
Sample records for centroccidental lisandro alvarado


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    Niriaska Perozo Guédez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo destaca algunos datos estadísticos importantes obtenidos para realizar una breve reseña histórica de la Maestría de Ciencias de la Computación del Decanato de Ciencias y Tecnología de la Universidad CentroccidentalLisandro Alvarado” en sus diferentes menciones Inteligencia Artificial, Redes de Computadoras e Ingeniería del Software. Adicionalmente expone las perspectivas académicas planteadas para superar las exigencias actuales a las que se enfrenta. // ABSTRACT: This review highlights some important statistical data for a brief historical review of the Master of Computer Science of the Faculty of Science and Technology at Universidad CentroccidentalLisandro Alvarado” in their different specialties: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks and Software engineering, and further, exposing what academic prospects are proposed to overcome the current demands that this master program faces.



    Alejua, Hilda Yelitza; Lopez, Ricardo Castillo


    INFORMACION ASIMETRICA Y ACTIVOS ESPECIFICOS EN LA AGRICULTURA ORGANICA: UNA INTERPRETACION NEOINSTITUCIONAL Hilda Alejua y Ricardo Castillo Docentes Investigadores del Decanato de Ingeniería Agronómica de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado UCLA. Venezuela , Introducción: El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar las posibles consecuencias de la información asimétrica y los activos específicos en las actividades económicas relacionada...

  3. Estrategias de enseñanza basadas en el estudiante para el aprendizaje del equilibrio químico

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    Juana Domitila Asuaje Cordero


    Full Text Available El estudio compara el efecto en el rendimiento estudiantil por la estrategia de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP y la enseñanza por descubrimiento guiado, para el aprendizaje del equilibrio químico en estudiantes cursantes del primer semestre de la asignatura Química I de la carrera de Agronomía de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado de Venezuela, durante el año académico 2010. Se utilizó una muestra de 40 estudiantes, que se dividió en dos grupos (A y B. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes objeto del ABP registraron un rendimiento significativamente superior en terminos del promedio de las calificaciones, todo ello en contraste con el desempeño de los estudiantes a quienes se les aplicó la estrategia enseñanza por descubrimiento guiado. AbstractThis research study aims to campare the effects of problem-based learning and guided learning on students' academic performance, in a first-semester group of Agronomy students at Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado de Venezuela in 2010. The study was carried out in Chemistry I, when they learnt about chemical equilibrium. A sample of 40 students divided into two groups (A and B was used. The results show that the students taught with problem-based learning technique obtained a higher academic performance in relation to the students' mark promedy; in contrast with the students who were applied the guided learning strategy.



    J. C. Rincón


    A través del presente ensayo, se esboza el acontecer de las I Jornadas de Investigación de Ingeniería Civil y Urbanismo UCLA 2015, la cual se desarrolló durante los días 15 y 16 de marzo del 2016, en las instalaciones del decanato de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Se presentaron ponencias alusivas a trabajos de investigación relacionados a ingeniería civil, específicamente en las áreas de estructuras, hidráulica y sanitaria, ingeniería de construcción...


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    J. Yépez


    Full Text Available Se presenta en este artículo el estudio de reforzamiento estructural para una edificación de uso educativo, conocida como “Tipo Antiguo II”. La escuela fue construida antes de la creación de la Norma Venezolana Sismorresistente Covenin 1756. Los resultados del análisis estructural demostraron insuficiente capacidad de respuesta ante las solicitaciones de servicio, alta vulnerabilidad ante la acción sísmica y deficiencias en la cantidad y distribución del acero de refuerzo. Por tal motivo se planteó el reforzamiento de la superestructura mediante la construcción de muros tipo panel, verificando su acción sobre el sistema de pilotaje existente. Para el modelaje se emplearon los valores de resistencia del concreto obtenidos en los ensayos destructivos realizados por el laboratorio de materiales del Decanato de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, y los parámetros del suelo provenientes del estudio geotécnico. This article presents the study of structural reinforcement for a building of educational use, known as "Old Type II". The school was built before the creation of the Venezuelan Seismoresistant Covenin 1756. The results of the structural analysis showed insufficient responsiveness to service requests, high vulnerability to seismic action and deficiencies in the quantity and distribution of reinforcing steel. For this reason, the reinforcement of the superstructure was proposed by the construction of panel walls, verifying their action on the existing piloting system. For the modeling, the values of resistance of the concrete obtained in the destructive tests made by the materials laboratory of the School of Civil Engineering of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado and the soil parameters from the geotechnical study were used.

  6. El software matemático como herramienta para el desarrollo de habilidades del pensamiento y mejoramiento del aprendizaje de las matemáticas

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    Marisol Cuicas Avila


    Full Text Available La investigación tuvo como propósito el desarrollo de habilidades del pensamiento y el mejoramiento del aprendizaje en alumnos y alumnas de la asignatura Matemática II, del Decanato de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado” (UCLA, mediante el empleo de estrategias instruccionales basadas en el uso del software matemático. La investigación, de diseño cuasi-experimental, usó para el contraste de hipótesis la prueba t para muestras relacionadas. Además se aplicaron dos pruebas, tres asignaciones, una lista de cotejo y una entrevista semiestructurada. Los datos recogidos se analizaron utilizando estadística descriptiva. Los hallazgos del estudio fueron: (a los conocimientos de los discentes mejoraron; y (b estos pusieron en práctica sus procedimientos (sus habilidades cognoscitivas y metacognitivas. Por lo tanto, el estudio aportó evidencias para usar el software matemático bajo una metodología constructivista.


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    Días Z., E.


    Full Text Available El enfoque basado en competencias durante al acto didáctico, conlleva a tomar en consideración la labor del docente en relación a la planificación de las estrategias que contribuyan al desarrollo educativo. En este sentido, el presente estudio se desarrolló bajo el paradigma cuantitativo y su propósito consistió en determinar si los profesores del programa de ingeniería civil de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, reflejaban en sus planificaciones didácticas, estrategias basadas en el enfoque por competencias a fin de ajustar cada programa de las asignaturas bajo el perfil recomendado por la Comisión Central de Currículo. Para recabar esta información se utilizó como instrumento un cuestionario constituido por 23 ítems, aplicado a una muestra de 45 profesores, quienes representaron el 33% de la población objeto de estudio. En los resultados de este estudio se evidencia que los docentes a pesar de haber recibido orientaciones para el rediseño de los programas de las asignaturas que gestionan bajo el enfoque por competencias, presentan deficiencias en el uso de estrategias didácticas basadas en dicho enfoque, que garanticen la formación de un profesional integral, con sensibilidad social y ambiental, tal como se estipula en el nuevo diseño curricular impulsado por la institución. The competency-based approach during teaching, leads to consider the work of teachers in relation to planning strategies that contribute to educational development. In this sense, the present study was developed under the quantitative paradigm and its purpose was to determine whether program faculty of civil engineering at Lisandro Alvarado University, reflected in their teaching plans, strategies based on competence approach to adjust each program subjects to the recommended profile by the Central Commission for Curriculum. To collect this information a questionnaire consisting of 23 items, was applied to a sample of 45 teachers, who


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    Varadarajan Sujath


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Acute appendicitis is one of the most common surgical emergencies with a lifetime presentation of approximately 1 in 7. Its incidence is 1.5-1.9/1000 in males and females. Surgery for acute appendicitis is based on history, clinical examination and laboratory investigations (e.g. WBC count. Imaging techniques add very little to the efficacy in the diagnosis of appendix. A negative appendicectomy rate of 20-40% has been reported in literature. A difficulty in diagnosis is experienced in very young patients and females of reproductive age. The diagnostic accuracy in assessing acute appendicitis has not improved in spite of rapid advances in management. MATERIALS AND METHODS The modified Alvarado score was applied and assessed for its accuracy in preparation diagnosis of acute appendicitis in 50 patients. The aim of our study is to understand the various presentations of acute appendicitis including the age and gender incidence and the application of the modified Alvarado scoring system in our hospital setup and assessment of the efficacy of the score. RESULTS Our study shows that most involved age group is 3 rd decade with male preponderance. On application of Alvarado score, nausea and vomiting present in 50% and anorexia in 30%, leucocytosis was found in 75% of cases. Sensitivity and specificity of our study were 65% and 40% respectively with positive predictive value of 85% and negative predictive value of 15%. CONCLUSION This study showed that clinical scoring like the Alvarado score can be a cheap and quick tool to apply in emergency departments to rule out acute appendicitis. The implementation of modified Alvarado score is simple and cost effective.

  9. Evaluation of modified alvarado score in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jan, H.


    To evaluate Modified Alvarado Score in patients with right iliac fossa pain. One hundred consecutive patients with right right iliac fossa pain. Both male and female patients with ages >14 years were included. Basic data of all the patients was collected. They were divided into two groups on the basis of modified Alvarado score. Group-I: Alvarado score greater then 7. Group-II: Alvarado score smaller than 7. In Group-I 61 patients underwent surgery; amongst them 52 had acute appendicitis while nine had other pathology. In Group-II there were 39 patients; amongst them six underwent surgery later on because of increase in their scores during observation, all of them had acute appendicitis. The negative appendicectomy rate was 14.75% and positive predictive value 85.21%. Alvarado Score is an easy and simple complementary aid in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. It works well in patients with a score of greater than 7. (author)


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    Balakrishnan Subramani


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Acute appendicitis is one of the most common cause of acute abdominal pain and emergency appendicectomy is the most common emergency surgery. The diagnosis of appendicitis is confirmed by histopathological examination that is not possible before appendicectomy. The negative exploration remains high in the rate of about 15-30%. 1 Scoring systems based on history, clinical examination and basic investigations are there in aiding the diagnosis of acute appendicitis and decreasing negative exploration. This study compares RIPASA and ALVARADO scoring systems in diagnosing acute appendicitis. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS A comparative study was done between November 2014 to June 2015. Patients diagnosed as acute appendicitis in Department of General Surgery, Government Royapettah Hospital. 100 of them are to be selected on the basis of nonprobability (purposive sampling method. After considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 96 were enrolled into the study. A full history, clinical examination and both scoring systems were done on the patients. RESULTS In 96 patients, 46 patients (48% were male and 50 patients (52% were female. 65 patients underwent emergency appendicectomy based on the clinical decision. The sensitivity and specificity of the RIPASA scoring system was 98.0% and 80.43%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of the ALVARADO scoring system was 80.43% and 86.95%, respectively. The PPV (positive predictive value of RIPASA and ALVARADO was 84% and 85%, respectively. The NPP (negative predictive value of RIPASA and ALVARADO was 97% and 71%, respectively. The diagnostic accuracy was 89% for RIPASA and 77% for ALVARADO. CONCLUSION The RIPASA scoring is better than ALVARADO scoring in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis.

  11. Alvarado score: A valuable clinical tool for diagnosis of acute appendicitis –a retros-pective study

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    Swagata Brahmachari1 and Ashwini B. Jajee2


    Full Text Available Appendicitis is a common surgical emergency and diagnosis is still a great challenge. Accurate diagnosis and timely intervention re-duces morbidity and mortality. The present study was conducted to evaluate Alvarado scoring system for diagnosis of acute appen-dicitis in Indian set up. The study was carried out on 200 patients admitted in Surgery ward between January 2009 and December 2010 with right lower quadrant abdominal pain. Alvarado score was calculated and all patients were divided in three groups. Mean age of presentation was 29.12 years and male to female ratio was 1.27:1. Higher the Alvarado score, more is the sensitivity. So pa-tients having score 7 or above had sensitivity of 66%. We con-clude that Alvarado score is unique since it incorporates signs, symptoms and laboratory findings of suspicious patients. Alvarado score can be utilized safely for diagnosis of acute appendicitis.

  12. El software matemático como herramienta para el desarrollo de habilidades del pensamiento y el mejoramiento del aprendizaje de las matemáticas

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    Alvarez Vargas, Zulma


    Full Text Available Resumen: La investigación tuvo como propósito el desarrollo de habilidades del pensamiento y el mejoramiento del aprendizaje en alumnos y alumnas de la asignatura Matemática II, del Decanato de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad CentroccidentalLisandro Alvarado” (UCLA, mediante el empleo de estrategias instruccionales basadas en el uso del software matemático. La investigación, de diseño cuasi-experimental, usó para el contraste de hipótesis la prueba t para muestras relacionadas. Además se aplicaron dos pruebas, tres asignaciones, una lista de cotejo y una entrevista semiestructurada. Los datos recogidos se analizaron utilizando estadística descriptiva. Los hallazgos del estudio fueron: (a los conocimientos de los discentes mejoraron; y (b estos pusieron en práctica sus procedimientos (sus habilidades cognoscitivas y metacognitivas. Por lo tanto, el estudio aportó evidencias para usar el software matemático bajo una metodología constructivista.ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research project was to develop thinking skills and improve learning abilities of university students attending Math II, at the School of Civil Engineering at the University CentroccidentalLisandro Alvarado” (UCLA, by utilizing instructional strategies, based on the use of mathematical software. The quasi experimental design of the study performed, to contrast the hypothesis, utilized test t for related samples. Additionally, the following instruments were applied: two exams, three assignments, a checking list and a semi structured interview. The information collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The research findings were: (a the students’ knowledge improved; and (b the students put into practice their procedures, that is to say, their cognitive and metacognitive skills. Hence, the study contributed to evidence the utilization of the mathematical software using a constructivist instructional methodology.


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    V. K. Arun Kumar


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Acute Appendicitis commonest community-acquired intra-abdominal infections. Acute appendicitis and its associated complications are significant source of morbidity and sometimes mortality. The Modified Alvarado Scoring System (MASS has been reported to be a cheap and quick diagnostic tool in patients with acute appendicitis. Diagnostic accuracy have been observed if the scores were applied to various populations and clinical settings. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of Modified Alvarado Scoring System in patients with acute appendicitis in our setting. The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of the modified Alvarado score as a diagnostic tool in Acute Appendicitis, as the diagnosis of appendicitis depends on the onset of symptoms and the subjective interpretation of the physical examination. MATERIALS AND METHODS This was a prospective study carried out in Pondicherry Institute of Medical Science during the period of November 2013 to May 2015. This study was done on 50 patients diagnosed with Acute Appendicitis and admitted in General Surgery. RESULTS In this study, there were a total of 50 patients who were taken up for surgery based on clinical and radiological diagnosis. Our study demonstrates that modified Alvarado score applied to all adult patients of acute appendicitis in adults with a sensitivity of 60% and a specificity of 40% only. Showing it wasn’t efficient in diagnosing acute appendicitis. The positive predictive value shown by our study was 80% which is marginally lower than that explained in literature which reports 87.5%. Negative appendicectomy rate in this study is 12%. CONCLUSION Alvarado score is a non-invasive, safe diagnostic procedure, which is simple, fast reliable and repeatable; it can be used in all conditions, without expensive and complicated supportive diagnostic methods. Alvarado score increases the diagnostic certainty of clinical examination in diagnosis of

  14. Evaluation of modified Alvarado scoring system and RIPASA scoring system as diagnostic tools of acute appendicitis. (United States)

    Shuaib, Abdullah; Shuaib, Ali; Fakhra, Zainab; Marafi, Bader; Alsharaf, Khalid; Behbehani, Abdullah


    Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical condition presented in emergency departments worldwide. Clinical scoring systems, such as the Alvarado and modified Alvarado scoring systems, were developed with the goal of reducing the negative appendectomy rate to 5%-10%. The Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha Appendicitis (RIPASA) scoring system was established in 2008 specifically for Asian populations. The aim of this study was to compare the modified Alvarado with the RIPASA scoring system in Kuwait population. This study included 180 patients who underwent appendectomies and were documented as having "acute appendicitis" or "abdominal pain" in the operating theatre logbook (unit B) from November 2014 to March 2016. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), diagnostic accuracy, predicted negative appendectomy and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of the modified Alvarado and RIPASA scoring systems were derived using SPSS statistical software. A total of 136 patients were included in this study according to our criteria. The cut-off threshold point of the modified Alvarado score was set at 7.0, which yielded a sensitivity of 82.8% and a specificity of 56%. The PPV was 89.3% and the NPV was 42.4%. The cut-off threshold point of the RIPASA score was set at 7.5, which yielded a 94.5% sensitivity and an 88% specificity. The PPV was 97.2% and the NPV was 78.5%. The predicted negative appendectomy rates were 10.7% and 2.2% for the modified Alvarado and RIPASA scoring systems, respectively. The negative appendectomy rate decreased significantly, from 18.4% to 10.7% for the modified Alvarado, and to 2.2% for the RIPASA scoring system, which was a significant difference (PAsian populations. It consists of 14 clinical parameters that can be obtained from a good patient history, clinical examination and laboratory investigations. The RIPASA scoring system is more accurate and specific than the modified Alvarado

  15. Salvador Alvarado y las elecciones de 1920, una candidatura olvidada

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    Francisco Iván Méndez Lara


    Full Text Available El presente artículo muestra una de las facetas menos estudiadas del general Salvador Alvarado: su papel en la sucesión presidencial de 1920. A través de la revisión de fuentes poco exploradas como los periódicos El Heraldo de México y El Monitor Republicano podrá observarse la complejidad y tensión del ambiente político en la coyuntura electoral. Alvarado modificó su postura conforme avanzó la contienda, de una actitud belicosa que lo llevó a crear su propio partido político contra los generales Pablo González y Álvaro Obregón, pasó a ser un aliado del grupo sonorense en la lucha contra la imposición del candidato carrancista, Ignacio Bonillas. Además de comprender a un Alvarado interesado en la silla presidencial, este trabajo muestra el accionar de los periódicos capitalinos como espacios de discusión e impulsores de plataformas políticas en las elecciones que posicionaron a los sonorenses en la cúspide del poder.

  16. The accuracy rate of Alvarado score, ultrasonography, and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: In this study, we aim to compare the relationship between the Alvarado score, ultrasonography, and multislice computerized tomography (CT) findings used for the diagnosis of the patients who presented to our emergency unit with clinical features suggestive of acute appendicitis. Materials and Methods: ...

  17. A comparison between modified Alvarado score and RIPASA score in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. (United States)

    Singla, Anand; Singla, Satpaul; Singh, Mohinder; Singla, Deeksha


    Acute appendicitis is a common but elusive surgical condition and remains a diagnostic dilemma. It has many clinical mimickers and diagnosis is primarily made on clinical grounds, leading to the evolution of clinical scoring systems for pin pointing the right diagnosis. The modified Alvarado and RIPASA scoring systems are two important scoring systems, for diagnosis of acute appendicitis. We prospectively compared the two scoring systems for diagnosing acute appendicitis in 50 patients presenting with right iliac fossa pain. The RIPASA score correctly classified 88 % of patients with histologically confirmed acute appendicitis compared with 48.0 % with modified Alvarado score, indicating that RIPASA score is more superior to Modified Alvarado score in our clinical settings.

  18. Escala de Alvarado como herramienta diagnóstica para apendicitis aguda

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    Iván Pimienta Concepción


    Full Text Available Introducción: La apendicitis aguda es la enfermedad intrabdominal más frecuente tratada de urgencia. Resulta de interés la utilización de la Escala de Alvarado en el diagnóstico de esta patología por su contribución a la disminución de apendicectomías negativas. Objetivo: Determinar la validez de la Escala de Alvarado como herramienta diagnóstica para apendicitis aguda en pacientes atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital IESS Ambato. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva y transversal en pacientes hospitalizados con cuadro de dolor abdominal y sospecha de apendicitis aguda, valorados en el Servicio de Cirugía General en el Hospital General IESS Ambato en el período junio 2015 a noviembre del año 2015. Resultados: De acuerdo al resultado histopatológico predominó la apendicitis aguda supurada con (n=83, 54.9%; seguida de apendicitis aguda gangrenosa (n=35, 23.2%; apendicitis aguda precoz (n=15, 9.9%; mientras que el resultado normal y apendicitis aguda gangrenosa perforada se encontraron con los mismos valores (n=9, 5.9%. Conclusiones: Existió un puntaje elevado de la Escala de Alvarado para el diagnóstico de apendicitis aguda según la severidad de los hallazgos descritos en el resultado histopatológico posterior a la apendicectomía. El resultado histopatológico de mayor frecuencia fue la apendicitis aguda supurada, con un riesgo medio en la Escala de Alvarado, la cual es más sensible en periodos de gravedad.

  19. Impact of the use of contrast-enhancement multidetector CT for acute appendicitis: a prospective comparison with the Alvarado score

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Mi Young; Yoon, Seong Eon; Lee, Young Hwan; Choi, Shi Sung; Park, Seong Hoon; Juhng, Seong Kwan; Yoon, Kwon Ha; Park, Seong Ho


    To determine the diagnostic performance of contrast-enhanced multidetector CT (MDCT) and the Alvarado score for acute appendicitis. MDCT and determination of the Alvarado score were prospectively performed in 282 patients with 146 pathologically proven cases of acute appendicitis and 136 pathologically proven or clinically diagnosed cases of non-acute appendicitis. To compare the diagnostic performance of MDCT and the Alvarado score, the patients were subdivided according to age and sex, and receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis and Spearman rank correlation were performed. ROC analysis revealed that the optimal cut off value of the CT appendicitis grades was 2 in all patients, resulting in a sensitivity of 96.6% and a specificity of 94.9%. The optimal cut off values of the Alvarado score was different according to age and sex, resulting in a sensitivity of 85.6% and a specificity of 48.5%. There was a significant correlation between the CT appendicitis grades and the surgical-pathological grades (r = 0.496, ρ < .0001). However, no significant correlation was observed between the Alvarado score and the surgical-pathological grades. Contrast-enhanced MDCT has a higher diagnostic accuracy and significant correlation with pathological findings than those of the Alvarado score in patients with acute appendicitis

  20. Impact of the use of contrast-enhancement multidetector CT for acute appendicitis: a prospective comparison with the Alvarado score

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Mi Young; Yoon, Seong Eon; Lee, Young Hwan; Choi, Shi Sung; Park, Seong Hoon; Juhng, Seong Kwan; Yoon, Kwon Ha [Wonkwang University School of Medicine, Iksan (Korea, Republic of); Park, Seong Ho [University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To determine the diagnostic performance of contrast-enhanced multidetector CT (MDCT) and the Alvarado score for acute appendicitis. MDCT and determination of the Alvarado score were prospectively performed in 282 patients with 146 pathologically proven cases of acute appendicitis and 136 pathologically proven or clinically diagnosed cases of non-acute appendicitis. To compare the diagnostic performance of MDCT and the Alvarado score, the patients were subdivided according to age and sex, and receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis and Spearman rank correlation were performed. ROC analysis revealed that the optimal cut off value of the CT appendicitis grades was 2 in all patients, resulting in a sensitivity of 96.6% and a specificity of 94.9%. The optimal cut off values of the Alvarado score was different according to age and sex, resulting in a sensitivity of 85.6% and a specificity of 48.5%. There was a significant correlation between the CT appendicitis grades and the surgical-pathological grades (r = 0.496, {rho} < .0001). However, no significant correlation was observed between the Alvarado score and the surgical-pathological grades. Contrast-enhanced MDCT has a higher diagnostic accuracy and significant correlation with pathological findings than those of the Alvarado score in patients with acute appendicitis.


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    Oswaldo Troncoso Rodriguez


    Full Text Available Esta experiencia tuvo como propósito la implementación del modelo b-learning en la enseñanza de la asignatura Matemática I, de la carrera de Ingeniería Civil, de la Universidad Centroccidental ¿Lisandro Alvarado¿ (UCLA, ubicada en Venezuela, estado Lara. En la misma se usaron de las tecnologías Web como elementos enriquecedores del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, la plataforma Moodle y la combinación de estrategias propias de la educación presencial con estrategias propias de la educación virtual. La metodología utilizada corresponde a un proyecto factible orientado hacia la innovación tecnológica, pues busca resolver problemas y promover el empleo de tecnologías. El análisis de los resultados se enfocó a la eficiencia y eficacia de la propuesta. Para la eficiencia se analizaron los resultados de las entrevistas semi-estructuradas y las expectativas despertadas por el curso. Además, se consideraron los resultados de la alfabetización tecnológica y de la prueba de conocimientos previos necesarios para Matemática I. Para la eficacia se consideró el rendimiento académico y la calidad general del curso. Como conclusión se destaca que el modelo b-learning posibilita la participación activa del estudiante, pero el docente debe diseñar de manera pedagógica situaciones de aprendizaje para apoyar, informar, comunicar e interactuar pues esta es una forma se puede generar en el estudiante conocimientos específicos de la asignatura y promover en ellos el desarrollo de estrategias para el aprendizaje autónomo.

  2. Efficiency of unenhanced MRI in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis: Comparison with Alvarado scoring system and histopathological results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Inci, Ercan, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Istanbul Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Incirli-Bakirkoy, Istanbul (Turkey); Hocaoglu, Elif; Aydin, Sibel; Palabiyik, Figen; Cimilli, Tan [Department of Radiology, Istanbul Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Incirli-Bakirkoy, Istanbul (Turkey); Turhan, Ahmet Nuray; Ayguen, Ersan [Department of Surgery, Istanbul Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul (Turkey)


    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of unenhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis and compare with Alvarado scores and histopathological results. Materials and methods: The study included 85 consecutive patients (mean age, 26.5 {+-} 11.3 years) who were clinically suspected of having acute appendicitis. Each patients Alvarado scores were recorded and unenhanced MRI was performed, consisting of T1-weighted, T2-weighted and fat-suppressed T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequences. The MR images were prospectively reviewed in consensus for the presence of acute appendicitis by two radiologists who were blinded to the results of the Alvarado scores. The study population were divided into three subgroups based on the MRI findings: Group I: definitely not appendicitis, Group II: probably appendicitis, Group III: definitely appendicitis. All patients were divided into two subgroups according to Alvarado scores as Group A (low: 1-6), and Group B (high: 7-10). MR findings were compared with Alvarado scores and histopathological findings. Results: Sixty-six (77.6%) of the 85 patients with clinically suspected acute appendicitis, had undergone surgery. The diagnosis of appendicitis could be correctly achieved with MRI in 55 (83.3%) of 57 (86.4%) patients with histopathologically proven acute appendicitis. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of MRI examination and Alvarado scoring system in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis were 96.49%, 66.67%, 94.83%, 75.0% and 84.21%, 66.67%, 94.12%, 40.0%, respectively. Conclusions: MRI is a valuable technique for detecting acute appendicitis even in the cases with low Alvarado scores. To increase the diagnostic accuracy and preventing unnecessary laparotomies for suspected appendicitis, shorter and cheaper unenhanced basic MRI may be performed.

  3. Efficiency of unenhanced MRI in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis: Comparison with Alvarado scoring system and histopathological results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inci, Ercan; Hocaoglu, Elif; Aydin, Sibel; Palabiyik, Figen; Cimilli, Tan; Turhan, Ahmet Nuray; Ayguen, Ersan


    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of unenhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis and compare with Alvarado scores and histopathological results. Materials and methods: The study included 85 consecutive patients (mean age, 26.5 ± 11.3 years) who were clinically suspected of having acute appendicitis. Each patients Alvarado scores were recorded and unenhanced MRI was performed, consisting of T1-weighted, T2-weighted and fat-suppressed T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequences. The MR images were prospectively reviewed in consensus for the presence of acute appendicitis by two radiologists who were blinded to the results of the Alvarado scores. The study population were divided into three subgroups based on the MRI findings: Group I: definitely not appendicitis, Group II: probably appendicitis, Group III: definitely appendicitis. All patients were divided into two subgroups according to Alvarado scores as Group A (low: 1-6), and Group B (high: 7-10). MR findings were compared with Alvarado scores and histopathological findings. Results: Sixty-six (77.6%) of the 85 patients with clinically suspected acute appendicitis, had undergone surgery. The diagnosis of appendicitis could be correctly achieved with MRI in 55 (83.3%) of 57 (86.4%) patients with histopathologically proven acute appendicitis. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of MRI examination and Alvarado scoring system in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis were 96.49%, 66.67%, 94.83%, 75.0% and 84.21%, 66.67%, 94.12%, 40.0%, respectively. Conclusions: MRI is a valuable technique for detecting acute appendicitis even in the cases with low Alvarado scores. To increase the diagnostic accuracy and preventing unnecessary laparotomies for suspected appendicitis, shorter and cheaper unenhanced basic MRI may be performed.


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    Lenin Rangel-López


    Full Text Available This research aims to analyze the current situation of aquaculture farms in the Municipality of Alvarado, Veracruz, Mexico. During this study, 29 interviews were conducted aimed to the units of aquaculture producers; 24 variables were analyzed within the aspects of the socio-economic, technical, marketing and legal framework. The most relevant results within the legal framework: 21% of units has “National Registration of Fisheries and Aquaculture” (RNPyA and 7% has “Federal Taxpayer Register” (RFC; in the socio-economic aspects: 187 jobs are generated; on technical aspects: the average area for cultivation is 410.11 ha, 79% of production is Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.. The aquaculture activity on Alvarado, Veracruz, it is in a learning process, therefore strategies are needed in order to the development of the activity and increasing production; improving cultivation methodologies and training producers on managing their aquaculture units.

  5. Escala RIPASA para el diagnóstico de apendicitis aguda: comparación con la escala de Alvarado modificada

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    C.Z. Díaz-Barrientos


    Full Text Available Resumen: Introducción y objetivos: La apendicitis aguda es la primera causa de las urgencias quirúrgicas. Permanece como un diagnóstico difícil de establecer, particularmente entre jóvenes, ancianos y mujeres en edad reproductiva, en los cuales una serie de condiciones inflamatorias pueden presentar síntomas y signos similares a los de la apendicitis aguda. Diversos sistemas de puntuación se han creado con el fin de incrementar la certeza diagnóstica; estos son baratos, no invasivos y fáciles de usar o reproducir. La escala de Alvarado modificada es probablemente la más difundida y de mayor aceptación en los servicios de urgencias del mundo. Por otro lado, la escala RIPASA fue elaborada en 2010 con mejor sensibilidad y especificidad. En México se encuentran pocos estudios que comparen los diversos sistemas de puntuación en apendicitis. El objetivo es comparar la escala de Alvarado modificada y la escala RIPASA para el diagnóstico de pacientes con dolor abdominal y sospecha de apendicitis aguda. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico y prolectivo, de julio de 2012 a febrero 2014 en el Hospital Universitario de Puebla. Las encuestas en proceso de evaluación fueron aplicadas a los pacientes con sospecha clínica de apendicitis. Resultados: Escala de RIPASA: curva ROC/PC 8.5 (área 0.595, sensibilidad (93.3%, especificidad (8.3%, VPP (91.8%, VPN (10.1%. Escala de Alvarado modificada: Curva ROC/PC 6 (área 0.719, sensibilidad (75%, especificidad (41.6%, VPP (93.7%, VPN (12.5%. Conclusiones: La escala de RIPASA contrastada con la escala de Alvarado modificada no mostró ventajas al aplicarse a pacientes con sospecha de apendicitis aguda. Abstract: Introduction and objectives: Acute appendicitis is the first cause of surgical emergencies. It is still a difficult diagnosis to make, especially in young persons, the elderly, and in reproductive-age women, in whom a series of inflammatory conditions can have

  6. The RIPASA score for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis: A comparison with the modified Alvarado score. (United States)

    Díaz-Barrientos, C Z; Aquino-González, A; Heredia-Montaño, M; Navarro-Tovar, F; Pineda-Espinosa, M A; Espinosa de Santillana, I A


    Acute appendicitis is the first cause of surgical emergencies. It is still a difficult diagnosis to make, especially in young persons, the elderly, and in reproductive-age women, in whom a series of inflammatory conditions can have signs and symptoms similar to those of acute appendicitis. Different scoring systems have been created to increase diagnostic accuracy, and they are inexpensive, noninvasive, and easy to use and reproduce. The modified Alvarado score is probably the most widely used and accepted in emergency services worldwide. On the other hand, the RIPASA score was formulated in 2010 and has greater sensitivity and specificity. There are very few studies conducted in Mexico that compare the different scoring systems for appendicitis. The aim of our article was to compare the modified Alvarado score and the RIPASA score in the diagnosis of patients with abdominal pain and suspected acute appendicitis. An observational, analytic, and prolective study was conducted within the time frame of July 2002 and February 2014 at the Hospital Universitario de Puebla. The questionnaires used for the evaluation process were applied to the patients suspected of having appendicitis. The RIPASA score with 8.5 as the optimal cutoff value: ROC curve (area .595), sensitivity (93.3%), specificity (8.3%), PPV (91.8%), NPV (10.1%). Modified Alvarado score with 6 as the optimal cutoff value: ROC curve (area .719), sensitivity (75%), specificity (41.6%), PPV (93.7%), NPV (12.5%). The RIPASA score showed no advantages over the modified Alvarado score when applied to patients presenting with suspected acute appendicitis. Copyright © 2018 Asociación Mexicana de Gastroenterología. Publicado por Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  7. El cine de Lisandro Alonso: una guía de viaje para investigar la estética de la libertad

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    Jörg Türschmann


    Full Text Available Los filmes de Lisandro Alonso se pueden leer como libros de viaje. Son guías que muestran a sus protagonistas en búsqueda de algo o alguien. Solo son pretextos los destinos que los filmes exponen apenas. En su lugar acompañan a los solitarios que definen un tiempo y un espacio diferencial por su relación a la cámara y al montaje. Los protagonistas se comportan como investigadores que tienen que orientarse permanentemente en un ambiente desconocido que ellos mismos marcan por su presencia. Esta autorreflexividad establece el carácter investigador del cine de Alonso en forma de una metodología y de una estética de abstención.

  8. Added value of graded compression ultrasound to the Alvarado score in cases of right iliac fossa pain

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    Mohamed Samir


    Conclusion: Ultrasound is a good adjuvant examination in cases with Alvarado scores between five and eight in order to diagnose appendicitis. Negative ultrasound results do not exclude appendicitis and further assessment by other modalities should be performed.

  9. No way home: silence, slowness and the problem of authenticity in the cinema of Lisandro Alonso

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    Roberto Cavallini


    Full Text Available In his trilogy, comprising La Libertad (2001, Los Muertos (2004 and Liverpool (2008, Argentinian director Lisandro Alonso employs a distinctive narrative motif, namely the journey of solitary individuals through desolated landscapes in rural Argentina. From a comparative view, the key to understanding these introverted trajectories is to consider Alonso’s construction of narrative space around the misery of a stark void, namely the absence of home. For Alonso, home is not a peaceful destination, connoting the intimacy of a family, serenity or simply a place where one is allowed to dream in peace (Bachelard. The absence of home becomes the blind spot of these journeys: home turns out to be a broken horizon. In this essay I will mainly focus on the film Los Muertos and the way in which it radicalizes narrative space through the combination of cinematic silence (absence of words and dialogues and cinematic slowness (static long-takes while formulating a void which coincides with the protagonist’s homelessness. Moreover, this essay tries to consider how Alonso’s radical cinematic realism problematizes the concept of authenticity in its modern formation, and also in the context of Rancière’s notion of documentary fiction and the relationship between aesthetics and politics.

  10. Anthology of Venezuelan psychiatry. (United States)

    Rojas-Malpica, Carlos; Portilla-Geada, Néstor de la; Téllez Pacheco, Pedro


    Reception of Psychiatry in Venezuela since the 19th Century to the late 20th Century merits a historical approach. The following work proposes to research some of the very origins of Venezuelan psychiatry and its possible influence on contemporary mental health practice. Through documental research, the early works of local authors from the 19th Century through 20th Century finals: Carlos Arvelo, Lisandro Alvarado, Francisco Herrera Luque, Jose Luis Vethencourt and Jose Solanes, are subjected to study. This journey illustrates a descriptive panoramic view which allows to better comprenhend the current state of our psychiatry. In a brief introduction the most important events are described, since the arrival of Pinel's ideas, followed by the early research paperworks published and the beginnings of the academic teachings of this specialty in Venezuela and displaying the main contemporary research groups thorough the country.

  11. El manatí (Trichechus manatus manatus Linnaeus,1758) (Sirenia) una especie sombrilla, para el Sistema Lagunar de Alvarado, Veracruz


    Daniel Rentería, Iliana del Carmen; Serrano Solís, Arturo; Sánchez Rojas, Gerardo


    The most emblematic mammal in the Alvarado Lagoon System (ALS) is the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus). In July 1975 was considered as endangered species by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES), since 1982 as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and is considered an endangered species under Mexican laws. The manatee is a poorly studied animal in the state of Veracruz because in natur...

  12. Book review: Autonomy in Language Learning: Stories of Practices Edited by Andy Barfield and Natanael Delgado Alvarado

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    Adelia Peña Clavel


    Full Text Available Autonomy in Language Learning: Stories of Practices edited by Andy Barfield and Natanael Delgado Alvarado is an e-book published by the IATEFL Learner Autonomy Special Interest Group (LA SIG. It is the third ebook in the Autonomy in Language Learning series and is available in ePub (for iPad, Kobo and other devices and mobi (for Kindle formats. An ebook format strengthens the structure of the book. First, it allows the reader to write and share comments on the text that spark reflection, admiration or empathy. Second, statements considered relevant for one’s own practice can be highlighted.


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    Troncoso Rodriguez Oswaldo


    Full Text Available Resumen:Esta experiencia tuvo como propósito la implementación del modelo b-learning en la enseñanza de la asignatura Matemática I, de la carrera de Ingeniería Civil, de la Universidad CentroccidentalLisandro Alvarado” (UCLA, ubicada en Venezuela, estado Lara. En la misma se usaron de las tecnologías Web como elementos enriquecedores del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, la plataforma Moodle y la combinación de estrategias propias de la educación presencial con estrategias propias de la educación virtual. La metodología utilizada corresponde a un proyecto factible orientado hacia la innovación tecnológica, pues busca resolver problemas y promover el empleo de tecnologías. El análisis de los resultados se enfocó a la eficiencia y eficacia de la propuesta. Para la eficiencia se analizaron los resultados de las entrevistas semi-estructuradas y las expectativas despertadas por el curso. Además, se consideraron los resultados de la alfabetización tecnológica y de la prueba de conocimientos previos necesarios para Matemática I. Para la eficacia se consideró el rendimiento académico y la calidad general del curso. Como conclusión se destaca que el modelo b-learning posibilita la participación activa del estudiante, pero el docente debe diseñar de manera pedagógica situaciones de aprendizaje para apoyar, informar, comunicar e interactuar pues esta es una forma se puede generar en el estudiante conocimientos específicos de la asignatura y promover en ellos el desarrollo de estrategias para el aprendizaje autónomo.Abstract:This experience had as a purpose the implementation of the b-learning model in the teaching of the Mathematics I, in the Civil Engineering, of the University CentroccidentalLisandro Alvarado” (UCLA, located in Lara state, Venezuela. In the same one they were used of the Web technologies like wealth-producing elements of the process of education and learning, the platform Moodle and the

  14. Alvarado score in the diagnostic of pain in the right lower quadrant. (United States)

    Lada, Paul Eduardo


    Acute appendicitis neither suspected nor diagnosed could develop a perforation or otherwise it would take to removing of a normal appendix. Utilization of a clinical score system for aided diagnosis of this pathology and can reduce a negative appendicitis. National Clinicas Hospital. Córdoba. Argentina. Prospective and protocolized study. 594 patients were studied between October 2002 and December 2013. 312 males and 282 females their age average was 26.2 years. Alvarado score was realized in all patients when they entered. According clinic and second valoration with the score surgical exploration was decided in 574 patients. The remaining 20 were excluded due to other pathology. The diagnosis in acute appendicitis was confirmed by surgical finding and histopathologic studies. In surgical finding we showed 594 patients (91,28 %) had acute appendicitis. There was no operative mortality. Respects morbidity there was 1,74 % of medical and 13,93 % of surgical complications. The anatomo-pathologic report showed a normal cecal appendix in 50. The incidence of negative appendicectomy was about 8.71 %. The utilization of score related to the surgical and anatomo-pathologic finding confirmed it was appreciable from 6 points to acute appendicitis diagnosis.   RESUMENAntecedentes: La apendicitis aguda no sospechada y diagnosticada puede evolucionar hacia la perforación, ó por el contrario conduce a la remoción de un apéndice normal. Objetivo: La utilización de un  sistema  de Score, desde un  punto de vista clínico, para el diagnóstico de esta patología y lograr disminuir las apendicetomías negativas.Lugar de Aplicación: Hospital Nacional de Clínicas. Córdoba. (Argentina)Diseño: Estudio prospectivo y protocolizado.Material y Métodos: Comprende a 594 pacientes estudiados entre octubre de 2002 y diciembre del 2013. De ellos, 312 eran del sexo masculino y 282 del femenino, con una edad promedio de 26,2 años de edad. A todos los pacientes se les realizo al

  15. Suicide: Incidence or Prevalence? Comments on Hernández-Alvarado et al. Increase in Suicide Rates by Hanging in the Population of Tabasco, Mexico between 2003 and 2012. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 552

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    Julián Alfredo Fernández-Niño


    Full Text Available I recently reviewed the paper published in this journal by Hernández-Alvarado et al., titled “Increase in Suicide Rates by Hanging in the Population of Tabasco, Mexico between 2003 and 2012” [1], and I noticed that the epidemiological concept “prevalence” is not correctly used.[...

  16. Hexachlorocyclohexanes, Cyclodiene, Methoxychlor, and Heptachlor in Sediment of the Alvarado Lagoon System in Veracruz, Mexico

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    María del Refugio Castañeda-Chávez


    Full Text Available Organochlorine pesticides are used in agricultural areas and health campaigns, which reach the coastal environment through rivers, drains, runoffs, and atmospheric transport. In aquatic environments, they are adsorbed by particles of organic matter, depositing themselves in sediments in the bottom of these bodies, in which benthic organisms of commercial interest for human consumption inhabit. The objective of this research was to evaluate the concentration of organochlorine pesticides in sediment from the Alvarado lagoon system in Veracruz, Mexico. In 20 out of 41 sampling sites analyzed, 11 banned organochlorine pesticides were identified, such as hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH, lindane, aldrin, dieldrin, and endrin. The highest concentrations were as follows: aldrin: 46.05 ng g−1; β-HCH: 42.11 ng g−1; α-HCH: 38.44 ng g−1; gamma γ-HCH (lindane: 34.20 ng g−1; δ-HCH: 31.61 ng g−1; methoxychlor: 29.40 ng g−1; heptachlor epoxide: 25.70 ng g−1; heptachlor: 24.11 ng g−1; dieldrin: 22.13 ng g−1; endrin: 21.23 ng g−1; endrin aldehyde: 12.40 ng g−1. Concentrations reported are prohibited in international standards. There is a strong need to further evaluate, with scientific studies, the level of concentration reported by impact of compounds widely used in agricultural livestock activities.

  17. Analysis and Tendencies of Metals and POPs in a Sediment Core from the Alvarado Lagoon System (ALS), Veracruz, Mexico. (United States)

    Botello, A V; Villanueva, F S; Rivera, R F; Velandia, A L; de la Lanza, G E


    This study focused on dating of a sediment core from the Alvarado Lagoon System, Veracruz, Mexico, calculating the sedimentation rate by using 210 Pb to determine the tendency towards pollution by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, organochlorides, the metals Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and V, and organic matter content. The activity of total Pb and supported Pb in the samples was 83.1 and 29.5 Bq kg -1 , respectively, whereas the average estimated sedimentation rate was 0.48 ± 0.09 cm per year -1 . The organic matter values exhibited linear behavior throughout the historical profile, with values under 2.5%. Metal concentrations followed the order V > Cr > Ni > Cu > Pb > Hg > Cd. Variations found in Cr, Ni, Pb, and V concentrations are basically due to three meteorological phenomena that hit the region: hurricanes Gladys, Hilda, and Janet in September of 1955. V, Ni, and Hg input comes from anthropogenic and lithogenic sources. The presence of individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons showed no ascending accumulation pattern over time, nor did it show any significant statistical correlation to OM. As for the organochlorine pesticides, 63.61% of the total sum of these compounds were from the ciclodienics family. Concentration of p,p'-DDT was observed only in the earliest profile, from 1929.


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    Full Text Available RESUMEN El gen CYP2D6 codifica para una monooxigenasa perteneciente al citocromo P450, la cual está involucrada en la biotransformación de un gran número de drogas comúnmente prescritas, como antidepresivos, antineoplásicos y antihipertensivos. Algunos efectos adversos, así como falla terapéutica pueden ser relacionados con la actividad anormal de CYP2D6 producto de polimorfismos en el gen de dicha enzima. Con el fin de predecir la frecuencia de algunos fenotipos metabolizadores pobres de CYP2D6 en la población de la región centroccidental de Venezuela se determinaron las frecuencias alélicas y genotípicas de las variantes alélicas CYP2D6*3, *4 y *6. Se extrajo ADN genómico a partir de sangre periférica de 100 individuos voluntarios aparentemente sanos, y se procedió a la genotipificación por PCR tetra-primer alelo-específica y análisis por electroforesis en geles de agarosa. Se compararon las frecuencias obtenidas con poblaciones de otros países. El alelo más frecuente fue CYP2D6*4 con 16,5%, mostrando una diferencia significativa con la reportada con poblaciones asiáticas. Este trabajo constituye un estudio preliminar en la caracterización de un grupo más amplio de alelos de CYP2D6 con el fin de asistir al desarrollo de una farmacoterapia individualizada en nuestro país. Palabras clave: Citocromo P450, CYP2D6, Farmacogenética. ABSTRACT The CYP2D6 gene encodes for a monooxygenase belonging to the cytochrome P450, which is involved in the biotransformation of a large number of commonly prescribed drugs such as antidepressants, antihypertensive and antineoplastic. Some side effects, as well as therapeutic failure may be related to abnormal activity of CYP2D6 product of polymorphisms in the CYP2D6 gene. In order to predict the frequency of some poor metabolisers phenotypes of CYP2D6 in the population of the Central-Western region of Venezuela it was determined the allelic and genotypic frequencies of CYP2D6 *3, *4, *6

  19. Suspected acute appendicitis in female patients: Trends in diagnosis in emergency department in a University Hospital in Western region of Saudi Arabia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Althoubaity, Fatima K.


    Objective was to determine the negative appendectomy rate; utilization, accuracy of Alvarado scale, ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT) in diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Hospital records of 124 female patients admitted for suspicious of acute appendicitis from January 2003-January 2004 to the Emergency Department (ED) at King Abdul-Aziz University Hospital Jeddah, Saudi Arabia were reviewed retrospectively. We reviewed the age of patients, clinical presentation, Alvarado scale, US, CT, histopathalogical diagnosis of appendicular specimen. A total of 124 female patients aged 6-64 years were presented to ED with right iliac fossa pain. Of the total, 103 patients have appendectomies (83.1%), 21 (16.9%) patients underwent conservative treatment. Prevalence of advanced appendicitis was 13.7% and negative appendectomy rate was 27.2%. Accuracy rate of appendicitis with Alvarado scale 67.7%, US was 57.9% CT was 66.7%. Postoperative correlation was found between advanced cases and Alvarado scale (r=0.338), and hospital stay duration (r=0.250, p<0.01). Clinical findings and experiments remain of major importance in appendicitis-diagnosis. When appendicitis appears with atypical presentations, it remains a clinical challenge. In such cases, laboratory and imaging investigation may be useful in establishing a correct diagnosis. Alvarado scoring system is easy, simple and cheap complementary aid for supporting the diagnosis of acute appendicitis especially for junior surgeons. (author)

  20. Diagnosing Appendicitis: Evidence-Based Review of the Diagnostic Approach in 2014 (United States)

    Shogilev, Daniel J.; Duus, Nicolaj; Odom, Stephen R.; Shapiro, Nathan I.


    Introduction Acute appendicitis is the most common abdominal emergency requiring emergency surgery. However, the diagnosis is often challenging and the decision to operate, observe or further work-up a patient is often unclear. The utility of clinical scoring systems (namely the Alvarado score), laboratory markers, and the development of novel markers in the diagnosis of appendicitis remains controversial. This article presents an update on the diagnostic approach to appendicitis through an evidence-based review. Methods We performed a broad Medline search of radiological imaging, the Alvarado score, common laboratory markers, and novel markers in patients with suspected appendicitis. Results Computed tomography (CT) is the most accurate mode of imaging for suspected cases of appendicitis, but the associated increase in radiation exposure is problematic. The Alvarado score is a clinical scoring system that is used to predict the likelihood of appendicitis based on signs, symptoms and laboratory data. It can help risk stratify patients with suspected appendicitis and potentially decrease the use of CT imaging in patients with certain Alvarado scores. White blood cell (WBC), C-reactive protein (CRP), granulocyte count and proportion of polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells are frequently elevated in patients with appendicitis, but are insufficient on their own as a diagnostic modality. When multiple markers are used in combination their diagnostic utility is greatly increased. Several novel markers have been proposed to aid in the diagnosis of appendicitis; however, while promising, most are only in the preliminary stages of being studied. Conclusion While CT is the most accurate mode of imaging in suspected appendicitis, the accompanying radiation is a concern. Ultrasound may help in the diagnosis while decreasing the need for CT in certain circumstances. The Alvarado Score has good diagnostic utility at specific cutoff points. Laboratory markers have very limited

  1. Influence of water temperature and salinity on seasonal occurrences of Vibrio cholerae and enteric bacteria in oyster-producing areas of Veracruz, México. (United States)

    Castañeda Chávez, Maria del Refugio; Pardio Sedas, Violeta; Orrantia Borunda, Erasmo; Lango Reynoso, Fabiola


    The influence of temperature and salinity on the occurrence of Vibrio cholerae, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. associated with water and oyster samples was investigated in two lagoons on the Atlantic Coast of Veracruz, Mexico over a 1-year period. The results indicated that seasonal salinity variability and warm temperatures, as well as nutrient influx, may influence the occurrence of V. cholera. non-O1 and O1. The conditions found in the Alvarado (31.12 degrees C, 6.27 per thousand, pH=8.74) and La Mancha lagoons (31.38 degrees C, 24.18 per thousand, pH=9.15) during the rainy season 2002 favored the occurrence of V. cholera O1 Inaba enterotoxin positive traced in oysters. Vibrio alginolyticus was detected in Alvarado lagoon water samples during the winter season. E. coli and Salmonella spp. were isolated from water samples from the La Mancha (90-96.7% and 86.7-96.7%) and Alvarado (88.6-97.1% and 88.6-100%) lagoons. Occurrence of bacteria may be due to effluents from urban, agricultural and industrial areas.

  2. Correlation between the serum and tissue levels of oxidative stress markers and the extent of inflammation in acute appendicitis (United States)

    Dumlu, Ersin Gürkan; Tokaç, Mehmet; Bozkurt, Birkan; Yildirim, Murat Baki; Ergin, Merve; Yalçin, Abdussamed; Kiliç, Mehmet


    OBJECTIVES: To determine the serum and tissue levels of markers of impaired oxidative metabolism and correlate these levels with the histopathology and Alvarado score of acute appendicitis patients. METHOD: Sixty-five acute appendicitis patients (mean age, 31.4±12.06 years; male/female, 30/35) and 30 healthy control subjects were studied. The Alvarado score was recorded. Serum samples were obtained before surgery and 12 hours postoperatively to examine the total antioxidant status, total oxidant status, paraoxonase, stimulated paraoxonase, arylesterase, catalase, myeloperoxidase, ceruloplasmin, oxidative stress markers (advanced oxidized protein products and total thiol level) and ischemia-modified albumin. Surgical specimens were also evaluated. RESULTS: The diagnoses were acute appendicitis (n = 37), perforated appendicitis (n = 8), phlegmonous appendicitis (n = 12), perforated+phlegmonous appendicitis (n = 4), or no appendicitis (n = 4). The Alvarado score of the acute appendicitis group was significantly lower than that of the perforated+phlegmonous appendicitis group (p = 0.004). The serum total antioxidant status, total thiol level, advanced oxidized protein products, total oxidant status, catalase, arylesterase, and ischemia-modified albumin levels were significantly different between the acute appendicitis and control groups. There was no correlation between the pathological extent of acute appendicitis and the tissue levels of the markers; additionally, there was no correlation between the tissue and serum levels of any of the parameters. CONCLUSIONS: The imbalance of oxidant/antioxidant systems plays a role in the pathogenesis acute appendicitis. The Alvarado score can successfully predict the presence and extent of acute appendicitis. PMID:25518019

  3. Importancia de la educación para la salud bucal en niños escolares


    Rossitto, Franco Luciano


    En conjunto con los alumnos de OPS de la Facultad de Odontología, en la localidad de Lisandro Olmos, se llevaron a cabo charlas educativas con el fin de enseñar y concientizar a los niños en su primera etapa escolar sobre la importancia que tiene el cuidado de nuestra salud bucal, como se debe realizar una prevención adecuada y a la vez con la intención de que se transmita lo aprendido a futuras generaciones.

  4. Presenting features of Enterobius vermicularis in the vermiform appendix. (United States)

    Sodergren, Mikael H; Jethwa, Paras; Wilkinson, Simon; Kerwat, Rajab


    Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) infestation can present with symptoms resembling acute appendicitis, although current evidence suggests that it does not necessarily cause acute appendicitis. The purpose of this study was to characterize the clinical presentation of patients with pinworms in the vermiform appendix and to establish features suggestive of this condition. A retrospective analysis of all patients undergoing appendicectomy with appendicular pinworms between 1998 and 2003 was undertaken. Patients were compared against 54 controls with confirmed acute suppurative appendicitis from the same time period. Presenting features, vital signs and modified Alvarado scores were obtained from the patients' records. Eighteen out of 1150 patients (1.5%) undergoing appendicectomy were proven to have pinworms (age range 8-37 years, 12 F, 6 M). Two of 18 appendices containing pinworms showed evidence of inflammation. Patients with pinworms had significantly lower white cell counts (WCCs) than the control group (median 8.9 versus 14.7, p=0.045), lower total Alvarado scores (median 5.5 versus 7, p=0.01) and were more likely to have had recurrent episodes of right iliac fossa (RIF) pain and previous hospital admissions (p<0.001). E. vermicularis infestation of the appendix should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients who present with recurrent RIF pain but do not have a significantly raised WCCs, or high Alvarado scores. These patients should be investigated with early fecal sampling and night-time application of cellophane tape, and they may benefit from empirical antiparasitic treatment.

  5. Muflikhah et al., Afr., J. Infect. Dis.

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    Oct 13, 2017 ... Human infection occurs mainly by ingesting food or water ... Humans can be infected by consumption of uncooked meat, contaminated food or water, ..... Malaysia, Alvarado-Esquivel et al., (2011) in Mexico, Wang et al., (2014) ...

  6. Clinical scores for prediction of acute appendicitis in children in a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective To determine the usefulness of the Alvarado score and the Pediatric Appendicitis score (PAS) in the Pediatric Emergency of the National Hospital Daniel A. Carrion. Materials and methods A prospective observational study was carried out of patients younger than 15 years of age with abdominal pain and ...

  7. Proyectos Estratégicos Consultoría, S.C

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Equipo de trabajo: Investigadores senior. Alejandra Armesto, Carlos Silva. Asesor. Irvin Waller. Investigadores junior. Marja Alvarado, Araceli Cabrera, Lluvia Castillo, Michel Retama, Adriana Sereno. Colaboradores. Óscar Aguilar, Dulce Cerón, JuanaMa Hernández, Rosa Hernández, Mayolo Medina, Lucía. Melgar ...

  8. Artful Teaching and Learning: The Bank Street Developmental-Interaction Approach at Midtown West School. Teaching for a Changing World: The Graduates of Bank Street College of Education (United States)

    Intrator, Sam; Park, Soyoung; Lit, Ira


    This case study is one of five publications from the larger study, "Teaching for a Changing World: The Graduates of Bank Street College of Education." Established in 1989, Midtown West is a New York City public elementary school serving approximately 350 students from kindergarten through grade five. With the support of Tony Alvarado,…

  9. Richesse de la pharmacopée malinké : rôle médicinal de l'arbre a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    28 févr. 2014 ... (les nausées/vomissements) et Borassus aethiopum (la fièvre jaune). REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES. Argueta, V. A., Cano A. J., 1994. Atlas de las Plantas de la Medicina Tradicional Mexicana. Instituto Nacional Indigenista. Mexico. p.1785. Caceres A., Giron, L.M., Alvarado, S.R., Torres, M.F.,. 1987.

  10. Predicting outcome after appendicectomy.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Kell, M R


    AIM: To validate an intraoperative appendicitis severity score (IASS) and examine outcome following emergency appendectomy. METHODS: A prospective study was undertaken, enrolling consecutive patients undergoing emergency appendicectomy. Data were obtained independently on preoperative Alvarado scores, IASS (0-3: 0 no inflammation, 1 engorged appendix\\/no peritonitis, 2 peritoneal reaction\\/exudate or 3 evidence of perforation\\/abscess) and postoperative outcome parameters. RESULTS: There were 149 patients identified with a mean age of 20.7 years. There was no association between Alvarado score and length of hospital stay, septic complication, patient sex or duration of symptoms (p>0.05). IASS was found to be an independent risk factor for septic complication, wound infection (p<0.05) and length of hospital stay (p<0.001). There was no correlation between preoperative duration of symptoms or time until surgery and intraoperative score. CONCLUSIONS: This simple scoring system can identify patients more likely to suffer morbidity following emergency appendicectomy. Specifically, this system identifies patients who have a high risk of sepsis and therefore could be of use when comparing healthcare performance.

  11. Evaluación de escalas diagnósticas en pacientes con dolor abdominal sugestivo de apendicitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Álvaro Sanabria


    Conclusión. Para hombres con dolor en la fosa iliaca derecha, el diagnóstico hecho por el cirujano es mejor que las escalas diagnósticas. Para el caso de las mujeres, la escala de Fenyö ofrece una mejor sensibilidad. La escala de Alvarado puede facilitar la conducta en pacientes con dolor en fosa iliaca derecha.

  12. Translations on Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs No. 305 (United States)


    prosecutor; Augusto Caro Rojas, court reporter; Rodolfo Carvajal Florez, municipal employee; Orlando Carrascal Claro, inspector; Jesus Antonio Carrillo...Arturo Melo Diaz, judge; Rafael Mendez Buendia, judge; Tirso Mendez Herrera, professor; Rubiela Maria Mendez Mendez , judge; Luis Orlando Mendez ...Misael Roa Fonseca, jail guard; Jose Ignacio Roa Mendez , policeman; Jose Anibal Robles Alvarado, judge; Jorge Rocha Mahecha, govern- ment inspector

  13. Alvarado vs Lintula Scoring Systems in Acute Appendicitis

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    communication. Clinicians attending to these patients were continuously appraised and trained on the two scoring systems to be compared including the cut off points for diagnosis. This was done by one author or a trained research assistant who was a qualified clinical officer. A written card with the two systems was placed ...

  14. Translations on Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Number 288 (United States)


    activities, especially the scope of their drug sales and distribution activities. The Interpol agents also confiscated two pickup trucks, one Izuzu l...Barnett Va- lenzuela, and Eduardo Esquer Alvarado, 35-years old, resident of 79 Educacion Street of this city. Barnett Valenzuela owns the drugs and... especially of the urban lower classes, of a broad and concrete discussion on the problems of the use and abuse of alco- hol, hallucinogens and narcotics

  15. Dos traducciones costarricenses de Guy de Maupassant

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    Alejandro Alvarado Quirós


    Full Text Available La historia de la traducción literaria en Costa Rica ya tiene buena documentación académica que corrobora su desarrollo y su persistencia. Desde los años tempranos del siglo xx, no pocos escritores dedicaron su pluma, a modo de oficio paralelo, tanto a su creación literaria como a la traducción. Sin duda alguna, porque las obras que tradujeron significaban, en buena medida, sus verdaderos modelos de escritura, pero también porque como traductores, entendieron desde temprano que misión suya era también verter al español, y para Costa Rica, obras que de otro modo difícilmente se conocerían con prontitud en el medio. Un insigne escritor costarricense de aquella etapa inicial de las letras nacionales fue Alejandro Alvarado Quirós (1876-1945, autor de crónicas, crítica literaria y ensayos de singular interés. Como escritor asociado al modernismo costarricense, fue asiduo lector de las letras francesas de la segunda mitad del siglo xix, y varios de los grandes narradores del realismo y el simbolismo francés fueron sus preferidos. En 1912 reunió en el pequeño tomo titulado Lilas y resedas (Imprenta Alcina, San José varios cuentos franceses, especialmente del ilustre cuentista Guy de Maupassant. De esa colección se han extraído dos, para esta sección de Letras: «Nuestras cartas» y «Adiós», que pulcramente Alvarado Quirós vertió al español; desde luego, un español culto, al modo del discurso modernista, como conscientemente el traductor ejecutó su labor. Como Alvarado Quirós, no pocos modernistas se vieron seducidos por el oficio de traducir: Roberto Brenes Mesén, Ricardo Fernández Guardia, Fabio Baudrit, José Fabio Garnier. Fue una empresa que se fue convirtiendo en tarea obligada y, con el tiempo, en una especie de tradición solapada, que hasta nuestros días se extiende.

  16. The RIPASA score is sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in a western population. (United States)

    Malik, Muhammad Usman; Connelly, Tara M; Awan, Faisal; Pretorius, Frederik; Fiuza-Castineira, Constantino; El Faedy, Osama; Balfe, Paul


    The definitive diagnosis of acute appendicitis (AA) requires histopathological examination. Various clinical diagnostic scoring systems attempt to reduce negative appendectomy rates. The most commonly used in Western Europe and the USA is the Alvarado score. The Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha appendicitis (RIPASA) score achieves better sensitivity and specificity in Asian and Middle Eastern populations. We aimed to determine the diagnostic accuracy of the RIPASA score in Irish patients with AA. All patients who presented to our institution with right iliac fossa pain and clinically suspected AA between January 1 and December 31, 2015, were indentified from our hospital inpatient enquiry database and retrospectively studied. Operating theatre records and histology reports confirmed those who underwent a non-elective operative procedure and the presence or absence of AA. SPSS version 22 was used for statistical analysis. Standard deviation is provided where appropriate. Two hundred eight patients were included in the study (106/51% male, mean age 22.7 ± 9.2 years). One hundred thirty-five (64.9%) had histologically confirmed AA (mean symptom duration = 36.19 ± 15.90 h). At a score ≥7.5, the previously determined score most likely associated with AA in Eastern populations, the RIPASA scoring system demonstrated a sensitivity of 85.39%, specificity of 69.86%, positive predictive value of 84.06%, negative predictive value of 72.86% and diagnostic accuracy of 80% in our cohort. The RIPASA score is a useful tool to aid in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in the Irish population. A score of ≥7.5 provides sensitivity and specificity exceeding that previously documented for the Alvarado score in Western populations. WHAT DOES THIS PAPER ADD TO THE LITERATURE?: This is the first study evaluating the utility of the RIPASA score in predicting acute appendicitis in a Western population. At a value of 7.5, a cut-off score suggestive of appendicitis in the

  17. Homenaje de la Academia Nacional de Medicina a la memoria del académico de número profesor Carlos Tirado Macias

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available En el Salón de la Academia Nacional de Medicina, a las 6 p.m. del día 16 de marzo de 1943, tuvo lugar la sesión especial de la Corporación, en homenaje a la memoria del Académico de Número Profesor Carlos Tirado Macías, bajo la presidencia del Académico Julio Aparicio y con asistencia de los Académicos Manuel Antonio Cuéllar Durán, Arcadio Forero, Carlos Trujillo Gutiérrez, Marco A. Iriarte, Gonzalo Esguerra Gómez, Jorge Bejarano, Francisco Vernaza, Lisandro Leyva Pereira, Manuel Antonio Rueda Vargas, Guillermo Uribe Cualla, Luis Patiño Camargo, y Pablo A. Llinás. Asistieron también a la sesión los parientes del extinto y un numeroso y selecto público.

  18. Silêncios, os Sons dos Rios, os Sons das Cidades: Los Muertos e Liverpool

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    COSTA, Fernando Morais da


    Full Text Available This arcticle aims to analyze the relation between sounds and images in Lisandro Alonso’s Los Muertos and Liverpool. It is of our interest to think about the narrative roles given to sound effects and ambient sounds, to speak of the importance given to such sound elements, opposite to the minor role played by music and dialogue, all that working within the cinematic regime of the sequence shot. Therefore, this work tries, most of all, to investigate how ambient sounds and diegetic noises contribute for such a particular temporal construction. It is also a secundary goal to establish some relationship between those films and other examples of a cinema that has declined the usual dialogue’s central narrative part, as well as to recall the ideia and definition of a cinema of poetry.

  19. Alvarado vs Lintula Scoring Systems in Acute Appendicitis | Ojuka ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The gold standard of diagnosis was histopathology. Data analysis was done using SPSS. The receiver operating characteristics, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values and negative predictive values of both scoring systems were then calculated for each of the scoring systems and compared between the two.

  20. Empresarios de Los Andes de la colonia a la independencia: Dos estudios de casos de Jujuy

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    Viviana Conti


    Full Text Available El artículo estudia la trayectoria de dos empresarios de Jujuy entre la colonia y la temprana independencia: Manuel de Tezanos Pinto y Joseph de Alvarado. Ambos fueron inmigrantes del último periodo borbónico y sus vidas se cruzaron en el Potosí bajo colonial al incorporarse en la misma red de paisanaje, a partir de donde ingresarán a la misma familia por matrimonio. En este contexto, las redes y los vínculos trazados previamente fueron los que permitieron la subsistencia y reproducción de las empresas ya existentes. Se analizan vínculos mercantiles, de paisanaje, familiares y diferentes estrategias comerciales que involucraban al espacio andino y que revelan las distintas opciones que los flujos mercantiles ofrecían al sector empresarial.This paper studies the lifetime of two businessmen from Jujuy during the period between the Colony and the early Independence: Manuel de Tezanos Pinto andjosep de Alvarado. They both became immigrants in the last Borbon period and met in the late colonial Potosi when joining the same native-net; eventually, they share by marriage. In this context, it was the nets and bonds -traced previously- the ones that allowed the subsistence and reproduction of the companies already in existence. Mercantile, native-net and family bonds are analyzed along with the different commercial strategies which used to involve the Andean space and that reveal the different options that the mercantile flows offered to the business sector.


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    Sebastián Betancourt Restrepo


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende hacer algunos cuestionamientos en torno a la implementación de la teoría de la carga dinámica de la prueba en la actuación penal, a partir de los elementos brindados por las Reglas de Mallorca y la teoría del garantismo penal, defendida por el profesor Luigi Ferrajoli en Italia, y en Argentina por el profesor Adolfo Alvarado Velloso, desde la perspectiva de una sistemática procesal penal, reconocedora de garantías universales como el debido proceso.



    Sebastián Betancourt Restrepo


    El presente artículo pretende hacer algunos cuestionamientos en torno a la implementación de la teoría de la carga dinámica de la prueba en la actuación penal, a partir de los elementos brindados por las Reglas de Mallorca y la teoría del garantismo penal, defendida por el profesor Luigi Ferrajoli en Italia, y en Argentina por el profesor Adolfo Alvarado Velloso, desde la perspectiva de una sistemática procesal penal, reconocedora de garantías universales como el debido proceso.

  3. Apendicectomías no enfermas en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso y Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga, Cuenca 2014


    Montero Tapia, Edgar Paúl


    Objetivo General Determinar la prevalencia de Apendicectomías No Enfermas en pacientes mayores de 15 años en el servicio de cirugía del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso y Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga durante el 2014. Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal, en 300 pacientes sometidos a apendicectomía de los HVCM y HJCA en la Ciudad de Cuenca; se recogieron datos demográficos, cuadro clínico, resultados de exámenes complementarios de sangre y resultados de la escala de Alvarado y RIP...

  4. Metales pesados en plantas provenientes de áreas afectadas por la minería aurífera en la reserva forestal Imataca, Venezuela


    Reyes Gil, Rosa; Bermúdez, Alexis; De Abreu, Orlando; Alvarado, José; Dominguez, José


    Metales pesados en plantas provenientes de áreas afectadas por la minería aurífera en la reserva forestal Imataca, Venezuela. Reyes Gil, Rosa; Bermúdez, Alexis; De Abreu, Orlando; Alvarado, José y Dominguez, José Resumen La Reserva Forestal Imataca ha sido explotada artesanalmente para la extracción de oro de aluvión con la utilización de técnicas agresivas para el ambiente, que incluyen la deforestación de grandes áreas boscosas y el uso de mercurio. El objetivo de este traba...

  5. Theban victory at Haliartos (395 B.C.

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    Pascual, José


    Full Text Available This paper reviews the battle of Haliartos (395 B.C. analyzing the strategy of the contendings, both sides contingents and the routes followed by the armies in their way to the battlefield, especially Lysander, who used an inland boiotian route, the route of Koutomoulia and Evangelistria, and camped in the surroundings of modern Mazi about one kilometre to the south of Haliartos, and drew up in battle to a great extent as a Theban ambush.

    Este trabajo examina la batalla de Haliarto (395 B.C. analizando la estrategia de los contendientes, los contingentes que concurrieron en ambos bandos y las rutas que siguieron los diferentes ejércitos hasta el campo de batalla, especialmente Lisandro, que empleó una ruta por el interior de Beocia, la ruta de Koutoumoulia y Evangelistria, y acampó en torno a la actual Mazi, aproximadamente a un kilómetro al sur de Haliarto, y presenta la batalla en gran medida como una emboscada tebana.

  6. Estructura y la ultraestructura del ovario de Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Perciformes: Cichlidae)


    Rubí Viedma; Jonathan Franco; Carlos Bedia; Guadalupe Guedea Fernández; Héctor Barrera Villa Zevallos; Héctor Barrera Escorcia


    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de las gónadas femeninas de Cichlasoma urophthalmus. Las muestras fueron recolectadas en la Laguna de Alvarado Veracruz, México en el período 2007-2008 que incluyó las temporadas de Nortes, Secas y Lluvias. Se extrajeron las gónadas femeninas y una parte se fijó en formol al 4% para su tratamiento por técnica histológica de rutina hematoxilina y Eosina (H-E) y otra parte se procesó para microscopia electrónica de transmisión. Las gónadas se fijaron en glutara...

  7. Metals in some lagoons of Mexico. (United States)

    Vazquez, F G; Sharma, V K; Alexander, V H; Frausto, C A


    The concentrations of metals, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn were determined in some lagoons to establish the level of metal pollution. The lagoons studied were Alvarado lagoon, Veracruz; San Andres lagoon, Tamaulipas; and Terminos lagoon, Campeche. The concentrations were determined in water, oyster (Crassostrea virginica), and sediments. Metals were accumulated in either oysters or sediments. Cu and Zn were higher in oysters and Fe and Mn were higher in sediments. The results in water samples were compared with the limit established by the Secretaria de Ecologia and Desarrollo Urbano Report and briefly discussed.

  8. Attitudes Toward Immigrants and Multiculturalism in Contemporary America: The Role of Foreign Language Fluency

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    Emanuel Alvarado


    Full Text Available Drawing from sociological research seeking to explain variation in attitudes toward immigrants and immigration policy, it is found that knowledge and proficiency in a language other than English is associated with more favorable views towards immigrants and towards multiculturalism in contemporary America. Alvarado reviews the literature on sociological research on immigrant attitudes, explores the nexus between foreign language learning and appreciation for foreign culture(s, and presents the methodology and analysis used to test the strength of the association between knowledge in a foreign language and favorable views towards immigrants and multiculturalism in the United States.

  9. Alvarado score as an admission criterion in children with pain in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Acute appendicitis is an important differential diagnosis in children with pain in the right iliac fossa. Some patients have equivocal signs that make the diagnosis difficult. Many patients with suspected acute appendicitis are admitted for observation and finally discharged because they did not have appendicitis.

  10. A new adult appendicitis score improves diagnostic accuracy of acute appendicitis - a prospective study (United States)


    Background The aim of the study was to construct a new scoring system for more accurate diagnostics of acute appendicitis. Applying the new score into clinical practice could reduce the need of potentially harmful diagnostic imaging. Methods This prospective study enrolled 829 adults presenting with clinical suspicion of appendicitis, including 392 (47%) patients with appendicitis. The collected data included clinical findings and symptoms together with laboratory tests (white cell count, neutrophil count and C-reactive protein), and the timing of the onset of symptoms. The score was constructed by logistic regression analysis using multiple imputations for missing values. Performance of the constructed score in patients with complete data (n = 725) was compared with Alvarado score and Appendicitis inflammatory response score. Results 343 (47%) of patients with complete data had appendicitis. 199 (58%) patients with appendicitis had score value at least 16 and were classified as high probability group with 93% specificity.Patients with score below 11 were classified as low probability of appendicitis. Only 4% of patients with appendicitis had a score below 11, and none of them had complicated appendicitis. In contrast, 207 (54%) of non-appendicitis patients had score below 11. There were no cases with complicated appendicitis in the low probability group. The area under ROC curve was significantly larger with the new score 0.882 (95% CI 0.858 – 0.906) compared with AUC of Alvarado score 0.790 (0.758 – 0.823) and Appendicitis inflammatory response score 0.810 (0.779 – 0.840). Conclusions The new diagnostic score is fast and accurate in categorizing patients with suspected appendicitis, and roughly halves the need of diagnostic imaging. PMID:24970111

  11. The Interval Stability of an Electricity Market Model

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    Weijuan Wang


    Full Text Available Combined with the electric power market dynamic model put forward by Alvarado, an interval model of electricity markets is established and investigated in this paper pertaining to the range of demand elasticity with suppliers and consumers. The stability of an electricity market framework with demand elasticity interval is analyzed. The conclusions characterizing the interval model provided are derived by constructing a suitable Lyapunov function and using the theory of interval dynamical system in differential equations and matrix inequality theory and so forth. Applying the corollary obtained can judge the system stability by available data about demand elasticity. The obtained results are validated and illustrated by a case example.

  12. C-V Calculations in CdS/CdTe Thin Films Solar Cells with a CdSxTe1-x Interlayer

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    A. Gonzalez-Cisneros


    Full Text Available In CdS/CdTe solar cells, chemical interdiffusion at the interface gives rise to the formation of an interlayer of the ternary compound CdSxCdTe1-x. In this work, we evaluate the effects of this interlayer in CdS/CdTe photovoltaic cells in order to improve theoretical results describing experimental C-V (capacitance versus voltage characteristics. We extended our previous theoretical methodology developed on the basis of three cardinal equations (Castillo-Alvarado et al., 2010. The present results provide a better fit to experimental data obtained from CdS/CdTe solar cells grown in our laboratory by the chemical bath deposition (for CdS film and the close-spaced vapor transport (for CdTe film techniques.

  13. A meta-analysis of the prevalence of toxoplasma gondii igg antibodies in patients with mental disorders

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    Angela Dragomir1,


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES AND BACKGROUND Toxoplasma gondii infection has been recently associated with schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of T. gondii infection in psychiatric patients by using meta-analytical methods. MATERIALS AND METHODS By systematic research of PUBMED Database, we identified several articles on this issue. We included casecontrol studies focused on the seroprevalence of T. gondii (IgG antibodies in patients with psychiatric disorders and healthy controls, published over the past 10 years R3.2.2. free software for statistical computing and graphics was used to perform the meta-analysis. Data were pooled using a random effects model and Mantel-Haenszel method. RESULTS The PUBMED Database showed references to only seven scientific papers that investigated the prevalence of T. gondii IgG antibodies in psychiatric patients. Six hundred seventy three patients and seven hundred seventy four controls coped with the inclusion criteria and were used in our analysis. We found a significant increase of T. gondii IgG antibodies in patients with schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders compared with controls (41.6% vs 24.54%, OR = 2.16, 95% CI = [1.45-3.21], P = .001. CONCLUSIONS An increased seroprevalence of T. gondii IgG antibodies has been reported in psychiatric patients. Our study suggests that T. gondii infection may be relevant in order to determine and understand the complex etiology of schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders. Graphical abstract: Meta-analysis of the prevalence of T. gondii IgG antibodies in patients with mental disorders REFERENCES 1. Hamidinejat H, Ghorbanpoor M, Hosseini H, Alavi SM, Nabavi L, Jalali MH, Borojeni MP, Jafari H, Mohammadaligol S. Toxoplasma gondii infection in first-episode and inpatient individuals with schizophrenia. Int J Infect Dis. 2010;14:e978-81. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2010.05.018. 2. Alvarado-Esquivel C, Carrillo-Oropeza D

  14. Mining anaerobic digester consortia metagenomes for secreted carbohydrate active enzymes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wilkens, Casper; Busk, Peter Kamp; Pilgaard, Bo

    thermophilic and mesophilic ADs a wide variety of carbohydrate active enzyme functions were discovered in the metagenomic sequencing of the microbial consortia. The most dominating type of glycoside hydrolases were β-glucosidases (up to 27%), α-amylases (up to 10%), α-glucosidases (up to 8%), α......, and food wastes (Alvarado et al., 2014). The processes and the roles of the microorganisms that are involved in biomass conversion and methane production in ADs are still not fully understood. We are investigating thermophilic and mesophilic ADs that use wastewater surplus sludge for methane production...... was done with the Peptide Pattern Recognition (PPR) program (Busk and Lange, 2013), which is a novel non-alignment based approach that can predict function of e.g. CAZymes. PPR identifies a set of short conserved sequences, which can be used as a finger print when mining genomes for novel enzymes. In both...

  15. Arsenic determination in water supplies for human consumption of the province of Cartago, Costa Rica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montero-Campos, Virginia; Quesada-Kimsey, Jaime; Ledezma-Espinoza, Aura; Sandoval-Mora, Jose A.


    Scientific knowledge about hydroarsenicism must be disclosed in Latin America. The presence of arsenic has been detected in waters of Costa Rica that have been used for human consumption, in areas of risk; specifically in the province of Cartago, in the cantons of Oreamuno, Central, Paraiso and Alvarado. A quantification of reduced form trivalent arsenic was performed with the methodology of the 7062 Environmental Protection Agency of the United States, through volatile metal hydride generation by flame atomic absorption. The analyzed samples have determined that maintaining the maximum extent permitted by current legislation Costa Rican, 10μg/L. Research areas have corresponded to areas of high risk for its volcanic nature. The vast water supply of the cantons under study, with areas of relative protection circling recharge areas of springs, has caused the population to consume water source underground, but surface direct influence, less influence of volcanic rocks that are found at greater depths. (author) [es

  16. Challenges in uncomplicated acute appendicitis

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    Fernando Resende


    Full Text Available Acute appendicitis is one of the most common abdominal emergencies requiring surgery. It still represents, however, a challenging diagnosis. In order to facilitate this process, several scoring systems were developed, namely, the Alvarado score, acute inflammatory response and Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha Appendicitis scores, which are the most used in clinical practice. This clinical condition encompasses a wide spectrum of clinical presentations, from the uncomplicated form to the one with diffuse peritonitis. Treatment of uncomplicated acute appendicitis remains a matter of discussion. Although appendectomy has been regarded as the gold-standard, conservative management with antibiotics is gaining more and more acceptance. The approach to appendectomy constitutes another controversial issue, namely, its performance through an open or a laparoscopic approach, which seems to be establishing itself, in some centers, as the standard of care. With this paper, we intend to give some insight on the aforementioned topics, through a review of the available literature on uncomplicated appendicitis.


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    Alejandra Vega


    Full Text Available La narración de la secuencia de la conquista del Perú nos enfrenta con la fijación de dos episodios diferentes aunque articulados: la jornada a Quito de Pedro de Alvarado en 1534 y la expedición a Chile de Diego de Almagro, entre 1535 y 1536, que incluyen, ambas, una travesía cordillerana. El presente artículo discute los ecos que pueden rastrearse de los relatos acerca de estas expediciones en un conjunto de obras redactadas en torno a 1550 (Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo, Francisco López de Gómara, Pedro Cieza de León y Agustín de Zárate. A partir de convergencias y diferencias inesperadas en estos textos, se discute la importancia de la circulación oral de historias entre los conquistadores del Perú. Se plantea que la práctica social de la conversación oral permitió fijar, además de estas historias, una temprana conceptualización cristiana de los límites del Tawantinsuyu. En ella se concibió a Quito y Chile como las marcas fronterizas del espacio recién conquistado, permitiendo que ambos territorios se superpusieran al caracterizarse a partir a un mismo conjunto de imágenes sobre la experiencia de la cordillera.In the Hispanic narrative of the conquest of Peru, we can identify two different yet related episodes: Pedro de Alvarado's journey to Quito in 1534 and the expedition to Chile commanded by Diego de Almagro in 1535-1536. This article discusses the echoes than can be pinpointed in the accounts of both experiences in a corpus of texts written or printed around 1550 (Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo, Francisco López de Gómara, Pedro Cieza de León and Agustín de Zárate. By tracing unexpected similarities and differences, this proposal discusses the importance of oral circulation of histories amongst Peruvian conquistadors. The features of conversation, as a social practice, allowed the register ofan early Christian conceptualization of the Tawantinsuyu territory. Here Quito and Chile became frontier marks of the

  18. Morphology and morphometric relationships of the sagitta of Diapterus auratus (Perciformes: Gerreidae from Veracruz, Mexico

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    Verónica Rivera Félix


    Full Text Available Sagittae otoliths are the most studied because of their morphological variability and size; the sagittae may also have valuable taxonomic use and for D. auratus has not yet been described. In the present study we present a morphological description of the sagitta otolith and an analysis of its correlation with various morphometric parameters. The biological material was captured with a beach seine in the coasts of Alvarado and Port of Veracruz, from November 2009 to June 2010. Sagittae were extracted, cleaned, photographed (SEM and optical, and measured. The analysis included the correlations between sagitta’s length and width, versus the fish standard length, height and weight, for a total of 449 fishes. The comparison between left and right sagitta showed no significant difference in both otolith length and width (t-tests, pLos otolitos sagitta son los más estudiados debido a su variabilidad morfológica y a su tamaño, sin embargo, los otolitos de D. auratus no han sido estudiados hasta el momento. En el presente estudio, se muestra una descripción completa de la morfología y un análisis morfométrico de diversas medidas. El análisis incluye las relaciones entre el ancho y largo de la sagitta contra la longitud cefálica, longitud estándar, altura y peso de 449 peces. El material biológico fue capturado con un chinchorro playero en las costas de Alvarado y el Puerto de Veracruz de noviembre 2009 a junio 2010. Las sagittae fueron extraídas, limpiadas, fotografiadas (SEM y ópticas y medidas. La comparación entre el otolito derecho e izquierdo no mostró diferencias significativas entre el ancho y largo (prueba de t, p<0.05 para cada sexo. El otolito derecho fue utilizado para las relaciones de las distintas medidas del otolito del pez y del otolito de hembras y machos; la prueba de Fisher (d.f. 161 and 143, p<0.001 no mostró diferencias significativas de las pendientes e intersecciones entre ellos. La relación longitud del otolito

  19. Seroepidemiology of Sarcocystis neurona and Neospora hughesi infections in domestic donkeys (Equus asinus) in Durango, Mexico. (United States)

    Alvarado-Esquivel, Cosme; Howe, Daniel K; Yeargan, Michelle R; Alvarado-Esquivel, Domingo; Alfredo Zamarripa-Barboza, José; Dubey, Jitender P


    There is currently no information regarding Sarcocystis neurona and Neospora hughesi infections in donkeys in Mexico. Here, we determined the presence of antibodies against S. neurona and N. hughesi in donkeys in the northern Mexican state of Durango. Serum samples of 239 domestic donkeys (Equus asinus) were assayed for S. neurona and N. hughesi antibodies using home-made enzyme-linked immunoassays; six (2.5%) of the 239 donkeys tested seropositive for S. neurona. The seroprevalence of S. neurona infection was comparable among donkeys regardless of their origin, health status, or sex. Multivariate analysis showed that seropositivity to S. neurona was associated with increased age (OR = 2.95; 95% CI: 1.11-7.82; p = 0.02). Antibodies to N. hughesi were found in two (0.8%) of the 239 donkeys. Both exposed donkeys were healthy, 3- and 6-year-old females. This is the first evidence of S. neurona and N. hughesi infections in donkeys in Mexico. © C. Alvarado-Esquivel et al., published by EDP Sciences, 2017.

  20. Electricity Market Stochastic Dynamic Model and Its Mean Stability Analysis

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    Zhanhui Lu


    Full Text Available Based on the deterministic dynamic model of electricity market proposed by Alvarado, a stochastic electricity market model, considering the random nature of demand sides, is presented in this paper on the assumption that generator cost function and consumer utility function are quadratic functions. The stochastic electricity market model is a generalization of the deterministic dynamic model. Using the theory of stochastic differential equations, stochastic process theory, and eigenvalue techniques, the determining conditions of the mean stability for this electricity market model under small Gauss type random excitation are provided and testified theoretically. That is, if the demand elasticity of suppliers is nonnegative and the demand elasticity of consumers is negative, then the stochastic electricity market model is mean stable. It implies that the stability can be judged directly by initial data without any computation. Taking deterministic electricity market data combined with small Gauss type random excitation as numerical samples to interpret random phenomena from a statistical perspective, the results indicate the conclusions above are correct, valid, and practical.


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    Axel Fuentes-Moreno


    Full Text Available The state of Veracruz, Mexico has many water bodies which are used by both men and birds. This study surveyed the avifauna of the lagoons Maria Lizamba, la Piedra, and small sections of the rivers Camaron and Estanzuela in Tierra Blanca, Veracruz. During February 2010 visual surveys of these aquatic habitats were conducted by walking and motorboat, including vegetated areas and surrounding villages. Species were identified by comparing to field guides both visually using binoculars and identification of songs and calls. Forty nine species were documented and comprised 25 families. The most diverse families were the Ardeidae with 7 and Icteridae 6 species respectively. Sixteen families were represented by only a single species. We found 14 species of migratory birds and we found three species (Cathartes burrovianus, Psarocolius montezuma and Campylorhynchus rufinucha rufinucha considered to be at risk status according to the Mexican list of endangered and threatened species (NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. The avifauna was similar to that of the Alvarado Lagoon System, with between 17 % and 22 % of the species recently recorded there. The areas surrounding Maria Lizamba are used by numerous species of birds, however many species were aquatic and wintering migratory birds.

  2. "God bless General Péron": DDT and the endgame of malaria eradication in Argentina in the 1940s. (United States)

    Carter, Eric D


    This article explores the politics of malaria eradication in Argentina during the first government of Juan D. Perón. The article develops the theme of historical convergence to understand the rapid mobilization and success of the climactic battle against malaria in Northwest Argentina. The nearly complete eradication of malaria in Argentina resulted from a combination of three factors. First, Carlos Alvarado, the director of Argentina's Malaria Service, had already developed a solid but flexible organizational base that allowed a dramatic change in control strategy. Second, an infusion of new technologies, especially DDT but also motor vehicles, was instrumental. Lastly, a radical reorientation of national public health policy in the 1940s, under the direction of Perón and his health minister, Ramón Carrillo, encouraged eradication. These figures embraced and refashioned long-standing organicist ideologies that hitched the strength of the nation-state to the health and vigor of its ordinary citizens. This ideological orientation was reflected in bold, populist political strategies that showcased swift, massive, and expensive public health campaigns, including malaria eradication. In the conclusion, the article explores the ambiguous connections between malaria eradication and an ecological perspective on the disease.

  3. Condición actual del mercado del abono orgánico en el cantón de Alvarado, Cartago

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    Laura Brenes-Peralta


    Con estas acciones, además de gestionar adecuadamente los residuos sólidos orgánicos según establece la legislación nacional, y ofrecer un producto amigable con el ambiente a los agricultores de la zona, se podría generar un ingreso que permita el autosostenimiento de esta actividad.

  4. Arnauld Charlotte, Véronique Breuil-Martínez y Érick Ponciano Alvarado, La Joyanca (La Libertad, Guatemala): a


    Demarest, Arthur A.


    This concise, thorough, and beautifully produced volume is one of the very few studies of a small site of the ancient Maya civilization of the Classic period (AD 300-900). It fills a major gap in the study of Classic Maya sites and is a volume that every Maya archaeologist should read. Maya archaeology, in general, has not been as theoretically and methodologically sophisticated as other subfields of archaeology and anthropology. Perhaps it is because of this traditionalist approach that exca...

  5. Composición química de la fauna de acompañamiento del camarón de Veracruz (Golfo de México

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    María Isabel Castro-González


    Full Text Available La composición química aproximada y la energía de las especies acompañantes del camarón utilizadas para consumo humano y animal se estudió en Alvarado, Vereacruz (Golfo de México. Cinco muestreos se realizaron entre septiembre de 1994 y marzo de 1995 en barcos camaroneros. Las muestras se congelaron a bordo para los análisis de laboratorio de la porción comestible. Los resultados indicaron 16 familias, 22 especies de peces y 1 molusco (calamar. Después de la humedad, la fracción química más abundante fue la proteína cruda con valores entre 14.3 y 19.6%. Los hidratos de carbono fueron desde 2.1 a 7.4%. El extracto etéreo (lípidos fue menos abundante pero variable numéricamente (0.5 a 3.8%, las cenizas se cuantificaron entre 0.10 y 0.24%. La energía presentó la menor variación numérica (4.5 a 5.2 kcal/g. 12 especies son empleadas como alimento animal y solo Pristipomoides aquilonaris se reportó como de uso exclusivo para este propósito; la composición química fue similar a la de las especies de consumo humano. Anchoa hepsetus, Synodus foetens, Cynoscion arenarius, Upeneus parvus y Trichiurus lepturus, se recomiendan para alimentación humana, especialmento por su bajo costo en la costa del Golfo de México.Chemical composition and energy content of the shrimp by-catch used for human and livestock consumption were studied in Alvarado, Veracruz (Gulf of Mexico. Five on-board samplings were done between September 1994 and March 1995 on shrimp ships off Veracruz. The samples were frozen on board for laboratory analysis of the edible portion, they included 16 families and 22 species of fishes and 1 mollusc (squid. After moisture, the crude protein was the most abundant chemical fraction (14.3 and 19.6%; carbohydrates were numerically variable in all groups (2.1 to 7.4%; ether extract (lipids was less abundant but variable (0.5 to 3.8%, ashes were 0.10 to 0.24%. Crude energy was less variable numerically (4.5 to 5.2 kcal/g; 12

  6. Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) infestation in a child presenting with symptoms of acute appendicitis: a wriggly tale! (United States)

    Dunphy, Louise; Clark, Zoe; Raja, Mazhar H


    Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical emergency worldwide. However, it can still present a challenging diagnosis especially in the young, elderly and those individuals of reproductive age, thus encompassing a wide spectrum of varied clinical presentations. Parasitic infections of the appendix are a rare cause of acute appendicitis. However, they must be considered in children presenting with abdominal pain. We report a case of Enterobius vermicularis infestation mimicking the features of acute appendicitis in a 10-year-old girl. This case is a cautionary reminder of the importance of considering E. vermicularis infestation in children presenting with abdominal pain, but who do not have a significantly raised white cell count or high Alvarado scores. A history of anal pruritus is the most characteristic symptom, but the parasites can cause severe abdominal pain mimicking appendicitis. Prompt recognition and a high clinical index of suspicion are required to prevent an unnecessary appendicectomy. Caution is advised when performing a laparoscopic appendectomy, as in our case, to prevent contamination of the peritoneum. This infestation is easily treatable with mebendazole. © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  7. Predictive role of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratios for diagnosis of acute appendicitis during pregnancy

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    Fatih Mehmet Yazar


    Full Text Available Acute appendicitis (AA is not uncommon during pregnancy but can be difficult to diagnose. This study evaluated the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR in addition to conventional diagnostic indicators of the disease to diagnose AA during pregnancy. Age, gestational age, white blood cell (WBC count, Alvarado scores, C-reactive protein (CRP, lymphocyte count, NLR and PLR were compared among 28 pregnant women who underwent surgery for AA, 35 pregnant women wrongly suspected as having AA, 29 healthy pregnant women, and 30 nonpregnant healthy women. Mean WBC counts and CRP levels were higher in women with proven AA than in those of control groups (all p < 0.05. Among all the groups, the median NLR and PLR were significantly different in women with proven AA (all p < 0.05. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was used to determine cut-off values for WBC count, CRP, lymphocyte count, NLR and PLR, and multiple logistic regression analysis showed that NLR and PLR used with routine methods could diagnose AA with 90.5% accuracy. Used in addition to routine diagnostic methods, NLR and PLR increased the accuracy of the diagnosis of AA in pregnant women.

  8. Assessment of Urinary-5-Hydroxyindolacetic Acid as A Diagnostic Parameter in Early Detection of Acute Appendicitis

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    Zuhair B Kamal


    Full Text Available Background: Acute appendicitis is the most common abdominal surgical emergency especially in children and young adults. The diagnosis of appendicitis is difficult because half the cases are incorrectly identified. Serotonin was defined as a good diagnostic marker for many inflammations including appendicitis and it is metabolite into 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA to be excreted in urine. 5-HIAA is suggested to be of diagnostic importance in the detection of this disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic importance of urinary-5-HIAA as an added parameter to Alvarado score. Methods: Seventy patients (35 females and 35 males with acute appendicitis (35 were mild and 35 severe-perforated and gangrenous were included in this study and 70 healthy individuals were taken as a control group. Urinary-5-HIAA was estimated in all patients and control group using ELISA method. Results: Sensitivity for the mild group is 94.2%, specificity 100% and diagnostic accuracy is 97.4%, while the sensitivity for the severe group is 37%. It was found that there is a highly significant difference between mild and control groups (P<0.05. The diagnostic accuracy for the mild group is 97.4% and for the severe is 68.5%. Conclusion: We conclude that urinary-5-HIAA is a high sensitive test for early detection of acute appendicitis.

  9. Experiencias de cordillera, ecos de frío: relatos cruzados entre Chile y Quito en el siglo XVI

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    Alejandra Vega


    Full Text Available La narración de la secuencia de la conquista del Perú nos enfrenta con la fijación de dos episodios diferentes aunque articulados: la jornada a Quito de Pedro de Alvarado en 1534 y la expedición a Chile de Diego de Almagro, entre 1535 y 1536, que incluyen, ambas, una travesía cordillerana. El presente artículo discute los ecos que pueden rastrearse de los relatos acerca de estas expediciones en un conjunto de obras redactadas en torno a 1550 (Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo, Francisco López de Gómara, Pedro Cieza de León y Agustín de Zárate. A partir de convergencias y diferencias inesperadas en estos textos, se discute la importancia de la circulación oral de historias entre los conquistadores del Perú. Se plantea que la práctica social de la conversación oral permitió fijar, además de estas historias, una temprana conceptualización cristiana de los límites del Tawantinsuyu. En ella se concibió a Quito y Chile como las marcas fronterizas del espacio recién conquistado, permitiendo que ambos territorios se superpusieran al caracterizarse a partir a un mismo conjunto de imágenes sobre la experiencia de la cordillera.

  10. Competition and equilibria in electricity markets based on two-settlement system: A conjectural variation approach (United States)

    Watts, David

    This dissertation studies electricity markets based on two-settlement systems and applies the concept of conjectural variation (CV) as a tool for representing different levels of competitiveness in the market. Some recent theoretical works are addressed to support the use of CV as a solution concept. A notion of consistency is introduced to make the level of competitiveness of the market endogenous, and allows finding consistent CV equilibria and the corresponding conditions for existence of equilibria. First, a case is studied in which firms hold exogenous levels of forward commitments. Then, backward induction and sub-game perfection are used to solve sequentially for the spot and forward market equilibrium. This allows analyzing how firms take positions in the forward market, based on considering their later impact on the spot market. It is concluded that positions taken in the forward market depend largely on firms expectations about the competitiveness of both the spot and the forward market. Forward markets are welfare enhancing even if they are not as competitive as the associated spot market as long as they are not too oligopolistie. The above formulation is used to model a dynamic scenario to analyze market stability, linking this research to Dr. Alvarado's earlier research on market stability. This brings about interesting trade offs between market power and market stability.

  11. Apresentação

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    Geraldo Carlos do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Em sua edição 34, Significação – Revista de Cultura Audiovisual apresenta um conjunto de nove artigos e uma entrevista, analisan-do diversos aspectos relacionados à cultura audiovisual contempo-rânea. As perspectivas do cinema para além das produções hege-mônicas são tema do artigo de Roger Crittenden. Na sequência, a busca de identidades sociais expressa pelos meios de comunicação e a oscilação entre discursos referenciais e ficcionais presentes em narrativas audiovisuais são tema dos artigos de Mauro Wilton de Sousa e Rosana de Lima Soares, respectivamente. As marcas de enunciação no cinema, o trabalho como auto-representação e as imagens históricas sedimentadas em arquivos fílmicos e revistas atu-almente são temas tratados nos textos de Egle Spinelli, Ana Amado e Anita Leandro. Três artigos trazem contribuições aos estudos de cinema e televisão: a análise de diferentes representações das heroínas de obras fílmicas e de séries televisuais, de Ana Maria Balogh; a dimensão poética das configurações imagéticas, no cinema, que delineiam o lugar do deslugar no cotidiano, de Sandra Fischer; e a remissão histórica do figurino na construção de uma identida-de brasileira, de Solange Wajnman. Finalmente, a entrevista com Jacques Aumont, realizada por Lisandro Nogueira, revisita os prin-cipais conceitos e desdobramentos de sua obra. Na variedade de abordagens, objetos e autores, a revista espera contribuir, como tem feito ao longo das últimas décadas, para o debate e a consolidação do campo de estudos do cinema e do audiovisual.

  12. Effectiveness of conservative management of uncomplicated acute appendicitis: A single hospital based prospective study

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    Mumtaz KH. Alnaser

    Full Text Available Background: Acute appendicitis is one of the commonest causes of acute abdomen. There is a wide discussion and controversy on the surgical and nonsurgical treatment of acute uncomplicated appendicitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and outcomes of the conservative management of selected cases of acute appendicitis with an antibiotic first plan. Patients and methods: This was a single hospital-based prospective study with a duration of 25 months. Patients with clinical and radiological features of acute appendicitis presenting within 72 h of the beginning of abdominal pain with Alvarado score ≥5 were included. The patients received a therapeutic dose of broad-spectrum antibiotics and symptomatic treatment. The follow-up period was 6 months. Results: 90 patients were evaluated, 54 (60% patients were female and 36 (40% patients were male with mean age 34.4 years. Conservative treatment was successful in 68 (75.6% patients and failed in 22 (24.4% patients. No mortality recorded in this study. The main complications which occurred in those patients who failed to respond to conservative treatment were perforated appendicitis (3 patients, appendicular abscess (3 patients and appendicular mass (4 patients. Conclusion: Majority of cases of the first attack of uncomplicated acute appendicitis can be treated successfully by conservative treatment. However, conservative treatment demands precise communication, close monitoring and follow-up to recognize failure which needs to be treated immediately by surgery. Keywords: Acute appendicitis, Conservative treatment, Surgery, Antibiotics

  13. Notes sur « la charpente secrète » et sur la thématique de L’Automne du patriarche de G. García Márquez

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    Richard Renaud


    Full Text Available Roman compact et foisonnant, L’Automne du patriarche de Gabriel García Márquez a été écrit avec une précision d’horloger. Une lecture attentive du texte y décèle plusieurs séries de thèmes ou de motifs récurrents qui n’ont pas encore été mis au jour, comme celui des vautours, par exemple : il reparaît à la fin du volume où, associé au plus ancien souvenir du patriarche ainsi qu’au motif des excréments (fréquent dans l’œuvre narrative de l’auteur, il duplique l’image de la mère, et symbolise la nature œdipienne de l’amour qui unit le personnage central à Bendición Alvarado, puis à celle qui sera sa maternelle épouse : Leticia Nazareno.Plus étonnante est la composition des chapitres du roman. En effet, l’exact milieu de chacun d’eux renferme un élément qui en représente l’essentiel. Trois sont centrés sur un personnage lumineux qui ne se plie pas à l’autorité du patriarche : la jeune et belle Manuela Sánchez (chapitre II, le religieux Demetrio Aldous (chapitre IV, et le poète Rubén Darío (chapitre V. Les trois autres s’articulent autour de la bassesse du protagoniste, mise en évidence par sa duplicité – qu’exprime le thème du double ou du miroir (chapitre I ; par sa corruption (chapitre III ; et par un goût infantile du pouvoir qui le pousse à vendre les eaux territoriales afin d’éviter une nouvelle occupation du pays par une puissance étrangère dominatrice (chapitre VI.Novela compacta y lujuriante, El otoño del patriarca se escribió con una precisión casi maníaca. Una lectura atenta del texto descubre varias series de temas o motivos recurrentes que todavía no se han subrayado, como el de los buitres, por ejemplo : éste asoma de nuevo al final del volumen donde, asociado como está al recuerdo más antiguo del patriarca, así como al motivo de los excrementos (frecuente en la obra narrativa del autor, duplica la imagen de la madre, y simboliza la índole ed

  14. Estructura y la ultraestructura del ovario de Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Perciformes: Cichlidae

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    Rubí Viedma


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de las gónadas femeninas de Cichlasoma urophthalmus. Las muestras fueron recolectadas en la Laguna de Alvarado Veracruz, México en el período 2007-2008 que incluyó las temporadas de Nortes, Secas y Lluvias. Se extrajeron las gónadas femeninas y una parte se fijó en formol al 4% para su tratamiento por técnica histológica de rutina hematoxilina y Eosina (H-E y otra parte se procesó para microscopia electrónica de transmisión. Las gónadas se fijaron en glutaraldehído al 3% y OsO4 al 2%, se deshidrataron en etanol de 50 al 100% para ser incluidas en Epón. Se realizaron cortes finos y semifinos contrastados con citrato de plomo y acetato de uranilo. Los ovarios de C. urophthalmus son pareados presentan un desarrollo asincrónico con ovocitos previtelogénicos en estadio perinuclear tardío, asociados a las lamelas ovígeras y ovocitos vitelogénicos del VII estadio, éstos últimos presentan una zona radiada bien definida, con gránulos de vítelo lipídico y vesículas de vítelo proteico que se distribuyen en capas concéntricas, que rodean al núcleo. El presente estudio, permitió conocer más a fondo los cambios de la estructura y ultraestructura de los componentes de los folículos ováricos, en C. urophthalmus durante las diferentes etapas de crecimiento de los oocitos.Structure and ultrastructure of the ovary of Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Osteichthyes: Cichlidae. The study of the normal development, differentiation, structure and function of various components of developing follicles in the ovaries of numerous fish species have been a consistent focus of comparative reproduction. The structural and ultrastructural features of gonads from Cichlasoma urophthalmus have received scarce attention. In this work, we realized a descriptive study of female gonads of Cichlasoma urophthalmus. A total of 40 samples were collected in the Veracruz Alvarado Lagoon, Mexico in 2007-2008 period including the

  15. La percepción social del subsidio a la tenencia vehicular: caso Sinaloa 2014

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    Julio César Rodríguez Valdez


    Full Text Available Uno de los problemas de los gobiernos estatales es la escasez de recursos para operar la vida económica; la solución, entre otros asuntos de fondo, es elevar la capacidad recaudatoria de una manera justa y equitativa sin lesionar los ingresos de los contribuyentes. Este estudio mide el grado de satisfacción o insatisfacción del Acuerdo mediante el cual se otorgan facilidades para el pago del impuesto sobre la tenencia o uso de vehículos en el estado de Sinaloa con relación a sus reglas de operación, dado a que es aprovechado por un número finito de contribuyentes, quedando excluido otro tanto. El estudio se abordó desde la perspectiva de fenómeno social con enfoque metodológico mixto. Por una parte, se aplicó cuestionario estructurado con escala de Likert y se procesó con estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Se analiza la variable percepción social, se sometió a prueba la hipótesis planteada y se concluyó que el programa social muestra debilidades, ante todo de información oficial. Por otra parte, a través de la entrevista flexible y abierta, se obtuvo opinión de informantes de las administraciones de recaudación de las principales ciudades del estado: Culiacán, Los Mochis, Mazatlán, Salvador Alvarado y Guasave, emergiendo una variable no prevista: falta de cultura tributaria de la ciudadanía para el cumplimento de sus obligaciones.

  16. Las prácticas culturales de los ropavejeros de la plaza España de Bogotá

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    Julia Beatriz Bedoya-Ramírez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo surge a partir de un proceso de asesoramiento a una investigación de práctica socio-cultural que se llevó acabo en la plaza España de Bogotá con el apoyo de la alcaldía local de los Mártires y el grupo de investigación ALEPH integrado por Luis Ernesto Corredor Portilla; Katherine Alvarado Contreras; Luís Carlos Montenegro Almeida y Ángela María Botero Sierra. Se obtuvo una visión de ciudadanía amplia y plural, por medio de la participación y el análisis al buscar soluciones pedagógicas desde procesos culturales. La Comunidad de Los Ropavejeros en la Plaza España tienen una tradición en la historia de la capital colombiana de más de 60 años, la cual se nutre no solamente de los edificios emblemáticos, los acontecimientos que se desarrollaron en este lugar, o los registros fílmicos y documentales sobre estos, sino que se alimenta de la experiencia y las vivencias que son narradas por sus mismos protagonistas, quienes con sus vidas y desde la cotidianidad construyen historia, el objetivo principal es conocer y evidenciar las prácticas culturales que realizan los ropavejeros para mantener en el tiempo una actividad comercial para la población más vulnerable, como es la venta de ropa usada en buena calidad.

  17. Las Migraciones en el Proceso de Integracion de las Americas: Seminario Internacional (Migration in the Integration Process in the Americas: International Seminar). Conference report. (United States)

    Berglund, S


    This conference report of the Centro de Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos and the Center for Migration Studies pertains to meetings held in August 1992. Summary information on migration movements in Latin America is presented by region and subject. The topic of integration in the Americas was presented by Mr. Lelio Marmora. Other topics and presenters include the new Colombian Migration Policy (Mr. Carlos Adolfo Arenas), the integration policies in Central America (Mr. Pilar Norza of Costa Rica, Raimundo Alvarado of El Salvador, and Luis Armando Gusman of Nicaragua), the Andean Pact agreements (representatives of each country), US immigration policy (Charles B. Keely), the Mexican integration with Latin America and immigration to the US (Jorge Bustamante), migration to Bolivia and Argentina and Chile, and transnationalism in the Caribbean (Professor Andre Corten). Migration policy needs to be tailored specifically to the situation in Latin America, and greater attention needs to be devoted to labor migrants' rights and working conditions. There are still fundamental differences among countries in policies regarding the free circulation of persons across borders. There is a division among those who support migration and those who are realists. National sovereignty issues are solvable because of a common national past and a relatively homogenous population. Another opinion is that Latin America is more diverse than commonly recognized. Capital is protected more in international agreements than is migrant labor. Regional integration for the US does mean immigration from Mexico. The US sees Mexican migration as a policy problem, and Mexico sees migration as a labor opportunity.

  18. Laproscopic versus open appendectomy: A comparative study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shirazi, B.; Naureen Ali, N.; Shamim, M.S.


    Objective: To compare the results of open with laparoscopic appendectomy in terms of postoperative pain, rate of wound infection and hospital stay. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted in Department of Surgery, Ziauddin University Hospital, Karachi, over a period of six months. Patients undergoing surgery for acute appendicitis were randomly assigned into one of the two groups (A or B) after obtaining written and informed consent. In Group-A patients underwent open appendectomy and in Group B laparoscopic appendectomy was performed. Post operatively pain chart and wound infection was recorded and, at the time of discharge, number of days in hospital was calculated. Result: Sixty patients (38 male, 22 female), with clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis based on Alvarado score of six and above, were included in the study. They were randomized into 2 groups of A and B with 30 patients in each group. Group-A comprised open appendectomy procedure and Group-B comprised laparoscopic appendectomy. Mean comparison of postoperative pain by visual analogue scale, was significantly low in Group B, compared with Group A, on day 0, 1 and 2. Number of days in Hospital was 4.1 +- 0.8 days in Group A and 1.5 +- 0.06 days in Group B. None of the patients in Group B, while 8 (26.67%) patients in-Group A, developed postoperative wound infection at 1 week follow up. Conclusion: Laparoscopic appendectomy is safe and effective. Wound infection and postoperative pain is significantly lower after this mode of surgery. (author)

  19. Algo mas sobre la enfermedad y muerte de José Eustasio Rivera

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    Humberto Roselli Quijano


    Full Text Available

    José Eustasio Rivera nació en Neiva el 19 de febrero de 1888. Cursó la primaria en el Colegio de Santa Librada en su ciudad natal y el bachillerato en la Escuela Normal de Bogotá.
    Posteriormente estudió derecho en la Universidad Nacional y se graduó de abogado en 1917. En 1921 publicó "Tierra de Promisión", su admirable libro de sonetos y al año siguiente fue designado Secretario
    de la Comisión de Limites con Venezuela; en 1924 publicó La Vorágine y en 1928 fue nombrado delegado de la Conferencia Internacional de Emigración de la Habana. Se trasladó enseguida a Nueva York en donde transcurrieron los últimos meses de su vida, habiendo fallecido el 1 de diciembre de 1928, a las 12:50, a los 40 años y 9 meses de su edad.

    Rivera, por su profesión de abogado, atendía cuantiosos pleitos en los Llanos de Casanare, por lo cual permanecía largas temporadas en Sogamaso, puerta de entrada a Los Llanos, alojándose en la pensión de doña Adriana Camargo de Albarracín o en la quinta de su amigo Lisandro Durán que quedaba en las estribaciones que cierran el valle hacia el noroeste. Con el señor Durán compartían fraternalmente la afición por la cinegética, a la que ambos rendían culto en los cerros que rodean la laguna de Tota.
    Es sabido que Rivera padeció en varias ocasiones crisis de delirio agudo febril con convulsiones en una de las cuales falleció en Nueva York. Otra le había sobrevenido en 1918 en Orocué; luego se le repitió en Sogamaso en 1920 en que fue atendido por el Dr. Julio Sandoval, distinguido médico de la localidad. La crisis se repitió con características de gravedad en Purificación, Tolima, en marzo de 1921...

  20. Heavy weight vehicle traffic and its relationship with antimony content in human blood. (United States)

    Quiroz, Waldo; De Gregori, Ida; Basilio, Paola; Bravo, Manuel; Pinto, Marcela; Lobos, Maria Gabriela


    Brake pads systems are nowadays considered as one of the most important sources of antimony in airborne particulate matter. One way that antimony can enter the body is through the lungs and specially by the interaction of antimony with -SH groups present in erythrocyte membrane cells. In spite of that, there are no studies about antimony enrichment in blood of workers exposed to high vehicle traffic. Port workers are generally exposed to heavy weight vehicle traffic. In Chile the biggest marine port is found in Valparaíso City. In this study antimony in whole blood and its fractions (erythrocytes-plasma and erythrocytes membranes-cytoplasm) of 45 volunteers were determined. The volunteers were port workers from Valparaíso city, and two control groups, one from Valparaíso and another from Quebrada Alvarado, the latter being a rural area located about 100 Km away from Valparaíso. The results demonstrate that port workers are highly impacted by antimony emissions from heavy weight vehicle traffic showing an average concentration of 27 +/- 9 ng Sb kg(-1), 5-10 times higher than the concentration of antimony in the blood of control groups. These are the highest antimony levels in blood ever reported in the literature. The highest antimony percentages (>60%) were always found in the erythrocyte fractions. However, the exposure degree to vehicle traffic is significant over antimony distribution in plasma, erythrocytes and cytoplasm. This results shows that the antimony mass in the erythrocyte membranes, was approximately constant at 1.0 +/- 0.1 ng Sb g(-1) of whole blood in all blood samples analyzed.

  1. Modeling Hydrologic Processes after Vegetation Restoration in an Urban Watershed with HEC-HMS (United States)

    Stevenson, K.; Kinoshita, A. M.


    The San Diego River Watershed in California (USA) is highly urbanized, where stream channel geomorphology are directly affected by anthropogenic disturbances. Flooding and water quality concerns have led to an increased interest in improving the condition of urban waterways. Alvarado Creek, a 1200-meter section of a tributary to the San Diego River will be used as a case study to understand the degree to which restoration efforts reduce the impacts of climate change and anthropogenic activities on hydrologic processes and water quality in urban stream ecosystems. In 2016, non-native vegetation (i.e. Washingtonia spp. (fan palm), Phoenix canariensis (Canary Island palm)) and approximately 7257 kilograms of refuse were removed from the study reach. This research develops the United States Army Corp of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center's Hydraulic Modeling System (USACE HEC-HMS) using field-based data to model and predict the short- and long-term impacts of restoration on geomorphic and hydrologic processes. Observations include cross-sectional area, grain-size distributions, water quality, and continuous measurements of streamflow, temperature, and precipitation. Baseline and design storms are simulated before and after restoration. The model will be calibrated and validated using field observations. The design storms represent statistical likelihoods of storms occurrences, and the pre- and post-restoration hydrologic responses will be compared to evaluate the impact of vegetation and waste removal on runoff processes. Ultimately model parameters will be transferred to other urban creeks in San Diego that may potentially undergo restoration. Modeling will be used to learn about the response trajectory of rainfall-runoff processes following restoration efforts in urban streams and guide future management and restoration activities.

  2. Estructura y la ultraestructura del ovario de Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Perciformes: Cichlidae

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    Rubí Viedma


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de las gónadas femeninas de Cichlasoma urophthalmus. Las muestras fueron recolectadas en la Laguna de Alvarado Veracruz, México en el período 2007-2008 que incluyó las temporadas de Nortes, Secas y Lluvias. Se extrajeron las gónadas femeninas y una parte se fijó en formol al 4% para su tratamiento por técnica histológica de rutina hematoxilina y Eosina (H-E y otra parte se procesó para microscopia electrónica de transmisión. Las gónadas se fijaron en glutaraldehído al 3% y OsO4 al 2%, se deshidrataron en etanol de 50 al 100% para ser incluidas en Epón. Se realizaron cortes finos y semifinos contrastados con citrato de plomo y acetato de uranilo. Los ovarios de C. urophthalmus son pareados presentan un desarrollo asincrónico con ovocitos previtelogénicos en estadio perinuclear tardío, asociados a las lamelas ovígeras y ovocitos vitelogénicos del VII estadio, éstos últimos presentan una zona radiada bien definida, con gránulos de vítelo lipídico y vesículas de vítelo proteico que se distribuyen en capas concéntricas, que rodean al núcleo. El presente estudio, permitió conocer más a fondo los cambios de la estructura y ultraestructura de los componentes de los folículos ováricos, en C. urophthalmus durante las diferentes etapas de crecimiento de los oocitos.

  3. Interseismic Coupling on the Quito Fault System in Ecuador Using New GPS and InSAR Data and Its Implication on Seismic Hazard Assessment. (United States)

    Mariniere, J.; Champenois, J.; Nocquet, J. M.; Beauval, C. M.; Audin, L.; Baize, S.; Alvarado, A. P.; Yepes, H. A.; Jomard, H.


    Quito, the capital of Ecuador hosting two million inhabitants lies on an active reverse fault system within the Andes. Regular moderate size earthquakes (M 5) occur on these faults, widely felt within the city and its surrounding. Despite a relatively small magnitude of Mw 5.1, the 2014 August 12 earthquake triggered landslides that killed 4 people, cut off one of the main highways for several weeks and caused the temporary shutdown of the airport. Quantifying the seismic potential of the Quito fault system is therefore crucial for a better preparation and mitigation to seismic risk. Previous work using a limited GPS data set found that the Quito fault accommodates 4 mm/yr of EW shortening (Alvarado et al., 2014) at shallow locking depths (3-7 km). We combine GPS and new InSAR data to extend the previous analysis and better quantify the spatial distribution of locking of the Quito fault. GPS dataset includes new continuous sites operating since 2013. 18 ERS SAR scenes, spanning the 1993-2000 time period and covering an area of 85 km by 30 km, were processed using a Permanent Scatter strategy. We perform a joint inversion of both data set (GPS and InSAR) to infer a new and better-constrained kinematic model of the fault to determine both the slip rate and the locking distribution at depth. We find a highly variable level of locking which changes along strike. At some segments, sharp displacement gradients observed both for GPS and InSAR suggest that the fault is creeping up to the surface, while shallow locking is found for other segments. Previous Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment studies have shown that the Quito fault fully controls the hazard in Quito city (Beauval et al. 2014). The results will be used to improve the forecast of earthquakes on the Quito fault system for PSHA studies.

  4. [Structure and ultrastructure of the ovary of Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Osteichthyes: Cichlidae)]. (United States)

    Viedma, Rubí; Franco, Jonathan; Bedia, Carlos; Guedea Fernández, Guadalupe; Villa Zevallos, Héctor Barrera; Barrera Escorcia, Héctor


    The study of the normal development, differentiation, structure and function of various components of developing follicles in the ovaries of numerous fish species have been a consistent focus of comparative reproduction. The structural and ultrastructural features of gonads from Cichlasoma urophthalmus have received scarce attention. In this work, we realized a descriptive study of female gonads of Cichlasoma urophthalmus. A total of 40 samples were collected in the Veracruz Alvarado Lagoon, Mexico in 2007-2008 period including the windy, dry and rainy seasons. Female gonads were extracted and a portion was fixed in 4% formaldehyde for treatment for routine histology hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and another part was processed for transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The gonads were fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde and 2% osmium tetroxide, followed by dehydrated in ethanol 50%, 70%, 80%, 95% and 100% for inclusion in Epon, thin sections were then prepared and were contrasted with lead citrate and uranyl acetate. The process of oocyte development can be divided into five distinct stages (formation of oocytes from oogonia, primary growth, lipid stage, vitellogenesis and maturation). In this work, we found that the primary growth stage is characterized by intense RNA synthesis and the differentiation of the vitelline envelope. Secondary growth starts with the accumulation of lipid droplets in the oocyte cytoplasm (lipid stage), which is then followed by massive uptake and processing of proteins into yolk platelets (vitellogenic stage). During the maturation stage, the lipid inclusions coalesce into a single oil droplet, and hydrolysis of the yolk platelets leads to the formation of a homogeneous mass of fluid yolk in mature eggs. In conclusion, further studies should elucidate structure and ultrastructural changes in the ovarian follicular components, in C. urophthalmus during different stages of oocyte growth.

  5. The sugar industry in Peru

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    Klaren, Peter F.


    Full Text Available Since the early Colonial times sugar production has been a key sector in the Peruvian export economy. This article analyzes its evolution as from the beginning of its modern phase by mid 19th Century, its consolidation in the Northern coastal region, and its concentration in scale-economy plants. The prosperity of this type of production contributed to the formation of both an oligarchy which governed the country until 1968, and the populist party (APRA and its electoral basis (the so-called «Aprista North». In the sixties Velasco Alvarado’s military revolution nationalized the sugar industry, which underwent structural changes leading to a serious crisis in the eighties that has not been overcome up-todate.

    La producción de azúcar ha constituido un importante sector en la economía exportadora del Perú desde el período colonial temprano. Este artículo analiza su evolución, sobre todo tras el inicio de su fase moderna, fechada a partir de mediados del siglo XIX, cuando se modernizó, se consolidó en la región costera septentrional y se concentró en fábricas que operaban con economías de escala. Su prosperidad, contribuyó, además, a la formación de una oligarquía que gobernó el país hasta 1968 y del partido populista, APRA, y su base electoral (el llamado «sólido Norte aprista». La revolución militar de Velasco Alvarado nacionalizó la industria en la década de 1960 y los cambios estructurales que sufrió posteriormente le condujeron a una grave crisis en los años ochenta que aún no ha superado.

  6. POLÍTICAS SOCIALES EN IBEROAMERICA. ENTRE LA PRECARIEDAD Y EL CAMBIO SOCIAL. Jorge Arzate Salgado, Thais Maingon y Neritza Alvarado Chacín (coordinadores. México. 2013.

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    Mercedes Alcañiz Moscardó


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES-TRAD ZH-CN X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language:ES-TRAD; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;} El texto Políticas sociales en Iberoamérica. Entre la precariedad y el cambio social es la primera publicación de la Red Iberoamericana para el Estudio de Políticas Sociales (RIEPS formada por académicos y académicas de Argentina, Brasil Chile, Colombia, España, México, Portugal y Venezuela con el objetivo de estudiar desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar, comparada y crítica, las iniciativas de política social impulsadas y desarrolladas por distintos gobiernos de Iberoamérica, con el objetivo de evaluar sus efectos en términos de bienestar, democratización y crecimiento económico

  7. Análisis de la situación del estado de la gestión integral de residuos sólidos en el cantón de Alvarado, Costa Rica

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    Silvia M. Soto-Córdoba


    Para esta investigación se recopiló y analizó la información bibliográfica disponible de la zona, se desarrollaron instrumentos de captura de información, se entrevistaron los principales actores sociales, se realizaron visitas de campo y se analizó toda esta información, de forma que se logró sistematizar y organizar en los siguientes tópicos: 1 Gestión administrativa de los residuos sólidos: porcentajes de cobertura de recolección, limpieza de parques y vías, relleno sanitario que se utiliza y estado actual del antiguo botadero municipal; 2 descripción y reseña del programa de gestión integral de residuos sólidos, descripción de la implementación de la ley de Gestión Integral de Residuos (GIR y su relación con los indicadores utilizados por la Controlaría General de la República.

  8. Correction: Alvarado, M., et al. Towards the Development of a Low Cost Airborne Sensing System to Monitor Dust Particles after Blasting at Open-Pit Mine Sites. Sensors 2015, 15, 19667-19687. (United States)

    Alvarado, Miguel; Gonzalez, Felipe; Fletcher, Andrew; Doshi, Ashray


    The author wishes to change Figure 1 and Figure 3 from his paper published in Sensors [1], doi:10.3390/s150819667, website: for Figures 1 and 2 presented in this 'Correction'.[...].

  9. Correction: Alvarado, M., et al. Towards the Development of a Low Cost Airborne Sensing System to Monitor Dust Particles after Blasting at Open-Pit Mine Sites. Sensors 2015, 15, 19667–19687

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    Miguel Alvarado


    Full Text Available The author wishes to change Figure 1 and Figure 3 from his paper published in Sensors [1], doi:10.3390/s150819667, website: for Figures 1 and 2 presented in this ‘Correction’.[...

  10. Seismic microzoning projects and their implementation in Venezuela (United States)

    Schmitz, M.; Cano, V.; Olbrich, F.; Vallee, M.; Morales, C.; Arreaza, A.; Mendes, K.; Klarica, S.; Alvarez Gomez, J.; Aray, J.; Vielma, J.; Pombo, A.; Diaz, J.; Grupo de trabajo


    analysis. Further members of the "Grupo de trabajo: Investigaciones aplicadas a la gestion integral del riesgo en espacios urbanos" are: Oscar Andrés López, Milgreya Cerrada, Rafael Torres, Oscar Ramírez, Elieser Sanzonetti, José Heredia, Jaime Avendaño, Fernando Mazuera, Luis Molina, Alexi Suárez, Víctor Rocabado, Mónica Paolini, Luis Yegres, Leonardo Alvarado, Herbert Rendón, Luz Rodríguez, Jorge González.

  11. A preclustering-based ensemble learning technique for acute appendicitis diagnoses. (United States)

    Lee, Yen-Hsien; Hu, Paul Jen-Hwa; Cheng, Tsang-Hsiang; Huang, Te-Chia; Chuang, Wei-Yao


    Acute appendicitis is a common medical condition, whose effective, timely diagnosis can be difficult. A missed diagnosis not only puts the patient in danger but also requires additional resources for corrective treatments. An acute appendicitis diagnosis constitutes a classification problem, for which a further fundamental challenge pertains to the skewed outcome class distribution of instances in the training sample. A preclustering-based ensemble learning (PEL) technique aims to address the associated imbalanced sample learning problems and thereby support the timely, accurate diagnosis of acute appendicitis. The proposed PEL technique employs undersampling to reduce the number of majority-class instances in a training sample, uses preclustering to group similar majority-class instances into multiple groups, and selects from each group representative instances to create more balanced samples. The PEL technique thereby reduces potential information loss from random undersampling. It also takes advantage of ensemble learning to improve performance. We empirically evaluate this proposed technique with 574 clinical cases obtained from a comprehensive tertiary hospital in southern Taiwan, using several prevalent techniques and a salient scoring system as benchmarks. The comparative results show that PEL is more effective and less biased than any benchmarks. The proposed PEL technique seems more sensitive to identifying positive acute appendicitis than the commonly used Alvarado scoring system and exhibits higher specificity in identifying negative acute appendicitis. In addition, the sensitivity and specificity values of PEL appear higher than those of the investigated benchmarks that follow the resampling approach. Our analysis suggests PEL benefits from the more representative majority-class instances in the training sample. According to our overall evaluation results, PEL records the best overall performance, and its area under the curve measure reaches 0.619. The

  12. An Effective Family Skills-based Intervention for the Prevention of Health Problems in Children of Alcohol and Drug-Abusing Parents

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    Karol l. Kumpfer


    Full Text Available Introduction. There is a need forwide-scale dissemination of effective family-focused skills trainingprograms for the prevention of multiple developmental problems and later substance misuse amonghigh-risk children. Independent reviews have found the author’s Strengthening Families Program (SFP tobe the most effective substance abuse prevention intervention. Cultural adaptations have resulted in successful SFP outcomes in many countries, including in Spain as detailed in the Orte article. This article reviews 30 year history of implementation and outcomes of SFP in different cultures with cultural adaptations. Methods: The SEM-tested Social Ecology Model (Kumpfer, Alvarado, &Whiteside, 2003 is presented and reveals that family factors (bonding, supervision, and communication are the most protective of later substanceuse.Hence, this causal theory served as the etiological theory behind the design of the 14-session SFP.Social cognitive behavior theory (Bandura, 1989 is the intervention theory. The Strengthening Families Program(SFP was the first family skills training program developed and found effective in a randomized control trial (RCT to improve outcomes for children of dug abusers.Many countries requested to replicate SFP; hence, staff training systems were developed and a cultural adaptation process. Results: Eight RCTs, four conducted by independent research teams, and hundreds of quasi-experimental studies in different countrieshave demonstrated SFP’s effectiveness in reducing substance use in adolescents with up to 10-yearfollow-ups. Comparative effectiveness reviews including ones using statistical meta-analysis by theOxford University Cochrane Collaboration Reviews, found SFP to be the most effective alcohol and drug prevention program (Foxcroft, et al., 2003. A cost-benefit analysis by Miller and Hendrie (2008 found SFP prevented the highest percentage of youth from using alcohol and drugs. Cultural adaptation is a mandated

  13. High resolution crustal structure for the region between the Chilenia and Cuyania terrane above the Pampean flat slab of Argentina from local receiver function and petrological analyses (United States)

    Ammirati, J. B.; Alvarado, P. M.; Pérez, S. B.; Beck, S. L.; Porter, R. C.; Zandt, G.


    Jean-Baptiste Ammirati 1,Sofía Perez 1, Patricia Alvarado 1, Susan L. Beck 2, Ryan Porter 3 and George Zandt 2(1) CIGEOBIO-CONICET, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina (2) The University of Arizona, USA (3) Northern Arizona University, USA At ~31ºS, The subduction of the Nazca plate under the South American plate presents along-strike variations of its dip angle referred to the Chilean-Pampean flat slab. Geological observations suggest that the regional crustal structure is inherited from the accretion of different terranes at Ordovician times and later reactivated during Andean compression since Miocene. Geophysical observations confirmed that the structure is extending in depth with décollement levels that accommodate crustal shortening in the region. In order to get a better insight on the shallow tectonics we computed high frequency local receiver functions from slab seismicity (~100 km depth). Local earthquakes present a higher frequency content that permits a better vertical resolution. Using a common conversion point (CCP) stacking method we obtained cross sections showing high-resolution crustal structure in the western part of the Pampean flat slab region, at the transition between the Precordillera and the Frontal Cordillera. Our results show a well-defined structure and their lateral extent for both units down to 80 km depth. In good agreement with previous studies, our higher resolution images better identify very shallow discontinuities putting more constraints on the relationships with the regional structural geology. Recent petrological analyses combined with RF high-resolution structure also allow us to better understand the regional crustal composition. Interestingly, we are able to observe a shifting structure beneath the Uspallata-Calingasta Valley, highlighting the differences in terms of crustal structure between the Precordillera and the Frontal Cordillera. Previously determined focal mechanisms in the region match well this

  14. Avatar-habitar-actuar. Jóvenes en las redes sociales virtuales: ¿habitantes, navegantes o actores digitales?

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    Mónica Eliana García Gil


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como eje central la pregunta por cómo la acción colectiva y las prácticas políticas de grupos de jóvenes con presencia en la red social Facebook, pueden considerarse formas de habitar y configurar escenarios virtuales, al tiempo que contribuyen a la construcción y actuación de los jóvenes como sujetos políticos. Busca un acercamiento a la relación entre prácticas de participación política y formas de habitar, crear identidades (políticas, principalmente, y establecer relaciones en escenarios virtuales, en el marco de las particularidades que imponen el ciberespacio y la cibercultura. Desde esta relación se establece un vínculo con los procesos de construcción de lo público y el ejercicio de la ciudadanía, soportado en categorías tanto de la comunicación como de la política, a saber: mediación (Debray; Torrico; Martín-Barbero; participación política, prácticas de participación política (Alvarado; Vommaro; Aguilera; Botero y Torres; Balardini; Pisani y Piotet; Rueda; Saintout; cultura política (López de la Roche, lo público, la ciudadanía; y los jóvenes como sujetos políticos. Se incorporan también las categorías habitar (Michel de Certeau, Ciberespacio y cibercultura (Castells; Pierre Lévy; Rocío Rueda y la construcción de identidades (individuales y colectivas en el ciberespacio (Turkle; Piscitelli; Castells; Finquelievich. Esta investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo y sustenta sus instrumentos y estrategias de recolección de información en postulados etnográficos, con énfasis en la etnografía virtual. El análisis de la información es de tipo hermenéutico, a partir del seguimiento a grupos, páginas y perfiles creados en Facebook, junto con entrevistas a algunos de los sujetos de la investigación.

  15. Torres, Andreína; Alvarado, Geannine & González, Laura. Violencia y seguridad ciudadana: algunas reflexiones. Ecuador: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Flacso Ecuador y Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo (IDRC-CRDI

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    Astrid Verónica Bermúdez Díaz


    Full Text Available Violencia y seguridad ciudadana: algunas reflexiones, es una obra de divulgación científica que hace parte de la Colección Frontera, una línea editorial en la que convergen los esfuerzos de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, (Flacso-Ecuador, y el Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo, (IDRC-CRDI por trascender la mirada nacionalista que ha recaído sobre las fronteras y rescatar las dinámicas y demandas locales que han sido ignoradas tanto en la producción de conocimiento como en la formulación e implementación de políticas públicas de seguridad ciudadana. El libro constituye un estado del arte sobre el concepto de seguridad ciudadana en Ecuador y su articulación con el diseño de políticas públicas en esta materia.

  16. Quality of life and type 1 diabetes: a study assessing patients’ perceptions and self-management needs

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    Alvarado-Martel D


    Full Text Available Dácil Alvarado-Martel,1,2 Rebeca Velasco,1 Rosa M Sánchez-Hernández,1,2 Armando Carrillo,1,2 Francisco Javier Nóvoa,1,2 Ana María Wägner1,2 1Servicio de Endocrinología y Nutrición, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Insular Materno-Infantil de Gran Canaria, 2Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones Biomédicas y Sanitarias, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain Purpose: The main objective of this study was to assess quality of life (QoL and treatment satisfaction in a group of patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D and explore their needs regarding and their perception of QoL living with diabetes.Materials and methods: Patients with type 1 diabetes attending the outpatient endocrinology clinics of a reference hospital were invited to participate in a cross-sectional study. Clinical and sociodemographic data were obtained (interview and clinical records, and diabetes-related QoL was assessed using a standardized questionnaire. In 67 participants, satisfaction with treatment was also assessed, and an open interview was performed, assessing the impact of diabetes, long-term worries, flexibility, restrictions, and self-perception of QoL. Descriptive statistical analysis, bivariate analysis, and multivariate analysis were performed in order to find factors associated with QoL. Interviews were analyzed and summarized questionwise.Results: Mean patient age was 31.4±11.6 years, diabetes duration 14.2±9.3 years, and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c 8.5%±1.9% (69±20.8 mmol/mol International Federation of Clinical Chemistry [IFCC]. The questionnaires showed good average QoL scores (94.6+22.9 and treatment satisfaction scores (25.7±6.7. QoL worsened with increasing HbA1c, female sex, severity of complications, and lower education (r2=0.283, P<0.005. In the open interview, 68.5% of the patients reported that diabetes had changed their lives, 83.5% identified complications as their most important long

  17. Alloionema californicum Nermuť, Půža, Mráček & Lewis, 2016 is a junior synonym of Alloionema similis Holovachov, Boström, Tandingan De Ley, Mc Donnell, Alvarado, Paine & De Ley, 2016 (Nematoda: Alloionematidae)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Nermuť, Jiří; Holovachov, O.; Tandingan De Ley, O.; Půža, Vladimír


    Roč. 4324, č. 2 (2017), s. 378-384 ISSN 1175-5326 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) 8G15006 Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : Alloionema appendiculatum * ITS rDNA * SSU rDNA Subject RIV: EG - Zoology OBOR OECD: Zoology Impact factor: 0.972, year: 2016

  18. Calidad de vida familiar y bienestar subjetivo en jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual de un establecimiento con educación especial y laboral de la Ciudad de Talca

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    Full Text Available El estudio que se presenta tuvo como objeti vo identificar la relación entre la Calidad de Vi - da Familiar, Funcionamiento Familiar y Bienestar Subjetivo junto con los factores de la calidad de vida familiar en relación al bienestar subjetivo en jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual, alum nos de un establecimiento de educación especial y laboral de la ciudad de Talca (Chile. La muestra fue dividida en dos grupos: uno de ellos estuvo integrado por 53 alumnos de 16 a 24 años de edad, del citado establecimiento que fueron diagnosticados con discapacidad intelectual: el 52.8% de ellos manifiesta discapacidad intelectual como único predictor de su condición, mientras que el 47.2% restante corresponde a comorbilidad de ésta con otros tipos de discapacidad asociados. Los niveles de discapacidad van desde el leve (37.7%, seguido por el moderado (50.9% y finalmente el severo y el profundo (3.8%. El otro grupo estuvo conformado por 53 apoderados, padres o tutores del mismo establecimiento educacional. Con la finalidad de medir las variables de estudio se administraron cuatro instrumentos: (1 la Escala de Calidad de Vida Familiar (Verdugo, Sainz & Rodríguez, 2009, (2 la versión traducida al español (Bellon, Delgado, Luna del Castillo & Lardelli, 1996 del Family Functioning Questionnaire (Smilkstein, Ashworth & Montano, 1982, (3 la adaptación y validación de Moyano y Ramos Alvarado (2007 de la Satisfaction with the Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larden & Griffin y (4 la versión chilena de Moyano-Díaz & Ramos (2007 de la Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999. Para realizar el estudio se utilizó una metodología descriptiva y correlacional de corte transversal a fin de establecer relaciones de con comitancia entre las variables. Los resultados principales demostraron una relación significativa entre importancia de la calidad de vida familiar y satisfacción de la calidad de vida familiar (r = .402; p < .01; entre felicidad

  19. Reseña de los Libros presentados en la Academia Nacional de Medicina en 1996

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    Mario Camacho Pinto


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    Presentado en la sesión solemne del día 30 de mayo de 1996.

    Revisada esta obra del destacado neurocirujano y examinada a través del lente de nuestra prolongada práctica sobre el tema, la conclusión es muy positiva y en un todo de acuerdo con su comentarista oficial, el profesor Alejandro Jiménez Arango, quien en su presentación a la Academia se expresa así: “… en forma sucinta y clara con cuadro e ilustraciones altamente ilustrativas, el libro en mención presenta los mecanismos de los traumatismos craneoencefálicos, los diversos grados según su intensidad y su fisiopatogenia; su clasificación, su sintomatología, los resultados de los estudios complementarios, especialmente de la Tomografía Axial Computadorizada y la conducta tanto médica como quirúrgica que es preciso seguir”.

    “El estudio del doctor Peña es un atractivo y práctico manual, que busca precisamente llegar al estudiante de Medicina, al interno y al residente, así como a los médicos de diversas especialidades y a los Neurocirujanos para presentarles en una forma clara, objetiva y aplicable, los principios científicos aceptados que rigen la fisiopatología del traumatismo craneano, el mecanismo de los daños primarios y secundarios y el manejo de los mismos, de acuerdo con los principios científicos actualizados”.

    El concepto anteriormente copiado permite recomendar este Manual como de la mayor utilidad en el ejercicio activo de la Medicina.

    - Gastroenterología y Hepatología
    Editores: Doctores Jaime Alvarado, William Otero, Paulo Emilio Archila y EIsa Rojas.

    - El Pediatra Eficiente. 5a. edición.
    Autores: Académico Ernesto Plata Rueda (q.e.p.d. y colaboradores.

    - Guías para Manejo de Urgencias
    Obra presentada en la sesión solemne del día 29 de agosto de 1996.
    Se trata de una

  20. Design, construction, and implementation of an online platform for patients with type 1 diabetes: EncoDiab

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    Alvarado-Martel D


    Full Text Available Dácil Alvarado-Martel,1,2,* Francesca Cañas,3,* Rebeca Velasco,1 Nuria Alcubierre,3 Laura López-Ríos,1,2 Ferran Rius,4 Francisco Javier Nóvoa,1,2 Armando Carrillo,1,2 Marta Hernández,3,4 Ana María Wägner,1,2,* Dídac Mauricio5,6,* 1Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Insular Materno-Infantil de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain; 2Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones Biomédicas y Sanitarias, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain; 3Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition, Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida (IRBLleida, Lleida, Spain; 4Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition, Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova, Lleida, Spain; 5Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain; 6Health Sciences Research Institute Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain *These authors contributed equally to this work Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop, build, and implement a virtual platform equipped with practical tools, relevant contents, and communication rooms, with the aim of facilitating patients’ self-management of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM.Materials and methods: The design of the platform was based on the suggestions of T1DM patients who were being managed at two reference hospitals. Patients’ needs and preferences were identified in group discussion sessions. Before having access to the platform, patients underwent a baseline assessment, which included physical examination and the administration of validated questionnaires for evaluation of clinical background, quality of life, treatment satisfaction, and well-being.Results: A total of 33 patients were included in the study; 54.5% of them were men, their median age was 34 (18–50 years, the median duration of diabetes was 15 (1–38 years, and the median A1C was 7.4% (6%–12.6%. Based on their suggestions and requests, the online platform EncoDiab was built and organized into

  1. Mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase-3 (MKP-3 in the surgical wound is necessary for the resolution of postoperative pain in mice

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    Skopelja-Gardner S


    Full Text Available Sladjana Skopelja-Gardner,1,* Madhurima Saha,1,* Perla Abigail Alvarado-Vazquez,2 Brenna S Liponis,1 Elena Martinez,1 E Alfonso Romero-Sandoval2 1Department of Anesthesiology, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Lebanon, NH, 2Department of Pharmaceutical and Administrative Sciences, Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy, Clinton, SC, USA *These authors contributed equally to this work. Abstract: Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK phosphatase-3 (MKP-3 and its substrates (extracellular signal-regulated kinase [ERK] and p38 play an important role in pathophysiological mechanisms of acute postoperative and chronic neuropathic pain in the spinal cord. This study aimed to understand the role of MKP-3 and its target MAPKs at the site of surgical incision in nociceptive behavior. Wild-type (WT and MKP-3 knockout (KO mice underwent unilateral plantar hind paw incision. Mechanical allodynia was assessed by using von Frey filaments. Peripheral ERK-1/2 and p38 phosphorylation were measured by Western blot. Cell infiltration was determined using hematoxylin and eosin histological staining. Peripheral phosphorylated ERK-1/2 (p-ERK-1/2 inhibition was performed in MKP-3 KO mice. In WT mice, mechanical hypersensitivity was observed on postoperative day 1 (0.69±0.17 g baseline vs 0.13±0.08 g day 1, which resolved normally by postoperative day 12 (0.46±0.08 g, N=6. In MKP-3 KO mice, this hypersensitivity persisted at least 12 days after surgery (0.19±0.06 g; N=6. KO mice displayed higher numbers of infiltrating cells (51.4±6 cells/0.1 mm2 than WT mice (8.7±1.2 cells/0.1 mm2 on postoperative day 1 (vs 5–6 cells/0.1 mm2 at baseline that returned to baseline 12 days after surgery (10–12 cells/0.1 mm2. In WT mice, peripheral p-p38 and p-ERK-1/2 expression increased (5- and 3-fold, respectively on postoperative days 1 and 5, and returned to basal levels 7–12 days after surgery (N=3 per group. Peripheral p-p38 levels in MKP-3 KO mice followed

  2. Highly-controlled, reproducible measurements of aerosol emissions from African biomass combustion (United States)

    Haslett, Sophie; Thomas, J. Chris; Morgan, William; Hadden, Rory; Liu, Dantong; Allan, James; Williams, Paul; Sekou, Keïta; Liousse, Catherine; Coe, Hugh


    useful for organic aerosol emissions. The two different phases producing organic aerosol, pyrolysis and smouldering, were observed to have different mass spectra. In previous ambient experiments, two organic factors with very comparable signatures to these have been identified using positive matrix factorisation (Young et al., 2015). As such, it is postulated that these ambient organic factors are likely associated with the two combustion phases identified here. References: Akagi, S. K., Yokelson, R. J., Wiedinmyer, C., Alvarado, M. J., Reid, J. S., Karl, T., Crounse, J. D. and Wennberg, P. O., Emission factors for open and domestic biomass burning for use in atmospheric models. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 4039-4072 (2011) Young, D. E., Allan, J. D., Williams, P. I., Green, D. C., Harrison, R. M., Yin, J., Flynn, M. J., Gallagher, M. W., Coe, H., Investigating a two-component model of solid fuel organic aerosol in London: processes, PM1 contribution, and seasonality. Atmos. Chem. Phys, 15, 2429-2443 (2015)

  3. Response to the Fernández-Niño Comments on Hernández-Alvarado et al. Increase in Suicide Rates by Hanging in the Population of Tabasco, México between 2003 and 2012. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 552

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    Mervyn Manuel Hernández-Alvarado


    Full Text Available We thank the comments of Fernández-Niño [1] addressing our article [2] “Increase in Suicide Rates by Hanging in the Population of Tabasco, Mexico between 2003 and 2012”, which pointed out that the use of the epidemiological concept “prevalence” is not correctly applied in the present manuscript.

  4. Ley 100 de 1993: Calidad de Servicios

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    Gilberto Rueda Pérez


    otras personas que, como el señor Ministro, den cabida a perspectivas mejores para todos, es un tema de crucial importancia en la actualidad, sobre el cual esperamos la mayor participación en este {oro”. El presidente cede la palabra al doctor Antonio José Alvarado.

    Doctor Antonio José Alvarado, Viceministro de Salud. Este foro, sin lugar a dudas, contribuye a cimentar aún más la información sobre la Ley 100. Los médicos hemos sido particularmente escépticos en todo aquello que nos pueda cambiar las reglas del juego a las que hemos estado acostumbrados. La intención de la Academia Nacional de Medicina de promover los foros demuestra claramente el propósito de liderar los compromisos en esta gran transformación que hemos iniciado y que en realidad no puede concebirse sin un verdadero Control de Calidad.

    La Ley 100 de 1993, que crea el sistema general de la organización social en salud ha previsto, como su soporte fundamental, el sistema general de Garantía de Calidad, involucrado tanto en la prestación de los servicios a través de las IPS como en el crecimiento de estas instituciones, además de otra serie de mecanismos que deben irse logrando, debido a la existencia de diversos elementos que los hacen necesarios. La calidad ha sido garantizada hasta nuestros días, por la ética de los profesionales y por su formación.

    De hecho, los problemas en materia de calidad son pocos pero, a medida que se masifica el ejercicio de la Medicina, en la medida en que entran en juego otra serie de factores y en la medida en que no se consiga el control adecuado en la etapa de formación de recursos humanos, no sabremos a ciencia cierta si podemos o no garantizar esta calidad, lo que hace indispensable, en primer lugar, implantar un sistema de formación de recursos humanos que garantice al usuario la calidad de los servicios de salud.

    Otro factor de crucial importancia es la relación médico-paciente, que se puede ver influida por la

  5. La Sociedad de Cirugía de Bogotá

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    Juan Jacobo Muñoz Delgado


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    Nos reunimos hoy para honrar a un grupo de hombres de altos ideales, para mostrar cómo lograron progresos imposibles y para destacar sus virtudes, que impulsan el desarrollo de los pueblos.

    Fueron profesionales unidos por la adversidad, vinculados por condiciones intelectuales y personales de excelencia, convencidos de que su misión era llevar con su vida y con su obra la paz y el bienestar a los espíritus.

    Los hermanaba la inmensa causa médica. Casi todos habían visto otros lugares del mundo en busca de conocimientos científicos mayores. Resolvieron dar batalla contra el odio, contra la mezquindad, contra la egolatría y el personalismo esterilizante.

    Ya hombres maduros de más de treinta años, vieron a Colombia incendiada por una de las peores contiendas civiles de su historia: la guerra de los mil días. Campos desolados, juventudes diezmadas y amputadas. La pobreza rondando por las casas como rata infectada. La enfermedad destruyendo a niños, adultos y ancianos. La economía deshecha y la muerte enseñoreada dibujando negros amaneceres y sangrientos ocasos.

    Espíritus grandes, capitaneados por la generosidad de Juan Evangelista Manrique, Guillermo Gómez Cuéllar, José María Montoya Camacho, Nicolás’ Buendía Herrera, Hipólito Machado, Lisandro Reyes y Santiago Samper, organizaron las ambulancias para socorrer a los heridos de la guerra del 99.

    La ambulancia del norte, presidida por Machado, contaba con 28 médicos, 42 practicantes, 8 Hermanas de la Caridad y un capellán jesuita. La ambulancia del sur, dirigida por Juan Evangelista Manrique, Cubría los frentes de Fusagasugá y Tibacuy. Estas ambulancias tenían como antecedentes la heroica labor realizada desde la época de la independencia y a través de todo el siglo pasado por un cuerpo médico desinteresado y generoso.

    Es el cirujano Floot quien trata en 1824 al joven Mosquera en Barbacoas, cuando el valiente realista Agualongo lo

  6. Climatic Action Plan Project for the state of Veracruz (Mexico) (United States)

    Tejeda, A.; Ochoa, C.


    power stations (Tuxpan and Laguna Verde) will be affected directly if they're still operating within half century. The lagoons of Alvarado and Tamiahua will be part of the sea. In heavy numbers, more than six hundred kilometers of beaches will be lost (and, of course, good part of the tourist infrastructure including Costa Esmeralda and Veracruz Boca del Río), along with more than two hundred kilometers of routes and around twenty kilometers of seaports. More than three thousand urban hectares will become floodable as two hundred thousand fields and agriculture. Because of all this, a study is proposed that considers a revision of the state's variability and climatic change in Veracruz; an inventory of GEI emissions and its respective scenes; data bases with quality control and analysis of climatic variability; regional climatic scenes (years 2025, 2050 and 2075), and scenes of vulnerability and adaptation measures, mitigation in coast affectations and coastal infrastructure, water availability, biodiversity, agriculture, human establishments and energy consumption by air conditioning of houses. Approaches of the study will be discussed and advances during the first semester of the project will appear in this presentation.

  7. List of Participants (United States)


    GonzalezBUAP, FCFM Lorenzo Díaz CruzBUAP Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas Luis Rey Díaz BarrónDivisión de Ciencias e Ingenierías Luis UrenaUniversidad de Guanajuato Magda LolaDept. of Physics, University of Patras, Greece Mahmoud WahbaEgyptian Center for Theoretical Physics, MTI Marcus S CohenNew Mexico State University Mario A Acero OrtegaICN - UNAM Mario E GomezUniversidad de Huelva Mark PipeUniversity of Sheffield Mauro NapsucialeDCI-UG Mirco CannoniUniversidad de Huelva Mónica Felipa Ramírez PalaciosUniversidad de Guadalajara Murli Manohar VermaLucknow university, India Nassim BozorgniaUCLA Octavio Obregón Octavio ValenzuelaIA-UNAM Oleg KamaevUniversity of Minnesota Osamu SetoHokkai-Gakuen University Pedro F González DíazIFF, CSIC, Serrano 121, 28006 Madrid, Spain Qaisar ShafiBartol Research Inst. and Delaware U. Raul Hennings-YeomansLos Alamos National Laboratory René Ángeles MartínezDepartamento de Fisica, del DCI de la Universidad de Guanajuato Reyna XoxocotziBUAP, FCFM Rishi Kumar TiwariGovt. Model Science College, Rewa (MP) INDIA Roberto A SussmanICN-UNAM Selim Gómez ÁvilaDCI-UG Sugai KenichiSaitama University Susana Valdez AlvaradoDCI-UG TVladimir - 2K CollaborationColorado State University Tonatiuh MatosCINVESTAV Valeriy DvoeglazovUniversidad de Zacatecas Vannia Gonzalez MaciasDCI-UG Vladimir Avila-ReeseInstituto de Astronomia, UNAM Wolfgang BietenholzINC, UNAM (Mexico) Yamanaka MasatoKyoto Sangyo University Yann MambriniLPT Orsay Yu-Feng ZhouInstitute of Theotretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PR China Aaron HigueraDCI-UG Azarael Yebra PérezDCI-UG César Hernández AguayoDCI-UG Jaime Chagoya AlvarezDCI-UG Jonathan Rashid Rosique CampuzanoDCI-UG José Alfredo Soto ÁlvarezDCI-UG Juan Carlos De Haro SantosDCI-UG Luis Eduardo Medina MedranoDCI-UG Maria Fatima Rubio EspinozaDCI-UG Paulo Alberto Rodriguez HerreraDCI-UG Roberto Oziel Gutierrez CotaDCI-UG Rocha Moran Maria PaulinaDCI-UG Xareni Sanchez MonroyDCI-UG

  8. Book Reviews

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    Redactie KITLV


    L. Scarpaci, Jonathan Benjamin-Alvarado, Power to the people: Energy and the Cuban nuclear program. New York: Routledge, 2000. xiii + 178 pp. -Lynn M. Festa, Keith A. Sandiford, The cultural politics of sugar: Caribbean slavery and narratives of colonialism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. 221 pp. -Maria Christina Fumagalli, John Thieme, Derek Walcott. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999. xvii + 251 pp. -Laurence A. Breiner, Stewart Brown, All are involved: The art of Martin Carter. Leeds U.K.: Peepal Tree, 2000. 413 pp. -Mikael Parkvall, John Holm, An introduction to Pidgins and Creoles. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. xxi + 282 pp.

  9. Mercury in the atmospheric and coastal environments of Mexico. (United States)

    Ruelas-Inzunza, Jorge; Delgado-Alvarez, Carolina; Frías-Espericueta, Martín; Páez-Osuna, Federico


    the dissolved and suspended fraction, and these are related to shipping, the fishing industry, domestic effluents, and the presence of a thermoelectric plant. In Coatzacoalcos (SE Mexico), extremely elevated Hg levels were found during the decade of the 1970s. Low to moderate levels of Hg were measured in waters from the Alvarado lagoon (SE Mexico); those concentrations appear to be associated with river waters that became enriched with organic matter and suspended solids inthe brackish mixing zone.Regarding the Hg content in invertebrates, the use of bivalves (oysters and mussels)as biomonitors must be established along the coastal zones of Mexico, because some coastal lagoons have not been previously monitored. In addition, more research is needed to investigate shrimp farms that are associated with agricultural basins and receive effluents from several anthropogenic sources (e.g., mining activity and urban discharges). Hg residues in several vertebrate groups collected in Mexico have been studied.These include mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish. In elasmobranch species, the highest Hg concentration (27.2 flg g-1 dry wt) was found in the muscle of the smooth hammer head shark (Sphyrna zygaena). Teleost fish are the vertebrate group that has been most studied, with regard to Hg residue content; the highest value (5.67 11g g-1dry wt) was detected in the striped marlin (T. audax). Among reptiles, only marine turtles were studied; Hg levels found ranged from 0.795 in the liver to 0.0006flg g-1dry wt in the blood of L. olivacea. In birds, the highest Hg concentration (5.08 flg g-1dry wt) detected was in the liver of the olivaceous cormorant (P. olivaceous).Specimens from stranded marine mammals were also analyzed; levels of Hg ranged from 70.35 flg g-1 dry wt in the liver of stranded spinner dolphin (S. longirostris ), to0.145 flg g-1 dry wt in the muscle of gray whale (E. robustus). The presence of Hgin these marine animals is not thought to have caused the stranding of

  10. Apresentação

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    Os Editores


    Full Text Available Começamos este número 27 de Significação com um pequeno texto de Greimas, "Acerca do jogo", que é ainda pouco conhecido internacionalmente. Em tradução anotada e comentada por J. C. Portela, o texto analisa o uso que se faz da analogia do jogo de xadrez nas ciências da linguagem – F. de Saussure, L. Hjelmslev, L. Wittgenstein –,indo daí ao percurso do sujeito "jogador", as suas interações e as suas estratégias.Logo em seguida temos em artigo de Carlos Augusto Calil, o relato de uma parceria, em 1924, entre Blaise Cendrars e Oswald de Andrade com base num desejo comum de se tornarem cineastas-cavadores. Em meio a um projeto ambicioso de realização de um "filme de propaganda sobre o Brasil", o "belo poeta" francês teve a oportunidade de testemunhar a eclosão da Revolução de 1924, reprimida com violência pelo governo federal. A experiência marcou a sua imaginação e sepultou os planos de realizar um filme no país, baseado em episódios da história paulista.Em "Cinema e Política" Lisandro Nogueira nos fala da representação do jornalismo e do marketing político no cinema brasileiro dos anos 90. O filme Doces Poderes, de Lúcia Murat, tenta mostrar que o jornalismo perde seu papel de fonte primária de informação em favor da "notícia enquanto produto". Buscando diagnosticar as rápidas mudanças ocorridas no campo da comunicação nesse período, o artigo trata das fragilidades e limitações do cinema brasileiro de viés político.Em "Paradoxos pós-modernos na representação da modernidade e do modernismo" Solange Wajnman estuda os recursos expressivos da minissérie Um só Coração. Voltamos aqui aos anos 20 para discutir, nesta recente produção da Rede Globo, um conjunto de elementos visuais, tais como cenários, figurinos e jogo videográfico, que, ao percorrer a temática do moderno no Brasil e em São Paulo, configura uma concepção histórica da identidade paulistana de maneira paradoxal, própria ao

  11. Malaria control in the Colombian Pacific Coast El control de la malaria en la costa Pacífica colombiana

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    Lyda Osorio



    Actualmente se discute la legalidad de la provisión de servicios de salud por parte de esta red, por un lado, y por otro, la prestación del servicio en comunidades generalmente dispersas cuyo acceso geográfico es difícil. Con respecto al tratamiento, es claro que P. falciparum resistente a cloroquina ya está diseminado en la región y que la susceptibilidad del parásito a la amodiaquina también ha disminuido, aunque su uso combinado con sulfadoxina/pirimetamina es aún eficaz (10,11 (CIDEIM, datos no publicados. Con respecto a P. vivax, la cloroquina continúa siendo el tratamiento de primera línea en el país, pues se ha encontrado menos de 2% de fallas terapéuticas en estudios realizados en Tumaco y Buenaventura en la costa Pacífica y en Tarapacá en el Amazonas (CIDEIM, datos no publicados y ausencia de fallas con la combinación de cloroquina y primaquina en 210 personas de Turbo y El Bagre en Antioquia, como lo informan Carmona y colaboradores en el presente número de Biomédica (12. Por otra parte, se han detectado falencias en la provisión oportuna y suficiente de medicamentos, en las prácticas de prescripción y en la adherencia al tratamiento por parte de los pacientes (CIDEIM, datos no publicados, que deben solventarse cuanto antes.

    Una cobertura suficiente sólo se logra si los programas de control de la malaria cuentan con equipos relativamente grandes de trabajadores, lo que implica altos costos en mano de obra, y explicaría algunas de las fallas de dichos programas; así mismo deben considerarse el alto costo del transporte, que generalmente se realiza por vía fluvial o marítima, y la situación de orden público que limita el acceso a algunas áreas. Por estas razones, involucrar a las comunidades parece tener ventajas y ser efectivo para el control de la malaria, como lo demostraron Rojas y colaboradores en el Chocó (13 y como lo reportan en el presente número Alvarado y colaboradores en el área urbana y rural de Buenaventura y en otros

  12. Editorial

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    José Bernal Rivas Fernández


    bibliotecas digitales y repositorios institucionales. Lo que interesa de este trabajo es expresar la manera en que los metadatos se han ido fortaleciendo en las comunidades bibliotecarias, y señalar que la perspectiva actual es mirar hacia lo que está sucediendo en el entorno de los datos ligados como eje de trabajo de la Web Semántica. De acuerdo con el propósito de este trabajo, hay que destacar que el impacto de los metadatos en las bibliotecas ha abierto nuevas y mejores oportunidades de desarrollo; por ello, el conjunto de supuestos que desarrolla sobre el rompecabezas de los metadatos y su impacto en la catalogación así como en las bibliotecas nos invita a mirar con asombro, pero con cautela, los nuevos tiempos de oportunidad.En la sección de ensayos, Lorena Chaves Salgado presenta Una aproximación al poema “Arte Poética” de Jorge Luis Borges, en realidad, es una lectura sobre este poema. Para ello, aborda ciertos antecedentes teóricos que apoyan los planteamientos expuestos por el autor. La autora parte de la idea de que la obra de arte es una creación que encierra belleza solo por sí misma y, por eso, la obra poética es única y definida y solo puede expresarse por medio del poema mismo. De esta manera, “Arte poética”, aparecido en El hacedor en 1960, combina verso y prosa, estilo característico de un Borges maduro. Esta producción literaria constituye un punto culminante de su obra poética ya consolidada, donde expresa lo esencial que encierra la poesía, cómo se escribe y qué es la poesía.En La biblioteca escolar y las necesidades de información en temas de sexualidad adolescente, Ma. Daniela Muñoz Alvarado hace referencia al tema del papel de la biblioteca escolar ante los adolescentes y ante los nuevos Programas de Estudio de Educación para la Afectividad y la Sexualidad Integral del Ministerio de Educación Pública (MEP, con el objetivo de establecer la relación que existe entre las necesidades informacionales de la poblaci