental local. Con el apoyo de métodos mixtos de investigación, este estudio examina hipótesis sobre relaciones entre factores políticos, institucionales, sociales y la gestión medioambiental municipal, en el contexto empírico de municipalidades chilenas. Los resultados sugieren que la combinación de factores políticos, arreglos y capacidades institucionales, y relaciones con la sociedad explican diferentes comportamientos municipales.

  9. Validez predictiva del instrumento de evaluación de riesgos y recursos para la intervención FER-R, en adolescentes chilenos infractores de ley / Predictive Validity at the Instrument Risk and Resources (FER-R for Intervention Assessment with Young Offenders: Preliminary Study

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    Paula Alarcón


    Full Text Available Se estudió la validez predictiva del instrumento Ficha de Evaluación de Riesgos y Recursos (FER-R para adolescentes infractores de ley, en un lapso de dos años (2009-2011. La FER-R consta de 60 ítems y permite el registro de 10 dominios, riesgos criminogénicos, recursos y el registro de un índice de escalada delictiva. La muestra estuvo conformada por 101 adolescentes varones, entre 14 y 19 años de edad, judicializados y deriva- dos a programas de intervención en medio libre. Los principales resultados muestran que el índice general de riesgo medido por la FER-R, presenta un 68.3 % de aciertos, con un área bajo la curva ROC = 0.73, indicando una magnitud predictiva fuerte de la escala total para predecir reincidencia en los adolescentes infractores chilenos.

  10. Factores psicosociales del presentismo en trabajadores del Sistema de Salud chileno

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    Aldo Vera-Calzaretta


    Full Text Available Este estudio analizó los factores psicosociales que explicaban el presentismo o deterioro laboral autopercibido asociado a trabajar enfermo. La muestra fue de 676 trabajadores del sistema de salud chileno (84% de mujeres, M = 35.9 anos, en su mayoría enfermeras y técnicos paramédicos. Se aplicó un cuestiona- ˜ rio sociodemográfico, el Job Content Questionnaire, el Effort-Reward Imbalance, el Health Performance Questionnaire y una escala de interferencia del trabajo en la vida familiar. La regresión lineal explicó el 21% de la varianza del deterioro laboral percibido. Este último se asoció a asistir a trabajar enfermo. Los resultados sugieren que el deterioro del desempeno y asistir a trabajar enfermo son dos aspectos del ˜ mismo proceso. El ausentismo por razones de salud, la interferencia del trabajo en la vida familiar y la sintomatología emocional predijeron el deterioro laboral. Éste último se asoció negativamente a trabajar en turnos, controlando edad y salario. Los resultados sugieren que el presentismo es explicado por factores del contexto de trabajo y el conflicto trabajo-familia.

  11. Epístolas Sacrílegas. Las declaraciones públicas de líderes evangélicos chilenos ante el gobierno militar de Pinochet (1974 y 1986

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    Miguel Ángel Mansilla


    Full Text Available Resumen La relación establecida entre el mundo evangélico y la dictadura militar chilena es uno de los episodios más significativos de la historia política y religiosa reciente en Chile. Si bien este fenómeno ha sido investigado tanto por las ciencias sociales como por la teología, sus posturas han tendido a desarrollarse de manera desvinculada, ofreciendo una imagen parcelada de la problemática. El presente artículo intenta ser un aporte en este ámbito específico, para lo cual se ha fijado un objetivo concreto: analizar los elementos ideológicos y políticos distintivos de las declaraciones públicas realizadas por el mundo evangélico ante el gobierno militar, vinculándolas con los contextos ideológicos en los cuales se emitieron estas declaraciones. Para ello, metodológicamente se han analizado dos declaraciones fundamentales realizadas por los líderes y pastores evangélicos ante el régimen militar chileno (fuentes primarias, lo cual permitirá complejizar la imagen que se posee sobre la relación entre el mundo evangélico y la dictadura militar chilena.

  12. Non-invasive measurement of liver and pancreas fibrosis in patients with cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Friedrich-Rust, Mireen; Schlueter, Nina; Smaczny, Christina; Eickmeier, Olaf; Rosewich, Martin; Feifel, Kirstin; Herrmann, Eva; Poynard, Thierry; Gleiber, Wolfgang; Lais, Christoph; Zielen, Stefan; Wagner, Thomas O F; Zeuzem, Stefan; Bojunga, Joerg


    Patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) have a relevant morbidity and mortality caused by CF-related liver-disease. While transient elastography (TE) is an established elastography method in hepatology centers, Acoustic-Radiation-Force-Impulse (ARFI)-Imaging is a novel ultrasound-based elastography method which is integrated in a conventional ultrasound-system. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of liver-fibrosis in patients with CF using TE, ARFI-imaging and fibrosis blood tests. 106 patients with CF were prospectively included in the present study and received ARFI-imaging of the left and right liver-lobe, ARFI of the pancreas TE of the liver and laboratory evaluation. The prevalence of liver-fibrosis according to recently published best practice guidelines for CFLD was 22.6%. Prevalence of significant liver-fibrosis assessed by TE, ARFI-right-liver-lobe, ARFI-left-liver-lobe, Fibrotest, Fibrotest-corrected-by-haptoglobin was 17%, 24%, 40%, 7%, and 16%, respectively. The best agreement was found for TE, ARFI-right-liver-lobe and Fibrotest-corrected-by-haptoglobin. Patients with pancreatic-insufficiency had significantly lower pancreas-ARFI-values as compared to patients without. ARFI-imaging and TE seem to be promising non-invasive methods for detection of liver-fibrosis in patients with CF. Copyright © 2013 European Cystic Fibrosis Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Pathological assessment of liver fibrosis regression

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    WANG Bingqiong


    Full Text Available Hepatic fibrosis is the common pathological outcome of chronic hepatic diseases. An accurate assessment of fibrosis degree provides an important reference for a definite diagnosis of diseases, treatment decision-making, treatment outcome monitoring, and prognostic evaluation. At present, many clinical studies have proven that regression of hepatic fibrosis and early-stage liver cirrhosis can be achieved by effective treatment, and a correct evaluation of fibrosis regression has become a hot topic in clinical research. Liver biopsy has long been regarded as the gold standard for the assessment of hepatic fibrosis, and thus it plays an important role in the evaluation of fibrosis regression. This article reviews the clinical application of current pathological staging systems in the evaluation of fibrosis regression from the perspectives of semi-quantitative scoring system, quantitative approach, and qualitative approach, in order to propose a better pathological evaluation system for the assessment of fibrosis regression.

  14. Experimental models of liver fibrosis. (United States)

    Yanguas, Sara Crespo; Cogliati, Bruno; Willebrords, Joost; Maes, Michaël; Colle, Isabelle; van den Bossche, Bert; de Oliveira, Claudia Pinto Marques Souza; Andraus, Wellington; Alves, Venâncio Avancini Ferreira; Leclercq, Isabelle; Vinken, Mathieu


    Hepatic fibrosis is a wound healing response to insults and as such affects the entire world population. In industrialized countries, the main causes of liver fibrosis include alcohol abuse, chronic hepatitis virus infection and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. A central event in liver fibrosis is the activation of hepatic stellate cells, which is triggered by a plethora of signaling pathways. Liver fibrosis can progress into more severe stages, known as cirrhosis, when liver acini are substituted by nodules, and further to hepatocellular carcinoma. Considerable efforts are currently devoted to liver fibrosis research, not only with the goal of further elucidating the molecular mechanisms that drive this disease, but equally in view of establishing effective diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. The present paper provides a state-of-the-art overview of in vivo and in vitro models used in the field of experimental liver fibrosis research.

  15. Thoracic periaortal fibrosis and Ormond's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kacl, G.M.; Bino, M.; Salomon, F.; Risti, B.; Marincek, B.


    Two cases of thoracic periaortal fibrosis as a manifestation of retroperitoneal fibrosis (Ormond's disease) are shown on CT and MRI. Thoracic periaortal fibrosis can result in an inflammatory aneurysmo with chronic dissection. Manifestation of thoracic periaortal fibrosis may typically occur intermittently over decades. (orig.) [de

  16. Syndecans in heart fibrosis. (United States)

    Lunde, Ida G; Herum, Kate M; Carlson, Cathrine C; Christensen, Geir


    Heart disease is a deadly syndrome affecting millions worldwide. It reflects an unmet clinical need, and the disease mechanisms are poorly understood. Cardiac fibrosis is central to heart disease. The four-membered family of transmembrane proteoglycans, syndecan-1 to -4, is believed to regulate fibrosis. We review the current literature concerning syndecans in cardiac fibrosis. Syndecan expression is up-regulated in response to pro-inflammatory stimuli in various forms of heart disease with fibrosis. Mice lacking syndecan-1 and -4 show reduced activation of pro-fibrotic signaling and increased cardiac rupture upon infarction indicating an important role for these molecules. Whereas the short cytoplasmic tail of syndecans regulates signaling, their extracellular part, substituted with heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan chains, binds a plethora of extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules involved in fibrosis, e.g., collagens, growth factors, cytokines, and immune cell adhesion proteins. Full-length syndecans induce pro-fibrotic signaling, increasing the expression of collagens, myofibroblast differentiation factors, ECM enzymes, growth factors, and immune cell adhesion molecules, thereby also increasing cardiac stiffness and preventing cardiac rupture. Upon pro-inflammatory stimuli, syndecan ectodomains are enzymatically released from heart cells (syndecan shedding). Shed ectodomains affect the expression of ECM molecules, promoting ECM degradation and cardiac rupture upon myocardial infarction. Blood levels of shed syndecan-1 and -4 ectodomains are associated with hospitalization, mortality, and heart remodeling in patients with heart failure. Improved understanding of syndecans and their modifying enzymes in cardiac fibrosis might contribute to the development of compounds with therapeutic potential, and enzymatically shed syndecan ectodomains might constitute a future prognostic tool for heart diseases with fibrosis. Graphical Abstract Graphical abstract summarizing

  17. Esclerosis sistémica complicada con síncope y bloqueo AV completo

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    Francisco Femenía


    Full Text Available La esclerosis sistémica es una compleja enfermedad que afecta el tejido conectivo, el sistema vascular y el sistema inmunológico, y se caracteriza por fibrosis cutánea y de órganos viscerales. Los bloqueos de rama y los hemibloqueos se presentan en el 25 a 75% de los casos y constituyen predictores independientes de mortalidad. Los bloqueos auriculoventriculares de segundo o tercer grado son muy raros. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 47 años de edad, con diagnóstico de esclerosis sistémica, quien presenta episodio sincopal secundario a bloqueo auriculoventricular completo con necesidad de implante de marcapasos definitivo.

  18. Imaging pulmonary fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brauner, M.W.; Rety, F.; Naccache, J.M.; Girard, F.; Valeyre, D.F.


    Localized fibrosis of the lung is usually scar tissue while diffuse pulmonary fibrosis is more often a sign of active disease. Chronic infiltrative lung disease may be classified into four categories: idiopathic pneumonitis, collagen diseases, granulomatosis (sarcoidosis), and caused by known diseases (pneumoconiosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, drug-induced lung disease, radiation). (authors)

  19. Mice lacking liver-specific β-catenin develop steatohepatitis and fibrosis after iron overload. (United States)

    Preziosi, Morgan E; Singh, Sucha; Valore, Erika V; Jung, Grace; Popovic, Branimir; Poddar, Minakshi; Nagarajan, Shanmugam; Ganz, Tomas; Monga, Satdarshan P


    Iron overload disorders such as hereditary hemochromatosis and iron loading anemias are a common cause of morbidity from liver diseases and increase risk of hepatic fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Treatment options for iron-induced damage are limited, partly because there is lack of animal models of human disease. Therefore, we investigated the effect of iron overload in liver-specific β-catenin knockout mice (KO), which are susceptible to injury, fibrosis and tumorigenesis following chemical carcinogen exposure. Iron overload diet was administered to KO and littermate control (CON) mice for various times. To ameliorate an oxidant-mediated component of tissue injury, N-Acetyl-L-(+)-cysteine (NAC) was added to drinking water of mice on iron overload diet. KO on iron diet (KO +Fe) exhibited remarkable inflammation, followed by steatosis, oxidative stress, fibrosis, regenerating nodules and occurrence of occasional HCC. Increased injury in KO +Fe was associated with activated protein kinase B (AKT), ERK, and NF-κB, along with reappearance of β-catenin and target gene Cyp2e1, which promoted lipid peroxidation and hepatic damage. Addition of NAC to drinking water protected KO +Fe from hepatic steatosis, injury and fibrosis, and prevented activation of AKT, ERK, NF-κB and reappearance of β-catenin. The absence of hepatic β-catenin predisposes mice to hepatic injury and fibrosis following iron overload, which was reminiscent of hemochromatosis and associated with enhanced steatohepatitis and fibrosis. Disease progression was notably alleviated by antioxidant therapy, which supports its chemopreventive role in the management of chronic iron overload disorders. Lack of animal models for iron overload disorders makes it hard to study the disease process for improving therapies. Feeding high iron diet to mice that lack the β-catenin gene in liver cells led to increased inflammation followed by fat accumulation, cell death and wound healing that mimicked

  20. The need for a hydromorphological approach to Chilean river management La necesidad de un enfoque hidromorfológico para la gestión de los ríos chilenos

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    considerar al determinar el estado ecológico de los ríos. La comprensión de cómo las variables hidrológicas y morfológicas interactúan de forma dinámica es sin duda clave para evaluar la presencia o ausencia de un equilibrio dinámico, una condición que, a su vez, fomenta tanto la diversidad de hábitat como el desarrollo sostenible de los ecosistemas acuáticos y ribereños. Los autores concluyen que es necesario cambiar el paradigma actual de gestión aplicado en los ríos chilenos desarrollando una estrategia que permita evaluar las condiciones hidromorfológicas y ecológicas de los ríos. Además, sugieren implementar legislación específica orientada a promover estándares ecológicos y geomorfológicos en la práctica de gestión, con el apoyo de un fortalecimiento y una ampliación de la enseñanza académica de la geomorfología y ecología fluvial.

  1. Promover la salud mental con mujeres chilenas en desventaja social

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    M Soledad Rivera


    Full Text Available Se descrive una parte de la experiencia del proyecto Chileno/Canadiense: “Promover la salud mental de las mujeres chilenas en desventaja social: Los Secretos de Maruja”. Se describen los objetivos, las etapas del proceso, de intervención y los resultados de las evaluaciones preliminares. Con la participación de las mujeres usuárias de los centros de salud, profesionales y autoridades de la comuna de La Pintana, se construyó, aplicó y evaluó un proyecto de intervención para apoyar a las mujeres en la toma de decisiones que favorezcan su salud mental personal, familiar y social. La intervención contempló el diseño, producción, distribución y evaluación de 12 folletos educativos tipo calendarios, cada uno respecto a tres temas de salud mental identificados por las mismas mujeres: Identidad y autoestima, Vínculo y Comunicación y Autocuidado. Además se involucró a las enfermeras que trabajan en los Centros de Salud, quienes incorporaron esta estrategia a la atención de salud habitual y evaluaron su impacto en la identidad, autonomía profesional y en la mejoría de la calidad del cuidado

  2. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marckmann, Peter; Skov, Lone; Rossen, Kristian


    Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis is a new, rare disease of unknown cause that affects patients with renal failure. Single cases led to the suspicion of a causative role of gadodiamide that is used for magnetic resonance imaging. This study therefore reviewed all of the authors' confirmed cases...... of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (n = 13) with respect to clinical characteristics, gadodiamide exposure, and subsequent clinical course. It was found that all had been exposed to gadodiamide before the development of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. The delay from exposure to first sign of the disease was 2 to 75...... d (median 25 d). Odds ratio for acquiring the disease when gadodiamide exposed was 32.5 (95% confidence interval 1.9 to 549.2; P

  3. Democracia y educación de John Dewey presente en el problema nacional de darío salas: a propósito del centenario de ambas obras

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    Jaime Caiceo Escudero


    Full Text Available El año 2016 se celebró con diversas actividades el centenario de la publicación de una de las obras más significativas del educador norteamericano John Dewey, Democracia y Educación (1916; el año pasado (2017 se conmemoró el centenario de la obra más significativa del educador chileno Darío Salas, El Problema Nacional. Bases para la Reconstrucción de Nuestro Sistema Escolar Primario (1917. En el contexto de ambos centenarios se analiza la influencia de la obra del pedagogo norteamericano en el texto del educador chileno.

  4. Fibrosis and Cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cox, Thomas R.; Erler, Janine T.


    The relation between fibrosis and cancer has long been debated, specifically whether desmoplasia precedes, accompanies, or succeeds tumourigenesis, progression, and metastasis. Recent reports have published opposing data, adding to the perplexity. However, what is emerging is that it is likely th...... the specific properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM) that determine the paradoxical nature of cancer-associated fibrosis....

  5. Técnicas de ensamblaje anatómico aplicadas al análisis de entierros secundarios: el caso del sitio Laguna los Chilenos 1 (ptdo. de Tornquist, pcia. de Buenos Aires

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    Carlotto, Ana


    Full Text Available En los estudios bioarqueológicos contemporáneos, la unidad de análisis principal es el individuo, en tanto integrante de una muestra con significado poblacional. De allí la necesidad de identificar, aislar y reconstruir individuos a partir de conjuntos óseos con distinto grado de preservación e integridad debido a la acción de diferentes procesos pre y postdepositacionales. En los entierros secundarios, que consisten usualmente en agrupaciones desarticuladas de elementos óseos, la unidad individual se pierde, siendo necesario implementar técnicas de ensamblaje anatómico (bilateral e intermembral para su restitución. En el caso del entierro secundario del sitio Laguna Los Chilenos 1 (NISP= 2033; NMI= 14; 470 ± 80 años radiocarbónicos AP, localizado en la llanura situada al sur del sistema serrano de Ventania (Pcia. de Buenos Aires, se aplicaron diversas técnicas de identificación y de ensamblaje anatómico. Las mismas se basaron en el registro, para cada unidad anatómica, de a sexo y edad probable, b atributos no métricos tales como textura, coloración, marcas de corte, estado de conservación, etc. y c atributos métricos longitudinales y transversales de huesos largos y de elementos de las cinturas escapular y pélvica. En el presente trabajo se expondrán los resultados obtenidos, y se discutirá la eficiencia de las técnicas empleadas a través del uso de diferentes indicadores (v.g. índice de integridad anatómica individual.

  6. Vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for cystic fibrosis-related diabetes in the Scandinavian Cystic Fibrosis Nutritional Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pincikova, T; Nilsson, Kristine Kahr; Moen, I E


    Many cystic fibrosis patients are vitamin D-insufficient. Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes is a major complication of cystic fibrosis. The literature suggests that vitamin D might possess certain glucose-lowering properties. We aimed to assess the relationship between vitamin D and cystic fibrosis...

  7. Proteome analysis of Radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Jie Young; Lim, Hee Soon; Kim, Hyung Doo; Shim, Ji Young; Han, Young Soo; Son, Hyeog Jin Son; Yun, Yeon Sook


    Pulmonary fibrosis is perhaps the most universal late effect of organ damage after both chemical insult and irradiation in the treatment of lung cancer. The use chemotherapy and radiation therapy, alone or combined, can be associated with clinically significant pulmonary toxicity, which leads to pneumonia and pulmonary fibrosis. It is also reported that about 100,000 people in the United States are suffered from pulmonary fibrosis. Therefore, pulmonary fibrosis will be more focused by medicinal researchers. Because current therapies, aimed at inhibiting pulmonary inflammation that often precedes fibrosis, are effective only in a minority of suffered patients, novel therapeutic methods are highly needed. Some researchers have used bleomycininduced pulmonary fibrosis as a basis for looking at the molecular mechanisms of fibrosis, and total gene expression was monitored using genomics method. However, radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis has not been fully focused and investigated. Here, we have analyzed changes in gene expression in response to γ- irradiation by using proteomic analysis

  8. Inteligencia y Conductas Delictuales en Adolescentes Chilenos

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    Pedro Rioseco


    Full Text Available Este estudio compara el rendimiento intelectual de 100 jóvenes varones (12-17años que han infringido la ley, con el de 100 jóvenes no infractores. Los resultados indican quelos jóvenes infractores de ley presentan una mayor proporción de CIs totales inferiores al promedioen comparación con los jóvenes no infractores. Al descontar el efecto de la escolarización y NSE,las diferencias de CI entre ambos grupos siguen siendo significativas, aunque menos extremas. Losresultados concuerdan con los hallazgos de otros estudios respecto al menor CI en jóvenes infractores de ley, particularmente en el CI verbal. Estos resultados son de importancia en la planificación deestrategias de rehabilitación, reescolarización y reinserción social de estos adolescentes

  9. Macrophage recruitment by fibrocystin-defective biliary epithelial cells promotes portal fibrosis in congenital hepatic fibrosis. (United States)

    Locatelli, Luigi; Cadamuro, Massimiliano; Spirlì, Carlo; Fiorotto, Romina; Lecchi, Silvia; Morell, Carola Maria; Popov, Yury; Scirpo, Roberto; De Matteis, Maria; Amenduni, Mariangela; Pietrobattista, Andrea; Torre, Giuliano; Schuppan, Detlef; Fabris, Luca; Strazzabosco, Mario


    Congenital hepatic fibrosis (CHF) is a disease of the biliary epithelium characterized by bile duct changes resembling ductal plate malformations and by progressive peribiliary fibrosis, in the absence of overt necroinflammation. Progressive liver fibrosis leads to portal hypertension and liver failure; however, the mechanisms leading to fibrosis in CHF remain elusive. CHF is caused by mutations in PKHD1, a gene encoding for fibrocystin, a ciliary protein expressed in cholangiocytes. Using a fibrocystin-defective (Pkhd1(del4/del4)) mouse, which is orthologous of CHF, we show that Pkhd1(del4/del4) cholangiocytes are characterized by a β-catenin-dependent secretion of a range of chemokines, including chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligands 1, 10, and 12, which stimulate bone marrow-derived macrophage recruitment. We also show that Pkhd1(del4/del4) cholangiocytes, in turn, respond to proinflammatory cytokines released by macrophages by up-regulating αvβ6 integrin, an activator of latent local transforming growth factor-β1. While the macrophage infiltrate is initially dominated by the M1 phenotype, the profibrogenic M2 phenotype increases with disease progression, along with the number of portal myofibroblasts. Consistent with these findings, clodronate-induced macrophage depletion results in a significant reduction of portal fibrosis and portal hypertension as well as of liver cysts. Fibrosis can be initiated by an epithelial cell dysfunction, leading to low-grade inflammation, macrophage recruitment, and collagen deposition; these findings establish a new paradigm for biliary fibrosis and represent a model to understand the relationship between cell dysfunction, parainflammation, liver fibrosis, and macrophage polarization over time. © 2015 by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.

  10. Linfangioma cervical: manejo terapéutico con OK-432 (Picibanil Cervical lymphangioma: therapeutic management with OK-432 (Picibanil

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    E. Valle Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introducción: El linfangioma es una malformación del sistema linfático. El abordaje clásico ha sido la cirugía. El OK-432 (Picibanil tiene acción esclerosante y se está utilizando cómo primer escalón terapéutico. El objetivo es aportar un nuevo caso de linfangioma tratado con OK-432 y hacer una revisión de la literatura. Material y método: Aportamos un varón de 16 años con un linfangioma cervical macroquístico de 10 x 6 cm tratado con una dosis de OK-432. Resultados: A las 16 semanas del tratamiento, el tamaño del linfangioma era de 6 x 2 cm, siendo clínicamente inapreciable. Discusión: El tratamiento con OK-432 tiene una alta tasa de curación, con una baja tasa de recidiva y una fibrosis circunscrita a la lesión. En relación con la cirugía, se evitan cicatrices y posibles lesiones de estructuras vitales.Introduction: Lymphangioma is a malformation of the lymphatic system. The classic approach is surgery. OK-432 (Picibanil has sclerosing action and is being used as the first therapeutic step. The objective was to report a new case of lymphangioma treated with OK-432 and to review the literature. Material and method: We report the case of a 16-year-old man with a 10x6-cm macrocystic cervical lymphangioma treated with a dose of OK-432. Results: At 16 weeks of treatment, the size of the lymphangioma was 6x2 cm and it was clinically unappreciable. Discussion: OK-432 treatment has a high cure rate, low recurrence rate, and fibrosis circumscribed to the lesion. Compared to surgery, scars and possible harm to vital structures are avoided.

  11. Angiogenesis in liver fibrosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Adlia, Amirah


    Angiogenesis emerges in parallel with liver fibrosis, but it is still unclear whether angiogenesis is a defense mechanism of the body in response to fibrosis, or whether it aggravates the fibrotic condition. In this thesis, Amirah Adlia applied different approaches to elucidate the role of

  12. Lesiones pulmonares relacionadas con el tabaquismo: Hallazgos y diagnósticos diferenciales por tomografía computada multidetector


    Bernard, N.E; Pardo, V; Benítez Mendes, A.C; Seehaus, A


    Desde hace tiempo se ha establecido la relación entre el hábito tabáquico y diferentes enfermedades pulmonares, particularmente el cáncer y el enfisema pulmonar. Sin embargo, es menos conocida la asociación del tabaquismo con otras entidades, como la bronquiolitis respiratoria asociada a la enfermedad intersticial (BREI), la neumonitis descamativa (ND), la histiocitosis de Langerhans (HL), la neumonía eosinofílica aguda (NEA), la fibrosis pulmonar (FP) y la combinación de esta última con el e...

  13. Phylogenetic relationships of Chilean leptodactylids: a molecular approach based on mitochondrial genes 12S and 16S Relaciones filogenéticas de los leptodactílidos chilenos: una aproximación molecular basada en los genes mitocondriales 12S y 16S

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    relationships recovered in this study suggest a multiple origin for Chilean temperate forest frogs and reveal an unexpected level of taxonomic diversity and evolutionary divergence among Chilean leptodactylidsLa mayoría de los anfibios chilenos pertenece a la subfamilia Telmatobiinae (Anura, Leptodactylidae. Varios estudios filogenéticos de Leptodactylidae y Telmatobiinae, basados principalmente en caracteres morfológicos, han sugerido implícitamente relaciones más estrechas de algunas especies de Telmatobiinae con miembros de otras subfamilias de leptodactílidos, incluyendo el género leptodactilino Pleurodema presente en Chile. Además, un número creciente de estudios moleculares sugieren un estatus no monofilético para Telmatobiinae, aunque ninguno de estos estudios ha investigado las relaciones filogenéticas de esta subfamilia. Secuencias parciales de los genes ribosomales mitocondriales 12S y 16S fueron comparadas para determinar las relaciones filogenéticas de los leptodactílidos chilenos y su posición dentro de los anuros modernos (Neobatrachia. Se incluyeron 22 especies de nueve de los diez géneros de telmatobinos presentes en Chile (Alsodes, Atelognathus, Batrachyla, Caudiverbera, Eupsophus, Hylorina, Insuetophrynus, Telmatobufo y Telmatobius, dos especies del género Pleurodema y una especie de Rhinodermatidae la cual es considerada una familia derivada de los leptodactílidos por algunos autores. Se incluyeron además 51 especies que representan la mayoría de las familias que componen Neobatrachia. Las reconstrucciones filogenéticas se realizaron utilizando los métodos de máxima parsimonia, máxima verosimilitud e inferencia bayesiana. Las topologías obtenidas en todos los análisis indican que Telmatobiinae es un ensamblaje polifilético, compuesto por especies que pertenecen a Hyloidea (la mayoría de los géneros y especies más relacionadas con taxa de Australasia (el clado Caudiverbera + Telmatobufo, definido como la tribu Calyptocephalellini

  14. Protein S is protective in pulmonary fibrosis. (United States)

    Urawa, M; Kobayashi, T; D'Alessandro-Gabazza, C N; Fujimoto, H; Toda, M; Roeen, Z; Hinneh, J A; Yasuma, T; Takei, Y; Taguchi, O; Gabazza, E C


    Essentials Epithelial cell apoptosis is critical in the pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Protein S, a circulating anticoagulant, inhibited apoptosis of lung epithelial cells. Overexpression of protein S in lung cells reduced bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Intranasal therapy with exogenous protein S ameliorated bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Background Pulmonary fibrosis is the terminal stage of interstitial lung diseases, some of them being incurable and of unknown etiology. Apoptosis plays a critical role in lung fibrogenesis. Protein S is a plasma anticoagulant with potent antiapoptotic activity. The role of protein S in pulmonary fibrosis is unknown. Objectives To evaluate the clinical relevance of protein S and its protective role in pulmonary fibrosis. Methods and Results The circulating level of protein S was measured in patients with pulmonary fibrosis and controls by the use of enzyme immunoassays. Pulmonary fibrosis was induced with bleomycin in transgenic mice overexpressing human protein S and wild-type mice, and exogenous protein S or vehicle was administered to wild-type mice; fibrosis was then compared in both models. Patients with pulmonary fibrosis had reduced circulating levels of protein S as compared with controls. Inflammatory changes, the levels of profibrotic cytokines, fibrosis score, hydroxyproline content in the lungs and oxygen desaturation were significantly reduced in protein S-transgenic mice as compared with wild-type mice. Wild-type mice treated with exogenous protein S showed significant decreases in the levels of inflammatory and profibrotic markers and fibrosis in the lungs as compared with untreated control mice. After bleomycin infusion, mice overexpressing human protein S showed significantly low caspase-3 activity, enhanced expression of antiapoptotic molecules and enhanced Akt and Axl kinase phosphorylation as compared with wild-type counterparts. Protein S also inhibited apoptosis of alveolar

  15. Pulmonary fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamakido, Michio; Okuzaki, Takeshi


    When the chest is exposed to x radiation and Co-60 gamma radiation, radiation damage may occur in the lungs 2 to 10 weeks after irradiation. This condition is generally referred to as radiation pneumonitis, with the incidence ranging from 5.4% to 91.8% in the literature. Then radiation pneumonitis may develop into pulmonary fibrosis associated with roentgenologically diffuse linear and ring-like shadows and strong contraction 6 months to one year after irradiation. Until recently, little attention has been paid to pulmonary pneumonitis as a delayed effect of A-bomb radiation. The recent study using the population of 9,253 A-bomb survivors have suggested that the prevalence of pulmonary fibrosis tended to be high in heavily exposed A-bomb survivors. Two other studies using the cohort of 16,956 and 42,728 A-bomb survivors, respectively, have shown that the prevalence of roentgenologically proven pulmonary fibrosis was higher in men than women (1.82% vs 0.41%), was increased with aging and had a higher tendency in heavily exposed A-bomb survivors. (N.K.)

  16. Neonatal cystic fibrosis screening test (United States)

    Cystic fibrosis screening - neonatal; Immunoreactive trypsinogen; IRT test; CF - screening ... Cystic fibrosis is a disease passed down through families. CF causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in ...

  17. El intento de neo-regalismo en el siglo XX: los proyectos de concordato entre Chile y la Santa Sede en 1928

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salinas Areneda, Carlos


    Full Text Available La separación entre la Iglesia y el Estado de Chile llevada adelante por la Constitución de 1925 fue ocasión para que se hablara de un posible concordato entre Chile y la Santa Sede, siendo el gobierno chileno el que pretendió llevar a la práctica esa idea proponiendo textos concretos de concordato. En ellos, sin embargo, pretendió recuperar, por la vía de un pacto con la Santa Sede, viejas prácticas regalistas que con la separación entre la Iglesia y el Estado habían quedado derogadas pero que se resistía perder. En este artículo, a partir de materiales recientemente conocidos en el Archivo Secreto Vaticano, se estudian las cláusulas que en los proyectos redactados en 1928 son expresión del neo regalismo del gobierno chileno

  18. Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    H.J. Veeze


    textabstractApplying the sweat-test as the first choice of test when a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis is suspected is still common practice and advisable. Since the cloning of the CFTR gene more than 400 different cystic fibrosis (CF) mutations have already been identified. The use of CF mutation

  19. Fibrosis of Two: Epithelial Cell-Fibroblast Interactions in Pulmonary Fibrosis (United States)

    Sakai, Norihiko; Tager, Andrew M.


    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is characterized by the progressive and ultimately fatal accumulation of fibroblasts and extracellular matrix in the lung that distorts its architecture and compromises its function. IPF is now thought to result from wound-healing processes that, although initiated to protect the host from injurious environmental stimuli, lead to pathological fibrosis due to these processes becoming aberrant or over-exuberant. Although the environmental stimuli that trigger IPF remain to be identified, recent evidence suggests that they initially injure the alveolar epithelium. Repetitive cycles of epithelial injury and resultant alveolar epithelial cell death provoke the migration, proliferation, activation and myofibroblast differentiation of fibroblasts, causing the accumulation of these cells and the extracellular matrix that they synthesize. In turn, these activated fibroblasts induce further alveolar epithelial cell injury and death, thereby creating a vicious cycle of pro-fibrotic epithelial cell-fibroblast interactions. Though other cell types certainly make important contributions, we focus here on the “pas de deux” (steps of two), or perhaps more appropriate to IPF pathogenesis, the “folie à deux” (madness of two) of epithelial cells and fibroblasts that drives the progression of pulmonary fibrosis. We describe the signaling molecules that mediate the interactions of these cell types in their “fibrosis of two”, including transforming growth factor-β, connective tissue growth factor, sonic hedgehog, prostaglandin E2, angiotensin II and reactive oxygen species. PMID:23499992

  20. Breakdown in Breathing: The Complexities of Cystic Fibrosis (United States)

    ... Healthier Lungs in Kids Wise Choices Living with Cystic Fibrosis In between checkups, practice good self-care and ... Links What Is Cystic Fibrosis? Learning About Cystic Fibrosis NIH Cystic Fibrosis Fact Sheet Genetic and Rare Diseases Information ...

  1. Serum markers of liver fibrosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Veidal, Sanne Skovgård; Bay-Jensen, Anne-Christine; Tougas, Gervais


    -epitopes, may be targeted for novel biochemical marker development in fibrosis. We used the recently proposed BIPED system (Burden of disease, Investigative, Prognostic, Efficacy and Diagnostic) to characterise present serological markers. METHODS: Pubmed was search for keywords; Liver fibrosis, neo......, a systematic use of the neo-epitope approach, i.e. the quantification of peptide epitopes generated from enzymatic cleavage of proteins during extracellular remodeling, may prove productive in the quest to find new markers of liver fibrosis....

  2. A single blood test adjusted for different liver fibrosis targets improves fibrosis staging and especially cirrhosis diagnosis. (United States)

    Calès, Paul; Boursier, Jérôme; Oberti, Frédéric; Moal, Valérie; Fouchard Hubert, Isabelle; Bertrais, Sandrine; Hunault, Gilles; Rousselet, Marie Christine


    Fibrosis blood tests are usually developed using significant fibrosis, which is a unique diagnostic target; however, these tests are employed for other diagnostic targets, such as cirrhosis. We aimed to improve fibrosis staging accuracy by simultaneously targeting biomarkers for several diagnostic targets. A total of 3,809 patients were included, comprising 1,012 individuals with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) into a derivation population and 2,797 individuals into validation populations of different etiologies (CHC, chronic hepatitis B, human immunodeficiency virus/CHC, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, alcohol) using Metavir fibrosis stages as reference. FibroMeter biomarkers were targeted for different fibrosis-stage combinations into classical scores by logistic regression. Independent scores were combined into a single score reflecting Metavir stages by linear regression and called Multi-FibroMeter Version Second Generation (V2G). The primary objective was to combine the advantages of a test targeted for significant fibrosis (FibroMeter V2G ) with those of a test targeted for cirrhosis (CirrhoMeter V2G ). In the derivation CHC population, we first compared Multi-FibroMeter V2G to FibroMeter V2G and observed significant increases in the cirrhosis area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC), Obuchowski index (reflecting all fibrosis-stage AUROCs), and classification metric (six classes expressed as a correctly classified percentage) and a nonsignificant increase in significant fibrosis AUROC. Thereafter, we compared it to CirroMeter V2G and observed a nonsignificant increase in the cirrhosis AUROC. In all 3,809 patients, respective accuracies for Multi-FibroMeter V2G and FibroMeter V2G were the following: cirrhosis AUROC, 0.906 versus 0.878 ( P fibrosis AUROC, 0.833 versus 0.832 ( P = 0.366). Multi-FibroMeter V2G had the highest correlation with the area of portoseptal fibrosis and the highest reproducibility over time. Correct classification rates

  3. Vitamin A supplementation for cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Bonifant, Catherine M; Shevill, Elizabeth; Chang, Anne B


    People with cystic fibrosis and pancreatic insufficiency are at risk of fat soluble vitamin deficiency as these vitamins (A, D, E and K) are co-absorbed with fat. Thus, some cystic fibrosis centres routinely administer these vitamins as supplements but the centres vary in their approach of addressing the possible development of deficiencies in these vitamins. Vitamin A deficiency causes predominantly eye and skin problems while supplementation of vitamin A to excessive levels may cause harm to the respiratory and skeletal systems in children. Thus a systematic review on vitamin A supplementation in people with cystic fibrosis would help guide clinical practice. To determine if vitamin A supplementation in children and adults with cystic fibrosis:1. reduces the frequency of vitamin A deficiency disorders;2. improves general and respiratory health;3. increases the frequency of vitamin A toxicity. We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group Trials Register which comprises of references identified from comprehensive electronic database searches and handsearches of relevant journals and abstract books of conference proceedings.Date of the most recent search of the Group's Cystic Fibrosis Trials Register: 07 April 2014. All randomised or quasi-randomised controlled trials comparing all preparations of oral vitamin A used as a supplement compared to either no supplementation (or placebo) at any dose and for any duration, in children or adults with cystic fibrosis (defined by sweat tests or genetic testing) with and without pancreatic insufficiency. No relevant studies for inclusion were identified in the search. No studies were included in this review. As there were no randomised or quasi-randomised controlled trials identified, we cannot draw any conclusions on the benefits (or otherwise) of regular administration of vitamin A in people with cystic fibrosis. Until further data are available, country or region specific guidelines on the use of

  4. Voice Disorder in Cystic Fibrosis Patients (United States)

    Lourenço, Bruna Mendes; Costa, Kauê Machado; da Silva Filho, Manoel


    Cystic fibrosis is a common autosomal recessive disorder with drastic respiratory symptoms, including shortness of breath and chronic cough. While most of cystic fibrosis treatment is dedicated to mitigating the effects of respiratory dysfunction, the potential effects of this disease on vocal parameters have not been systematically studied. We hypothesized that cystic fibrosis patients, given their characteristic respiratory disorders, would also present dysphonic symptoms. Given that voice disorders can severely impair quality of life, the identification of a potential cystic fibrosis-related dysphonia could be of great value for the clinical evaluation and treatment of this disease. We tested our hypothesis by measuring vocal parameters, using both objective physical measures and the GRBAS subjective evaluation method, in male and female cystic fibrosis patients undergoing conventional treatment and compared them to age and sex matched controls. We found that cystic fibrosis patients had a significantly lower vocal intensity and harmonic to noise ratio, as well as increased levels of jitter and shimmer. In addition, cystic fibrosis patients also showed higher scores of roughness, breathiness and asthenia, as well as a significantly altered general grade of dysphonia. When we segregated the results according to sex, we observed that, as a group, only female cystic fibrosis patients had significantly lower values of harmonic to noise ratio and an abnormal general grade of dysphonia in relation to matched controls, suggesting that cystic fibrosis exerts a more pronounced effect on vocal parameters of women in relation to men. Overall, the dysphonic characteristics of CF patients can be explained by dysfunctions in vocal fold movement and partial upper airway obstruction, potentially caused by the accumulation of mucus and chronic cough characteristic of CF symptomatology. Our results show that CF patients exhibit significant dysphonia and suggest they may

  5. Desafíos de una práctica ético-política. El trabajo social chileno post-dictadura

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    Luís Vivero Arriagada


    Full Text Available El supuesto que se plantea para este trabajo sostiene que el Trabajo Social se ha visto dominada por la lógica mercantilista del neoliberalismo, impuesta durante la dictadura cívico-militar en Chile. Desde una perspectiva hermenéutica-crítica se analizan e interpretan los antecedentes históricos del Trabajo Social chileno. Se concluye que la formación y la práctica de la disciplina requieren de una re-orientación, que debe partir de una profunda reflexión histórica crítica y a partir de ello, generar las bases del nuevo proyecto ético- político que oriente el quehacer disciplinario y profesional.

  6. Taurine attenuates radiation-induced lung fibrosis in C57/Bl6 fibrosis prone mice.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Robb, W B


    The amino acid taurine has an established role in attenuating lung fibrosis secondary to bleomycin-induced injury. This study evaluates taurine\\'s effect on TGF-beta1 expression and the development of lung fibrosis after single-dose thoracic radiotherapy.

  7. Nuevas Tendencias del Cine Chileno tras la llegada del Cine Digital New Tendencies in Chilean Contemporary Cinema After the Implosion Of Digital Video

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    Carolina Larraín Pulido


    Full Text Available La llegada de tecnologías digitales al país en pocos años transforma la escena de producción cinematográfica, no sólo modificando los costos y procesos implicados en la cadena de producción y exhibición cinematográfica, sino también posibilitando la gestación de una escena de producción de largometrajes digitales de bajo costo, que permite el surgimiento de una serie de nuevos realizadores, temáticas, estilos, formas de producción y circuitos de exhibición. El artículo Nuevas Tendencias del cine chileno tras la llegada del cine digital explora e intenta dar cuenta de este fenómeno reciente en el medio chileno, dando cuenta de cómo la inserción de la tecnología digital ha impactado sobre estas nuevas cinematografías, revisando nuevos usos, prácticas, representaciones y tendencias presentes en estas realizaciones.Abstract During the past years, the insertion of digital technologies in Chile has greatly affected the nation's film scenario, not only modifying the chain of film production and exhibition, but also generating a production scene of low-budget digital feature film that has allowed the development of new directors, themes, styles and modes of production and exhibition. The present article analyzes this recent phenomenon in Chilean film industry, revising how the insertion of digital technologies has affected these new forms of cinema in terms of style, production practices, exhibition, purposes and main tendencies.

  8. Redes sociales, acción colectiva y elecciones: los usos de Facebook por el movimiento estudiantil chileno durante la campaña electoral de 2013


    Lázaro M. Bacallao-Pino


    Los estudios recientes sobre las redes sociales digitales han analizado, por un lado, sus usos como parte de la acción colectiva y, por otro, sus usos durante las campañas electorales. Basado en el estudio del movimiento estudiantil chileno durante la campaña electoral de 2013 en ese país, el texto analiza los usos de Facebook por parte de tres federaciones estudiantiles que integran dicho movimiento. Los resultados indican que se priorizan las dimensiones informativa y organizativa en los us...

  9. Serum adiponectin is increased in advancing liver fibrosis and declines with reduction in fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B. (United States)

    Hui, Chee-Kin; Zhang, Hai-Ying; Lee, Nikki P; Chan, Weng; Yueng, Yui-Hung; Leung, Kar-Wai; Lu, Lei; Leung, Nancy; Lo, Chung-Mau; Fan, Sheung-Tat; Luk, John M; Xu, Aimin; Lam, Karen S; Kwong, Yok-Lam; Lau, George K K


    Despite the possible role of adiponectin in the pathogenesis of liver cirrhosis, few data have been collected from patients in different stages of liver fibrosis. We studied the role of adiponectin in 2 chronic hepatitis B (CHB)-patient cohorts. Serum adiponectin was quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. One-hundred liver biopsy specimens from CHB patients with different stages of fibrosis and 38 paired liver biopsies from hepatitis B e antigen-positive patients randomized to lamivudine (n=15), pegylated interferon alfa-2a (n=15) or pegylated interferon alfa-2a plus lamivudine (n=8) therapy for 48 weeks were assessed. Serum adiponectin was detected at levels ranging over fourfold magnitude with advancing fibrosis stage and correlated positively with fibrosis stage [r=0.45, p<0.001]. CHB patients with stage 0-1 fibrosis had higher composition of high molecular weight (HMW) form of adiponectin when compared with CHB patients with liver cirrhosis [mean+/-SEM 51.2+/-2.1% vs. 40.9+/-1.7%, respectively, p=0.001]. After antiviral therapy, patients with fibrosis reduction had marked decline in serum adiponectin level and increase in HMW form of adiponectin [mean+/-SEM 43.5+/-1.2% vs. 37.0+/-3.0%, respectively, p=0.04]. Serum adiponectin may have a role in fibrosis progression in CHB infection. A marked decline in serum adiponectin after antiviral therapy is associated with fibrosis reduction.

  10. Endomyocardial fibrosis in infancy

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    Jatene Marcelo Biscegli


    Full Text Available The patient was a 4-month-old infant, who underwent persistent ductus arteriosus interruption with titanium clips at the age of 13 days and, since the age of 2 months, had crises of hypoxia and hypertonicity. After clinical investigation, the presence of pulmonary hypertension was confirmed and left ventricular inflow tract obstruction was suspected. The patient underwent surgical treatment at the age of 4 months, during which right and left ventricular endocardial fibrosis was identified. The fibrosis was resected, but the infant had an unfavorable clinical evolution with significant diastolic restriction and died on the sixth postoperative day. Anatomicopathological and surgical findings suggested endomyocardial fibrosis, although that pathology is very rare at the patient's age.

  11. Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Cystic Fibrosis (United States)


    Cystic fibrosis has historically been considered a pulmonary disease, but with the increasing life expectancy of these patients, gastrointestinal manifestations are becoming more important. Furthermore, nutritional status is closely linked to pulmonary function and, thus, overall mortality. This article discusses gastrointestinal manifestations (which involve nutritional, pancreatic, hepatobiliary, and, in particular, gastrointestinal tract issues) of cystic fibrosis as well as management of the disease. In addition, the article discusses studies that have been critical to our understanding of gastrointestinal manifestations of cystic fibrosis. PMID:27330503

  12. Therapeutic targets in liver fibrosis. (United States)

    Fallowfield, Jonathan A


    Detailed analysis of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that mediate liver fibrosis has provided a framework for therapeutic approaches to prevent, slow down, or even reverse fibrosis and cirrhosis. A pivotal event in the development of liver fibrosis is the activation of quiescent hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) to scar-forming myofibroblast-like cells. Consequently, HSCs and the factors that regulate HSC activation, proliferation, and function represent important antifibrotic targets. Drugs currently licensed in the US and Europe for other indications target HSC-related components of the fibrotic cascade. Their deployment in the near future looks likely. Ultimately, treatment strategies for liver fibrosis may vary on an individual basis according to etiology, risk of fibrosis progression, and the prevailing pathogenic milieu, meaning that a multiagent approach could be required. The field continues to develop rapidly and starts to identify exciting potential targets in proof-of-concept preclinical studies. Despite this, no antifibrotics are currently licensed for use in humans. With epidemiological predictions for the future prevalence of viral, obesity-related, and alcohol-related cirrhosis painting an increasingly gloomy picture, and a shortfall in donors for liver transplantation, the clinical urgency for new therapies is high. There is growing interest from stakeholders keen to exploit the market potential for antifibrotics. However, the design of future trials for agents in the developmental pipeline will depend on strategies that enable equal patient stratification, techniques to reliably monitor changes in fibrosis over time, and the definition of clinically meaningful end points.

  13. Non-Invasive Evaluation of Cystic Fibrosis Related Liver Disease in Adults with ARFI, Transient Elastography and Different Fibrosis Scores


    Karlas, Thomas; Neuschulz, Marie; Oltmanns, Annett; Güttler, Andrea; Petroff, David; Wirtz, Hubert; Mainz, Jochen G.; Mössner, Joachim; Berg, Thomas; Tröltzsch, Michael; Keim, Volker; Wiegand, Johannes


    BACKGROUND: Cystic fibrosis-related liver disease (CFLD) is present in up to 30% of cystic fibrosis patients and can result in progressive liver failure. Diagnosis of CFLD is challenging. Non-invasive methods for staging of liver fibrosis display an interesting diagnostic approach for CFLD detection. AIM: We evaluated transient elastography (TE), acoustic radiation force impulse imaging (ARFI), and fibrosis indices for CFLD detection. METHODS: TE and ARFI were performed in 55 adult CF patient...

  14. Nanoparticles for the treatment of liver fibrosis

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    Poilil Surendran S


    Full Text Available Suchithra Poilil Surendran, Reju George Thomas, Myeong Ju Moon, Yong Yeon Jeong Department of Radiology, BioMolecular Theranostics (BiT Lab, Chonnam National University Medical School, Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital (CNUHH, South Korea Abstract: Chronic liver diseases represent a global health problem due to their high prevalence worldwide and the limited available curative treatment options. They can result from various causes, both infectious and noninfectious diseases. The application of nanoparticle (NP systems has emerged as a rapidly evolving area of interest for the safe delivery of various drugs and nucleic acids for chronic liver diseases. This review presents the pathogenesis, diagnosis and the emerging nanoparticulate systems used in the treatment of chronic liver diseases caused by liver fibrosis. Activated hepatic stellate cell (HSC is considered to be the main mechanism for liver fibrosis. Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging techniques are widely used noninvasive diagnostic methods for hepatic fibrosis. A variety of nanoparticulate systems are mainly focused on targeting HSC in the treatment of hepatic fibrosis. As early liver fibrosis is reversible by current NP therapy, it is being studied in preclinical as well as clinical trials. Among various nanoparticulate systems, inorganic NPs, liposomes and nanomicelles have been widely studied due to their distinct properties to deliver drugs as well as other therapeutic moieties. Liposomal NPs in clinical trials is considered to be a milestone in the treatment of hepatic fibrosis. Currently, NP therapy for liver fibrosis is updating fast, and hopefully, it can be the future remedy for liver fibrosis. Keywords: liver fibrosis, inorganic nanoparticles, liposomes, micelles

  15. Hepatic fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C assessed by transient elastography: implications for determining the efficacy of antiviral therapy Evaluación de la fibrosis hepática en pacientes con hepatopatía crónica C mediante elastografía transitoria: implicaciones para determinar la eficacia del tratamiento antiviral

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    J. Mendoza


    Full Text Available Background: the efficacy of combination therapy with peginterferon plus ribavirin to eradicate viral infection in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC is well established; moreover, it is able to arrest or even reverse liver fibrosis. Aims: to analyze the measurements of hepatic stiffness as an index of liver fibrosis using transient elastography (TE in patients who underwent a sustained virological response (SVR during long-term follow-up; comparing the changes in the severity of fibrosis with non-responders patients. Material and methods: after hepatic fibrosis was studied in three patients with CHC who underwent a SVR during long-term follow up, a prospective study was initiated in 24 patients with CHC who received combination therapy to compare the evolution of fibrosis in those with SVR and those who were non-responders. The genotype of hepatitis C virus (HCV and the degree of viremia were determined. METAVIR scoring system was used for liver fibrosis. Hepatic stiffness was measured by TE. Results: of the initial three patients pre-treatment liver biopsies revealed active disease and fibrosis (stage 3 in two and mild fibrosis (stage 1 in one. After several years of follow up serum AST/ALT levels were normal and HCV RNA was undetectable in each case; in contrast to the baseline histological assessments of fibrosis, values for hepatic stiffness (3.4-6.9 KPa were compatible with an absence of any appreciable hepatic fibrosis. In the prospective study, 8 patients underwent a SVR and 16 were non-responders. TE indicated that the severity of hepatic fibrosis in the SVR group improved in 7 (88% patients, whereas in the non-responder it improved in only 4 (25% (p < 0.05. The difference between development of severe fibrosis (F ≥ 3 in responders and non-responders was not significant (p = 0.23, possibly due to the small sample size. Conclusions: regression of hepatic fibrosis appears to be common in patients with CHC who undergo a SVR. TE is a

  16. Papel del sistema angiotensina en la fisiopatología de la fibrosis pulmonar


    Molina Molina, María


    La Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática (FPI) es la enfermedad pulmonar intersticial difusa mas frecuente y con peor pronóstico, la supervivencia media desde el diagnostico es de 3-4 años. No existe en la actualidad ningún tratamiento efectivo. La hipótesis fisiopatologica actualmente aceptada es que una lesión o lesiones de la célula epitelial alveolar provocaría la apoptosis de estas células y su activación, la síntesis y secreción de diversos mediadores profibroticos, que, a su vez, provocarían en...

  17. La nueva estética del teatro chileno bajo el régimen militar. Una revisión de la práctica escénica neoexpresionista chilena en los años ochenta

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    Sergio Pereira Poza


    Full Text Available Dentro de la reciente historia del teatro chileno hay un acontecimiento que no puede dejar de ser advertido como una de las señales más claras del cambio de perspectiva que empieza a gestarse en lo que llamaremos aquí el nuevo teatro chileno. Nos referimos a los hechos que rodearon al frustrado estreno de Lo crudo, lo cocido y lo podrido, del médico psiquiatra y dramaturgo Marco Antonio de la Parra en 1978. Al margen de la imagen no realista del mundo que entregaba la obra y, por lo mismo, ajena a los códigos artísticos dominantes, la dimensión grotesca de las diferentes escenas de Lo crudo, lo cocido y lo podrido aparecía ante los ojos de espectadores y lectores poco avisados como una burla que atentaba contra las venerables instituciones tradicionales del país y sus hombres. Ésta fue la lectura que hizo el entonces Vicerrector de Extensión de la Universidad Católica de Chile, Hernán Larraín.

  18. The pediatric NAFLD fibrosis index: a predictor of liver fibrosis in children with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Pietrobattista Andrea


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Liver fibrosis is a stage of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD which is responsible for liver-related morbidity and mortality in adults. Accordingly, the search for non-invasive markers of liver fibrosis has been the subject of intensive efforts in adults with NAFLD. Here, we developed a simple algorithm for the prediction of liver fibrosis in children with NAFLD followed at a tertiary care center. Methods The study included 136 male and 67 female children with NAFLD aged 3.3 to 18.0 years; 141 (69% of them had fibrosis at liver biopsy. On the basis of biological plausibility, readily availability and evidence from adult studies, we evaluated the following potential predictors of liver fibrosis at bootstrapped stepwise logistic regression: gender, age, body mass index, waist circumference, alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, gamma-glutamyl-transferase, albumin, prothrombin time, glucose, insulin, triglycerides and cholesterol. A final model was developed using bootstrapped logistic regression with bias-correction. We used this model to develop the 'pediatric NAFLD fibrosis index' (PNFI, which varies between 0 and 10. Results The final model was based on age, waist circumference and triglycerides and had a area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.85 (95% bootstrapped confidence interval (CI with bias correction 0.80 to 0.90 for the prediction of liver fibrosis. A PNFI ≥ 9 (positive likelihood ratio = 28.6, 95% CI 4.0 to 201.0; positive predictive value = 98.5, 95% CI 91.8 to 100.0 could be used to rule in liver fibrosis without performing liver biopsy. Conclusion PNFI may help clinicians to predict liver fibrosis in children with NAFLD, but external validation is needed before it can be employed for this purpose.

  19. El significado de la histerectomía para un grupo de hombres chilenos parejas de histerectomizadas O significado da histerectomia para um grupo de homens chilenos parceiros de histerectomizadas The meaning of hysterectomy for a group of chilean men partners of women who have undergone hysterectomy

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    Alejandra Araya Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Se objetivó conocer el significado de la histerectomía para un grupo de hombres chilenos, parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas (HPMH. Estudio cualitativo, con entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a 15 hombres, parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas, entre Mayo y Septiembre del 2010, previa aprobación de dos Comités de Ética. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó la perspectiva fenomenológica descrita por Giorgi, y se realizó el análisis de contenido según Krippendorff. Los criterios de Creswell fueron utilizados para evaluar la credibilidad del análisis y asegurar la validez descriptiva. Emergieron cinco dimensiones que representan aspectos únicos del significado de la histerectomía para los hombres parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas: síntomas, comentarios, atributos del útero, preocupaciones, y cambios en la sexualidad. Educar los hombres parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas es una acción fundamental para apoyar a las mujeres que serán sometidas a una histerectomía, siendo necesaria su incorporación en el plan de cuidados de ellas.O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer o significado da histerectomia para um grupo de homens chilenos, parceiros de mulheres histerectomizadas (HPMH. A pesquisa qualitativa foi realizada com entrevistas em profundidade, realizada com um total de quinze homens parceiros de mulheres histerectomizadas, entre maio e setembro de 2010, com aprovação prévia dos Comitês de Ética. Para a análise dos dados foi utilizada a perspectiva fenomenológica descrita por Giorgi e realizada a análise de conteúdo de acordo com Krippendorff. Os critérios de Crestwell foram utilizados para avaliar a credibilidade da análise e garantir a validez descritiva. Surgiram cinco dimensões que representam aspectos únicos do significado da extração do útero para os homens parceiros de mulheres histerectomizadas: sintomas, comentários, atribuições do útero, preocupações e mudanças na sexualidade. Educar os

  20. Liver Fibrosis: Current Principles of Diagnosis

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    A.K. Duda


    Full Text Available Liver fibrosis — a natural consequence of almost all liver diseases of any origin. We are faced with a number of standard stereotype processes that take place in the liver tissue. Mostly it is the processes of chronic inflammation, which oppose the processes of liver tissue regeneration. The basis of imbalance between the processes of fibrosis and regeneration is an accumulation of extracellular matrix. Liver fibrosis in its development leads to liver cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and the increase in morbidity rate is observed worldwide. Furthermore, the process is genetically determined, but modifiable factors play an important role in the progression of this disease. Current data indicate the possibility of reversible liver fibrosis.

  1. Otorhinolaryngologic manifestations of cystic fibrosis: literature review

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    Carvalho, Carolina Pimenta


    Full Text Available Introduction: Cystic Fibrosis is the most common recessive autosomic genetic disease among Caucasians. It's caused by mutations in the gene that decodes regulatory protein for transmembrane conductance, resulting in defective transport of chlorine. Objective: Review the literature about Cystic Fibrosis, with emphasis on otorhinolaryngologic manifestations. Method: The online Pub Med databases were researched and we applied the following search terms Fibrosis Cystic and Sinusitis, and Mucoviscidosis and Sinusitis. Conclusions: Although it is not the main cause of death, the otorhinolaryngologic manifestations of the Cystic Fibrosis bring important morbidity to these patients.

  2. Viral infection drives tissue fibrosis in vitro

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    Andrea P. Malizia


    Full Text Available Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF is a refractory and lethal interstitial lung disease characterized by loss of alveolar epithelial cells, fibroblast proliferation and extra-cellular matrix protein deposition. EBV, localised to alveolar epithelial cells of pulmonary fibrosis patients is associated with a poor prognosis. In this study we utilised a microarray-based differential gene expression analysis strategy to identify molecular drivers of EBV associated with lung fibrosis. A549 cells and an alveolar epithelial cell line infected with EBV (VAAK were used to identify genes whose expression was altered by EBV reactivation. EBV reactivation by TGFbeta1 drives alterations in expression of non-canonical Wnt pathway mediators, implicating it in epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT, the molecular event underpinning scar production in tissue fibrosis. Cell invasion, EMT correlated transcripts expression, GSK-3b and c-Jun activation were altered in response to non-canonical Wnt pathway regulation. The role of EBV in promoting fibrosis can be attenuated by antiviral strategies and inhibition of Wnt signalling. Activation of non-canonical Wnt signalling pathway by EBV in epithelial cells suggests a novel mechanism of tissue fibrosis. These data present a framework for further description of the link between infectious agents and fibrosis, a significant disease burden.

  3. Reforma tributaria de 2014 y efecto en el mercado bursátil chileno

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    Edinson Cornejo Saavedra


    Full Text Available Este estudio midió el efecto de la Reforma Tributaria de 2014 en el mercado bursátil chileno, entre el período de anuncio y de aprobación en el Congreso. Se analizaron los retornos anormales de las 40 empresas del IPSA agrupadas por industria, utilizando la metodología de estudio de eventos. Se analizaron cuatro eventos: el envío del Proyecto de Ley de Reforma Tributaria al Congreso; la aprobación en general del Proyecto de Reforma por la Cámara de Diputados; la celebración de un acuerdo por la Reforma Tributaria entre el Gobierno y la Alianza; y la aprobación de la Reforma por el Congreso. Se concluyó que el primer evento habría generado retornos anormales promedio negativos y significativos sólo en la industria de manufactura; que el segundo evento habría originado retornos anormales promedio negativos no significativos un día después en las industrias de manufactura, bancaria y financiera, inmobiliaria y de transporte; que el tercer evento generó retornos anormales positivos y significativos en las industrias inmobiliaria y de retail; y que el último tuvo efectos mixtos y no concluyentes.

  4. Current Strategies for Quantitating Fibrosis in Liver Biopsy

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    Yan Wang


    Full Text Available Objective: The present mini-review updated the progress in methodologies based on using liver biopsy. Data Sources: Articles for study of liver fibrosis, liver biopsy or fibrosis assessment published on high impact peer review journals from 1980 to 2014. Study Selection: Key articles were selected mainly according to their levels of relevance to this topic and citations. Results: With the recently mounting progress in chronic liver disease therapeutics, comes by a pressing need for precise, accurate, and dynamic assessment of hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis in individual patients. Histopathological information is recognized as the most valuable data for fibrosis assessment. Conventional histology categorical systems describe the changes of fibrosis patterns in liver tissue; but the simplified ordinal digits assigned by these systems cannot reflect the fibrosis dynamics with sufficient precision and reproducibility. Morphometric assessment by computer assist digital image analysis, such as collagen proportionate area (CPA, detects change of fibrosis amount in tissue section in a continuous variable, and has shown its independent diagnostic value for assessment of advanced or late-stage of fibrosis. Due to its evident sensitivity to sampling variances, morphometric measurement is feasible to be taken as a reliable statistical parameter for the study of a large cohort. Combining state-of-art imaging technology and fundamental principle in Tissue Engineering, structure-based quantitation was recently initiated with a novel proof-of-concept tool, qFibrosis. qFibrosis showed not only the superior performance to CPA in accurately and reproducibly differentiating adjacent stages of fibrosis, but also the possibility for facilitating analysis of fibrotic regression and cirrhosis sub-staging. Conclusions: With input from multidisciplinary innovation, liver biopsy assessment as a new "gold standard" is anticipated to substantially support the accelerated

  5. Clinical application of noninvasive diagnosis of liver fibrosis

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    ZHU Chuanlong


    Full Text Available Hepatic fibrosis is the common outcome of chronic liver diseases of various causes. At present, liver biopsy is the “gold standard” for the diagnosis of liver fibrosis, but it has limitations and is invasive, which leads to the development of noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis. The article mainly introduces the technology and application of noninvasive diagnosis of liver fibrosis from the aspects of clinical manifestation, serology, and radiology. It has pointed out the clinical value of these noninvasive diagnosis techniques, and it discusses the progress in clinical research and its limitations for noninvasive diagnosis of liver fibrosis.

  6. Imaging findings in idiopathic pelvic fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiesner, W.; Bongartz, G.; Stoffel, F.


    Two patients presented with ureteric obstruction, and voiding symptoms and constipation, respectively, and were examined by means of intravenous urography and computed tomography. One patient was additionally examined by means of MR tomography. After CT (performed in both patients) and MRT (performed in one patient) had shown a diffuse, contrast-enhancing, infiltrating process in the small pelvis with infiltration of adjacent organs and vessels, surgical biopsy proved the diagnosis of idopathic pelvic fibrosis. Extension of retroperitoneal fibrosis below the pelvic rim is very rare. Clinical symptoms of pelvic fibrosis are variable and imaging findings may lead to a broad list of differential diagnoses. We present two patients with idiopathic pelvic fibrosis and discuss radiological findings and differential diagnoses of this rare disease. (orig.)

  7. Imaging findings in idiopathic pelvic fibrosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wiesner, W.; Bongartz, G. [Inst. of Diagnostic Radiology University Hospital Basel (Switzerland); Stoffel, F. [Inst. of Urology, University Hospital Basel (Switzerland)


    Two patients presented with ureteric obstruction, and voiding symptoms and constipation, respectively, and were examined by means of intravenous urography and computed tomography. One patient was additionally examined by means of MR tomography. After CT (performed in both patients) and MRT (performed in one patient) had shown a diffuse, contrast-enhancing, infiltrating process in the small pelvis with infiltration of adjacent organs and vessels, surgical biopsy proved the diagnosis of idopathic pelvic fibrosis. Extension of retroperitoneal fibrosis below the pelvic rim is very rare. Clinical symptoms of pelvic fibrosis are variable and imaging findings may lead to a broad list of differential diagnoses. We present two patients with idiopathic pelvic fibrosis and discuss radiological findings and differential diagnoses of this rare disease. (orig.)

  8. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: The Association between the Adaptive Multiple Features Method and Fibrosis Outcomes. (United States)

    Salisbury, Margaret L; Lynch, David A; van Beek, Edwin J R; Kazerooni, Ella A; Guo, Junfeng; Xia, Meng; Murray, Susan; Anstrom, Kevin J; Yow, Eric; Martinez, Fernando J; Hoffman, Eric A; Flaherty, Kevin R


    Adaptive multiple features method (AMFM) lung texture analysis software recognizes high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) patterns. To evaluate AMFM and visual quantification of HRCT patterns and their relationship with disease progression in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in a clinical trial of prednisone, azathioprine, and N-acetylcysteine underwent HRCT at study start and finish. Proportion of lung occupied by ground glass, ground glass-reticular (GGR), honeycombing, emphysema, and normal lung densities were measured by AMFM and three radiologists, documenting baseline disease extent and postbaseline change. Disease progression includes composite mortality, hospitalization, and 10% FVC decline. Agreement between visual and AMFM measurements was moderate for GGR (Pearson's correlation r = 0.60, P fibrosis (as measured by GGR densities) is independently associated with elevated hazard for disease progression. Postbaseline change in AMFM-measured and visually measured GGR densities are modestly correlated with change in FVC. AMFM-measured fibrosis is an automated adjunct to existing prognostic markers and may allow for study enrichment with subjects at increased disease progression risk.

  9. Automatic liver volume segmentation and fibrosis classification (United States)

    Bal, Evgeny; Klang, Eyal; Amitai, Michal; Greenspan, Hayit


    In this work, we present an automatic method for liver segmentation and fibrosis classification in liver computed-tomography (CT) portal phase scans. The input is a full abdomen CT scan with an unknown number of slices, and the output is a liver volume segmentation mask and a fibrosis grade. A multi-stage analysis scheme is applied to each scan, including: volume segmentation, texture features extraction and SVM based classification. Data contains portal phase CT examinations from 80 patients, taken with different scanners. Each examination has a matching Fibroscan grade. The dataset was subdivided into two groups: first group contains healthy cases and mild fibrosis, second group contains moderate fibrosis, severe fibrosis and cirrhosis. Using our automated algorithm, we achieved an average dice index of 0.93 ± 0.05 for segmentation and a sensitivity of 0.92 and specificity of 0.81for classification. To the best of our knowledge, this is a first end to end automatic framework for liver fibrosis classification; an approach that, once validated, can have a great potential value in the clinic.

  10. Factors Promoting Development of Fibrosis in Crohn’s Disease

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    Gerhard Rogler


    Full Text Available The concepts on the pathophysiology of intestinal fibrosis in Crohn’s disease (CD have changed in recent years. Some years ago fibrosis was regarded to be a consequence of long-standing inflammation with subsequent destruction of the gut wall matrix followed by scar formation and collagen deposition. Fibrosis in CD patients appeared to be an irreversible process that could hardly be influenced. Therefore, the main target in CD therapy was to control inflammation to avoid fibrosis development. Many of these assumptions seem to be only partially true. Inflammation may be a necessary prerequisite for the initiation of fibrosis. However, when the pathophysiologic processes that lead to fibrosis in CD patients have been initiated fibrosis development may be independent of inflammation and may continue even when inflammation is under good medical control. Fibrosis in CD also may be reversible. After strictureplasty local collagen deposits decrease or even disappear. With new animal models for intestinal fibrosis on the horizon, we need to spend more efforts on understanding the factors influencing fibrosis in CD patients to finally find specific therapies. In this context, it will be as important to find markers and quantitative imaging tools to have reliable endpoints for clinical trials in fibrosing CD.

  11. Patologías dentales en incisivos, caninos y primer premolar en caballos chilenos adultos Dental pathologies in incisors, canines and first premolar in adult Chilean horses


    L Muñoz; F Vidal; O Sepúlveda; O Ortiz; C Rehhof


    Las patologías dentales han ido tomando mayor relevancia clínico veterinaria, aumentando el número de consultas, tratamientos y procedimientos preventivos. En caballos chilenos, la información existente de patologías dentales es nula, por lo que se hace primordial la investigación y recolección de datos en esta raza. Se analizaron 100 caballos pertenecientes a la Asociación de Rodeo Concepción, entre los meses de junio y septiembre del año 2007. Los materiales que se utilizaron fueron puro, l...

  12. Serum hyaluronic acid as a marker of hepatic fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, J.A.; Khan, F.A.; Ijaz, A.; Khan, N.A.; Mehmood, T.


    To determine the serum hyaluronic acid (HA) levels as biochemical marker of hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis and correlate it with the degree of hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis. This study was performed on 100 patients of chronic liver disease whose liver biopsies had been carried out. Fifty healthy controls were also included in the study. Routine liver function tests, hepatitis serology and serum hyaluronic acid levels were carried out on patients and controls. Liver biopsy of 100 patients revealed that 21 were in stage 0 fibrosis, 38 in stage 1 fibrosis, 26 in stage 3 fibrosis and 15 in stage 4 fibrosis. Mean Serum HA (mean +- SD) concentration in patients were 189 +- 98 mg/L vs. 21 +- 10 mg/L of healthy controls. The difference observed was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Patients in stage 4 fibrosis had significantly higher (p <0.001) mean serum HA concentration as compared to other stages of liver fibrosis. Diagnostic accuracy of serum HA at marginally elevated level of 60 mg/L determined the sensitivity 78.4 %, specificity 80.9%, positive predicted value 93.9% and negative predicted value of 50%. Serum HA is a useful non-invasive marker of liver fibrosis. There is a strong positive correlation between serum HA levels and degree of liver fibrosis. The concentration of serum HA rises according to progression of liver fibrosis and levels are highest in patients with liver cirrhosis. (author)

  13. Recommendations for quality improvement in genetic testing for cystic fibrosis European Concerted Action on Cystic Fibrosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dequeker, E; Cuppens, H; Dodge, J; Estivill, [No Value; Goossens, M; Pignatti, PF; Scheffer, H; Schwartz, M; Schwarz, M; Tummler, B; Cassiman, JJ

    These recommendations for quality improvement of cystic fibrosis genetic diagnostic testing provide general guidelines for the molecular genetic testing of cystic fibrosis in patients/individuals. General strategies for testing as well as guidelines for laboratory procedures, internal and external

  14. Modeling the mechanical properties of liver fibrosis in rats. (United States)

    Zhu, Ying; Chen, Xin; Zhang, Xinyu; Chen, Siping; Shen, Yuanyuan; Song, Liang


    The progression of liver fibrosis changes the biomechanical properties of liver tissue. This study characterized and compared different liver fibrosis stages in rats in terms of viscoelasticity. Three viscoelastic models, the Voigt, Maxwell, and Zener models, were applied to experimental data from rheometer tests and then the elasticity and viscosity were estimated for each fibrosis stage. The study found that both elasticity and viscosity are correlated with the various stages of liver fibrosis. The study revealed that the Zener model is the optimal model for describing the mechanical properties of each fibrosis stage, but there is no significant difference between the Zener and Voigt models in their performance on liver fibrosis staging. Therefore the Voigt model can still be effectively used for liver fibrosis grading. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Problemas éticos y consecuencias reconocidas por psicólogos nóveles en reclutamiento y selección de personal


    Rodríguez Araneda, María José; Navarrete Moraga, Robinson; Bargsted Aravena, Mariana


    Resumen: Con base en la ética profesional en el ejercicio de la psicología del trabajo y las organizaciones, se realizó una investigación cualitativa desde el enfoque de la teoría fundamentada constructivista con el objetivo de describir problemas éticos reconocidos en procesos de reclutamiento y selección de personal, así como sus consecuencias, con la participación de 40 psicólogos nóveles chilenos. Los problemas reconocidos fueron discriminación, en especial de género, favorecer candidatos...

  16. Computed tomography of cystic pancreatic fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brachlow, M.; Zaunbauer, W.; Haertel, M.


    The computer tomographic appearances of atrophic and lipomatous degeneration of the pancreas in cystic pancreatic fibrosis are described. CT exploration of the pancreas in recommended, particularly in differential diagnostic aspects of cystic fibrosis. (orig.) [de


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    Joel Melo T., DR.


    Full Text Available La Fibrosis Quística (FQ es una enfermedad hereditaria autosómica recesiva. La detección precoz sumado a medidas de intervención temprana han modificado el curso de esta enfermedad con mejorías en su sobrevida, lo que ha llevado a una población creciente de pacientes de 18 años. La mutación genética determina una alteración en una Proteína Reguladora de Conductancia Transmembrana (CFTR que afecta a numerosos órganos y sistemas, pero el compromiso pulmonar es el que causa mayor morbimortalidad. El germen más frecuente que infecta a adultos es Pseudomonas aeruginosa y si bien hay una serie de medidas para el manejo de la infección crónica por Pseudomonas las terapia dirigida a la restauración de la función de la proteína CFTRhatomadorelevancia. Cuando la falla respiratoria progresa, la única alternativa disponible es el trasplante pulmonar que mejora la sobrevida y la calidad de vida en estos pacientes.

  18. Teoría del Cambio Subjetivo: Aportes desde un Estudio Cualitativo con Profesores / The Theory of Subjective Change: Contributions from a Qualitative Study with Teachers / Teoria da Mudança Subjetiva: Contribuições de um Estudo Qualitativo com Professores

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    Full Text Available Se reportan los hallazgos de una investigación que reconstruye la teoría subjetiva de un grupo de docentes participantes de un diplomado de educación en valores acerca de su propio proceso de cambio. A una muestra de 12 profesores chilenos se le realizaron 35 entrevistas y se analizaron algunos documentos personales. La información se procesó mediante análisis cualitativo descriptivo y relacional, y fue codificada utilizando el programa ATLAS.ti. Los resultados indicaron que los participantes distinguen factores externos y propios como causas de sus cambios, diferencian entre vida personal y trabajo con incipientes explicaciones al integrar ambas dimensiones, y reconocen la importancia del cambio personal en el cambio profesional.

  19. Effect of Ganfukang on liver function and serum hepatic fibrosis markers levels in SD rats with experimental hepatic fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Che Ying; Wang Shanju; Xu Tingting; Jiang Miaona; Jia Yujie


    Objective: To observe the effect of Ganfukang on liver function and serum hepatic fibrosis markers levels in SD rats with experimental hepatic fibrosis. Methods: SD rat models of liver fibrosis was induced by CCl 4 (n=57). Liver function (GPT, GOT) and serum hepatic fibrosis markers levels (HA, LN, C-IV, PC-III, with RIA) were tested in these models and 10 control rats. Eleven model rats were left untreated, the others were treated with Ganfukang of different concentrations and the above hepatic parameters were again determined after completion of treatment. Results: Lever function was much deteriorated and serum markers levels significantly increased in the model rats (vs controls, P<0.01). After treatment with Ganfukang, the improvement was significant (vs untreated models, P<0.01). Conclusion: Ganfukang is of definite therapeutic value for experimental hepatic fibrosis in rat models. (authors)

  20. Evaluación nutricional, antropométrica y bioquímica, de pacientes afectos de fibrosis quística Nutritional, anthropometric and biochemical evaluation of children with cystic fibrosis

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    Aida E. Esplugas Montoya


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. Los objetivos de esta presentación fueron identificar algunas características epidemiológicas de la fibrosis quística y caracterizar el estado nutricional, antropométrico y bioquímico de los niños con dicha afección. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, de 17 pacientes menores de 18 años atendidos en el Hospital Pediátrico Docente «William Soler», entre el 2004 y el 2005. Se identificaron algunas características epidemiológicas, como sexo, edad, color de la piel, edad al diagnóstico y mutación genética. Se clasificó el estado de nutrición según indicadores antropométricos y bioquímicos. Las mediciones antropométricas realizadas fueron, peso, talla, circunferencia del brazo y pliegue tricipital. Las variables bioquímicas estudiadas fueron hemograma, albúmina, proteínas totales, creatinina, glucosa y colesterol. RESULTADOS. El 70,6 % de los pacientes fueron del sexo el masculino y 13 niños (76,4 % tenían entre 5 y 14 años de edad. Se halló mutación Delta F508 en 12 pacientes (70,6 %, en 1 (5,9 % la mutación 6542X/R553X y en 4 (23,5 %, una mutación desconocida. La evaluación antropométrica mostró que el 17 % de los pacientes presentaron desnutrición aguda. Los resultados de la evaluación bioquímica fueron normales en la mayoría de los pacientes. CONCLUSIONES. El aumento de la estatura se comportó de manera normal para la edad y el sexo. Los tres pacientes más enfermos tuvieron una afectación del crecimiento ponderal para la talla. Los pacientes afectos de fibrosis quística deben tener una adecuada atención nutricional, con un ajuste calórico y nutrimental apropiado en correspondencia con la enfermedad, enzimas pancreáticas suplementarias y suministros de vitaminas liposolubles.INTRODUCTION. The objective of this paper was to identify some epidemiological characteristics of cystic fibrosis and to characterize the nutritional, anthropometric and biochemical

  1. Clinical application of noninvasive diagnosis of liver fibrosis


    ZHU Chuanlong


    Hepatic fibrosis is the common outcome of chronic liver diseases of various causes. At present, liver biopsy is the “gold standard” for the diagnosis of liver fibrosis, but it has limitations and is invasive, which leads to the development of noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis. The article mainly introduces the technology and application of noninvasive diagnosis of liver fibrosis from the aspects of clinical manifestation, serology, and radiology. It has pointed out the clinical value o...

  2. Glycyrrhizic acid alleviates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats

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    Lili eGao


    Full Text Available Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive and lethal form of interstitial lung disease that lacks effective therapies at present. Glycyrrhizic acid (GA, a natural compound extracted from a traditional Chinese herbal medicine Glycyrrhiza glabra, was recently reported to benefit lung injury and liver fibrosis in animal models, yet whether GA has a therapeutic effect on pulmonary fibrosis is unknown. In this study, we investigated the potential therapeutic effect of GA on pulmonary fibrosis in a rat model with bleomycin (BLM-induced pulmonary fibrosis. The results indicated that GA treatment remarkably ameliorated BLM-induced pulmonary fibrosis and attenuated BLM-induced inflammation, oxidative stress, epithelial-mesenchymal transition and activation of tansforming growth factor-beta signaling pathway in the lungs. Further, we demonstrated that GA treatment inhibited proliferation of 3T6 fibroblast cells, induced cell cycle arrest and promoted apoptosis in vitro, implying that GA-mediated suppression of fibroproliferation may contribute to the anti-fibrotic effect against BLM-induced pulmonary fibrosis. In summary, our study suggests a therapeutic potential of GA in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis.

  3. [Combination of NAFLD Fibrosis Score and liver stiffness measurement for identification of moderate fibrosis stages (II & III) in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease]. (United States)

    Drolz, Andreas; Wehmeyer, Malte; Diedrich, Tom; Piecha, Felix; Schulze Zur Wiesch, Julian; Kluwe, Johannes


    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become one of the most frequent causes of chronic liver disease. Currently, therapeutic options for NAFLD patients are limited, but new pharmacologic agents are being investigated in the course of clinical trials. Because most of these studies are focusing on patients with fibrosis stages II and III (according to Kleiner), non-invasive identification of patients with intermediate fibrosis stages (II and III) is of increasing interest. Evaluation of NAFLD Fibrosis Score (NFS) and liver stiffness measurement (LSM) for prediction of fibrosis stages II/III. Patients with histologically confirmed NAFLD diagnosis were included in the study. All patients underwent a clinical and laboratory examination as well as a LSM prior to liver biopsy. Predictive value of NFS and LSM with respect to identification of fibrosis stages II/III was assessed. 134 NAFLD patients were included and analyzed. Median age was 53 (IQR 36 - 60) years, 55 patients (41 %) were female. 82 % of our patients were overweight/obese with typical aspects of metabolic syndrome. 84 patients (66 %) had liver fibrosis, 42 (50 %) advanced fibrosis. LSM and NFS correlated with fibrosis stage (r = 0.696 and r = 0.685, respectively; p stages II/III. If both criteria were met, probability of fibrosis stage II/III was 61 %. If none of the two criteria was met, chance for fibrosis stage II/III was only 6 % (negative predictive value 94 %). Combination of LSM and NFS enables identification of patients with significant probability of fibrosis stage II/III. Accordingly, these tests, especially in combination, may be a suitable screening tool for fibrosis stages II/III in NAFLD. The use of these non-invasive methods might also help to avoid unnecessary biopsies. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  4. Transient elastography for liver fibrosis diagnosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Ellen Sloth; Christensen, Peer Brehm; Weis, Nina


    Liver biopsy is considered the "golden standard" for assessment of hepatic fibrosis. However, the procedure has limitations because of inconvenience and rare but serious complications as bleeding. Furthermore, sampling errors are frequent, and interobserver variability often poses problems....... Recently, a modified ultrasound scanner (transient elastography) has been developed to assess fibrosis. The device measures liver elasticity, which correlates well with the degree of fibrosis. Studies have shown that transient elastography is more accurate in diagnosing cirrhosis than minor to moderate...... to be a valuable diagnostic procedure and follow-up of patients with chronic liver diseases....

  5. Transient elastography for liver fibrosis diagnosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Ellen Sloth; Christensen, Peer Brehm; Weis, Nina


    Liver biopsy is considered the "golden standard" for assessment of hepatic fibrosis. However, the procedure has limitations because of inconvenience and rare but serious complications as bleeding. Furthermore, sampling errors are frequent, and interobserver variability often poses problems....... Recently, a modified ultrasound scanner (transient elastography) has been developed to assess fibrosis. The device measures liver elasticity, which correlates well with the degree of fibrosis. Studies have shown that transient elastography is more accurate in diagnosing cirrhosis than minor to moderate...... to be a valuable diagnostic procedure and follow-up of patients with chronic liver diseases....

  6. La cultura política del ciudadano y la comunicación política en TV en la transición política del plebiscito chileno (octubre 1988. I. Metodología. II. Conclusiones

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    Full Text Available Exposición de la acotación material y formal del objeto al que se destina la investigación realizada, y cuyo campo de observación es la situación histórica brindada con la campaña política del plebiscito chileno del 5 de octubre de 1988. La prefiguración teórica de este objeto es la responsable de la selección y consistencia de los datos que se han recolectado y procesado, y la que ha motivado a escoger como campo de observación la COMUNICACIÓN POLÍTICA televisiva y la CULTURA POLÍTICA del ciudadano en el Chile Plebiscitario. De la investigación se concluye que la Mediación comunicativa del Plebiscito ha implantado en la Transición chilena un proceso de resignificación cuyo sentido radica más en la "afirmación del cambio" que en la "afirmación de opciones contra", curiosamente ligadas estas últimas, por la vía de la comunicación, a la opción política cuya práctica no era de cambio, sino de continuidad.

  7. Esclerosis sistémica complicada con síncope y bloqueo AV completo


    Francisco Femenía; Mauricio Arce; Martín Arrieta


    La esclerosis sistémica es una compleja enfermedad que afecta el tejido conectivo, el sistema vascular y el sistema inmunológico, y se caracteriza por fibrosis cutánea y de órganos viscerales. Los bloqueos de rama y los hemibloqueos se presentan en el 25 a 75% de los casos y constituyen predictores independientes de mortalidad. Los bloqueos auriculoventriculares de segundo o tercer grado son muy raros. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 47 años de edad, con diagnóstico de esclerosis sistémic...

  8. Pregnancy and cystic fibrosis: Approach to contemporary management (United States)

    Tay, George; Callaway, Leonie; Bell, Scott C


    Over the previous 50 years survival of patients with cystic fibrosis has progressively increased. As a result of improvements in health care, increasing numbers of patients with cystic fibrosis are now considering starting families of their own. For the health care professionals who look after these patients, the assessment of the potential risks, and the process of guiding prospective parents through pregnancy and beyond can be both challenging and rewarding. To facilitate appropriate discussions about pregnancy, health care workers must have a detailed understanding of the various important issues that will ultimately need to be considered for any patient with cystic fibrosis considering parenthood. This review will address these issues. In particular, it will outline pregnancy outcomes for mothers with cystic fibrosis, issues that need to be taken into account when planning a pregnancy and the management of pregnancy for mothers with cystic fibrosis or mothers who have undergone organ transplantation as a result of cystic fibrosis. PMID:27512443

  9. Performance of transient elastography and serum fibrosis biomarkers for non-invasive evaluation of recurrent fibrosis after liver transplantation: A meta-analysis. (United States)

    Bhat, Mamatha; Tazari, Mahmood; Sebastiani, Giada


    Recurrent fibrosis after liver transplantation (LT) impacts on long-term graft and patient survival. We performed a meta-analysis to compare the accuracy of non-invasive methods to diagnose significant recurrent fibrosis (stage F2-F4) following LT. Studies comparing serum fibrosis biomarkers, namely AST-to-platelet ratio index (APRI), fibrosis score 4 (FIB-4), or transient elastography (TE) with liver biopsy in LT recipients were systematically identified through electronic databases. In the meta-analysis, we calculated the weighted pooled odds ratio and used a fixed effect model, as there was no significant heterogeneity between studies. Eight studies were included for APRI, four for FIB-4, and twelve for TE. The mean prevalence of significant liver fibrosis was 37.4%. The summary odds ratio was significantly higher for TE (21.17, 95% CI confidence interval 14.10-31.77, p = 1X10-30) as compared to APRI (9.02, 95% CI 5.79-14.07; p = 1X10-30) and FIB-4 (7.08, 95% CI 4.00-12.55; p = 1.93X10-11). In conclusion, TE performs best to diagnose recurrent fibrosis in LT recipients. APRI and FIB-4 can be used as an estimate of significant fibrosis at centres where TE is not available. Longitudinal assessment of fibrosis by means of these non-invasive tests may reduce the need for liver biopsy.

  10. The Processes and Mechanisms of Cardiac and Pulmonary Fibrosis

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    Lucy A. Murtha


    Full Text Available Fibrosis is the formation of fibrous connective tissue in response to injury. It is characterized by the accumulation of extracellular matrix components, particularly collagen, at the site of injury. Fibrosis is an adaptive response that is a vital component of wound healing and tissue repair. However, its continued activation is highly detrimental and a common final pathway of numerous disease states including cardiovascular and respiratory disease. Worldwide, fibrotic diseases cause over 800,000 deaths per year, accounting for ~45% of total deaths. With an aging population, the incidence of fibrotic disease and subsequently the number of fibrosis-related deaths will rise further. Although, fibrosis is a well-recognized cause of morbidity and mortality in a range of disease states, there are currently no viable therapies to reverse the effects of chronic fibrosis. Numerous predisposing factors contribute to the development of fibrosis. Biological aging in particular, interferes with repair of damaged tissue, accelerating the transition to pathological remodeling, rather than a process of resolution and regeneration. When fibrosis progresses in an uncontrolled manner, it results in the irreversible stiffening of the affected tissue, which can lead to organ malfunction and death. Further investigation into the mechanisms of fibrosis is necessary to elucidate novel, much needed, therapeutic targets. Fibrosis of the heart and lung make up a significant proportion of fibrosis-related deaths. It has long been established that the heart and lung are functionally and geographically linked when it comes to health and disease, and thus exploring the processes and mechanisms that contribute to fibrosis of each organ, the focus of this review, may help to highlight potential avenues of therapeutic investigation.

  11. Genetics Home Reference: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (United States)

    ... these health problems has idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis . Other respiratory diseases, some of which are less serious, can cause similar signs and symptoms. In people with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis , scarring of the lungs increases over time until the lungs can no longer ...

  12. El Parque de los Colores


    Gómez Raby,Alfonso


    La revisión que un arquitecto chileno hace de este proyecto de Miralles se detiene en aspectos fundamentales de la arquitectura contemporánea: vínculos declarados con el arte, indiscutible dimensión social de proyecto y coexistencia de referentes tan distantes como Miguel Angel y el graffiti urbano.

  13. Hiperoxaluria primaria con pancitopenia: a propósito de un caso

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    Jessica Bravo Zuñiga


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un varón, de 15 años de edad, con diagnóstico de litiasis renal desde la infancia que evolucionó a Insuficiencia Renal Crónica, requiriendo hemodiálisis. Seis meses antes del reporte se agregan dolores articulares, con signos flogósicos en rodilla derecha, compromiso progresivo del estado general, pérdida de peso y anemia. Al examen físico se encuentra a un paciente emaciado, pálido, con múltiples adenopatías cervicales, y presencia de hepato-esplenomegalia. Se realizan exámenes evidenciándose: pancitopenia, con mayor compromiso de la serie roja (hemoglobina 7,3mg/dL, leucocitos 2 600/µL, y plaquetas 123 000/µL.. Los valores de transaminasas y bilirrubinas fueron normales así como los dosajes de Fierro, Transferrina, Ácido Fólico y Vitamina B12. La ecografía abdominal revela riñones calcificados y atróficos y los Rx de abdómen demuestran nefrocalcinosis y litiasis renal. La biopsia de medula ósea evidenció un extenso depósito de cristales de oxalato de calcio, dispuestos en forma radiada, con casi completa obliteración de la medula ósea con un número variable de células multinucleadas y fibrosis moderada. El aspirado de medula ósea no mostró cristales de oxalato de calcio. Este reporte hace una revisión sobre hiperoxaluria primaria, y resalta la importancia de reconocer la enfermedad como causa de falla renal en un paciente con historia clínica de litiasis renal y nefrocalcinosis. (Rev Med Hered 2004;16:148-156

  14. Ser padre fuera de la familia: subjetividad y vínculos de varones padres que ya no viven con sus hijos

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    Genoveva Echeverría Gálvez


    Full Text Available La reflexión teórica toma elementos de los estudios de las masculinidades, así como desde una mirada desde la cultura y sus discursos acerca de las subjetividades y los vínculos actuales. En este contexto la familia -como constructo y como materialidad- cobra gran relevancia. En este caso las preguntas se orientaron a conocer las construcciones de subjetividades de varones que están actualmente separados, pero mantienen relaciones con sus hijos. Se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad a 10 hombres chilenos adultos, y luego se aplicó la técnica de análisis de discursos. Los resultados y conclusiones más relevantes apuntan que el ser varón es un lugar de tensión, situación que se vuelve más compleja al estar ellos fuera del marco familiar. El imaginario de familia nuclear sigue operando en ellos y les dificulta la valoración de sus nuevos vínculos y experiencias.

  15. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in adult cystic fibrosis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McGrath, D S


    Two female patients with Cystic Fibrosis, attending the Adult Regional Cystic Fibrosis centre at the Cork University Hospital, were investigated for upper abdominal pain and found to have gallstones at ultrasonography. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed successfully and, without complication, in both patients.

  16. Aislamientos bacterianos de muestras respiratorias de pacientes pediátricos con fibrosis quística y su distribución por edades Bacterial isolates from respiratory samples of pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis and their distribution by ages

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    Natalia P Busquets


    Full Text Available Se investigaron los microorganismos aislados de muestras respiratorias de 50 pacientes pediátricos con fibrosis quística. Se analizó la distribución por edades y se examinó la resistencia a los antimicrobianos, la intermitencia de los aislamientos y la presencia de coinfecciones. Se aisló Staphylococcus aureus en el 72 % de los pacientes, seguido de Pseudomonas aeruginosa (58 %, Haemophilus influenzae (56 % y complejo Burkholderia cepacia (12 %. Encontramos baja frecuencia de aislamientos de P. aeruginosa resistentes a los antibióticos p-lactámicos (13,8 %. El 50,0 % de S. aureus fue resistente a la meticilina. El 57,1 % de H. influenzae fue resistente a la ampicilina por producción de ß-lactamasa. En niños menores de 4 años predominó S. aureus, seguido de P. aeruginosa y H. influenzae. Este orden se observó en todos los grupos etarios analizados, excepto en el de los niños de 10 a 14 años. Los aislamientos de Stenotrophomonas maltophilia y Achromobacter xylosoxidans fueron intermitentes y estuvieron acompañados por otros microorganismos. En suma, en este estudio observamos una gran variedad de especies bacterianas, lo que impone la necesidad de realizar rigurosos estudios microbiológicos en los materiales respiratorios de estos pacientes.The bacterial isolates from respiratory samples of 50 pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis, their distribution by ages and antimicrobial resistance pattern as well as the intermittence of isolations and coinfections, were investigated. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated in 72 % of patients, followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (58 %, Haemophilus. influenzae (56 %, and the Burkholderia cepacia complex (12 %. The frequency of resistance of P. aeruginosa isolates to ß-lactam antibiotics was low (13.8 %. Fifty percent of S. aureus isolates was methicillin-resistant, and 57.1 % of H. influenza was ampicillin-resistant due to ß-lactamase production. In children under 4 years-old, S. aureus was

  17. Noninvasive diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C


    Stauber, Rudolf E; Lackner, Carolin


    Assessment of hepatic fibrosis is important for determining prognosis, guiding management decisions, and monitoring disease. Histological evaluation of liver biopsy specimens is currently considered the reference test for staging hepatic fibrosis. Since liver biopsy carries a small but significant risk, noninvasive tests to assess hepatic fibrosis are desirable. This editorial gives an overview on noninvasive methods currently available to determine hepatic fibrosis and their diagnostic accur...

  18. TGF-β/Smad signaling in renal fibrosis

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    Xiao-Ming eMeng


    Full Text Available TGF-β (transforming growth factor-β is well identified as a central mediator in renal fibrosis. TGF-β initiates canonical and non-canonical pathways to exert multiple biological effects. Among them, Smad signaling is recognized as a major pathway of TGF- signaling in progressive renal fibrosis. During fibrogenesis, Smad3 is highly activated, which is associated with the down-regulation of an inhibitory Smad7 via an ubiquitin E3-ligases-dependent degradation mechanism. The equilibrium shift between Smad3 and Smad7 leads to accumulation and activation of myofibroblasts, overproduction of ECM (extracellular matrix, and reduction in ECM degradation in the diseased kidney. Therefore, overexpression of Smad7 has been shown to be a therapeutic agent for renal fibrosis in various models of kidney diseases. In contrast, another downstream effecter of TGF-β/Smad signaling pathway, Smad2, exerts its renal protective role by counter-regulating the Smad3. Furthermore, recent studies demonstrated that Smad3 mediates renal fibrosis by down-regulating miR-29 and miR-200 but up-regulating miR-21 and miR-192. Thus, overexpression of miR-29 and miR-200 or down-regulation of miR-21 and miR-192 is capable of attenuating Smad3-mediated renal fibrosis in various mouse models of chronic kidney diseases. Taken together, TGF-/Smad signaling plays an important role in renal fibrosis. Targeting TGF-β/Smad3 signaling may represent a specific and effective therapy for chronic kidney diseases associated with renal fibrosis.

  19. La reflexión visual en Roberto Bolaño. Narración, dictadura y vanguardias en Estrella distante

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    Carlos Walker


    Full Text Available Este artículo construye sus argumentos a partir de una lectura de la novela Estrella distante del escritor chileno Roberto Bolaño. Se trata de desarrollos que se detienen en los componentes visuales del relato, en las divergencias temporales con que se estructura la narración y en los vínculos que estos tienden con la historia política evocada en la ficción (el personaje principal tiene como proyecto demostrarle al mundo la afinidad entre el arte de vanguardia y la dictadura de Pinochet recién instalada en el país. Las variadas presencias de lo fotográfico son comprendidas como el núcleo de una reflexión visual que recorre la literatura de Roberto Bolaño. Este artículo toma en consideración una polémica que enfrentó a dos intelectuales chilenos en torno a la relación entre las prácticas artísticas de vanguardia que tuvieron lugar en Chile en tiempos de la dictadura y el Golpe de Estado de 1973. Esto es leído en relación con el diálogo soterrado que la novela de Bolaño establece con dichas prácticas de vanguardia.

  20. Accuracy of FibroScan for diagnosing liver fibrosis

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    Jian ZHANG


    Full Text Available Objective To evaluate the accuracy of transient elastometry(FibroScan for the detection of liver fibrosis.Methods A total of 323 patients diagnosed with chronic liver disease based on pathological examination in the 302 Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army from April to December of 2009 were involved in the current study.Among them,141 patients were subjected to liver biopsy.Their liver function,coagulant index,B-ultrasound and blood cell count were examined clinically.Four examinations related to liver fibrosis were done on some of the patients.Meanwhile,FibroScan was used for liver stiffness measurement(LSM of every patient.The correlation between liver stiffness and the serologic index and liver fibrosis degree was analyzed.The Receive Operating Characteristic(ROC curve was adopted to analyze the accuracy of FibroScan for diagnosing liver fibrosis.Results Each serologic index was significantly correlated with liver stiffness(P < 0.001,and liver stiffness was closely related to the stage of liver fibrosis(r=0.74,P < 0.001.The statistical results of the 141 patients who underwent pathologic examination show that the areas under the ROC curve were 0.97(0.94,1.00 for patients with portal fibrosis(F1,0.96(0.93,0.99 for patients with significant fibrosis(F2,0.99(0.98,1.00 for patients with severe fibrosis(F3,and 0.97(0.94,0.99 for patients with cirrhosis(F4.The cutoff values were 4.4KPa,6.8KPa,9.7KPa,and 10.0KPa,respectively.Conclusion FibroScan is valuable for the diagnosis of liver fibrosis.It can be used as the basis for follow-up and management of patients with chronic liver diseases.

  1. El amparo constitucional contra los actos de la administración del Estado en Iberoamérica: un análisis comparado con el recurso de protección chileno

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    Juan Carlos Ferrada Bórquez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo los autores realizan un estudio comparativo entre el Recurso de Protección chileno y los procesos de amparo de derechos fundamentales en los ordenamientos mexicano, argentino y español, en particular contra actos de los órganos de la Administración del Estado. Para ello se aborda, en primer lugar, el estudio de algunos aspectos generales de estos procedimientos judiciales; luego se analiza las situaciones jurídicas subjetivas objeto de amparo en cada caso y la actividad administrativa sujeta a este control jurídico; posteriormente, se estudian las diversas pretensiones que se pueden deducir contra la Administración del Estado en este tipo de procedimientos; finalmente, se analizan algunos aspectos concretos del procedimiento dispuesto para el Amparo. Este análisis permite distinguir estos procesos de amparo de los procedimientos ordinarios de control contencioso administrativo, estableciendo sus relaciones y diferencias conceptuales en el Derecho comparadoThis article offers a comparative study of the Chilean recourse about violation of constitutional rights and their equivalents in the Mexican, Argentine and Spanish constitutional systems, with particular reference to the complaints against the administrative decisions. After a general overview of these judicial procedures, the article proceeds to analyze the legal cases for which the recourse is granted, and the types of administrative decisions subject to this control. Next, we study the different kinds of petitions available to complainants. Finally, procedural matters are analyzed in more detail. A distinction is proposed between these constitutional recourses and the ordinary control procedures against administrative decisions, and their relationships, and conceptual differences, are explored in light of Comparative Law

  2. Origen y características del sistema de aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación superior chileno

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    Esteban Geoffroy Pitta


    Full Text Available Este artículo expone el problema que da origen al sistema de aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación superior chileno, puesto en forma a través de la Ley 20.129. El problema identificado corresponde a la desregulación del sistema de educación superior producido en la década de 1990 marcado por su masificación así como por los procesos de autonomía institucional y expansión desmesurada. Luego se expone la política pública describiendo las instituciones que la llevan a cabo (Comisión Nacional de Acreditación, Consejo Nacional de Educación y Servicio de Información de la Educación Superior y los procesos que estas ejecutan (licenciamiento, acreditación e información pública.

  3. Algunos aspectos hereditarios y ambientales en casos de fibrosis quística en la ciudad de Cartagena (Colombia

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    Dacia Malambo


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir las características de la transmisión hereditaria de la enfermedad en familias de la ciudad de Cartagena (Colombia y analizar algunos factores medioambientales del núcleo familiar de los pacientes que pudieran influir en la evolución y/o severidad de la patología. Materiales y métodos: Se estudiaron 22 pacientes, distribuidos en 16 familias, del “Programa de atención integral a pacientes con fibrosis quística” de la Universidad de Cartagena. Se recopiló información acerca de las condiciones de vivienda del grupo familiar y se evaluaron aspectos fenotípicos hereditarios, y se construyeron genealogías para esta enfermedad. Resultados: El análisis de pedigríes reveló lo siguiente: en ocho familias (67%, los individuos afectados presentan rasgos caucásicos; en cinco familias (42% se reconoce existencia de ancestros europeos; en dos familias (17% existe consaguinidad. En relación con el aspecto ambiental, se encontró que 33% de las familias estudiadas habitan viviendas en malas condiciones. Conclusiones: Entre las familias de los pacientes con fibrosis quística de la ciudad de Cartagena detectados en este estudio se verifica la transmisión hereditaria autosómica recesiva, se confirma el mestizaje de nuestras poblaciones. La reincidencia de enfermos y la consanguinidad en varias familias denota la falta de asesoramiento genético y el desconocimiento de la evolución de la enfermedad por su grupo familiar. Estos resultados pueden ser el punto de partida de estudios más amplios que sirvan de fundamento para la implementación de políticas tendientes a reducir la frecuencia y severidad de la enfermedad a nivel local y nacional.





    1) El orógeno Andino es fundamentalmente bi-vergente, incluyendo un gran sistema de fallas inversas cabalgantes en el frente occidental chileno, que son sintéticas con respecto al acoplamiento tectónico causante de la orogenia Andina (subducción de la placa Nazca, oceánica, bajo la placa Sudamericana, continental); 2) El funcionamiento del Cabalgamiento Andino Occidental (West Andean Thrust, WAT), documentado por la estructura con vergencia oeste de la Cordillera Principal en Chile, tiene ...

  5. Monocyte Subsets in Schistosomiasis Patients with Periportal Fibrosis

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    Jamille Souza Fernandes


    Full Text Available A major issue with Schistosoma mansoni infection is the development of periportal fibrosis, which is predominantly caused by the host immune response to egg antigens. Experimental studies have pointed to the participation of monocytes in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis. The aim of this study was to characterize the subsets of monocytes in individuals with different degrees of periportal fibrosis secondary to schistosomiasis. Monocytes were classified into classical (CD14++CD16−, intermediate (CD14++CD16+, and nonclassical (CD14+CD16++. The expressions of monocyte markers and cytokines were assessed using flow cytometry. The frequency of classical monocytes was higher than the other subsets. The expression of HLA-DR, IL-6, TNF-α, and TGF-β was higher in monocytes from individuals with moderate to severe fibrosis as compared to other groups. Although no differences were observed in receptors expression (IL-4R and IL-10R between groups of patients, the expression of IL-12 was lower in monocytes from individuals with moderate to severe fibrosis, suggesting a protective role of this cytokine in the development of fibrosis. Our data support the hypothesis that the three different monocyte populations participate in the immunopathogenesis of periportal fibrosis, since they express high levels of proinflammatory and profibrotic cytokines and low levels of regulatory markers.

  6. Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema Syndrome (United States)

    Rounds, Sharon I. S.


    There is increasing clinical, radiologic, and pathologic recognition of the coexistence of emphysema and pulmonary fibrosis in the same patient, resulting in a clinical syndrome known as combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) that is characterized by dyspnea, upper-lobe emphysema, lower-lobe fibrosis, and abnormalities of gas exchange. This syndrome frequently is complicated by pulmonary hypertension, acute lung injury, and lung cancer. The CPFE syndrome typically occurs in male smokers, and the mortality associated with this condition, especially if pulmonary hypertension is present, is significant. In this review, we explore the current state of the literature and discuss etiologic factors and clinical characteristics of the CPFE syndrome. PMID:22215830

  7. MFAP4: a candidate biomarker for hepatic and pulmonary fibrosis? (United States)

    Mölleken, Christian; Poschmann, Gereon; Bonella, Francesco; Costabel, Ulrich; Sitek, Barbara; Stühler, Kai; Meyer, Helmut E; Schmiegel, Wolff H; Marcussen, Niels; Helmer, Michael; Nielsen, Ole; Hansen, Søren; Schlosser, Anders; Holmskov, Uffe; Sorensen, Grith Lykke


    Several comparable mechanisms have been identified for hepatic and pulmonary fibrosis. The human microfibrillar associated glycoprotein 4 (MFAP4), produced by activated myofibroblasts, is a ubiquitous protein playing a potential role in extracellular matrix (ECM) turnover and was recently identified as biomarker for hepatic fibrosis in hepatitis C patients. The current study aimed to evaluate serum levels of MFAP4 in patients with pulmonary fibrosis in order to test its potential as biomarker in clinical practice. A further aim was to determine whether MFAP4 deficiency in mice affects the formation of pulmonary fibrosis in the bleomycin model of lung fibrosis. 91 patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), 23 with hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) and 31 healthy subjects were studied. In the mouse model, C57BL/6 Mfap4+/+ and Mfap4-/- mice between 6-8 weeks of age were studied. Serum levels of MFAP4 were measured by ELISA in patients and in mice. Surfactant protein D (SP-D) and LDH were measured as comparison biomarkers in patients with pulmonary fibrosis. Morphometric assessment and the Sircol kit were used to determine the amount of collagen in the lung tissue in the mouse model. Serum levels of MFAP4 were not elevated in lung fibrosis - neither in the patients with IPF or HP nor in the animal model. Furthermore no significant correlations with pulmonary function tests of IPF patients could be found for MFAP4. MFAP4 levels were increased in BAL of bleomycin treated mice with pulmonary fibrosis. MFAP4 is not elevated in sera of patients with pulmonary fibrosis or bleomycin treated mice with pulmonary fibrosis. This may be due to different pathogenic mechanisms of liver and lung fibrogenesis. MFAP4 seems to be useful as serum biomarker for hepatic but not for lung fibrosis.

  8. Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes: a distinct condition. (United States)

    Cano Megías, Marta; González Albarrán, Olga


    Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal inherited autosomal recessive disease in Caucasians, affecting approximately one out of every 2,000 births. Survival of patients with cystic fibrosis has significantly improved due to advances in respiratory and nutritional care, and their current average life expectancy is 30-40 years. Development of cystic fibrosis-related diabetes is a comorbidity that increases with age and may reach a prevalence up to 50% in adults. Its development is associated to impaired lung function and nutritional status, and early diagnosis and treatment are therefore essential to improve quality of life and performance status. Insulin therapy for diabetes and other early carbohydrate metabolism disorders may improve lung function and nutritional status of patients with cystic fibrosis. Copyright © 2014 SEEN. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  9. Noninvasive imaging of experimental lung fibrosis. (United States)

    Zhou, Yong; Chen, Huaping; Ambalavanan, Namasivayam; Liu, Gang; Antony, Veena B; Ding, Qiang; Nath, Hrudaya; Eary, Janet F; Thannickal, Victor J


    Small animal models of lung fibrosis are essential for unraveling the molecular mechanisms underlying human fibrotic lung diseases; additionally, they are useful for preclinical testing of candidate antifibrotic agents. The current end-point measures of experimental lung fibrosis involve labor-intensive histological and biochemical analyses. These measures fail to account for dynamic changes in the disease process in individual animals and are limited by the need for large numbers of animals for longitudinal studies. The emergence of noninvasive imaging technologies provides exciting opportunities to image lung fibrosis in live animals as often as needed and to longitudinally track the efficacy of novel antifibrotic compounds. Data obtained by noninvasive imaging provide complementary information to histological and biochemical measurements. In addition, the use of noninvasive imaging in animal studies reduces animal usage, thus satisfying animal welfare concerns. In this article, we review these new imaging modalities with the potential for evaluation of lung fibrosis in small animal models. Such techniques include micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and multimodal imaging systems including PET/CT and SPECT/CT. It is anticipated that noninvasive imaging will be increasingly used in animal models of fibrosis to gain insights into disease pathogenesis and as preclinical tools to assess drug efficacy.

  10. Impaired Lymphocyte Profile in Schistosomiasis Patients with Periportal Fibrosis

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    Luciana Santos Cardoso


    Full Text Available The Th2 immune response in chronic schistosomiasis is associated with the development of periportal fibrosis. However, little is known about the phenotype and activation status of T cells in the process. Objective. To evaluate the profile of T cells in schistosomiasis patients with periportal fibrosis. Methods. It was a cross-sectional study, conducted in the village of Agua Preta, Bahia, Brazil, which included 37 subjects with periportal fibrosis determined by ultrasound. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were obtained by the Ficcol-hypaque gradient and the frequency of T cells expressing the surface markers CD28, CD69, CD25, and CTLA-4 was determined by flow cytometry. Results. The frequency of CD4+CD28+ T lymphocytes was higher in individuals with moderate to severe fibrosis compared to patients with incipient fibrosis. We did not observe any significant difference in the frequency of CD4+ T cells expressing CD69 among groups of individuals. There was also no significant difference in the frequency of CD8+ T cells expressing CD28 or CD69 among the studied groups. Individuals with moderate to severe fibrosis presented a lower frequency of CD8+ T cells, CD4+CD25high T cells, and CD4+CTLA-4+ T cells when compared to patients without fibrosis or incipient fibrosis. The frequency of CD4+CD25low cells did not differ between groups. Conclusion. The high frequency of activated T cells coinciding with a low frequency of putative Treg cells may account for the development of periportal fibrosis in human schistosomiasis.

  11. El huevo de la serpiente al sur del mundo: desarrollo y supervivencia de la ciencia nazi en Chile (1908 -1951

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    Leyton, César


    Full Text Available The paper presents, mainly through the figure of Dr. Max Westenhoffer and in a work of Drs. Barrientos and Schirmer (1937, the connections between the development of medicine and anthropology in Chile with the development of the biological determinist thought and racism in Europe. Chilean Physicians and anthropologists as Otto Aichel, Aureliano Oyarzún, Edgardo Schirmer and Juvenal Barrientos indicate the direct relationship of the Chilean scientific program of the early twentieth century with the hereditarian and racist program, which reached its climax with the Nazi eugenics.El trabajo aborda, principalmente a partir de la figura del Dr. Max Westenhoffer y de un trabajo de los Drs. Barrientos y Schirmer de 1937, las conexiones que presenta el desarrollo de la medicina y la antropología en Chile con el pensamiento determinista biológico y racista en Europa. Médicos y antropólogos chilenos como Otto Aichel, Aureliano Oyarzún, Edgardo Schirmer y Juvenal Barrientos dan cuenta de la relación directa de una parte del programa científico chileno de la primera mitad del siglo XX con el programa hereditarista y racista, que alcanzó su punto cúlmine con la eugenesia y la antropología nazi.

  12. Management of the Upper Airway in Cystic Fibrosis (United States)

    Illing, Elisa A.; Woodworth, Bradford A.


    Purpose of Review Upper airway disease engenders significant morbidity for patients with cystic fibrosis and is increasingly recognized as having a much greater role in pulmonary outcomes and quality of life than originally believed. Widespread disparate therapeutic strategies for cystic fibrosis chronic rhinosinusitis underscore the absence of a standardized treatment paradigm. This review outlines the most recent evidence-based trends in the management of upper airway disease in cystic fibrosis. Recent Findings The unified airway theory proposes that the sinuses are a focus of initial bacterial colonization which seeds the lower airway and may play a large role in maintaining lung infections. Mounting evidence suggests more aggressive treatment of the sinuses may confer significant improvement in pulmonary disease and quality of life outcomes in cystic fibrosis patients. However, there is a lack of high-level evidence regarding medical and surgical management of cystic fibrosis chronic rhinosinusitis that makes generalizations difficult. Summary Well designed clinical trials with long-term follow-up concerning medical and surgical interventions for cystic fibrosis sinus disease are required to establish standardized treatment protocols, but increased interest in the sinuses as a bacterial reservoir for pulmonary infections has generated considerable attention. PMID:25250804

  13. Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes (CFRD): Daily Management (United States)

    Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes (CFRD): Daily Management September 20, 2011 This Web cast is supported by an unrestricted ... Moran, MD Professor, Pediatric Endocrinology University of Minnesota Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes (CFRD): Daily Management September 20, 2011 ...

  14. Outcome in cystic fibrosis liver disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Rowland, Marion


    Evidence suggests that cystic fibrosis liver disease (CFLD) does not affect mortality or morbidity in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). The importance of gender and age in outcome in CF makes selection of an appropriate comparison group central to the interpretation of any differences in mortality and morbidity in patients with CFLD.

  15. [Genetic counseling in cystic fibrosis]. (United States)

    Julia, S; Bieth, E


    Genetic counseling is an important part of health care in patients with cystic fibrosis or respiratory diseases associated with the CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) gene, including certain types of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergilloses or bronchial diseases (diffuse bronchiectasia). The basic goal is to provide patients with information on the transmission of cystic fibrosis and to asses the risk of recurrence. This risk is determined from molecular biology analyses examining the CFTR gene. Genotyping is the only means of screening for the heterozygous state, frequent in the French population (about 1/30). Because of the large number of mutated alleles not covered entirely by the genetic tests, there remains a question of probability expressed as a residual risk of a heterozygous state. A prenatal genotype diagnosis should be proposed to heterozygous couples who have a 25% risk of having a diseased child. Technically, this is almost always possible and the results are highly reliable. Nevertheless, there remains the risks related to sample taking and the ethical issue about which the patients must be informed. Management of these at risk couples who desire a child must be based on a multidisciplinary approach, particularly important when one of the parents has overt cystic fibrosis.

  16. Radiation pneumonitis and fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shopova, V.; Salovsky, P.; Dancheva, V.


    The likelihood of toxic pulmonary lesions development as the result of radiation therapy for pulmonary carcinoma and breast cancer is discussed. Two possible forms of radiation induced changes are described, namely: classical radiation pneumonitis (RP) terminating with lung fibrosis circumscribed in the radiation zone, and sporadic RP giving rise to bilateral lymphatic alveolitis and manifestations outside the irradiation field. Attention is called to the fact that chemotherapy augments the risk of toxic lung damage occurrence. A number of markers for early RP diagnosis, including lactate dehydrogenase activity, KL-6, procollagen III, transforming growth factor β, C-reactive protein and partial oxygen pressure are listed. Therapeutic possibilities in coping with RP and pulmonary fibrosis are assayed. Apart from the standard therapeutic approach using corticosteroids and azatioprin, ideas are set forth concerning the application of some antioxidants, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and γ-interferon. It is pointed out that radiation pneumonitis and pulmonary fibrosis treatment has an essential practical bearing on life expectancy and quality of life in a great number of cancer patients. (author)

  17. Radiotherapy of breast fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heibel, J.H.


    In a retrospective study radiotherapy of breast fibrosis in hormone-treated men with histologically confirmed prostate carcinoma was examined. 10 patients had received hormones even before irradiation, 113 obtained hormone administration only after irradiation. The objective size of the glandular body and the overall size of the breast were measured with a special method developed by the author. 46 patients indicated complaints. With hypertrophic mamma and hypertrophic mamilla in 67 examined patients, 127 different symptoms resulted in total. Four patients of the group who had obtained hormones before irradiation, suffered from subjective symptoms. It resulted that radiotherapy of breast fibrosis carried out during hormone treatment is no gynecomastia prophylaxis, that already existent mamma hypertrophies are irreversible, but that existent sensations were notably reduced within 6 months after irradiation therapy. These results indicate the necessity of a radiotherapy of the mamma fibrosis before the hormone treatment is begun. Particularly in cases of higher operative risks, also the possibility of preferring radiotherapy to mastectomy should be fully utilized, in view of adequate or even better therapeutic results. (orig./MG) [de

  18. Pancreatic fibrosis correlates with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency after pancreatoduodenectomy. (United States)

    Tran, T C K; van 't Hof, G; Kazemier, G; Hop, W C; Pek, C; van Toorenenbergen, A W; van Dekken, H; van Eijck, C H J


    Obstruction of the pancreatic duct can lead to pancreatic fibrosis. We investigated the correlation between the extent of pancreatic fibrosis and the postoperative exocrine and endocrine pancreatic function. Fifty-five patients who were treated for pancreatic and periampullary carcinoma and 19 patients with chronic pancreatitis were evaluated. Exocrine pancreatic function was evaluated by fecal elastase-1 test, while endocrine pancreatic function was assessed by plasma glucose level. The extent of fibrosis, duct dilation and endocrine tissue loss was examined histopathologically. A strong correlation was found between pancreatic fibrosis and elastase-1 level less than 100 microg/g (p pancreatic insufficiency. A strong correlation was found between pancreatic fibrosis and endocrine tissue loss (p pancreatic fibrosis nor endocrine tissue loss were correlated with the development of postoperative diabetes mellitus. Duct dilation alone was neither correlated with exocrine nor with endocrine function loss. The majority of patients develop severe exocrine pancreatic insufficiency after pancreatoduodenectomy. The extent of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is strongly correlated with preoperative fibrosis. The loss of endocrine tissue does not correlate with postoperative diabetes mellitus. Preoperative dilation of the pancreatic duct per se does not predict exocrine or endocrine pancreatic insufficiency postoperatively. Copyright 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  19. "Tipping" extracellular matrix remodeling towards regression of liver fibrosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Magdaleno, Fernando; Schierwagen, Robert; Uschner, Frank E


    Fibrosis development was initially conceived as an incessant progressive condition. Nowadays, it has become evident that fibrotic tissue undergoes a continuous two-way process: fibrogenesis and fibrinolysis, characterizing the remodeling of extracellular matrix (ECM). However, in established...... fibrosis, this two-way process is tipped towards fibrogenesis and this leads to a self-perpetuating accumulation of ECM, a distinct metabolic unit, together with other cells and processes promoting fibrosis deposition. Several mechanisms promote fibrosis regression, such as degradation of ECM, infiltration...

  20. Inhibiting core fucosylation attenuates glucose-induced peritoneal fibrosis in rats. (United States)

    Li, Longkai; Shen, Nan; Wang, Nan; Wang, Weidong; Tang, Qingzhu; Du, Xiangning; Carrero, Juan Jesus; Wang, Keping; Deng, Yiyao; Li, Zhitong; Lin, Hongli; Wu, Taihua


    Ultrafiltration failure is a major complication of long-term peritoneal dialysis, resulting in dialysis failure. Peritoneal fibrosis induced by continuous exposure to high glucose dialysate is the major contributor of ultrafiltration failure, for which there is no effective treatment. Overactivation of several signaling pathways, including transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) pathways, contribute to the development of peritoneal fibrosis. Therefore, simultaneously blocking multiple signaling pathways might be a potential novel method of treating peritoneal fibrosis. Previously, we showed that core fucosylation, an important posttranslational modification of the TGF-β1 receptors, can regulate the activation of TGF-β1 signaling in renal interstitial fibrosis. However, it remains unclear whether core fucosylation affects the progression of peritoneal fibrosis. Herein, we show that core fucosylation was enriched in the peritoneal membrane of rats accompanied by peritoneal fibrosis induced by a high glucose dialysate. Blocking core fucosylation dramatically attenuated peritoneal fibrosis in the rat model achieved by simultaneously inactivating the TGF-β1 and PDGF signaling pathways. Next the protective effects of blocking core fucosylation and imatinib (a selective PDGF receptor inhibitor) on peritoneal fibrosis were compared and found to exhibit a greater inhibitory effect over imatinib alone, suggesting that blocking activation of multiple signaling pathways may have superior inhibitory effects on the development of peritoneal fibrosis. Thus, core fucosylation is essential for the development of peritoneal fibrosis by regulating the activation of multiple signaling pathways. This may be a potential novel target for drug development to treat peritoneal fibrosis. Copyright © 2018 International Society of Nephrology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. The Interplay between Inflammation and Fibrosis in Kidney Transplantation

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    Irina B. Torres


    Full Text Available Serial surveillance renal allograft biopsies have shown that early subclinical inflammation constitutes a risk factor for the development of interstitial fibrosis. More recently, it has been observed that persistent inflammation is also associated with fibrosis progression and chronic humoral rejection, two histological conditions associated with poor allograft survival. Treatment of subclinical inflammation with steroid boluses prevents progression of fibrosis and preserves renal function in patients treated with a cyclosporine-based regimen. Subclinical inflammation has been reduced after the introduction of tacrolimus based regimens, and it has been shown that immunosuppressive schedules that are effective in preventing acute rejection and subclinical inflammation may prevent the progression of fibrosis and chronic humoral rejection. On the other hand, minimization protocols are associated with progression of fibrosis, and noncompliance with the immunosuppressive regime constitutes a major risk factor for chronic humoral rejection. Thus, adequate immunosuppressive treatment, avoiding minimization strategies and reinforcing educational actions to prevent noncompliance, is at present an effective approach to combat the progression of fibrosis.

  2. Cystic fibrosis Delta F508 heterozygotes, smoking, and reproduction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Morten; Tybjaerg-Hansen, A; Wittrup, H H


    Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal autosomal recessive disease affecting Caucasian populations. It remains a puzzle how this disease is maintained at such a remarkably high incidence, however, it could be due to a reproductive advantage in cystic fibrosis heterozygotes. We tested this hypot......Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal autosomal recessive disease affecting Caucasian populations. It remains a puzzle how this disease is maintained at such a remarkably high incidence, however, it could be due to a reproductive advantage in cystic fibrosis heterozygotes. We tested.......001). In conclusion, overall these results do not support a reproductive advantage for cystic fibrosis DeltaF508 heterozygotes. However, the data cannot totally exclude the possibility that nonsmoking DeltaF508 heterozygotes experience a reproductive advantage while smoking DeltaF508 heterozygotes experience...... the opposite, a reproductive disadvantage. Accordingly, the data suggest a previously undocumented role of smoking on fecundity among cystic fibrosis heterozygotes....

  3. Role of Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Signaling in Renal Fibrosis

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    Feng Liu


    Full Text Available Renal fibrosis can be induced in different renal diseases, but ultimately progresses to end stage renal disease. Although the pathophysiologic process of renal fibrosis have not been fully elucidated, it is characterized by glomerulosclerosis and/or tubular interstitial fibrosis, and is believed to be caused by the proliferation of renal inherent cells, including glomerular epithelial cells, mesangial cells, and endothelial cells, along with defective kidney repair, renal interstitial fibroblasts activation, and extracellular matrix deposition. Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs regulate a variety of cell physiological processes, including metabolism, growth, differentiation, and survival. Many studies from in vitro and animal models have provided evidence that RTKs play important roles in the pathogenic process of renal fibrosis. It is also showed that tyrosine kinases inhibitors (TKIs have anti-fibrotic effects in basic research and clinical trials. In this review, we summarize the evidence for involvement of specific RTKs in renal fibrosis process and the employment of TKIs as a therapeutic approach for renal fibrosis.

  4. Liver Disease in Cystic Fibrosis: an Update (United States)

    Parisi, Giuseppe Fabio; Di Dio, Giovanna; Franzonello, Chiara; Gennaro, Alessia; Rotolo, Novella; Lionetti, Elena; Leonardi, Salvatore


    Context Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most widespread autosomal recessive genetic disorder that limits life expectation amongst the Caucasian population. As the median survival has increased related to early multidisciplinary intervention, other manifestations of CF have emergedespecially for the broad spectrum of hepatobiliary involvement. The present study reviews the existing literature on liver disease in cystic fibrosis and describes the key issues for an adequate clinical evaluation and management of patients, with a focus on the pathogenetic, clinical and diagnostic-therapeutic aspects of liver disease in CF. Evidence Acquisition A literature search of electronic databases was undertaken for relevant studies published from 1990 about liver disease in cystic fibrosis. The databases searched were: EMBASE, PubMed and Cochrane Library. Results CF is due to mutations in the gene on chromosome 7 that encodes an amino acidic polypeptide named CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator). The hepatic manifestations include particular changes referring to the basic CFTR defect, iatrogenic lesions or consequences of the multisystem disease. Even though hepatobiliary disease is the most common non-pulmonary cause ofmortalityin CF (the third after pulmonary disease and transplant complications), only about the 33%ofCF patients presents clinically significant hepatobiliary disease. Conclusions Liver disease will have a growing impact on survival and quality of life of cystic fibrosis patients because a longer life expectancy and for this it is important its early recognition and a correct clinical management aimed atdelaying the onset of complications. This review could represent an opportunity to encourage researchers to better investigate genotype-phenotype correlation associated with the development of cystic fibrosis liver disease, especially for non-CFTR genetic polymorphisms, and detect predisposed individuals. Therapeutic trials are needed to find strategies of

  5. O cotidiano da família com filhos portadores de fibrose cística: subsídios para a enfermagem pediátrica El cotidiano de la familia con hijos portadores de fibrosis quística: aportes para la enfermería pediátrica The routine of families with children bearing cystic fibrosis: subsidies for pediatric nursing

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    Maria Cândida de Carvalho Furtado


    Full Text Available A fibrose cística é uma doença genética caracterizada pelo aumento na produção de muco que, depositado em alguns órgãos, causa: doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, insuficiência pancreática e nível elevado de eletrólitos no suor. Pretende-se, neste estudo, descrever o cotidiano de famílias com filhos portadores de fibrose cística nos aspectos relacionados à repercussão da doença crônica na dinâmica familiar. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo qualitativo, com coleta de dados empíricos a partir de entrevistas com 14 famílias de pacientes menores de 18 anos em tratamento no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, da Universidade de São Paulo. Dos dados emergiram os seguintes temas: envolvimento da família, aceitação/entendimento da doença e enfrentando desafios. Identificamos uma vida de dependência relacionada à doença, com desgaste físico e emocional, tanto da criança quanto da família. Implicações para a enfermagem: constituição de modelos assistenciais que tenham a família como foco de atenção, considerando meio ambiente, estilo de vida e promoção à saúde como seus fundamentos básicos.La fibrosis quística es una enfermedad genética caracterizada por el aumento en la producción de moco que es depositado en algunos órganos causando: enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, insuficiencia pancreática y nivel elevado de electrolitos en el sudor. El objetivo de este estudio es describir el cotidiano de las familias con hijos portadores de fibrosis quística en los aspectos relacionados a la repercusión de la enfermedad crónica en la dinámica familiar. Por lo tanto, se realizó un estudio cualitativo, a través de la recolección de datos empíricos a partir de entrevistas con 14 familias de pacientes menores de 18 años en tratamiento en el Hospital Clínicas de la Facultad de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto de la Universidad de São Paulo. De los datos emergieron los


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    Alessandro Santoni


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda el tema de la solidaridad con el exilio chileno en Italia a lo largo del periodo 1973-1977. Muchos dirigentes de la actual Concertación han insistido en la influencia que el eurocomunismo, el gramscismo y el "compromesso storico" tuvieron en la renovación de la izquierda. En esta línea, el autor destaca cómo los comunistas italianos tuvieron un específico interés político por la causa de los exiliados, lo que se tradujo en un esfuerzo para influir en los contenidos y significados de la solidaridad y no solo en la ayuda material. El enfoque adoptado busca relacionar la temática de la renovación con los procesos de transformación que vivieron las izquierdas europeas a partir de los setenta y, sobre todo, con el papel simbólico qué estas atribuyeron a la causa chilena.This article deals with the theme of solidarity with the Chilean exile in Italy from the years 1973-1977. Many of the leaders of the actual Concertación have insisted on the influence that Eurocommunism, Gramscism, and the "compromesso storico" had during the renovation of the left. Along this line the author highlights how the Italian communists had a specific political interest for the cause of the exiled, which resulted in the effort to influence the contents and the meanings of the solidarity and not only with material help. The focus adopted looks to relate the theme of la renovación with the processes of transformation that lived within leftist Europeans from the seventies and especially, with the symbolic role that they attributed to the Chilean cause.

  7. Anti-fibrotic effect of Aliskiren in rats with deoxycorticosterone induced myocardial fibrosis and its potential mechanism

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    Likun Ma


    Full Text Available The objective of our study was to investigate the effect of Aliskiren, a renin inhibitor, on the deoxycorticosterone (DOCA induced myocardial fibrosis in a rat model and its underlying mechanism. A total of 45 Sprague-Dawley (SD rats underwent right nephrectomy and were randomly assigned into 3 groups: control group (CON group: silicone tube was embedded subcutaneously; DOCA treated group (DOC group: 200 mg of DOCA was subcutaneously administered; DOCA and Aliskiren (ALI treated group (ALI group: 200 mg of DOCA and 50 mg/kg/d ALI were subcutaneously and intragastrically given, respectively. Treatment was done for 4 weeks. Sirius red staining was employed to detect the expression of myocardial collagen, and the myocardial collagen volume fraction (CVF and perivascular collagen volume area (PVCA were calculated. Radioimmunoassay was carried out to measure the renin activity (RA and content of angiotensin II (Ang II in the plasma and ventricle. Western blot assay was done to detect the expressions of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2, phosphorylated ERK1/2 (PERK1/2 and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9. In the DOC group and ALI group, the CVF and PVCA were significantly increased; the RA and Ang II levels in the plasma and ventricle were remarkably lowered when compared with the CON group. The RA and Ang II levels in the ventricle of the ALI group were significantly lower than those in the DOC group. Moreover, the expressions of ERK1/2, PERK1/2 and MMP9 were the lowest in the CON group, but those in the ALI group were significantly reduced as compared to the DOC group. ALI can inhibit the DOCA induced myocardial fibrosis independent of its pressure-lowing effect, which may be related to the suppression of RA and Ang II production, inhibition of ERK1/2 phosphorylation and MMP9 expression in the heart.

  8. Fibrosis imaging : Current concepts and future directions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baues, Maike; Dasgupta, Anshuman; Ehling, Josef; Prakash, Jai; Boor, Peter; Tacke, Frank; Kiessling, Fabian; Lammers, Twan


    Fibrosis plays an important role in many different pathologies. It results from tissue injury, chronic inflammation, autoimmune reactions and genetic alterations, and it is characterized by the excessive deposition of extracellular matrix components. Biopsies are routinely employed for fibrosis

  9. Cystic fibrosis with normal sweat chloride concentration: case report

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    Silva Filho Luiz Vicente Ferreira da


    Full Text Available Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease usually diagnosed by abnormal sweat testing. We report a case of an 18-year-old female with bronchiectasis, chronic P. aeruginosa infection, and normal sweat chloride concentrations who experienced rapid decrease of lung function and clinical deterioration despite treatment. Given the high suspicion ofcystic fibrosis, broad genotyping testing was performed, showing a compound heterozygous with deltaF508 and 3849+10kb C->T mutations, therefore confirming cystic fibrosis diagnosis. Although the sweat chloride test remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, alternative diagnostic tests such as genotyping and electrophysiologic measurements must be performed if there is suspicion of cystic fibrosis, despite normal or borderline sweat chloride levels.

  10. Reversal of liver fibrosis: From fiction to reality. (United States)

    Zoubek, Miguel Eugenio; Trautwein, Christian; Strnad, Pavel


    In chronic liver diseases, an ongoing hepatocellular injury together with inflammatory reaction results in activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) and increased deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) termed as liver fibrosis. It can progress to cirrhosis that is characterized by parenchymal and vascular architectural changes together with the presence of regenerative nodules. Even at late stage, liver fibrosis is reversible and the underlying mechanisms include a switch in the inflammatory environment, elimination or regression of activated HSCs and degradation of ECM. While animal models have been indispensable for our understanding of liver fibrosis, they possess several important limitations and need to be further refined. A better insight into the liver fibrogenesis resulted in a large number of clinical trials aiming at reversing liver fibrosis, particularly in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Collectively, the current developments demonstrate that reversal of liver fibrosis is turning from fiction to reality. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  11. Inhibition of the Unfolded Protein Response Mechanism Prevents Cardiac Fibrosis.

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    Jody Groenendyk

    Full Text Available Cardiac fibrosis attributed to excessive deposition of extracellular matrix proteins is a major cause of heart failure and death. Cardiac fibrosis is extremely difficult and challenging to treat in a clinical setting due to lack of understanding of molecular mechanisms leading to cardiac fibrosis and effective anti-fibrotic therapies. The objective in this study was to examine whether unfolded protein response (UPR pathway mediates cardiac fibrosis and whether a pharmacological intervention to modulate UPR can prevent cardiac fibrosis and preserve heart function.We demonstrate here that the mechanism leading to development of fibrosis in a mouse with increased expression of calreticulin, a model of heart failure, stems from impairment of endoplasmic reticulum (ER homeostasis, transient activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR pathway and stimulation of the TGFβ1/Smad2/3 signaling pathway. Remarkably, sustained pharmacologic inhibition of the UPR pathway by tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA is sufficient to prevent cardiac fibrosis, and improved exercise tolerance.We show that the mechanism leading to development of fibrosis in a mouse model of heart failure stems from transient activation of UPR pathway leading to persistent remodelling of cardiac tissue. Blocking the activation of the transiently activated UPR pathway by TUDCA prevented cardiac fibrosis, and improved prognosis. These findings offer a window for additional interventions that can preserve heart function.

  12. De la Araucanía a Lima: los usos del concepto "civilización" en la expansión territorial del Estado chileno, 1855-1883 = From Araucanía to Lima: uses of the concept of "civilization" in the territorial expansion of the Chilean State, 1855-1883

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    Cid, Gabriel


    Full Text Available O trabalho analisa os usos do conceito de civilização no debate público chileno entre l855 e l883. Enfatiza-se a utilização do conceito para legitimar a expansão territorial do Estado chileno tanto para o sul do rio Bio-Bio como para o norte do deserto de Atacama, pondo o acento na condição de “barbárie” de seus ocupantes, quer dizer, das etnias indígenas – particularmente os mapuches – e da Bolivia e do Peru. A “civilização” transformou-se num conceito funcional na linguagem da elite chilena, para lhes atribuir um sentido de missão histórica, e justificar a utilização da violência associada à incorporação desses territórios a soberania nacional

  13. Self-management education for cystic fibrosis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Savage, Eileen


    Self-management education may help patients with cystic fibrosis and their families to choose, monitor and adjust treatment requirements for their illness, and also to manage the effects of illness on their lives. Although self-management education interventions have been developed for cystic fibrosis, no previous systematic review of the evidence of effectiveness of these interventions has been conducted.

  14. Effects and mechanisms of pirfenidone, prednisone and acetylcysteine on pulmonary fibrosis in rat idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis models. (United States)

    Yu, Wencheng; Guo, Fang; Song, Xiaoxia


    Previous studies have reported that caveolin-1 (Cav-1) is associated with lung fibrosis. However, the role of Cav-1 expression in pirfenidone-treated idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is unknown. This study investigated Cav-1 expression in pirfenidone-treated IPF, and compared the effects of pirfenidone with acetylcysteine and prednisone on IPF. Rat IPF model was established by endotracheal injection of 5 mg/kg bleomycin A5 into the specific pathogen-free Wistar male rats. Pirfenidone (P, 100 mg/kg once daily), prednisone (H, 5 mg/kg once daily) and acetylcysteine (N, 4 mg/kg 3 times per day) were used to treat the rat model by intragastric administration for 45 consecutive days, respectively. The normal rats without IPF were used as the controls. After 15, 30 and 45 days of drug treatment, lung histopathology was assessed. The expression of Cav-1 was determined using real-time quantitative PCR and Western blot; the expression of tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. After 15, 30 and 45 days of drug treatment, comparison of the three drug-treated groups with the model group showed significantly lower (p fibrosis scores of lung tissues, as well as expression of TGF-β1, TNF-α and PDGF, but the expression of Cav-1 was higher (p fibrosis score was significantly lower and the protein expression of Cav-1 was significantly higher in the P group (p fibrosis scores (r = -0.506, p pulmonary fibrosis in rat IPF models, which may be related with enhanced caveolin-1, reduced TNF-α, TGF-β1, PDGF.

  15. Esclerosis sistémica complicada con síncope y bloqueo AV completo Systemic sclerosis complicated with syncope and complete AV block

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    Francisco Femenía


    Full Text Available La esclerosis sistémica es una compleja enfermedad que afecta el tejido conectivo, el sistema vascular y el sistema inmunológico, y se caracteriza por fibrosis cutánea y de órganos viscerales. Los bloqueos de rama y los hemibloqueos se presentan en el 25 a 75% de los casos y constituyen predictores independientes de mortalidad. Los bloqueos auriculoventriculares de segundo o tercer grado son muy raros. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 47 años de edad, con diagnóstico de esclerosis sistémica, quien presenta episodio sincopal secundario a bloqueo auriculoventricular completo con necesidad de implante de marcapasos definitivo.Systemic sclerosis is a complex disease that affects the connective tissue, the vascular system and the immune system. It typically produces skin and organ fibrosis. Cardiac bundle branch blocks and fascicular blocks occur in 25-75% of the cases and were found to be independent predictors of mortality. Second and third degree atrioventricular block are very rare. We present the case of a 47 year-old female with diagnosis of systemic sclerosis, presented with syncope secondary to complete atrioventricular block requiring permanent pacemaker implantation.

  16. Prediction of fibrosis progression in chronic viral hepatitis

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    Grace Lai-Hung Wong


    Full Text Available Prediction of liver fibrosis progression has a key role in the management of chronic viral hepatitis, as it will be translated into the future risk of cirrhosis and its various complications including hepatocellular carcinoma. Both hepatitis B and C viruses mainly lead to fibrogenesis induced by chronic inflammation and a continuous wound healing response. At the same time direct and indirect profibrogenic responses are also elicited by the viral infection. There are a handful of well-established risk factors for fibrosis progression including older age, male gender, alcohol use, high viral load and co-infection with other viruses. Metabolic syndrome is an evolving risk factor of fibrosis progression. The new notion of regression of advanced fibrosis or even cirrhosis is now strongly supported various clinical studies. Even liver biopsy retains its important role in the assessment of fibrosis progression, various non-invasive assessments have been adopted widely because of their non-invasiveness, which facilitates serial applications in large cohorts of subjects. Transient elastography is one of the most validated tools which has both diagnostic and prognostic role. As there is no single perfect test for liver fibrosis assessment, algorithms combining the most validated noninvasive methods should be considered as initial screening tools.

  17. Endocytosis and intracellular protein degradation in cystic fibrosis fibroblasts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jessup, W.; Dean, R.T.


    Normal rates of pinocytosis of [ 3 H]sucrose were measured in cystic fibrosis fibroblasts, and were not affected by the addition of cystic fibrosis serum. Bulk protein degradation (a significant proportion of which occurs intralysosomally following autophagy) and its regulation by growth state were apparently identical in normal and cystic fibrosis cultures. (Auth.)

  18. Violencia en la sierra de Piura colonial durante el siglo XVIII*


    Martínez-Flener, Milagros


    El tema de la violencia durante la época colonial generalmente ha sido estudiado en relación a levantamientos o rebeliones, pero no como tema aislado con contenido propio, es decir, en tanto violencia cotidiana. Jorge Pinto Rodríguez cita en su trabajo "La violencia en el corregimiento de Coquimbo durante el siglo xviii" algunos estudios para el caso chileno, mientras que en el Perú se cuenta tan solo con el estudio de Ward Stavig "Violencia cotidiana de los naturales de Quispicanchis, Canas ...

  19. Hepatic fibrosis: Concept to treatment. (United States)

    Trautwein, Christian; Friedman, Scott L; Schuppan, Detlef; Pinzani, Massimo


    Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying liver fibrogenesis is fundamentally relevant to developing new treatments that are independent of the underlying etiology. The increasing success of antiviral treatments in blocking or reversing the fibrogenic progression of chronic liver disease has unearthed vital information about the natural history of fibrosis regression, and has established important principles and targets for antifibrotic drugs. Although antifibrotic activity has been demonstrated for many compounds in vitro and in animal models, none has been thoroughly validated in the clinic or commercialized as a therapy for fibrosis. In addition, it is likely that combination therapies that affect two or more key pathogenic targets and/or pathways will be needed. To accelerate the preclinical development of these combination therapies, reliable single target validation is necessary, followed by the rational selection and systematic testing of combination approaches. Improved noninvasive tools for the assessment of fibrosis content, fibrogenesis and fibrolysis must accompany in vivo validation in experimental fibrosis models, and especially in clinical trials. The rapidly changing landscape of clinical trial design for liver disease is recognized by regulatory agencies in the United States (FDA) and Western Europe (EMA), who are working together with the broad range of stakeholders to standardize approaches to testing antifibrotic drugs in cohorts of patients with chronic liver diseases. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  20. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marckmann, Peter


    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The aim of this article is to outline the history of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, a new and serious disease of patients with renal failure, and to give an update on its aetiology and prevalence. RECENT FINDINGS: Epidemiological and histochemical studies demonstrated....... Increasingly poor renal function, aberrations in calcium-phosphate metabolism and erythropoietin treatment seem to increase the risk of the disease and its severity. Up to 25-30% of patients with renal failure exposed to gadolinium-based contrast agents may develop nephrogenic systemic disease. The figure...... that gadolinium-containing contrast agents used for magnetic resonance imaging have an essential causative role in most, if not all, cases of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. One particular agent, gadodiamide, caused the majority of cases, but gadopentetate dimeglumine has also been implicated in several cases...


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    Full Text Available Basado en los informes diplomáticos chilenos, este artículo analiza el tema de las relaciones entre Chile y Canadá, en el período en que esos países avanzaron hacia el intercambio de embajadas, entre 1941 y 1944. En él se explica que hasta antes de esos años, Canadá solo tenía un interés comercial en América Latina, mientras que para Chile era más importante el plano diplomático, a causa de su interés en reforzar su posición internacional, un tanto debilitada desde comienzos del siglo XX. Las razones que llevaron a ambos países a tomar esa decisión estuvieron directamente relacionadas con el contexto de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Una vez instaladas las embajadas, se comentan las impresiones que tuvieron los primeros representantes de Chile en Ottawa acerca de lo que era Canadá, lo que muestra las dificultades en comprender el funcionamiento de un país bastante distinto a Chile. El artículo concluye que el establecimiento de embajadas no trajo un incremento significativo a corto plazo en las relaciones entre ambos países, ni a nivel comercial ni políticoBased on the reports of the Chilean foreign mission in Canada, this article deals with the relations between Chile and Canada during the period in which both countries decided to exchange embassies. It explains that before those years, Canada was interested in Latin America mainly in commercial topics, while Chile showed more interest on the diplomatic side. This difference is due to the fact that Chile found itself in a rather vulnerable position before 1939. The Second World War was the main reason that led to the establishment of embassies in both countries. The article analyzes also the first impressions of the Chilean representatives in Ottawa, showing that it was not easy for Chilieans to understand the nature of a country like Canada. It ends saying that in the short term, the establishment of embassies did not lead to an increase in the commercial or the political

  2. Basigin/CD147 promotes renal fibrosis after unilateral ureteral obstruction. (United States)

    Kato, Noritoshi; Kosugi, Tomoki; Sato, Waichi; Ishimoto, Takuji; Kojima, Hiroshi; Sato, Yuka; Sakamoto, Kazuma; Maruyama, Shoichi; Yuzawa, Yukio; Matsuo, Seiichi; Kadomatsu, Kenji


    Regardless of their primary causes, progressive renal fibrosis and tubular atrophy are the main predictors of progression to end-stage renal disease. Basigin/CD147 is a multifunctional molecule-it induces matrix metalloproteinases and hyaluronan, for example-and has been implicated in organ fibrosis. However, the relationship between basigin and organ fibrosis has been poorly studied. We investigated basigin's role in renal fibrosis using a unilateral ureteral obstruction model. Basigin-deficient mice (Bsg(-/-)) demonstrated significantly less fibrosis after surgery than Bsg(+/+) mice. Fewer macrophages had infiltrated in Bsg(-/-) kidneys. Consistent with these in vivo data, primary cultured tubular epithelial cells from Bsg(-/-) mice produced less matrix metalloproteinase and exhibited less motility on stimulation with transforming growth factor β. Furthermore, Bsg(-/-) embryonic fibro blasts produced less hyaluronan and α-smooth muscle actin after transforming growth factor β stimulation. Together, these results demonstrate for the first time that basigin is a key regulator of renal fibrosis. Basigin could be a candidate target molecule for the prevention of organ fibrosis. Copyright © 2011 American Society for Investigative Pathology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Interleukin-22 Inhibits Bleomycin-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis

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    Minrui Liang


    Full Text Available Pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive and fatal fibrotic disease of the lungs with unclear etiology. Recent insight has suggested that early injury/inflammation of alveolar epithelial cells could lead to dysregulation of tissue repair driven by multiple cytokines. Although dysregulation of interleukin- (IL- 22 is involved in various pulmonary pathophysiological processes, the role of IL-22 in fibrotic lung diseases is still unclear and needs to be further addressed. Here we investigated the effect of IL-22 on alveolar epithelial cells in the bleomycin- (BLM- induced pulmonary fibrosis. BLM-treated mice showed significantly decreased level of IL-22 in the lung. IL-22 produced γδT cells were also decreased significantly both in the tissues of lungs and spleens. Administration of recombinant human IL-22 to alveolar epithelial cell line A549 cells ameliorated epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT and partially reversed the impaired cell viability induced by BLM. Furthermore, blockage of IL-22 deteriorated pulmonary fibrosis, with elevated EMT marker (α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA and overactivated Smad2. Our results indicate that IL-22 may play a protective role in the development of BLM-induced pulmonary fibrosis and may suggest IL-22 as a novel immunotherapy tool in treating pulmonary fibrosis.

  4. [Endomyocardial fibrosis with massive calcification of the left ventricle]. (United States)

    Trigo, Joana; Camacho, Ana; Gago, Paula; Candeias, Rui; Santos, Walter; Marques, Nuno; Matos, Pedro; Brandão, Victor; Gomes, Veloso


    Endomyocardial fibrosis is a rare disease, endemic in tropical countries. It is characterized by fibrosis of the endocardium that can extend to myocardium. Important calcification of the endocardium is rare with only a few cases reported in the literature. We report a case of endomyocardial fibrosis in a european caucasian patient, associated with massive calcification of left ventricle.

  5. Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes

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    Kayani Kayani


    Full Text Available Cystic fibrosis (CF is the most common autosomal recessive disorder in Caucasian populations. Individuals with CF have seen significant increases in life expectancy in the last 60 years. As a result, previously rare complications are now coming to light. The most common of these is cystic fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD, which affects 40–50% of CF adults. CFRD significantly impacts the pulmonary function and longevity of CF patients, yet a lack of consensus on the best methods to diagnose and treat CFRD remains. We begin by reviewing our understanding of the pathogenesis of CFRD, as emerging evidence shows the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR also has important roles in the release of insulin and glucagon and in the protection of β cells from oxidative stress. We then discuss how current recommended methods of CFRD diagnosis are not appropriate, as continuous glucose monitoring becomes more effective, practical, and cost-effective. Finally, we evaluate emerging treatments which have narrowed the mortality gap within the CF patient group. In the future, pharmacological potentiators and correctors directly targeting CFTR show huge promise for both CFRD and the wider CF patient groups.

  6. European Cystic Fibrosis Society Standards of Care

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stern, Martin; Bertrand, Dominique Pougheon; Bignamini, Elisabetta


    Since the earliest days of cystic fibrosis (CF) treatment, patient data have been recorded and reviewed in order to identify the factors that lead to more favourable outcomes. Large data repositories, such as the US Cystic Fibrosis Registry, which was established in the 1960s, enabled successful ...... to indicators of health, the role of CF Centres, regional networks, national health policy, and international data registration and comparisons.......Since the earliest days of cystic fibrosis (CF) treatment, patient data have been recorded and reviewed in order to identify the factors that lead to more favourable outcomes. Large data repositories, such as the US Cystic Fibrosis Registry, which was established in the 1960s, enabled successful...... therapies, approaches to care and indeed data recording. The quality of care for individuals with CF has become a focus at several levels: patient, centre, regional, national and international. This paper reviews the quality management and improvement issues at each of these levels with particular reference...

  7. Immunoreactive trypsin and neonatalscreening for cystic fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Travert, G.; Laroche, D.; Blandin, C.; Pasquet, C.


    Immunoreactive trypsin (IRT) was measured in dried blood spots from 160.822 five-day-old babies as a part of a regionwide neonatal screening program for cystic fibrosis. A second test was performed for 492 babies in whom blood IRT levels were found greater than 900 μg/l; retesting revealed persistent elevation in 55. Sweat testing confirmed cystic fibrosis in 43 babies, but results were normal in 12. During the course of this study, a total of 51 cystic fibrosis babies were identified: 43 by newborn screening, 6 because they had meconium ileus; so, early diagnosis was achieved in 49 cases out of 51. Two newborn babies did not have elevated IRT and they were missed by the screening test. Our results confirm that elevated blood IRT is characteristic of newborn babies with cystic fibrosis and show that this test has an excellent specificity (99.7%) and a good sensitivity (95%) when used as a neonatal screening test [fr

  8. Molecular and cellular mechanisms of pulmonary fibrosis (United States)


    Pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic lung disease characterized by excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) and remodeling of the lung architecture. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is considered the most common and severe form of the disease, with a median survival of approximately three years and no proven effective therapy. Despite the fact that effective treatments are absent and the precise mechanisms that drive fibrosis in most patients remain incompletely understood, an extensive body of scientific literature regarding pulmonary fibrosis has accumulated over the past 35 years. In this review, we discuss three broad areas which have been explored that may be responsible for the combination of altered lung fibroblasts, loss of alveolar epithelial cells, and excessive accumulation of ECM: inflammation and immune mechanisms, oxidative stress and oxidative signaling, and procoagulant mechanisms. We discuss each of these processes separately to facilitate clarity, but certainly significant interplay will occur amongst these pathways in patients with this disease. PMID:22824096

  9. Diagnóstico de la competencia comunicativa en inglés de un grupo de escolares chilenos:: puntos de encuentro con su perfil estratégico A diagnosis of the English communicative competence of a group of Chilean students: - Some common issues with their strategic profile

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    María Gabriela Sanhueza Jara

    Full Text Available Resumen Recientemente, el Ministerio de Educación de Chile aplicó por primera vez una evaluación de las habilidades receptivas en inglés a todos los estudiantes de tercer año de enseñanza media del país. Este diagnóstico permitió advertir que en las áreas de comprensión auditiva y comprensión lectora alcanzan niveles insuficientes. Sin embargo, aún es muy poco lo que se ha investigado, en el contexto educacional chileno, acerca del estado de la competencia comunicativa de nuestros jóvenes en lengua inglesa. La presente investigación se propone establecer algunos puntos de encuentro entre la descripción de la competencia comunicativa en inglés de un grupo de escolares chilenos y el perfil de estrategias de aprendizaje de lengua extranjera que les caracteriza. Este estudio corresponde a uno descriptivo, transversal, de caso único. Los datos analizados provienen de los informes de resultados de la aplicación del examen First Certificate in English y de un perfil estratégico de aprendizaje de inglés como idioma extranjero obtenido a partir del cuestionario Strategy Inventory for Language Learning.Abstract Recently, the Chilean Ministry of Education has applied for the first time, an assessment of the receptive skills in the English language of every Chilean third year high school student. This diagnosis evinced that in the areas of listening and reading comprehension, the students'level was unsatisfactory. Nevertheless, what has been investigated with respect to the Chilean school students'level of communicative competence in English has been very little. The present investigation seeks to establish some common issues between the description of the communicative competence of the Chilean students and their typical, foreign language learning strategic profile. This unique case study is one that is descriptive and transversal. Analyzed data was gathered from the First Certificate in English examination reports and a strategic

  10. Ormond's disease or secondary retroperitoneal fibrosis? An overview of retroperitoneal fibrosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heckmann, M.; Uder, M.; Kuefner, M.A.; Heinrich, M.C. [Universitaetsklinikum Erlangen (Germany). Radiologisches Inst.


    Retroperitoneal fibrosis represents a rare inflammatory disease. About two thirds of all cases seem to be idiopathic (= Ormond's disease). The remaining one third is secondary and may be ascribed to infections, trauma, radiation therapy, malignant diseases, and the use of certain drugs. Up to 15 % of patients have additional fibrotic processes outside the retroperitoneum. The clinical symptoms of retroperitoneal fibrosis are non-specific. In sonography retroperitoneal fibrosis appears as a retroperitoneal hypoechoic mass which can involve the ureters and thus cause hydronephrosis. Intravenous urography and MR urography can demonstrate the typical triad of medial deviation and extrinsic compression of the ureters and hydronephrosis. CT and MRI are the modalities of choice for the diagnosis and follow-up of this disease. The lesion typically begins at the level of the fourth or fifth lumbar vertebra and appears as a plaque, encasing the aorta and the inferior vena cava and often enveloping and medially displacing the ureters. In unenhanced CT, retroperitoneal fibrosis appears as a mass that is isodense with muscle. When using MRI, the mass is hypointense in T1-weighted images and of variable intensity in T2-weighted images according to its stage: it may be hyperintense in early stages, while the tissue may have a low signal in late stages. After the administration of contrast media, enhancement is greatest in the early inflammatory phase and minimal in the late fibrotic phase. Dynamic gadolinium enhancement can be useful for assessing disease activity, monitoring response to treatment, and detecting relapse. To differentiate retroperitoneal masses, diffusion-weighted MRI may provide useful information. (orig.)

  11. Ivacaftor: A Novel Gene-Based Therapeutic Approach for Cystic Fibrosis


    Condren, Michelle E.; Bradshaw, Marquita D.


    Ivacaftor is a new therapeutic agent that acts at the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) channel to alter activity. It is approved for use in patients 6 years and older with cystic fibrosis who have at least 1 G551D mutation in the CFTR gene. It is unlike any other current pharmacologic agent for cystic fibrosis in that it specifically targets the gene defect associated with cystic fibrosis as opposed to treating resulting symptomology. Mucoactive agents, antibiotics, ...

  12. Drug- and radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uthgenannt, H.


    These two forms of pulmonary fibrosis which according to their type have nothing to do with one another, are presented as they are well suited to clarify the problems of the diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis which is not a fixed concept for the pathologists. The frequent discrepancy found between the subjective clinical symptoms, clinical findings and X-ray and morphological pictures is indicated. (MG) [de

  13. Intestinal fibrosis is reduced by early elimination of inflammation in a mouse model of IBD: impact of a "Top-Down" approach to intestinal fibrosis in mice. (United States)

    Johnson, Laura A; Luke, Amy; Sauder, Kay; Moons, David S; Horowitz, Jeffrey C; Higgins, Peter D R


    The natural history of Crohn's disease follows a path of progression from an inflammatory to a fibrostenosing disease, with most patients requiring surgical resection of fibrotic strictures. Potent antiinflammatory therapies reduce inflammation but do not appear to alter the natural history of intestinal fibrosis. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between intestinal inflammation and fibrogenesis and the impact of a very early "top-down" interventional approach on fibrosis in vivo. In this study we removed the inflammatory stimulus from the Salmonella typhimurium mouse model of intestinal fibrosis by eradicating the S. typhimurium infection with levofloxacin at sequential timepoints during the infection. We evaluated the effect of this elimination of the inflammatory stimulus on the natural history of inflammation and fibrosis as determined by gross pathology, histopathology, mRNA expression, and protein expression. Fibrogenesis is preceded by inflammation. Delayed eradication of the inflammatory stimulus by antibiotic treatment represses inflammation without preventing fibrosis. Early intervention significantly ameliorates but does not completely prevent subsequent fibrosis. This study demonstrates that intestinal fibrosis develops despite removal of an inflammatory stimulus and elimination of inflammation. Early intervention ameliorates but does not abolish subsequent fibrosis, suggesting that fibrosis, once initiated, is self-propagating, suggesting that a very early top-down interventional approach may have the most impact on fibrostenosing disease. Copyright © 2011 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc.

  14. Accuracy of the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis Test vs FibroTest, Elastography, and Indirect Markers in Detection of Advanced Fibrosis in Patients With Alcoholic Liver Disease. (United States)

    Thiele, Maja; Madsen, Bjørn Stæhr; Hansen, Janne Fuglsang; Detlefsen, Sönke; Antonsen, Steen; Krag, Aleksander


    Alcohol is the leading cause of cirrhosis and liver-related mortality, but we lack serum markers to detect compensated disease. We compared the accuracy of the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis test (ELF), the FibroTest, liver stiffness measurements (made by transient elastography and 2-dimensional shear-wave elastography), and 6 indirect marker tests in detection of advanced liver fibrosis (Kleiner stage ≥F3). We performed a prospective study of 10 liver fibrosis markers (patented and not), all performed on the same day. Patients were recruited from primary centers (municipal alcohol rehabilitation, n = 128; 6% with advanced fibrosis) and secondary health care centers (hospital outpatient clinics, n = 161; 36% with advanced fibrosis) in the Region of Southern Denmark from 2013 through 2016. Biopsy-verified fibrosis stage was used as the reference standard. The primary aim was to validate ELF in detection of advanced fibrosis in patients with alcoholic liver disease recruited from primary and secondary health care centers, using the literature-based cutoff value of 10.5. Secondary aims were to assess the diagnostic accuracy of ELF for significant fibrosis and cirrhosis and to determine whether combinations of fibrosis markers increase diagnostic yield. The ELF identified patients with advanced liver fibrosis with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 0.92 (95% confidence interval 0.89-0.96); findings did not differ significantly between patients from primary vs secondary care (P = .917). ELF more accurately identified patients with advanced liver fibrosis than indirect marker tests, but ELF and FibroTest had comparable diagnostic accuracies (AUROC of FibroTest, 0.90) (P = .209 for comparison with ELF). Results from the ELF and FibroTest did not differ significantly from those of liver stiffness measurement in intention-to-diagnose analyses (AUROC for transient elastography, 0.90), but did differ in the per-protocol analysis (AUROC for

  15. Blood Gene Expression Profiling of Breast Cancer Survivors Experiencing Fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Landmark-Hoyvik, Hege; Dumeaux, Vanessa; Reinertsen, Kristin V.; Edvardsen, Hege; Fossa, Sophie D.; Borresen-Dale, Anne-Lise


    Purpose: To extend knowledge on the mechanisms and pathways involved in maintenance of radiation-induced fibrosis (RIF) by performing gene expression profiling of whole blood from breast cancer (BC) survivors with and without fibrosis 3-7 years after end of radiotherapy treatment. Methods and Materials: Gene expression profiles from blood were obtained for 254 BC survivors derived from a cohort of survivors, treated with adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer 3-7 years earlier. Analyses of transcriptional differences in blood gene expression between BC survivors with fibrosis (n = 31) and BC survivors without fibrosis (n = 223) were performed using R version 2.8.0 and tools from the Bioconductor project. Gene sets extracted through a literature search on fibrosis and breast cancer were subsequently used in gene set enrichment analysis. Results: Substantial differences in blood gene expression between BC survivors with and without fibrosis were observed, and 87 differentially expressed genes were identified through linear analysis. Transforming growth factor-β1 signaling was identified as the most significant gene set, showing a down-regulation of most of the core genes, together with up-regulation of a transcriptional activator of the inhibitor of fibrinolysis, Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 in the BC survivors with fibrosis. Conclusion: Transforming growth factor-β1 signaling was found down-regulated during the maintenance phase of fibrosis as opposed to the up-regulation reported during the early, initiating phase of fibrosis. Hence, once the fibrotic tissue has developed, the maintenance phase might rather involve a deregulation of fibrinolysis and altered degradation of extracellular matrix components.

  16. Loss of Matrix Metalloproteinase-13 Attenuates Murine Radiation-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flechsig, Paul; Hartenstein, Bettina; Teurich, Sybille; Dadrich, Monika; Hauser, Kai; Abdollahi, Amir; Groene, Hermann-Josef; Angel, Peter; Huber, Peter E.


    Purpose: Pulmonary fibrosis is a disorder of the lungs with limited treatment options. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) constitute a family of proteases that degrade extracellular matrix with roles in fibrosis. Here we studied the role of MMP13 in a radiation-induced lung fibrosis model using a MMP13 knockout mouse. Methods and Materials: We investigated the role of MMP13 in lung fibrosis by investigating the effects of MMP13 deficiency in C57Bl/6 mice after 20-Gy thoracic irradiation (6-MV Linac). The morphologic results in histology were correlated with qualitative and quantitative results of volume computed tomography (VCT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and clinical outcome. Results: We found that MMP13 deficient mice developed less pulmonary fibrosis than their wildtype counterparts, showed attenuated acute pulmonary inflammation (days after irradiation), and a reduction of inflammation during the later fibrogenic phase (5-6 months after irradiation). The reduced fibrosis in MMP13 deficient mice was evident in histology with reduced thickening of alveolar septi and reduced remodeling of the lung architecture in good correlation with reduced features of lung fibrosis in qualitative and quantitative VCT and MRI studies. The partial resistance of MMP13-deficient mice to fibrosis was associated with a tendency towards a prolonged mouse survival. Conclusions: Our data indicate that MMP13 has a role in the development of radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Further, our findings suggest that MMP13 constitutes a potential drug target to attenuate radiation-induced lung fibrosis.

  17. La Medicina Mapuche en la cultura neoliberal de Chile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cancino, Rita

    La Medicina Mapuche en la cultura neoliberal de Chile La medicina mapuche juega, junto con la religion mapuche, un papel importante para muchos chilenos, tanto como una expresión de los raíces de la cultura chilena, y como símbolo de una visión del mundo mágico. Para los mapuches, los ‘machis’ son...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I.V. Martynova


    Full Text Available Traditional approach to cystic fibrosis patients treatment doesn’t involve upper respiratory tract assessment, though abnormal changes — consequences of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductivity regulator gene mutation- do affect nasal and paranasal mucosa to the same extent. Approximately half of cystic fibrosis patients suffer from chronic rhinosinusitis and/or nasal polyposis that worsens the clinical course of already severe disease. Chronic hyperplasia in paranasal cavities can be quite extensive, recurrent and can lead to destruction of osseous walls of the cavity and of nasal septum. Thus increasing the amount of hospital admissions and and their duration. Low awareness of ENT-specialists working in polyclinics and in hospitals of ENT-pathology in cystic fibrosis patients leads to belated diagnostics, excessive manipulations, ineffective treatment, including surgery. All these lays grounds to implication of the early screening diagnostic program and development of proper treatment methods of ENT-complications of cystic fibrosis — therapeutic as well as surgical, with strict specification of indications and contraindications. Key words: cystic fibrosis, chronic rhino sinusitis, nasal polyposis. (Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. — 2011; 10 (5: 49–53.

  19. Imaging pulmonary fibrosis; Imagerie des fibroses pulmonaires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brauner, M.W.; Rety, F.; Naccache, J.M.; Girard, F.; Valeyre, D.F. [Hopital Avicenne, 93 - Bobigny (France). Service de radiologie et de pneumologie


    Localized fibrosis of the lung is usually scar tissue while diffuse pulmonary fibrosis is more often a sign of active disease. Chronic infiltrative lung disease may be classified into four categories: idiopathic pneumonitis, collagen diseases, granulomatosis (sarcoidosis), and caused by known diseases (pneumoconiosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, drug-induced lung disease, radiation). (authors)

  20. Impact of a CXCL12/CXCR4 Antagonist in Bleomycin (BLM Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis and Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4 Induced Hepatic Fibrosis in Mice.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leola N Chow

    Full Text Available Modulation of chemokine CXCL12 and its receptor CXCR4 has been implicated in attenuation of bleomycin (BLM-induced pulmonary fibrosis and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4-induced hepatic injury. In pulmonary fibrosis, published reports suggest that collagen production in the injured lung is derived from fibrocytes recruited from the circulation in response to release of pulmonary CXCL12. Conversely, in hepatic fibrosis, resident hepatic stellate cells (HSC, the key cell type in progression of fibrosis, upregulate CXCR4 expression in response to activation. Further, CXCL12 induces HSC proliferation and subsequent production of collagen I. In the current study, we evaluated AMD070, an orally bioavailable inhibitor of CXCL12/CXCR4 in alleviating BLM-induced pulmonary and CCl4-induced hepatic fibrosis in mice. Similar to other CXCR4 antagonists, treatment with AMD070 significantly increased leukocyte mobilization. However, in these two models of fibrosis, AMD070 had a negligible impact on extracellular matrix deposition. Interestingly, our results indicated that CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling has a role in improving mortality associated with BLM induced pulmonary injury, likely through dampening an early inflammatory response and/or vascular leakage. Together, these findings indicate that the CXCL12-CXCR4 signaling axis is not an effective target for reducing fibrosis.

  1. Intrinsic pro-angiogenic status of cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verhaeghe, Catherine; Tabruyn, Sebastien P.; Oury, Cecile; Bours, Vincent; Griffioen, Arjan W.


    Cystic fibrosis is a common genetic disorder characterized by a severe lung inflammation and fibrosis leading to the patient's death. Enhanced angiogenesis in cystic fibrosis (CF) tissue has been suggested, probably caused by the process of inflammation, as similarly described in asthma and chronic bronchitis. The present study demonstrates an intrinsic pro-angiogenic status of cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells. Microarray experiments showed that CF airway epithelial cells expressed several angiogenic factors such as VEGF-A, VEGF-C, bFGF, and PLGF at higher levels than control cells. These data were confirmed by real-time quantitative PCR and, at the protein level, by ELISA. Conditioned media of these cystic fibrosis cells were able to induce proliferation, migration and sprouting of cultured primary endothelial cells. This report describes for the first time that cystic fibrosis epithelial cells have an intrinsic angiogenic activity. Since excess of angiogenesis is correlated with more severe pulmonary disease, our results could lead to the development of new therapeutic applications

  2. Evaluation of the aspartate aminotransferase/platelet ratio index and enhanced liver fibrosis tests to detect significant fibrosis due to chronic hepatitis C. (United States)

    Petersen, John R; Stevenson, Heather L; Kasturi, Krishna S; Naniwadekar, Ashutosh; Parkes, Julie; Cross, Richard; Rosenberg, William M; Xiao, Shu-Yuan; Snyder, Ned


    The assessment of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C patients is important for prognosis and making decisions regarding antiviral treatment. Although liver biopsy is considered the reference standard for assessing hepatic fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C, it is invasive and associated with sampling and interobserver variability. Serum fibrosis markers have been utilized as surrogates for a liver biopsy. We completed a prospective study of 191 patients in which blood draws and liver biopsies were performed on the same visit. Using liver biopsies the sensitivity, specificity, and negative and positive predictive values for both aspartate aminotransferase/platelet ratio index (APRI) and enhanced liver fibrosis (ELF) were determined. The patients were divided into training and validation patient sets to develop and validate a clinically useful algorithm for differentiating mild and significant fibrosis. The area under the ROC curve for the APRI and ELF tests for the training set was 0.865 and 0.880, respectively. The clinical sensitivity in separating mild (F0-F1) from significant fibrosis (F2-F4) was 80% and 86.0% with a clinical specificity of 86.7% and 77.8%, respectively. For the validation sets the area under the ROC curve for the APRI and ELF tests was, 0.855 and 0.780, respectively. The clinical sensitivity of the APRI and ELF tests in separating mild (F0-F1) from significant (F2-F4) fibrosis for the validation set was 90.0% and 70.0% with a clinical specificity of 73.3% and 86.7%, respectively. There were no differences between the APRI and ELF tests in distinguishing mild from significant fibrosis for either the training or validation sets (P=0.61 and 0.20, respectively). Using APRI as the primary test followed by ELF for patients in the intermediate zone, would have decreased the number of liver biopsies needed by 40% for the validation set. Overall, use of our algorithm would have decreased the number of patients who needed a liver biopsy

  3. Therapy of experimental NASH and fibrosis with galectin inhibitors.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter G Traber

    Full Text Available Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH and resultant liver fibrosis is a major health problem without effective therapy. Some data suggest that galectin-3 null mice are resistant to the development of NASH with fibrosis. We examined the ability of two complex carbohydrate drugs that bind galectin-3, GM-CT-01 and GR-MD-02, to treat NASH with fibrosis in a murine model. GR-MD-02 treatment resulted in marked improvement in liver histology with significant reduction in NASH activity and collagen deposition. Treatments seemed also to improve both glomerulopathy and interstitial fibrosis observed in kidneys. The improvement in liver histology was evident when animals were treated early in disease or after establishment of liver fibrosis. In all measures, GM-CT-01 had an intermediate effect between vehicle and GR-MD-02. Galectin-3 protein expression was increased in NASH with highest expression in macrophages surrounding lipid laden hepatocytes, and reduced following treatment with GR-MD-02, while the number of macrophages was unchanged. Treatment with GR-MD-02 also reduced the expression of pathological indicators including iNOS, an important TH1 inflammatory mediator, CD36, a scavenger receptor for lipoproteins on macrophages, and α-smooth muscle actin, a marker for activated stellate cells which are the primary collagen producing cells in liver fibrosis. We conclude that treatment with these galectin-3 targeting drugs improved histopathological findings of NASH and markedly reduced fibrosis in a murine model of NASH. While the mechanisms require further investigation, the treatment effect is associated with a reduction of galectin-3 expressed by activated macrophages which was associated with regression of NASH, including hepatocellular fat accumulation, hepatocyte ballooning, intra-portal and intra-lobular inflammatory infiltrate, and deposition of collagen. Similar effects were found with GM-CT-01, but with approximately four-fold lower potency than

  4. La reflexión visual en Roberto Bolaño. Narración, dictadura y vanguardias en Estrella distante


    Carlos Walker


    Este artículo construye sus argumentos a partir de una lectura de la novela Estrella distante del escritor chileno Roberto Bolaño. Se trata de desarrollos que se detienen en los componentes visuales del relato, en las divergencias temporales con que se estructura la narración y en los vínculos que estos tienden con la historia política evocada en la ficción (el personaje principal tiene como proyecto demostrarle al mundo la afinidad entre el arte de vanguardia y la dictadura de Pinochet recié...

  5. Vinos, carnes, ferrocarriles y el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Argentina y Chile (1905-1910)


    Lacoste, Pablo


    Entre 1905 y 1910 Chile y Argentina negociaron la firma de un Tratado de Comercio con vistas a suprimir los aranceles aduaneros y consagrar el principio de "Cordillera Libre". El centro de atracción eran las exportaciones de ganado argentino a Chile y de vino chileno a Argentina. Pero en ambos países se produjo una fuerte reacción de los intereses creados con vistas a frustrar las tratativas diplomáticas. Tanto la Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura (Chile) como el Centro Vitivinícola Nacional (...

  6. Living with Cystic Fibrosis: A Guide for the Young Adult. (United States)

    Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Atlanta, GA.

    Intended for the young adult with cystic fibrosis, the booklet provides information on dealing with problems and on advances in treatment and detection related to the disease. Addressed are the following topics: description of cystic fibrosis; inheritance of cystic fibrosis; early diagnosis; friends, careers, and other matters; treatment;…

  7. Unusual Presentation Of Idiopathic Retroperitoneal Fibrosis: Case ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis (IRF) is an uncommon entity described as progressive proliferation of connective tissues leading to a fibrous plaque-like lesions that encases the aorta and inferior vena cava inferior to the level of the renal arteries. Mass forming retroperitoneal fibrosis is rare. We present a rare case of a ...

  8. Vaccines for preventing infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, H.K.; Gøtzsche, Peter C.; Johansen, Helle Krogh


    BACKGROUND: Chronic pulmonary infection in cystic fibrosis results in progressive lung damage. Once colonisation of the lungs with Pseudomonas aeruginosa occurs, it is almost impossible to eradicate. Vaccines, aimed at reducing infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, have been developed. OBJECTIVES......: To assess the effectiveness of vaccination against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group Trials Register using the terms vaccines AND pseudomonas (last search May 2008) and PubMed using the terms vaccin* AND cystic...... fibrosis (last search May 2008). SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised trials (published or unpublished) comparing Pseudomonas aeruginosa vaccines (oral, parenteral or intranasal) with control vaccines or no intervention in cystic fibrosis. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: The authors independently selected trials...

  9. Role of histone deacetylases(HDACs) in progression and reversal of liver fibrosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Xing; Wu, Xiao-Qin; Xu, Tao; Li, Xiao-Feng; Yang, Yang; Li, Wan-Xia; Huang, Cheng; Meng, Xiao-Ming; Li, Jun, E-mail:


    Liver fibrosis refers to a reversible wound healing process response to chronic liver injuries. Activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) is closely correlated with the development of liver fibrosis. Histone deacetylases(HDACs) determine the acetylation levels of core histones to modulate expression of genes. To demonstrate the link between HDACs and liver fibrosis, CCl4-induced mouse liver fibrosis model and its spontaneous reversal model were established. Results of the current study demonstrated that deregulation of liver HDACs may involved in the development of liver fibrosis. Among 11 HDACs tested in our study (Class I, II, and IV HDACs), expression of HDAC2 was maximally increased in CCl4-induced fibrotic livers but decreased after spontaneous recovery. Moreover, expression of HDAC2 was elevated in human liver fibrotic tissues. In this regard, the potential role of HDAC2 in liver fibrosis was further evaluated. Our results showed that administration of HSC-T6 cells with transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-β1) resulted in an increase of HDAC2 protein expression in dose- and time-dependent manners. Moreover, HDAC2 deficiency inhibited HSC-T6 cell proliferation and activation induced by TGF-β1. More importantly, the present study showed HDAC2 may regulate HSCs activation by suppressing expression of Smad7, which is a negative modulator in HSCs activation and liver fibrosis. Collectively, these observations revealed that HDAC2 may play a pivotal role in HSCs activation and liver fibrosis while deregulation of HDACs may serve as a novel mechanism underlying liver fibrosis. - Highlights: • This is the first report to systematically examine expressions of HDACs during liver fibrosis and fibrosis reversal. • Aberrant expression of HDAC2 contributes to the development of liver fibrosis. • Provided important foundation for further liver fibrosis conversion studies.

  10. La relación del autoconcepto y de los valores con la participación social y el comportamiento sexual de riesgo, en jóvenes universitarios chilenos


    Vidal Pollarolo, Paulina


    Resumen Tesis doctoral: “La relación del autoconcepto y de los valores con la participación social y el comportamiento sexual de riesgo, en jóvenes universitarios chilenos” Tesista: Paulina Vidal Director de Tesis: Dr. Manuel Martí- Vilar 1.- Marco teórico: Se recogen los postulados acerca del autoconcepto, como aspecto modular de la identidad y su relación con los estilos de vida saludables. Se discuten los resultados sobre la influencia que tendría el género en el autoconcepto...

  11. Pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chung, Myung Jin; Goo, Jin Mo E-mail:; Im, Jung-Gi


    Objectives: Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) have an increased risk of pulmonary tuberculosis. However, detecting pulmonary tuberculosis may be difficult due to the underlying fibrosis. The aim of this report is to describe the radiological and clinical findings of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Materials and methods: We reviewed 143 consecutive patients in whom IPF was diagnosed by either the histological or radio-clinical criteria. Among them, nine patients were histologically (n=2) or bacteriologically (n=7) confirmed to have active pulmonary tuberculosis. The location and patterns of pulmonary tuberculosis were examined on a thin section CT scan. Results: The most common thin section CT findings were subpleural nodules (n=6; mean diameter, 3.2 cm) and a lobar or segmental consolidation (n=3). The lesions were located most commonly in the right lower lobe (n=4). The incidence of tuberculosis in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis was more than five times higher than that of the general population. Conclusion: The atypical manifestation of pulmonary tuberculosis is common in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, which may mimic lung cancer or bacterial pneumonia.

  12. Pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Myung Jin; Goo, Jin Mo; Im, Jung-Gi


    Objectives: Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) have an increased risk of pulmonary tuberculosis. However, detecting pulmonary tuberculosis may be difficult due to the underlying fibrosis. The aim of this report is to describe the radiological and clinical findings of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Materials and methods: We reviewed 143 consecutive patients in whom IPF was diagnosed by either the histological or radio-clinical criteria. Among them, nine patients were histologically (n=2) or bacteriologically (n=7) confirmed to have active pulmonary tuberculosis. The location and patterns of pulmonary tuberculosis were examined on a thin section CT scan. Results: The most common thin section CT findings were subpleural nodules (n=6; mean diameter, 3.2 cm) and a lobar or segmental consolidation (n=3). The lesions were located most commonly in the right lower lobe (n=4). The incidence of tuberculosis in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis was more than five times higher than that of the general population. Conclusion: The atypical manifestation of pulmonary tuberculosis is common in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, which may mimic lung cancer or bacterial pneumonia

  13. MicroRNA mimicry blocks pulmonary fibrosis (United States)

    Montgomery, Rusty L; Yu, Guoying; Latimer, Paul A; Stack, Christianna; Robinson, Kathryn; Dalby, Christina M; Kaminski, Naftali; van Rooij, Eva


    Over the last decade, great enthusiasm has evolved for microRNA (miRNA) therapeutics. Part of the excitement stems from the fact that a miRNA often regulates numerous related mRNAs. As such, modulation of a single miRNA allows for parallel regulation of multiple genes involved in a particular disease. While many studies have shown therapeutic efficacy using miRNA inhibitors, efforts to restore or increase the function of a miRNA have been lagging behind. The miR-29 family has gained a lot of attention for its clear function in tissue fibrosis. This fibroblast-enriched miRNA family is downregulated in fibrotic diseases which induces a coordinate increase of many extracellular matrix genes. Here, we show that intravenous injection of synthetic RNA duplexes can increase miR-29 levels in vivo for several days. Moreover, therapeutic delivery of these miR-29 mimics during bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis restores endogenous miR-29 function whereby decreasing collagen expression and blocking and reversing pulmonary fibrosis. Our data support the feasibility of using miRNA mimics to therapeutically increase miRNAs and indicate miR-29 to be a potent therapeutic miRNA for treating pulmonary fibrosis. PMID:25239947

  14. Rosiglitazone attenuates pulmonary fibrosis and radiation-induced intestinal damage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mangoni, M.; Gerini, C.; Sottili, M.; Cassani, S.; Stefania, G.; Biti, G.; Castiglione, F.; Vanzi, E.; Bottoncetti, A.; Pupi, A.


    Full text of publication follows: Purpose.-The aim of the study was to evaluate radioprotective effect of rosiglitazone (RGZ) on a murine model of late pulmonary damage and of acute intestinal damage. Methods.- Lung fibrosis: C57 mice were treated with the radiomimetic agent bleomycin, with or without rosiglitazone (5 mg/kg/day). To obtain an independent qualitative and quantitative measure for lung fibrosis we used high resolution CT, performed twice a week during the entire observation period. Hounsfield Units (HU) of section slides from the upper and lower lung region were determined. On day 31 lungs were collected for histological analysis. Acute intestinal damage: mice underwent 12 Gy total body irradiation with or without rosiglitazone. Mice were sacrificed 24 or 72 h after total body irradiation and ileum and colon were collected. Results.- Lung fibrosis: after bleomycin treatment, mice showed typical CT features of lung fibrosis, including irregular septal thickening and patchy peripheral reticular abnormalities. Accordingly, HU lung density was dramatically increased. Rosiglitazone markedly attenuated the radiological signs of fibrosis and strongly inhibited HU lung density increase (60% inhibition at the end of the observation period). Histological analysis revealed that in bleomycin-treated mice, fibrosis involved 50-55% of pulmonary parenchyma and caused an alteration of the alveolar structures in 10% of parenchyma, while in rosiglitazone-treated mice, fibrosis involved only 20-25% of pulmonary parenchyma, without alterations of the alveolar structures. Acute intestinal damage: 24 h after 12 Gy of total body irradiation intestinal mucosa showed villi shortening, mucosal thickness and crypt necrotic changes. Rosiglitazone showed a histological improvement of tissue structure, with villi and crypts normalization and oedema reduction. Conclusion.- These results demonstrate that rosiglitazone displays a protective effect on pulmonary fibrosis and radiation

  15. Rosiglitazone attenuates pulmonary fibrosis and radiation-induced intestinal damage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mangoni, M.; Gerini, C.; Sottili, M.; Cassani, S.; Stefania, G.; Biti, G. [Radiotherapy Unit, Clinical Physiopathology Department, University of Florence, Firenze (Italy); Castiglione, F. [Department of Human Pathology and Oncology, University of Florence, Firenze (Italy); Vanzi, E.; Bottoncetti, A.; Pupi, A. [Nuclear Medicine Unit, Clinical Physiopathology Department, University of Florence, Firenze (Italy)


    Full text of publication follows: Purpose.-The aim of the study was to evaluate radioprotective effect of rosiglitazone (RGZ) on a murine model of late pulmonary damage and of acute intestinal damage. Methods.- Lung fibrosis: C57 mice were treated with the radiomimetic agent bleomycin, with or without rosiglitazone (5 mg/kg/day). To obtain an independent qualitative and quantitative measure for lung fibrosis we used high resolution CT, performed twice a week during the entire observation period. Hounsfield Units (HU) of section slides from the upper and lower lung region were determined. On day 31 lungs were collected for histological analysis. Acute intestinal damage: mice underwent 12 Gy total body irradiation with or without rosiglitazone. Mice were sacrificed 24 or 72 h after total body irradiation and ileum and colon were collected. Results.- Lung fibrosis: after bleomycin treatment, mice showed typical CT features of lung fibrosis, including irregular septal thickening and patchy peripheral reticular abnormalities. Accordingly, HU lung density was dramatically increased. Rosiglitazone markedly attenuated the radiological signs of fibrosis and strongly inhibited HU lung density increase (60% inhibition at the end of the observation period). Histological analysis revealed that in bleomycin-treated mice, fibrosis involved 50-55% of pulmonary parenchyma and caused an alteration of the alveolar structures in 10% of parenchyma, while in rosiglitazone-treated mice, fibrosis involved only 20-25% of pulmonary parenchyma, without alterations of the alveolar structures. Acute intestinal damage: 24 h after 12 Gy of total body irradiation intestinal mucosa showed villi shortening, mucosal thickness and crypt necrotic changes. Rosiglitazone showed a histological improvement of tissue structure, with villi and crypts normalization and oedema reduction. Conclusion.- These results demonstrate that rosiglitazone displays a protective effect on pulmonary fibrosis and radiation

  16. Gastroenterological endpoints in drug trials for cystic fibrosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bodewes, Frank A. J. A.; Verkade, Henkjan J.; Wilschanski, Micheal


    The phenotype of cystic fibrosis includes a wide variety of clinical and biochemical gastrointestinal presentations. These gastrointestinal characteristics of the disease have come under renewed interest as potential outcome measures and clinical endpoints for therapeutic trials in cystic fibrosis.

  17. Production site of radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song Liangwen; Cui Xuemei; Gao Yabing; Yang Ruibiao; Xia Guowei; Wang Dewen


    Production site development and alterations of early pulmonary fibrosis were studied. Single irradiation was made at right thorax of rats with 0, 15 and 30 Gy of γ-irradiation, respectively. The rats were divided into three groups which were sacrificed 1, 3, 5 months post irradiation. Hydroxyproline in lungs was measured by biochemical method. Pulmonary type I and III collagens were measured by polarization method. Distribution of angiotensin II (A II) in pulmonary tissues was displayed by immunohistochemical method. Extent of pulmonary fibrosis relatively increased with irradiation dose and time elapse after irradiation. Ratio of type I to type III collagens increased with increasing fibrosis. Proliferating collagen fibers mainly came from fibroblasts of pulmonary bronchial and arterial adventitia, and extended into pulmonary parenchyma. Meanwhile, type I collagen substituted for type III collagen in interstitium of pulmonary alveoli. A II was positive for fibroblasts and macrophages in pulmonary interstitium. Irradiation can stimulate fibroblasts in interstitium proliferation, and type I collagen substitutes for type III collagen. Expression and synthesis of A II in interstitium may promote the course of pulmonary fibrosis

  18. DeltaF508 heterozygosity in cystic fibrosis and susceptibility to asthma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Morten; Tybjaerg-Hansen, A; Lange, P


    Cystic fibrosis is a recessive disorder mainly characterised by lung disease. We tested the hypothesis that individuals heterozygous for the common cystic fibrosis deltaF508 mutation are at risk of obstructive pulmonary disease.......Cystic fibrosis is a recessive disorder mainly characterised by lung disease. We tested the hypothesis that individuals heterozygous for the common cystic fibrosis deltaF508 mutation are at risk of obstructive pulmonary disease....

  19. Matrix Remodeling in Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema (United States)

    O’Reilly, Philip; Antony, Veena B.; Gaggar, Amit


    Pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema are chronic lung diseases characterized by a progressive decline in lung function, resulting in significant morbidity and mortality. A hallmark of these diseases is recurrent or persistent alveolar epithelial injury, typically caused by common environmental exposures such as cigarette smoke. We propose that critical determinants of the outcome of the injury-repair processes that result in fibrosis versus emphysema are mesenchymal cell fate and associated extracellular matrix dynamics. In this review, we explore the concept that regulation of mesenchymal cells under the influence of soluble factors, in particular transforming growth factor-β1, and the extracellular matrix determine the divergent tissue remodeling responses seen in pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema. PMID:26741177

  20. Pathogenic mechanism in lung fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Witschi, H.; Haschek, W.M.; Meyer, K.R.; Ullrich, R.L.; Dalbey, W.E.


    The purpose of the study was to examine whether an interaction between two agents causing alveolar epithelial damage would produce lung fibrosis. In mouse lung, intraperitoneal injection of the antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene causes diffuse alveolar type I cell necrosis, followed by proliferation of type II alveolar cells. In animals exposed to 70% O 2 or 100-200 rad x rays during the phase of type II cell proliferation following BHT, diffuse interstitial lung fibrosis developed within 2 weeks. Quantitative analysis of the lungs for hydroxyproline showed that the interaction between BHT and O 2 or x rays was synergistic. If exposure to O 2 or x rays was delayed until epithelial recovery was complete, no fibrosis was seen. Abnormally high levels of lung collagen persisted up to 6 months after one single treatment with BHT and 100 rad x rays. A commonly seen form of chronic lung damage may thus be caused by an acute interaction between a bloodborne agent which damages the alveolar cell and a toxic inhalant or x rays, provided a critically ordered sequence of exposure is observed

  1. Assessment of cutaneous radiation fibrosis by 20 MHz-sonography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gottloeber, P.; Braun-Falco, B.; Plewig, G.; Kerscher, M.; Peter, R.U.; Nadeshina, N.


    Radiation fibrosis is the cardinal symptom of the chronicle stage of the cutaneous radiation syndrome. The degree of cutaneous fibrosis can clinically be estimated by palpation. High-frequency 20 MHz-sonography is an established, noninvasive procedure, which renders an exact determination of skin thickness and additionally densitometry is possible. We investigated 15 survivors of the Chernobyl accident in 1986, who developed symptoms of the chronic stage of the cutaneous radiation syndrome. We determined skin thickness and echogenicity of skin areas clinically suggestive of radiation fibrosis before, during and after treatment. 20 MHz-sonography showed a distinct enlargement of the echorich corium and a reduction of the subcutaneous fatty tissue in comparison with the unaffected, contralateral skin, here demonstrating typical features of radiation fibrosis, namely dermal fibrosis and reactive pseudoatrophy and fatty tissue. The histology presented an increase and swelling of the collagen fibers and atypical fibroblastic cells. The patients received treatment with low-dose interferon y (Polyfcron R , 3 x 50μg s.C., three times per week) up to 30 months. A marked reduction of skin thickness and echogenicity reaching nearly normal values could be observed. We conclude that 20 MHz-sonography is an easy to apply, noninvasive, well established procedure to quantify cutaneous radiation fibrosis and to assess therapeutic outcome

  2. Physical exercise training for cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Radtke, Thomas; Nevitt, Sarah J; Hebestreit, Helge; Kriemler, Susi


    Physical exercise training may form an important part of regular care for people with cystic fibrosis. This is an update of a previously published review. To assess the effects of physical exercise training on exercise capacity by peak oxygen consumption, pulmonary function by forced expiratory volume in one second, health-related quality of life and further important patient-relevant outcomes in people with cystic fibrosis. We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group Trials Register which comprises references identified from comprehensive electronic database searches and handsearches of relevant journals and abstract books of conference proceedings.Date of the most recent search: 04 May 2017.We searched ongoing trials registers ( and the WHO ICTRP). Date of most recent search: 10 August 2017. All randomised and quasi-randomised controlled clinical trials comparing exercise training of any type and a minimum duration of two weeks with conventional care (no training) in people with cystic fibrosis. Two authors independently selected studies for inclusion, assessed methodological quality and extracted data. The quality of the evidence was assessed using the GRADE system. Of the 83 studies identified, 15 studies which included 487 participants, met the inclusion criteria. The numbers in each study ranged from nine up to 72 participants; two studies were in adults, seven were in children and adolescents and six studies included all age ranges. Four studies of hospitalised participants lasted less than one month and 11 studies were outpatient-based, lasting between two months and three years. The studies included participants with a wide range of disease severity and employed differing levels of supervision with a mixture of types of training. There was also wide variation in the quality of the included studies.This systematic review shows very low- to low-quality evidence from both short- and long-term studies that in people

  3. Independent predictors of fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. (United States)

    Hossain, Noreen; Afendy, Arian; Stepanova, Maria; Nader, Fatema; Srishord, Manirath; Rafiq, Nila; Goodman, Zachary; Younossi, Zobair


    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common cause of chronic liver disease. We investigated factors associated with advanced fibrosis in NAFLD. The study included 432 patients with histologically proven NAFLD (26.8% with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis [NASH] and 17.4% with moderate-to severe fibrosis). NASH was defined as steatosis, lobular inflammation, and ballooning degeneration with or without Mallory-Denk bodies and/or fibrosis. Fibrosis was classified into 2 groups: those with no or minimal fibrosis and those with moderate-to-severe fibrosis. Groups were compared using Mann-Whitney and chi-square method analyses. A model was constructed using a stepwise bidirectional method; its predictive power was measured using a 10-fold cross-validation technique. Patients with NASH were more likely to be male (P < .0001); have lower hip-to-waist ratios (P = .03); were less likely to be African American (P = .06); have higher levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT; P < .0001), aspartate aminotransferase (AST; P < .0001), and serum triglycerides (P = .0154), but lower levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (P < .0001). Patients with moderate-to-severe fibrosis were older (P = .0245); more likely to be male (P = .0189), Caucasian (P = .0382), have diabetes mellitus (P = .0238), and hypertension (P = .0375); and have a lower hip-to-waist ratio (P = .0077) but higher serum AST (P < .0001) and ALT (P < .0001) levels. The multivariate analysis model to predict moderate-to-severe fibrosis included male sex, Caucasian ethnicity, diabetes mellitus, and increased AST and ALT levels (model P value < .0001). In patients with NAFLD, diabetes mellitus and aminotransferase levels are independent predictors of moderate-to-severe fibrosis. They can be used to identify NAFLD patients at risk for advanced fibrosis.

  4. Ultrasound based evaluation of hepatic steatosis and fibrosis in hepatitis c non-responders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sohail, S.; Aziz, S.


    To determine the accuracy of ultrasound in the diagnosis and grading of steatosis and fibrosis in Hepatitis C (HCV) patients not responding to ribavarin-interferon therapy. Study Design: A cross-sectional, analytical study. Place and Duration of Study: Radiology Department, Civil Hospital, Karachi, from March 2008 to August 2010. Methodology: Patients with positive HCV RNA despite 24 weeks ribavarin-interferon therapy (non-responders) were subjected to ultrasound and biopsy prior to institution of pegylated interferon therapy for detection and grading of steatosis and fibrosis. Using histopathology as the gold standard, sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive predictive values for ultrasound were determined. Results: The sensitivity of ultrasound for hepatic steatosis was 90.9% for no steatosis (NS), 100% for moderate and gross steatosis and 84.4% for mild steatosis with 100% specificity. The senitivity for fibrosis was 25% for no fibrosis, 100% for mild fibrosis, 89.74% for moderate fibrosis and 100% for gross fibrosis. The overall accuracy for detection of steatosis was 95.39% and that for fibrosis was 98.02%. Hepatic vein showed increased dampening of flow with advancing grades of steatosis and fibrosis. Conclusion: Ultrasound has a high accuracy in the diagnosis and grading of steatosis and fibrosis in HCV nonresponders. Mild fibrosis may confound the diagnosis of mild steatosis. (author)

  5. Adeno-associated virus for cystic fibrosis gene therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S.V. Martini


    Full Text Available Gene therapy is an alternative treatment for genetic lung disease, especially monogenic disorders such as cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is a severe autosomal recessive disease affecting one in 2500 live births in the white population, caused by mutation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR. The disease is classically characterized by pancreatic enzyme insufficiency, an increased concentration of chloride in sweat, and varying severity of chronic obstructive lung disease. Currently, the greatest challenge for gene therapy is finding an ideal vector to deliver the transgene (CFTR to the affected organ (lung. Adeno-associated virus is the most promising viral vector system for the treatment of respiratory disease because it has natural tropism for airway epithelial cells and does not cause any human disease. This review focuses on the basic properties of adeno-associated virus and its use as a vector for cystic fibrosis gene therapy.

  6. Appetite stimulants for people with cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Chinuck, Ruth; Dewar, Jane; Baldwin, David R; Hendron, Elizabeth


    Chronic loss of appetite in cystic fibrosis concerns both individuals and families. Appetite stimulants have been used to help cystic fibrosis patients with chronic anorexia attain optimal body mass index and nutritional status. However, these may have adverse effects on clinical status. The aim of this review is to systematically search for and evaluate evidence on the beneficial effects of appetite stimulants in the management of CF-related anorexia and synthesize reports of any side-effects. Trials were identified by searching the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group's Cystic Fibrosis Trials Register, MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, handsearching reference lists and contacting local and international experts.Last search of online databases: 01 April 2014.Last search of the Cystic Fibrosis Trials Register: 08 April 2014. Randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials of appetite stimulants, compared to placebo or no treatment for at least one month in adults and children with cystic fibrosis. Authors independently extracted data and assessed the risk of bias within eligible trials. Meta-analyses were performed. Three trials (total of 47 recruited patients) comparing appetite stimulants (cyproheptadine hydrochloride and megesterol acetate) to placebo were included; the numbers of adults or children within each trial were not always reported. The risk of bias of the included trials was graded as moderate.A meta-analysis of all three trials showed appetite stimulants produced a larger increase in weight z score at three months compared to placebo, mean difference 0.61 (95% confidence interval 0.29 to 0.93) (P children, appetite stimulants improved only two of the outcomes in this review - weight (or weight z score) and appetite; and side effects were insufficiently reported to determine the full extent of their impact. Whilst the data may suggest the potential use of appetite stimulants in treating anorexia in adults and children with cystic fibrosis

  7. Lesiones pulmonares relacionadas con el tabaquismo. Hallazgos y diagnósticos diferenciales por tomografía computada multidetector


    N.E. Bernard; V. Pardo; A.C. Benítez Mendes; A. Seehaus


    Resumen: Desde hace tiempo se ha establecido la relación entre el hábito tabáquico y diferentes enfermedades pulmonares, particularmente el cáncer y el enfisema pulmonar. Sin embargo, es menos conocida la asociación del tabaquismo con otras entidades, como la bronquiolitis respiratoria asociada a la enfermedad intersticial (BREI), la neumonitis descamativa (ND), la histiocitosis de Langerhans (HL), la neumonía eosinofílica aguda (NEA), la fibrosis pulmonar (FP) y la combinación de esta última...

  8. Non-invasive evaluation of cystic fibrosis related liver disease in adults with ARFI, transient elastography and different fibrosis scores.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Karlas

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Cystic fibrosis-related liver disease (CFLD is present in up to 30% of cystic fibrosis patients and can result in progressive liver failure. Diagnosis of CFLD is challenging. Non-invasive methods for staging of liver fibrosis display an interesting diagnostic approach for CFLD detection. AIM: We evaluated transient elastography (TE, acoustic radiation force impulse imaging (ARFI, and fibrosis indices for CFLD detection. METHODS: TE and ARFI were performed in 55 adult CF patients. In addition, AST/Platelets-Ratio-Index (APRI, and Forns' score were calculated. Healthy probands and patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis served as controls. RESULTS: Fourteen CF patients met CFLD criteria, six had liver cirrhosis. Elastography acquisition was successful in >89% of cases. Non-cirrhotic CFLD individuals showed elastography values similar to CF patients without liver involvement. Cases with liver cirrhosis differed significantly from other CFLD patients (ARFI: 1.49 vs. 1.13 m/s; p = 0.031; TE: 7.95 vs. 4.16 kPa; p = 0.020 and had significantly lower results than individuals with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ARFI: 1.49 vs. 2.99 m/s; p = 0.002. APRI showed the best diagnostic performance for CFLD detection (AUROC 0.815; sensitivity 85.7%, specificity 70.7%. CONCLUSIONS: ARFI, TE, and laboratory based fibrosis indices correlate with each other and reliably detect CFLD related liver cirrhosis in adult CF patients. CF specific cut-off values for cirrhosis in adults are lower than in alcoholic cirrhosis.

  9. Non-Invasive Evaluation of Cystic Fibrosis Related Liver Disease in Adults with ARFI, Transient Elastography and Different Fibrosis Scores (United States)

    Oltmanns, Annett; Güttler, Andrea; Petroff, David; Wirtz, Hubert; Mainz, Jochen G.; Mössner, Joachim; Berg, Thomas; Tröltzsch, Michael; Keim, Volker; Wiegand, Johannes


    Background Cystic fibrosis-related liver disease (CFLD) is present in up to 30% of cystic fibrosis patients and can result in progressive liver failure. Diagnosis of CFLD is challenging. Non-invasive methods for staging of liver fibrosis display an interesting diagnostic approach for CFLD detection. Aim We evaluated transient elastography (TE), acoustic radiation force impulse imaging (ARFI), and fibrosis indices for CFLD detection. Methods TE and ARFI were performed in 55 adult CF patients. In addition, AST/Platelets-Ratio-Index (APRI), and Forns' score were calculated. Healthy probands and patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis served as controls. Results Fourteen CF patients met CFLD criteria, six had liver cirrhosis. Elastography acquisition was successful in >89% of cases. Non-cirrhotic CFLD individuals showed elastography values similar to CF patients without liver involvement. Cases with liver cirrhosis differed significantly from other CFLD patients (ARFI: 1.49 vs. 1.13 m/s; p = 0.031; TE: 7.95 vs. 4.16 kPa; p = 0.020) and had significantly lower results than individuals with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ARFI: 1.49 vs. 2.99 m/s; p = 0.002). APRI showed the best diagnostic performance for CFLD detection (AUROC 0.815; sensitivity 85.7%, specificity 70.7%). Conclusions ARFI, TE, and laboratory based fibrosis indices correlate with each other and reliably detect CFLD related liver cirrhosis in adult CF patients. CF specific cut-off values for cirrhosis in adults are lower than in alcoholic cirrhosis. PMID:22848732

  10. Enhanced liver fibrosis test using ELISA assay accurately discriminates advanced stage of liver fibrosis as determined by transient elastography fibroscan in treatment naïve chronic HCV patients. (United States)

    Omran, Dalia; Yosry, Ayman; Darweesh, Samar K; Nabeel, Mohammed M; El-Beshlawey, Mohammed; Saif, Sameh; Fared, Azza; Hassany, Mohamed; Zayed, Rania A


    Evaluation of liver fibrosis stage is crucial in the assessment of chronic HCV patients, regarding decision to start treatment and during follow-up. Our aim was to assess the validity of the enhanced liver fibrosis (ELF) score in discrimination of advanced stage of liver fibrosis in naïve chronic HCV patients. We prospectively evaluated liver fibrosis stage in one hundred eighty-one naïve chronic HCV Egyptian patients by transient elastography (TE)-FibroScan. Patients were categorized into mild to moderate fibrosis (≤F2) group and advanced fibrosis (≥F3) group. The ELF score components, hyaluronic acid (HA), amino-terminal propeptide of type-III-procollagen (PIIINP) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase type-1 (TIMP-1), were done using ELISA test. The mean values of ELF and its individual components significantly correlated with the hepatic fibrosis stage as measured by TE-FibroScan (P value 0.001). ELF cutoff value of 9.8 generated a sensitivity of 77.8%, specificity of 67.1%, area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUROC) of 0.76 with 95% confidence interval [CI] (0.68-0.83) for detecting advanced fibrosis (F ≥ 3). ELF panel is a good, reliable noninvasive test and showed comparable results to TE-FibroScan in detecting liver fibrosis stage in treatment naïve chronic HCV patients.

  11. Lung adenocarcinoma mimicking pulmonary fibrosis-a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mehić, Bakir; Duranović Rayan, Lina; Bilalović, Nurija; Dohranović Tafro, Danina; Pilav, Ilijaz


    Lung cancer is usually presented with cough, dyspnea, pain and weight loss, which is overlapping with symptoms of other lung diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis. Pulmonary fibrosis shows characteristic reticular and nodular pattern, while lung cancers are mostly presented with infiltrative mass, thick-walled cavitations or a solitary nodule with spiculated borders. If the diagnosis is established based on clinical symptoms and CT findings, it would be a misapprehension. We report a case of lung adenocarcinoma whose symptoms as well as clinical images overlapped strongly with pulmonary fibrosis. The patient’s non-productive cough, progressive dyspnea, restrictive pattern of pulmonary function test and CT scans (showing reticular interstitial opacities) were all indicative of pulmonary fibrosis. The patient underwent a treatment consisting of corticosteroids and antibiotics, to no avail. Histopathology of the lung showed that the patient suffered from mucinous adenocarcinoma. Albeit the immunohistochemical staining was not consistent with lung adenocarcinoma, tumor’s morphological characteristics were consistent, and were used to make the definitive diagnosis. Given the fact that radiography cannot always make a clear-cut difference between pulmonary fibrosis and lung adenocarcinomas, and that clinical symptoms often overlap, histological examination should be considered as gold standard for diagnosis of lung adenocarcinoma

  12. Phosphoproteomic biomarkers predicting histologic nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and fibrosis. (United States)

    Younossi, Zobair M; Baranova, Ancha; Stepanova, Maria; Page, Sandra; Calvert, Valerie S; Afendy, Arian; Goodman, Zachary; Chandhoke, Vikas; Liotta, Lance; Petricoin, Emanuel


    The progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has been linked to deregulated exchange of the endocrine signaling between adipose and liver tissue. Proteomic assays for the phosphorylation events that characterize the activated or deactivated state of the kinase-driven signaling cascades in visceral adipose tissue (VAT) could shed light on the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and related fibrosis. Reverse-phase protein microarrays (RPMA) were used to develop biomarkers for NASH and fibrosis using VAT collected from 167 NAFLD patients (training cohort, N = 117; testing cohort, N = 50). Three types of models were developed for NASH and advanced fibrosis: clinical models, proteomics models, and combination models. NASH was predicted by a model that included measurements of two components of the insulin signaling pathway: AKT kinase and insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1). The models for fibrosis were less reliable when predictions were based on phosphoproteomic, clinical, or the combination data. The best performing model relied on levels of the phosphorylation of GSK3 as well as on two subunits of cyclic AMP regulated protein kinase A (PKA). Phosphoproteomics technology could potentially be used to provide pathogenic information about NASH and NASH-related fibrosis. This information can lead to a clinically relevant diagnostic/prognostic biomarker for NASH.

  13. Evaluación psicométrica de la escala de conducta delictiva y violenta en el aula, en estudiantes chilenos (Psychometric Assessment Of The Criminal And Violent Behavior Scale In The Classroom, In Chilean Students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Vera-Bachmann


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Se reporta evidencia empírica sobre las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de conducta delictiva y violenta en el aula, en una muestra de 877 estudiantes secundarios chilenos, cuyas edades están comprendidas entre los 13 y los 20 años (M = 15.94, DT = 1.31. Los análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios han aportado evidencia de validez cruzada, corroborando la estructura original de dos factores; factor conducta violenta disruptiva y factor victimización. Las medidas de consistencia interna y homogeneidad fueron satisfactorias para ambas subescalas, así como su correlación con medidas de clima social escolar. Se concluye que esta escala brinda garantías de confiabilidad y validez para su uso en Chile. ABSTRACT: Empirical evidence is reported on the psychometric properties of the Scale of criminal and violent behaviorin the classroom, in a sample of 877 Chilean high school students, between the ages of 13 and 20 (M = 15.94, DT = 1.31 . Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis have provided evidence of cross validity, corroborating the original two factor structure; the violent behavior disruptive factor and the victimization factor. Measures of internal consistency and uniformity were satisfactory for both subscales, as well as their correlation with school social climate measures. It is concluded that this scale provides guarantee of reliability and validity for its use in Chile.

  14. Novel algorithm for non-invasive assessment of fibrosis in NAFLD.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan-Peter Sowa

    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Various conditions of liver disease and the downsides of liver biopsy call for a non-invasive option to assess liver fibrosis. A non-invasive score would be especially useful to identify patients with slow advancing fibrotic processes, as in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD, which should undergo histological examination for fibrosis. PATIENTS/METHODS: Classic liver serum parameters, hyaluronic acid (HA and cell death markers of 126 patients undergoing bariatric surgery for morbid obesity were analyzed by machine learning techniques (logistic regression, k-nearest neighbors, linear support vector machines, rule-based systems, decision trees and random forest (RF. Specificity, sensitivity and accuracy of the evaluated datasets to predict fibrosis were assessed. RESULTS: None of the single parameters (ALT, AST, M30, M60, HA did differ significantly between patients with a fibrosis score 1 or 2. However, combining these parameters using RFs reached 79% accuracy in fibrosis prediction with a sensitivity of more than 60% and specificity of 77%. Moreover, RFs identified the cell death markers M30 and M65 as more important for the decision than the classic liver parameters. CONCLUSION: On the basis of serum parameters the generation of a fibrosis scoring system seems feasible, even when only marginally fibrotic tissue is available. Prospective evaluation of novel markers, i.e. cell death parameters, should be performed to identify an optimal set of fibrosis predictors.

  15. Evaluation and improvement of the quality of the discharge prescription in Cystic Fibrosis children hospitalised for intravenous antibiotic therapy


    Chorro Marí, Verónica


    1.Antecedentes. La Fibrosis Quística (FQ) es una enfermedad conocida desde la edad media, aunque durante esa época no estaba descrita como tal sino más bien como un hechizo maligno. En 1943, Farber propuso el término mucoviscidosis y este término se sigue utilizando en la actualidad. La FQ es la enfermedad hereditaria autosómica recesiva grave más frecuente en la población blanca, con una incidencia en Europa que oscila entre 1:1.353 en Irlanda y entre 1:25.000 en Finlandia, y una fre...

  16. Molecular Mechanisms of Liver Fibrosis in HIV/HCV Coinfection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudio M. Mastroianni


    Full Text Available Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV infection is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in people coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV. Several studies have shown that HIV infection promotes accelerated HCV hepatic fibrosis progression, even with HIV replication under full antiretroviral control. The pathogenesis of accelerated hepatic fibrosis among HIV/HCV coinfected individuals is complex and multifactorial. The most relevant mechanisms involved include direct viral effects, immune/cytokine dysregulation, altered levels of matrix metalloproteinases and fibrosis biomarkers, increased oxidative stress and hepatocyte apoptosis, HIV-associated gut depletion of CD4 cells, and microbial translocation. In addition, metabolic alterations, heavy alcohol use, as well drug use, may have a potential role in liver disease progression. Understanding the pathophysiology and regulation of liver fibrosis in HIV/HCV co-infection may lead to the development of therapeutic strategies for the management of all patients with ongoing liver disease. In this review, we therefore discuss the evidence and potential molecular mechanisms involved in the accelerated liver fibrosis seen in patients coinfected with HIV and HCV.

  17. Agmatine attenuates silica-induced pulmonary fibrosis. (United States)

    El-Agamy, D S; Sharawy, M H; Ammar, E M


    There is a large body of evidence that nitric oxide (NO) formation is implicated in mediating silica-induced pulmonary fibrosis. As a reactive free radical, NO may not only contribute to lung parenchymal tissue injury but also has the ability to combine with superoxide and form a highly reactive toxic species peroxynitrite that can induce extensive cellular toxicity in the lung tissues. This study aimed to explore the effect of agmatine, a known NO synthase inhibitor, on silica-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats. Male Sprague Dawley rats were treated with agmatine for 60 days following a single intranasal instillation of silica suspension (50 mg in 0.1 ml saline/rat). The results revealed that agmatine attenuated silica-induced lung inflammation as it decreased the lung wet/dry weight ratio, protein concentration, and the accumulation of the inflammatory cells in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Agmatine showed antifibrotic activity as it decreased total hydroxyproline content of the lung and reduced silica-mediated lung inflammation and fibrosis in lung histopathological specimen. In addition, agmatine significantly increased superoxide dismutase (p Agmatine also reduced silica-induced overproduction of pulmonary nitrite/nitrate as well as tumor necrosis factor α. Collectively, these results demonstrate the protective effects of agmatine against the silica-induced lung fibrosis that may be attributed to its ability to counteract the NO production, lipid peroxidation, and regulate cytokine effects. © The Author(s) 2014.

  18. Influence of radiological emphysema on lung function test in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. (United States)

    Bodlet, Aline; Maury, Gisèle; Jamart, Jacques; Dahlqvist, Caroline


    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is one of the most frequent interstitial lung disease. Emphysema can be associated with IPF as described in the «Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema» syndrome. The primary endpoint of this retrospective cohort study was to evaluate the impact of the association of IPF and emphysema on lung function tests parameters (FVC, TLC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC and DLCO). The secondary endpoint was to assess the impact of the associated radiological emphysema on lung function parameters used in the du Bois prognostic score recently developed by Ron du Bois et al. We retrospectively reviewed the medical files of 98 patients with lung fibrosis who were followed in our University Hospital with access to pharmacological studies and lung transplantation from 1981 to 2011. Fifty six patients were considered for analysis. The collected data included gender, age, smoking history and respiratory hospitalizations. We also analysed their pulmonary functional parameters along with radiological characteristics, in particular the presence of emphysema which was assessed on thoracic high resolution CT scan. The du Bois score was retrospectively calculated from these data. TLC and FVC at diagnosis were significantly higher in the IPF-E group compared to the IPF group (respectively 86.6 ± 17.2% pv versus 72.0 ± 15.0% pv; p: 0.004 and 86.8 ± 18.4% pv versus 72.6 ± 20.6% pv; p: 0.020). The [Formula: see text] used in the calculation of the du Bois prognostic score was significantly higher in the IPF-E group. By cons, [Formula: see text] was not statistically different between the two groups. Radiological emphysema associated with IPF had an impact on pulmonary function tests. Despite this difference, the du Bois score was not statistically different between these two groups. Nevertheless, after one year of follow up, the patients with emphysema were in a subclass with a lower mortality rate than those without emphysema. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier

  19. Subclinical anaemia of chronic disease in adult patients with cystic fibrosis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'connor, T M


    Patients with chronic hypoxaemia develop secondary polycythaemia that improves oxygen-carrying capacity. Therefore, normal haemoglobin and haematocrit values in the presence of chronic arterial hypoxaemia in cystic fibrosis constitute \\'relative anaemia\\'. We sought to determine the cause of this relative anaemia in patients with cystic fibrosis. We studied haematological indices and oxygen saturation in healthy volunteers (n=17) and in adult patients with cystic fibrosis (n=15). Patients with cystic fibrosis had lower resting arterial oxygen saturation when compared with normal volunteers (P<0.0001), and exercise led to a greater reduction in arterial oxygen saturation (P<0.0001). However, haemoglobin and haematocrit values in patients with cystic fibrosis did not significantly differ from normal volunteers. Serum iron (P=0.002), transferrin (P=0.02), and total iron-binding capacity (P=0.01) were lower in patients with cystic fibrosis. There were no significant differences in serum ferritin, percentage iron saturation, serum erythropoietin or red cell volume between the groups. The data presented demonstrate a characteristic picture of anaemia of chronic disease in adult patients with cystic fibrosis, except for normal haemoglobin and haematocrit values. Normal haemoglobin and haematocrit values in patients with cystic fibrosis appear to represent a combination of the effects of arterial hypoxaemia promoting polycythaemia, counterbalanced by chronic inflammation promoting anaemia of chronic disease.

  20. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. (United States)

    Xaubet, Antoni; Ancochea, Julio; Molina-Molina, María


    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a fibrosing interstitial pneumonia associated with the radiological and/or histological pattern of usual interstitial pneumonia. Its aetiology is unknown, but probably comprises the action of endogenous and exogenous micro-environmental factors in subjects with genetic predisposition. Its diagnosis is based on the presence of characteristic findings of high-resolution computed tomography scans and pulmonary biopsies in absence of interstitial lung diseases of other aetiologies. Its clinical evolution is variable, although the mean survival rate is 2-5 years as of its clinical presentation. Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis may present complications and comorbidities which modify the disease's clinical course and prognosis. In the mild-moderate disease, the treatment consists of the administration of anti-fibrotic drugs. In severe disease, the best therapeutic option is pulmonary transplantation. In this paper we review the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of the disease. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. Fibrosis index based on four factors better predicts advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis than aspartate aminotransferase/platelet ratio index in chronic hepatitis C patients

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    Chia-Chi Wang


    Conclusion: FIB-4 could predict hepatic fibrosis in CHC patients. By adding two parameters (age and alanine aminotransferase, FIB-4 better predicts advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis than APRI in CHC patients.

  2. Origin and function of myofibroblasts in kidney fibrosis. (United States)

    LeBleu, Valerie S; Taduri, Gangadhar; O'Connell, Joyce; Teng, Yingqi; Cooke, Vesselina G; Woda, Craig; Sugimoto, Hikaru; Kalluri, Raghu


    Myofibroblasts are associated with organ fibrosis, but their precise origin and functional role remain unknown. We used multiple genetically engineered mice to track, fate map and ablate cells to determine the source and function of myofibroblasts in kidney fibrosis. Through this comprehensive analysis, we identified that the total pool of myofibroblasts is split, with 50% arising from local resident fibroblasts through proliferation. The nonproliferating myofibroblasts derive through differentiation from bone marrow (35%), the endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition program (10%) and the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition program (5%). Specific deletion of Tgfbr2 in α-smooth muscle actin (αSMA)(+) cells revealed the importance of this pathway in the recruitment of myofibroblasts through differentiation. Using genetic mouse models and a fate-mapping strategy, we determined that vascular pericytes probably do not contribute to the emergence of myofibroblasts or fibrosis. Our data suggest that targeting diverse pathways is required to substantially inhibit the composite accumulation of myofibroblasts in kidney fibrosis.

  3. Higher Anti-Liver Fibrosis Effect of Cordyceps militaris-Fermented Product Cultured with Deep Ocean Water via Inhibiting Proinflammatory Factors and Fibrosis-Related Factors Expressions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu-Ping Hung


    Full Text Available Deep ocean water (DOW has been shown to enhance the functional components of fungi, resulting in increased health benefits. Therefore, using DOW for culturing fungi can enhance the cordycepin and adenosine of Cordyceps militaris (CM and its protective effects on the liver. In this study, the antiliver fibrosis effects and mechanisms of ultrapure water-cultured CM (UCM, DOW-cultured CM (DCM, synthetic water-cultured CM, DOW, cordycepin, and adenosine were compared in the liver fibrosis mice induced by intraperitoneal injections of thioacetamide (TAA. The results indicated that DCM exhibited superior performance in reducing liver collagen accumulation, mitigating liver injuries, inhibiting proinflammatory factors and fibrosis-related factor (TGF-β1, Smad2/3, α-SMA, COL1A1 expression compared with UCM. DOW, cordycepin, and adenosine also performed antiliver fibrosis effect. Therefore, because DCM is rich in DOW and functional components, it can achieve anti-liver fibrosis effects through multiple pathways. These ameliorative effects are considerably superior to those of UCM.

  4. Higher Anti-Liver Fibrosis Effect of Cordyceps militaris-Fermented Product Cultured with Deep Ocean Water via Inhibiting Proinflammatory Factors and Fibrosis-Related Factors Expressions. (United States)

    Hung, Yu-Ping; Lee, Chun-Lin


    Deep ocean water (DOW) has been shown to enhance the functional components of fungi, resulting in increased health benefits. Therefore, using DOW for culturing fungi can enhance the cordycepin and adenosine of Cordyceps militaris (CM) and its protective effects on the liver. In this study, the antiliver fibrosis effects and mechanisms of ultrapure water-cultured CM (UCM), DOW-cultured CM (DCM), synthetic water-cultured CM, DOW, cordycepin, and adenosine were compared in the liver fibrosis mice induced by intraperitoneal injections of thioacetamide (TAA). The results indicated that DCM exhibited superior performance in reducing liver collagen accumulation, mitigating liver injuries, inhibiting proinflammatory factors and fibrosis-related factor (TGF-β1, Smad2/3, α-SMA, COL1A1) expression compared with UCM. DOW, cordycepin, and adenosine also performed antiliver fibrosis effect. Therefore, because DCM is rich in DOW and functional components, it can achieve anti-liver fibrosis effects through multiple pathways. These ameliorative effects are considerably superior to those of UCM.

  5. Utility of diffusion-weighted imaging in the evaluation of liver fibrosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bakan, Ayse Ahsen; Inci, Ercan; Cimilli, Tan [Istanbul Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Department of Radiology, Istanbul (Turkey); Bakan, Selim [Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine, Deparment of Radiology, Istanbul (Turkey); Gokturk, Suut [Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterohepatology, Istanbul (Turkey)


    To evaluate the usefulness of diffusion- weighted MRI (DWI) in the detection and staging of liver fibrosis and inflammation. DWI was performed with b-factors of 0, 500 and 1000 s/mm{sup 2}. ADC values were obtained by placing circular regions of interest in four segments of the liver. Differences between the study (n = 34) and control groups' (n = 25) ADC values were examined. Further, this study investigated if and how ADC values were related to fibrosis stages and histological activity index (HAI) scores. The mean ADC value of the liver was smaller in the study group compared with the control group (P < 0.001). Spearman rho correlation analyses showed lower ADC values were associated with higher fibrosis and HAI scores (P < 0.01). There were statistically significant differences in liver ADC values between each combination of fibrosis stages (e.g. stages 0 and 1, 0 and 2) except for stages 1 and 2. ADC values prove to be a valuable technique for the diagnosis of liver fibrosis and inflammation. They can also be useful in fibrosis staging, particularly in distinguishing later stages of fibrosis from intermediate and early stages. (orig.)

  6. Festival food coma in cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Pandit, Chetan; Graham, Christie; Selvadurai, Hiran; Gaskin, Kevin; Cooper, Peter; van Asperen, Peter


    Children with cystic fibrosis liver disease and portal hypertension are at risk of developing acute hepatic encephalopathy. Even in the presence of normal synthetic liver function these children may have porto-systemic shunting. We report a case of an adolosecent who had cystic fibrosis liver disease and presented with life threatening hepatinc encephalopathy. This case illustrates that it is necessary to consider an appropriate dietary regimen in adolosecents with liver disease to prevent hepatic decompensation. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. The role of anaerobic bacteria in the cystic fibrosis airway. (United States)

    Sherrard, Laura J; Bell, Scott C; Tunney, Michael M


    Anaerobic bacteria are not only normal commensals, but are also considered opportunistic pathogens and have been identified as persistent members of the lower airway community in people with cystic fibrosis of all ages and stages of disease. Currently, the role of anaerobic bacteria in cystic fibrosis lower airway disease is not well understood. Therefore, this review describes the recent studies relating to the potential pathophysiological role(s) of anaerobes within the cystic fibrosis lungs. The most frequently identified anaerobic bacteria in the lower airways are common to both cystic fibrosis and healthy lungs. Studies have shown that in cystic fibrosis, the relative abundance of anaerobes fluctuates in the lower airways with reduced lung function and increased inflammation associated with a decreased anaerobic load. However, anaerobes found within the lower airways also produce virulence factors, may cause a host inflammatory response and interact synergistically with recognized pathogens. Anaerobic bacteria are potentially members of the airway microbiota in health but could also contribute to the pathogenesis of lower airway disease in cystic fibrosis via both direct and indirect mechanisms. A personalized treatment strategy that maintains a normal microbial community may be possible in the future.

  8. The Sociology and Entrenchment. A Cystic Fibrosis Test for Everyone?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koch, Lene; Stemerding, Dirk


    Socialmedicine, genetic screening, cystic fibrosis, ethics, political regulation, sociology of technology......Socialmedicine, genetic screening, cystic fibrosis, ethics, political regulation, sociology of technology...

  9. Blood lipids analysis in patients with hepatitis and hepatic fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Si Jianhong


    Objective: To investigate the correlationship between blood hepatic fibrosis markers and blood lipids levels. Methods: Serum hepatic fibrosis markers (HA, PC III, IV-C, LN) levels were determined with RIA and serum lipids (TG, TCh HDL; LDL, apoA1, apoB) were measured with biochemical methods in 98 patients with hepatitis in various stages and 50 controls. Liver biopsy was done in all the hepatitis patients. Results: Hepatic fibrosis was classified into 5 grades (S0-S4) according to the pathology shown in the biopsy specimen. The serum lipid levels decreased along with the increase of severity of fibrosis from S0 to S4. Levels in S4 patients were significantly lower than those in controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: The serum hepatic fibrosis markers levels increased and lipids levels decreased along with the progress of hepatitis from acute to cirrhosis. (authors)

  10. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) and gadolinium-based contrast ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF), unknown before March 1997 and first described in 2000, is a systemic disorder characterised by widespread tissue fibrosis. The first known case occurred in 1997, after the use of gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) at high doses in patients with renal failure had become routine.

  11. Gluteal muscle fibrosis with abduction contracture of the hip. (United States)

    Al Bayati, Mohammed Ali; Kraidy, Bakir Kadhum


    Gluteal muscle fibrosis with hip contracture is a rare condition and causes major disability; literature reports are sparse. The aim of this study is to present, for the first time in Iraq and the region, a case series of gluteal fibrosis and the results of surgical treatment. Seven children--six boys and one girl--diagnosed as having gluteal muscle fibrosis with hip contracture, were investigated and treated by open surgical release of fibrotic bands and physiotherapy. All patients improved dramatically over the subsequent weeks, and were able to sit and squat in the normal position. Gluteal muscle fibrosis with hip contracture is present in Iraq and more awareness is needed for early diagnosis. Surgical treatment provided excellent results. More studies are needed to delineate the aetiology of the condition.

  12. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in a Staffordshire bull terrier with hypothyroidism. (United States)

    Corcoran, B M; Dukes-McEwan, J; Rhind, S; French, A


    Radiographic evidence of chronic interstitial lung changes, usually believed to be attributable to lung fibrosis, is readily recognised in canine practice. Furthermore, there is a body of anecdotal evidence suggesting that a specific clinical entity consistent with chronic lung fibrosis occurs in specific breeds of terrier dogs. However, there is little pathological data to confirm these radiographic and clinical findings and, therefore, chronic interstitial lung disease of dogs is poorly characterised. In this report, a case of chronic pulmonary fibrosis is described in which histopathological confirmation was possible, and suggested that the condition might be analogous to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis) in humans.

  13. Agresividad, prosocialidad y estatus social: identificando perfiles admirados entre preadolescentes chilenos

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    Christian Berger


    Full Text Available Con base en la creciente evidencia de la asociación entre la agresividad y la prosocialidad con indicadores de estatus social, el presente estudio aborda la admiración entre pares adolescentes como una manera de operacionalizar el estatus y evalúa el potencial carácter funcional de estas conductas sociales. La hipótesis que guía este estudio es que en la medida en que la agresividad y la prosocialidad son características valoradas en el contexto de pares (con base en su asociación con el estatus, los adolescentes admirados, que pueden ejercer gran influencia sobre sus pares, serán aquellos que presenten este perfil. 274 estudiantes de 5º y 6º grado participaron del estudio. Los resultados muestran que la característica con mayor presencia entre los adolescentes admirados es la prosocialidad y luego la prominencia social. Sin embargo, se identifican dos perfiles de adolescentes admirados, que se distinguen principalmente por la agresividad, el perfil "fuerte" incluye además de la prosocialidad y la prominencia social altos puntajes en agresividad y popularidad, mientras que el perfil denominado "modelo" integra además de la prosocialidad y la prominencia social niveles muy bajos de agresividad y puntajes promedio en popularidad. Se identifican además diferencias de género en estos perfiles. Estos resultados son discutidos desde la perspectiva de las relaciones de pares y las posibles implicancias para el desarrollo tanto individual como grupal de los y las adolescentes.

  14. Fibrosis miocárdica

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    Adolfo Francisco de


    Full Text Available Se hace una revisión de la fibroelastosis endocárdica anotando la confusión en la denominación que existe actualmente. Se enumeran los diferentes factores que hasta ahora se han encontrado como causantes del cuadro y las distintas teorías que tratan de explicar su patogenia. Se hace la descripción del cuadro clínico y se presenta un caso de un hombre de treinta años que ingresó al Hospital de San Juan de' Dios por una afasia principalmente de expresión y un cuadro clínico de insuficiencia cardíaca de origen obscuro. Se sospechó el diagnóstico de Fibrosis miocárdica por la clínica, el  E. C. G. y los rayos X. Posteriormente estuvieron de acuerdo con este diagnóstico los datos hemodinámicos y e! hecho de que durante la 'toma de una biopsia de pulmón se produjera paro cardíaco, que hizo necesario el masaje cardíaco, encontrando un corazón enormemente aumentado de tamaño, que presentaba una placa de color blanco de 11/2 centímetros localizada sobre e! epicardio de! Ventrículo izquierdo. Al examen microscópico se observó que esta placa estaba formada por tejido conjuntivo fibroso laxo. Se discute el diagnóstico y se pone de presente que el paciente de que se trata está vivo.

  15. induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice via regulation of IL

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    TRAF6, IL-33 and ST2 in lung tissue were determined by western blotting assay. Serum levels of ..... facilitate excessive tissue repair and fibrosis [20]. Therefore ... to cancer biology. ... liver regeneration, fibrosis and carcinogenesis. Hepatol.

  16. Fibrocytes in pulmonary fibrosis: a brief synopsis

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    Shyam Maharaj


    Full Text Available Fibrocytes are bone marrow-derived, circulating mesenchymal progenitor cells that play a role in several fibrotic disorders, including lung fibrosis. They are attracted to injured tissue by various chemokines. It is likely that fibrocytes play a detrimental role in tissue homeostasis and promote fibrosis, although this paradigm needs further confirmation. This would make fibrocytes a possible novel treatment target for fibrotic disorders. Fibrocytes also have some potential as a biomarker for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF and other diseases, but the promising preliminary data from single centre studies still require independent validation. Despite several, as yet, unresolved issues, it has become clear that fibrocytes are more than an incidental finding in lung injury and repair, and may hold great promise for the future of IPF management.

  17. Retroperitoneal fibrosis with pancreatic involvement – radiological appearance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zielonko, Joanna; Obołończyk, Łukasz


    Retroperitoneal fibrosis or Ormond’s disease is an uncommon process characterized by fibrous tissue proliferation in the retroperitoneum, usually involving the aorta, inferior vena cava and iliac vessels. Obstructive hydronephrosis is often observed due to ureteral entrapment. This report presents a case of the peripancreatic location of the disease. The role of CT and MRI in establishing diagnosis of retroperitoneal fibrosis in an atypical site is discussed. A 52-year-old woman with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis was admitted to hospital because of pain suggesting renal colic. The patient was subjected to ultrasound, CT, and MRI which did not confirm urolithiasis but revealed pancreatic infiltration. Partial pancreatectomy, left-sided adrenalectomy and splenectomy were performed. Retroperitoneal fibrosis was diagnosed in the histopathological examination. A few weeks after surgery, a complication such as pancreatitis developed. Repeat CT confirmed it and showed right hydronephrosis secondary to ureteral involvement by a mass adjacent to the common iliac artery (defined as a typical manifestation of retroperitoneal fibrosis). Nephrostomy and conservative treatment improved the clinical state of the patient. No progression of the process was observed in the follow-up examinations. Atypical retroperitoneal fibrosis remains a diagnostic challenge. Imaging techniques CT and MRI are useful tools for evaluating the extent of Ormond’s disease. An unusual distribution of the process (e.g. peripancreatic location reported in this study) requires histopathological assessment to establish the final diagnosis

  18. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Khurram, Misbah; Skov, Lone; Rossen, Kristian


    Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) is a fibrotic disease seen in renal failure patients that may lead to severe physical disability. It has been demonstrated in recent studies that NSF can be caused by some gadolinium-containing MRI contrast agents. In this report we present one of a total of 26...

  19. Pidiendo la defensa de un título de doctor 16 años después

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    AIBR. Consejo de Redacción


    Full Text Available Este texto presenta los hechos denunciados el pasado día 6 de abril de 2007 por el Sr. David E. Aliaga Rossel, investigador universitario chileno residente en Canadá, con el fin de solicitar el apoyo de esta publicación en el caso que actualmente lleva contra la Universidad de Calabria, Italia. Diversas asociaciones internacionales, así como intelectuales de reconocido prestigio (Noam Chomsky, James L. Peacock, Ariel Dorfman o Mario Medina Valeria entre otros, han manifestado públicamente su defensa ante las solicitudes del investigador chileno. Según las fuentes que hemos podido consultar y a falta de conseguir la versión de una de las partes, David Aliaga se inscribió en el programa de doctorado en Etnoantropología, impartido por la Universidad de Calabria, en el año 1987. Una vez realizados los estudios doctorales, presentó su tesis ante la universidad, contando con el visto bueno para su evaluación. El día 25 de julio de 1991 fue la fecha designada por la universidad para cumplir con el examen doctoral ante la comisión examinadora. Ese día, la comisión examinadora no se presentó en pleno y además le negó el título de doctor al examinado sin permitirle la defensa. De acuerdo con el Sr. Aliaga, esta actitud fue una revancha ante las denuncias que él había realizado anteriormente sobre las serias irregularidades existentes en dicha Universidad.

  20. Assessment of myocardial fibrosis with T1 mapping MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Everett, R.J.; Stirrat, C.G.; Semple, S.I.R.; Newby, D.E.; Dweck, M.R.; Mirsadraee, S.


    Myocardial fibrosis can arise from a range of pathological processes and its presence correlates with adverse clinical outcomes. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) can provide a non-invasive assessment of cardiac structure, function, and tissue characteristics, which includes late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) techniques to identify focal irreversible replacement fibrosis with a high degree of accuracy and reproducibility. Importantly the presence of LGE is consistently associated with adverse outcomes in a range of common cardiac conditions; however, LGE techniques are qualitative and unable to detect diffuse myocardial fibrosis, which is an earlier form of fibrosis preceding replacement fibrosis that may be reversible. Novel T1 mapping techniques allow quantitative CMR assessment of diffuse myocardial fibrosis with the two most common measures being native T1 and extracellular volume (ECV) fraction. Native T1 differentiates normal from infarcted myocardium, is abnormal in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and may be particularly useful in the diagnosis of Anderson–Fabry disease and amyloidosis. ECV is a surrogate measure of the extracellular space and is equivalent to the myocardial volume of distribution of the gadolinium-based contrast medium. It is reproducible and correlates well with fibrosis on histology. ECV is abnormal in patients with cardiac failure and aortic stenosis, and is associated with functional impairment in these groups. T1 mapping techniques promise to allow earlier detection of disease, monitor disease progression, and inform prognosis; however, limitations remain. In particular, reference ranges are lacking for T1 mapping values as these are influenced by specific CMR techniques and magnetic field strength. In addition, there is significant overlap between T1 mapping values in healthy controls and most disease states, particularly using native T1, limiting the clinical application of these techniques at present.

  1. Assessment of myocardial fibrosis with T1 mapping MRI. (United States)

    Everett, R J; Stirrat, C G; Semple, S I R; Newby, D E; Dweck, M R; Mirsadraee, S


    Myocardial fibrosis can arise from a range of pathological processes and its presence correlates with adverse clinical outcomes. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) can provide a non-invasive assessment of cardiac structure, function, and tissue characteristics, which includes late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) techniques to identify focal irreversible replacement fibrosis with a high degree of accuracy and reproducibility. Importantly the presence of LGE is consistently associated with adverse outcomes in a range of common cardiac conditions; however, LGE techniques are qualitative and unable to detect diffuse myocardial fibrosis, which is an earlier form of fibrosis preceding replacement fibrosis that may be reversible. Novel T1 mapping techniques allow quantitative CMR assessment of diffuse myocardial fibrosis with the two most common measures being native T1 and extracellular volume (ECV) fraction. Native T1 differentiates normal from infarcted myocardium, is abnormal in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and may be particularly useful in the diagnosis of Anderson-Fabry disease and amyloidosis. ECV is a surrogate measure of the extracellular space and is equivalent to the myocardial volume of distribution of the gadolinium-based contrast medium. It is reproducible and correlates well with fibrosis on histology. ECV is abnormal in patients with cardiac failure and aortic stenosis, and is associated with functional impairment in these groups. T1 mapping techniques promise to allow earlier detection of disease, monitor disease progression, and inform prognosis; however, limitations remain. In particular, reference ranges are lacking for T1 mapping values as these are influenced by specific CMR techniques and magnetic field strength. In addition, there is significant overlap between T1 mapping values in healthy controls and most disease states, particularly using native T1, limiting the clinical application of these techniques at present. Copyright © 2016 The Royal College

  2. Localized bilateral perirenal fibrosis, a rare cause of idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maja Kveder


    Full Text Available Background: Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis is an infrequent process of unknown aetiology characterised by fibrous tissue proliferation in the retroperitoneum. Even less frequent is a localized form of this disease by a proliferation of fibrous tissue around single or both kidneys.Case report: We describe a case of 46-year old man in whom medical management was started for accidentally discovered arterial hypertension, which turned out to be difficult to control.   During diagnostic work-up of hypertension, an abdominal ultrasound was obtained a year later demonstrating slight bilateral caliectasis without obvious visible cause for it. Laboratory exams have shown significantly impaired renal function, normocytic anaemia, slightly higher sedimentation rate, increased CRP and normal urinalysis. Nephrologist has decided for hospitalisation during which magnetic resonance imaging was performed  showing a few mm wide tissue coats surrounding both kidneys with fluid lying between the coat and kidney capsule. A biopsy of perirenal mass has confirmed a dense cellular lesion consisted of interweaved fascicles of spindle-shaped cells. After exclusion of tumours and other causes, a diagnosis of retroperitoneal fibrosis was confirmed. Clinical picture and laboratory data corresponded to idiopathic form of this disease. A treatment with tamoxifen was started after patient refused treatment with methylprednisolone. During tamoxifen monotherapy, there was gradual significant improvement of general symptoms, notable decline in inflammation markers, improvement of anaemia, normalisation of kidney function, and normalisation of blood pressure. Conclusion: Retroperitoneal fibrosis is still an obscure and multifaceted disease. A proper selection of diagnostic methods is the key to correct and fast diagnosis as well as good grounding for proper treatment.

  3. FibroMeters: a family of blood tests for liver fibrosis. (United States)

    Calès, P; Boursier, J; Oberti, F; Hubert, I; Gallois, Y; Rousselet, M-C; Dib, N; Moal, V; Macchi, L; Chevailler, A; Michalak, S; Hunault, G; Chaigneau, J; Sawadogo, A; Lunel, F


    FibroMeters are blood tests for liver fibrosis with several specificities: two main diagnostic targets (fibrosis stage and area of fibrosis); adaptation to specific causes; and results confirmed by an expert system. Thus, FibroMeters comprise six different tests: one for staging and one for quantitation of liver fibrosis in each of the three main causes of chronic liver disease-chronic viral hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). FibroMeters display a high overall diagnostic accuracy and are the only tests to correctly classify 100% of HCV patients without fibrosis or with cirrhosis. They have 90% predictive values in a higher proportion of patients than with other usual blood tests. A 90% correct classification is available in 100% of HCV patients with the following reliable diagnostic intervals: F0/1, F1/2, F2+/-1, F3+/-1. In real-life conditions, the reproducibility of FibroMeters is higher than that of liver biopsy or ultrasonographic elastometry. FibroMeters are robust tests with the most stable diagnostic performance across different centers. Optional tests are also available, such as a specific one for cirrhosis, which has a diagnostic accuracy of 93.0% (AUROC: 0.92) and a 100% positive predictive value for diagnosis of HCV cirrhosis. Determination by FibroMeters of the area of fibrosis - the only direct, non-invasive, quantitative measurement of liver fibrosis - are especially useful for following-up cirrhosis as it correlates well with clinical events. FibroMeters are also very accurate in HVB or HIV-HCV co-infected patients. The tests specific for ALD and NAFLD also have a high diagnostic accuracy (AUROCs: 0.96 and 0.94, respectively, for significant fibrosis).

  4. Radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis: examination of chemokine and chemokine receptor families. (United States)

    Johnston, Carl J; Williams, Jacqueline P; Okunieff, Paul; Finkelstein, Jacob N


    Fibrosis is a common outcome of chronic inflammation or injury. Pulmonary fibrosis may be the result of abnormal repair after an acute inflammatory response. The process of repair initiated by a tissue insult is largely a function of the activation of cells to produce important biological mediators such as cytokines, growth factors and chemokines, which orchestrate most aspects of the inflammatory response. Consequently, altered regulation of the production of inflammatory cell cytokines and chemokines after injury and repair likely contributes to the fibrosis. Our hypothesis is that chronic expression of specific chemokine and chemokine receptors during the fibrotic phase induced by thoracic irradiation may perpetuate the recruitment and activation of lymphocytes and macrophages, which may contribute to the development of fibrosis. Fibrosis-sensitive (C57BL/6) and fibrosis-resistant (C3H/HeJ) mice were irradiated with a single dose of 12.5 Gy to the thorax. Total lung RNA was prepared and hybridized using microarray analysis and RNase protection assays. At 26 weeks postirradiation, messages encoding the chemokines BLC (now known as Scyb13), C10 (now known as Scya6), IP-10 (now known as Scyb10), MCP-1 (now known as Scya2), MCP-3 (now known as Scya7), MIP-1gamma (now known as Scya9), and RANTES (now known as Scya5) and the chemokine receptors Ccr1, Ccr2, Ccr5 and Ccr6 were elevated in fibrosis-sensitive (C57BL/6) mice. In contrast, only the messages encoding SDF-1alpha (now known as Sdf1) and Ccr1 were elevated 26 weeks postirradiation in fibrosis-resistant (C3H/HeJ) mice. Our results point to the CC and CCR family members as the predominant chemokine responders during the development of fibrosis. These studies suggest that monocyte/macrophage and lymphocyte recruitment and activation are key components of radiation-induced fibrosis.

  5. Guidelines for the medical treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. (United States)

    Xaubet, Antoni; Molina-Molina, María; Acosta, Orlando; Bollo, Elena; Castillo, Diego; Fernández-Fabrellas, Estrella; Rodríguez-Portal, José Antonio; Valenzuela, Claudia; Ancochea, Julio


    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is defined as chronic fibrosing interstitial pneumonia limited to the lung, with poor prognosis. The incidence has been rising in recent years probably due to improved diagnostic methods and increased life expectancy. In 2013, the SEPAR guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis were published. Since then, clinical trials and meta-analyses have shown strong scientific evidence for the use of pirfenidone and nintedanib in the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. In 2015, the international consensus of 2011 was updated and new therapeutic recommendations were established, prompting us to update our recommendation for the medical treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis accordingly. Diagnostic aspects and non-pharmacological treatment will not be discussed as no relevant developments have emerged since the 2013 guidelines. Copyright © 2017 SEPAR. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  6. Five-year follow-up of patients with chronic C hepatitis and sustained virological response Seguimiento a 5 años de pacientes con hepatitis crónica C y respuesta viral sostenida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. Puig-del-Castillo


    Full Text Available Objective: to assess persistence of sustained viral response at 5 years of follow-up in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C treated with pegylated interferon and ribavirin. Design: a descriptive study. Patients: from August 2001 to May 2004, all patients treated at our center with pegylated interferon and ribavirin who achieved a sustained viral response were consecutively enrolled (93 patients. Demographic, histological, biochemical, and virological data were collected during treatment and 5 years after achievement of the sustained viral response. Eighty-six percent of patients enrolled (n = 80 attended the control visit at 5 years. Results: mean age of enrolled patients was 41 years (standard deviation = 10 years, and 30.1% (n = 28 were women. Liver biopsy had been performed before treatment in 68.8% of patients (n = 64, showing no or mild fibrosis in 62.3% (F0 and F1 and significant fibrosis and cirrhosis in 37.7% (F ≥ 3. Genotype distribution was: 58.1% genotype 1 (n = 54; 8.6% genotype 2 (n = 8; 24.7% genotype 3 (n = 23; 7.5% genotype 4 (n = 7, and indeterminate in one patient. Only one patient experienced virological recurrence. All other patients had negative HCV RNA levels and, in the absence of other liver diseases, normal ALT levels. Conclusion: in patients treated with pegylated interferon and ribavirin with sustained viral response, long-term recurrence rate was very low.Objetivo: evaluar la persistencia de respuesta viral sostenida a los 5 años de seguimiento en pacientes con hepatitis crónica por virus C tratados con interferón pegilado y ribavirina. Diseño: estudio descriptivo. Pacientes: desde agosto de 2001 hasta mayo de 2004, se incluyeron de forma consecutiva todos los pacientes de nuestro centro tratados con interferón pegilado y ribavirina que alcanzaron respuesta viral sostenida (93 pacientes. Se recogieron datos demográficos, histológicos, bioquímicos y virológicos durante el tratamiento y a los 5 años de

  7. Pancreatic fibrosis correlates with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency after pancreatoduodenectomy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    T.C. Tran; G. van 't Hof; G. Kazemier (Geert); W.C.J. Hop (Wim); C.J. Pek (Chulja); A.W. van Toorenenbergen (Albert); H. van Dekken (Herman); C.H.J. van Eijck (Casper)


    textabstractBackground: Obstruction of the pancreatic duct can lead to pancreatic fibrosis. We investigated the correlation between the extent of pancreatic fibrosis and the postoperative exocrine and endocrine pancreatic function. Methods: Fifty-five patients who were treated for pancreatic and

  8. Nutrient Status of Adults with Cystic Fibrosis (United States)



    Nutrition is thought to influence disease status in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). This cross-sectional study sought to evaluate nutrient intake and anthropometric data from 64 adult outpatients with cystic fibrosis. Nutrient intake from food and supplements was compared with the Dietary Reference Intakes for 16 nutrients and outcomes influenced by nutritional status. Attention was given to vitamin D and calcium given potential skeletal implications due to cystic fibrosis. Measurements included weight, height, body composition, pulmonary function, and serum metabolic parameters. Participants were interviewed about dietary intake, supplement use, pulmonary function, sunlight exposure, and pain. The participants’ mean body mass index (±standard deviation) was 21.8±4.9 and pulmonary function tests were normal. Seventy-eight percent used pancreatic enzyme replacement for malabsorption. Vitamin D deficiency [25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD)<37.5 nmol/L] was common: 25 (39%) were deficient despite adequate vitamin D intake. Lipid profiles were normal in the majority, even though total and saturated fat consumption represented 33.0% and 16.8% of energy intake, respectively. Reported protein intake represented 16.9% of total energy intake (range 10%–25%). For several nutrients, including vitamin D and calcium, intake from food and supplements in many participants exceeded recommended Tolerable Upper Intake Levels. Among adults with cystic fibrosis, vitamin D deficiency was common despite reported adequate intake, and lipid profiles were normal despite a relatively high fat intake. Mean protein consumption was adequate, but the range of intake was concerning, as both inadequate or excessive intake may have deleterious skeletal effects. These findings call into question the applicability of established nutrient thresholds for patients with cystic fibrosis. PMID:18060897


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    Muthubabu K


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Oral submucous fibrosis is a disease of unknown aetiology and is a legacy of Indians. It has been variously treated both medically and surgically but neither has been found to be rewarding. Various groups have been studying the therapy schedules and aetiological association, but the conclusions have remained unclear. AIM The study aims to focus on newer surgical therapy stressing on the mechanics and use of pedicle tongue flap in the management of this condition. METHODS AND MATERIALS The study comprised of 40 patients from our outpatient department suffering from oral submucous fibrosis in the age group of 11 to 70 years. The contributory factors of oral submucous fibrosis and the symptoms of the disease were evaluated and the role of pedicle tongue flap surgery in the management of this disease which is a premalignant condition is discussed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION Pedicle tongue flap surgery has given promising results in the treatment of trismus due to oral submucous fibrosis. After the surgery, none of our patients developed any malignant change.

  10. Implementación de una unidad didáctica basada en el aprendizaje del inglés para fines específicos en el área de gastronomía y hotelería


    Garrido Barra, Carmen Gloria; Duyvestein Olivares, Karen


    En el mundo globalizado en el que vivimos hoy, aprender una lengua extranjera es prácticamente una obligación, especialmente para aquellas personas que se desenvuelven en el área de la gastronomía y hotelería. La presente intervención tuvo por objetivo contextualizar la enseñanza del inglés en un establecimiento educacional técnico profesional chileno con mención en gastronomía y hotelería, con un grupo de cinco alumnas de segundo medio y cinco alumnas de tercero medio (que corresponden a los...

  11. Evaluación psicométrica de la escala de conducta delictiva y violenta en el aula, en estudiantes chilenos (Psychometric Assessment Of The Criminal And Violent Behavior Scale In The Classroom, In Chilean Students)


    Daniela Vera-Bachmann; José Luis Gálvez


    RESUMEN: Se reporta evidencia empírica sobre las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de conducta delictiva y violenta en el aula, en una muestra de 877 estudiantes secundarios chilenos, cuyas edades están comprendidas entre los 13 y los 20 años (M = 15.94, DT = 1.31). Los análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios han aportado evidencia de validez cruzada, corroborando la estructura original de dos factores; factor conducta violenta disruptiva y factor victimización. Las medidas d...

  12. Episodic seasonal Pseudo-Bartter syndrome in cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Kintu, Brett; Brightwell, Alex


    Pseudo-Bartter syndrome (PBS) describes an uncommon but well recognised complication of cystic fibrosis leading to hypochloraemic, hypokalaemic metabolic alkalosis. Pseudo-Bartter syndrome is usually seen at initial presentation or within the first two years of life in children with cystic fibrosis. Risk factors for development of PBS include warm weather conditions, severe respiratory or pancreatic disease and gastrointestinal losses (e.g. vomiting and diarrhoea). PBS is rare in older children and adolescents although epidemics have been associated with heat wave conditions in warmer climates. In this era of climate change, it is crucial that clinicians consider Pseudo-Bartter syndrome when patients with cystic fibrosis present unwell during summer. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Treatment and education reduce the severity of schistosomiasis periportal fibrosis

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    Paula Carolina Valenca Silva


    Full Text Available Introduction This study evaluates the factors associated with the development of severe periportal fibrosis in patients with Schistosoma mansoni. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted from April to December 2012 involving 178 patients infected with S. mansoni who were treated in the Hospital das Clínicas of Pernambuco, Brazil. Information regarding risk factors was obtained using a questionnaire. Based on the patients' epidemiological history, clinical examination, and upper abdomen ultrasound evaluation, patients were divided into 2 groups: 137 with evidence of severe periportal fibrosis and 41 patients without fibrosis or with mild or moderate periportal fibrosis. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted using EpiInfo software version 3.5.5. Results Illiterate individuals (30.1% and patients who had more frequent contact with contaminated water in towns in the Zona da Mata of Pernambuco (33.2% were at greater risk for severe periportal fibrosis. Based on multivariate analysis, it was determined that an education level of up to 11 years of study and specific prior treatment for schistosomiasis were preventive factors for severe periportal fibrosis. Conclusions The prevailing sites of the severe forms of periportal fibrosis are still within the Zona da Mata of Pernambuco, although there has been an expansion to urban areas and the state coast. Specific treatment and an increased level of education were identified as protective factors, indicating the need for implementing social, sanitary, and health education interventions aimed at schistosomiasis to combat the risk factors for this major public health problem.

  14. Inhibiting aerobic glycolysis suppresses renal interstitial fibroblast activation and renal fibrosis. (United States)

    Ding, Hao; Jiang, Lei; Xu, Jing; Bai, Feng; Zhou, Yang; Yuan, Qi; Luo, Jing; Zen, Ke; Yang, Junwei


    Chronic kidney diseases generally lead to renal fibrosis. Despite great progress having been made in identifying molecular mediators of fibrosis, the mechanism that governs renal fibrosis remains unclear, and so far no effective therapeutic antifibrosis strategy is available. Here we demonstrated that a switch of metabolism from oxidative phosphorylation to aerobic glycolysis (Warburg effect) in renal fibroblasts was the primary feature of fibroblast activation during renal fibrosis and that suppressing renal fibroblast aerobic glycolysis could significantly reduce renal fibrosis. Both gene and protein assay showed that the expression of glycolysis enzymes was upregulated in mouse kidneys with unilateral ureter obstruction (UUO) surgery or in transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1)-treated renal interstitial fibroblasts. Aerobic glycolysis flux, indicated by glucose uptake and lactate production, was increased in mouse kidney with UUO nephropathy or TGF-β1-treated renal interstitial fibroblasts and positively correlated with fibrosis process. In line with this, we found that increasing aerobic glycolysis can remarkably induce myofibroblast activation while aerobic glycolysis inhibitors shikonin and 2-deoxyglucose attenuate UUO-induced mouse renal fibrosis and TGF-β1-stimulated myofibroblast activation. Furthermore, mechanistic study indicated that shikonin inhibits renal aerobic glycolysis via reducing phosphorylation of pyruvate kinase type M2, a rate-limiting glycolytic enzyme associated with cell reliance on aerobic glycolysis. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate the critical role of aerobic glycolysis in renal fibrosis and support treatment with aerobic glycolysis inhibitors as a potential antifibrotic strategy. Copyright © 2017 the American Physiological Society.

  15. [Historical compilation of cystic fibrosis]. (United States)

    Navarro, Salvador


    Cystic fibrosis is the most common life-shortening recessively inherited disorder in the Caucasian population. The genetic mutation that most frequently provokes cystic fibrosis (ΔF508) appeared at least 53,000years ago. For many centuries, the disease was thought to be related to witchcraft and the "evil eye" and it was only in 1938 that Dorothy H. Andersen characterized this disorder and suspected its genetic origin. The present article reviews the pathological discoveries and diagnostic and therapeutic advances made in the last 75 years. The review ends with some considerations for the future. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and AEEH y AEG. All rights reserved.

  16. Vaccines for preventing infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Helle Krogh; Gøtzsche, Peter C


    BACKGROUND: Chronic pulmonary infection in cystic fibrosis results in progressive lung damage. Once colonisation of the lungs with Pseudomonas aeruginosa occurs, it is almost impossible to eradicate. Vaccines, aimed at reducing infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, have been developed....... This is an update of a previously published review. OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness of vaccination against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group Trials Register using the terms vaccines AND pseudomonas (last search 30...... March 2015). We previously searched PubMed using the terms vaccin* AND cystic fibrosis (last search 30 May 2013). SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised trials (published or unpublished) comparing Pseudomonas aeruginosa vaccines (oral, parenteral or intranasal) with control vaccines or no intervention in cystic...

  17. Thermodynamic Aspects and Reprogramming Cellular Energy Metabolism during the Fibrosis Process

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    Alexandre Vallée


    Full Text Available Fibrosis is characterized by fibroblast proliferation and fibroblast differentiation into myofibroblasts, which generate a relaxation-free contraction mechanism associated with excessive collagen synthesis in the extracellular matrix, which promotes irreversible tissue retraction evolving towards fibrosis. From a thermodynamic point of view, the mechanisms leading to fibrosis are irreversible processes that can occur through changing the entropy production rate. The thermodynamic behaviors of metabolic enzymes involved in fibrosis are modified by the dysregulation of both transforming growth factor β (TGF-β signaling and the canonical WNT/β-catenin pathway, leading to aerobic glycolysis, called the Warburg effect. Molecular signaling pathways leading to fibrosis are considered dissipative structures that exchange energy or matter with their environment far from the thermodynamic equilibrium. The myofibroblastic cells arise from exergonic processes by switching the core metabolism from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis, which generates energy and reprograms cellular energy metabolism to induce the process of myofibroblast differentiation. Circadian rhythms are far-from-equilibrium thermodynamic processes. They directly participate in regulating the TGF-β and WNT/β-catenin pathways involved in energetic dysregulation and enabling fibrosis. The present review focusses on the thermodynamic implications of the reprogramming of cellular energy metabolism, leading to fibroblast differentiation into myofibroblasts through the positive interplay between TGF-β and WNT/β-catenin pathways underlying in fibrosis.

  18. Angiotensin II type 1 and 2 receptors and lymphatic vessels modulate lung remodeling and fibrosis in systemic sclerosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. (United States)

    Parra, Edwin Roger; Ruppert, Aline Domingos Pinto; Capelozzi, Vera Luiza


    To validate the importance of the angiotensin II receptor isotypes and the lymphatic vessels in systemic sclerosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. We examined angiotensin II type 1 and 2 receptors and lymphatic vessels in the pulmonary tissues obtained from open lung biopsies of 30 patients with systemic sclerosis and 28 patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Their histologic patterns included cellular and fibrotic non-specific interstitial pneumonia for systemic sclerosis and usual interstitial pneumonia for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. We used immunohistochemistry and histomorphometry to evaluate the number of cells in the alveolar septae and the vessels stained by these markers. Survival curves were also used. We found a significantly increased percentage of septal and vessel cells immunostained for the angiotensin type 1 and 2 receptors in the systemic sclerosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients compared with the controls. A similar percentage of angiotensin 2 receptor positive vessel cells was observed in fibrotic non-specific interstitial pneumonia and usual interstitial pneumonia. A significantly increased percentage of lymphatic vessels was present in the usual interstitial pneumonia group compared with the non-specific interstitial pneumonia and control groups. A Cox regression analysis showed a high risk of death for the patients with usual interstitial pneumonia and a high percentage of vessel cells immunostained for the angiotensin 2 receptor in the lymphatic vessels. We concluded that angiotensin II receptor expression in the lung parenchyma can potentially control organ remodeling and fibrosis, which suggests that strategies aimed at preventing high angiotensin 2 receptor expression may be used as potential therapeutic target in patients with pulmonary systemic sclerosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

  19. Colchicine for alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver fibrosis or cirrhosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rambaldi, A; Gluud, C


    Colchicine is an anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic drug. Several randomized clinical trials have addressed the question whether colchicine has any efficacy in patients with alcoholic as well as non-alcoholic fibrosis and cirrhosis. The objectives were to assess the efficacy of colchicine...... evaluated in randomized trials on mortality, liver related mortality, liver related complications, liver fibrosis markers, liver histology, alcohol consumption, quality of life, and health economics in patients with alcoholic and non-alcoholic fibrosis or cirrhosis....

  20. The Processes and Mechanisms of Cardiac and Pulmonary Fibrosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Murtha, Lucy A.; Schuliga, Michael J.; Mabotuwana, Nishani S.; Hardy, Sean A.; Waters, David W.; Burgess, Janette K.; Knight, Darryl A.; Boyle, Andrew J.


    Fibrosis is the formation of fibrous connective tissue in response to injury. It is characterized by the accumulation of extracellular matrix components, particularly collagen, at the site of injury. Fibrosis is an adaptive response that is a vital component of wound healing and tissue repair.

  1. Molecular basis of hepatic fibrosis and current status of its diagnosis and treatment

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    LI Yan


    Full Text Available During the process of acute or chronic liver injury, hepatic stellate cells interact with various types of cells such as hepatic parenchymal cells, Kupffer cells, and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells to mediate extracellular matrix deposition and sinusoid capillarization and thus initiate the process of hepatic fibrosis. The nature of hepatic fibrosis is repair response after liver injury. Liver biopsy is regarded as the gold standard for the diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis; however, it is generally associated with the risk of bleeding and even death. Noninvasive diagnostic methods for liver fibrosis mainly include serum biomarkers, imaging techniques, and predictive statistical model, but such methods cannot completely replace liver biopsy. At present, the treatment of hepatic fibrosis focuses on the research and development of new drugs targeting primary disease, hepatic stellate cells, or balance of extracellular matrix synthesis/degradation. The research on the molecular mechanism of hepatic fibrosis provides a solid theoretical basis for exploring the treatment of hepatic fibrosis.

  2. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition: An emerging target in tissue fibrosis (United States)

    Li, Meirong; Luan, Fuxin; Zhao, Yali; Hao, Haojie; Zhou, Yong; Han, Weidong


    Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is involved in a variety of tissue fibroses. Fibroblasts/myofibroblasts derived from epithelial cells contribute to the excessive accumulation of fibrous connective tissue in damaged tissue, which can lead to permanent scarring or organ malfunction. Therefore, EMT-related fibrosis cannot be neglected. This review highlights the findings that demonstrate the EMT to be a direct contributor to the fibroblast/myofibroblast population in the development of tissue fibrosis and helps to elucidate EMT-related anti-fibrotic strategies, which may enable the development of therapeutic interventions to suppress EMT and potentially reverse organ fibrosis. PMID:26361988

  3. Effect of iron, taurine and arginine on rat hepatic fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song Liangwen; Wang Dewen; Cui Xuemei


    Objective: The promotion role of iron on pathogenesis of hepatic fibrosis and the protective role of taurine and L-arginine against hepatic fibrosis were studied. Method: The model of rat radiation hepatic fibrosis was used. Experimental rats were divided into 0 Gy, 30 Gy, 30 Gy + iron, 30 Gy + taurine and 30 Gy + L-arginine groups. Serum iron, liver tissue hydroxyproline (Hyp) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were measured one and three months respectively after irradiation of hepatic tissue, production and distribution characteristics of hepatic tissue type I and III collagen were observed with a polarizing microscope. Results: Administration of iron agent could significantly increase hepatic tissue MDA content and serum iron concentration, one month after irradiation, hepatic tissue Hyp in 30 Gy + iron group began to increase, and collagen in hepatic tissue obviously increased. Taurine and L-arginine could reduce serum iron concentration and decrease production of hepatic fissure Hyp. Conclusion: Exogenous iron agent could promote early development of radiation hepatic fibrosis; taurine and arginine could diminish pathologic alteration of hepatic fibrosis to a certain extent

  4. Radiation-induced neck fibrosis in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Jian; Wang Rensheng; Gan Langge; Liu Wenqi; Zhang Yong


    Objective: To investigate the post-irradiation neck fibrosis in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma and its related factors. Methods: A total of 267 patients received conventional fractionated radiotherapy with D T 50-72 Gy on the neck a half year to 10 years ago were observed for the changes of cervical shape and functions. Results: Different degrees of post-irradiation neck fibrosis were seen in all patients. The rate of heavy degree of neck radiation fibrosis was 24.34 %, and it was 2.74% when received preventive dose on the neck. There was a very significant difference between patients who received late course of tangential irradiation on the neck and those who didn't receive (P=0.0001). The incidence of post-irradiation neck fibrosis didn't increase when patients received radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy (P=0.2678). The function of cervical muscles turned weak in patients received radiotherapy delivered by 6 MV accelerator in late course of tangential irradiation, whereas skin damage was severer in patients treated with 60 Co γ-rays. Conclusions: The incidence of heavy degree of post-irradiation neck fibrosis is high ,and is related closely to late course of tangential irradiation. The authors should avoid adopting this sort of irradiation on the neck. (authors)

  5. A new model of progressive pulmonary fibrosis in rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Last, J.A.; Gelzleichter, T.R.; Pinkerton, K.E.; Walker, R.M.; Witschi, H. (Univ. of California, Davis (United States))


    Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed for 6 h daily to 0.8 ppm of ozone and 14.4 ppm of nitrogen dioxide. Approximately 7 to 10 wk after the initiation of exposure, animals began to demonstrate respiratory insufficiency and severe weight loss. About half of the rats died between Days 55 and 78 of exposure; no overt ill effects were observed in animals exposed to filtered air, to ozone alone, or to nitrogen dioxide. Biochemical findings in animals exposed to ozone and nitrogen dioxide included increased lung content of DNA, protein, collagen, and elastin, which was about 300% higher than the control values. The collagen-specific crosslink hydroxy-pyridinium, a biomarker for mature collagen in the lung, was decreased by about 40%. These results are consistent with extensive breakdown and remodeling of the lung parenchyma and its associated vasculature. Histopathologic evaluation showed severe fibrosis, alveolar collapse, honeycombing, macrophage and mast cell accumulation, vascular smooth muscle hypertrophy, and other indications of severe progressive interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and end-stage lung disease. This unique animal model of progressive pulmonary fibrosis resembles the final stages of human idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and should facilitate studying underlying mechanisms and potential therapy of progressive pulmonary fibrosis.


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    Cristián Guerra


    Full Text Available En este artículo se aborda el estudio musicológico de la canción “Firmes y adelante” del grupo chileno de rock cristiano Perniles con Papas (PCP. Para ello se realiza una introducción donde se presenta sucintamente la relación entre religión, música, tribus urbanas y el Movimiento Despreciado y Desechado en Chile (MDYD, en cuyo seno se formó PCP. Sigue una breve descripción histórica de los primeros años del MDYD y de PCP, para enfocarse después en el fonograma de PCP donde aparece la canción “Firmes y adelante” y llevar a cabo el estudio musicológico de “Firmes y adelante” tomando como referencia la propuesta de análisis musemático de Philip Tagg. De este modo, se busca mostrar cómo a partir de una aproximación musicológica se puede profundizar y enriquecer el estudio de casos como este, como complemento de los estudios que otras disciplinas realizan sobre ellos.

  7. Role of NLRC5 in progression and reversal of hepatic fibrosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Xuejiao, E-mail: [School of Pharmacy, Anhui Key Laboratory of Bioactivity of Natural Products, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032 (China); Institute for Liver Diseases, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032 (China); Wu, Yuting; Yang, Yang; Li, Wanxia; Huang, Cheng; Meng, Xiaoming [School of Pharmacy, Anhui Key Laboratory of Bioactivity of Natural Products, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032 (China); Institute for Liver Diseases, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032 (China); Li, Jun, E-mail: [School of Pharmacy, Anhui Key Laboratory of Bioactivity of Natural Products, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032 (China); Institute for Liver Diseases, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032 (China); School of Pharmacy, Anhui Medical University, Mei Shan load, Hefei 230032, Anhui Province (China)


    Background: NLRC5, as the largest member of NLRs family, has recently been identified as a critical regulator of immune responses through negatively regulating NF-κB which is associated with the development of hepatic fibrosis. However, the expression and potential roles of NLRC5 in hepatic fibrosis and its reversal are still to be defined. Methods: C57BL/6 mice were treatment with carbon tetrachloride (CCl{sub 4}) induce hepatic fibrosis and its reversal. In vitro, models of hepatic fibrosis and its reversal are established by the treatment with TGF-β and MDI. The expression of NLRC5 was determined by RT-PCR, Western blot and immunohistochemistry. Consequently, NLRC5 was overexpressed or knockdown by transfecting PEGFP-C2-NLRC5 or NLRC5-siRNA respectively in the reversal of hepatic fibrosis, and the expression of fibrogenic genes such as α-SMA and Col1α1 was quantified. The NF-κB activity was detected as well. Results: Immunohistochemistry, RT-PCR and Western blot analysis with liver tissues and primary HSCs showed that NLRC5 was highly expressed in hepatic fibrosis and correspondingly decreased in the reversal stage. The differential expression of NLRC5 was confirmed in vitro. Enforced NLRC5 expression increased the expression of α-SMA and Col1α1, and blockade of NLRC5 reduced the fibrotic response. While the opposite expression of phosphorylated NF-kB p65 and phospho-IκBα was found. Conclusion: NLRC5 is differentially expressed in hepatic tissues and hepatic stellate cells during hepatic fibrosis and its reversal. All the data indicated that NLRC5 may play a crucial role in regulating the reversal of hepatic fibrosis through NF-κB signaling pathway. - Highlights: • The activated HSCs can be reverted to quiescent HSCs by MDI treatment. • NLRC5 expressed differentially during different stages of hepatic fibrosis and its reversal. • Enforced NLRC5 in reverted LX-c cells boosted the expression of α-SMA and Col1α1. • Blockade of NLRC5 diminished

  8. Deep learning for staging liver fibrosis on CT: a pilot study. (United States)

    Yasaka, Koichiro; Akai, Hiroyuki; Kunimatsu, Akira; Abe, Osamu; Kiryu, Shigeru


    To investigate whether liver fibrosis can be staged by deep learning techniques based on CT images. This clinical retrospective study, approved by our institutional review board, included 496 CT examinations of 286 patients who underwent dynamic contrast-enhanced CT for evaluations of the liver and for whom histopathological information regarding liver fibrosis stage was available. The 396 portal phase images with age and sex data of patients (F0/F1/F2/F3/F4 = 113/36/56/66/125) were used for training a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN); the data for the other 100 (F0/F1/F2/F3/F4 = 29/9/14/16/32) were utilised for testing the trained network, with the histopathological fibrosis stage used as reference. To improve robustness, additional images for training data were generated by rotating or parallel shifting the images, or adding Gaussian noise. Supervised training was used to minimise the difference between the liver fibrosis stage and the fibrosis score obtained from deep learning based on CT images (F DLCT score) output by the model. Testing data were input into the trained DCNNs to evaluate their performance. The F DLCT scores showed a significant correlation with liver fibrosis stage (Spearman's correlation coefficient = 0.48, p deep learning model based on CT images, with moderate performance. • Liver fibrosis can be staged by a deep learning model based on magnified CT images including the liver surface, with moderate performance. • Scores from a trained deep learning model showed moderate correlation with histopathological liver fibrosis staging. • Further improvement are necessary before utilisation in clinical settings.

  9. Microengineered in vitro model of cardiac fibrosis through modulating myofibroblast mechanotransduction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Hui; Li, Xiaokang; Zhao, Shan; Zeng, Yang; Ding, Haiyan; Du, Yanan; Zhao, Long; Sun, Wei


    Cardiac fibrosis greatly impairs normal heart function post infarction and there is no effective anti-fibrotic drug developed at present. The current therapies for cardiac infarction mainly take effect by eliminating occlusion in coronary artery by thrombolysis drugs, vascular stent grafting or heart bypass operation, which are capable to provide sufficient blood flow for intact myocardium yet showed subtle efficacy in ameliorating fibrosis condition. The advances of in vitro cell/tissue models open new avenues for drug assessment due to the low cost, good controllability and availability as well as the convenience for operation as compared to the animal models. To our knowledge, no proper biomimetic in vitro cardiac fibrosis model has been reported yet. Here we engineered an in vitro cardiac fibrosis model using heart-derived fibroblasts, and the fibrogenesis was recapitulated by patterning the substrate rigidity which mimicked the mechanical heterogeneity of myocardium post-infarction. Various biomarkers for cardiac fibrosis were assayed to validate the biomimicry of the engineered platform. Subsequent addition of Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) pathway inhibitor reduced the ratio of myofibroblasts, indicating the feasibility of applying this platform in screening anti-fibrosis drugs. (paper)

  10. Breakthrough Therapies: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Potentiators and Correctors (United States)

    Solomon, George M.; Marshall, Susan G.; Ramsey, Bonnie W.; Rowe, Steven M.


    Cystic Fibrosis is caused by mutations in the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator (CFTR) gene resulting in abnormal protein function. Recent advances of targeted molecular therapies and high throughput screening have resulted in multiple drug therapies that target many important mutations in the CFTR protein. In this review, we provide the latest results and current progress of CFTR modulators for the treatment of cystic fibrosis, focusing on potentiators of CFTR channel gating and Phe508del processing correctors for the Phe508del CFTR mutation. Special emphasis is placed on the molecular basis underlying these new therapies and emerging results from the latest clinical trials. The future directions for augmenting the rescue of Phe508del with CFTR modulators is also emphasized. PMID:26097168

  11. Noninvasive Assessment of Fibrosis in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Elena Buzzetti


    Full Text Available Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD is prevalent in 20–25% of the general population and is associated with metabolic risk factors such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, and dyslipidemia. Histologically, NAFLD ranges from simple steatosis to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH, fibrosis, and cirrhosis. As NASH develops in only 10–15% of patients with NAFLD, it is not practical to biopsy all patients who present with NAFLD. Noninvasive fibrosis tests have been extensively developed recently and offer alternatives for staging fibrosis. Despite their increasing use, such tests cannot adequately differentiate simple steatosis from NASH. At present, such tests can be used as first line tests to rule out patients without advanced fibrosis and thus prevent unnecessary secondary care referrals in a significant number of patients. In this review we present the evidence for the use of noninvasive fibrosis tests in patients with NAFLD.

  12. Patrones de uso de servicios entre adultos con problemas de salud mental, en Chile Service use patterns among adults with mental health problems in Chile

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    Benjamín Vicente


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Describir el patrón de uso de servicios generales y especializados entre los adultos con problemas de salud mental, así como su nivel de satisfacción con dichos servicios, con la finalidad de contribuir a optimizar los escasos recursos disponibles en la Región para la atención de la salud mental, particularmente en lo que corresponde a Chile. MÉTODO: Los diagnósticos y los patrones de uso de los servicios de salud mental se obtuvieron del Estudio Chileno de Prevalencia Psiquiátrica (ECPP, una investigación representativa de la población adulta del país, basada en una muestra aleatoria estratificada de 2 987 personas de 15 años y más, que abarcó el período de 1992 a 1999. Los diagnósticos psiquiátricos se obtuvieron por medio del instrumento de entrevista denominado Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI. Asimismo, se preguntó a los entrevistados acerca del uso de servicios generales y de salud mental en los seis meses precedentes y sobre las dificultades que encontraron para acceder a ellos. RESULTADOS: Más de 44% de los entrevistados tuvieron contacto con algún tipo de servicio de salud durante los 6 meses previos al estudio, pero solo 5,6% recibieron atención especializada. Quienes presentan los diagnósticos de trastorno obsesivo y de pánico consultan con mayor frecuencia, pero no en centros especializados. El consumo de sustancias tóxicas y la personalidad antisocial se relacionaron con un bajo nivel de consulta. El sistema formal de salud es la opción que más se menciona como recurso de ayuda. Más de 75% refieren satisfacción o gran satisfacción con la atención recibida. CONCLUSIONES: Se confirma la existencia de una amplia brecha entre las necesidades de atención y el tratamiento realmente recibido. Los recursos alternativos informales y folclóricos (sacerdote, familiares, curanderos, hierbateros [yerberos], etc. se utilizan con una frecuencia menor de la esperada. Las barreras

  13. Fibrosis of the pancreas: the initial tissue damage and the resulting pattern. (United States)

    Klöppel, Günter; Detlefsen, Sönke; Feyerabend, Bernd


    Fibrosis in the pancreas is caused by such processes as necrosis/apoptosis, inflammation or duct obstruction. The initial event that induces fibrogenesis in the pancreas is an injury that may involve the interstitial mesenchymal cells, the duct cells and/or the acinar cells. Damage to any one of these tissue compartments of the pancreas is associated with cytokine-triggered transformation of resident fibroblasts/pancreatic stellate cells into myofibroblasts and the subsequent production and deposition of extracellular matrix. Depending on the site of injury in the pancreas and the involved tissue compartment, predominantly inter(peri)lobular fibrosis (as in alcoholic chronic pancreatitis), periductal fibrosis (as in hereditary pancreatitis), periductal and interlobular fibrosis (as in autoimmune pancreatitis) or diffuse inter- and intralobular fibrosis (as in obstructive chronic pancreatitis) develops.

  14. Calidad De La Producción Escrita En Dos Secuencias Textuales Según Tipo De Establecimiento Educacional

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    Ricardo Benítez Figari


    Full Text Available En el marco del Proyecto FONDECYT Nº 1100600, surge el interés por indagar acerca de la producción escrita en estudiantes chilenos con el fin de obtener una visión de la calidad de dicha producción. Motivados también por los resultados que los estudiantes obtuvieron en Comprensión Lectora, según el Sistema de Medición de la Calidad de la Educación (SIMCE, específicamente, porque estos no han sido muy alentadores, es razonable esperar que esta habilidad tenga una fuerte influencia en el desarrollo de la composición por escrito. El presente estudio se enfoca en la calidad de escritos producidos por 137 estudiantes chilenos, considerando una secuencia narrativa y una explicativa (Adam, 2001, y el tipo de plantel educacional. Los participantes cursaban cuarto (n = 69 y octavo (n = 68 de enseñanza básica. La calidad de la escritura se midió con el instrumento Perfil del Escritor (Spalding & Cummins, 1998, cuyos descriptores derivan en tres niveles de calidad: alta, media y baja. Los resultados revelan una mayor calidad en la secuencia narrativa. Escasas secuencias narrativas se calificaron como de calidad alta. Los participantes calificados con el criterio más alto asistían al establecimiento de tipo particular subvencionado. En todos los establecimientos se observan secuencias de calidad baja.

  15. Un discurso para la cohesión social. El proceso semiótico - discursivo en la (re construcción de marca chile en el bicentenario

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    Manuel Pinto


    Full Text Available Los periódicos, la televisión o internet son medios privilegiados al momento de la construcción, manutención o reconfiguración de identidades. No es casual entonces que muchos organismos o entidades se valgan de este tipo de medios como elementos centrales a la hora de construir sus textos multimodales en el desarrollo de su identidad o en la configuración de su imagen. Así, por ejemplo, estamentos gubernamentales levantan campañas multimediales con propósitos de afiliación, reconocimiento y hasta cohesión social dentro del contexto globalizado y mediatizado de este nuevo milenio. El Bicentenario es nuestro objetivo de análisis como núcleo de una campaña cuya finalidad comunicativa es la cohesión social, el reconocimiento de los chilenos y la posibilidad de, desde un discurso patriótico con cimientos históricos y una frescura universalizable, hacer encontrarse a los chilenos entre sí y de transmitirse como marca hacia el exterior a través de distintos recursos semióticos existentes, aprovechando soportes y medios de consumo masivo actuales para fortalecer una visión de partir con historia, presente y futuro. Por consiguiente, analizaremos los textos multimodales de la campaña, desde una perspectiva del estudio de la marca país, a partir del cuadro teórico de la semiótica social.

  16. [Cystic fibrosis--initial diagnosis in a 39-year-old patient]. (United States)

    Bargon, J; Rickmann, J; Jacobi, V; Straub, R; Arnemann, J; Wagner, T O


    Cystic fibrosis is the most common hereditary disorder among Caucasians. Most of the patients are diagnosed as children. However, some cases are going undiagnosed into adulthood and are then often misdiagnosed because the non-pediatricians do not know cystic fibrosis very well and do not consider this diagnosis in adult patients. We present the medical history of a woman, who was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at the age of 39 years, although she had suffered from bronchiectasis, pancreatic insufficiency and liver cirrhosis since many years. Her medical history was long with some diagnosis, but because of her age nobody considered the final diagnosis. In adult patients with bronchiectasis, liver cirrhosis and pancreatic insufficiency in combination or with only one of these symptoms, cystic fibrosis should be included into the differential diagnosis.

  17. La protección de la capacidad de los adultos mayores a través de la autonomía de la voluntad en el Derecho chileno y comparado

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    Yasna Otálora Espinoza


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene por objetivo resolver si en el sistema chileno una persona capaz podría designar anticipadamente, en virtud de la autonomía de la voluntad, a otra que se hará cargo del cuidado de su persona y bienes, esto es, nombrar una persona para cuando ya no esté en situación de protegerse a sí misma, de modo que su familia no sea obligada a recurrir a procedimientos judiciales de incapacitación, y, de ser posible, determinar cuál podría ser la figura jurídica idónea para que las personas puedan expresar esta voluntad.

  18. TRIF Differentially Regulates Hepatic Steatosis and Inflammation/Fibrosis in MiceSummary

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    Ling Yang


    Full Text Available Background & Aims: Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4 signaling is activated through 2 adaptor proteins: MyD88 and TIR-domain containing adaptor-inducing interferon-β (TRIF. TLR4 and MyD88 are crucial in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH and fibrosis. However, the role of TRIF in TLR4-mediated NASH and fibrosis has been elusive. This study investigated the differential roles of TRIF in hepatic steatosis and inflammation/fibrosis. Methods: A choline-deficient amino acid defined (CDAA diet was used for the mouse NASH model. On this diet, the mice develop hepatic steatosis, inflammation, and fibrosis. TLR4 wild-type and TLR4-/- bone marrow chimeric mice and TRIF-/- mice were fed CDAA or a control diet for 22 weeks. Hepatic steatosis, inflammation, and fibrosis were examined. Results: In the CDAA diet–induced NASH, the mice with wild-type bone marrow had higher alanine aminotransferase and hepatic tumor necrosis factor levels than the mice with TLR4-/- bone marrow. The nonalcoholic fatty liver disease activity score showed that both wild-type and TLR4-/- bone marrow chimeras had reduced hepatic steatosis, and that both types of chimeras had similar levels of inflammation and hepatocyte ballooning to whole-body wild-type mice. Notably, wild-type recipients showed more liver fibrosis than TLR4-/- recipients. Although TRIF-/- mice showed reduced hepatic steatosis, these mice showed more liver injury, inflammation, and fibrosis than wild-type mice. TRIF-/- stellate cells and hepatocytes produced more C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 1 (CXCL1 and C-C motif chemokine ligand than wild-type cells in response to lipopolysaccharide. Consistently, TRIF-/- mice showed increased CXCL1 and CCL3 expression along with neutrophil and macrophage infiltration, which promotes liver inflammation and injury. Conclusions: In TLR4-mediated NASH, different liver cells have distinct roles in hepatic steatosis, inflammation, and fibrosis. TRIF promotes hepatic

  19. Targeting Interleukin-13 with Tralokinumab Attenuates Lung Fibrosis and Epithelial Damage in a Humanized SCID Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Model (United States)

    Zhang, Huilan; Oak, Sameer R.; Coelho, Ana Lucia; Herath, Athula; Flaherty, Kevin R.; Lee, Joyce; Bell, Matt; Knight, Darryl A.; Martinez, Fernando J.; Sleeman, Matthew A.; Herzog, Erica L.; Hogaboam, Cory M.


    The aberrant fibrotic and repair responses in the lung are major hallmarks of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Numerous antifibrotic strategies have been used in the clinic with limited success, raising the possibility that an effective therapeutic strategy in this disease must inhibit fibrosis and promote appropriate lung repair mechanisms. IL-13 represents an attractive target in IPF, but its disease association and mechanism of action remains unknown. In the present study, an overexpression of IL-13 and IL-13 pathway markers was associated with IPF, particularly a rapidly progressive form of this disease. Targeting IL-13 in a humanized experimental model of pulmonary fibrosis using tralokinumab (CAT354) was found to therapeutically block aberrant lung remodeling in this model. However, targeting IL-13 was also found to promote lung repair and to restore epithelial integrity. Thus, targeting IL-13 inhibits fibrotic processes and enhances repair processes in the lung. PMID:24325475

  20. Abdominal CT predictors of fibrosis in patients with chronic pancreatitis undergoing surgery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sinha, Amitasha; Afghani, Elham [Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Division of Gastroenterology, Baltimore, MD (United States); Singh, Vikesh K. [Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Division of Gastroenterology, Baltimore, MD (United States); Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Pancreatitis Center, Baltimore, MD (United States); Cruise, Michael; Matsukuma, Karen [Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Department of Pathology, Baltimore, MD (United States); Ali, Sumera; Raman, Siva P.; Fishman, Elliot K. [Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, The Russel H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Baltimore, MD (United States); Andersen, Dana K. [National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Bethesda, MD (United States); Makary, Martin A. [Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Department of Surgery, Baltimore, MD (United States); Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Pancreatitis Center, Baltimore, MD (United States); Zaheer, Atif [Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, The Russel H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Baltimore, MD (United States); Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Pancreatitis Center, Baltimore, MD (United States); Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD (United States)


    To determine which abdominal CT findings predict severe fibrosis and post-operative pain relief in chronic pancreatitis (CP). Pre-operative abdominal CTs of 66 patients (mean age 52 ± 12 years, 53 % males) with painful CP who underwent the Whipple procedure (n = 32), Frey procedure (n = 32) or pancreatic head biopsy (n = 2), between 1/2003-3/2014, were evaluated. CT was evaluated for parenchymal calcifications, intraductal calculi, main pancreatic duct dilation (>5 mm), main pancreatic duct stricture, and abnormal side branch(es). The surgical histopathology was graded for fibrosis. CT findings were evaluated as predictors of severe fibrosis and post-operative pain relief using regression and area under receiver operating curve (AUC) analysis. Thirty-eight (58 %) patients had severe fibrosis. Parenchymal calcification(s) were an independent predictor of severe fibrosis (p = 0.03), and post-operative pain relief over a mean follow-up of 1-year (p = 0.04). Presence of >10 parenchymal calcifications had higher predictive accuracy for severe fibrosis than 1-10 parenchymal calcification(s) (AUC 0.88 vs. 0.59, p = 0.003). The predictive accuracy of >10 versus 1-10 parenchymal calcifications increased after adjusting for all other CT findings (AUC 0.89 vs. 0.63, p = 0.01). Parenchymal calcification(s) independently predict severe fibrosis and are significantly associated with post-operative pain relief in CP. The presence of >10 parenchymal calcifications is a better predictor of severe fibrosis than 1-10 parenchymal calcification(s). (orig.)

  1. Abdominal CT predictors of fibrosis in patients with chronic pancreatitis undergoing surgery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sinha, Amitasha; Afghani, Elham; Singh, Vikesh K.; Cruise, Michael; Matsukuma, Karen; Ali, Sumera; Raman, Siva P.; Fishman, Elliot K.; Andersen, Dana K.; Makary, Martin A.; Zaheer, Atif


    To determine which abdominal CT findings predict severe fibrosis and post-operative pain relief in chronic pancreatitis (CP). Pre-operative abdominal CTs of 66 patients (mean age 52 ± 12 years, 53 % males) with painful CP who underwent the Whipple procedure (n = 32), Frey procedure (n = 32) or pancreatic head biopsy (n = 2), between 1/2003-3/2014, were evaluated. CT was evaluated for parenchymal calcifications, intraductal calculi, main pancreatic duct dilation (>5 mm), main pancreatic duct stricture, and abnormal side branch(es). The surgical histopathology was graded for fibrosis. CT findings were evaluated as predictors of severe fibrosis and post-operative pain relief using regression and area under receiver operating curve (AUC) analysis. Thirty-eight (58 %) patients had severe fibrosis. Parenchymal calcification(s) were an independent predictor of severe fibrosis (p = 0.03), and post-operative pain relief over a mean follow-up of 1-year (p = 0.04). Presence of >10 parenchymal calcifications had higher predictive accuracy for severe fibrosis than 1-10 parenchymal calcification(s) (AUC 0.88 vs. 0.59, p = 0.003). The predictive accuracy of >10 versus 1-10 parenchymal calcifications increased after adjusting for all other CT findings (AUC 0.89 vs. 0.63, p = 0.01). Parenchymal calcification(s) independently predict severe fibrosis and are significantly associated with post-operative pain relief in CP. The presence of >10 parenchymal calcifications is a better predictor of severe fibrosis than 1-10 parenchymal calcification(s). (orig.)

  2. Funciones de los canales iónicos CFTR y ENAC en la fibrosis quística

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    Alejandra G. Palma


    Full Text Available La fibrosis quística se debe a la ausencia o defecto del canal transmembrana regulador de la fibrosis quística (CFTR, un canal de cloruro codificado en el gen cftr que juega un papel clave en la homeostasis del agua e iones. El CFTR es activado por el AMPc y se localiza en las membranas apicales y basolaterales de las vías aéreas, intestino y glándulas exocrinas. Una de sus funciones primarias en los pulmones es mantener la capa de líquido superficial a través de su función de canal y regular el canal epitelial de sodio sensible al amiloride (ENaC. Se han identificado más de 1900 mutaciones en el gen cftr. La enfermedad se caracteriza por secreciones viscosas en las glándulas exocrinas y por niveles elevados de cloruro de sodio en el sudor. En la fibrosis quística el CFTR no funciona y el ENaC está desregulado; el resultado es un aumento en la reabsorción de sodio y agua con la formación de un líquido viscoso. En las glándulas sudoríparas tanto el Na+ como el Cl- se retienen en el lumen causando una pérdida de electrolitos durante la sudoración y el NaCl se elimina al sudor. Así, los niveles elevados de NaCl son la base del test del sudor inducido por pilocarpina, un método de diagnóstico para la enfermedad. En esta revisión se discuten los movimientos de Cl- y Na+ en las glándulas sudoríparas y pulmón así como el papel del ENaC en la patogénesis de la enfermedad.

  3. Recent progress in translational cystic fibrosis research using precision medicine strategies. (United States)

    Cholon, Deborah M; Gentzsch, Martina


    Significant progress has been achieved in developing precision therapies for cystic fibrosis; however, highly effective treatments that target the ion channel, CFTR, are not yet available for many patients. As numerous CFTR therapeutics are currently in the clinical pipeline, reliable screening tools capable of predicting drug efficacy to support individualized treatment plans and translational research are essential. The utilization of bronchial, nasal, and rectal tissues from individual cystic fibrosis patients for drug testing using in vitro assays such as electrophysiological measurements of CFTR activity and evaluation of fluid movement in spheroid cultures, has advanced the prediction of patient-specific responses. However, for precise prediction of drug effects, in vitro models of CFTR rescue should incorporate the inflamed cystic fibrosis airway environment and mimic the complex tissue structures of airway epithelia. Furthermore, novel assays that monitor other aspects of successful CFTR rescue such as restoration of mucus characteristics, which is important for predicting mucociliary clearance, will allow for better prognoses of successful therapies in vivo. Additional cystic fibrosis treatment strategies are being intensively explored, such as development of drugs that target other ion channels, and novel technologies including pluripotent stem cells, gene therapy, and gene editing. The multiple therapeutic approaches available to treat the basic defect in cystic fibrosis combined with relevant precision medicine models provide a framework for identifying optimal and sustained treatments that will benefit all cystic fibrosis patients. Copyright © 2017 European Cystic Fibrosis Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. The Role of PPARs in Lung Fibrosis

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    Heather F. Lakatos


    wound healing. PPARβ/δ agonists inhibit lung fibroblast proliferation and enhance the antifibrotic properties of PPARγ agonists. PPARγ ligands oppose the profibrotic effect of TGF-β, which induces differentiation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts, a critical effector cell in fibrosis. PPARγ ligands, including the thiazolidinedione class of antidiabetic drugs, effectively inhibit lung fibrosis in vitro and in animal models. The clinical availability of potent and selective PPARα and PPARγ agonists should facilitate rapid development of successful treatment strategies based on current and ongoing research.

  5. Inactivated Orf virus (Parapoxvirus ovis) elicits antifibrotic activity in models of liver fibrosis. (United States)

    Nowatzky, Janina; Knorr, Andreas; Hirth-Dietrich, Claudia; Siegling, Angela; Volk, Hans-Dieter; Limmer, Andreas; Knolle, Percy; Weber, Olaf


    Inactivated Orf virus (ORFV, Parapoxvirus ovis) demonstrates strong antiviral activity in animal models including a human hepatitis B virus (HBV)-transgenic mouse. In addition, expression of interferon (IFN)-γ and interleukin-10 (IL-10) was induced after administration of inactivated ORFV in these mice. IFN-γ and IL-10 are known to elicit antifibrotic activity. We therefore aimed to study antifibrotic activity of inactivated ORFV in models of liver fibrosis. We characterized ORFV-induced hepatic cytokine expression in rats. We then studied ORFV in two models of liver fibrosis in rats, pig serum-induced liver fibrosis and carbon tetrachloride (CCL4 )-induced liver fibrosis. ORFV induced hepatic expression of IFN-γ and IL-10 in rats. ORFV mediated antifibrotic activity when administrated concomitantly with the fibrosis-inducing agents in both models of liver fibrosis. Importantly, when CCL4 -induced liver fibrosis was already established, ORFV application still showed significant antifibrotic activity. In addition, we were able to demonstrate a direct antifibrotic effect of ORFV on stellate cells. These results establish a potential novel antifibrotic therapeutic approach that not only prevents but also resolves established liver fibrosis. Further studies are required to unravel the details of the mechanisms involved. © 2012 The Japan Society of Hepatology.

  6. The Role of Computed Tomography in Monitoring Patients with Cystic Fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rybacka, Anna; Karmelita-Katulska, Katarzyna


    Cystic fibrosis is the most common lethal autosomal recessive disorder in the Caucasian population. Although the survival rate in patients constantly improves, lung damage is still the major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with cystic fibrosis. In clinical practice, evaluation of patients’ pulmonary state is made by combination of monitoring of lung function and more directly by assessing the lung structure in imaging studies. Studies showed that computed tomography findings are more sensitive as compared to the pulmonary function tests. Computed tomography can identify a wide range of morphological abnormalities in patients with cystic fibrosis, such as bronchiectasis (which is progressive, irreversible and probably the most relevant structural change in cystic fibrosis) peribronchial thickening, mucous plugging and many other disorders that occur in the course of the disease. Computed tomography has a crucial role in the assessment of pulmonary damage over time, detecting complications and monitoring treatment effects in patients with cystic fibrosis

  7. Ketamine induced renal fibrosis in a ketamine addition rat model

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    Mei-Yu Jang


    Conclusion: Ketamine treatment not only induced cystitis-like syndrome, but also renal fibrosis. These renal interstitial fibrosis changes may be induced by the TGF-β pathway. These preliminary results can provide valuable information from a clinical perspective.

  8. Thrombin and factor Xa link the coagulation system with liver fibrosis. (United States)

    Dhar, Ameet; Sadiq, Fouzia; Anstee, Quentin M; Levene, Adam P; Goldin, Robert D; Thursz, Mark R


    Thrombin activates hepatic stellate cells via protease-activated receptor-1. The role of Factor Xa (FXa) in hepatic fibrosis has not been elucidated. We aimed to evaluate the impact of FXa and thrombin in vitro on stellate cells and their respective inhibition in vivo using a rodent model of hepatic fibrosis. HSC-LX2 cells were incubated with FXa and/or thrombin in cell culture, stained for αSMA and relative gene expression and gel contraction calculated. C57BL/6 J mice were administered thioacetamide (TAA) for 8 weeks with Rivaroxaban (n = 15) or Dabigatran (n = 15). Control animals received TAA alone (n = 15). Fibrosis was scored and quantified using digital image analysis and hepatic tissue hydroxyproline estimated. Stellate cells treated with FXa and thrombin demonstrated upregulation of procollagen, TGF-beta, αSMA and significant cell contraction (43.48%+/- 4.12) compared to culturing with FXa or thrombin alone (26.90%+/- 8.90, p = 0.02; 13.1%+/- 9.84, p < 0.001). Mean fibrosis score, percentage area of fibrosis and hepatic hydroxyproline content (2.46 vs 4.08, p = 0.008; 2.02% vs 3.76%, p = 0.012; 276.0 vs 651.3, p = 0.0001) were significantly reduced in mice treated with the FXa inhibitor compared to control mice. FXa inhibition was significantly more effective than thrombin inhibition in reducing percentage area of fibrosis and hepatic hydroxyproline content (2.02% vs 3.70%,p = 0.031; 276.0 vs 413.1,p = 0.001). FXa promotes stellate cell contractility and activation. Early inhibition of coagulation using a FXa inhibitor significantly reduces TAA induced murine liver fibrosis and may be a viable treatment for liver fibrosis in patients.

  9. Totaleindruck o impresión total: La Telésfora de Aquinas Ried como proyecto político, creación literario-musical, reflejo personal y encuentro con el otro Totaleindruck or total impression: Aquinas Ried's Telésfora as a Political Project, a Literary and Musical Creation, a Personal Reflection and an Encounter with the Others

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    José Manuel Izquierdo König


    Full Text Available La Telésfora (1847, ópera en tres actos de Aquinas Ried, se ha instalado desde los trabajos de Eugenio Pereira Salas, como el primer drama lírico escrito en suelo chileno. El presente ensayo busca discutir esta consideración a partir del único elemento que le sobrevive: su libreto. A partir del mismo, la obra de Ried se revela como un proyecto político concreto, un reflejo personal de sus ideas y su encuentro con los chilenos, alemanes y mapuches de mediados del siglo XIX. En este sentido, la figura de Aquinas Ried se amplía a todo un espectro de la vida musical y cosmopolita de la ciudad de Valparaíso y los inmigrantes en Chile.Telésfora (1847 is a three-act opera written by Aquinas Ried. Since the epoch of the Chilean music historian Eugenio Pereira Salas this work has been considered as the first lyrical drama composed in the Chilean territory after the independence. The following essay discusses this point in depth on the basis of the libretto, which is the only element of this opera that has remained. The libretto reveals a concrete political project as well as a personal reflection on Ried's ideas along with his encounter with Chileans, Germans and indigenous people of the nineteenth century. In this regard, the figure of Aquinas Ried reaches a wider spectrum encompassing the musical and cosmopolitan life of the city of Valparaiso and the immigrants in 19th-century Chile.

  10. Fibrosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Noninvasive assessment using computed tomography volumetry. (United States)

    Fujita, Nobuhiro; Nishie, Akihiro; Asayama, Yoshiki; Ishigami, Kousei; Ushijima, Yasuhiro; Takayama, Yukihisa; Okamoto, Daisuke; Shirabe, Ken; Yoshizumi, Tomoharu; Kotoh, Kazuhiro; Furusyo, Norihiro; Hida, Tomoyuki; Oda, Yoshinao; Fujioka, Taisuke; Honda, Hiroshi


    To evaluate the diagnostic performance of computed tomography (CT) volumetry for discriminating the fibrosis stage in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). A total of 38 NAFLD patients were enrolled. On the basis of CT imaging, the volumes of total, left lateral segment (LLS), left medial segment, caudate lobe, and right lobe (RL) of the liver were calculated with a dedicated liver application. The relationship between the volume percentage of each area and fibrosis stage was analyzed using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was performed to determine the accuracy of CT volumetry for discriminating fibrosis stage. The volume percentages of the caudate lobe and the LLS significantly increased with the fibrosis stage ( r = 0.815, P volumetry is a useful diagnostic parameter for staging fibrosis in NAFLD patients.

  11. Systems Level Analysis and Identification of Pathways and Networks Associated with Liver Fibrosis (United States)


    Affymetrix GeneChip Rat Genome 230 2.0 Arrays. In GSE13747, liver fibrosis was produced by bile duct ligation [60]. Six replicates of liver fibrosis...fibrosis produced by bile duct ligation. B) GSE6929 represents sunitinib (SU11248) treatment in liver cirrhosis. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112193...respectively. In the study associated with the GSE13747 dataset, liver fibrosis was induced using bile duct ligation. We observed the predicted positive

  12. Palatoplastia con incisiones mínimas: Proposición de una técnica y revisión de la literatura Palatoplasty with minimal incisions: Technique proposal and literature review

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    J.A. León Pérez


    Full Text Available Existen numerosas técnica quirúrgicas para la reparación de las fisuras del paladar, desde colgajos uni o bipediculados hasta Z-plastias, sin que se haya llegado a encontrar la técnica ideal. Proponemos una técnica quirúrgica con incisiones mínimas a fin de obtener mejores resultados y menor morbilidad, con menor número de complicaciones, tanto tempranas como tardías. Desde 1998 hemos empleado la técnica de palatoplastia con incisiones mínimas en un total de 336 niños, 195 mujeres (58% y 141 varones (42%, con una media de edad de 18 meses (de 6 a 36 meses, logrando disminuir el riesgo de hemorragia y fibrosis, así como el tiempo quirúrgico y la estancia hospitalaria. No se presentaron casos de sangrado postoperatorio, el porcentaje de dehiscencia de la herida y de fístulas secundarias fue del 5% y 323 casos (el 96% fueron intervenidos en régimen ambulatorio. Concluimos que se trata de una técnica fácil de realizar, con un porcentaje de fístulas menor al referido en la literatura y en general, con una menor morbilidad.There are several surgical techniques described for cleft palate reparing, from uni or bipediculated flaps to Z-plastias, without finding the ideal one. We propose a new technique with minimal incisions, to get better results, less morbidity and less early or delayed complications. Since 1998 we have used the technique of palatoplasty with minimal incisions in 336 children, 195 (58% girls and 141 (42% boys, with an average age of 18 months (6 to 36 months, diminishing risk of bleed and fibrosis, surgical time and reducing hospitalisation. In the postoperatory, did not appear bleed, the percentage of wound open and secondary fistula was 5% and 332 cases (96% were handled like ambulatory procedures. As a conclusion, we present an easy surgical technique, with an smaller reported percentage of fistula and less morbidity.

  13. Lung function imaging methods in Cystic Fibrosis pulmonary disease. (United States)

    Kołodziej, Magdalena; de Veer, Michael J; Cholewa, Marian; Egan, Gary F; Thompson, Bruce R


    Monitoring of pulmonary physiology is fundamental to the clinical management of patients with Cystic Fibrosis. The current standard clinical practise uses spirometry to assess lung function which delivers a clinically relevant functional readout of total lung function, however does not supply any visible or localised information. High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) is a well-established current 'gold standard' method for monitoring lung anatomical changes in Cystic Fibrosis patients. HRCT provides excellent morphological information, however, the X-ray radiation dose can become significant if multiple scans are required to monitor chronic diseases such as cystic fibrosis. X-ray phase-contrast imaging is another emerging X-ray based methodology for Cystic Fibrosis lung assessment which provides dynamic morphological and functional information, albeit with even higher X-ray doses than HRCT. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-ionising radiation imaging method that is garnering growing interest among researchers and clinicians working with Cystic Fibrosis patients. Recent advances in MRI have opened up the possibilities to observe lung function in real time to potentially allow sensitive and accurate assessment of disease progression. The use of hyperpolarized gas or non-contrast enhanced MRI can be tailored to clinical needs. While MRI offers significant promise it still suffers from poor spatial resolution and the development of an objective scoring system especially for ventilation assessment.

  14. Extracellular Matrix Molecular Remodeling in Human Liver Fibrosis Evolution.

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    Andrea Baiocchini

    Full Text Available Chronic liver damage leads to pathological accumulation of ECM proteins (liver fibrosis. Comprehensive characterization of the human ECM molecular composition is essential for gaining insights into the mechanisms of liver disease. To date, studies of ECM remodeling in human liver diseases have been hampered by the unavailability of purified ECM. Here, we developed a decellularization method to purify ECM scaffolds from human liver tissues. Histological and electron microscopy analyses demonstrated that the ECM scaffolds, devoid of plasma and cellular components, preserved the three-dimensional ECM structure and zonal distribution of ECM components. This method has been then applied on 57 liver biopsies of HCV-infected patients at different stages of liver fibrosis according to METAVIR classification. Label-free nLC-MS/MS proteomics and computation biology were performed to analyze the ECM molecular composition in liver fibrosis progression, thus unveiling protein expression signatures specific for the HCV-related liver fibrotic stages. In particular, the ECM molecular composition of liver fibrosis was found to involve dynamic changes in matrix stiffness, flexibility and density related to the dysregulation of predominant collagen, elastic fibers and minor components with both structural and signaling properties. This study contributes to the understanding of the molecular bases underlying ECM remodeling in liver fibrosis and suggests new molecular targets for fibrolytic strategies.

  15. The transport of drug in fibrosis. Comment on "Towards a unified approach in the modeling of fibrosis: A review with research perspectives" by Martine Ben Amar and Carlo Bianca (United States)

    Ivancevic, Vladimir


    The topic of the review article [1] is the derivation of a multiscale paradigm for the modeling of fibrosis. Firstly, the biological process of the physiological and pathological fibrosis including therapeutical actions is reviewed. Fibrosis can be a consequence of tissue damage, infections and autoimmune diseases, foreign material, tumors. Some questions regarding the pathogenesis, progression and possible regression of fibrosis are lacking. At each scale of observation, different theoretical tools coming from computational, mathematical and physical biology have been proposed. However a complete framework that takes into account the different mechanisms occurring at different scales is still missing. Therefore with the main aim to define a multiscale approach for the modeling of fibrosis, the authors of [1] have presented different top-down and bottom-up approaches that have been developed in the literature. Specifically, their description refers to models for fibrosis diseases based on ordinary and partial differential equation, agents [2], thermostatted kinetic theory [3-5], coarse-grained structures [6-8] and constitutive laws for fibrous collagen networks [9]. A critical analysis has been addressed for all frameworks discussed in the paper. Open problems and future research directions referring to both biological and modeling insight of fibrosis are presented. The paper concludes with the ambitious aim of a multiscale model.

  16. Night blindness in a teenager with cystic fibrosis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Roddy, Marie Frances


    This article describes the case of a 16-year-old boy with cystic fibrosis who presented with difficulty seeing in the dark. He had a history of bowel surgery at birth, and he developed cystic fibrosis liver disease and osteopenia during his teenage years. He always had good lung function. When his serum vitamin A level was checked, it was undetectable in sample. He was diagnosed with night blindness and commenced on high-dose vitamin A. His symptoms resolved within 3 days. However, it took over 1 year for his vitamin A level to return to normal. This case emphasizes the importance of monitoring vitamin levels in cystic fibrosis to detect deficiency and prevent long-term consequences, and it highlights the challenges encountered during the course of night blindness treatment.

  17. A biomarker panel for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and NASH-related fibrosis. (United States)

    Younossi, Zobair M; Page, Sandra; Rafiq, Nila; Birerdinc, Aybike; Stepanova, Maria; Hossain, Noreen; Afendy, Arian; Younoszai, Zahra; Goodman, Zachary; Baranova, Ancha


    Patients with biopsy-proven NASH and especially those with fibrosis are at risk for progressive liver disease, emphasizing the clinical importance of developing non-invasive biomarkers for NASH and NASH-related fibrosis. This study examines the performance of a new biomarker panel for NASH and NASH-related fibrosis with a combination of clinical and laboratory variables. Enrolled patients had biopsy-proven NAFLD. Clinical data, laboratory data, and serum samples were collected at the time of biopsy. Fasting serum was assayed for adiponectin, resistin, glucose, M30, M65, Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (Timp-1), ProCollagen 3 N-terminal peptide (PIIINP), and hyaluronic acid (HA). Regression models predictive of NASH, NASH-related fibrosis, and NASH-related advanced fibrosis were designed and cross-validated. Of the 79 enrolled NAFLD patients, 40 had biopsy-proven NASH and 39 had non-NASH NAFLD. Clinical and laboratory data were from this cohort were used to develop a NAFLD Diagnostic Panel that includes three models (models for NASH, NASH-related fibrosis, and NASH-related advanced fibrosis). The model for predicting NASH includes diabetes, gender, BMI, triglycerides, M30 (apoptosis), and M65-M30 (necrosis) [AUC: 0.81, 95% CI, 0.70-0.89, 300 p value <9E 301 (-06)]. The NASH-related fibrosis prediction model includes the same predictors [AUC: 0.80, 95% CI 0.68-0.88, 307 p value <0.00014]. Finally, the NASH-related advanced fibrosis model includes type 2 diabetes, serum triglycerides, Timp-1, and AST [AUC: 0.81, 95% CI, 0.70-0.89; p value, 0.000062]. This NAFLD Diagnostic Panel based on a clinical and laboratory data has good performance characteristics and is easy to use. This biomarker panel could become useful in the management of patients with NAFLD.

  18. Inhibitory effect of dietary capsaicin on liver fibrosis in mice. (United States)

    Bitencourt, Shanna; Stradiot, Leslie; Verhulst, Stefaan; Thoen, Lien; Mannaerts, Inge; van Grunsven, Leo A


    Virtually all chronic liver injuries result in the activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). In their activated state, these cells are the main collagen-producing cells implicated in liver fibrosis. Capsaicin (CPS), the active compound of chili peppers, can modulate the activation and migration of HSCs in vitro. Here, we evaluated the potential protective and prophylactic effects of CPS related to cholestatic and hepatotoxic-induced liver fibrosis and its possible underlying mechanism of action. Male Balb/c mice received dietary CPS after 3 days of bile duct ligation (BDL) or before and during carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 ) injections. Mice receiving dietary CPS after BDL had a significant improvement of liver fibrosis accompanied by a decrease in collagen deposition and downregulation of activation markers in isolated HSCs. In the CCl4 model, dietary CPS inhibited the upregulation of profibrogenic markers. However, CPS could not attenuate the CCl4 -induced fibrosis when it was already established. Furthermore, in vitro CPS treatment inhibited the autophagic process during HSC activation. Dietary CPS has potential benefits in the therapy of cholestatic liver fibrosis and in the prophylaxis of hepatotoxic-induced liver injury. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Apamin suppresses biliary fibrosis and activation of hepatic stellate cells. (United States)

    Kim, Jung-Yeon; An, Hyun-Jin; Kim, Woon-Hae; Park, Yoon-Yub; Park, Kyung Duck; Park, Kwan-Kyu


    Cholestatic liver disease is characterized by the progressive destruction of biliary epithelial cells (BECs) followed by fibrosis, cirrhosis and liver failure. Activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) and portal fibroblasts are the major cellular effectors of enhanced collagen deposition in biliary fibrosis. Apamin, an 18 amino acid peptide neurotoxin found in apitoxin (bee venom), is known to block Ca2+-activated K+ channels and prevent carbon tetrachloride-induced liver fibrosis. In the present study, we aimed to ascertain whether apamin inhibits biliary fibrosis and the proliferation of HSCs. Cholestatic liver fibrosis was established in mouse models with 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC) feeding. Cellular assays were performed on HSC-T6 cells (rat immortalized HSCs). DDC feeding led to increased hepatic damage and proinflammtory cytokine levels. Notably, apamin treatment resulted in decreased liver injury and proinflammatory cytokine levels. Moreover, apamin suppressed the deposition of collagen, proliferation of BECs and expression of fibrogenic genes in the DDC-fed mice. In HSCs, apamin suppressed activation of HSCs by inhibiting the Smad signaling pathway. These data suggest that apamin may be a potential therapeutic target in cholestatic liver disease.

  20. TINF2 Gene Mutation in a Patient with Pulmonary Fibrosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. W. Hoffman


    Full Text Available Pulmonary fibrosis is a frequent manifestation of telomere syndromes. Telomere gene mutations are found in up to 25% and 3% of patients with familial disease and sporadic disease, respectively. The telomere gene TINF2 encodes an eponymous protein that is part of the shelterin complex, a complex involved in telomere protection and maintenance. A TINF2 gene mutation was recently reported in a family with pulmonary fibrosis. We identified a heterozygous Ser245Tyr mutation in the TINF2 gene of previously healthy female patient that presented with progressive cough due to pulmonary fibrosis as well as panhypogammaglobulinemia at age 52. Retrospective multidisciplinary evaluation classified her as a case of possible idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Telomere length-measurement indicated normal telomere length in the peripheral blood compartment. This is the first report of a TINF2 mutation in a patient with sporadic pulmonary fibrosis, which represents another association between TINF2 mutations and this disease. Furthermore, this case underlines the importance of telomere dysfunction and not telomere length alone in telomere syndromes and draws attention to hypogammaglobulinemia as a manifestation of telomere syndromes.

  1. The Prognosis of Small Cell Lung Cancer in Patients with Pulmonary Fibrosis. (United States)

    Matsumoto, Yoko; Ohara, Sayaka; Furukawa, Ryutaro; Usui, Kazuhiro


    The purpose of this study was to assess the prognosis of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) based on the underlying pulmonary disease. A total of 204 patients with SCLC were reviewed and categorized into three groups: normal, emphysema and fibrosis. The median overall survival duration (OS) in patients with normal lungs (n=57), with emphysema (n=105) and fibrosis (n=42) was 21.3, 16.4 and 10.8 months (p=0.063). In limited-stage disease (LD), the median OS in patients with fibrosis (7.4 months) was shorter than normal (52.7 months) or emphysema patients (26.4 months) (p=0.034). In extensive-stage disease (ED), the median OS in patients with fibrosis (12.7 months) was not significantly different from normal (11.4 months) or emphysema patients (13.5 months) (p=0.600). Patients with fibrosis had a poorer prognosis than normal or emphysema patients in LD-SCLC, but the coexistence of pulmonary fibrosis did not affect the prognostic outcomes in ED-SCLC. Copyright© 2017, International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved.

  2. The features of radiation induced lung fibrosis related with dosimetric parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Young-Taek; Noh, O Kyu; Jang, Hyunsoo; Chun, Mison; Park, Kyung Joo; Park, Kwang Joo; Kim, Mi-Hwa; Park, Hae-Jin


    Background and purpose: Radiation induced lung fibrosis (RILF) is a major complication after lung irradiation and is very important for long term quality of life and could result in fatal respiratory insufficiency. However, there has been little information on dosimetric parameters for radiotherapy planning in the aspect of RILF. The features of RILF related with dosimetric parameters were evaluated. Methods and materials: Forty-eight patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma who underwent post-operative radiation therapy (PORT) without adjuvant chemotherapy were analyzed. The degree of lung fibrosis was estimated by fibrosis volume and the dosimetric parameters were calculated from the plan of 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy. Results: The fibrosis volume and V-dose as dosimetric parameters showed significant correlation and the correlation coefficient ranged from 0.602 to 0.683 (P < 0.01). The degree of the correlation line was steeper as the dose increase and threshold dose was not found. Mean lung dose (MLD) showed strong correlation with fibrosis volume (correlation coefficient = 0.726, P < 0.01). Conclusions: The fibrosis volume is continuously increased with V-dose as the reference dose increases. MLD is useful as a single parameter for comparing rival plans in the aspect of RILF.

  3. Type IV collagen as marker of fibrosis in nonalcoholic liver disease

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    Alvina Alvina


    Full Text Available Currently nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH are medical problems associated with the increasing prevalence of diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension and hypertriglyceridemia, usually designated as the metabolic syndrome associated with insulin resistance. One study demonstrated an increase in NAFLD prevalence of around 17-33% and in NASH prevalence of 5.7-16.5%. NAFLD comprises a range of mild to severe conditions, from simple steatosis to steatohepatitis, hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis. The diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis is important for prognosis, stratification for treatment, and monitoring of treatment efficacy. Ultrasonography (USG is a simple method for detecting fatty infiltrates in the liver. USG has a sensitivity of 82-89% and a specificity of 93%, but cannot differentiate between hepatic steatosis and fibrosis. The gold standard for evaluation of hepatic fibrosis is liver biopsy, which however is a painful and invasive procedure. Currently determination of serum type IV collagen has been suggested as an alternative to liver biopsy among the non-invasive methods for evaluation of hepatic fibrosis, as its serum concentration is closely correlated with advanced hepatic fibrosis in NASH. Type IV collagen is one of the components of basement membrane and its serum concentration is indicative of degradation of the extracellular matrix.

  4. Type IV collagen as marker of fibrosis in nonalcoholic liver disease

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    Full Text Available Currently nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH are medical problems associated with the increasing prevalence of diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension and hypertriglyceridemia, usually designated as the metabolic syndrome associated with insulin resistance. One study demonstrated an increase in NAFLD prevalence of around 17-33% and in NASH prevalence of 5.7-16.5%. NAFLD comprises a range of mild to severe conditions, from simple steatosis to steatohepatitis, hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis. The diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis is important for prognosis, stratification for treatment, and monitoring of treatment efficacy. Ultrasonography (USG is a simple method for detecting fatty infiltrates in the liver. USG has a sensitivity of 82-89% and a specificity of 93%, but cannot differentiate between hepatic steatosis and fibrosis. The gold standard for evaluation of hepatic fibrosis is liver biopsy, which however is a painful and invasive procedure. Currently determination of serum type IV collagen has been suggested as an alternative to liver biopsy among the non-invasive methods for evaluation of hepatic fibrosis, as its serum concentration is closely correlated with advanced hepatic fibrosis in NASH. Type IV collagen is one of the components of basement membrane and its serum concentration is indicative of degradation of the extracellular matrix.

  5. Cystic fibrosis: a mucosal immunodeficiency syndrome (United States)

    Cohen, Taylor Sitarik; Prince, Alice


    Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) functions as a channel that regulates the transport of ions and the movement of water across the epithelial barrier. Mutations in CFTR, which form the basis for the clinical manifestations of cystic fibrosis, affect the epithelial innate immune function in the lung, resulting in exaggerated and ineffective airway inflammation that fails to eradicate pulmonary pathogens. Compounding the effects of excessive neutrophil recruitment, the mutant CFTR channel does not transport antioxidants to counteract neutrophil-associated oxidative stress. Whereas mutant CFTR expression in leukocytes outside of the lung does not markedly impair their function, the expected regulation of inflammation in the airways is clearly deficient in cystic fibrosis. The resulting bacterial infections, which are caused by organisms that have substantial genetic and metabolic flexibility, can resist multiple classes of antibiotics and evade phagocytic clearance. The development of animal models that approximate the human pulmonary phenotypes—airway inflammation and spontaneous infection—may provide the much-needed tools to establish how CFTR regulates mucosal immunity and to test directly the effect of pharmacologic potentiation and correction of mutant CFTR function on bacterial clearance. PMID:22481418

  6. Always cleave up your mess: targeting collagen degradation to treat tissue fibrosis (United States)

    McKleroy, William; Lee, Ting-Hein


    Pulmonary fibrosis is a vexing clinical problem with no proven therapeutic options. In the normal lung there is continuous collagen synthesis and collagen degradation, and these two processes are precisely balanced to maintain normal tissue architecture. With lung injury there is an increase in the rate of both collagen production and collagen degradation. The increase in collagen degradation is critical in preventing the formation of permanent scar tissue each time the lung is exposed to injury. In pulmonary fibrosis, collagen degradation does not keep pace with collagen production, resulting in extracellular accumulation of fibrillar collagen. Collagen degradation occurs through both extracellular and intracellular pathways. The extracellular pathway involves cleavage of collagen fibrils by proteolytic enzyme including the metalloproteinases. The less-well-described intracellular pathway involves binding and uptake of collagen fragments by fibroblasts and macrophages for lysosomal degradation. The relationship between these two pathways and their relevance to the development of fibrosis is complex. Fibrosis in the lung, liver, and skin has been associated with an impaired degradative environment. Much of the current scientific effort in fibrosis is focused on understanding the pathways that regulate increased collagen production. However, recent reports suggest an important role for collagen turnover and degradation in regulating the severity of tissue fibrosis. The objective of this review is to evaluate the roles of the extracellular and intracellular collagen degradation pathways in the development of fibrosis and to examine whether pulmonary fibrosis can be viewed as a disease of impaired matrix degradation rather than a disease of increased matrix production. PMID:23564511


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    Flávia Schetino Marques Gomes


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O presente trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar a formação do Estado Nacional chileno dentro do contexto latino americano, bem como a maneira pela qual o pensamento social daquela nação se desenvolveu a partir das diretrizes impostas pela oligarquia que dominava a recém formada república. Partindo do inicio da colonização espanhola, enquanto o Chile desempenhava o papel de capitania geral, até chegar ao final do século XIX, é possível perceber a trajetória do país, desde a sua independência até a sua afirmação enquanto Estado independente e soberano. A ênfase recai sobre a relação Estado e sociedade, como eles se formaram e como se complementam. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: estado nacional, sociedade, nação.   ABSTRACT: This paper aims to demonstrate the formation of the Chilean National State within the context of Latin American as well as the manner in which that nation's social thought has developed from the guidelines imposed by the oligarchy that dominated the newly formed republic. From the beginning of Spanish colonization, while Chile played the role of general captaincy, until the late nineteenth century, we can see the trajectory of the country since its independence until their claim as an independent and sovereign State. The emphasis is on the relationship between state and society, how they formed and how they complement each other. KEYWORDS: nation state, society, nation.Recebido: 30/11/2011       Aceito: 30/12/2011

  8. Experimental induction of pulmonary fibrosis in horses with the gammaherpesvirus equine herpesvirus 5.

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    Kurt J Williams

    Full Text Available Gammaherpesviruses (γHV are implicated in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis in humans and murine models of lung fibrosis, however there is little direct experimental evidence that such viruses induce lung fibrosis in the natural host. The equine γHV EHV 5 is associated with equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis (EMPF, a progressive fibrosing lung disease in its natural host, the horse. Experimental reproduction of EMPF has not been attempted to date. We hypothesized that inoculation of EHV 5 isolated from cases of EMPF into the lungs of clinically normal horses would induce lung fibrosis similar to EMPF. Neutralizing antibody titers were measured in the horses before and after inoculation with EHV 5. PCR and virus isolation was used to detect EHV 5 in antemortem blood and BAL samples, and in tissues collected postmortem. Nodular pulmonary fibrosis and induction of myofibroblasts occurred in EHV 5 inoculated horses. Mean lung collagen in EHV 5 inoculated horses (80 µg/mg was significantly increased compared to control horses (26 µg/mg (p < 0.5, as was interstitial collagen (32.6% ± 1.2% vs 23% ± 1.4% (mean ± SEM; p < 0.001. Virus was difficult to detect in infected horses throughout the experiment, although EHV 5 antigen was detected in the lung by immunohistochemistry. We conclude that the γHV EHV 5 can induce lung fibrosis in the horse, and hypothesize that induction of fibrosis occurs while the virus is latent within the lung. This is the first example of a γHV inducing lung fibrosis in the natural host.

  9. Experimental induction of pulmonary fibrosis in horses with the gammaherpesvirus equine herpesvirus 5. (United States)

    Williams, Kurt J; Robinson, N Edward; Lim, Ailam; Brandenberger, Christina; Maes, Roger; Behan, Ashley; Bolin, Steven R


    Gammaherpesviruses (γHV) are implicated in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis in humans and murine models of lung fibrosis, however there is little direct experimental evidence that such viruses induce lung fibrosis in the natural host. The equine γHV EHV 5 is associated with equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis (EMPF), a progressive fibrosing lung disease in its natural host, the horse. Experimental reproduction of EMPF has not been attempted to date. We hypothesized that inoculation of EHV 5 isolated from cases of EMPF into the lungs of clinically normal horses would induce lung fibrosis similar to EMPF. Neutralizing antibody titers were measured in the horses before and after inoculation with EHV 5. PCR and virus isolation was used to detect EHV 5 in antemortem blood and BAL samples, and in tissues collected postmortem. Nodular pulmonary fibrosis and induction of myofibroblasts occurred in EHV 5 inoculated horses. Mean lung collagen in EHV 5 inoculated horses (80 µg/mg) was significantly increased compared to control horses (26 µg/mg) (p < 0.5), as was interstitial collagen (32.6% ± 1.2% vs 23% ± 1.4%) (mean ± SEM; p < 0.001). Virus was difficult to detect in infected horses throughout the experiment, although EHV 5 antigen was detected in the lung by immunohistochemistry. We conclude that the γHV EHV 5 can induce lung fibrosis in the horse, and hypothesize that induction of fibrosis occurs while the virus is latent within the lung. This is the first example of a γHV inducing lung fibrosis in the natural host.

  10. Uso de vitamina C en la solución tumescente de liposucción como inductor de lipolisis y fibrosis: Trabajo experimental Use of vitamine C in liposuction tumescent solution as lipolisis and fibrosis inductor: Experimental study

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    N. Antoniadis Petrakis


    Full Text Available La Liposucción no permite siempre extraer todo el tejido adiposo causante de la lipodistrofia, por lo cual se plantea la necesidad de perfeccionar esta técnica. Nuestro objetivo es el demostrar que el uso de la vitamina C en la solución tumescente induce lipólisis y aumenta la fibrosis. El presente es un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, experimental y comparativo de una muestra de 30 ratas Sprague-Dawley de ambos sexos, a las cuales se les infiltró solución tumescente en el tejido subdérmico de la región inguinal, con vitamina C al grupo experimental y con solución tumescente sin vitamina C al grupo control, para su posterior estudio histológico macroscópico y microscópico. El 100% de las muestras con vitamina C evidenciaron cambios a nivel del tejido adiposo sugerentes de lipólisis y en el 82% se evidenciaron cambios en el tejido conectivo sugerentes de formación de colágeno joven. Concluimos que la vitamina C favorece la lipolisis y promueve la síntesis de colágeno cuando se utiliza como parte de la solución tumescente en animales de experimentaciónLiposuction does not always let to remove all the amount of adipose tissue which causes lipodistrophy, for that reason, it is recommended the necessity to improve that technique. We try to demonstrate that the use of vitamin C in the tumescence solution induces lipolysis and raises fibrosis. This article is a descriptive, prospective, experimental and comparative research of a sample of 30 mice of Sprague- Dawley type of both sexes, which were infiltrated with a tumescence solution in the subdermic inguinal region with vitamin C to the experimental group and with tumescence solution without vitamin C to the control group, for a further histological macroscopic as well as microscopic study. The results showed that 100% of the samples with vitamin C presented changes in the adipose tissue which suggested lipolysis, whereas 82% were evidence for the formation of young collagen. As a

  11. Hepatosplenic volumetric assessment at MDCT for staging liver fibrosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pickhardt, Perry J.; Malecki, Kyle; Hunt, Oliver F.; Beaumont, Claire; Kloke, John; Ziemlewicz, Timothy J.; Lubner, Meghan G. [University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Radiology, Madison, WI (United States)


    To investigate hepatosplenic volumetry at MDCT for non-invasive prediction of hepatic fibrosis. Hepatosplenic volume analysis in 624 patients (mean age, 48.8 years; 311 M/313 F) at MDCT was performed using dedicated software and compared against pathological fibrosis stage (F0 = 374; F1 = 48; F2 = 40; F3 = 65; F4 = 97). The liver segmental volume ratio (LSVR) was defined by Couinaud segments I-III over segments IV-VIII. All pre-cirrhotic fibrosis stages (METAVIR F1-F3) were based on liver biopsy within 1 year of MDCT. LSVR and total splenic volumes increased with stage of fibrosis, with mean(±SD) values of: F0: 0.26 ± 0.06 and 215.1 ± 88.5 mm{sup 3}; F1: 0.25 ± 0.08 and 294.8 ± 153.4 mm{sup 3}; F2: 0.331 ± 0.12 and 291.6 ± 197.1 mm{sup 3}; F3: 0.39 ± 0.15 and 509.6 ± 402.6 mm{sup 3}; F4: 0.56 ± 0.30 and 790.7 ± 450.3 mm{sup 3}, respectively. Total hepatic volumes showed poor discrimination (F0: 1674 ± 320 mm{sup 3}; F4: 1631 ± 691 mm{sup 3}). For discriminating advanced fibrosis (≥F3), the ROC AUC values for LSVR, total liver volume, splenic volume and LSVR/spleen combined were 0.863, 0.506, 0.890 and 0.947, respectively. Relative changes in segmental liver volumes and total splenic volume allow for non-invasive staging of hepatic fibrosis, whereas total liver volume is a poor predictor. Unlike liver biopsy or elastography, these CT volumetric biomarkers can be obtained retrospectively on routine scans obtained for other indications. (orig.)

  12. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis: epidemiology update

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marckmann, P.


    Purpose of review The aim of this article is to outline the history of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, a new and serious disease of patients with renal failure, and to give an update on its aetiology and prevalence. Recent findings Epidemiological and histochemical studies demonstrated....... Increasingly poor renal function, aberrations in calcium-phosphate metabolism and erythropoietin treatment seem to increase the risk of the disease and its severity. Up to 25-30% of patients with renal failure exposed to gadolinium-based contrast agents may develop nephrogenic systemic disease. The figure...... that gadolinium-containing contrast agents used for magnetic resonance imaging have an essential causative role in most, if not all, cases of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. One particular agent, gadodiamide, caused the majority of cases, but gadopentetate dimeglumine has also been implicated in several cases...

  13. A prediction model for the grade of liver fibrosis using magnetic resonance elastography. (United States)

    Mitsuka, Yusuke; Midorikawa, Yutaka; Abe, Hayato; Matsumoto, Naoki; Moriyama, Mitsuhiko; Haradome, Hiroki; Sugitani, Masahiko; Tsuji, Shingo; Takayama, Tadatoshi


    Liver stiffness measurement (LSM) has recently become available for assessment of liver fibrosis. We aimed to develop a prediction model for liver fibrosis using clinical variables, including LSM. We performed a prospective study to compare liver fibrosis grade with fibrosis score. LSM was measured using magnetic resonance elastography in 184 patients that underwent liver resection, and liver fibrosis grade was diagnosed histologically after surgery. Using the prediction model established in the training group, we validated the classification accuracy in the independent test group. First, we determined a cut-off value for stratifying fibrosis grade using LSM in 122 patients in the training group, and correctly diagnosed fibrosis grades of 62 patients in the test group with a total accuracy of 69.3%. Next, on least absolute shrinkage and selection operator analysis in the training group, LSM (r = 0.687, P prediction model. This prediction model applied to the test group correctly diagnosed 32 of 36 (88.8%) Grade I (F0 and F1) patients, 13 of 18 (72.2%) Grade II (F2 and F3) patients, and 7 of 8 (87.5%) Grade III (F4) patients in the test group, with a total accuracy of 83.8%. The prediction model based on LSM, ICGR15, and platelet count can accurately and reproducibly predict liver fibrosis grade.

  14. Respiratory muscle training for cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Hilton, Nathan; Solis-Moya, Arturo


    Cystic fibrosis is the most common autosomal recessive disease in white populations, and causes respiratory dysfunction in the majority of individuals. Numerous types of respiratory muscle training to improve respiratory function and health-related quality of life in people with cystic fibrosis have been reported in the literature. Hence a systematic review of the literature is needed to establish the effectiveness of respiratory muscle training (either inspiratory or expiratory muscle training) on clinical outcomes in cystic fibrosis. This is an update of a previously published review. To determine the effectiveness of respiratory muscle training on clinical outcomes in people with cystic fibrosis. We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group Trials register comprising of references identified from comprehensive electronic database searches and handsearches of relevant journals and abstract books of conference proceedings.Date of most recent search: 17 April 2018.A hand search of the Journal of Cystic Fibrosis and Pediatric Pulmonology was performed, along with an electronic search of online trial databases up until 07 May 2018. Randomised controlled studies comparing respiratory muscle training with a control group in people with cystic fibrosis. Review authors independently selected articles for inclusion, evaluated the methodological quality of the studies, and extracted data. Additional information was sought from trial authors where necessary. The quality of the evidence was assessed using the GRADE system MAIN RESULTS: Authors identified 19 studies, of which nine studies with 202 participants met the review's inclusion criteria. There was wide variation in the methodological and written quality of the included studies. Four of the nine included studies were published as abstracts only and lacking concise details, thus limiting the information available. Seven studies were parallel studies and two of a cross-over design. Respiratory

  15. CT densimetry for graduating subcutaneous fibrosis after photon/neutron therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eich, H.T.; Eich, P.D.; Mueller, R.D.; Stuschke, M.; Sack, H.


    Background: To evaluate alternative treatment regimen e.g. neutron therapy determination of treatment efficacy as well as side effects is important. Sensitivity of computed tomography (CT) in detecting changes of connective tissue after neutron therapy was examined. Patients and Methods: In the course of their follow-up period (median 45 months) 12 patients with malignant salivary gland tumors who had postoperatively received neutron (1/12) or photon/neutron therapy (11/12) were examined by means of CT densimetry on 3 representative scans in the area of radiotherapy. In 3 ROI (regions of interest) in subcutaneous fatty tissue the density at the irradiated and the non-irradiated side was determined according to Hounsfield units (HU) and the average density was calculated. The average density of both sides was compared and correlated with the clinical grade of fibrosis according to LENT SOMA. Results: All CT measurements (216 ROI, 18 ROI per patient) showed higher density levels on the irradiated side than on the non-irradiated side. The average density on the irradiated side was -57.7±4.7 HU and on the non-irradiated side -69.4±5.8 HU (p=0.002). In 3/12 patients a clinical fibrosis was not seen; however, the relative density measured on the irradiated and non-irradiated side deviated by up to 8%. This could have been caused by minimal changes not being noticed by either patient and examiner. In patients with determined fibrosis Grade 1 (8/12) the relative density deviation was 4 to 39%. In 1/12 patients with determined fibrosis Grade 2 the relative density deviation was 50%. Fibrosis Grade 3 and 4 did not occur. Conclusions: Fibrosis is correlated with an increasing value of HU of the tissue density in CT. With the described method it is possible to graduate radiation induced subcutaneous fibrosis in correlation to the clinical fibrosis grade according to LENT SOMA. In the patients we examined subcutaneous fibroses after photon/neutron therapy were moderate

  16. An atypical presentation of cystic fibrosis: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joshi Deepak


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction The presentation of cystic fibrosis is dependant upon which organs are affected. Common presentations include chronic respiratory infections and malabsorption. Patients with atypical disease tend to present late in childhood or as adults. Eye manifestations of cystic fibrosis are less well known. Case presentation A 14-year-old Caucasian boy presented with tiredness and difficulty seeing at night, over a period of 6 months. Good vision was only described in bright conditions. There was no history of jaundice, steatorrhea or diarrhoea. Conclusion This is the first reported case of newly diagnosed cystic fibrosis-related liver disease in a teenage boy, whose presenting symptom was night blindness secondary to vitamin A deficiency.

  17. Macrophage and Innate Lymphoid Cell Interplay in the Genesis of Fibrosis (United States)

    Hams, Emily; Bermingham, Rachel; Fallon, Padraic G.


    Fibrosis is a characteristic pathological feature of an array of chronic diseases, where development of fibrosis in tissue can lead to marked alterations in the architecture of the affected organs. As a result of this process of sustained attrition to organs, many diseases that involve fibrosis are often progressive conditions and have a poor long-term prognosis. Inflammation is often a prelude to fibrosis, with innate and adaptive immunity involved in both the initiation and regulation of the fibrotic process. In this review, we will focus on the emerging roles of the newly described innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) in the generation of fibrotic disease with an examination of the potential interplay between ILC and macrophages and the adaptive immune system. PMID:26635811

  18. Routine blood tests to predict liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C. (United States)

    Hsieh, Yung-Yu; Tung, Shui-Yi; Lee, Kamfai; Wu, Cheng-Shyong; Wei, Kuo-Liang; Shen, Chien-Heng; Chang, Te-Sheng; Lin, Yi-Hsiung


    To verify the usefulness of FibroQ for predicting fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C, compared with other noninvasive tests. This retrospective cohort study included 237 consecutive patients with chronic hepatitis C who had undergone percutaneous liver biopsy before treatment. FibroQ, aspartate aminotransferase (AST)/alanine aminotransferase ratio (AAR), AST to platelet ratio index, cirrhosis discriminant score, age-platelet index (API), Pohl score, FIB-4 index, and Lok's model were calculated and compared. FibroQ, FIB-4, AAR, API and Lok's model results increased significantly as fibrosis advanced (analysis of variance test: P fibrosis score in chronic hepatitis C compared with other noninvasive tests. FibroQ is a simple and useful test for predicting significant fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C.

  19. Genetics and Early Detection in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (United States)

    Putman, Rachel K.; Rosas, Ivan O.


    Genetic studies hold promise in helping to identify patients with early idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Recent studies using chest computed tomograms (CTs) in smokers and in the general population have demonstrated that imaging abnormalities suggestive of an early stage of pulmonary fibrosis are not uncommon and are associated with respiratory symptoms, physical examination abnormalities, and physiologic decrements expected, but less severe than those noted in patients with IPF. Similarly, recent genetic studies have demonstrated strong and replicable associations between a common promoter polymorphism in the mucin 5B gene (MUC5B) and both IPF and the presence of abnormal imaging findings in the general population. Despite these findings, it is important to note that the definition of early-stage IPF remains unclear, limited data exist to definitively connect abnormal imaging findings to IPF, and genetic studies assessing early-stage pulmonary fibrosis remain in their infancy. In this perspective we provide updated information on interstitial lung abnormalities and their connection to IPF. We summarize information on the genetics of pulmonary fibrosis by focusing on the recent genetic findings of MUC5B. Finally, we discuss the implications of these findings and suggest a roadmap for the use of genetics in the detection of early IPF. PMID:24547893

  20. Recent research findings on non-invasive diagnosis of liver fibrosis

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    WU Qiong


    Full Text Available Early diagnosis of liver fibrosis and dynamic monitoring of relevant changes have great implications for the treatment and prognosis improvement of chronic liver diseases. So far, liver biopsy remains the “golden standard” for the diagnosis and staging of liver fibrosis. However, due to its inherent limitations, a great effort has been made to develop more accurate non-invasive diagnostic methods, including serum fibrosis markers and mathematical models, ultrasound, contrast-enhanced ultrasonography, ultrasonic elastography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear medicine. The advantages and disadvantages of relevant methods are discussed. Furthermore, proper selection of the non-invasive diagnostic methods for clinical application and the means for mutual verification are analyzed. As for the future direction, it is expected to employ the above methods for combined analysis and comprehensive assessment, in order to enhance the clinical value of non-invasive liver fibrosis diagnosis.

  1. Fibrillar collagen I matrix remodelling in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Are lysyl oxidases responsible?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tjin, G.; Jegathees, T.; Mahar, A.; Kable, E.P.W.; Burgess, J.K.


    Rationale: The development of fibrosis in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) is a key feature and challenge in the treatment of the disease. The mechanisms of collagen I (COL1) reorganisation in the development of fibrosis, which may alter the stiffness of the tissue, are not well understood.

  2. Terapia con células madre en cirrosis = Stem cell therapy in cirrhosis

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    Londoño Agudelo, Jessica María


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta una revisión de la literatura sobre las células madre como terapia para la cirrosis hepática, con énfasis en describir la situación científica actual y las implicaciones clínicas de los avances. Se ha propuesto la terapia celular en cirrosis por la escasez de donantes de hígado y las complicaciones derivadas de la terapia inmunosupresora. Las células madre se pueden obtener de diferentes fuentes como el blastocisto, la médula ósea e incluso hepatocitos maduros; pero la capacidad de proliferación y diferenciación de cada uno de estos tipos celulares es distinta y, entre otras consideraciones, es lo que va a definir su utilidad clínica final. En la literatura se encuentran varios estudios en modelos animales y en seres humanos que evalúan la seguridad y factibilidad de esta técnica en cuanto a la mejoría de la fibrosis, la capacidad de diferenciación y replicación celulares y algunos parámetros clínicos. Los resultados, aunque alentadores, se deben interpretar con cuidado. En conclusión, antes de aceptar esta modalidad terapéutica se requieren estudios de mejor calidad y con homogeneidad metodológica porque su uso aún es controversial.

  3. Novel and optimized strategies for inducing fibrosis in vivo: focus on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (United States)


    Background Fibrosis, an excessive collagen accumulation, results in scar formation, impairing function of vital organs and tissues. Fibrosis is a hallmark of muscular dystrophies, including the lethal Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), which remains incurable. Substitution of muscle by fibrotic tissue also complicates gene/cell therapies for DMD. Yet, no optimal models to study muscle fibrosis are available. In the widely used mdx mouse model for DMD, extensive fibrosis develops in the diaphragm only at advanced adulthood, and at about two years of age in the ‘easy-to-access’ limb muscles, thus precluding fibrosis research and the testing of novel therapies. Methods We developed distinct experimental strategies, ranging from chronic exercise to increasing muscle damage on limb muscles of young mdx mice, by myotoxin injection, surgically induced trauma (laceration or denervation) or intramuscular delivery of profibrotic growth factors (such as TGFβ). We also extended these approaches to muscle of normal non-dystrophic mice. Results These strategies resulted in advanced and enhanced muscle fibrosis in young mdx mice, which persisted over time, and correlated with reduced muscle force, thus mimicking the severe DMD phenotype. Furthermore, increased fibrosis was also obtained by combining these procedures in muscles of normal mice, mirroring aberrant repair after severe trauma. Conclusions We have developed new and improved experimental strategies to accelerate and enhance muscle fibrosis in vivo. These strategies will allow rapidly assessing fibrosis in the easily accessible limb muscles of young mdx mice, without necessarily having to use old animals. The extension of these fibrogenic regimes to the muscle of non-dystrophic wild-type mice will allow fibrosis assessment in a wide array of pre-existing transgenic mouse lines, which in turn will facilitate understanding the mechanisms of fibrogenesis. These strategies should improve our ability to combat fibrosis

  4. The PAPAS index: a novel index for the prediction of hepatitis C-related fibrosis. (United States)

    Ozel, Banu D; Poyrazoğlu, Orhan K; Karaman, Ahmet; Karaman, Hatice; Altinkaya, Engin; Sevinç, Eylem; Zararsiz, Gökmen


    Several noninvasive tests have been developed to determine the degree of hepatic fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) without performing liver biopsy. This study aimed to determine the performance of the PAPAS (Platelet/Age/Phosphatase/AFP/AST) index in patients with CHC for the prediction of significant fibrosis and cirrhosis and to compare it with other noninvasive tests. To date, no study has evaluated the application of the PAPAS index in CHC-associated liver fibrosis. This retrospective study included 137 consecutive patients with CHC who had undergone a percutaneous liver biopsy before treatment. The aspartate aminotransferase/platelet ratio (APRI), aspartate aminotransferase/alanine transaminase ratio (AAR), age-platelet index (API), FIB4, cirrhosis discriminate score (CDS), the Göteborg University cirrhosis index (GUCI), and PAPAS were calculated and compared with the diagnostic accuracies of all fibrosis indices between the groups F0-F2 (no-mild fibrosis) versus F3-F6 (significant fibrosis) and F0-F4 (no cirrhosis) versus F5-F6 (cirrhosis). To predict significant fibrosis, the area under curve (95% confidence interval) for FIB4 was 0.727 followed by GUCI (0.721), PAPAS≈APRI≈CDS (0.716), and API (0.68). To predict cirrhosis, the area under curve (95% confidence interval) for FIB4 was calculated to be 0.735, followed by GUCI (0.723), PAPAS≈APRI≈CDS≈(0.71), and API (0.66). No statistically significant difference was observed among these predictors to exclude both significant fibrosis and cirrhosis (P>0.05). The diagnostic capability of the PAPAS index has moderate efficiency and was not superior to other fibrosis markers for the identification of fibrosis in CHC patients. There is a need for more comprehensive prospective studies to help determine the diagnostic value of PAPAS for liver fibrosis.

  5. Radiation Fibrosis of the Vocal Fold: From Man to Mouse (United States)

    Johns, Michael M.; Kolachala, Vasantha; Berg, Eric; Muller, Susan; Creighton, Frances X.; Branski, Ryan C.


    Objectives To characterize fundamental late tissue effects in the human vocal fold following radiation therapy. To develop a murine model of radiation fibrosis to ultimately develop both treatment and prevention paradigms. Design Translational study using archived human and fresh murine irradiated vocal fold tissue. Methods 1) Irradiated vocal fold tissue from patients undergoing laryngectomy for loss of function from radiation fibrosis were identified from pathology archives. Histomorphometry, immunohistochemistry, and whole-genome microarray as well as real-time transcriptional analyses was performed. 2) Focused radiation to the head and neck was delivered to mice in a survival fashion. One month following radiation, vocal fold tissue was analyzed with histomorphometry, immunohistochemistry, and real-time PCR transcriptional analysis for selected markers of fibrosis. Results Human irradiated vocal folds demonstrated increased collagen transcription with increased deposition and disorganization of collagen in both the thyroarytenoid muscle and the superficial lamina propria. Fibronectin were increased in the superficial lamina propria. Laminin decreased in the thyroarytenoid muscle. Whole genome microarray analysis demonstrated increased transcription of markers for fibrosis, oxidative stress, inflammation, glycosaminoglycan production and apoptosis. Irradiated murine vocal folds demonstrated increases in collagen and fibronectin transcription and deposition in the lamina propria. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β increased in the lamina propria. Conclusion Human irradiated vocal folds demonstrate molecular changes leading to fibrosis that underlie loss of vocal fold pliability that occurs in patients following laryngeal irradiation. Irradiated murine tissue demonstrates similar findings, and this mouse model may have utility in creating prevention and treatment strategies for vocal fold radiation fibrosis. PMID:23242839

  6. preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

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    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  7. Grainyhead-like 2 (GRHL2) distribution reveals novel pathophysiological differences between human idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and mouse models of pulmonary fibrosis (United States)

    Mahavadi, Poornima; Sasikumar, Satish; Cushing, Leah; Hyland, Tessa; Rosser, Ann E.; Riccardi, Daniela; Lu, Jining; Kalin, Tanya V.; Kalinichenko, Vladimir V.; Guenther, Andreas; Ramirez, Maria I.; Pardo, Annie; Selman, Moisés; Warburton, David


    Chronic injury of alveolar lung epithelium leads to epithelial disintegrity in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). We had reported earlier that Grhl2, a transcriptional factor, maintains alveolar epithelial cell integrity by directly regulating components of adherens and tight junctions and thus hypothesized an important role of GRHL2 in pathogenesis of IPF. Comparison of GRHL2 distribution at different stages of human lung development showed its abundance in developing lung epithelium and in adult lung epithelium. However, GRHL2 is detected in normal human lung mesenchyme only at early fetal stage (week 9). Similar mesenchymal reexpression of GRHL2 was also observed in IPF. Immunofluorescence analysis in serial sections from three IPF patients revealed at least two subsets of alveolar epithelial cells (AEC), based on differential GRHL2 expression and the converse fluorescence intensities for epithelial vs. mesenchymal markers. Grhl2 was not detected in mesenchyme in intraperitoneal bleomycin-induced injury as well as in spontaneously occurring fibrosis in double-mutant HPS1 and HPS2 mice, whereas in contrast in a radiation-induced fibrosis model, with forced Forkhead box M1 (Foxm1) expression, an overlap of Grhl2 with a mesenchymal marker was observed in fibrotic regions. Grhl2's role in alveolar epithelial cell plasticity was confirmed by altered Grhl2 gene expression analysis in IPF and further validated by in vitro manipulation of its expression in alveolar epithelial cell lines. Our findings reveal important pathophysiological differences between human IPF and specific mouse models of fibrosis and support a crucial role of GRHL2 in epithelial activation in lung fibrosis and perhaps also in epithelial plasticity. PMID:24375798

  8. Política de Modernización de la Gestión Pública en Chile 1990-2006: evidencias a partir de un modelo de análisis

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    Verónica Figueroa-Huencho


    Full Text Available A partir del debate teórico y de las evidencias empíricas surgidas en el ámbito de los procesos de reforma del Estado y de modernización de la gestión pública, este paper propone un modelo de síntesis y análisis que permite caracterizar dichos procesos. Mediante el estudio de caso, se demuestra la aplicabilidad de este modelo al caso chileno para el periodo 1990-2006. La evidencia muestra que existen rasgos propios que han definido un proceso con características particulares. Esta información se recoge a partir de la aplicación y análisis de entrevistas a 37 actores claves de estos procesos así como del análisis de documentos oficiales. El artículo identifica, describe y explica las variables que definen la política de modernización para el caso chileno.

  9. Chistes par(ra reordenar el canon: Roberto Bolaño, Nicanor Parra y la poesía chilena

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    Benjamin Loy


    Full Text Available “Todo se lo debo a Parra” – con estas y semejantes palabras de elogio Roberto Bolaño le asignó un lugar central al antipoeta chileno dentro de su amplio canon personal. No obstante, la amplia crítica bolañiana hasta el momento no pareciera haber estudiado a fondo las múltiples dimensiones de esta relación entre los dos autores chilenos. El presente estudio pretende analizar, por lo tanto, de qué manera los postulados ético-estéticos de Parra y de su antipoesía le sirven a Bolaño como punto de referencia clave para reordenar el canon de la literatura chilena contemporánea. Además, se discutirá el papel clave que desempeña Bolaño en el renovado interés de la crítica en la obra de Nicanor Parra durante los últimos años.

  10. Addressing liver fibrosis with Liposomes targeted to hepatic stellate cells

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Adrian, Joanna E.; Poelstra, Klaas; Kamps, Jan A. A. M.


    Liver fibrosis is a chronic disease that results from hepatitis B and C infections, alcohol abuse or metabolic and genetic disorders. Ultimately, progression of fibrosis leads to cirrhosis, a stage of the disease characterized by failure of the normal liver functions. Currently, the treatment of

  11. Obaculactone protects against bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Xingqi; Ouyang, Zijun; You, Qian; He, Shuai; Meng, Qianqian; Hu, Chunhui; Wu, Xudong; Shen, Yan; Sun, Yang, E-mail:; Wu, Xuefeng, E-mail:; Xu, Qiang, E-mail:


    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive, degenerative and almost irreversible disease. There is hardly an effective cure for lung damage due to pulmonary fibrosis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of obaculactone in an already-assessed model of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis induced by bleomycin administration. Mice were subjected to intratracheal instillation of bleomycin, and obaculactone was given orally after bleomycin instillation daily for 23 days. Treatment with obaculactone ameliorated body weight loss, lung histopathology abnormalities and pulmonary collagen deposition, with a decrease of the inflammatory cell number and the cytokine level in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Moreover, obaculactone inhibited the expression of icam1, vcam1, inos and cox2, and attenuated oxidative stress in bleomycin-treated lungs. Importantly, the production of collagen I and α-SMA in lung tissues as well as the levels of TGF-β1, ALK5, p-Smad2 and p-Smad3 in lung homogenates was also reduced after obaculactone treatment. Finally, the TGF-β1-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition via Smad-dependent and Smad-independent pathways was reversed by obaculactone. Collectively, these data suggest that obaculactone may be a promising drug candidate for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. - Highlights: • Obaculactone ameliorates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice. • Obaculactone mitigates bleomycin-induced inflammatory response in lungs. • Obaculactone exerts inhibitory effects on TGF-β1 signaling and TGF-β1-induced EMT progress.

  12. Obaculactone protects against bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Xingqi; Ouyang, Zijun; You, Qian; He, Shuai; Meng, Qianqian; Hu, Chunhui; Wu, Xudong; Shen, Yan; Sun, Yang; Wu, Xuefeng; Xu, Qiang


    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive, degenerative and almost irreversible disease. There is hardly an effective cure for lung damage due to pulmonary fibrosis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of obaculactone in an already-assessed model of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis induced by bleomycin administration. Mice were subjected to intratracheal instillation of bleomycin, and obaculactone was given orally after bleomycin instillation daily for 23 days. Treatment with obaculactone ameliorated body weight loss, lung histopathology abnormalities and pulmonary collagen deposition, with a decrease of the inflammatory cell number and the cytokine level in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Moreover, obaculactone inhibited the expression of icam1, vcam1, inos and cox2, and attenuated oxidative stress in bleomycin-treated lungs. Importantly, the production of collagen I and α-SMA in lung tissues as well as the levels of TGF-β1, ALK5, p-Smad2 and p-Smad3 in lung homogenates was also reduced after obaculactone treatment. Finally, the TGF-β1-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition via Smad-dependent and Smad-independent pathways was reversed by obaculactone. Collectively, these data suggest that obaculactone may be a promising drug candidate for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. - Highlights: • Obaculactone ameliorates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice. • Obaculactone mitigates bleomycin-induced inflammatory response in lungs. • Obaculactone exerts inhibitory effects on TGF-β1 signaling and TGF-β1-induced EMT progress.

  13. Co-morbidity of cystic fibrosis and celiac disease in Scandinavian cystic fibrosis patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fluge, Gjermund; Olesen, Hanne Vebert; Giljam, Marita


    Background: The co-morbidity of cystic fibrosis (CF) and celiac disease (CD) has been reported sporadically since the 1960s. To our knowledge, this is the first time a systematic screening is performed in a large cohort of CF patients. Methods: Transglutaminase-IgA (TGA), endomysium-IgA (EMA...

  14. Endostatin and transglutaminase 2 are involved in fibrosis of the aging kidney (United States)

    Lin, Chi Hua Sarah; Chen, Jun; Zhang, Zhongtao; Johnson, Gail; Cooper, Arthur JL; Feola, Julianne; Bank, Alexander; Shein, Jonathan; Ruotsalainen, Heli; Pihlajaniemi, Taina; Goligorsky, Michael S


    Endostatin (EST), an anti-angiogenic factor, is enriched in aging kidneys. EST is also an interactive partner of transglutaminase 2 (TG2), an enzyme that cross-links extracellular matrix proteins. Here we tested whether EST and TG2 play a role in the fibrosis of aging. In wild type mice, aging kidneys exhibited a 2–4 fold increase in TG2 paralleled by increased cross-linked extracellular matrix proteins and fibrosis. Mice transgenic to express EST showed renal fibrosis at a young age. One month delivery of EST via minipumps to young mice showed increased renal fibrosis that became more robust when superimposed on folic acid-induced nephropathy. Upregulated TG2 and impaired renal function were apparent with EST delivery combined with folic acid-induced nephropathy. Subcapsular injection of TG2 and/or EST into kidneys of young mice not only induced interstitial fibrosis, but also increased the proportion of senescent cells. Thus, kidney fibrosis in aging may represent a natural outcome of upregulated EST and TG2, but more likely it appears to be a result of cumulative stresses occurring on the background of synergistically acting geronic (aging) proteins, EST and TG2. PMID:27165830

  15. Pulmonary fibrosis in rheumatoid arthritis: a review of clinical features and therapy. (United States)

    Roschmann, R A; Rothenberg, R J


    During the past four decades there has been a growing appreciation of the frequency of pulmonary abnormalities associated with RA. Approximately 30% to 40% of patients with RA demonstrate either radiographic or pulmonary function abnormalities indicative of interstitial fibrosis or restrictive lung disease. The severity of pulmonary fibrosis is not associated with rheumatologic symptoms or the duration of the associated RA, nor is there any clear relation to the extraarticular features of RA or serologic findings. Survival rates in patients with coexisting RA and pulmonary fibrosis are similar to those of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. However, the spectrum of disease activity is quite variable. The majority of patients with progressive pulmonary symptomatology, when treated with corticosteroids, will have equivocal results. Some patients appear to respond to immunosuppressive or cytotoxic medications. The role of macrophages may be central to the injury to lung. Recent studies suggest a potential treatment role for cyclosporine, which may be able to interrupt lymphocyte-stimulated macrophage activation, and thus, fibroblast-mediated fibrosis in patients with pulmonary interstitial fibrosis. Bronchoalveolar lavage studies may delineate subgroups of patients who are more likely to respond to immunosuppressive agents, especially when treatment is started early.

  16. An epidemic outbreak of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis in a Danish hospital

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marckmann, Peter


    The nephrological department of Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev experienced an epidemic accumulation of patients developing nephrogenic systemic fibrosis in the period 2002-2006. Systematic studies of these patients revealed that they all had a gadodiamide-enhanced magnetic resonance examination prior to their symptoms, and that they all had severe renal insufficiency (chronic kidney disease stage 5) at the time of their exposure to gadodiamide. Besides exposure to gadodiamide, our analyses indicated that increasing cumulative gadodiamide exposure (i.e. repeated exposures), and higher serum concentrations of ionized calcium and phosphate were cofactors that raised the risk of developing nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. Higher cumulative gadodiamide exposure, higher prescribed erythropoietin dosage at exposure, and being hemodialysis patient were three factors associated with nephrogenic systemic fibrosis in its most severe form. Retrospective reviews of patients records and patient interviews revealed the large variability in symptoms and clinical course of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, but also highlighted that the typical initial symptoms were symmetric swelling, discoloration and pain of lower legs, whereas the typical late symptoms of severely affected patients were skin thickening, stiffness, contractures, and debilitating disabilities. In conclusion, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis is a serious iatrogenic disease of patients with renal insufficiency caused by some Gd-containing contrast agents, in particular gadodiamide. Unfortunately, there is no proven curative treatment. It is therefore essential that future cases of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis are prevented

  17. Short-term effects of splenectomy on serum fibrosis indexes in liver cirrhosis patients. (United States)

    Kong, Degang; Chen, Xiuli; Lu, Shichun; Guo, Qingliang; Lai, Wei; Wu, Jushan; Lin, Dongdong; Zeng, Daobing; Duan, Binwei; Jiang, Tao; Cao, Jilei


    To determine the changing patterns of 4 liver fibrosis markers pre and post splenectomy (combined with pericardial devascularization [PCDV]) and to examine the short-term effects of splenectomy on liver fibrosis. Four liver fibrosis markers of 39 liver cirrhosis patients were examined pre, immediately post, 2 days post, and 1 week post (15 cases) splenectomy (combined with PCDV). The laminin (LN) level decreased immediately post surgery compared with the preoperative LN level (P splenectomy showed characteristic changes, splenectomy may transiently initiate the degradation process of liver fibrosis.

  18. Chronic hepatitis C and fibrosis: evidences for possible estrogen benefits

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    Liana Codes

    Full Text Available The main injury caused by hepatitis C virus is the hepatic fibrosis, as a result of a chronic inflammatory process in the liver characterized by the deposit of components from the extracellular matrix. The fibrosis development leads to the modification of the hepatic architecture, of the hepatocellular function and to irregularities in the microcirculation. The tissue remodeling process observed in fibrosis has stellate cells, located at the space of Disse, as main acting agents. These cells, in response to a harmful stimulus, undergo phenotypic changes from non-proliferating cells to proliferating cells that express a- smooth-muscle actin (a-SMA, a process called as transdifferentiation. There are evidences that the oxidative stress is involved in the chronic liver disease and serves as bond between the injury and the hepatic fibrosis. A number of studies suggest that the estrogen, at physiological levels, presents an antifibrogenic action probably through an antioxidant effect, decreasing the levels of lipid peroxidation products in the liver and blood, thus inhibiting the myofibroblastic transformation of stellate cells and contributing for gender-associated differences in relation to the fibrosis development. The aim of this paper was to describe data from literature concerning the interaction between chronic hepatitis C and estrogens, pregnancy, use of oral contraceptives, menopause and hormone reposition therapy.

  19. Stellate Cell Activation and Imbalanced Expression of TGF-β1/TGF-β3 in Acute Autoimmune Liver Lesions Induced by ConA in Mice

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    Liyun Wang


    Full Text Available Objective. To study the pathogenic feature of liver injury, activation of hepatic stellate cells, and dynamic expression of TGF-β1/TGF-β3 to reveal their role in liver injury induced by ConA. Methods. Mice were randomly divided into control group and ConA treatment group. ConA (20 mg/kg was injected through vena caudalis in ConA treatment group; the controls received the same volume of saline injection. After injection for 2 h, 8 h, 24 h, and 48 h, animals were terminated. Blood, liver, and spleen were harvested. Liver function and histopathology were studied. α-SMA, vimentin, TGF-β1, and TGF-β3 were detected. Results. After ConA injection, liver damage started to increase. Expression of α-SMA, vimentin, TGF-β1, and TGF-β3 was significantly enhanced; all above indicators reached peak at 8 h; but from 24 h after ConA injection, TGF-β3 expression began to decline, while the TGF-β1/TGF-β3 ratio at 48 h was significantly lower than control. Conclusion. (1 Autoimmune liver injury induced by ConA showed time-based features, in which the most serious liver lesions happened at 8 h after ConA injection. (2 Early activation of HSC and imbalance expression of TGF-β1 and TGF-β3 existed in ConA-induced acute autoimmune liver injury, which may be associated with liver dysfunction and the mechanisms of progression to fibrosis.

  20. La Nana o Chile, país « al borde » de la reconciliación

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    Aude Argouse


    Full Text Available El filme chileno de Sebastián Silva, La Nana (Sebastián Silva, Chili, 2009, 95 min., es una alegoría viva y pertinente del Chile contemporáneo y de su capital, Santiago, luego de veinte años de Concertación política. La película comienza con un registro que es rápidamente abandonado : el de las barreras sociales y de su devenir en la relación urbana patrón/empleado doméstico. En efecto, cuando los empleados domésticos viven con la familia que los emplea, la territorialidad de los espacios s...

  1. Oral calorie supplements for cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Smyth, Rosalind L; Rayner, Oli


    Poor nutrition occurs frequently in people with cystic fibrosis and is associated with other adverse outcomes. Oral calorie supplements are used to increase total daily calorie intake and improve weight gain. However, they are expensive and there are concerns they may reduce the amount of food eaten and not improve overall energy intake. This is an update of a previously published review. To establish whether in people with cystic fibrosis, oral calorie supplements: increase daily calorie intake; and improve overall nutritional intake, nutritional indices, lung function, survival and quality of life. To assess adverse effects associated with using these supplements. We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis Trials Register comprising references from comprehensive electronic database searches, handsearches of relevant journals and abstract books of conference proceedings. We contacted companies marketing oral calorie supplements.Last search: 18 October 2016. Randomised or quasi-randomised controlled trials comparing use of oral calorie supplements for at least one month to increase calorie intake with no specific intervention or additional nutritional advice in people with cystic fibrosis. We independently selected the included trials, assessed risk of bias and extracted data. We contacted the authors of included trials and obtained additional information for two trials. We identified 21 trials and included three, reporting results from 131 participants lasting between three months and one year. Two trials compared supplements to additional nutritional advice and one to no intervention. Two of the included trials recruited only children. In one trial the risk of bias was low across all domains, in a second trial the risk of bias was largely unclear and in the third mainly low. Blinding of participants was unclear in two of the trials. Also, in one trial the clinical condition of groups appeared to be unevenly balanced at baseline and in another trial there were

  2. Cost-Effectiveness of Screening Individuals With Cystic Fibrosis for Colorectal Cancer. (United States)

    Gini, Andrea; Zauber, Ann G; Cenin, Dayna R; Omidvari, Amir-Houshang; Hempstead, Sarah E; Fink, Aliza K; Lowenfels, Albert B; Lansdorp-Vogelaar, Iris


    Individuals with cystic fibrosis are at increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) compared to the general population, and risk is higher among those who received an organ transplant. We performed a cost-effectiveness analysis to determine optimal CRC screening strategies for patients with cystic fibrosis. We adjusted the existing Microsimulation Screening Analysis-Colon microsimulation model to reflect increased CRC risk and lower life expectancy in patients with cystic fibrosis. Modeling was performed separately for individuals who never received an organ transplant and patients who had received an organ transplant. We modeled 76 colonoscopy screening strategies that varied the age range and screening interval. The optimal screening strategy was determined based on a willingness to pay threshold of $100,000 per life-year gained. Sensitivity and supplementary analyses were performed, including fecal immunochemical test (FIT) as an alternative test, earlier ages of transplantation, and increased rates of colonoscopy complications, to assess whether optimal screening strategies would change. Colonoscopy every 5 years, starting at age 40 years, was the optimal colonoscopy strategy for patients with cystic fibrosis who never received an organ transplant; this strategy prevented 79% of deaths from CRC. Among patients with cystic fibrosis who had received an organ transplant, optimal colonoscopy screening should start at an age of 30 or 35 years, depending on the patient's age at time of transplantation. Annual FIT screening was predicted to be cost-effective for patients with cystic fibrosis. However, the level of accuracy of the FIT in population is not clear. Using a Microsimulation Screening Analysis-Colon microsimulation model, we found screening of patients with cystic fibrosis for CRC to be cost-effective. Due to the higher risk in these patients for CRC, screening should start at an earlier age with a shorter screening interval. The findings of this study

  3. Comparing new treatments for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis--a network meta-analysis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Loveman, Emma


    The treatment landscape for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a devastating lung disease, is changing. To investigate the effectiveness of treatments for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis we undertook a systematic review, network meta-analysis and indirect comparison.

  4. Oral submucous fibrosis: an update

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    Wollina U


    Full Text Available Uwe Wollina,1 Shyam B Verma,2 Fareedi Mukram Ali,3 Kishor Patil4 1Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Academic Teaching Hospital Dresden-Friedrichstadt, Dresden, Germany; 2Nirvana Skin Clinic, Vadodara, Gujarat, India; 3Departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, SMBT Dental College, Sangamner, Maharashtra, India; 4Departments of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, SMBT Dental College, Sangamner, Maharashtra, India Abstract: Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF is a premalignant condition caused by betel chewing. It is very common in Southeast Asia but has started to spread to Europe and North America. OSF can lead to squamous cell carcinoma, a risk that is further increased by concomitant tobacco consumption. OSF is a diagnosis based on clinical symptoms and confirmation by histopathology. Hypovascularity leading to blanching of the oral mucosa, staining of teeth and gingiva, and trismus are major symptoms. Major constituents of betel quid are arecoline from betel nuts and copper, which are responsible for fibroblast dysfunction and fibrosis. A variety of extracellular and intracellular signaling pathways might be involved. Treatment of OSF is difficult, as not many large, randomized controlled trials have been conducted. The principal actions of drug therapy include antifibrotic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxygen radical mechanisms. Potential new drugs are on the horizon. Surgery may be necessary in advanced cases of trismus. Prevention is most important, as no healing can be achieved with available treatments. Keywords: betel nut, betel quid, oral disease, squamous cell carcinoma, tobacco, fibrosis

  5. Congenital Fibrosis of the Extraocular Muscles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leyla Niyaz


    Full Text Available Congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles (CFEOM is a rare disorder characterized by hereditary non-progressive restrictive strabismus and blepharoptosis. Although most of the cases are bilateral and isolated, some patients may have systemic findings. CFEOM is divided into three groups as CFEOM 1, 2, and 3 according to the phenotype. Primary responsible genes are KIF21A for CFEOM type 1 and 3 and PHOX2A/ARIX gene for CFEOM type 2. Studies suggest that abnormal innervation of the extraocular muscles is the cause of muscle fibrosis. Early treatment is important because of the risk of amblyopia. Surgery is the primary treatment option for strabismus and blepharoptosis. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2014; 44: 312-5

  6. Lymphoplasmacytic Sclerosing Pancreatitis and Retroperitoneal Fibrosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nigel K. F. Koo Ng


    Full Text Available Although cases of lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis (LSP associated with idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis have been reported, the association is rare. We describe a 74-year-old man who presented with obstructive jaundice and weight loss. Nineteen months earlier, he had been diagnosed with idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis and treated with bilateral ureteric stents. Initial investigations were suggestive of a diagnosis of LSP, however, a malignant cause could not be ruled out. He underwent an exploratory laparotomy and frozen sections confirmed the diagnosis of LSP. An internal biliary bypass was performed using a Roux loop of jejunum, and the patient made an uneventful recovery. This case illustrates the difficulty in distinguishing LSP from pancreatic carcinoma preoperatively.

  7. Complementary and alternative medicine use in children with cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Giangioppo, Sandra; Kalaci, Odion; Radhakrishnan, Arun; Fleischer, Erin; Itterman, Jennifer; Lyttle, Brian; Price, April; Radhakrishnan, Dhenuka


    To estimate the overall prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine use among children with cystic fibrosis, determine specific modalities used, predictors of use and subjective helpfulness or harm from individual modalities. Of 53 children attending the cystic fibrosis clinic in London, Ontario (100% recruitment), 79% had used complementary and alternative medicine. The most commonly used modalities were air purifiers, humidifiers, probiotics, and omega-3 fatty acids. Family complementary and alternative medicine use was the only independent predictor of overall use. The majority of patients perceived benefit from specific modalities for cystic fibrosis symptoms. Given the high frequency and number of modalities used and lack of patient and disease characteristics predicting use, we recommend that health care providers should routinely ask about complementary and alternative medicine among all pediatric cystic fibrosis patients and assist patients in understanding the potential benefits and risks to make informed decisions about its use. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for cystic fibrosis: a case report (United States)

    Biazotti, Maria Cristina Santoro; Pinto, Walter; de Albuquerque, Maria Cecília Romano Maciel; Fujihara, Litsuko Shimabukuro; Suganuma, Cláudia Haru; Reigota, Renata Bednar; Bertuzzo, Carmen Sílvia


    Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene. This disorder produces a variable phenotype including lung disease, pancreatic insufficiency, and meconium ileus plus bilateral agenesis of the vas deferens causing obstructive azoospermia and male infertility. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is an alternative that allows identification of embryos affected by this or other genetic diseases. We report a case of couple with cystic fibrosis; the woman had the I148 T mutation and the man had the Delta F508 gene mutation. The couple underwent in vitro fertilization, associated with preimplantation genetic diagnosis, and with subsequent selection of healthy embryos for uterine transfer. The result was an uneventful pregnancy and delivery of a healthy male baby. PMID:25993078

  9. Case-control study of gadodiamide-related nephrogenic systemic fibrosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marckmann, Peter; Skov, Lone; Rossen, Kristian


    exposed to gadodiamide develop nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. METHODS: We conducted a case-control study of 19 histologically verified cases and 19 sex- and age-matched controls. All subjects had chronic renal failure when exposed to gadodiamide. Clinical, biochemical and pharmacological data were.......02). CONCLUSIONS: Increasing cumulative gadodiamide exposure, high-dose epoietin-beta treatment, and higher serum concentrations of ionized calcium and phosphate increase the risk of gadodiamide-related nephrogenic systemic fibrosis in renal failure patients. Severe cases seem to develop primarily among patients......BACKGROUND: Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis may be caused by gadolinium (Gd)-containing magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents. Most reported cases were associated with one particular agent, gadodiamide. Yet, unidentified cofactors might explain why only a minority of renal failure patients...

  10. Parental care and overprotection of children with cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Cappelli, M; McGrath, P J; MacDonald, N E; Katsanis, J; Lascelles, M


    Parental overprotection has often been clinically associated with the psychological maladjustment of children with a chronic disease. The purpose of this study was to examine parental care and overprotection in children with cystic fibrosis compared to healthy controls. Results indicated no differences in the level of parental care or overprotection between controls and children with cystic fibrosis. However, a number of significant correlations were found between parental care and overprotection and children's psychosocial functioning. In particular, positive correlations were found between parental overprotection and poor psychosocial functioning in children with cystic fibrosis, whereas, poor psychosocial functioning in healthy children was associated with lack of parental care. Parental overprotection and care appear to play important roles in the emotional and psychological functioning of healthy and chronically ill children.

  11. Variation in Cilia Protein Genes and Progression of Lung Disease in Cystic Fibrosis. (United States)

    Blue, Elizabeth; Louie, Tin L; Chong, Jessica X; Hebbring, Scott J; Barnes, Kathleen C; Rafaels, Nicholas M; Knowles, Michael R; Gibson, Ronald L; Bamshad, Michael J; Emond, Mary J


    Cystic fibrosis, like primary ciliary dyskinesia, is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by abnormal mucociliary clearance and obstructive lung disease. We hypothesized that genes underlying the development or function of cilia may modify lung disease severity in persons with cystic fibrosis. To test this hypothesis, we compared variants in 93 candidate genes in both upper and lower tertiles of lung function in a large cohort of children and adults with cystic fibrosis with those of a population control dataset. Variants within candidate genes were tested for association using the SKAT-O test, comparing cystic fibrosis cases defined by poor (n = 127) or preserved (n = 127) lung function with population controls (n = 3,269 or 3,148, respectively). Associated variants were then tested for association with related phenotypes in independent datasets. Variants in DNAH14 and DNAAF3 were associated with poor lung function in cystic fibrosis, whereas variants in DNAH14 and DNAH6 were associated with preserved lung function in cystic fibrosis. Associations between DNAH14 and lung function were replicated in disease-related phenotypes characterized by obstructive lung disease in adults. Genetic variants within DNAH6, DNAH14, and DNAAF3 are associated with variation in lung function among persons with cystic fibrosis.

  12. Laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Tocci, P M; McKey, R M


    The recent commercial introduction of a method for detecting albumin in meconium makes screening for cystic fibrosis feasible for many hospitals. If the tests is adopted, confirmatory tests should be available. Quantitative analyses of sweat for sodium by flame photometry and for chloride by silver titration and ion-sleective electrodes are now used as confirmatory tests. We compare results of these confirmatory methods applied to presons with cystic fibrosis, respiratory disorders, or digestive disorders, and to control subjects.

  13. Effects of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors on Liver Fibrosis in HIV and Hepatitis C Coinfection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lindsey J. Reese


    Full Text Available Background. Liver fibrosis is accelerated in HIV and hepatitis C coinfection, mediated by profibrotic effects of angiotensin. The objective of this study was to determine if angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-Is attenuate liver fibrosis in coinfection. Methods. A retrospective review of 156 coinfected subjects was conducted to analyze the association between exposure to ACE-Is and liver fibrosis. Noninvasive indices of liver fibrosis (APRI, FIB-4, Forns indices were compared between subjects who had taken ACE-Is and controls who had not taken them. Linear regression was used to evaluate ACE-I use as an independent predictor of fibrosis. Results. Subjects taking ACE-Is for three years were no different than controls on the APRI and the FIB-4 but had significantly higher scores than controls on the Forns index, indicating more advanced fibrosis. The use of ACE-Is for three years remained independently associated with an elevated Forns score when adjusted for age, race, and HIV viral load (P<0.001. There were significant associations between all of the indices and significant fibrosis, as determined clinically and radiologically. Conclusions. There was not a protective association between angiotensin inhibition and liver fibrosis in coinfection. These noninvasive indices may be useful for ruling out significant fibrosis in coinfection.

  14. Smoking and Pulmonary Fibrosis: Novel Insights

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katerina D. Samara


    Full Text Available The relationship between smoking and pulmonary fibrosis is under debate and intense investigation. The aim of this paper is to review the existing literature and identify further areas of research interest. Recently the negative influence of cigarette smoking on IPF outcome was highlighted, as non-smokers exhibit a better survival than ex-smokers and combined current- and ex-smokers. In patients with non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP, a high prevalence of emphysema was recently demonstrated, providing an indirect support for a smoking pathogenetic hypothesis in NSIP. The coexistence of pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema has been extensively described in a syndrome termed combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE. Connective tissue disorders (CTDs are a group of autoimmune diseases which affect the lung, as one of the most common and severe manifestations. However, the relationship between smoking and autoimmune disorders is still conflicting. Rheumatoid arthritis results from the interaction between genetic and environmental factors, while the best established environmental factor is tobacco smoking. Smoking has also a negative impact on the response of the RA patients to treatment. The aforementioned smoking-related implications give rise to further research questions and certainly provide one more important reason for physicians to advocate smoking cessation and smoke-free environment.

  15. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and gadolinium-based contrast media

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Henrik S; Morcos, Sameh K; Almén, Torsten


    PURPOSE: To update the guidelines of the Contrast Media Safety Committee (CMSC) of the European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) on nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and gadolinium-based contrast media. AREAS COVERED: Topics reviewed include the history, clinical features and prevalence of neph...... guidelines regarding gadolinium contrast agents minimises the risk of NSF • Potential long-term harm from gadolinium accumulation in the body is discussed.......PURPOSE: To update the guidelines of the Contrast Media Safety Committee (CMSC) of the European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) on nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and gadolinium-based contrast media. AREAS COVERED: Topics reviewed include the history, clinical features and prevalence...... of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and the current understanding of its pathophysiology. The risk factors for NSF are discussed and prophylactic measures are recommended. The stability of the different gadolinium-based contrast media and the potential long-term effects of gadolinium in the body have also been...

  16. Pharmacological targeting of protease-activated receptor 2 affords protection from bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    C. Lin (Cong); J. von der Thusen (Jan); J. Daalhuisen (Joost); M. Ten Brink (Marieke); B. Crestani (Bruno); T. van der Poll (Tom); K. Borensztajn (Keren); C. Arnold Spek (C.)


    textabstractIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is the most devastating diffuse fibrosing lung disease that remains refractory to therapy. Despite increasing evidence that protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR-2) contributes to fibrosis, its importance in pulmonary fibrosis is under debate. We addressed

  17. Young patients with cystic fibrosis demonstrate subtle alterations of the cardiovascular system. (United States)

    Eising, Jacobien B; van der Ent, Cornelis K; Teske, Arco J; Vanderschuren, Maaike M; Uiterwaal, Cuno S P M; Meijboom, Folkert J


    As life expectancy increases in patients with cystic fibrosis, it is important to pay attention to extra-pulmonary comorbidities. Several studies have shown signs of myocardial dysfunction in adult patients, but little is known about onset and development of these changes over time. In this prospective study, cardiac function in children with cystic fibrosis was compared to that of healthy children. 33 children, aged 3-12years, with cystic fibrosis were recruited from the Wilhelmina Children's hospital and 33 age-matched healthy children were selected from the WHISTLER study, a population-based cohort study. Measurements of lung function, arterial stiffness, and echocardiography (conventional measures and myocardial deformation imaging) were performed. There were no differences in anthropometrics, lung function and blood pressure between the two groups. The cystic fibrosis children had a higher arterial stiffness compared to the healthy children (pulse wave velocity respectively 5.76±0.57m/s versus 5.43±0.61m/s, p-value 0.049). Using conventional echocardiographic parameters for right ventricular function, Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion) and Tissue Doppler Imaging, cystic fibrosis children had a reduced right ventricular systolic function when compared to the healthy children. After adjustment for lung function, global strains of both right and left ventricles were significantly lower in the cystic fibrosis group than in healthy children (linear regression coefficient 1.45% left ventricle, p-value 0.022 and 4.42% right ventricle, p-value cystic fibrosis children than in healthy controls. Our study suggests that already at a very young age, children with cystic fibrosis show an increased arterial stiffness and some signs of diminished both right and left ventricular function. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  18. Protection of CpG ODN 1826 against radiation pulmonary fibrosis in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Xuan; Qiao Tiankui; Zhuang Xibing; Zhang Jihong


    Objective: To explore the protectional function of CpG ODN 1826 against radiation pulmonary fibrosis in rats. Methods: The rat left lung was exposed to 20 Gy of 6 MV X-rays for establishing a radiation pulmonary fibrosis model. SD rats were randomly divided into control group, irradiated group and intervention group, with 30 rats in each group. CpG ODN 1826 was intraperitoneally injected into rats at 0, 1, 2, 5 and 7 d post-irradiation. The rats were terminated at 5, 15, 30 and 90 d post-irradiation, and the lung indexes were recorded. Paraffin sections of the radiated lung were conducted with HE staining and Masson staining, the pulmonary fibrosis scores were recorded. The serum concentrations of TGF-β1 and hydroxyproline (Hyp) were measured. Results: The radiation pulmonary fibrosis rat model was successfully established. The lung indexes of the control group were lower than those of the irradiated and intervention groups at 5 d post-irradiation (t = 3.046, 2.252, P < 0.05). The lung indexes of the intervention group were lower than those of the irradiated group (t = 4.120, 5.226, 5.719, P < 0.05). Pulmonary fibrosis scores of intervention group were lower than those of irradiated group (t = 3.212, 4.959, P < 0.05). The serum concentrations of TGF-β1 of irradiated group were higher than those of the intervention group (t = 4.138, 5.924, 4.138, 5.924, P < 0.05). The Hyp in the lung of irradiated group was higher than that of intervention group (t = 7.527, 8.416, P < 0.05). Conclusions: CpG ODN1826 will not worse the radiation pulmonary fibrosis, on the contrary, it could reduce the serum concentrations of TGF-β1 and the lung content of Hyp in radiation pulmonary fibrosis, and protects rat against radiation pulmonary fibrosis. (authors)

  19. Shared genetic effects between hepatic steatosis and fibrosis: A prospective twin study (United States)

    Cui, Jeffrey; Chen, Chi-Hua; Lo, Min-Tzu; Schork, Nicholas; Bettencourt, Ricki; Gonzalez, Monica P; Bhatt, Archana; Hooker, Jonathan; Shaffer, Katherine; Nelson, Karen E; Long, Michelle T; Brenner, David A; Sirlin, Claude B; Loomba, Rohit


    Introduction Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is associated with metabolic risk factors including hypertension and dyslipidemia, and may progress to liver fibrosis. Previous studies have shown that hepatic steatosis and fibrosis are heritable but whether they have a significant shared gene effect is unknown. This study aimed to examine the shared gene effects between hepatic steatosis, fibrosis, and their associations with metabolic risk factors. Methods This is a cross-sectional analysis of a prospective cohort of well-characterized, community-dwelling twins (45 monozygotic, 20 dizygotic twin pairs, 130 total subjects) from Southern California. Hepatic steatosis was assessed with MRI-proton density fat fraction (MRI-PDFF) and hepatic fibrosis was assessed with magnetic resonance elastography (MRE). A standard bivariate twin AE model was used to estimate the proportion of phenotypic variance between two phenotypes accounted for by additive genetic effects (A) and individual-specific environmental effects (E). Genetic correlations (rG) estimated from this model represent the degree to which the genetic determinants of two phenotypes overlap. Results The mean (±SD) age and BMI were 47.1 (±21.9) years and 26.9 (±6.5) kg/m2, respectively. 20% (26/130) of the cohort had hepatic steatosis (MRI-PDFF ≥5%) and 8.2% (10/122) had hepatic fibrosis (MRE ≥3Kpa). Blood pressure (systolic and diastolic), triglycerides, glucose, homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), insulin, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) had significant shared gene effects with hepatic steatosis. Triglycerides, glucose, HOMA-IR, insulin, HbA1c, and low HDL had significant shared gene effects with hepatic fibrosis. Hepatic steatosis and fibrosis had a highly significant shared gene effect of 0.756 (95% CI: 0.716–1, psteatosis pathogenesis may also be involved with fibrosis pathogenesis. PMID:27315352

  20. Novel non-invasive biological predictive index for liver fibrosis in hepatitis C virus genotype 4 patients (United States)

    Khattab, Mahmoud; Sakr, Mohamed Amin; Fattah, Mohamed Abdel; Mousa, Youssef; Soliman, Elwy; Breedy, Ashraf; Fathi, Mona; Gaber, Salwa; Altaweil, Ahmed; Osman, Ashraf; Hassouna, Ahmed; Motawea, Ibrahim


    AIM To investigate the diagnostic ability of a non-invasive biological marker to predict liver fibrosis in hepatitis C genotype 4 patients with high accuracy. METHODS A cohort of 332 patients infected with hepatitis C genotype 4 was included in this cross-sectional study. Fasting plasma glucose, insulin, C-peptide, and angiotensin-converting enzyme serum levels were measured. Insulin resistance was mathematically calculated using the homeostasis model of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). RESULTS Fibrosis stages were distributed based on Metavir score as follows: F0 = 43, F1 = 136, F2 = 64, F3 = 45 and F4 = 44. Statistical analysis relied upon reclassification of fibrosis stages into mild fibrosis (F0-F) = 179, moderate fibrosis (F2) = 64, and advanced fibrosis (F3-F4) = 89. Univariate analysis indicated that age, log aspartate amino transaminase, log HOMA-IR and log platelet count were independent predictors of liver fibrosis stage (P < 0.0001). A stepwise multivariate discriminant functional analysis was used to drive a discriminative model for liver fibrosis. Our index used cut-off values of ≥ 0.86 and ≤ -0.31 to diagnose advanced and mild fibrosis, respectively, with receiving operating characteristics of 0.91 and 0.88, respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and positive likelihood ratio were: 73%, 91%, 75%, 90% and 8.0 respectively for advanced fibrosis, and 67%, 88%, 84%, 70% and 4.9, respectively, for mild fibrosis. CONCLUSION Our predictive model is easily available and reproducible, and predicted liver fibrosis with acceptable accuracy. PMID:27917265