
Sample records for cerebral diagnosticada por

  1. Esporotricosis diagnosticada por el laboratorio

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    Nelly Ordóñez


    Full Text Available De 1976 a 1989 se han diagnosticado 40 casos de esporotricosis en el laboratorio de Micología del Instituto Nacional de Salud. La enfermedad se presentó en pacientes entre 4 y 52 años y tuvo predilección por el sexo masculino: 35 de 40 (87,5%; las formas clínicas más frecuentes fueron la cutánea fija, 18 de 40 (45%, y la linfocutánea, 17 de 40 (42,5%, con localización mayor en miembros superiores, 18 de 40 (45%. El diagnóstico se estableció por el aislamiento del Sporothrix schenckii en 35 de 38 pacientes (92%; los otros dos pacientes se diagnosticaron empleando otras técnicas: inmunofluorescencia directa, intradermorreacción y aglutinación en tubo.

  2. Afrontamiento al cáncer de mama en pacientes diagnosticadas.

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    Mónica Moreno Martín


    Full Text Available Introducción: El cáncer de mama representa la primera causa de muerte por cáncer en el sexo femenino y aceptar la idea de un cáncer es un asunto difícil de asimilar, por lo que el afrontamiento a esta enfermedad constituye un factor determinante en el transcurso de la misma. Objetivo: Describir el afrontamiento a la enfermedad de pacientes con cáncer de mama en el Servicio de Oncología del Hospital 10 de Octubre de la Habana.  Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y de tipo transversal entre julio y noviembre del 2014. Se empleó el estudio de casos en profundidad. El universo estuvo constituido por 38 pacientes diagnosticadas de cáncer de mama que asistieron a la consulta de oncología. Bajo un diseño muestral no probabilístico de sujetos tipos, se seleccionaron 14 mujeres diagnosticadas de carcinoma de mama. Resultados: Las pacientes utilizaron estilos de afrontamientos centrados en la emoción y en el problema mostrando un ligero predominio en este último. Los recursos personales para el afrontamiento se caracterizaron por creencias positivas de control, creencias de optimismo y de religiosidad, acompañada también de creencias negativas de control externo y de identidad, así como la percepción salud y energía. Conclusiones: Hubo un ligero predominio al uso de estilos de afrontamiento centrados en el problema con estrategias de búsqueda de apoyo social y planificación. Las pacientes con estilos de afrontamiento centrados en las emociones utilizaron estrategias de distanciamiento y autocontrol.

  3. Riesgo familiar total en familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con neoplasia de mama

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    Nancy Cecilia Charrys-Bravo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el riesgo familiar total de las familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama, que asisten a un centro de salud oncológico en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio fue de tipo descriptivo, transversal con abordaje cuantitativo. Se utilizó el instrumento Riesgo Familiar Total RFT 5-33. El universo estuvo conformado por familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer en mama. La muestra fue de 41 familias que integraron a 154 miembros; se abordó el estudio de manera censal, y no por medio de una muestra, porque el acceso a la información de la totalidad de las familia fue viable. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que las familias, en su mayoría, son de tipo 2. El 68 % de las pacientes categorizan sus familias como amenazadas, el 5 % como familias de alto riesgo y un 27 % de las familias con un bajo riesgo. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos encontrados en esta investigación son importantes para las familias, lo cual permitirá establecer acciones y actividades que logren orientar e implementar procesos de atención específicos con el propósito de cuidar a las familias para que se mantengan sanos en un nivel de bajo riesgo; además, desarrollar controles y seguimiento a aquellas familias que se encuentran en un riesgo alto de amenazas, mediante acciones de promoción y prevención de la enfermedad de una manera amplia. Por lo anterior, se deben emprender programas más agresivos de prevención y promoción, especialmente con las familias que asisten en busca de apoyo médico para este padecimiento; de esta forma, se podrán diagnosticar los casos de forma temprana y proceder al respectivo tratamiento.

  4. Muerte cerebral causada por consumo de psicofármacos


    Iglesias Rozas, José Rafael, 1942-


    Tres imágenes de una biopsia de un cerebro en estado de muerte cerebral causada por consumo de psicofármacos. Three pictures of a biopsy of a brain that has died because of consumption of psychoactive drugs.

  5. El estigma en mujeres diagnosticadas con VPH, displasia y cáncer cervicouterino en Hermosillo, Sonora

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    María del Carmen Arellano Gálvez


    Full Text Available Nuestro objetivo es indagar sobre las vivencias y percepciones de un grupo de mujeres de una ciudad al norte de México que han sido diagnosticadas con el virus del papiloma humano, displasias y cáncer cervicouterino. Realizamos treinta y cuatro entrevistas cualitativas; se identificó que las mujeres viven la experiencia de diagnóstico como un estigma, pues alude a su sexualidad, fidelidad y creencias religiosas, por lo que ponen en marcha estrategias protectoras para evitar ser estigmatizadas.

  6. Detecção da encefalopatia hepática subclínica por espectroscopia cerebral Detection of subclinical hepatic encephalopathy by magnetic resonance spectroscopy

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    Gustavo Justo Schulz


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: A encefalopatia hepática é anormalidade neuropsiquiátrica comum em cirróticos e está associada com alterações típicas de determinados metabólitos cerebrais, como o decréscimo de mio-inositol e colina e o aumento de glutamina-glutamato, observadas na espectroscopia cerebral por ressonância magnética. OBJETIVO: Determinar os níveis dos metabólitos cerebrais em pacientes cirróticos para diagnóstico da encefalopatia hepática em estágios iniciais. MÉTODOS Foram estudados 25 pacientes com cirrose hepática, do Serviço de Transplante Hepático da Universidade Federal do Paraná, através de avaliação clínica (exame neurológico e testes neuropsicométricos e espectroscopia por ressonância magnética cerebral. A área espectral estudada por ressonância magnética envolveu a região occipital (substância branca e cinzenta. Trinta voluntários sadios formaram o grupo controle. RESULTADOS: A encefalopatia hepática subclínica foi diagnosticada em 12 pacientes (48%. Reduções significativas nos índices de MI/Cr foram observadas nos pacientes com encefalopatia quando comparados aos controles (0,49±0,10 vs. 0,83±0,13; P BACKGROUND: Hepatic encephalopathy is a common neuro-psychiatric abnormality in liver cirrhosis associated with typical changes of cerebral metabolite pattern, such as a decrease of myo-inositol and cholina and increase of glutamine-glutamate, observed by magnetic resonance spectroscopy. AIM: To determine cerebral metabolite ratios in liver cirrhosis patients with early stages of hepatic encephalopathy. METHODS: Twenty-five patients with chronic hepatic failure from Liver Transplantation Unit of the Federal University of Paraná were studied with clinical evaluation and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Localized magnetic resonance spectra were acquired in the occipital gray/white matter regions. Thirty healthy volunteers were also subjected to the same evaluations, making up the control group. RESULTS

  7. Hiperoxia por dos horas produce daño morfológico cerebral luego de asfixia neonatal experimental

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    Melva Benavides


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar el efecto de una exposición de dos horas de hiperoxia al 21%, 40% y 100% sobre la morfología cerebral, en un modelo experimental de asfixia neonatal. Diseño: Estudio experimental. Institución: Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Ratas albinas Holtzmann. Intervenciones: Ciento veinte ratas albinas Holtzmann de una semana de nacidas (a excepción del grupo control fueron sometidas a asfixia experimental por ligadura de la arteria carótida izquierda y luego expuestas a hipoxia (oxígeno al 8%. Después fueron asignadas aleatoriamente a uno de los siguientes grupos: exposición por dos horas a O2 al 100%, a O2 al 40%, a O2 al 21% y un grupo control (no expuesto a asfixia experimental. El daño cerebral fue evaluado mediante la medición del peso cerebral y el porcentaje del área cerebral con daño microscópico. Principales medidas de resultados: Daño cerebral. Resultados: El peso cerebral promedio fue menor en los animales de los grupos sometidos a hiperoxia experimental (ANOVA; p<0,001. Se presentó daño cerebral microscópico con mayor frecuencia en el grupo sometido a hipoxia experimental que recibió O2 100% por dos horas y con menor frecuencia en el que recibió O2 al 40% (60% versus 43,3%, diferencia que fue estadísticamente significativa (prueba χ²; p<0,001. El grupo sometido a hipoxia experimental que recibió O2 100% tuvo un mayor porcentaje promedio de área cerebral con daño microscópico (18,3%, en comparación con los otros grupos de hipoxia experimental, aunque la diferencia no fue estadísticamente significativa (ANOVA; p=0,123. Conclusiones: La hiperoxia al 100% por dos horas se asoció con menor peso cerebral y mayor daño cerebral en animales de experimentación sometidos a asfixia neonatal experimental.

  8. Alterações de difusão e perfusão cerebral por RM em angioplastia carotídea com \\"stent\\" sob proteção cerebral por filtros


    Antenor Tavares de Sá Júnior


    INTRODUÇÃO: A angioplastia carotídea com stent (ACS) sob proteção cerebral é opção terapêutica em pacientes com estenose carotídea. Existe o risco de embolia apesar da utilização do filtro e as modificações na perfusão cerebral após tratamento da estenose carotídea não são claras. O propósito deste estudo é avaliar, após ACS sob proteção cerebral por filtros, modificações nas seqüências de RM de difusão (DWI) e perfusão (PWI), correlacionando-as com os aspectos técnicos da ACS, com as caracte...

  9. Rinoliquorréia e hidrocefalia por gliose do aqueduto cerebral

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    Walter C. Pereira


    Full Text Available É relatado um caso de hidrocefalia tardia, determinada por gliose do aqueduto cerebral, complicada com rinoliquorréia. A fístula do líquido cefalorraqueano se estabeleceu em conseqüência da erosão da sela turca pelo assoalho do 3.° ventriculo hipertenso e dilatado, determinando comunicação entre a cavidade ventricular e o seio esfenoidal. O paciente foi operado, tendo a fístula sido ocluída satisfatoriamente; previamente foi feita derivação ventrículo-peritoneal para evitar recidiva da hipertensão do sistema ventricular.

  10. Intoxicações por plantas diagnosticadas em ruminantes e equinos e estimativa das perdas econômicas na Paraíba Plant poisonings diagnosed in ruminants and horses and estimation of the economical losses in Paraíba

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    Tales S. Assis


    Full Text Available Foi realizado um levantamento dos surtos de intoxicações por plantas em ruminantes e equinos diagnosticados no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV, do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, Paraíba, no período de 2000-2007. Em bovinos 7,4% dos diagnósticos realizados pelo LPV foram intoxicações por plantas. Foram diagnosticadas intoxicações por Centhraterum brachylepis (um surto, Brachiaria spp. (um surto, Crotalaria retusa (dois surtos, Ipomoea batatas (um surto, Marsdenia sp. (um surto, gramíneas contendo nitratos e nitritos (um surto por Echinochloa polystachya e dois surtos por Pennisetum purpureum, Palicourea aeneofusca (um surto, Prosopis juliflora (três surtos, Nerium oleander (um surto e Mimosa tenuiflora (sete surtos. Na espécie ovina 13% dos diagnósticos foram intoxicações por plantas. Os surtos foram causados por Ipomoea asarifolia (quatro surtos, Brachiaria spp. (três surtos, Crotalaria retusa (dois surtos, Tephrosia cinerea (dois surtos, Panicum dichotomiflorum (um surto, Mascagnia rigida (um surto e malformações associadas à ingestão de Mimosa tenuiflora (20 surtos. Nos caprinos, 6,4% dos diagnósticos corresponderam à intoxicação por plantas. Sete surtos foram causados por Mimosa tenuiflora, um por Ipomoea asarifolia, um por Ipomoea carnea, um por Ipomoea riedelli, três por Prosopis juliflora, um por Arrabidaea corallina, dois por Aspidosperma pyrifolium, dois por Turbina cordata e um por Opuntia ficus-indica. Na espécie equina 14% das doenças diagnosticadas foram devidas a intoxicações por plantas, sendo 12 surtos por Crotalaria retusa e um por Turbina cordata. As perdas na Paraíba por plantas tóxicas são estimadas em 3.895 bovinos, 8.374 ovinos, 6.390 caprinos e 366 equinos, que representam uma perda econômica anual, por morte de animais, de R$ 2.733.097,00. São relatados alguns aspectos epidemiológicos, sinais clínicos e patologia de surtos de

  11. Sentimentos vivenciados por fisioterapeutas no atendimento a pessoas com paralisia cerebral Physiotherapist's feelings on attending people with cerebral palsy

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    Dinael Corrêa de Campos


    Full Text Available Considerando que os estudos sobre a relação profissional de saúde e cliente contribuíram para o surgimento da proposta do modelo humanizado de atendimento, esta pesquisa investigou os possíveis sentimentos de fisioterapeutas em relação ao atendimento de pessoas com paralisia cerebral, já que esta condição, a paralisia cerebral, é considerada sem cura pela medicina e com possibilidades de melhora diretamente vinculadas aos exercícios fisioterapêuticos. Utilizando um instrumento contendo perguntas abertas, foram realizadas entrevistas com fisioterapeutas que atendem aos casos com sequelas mais graves: ausência total da linguagem verbal e comprometimentos motores que levam os pacientes à situação de acamados. Mediante a análise de conteúdo, verificou-se que a paralisia cerebral é reconhecida pelos fisioterapeutas como um quadro neurológico e as limitações no alcance de resultados terapêuticos são vistas como normais. Assim, as mudanças, mesmo sendo reduzidas e obtidas em longo prazo, tornam o atendimento gratificante para os fisioterapeutas por representarem uma superação de desafios.Considering the studies about professional relation among health and clients contributted to arise the purposes about a humanized model of assistance. This research shows the physiotherapists' feelings on attending people with cerebral palsy, taking in accounting the cerebral palsy is presented by the medicine as a reverseless decease and having possibilities of changing entailed to the physiotherapy. By means of interviews and questionaries answered by physiotherapists, and using the contents of analysis, we can notice that the cerebral palsy is understood by the professional of physiotherapy like a neurological condition, so the limitations on reaching are noticed as normal. Thus, even the changes reduced in the long run, they make the attendance to be rewarding for the professional of physiotherapy, because these changes represent the

  12. Cerebral aspergillosis due to Aspergillus fumigatus in AIDS patient: first culture - proven case reported in Brazil Aspergilosis cerebral causada por Aspergillus fumigatus en paciente con SIDA: primer reporte de caso demostrado por cultivo en Brasil

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    José E. Vidal


    Full Text Available Cerebral aspergillosis is a rare cause of brain expansive lesion in AIDS patients. We report the first culture-proven case of brain abscess due to Aspergillus fumigatus in a Brazilian AIDS patient. The patient, a 26 year-old male with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection and history of pulmonary tuberculosis and cerebral toxoplasmosis, had fever, cough, dyspnea, and two episodes of seizures. The brain computerized tomography (CT showed a bi-parietal and parasagittal hypodense lesion with peripheral enhancement, and significant mass effect. There was started anti-Toxoplasma treatment. Three weeks later, the patient presented mental confusion, and a new brain CT evidenced increase in the lesion. He underwent brain biopsy, draining 10 mL of purulent material. The direct mycological examination revealed septated and hyaline hyphae. There was started amphotericin B deoxycholate. The culture of the material demonstrated presence of the Aspergillus fumigatus. The following two months, the patient was submitted to three surgeries, with insertion of drainage catheter and administration of amphotericin B intralesional. Three months after hospital admission, his neurological condition suffered discrete changes. However, he died due to intrahospital pneumonia. Brain abscess caused by Aspergillus fumigatus must be considered in the differential diagnosis of the brain expansive lesions in AIDS patients in Brazil.La aspergilosis cerebral es una causa rara de lesión expansiva cerebral en pacientes con SIDA. Presentamos el primer reporte de un absceso cerebral causado por Aspergillus fumigatus en un paciente brasileño con SIDA. El paciente, de 26 años de edad, presentaba antecedentes de infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH, tuberculosis pulmonar y toxoplasmosis cerebral. Manifestó fiebre, tos, disnea y dos episódios de convulsiones. La tomografía computadorizada (TC demostró una lesión hipodensa parasagital y bi-parietal con

  13. Encefalitis del tallo cerebral y mielitis por Listeria monocytogenes

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    Aracelly Castro


    Full Text Available La romboencefalitis por Listeria monocytogenes es una presentación poco común de la listeriosis del sistema nervioso central; sin embargo, es la presentación más común en personas inmunocompetentes. Aun más rara es la combinación de romboencefalitis con mielitis causada por L. monocytogenes; no obstante, en este artículo se reporta un caso de encefalitis del tallo y mielitis grave en un paciente sin compromiso del sistema inmunitario. Se presenta un paciente de 21 años de edad, sin deficiencias del sistema inmunitario, que consumió productos lácteos no pasteurizados y, posteriormente, presentó un cuadro de cefalea, vómito, deterioro de su estado general y, finalmente, alteración del estado de conciencia y muerte. Consultó al Instituto Neurológico de Colombia y se hizo diagnóstico de encefalitis del tallo y mielitis por L. monocytogenes. Se discuten las diferencias entre el caso presentado y los reportados en la literatura científica. Ante un paciente con signos de compromiso del tallo cerebral, de posible origen infeccioso, es prudente iniciar tratamiento antibiótico para L. monocytogenes y, en caso de poca respuesta, escalar rápidamente en dicho tratamiento. También lo es extender el estudio radiológico hacia la columna vertebral, con el fin de descartar compromiso de la médula espinal.   doi:

  14. Cerebral ischemia caused by Streptococcus bovis aortic endocarditis: case report Isquemia cerebral causada por endocardite aórtica pelo Streptococcus bovis: relato de caso

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    Leopoldo Santos-Neto


    Full Text Available Cerebral ischemic processes associated with infective endocarditis caused by Streptococcus bovis are rare; only 2 cases having been reported. Here we report a case of a 50-year-old man with S. bovis endocarditis who presented signs of frontal, parietal and occipital lobe cerebral ischemia. This is the first case reported in which the presence of hemianopsia preceded the endocarditis diagnosis. Initially, the clinical manifestations suggested a systemic vasculitis. Later, vegetating lesions were identified in the aortic valve and S. bovis grew in blood cultures. Antibiotic use and aortic valve replacement eliminated the infection and ceased thromboembolic events. A videocolonoscopy examination revealed no mucosal lesions as a portal of entry in this case, although such lesions have been encountered in up to 70% of reported cases of S. bovis endocarditis.A associação de isquemia cerebral e endocardite por Streptococcus bovis é um evento raro, tendo sido publicados apenas 2 casos anteriormente. Nós relatamos o caso de um homem de 50 anos com endocardite por S. bovis que apresentou sinais isquêmicos nos lobos frontal, parietal e occipital. Este é o primeiro caso em que a hemianopsia precedeu o diagnóstico de endocardite. Inicialmente, o quadro foi confundido com vasculite. Posteriormente, foi confirmada a presença de vegetações na válvula aórtica e a hemocultura identificou S. bovis. Os eventos tromboembólicos foram controlados com o uso de antibióticos e a troca da válvula aórtica. Estudo videocolonoscópico não identificou nenhuma lesão, apesar de lesões colônicas serem descritas em até 70% dos casos de indivíduos com endocardite por S. bovis.



    Ricci A, Paolo; Lema C, Rodrigo; Solà D, Vicente; Wash F, Alex; Pardo S, Jack


    Antecedentes: La neuralgia del nervio pudendo pocas veces es sospechada y menos diagnosticada. Por esta razón, las pacientes que la padecen, consultan múltiples veces antes de llegar a un diagnóstico definitivo. Objetivo: Revisar la seguridad y eficacia de la infiltración de nervio pudendo, en el tratamiento del dolor en pacientes con neuralgia del nervio pudendo. Método: Seguimiento prospectivo de cinco pacientes ingresadas bajo el diagnóstico de síndrome de atrapamiento del nervio pudendo. ...

  16. Fonsecaea pedrosoi cerebral phaeohyphomycosis ("chromoblastomycosis": first human culture-proven case reported in Brazil Feohifomicose cerebral ("cromoblastomicose" por Fonsecaea pedrosoi: primeiro caso demonstrado por cultura do fungo no Brasil

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    José Paulo S. Nóbrega


    Full Text Available Cerebral phaeohyphomycosis ("chromoblastomycosis" is a rare intracranial lesion. We report the first human culture-proven case of brain abscesses due to Fonsecaea pedrosoi in Brazil. The patient, a 28 year-old immunocompetent white male, had ocular manifestations and a hypertensive intracranial syndrome. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI of the brain revealed a main tumoral mass involving the right temporo-occipital area and another smaller apparently healed lesion at the left occipital lobe. A cerebral biopsy was performed and the pathological report was cerebral chromoblastomycosis. The main lesion was enucleated surgically and culture of the necrotic and suppurative mass grew a fungus identified as Fonsecaea pedrosoi. The patient had received a knife wound sixteen years prior to his hospitalization and, more recently, manifested a pulmonary granulomatous lesion in the right lung with a single non-pigmented form of a fungus present. It was speculated that the fungus might have gained entrance to the host through the skin lesion, although a primary respiratory lesion was not excluded. The patient was discharged from the hospital still with ocular manifestations and on antimycotic therapy and was followed for eight months without disease recurrence. Few months after he had complications of the previous neuro-surgery and died. A complete autopsy was performed and no residual fungal disease was found.A Feohifomicose cerebral ("cromoblastomicose" é uma lesão rara. Apresentamos o primeiro caso desta entidade com cultura do abscesso cerebral, devido a Fonsecaea pedrosoi. O paciente, um homem de 28 anos de idade, imunocompetente, apresentou manifestações oculares e síndrome de hipertensão intracraniana. Imagens de ressonância magnética (MRI cerebral mostraram massa tumoral envolvendo a área temporo-occipital direita e outra lesão menor, possivelmente cicatricial, no lobo occipital esquerdo. Biopsia cerebral mostrou cromoblastomicose cerebral

  17. Infarto cerebral e edema avaliação prognóstico-evolutiva por sinais neurológicos


    Rubens José Gagliardi; Marilda Lauretti da Silva Guedes; Pedro Covo


    Trata-se de estudo prospectivo abrangendo 92 doentes com infarto cerebral (IC). O seguimento foi feito durante 10 dias com avaliação diária, sendo os doentes analisados por escala de notas para diferentes sinais costumeiramente pesquisados nesses casos. A metodologia foi especialmente desenvolvida no sentido de analisar exclusivamente alterações devidas ao edema oriundo da isquemia e IC. As conclusões foram obtidas por comparação isolada das médias das notas de cada sinal com a média do total...

  18. Absceso cerebral posquirúrgico causado por Propionibacterium acnes Post-surgery cerebral abscess due to Propionibacterium acnes

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    Mariela S. Zárate


    Full Text Available Los abscesos cerebrales por Propionibacterium acnes son poco frecuentes. Es importante para el médico clínico la rápida identificación de este patógeno para la elección de una terapéutica antibiótica adecuada. En este caso se describe un paciente con una exéresis de un glioblastoma multiforme donde a los 9 meses se evidenció la existencia de una recidiva tumoral, se efectuó una extirpación tumoral subtotal y la colocación de implantes de quimioterapia en el lecho tumoral residual. Al cabo de un mes de esta reoperación presentó una lesión ocupante compatible con un absceso cerebral, motivo por el cual se realizó nueva craneotomía y drenaje del mismo. En los cultivos de las biopsias y del material purulento se aisló P. acnes como flora única. Para la identificación se realizaron pruebas bioquímicas y se aplicó el sistema API20A. Se determinó la concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM a clindamicina, penicilina, amoxicilina y metronidazol, los valores de CIM (ug/ml obtenidos fueron: 0.250, 0.040, 0.023 y 256, respectivamente. El paciente recibió cefepime más metronidazol por vía endovenosa durante un período de 30 días y completó tratamiento con clindamicina por vía oral durante 60 días, dada la posible complicación ósea en el sitio de la infección. Luego de 8 meses de la intervención quirúrgica y el drenaje del absceso cerebral no hubo evidencia de signos clínicos de recidiva tumoral e infecciosa. P. acnes es un patógeno infrecuente como causal de abscesos cerebrales, sin embargo no se debe desestimar en muestras neuroquirúrgicas.Brain abscesses by Propionibacterium acnes are rare. The rapid identification of this pathogen is important in order to choice the appropriate antibiotic therapy. We describe the case of a patient with excision of a multiform glioblastoma who 9 months later presented a tumor recurrence. A subtotal tumor excision was made and implants chemotherapy were placed in the residual tumor

  19. Consulta farmacéutica: intoxicación por gemfibrozilo


    Nerea Acuña Elvira


    Paciente de 46 años diagnosticada de depresión, hipertiroidismo e hipertrigliceridemia. En el último mes y medio ha tenido que acudir al servicio de urgencias del hospital en varias ocasiones por presentar cuadros diarreicos importantes acompañados de náuseas y malestar general. Los médicos le diagnosticaron gastroenteritis, administraron suero intravenoso con antieméticos y pautaron paracetamol 1g cada 8 horas. En la propia consulta, el marido solicita le dispensemos Trialmin® 600 mg, q...

  20. Alteraciones cromosómicas diagnosticadas en sangre periférica

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    Irenia Blanco Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: el estudio citogenético en linfocitos de sangre periférica es un medio diagnóstico muy solicitado por diferentes especialidades médicas, es utilizado ampliamente para diagnosticar diferentes cromosomopatías de origen genético. Objetivo: describir las principales alteraciones cromosómicas diagnosticadas en sangre periférica en la Provincia de Pinar del Río a partir de enero del año 2007 hasta diciembre del 2011. Material y método: se efectuó un estudio descriptivo de tipo retrospectivo en 831 pacientes que fueron remitidos al Centro Provincial de Genética Médica. La muestra la conformaron 117 pacientes que resultaron positivos al mostrar en su cariotipo hallazgos de cromosomopatías. Se analizaron: el motivo de indicación, la cantidad de diagnósticos realizados, los tipos de anomalías detectadas. Resultados: en el período estudiado se detectaron 68 casos positivos, el orden de frecuencia de las anomalías cromosómicas fue: las aberraciones estructurales (60.6 %, aberraciones numéricas (34.1 % y mosaicos (5.1 %. Las principales alteraciones correspondieron a trisomías, translocaciones y polimorfismos cromosómicos, sobre todo del cromosoma 9. Conclusiones: los resultados de este estudio se comportan de manera similar con los reportados en la bibliografía revisada y confirma la alta prevalencia de alteraciones cromosómicas en la población de Pinar del Río, donde cabe destacar, la importancia del estudio citogenético en sangre periférica a las personas con antecedentes de abortos espontáneos, infertilidad, dismórfias, reordenamientos cromosómicos balanceados, entre otros, con el fin de establecer un diagnóstico certero, oportuno y proporcionar un buen asesoramiento genético.

  1. Aplicação do prognóstico de deambulação em crianças com paralisia cerebral descrito por Souza e Ferraretto


    Sehoen, Alessandra Cristina Brito; Ricci, Eliane; Oliveira, Weber Gutemberg de


    A Paralisia Cerebral como é popularmente conhecida, proporciona as crianças alterações motoras, sensoriais, cognitivas que as fazem apresentar um desenvolvimento diferente das crianças normais. A pesquisa teve como finalidade comprovar a eficácia do prognóstico de deambulação para crianças com Paralisia Cerebral descrita por Souza e Ferraretto. O nosso objetivo foi identificar e comprovar através de pesquisas com cri...

  2. Un caso de infeccion humana por cisticerco racemoso cerebral de localizacion parenquimatosa en Valdivia, Chile A case of human cerebral infection by parenchymal racemose cysticercus in Valdivia, Chile

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    Eduardo Ortega


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso clínico de infección por cisticerco racemoso cerebral de localización parenquimatosa en un paciente de la ciudad de Valdivia (Chile cuyo diagnóstico definitivo se efectuó a través del estudio morfológico del parásito. Se discute brevemente la escasa frecuencia de la localización parenquimatosa del cisticerco racemoso, así como su diagnóstico diferencial con otros estados larvarios de cestodos que desarrollan en el sistema nervioso.A clinical case of cerebral infection by parenchymal racemose cysticercus, diagnosed by means of morphological characteristics in a patient of Valdivia city is described. The rare frequency of parenquimal location of racemose cysticercus as well as its differential diagnosis with other larval stages of cestodes that develop in the brain and its treatment are discussed.

  3. Infarto cerebral e edema avaliação prognóstico-evolutiva por sinais neurológicos

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    Rubens José Gagliardi


    Full Text Available Trata-se de estudo prospectivo abrangendo 92 doentes com infarto cerebral (IC. O seguimento foi feito durante 10 dias com avaliação diária, sendo os doentes analisados por escala de notas para diferentes sinais costumeiramente pesquisados nesses casos. A metodologia foi especialmente desenvolvida no sentido de analisar exclusivamente alterações devidas ao edema oriundo da isquemia e IC. As conclusões foram obtidas por comparação isolada das médias das notas de cada sinal com a média do total das notas. Os resultados mostram que o exame da «consciência», isoladamente, é o melhor parâmetro clínico para averiguar a evolução do doente após um IC, sem outras complicações que não o edema.

  4. Apoyo social percibido y recibido en mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de seno


    Rengifo Hincapié, Marcela


    Debido a que el cáncer de seno, constituye en la actualidad una enfermedad crónica y en ese sentido, existe cada vez un mayor número de casos de mujeres viviendo con esta patología, surge la necesidad inherente de crear estrategias que contribuyan en brindar una mejor calidad de vida a esta población. Es así como la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general comprender las valoraciones que realizan mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de seno frente al apoyo social percibido y recibido. L...

  5. Lesão da valva tricúspide por trauma torácico penetrante Lesión de la válvula tricúspide por trauma torácico penetrante Tricuspid valve lesion due to penetrating chest trauma

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    Renata de Carvalho Bicalho Carneiro


    Full Text Available As lesões da valva tricúspide decorrentes de trauma torácico penetrante são raras e frequentemente subdiagnosticadas. O objetivo deste relato é descrever um caso de insuficiência tricúspide grave secundária a acidente por arma branca com evolução insidiosa, diagnosticada 19 anos após o ocorrido. O caso enfatiza a importância do acompanhamento adequado dos pacientes vítimas de trauma torácico penetrante por longo período após a injúria, para detecção de possíveis complicações tardias do trauma.Las lesiones de la válvula tricúspide resultantes de trauma torácico penetrante son raras y frecuentemente subdiagnosticadas. El objetivo de este relato es describir un caso de insuficiencia tricúspide severa secundaria a accidente por arma blanca con evolución insidiosa, diagnosticada 19 años tras lo sucedido. El caso enfatiza la importancia del seguimiento adecuado de los pacientes víctimas de trauma torácico penetrante por largo período tras la injuria, para detección de posibles complicaciones tardías del trauma.Tricuspid valve lesions caused by penetrating chest trauma are rare and often underdiagnosed. The objective of this report is to describe a case of severe tricuspid insufficiency secondary to a knifing incident with an insidious evolution, diagnosed 19 years after the incident. The case emphasizes the importance of adequate follow-up of patients that are victims of penetrating chest trauma for a long period after the injury, to detect possible late complications of the trauma.

  6. Características nutricionales de niños con parálisis cerebral: ARIE - Villa El Salvador, 2004

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    Aníbal Del Águila


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y tipos de desnutrición en niños con parálisis cerebral (PC e identificar problemas que conducen a ella. Diseño: Estudio clínico descriptivo. Lugar: Centro de Medicina y Rehabilitación Infantil ARIE, en el distrito de Villa El Salvador. Pacientes: Cincuenta y tres niños con PC que asistían para su rehabilitación. Intervenciones: La información clínica fue obtenida por entrevista con la madre y para el diagnóstico nutricional se utilizó la clasificación de Waterlow. Para el diagnóstico de anemia, se evaluó los valores de hemoglobina y hematocrito. La enteroparasitosis fue diagnosticada por examen directo de heces y examen de Graham, en forma seriada. El procesamiento de información y análisis estadístico se realizó utilizando el programa SPSS 11.0. Principales medidas de resultados: Presencia de desnutrición, dificultades para alimentación, reflujo gastroesofágico, anemia y enteroparasitosis. Resultados: Se encontró desnutrición en 81,1% de niños, siendo la desnutrición crónica el diagnóstico más frecuente, en 43,5%. Entre los problemas asociados a malnutrición, las dificultades para la alimentación estuvieron presentes en 94,3% de los niños y síntomas de reflujo gastroesofágico, en 81,1%. La prevalencia de anemia fue 32,4% y de enteroparasitosis, 54,1%. Conclusiones: Los niños con parálisis cerebral evaluados presentan una elevada prevalencia de desnutrición, relacionada al hallazgo frecuente de dificultades para la alimentación, reflujo gastroesofágico y enteroparasitosis. Este grupo de niños constituye una población de riesgo alto de morbilidad y mortalidad.

  7. Consulta farmacéutica: intoxicación por gemfibrozilo

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    Nerea Acuña Elvira


    Full Text Available Paciente de 46 años diagnosticada de depresión, hipertiroidismo e hipertrigliceridemia. En el último mes y medio ha tenido que acudir al servicio de urgencias del hospital en varias ocasiones por presentar cuadros diarreicos importantes acompañados de náuseas y malestar general. Los médicos le diagnosticaron gastroenteritis, administraron suero intravenoso con antieméticos y pautaron paracetamol 1g cada 8 horas. En la propia consulta, el marido solicita le dispensemos Trialmin® 600 mg, que su esposa “tiene prescrito para el tiroides” y del que toma 6 comprimidos diarios. Detectamos un resultado negativo de la medicación por error en la pauta e indicación del medicamento para la hipertrigliceridemia. Intervenimos explicándole que Tirodril® es el medicamento que le han prescrito para el hipertiroidismo y no Trialmin®, que está indicado en hipertrigliceridemias. Se deriva al servicio de urgencias con un informe por escrito de la situación dirigido al médico.

  8. Hemorragia cerebral secundaria a trombocitopenia por varicela

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    Jairo Lizarazo


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 44 años, previamente sano, con varicela, trombocitopenia grave, manifestaciones hemorrágicas en mucosas y una extensa hemorragia cerebral en el hemisferio derecho. Su tratamiento incluyó la transfusión de plaquetas y altas dosis de esteroides. El paciente mejoró, aunque persistieron la hemianopsia homónima izquierda y la epilepsia, tratada con medicación.

  9. Ansiedad, depresión y percepción de control en mujeres diagnosticadas con VIH/Sida

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    Marcela Arrivillaga Quintero


    Full Text Available En la actualidad mundial se observa un aumento significativo de casos de infección por VIH en mujeres. Las nuevas medicaciones antirretrovirales han logrado avances en cuanto a la cantidad de vida mas no a su calidad ya que variables psicológicas afectan la evoluci ón de la infección. Esta investigación describe la ansiedad, depresión y percepción de control como variables psicológicas que intervienen en el proceso de infección. Dentro de los hallazgos más importantes se encuentra que un considerable número de participantes (23,4% presentó altos niveles de ansiedad. Algunos (10,63% presentaron altos niveles de depresión y en un menor número (6,38% se encontró bajos niveles de Percepci ón de Control. Los resultados de esta última variable están relacionados con conclusiones de otras investigaciones donde se plantea su importancia en factores como: generación de conductas de autocuidado, sensación de autoeficacia, entre otros. Finalmente, se confirmó que la percepción de control es un predictor de salud mental y física. Esta investigación fue de carácter no experimental, de tipo descriptivo-correlacional con diseño transversal y en ella participaron 48 mujeres diagnosticadas con VIH/Sida de la ciudad de Cali, Colombia

  10. Cerebral toxoplasmosis in AIDS - computerized tomography evaluation; Toxoplasmose cerebral na SIDA - avaliacao por tomografia computadorizada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alves, Regina Coeli Fonseca [Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ (Brazil). Hospital Universitario Antonio Pedro. Servico de Radiologia; Narchiori, Edson [Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Radiologia


    Cerebral toxoplasmosis is a disease that affects many AIDS's patients. FOr this paper 46 patients with confirmed cases of cerebral toxoplasmosis who did a CT scan between March, 1994 and September, 1997 were examined. Single lesions were found in 28.3% of the patients. The lesions were more frequently detected in the basal ganglia and the frontal lobes. No lesion was larger than 4 cm. As regards the contrast enhancing of the lesions on a CT scan we observed that 54.5% of the lesions had a ring-like contrast enhancing, 36.4% had a nodular contrast enhancing and 6% had a heterogeneous form. After the 21st day of treatment we noticed an improvement in the aspect of the patients'lesions. The improvement of the lesions could be seen through a reduction of the edematous halo, a reduction of the lesion size and a modification in the contrast enhancing on the CT scan. The CT scan was an important method to demonstrate the lesions compatibility enhancing on the CT scan. The CT scan was an important method to demonstrate the lesions compatibility with cerebral toxoplasmosis, as well as to monitor these patients during treatment. (author)

  11. Enfermidades diagnosticadas em bezerros na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Nathalia D. Assis-Brasil


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar a frequência das enfermidades que ocorrem em bovinos até um ano de idade na área de influência do Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel estabelecendo os principais fatores epidemiológicos associados à ocorrência dessas enfermidades. Foram revisados os protocolos de necropsias realizadas e de materiais de bovinos até um ano de idade, encaminhados ao LRD/UFPel entre 2000 e 2011. Em 35,6% dos casos, os bezerros eram de raças leiteiras e em 33,98% eram animais de raças de corte, 18,3% dos bezerros não tinham raça definida e em 12,1% dos casos não constava a raça no protocolo de necropsia. Os sistemas mais afetados foram o sistema nervoso central (22,7%, o digestivo (18,6% e o respiratório (16,8%. Os diagnósticos foram divididos por faixa etária sendo que 88 bezerros tinham 1-90 dias de idade; 42 casos corresponderam a animais de 4-6 meses; 32 casos corresponderam a bezerros com 7-9 meses e 44 eram bezerros com 10-12 meses de idade. As enfermidades mais frequentemente diagnosticadas nos bezerros de 1-90 dias foram pneumonias, malformações e encefalites/meningoencefalites com 19,3%, 15,9% e 11,3% dos casos, respectivamente. Nos bezerros com 4-6 meses de idade, as pneumonias ocorreram em 16,5% dos casos e o carbúnculo sintomático e as enterites representaram 7,1% dos diagnósticos cada. Nos bezerros de 7-9 meses, as enfermidades mais frequentes foram pneumonias e tétano com 9,3% dos casos e babesiose e parasitoses gastrintestinais com 6,2% cada. Nos bezerros de 10-12 meses a infecção por BoHV-5 representou 13,6% dos casos e as pneumonias, a raiva e as parasitoses foram observadas em 9,% dos casos cada. Com base nos resultados deste trabalho pode-se concluir que as doenças infecciosas relacionadas ao sistema respiratório foram importantes causas de mortalidade em bezerros de todas as faixas etárias na área de influ

  12. Manejo terapéutico de lipidosis hepática felina por Mycoplasma haemofelis


    Molina¹, Víctor Manuel; Pacheco, César


    Describir el manejo terapéutico de la lipidosis hepática en un felino infectado por Mycoplasma haemofelis y la evaluación de su efectividad terapéutica en Colombia. Un felino hembra, de 1 año de edad, raza Balinés, presentó un cuadro febril, con ictericia, apatía, anorexia, linfopenia y anemia normocítica hipocrómica. El felino a la ecografía mostró hepatomegalia y cambios de ecotextura del hígado, además los valores de enzimas hepáticas aumentados. Fue diagnosticada con presencia de Mycoplas...

  13. La inclusión social por la vía del cuerpo en mujeres diagnosticadas con anorexia bulimia en la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia = Social inclusion through the body in women with anorexia-bulimia in Medellín, Colombia

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    Marín Cortés, Andrés Felipe


    Full Text Available Este informe presenta los hallazgos de la investigación "Narrativas identitarias sobre la vivencia corporal en mujeres diagnosticadas con trastorno de la alimentación" efectuada en Medellín.Objetivo: reconocer cómo el significado atribuido a la vivencia corporal devela la construcción de la identidad en mujeres con trastornos de la alimentación.Metodología: enfoque cualitativo, con diseño de casos múltiples analizados mediante los procedimientos del método fenomenológico-hermenéutico. Se hicieron entrevistas en profundidad y grupos focales. El estudio se ajustó a los principios éticos para la investigación en que participan seres humanos, incluyendo el consentimiento informado de cada una de las participantes.Resultados: 1 la evaluación que estas mujeres hacen de sí mismas está cruzada por la mirada de los otros; 2 existen contextos sociales de aparición que estimulan la anorexia-bulimia; 3 se hallaron tres formas de configuración de la anorexia-bulimia: estético-erótica, estéticoatlética y estético-afectiva; 4 la recuperación no consiste solamente en comer, sino también en permitir que el cuerpo se historice, es decir, que muestre en él las marcas del paso del tiempo.

  14. Malaria en humanos por infección natural con Plasmodium knowlesi

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    Edgar Martínez-Salazar


    Los estudios recientes sugieren que la malaria por P. knowlesi no es una enfermedad emergente en humanos sino que no estaba siendo diagnosticada, debido a la similitud morfológica de este plasmodio con P. malariae y P. falciparum, lo cual dificulta su reconocimiento mediante examen microscópico. Actualmente, se puede confirmar el diagnóstico mediante reacción en cadena de la polimerasa que permite identificar cebadores específicos de P. knowlesi. La malaria por P. knowlesi ha ocasionado desenlaces fatales en humanos, lo que plantea diversos retos como la búsqueda de métodos operativos de diagnóstico para las zonas endémicas, el estudio de los vectores involucrados y la eficacia terapéutica de los medicamentos para su tratamiento. En las regiones selváticas de Suramérica se hace imperativa la vigilancia de parásitos y vectores de la malaria en simios, que potencialmente puedan ocasionar esta zoonosis.

  15. Malaria cerebral Cerebral malaria

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    Carlos Hugo Zapata Zapata


    Full Text Available La malaria Cerebral (MC es la complicación más frecuente de la malaria por P. falciparum; aproximadamente el 90% de las personas que la han padecido se recuperan completamente sin secuelas neurológicas. Aún no se conoce con claridad su patogénesis pero se han postulado cuatro hipótesis o mecanismos posibles: 1 citoadherencia y secuestro de glóbulos rojos parasitados en la microvasculatura cerebral; 2 formación de rosetas y aglutinación de glóbulos rojos parasitados; 3 producción de citoquinas y activación de segundos mensajeros y, 4 apertura de la barrera hematoencefálica. Sin embargo, queda un interrogante sin resolver aún: ¿qué proceso se lleva a cabo para que el parásito, desde el espacio microvascular, pueda interferir transitoriamente con la función cerebral? Recientemente se ha utilizado el precursor de la proteína b-Amiloide como un marcador de daño neuronal en MC; este precursor será de gran ayuda en futuras investigaciones realizadas en nuestro medio que aporten información para comprender la patogénesis de la MC. Is the most common complication of P. falciparum malaria; nearly 90% of people who have suffered CM can recover without neurological problems. Currently there are four hypotheses that explain pathogenesis of CM: cytoadherence and sequestering of parasitized red blood cells to cerebral capillaries; rosette formation and parasitized red blood cells agglutination; production of cytokines and activation of second messengers and opening of the blood-brain barrier. However the main question remains to be answered; how the host-parasite interaction in the vascular space interferes transiently with cerebral function? Recently, the beta amyloid precursor peptide has been employed as marker of neural injury in CM. It is expected that the beta amyloid precursor peptide will help to understand the pathogenesis of CM in complicated patients of endemic areas of Colombia.

  16. Retinitis por citomegalovirus en un paciente con VIH

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    Alena de los Ángeles Vejerano Duany

    Full Text Available La retinitis por citomegalovirus es la infección ocular más frecuente en pacientes con un recuento de linfocitos CD4 inferior a 200 por µL. El aspecto oftalmoscópico de las lesiones se caracteriza, en la mayoría de los casos, por infiltrados retinianos resultados de la necrosis retiniana producida por citomegalovirus y el edema en asociación con hemorragias. Estas lesiones se disponen, por lo general, siguiendo las arcadas vasculares temporales con invasión hacia la mácula. Se presentó una paciente de 24 años de edad, femenina, blanca, ama de casa, con antecedentes patológicos personales oculares sin datos de interés, y antecedentes patológicos personales generales de ser diagnosticadas con VIH. Hace cuatro años que comenzó con tratamiento antirretroviral, y tuvo cambios de tratamiento en dos ocasiones. El último fue impuesto en mayo del año 2011, con el cual presentó mala adherencia terapéutica, y comenzó desde entonces a presentar disminución de su peso corporal de forma marcada en breve período de tiempo. Refiere que desde hace unos meses comenzó a presentar una disminución progresiva de la agudeza visual en el ojo derecho, acompañado de visión borrosa. Adquiere gran importancia este caso, ya que ante la supervivencia de los pacientes con sida, va a ser cada vez más frecuente la aparición de las afecciones oculares relacionadas con esta enfermedad. Dentro de ellas se encuentran las infecciones oportunistas mayores como la retinitis por citomegalovirus.

  17. La combinación de atorvastatina y meloxicam inhibe la neuroinflamación y atenúa el daño celular en la isquemia cerebral experimental por embolia arterial

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    Lina María De los Reyes


    Conclusión. La combinación de meloxicam y atorvastatina atenúa la respuesta de los astrocitos y la microglia en el proceso inflamatorio posterior a la isquemia cerebral por embolia arterial, reduciendo la degeneración neuronal y restableciendo el equilibrio morfológico y funcional del tejido nervioso.

  18. A compreensão do significado cultural do aneurisma cerebral e do tratamento atribuídos pelo paciente e familiares: um estudo etnográfico La comprensión del significado cultural del aneurisma cerebral y del tratamiento atribuídos por el paciente y los familiares: un estudio etnográfico The cultural meaning of cerebral aneurysm and its treatment for the patient and relatives: an ethnographic study

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    Maria Helena Pinto


    Full Text Available Este trabalho consiste de um estudo etnográfico descritivo, com 13 pacientes acometidos pelo aneurisma cerebral e seus familiares, com o objetivo de compreender o significado da doença e do tratamento. Os dados foram coletados por entrevistas e observações durante a hospitalização e depois da alta, no ambulatório e na residência. O tema central obtido do estudo foi "Tinha que ser para mim. Deus sabe o que faz". Este tema revela uma interpretação religiosa para a doença e uma fundamentação mágica para o tratamento. Assim, o aneurisma cerebral é interpretado como uma doença material (corpo e uma doença espiritual (alma.Esta investigación consiste en un estudio etnográfico de los pacientes afectados por aneurisma cerebral y sus familiares, con el objetivo de objetivo de comprender el significado de la enfermedad y el tratamiento. Los datos fueron recolectados por entrevistas y observaciones durante la hospitalización y después del alta en la consulta externa y en la residencia. El tema central obtenido del estudio fue: "Tenia que ser para mi. Dios sabe lo que hace". Este tema manifiesta una interpretación religiosa para la enfermedad y una fundamentación mágica para el tratamiento. Así, el aneurisma cerebral es comprendido como una enfermedad material (del cuerpo y una enfermedad espiritual (del alma.This is a descriptive ethnographic study with 13 patients with cerebral aneurysm and their relatives aiming at understanding the meaning of the illness and the treatment. The data were collected by interviews and observations during the hospitalization and, after the discharge, in the outpatient clinic and at home. The central theme obtained from the study was "It had to be for me! God knows what He does". This theme reveals a religious interpretation for the illness and a magic basis for its cure.Thus, cerebral aneurysm is interpreted as a material illness (body and a spiritual illness (soul.

  19. Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) en la infancia


    Fagil Fernández, Julia


    El Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad, denominado con las siglas TDAH, no es un trastorno que haya aparecido actualmente. Desde hace muchos años, ya estaba presente aunque con otro tipo de nombres. Primero fue descrito por George Still en 1902 como “defecto mórbido de control moral”. Otras denominaciones fueron: daño cerebral mínima, disfunción cerebral mínima, reacción hipercinético de la infancia. Pero desde 1987 se ha conocido como Trastorno por Déficit de Ate...

  20. Trabalhador portuário: perfil de doenças ocupacionais diagnosticadas em serviço de saúde ocupacional Trabajador portuario: perfil de enfermedades ocupacionales diagnosticadas en un servicio de salud ocupacional Dock worker: profile of occupational diseases diagnosed in an occupational health service

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    Marlise Capa Verde de Almeida


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar as doenças diagnosticadas em trabalhadores portuários avulsos, atendidos em um ambulatório de medicina do trabalho portuário. MÉTODOS: Estudo quantitativo descritivo com análise retrospectiva, que apresentou como fonte de dados as fichas de atendimento médico dos trabalhadores portuários avulsos entre 2000 e 2009. A coleta de dados desenvolveu-se mediante aplicação de um formulário predeterminado e procedeu-se à análise quantitativa descritiva em 953 fichas médicas dos trabalhadores. RESULTADOS: totalizou-se 953 fichas médicas (94,7%, das quais 90,47% pertenciam a trabalhadores do sexo masculino, 52% na faixa etária acima de 50 anos e 51,7% com mais de 19 anos de atuação. Identificaram-se 527 diagnósticos, sendo os principais relacionados ao trabalho: hipertensão (8,3%, lombalgia (6,2%, outras doenças pulmonares (1,7% e episódios depressivos (1,2%. CONCLUSÃO: constatou-se o acometimento do trabalhador por patologias ocupacionais de ordem mental, circulatória, respiratória e osteomuscular, evidenciando morbidades que o afetam e interferem em sua qualidade de vida e na produtividade das atividades laborais.OBJETIVO: Identificar las enfermedades diagnosticadas en trabajadores portuarios independientes, atendidos en un consultorio externo de medicina del trabajo portuario. MÉTODOS: Estudio cuantitativo descriptivo con análisis retrospectivo, que presentó como fuente de datos las fichas de atención médica de los trabajadores portuarios independientes entre 2000 y 2009. La recolección de los datos se desarrolló mediante la aplicación de un formulario estructurado y se procedió a realizar el análisis cuantitativo descritivo de 953 fichas médicas de los trabajadores. RESULTADOS: De un total de 953 fichas médicas (94,7%, el 90,47% pertenecían a trabajadores del sexo masculino, el 52% se encontraba en el grupo etáreo arriba de los 50 años y el 51,7% con más de 19 años de actuación. Se





    La infección amibiana del sistema nervioso central casi siempre es precedido de un absceso pulmonar o hepático. El absceso cerebral amibiano es raro y sólo se han publicado alrededor de 100 casos en el mundo. La mayoría de los reportes son de la era de la tomografía y hay muy pocos casos con imágenes de resonancia magnética, en ambos estudios, no puede diferenciarse de otro tipo de absceso. El diagnóstico es histopatológico y el tratamiento de elección es el metronidazol. Se reporta el caso d...

  2. Familiares de pessoas diagnosticadas com transtornos alimentares: participação em atendimento grupal

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    Laura Vilela e Souza

    Full Text Available O discurso biomédico com foco no diagnóstico frequentemente tem sido utilizado como recurso exclusivo para informar a assistência aos familiares de pessoas diagnosticadas com anorexia nervosa e bulimia nervosa. Este estudo buscou compreender como essas famílias constroem justificativas para participação em um grupo de apoio no contexto de tratamento dos transtornos alimentares. Uma sessão desse grupo, que abordava a temática de nosso interesse, foi analisada com apoio do discurso construcionista social. A análise empreendida destacou os sentidos coproduzidos sobre a ausência de alguns familiares no grupo, a diminuição de frequência de participação dos pais, a função desse grupo no tratamento, a periodicidade ideal de participação da família e a possibilidade de familiares e coordenadores do grupo coconstruírem o espaço conversacional.

  3. O sujeito cerebral e o movimento da neurodiversidade

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    Francisco Ortega


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa o movimento da neurodiversidade organizado basicamente por autistas chamados de alto funcionamento que consideram que o autismo não é uma doença a ser tratada, mas uma diferença humana, a qual deve ser respeitada como outras diferenças. O movimento da "neurodiversidade" deve ser inserido em um marco sociocultural e histórico mais amplo que incorpore o impacto crescente no imaginário cultural dos saberes e das práticas neurocientíficas com o paradigma do sujeito cerebral e a expansão da neurocultura. No contexto do sujeito cerebral, o cérebro responde por tudo o que outrora costumávamos atribuir à pessoa e vem se tornando um critério biossocial de agrupamento fundamental. O artigo mostra como uma ideologia solipsista, reducionista e cientificista - o sujeito cerebral - pode servir de base para a formação de identidade e de redes de sociabilidade e comunidade.This article analyzes the neurodiversity movement, organized mostly by so-called high-functioning autists, who consider that autism is not a disease to be treated, but rather a human difference that should be respected alongside other differences. The "neurodiversity" movement must be set within a wider sociocultural and historical field that incorporates the growing impact of neuroscientific knowledge and practices in the cultural imagination with the paradigm of the cerebral subject and the expansion of neuroculture. In the context of the cerebral subject, the brain accounts for all that we used to attribute to the person, and it is becoming a fundamental criterion for biosocial grouping. The article shows how a solipsist, reductionist and scientificist ideology - the cerebral subject - can act as the basis for the formation of identity and networks of sociability and community.

  4. Formação de conceitos por crianças com paralisia cerebral: um estudo exploratório sobre a influência de atividades lúdicas Concept development by children with cerebral palsy: a study about the influence of playful activities

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    Ana Paula Martins Cazeiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a influência de atividades lúdicas no processo de formação de conceitos espontâneos por crianças com seqüelas de paralisia cerebral. Participaram da pesquisa sete crianças, que foram submetidas a um pré-teste de conceitos espontâneos, sessões individuais de atividades lúdicas que envolviam alguns dos conceitos avaliados e reaplicação do teste inicial a fim de avaliar o grau de desenvolvimento dos conceitos. Todas as crianças participantes desenvolveram ao menos um dos conceitos mais vivenciados nas sessões de atividades lúdicas, além de terem desenvolvido outros conceitos espontâneos não avaliados por meio dos testes.The objective of this research was to investigate the influence of playful activities in the process of developing basic concepts by children with cerebral palsy. The subjects were seven children who have been submitted to a pre-test of basic concepts; individual sessions of playful activities, which involved some of the evaluated concepts; and a second administration of the initial test in order to assess the degree of learning of such concepts. Every child has learned at least one of the concepts involved in the sessions of playful activities. They have also learned other concepts not evaluated by basic concepts tests.

  5. Cerebral abscess caused by Serratia marcescens in a premature neonate Abscesso cerebral causado por Serratia marcescens em prematuro

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    Tatiana Mattos Hirooka


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Cerebral abscesses are extremely rare in neonates. Serratia marcescens is an unusual cause of sepsis and neurological spread is especially ominous. PURPOSE: To report the case of a 34-week neonate who developed this rare condition and to discuss diagnostic and therapeutic measures. CASE REPRT: A 34-week male neonate sequentially developed respiratory distress syndrome, early sepsis and necrotizing enterocolitis; later cultures revealed S. marcescens. After deterioration, a cerebral abscess became evident, which revealed S. marcescens. Clinical improvement ensued after high-dose amikacin and meropenem. CONCLUSION: Clinical signs are often non-specific. Proper diagnostic measures, neurosurgical consultation and aggressive antibiotic therapy are essential for these high-risk neonates.INTRODUÇÃO: Abscessos cerebrais são extremamente raros em neonatos. Serratia marcescens é causadora incomum de sepse nestes pacientes e a disseminação no sistema nervoso central é grave. OBJETIVO: Relatar um prematuro de 34 semanas que desenvolveu esta condição e discutir as medidas diagnósticas e terapêuticas. RELATO DE CASO: Prematuro masculino de 34 semanas desenvolveu síndrome do desconforto respiratório, sepse neonatal e enterocolite necrotizante; hemoculturas revelaram S. marcescens. Após deterioração clínica, evidenciou-se um abscesso cerebral cuja drenagem revelou S. marcescens. Houve melhora após introdução de amicacina e meropenem. CONCLUSÃO: Os sinais clínicos são inespecíficos. Passos diagnósticos apropriados, avaliação neurocirúrgica precoce e antibioticoterapia agressiva são essenciais para estes prematuros.

  6. The importance of bilateral monitoring of cerebral oxygenation (NIRS): Clinical case of asymmetry during cardiopulmonary bypass secondary to previous cerebral infarction. (United States)

    Matcan, S; Sanabria Carretero, P; Gómez Rojo, M; Castro Parga, L; Reinoso-Barbero, F


    Cerebral oximetry based on near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) technology is used to determine cerebral tissue oxygenation. We hereby present the clinical case of a 12-month old child with right hemiparesis secondary to prior left middle cerebral artery stroke 8 months ago. The child underwent surgical enlargement of the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) with cardiopulmonary bypass. During cardiopulmonary bypass, asymmetric NIRS results were detected between both hemispheres. The utilization of multimodal neuromonitoring (NIRS-BIS) allowed acting on both perfusion pressure and anesthetic depth to balance out the supply and demand of cerebral oxygen consumption. No new neurological sequelae were observed postoperatively. We consider bilateral NIRS monitoring necessary in order to detect asymmetries between cerebral hemispheres. Although asymmetries were not present at baseline, they can arise intraoperatively and its monitoring thus allows the detection and treatment of cerebral ischemia-hypoxia in the healthy hemisphere, which if undetected and untreated would lead to additional neurological damage. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Anestesiología, Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  7. Comparación del efecto de penicilina versus eritromicina para la prevención de infección neonatal por estreptococo grupo B en portadoras activas luego de rotura prematura de membranas ovulares de pretérmino


    Rojas C,Nevenka; Carvajal,Jorge A


    Objetivo: Comparar la incidencia de infección neonatal por estreptococo grupo B (SGB) en portadoras activas de SGB con rotura prematura de membranas ovulares de pretérmino (RPMP) luego de profilaxis con penicilina y eritromicina. Métodos: Pacientes diagnosticadas con RPMP entre el año 2004-2009 fueron tratadas con eritromicina (grupo eritromicina), ampicilina, amoxicilina o amoxiclavulánico (grupo penicilina) o sin antibióticos (grupo control) de acuerdo con los protocolos del Departamento en...

  8. Anormalidades de fluxo sangüíneo cerebral em indivíduos dependentes de cocaína Cerebral blood flow abnormalities in cocaine dependent subjects

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    Sergio Nicastri


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Nos últimos anos, tem havido relatos de anormalidades do fluxo sanguíneo cerebral em indivíduos com o abuso de cocaína, detectadas por meio de tomografia computadorizada por emissão de fóton único (SPECT. Esse padrão anormal de perfusão cerebral tem sido associado a prejuízos cognitivos mas não a alterações observáveis por meio de exames de neuroimagem estrutural. Um problema envolvendo a maioria dos trabalhos publicados sobre esse tema é a inclusão de um grande número de usuários de heroína nas amostras estudadas. Essa outra droga também parece afetar o padrão de perfusão cerebral, particularmente durante estados de abstinência. MÉTODOS: Quatorze pacientes dependentes de cocaína (nenhum com uso de opióides e 14 voluntários normais (grupo controle foram submetidos a exames de SPECT com dímero de etil-cisteína marcado com tecnécio-99m. A análise dos exames de SPECT foi realizada por meio de análise visual qualitativa das imagens obtidas (procedimento padrão na prática clínica, realizada por um radiologista não informado sobre o diagnóstico dos indivíduos avaliados. RESULTADOS: A análise visual revelou um padrão sugestivo de irregularidades do fluxo sangüíneo cerebral em nove pacientes, mas em apenas dois controles (p = 0,018; teste exato de Fisher bicaudal. CONCLUSÕES: Anormalidades de circulação cerebral podem ter relação com prejuízos cognitivos relatados em populações de dependentes de cocaína. Embora déficits de perfusão cerebral associados ao uso de cocaína possam ser irreversíveis, têm surgido relatos na literatura de tratamentos para essas anormalidades de fluxo sangüíneo. Alterações de fluxo sangüíneo cerebral associadas à dependência de cocaína ocorrem mesmo na ausência de abuso ou dependência de opióides.INTRODUCTION: In the last years, there have been reports of abnormalities in brain blood flow of cocaine abusers, detected by single photon computed

  9. ANATOMÍA MACROSCÓPICA E IMAGENOLÓGICA DE LAS RAMAS PRECOCES DE LA ARTERIA CEREBRAL MEDIA. Macroscopic and radiological anatomy of early branches of the middle cerebral artery

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    Fernando Martínez


    Full Text Available Las ramas precoces de la arteria cerebral media son ramas corticales originadas del tronco de la citada arteria. Se trata de arterias que pueden nutrir importantes áreas de los lóbulos temporal, frontal o la ínsula. Por lo tanto, la oclusión de una de estas ramas producirá un área de isquemia con potenciales consecuencias. Se estudiaron 20 hemisferios cerebrales  de cadáveres adultos conservados en formol, y 20 angiografías silvianas realizando una comparación y correlación. En las piezas anatómicas, la arteria cerebral media terminó por bifurcación en el 100% de los casos y dicha bifurcación se sitúo en la porción esfenoidal (M1 en la mayoría de las piezas. Se encontraron ramas precoces en número de1 a4 en el 80%, totalizando 28 arterias, de las cuales 23 tenían destino temporal y 5 frontales. En el material angiográfico la cerebral media terminó por bifurcación en el 95% de los casos y la misma se ubicó en M1 en la mayoría de los casos. Se encontraron ramas precoces en el 70% de los estudios analizados, totalizando 19 ramos. De los mismos, 16 fueron temporales, 1 frontal y en 2 casos no se pudo determinar su destino. Consideramos que los datos anatómicos y angiográficos obtenidos por este y otros estudios son de utilidad en la planificación del clipado de  los aneurismas de la cerebral media. The early branches of the middle cerebral artery are cortical branches that arise from the trunk of this artery. These branches can supply significant areas in the temporal, frontal or insular lobes. Therefore, their occlusion may lead to ischemia and potential sequelae. We studied 20 cerebral hemispheres of formalin-fixed adult cadavers and 20 silvian angiographies in order to compare and correlate them. In the anatomical specimens, the middle cerebral artery ended bifurcating in 100% of the cases and such bifurcation occurred at the sphenoidal segment (M1 in most cases. Early branches ranging from 1 to 4 were found in 80

  10. Fístula traqueoesofágica como complicação tardia de traqueostomia

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    Full Text Available A fístula traqueoesofágica como complicação tardia de traqueostomia é uma ocorrência rara, com incidência menor do que 1%, mas que deve ser conhecida, diagnosticada e tratada rapidamente, para que se evite evolução desfavorável. Relata-se o caso de uma mulher de 41 anos que permaneceu com traqueostomia prolongada, devido a acidente vascular cerebral. Após a alta hospitalar, apresentou insuficiência respiratória aguda e observou-se a saída de material da sonda nasogástrica traqueostomia. O diagnóstico de fístula traqueoesofágica foi feito por exame endoscópico e a paciente foi submetida a uma traqueoplastia, com boa evolução.

  11. Disparities in undiagnosed diabetes among United States-Mexico border populations Disparidades en la prevalencia de diabetes no diagnosticada en las poblaciones residentes en la frontera México-Estados Unidos

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    Pamela Stoddard


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes among populations with diabetes living on the United States (U.S.-Mexico border, examine explanations for differences between groups, and investigate differences in metabolic outcomes by diagnosis status. METHODS: Data come from the U.S.-Mexico Border Diabetes Prevention and Control Project survey (2001-2002, which used a stratified, multistage design. The sample included 603 adults (18 years or older with diabetes. Undiagnosed diabetes was defined as a fasting plasma glucose (FPG value of > 126 mg/dL and no report of diagnosis. Logistic regression was used to compare the odds of being undiagnosed among border populations with diabetes. Metabolic outcomes included FPG, glycosylated hemoglobin, and mean arterial blood pressure. RESULTS: One in four adults with diabetes (25.9% living on the U.S.-Mexico border was undiagnosed. Mexicans (43.8% and Mexican immigrants (39.0% with diabetes were significantly more likely to be undiagnosed than were U.S.-born Hispanics (15.0%; P OBJETIVO: Comparar la prevalencia de diabetes no diagnosticada en la población con diabetes residente en la zona fronteriza entre México y los Estados Unidos; intentar explicar las diferencias entre grupos, e investigar las diferencias de los resultados metabólicos según la situación diagnóstica. MÉTODOS: Los datos proceden de la encuesta del Proyecto de Prevención y Control de la Diabetes en la Frontera México-Estados Unidos (2001-2002, que utilizó un diseño estratificado polietápico. La muestra incluyó a 603 adultos (> 18 años con diabetes. Se definió como diabetes no diagnosticada una glucemia plasmática en ayunas > 126 mg/dl sin diagnóstico previo. Se utilizó un modelo de regresión logística para comparar la probabilidad de que la diabetes no fuera diagnosticada en las poblaciones fronterizas. Los resultados metabólicos incluyeron la glucemia plasmática en ayunas, la hemoglobina glicosilada (Hb

  12. Ocorrência de úlcera por pressão em pacientes submetidos a cirurgias eletivas Ocurrencia de úlcera por presión en pacientes sometidos a cirugías electivas Occurrence of pressure ulcers in patients undergoing elective surgeries

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    Elizabeth Silva Ursi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar a ocorrência de úlcera por pressão em pacientes submetidos a cirurgias eletivas de porte II, III e IV. MÉTODOS: Estudo de abordagem quantitativa, com delineamento de pesquisa não experimental, tipo descritivo e prospectivo. A amostra foi composta por 148 pacientes adultos, de ambos os gêneros, submetidos à cirurgia eletiva, conforme os critérios de seleção determinados previamente. RESULTADOS: Da amostra avaliada, 108 pacientes receberam alta hospitalar, três faleceram e 37 desenvolveram úlceras por pressão. Esses pacientes apresentaram 44 lesões, sendo a maioria diagnosticada de estágio II (56,8%, seguida por lesões de estágio I (40,9% e estágio III (2,3%. As áreas corporais mais acometidas foram a região sacro/glútea (68,2%, calcâneos (18,1%, região dorsal (9% e o pavilhão auricular (4,6%. CONCLUSÃO: A ocorrência de úlcera por pressão foi de 25% indicando a necessidade de implementação de intervenções efetivas para a prevenção desse evento adverso no perioperatório.OBJETIVO: Identificar la ocurrencia de úlcera por presión en pacientes sometidos a cirugías electivas de porte II, III y IV. MÉTODOS: Estudio de abordaje cuantitativo, con delineamiento de investigación no experimental, tipo descriptivo y prospectivo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 148 pacientes adultos, de ambos géneros, sometidos a la cirugía electiva, conforme los criterios de selección determinados previamente. RESULTADOS: De la muestra evaluada, 108 pacientes recibieron alta hospitalaria, tres fallecieron y 37 desarrollaron úlceras por presión. Esos pacientes presentaron 44 lesiones, siendo la mayoría diagnosticada de estadío II (56,8%, seguida por lesiones de estadío I (40,9% y estadío III (2,3%. Las áreas corporales más afectadas fueron la región sacro/glútea (68,2%, calcáneos (18,1%, región dorsal (9% y el pabellón auricular (4,6%. CONCLUSIÓN: La ocurrencia de úlcera por presión fue del 25

  13. Normative study of tympanic infrared thermometry: a non-invasive index of asymmetric cerebral activity Normatização da termometria timpânica por infravermelho: um indicador não-invasivo de atividade cerebral assimétrica

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    Danielle Cicarini de Landa


    da TT, e principalmente das diferenças interauriculares desse parâmetro, obtidas por termometria timpânica por infravermelho, em indivíduos normais, na ausência de execução de tarefas específicas. Foram obtidas medidas da TT em 47 voluntários normais (20 homens e 27 mulheres, com média de idade de 39,38±12,57 anos em repouso e calculadas as diferenças interauriculares, sua média e desvio-padrão. A TT média foi de 36,85±0,50ºC à direita e de 36,74± 0,57ºC à esquerda, o que está de acordo com dados da literatura. A média das diferenças de TT encontrada foi de 0,25ºC e o desvio padrão (DP 0,21ºC. Com base nesses achados, os valores máximos considerados normais para a diferença interauricular da TT, com níveis de confiança de 99% e de 95%, são de 0,88ºC e 0,67ºC, respectivamente. A utilidade da medida da diferença interauricular da TT como marcador de assimetria da atividade cerebral em pacientes com patologias neurológicas deverá ser avaliada em estudos adicionais.

  14. Tricocefalosis masiva en un adulto diagnosticada por colonoscopía


    Sapunar, Jorge; Gil, Luis Carlos; Gil, José Germán


    A case of massive trichuriasis in a 37-year-old female from a rural locality of the Metropolitan Region of Chile, with antecedents of alcoholism, chronic hepatic damage and portal cavernomatosis, is presented. Since 12 year ago she has had geophagia. In the last six months she has frequently presented liquid diarrhea, colic abdominal pains, tenesmus and sensation of abdominal distention. Clinical and laboratory tests confirmed her hepatic affection associated with a celiac disease with anemia...

  15. Evidencias de compromiso cerebral en el estadio crónico de la enfermedad de Chagas obtenidas por medio del potencial P300 y de electroencefalografía cuantificada

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    Full Text Available Es reconocido el compromiso del sistema nervioso periférico en la etapa crónica de la enfermedad de Chagas, incorporándose últimamente evidencias tomográficas y neuropsicológicas de compromiso cerebral. Con el objetivo de evaluar dicho compromiso por medio del potencial P 300 y la electroencefalografía cuantificada (EEGc se estudiaron 35 pacientes (26 a 55 años, comparados con un grupo control de similar número y edad (29 a 55 años. Se observó: latencia de la onda P 3 mayor en el grupo en estudio (331,24 ± 24,02 contra 318,86 ± 23,18 (p=0,01716. El EEGc mostró diferencias en la potencia relativa de la banda Beta 1, menor en los pacientes (p=1,62834E5 y en la frecuencia dominante, 1 Hz menor en los chagasicos (p=0,01077. El análisis multivariado discrimina tres subpoblaciones: una normal, una de enfermos con incremento alfa y otra de enfermos con decremento alfa e incremento delta y theta (p=0,00004. La proporción de resultados patológicos fue del 20 % en los EEGc y el 11,43 % en los potenciales cognitivos. No se correlacionó el compromiso neurológico y el cardíaco. Se concluye que existen francos indicadores electrofisiológicos de compromiso cerebral en el estadio crónico de la enfermedad de Chagas, hallazgo que refuerza a los obtenidos por otros métodos.

  16. Diagnóstico diferencial en la encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor NMDA (United States)

    González-Valcárcel, J.; Rosenfeld, M.R.; Dalmau, J.


    Resumen Introducción La encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de NMDA (NMDAR) suele desarrollarse como un síndrome característico de evolución multifásica y diagnóstico diferencial amplio. Pacientes Presentamos a 2 pacientes diagnosticadas de encefalitis por anticuerpos NMDAR con un cuadro clínico típico, pero que inicialmente señaló otras etiologías. Discusión La afectación frecuente de pacientes jóvenes con manifestaciones psiquiátricas prominentes indica frecuentemente otras consideraciones diagnósticas; las más frecuentes son las encefalitis virales, los procesos psiquiátricos y el síndrome neuroléptico maligno. Varios síndromes previamente definidos de manera parcial o descriptiva en adultos y pacientes pediátricos probablemente eran casos de encefalitis anti-NMDAR. Conclusiones La encefalitis anti-NMDAR debe considerarse en pacientes jóvenes con manifestaciones psiquiátricas subagudas, movimientos anormales y alteraciones autonómicas. La caracterización clínica e inmunológica de esta enfermedad ha llevado a la identificación de nuevos anticuerpos que afectan a procesos de memoria, aprendizaje, conducta y psicosis. PMID:20964986

  17. Diagnóstico precoz de enfermedades pulmonares por tabaquismo

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    Dr. D. Rodrigo Gil


    Full Text Available El tabaquismo es una epidemia y en Chile la prevalencia no ha disminuido. Entre las causas más importantes de muerte por tabaquismo están el cáncer pulmonar y la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC. La erradicación del tabaquismo es la mejor estrategia de prevención de estas enfermedades. La segunda estrategia es la detección precoz de ellas. Sin embargo la EPOC está sub diagnosticada en todo el mundo. No está claro si la solución es hacer más espirometrías en población de riesgo. Es posible que otros métodos diagnósticos como la tomografía axial computada de tórax (TAC y la difusión pulmonar, puedan mejorar la capacidad de diagnóstico precoz de esta enfermedad. El cáncer pulmonar es el más mortal de los cánceres. El diagnóstico en etapas tempranas mejora significativamente su pronóstico. Hay varios estudios en curso que evalúan el beneficio de hacer pesquisa de cáncer pulmonar con TAC.

  18. Efeito sobre a morfologia do esmalte dental e análise físico-química de medicamentos utilizados por pacientes pediátricos com paralisia cerebral

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    Vanessa Feitosa ALVES

    Full Text Available Resumo Introdução Muitos medicamentos pediátricos líquidos são considerados fatores de risco para a estrutura dentária. Esse potencial pode aumentar quando ingeridos de forma crônica, como é o caso do tratamento de algumas condições, tal como a paralisia cerebral. Objetivo Avaliar o efeito sobre a morfologia do esmalte dental e as propriedades físico-químicas de medicamentos de uso contínuo indicados a pacientes infantis com Paralisia Cerebral. Material e método A amostra foi constituída por quatro medicamentos: Fenobarbital (M1, Carbamazepina (M2, Oxcarbazepina (M3 e Domperidona (M4, todos em suspensão oral. Analisaram-se o pH, o teor de Sólidos Solúveis Totais (SST e a viscosidade dos medicamentos. Todos os testes foram realizados em duplicata. Para análise em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV, 15 blocos de esmalte bovino foram distribuídos aleatoriamente e imersos em oxcarbamazepina (n=5, carbamazepina (n=5 e saliva artificial (n=5. Os ciclos de imersão foram feitos por seis dias, durante cinco minutos, duas vezes ao dia, com intervalos de 12 horas, quando ficavam mantidos em saliva artificial. O grupo controle permaneceu em saliva artificial. Os dados foram analisados descritivamente. Resultado Em relação ao pH endógeno, os valores variaram de 2,82 (M3 a 9,60(M1. Para o SST, as médias de maior e menor valor foram, respectivamente, de 20,5% (M3 e 46% (M1. A viscosidade variou de 6,89 mm2/s (M1 a 58 mm2/s (M3. Em MEV, observaram-se alterações sugestivas de perda de estrutura no esmalte dental em oxcarbamazepina e carbamazepina, proveniente da ação dos medicamentos analisados. Conclusão Concluiu-se que os medicamentos líquidos pediátricos analisados, indicados a pacientes com paralisia cerebral, apresentam potencial cariogênico e erosivo, destacando-se a Oxcarbazepina.

  19. Access to health care and undiagnosed diabetes along the United States-Mexico border Acceso a la atención de salud y diabetes no diagnosticada a lo largo de la frontera México-Estados Unidos

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    Xuanping Zhang


    , en este estudio epidemiológico se identificaron 178 adultos de 18 a 64 años con diabetes no diagnosticada, 326 con diabetes diagnosticada y 2 966 sin diabetes. Se evaluó el acceso a la atención de salud en dicha muestra (n = 3 470, mediante el tipo de cobertura del seguro de salud (incluida "ninguna", el número de consultas de atención de salud en el último año, las características de utilización de los servicios de salud y el país de residencia. RESULTADOS: La probabilidad de no tener un diagnóstico fue mayor en las personas que padecían diabetes y que no tenían seguro ni ningún lugar al que acudir para recibir la atención de salud que en las que sí contaban con seguro y un lugar para recibir atención de salud (razón de momios [OR], 2,6, intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95% 1,0-6,6, y OR de 4,5, IC 95% 1,4-14,1, respectivamente. Al estratificar los datos por país, los datos de la encuesta mostraron que, en el lado estadounidense de la frontera, había un mayor número de personas con diabetes no diagnosticada si: 1 no tenían seguro, frente a los asegurados (28,9%, IC 95% 11,5%-46,3%, en comparación con el 9,1%, IC 95% 1,5%-16,7%, respectivamente, y si: 2 no habían tenido consultas o habían tenido de una a tres consultas en un centro de atención de salud en el último año, en comparación con > 4 consultas (40,8%, IC 95% 19,6%- 62,0%, y 23,4%, IC 95% 9,9%-36,9%, respectivamente, en comparación con el 2,4%, IC 95% -0,9%-5,7% (todos, p < 0.05. No se observó una pauta parecida en México. CONCLUSIÓN: En la región fronteriza entre México y los Estados Unidos, el acceso limitado a la atención de salud, especialmente si no se cuenta con un seguro de salud o no se tiene un lugar al que acudir para recibir atención de salud, mostró una relación significativa con la diabetes no diagnosticada.

  20. Factores pronósticos en la hemorragia cerebral intraparenquimatosa Prognosis factors in the cerebral intraparenchymal hemorrhage

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    Osvaldo R Aguilera Pacheco


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo de 116 pacientes con hemorragia cerebral intraparenquimatosa, comprobada a través de la tomografía axial computarizada, con vistas a precisar los factores pronósticos predeterminados y su influencia sobre la mortalidad en la casuística. Entre los principales resultados sobresalió el predominio de los grupos de 41-50 y 51-60 años (57,7 % entre ambos, la hipertensión arterial como antecedente patológico personal (79,3 %, así como la ocurrencia de hemorragias en los hemisferios cerebrales (45,6 %. En la serie, 49,1 % de sus integrantes presentaban hematomas con volumen de hasta 30 mL y 7,7 % con el doble de ese contenido. Se observó una relación directa entre el volumen de sangre en el parénquima cerebral por encima de 60 mL y el pronóstico final de los afectados.A descriptive and prospective study of 116 patients with cerebral intraparenchymal hemorrhage, shown through the computerized axial tomography (CAT was carried out, aimed at specifying the predetermined prognosis factors and their influence on the mortality in the case material. Among the main results there were: the prevalence of the 41-50 and 51-60 year groups (57,7 % between both, hypertension as personal pathological history (79,3%, as well as the occurrence of hemorrhages in the cerebral hemispheres (45,6 %. In the series, 49,1 % of the patients presented haematomas with volume of up to 30 mL and 7,7 % with the double of that content. A direct relation was observed between the blood volume in the cerebral parenchyma above 60 mL and the final prognosis of those affected.

  1. Entrenamiento de la capacidad aeróbica por medio de la terapia acuática en niños con parálisis cerebral tipo diplejía espástica

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    Nandy Fajardo López


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. La parálisis cerebral tipo diplejía espática genera cambios en el sistema cardiovascular que afectan la capacidad aeróbica. La terapia acuática es una estrategia terapéutica óptima tanto para el manejo de la población como para el entrenamiento de la capacidad aeróbica, por las respuestas fisiológicas que genera y porque brinda la facilidad de generar mayores cargas al sistema cardiovascular con menores riesgos que en tierra. Objetivo. Identificar las características que debe tener una propuesta de intervención fisioterapéutica para el entrenamiento de la capacidad aérobica en niños y niñas entre los 8 y los 12 años, con parálisis cerebral tipo diplejía espástica, empleando la terapia acuática. Materiales y métodos. Se desarrolló un estudio de tipo descriptivo-propositivo, en el cual se formuló una propuesta de intervención basada en información recolectada a través de referencias bibliográficas. Resultados. Se presentan en forma de propuesta de intervención, describiendo en detalle las fases del entrenamiento de la capacidad aeróbica, mediante los principios del entrenamiento y la prescripción de ejercicio físico, teniendo en cuenta las respuestas fisiológicas ante la carga, así como las características propias de la población. Conclusión. La parálisis cerebral tipo diplejía espástica, genera cambios en la capacidad aeróbica; por esto, el fisioterapeuta debe incluirla en los procesos de rehabilitación como uno de sus objetivos. Para lograrlo, la terapia acuática es una modalidad de tratamiento óptima, puesto que genera mayor seguridad de movimiento y respuestas fisiológicas favorables en el sistema cardiovascular.

  2. Lesão meniscal por fadiga Meniscal injury due to fatigue

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    Gilberto Luis Camanho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O intuito do presente estudo é de analisar um grupo de pacientes portadores de lesão meniscal decorrente da falência estrutural sem relação com trauma ou problemas degenerativos, optando por chamá-la de lesão meniscal por fadiga. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 140 pacientes com lesão meniscal sem causa aparente e, portanto, considerados portadores da lesão meniscal por fadiga. Dentre eles, 85 pacientes eram do sexo masculino e 55 do sexo feminino. O menisco medial foi o mais acometido (92% dos casos. RESULTADOS: Todas as lesões foram diagnosticadas através de exame clínico e ressonância magnética. Os pacientes foram submetidos a meniscectomia por via artroscópica e os resultados foram divididos em dois tipos: bons e maus. Foram encontrados 27% de maus resultados dos quais nove pacientes evoluíram para osteonecrose idiopática. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que as lesões por fadiga devem ser analisadas como lesões provocadas por falência, portanto uma patologia sindrômica que pode evoluir para uma osteonecrose idiopática..OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present study was to review a group of patients with meniscal injuries resulting from structural failure unrelated to trauma or degenerative problems to which was given the name "meniscal injury due to fatigue". MATERIAL AND METHOD: Evaluations were made on 140 patients with meniscal injuries without any apparent cause, who were therefore considered to have meniscal injuries due to fatigue. Among these, 85 patients were male and 55 were female. The medial meniscus was the most affected site (92% of the cases. RESULTS: All these injuries were diagnosed by means of clinical examination and magnetic resonance imaging. The patients underwent meniscectomy by means of arthroscopy and the results were divided into two types: good and poor. Poor results were found in 27% of the cases, among which nine patients progressed to idiopathic osteonecrosis. CONCLUSION: We conclude that

  3. Sepsis por shigella flexneri

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    César Cabrera C


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso raro de sepsis por Shigella flexneri en una paciente de 45 años de edad quien estando hospitalizada para el estudio de un tumor cerebral, requirió el uso de manitol y dosis altas de corticoides; luego de ello presenta deposiciones líquidas con moco y sangre, desarrolla síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, luego se aísla Shigella flexneri en el hemocultivo; recibió tratamiento antibiótico con ciprofloxacina. Se describen las características del caso y se comenta de acuerdo con la revisión de literatura.

  4. Reabilitação da disfagia orofaríngea em crianças com paralisia cerebral: uma revisão sistemática da abordagem fonoaudiológica


    Hirata,Gisela Carmona; Santos,Rosane Sampaio


    INTRODUÇÃO: Estima-se 30.000 a 40.000 novos casos de paralisia cerebral, por ano, no Brasil. Os transtornos motores causados pela paralisia cerebral podem acarretar alterações na deglutição uma vez que alteram as fases preparatória, oral, faríngea e esofágica. OBJETIVO: Identificar os métodos de reabilitação existentes, na área da disfagia, nos casos de paralisia cerebral, com ênfase na busca por pesquisas que utilizaram os métodos neuroevolutivo Bobath, método Rodolfo Castillo Morales, terap...

  5. Isquemia cerebral focal transitoria en rata: caracterización y utilidad del modelo de la sutura intraluminal en el estudio de estrategias neuroprotectoras


    Pérez Asensio, Fernando Jesús


    RESUMEN Los accidentes cerebrovasculares agudos (ictus cerebrales) son trastornos neurológicos originados por la disminución brusca del aporte sanguíneo cerebral (isquemia cerebral). La incidencia del ictus en España es de unos 200 casos por cada 100.000 habitantes, lo que le sitúa como la segunda causa de muerte, la primera de invalidez permanente y segunda de demencia. A excepción de la aplicación de la terapia trombolítica, actualmente no existe otro tratamiento eficaz del ictus en c...

  6. Characterization of malaria mortality in Valle del Cauca, 2005-2006 Caracterización de la mortalidad por malaria en el Valle del Cauca, 2005-2006

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    Gloria Castro


    áficamente y explorar posibles factores determinantes de muertes por malaria ocurridas en el Valle del Cauca.
    Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un análisis descriptivo de 25 de las 29 muertes por malaria identificadas en el Valle del Cauca entre 2005 y 2006.
    Resultados. El promedio de edad fue de 31,3 años (rango: 2 a 71, 11 fueron mujeres (una embarazada, 11 procedían de Buenaventura y 5 de los otros departamentos de la Costa Pacífica. Al ingreso a la primera consulta, no se ordenó gota gruesa o se solicitó tardíamente en 7 casos. En quienes se realizó gota gruesa en la primera consulta, 11 fueron reportados positivos y 5 negativos. La complicación más frecuentemente diagnosticada al ingreso al sitio de remisión fue paludismo cerebral (7/18, seguida de falla renal aguda (6/18. Después del ingreso, 13/18 individuos presentaron alguna otra complicación, principalmente edema agudo de pulmón (8/18 y choque (5/18.
    Conclusiones. Se identificaron fallas operativas en el cuidado primario de los pacientes con malaria. Esta información ha permitido implementar acciones de mejoramiento de la atención de las personas con malaria en el Valle del Cauca. Se espera que otros departamentos se unan a los esfuerzos para reducir la mortalidad por malaria en el país.

  7. Ependimoma celular parcialmente resecado complicado con meningoependimocoroiditis bacteriana por Pseudomonas aeruginosa e infección sistémica por citomegalovirus

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    Francisco Javier Otero-Mendoza


    Full Text Available Niño de 1 año 10 meses de edad, originario de Irapuato, Guanajuato, sin antecedentes de importancia para el padecimiento actual. Inició dos meses previos a su ingreso con crisis convulsivas tónico-clónicas generalizadas de 15 segundos de duración durante el sueño. Se realizó electroencefalograma que reportó actividad epileptiforme, por lo que se dio tratamiento con ácido valproico. Una semana previa al ingreso se agregó ataxia troncal impidiendo la marcha, por lo que se realizó una tomografía axial computarizada de cráneo en la que se observó un tumor en fosa posterior con densidad heterogénea y áreas de necrosis central que obliteraba el cuarto ventrículo, ocasionando efecto de masa y desplazamiento ventral del tallo cerebral. Por tal motivo, fue referido a nuestra institución.

  8. Uptake of health care services and health status of HIV-infected women diagnosed through antenatal HIV screening in Barbados, 1996-2004 Utilización de los servicios de atención sanitaria y estado de salud de las mujeres seropositivas al VIH diagnosticadas mediante el tamizaje prenatal para el VIH en Barbados, 1996-2004

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    Alok Kumar


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To study utilization of HIV-related health care services and to describe the health status of HIV-infected women diagnosed through antenatal voluntary counseling and testing (VCT for HIV infection in Barbados. METHODS: This is a descriptive study. The study population includes all HIV-infected women in Barbados diagnosed as HIV-infected through VCT for HIV infection during 1996-2004. RESULTS: The median duration of HIV infection from time of diagnosis to the time of this report for the 163 women diagnosed during the study period was 72 months (low range, 9 months; high range, 117 months. Of the 163 women, 102 (62.6% had attended the centralized HIV/AIDS clinic for follow-up (care, treatment, and monitoring, whereas 61 (37.4% had never attended the clinic. The median time lag between diagnosis of HIV infection and first presentation to the HIV/AIDS clinic was 36 months (low range, 1 month; high range, 114 months. Of the HIV-infected women who attended the HIV/AIDS clinic, more than one-fourth had severe immunodeficiency at the time of their first follow-up visit. Of the 53 women undergoing highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART at the time of the study, 23 (43.4% began the therapy within three months of their first follow-up visit. CONCLUSIONS: Early HIV diagnosis through antenatal VCT is not enough to ensure that women with HIV will get adequate and timely HIV-related health care. These women suffer significant premature mortality, largely related to inadequate follow-up.OBJETIVOS: Estudiar la utilización de los servicios de atención sanitaria relacionados con el VIH y describir el estado de salud de las mujeres infectadas con este virus, diagnosticadas mediante el asesoramiento y la prueba de detección del VIH de carácter voluntario (APDV durante el período prenatal en Barbados. MÉTODOS: Este es un estudio descriptivo. La población de estudio abarcó a todas las mujeres infectadas por el VIH, diagnosticadas en Barbados

  9. A Terapia por contensão induzida no desempenho ocupacional de crianças com paralisia cerebral / Intervention by contraint- induced movement therapy on the occupational performance of children with cerebral palsy

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    Cassandra da Silva Fonseca


    Full Text Available A paralisia cerebral (PC constitui um quadro clínico importante que pode acometer crianças, causando déficits de movimento, controle postural, prejuízos sensoriais e cognitivos, com isso, faz-se necessário estimular as habilidades da criança para que alcance um desempenho efetivo em todas as áreas de ocupação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar terapia por contensão induzida que consiste na imobilização do membro superior não afetado com um treino intensivo da extremidade afetada, em crianças com PC hemiplégica. Trata-se de um estudo quase experimental, do tipo antes e depois, não cego e não randomizado. Utilizou-se a Teenager Motor Activity Log- TMAL, a Pediatric Arm Function Test- PAFT e a Inventory of New Motor Activities Program- INMAP para analisar o desempenho funcional dos participantes antes e após o tratamento. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 2 crianças com PC Hemiplégica. A avaliação TMAL identificou melhora na freqüência e qualidade dos movimentos realizados com o membro afetado nas duas intervenções. Da mesma forma a avaliação PAFT demonstrou um aumento na realização de tarefas unilaterais e bilaterais com o membro afetado, sem necessitar de comandos. A INMAP apresentou melhora principalmente nos padrões de alcance, pinça eficiente e preensão. Os resultados demonstram que após a intervenção, houve um aumento significativo no desempenho funcional de atividades motoras das crianças. Neste sentido, acredita-se que intervenções como esta permitem uma reabilitação para aquisição de maior autonomia e independência em atividades cotidianas. AbstractCerebral palsy (CP forms an important clinical picture that may affect children by causing them movement and postural control deficits, sensory and cognitive damages. Therefore, it is necessary to stimulate children’s skills so that they can achieve an effective performance in all occupational areas. The aim of this work is to carry out a

  10. Anestésicos, precondicionamento e proteção cerebral Anestésicos, pre-condicionamiento y protección cerebral Anesthetics, cerebral protection and preconditioning

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    Rogean Rodrigues Nunes


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Diversos estudos têm demonstrado o precondicionamento cerebral como mecanismo protetor diante de uma situação de estresse. Fatores determinantes são descritos, bem como a neuroproteção proporcionada por agentes anestésicos e não anestésicos. CONTEÚDO: Fez-se revisão baseada nos principais artigos da literatura que englobam a fisiopatologia da isquemia-reperfusão e lesão neuronal e os fatores não farmacológicos (inflamação, glicemia e temperatura e farmacológicos relacionados com a mudança da resposta à isquemia-reperfusão, além da neuroproteção induzida pelo uso dos anestésicos. CONCLUSÕES: O cérebro tem a capacidade de se proteger contra a isquemia quando estimulado. A elucidação desse mecanismo possibilita a aplicação de substâncias indutoras do precondicionamento, como alguns anestésicos, outros fármacos e medidas não farmacológicas, como a hipotermia, com o objetivo de induzir tolerância a lesões isquêmicas.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Diversos estudios han demostrado el pre-condicionamiento cerebral como un mecanismo protector frente a una situación de estrés. Están descritos algunos factores determinantes del PC, como también la neuroprotección proporcionada por los agentes anestésicos y no anestésicos. CONTENIDO: Se hizo la revisión con base en los principales artículos de la literatura que engloban la fisiopatología de la isquemia-reperfusión y la lesión neuronal, y los factores no farmacológicos (inflamación, glucemia y temperatura, y farmacológicos relacionados con el cambio de la respuesta a la isquemia-reperfusión, además de la neuroprotección inducida por el uso de los anestésicos. CONCLUSIONES: El cerebro tiene la capacidad de protegerse contra la isquemia cuando se le estimula. La elucidación de ese mecanismo posibilita la aplicación de sustancias inductoras del precondicionamiento cerebral, como algunos anestésicos, otros fármacos y medidas no

  11. Cerebral microangiopathies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Linn, Jennifer


    Cerebral microangiopathies are a very heterogenous group of diseases characterized by pathological changes of the small cerebral vessels. They account for 20 - 30 % of all ischemic strokes. Degenerative microangiopathy and sporadic cerebral amyloid angiography represent the typical acquired cerebral microangiopathies, which are found in over 90 % of cases. Besides, a wide variety of rare, hereditary microangiopathy exists, as e.g. CADASIL (Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy), Fabrys disease and MELAS syndrome (Mitochondrial myopathy, Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis, and Stroke-like episodes). (orig.)

  12. Effects of Milrinone continuous intravenous infusion on global cerebral oxygenation and cerebral vasospasm after cerebral aneurysm surgical clipping

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    Mohamed A. Ghanem


    Conclusions: Milrinone improved significantly the global cerebral oxygenation and reduced the incidence of cerebral vasospasm during the dangerous period of cerebral spasm after cerebral aneurysm clipping.

  13. [Cerebral artery thrombosis in pregnancy]. (United States)

    Charco Roca, L M; Ortiz Sanchez, V E; Hernandez Gutierrez-Manchon, O; Quesada Villar, J; Bonmatí García, L; Rubio Postigo, G


    A 28 year old woman, ASA I, who, in the final stages of her pregnancy presented with signs of neural deficit that consisted of distortion of the oral commissure, dysphagia, dysarthria, and weakness on the left side of the body. She was diagnosed with thrombosis in a segment of the right middle cerebral artery which led to an ischemic area in the right frontal lobe. Termination of pregnancy and conservative treatment was decided, with good resolution of the symptoms. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Anestesiología, Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. Desordens paralógicas e alógicas à luz da patologia cerebral

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    Isaías H. Melsohn


    Full Text Available A revisão das investigações de Kleist sôbre a patologia cerebral mostram como suas idéias sôbre o dinamismo surgem a partir da realidade clínica. As investigações neurológicas servem de guia para as psicopatológicas. E, assim, por etapas, elaborou Kleist as noções dos "sistemas cerebrais" e seu papel no que tange às funções neurológicas e psíquicas. Uma função nervosa qualquer é assegurada pelo concurso de dois setores funcionais a que correspondem substratos anatômicos próprios; ao exercício complexo das funções da motilidade automática, por exemplo, correspondem várias estruturas anatômicas em todas as quais distinguem-se dois grupos de centros com sentido funcional diverso: um, a que cabe o papel de recepção e coordenação de estímulos, outro, de efetuação. Tal dualidade de funções primordiais é a base para o desempenho de atividades neurológicas ou psíquicas, ocorrendo tanto no setor da motilidade automática, como no da psicomotilidade, no da ação explícita, no da linguagem, no do pensamento abstrato. Foi a patologia que permitiu a Kleist a separação entre dois setores funcionais prepostos a elaboração do pensamento abstrato: aos campos 19 e 39 de Brodmann correspondem funções receptivo-coordenadoras prepostas à elaboração dos conceitos; a perturbação dessas funções conduz a uma desordem que consiste na dificuldade ou impossibilidade de elaboração dos conceitos isolados: desordem paralógia. O homem, porém, não pensa por meio de conceitos isolados; reúne-os em juízos, por meio de relações predicativas. Ê ao córtex cerebral frontal, campo 46, que dizem respeito tais funções de reunião, de efetuação do pensamento discursivo. As perturbações dessas funções, por desarranjo meramente dinâmico ou por desorganização anatômica, determinam a desordem alógica. Conquanto os dois tipos sejam encontradiços em variadas moléstias por lesão cerebral - assumindo, então, o

  15. Treino de vibração de corpo inteiro na função motora em pacientes acometidos por acidente vascular cerebral : Whole body vibration training in motor function in patients affected with stroke


    Adriana Teresa Silva


    Resumo: O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) é um problema de saúde pública relevante em virtude de sua alta frequência e de grande impacto na população. Os sobreviventes apresentam sequelas que implicam algum grau de dependência e um elevado custo social. Minimizar as sequelas e aumentar a recuperação funcional tem sido um ponto importante para os profissionais da reabilitação. O objetivo do artigo 1 foi verificar os efeitos do treino de vibração de corpo inteiro nos pacientes acometidos por A...

  16. Tomografía cerebral, SPECT cerebral y neurocognición en trauma craneoencefálico


    Casallo Quiliano, Carlos


    Introduccion: La tomografía cerebral (TC) es el examen de elección para evaluar un trauma cráneo encefálico (TCE) agudo. Otras pruebas, como la tomografía computarizada por emisión de fotón único (SPECT) están siendo utilizadas en el TCE, siendo mejor que la TC o la Resonancia magnética (RM) en la evaluación funcional del cerebro. La mayoría de estudios no incluyen, ni relacionan los resultados de la TC y SPECT con la evaluación neuropsicológica, la cual puede estar alterada a pesar de tener ...

  17. Acceso a la lectoescritura de los alumnos con parálisis cerebral

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    Javier Martín Betanzos


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza las condiciones en que se produce el acceso a la lectoescritura de los alumnos con parálisis cerebral. Trata de profundizar en el conocimiento de cómo se lleva a cabo este proceso, deteniéndose en aquellos factores que pueden obstaculizar y caracterizar las condiciones peculiares, tanto de las personas como de los procesos. El acercamiento a este realidad quedaría incompleto si no se tratara de dar unas pautas para que la adquisición del proceso lectoescritor se realice en las mejores condiciones; pretensión esta de cierta dificultad, ya que la parálisis cerebral es un entidad muy compleja. Se exponen las pautas y dificultades relativas al aprender a leer; leer para aprender es un proceso subsiguiente a la alfabetización básica y es el vehículo fundamental del aprendizaje reglado que, por su complejidad y extensión, sería objeto de otro artículo por exceder el propósito de este.

  18. Sepsis neonatal por Chryseobacterium meningosepticum

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    Carlos Velásquez


    Full Text Available El Chrysobacterium meningosepticum conocido también como Flavobacterium meningosepticum, es una bacteria Gram negativa distribuida en la naturaleza, pero cuya variedad patógena es raramente diagnosticada. Su importancia radica en su alta resistencia antibiótica, que cuando es causa de infecciones en prematuros y adultos inmunocomprometidos conlleva a una alta mortalidad. Se realiza una revisión acerca de esta bacteria, la importancia de su diagnóstico y la vigilancia de las infecciones intrahospitalarias, a raíz de un caso presentado en una unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatal de Lima, Perú.

  19. Papiledema unilateral na síndrome do pseudotumor cerebral

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    Mário L. R. Monteiro


    Full Text Available São apresentadas as fotografias de fundo de olho de 6 mulheres com papiledema unilateral e a síndrome do pseudotumor cerebral. Achados associados foram: obesidade em 5 e a sindrome da sela vazia parcial em 2. São discutidas as possíveis explicações para o desenvolvimento de papiledema unilateral nesses pacientes e que favorecem um mecanismo presente na porção distal dos nervos ópticos.

  20. Chlamydia pneumoniae and stroke: is there a direct relationship? Chlamydia pneumoniae e acidente vascular cerebral aterotrombótico: existe relação direta?

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    Rubens J. Gagliardi


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To investigate the possible relationship between atherothrombotic stroke and Chlamydia pneumoniae. METHOD: 150 patients with carotid atherothrombosis were enrolled. The casuistic was divided in three groups: ischemic stroke (IS: 65 patients; transient ischemic attack (TIA: 26 patients; and control: 59. The IS or TIA onset was up to 30 days from the beginning of the study. Carotid atheromatoses was diagnosed by Doppler-ultrasonography. Patients with cardioembolic risk or non-atherothrombotic origin were excluded. Comparisons were done between the three groups, and within each group according to the different age sub-groups, to the main arteries affected, and to the atherogenic risk factors. Bacteria detection was done using polimerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Only one patient tested positive for C. pneumoniae belonging to the control group. CONCLUSION: These results do not suggest that C. pneumoniae participated in the onset of IS or TIA or that it has a role in carotid plaque destabilization.OBJETIVO: Investigar a possível relação entre Chlamydia pneumoniae e acidente vascular cerebral aterotrombótico (AVC. MÉTODO: 150 pacientes com aterotrombose carotídea foram estudados. A casuística foi dividida em 3 grupos: AVC: 65 pacientes; ataque isquêmico transitório (AIT: 26 pacientes e controles: 59. O início do AVC ou AIT era até 30 dias da inclusão no estudo. A ateromatose carotídea foi diagnosticada por ultrassonografia com Doppler. Os pacientes com risco cárdio-embólico ou sem evidência de aterotrombose foram excluídos. Foram estabelecidas comparações entre os 3 grupos e dentro de cada grupo, formado sub-grupos de acordo com diferentes idades, território arterial comprometido e fatores de risco. A detecção da bactéria foi feita por reação de polimerização em cadeia. RESULTADOS: Somente um paciente, pertencente ao grupo controle, teve resultado positivo. CONCLUSÃO: Estes achados não sugerem que a C. pneumoniae

  1. Diagnóstico tardio de malária em área endêmica de dengue na extra-Amazônia Brasileira: experiência recente de uma unidade sentinela no estado do Rio de Janeiro Delayed diagnosis of malaria in a dengue endemic area in the Brazilian extra-Amazon: recent experience of a malaria surveillance unit in state of Rio de Janeiro

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    Anielle de Pina Costa


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A letalidade da malária na região extra-amazônica é cerca de 80 vezes maior do que na Amazônia, que concentra 99,8% dos casos do país. Em áreas de transmissão de dengue, como o Rio de Janeiro, o atraso no diagnóstico e tratamento da malária dos pacientes com febre, provenientes de áreas endêmicas de malária, pode ser, entre outros fatores, devido à confusão entre o diagnóstico das duas doenças pelos generalistas da rede de assistência médica. Neste trabalho, apresentamos as consequências do atraso diagnóstico em três pacientes com malária por Plasmodium falciparum; P. malariae e P. vivax, que, após o périplo habitual para tratamento de dengue, procuraram a nossa instituição onde foram corretamente diagnosticados e submetidos aos tratamentos adequados. MÉTODOS: Descrição de três casos de malária diagnosticada tardiamente e encaminhados ao IPEC/ FIOCRUZ, entre os anos de 2007 e 2008. RESULTADOS: uma brasileira proveniente de Moçambique, primo-infectada por P. falciparum, com malária diagnosticada após 6 dias do início da febre, morreu com malária cerebral e choque. Outro paciente com malária por P. malariae teve um curso grave e prolongado, mas ficou curado após o tratamento específico. A terceira paciente diagnosticada tardiamente apresentou malária por P. vivax adquirida na região de Mata Atlântica no Estado do Rio. CONCLUSÕES: Os profissionais de saúde do Rio devem ser treinados para aperfeiçoar a vigilância e o tratamento oportuno da malária e evitar desfechos mórbidos e fatais. Sugere-se que uma investigação de focos de malária autóctone em áreas de mata no estado seja realizada.INTRODUCTION: The mortality of malaria in the extra-Amazon region is about 80 times higher than in the Amazon region, where malaria is concentrated (99.8% of cases. In areas of dengue transmission, delay in the diagnosis and treatment of malaria in patients with fever who reside in areas of malaria


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    Keite Helen dos Santos


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analizar la longitudinal del cuidado percibida por los cuidadores de niños y adolescentes con parálisis cerebral. Método: investigación cualitativa, descriptiva, realizada con 27 cuidadores, por medio de entrevistas, analizadas con la técnica de análisis temática con base en la longitudinal del cuidado. Resultados: apuntaron la necesidad de extrema dedicación de los cuidadores a los cuidados de sus niños y adolescentes con parálisis cerebral, siendo necesaria la abdicación al tiempo libre, a las actividades diarias y el abandono de las actividades profesionales. A medida que el niño crece aumenta la complejidad de las actividades diarias y consecuentemente, el pronunciamiento de las dificultades vividas por las familias. Los discursos demostraron la ausencia/deficiencia vividas por las familias. Los discursos demostraron la ausencia/deficiencia de las respuestas formales del Estado a las necesidades integrales del cuidado a la población estudiada, condición que contribuye a naturalizar ese apoyo como responsabilidad familiar. Indican la inexistencia de una red desarticulada de cuidado para esta población, implicando la discontinuidad de atención entre los servicios e impactando en la calidad de vida de los niños y sus familias. Conclusión: la falta de articulación entre los servicios implica discontinuidad de la atención a la salud, deteriorando la calidad de vida de los niños y de sus familias e impactando negativamente en los resultados sanitarios del sistema de atención a la salud, una vez que hay utilización ineficiente de los recursos. El establecimiento de flujos de cuidado es un componente indisociable de la gestión de los servicios de atención, responsable por la garantía de equidad e integralidad a los sujetos investigados.

  3. Herpes Zoster oftálmico e posterior acidente vascular cerebral: relato de caso

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    Carlos A. M. Guerreiro


    Full Text Available Um caso de acidente vascular cerebral (AVC 14 semanas após a instalação de herpes zoster oftálmico (HZO é apresentado. A tomografia computadorizada craniana documentou comprometimento em território de artéria cerebral média ipsilateral ao HZO. O diagnóstico de probabilidade é o de arterite por herpes zoster com posterior trombose. Os autores reviram a literatura e enfatizam o longo intervalo entre o HZO e a instalação da hemiplegia. Citam as novas drogas antivirais que tornam esta causa de AVC potencialmente passível de ser prevenida.

  4. Anestesia e paralisia cerebral Anestesia y parálisis cerebral Anesthesia and cerebral palsy

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    Március Vinícius M Maranhão


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A paralisia cerebral (PC é uma doença não progressiva decorrente de lesão no sistema nervoso central, levando a um comprometimento motor do paciente. O portador de PC freqüentemente é submetido a procedimentos cirúrgicos devido a doenças usuais e situações particulares decorrentes da paralisia cerebral. Foi objetivo deste artigo revisar aspectos da paralisia cerebral de interesse para o anestesiologista, permitindo um adequado manuseio pré, intra e pós-operatório neste tipo de paciente. CONTEÚDO: O artigo aborda aspectos da paralisia cerebral como etiologia, classificação, fatores de risco, fisiopatologia, quadro clínico, diagnóstico, terapêuticas utilizadas bem como avaliação pré-operatória, medicação pré-anestésica, manuseio intra e pós-operatório, analgesia pós-operatória e dor crônica. CONCLUSÕES: O anestesiologista desempenha um papel importante na diminuição da morbidade e mortalidade anestésico-cirúrgica em pacientes portadores de paralisia cerebral. O conhecimento da fisiopatologia dos diferentes tipos de paralisia cerebral bem como das doenças associadas e suas terapêuticas é imprescindível, pois permite ao anestesiologista antecipar e prevenir complicações intra e pós-operatórias neste tipo de paciente.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La parálisis cerebral (PC es una enfermedad no progresiva consecuente de una lesión en el sistema nervioso central, llevando a un comprometimiento motor del paciente. El portador de PC, frecuentemente es sometido a procedimientos quirúrgicos debido a enfermedades usuales y situaciones particulares consecuentes de la parálisis cerebral. El objetivo de este artículo, fue revisar aspectos de la parálisis cerebral de interés para el anestesista, permitiendo un adecuado manoseo pre, intra y posoperatorio en este tipo de paciente. CONTENIDO: El artículo aborda aspectos de la parálisis cerebral como etiología, clasificación, factores de

  5. Cerebral atrophic and degenerative changes following various cerebral diseases, (1)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kino, Masao; Anno, Izumi; Yano, Yuhiko; Anno, Yasuro.


    Patients having cerebral atrophic and degenerative changes following hypoglycemia, cerebral contusion, or cerebral hypoxia including cerebrovascular disorders were reported. Description was made as to cerebral changes visualized on CT images and clinical courses of a patient who revived 10 minutes after heart stoppage during neurosurgery, a newborn with asphyxia, a patient with hypoglycemia, a patient who suffered from asphyxia by an accident 10 years before, a patient with carbon monoxide poisoning at an acute stage, a patient who had carbon monoxide poisoning 10 years before, a patient with diffuse cerebral ischemic changes, a patient with cerebral edema around metastatic tumor, a patient with respiration brain, a patient with neurological sequelae after cerebral contusion, a patient who had an operation to excise right parietal lobe artery malformation, and a patient who was shooted by a machine gun and had a lead in the brain for 34 years. (Tsunoda, M.)

  6. Encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de NMDA: experiencia con seis pacientes pediátricos. Potencial eficacia del metotrexato (United States)

    Bravo-Oro, Antonio; Abud-Mendoza, Carlos; Quezada-Corona, Arturo; Dalmau, Josep; Campos-Guevara, Verónica


    Introducción La encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de N-metil-D-aspartato (NMDA) es una entidad cada vez más diagnosticada en edad pediátrica. A diferencia de los adultos, en muchos casos no se asocia a tumores y las manifestaciones iniciales en niños más frecuentes son crisis convulsivas y trastornos del movimiento, mientras que en los adultos predominan las alteraciones psiquiátricas. Casos clínicos Presentamos seis casos pediátricos confirmados con anticuerpos contra la subunidad NR1 del receptor de NMDA en suero y líquido cefalorraquídeo. Cinco de los casos comenzaron con crisis convulsivas como manifestación clínica inicial antes de desarrollar el cuadro clásico de esta entidad. En todos los casos se utilizaron esteroides como primera línea de tratamiento, con los que sólo se observó control de las manifestaciones en uno, por lo que el resto de los pacientes requirió inmunomoduladores de segunda línea. Todos los pacientes recibieron metotrexato como tratamiento inmunomodulador para evitar recaídas y la evolución fue a la mejoría en todos ellos. Conclusiones En nuestra serie de pacientes con encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de NMDA, ninguno se asoció a tumores. Todos los casos recibieron metotrexato por lo menos durante un año, no observamos eventos adversos clínicos ni por laboratorio, ni hubo secuelas neurológicas ni recaídas durante el tratamiento. Aunque es una serie pequeña y es deseable incrementar el número y tiempo de evolución, consideramos el metotrexato una excelente alternativa como tratamiento inmunomodulador para esta patología. PMID:24150952

  7. Autodestrucción espontánea de una malformación arteriovenosa cerebral Spontaneous self-destruction of a cerebral arteriovenous malformation

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    Antonio Guevara Melcón


    Full Text Available Se presenta una paciente que fue investigada y operada en el Hospital Universitario "Gral. Calixto García", portadora de una malformación arteriovenosa cerebral, que desapareció espontáneamente después de un cuadro neurológico de intensa gravedad. Arteriográficamente se comprobó que estaba asociada a un aneurisma arterial en su mismo sistema vascular cerebral. La paciente había sufrido 3 eventos neurológicos en orden ascendente de gravedad, y fue el último motivo de ingreso en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva, con un nivel de 5 en la escala de Glasgow para el coma y sin signos meníngeos evidenciables. La lesión valorada como malformación arteriovenosa cerebral en las tomografías axiales cumputarizadas previas, no se evidenció en la panangiografía cerebral realizada en la fase de mejoría clínica relativa después de su etapa más crítica. Dicha angiografía demostró un aneurisma arterial homolateral a la malformación arteriovenosa ya desaparecida, el cual fue excluido de la circulación por presillamiento de su cuello sin eventos transoperatorios ni posoperatorios relevantes. Se realiza una revisión de la literatura al respecto.Authors present the case of a patient researched and operated on in the "General Calixto García" University Hospital presenting with a cerebral arteriovenous malformation disappeared spontaneously after a neurologic picture of intense severity. From the arteriographic point of view it was verified that it was associated with an arterial aneurysm present in her same cerebral vascular system. The patient has had three neurological events in rising order of severity which was the last reason for admission in the Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU with a level of 5 in the Glasgow scale for the coma and without obvious meningeal signs. The injury classified as a cerebral arteriovenous malformation according to the previous computerized axial tomographies was not evidenced in the cerebral panangiograpy carried out

  8. Doenças neurológicas de ovinos na região central do Rio Grande do Sul Neurological diseases in sheep from central Rio Grande do Sul state, southern Brazil

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    Daniel R. Rissi


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho são descritos aspectos epidemiológicos e clinico-patológicos das principais doenças neurológicas de ovinos diagnosticadas no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM no período entre 1990 e 2007. A partir de uma busca nos arquivos do LPV-UFSM foram encontrados 586 exames de ovinos correspondentes a necropsias realizadas no laboratório ou a exames de amostras remetidas por veterinários de campo. Sessenta e nove casos experimentais foram excluídos do estudo. Os 517 casos restantes eram compostos de 361 casos (69,8% com diagnóstico conclusivo e 156 casos (30,2% com diagnóstico inconclusivo. Ovinos morreram em decorrência de doença neurológica em 58 casos (16% do grupo com diagnóstico conclusivo. As doenças diagnosticadas mais frequentemente foram cenurose (15 casos ou 25,8%, listeriose (nove casos ou 15,5%, tétano (oito casos ou 13,7%, abscessos vertebrais (quatro casos ou 6,8% e abscessos encefálicos (três casos ou 5,1%. Intoxicação por Erytroxylum argentinum, mielite supurativa pós-caudectomia, meningoencefalite fibrino-supurativa, polioencefalomalacia e raiva (dois casos ou 3,4% cada foram ocasionalmente diagnosticadas. Desmielinização medular, edema da substância branca encefálica, encefalomalacia focal simétrica, hidranencefalia, hipoplasia cerebelar, intoxicação por organofosforado, intoxicação por Solanum pseudocapsicum, mielite fibrino-supurativa e provável intoxicação por closantel (um caso ou 1,7% cada foram raramente observadas.A retrospective study of neurological diseases of sheep in southern Brazil was conducted over an 18-year period (1990-2007. A data base search was carried out in the files of the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology (LPV of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM, central Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. A total of 586 sheep were examined. These cases corresponded to necropsies performed in the LPV-UFSM or to

  9. Atividades e participação de crianças com Paralisia Cerebral conforme a Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde Actividades y participación de niños com Parálisis Cerebral según la Clasificación Internacional de Funcionalidad, Incapacidad y Salud Activities and participation of children with Cerebral Palsy according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health

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    Ismênia de Carvalho Brasileiro


    Full Text Available A paralisia cerebral compromete o desempenho funcional do indivíduo acometido. Entretanto, as alterações nas atividades e participação deste têm sido pouco discutidas na literatura. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi descrever características de um grupo de crianças com paralisia cerebral de uma instituição de Fortaleza quanto à capacidade em executar tarefas e participar das atividades de vida diária por meio da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde. Ao todo 32 participantes foram avaliados. Os dados foram coletados e agrupados pelo programa Statistical Package of Social of Science. A utilização da CIF proporcionou uma descrição objetiva quanto à dimensão da limitação das crianças com paralisia cerebral estudadas e quanto ao impacto desta alteração na vida da criança.La parálisis cerebral afecta al desempeño funcional del individuo acometido. Sin embargo, las alteraciones en las actividades y participación de este han sido poco discutidas en la literatura. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue describir características de un grupo de niños con parálisis cerebral de una institución de Fortaleza en relación a la capacidad de ejecutar tareas y participar en actividades de la vida diaria, por medio de la Clasificación Internacional de Funcionalidad, Incapacidad y Salud. En total fueron evaluados 32 participantes. Los datos fueron colectados y agrupados por el programa Statistical Package of Social of Science. La utilización de la CIF proporcionó una descripción objetiva en relación a la dimensión de la limitación de los niños con parálisis cerebral estudiada y al impacto de esta alteración en la vida del niño.Cerebral palsy is among the most common motor disabilities in our midst that limits individuals from carrying out their normal daily routines. The adjacent alterations, characterization, and participation of the child in these activities is not appropriated

  10. United Cerebral Palsy (United States)

    ... your local affiliate Find your local affiliate United Cerebral Palsy United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) is a trusted resource for individuals with Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities and their networks. Individuals with ...

  11. Plataforma terapeútica basada en Kinect para niños con parálisis cerebral infantil


    Duro González, Belén


    El sistema SONRIE (Sistema de terapia, basadO en KiNect, paRa nIños con parálisis cErebral), realizado como Proyecto Fin de Grado por Dña. Estefanía Sampedro Sánchez, se desarrolló con el fin de permitir el proceso de rehabilitación de los músculos faciales en niños con Parálisis Cerebral Infantil (PCI). SONRIE se compone de una plataforma de juegos cuyo objetivo es lograr una mejora terapéutica en la musculatura orofacial de niños diagnosticados de PCI con edades comprendidas entre los 4 y l...

  12. Acidente vascular cerebral hemorrágico associado à acidente ofídico por serpente do gênero bothrops: relato de caso Hemorrhagic stroke related to snakebite by bothrops genus: a case report

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    Amanda Silva Machado


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar um caso de acidente vascular cerebral hemorrágico, associado à acidente ofídico por serpente do gênero bothrops e hipertensão arterial sistêmica grave. Apesar do ofidismo botrópico ser frequente no Estado do Pará, tais associações são incomuns, necessitando de uma abordagem especializada e precoce, visando menores complicações.This research reports a clinical case of hemorrhagic stroke due to envenomation by bothrops snakebite associated with severe hypertension. Although bothrops snakebites are frequent in the State of Pará, such associations are uncommon, requiring specialized and early management to avoid severe complications.

  13. Evaluación neurofuncional del tallo cerebral Parte II: Reflejo mandibular = Neurofunctional evaluation of brain stem. II. Mandibular reflex

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    Leon Sarmiento, Fidias E.


    Full Text Available El reflejo mandibular o maseterino posee conexiones nerviosas únicas, diferentes de las exhi­bidas por otros reflejos monosinápticos humanos, y permite evaluar, de forma fácil y eficien­te, el tallo cerebral por medio de la estimulación mecánica, eléctrica o magnética. Diversos estudios han demostrado la participación en este reflejo de las interneuronas del tallo cerebral y su modulación por estructuras supraespinales, que hacen parte fundamental de su integra­ción motora. El reflejo mandibular es útil para evaluar la afectación trigémino-trigeminal en polineuropatías como la diabetes, neuromiopatías como la esclerosis múltiple y en pacientes con trastornos del movimiento, con o sin disfunción oromandibular. La evaluación neuro­funcional de este reflejo craneofacial ayuda a identificar la integración sensorimotora del tallo cerebral y las posibles alteraciones de estas vías reflejas, debidas a anormalidades del sistema nervioso central o del periférico. Su apropiada ejecución e interpretación, clínica y neurológica, permite aplicar de manera más personalizada diversos protocolos de neurorre­habilitación, con el fin de ayudar a mejorar la calidad de vida de los individuos con afectación de estas vías neurales.

  14. Efecto de un programa de fisioterapia con hipoterapia sobre el equilibrio en sedestación en niños con parálisis cerebral espástica. Estudio piloto experimental


    Rivas Carabias, Ana


    Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) Introducción: La parálisis cerebral es una patología que afecta a 2,5 niños nacidos vivos por cada 1000, y que consiste en un grupo de trastornos permanentes y no progresivos en el Sistema Nervioso Central, que se produce durante el desarrollo cerebral del feto o del lactante, afectando al desarrollo del movimiento y la postura y teniendo una etiología muy diversa. Se caracteriza por un retraso en el desarrollo motor, alteración de la activación de...

  15. Cerebral Palsy (For Teens) (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Cerebral Palsy KidsHealth / For Teens / Cerebral Palsy What's in this ... do just what everyone else does. What Is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral palsy (CP) is a disorder of the ...

  16. Estrategias educativas para alumnos con daño cerebral sobrevenido


    Grau Rubio, Claudia


    Los síntomas de los niños afectados por un daño cerebral sobrevenido pueden ser pasajeros o permanentes, y presentar alteraciones cognitivas (percepción, atención, memoria y pensamiento), expresivas (lenguaje y motricidad), emocionales y del comportamiento y alteración en las funciones ejecutivas. Asimismo, pueden sufrir ataques de epilepsia, hidrocefalia, cefalea y fatiga crónica y tienen problemas de aprendizaje, de conducta y de adaptación social. La escuela debe hacer las adaptaciones ...

  17. Absceso hepático por Klebsiella pneumoniae, asociado con bacteriemia y meningitis: Reporte de un caso


    Yucumá-Gutiérrez, Samuel; Duran-Gutiérrez, Luis F; Osorio-Pinzón, Johanna V; Álzate-Carvajal, Verónica; Mondragón-Cardona, Álvaro


    El absceso hepático, continúa siendo un importante problema de salud pública. El causado por Klebsiella pneumoniae, se ha descrito en un 29% de los casos en algunas series. Con una mortalidad hasta del 11,3%, se presenta con mayor frecuencia en pacientes con diabetes mellitus, relacionándose con complicaciones a distancia, como meningitis, absceso cerebral y afección pulmonar. Se presenta el caso de un hombre sin factores de riesgo, con síndrome de absceso hepático por Klebsiella pneumoniae c...

  18. Unilateral cerebral polymicrogyria with ipsilateral cerebral hemiatrophy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hayakawa, Katsumi [Department of Radiology, Kyoto City Hospital, 1-2 Higashi-Takada-cho, Mibu, Nakagyo-ku, 604-8845 Kyoto (Japan); Kanda, Toyoko; Yamori, Yuriko [Department of Pediatric Neurology, St. Joseph Hospital for Handicapped Children, 603-8323 Kyoto (Japan)


    We evaluated six children in whom MR imaging showed unilateral cerebral polymicrogyria associated with ipsilateral cerebral atrophy and ipsilateral brain stem atrophy. The aim of this study was to clarify whether this disorder based on neuroimaging constitutes a new homogeneous clinical entity. The subjects were six children whose ages at the time of MR imaging ranged from 8 months to 11 years. Their clinical and MR features were analyzed. All of the children were born between 38 and 42 weeks gestation, without any significant perinatal events. Spastic hemiplegia and epilepsy were observed in all of the patients, and mental retardation was observed in four. The MR findings included unilateral cerebral polymicrogyria associated with ipsilateral cerebral hemiatrophy and ipsilateral brain stem atrophy in all patients. The ipsilateral sylvian fissure was hypoplastic in four patients. These patients showed relatively homogeneous clinical and neuroimaging features. Although the additional clinical features varied according to the site and the extent affected by the polymicrogyria, this disorder could constitute a new relatively homogeneous clinical entity. (orig.)

  19. Unilateral cerebral polymicrogyria with ipsilateral cerebral hemiatrophy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayakawa, Katsumi; Kanda, Toyoko; Yamori, Yuriko


    We evaluated six children in whom MR imaging showed unilateral cerebral polymicrogyria associated with ipsilateral cerebral atrophy and ipsilateral brain stem atrophy. The aim of this study was to clarify whether this disorder based on neuroimaging constitutes a new homogeneous clinical entity. The subjects were six children whose ages at the time of MR imaging ranged from 8 months to 11 years. Their clinical and MR features were analyzed. All of the children were born between 38 and 42 weeks gestation, without any significant perinatal events. Spastic hemiplegia and epilepsy were observed in all of the patients, and mental retardation was observed in four. The MR findings included unilateral cerebral polymicrogyria associated with ipsilateral cerebral hemiatrophy and ipsilateral brain stem atrophy in all patients. The ipsilateral sylvian fissure was hypoplastic in four patients. These patients showed relatively homogeneous clinical and neuroimaging features. Although the additional clinical features varied according to the site and the extent affected by the polymicrogyria, this disorder could constitute a new relatively homogeneous clinical entity. (orig.)

  20. Cerebral palsy and congenital malformations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Garne, Ester; Dolk, Helen; Krägeloh-Mann, Inge


    AIM: To determine the proportion of children with cerebral palsy (CP) who have cerebral and non-cerebral congenital malformations. METHODS: Data from 11 CP registries contributing to the European Cerebral Palsy Database (SCPE), for children born in the period 1976-1996. The malformations were...... classified as recognized syndromes, chromosomal anomalies, cerebral malformations or non-cerebral malformations. Prevalence of malformations was compared to published data on livebirths from a European database of congenital malformations (EUROCAT). RESULTS: Overall 547 out of 4584 children (11.9%) with CP...... were reported to have a congenital malformation. The majority (8.6% of all children) were diagnosed with a cerebral malformation. The most frequent types of cerebral malformations were microcephaly and hydrocephaly. Non-cerebral malformations were present in 97 CP children and in further 14 CP children...

  1. Hemorragia cerebrovascular asociada con infección por citomegalovirus en un lactante menor

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    Nelson Muñoz


    Se describe el caso de un lactante menor que presentaba una infección por citomegalovirus con la manifestación poco frecuente de hemorragia cerebral. Después del tratamiento con ganciclovir, los síntomas clínicos evolucionaron favorablemente. La infección por citomegalovirus es muy frecuente en la edad pediátrica, tanto en la forma congénita como en la adquirida. La forma adquirida, como la de este caso, se caracteriza principalmente por el compromiso hematológico, al producirse una importante trombocitopenia, lo que puede originar, aunque infrecuentemente, sangrado del sistema nervioso central; la mayoría de las infecciones adquiridas, sin embargo, son de resolución espontánea y no requieren tratamiento. En este paciente no se presentaron repercusiones clínicas de importancia.

  2. Cerebral Palsy (United States)

    Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that affect a person's ability to move and to maintain balance ... do not get worse over time. People with cerebral palsy may have difficulty walking. They may also have ...

  3. Anestesia em paciente com Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne: relato de caso

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    Tonelli Deoclécio


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A distrofia muscular de Duchenne é uma afecção recessiva ligada ao cromossomo X, geralmente diagnosticada na infância, acentuando-se progressivamente até agravar a função respiratória. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar um caso de um paciente com distrofia muscular de Duchenne diagnosticada há 2 anos, submetido à postectomia, sob anestesia geral com cetamina S. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente com 9 anos de idade com Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne diagnosticada há 2 anos, submetido à anestesia geral com levo-cetamina (1,5, por via venosa, sob ventilação espontânea assistida manualmente por sistema de Baraka (Mapleson A e bloqueio peniano com bupivacaína a 0,5% (25 mg. Foram usados monitores de pressão arterial não invasiva, oximetria de pulso, cardioscopia e temperatura esofagiana. No decorrer da cirurgia, o caso evoluiu sem intercorrências, sendo que no período pós-operatório o paciente apresentou alguns episódios de vômitos sem outras alterações significativas. Permaneceu internado por 24 horas, tendo alta hospitalar assintomático. CONCLUSÕES: A avaliação pré-anestésica cuidadosa, o uso de monitorização adequada e medicações que não predisponham o aparecimento de complicações tornam seguro o procedimento em pacientes portadores de Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne e seu pós-operatório.

  4. Genetic modification of cerebral arterial wall: implications for prevention and treatment of cerebral vasospasm. (United States)

    Vijay, Anantha; Santhanam, R; Katusic, Zvonimir S


    Genetic modification of cerebral vessels represents a promising and novel approach for prevention and/or treatment of various cerebral vascular disorders, including cerebral vasospasm. In this review, we focus on the current understanding of the use of gene transfer to the cerebral arteries for prevention and/or treatment of cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). We also discuss the recent developments in vascular therapeutics, involving the autologous use of progenitor cells for repair of damaged vessels, as well as a cell-based gene delivery approach for the prevention and treatment of cerebral vasospasm.

  5. Terapia por contensão induzida: revisão de ensaios clínicos


    Silva,Lidiane de Araújo; Tamashiro,Vanessa; Assis,Rodrigo Deamo


    INTRODUÇÃO: A Terapia por Contensão Induzida (TCI) é uma terapêutica que visa à recuperação da função do membro superior (MS) parético de pacientes com sequelas de um acidente vascular cerebral por meio de treinamento intensivo, uso de uma restrição no MS não-parético durante 90% do dia e pelo pacote de transferência. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma revisão entre os estudos que compararem a TCI com outras terapêuticas. METODOLOGIA: Foi realizada uma pesquisa nas bases de da...

  6. Retardo en la caída del cordón umbilical por persistencia del conducto onfalomesentérico. Presentación de caso

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    Luisa Marlen Viñet Espinosa,


    Full Text Available El cordón umbilical es la estructura que en la vida intrauterina se encarga del intercambio metabólico entre la placenta materna y el feto. Después del parto este conducto liga y secciona quedando un remanente que se desprende entre el 5to y 15to día de vida. Se presenta el caso de un lactante de 3 meses de edad con retardo en la caída del cordón umbilical por un cuidado inadecuado y la existencia de una malformación congénita como consecuencia de fallo en la involución del conducto onfalomesentérico. En conclusión, los médicos deben estar atentos ante un recién nacido con una caída tardía del cordón umbilical porque las malformaciones del conducto onfalomesentérico diagnosticadas a tiempo son susceptibles de corrección quirúrgica.

  7. Cerebral and non-cerebral coenurosis: on the genotypic and phenotypic diversity of Taenia multiceps. (United States)

    Christodoulopoulos, Georgios; Dinkel, Anke; Romig, Thomas; Ebi, Dennis; Mackenstedt, Ute; Loos-Frank, Brigitte


    We characterised the causative agents of cerebral and non-cerebral coenurosis in livestock by determining the mitochondrial genotypes and morphological phenotypes of 52 Taenia multiceps isolates from a wide geographical range in Europe, Africa, and western Asia. Three studies were conducted: (1) a morphological comparison of the rostellar hooks of cerebral and non-cerebral cysts of sheep and goats, (2) a morphological comparison of adult worms experimentally produced in dogs, and (3) a molecular analysis of three partial mitochondrial genes (nad1, cox1, and 12S rRNA) of the same isolates. No significant morphological or genetic differences were associated with the species of the intermediate host. Adult parasites originating from cerebral and non-cerebral cysts differed morphologically, e.g. the shape of the small hooks and the distribution of the testes in the mature proglottids. The phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial haplotypes produced three distinct clusters: one cluster including both cerebral isolates from Greece and non-cerebral isolates from tropical and subtropical countries, and two clusters including cerebral isolates from Greece. The majority of the non-cerebral specimens clustered together but did not form a monophyletic group. No monophyletic groups were observed based on geography, although specimens from the same region tended to cluster. The clustering indicates high intraspecific diversity. The phylogenetic analysis suggests that all variants of T. multiceps can cause cerebral coenurosis in sheep (which may be the ancestral phenotype), and some variants, predominantly from one genetic cluster, acquired the additional capacity to produce non-cerebral forms in goats and more rarely in sheep.

  8. Cerebral Palsy. Fact Sheet = La Paralisis Cerebral. Hojas Informativas Sobre Discapacidades. (United States)

    National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities, Washington, DC.

    This fact sheet on cerebral palsy is written in both English and Spanish. First, it provides a definition of cerebral palsy and considers various causes (e.g., an insufficient amount of oxygen reaching the fetal or newborn brain). The fact sheet then offers incidence figures and explains characteristics of the three main types of cerebral palsy:…

  9. Microembolism after cerebral angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manaka, Hiroshi; Sakai, Hideki; Nagata, Izumi


    Acute microemboli are detected more precisely with the recently developed diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI). We happened to obtain 24 DWIs after 350 diagnostic cerebral angiographies in 1999. DWIs after cerebral angiographies showed bright lesions in 7 patients (28%), of whom 6 had no neurological symptoms after cerebral angiography. Seven of the 24 patients had risk factors for arteriosclerosis. Only one patient had embolic events due to angiography. Microemboli related to cerebral angiographies are inevitable in some patients. Most are silent, however, we should investigate the cause of microemboli and should make cerebral angiography safer. (author)

  10. Birth Defects: Cerebral Palsy (United States)

    ... Loss > Birth defects & other health conditions > Cerebral palsy Cerebral palsy E-mail to a friend Please fill in ... this page It's been added to your dashboard . Cerebral palsy (also called CP) is a group of conditions ...

  11. Prevalência de doença por citomegalovírus em transplantados renais em unidade de terapia intensiva

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    Sanmya Danielle Rodrigues dos Santos

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivos: Definir frequência de doença por citomegalovírus dentre pacientes transplantados renais na unidade de terapia intensiva nos quais houve a suspeita desta complicação; identificar fatores predisponentes e possível impacto na evolução clínica. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo observacional, no qual foram incluídos pacientes transplantados renais acima de 18 anos, internados por quaisquer motivos em uma unidade de terapia intensiva, com pelo menos uma coleta de antigenemia ou reação em cadeia da polimerase para citomegalovírus durante internação. Doença por citomegalovírus foi definida por antigenemia positiva ou reação em cadeia da polimerase acima de 500 cópias/mL, na presença de sintomas, no contexto clínico apropriado, conforme julgamento do médico assistente. Resultados: Foram incluídos 99 pacientes (idade: 53,4 ± 12,8 anos, 71,6% homens. A doença por citomegalovírus foi diagnosticada em 39 pacientes (39,4%. Sintomas respiratórios (51%, piora clínica inespecífica (20% ou sintomas gastrintestinais (14% foram os principais motivos para coleta de exames. O tempo de transplante foi menor naqueles com doença por citomegalovírus em relação àqueles sem este diagnóstico (6,5 meses e 31,2 meses; p = 0,001, bem como uso de pulsoterapia nos últimos 6 meses (41% e 16,9%; p = 0,008 e uso prévio de timoglobulina no último ano (35,9% e 6,8%; p < 0,001. No modelo de regressão logística, somente o tempo de transplante e o uso de timoglobulina associaram-se à maior frequência de citomegalovírus. Não houve diferença na evolução clínica entre pacientes com ou sem doença por citomegalovírus. Conclusão: Em pacientes transplantados renais com suspeita de doença por citomegalovírus, a prevalência foi alta. O tempo de transplante menor que 6 meses e o uso de timoglobulina no último ano devem aumentar a suspeita do intensivista para esta complicação.

  12. Employees with Cerebral Palsy (United States)

    ... Resources Home | Accommodation and Compliance Series: Employees with Cerebral Palsy (CP) By Eddie Whidden, MA Preface Introduction Information ... SOAR) at Information about Cerebral Palsy (CP) What is CP? Cerebral palsy is a ...


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    Yorman Rafael Flores Molina


    Full Text Available La Trombosis de los Senos Durales y/o Trombosis Venosa Cerebral, se considera una entidad poco frecuente de accidente cerebro vascular que usualmente ocurre en individuos jóvenes. Cada año, afecta a 5 personas por millón a nivel mundial y representa el 0.5 al 1% de todos los episodios de enfermedad cerebrovascular. Se describe el caso de un paciente masculino de 31 años, sin antecedentes patológicos conocidos, que consultó en el servicio de urgencias por cefalea holocraneana y movimientos tónico-clónicos generalizados; se le practicó Tomografía Axial Computarizada Cerebral y Arteriografía de 4 vasos, descartándose malformaciones arteriovenosas y/o aneurismas cerebrales. Se solicita Angioresonancia, que revela Imágenes de defecto sugestivas a Trombosis del Seno Longitudinal Superior, por lo que se indica anticoagulación con Heparina de Bajo Peso Molecular y Warfarina Sódica, obteniéndose una evolución favorable. A propósito de este caso, se realiza una revisión de la literatura, haciendo especial énfasis en su diagnóstico, factores de riesgo y controversias terapéuticas.

  14. Dynamics of spontaneous activity in the cerebral cortex across brain states


    Jercog, Daniel Alejandro


    [spa] La actividad espontánea en la corteza cerebral cambia en diferentes estados cerebrales. Durante estados desincronizados (e.g. estado de vigilia, sueño MOR), las poblaciones de neuronas en los potenciales de acción en una manera aparentemente estocástica y no correlacionada. Por el contrario, durante estados sincronizados (e.g. sueño de ondas lentas, anestesia) las neuronas corticales muestran la alternancia entre periodos de reposo (DOWN) y los períodos de actividad (UP) de manera coher...

  15. Supervivencia en pacientes con tuberculosis infectados por VIH. Estudio de los fallecimientos en los primeros nueve meses

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    Falqués Casanovas Meritxell


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: En las personas con tuberculosis infectadas por el VIH, se ha observado una elevada letalidad durante las primeras semanas desde el inicio de la terapia antituberculosa. En el presente estudio se analiza la supervivencia de las mismas en el marco de un estudio de cohortes retrospectivo. MÉTODOS: Se incluyeron 1.135 individuos que correspondían a aquellos por el VIH mayores de quince años y residentes en Barcelona, registrados por el Programa de Prevención y Control de la Tuberculosis de Barcelona y que fueron diagnosticados entre 1988 y 1993. Las variables analizadas fueron edad, sexo, antecedentes de prisión, distrito municipal, grupo de riesgo, porcentaje de linfocitos T CD4+, prueba de la tuberculina, diagnóstico de sida (según criterio CDC-1987, patrón radiológico, bacteriología y localización anatómica de la tuberculosis. Se utilizó el método semiparamétrico de Cox, las curvas de Kaplan-Meier y la prueba de log-rank. RESULTADOS: La probabilidad de supervivencia a los nueve meses fue del 77%, con amplias variaciones en los diversos subgrupos. Las únicas variables significativas en el modelo multivariado de Cox fueron sida, porcentaje de linfocitos T CD4+ y su interacción. El riesgo de morir para un individuo sin SIDA y porcentaje de linfocitos T CD4+ inferior o igual al 14% fue 7.69 veces mayor que el riesgo de morir para un individuo sin SIDA y porcentaje de linfocitos T CD4+ superior al 14%. CONCLUSIONES: La supervivencia en las personas con tuberculosis infectadas por VIH es muy variable. Las que fallecieron a corto plazo fueron las diagnosticadas de sida al iniciar el tratamiento antituberculoso y que, además, tenían un porcentaje de linfocitos T CD4+ inferior o igual al 14%.

  16. Hypothermia reduces cerebral metabolic rate and cerebral blood flow in newborn pigs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Busija, D.W.; Leffler, C.W.


    The authors examined effects of hypothermia on cerebral metabolic rate and cerebral blood flow in anesthetized, newborn pigs (1-4 days old). Cerebral blood flow (CBF) was determined with 15-μm radioactive microspheres. Regional CBF ranged from 44 to 66 ml·min -1 ·100 g -1 , and cerebral metabolic rate was 1.94 ± 0.23 ml O 2 ·100 g -1 ·min -1 during normothermia (39 degree C). Reduction of rectal temperature to 34-35 degree C decreased CBF and cerebral metabolic rate 40-50%. In another group of piglets, they examined responsiveness of the cerebral circulation to arterial hypercapnia during hypothermia. Although absolute values for normocapnic and hypercapnic CBF were reduced by hypothermia and absolute values for normocapnic and hypercapnic cerebrovascular resistance were increased, the percentage changes from control in these variables during hypercapnia were similar during normothermia and hypothermia. In another group of animals that were maintained normothermic and exposed to two episodes of hypercapnia, there was no attenuation of cerebrovascular dilation during the second episode. They conclude that hypothermia reduces CBF secondarily to a decrease in cerebral metabolic rate and that percent dilator responsiveness to arterial hypercapnia is unaltered when body temperature is reduced


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    Gloria Cárcamo-Portillo


    Full Text Available Los lipomas intracraneales son lesiones infrecuentes y benignas que representan el 0,03 al 0,08% de todas las masas intracraneales. Estos se encuentran relacionados a un defecto de la línea media debido a un mal cierre del tubo neural; lo que conlleva a una mala diferenciación y una persistencia anormal de la meninge primitiva con posterior diferenciación al tejido adiposo. La mitad de los casos permanecen asintomáticos y son diagnosticados como un hallazgo incidental en los estudios imagenológicos. Sin embargo, otros casos se asocian a sintomatología neurológica como retraso psicomotor, cefalea, epilepsia y parálisis cerebral. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 46 años de edad, con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial y diabetes mellitus tipo 2; que cursa con sintomatología de Evento Cerebrovascular Isquémico por lo que le realizan –una Tomografía Computarizada (TC y una Resonancia Magnética (RM. En el reporte se describen múltiples infartos a nivel del hemisferio cerebral izquierdo mientras que al nivel de la línea media se observó una imagen compatible con lipoma cerebral que afectaba el rostro, la rodilla y la porción anterior del cuerpo calloso. La identificación de este hallazgo fue incidental. Palabras claves: Lipoma Cerebral; Cuerpo Calloso; Resonancia Magnética; Accidente Cerebrovascular. (Fuente: DeCS BIREME.

  18. Entrenamiento asistido por neurofeedback: análisis de los efectos psicofisiológicos inmediatos y factores de personalidad influyentes


    Aliño Costa, Marta


    Basado en la tecnología y principios de interfaz cerebro-ordenador (del inglés brain computer interface o BCI), el entrenamiento asistido por Neurofeedback (NF) se concibe como una técnica de autorregulación. Su paradigma estándar es, por excelencia, el condicionamiento operante o instrumental con la finalidad de enseñar a los individuos a controlar su actividad cerebral (Frank et al., 2010). Concretamente, la información procedente de las ondas cerebrales es representada a tiempo real en for...

  19. Síndrome de Rendu-Osler-Weber: presentación de un caso clínico

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    Freyli Bustamante


    Full Text Available El síndrome de Rendu-Osler-Weber (SROW, conocido también como Telangiectasia Hemorrágica Hereditaria (THH, es un desorden vascular infrecuente. Se trata de una alteración vascular displásica multisistémica de carácter autosómico dominante, con diversas complicaciones, siendo las malformaciones arterio-venosas (MAV responsables de la morbi-mortalidad de los pacientes cuando no son diagnosticadas ni tratadas a tiempo. Muchas veces este síndrome presenta síntomas sutiles, por lo que puede pasar desapercibida clínicamente. Presentamos un caso de una paciente femenina de 51 años, con historia de epistaxis frecuentes quien acude a nuestro hospital por presentar cefalea de fuerte intensidad, meningismo y pérdida de la consciencia. La tomografía axial computada (TAC de cráneo identificó hemorragia sub aracnoidea (HSA difusa. La angiografía cerebral permitió identificar aneurisma arteria comunicante anterior (AcoA roto que fue tratado por vía endovascular, sin eventualidades. Además, se observó telangectasias mucosas nasales múltiples y fistula arterio-venosa (FAV dural occipital izquierda. Estudios ulteriores permitieron identificar MAV pulmonares múltiples. Se confirmó el diagnóstico de SROW, con criterios de diagnóstico vigentes (criterios de Curazao. Durante los tres meses posteriores a su egreso el paciente presentó hemoptisis severa y disnea, que no pudo ser tratada a tiempo por lo que falleció.

  20. Hyperventilation, cerebral perfusion, and syncope

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Immink, R V; Pott, F C; Secher, N H


    dioxide (PaCO2) and oxygen (PaO2) partial pressures so that hypercapnia/hypoxia increases and hypocapnia/hyperoxia reduces global cerebral blood flow. Cerebral hypoperfusion and TLOC have been associated with hypocapnia related to HV. Notwithstanding pronounced cerebrovascular effects of PaCO2...... the contribution of a low PaCO2 to the early postural reduction in middle cerebral artery blood velocity is transient. HV together with postural stress does not reduce cerebral perfusion to such an extent that TLOC develops. However when HV is combined with cardiovascular stressors like cold immersion or reduced...... cardiac output brain perfusion becomes jeopardized. Whether, in patients with cardiovascular disease and/or defect, cerebral blood flow cerebral control HV-induced hypocapnia elicits cerebral hypoperfusion, leading to TLOC, remains to be established....

  1. Hepatotoxicidad por antituberculosos en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, Medellín, 2005-2007

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    Sigifredo Ospina4


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: determinar la incidencia de hepatotoxicidad por medicamentos antituberculosos, en pacientes tratados en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, de Medellín, en el período comprendido entre enero de 2005 y diciembre de 2007. MÉTODOS: estudio retrospectivo de toda la población con diagnóstico de tuberculosis en el período en mención. RESULTADOS: se incluyeron 224 historias y se encontró una incidencia de hepatotoxicidad de 21%, mayor que la reportada en la literatura. El principal factor de riesgo encontrado para el desarrollo de la hepatotoxicidad fue el VIH; en contraste con otros estudios, factores como edad, sexo y raza no fueron de riesgo para el desarrollo de la misma. Encontramos también que no hubo acuerdo en cuanto a la conducta para seguir una vez diagnosticada la hepatotoxicidad; solo en el 54% de los casos se suspendió el tratamiento y se hizo reintroducción escalonada. CONCLUSIÓN: el estudio evidencia la necesidad de programas de farmacovigilancia que busquen activamente esta complicación y desarrollen guías para unificar conceptos y protocolos de tratamiento.

  2. Capacidad discriminante de la Escala de Componentes Emocionales (ECE-I en un diseño con grupos pareados

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    Diego Quirós-Morales


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron las características discriminantes y predictivas de la Escala de Componentes Emocionales (ECE-I en personas diagnosticadas con fibromialgia. La escala está conformada por 24 ítems distribuidos en 4 factores: problemas fisiológicos (F-PF, autoevaluación negativa (F-AN, desesperanza (F-D, estrés (F-E. Se utilizó una muestra de 124 mujeres (62 diagnosticadas con fibromialgia y 62 sin fibromialgia. Los niveles de predicción y clasificación expresan que la escala puede ser un instrumento útil en psicología de la salud para discriminar la presencia de indicadores emocionales para personas con diagnóstico de fibromialgia.

  3. ¡Atención! Tenga precaución con alguien que haya sufrido una conmoción cerebral

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Todos los años, en los Estados Unidos se registran hasta 3.8 millones de casos de conmoción cerebral en actividades deportivas o recreativas. Este Podcast es una entrevista por radio con la Dra. Ileana Arias sobre la iniciativa titulada "Atención: conmoción cerebral en el deporte juvenil" de CDC que ofrece información a los entrenadores, los padres y los atletas sobre prevención, reconocimiento y reacción frente a una conmoción.

  4. Cambios en el tono muscular en dos niños con parálisis cerebral espástica mediante la hipoterapia: reporte de casos

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    Yasmín Andrea Rodríguez Laiseca


    Full Text Available Introducción: Estudios previos han demostrado que la hipoterapia como terapia complementaria mejora la función motora gruesa en niños con parálisis cerebral. Sin embargo la evidencia no es concluyente. Objetivo: Determinar los cambios en el tono muscular de dos pacientes con parálisis cerebral tipo cuadriparesia espástica mediante la hipoterapia. Descripción del caso: El estudio se llevó a cabo con dos sujetos de género masculino de dos años de edad, con diagnóstico de parálisis cerebral tipo cuadriparesia espástica, nivel V según la escala Gross Motor Function Clasification System (GMFCS. Los niños realizaron 27 sesiones de hipoterapia distribuidas de la siguiente manera: 3 sesiones de acoplamiento en hipoterapia en la primera semana y 24  sesiones de monta terapéutica con una frecuencia de tres veces por semana y una intensidad de 20 minutos por sesión. Se llevó a cabo la valoración del tono muscular mediante la escala de Ashworth modificada (MAS de la siguiente forma: una inicial, dos de control, cuatro post-monta, una final tras 9 semanas de tratamiento continuo y tres mediciones más en la semana uno, dos y tres de inactividad terapéutica. Resultados y discusión: La hipoterapia demostró efecto modulador sobre el tono muscular de los dos sujetos finalizadas las 27 sesiones de hipoterapia, pero este se pierde progresivamente durante el periodo de inactividad terapéutica. Por lo tanto se confirma que esta técnica puede ser una estrategia de tratamiento para el manejo de la espasticidad en pacientes con parálisis cerebral, siempre y cuando se aplique continuamente.

  5. Cerebral vasculitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greenan, T.J.; Grossman, R.I.


    This paper reviews retrospectively MR, CT, and angiographic findings in patients with cerebral vasculitis in order to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the various imaging modalities, as well as the spectrum of imaging abnormalities in this disease entity. Studies were retrospectively reviewed in 12 patients with cerebral vasculitis proved by means of angiography and/or brain biopsy

  6. [Cerebral protection]. (United States)

    Cattaneo, A D


    Cerebral protection means prevention of cerebral neuronal damage. Severe brain damage extinguishes the very "human" functions such as speech, consciousness, intellectual capacity, and emotional integrity. Many pathologic conditions may inflict injuries to the brain, therefore the protection and salvage of cerebral neuronal function must be the top priorities in the care of critically ill patients. Brain tissue has unusually high energy requirements, its stores of energy metabolites are small and, as a result, the brain is totally dependent on a continuous supply of substrates and oxygen, via the circulation. In complete global ischemia (cardiac arrest) reperfusion is characterized by an immediate reactive hyperemia followed within 20-30 min by a delayed hypoperfusion state. It has been postulated that the latter contributes to the ultimate neurologic outcome. In focal ischemia (stroke) the primary focus of necrosis is encircled by an area (ischemic penumbra) that is underperfused and contains neurotoxic substances such as free radicals, prostaglandins, calcium, and excitatory neurotransmitters. The variety of therapeutic effort that have addressed the question of protecting the brain reflects their limited success. 1) Barbiturates. After an initial enthusiastic endorsement by many clinicians and years of vigorous controversy, it can now be unequivocally stated that there is no place for barbiturate therapy following resuscitation from cardiac arrest. One presumed explanation for this negative statement is that cerebral metabolic suppression by barbiturates (and other anesthetics) is impossible in the absence of an active EEG. Conversely, in the event of incomplete ischemia EEG activity in usually present (albeit altered) and metabolic suppression and hence possibly protection can be induced with barbiturates. Indeed, most of the animal studies led to a number of recommendations for barbiturate therapy in man for incomplete ischemia. 2) Isoflurane. From a cerebral

  7. Dynamic digitized cerebral parenchymography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Theron, J.; Alachkar, F.; Nelson, M.; Mazia, D.


    Aortic arch injections centred on the head have been performed routinely in patients with cerebral ischaemia. Digital angiograms with modified windowing (low and narrow) have been used. This 'cerebral' arch injection allows much improved analysis of the cerebral parenchymal vascularization, giving better understanding of hemispheric ischaemia and making the decision about revascularization more rational. (orig.)

  8. What is cerebral small vessel disease?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Onodera, Osamu


    An accumulating amount of evidence suggests that the white matter hyperintensities on T 2 weighted brain magnetic resonance imaging predict an increased risk of dementia and gait disturbance. This state has been proposed as cerebral small vessel disease, including leukoaraiosis, Binswanger's disease, lacunar stroke and cerebral microbleeds. However, the concept of cerebral small vessel disease is still obscure. To understand the cerebral small vessel disease, the precise structure and function of cerebral small vessels must be clarified. Cerebral small vessels include several different arteries which have different anatomical structures and functions. Important functions of the cerebral small vessels are blood-brain barrier and perivasucular drainage of interstitial fluid from the brain parenchyma. Cerebral capillaries and glial endfeet, take an important role for these functions. However, the previous pathological investigations on cerebral small vessels have focused on larger arteries than capillaries. Therefore little is known about the pathology of capillaries in small vessel disease. The recent discoveries of genes which cause the cerebral small vessel disease indicate that the cerebral small vessel diseases are caused by a distinct molecular mechanism. One of the pathological findings in hereditary cerebral small vessel disease is the loss of smooth muscle cells, which is an also well-recognized finding in sporadic cerebral small vessel disease. Since pericytes have similar character with the smooth muscle cells, the pericytes should be investigated in these disorders. In addition, the loss of smooth muscle cells may result in dysfunction of drainage of interstitial fluid from capillaries. The precise correlation between the loss of smooth muscle cells and white matter disease is still unknown. However, the function that is specific to cerebral small vessel may be associated with the pathogenesis of cerebral small vessel disease. (author)

  9. Mismatch paciente-prótesis aórtica. Comparación alejada por eco-Doppler transtorácico versus el estimado en el preoperatorio

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    Gabriel Converso


    Full Text Available Introducción:El mismatch paciente-prótesis (MPP aórtica se asocia con peor evolución posoperatoria.La utilización del área del orificio aórtico efectivo (AOE para cada tipo de prótesis, indexado por la superficie corporal (SC en el momento quirúrgico, puede permitir la elección de un tamaño de prótesis adecuado para cada paciente y así evitar el MPP.ObjetivoComparar la estimación de MPP por las AOE tabuladas con la diagnosticada en el posoperatorio alejado por eco-Doppler.Material y métodosSe analizaron retrospectivamente 57 pacientes, 43 hombres, con prótesis aórtica, operados más de 6 meses antes del estudio. Se calculó la SC del parte quirúrgico y el AOE indexada tabulada, el AOE posquirúrgica con eco-Doppler transtorácico por la ecuación de continuidad y se comparó el MPP prequirúrgico y posquirúrgico. Se consideró MPP aórtico un AOE indexada < 0,75 cm2/m2.ResultadosSe observó una prevalencia de MPP preoperatorio del 29,8% y posoperatorio del 54,4% (p = 0,029, con el 31% de MMP grave. La prevalencia de sobrepeso en la muestra estudiada fue del 80%.ConclusionesEn este grupo de pacientes con alta prevalencia de sobrepeso, la estimación del AOE preoperatoria indexada por SC de cada tipo de prótesis para predecir el MPP posoperatorio mostró diferencias significativas entre el diagnóstico del MPP estimado en el preoperatorio y el calculado por eco-Doppler en el posoperatorio. En futuros estudios es necesaria la inclusión de un grupo poblacional mayor, así como la revisión del método de cálculo del área valvular (p. ej., del tracto de salida del ventrículo izquierdo.

  10. Valor localizador y lateralizador de la manifestación motora facial unilateral en epilepsias focales, utilizando VEEG y/o estimulación cortical directa cerebral

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    Natalia Paoli


    Full Text Available Las manifestaciones motoras faciales unilaterales (MMFU se describen clásicamente en crisis que inician en la región central inferior contralateral. Para evaluar el valor localizador y lateralizador de MMFU en crisis espontáneas registradas en videoelectroencefalografía (VEEG y de MMFU obtenidas por estimulación cortical directa cerebral, analizamos 83 crisis con MMFU durante VEEG y 8 pacientes que presentaron MMFU durante estimulación cortical directa cerebral. Correlacionamos localización y lateralidad de la hipótesis de zona epileptógena con el tiempo de aparición  de MMFU, y la zona de estimulación cortical directa cerebral que desencadenó MMFU con su lateralidad. En 61 crisis con MMFU (73.4% la hipótesis de zona epileptógena no correspondió a la región central contralateral, por corresponder a la región central ipsilateral o a otras regiones tanto homolaterales como contralaterales. La MMFU se registró en forma precoz en 51.1% de las crisis con hipótesis de zona epileptógena en la región frontal, en  56% de las crisis con hipótesis de zona epileptógena en la región central y en 80% de las crisis con hipótesis de zona epileptógena en el lóbulo temporal. No registramos MMFU precoz  en las crisis con hipótesis de zona epileptógena en la región posterior. En 2 (25% de 8 pacientes con MMFU provocada por estimulación cortical directa cerebral, la zona de la estimulación no fue la región central inferior contralateral. Concluimos que las MMFU pueden deberse a descargas alejadas de la región central inferior, tanto ipsilaterales como contralaterales.

  11. Cerebral malaria: susceptibility weighted MRI

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    Vinit Baliyan


    Full Text Available Cerebral malaria is one of the fatal complications of Plasmodium falciparum infection. Pathogenesis involves cerebral microangiopathy related to microvascular plugging by infected red blood cells. Conventional imaging with MRI and CT do not reveal anything specific in case of cerebral malaria. Susceptibility weighted imaging, a recent advance in the MRI, is very sensitive to microbleeds related to microangiopathy. Histopathological studies in cerebral malaria have revealed microbleeds in brain parenchyma secondary to microangiopathy. Susceptibility weighted imaging, being exquisitely sensitive to microbleeds may provide additional information and improve the diagnostic accuracy of MRI in cerebral malaria.

  12. Cerebral Oximetry in Cardiac Surgery

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    A. N. Shepelyuk


    Full Text Available Based on the data of numerous current references, the review describes different neuromonitoring methods during cardiac surgery under extracorporeal circulation. It shows that it is important and necessary to make neuromonitoring for the early diagnosis and prevention of neurological complications after cardiac surgery. Particular attention is given to cerebral oximetry; the possibilities and advantages of this technique are described. Correction of cerebral oximetric values is shown to improve survival rates and to reduce the incidence of postoperative complications. Lack of cerebral oximetry monitoring denudes a clinician of important information and possibilities to optimize patient status and to prevent potentially menacing complications, which allows one to conclude that it is necessary to use cerebral oximetry procedures within neu-romonitoring in cardiac surgery. Key words: extracorporeal circulation, cerebral oximetry, neurological dysfunction, cerebral oxygenation.

  13. Cerebral venous angioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inagawa, Tetsuji; Taguchi, Haruyoshi; Kamiya, Kazuko; Yano, Takashi; Nakajima, Reiko


    This report presents a 27-year-old male patient who was diagnosed as having cerebral venous angioma in the postero-temporal area by CT scan and cerebral angiography. The patient improved by removing angioma with electrocoagulation of medullary veins. (Namekawa, K.)

  14. Nanomedicine in cerebral palsy (United States)

    Balakrishnan, Bindu; Nance, Elizabeth; Johnston, Michael V; Kannan, Rangaramanujam; Kannan, Sujatha


    Cerebral palsy is a chronic childhood disorder that can have diverse etiologies. Injury to the developing brain that occurs either in utero or soon after birth can result in the motor, sensory, and cognitive deficits seen in cerebral palsy. Although the etiologies for cerebral palsy are variable, neuroinflammation plays a key role in the pathophysiology of the brain injury irrespective of the etiology. Currently, there is no effective cure for cerebral palsy. Nanomedicine offers a new frontier in the development of therapies for prevention and treatment of brain injury resulting in cerebral palsy. Nanomaterials such as dendrimers provide opportunities for the targeted delivery of multiple drugs that can mitigate several pathways involved in injury and can be delivered specifically to the cells that are responsible for neuroinflammation and injury. These materials also offer the opportunity to deliver agents that would promote repair and regeneration in the brain, resulting not only in attenuation of injury, but also enabling normal growth. In this review, the current advances in nanotechnology for treatment of brain injury are discussed with specific relevance to cerebral palsy. Future directions that would facilitate clinical translation in neonates and children are also addressed. PMID:24204146

  15. Cerebral oxygen metabolism and cerebral blood flow in man during light sleep (stage 2)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, P L; Schmidt, J F; Holm, S


    . They differ in respect of arousal threshold as a stronger stimulus is required to awaken a subject from deep sleep as compared to light sleep. Our results suggest that during non-rapid eye movement sleep cerebral metabolism and thereby cerebral synaptic activity is correlated to cerebral readiness rather than...

  16. Uso incorreto de medicamentos por pacientes após acidente vascular cerebral Uso incorrecto de medicamentos por pacientes después de un accidente cerebro vascular Incorrect use of medicines by patients post cerebrovascular accident

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    Lolita Dopico da Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Avaliar o emprego de medicamentos no lar pelos pacientes vítimas de um acidente vascular cerebral (AVC. Metodologia. Estudo transversal de uma mostra representativa de 30 pacientes que recebiam atendimento público domiciliário no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil em 2008. Por meio de entrevista estruturada aos pacientes se tomou informação sobre os fatores de risco para AVC, os medicamentos que estavam tomando e o uso correto ou incorreto dos mesmos, utilizando para isto a classificação de DRUGDEX® System. Resultados. Os participantes de idade avançada e com predomínio de mulheres. A média de medicamentos por foi 3.3. As causas do erro mais comuns foram: a tomada do medicamento com alimentos e com outras medicações. As proporções mais altas de uso incorreto de medicamento em mais de 50% das doses foram: espironolactona, glibenclamida e atenolol (a cada uma com 100.0%, sinvastatina (87.5%, furosemida (83.3%, captropril (72.5% e insulina NPH (66.7%. Conclusão. Uma grande proporção de pacientes depois de um AVC usam incorretamente os medicamentos prescritos para o tratamento no lar.Objetivo. Evaluar el empleo de medicamentos en el hogar por los pacientes víctimas de un accidente cerebrovascular (ACV. Metodología. Estudio transversal de una muestra representativa de 30 pacientes que recibían atención pública domiciliario en Río de Janeiro (Brasil en 2008. En la muestra predominaron las mujeres y los pacientes de edad avanzada. Por medio de entrevista estructurada a los pacientes se tomó información sobre los factores de riesgo para ACV, los medicamentos que estaban tomando y el uso correcto o incorrecto de los mismos, utilizando para esto la clasificación de DRUGDEX® System. Resultados. El promedio de medicamentos por fue 3.3. Las causas más comunes de error fueron la toma del medicamento con alimentos y con otras medicaciones. Las proporciones más altas de uso incorrecto de medicamento en más del 50% de las dosis

  17. Segmentação das áreas isquêmicas no acidente vascular cerebral utilizando imagens de tomografia computadorizada de perfusão


    Lilian Contin


    As técnicas de processamento digital de imagens têm sido vastamente aplicadas às imagens médicas. Um dos benefícios ocasionado por estas ferramentas é o de prover medidas de parâmetros que são difíceis de estimar e suscetíveis a viés do médico. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver um software semi-automático de segmentação das áreas isquêmicas, core e penumbra, no acidente vascular cerebral, utilizando técnicas de segmentação por limiarização e baseada em regiões. Os dois algorit...

  18. Evaluation of ocular acupuncture on cerebral infarction with cerebral blood flow perfusion imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Yuge; Gao Qinyi; Wang Shuang; Zhao Yong


    To evaluate the immediate effect of ocular acupuncture on patients, an method of SPECT image of cerebral blood flow daily stress test was established. 10 patients diagnosed as cerebral infarction by CT or MRI were tested. They all received 99 Tc m -ECD SPECT imaging at twice before and after ocular acupuncture. By means of image subtraction technique and semi-quantitative method of regional interesting area, the change of regional cerebral blood flow was observed between the two images. Under restful state perfusion of cerebral blood flow in 18 foci was low at the frontal lobe, the cerebellum, the basal ganglia and temporal lobe. After ocular acupuncture, the perfusions were obviously increased in 16 foci among them and the reactivity of the frontal lobe and the cerebellum to ocular acupuncture was higher, the average improvement rate of which was 55.15% and 53.06% respectively, lower in the basal ganglia and temporal lobe, the average improvement rate was 31.79% and 36.67% respectively. 99 Tc m -ECD SPECT cerebral perfusion image has some significant clinic value for evaluating the effect of ocular acupuncture to treating cerebral infarction. (authors)

  19. Study of cerebral vascular diseases with radioisotopes in cerebral atherosclerotical subjects and/for subjects with sequelae of cerebral stroke, before and after use of the association piracetam-dihydroergotoxine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lara, P.F.; Ferreira, A.; Paulillo, L.F.; Cukierman, M.


    Twently subjects with cerebral sclerosis and/or sequelas of cerebral stroke were studied, before and after use of piracetam-dihydroergotoxine. We performed the complete hemispheric cerebral blood flow and cerebral scintigraphy, beyond clinical and neurological examination. Scintigraphies were unchanged. Cerebral circulation times, or both hemispheres, diminished. This occurred, probably, in relation with metabolic effects of both pharmaceutical drugs. The alpha sympatolytic and modulatory effects of dihydroergotoxine should be considered. (author) [pt

  20. Dermatomiosite recém-diagnosticada em idosos como preditiva de malignidade Newly diagnosed dermatomyositis in the elderly as predictor of malignancy

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    Fernando Henrique Carlos de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Os sintomas da dermatomiosite (DM podem ser um indício da existência de um câncer oculto. Melhorar a detecção precoce é essencial, porém não há estudos avaliando em curto prazo os fatores preditivos para a doença. MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo, monocêntrico, incluindo pacientes com DM definida (pelo menos quatro dos cinco critérios de Bohan e Peter, 1975, no período entre 1991 e 2011. A presença de malignidade foi limitada a um período de até 12 meses após o diagnóstico da doença. RESULTADOS: Houve 12 casos de neoplasias em 139 pacientes (pele, trato gastrintestinal, próstata, tireoide, mama, pulmão e trato geniturinário. Os pacientes com neoplasia tiveram maior média de idade que os controles (56,8 ± 15,7 vs. 40,3 ± 13,1 anos, respectivamente, P = 0,004; odds ratio 1,09; intervalo de confiança de 95%: 1,04-1,14. Não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas em relação a gênero, etnia, frequência de sintomas constitucionais, envolvimento de órgãos e sistemas e/ou alterações laboratoriais. CONCLUSÃO: Na DM recém-diagnosticada, a idade tardia ao diagnóstico foi um fator preditivo de malignidade.OBJECTIVE: Dermatomyositis (DM symptoms may be a clue to the existence of a hidden cancer. Enhancing early detection is essential, but there are no studies evaluating short-term predictive factors in this disease. METHODS: This is a singlecenter retrospective study, including patients diagnosed with DM meeting at least four of the five Bohan and Peter's criteria (1975, from 1991 to 2011. This study assessed malignancies occurring in up to 12 months after the diagnosis of DM. RESULTS: Neoplasm was found in 12 out of 139 patients (skin, gastrointestinal tract, prostate, thyroid, breast, lungs, and genitourinary tract. Patients with neoplasm had a higher mean age than controls (56.8 ± 15.7 vs. 40.3 ± 13.1 years, respectively, P = 0.004, odds ratio 1.09; 95% confidence interval: 1.04-1.14. No statistical

  1. Proteção cerebral no tratamento cirúrgico dos aneurismas do arco aórtico: estudo experimental em cães Cerebral protection to be used during aortic arch aneurysms resection

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    Henrique Murad


    Full Text Available Os autores realizaram estudo experimental comparativo entre dois métodos de proteção cerebral utilizados na abordagem cirúrgica dos aneurismas do arco aórtico, avaliando a sua eficácia. Os métodos comparados foram a hipotermia sistêmica profunda isolada (menor que 20ºC com pinçamento arterial braquiocefálico e a hipotermia sistêmica profunda associada à perfusão carotídea seletiva. Dois grupos de 15 cães cada foram submetidos, respectivamente, a hipotermia sistêmica profunda com pinçamento arterial braquiocefálico (GRUPO I e a hipotermia sistêmica profunda associada a perfusão seletiva da carótida direita (GRUPO II. Foram colhidas amostras seriadas de sangue para análise das alterações metabólicas de pH e PaCO2 que ocorreram no retorno venoso cerebral, aferidas na veia jugular interna, bem como as alterações histopatológicas encontradas com 45 min, 90 min e 135 min de cada procedimento. Os resultados demonstraram que, apesar de ambos os métodos de proteção cerebral serem eficazes por um período de 45 minutos, o método utilizado no GRUPO II mostrou ser superior em períodos de até 90 minutos. Em períodos de 135 minutos os métodos tiveram resultados semelhantes, não oferecendo proteção cerebral adequada.The authors proposition is to make an experimental study of two methods of cerebral protection to be used during aortic arch aneurysm resection. The methods to be evaluated were profound systemic hypothermia (under 20oC with great vessels occlusion and profound systemic hypothermia with selective right carotid artery perfusion. Two groups of 15 dogs each were submitted either to profound systemic hypothermia with great vessels occlusion (GROUP I or to profound systemic hypothermia with selective right carotid artery perfusion (GROUP II. Serial jugular vein samples for pH and PaC02 were analyzed to evaluate ischemic cerebral metabolic derangements. Hystopathological studies were also made at 45, 90 and 135

  2. Método didáctico “Socioneuropsicológico” y la estimulación de la integración hemisférica cerebral, en educandos del nivel primario.

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    Guido Ayay Arista


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La investigación, tuvo por objetivo sistematizar el método didáctico “Socioneuropsicológico”, en un cuerpo teórico conceptual, centrado principalmente en procedimientos que estimulen la predominancia en la integración hemisférica cerebral, derecha-izquierda, sobre la base de las teorías derivadas de la neurociencia y las ciencias de la educación. Se ha empleado el diseño de investigación denominado “diseño de grupos aleatorizados pre y post test”. La muestra,  estuvo conformada por educandos de dos secciones del sexto grado de la Institución Educativa “San Juan de la Libertad” - Chachapoyas, una de 17 educandos para el grupo experimental y otra de 15 para el grupo control. Las hipótesis contrastadas mediante el parámetro estadístico T-Student, revelan que la experimentación del método didáctico “Socioneuropsicológico”, evidencia estimulación significativa de la predominancia en la integración hemisférica cerebral, derecha-izquierda como resultados cuali-cuantitativos. Por consiguiente, se concluye, que la sistematización del método, estimula la integración hemisférica cerebral, de doce funciones bipolares. En el hemisferio cerebral izquierdo se estimulan la función verbal, analítica, simbólica, matemática, de abstracción, lógico-racional, temporal, audiovisual, intelectual, específica, de convergencia y de interpretación. En el hemisferio cerebral derecho se estimulan las funciones no verbal, sintética, espacial, artística, de concreción, emocional, atemporal, cinestésica, sensual, sistémica,  de divergencia y creatividad. Palabras  clave: Método didáctico, estimulación, neurociencias, predominancia, integración hemisférica,  hemisferios cerebrales.

  3. Prediction of cerebral ischemia due to cerebral vasospasm in SAH using SPECT and 123I-IMP with acetazolamide test

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakagawara, Jyoji; Wada, Keiji; Takeda, Rihei; Usami, Takashi; Hashimoto, Ikuo; Shimazaki, Mitsuteru; Tanaka, Chiharu; Nakamura, Jun-ichi; Suematsu, Katsumi.


    To investigate the possibility of predicting cerebral ischemia due to cerebral vasospasm in subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), serial evaluation of the cerebral vasodilatory capacity by the acetazolamide test was conducted, using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and N-isopropyl 123 I-p-iodoamphetamine (IMP), in 17 patients with cerebral vasospasm following early surgery for ruptured aneurysms. The degree of vasospasm measured on the angiograms was classified into the following three types; mild degree (25%>stenosis), moderate degree (25∼50% stenosis), and severe degree(50%cerebral vasodilatory capacity was preserved at the normal level during the period of vasospasm. In eight patients with asymptomatic vasospasm (moderate degree), a transient limitation of cerebral vasodiratory capacity was observed between the 6th and 16th day after a rupture of the cerebral aneurysm. In five patients with symptomatic vasospasm resulting in reversible ischemia, a marked limitation of cerebral vasodilatory capacity was noted between the 7th and 15th day, and a delayed recovery of cerebral vasodilatory capacity was observed. This reversibility of cerebral vasodilatory capacity in patients with cerebral vasospasm suggests that a local decrease of purfusion pressure due to cerebral vasospasm causes compensatory vasodilation of intraparenchymal arteries and the vasodilatory reaction to acetazolamide was limited until the release of the cerebral vasospasm. Therefore, assessment of cerebral vasodilatory capacity in SAH by the acetazolamide test might predict the appearance and continuation of potential ischemia of the brain caused by the reduction of perfusion pressure due to cerebral vasospasm. (J.P.N.)

  4. Proteção cerebral no tratamento cirúrgico dos aneurismas do arco aórtico: estudo experimental em cães Cerebral protection during surgical approach to the aortic arch aneurysms resection: experimental study in dogs

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    Gaudêncio Lopes Espinosa


    Full Text Available É realizado estudo experimental comparativo entre dois métodos de proteção cerebral na abordagem cirúrgica dos aneurismas do arco aórtico, avaliando a sua eficácia: hipotermia sistêmica profunda isolada (menor que 20ºC com pinçamento arterial braquiocefálico e hipotermia sistêmica profunda associada à perfusão carotídea seletiva. Dois grupos de 15 cães cada foram submetidos, respectivamente, à hipotermia sistêmica profunda com pinçamento arterial braquiocefálico (Grupo I e à hipotermia sistêmica profunda associada à perfusão seletiva da carótida direita (Grupo II. Foram analisadas amostras seriadas das alterações metabólicas de pH e PaCO2 que ocorreram no retorno venoso cerebral aferidas na veia julgular interna, bem como as alterações histopatológicas encontradas com 45 min., 90 min. e 135 min. de cada procedimento. Os resultados demonstram que, apesar de ambos os métodos de proteção cerebral serem eficazes por um período de 45 minutos, o método utilizado no Grupo II mostrou ser superior em períodos de até 90 minutos de isquemia cerebral. Em períodos de 135 minutos os métodos tiveram resultados semelhantes, não oferecendo proteção cerebral adequada.The authors proposition is to make an experimental study of two methods of cerebral protection to be used during aortic arch aneurysm resection. The methods to be evaluated were profound systemic hypothermia (under 20ºC whith great vessels occlusion and profound systemic hypothermia with selective right carotid artery perfusion. Two groups of 15 dogs each were submitted either to profound systemic hypothermia with great vessels occlusion (Group I, or to profound systemic hypothermia with selective right carotid artery perfusion (Group II. Serial jugular vein samples for pH and PaCO2 were analyzed to evaluate ischemic cerebral metabolic derangements. Hystopathological studies were also performed 45, 90 and 135 minutes, through animal sacrifice in each

  5. Effects of intermittent theta burst stimulation on cerebral blood flow and cerebral vasomotor reactivity. (United States)

    Pichiorri, Floriana; Vicenzini, Edoardo; Gilio, Francesca; Giacomelli, Elena; Frasca, Vittorio; Cambieri, Chiara; Ceccanti, Marco; Di Piero, Vittorio; Inghilleri, Maurizio


    To determine whether intermittent theta burst stimulation influences cerebral hemodynamics, we investigated changes induced by intermittent theta burst stimulation on the middle cerebral artery cerebral blood flow velocity and vasomotor reactivity to carbon dioxide (CO(2)) in healthy participants. The middle cerebral artery flow velocity and vasomotor reactivity were monitored by continuous transcranial Doppler sonography. Changes in cortical excitability were tested by transcranial magnetic stimulation. In 11 healthy participants, before and immediately after delivering intermittent theta burst stimulation, we tested cortical excitability measured by the resting motor threshold and motor evoked potential amplitude over the stimulated hemisphere and vasomotor reactivity to CO(2) bilaterally. The blood flow velocity was monitored in both middle cerebral arteries throughout the experimental session. In a separate session, we tested the effects of sham stimulation under the same experimental conditions. Whereas the resting motor threshold remained unchanged before and after stimulation, motor evoked potential amplitudes increased significantly (P = .04). During and after stimulation, middle cerebral artery blood flow velocities also remained bilaterally unchanged, whereas vasomotor reactivity to CO(2) increased bilaterally (P = .04). The sham stimulation left all variables unchanged. The expected intermittent theta burst stimulation-induced changes in cortical excitability were not accompanied by changes in cerebral blood flow velocities; however, the bilateral increased vasomotor reactivity suggests that intermittent theta burst stimulation influences the cerebral microcirculation, possibly involving subcortical structures. These findings provide useful information on hemodynamic phenomena accompanying intermittent theta burst stimulation, which should be considered in research aimed at developing this noninvasive, low-intensity stimulation technique for safe

  6. Papel de la plasticidad cerebral en las alteraciones del neurodesarrollo: autismo y retraso mental


    Miranda García, Rubén


    La plasticidad cerebral es la propiedad que permite al cerebro adaptarse a las condiciones cambiantes del ambiente y de la experiencia, y es el mecanismo que permite su readaptación o reparación ante lesiones. Tal flexibilidad del cerebro puede expresarse tanto a nivel celular, incluyendo procesos de neurogénesis, como o a nivel sináptico, implicando cambios en la estructura y función de las conexiones neuronales. Numerosos trastornos del neurodesarrollo, inducidos por distintas mutaciones ge...

  7. Patologia de neonatos bovinos originados por meio da técnica de transferência nuclear de células somáticas: clonagem

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    Caio Rodrigues dos Santos


    Full Text Available Os mecanismos de morte em animais clonados a partir de células somáticas são poucos elucidados. Malformações de órgãos, alterações de tamanho e peso desses animais foram anomalias já descritas, porém em casos isolados. Desse modo, estudos nos níveis anatomo e histopatológicos são de suma importância para ajudar a compreensão dos fatores responsáveis pelos altos índices de insucessos com a utilização da TNCS (transferência nuclear de células somáticas. Assim, o presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de descrever, por meio de exames anatomopatológicos, as alterações presentes em um grupo de animais gerados por TNCS, que vieram a óbito entre 1 e 19 dias de vida. Esse experimento foi realizado entre os anos de 2004 e 2008 na fazenda Tambaú, cidade de Tambaú, Estado de São Paulo. No total foram gerados 21 animais da raça Nelore (Bos indicus, sendo que 11 vieram a óbito e dez apresentaram boa evolução clínica no período perinatal. Foram realizadas as necropsias dos animais e posterior análise histopatológica de tecidos alterados. Esse estudo mostrou alta prevalência de alterações cardiopulmonares, que provavelmente foram determinantes nos mecanismos de morte dos animais. Dentre essas alterações a hipertensão pulmonar e modificações hemodinâmicas diagnosticadas através do exame histopatológico foram as mais frequentes.

  8. Medida da velocidade de fluxo nas artérias cerebrais utilizando ultra-som Doppler transfontanela antes e após o tratamento cirúrgico da hidrocefalia

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    Full Text Available Vinte e sete crianças portadoras de hidrocefalia de diversas etiologias, diagnosticadas pelo exame clínico, neurosonografia e tomografia cerebral computadorizada, foram submetidas a avaliação por ultra-som Doppler (US-Doppler transfontanela para medida da velocidade de fluxo sanguíneo e cálculo do índice de resistência (IR nas artérias cerebrais anteriores, médias e carótidas internas. Todas as crianças foram submetidas a avaliações no pré-operatório e no 1º, 7º, 30º e 60º dias do pós-operatório. Concluímos ser a técnica de neurosonografia e US-Doppler útil no diagnóstico da hidrocefalia, na indicação e controle das derivações liquóricas e no acompanhamento das modificações dos valores do IR comparando-os no pré e pós-operatório imediato e tardio do tratamento cirúrgico da hidrocefalia. Os resultados obtidos permitiram-nos ainda, pela comparação dos valores do IR entre as diversas artérias avaliadas nos diferentes estágios do estudo, concluir serem as artérias cerebrais anteriores representativas das alterações máximas que ocorrem na resistência vascular cerebral em pacientes pediátricos portadores de hidrocefalia.

  9. Quantification of extra-cerebral and cerebral hemoglobin concentrations during physical exercise using time-domain near infrared spectroscopy. (United States)

    Auger, Héloïse; Bherer, Louis; Boucher, Étienne; Hoge, Richard; Lesage, Frédéric; Dehaes, Mathieu


    Fitness is known to have beneficial effects on brain anatomy and function. However, the understanding of mechanisms underlying immediate and long-term neurophysiological changes due to exercise is currently incomplete due to the lack of tools to investigate brain function during physical activity. In this study, we used time-domain near infrared spectroscopy (TD-NIRS) to quantify and discriminate extra-cerebral and cerebral hemoglobin concentrations and oxygen saturation ( SO 2 ) in young adults at rest and during incremental intensity exercise. In extra-cerebral tissue, an increase in deoxy-hemoglobin ( HbR ) and a decrease in SO 2 were observed while only cerebral HbR increased at high intensity exercise. Results in extra-cerebral tissue are consistent with thermoregulatory mechanisms to dissipate excess heat through skin blood flow, while cerebral changes are in agreement with cerebral blood flow ( CBF ) redistribution mechanisms to meet oxygen demand in activated regions during exercise. No significant difference was observed in oxy- ( HbO 2 ) and total hemoglobin ( HbT ). In addition HbO 2 , HbR and HbT increased with subject's peak power output (equivalent to the maximum oxygen volume consumption; VO 2 peak) supporting previous observations of increased total mass of red blood cells in trained individuals. Our results also revealed known gender differences with higher hemoglobin in men. Our approach in quantifying both extra-cerebral and cerebral absolute hemoglobin during exercise may help to better interpret past and future continuous-wave NIRS studies that are prone to extra-cerebral contamination and allow a better understanding of acute cerebral changes due to physical exercise.

  10. Sodium transport through the cerebral sodium-glucose transporter exacerbates neuron damage during cerebral ischaemia. (United States)

    Yamazaki, Yui; Harada, Shinichi; Wada, Tetsuyuki; Yoshida, Shigeru; Tokuyama, Shogo


    We recently demonstrated that the cerebral sodium-glucose transporter (SGLT) is involved in postischaemic hyperglycaemia-induced exacerbation of cerebral ischaemia. However, the associated SGLT-mediated mechanisms remain unclear. Thus, we examined the involvement of cerebral SGLT-induced excessive sodium ion influx in the development of cerebral ischaemic neuronal damage. [Na+]i was estimated according to sodium-binding benzofuran isophthalate fluorescence. In the in vitro study, primary cortical neurons were prepared from fetuses of ddY mice. Primary cortical neurons were cultured for 5 days before each treatment with reagents, and these survival rates were assessed using biochemical assays. In in vivo study, a mouse model of focal ischaemia was generated using middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). In these experiments, treatment with high concentrations of glucose induced increment in [Na+]i, and this phenomenon was suppressed by the SGLT-specific inhibitor phlorizin. SGLT-specific sodium ion influx was induced using a-methyl-D-glucopyranoside (a-MG) treatments, which led to significant concentration-dependent declines in neuronal survival rates and exacerbated hydrogen peroxide-induced neuronal cell death. Moreover, phlorizin ameliorated these effects. Finally, intracerebroventricular administration of a-MG exacerbated the development of neuronal damage induced by MCAO, and these effects were ameliorated by the administration of phlorizin. Hence, excessive influx of sodium ions into neuronal cells through cerebral SGLT may exacerbate the development of cerebral ischaemic neuronal damage. © 2016 Royal Pharmaceutical Society.

  11. Cirurgia do arco aórtico com perfusão cerebral bilateral pelo isolamento do tronco braquiocefálico e da artéria carótida esquerda Aortic arch surgery with bilateral cerebral perfusion by isolation of brachiocephalic trunk and left carotid artery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valdo José Carreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar os resultados da técnica descrita por Carreira et al. com utilização de perfusão cerebral seletiva bilateral (PCSAB pelo isolamento do tronco braquiocefálico e artéria carótida esquerda. MÉTODOS: Quinze pacientes foram operados consecutivamente entre de junho de 2005 e setembro de 2007. Os dados foram analisados por programa informatizado Epi Info e significância estatística com p0,05. CONCLUSÃO: A técnica de PCSAB é reprodutível e apresenta resultados semelhantes aos da literatura mundial. A excelente evolução neurológica e o fácil controle de sangramentos nas linhas de sutura podem ter contribuído com os resultados obtidos.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of a technique described by Carreira et al. using bilateral antegrade selective cerebral perfusion by isolating the brachiocephalic trunk and the left carotid artery. METHODS: Fifteen patients were operated between June 2005 and September 2007. Data analysis were performed using Epi Info and statistical significance was set at p0.05. CONCLUSION: The technique of bilateral selective cerebral perfusion described by Carreira et al. can be performed by others and presents similar results to the international literature. The excellent neurological outcome and easy bleeding control on surgical sutures lines are the major advantages of this new procedure.

  12. Edema pulmonar assimétrico por pressão negativa pós-obstrução de via aérea superior: relato de caso Edema pulmonar asimétrico por presión negativa pós-obstrucción aguda de vía aérea superior: relato de caso Asymmetric negative pressure pulmonary edema after acute upper airway obstruction: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aldo José Peixoto


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Edema pulmonar por pressão negativa pós-obstrução de via aérea é atualmente uma entidade bem descrita, porém, provavelmente pouco diagnosticada e os casos pouco publicados. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar um caso de edema pulmonar por pressão negativa pós-obstrução de via aérea superior, cuja principal característica foi a assimetria do edema pulmonar, sendo muito mais acentuado no pulmão direito. RELATO DO CASO: Menino de 4 anos, 17 kg, estado físico ASA I, foi submetido a adenoamigdalectomia e cauterização de cornetos, sob anestesia geral com sevoflurano/óxido nitroso/O2. A cirurgia durou 1 hora e 30 minutos sem qualquer intercorrência. Com a superficialização da anestesia o paciente, ventilando espontaneamente, reagiu ao tubo traqueal, que foi retirado. Após isto, os esforços ventilatórios resultaram em retração da parede torácica, sem aparente movimento de ar, sendo impossível ventilá-lo com máscara facial, ocorrendo hipoxemia grave (SpO2 de 50%, necessitando ser reintubado. Neste momento foi verificado que o pulmão se encontrava mais duro e havia estertores bilateralmente, caracterizando edema pulmonar. Uma radiografia de tórax mostrou infiltrado pulmonar difuso bilateralmente, porém, com atelectasia do lobo superior direito, mostrando acentuada assimetria do edema pulmonar. O paciente teve que ser ventilado mecanicamente com PEEP durante 20 horas, quando foi extubado. Houve melhora progressiva do edema pulmonar, recebendo alta em 48 horas. CONCLUSÕES: O edema pulmonar por pressão negativa é uma entidade rara com alto grau de morbidade, pouco diagnosticada e exige do anestesiologista conhecimento atualizado e tratamento adequado. Costuma ser bilateral, raramente unilateral e excepcionalmente com expressiva assimetria como no nosso relato. A maioria dos casos é tratada com suporte ventilatório com PEEP ou CPAP, não necessitando de qualquer outra terapia. O prognóstico

  13. Síndrome Poliglandular Autoinmune Tipo II: Posible Asociación con HLA DRB1*-DQB1* Possible association of Type II Autoimmune Polyendrocrine Syndrome with HLA DRB1*-DQB1*


    M.S. Mallea Gil; M.C. Ballarino; M.M. Aparicio; K. Bertini; M.C. Ridruejo; S. Gimenez; P. Galarza; A. Perusco; S. Roveto; D. Rimoldi


    Los síndromes poliendocrinos autoinmunes (APS) asocian enfermedades endocrinas autoinmunes con otros desórdenes autoinmunes no endocrinos. El APS tipo II se caracteriza por compromiso primario suprarrenal, tiroideo y/o DM tipo I. Presentamos un paciente masculino de 46 años que fue internado por astenia, adinamia, hiporexia, severa disminución de peso, mareos y vómitos. Antecedente de obesidad y diabetes diagnosticada 3 años antes. Presentaba hipotensión arterial, hiperpigmentación de mucosas...

  14. Estudio de la densidad ósea en niños y adolescentes con afectación moderada y severa por parálisis cerebral


    Tatay Díaz, Ángela


    Falta palabras claves El término Parálisis Cerebral describe un grupo de trastornos permanentes del movimiento y la postura que provocan limitación de la actividad y que son secundarios a un daño puntual y no progresivo en el cerebro en desarrollo. Los trastornos motores de la Parálisis Cerebral se acompañan con frecuencia de alteraciones sensitivas, perceptivas, cognitivas, de la comunicación y el comportamiento, epilepsia y problemas secundarios a nivel del sistema musculoesquelético. ...

  15. Therapeutic interventions in cerebral palsy. (United States)

    Patel, Dilip R


    Various therapeutic interventions have been used in the management of children with cerebral palsy. Traditional physiotherapy and occupational therapy are widely used interventions and have been shown to be of benefit in the treatment of cerebral palsy. Evidence in support of the effectiveness of the neurodevelopmental treatment is equivocal at best. There is evidence to support the use and effectiveness of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in children with cerebral palsy. The effectiveness of many other interventions used in the treatment of cerebral palsy has not been clearly established based on well-controlled trials. These include: sensory integration, body-weight support treadmill training, conductive education, constraint-induced therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and the Vojta method. This article provides an overview of salient aspects of popular interventions used in the management of children with cerebral palsy.

  16. Nanomedicine in cerebral palsy

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    Balakrishnan B


    Full Text Available Bindu Balakrishnan,1 Elizabeth Nance,1 Michael V Johnston,2 Rangaramanujam Kannan,3 Sujatha Kannan1 1Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins University; Baltimore, MD, USA; 2Department of Neurology and Pediatrics, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA; 3Department of Ophthalmology, Center for Nanomedicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA Abstract: Cerebral palsy is a chronic childhood disorder that can have diverse etiologies. Injury to the developing brain that occurs either in utero or soon after birth can result in the motor, sensory, and cognitive deficits seen in cerebral palsy. Although the etiologies for cerebral palsy are variable, neuroinflammation plays a key role in the pathophysiology of the brain injury irrespective of the etiology. Currently, there is no effective cure for cerebral palsy. Nanomedicine offers a new frontier in the development of therapies for prevention and treatment of brain injury resulting in cerebral palsy. Nanomaterials such as dendrimers provide opportunities for the targeted delivery of multiple drugs that can mitigate several pathways involved in injury and can be delivered specifically to the cells that are responsible for neuroinflammation and injury. These materials also offer the opportunity to deliver agents that would promote repair and regeneration in the brain, resulting not only in attenuation of injury, but also enabling normal growth. In this review, the current advances in nanotechnology for treatment of brain injury are discussed with specific relevance to cerebral palsy. Future directions that would facilitate clinical translation in neonates and children are also addressed. Keywords: dendrimer, cerebral palsy, neuroinflammation, nanoparticle, neonatal brain injury, G4OH-PAMAM

  17. Cerebral oxygen metabolism and cerebral blood flow in man during light sleep (stage 2)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, P L; Schmidt, J F; Holm, S


    We measured cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) during light sleep (stage 2) in 8 young healthy volunteers using the Kety-Schmidt technique with 133Xe as the inert gas. Measurements were performed during wakefulness and light sleep as verified by standard...... polysomnography. Unlike our previous study in man showing a highly significant 25% decrease in CMRO2 during deep sleep (stage 3-4) we found a modest but statistically significant decrease of 5% in CMRO2 during stage 2 sleep. Deep and light sleep are both characterized by an almost complete lack of mental activity....... They differ in respect of arousal threshold as a stronger stimulus is required to awaken a subject from deep sleep as compared to light sleep. Our results suggest that during non-rapid eye movement sleep cerebral metabolism and thereby cerebral synaptic activity is correlated to cerebral readiness rather than...

  18. Cerebral fat embolism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakamoto, Toshihisa; Sawada, Yusuke; Yukioka, Tetsuo; Nishide, Kazuyuki; Yoshioka, Toshiharu


    A case of cerebral fat embolism is reported. A 18-year-old patient with multiple bone fractures was in semiconma immediately after an injury. Brain CT showed no brain swelling or intracranial hematoma. Hypoxemia and alcoholemia were noted on admission, which returned to normal without improvement of consciousness level. In addition, respiratory symptoms with positive radiographic changes, tachycardia, pyrexia, sudden drop in hemoglobin level, and sudden thrombocytopenia developed. These symptoms were compatible with Gurd's criteria of systemic fat embolism. Eight days after injury, multiple low density areas appeared on CT and disappeared within the subsequent two weeks, and subdural effusion with cerebral atrophy developed. These CT findings were not considered due to cerebral trauma. Diagnosis of cerebral fat embolism was made. The subdural effusion was drained. Neurologic and pulmonary recoveries took place slowly and one month following the injury the patient became alert and exhibited fully coordinated limb movement. The CT scans of the present case well corresponded with hitherto reported pathological findings. Petechiae in the white matter must have developed on the day of injury, which could not be detected by CT examination. It is suggested that some petechial regions fused to purpuras and then gradually resolved when they were detected as multiple low density areas on CT. CT in the purpuras phase would have shown these lesions as high density areas. These lesions must have healed with formation of tiny scars and blood pigment which were demonstrated as the disappearance of multiple low density areas by CT examination. Cerebral atrophy and subsequent subdural effusion developed as a result of demyelination. The patient took the typical clinical course of cerebral fat embolism and serial CT scans served for its assessment. (author)

  19. "Encierro sobre el encierro" aislamiento por tuberculosis. Centro penitenciario Medellín Colombia

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    Laura María Almeida Rueda


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las personas privadas de la libertad diagnosticadas con tuberculosis son aisladas para evitar el contagio a otros internos y a los guardianes, a esta situación los participantes le dan significados que pueden ayudar en el diseño de programas para el control de la tuberculosis en centros penitenciarios. Objetivo: Comprender el significado que las personas privadas de la libertad, le dan al aislamiento a que se deben someter durante el tratamiento de la tuberculosis. Metodología: Se utilizó la investigación cualitativa con enfoque etnográfico, se realizaron 14 entrevistas y 400 horas de observación. Se llevó diario de campo. Hallazgos: Las personas privadas de la libertad diagnosticadas con tuberculosis son llevadas a un lugar de aislamiento que favorece la curación y al mismo tiempo genera discriminación. El aislamiento es considerado un "encierro sobre el encierro". Este trae consecuencias físicas, socio-culturales y psicológicas. Para disminuir el impacto buscan distracción y cuando ven síntomas de recuperación lo toman con paciencia. Conclusión: El aislamiento se ve desde dos perspectivas: la comodidad y tener que soportar el encierro y la discriminación. Genera conflictos y alteraciones en la salud física y mental

  20. Diagnóstico y tratamiento de los aneurismas saculares de la arteria cerebral anterior

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    Raúl F. Matera


    Full Text Available Hacemos un estudio anátomo-funcional de la arteria cerebral anterior recalcando la importancia que tiene la ligadura de esta arteria. Sintetizamos la patogenia de los aneurismas en cuatro hechos fundamentales: los aneurismas vestigiales originados en brotes vasculares no desarrollados o que no han involucionado normalmente; la falta de desarrollo de la túnica elástica en la zona de bifurcación de los grandes vasos; la arterioesclerosis; los procesos inflamatorios de la túnica media (sífilis y micosis. Hacemos un estudio clínico de los aneurismas del complejo cerebral-comunicante anterior, llamando la atención sobre aquellos en los que, a las hemorragias subaracnoidales, se asocian manifestaciones en el fondo de ojo, trastornos psíquicos y fenómenos motores. Llamamos la atención sobre las formas pseudo-tumorales quiasmáticas y los denominados aneurismas trombosantes que originan el síndrome progresivo fronto-cíngulo-calloso. Estudiamos la radiología simple de los aneurismas de esta región, llamando la atención sobre las calcificaciones cirsoideas suprasellares y los fenómenos de erosión de la silla turca. Llamamos la atención sobre la importancia de la arteriografía para confirmar el diagnóstico, estudiar la circulación colateral, el tamaño, la forma y el pedículo del aneurisma, elementos fundamentales para el plan operatório. En el tratamiento quirúrgico descartamos, por ineficaz, la ligadura de la carótida interna en el cuello. Es fundamental el abordaje intracraneano por vía subfrontal en los aneurismas de la porción précomunicante y comunicante con desarrollo hacia abajo, mientras que, la via sagital-frontal se utilizará en los aneurismas de desarrollo hacia arriba ya sea de la comunicante o de la porción distal de la arteria cerebral anterior o sus ramas. Insistimos sobre un hecho muy importante cual es la anestesia y, en especial, el uso de la hipotensión controlada, insistiendo de que la tensión se

  1. Listeriosis cerebral en el modelo murino : patogénesis y prevención


    Frande Cabanes, Elisabet


    RESUMEN: La microglía, células inmunes innatas del cerebro, juega un papel central en la listeriosis cerebral. En este trabajo se muestra como la microglía controla la infección por Listeria de manera diferente que los macrófagos. La infección de cultivos primarios microgliales y de líneas celulares murinas con Listeria dio lugar a dos patrones de expresión de genes implicados en la respuesta inmune en macrófagos. Mientras que el gen bacteriano hly parece ser responsable de ambos patrones tra...

  2. Imaging findings and cerebral perfusion in arterial ischemic stroke due to transient cerebral arteriopathy in children; Achados de imagem e perfusao arterial cerebral em acidente vascular cerebral isquemico devido a arteriopatia transitoria em crianca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barbosa Junior, Alcino Alves, E-mail: [Departamento de Diagnostico por Imagem, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein - HIAE, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Ellovitch, Saada Resende de Souza [Neuropediatria, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein - HIAE, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Pincerato, Rita de Cassia Maciel [Hospital Samaritano, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    We report the case of a 4-year-old female child who developed an arterial ischemic stroke in the left middle cerebral artery territory, due to a proximal stenosis of the supraclinoid internal carotid artery, most probably related to transient cerebral arteriopathy of childhood. Computed tomography scan, magnetic resonance imaging, perfusion magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance angiography are presented, as well as follow-up by magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance angiography exams. Changes in cerebral perfusion and diffusion-perfusion mismatch call attention. As far as we know, this is the first report of magnetic resonance perfusion findings in transient cerebral arteriopathy. (author)

  3. Prediction of cerebral ischemia due to cerebral vasospasm in SAH using SPECT and sup 123 I-IMP with acetazolamide test

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakagawara, Jyoji; Wada, Keiji; Takeda, Rihei; Usami, Takashi; Hashimoto, Ikuo; Shimazaki, Mitsuteru; Tanaka, Chiharu; Nakamura, Jun-ichi (Nakamura Memorial Hospital, Sapporo (Japan)); Suematsu, Katsumi


    To investigate the possibility of predicting cerebral ischemia due to cerebral vasospasm in subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), serial evaluation of the cerebral vasodilatory capacity by the acetazolamide test was conducted, using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and N-isopropyl {sup 123}I-p-iodoamphetamine (IMP), in 17 patients with cerebral vasospasm following early surgery for ruptured aneurysms. The degree of vasospasm measured on the angiograms was classified into the following three types; mild degree (25%>stenosis), moderate degree (25{approx}50% stenosis), and severe degree(50%cerebral vasodilatory capacity was preserved at the normal level during the period of vasospasm. In eight patients with asymptomatic vasospasm (moderate degree), a transient limitation of cerebral vasodiratory capacity was observed between the 6th and 16th day after a rupture of the cerebral aneurysm. In five patients with symptomatic vasospasm resulting in reversible ischemia, a marked limitation of cerebral vasodilatory capacity was noted between the 7th and 15th day, and a delayed recovery of cerebral vasodilatory capacity was observed. This reversibility of cerebral vasodilatory capacity in patients with cerebral vasospasm suggests that a local decrease of purfusion pressure due to cerebral vasospasm causes compensatory vasodilation of intraparenchymal arteries and the vasodilatory reaction to acetazolamide was limited until the release of the cerebral vasospasm. Therefore, assessment of cerebral vasodilatory capacity in SAH by the acetazolamide test might predict the appearance and continuation of potential ischemia of the brain caused by the reduction of perfusion pressure due to cerebral vasospasm. (J.P.N.).

  4. [Monitorization of the effects of spinal anaesthesia on cerebral oxygen saturation in elder patients using near-infrared spectroscopy]. (United States)

    Kusku, Aysegul; Demir, Guray; Cukurova, Zafer; Eren, Gulay; Hergunsel, Oya


    Central blockage provided by spinal anaesthesia enables realization of many surgical procedures, whereas hemodynamic and respiratory changes influence systemic oxygen delivery leading to the potential development of series of problems such as cerebral ischemia, myocardial infarction and acute renal failure. This study was intended to detect potentially adverse effects of hemodynamic and respiratory changes on systemic oxygen delivery using cerebral oxymetric methods in patients who underwent spinal anaesthesia. Twenty-five ASA I-II Group patients aged 65-80 years scheduled for unilateral inguinal hernia repair under spinal anaesthesia were included in the study. Following standard monitorization baseline cerebral oxygen levels were measured using cerebral oximetric methods. Standardized Mini Mental Test (SMMT) was applied before and after the operation so as to determine the level of cognitive functioning of the cases. Using a standard technique and equal amounts of a local anaesthetic drug (15mg bupivacaine 5%) intratechal blockade was performed. Mean blood pressure (MBP), maximum heart rate (MHR), peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) and cerebral oxygen levels (rSO2) were preoperatively monitored for 60min. Pre- and postoperative haemoglobin levels were measured. The variations in data obtained and their correlations with the cerebral oxygen levels were investigated. Significant changes in pre- and postoperative measurements of haemoglobin levels and SMMT scores and intraoperative SpO2 levels were not observed. However, significant variations were observed in intraoperative MBP, MHR and rSO2 levels. Besides, a correlation between variations in rSO2, MBP and MHR was determined. Evaluation of the data obtained in the study demonstrated that post-spinal decline in blood pressure and also heart rate decreases systemic oxygen delivery and adversely effects cerebral oxygen levels. However, this downward change did not result in deterioration of cognitive functioning

  5. !Atención! Tenga precaución con alguien que haya sufrido una conmoción cerebral

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Todos los años, en los Estados Unidos se registran hasta 3.8 millones de casos de conmoción cerebral en actividades deportivas o recreativas. Este Podcast es una entrevista por radio con la Dra. Ileana Arias sobre la iniciativa titulada "Atención: conmoción cerebral en el deporte juvenil" de CDC que ofrece información a los entrenadores, los padres y los atletas sobre prevención, reconocimiento y reacción frente a una conmoción.  Created: 11/1/2007 by National Center for Injury Prevention and Controll (NCIPC).   Date Released: 11/1/2007.

  6. Monitoring of cerebral haemodynamics in newborn infants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liem, K Djien; Greisen, Gorm


    The most important cerebrovascular injuries in newborn infants, particularly in preterm infants, are cerebral haemorrhage and ischemic injury. The typical cerebral vascular anatomy and the disturbance of cerebral haemodynamics play important roles in the pathophysiology. The term 'cerebral haemod...

  7. [A case of severe asthma exacerbation complicated with cerebral edema and diffuse multiple cerebral micro-bleeds]. (United States)

    Ohkura, Noriyuki; Fujimura, Masaki; Sakai, Asao; Fujita, Kentaro; Katayama, Nobuyuki


    A 36-year-old woman was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit for the treatment of severe asthma exacerbation. Her condition of asthma improved with systemic glucocorticosteroids, inhaled beta2-agonist, intravenous theophylline and inhaled anesthesia (isoflurane) under mechanical ventilation. Her consciousness was disturbed even after terminating isoflurane. Brain CT and MRI scan showed cerebral edema and diffuse multiple cerebral micro-bleeds. Glyceol, a hyperosmotic diuretic solution consisting of 10% glycerol and 5% fructose in saline, was administered to decrease cerebral edema. Her consciousness disturbance gradually recovered. Cerebral edema and hemorrhage improved. On the 69th hospital day, she was discharged from hospital without sequelae. This case is a rare one in which severe asthma exacerbation was complicated with cerebral edema and diffuse multiple cerebral hemorrhage. Inhaled anesthesia for asthma exacerbation should be used carefully to avoid delay of diagnosis of central nervous system complications.

  8. Recovery of cerebral blood flow in unilateral chronic subdural hematoma. The correlation with cerebral re-expansion in elders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nemoto, Akio


    CT and SPECT were used to investigate the relationship between cerebral re-expansion and changes in cerebral blood flow underneath hematoma in elderly patients after surgery for chronic unilateral subdural hematoma. I studied 22 patients with mild hematoma, aged 43 to 82 years (mean 67 years). The patients were placed in either Group A (under 70 years) or Group B (70 years or over) to observe postoperative changes. CT and SPECT examinations were conducted before surgery and 1, 7 and 30 days after surgery, 4 times in total. Cerebral re-expansion was represented by the re-expansion rate (PER) comparing the pre- and postoperative thickness of the maximal hematoma in CT images. The rate of cerebral re-expansion was slowed in Group B (p<0.01). Cerebral re-expansion was characterized by biphasic, rapid or gradual re-expansion on postoperative day 1 with a significant difference between groups (p<0.01). Before surgery, cerebral blood flow on the affected side correlated with age (p<0.01), thougn blood flow was diminished in both groups. After surgery, cerebral blood flow on the affected side exceeded that on the unaffected side in Group A and transiently increased on postoperative day 1. Cerebral blood flow improved after surgery in both groups, with a significant difference in those changes over time (p<0.01). In both groups, cerebral re-expansion on postoperative days 7 and 30 correlated with cerebral blood flow on the affected side (p<0.05). The present results suggest that improvement in cerebral blood flow on the affected side is delayed in elderly patients, due to slower postoperative cerebral re-expansion. (author)

  9. Studies of cerebral atrophy and regional cerebral blood flow in patients with Parkinson's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitamura, Shin


    Cerebral atrophy and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) of 25 patients with Parkinson's disease were studied. The rCBF was measured with the intra-arterial Xe-133 injection method. The results obtained were as follows: 1) Sixty four % of Parkinson's disease patients showed ventricular dilation, and 76% of Parkinson's disease patients showed cortical atrophy on the CT scan, but we had to allow for the effects of the natural aging process on these results. 2) No correlation was recognized either between cerebral atrophy and the severity of Parkinson's disease, or between cerebral atrophy and the duration of Parkinson's disease. 3) In Parkinson's disease patients, the mean rCBF was lower than that of normal control subjects. The difference was even more remarkable in older patients. Only 40% of Parkinson's disease patients showed hyperfrontal pattern. 4) There was no correlation either between the mean rCBF and the severity of Parkinson's disease, or between the mean rCBF and the duration of Parkinson's disease. There was no significant difference between the mean rCBF of Parkinson's disease patients receiving levodopa and that of untreated patients. 5) The mean rCBF decreased in patients with cerebral atrophy on the CT scan. 6) Parkinson's disease patients with intellectual impairment showed cerebral atrophy and a remarkable decrease of the mean rCBF. 7) The effect of aging on cerebral atrophy on the CT scan had to be allowed for, but judging from the decrease of the mean rCBF, the cerebral cortex is evidently involved in Parkinson's disease. 8) The rCBF decline in Parkinson's disease patients may be related with the diminished cortical metabolic rate due to a remote effect of striatal dysfunction and a disturbance of mesocortical dopaminergic pathways. (J.P.N.)

  10. Studies of cerebral atrophy and regional cerebral blood flow in patients with Parkinson's disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kitamura, Shin [Nippon Medical School, Tokyo


    Cerebral atrophy and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) of 25 patients with Parkinson's disease were studied. The rCBF was measured with the intra-arterial Xe-133 injection method. The results obtained were as follows: 1) Sixty four % of Parkinson's disease patients showed ventricular dilation, and 76% of Parkinson's disease patients showed cortical atrophy on the CT scan, but we had to allow for the effects of the natural aging process on these results. 2) No correlation was recognized either between cerebral atrophy and the severity of Parkinson's disease, or between cerebral atrophy and the duration of Parkinson's disease. 3) In Parkinson's disease patients, the mean rCBF was lower than that of normal control subjects. The difference was even more remarkable in older patients. Only 40% of Parkinson's disease patients showed hyperfrontal pattern. 4) There was no correlation either between the mean rCBF and the severity of Parkinson's disease, or between the mean rCBF and the duration of Parkinson's disease. There was no significant difference between the mean rCBF of Parkinson's disease patients receiving levodopa and that of untreated patients. 5) The mean rCBF decreased in patients with cerebral atrophy on the CT scan. 6) Parkinson's disease patients with intellectual impairment showed cerebral atrophy and a remarkable decrease of the mean rCBF. 7) The effect of aging on cerebral atrophy on the CT scan had to be allowed for, but judging from the decrease of the mean rCBF, the cerebral cortex is evidently involved in Parkinson's disease. 8) The rCBF decline in Parkinson's disease patients may be related with the diminished cortical metabolic rate due to a remote effect of striatal dysfunction and a disturbance of mesocortical dopaminergic pathways.

  11. Efectos de las terapias ecuestres en personas con parálisis cerebral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Augusto Jiménez de la Fuente


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo es revisar la literatura científica existente a fin de comprobar los efectos de las terapias ecuestres en personas con parálisis cerebral. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en las bases de datos de Medline (PubMed, Dialnet, Scopus, Sportdiscus y Web of Science, estableciendo como criterios de inclusión para seleccionar los estudios clínicos por revisar que estos hubieran sido publicados entre 2001 y 2016, en castellano o inglés. Asimismo, se rechazaron aquellos en los que los sujetos recibieran una combinación de tratamientos farmacológicos. Se revisaron un total de 68 artículos, de los cuales 20 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se analizaron la población objeto de estudio, el tipo de tratamiento, la temporalización y los resultados obtenidos. En general, se observan beneficios significativos en el uso de las terapias ecuestres como tratamiento para personas con parálisis cerebral.

  12. Facilidades e dificuldades da família no cuidado à criança com paralisia cerebral Dificultades y facilidades de la familia en el cuidado a los niños con parálisis cerebral Family's abilities and difficulties in caring for children with cerebral palsy

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    Meryeli Santos de Araújo Dantas


    Full Text Available Pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória, descritiva, que objetivou apreender as facilidades e as dificuldades da família no cuidado às crianças com paralisia cerebral. Os dados foram coletados com sete famílias, entre março e abril de 2009, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. A análise seguiu os princípios da interpretação temática. As dificuldades são mais evidenciadas que as facilidades e trazem repercussões nas atividades de vida diária. Lidar com convulsões de difícil controle, espasticidade, alterações de tônus postural, presença de reflexos primitivos implicam na complexidade em tarefas simples, como alimentação, banho, locomoção, pois as crianças ficam, cada dia, mais dependentes dos cuidadores. Com o tempo, as dificuldades cedem lugar à rotina e à adaptação à vida diária da criança. Estreitar relações com a família, melhorando o vínculo e desenvolvendo ações de qualidade e integrais, promovem o bem-estar da família/criança com paralisia cerebral.Investigación cualitativa, exploratoria-descriptiva que objetivó comprender las facilidades dificultades de la familia en el cuidado a los niños con parálisis cerebral. Los datos fueron recolectados con siete familias, entre marzo y abril del 2009, por medio de entrevista semiestructurada. El análisis siguió los principios de interpretación temática. Las dificultades son más evidenciadas que las facilidades y traen repercusiones en las actividades de la vida diaria. Lidiar con convulsiones de difícil control, espasticidad, alteraciones de tono postural, presencia de reflejos primitivos implica en la complejidad en tareas simples como alimentación, baño, locomoción, pues los niños se vuelven cada día más dependientes de los cuidadores. Con el tiempo las dificultades ceden lugar a la rutina y adaptación a la vida diaria de los niños. Estrechar relaciones con la familia, mejorando el vínculo y desarrollando acciones de calidad e integrales

  13. Cerebral blood measurements in cerebral vascular disease: methodological and clinical aspects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fieschi, C.; Lenzi, G.L.


    This paper is devoted mainly to studies performed on acute cerebral vascular disease with the invasive techniques for the measurement of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). The principles of the rCBF method are outlined and the following techniques are described in detail: xenon-133 inhalation method, xenon-133 intravenous method and emission tomography methods. (C.F.)

  14. Efecto de la infección por el virus de la rabia sobre la expresión de parvoalbúmina, calbindina y calretinina en la corteza cerebral de ratones.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Orlando Torres-Fernández


    Full Text Available Algunas manifestaciones clínicas de la rabia, así como los resultados de experimentos con cultivos celulares y animales de laboratorio han llevado a sugerir que el virus de la rabia afecta la neurotransmisión gabaérgica. En la corteza cerebral existen diferentes tipos de neuronas que sintetizan el neurotransmisor GABA. Éstas se pueden identificar con marcadores neuronales, entre los que se destacan tres proteínas ligadoras de calcio: la parvoalbúmina (PV, la calbindina (CB y la calretinina (CR. El virus de la rabia se disemina a través de la corteza cerebral pero se desconocen sus posibles efectos citopáticos sobre las neuronas gabaérgicas. Para evaluar el efecto de la rabia sobre estas neuronas, se estudió mediante inmunohistoquímica la expresión de PV, CB y CR en la corteza frontal de ratones normales y ratones infectados con virus 'calle' o virus 'fijo' de la rabia. La PV se expresó en neuronas multipolares dispersas regularmente entre las capas II y VI, y en botones sinápticos que bordeaban el soma de las neuronas piramidales. La inmunorreactividad a CB se manifestó en dos franjas corticales: la primera, en las capas supragranulares II y III en neuronas con somas redondeados e inmersos en un neuropilo intensamente marcado; la segunda, en las capas infragranulares V y VI en neuronas multipolares dispersas y rodeadas por un neuropilo menos reactivo. La CR se expresó en neuronas bipolares con somas fusiformes distribuidas en las seis capas corticales, pero concentradas principalmente en las capas II y III. Hubo una característica común en las muestras infectadas con los dos tipos de virus: la inmunotinción a PV fue más intensa que en las muestras normales. La infección derivada del virus 'calle' no causó alteraciones adicionales en la expresión de las tres proteínas. En contraste, la infección con virus 'fijo' produjo una reducción notable del número de neuronas CB+, así como de la inmunorreactividad a CB en el

  15. CT classification and clinical prognosis of cerebral infarction in the area of middle cerebral artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konno, Jyoji


    Computerized tomographies (CT) were repeatedly scanned on 70 patients with cerebral infarction in the middle cerebral artery. Low density area (LDA) was measured with HounFsfield's Unit (HU) and studied on the progressive changes. Classification of LDA was attempted and studied on correlation with mass effect, contrast enhancement, angiographical findings, clinical symptoms and prognosis. It was considered that important points of diagnosis of cerebral infarction were timing of examination of CT and determination of LDA with HUF. It was also thought that CT classification of LDA was usefull to estimate prognosis of the patients with cerebral infarction. (author)

  16. Relation of plasma homocyst(e)ine to cerebral infarction and cerebral atherosclerosis. (United States)

    Yoo, J H; Chung, C S; Kang, S S


    A number of investigations support the theory that the elevated plasma homocyst(e)ine is associated with occlusive vascular disease. The aim of this study is to examine whether moderate hyperhomocyst(e)inemia is an independent risk factor for cerebral infarction. In addition, we examined the association between plasma homocyst(e)ine and the severity of cerebral atherosclerosis. We conducted a hospital-based case-control study with 140 male controls and 78 male patients with nonfatal cerebral infarction, aged between 39 and 82 years. Plasma homocyst(e)ine levels were analyzed in 218 subjects. Fifty-five patients were evaluated for cerebral vascular stenosis by MR angiography. The mean plasma level of homocyst(e)ine was higher in cases than in controls (11.8+/-5.6 versus 9.6+/-4.1 micromol/L; P=0.002). The proportion of subjects with moderate hyperhomocyst(e)inemia was significantly higher in cases than in controls (16.7% versus 5.0%; P=0.004). Based on the logistic regression model, the odds ratio of the highest 5% of homocyst(e)ine levels in control group was 4.17 (95% confidence interval, 3.71 to 4. 71)(P=0.0001). After additional adjustment for total cholesterol, hypertension, smoking, diabetes, and age, the odds ratio was 1.70 (95% confidence interval, 1.48 to 1.95) (P=0.0001). The plasma homocyst(e)ine levels of patients having vessels with 3 or 2 stenosed sites were significantly higher than those of patients having vessels with 1 stenosed site or normal vessels (14.6+/-1.4, 11.0+/-1.4 versus 7.8+/-1.5, 8.9+/-1.4 micromol/L respectively; P<0. 02). Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that moderate hyperhomocyst(e)ienemia was significantly associated with the number of stenosed vessels (P=0.001). These findings suggest that moderate hyperhomocyst(e)inemia is an independent risk factor for cerebral infarction and may predict the severity of cerebral atherosclerosis in patients with cerebral infarction.

  17. Molecular pathophysiology of cerebral edema (United States)

    Gerzanich, Volodymyr; Simard, J Marc


    Advancements in molecular biology have led to a greater understanding of the individual proteins responsible for generating cerebral edema. In large part, the study of cerebral edema is the study of maladaptive ion transport. Following acute CNS injury, cells of the neurovascular unit, particularly brain endothelial cells and astrocytes, undergo a program of pre- and post-transcriptional changes in the activity of ion channels and transporters. These changes can result in maladaptive ion transport and the generation of abnormal osmotic forces that, ultimately, manifest as cerebral edema. This review discusses past models and current knowledge regarding the molecular and cellular pathophysiology of cerebral edema. PMID:26661240

  18. Symptomatic Cerebral Vasospasm and Delayed Cerebral Ischemia Following Transsphenoidal Resection of a Craniopharyngioma. (United States)

    Ricarte, Irapuá Ferreira; Funchal, Bruno F; Miranda Alves, Maramélia A; Gomes, Daniela L; Valiente, Raul A; Carvalho, Flávio A; Silva, Gisele S


    Vasospasm has been rarely described as a complication associated with craniopharyngioma surgery. Herein we describe a patient who developed symptomatic vasospasm and delayed cerebral ischemia after transsphenoidal surgery for a craniopharyngioma. A 67-year-old woman became drowsy 2 weeks after a transsphenoidal resection of a craniopharyngioma. A head computed tomography (CT) was unremarkable except for postoperative findings. Electroencephalogram and laboratory studies were within the normal limits. A repeated CT scan 48 hours after the initial symptoms showed bilateral infarcts in the territory of the anterior cerebral arteries (ACA). Transcranial Doppler (TCD) showed increased blood flow velocities in both anterior cerebral arteries (169 cm/second in the left ACA and 145 cm/second in the right ACA) and right middle cerebral artery (164 cm/second) compatible with vasospasm. A CT angiography confirmed the findings. She was treated with induced hypertension and her level of consciousness improved. TCD velocities normalized after 2 weeks. Cerebral vasospasm should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with altered neurologic status in the postoperative period following a craniopharyngioma resection. Copyright © 2015 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Cerebral blood flow and metabolism during isoflurane-induced hypotension in patients subjected to surgery for cerebral aneurysms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, J B; Cold, G E; Hansen, E S


    Cerebral blood flow and cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen were measured during isoflurane-induced hypotension in 10 patients subjected to craniotomy for clipping of a cerebral aneurysm. Flow and metabolism were measured 5-13 days after the subarachnoid haemorrhage by a modification of the classi......Cerebral blood flow and cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen were measured during isoflurane-induced hypotension in 10 patients subjected to craniotomy for clipping of a cerebral aneurysm. Flow and metabolism were measured 5-13 days after the subarachnoid haemorrhage by a modification......). Controlled hypotension to an average MAP of 50-55 mm Hg was induced by increasing the dose of isoflurane, and maintained at an inspired concentration of 2.2 +/- 0.2%. This resulted in a significant decrease in CMRO2 (to 1.73 +/- 0.16 ml/100 g min-1), while CBF was unchanged. After the clipping...

  20. A clinical study of cerebral vaso paralysis during a period of cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Toshiichi; Sasaki, Takehiko; Nakagawara, Jyoji


    We employ the 123 I-infinitum (Imp) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) dual table autoradiography (Arg) method and stereotactic extraction estimation (SEE) analysis 7 or 8 days after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) onset to predict cerebral vasospasm. We report new findings of cerebral vasoparalysis during a period of cerebral vasospasm after SAH. From January 1, 2005 to April 30, 2008, we encountered 330 cases of aneurysmal SAH, and treated 285 cases. Of these, 65 were excluded as unsuitable for this study, for reasons such as lack of SPECT data, external decompression, admission over 7 days from SAH onset. We studied 220 cases treated by microsurgical clipping (n=178) or endovascular coil embolization (n=42). Vasoparalysis was defined as a rise in resting cerebral blood flow (CBF) and a loss of vascular reserve on SEE analysis of CBF-SPECT. Vasoparalysis occurred in 15 cases (6.8%). Of these, 9 cases (60.0%) had cerebral hematoma, temporary clips had been used in the operation for 8 cases (53.3%), 9 cases (60.0%) experienced postoperative cerebral infarction, and 3 cases (20.0%) had postoperative convulsions. Vasoparalysis occurs in relation to perioperative cerebral damage. In terms of the loss of vascular reserve following SAH, vasoparalysis resembles hemodynamic cerebral ischemia, although the conditions are quite different. Differentiating between these 2 conditions is important, as different forms of management are required. Dual table ARG and SEE analysis are very useful for the evaluating these 2 conditions. (author)

  1. Cerebral toksoplasmose primaert diagnosticeret som tumor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cortsen, M E; Skøt, J; Skriver, E B


    Three cases of cerebral toxoplasmosis as the presenting manifestation of AIDS are reported. The initial diagnoses were brain tumors because of the cerebral mass lesions which resembled glioblastoma. In the light of the increasing occurrence of AIDS, attention is drawn to cerebral toxoplasmosis...

  2. Síndrome de Aicardi: Presentación de un caso clínico y revisión de la literatura


    Villarreal-Ybazeta, Miguel A; Tirado-Chavarría, Felicitas A; Calderón-Alarcón, Nila E


    El síndrome de Aicardi (SA), es una rara enfermedad neurogenética, diagnosticada clínicamente por la triada clásica de agenesia del cuerpo calloso, espasmos infantiles y lagunas corioretinales. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue presentar el espectro clínico y la evolución de este trastorno en un caso. Reportamos una lactante de dos meses, de malformaciones cerebrales múltiples, que ingresa a emergencia por presentar crisis convulsivas. Durante la hospitalización, los hallazgos clínicos - ele...

  3. Clinical significance of determination of plasma NPY levels and serum lipid profile in patients with cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Fujuan; Shen Airong; Yang Yongqing


    Objective: To study the clinical significance of changes of plasma NPY levels and serum lipid profile in patients with cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction. Methods: Plasma NPY levels (with RIA) and serum lipid profile (with biochemistry) were determined in (1) 48 patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage (2) 46 patients with acute cerebral infarction and (3) controls.Results Plasma NPY levels in both patients with cerebral hemorrhage and patients with cerebral infarction were significantly higher than those in controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: NPY played important roles in the development and pathogenesis of cerebral vascular accidents. Lipid profile changes was the basic etiological factor. (authors)

  4. Clinical application of cerebral dynamic perfusion studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeLand, F.H.


    Radionuclide cerebral perfusion studies are assuming a far greater importance in the detection and differential diagnosis of cerebral lesions. Perfusion studies not only contribute to the differential diagnosis of lesions but in certain cases are the preferred methods by which more accurate clinical interpretations can be made. The characteristic blood flow of arterio-venous malformations readily differentiates this lesion from neoplasms. The decreased perfusion or absent perfusion observed in cerebral infarctions is diagnostic without concurrent evidence from static images. Changes in rates and direction of blood flow contribute fundamental information to the status of stenosis and vascular occlusion and, in addition, offer valuable information on the competency and routes of collateral circulation. The degree of cerebral perfusion after cerebral vascular accidents appears to be directly related to patient recovery, particularly muscular function. Cerebral perfusion adds a new parameter in the diagnosis of subdural haematomas and concussion and in the differentiation of obscuring radioactivity from superficial trauma. Although pictorial displays of perfusion blood flow will offer information in most cerebral vascular problems, the addition of computer analysis better defines temporal relationships of regional blood flow, quantitative changes in flow and the detection of the more subtle increases or decreases in cerebral blood flow. The status of radionuclide cerebral perfusion studies has taken on an importance making it the primary modality for the diagnosis of cerebral lesions. (author)

  5. What makes children with cerebral palsy vulnerable to malnutrition? Findings from the Bangladesh cerebral palsy register (BCPR). (United States)

    Jahan, Israt; Muhit, Mohammad; Karim, Tasneem; Smithers-Sheedy, Hayley; Novak, Iona; Jones, Cheryl; Badawi, Nadia; Khandaker, Gulam


    To assess the nutritional status and underlying risk factors for malnutrition among children with cerebral palsy in rural Bangladesh. We used data from the Bangladesh Cerebral Palsy Register; a prospective population based surveillance of children with cerebral palsy aged 0-18 years in a rural subdistrict of Bangladesh (i.e., Shahjadpur). Socio-demographic, clinical and anthropometric measurements were collected using Bangladesh Cerebral Palsy Register record form. Z scores were calculated using World Health Organization Anthro and World Health Organization AnthroPlus software. A total of 726 children with cerebral palsy were registered into the Bangladesh Cerebral Palsy Register (mean age 7.6 years, standard deviation 4.5, 38.1% female) between January 2015 and December 2016. More than two-third of children were underweight (70.0%) and stunted (73.1%). Mean z score for weight for age, height for age and weight for height were -2.8 (standard deviation 1.8), -3.1 (standard deviation 2.2) and -1.2 (standard deviation 2.3) respectively. Moderate to severe undernutrition (i.e., both underweight and stunting) were significantly associated with age, monthly family income, gross motor functional classification system and neurological type of cerebral palsy. The burden of undernutrition is high among children with cerebral palsy in rural Bangladesh which is augmented by both poverty and clinical severity. Enhancing clinical nutritional services for children with cerebral palsy should be a public health priority in Bangladesh. Implications for Rehabilitation Population-based surveillance data on nutritional status of children with cerebral palsy in Bangladesh indicates substantially high burden of malnutrition among children with CP in rural Bangladesh. Children with severe form of cerebral palsy, for example, higher Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level, tri/quadriplegic cerebral palsy presents the highest proportion of severe malnutrition; hence, these

  6. [Advances in genetic research of cerebral palsy]. (United States)

    Wang, Fang-Fang; Luo, Rong; Qu, Yi; Mu, De-Zhi


    Cerebral palsy is a group of syndromes caused by non-progressive brain injury in the fetus or infant and can cause disabilities in childhood. Etiology of cerebral palsy has always been a hot topic for clinical scientists. More and more studies have shown that genetic factors are closely associated with the development of cerebral palsy. With the development and application of various molecular and biological techniques such as chromosome microarray analysis, genome-wide association study, and whole exome sequencing, new achievements have been made in the genetic research of cerebral palsy. Chromosome abnormalities, copy number variations, susceptibility genes, and single gene mutation associated with the development of cerebral palsy have been identified, which provides new opportunities for the research on the pathogenesis of cerebral palsy. This article reviews the advances in the genetic research on cerebral palsy in recent years.

  7. Post Traumatic Cerebral Oedema in Severe Head Injury is Related to Intracranial Pressure and Cerebral Perfusion Pressure but not to Cerebral Compliance

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    U Nujaimin


    Full Text Available This was a prospective cohort study, carried out in the Neuro Intensive Care Unit, Department of Neurosciences, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian Kelantan. The study was approved by the local ethics committee and was conducted between November 2005 and September 2007 with a total of 30 patients included in the study. In our study, univariate analysis showed a statistically significant relationship between mean intracranial pressure (ICP as well as cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP with both states of basal cistern and the degree of diffuse injury and oedema based on the Marshall classification system. The ICP was higher while CPP and compliance were lower whenever the basal cisterns were effaced in cases of cerebral oedema with Marshall III and IV. In comparison, the study revealed lower ICP, higher mean CPP and better mean cerebral compliance if the basal cisterns were opened or the post operative CT brain scan showed Marshall I and II. These findings suggested the surgical evacuation of clots to reduce the mass volume and restoration of brain anatomy may reduce vascular engorgement and cerebral oedema, therefore preventing intracranial hypertension, and improving cerebral perfusion pressure and cerebral compliance. Nevertheless the study did not find any significant relationship between midline shifts and mean ICP, CPP or cerebral compliance even though lower ICP, higher CPP and compliance were frequently observed when the midline shift was less than 0.5 cm. As the majority of our patients had multiple and diffuse brain injuries, the absence of midline shift did not necessarily mean lower ICP as the pathology was bilateral and even when after excluding the multiple lesions, the result remained insignificant. We assumed that the CT brain scan obtained after evacuation of the mass lesion to assess the state basal cistern and classify the diffuse oedema may prognosticate the intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure

  8. [Patient state index and cerebral blood flow changes during shoulder arthroscopy in beach chair position]. (United States)

    Buget, Mehmet Ilke; Atalar, Ata Can; Edipoglu, Ipek Saadet; Sungur, Zerrin; Sivrikoz, Nukhet; Karadeniz, Meltem; Saka, Esra; Kucukay, Suleyman; Senturk, Mert N


    The aim of the study were to demonstrate the possible hemodynamic changes and cerebral blood flow alterations in patients who were positioned from supine to beach chair position; and to detect if the position change causes any cortical activity alteration as measured by the 4-channeled electroencephalography monitor. 35 patients were included. Before the induction, mean arterial pressure and patient state index values were recorded (T0). After the intubation, doppler-ultrasonography of the patients' internal carotid and vertebral arteries were evaluated to acquire cerebral blood flow values from the formula. In supine position, mean arterial pressure, patient state index and cerebral blood flow values were recorded (T1) and the patient was positioned to beach chair position. After 5min all measurements were repeated (T2). Measurements of patient state index and mean arterial pressure were repeated after 20 (T3), and 40 (T4)min. There was a significant decrease between T0 and T1 in heart rate (80.5±11.6 vs. 75.9±14.4beats/min), MAP (105.8±21.9 vs. 78.9±18.4mmHg) and PSI (88.5±8.3 vs. 30.3±9.7) (all pstate index values (T1-T4) showed no significant change; however, comparing only T1 and T2 resulted in a statically significant decrease in patient state index. There was a significant decrease in cerebral blood flow after beach chair position. Beach chair position was associated with a decrease in cerebral blood flow and patient state index values. Patient state index was affected by the gravitational change of the cerebral blood flow; however, both factors were not directly correlated to each other. Moreover, the decrease in patient state index value was transient and returned to normal values within 20min. Copyright © 2015 Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia. Publicado por Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  9. Being a woman, mother to a child with cerebral palsy Ser mujer madre de un niño portador de parálisis cerebral Ser mulher mãe de uma criança portadora de paralisia cerebral

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    Viviane Marten Milbrath


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To get to know the adaptation process experienced by a woman, motivated by the birth of a child with cerebral palsy. METHODS: The investigation was performed with a descriptive, exploratory methodology, focusing on the qualitative approach. Six women, mothers of children with brain palsy, participated in the study. Data collection happened in an institution that delivers care to children with special needs, located in a town of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. RESULTS: data analysis revealed that the woman abdicates from her social, professional and even personal life to take better care of her child. Besides, these mothers were shown to need psychosocioeconomic support from their families and the people who surround them, in both the process of initial adaptation and overcoming and the whole period of care for the child. CONCLUSION: The woman assumes and experiences the responsibility of taking care of the child with special needs.OBJETIVO: Conocer el proceso de adaptación vivenciado por la mujer, motivado por el nacimiento de un hijo portador de parálisis cerebral. MÉTODOS: La investigación contempló una metodología descriptiva, exploratoria a la luz de un abordaje cualitativo. Participaron en el estudio seis mujeres, madres de niños portadores de parálisis cerebral. La recolección de los datos se llevó a cabo en una institución que atiende a niños portadores de necesidades especiales, localizada en un municipio de Río Grande del Sur. RESULTADOS: El análisis de los datos reveló abdicación, de la mujer, de su vida social, profesional y, hasta personal, en pro del cuidado de su hijo. Aparte de ello, las madres demostraron que necesitan de apoyo psico-socio-económico familiar y de las personas que las rodean, tanto durante el proceso de adaptación y superación de las vivencias iniciales, como durante todo el período del cuidado al niño. CONCLUSIÓN: La mujer asume y vivencia la responsabilidad del cuidado

  10. Temperatura, Oximetría Cerebral y Disfunción Cognitiva Postoperatoria (DCPO) en pacientes intervenidos de Prótesis Total de Rodilla (PTR) con anestesia intradural. Estudio prospectivo


    Salazar Garcia, Fátima


    Introducción: La Disfunción cognitiva postoperatoria (DCPO) tiene una alta incidencia en pacientes de cirugía ortopédica. Durante la anestesia y la cirugía se produce un descenso progresivo de la temperatura. Esta hipotermia tiene efectos deletéreos pero también puede tener un efecto protector cerebral. Nosotros planteamos la hipótesis que la temperatura perioperatoria puede tener un impacto sobre la aparición de DCPO. Por otro lado, la monitorización de la saturación regional cerebral de...

  11. Avaliação da linguagem após acidente vascular cerebral em adultos no estado de Sergipe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Sigefredo Arruda


    Full Text Available Objetivo analisar a ocorrência de distúrbios de linguagem nos indivíduos que sofreram Acidente Vascular Cerebral. Métodos foi avaliada a linguagem de todos os pacientes acometidos por Acidente Vascular Cerebral, atendidos de fevereiro a agosto de 2012, no setor de fisioterapia de centro de referência em educação e saúde do Estado de Sergipe. A avaliação foi baseada no Teste do Rio de Janeiro (2005. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio de estatística descritiva e probabilística através da distribuição de frequência, cálculos da média, desvio padrão e percentis, do Teste U de Mann-Whitney e Qui-Quadrado. Resultado foram encontrados 31 indivíduos, de ambos os gêneros, com idade variando de 30 a 94 anos. Foi evidenciado que as variáveis: gênero, escolaridade e idade, influenciam no desempenho do teste, verificando-se que o gênero masculino, sujeitos abaixo de 65 anos e os com escolaridade acima de fundamental incompleto pontuam mais. Conclusão maior percentual da amostra apresenta mais alteração na compreensão do que na expressão.

  12. Cerebral hemodynamics in adult ischemic-type patients with moyamoya disease compared with those of atherothrombotic middle cerebral artery occlusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Idei, Masaru; Yamane, Kanji; Nishida, Masahiro; Manabe, Kazufumi; Yokota, Akira


    We measured regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in adult ischemic-type patients with moyamoya disease and in patients with atherothrombotic middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) to investigate cerebral hemodynamics in adult ischemic-type of moyamoya disease. In this study we measured rCBF and regional cerebro-vascular response (rCVR) using acetazolamide by Xe-non-enhanced CT. Our subjects consisted of 15 adult ischemic-type patients with moyamoya disease and 27 atherothrombotic stroke patients with proximal occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. The region of inter est was conducted in the anterior cerebral artery, middle cerebral artery and posterior cerebral artery territories as well as basal ganglia regions. rGBF was preserved in all regions of patients with moyamoya disease. However, rCVR severely decreased in the anterior circulation territory in patients with moyamoya disease compared with those of MCAO. These results suggest that rCBF in the anterior circulation territory of adult ischemic-type patients with moyamoya disease is preserved by vasodilation of the cerebral arteries, while cerebral hemodynamic reserve capacity is severely reduced. The results indicated that basal moyamoya vessels are dilated. These findings may be one of the reasons why stroke occurs more frequently in adult than child patients with moyamoya disease. (author)

  13. Recurrent cerebral thrombosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwamoto, Toshihiko; Abe, Shin-e; Kubo, Hideki; Hanyu, Haruo; Takasaki, Masaru


    Neuroradiological techniques were used to elucidate pathophysiology of recurrent cerebral thrombosis. Twenty-two patients with cerebral thrombosis who suffered a second attack under stable conditions more than 22 days after the initial stroke were studied. Hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and hypercholesterolemia were also seen in 20, 8, and 12 patients, respectively. The patients were divided into three groups according to their symptoms: (I) symptoms differed between the first and second strokes (n=12); (II) initial symptoms were suddenly deteriorated (n=6); and (III) symptoms occurring in groups I and II were seen (n=4). In group I, contralateral hemiparesis or suprabulbar palsy was often associated with the initial hemiparesis. The time of recurrent stroke varied from 4 months to 9 years. CT and MRI showed not only lacunae in both hemispheres, but also deep white-matter ischemia of the centrum semi-ovale. In group II, hemiparesis or visual field defect was deteriorated early after the initial stroke. In addition, neuroimaging revealed that infarction in the posterior cerebral artery was progressed on the contralateral side, or that white matter lesion in the middle artery was enlarged in spite of small lesion in the left cerebral hemisphere. All patients in group III had deterioration of right hemiparesis associated with aphasia. CT, MRI, SPECT, and angiography indicated deep white-matter ischemia caused by main trunk lesions in the left hemisphere. Group III seemed to be equivalent to group II, except for laterality of the lesion. Neuroradiological assessment of the initial stroke may help to predict the mode of recurrence, although pathophysiology of cerebral thrombosis is complicated and varies from patient to patient. (N.K.)

  14. Meningoencefalite por herpesvírus bovino-5 Meningoencephalitis by bovine herpesvirus-5

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    Daniel R. Rissi


    Full Text Available A meningoencefalite por herpesvírus bovino-5 (BoHV-5 é uma doença infecto-contagiosa, aguda ou subaguda, geralmente fatal e que afeta principalmente bovinos jovens submetidos a situações de estresse. A doença tem sido freqüentemente diagnosticada em várias regiões do Brasil e em outras partes do mundo. BoHV-5 é um vírus da família Herpesviridae e subfamília Alphaherpesvirinae e possui como genoma uma molécula de DNA fita dupla. Esses vírus são caracterizados por rápida replicação em cultivo, que resulta em lise das células infectadas, e afetam várias espécies de hospedeiros, estabelecendo latência principalmente em neurônios de gânglios sensoriais. A transmissão de BoHV-5 ocorre principalmente por contato direto ou indireto entre bovinos. Após a replicação primária nas mucosas oral, nasal, ocular e orofaríngea, o vírus invade as terminações nervosas e é transportado até os neurônios de gânglios sensoriais, onde replica ativamente e estabelece latência. A invasão viral do encéfalo pode resultar em replicação viral massiva e produção de doença neurológica. A maioria dos bovinos que desenvolvem doença neurológica morre em decorrência de meningo-encefalite, porém alguns podem desenvolver infecção subclínica e, após recuperação, permanecerem portadores da infecção latente. A disseminação viral nos rebanhos é facilitada em situações de grande concentração de animais, introdução de bovinos e desmame de lotes de bezerros em idade que coincide com o decréscimo da imunidade passiva. Certas condições, naturais ou induzidas, podem reativar o vírus do estado latente e propiciar condições para sua transmissão e disseminação a outros indivíduos. A doença pode ocorrer na forma de surtos ou em casos isolados, com coeficientes de morbidade que podem variar de 0,05%-5%; a letalidade é quase sempre de 100%. Os sinais clínicos incluem depressão, descarga nasal e ocular, ranger de

  15. Efeitos da intensidade do exercício e da neuromodulação sobre o controle inibitório, oxigenação cerebral e regulação autonômica cardíaca: estudo de intervenção randomizado


    Fonteles, André Igor


    Existe um crescente interesse nos efeitos das intervenções não farmacológicas sobre as funções cognitivas. O exercício físico e a estimulação transcraniana por corrente continua (ETCC) promovem aumento da oxigenação cerebral no qual beneficia a função cerebral, e também, o controle inibitório. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar os efeitos da intensidade do exercício físico e da estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua associado ao exercício físico agudo sobre controle ...

  16. Multi-modal assessment of neurovascular coupling during cerebral ischaemia and reperfusion using remote middle cerebral artery occlusion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sutherland, Brad A; Fordsmann, Jonas C; Martin, Chris


    . Male Wistar rats were subjected to remote middle cerebral artery occlusion, where a long filament was advanced intraluminally through a guide cannula in the common carotid artery. Transcallosal stimulation evoked increases in blood flow, tissue oxygenation and neuronal activity, which were diminished...... that neurovascular dysfunction was not sustained. These data show for the first time that the rat remote middle cerebral artery occlusion model coupled with transcallosal stimulation provides a novel method for continuous assessment of hyperacute neurovascular coupling changes during ischaemia and reperfusion......Hyperacute changes in cerebral blood flow during cerebral ischaemia and reperfusion are important determinants of injury. Cerebral blood flow is regulated by neurovascular coupling, and disruption of neurovascular coupling contributes to brain plasticity and repair problems. However, it is unknown...

  17. Angiografía cerebral y muerte encefálica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angel J Lacerda Gallardo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se realizó como parte de un protocolo de estudio, el cual fue aplicado a 57 pacientes atendidos por el servicio de Neurocirugía del Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" de Camagüey, durante el período comprendido entre enero de 1993 y diciembre de 1994. Se realizaron estudios angiográficos a 50 pacientes (87,72 %, de los que se obtuvieron 55 angiogramas cerebrales. En 49 exámenes (89 %, se observó ausencia de flujo sanguíneo cerebral con distintos tipos de patrones vasculares, en la arteria carótida interna extra e intracraneal, lo cual confirma su utilidad en el diagnóstico de la muerte encefálica (ME. En 3 pacientes, con craniectomías osteoclásticas de más de 5 cm, no se demostró ausencia de flujo sanguíneo cerebral, a pesar del estado clínico de ME. No aparecieron complicaciones durante este proceder, gracias a la cuidadosa técnica utilizada. Los patrones vasculares demostrados sugieren realizar un estudio más detallado donde se compare esta imagen con el parámetro presión intracraneal (PIC elevadaThis work was carried out as a part of a study protocol which was applied to 57 patients treated at the Neurosurgical Servicie of "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" Clinicosurgical Hospital, Camagüey during January, 1993 and December, 1994. Angiographic studies were performed to 50 patients (87.72 % from which 55 cerebral angiograms were obtained. In 49 examinations (89 % absenece of brain blood flow was observed with different types of vascular patterns in the extra and intracraneal inner carotid artery proving its usefulness for the diagnosis of brain death. In 3 patients with osteoclastic cranioctomies greater than 5 cm, the absence of cerebral blood flow was not proved despite the clinical status of brain death. No complications were observed during the procedure thanks to the so careful technique that was used. Vascular patterns evidenced suggest that it is necessary to perform a more detailed study to

  18. Evidencia de la hidroterapia en niños con Parálisis Cerebral


    Lafuente Arecha, María


    Introducción: La parálisis cerebral (PC) es un grupo de desórdenes permanentes no progresivos producidos por una lesión en el cerebro antes de que su desarrollo se haya completado afectando al movimiento, a la postura y causando limitaciones en las actividades. En la actualidad es la discapacidad más común en niños afectando a 2-2,5 de cada 1000 nacidos. Para el tratamiento de la PC las terapias en el agua suponen un papel importante para restaurar el bienestar físico, psicológico y social de...

  19. Hydrostatic determinants of cerebral perfusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wagner, E.M.; Traystman, R.J.


    We examined the cerebral blood flow response to alterations in perfusion pressure mediated through decreases in mean arterial pressure, increases in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure, and increases in jugular venous (JV) pressure in 42 pentobarbital anesthetized dogs. Each of these three pressures was independently controlled. Cerebral perfusion pressure was defined as mean arterial pressure minus JV or CSF pressure, depending on which was greater. Mean hemispheric blood flow was measured with the radiolabeled microsphere technique. Despite 30-mm Hg reductions in mean arterial pressure or increases in CSF or JV pressure, CBF did not change as long as the perfusion pressure remained greater than approximately 60 mm Hg. However, whenever perfusion pressure was reduced to an average of 48 mm Hg, cerebral blood flow decreased 27% to 33%. These results demonstrate the capacity of the cerebral vascular bed to respond similarly to changes in the perfusion pressure gradient obtained by decreasing mean arterial pressure, increasing JV pressure or increasing CSF pressure, and thereby support the above definition of cerebral perfusion pressure

  20. Cerebral blood flow and cerebral oxygen metabolism in thalamic hemorrhage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yasui, Nobuyuki; Asakura, Ken


    Cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral oxygen consumption (CMRO 2 ), oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) and cerebral blood volume (CBV) were studied in 20 cases of thalamic hemorrhage using positron CT and 15 O labeled gas steady-state inhalation method. CBF reduction was limited around the thalamus in the small sized hematoma. CBF were significantly diminished in the mean cortical, parietal, temporal, basal ganglia and thalamic area ipsilateral and cerebellar cortex contralateral to the medium sized hematoma. There was bilateral and diffuse CBF reduction in the large sized hematoma which was caused by increased intracranial pressure. CMRO 2 value were similary changed as CBF. OEF change showed within normal limit. Diffuse CBV reduction was observed in the large sized hematoma. This reduction was the result of decreased vascular bed caused by mass effect of the hematoma and hydrocephalus. Effect of surgical treatment such as ventricular drainage and hematoma evacuation were also discussed in correlation to CBF in some case using positron and single photon ECT. (author)

  1. Malformações do sistema nervoso central e malformações associadas diagnosticadas pela ultrassonografia obstétrica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcela Leonardo Barros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar a prevalência de malformações congênitas do sistema nervoso central (SNC e malformações associadas diagnosticadas pela ultrassonografia obstétrica. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, transversal, descritivo, em instituição de referência para gestações de alto risco. RESULTADOS: Malformações congênitas do SNC estiveram presentes sem outras malformações associadas em 65,78%, com a distribuição: hidrocefalia (37,5%, mielomeningocele (15%, encefalocele (12,5%, agenesia de corpo caloso (12,5%, anencefalia (12,5%, holoprosencefalia (7,5%, Dandy-Walker (7,5%, Arnold-Chiari (5,0%, hidranencefalia (5,0%, meningocele (5,0%, cisto aracnoideo (2,5%. Malformações congênitas de outros sistemas estiveram associadas às do SNC: craniofacial (73,9%, ortopédica (65,2%, cardiovascular (34,8%, geniturinária (30,4%, gastrintestinal (30,4%, respiratória (8,7%, sindrômica (8,7, oftalmológica (4,3%. A sensibilidade ultrassonográfica no estudo de malformações fetais do SNC foi 79,4%. A taxa de falso-negativos foi 20,5%. Dentre as limitações quantificáveis destaca-se o oligodrâmnio, presente em 25% dos falso-negativos. CONCLUSÃO: A ultrassonografia obstétrica possui boa sensibilidade no rastreio de malformações fetais do SNC, em especial com o aperfeiçoamento constante e domínio na utilização de métodos especializados, como o Doppler e a ultrassonografia volumétrica (3D/4D, contribuindo para firmar-se como modalidade de escolha nesta rotina. Complementar ao método, a ressonância magnética pode vir a fornecer subsídios para uma ainda melhor assistência perinatal.

  2. Cerebral vasculitis associated with cocaine abuse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaye, B.R.; Fainstat, M.


    A case of cerebral vasculitis in a previously healthy 22-year-old man with a history of cocaine abuse is described. Cerebral angiograms showed evidence of vasculitis. A search for possible causes other than cocaine produced no results. The authors include cocaine with methamphetamines, heroin, and ephedrine as illicit drugs that can cause cerebral vasculitis

  3. Fenestration of the anterior cerebral artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, J.; Washiyama, K.; Hong Kim, C.; Ibuchi, Y.


    Three cases of angiographically demonstrated fenestration of the anterior cerebral artery are reported. Fenestration occurred at the medial half of the horizontal segment of the anterior cerebral artery in all cases. Its embryology and clinical significance are briefly discussed, and the anatomical and radiological literature on fenestration of the anterior cerebral artery is reviewed. (orig.)

  4. Tratamiento de la fascitis necrosante por E. Coli mediante desbridamiento quirúrgico y terapia Vac®, a propósito de un caso Treatment of necrotizing fasciitis caused by E.Coli with surgical debridement and vacuum assisted therapy (Vac®, case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Silva Bueno


    Full Text Available La fascitis necrosante es una rara infección de tejidos blandos con una alta tasa de morbi-mortalidad. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 44 años diagnosticada de fascitis necrosante por E. coli en el contexto clínico de inmunosupresión por trasplante renal. Logramos un tratamiento exitoso mediante la asociación de desbridamiento quirúrgico, antibioticoterapia intravenosa y curas con terapia de presión negativa (VAC®, seguido de injertos autólogos de piel parcial. Remarcamos las ventajas clínicas de la terapia de presión negativa en el manejo y curación de heridas complejas.Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare soft tissue infection which presents a high rate of morbi-mortality. We describe the case of a 44 years old patient diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis caused by E. coli, in the context of immunosuppression due to renal transplantation. Successful treatment was achieved by combining surgical debridement, intravenous antibiotic treatment and vacuum assisted closure therapy (VAC® completed by autologous split skin grafts. We stress the clinical benefits of subatmospheric pressure therapy in the management and healing of complex wounds.

  5. Tratamiento de la fascitis necrosante por E. Coli mediante desbridamiento quirúrgico y terapia Vac®: a propósito de un caso Treatment of necrotizing fasciitis caused by E.Coli with surgical debridement and vacuum assisted therapy (Vac®: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Silva Bueno


    Full Text Available La fascitis necrosante es una rara infección de tejidos blandos con una alta tasa de morbi-mortalidad. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 44 años diagnosticada de fascitis necrosante por E. coli en el contexto clínico de inmunosupresión por trasplante renal. Logramos un tratamiento exitoso mediante la asociación de desbridamiento quirúrgico, antibioticoterapia intravenosa y curas con terapia de presión negativa (VAC®, seguido de injertos autólogos de piel parcial. Remarcamos las ventajas clínicas de la terapia de presión negativa en el manejo y curación de heridas complejas.Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare soft tissue infection which presents a high rate of morbi-mortality. We describe the case of a 44 years old patient diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis caused by E. coli, in the context of immunosuppression due to renal transplantation. Successful treatment was achieved by combining surgical debridement, intravenous antibiotic treatment and vacuum assisted closure therapy (VAC® completed by autologous split skin grafts. We stress the clinical benefits of subatmospheric pressure therapy in the management and healing of complex wounds.

  6. El tratamiento con progesterona previene las alteraciones motoras inducidas por la intoxicación con semillas de cícada (Dioon spinulosum) en la rata macho


    E Rivadeneyra-Domínguez; M Saavedra; JF Rodríguez-Landa


    El consumo crónico de semillas de cícadas ha sido asociado con enfermedades neurodegenerativas, las cuales predominan en el género masculino. En México, las semillas de cícada (Dioon spinulosum) son usadas como sustituto de maíz y a nivel experimental producen un déficit motor; probablemente causado por sus componentes neurotóxicos. En este sentido, la progesterona ejerce efectos neuroprotectores contra traumatismo cerebral, hipoxia, así como la muerte neuronal inducida por colchicina en el S...

  7. Redes sociales de apoyo y género: vivencia de mujeres con VPH, displasias y cáncer cervicouterino


    Castro Vásquez, María del Carmen; Arellano Gálvez, María del Carmen


    El objetivo del artículo es analizar el funcionamiento y el tipo de redes sociales de apoyo de mujeres diagnosticadas con infección por el virus del papiloma humano (VPH), displasias y cáncer cervical in situ (Cacu), diferenciando la vivencia por tipo de diagnóstico. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo: se realizaron 34 entrevistas semiestructuradas a mujeres en dos clínicas de displasias en Hermosillo, Sonora. Encontramos que cada diagnóstico tiene connotaciones distintas en la percepción ind...

  8. Noonan's syndrome: case report


    Dias, Vanderson Glerian; Gigante, Edmilson; Valério, Fátima Jesus Passador; Gonçalves, Flávia Fauaz; Bezzon, Ana Karina Teixeira; Aguni, Joran Seiko


    Os autores apresentam um caso de síndrome de Noonan em criança de 14 anos de idade, diagnosticada por meio de exame genético-clínico, demonstrando alterações oftalmológicas como hipertelorismo, alterações da fenda palpebral, hipotropia direita com pequena anisotropia em V, nistagmo, ptose palpebral bilateral e ambliopia do olho direito. Discute-se a importância do oftalmologista para esta síndrome e a necessidade do acompanhamento por equipe médica multidisciplinar.The authors present the cas...

  9. Síndrome de Aicardi: Presentación de un caso clínico y revisión de la literatura.


    Villarreal-Ybazeta, Miguel A.; Tirado-Chavarría, Felicitas A.; Calderón-Alarcón, Nila E.


    El síndrome de Aicardi (SA), es una rara enfermedad neurogenética, diagnosticada clínicamente por la triada clásica de agenesia del cuerpo calloso, espasmos infantiles y lagunas corioretinales.El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue presentar el espectro clínico y la evolución de este trastorno en un caso. Reportamos una lactante de dos meses, de malformaciones cerebrales múltiples, que ingresa a emergencia por presentar crisis convulsivas. Durante la hospitalización, los hallazgos clínicos – elec...

  10. Hipotonia Esclarecida com um Aperto de Mão. Doença de Steinert


    Marques, M. Eduarda; Antunes, Henedina; Reis, Helena Cunha


    Os AAs apresentam o caso clínico de uma criança de 4 anos seguida no Hospital de São Marcos por Doença de Steinert lá diagnosticada aos 4meses. Apresentava hipotonia generalizada com diminuição dos reflexos osteotendinosos, hipotrofia dos músculos temporais, pseudodiplegia da face,lábio superior em acento circunflexo, dificuldade em deglutir, choro fraco, sopro cardíaco e pés botos.A mãe tinha baixa estatura, voz peculiar, face inexpressiva e apresentava miotonia expressa por dificuldade em s...

  11. Estudo laboratorial das micoses oculares e fatores associados às ceratites


    Höfling-Lima,Ana Luisa; Forseto,Adriana; Duprat,João Paulo; Andrade,Alfredo; Souza,Luciene Barbosa de; Godoy,Patrício; Freitas,Denise de


    OBJETIVO: Analisar a freqüência e a etiologia das doenças oculares micóticas diagnosticadas por cultura no Laboratório de Doenças Externas Oculares da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (LOFT-UNIFESP), São Paulo, SP, Brasil e os fatores associados às ceratites fúngicas. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 14.391 solicitações de exames laboratoriais de doenças infecciosas oculares no período compreendido entre 1975 e maio de 2003. Nas comprovações por cultura de micoses oculares foram observados o...

  12. Cerebral malformations without antenatal diagnosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Girard, Nadine J. [Diagnostic Neuroradiology, Hopital Timone, Marseille (France)


    Cerebral malformations are usually described following the different steps in development. Disorders of neurulation (dysraphisms), or diverticulation (holoprosencephalies and posterior fossa cysts), and total commissural agenesis are usually diagnosed in utero. In contrast, disorders of histogenesis (proliferation-differentiation, migration, organization) are usually discovered in infants and children. The principal clinical symptoms that may be a clue to cerebral malformation include congenital hemiparesis, epilepsy and mental or psychomotor retardation. MRI is the imaging method of choice to assess cerebral malformations. (orig.)

  13. Metabolite changes in the ipsilateral and contralateral cerebral hemispheres in rats with middle cerebral artery occlusion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lei Ruan


    Full Text Available Cerebral ischemia not only causes pathological changes in the ischemic areas but also induces a series of secondary changes in more distal brain regions (such as the contralateral cerebral hemisphere. The impact of supratentorial lesions, which are the most common type of lesion, on the contralateral cerebellum has been studied in patients by positron emission tomography, single photon emission computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging. In the present study, we investigated metabolite changes in the contralateral cerebral hemisphere after supratentorial unilateral ischemia using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy-based metabonomics. The permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion model of ischemic stroke was established in rats. Rats were randomly divided into the middle cerebral artery occlusion 1-, 3-, 9- and 24-hour groups and the sham group. 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to detect metabolites in the left and right cerebral hemispheres. Compared with the sham group, the concentrations of lactate, alanine, γ-aminobutyric acid, choline and glycine in the ischemic cerebral hemisphere were increased in the acute stage, while the concentrations of N-acetyl aspartate, creatinine, glutamate and aspartate were decreased. This demonstrates that there is an upregulation of anaerobic glycolysis (shown by the increase in lactate, a perturbation of choline metabolism (suggested by the increase in choline, neuronal cell damage (shown by the decrease in N-acetyl aspartate and neurotransmitter imbalance (evidenced by the increase in γ-aminobutyric acid and glycine and by the decrease in glutamate and aspartate in the acute stage of cerebral ischemia. In the contralateral hemisphere, the concentrations of lactate, alanine, glycine, choline and aspartate were increased, while the concentrations of γ-aminobutyric acid, glutamate and creatinine were decreased. This suggests that there is a





    La sífilis congénita es un problema de salud pública en Brasil, a pesar de que puede ser evitada si la mujer es diagnosticada y tratada durante el embarazo, siendo, por lo tanto, un marcador de calidad de la atención prenatal. El objetivo fue evaluar la incidencia de la sífilis congénita en Ceará entre 2001 y 2006; verificar edad, escolaridad y realización de prenatal por las gestantes cuyos recién nacidos tuvieron sífilis congénita, así como, la realización de tratamiento por parte de los co...

  15. CT findings of cerebral fat embolism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mashiyama, Shoji; Kawakami, Kiyoshi; Ohtsuki, Taisuke; Ishibashi, Takao.


    A case of cerebral fat embolism following multiple bone fractures is presented. A 27-year-old patient was admitted to our clinic 50 minutes after a traffic accident. He was somnolent on admission, but his consciousness level was gradually raised and respiratory symptoms (dyspnea, bloody sputum) appeared with petechiae of his conjunctiva and chest. We diagnosed cerebral fat embolism. On CT scan we found multiple high-density areas, which gradually turned into multiple low-density areas. Subsequent cerebral atrophy and subdural effusion developed one month after the injury. This patient showed a typical clinical course and CT findings of cerebral fat embolism. (author)

  16. The effect of combined treatment with transcranial direct current stimulation on cerebral blood flow in patients with cerebral palsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. V. Yatsenko


    Full Text Available There is a close link between the activity of the brain and cerebral blood supply. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS modulates the activity of the cerebral cortex and thus affects the cerebral blood flow. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of combined treatment with tDCS on cerebral blood flow in patients with cerebral palsy (CP. Materials and Methods. 60 patients with various forms of cerebral palsy were examined and received the course of treatment. The comparison group was formed from 30 children who received the course of basic medical and rehabilitation procedures. The main group included 30 children who, in addition to the same therapy, received a course of tDCS. A transcranial Doppler ultrasound examination of head blood vessels was used for the study of cerebral hemodynamics in children with cerebral palsy before and after combined treatment with tDCS. Results. tDCS reduced asymmetry coefficient of blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral arteries (MCA by 12.3 %, whereas in the comparison group only by 2.5 %; in the anterior cerebral artery (ACA – 9.5 %, while in the comparison group – 0.8 %. tDCS significantly reduced the high mean blood flow velocity per cycle (MFV in the basilar artery (BA, MCA and ACA (21.7 %, 18.3 % and 7.8 %, respectively; in the comparison group no statistically significant positive dynamics was observed. tDCS significantly increased the low MVF in the BA, MCA and ACA (29.7 %, 21.2 % and 9.7 % respectively; a statistically significant increase of MVF by 9.9 % was only in the CMA in the comparison group of patients. Conclusions. Our data indicate that the use of tDCS in the combined treatment of CP patients improves cerebral hemodynamics in 87 % of patients, in contrast to 52 % in the comparison group. The addition of transcranial direct current stimulation method to the complex treatment of patients with cerebral palsy improves the effectiveness of treatment and may also

  17. Cerebral venous angiomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agnoli, A.L.; Hildebrandt, G.


    Clinical symptoms and radiological signs in 15 patients with cerebral venous malformations are presented and the diagnostic problems discussed. The circulation time in combination with cerebral malformations and angiomas of the scalp are described. CT findings in cases of venous malformations of the brain stem are evaluated. Spot-like enhancement, as well as sharply demarcated round shaped enhancement are characteristic for venous angiomas. Cavernous angiomas usually present as homogenous or inhomogenous round shaped enhanced areas. (Author)

  18. Non operative management of cerebral abscess (United States)

    Batubara, C. A.


    Cerebral abscess is a focal intracerebral infection that begins as a localized area of cerebritis and develops into a collection of pus surrounded by a well-vascularized capsule. Patients typically present with varying combinations of aheadache, progressive neurologic deficits, seizures, and evidence of infection. Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imagingare the most important diagnostic tools in diagnosing cerebral abscess. The treatment of cerebral abscess has been a challenge. Small cerebralabscesses (managed by the use of intravenous mannitol (or hypertonic saline) and dexamethasone. Acute seizures should be terminated with the administration of intravenous benzodiazepines or by intravenous fosphenytoin. Anticonvulsants prophylaxis must be initiated immediately and continued at least one year due to high risk in the cerebral abscesses. Easier detection of underlying conditions, monitoring of the therapeutic progress, and recognition of complications have probably contributed to the improved prognosis.

  19. Tratamiento fisioterapico en pacientes con lesión en territorio de la arteria cerebral media.


    Bays Moneo, Ana Beatriz


    Paciente de 70 años que padece una hemiparesia derecha con afasia de Broca de casi dos años de evolución como consecuencia de una oclusión de arteria carótida interna que provocó un infarto en el territorio de la arteria cerebral media. Para su tratamiento se ha utilizado el concepto Bobath. Durante el mismo, tuvo una frecuencia de tres sesiones por semana de 45 minutos durante cuatro meses. El paciente mostraba como problema principal, un pie con gran tendencia al equ...

  20. Distribuição da pressão plantar e morfologia do pé de crianças com paralisia cerebral e crianças com desenvolvimento típico


    Righi, Natiele Camponogara; Martins, Fabiane Kurtz; Souza, Juliana Alves; Trevisan, Claudia Morais


    RESUMO A paralisia cerebral (PC) é caracterizada por desordens de movimento e postura, que causam limitações na execução de atividades facilmente desempenhadas por crianças com desenvolvimento típico (DT). Este estudo objetivou comparar a distribuição da pressão plantar e a morfologia do pé entre crianças com PC e DT, utilizando uma pesquisa analítica observacional transversal do tipo comparativa, com 32 crianças entre 6 e 11 anos, pareadas por sexo e idade e distribuídas em grupo estudo (GE)...

  1. Parálisis cerebral :


    Cabrero Izquierdo, María del Carmen


    Se aborda el tema de la parálisis cerebral definiendo qué es, clasificando los tipos de parálisis dependiendo de la afectación y las características principales. Se explican algunos de sus tratamientos, se dan sistemas alternativos y/o aumentativos de comunicación para un alumno con PC (parálisis cerebral).

  2. Cerebral edema associated with acute hepatic failure.


    Fujiwara, Masachika; Watanabe, Akiharu; Yamauchi, Yasuhiko; Hashimoto, Makoto; Nakatsukasa, Harushige; Kobayashi, Michio; Higashi, Toshihiro; Nagashima, Hideo


    The clinicopathological findings of cerebral edema were investigated in patients with acute hepatic failure autopsied at Okayama University Hospital between 1970 and 1980 retrospectively. Nine (64%) of 14 hepatic failure cases were found to have cerebral edema during a post-mortem examination of the brain. Clinical features of the patients with cerebral edema were not significantly different from those of the patients without cerebral edema. However, general convulsions were observed more fre...

  3. Low cerebral blood flow after cardiac arrest is not associated with anaerobic cerebral metabolism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoedemaekers, C.W.E.; Ainslie, Philip N.; Hinssen, S.; Aries, M.J.; Bisschops, Laurens L.; Hofmeijer, Jeannette; van der Hoeven, J.G.


    Aim of the study Estimation of cerebral anaerobic metabolism in survivors and non-survivors after cardiac arrest. Methods We performed an observational study in twenty comatose patients after cardiac arrest and 19 healthy control subjects. We measured mean flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery

  4. Experimental Model of Cerebral Hypoperfusion Produced Memory-learning Deficits, and Modifications in Gene Expression

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    Rilda LEÓN


    Full Text Available Cerebral ischemia is a major cause of death, for this reason animal models of cerebral ischemia are widely used to study both the pathophysiology of ischemic phenomenon and the evaluation of possible therapeutic agents with protective or regenerative properties. The objectives of this study were to examine the presence of neuronal damage in different brain areas following the ischemic event, and assess consequences of such activities on the processes of memory and learning. The study group included an experimental group ischemic animals (30 rats with permanent bilateral occlusion of the carotids, and a control group. Was evaluated gene expression and inflammatory ischemic by qPCR techniques 24h post injury, brain tissue morphology in areas of cortex, striatum and hippocampus seven days post injury and processes of memory and learning, 12 days post injury. The morphological studies showed that the procedure induces death of cell populations in cortex, striatum and hippocampus, ischemia modified gfap gene expression and ho, il-6, il-17 and ifn-γ, which can be used as a marker of early ischemic process. Additionally, the ischemic injury caused spatial memory decline. This characterization gives us an experimental model to develop future studies on the pathophysiology of ischemic events and assessing therapeutic strategies. MODELO EXPERIMENTAL DE HIPOPERFUSIÓN CEREBRAL PRODUCE DÉFICIT DE LA MEMORIA Y APRENDIZAJE Y MODIFICACIONES EN LA EXPRESIÓN DE GENES. A escala mundial, la isquemia cerebral constituye una de las principales causas de muerte, por lo que los modelos animales de isquemia cerebral son extensamente usados tanto en el estudio de la pato-fisiología del fenómeno isquémico; como en la evaluación de agentes terapéuticos con posible efecto protector o regenerador.  Los objetivos de este estudio fueron examinar la presencia de daño neuronal en diferentes áreas cerebrales como consecuencia del evento isquémico; así como evaluar

  5. Comparação dos valores do índice bispectral em pacientes com paralisia cerebral em estado de vigília Comparación de los valores del índice bispectral en pacientes con parálisis cerebral en estado de vigilia Comparison of the bispectral index in awake patients with cerebral palsy

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    Verônica Vieira da Costa


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O EEG-BIS foi criado por meio de estudos em pacientes adultos saudáveis e as primeiras publicações em crianças surgiram a partir de 1998. A paralisia cerebral (PC é secundária à lesão estática do encéfalo em desenvolvimento. A necessidade de realização de exames e procedimentos cirúrgicos para correção de deformidades sob anestesia ou sedação é comum nesses pacientes. Torna-se cada vez mais necessária a monitorização do estado de hipnose do paciente anestesiado e pode-se incluir nesse grupo os pacientes com paralisia cerebral. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a eficiência do EEG-BIS nos pacientes com paralisia cerebral (PC em comparação com os pacientes sem doenças neurológicas (sem PC, em estado de vigília. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados dois grupos de pacientes: um com diagnóstico de paralisia cerebral e outro sem doença do sistema nervoso central (SNC. Na véspera da intervenção cirúrgica, na enfermaria, junto aos pacientes despertos era colocado o monitor de EEG-BIS e solicitado que fechassem os olhos. Os valores que apareciam na tela do monitor, em um intervalo de 10 minutos, eram anotados e registrados em ficha padronizada, sendo calculado um valor médio por paciente. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 188 pacientes, de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 10, 07 ± 2,9 (PC e 10,21 ± 3,1 (sem PC anos. O grupo PC apresentou EEG-BIS basal de 95,83 ± 5,142 e o grupo sem PC de 96,56 ± 1,941 sem haver diferença estatística significativa entre eles. CONCLUSÕES: Os sinais de EEG são captados normalmente e os valores de EEG-BIS dos pacientes com PC são semelhantes ao dos pacientes sem PC no estado de vigília.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El EEG-BIS fue creado a través de estudios en pacientes adultos saludables y las primeras publicaciones en niños surgieron a partir de 1998. La parálisis cerebral (PC es secundaria a la lesión estática del encéfalo en desarrollo. La necesidad de

  6. Cerebral microcirculation during experimental normovolaemic anaemia

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    Judith eBellapart


    Full Text Available Anaemia is accepted amongst critically ill patients as an alternative to elective blood transfusion. This practice has been extrapolated to head injury patients with only one study comparing the effects of mild anaemia on neurological outcome. There are no studies quantifying microcirculation during anaemia. Experimental studies suggest that anaemia leads to cerebral hypoxia and increased rates of infarction, but the lack of clinical equipoise when testing the cerebral effects of transfusion amongst critically injured patients, supports the need of experimental studies. The aim of this study was to quantify cerebral microcirculation and the potential presence of axonal damage in an experimental model exposed to normovolaemic anaemia, with the intention of describing possible limitations within management practices in critically ill patients. Under non-recovered anaesthesia, six Merino sheep were instrumented using an intracardiac transeptal catheter to inject coded microspheres into the left atrium to ensure systemic and non-chaotic distribution. Cytometric analyses quantified cerebral microcirculation at specific regions of the brain. Amyloid precursor protein staining was used as an indicator of axonal damage. Animals were exposed to normovolaemic anaemia by blood extractions from the indwelling arterial catheter with simultaneous fluid replacement through a venous central catheter. Simultaneous data recording from cerebral tissue oxygenation, intracranial pressure and cardiac output was monitored. A regression model was used to examine the effects of anaemia on microcirculation with a mixed model to control for repeated measures. Homogeneous and normal cerebral microcirculation with no evidence of axonal damage was present in all cerebral regions, with no temporal variability, concluding that acute normovolaemic anaemia does not result in short term effects on cerebral microcirculation in the ovine brain.

  7. Cerebral infarcts resulting from trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Busch, G.


    Vascular occlusions due to cerebral trauma have always been regarded as great rarities. However, we have found hypo-dense foci of vascular distribution in 3.5% of 3500 CT examinations for trauma during the late phase. Lesions in the vascular territory of the posterior cerebral artery are usually the result of supratentorial pressure rise from epidural and subdural haematomas, leading to compression of the vessels against the edge of the tentorium. Typical infacts in the territory of the medial and anterior cerebral arteries were found only rarely by CT after cerebral trauma. Infarcts at the watersheds between the three vascular territories were found with surprising frequency and small infarcts were found in the basal ganglia. It is assumed that these were due to ischaemic or hypoxic events due to cardiac or pulmonary complications during the initial phase. (orig.) [de

  8. Inclusão de alunos com paralisia cerebral no ensino fundamental: contribuições da fisioterapia Inclusion of students with cerebral palsy in elementary education: contributions of physiotherapy

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    Simone Massaneiro Silva


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo apontar como o fisioterapeuta pode atuar no processo de inclusão de alunos com paralisia cerebral (PC no sistema regular de ensino. A presente pesquisa foi realizada em três escolas públicas municipais de ensino fundamental, pertencentes a uma Regional de Ensino da cidade de Curitiba. Cada escola foi visitada cinco vezes entre março e abril de 2009, para coleta de dados. A amostra foi composta por três alunos com diagnóstico de Paralisia Cerebral, cognitivo preservado, alfabetizados, idades entre nove e 16 anos. Para avaliar os alunos foram utilizados dois instrumentos: o Protocolo de Observação e a Ficha de Avaliação Neurológica Qualitativa e Descritiva, do Instituto Pequeno Cotolengo do Paraná. Mediante os resultados encontrados foram estabelecidos os objetivos da atuação fisioterapêutica e realizadas intervenções específicas de acordo com as necessidades dos alunos participantes, no período de abril á junho de 2009. Após a realização do estudo, foi possível verificar que a atuação da Fisioterapia sobre a adequação de mobiliários e materiais, orientação para eliminação de barreiras arquitetônicas e conscientização dos profissionais envolvidos na educação, contribuiu para o desenvolvimento do aluno com paralisia cerebral no ambiente escolar.This study aimed to show how physiotherapists can contribute in the process of inclusion of students with cerebral palsy (CP in elementary education. The present study was undertaken at three public elementary schools in Curitiba. Each school was visited five times between March and April of 2009, for data collection. The sample was composed of three literate students, aged between nine and 16 years, with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, without cognitive impairment. To assess the students, two procedures were used: an Observation Protocol and the Descriptive and Qualitative Neurological Evaluation Card of Pequeno Cotolengo in Paraná. The

  9. Cerebellar malformations alter regional cerebral development. (United States)

    Bolduc, Marie-Eve; Du Plessis, Adre J; Evans, Alan; Guizard, Nicolas; Zhang, Xun; Robertson, Richard L; Limperopoulos, Catherine


    The aim of this study was to compare total and regional cerebral volumes in children with isolated cerebellar malformations (CBMs) with those in typically developing children, and to examine the extent to which cerebellar volumetric reductions are associated with total and regional cerebral volumes. This is a case-control study of children diagnosed with isolated CBMs. Each child was matched on age and sex to two typically developing children. Using advanced three-dimensional volumetric magnetic resonance imaging, the cerebrum was segmented into tissue classes and partitioned into eight regions. Analysis of variance was used to compare cerebral volumes between children with CBMs and control children, and linear regressions to examine the impact of cerebellar volume reduction on cerebral volumes. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed at a mean age of 27 months in 20 children (10 males, 10 females) with CBMs and 40 typically developing children. Children with CBMs showed significantly smaller deep grey matter nuclei (p developing children. Greater cerebellar volumetric reduction in children with CBMs was associated with decreased total cerebral volume and deep grey matter nuclei (p = 0.02), subgenual white/grey matter (p = 0.001), midtemporal white (p = 0.02) and grey matter (p = 0.01), and parieto-occipital grey matter (p = 0.004). CBMs are associated with impaired regional cerebral growth, suggesting deactivation of principal cerebello-cerebral pathways. © The Authors. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology © 2011 Mac Keith Press.

  10. Investigação epidemiológica de Estomatite vesicular por achados clínicos em bovinos e equinos no Estado do Maranhão

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    Roberto C.N. de Arruda


    Full Text Available Resumo:A Estomatite Vesicular (EV é uma doença infecciosa que acomete equinos, bovinos, suínos, mamíferos silvestres e humanos. Por apresentar sinais clínicos semelhantes a outras doenças vesiculares, principalmente, febre aftosa, sua presença em determinadas regiões pode interferir no intercâmbio comercial internacional dos animais, seus produtos e subprodutos. Apesar de sua importância, a epidemiologia e a manutenção do vírus no ambiente não estão totalmente esclarecidas dificultando a aplicação de medidas de controle efetivas. A doença já foi diagnosticada em todas as regiões brasileiras. Bovinos com sialorréia, perda do epitélio lingual, lesões abertas com bordas amareladas nas gengivas, lábios, língua e mucosa oral e equinos com sialorréia e lesões abertas na mucosa oral e lábios foram observados e notificados ao Serviço Veterinário Oficial do Estado do Maranhão, Agência Estadual de Defesa Agropecuária do Maranhão (AGRD/MA. Amostras de soro de equinos e bovinos com sintomas de EV foram coletadas para investigação por ELISA e por neutralização viral, além do diagnóstico diferencial para Febre Aftosa (FA. Fragmentos epiteliais de bovinos com lesões na língua foram coletados para identificação molecular do agente. Todos os animais foram negativos para FA. Todos os bovinos e equinos foram reativos para EV nos testes sorológicos. A partir dos fragmentos epiteliais de bovinos enviados ao Instituto Biológico de São Paulo para PCR, foi possível caracterizar o agente como VesiculovirusIndiana III (Alagoas/VSAV.

  11. Síndrome de Marfán


    Gerardo Vasquez Torres; Oswaldo Gutiérrez Sotelo


    Se presenta el caso de una familia con síndrome de Marfan diagnosticada a través de uno de sus miembros quien ingresó a la sala de urgencias por un episodio de insuficiencia cardíaca.We present a case of a family with Marfan´s syndrome first diagnosed through one family member who presented to the emergency room with heart failure.

  12. CT findings of early acute cerebral infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Tae Hoon; Choi, Woo Suk; Ryu, Kyung Nam


    The CT findings of the acute cerebral infarction are well known. However the CT findings of early stroke within 24 hours of the onset have not been sufficiently reported. The purpose of this study is to evaluate early acute cerebral infarction on CT within 24 hours after ictus. The early and accurate CT diagnosis could lead to the appropriate therapy and improved outcome of the patients. Authors retrospectively analyzed 16 patients with early acute cerebral infarction. Acute cerebral infarction was confirmed by follow-up CT in 11 patients, SPECT in 4 patients, and MRI in 1 patient. The CT findings of early acute cerebral infarction include effacement of cortical sulci or cistern (n = 16, 100%), hyperattenuation of MCA (n = 3), obscuration of lentiform nucleus (n = 6), loss of insular ribbon (n = 6) and subtle low density in hemisphere (n = 5). The most frequent finding was effacement of cortical sulci in our study, and it was thought to be the most important sign of early acute cerebral infarction

  13. CT findings of early acute cerebral infarction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Tae Hoon; Choi, Woo Suk; Ryu, Kyung Nam [Kyung Hee University Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The CT findings of the acute cerebral infarction are well known. However the CT findings of early stroke within 24 hours of the onset have not been sufficiently reported. The purpose of this study is to evaluate early acute cerebral infarction on CT within 24 hours after ictus. The early and accurate CT diagnosis could lead to the appropriate therapy and improved outcome of the patients. Authors retrospectively analyzed 16 patients with early acute cerebral infarction. Acute cerebral infarction was confirmed by follow-up CT in 11 patients, SPECT in 4 patients, and MRI in 1 patient. The CT findings of early acute cerebral infarction include effacement of cortical sulci or cistern (n = 16, 100%), hyperattenuation of MCA (n = 3), obscuration of lentiform nucleus (n = 6), loss of insular ribbon (n = 6) and subtle low density in hemisphere (n = 5). The most frequent finding was effacement of cortical sulci in our study, and it was thought to be the most important sign of early acute cerebral infarction.






  15. Clinical and pathological study on 10 cases of cerebral lobe hemorrhage related with cerebral amyloid angiopathy

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    Xiao-qi LI


    Full Text Available Objective To summarize the clinical data and pathological features of 10 cases of cerebral lobar hemorrhage related with cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA diagnosed pathologically, thereby to improve the knowledge and diagnosis of the disease. Methods The clinical data of 10 cases of cerebral lobar hemorrhage related with CAA, collected in the General Hospital of Shenyang Command from 1983 up to now, were retrospectively analyzed, and the clinical and neuropathological features of these cases were summarized. Results Of the 10 patients, 2 suffered from single lobar hemorrhage and 8 multiple lobar hemorrhage, all of them were confirmed pathologically to have ruptured into the subarachnoid space. Pathological examination revealed microaneurysm in 2 cases, "double barrel" change in 4 cases, multiple arteriolar clusters in 5 cases, obliterative onion-liked intima change in 4 cases, and fibrinoid necrosis of vessel wall in 7 cases. In addition, neurofibrillary tangles were found in 8 cases, and senile plaque was observed in 5 cases. Conclusions Cerebral lobar hemorrhage related with CAA is mainly located in the parietal, temporal and occipital lobes, readily breaking into the subarachnoid space, and it is often multiple and recurrent. The CAA associated microvasculopathy was found frequently in the autopsy sample of CAA related cerebral lobar hemorrhage, and it may contribute to the pathogenesis of cerebral hemorrhage. DOI: 10.11855/j.issn.0577-7402.2015.07.04

  16. Purine Metabolism in Acute Cerebral Ischemia

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    Ye. V. Oreshnikov


    Full Text Available Objective: to study the specific features of purine metabolism in clinically significant acute cerebral ischemia. Subjects and materials. Three hundred and fifty patients with the acutest cerebral ischemic stroke were examined. The parameters of gas and electrolyte composition, acid-base balance, the levels of malonic dialdehyde, adenine, guanine, hypox-anthine, xanthine, and uric acid, and the activity of xanthine oxidase were determined in arterial and venous bloods and spinal fluid. Results. In ischemic stroke, hyperuricemia reflects the severity of cerebral metabolic disturbances, hemodynamic instability, hypercoagulation susceptiility, and the extent of neurological deficit. In ischemic stroke, hyperuri-corachia is accompanied by the higher spinal fluid levels of adenine, guanine, hypoxanthine, and xanthine and it is an indirect indicator of respiratory disorders of central genesis, systemic acidosis, hypercoagulation susceptibility, free radical oxidation activation, the intensity of a stressor response to cerebral ischemia, cerebral metabolic disturbances, the depth of reduced consciousness, and the severity of neurological deficit. Conclusion. The high venous blood activity of xanthine oxidase in ischemic stroke is associated with the better neurological parameters in all follow-up periods, the better early functional outcome, and lower mortality rates. Key words: hyperuricemia, stroke, xanthine oxidase, uric acid, cerebral ischemia.

  17. Serial neuroradiological studies in focal cerebritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hatta, S.; Mochizuki, H.; Kuru, Y.; Miwa, H.; Kondo, T.; Mori, H.; Mizuno, Y.


    We report serial neuroradiological studies in a patient with focal cerebritis in the head of the left caudate nucleus. On the day after the onset of symptoms, CT showed an ill-defined low density lesion. The lack of contrast enhancement appeared to be the most important finding for differentiating focal cerebritis from an encapsulated brain abscess or a tumour. MRI two days later revealed the centre of the lesion to be of slightly low intensity on T1-weighted inversion recovery (IR) images and very low intensity on T2-weighted spin echo images, which appeared to correspond to the early cerebritis stage of experimentally induced cerebritis and brain abscess. Ten days after the onset of symptoms, CT revealed a thin ring of enhancement in the head of the caudate nucleus, and a similar small ring was seen in the hypothalamus 16 days after the onset, corresponding to the late cerebritis stage. MRI nine days later revealed ill-defined high signal lesions within the involved area on the T1-weighted IR images. To our knowledge, this is the first published MRI documentation of the early cerebritis stage developing into an encapsulated brain abscess. The mechanisms underlying of these radiographic changes are discussed. (orig.)

  18. Regional cerebral blood flow and periventricular hyperintensity in silent cerebral infarction. Comparison with multi-infarct dementia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koshi, Yasuhiko; Kitamura, Shin; Nagazumi, Atushi; Tsuganesawa, Toshikazu; Terashi, Akiro


    In order to investigate relationship between regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and the white matter lesions on MRI in silent cerebral infarction, we quantitatively measured rCBF by 123 I-IMP autoradiography method (IMP ARG method) and single photon emission tomography (SPECT) in 36 patients with silent cerebral infarction (SCI group), 22 patients with multi-infarct dementia (MID group), and 16 control subjects without periventricular hyperintensity (PVH) and lacunar infarction on MRI (CL group). Regions of interest (ROIs) on rCBF images were set in the frontal (F), temporal (T), parietal (P), occipital (O) cortex, and the cerebral white matter (W). The severity of PVH on MRI T 2 -weighted image was divided into four grades (grade 0-3). Though the frequency of hypertension was significantly higher in SCI group and MID group compared with CL group, no significant difference was seen in the mean age among these three groups. rCBF in the white matter and cerebral cortices except the occipital cortex in SCI group was significantly low compared with CL group (rCBF SCI /rCBF CL : W 0.87, F 0.87, T 0.87, P 0.88, O 0.92). rCBF in the white matter and cerebral cortices, especially in the white matter and frontal cortex, in MID group was significantly low compared with SCI group (rCBF MID /rCBF CL : W 0.69, F 0.71, T 0.74, P 0.75, O 0.81). The mean grade of PVH in MID group was significantly higher than that in SCI group (SCI 1.1 vs MID 2.5). The severity of PVH was significantly correlated with each rCBF in the white matter and cerebral cortices, especially in the white matter and frontal cortex. Our findings suggest that the quantitative measurement of rCBF by IMP ARG method is useful for the follow-up study in the patients with silent cerebral infarction as well as the evaluation of the severity of PVH on MRI. (author)

  19. Recent Experiences with Severe and Cerebral Malaria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jun 29, 1974 ... Malaria admissions. Cerebral malaria ... Cerebral signs. Haemoglobin below 10 g/100 ml (not all tested). Enlarged tender liver or jaundice, or both ... articl~ by H. Smitskamp and F. H. Wolthuis entitled 'New concepts in treatment of malaria with malignant tertian cerebral involvement' which appeared in the ...

  20. Auditory Selective Attention in Cerebral-Palsied Individuals. (United States)

    Laraway, Lee Ann


    To examine differences between auditory selective attention abilities of normal and cerebral-palsied individuals, 23 cerebral-palsied and 23 normal subjects (5-21) were asked to repeat a series of 30 items in presence of intermittent white noise. Results indicated that cerebral-palsied individuals perform significantly more poorly when the…

  1. La parálisis cerebral como una condición dinámica del cerebro: un estudio secuencial del desarrollo de niños hasta los 6 años de edad / Cerebral Palsy as a Dynamic Condition of the Brain: A Sequential Study of the Development of Children up to 6 Years of Age

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    Enrique Moraleda Barreno


    Full Text Available La parálisis cerebral es un trastorno motor debido a inmadurez cerebral con numerosos déficits asociados, incluidos los adaptativos, sociales, motores, cognitivos y de la comunicación, y con gran impacto en el desarrollo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue estudiar el desarrollo durante un año de niños con parálisis cerebral de uno a seis años. El método empleado fue un diseño ex post facto evolutivo secuencial. Se utilizó la prueba de screening del Inventario de Desarrollo de Battelle en un pretest y en un postest transcurrido un año. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 41 niños de entre 1 y 6 años de edad con diagnóstico de parálisis cerebral infantil. Los niños mostraban puntuaciones en el postest significativamente superiores en todas las áreas estudiadas. Se observó una mejora generalizada en las capacidades de la mayoría de los sujetos. Se discuten las posibles influencias que contribuyen a estas mejoras en los cocientes de desarrollo en la obtención de estos resultados.

  2. Cerebral intolerance during flow arrested carotid angioplasty. (United States)

    St Louis, Myron; Park, Brian D; Dahn, Michael; Bozeman, Patricia


    The use of flow arrest as a means of providing cerebral protection during carotid angioplasty offers the advantages of improved efficiency of debris removal and the ability to provide protection under unfavorable (tortuous) anatomic circumstances. However, in contrast to the filtration methods of cerebral protection, this modality requires complete interruption of antegrade carotid artery flow during balloon angioplasty and stent deployment. We report our experience with 9 patients undergoing carotid angioplasty with the Mo.Ma device, which utilizes common and external carotid artery balloon occlusion during the angioplasty procedure. We assessed the clinical outcomes and intraprocedural hemodynamic data. The average duration of carotid occlusion was 8.3 minutes. Of the 9 patients, 2 patients (22%) experienced cerebral intolerance. No stroke occurred in this patient cohort. There appeared to be a poor relationship between procedure intolerance and the presence of significant contralateral stenosis or low carotid back pressure. Furthermore, the incidence of postangioplasty hypotension was not clearly related to cerebral intolerance. Carotid angioplasty with stenting can be safely conducted with flow arrest as an alternative to filter-type cerebral protection devices. However, because cerebral intolerance is not an infrequent occurrence with this approach, clinicians must be cognizant of management strategies for transient cerebral intolerance.

  3. Cerebral vasculitis associated with Schistosoma mansoni infection

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    Camuset Guillaume


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Cerebral involvement in schistosomiasis is not rare, but it is underdiagnosed because of the lack of clinical suspicion and the frequency of asymptomatic forms. Neurologic complications are generally supported by granuloma formation around ectopic eggs which have migrated to the brain. Moreover, vascular lesions and cerebral arteritis have been well documented in histopathological studies. Nevertheless, cerebral vasculitis in later stages of the Schistosoma mansoni infection have not yet been described in living subjects. Case presentation A 28-year-old french woman had a stroke linked with cerebral vasculitis, 6 monthes after returning from Burkina-Faso. At the same time, a S. mansoni disseminated infection was diagnosed. She suffered from a new stroke after undertaking praziquantel therapy, which lead us to associate the S. mansoni infection and cerebral vasculitis. Conclusion This is the first report of such association, since cerebral vasculitis has never been described in later stages of the S. mansoni infection. Although the causal link between the two pathologies could not be proved, we suggest that S. mansoni is able to cause severe vascular damage in cerebral vessels. Schistosomiasis must be investigated in the event of a brain infarct in young people, particularly in patients originating or returning from an endemic area.

  4. Neuroevolutional Approach to Cerebral Palsy and Speech. (United States)

    Mysak, Edward D.

    Intended for cerebral palsy specialists, the book emphasizes the contribution that a neuroevolutional approach to therapy can make to habilitation goals of the child with cerebral palsy and applies the basic principles of the Bobath approach to therapy. The first section discusses cerebral palsy as a reflection of disturbed neuro-ontogenisis and…

  5. Dynamic change in cerebral microcirculation and focal cerebral metabolism in experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage in rabbits. (United States)

    Song, Jin-Ning; Chen, Hu; Zhang, Ming; Zhao, Yong-Lin; Ma, Xu-Dong


    Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in the cerebral metabolism and energy metabolism measurements can be used to assess blood flow of brain cells and to detect cell activity. Changes of rCBF in the cerebral microcirculation and energy metabolism were determined in an experimental model of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) model in 56 large-eared Japanese rabbits about 12 to 16-month old. Laser Doppler flowmetry was used to detect the blood supply to brain cells. Internal carotid artery and vein blood samples were used for duplicate blood gas analysis to assess the energy metabolism of brain cells. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) was detected by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) perfusion imaging using Tc-99m ethyl cysteinate dimer (Tc-99m ECD) as an imaging reagent. The percentage of injected dose per gram of brain tissue was calculated and analyzed. There were positive correlations between the percentage of radionuclide injected per gram of brain tissue and rCBF supply and cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (P brain cells after SAH, and also found that deterioration of energy metabolism of brain cells played a significant role in the development of SAH. There are matched reductions in CBF and metabolism. Thus, SPECT imaging could be used as a noninvasive method to detect CBF.

  6. Cerebral edema in drug addicts

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    Daruši Dragana J.


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. The effect of drugs leaves permanent consequences on the brain, organic in type, followed by numerous manifestations, and it significantly affects the development of mental dysfunctions. The clinicians are often given a task to estimate a patient’s personality during treatment or during experts estimate of a drug addict. The aim of this research was to determine the differences, if any, in characteristics of addicts experience and personality traits in drug addicts with or without cerebral edema. Methods. The research was conducted on a sample of 252 male drug addicts, the average age of 23.3 (SD = 4.3 years. Cerebral edema was confirmed on magnetic resonance (MR images of the brain performed during the treatment of the addicts. The participants were tested by the psychologists using Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-201 test, and the data were processed using canonical discriminate analysis within the SPSS program. The dependent variable in the study was cerebral edema. A block of independent variables, designed for the requirements of this study, consisted of two subgroups. The first one consisted of 12 variables describing the relevant characteristics of drug abuse. The second subgroup consisted of 8 psychopathological tendencies in the personality defined by the mentioned test. Results. Cerebral edema was confirmed in 52 (20.63% of the drug addicts. The differences between the groups of drug addicts with and without cerebral edema were determined in the following: the time span of taking drugs (0.301, use of alcohol parallel with drugs (0.466, and treatment for addiction (0.603. In the drug addicts with a cerebral edema, MMPI-201 confirmed the increase in the scales for hypochondria, psychopathic deviations and psychastenia, and the decrease in the scales for schizophrenia and depression. Conclusion. Our study confirmed a possible connection between cerebral edema and personality traits in a number of the

  7. Proposal for a universal definition of cerebral infarction. (United States)

    Saver, Jeffrey L


    Cerebral infarction is a leading cause of disability and death worldwide but has no uniform international definition. Recent diagnostic advances have revised fundamental concepts in cerebral and cardiac ischemia. Cardiologists, already possessed of a nosologic framework distinguishing myocardial infarction from unstable angina on the basis of tissue state, promulgated a new "universal" tissue definition of myocardial infarction incorporating insights afforded by assays of cardiac troponin, a serum biomarker exquisitely sensitive to myocardial injury. Concurrently, vascular neurologists proposed a new tissue, rather than time, criterion to distinguish transient ischemia attack from cerebral infarction, responding to perspectives provided by diffusion MRI and cerebral blood volume CT, imaging biomarkers highly sensitive to neuronal injury. To complete this conceptual realignment, vascular neurology must now advance a clear, uniform, and operationalizable tissue definition of cerebral infarction. This review proposes cerebral infarction be defined as brain or retinal cell death due to prolonged ischemia. This definition categorizes both pannecrosis and neuronal dropout ("complete" and "incomplete" infarcts in classic neuropathologic terminology) as cerebral infarcts. Making the presence of any neuronal or glial cell death essential yields a definition of cerebral infarction that has high relevance to patients, physicians, and policymakers; is more easily applied in clinical practice; fosters action in acute care; harmonizes with myocardial ischemia classification; and focuses diagnostic evaluation on the cause of brain ischemia and the occurrence of end organ injury. The term cerebral infarction should be used when there is evidence of brain or retinal cell death due to cerebral ischemia.

  8. Cerebral vascular effects of hypovolemia and dopamine infusions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holst Hahn, Gitte; Heiring, Christian; Pryds, Ole


    Despite widespread use, effects of volume boluses and dopamine in hypotensive newborn infants remain controversial. We aimed to elucidate if hypovolemia alone impairs cerebral autoregulation (CA) and if dopamine affects cerebral vasculature.......Despite widespread use, effects of volume boluses and dopamine in hypotensive newborn infants remain controversial. We aimed to elucidate if hypovolemia alone impairs cerebral autoregulation (CA) and if dopamine affects cerebral vasculature....

  9. The value of computed tomography in cerebral syphilis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godt, P.; Stoeppler, L.; Wischer, U.; Schroeder, H.H.


    The computed tomographic findings of three patients with cerebral syphilis, including cerebral gumma, which regressed completely under penicillin therapy, syphilitic angiitis with cerebral infarction, and syphilitic cerebral atrophy, are reported CT is unable to provide specific diagnostic data for these conditions. The etiology can be clarified only by taking into consideration the clinical findings and course, the serological results, and the result of therapy. (orig.) [de

  10. CT findings in patients with cerebral palsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konno, Kimiichi


    Clinical findings and CT findings in 73 cases of cerebral palsy were studied. The causes of cerebral palsy were presumed to be as follows: abnormal cerebral development (36%), asphyxial delivery (34%), and immature delivery (19%), etc. CT findings were abnormal in 58% of the 73 cases, 83% of the spastic tetraplegia patients and all of the spastic hemiplegia patients showed abnormal CT findings. All the patients with spastic monoplegia presented normal CT findings. In 75% of the spastic hemiplegia cases, the CT abnormalities were due to cerebral parenchymal abnormality such as porencephaly and regional low absorption. In cases of spastic tetraplegia, cerebral parenchymal abnormality was found only in 10%. Cortical atrophy was found only in 15 of the 73 cases, whereas central atrophy was found in 36 cases. (Ueda, J.)

  11. Cerebral aneurysms – an audit

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Abstract. We performed an audit to determine the profile of cerebral aneurysms at the Universitas Hospital Bloem- fontein, the only government hospital with a vascular suite in the Free State and Northern Cape area. Two hun- dred and twenty-three government patients, diagnosed with cerebral aneurysms during the period.

  12. Cerebral cartography and connectomics


    Sporns, Olaf


    Cerebral cartography and connectomics pursue similar goals in attempting to create maps that can inform our understanding of the structural and functional organization of the cortex. Connectome maps explicitly aim at representing the brain as a complex network, a collection of nodes and their interconnecting edges. This article reflects on some of the challenges that currently arise in the intersection of cerebral cartography and connectomics. Principal challenges concern the temporal dynamic...

  13. Neonatal cerebral infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujimoto, Shinji; Togari, Hajime; Sobajima, Hisanori; Suzuki, Shigesumi; Wada, Yoshiro; Yokochi, Kenji; Nishimura, Yutaka; Inukai, Kazuhisa; Futamura, Masahide.


    In a retrospective multi-center study, we investigated eighteen infants with unilateral cerebral infarctions confirmed by computed tomography (CT) scans. The initial symptoms were observed in all the patients between 0 and 3 days of age. Convulsions or apneic attacks were the initial symptoms in all but one. Only 4 patients had complicated obstetric histories and none showed polycythemia or electrolyte abnormalities. All of the initial CT scans revealed unilaterally localized hypodense areas. In 10, the initial CT scans were performed within 24 hours after the clinical onset. In 16, the lesions were within the territory of the middle cerebral artery, 9 of which also involved the cortico-spinal tract (CST). In the remaining 2 patients, the lesions were located whithin the territory of the posterior cerebral artery. None of the 9 patients without CST involvement developed hemiplegia, whereas 5 (56%) of the 9 with CST involvement had hemiplegia, which is a fairly low incidence compared with that in adult cases. This difference was thought to be related to neonatal brain plasticity. (author)

  14. Detection of cerebral arterial gas embolism using regional cerebral oxygen saturation, quantitative electroencephalography, and brain oxygen tension in the swine

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weenink, R. P.; Hollmann, M. W.; Stevens, M. F.; Kager, J.; van Gulik, T. M.; van Hulst, R. A.


    Cerebral air emboli occur as a complication of invasive medical procedures. The sensitivity of cerebral monitoring methods for the detection of air emboli is not known. This study investigates the utility of electroencephalography and non-invasively measured cerebral oxygen saturation in the

  15. Estresse parental em famílias de crianças com paralisia cerebral: revisão integrativa Parental stress in families of children with cerebral palsy: an integrative review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Celmo Celeno Porto


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é selecionar, avaliar e interpretar criticamente as publicações que tiveram como foco principal o estresse vivenciado pelos pais/cuidadores de crianças com paralisia cerebral. Revisão integrativa da literatura. A busca foi conduzida na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS, no United States National Library of Medicine (PubMED e busca manual de referências nos estudos selecionados. Optou-se por selecionar aqueles publicados no período de 1998 a 2011. Integraram a amostra 13 artigos. Pais de crianças com paralisia cerebral apresentam níveis de estresse maiores do que os de sem deficiência. Os problemas de comportamento, os distúrbios psicológicos e emocionais das crianças foram os fatores mais comumente associados aos maiores níveis de estresse. A satisfação com apoio social, satisfação com o papel de pai/mãe, o bom funcionamento familiar, o vínculo afetivo pai/mãe-filho, o apoio do cônjuge e o sentimento de participar ativamente da vida social contribuem para reduzir os níveis de estresse. A saúde dos pais de crianças com paralisia cerebral está comprometida pelos maiores níveis de estresse. Desta forma, profissionais da saúde devem oferecer uma atenção especial a eles.This article aims to select, evaluate and interpret critically the bibliographic production focused on the stress experienced by parents/caregivers of children with cerebral palsy. An integrative literature review was conducted. Sources for this search were the Virtual Health Library (VHL, the United States National Library of Medicine (PubMed and manual search of references from the selected studies. It was decided to select studies published between 1998 and 2011. The sample included 13 articles. Parents of children with cerebral palsy have higher stress levels than parents of children without disabilities. Behavioral problems, psychological disorders and emotional needs of children were factors commonly associated with high

  16. Acute cerebral vascular accident associated with hyperperfusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soin, J.S.; Burdine, J.A.


    Cerebral radionuclide angiography can demonstrate decreased or normal radioactivity in the affected region during the arterial phase in patients who have sustained a cerebral vascular accident and thus enhances the diagnostic specificity of the static brain image. In an occasional patient, however, a seemingly paradoxical pattern of regional hyperperfusion with a return to normal or subnormal perfusion following the acute phase has been observed. This phenomenon, called luxury perfusion, has been defined using intra-arterial 133 Xe for semiquantitative cerebral blood flow measurements and should be kept in mind as a potentially misleading cerebral imaging pattern

  17. Neuroimaging of cerebral vasculitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wengenroth, M.; Saam, T.; Haehnel, S.


    Cerebral vasculitis can have a variety of origins. Furthermore, there are no vasculitis-specific symptoms or imaging signs and vasculitis of the CNS can mimic many other neurological diseases, which require different treatment approaches. Thus, the clinical and radiological diagnosis of cerebral vasculitis is challenging. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and MR angiography (MRA) should be the radiological imaging methods of choice to assess the degree of parenchymal damage and to detect vessel wall changes. If the results are unclear digital subtraction angiography (DSA) should be pursued in order to also detect changes in medium sized vessels. Vasculitis of small vessels cannot be detected by vascular imaging and requires brain or leptomeningeal biopsy. In this review we present the current diagnostic approach and a variety of imaging findings in cerebral vasculitis and discuss the main radiological differential diagnoses. (orig.) [de

  18. Diaschisis with cerebral infarction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Slater, R.; Reivich, M.; Goldberg, H.; Banka, R.; Greenberg, J.


    Fifteen patients admitted to Philadelphia General Hospital with acute strokes had repeated measurements of cerebral blood flow measured by the /sup 133/X inhalation method. A progressive decline in cerebral blood flow in both hemispheres was observed during the first week after infarction in twelve of these patients. This decline could be partially explained by loss of autoregulation, but could not be correlated with level of consciousness, clinical status of PCO2. This progressive decline in flow in the non-ischemic hemisphere indicates a process more complex than a simple destruction of axonal afferants to neurons as implied by the term diaschisis. The flow changes in the non-ischemic hemisphere are likely caused by a combination of the immediate effects of decreased neuronal stimulation modified by loss of autoregulation, release of vasoactive substances, cerebral edema, and other factors.

  19. Cerebral hemodynamics in migraine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hachinski, V C; Olesen, Jes; Norris, J W


    Clinical and angiographic findings in migraine are briefly reviewed in relation to cerebral hemodynamic changes shown by regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) studies. Three cases of migraine studied by the intracarotid xenon 133 method during attacks are reported. In classic migraine, with typical...... prodromal symptoms, a decrease in cerebral blood flow has been demonstrated during the aura. Occasionally, this flow decrease persists during the headache phase. In common migraine, where such prodromata are not seen, a flow decrease has not been demonstrated. During the headache phase of both types...... of migraine, rCBF has usually been found to be normal or in the high range of normal values. The high values may represent postischemic hyperemia, but are probably more frequently secondary to arousal caused by pain. Thus, during the headache phase rCBF may be subnormal, normal or high. These findings do...

  20. Effects of CDP-choline on neurologic deficits and cerebral glucose metabolism in a rat model of cerebral ischemia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kakihana, M.; Fukuda, N.; Suno, M.; Nagaoka, A.


    The effects of cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine (CDP-choline) on neurologic deficits and cerebral glucose metabolism were studied in a rat model of transient cerebral ischemia. Cerebral ischemia was induced by occluding both common carotid arteries for 20 or 30 minutes 24 hours after the vertebral arteries were permanently occluded by electrocautery. CDP-choline was administered intraperitoneally twice daily for 4 days after reestablishing carotid blood flow. CDP-choline at two dosages (50 and 250 mg/kg) shortened the time required for recovery of spontaneous motor activity in a dose-related manner; recovery time was measured early after reperfusion. Neurologic signs were observed for 10 days. High-dose CDP-choline improved neurologic signs in the rats within 20-30 minutes of ischemia. When cerebral glucose metabolism was assessed on Day 4, increases in the levels of glucose and pyruvate were accompanied by decreases in the synthesis of labeled acetylcholine from uniformly labeled (/sup 14/C)glucose measured in the cerebral cortex of rats with 30 minutes of ischemia. High-dose CDP-choline also attenuated changes in these variables. CDP-(1,2-/sup 14/C)choline injected intravenously 10 minutes after reperfusion was used for membrane lipid biosynthesis. These results indicate that CDP-choline has beneficial effects on brain dysfunction induced by cerebral ischemia, which may be due in part to the restorative effects of CDP-choline on disturbed cerebral glucose metabolism, probably by stimulating phospholipid biosynthesis.

  1. Effects of CDP-choline on neurologic deficits and cerebral glucose metabolism in a rat model of cerebral ischemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kakihana, M.; Fukuda, N.; Suno, M.; Nagaoka, A.


    The effects of cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine (CDP-choline) on neurologic deficits and cerebral glucose metabolism were studied in a rat model of transient cerebral ischemia. Cerebral ischemia was induced by occluding both common carotid arteries for 20 or 30 minutes 24 hours after the vertebral arteries were permanently occluded by electrocautery. CDP-choline was administered intraperitoneally twice daily for 4 days after reestablishing carotid blood flow. CDP-choline at two dosages (50 and 250 mg/kg) shortened the time required for recovery of spontaneous motor activity in a dose-related manner; recovery time was measured early after reperfusion. Neurologic signs were observed for 10 days. High-dose CDP-choline improved neurologic signs in the rats within 20-30 minutes of ischemia. When cerebral glucose metabolism was assessed on Day 4, increases in the levels of glucose and pyruvate were accompanied by decreases in the synthesis of labeled acetylcholine from uniformly labeled [ 14 C]glucose measured in the cerebral cortex of rats with 30 minutes of ischemia. High-dose CDP-choline also attenuated changes in these variables. CDP-[1,2- 14 C]choline injected intravenously 10 minutes after reperfusion was used for membrane lipid biosynthesis. These results indicate that CDP-choline has beneficial effects on brain dysfunction induced by cerebral ischemia, which may be due in part to the restorative effects of CDP-choline on disturbed cerebral glucose metabolism, probably by stimulating phospholipid biosynthesis

  2. Família da criança com paralisia cerebral: percepção sobre as orientações da equipe de saúde

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viviane Marten Milbrath


    Full Text Available Tornarse familia de un niño con parálisis cerebral es un proceso complejo, exige del equipo de salud preparo profesional, aspectos éticos y estéticos del proceso de cuidar de esa familia. Desde este punto, se objetiva conocer cómo la familia de niños con parálisis cerebral percibe la transmisión de las orientaciones del equipo de salud para el cuidado con estos. El estudio se basó en la perspectiva de Heidegger y Gadamer. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, exploratorio-descriptivo, realizado en la ciudad de Rio Grande-RS, Brasil, participaron seis familias, total de nueve sujetos, se utilizó entrevistas semiestructuradas para la colecta de informaciones, analizadas segundo el Análisis Temático. En la interpretación de informaciones fueron encontradas incongruencias entre las orientaciones dadas por el equipo de salud y las demandas presentadas por las familias al prestar cuidado a los niños con necesidades especiales. Se constata la relevancia de un equipo de salud instrumentalizado para el cuidado integral, focalizando en las necesidades de esos niños y sus familias.

  3. Repercursões dos transtornos de processamento sensorial ao desempenho funcional de crianças com paralisia cerebral / Repercussions of sensory processing disorders in the functional skills of children with cerebral palsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deyvianne Thayanara de Lima Reis


    Full Text Available A Paralisia Cerebral (PC é definida como uma disfunção neurológica ou como lesão não progressiva do sistema nervoso central. É uma patologia com distúrbio de movimento e postura que pode coexistir com déficits de processamento sensorial. Poucos estudos mostram a associação entre esse déficit e as alterações do desempenho motor. Assim, o principal objetivo deste estudo é conhecer o Perfil Sensorial de crianças com Paralisia Cerebral e suas repercussões para o desempenho funcional nas atividades de vida diária. Em relação à metodologia a amostra foi composta por 29 crianças com paralisia cerebral na faixa etária entre 3 e 7 anos e meio. A coleta dos dados realizou-se através dos instrumentos “Perfil Sensorial” e “Inventário Pediátrico de Avaliação das Incapacidades (PEDI”, o GMFCS ( Sistema de Classificação da Função Motora Grossa foi usado como critério de exclusão. Os resultados mostraram que há relações entre essas dimensões. Houve correspondência entre o Pedi Funcional com o item respostas emocionais/sociais do Perfil Sensorial, assim identificou-se possíveis transtornos de processamento sensorial nas habilidades funcionais de crianças com Paralisia Cerebral. Cerebral palsy (CP is defined as a neurological dysfunction or as a non-progressive central nervous system injury. It is a pathology with movement and posture disturbance that can coexist with sensory processing deficits. Few studies show the association between this deficit and changes in motor performance. Thus, the main objective of this study is to know the Sensory Profile of children with Cerebral Palsy and its repercussions for functional performance in daily life activities. The study sample consisted of 29 children with cerebral palsy in the age bracket between 3 and 7 and a half years. The data were collected through the instruments "Sensorial Profile" and "Pediatric Inventory of Disability Assessment (PEDI." The Gross Motor

  4. Estrategia educativa para incrementar el cumplimiento del régimen antituberculoso en Chiapas, México Educational strategy for improving patient compliance with the tuberculosis treatment regimen in Chiapas, Mexico


    Guadalupe del Carmen Álvarez Gordillo; Julio Félix Álvarez Gordillo; José Eugenio Dorantes Jiménez


    OBJETIVO: Aplicar un plan de capacitación para médicos y pacientes y evaluar su eficacia en términos del cumplimiento por parte de los pacientes del tratamiento contra la tuberculosis pulmonar en la región fronteriza de Chiapas, México. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio de intervención controlado en pacientes mayores de 15 años con tuberculosis pulmonar diagnosticada por baciloscopia entre el 1 de febrero de 2001 y el 31 de enero de 2002 en unidades de salud seleccionadas al azar en la región fr...

  5. Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson: presentación de un caso


    Fernández Brizuela, Ener de Jesús; Morales Díaz, Felicia


    Fundamento: el síndrome de Stevens-Johnson, también llamado eritema multiforme mayor, se caracteriza por una serie de lesiones cutáneas de diversa morfología, es una grave lesión en la cual están afectadas al menos dos membranas mucosas y la piel. La patogenia de esta enfermedad es desconocida aunque generalmente se considera que es provocada por una reacción de hipersensibilidad a drogas, infecciones y exposición a sustancias tóxicas. Caso clínico: esta afección fue diagnosticada en un niño ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marisa Edith Oviedo Romero


    Full Text Available Basándose en el supuesto de que la espiritualidad es un factor que podría influir sobre los estilos de afrontamiento de las personas ante situaciones problemáticas, se analizó la influencia de la espiritualidad en el estilo de afrontamiento de pacientes diagnosticadas de anorexia y/o bulimia nerviosa.39 mujeres de Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos, San Luis y Mendoza (Argentina, fueron evaluadas mediante el Cuestionario de Modos de Afrontamiento (WCCL y el Inventario de Sistema de Creencias (SBI–15R.Los resultados mostraron una influencia moderada de la dimensión soporte social religioso (F(1;24= 2,094; p=0,054 en el uso y/o desarrollo del estilo de afrontamiento centrado en la evaluación, no así en los demás estilos, por parte de pacientes diagnosticadas de bulimia y/o anorexia nerviosa.

  7. Test biomecánico para determinar el por ciento\tde fibras rápidas\ten atletas de categorías escolares a través de análisis biomecánico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Omar Iglesias Pérez


    Full Text Available El deporte de alto rendimiento se encuentra inmerso cada día en la búsqueda de nuevas metodologías del  entrenamiento  deportivo,  dentro  de  ello  la  forma  de mejorar las capacidades ha jugado un papel fundamental en los últimos años, pero para lograr determinar que entrenamiento será más efectivo debemos determinar para qué especialidad tiene cualidades cada atleta, esto se puede determinar determinando el por ciento de fibras rápidas y lentas que tiene cada atleta. El conocimiento de la estructura morfológica y funcional de los músculos es de fundamental importancia   en la planificación de un programa de entrenamiento racional basado en presupuestos científicos, y capaz de personalizar lasa cargas de trabajo en sus dos componentes, cualitativo y cuantitativo. Las características histológicas de los músculos pueden ser diagnosticadas con un método eficaz pera a la vez cruento: la biopsia

  8. Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation after Cardiopulmonary Bypass

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Claus Behrend; Berg, Ronan M G; Plovsing, Ronni R


    Background Cerebral hemodynamic disturbances in the peri- or postoperative period may contribute to postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). We therefore examined dynamic cerebral autoregulation (d...

  9. A Means for the Scintigraphic Imaging of Regional Brain Dynamics. Regional Cerebral Blood Flow and Regional Cerebral Blood Volume

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Potchen, E. J.; Bentley, R.; Gerth, W.; Hill, R. L.; Davis, D. O. [Washington University School Of Medicine, St. Louis, MO (United States)


    The use of freely diffusable inert radioactive gas as a washout indicator to measure regional cerebral blood flow has become a standardized kinetic procedure in many laboratories. Recent investigations with this technique have led us to conclude that we can reliably distinguish regional flow with perfusion against regional flow without perfusion from the early portion of the curve. Based on a detailed study of the early curve kinetics in patients with and without cerebral vascular disease we have defined the sampling duration necessary for application of the Anger gamma camera imaging process to regional changes in cerebral radioactivity. Using a standard camera and a small computer, a procedure has been developed and based upon entire field to determine the time of maximum height followed by analysis of the data in a matrix. This will permit a contour plot presentation of calculated regional cerebral blood flow in millilitres per 100 grams perfused brain per minute. In addition, we propose to augment this data by the display of regional non-perfusion blood flow versus regional cerebral flow with perfusion. Preliminary investigation on sampling duration, and Compton scattering were prerequisite to clinical scintigraphy of regional cerebral blood flow. In addition, the method of interface for the conventional Anger gamma camera to digital computers used in this procedure are discussed. Applications to further assess regional cerebral dynamics by scintigraphy are presented. (author)

  10. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging in cerebral ischemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rijen, P.C. van.


    In-vivo proton and phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to detect changes in cerebral metabolism during ischemia and other types of metabolic stress. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed in an animal model to observe morphological alterations during focal cerebral ischemia. Spectroscopy was performed in animal models with global ischemia, in volunteers during hyperventilation and pharmaco-logically altered cerebral perfusion, and in patients with acute and prolonged focal cerebral ischemia. (author). 396 refs.; 44 figs.; 14 tabs

  11. Resonancia magnética nuclear de encéfalo en pacientes con fenilcetonuria diagnosticada tardíamente


    Mario O. Jiménez-Pérez; Gilberto Gómez-Garza; Matilde Ruiz-García; Cynthia Fernández-Lainez; Isabel Ibarra-González; Marcela Vela-Amieva


    Antecedentes: la fenilcetonuria clásica es una encefalopatía genética caracterizada por una inhabilidad de los individuos para metabolizar la fenilalanina, por lo que su concentración plasmática se eleva a niveles tóxicos. Clínicamente se manifiesta como irritabilidad, alteración del sueño, indiferencia al medio, crisis convulsivas, retraso del neurodesarrollo, conducta autista, agresividad y discapacidad intelectual. Objetivo: describir los hallazgos y cuantificar el coefic...

  12. The early markers for later dyskinetic cerebral palsy are different from those for spastic cerebral palsy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Einspieler, C; Cioni, G; Paolicelli, PB; Bos, AF; Dressler, A; Ferrari, F; Roversi, MF; Prechtl, HFR

    Qualitative abnormalities of spontaneous motor activity in new-borns and young infants are early predictive markers for later spastic cerebral palsy. Aim of this research was to identify which motor patterns may be specific for later dyskinetic cerebral palsy. In a large, prospectively performed

  13. Duplicated middle cerebral artery (United States)

    Perez, Jesus; Machado, Calixto; Scherle, Claudio; Hierro, Daniel


    Duplicated middle cerebral artery (DMCA) is an anomalous vessel arising from the internal carotid artery. The incidence DMCA is relatively law, and an association between this anomaly and cerebral aneurysms has been documented. There is a controversy whether DMCA may have perforating arteries. This is an important fact to consider in aneurysm surgery. We report the case of a 34-year-old black woman who suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage and the angiography a left DMCA, and an aneurysm in an inferior branch of the main MCA. The DMCA and the MCA had perforating arteries. The aneurysm was clipped without complications. The observation of perforating arteries in our patient confirms that the DMCA may have perforating arteries. This is very important to be considered in cerebral aneurysms surgery. Moreover, the DMCA may potentially serve as a collateral blood supply to the MCA territory in cases of MCA occlusion. PMID:22140405

  14. Cerebral specialization. [greater performance efficiency for certain mental abilities or processes by one cerebral hemisphere over another (United States)

    Morris, Robin D.; Hopkins, William D.; Rumbaugh, Duane M.


    The concept of greater performance efficiency for certain mental abilities or processes in one cerebral hemisphere rather than the other is referred to as 'cerebral lateralization'. The experimental paradigm for lateralization research involves the study of patients with one damaged hemisphere, which prevents their performance of a certain task or function; this approach, however, presents many difficulties in extrapolating to brain function in normal patients. Attention is presently given to gender differences in lateralization, cerebral asymmetries in other species, and the evolutionary bases of hemispheric specialization.

  15. Validation of a Cerebral Palsy Register

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Topp, Monica; Langhoff-Roos, Jens; Uldall, P.


    OBJECTIVES: To analyse completeness and validity of data in the Cerebral Palsy Register in Denmark, 1979-1982. METHODS: Completeness has been assessed by comparing data from The Danish National Patient Register (DNPR) with the cases included in the Cerebral Palsy Register (CPR). Agreement between......, but gestational age was subject to a systematic error, and urinary infections in pregnancy (kappa = 0.43) and placental abruption (kappa = 0.52) were seriously under-reported in the CPR. CONCLUSIONS: Completeness of the Cerebral Palsy Register in Denmark, 1979-1982, has been assessed to maximal 85%, emphasizing...

  16. Relationship between blood uric and acute cerebral infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yin Zhanxia; Zhao Danyang


    Objective: To study the relationship between blood uric acid and acute cerebral infarction. Methods: The level of blood uric acid and prevalence of hyperuricemia (HUA) were compared in 360 patients with acute cerebral infarction and 300 patients without it. According to the level of blood uric acid, 360 acute cerebral infarction patients were divided into HUA and normouricemia (NUA) groups. Age, sex, body mass index (BMI), blood glucose and total cholesterol were compared between the HUA and NUA group. The degree of neurological functional defection was compared between the two groups when patients were attacked by acute cerebral infarction. After a recovery treatment, the neurological functional defection of the two groups was compared a second time. Results: (1)The average blood uric acid level and prevalence of HUA were higher in patients with acute cerebral infarction. (2) The BMI, blood glucose and total cholesterol were higher in HUA group than in NUA group. (3) The neurological functional defection was more serious in HUA group when patients were attacked by acute cerebral infarction and after a recovery treatment. Conclusion: Hyperuricemia is related to acute cerebral infarction. (authors)

  17. Cerebral asymmetry in a selected Chinese population

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Y.X.; He, G.X.; Tong, G.H.; Wang, D.B.; Xu, K.Y.


    Previous studies have demonstrated anatomical differences between the two cerebral hemispheres and ethnic differences in cerebral asymmetry. This study examined asymmetry of Chinese living in Shanghai. Measurements were taken across the frontal, mid-cerebral and occipital regions from normal head computed tomography (CT) scans of 200 Chinese Shanghai residents (100 male and 100 female, aged 6-73 years, average 48.7 years). The results were compared with reported data in the literature. The following results were found: (i) In the frontal region the right side was larger than the left in 57.5% of cases, equal in 10.5% and smaller in 32% of cases; in the mid-cerebral region the right side was larger than the left in 65.5% of cases, equal in 12.5% and smaller in 22% of cases; in the occipital regions the right side was larger than the left in 34.5% of cases, equal in 8.5% and smaller in 57% of cases. The average right-left differences between the frontal, mid-cerebral and occipital regions were 0.43 mm, 0.9 mm and 0.4 mm respectively. No difference in cerebral asymmetry existed between males and females. The occipital lobes showed the greatest individual asymmetry. The distribution of cerebral asymmetry of Chinese in Shanghai showed similarity to North American Whites rather than North American Blacks, but the average right-left differences were smaller than those of Whites. Copyright (1999) Blackwell Science Pty Ltd

  18. Symptomatic unruptured cerebral aneurysms. Features and surgical outcome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Date, Isao


    Development of less invasive imaging studies, such as magnetic resonance angiography, has increased the chances that unruptured cerebral aneurysms are found. The rupture risk of 'symptomatic' aneurysms is higher than for 'asymptomatic' aneurysms; so 'symptomatic' aneurysms are more often surgically treated. Many reviews examine 'asymptomatic' unruptured cerebral aneurysms, but few evaluate 'symptomatic' aneurysms. The author has treated many patients with symptomatic unruptured cerebral aneurysms and found that improved cranial nerve signs can be expected if the surgical treatment is performed before the symptoms become irreversible; the critical period is approximately 3 months. It is important to suppress the pulsation of the aneurysms compressing the cranial nerves; both a clipping procedure and endovascular coiling are effective. Cranial nerve signs are more commonly the symptoms of unruptured cerebral aneurysms, but large to giant aneurysms can also be the causes of hemiparesis, hydrocephalus, epilepsy, or even cerebral infarction. This review summarizes the features and surgical outcome of symptomatic unruptured cerebral aneurysms. (author)

  19. Resonancia magnética nuclear de encéfalo en pacientes con fenilcetonuria diagnosticada tardíamente


    Jiménez-Pérez, Mario O.; Gómez-Garza, Gilberto; Ruiz-García, Matilde; Fernández-Lainez, Cynthia; Ibarra-González, Isabel; Vela-Amieva, Marcela


    Antecedentes: la fenilcetonuria clásica es una encefalopatía genética caracterizada por una inhabilidad de los individuos para metabolizar la fenilalanina, por lo que su concentración plasmática se eleva a niveles tóxicos. Clínicamente se manifiesta como irritabilidad, alteración del sueño, indiferencia al medio, crisis convulsivas, retraso del neurodesarrollo, conducta autista, agresividad y discapacidad intelectual. Objetivo: describir los hallazgos y cuantificar el coeficiente de difusión ...

  20. Regulatory mechanism of endothelin receptor B in the cerebral arteries after focal cerebral ischemia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grell, Anne-Sofie; Thigarajah, Rushani; Edvinsson, Lars


    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Increased expression of endothelin receptor type B (ETBR), a vasoactive receptor, has recently been implied in the reduced cerebral blood flow and exacerbated neuronal damage after ischemia-reperfusion (I/R). The study explores the regulatory mechanisms of ETBR to identify...... drug targets to restore normal cerebral artery contractile function as part of successful neuroprotective therapy. METHODS: We have employed in vitro methods on human and rat cerebral arteries to study the regulatory mechanisms and the efficacy of target selective inhibitor, Mithramycin A (Mit...... the ETBR mRNA and protein levels. It also significantly reduced the ETBR mediated cerebrovascular contractility. Detailed analysis indicated that ERK1/2 mediated phosphorylation of Sp1 might be essential for ETBR transcription. CONCLUSION: Transcription factor Sp1 regulates the ETBR mediated...

  1. Análise do equilíbrio estático e de deformidades nos pés de crianças com paralisia cerebral Analysis of static balance and deformities on feet of children with cerebral palsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thaís Delamuta Ayres da Costa


    Full Text Available O presente estudo analisou, por meio de um sistema de baropodometria, os tipos de pé, a influência da visão no equilíbrio estático na postura ortostática e a distribuição da pressão plantar em 16 crianças, de 6 a 15 anos, com diagnóstico de paralisia cerebral. Os resultados indicaram que o pé valgo foi o mais comum dentre os tipos de paralisia cerebral estudadas, diparesia espástica, hemiparesia espástica direita, hemiparesia espástica esquerda e ataxia; o equilíbrio estático na postura ortostática de olhos vendados apresentou maior instabilidade do que quando com os olhos abertos; a distribuição de pressão plantar não apresentou significância estatística e não houve correlação significativa entre a idade e as variáveis de equilíbrio e de distribuição da pressão plantar. Desse modo, conclui-se que a visão é um fator importante no controle postural de crianças com paralisia cerebral.The present study analyzed through baropodometry system, the feet's types, the vision's influence during static balance on orthostatic posture and the plantar pressure distribution in 16 children, aged from 6 to 15 years-old with diagnostic of cerebral palsy. We noted that the valgus foot was more common on the sample studied, diparetic spastic, hemiparetic spastic right, and hemiparetic spastic left and ataxic; the static balance on orthostatic posture with closed eyes was more instable compared to the orthostatic posture with opened eyes. In relation to the distribution of plantar pressure, we did not observe statistical significance and there was no correlation between age and the balance's variables and the plantar pressure's distribution. Therefore, we concluded that the vision is an important factor on postural control in children with cerebral palsy.

  2. Cerebral energy metabolism during induced mitochondrial dysfunction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, T H; Bindslev, TT; Pedersen, S M


    In patients with traumatic brain injury as well as stroke, impaired cerebral oxidative energy metabolism may be an important factor contributing to the ultimate degree of tissue damage. We hypothesize that mitochondrial dysfunction can be diagnosed bedside by comparing the simultaneous changes...... in brain tissue oxygen tension (PbtO(2)) and cerebral cytoplasmatic redox state. The study describes cerebral energy metabolism during mitochondrial dysfunction induced by sevoflurane in piglets....

  3. Cerebral blood flow response to functional activation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paulson, Olaf B; Hasselbalch, Steen G; Rostrup, Egill


    Cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral metabolic rate are normally coupled, that is an increase in metabolic demand will lead to an increase in flow. However, during functional activation, CBF and glucose metabolism remain coupled as they increase in proportion, whereas oxygen metabolism only inc...... the cerebral tissue's increased demand for glucose supply during neural activation with recent evidence supporting a key function for astrocytes in rCBF regulation....

  4. Diffusion-weighted MRI in acute cerebral stroke

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takayama, Hideichi; Kobayashi, Masahito; Suga, Sadao; Kawase, Takeshi; Nagasawa, Masakazu; Sadanaga, Humiko; Okamura, Miyuki; Kanai, Yoshihiro; Mihara, Ban [Mihara Memorial Hospital, Isezaki, Gunma (Japan)


    Diffusion-weighted MRI has been demonstrated to be valuable in the assessment of cerebral stroke. Recent advance in MR systems of hardware with larger maximum gradient amplitude and faster imaging strategies, such as EPI, has made it possible to acquire whole brain diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in less that one minute. The purposes of this study are to evaluate clinical usefulness of DWI and to clarify pitfalls in the diagnosis of acute cerebral stroke. Seventeen patients with 18 ischemic lesions were studied. DWI were taken with 1.5 Tesla MRI (Magnetom Vision, Siemens, Germany) using EPI sequence. Fifteen lesions out of them (3 in cerebral cortex, 9 in basal ganglia/deep white matter and 3 in cerebellum) were studied serially at various times up to 147 days. Acute cerebral infarction was seen clearly as an area of hyperintensity with DWI and as hypointensity in apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps which are indicative of decreased diffusion. DWI detected areas of hyperintense acute infarcts, as early as 2.5 hours after onset, which were not visualized on T{sub 2}-weighted image (T2WI). The lesion of cerebral infarction became isointense in ADC maps at 14-28 days after onset, whereas with DWI it became isointense at about 2 months. Because ADC changed earlier than DWI, ADC maps were useful for differentiate acute from nonacute lesion in cases of recurrent stroke within a short period. In a patient with transient global amnesia for 7 hours, DWI did not show any lesion at 8 hours. In terms of cerebral hemorrhage, lesions were seen as area of hyperintensity in DWI at 3 days and were not distinguishable from that of infarct. Despite limitations in the diagnosis of transient ischemia and cerebral hemorrhage, DWI is a useful technique for early detection of cerebral infarction, especially within the first 6 hours after stroke onset. (author)

  5. Diffusion-weighted MRI in acute cerebral stroke

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takayama, Hideichi; Kobayashi, Masahito; Suga, Sadao; Kawase, Takeshi; Nagasawa, Masakazu; Sadanaga, Humiko; Okamura, Miyuki; Kanai, Yoshihiro; Mihara, Ban


    Diffusion-weighted MRI has been demonstrated to be valuable in the assessment of cerebral stroke. Recent advance in MR systems of hardware with larger maximum gradient amplitude and faster imaging strategies, such as EPI, has made it possible to acquire whole brain diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in less that one minute. The purposes of this study are to evaluate clinical usefulness of DWI and to clarify pitfalls in the diagnosis of acute cerebral stroke. Seventeen patients with 18 ischemic lesions were studied. DWI were taken with 1.5 Tesla MRI (Magnetom Vision, Siemens, Germany) using EPI sequence. Fifteen lesions out of them (3 in cerebral cortex, 9 in basal ganglia/deep white matter and 3 in cerebellum) were studied serially at various times up to 147 days. Acute cerebral infarction was seen clearly as an area of hyperintensity with DWI and as hypointensity in apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps which are indicative of decreased diffusion. DWI detected areas of hyperintense acute infarcts, as early as 2.5 hours after onset, which were not visualized on T 2 -weighted image (T2WI). The lesion of cerebral infarction became isointense in ADC maps at 14-28 days after onset, whereas with DWI it became isointense at about 2 months. Because ADC changed earlier than DWI, ADC maps were useful for differentiate acute from nonacute lesion in cases of recurrent stroke within a short period. In a patient with transient global amnesia for 7 hours, DWI did not show any lesion at 8 hours. In terms of cerebral hemorrhage, lesions were seen as area of hyperintensity in DWI at 3 days and were not distinguishable from that of infarct. Despite limitations in the diagnosis of transient ischemia and cerebral hemorrhage, DWI is a useful technique for early detection of cerebral infarction, especially within the first 6 hours after stroke onset. (author)

  6. Sequential assessment of regional cerebral blood flow, regional cerebral blood volume, and blood-brain barrier in focal cerebral ischemia: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Di Piero, V.; Perani, D.; Savi, A.; Gerundini, P.; Lenzi, G.L.; Fazio, F.


    Regional CBF (rCBF) and regional cerebral blood volume (rCBV) were evaluated by N,N,N'-trimethyl-N'-(2)-hydroxy-3-methyl-5-[123I]iodobenzyl-1, 3-propanediamine-2 HCl- and /sup 99m/TC-labeled red blood cells, respectively, and single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) in a patient with focal cerebral ischemia. Sequential transmission computerized tomography (TCT) and SPECT functional data were compared with clinical findings to monitor the pathophysiological events occurring in stroke. A lack of correlation between rCBF-rCBV distributions and blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown was found in the acute phase. In the face of more prolonged alteration of BBB, as seen by TCT enhancement, a rapid evolution of transient phenomena such as luxury perfusion was shown by SPECT studies. Follow-up of the patient demonstrated a correlation between the neurological recovery and a parallel relative improvement of the cerebral perfusion

  7. Evaluation of radiation risk and work practices during cerebral interventions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Livingstone, Roshan S; Raghuram, L; Korah, Ipeson P; Raj, D Victor [Department of Radiodiagnosis, Christian Medical College, Vellore 632004 (India)


    This study was intended to evaluate radiation risk to patients during cerebral interventions and the contribution to this risk from work practices. Thirty nine patients undergoing cerebral interventions in a digital subtraction angiography suite were included in this study. Patients who underwent cerebral interventions were categorised into two groups according to the number of cerebral interventions performed on them, and their effective doses were calculated. The effective dose for patients undergoing a single cerebral intervention (group A) varied from 1.55 to 15.9 mSv and for multiple cerebral interventions (group B) varied from 16.52 to 43.52 mSv. Two patients who underwent multiple cerebral interventions (group B) had alopecia of the irradiated scalp.

  8. Análise clínico-qualitativa do discurso de uma criança com paralisia cerebral Análisis clinico-cualitativo del discurso de un niño con parálisis cerebral Cinical-qualitative analysis of the discourse of a child with cerebral palsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giselle Massi


    Full Text Available Esse artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre a constituição processual de produções linguístico-discursivas de uma criança com paralisia cerebral, à luz de situações interativas. Apresenta o método clínico-qualitativo como forma de investigação e intervenção linguístico-discursiva, privilegiando a interação socioverbal e a relação intersubjetiva. Os dados foram coletados longitudinalmente ao longo de um ano e quatro meses e as produções linguísticas de uma criança com paralisia cerebral de quatro anos e dois meses de idade foram analisadas de uma perspectiva discursiva. Assim, distantes de avaliações e tratamentos mensuráveis, os quais se pautam em tarefas mecânicas de codificação e decodificação de palavras isoladas, nossa pesquisa pautou-se na análise processual da construção conjunta da significação. Tal análise nos permite afirmar que, mediante o processo interlocutivo, essa criança ampliou seu papel no diálogo. Observamos como ela, de um momento inicial em que apresentava apenas fragmentos de enunciados, passou a estruturar narrativas mais completas.Ese artículo propone una reflección sobre la constitución procesual de producciones linguístico-discursivas de un niño con parálisis cerebral, a la luz de situaciones interactivas. Presenta el método clínico-cualitativo y la investigación como una forma de expresión y de lenguaje, discursivas, con el énfasis en la interacción socio-verbal y en la relación intersubjetiva. Los datos fueron recogidos longitudinalmente más de un año y cuatro meses y la producción linguística de un niño con parálisis cerebral con cuatro años y dos meses de edad fueron analizados bajo una perspectiva discursiva. Por lo tanto, lejos de las evaluaciones y tratamientos que son guiados por medios mecánicos, tareas de codificación y decodificación de palabras aisladas, nuestra investigación se orienta en el análisis del procedimiento de la construcción conjunta

  9. Development and face validity of a cerebral visual impairment motor questionnaire for children with cerebral palsy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Salavati, Masoud; Waninge, Aly; Rameckers, E.A.A.; van der Steen, J; Krijnen, W.P.; van der Schans, C.P.; Steenbergen, B.


    AIM: The objectives of this study were (i) to develop two cerebral visual impairment motor questionnaires (CVI-MQ's) for children with cerebral palsy (CP): one for children with Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels I, II and III and one for children with GMFCS levels IV and V;

  10. Development and face validity of a cerebral visual impairment motor questionnaire for children with cerebral palsy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Salavati, M.; Waninge, A.; Rameckers, E. A. A.; van der Steen, J.; Krijnen, W. P.; van der Schans, C. P.; Steenbergen, B.

    Aim The objectives of this study were (i) to develop two cerebral visual impairment motor questionnaires (CVI-MQ's) for children with cerebral palsy (CP): one for children with Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels I, II and III and one for children with GMFCS levels IV and V;


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    Full Text Available Cerebral Palsy is defined as a movement alteration result of a non progressive damage witch is permanent in anencephalon that has not acquired its final maturation. Patients that suffer cerebral palsy present learning disabilities,that varies between being completely normal to severe as a consequence of memory, gnosis, praxis, perceptive andlanguage impairments. Nevertheless the consequences of this disease are not always predictable. This paper pretendsto make a description of the cognitive and behavioral deficits that overcomes along with the manifestation of thecerebral palsy and its possible treatment. We used a complete neuropsychological battery to evaluate a 7 years oldpatient who was diagnosed of cerebral palsy and spastic diplegia finding some cognitive impairment in fields such asmnesic, gnosic and attention processes.

  12. [Effects of carbon dioxide insufflation on regional cerebral oxygenation during laparoscopic surgery in children: a prospective study]. (United States)

    Tuna, Ayca Tas; Akkoyun, Ibrahim; Darcin, Sevtap; Palabiyik, Onur


    Laparoscopic surgery has become a popular surgical tool when compared to traditional open surgery. There are limited data on pediatric patients regarding whether pneumoperitoneum affects cerebral oxygenation although end-tidal CO2 concentration remains normal. Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate the changes of cerebral oxygen saturation using near-infrared spectroscope during laparoscopic surgery in children. The study comprised forty children who were scheduled for laparoscopic (Group L, n=20) or open (Group O, n=20) appendectomy. Hemodynamic variables, right and left regional cerebral oxygen saturation (RrSO2 and LrSO2), fraction of inspired oxygen, end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure (PETCO2), peak inspiratory pressure (Ppeak), respiratory minute volume, inspiratory and end-tidal concentrations of sevoflurane and body temperature were recorded. All parameters were recorded after anesthesia induction and before start of surgery (T0, baseline), 15min after start of surgery (T1), 30min after start of surgery (T2), 45min after start of surgery (T3), 60min after start of surgery (T4) and end of the surgery (T5). There were progressive decreases in both RrSO2 and LrSO2 levels in both groups, which were not statistically significant at T1, T2, T3, T4. The RrSO2 levels of Group L at T5 were significantly lower than that of Group O. One patient in Group L had an rSO2 value <80% of the baseline value. Carbon dioxide insufflation during pneumoperitoneum in pediatric patients may not affect cerebral oxygenation under laparoscopic surgery. Copyright © 2015 Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia. Publicado por Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  13. Implantação estereotáxica de eletrodos profundos por ressonância magnética para cirurgia de epilepsia MRI-guided stereotactic implantation of depth electrodes in epilepsy surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Apresentamos o caso de uma paciente com epilepsia refratária ao tratamento medicamentoso e submetida à monitorização em vídeo-eletrencefalografia por eletrodos de profundidade intracerebrais. A história, o exame clínico, a ressonância magnética (RM, a vídeo-eletrencefalografia e o estudo neuropsicológico não foram suficientes para a determinação da área cerebral de origem das crises convulsivas. Eletrodos de profundidade intracerebrais colocados por estereotaxia guiada por RM possibilitaram o registro de forma muito clara da atividade epileptiforme, determinando com precisão a área cerebral epileptogênica a ser removida por cirurgia. Após lobectomia temporal anterior direita com amígdalo-hipocampectomia realizada há três meses, a paciente permanece sem crises convulsivas. Segundo informações obtidas durante o último Congresso da Liga Brasileira de Epilepsia, esta é a primeira cirurgia estereotáxica para colocação de eletrodos de profundidade intracerebrais em epilepsia no Brasil.We present the case of a 40-year-old woman with refractory epilepsy since aged 18, who was submitted to video-EEG monitoring with intracerebral depth electrodes. The clinical history and examination, magnetic resonance image (MRI, video-EEG and neuropsychological study did not allow the determination of the cerebral onset of epileptic seizures. Depth electrodes inserted by MRI-guided stereotaxis allowed the recording of the epileptic activity and thus showed quite accurately the area of the brain to be surgically resected. She underwent a right anterior temporal lobectomy with amygdalohippocampectomy. The immediate postoperative period was uneventful and she is without epileptic seizures after three months of follow-up. The average pre-operative free-seizure period was two weeks. To our knowledge, this is the first stereotactic surgery for insertion of depth intracerebral electrodes in epilepsy in Brazil.

  14. Estrategias terapéuticas de fisioterapia en personas jóvenes y adultas con parálisis cerebral


    González Sainz, Juan José


    RESUMEN: Objetivo: Proporcionar una visión general de las estrategias terapéuticas de fisioterapia en personas jóvenes y adultos con parálisis cerebral y apoyar en la práctica clínica a realizar por el fisioterapeuta. Fuentes y selección de los estudios: Búsqueda bibliográfica en Pubmed, PEDRo y Cochrane Library, sobre la literatura publicada entre marzo de 2009 y mayo de2013, ya que nuestro estudio continúa el trabajo de una revisión ya existente. Evaluamos calidad de los estudios utiliza...

  15. Comprehensive visual impairment evaluation for cerebral palsy children

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    Ping Wang


    Full Text Available AIM: To evaluate the visual impairment in cerebral palsy children with series objective indicators, and conclude their clinical features of visual function.METHODS: Objective tests including following pursuing test, optokinetic nystagmus(OKNdrum test, refractive error examination, fundus examination, ocular deviation examination, pattern visual evoked potential(P-VEPtests and brain magnetic resonance imaging(MRIwere carried out in 43 cerebral palsy children(86 eyeswith ocular visual dysfunction; The visual impairment data of the cerebral palsy children were collected, and the clinical features and possible mechanism were analyzed.RESULTS: 1. Of the 43 cerebral palsy children(86 eyeswith the visual impairment presented diversified, 25(50 eyes, 58.1%of refractive error, 24(48 eyes, 55.8%of strabismus, 12(24 eyes, 27.9%with nystagmus, 19(38 eyes, 44.2%of optical nerve atrophy or hyperplasia, 35(70 eyes, 81.4%of VEP abnormality. Among children with spastic cerebral palsy, the incidence of visual impairment was statistically significant difference compared with other groups(PP>0.05, no nystagmus in patients with severe occipital cortex damage.CONCLUSION: Cerebral palsy children were usually with visual impairment, and presented with special clinical features; Comprehensive objective visual tests are accurate and reliable for evaluation of the visual function in cerebral palsy children.

  16. MRI diagnosis of the cerebral schistosomiasis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Hanqiu; Chen Yuanjun


    Objective: To discuss MRI appearance of the cerebral schistosomiasis and its clinical value through analyzing the MRI features and post-surgery pathological findings. Methods: MRI features of the cerebral schistosomiasis in 16, pathologically (n = 6) or clinically (n = 10) proved cases were analyzed retrospectively, and compared with the post-surgery pathological findings in 6 cases. Results: Single masses were found in 11 cases (11/16), and multiple masses in 5 eases (5/16), amounting to 23 masses . fifteen masses (15/23) were located in right cerebral hemisphere, including frontal lobe (n = 2), frontoparietal lobe (n = 5) , and occipitoparietal lobe (n 8), while 8 masses (8/23) in left cerebral hemisphere, including frontal lobe (n = 1), frontoparietal lobe (n = 3), and occipitoparietal lobe (n = 4). The nodular masses were isointense with the gray mass like 'island', and 12 cases (12/16) show the 'gigantic hand' form of edema around them. After IV administration of Gd-DTPA, 15 cases (15/16) revealed multiple closely spaced, intensely enhancing modules, 1-3 mm in diameter, distributed throughout the mass. Seven cases misdiagnosed by CT were revised by MRl. Conclusion: The MRI appearance of the cerebral schistosomiasis is characteristic, and MRI is the most valuable tool to diagnose it without injury

  17. Value of cerebral blood flow rate and regional oxygen consumption studies in cerebral ischaemia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clanet, M


    Studies of experimentally-induced ischaemia have shown that the intensity of neuronal suffering is related to the fall in perfusion rate. Below a certain level, called functional threshold, cerebral function is reversibly altered, whereas at a lower level (tissue necrosis threshold) the damage inflicted on neurons is irreversible. Between these two thresholds lies a ''penumbra zone''. This concept of thresholds must be mitigated by 2 parameters: duration of ischaemia and selective vulnerability of the various structures affected. Variations in blood flow rate only indirectly affect the state of tissues. Techniques developed from positron emission tomography make it possible to evaluate the metabolic activity of brain tissue in vivo: oxygen consumption (CMRO/sub 2/), oxygen extraction (EO/sub 2/) and glucose consumption (CMRG) which are thus correlated to cerebral blood flow and cerebral blood volume, sometimes also to tissue pH. Normal relations between blood flow rate and metabolism may be altered. Misery perfusion reflects a fall in cerebral blood flow with an increase in EO/sub 2/ and often a decrease in CMRO/sub 2/, whereas luxury perfusion reflects an increase in cerebral blood flow rate with reduction of CMRO/sub 2/, EO/sub 2/ and CMRG. The type of alteration encountered in human ischaemia varies according to the nature of the accident: studies of transient accidents emphasize the different haemodynamic aspects of occlusion of the wider arteries. The metabolic and haemodynamic profiles of established ischaemic accidents vary according to their type and to the time of the study, reflecting the complexity of the physiopathological mechanisms involved; they are frequently associated with metabolic repercussions at a distance from the ischaemic focus, which supports the concept of diaschisis.

  18. Value of cerebral blood flow rate and regional oxygen consumption studies in cerebral ischaemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clanet, M.


    Studies of experimentally-induced ischaemia have shown that the intensity of neuronal suffering is related to the fall in perfusion rate. Below a certain level, called functional threshold, cerebral function is reversibly altered, whereas at a lower level (tissue necrosis threshold) the damage inflicted on neurons is irreversible. Between these two thresholds lies a ''penumbra zone''. This concept of thresholds must be mitigated by 2 parameters: duration of ischaemia and selective vulnerability of the various structures affected. Variations in blood flow rate only indirectly affect the state of tissues. Techniques developed from positron emission tomography make it possible to evaluate the metabolic activity of brain tissue in vivo: oxygen consumption (CMRO 2 ), oxygen extraction (EO 2 ) and glucose consumption (CMRG) which are thus correlated to cerebral blood flow and cerebral blood volume, sometimes also to tissue pH. Normal relations between blood flow rate and metabolism may be altered. Misery perfusion reflects a fall in cerebral blood flow with an increase in EO 2 and often a decrease in CMRO 2 , whereas luxury perfusion reflects an increase in cerebral blood flow rate with reduction of CMRO 2 , EO 2 and CMRG. The type of alteration encountered in human ischaemia varies according to the nature of the accident: studies of transient accidents emphasize the different haemodynamic aspects of occlusion of the wider arteries. The metabolic and haemodynamic profiles of established ischaemic accidents vary according to their type and to the time of the study, reflecting the complexity of the physiopathological mechanisms involved; they are frequently associated with metabolic repercussions at a distance from the ischaemic focus, which supports the concept of diaschisis [fr

  19. Cerebral CT appearances of toxic encephalopathy of tetramine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zheng Wenlong; Wu Aiqin; Xu Chongyong; Ying Binyu; Hong Ruizhen


    Objective: To investigate the cerebral CT appearances of toxic encephalopathy of tetramine and improve the recognition on this disease. Methods: Four cases of toxic encephalopathy of tetramine were collected and their cerebral CT appearances were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Cerebral CT appearances in acute phase (within 8 days): (1) cerebral edema in different degree. CT abnormalities consisted of cortical hypodensities and complete loss of gray-white matter differentiation. The CT value were in 11-13 HU, and to be watery density in serious case, (2) subarachnoid hemorrhage. It demonstrated the signs of poisoning hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in chronic phase. Conclusion: The cerebral CT appearances of toxic encephalopathy of tetramine had some character in acute phase and it can predict the serious degree of intoxication, but there was no characteristic findings in chronic phase

  20. Biomechanical analysis of countermovement jump in people with cerebral palsy Análisis biomecánico del salto vertical con contramovimiento en personas con parálisis cerebral

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    K. Gianikellis


    Full Text Available

    The main purpose of the study was to evaluate the patterns of the developed ground reaction forces in the two – legged countermovement jumping, performed by persons affected by tetraparesis with ataxia, tetraparesis with athetosis, tetraparesis with spasticity, diplegia with spasticity, right and left hemiplegia and, finally, right and left hemiparesis. After twenty subjects jumped on the surface of a force plate analysis of the ground reaction force – time trend took place. The obtained results confirm the accomplishment of the biomechanical principle of the initial force as in the case of persons not affected by neurological disorders. Finally the calculated ratio between the breaking impulse and the acceleration impulse is very near to optimum values.
    KEY WORDS: cerebral palsy, biomechanics, countermovement jump.


    El valor óptimo del impulso de aceleración en el salto vertical con contra -movimiento, es aproximadamente tres veces superior al impulso de “frenaje”. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido investigar el modo de actuación de la cadena biocinemática del tren inferior en el salto vertical con contra -movimiento para personas afectadas por parálisis cerebral, concretamente, tetraparesia con ataxia, tetraparesia con atetosis, tetraparesia con espasticidad, diplegia con espasticidad, hemiplegia izquierda y derecha, y finalmente, hemiparesia izquierda y derecha. Para ello, se han analizado las fuerzas de reacción de veintitrés sujetos que han realizado saltos con contramovimiento sobre una plataforma de fuerzas. El hallazgo de un valor medio de la ratio entre el impulso de “frenaje” y el de aceleración muy próximo al valor teórico para los veintitrés sujetos con diferentes síntomas de parálisis cerebral, confirma el principio de la fuerza inicial mientras que el alto coeficiente de variación de los parámetros utilizados en este estudio confirma la esperada

  1. Hemodynamics in the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamaguchi, Shinya; Fukuyama, Hidenao; Yamauchi, Hiroshi; Kimura, Jun


    We examined ten healthy volunteers using positron emission tomography (PET) in order to elucidate regional changes and correlations in the cerebral circulation and oxygen metabolism. We also studied eight lacunar stroke patients so as to disclose the influences of vascular risk factors and aging on the cerebral blood flow and metabolism. We can conclude from our result as follows: (1) Cerebral blood volume (CBV) was minimum in the basal ganglia and cerebral blood flow (CBF)/CBV ratio was higher than that of cerebral cortex in healthy volunteers; (2) CBF of gray matter in healthy volunteers correlated with CBV and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen where oxygen extraction fraction inversely correlated with CBF, CBV, and CBF/CBV; and (3) the basal ganglia CBF/CBV ratio in lacunar stroke patients was lower than that of healthy volunteers. These findings suggested that the perfusion pressure in the basal ganglia was so high in the normal condition than the angionecrosis or occlusion in the perforating arteries would be induced, especially in the aged and hypertensive patients. (author)

  2. Retinopathy in severe malaria in Ghanaian children - overlap between fundus changes in cerebral and non-cerebral malaria

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Essuman, Vera A; Ntim-Amponsah, Christine T; Astrup, Birgitte S


    diagnostic tool. This study was designed to determine the diagnostic usefulness of retinopathy on ophthalmoscopy in severe malaria syndromes: Cerebral malaria (CM) and non-cerebral severe malaria (non-CM), i.e. malaria with respiratory distress (RD) and malaria with severe anaemia (SA), in Ghanaian children...

  3. Productos de innovaciones teoricas Hi desarrollo de la actividad mental-cerebral mediado por sistemas fisiológicos y agentes externos

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    Helmer Frank Charris Peredo


    Full Text Available La variedad de opiniones que se levantan con el propósito de explicar con alguien grado de proximidad la mente del hombre, resultan ocasionalmente incompletas, pero cada una de esas afirmaciones termina por hacer parte, de una solo concepción donde todas las posibilidades tanto neurofisiológicas como psicológicas se pueden aplicar. Partiendo de la apreciación que la conciencia es la máxima expresión de la evolución mental, por ser una facultad que implica interacción de funciones mentales superiores, podríamos tener bajo cierta medida una aproximación a lo que implica la actividad mental, conociendo que el cerebro implica mecanismos fisiológicos y químicos con una funcionalidad que probablemente se moldee con el tiempo. Existen diferentes mecanismos implicados en la actividad mental superior, algunos como la memoria, se explican bajo razones fisiológicas, otros, necesitan una análisis más profundo para intentar cuando menos entender como suceden. Nuestro psiquismo no progresa únicamente por la vía de la maduración mecánica de aptitudes biológicas, condicionadas estas por el sistema nervioso central, este se organiza y desarrolla en el procedimiento de la necesidad humana de interactuar con el medio y relacionarse con sus semejantes. 

  4. MR angiography of cerebral aneurysms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miki, Hitoshi; Tanada, Shuji; Sakaki, Saburo; Hamamoto, Ken; Sadamoto, Kazuhiko.


    Time-of-flight (TOF) MR angiography (MRA) and phase-contrast (PC) MRA are examined clinically for evaluating cerebral aneurysms. In the morphological diagnosis of cerebral aneurysms, three-dimensional (3D) MRA is superior to two-dimensional (2D) MRA because 3D MRA has a higher S/N ratio and a higher spatial resolution. However, it is difficult to decide which, 3D TOF MRA or 3D PC MRA, is superior, for both methods have many scan parameters. In our study, 3D PC MRA was performed using two methods; one had the same acquisition time as 3D TOF MRA, while the other had the same spatial resolution as 3D TOF MRA. The detectability of aneurysms by each MRA method was evaluated in comparison with 3D TOF MRA. In fifteen patients (6 males and 9 females), a total of 16 cerebral aneurysms (3 ruptured and 13 unruptured) were studied. The lesion sizes ranged from 2.5 to 18 mm. All the 16 lesions were examined by means of 3D TOF MRA, 3D PC MRA, and conventional angiography. MR imaging was performed with a 1.5 tesla MRI system (Signa). All of the 16 cerebral aneurysms were detected by 3D TOF MRA, while only 11 of them were detected by 3D PC MRA. When 3D PC MRA was performed with the same acquisition time as 3D TOF MRA, 3D PC MRA was superior in showing one of the 7 aneurysms. When 3D PC MRA was performed with same spatial resolution as 3D TOF MRA, 3D PC MRA was superior in showing two of the 10 aneurysms. 3D TOF MRA was superior to 3D PC MRA in the detection of cerebral aneurysms because of the long acquisition times and the different flow velocity, which induced different signal intensities between the aneurysms and parent arteries in 3D PC MRA. 3D PC MRA was superior to 3D TOF MRA in patients with large thrombotic aneurysms of the internal carotid artery. We consider that 3D TOF MRA should be the first choice for screening and following-up cerebral aneurysms. 3D PC MRA should then be performed for large cerebral aneurysms in addition to 3D TOF MRA. (author)

  5. Hepatocarcinoma fibrolamelar: relato de um caso

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    Martins Rogéria de Castro


    Full Text Available O hepatocarcinoma fibrolamelar é neoplasia hepatocelular rara, diagnosticada por tomografia computadorizada e confirmada pelo exame anatomopatológico. O caso relatado foi atendido no Hospital Mater Dei de Belo Horizonte, MG. Os aspectos clínicos, radiológicos e patológicos discutidos reforçam a importância das imagens radiológicas na detecção e caracterização das neoplasias focais hepáticas.

  6. Clinical behavior of Streptococcus pneumoniae meningoencephalitis Comportamiento clinico y terapéutico de la meningoencefalitis por Streptococcus pneumoniae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raisa Bu-Coifiu Fanego


    ños menores de un año son los más frecuentemente afectados. El shock séptico y el edema cerebral las mayores complicaciones. Tres pacientes fallecieron. Esta enfermedad ha tenido un curso serio. El tratamiento temprano del edema cerebral es muy importante para reducir la mortalidad. Los medicamentos de elección para tratar la meningoencefalitis por Strepcococcus pneumoniae en los casos estudiados fueron la vancomicina combinada con cefalosporina del tipo de la cefatoxima o la ceftriaxona. CONCLUSION: Los pacientes con meningoencefalitis por Streptoccocus pneumoniae exhibieron características clínica, complicaciones y secuelas las cuales se diferencian de otras meningoencefalitis bacterianas. Por eso estos elementos pueden ayudar a los médicos en el diagnóstico diferencial

  7. Absceso cerebral en niños

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José de Jesús Goyo-Rivas


    Full Text Available Se presentan 23 pacientes con absceso cerebral, los cuales fueron estudiados en el Hospital Universitario de los Andes, Mérida?Venezuela, en un período de 15 años (1979-1994 y en edades comprendidas entre 0 mes y 14 años. Se encontró 1 caso de absceso cerebral por cada 1 600 hospitalizaciones. Se halló la mayor incidencia de la enfermedad en la edad escolar (43,4 % y un predominio en el sexo masculino (52,1 %. Entre los factores predisponentes se muestran: otomastoiditis con 30,4 %; posoperatorio neuroquirúrigico, 21,7 %; sinusitis, 17,3 %; meningitis, 17,3 %; cardiopatías congénitas, 8,6 % y celulitis periorbitaria, 4,3%. En 19 pacientes el absceso fue único y en 4 múltiples. Cinco de los abscesos fueron multiloculados. En el 61,9 % de los pacientes la enfermedad tenía más de una semana de evolución. La triada clásica (cefalea-fiebre-focalización neurológica se presentó en 9/23 pacientes (39,1 %. Doce de los pacientes recibieron tratamiento médico-quirúrgico. El Staphylococcus aureus fue el germen aislado con mayor frecuencia (20 % asociado al posoperatorio neuroquirúrgico y Enterobacterias (33 % asociadas a las infecciones otomastoideas. La tasa de mortalidad fue de 34,7 %. El absceso cerebral en niños continúa siendo un reto diagnóstico y de tratamiento para el clínico.23 patients aged 0-14 with brain abscess that were studied at the University Hospital of Los Andes, Mérida-Venezuela, during a period of 15 years (1979-1994 are presented. It was found a case of brain abscess per 1 600 hospitalizations. The highest incidence of the disease was observed at school age (43,4 % and among males (52,1 %. Some of the predisposing factors were: otomastoiditis with 30,4 %; neurosurgical postoperative, 21,7 %; sinusitis, 17,3 %; meningitis, 17,3 %; congenital heart disease, 8,6 %; and periorbital cellulitis, 4,3 %. In 19 patients the abscess was unique, and in 4 it was multiple. 5 of the abscesses were multiloculated. In 61

  8. Risk factors for unpleasant paresthesiae induced by paresthesiae - producing deep brain stimulation Fatores de risco para parestesia dolorosa induzida por estimulação cerebral profuda em sítios produtores de parestesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Osvaldo Vilela Filho


    Full Text Available Paresthesiae-producing deep brain stimulation (stimulation of ventrocaudal nucleus - VC, medial lemniscus - ML or internal capsule - IC is one of the few procedures to treat the steady element of neural injury pain (NIP currently available. Reviewing the first 60 patients with NIP submitted to deep brain stimulation (DBS from 1978 to 1991 at the Division of Neurosurgery, Toronto Hospital, University of Toronto, we observed that 6 patients complained of unpleasant paresthesiae with paresthesiae-producing DBS, preventing permanent electrode implantation in all of them. Such patients accounted for 15% of the failures (6 out of 40 failures in our series. In an attempt to improve patient selection, we reviewed our patients considering a number of parameters in order to determine risk factors for unpleasant paresthesiae elicited by paresthesiae-producing DBS. The results showed that this response happenned only in patients with brain central pain complaining of evoked pain, secondary to a supratentorial lesion. Age, sex, duration of pain, quality of the steady pain, size of the causative lesion and site (VC,ML,IC and type (micro or macroelectrode of surgical exploration were not important factors. Unpleasant paresthesiae in response to dorsal column stimulation, restricted thalamic lesion on computed tomography and the occurrence of associated intermittent pain were considered major risk factors in this subset of patients and the presence of cold allodynia or hyperpathia in isolation and the absence of sensory loss were considered minor risk factors. It is our hope that the criteria here established will improve patient selection and so, the overall results of DBS.A estimulação cerebral profunda (ECP de sítios cuja estimulação elicita parestesia (núcleo talâmico ventrocaudal - VC, lemnisco medial - LM e cápsula interna - CI é um dos poucos métodos atualmente disponíveis para o tratamento do elemento constante da dor por injúria neural (DIN

  9. Experimental Focal Cerebral Ischemia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Thomas


    Focal cerebral ischemia due to occlusion of a major cerebral artery is the cause of ischemic stroke which is a major reason of mortality, morbidity and disability in the populations of the developed countries. In the seven studies summarized in the thesis focal ischemia in rats induced by occlusion...... in the penumbra is recruited in the infarction process leading to a progressive growth of the infarct. The penumbra hence constitutes an important target for pharmacological treatment because of the existence of a therapeutic time window during which treatment with neuroprotective compounds may prevent...

  10. Is fasting necessary for elective cerebral angiography? (United States)

    Kwon, O-K; Oh, C W; Park, H; Bang, J S; Bae, H-J; Han, M K; Park, S-H; Han, M H; Kang, H-S; Park, S-K; Whang, G; Kim, B-C; Jin, S-C


    In order to prevent unexpected events such as aspiration pneumonia, cerebral angiography has been performed under fasting in most cases. We investigated prospectively the necessity of fasting before elective cerebral angiography. The study is an open-labeled clinical trial without random allocation. In total, 2554 patients who underwent elective cerebral angiography were evaluated on development of nausea, vomiting, and pulmonary aspiration during and after angiography. Potential risks and benefits associated with fasting were provided in written documents and through personal counseling to patients before the procedure. The patients chose their fasting or nonfasting option. No restriction in diet was given after angiography. The patients were observed for 24 hours. Nausea and vomiting during and within 1 hour after angiography was considered as a positive event associated with cerebral angiography. The overall incidence of nausea and vomiting during and within 1 hour after angiography was 1.05% (27/2554 patients). There was no patient with pulmonary aspiration. No statistical difference in nausea and vomiting development between the fasting and the diet groups was found. The incidence of nausea and vomiting associated with cerebral angiography is low and not affected by diet or fasting. Pulmonary aspiration had no difference between the diet and the fasting group. Our study suggests that fasting may not be necessary for patients who undergo elective cerebral angiography.

  11. Cerebral small-resistance artery structure and cerebral blood flow in normotensive subjects and hypertensive patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Ciuceis, Carolina; Porteri, Enzo; Rizzoni, Damiano; Boari, Gianluca E.M.; Rosei, Enrico Agabiti [University of Brescia, Clinica Medica, Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Brescia (Italy); Cornali, Claudio; Mardighian, Dikran; Fontanella, Marco M. [University of Brescia, Section of Neurosurgery, Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences and Public Health, Brescia (Italy); Pinardi, Chiara [Spedali Civili, Medical Physics Unit, Brescia (Italy); University of Brescia, Section of Neuroradiology, Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences and Public Health, Brescia (Italy); Rodella, Luigi F.; Rezzani, Rita [University of Brescia, Section of Anatomy, Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Brescia (Italy); Gasparotti, Roberto [University of Brescia, Section of Neurosurgery, Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences and Public Health, Brescia (Italy); University of Brescia, Section of Neuroradiology, Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences and Public Health, Brescia (Italy)


    The aim of this study was to prospectively investigate whether the structure of cerebral small-resistance arteries is related to cerebral perfusion parameters as measured with dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast magnetic resonance imaging (DSC-MRI) in a selected cohort of hypertensive and normotensive patients. Ten hypertensive and 10 normotensive patients were included in the study. All patients underwent neurosurgical intervention for an intracranial tumor and were investigated with DSC-MRI at 1.5 T. Cerebral small-resistance arteries were dissected from a small portion of morphologically normal cerebral tissue and mounted on an isometric myograph for the measurement of the media-to-lumen (M/L) ratio. A quantitative assessment of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and volume (CBV) was performed with a region-of-interest approach. Correlation coefficients were calculated for normally distributed variables. The institutional review board approved the study, and informed consent was obtained from all patients. Compared with normotensive subjects, hypertensive patients had significantly lower regional CBF (mL/100 g/min) in the cortical grey matter (55.63 ± 1.90 vs 58.37 ± 2.19, p < 0.05), basal ganglia (53.34 ± 4.39 vs 58.22. ± 4.33, p < 0.05), thalami (50.65 ± 3.23 vs 57.56 ± 4.45, p < 0.01), subcortical white matter (19.32 ± 2.54 vs 22.24 ± 1.9, p < 0.05), greater M/L ratio (0.099 ± 0.013 vs 0.085 ± 0.012, p < 0.05), and lower microvessel density (1.66 ± 0.67 vs 2.52 ± 1.28, p < 0.05). A statistically significant negative correlation was observed between M/L ratio of cerebral arteries and CBF in the cortical grey matter (r = -0.516, p < 0.05), basal ganglia (r = -0.521, p < 0.05), thalami (r = -0.527 p < 0.05), and subcortical white matter (r = -0.612, p < 0.01). Our results indicate that microvascular structure might play a role in controlling CBF, with possible clinical consequences. (orig.)

  12. 11 Things to Know about Cerebral Palsy (United States)

    ... Button Past Emails 11 Things to Know about Cerebral Palsy Language: English (US) Español (Spanish) Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common motor disability in ...

  13. Computer-assisted 3D reconstruction of the terminal branches of the cerebral arteries. Pt. 1. Anterior cerebral artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gloger, S.; Gloger, A.; Vogt, H.; Kretschmann, H.J.


    We present a three-dimensional anatomical computer model of the terminal branches of the anterior cerebral artery, acquired from equidistant serial anatomical slices of three brains. The reconstructions provide a clear picture from all angles of the complicated course of the terminal branches of the cerebral arteries, which can help to identify them on conventional and magnetic resonance angiography. Our rendition of the cerebral arteries can also be matched with CT, MR or PET images to indicate the areas of extension of individual branches, allowing neuromorphological and functional correlation. (orig.)

  14. Computer-assisted 3D reconstruction of the terminal branches of the cerebral arteries. Pt. 1. Anterior cerebral artery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gloger, S. (Dept. of Neuroanatomy, Hannover Medical School (Germany)); Gloger, A. (Dept. of Neuroanatomy, Hannover Medical School (Germany)); Vogt, H. (Dept. of Neuroanatomy, Hannover Medical School (Germany)); Kretschmann, H.J. (Dept. of Neuroanatomy, Hannover Medical School (Germany))


    We present a three-dimensional anatomical computer model of the terminal branches of the anterior cerebral artery, acquired from equidistant serial anatomical slices of three brains. The reconstructions provide a clear picture from all angles of the complicated course of the terminal branches of the cerebral arteries, which can help to identify them on conventional and magnetic resonance angiography. Our rendition of the cerebral arteries can also be matched with CT, MR or PET images to indicate the areas of extension of individual branches, allowing neuromorphological and functional correlation. (orig.)

  15. Modulation of cerebral blood flow with transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation (TENS) in patients with cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    ter Laan, Mark; van Dijk, J.M.C.; Stewart, Roy; Staal, Michiel J; Elting, Jan-Willem J.

    ObjectivesTranscutaneous electrical neurostimulation (TENS) and spinal cord stimulation have been shown to increase peripheral and cerebral blood flow. We postulate that certain pathological conditions attenuate cerebral autoregulation, which may result in a relative increase of the importance of

  16. Modulation of cerebral blood flow with transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation (TENS) in patients with cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laan, M. ter; Dijk, J.M. van; Stewart, R.; Staal, M.J.; Elting, J.W.


    OBJECTIVES: Transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation (TENS) and spinal cord stimulation have been shown to increase peripheral and cerebral blood flow. We postulate that certain pathological conditions attenuate cerebral autoregulation, which may result in a relative increase of the importance of

  17. Arterial spin-labeling MR imaging of cerebral hemorrhages

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Noguchi, Tomoyuki [Department of Radiology, National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Tokyo (Japan); Saga University, Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine, Saga (Japan); Nishihara, Masashi; Egashira, Yoshiaki; Azama, Shinya; Hirai, Tetsuyoshi; Kitano, Isao; Irie, Hiroyuki [Saga University, Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine, Saga (Japan); Yakushiji, Yusuke [Saga University, Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine, Saga (Japan); Kawashima, Masatou [Saga University, Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine, Saga (Japan)


    The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of brain perfusion measured by arterial spin-labeling magnetic resonance imaging (ASL-MRI) in cerebral hemorrhages. Brain blood flow values (CBF-ASL values) for cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres and segmented cerebral regions were measured by ASL-MRI in 19 putaminal hemorrhage patients and 20 thalamic hemorrhage patients in acute or subacute stages. We assessed the lateralities of CBF-ASL values and the relationships between CBF-ASL values and other imaging findings and clinical manifestations. Both the 19 putaminal hemorrhage patients and the 20 thalamic hemorrhage patients had significantly low CBF-ASL values of the contralateral cerebellum in subacute stage, suggesting that ASL-MRI might delineate crossed cerebellar diaschisis (CCD). Ipsilateral low CBF-ASL values were observed in frontal lobes and thalami with a putaminal hemorrhage and lentiform nuclei, temporal lobes, and parietal lobes with a thalamic hemorrhage, suggesting that ASL-MRI showed the ipsilateral cerebral diaschisis (ICD). In the putaminal hemorrhage patients, the hematoma volume negatively affected both the bilateral cerebellar and cerebral hemispheric CBF-ASL values. In the thalamic hemorrhage patients, a concomitant intraventricular hemorrhage caused low cerebral hemispheric CBF-ASL values. The use of ASL-MRI is sensitive to the perfusion abnormalities and could thus be helpful to estimate functional abnormalities in cerebral hemorrhage patients. (orig.)

  18. Arterial spin-labeling MR imaging of cerebral hemorrhages

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noguchi, Tomoyuki; Nishihara, Masashi; Egashira, Yoshiaki; Azama, Shinya; Hirai, Tetsuyoshi; Kitano, Isao; Irie, Hiroyuki; Yakushiji, Yusuke; Kawashima, Masatou


    The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of brain perfusion measured by arterial spin-labeling magnetic resonance imaging (ASL-MRI) in cerebral hemorrhages. Brain blood flow values (CBF-ASL values) for cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres and segmented cerebral regions were measured by ASL-MRI in 19 putaminal hemorrhage patients and 20 thalamic hemorrhage patients in acute or subacute stages. We assessed the lateralities of CBF-ASL values and the relationships between CBF-ASL values and other imaging findings and clinical manifestations. Both the 19 putaminal hemorrhage patients and the 20 thalamic hemorrhage patients had significantly low CBF-ASL values of the contralateral cerebellum in subacute stage, suggesting that ASL-MRI might delineate crossed cerebellar diaschisis (CCD). Ipsilateral low CBF-ASL values were observed in frontal lobes and thalami with a putaminal hemorrhage and lentiform nuclei, temporal lobes, and parietal lobes with a thalamic hemorrhage, suggesting that ASL-MRI showed the ipsilateral cerebral diaschisis (ICD). In the putaminal hemorrhage patients, the hematoma volume negatively affected both the bilateral cerebellar and cerebral hemispheric CBF-ASL values. In the thalamic hemorrhage patients, a concomitant intraventricular hemorrhage caused low cerebral hemispheric CBF-ASL values. The use of ASL-MRI is sensitive to the perfusion abnormalities and could thus be helpful to estimate functional abnormalities in cerebral hemorrhage patients. (orig.)

  19. Diagnostic yield of brush cytology for biliary stenosis during ERCP Rentabilidad diagnóstica de la citología por cepillado de las estenosis biliares durante la CPRE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Temiño López-Jurado


    Full Text Available Aim: to evaluate the diagnostic yield of brush cytology for biliary strictures detected on ERCP when a systematic approach is used. Patients and methods: data on 62 consecutive patients with a biliary stricture on ERCP were collected. Cytological samples were processed immediately after brushing in the endoscopy room, and all were analyzed by the same pathologist. For the statistical analysis specimens were classified as positive, negative, suspicious for malignancy (presence of atypias, and unsatisfactory for evaluation. Final diagnosis was based on either histopathologic (surgery or biopsies by other techniques or clinical/radiographic diagnosis. Results: a total of 71 cytological specimens were included. Definite diagnosis was malignancy in 49 samples, and benign stricture in 22. Three samples were excluded because of insufficient material or processing artifacts. The sensitivity of biliary brushing was 62% (95% CI 0.47-0.77, specificity was 100%, positive predictive value was 100%, and negative predictive value was 58% (95% CI 0.43-0.75. When suspicious samples were included as malignant, sensitivity was 67% (95% CI 0.54-0.81 without changes in the remaining parameters. Eight patients underwent more than one ERCP. Repeated brush cytology exams in these patients yielded a definitive diagnosis in every case. Conclusions: brush cytology has intermediate sensitivity with a high specificity. A systematic approach with a dedicated pathologist and the inclusion of significant atypias as malignant results improves sensitivity. Due to its simplicity brush cytology should be performed in all cases of biliary strictures detected on ERCP, and in case of repeated ERCPs additional cytology brushings are recommended.Objetivo: evaluar la rentabilidad de la citología por cepillado de las estenosis biliares diagnosticadas por CPRE cuando se aplica una metodología sistemática. Pacientes y métodos: se recogieron muestras de 62 pacientes consecutivos con

  20. Low cerebral blood flow in hypotensive perinatal distress

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lou, H C; Lassen, N A; Friis-Hansen, B


    was used for the cerebral blood flow measurements. The study confirmed that perinatal distress may be associated with low arterial blood pressure, and it was shown that cerebral blood flow is very low, 20 ml/100 g/min or less, in hypotensive perinatal distress. It is concluded that cerebral ischaemia plays...... a crucial role in the development of perinatal hypoxic brain injury....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elisardo Becoña


    Full Text Available En los últimos años se ha ido consolidando la idea en el campo médico-psiquiátrico de que la adicción es una “enfermedad cerebral”, como ya así recoge el DSM-5. En este articulo se analiza cómo ha surgido y se ha consolidado esta idea, las críticas que ha recibido, las consecuencias profesionales si este modelo se hace hegemónico, junto a los intereses subyacentes al mismo. Se concluye defendiendo la necesidad de mostrar como psicólogos nuestras claras aportaciones al campo de las adicciones, como el de las variables psicológicas que son necesarias para la comprensión de las adicciones, para su prevención, junto con el papel central del tratamiento psicológico por su eficacia en las mismas. También debemos denunciar los reduccionismos, como el que representa el modelo de enfermedad cerebral frente a un modelo biopsicosocial de las adicciones.

  2. Cerebral oxygenation is reduced during hyperthermic exercise in humans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Peter; Nybo, Lars; Volianitis, S.


    Abstract Aim: Cerebral mitochondrial oxygen tension (P(mito)O(2)) is elevated during moderate exercise, while it is reduced when exercise becomes strenuous, reflecting an elevated cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (CMRO(2)) combined with hyperventilation-induced attenuation of cerebral blood flo...

  3. NMR imaging of cerebral infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takusagawa, Yoshihiko; Yamaoka, Naoki; Doi, Kazuaki; Okada, Keisei


    One hundred and five patients with cerebral infarction were studied by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) CT (resistive type of magnet with strength of 0.1 tesla) and X-ray CT. Pulse sequences used saturation recovery (Tr = 600 mSec), Inversion recovery (Tr = 500 mSec, Td = 300 mSec) and spin echo (Tr = 1500 mSec, Te = 40, 80, 120, 160 mSec). Fifteen cases were examined by NMR-CT within 24 hours from onset. Proton NMR imaging could not detect cerebral ischemia as early as 2 hours after onset, but except could detect the lesions in Se image the area of cerebral infarct 3 hours after onset. After 5 hours from onset image changes in SE were evident and corresponded to the area of cerebral infarct, but image changes in IR could not fully delineate the infarcted area. NMR images of 41 year-old woman with cerebral embolism by MCA trunck occlusion associated with mitral stenosis were presented, and NMR-CT was examined 10 hours, 9th and 43th days after episode of MCA occlusion. Sixty patents (64 times) with lacunar infarction were studied by NMR-CT and X-ray CT. The inversion recovery images were used mainly for detection of lesions and comparison with X-ray CT. In 160 lesions which were detected by NMR-CT or X-ray CT, could 156 lesions be detected by NMR-CT and 78 lesions by X-ray CT. Inversion recovery images were more useful for detection of lacunes than X-ray CT. Calculated T1 and T2 values prolonged with time course from onset. (author)

  4. Evaluation of cerebral blood flow, cerebral metabolism and cerebral function by magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Chuzo; Higuchi, Toshihiro; Umeda, Masahiro; Naruse, Shoji; Horikawa, Yoshiharu; Ueda, Satoshi; Furuya, Seiichi.


    The magnetic resonance (MR) method has the unique potentiality of detecting cerebral metabolites, cerebral blood flow and brain functions in a noninvasive fashion. We have developed several MR techniques to detect these cerebral parameters with the use of clinical MRI scanners. By modifying the MR spectroscopy (MRS) technique, both 31 P- and 1 H-MRS data can be obtained from multiple, localized regions (multi-voxel method) of the brain, and the distribution of each metabolite in the brain can be readily visualized by metabolite mapping. The use of diffusion weighted images (DWI) permits visualization of the anisotropy of water diffusion in white matter, and based on the difference of diffusion coefficiency, the differential diagnosis between epidermoid tumor and arachnoid cyst can be made. By employing dynamic-MRI (Dyn-MRI) with Gd-DTPA administration, it is possible to examine the difference in blood circulation between brain tumor tissue and normal tissue, as well as among different types of brain tumors. By using magnetization transfer contrast (MTC) imaging, it has become possible to detect brain tumors, and with a small dose of Gd-DTPA, to visualize the vascular system. Functional MRI (fMRI) visualizes the activated brain by using conventional gradient echo technique on conventional MRI scanners. This method has the unique characteristic of detecting a brain function with high spatial and temporal resolution by using the intrinsic substance. Moreover, the localization of motor and sensory areas was detected by noninvasive means within few minutes. The fMRI procedure will be used in the future to analyze the higher and complex brain functions. In conclusion, multi-modality MR is a powerful technique that is useful for investigating the pathogenesis of many diseases, and provides a noninvasive analytic modality for studying brain function. (author)

  5. Determinação do limiar anaeróbio em jogadores de futebol com paralisia cerebral e nadadores participantes da paraolimpíada de Sidney 2000 Determination of the anaerobic threshold in soccer players with cerebral palsy and swimmers participant in the Sidney 2000 paralympic games

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benedito Sérgio Denadai


    Full Text Available Os objetivos desse estudo foram: a determinar o limiar anaeróbio (LAn em jogadores de futebol com paralisia cerebral e nadadores participantes da Paraolimpíada de Sidney 2000 e; b analisar o comportamento do LAn em função das classes dos paratletas. Participaram do estudo, 28 atletas portadores de deficiência, sendo 11 jogadores de futebol com paralisia cerebral (classes: F36, F37 e F38 e 17 nadadores (14 homens e três mulheres (classes: S1 a S10 e B1. Nos jogadores de futebol, o LAn foi determinado em um protocolo progressivo e intermitente na esteira rolante. O LAn foi identificado como sendo a velocidade correspondente a 3,5mM de lactato sanguíneo. Na natação o LAn foi determinado por um protocolo incremental e intermitente de 3 x 200m. Após cada tiro houve coleta de sangue e por interpolação linear, foi calculada a velocidade correspondente a 4mM (LAn. A velocidade aeróbia máxima (Vamax e a correspondente ao LAn apresentaram uma tendência de melhora com o aumento da classe do jogador de futebol com paralisia cerebral. Entretanto, a proporção entre a velocidade do LAn e a Vamax (aproximadamente 80% foi bastante semelhante entre as classes. Na natação, a velocidade correspondente a 4mM aumentou em função do aumento das classes, indicando a limitação da capacidade funcional das classes mais baixas. Por outro lado, as concentrações de lactato em cada percentual da velocidade máxima de 200m foram muito semelhantes entre as classes, e também às obtidas em nadadores não portadores de deficiência. Com base nos resultados obtidos, podemos concluir que a classe (e portanto o nível de deficiência interfere na capacidade funcional aeróbia dos paratletas. Entretanto, a resposta de lactato ao exercício submáximo é semelhante entre as classes e também aos atletas não portadores de deficiência, sugerindo a validade do LAn para a avaliação aeróbia dos nadadores e dos jogadores de futebol com paralisia cerebral

  6. Natriuretic peptides and cerebral hemodynamics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guo, Song; Barringer, Filippa; Zois, Nora Elisabeth


    Natriuretic peptides have emerged as important diagnostic and prognostic tools for cardiovascular disease. Plasma measurement of the bioactive peptides as well as precursor-derived fragments is a sensitive tool in assessing heart failure. In heart failure, the peptides are used as treatment...... in decompensated disease. In contrast, their biological effects on the cerebral hemodynamics are poorly understood. In this mini-review, we summarize the hemodynamic effects of the natriuretic peptides with a focus on the cerebral hemodynamics. In addition, we will discuss its potential implications in diseases...... where alteration of the cerebral hemodynamics plays a role such as migraine and acute brain injury including stroke. We conclude that a possible role of the peptides is feasible as evaluated from animal and in vitro studies, but more research is needed in humans to determine the precise response...

  7. Cerebral oximetry in preterm infants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Greisen, Gorm; Andresen, Bjørn; Plomgaard, Anne Mette


    Preterm birth constitutes a major cause of death before 5 years of age and it is a major cause of neurodevelopmental impairment across the world. Preterm infants are most unstable during the transition between fetal and newborn life during the first days of life and most brain damage occurs...... in this period. The brain of the preterm infant is accessible for tissue oximetry by near-infrared spectroscopy. Cerebral oximetry has the potential to improve the long-term outcome by helping to tailor the support of respiration and circulation to the individual infant's needs, but the evidence is still lacking....... The goals for research include testing the benefit and harms of cerebral oximetry in large-scale randomized trials, improved definition of the hypoxic threshold, better understanding the effects of intensive care on cerebral oxygenation, as well as improved precision of oximeters and calibration among...

  8. Lesão cerebral penetrante por grande fragmento de fibra de amianto tratada por craniectomia descompressiva: relato de caso Penetrating brain injury due to a large asbestos fragment treated by decompressive craniectomy: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Cardoso de Andrade


    Full Text Available Relata-se caso de paciente de 22 anos vítima de traumatismo cranioencefálico penetrante por fragmento de fibra de amianto medindo 15 x 12 cm, e seu tratamento bem sucedido por craniectomia descompressiva. Ao contrário da lesão encefálica por projétil de arma de fogo, lesão encefálica penetrante por objeto de baixa energia é incomum. A maioria dos casos relatados na literatura envolve lesões cranio-orbitárias ou autoflagelação em pacientes psiquiátricos. O caso relatado torna-se especial em virtude das grandes dimensões do objeto penetrante, do tratamento por craniectomia descompressiva e do bom resultado funcional alcançado.We report the case of a 22-year-old man victim of penetrating brain injury due to a 15 x 12 asbestos fragment and a successfully treatment via decompressive craniectomy. Unlike gunshot wounds to the head, penetrating brain injury from low energy objects are unusual. Most cases reported involve cranio-orbitary injuries as well as self inflicted lesions in mentally ill patients. The reported case is noteworthy due to the large dimensions of the foreign body, the treatment via decompressive craniectomy and the good patient functional outcome.

  9. Cerebral hemorrhagic infarction after radiation for pituitary adenoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogaki, Satoko; Suzuki, Masatsune; Shimano, Hitoshi; Toyoshima, Hideo; Sone, Hirohito; Okuda, Yukichi; Yamada, Nobuhiro


    We report a case of cerebral hemorrhagic infarction after radiation for pituitary adenoma. A 55-year-old woman was hospitalized to check for aldosteronism, post-operative pituitary function, and recurrence of thyroid cancer. She had short-term memory disturbance beginning two months prior to admission. Brain MRI showed a T1 and T2 high intensity lesion of her left anterolateral thalamus. Brain MRA revealed a narrowing in her left middle cerebral artery. The abnormal brain lesion was diagnosed as cerebral hemorrhagic infarction. She had received radiation therapy for pituitary adenoma 20 years earlier. It was considered that her cerebral hemorrhagic infarction was caused by radiation therapy. (author)

  10. Acidente vascular cerebral e outras complicações do sistema nervoso central nas doenças falciformes Stroke and other vascular complications of the central nervous system in sickle cell disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivan L. Angulo


    Full Text Available A principal complicação da doença falciforme na infância é a das artérias cerebrais, mas após os 20 anos também pode se manifestar, como seqüela de lesões anteriores ou neoformadas. A vasculopatia tem a maior importância no desenvolvimento da criança e na qualidade de vida. Além do acidente vascular cerebral completo ou incompleto ("silencioso", existem outras complicações do sistema nervoso central, porém não exclusivas. O diagnóstico da vasculopatia cerebral falciforme necessita auxílio neurorradiológico. O tratamento se faz basicamente com transfusões de eritrócitos contendo hemoglobina A. O objetivo deste trabalho é rever a literatura médica, procurando selecionar a melhor conduta em diagnóstico e tratamento que seja possível empregar de imediato, para reduzir a morbidade e mortalidade da vasculopatia cerebral e elevar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes, principalmente na infância. Os fatores de risco clínicos e laboratoriais, incluindo a triagem por ultra-sonografia Doppler das artérias cerebrais e imagens de ressonância magnética, devem influenciar a decisão de instituir transfusões crônicas e a quelação do ferro transfusional deve acompanhar este tratamento.In children with sickle cell disease, cerebral arteries are prone to lesions that may cause deficiencies and poor quality of life. After the age of 20, new lesions may also occur. Besides stroke and silent cerebral ischemia, other lesions may occur. Radiologic images are necessary to diagnose and blood transfusions to treat. We reviewed the literature to choose best practices and guidelines to reduce morbidity and mortality and improve the quality of life of children with sickle cell disease. Risk factors identified from clinical and laboratory data and screening by Doppler ultrasonography and magnetic resonance must be used in order to make decisions about transfusion and iron chelation therapy.

  11. Accidente cerebrovascular isquémico asociado con ablación por radiofrecuencia de reentrada nodal Ischemic stroke associated with radio frequency ablation for nodal reentry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan C Díaz Martínez


    Full Text Available La taquicardia por reentrada nodal es la causa más común de taquicardia supraventricular paroxística; en aquellos pacientes en quienes el manejo farmacológico no es efectivo o deseado la ablación por radiofrecuencia es un excelente método terapéutico dada su alta tasa de curación. Aunque en términos generales dichos procedimientos son rápidos y seguros, se han descrito varias complicaciones entre las que sobresale el accidente cerebrovascular isquémico. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 41 años con episodios de taquicardia por reentrada nodal a repetición, que fue llevada a ablación por radiofrecuencia. En el post-operatorio inmediato se evidenció déficit neurológico focal con isquemia en el territorio de la arteria cerebral media derecha, tras lo cual se realizó angiografía con intento de angioplastia y abxicimab y posteriormente infusión local de activador de plasminógeno tisular (rtPA con adecuado resultado clínico y angiográfico.Atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia is the most common type of paroxismal supraventricular tachycardia. In those patients in whom drug therapy is not effective or not desired, radio frequency ablation is an excellent therapeutic method. Although overall these procedures are fast and safe, several complications among which ischemic stroke stands out, have been reported. We present the case of a 41 year old female patient with repetitive episodes of tachycardia due to nodal reentry who was treated with radiofrequency ablation. Immediately after the procedure she presented focal neurologic deficit consistent with ischemic stroke in the right medial cerebral artery territory. Angiography with angioplastia and abxicimab was performed and then tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA was locally infused, with appropriate clinical and angiographic outcome.

  12. A case of chronic subdural hematoma associated with an unruptured cerebral aneurysm detected by cerebral computed angiotomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukui, Keiji; Sadamoto, Kazuhiko; Ohue, Shiro; Takeda, Sadanori; Kimura, Hideki; Sakaki, Saburo.


    One case of chronic subdural hematoma associated with an unruptured cerebral aneurysm detected by cerebral computed angiotomography is reported. A 44-year-old female slipped and hit her head without loss of consciousness, one month ago. Recently she complained of headaches and visited the department of Neurosurgery, Washokai Sadamoto Hospital on May 21, 1985. There were no physical and neurological signs on examination. Plain CT scans showed a crescent-shaped high density area in the left frontal region with a slight mass sign. She was diagnosed as having a possible chronic subdural hematoma and further examination was recommended. Biplane ultrafast overlapping cerebral computed angiotomograms clearly demonstrated a so-called avascular area delineated by enhanced superficial cerebral vessels with contrast medium. Furthermore, a marked high density mass measuring 8 mm x 10 mm x 6 mm in diameters was simultaneously demonstrated around the right anterior clinoid process on the same image, suggesting a cerebral aneurysm. Right carotid angiograms showed a right internal carotid-posterior communicating junction aneurysm. The irrigation of the left chronic subdural hematoma was carried out on May 24 and the neck clipping of the right IC-PC junction aneurysm was done two weeks later. During the operation, there were no findings suggesting a previous subarachnoid hemorrhage from the aneurysm, but a bleb was found on the aneurysm. The post-operative course was uneventful. (J.P.N.)

  13. Bedside Monitoring of Cerebral Energy State During Cardiac Surgery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mölström, Simon; Nielsen, Troels H; Andersen, Claus


    OBJECTIVES: This study investigated whether the lactate-to-pyruvate (LP) ratio obtained by microdialysis (MD) of the cerebral venous outflow reflected a derangement of global cerebral energy state during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). DESIGN: Interventional, prospective, randomized study. SETTING...... in either group during CPB. In each group, 50% of the patients showed significant cognitive decline (mini-mental state examination, 3 points) 2 days after surgery. CONCLUSION: The LP ratio of cerebral venous blood increased significantly during CPB, indicating compromised cerebral oxidative metabolism...

  14. Cerebral oximetry monitoring in the management of severe hypoxaemia associated with transposition of the great arteries with balloon atrial septostomy. (United States)

    Pérez Moreno, J C; Nájera Losada, D C; Sanabria Carretero, P; Paredes Lacave, Á; Benito Bartolomé, F


    Transposition of the great arteries (D-TGA) is one of the most common congenital heart diseases requiring neonatal surgical intervention. In the desperately ill neonate with TGA and the resultant hypoxaemia, acidemia, and congestive heart failure, improvement is often obtained with balloon atrial septostomy (BAS). Current methods employed to evaluate oxygen delivery and tissue consumption are frequently nonspecific. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) allows a continuous non-invasive measurement of tissue oxygenation which reflects perfusion status in real time. Because little is known about the direct effect of BAS on the neonatal brain and on cerebral oxygenation, we measured the effectiveness of BAS in two patients with D-TGA using NIRS before and after BAS. We concluded BAS improves cerebral oxygen saturation in neonates with D-TGA. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Anestesiología, Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  15. Necesidad de estudio genético para el diagnóstico de algunos casos de acidosis tubular renal distal

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    Manuel Heras Benito


    Full Text Available Describimos el caso de una mujer joven, que fue diagnosticada de insuficiencia renal avanzada, con un hallazgo casual de una nefrocalcinosis sin una etiología clara, al haberse encontrado asintomática a lo largo de su vida. El estudio genético por paneles de genes conocidos asociados a enfermedad tubulointersticial permitió descubrir una acidosis tubular renal distal autosómica dominante, asociada a una mutación de novo en el exón 14 del gen SLC4A1, que hubiera sido imposible diagnosticar clínicamente por lo avanzado de la enfermedad renal cuando fue descubierta.

  16. Cerebral oxygenation in the beach chair position for shoulder surgery in regional anesthesia: impact on cerebral blood flow and neurobehavioral outcome. (United States)

    Aguirre, José A; Märzendorfer, Olivia; Brada, Muriel; Saporito, Andrea; Borgeat, Alain; Bühler, Philipp


    Beach chair position is considered a potential risk factor for central neurological events particularly if combined with low blood pressure. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of regional anesthesia on cerebral blood flow and neurobehavioral outcome. This is a prospective, assessor-blinded observational study evaluating patients in the beach chair position undergoing shoulder surgery under regional anesthesia. University hospital operating room. Forty patients with American Society of Anesthesiologists classes I-II physical status scheduled for elective shoulder surgery. Cerebral saturation and blood flow of the middle cerebral artery were measured prior to anesthesia and continued after beach chair positioning until discharge to the postanesthesia care unit. The anesthesiologist was blinded for these values. Controlled hypotension with systolic blood pressure≤100mm Hg was maintained during surgery. Neurobehavioral tests and values of regional cerebral saturation, bispectral index, the mean maximal blood flow of the middle cerebral artery, and invasive blood pressure were measured prior to regional anesthesia, and measurements were repeated after placement of the patient on the beach chair position and every 20 minutes thereafter until discharge to postanesthesia care unit. The neurobehavioral tests were repeated the day after surgery. The incidence of cerebral desaturation events was 5%. All patients had a significant blood pressure drop 5 minutes after beach chair positioning, measured at the heart as well as the acoustic meatus levels, when compared with baseline values (Psurgery (Pshoulder surgery had no major impact on cerebral blood flow and cerebral oxygenation. However, some impact on neurobehavioral outcome 24 hours after surgery was observed. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Brain sweet brain: importance of sugars for the cerebral microenvironment and tumor development Cérebro doce cérebro: importância dos açúcares para o microambiente cerebral e o desenvolvimento tumoral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thereza Quirico-Santos


    Full Text Available The extracellular matrix (ECM in the brain tissue is a complex network of glycoproteins and proteoglycans that fills the intercellular space serving as scaffolding to provide structural framework for the tissue and regulate the behavior of cells via specific receptors - integrins. There is enormous structural diversity among proteoglycans due to variation in the core protein, the number of glycosaminoglycans chains, the extent and position of sulfation. The lectican family of proteoglycans interacts with growth factors, hyaluronan and tenascin forming a complex structure that regulates neuronal plasticity and ion homeostasis around highly active neurons. In this review, we will discuss the latest insights into the roles of brain glycoproteins as modulators of cell adhesion, migration, neurite outgrowth and glial tumor invasion.A matriz extracelular (ECM no tecido cerebral é formada por uma rede complexa de glicoproteínas e proteoglicanas que preenchem o espaço intercelular participando como estrutura de sustentação do arcabouço tecidual regulando a função celular por interações com receptores específicos - as integrinas. Existe enorme diversidade estrutural entre as proteoglicanas, devido à variação na proteína central (core, à quantidade de cadeias de glicosaminoglicanas, ao grau e posição de grupamentos sulfato na molécula. As proteoglicanas lecticanas interagem com fatores de crescimento, com hialuronana e tenascina formando uma estrutura complexa regulando a homeostase de íons e a plasticidade neuronal. Neste artigo de revisão serão apresentados dados relevantes da literatura sobre o papel das glicoproteínas no microambiente do tecido cerebral, como moduladores da neuritogênese, da adesão, migração celular e invasividade de células tumorais de origem glial.

  18. Normal cerebral FDG uptake during childhood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    London, Kevin; Howman-Giles, Robert


    Current understanding of cerebral FDG uptake during childhood originates from a small number of studies in patients with neurological abnormalities. Our aim was to describe cerebral FDG uptake in a dataset of FDG PET scans in children more likely to represent a normal population. We reviewed cerebral FDG PET scans in children up to 16 years of age with suspected/proven extracranial malignancies and the following exclusions: central nervous system metastases, previous malignancies, previous chemotherapy or radiotherapy, development of cerebral metastases during therapy, neurological conditions, taking antiepileptic medication or medications likely to interfere with cerebral metabolism, and general anaesthesia within 24 h. White matter, basal ganglia, thalamus and the cerebellar cortex were analysed using regional SUV max , and the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus and cerebellum were analysed using a regional relative uptake analysis in comparison to maximal cortical uptake. Scans from 30 patients (age range 11 months to 16 years, mean age 10 years 5 months) were included. All regions showed increasing SUV max with age. The parietal, occipital, lateral temporal and medial temporal lobes showed lower rates of increasing FDG uptake causing changing patterns of regional FDG uptake during childhood. The cortical regions showing the most intense uptake in early childhood were the parietal and occipital lobes. At approximately 7 years of age these regions had relatively less uptake than the frontal lobes and at approximately 10 years of age these regions had relatively less uptake than the thalamus. Relative FDG uptake in the brain has not reached an adult pattern by 1 year of age, but continues to change up to 16 years of age. The changing pattern is due to different regional rates of increasing cortical FDG uptake, which is less rapid in the parietal, occipital and temporal lobes than in the frontal lobes. (orig.)

  19. Normal cerebral FDG uptake during childhood

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    London, Kevin [The Children' s Hospital at Westmead, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Sydney, NSW (Australia); University of Sydney, Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health, Sydney Medical School, Sydney, NSW (Australia); Howman-Giles, Robert [The Children' s Hospital at Westmead, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Sydney, NSW (Australia); University of Sydney, Disciplines of Imaging and Paediatrics and Child Health, Sydney Medical School, Sydney, NSW (Australia)


    Current understanding of cerebral FDG uptake during childhood originates from a small number of studies in patients with neurological abnormalities. Our aim was to describe cerebral FDG uptake in a dataset of FDG PET scans in children more likely to represent a normal population. We reviewed cerebral FDG PET scans in children up to 16 years of age with suspected/proven extracranial malignancies and the following exclusions: central nervous system metastases, previous malignancies, previous chemotherapy or radiotherapy, development of cerebral metastases during therapy, neurological conditions, taking antiepileptic medication or medications likely to interfere with cerebral metabolism, and general anaesthesia within 24 h. White matter, basal ganglia, thalamus and the cerebellar cortex were analysed using regional SUV{sub max}, and the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus and cerebellum were analysed using a regional relative uptake analysis in comparison to maximal cortical uptake. Scans from 30 patients (age range 11 months to 16 years, mean age 10 years 5 months) were included. All regions showed increasing SUV{sub max} with age. The parietal, occipital, lateral temporal and medial temporal lobes showed lower rates of increasing FDG uptake causing changing patterns of regional FDG uptake during childhood. The cortical regions showing the most intense uptake in early childhood were the parietal and occipital lobes. At approximately 7 years of age these regions had relatively less uptake than the frontal lobes and at approximately 10 years of age these regions had relatively less uptake than the thalamus. Relative FDG uptake in the brain has not reached an adult pattern by 1 year of age, but continues to change up to 16 years of age. The changing pattern is due to different regional rates of increasing cortical FDG uptake, which is less rapid in the parietal, occipital and temporal lobes than in the frontal lobes. (orig.)

  20. The relation of breech presentation at term to cerebral palsy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krebs, L; Topp, M; Langhoff-Roos, J


    OBJECTIVE: To examine the relation between breech delivery and cerebral palsy, considering the influence of intrauterine growth, low Apgar score at birth, and mode of delivery. DESIGN: Register-based, case-control study. POPULATION: A cohort of infants with cerebral palsy born between 1979 and 1986...... in East Denmark, identified by linkage of the cerebral palsy register with the national birth register. Discharge letters from births of breech infants with cerebral palsy were reviewed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Presentation, mode of delivery, gestational age, birthweight, Apgar score, type of cerebral...

  1. Association of Lead Levels and Cerebral Palsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Neha Bansal MD


    Full Text Available Background: Cerebral palsy is a common motor disability in childhood. Raised lead levels affect cognition. Children with cerebral palsy may have raised lead levels, further impairing their residual cognitive motor and behavioral abilities. Environmental exposure and abnormal eating habits may lead to increased lead levels. Aims and Objectives: To measure blood lead levels in children with cerebral palsy and compare them with healthy neurologically normal children. To correlate blood lead levels with environmental factors. Material and Methods: Design: Prospective case-control study. Setting: Tertiary care hospital. Participants: Cases comprised 34 children with cerebral palsy, and controls comprised 34 neurologically normal, age- and sex-matched children. Methods: Clinical and demographic details were recorded as per proforma. Detailed environmental history was recorded to know the source of exposure to lead. These children were investigated and treated as per protocol. Venous blood was collected in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid vials for analysis of blood lead levels. Lead levels were estimated by Schimadzu Flame AA-6800 (atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 17. P < .05 was taken as significant. Results: Mean blood lead levels were 9.20 ± 8.31 µg/dL in cerebral palsy cases and 2.89 ± 3.04 µg/dL in their controls (P < .001. Among children with cerebral palsy, 19 (55.88% children had blood lead levels ≥5 µg/dL. Lead levels in children with pica were 12.33 ± 10.02 µg/dL in comparison to children with no history of pica, 6.70 ± 4.60 µg/dL (P = .029. No correlation was found between hemoglobin and blood lead levels in cases and controls. Conclusion: In our study, blood lead levels are raised in children with cerebral palsy. However, further studies are required to show effects of raised levels in these children.

  2. Effect of NMDA Receptor Antagonist on Local Cerebral Glucose Metabolic Rate in Focal Cerebral Ischemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Sang Eun; Hong, Seung Bong; Yoon, Byung Woo


    There has recently been increasing interest in the use of NMDA receptor antagonists as potential neuroprotective agents for the treatment of ischemic stroke. To evaluate the neuroprotective effect of the selective non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 in focal cerebral ischemia, local cerebral glucose utilization (1CGU) was examined in 15 neuroanatomically discrete regions of the conscious rat brain using the 2-deoxy-D[14C]glucose quantitative autoradiographic technique 24 hr after left middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Animals received MK-801 (5 mg/kg i.v.) or saline vehicle before (20-30 min) or after (30 min) MCAO. Both pretreatment and posttreatment of MK-801 increased occluded/non-occluded 1CGU ratio in 7 and 5 of the 15 regions measured, respectively(most notably in cortical structures). Following MK-801 pretreatment, there was evidence of widespread increases in 1CCPU not only in the non-occluded hemisphere (12 of the 15 areas studied) but also in the occluded hemisphere (13 of the 15 areas studied), while MK-801 posttreatment did not significantly increase 1CGU both in the normal and occluded hemispheres. These data indicate that MK-801 has a neuroprotective effect in focal cerebral ischemia and demonstrate that MK-801 provides widespread alterations of glucose utilization in conscious animals.

  3. Cerebral asymmetries: complementary and independent processes.

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    Gjurgjica Badzakova-Trajkov

    Full Text Available Most people are right-handed and left-cerebrally dominant for speech, leading historically to the general notion of left-hemispheric dominance, and more recently to genetic models proposing a single lateralizing gene. This hypothetical gene can account for higher incidence of right-handers in those with left cerebral dominance for speech. It remains unclear how this dominance relates to the right-cerebral dominance for some nonverbal functions such as spatial or emotional processing. Here we use functional magnetic resonance imaging with a sample of 155 subjects to measure asymmetrical activation induced by speech production in the frontal lobes, by face processing in the temporal lobes, and by spatial processing in the parietal lobes. Left-frontal, right-temporal, and right-parietal dominance were all intercorrelated, suggesting that right-cerebral biases may be at least in part complementary to the left-hemispheric dominance for language. However, handedness and parietal asymmetry for spatial processing were uncorrelated, implying independent lateralizing processes, one producing a leftward bias most closely associated with handedness, and the other a rightward bias most closely associated with spatial attention.

  4. Cerebral artery dilatation maintains cerebral oxygenation at extreme altitude and in acute hypoxia--an ultrasound and MRI study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wilson, Mark H.; Edsell, Mark E. G.; Davagnanam, Indran; Hirani, Shashivadan P.; Martin, Dan S.; Levett, Denny Z. H.; Thornton, John S.; Golay, Xavier; Strycharczuk, Lisa; Newman, Stanton P.; Montgomery, Hugh E.; Grocott, Mike P. W.; Imray, Christopher H. E.; Ahuja, V.; Aref-Adib, G.; Burnham, R.; Chisholm, A.; Clarke, K.; Coates, D.; Coates, M.; Cook, D.; Cox, M.; Dhillon, S.; Dougall, C.; Doyle, P.; Duncan, P.; Edsell, M.; Edwards, L.; Evans, L.; Gardiner, P.; Grocott, M.; Gunning, P.; Hart, N.; Harrington, J.; Harvey, J.; Holloway, C.; Howard, D.; Hurlbut, D.; Imray, C.; Ince, C.; Jonas, M.; van der Kaaij, J.; Khosravi, M.; Kolfschoten, N.; Levett, D.; Luery, H.; Luks, A.; Martin, D.; McMorrow, R.; Meale, P.


    Transcranial Doppler is a widely used noninvasive technique for assessing cerebral artery blood flow. All previous high altitude studies assessing cerebral blood flow (CBF) in the field that have used Doppler to measure arterial blood velocity have assumed vessel diameter to not alter. Here, we

  5. Somatosensory discrimination deficits following pediatric cerebral malaria. (United States)

    Dugbartey, A T; Spellacy, F J; Dugbartey, M T


    Pathologic studies of central nervous system damage in human falciparum malaria indicate primary localization in the cerebral white matter. We report a sensory-perceptual investigation of 20 Ghanaian children with a recent history of cerebral malaria who were age-, gender-, and education-matched with 20 healthy control subjects. Somatosensory examinations failed to show any evidence of hemianesthesia, pseudohemianesthesia, or extinction to double simultaneous tactile stimulation. While unilateral upper limb testing revealed intact unimanual tactile roughness discrimination, bimanual tactile discrimination, however, was significantly impaired in the cerebral malaria group. A strong negative correlation (r = -0.72) between coma duration and the bimanual tactile roughness discrimination test was also found. An inefficiency in the integrity of callosal fibers appear to account for our findings, although alternative subcortical mechanisms known to be involved in information transfer across the cerebral hemispheres may be compromised as well.

  6. Hemiparesia esquerda consecutiva a empeçonhamento: Por Bothrops Jararacussu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Napoleão L. Teixeira


    Full Text Available O A. apresenta uma observação de hemiparesia esquerda, consecutiva a envenenamento por Bothrops Jararacussu. É o segundo caso que publica, com idêntica etiologia; além das suas, há duas outras observações semelhantes, de Octávio de Magalhães. Depois de discorrer sobre as hemiplegias cerebrais infantis - mais comuns - lembra que estas nem sempre se acompanham de espasticidade, podendo apresentar-se, raramente, com hipotonia muscular, ou mesmo de coréia, atetose, ou movimentos córeo-atetóticos que falam em favor de comprometimento extrapiramidal. Assinala, também, que crises epileptiformes - generalizadas ou parciais - podem ocorrer, o mesmo se podendo dizer de distúrbios psíquicos. Traduzir-se-iam, estes, por déficit intelectual marcado, podendo ir desde a debilidade mental até a idiotia; ou então, mesmo quando não há aparente comprometimento da esfera intelectual, por perturbações da afetividade, da vontade e do pragmatismo. Passando em revista as causas mais frequentes das hemiplegias cerebrais infantis, abre lugar, dentre elas, para os empeçonhamentos ofídico e escorpiônico (Magalhães e Guimarães. Estuda, a seguir, a patogenia das hemiplegias no decurso dos referidos empeçonhamentos, alinhando as hipóteses correntes, da preferência de conceituadas autoridades no assunto. Transcreve, finalmente, sua observação clínica, da qual se pode concluir, sem dúvida possível, haver, no caso "que apresenta, estreita e imediata ligação entre o envenenamento ofídico e a hemiparesia em estudo. O observado seria portador, além do mais, de crises epileptiformes generalizadas, aparecidas logo a seguir ao empeçonhamento. Além da fotografia do caso que apresenta, mostra-nos o A. outra, de caso anteriormente publicado, este, porém, de hemiplegia cerebral infantil típica, instalada aos 11 anos, após picada de Bothrops jararaca.

  7. Value of three-dimensional computed tomography in screening cerebral aneurysms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamaguchi, Tamaki; Sugiura, Yusuke; Suzuki, Atsushi; Yamagata, Yoshitaka [Hyogo Medical Coll. (Japan)


    We performed three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) in 6 patients of cerebral aneurysm. Prior cerebral angiography showed a total of 17 aneurysms. 3D-CT alone detected 10 cerebral aneurysm (59%). It was possible to identify aneurysms larger than 10 mm even when located near the circle of Willis. It was difficult to identify aneurysms when smaller than 7 mm regardless of their location. 3D-CT was of limited value in detecting cerebral aneurysms, particularly when located near the circle of Willis with complex vascular network. As cases of oculomotor palsy may be caused by lesions other than cerebral aneurysm, we advocate that 3D-CT be performed after magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in screening cases of suspected cerebral aneurysm. (author)

  8. Gammagraphy of cerebral perfusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vazquez, Silvia


    Important aspects of the gammagraphy of cerebral perfusion and the diverse clinical applications in the neurological diseases are comment in this article. We focus in the usefulness of the photon emission cerebral tomography (SPECT) and its capacity to cross the hemato encephalic barrier through the use of radiopharmacons like 99 mTc-H M-PAO and 99mTc-EDC, thus managing to offer functional data on the captantes neurons of the radiopharmacon. The clinical applications of SPECT are studied; cerebrovascular disease, transient ischemic attacks, dementias, Alzheimer disease, as well as other neurological diseases are referred. (The author)

  9. Habilidades expressivas de um grupo de alunos com paralisia cerebral na atividade de jogo Expressive abilities of a group of students with cerebral palsy during game activities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiana Sayuri Sameshima


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar as habilidades expressivas de um grupo de alunos com paralisia cerebral sem oralidade durante atividades de jogos. MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo três alunos com paralisia cerebral, do sexo masculino, com idades entre 13 e 16 anos, com severos distúrbios na comunicação oral, sem déficits visual, auditivo e cognitivo. Os alunos frequentavam classe especial e eram usuários de recursos de comunicação alternativa. Foi filmada a interação do grupo de alunos durante a realização de seis jogos adaptados. A partir das transcrições das fitas, foi possível definir oito categorias referentes às habilidades expressivas do grupo. RESULTADOS: Os resultados demonstraram que o grupo de alunos utilizou as expressões: verbal sem ajuda/vocal; verbal com ajuda/não-vocal; não-verbal/vocal; não-verbal/não-vocal; não-verbal/não-vocal + não-verbal/vocal; verbal sem ajuda/vocal + não-verbal/vocal; não-verbal/vocal + verbal com ajuda/não-vocal e não-verbal/não-vocal + verbal com ajuda/não-vocal para se comunicar, sendo que as categorias mais utilizadas foram não-verbal/não-vocal; verbal com ajuda/não-vocal e não-verbal/não-vocal + não-verbal/vocal. CONCLUSÕES: Os jogos propiciaram ao grupo de alunos com paralisia cerebral sem oralidade o uso das diferentes habilidades expressivas, como, por exemplo, uso de gestos representativos, expressões corporais e faciais, vocalizações, fala articulada, uso de pastas e pranchas de comunicação suplementar e alternativa, assim como as combinações destas habilidades. Os gestos representativos e as expressões corporais e faciais foram as habilidades mais utilizadas pelo grupo de alunos com paralisia cerebral sem oralidade, razão pela qual os profissionais devem estar atentos a estas possibilidades expressivas.PURPOSE: To analyze the expressive abilities of a group of nonspeaking students with cerebral palsy during game activities. METHODS: Three male students with

  10. The Danish Cerebral Palsy Follow-up Program

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Helle Mätzke; Nordbye-Nielsen, Kirsten; Møller-Madsen, Bjarne


    AIM OF DATABASE: The Danish Cerebral Palsy Follow-up Program is a combined follow-up program and national clinical quality database that aims to monitor and improve the quality of health care for children with cerebral palsy (CP). STUDY POPULATION: The database includes children with CP aged 0...... indicators in three of five regions in Denmark comprising 432 children with CP, corresponding to a coverage of 82% of the expected population. CONCLUSION: The Danish Cerebral Palsy Follow-up Program is currently under development as a national clinical quality database in Denmark. The database holds...

  11. Middle cerebral artery blood velocity during running

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lyngeraa, T. S.; Pedersen, L. M.; Mantoni, T.; Belhage, B.; Rasmussen, L. S.; van Lieshout, J. J.; Pott, F. C.


    Running induces characteristic fluctuations in blood pressure (BP) of unknown consequence for organ blood flow. We hypothesized that running-induced BP oscillations are transferred to the cerebral vasculature. In 15 healthy volunteers, transcranial Doppler-determined middle cerebral artery (MCA)

  12. Percepção de conflito em uma família recasada constituída por um filho com paralisia cerebral Perception of conflict in a stepfamily with a child with cerebral palsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hilda Rosa Moraes de Freitas


    Full Text Available O aumento no número de separação/divórcio favorece o surgimento de novas estruturas familiares. Nesse sentido, o recasamento desponta como uma possibilidade de ordenamento do grupo familiar, que impõe à nova família uma reorganização, sobretudo nas vidas afetiva, social e econômica, assim como maior flexibilidade para negociar questões de associação, espaço, autoridade e tempo. O objetivo deste artigo foi descrever a estrutura e a dinâmica de uma família recasada, na qual há uma criança com paralisia cerebral, a partir de suas representações acerca de situações de conflito. Neste estudo de caso, foi pesquisada uma família, constituída, por três membros, mãe, filho e padrasto; foram aplicados um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado e o Family System Test (FAST. Os escores obtidos no FAST demonstraram proximidade na díade mãe-filho e distanciamento na díade padrasto-enteado, com a hierarquia concentrada na mãe; quanto à flexibilidade das fronteiras, a percepção do casal indicou fronteiras rígidas tanto no sistema familiar quanto no parental, diferenciando-se da percepção do filho sobre o sistema familiar com uma fronteira difusa. Portanto, alguns fatores destacados na literatura e presentes nessa família como: diferença no ciclo de vida do casal; pouco tempo de união; bagagem emocional entre mãe e filho, associados às demandas de cuidado da criança, seus recursos biopsicológicos e disposições; configuraram um padrão rígido, com baixa flexibilidade, o que dificulta a inserção do padrasto no grupo e, consequente, assunção de co-paternidade nos cuidados e criação do enteado.The increase in the number of separation/divorce has favored the emergence of new family structures. Thus, remarriage becomes a possibility for developing the family group which requires emotional, social and economic reorganization of the family, as well as greater flexibility to negotiate association, space, time and

  13. Radiologic manifestations of focal cerebral hyperemia in acute stroke

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Tom Skyhøj; Skriver, E B; Herning, M


    In 16 acute stroke patients with focal cerebral hyperemia angiography and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) were studied 1 to 4 days post stroke. CT was performed twice with and without contrast enhancement 3 +/- 1 days and 16 +/- 4 days post stroke. Angiographic evidence of focal cerebral hype...

  14. Advances in the management of cerebral malaria in adults

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mishra, Saroj K; Wiese, Lothar


    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Cerebral malaria continues to be a substantial cause of death and disability worldwide. Although many studies deal with cerebral malaria in children, only very few pertain to adults. Presence of multiorgan failure makes the prognosis poor. Various mechanisms in the pathogenesis...... of cerebral malaria and the role of adjuvant therapy will be discussed. RECENT FINDINGS: Artemisinin-based therapies have improved antiparasitic treatment, but in-hospital mortality still remains high, as do neurological sequelae. Several recent studies have given new insights in the pathophysiology...... of cerebral malaria particularly the role of immune mechanisms in disease progression. Recent findings have identified several potential candidates for adjuvant neuroprotective treatment. Recombinant human erythropoietin has shown beneficial effect in experimental cerebral malaria and will soon enter...

  15. MRI of sickle cell cerebral infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zimmerman, R.A.; Goldberg, H.I.; Bilaniuk, L.T.; Hackney, D.B.; Johnson, M.; Grossman, R.I.; Hecht-Leavitt, C.; Gill, F.; Pennsylvania Univ., Philadelphia


    Eleven patients with sickle cell disease and neurological symptoms underwent MRI examination. Cerebral infarcts of two types were found, those in the vascular distribution of the middle cerebral artery and those in the deep white matter. In the patient whose hydration and whose oxygenation of erythrocytes has been treated, MRI offers diagnostic advantages over arteriography and CT. (orig.)

  16. Low cerebral blood flow in hypotensive perinatal distress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lou, H.C.; Lassen, N.A.; Friis-Hansen, B.


    Hypoxic brain injury is the most important neurological problem in the neonatal period and accounts for more neurological deficits in children than any other lesion. The neurological deficits are notably mental retardation, epilepsy and cerebral palsy. The pathogenesis has hitherto been poorly understood. Arterial hypoxia has been taken as the obvious mechanism but this does not fully explain the patho-anatomical findings. In the present investigation we have examined the arterial blood pressure and the cerebral blood flow in eight infants a few hours after birth. The 133Xe clearance technique was used for the cerebral blood flow measurements. The study confirmed that perinatal distress may be associated with low arterial blood pressure, and it was shown that cerebral blood flow is very low, 20 ml/100 g/min or less, in hypotensive perinatal distress. It is concluded that cerebral ischaemia plays a crucial role in the development of perinatal hypoxic brain injury. (author)

  17. External carotid compression: a novel technique to improve cerebral perfusion during selective antegrade cerebral perfusion for aortic arch surgery. (United States)

    Grocott, Hilary P; Ambrose, Emma; Moon, Mike


    Selective antegrade cerebral perfusion (SACP) involving cannulation of either the axillary or innominate artery is a commonly used technique for maintaining cerebral blood flow (CBF) during the use of hypothermic cardiac arrest (HCA) for operations on the aortic arch. Nevertheless, asymmetrical CBF with hypoperfusion of the left cerebral hemisphere is a common occurrence during SACP. The purpose of this report is to describe an adjunctive maneuver to improve left hemispheric CBF during SACP by applying extrinsic compression to the left carotid artery. A 77-yr-old male patient with a history of aortic valve replacement presented for emergent surgical repair of an acute type A aortic dissection of a previously known ascending aortic aneurysm. His intraoperative course included cannulation of the right axillary artery, which was used as the aortic inflow during cardiopulmonary bypass and also allowed for subsequent SACP during HCA. After the onset of HCA, the innominate artery was clamped at its origin to allow for SACP. Shortly thereafter, however, the left-sided cerebral oxygen saturation (SrO2) began to decrease. Augmenting the PaO2, PaCO2 and both SACP pressure and flow failed to increase left hemispheric SrO2. Following the use of ultrasound guidance to confirm the absence of atherosclerotic disease in the carotid artery, external pressure was applied partially compressing the artery. With the carotid compression, the left cerebral saturation abruptly increased, suggesting pressurization of the left cerebral hemispheric circulation and augmentation of CBF. Direct ultrasound visualization and cautious partial compression of the left carotid artery may address asymmetrical CBF that occurs with SACP during HCA for aortic arch surgery. This strategy may lead to improved symmetry of CBF and corresponding cerebral oximetry measurements during aortic arch surgery.

  18. [Analysis of 58 neonatal cases with cerebral infarction]. (United States)

    Li, Zhi-hua; Chen, Chao


    Cerebral infarction (CI) is one of severe diseases of central nervous system in neonates, and some infants with CI could have poor prognosis in the long term. This study aimed to analyze the clinical data and prognosis of all neonatal cases with cerebral infarction in recent years and to help future clinical work. Totally 58 neonatal cases with CI admitted to NICU of the hospital from January 1999 to December 2010 were included in this study. We analyzed all clinical data and prognosis by retrospective analysis. Fifty-two term babies and six preterm babies were included. There were altogether 51 cases with asphyxia and 7 with hemorrhagic cerebral infarction. Perinatal hypoxia-ischemia was the most common high-risk factor and it accounted for 46.6%. Seizure was the most frequent initial symptom and the most common clinical manifestation (accounted for 77.6%), and it was followed by intermittent cyanosis, apnea and lethargy. Cerebral CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging were major methods to help to make the diagnosis and they also had close relation with prognosis. Diffusion weighted imaging was very helpful to diagnose infarction in early stage. Left middle cerebral artery was the most common artery to be involved. Supportive therapy and symptomatic treatment were the main methods in the acute stage of neonatal cerebral infarction. Those babies with poor prognosis mostly had large infarction involving cerebral hemisphere, thalamus and basal ganglia. Neonatal cerebral infarction was a severe brain injury affecting long tern nervous system prognosis. Perinatal hypoxia was the most common high-risk factor and seizure was the most frequent initial symptom. Diffusion weighted imaging was valuable to diagnose infarction in early stage. Most of infants with poor prognosis had large infarction involving hemisphere, thalamus and basal ganglia. Early diagnosis with brain imaging would be helpful for rehabilitation therapy and improving prognosis.

  19. Cerebral blood flow and oxygen metabolism after subarachnoid hemorrhage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Hidemichi; Sakurai, Takashi; Hayashi, Tatsuo; Hashimoto, Takuo


    The mechanism of reduction of cerebral circulation in the early phase of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) has not yet been clarified. Previous studies have variously indicated that cerebral blood flow (CBF) reduction may be due to cerebral vasospasm, an elevation in intracranial pressure (ICP), constriction of intraparenchymal arterioles, or metabolic reduction. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between cerebral circulation and oxygen metabolism. In 36 patients with aneurysmal SAH, the values of mean cerebral blood flow (mCBF), cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (GMRO 2 ) and oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) were measured by using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with arterial blood drawing and oxygen saturation of internal jugular bulb blood (SjO 2 ) in the acute stage (1-3 days after onset) and the spasm stage (7-10 days after onset). The patients in our study were selected by using the following criteria: no history of cerebrovascular or cardiopulmonary diseases; under the age of 70; the ruptured aneurysm was treated by clipping or coil embolization within 72 hours after onset; no symptoms of cerebral vasospasm; no signs of cerebral ischemic change on CT scans. These patients were divided into 2 groups according to the World Federation of Neurological Surgeons (WFNS) grading classification; the mild group (Grades I and II) consisted of 27 cases and the severe group (Grade IV) consisted of 9 cases. We studied differences in mCBF CMRO 2 , and OEF between the mild group and severe group. In the mild group, mCBF, CMRO 2 , and OEF were significantly higher than in the severe group during both the acute and the spasm stage. Also mCBF showed a direct correlation with CMRO 2 . All the patients were kept under the following conditions: the bed was positioned so that the upper body was raised at an angle at 30 deg; blood pressure was maintained at 130-150 mmHg and PaCO 2 of arterial blood was maintained at 35-40 mmHg; ICP

  20. Multiple cerebral aneurysms of middle cerebral artery. Case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D.A. Nica1, Tatiana Rosca1, A. Dinca2, M. Stroi3, Mirela Renta4, A.V. Ciurea5


    Full Text Available Multiple cerebral aneurysms present awide variation in incidence with averages of13% at angiographic studies and 22.7% atautopsy.High blood pressue, cigarette smoking,stress and possible also age and female sexseem to be risk factors for multipleintracranial aneurysms (MIAn in patientsof working age who have suffered asubarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH.Aneurysms were situated on the same sidein one-third of the patients with twoaneurysms and the most common site wasthe middle cerebral artery (MCA. Tomanage these challenging lesionsneurosurgeons must use all availableinnovations and advances, includingdiagnostic, technical and perioperativeadjuncts. The author presents a case ofmiddle age female, with two saccularaneurysms situated on the same side (rightMCA, who was operated in our clinic, 20days after first SAH episode, I grade onHunt/Hess scale. The angio MRI wasperformed before, and control DSangiography after operation. After pterionalapproach, the author used themagnification, microsurgical technics,temporal clip, and two permanent Yasargilcurved clips. A postoperative good recoveryenable the patient go to work and drive onemonth later.

  1. Pathological review of late cerebral radionecrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshii, Yoshihiko


    Late cerebral radionecrosis may be considered to be a specific chronic inflammatory response, although it is unknown whether the initial damage by brain irradiation is to an endothelial cell or a glial cell. I discuss the pathological specificity of late cerebral radionecrosis by studying the published literature and a case that I experienced. In late cerebral radionecrosis, there are typical coagulation necrosis areas containing fibrinoid necrosis with occlusion of the lumina and poorly active inflammatory areas with many inflammatory ghost cells, focal perivascular lymphocytes, hyalinized vessels, and telangiectatic vascularization near and in the necrotic tissue, and more active inflammatory areas formed as a partial rim of the reactive zone by perivascular lymphocytes, much vascularization, and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-positive astrocytes at the corticomedullary border adjacent to necrotic tissue in the white matter. It is difficult to believe that coagulation necrosis occurs without first disordering the vascular endothelial cells because fibrinoid necrosis is a main feature and a diffusely multiple lesion in late cerebral radionecrosis. Because various histological findings do develop, progress, and extend sporadically at different areas and times in the irradiated field of the brain for a long time after radiation, uncontrolled chronic inflammation containing various cytokine secretions may also play a key role in progression of this radionecrosis. Evaluation of the mechanism of the development/aggravation of late cerebral radionecrosis requires a further study for abnormal cytokine secretions and aberrant inflammatory reactions. (author)

  2. Psychiatric and subjective symptoms and cerebral blood flow in patients with chronic cerebral infarction after treatment with Ca antagonist (nilvadipine). Quantitative measurement of cerebral blood flow by the 123IMP-SPECT ARG method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakayori, Osamu; Kitamura, Shin; Mishina, Masahiro; Yamazaki, Mineo; Terashi, Akirou


    Psychiatric and subjective symptoms such as headache, dizziness, lack of spontaneity, anxiety, and a depressive state are often found in patients with chronic cerebral infarction. Some Ca antagonists are reported to relieve such symptoms. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between psychiatric and subjective symptoms and cerebral blood flow (CBF) in cerebral infarction and to evaluate the clinical effects of Ca antagonists from the standpoint of the cerebral circulation. Nilvadipine was administered to is patients with chronic cerebral infarction and their CBF was measured by the 123 IMP-SPECT ARG method before and at 8 weeks after the nilvadipine treatment. The CBF in patients with hypertension was increased by 11% after giving nilvadipine. Patients without hypertension showed no tendency for elevation of their CBF. Patients who were relieved from some psychiatric symptoms revealed a 14% increase of CBF in all cortical regions, and a significant increase was noted in the frontal and temporal regions. In other patients without changes in psychiatric symptoms, the CBF did not increase in any of the cortical regions. No relationship between symptoms and CBF was observed in any of the patients with subjective symptoms. Our study demonstrated a close correlation between psychiatric symptoms and CBF. We speculate that psychiatric symptoms in chronic cerebral infarction may reflect diffuse brain dysfunctions. We also conclude that nilvadipine is more effective in relieving psychiatric symptoms in patients with hypertensive cerebral infarction. It is inferred that nilvadipine may be more effective in relieving psychiatric symptoms in patients with hypertension. (author)

  3. Cerebral vasculopathy in children with sickle cell anemia. (United States)

    Fasano, Ross M; Meier, Emily R; Hulbert, Monica L


    Sickle cell anemia (SCA)-associated cerebral vasculopathy and moyamoya is a unique entity reflecting the abnormal interactions between sickled red blood cells (RBCs) and the cerebral arterial endothelium. Endothelial injury, coagulation activation, and the inflammatory response generated by sickled RBCs are implicated in the development of cerebral vasculopathy, but the pathophysiology remains incompletely understood. SCA-specific screening and treatment guidelines have successfully reduced the incidence of overt strokes in this high-risk population. However, despite aggressive hematological management, many children with cerebral vasculopathy due to SCA have progressive vasculopathy and recurrent strokes; therefore, more effective therapies, such as revascularization surgery and curative hematopoietic stem cell transplant, are urgently needed. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Glycopyrrolate abolishes the exercise-induced increase in cerebral perfusion in humans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seifert, Thomas; Fisher, James P; Young, Colin N


    Brain blood vessels contain muscarinic receptors that are important for cerebral blood flow (CBF) regulation, but whether a cholinergic receptor mechanism is involved in the exercise-induced increase in cerebral perfusion or affects cerebral metabolism remains unknown. We evaluated CBF and cerebral......(mean) during ergometer cycling (n = 8). Separate, randomized and counterbalanced trials were performed in control (no drug) conditions and following muscarinic cholinergic receptor blockade by glycopyrrolate. Glycopyrrolate increased resting heart rate from approximately 60 to approximately 110 beats min(-1...... abolished by glycopyrrolate (P important for the exercise-induced increase in cerebral perfusion without affecting the cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen....

  5. Cerebral Palsy: General Information. Fact Sheet Number 2 = La Paralisis Cerebral: Informacion General. Fact Sheet Number 18. (United States)

    Interstate Research Associates, McLean, VA.

    This fact sheet on cerebral palsy is offered in both English and Spanish. First, it provides a definition and considers various causes (e.g., an insufficient amount of oxygen reaching the fetal or newborn brain). The fact sheet then offers incidence figures and explains characteristics of the three main types of cerebral palsy: spastic, athetoid,…

  6. Cerebral blood flow and metabolism during exercise: implications for fatigue

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seifert, T.; Lieshout, J.J. van; Secher, Niels


    During exercise: the Kety-Schmidt-determined cerebral blood flow (CBF) does not change because the jugular vein is collapsed in the upright position. In contrast, when CBF is evaluated by (133)Xe clearance, by flow in the internal carotid artery, or by flow velocity in basal cerebral arteries......, a approximately 25% increase is detected with a parallel increase in metabolism. During activation, an increase in cerebral O(2) supply is required because there is no capillary recruitment within the brain and increased metabolism becomes dependent on an enhanced gradient for oxygen diffusion. During maximal...... whole body exercise, however, cerebral oxygenation decreases because of eventual arterial desaturation and marked hyperventilation-related hypocapnia of consequence for CBF. Reduced cerebral oxygenation affects recruitment of motor units, and supplemental O(2) enhances cerebral oxygenation and work...

  7. Prevalence of cerebral palsy in Uganda: a population-based study. (United States)

    Kakooza-Mwesige, Angelina; Andrews, Carin; Peterson, Stefan; Wabwire Mangen, Fred; Eliasson, Ann Christin; Forssberg, Hans


    Few population-based studies of cerebral palsy have been done in low-income and middle-income countries. We aimed to examine cerebral palsy prevalence and subtypes, functional impairments, and presumed time of injury in children in Uganda. In this population-based study, we used a nested, three-stage, cross-sectional method (Iganga-Mayuge Health and Demographic Surveillance System [HDSS]) to screen for cerebral palsy in children aged 2-17 years in a rural eastern Uganda district. A specialist team confirmed the diagnosis and determined the subtype, motor function (according to the Gross Motor Function Classification System [GMFCS]), and possible time of brain injury for each child. Triangulation and interviews with key village informants were used to identify additional cases of suspected cerebral palsy. We estimated crude and adjusted cerebral palsy prevalence. We did χ 2 analyses to examine differences between the group screened at stage 1 and the entire population and regression analyses to investigate associations between the number of cases and age, GMFCS level, subtype, and time of injury. We used data from the March 1, 2015, to June 30, 2015, surveillance round of the Iganga-Mayuge HDSS. 31 756 children were screened for cerebral palsy, which was confirmed in 86 (19%) of 442 children who screened positive in the first screening stage. The crude cerebral palsy prevalence was 2·7 (95% CI 2·2-3·3) per 1000 children, and prevalence increased to 2·9 (2·4-3·6) per 1000 children after adjustment for attrition. The prevalence was lower in older (8-17 years) than in younger (cerebral palsy was the most common subtype (45 [46%] of 97 children) followed by bilateral cerebral palsy (39 [40%] of 97 children). 14 (27%) of 51 children aged 2-7 years had severe cerebral palsy (GMFCS levels 4-5) compared with only five (12%) of 42 children aged 8-17 years. Few children (two [2%] of 97) diagnosed with cerebral palsy were born preterm. Post-neonatal events were the

  8. Cerebral emboli and depressive symptoms in dementia.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Purandare, N.; Oude Voshaar, R.C.; Hardicre, J.; Byrne, J.; McCollum, C.N.; Burns, A.


    BACKGROUND: The vascular depression hypothesis and our recent findings of increased frequency of spontaneous cerebral emboli in dementia suggest that such emboli may be involved in the causation of depressive symptoms in dementia. AIMS: To evaluate the association between spontaneous cerebral emboli

  9. Alteraciones alimentarias en pacientes con diagnóstico de Trastorno Bipolar


    Maldonado, Marianela


    Las Alteraciones Alimentarias constituyen un importante problema de la Salud Pública en la actualidad. Existen una serie de factores que han ido apareciendo en forma insidiosa como el aumento de su frecuencia y la dificultad en poder ser diagnosticadas y tratadas nutricionalmente en pacientes con Trastorno Bipolar. Los pacientes que presentan esta patología exhiben alteraciones alimentarias que por sus características o su gravedad, no solamente no alcanzan a cumplir con los cr...

  10. Quantitative analysis of the corpus callosum in children with cerebral palsy and developmental delay: correlation with cerebral white matter volume

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panigrahy, Ashok; Barnes, Patrick D.; Robertson, Robert L.; Sleeper, Lynn A.; Sayre, James W.


    This study was conducted to quantitatively correlate the thickness of the corpus callosum with the volume of cerebral white matter in children with cerebral palsy and developmental delay. Material and methods: A clinical database of 70 children with cerebral palsy and developmental delay was established with children between the ages of 1 and 5 years. These children also demonstrated abnormal periventricular T2 hyperintensities associated with and without ventriculomegaly. Mid-sagittal T1-weighted images were used to measure the thickness (genu, mid-body, and splenium) and length of the corpus callosum. Volumes of interest were digitized based on gray-scale densities to define the hemispheric cerebral white matter on axial T2-weighted and FLAIR images. The thickness of the mid-body of the corpus callosum was correlated with cerebral white matter volume. Subgroup analysis was also performed to examine the relationship of this correlation with both gestational age and neuromotor outcome. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance and Pearson correlation coefficients. There was a positive correlation between the thickness of the mid-body of the corpus callosum and the volume of cerebral white matter across all children studied (R=0.665, P=0.0001). This correlation was not dependent on gestational age. The thickness of the mid-body of the corpus callosum was decreased in the spastic diplegia group compared to the two other groups (hypotonia and developmental delay only; P<0.0001). Within each neuromotor subgroup, there was a positive correlation between thickness of the mid-body of the corpus callosum and volume of the cerebral white matter. (orig.)

  11. Quantitative analysis of the corpus callosum in children with cerebral palsy and developmental delay: correlation with cerebral white matter volume

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Panigrahy, Ashok [Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, Department of Radiology, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Barnes, Patrick D. [Stanford University Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Lucile Salter Packard Children' s Hospital, Palo Alto, CA (United States); Robertson, Robert L. [Children' s Hospital Boston, Department of Radiology, Boston, MA (United States); Sleeper, Lynn A. [New England Research Institute, Watertown, MA (United States); Sayre, James W. [UCLA Medical Center, Departments of Radiology and Biostatistics, Los Angeles, CA (United States)


    This study was conducted to quantitatively correlate the thickness of the corpus callosum with the volume of cerebral white matter in children with cerebral palsy and developmental delay. Material and methods: A clinical database of 70 children with cerebral palsy and developmental delay was established with children between the ages of 1 and 5 years. These children also demonstrated abnormal periventricular T2 hyperintensities associated with and without ventriculomegaly. Mid-sagittal T1-weighted images were used to measure the thickness (genu, mid-body, and splenium) and length of the corpus callosum. Volumes of interest were digitized based on gray-scale densities to define the hemispheric cerebral white matter on axial T2-weighted and FLAIR images. The thickness of the mid-body of the corpus callosum was correlated with cerebral white matter volume. Subgroup analysis was also performed to examine the relationship of this correlation with both gestational age and neuromotor outcome. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance and Pearson correlation coefficients. There was a positive correlation between the thickness of the mid-body of the corpus callosum and the volume of cerebral white matter across all children studied (R=0.665, P=0.0001). This correlation was not dependent on gestational age. The thickness of the mid-body of the corpus callosum was decreased in the spastic diplegia group compared to the two other groups (hypotonia and developmental delay only; P<0.0001). Within each neuromotor subgroup, there was a positive correlation between thickness of the mid-body of the corpus callosum and volume of the cerebral white matter. (orig.)

  12. MR imaging of cerebral palsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saginoya, Toshiyuki; Yamaguchi, Keiichiro; Kuniyoshi, Kazuhide


    We evaluated 35 patients with cerebral palsy on the basis of MR imaging findings in the brain. The types of palsy were spastic quadriplegia (n=11), spastic diplegia (n=9), spastic hemiplegia (n=2), double hemiplegia (n=1), athetosis (n=10) and mixed (n=2). Of all patients, 28 (80%) generated abnormal findings. In spastic quadriplegia, although eight cases revealed severe brain damage, two cases showed no abnormal findings in the brain. One of the three had cervical cord compression caused by atlanto-axial subluxation. In spastic diplegia, the findings were divided according to whether the patient was born at term or preterm. If the patient had been born prematurely, the findings showed periventricular leukomalacia and abnormally high intensity in the posterior limbs of the internal capsule on T2-weighted images. MR imaging in spastic hemiplegia revealed cerebral infarction. In the athetoid type, half of all cases showed either no abnormal findings or slight widening of the lateral ventricle. Three cases showed abnormal signals of the basal ganglia. The reason why athetoid-type palsy did not show severe abnormality is unknown. We believe that MR imaging is a useful diagnostic modality to detect damage in the brain in cerebral palsy and plays an important role in the differentiation of cerebral palsy from the spastic palsy disease. (author)

  13. MR imaging of cerebral palsy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saginoya, Toshiyuki [Urasoe General Hospital, Okinawa (Japan); Yamaguchi, Keiichiro; Kuniyoshi, Kazuhide [and others


    We evaluated 35 patients with cerebral palsy on the basis of MR imaging findings in the brain. The types of palsy were spastic quadriplegia (n=11), spastic diplegia (n=9), spastic hemiplegia (n=2), double hemiplegia (n=1), athetosis (n=10) and mixed (n=2). Of all patients, 28 (80%) generated abnormal findings. In spastic quadriplegia, although eight cases revealed severe brain damage, two cases showed no abnormal findings in the brain. One of the three had cervical cord compression caused by atlanto-axial subluxation. In spastic diplegia, the findings were divided according to whether the patient was born at term or preterm. If the patient had been born prematurely, the findings showed periventricular leukomalacia and abnormally high intensity in the posterior limbs of the internal capsule on T2-weighted images. MR imaging in spastic hemiplegia revealed cerebral infarction. In the athetoid type, half of all cases showed either no abnormal findings or slight widening of the lateral ventricle. Three cases showed abnormal signals of the basal ganglia. The reason why athetoid-type palsy did not show severe abnormality is unknown. We believe that MR imaging is a useful diagnostic modality to detect damage in the brain in cerebral palsy and plays an important role in the differentiation of cerebral palsy from the spastic palsy disease. (author)

  14. Microsurgery Simulator of Cerebral Aneurysm Clipping with Interactive Cerebral Deformation Featuring a Virtual Arachnoid. (United States)

    Shono, Naoyuki; Kin, Taichi; Nomura, Seiji; Miyawaki, Satoru; Saito, Toki; Imai, Hideaki; Nakatomi, Hirofumi; Oyama, Hiroshi; Saito, Nobuhito


    A virtual reality simulator for aneurysmal clipping surgery is an attractive research target for neurosurgeons. Brain deformation is one of the most important functionalities necessary for an accurate clipping simulator and is vastly affected by the status of the supporting tissue, such as the arachnoid membrane. However, no virtual reality simulator implementing the supporting tissue of the brain has yet been developed. To develop a virtual reality clipping simulator possessing interactive brain deforming capability closely dependent on arachnoid dissection and apply it to clinical cases. Three-dimensional computer graphics models of cerebral tissue and surrounding structures were extracted from medical images. We developed a new method for modifiable cerebral tissue complex deformation by incorporating a nonmedical image-derived virtual arachnoid/trabecula in a process called multitissue integrated interactive deformation (MTIID). MTIID made it possible for cerebral tissue complexes to selectively deform at the site of dissection. Simulations for 8 cases of actual clipping surgery were performed before surgery and evaluated for their usefulness in surgical approach planning. Preoperatively, each operative field was precisely reproduced and visualized with the virtual brain retraction defined by users. The clear visualization of the optimal approach to treating the aneurysm via an appropriate arachnoid incision was possible with MTIID. A virtual clipping simulator mainly focusing on supporting tissues and less on physical properties seemed to be useful in the surgical simulation of cerebral aneurysm clipping. To our knowledge, this article is the first to report brain deformation based on supporting tissues.

  15. Toll-like receptors in cerebral ischemic inflammatory injury


    Wang, Yan-Chun; Lin, Sen; Yang, Qing-Wu


    Abstract Cerebral ischemia triggers acute inflammation, which has been associated with an increase in brain damage. The mechanisms that regulate the inflammatory response after cerebral ischemia are multifaceted. An important component of this response is the activation of the innate immune system. However, details of the role of the innate immune system within the complex array of mechanisms in cerebral ischemia remain unclear. There have been recent great strides in our understanding of the...

  16. Polyuria and cerebral vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage


    Brown, Robert J.; Epling, Brian P.; Staff, Ilene; Fortunato, Gilbert; Grady, James J.; McCullough, Louise D.


    Background Natriuresis with polyuria is common after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH). Previous studies have shown an increased risk of symptomatic cerebral vasospasm or delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) in patients with hyponatremia and/or the cerebral salt wasting syndrome (CSW). However, natriuresis may occur in the absence of hyponatremia or hypovolemia and it is not known whether the increase in DCI in patients with CSW is secondary to a concomitant hypovolemia or because the phys...

  17. Crossed aphasia following cerebral infarction in a right-handed patient with atypical cerebral language dominance. (United States)

    Tan, Xiaoping; Guo, Yang; Dun, Saihong; Sun, Hongzan


    Crossed aphasia (CA), usually referred to as an acquired language disturbance, is caused by a lesion in the cerebral hemisphere ipsilateral to the dominant hand, and the exact mechanism is not clear. The development of handedness is influenced by education and training and the impact of habitualization, while language is more susceptible to the impact of speech habits, and it is not absolutely accurate to judge cerebral language dominance by the degree of hand preference. We describe a case of CA after right hemispheric stroke in a right-handed patient with atypical language dominance and attempt to analyze the mechanism of CA based on functional imaging methods, including arterial spin labeling (ASL) and positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging (PET-MRI). Brain MRI at 24 h after admission showed a large cerebral infarction in the right cerebral hemisphere, including the posteroinferior part of Broca's area in the right frontal lobe, the right temporal lobe, and the right occipital lobe. The patient exhibited a non-fluent aphasia on a standard language test (the Aphasia Battery of Chinese [ABC]) performed on the 7th day after onset. Thus, atypical language dominance was suspected. One week after admission, ASL imaging showed high perfusion in the infarct core zone and low perfusion in the left cerebellar hemisphere. Two months later, PET/MRI demonstrated low metabolism in the posterior frontal lobe, temporal lobe, temporal occipital junction area, and the right basal ganglia. The findings suggest that the patient has right-sided cerebral language dominance, or that both hemispheres have linguistic functions. Not all patients show linguistic capabilities on the side opposite hand preference. The language dominance should be predicted by a combination of clinical manifestations and functional imaging techniques.

  18. Computerized tomographic evaluation of cerebral cysticercosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Bo Young; Lee, Mi Sook; Jeon, Doo Sung; Kim, Hong Soo; Rhee, Hak Song [Precbyterian Medical Center, Chonju (Korea, Republic of)


    Cerebral cysticercosis, unfortunately frequent in Korea, is a parastic disease in which man serve as the intermediate host of taenia solium. The larvae have a predilection for the central nervous system and can cause a variety of neurologic symptoms. The authors reviewed 19 cases of surgically proven cerebral cysticercosis and following results were obtained. 1. The most frequent age distribution was 5th and 6th decade and male to female ratio was 14:5. 2. The most frevalent involving site was cerebral parenchyme and following by ventricles. 3. Clinical manifestations were symtom and sign of increased ICP, seizure and focal neurological dificit. 4. It was assumed that computerized tomography was the procedure of choice for the diagnosis of these parasitic brain disease.

  19. Training model for cerebral aneurysm clipping

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hiroshi Tenjin, M.D., Ph.D.


    Full Text Available Clipping of cerebral aneurysms is still an important skill in neurosurgery. We have made a training model for the clipping of cerebral aneurysms. The concepts for the model were 1: training model for beginners, 2: three dimensional manipulation using an operating microscope, 3: the aneurysm model is to be perfused by simulated blood causing premature rupture. The correct relationship between each tissue, and softness of the brain and vessels were characteristics of the model. The skull, brain, arteries, and veins were made using a 3D printer with data from DICOM. The brain and vessels were made from polyvinyl alcohol (PVA. One training course was held and this model was useful for training of cerebral aneurysm surgery for young neurosurgeons.

  20. Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Disparities in the Prevalence of Cerebral Palsy (United States)

    Xing, Guibo; Fuentes-Afflick, Elena; Danielson, Beate; Smith, Lloyd H.; Gilbert, William M.


    OBJECTIVE: Racial and ethnic disparities in cerebral palsy have been documented, but the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. We determined whether low birth weight accounts for ethnic disparities in the prevalence of cerebral palsy and whether socioeconomic factors impact cerebral palsy within racial and ethnic groups. METHODS: In a retrospective cohort of 6.2 million births in California between 1991 and 2001, we compared maternal and infant characteristics among 8397 infants with cerebral palsy who qualified for services from the California Department of Health Services and unaffected infants. RESULTS: Overall, black infants were 29% more likely to have cerebral palsy than white infants (relative risk: 1.29 [95% confidence interval: 1.19–1.39]). However, black infants who were very low or moderately low birth weight were 21% to 29% less likely to have cerebral palsy than white infants of comparable birth weight. After we adjusted for birth weight, there was no difference in the risk of cerebral palsy between black and white infants. In multivariate analyses, women of all ethnicities who did not receive any prenatal care were twice as likely to have infants with cerebral palsy relative to women with an early onset of prenatal care. Maternal education was associated with cerebral palsy in a dose-response fashion among white and Hispanic women. Hispanic adolescent mothers (aged cerebral palsy. CONCLUSIONS: The increased risk of cerebral palsy among black infants is primarily related to their higher risk of low birth weight. Understanding how educational attainment and use of prenatal care impact the risk of cerebral palsy may inform new prevention strategies. PMID:21339278

  1. Cerebral candidiasis. Computed tomography appearance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaabane, M.; Ladeb, M.F.; Bouhaouala, M.H.; Ben Hammouda, M.; Ataalah, R.; Gannouni, A.; Krifa, H.


    A three year old child who had been suffering from oral candidiasis since the age of 1 year presented with osteitis of the clavicle, 2 cerebral frontal abscesses and an occipital abscess which extended across the calvaria and was associated with osteolysis. Histological and microbiological studies following surgery confirmed the diagnosis of candidiasis in this girl who was found to have IgA immunodefinciency. The authors report the computed tomographic appearance of the cerebral lesions and review the literature. (orig.)

  2. Cerebral candidiasis. Computed tomography appearance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chaabane, M.; Ladeb, M.F.; Bouhaouala, M.H.; Ben Hammouda, M.; Ataalah, R.; Gannouni, A.; Krifa, H.


    A three year old child who had been suffering from oral candidiasis since the age of 1 year presented with osteitis of the clavicle, 2 cerebral frontal abscesses and an occipital abscess which extended across the calvaria and was associated with osteolysis. Histological and microbiological studies following surgery confirmed the diagnosis of candidiasis in this girl who was found to have IgA immunodefinciency. The authors report the computed tomographic appearance of the cerebral lesions and review the literature. (orig.).

  3. Animal models of cerebral arterial gas embolism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weenink, Robert P.; Hollmann, Markus W.; van Hulst, Robert A.


    Cerebral arterial gas embolism is a dreaded complication of diving and invasive medical procedures. Many different animal models have been used in research on cerebral arterial gas embolism. This review provides an overview of the most important characteristics of these animal models. The properties

  4. Study on plasma homocysteine (HCY) levels in patients with cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Guozhong


    Objective: To investigate the relationship between the plasma levels of HCY, folate and vitamin B 12 and the development of cerebrovascular accidents (infarction and hemorrhage). Methods: Plasma HCY concentrations (with fluorescence polarization immunoassay FPIA) and folate, VitB 12 contents (with immunofluorescence technique) were measured in 150 patients with cerebral infarction, 171 patients with cerebral hemorrhage (all patients confirmed with CT/MRI) and 96 controls. Results: Plasma HCY concentrations were significantly higher (P 12 contents were significantly lower (P 12 concentrations were critically involved in the development and pathogenesis of cerebrovascular accidents. (authors)

  5. Cerebral oxygenation decreases during exercise in humans with beta-adrenergic blockade

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seifert, T.; Rasmussen, P.; Secher, Niels H.


    AIM: Beta-blockers reduce exercise capacity by attenuated increase in cardiac output, but it remains unknown whether performance also relates to attenuated cerebral oxygenation. METHODS: Acting as their own controls, eight healthy subjects performed a continuous incremental cycle test to exhaustion...... attenuated the increase in cardiac output of consequence for cerebral perfusion and oxygenation. We suggest that a decrease in cerebral oxygenation limits exercise capacity Udgivelsesdato: 2009/7...... with or without administration of the non-selective beta-blocker propranolol. Changes in cerebral blood flow velocity were measured with transcranial Doppler ultrasound and those in cerebral oxygenation were evaluated using near-infrared spectroscopy and the calculated cerebral mitochondrial oxygen tension...

  6. Mechanisms of Acupuncture Therapy for Cerebral Ischemia: an Evidence-Based Review of Clinical and Animal Studies on Cerebral Ischemia. (United States)

    Zhu, Wen; Ye, Yang; Liu, Yi; Wang, Xue-Rui; Shi, Guang-Xia; Zhang, Shuai; Liu, Cun-Zhi


    Ischemic stroke is a major cause of mortality and disability worldwide. As a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture has been shown to be effective in promoting recovery after stroke. In this article, we review the clinical and experimental studies that demonstrated the mechanisms of acupuncture treatment for cerebral ischemia. Clinical studies indicated that acupuncture activated relevant brain regions, modulated cerebral blood flow and related molecules in stroke patients. Evidence from laboratory indicated that acupuncture regulates cerebral blood flow and metabolism after the interrupt of blood supply. Acupuncture regulates multiple molecules and signaling pathways that lead to excitoxicity, oxidative stress, inflammation, neurons death and survival. Acupuncture also promotes neurogenesis, angiogenesis as well as neuroplasticity after ischemic damage. The evidence provided from clinical and laboratory suggests that acupuncture induces multi-level regulation via complex mechanisms and a single factor may not be enough to explain the beneficial effects against cerebral ischemia.

  7. Cerebral circulation and metabolism with recovery of chronic poststroke aphasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamada, Tomoyuki; Kabasawa, Hidehiro; Matsubara, Michitaka; Hibino, Hiroaki; Kamimoto, Kaoru; Fukagawa, Kazutoshi


    The recruitment of cerebral circulation and oxygen metabolism in the particular brain areas responsible for poststroke aphasia are necessary for recovery. This study was undertaken to investigate changes in cerebral circulation and oxygen metabolism corresponding to improvement of aphasia. Twenty-nine right-handed chronic aphasic patients with left hemispheric stroke were studied. Aphasia was evaluated as the score of fluency, comprehension, repetition and naming by the Western Aphasia Battery (Japanese version). Concurrent with the evaluation of aphasia, positron emission tomography (PET) scans were performed. After several months of speech therapy, PET scans and evaluation of aphasia were reperformed. Both regional cerebral blood flow and the cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen significantly increased in the left upper superior and middle temporal gyri, and in the left upper inferior frontal gyrus in the fair recovery group for comprehension, repetition and naming. In the fair recovery group for fluency, the cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen significantly increased in the left upper superior and middle temporal gyri, but regional cerebral blood flow increased insignificantly in these areas. In the lower white matter of the right parietal lobe, both the regional cerebral blood flow and the cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen were significantly increased in the fair recovery group for all aphasic features. The recruitment of cerebral circulation and oxygen metabolism in the left temporo-parietal area, in the left inferior frontal area, and in the right deep parietal area are essentially responsible for the recovery of aphasia. (author)

  8. Cerebral Vascular Injury in Traumatic Brain Injury. (United States)

    Kenney, Kimbra; Amyot, Franck; Haber, Margalit; Pronger, Angela; Bogoslovsky, Tanya; Moore, Carol; Diaz-Arrastia, Ramon


    Traumatic cerebral vascular injury (TCVI) is a very frequent, if not universal, feature after traumatic brain injury (TBI). It is likely responsible, at least in part, for functional deficits and TBI-related chronic disability. Because there are multiple pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic therapies that promote vascular health, TCVI is an attractive target for therapeutic intervention after TBI. The cerebral microvasculature is a component of the neurovascular unit (NVU) coupling neuronal metabolism with local cerebral blood flow. The NVU participates in the pathogenesis of TBI, either directly from physical trauma or as part of the cascade of secondary injury that occurs after TBI. Pathologically, there is extensive cerebral microvascular injury in humans and experimental animal, identified with either conventional light microscopy or ultrastructural examination. It is seen in acute and chronic TBI, and even described in chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Non-invasive, physiologic measures of cerebral microvascular function show dysfunction after TBI in humans and experimental animal models of TBI. These include imaging sequences (MRI-ASL), Transcranial Doppler (TCD), and Near InfraRed Spectroscopy (NIRS). Understanding the pathophysiology of TCVI, a relatively under-studied component of TBI, has promise for the development of novel therapies for TBI. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  9. Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy associated with cerebral vasculitis. (United States)

    Weinstein, J M; Bresnick, G H; Bell, C L; Roschmann, R A; Brooks, B R; Strother, C M


    Acute multifocal posterior placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE) is an unusual self-limited retinal disorder that has been associated with various systemic complications. To our knowledge, three prior cases associated with cerebral vasculitis have been described. This article describes a patient with APMPPE and angiographically documented cerebral vasculitis who was notable because of (a) the presence of two different cerebral ischemic events, occurring 1 month apart, and (b) the long latency (3 months) between the onset of ocular symptoms and the second cerebral ischemic event. Recognition of the association between APMPPE and cerebral vasculitis may permit early treatment of CNS involvement and prevention of morbidity.

  10. Cerebral Palsy: Still A Social Problem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angom Bisharda


    Full Text Available Research Problem: What arc the social aspects of cerebral palsy?Objective: To determine the extent and severity of neuromuscular involvement in cases of cerebral palsy and to find out the associated defects among these children.Study Design: Cross sectional study.Setting: Tertiary care hospital, outdoor patients.Participants: Children in the age group of 0 - 12 years.Sample Size: 120 children suffering from cerebral palsy.Study Variables: Social factors, neuromuscular involvement.Statistical Analysis: By proportionsResult: Out of 120 cases, maximum number of cases (66.6% were in the age group of 1- 4 years. 83 cases ( 69.16% were males. Among the various types, spastic type was the commonest (87.5%. Of these spastic cases, 52 (49.52% had quadriplegia. No case of tremor and rigidity was seen. Delayed milestones was the commonest associated disorder, seen in 107 (89.16% cases, followed by speech defect in 58(48.3% cases, visual defect in 34(28.3% cases and convulsions in 24 (20.0% cases. Hearing defect was seen in 5 cases (4.16% only.Conclusion: More concerted efforts arc required to identify children with cerebral palsy and rehabilitate them for the betterment of society.

  11. Cerebral Palsy: Still A Social Problem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angom Bisharda


    Full Text Available Research Problem: What arc the social aspects of cerebral palsy? Objective: To determine the extent and severity of neuromuscular involvement in cases of cerebral palsy and to find out the associated defects among these children. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Setting: Tertiary care hospital, outdoor patients. Participants: Children in the age group of 0 - 12 years. Sample Size: 120 children suffering from cerebral palsy. Study Variables: Social factors, neuromuscular involvement. Statistical Analysis: By proportions Result: Out of 120 cases, maximum number of cases (66.6% were in the age group of 1- 4 years. 83 cases ( 69.16% were males. Among the various types, spastic type was the commonest (87.5%. Of these spastic cases, 52 (49.52% had quadriplegia. No case of tremor and rigidity was seen. Delayed milestones was the commonest associated disorder, seen in 107 (89.16% cases, followed by speech defect in 58(48.3% cases, visual defect in 34(28.3% cases and convulsions in 24 (20.0% cases. Hearing defect was seen in 5 cases (4.16% only. Conclusion: More concerted efforts arc required to identify children with cerebral palsy and rehabilitate them for the betterment of society.

  12. Advances in the imaging of cerebral aneurysm inflammation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael R Levitt


    Full Text Available Cerebral aneurysm formation, growth and rupture are thought to be the result of a complex interaction between cerebrovascular hemodynamics and pathobiology. Recently, new evidence has emerged regarding the role of inflammation in the walls of cerebral aneurysms. Noninvasive methods to characterize the degree of inflammation in aneurysms could enable clinicians to estimate the risk of future aneurysm growth and rupture, influencing treatment. This review examines emerging techniques of imaging inflammatory biomarkers in cerebral aneurysms.

  13. Acute hypoxia increases the cerebral metabolic rate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestergaard, Mark Bitsch; Lindberg, Ulrich; Aachmann-Andersen, Niels Jacob


    The aim of the present study was to examine changes in cerebral metabolism by magnetic resonance imaging of healthy subjects during inhalation of 10% O2 hypoxic air. Hypoxic exposure elevates cerebral perfusion, but its effect on energy metabolism has been less investigated. Magnetic resonance im...

  14. Paralisia cerebral tetraplégica e constipação intestinal: avaliação da reeducação intestinal com uso de massagens e dieta laxante

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiana Santana Faleiros-Castro


    Full Text Available A constipação intestinal afeta 74% dos indivíduos com paralisia cerebral. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar resultados das intervenções de enfermagem no tratamento da constipação intestinal associada à paralisia cerebral. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, prospectivo e comparativo (antes-depois. A amostra foi composta por 50 pacientes com paralisia cerebral tetraplégica e constipação intestinal. As principais orientações conservadoras foram: consumo diário de alimentos laxantes e óleos vegetais, aumento da ingestão hídrica e execução de manobras intestinais diárias. Houve alívio total ou parcial da constipação em 90% dos participantes, com melhora de aspectos da qualidade de vida, como sono, apetite e irritabilidade, além de diminuição significativa de sangramento retal, fissura anal, retenção voluntária de fezes, choro e dor ao evacuar. Apenas 10% necessitaram de medicações laxantes. Recomenda-se que medidas conservadoras sejam preferencialmente utilizadas para o tratamento da constipação intestinal associada à paralisia cerebral e que medicamentos sejam apenas adjuvantes, quando necessário.

  15. Cerebral blood flow autoregulation is impaired in schizophrenia: A pilot study. (United States)

    Ku, Hsiao-Lun; Wang, Jiunn-Kae; Lee, Hsin-Chien; Lane, Timothy Joseph; Liu, I-Chao; Chen, Yung-Chan; Lee, Yao-Tung; Lin, I-Cheng; Lin, Chia-Pei; Hu, Chaur-Jong; Chi, Nai-Fang


    Patients with schizophrenia have a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases and higher mortality from them than does the general population; however, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Impaired cerebral autoregulation is associated with cerebrovascular diseases and their mortality. Increased or decreased cerebral blood flow in different brain regions has been reported in patients with schizophrenia, which implies impaired cerebral autoregulation. This study investigated the cerebral autoregulation in 21 patients with schizophrenia and 23 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. None of the participants had a history of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, or diabetes. All participants underwent 10-min blood pressure and cerebral blood flow recording through finger plethysmography and Doppler ultrasonography, respectively. Cerebral autoregulation was assessed by analyzing two autoregulation indices: the mean blood pressure and cerebral blood flow correlation coefficient (Mx), and the phase shift between the waveforms of blood pressure and cerebral blood flow determined using transfer function analysis. Compared with the controls, the patients had a significantly higher Mx (0.257 vs. 0.399, p=0.036) and lower phase shift (44.3° vs. 38.7° in the 0.07-0.20Hz frequency band, p=0.019), which indicated impaired maintenance of constant cerebral blood flow and a delayed cerebrovascular autoregulatory response. Impaired cerebral autoregulation may be caused by schizophrenia and may not be an artifact of coexisting medical conditions. The mechanism underlying impaired cerebral autoregulation in schizophrenia and its probable role in the development of cerebrovascular diseases require further investigation. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. A schizophrenic patient with cerebral infarctions after hemorrhagic shock

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Youichi Yanagawa


    Full Text Available We herein report the fourth case of cerebral infarction, concomitant with hemorrhagic shock, in English literature. A 33-year-old male, who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and given a prescription for Olanzapine, was discovered with multiple self-inflicted bleeding cuts on his wrist. On arrival, he was in hemorrhagic shock without verbal responsiveness, but his vital signs were normalized following infusion of Lactate Ringer′s solution. The neuroradiological studies revealed multiple cerebral ischemic lesions without any vascular abnormality. He was diagnosed with speech apraxia, motor aphasia, and dysgraphia, due to multiple cerebral infarctions. As there was no obvious causative factor with regard to the occurrence of cerebral infarction in the patient, the hypoperfusion due to hemorrhagic shock, and the thromboembolic tendency due to Olanzapine, might have acted together to lead to the patient′s cerebral ischemia.

  17. Cerebral metastasis masquerading as cerebritis: A case of misguiding history and radiological surprise!

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ashish Kumar


    Full Text Available Cerebral metastases usually have a characteristic radiological appearance. They can be differentiated rather easily from any infective etiology. Similarly, positive medical history also guides the neurosurgeon towards the possible diagnosis and adds to the diagnostic armamentarium. However, occasionally, similarities on imaging may be encountered where even history could lead us in the wrong direction and tends to bias the clinician. We report a case of a 40-year-old female with a history of mastoidectomy for otitis media presenting to us with a space occupying lesion in the right parietal region, which was thought pre-operatively as an abscess along with the cerebritis. Surprisingly, the histopathology proved it to be a metastatic adenocarcinoma. Hence, a ring enhancing lesion may be a high grade neoplasm/metastasis/abscess, significant gyral enhancement; a feature of cerebritis is not linked with a neoplastic etiology more often. This may lead to delayed diagnosis, incorrect prognostication and treatment in patients having coincidental suggestive history of infection. We review the literature and highlight the key points helping to differentiate an infective from a neoplastic pathology which may look similar at times.

  18. Magnetic Resonance Features of Cerebral Malaria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yadav, P.; Sharma, R.; Kumar, S.; Kumar, U. (Dept. of Radiodiagnosis and Dept. of Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi (India))


    Background: Cerebral malaria is a major health hazard, with a high incidence of mortality. The disease is endemic in many developing countries, but with a greater increase in tourism, occasional cases may be detected in countries where the disease in not prevalent. Early diagnosis and evaluation of cerebral involvement in malaria utilizing modern imaging modalities have an impact on the treatment and clinical outcome. Purpose: To evaluate the magnetic resonance (MR) features of patients with cerebral malaria presenting with altered sensorium. Material and Methods: We present the findings in three patients with cerebral malaria presenting with altered sensorium. MR imaging using a 1.5-Tesla unit was carried out. The sequences performed were 5-mm-thick T1-weighted, T2-weighted, fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery (FLAIR), and T2-weighted gradient-echo axial sequences, and sagittal and coronal FLAIR. Diffusion-weighted imaging was performed with b values of 0 and 1000 s/mm2, and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps were obtained. Results: Focal hyperintensities in the bilateral periventricular white matter, corpus callosum, occipital subcortex, and bilateral thalami were noticed on T2-weighted and FLAIR sequences. The lesions were more marked in the splenium of the corpus callosum. No enhancement on postcontrast T1-weighted MR images was observed. There was no evidence of restricted diffusion on the diffusion-weighted sequence and ADC map. Conclusion: MR is a sensitive imaging modality, with a role in the assessment of cerebral lesions in malaria. Focal white matter and corpus callosal lesions without any restricted diffusion were the key findings in our patients

  19. Magnetic Resonance Features of Cerebral Malaria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yadav, P.; Sharma, R.; Kumar, S.; Kumar, U.


    Background: Cerebral malaria is a major health hazard, with a high incidence of mortality. The disease is endemic in many developing countries, but with a greater increase in tourism, occasional cases may be detected in countries where the disease in not prevalent. Early diagnosis and evaluation of cerebral involvement in malaria utilizing modern imaging modalities have an impact on the treatment and clinical outcome. Purpose: To evaluate the magnetic resonance (MR) features of patients with cerebral malaria presenting with altered sensorium. Material and Methods: We present the findings in three patients with cerebral malaria presenting with altered sensorium. MR imaging using a 1.5-Tesla unit was carried out. The sequences performed were 5-mm-thick T1-weighted, T2-weighted, fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery (FLAIR), and T2-weighted gradient-echo axial sequences, and sagittal and coronal FLAIR. Diffusion-weighted imaging was performed with b values of 0 and 1000 s/mm 2 , and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps were obtained. Results: Focal hyperintensities in the bilateral periventricular white matter, corpus callosum, occipital subcortex, and bilateral thalami were noticed on T2-weighted and FLAIR sequences. The lesions were more marked in the splenium of the corpus callosum. No enhancement on postcontrast T1-weighted MR images was observed. There was no evidence of restricted diffusion on the diffusion-weighted sequence and ADC map. Conclusion: MR is a sensitive imaging modality, with a role in the assessment of cerebral lesions in malaria. Focal white matter and corpus callosal lesions without any restricted diffusion were the key findings in our patients

  20. Bundle of measures for external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis. (United States)

    Chatzi, Maria; Karvouniaris, Marios; Makris, Demosthenes; Tsimitrea, Eleni; Gatos, Charalampos; Tasiou, Anastasia; Mantzarlis, Kostas; Fountas, Kostas N; Zakynthinos, Epaminondas


    To assess the prevalence and outcome of external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis in neurocritical patients before and after the implementation of a bundle of external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis control measures. Clinical prospective case series. University Hospital of Larissa, Greece. Consecutive patients were recruited from the ICU of the hospital. Patient inclusion criteria included presence of external ventricular drainage and ICU stay more than 48 hours. The bundle of external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis control measures included 1) reeducation of ICU personnel on issues of infection control related to external cerebral ventricular drainage, 2) meticulous intraventricular catheter handling, 3) cerebrospinal fluid sampling only when clinically necessary, and 4) routine replacement of the drainage catheter on the seventh drainage day if the catheter was still necessary. The bundle was applied after an initial period (preintervention) where standard policy for external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis was established. External cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis prevalence, external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis events per 1,000 drainage days (drain-associated infection rate), length of ICU stay, Glasgow Outcome Scale at 6 months, and risk factors for external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis. Eighty-two patients entered the study in the preintervention period and 57 patients during the intervention period. During the preintervention and intervention period, external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis prevalence was 28% and 10.5% (p = 0.02) and drain-associated infection rate was 18 and 7.1, respectively (p = 0.0001); mean (95% CI) length of ICU stay in patients who presented external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis was 44.4 days (36.4-52.4 d), whereas mean

  1. A study on regional cerebral circulation in stroke patients with aphasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kudo, Ryozo


    To study the pathophysiology of aphasia due to cerebral stroke, regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was measured by the 133 Xe clearance method and the volume of low density area (LDA) was estimated on the basis of computerized tomography in 43 thrombotic (24 aphasia and 19 non-aphasia), 30 hemorrhagic (16 aphasia and 14 non-aphasia) and 6 non-stroke cases. 1) In the healthy hemisphere, rCBF showed no significant difference between aphasia and non-aphasia in both thrombotic and hemorrhagic cases. In the affected hemisphere, thrombotic cases showed significantly decreased rCBF in aphasic cases as compared to non-aphasic, however, hemorrhagic cases revealed no difference. 2) LDA volume showed no significant difference between aphasia and non-aphasia in cerebral thrombosis, however, LDA volume in non-aphasia was smaller than that in aphasia in cerebral hemorrage. 3) Significant differences in the pathophysiology of aphasia due to cerebral stroke were recognized between cerebral thrombosis and cerebral hemorrhage. Such differences should be taken into consideration in the management and treatment of aphasia caused by cerebral stroke. (author)

  2. [Takayasu arteritis and cerebral venous thrombosis: report of a case]. (United States)

    Rodríguez de Mingo, E; Riofrío Cabeza, S; Villa Albuger, T; Velasco Blanco, M J


    Palpitations, paresthesias and anxiety are very common reasons of consultation in primary care. We report the case of a 40 year-old Caucasian woman who came to the clinic due to these symptoms, and was finally diagnosed with Takayasu arteritis. Later, she had an episode of headache, as the initial manifestation of cerebral venous thrombosis. Takayasu arteritis is a systemic vasculitis affecting medium and large arteries, mainly leacausing stenosis of the aorta and its branches. It most frequently affects Asian women, being much rarer in Europe. The primary care doctor plays a key role in the initial diagnosis and monitoring of patients with rare diseases, such as Takayasu arteritis, and must be a basic support for the patient and family, providing information and advice, and contributing with his work to reduce the vulnerability of this group. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  3. Portable exhausters POR-004 SKID B, POR-005 SKID C, POR-006 SKID D storage plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, O.D.; Keller, G.M.


    This document provides a storage plan for portable exhausters POR-004 SKID B, POR-005 SKID C, AND POR-006 SKID D. The exhausters will be stored until they are needed by the TWRS (Tank Waste Remediation Systems) Saltwell Pumping Program. The storage plan provides criteria for portable exhauster storage, periodic inspections during storage, and retrieval from storage

  4. Relationship between cerebral blood flow and later cognitive decline in hypertensive patients with cerebral small vessel disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitagawa, Kazuo; Oku, Naohiko; Yagita, Yoshiki; Sakaguchi, Manabu; Sakoda, Saburo; Kimura, Yasuyuku; Hatazawa, Jun


    Vascular risk factors are thought to be important for dementia. However, there is little evidence for a prospective association between cerebral blood flow and the risk of cognitive decline. Twenty-seven cognitively intact hypertensive patients aged 55 years and older with lacunar infarction or white matter lesions in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) underwent positron emission tomography (PET) to measure cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral vascular reactivity (CVR). Cognitive function was assessed at baseline and 3 years later with the mini-mental state examination (MMSE). Patients whose MMSE score fell by more than three points were classified as having cognitive decline. Six patients showed cognitive decline. Baseline CBF in these patients was significantly lower than that of the 21 patients without cognitive decline (31.2±2.4 vs. 42.6±5.9 ml per 100 gmin -1 , respectively; P<0.001). A moderate linear association was found between CBF and change in MMSE score over a 3-year period (r=0.59, P=0.001), not between CBF and baseline MMSE score. In contrast, no association between CVR and later cognitive decline was found. This study suggests that cerebral hypoperfusion is associated with later cognitive decline. (author)


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cerebral palsy is commonly associated with ocular abnormalities which often impact on their development and education. There is paucity of studies on this in Nigeria. We decided to study/ determine the prevalence of ocular abnormalities among children with cerebral palsy that attended the neurology clinic of University of ...

  6. Calcification within the lesion of an old cerebral infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanyu, Haruo; Hagiwara, Akiyoshi; Yamaguchi, Katsuhiko; Imamura, Toshiharu; Iwamoto, Toshihiko; Katsunuma, Hideyo


    We described a 68-year-old woman with marked calcification in the lesion of an old cerebral infarction. Calcified deposits in an old infarcted area of the left middle cerebral artery were demonstrated by CT 9 months after she had suffered a stroke, probably because of an embolism. There have been few reports of calcification associated with cerebral infarction. (author)


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    Jorge Eduardo Duque Parra


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se inter-relacionan eventos históricos y contemporáneos, que han permitido desde la intuición de los primeros frenólogos y posteriormente con aspectos clínicos y experimentales, determinar un acercamiento a la localización funcional cerebral del procesamiento de información vestibular, asociada con los movimientos de la cabeza. El objetivo es aclarar si se puede establecer un vínculo entre la información frenológica del siglo XVIII con el procesamiento funcional cortical vestibular, con base en investigaciones contemporáneas. Metodológicamente se compara la información vestibular que surgió de la frenología, con los datos contemporáneos de funcionales cerebrales. Se encontró que el sentido de la orientación espacial se postuló en la región craneal parietal de forma intuitiva por los pioneros de la Frenología, en coincidencia con el sabido procesamiento cerebral parietal para la aceleración angular y linear del movimiento de la cabeza. Se concluye que la asignación de la región frenológica 12 en la zona parietal craneal, es concordante, si se extrapola al lobo parietal, para el sentido del lugar y el sentido espacial, pues varios trabajos indican la asignación como zona cortical vestibular principal, a la que se encuentra en dicha región cerebral.

  8. Cerebral microbleeds in a neonatal rat model.

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    Brianna Carusillo Theriault

    Full Text Available In adult humans, cerebral microbleeds play important roles in neurodegenerative diseases but in neonates, the consequences of cerebral microbleeds are unknown. In rats, a single pro-angiogenic stimulus in utero predisposes to cerebral microbleeds after birth at term, a time when late oligodendrocyte progenitors (pre-oligodendrocytes dominate in the rat brain. We hypothesized that two independent pro-angiogenic stimuli in utero would be associated with a high likelihood of perinatal microbleeds that would be severely damaging to white matter.Pregnant Wistar rats were subjected to intrauterine ischemia (IUI and low-dose maternal lipopolysaccharide (mLPS at embryonic day (E 19. Pups were born vaginally or abdominally at E21-22. Brains were evaluated for angiogenic markers, microhemorrhages, myelination and axonal development. Neurological function was assessed out to 6 weeks.mRNA (Vegf, Cd31, Mmp2, Mmp9, Timp1, Timp2 and protein (CD31, MMP2, MMP9 for angiogenic markers, in situ proteolytic activity, and collagen IV immunoreactivity were altered, consistent with an angiogenic response. Vaginally delivered pups exposed to prenatal IUI+mLPS had spontaneous cerebral microbleeds, abnormal neurological function, and dysmorphic, hypomyelinated white matter and axonopathy. Pups exposed to the same pro-angiogenic stimuli in utero but delivered abdominally had minimal cerebral microbleeds, preserved myelination and axonal development, and neurological function similar to naïve controls.In rats, pro-angiogenic stimuli in utero can predispose to vascular fragility and lead to cerebral microbleeds. The study of microbleeds in the neonatal rat brain at full gestation may give insights into the consequences of microbleeds in human preterm infants during critical periods of white matter development.

  9. Neurociências, neurocultura e autoajuda cerebral

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    Francisco Ortega

    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende analisar o fenômeno denominado de neuroascese, ou autoajuda cerebral no contexto do crescente impacto das neurociências e do surgimento da neurocultura e do sujeito cerebral. Para tanto, é importante compreender o âmbito sóciocultural mais amplo no qual a neuroascese se insere e que corresponde ao que vem se chamando de 'cultura somática' ou, mais especificamente, de biossociabilidade. O objetivo do artigo é explorar como uma forma de subjetividade reducionista, o sujeito cerebral, dá lugar à aparição de práticas de si cerebrais, isto é, práticas de como agir sobre o cérebro para maximizar a sua performance, que levam a formação de novas formas de sociabilidade.

  10. The MM-CGI Cerebral Palsy: modification and pretesting of an instrument to measure anticipatory grief in parents whose child has cerebral palsy. (United States)

    Al-Gamal, Ekhlas; Long, Tony


    To establish the potential of a modified version of the MM-CGI Childhood Cancer to assess anticipatory grief in parents of children with cerebral palsy, to amend the existing scale for use with the specific patient group, to test the psychometric properties of the modified version (MM-CGI Cerebral Palsy) and to review the clinical potential of the new scale. Parents of children with cerebral palsy may experience reactions similar to parents of children with other enduring or life-limiting conditions, and anticipatory grief may be one such psychological reaction. While the burden of caring is sometimes balanced by positive perceptions of the child, which enhance coping ability, for many parents the outcome is damage to their physical and mental health and impaired family functioning. A cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational design. The MM-CGI Cerebral Palsy was administered in structured interviews with 204 parents. Standardised measures of caregivers' depression, stress and perceived social support were also administered. Mothers and fathers were recruited from healthcare centres and schools for special education. Cronbach's alpha was used to assess internal consistency, and Pearson's product-moment correlation was used to assess construct validity. The subscales were each found to measure a single dimension of anticipatory grief, and significant correlations were established with existing instruments. The instrument demonstrated excellent internal consistency reliability and good construct validity. The MM-CGI Cerebral Palsy could be useful for diagnosing anticipatory grief among parents of children with cerebral palsy. This preliminary work moves the programme on to testing in intervention studies. In the absence of an existing measure for the assessment of anticipatory grief, specifically in parents of children with cerebral palsy, the MM-CGI Cerebral Palsy could prove to be an effective assessment tool for clinicians and researchers. © 2013 John Wiley

  11. Escleritis posterior: a propósito de un caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel Ambou Frutos

    Full Text Available Las enfermedades inflamatorias de la esclera son infrecuentes. Involucran tanto la esclera como la epiesclera y se caracterizan por su cronicidad, dolor y por ser una causa potencial de ceguera. Su asociación con enfermedades sistémicas, frecuentemente de causa autoinmune, y la aparición de graves complicaciones oculares, conllevan una terapia sistémica agresiva con antinflamatorios no esteroideos, corticoesteroides y agentes inmunosupresores, los cuales se pueden utilizar solos o combinados. Presentamos el caso de un paciente masculino de 37 años de edad quien acudió al Cuerpo de Guardia por dolor ocular intenso, asociado a ojo rojo, disminución de la agudeza visual y cifras elevadas de tensión ocular del ojo derecho, a quien le fue diagnosticada una escleritis posterior.

  12. An evaluation of MR diffusion imaging in the diagnosis of cerebral infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiong Weijian; Feng Shaolan; Zhou Zhijuan; Lin Yan


    Objective: To evaluate MR diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in the diagnosis of cerebral infarction. Methods: Thirty patients with clinically-diagnosed acute (6 hyper-acute and 24 acute) cerebral infarction scanned with both conventional and DW MRI. Results: DWI had the 100% sensitivity for hyper-acute and acute cerebral infarction. Hyper-acute and acute cerebral infarctions all showed hyper intensity on DWI. All 6 hyper-acute cerebral infarctions were only revealed on DWI but silent on conventional MRI. Conclusion: DWI is a useful MR technique, which is superior to conventional MR sequences in revealing the hyper-acute, acute cerebral infarct. DWI has a higher sensitivity for acute, especially hyper-acute cerebral infarction than conventional MRI. (authors)

  13. Onicomicoses por fungos emergentes: análise clínica, diagnóstico laboratorial e revisão

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Araújo Adauto José Gonçalves de


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: As dermatomicoses causadas por fungos emergentes são entidades clínicas raras, à exceção das onicomicoses. Como certos fungos e leveduras podem residir na pele, a positividade em culturas de escamas ungueais deve ser interpretada obrigatoriamente em concordância com os respectivos dados clínicos, exames diretos das amostras, quantificação das colônias isoladas em relação aos pontos de inoculação e, principalmente, deve a positividade ser mantida após a repetição dos cultivos. A invasão da unha por fungos não dermatofíticos (nondermatophytic molds, NDM em diferentes estudos varia de 1,45% a 17,6%. OBJETIVOS: Os objetivos do trabalho são mostrar a ocorrência e realçar a importância dos fungos emergentes como causadores de onicomicose. MÉTODOS: As unhas dos pacientes atendidos nos consultórios dos dermatologistas foram examinadas, e, caso houvesse suspeita clínica de onicomicose, coletavam-se amostras que eram enviadas para exame micológico no laboratório. RESULTADOS: Neste estudo, foram avaliados 2.271 pacientes e diagnosticada onicomicose em 400 deles, sendo 264 com acometimento das unhas do pé, e 136 das unhas da mão. O agente etiológico foi confirmado pelo exame micológico direto e crescimento em cultura. A onicomicose por fungos emergentes representou 4,5% de todas as infecções de unha. Foram detectadas as leveduras do gênero Candida (49% como agentes etiológicos mais freqüentes de onicomicoses nas unhas das mãos e em mulheres. Em contraste, os dermatófitos foram os mais freqüentes de todas as onicomicoses dos pés, no total de 186 (46,5%. CONCLUSÃO: Ao contrário da rotina diagnóstica hoje utilizada, concluiu-se que o diagnóstico correto do agente etiológico da onicomicose não dermatofítica deve obedecer a determinados critérios, dos quais se destaca o conjunto formado pela positividade no exame direto, na cultura, com comprovação na repetição do exame.

  14. The serpentine mitral valve and cerebral embolism

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    Ker James


    Full Text Available Abstract Valvular strands, well-delineated filiform masses, attached to cardiac valve edges are associated with cerebral embolism and stroke. Strokes, caused by emboli from valvular strands, tend to occur among younger persons. In this case report a valvular strand, giving a peculiar serpentine appearance to the mitral valve is described. This mitral valvular strand was the only explanation for an episode of cerebral embolism, presenting with a transient right sided hemiparesis. It is proposed that a randomized study involving combined treatment with aspirin and clopidogrel is warranted in young patients with valvular strands, presenting with a first episode of cerebral embolism.

  15. Identification of proteins regulated by curcumin in cerebral ischemia. (United States)

    Shah, Fawad-Ali; Gim, Sang-Ah; Sung, Jin-Hee; Jeon, Seong-Jun; Kim, Myeong-Ok; Koh, Phil-Ok


    Curcumin is known to have a neuroprotective effect against cerebral ischemia. The objective of this study was to identify various proteins that are differentially expressed by curcumin treatment in focal cerebral ischemia using a proteomic approach. Adult male rats were treated with vehicle or curcumin 1 h after middle cerebral artery occlusion. Brain tissues were collected 24 h after the onset of middle cerebral artery occlusion, and cerebral cortices proteins were identified by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. We detected several proteins with altered expression levels between vehicle- and curcumin-treated animals. Among these proteins, ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1, isocitrate dehydrogenase, adenosylhomocysteinase, and eukaryotic initiation factor 4A were decreased in the vehicle-treated animal, and curcumin treatment attenuated the injury-induced decreases of these proteins. Conversely, pyridoxal phosphate phosphatase was increased in the vehicle-treated animal, and curcumin treatment prevented decreases in this protein. The identified altered proteins are associated with cellular metabolism and differentiation. The results of this study suggest that curcumin exerts a neuroprotective effect by regulating the expression of various proteins in focal cerebral ischemia. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Cerebral ketone body metabolism. (United States)

    Morris, A A M


    Ketone bodies (KBs) are an important source of energy for the brain. During the neonatal period, they are also precursors for the synthesis of lipids (especially cholesterol) and amino acids. The rate of cerebral KB metabolism depends primarily on the concentration in blood; high concentrations occur during fasting and on a high-fat diet. Cerebral KB metabolism is also regulated by the permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), which depends on the abundance of monocarboxylic acid transporters (MCT1). The BBB's permeability to KBs increases with fasting in humans. In rats, permeability increases during the suckling period, but human neonates have not been studied. Monocarboxylic acid transporters are also present in the plasma membranes of neurons and glia but their role in regulating KB metabolism is uncertain. Finally, the rate of cerebral KB metabolism depends on the activities of the relevant enzymes in brain. The activities vary with age in rats, but reliable results are not available for humans. Cerebral KB metabolism in humans differs from that in the rat in several respects. During fasting, for example, KBs supply more of the brain's energy in humans than in the rat. Conversely, KBs are probably used more extensively in the brain of suckling rats than in human neonates. These differences complicate the interpretation of rodent studies. Most patients with inborn errors of ketogenesis develop normally, suggesting that the only essential role for KBs is as an alternative fuel during illness or prolonged fasting. On the other hand, in HMG-CoA lyase deficiency, imaging generally shows asymptomatic white-matter abnormalities. The ability of KBs to act as an alternative fuel explains the effectiveness of the ketogenic diet in GLUT1 deficiency, but its effectiveness in epilepsy remains unexplained.

  17. Análise da produção científica fonoaudiológica brasileira sobre paralisia cerebral Analysis of the Brazilian speech-language pathology scientific production regarding cerebral palsy

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    Marisa Cláudia Feital da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a produção científica fonoaudiológica brasileira sobre paralisia cerebral entre os anos de 2002 a 2009, publicados em periódicos em Fonoaudiologia e em periódicos de áreas afins. MÉTODOS: Estudo documental descritivo pautado na seleção e análise de artigos científicos sobre paralisia cerebral quanto: ao período da publicação; à distribuição de frequência por período; ao procedimento metodológico empregado; à vertente epistemológica adotada; à faixa etária dos sujeitos estudados; à área de atuação fonoaudiológica a que pertence o estudo. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 36 artigos: 28 em periódicos em Fonoaudiologia e oito em periódicos de áreas afins. O maior número de publicações concentrou-se entre 2002 e 2005. Quanto à área, a maioria envolve linguagem e motricidade orofacial. Quanto à vertente epistemológica, a maioria era positivista. Os procedimentos metodológicos mais encontrados foram o levantamento e o estudo de caso. A faixa etária mais estudada foi a da infância. CONCLUSÃO: O crescimento da produção científica fonoaudiológica brasileira sobre paralisia cerebral não acompanha a trajetória de crescimento em outras áreas da Fonoaudiologia; já a sua distribuição pelas vertentes epistemológicas, sim. Os dados mostraram estudos ligados à audição, à saúde coletiva e à voz, bem como estudos de natureza documental e estudos sobre adolescentes e adultos.PURPOSE: To analyze the Brazilian Speech-Language Pathology scientific production regarding cerebral palsy published between the years of 2002 and 2009 in Speech-Language Pathology journals and in journals from related areas. METHODS: Documental descriptive study guided by the selection and analysis of scientific papers about cerebral palsy, regarding: publication period; frequency distribution per period; methodological procedure used; epistemological filiations; age range of the studied subjects; Speech

  18. Cerebral hematocrit decreases with hemodynamic compromise in carotid artery occlusion: a PET study. (United States)

    Yamauchi, H; Fukuyama, H; Nagahama, Y; Katsumi, Y; Okazawa, H


    This study investigated whether in patients with internal carotid artery occlusion the regional cerebral hematocrit correlates with cerebral hemodynamics or metabolic state and, if so, how the regional cerebral hematocrit changes in the hemodynamically compromised region. We used positron emission tomography to study seven patients with unilateral internal carotid artery occlusion and no cortical infarction in the chronic stage. The distributions of red blood cell and plasma volumes were assessed using oxygen-15-labeled carbon monoxide and copper-62-labeled human serum albumin-dithiosemicarbazone tracers, respectively. The calculated hematocrit value was compared with the hemodynamic and metabolic parameters measured with the oxygen-15 steady-state technique. In the cerebral cortex, the value of the cerebral hematocrit varied but was correlated with the hemodynamic and metabolic status. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that the large vessel hematocrit, the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen, and the cerebral blood flow or the oxygen extraction fraction accounted for a significant proportion of variance of the cerebral hematocrit. The oxygen extraction fraction and the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen negatively correlated with the cerebral hematocrit, whereas the cerebral blood flow correlated positively: patients with reduced blood supply relative to metabolic demand (decreased blood flow with increased oxygen extraction fraction) showed low hematocrit values. In carotid artery occlusion in the chronic stage, regional cerebral hematocrit may vary according to cerebral hemodynamics and metabolic status. Regional cerebral hematocrit may decrease with hemodynamic compromise unless oxygen metabolism concomitantly decreases.

  19. Estudio retrospectivo de masas cutáneas neoplásicas en caninos diagnosticadas histopatológicamente en la Universidad de La Salle (1999-2003

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    Carlos Eduardo Aparicio Ortiz


    Full Text Available El propósito del trabajo fue realizar un análisis retrospectivo de las neoplasias cutáneas en caninos diagnosticadas en la Universidad de La Salle, en Bogotá, en el período 1999-2003. El presente estudio se llevó a cabo con la información obtenida de los registros del área diagnóstica e histopatológica de la Universidad de La Salle. La información fue discriminada y analizada teniendo en cuenta las siguientes variables: diagnóstico, raza, sexo, edad, malignidad y localización del tumor. Los 192 casos de pacientes abordados en el estudio fueron agrupados de acuerdo con las neoplasias con el fin de determinar las características y el comportamiento de dichas patologías. La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 6,5 años, la raza más afectada el Bóxer con el 19,1% (32 perros, seguido del Labrador con un 13% (26 perros y el Caniche con un 10,5% (22 perros; los pacientes machos fueron los más afectados con un 58% (107 perros. Se reveló la gran incidencia del tumor de células de mast (26,2% en el 2003 y 20% en el 2002 y el histiocitoma (12,3% en el 2003 y 10% en el año 2002. Entre otras neoplasias que se observaron de forma recurrente en el estudio se destacan el lipoma, tricoepitelioma, carcinoma de células escamosas y papilomatosis.

  20. Cerebral O2 metabolism and cerebral blood flow in humans during deep and rapid-eye-movement sleep

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, P L; Schmidt, J F; Wildschiødtz, Gordon


    on examination of this question. We have now measured CBF and CMRO2 in young healthy volunteers using the Kety-Schmidt technique with 133Xe as the inert gas. Measurements were performed during wakefulness, deep sleep (stage 3/4), and rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep as verified by standard polysomnography...... associated with light anesthesia. During REM sleep (dream sleep) CMRO2 was practically the same as in the awake state. Changes in CBF paralleled changes in CMRO2 during both deep and REM sleep.......It could be expected that the various stages of sleep were reflected in variation of the overall level of cerebral activity and thereby in the magnitude of cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) and cerebral blood flow (CBF). The elusive nature of sleep imposes major methodological restrictions...

  1. Cerebral Dysfunctions Related to Perinatal Organic Damage: Clinical-Neuropathologic Correlations. (United States)

    Towbin, Abraham


    Recent neuropathology studies identify hypoxia as the main cause of perinatal cerebral damage. Cerebral lesions present at birth, with transition to chronic scar lesions, are correlated to mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and minimal brain dysfunction. Gestation age and severity of hypoxic exposure essentially determine the cerebral…

  2. MRI findings and differential diagnosis in children with cerebral paragonimiasis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhen Zeng


    Conclusions: The clinical manifestations of cerebral paragonimiasis are nonspecific in children while the MRI findings of cerebral paragonimiasis are characteristic, including irregular hemorrhage, ring-like enhancement and disproportionately large areas of surrounding edema. Brain MRI plays an important role in the diagnosis of cerebral paragonimiasis in children.

  3. Recirculation usually precedes malignant edema in middle cerebral artery infarcts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, T H; Ståhl, N; Schalén, W


    In patients with large middle cerebral artery (MCA) infarcts, maximum brain swelling leading to cerebral herniation and death usually occurs 2-5 days after onset of stroke. The study aimed at exploring the pattern of compounds related to cerebral energy metabolism in infarcted brain tissue....

  4. [Research on brain white matter network in cerebral palsy infant]. (United States)

    Li, Jun; Yang, Cheng; Wang, Yuanjun; Nie, Shengdong


    Present study used diffusion tensor image and tractography to construct brain white matter networks of 15 cerebral palsy infants and 30 healthy infants that matched for age and gender. After white matter network analysis, we found that both cerebral palsy and healthy infants had a small-world topology in white matter network, but cerebral palsy infants exhibited abnormal topological organization: increased shortest path length but decreased normalize clustering coefficient, global efficiency and local efficiency. Furthermore, we also found that white matter network hub regions were located in the left cuneus, precuneus, and left posterior cingulate gyrus. However, some abnormal nodes existed in the frontal, temporal, occipital and parietal lobes of cerebral palsy infants. These results indicated that the white matter networks for cerebral palsy infants were disrupted, which was consistent with previous studies about the abnormal brain white matter areas. This work could help us further study the pathogenesis of cerebral palsy infants.

  5. Cytokine response during non-cerebral and cerebral malaria: evidence of a failure to control inflammation as a cause of death in African adults

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    Yakhya Dieye


    Full Text Available Background. With 214 million cases and 438,000 deaths in 2015, malaria remains one of the deadliest infectious diseases in tropical countries. Several species of the protozoan Plasmodium cause malaria. However, almost all the fatalities are due to Plasmodium falciparum, a species responsible for the severest cases including cerebral malaria. Immune response to Plasmodium falciparum infection is mediated by the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and growth factors whose actions are crucial for the control of the parasites. Following this response, the induction of anti-inflammatory immune mediators downregulates the inflammation thus preventing its adverse effects such as damages to various organs and death. Methods. We performed a retrospective, nonprobability sampling study using clinical data and sera samples from patients, mainly adults, suffering of non-cerebral or cerebral malaria in Dakar, Sénégal. Healthy individuals residing in the same area were included as controls. We measured the serum levels of 29 biomarkers including growth factors, chemokines, inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Results. We found an induction of both pro- and anti-inflammatory immune mediators during malaria. The levels of pro-inflammatory biomarkers were higher in the cerebral malaria than in the non-cerebral malaria patients. In contrast, the concentrations of anti-inflammatory cytokines were comparable in these two groups or lower in CM patients. Additionally, four pro-inflammatory biomarkers were significantly increased in the deceased of cerebral malaria compared to the survivors. Regarding organ damage, kidney failure was significantly associated with death in adults suffering of cerebral malaria. Conclusions. Our results suggest that a poorly controlled inflammatory response determines a bad outcome in African adults suffering of cerebral malaria.

  6. Diagnosis of hemodynamic compromise in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia; Measurement of cerebral blood volume (CBV) with sup 99m Tc-RBC SPECT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuroda, Satoshi; Sakuragi, Mitsugi; Motomiya, Mineo; Nakagawa, Tango; Mitsumori, Kenji; Tsuru, Mitsuo (Hokkaido Neurosurgical Memorial Hospital (Japan)); Takigawa, Shugo; Kamiyama, Hiroyasu; Abe, Hiroshi


    To evaluate the efficacy of tests for selecting patients with hemodynamic compromise, measurement of cerebral blood volume (CBV) with {sup 99m}Tc-RBC single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) was performed in thirteen patients with occlusive cerebrovascular disease, and was compared with results obtained by {sup 133}Xe SPECT and acetazolamide (Diamox) test. All patients in our study suffered TIA, RIND, or minor completed stroke. Cerebral angiography demonstrated severe stenosis or occlusion in the ipsilateral internal carotid artery or middle cerebral artery, although plain CT scan or MRI revealed no or, if any, only localized infarcted lesions. Regional cerebral blood volume (rCBV) was measured with {sup 99m}Tc-RBC SPECT and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was measured with {sup 133}Xe SPECT before and after intravenous injection of 10 - 12 mg/kg acetazolamide (Diamox). Our results suggest that the ipsilateral rCBV/rCBF (mean transit time) is a more sensitive index of the cerebral perfusion reserve than the use of only rCBV or rCBF of the ipsilateral hemisphere. Also, the ipsilateral rCBV/rCBF is significantly correlated (r= -0.72) with the Diamox reactivity of rCBF, which is considered to represent the cerebral vasodilatory capacity in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia. Postoperative SPECT study revealed remarkable improvement of ipsilateral rCBV/rCBF and Diamox reactivity in four patients who underwent EC/IC bypass surgery to improve the hemodynamic compromise. In conclusion, our results suggest that the measurement of rCBV/rCBF with {sup 133}Xe SPECT and {sup 99m}Tc-RBC SPECT is useful for detecting the hemodynamic compromise in patients with occlusive cerebrovascular disease. (author).

  7. Discussion on the treatment of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injuries following intra-arterial thrombolysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tian Hong; Song Chuan; Fan Ruxiong; Zhou Huchuan; Zhang Yubo; Zang Qiaoli; Zhang Yunquan; Liu Lei


    Objective: To investigate the therapeutic method of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injuries occurred after arterial thrombolytic therapy for acute cerebral infarction. Methods: Thirty-five patients, encountered in authors' Department since Oct. 2005, with cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injuries, which occurred after thrombolytic therapy by using arterial perfusion of urokinase for acute cerebral infarction, were enrolled in this study. The clinical data were retrospectively analyzed. Results: After the thrombolytic therapy, completer or partial recanalization of the occluded cerebral arteries was obtained in 33 cases, while secondary cerebral hemorrhage occurred in 13 cases, of whom cerebral parenchyma bleeding was seen in 2 and hemorrhagic infarction in 11. Different degrees of cerebral edema were found in all 33 cases. Among them significant shift of the midline structures was detected in 18 (54.5%), which was manifested clinically as the worsening of disturbance of consciousness. Strict control of blood pressure, prompt adjustment of dehydration medication, strengthening the cerebral protection measures, cerebral decompression by fenestration, etc. were carried out. All the patients took a turn for the better and were out of danger with remarkable improvement of neurological functions except one patient who died from massive intracerebral hemorrhage. Conclusion: Usually, different degrees of reperfusion injuries will develop after thrombolytic therapy for cerebral arterial infarction. Strictly controlling blood pressure, promptly adjusting dehydration medication and strengthening cerebral protection are the keys to reduce the severity of cerebral reperfusion injuries. (authors)

  8. Safety of Pregnancy After Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: Results of the ISCVT (International Study on Cerebral Vein and Dural Sinus Thrombosis)-2 PREGNANCY Study. (United States)

    Aguiar de Sousa, Diana; Canhão, Patrícia; Crassard, Isabelle; Coutinho, Jonathan; Arauz, Antonio; Conforto, Adriana; Béjot, Yannick; Giroud, Maurice; Ferro, José M


    Pregnancy is associated with increased risk of venous thrombotic events, including cerebral venous thrombosis. We aimed to study the complications and outcome of subsequent pregnancies in women with previous cerebral venous thrombosis. Follow-up study of women with acute cerebral venous thrombosis at childbearing age included in a previously described cohort (International Study of Cerebral Vein and Dural Sinus Thrombosis). Patients were interviewed by local neurologists to assess rate of venous thrombotic events, pregnancy outcomes, and antithrombotic prophylaxis during subsequent pregnancies. A total of 119 women were included, with a median follow-up of 14 years. Eighty-two new pregnancies occurred in 47 women. In 83% (68 of 82), some form of antithrombotic prophylaxis was given during at least 1 trimester of pregnancy or puerperium. Venous thrombotic events occurred in 3 pregnancies, including 1 recurrent cerebral venous thrombosis. Two of the 3 women were on prophylactic low-molecular-weight heparin at the time of the event. Outcomes of pregnancies were 51 full-term newborns, 9 preterm births, 2 stillbirths, and 20 abortions (14 spontaneous). In women with prior cerebral venous thrombosis, recurrent venous thrombotic events during subsequent pregnancies are infrequent. © 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.

  9. Un caso raro de valvulopatía causada por alcaptonuria

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    Sara de Cima


    Full Text Available La alcaptonuria es una enfermedad rara autosómica recesiva del metabolismo de la tirosina que provoca el acúmulo de ácido homogentísico en determinados tejidos del cuerpo humano, como el tejido cartilaginoso, causando calcificación, degeneración y fibrosis. Las manifestaciones cardiovasculares son poco frecuentes, habiendo pocos casos descritos en la literatura en los que se produce afectación valvular cardíaca. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 76 años con historia de alcaptonuria que fue diagnosticada de doble lesión aórtica severa e insuficiencia mitral moderada, requiriendo intervención quirúrgica para recambio valvular aórtico y mitral. Revisamos la etiología, la patogénesis, las manifestaciones clínicas, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de esta patología.

  10. Mobility Experiences of Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy (United States)

    Palisano, Robert J.; Shimmell, Lorie J.; Stewart, Debra; Lawless, John J.; Rosenbaum, Peter L.; Russell, Dianne J.


    The purpose of this study was to describe how youth with cerebral palsy experience mobility in their daily lives using a phenomenological approach. The participants were 10 youth with cerebral palsy, 17 to 20 years of age, selected using purposeful sampling with maximum variation strategies. A total of 14 interviews were completed. Transcripts…

  11. Asymptomatic cerebral infarction examined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohsawa, Tamiko; Matsubara, Etsuro; Shoji, Mikio; Okamoto, Koichi; Hirai, Shunsaku


    To find the real incidence and risk factors in asymptomatic cerebral infarction, a retrospective review was made on magnetic resonance (MR) images, which were obtained from 713 outpatients seen at the Geriatrics Research Institute Hospital between March and November of 1990. The criteria for asymptomatic cerebral infarction are: high signal intensity areas larger than 3 mm in diameter on T2-weighted image; no history of stroke; no neurological and psychological signs or symptoms with or without subjective symptoms. Symptomatic cerebral stroke was defined as stroke episodes associated with neurological signs and infarction lesions on CT or MR imaging. Of a total of 713 patients, 215 (30.2%) had symtomatic cerebral infarction and 384 (53.9%) had no cerebral lesions. The incidence of asymptomatic cerebral infarction increased with aging. Cerebral risk factors, i.e. hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and diabetes mellitus, were more significantly common in both symptomatic and asymptomatic groups than the normal control group. In the group of asymptomatic patients, T2-weighted images showed hyperintensity in the corona radiata in 60.9%, in the frontal lobe in 32.1%, in the semioval center in 28.8%, and in the basal ganglia in 23.7%. Periventricular hyperintensity was present in 124 of all 713 patients (17.4%). Common complaints in asymptomatic patients were headache (40.0%), dizziness (14.4%), and neck muscle contraction (9.8%). In conclusion, MR imaging may contribute to manage asymptomatic patients. (N.K.)

  12. Asymptomatic cerebral infarction examined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ohsawa, Tamiko; Matsubara, Etsuro; Shoji, Mikio; Okamoto, Koichi; Hirai, Shunsaku [Gunma Univ., Maebashi (Japan). School of Medicine


    To find the real incidence and risk factors in asymptomatic cerebral infarction, a retrospective review was made on magnetic resonance (MR) images, which were obtained from 713 outpatients seen at the Geriatrics Research Institute Hospital between March and November of 1990. The criteria for asymptomatic cerebral infarction are: high signal intensity areas larger than 3 mm in diameter on T2-weighted image; no history of stroke; no neurological and psychological signs or symptoms with or without subjective symptoms. Symptomatic cerebral stroke was defined as stroke episodes associated with neurological signs and infarction lesions on CT or MR imaging. Of a total of 713 patients, 215 (30.2%) had symtomatic cerebral infarction and 384 (53.9%) had no cerebral lesions. The incidence of asymptomatic cerebral infarction increased with aging. Cerebral risk factors, i.e. hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and diabetes mellitus, were more significantly common in both symptomatic and asymptomatic groups than the normal control group. In the group of asymptomatic patients, T2-weighted images showed hyperintensity in the corona radiata in 60.9%, in the frontal lobe in 32.1%, in the semioval center in 28.8%, and in the basal ganglia in 23.7%. Periventricular hyperintensity was present in 124 of all 713 patients (17.4%). Common complaints in asymptomatic patients were headache (40.0%), dizziness (14.4%), and neck muscle contraction (9.8%). In conclusion, MR imaging may contribute to manage asymptomatic patients. (N.K.).

  13. Relationship between Cnm-positive Streptococcus mutans and cerebral microbleeds in humans. (United States)

    Miyatani, F; Kuriyama, N; Watanabe, I; Nomura, R; Nakano, K; Matsui, D; Ozaki, E; Koyama, T; Nishigaki, M; Yamamoto, T; Mizuno, T; Tamura, A; Akazawa, K; Takada, A; Takeda, K; Yamada, K; Nakagawa, M; Ihara, M; Kanamura, N; Friedland, R P; Watanabe, Y


    Cerebral hemorrhage has been shown to occur in animals experimentally infected with Streptococcus mutans carrying the collagen-binding Cnm gene. However, the relationship between cerebral microbleeds and oral hygiene, with a focus on Cnm gene-positive S. mutans infection, remains unclear. One hundred and thirty-nine subjects participated. The presence or absence of Cnm-positive S. mutans and its collagen-binding activity were investigated using saliva samples, and relationship with cerebral microbleeds detected on MRI investigated, including clinical information and oral parameters. Fifty-one subjects were identified as Cnm-positive S. mutans carriers (36.7%), with cerebral microbleeds being detected in 43 (30.9%). A significantly larger number of subjects carried Cnm-positive S. mutans in the cerebral microbleeds (+) group. S. mutans with Cnm collagen-binding ability was detected in 39 (28.1%) of all subjects, and the adjusted odds ratio for cerebral microbleeds in the Cnm-positive group was 14.4. Regarding the presence of cerebral microbleeds, no significant differences were noted in the number of remaining teeth, dental caries, or in classic arteriosclerosis risk factors. The occurrence of cerebral microbleeds was higher in subjects carrying Cnm-positive S. mutans, indicating that the presence of Cnm-positive S. mutans increases cerebral microbleeds, and is an independent risk for the development of cerebrovascular disorders. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Probability of walking in children with cerebral palsy in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beckung, E.; Hagberg, G.; Uldall, P.


    cerebral palsy, as well as to IQ level, active epilepsy, and severe visual and hearing impairment. Severe cerebral palsy, defined as both the inability to walk and an IQ of ...OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this work was to describe walking ability in children with cerebral palsy from the Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe common database through 21 years and to examine the association between walking ability and predicting factors. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Anonymous data...... on 10042 children with cerebral palsy born between 1976 and 1996 were gathered from 14 European centers; 9012 patients were eligible for the analyses. RESULTS: Unaided walking as the primary way of walking at 5 years of age was reported for 54%, walking with assistive devices was reported for 16...

  15. Database of normal human cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume, cerebral oxygen extraction fraction and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen measured by positron emission tomography with {sup 15}O-labelled carbon dioxide or water, carbon monoxide and oxygen: a multicentre study in Japan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ito, Hiroshi [Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Akita Research Institute of Brain and Blood Vessels, Akita (Japan); Department of Nuclear Medicine and Radiology, Division of Brain Sciences, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, 4-1 Seiryo-Machi, 980-8575, Aoba-Ku, Sendai (Japan); Kanno, Iwao [Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Akita Research Institute of Brain and Blood Vessels, Akita (Japan); Kato, Chietsugu [Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hokkaido University School of Medicine, Sapporo (Japan); Sasaki, Toshiaki [Cyclotoron Research Center, Iwate Medical University, Morioka (Japan); Ishii, Kenji [Positron Medical Center, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, Tokyo (Japan); Ouchi, Yasuomi [Positron Medical Center, Hamamatsu Medical Center, Hamakita (Japan); Iida, Akihiko [Nagoya City Rehabilitation Center, Nagoya (Japan); Okazawa, Hidehiko [PET Unit, Research Institute, Shiga Medical Center, Moriyama (Japan); Hayashida, Kohei [Department of Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Osaka (Japan); Tsuyuguchi, Naohiro [Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka City University Medical School, Osaka (Japan); Ishii, Kazunari [Division of Imaging Research, Hyogo Institute for Aging Brain and Cognitive Disorders, Himeji, Hyogo (Japan); Kuwabara, Yasuo [Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University, Fukuoka (Japan); Senda, Michio [Department of Image-based Medicine, Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation, Kobe (Japan)


    Measurement of cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral blood volume (CBV), cerebral oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO{sub 2}) by positron emission tomography (PET) with oxygen-15 labelled carbon dioxide (C{sup 15}O{sub 2}) or {sup 15}O-labelled water (H{sub 2}{sup 15}O), {sup 15}O-labelled carbon monoxide (C{sup 15}O) and {sup 15}O-labelled oxygen ({sup 15}O{sub 2}) is useful for diagnosis and treatment planning in cases of cerebrovascular disease. The measured values theoretically depend on various factors, which may differ between PET centres. This study explored the applicability of a database of {sup 15}O-PET by examining between-centre and within-centre variation in values. Eleven PET centres participated in this multicentre study; seven used the steady-state inhalation method, one used build-up inhalation and three used bolus administration of C{sup 15}O{sub 2} (or H{sub 2}{sup 15}O) and {sup 15}O{sub 2}. All used C{sup 15}O for measurement of CBV. Subjects comprised 70 healthy volunteers (43 men and 27 women; mean age 51.8{+-}15.1 years). Overall mean{+-}SD values for cerebral cortical regions were: CBF=44.4{+-}6.5 ml 100 ml{sup -1} min{sup -1}; CBV=3.8{+-}0.7 ml 100 ml{sup -1}; OEF=0.44{+-}0.06; CMRO{sub 2}=3.3{+-}0.5 ml 100 ml{sup -1} min{sup -1}. Significant between-centre variation was observed in CBV, OEF and CMRO{sub 2} by one-way analysis of variance. However, the overall inter-individual variation in CBF, CBV, OEF and CMRO{sub 2} was acceptably small. Building a database of normal cerebral haemodynamics obtained by the{sup 15}O-PET methods may be practicable. (orig.)

  16. Regional cerebral blood flow in schizophrenics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uchino, Jun; Ohta, Yasuyuki; Nakane, Yoshibumi; Mori, Hiroyuki; Hirota, Noriyoshi; Yonekura, Masahiro.


    The present study on schizophrenics dealt with the relationship of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) to age, disease duration, and treatment length with chlorpromazine hydrochloride (CPZ). Regional cerebral blood flow in 28 cerebral regions of interest was measured by iv injection of X-133 in 54 schizophrenic patients and 39 healthy volunteers. Neither age nor dosage of CPZ significantly influenced rCBF. All patients, including 11 treated for a short period of time (6 months or less), were characterized by having a decreased rCBF over the whole cerebrum. Thirty-four patients treated for a long period of time (2 years or more) had a varied rCBF distribution in the left hemisphere, with the most predominant feature being the decrease in rCBF in the frontal lobe (i.e., ''hypofrontality''); however, there was no linear correlation between rCBF and disease duration. A decreased rCBE in the right occipital region was seen in patients with paranoid schizophrenia, suggesting that manifestations of symptoms may depend on disturbed regions. These results suggest that cerebral dysfunction in schizophrenic patients may not be restricted to the frontal lobe, but cover the whole cerebrum, and that nonuniform dysfunction in various regions of the cerebrum, including the frontal lobe, may be involved in manifestations of symptoms. (Namekawa, K.)

  17. Regional cerebral blood flow in schizophrenics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uchino, J.; Ohta, Y.; Nakane, Y.; Mori, H.; Hirota, N.; Yonekura, M.


    The present study on schizophrenics dealt with the relationship of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) to age, disease duration, and treatment length with chlorpromazine hydrochloride (CPZ). Regional cerebral blood flow in 28 cerebral regions of interest was measured by iv injection of /sup 133/X in 54 schizophrenic patients and 39 healthy volunteers. Neither age nor dosage of CPZ significantly influenced rCBF. All patients, including 11 treated for a short period of time (6 months or less), were characterized by having a decreased rCBF over the whole cerebrum. Thirty-four patients treated for a long period of time (2 years or more) had a varied rCBF distribution in the left hemisphere, with the most predominant feature being the decrease in rCBF in the frontal lobe (i.e., hypofrontality); however, there was no linear correlation between rCBF and disease duration. A decreased rCBE in the right occipital region was seen in patients with paranoid schizophrenia, suggesting that manifestations of symptoms may depend on disturbed regions. These results suggest that cerebral dysfunction in schizophrenic patients may not be restricted to the frontal lobe, but cover the whole cerebrum, and that nonuniform dysfunction in various regions of the cerebrum, including the frontal lobe, may be involved in manifestations of symptoms.

  18. Gastrostomy tube feeding of children with cerebral palsy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahlseng, Magnus O; Andersen, Guro L; DA Graca Andrada, Maria


    To compare the prevalence of gastrostomy tube feeding (GTF) of children with cerebral palsy (CP) in six European countries.......To compare the prevalence of gastrostomy tube feeding (GTF) of children with cerebral palsy (CP) in six European countries....

  19. Autonomic dysfunction and impaired cerebral autoregulation in cirrhosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frøkjaer, Vibe G; Strauss, Gitte I; Mehlsen, Jesper


    Cerebral blood flow autoregulation is lost in patients with severe liver cirrhosis. The cause of this is unknown. We determined whether autonomic dysfunction was related to impaired cerebral autoregulation in patients with cirrhosis. Fourteen patients with liver cirrhosis and 11 healthy volunteers...... were recruited. Autonomic function was assessed in response to deep breathing, head-up tilt and during 24-h Holter monitoring. Cerebral autoregulation was assessed by determining the change in mean cerebral blood flow velocity (MCAVm, transcranial Doppler) during an increase in blood pressure induced...... by norepinephrine infusion (NE). The severity of liver disease was assessed using the Child-Pugh scale (class A, mild; class B, moderate; class C, severe liver dysfunction).NE increased blood pressure similarly in the controls (27 (24-32) mmHg) and patients with the most severe liver cirrhosis (Child-Pugh C, 31 (26...

  20. Dysthyroid ophthalmopathy associated with hypothyroidism


    Maciá-Bobes, C.; Ronzón-Fernández, A.


    Caso clínico: La oftalmopatía por enfermedad de Graves (exoftalmos, infiltración muscular y palpebral) se asocia casi sistemáticamente a hipertiroidismo. Paciente diagnosticada de hipotiroidismo subclínico y tratada adecuadamente con tiroxina oral. Unos meses después desarrolla un exoftalmos bilateral y simultáneamente presenta anticuerpos séricos anti-receptor de TSH positivos. Se suspende entonces el tratamiento con tiroxina, y se comprueba que el hipotiroidismo ha progresado hasta hacerse ...

  1. Criar uma idiocultura para promover o desenvolvimento de crianças com paralisia cerebral Creating an idioculture to promote the development of children with cerebral palsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucia Willadino Braga


    Full Text Available Este estudo apresenta os resultados preliminares da adaptação de um sistema educacional, chamado Quinta Dimensão, no qual a interação social é um meio para a generalização da informação e base para o desenvolvimento de habilidades. Foi criado originalmente por Michael Cole no Laboratório de Cognição Humana Comparada, Universidade da Califórnia, San Diego, e pela primeira vez é aplicado em um contexto de reabilitação com crianças com lesão cerebral na Rede SARAH de Neurorreabilitação, Brasília. Alunos de graduação em psicologia e pedagogia participam do programa e interagem de maneira lúdica e educativa com crianças com paralisia cerebral. Ambos são envolvidos em atividades de aprendizagem colaborativa. Na interação com a criança, os alunos são encorajados a colocar em prática conceitos teóricos formais e, também, vivências individuais. Resultados indicam efeitos positivos sobre o desenvolvimento da criança e aprendizagem do aluno de graduação e mostram caminhos alternativos na educação da criança deficiente. Neste artigo, descrevemos as alterações feitas no programa original para adaptá-lo à reabilitação configurada, assim como os artefatos que medeiam a atividade, necessário para a interação e expressão da criança com paralisia cerebral. Também são discutidos e apresentados os efeitos da atividade sobre o desenvolvimento da criança - com base em relatórios dos pais - e do impacto sobre o processo de aprendizagem dos alunos de graduação. O programa abre caminhos alternativos para uma reflexão sobre e educação da criança com lesão cerebral, com base no desenvolvimento do potencial individual, o contexto e os interesses.This study presents the preliminary results of the adaptation of an educational system called the Fifth Dimension (5D, in which social interaction is a means for generalizing information and a basis for the development of skills beyond the constituent tasks. Originally

  2. Vascular risk factors, atherosclerosis, cerebral white matter lesions and cerebral perfusion in a population-based study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Claus, J.J.; Breteler, M.M.B.; Hasan, D.; Krenning, E.P.; Bots, M.L.; Grobbee, D.E.; Swieten, J.C. van; Harskamp, F. van; Hofman, A.


    We studied risk factors for cerebral vascular disease (blood pressure and hypertension, factor VIIc, factor VIIIc, fibrinogen), indicators of atherosclerosis (intima-media thickness and plaques in the carotid artery) and cerebral white matter lesions in relation to regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in 60 persons (aged 65-85 years) recruited from a population-based study. rCBF was assessed with single-photon emission tomography using technetium-99m d,l-hexamethylpropylene amine oxime ( 99m Tc-HMPAO). Statistical analysis was performed with multiple linear regression with adjustment for age, sex and ventricle-to-brain ratio. A significant positive association was found between systolic and diastolic blood pressure and temporo-parietal rCBF. In analysis with quartiles of the distribution, we found a threshold effect for the relation of low diastolic blood pressure (≤60 mmHg) and low temporo-parietal rCBF. Levels of plasma fibrinogen were inversely related to parietal rCBF, with a threshold effect of high fibrinogen levels (>3.2 g/l) and low rCBF. Increased atherosclerosis was related to low rCBF in all cortical regions, but these associations were not significant. No consistent relation was observed between severity of cerebral white matter lesions and rCBF. Our results may have implications for blood pressure control in the elderly population. (orig.)

  3. Cerebral cavernous angioma. 16 cases. Aspects in CT and MR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pina, J.I.; Medrano, J.; Lasierra, R.; Benito, J.L. de; Feijoo, R.; Fernandez, J.A.; Villavieja, J.L.


    The cerebral cavernous angioma (CA) is included in the group of cerebral malformations that can not be detected angiographically. We present the retrospective study of 16 patients, diagnosed as having CA, comparing the data provided by CT and MR, as well as the contribution of cerebral angiography. (Author) 25 refs

  4. Cerebral gas embolism due to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. (United States)

    ter Laan, Mark; Totte, Erik; van Hulst, Rob A; van der Linde, Klaas; van der Kamp, Wim; Pierie, Jean-Pierre E


    Cerebral gas embolism as a result of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is a rare complication and bares a high morbidity. A patient is presented who underwent an upper endoscopy for evaluation of a gastric-mediastinal fistula after subtotal oesophagectomy and gastric tube reconstruction because of oesophageal cancer. During the procedure, cerebral gas emboli developed resulting in an acute left-sided hemiparesis. After hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the patient recovered almost completely. The aetiology and treatment is discussed based on the reviewed literature. Once cerebral gas emboli are recognized, patient outcome can be improved by hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

  5. Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation in Homozygous Sickle Cell Disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kim, Yu-Sok; Nur, Erfan; van Beers, Eduard J.; Truijen, Jasper; Davis, Shyrin C. A. T.; Biemond, Bart J.; van Lieshout, Johannes J.


    Background and Purpose-Sickle cell disease (SCD) is associated with cerebral hyperperfusion and an increased risk of stroke. Also, both recurrent microvascular obstruction and chronic hemolysis affect endothelial function, potentially interfering with systemic and cerebral blood flow control. We

  6. Cerebral vascular control and metabolism in heat stress

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bain, Anthony R; Nybo, Lars; Ainslie, Philip N


    implications and pathologies known to confound cerebral functioning during hyperthermia. A reduction in cerebral blood flow (CBF), derived primarily from a respiratory-induced alkalosis, underscores the cerebrovascular changes to hyperthermia. Arterial pressures may also become compromised because of reduced...

  7. Multimodal quantitation of the effects of endovascular therapy for vasospasm on cerebral blood flow, transcranial doppler ultrasonographic velocities, and cerebral artery diameters. (United States)

    Oskouian, Rod J; Martin, Neil A; Lee, Jae Hong; Glenn, Thomas C; Guthrie, Donald; Gonzalez, Nestor R; Afari, Arash; Viñuela, Fernando


    The goal of this study was to quantify the effects of endovascular therapy on vasospastic cerebral vessels. We reviewed the medical records for 387 patients with ruptured intracranial aneurysms who were treated at a single institution (University of California, Los Angeles) between May 1, 1993, and March 31, 2001. Patients who developed cerebral vasospasm and underwent cerebral arteriographic, transcranial Doppler ultrasonographic, and cerebral blood flow (CBF) studies before and after endovascular therapy for cerebral arterial spasm (vasospasm) were included in this study. Forty-five patients fulfilled the aforementioned criteria and were treated with either papaverine infusion, papaverine infusion with angioplasty, or angioplasty alone. After balloon angioplasty (12 patients), CBF increased from 27.8 +/- 2.8 ml/100 g/min to 28.4 +/- 3.0 ml/100 g/min (P = 0.87); the middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity was 1 57.6 +/- 9.4 cm/s and decreased to 76.3 +/- 9.3 cm/s (P < 0.05), with a mean increase in cerebral artery diameters of 24.4%. Papaverine infusion (20 patients) transiently increased the CBF from 27.5 +/- 2.1 ml/100 g/min to 38.7 +/- 2.8 ml/100 g/min (P < 0.05) and decreased the middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity from 109.9 +/- 9.1 cm/s to 82.8 +/- 8.6 cm/s (P < 0.05). There was a mean increase in vessel diameters of 30.1% after papaverine infusion. Combined treatment (13 patients) significantly increased the CBF from 33.3 +/- 3.2 ml/100 g/min to 41.7 +/- 2.8 ml/100 g/min (P< 0.05) and decreased the transcranial Doppler velocities from 148.9 +/- 12.7 cm/s to 111.4 +/- 10.6 cm/s (P < 0.05), with a mean increase in vessel diameters of 42.2%. Balloon angioplasty increased proximal vessel diameters, whereas papaverine treatment effectively dilated distal cerebral vessels. In our small series, we observed no correlation between early clinical improvement or clinical outcomes and any of our quantitative or physiological data (CBF, transcranial Doppler

  8. Motricidade reflexa na morte cerebral The reflex activity in the brain death

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wilson L. Sanvito


    Full Text Available O diagnóstico de morte cerebral está baseado em critérios clínicos, eletrencefalográficos e angiográficos. Do ponto de vista clínico deve ser evidenciado o seguinte quadro: coma profundo, midríase paralítica bilateral, ausência de reação a qualquer estímulo externo, apnéia, arreflexia superficial e profunda. Do ponto de vista eletrencefalográfico são necessários dois registros, separados por um intervalo de 24 horas, evidenciando traçados iselétricos. No presente trabalho são estudados 15 pacientes com morte cerebral comprovada do ponto de vista clínico e eletrencefalográfico. Em 8 pacientes havia persistência de atividade reflexa durante a fase de morte cerebral (reflexos profundos e/ou superficiais. Fenômenos de automatismos medulares também foram verificados em 3 pacientes.The diagnosis of brain death is based in clinical, electroencephalographic and angiographic data. The criteria for diagnosis of brain death are: deep coma with unreceptivity and unresponsiveness, no movements or breathing (the patient's respiration must be maintained artificially, bilateral dilated and fixed pupils, absence of corneal reflexes, no response to caloric test, absence of deep tendon reflexes and of the superficial abdominal and plantar reflexes, isoelectric EEG maintained for twenty-four hours. The purpose of this study was to observe the natural clinical courses of 15 patients with brain death, specially the data concerning the deep and superficial reflexes. From 15 patients fulfilling the criteria of brain death, 8 maintained spinal reflexes up to the time of cardiac arrest; in five of these patients the superficial abdominal reflexes were present and the reflexes of spinal automatism could be elicited. These results show that the absence of deep and superficial reflexes can't be considered as essencial for the diagnosis of brain death.

  9. Ligustrazine monomer against cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hai-jun Gao


    Full Text Available Ligustrazine (2,3,5,6-tetramethylpyrazine is a major active ingredient of the Szechwan lovage rhizome and is extensively used in treatment of ischemic cerebrovascular disease. The mechanism of action of ligustrazine use against ischemic cerebrovascular diseases remains unclear at present. This study summarizes its protective effect, the optimum time window of administration, and the most effective mode of administration for clinical treatment of cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury. We examine the effects of ligustrazine on suppressing excitatory amino acid release, promoting migration, differentiation and proliferation of endogenous neural stem cells. We also looked at its effects on angiogenesis and how it inhibits thrombosis, the inflammatory response, and apoptosis after cerebral ischemia. We consider that ligustrazine gives noticeable protection from cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury. The time window of ligustrazine administration is limited. The protective effect and time window of a series of derivative monomers of ligustrazine such as 2-[(1,1-dimethylethyloxidoimino]methyl]-3,5,6-trimethylpyrazine, CXC137 and CXC195 after cerebral ischemia were better than ligustrazine.

  10. Trombose de seios venosos cerebrais: Estudo de 15 casos e revisão de literatura Cerebral venous thrombosis: Study of fifteen cases and review of literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Pereira Christo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar uma série de 15 pacientes com trombose venosa cerebral (TVC e comparar os resultados com dados da literatura. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados, por meio de estudo retrospectivo, transversal e descritivo, as características epidemiológicas, o quadro clínico, os fatores de risco e o prognóstico de 15 pacientes com TVC admitidos no serviço de Neurologia da Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte no período de abril de 2007 a Dezembro de 2008. RESULTADOS: O diagnóstico de TVC foi confirmado por exame de ressonância nuclear magnética de encéfalo em 14 casos e por angiografia cerebral em um caso. Os principais fatores de risco identificados foram o uso do anticoncepcional oral (40% e uma história prévia ou familiar de trombose venosa profunda. Trombofilia foi encontrada em dois pacientes (13%. O seio mais acometido foi o transverso (73%, seguido pelo sagital superior, em 53%. Quatro pacientes apresentaram acidente vascular cerebral e outros 5 apresentaram-se apenas com cefaleia isolada. Doze pacientes foram tratados com heparina e anticoagulação oral sequencial. CONCLUSÃO: A terapêutica com heparina na fase aguda seguida do anticoagulante oral demonstrou-se segura e eficaz na prevenção da progressão da doença, de sua recidiva e na rápida recuperação do quadro neurológico de todos os pacientes tratados. A TVC deve ser considerada no diagnóstico de cefaleia secundária mesmo em pacientes com ausência de outros sinais ou sintomas.OBJECTIVE: To analyze a series of 15 patients with cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT who had follow-ups at the neurology service of Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte Hospital from April, 2007 to December, 2008. These results were compared with data in literature. METHODS: Cases were evaluated by retrospective study of the epidemiologic characteristics, signs and symptoms, risk factors and prognosis of 15 patients with cerebral venous thrombosis. RESULTS: Diagnoses were reached through magnetic resonance

  11. Cerebral blood flow variations in CNS lupus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kushner, M.J.; Tobin, M.; Fazekas, F.; Chawluk, J.; Jamieson, D.; Freundlich, B.; Grenell, S.; Freemen, L.; Reivich, M.


    We studied the patterns of cerebral blood flow (CBF), over time, in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and varying neurologic manifestations including headache, stroke, psychosis, and encephalopathy. For 20 paired xenon-133 CBF measurements, CBF was normal during CNS remissions, regardless of the symptoms. CBF was significantly depressed during CNS exacerbations. The magnitude of change in CBF varied with the neurologic syndrome. CBF was least affected in patients with nonspecific symptoms such as headache or malaise, whereas patients with encephalopathy or psychosis exhibited the greatest reductions in CBF. In 1 patient with affective psychosis, without clinical or CT evidence of cerebral ischemia, serial SPECT studies showed resolution of multifocal cerebral perfusion defects which paralleled clinical recovery

  12. Sepse por Salmonella associada à deficiência do receptor da Interleucina-12 (IL-12Rb1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carvalho Beatriz Tavares Costa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: descrever caso clínico de uma criança que desenvolveu septicemia por Salmonella enteritidis, sendo diagnosticada imunodeficiência primária. DESCRIÇÃO: paciente masculino, de um ano e 9 meses, com febre e lesões de pele há 50 dias, internado com lesão perilabial ulcerada com secreção purulenta, lesão ulcerada friável em língua, lesões ulcerocrostosas em membros, pneumonia bilateral com derrame pleural e choque séptico, sendo diagnosticado Salmonella enteritidis como agente etiológico. A identificação desta bactéria direcionou a investigação para a síndrome MIM. O diagnóstico de deficiência do receptor da interleucina-12 (IL-12Rbeta1 foi confirmado através da dosagem de IL-12 e do interferon (IFN-gama produzido pelas células do paciente em meio de cultura. O resultado demonstrou ausência de produção de IL-12 e do IFN-gama mesmo após estímulo adequado. COMENTÁRIOS: a identificação da Salmonella enteritidis como agente etiológico de septicemia sugere uma disfunção do sistema imunológico. Foi realizada avaliação laboratorial das imunidades humoral, celular e inata. Após avaliação laboratorial direcionada para síndrome MIM, foi confirmada a deficiência do receptor da Interleucina-12 (IL-12Rbeta1. O uso do IFN-gama é recomendado nos casos graves, assim como o tratamento de suporte e o aconselhamento genético.

  13. Cerebral monitoring during carotid endarterectomy – a comparison ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    All patients had general anaesthesia and were operated on by the same vascular surgeon (JvM). All patients were evaluated preoperatively by an experienced sonographer. Cerebral monitoring during carotid endarterectomy – a comparison between electroencephalography, transcranial cerebral oximetry and carotid ...

  14. Risk Factors For Epilepsy In Children With Cerebral Palsy | Lagunju ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Epilepsy is said to occur in 15-90% of children with cerebral palsy and this poses additional economic and psychological stress on affected children and their families. Objectives To describe the risk factors for epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy. Methods One hundred and seventy six children with cerebral palsy seen at ...

  15. Severe cerebral desaturation during shoulder arthroscopy in the beach-chair position

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dippmann, Christian; Winge, Søren; Nielsen, Henning Bay


    During shoulder arthroscopy in the beach-chair position, cerebral ischemia may be a serious complication because prolonged hypotension may affect regional cerebral oxygen supply. We present the cases of 2 patients in whom a reduction in mean arterial pressure after anesthesia provoked a decrease...... cerebral oxygenation. During surgery in the beach-chair position, hypotension must be avoided, and in all patients regional, cerebral oxygenation should be monitored and optimized....

  16. Anatomic variations of the cerebral arteries and their embryology: a pictorial review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okahara, Mika; Kiyosue, Hiro; Mori, Hiromu; Tanoue, Shuichi; Sainou, Michihumi; Nagatomi, Hirohumi


    In the embryonic period, several developmental anomalies of the cerebral arteries occur. The knowledge of these anatomic variations of the cerebral artery is important to avoid the unnecessary surgery and to undergo surgery or interventional radiology with safety. We reviewed 3000 MR angiographies and 700 cerebral angiographies of the previous 5 years to assess cerebral arterial system, and to illustrate the embryological development, imaging findings, occurrence, and clinical significance of the anatomic variation of the cerebral arteries. The normal development and variations of the cerebral arteries are depicted. Knowledge of the anatomic variations is important since it can influence surgical and interventional procedure. (orig.)

  17. Relationship between relative cerebral blood flow, relative cerebral blood volume, and relative cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen in the preterm neonatal brain. (United States)

    Nourhashemi, Mina; Kongolo, Guy; Mahmoudzadeh, Mahdi; Goudjil, Sabrina; Wallois, Fabrice


    The mechanisms responsible for coupling between relative cerebral blood flow (rCBF), relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV), and relative cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen ([Formula: see text]), an important function of the microcirculation in preterm infants, remain unclear. Identification of a causal relationship between rCBF-rCBV and [Formula: see text] in preterms may, therefore, help to elucidate the principles of cortical hemodynamics during development. We simultaneously recorded rCBF and rCBV and estimated [Formula: see text] by two independent acquisition systems: diffuse correlation spectroscopy and near-infrared spectroscopy, respectively, in 10 preterms aged between 28 and 35 weeks of gestational age. Transfer entropy was calculated in order to determine the directionality between rCBF-rCBV and [Formula: see text]. The surrogate method was applied to determine statistical significance. The results show that rCBV and [Formula: see text] have a predominant driving influence on rCBF at the resting state in the preterm neonatal brain. Statistical analysis robustly detected the correct directionality of rCBV on rCBF and [Formula: see text] on rCBF. This study helps to clarify the early organization of the rCBV-rCBF and [Formula: see text] inter-relationship in the immature cortex.

  18. Computerized tomography of cerebral infarction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamashita, K; Mihara, T; Kobayashi, E; Yamamoto, K; Kusumoto, K [Kagoshima Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Medicine


    In 120 cases of patients with cerebral infarction, the affected areas in the CT images were analyzed with special reference to the site, the size, and the extension. Moreover, on 39 scans of 34 cases examined with 8 weeks after the onset of strokes, the CT images were analyzed from the viewpoint of the presence of a mass effect, edema, contrast enhancement, and the accompanying hemorrhage. From these investigations, the authors have obtained the following results; 1) The greatest incidence of infarcts was in the area supplied by the middle cerebral artery (57% of the cases), and, among those, the area of the lenticulostriate arteries showed the highest incidence (53%). Even in the posterior fossa, infarcts were found in 6% of the cases. These findings are coincident with those in autopsied cases. 2) Putaminal infarcts and infarctions occurring in the area supplied by the calcarine artery seemed to be uniformity of the arcuate pattern. 3) Most of the infarcts in the perfusion area of the anterior cerebral artery and the basal ganglia were found to be small and multifocal; they were thought to correspond with water-shed and/or lacunar infarcts. 4) In approximately 25% of the cases examined within 8 weeks after the onset of strokes, the CT images revealed mass effects which had never been observed after more than 3 weeks. In conclusion, the presence of a mass effect, accompanying hemorrhage, and contrast enhancement detected by CT should lead us to reconsider the conventional management of cerebral infarction.

  19. Prevalência de disfagia orofaríngea no acidente vascular cerebral após cirurgia cardíaca


    Tatiana Magalhães de Almeida; Paula Cristina Cola; Daniel Magnoni; João Ítalo Dias França; Roberta Gonçalves da Silva


    Resumo: OBJETIVO: determinar a prevalência de disfagia orofaríngea em indivíduos submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca e que evoluíram com Acidente Vascular Cerebral em Hospital Público de Referência. MÉTODOS: estudo clínico descritivo, retrospectivo, realizado por meio da coleta de dados de protocolos de avaliação clínica da deglutição orofaríngea, no período de novembro de 2010 á novembro de 2011. Foram incluídos os 25 protocolos de avaliação clínica para disfagia orofaríngea de indivíduos que f...

  20. Middle cerebral artery blood velocity and cerebral blood flow and O2 uptake during dynamic exercise

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, P L; Sperling, B K; Warming, T


    Results obtained by the 133Xe clearance method with external detectors and by transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD) suggest that dynamic exercise causes an increase of global average cerebral blood flow (CBF). These data are contradicted by earlier data obtained during less-well-defined conditions....... To investigate this controversy, we applied the Kety-Schmidt technique to measure the global average levels of CBF and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) during rest and dynamic exercise. Simultaneously with the determination of CBF and CMRO2, we used TCD to determine mean maximal flow velocity...... in the middle cerebral artery (MCA Vmean). For values of CBF and MCA Vmean a correction for an observed small drop in arterial PCO2 was carried out. Baseline values for global CBF and CMRO2 were 50.7 and 3.63 ml.100 g-1.min-1, respectively. The same values were found during dynamic exercise, whereas a 22% (P

  1. Quantification of extra-cerebral and cerebral hemoglobin concentrations during physical exercise using time-domain near infrared spectroscopy


    Auger, Héloïse; Bherer, Louis; Boucher, Étienne; Hoge, Richard; Lesage, Frédéric; Dehaes, Mathieu


    Fitness is known to have beneficial effects on brain anatomy and function. However, the understanding of mechanisms underlying immediate and long-term neurophysiological changes due to exercise is currently incomplete due to the lack of tools to investigate brain function during physical activity. In this study, we used time-domain near infrared spectroscopy (TD-NIRS) to quantify and discriminate extra-cerebral and cerebral hemoglobin concentrations and oxygen saturation (SO2) in young adults...

  2. Significance of non-specific complaints in asymptomatic cerebral infarction. Approach based on the cerebral circulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakayori, Osamu; Kitamura, Shin; Nagazumi, Atsushi; Terashi, Akirou [Nippon Medical School, Tokyo (Japan)


    Seventy-three cases with asymptomatic cerebral infarction detected by MR scanning and 80 cases of past stroke patients were evaluated. The regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) using the SPECT, idoine-123-IMP autoradiography (ARG) method was measured. Twenty-two patients with non-specific complaints (dizziness, numbness of the extremities, headache, etc.) without cerebrovascular risk factors were also examined as controls. Fifty-two percent of the asymptomatic infarction cases had non-specific complaints. The regional CBF in all cerebral non-specific complaints showed significantly lower values as compared to the controls. There was no difference in CBF values between the asymptomatic infarction cases with non-specific complaints and the past stroke patients. Among the asymptomatic infarction patients, cases with both non-specific complaints and hypertension displayed significantly lower CBF values, especially in the frontal and temporal cortical regions, than did cases without non-specific complaints or hypertension. These findings suggest that the patient`s complaints should be taken into consideration when determining the clinical treatment of asymptomatic infarction. (author)

  3. Tratamento da escoliose em crianças com paralisia cerebral utilizando a prótese vertical expansível de titânio para costela (VEPTR Tratamiento de la escoliosis en niños con parálisis cerebral mediante la prótesis vertical expansible de titanio para las costillas (VEPTR Treatment of scoliosis in children with cerebral palsy using the vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib (VEPTR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kiyomori de Quental Tyba


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o uso da prótese vertical expansível de titânio (VEPTR como opção de tratamento inicial da escoliose em crianças de baixa idade portadoras de paralisia cerebral. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 10 pacientes portadores de paralisia cerebral (PC tratados com VEPTR pelo grupo de escoliose da AACD de São Paulo. Caracterizavam-se por imaturidade esquelética e escoliose progressiva; sem deformidade grave no plano sagital. Realizamos avaliação da curva pelo método de Cobb no pré e pós-operatório e após dois anos de seguimento. RESULTADOS: A correção obtida com o uso do VEPTR no pós-operatório imediato foi em média de 41,4% nas radiografias iniciais sem tração (p = 0,005 e 9,1% (p = 0,055 nas radiografias com tração. Após quatro meses de pós-operatório mantiveram-se ganhos de 27,2% com relação ao início. Houve correção da obliquidade pélvica de 10,2º no pré-operatório para 5,4º em média (p = 0,007. As complicações ocorreram em seis pacientes (60% e em apenas um paciente foi necessária a retirada do VEPTR. CONCLUSÃO: O VEPTR é um método que obteve correção significativa no tratamento provisório das escolioses na PC, apesar de frequentes complicações de baixa morbidade.OBJETIVO: Evaluar el uso de la prótesis vertical expansible de titanio (VEPTR como opción de tratamiento inicial para la escoliosis en niños pequeños con parálisis cerebral. MÉTODOS: 10 pacientes con parálisis cerebral (PC fueron evaluados y tratados con VEPTR por el grupo de escoliosis de la AACD en Sao Paulo. Caracterizados por escoliosis progresiva inmadurez esquelética, sin deformidad grave en el plano sagital. Se evaluó la curva por el método de Cobb en el preoperatorio, posoperatorio, y después de dos años de seguimiento. RESULTADOS: LA CORRECCIón, obtenida con el uso de VEPTR en el posoperatorio inmediato, fue en promedio 41,4% en relación a las radiografías iniciales sin tracción (p = 0,005 y 9,1% (p = 0

  4. Regional Cerebral Perfusion in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Won Yong; Lee, Ki Hyeong; Yoon, Byung Woo; Lee, Sang Bok; Jeon, Beom S. [Samsung Medical Center, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Kyung Han; Lee, Myung Chul [Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a Parkinson-plus syndrome characterized clinically by supranuclear ophthalmoplegia, pseudobulbar palsy, axial rigidity, bradykinesia, postural instability and dementia. Presence of dementia and lack of cortical histopathology suggest the derangement of cortical function by pathological changes in subcortical structures in PSP, which is supported by the pattern of behavioral changes and measurement of brain metabolism using positron emission tomography. This study was done to examine whether there are specific changes of regional cerebral perfusion in PSP and whether there is a correlation between severity of motor abnormaility and degree of changes in cerebral perfusion. We measured regional cerebral perfusion indices in 5 cortical and 2 subcortical areas in 6 patients with a clinical diagnosis of PSP and 6 healthy age and sex matched controls using Tc-99m-HMPAO SPECT. Compared with age and sex matched controls, only superior frontal regional perfusion index was significantly decreased in PSP (p<0.05). There was no correlation between the severity of the motor abnormality and any of the regional cerebral perfusion indices (p>0.05). We affirm the previous reports that perfusion in superior frontal cortex is decreased in PSP. Based on our results that there was no correlation between severity of motor abnormality and cerebral perfusion in the superior frontal cortex, nonmotoric symptoms including dementia needs to be looked at whether there is a correlation with the perfusion abnormality in superior frontal cortex

  5. Association of Lead Levels and Cerebral Palsy (United States)

    Bansal, Neha; Aggarwal, Anju; Faridi, M. M. A.; Sharma, Tusha; Baneerjee, B. D.


    Background: Cerebral palsy is a common motor disability in childhood. Raised lead levels affect cognition. Children with cerebral palsy may have raised lead levels, further impairing their residual cognitive motor and behavioral abilities. Environmental exposure and abnormal eating habits may lead to increased lead levels. Aims and Objectives: To measure blood lead levels in children with cerebral palsy and compare them with healthy neurologically normal children. To correlate blood lead levels with environmental factors. Material and Methods: Design: Prospective case-control study. Setting: Tertiary care hospital. Participants: Cases comprised 34 children with cerebral palsy, and controls comprised 34 neurologically normal, age- and sex-matched children. Methods: Clinical and demographic details were recorded as per proforma. Detailed environmental history was recorded to know the source of exposure to lead. These children were investigated and treated as per protocol. Venous blood was collected in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid vials for analysis of blood lead levels. Lead levels were estimated by Schimadzu Flame AA-6800 (atomic absorption spectrophotometer). Data were analyzed using SPSS version 17. P pica were 12.33 ± 10.02 µg/dL in comparison to children with no history of pica, 6.70 ± 4.60 µg/dL (P = .029). No correlation was found between hemoglobin and blood lead levels in cases and controls. Conclusion: In our study, blood lead levels are raised in children with cerebral palsy. However, further studies are required to show effects of raised levels in these children. PMID:28491920

  6. Cerebral blood flow and oxygen metabolism in patients with Parkinson's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitamura, Shin; Ujike, Takashi; Kuroki, Soemu; Sakamoto, Shizuki; Soeda, Toshiyuki; Terashi, Akiro; Iio, Masaaki.


    The purpose of this study was to determine functional changes in the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia in Parkinson's disease (PD). Cerebral blood flow (CBF), oxygen extraction fraction (OEF), and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO 2 ) were determined using 0-15 positron emission tomography in 10 PD patients and five age-matched healthy volunteers. There was a tendency among PD patients towards a decreased CBF and CMRO 2 in the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia. These values were significantly lower in the frontal cortex in the PD group than the control group. There was no difference in OEF between the groups. A more decreased cerebral oxygen metabolism was observed in patients staged as severer on the scale of Hoehn and Yahr. There was no correlation between cerebral oxygen metabolism and tremor, rigidity, or bradykinesis. A decreased cerebral oxygen metabolism was associated with mental disorders, such as depression, hallucination, and dementia. These results may provide an important clue for the understanding of mesocortical dopaminergic pathway and the relationship between PD and dementia. (N.K.)

  7. Cerebral blood flow and oxygen metabolism in patients with Parkinson's disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kitamura, Shin; Ujike, Takashi; Kuroki, Soemu; Sakamoto, Shizuki; Soeda, Toshiyuki; Terashi, Akiro; Iio, Masaaki


    The purpose of this study was to determine functional changes in the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia in Parkinson's disease (PD). Cerebral blood flow (CBF), oxygen extraction fraction (OEF), and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO/sub 2/) were determined using 0-15 positron emission tomography in 10 PD patients and five age-matched healthy volunteers. There was a tendency among PD patients towards a decreased CBF and CMRO/sub 2/ in the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia. These values were significantly lower in the frontal cortex in the PD group than the control group. There was no difference in OEF between the groups. A more decreased cerebral oxygen metabolism was observed in patients staged as severer on the scale of Hoehn and Yahr. There was no correlation between cerebral oxygen metabolism and tremor, rigidity, or bradykinesis. A decreased cerebral oxygen metabolism was associated with mental disorders, such as depression, hallucination, and dementia. These results may provide an important clue for the understanding of mesocortical dopaminergic pathway and the relationship between PD and dementia. (N.K.).

  8. NADPH Oxidase Activity in Cerebral Arterioles Is a Key Mediator of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease-Implications for Prevention. (United States)

    McCarty, Mark F


    Cerebral small vessel disease (SVD), a common feature of brain aging, is characterized by lacunar infarcts, microbleeds, leukoaraiosis, and a leaky blood-brain barrier. Functionally, it is associated with cognitive decline, dementia, depression, gait abnormalities, and increased risk for stroke. Cerebral arterioles in this syndrome tend to hypertrophy and lose their capacity for adaptive vasodilation. Rodent studies strongly suggest that activation of Nox2-dependent NADPH oxidase activity is a crucial driver of these structural and functional derangements of cerebral arterioles, in part owing to impairment of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity. This oxidative stress may also contribute to the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier seen in SVD. Hypertension, aging, metabolic syndrome, smoking, hyperglycemia, and elevated homocysteine may promote activation of NADPH oxidase in cerebral arterioles. Inhibition of NADPH oxidase with phycocyanobilin from spirulina, as well as high-dose statin therapy, may have potential for prevention and control of SVD, and high-potassium diets merit study in this regard. Measures which support effective eNOS activity in other ways-exercise training, supplemental citrulline, certain dietary flavonoids (as in cocoa and green tea), and capsaicin, may also improve the function of cerebral arterioles. Asian epidemiology suggests that increased protein intakes may decrease risk for SVD; conceivably, arginine and/or cysteine-which boosts tissue glutathione synthesis, and can be administered as N-acetylcysteine-mediate this benefit. Ameliorating the risk factors for SVD-including hypertension, metabolic syndrome, hyperglycemia, smoking, and elevated homocysteine-also may help to prevent and control this syndrome, although few clinical trials have addressed this issue to date.

  9. Hydrogen sulfide intervention in focal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats

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    Xin-juan Li


    Full Text Available The present study aimed to explore the mechanism underlying the protective effects of hydrogen sulfide against neuronal damage caused by cerebral ischemia/reperfusion. We established the middle cerebral artery occlusion model in rats via the suture method. Ten minutes after middle cerebral artery occlusion, the animals were intraperitoneally injected with hydrogen sulfide donor compound sodium hydrosulfide. Immunofluorescence revealed that the immunoreactivity of P2X 7 in the cerebral cortex and hippocampal CA1 region in rats with cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury decreased with hydrogen sulfide treatment. Furthermore, treatment of these rats with hydrogen sulfide significantly lowered mortality, the Longa neurological deficit scores, and infarct volume. These results indicate that hydrogen sulfide may be protective in rats with local cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury by down-regulating the expression of P2X 7 receptors.

  10. Relation Between Quality of Life of Mothers of Children With Cerebral Palsy and the Children's Motor Functioning, After Ten Months of Rehabilitation Relación entre la calidad de vida de madres de niños con parálisis cerebral y la función motora de los niños, después de diez meses de rehabilitación Relação entre a qualidade de vida de mães de crianças com paralisia cerebral e a função motora dos filhos, após dez meses de reabilitação

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cejane Oliveira Martins Prudente


    Full Text Available This study aims to analyze the quality of life of mothers of children with cerebral palsy, correlated with the evolution of their children's gross motor function after ten months of rehabilitation. An observational, longitudinal study was carried out in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil, involving 100 mothers and children with cerebral palsy. The children's motor function was evaluated using the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM and the mothers' quality of life using the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36. After ten months of rehabilitation, the children's gross motor function had significantly improved (pEl objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la calidad de vida de las madres de niños con parálisis cerebral, correlacionándola con la evolución de la función motora gruesa de los niños, después de diez meses de rehabilitación. Se trata de un estudio de observación, longitudinal, realizado en la ciudad de Goiania, estado de Goiás, en Brasil, con 100 madres y sus hijos con parálisis cerebral. La función motora de los niños fue evaluada por la Medición de la Función Motora Gruesa (GMFM y la calidad de vida de las madres por el Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36. Después de diez meses de rehabilitación, los niños obtuvieron una mejoría significativa (pO objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a qualidade de vida de mães de crianças com paralisia cerebral, correlacionando-a com a evolução da função motora grossa das crianças, após dez meses de reabilitação. Trata-se de estudo observacional, longitudinal, realizado em Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil, com 100 mães e seus filhos com paralisia cerebral. A função motora das crianças foi avaliada pela Medição da Função Motora Grossa (GMFM e a qualidade de vida das mães pelo Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36. Após dez meses de reabilitação, as crianças obtiveram melhora significativa (p<0,001 na fun

  11. Applications of cerebral SPECT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McArthur, C., E-mail: [Department of Neuroradiology, Institute of Neurological Sciences, Glasgow (United Kingdom); Jampana, R.; Patterson, J.; Hadley, D. [Department of Neuroradiology, Institute of Neurological Sciences, Glasgow (United Kingdom)


    Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) can provide three-dimensional functional images of the brain following the injection of one of a series of radiopharmaceuticals that crosses the blood-brain barrier and distributes according to cerebral perfusion, neurotransmitter, or cell density. Applications include differentiating between the dementias, evaluating cerebrovascular disease, preoperative localization of epileptogenic foci, diagnosing movement disorders, and evaluation of intracerebral tumours, while also proving a useful research tool. Unlike positronemission tomography (PET), SPECT imaging is widely available and can be performed in any department that has access to a rotating gamma camera. The purpose of this review is to demonstrate the utility of cerebral SPECT and increase awareness of its role in the investigation of neurological and psychiatric disorders.

  12. Modulación de la actividad de las células ciliadas del órgano de Corti por el sistema eferente olivococlear


    Ballestero, Jimena A.


    En el órgano de Corti, el epitelio sensorial del sistema auditivo de los mamíferos, las células ciliadas internas (CCIs) transducen los estímulos sonoros a señales eléctricas que son enviadas al sistema nervioso central, mientras que las células ciliadas externas (CCEs) participan del proceso de amplificación y sintonización fina de estos estímulos. La actividad de las CCEs es modulada por una inervación eferente que proviene del tallo cerebral, el sistema olivococlear medial (MOC). Durante e...

  13. Persistent resetting of the cerebral oxygen/glucose uptake ratio by brain activation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, P L; Hasselbalch, S G; Hagemann, L P


    fraction of the activation-induced excess glucose uptake. These data confirm earlier reports that brain activation can induce resetting of the cerebral oxygen/glucose consumption ratio, and indicate that the resetting persists for a long period after cerebral activation has been terminated and physiologic......Global cerebral blood flow (CBF), global cerebral metabolic rates for oxygen (CMRO2), and for glucose (CMRglc), and lactate efflux were measured during rest and during cerebral activation induced by the Wisconsin card sorting test. Measurements were performed in healthy volunteers using the Kety......-Schmidt technique. Global CMRO2 was unchanged during cerebral activation, whereas global CBF and global CMRglc both increased by 12%, reducing the molar ratio of oxygen to glucose consumption from 6.0 during baseline conditions to 5.4 during activation. Data obtained in the period following cerebral activation...

  14. Cerebral Palsy Checklist: Babies & Preschoolers (Birth to age 5) (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Cerebral Palsy Checklist: Babies & Preschoolers KidsHealth / For Parents / Cerebral Palsy Checklist: Babies & Preschoolers What's in this article? Step ...

  15. Toxina botulínica e fisioterapia em crianças com paralisia cerebral espástica: revisão bibliográfica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milena Silva Teles

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A paralisia cerebral (PC é definida como uma condição neurológica não progressiva originada em razão de uma lesão no encéfalo imaturo que compromete os movimentos e a postura. A espasticidade está presente em 75% dos casos. Essa patologia tem incidência na população de aproximadamente 2 em cada 1.000 nascidos vivos e pode chegar a até 7 por 1.000 em países em desenvolvimento. O objetivo do estudo foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica por meio da seleção e análise criteriosa de artigos científicos que relatem os efeitos da aplicação da toxina botulínica tipo A associada à fisioterapia em crianças com paralisia cerebral espástica. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica nas bases de dados eletrônicas MEDLINE, LILACS e SciELO, no período de 1997 a 2009. Os descritores utilizados foram: "paralisia cerebral" e "espasticidade muscular", combinados com "toxina botulínica tipo A" e "fisioterapia". RESULTADOS: Somando-se todos os bancos de dados, um total de 50 artigos que continham os desfechos de interesse dessa revisão foram encontrados, no entanto, alguns artigos aparecem em mais de uma busca e em duplicidade de idioma. Então, 23 artigos foram utilizados neste estudo. DISCUSSÃO: Vários estudos demonstram que, para maior efetividade da toxina botulínica tipo A, esta deve ser associada a um programa fisioterapêutico que sempre deve considerar as etapas do desenvolvimento motor da criança. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: De acordo com a revisão bibliográfica apresentada, a TBA associada à fisioterapia para o controle da espasticidade se mostra bastante eficaz. Contudo, novas pesquisas acerca deste assunto são necessárias.

  16. Cerebral Palsy Checklist: Teens & Young Adult (13 to 21) (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Cerebral Palsy Checklist: Teens & Young Adults KidsHealth / For Parents / Cerebral Palsy Checklist: Teens & Young Adults What's in this article? ...

  17. Clinical study of interventional therapy for acute cerebral infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiang Guangze; Xiao Yiming; Wen Zhilin


    Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of interventional therapy for acute cerebral infarction. Method: Using urokinase, 35 patients with acute cerebral infarction within 24 hours were treated by intra-artery thrombolytic therapy. Europe stroke scale (ESS), Barthel index (BI) were used to evaluate the recovery of neurological functions. Result: ESS score increase rapidly after thrombolytisis, and there were significant difference between the two teams. Thirteen of 13 cases treated within 6 hours from onset showed complete/partial recanalization in cerebral angiography and intraparenchymal hemorrhagic rate were 0%, twenty-six of 35 cases treated within 24 hours showed complete/partial recanalization and intraparenchymal hemorrhagic rate were 5.71%. Conclusion: Interventional therapy for acute cerebral infarction within 6h were safe and effective. (authors)

  18. Bilateral cerebral hemispheric infarction associated with sildenafil citrate (Viagra) use. (United States)

    Kim, K-K; Kim, D G; Ku, Y H; Lee, Y J; Kim, W-C; Kim, O J; Kim, H S


    Sildenafil citrate (Viagra) is one of the frequently prescribed drugs for men with erectile dysfunction. We describe a 52-year-old man with bilateral middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory infarction after sildenafil use. He ingested 100 mg of sildenafil and about 1 h later, he complained of chest discomfort, palpitation and dizziness followed by mental obtundation, global aphasia and left hemiparesis. Brain magnetic resonance imaging documented acute bilateral hemispheric infarction, and cerebral angiography showed occluded bilateral MCA. Despite significant bilateral MCA stenosis and cerebral infarction, systemic hypotension persisted for a day. We presume that cerebral infarction was caused by cardioembolism with sildenafil use.

  19. Glycopyrrolate prevents extreme bradycardia and cerebral deoxygenation during electroconvulsive therapy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Peter; Andersson, John-Erik; Koch, Palle


    The stimulation phase of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) induces bradycardia. We evaluated the effect of this bradycardia on cerebral perfusion and oxygenation by administration of the anticholinergic drug glycopyrrolate (Glp). Cerebral perfusion was estimated by transcranial ultrasound......) during the stimulation phase of ECT (P cerebral artery V(mean) decreased 43% (9%-71%; P ....8) to 0.0 (-4.2 to 0.8) microM (P stimulation phase of ECT, maintaining HR at 78 (40-94) beats min(-1), MCA V(mean) at 53 (37-77) cm s(-1), and O(2)Hb at 5.6 (10.6-38.5) microM (P cerebral perfusion...

  20. Reduced cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in Toll-like receptor 4 deficient mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao Canxiang; Yang Qingwu; Lv Fenglin; Cui Jie; Fu Huabin; Wang Jingzhou


    Inflammatory reaction plays an important role in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury, however, its mechanism is still unclear. Our study aims to explore the function of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in the process of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion. We made middle cerebral artery ischemia-reperfusion model in mice with line embolism method. Compared with C3H/OuJ mice, scores of cerebral water content, cerebral infarct size and neurologic impairment in C3H/Hej mice were obviously lower after 6 h ischemia and 24 h reperfusion. Light microscopic and electron microscopic results showed that cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in C3H/Hej mice was less serious than that in C3H/OuJ mice. TNF-α and IL-6 contents in C3H/HeJ mice were obviously lower than that in C3H/OuJ mice with ELISA. The results showed that TLR4 participates in the process of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury probably through decrease of inflammatory cytokines. TLR4 may become a new target for prevention of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Our study suggests that TLR4 is one of the mechanisms of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury besides its important role in innate immunity

  1. Cerebral venous thrombosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soralova, T.; Sevcikova, H.; Petersky, D.


    We decided to process this theme due to its nonspecific clinical features as they often cause diagnostic problems not only to clinicians but also to diagnostic. It is important to think of this disease mainly in young women who administer hormonal contraception. Imaging methods play the crucial role in diagnostic of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. The gold standard is a native CT of brain which shows the venous sinus thrombosis as a hyperdense lesion in the locus of the sinus (dense triangle sign), CT venography shows the sinus thrombosis as a defect in a contrast filling of the venous sinus (empty delta sign). Other investigative methods are magnetic resonance imaging or MRA. In short we also mention quite a rare but more serious thrombosis of profound cerebral veins v. cerebri magna-Galeni, vv. cerebri internae). The importance of early diagnostic and non specificity of symptoms is presented in 3 clinical cases that are the part of this work. (author)

  2. Cerebral Palsy (For Parents) (United States)

    ... Going to an Occupational Therapist Scoliosis In the Band: Jens' Story Cerebral ... KidsHealth® is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor. © 1995- ...

  3. Impacto de la aplicación de los criterios de la asociación americana de tiroides en el diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo en gestantes de Vigo, España

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Pombar-Pérez

    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar el impacto de la aplicación de los criterios de la Asociación Americana de Tiroides (ATA en el diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo en gestantes del área sanitaria de Vigo en España, se analizó la concentración sérica de tirotropina (TSH, tiroxina libre (T4L y anticuerpos antitiroideos, comparando la frecuencia de gestantes diagnosticadas de hipotiroidismo aplicando los criterios utilizados en el laboratorio de hormonas del Hospital Xeral y los criterios de referencia propuestos por la ATA. La asunción de dichos criterios implicaría un aumento de un 29,6% de pacientes diagnosticadas de hipotiroidismo. La aplicación de los criterios ATA tuvo una repercusión en la medición de la concentración de TSH en gestantes lo que sugiere una evaluación de los valores de referencia de TSH en función de la población y los métodos de diagnóstico locales

  4. Impacto de la aplicación de los criterios de la asociación americana de tiroides en el diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo en gestantes de Vigo, España

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Pombar-Pérez


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar el impacto de la aplicación de los criterios de la Asociación Americana de Tiroides (ATA en el diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo en gestantes del área sanitaria de Vigo en España, se analizó la concentración sérica de tirotropina (TSH, tiroxina libre (T4L y anticuerpos antitiroideos, comparando la frecuencia de gestantes diagnosticadas de hipotiroidismo aplicando los criterios utilizados en el laboratorio de hormonas del Hospital Xeral y los criterios de referencia propuestos por la ATA. La asunción de dichos criterios implicaría un aumento de un 29,6% de pacientes diagnosticadas de hipotiroidismo. La aplicación de los criterios ATA tuvo una repercusión en la medición de la concentración de TSH en gestantes lo que sugiere una evaluación de los valores de referencia de TSH en función de la población y los métodos de diagnóstico locales

  5. Effect of age on cerebral blood flow during hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brusino, F.G.; Reves, J.G.; Smith, L.R.; Prough, D.S.; Stump, D.A.; McIntyre, R.W.


    Cerebral blood flow was measured in 20 patients by xenon 133 clearance methodology during nonpulsatile hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass to determine the effect of age on regional cerebral blood flow during these conditions. Measurements of cerebral blood flow at varying perfusion pressures were made in patients arbitrarily divided into two age groups at nearly identical nasopharyngeal temperature, hematocrit value, and carbon dioxide tension and with equal cardiopulmonary bypass flows of 1.6 L/min/m2. The range of mean arterial pressure was 30 to 110 mm Hg for group I (less than or equal to 50 years of age) and 20 to 90 mm Hg for group II (greater than or equal to 65 years of age). There was no significant difference (p = 0.32) between the mean arterial pressure in group I (54 +/- 28 mm Hg) and that in group II (43 +/- 21 mm Hg). The range of cerebral blood flow was 14.8 to 29.2 ml/100 gm/min for group I and 13.8 to 37.5 ml/100 gm/min for group II. There was no significant difference (p = 0.37) between the mean cerebral blood flow in group I (21.5 +/- 4.6 ml/100 gm/min) and group II (24.3 +/- 8.1 ml/100 gm/min). There was a poor correlation between mean arterial pressure and cerebral blood flow in both groups: group I, r = 0.16 (p = 0.67); group II, r = 0.5 (p = 0.12). In 12 patients, a second cerebral blood flow measurements was taken to determine the effect of mean arterial pressure on cerebral blood flow in the individual patient. Changes in mean arterial pressure did not correlate with changes in cerebral blood flow (p less than 0.90). We conclude that age does not alter cerebral blood flow and that cerebral blood flow autoregulation is preserved in elderly patients during nonpulsatile hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass

  6. Asymptomatic cerebral hemorrhage detected by MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakajima, Yumi; Ohsuga, Hitoshi; Yamamoto, Masahiro; Shinohara, Yukito


    Detection of previous cerebral infarction on CT films of patients with no history of stroke is a common occurrence. The incidence of silent cerebral infarction was reported to be about 10 to 11 percent, but very few reports concerning asymptomatic cerebral hemorrhage available. However, recent clinical application of MRI has resulted in the detection of old asymptomatic hemorrhage in patients with no history known stroke-like episodes. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the incidence, the cause and the character of the asymptomatic cerebral hemorrhage among patients who had undergone MRI examinations. From September 1987 through June 1990, 2757 patients have undergone 3474 MR scans of the brain with 1.0 Tesla Siemens Magneton unit in our hospital. Seventeen patients showed no clinical signs or symptoms suggesting a stroke episode corresponding to the detected hemorrhagic lesion. The 17 patients corresponded to 0.6% of the patients who underwent MRI, 1.5% of the patients with cerebrovascular disease and 9.5% of the patients with intracerebral hemorrhage(ICH), which was rather higher than expected. Among the 17 patients, 12 were diagnosed as primary ICH and 5 as secondary ICH. Most of the primary asymptomatic hemorrhage were hypertensive ones and slit-like curvilinear lesions between the putamen and claustrum or external capsule. The secondary asymptomatic hemorrhage were due to AVM and angiomas in the frontal cortex, thalamus and pons. (author)

  7. Asymptomatic cerebral hemorrhage detected by MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakajima, Yumi; Ohsuga, Hitoshi; Yamamoto, Masahiro; Shinohara, Yukito [Tokai Univ., Isehara, Kanagawa (Japan). School of Medicine


    Detection of previous cerebral infarction on CT films of patients with no history of stroke is a common occurrence. The incidence of silent cerebral infarction was reported to be about 10 to 11 percent, but very few reports concerning asymptomatic cerebral hemorrhage available. However, recent clinical application of MRI has resulted in the detection of old asymptomatic hemorrhage in patients with no history known stroke-like episodes. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the incidence, the cause and the character of the asymptomatic cerebral hemorrhage among patients who had undergone MRI examinations. From September 1987 through June 1990, 2757 patients have undergone 3474 MR scans of the brain with 1.0 Tesla Siemens Magneton unit in our hospital. Seventeen patients showed no clinical signs or symptoms suggesting a stroke episode corresponding to the detected hemorrhagic lesion. The 17 patients corresponded to 0.6% of the patients who underwent MRI, 1.5% of the patients with cerebrovascular disease and 9.5% of the patients with intracerebral hemorrhage(ICH), which was rather higher than expected. Among the 17 patients, 12 were diagnosed as primary ICH and 5 as secondary ICH. Most of the primary asymptomatic hemorrhage were hypertensive ones and slit-like curvilinear lesions between the putamen and claustrum or external capsule. The secondary asymptomatic hemorrhage were due to AVM and angiomas in the frontal cortex, thalamus and pons. (author).

  8. Desenvolvimento de protocolos de neuronavegação para estudos de estimulação magnética transcraniana e suas aplicações em voluntários controle e pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral


    André Salles Cunha Peres


    Objetivos A estimulação magnética transcraniana (TMS, do inglês: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) e as imagens funcionais por ressonância magnética (fMRI, do inglês: functinal Magnetic Resonance Imaging) são duas técnicas não invasivas de investigação de atividade do sistema nervoso central. Porém essas duas técnicas utilizam estratégias diferentes para mensurar a atividade cerebral, sendo que a TMS avalia a resposta elétrica enquanto que a fMRI a resposta hemodinâmica. Nosso intuito nesse...

  9. Public health issues related to infection in pregnancy and cerebral palsy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schendel, Diana E.; Schuchat, Anne; Thorsen, Poul


    Cerebral palsy is the most common neuromotor developmental disability of childhood, affecting as many as 8,000 to 12,000 children born in the U.S. each year (corresponding to a prevalence rate of between 2 and 3 per 1000 children). Recent improvements in neonatal care have not resulted in a decline...... in the overall prevalence of cerebral palsy and, in fact, greater numbers of very preterm/very low birth weight infants are surviving with cerebral palsy and other developmental problems. Infection in pregnancy may be an important cause of the disorder. In preterm infants, there appears to be about a 2-fold...... increased risk for cerebral palsy from chorioamnionitis, and in term infants the estimated increased risk is about 4-fold. Provisionally, chorioamnionitis might account for 12% of spastic cerebral palsy in term infants and 28% of cerebral palsy in preterm infants. Studies of biochemical markers of fetal...

  10. Activation-induced resetting of cerebral oxygen and glucose uptake in the rat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, P L; Linde, R; Hasselbalch, S G


    In the clinical setting it has been shown that activation will increase cerebral glucose uptake in excess of cerebral oxygen uptake. To study this phenomenon further, this study presents an experimental setup that enables precise determination of the ratio between cerebral uptake of glucose...... and oxygen in the awake rat. Global CBF was measured by the Kety-Schmidt technique, and the ratio between cerebral uptake rates for oxygen, glucose, and lactate was calculated from cerebral arterial-venous differences. During baseline conditions, rats were kept in a closed box designed to minimize...... interference. During baseline conditions CBF was 1.08 +/- 0.25 mL x g(-1) x minute(-1), and the cerebral oxygen to glucose uptake ratio was 5.5. Activation was induced by opening the sheltering box for 6 minutes. Activation increased CBF to 1.81 mL x g(-1) x minute(-1). During activation cerebral glucose...

  11. Current status and outlook of endovascular therapy for cerebral ischemic diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Minghua; Zhao Jungong


    Improvement of diagnostic technology and increasing advent of new materials for intervention has created a new area for endovascular therapy of cerebral ischemic diseases. Current research findings have shown that endovascular thrombolysis in acute stage of cerebral infarction can accelerate the rate of re-canalization of occluded arteries and greatly decrease the morbidity and mortality of cerebral ischemic vascular diseases. Stenting of arterial stenosis can the improve of blood supply distal to the lesion, prevent recurrent cerebral ischemic stroke. As a result, endovascular thrombolysis for acute cerebral infarction and stenting for intracranial and carotid arterial stenosis are booming both at home and abroad. Proper selection of patients of acute cerebral infarction for endovascular thrombolysis with less complications could be achieved through CT perfusion, MR perfusion-weighted image (PWI) and diffusion-weighted image (DWI), non-invasive vascular imaging technology including CEMRA and CTA for confirming and demonstrating the sites and causes of cerebral ischemia, and furthermore for evaluating the survival ability and etc. The research team administered albumin and magnesium sulfate as neurological protection drug to treat rat infarction model within 6 hours of onset resulting with the same effect of decreasing the damage of ischemic cerebral tissue and without hemorrhagic complication. It is certain that hemorrhagic complication in thrombolysis is a result of multiple factors with no single drug being able to solve the problem. It is predictable that, based on semi-quantitative or quantitative parameters of CT or MRI in conjunction with PWI/DWI mismatch model rather than simply on the onset time of infarction for proper selection of patients of cerebral infarction, mechanic thrombus-disruption and/or intra-arterial thrombolysis together with intervention of neurological protection drug will be the trend for treating acute cerebral infarction in the future

  12. A study of cerebral circulation, metabolism and MRI findings in patients with chronic cerebral circulatory insufficiency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kondo, Susumu


    Chronic cerebral circulatory insufficiency (CCCI) is a recently proposed clinical entity characterized by symptoms such as dizziness, a feeling of heavy-headedness or vague numbness without any neurological signs or organic vascular lesions on CT. In order to elucidate its pathogenesis, ultrasonic quantitative blood flow measurement system, positron emission tomography (PET) and MRI were employed to study three groups of subjects: 60 subjects with CCCI (group A), 44 subjects with risk factors for cerebrovascular disease but without neurological abnormalities (group B), and 40 normal healthy volunteers (group C). The results are summarized as follows: Mean common carotid blood flow decreased with age in all groups. Common carotid blood flow was lowest in group A and second lowest in group B in every decade of patient age. PET study revealed that CBF and CMRO 2 in all regions examined were significantly lower in group A than in group C. The incidence of MR signal abnormalities in the white matter increased with age. Group A had the highest incidence, and group C had the lowest. Reduction in mean common carotid blood flow and cerebral blood flow was associated with increasing incidence and severity of MR signal abnormalities. These findings indicate that CCCI is a pathologic condition closely related to diffuse cerebral low perfusion resulting from cerebral arteriosclerosis. The symptoms seen in this condition, which are apt to be taken lightly, may warn of impending ischemic stroke. (author)

  13. Cerebral Pathophysiology in Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: Pitfalls in Daily Clinical Management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syed Omar Kazmi


    Full Text Available Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO is a life-saving technique that is widely being used in centers throughout the world. However, there is a paucity of literature surrounding the mechanisms affecting cerebral physiology while on ECMO. Studies have shown alterations in cerebral blood flow characteristics and subsequently autoregulation. Furthermore, the mechanical aspects of the ECMO circuit itself may affect cerebral circulation. The nature of these physiological/pathophysiological changes can lead to profound neurological complications. This review aims at describing the changes to normal cerebral autoregulation during ECMO, illustrating the various neuromonitoring tools available to assess markers of cerebral autoregulation, and finally discussing potential neurological complications that are associated with ECMO.

  14. Depressão, ansiedade e sonolência diurna em cuidadores primários de crianças com paralisia cerebral Depresión, ansiedad y somnolencia diurna en cuidadores primarios de niños con parálisis cerebral Depression, anxiety and daytime sleepiness of primary caregivers of children with cerebral palsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catherine Marx


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os níveis de depressão, ansiedade e sonolência diurna excessiva em cuidadores primários de crianças com paralisia cerebral, relacionando-os às condições socioeconômicas do cuidador e às características neurológicas da criança e comparando-os a cuidadores de crianças saudáveis. MÉTODOS: 45 cuidadores de crianças com paralisia cerebral e 50 cuidadores de crianças saudáveis foram aleatoriamente incluídos no estudo e responderam a um questionário semiestruturado. Avaliaram-se os níveis de depressão, ansiedade e sonolência diurna excessiva por meio das escalas de Beck, ansiedade estado-traço e Epworth, respectivamente. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos entrevistados eram mães com baixo nível socioeconômico. Os que se autoavaliaram como ansiosos e depressivos apresentaram resultados comprobatórios de ansiedade e depressão com as escalas de ansiedade estado-traço e Beck para os cuidadores de crianças com paralisia cerebral. Os níveis de sonolência diurna excessiva estiveram relacionados a elevados níveis de depressão. O comprometimento neurológico das crianças não influenciou os resultados sobre os cuidadores. CONCLUSÕES: Depressão, ansiedade e problemas relacionados ao sono foram comuns em cuidadores de crianças com paralisia cerebral. O nível de funcionalidade neurológica da criança não influenciou os resultados.OBJETIVO: Evaluar los niveles de depresión, ansiedad y somnolencia diurna excesiva en cuidadores primarios de niños con parálisis cerebral relacionándolos a las condiciones socioeconómicas del cuidador y a las características neurológicas del niño y comparándolos a cuidadores de niños sanos. MÉTODOS: Se incluyeron aleatoriamente en el estudio a 45 cuidadores de niños con parálisis cerebral y a 50 cuidadores de niños sanos, y contestaron a un cuestionario semiestructurado. Se evaluaron los niveles de depresión, ansiedad y somnolencia diurna excesiva mediante las escalas de

  15. Major cerebral events in Staphylococcus aureus infective endocarditis: is anticoagulant therapy safe?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Rasmus V; Snygg-Martin, Ulrika; Olaison, Lars


    OBJECTIVES: To study the impact of anticoagulation on major cerebral events in patients with left-sided Staphylococcus aureus infective endocarditis (IE). METHODS: A prospective cohort study; the use of anticoagulation and the relation to major cerebral events was evaluated separately at onset...... of admission and during hospitalization. RESULTS: Overall, 70 out of 175 patients (40%; 95% CI: 33-47%) experienced major cerebral events during the course of the disease, cerebral ischaemic stroke occured in 59 patients (34%; 95% CI: 27-41%), cerebral infection in 23 patients (14%; 95% CI: 9...

  16. Applications of cerebral MRI in neonatology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prayer, D.


    Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) has become the most important method in the workup of infantile cerebral complications after primary sonography. Cerebral MR examination and image interpretation during the infantile period require extensive knowledge of morphological manifestations, their pathophysiological background, and frequency. The choice of imaging parameters and image interpretation is demonstrated in infarctions and hemorrhages of the mature and immature brain. A review of the main differential diagnoses is also given. The relevance of MR spectroscopy and fetal MRI is discussed. (orig.) [de

  17. Pediatric Cerebral Palsy in Africa: Where Are We? (United States)

    Donald, Kirsten A; Kakooza, Angelina M; Wammanda, Robinson D; Mallewa, Macpherson; Samia, Pauline; Babakir, Haydar; Bearden, David; Majnemer, Annette; Fehlings, Darcy; Shevell, Michael; Chugani, Harry; Wilmshurst, Jo M


    Cerebral palsy is the most common cause of physical disability in children worldwide. However, little is reported on this condition in the African context. Doctors from 22 countries in Africa, and representatives from a further 5 countries outside Africa, met to discuss the challenges in the evaluation and management of children with cerebral palsy in Africa and to propose service needs and further research. Basic care is limited by the poor availability of diagnostic facilities or medical personnel with experience and expertise in managing cerebral palsy, exacerbated by lack of available interventions such as medications, surgical procedures, or even regular therapy input. Relevant guidelines are lacking. In order to guide services for children with existing disabilities, to effectively target the main etiologies and to develop preventive strategies for the continent, research priorities must include multicenter collaborative studies looking at the prevalence, risk factors, and treatment of cerebral palsy. © The Author(s) 2014.

  18. Establishment of modified reversible regional cerebral ischemic models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ji Xunming; Ling Feng; Zhao Xiqing; Xuan Yun; Wang Yueqin; Ling Xiaolan; Chang Hongjun; Zhang Zhiping


    Objective: Modifying the method of establishing reversible middle cerebral ischemic models in rats for improvement of the stability and rate of success, so as to raise the reliability of cerebral ischemic study. Methods: Sixty male Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups, modified and control groups, 30 rats in each group. The method of silicone- tipping on one end of the nylon suture was used to modify the establishment of embolus, and tip-heating method was used to establish the traditional embolus with all the other steps of the procedure just the same. The Zea Longa 5 scoring scale was used to estimate the neurological deficiency while TTC staining method was used to measure and calculate the volume of cerebral infarction. The percentage of successful models with 3-4 grade scorings and the coefficient of the variations of cerebral infarct volume were used to estimate the stability of the models. Results: The rate of success of establishment models in the modification group was significantly higher in comparing with the traditional group (93% vs 60%, χ 2 =9.32, P=0.002). The percentage of model establishment with 3-4 grade neurological scores in modification group was higher than that in the traditional group 96.4% vs 61.2%, χ 2 =9.51, P=0.002). The cerebral infarct volume in modification group and traditional group were (4.1450±0.5019) cm 3 and (3.8435 ± 0.8164) cm 3 , and the coefficients of variation were 12.01% and 21.24% respectively, which indicated that the stability of models was significantly higher in modification group than in the traditional one. Conclusions: The rates of success and stability of the models for reversible focal cerebral ischemia made by the modification method were significantly improved, with decreasing the cost of model creation and increasing the accuracy of study of ischemic cerebral vascular disease. (authors)

  19. Genomic analysis identifies masqueraders of full-term cerebral palsy. (United States)

    Takezawa, Yusuke; Kikuchi, Atsuo; Haginoya, Kazuhiro; Niihori, Tetsuya; Numata-Uematsu, Yurika; Inui, Takehiko; Yamamura-Suzuki, Saeko; Miyabayashi, Takuya; Anzai, Mai; Suzuki-Muromoto, Sato; Okubo, Yukimune; Endo, Wakaba; Togashi, Noriko; Kobayashi, Yasuko; Onuma, Akira; Funayama, Ryo; Shirota, Matsuyuki; Nakayama, Keiko; Aoki, Yoko; Kure, Shigeo


    Cerebral palsy is a common, heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder that causes movement and postural disabilities. Recent studies have suggested genetic diseases can be misdiagnosed as cerebral palsy. We hypothesized that two simple criteria, that is, full-term births and nonspecific brain MRI findings, are keys to extracting masqueraders among cerebral palsy cases due to the following: (1) preterm infants are susceptible to multiple environmental factors and therefore demonstrate an increased risk of cerebral palsy and (2) brain MRI assessment is essential for excluding environmental causes and other particular disorders. A total of 107 patients-all full-term births-without specific findings on brain MRI were identified among 897 patients diagnosed with cerebral palsy who were followed at our center. DNA samples were available for 17 of the 107 cases for trio whole-exome sequencing and array comparative genomic hybridization. We prioritized variants in genes known to be relevant in neurodevelopmental diseases and evaluated their pathogenicity according to the American College of Medical Genetics guidelines. Pathogenic/likely pathogenic candidate variants were identified in 9 of 17 cases (52.9%) within eight genes: CTNNB1 , CYP2U1 , SPAST , GNAO1 , CACNA1A , AMPD2 , STXBP1 , and SCN2A . Five identified variants had previously been reported. No pathogenic copy number variations were identified. The AMPD2 missense variant and the splice-site variants in CTNNB1 and AMPD2 were validated by in vitro functional experiments. The high rate of detecting causative genetic variants (52.9%) suggests that patients diagnosed with cerebral palsy in full-term births without specific MRI findings may include genetic diseases masquerading as cerebral palsy.

  20. Multiple small hemorrhagic infarcts in cerebral air embolism: a case report. (United States)

    Togo, Masaya; Hoshi, Taku; Matsuoka, Ryosuke; Imai, Yukihiro; Kohara, Nobuo


    Cerebral air embolism is a rare cause of cerebral infarction. In cerebral air embolism, T2 star-weighted imaging shows numerous spotty hypointense signals. Previous reports have suggested that these signals represent air in the brain and are gradually diminished and absorbed. We experienced two cases of cerebral air embolism, and in one of them, we conducted an autopsy. Case 1 was a 76-year-old Japanese man with lung cancer and emphysema. A spasmodic cough induced massive cerebral and cardiac air embolisms and the patient died because of cerebral herniation. T2 star-weighted imaging of brain magnetic resonance imaging showed multiple spotty low signals. Brain autopsy showed numerous spotty hemorrhagic infarcts in the area of T2 star-weighted imaging signals. Case 2 was an 85-year-old Japanese man with emphysema who suffered from acute stroke. Similar spotty T2 star-weighted imaging signals were observed and remained unchanged 2 months after the onset. These findings indicate that T2 star-weighted imaging in cerebral air embolism partially represents micro-hemorrhagic infarction caused by air bubbles that have migrated into the brain.