
Sample records for central jawa indonesia


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    Handinoto Handinoto


    Full Text Available Political, economic and security situation after the end of War of Java (1825 - 1830 greatly influenced the morphology (shape and structure of towns in Java. The overruling power, which grew stronger and stronger on the remote towns after the war, had caused the colonial government to appoint Bandung with a garrison in Cimahi as the 'garrison town' for the hinterland of West Java, Magelang for Central Java, and Malang for East Java. Economically, the political decision to run 'Cultuurstelsel' (Enforced Cultivation, 1830 - 1870, and the published 'Law of Land Ownership' (1870 had caused the occurrence of 'central cities of production, distribution and trade' in several regions in Java. Besides this, the increase of prosperity level due to economic development especially at the beginning of the 20th century has created resort towns in the mountainous areas in West Java, Central Java and East Java. Traces of the formation process of these towns are still visible up to now. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Situasi politik, ekonomi dan keamanan sesudah selesainya Perang Jawa (1825-1830 , berpengaruh sangat besar terhadap morpologi (bentuk dan struktur kota-kota di P. Jawa. Cengkeraman kekuasaan yang makin kuat terhadap kota-kota pedalaman sesudah Perang Jawa mengakibatkan pemerintah kolonial menentukan kota Bandung dengan garnizun di Cimahi sebagai 'kota garnizun' untuk pedalaman Jawa Barat, Magelang untuk pedalaman Jawa Tengah dan Malang untuk pedalaman Jawa Timur. Sedangkan dalam bidang ekonomi keputusan politik untuk menjalankan sistim Tanam Paksa (Cultuurstelsel, th. 1830-1870, serta dikeluarkannya 'undang-undang agraria' (th.1870 mengakibatkan timbulnya 'kota sentra produksi, distribusi dan perdagangan' di berbagai tempat di Jawa. Sedangkan naiknya tingkat kemakmuran akibat kemajuan ekonomi terutama pada awal abad ke 20, mengakibatkan timbulnya 'kota peristirahatan' di daerah pegunungan di Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah maupun Jawa Timur. Jejak


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    Rusli Abdulah


    Full Text Available Perhatian ekonom terhadap masalah ketimpangan sangatlah kurang. Kondisi ini juga dilakukan oleh lembaga dunia (Bank Dunia dan UNDP terutama di bidang kemiskinan, serta pemerintah kita. Dampak kebijakan yang bias antara kemiskinan dan penanggulangan ketimpangan sosial dapat dilihat dari data. Di Indonesia, khususnya Jawa Tengah, selama periode 2002-2011, pertumbuhan ekonomi di Jawa Tengah meningkat disertai dengan pengurangan kemiskinan. Namun ketimpangannya meningkat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis determinan pendapatan yang timpang di Jawa Tengah dari tahun 2002 sampai dengan 2011. Panel metode Data regerssion digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini. Ada 35 data cross section yang mewakili setiap kabupaten dan data seri selama 10 tahun Uji F dan uji Hausman menunjukkan bahwa model efek random terbatas adalah yang terbaik untuk analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya ada dua variabel yang signifikan yang menyebabkan ketimpangan (share of economic output received by employers wages. Sementara itu, dua variabel lain tidak signifikan (urbanization and dependency ratio.The attention of economist to the problem of inequality is weak. This condition is followed by the world institution (World Bank and UNDP which concerns in the areas of poverty, as well as our government. The impact of biased policy between poverty and inequality reduction can be seen from the data. In Indonesia, especially Central Java, during the period of 2002 to 2011, economic growth in Central Java increased accompanied by poverty reduction. However inequality increasedThe purpose of the study is to analyze the determinant of inequality income in Central Java from 2002 up to 2011. Panel data regerssion method is used to achieve the objectives of this study. There are 35 cross section data represent every regency and 10-years data series. F test and Hausman test indicate that restricted random effect models are best for analysis. The result


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    Harijani A. Marwoto


    Full Text Available Increasing of malaria cases in some places in Indonesia have been reported in the last 10 years. It has been noted by outbreak reports with some malaria-assumed fatal cases. Increasing of malaria cases occured especially in 1993 and increased tremendeously in 1997-1998. Malaria problem in Jawa-Bali mostly had been reported from Central Jawa. In general during the last 10 years, API of Central Jawa has increased sharply and from 1995- 1999 it reached up to > 16 times. Most of the case reports (65% came from Purworejo District. During the last 4 years (1998-2001,  malaria outbreaks in Java-Bali  have been reported 3 times from Central Java, and 1 time from Yogyakarta, East Java, West Jawa and Seribu Islands respectively. An outbreak has also been reported from Lampung in 1998. Malaria problem in Seribu Islands, one of the most interesting tourism areas in DKJ Jakarta, was turned up by case report from Kongsi Island in 1999 which has beenfastly spreading out. Up to August 2000 there were 28 fatal cases being reported. The malaria surveys in Pari Island in 2000 and 2001 showed the prevalence were as high as 42.56% and 31.oo%. The Health Services Office reported that malaria cases in Tangerang and North Jakarta where fisherman from Seribu Islands were frequently visited the areas, were highly increased in 2001-2002. Resurgence of malaria was also being reported from Lampung. This area which was so close to West Jawa has reported the prevalence of malaria as high as 44% in inland-Lampung area of Suka Maju and 60% in Legundi Island. Even the prevalence of P.malariae which has been mostly as low as ≤ 2%, reached 37%. Resurging factors for malaria were assumed varried from global/regional/local climate, alteration of environment  to economic  crisis that highly interfered the coverage and quality of malaria control.



    Irin Iriana Kusmini; Vitas Atmadi Prakoso; Kusdiarti Kusdiarti


    Ikan gabus di Indonesia awalnya hanya terdapat di Barat garis Wallace (Sumatera, Jawa, dan Kalimantan) yang kemudian diintroduksi ke Indonesia bagian Timur. Ikan gabus termasuk ke dalam deretan ikan air tawar sebagai sumber daya genetik untuk menunjang diversifikasi usaha budidaya. Guna menyukseskan program diversifikasi tersebut, maka perlu diketahui keragaman genetik ikan gabus dari Jawa Barat, Sumatera Selatan, dan Kalimantan Tengah agar dapat direkomendasikan sebagai dasar pemuliaan. Tuju...

  5. Perancangan dan Pembuatan Aplikasi Pepak Basa Jawa Menggunakan MobiOne Studio

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    Anglila Nayanggita


    Full Text Available Indonesia is a nation that has a diversity of cultures and the arts, one of which is Javanese language. Javanese language is a heritage that should be preserved because it is still taught in schools and used in everyday life. The main book to learn Javanese language is Pepak Basa Jawa; a book that contains the essence of Javanese language. The rapid increase of technological development provides easiness for people, especially the pressence of gadgets. Therefore, the making of Pepak Basa Jawa in an application it needed to be a learning media to learn and conserve Javanese language for Indonesian people. The application is practically and attractively packed through iOS based mobile devices. Application Pepak Basa Jawa is built using MobiOne Studio software. Multimedia development method used is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC which consists of six stages: concept, design, collection of material, manufacture, testing, and distribution. The Black Box test is used for application testing method. The results of this study is in the form of an application named Pepak Basa Jawa that can run well on mobile devices based on iOS. This application can be an alternative for the people of Indonesia as a medium of learning in learning the Javanese language.

  6. Penentuan Batas Pengelolaan Wilayah Laut Antara Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Provinsi Bali Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2014

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    Rainhard Sumarto Simatupang


    Full Text Available Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah merupakan pembaharuan dari undang-undang sebelumnya yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 dikarenakan beberapa hal yang sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan perkembangan keadaan pada saat ini[1]. Beberapa perubahan peraturan dalam hal penentuan batas wilayah pengelolaan laut daerah yang terkandung dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 dari undang-undang sebelumnya yaitu mengenai penentuan garis pantai, batas wilayah bagi hasil kabupaten/kota, serta kewenangan setiap daerah baik provinsi maupun kabupaten/kota. Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 ditetapkan bahwa batas maksimal wilayah laut provinsi sejauh 12 mil laut, sedangkan batas bagi hasil kelautan kabupaten/kota maksimal sejauh 4 mil laut. Apabila wilayah laut antar provinsi tidak mencapai batas maksimal masing-masing, maka batas akan dibagi sama jarak dengan prinsip garis tengah (median line. Penelitian ini merupakan bentuk pengaplikasian Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 dalam memperbaharui penentuan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut daerah. Dalam penelitian ini  dibahas bagaimana menentukan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut daerah serta dilakukan analisa dari hasil penentuan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut. Lokasi Penelitian ini adalah Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Provinsi Bali tepatnya perbatasan pada Kabupaten Banyuwangi (Jawa Timur dan Kabupaten Buleleng (Bali sampai Kabupaten Jembrana (Bali. Penentuan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut dilakukan dengan metode kartometrik menggunakan data Citra Satelit SPOT 7 2015 dan data Peta Lingkungan Pantai Indonesia (LPI 2002. Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan median line sepanjang 40,3 km yang dibentuk oleh 41 titik, serta diperoleh luas wilayah pengelolaan laut Provinsi Jawa Timur sebesar 233,37 km2 dan Provinsi Bali sebesar 233,77 km2 (sesuai batasan lokasi dengan selisih sebesar 0,4 km2 serta batas wilayah bagi hasil kelautan untuk kabupaten/kota. Dihasilkan juga peta batas


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    Bayu Rizky Pratama


    Full Text Available In the era of globalization, food sustainability is one of the main sectors that has an important role in economic development in Indonesia. The development of agricultural sector needs to be implemented. It is for advancing the agriculture, so that, both production output and farmer welfare will increase. Soybean is one of the leading agricultural commodities in Central Java province. The purpose of this research is to analyze the strategy and program criteria that can be done to develop the soybean farming in Central Java. An Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP was applied. The sampling technique was done by simple random sampling consisting of 12 people. The results show that the development of soybean farming in Central Java province comprises of several prioritized program criterias. The first priority is the criteria of cultivation, 0.537. The second criteria is input and its score is 0.220. The third criteria is institutions, 0.110. The fourth criteria is post-harvest, 0.058. The fifth criteria is marketing, 0.040. Pada era globalisasi salah satu isu utamanya adalah ketahanan pangan maka sektor pertanian merupakan salah satu sektor utama yang memegang peranan penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia. Pengemban-gan sektor pertanian perlu dilaksanakan guna memajukan sektor pertanian baik berupa peningkatan output produksi dan kualitas serta mampu mengangkat kesejahteraan petani. Kedelai merupakan salah satu komodi-tas unggulan pertanian Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis strategi dan kriteria program yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengembangkan usaha tani kedelai di Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang ber-dampak kepada terwujudnya ketahanan pangan Indonesia berdasarkan pendekatan Analysis Hierarchy Pro-cess. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan simple random sampling yang terdiri dari 12 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengembangan usahatani kedelai di Provinsi Jawa Tengah tersusun atas bebera-pa kriteria

  8. Feminisme dalam Sastra Jawa Sebuah Gambaran Dinamika Sosial

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    Sri Widati


    Full Text Available Artikel ini bertujuan membahas feminisme dalam sastra Jawa, salah satu sastra etnis di Indonesia yang masih eksis sampai saat ini. Sebelum kemunculan pengarang perempuan, perempuan dalam sastra Jawa ditulis oleh pengarang laki-laki sehingga mereka dideskripsikan sebagai makhluk tak berdaya dan setia pada pria, bukan sebagai sosok atau figur yang kuat. Baru tahun 1917-an, dengan munculnya pengarang perempuan muda dari Yogya dan Surabaya, persepsi feminisme dalam sastra Jawa berubah. Dalam karya-karyanya, mereka mendemonstrasikan solidaritas terhadap perempuan yang menjadi korban ketidaksetaraan gender. Saat ini, sastra Jawa feminis ditulis baik oleh pengarang perempuan maupun laki-laki. Pengarang perempuan menyuguhkan sebuah konsep feminisme yang mengarah pada kesetaraan gender, sementara pengarang laki- laki berusaha untuk membela perempuan tertindas dengan cara laki-laki Abstract: This article is aimed to discuss feminism in Javanese literature, one of the ethnical literatures in Indonesia which still exist up till now. Prior to the emergence of female authors, women in the Javanese literature had been written by male authors so that they had been described as being submissive and loyal to men instead of an image or figure of strong ones. Not until 1917s, by the emergence of young female authors from Yogya and Surabaya, did the perception of feminism in Javanese literature change. In the works, they have demonstrated solidarity to women who became the victims of gender inequality. At the present time, feminist Javanese literatures are written by either female or male author. Female authors present a feminism concept which leads to gender equality, whereas male authors make an effort to defend oppressed women by manly methods. Keywords: feminist, Javanese literature, gender equality, female authors


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    Handinoto Handinoto


    Full Text Available Pecinan (Chinese Camp area is never absent in the town of Java. Although the specific characteristics of this mileu is not so strong any more at the present as it was in the past, its presency in diverse smaller towns in Java is still felt as something different. The specific atmosphere of the area, centered on the klenteng as the place of workship, its social environment, included the specific style of house construction, are easy to be recognized. In some world cities like San Fransisco and Manila, the socalled China Towns are just stimulated for its existence. It is even so far, that theyare recomended as tourist destination objects. During the rule of the New Order (1965-1998, Pecinan in the towns in Indonesia are systimatically abolished, because of sicio political considerations. This paper tries to trace back the history of those Chinese Camps in the older towns of Java, to have a certain picture of its existence in the past. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Lingkungan "Pecinan" selalu ada di hampir semua kota-kota di Jawa. Meskipun sekarang lingkungan ini sudah semakin kabur, tapi di beberapa kota kecil di Jawa bekas kehadirannya masih sangat terasa sekali. Atmosfir lingkungannya yang khas, diperkuat dengan kehadiran kelenteng sebagai pusat ibadah dan sosial, serta bentuk-bentuk bangunan yang khas pula sangat mudah untuk ditengarai. Di beberapa kota di dunia seperti San Fransisco, Manila dan sebagainya daerah Pecinan ini justru di perkuat kehadirannya. Bahkan daerah tersebut bisa dijadikan sebagai daerah tujuan wisata kota. Selama Orde baru, karena alasan sosial dan politik, kehadiran Pecinan di kota-kota Indonesia, mulai dihapuskan. Tulisan ini mencoba untuk menelusuri sejarah kehadiran daerah "Pecinan" pada kota-kota di Jawa pada masa lampau. Kata kunci : Kota di Jawa jaman kolonial, Pecinan.


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    Qoniah Nur Wijayani


    Full Text Available Confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia frequently occurs. The conflicts between the two of nations then and now are always repeated and never go over. Since the Soekarno regime until Yudhoyono regime always comes up with several problems. On August 13, 2010, confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia repeatedly happened. In the waters of Tanjung Berakit, Marine Police Malaysia (MPM have arrested Indonesian officials (Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP. Those reality has attracted a news media attentions for reporting. Jawa Pos and Kompas have performed Tanjung Berakit incident on the front pages for nearly a month. Both Jawa Pos and Kompas Kompas have published the reality in different perspective. Each of them constructs reality based on their views. Wanting to inves­tigate the construction of news media above, this study uses framing theory to analyze the method of framing models Zongdang Pan and Gerald Kosicki M. It operationalizes the four dimensions of structural text news: syntax, script, thematic, and rhetorical. This study found that Jawa Pos constructs reality reporting on the arrest of three KKP officer by Marine Police Malaysia as a conflict between two countries that attacks each other. Both are en­emies which opposites to each other. Malaysia has always been challenging Indonesia while Indonesia is not able to compensate. Disappointment refers to the Indonesian government. Jawa Pos thought that the settlement with take up arms can be done. Unlike The Jawa Pos case, Kompas constructs reporting on the arrest of three KKP officersis not a conflict be­tween the two countries. It can be seen from the attitude of both countrie thatis very contra­dictory. If Indonesia is really angry with Malaysia, in reserve Malaysia is keeps in silent as if nothing happened. Even Malaysia considers that Indonesia is their friend. Kompas does not want to deteriorate their relationship. Indonesia and Malaysia are the two allied coun


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    Agnes Marisca Dian Sari


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemiskinan dengan konsumsi rokok di Jawa Tengah tahun 2013 dan mengetahui pengaruh pajak rokok dengan konsumsi rokok di Jawa Tengah tahun 2013. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Metode analisis yang digunakan ialah regresi Ordinary Least Square (OLS dengan data cross section tahun 2013 di Provinsi Jawa Tengah dengan 35 Kabupaten/Kota. Hasil penelitian ini adalah ketika Garis kemiskinan naik maka akan menaikan konsumsi rokok. Variabel Garis kemiskinan signifikan dan positif terhadap konsumsi rokok di Jawa Tengah tahun 2013.Variabel pajak rokok bernilai positif namun tidak signifikan. Variabel Kemiskinan dan pajak rokok mampu menjelaskan tingkat konsumsi rokok sebesar 0.1263% dan sisanya dijelaskan oleh variabel lain. F-statistik sebesar 2,31. F-tabel sebesar 1,37, dan t-tabel sebesar 2,034.Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan adanya pengaruh antara konsumsi rokok dengan kemiskinan di Jawa Tengah tahun 2013. Ketika konsumsi rokok di Jawa Tengah naik maka meningkatkan kemiskinan di Jawa Tengah pada Tahun 2013 dan pengaruh antara konsumsi rokok dan pajak rokok di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2013 tidak signifikan tapi bernilai positif. Artinya kebijakan pajak di Jawa Tengah belum mampu untuk mengurangi konsumsi rokok di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2013. Meskipun sudah ada pajak rokok namun konsumsi rokok tetap terus meningkat. The aims of this research were to find out the effects of poverty on cigarette consumption in Central Java in 2013 and to recognize the effects of tax cigarette on cigarette consumption in Central Java in 2013. The type of the data used was secondary data. The analysis method used was the regression of Ordinary Least Square (OLS with the cross section data of 2013 in 35 Districts of Central Java Province.The research results show that when the Poverty Line increases, it increases cigarette consumption. The variable on Poverty Line has effect on cigarette consumption in

  12. Seismotektonik dan Potensi Kegempaan Wilayah Jawa

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    A. Soehaimi


    Full Text Available seismogenetic study shows the Jawa Island Arc and its subduction zone system belong to a highly active seismotectonic arc unit (west Jawa and Sumatera and an active seismotectonic arc unit (western part of West JawaCentral Jawa – East Jawa. In general, these regions are part of the Indonesian Earthquake Hazard Zones No. VI, VII, VII and IX. The regions are characterized by the presence of rare earthquake of magnitude > 8.5 Richter Scale (western part of Java, frequent magnitude of 7 Richter Scale and common 5 - 6 Richter Scale (Southern part of Java. The potential hazardous earthquake in Jawa that is > 5,6 Richter Scale of magnitude and shallow depth (< 30 km is due to a subduction zone earthquake. Epicenter distance, magnitude, geological site conditions, population, and infrastructure are the index of earthquake hazard and risk in these regions. The earthquake hazard mitigation programme in the near future is a risk assesment based on macro and microzonation of earthquake hazard and risk. These macrozonation and microzonation assessments are essentially needed for provinces, districts, and cities.    


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    Irin Iriana Kusmini


    Full Text Available Ikan gabus di Indonesia awalnya hanya terdapat di Barat garis Wallace (Sumatera, Jawa, dan Kalimantan yang kemudian diintroduksi ke Indonesia bagian Timur. Ikan gabus termasuk ke dalam deretan ikan air tawar sebagai sumber daya genetik untuk menunjang diversifikasi usaha budidaya. Guna menyukseskan program diversifikasi tersebut, maka perlu diketahui keragaman genetik ikan gabus dari Jawa Barat, Sumatera Selatan, dan Kalimantan Tengah agar dapat direkomendasikan sebagai dasar pemuliaan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis keragaman dan kekerabatan antara populasi ikan gabus dari Jawa Barat, Sumatera Selatan, dan Kalimantan tengah. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan analisis fenotipe terhadap 16 ekor ikan sampel dari masing-masing daerah tersebut, sedangkan untuk analisis keragaman genotipe masing-masing digunakan 10 ekor ikan dari setiap daerah. Analisis tersebut dilakukan melalui truss morfometrik dan RAPD dengan primer OPA-10, OPA-11, dan OPA-15. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keragaman berdasarkan truss morfometrik dan hasil PCR ikan gabus asal Sumatera Selatan lebih tinggi dibandingkan Kalimantan Tengah dan Jawa Barat. Kekerabatan ikan gabus Kalimantan Tengah lebih dekat dengan ikan gabus Sumatera Selatan dibandingkan dengan ikan gabus Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai informasi untuk pertimbangan dalam program pemuliaan.

  14. Aktualisasi Etika Kepemimpinan Jawa dalam Asthabrata

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    Pardi Suratno


    Full Text Available Nama Asthabrata sangat populer dalam kehidupan masyarakat Jawa karena sering muncul dalarn pagelaran wayang purwa. Ajaran Asthabrata mendapat apresiasi yang sangat luas oleh masyarakat Indonesia karena memuat ajaran kepemimpinan yang dapat dijadikan aspirasi bagi semua pihak yang sedang dan akan mengabdikan hidupnya bagi bangsa dan negara. Asthabrata merupakan kreativitas pujangga Jawa karena tidak dikcnal dalam Ramayana India (baru muncul dalam Ramayana Kakawin, Semua Asthabrata menampilkan figur pemimpin dalam sosok delapan dewa. Dalam perkernbangan lebih lanjut, budayawan Jawa memilih menampilkan figur pemimpin itu dalam sifat-sifat benda alam, yakni bumi, matahari, bulan, bintang, laut, angin, dan awan. Penampilan figur pernimpin dalam sifat benda-benda alam tersebut lebih netral sebagai pilihan cerdas pujangga Jawa. Abstract: The name of Asthabrata is very popular among Javanese live because of its frequent appearance in the wayang purwa performance. Asthabrata teachings have got a wide appreciation from Indonesian people because it carries leadership teachings which can be an aspiration to everyone who is dedicating and will dedicate their lives to their nation and country. Asthabrata is the creativity of the Javanese men of letters for not discovered in Indian's Ramayana (not until Ramayana Kakawin. All Asthabrata present a leader figure in the characters of eight gods. In further progress, Javanese culture vultures chose to present the leader figure in the characters of natural objects. namely earth, Sun, moon, star, ocean, wind, and cloud. The performance of a leader figure in the characters of the natural objects is more neutral as a smart choice of Javanese man of letters. " Keywords: creativity, Asthabrata, leader

  15. Determinan Kebahagiaan Di Indonesia

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    Theresia Puji Rahayu


      Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor penentu kebahagiaan di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan data antar ruang/silang tempat dari Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS wave 4, 2007, studi ini mengambil 17,650 pengamatan yang diestimasi menggunakan model Oprobit. Model Oprobit dipilih karena adanya variabel respon ordinal dan asumsi normal dalam distribusi kesalahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebahagiaan di Indonesia secara positif dipengaruhi oleh pendapatan, tingkat pendidikan, status kesehatan yang dirasakan dan modal sosial. Namun demikian, modal sosial yang berkaitan dengan agama dan etnis tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kebahagiaan. Semua prediktor bersifat robust. Karakteristik demografi menginformasikan bahwa orang yang menikah, bukan kepala rumah tangga, tinggal di daerah perkotaan, berada di luar pulau Jawa-Bali dan dari suku Jawa lebih bahagia daripada yang lain. Riset ini juga menemukan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan dalam tingkat kebahagiaan antara pria dan wanita. Kemudian, hubungan antara kebahagiaan dan usia menunjukkan kurva yang berbentuk U. Terakhir, efek marjinal menunjukkan efek yang berbeda untuk setiap tingkat kebahagiaan karena perubahan unit variabel independen.

  16. Chicken Coccidiosis in Central Java, Indonesia: A Recent Update. (United States)

    Hamid, Penny Humaidah; Kristianingrum, Yuli Purwandari; Wardhana, April Hari; Prastowo, Sigit; da Silva, Liliana Machado Ribeiro


    Avian coccidiosis is a huge problem worldwide. Heavily infected animals that show severe clinical signs and coccidiostat resistance are causing important economic losses. The present study aimed to update the recent cases of coccidiosis in Central Java, Indonesia, and to show the importance of the disease in the region. A total of 699 samples were obtained from different chicken breed. Different Eimeria species were detected in 175 individuals (25.04%). Three different groups of chicken breed were considered: local chicken (autochthonous chickens of Sentul and Jawa), commercial broiler, and layer. Broiler chickens showed the highest prevalence of infection (34%), followed by layer (26.26%) and local chickens (10.45%). Mild to severe clinical signs of avian coccidiosis were observed in 42% of the infected animals, while 58% of the infected animals showed no clinical signs other than low feed conversion rates. Seven different Eimeria species were identified: E. tenella was the most prevalent (43.3%), followed by E. maxima (26.3%), E. necatrix (15.7%), E. acervulina (8%), E. praecox (3.1%), E. mitis (2.2%), and E. brunetti (1.3%). Coinfections with several Eimeria species were diagnosed. With this study we found massive usage of coccidiostat in the region even though its usage cannot guarantee coccidiosis-free chicken production.

  17. Campursari Karya Manthous: Kreativitas Industri Musik Jawa dalam Ruang Budaya Massa

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    Wadiyo -


    Campursari karya Manthous adalah sebuah campuran dari musik pentatonik gamelan  Jawa  dengan  musik  populer  di  Indonesia  yang  mengacu  pada               musik   diatonis   Barat.   Nada   gamelan   dan   frekuensi   lagu   semuanya ditransformasikan menjadi nada frekuensi diatonis. Namun, harmonisasi yang digunakan adalah harmoni pentatonis gamelan Jawa. Campursari karya Manthous telah  berhasil  menjadi salah  satu  industri  musik  besar  karena didukung oleh tiga komponen, yaitu penyelenggara produksi musik, distribusi produksi musik, dan kebutuhan masyarakat. Peran media massa juga sangat membantu terhadap keberadaan karya ini. Berita tentang Manthous dan Campursarinya menyebar secara luas di masyarakat melalui media massa. Dalam waktu kemunculannya yang relatif singkat, Campursari karya Manthous telah menjadi musik Jawa dalam ruang budaya massa.     Kata kunci: Campursari, budaya massa, industri musik


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    Hastangka Hastangka


    beragam. Batik adalah karya asli (genuine dari bangsa Indonesia. UNESCO telah menetapkan batik pada 2 Oktober 2009 sebagai Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Sejak pengakuan dari UNESCO tersebut, batik menjadi trend setter nasional dan bahkan dunia. Batik yang dulunya dianggap sebagai hasil karya rakyat biasa, saat ini menjadi bernilai budaya tinggi dan bahkan bernilai jual tinggi. Berbagai events berupa pameran, seminar, fashion show, dan bazaar batik marak dilakukan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia, bahkan di luar negeri. Dalam konteks budaya sekarang ini batik tidak sekedar karya seni dan identitas budaya tetapi sebagai trend fashion masa kini. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk melacak dimensi metafisis batik Jawa sebagai teks dan sebagai trend fashion masa kini.


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    Max Joseph Herman


    Full Text Available Abstract A descriptive qualitative study on the implementation of MOH Decrees related to local herbal Traditional Medicine Therapy in Bali, West Java and Central Java, had been conducted cross-sectionally in 2011. Objectives of this study were to identify local licensing policy, perception of professional organization, and supports and obstacles of their implementation. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with one herbal CAM provider, purposively taken from each district, and Head of Health Resources Department of Provincial and District Health Office, whilst RTD participants were professional organizations like Indonesian Association of Herbal Medical Doctor, Indonesian Association of Traditional Therapist, Indonesian Pharmacist Association, Indonesian Association of Midwives and Indonesian National Nurse Union. Results of the study showed that in Bali no Surat Bukti Registrasi-Tenaga Pengobat Komplementer Altenatif had been issued. In West Java it had been given to trained doctor and in Central Java given only to doctors in Puskesmas following Jamu Scientification program. MOH Decree no. 1109 of 2007 which controls CAM providers in health facilities were differently perceived by Provincial Health Offices and as a result, implementation and also local policy differed amongst provinces. There were doctors providing herbal medicine services based on MOH Regulation no. 1076 of 2003. Nonetheless, few doctors had implemented Decree on Use of CAM, because there were no provincial collegiums of herbal medicine yet and no standard of competencies had been developed. The requirements to obtain licence for doctor were more complicated than for traditional provider. Keywords: complementary alternative medicine, herbal traditional medicine, licence, policy Abstrak Telah dilakukan suatu studi kualitatif implementasi peraturan-peraturan tentang pengobatan tradisional herbal secara potong lintang di Bali, Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah, pada tahun


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    Josef Prijotomo


    Full Text Available Kawruh Kalang and Kawruh Griya are two Jawanese architectural texts being produced in the transitional period of the 19th to the 20th century. Following two of three steps of interpretation, as stated by Poespoprodjo, a study upon the guru-sector of Jawanese architecture is presented here. Among numerous findings of that study, one of them is the key position of the structural member named balandar-pangeret. This component not only direct and control the measurement of any Jawanese building, but also addressing the basic design chararacteristics of Jawa. It is then speculated that a Jawanese mode of design is embarked from the middle and then proceed downward to the earth and upward to reach the sky. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Teks Kawruh Kalang dan Kawruh Griya adalah teks arsitektur Jawa yang diproduksi dalam masa peralihan abad 19-20. Pengkajian atas teks tersebut dalam bentuk penafsiran-meng-'kata'-kan, memperlihatkan adanya pemikiran dasar penghadiran arsitektur yang bertolak dari balandar-pangeret, yakni balok-balok struktural yang ditopang oleh sakaguru. Masih dalam dimensi penafsiran sebagai meng-kata-kan, naskah yang dikaji diyakini mengindikasikan pemikiran arsitektural Jawa yang karakteristik yakni berawal dari tengah terus ke bawah, ke bumi, dan ke atas, ke angkasa. Kata kunci: griya jawa, sektor guru, balandar-pangeret, guru-acuan, guru-patokan.

  1. Analisa Arc Flash Pada Sistem Kelistrikan Di PT. Wilmar Nabati Indonesia, Gresik – Jawa Timur

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    Aditya Aji Nugroho


    Full Text Available Studi untuk mengetahui besar busur api yang dihasilkan pada masing-masing switchgear perlu dilakukan untuk mengklasifikasikan kategori energi busur api yang terjadi serta kaitannya dengan PPE (Personal Protective Equipment yang harus dikenakan pekerja sebagai langkah pencegahan agar terhindar dari jatuhnya korban jiwa. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan perhitungan insiden energi arc flash sesuai standar IEEE 1584-2002 serta pengklasifikasian kategori dan alat perlindungan diri yang tepat agar memberikan rasa aman dan nyaman bagi para pekerja sehingga dapat bekerja secara optimal. Studi ini akan coba diterapkan pada sistem kelistrikan di PT. Wilmar Nabati Indonesia, Gresik – Jawa Timur mengingat pentingnya perusahaan tersebut mengamankan peralatan serta pekerjanya dari insiden energy arc flash. Hasil yang didapat pada tugas akhir ini adalah pada tipikal 1 nilai insiden energinya mengalami peningkatan yaitu dari 1.988 cal/cm2 menjadi 8.66 cal/cm2, pada tipikal 2 nilai insiden energi tertinggi 19.596 cal/cm2 turun menjadi 6.00 cal/cm2, pada tipikal 3 nilai insiden energi nya mengalami peningkatan yaitu dari 19.596 cal/cm2 menjadi 36.52 cal/cm2 kenaikan ini disebabkan karena terjadi kesalahan koordinasi rele.

  2. Model Manajemen Mutu Pembelajaran Entreprenuership Berbasis Sistem Nilai Studi Analisis Kualitatif Di Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri Pasuruan Jawa Timur


    Thoyib, Muhammad


    Realitas eksistensi pesantren itu semakin nyata pentingnya manakala melihat perkembangan pesantren di Indonesia saat ini, khususnya pesantren di wilayah Jawa Timur sebagai representasi ‘induk semang' lahirnya pondok pesantren di nusantara yang semakin pesat. Namun di tengah arus globalisasi yang begitu pesat ini, justru kondisi sebagian besar pesantren di Indonesia mengalami degradasi kualitas pembelajaran yang luar biasa, bahkan banyak yang ‘gulung tikar'. Dalam konteks itulah, upaya mengemb...

  3. Pengaruh Islam terhadap Perkembangan Budaya Jawa: tembang Macapat

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    Asmaun Sahlan, Mulyono


    Full Text Available Islam came to Indonesia since the seventh century AD has a major influence on the transformation of the local culture. From cultures that were previously heavily influenced by Hinduism is primarily based on two major books from India, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata to the new culture that is influenced by Islamic values. One form of cultural transformation in the field of Javanese literature is the birth of the tembang macapat (song of macapat. Tembang macapat is a form of transformation from Javanese literature of the form kakawin literary dan kidung (ancient Javanese song became a form of Java new song (gending. During its development, macapat song contains a lot of Islamic values so utilized by teachers, preachers, religious scholars and Ulama’ to the means of education and transformation of Islamic values.   Islam datang ke Indonesia sejak abad ke tujuh Masehi memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap transformasi budaya setempat. Dari kebudayaan yang sebelumnya banyak dipengaruhi oleh agama Hindu terutama didasarkan pada dua karya besar dari India yaitu Ramayana dan Mahabharata menuju kepada kebudayaan baru yang dipengaruhi oleh nilai-nilai Islam. Salah satu bentuk transformasi kebudayaan dalam  bidang sastra Jawa adalah lahirnya tembang macapat. Tembang macapat merupakan bentuk transformasi sastra Jawa dari bentuk kakawin dan kidung menjadi sastra puisi yang berupa lagu/gending. Dalam perkembangannya, tembang macapat banyak mengandung nilai-nilai Islam sehingga dimanfaatkan oleh para guru, mubaligh, kyai maupun ulama’ untuk sarana pendidikan dan dakwah nilai-nilai Islam.

  4. Pengetahuan Masyarakat Sunda Perdesaan Kabupaten Garut dan Kabupaten Cianjur Jawa Barat tentang Peraturan Kebahasaan

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    Dindin Samsudin


    Full Text Available The reality of the language usage that exists in Indonesia is still apprehensive. If we observed, until now there are so many language usages in public spaces, both billboards and instructional boards still use foreign languages or a mix between Indonesian language and foreign languages. That reality of language is not relevant with the legislations which prevail in Indonesia because the legislations stipulate the preferential using of Indonesian language in public space. However, the legislations about language are not well known by the society, so they still prefer using the foreign languages. This research aimed to reveal the knowledge of rural Sundanese society in Garut and Cianjur Regency, West Java about the language regulations. This research used quantitative approach with survey method. The result showed that in general the knowledge of rural Sundanese society in Garut and Cianjur Regency, West Java about language regulations can be categorized not good because the average value only reached 34.25% of the ideal standard.   Abstrak Kenyataan kebahasaan yang ada di Indonesia masih saja memprihatinkan. Jika diamati, hingga kini masih banyak pemakaian bahasa di ruang publik, baik papan nama maupun papan petunjuk, yang menggunakan bahasa asing atau campuran bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa asing. Kenyataan kebahasaan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia karena peraturan perundang-undangan mengharuskan pengutamaan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dalam ranah publik. Namun, peraturan perundang-undangan tentang kebahasaan tersebut sepertinya belum diketahui oleh masyarakat sehingga mereka masih mengutamakan bahasa asing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan pengetahuan masyarakat Sunda pedesaan di Kabupaten Garut dan Cianjur Jawa Barat tentang peraturan kebahasaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara umum


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    Akhmad Arif Junaidi


    Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi satu realitas budaya yang dihasilkan dari kehidupan masyarakat Muslim Jawa khususnya seni musik tradisional Islam-Jawa. Ekspresi kebudayaan Islam-Jawa dalam seni musik ini sangat beragam dan mencerminkan keberagaman “wajah” Islam yang telah beradaptasi dengan budaya lokal. Musik tradisional Islam-Jawa Janengan merupakan perwujudan dari perpaduan tiga unsur tradisi musik, yakni tradisi musik Jawa, tradisi musik Islam Timur Tengah (Arab dan kini telah dikembangkan dengan kombinasi musik Barat seperti pop. Perpaduan ketiga unsur tradisi musik yang berbeda ini membentuk suatu hasil kreativitas yang unik bercirikan musik Jawa. Musik tradisional Islam-Jawa ini juga melahirkan nilai-nilai yang meliputi nilai-nilai musikal, nilai-nilai kultural, dan nilai-nilai religius. Secara tematik syair-syair Janengan berisi berbagai ajaran seperti akidah (tauhid, syari’at dan tasawuf.


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    Kamariah Tambunan


    Full Text Available This study tries to know the map of special libraries and information sources in Indonesia. Publication which examined are Directory of Special Libraries and Information Sources in Indonesia which published in 1981, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005. Data was collected by rewrite of each title of the library, address or city also province, field or subject, and established year. Total of the special libraries base on city (libraries address, field or subject, and established year then calculated and presented in form of tables and hystograms. The result shows that total of special libraries and information sources in Indonesia increase year by year. The last publication in 2005 registered as many as 994 of libraries which reside in 32 provinces (136 cities in Indonesia. Base on the total that registered, 668 libraries are in Jawa Island (62 cities, and others 326 libraries are in outside Jawa Island (74 cities. The most of special libraries with subject of religion (143 libraries and economics (140 libraries, then social, agriculture, education, law, and medicine. The author also found that there are 3 oldest special libraries which were established in 1842, 1886, and 1887, while the youngest library was established in 2004.


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    Eni Kusrini


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan kekerabatan stok udang jerbung Indonesia sebagai informasi dasar bagi program pemuliaan. Udang jerbung uji berasal dari Pantai Bengkulu, Selat Sunda (Banten, Pantai Cilacap (Jawa Tengah, Selat Lombok (NTB, dan Pontianak (Kalimantan Barat. Amplifikasi PCR dan sekuensing daerah 16S-rRNA DNA mitokondria dilakukan menggunakan primer 5’-CGCCTGTTTAAC-AAAAACAT-3’ dan 5’-CCGGTCTGAACTCAGATCATGT-3’. Hasil analisis homologi susunan nukleotida 16S-rRNA DNA mitokondria menunjukkan bahwa udang jerbung yang digunakan dalam penelitian merupakan Fenneropenaeus merguiensis. Hasil analisis kekerabatan menunjukkan bahwa 5 populasi udang jerbung uji dapat dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok besar, yaitu kelompok Kalimantan Barat dan kelompok Bengkulu-Banten-Jawa Tengah-NTB. Populasi udang jerbung Kalimantan dan Bengkulu masing-masing memiliki sekuens spesifik, yaitu ACTGACT dan C-GAC di terminal 5. Sekuens tersebut mungkin dapat digunakan sebagai penanda dalam program pemuliaan udang jerbung Indonesia. The experiment was conducted to understand the family relationship of banana prawn in Indonesia and to provide basic information for breeding program. Prawns were obtained from Bengkulu Coast, Sunda Strait (Banten, Cilacap Coast (Central Java, Lombok Strait (West Nusa Tenggara, Pontianak Coast (West Kalimantan. PCR amplification and sequencing of 16S-rRNA mitochondrial DNA region were performed using 5’-CGCCTGTTTAAC-AAAAACAT-3’ and 5’-CCGGTCTGAACTCAGATCATGT-3’. Analysis of homology sequences of 16S-rRNA mtDNA showed that banana prawn used in this study was Fenneropenaeus merguiensis. Result of family relationship analysis indicated that five populations of banana prawn can be divided into two groups, i.e. West Kalimantan and Bengkulu-Banten-Central Java-NTB groups. Banana prawns from West Kalimantan and Bengkulu have specific sequences at 5’ terminal, ACTGACT and C-GAC, respectively. Those sequences can


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    Januar Israhmawan Putra


    Full Text Available Penggunaan internet di Indonesia yang tumbuh dengan pesat diikuti dengan banyak ber - munculan situs e-commerce yang merubah budaya dan gaya berbelanja masyarakat menjadi serba online. Pertumbuhan pasar e-commerce ini harus dibarengi dengan pelayanan yang akan diberikan kepada konsumennya secara baik agar konsumen merasa puas ketika bertran - saksi kepada perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi kepuasan konsumen berbelanja online pada situs jual beli Lazada, Zalora, dan Mataharimall. Variabel independent yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Website Design, Security, Information Quality, Payment Method, E-service Quality, Product Quality, Product Variety, Delivery Service dan variebel dependent adalah Customer Satisfaction. �e- �e- �e - sponden dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen Lazada, Zalora, dan Mataharimall yang be - rada di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, dan Jawa Timur dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 400 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah nonprobability sampling yaitu porposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis data regresi berganda dan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil peneltian ini menunjukan bahwa website design, information quality, product vaiety, delivery service berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen dalam berbelanja online.


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    Umasih Umasih


    Full Text Available This article reveals how the educational policy in Indonesia during The Old Order. The domination of government (Soekarno as expressed in the domination theory by Antonio Gramsci which a politic is a commander and it can dominate whole Indonesia society life including an educational aspect. Furthermore, Soekarno as an individual manivesto has given a space for PKI because of their closeness. When the Minister, Prijono, issued a decision concerning about Pancawardhana Educational System, The Institution of National Education which is affiliated by PKI giving a formulation of Pancacinta. An education in the political manifesto obliges teachers enter into a practical politics life, teachers have to be revolutionary . It means that the learning practice is given toward students through indoctrination.  No less than 2000 teachers in the East java and the Cental Java finally became PKI members, then about  580 teachers of elementary school from the West Java. Even PKI has succeeded to divide the organization of teacher’s membership into The Cental Vak PGRI and  non Vak Central PGRI. Keywords : The Old Order, The Pacawardhana Educational System, the performance of elementary teachers.  Artikel ini mengungkapkan bagaimana kebijakan pendidikan Indonesia pada masa Orde Lama. Dominasi pemerintah (Soekarno seperti diungkapkan dalam teori  dominasi oleh ntonio Gramsci di mana politik adalah panglima dan dapat mendominasi segala kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia termasuk dalam bidang pendidikan. Tidak hanya itu, Presiden Soekarno sebagai manivesto perseorangan  juga  telah  memberi ruang gerak pada PKI karena kedekatan hubungannya dengan Presiden Soekarno.  Ketika Menteri Prijono mengeluarkan keputusan tentang Sistem Pendidikan Pancawardhana, Lembaga Pendidikan Nasional yang berafiliasi dengan PKI memberi rumusan tentang Pancacinta. Pendidikan dalam alam manipol mengharuskan guru terjun dalam kehidupan politik praktis, guru harus revolusioner yang


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    Mhd Gading Sadewo


    Full Text Available Ayam bukanlah makanan yang asing bagi penduduk Indonesia. Makanan tersebut sangat mudah dijumpai dalam kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari. Namun tingkat konsumsi daging ayam di Indonesia masih tergolong rendah dibandingkan dengan Negara tetangga. Penelitian ini membahas tentang Penerapan Datamining Pada Populasi Daging Ayam Ras Pedaging di Indonesia Berdasarkan Provinsi Menggunakan K-Means Clustering. Sumber data penelitian ini dikumpulkan berdasarkan dokumen-dokumen keterangan populasi daging ayam yang dihasilkan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik Nasional. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data dari tahun 2009-2016 yang terdiri dari 34 provinsi. Variable yang digunakan (1 jumlah populasi dari tahun 2009-2016. Data akan diolah dengan melakukan clushtering dalam 3 clushter yaitu clusther tingkat populasi tinggi, clusther tingkat populasi sedang dan rendah. Centroid data untuk cluster tingkat populasi tinggi 4711403141, Centroid data untuk cluster tingkat populasi sedang 304240647, dan Centroid data untuk cluster tingkat populasi rendah 554200. Sehingga diperoleh penilaian berdasarkan indeks populasi daging ayam dengan 1 provinsi tingkat populasi tinggi yaitu Jawa Barat, 6 provinsi tingkat populasi sedang yaitu Sumatera Utara, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Banten, Kalimantan Selatan dan Kalimantan Timur, dan 27 provinsi lainnya termasuk tingkat populasi rendah. Hal ini dapat menjadi masukan kepada pemerintah, provinsi yang menjadi perhatian lebih pada populasi daging ayam berdasarkan cluster yang telah dilakukan


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    Panji Irawan Yogyadipratama


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1 mengetahui bagaimana perkembangan tingkat ketimpangan pembangunan ekonomi Provinsi Jawa Tengah menurut Indeks Williamson; (2 mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh angkatan kerja terhadap tingkat pembangunan ekonomi Provinsi Jawa Tengah; dan (3 mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh alokasi dana bantuan pembangunan kabupaten/kota terhadap pembangunan ekonomi Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan digunakan data panel, data time series (tahun 2002-2011 dan cross section (35 kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode analisis regresi linier berganda data panel dengan metode FEM digunakan alat bantu software Eviews 7. Hasil penelitian adalah menunjukan(1 ketimpangan pembangunan ekonomi antar daerah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang dihitung dengan menggunakan indeks Williamson selama periode 2008-2011 menunjukkan ketimpangan semakin melebar; (2 alokasi dana bantuan pembangunan dari pemerintah pusat yang tidak merata dan daerah yang mendapat bantuan terlalu besar dapat meningkatkan tingkat ketimpangan antar daerah. Hal ini akibat pembangunan yang terkonsentrasi dengan daerah-daerah yang sudah maju dibandingkan daerah yang masih tertinggal, karena daerah yang maju memiliki fasilitas lebih baik dari daerah yang belum maju; dan (3 nilai R2 sebesar 0,9949 artinya variasi variabel ketimpangan pembangunan ekonomi di Provinsi Jawa Tengah dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel angkatan kerja dan alokasi dana pembangunan daerah sebesar 95,5% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 0,05% dijelaskan faktor-faktor lainnya di luar model. The purpose of this study were (1 to know how the development level of inequality of economic development in Central Java Province according to Williamson Index; (2 determine the extent of the influence of the labor force to the

  12. The Effect of Drying-Wetting Cycle’s Repetition to the Characteristic of Natural and Stabilization Residual Soils Jawa Timur - Indonesia (United States)

    Muntaha, M.


    Indonesia, which located in tropical region, continuously undergoes wetting and drying cycles due to the changeable seasons. An important role in activating the clay minerals on tropical residual soils is the main factor that affects the static and dynamic properties, such as: volume change, soil suction and dynamic modulus. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effect of drying-wetting cycles repetition on volume change, soil suction and mechanical characteristics of natural and stabilization of residual soils from Jawa Timur - Indonesia. The natural undisturbed and stabilized residual soil sample was naturally and gradually dried up with air to 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100 % of the initial water content. The wetting processes were carried out with the gradual increment water content of 25 %(wsat - wi), 50 %(wsat - wi), 75 %(wsat - wi), up to 100 %(wsat - wi). The Direct Shear test is used to measure the mechanic properties, and Whatman filter paper No. 42 is used to measure the soil suction. The drying-wetting processes were carried out for 1, 2, 4, and 6 cycles. The laboratory test results showed that, the void ratio decreased, the unit weight, cohesion and the internal friction angle were increasing due to stabilization. Drying-wetting cycle repetition reduces void ratio, negative pore-water pressure, cohesion and internal friction angle of natural and stabilized soils. Briefly, the decreased of mechanical soil properties was proven from the physical properties change observation.


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    Nyoman Kumara Rai


    Full Text Available Vaksinasi cacar dan BCG mulai diberikan secara simultan di Jawa dan Bali pada bulan April 1972 vaksinasi cacar diberikan pada lengan kiri dan BCG pada lengan kanan. Secara berangsur-angsur prograi ini kemudian diperluas kedaerah luar Jawa-Bali, sehingga pada akhir tahun 1973 sudah mencakup seluruh Indonesia. Tenaga yang digunakan adalah para juru cacar yang sudah ada dalam rangka proyek pembasmian penyakit cacar yang dimulai tahun 1968, dan terdapat hampir disemua kecamatan diseluru Indonesia. Ide untuk menggabungkan kedua jenis vaksinasi ini yang kebetulan mempunyai target sam (anak2 0 - 14 thn  timbul setelah penderita cacar tidak dilaporkan lagi dibulan September 1971 (ternyata kemudian letusan cacar terakhir adalah dibulan Desember 1971. Sampai saat itu vaksina BCG dilakukan oleh petugas Puskesmas dan tenaga part timer. Ternyata target tidak pernah tercapa hal ini mungkin disebabkan oleh terbatasnya waktu yang tersedia untuk melakukan vaksinasi BCC sehingga para tenaga part timer tsb. hanya mampu mencakup daerah disekitar Puskesmas dan sekolah dasar. Sebelumnya telah diadakan dua trial; yang pertama diadakan di Bandung untuk melihat at tidaknya saling pengaruh mempengaruhi antara kedua jenis vaksin cacar dan BCG bila diberikan pat saat yang bersamaan, sedangkain trial kedua dilakukan untuk menilai kemampuan juru cacar dala melaksanakan vaksinasi BCG serta kesukaran! yang dijumpai dilapangan (masing2 didua kabupaten (Jawa Tengah, Timur dan Yogyakarta. Disamping keuntungan yang diperoleh dari penggabungan kedua jenis vaksinasi ini yakni penghematan tenaga, biaya dan waktu, dijumpai juga beberapa kesukaran antara lain pengumpulan anak2, supply vaksin BCG yang tidak teratur dll. Walaupun demikian, di Jawa dan Bali hasil vaksinasi BCG antara April 1972 sampai dengan April 1973 menunjukkan kenaikan out-put leb dari 4 kali lipat bila dibandingkan dengan out-put sebelum penggabungan, meskipun out-put prin vaksinasi cacar mempunyai tendensi menurun

  14. Desain Interior Four Points Solo untuk Menampilkan Citra Hotel Bisnis Elegan Kontemporer dengan Sentuhan Budaya Jawa


    Paramita, Trivesti Laksmi


    Kota Solo sebagai salah satu potensi pariwisata di sentral Jawa telah banyak kemajuan. Sebagai salah satu kota wisata MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition) di Indonesia, Solo melengkapi kemajuan infrastuktur kotanya dengan fasilitas penunjang, kemudahan akses dan akomodasi bagi para pebisnis. Hotel bisnis adalah hotel yang fasilitas utamanya dapat mengakomodasi seluruh kegiatan bisnis tamu hotel. Four Points by Sheraton yang merupakan hotel bisnis dengan klasifikasi bintang em...


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    Maftukhin Maftukhin


    Full Text Available This article examines the translocal Islam Jawa (Javanese Islam that characterises the deterritorialisation of culture through space and time. Contrary to mainstream approaches to Islam Jawa that tends substantially picture Islam and Muslim in Java as a mere “localised form of Islam”, it sees Islam Jawa as a “translocal” practices. In addition, it sees that the idea of Islam Jawa travels, deterritorialises, and reterritorialises in different times and places. Therefore, what is imagined by scholars as “local Islam” is not local in traditional and geographical senses because Islam Jawa is formed, shaped and influenced by the mobility, entanglement, connectivity across oceans, regions, and borders. The Islam Jawa also travels to a different place, transcending the modern limits of nation-states' boundaries. Islam Jawa is a product and a consequence of the efforts to establish between “imagined” spatial and temporal congruence.

  16. Legal and actual central bank independence : A case study of Bank of Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Artha, I.K.D.S.; de Haan, J.


    Indicators of central bank independence (CBI) based on the interpretation central bank laws in place may not capture the actual independence of the central bank. This paper develops an indicator of actual independence of the Bank Indonesia (BI), the central bank of Indonesia, for the period

  17. An inconspicuous, conspicuous new species of Asian pipesnake, genus Cylindrophis (Reptilia: Squamata: Cylindrophiidae), from the south coast of Jawa Tengah, Java, Indonesia, and an overview of the tangled taxonomic history of C. ruffus (Laurenti, 1768). (United States)

    Kieckbusch, Max; Mecke, Sven; Hartmann, Lukas; Ehrmantraut, Lisa; O'shea, Mark; Kaiser, Hinrich


    We describe a new species of Cylindrophis currently known only from Grabag, Purworejo Regency, Jawa Tengah Pro-vince (Central Java), Java, Indonesia. Cylindrophis subocularis sp. nov. can be distinguished from all congeners by the presence of a single, eponymous subocular scale between the 3rd and 4th or 4th and 5th supralabial, preventing contact between the 4th or 5th supralabial and the orbit, and by having the prefrontal in narrow contact with or separated from the orbit. We preface our description with a detailed account of the tangled taxonomic history of the similar and putatively wide-ranging species C. ruffus, which leads us to (1) remove the name Scytale scheuchzeri from the synonymy of C. ruffus, (2) list the taxon C. rufa var. javanica as species inquirenda, and (3) synonymize C. mirzae with C. ruffus. We provide additional evidence to confirm that the type locality of C. ruffus is Java. Cylindrophis subocularis sp. nov. is the second species of Asian pipesnake from Java.

  18. Implementasi Data Mining Dalam Data Bencana Tanah Longsor Di Jawa Barat Menggunakan Algoritma Fp-Growth

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    Castaka Agus Sugianto


    Full Text Available Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu zona rawan longsor di Indonesia. Pengurangan resiko bencana diantaranya adalah peringatan dini dengan langkah awal menganalisis data yang ada. Salah satu cara menganalisis data ini yaitu dengan teknik data mining. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola hubungan aturan assosiatif antara suatu kombinasi data dan membentuk pola kombinasi datasets dengan menggunakan algoritma Fp-growth dalam data bencana tanah longsor yang di dapat dari Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana dan Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat periode data dari 2011 sampai dengan 2016. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan nilai confidence tertinggi sebesar 1 dengan premises malam, jalan rusak dan conclusion hujan deras dan premises tanah labil, korban jiwa, sore dengan conclusion hujan deras yang berarti keterkaitan satu kondisi dengan kondisi lain sebesar 100%. Untuk nilai support tertinggi dalam pola asosiatif didapatkan sebesar 0,629 dengan confidence 0,901 dengan premises rumah rusak dan conclusion hujan deras yang berarti 90% keterkaitan dengan kejadian 63% kemunculan.

  19. Spiritualitas Budaya Jawa dalam Seni Tari Klasik Gaya Surakarta

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    Silvester Pamardi


    ABSTRAK   Seni tari klasik Jawa telah berkembang secara dinamis seiring dengan sejarah perkembang- an keraton-keraton di Jawa Tengah, terutama setelah abad XV yang dimulai pada era kerajaan Demak. Seni tari klasik Jawa hidup dan berkembang di lingkungan istana Mataram Islam sejak periode Panembahan Senapati di Kotagede, atau jaman Sultan Agung di keraton Plered sampai dengan berpindahnya keraton Mataram ke Kartasura. Metode penelitian ini konsentrasi utamanya pada penggunaan data kualitatif dengan per- tanyaan-pertanyaan ’mengapa’ dan ’bagaimana’ untuk mengungkap misteri yang berada di belakang fenomena yang ada. Tindakannya dilakukan dengan pendekatan multi disiplin dari ilmu-ilmu sejarah, sosial, dan koreografi. Peristiwa perjanjian Gianti pada tahun 1755 tidak saja berpengaruh dan berdampak pada kekuasaan raja Mataram yang harus membagi menjadi dua wilayah, yaitu wilayah Kasunanan Surakarta dan wilayah Kasultanan Yogyakarta, tetapi juga berimplikasi pada kehidupan ke- budayaan Jawa. Kebudayaan Jawa yang semula bersumber dari satu kerajaan, yaitu Mataram Kasunanan, kemudian menjadi dua corak, yaitu kebudayaan Jawa Surakarta dan Yogyakarta. Namun demikian, baik di istana Kasunanan Surakarta maupun istana Kasultanan Yogyakarta tetap mengembangkan kesenian klasik Jawa berdasarkan nilai-nilai budaya adiluhung walau- pun dalam corak atau gaya yang berbeda. Nilai-nilai spiritualitas ‘kejawen’ tetap menjadi sum- ber acuannya.   Kata kunci: seni tari, klasik, spiritualitas Jawa


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    Ristiyanto -


    Full Text Available ENGLISHReservoir Reference Study Collection Disease, particularly rats have been conducted in several areas such as the enzootic plague area in the district of Nongkojajar, Pasuruan, East Java and Ciwidey district, Bandung regency, West Java. These were organized in May-October 2007. The method used for the collection and reference reservoir of disease is rodentia survey methods. Result of the reference collection reservoir of disease is the house rat Rattus tanezumi Nongkojajar found either in the of Pasuruan, East Java (3 rats and the District of Ciwidey (4 rats. Polynesian rat R. exulans, three rats were only found in the District Nongkojajar, whereas three rats R. tiomanicus, three rats were found in Ciwidey. In addition another types of mice were also found 1 Insectivora mice Suncus murinus in the District Ciwidey. Type of rats captured in habitat homes in the District Ciwidey Bandung regency, West Java and Pasuruan, East Java is the same type, namely house rat Rattus tanezumi. Types of mice caught in the habitat garden in the District Ciwidey Bandung regency, West Java (tiomanicus R. tree rats were different from mice found in Pasuruan, East Java (Polynesian rat R. exulans. Local environment in plague enzootic area in Pasuruan, East Java is mountainous and forest conservation area Bromo-Tengger, while District Ciwidey, Bandung is the highland tourism areas / mountainous and agricultural areas.INDONESIAKoleksi referensi reservoir penyakit khususnya tikus telah dilakukan di beberapa daerah enzootik pes seperti di Kecamatan Nongkojajar, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur dan Kecamatan Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat. Kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-Oktober 2007. Metode yang digunakan untuk koleksi dan referensi reservoir penyakit adalah metode survei rodensia. Hasil koleksi referensi reservoir penyakit adalah tikus rumah Rattus tanezumi ditemukan baik di Kecamatan Nongkojajar, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur (3 ekor maupun


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    Wachid Eko Purwanto


    Full Text Available Epos Ramayana merupakan epos kuno yang ditulis dalam tujuh kanda terdiri atas 24.000 sloka. Di Jawa epos Ramayana pertama kali muncul secara lengkap dalam bentuk relief di Candi Lara Jonggrang yang dibangun sekitar tahun 782 hingga 872 M. Epos tua yang hidup di masyarakat Jawa ini pastilah mempunyai ajaran. Tokoh Rama sebagai tokoh utama merupakan simbol paling utama dalam epos ini. Berkait dengan simbol ajaran, tokoh Rama dalam epos Ramayana Jawa mempunyai fungsi bagi Raja Jawa dan masyarakat Jawa. Bagi raja simbol tokoh Rama memiliki tiga fungsi utama. Pertama sebagai fungsi spiritual. Kedua adalah fungsi legitimasi kekuasaan. Ketiga adalah fungsi pencitraan. Adapun bagi masyarakat Jawa, simbol tokoh Rama memiliki dua fungsi utama. Pertama adalah fungsi spiritual. Kedua adalah fungsi filosofis.

  2. Inisiasi dalam Kisah Perjalanan Model Jawa

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    Dhanu Priyo Prabowo


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap inisiasi dalam kisah perjalanan model Ja- wa. Sebagai karya fiksi, kisah perjalanan model Jawa memendam dan menyiratkan tan- da-tanda yang berupa simbol-simbol yang harus diungkapkan kerumitan-kerumitan ni- lainya. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori semiotika. Teori semiotika menempatkan kar- ya sastra sebagai sistem tanda. Adapun metode yang dipergunakan adalah metode kuali- tatif. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui teknik studi pustaka. Dari hasil analisis dapat diungkapkan bahwa inisiasi dalam kisah perjalanan model Jawa dilakukan oleh tokoh cerita demi tujuan-tujuan tertentu yang berkaitan dengan pendewasaan dan pe- nyempurnaan diri selama hidup di dunia. Karya sastra Jawa genre kisah perjalanan mo- del Jawa ini mampu mentransformasikan budaya sastra Jawa yang lebih tua. Abstract: This paper aims to reveal initiation in Javanese model of travel writing. As fictional work, the travel writing in Javanese model contains and reflects signs in symbols that have to be revealed their detail values. The research was conducted using semiotics theory. The theory posits literary work as a sign symbol. The method conducted in this research was qualitative. The result shows that initiation in Javanese travel writing is conducted by those characters to perfect themself in living in the world. Javanese literary works in travel writing genre in Javanese model are able to transform older Javanese literary culture. Key Words: literature; transformation; initiations; educative; religious

  3. Pola Perubahan Transmisi Infeksi HIV di Jawa Barat Periode Tahun 2002–2012

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    Ridiani Prawitri


    Full Text Available Abstrak Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV adalah retrovirus yang termasuk golongan virus RNA yang menginfeksi sel sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia. Infeksi HIV masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat di dunia dan dilaporkan terjadi pola perubahan transmisi infeksi HIV dari tahun ke tahun di negara tertentu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pola perubahan transmisi infeksi HIV di Jawa Barat pada periode tahun 2002 sampai 2012. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan retrospektif melalui data tersier berupa laporan pengidap infeksi HIV dan kasus AIDS yang diterima oleh Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Barat dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota dan Rumah Sakit di Jawa Barat pada tahun 2002 sampai dengan 2012. Penelitian dilakukan selama Desember 2013–Juli 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pola perubahan transmisi yang terjadi di Jawa Barat pada tahun 2002 sampai dengan tahun 2012. Jumlah kasus infeksi HIV melalui transmisi homoseksual yaitu 286 kasus, transmisi heteroseksual 1.519 kasus, jarum suntik 1.408 kasus, transmisi ibu ke anak 140 kasus, dan transfusi darah sebanyak 7 kasus. Terjadi perubahan pada tahun 2011 sampai dengan tahun 2012 yaitu peningkatan transmisi heteroseksual menggantikan posisi transmisi pengguna jarum suntik. Keadaan sempat menurunnya transmisi kasus infeksi HIV melalui jarum suntik di Jawa Barat karena penanggulangan pemerintah yang melakukan terapi rumatan metadon. Peningkatan transmisi heteroseksual yang terjadi dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor norma budaya, maraknya industri prostitusi, status ekonomi, dan pergaulan remaja muda hedonis yang terjadi di lingkungan masyarakat. Kata kunci: Infeksi HIV, pola perubahan, transmisi   Changes of Human Immunodeficiency Virus in West Java Indonesia in Year 2002–2012 Abstract Human immunodeficiency virus is a class of retrovirus which has RNA carrying its molecular genetic that infects the human immune system cells


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    Siti Sapardiyah Santoso


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian di propinsi Jawa Barat dan Bali, tentang kenakalan remaja yang meliputi sifat dan perilaku remaja dalam mengendarai kendaraan bermotor dengan kecepalan tinggi (ngebut. keterlibatan perkelahian antar pelajar, termasuk keinginan untuk tidak mengikuti pelajaran di sekolah (membolos, meninggalkan rumah tanpa seizin orang tua, dan melakukan coret-coret di dinding, tindakan kriminal termasuk pemerasan, pencurian serta perusakan gedung. Responden adalah remaja berumur 13—19 tahun yang masih sekolah atau sudah putus sekolah, belum menikah dan berada di wilayah puskesmas terpilih. Jumlah responden 1110 remaja di Jawa Barat (Bandung dan Cianjur dan 877 remaja di propinsi Bali (Denpasar dan Gianyar. Pengumpulan data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner, sedangkan data kualitatif dikumpulkan melalui diskusi kelompok terarah (DKT. Sebagai hasil penelitian dapat dikemukakan disini bahwa remaja yang pernah mengendarai kendaraan bermotor dengan kecepatan tinggi di Jawa Barat-urban sebesar 22,4%, sementara di rural 10,6%. Sebaliknya di Bali di urban hanya 18,4%, sedangkan di rural 22,4%. Pengalaman pemah absen tidak mengikuti pelajaran di sekolah tanpa izin guru (membolos di Jawa Barat-urban 51,9%, rural 33,7%, sebaliknya di Bali-urban 30,1%, rural 37,1% dan meninggalkan rumah tanpa izin orang tua, secara berturut-turut dapat dikemukakan sebagai berikut : di Jawa Barat-urban 54,4%, rural 42,3% sementara di Bali-urban 58,4%, rural 52,7%. Kenakalan remaja berupa coret-coret dinding baik di propinsi Jawa Barat maupun di Bali cukup tinggi juga. Di propinsi Jawa Barat hampir seimbang yaitu untuk urban 26,3%, sedangkan di rural 23,6%. Sebaliknya di Bali-urban 31,7% lebih tinggi daripada di rural 19,6%. Bentuk kenakalan remaja yang lain kearah kriminalitas, meliputi pemerasan dan pencurian ditemukan pula melalui penelitian di Jawa Barat-urban, remaja yang pernah melakukan pemerasan hanya sekitar 2,2%. Nampaknya di rural agak


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    Yunita Nurmayanti


    PANARAGAN HOUSE OF KAPONAN VILLAGE Spatial order (space shows the relationship between the architecture and the culture of local community. As dynamic thinking creature, human has a major role in changing the physical environment or culture. Order of the traditional spaces which is a harmonious ancestral heritage is constantly changing to adapt to the global culture of modernity. This research aimed to (1 identify and analyze the elements of spatial change and (2 explain the socio-cultural factors that affected it, on the object of traditional house in the Panaragan Javanese cultural area. The object of research were traditional Javanese type of home, built before the era of Indonesia independence (1945, located in the oldest settlement of the Kaponan Village. The research methodology used a qualitative–rationalistic approaches with descriptive analysis. Data mining was conducted through direct observation of objects that became case studies and interviews with related informants and keyperson. Variables of research include organization, function, hierarchy, orientation and territory of spatial (space as a guide for observing spatial change between two periods of time. Object/case studies were deliberately chosen based on criteria include the house of the village head and officials, teacher and community leaders who served in the past, also added with home of farmers and farmworkers. The results showed that elements of the spatial (space which was much changed was the organization and territorial spaces as a consequence of the addition of the number, type and function space. The elements of spatial orientation and space hierarchy was less changed, because of the strong ancestral belief and religion. The main factors affecting the occurrence of a spatial change was family structure and lifestyle changes, along with the increasing knowledge and education. Keywords: change spaces, traditional house, Jawa Panaragan   REFERENCES Altman, I. & Chemers M.M. (1989. Culture

  6. The Cohesiveness of Muslim Pangestu Members in Salatiga, Central Java

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    S. Suciati


    Full Text Available The drying of spirituality and weakening of cohesiveness in the midst of materialistic hedonistic modern world become major challenge for the adherents of official religions in Indonesia. The practice of religions is considered too much focusing on ritual aspects. Therefore, those teachings cannot give the real meaningfulness of religious life. Consequently, some adherents of official religions begin to see other spiritual/mysticism sects. This study describes the social cohesiveness among muslims who become members of Pangestu, a spiritual-mysticism sect widely spreading among Javanese society in Indonesia. This research shows that the Pangestu in Salatiga, Central Java, can fulfill social, economic, and spiritual needs of its members. Among the underlying factors that make Pangestu succeed to meet its members’ needs and expectations are the capability of the members to intensely communicate with each other through meetings and bawaraos (Jv, informal gathering, the great concern between members, good-example of leadership, the defense of Pangestu’s good name, and the satisfaction in experiencing meaningfulness of religious practices.[Kekeringan spiritual dan lemahnya kebersamaan di tengah dunia modern yang serba hedonistik menjadi tantangan utama bagi para pemeluk agama di Indonesia. Praktik-praktik keagamaan terlalu banyak terfokus pada aspek ritual, sehingga ajaran agama tidak mampu menghadirkan praktek-praktek keagamaan yang benar-benar bermakna. Hal ini mendorong sebagian pemeluk agama untuk melirik aliran kepercayaan dan kebatinan. Artikel ini mendeskripsikan keguyuban sosial di antara orang-orang Islam yang menjadi anggota Pangestu, sebuah aliran kepercayaan di Indonesia yang banyak menyebar terutama di kalangan masyarakat Jawa. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pangestu di Salatiga, Jawa Tegah, mampu memenuhi kebutuhan sosial, ekonomi, dan spiritual para anggotanya. Di antara faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan Pangestu dalam memenuhi

  7. Sebaran Populasi dan Potensi Tanaman Ganitri ( Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb di Jawa Tengah

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    Asep Rohandi


    Full Text Available Ganitri (Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb merupakan jenis tanaman multiguna yang cukup potensial untuk dikembangkan. Jenis ini sudah mulai dikenal dan dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat khususnya diwilayah Jawa Tengah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran populasi dan mengetahui potensi tanaman ganitri meliputi informasi geografi dan kondisi ekologisnya. Metode yang dilakukan meliputi : (1 studi literatur dan komunikasi langsung dengan pihak terkait dan masyarakat, (2 survei lapangan untuk pengumpulan data penampilan dan produktifitas tegakan ganitri meliputi : lokasi, luas, tahun tanam, kerapatan tegakan, tinggi, diameter, bentuk batang, sistem penanaman, (3 pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder kondisi tempat tumbuh tanaman ganitri meliputi : letak geografis, ketinggian, curah hujan dan jenis tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman ganitri di wilayah Jawa Tengah tersebar di hutan tanaman pada ketinggian 0-1.300 m dpl pada jenis tanah regosol, andosol, podsolik coklat, atosol dengan curah hujan 3.500-4.500 mm/tahun. Sebaran hutan tanaman ganitri tidak ditemukan di semua kabupaten, tetapi hanya terdapat di beberapa wilayah/kabupaten yang secara umum ditanam dengan beberapa tujuan yaitu terutama untuk dimanfaatkan bijinya sebagai hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK, selain untuk kayu pertukangan serta fungsi lindung. Sebaran hutan tanaman ganitri di Jawa Tengah ditemukan di Kabupaten Cilacap, Kebumen, Kendal, Brebes, Purworejo, Banjarnegara, Wonosobo, Banyumas, Temanggung, Semarang dan Karanganyar. Secara umum, ganitri memiliki kisaran wilayah yang cukup luas mulai dari dataran tinggi sampai dataran rendah, khususnya berada diwilayah Jawa Tengah bagian tengah dan selatan. Pengembangan tanaman ganitri untuk produksi biji dapat ditemukan di Kabupaten Cilacap,Kebumen,Purworejo, dan Banjarnegara. Katakunci: Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb, hutan rakyat, Jawa Tengah, sebaran populasi, potensi   Distribution and the potential growth of ganitri


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    Evanita Evanita


    Full Text Available Di Indonesia kepadatan arus lalu lintas terjadi pada jam berangkat dan pulang kantor, hari-hari libur panjang atau hari-hari besar nasional terutama saat hari raya Idul Fitri (lebaran. Mudik sudah menjadi tradisi bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang ditunggu-tunggu menjelang lebaran, berbondong-bondong untuk pulang ke kampung halaman untuk bertemu dan berkumpul dengan keluarga. Kegiatan rutin tahunan ini banyak di lakukan khususnya bagi masyarakat kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta, dimana diketahui bahwa Jakarta adalah Ibu kota negara Republik Indonesia dan menjadi tujuan merantau untuk mencari pekerjaan yang lebih layak yang merupakan harapan besar bagi masyarakat desa. Volume kendaraan bertambah sejak 7 hari menjelang lebaran sampai 7 hari setelah lebaran tiap tahunnya terutama pada arah keluar dan masuk wilayah Jawa Tengah yang banyak menjadi tujuan mudik. Volume kendaraan saat arus mudik yang selalu meningkat inilah yang akan diteliti lebih lanjut dengan metode ANFIS agar dapat menjadi alternatif solusi langkah apa yang akan dilakukan di tahun selanjutnya agar pelayanan lalu lintas, kemacetan panjang dan angka kecelakaan berkurang. Dengan input parameter ANFIS yang digunakan yaitu pengclusteran hingga 5 cluster, epoch 100, error goal 0 diperoleh performa terbaik ANFIS dengan K-Means clustering yang terbagi menjadi 3 cluster, epoch terbaik sebesar 20 dengan RMSE Training terbaik sebesar 0,1198, RMSE Testing terbaik sebesar 0,0282 dan waktu proses tersingkat sebesar 0,0695.Selanjutnya hasil prediksi diharapkan dapat bermanfaat menjadi alternatif solusi langkah apa yang akan dilakukan di tahun selanjutnya agar pelayanan lalu lintas lebih baik lagi. Kata kunci: angkutan lebaran, Jawa Tengah, ANFIS.

  9. Risiko Kerugian Akibat Longsor di Desa Cibanteng, Kecamatan Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat

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    Fathiyya Ulfa


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan provinsi yang memiliki riwayat kejadian longsor tertinggi di Indonesia. Salah satu wilayah di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang sering terjadi longsor adalah Desa Cibanteng, Kecamatan Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur. Pada dua tahun terakhir telah terjadi dua kali pergerakan tanah di daerah yang berbeda di Desa Cibanteng. Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi besar risiko kerugian bencana longsor pada masa akan datang sehingga bantuan saat terjadi longsor dapat dioptimalkan. Untuk memprediksi besar risiko kerugian digunakan variabel bahaya, kerentanan dan kapasitas kebencanaan longsor. Masing-masing variabel memiliki beberapa indikator tertentu yakni penggunaan tanah, lereng, dan kepadatan penduduk. Penghitungan risiko kerugian dilakukan menggunakan metode overlay masing-masing variabel. Hasil penelitian adalah berupa prediksi risiko kerugian sebesar Rp. 10,1 milyar. Besar risiko kerugian tersebut didapat dari nilai bangunan, jaringan jalan, jaringan listrik dan produktivitas pertanian. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa wilayah risiko bencana longsor mendominasi dibagian selatan Desa Cibanteng.   ABSTRACT West Java Province is a province have a high landslide history in Indonesia. One of the area in West Java Province which often occuring a landslide is Cibanteng Village, Sukaresmi District, Cianjur Regency. In the last two years has been soil movement twice in different areas in the village Cibanteng. This study aims to predict big losses from landslides in future so that assistance can be optimized during a landslide. To predict the risk of loss used hazards variable, vulnerabilities and capacities of landslide disasters. Each variables have some specific indicators namely landuse, slope, and population density. The calculation of losses risk using overlay method in each variable. The results are prediction of losses risk of Rp. 10.1 billion. Great of losses risk can be assessed from value of building , road networks


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    Agung Yudhi Pramono


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa besar pengaruh pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor pendidikan, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor kesehatan, rasio ketergantungan penduduk dan pendapatan perkapita terhadap pembangunan manusia yang diukur dengan IPM. Populasi penelitian terdiri dari 35 Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, menggunakan data sekunder dari Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Biro Keuangan Sekretaris Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah dalam periode 2009 sampai 2013. Variabel penelitian ini indeks pembangunan manusia, pengeluran pemerintah daerah sektor pendidikan, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor kesehatan, rasio ketergantungan penduduk, dan pendapatan perkapita. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis regresi data panel model efek tetap (FEM dengan metode Generalized Least Square (GLS. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor pendidikan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap IPM, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor kesehatan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap IPM, rasio ketergantungan penduduk berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap IPM, sementara pendapatan perkapita tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap IPM. This research has purpose to analyze how much influence of the local government expenditure in educational sector, local government expenditure in health sector, dependency ratio, and per capita income of a human development measured by HDI. the population of this research consists of 35 regionals in Central Java and region bureau money secretary of Central Java province among 2009 and 2013 period. the variables used in this research are HDI, local government expenditure in educational sector, local government expenditure in health sector, dependency ratio, and per capita income. in this research, quantitative and regression analysis of Fixed Effect Model is used as well as

  11. Variasi Genetik Trenggiling Sitaan di Sumatra, Jawa, dan Kalimantan Berdasarkan Control Region DNA Mitokndria (GENETIC VARIATION ON CONFISCATED PANGOLIN OF SUMATRA, JAWA, AND KALIMANTAN BASED ON CONTROL REGION MITOCHONDRIAL DNA

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    Wirdateti Wirdateti


    Full Text Available High levels of illegal trading on Java pangolin (Manis javanica, Desmarest. 1822 for the basic ingredient of Traditional Chinese Medicine have caused sharp decline in its wild population. The purposes of this study were to assess the level of quality and genetic diversity, and to identify the origin of the confiscated individuals by molecular analysis. The original species used as a control were obtained from known areas in Java, Kalimantan, and Sumatera. Molecular analysis was carried out using non-coding region control region (D-loop of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA. The results of phylogenic tree analysis showed that 44 confiscated pangolins were from Kalimantan (24 individuals, from Sumatra (seven individuals, and from Java (13 individuals. As many as 19 haplotypes were found on the basis of their base substitutions consisting of nine from Kalimantan, seven from Java and three from Sumatra. Average genetic distance (d between those from Kalimantan-Java was d = 0.0121 ± 0.0031; those from Borneo-Sumatra was d =0.0123 ± 0.0038 and those from Sumatra-Java was d = 0.0075 ± 0.038, respectively. Overall genetic distance between populations was d = 0.0148 ± 0.0035, with the nucleotide diversity (ð of 0.0146. These results indicate that over 50% of pangolins seized came from Kaimantan, and Kalimantan populations show a separate group with Java and Sumatra with boostrap 98%. ABSTRAK Tingginya tingkat perburuan trenggiling (Manis javanica; Desmarest 1822 Indonesia untuk diperdagangkan secara illegal sebagai bahan dasar obat terutama di China, menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan populasi di alam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat tingkat kualitas dan keragaman genetik trenggiling serta mengetahui asal usul satwa sitaan berdasarkan analisis molekuler. Sebagai kontrol asal usul trenggiling sitaan digunakan sampel alam berdasarkan sebaran populasi yang diketahui pasti yang berasal dari Jawa, Kalimantan, dan Sumatera. Analisis molekuler menggunakan


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    Yozi Aulia Rahman


    Full Text Available Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi merupakan kondisi utama bagi kelangsungan pembangunan ekonomi daerah. Untuk mengukur kemajuan perekonomian daerah dengan mengamati seberapa besar laju pertumbuhan ekonomi yang dicapai daerah tersebut yang tercermin dari kenaikan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB. PDRBKabupaten/Kota di Jawa Tengah selama tahun 2008- 2012 mengalami pertumbuhan karena banyak yang mempengaruhinya, seperti: Tabungan, Kredit, PAD dan Belanja Daerah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa besar faktor-faktor tersebut mempengaruhi tingkat PDRB kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Tengah selama tahun 2008-2012. Variabel dependen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah PDRB, sedangkan variabel-variabel independen yaitu Tabungan, Kredit, Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD dan Belanja Daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda melalui metode OLS dengan menggunakan data    time series 2008  –2012 dan data crosssection 35 kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah atau yang dimaksud dengan data panel. Pengujian model dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode FixedEffect. Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa hasil analisis regresi pada α=5%menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial  variabel tabungan   dan kredit berpengaruh signifikan, sedangkan variabel PAD, dan Belanja Daerah tidak signifikan terhadap PDRB kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2008–2012. High economic growth is the main condition for the continuation of regional economic development. To measure the progress of the regional economy, observation on the economyc growth rate in each area can be conducted. It is reflected in the increase of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP. The increase of GDP of regency/city in Central Java during the year of 2008- 2012 was influenced by several factors such as savings, credit, local generated revenue (PAD, and Expenditure. This study intends to analyze the affect of these factors to the level of GDP on districts


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    Wiwit Santi Wahyuningsih


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi industri unggulan yang ada di Jawa Tengah, dan kemudian industri unggulan tersebut diidentifikasi mana saja yang mempunyai daya saing ekspor. Penelitian ini menggunakan data PDRB Jawa Tengah dan PDB Tahun 2010-2015, Tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah Tahun 2013, serta data Ekspor-Impor Jawa Tengah Tahun 1997-2015. Data tersebut diperoleh dari data sekunder, yaitu dengan memanfaatkan data yang telah tersedia pada instansi terkait. Penelitian ini mengunakan alat analisis Indeks Daya Penyebaran (IDP, Indeks Derajat Kepekaan (IDK dan Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA. Dari hasil IDP dan IDK terdapat 9 industri unggulan di Jawa Tengah yaitu industri pengolahan dan pengawetan ikan, industri minyak dan lemak, industri penggilingan padi, industri tepung terigu dan tepung lainnya, industri makanan ternak, industri pemintalan, industri tekstil, industri kayu dan bahan bangunan dari kayu, serta industri karet dan barang dari karet. Tetapi dari 9 industri unggulan tersebut yang memiliki daya saing ekspor tinggi hanya ada 3 industri yaitu industri dengan IDP>1, IDK>1 dan RCA>1 yang meliputi industri pemintalan, industri tekstil, dan industri kayu dan bahan bangunan dari kayu. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sektor industri yang dapat diandalkan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui ekspor dan memiliki daya saing ekspor yang sangat bagus serta memilki harga jual tinggi yaitu hanya industri pemintalan, industri tekstil, dan industri kayu dan bahan bangunan dari kayu. Maka dari itu sebaiknya kebijakan pemerintah lebih ditekankan pada sektor hulu dan sektor hilir dari industri-industri tersebut. This research’s aim is to identify the leading manufactures in central Java then identify which of those industries have the export competitiveness. This study used data of Central Java’s Gross Domestic Regional Product (GDRP and Gross National Product (GNP on 2010-2015, Input Output Table on 2013, as


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    Sakirman Sakirman


    Full Text Available Islam masuk ke tanah Jawa dalam keadaan penduduknya telah memiliki tradisi dan budaya berupa kepercayaan adanya kekuatan pada benda-benda tertentu (dinamisme, adanya kekuatan pada arwah orang yang meninggal (animisme dan kepercayaan adanya kekuatan pada binatang-binatang (totemisme. Tradisi ini telah diwariskan secara turun temurun, diyakini, dan diamalkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ketika Islam datang, keyakinan dan kepercayaan tersebut  melebur dalam budaya Islam. Sehingga munculah apa yang disebut dengan sinkretisme Islam, yaitu akulturasi budaya Islam dengan tradisi lokal. Di antara bentuk akulturasi budaya lokal (Jawa dengan Islam adalah tradisi yang dianut oleh komunitas Islam Aboge. Komunitas ini melaksanakan tradisi-tradisi Jawa dengan dibumbui tradisi Islam, maka munculah Islam dengan cita rasa lokal (islam lokal. Kekhasan dari komunitas ini adalah masih menggunakan model Penanggalan Islam Jawa yakni Penanggalan Aboge untuk menetapkan awal Ramadhan, Hari Raya Idhul Fitri dan Idhul Adha. Kata Aboge adalah singkatan dari Alip Rebo Wage yang mempunyai arti Tanggal 1 Muharram Tahun Alif akan jatuh pada hari Rebo (Rabu pasaran Wage. Aboge adalah dasar perhitungan almanak (kalender dalam satu windu atau delapan tahun, maka yang dimaksud Aboge adalah dasar suatu perhitungan. Penggunaan penanggalan dengan sistem Aboge mengakibatkan pelaksanaan ibadah puasa, perayaan Idhul Fitri, dan Idhul Adha yang dilaksanakan oleh komunitas Aboge selalu mengalami perbedaan  dengan keputusan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah melalui sidang Itsbat.

  15. Pengaruh PDRB, Pengangguran, dan Inflasi Terhadap Penyaluran Dana Kredit PT. Pegadaian (Persero Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 1984-2013

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    Norma Yuristyana


    Full Text Available Pegadaian sebagai lembaga keuangan nonbank yang usaha intinya adalah bidang jasa penyaluran dana kredit kepada masyarakat atas dasar hukum gadai yang ditujukkan untuk membiayai investasi perusahaan, kegiatan konsumsi, serta kegiatan distribusi barang dan jasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa besar pengaruh produk domestik regional bruto, jumlah pengangguran, dan tingkat inflasi terhadap penyaluran dana kredit pada PT. Pegadaian (Persero Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 1984 sampai 2013. Variabel penelitian ini produk domestik regional bruto, jumlah pengangguran, dan tingkat inflasi Jawa Tengah. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa produk domestik regional bruto berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap penyaluran dana kredit, jumlah pengangguran tidak berpengaruh terhadap penyaluran dana kredit, dan tingkat inflasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap penyaluran dana kredit. Variabel produk domestik regional bruto, pengangguran, dan inflasi secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap penyaluran dana kredit PT. Pegadaian (Persero Provinsi Jawa Tengah adapun pengaruhnya secara positif dan signifikan.  Pawnshops as nonbank financial institutions whose core business is credit fund distribution services to the public on the legal basis is recomended to pay the company's investment, consumption activities, as well as the activities of the distribution of goods and services. This study aims to analyze how much influence the gross domestic regional product, unemployment, and inflation rates against the disbursement of credit at Central Java Pawnshops. This study uses secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency of Central Java province from 1984 to 2013. The variables of this study


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    Astiana Ajeng Rahadini


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis bentuk, nilai, dan fungsi kesantunan berbahasa Jawa dalam interaksi antara guru dan siswa ketika pembelajaran bahasa Jawa di SMP N 1 Banyumas serta implikasinya bagi pembelajaran. Jenis pendekatan yang digunakan, yaitu deskriptif. Metode pengumpula data yang digunakan, yaitu metode simak bebas libat cakap, teknik rekam, dan catat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1 bentuk kesantunan berbahasa Jawa direpresentasi-kan dalam modus deklaratif atau kalimat berita, modus interogatif atau kalimat pertanyaan, modus imperatif atau kalimat perintah yang merepresentasikan jenis tindak tutur representatif, direktif, ekspresif, dan komisif; (2 Nilai kesantunan berbahasa dilihat dari isi tuturan yang mematuhi prinsip kesantunan berbahasa Jawa dan penggunaan unggah-ungguh basa; (3 Fungsi kesantunan berbahasa meliputi fungsi kompetitif dan fungsi menyenangkan. (4 Implikasi hasil penelitian meliputi peng-gunaan bentuk-bentuk kesantunan berbahasa Jawa untuk menyamankan interaksi pembelajaran, peningkatan nilai kesantunan tuturan dengan memperhatikan isi tuturan dan penggunaan unggah-ungguh basa yang benar, dan penggunaan fungsi kesantunan menyenangkan dan ungkapan penanda kesantunan untuk tindak tutur direktif dan ekspresif. Kata kunci: kesantunan berbahasa Jawa, interaksi pembelajaran

  17. Bank Indonesia dalam Tata Pemerintahan Indonesia


    Ismail, Maqdir


    This research focuses on problems as follows: First, position and role of Bank Indonesia as a state body in Indonesia; Second, independency of central bank in performing its monetary function. This research is a juridical normative research using primary legal source which is legislation concerning central bank. Data is collected through document study and literary study. This research concludes that position of Bank Indonesia as a legal entity should have been included in the explanation of ...

  18. Bank Indonesia Dalam Tata Pemerintahan Indonesia


    Ismail, Maqdir


    This research focuses on problems as follows: First, position and role of Bank Indonesia as a state body in Indonesia; Second, independency of central bank in performing its monetary function. This research is a juridical normative research using primary legal source which is legislation concerning central bank. Data is collected through document study and literary study. This research concludes that position of Bank Indonesia as a legal entity should have been included in the explanation of ...

  19. Molecular and Pathotype Identification of Potato Cyst Nematodes

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    Mulyadi Mulyadi


    Full Text Available In Indonesia, potato cyst nematode (PCN was first reported in Bumiaji, Kota Batu, East Java by PT Syngenta and was identified as Globodera rostochiensis. Based on the surveillances, G. rostochiensis were also found in Batur, Banjarnegara, and Kejajar, Wonosobo, and Pangalengan, Bandung. In addition, in Batur, Banjarnegara, another species which was identified as G. pallida was found. The aim of this research were to identify the species of PCN using molecular method, pathotype identification, and to study the distributions of PCN especially in Java. The PCN are collected from potato planting areas in Kota Batu, East Java; Wonosobo and Banjarnegara, Central Java; and Pangalengan, Bandung, West Java. PCN were extracted and isolated from soil, and then identified by  morphological and molecular analysis. PCN were found in potato planting areas in Kota Batu, East Java; Wonosobo and Banjarnegara, Central Java; and Pangalengan, West Java. Based on the morphological characters, molecular method, and the differential host test, the PCN identified as G. rostochiensis are amplified an approximately 434 bp with pathotype Ro2.   Di Indonesia, nematoda sista kentang (NSK pertama dilaporkan di Bumiaji, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur oleh PT Syngenta yang diidentifikasi sebagai Globodera rostochiensis. Berdasarkan hasil survei, NSK ditemukan di Batur, Banjarnegara dan Kejajar, Wonosobo, Pangalengan. Spesies G. pallida juga ditemukan Batur, Banjarnegara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi spesies NSK menggunakan metode molekuler, identifikasi patotipe NSK, dan untuk mengetahui penyebaran NSK khususnya di Pulau Jawa. Sampel NSK dikumpulkan dari lahan pertanaman kentang di Bumiaji, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur; Wonosobo dan Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah; serta Pangalengan, Bandung, Jawa Tengah. NSK diekstraksi dan diisolasi dari tanah yang selanjutnya diidentifikasi secara morfologi dan analisis molekuler. NSK yang terdapat pada lahan pertanaman kentang ditemukan di

  20. Audit Media Relations Humas Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah untuk Peningkatan Publisitas


    Farhatiningsih, Lizzatul; Pradekso, Tandiyo; Naryoso, Agus


    Nama : Lizzatul FarhatiningsihNIM : D2C009011Judul : Audit Media Relations Humas Sekretariat Daerah ProvinsiJawa Tengah untuk Peningkatan PublisitasABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena kurang berperannya Biro HumasSetda Jawa Tengah dalam melakukan fungsi kehumasan terhadap PemerintahProvinsi Jawa Tengah. Humas telah melakukan banyak kegiatan namun efeknyapada pemberitaan tentang Pemerintah Provinsi yang muncul belum terasa. Namunkesesuaian melakukan banyak kegiatan tersebut belum dii...

  1. The competitiveness of medicinal plants in Central Java Indonesia (United States)

    Riptanti, E. W.; Qonita, R. A.; Fajarningsih, R. U.


    Indonesia hold a potential opportunity to be a pharmaceutical production country. In the other side, Indonesia facing agriculture product and market competition internationally and domestically. Improving competitiveness of specific products are aimed to hit the export market and also to be able to compete with import products in domestic market. Considering Indonesian market opportunity, therefore we perform this study aiming to examine the competitiveness of medicinal plants in Central Java area. The basic method applied in this study was descriptive and data sources are primary and secondary data. Data were analyzed using Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Trade Specialization Index (TSI) approaches. According to the study, we reveal that medicinal plant commodities in Central Java province have average score 8.52, indicating a strong comparative advantage in global markets, while the commodities appear to have average score of 0.97 at 0 to 1 range, representing a strong competitiveness. Those results are attributed to natural and environmental condition, as well as high demand of global market. This competitiveness will encourage traditional/modern medicinal industries in global market.


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    Utami Baroroh


    Full Text Available The objectives of this study are to analyze the influence of financial development to economic regional growth on Jawa region, using panel of province-level data on Jawa region for the period 2005-2010. The analysis method that used on this paper is panel data regression. The empirical results shown that financial asset and financial credit had a positive influence to economic regional growth on Jawa region, meanwhile third party fund had negative influence to economic regional growth on Jawa region.  The other result shown that individual effect from fixed effect model showed that DKI Jakarta, Banten and East Jawa have potential as the centre of economic growthDOI: 10.15408/etk.v11i2.1892

  3. Learning Model of Unggah-Ungguh Basa Oriented to Noble Behavior in SMP (Junior High School) Jawa Timur (East Java) Indonesia (United States)

    Sudikan, Setya Yuwana


    Learning problem of "unggah-ungguh basa", is very complicated. It is needed reorientation and re-setting the approaches, strategies, methods, techniques, and learning contents that can give rise to a new model of learning of "unggah-ungguh basa" oriented to the character formation of children, especially in Jawa Timur. In…


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    Imam Sutardjo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1 mendeskripsikan berbagai genre sastra Jawa karya dan produk para wali; (2 mengungkapkan nilai-nilai keutamaan hidup yang dapat memerkaya khazanah batin pembaca. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Strategi penelitiannya menggunakan studi kasus terpancang (embedded research and case study. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik pustaka, simak dan catat. Validasi data dilakukan dengan trianggulasi (sumber data. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode pembacaan Semiotik meliputi pembacaan heuristik dan hermeneutik. Hasil penelitiannya adalah: (1 sastra Jawa karya dan produk para Wali Sanga dikemas dalam sastra suluk, pewayangan, tembang macapat dan lagu-lagu dolanan; (2 Karya sastra para Wali Sanga nilai-nilai yang bermanfaat dalam memberikan berbagai ajaran keutamaan hidup agar menjadi manusia utama, berbudi pekerti luhur (akhlaqul karimah, unggul, wikan sangkan paran dan dapat mencapai kesempurnaan hidup. Ringkas, karya sastra para Wali Sanga mengandung mutiara terpendam dan lautan kekayaan nilai budaya Jawa yang bernafaskan Islam dan dapat menambah khasanah perkembangan kesusastraan Jawa yang adiluhung. Kata Kunci: sastra Jawa, produk Wali Sanga, nilai keutamaan hidup.


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    Azizatun Nurhayati


    Full Text Available Pembangunan daerah dilakukan dengan memaksimalkan potensi sumber daya yang ada di suatu daerah. Karena sebagian besar penduduk Indonesia adalah petani, maka penting untuk mengetahui kontribusi sektor pertanian terhadap perekonomian suatu daerah. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi sektor pertanian terhadap multiplier output, pengganda pendapatan, dan pengganda tenaga kerja. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Analisis Input Output yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Timur Tahun 2010. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komoditas tebu berada pada kuadran II, Dari keseluruhan data di atas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1 Komoditas tebu dapat mendorong berkembangnya industri gula di Jawa Timur, (2 di sektor peternakan, subsektor yang dapat dikembangkan adalah pakan ternak, pemotongan hewan, sapi, kambing dan domba, serta ayam (3 di sektor pengolahan subsektor pengolahan es krim, beras, dan penggilingan padi serta rokok. ABSTRACTLocal development is held by maximizing potential resources in a particular region. In addition, most of Indonesian people are farmers so it’s important to identify the agriculural contribution in local economic. The aim of this study are to study the contribution of agriculture  in ouput multiplier, income multiplier, and employment multiplier. The method which was used in this research was input-output analysis based on Badan Pusat Statistik East Java Province’s data in 2010. From the analysis, we can conclude that the sugarcane was formed in the second quadrant, in which (1sugarcane comodity promoted the sugar industry in East Java Province (2 in livestock subsector, the woof of livestock industry, animals truncation, sheeps, goats, and chicken husbandry (poultry were potentially to be developed (3 in processing subsector which was based on agriculture product, ice cream and processing, rice milling and cigarette were potentially to be developed. 


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    Roni Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Berkaitan dengan pentingnya informasi tentang gelombang laut, terutama bagi keselamatan beragam kegiatan di laut, berdasarkan data periode tahun 2000-2010, dilakukan studi tentang gelombang tinggi di perairan Indonesia. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa variasi spasial dan temporal tinggi gelombang dan frekuensi terjadinya gelombang tinggi mempunyai pola yang berasosiasi dengan siklus angin monsunal, periode monsun Australia (Desember, Januari, Februari dan monsoon Australia (Juni, Juli, Agustus. Daerah rawan gelombang tinggi pada periode monsun Asia umumnya lebih luas daripada pada periode monsun Australia. Pada periode peralihan antar monsun, sebagian besar wilayah perairan Indonesia tidak rawan gelombang tinggi. Daerah rawan gelombang tinggi pada periode peralihan antar monsun umumnya lebih sempit dan terdapat di perairan Indonesia yang menjadi bagian dari Laut Cina Selatan, Samudera Pasifik dan Samudera Hindia, terutama selatan Jawa sampai Bengkulu. Meskipun korelasinya tidak signifikan, berlangsungnya El- Nino menyebabkan meningkatnya tinggi gelombang di wilayah perairan Indonesia bagian timur, terutama utara ekuator dan berlangsungnya La-Nina menyebabkan meningkatnya tinggi gelombang di perairan Indonesia yang berada di Samudera Hindia terutama di selatan Jawa. Sedangkan terjadinya IODM negatif menyebabkan meningkatnya tinggi gelombang di perairan barat Sumatera sebelah utara ekuator.   Related to the importance of information about ocean waves, especially for the safety of a variety activities at sea, based on data in the period 2000-2010 obtained by numerical wave model, conducted a study of high waves in the Indonesian waters.The study shows that the spatial and temporal variations in wave height and frequency of high waves have a pattern associated with monsunal wind cycle, Australia monsoon period (December, January, February and the Australian monsoon (June, July, August. High waves prone areas in the period of monsoon Asia are

  7. Problems of Biodiversity Management in Indonesia

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    Full Text Available Indonesia is an archipelago of 17.508 islands with land width of 1.9 millions km2 and sea of 3.1 millions km2, having many types of habitat and become one of biodiversity center in the world. There are about 28.000 plants species, 350.000 animals species and about 10.000 microbes predicted lived endemically in Indonesia. The country that represents only 1.32% of the world having 10% of total flowering plants, 12% of mammals, 16% reptiles and amphibian, 17% birds, 25% fishes and 15% of insects in the world. Most of the biodiversity were not investigated and utilized yet. The direct use of the biodiversity is not any risk, and in addition, between government, society and industries sometime does not have the same view and attitude. Habitat destruction and over-exploitation have caused Indonesia having long list of endangered species including 126 birds, 63 mammals and 21 reptiles. The extinction of some species occurred just few years ago like trulek jawa (Vanellus macropterus, insectivore bird (Eutrichomyias rowleyi in North Sulawesi, and tiger sub species (Panthera tigris in Java and Bali. It seems that now is time for all Indonesians to introspect and look for the way that can be used for preserving biodiversity.

  8. Javan Leaf Monkey (Trachypithecus Auratus) Movement in a Fragmented Habitat, at Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, East Java, Indonesia


    Subarkah, M. Hari; Wawandono, Novianto Bambang; Pudyatmoko, Satyawan; Subeno, Subeno; Nurvianto, Sandy; Budiman, Arif


    Pergerakan Lutung budeng (Trachypithecus auratus) didaerah habitat terfragmentasi Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Pergerakan lutung budeng di daerah habitat terfragmentasi diamati dengan metode transek. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwaada empat kelompok masing masing beranggotakan 12 (grup A), 16 (grup B), 15 (grup C) dan 12 lutung (grup D). Penelitian yang dilakukan disekitar hunian penduduk, jalan, hutan terdegradasi dan jalan-jalan setapak mengindikasikan bahwa lu...

  9. The Dynamics of Centralized Procurement Reform in a Decentralized State : Evidence and Lessons from Indonesia


    Sacks, Audrey; Rahman, Erman; Turkewitz, Joel; Buehler, Michael; Saleh, Imad


    A central policy of the Government of Indonesia's strategy for enhancing its country's economic and social development is to develop infrastructure and expand service delivery. Public procurement reform is a key component of this policy. Despite the decentralization of financial responsibility and authority to relatively autonomous local level governments, procurement reform in Indonesia i...

  10. Potential Development Essential Oil Production of Central Java, Indonesia (United States)

    Alighiri, D.; Eden, W. T.; Supardi, K. I.; Masturi; Purwinarko, A.


    Indonesia is the source of raw essential oil in the world. Essential oils are used in various types of industries such as food and beverage, flavour, fragrance, perfumery, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. However, the development of Indonesian essential oil industry has not been encouraging for the production of essential oils, further it is unable to meet global demand. Besides that, the quality of volatile oil resulted cannot meet the international market standards. Based on the facts, the potential of Indonesian essential oils needs to be developed to provide added value, through increased production, improved quality and product diversification. One part of Indonesia having abundant of raw essential oil source is Central Java. Central Java has the quite large potential production of essential oils. Some essential oils produced from refining industry owned by the government, private and community sectors include cananga oils (Boyolali district), clove oils (Semarang district), patchouli oils (Brebes district, Pemalang district, and Klaten district). The main problem in the development of plants industries that producing essential oil in Central Java is low crops production, farming properties, quality of essential oils are diverse, providing poor-quality products and volatile oil price fluctuations. Marketing constraints of Central Java essential oils are quite complex supply chain. In general, marketing constraints of essential oils due to three factors, namely the low quality due to type of essential oil business that generally shaped small businesses with different capital and technology, domestic marketing is still a buyer-market (price determined by the buyer) because of weak bargaining position processors businessman, and prices fluctuate (domestic and foreign) due to uncontrolled domestic production and inter-country competition among manufacturers.

  11. Kajian Gender Leadership And Inequality Pada Perguruan Tinggi Di Indonesia

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    Iswachyu Dhaniarti


    Full Text Available Kementrian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak RI (2013, menyatakan meskipun Indonesia, Laos, dan Kamboja telah melakukan berbagai macam program kesetaraan gender, tiga negara tersebut termasuk negara dengan indeks ketimpangan gender yang tinggi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa laki-laki masih dominan di masing-masing indikator, baik ketenagakerjaan, pendidikan maupun keterwakilan di parlemen. Pentingnya masalah pengambilan keputusan pada perempuan telah diakui dalam kerangka tujuan pembangunan milenium. Salah satu indikator untuk memantau Millennium Development Goal 3 tentang kesetaraan gender. Penelitian McKinsey and Company (2008 dalam bukunya yang berjudul Women Matter 2 menunjukan bahwa memiliki lebih banyak pemimpin perempuan diposisi jajaran manajemen atas dapat memberikan perusahaan suasana kompetisi yang nyata. Salah satu persyaratan keterampilan bagi seorang pemimpin yang dapat menjadi tolak ukur efektivitas kepemimpinan adalah pengambilan keputusan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, organisasi dapat berjalan secara produktif dan efektif apabila pemimpin dapat dengan tangkas, cerdas, cepat dan bijaksana dalam mengambil keputusan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Universitas Narotama, Surabaya sedangkan untuk survey dan pengambilan data dilakukan pada Kementerian Ristek Dikti (PT se-Indonesia dan Kopertis VII wilayah Jawa Timur (PTS se-Jawa Timur. Lebih banyak pemimpin perempuan diposisi jajaran manajemen atas Perguruan Tinggi diharapkan dapat memberikan suasana kompetisi yang nyata. Salah satu persyaratan keterampilan bagi seorang pemimpin yang dapat menjadi tolak ukur efektivitas kepemimpinan adalah pengambilan keputusan. Perguruan Tinggi dapat berjalan secara produktif dan efektif apabila pemimpin dapat dengan tangkas, cerdas, cepat dan bijaksana dalam mengambil keputusan. Dampaknya adalah meningkatnya peringkat Perguruan Tinggi dengan Rektor Perempuan, dalam klasifikasi dan pemeringkatan PT Kementerian Ristek Dikti sebagai gambaran perbaikan

  12. Technology transfer, education, localization and R and D in factory operation of Indonesia; Kaigai seisankyoten (indoneshia) kara mita gijutsuteni, jinzaiikusei, genchijinka, soshite kenkyu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Masao, Ikeda


    The author was on loan to a factory producing sodium glutamate, the Indonesia Ajinomoto located at Jawa province, east Indonesia, during 5 years from 1992, and had a chance to operate the factory. In this paper, an experience of the author, details of the Indonesia Ajinomoto from the operation beginning and comments of the author are described. As localization of department directors, factory directors, and workers of production sites are improving, a Japanese to be sent there plays two roles of as a top manager connecting with the parent company, and as a researcher fellow connecting with a Japan research institute. As the Indonesia Ajinomoto locates at a small local city, it is operated towards the Indonesia society including local administration. It is very important for progressing as a foreign enterprise in the Indonesia that faces the political confusion and national opposition of the Indonesian and the overseas Chinese. (NEDO)


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    Andrian Syah Malik


    Full Text Available Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki tingkat keanekaragaman yang tinggi seperti suku bangsa, budaya, sumber daya alam, pendidikan, sosial dan ekonomi di setiap daerah. Untuk mengatur tingkat keanekaragaman tersebut, pembangunan di tingkat daerah diatur oleh pemerintah pusat dengan menjadikan Pulau Jawa sebagai pusat perekonomian nasional. Hal tersebut membuat provinsi-provinsi yang kaya sumber daya alam menuntut pemberian transfer anggaran yang lebih dan pemberian hak dan wewenang kepada tiap-tiap daerah untuk mengatur dan mengurus sendiri urusan pemerintahan di tingkat daerah. Penelitian ini memiliki dua tujuan yaitu pertama, mengindentifikasi tingkat konvergensi di Indonesia setelah pelaksanaan otonomi daerah. Kedua, menganalisis pengaruh Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA, dana perimbangan dan  Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM terhadap pertumbuhan PDRB per kapita di Indonesia setelah pelaksanaan otonomi daerah tahun 2001-2012. Data penelitian  adalah data sekunder dari Badan Pusat Statistik dan Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia. Penghitungan konvergensi sigma menggunakan standar deviasi log PDRB per kapita antar provinsi, sementara penghitungan konvergensi beta menggunakan analisis regresi data panel dengan pendekatan fixed effect model. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa terjadi konvergensi sigma dan konvergensi beta setelah pelaksanaan otonomi daerah tahun 2001-2012. Variabel PMA, dana perimbangan dan IPM berpengaruh posittif terhadap pertumbuhan PDRB per kapita di Indonesia setelah pelaksanaan otonomi daerah. Indonesia is a country which has many kinds of ethnic groups, cultures, natural resources, educations, socials, and economics in every region. To manage the diversity, development at the local level is set by the central government by becoming the Island of Java as the center of the national economy. That problem makes the provinces which are rich in natural resources demand for more budget transfers and ask for grant rights and

  14. Assessment of shale-oil resources of the Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia, 2015 (United States)

    Schenk, Christopher J.; Charpentier, Ronald R.; Klett, Timothy R.; Tennyson, Marilyn E.; Mercier, Tracey J.; Brownfield, Michael E.; Pitman, Janet K.; Gaswirth, Stephanie B.; Leathers-Miller, Heidi M.


    Using a geology-based assessment methodology, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated means of 459 million barrels of shale oil, 275 billion cubic feet of associated gas, and 23 million barrels of natural gas liquids in the Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia.

  15. Pemerintahan Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla Menurut Kacamata 5 Media Massa di Indonesia

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    Theresia D Wulandari


    Full Text Available Mass media has strong impact to public interest and has formed public perception on issues based on news they published. One of the most popular issues was one year period of Jokowi-Kalla presidential leadership in October 20, 2015. Evaluation, achievement, and reflection of both President and vice president who raise Nawacita program are assumed as indicators of success of them in leading Indonesia. Media objectivity in mass media is the main key in this research because objectivity is very important. The research used quantitative analysis by Robert Entman framing method. It was conducted by text analysis to editorial of five printed media, i.e: Jawa Pos, Kompas, Media Indonesia, Republika, and Tempo, published at October 20, 2015. The research also employs interview and observe secondary sources to as a part of contectual analysis. The result shows objectivity and imparsiality of five printed media in Indonesia in covering Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla presidential leadership. It is shown how media preserve Jokowi-Kalla performance in their 1st year governance as news object.

  16. Valuasi Ekonomi Hutan Mangrove di Pulau Untung Jawa Kepulauan Seribu : Studi Konservasi Berbasis Green Economy

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    Dandy E Prasetiyo


    Full Text Available Promoting forest as one of green economy asset in Indonesia become an important agenda in the process of development. Forests have an important role as a source of foreign exchange and also as a form of natural resource wealth. The era of globalization with the accelerated economic growth increases the need for both, the fields of agriculture, infrastructure, land requirements and other sectors. Increased human needs are giving a positive correlation to the increased pressure on forests. Mangrove forests as one of the most productive ecosystems in the world are also experiencing the same threat. The expansion of settlements and ponds in coastal areas lead to degradation of mangrove forests is very high. The economic value of mangrove forests of diverse functions such as shoreline protection, habitat for aquatic organisms, carbon storage, and a variety of other functions has not been a lot of concern to the public and policy makers. This study aimed to quantify the economic value of mangrove forests in Untung Jawa Island, Thousand Islands as an effort to support the government's program to realize the green economy in the forestry sector. Method of economic calculation mangrove forests in this research is to calculate the Total Economic Value / Total Economic Valuation (TEV, which consists of direct use values (Direct Use Value and indirect use values (Indirect Use Value. The results showed that the direct use value of mangrove forests in Untung Jawa Island is Rp. 395,126,912 which includes the value of timber, fruit value, and the value of the fishery, while the indirect use value is Rp. 7,500,600,000 calculated from the value of coastal protection, the value of foraging, conservation value, educational value, and recreational value. The total economic value (total economic value of mangrove forests in Untung Jawa Island reached Rp. 7,895,726,912 Keywords : mangrove, green economy, total economic valuation

  17. Eupatorium capilifolium (Lam. Small ex Porter & Britton (Asteraceae: Eupatorieae, REKAMAN BARU UNTUK FLORA JAWA

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    Arifin Surya Dwipa Irsyam


    Full Text Available Abstrak Sebanyak 227 jenis tumbuhan Asteraceae terdapat di Pulau Jawa berdasarkan Flora of Java. Namun, suku Asteraceae di Pulau Jawa belum banyak ditinjau kembali sejak buku tersebut terbit 51 tahun yang lalu, sehingga memungkinkan adanya jenis-jenis tambahan yang belum terekam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi adanya jenis tambahan yang terdapat di Pulau Jawa. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode jelajah di Labuan (Banten, Bogor (Jawa Barat, Malang, dan Situbondo (Jawa Timur. Eupatorium capillifolium (Lam. Small ex Porter & Britton merupakan rekaman baru yang dapat melengkapi flora Jawa. Jenis tersebut dikelompokkan ke dalam puak Eupatorieae. Abstract There are 227 species of Asteraceae in Java Island recorded in the Flora of Java. However, only few review of this family for Java since Flora of Java has published 51 years ago. Some possibilities of unrecorded species may occur after this Flora of Java published. This research was conducted to provide information on additional species in Java Island. This research was carried out using exploration method in Labuan (Banten, Bogor (West Java, Malang and Situbondo (East Java. Eupatorium capillifolium (Lam. Small ex Porter & Britton is a new record for completing the flora of Java Island. This species belongs to Eupatorieae tribe.   

  18. Benefits and costs of oil palm expansion in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, under different policy scenarios

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sumarga, Elham; Hein, Lars


    Deforestation and oil palm expansion in Central Kalimantan province are among the highest in Indonesia. This study examines the physical and monetary impacts of oil palm expansion in Central Kalimantan up to 2025 under three policy scenarios. Our modelling approach combines a spatial logistic


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    Agus Rahmat


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan pemerintah Indonesia atas Humas pemerintah tidak lagi dalam tataran wacana atau sekedar konsep secara keIlmuan, keberadaan Humas pemerintah didorong atas kebutuhan pemerintah untuk menjelaskan apa yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah kepada ,asyarakat guna memperoleh dukungan dan untuk menerangkan apa dan bagaimana yang dilakukan pemerintah sehingga lingkungan masyarakat dalam dan masyarakat luar percaya. sudah sejak lama pemerintah di Indonesia termasuk pemerintah daerah memiliki Humas pemerintah, bahkan khusus di lingkungan pemerintah, profesi ini tergabung dalam wadah BakoHumas. Fakta yang ada dan berkembang mengisyaratkan sekaligus mempertanyakan mengenai kinerja Humas Pemerintah selama ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsi kinerja Humas pemerintah khususnya Humas Pemerintah kabupaten dan kota di Jawa Barat. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian, metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran angket. Temuan dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa: pertama, kinerja Humas pemerintah lebih banyak menerimaan teguran dibanding pujian/penghargaan atas hasil kerja; kedua, pegawai di bagian Humas pemerintah sangat sedikit yang berlatar belakang pendidikan formal komunikasi, terlebih lulusan keHumasan selain itu pegawai juga jarang mendapat pendidikan non formal bidang keHumasan; ketiga, aktivitas Humas pemerintah lebih tertumpu pada kegiatan rutin berupa penyediaan informasi bagi media. Konsekuens dari temuan penelitian ini adalah perlunya pengembangan kompetensi pegawai Humas pemerintah melalui linieritas bidang kerja dan pendidikan bagi pegawai baru dan pelatihan bidang keHumasan bagi petugas yang sudah ada. DOI: 10.24198/jkk.vol4n2.2


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    Lulus Susanti


    Full Text Available AbstractChikungunya fever is one of re-emerging diseases in Indonesia. The most prominent symptoms in chikungunya patients are severe pain in joints, especially in the knee, ankles, arms and hands joints , as well as joints of the spine so that the joints very difficult to be moved. The disease is caused by Chikungunya virus (CHIKV group.Cases of Chiku-ngunya in Central Java were increased, starting in 2005 which totaled only 46 cases, then became 86 cases in 2006, and increased sharply to reach 2,801 cases in 2007. The cases were distributed in several districts in Central Java including Boyolali, which contributes to considerable number of Chikungunya cases. In 2007 and 2008 the number of Chikungunyacases in Boyolali reached 634 and 517 respectively. In this study a survey was conducted to establish the relationship between community characteristics, socio-economic conditions, knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of the people,entomological and environmental survey as risk factors of Chikungunya in Boyolali. This study was an analytical epidemiologic study with case control study design. Results showed that cases of Chikungunya was majority in the age range of 20-45 and 46-64 years, 51 (39.23% and 50 cases (38.46% respectively, among them,80 females (61.54%. The most of the Chikungunya cases ; 34 (26.15%were not completed primary school and farmers, the main occupation of the people, were 41 cases (31.54%. Based on all of characteristic of the respondents, only gender that have significant relationshipswith the Chikungunya case (with P< 0.05. The characteristics of age, education, and occupation have no significant relationships with the case (P> 0.05. Knowledge and practices of the people on the prevention towards Chikungunya transmissions has no significant relationships to the case(with P > 0.05. Hanged cloth was also has no relationships with the case, but the existing of Aedes sp larvae shown significant relationships to the case (with P

  1. MODEL MANAJEMEN MUTU PEMBELAJARAN ENTREPRENUERSHIP BERBASIS SISTEM NILAI Studi Analisis Kualitatif di Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri Pasuruan Jawa Timur

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    Muhammad Thoyib


    Full Text Available Realitas eksistensi pesantren itu semakin nyata pentingnya manakala melihat perkembangan pesantren di Indonesia saat ini, khususnya pesantren di wilayah Jawa Timur sebagai representasi ‘induk semang’ lahirnya pondok pesantren di nusantara yang semakin pesat. Namun di tengah arus globalisasi yang begitu pesat ini, justru kondisi sebagian besar pesantren di Indonesia mengalami degradasi kualitas pembelajaran yang luar biasa, bahkan banyak yang ‘gulung tikar’. Dalam konteks itulah, upaya mengembangkan model manajemen mutu pembelajaran entrepreneurship berbasis sistem nilai di sejumlah pesantren di Indonesia, menjadi sangat urgen sebagai upaya memunculkan prototipe ‘pesantren nusantara masa depan’ yang lebih kokoh akan tradisi keilmuan, dan kewirausahaan (entrepreneurship sekaligus yang ditopang oleh nilai-nilai keilmuan, profesionalitas dan kepesantrenan yang integratif, sehingga ke depan mampu menjadi pondok pesantren yang lebih kompetitif dalam percaturan dunia pendidikan global. Hasil penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa: (1. Sistem nilai yang dikembangkan oleh Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri Pasuruan dalam mendukung manajemen entreprenuershipnya mencakup 3 komponen yaitu: profesionalitas, keilmuan dan kepesantrenan; (2. Tingkat mutu pembelajaran entrepreneurshipnya dapat dikatakan sangat baik, karena didukung oleh nilai pembelajaran yang rata-rata tinggi dan stabil di antara para santri entreprenuernya, termasuk omzet 1.25 trilyun yang telah dihasilkannya; dan (3 Aplikasi model manajemen mutu pembelajaran entreprenuershipnya telah sesuai dengan prinsip manajemen mutu yang berbijak khususnya pada 3 aspek utama yaitu perencanaan mutu, pelaksanaan mutu dan evaluasi mutu pembelajaran entreprenuershipnya.


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    Full Text Available Cocoa is a reliance commodity of the plantation that plays a strategic role in national economy, especially as a provider of employment, source of income, and foreign exchange income. This research aims to identify the cocoa potential and the supply chain of cocoa in Central Sulawesi – Indonesia. Type of the research is descriptive research using survey method in the cocoa supply chain in 13 Regencies/Cities in Central Sulawesi. The result of the study shows that: (1 The largest contributor of the cocoa producer in Indonesia is Central Sulawesi with 23.14 percent of national cocoa and 188,600 hectares area. (2 The cocoa supply chain consists of farmers → collecting traders → wholesalers → industry. (3 The risks in the supply chain of cocoa are (1 Price: No access to a certain information about the price of cocoa resulting in the price determined by the trader unilaterally, (2 Pest Risk: cocoa rot disease; Stem cancer, (3 Seasonal Risk: the rainy season can also cause fungal disease in the stems and damage the cocoa fruit, (4 Human Resources Risk: Low awareness of the community on how to maintain cocoa well and how to turn it into the main livelihood.

  3. Ethnobotanical study and nutrient content of indigenous vegetables consumed in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia




    Abstract. Chotimah HENC, Kresnatita S, Miranda Y. 2013. Ethnobotanical study and nutrient content of indigenous vegetables consumed in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 14: 106-111. People in Central Kalimantan consume vegetables that collected from the wild or traditionally cultivated. Documentation effort of them is very important because of the diversity of local vegetable are threatened with extinction due to the conversion of peat land and forest fires. This study aims to dete...

  4. A new species of bent-toed gecko, genus Cyrtodactylus Gray, 1827 (Reptilia: Squamata: Gekkonidae), from Jawa Timur Province, Java, Indonesia, with taxonomic remarks on C. fumosus (Müller, 1895). (United States)

    Hartmann, Lukas; Mecke, Sven; Kieckbusch, Max; Mader, Felix; Kaiser, Hinrich


    A new species of the gekkonid lizard genus Cyrtodactylus Gray, 1827 is described from Klakah, Lumajang Regency, Jawa Timur Province, Java, Indonesia. Cyrtodactylus klakahensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from all other congeners by the presence of (1) a deep precloacal groove in males, (2) three rows of enlarged precloacofemoral scales, of which the third row bears 37-38 pores in males, (3) three or four rows of enlarged scales between the precloacofemoral scale rows and the cloaca, forming distinct chevrons, (4) raised and strongly keeled dorsal tubercles in 15-19 rows at midbody, (5) an indistinct lateral fold, (6) 17-20 subdigital lamellae under the 4th toe, and (7) subcaudal scales which are not transversely enlarged. Cyrtodactylus klakahensis sp. nov. is only the third bent-toed gecko species described from Java, indicating that the diversity of this genus on this island has been neglected in the past. Furthermore, we confirm that C. fumosus (Müller, 1895) is a species that possesses a precloacal groove in males and is most likely restricted to northern Sulawesi. That species is defined by a single female holotype (NMB-REPT 2662). Specimens in museum collections catalogued as C. fumosus from localities elsewhere are misidentified and likely represent undescribed species.


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    Lilia Pasca Riani


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan memetakan kondisi financial literacy pengrajin logam di Propinsi Jawa Timur. Adapun pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menerapkan studi fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam dengan 8 pengrajin logam. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah peneliti memperoleh 4 dimensi kondisi financial literacy pengrajin logam di Propinsi Jawa Timur, yaitu dimensi pengetahuan tentang istilah keuangan, dimensi manajemen uang, dimensi pencatatan keuanga dan sistem kerjan, serta penjelasan kondisi financial literacy pengrajin logam dari sisi pengetahuan tentang pajak.

  6. Slippery Violence in the REDD+ Forests of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Peter Howson


    Full Text Available Due to increasing global demand for palm oil, coal, and timber, Indonesia has become the largest contributor of greenhouse gases from primary forest loss in the world. Carbon market mechanisms, like Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+, are being promoted by many elements of Indonesia's government as an effective policy response. The REDD+ programme is designed to enable the provision of financial compensations to protect and restore standing forests by making them more valuable than the timber they contain. However, the logic of REDD+ constructs people living in and around project sites as environmentally destructive and therefore in need of incentivisation to do otherwise. Local people are compensated for the 'opportunity costs' of not degrading forests. Within this frame ‘locals’—suffering from the malaise of dispossession—are Othered as illegal loggers, poachers, greedy miners or arsonists. In reality, REDD+ often facilitates the continuation of violence, legitimising an image of small-holders, rather than large international corporations, as the cause of forest degradation in Indonesia. Focusing on the Sungai Lamandau REDD+ project of Central Kalimantan, I discuss how, for some of Sungai Lamandau's landless farmers, REDD+ is accelerating the very violence and environmentally destructive behaviours it claims to discourage. Farmers are becoming embroiled in other ongoing processes, pushing them towards illicit livelihood strategies, sometimes with devastating outcomes.

  7. Komunikasi Konseling Lintas Budaya di MAN 2 Brebes Jawa Tengah

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    Nurma Ali Ridlwan


    upaya membantu individu (siswa mewujudkan pribadi utuh, bimbingan dan konseling peduli terhadap pengembangan kemampuan tersebut agar siswa dapat hidup lebih baik dan benar. Upaya bimbingan dalam merealisasikan fungsi-fungsi pendidikan, terarah kepada upaya membantu individu untuk memperluas, menginternalisasi, memperbaharui, dan mengintegrasikan sistem nilai ke dalam perilaku mandiri. Dalam upaya tersebut, bimbingan dan konseling amat mungkin menggunakan berbagai metode dan pendekatan serta teknik, untuk memahami dan memfasilitasi perkembangan individu yang bersandar dan terarah kepada pengembangan manusia sesuai dengan hakikat eksistensialnya. Oleh karena tampak keragaman budaya yang tumbuh dan berkembang di masyarakat, maka salah satu pendekatan komunikasi dalam konseling yang dapat digunakan yaitu komunikasi konseling lintas budaya. Penelitian ini berupaya menggali dan menganalisis data terkait dengan komunikasi konseling lintas budaya yang dilakukan oleh guru Madrasah Aliah Negeri (MAN 2 Brebes kepada siswa yang berlatar belakang etnis Sunda dan etnis Jawa. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian lapangan dengan metode pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis datan menggunakan teknik reduksi data, penyajian data dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa, Pertama; terdapat persamaan komunikasi konseling lintas budaya yang dilakukan oleh guru kepada siswa berlatar belakang etnis Sunda dan Jawa yaitu; secara bahasa menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sebagai sarana komunikasi, pada kasus tertentu menggunakan pendekatan klinikal, menggunakan keterampilan komunikasi seperti keterampilan empatik, bertanya, asertif dan konfrontasi, menempatkan posisi guru sebagai teman bahkan orangtua siswa, dan memperlakukan siswa sama sesuai dengan hak dan kewajibannya. Kedua, perbedaan komunikasi konseling lintas budaya kepada keduanya (siswa Sunda dan Jawa hanya tampak pada penggunaan pendekatannya, yaitu pendekatan pada siswa


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    Cecep Kusmana


    Full Text Available Indonesia as an archipelagic country more than 17,504 islands with the length of coastline estimated at 95,181 km bears mangroves from several meters to several kilometers. They grow extensively in the five big islands (Jawa, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua. At the year of 2009, Agency of Survey Coordination and National Mapping (Bakosurtanal of Indonesia reported the existing mangrove forest area in Indonesia of about 3,244,018 ha, however Directorate General of Land Rehabilitation and Social Forestry, Ministry of Forestry (Ditjen RLPS MoF of Indonesia at 2007 reported about 7,758,411 ha of mangrove area in Indonesia (including existing vegetated mangrove area. It was further reported that those mangroves were 30.7% in good condition, 27.4% moderate-destroyed, and 41.9% heavy-destroyed. In order to rehabilitate destroyed mangrove ecosystems, Indonesia applies at least three type of planting designs (square planting design, zig zag planting design, and cluster planting design and eight planting techniques (“banjar harian” technique, bamboo pole technique, guludan technique, water break technique, huge polybag technique, ditch muddy technique, huge mole technique, cluster technique. Generally, in Indonesia Rhizophora spp. are used for mangrove rehabilitation and/or restoration with the spacing of 1x1 m spending varied planting cost based on the site local condition and planting technique used. The mangrove planting ranged from about Rp. 14.2 million using propagules to Rp. 18.5 million using cultured seedlings. Recently, local community used to utilizing associated mangrove aquatic fauna for supporting their daily life as well as utilizing mangrove habitat for multipurpose uses through agroforestry techniques (silvofishery, agrosilvofishery, agrosilvopastoralfishery systems. So that, the good mangrove ecosystem serves luxurious both flora and fauna species (biodiversity as well as their abundance for significantly

  9. Penerapan Sistem Agribisnis Peternakan Kambing Jawa Randu dalam Kerangka Pengembangan Wilayah Kecamatan Karangpucung, Kabupaten Cilacap

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    Dewi Norytyas Prihatiningrum


    Full Text Available Karangpucung sub-district is centers of Jawa Randu Goats ranch developed by most of the local community. Thet kind of Jawa Randu goats is the result of a cross Jawa goats with Ettawa. The result of Jawa Randu goats ranch having high devotees, not only from local people but also from outside area even outside the province. Consumers of Jawa Randu goats derived from Banyumas, Banjarnegara, Purworejo, Kebumen, West Java and city and the surrounding area. However, development costs during this is only done in a traditional manner that hereditary and some even still are subsistence or only to even support their own, and have not oriented business. Of some of the problems, can be made the formulation of the problem, namely that the activities of the development of "Peternakan Goatie Java Randu" not oriented in a system of agribusiness overall because it still had difficulty in doing downstream off-farm agribusiness subsystem. The purpose of this research is to formulate the implementation of the Jawa Randu goats ranch agribusiness  system  within the framework of the Karangpucung sub-district development. The target of this study includes:   the activity of Jawa Randu goats ranch analysis, rural-urban linkage analysis, backward and forward linkage analysis, and analysis of the application of the Jawa Randu goats ranch agribusiness system within the framework of the Karangpucung sub- district development. Analysis techniques used covering quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis used by using a calculation method that calculates farming and also feasibility  analysis  of  financial  as  well  as  calculate  the  leather  processing  industry. Whereas qualitative analysis used with a method of descriptive qualitative as well as by the use of a scheme who described the existing conditions of Jawa Randu goats ranch activities. The result from this research is the application level system from the Jawa Randu


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    Ade Ermasari


    sebesar 7,5 Dan 11,6 persen.  Implikasi kebijakan yang dapat diambil adalah memiliki program program penanganan kemiskinan di Jawa-Madura yang lebih dari tenaga kerja dan bidang ekonomi, terutama dalam mengatasi masalah pengangguran. Selain itu, juga perlu ada peningkatan anggaran untuk pendidikan, kesehatan, dan tenaga kerja karena persentase pengeluaran pembangunan di tiga bidang ini masih tidak signifikan.    ABSTRACT The research is aimed at obtaining a description on the variation and the development of poverty (the poverty rate in Java-Madura based on regencies/municipalities year 2002 to 2007, and to find out the factors that may explain the change of the poverty. The research is macro, with the analysis scale is the entire Java-Madura island. The research method used is secondary data analysis. The main data source is taken from Data dan Informasi Kemiskinan Tahun 2002, 2005/2006, and 2007 Buku 2: Kabupaten/Kota published by BPS. The data analysis in the research is various such as cross tabulations, Chi Square, graphics, maps, linier and double regression analysis provided by quadrant analysis. The result of the research shows that the majority of regencies/municipalities in Java-Madura from year 2002 to 2007 has the fluctuated poverty rate especially in the central and the east of Java. Besides, there is a tangible difference between the poverty rate in regencies and in municipalities. Regencies tend to be dominant in the middle class poverty and municipalities are dominant in the low class poverty. Although GDRP per capita is significantly the influential factor to the poverty rate in Java-Madura especially in regencies year 2002-2007, the influence is relatively insignificant (R2  is always below 20 percent. The most influential factor is the percentage of people working in the informal sector with the R2  value is always above 40 percent in year 2002-2007. For the reason that the unemployment rate problem in Java-Madura is quite high, the manpower


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    Heny Lestary


    -AIDS pada ibu rumah tangga sudah semakin mengkhawatirkan dan ibarat fenomena gunung es. Provinsi Jawa Barat sebagai salah satu dari lima provinsi tertinggi di Indonesia dengan jumlah kasus HIV-AIDS dan merupakan provinsi dengan angka kematian ibu dan bayi tertinggi. Program Pencegahan Penularan HIV dari Ibu ke Anak (PPIA merupakan program yang sudah dilakukan di Indonesia sejak tahun 2004. Kemenkes sudah menunjuk beberapa rumah sakit untuk dapat menjadi pusat rujukan PPIA di wilayahnya, namun belum diketahui bagaimana implementasinya selama ini. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana kesiapan layanan PPIA di RS Rujukan HIV-AIDS di Provinsi Jawa Barat, yakni : RS HS, RSUD KBd, RSUD KBk, dan RS MM. Kesiapan layanan PPIA dilihat dari bagaimana kesiapan tenaga medis dan tenaga pendukung dalam memberikan layanan PPIA, kesiapan sarana dan prasarana, serta kendala layanan. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2014 dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesiapan ke-empat RS berbeda-beda dalam implementasi layanan PPIA, namun sebagian besar karena ketidaksiapan dalam hal sarana prasarana (reagen, obat-obatan, alat kesehatan, ruangan, pemeriksaan laboratorium, kurangnya pelatihan, masih adanya stigma dari tenaga kesehatan, serta belum adanya jaminan keamanan dan keselamatan bagi tenaga kesehatan pemberi layanan PPIA. Kesimpulannya adalah RS HS merupakan yang paling siap dalam implementasi layanan PPIA, RSUD KBd masih harus melengkapi obat-obatan dan pemeriksaan laboratorium terkait HIV-AIDS, RSUD KBk masih memerlukan sosialisasi dan pelatihan agar tidak ada stigma dari tenaga kesehatan, RS MM masih memerlukan sosialisasi, pelatihan, kelengkapan alat pelindung diri, komitmen pimpinan dan sebagainya agar dapat segera memberikan layanan persalinan bagi ibu positif HIV. Kata kunci: HIV-AIDS, PPIA, RS, Jawa Barat 

  12. Techno-economic assessment of Levulinic Acid Plant from Sorghum Bicolor in Indonesia (United States)

    Gozan, M.; Ryan, B.; Krisnandi, Y.


    The increasing need of energy is one of the main energy security issues in Indonesia. Hence, alternative energy is needed. Levulinic acid (LA) is among chemical platform used in the synthesis for avariety of high-value materials, such as fuels and commodity chemicals. It is predicted that global LA market demand to reach 3.1 tons in 2016. This study examines industrial processdesign and economic analysis for LA production in Indonesia.Sorghum bicolor was used as feed because of its high cellulose, low lignin contents and availability in Indonesia. The conventional economic problem from biomass based production was diminished sincethe valuable waste from pretreatment processwas sold to otherindustry.This plant was recommended to be built in an industrial estate area in Jawa Timur (East Java) province. Results from simulation using SuperPro Designer 9.0 was used for the techno-economic assessment.The plant assessment showed that the minimum production capacity was 7.7 ton per day to achieve an internal rate of return (IRR) and payback period (PBP) values of 19.61% and 3.93 years, respectively. Sensitivity analysis showed that product selling price was the most predominant factor for IRR, NPV, PBP and ROI. Raw material and water had low effects on those economic parameters. These values indicated that LA plant was feasible to be built in Indonesia.

  13. Canal blocking strategies for hydrological restoration of degraded tropical peatlands in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ritzema, H.P.; Limin, S.; Kusin, K.; Jauhiainen, J.; Wösten, H.


    In the 1990s the Government of Indonesia derided to develop one million hectares of peatlands for agriculture in Central Kalimantan on the Island of Borneo. The construction of thousands of kilometres of canals resulted in over-drainage and targets for agricultural production failed. Abandoned, the

  14. Optimalisasi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD Guna Meningkatkan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM di Jawa Barat

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    Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo


    Untuk itu, pemerintah daerah dapat menjalin kerjasama kemitraan dengan perguruan tinggi untuk dapat melakukan upaya optimalisasi PAUD guna meningkatkan IPM di Jawa Barat. Dengan kerjasama kemitraan ini diharapkan dapat membantu meningkatkan indeks rata-rata lama sekolah dan indeks melek huruf, sehingga IPM di Jawa Barat akan meningkat.


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    Aditya Yudha Primantoro


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem pengelolaan arsip di Kantor Perum Perhutani Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah, kendala-kendala yang dihadapi setra upaya-upaya untuk mengatasi kendala dalam sistem pengelolaan arsip. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun subyek penelitian ini adalah petugas Sub.Bag. Umum dan petugas kearsipan di Kantor Perum Perhutani Divisi Regional Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan empat teknik yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, simpulan verivikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sistem pengelolaan arsip di Kantor Perum Perhutani tahap pertama pengumpulan warkat, selanjutnya memeriksa tanda-tanda pelepasan oleh pimpinan, penetapan indeks, pemberian kode warkat, penyortiran, penyimpanan dan penataan warkat, pemeliharaan dan pengamanan arsip, penyusutan arsip, pemusnahan arsip. Kendala yang dihadapi pada saa tmemerikasa tanda-tanda pelepasan serta pendistribusian surat. Upaya yang dilakukan dengan mengirim surat kembali serta menyerahkan kepada pimpinan. The purpose of this study was to determine the records management system in the Office of Perum Perhutani Central Java Regional Division, constraints faced by Setra's efforts to overcome the obstacles in the archive management system. This study used a qualitative approach. The subject of this research is Sub.Bag officer. General and archival officer in the Office of the Regional Division Perhutanioffice Central Java Province. Data were collected by using interviews and documentation. Data were analyzed using four techniques of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, verification conclusions. The results show records management system in the first phase of the Office Perhutanioffice collection slips, then check for signs of release by the leadership, the determination of the index, script coding, sorting, storage and slips

  16. PENGARUH BENTUK ATAP BANGUNAN TRADISIONAL DI JAWA TENGAH UNTUK PENINGKATAN KENYAMANAN (Sebuah pencarian model arsitektur tropis untuk aplikasi desain arsitektur

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    Ridwan Sanjaya


    Full Text Available In the architectural development recently, form of Java traditional roof is still commonly interested. While it is full of philosophic value, form of Java traditional roof also varies. On the other hand, Java traditional architecture concerns deeply in environmental aspect, which is formed in macro and micro concept as well, in order to become harmony and be comfort to dwell in. However, in the development and the application to modern buildings, which uses modern building materials, the thermal comfort aspect and the sturdy of construction are not considered. Therefore, it is necessary to understand well the basic concept of the forming traditional architecture in the context of trophical architecture and the sturdy of construction.This research aims to give descriptions to society, students and architects, in order to understand the importantance of thermal comfort, which can be achieved by well-designed roof.To achieve the expected result, the research is approached through analizing the sturdy of construction, to the original traditional buildings and the modern buildings using the Java traditional roof as well. The thermal comfort analysis is done with some equipments such as digital thermometer, digital hygrometer and digital anemometer. The research result is design recommendation to adjust the modern material to the form of Java traditional roof. By computer program using Visual Basic, it is expected that the research will be easily understood by society and it can be applied in building design. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Dalam perkembangan arsitektur saat ini, bentuk atap tradisional Jawa masih diminati oleh masyarakat. Selain sarat muatan filosofis, bentuk atap tradisional juga bervariasi. Di sisi lain, arsitektur tradisional Jawa sangat memperhatikan aspek lingkungan, yang tertuang dalam konsep makro dan mikro kosmosnya, sehingga selaras dan nyaman untuk dihuni. Namun dalam perkembangan dan penerapan pada bangunan modern, yang

  17. Indonesia`s Palm Oil Industrialization: the Resistance of Tanjung Pusaka Villagers, Central Kalimantan Against Palm Oil Industry


    Wulansari, Ica


    Indonesia`s Palm oil industry is the greatest export commodity in the world. Palm oil industry has been developed since Soeharto`s administration with World Bank`s initiative. Indonesia`s development pattern is modernization which is fully supported by global capitalist agent. Furthermore, the government of Indonesia has issued policies to support this industry and the ease of accessibilty for investor to build in Indonesia. Most of the policies focus on economic interest with lack of attenti...


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    Akrom Muflih


    Full Text Available The objective of research was to determine the suitability and carrying capacity of Tanjung Pasir Coast and Untung Jawa Island for tourism. Research was conducted through survey descriptively and evaluative approaches to obtain primary data while secondary data also collected as supporting. The suitability of Tanjung Pasir Beach for tourism was 83.33% (highly suitable, Untung Jawa Beach 78.57 and 85.71% (highly suitable, mangrove 56.14% (suitable, but snorkeling 42.11% (not suitable and 56.14% (suitable. Carrying capacity for tourism in the beach of Tanjung Pasir were 162 tourists/day, Untung Jawa 74 tourists/day, mangrove tourism 69 tourists/day, and snorkeling 20 tourists/day. However, the actual numbers of tourists in the region have exceeded the carrying capacity. Therefore, the control of tourists number is needed in order to match the carrying capacity of its environment as a management measure.

  19. Concept and Planning of Site Preparation for Radioactive Waste Disposal in Jawa and Surrounding Area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heru Sriwahyuni; Sastrowardoyo, Pratomo B.; Teddy Sumantri; Dewi Susilowati; Hendra Adhi Pratama; Syarmufni, A.


    Concept and planning for radioactive waste disposal in Jawa and surrounding area have been done. These activities were part of the investigation for preparation of repository location in Jawa. In this report, the summary of previous sitting activities, the waste inventory in Radioactive Waste Technology Centre, and list of important factors for sitting on radioactive waste disposal location. Several potential areas such as Karawang, Subang, Majalengka, Rembang, Tuban, Madura will be the focus for next activities. The result will be part of activities report regarding the preparation of repository location in Jawa and surrounding area, that will be used as recommendation prior to radioactive waste management policy. (author)


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    Harun Joko Prayitno


    Full Text Available Studi ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan taksonomi tindak kesantunan direktif dikalangan andik SD yang berlatar belakang budaya Jawa. Tujuan spesifik studi iniadalah untuk merumuskan taksonomi dan pola semestaan realisasi tindakkesantunan direktif andik SD dalam hubungannya dengan prinsip dasar berbahasa PKS dan PSS; prinsip harmoni sosial PI dan PK. Objek penelitian ini adalah skala kelangsungan dan peringkat tindak kesantunandirektif dalam kaitannya PKS, PSS, prinsip harmoni sosial PI, PK, dn prinsip kultural budaya Jawa. Sumber data penelitian meliputi keseluruhan aktivitas berbahasa andik SD yang direfleksikan oleh guru kelas SD melalui FGD, baik dalam suasana formal maupun nonformal. Data penelitian berupa skala kelangsungan dan peringkat kesantunan pertuturan menurut PKS, PSS, PI, PK, dan Pk. Interpretasi perwujudan tindak kesantunan direktif dilakukan dengan kerja analisis pragmatik yang mengacu pada analisis heuristik model Grice, skala kelangsungan dan peringkat kesantunan model BrownLevinson. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa (1 perwujudan tindak kesantunan direktif (TKD di kalangan andik SD berlatar belakang budaya Jawa berkecenderungan diwujudkan melaui tipe menyuruh pada kategori memerintah dan tipe meminta pada kategori memohon. Temuan ini menggambarkah bahwa sesuai dengan kodratnya sebagai anak pada dasarnya masih memerlukan suri tauladan dari orang tuanya di rumah, gurunya di sekolah, dan panutannya sebagai yang difigurkan atau ditokohkan di lingkungan masyarakatnya masing-masing. (2 realisasi TKD di kalangan andik SD berlatar belakang budaya Jawa berkecenderungan dinyatakan dengan cara-cara tak langsung dan modus-modus nonliteral daripada dengan cara-cara langsung atau modus literal. Realisasi ini menggambarkan bahwa andik SD pada hakikatnya masih dalam masa perkembangan mental lingual sehingga masih memerlukan bimbingan yang bernilai positif, santun, dan berkarakter dari orang tua, guru, dan lingkungan

  1. Transferrin Polymorphism in Four Local Breeds of Goat in Central Java, Indonesia


    Kurnianto, E; Sutopo, S; Samsudewa, D; Purbowati, E; Dewanti, D.R; Brata, G.D


    The objectives of this study were to determine the gene frequency and individual heterozygosity oftransferrin in four local breeds of goat in Central Java-Indonesia. The number of blood samples weretaken from 96 heads of goat, in which each of breeds were 24 samples, those were Kejobong(Purbalingga regency), Ettawa Grade (Purworejo regency), Kacang (Grobogan regency) and Jawarandu(Pemalang regency). Polyacrilamide Gel Electrophoresis was performed to detect the bands of bloodplasm protein. Ge...


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    Susilawati Susilawati


    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah: pertama, untuk mengetahui serta menganalisis pengaruh Profesionalisme dan Independensi Auditor Internal secara simultan terhadap kualitas audit pada Inspektorat Provinsi Jawa Barat. Kedua, untuk mengetahui serta menganalisis pengaruh Profesionalisme dan Independensi Auditor Internal secara parsial terhadap kualitas audit pada Inspektorat Provinsi Jawa Barat DOI: 10.15408/etk.v13i2.1886

  3. Penyakit-Penyakit Penting Buah Naga di Tiga Sentra Pertanaman di Jawa Tengah

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    Arif Wibowo


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to identify the causal agent of some dragon fruit disease emerging in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY and Central Java. Samples were taken from the dragon fruit plantation from the district of Sleman and Kulonprogo, Province of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta as well as Magelang, Province of Central Java. Isolation of pathogen from symptomatic plant tissue was performed on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA for fungi and Nutrient Agar (NA for bacteria and continued with Koch's postulates testing. The results of field observation showed that the disease commonly occured in all 3 plantations of dragon fruit were stem rot caused by Erwinia sp. and scab caused by Pestalotiopsis sp. Other miscellaneous diseases found among the plantations were brown spot (Fusarium sp., anthracnose (Colletotrichum sp., mosaic that might be caused by Cactus Virus X, root knotnematode (Meloidogyne sp., black rot and red spot which were still unidentified. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyakit-penyait penting pada tanaman buah naga yang ditanam pada sentra pertanaman buah naga di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY dan Jawa Tengah, serta untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab penyakit penting tersebut. Sampel tanaman buah naga diambil dari pertanaman buah naga di Kabupaten Sleman dan Kulon Progo untuk Provinsi DIY serta Magelang untuk Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Isolasi patogen dari jaringan tanaman bergejala dilakukan pada medium Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA untuk jamur dan Nutrient Agar (NA untuk bakteri serta dilanjutkan dengan uji Postulat Koch. Hasil pengamatan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa penyakit yang umum terdapat di 3 lokasi pertanaman buah naga tersebut adalah busuk batang yang disebabkan oleh Erwinia sp. dan kudis yang disebabkan oleh Pestalotiopsis sp. Adapun penyakit-penyakit lain yang dijumpai antara lain bercak coklat (Fusarium sp., antraknosa (Colletotrichum sp., mosaik yang kemungkinan disebabkan oleh Cactus Virus X, puru akar


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    Yohannes Sardjono


    Full Text Available Indonesia as an archipelago has been experiencing high growth industry and energy demand due to high population growth, dynamic economic activities. The total population is around 230 million people and 75 % to the total population is living in Java. The introduction of Nuclear Power Plant on Java Bali electricity grid will be possible in 2022 for 2 GWe, using proven technology reactor like ABWR or others light water reactor with nominal power 1000 MWe. In this case, the rated thermal power for the equilibrium cycles is 3926 MWt, the cycle length is 18 month and overall capacity factor is 87 %. The designs were performed for an 872-fuel bundles ABWR core using GE-11 fuel type in an 9×9 fuel rod arrays with 2 Large Central Water Rods (LCWR. The calculations were divided into two steps; the first is to generate bundle library and the other is to make the thermal and reactivity limits satisfied for the core designs. Toshiba General Electric Bundle lattice Analysis (TGBLA and PANACEA computer codes were used as designs tools. TGBLA is a General Electric proprietary computer code which is used to generate bundle lattice library for fuel designs. PANACEA is General Electric proprietary computer code which is used as thermal hydraulic and neutronic coupled BWR core simulator. This result of core designs describes reactivity and thermal margins i.e.; Maximum Linear Heat Generation rate (MLHGR is lower than 14.4 kW/ft, Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR is upper than 1.25, Hot Excess Reactivity (HOTXS is upper than 1 %Dk at BOC and 0.8 %Dk at 200 MWD/ST and Cold Shutdown Margin Reactivity (CSDM is upper than 1 %Dk. It is concluded that the equilibrium core design using GE-11 fuel bundle type satisfies the core design objectives for the proposed of the firs Indonesia ABWR Nuclear Power Plant. Keywords: The first NPP in Indonesia, ABWR-1000 MWe, and core designs.   Indonesia adalah sebagai negara kepulauan yang laju pertumbuhan industri, energi, penduduk



    Eko Dini Danafi; Djoko Winarso; Rahadi Swatomo; Ahmad Fauzi; Ida Masnur; Iwan Kurniawan; Nurina Titisari


    Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus auratus) adalah satwa endemik Jawa dan Bali. Populasi lutung Jawa semakin mengalami penurunan dan masuk kategori satwa yang dilindungi. Penurunan populasi lutung jawa dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai macam penyakit yang diperparah dengan tingginya tingkat stres pada satwa. Javan Langur Center yang berlokasi di Cangar, Batu merupakan salah satu tempat untuk merehabilitasi lutung Jawa sebelum dilepasliarkan ke alam. Javan Langur Center terdiri dari tiga kandang yaitu k...

  6. Factors influencing non-adherence to tuberculosis treatment in Jepara, central Java, Indonesia. (United States)

    Rondags, Angelique; Himawan, Ari Budi; Metsemakers, Job Fm; Kristina, Tri Nur


    One of the most serious problems for tuberculosis (TB) control is non-adherence to TB treatment. We studied the factors influencing non-adherence to TB treatment in Indonesia to inform TB treatment adherence strategies. We con- ducted semi-structured interviews with non-adherent patients and key informants in Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia. Three major themes were found in reasons for non-adherence to TB treatment: 1) knowledge about TB, 2) knowledge about TB treatment and 3) choosing and changing a health care treatment facility. Respondents had an inadequate knowledge about TB and its treatment. Feeling healthy and having financial problems were the most common reasons for TB treatment non-adherence. Respondents sought treatment from many different health care providers, and often changed the treatment facility location. TB treatment adherence might improve by providing better education about the disease and its treatment to those undergoing treatment. Providing information about where to receive treatment and that treatment is free could also improve compliance.


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    Zulia Agustiana


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh dan hubungan sebab-akibat pemakaian energi, hubungan againts penduduk terhadap PDB Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Data yang digunakan pada waktu seri, dari 1985 hingga 2012. Mereka berasal dari Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS. Metode yang digunakan adalah OLS dan analisis kausal. Temuan-temuan dari studi ini adalah bahwa ada hubungan langsung antara PDB hubungan againts penduduk, PDB untuk konsumsi energi dan konsumsi energi, energi konsumsi towward PDB. Kesimpulan dari penelitian adalah konsumsi energi dan jumlah penduduk berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap PDRB, konsumsi energi menyebabkan PDRB. Pemerintah maupun swasta sebaiknya meningkatkan usaha untuk mengembangkan energi terbarukan untuk dapat mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap energi terutama untuk energi yang bersifat unrenewable resourch. The aims of this study are to analyse influence and causal relationship of energy consumption, relations againts population toward GDP Provinsi Jawa Tengah. The data used was time series, from 1985 up to 2012. They were from Central Bureu of Statistics (BPS. The metode used is OLS and causal analysis. The findings of this study is that there is a direct relationship between GDP to relation againts population, GDP to energy consumption and energy consumption, energy consumption towward GDP. The conclusion of the research is the consumption of energy and positive and influential population significantly to GDP, energy consumption caused the GDP. Government or private sector should increase efforts to develop renewable energy to reduce reliance against energy especially for energy are unrenewable resourch.


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    Irham Yuwanamu


    Full Text Available Artikel ini berupaya menjelaskan terkait dengan Islam faktual sebagai keniscayaan yang terjadi kepada umat Islam. Bahwasanya Islam faktual merupakan bentuk keberagamaan umat muslim di dunia yang dapat dipengaruhi oleh latar sosial dan budaya masyarakat. Islam faktual dapat terjadi perbedaan di antara umat muslim yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Dalam artikel ini Islam faktual yang menjadi kajian adalah Islam Indonesia. Pertanyaan yang ingin dijawab adalah bagaimana karakter dan tipologi Islam Indonesia? Kesimpulan yang ditemukannya, bahwa karakter Islam Indonesia adalah wasatiyah dan tipologinya adalah akomodatif dengan sosio-kultur di masyarakat. Kemudian tipologi yang dikemukakan oleh Clifford Geertz dalam hal ini sudah tidak relevan lagi, khususnya untuk menggambarkan Islam Jawa sebagai contoh Islam Indonesia. Selanjutnya era kontemporer ini Islam Indonesia sebagian kecil mengalami pergeseran orientasi ke arah Islam transnasional, yakni Islam yang bermanhaj salafi. Artikel ini merupakan sebuah kajian literatur yang menggunakan bahan-bahan hasil penelitian terkait dengan tema yang menjadi objek kajian.    This article efforts to explain the associated with Islam factual as a necessity that happened to the Muslims. That Islam factual is a form of religious Muslims in the world who could be affected by the social and cultural background. Islam factual can occur differences between Muslims with each other. In this article the Islam factual  become to be studied is Islam Indonesian. Questions to be answered is how the characters and the typology of Indonesian Islam? The conclusion that the discovery, that the character of Islam Indonesian is wasatiyah and typology is accommodating to the socio-culture in society. Then typology proposed by Clifford Geertz in this case was no longer relevant, particularly to describe Islam Java as an example. Furthermore, this contemporary era Islam Indonesian in part experienced a shift in orientation toward



    Naili Farida


    The study discussed about the integration of relational bonding, relational quality,on service quality and customer loyalty at the state-owned bank in Central Java. The loca-tions of research included Semarang City, Surakarta City, and Cilacap City. Research methodused multi stage sampling. The sample of research counted 278 customers of Regular Savingfrom Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), Bank Mandiri, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Bank TabunganNegara, and Bank Pembangunan Central of Java. The hypothesi...

  10. Model Ikatan Hubungan, Nilai Pelanggan Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Pada Bank Pemerintah Di Jawa Tengan


    Farida, Naili


    The study discussed about the integration of relational bonding, relational quality,on service quality and customer loyalty at the state-owned bank in Central Java. The loca-tions of research included Semarang City, Surakarta City, and Cilacap City. Research methodused multi stage sampling. The sample of research counted 278 customers of Regular Savingfrom Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), Bank Mandiri, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Bank TabunganNegara, and Bank Pembangunan Central of Java. The hypothesi...


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    Trya Agung Pahlevi


    Full Text Available Implementasi penyiaran televisi digital dengan menggunakan media teresterial telah menjadi kenyataan di Indonesia. Sistem penyiaran televisi digital (Digital Video Broadcast over Terrestrial / DVB-T memungkinkan untuk penggunaan Single Frequency Network (SFN, sehingga dapat memperluas wilayah jangkauan siaran dengan menggunakan satu kanal frekuensi. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah merencanakan koordinat dan parameter teknis sistem SFN DVB-T di wilayah TVRI Jawa Barat, berdasarkan rekomendasi dari akta-akta akhir International Telecommunication Union (ITU dalam Sidang Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06, untuk mendapatkan jangkauan wilayah yang paling maksimal dan efisien. Simulasi perancangan menggunakan  perangkat lunak "Mobile RF" dan "CHIRplus_BC"dalam menentukan koordinat pemancar, parameter daya dan tinggi pemancar, serta keekonomian perancangan. Hasil akhir dari penelitian adalah dengan sistem SFN dapat meningkatkan wilayah jangkauan siaran dari kondisi awal 11.609.819 orang (persentase coverage population 55,51%, menjadi 12.060.282 orang (persentase coverage population 57,66% sampai dengan 17.563.586 orang (persentase coverage population 83,98%, dengan total jumlah pemirsa adalah 20.914.885  orang.


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    Cerianing Putri Pratiwi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk campur kode pada percakapan pengguni kos Avito dan mendeskripsikan bentuk Interferensi pada percakapan pengguni kos Avito. Dari hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa percakapan pengguni kos Avito cukup banyak menggunakan campur kode. Penggunaan campur kode tersebut dipengaruhi oleh  identitas peranan, identifikasi ragam, dan keinginan untuk menafsirkan atau menjelaskan. Pencampuran bahasa dilakukan karena dilatarbelakangi oleh situasi dan penutur yang sama-sama berasal dari daerah (Jawa, penutur A yang mencampurkan bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Jawa di latar belakangi oleh keterbiasaan dalam menuturkan tuturan dengan orang. Sama halnya dengan penutur B yang mencampurkan bahasa Jawa ke bahasa Indonesia dilatar belakangi oleh adanya kutipan-kutipan orang yang dibicarakan, sehingga penutur B mencampurkan bahasa Indonesia ketika mengutip pembicaraan seseorang. Interferensi yang terjadi dikarenakan kesalahan bahasa yang berupa unsur bahasa sendiri yang dibawa ke dalam bahasa atau dialek lain yang dipelajari. Interferensi ini terjadi dalam pembentukan kata dengan menyerap afiks-afiks bahasa lain.

  13. Perupaan dan Sinkronisasi Artefak Percandian Batujaya di Karawang, Jawa Barat dengan Borobudur di Jawa Tengah dan Mon-Dwarawati di Thailand

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    Nuning Damayanti


    Full Text Available Percandian Batujaya adalah sebuah kompleks sisa-sisa percandian Budha kuno yang terletak di Kecamatan Batujaya dan Kecamatan Pakisjaya, Kabupaten Karawang, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Adanya dua fase pembangunan pada Batujaya membuka kemungkinan terhadap interpretasi akan adanya gaya-gaya perupaan yang berbeda pada percandian Batujaya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa mazhab Budha yang diterapkan pada kompleks percandian Batujaya adalah mazhab Mahayana, dicirikan dengan keberadaan votive tablet dengan perupaan yang menggambarkan sosok-sosok bodhisattva dan Budha. Perbandingan gaya visual dengan artefak-artefak yang berasal dari periode Mon-Dwarawati di wilayah Thailand dan artefak Borobudur di Jawa Tengah menunjukkan bahwa artefak Batujaya cenderung memiliki gaya naturalis yang lebih serupa dengan Dwarawati terutama pada profil wajah dibandingkan gaya stilasi Borobudur yang lebih dekat secara geografis. Terdapat ciri khas pada arca Batujaya yaitu cenderung memiliki bentuk mata yang didistorsi menjadi lebih besar dan terkesan membelalak, serta hidung yang lebar. Kemungkinan hal ini didasari bentuk fisik masyarakat lokal atau pemikiran ideal lokal mengenai fisik yang sempurna.Kata kunci: arca; Batujaya; Budha Mahayana; gaya perupaan; votive tablet.Batujaya enshrinement complex is a remnant of ancient Buddhist monument, located in Kecamatan Batujaya and Kecamatan Pakisjaya, Karawang, West Java. The two development phases of Batujaya would open the possibility of different interpretations of visual style in Batujaya. Based on these results, it could be concluded that the Buddhist sect worshipped in Batujaya was Mahayana sect, characterized by votive tablets depicting bodhisattva and Budha. Comparison of visual style with the artifacts dating from Mon-Dvaravati period in Thailand region and Borobudur in Central Java indicated that Batujaya artifacts tend to have more naturalistic style similar to Dwarawati primarily onfacial


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    Anisa Prasetyo


    Full Text Available Industri konsol kapal di Indonesia masih perlu dikembangkan untuk mendukung peningkatan jumlah komponen lokal dalam industri perkapalan. Melihat besarnya peluang dan pasar industri konsol kapal di Indonesia, maka dilakukan penelitian tugas akhir analisa teknis dan ekonomis pengembangan industri pendukung konsol kapal (ship console di Indonesia. Konsol kapal yang dimaksud adalah bridge control console, engine control console, cargo control console, water ballast control console, bridge wing control console. Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah melakukan analisa teknis meliputi pemilihan lokasi, proses produksi, pemeriksaan hasil produksi, penentuan kapasitas produksi, peralatan dan mesin yang digunakan dalam proses pembuatannya, serta pembuatan layout dari pabrik dengan luas bangunan 2728 m² dan luas tanah 3886 m² berada pada Desa Karangploso, Kec. Benjeng, Kab. Gresik, Jawa Timur. Analisa ekonomis meliputi analisa kondisi pasar di Indonesia untuk permintaan konsol kapal dalam lima tahun yang akan datang. Biaya investasi pembangunan industri ini kira-kira sebesar Rp,00 yang berupa biaya pembelian tanah, pembangunan, pembelian peralatan dan mesin. Selanjutnya dilakukan perhitungan biaya operasional dan pemasukan perusahaan agar dapat melakukan analisa kelayakan investasi dengan menggunakan metode Break Event Point, Net Present Value, dan Internal Rate of Return yang hasilnya digunakan untuk menentukan kelayakan pengembangan dari industri konsol kapal di Indonesia. Berdasarkan analisa yang telah dilakukan Break Event Point terjadi pada 6 tahun 8 bulan dengan keuntungan kira-kira sebesar Rp 1.507.000.000,00. Nilai Net Present Value kira-kira sebesar Rp 4,408,000,000.00. Nilai Internal Rate of Return sebesar 11.38% lebih besar dari bunga bank yang telah ditetapkan yaitu 10.25%. Hal tersebut dikarenakan besarnya potensi pasar di Indonesia dan sedikitnya jumlah kompetitor pada industri konsol kapal.    

  15. Evaluasi Program Corporate Social Responsibility “Organic Integrated System” PT. Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali Unit Pembangkitan Paiton


    Harianto, Ruth Carissa


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi program Corporate Social Responsibility “Organic Integrated System” yang dijalankan oleh divisi umum dan CSR PT. Pembangkitan Jawa – Bali Unit Pembangkitan Paiton. Di dalam melaksanakan program Corporate Social Responsibility “Organic Integrated System” ini, PT. Pembangkitan Jawa – Bali Unit Pembangkitan Paiton bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Sekola Konang dan Kelompok Suko Tani sebagai publik sasarannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pe...


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    Darminto Pujotomo


    Full Text Available PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI Central Java merupakan salah satu perusahaan produsen minuman ringan yang terkemuka di Indonesia, dengan dua jenis kelompok produk yang dihasilkan yaitu minuman karbonasi/Carbonated Soft Drink (Coca-Cola, Sprite, dan Fanta dan non-karbonasi (Frestea dan Ades. Dalam usaha untuk mempertahankan mutu dan meningkatkan produktifitas, salah satu faktor yang harus diperhatikan adalah masalah perawatan fasilitas/mesin produksi.  Makalah ini membahas mengenai penyebab dan akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh breakdown mesin terjadi pada Line 8/Carbonated Soft Drink, khususnya pada conveyor, filler machine, dan bottle washer machine. Untuk mendapatkan mesin yang dapat terjaga keterandalannya dibutuhkan suatu konsep yang baik. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM merupakan sebuah konsep yang baik untuk merealisasikan hal tersebut. Konsep ini, selain melibatkan semua personil dalam perusahaan, juga bertujuan untuk merawat semua fasilitas produksi yang dimiliki perusahaan.Data yang digunakan merupakan data breakdown conveyor, filler machine, dan bottle washer machine dari ME Monthly Report PT.CCBI selama bulan Januari-Desember 2005 khususnya line 8. Selain itu makalah ini juga membahas performance maintenance PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia-Central Java, dengan memperhitungkan nilai Mean Time Beetwen Failure (MTBF, Mean Time To Repair (MTTR, serta Availability mesin, dengan menggunakan data record Line 8 selama bulan Mei 2006 sampai bulan Juli 2006. Sehingga nantinya akan diketahui informasi keadaan aktual dari perusahaan tentang sistem perawatannya, khususnya pada Line 8/Carbonated Soft Drink apakah baik atau buruk. Kata kunci : Total Production Maintenance, Conveyor, Filler Machine, Bottle Washer Machine, Performance Maintenance   PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI-Central Java represent one of notable light beverage producer company in Indonesia, with two product group type yielded is carbonated beverage/Carbonated Soft

  17. Seroepidemiologic survey of cysticercosis-taeniasis in four central highland districts of Papua, Indonesia. (United States)

    Salim, Lidwina; Ang, Agnes; Handali, Sukwan; Tsang, Victor C W


    Cysticercosis and taeniasis are known to be present in Papua, Indonesia. Several small studies have found a high prevalence of cysticercosis (23.5-56.9%) in the central highlands of Papua. A seroepidemiologic survey was carried out in four districts (Jayawijaya, Paniai, Pegunungan Bintang, and Puncak Jaya) of Papua. Anti-cysticercosis and anti-taeniasis antibodies were measured in 2,931 people using recombinant T24 and recombinant ES33 as a measure of cysticercosis and taeniasis exposures, respectively. Prevalence of cysticercosis-taeniasis is high in the Jayawijaya and Paniai districts (20.8% and 29.2% for cysticercosis and 7% and 9.6% for taeniasis, respectively) and lowest in the other two districts (Pegunungan Bintang and Puncak Jaya) (2% and 2% for cysticercosis and 1.7% and 10.7% for taeniasis, respectively). Our data show that the prevalence of cysticercosis and taeniasis are unchanged from that reported nearly 35 years ago at the beginning of cysticercosis-taeniasis epidemics in Papua, Indonesia.


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    Delima Delima


    Jamu pada bulan Januari 2010 di Kendal. Untuk mencapai kegiatan ini, dilakukan pencatatan penggunaan jamu oleh dokter praktik. Studi deskriptif potong lintang ini dilakukan di 6 provinsi di Jawa dan Bali. Dokter yang terdaftar sebagai anggota perhimpunan seminat terkait jamu diundang dan diminta mengisi kuesioner terstruktur. Sejumlah 108 dokter praktik yang menggunakan jamu asli Indonesia berusia 26-70 tahun, baik dokter umum  maupun spesialis, berpendidikan strata 1 hingga strata 3 bersedia menjadi responden. Sebanyak 76,9 % dokter melakukan praktik jamu antara 1—10  tahun dengan median  2 pasien/hari (kisaran 0—40. Dokter praktik jamu juga melakukan cara pengobatan tradisional lain seperti akupunktur (47,2 %, pijat/releksi (7,4 %, akupresur (6,5 %. Selain memberikan jamu untuk pasien, semua dokter juga memanfaatkan jamu untuk diri sendiri dan keluarga. Lebih banyak menggunakan jamu asli Indonesia bentuk tunggal atau ramuan dalam sediaan kapsul maupun rebusan simplisia. Jamu terutama untuk pengobatan hipertensi, dislipidemia, diabetes mellitus, ISPA, hepatitis, hiperurisemia, osteoartritis, diare, kanker, dan gastritis. Jenis bahan jamu yang banyak dipakai adalah temulawak, sambiloto, kunyit, pegagan, kumis kucing, seledri, meniran, jati belanda, jahe, dan kunir putih. Sebagai kesimpulan, sebagian besar dokter praktik jamu di Jawa Bali sudah melakukan praktik menggunakan jamu asli Indonesia dalam 10 tahun terakhir dipadu dengan obat tradisional yang berasal dari luar negeri dan pengobatan tradisional lain namun pengobatan konvensional masih dipegang sebagai standar pengobatan tertinggi. Kata kunci: jamu, saintifikasi jamu, pengobatan tradisional


    Sari, Yulia; Haryati, Sri; Raharjo, Irvan; Prasetyo, Afiono Agung


    In Indonesia, Toxoplasma and its associations with blood-borne viruses have been poorly studied. In order to study the association between anti-Toxoplasma antibodies and blood-borne viral antibodies, blood samples from 497 participants (375 inmates from four prisons in Central Java, Indonesia and 122 HIV patients at a Voluntary Counseling and Testing Clinic in Surakarta, Indonesia) were tested for serological markers of Toxoplasma, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis D virus (HDV) and human T-lymphotropic virus types I and II (HTLV-1/2). Anti-Toxoplasma IgG and IgM positivity rates were 41.6% and 3.6%, respectively. One point two percent of participants was positive for both anti-Toxoplasma IgG and IgM antibodies. Sixteen point five percent, 11.3%, 2.6% and 2.8% of participants were positive for anti- Toxoplasma IgG combined with anti-HCV antibodies, anti-Toxoplasma IgG combined with anti-HIV antibodies, anti-Toxoplasma IgM combined with anti-HIV antibodes and anti-Toxoplasma IgG combined with both anti-HIV and anti-HCV antibodies, respectively. Anti-Toxoplasma IgM seropositivity was associated with anti-HIV (aOR = 4.3; 95% CI: 1.112-16.204, p = 0.034). Anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibodies were associated with anti-HCV (aOR = 2.8; 95% CI: 1.749-4.538, p < 0.001) and history of injection drug use (aOR = 3.1; 95% CI: 1.905-5.093, p < 0.001). In conclusion, we recommend patients with HIV, HCV infection and injection drug users should be screened for Toxoplasma infection in Indonesia.

  20. Studi Hubungan Budaya dengan Aglomerasi Ekonomi (North-South Corridor Di Jawa Timur

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    Rachmad Kresna Sakti


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT   There are two things that commonly identify economic activitivities spacially such as concentration and imbalance.  East Java has two concentration poles of Java economic activities spacially. One of the concentration areas in East Java is in Surabaya, and that concentration activity is called North-South Corridor which is close to temple/ archeological site in East Java. Based on the fact, this research answers some questions like (1 Is there any interaction between culture dimension (the people and economic dimension? (2 How does culture dimension interacts with economic dimension? The aims of the research are (a To know the interaction between culture dimension (the people and economic dimension partially and cumulatively, so there will be North-South Corridor in East Java; (b To know the flow of mechanism from the detail of culture dimension interacting with economic dimension. The research was done outside North-South Corridor  area in East Java. The result of the research shows (1 there is a relationship between culture and economic dimension. It can be showed from the difference of each economic subject both inside and outside North-South Corridor in facing Hofstede Culture; (2 the difference of culture is formed by the environment of area inside and outside North-South Corridor.   Keywords: North-South Corridor, culture, economic concentration   ABSTRAKS   Terdapat dua hal yang seringkali menjadi ciri menonjol dari kegiatan perekonomian secara spasial, yaitu adanya konsentrasi dan ketimpangan. Di Pulau Jawa Terdapat dua kutub konsentrasi kegiatan ekonomi di Jawa secara spasial. Salah satunya wilayah konsentrasi kegiatan ekonomi di Surabaya Jawa Timur. Konsentrasi kegiatan tersebut dikenal dengan koridor utara – selatan. Menariknya koridor Utara-Selatan berhimpit dengan letak situs purbakala/candi di Jawa Timur.  Berpijak pada kesenjangan realita tersebut, penelitan ini berusaha menjawab pertanyaan berikut, (1 apakah

  1. Probiotic Candidates from Fish Pond Water in Central Java Indonesia (United States)

    Harjuno Condro Haditomo, Alfabetian; Desrina; Sarjito; Budi Prayitno, S.


    Aeromonas hydrophilla is a major bacterial pathogen of intensive fresh water fish culture in Indonesia. An alternative method to control the pathogen is using probiotics. Probiotics is usually consist of live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefits on host. The aim of this research was to determine the probiotic candidates against A. hydrophilla which identified based on the 16S rDNA gene sequences. This research was started with field survey to obtained the probiotic candidate and continue with laboratory experiment. Probiotic candidates were isolated from fish pond water located in Boyolali, and Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. A total of 133 isolates bacteria were isolated and cultured on to TSA, TSB and GSP medium. Out of 133 isolates only 30 isolates showed inhibition to A.hydrophilla activity. Three promising isolates were identified with PCR using primer for 16S rDNA. Based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis, all three isolates were belong to Bacillus genus. Isolate CKlA21, CKlA28, and CBA14 respectively were closely related to Bacillus sp. 13843 (GenBank accession no. JN874760.1 -100% homology), Bacillus subtilis strain H13 (GenBank accession no.KT907045.1 -- 99% homology), and Bacillus sp. strain 22-4 (GenBank accession no. KX816417.1 -- 97% homology).


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    Cindy Lidya


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKSejak berpisahnya Kabupaten Ciamis dengan Kabupaten Pangandaran, membuat daerah Ciamiskehilangan objek-objek destinasi wisata unggulan. Hal ini membuat Kabupaten Ciamis krisis destinasi wisata yang banyak orang kenal. Untuk itu, pemerintah provinsi Jawa Barat yang bergerak di bidang pariwisata, Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Jawa Barat, melakukan destination brandingyang bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan tempat-tempat wisata yang dimiliki Kabupaten Ciamis saat ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan kelima tahap destination branding yaitumarket investigation, analysis and strategic recommendations, brand identity development, brandlaunch and introduction, brand implementation dan monitoring, evaluation and review yang dilakukanoleh Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Jawa Barat dalam memperkenalkan destinasi wisatadi Kabupaten Ciamis. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif jenis data kualitatifdengan paradigma positivisme. Tekhnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancaramendalam, observasi studi pustaka dan studi dokumentasi.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam memperkenalkan destinasi wisata di KabupatenCiamis, Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Jawa Barat melakukan market investigation,analysis and strategic recommendations dengan mengumpulkan data potensi pariwisata Ciamismelalui tiga sumber yaitu bank data Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Jawa Barat, bank dataDinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Kabupaten Ciamis serta internet. Adapun brand identity yangdigunakan selama aktivitas branding ialah logo West Java. Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan ProvinsiJawa Barat menggunakan tiga cara dalam brand launch and introduction, yaitu dengan special event West Java Familiarization Tour Ciamis, artikel yang dibuat oleh jurnalis serta paket wisata. Pada tahap implementasi, Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Jawa Barat menjalin komunikasidengan Dinas Pariwisata

  3. Faktor-Faktor Mempengaruhi Ketimpangan Wilayah di Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia

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    Fitrah Sari Islami


    Abstract Regional inequalities are one of the most common issues in developing countries including in Indonesia. East Java is the pro vince with the quiet high  inequalities value compared to the other provinces in Java Island. This study aims to: 1 to calculate the inequality value in East Java Province, 2 to classify the regions in East Java Province using Klassen Typology, 3 to determine factors that affect inequalities value in East Java Province. The methods used in this study were 1 Williamson Index to calculate the inequalities values, 2 Multiple linear regression analysis (Ordinary Least Square during 2001 – 2015 using Eviews 9 software. The result of the study showed that the level of regional inequalities in East Java Province tends to increase with the Williamson index value more than 1. The result of  multiple linear regression analysis, the variable of  investment, labor forced and HDI were resulted to significant and it affect to the regional inequalities, meanwhile the variable of economic growth, and government expenditure were insignificant. Keyword: inequalities, Williamson Index, Klassen Typology, East Java


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    Aryo Fajar Sunartomo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKProvinsi Jawa Timur merupakan salah penyedia produk-produk pertanian. Oleh karena itu penguatan sektor pertanian melalui program peningkatan produktifitas perlu dilakukan dimana salah satunya berhubungan dengan peran penyuluh pertanian. Tujuan dari kegiatan penelitian ini adalah mengukur kinerja penyuluh pertanian dalam rangka meningkatkan produktifitas pertanian di Jawa Timur. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan/metode deskriptif, analitik dan korelasional. Daerah penelitian dilaksanakan secara purposive method pada 4 (empat kabupaten di Jawa Timur, yaitu Jember, Banyuwangi, Nganjuk, dan Kediri. kinerja penyuluh pertanian dalam rangka peningkatan produksi pertanian Di Jawa Timur memiliki kategori sangat baik. Strategi Kebijakan Penyuluhan yang tepat untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pertanian adalah meningkatkan program-program terkait kelembagaan, kuantitas dan kualitas penyuluh serta perbaikan kelembagaan kelompok tani. Tujuan yang harus dicapai adalah peningkatan mutu penyuluhan pertanian, sasaran dari tujuan tersebut adalah peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas penyuluh melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan, serta pemberdayaan kelompok tani. AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION CAPACITY IN EFFORTS TO INCREASE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY IN EAST JAVAABSTRACTEast Java province is one of provider agricultural products. Therefore, the strengthening of the agricultural sector through productivity improvement programs need to be done one which relates to the role of agricultural extension. The purpose of this research activity is to measure the performance of agricultural extension in order to increase agricultural productivity in East Java. This research approach using the approach / method descriptive, analytical and correlational. Research area by purposive method in 4 (four districts in East Java, that are Jember, Banyuwangi, Nganjuk and Kediri. Agricultural Extension Performance in order to increase agricultural production in East Java has a


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    J. Herudjati Purwoko, Ph.D.


    Full Text Available This paper deals with a Javanese joke commonly used by Javanese parents to teach their young children a kind of typical cultural wisdom in accordance with their effort of socializing subsistence ethics. The respondents are all postgraduate students. Their age is roughly distinguished into two broad categories: (1 around 30 years, and (2 above 40 years. Most of those in the first category do not understand the essence of the joke at all, whereas all of those in the second category do remember and completely understand it. The reasons for their un/intelligibility become of paramount importance. Besides, the discourse of the typical joke also shows that a tiny piece of such a traditional product may reveal the process of meaning-making, in the study of language use, which is very “political” in characteristics.  Makalah ini tentang lelucon Jawa yang digunakan oleh orangtua Jawa untuk mengajarkan kebijaksanaan khas kepada anak-anak sehubungan dengan usaha mereka dalam mensosialisasikan etika subsistensi. Para respondennya adalah mahasiswa pascasarjana. Usia mereka dibedakan dalam dua kategori: (1 sekitar 30 tahun, dan (2 di atas 40 tahun. Mereka yang dalam kategori satu tidak memahami esensi dari lelucon itu sama sekali, sementara yang dalam kategori dua mengingat dan memahaminya dengan baik. Alasan bagi mereka untuk tidak/memahami lelucon itu menjadi sangat penting. Di samping itu, wacana lelucon khas itu juga menunjukkan bahwa sebuah serpihan kecil dari produk tradisional semacam itu bisa mengungkap proses pembuatan-makna, dalam kajian penggunaan bahasa, yang bersifat sangat “politis”


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    Diana Setia Dewi


    Full Text Available Studi ini dimasudkan untuk menelusuri makna khususnya ikon, indek dan simbol yang terdapat dalam pernikahan ponoragan tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini secara teoritik dapat menjelaskan tentang teori semiotika visual dan mengembangkan konsep tentang makna dari ikon, indeks dan simbol pada pernikahan ponoragan di Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur yang berkarakter lokal. Penelitian ini memadukan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode etnografi. Instrumen utama berupa rekaman video dan foto pernikahan ponoragan. Instrumen pendukung berupa wawancara dengan perias, budayawan, pengantin dan sesepuh pernikahan ponoragan di Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan observasi, dokumentasi, wawancara dan perekaman di lapangan. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi, dokumenatsi, perekaman dan wawancara dengan narasumber digabungkan untuk memperoleh gambaran makna ikon, indeks dan simbol yang mewakili dalam lingkup pernikahan ponoragan. Hasil makna ikon, indeks dan simbol yang diperoleh dari analisis hubungan diantaranya, selanjutnya diinterpertasi, dianalisis untuk memperoleh gambaran menyeluruh makna ikon, indeks dan simbol pernikahan ponoragan.


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    Eko Dini Danafi


    Full Text Available Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus auratus adalah satwa endemik Jawa dan Bali. Populasi lutung Jawa semakin mengalami penurunan dan masuk kategori satwa yang dilindungi. Penurunan populasi lutung jawa dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai macam penyakit yang diperparah dengan tingginya tingkat stres pada satwa. Javan Langur Center yang berlokasi di Cangar, Batu merupakan salah satu tempat untuk merehabilitasi lutung Jawa sebelum dilepasliarkan ke alam. Javan Langur Center terdiri dari tiga kandang yaitu kandang perawatan, kandang karantina dan kandang sosialisasi. Respon stress pada primata dapat dievaluasi dengan menggunakan indikator pengukuran hormon kortisol dan rasio neutrofil per limfosit. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar kortisol dan rasio neutrofil per limfosit sebagai indikator stres pada lutung Jawa di kandang perawatan dengan kandang karantina. Lutung Jawa dengan umur 2-7,5 tahun dan berjenis kelamin jantan dan betina. Pengukuran kadar kortisol dengan metode ELISA Indirect gelombang pada 450 nm dan diferensial leukosit diukur dengan hematology analizer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sampel pada kandang perawatan memiliki rata-rata kadar kortisol yang lebih tinggi (116,1 ng/mL daripada kandang karantina (87,5 ng/mL, dan pengukuran rasio N/L pada kandang perawatan lebih tinggi (11,3 daripada kandang karantina (1,2.

  8. The determinant of household tourism expenditure in Central Java Province, Indonesia (United States)

    Subanti, S.; Respatiwulan; Hakim, A. R.; Handajani, S. S.; Hakim, I. M.


    The purpose of our paper want to determine the factors of household tourism expenditure in Central Java Province, Indonesia. This paper used ordinary least squares regression. The findings from this paper, (1) the significant factors that affecting household tourism expenditure are marital status, sex, household income per capita, education for head of household, education for member of household, number of household, urbanrural, and industrial origin for head of household; (2) For variables which have positive relationship with household tourism expenditure, the variable of marital status has a biggest value from others; and (3) For variables which have negative relationship with household tourism expenditure, the variable of industrial origin for head household has a biggest value from others.

  9. Detection Survey of Khapra Beetle in Stored Agricultural Products in Central Java

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    Suciati Hadi Wuryaningsih


    Full Text Available Khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium Evert (Celeoptera: Dermestidae entered Central Java together with importation of stored products four decades ago. A survey was conducted to detect whether the Kaphra beetle existed in Central Java after they had been fumigated during commodity arrival. If the Kaphra beetle is absent, the data could be treated as the starting point toward declaring a pest free area (PFA of Kaphra beetle in Central Java. The survey employed the procedure established in Australia, except this survey lasted for 11 months starting from April 2008 to February 2009. Insect traps (Trécé Incorporation, Oklahoma, USA were placed in eight sites distributed in six districts identified as high risk for Kaphra beetle. The traps were substituted following the label. The traps were checked every 2–4 weeks making the total observations varying from 18–24 times, except one site (eight times. No Kaphra beetle was observed during this detection survey. This finding strongly suggests that Kaphra beetle is not present in Central Java. Survey should be continued to collect data sufficient to declare PFA of Kaphra beetle.   KumbangKhapra,Trogoderma granarium Evert (Celeoptera;Dermestidae masuk ke Jawa Tengah bersama sama dengan produk impor empat dekade lalu. Survei deteksi ini dilakukan untuk mendeteksi apakah kumbang Kaphra masih ada di Jawa Tengah setelah dilakukan fumigasi sejak kedatangannya. Jika kumbang Kaphra sudah tidak ada, data tersebut digunakan sebagai langkah awal penetapan area bebas hama (Pest FreeArea/PFA kumbang Kaphra di JawaTengah. Survei menggunakan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan di Australia, yang dilakukan selama 11 bulan mulai April 2008 hingga Februari 2009. Perangkap serangga (produk dari Trécé Incorporation, Oklahoma, USA diletakkan di delapan tempat yang tersebar di enam Kabupaten/kota yang diidentifikasi sebagai daerah berisiko tinggi terhadap keberadaan kumbang Kaphra. Perangkap diganti dengan interval

  10. Short-term poverty dynamics of rural households: Evidence from Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Stefan Schwarze


    Full Text Available The understanding of poverty dynamics is crucial for the design of appropriate poverty reduction strategies. Taking the case of Central Sulawesi, we investigate the determinants of both chronic and transitory poverty using data from 264 randomly selected households interviewed in 2005 and 2007. Regarding the US 1$/day poverty line, the headcount index declined from 19.3% in 2005 to 18.2% in 2007. However, we observed an increasing number of people living on less than US 2$/day expressed in purchasing power parity (PPP. The results of the estimated multinomial logit model applied in this study indicate that a lack of non-agricultural employment opportunities and low endowment of social capital are major determinants of chronic as well as transitory poverty in this province of Indonesia. These results are used to draw policy conclusions with respect to the alleviation of transitory and chronic poverty in Central Sulawesi.

  11. Indonesia: population central to development. (United States)


    The Indonesian representative to the 50th session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) reiterated the issue of population as being central to sustainable development. Indonesia recognizes that quality of life, which can be improved with education, health, skills, productivity, self reliance, and resiliency, has an impact on the process of development. Without quality improvements, large numbers of people become a burden. Population programs must aim to reduce population growth rates simultaneously with enhancing the quality of life. Women's improvement in education, health, and employment opportunities must be accomplished because of women's important role in national development. The goals of sustainable development are to maintain a balance between human needs and desires of the population and available resources and the environment. Sustainable development is necessary for present and future generations. The Fourth Asian and Pacific Population Conference was held in Bali in August 1992, at which time the Bali Declaration was affirmed. At the January 1994 meeting of officials regarding the implementation of the Bali Declaration held in Bangkok, Thailand, the Indonesian representative stressed the importance of the vigorous involvement of the ESCAP secretariat in planning and implementing population programs in the region. Recommendations included in the Bali Declaration are related to the issues being addressed at the International Conference on Population and Development to be held in Cairo in September 1994. The secretariat was also asked by the Indonesian representative to disseminate information on the implementation of the Bali Declaration through regular publications and other appropriate venues. Comprehensive data collection and information systems were needed on the links between population, development, and resources.

  12. A Resilience Pattern in Village level: The Case Babalan Village, Pati, Central Java Indonesia


    Nurwahyudi Ragil; Maryono Maryono


    Based on the Indonesia Disaster Prone Index 2013, Pati Regency is a high risk area of disaster and is ranked 11th level Central Java province while nationally ranked 156. Babalan Village located on the edge of Juwana River has disaster history from 2006-2014 shows flood disaster Giving the greatest probability and impact followed by rat pest, tornado, drought, fire. The public recognizes the signs of a continuous flooding of heavy rains accompanied by clouds all over the edge, the continuous ...

  13. Student Well-being pada Remaja Jawa

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    Tri Na'imah


    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan sumber student well-being pada remaja Jawa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dan didukung dengan kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian di Banyumas dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan skala student well-being dan openquesioner sumber student well-being serta panduan wawancara. Analisis data kuantitatif menggunakan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian adalah: 1 Sumber-sumber student well-being adalah dimensi hubungan sosial, kognitif, emosi dan spiritual. 2 Faktor penghambat tercapainya student well-being adalah jika ada masalah dalam dimensi sosial, kognitif, emosi, fisik dan spiritual.


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    Sigit Wicaksana


    Full Text Available Karimata strait and the java sea is one of the most densely shipping lanes in the maritime country of Indonesia. Information of a significant wave is needed to safety navigation. The prediction of a significant wave mostly employs the modeling using wind as input data to produce an early warning warning prediction. Characteristic of a significant wave shows the maximum wave height in the strait and the java sea karimata occurs in west monsoon (January and east season (August every year. Especially at the peak of west monsoon (January maximum wave height reach 1.5-3 meters in Karimata Strait, and reach 0.5-2.5 meters in Java Sea. The frequency of significant wave occurences mostly extend until February, where wave height in Java Sea will stay the same (0.5-2.5 meters, while in Karimata Strait is little bit decrease (1-2.5 meters. Recommended to all sea transportation users, in those regions during January and February, to avoid using ship with the hull is less than 3 meters height. Keywords: significant wave characteristic, Karimata Strait, Jawa Sea, Wind, Modeling

  15. Penerapan Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor Internal Pemerintah dalam Mendeteksi Kecurangan (Studi Kasus pada Auditor Perwakilan BPKP Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Sarina Gabryela Aprilyanti Butar Butar


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan skeptisisme profesional auditor internal pemerintah di Perwakilan BPKP Provinsi Jawa Tengah dalam mendeteksi kecurangan. Penerapan skeptisisme profesional akan dipahami berdasarkan karakteristik sikap yang membentuknya sebagaimana dinyatakan oleh Hurtt et al., (2010 antara lain questioning mind, suspension on judgment, search for knowledge, interpesonal understanding, self-confidence, dan self-determination. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan mengacu pada proposisi teori. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara kepada auditor investigasi dari setiap jabatan fungsional tim audit. Responden wawancara ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling yaitu auditor investigasi yang pernah menerima gugatan terkait hasil audit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa auditor investigasi Perwakilan BPKP Provinsi Jawa Tengah menerapkan skeptisisme profesional dalam mendeteksi kecurangan. Auditor mampu mempertanggungjawabkan kebenaran laporan hasil auditnya dengan ditolaknya lima gugatan dari enam gugatan yang diterima Perwakilan BPKP Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Sedangkan satu gugatan masih dalam proses pengadilan.

  16. Capability Approach for well-being Evaluation in Regional Development Planning : Case Study in Magelang Regency. Central java, Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pramono, Retno Widodo Dwi


    The thesis uses Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach (1993, 2000) to devise a set of criteria to evaluate the well-being and quality of life of economic groups in a case study of Magelang, a small rural area in Central Java, Indonesia. In applying this method, the researcher examines how the spatial


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    Yanuar Yoga Prasetyawan


    Full Text Available AbstractInformation is major requirement for individuals in the information age. Individuals need information to improve their quality of life. For individuals who have limited access to information, it can be considered has the potential bad quality of life. Therefore, it behooves the government to provide the institutions that collect and disseminate information for free of charge regardless of social status, economic, and education, it is  public library. The purpose of this study was to describe the role of Perpustakaan Umum Daerah Jawa Tengah (Central Java Province Public Librariy through the bookmobile service, against forms of social exclusion. This research used a qualitative method with case study approach. The results showed that the public library have should be a social inclusion institution. With such an inclusive label then anyone can go into the library and enjoy a free library service. But there are still some of the community groups who judge the library is an unfriendly place to visit. Seeing the reality, Perpustakaan Umum Daerah Jawa Tengah provides pro-active service by visiting the patron who are far away from the information centre and have limited access to information due to social , economic or education status. The Places were visited include the penitentiary, the brothel, and even the base of the refugee community banned organization. Through bookmobile service  tried to attend as a remover form of social exclusion by providing access to information to the public.Keyword: Public Library; Social Exclussion; Bookmobile LibraryAbstrakKomoditas atau kebutuhan  utama bagi individu di era informasi seperti saat ini adalah informasi. Individu tersebut membutuhkan informasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Bagi individu yang memiliki keterbatasan untuk mengakses informasi, maka dapat ditengarai individu tersebut berpotensi memiliki kualitas hidup yang tidak baik. Oleh karena itu sudah sepatutnya pemerintah menyediakan

  18. Annual risks of tuberculous infection in East Nusa Tenggara and Central Java Provinces, Indonesia. (United States)

    Bachtiar, A; Miko, T Y; Machmud, R; Besral, B; Yudarini, P; Mehta, F; Chadha, V K; Basri, C; Loprang, F; Jitendra, R


    East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and Central Java Provinces, Indonesia. To estimate the average annual risk of tuberculous infection (ARTI) among school children aged 6-9 years in each province. Children attending Classes 1-4 in 65 schools in NTT and 79 in Central Java, selected by two-stage sampling, were intradermally administered 2 tuberculin units of purified protein derivative RT23 with Tween 80 on the mid-volar aspect of the left forearm. The maximum transverse diameter of induration was measured 72 h later. The analysis was carried out among 5479 satisfactorily test-read children in NTT and 6943 in Central Java. One hundred and fifty-five new sputum smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) cases (78 in NTT and 77 in Central Java) were also tuberculin tested. Based on the frequency distribution of reaction sizes among the children and PTB cases, the prevalence of infection was estimated by the mirror-image method using the modes of tuberculous reactions at 15 and 17 mm. Using the 15 mm mode, ARTI was estimated at 1% in NTT and 0.9% in Central Java. Using the 17 mm mode, ARTI was estimated at 0.5% in NTT and 0.4% in Central Java. Transmission of tuberculous infection may be further reduced by intensification of tuberculosis control efforts.

  19. Quality improvement by batch vacuum distillation and physicochemical characterization of clove leaf oil in Central Java, Indonesia (United States)

    Alighiri, D.; Eden, W. T.; Cahyono, E.; Supardi, K. I.


    Clove leaf oil is one of the essential oils which have high economic value and produced in considerable amount in Indonesia. As many as 60% of clove oil produced by Indonesia has exported to many countries in the world. Musuk and Ringinlarik Village, Boyolali District, Central Java Province is one of the areas in Indonesia which became the primary supplier of Indonesian clove leaf oil. Although, the quality of the resulting yield is still low because it uses a simple distillation kettle in the form of the iron plate or used the drum. The clove leaf oil produced by steam distillation from the dry whole leaves of the clove tree. The color of the oil is brownish black and dirty with the odor are fresh distilled, spicy, warm, and terpenic. The specific gravity at 25 °C of 1.529, the refractive index at 20 °C of 1.030, and based on GC-MS analysis, eugenol levels only 68% and caryophyllene is too high, i.e., 20%. The quality of clove leaf oil produced does not meet the specifications of international market standards. This work aimed to improve the quality of Indonesian clove leaf oil. The purifications done in this research was used by batch vacuum distillation with mode operation at vacuum -76 cmHg and reflux ratios 5:1. Clove leaf oil produced by using this method has a better physicochemical characterization, i.e., the appearance that is yellow to pale color with the odor is spicy, woody, warm, and terpenic. The specific gravity at 25 °C of 1.533, the refractive index at 20 °C of 1.038, and eugenol and caryophyllene contents has yielded 80.58% and 10%, respectively. By The enhancement quality of clove leaf oil by batch vacuum distillation, these oil is already meet international standards and income of clove leaf oil grower in Musuk and Ringinlarik Village, Boyolali District, Central Java Province, Indonesia could be increased.


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    Theodosiva Yovita


    Full Text Available Subjects involved in criminal law are people and corporation. In banking crime when a corporate involved the law enforcement is frequently less cared about. Therefore, it will be a need to do further study on how a banking law regulates the corporation crime in Indonesia. Corporation in Banking Law has a broader meaning than in Civil Law A form of corporation crime is raising fund from the community without any license from Central Bank of Indonesia, Bank Indonesia.


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    Frestiana Dyah Mulasari


    Full Text Available Kesenjangan antara perempuan dan laki-laki di Provinsi Jawa Tengah masih tinggi baik dalam bidang kesehatan, pendidikan, dan ketenagakerjaan. Semakin tumbuhnya perekonomian justru membuat kaum perempuan semakin terpinggirkan dan masuk semakin dalam pada kemiskinan. Oleh karena itu, perlu diteliti tentang peran gender perempuan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Jawa Tengah dilihat dari Angka Harapan Hidup Perempuan, Rata-rata Lama Sekolah Perempuan, dan Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja Perempuan. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana peran Gender Perempuan dilihat dari sisi kesehatan yaitu Angka Harapan Hidup Perempuan, Rata-rata Lama Sekolah Perempuan dari sisi pendidikan, dan Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja Perempuan dari sisi ketenagakerjaan terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2008-2012. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode dokumentasi dengan jenis data sekunder. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis statistik deskriptif.Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah peran perempuan dilihat dari angka harapan hidup perempuan memiliki nilai yang lebih baik dibandingkan laki-laki, rata-rata lama sekolah perempuan masih berada di bawah rata-rata lama sekolah laki-laki, tingkat partisipasi angkatan kerja perempuan masih di bawah tingkat partisipasi angkatan kerja laki-laki. Saran dalam penelitian ini adalah peningkatan dalam pendidikan perempuan, pendidikan dan kesehatan perempuan adalah dua hal yang saling berkaitan. Apabila perempuan pendidikannya baik maka kelak generasi penerus akan memiliki kualitas yang baik pula. Dalam ketenagakerjaan adalah dilakukan peninjauan kembali kebijakan yang membuat perempuan termarginalkan dalam dunia kerja.  Discrepancy between man and woman in Central Java which still high in health, education, and employment areas. The growing economy makes women increasingly marginalized in deeper poverty



    Harijoko, Agung; Htun, Tin May; Saputra, Rodhie; Warmada, I Wayan; Setijadji, Lucas Donny; Imai, Akira; Watanabe, Koichiro


    Small scale gold mines discussed here are located at Selogiri area, Central Java, Indonesia which was mined by local community mainly during gold rush in 1990s. This Selogiri gold deposit genetically is characterized by porphyry mineralization overprinted by epithermal system. The ore minerals assemblage consists of pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, chalcocite and rare arsenopyrite. Chemical analysis of soil and stream sediment sampled over 1.5 km across at the Selogiri gold extra...

  3. Analisis Spasial Kejadian Filariasi di Kabupaten Demak Jawa Tengah


    Nurjazuli Nurjazuli; Hanan Lanang Dangiran; Asty Awiyatul Bari'ah


    Latar Belakang: Filariasis merupakan salah satu penyakit tular vektor yang kurang mendapatkan perhatian, termasuk kelompok Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). Kabupaten Demak merupakan salah satu wilayah di Propinsi Jawa Tengah  yang merupakan daerah endemis filarisis (mf rate>1%). Kejadian filarisis di daerah ini diduga berkaitan dengan kondisi lingkungan fisik dan biologis (nyamuk) yang mempunyai peran penting dalam penyebaran penyakit filarisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan ada...

  4. STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN PERTANIAN DAN KONSERVASI LAHAN DI KAWASAN SEGARA ANAKAN, JAWA TENGAH (Agriculture and Land Conservation Development Strategy in Segara Anakan Region, Central Java, Indonesia

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    Suratman Suratman


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Segara Anakan merupakan suatu kesatuan kawasan laguna yang mempunyai keunikan, tidak sebagaimana umumnya lahan pantai pasang surut di Indonesia. Beberapa keadaan dan proses yang khas terjadi di kawasan ini, antara lain adanya pasang surut yang bergantian secara musiman antara air asin dan tawar, sedimentasi sungai sangat cepat sehingga terbentuk “tanah timbul”, penyempitan kawasan perairan, pembentukan dan perubahan alur sungai, serta penciutan hutan mangrove. Keadaan ini menyebabkan perubahan yang drastis terhadap mata pencaharian penduduk yang tadinya nelayan menjadi petambak dan petani. Untuk itu diperlukan masukan strategi pengembangan pertanian yang sesuai dengan karakteristik lahan yang khas tersebut. Sesuai dengan karakteristik lahannya, daerah ini dapat dikelompokkan menjadi zona pengembangan tambak, pengembangan lahan basah, lahan kering, tanaman tahunan, dan areal konservasi. Dari segi konservasi diperlukan tindakan pengendalian sedimen dan mempertahankan keberadaan areal sempadan pantai dan hutan mangrove.   ABSTRACT Segara Anakan is a lagoon which has unique characteristics different from other swamp lands in Indonesia. Its characteristics include seasonal fluctuation of fresh water river and sea water, rapid river sedimentation, narrowing water area, forming and changing river channels, and decreasing forest area. These phenomena have drastically changed people occupation. They, who were previously fishermen, have changed to be farmers. These conditions require an agriculture development strategy suitable for that area. Based on its characteristics, the area can be categorized into development zones for fishpond, wetland, dry land, annual crop, and conservation. This area requires actions to control the sedimentation process for maintaining its coastal belt and mangrove forest.


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    M. Djazim Syaifullah


    Full Text Available Validasi data TRMM telah dilakukan dengan data curah hujan di tiga DAS di wilayah Indonesia. Ketiga DAS tersebut adalah: DAS Citarum-Jawa Barat, DAS Sutami-Brantas Jawa Timur dan DAS Larona-Sulawesi Selatan. Dari analisis dua jenis tipe data TRMM NASA (3B42RT dan TRMM Jaxa (GSMap_NRT menunjukkan bahwa TRMM Jaxa lebih mendekati data pengamatan dibandingkan dengan TRMM NASA. Secara umum dari hasil analisis untuk ketiga DAS memperlihatkan bahwa nilai curah hujan TRMM Jaxa (GSMap_NRT mempunyai pola yang mengikuti curah hujan pengamatan (aktual meskipun nilainya cenderung di bawah perkiraan. Perbedaan ini salah satunya bisa diakibatkan karena pemasangan penakar hujan yang kurang representatif terhadap DAS sehingga rerata curah hujan wilayahnya kurang merepresentasikan DAS tersebut. Untuk plot scatter bulanan nilai korelasinya lebih baik dibandingkan dengan plot scatter harian (dari 0.13~0.14 meningkat menjadi 0.58~0.75 dan nilai RMSE menurun (dari rerata 11.6 mm/hari menjadi 7.6 mm/hari, sehingga analisis TRMM bulanan lebih merepresentasikan kondisi aktual.   TRMM data validation has been done with rainfall data in three watersheds of Indonesia. There are: Citarum (West Java, Sutami-Brantas (East Java and Larona (South Sulawesi. There are two types of TRMM data; TRMM NASA (3B42RT and TRMM Jaxa (GSMap_NRT. From the analysis of both types of the data indicate that the TRMM Jaxa closer to observed data. In general the results of analysis for all three catchments showed that the value of TRMM rainfall Jaxa (GSMap_NRT has better agreement to the pattern of observed rainfall data although it's value tend to under estimate. This difference could be caused due to the installation of the rain gauge less representative of catchment so that the average rainfall less territory represents the catchment. Scatter plot for the monthly data have better correlation coefficient than the daily plot (0.13~0.14 raise 0.58~0.75 and decreasing RMSE value (from average 11


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    Rindang Rahma Virginanda


    Full Text Available Upah masih menjadi salah satu persoalan yang selalu menjadi sorotan terutama di negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Hal ini mengingat bahwa upah merupakan komponen terbesar dari pendapatan seseorang sehingga tingkat upah merupakan salah satu indikator yang dapat mencerminkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dari suatu negara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Upah Minimum terhadap Jumlah Tenaga Kerja, Kesejahteraan tenaga dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Jawa Tengah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan hanya satu variabel dependen yang tidak berpengaruh dengan variabel independen yaitu variabel jumlah tenaga kerja, dan ada dua variabel dependen yang berpengaruh terhadap variabel independen yaitu variabel kesejahteraan tenaga kerja dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah UMK tidak berpengaruh terhadap jumlah tenaga kerja di Jawa Tengah, jika UMK mengalami perubahan maka jumlah tenaga kerja yang diambil akan tetap sama dengan jumlah tenaga kerja pada awal yang di pekerjakan dan UMK berpengaruh terhadap kesejahteraan di Jawa Tengah, jadi jika ada perubahan UMK maka akan mempengaruhi kesejahteraan tenaga kerja tersebut karena saling berpengaruh serta UMK berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, jika ada perubahan UMK maka pertumbuhan ekonomi juga akan berubah karena kedua variabel tersebut saling berpengaruh satu sama lain. Wages still one issue that is always in the spotlight, especially in developing countries like Indonesia. It is given that wages are the largest component of a person's income so that the wage rate is one indicator that can reflect the public welfare of a country. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the Minimum Wage to Total Employment in Central Java, to analyze the effect of minimum wage on the welfare of workers in Central Java and to analyze the effect of minimum wage to economic growth in Central Java. The conclusion of this study is the Minimum Wages District ( UMK do not affect the


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    Suherman Banon Atmaja


    Full Text Available Studi pendahuluan tentang perikanan cumi-cumi yang berasal dari kapal purse seine telah dilakukan di sentra pendaratan ikan utara Pulau Jawa.  Setelah deplesi stok ikan pelagis di Laut Jawa, pada perikanan purse seine semi industri peralihan spesies target dan diversifikasi usaha penangkapan merupakan strategi dan respon adaptif pengusaha (pemilik kapal dan nelayan terhadap perubahan dalam kelimpahan sumber daya, kondisi lingkungan dan hambatan peraturan. Berdasarkan atas data kapal keluar–masuk di PPS Nizam Zachman Jakarta dan data sistem pemantauan kapal (VMS, vessel monitoring system menunjukkan daerah penangkapan menyebar ke 5 wilayah pengelolaan perikanan, yaitu WPP 712 Laut Jawa, WPP 572 Samudera Hindia, WPP 711 Selat Karimata dan Laut Cina Selatan, WPP 714 Selat Makassar dan Laut Flores, WPP 718 Laut Aru dan Laut Arafuru.  Rata–rata hari operasi di Laut Jawa dan Selat Karimata berkisar 40-110 hari, sedangkan rata–rata hari operasi di Laut Aru dan Laut Arafuru berkisar 126-253 hari. Perubahan kapal purse seine menjadi kapal cumi-cumi menunjukkan sinyal yang nyata mengenai terjadinya penurunan biomassa ikan-ikan tertentu dan kenaikan kelimpahan ikan lainnya.   This paper presents a preliminary study of the squid fishery originally come from purse seiners in center of fish landing at Northern of Java Island.  After depletion of pelagic fish stocks in the Java Sea, shift target species and fishing effort diversification of semi-industrial purse seine fishery is a strategy and an adaptive response of enterpreneur (owner’s and fishermen to changes in the abundance of the resources, environmental conditions and regulatory barriers.  Based on data entry–exit vessel in landing sites of Nizam Zachman Jakarta and VMS data showed that the fishing ground spreaded to five fisheries management areas, i.e., FMA 712 Java Sea, FMA 572 Indian Ocean, FMA 711 Karimata Strait and South China Sea, FMA 714 Macassar Strait and Flores Sea, FMA 718


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    Finsensius Yuli Purnama


    Full Text Available Disaster has always been one of the topics of media attention. There are many sensitive issues that encourage the emergence of a special study in the field of journalism, related to disaster journalism. Disaster journalism in this research is intended as any journalism principle used by Jawa Pos and Kompas related to disaster. It contains two dimensions in disaster journalism that is process dimension and result dimension. This research focuses on the result dimension of AirAsia QZ8501 aircraft crash report that occurred on December 28, 2014. There are four principles that should be used by media in covering disaster: accuracy principle, humanist principle especially victim voice principle, commitment principle towards rehabilitation, and control and advocacy principle . By using content analysis method, the result of this research shows that the principle of disaster journalism applied by Jawa Pos is the principle of accuracy and humanist. While the principle of disaster journalism applied by Kompas is the principle of accuracy only.   Bencana selalu menjadi salah satu topik yang mendapat sorotan media. Terdapat banyak isu sensitif yang mendorong munculnya sebuah kajian khusus di bidang jurnalistik, terkait dengan jurnalisme bencana. Jurnalisme bencana dalam penelitian ini dimaksudkan sebagai prinsip jurnalisme apa saja yang digunakan oleh Jawa Pos dan Kompas terkait bencana. Terkandung dua dimensi dalam jurnalisme bencana yaitu dimensi proses dan dimensi hasil. Penelitian ini berfokus pada dimensi hasil yaitu berita kecelakaan pesawat AirAsia QZ8501 yang terjadi pada 28 Desember 2014. Terdapat empat prinsip yang harus digunakan media dalam meliput bencana: prinsip akurasi, prinsip humanis khususnya prinsip suara korban, prinsip komitmen menuju rehabilitasi, serta prinsip kontrol dan advokasi. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis isi, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa prinsip jurnalisme bencana yang diterapkan Jawa Pos adalah prinsip

  9. Analisis Spasial Kejadian Filariasi di Kabupaten Demak Jawa Tengah

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    Nurjazuli Nurjazuli


    menunjukkan bahwa kasus filariasi hampir menyebar di seluruh wilayah Kaputaen Demak. Daerah cekungan aliran air nampaknya merupakan kondisi dimana kasus filariasis banyak terjadi.   Simpulan: Kasus filariasis hampir menyebar di seluruh wilayah Kabupaten Demak dengan konsentrasi lebih banyak pada daerah cekungan aliran air Semarang-Demak.   ABSTRACT Title: Spatial Analysis of Lymphatic Filariasis in Demak Dictric, Central Java Background: Lymphatic filariasis (LF is one of vector related diseaseswhich less attention from goverment, It was classified as Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs. Demak District is one of area in Central Jawa which was endemic of LF (mf rate>1%. It may be related to the physical and biologycal environment condition which have important role in the spreading of LF. This research aimed to identify new cases, find mosquitoe vector , and asses the condition of physical and biologycal environment related to the distribuion of LF cases in Demak District.   Methods: It was an observational research using cross-sectional design. As more as 30 LF cases defined as index case and then 140 persons living around index case were selected for blood testing of microfilaria. Observation was conducted to assess the presence of breeding and resting places for mosquitoes development. Mosquito collection was conducted around the houses the LF cases early in the morning. Site of LF cases were measured using Geographic Positioning System (GPS Apparatus. Blood test for identifying microfilaria was performed at Province Health Labotatory of Centra Java. Mosquotoes dissection was performed at Research Institule of  Disease Vector Banjarnegara. Data would be analyzed descriptively and spatial analysis was performed using ArcGis 9.3. Results: This research did’t find new cases of filariasis (mf rate=0%. As more as 129 mosquitoes had been dissected and all of them indicated negative of filarial worm. This research showed that Culex quinquefasciatus as dominant mosquitoe

  10. Isolation and identification of bacterial pathogen from mastitis milk in Central Java Indonesia (United States)

    Harjanti, D. W.; Ciptaningtyas, R.; Wahyono, F.; Setiatin, ET


    Mastitis is a multi-etiologic disease of the mammary gland characterized mainly by reduction in milk production and milk quality due to intramammary infection by pathogenic bacteria. Nearly 83% of lactating dairy cows in Indonesia are infected with mastitis in various inflammation degrees. This study was conducted to isolate and identify the pathogen in milk collected from mastitis-infected dairy cows. The study was carried out in ten smallholder dairy farms in Central Java Indonesia based on animal examination, California mastitis test, isolation bacterial pathogens, Gram staining, Catalase and Coagulase test, and identification of bacteria species using Vitek. Bacteriological examination of milk samples revealed 15 isolates where Streptococcus was predominant species (73.3%) and the coagulase negative Staphylococcus species was identified at the least bacteria (26.7%). The Streptococcus bacteria found were Streptococcus uberis (2 isolates), Streptococcus sanguinis(6 isolates), Streptococcus dysgalactiaessp dysgalactiae(1 isolate) , Streptococcus mitis (1 isolate) and Streptococcus agalactiae (1 isolate). The Staphylococcus isolates comprising of Staphylococcus simulans (1 isolate) and Staphylococcus chromogens (3 isolates). Contamination of raw milkwith pathogenic bacteria can cause outbreaks of human disease (milk borne disease). Thus, proper milk processing method that couldinhibit the growth or kill these pathogenic bacteria is important to ensure the safety of milk and milk products.


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    Iwan Vanany


    Full Text Available This paper explores the benefit and barriers of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification technology adoption in Indonesian hospitals context. The investigation methods of this research used interview and semi-structured questionnaire on RFID consultants, RFID researchers, and big hospital managers in Java Island. The benefits and barriers of RFID technology adoption are identified from literature review. The barriers of RFID technology adoption are divided into two aspects, i.e., as business and technology aspects. The results of this study suggest that the benefits of RFID technology adoption are dominated of intangible benefit. Most of the respondents believed that the main barriers of RFID technology adoption are (1 the complexity of RFID technology (2 the lack of complete and valid information, and (3 there is no sufficient budget available. The detail of the outcomes and the implications of this reasarch are also discussed. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Makalah ini berupaya mengeksplorasi manfaat dan hambatan dari pengadopsian teknologi RFID (Radio Frequency Identification dalam konteks rumah sakit di Indonesia. Metode investigasi dari penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara dan kuesioner semi-struktur untuk konsultan, peneliti teknologi RFID dan manajer rumah sakit berkatagori besar di Pulau Jawa. Manfaat-manfaat dan hambatan-hambatan dari pengadopsian teknologi RFID telah diidentifikasi dari studi literatur. Hambatan dari pengadopsian teknologi RFID dibagi menjadi dua (2 aspek yaitu hambatan dari aspek bisnis dan teknologi. Temuan dari studi ini meyakini bahwa manfaat dari pengadopsian teknologi RFID didominasi oleh manfaat yang bersifat intangible. Sebagian besar responden meyakini bahwa hambatan utama dari pengadopsian teknologi RFID adalah: (1 kompleksnya teknologi RFID, (2 ketiadaan informasi yang lengkap dan valid, (3 tidak tersedianya anggaran yang cukup. Detail dari hasil studi dan implikasinya akan didiskusikan selanjutnya. Kata kunci

  12. Diversitas Genetik Anopheles balabacensis, Baisas di Berbagai Daerah Indonesia Berdasarkan Sekuen Gen ITS 2 DNA Ribosom

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    Widiarti Widiarti


    Full Text Available AbstractMalaria control is remain a challenge although various attempts have been conducted. One of the issues in controlling the vectors is the presence of species complex. The species complex is an example of genetic diversity. Anopheles balabacensis, Baisas reported as complex species in various countries, but has not been widely reported in Indonesia. In order to enhance malaria control, it is important to understand the vectors and its bioecology. The aim of the study were a. to identify An. balabacensis, Baisas suspected as species complex based on ribosomal DNA the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2 gene sequences, b. to understand the genetic diversity of An. balabacensis, Baisas collected from endemic and non endemic regions distincted by geographical distance, c. to understand the genetic relationships (taxonomi distance among An. balabacensis, Baisas from difference regions in Indonesia through reconstructing the phylogenetic trees. The results showed that An. balabacensis, Baisas in Indonesia is identified as sympatric and allopatrik complex species. There were differences which was far enough in the genetic relationships among An. balabacensis populations collected from Pusuk Lestari in the area of Meninting Health Center, West Lombok, NTB. This differences were identified as sympatric complex. In addition, base on the relationship among An. leucosphyrus group, An balabacensis, Baisas collected from Berjoko Nunukan Regency showed that the species quite far compare to An. balabacensis, Baisas originally from Central Java and Lombok NTB.Keywords : An. balabacensis, genetic variation, the second Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS2.AbstrakPenanggulangan malaria masih banyak menemui kendala walaupun berbagai upaya telah dilakukan. Salah satu kendala yang menyulitkan dalam pengendalian vektor adalah adanya spesies kompleks pada populasi nyamuk vektor. Spesies kompleks merupakan contoh diversitas genetik. Anopheles balabacensis


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    Ningsi Soisana Lakilaf


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa  setelah penerapan model pembelajaran Think-Pear-Share bermediakan gambar pada siswa kelas II Semester I di SD Negeri 3 Banjar Jawa, Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018.Pelaksanaan penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 silklus,  setiap siklus  terdiri dari 2 pertemua, dengan tahapan yang terdiri dari (1 perencanaan, (2 pelaksanaan, (3 pengamatan, dan (4 refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas II SD Negeri 3 Banjar Jawa  dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik tes dan nontes.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Think-Pair-Share bermedia gamabar diketahui bahwa ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan dalam pembelajaran dengan hasil presentasi mendeskripsikan secara tertulis sebelum pelaksanaan tindakan 27%, siklus I 77% dan Siklus II 90 %. Pembelajaran dengan menerapkan model Think-Pair-Share bermedia gambar dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah melalui penerapan model Think- Pair-Share bermedia gambar dapat meningkatkan keterampilan  menulis siswa kelas II SD Negeri 3 Banjar Jawa,. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah sebaiknya guru lebih aktif dan kreatif dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran yang inovatif dan menyenangkan.   Kata Kunci : Keterampilan menulis, model Think-Pair-Share


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    Anang Hari Kristanto


    Full Text Available Ikan tambakan (Helostoma temminckii digemari sebagai ikan konsumsi, di daerah Sumatera dan Kalimantan. Dalam rangka pengembangan budidayanya melalui program domestikasi, informasi terkait variasi fenotipe dan genotipe induk asal perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan karakteristik fenotipe dan genotipe ikan tambakan dari Jawa Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, dan Jambi. Penelitian dilakukan di Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Tawar dan Penyuluhan Perikanan (BRPBATPP, Bogor. Data diperoleh melalui pengukuran jarak bagian tubuh berdasarkan metode truss morphometric dan analisis DNA menggunakan metode RAPD. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa nilai polimorfisme (81,25% dan heterozigositas (0,3544 tertinggi terdapat pada populasi ikan tambakan asal Kalimantan Tengah. Jarak genetik tertinggi antara populasi Jambi dengan Kalimantan Tengah sebesar 0,1452; sedangkan jarak genetik terendah adalah 0,1044 yaitu antara populasi Jambi dengan Jawa Barat. Berdasarkan uji karakter morfometrik diketahui terdapat 13 karakter yang berbeda nyata yaitu A1, A2, A4, A5, B3, C1, C3, C4, C5, D3, D4, D5, dan D6. Populasi Jambi dengan Jawa Barat memiliki hubungan kekerabatan lebih dekat dibanding dengan populasi Kalimantan Tengah. Kissing gouramy (Helostoma temminckii is a favored fish for consumption in Sumatra and Kalimantan area. Currently, information related to phenotypic variation and genotypes of the original broodstocks of kissing gouramy is limited to develop the fish’s culture technology through a domestication program. Therefore, the study was conducted to determine the characteristics of phenotype, and genotype of original kissing gouramy broodstocks. The research was conducted at the Institute for Freshwater Aquaculture Research and Development, Bogor. Data collection was carried out by measuring the body length using truss morphometric method and DNA analysis using the RAPD method. The results showed that the highest polymorphism (81

  15. Preliminary assessment of coastal erosion and local community adaptation in Sayung coastal area, central Java – Indonesia


    Marfai, Muh Aris


    Dynamic environment in coastal area, especially due to coastal erosion process, has negative impact on human environment. Sayung coastal area, located in Central Java-Indonesia, has experienced severe impact of coastal erosion. As the result of the coastal erosion, hundreds of settlement located in coastal area has been destructed. Moreover, fishponds as the land use dominated in the coastal area also has been severely destroyed. Besides the coastal erosion, increasing of inundated area due t...

  16. Vegetation Structure of Ebony Leaf Monkey (Trachypithecus auratus) Habitat in Kecubung Ulolanang Nature Preservation Central Java-Indonesia


    Ervina Rahmawati; Jafron Wasiq Hidayat


    Kecubung Ulolanang Nature Preservation is ebony leaf monkey’s habitats in Central Java Indonesia. Continuously degradation of their population is caused by illegal hunting and habitat degradation that made this species being vulnerable. Habitat conservation is one of important aspects to prevent them from extinction. The purpose of this research was to analyze the vegetation’s structure and composition, which was potentially, becomes habitat and food source for the monkeys. Data collected usi...

  17. Multi-Disaster Risk Analysis of Klaten Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

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    Candra Dian Lukita Tauhid


    Full Text Available Klaten Regency is located in Central Java Province, Indonesia, ranked as 19th most susceptible area in Indonesia. Among of many disasters those take place in Klaten are floods, landslides, and earthquake, which cause damages and loss of lives. Unfortunately, some areas in Klaten Regency are also very vulnerable to the disasters that often contribute severe damage and loss. This paper presents result of risk analysis due to floods, landslides and earthquake disaster at Klaten Regency. Several parameters or criteria are utilized to describe the level of the disaster intensities. The flood susceptibility parameters are the Topographic Wet Index (TWI, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI, permeability and roughness, as proposed by Kafira, et al. (2015. The landslide susceptibility are the geology, slope, elevation, distance from fault, distance from rivers, rainfall and land use, as suggested by Thearith (2009 whereas the earthquake susceptibility was referred to FEMA P-154 by using the Ss and S1. The vulnerability and risk analysis are carried out by referring to the parameters as stipulated by the Chief Regulation of the National Board of Disaster Management No.2 Year 2012 (Perka Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana- BNPB, concerning the parameters being used for the vulnerability analysis, i.e. population density, poverty ratio, land use, and level of Gross Regional Domestic Product. Further spatial analysis of the risk performs the multi-disaster risk map as a combination between the floods, landslides and earthquake disaster risk in Klaten Regency. The established multi-disaster risk map shows the risk level in the Klaten Regency, i.e., 16.31% at very low risk, 33.01% at low risk, 34.49% at medium risk, at 14.22% high risk and 1.97% at very high risk.

  18. Genesis endapan aluvium Dataran Purworejo Jawa Tengah; Implikasinya terhadap sumber daya geologi

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    Sutikno Bronto


    Full Text Available is part of the Southern Central Jawa alluvial plain that is bordered by the South Sera- yu Mountains and Sumbing Volcano in the north, West Progo Mountains in the east, Indian Ocean in the south, and Kebumen-Banyumas plain in the west. This Purworejo plain comprises reworked allu- vial deposits, particularly from Tertiary volcanic rocks of the South Serayu and West Progo Mount- ains, and the Sumbing Quaternary Volcano. In the northern part older reworked material has formed Purworejo alluvial fan in the east and Kutoarjo alluvial fan in the west. Those alluvial fans developed from northeast side of studied area. The central part of Purworejo plain consists of older coastal alluvial deposits which have been covered by recent fluvial deposits that transported by Wawar River in the west, Jali River in the middle, and Bogowonto River in the east. The southern part of Purworejo plain, starting from the Lereng River until present coastal line is composed of younger alluvial coast- al deposits. It is suggested that groundwater resources are abundant under the Purworejo plain, and the young alluvial coastal deposits contain highly potential iron sand and associated minerals.  

  19. Molecular characterization of dengue viruses isolated from patients in Central Java, Indonesia. (United States)

    Kusmintarsih, Endang S; Hayati, Rahma F; Turnip, Oktaviani N; Yohan, Benediktus; Suryaningsih, Suhestri; Pratiknyo, Hery; Denis, Dionisius; Sasmono, R Tedjo


    Dengue is hyper-endemic in Indonesia. Purwokerto city in Central Java province is routinely ravaged by the disease. Despite the endemicity of dengue in this city, there is still no data on the virological aspects of dengue in the city. We conducted a molecular surveillance study of the circulating dengue viruses (DENV) in Purwokerto city to gain information on the virus origin, serotype and genotype distribution, and phylogenetic characteristics of DENV. A cross-sectional dengue molecular surveillance study was conducted in Purwokerto. Sera were collected from dengue-suspected patients attending three hospitals in the city. Diagnosis was performed using dengue NS1 antigen and IgG/IgM antibodies detection. DENV serotyping was performed using Simplexa Dengue real-time RT-PCR. Sequencing was conducted to obtain full-length DENV Envelope (E) gene sequences, which were then used in phylogenetic and genotypic analyses. Patients' clinical and demographic data were collected and analyzed. A total of 105 dengue-suspected patients' sera were collected, in which 80 (76.2%) were positive for IgM and/or IgG, and 57 (54.2%) were confirmed as dengue by NS1 antigen and/or DENV RNA detection using RT-PCR. Serotyping was successful for 47 isolates. All four serotypes circulated in the area with DENV-3 as the predominant serotype. Phylogenetic analyses grouped the isolates into Genotype I for DENV-1, Cosmopolitan genotype for DENV-2, and Genotype I and II for DENV-3 and -4, respectively. The analyses also revealed the close relatedness of Purwokerto isolates to other DENV strains from Indonesia and neighboring countries. We reveal the molecular and virological characteristics of DENV in Purwokerto, Banyumas regency, Central Java. The genotype and phylogenetic analyses indicate the endemicity of the circulating DENV in the city. Our serotype and genotype data provide references for future dengue molecular epidemiology studies and disease management in the region. Copyright © 2017 The


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    Ihda Rosdiana


    Full Text Available This study aims at ascertaining the social factor causing the shifting of Bahasa Jawa Ngoko into Bahasa Indonesia among the elementary school students and confirming whether this phenomenon also occurs in all grades. The data were collected through observation and interview. Those data were analyzed using interactive analysis model (Milles & Huberman, 1994. There are two triangulations used in this research: source and method triangulations. Finally, the research found that peer-oriented intervention (Mrug et al,. 2001 functions as a social factor of language shift. However, this Javanese shift did not occur in the fifth grade students since they are from the same speech community.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor sosial yang menyebabkan pergeseran Bahasa Jawa Ngoko dalam Bahasa Indonesia di kalangan siswa sekolah dasar dan memastikan apakah fenomena ini juga terjadi di semua kelas. Data dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan dan wawancara. Selanjutnya, data tersebut dianalisis dengan menerapkan model analisis interaktif (Milles &Huberman, 1994. Selain itu, penelitian ini menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan metode. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa peer-oriented intervention berfungsi sebagai faktor sosial pergeseran bahasa. Namun, pergeseran Bahasa Jawa Ngoko ke Bahasa Indonesia ini tidak terjadi pada siswa kelas lima karena mereka berasal dari komunitas bahasa yang sama.


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    Ika Saptarini


    Full Text Available Pendahuluan: Angka kematian ibu di Indonesia masih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan Negara ASEAN lainnya. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi angka kematian ibu adalah faktor perilaku pencarian pelayanan kesehatan ibu. Tujuan: Mendeskripsikan pelayanan kesehatan ibu yang diterima pada kasus kematian ibu. Metode: Populasi adalah kasus pregnancy related death (Kematian seorang wanita selama kehamilan atau 60 hari setelah terminasi kehamilan, tanpa mempedulikan penyebab kematiannya dari hasil Sensus Penduduk 2010 (SP 2010. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 4167 dari 8484 kasus. Studi tindak lanjut ini menggunakan instrument verbal autopsi oleh petugas Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS. Hasil analisis lebih dari 60 persen kematian ibu yang dilaporkan mendapatkan K4. Terdapat 27 persen kematian ibu ditolong oleh tenaga non nakes dan 40 persen masih melahirkan di rumah. Hasil: Hasil pemeriksaan Postnatal care di Indonesia sebanyak 79,9 persen dan tertinggi terdapat di Daerah Jawa Bali sebanyak 85,2 persen . Kesimpulan: Pada kasus kematian maternal di Indonesia pada tiap region lebih banyak kasus yang mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan ibu daripada yang tidak mendapat. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan bahwa untuk menurunkan angka kematian ibu diperlukan pelayanan kesehatan ibu yang berkualitas disamping cakupan pelayanan yang tinggi.     Kata kunci: Kematian ibu, Pelayanan kesehatan ibu, Pregnancy related death, Sensus Penduduk.

  2. Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Malaysia (Studi Kasus TKW Asal Jawa Tengah dengan Pendekatan Fenomenologi

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    Tjipto Subadi


    Full Text Available This study aims to examine (1 the main cause of the female workers (FWs in Malaysia from Central Java, Indonesia tortured by their employers, (2 the responsibility of the BP3TKI as an agency sending FWs if there is a problem of the FWs, (3 the steps the Indonesian and Malaysian government take to cope with the case of the Indonesian Labors (ILs tortured by their employers, and (4 the model of cooperation for sending ILs to Malaysia professionally. The study used a phenomenology qualitative approach with a social paradigm definition of micro analysis. The subjects were the FWs in Malaysia tortured by their employers. The data gathering used an observation, documentation and interview method. The data analysis employed a method of first order understanding and second order understanding with an interactive model, including data reduction, data display and conclusion/verification. The findings show that (1 the main cause of torturing against the FWs is a miscommunication, low competency, cultural difference, feudalism behavior, bad institutional structure and difference in Act. (2 The responsibilities of the BP3TKI are legitimate and non-legitimate. (3 The steps the Indonesian government takes are (i providing a guarantee to employers who do not have any problem for employing the Indonesian workers, (ii establishing a Cooperation Agency for Problem Solving, (iii giving one-day or one-week furlough to the FWs, (iv if there is no furlough, an employer will give any compensation to them, (v all the problems of the FWs must be resolved by the Indonesian and Malaysian Cooperation Association, and (vi revising the Memo of Understanding (MoU of the Labor Force. (4 The model of cooperation for sending the WFs to Malaysia is revising and completing the MoU, containing, among others, high wage, furlough, passport holders by (LIs, task force establishment, Labor Force Act, equal-working appointment, a great priority of human values and anti


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    Paundra Pristyasiwi


    Full Text Available Pemerolehan bahasa kedua tidak lepas dari beberapa faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat. Salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh dalam keberhasilan proses pemerolehan bahasa kedua adalah usia, jenis kelamin dan tentunya perbedaan kepribadian setiap individu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan efek gender dan tipe kepribadian terhadap pemerolehan bahas Jawa sebagai bahasa kedua pada siswa di SMK Giki 1 Surabaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas sebelas dan duabelas yang berasal dari luar Jawa (Surabaya tahun akademik 2017/2018. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan model analisis kategoris deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa (1 terdapat perbedaan pada proses pemerolehan bahasa kedua atara siswa perempuan dan laki-laki, siswa perempuan memiliki kemauan dan kemampuan yang lebih tinggi daripada siswa laki-laki, (2 terdapat perbedaan penguasaan pemerolehan bahasa pada siswa berkepribadian ekstrovert dan introvert, siswa ektrovert memiliki kompetensi pemerolehan lebih tinggi daripada siswa berkepribadian introvert.


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    Badrudin Badrudin


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini menyajikan data dan informasi tentang present status perikanan demersal di Laut Jawa, dan tingkat pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan di sub area Laut Jawa yang tidak merata. Data yang dianalisis merupakan sebagian hasil survei Balai Riset Perikanan Laut di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Tegal pada tahun 2010 dan pada periode tahun sebelumnya. Eksploitasi sumber daya ikan demersal di perairan Laut Jawa sudah berlangsung sejak lama dan mencapai puncaknya pada sekitar tahun 1970-an di mana trawl dioperasikan secara intensif terutama di sepanjang pantai utara Jawa. Tingginya tekanan penangkapan di perairan pantai sampai kedalaman 40-an m telah menyebabkan menurunnya kelimpahan sumber daya, sebagaimana tampak pada hasil tangkapan cantrang kecil dan jaring arad yang dioperasikan secara harian. Kelimpahan dan ukuran individu ikan demersal di kawasan yang lebih dalam tampak cukup besar sebagaimana tercermin dari hasil tangkapan cantrang besar yang dioperasikan lebih lama. Dari fenomena tersebut dapat diduga bahwa sumber daya ikan demersal di perairan pantai sudah mengalami tangkap lebih (overfishing yang mengarah kepada penurunan stok atau bahkan depleted. Kegiatan penangkapan ikan di perairan yang lebih dalam di mana tekanan penangkapan relatif lebih rendah tampak memberikan keuntungan.   Based on data analysis and information collected, this paper describes the present status of demersal fisheries in the Java Sea and the uneven level of exploitation of the fish resources in the Java Sea sub areas. Data analyzed provide part of research results carried out by the Research Institute for Marine Fisheries. Data were obtained from a number of surveis carried out in Tegal landing place in 2010 and from the previous years. Demersal resources in the Java Sea have been exploited for years, where high fishing intensity occurred in the north coast of Java. High fishing pressure in the coastal waters lead to the decreasing fish resources abundance, as

  5. Barriers to utilization of postnatal care at village level in Klaten district, central Java Province, Indonesia. (United States)

    Probandari, Ari; Arcita, Akhda; Kothijah, Kothijah; Pamungkasari, Eti Poncorini


    Maternal health remains a persisting public health challenge in Indonesia. Postnatal complications, in particular, are considered as maternal health problems priority that should be addressed. Conducting adequate care for postnatal complications will improve the quality of life of mothers and babies. With the universal health coverage implementation, the Indonesian government provides free maternal and child health services close to clients at the village level, which include postnatal care. Our study aimed to explore barriers to utilization of postnatal care at the village level in Klaten district, Central Java Province, Indonesia. A qualitative study was conducted in March 2015 - June 2016 in Klaten district, Central Java, Indonesia. We selected a total of 19 study participants, including eight mothers with postnatal complications, six family members, and five village midwives for in-depth interviews. We conducted a content analysis technique on verbatim transcripts of the interviews using open code software. This study found three categories of barriers to postnatal care utilization in villages: mother and family members' health literacy on postnatal care, sociocultural beliefs and practices, and health service responses. Most mothers did not have adequate knowledge and skills regarding postnatal care that reflected how they lacked awareness and practice of postnatal care. Inter-generational norms and myths hindered mothers from utilizing postnatal care and from having adequate nutritional intake during the postnatal period. Mothers and family members conducted unsafe self-treatment to address perceived minor postnatal complication. Furthermore, social power from extended family influenced the postnatal care health literacy for mother and family members. Postnatal care in the village lacked patient-centered care practices. Additionally, midwives' workloads and capacities to conduct postnatal information, education and counseling were also issues. Despite the

  6. Ethnobotanical study and nutrient content of indigenous vegetables consumed in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Full Text Available Abstract. Chotimah HENC, Kresnatita S, Miranda Y. 2013. Ethnobotanical study and nutrient content of indigenous vegetables consumed in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 14: 106-111. People in Central Kalimantan consume vegetables that collected from the wild or traditionally cultivated. Documentation effort of them is very important because of the diversity of local vegetable are threatened with extinction due to the conversion of peat land and forest fires. This study aims to determine the diversity of indigenous vegetables in Central Kalimantan, its use as a vegetable and nutrient content some vegetables. The method used was the exploration and interviews. Exploration carried out in three districts namely Palangkaraya, Pulang Pisau, and Seruyan. Sampling of plants was randomly and selectively. Data analysis was performed descriptively. The results showed that we recorded 42 plant species belonging to 30 families. There were many vegetables processing: stir-fry, clear soup, a light coconut milk soup, acidic soup, or just consumed as fresh vegetables. The result of nutritional value analyzed, Helminthostachys zeylanica (L. Hook had a potential to further develop whether as vegetables or medicinal plant. It had the highest protein, carbohydrate and mineral P, Fe, Na and K content among the vegetables analyzed.

  7. Transformasi Visual Tokoh Mahabharata dalam Sejarah Komik Indonesia

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    Wagiono Sunarto


    (Jawa, Bali, Lombok, dan daerah lainnya. Di Indonesia, cerita tersebut ditulis ulang, ditafsirkan dan diadaptasi kembali ke berbagai budaya dan akhirnya ditransformasikan ke dalam berbagai bentuk seni visual dan pertunjukan. Proses konstruksi dan rekonstruksi yang panjang dari cerita dan karakter itu merupakan proses budaya yang sangat menarik yang masih berlangsung hingga masa kini. Fenomenanya dapat diamati melalui adaptasi dari kisah dalam sejarah Buku Komik Indonesia, khususnya pada transformasi gaya visual dalam beberapa contoh buku komik modern. Transformasi visual ini mencerminkan per- ubahan nilai-nilai budaya dan suasana komunikasi pada waktu tertentu dalam sejarah, yang pada gilirannya mengubah cara pandang respon kreator, serta relevan dengan per- ubahan nilai-nilai masyarakat.   Kata kunci: transformasi visual, sejarah komik Indonesia


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    E. Kurnianto


    Full Text Available The objectives of this study were to determine the gene frequency and individual heterozygosity of transferrin in four local breeds of goat in Central Java-Indonesia. The number of blood samples were taken from 96 heads of goat, in which each of breeds were 24 samples, those were Kejobong (Purbalingga regency, Ettawa Grade (Purworejo regency, Kacang (Grobogan regency and Jawarandu (Pemalang regency. Polyacrilamide Gel Electrophoresis was performed to detect the bands of blood plasm protein. Gen frequency was calculated using general formula of population genetics. Estimated heterozygosity and individual heterosizygosity were calculated to analysis the equilibrium condition of transferrin. Result showed there was two allele of transferrin, namely TfA and TfB. Gene frequency of TfA was higher than that of TfB. Transferrin gene and genotypes were in disequilibrium of Hardy-Weinberg Law.

  9. Exploration of High elevation liana colonies on Mt. Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia

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    WS Hoover


    Full Text Available One hundred forty–five individual lianas were distributed on 2 East facing ridges on the second highest mountain on Java, Mt. Slamet (3418 m., Central Java, Indonesia. Twenty one colonies were observed on small flat areas on ridges. The liana species observed include: Embelia pergamacea, Toddalia asiatica, Elaeagnus latifolia, Schefflera lucida, Vaccinium laurifolium and Lonicera javanica. Diameter of each liana was measured and liana density/flat area calculated. Floristic collecting was under- taken within the elevational gradient of liana distribution. Data suggest an ecotone transition from lower to upper mon- tane forest is observed between 2200 and 2300 m, though forest types are difficult to determine due to disturbance caused by fire at the upper elevations. Observing lianas at these unusuall high elevations with near pluvial rainfall, con- tradict established scientific theory concerning global distribution and abundance of lianas.  


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    Joko Sukoyo


    Full Text Available Kegiatan workshop ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Semarang Utara dalam hal penyusunan soal digital bahasa Jawa dengan menggunakan program adobe captivate. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah: ceramah, demonstrasi, praktik langsung, tanya jawab, dan penugasan. Peserta yang mengikuti workshop sebanyak 47 guru SD di Kecamatan Semarang Utara. Materi yang diberikan kepada peserta meliputi pengenalan program adobe captivate, penginstalan program adobe captivate, dan penulisan soal digital bahasa Jawa dengan menggunakan program adobe captivate. Kegiatan workshop ini berdampak positif kepada guru-guru SD di Kecamatan Semarang Utara. Sebelum diadakan kegiatan workshop, mereka sama sekali tidak dapat membuat soal digital dengan program adobe captivate. Setelah diadakan kegiatan worshop dan diadakan evaluasi terjadi peningkatan yang sangat signifikan, lebih dari 75% dapat membuat soal digital.


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    Devi Permatasari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keinginan berpindah auditor dari Kantor Akuntan Publik, yaitu faktor-faktor gaya kepemimpinan, konflik peran, ambiguitas peran, kesempatan promosi, kepuasan gaji, kebutuhan untuk berkembang, komitmen organisasi, dan kepuasan kerja. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua auditor yang bekerja di Kantor Akuntan Publik di Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 127 responden yang bekerja sebagai auditor di Kantor Akuntan Publik yang tersebar di Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, yaitu kota Semarang, Surakarta, Purwokerto, dan Yogyakarta. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan analisis regresi menggunakan teknik multivariat Structural Equation Modeling (SEM. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa keinginan berpindah auditor dari Kantor Akuntan Publik banyak dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor, seperti gaya kepemimpinan, konflik peran, ambiguitas peran, kesempatan promosi, kepuasan gaji, dan kebutuhan untuk berkembang yang dimediasi oleh variabel komitmen organisasi dan kepuasan kerja The objective of this research is to investigate the factors of auditor’s turnover intention at public accountant firms, there are leadership style, role conflict, role ambiguity, promotion opportunities, pay satisfaction, personal growth needs, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Population of the research is all of auditors who have been working at public accountant firms in Central Java and DIY. Whereas the sample is 127 respondents who have been working as an auditor at public accountant firms, spread in Central Java and DIY, there are Semarang, Surakarta, Purwokerto, and Yogyakarta. The hypothesis test was done by regression analysis using multivariate techniques Structural Equation Modeling (SEM. Based on the results of hypothesis test, then the conclusions are auditor’s turnover



    Apriyanti, Selly; Damayanti, Nyoman Anita


    Patient satisfaction is one of the most important thing for a hospital because  patient satisfaction is one of indicators which is assessed in hospital minimum service standards. One of the factors that can affect p atient satisfaction on a service is s ervice convenience, which means patient perception about time and effort related to purchase or use of services offered. The aim of this research was to analyze  service convenience of UPT RSMM Jawa Timur which consists of decision convenience...

  13. Indonesia: Internal Conditions, the Global Economy, and Regional Development. (United States)

    Leitner, Helga; Sheppard, Eric S.


    Describes recent trends in the economic and regional development of Indonesia and examines the internal and external forces influencing the process. Shows how these forces account for the rise of a strong centralized state. Discusses Indonesia's current problems. Includes tables, maps, and graphs of economic investment figures, world trade, and…

  14. Nesting sites characteristics of stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Nelky Suriawanto


    Full Text Available Stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae is eusocial insects that live together in a colony. This research was aimed to study the nesting site characteristics of stingless bees in the settlement areas at Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The nesting sites were observed by purposive sampling method from July 2015 to January 2016. Four species belong to genus Tetragonula were found, namely T. fuscobalteata, T. biroi, T. sapiens, and T. laeviceps. Two spesies, T. biroi and T. sapiens are the new record in Sulawesi island. The highest abundance of stingless bees colony was T. fuscobalteata (92.26%, followed by T. biroi (4.17%, T. sapiens (2.98%, and T. laeviceps (0.59%. Nesting sites of T. fuscobalteata were found in the stone, brick wall, wooden wall, bamboo, and iron cavities, T. biroi in the wooden wall, stone, and brick wall cavities, T. sapiens in stone cavities, while T. laeviceps in wooden walls.

  15. PesantRen Rakyat: Perhelatan tradisi kolaboratif kaum abangan dengan kaum santri Pinggiran di desa sumberpucung kabupaten Malang Jawa timur

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    Mufidah Ch


    Full Text Available Pesantren is Islamic education base and the oldest Islamic tradition inheritance in Indonesia. As an alternative education institution which is known as opened publicly, that not all people can access this institution because of cultural and psychological obstacles for people who has special needs. While in the fact, people’ intention is getting higher towards this Institution. This research aims to describe people’s pesantren as the base of collaborative-cultural movement between common people (abangan and santri in order to change black-world tradition into people-based santri tradition. Through field research or case study using social definition paradigm-qualitative method, observation data collecting technique, interview and documentation, this research reveals that pesantren al Amin is a collaborative cultural realm which is very effective in making common people and santri from poor-marginal area into people-based performance of santri, local wisdom–based with multy strategic- approach of empowerment as sunan Kalijaga’s preaching model in spreading Islam in Java island. Pesantren merupakan basis pendidikan Islam dan pewaris tradisi keislaman tertua di Indonesia. Sebagai lembaga pendidikan alternatif yang dikenal terbuka, namun tidak semua masyarakat bisa mengakses pesantren yang disebabkan hambatan kultural dan psikologis bagi kelompok masyarakat yang berkebutuhan khusus. Sementara animo masyarakat terhadap pesantren sangat tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendiskripsikan pesantren rakyat sebagai basis gerakan kultural kolaboratif antara kaum abangan dengan kaum santri pinggiran, sehingga dapat mengubah tradisi dunia hitam (maksiat menjadi tradisi santri ala kerakyatan. Melalui penelitian lapangan dengan metode kualitatif berparadigma definisi sosial, menggunakan metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, hasil yang diperoleh adalah bahwa Pesantren Rakyat al-Amin merupakan medan budaya kolaboratif yang


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    Naili Farida


    Full Text Available The study discussed about the integration of relational bonding, relational quality,on service quality and customer loyalty at the state-owned bank in Central Java. The loca-tions of research included Semarang City, Surakarta City, and Cilacap City. Research methodused multi stage sampling. The sample of research counted 278 customers of Regular Savingfrom Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI, Bank Mandiri, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Bank TabunganNegara, and Bank Pembangunan Central of Java. The hypothesis test in this research em-ployed descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM. The descriptive analysishad loading factor and 5 % significance rate. The objective of research was to understandand to analyze the relational bonding between the Bank customers through corporate im-age, customer value, and relational quality as well as service quality on customer loyalty. Thestate-owned banks in Central Java already used this model. Result of research, related to theresult of SEM analysis, indicated that the relevancy of relational bonding, corporate image,customer value, and service quality had significant effect on customer loyalty. Therefore, thismodel should be developed by the state-owned banks to increase the customer loyalty.

  17. Analisis Hubungan Kluster Industri dengan Penentuan Lokasi Pelabuhan: Studi Kasus Pantai Utara Pulau Jawa

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    Maulana Prasetya Simbolon


    Full Text Available Proses distribusi barang merupakan suatu rangkaian proses yang terkait dalam upaya penguasaan areal pasar terluas melalui maksimisasi penjualan dan minimisasi biaya produksi (transportasi. Sebagian contoh nyata di beberapa wilayah, proses distribusi barang tidak didasarkan pada aspek minimisasi biaya transportasi/trucking (teori lokasi tradisional dimana pengiriman barang tidak melalui pelabuhan muat yang dekat dengan lokasi industri. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui keterkaitan hubungan antara industri dengan penentuan lokasi pelabuhan serta faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode komparasi hasil perhitungan model deterministik (Linear Programming dan Gravitasi dengan Pembatas Tunggal dengan data yang ada, serta analisis korelasi (model uji kebebasan dan Crammer’s-Coefficient of Association dalam mengukur keeratan hubungan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh dalam penentuan lokasi pelabuhan. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan adanya hubungan/ korespondensi antara lokasi pelabuhan dengan lokasi industri dimana lokasi kluster industri terlebih dahulu ada dan diikuti lokasi pelabuhan. Faktor utama yang berpengaruh dalam penentuan lokasi pelabuhan adalah jumlah kunjungan kapal. Prosentase hasil komparasi (selisih hasil perhitungan model gravitasi dengan data yang ada untuk variabel jumlah kunjungan kapal (2,2%; daya tampung gudang/CY (2,3%; biaya transportasi/trucking (12,7%. Nilai koefisien korelasi variabel jumlah kunjungan kapal = 0,866 (keeratan hubungan: kuat/tinggi, daya tampung gudang/CY = 0,878 (kuat/tinggi, biaya transportasi (inland = 0,699 (sedang/cukup. Persebaran muatan (ekspor dari: Jawa Timur ke pelabuhan Tanjung Perak (97%, Tanjung Emas (1%, Tanjung Priok (2%; Jawa Tengah & D.I.Yogyakarta ke pelabuhan Tanjung Emas (72%, Tanjung Perak (15%, Tanjung Priok (13%; Jawa Barat ke pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (97,2%, Tanjung Emas (1,5%, Tanjung Perak (1,3%; DKI Jakarta & Banten ke pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (99


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    Utojo Utojo


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kesesuaian lahan tambak budidaya udang di kawasan industrialisasi Kabupaten Probolinggo, Jawa Timur dan mengkaji strategi revitalisasi tambak berdasarkan hasil penelitian remediasi kualitas tanah dan air tambak. Data primer meliputi: topografi, lahan, dan hidrologi pesisir diperoleh melalui survai lapangan. Penentuan stasiun pengamatan dilakukan secara acak dan sistematik. Setiap lokasi pengambilan contoh ditentukan posisi koordinatnya dengan alat Global Positioning System (GPS. Data sekunder yang digunakan berupa data iklim, peta Rupa Bumi Indonesia kawasan Probolinggo skala 1:25.000 dan citra satelit ALOS AVNIR-2 tahun 2010. Data lapangan (topografi, pasang surut, fisika-kimia air dan tanah, data citra satelit ALOS AVNIR-2 dan data sekunder yang lain, dianalisis secara spasial menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG untuk memperoleh tingkat kesesuaian lahan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kesesuaian lahan tambak dari total luasan tambak 2.143 ha, lahan yang sangat sesuai dan sesuai untuk budidaya udang yaitu 56 ha dan 618 ha. Lahan tersebut tersebar di Kecamatan Tongas dan Pajarakan. Lahan yang cukup sesuai ditemukan sebesar 1.235 ha, dan tersebar di Kecamatan Tongas, Sumberasih, Dringu, Gending, Kraksaan, Pajarakan, dan Paiton. Sedangkan lahan yang tidak sesuai yaitu 234 ha, terdapat di Kecamatan Sumberasih, Gending, dan Kraksaan. Percepatan target peningkatan produksi di tambak budidaya udang kawasan industrialisasi dapat dicapai melalui kesesuaian lahan dan revitalisasi tambak (perbaikan kualitas tanah dan air.

  19. Thermal Performance of Traditional House in the Upland Central Celebes of Indonesia

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    Sri Nastiti N.E Nastiti N.E


    Full Text Available House presents special problems for design in relation to climate as it accommodates variety of uses over 24-hour period. It is widely known in the tropical countries that traditional houses are more sensitive to the prevailing climate and able to provide comfortable internal environment for the occupants. Tambi as one of traditional houses in upland Central Celebes Indonesia is believed to be thermally comfortable, yet there still no empirical evidence to approve it. Present study conducted empirical studies on typical traditional Tambi houses to evaluate their thermal performance. External and internal climatic conditions were measured in each house and were analysed. Results of the study showed that typical traditional Tambi house are not able to maintain the internal temperature within the comfort range for a preiod of 24- hours. Thermal quality of the house, however, were improving as indicated by internal temperatures which were more satisfactory than the external temperatures.

  20. Tourism Communication in Community Based Tourism in Dieng Community, Central Java, Indonesia

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    Manik Sunuantari


    Full Text Available To encourage a community’s role in the field of tourism, the local government of Central Java, Indonesia promotes a Community Based Tourism (CBT as a tourism development for the sustainable economy. It involves the community in decision-making processes, especially related to the acquisition of income, employment, and the preservation of the environment, and culture of the indigenous people. This research aimed to determine communication activities in the implementation of CBT. The theory used was tourism communication using Attention, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA model. Then, the method was a case study by choosing Dieng as a tourist destination, and the tourism communication activities were undertaken in Dieng’s society, especially in the activities of Dieng Culture Festival (DCF. The results show that the tourism communication activities involving the community, POKDARWIS (Kelompok Sadar Wisata - Tourism Awareness Group, tourism advocates, and local governments should pay attention to the cultural and natural tourism potentials, and empower the local communities.

  1. Morfologi dan kekerabatan antara Leopoldamys siporanus (Thomas, 1985 dan L. sabanus (Thomas, 1987 (Muridae asal Kepulauan Mentawai, Sumatra, Kalimantan dan Jawa

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    Ibnu Maryanto


    Full Text Available Jawa, Anamba, and Leopoldamys siporanus from Siberut and Pagai-Mentawai Islands was analyzed using discriminant analysis. The analysis showed that the morphological shape of Sumatran L. sabanus was an intermediate between Jawa and Kalimantan populations. The population of L. sabanus from Anamba Island was predicted to be closed to the intermediate from between Kalimantan and Sumatra. Specimens of L. siporanus from Siberut and Pagai indicated that their morphology was closer to that of L. sabarus from Kalimantan than it was from Sumatra or Jawa. In Sumatra L. sabarus has three subspecies which are distributed in northern side of West Sumatra (L.s. tapanulius, southern side of West Sumatra (L.s. ululans and Mount Kerinci at Sumatra (L.s. vociferans. Furthermore, specimens examined in this study were collected from Leuser and Bengkulu where they are located at the corner of tapanulius and ululans type locality, and they were predicted as one population. This finding raises the possibility that the Sumatrans has one shape of L. sabanus, but this argument should be confirmed from prototype specimens of ululans, vociferans, and tapanulius.

  2. Karst: Ditambang atau Dilestarikan, Konflik Sosial Rencana Pembangunan Pabrik Semen di Kabupaten Pati Jawa Tengah

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    - Suharko


    Full Text Available The establishment of cement industry at regions with rich content of karst has increasingly grown in recent years. As a consequence, conflict of interest between cement company and local people groups has arised. The article aims to mapping out a natural resource based-conflict in district of Pati, province of Jawa Tengah. The social conflict has taken place at the stage of pra-construction of cement plant in the south Pati. The cement company, supported by local government, has continuously tried to establish the plant. The local people groups have always rejected it. Through organizing indigenous people, building social networks, and undertaking various collective actions, the local people groups have refused any efforts for establishing the plant. While this social conflict has continued, so far there is no an adequate conflict resolution. However, the new government of Central Java resulted from the 2013 election provides an opportunity to end the conflict.


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    Rusyida Baniya Savira


    Full Text Available Teknologi Informasi memiliki peran yang sangat penting untuk mendukung tujuan pencapaian suatu kegiatan dalam organisasi mupun instansi. Apabila pemanfaatan TI sudah berjalan dan mampu berintegrasi dengan baik dengan organisasi, maka TI mampu mendorong terjadinya peningkatan kinerja organisasi. Untuk mendukungnya, dibutuhkan suatu kegiatan monitoring, evaluasi, dan penilaian kinerja suatu organisasi. Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Tengah merupakan suatu instansi pemerintahan yang bertindak sebagai penyelenggara untuk penyediaan layanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat di daerah Jawa Tengah. Permasalahan yang pada Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Tengah adalah dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengawasan dan evaluasi masih ditemukan beberapa kekurangan seperti kurang lengkapnya Standart Operational Procedure (SOP mengenai detail proses pengawasan dan penilaian kinerja, proses tata kelola TI yang belum dilakukan secara menyeluruh, serta kurangnya pengawasan dalam peningkatan kebutuhan pemakaian e-health. Dari hasil studi dokumen, wawancara dan kuesioner berdasarkan COBIT 5 dihasilkan level kapabilitas tata kelola proses monitoring, evaluasi, dan penilaian kinerja dan kesesuaian (MEA01 saat ini adalah level 1 yaitu Performed, dengan tingkat pencapaian Largely Achieved sebesar 83,33% atau setara dengan 1,83 yang menunjukkan bahwa proses monitoring kinerja dan kesesuaian yang telah diimplementasikan berhasil mencapai tujuan instansi tetapi masih belum sepenuhnya dikelola dengan baik. Untuk mencapai level kapabilitas 2, dapat dilakukan strategi perbaikan secara bertahap dari proses atribut level 1 sampai 2. Kata kunci: COBIT 5, Analisis Tata Kelola TI, E-health, Proses Monitoring Evaluate and Assess Performance and Conformance (MEA01, Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Tengah.

  4. Peran Perguruan Tinggi, Pemerintah dan Investor dalam Membangun Wisata Pedesaan Di Jawa Barat Sebagai Upaya Mengurangi Kemiskinan

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    Dede R Oktini


    Full Text Available Jumlah penduduk miskin di Jawa Barat semakin lama semakin bertambah, sumber  mengatakan bahwa pada bulan Februari  2005 tingkat kemiskinan di Jawa Barat hanya 16 %, sedangkan per Juli 2005 naik menjadi 18,7% dan estimasi sementara untuk maret 2006 mencapai 22 %. ( Jumlah penduduk miskin di pedesaan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan di perkotaan, misalnya saja pada tahun 2005 persentase kemiskinan di perkotaan hanya 11,37 % sedangkan di pedesaan mencapai 19,51 %. Demikian pula pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya jumlah penduduk miskin yang ada di pedesaan selalu lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan di perkotaan. Fenomena kemiskinan ini juga tampak dari aktivitas sehari-hari yang mana di pedesaan lebih terlihat bahwa banyak orang yang hanya menghabiskan waktu dengan duduk-duduk, sementara gadis dan pemudanya berkumpul di pos-pos ronda mengobrol hal-hal yang kurang bermanfaat. Kondisi buruk seperti ini tentunya tidak bisa dibiarkan dan masyarakat pedesaan khususnya di Jawa Barat tidak bisa tinggal diam hanya mengharapkan belas kasihan dari pemerintah, namun harus segera bergerak untuk berupaya terlepas dari  kemiskinan yang membelenggu. Di setiap daearah di Jawa Barat memiliki potensi yakni lahan pertanian seperti sawah, kebun dan ladang yang hingga saat ini hanya dimanfaatkan sesuai dengan fungsi dasarnya saja yaitu menanam padi dan tanaman lain, padahal sebenarnya lahan-lahan tersebut dapat lebih dimanfaatkan misalnya dijadikan lokasi pariwisata pedesaan tradisional. Namun demikian untuk mewujudkannya tentu diperlukan dukungan dari berbagai pihak yakni Perguruan Tinggi sebagai lembaga ilmiah berperan dalam mengembangkan sumber daya manusia / masyarakat setempat sebagai calon pramuwisata atau calon wirausaha, penghubung antara calon pramuwisata/ wirausahawan dengan pihak investor, sedangkan pemerintah berperan dalam menyediakan infrastruktur seperti jalan raya, listrik serta mendidik masyarakat agar lebih mencintai alam pedesaan. Sedangkan

  5. Enhancing voluntary participation in community collaborative forest management: a case of Central Java, Indonesia. (United States)

    Lestari, Sri; Kotani, Koji; Kakinaka, Makoto


    This paper examines voluntary participation in community forest management, and characterizes how more participation may be induced. We implemented a survey of 571 respondents and conducted a case study in Central Java, Indonesia. The study's novelty lies in categorizing the degrees of participation into three levels and in identifying how socio-economic factors affect people's participation at each level. The analysis finds that voluntary participation responds to key determinants, such as education and income, in a different direction, depending on each of the three levels. However, the publicly organized programs, such as information provision of benefit sharing, are effective, irrespective of the levels of participation. Overall, the results suggest a possibility of further success and corrective measures to enhance the participation in community forest management. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Rudy Indra Purnama


    Full Text Available Industri farmasi sedang menghadapi persaingan yang meningkat, tekanan biaya dan kebutuhan untuk meningkatkan kinerja operasi manufakturnya. Lean manufacuring menawarkan metode, alat dan program heuristik untuk peningkatan produktivitas di bidang manufaktur. PT. US di Jawa Barat dapat meningkatkan kinerja perusahaannya melalui Lean manufacuring. Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan produktivitas dengan mengidentifikasi dan menyeimbangkan proses kerja dan  meneliti penyebab lamanya cycle time melalui value stream mapping. Penelitian ini menghasilkan penurunan cycle time dari 538,96 detik menjadi 445,68 detik, penurunan personel 14 orang, penurunan biaya operasional man power Rp.18,2 juta per bulan, dan menurunkan lead time dari 14,5 hari menjadi 11,5 hari. Kata kunci: lean manufacturing, keseimbangan lini, peningkatan kapasitas, tact time, value stream mapping Abstract The pharmaceutical industry is facing increased competition, cost pressures and the need to improve the performance of its manufacturing operations. Lean manufacturing offer methods, tools and heuristic program for increasing productivity in manufacturing. PT. US in West Java, Indonesia can improve company performance with implementing Lean manufacturing. This study aims to improve productivity by identifying and balancing work and researching the causes of long cycle time with value stream mapping. This research resulted in a decrease cycle time of 538.96 seconds to 445.68 seconds, a decrease of 14 personnel, operating expenses decreased man power Rp.18, 2 million per month, and reduce the lead time of 14.5 days to 11.5 days . Key words: lean manufacturing, line balancing, capacity building, tact time,  value stream mapping



    Dwi Bambang Putut Setiyadi


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur dan karakteristik wacana tembang macapat Tripama, Wulangreh, and Kalatidha, sasmita, dan sistem kognisi, serta kearifan lokal etnik Jawa. Objek penelitian yang berupa wacana tembang macapat disediakan dengan teknik pustaka, simak, dan catat. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis wacana. Hasil penelitian: (1) Strktur wacana macapat Tripama, Wulangreh, and Kalatidha disusun dalam pola purwa wacana, madya wacana, dan wasana wacana. Ketiga...


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    Mohamad Shohibuddin


    Full Text Available The long debate on whether rural community in Java is more characterised as egalitarian or differentiated one has underrated the agency of the local people. This paper tries to propose the agency of local people through a comparative account upon history of two communities, namely Ngandagan in Central Java and Wangunwati in West Java. Mobilizing the collective action toward land struggle, both communities involved in a broad spectrum of property relations reform which ranged from struggles over material things, revenue, to political power. As those struggles reflect interventions for “making live” and “not letting die” of the local population, this paper argues that both communities engaged in biopolitics countermovement directed to market and political forces threatening their means of livelihoods and even their life. However, while two communities succeeded in transforming inter-groups property relations within community, their political future would eventually necessitate the broader transformation of property relations between the state and the society.Keywords: history of rural community, agrarian crises, the agency of local people, land struggle, property relations reform, biopolitics, Java, Indonesia.Perdebatan panjang mengenai apakah komunitas pedesaan di Jawa lebih bercorak egalitarian atau terdiferensiasi telah menyebabkan agensi penduduk lokal kurang diperhatikan. Paper ini mencoba mengedepankan agensi komunitas lokal melalui uraian komparatif atas sejarah dua komunitas, yakni Ngandagan di Jawa Tengah dan Wangunwati di Jawa Barat. Memobilisasikan aksi kolektif seputar perjuangan atas tanah, kedua komunitas ini terlibat dalam pembaruan relasi-relasi kepemilikan dalam spektrum yang luas, yang terentang dari perjuangan atas kepemilikan menyangkut benda material, pendapatan, hingga kekuasaan politik. Mengingat perjuangan demikian mencerminkan intervensi untuk “membuat hidup” dan “tidak membiarkan mati” atas penduduk lokal

  9. Pengaruh Ikatan Hubungan, Citra Perusahaan, Nilai Pelanggan, Kualitas dan Kepuasan Nasabah terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Bank Pemerintah di Jawa Tengah


    Farida, Naili


    The study discusses about the integration of relational bonding, relational quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty at the state-owned bank in Central Java. The locations of research include Semarang City, Surakarta City, and Cilacap City. Research method uses multi stage sampling. The sample of research counts to 278 customers of Regular Saving from Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), Bank Mandiri, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Bank Tabungan Negara, and Bank Pembangunan Jateng. The hypothesi...


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    Denni Sulistio Mirza


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to know the influences of poverty, economic growth and capital expenditures to the Human Development Index (HDI in Central Java. The result of Panel data regression indicates that poverty significantly and negative related to IPM. The economic growth has positive and significant impact on IPM. Next, the capital expenditures have a positive and significant effect on the HDI. It is recommended that the planning policy of government does not only view the achievement of economic growth but also the target of human development. It is because economic growth has not been able enough to improve the quality of human resources, especially in the aspects of education, health and income.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh kemiskinan, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan belanja modal terhadap Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM di Jawa Tengah. Hasil regresi data panel menunjukkan bahwa kemiskinan berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap IPM. Pertumbuhan ekonomi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap IPM dan belanja modal berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap IPM. Disarankan agar dalam merencanakan kebijakan pemerintah tidak hanya melihat dari pencapaian target peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi saja namun juga target peningkatan pembangunan manusia karena pertumbuhan ekonomi sendiri belum memadai untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia terutama pada aspek pendidikan, kesehatan dan pendapatan masyarakat.

  11. Morphostructural Development of Gunungsewu Karst, Jawa Island

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    H. D. Tjia


    Full Text Available DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v8i2.157Gunungsewu Karst (also known as Sewu karst in the literature is synonymous with morphology of a carbonate terrain dominated by hills crowned by accordant-level tops that developed in a humid tropical environment by comparatively more rapid dissolution and denudation. In addition, the hills are sinoid to cone-shaped. Surface drainage is negligible compared to subsurface water flow. Abandoned channel segments and spatial arrangements of karst hills have been found to correspond with fracture patterns that are genetically associated with the regional compression direction of Jawa Island. Images derived from space platforms show many landform patterns that were neither known from ground-based nor from aerial photograph study. Landforms arranged in ring, multi-ring, spiral, polygonal, and long linear to serpentine patterns are common beside the expected depressions of dolines, poljes, and uvalas. The orientations of the long linear ridges appear to change systematically from those near the coast to those located inland. These linear ridges are interpreted as depositional fronts, most likely representing breaker zones. The youngest depositional ridge fronts, located nearest to the present shoreline, are parallel to the geological strike of Jawa Island. Toward the island’s interior, linear depositional fronts deviate in orientation by as much as 40o. This is now interpreted to have resulted from counterclockwise rotation of the Gunungsewu microplate since the late Middle Miocene. Similar CCW rotations are indicated by the paleomagnetic orientations of igneous rocks located farther east in the southern range of the island. Active tectonics is expressed in stage-wise net uplift of Gunungsewu whereas regional tilting appears negligible. Stacked and often paired river terraces (thus suggesting land uplift have been used to relatively date paleoarcheological finds. Very recent uplift on the coast show up in lazy-V limestone

  12. Earthquake Disaster of Yogyakarta and Central Java, and Disaster Reduction, Indonesia

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    Sutikno Sutikno


    Full Text Available This paper discussed on earthquake disaster and its reduction of Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia. The study area is located at relatively a short distance from subduction zone of India-Australian and Eurasian plates. Geologically this area is characterized by fault and graben structure, and geomorphologically is composed of block mountain, karsts topography and fluvio-volcanic plain. Aim of this paper is to evaluate the spatial distribution of the damage area, the environmental impacts, and to discuss the risk reduction of earthquake disaster scientifically and practically. In this paper to determine the hazard susceptibility zone and their environmental impact used geologic, geomorphologic, land use map, remote sensing image interpretation, and field observation. Discussion on the earthquake disaster risk reduction based on the hazard susceptibility and the characteristic of the human settlement and facilities. The result of this study shows that: i.the high damage area associate with distribution of the fault structures and the lithology; ii. mass-movement, lowering of groundwater, rising new springs, liquefaction, cracking of rocks and land surface; iii. structural non structural efforts are used for earthquake disaster reduction.

  13. Pengaruh Dimensi E – Servqual, Satisfaction dan Trust terhadap Loyalitas Pengguna Layanan E-Commerce Indonesia (Studi Kasus : Pengguna Layanan E-commerce di Pulau Jawa)


    Hasanudin, Mochammad; Pujotomo, Darminto; Sriyanto, Sriyanto


    Besarnya peluang dalam dunia e-commerce di Indonesia harus disikapi dengan bijak oleh para pengelola e-commerce yang ada. Menurut data penelitian APJII, tingkat penggunaan layanan e-commerce di Indonesia masih rendah. Rendahnya tingkat pengguna layanan e-commerce ini di indikasikan karena adanya ketidakpuasan pengguna dan adanya persepsi akan buruknya kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan oleh pengelola e-commerce selain itu juga adanya ketakutan pengguna akan tingginya angka kriminal mengenai tr...

  14. Deforestation projections for carbon-rich peat swamp forests of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. (United States)

    Fuller, Douglas O; Hardiono, Martin; Meijaard, Erik


    We evaluated three spatially explicit land use and cover change (LUCC) models to project deforestation from 2005-2020 in the carbon-rich peat swamp forests (PSF) of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Such models are increasingly used to evaluate the impact of deforestation on carbon fluxes between the biosphere and the atmosphere. We considered both business-as-usual (BAU) and a forest protection scenario to evaluate each model's accuracy, sensitivity, and total projected deforestation and landscape-level fragmentation patterns. The three models, Dinamica EGO (DE), GEOMOD and the Land Change Modeler (LCM), projected similar total deforestation amounts by 2020 with a mean of 1.01 million ha (Mha) and standard deviation of 0.17 Mha. The inclusion of a 0.54 Mha strict protected area in the LCM simulations reduced projected loss to 0.77 Mha over 15 years. Calibrated parameterizations of the models using nearly identical input drivers produced very different landscape properties, as measured by the number of forest patches, mean patch area, contagion, and Euclidean nearest neighbor determined using Fragstats software. The average BAU outputs of the models suggests that Central Kalimantan may lose slightly less than half (45.1%) of its 2005 PSF by 2020 if measures are not taken to reduce deforestation there. The relatively small reduction of 0.24 Mha in deforestation found in the 0.54 Mha protection scenario suggests that these models can identify potential leakage effects in which deforestation is forced to occur elsewhere in response to a policy intervention.

  15. Short Communication: Growth of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii in multi trophic sea farming systems at Gerupuk Bay, Central Lombok, Indonesia

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    Full Text Available Sukiman, Faturrahman, Rohyani IS, Ahyadi H. 2014. Growth of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii in multi trophic sea farming systems at Gerupuk Bay, Central Lombok, Indonesia. Nusantara Bioscience 6: 82-85. Eucheuma cottonii is a seaweed commodity that has a high economic value because it contains compounds used as raw materials for industries. Various methods of seaweed farming have been developed, one of which is a system of cultivation Multi Trophic Sea Farming. This study aimed to analyze the growth of E. cottonii by observing the production of biomass in four trophic combinations in the system Multi Trophic Sea Farming. The study was conducted in the area of the marine aquaculture Gerupuk bay, Central Lombok, Indonesia. Experiments were performed on four plots cages with trophic combination treatment as follows: K1 (E. cottonii-lobster-abalone, K2 (E. cottonii-abalone-red carp, K3 (E. cottonii-abalone-grouper, and K4 (E. cottonii-abalone-pomfret fish. Seedling of E. cottonii weighing 50 g was tied to a rope and placed at a depth of 5 cm, 50 cm, 100 cm and 150 cm. Measurement of biomass production was done every ten days until the thirtieth day. The highest biomass production of E. cottonii was obtained in K3 trophic combination (E. cottonii-abalone-grouper fish with a depth of seedlings of 5 cm. The combination of K3 trophic is recommended for cultivation of seaweed in the MTSF system.

  16. Oil & Community Welfare: A Case Study on People Oil Mining in Indonesia

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    Nugroho Trisnu Brata


    Full Text Available Usually in the oil mining area was exploited by oil company that under licensed from the state. Nevertheless on an oil mining field in East Java Province in Indonesia there is people oil mining that exploited and distributed by the people. They are working on the people oil mining area. Working is a phenomenon inherent to adults in satisfying their needs. People work for a multitude of motivation. Working may lead a particular worker to occupy certain social status within the society. This paper aims to examine the phenomenon of people working in the oil distribution link from people oil mining  to consumer. More specifically, this study aims to describe the impacts of working in the oil mining on the miners’ social and economic life. The method used in this research is ethnography. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, note taking, and recording. The location of research is in a petroleum artisanal mining area in East Java Province. The results showed that the impact of working in the oil distribution link from people oil mining to consumer is the generation of income used to meet the basic needs, to purchase personal means of transportation, to purchase some piece of land, and to pay for the children’s education.Biasanya ladang minyak dieksploitasi perusahaan yang memperolehy ijin dari negara. Akan tetapi ada ladang minyak di Jawa Timur yang dieksploitasi oleh masyarakat. Mereka bekerja pada ladang seperti  itu. Pekerja memiliki motivasi bermacam-macam dalam pekerjaanya. Bekerja membantu seseorang memperoleh status tertentu dalam masyarakat. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menelaah fenomena pekerja ladang minyak. Pertanyaan yang ingin dijawab dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1 mengapa orang bekerja di ladang minyak?; (2 bagaimana kesejahteraan mereka?; dan (3 bagaimana pengaruh bekerja di ladang minyak pada kehidupan sosial dan ekonomi para pekerja?. Penelitian menggunakan metode etnografi. Penelitian dilakukan di Jawa



    Sulistyowati Sulistyowati


    To archieve vertical equalitation in the level of province in Indonesia there are two types of transfer fund which are extracted from tax and natural resources revenues. This research will focus on the tax-based vertical equalization type of sharing namely land and construction tax (PBB). In Central Java Land and Construction tax increases 20% per annum during the five year under observation. However, due to the absent for any regulation on the allocation of the Land and Construction Tax reve...


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    Setya Triharyuni


    Full Text Available Dalam rangka menjaga pelestarian sumberdaya ikan di kawasan perairan tertentu, maka tingkat pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan tersebut harus seimbang dengan potensi produksinya. Ikan layang (Decapterus spp. merupakan hasil tangkapan dominan mencapai 60% dari total tangkapan perikanan pukat cincin yang beroperasi di Laut Jawa. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesesuaian beberapa model produksi surplus pada dinamika perikanan layang di Laut Jawa (WPP-712 dengan menggunakan pendekatan lima model produksi, yaitu model Schaefer, Fox, Walter & Hilborn, Clarke Yoshimoto Pooley (CYP dan Schnute. Model produksi yang sesuai digunakan untuk estimasi tangkapan maksimum lestari (MSY dan upaya optimum (Fopt serta parameter pertumbuhan stok ikan layang. Data yang digunakan adalah data hasil tangkapan ikan layang dan jumlah trip penangkapan kapal pukat cincin yang berpangkalan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Tegal, Pekalongan, Juana dan Rembang yang beroperasi di Laut Jawa selama periode 2004-2012. Ketepatan model dianalisis dengan membandingkan tanda regresi, uji F, uji t dan nilai konstanta determinasi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan model Fox merupakan model yang paling tepat dengan estimasi MSY sebesar 24.447 ton dan upaya penangkapan sebesar 5.784 trip/tahun setara pukat cincin. Berdasarkan model Fox juga diperoleh nilai parameter pertumbuhan stok ikan layang, yaitu nilai pertumbuhan intrinsik (r sebesar 0,7172, koefisien penangkapan (q sebesar 5,075 x 10-5 dan daya dukung lingkungan perairan (K sebesar 48.072 ton. Perikanan layang di Laut Jawa telah berada pada kondisi lebih tangkap sehingga intervensi pengelolaan, yaitu pengurangan intensitas upaya penangkapan ke titik optimal atau pengaturan hasil tangkapan di bawah tangkapan lestari untuk menjamin keberlanjutannya perlu dilakukan.   The general principle to sustain fish resources in a certain area is the exploitation level should not exceed its carrying capacity. Round scads (Depcaterus spp. are

  19. Seasonal forecasting of fire over Kalimantan, Indonesia (United States)

    Spessa, A. C.; Field, R. D.; Pappenberger, F.; Langner, A.; Englhart, S.; Weber, U.; Stockdale, T.; Siegert, F.; Kaiser, J. W.; Moore, J.


    Large-scale fires occur frequently across Indonesia, particularly in the southern region of Kalimantan and eastern Sumatra. They have considerable impacts on carbon emissions, haze production, biodiversity, health, and economic activities. In this study, we demonstrate that severe fire and haze events in Indonesia can generally be predicted months in advance using predictions of seasonal rainfall from the ECMWF System 4 coupled ocean-atmosphere model. Based on analyses of long, up-to-date series observations on burnt area, rainfall, and tree cover, we demonstrate that fire activity is negatively correlated with rainfall and is positively associated with deforestation in Indonesia. There is a contrast between the southern region of Kalimantan (high fire activity, high tree cover loss, and strong non-linear correlation between observed rainfall and fire) and the central region of Kalimantan (low fire activity, low tree cover loss, and weak, non-linear correlation between observed rainfall and fire). The ECMWF seasonal forecast provides skilled forecasts of burnt and fire-affected area with several months lead time explaining at least 70% of the variance between rainfall and burnt and fire-affected area. Results are strongly influenced by El Niño years which show a consistent positive bias. Overall, our findings point to a high potential for using a more physical-based method for predicting fires with several months lead time in the tropics rather than one based on indexes only. We argue that seasonal precipitation forecasts should be central to Indonesia's evolving fire management policy.

  20. ANALISIS SPASIAL DISTRIBUSI BULAN BASAH DAN BULAN KERING DI JAWA TIMUR (Spatial Distribution of Wet Month and Dry Month in East Java Region

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    Indarto Indarto


    Makalah ini memaparkan distribusi spasial Bulan Basah (BB dan Bulan Kering (BK di Jawa Timur.  Data hujan diperoleh dari 943 lokasi stasiun hujan yang tersebar merata di seluruh wilayah Provinsi Jawa Timur.  Hujan bulanan dihitung dari kumulatif hujan harian. Selanjutnya, nilai BB dan BK ditentukan berdasarkan metode klasifikasi Iklim Oldeman.  Analisa spasial dilakukan menggunakan tool  ESDA (Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis yang terdapat pada ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst. Tool yang digunakan mencakup:  Histogram, Voronoi Map, dan QQ-Plot.  Hasil analisa menunjukkan grafik Histogram dan Normal QQPlot untuk Bulan Basah dan Bulan Kering (BK mendekati distribusi normal.  Nilai statistik BB  yang diperoleh adalah: minimal = 1 bulan/tahun dan maksimal = 9 bulan/tahun. Nilai bulan basah (BB rerata dari seluruh stasiun untuk semua periode adalah 3,67 bulan/tahun dan nilai median = 4 bulan/tahun.  Histogram bulan basah  menghasilkan nilai standar deviasi = 1,2; koefisien skewness = 0,05;  dan koefisien curtosis sebesar (3,09.  Histogram Bulan Kering, menghasilkan nilai minimal 2 bulan/tahun dan maksimal = 11 bulan/tahun.  Sedangkan, nilai BK rerata dari seluruh stasiun untuk semua periode adalah 6,4 bulan/tahun dan nilai median = 6 bulan/tahun.  Histogram juga menampilkan nilai standar deviasi = 1,21; koefisien skewness = 0,11;  dan koefisien curtosis = (3,6.   Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa analisa menggunakan : histogram, Voronoi Map, Normal QQ-Plot dapat menggambarkan lebih detail variabilitas spasial Bulan Basah  dan Bulan Kering di Jawa Timur. Kata kunci: ESDA, Histogram, Voronoi-Map, QQ-Plot,  Bulan basah, Bulan kering, Jawa Timur


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    Imam Taufik


    Full Text Available Penggunaan pestisida merupakan salah satu sumber pencemar yang potensial bagi sumberdaya dan lingkungan perairan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pencemaran pestisida pada lahan perikanan budidaya di Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. Penelitian diawali dengan penentuan lokasi, dilanjutkan dengan pengambilan contoh (air, sedimen, biota air, preparasi, identifikasi, dan analisis data, serta pelaporan. Analisis contoh menggunakan alat Gas Chromatograph (GC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada lahan perikanan air tawar di daerah Sukabumi terdapat residu pestisida dari golongan organoklorin, organofosfat, piretroid, dan karbamat dengan konsentrasi di bawah Batas Maksimal Residu (BMR. Jenis dan konsentrasi residu pestisida tersebut yang terbesar terdapat pada ikan, kemudian di dalam tanah dan yang terakhir adalah dalam air.

  2. Space Radar Image of Central Sumatra, Indonesia (United States)


    This is a radar image of the central part of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia that shows how the tropical rainforest typical of this country is being impacted by human activity. Native forest appears in green in this image, while prominent pink areas represent places where the native forest has been cleared. The large rectangular areas have been cleared for palm oil plantations. The bright pink zones are areas that have been cleared since 1989, while the dark pink zones are areas that were cleared before 1989. These radar data were processed as part of an effort to assist oil and gas companies working in the area to assess the environmental impact of both their drilling operations and the activities of the local population. Radar images are useful in these areas because heavy cloud cover and the persistent smoke and haze associated with deforestation have prevented usable visible-light imagery from being acquired since 1989. The dark shapes in the upper right (northeast) corner of the image are a chain of lakes in flat coastal marshes. This image was acquired in October 1994 by the Spaceborne Imaging Radar C/X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) onboard the space shuttle Endeavour. Environmental changes can be easily documented by comparing this image with visible-light data that were acquired in previous years by the Landsat satellite. The image is centered at 0.9 degrees north latitude and 101.3 degrees east longitude. The area shown is 50 kilometers by 100 kilometers (31 miles by 62 miles). The colors in the image are assigned to different frequencies and polarizations of the radar as follows: red is L-band horizontally transmitted, horizontally received; green is L-band horizontally transmitted, vertically received; blue is L-band vertically transmitted, vertically received. SIR-C/X-SAR, a joint mission of the German, Italian and United States space agencies, is part of NASA's Mission to Planet Earth program.

  3. A Case Study: The Potential of Energy Efficiency in Senior High School of Semarang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia (United States)

    Yustika, Ana; Purwanto; Hermawan, H.


    The increasing of energy supply trend in Indonesia seems to be a serious problem in the implementation of sustainable development. This study case research aimed to determine the potential of energy efficiency in school environment. The subject of this research was SMA N 1 Ambarawa, located on Semarang Regency of Central Java, Indonesia. The data collection was done by used documentation, observation and interview method. The results showed that the average of electrical energy consumption in this school reached 11022.008 kWh/month, which resulted in the emergence of secondary emissions of CO2 by 9644.257 kg CO2/month. Overall, the consumption of electrical energy in this school was very efficient, with an Intensity of Energy Consumption (IEC) average 1.7957 kWh/m2/month. In this case, the implementation of short-term no cost, long-term no cost, middle-cost, short-term high cost and long-term high-cost recommendation could save electricity energy sequent by 3.159%; 7.536%; 9.499%; 35.278% - 36.626%; and 42.084%. In conclusion, the school environment had a big potential of energy efficiency that could reduce the energy consumption and CO2 gas emissions.

  4. Altitudinal distribution of Aedes indices during dry season in the dengue endemic area of Central Java, Indonesia (United States)

    Sayono, Sayono; Nurullita, Ulfa; Sumanto, Didik; Handoyo, Wahyu

    Aedes mosquitoes, mainly Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, are the primary and secondary vectors of dengue viruses in Indonesia, with transmission occurring by sucking blood. The density of the vectors is influenced by season and rainfall, but limited by altitude. The aim of the study is to describe the density and distribution of dengue vectors during the dry season based on the altitudes of recent dengue cases in five regencies of Central Java Province, Indonesia. Mosquito larvae and pupae were collected from the indoor and outdoor water containers from 253 houses within 50 m of houses occupied by a dengue patient. A considerable dengue vector population was found in all localities and altitudes based on the Aedes indices: an HI of 41.7% (15.0–70.6), CI of 33.6% (8.1–69.6) and BI of 57.1 (15.0–94.1). The highest indices were found in the highest altitude settlement; as the most common larval habitat in this village was a large-sized cement tank, larvivorous fish can act as effective predators in this case. This finding indicates an expansion of the dengue problem from low to high altitudes, causing a high potential for dengue transmission in all of the localities.


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    Full Text Available This research aim to know the relationship between physiological needs, safety needs, social needs and productivity of the workers and Mitsuba Indonesia Pipe Parts Ltd. The method of this research is questioner of 40 respondents. Then the data calculate with inferential statistics and multiple linear regression. The result of this research is an equation of correlation between physiological needs, safety needs, social needs and productivity : Y = ln (0.4296537 + 0.00044267.ln (1 + 0.00115069.ln (2 + 0.00118606.ln (3 with the wrong 0,00096878%. This equation shown that all the variable had correlation each other.


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    Rofily Putriyandari


    Full Text Available Abstract - Plantation Office in West Java is the OPD environment of the Regional Government of West Java Province. The type of oil exploitation in West Java developed include the People's Plantations and Estates consisting of Private Estates and Country Estates.This study discusses the effect payroll and accounting information system of internal control Achievement Against the Plantation Office of West Java Province. With the aim to determine the extent to which accounting information system salaries for employees' performance. Metedologi study is a quantitative descriptive. Independent variable (X of the study is Payroll Accounting Information Systems, while the variable (Y is the internal control. The sample in this study were 35 people on a formula that raised by SolVin. Then the method of data collection using the method which is based on primary and secondary data. Obtained from the calculation of the test statistic used tcount = 5.2847 = 5% (0.05, N-2 = degrees of freedom (df 35-2 = 33, then earned a tTable = 2.0345. Means that Ha is received and Ho is rejected, meaning that the influence of payroll and accounting information system of internal control.  Keyword: Payroll And Accounting Information System Of Internal Control   Abstrak - Dinas Perkebunan Propinsi Jawa Barat merupakan OPD dilingkungan Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat. Adapun jenis pengusahaan perkebunan yang dikembangkan di Jawa Barat meliputi Perkebunan Rakyat  dan Perkebunan Besar yang terdiri atas Perkebunan Besar Swasta dan Perkebunan Besar Negara .Penelitian ini membahas tentang Pengaruh Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Terhadap Pengendalian Intern di Dinas Perkebunan Provinsi Jawa Barat. Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana system informasi akuntansi penggajian terhadap pengendalian intern. Metedologi  penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Variabel bebas (X dari penelitian ini adalah Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Penggajian sedangkan variabel (Y


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    Suwarso Suwarso


    Full Text Available Sumberdaya ikan kembung (Rastrelliger brachysoma merupakan ikan ekonomis penting, umumnya hidup di perairan pantai (zona neritic dan menjadi komoditi utama bagi perikanan rakyat di perairan utara Jawa. Jenis ini ditangkap secara intensif menggunakan pukat cincin mini dan populasinya akhir-akhir ini semakin menurun. Kondisi tersebut sangat rawan apalagi stok yang dieksploitasi berasal dari unit stok sama. Penelitian ikan kembung dilakukan berdasarkan pengambilan contoh biologi di beberapa tempat pendaratan ikan (Jakarta, Indramayu, Blanakan dan Tegal untuk memperoleh karakter biologi reproduksi dan dugaan pemijahan ikan kembung di pantai utara Jawa. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai dengan November 2010. Rata-rata ukuran ikan yang tertangkap di Teluk Jakarta lebih besar dibanding perairan Blanakan dan Indramayu. Ikan betina yang tertangkap umumnya belum matang gonad. Ikan dengan kondisi matang gonad (TKG IV sekitar 7% dari keseluruhan contoh betina. Ikan dalam kondisi matang dengan ukuran gonadmaksimumdan telur transparent/ translucent sekitar 2% dan kondisi mijah (spent sebanyak 5%. Ikan betina mencapai kematangan pertama (length-at-first-maturity, Lm pada ukuran 16,4 cmFL. Ikan betina matang (fullymature female ditandai dengan berat gonad 24 gram dengan jumlah telur (batch fecundity sekitar 5.930 butir. Berdasarkan fluktuasi GSI musim pemijahan diduga berlangsung mulai bulan Oktober, khususnya perairan di Teluk Jakarta.


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    RA Hangesti Emi Widyasari


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThis research aims to analyze the nutritive value of flour head, liver powder and bone meal as by product of Indonesian eel (Anguilla bicolor processing. Eel waste flour was made by using a thermal process in the drum dryer fish flouring mill PT. Carmelitha Lestari in Bogor, whereas proximate analysis for chemical tests were performed in the laboratory of Integrated Chemical Laboratory, IPB and direct observation was conducted in PT Jawa Suisan Indah, Palabuhanratu Sukabumi district in October 2012—April 2013. The nutritive value based on proximate analysis showed that head flour, liver flour, and bone flour contained protein 61.78%, 53.92%, and 41.01%; fat 15.55%, 27.28%, 13.07%; carbohydrate 11.48%; 14.96%, 8.13%; water 5.44%, 8.48%, 3.01%; ash 12.95%, 3.62%, 37.49%, and crude fiber 1.33%, 0.04%, 1.11%, respectively.Keywords: Anguilla bicolor, bone flour, head flour, liver flour, nutritive valueABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan gizi tepung kepala, tepung tulang dan tepung hati ikan yang merupakan limbah pengolahan ikan sidat Indonesia (Anguilla bicolor. Tepung limbah ikan sidat dibuat berdasarkan proses termal menggunakan drum dryer di pabrik penepungan ikan PT. Carmelitha Lestari di Bogor dan analisis proksimat untuk uji kimiawi dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia Terpadu, IPB serta observasi langsung di PT Jawa Suisan Indah, Palabuhanratu Kabupaten Sukabumi pada bulan Oktober 2012—April 2013. Hasil analisis proksimat tepung kepala, tepung hati dan tepung tulang mengandung protein berturut-turut sebesar 61.78%, 53.92%, dan 41.01%; lemak sebesar 15.55%; 27.28%; 13.07%, karbohidrat sebesar 11.48%; 14.96%; 8.13%, kadar air sebesar 5.44%; 8.48%; 3.01%, kadar abu 12.95%; 3.62%; 37.49% dan serat kasar 1.33%; 0.04%; 1.11%.Kata kunci: Anguilla bicolor, nilai gizi, tepung hati, tepung kepala, tepung tulang

  9. The dynamic of tuberculosis case finding in the era of the public–private mix strategy for tuberculosis control in Central Java, Indonesia (United States)

    Reviono, Reviono; Setianingsih, Wahyu; Damayanti, Kusmadewi Eka; Ekasari, Ratna


    ABSTRACT Background: The public–private mix (PPM) strategy has strengthened tuberculosis care and control in many countries. Indonesia, a country with a high tuberculosis burden, has a low tuberculosis case detection rate (CDR), despite PPM implementation in 2003. The PPM in Indonesia involves primary healthcare centers, hospitals, and specialized chest clinics. The long-term impact of the strategy is unknown. Objective: We aimed to explore the case detection achievements of the tuberculosis program since PPM implementation in Central Java in 2003. Methods: This retrospective cohort study covered the period 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2014. The data from tuberculosis patients treated in all health facilities in Central Java implementing directly observed treatment short-course, recorded via a standardized form, were analyzed after being validated by the Office of Health of Central Java Province. We evaluated the CDR, case notification rate, and total number of cases, using linear regression to analyze the temporal trends of those indicators in the phases of PPM implementation. Results: The CDR increased during the initial phase (2000–2005), decreased during the mid-phase (2006–2009), and increased slightly during the late phase (2010–2014), ranging from 13 to 61.72. These trends were observed despite a steady increase in the number of participating healthcare facilities. The regression analysis showed that the CDR of referral institutions contributed the most to the total CDR of Central Java Province. Many of the smear-negative tuberculosis cases recorded at primary healthcare centers may have been smear positive; this probable misclassification could have been partially avoided if more specific and sensitive diagnostic tools were available. Conclusions: The CDR remains below the national target (70%). Early awareness of a negative trend in certain program indicators is important to ensure program sustainability. Careful observation of the indicator

  10. The dynamic of tuberculosis case finding in the era of the public-private mix strategy for tuberculosis control in Central Java, Indonesia. (United States)

    Reviono, Reviono; Setianingsih, Wahyu; Damayanti, Kusmadewi Eka; Ekasari, Ratna


    The public-private mix (PPM) strategy has strengthened tuberculosis care and control in many countries. Indonesia, a country with a high tuberculosis burden, has a low tuberculosis case detection rate (CDR), despite PPM implementation in 2003. The PPM in Indonesia involves primary healthcare centers, hospitals, and specialized chest clinics. The long-term impact of the strategy is unknown.  We aimed to explore the case detection achievements of the tuberculosis program since PPM implementation in Central Java in 2003. This retrospective cohort study covered the period 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2014. The data from tuberculosis patients treated in all health facilities in Central Java implementing directly observed treatment short-course, recorded via a standardized form, were analyzed after being validated by the Office of Health of Central Java Province. We evaluated the CDR, case notification rate, and total number of cases, using linear regression to analyze the temporal trends of those indicators in the phases of PPM implementation. The CDR increased during the initial phase (2000-2005), decreased during the mid-phase (2006-2009), and increased slightly during the late phase (2010-2014), ranging from 13 to 61.72. These trends were observed despite a steady increase in the number of participating healthcare facilities. The regression analysis showed that the CDR of referral institutions contributed the most to the total CDR of Central Java Province. Many of the smear-negative tuberculosis cases recorded at primary healthcare centers may have been smear positive; this probable misclassification could have been partially avoided if more specific and sensitive diagnostic tools were available. The CDR remains below the national target (70%). Early awareness of a negative trend in certain program indicators is important to ensure program sustainability. Careful observation of the indicator pattern will secure the long-term success of the program.

  11. Amblesan di daerah Porong, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur

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    Untung Sudarsono


    Full Text Available 29th May 2006, there was a huge mud outpouring in the Porong Subregency, Regency of Sidoarjo, East Jawa and for one year, it had flooded the area of more than 5 km2 including Porong, Tanggulangin and Jabon Sub-regencies. The mud known as Lumpur Sidoarjo. The impact of the mud outpouring was the presence of a subsidence around the main outpouring for the width of 6.3 km2 in ellipse stretching to the north. The subsidence area covered Tanggulangin Sub-regency: Kedungbendo Village, Porong Sub-regency: Siring, Jatirejo, Mindi, and Renokenongo Villages, and Jabon Sub-regency: Pejarakan and Besuki Villages. The rate of the subsidence is ap- proximately 2 cm/day.  


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    Ristiyanto Ristiyanto


    Full Text Available Dalam rangka menurunkan angka endemisilas malaria di Kabupaten Magelang telah dilakukan studi dinamika penularan. Tujuan survei dinamika penularan ini adalah mengetahui proses terjadinya penularan malaria dan faktor-faktor risiko kejadian malaria. Lokasi survei di Desa Banjaretno, Kecamatan Kajorun, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Juni 2004. Metode survei adalah metode survei dinamika penularan yang telah distandardkan dalam pelatihan ICDC. Hasil survei parasit malaria menunjukkan bahwa 5 orang (5,10% dari 98 orang mengandung parasit Plasmodium falciparum. Hasil survei entomologi di liga rumah kasus malaria diperoleh angka man baiting rate (MBR nyamuk Anopheles aconitus di dalam rumah 0,5/jam/orang dan di luar rumah 1,08/jam/orang. Parity rate nyamuk tersebut 0%. Tempat perindukan di sekitar rumah kasus malaria adalah sawah, kolam, dan saluran irigasi. Penanaman padi tidak serempak, sehingga, tempat perindukan An. aconitus tersedia sepanjang tahun. Kepadatan larva nyamuk An. aconitus berkisar antara 0,3-2,1 perciduk. Hasil survei perilaku pada 31 responden (5 kasus malaria dan 26 orang tetangga kasus malaria diketahui bahwa pengetahuan, dan sikap responden mendukung untuk melakukan pencegahan penularan malaria (80% dari 31 responden, tetapi tidak diikuti dengan tindakan mencegah malaria (39,76% dari 31 responden. Semua rumah kasus malaria berdinding kayu atau bambu, belum menggunakan langit-langit, jendela dan ventilasi belum rapat nyamuk (100% rumah kasus malaria. Kebiasaan pada malam hari (5 kasus malaria yang mendukung penularan malaria adalah kebiasaan menonton TV bersama-sama pada malam hari dengan keadaan pintu dan jendela terbuka. Pelayanan kesehatan oleh Puskesmas tidak melakukan kunjungan rutin ke daerah endemis malaria karena tidak ada JMD. Hasil survei dinamika penularan ini memperlihatkan bahwa penularan malaria di Desa Banjaretno. Kecamatan Kajoran, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah terjadi pada musim kemarau, di dalam rumah pada

  13. Kendala dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 di Jawa Tengah dan Strategi Penanganannya

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    Nurkolis Siri Kastawi


    Full Text Available Artikel ini menggambarkan implementasi Kurikulum 2013 di wilayah Jawa Tengah, terutama di Kota Semarang, Kabupaten Pati, Batang, Sragen, Banjarnegara, dan Kebumen dilihat dari sisi kesiapan guru, dukungan sekolah dan Pemerintah Daerah, faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat, dan langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi kendala. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode campuran (mixed method. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi Kurikulum 2013 pada beberapa daerah tersebut belum berjalan secara efektif. Di sekolah-sekolah yang telah mengimplementasikan Kurikulum 2013 guru yang melaksanakan pembelajaran tematik, saintifik, dan penilaian otentik tak lebih dari 50%. Hal tersebut diidentifikasi karena (1 guru belum siap mengimplementasikannya, (2 dukungan sekolah masih rendah, (3 walau Pemerintah Daerah sudah mengalokasikan anggaran, namun belum optimal penggunaannya, (4 ditemukan beberapa faktor pendukung dan penghambat pada diri guru, pimpinan sekolah, dan Dinas Pendidikan, termasuk koordinasi yang masih lemah antarpihak terkait. This article describes the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in Central Java, focusing on Semarang City, Pati, Batang, Sragen, Banjarnegara, and Kebumen districts in terms of teacher readiness, the school and local district support, its supportive and barrier factors, and the strategies to handle those problems. This research using mixed method and the result indicated that the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in several districts in Central Java is not effective yet. Half of teachers in schools that implemented Curriculum 2013 cannot implement thematic and scientific learning approach and authentic assessment. This problem happens because (1 most of teacher are not ready to implement the new curriculum, (2 low school support, (3 even the local district allocate the financial support, but still not optimal in use, and (4 there are several supportive and barrier factors from the teacher itself, school managerial

  14. Integrasi Budaya Jawa Pada Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Bumi Dan Alam Semesta

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    Sarwanto -


    Full Text Available Kesulitan siswa dalam mempelajari IPA salah satunya disebabkan oleh sebagian besar materi IPA diadopsi dari sains Barat. Padahal budaya yang mendasari pengembangan sains Barat tidak sama dengan budaya Jawa, maka pembelajaran sains berpotensi menimbulkan kesenjangan (clash dengan sains lokal. Kesulitan lain disebabkan oleh pembelajaran IPA selama ini dilakukan memisahkan antara konten IPA dan pedagoginya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan Budaya Jawa dalam pembelajaran IPA yang meliputi proses dan produk (materi IPA menjadi satu kesatuan pengetahuan (Pedagogical Content Knowledge/PCK. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitan pengembangan (R&D. Tahap-tahap penelitian meliputi (1 studi pendahuluan; (2 pengembangan PCK; (3 validasi PCK; dan (4 pengembangan produk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan modul yang dikembangkan layak untuk diujicobakan pada tingkat yang lebih luas dalam perkuliahan Fisika Sekolah Menengah. Western-adoption of most material of science causes student’s difficulties in learning science. Meanwhile, the culture base of Western science development is different from the Javanese one. This is why science learning causes potentially clash to local science. Other difficulty is caused by learning science which has been done by separating content from its pedagogy. This study aims to integrate Javanese culture into science teaching that include process and product to become a unified science knowledge (Pedagogical Content Knowledge/PCK. The research method used was a research & development (R & D, with the stages of (1 preliminary study, (2 development of PCK, (3 validation PCK, and (4 product development. The results showed that the developed modul decent for piloting at a broader level in High School Physics class.

  15. Variasi Panjang Fragmen Gen ND3 Burung Famili Ploceidae Endemik Pulau Jawa (The Length Variation of ND3Gen Fragmen of Java’s Endemic Ploceidae Family’s Birds

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    Ana Fitria


    Full Text Available Ploceidae family’s birds in Indonesia consist of 41 species include 13 species as Java’s endemic. Some species of Ploceidae family were start to rarely oberved, because of new house developing and hunting as a pets, zoo collection and education kit. It’s need some efforts to conserve these rare species through improving the habitat, rehabilitation, nursery, controlling, law inforcement for hunters, and genetic conservation according to a knowledgement of genetic variation. The research aimed to knew the length fragmen of ND3 DNAmt Gen and genetic variation among species of Ploceidae family’s birds. 11 species were observe for morphology’s characteristic than blood sample were collected for DNA isolation with Dixit methode. ND3 gen were amplificated by DNA isolated with PCR used H11151 and L10755 primer. PCR’s gain were visualized with 2 % agarose gel. The length fragmen of ND3 DNAmt were 321bp for Bondol Jawa, 338 bp for Bondol Haji and Bondol Peking, 393 bp for Burung Gereja Erasia, 413 bp for Manyar Emas, 406 bp for Gelatik Jawa, 334 bp for Manyar Tempua and Manyar Jambul, 351 bp for Pipit Benggala, 333 bp for Bondol Hijau Binglis, 317 bp for Pipit Zebra. The conclusion of this research were : 1. the length variation of ND3 DNAmt Gen among 11 species range from 317 – 413 bp and 2. morphological variation and length variation of ND3 DNAmt Gen shows that there was genetic variation among species of Ploceidae family’s birds. Key words : Ploceidae, ND3 Gen, Java’s endemic

  16. Report for fiscal 1979 on survey for development of overseas coals. Blau area, Kalimantan, Republic of Indonesia; 1979 nendo kaigaitan kaihatsu chosa hokokusho. Indonesia kyowakoku Kalimantan Blau chiiki

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Surveys including collection of information and materials relative to various conditions were performed on Republic of Indonesia, who is considered a promising coal supplying source for Japan in the future. Based on the assumption that supply capacity of coal will be expanded for thermal power plants, and large rise is anticipated in the coal price, and in order to solve the problems in the plan for migrating the population from Jawa Island where serious population concentration has been taking place, and in the regional promotion and development, the Indonesian Government has made open to foreign business entities in June 1978 the development of coal in the Kalimantan area. Nine corporations including those from Japan have participated in the international bid. The Indonesian Governments seeks in this project a product sharing system, rather than the acquisition of foreign currencies or the profit sharing from export earnings. The Government considers Japan as one of the coal exporting markets, and expects utilization of the Japan's advantageous institutional financing. It is urged that Japan should discuss the coal development in the Kalimantan area as part of dispersion of the coal supply sources upon considering the ocean transportation distance and the close economic relationship with the country. (NEDO)

  17. Report for fiscal 1979 on survey for development of overseas coals. Blau area, Kalimantan, Republic of Indonesia; 1979 nendo kaigaitan kaihatsu chosa hokokusho. Indonesia kyowakoku Kalimantan Blau chiiki

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Surveys including collection of information and materials relative to various conditions were performed on Republic of Indonesia, who is considered a promising coal supplying source for Japan in the future. Based on the assumption that supply capacity of coal will be expanded for thermal power plants, and large rise is anticipated in the coal price, and in order to solve the problems in the plan for migrating the population from Jawa Island where serious population concentration has been taking place, and in the regional promotion and development, the Indonesian Government has made open to foreign business entities in June 1978 the development of coal in the Kalimantan area. Nine corporations including those from Japan have participated in the international bid. The Indonesian Governments seeks in this project a product sharing system, rather than the acquisition of foreign currencies or the profit sharing from export earnings. The Government considers Japan as one of the coal exporting markets, and expects utilization of the Japan's advantageous institutional financing. It is urged that Japan should discuss the coal development in the Kalimantan area as part of dispersion of the coal supply sources upon considering the ocean transportation distance and the close economic relationship with the country. (NEDO)


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    Angela Mariana Lusiastuti


    Full Text Available Kasus penyakit pada budidaya ikan nila di wilayah di Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Sulawesi Utara dan Papua Barat, disebabkan Streptococcus yang menyebabkan penyakit Streptococcosis di mana 80% disebabkan oleh grup B S. agalactiae. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan deteksi pada nukleotida isolat S. agalactiae untuk mengetahui sampai sejauh mana terjadinya nukleotida polimorfisme tunggal (SNP pada isolat tersebut. Identifikasi menggunakan PCR dilakukan terhadap 16S rDNA dan primer spesifik spesies terhadap S. agalactiae yaitu agal I 5’-ATAAGAGTAATTAACACATGTTAG-3’ (forward dan agal II 5’-ACTTCGGGTGTTACAAAC-3’(reverse dengan target 1250 bp. Produk PCR diamplifikasi terlebih dahulu menggunakan tujuh pasangan primer oligonukleotida yang berbeda yang didesain dari sekuens genom NEM316 GBS. Sekuens yang diperoleh dibandingkan dengan sekuens di Gene Bank database menggunakan National Center for Biotechnology Information Blast search tool. Hasil yang diperoleh ternyata ada dua basa yang berubah yaitu pada basa 24 dan basa 167. Pada basa 24 jelas terjadi subtitusi basa baru yaitu G, yang seharusnya tidak ada basa tersebut pada gen adhP-54 dan adhP-49 standar. Sedangkan pada basa 167 terjadi perbedaan basa dari seharusnya A pada standar menjadi G pada isolat 2.

  19. Preparation of Radwaste Disposal Site in Jawa Island and Its Surrounding Areas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Budi Setiawan; Teddy Sumantry; Heru Sriwahyuni; Hendra A Pratama; Nurul Efri E; Achmad Sjarmufni; Pratomo Budiman; Dadang Suganda; Soegeng Waluyo; Ari Pudyo; Dewi Susilowati; Marwoto


    The task continuation and national needs indicate the important of starting for radioactive waste disposal preparation. As the IAEA procedures for the first step are to accomplished the conceptual and planning stage of radwaste disposal siting in Jawa island. Within the plan, the Milestone, the site important factors, the potential host rock, the possible areas, the aims and the investigation programs have been defined. From the procedures which are followed hopefully in the end of the activities, suitable site(s) to be able selected for radioactive waste disposal facility in near future. (author)

  20. Analisis Pengaruh Kebijakan Moneter terhadap Inflasi dan Perekonomian di Indonesia


    Amrini, yassirli; Aimon, Hasdi; Syofyan, Efrizal


    This article focused on analyze (1) Effect of the money supply, money supply of previous period, the SBI (Central Bank Sertificate) rate, exchange rate, and economy to inflation in Indonesia (2) The influence of inflation, domestic investment, domestic investment of previous period, foreign invesment, foreign invesment of previous period, and labor to economy in Indonesia. Data used time series of (I year kuartal 2000 – IV year kuartal 2011). This article use analyzer model equation of simul...


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    Hendra Santosa


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Kakawin Sumanas?ntaka (Death Because Sumanasa Flowers is one source of the search trail musical term of from about 22 manuscript Old Javanese literature.This article is part of the research entitled "Traces Track Karawitan in Ancient Java Script: Assessment Form, function and meaning". This discussion is intended to clarify the form and function of musical instruments during the period in East Java around the 10th century.This study uses historical method which, through the stages of heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. At this stage of heuristics used kakawin Sumanas?ntaka is the work of Worsley, P., S. Supomo, M. Fletchert dan T.H. Hunter.,year 2014 also found written entitledKakawin Sumanas?ntaka, Mati Karena Bunga Sumanasa, Karya Mpu Monaguna., Kajian sebuah puisi epik Jawa Kuno. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.Criticism is done internally through direct translation as the facts speak and the last is the stage of historiography. Form and function in kakawin Sumanasantaka musical instruments, can not be separated from the function of musical instruments in the future, namely as a means Javanese ceremonies and as accompanist secular activities. Keywords: form, function, karawitan, kakawin, Sumanas?ntaka   ABSTRAK Kakawin Sumanas?ntaka (Mati Karena Bunga Sumanasa merupakan salah satu sumber penelusuran jejak istilah karawitan dari sekitar 22 Naskah kesusastraanberbahasa Jawa Kuno awal.Tulisan ini merupakan bagian dari hasil penelitian yang berjudul “Melacak Jejak Karawitan dalam Naskah Jawa Kuno: Kajian Bentuk, fungsi, dan Makna”. Pembahasan ini dimaksudkan untuk memperjelas bentuk dan fungsi instrumen musik pada masa periode Jawa Timur sekitar abad ke-10.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah yaitu, melalui tahapan heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Pada tahap heuristik ditemukan sebuah kakawin Sumanasantaka yaitu karya Worsley, P., S. Supomo, M. Fletchert dan T.H. Hunter. Tahun 2014

  2. indonesia : tous les projets | Page 2 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sujet: MIGRANT WORKERS, FOREIGN WORKERS, WORKING CONDITIONS, ... Région: Central Asia, Far East Asia, South Asia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore ... Quotas et décentralisation (Indonésie).


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    Agus Widarjono


    Full Text Available AbstractThis study analyses calorie and protein consumption in Central Java Province. The calorie and protein elasticity are derived from demand elasticity of the ten food groups encompassing cereals, fish, meats, eggs and milk, vegetables, fruits, oil and fats, prepared foods and drinks, other foods and tobacco products. Most of calorie and protein-price elasticity of the ten food group are negative. Consumption of calorie and protein are most responsive to prices of eggs and milk. Protein -price elasticities are less elastic than calorie-price elasticities. Calorie and protein-income elasticity are positive and become lesselastic in moving from lower to higher income households but protein is less responsive to income change than calorie. Keywords: QUAIDS, demand elasticity, nutrient elasticity, Central Java ProvinceJEL Classification numbers: D12, O12AbstrakStudi ini menganlisis konsumsi kalori dan protein di Jawa Tengah. Elastisitas kalori dan protein dihitung dari elastisitas permintaan dari 10 kelompok komoditi makanan yang terdiri dari padi-padian, ikan, daging, telur dan susu, sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan, minyak dan lemak, makanan dan minumun jadi, makanan lainnya dan tembakau dan hasilnya. Sebagian besar elastisitas harga kalori dan protein adalah negatif. Konsumsi kalori dan protein adalah kelompok makanan yang paling responsif terhadap perubahan harga telur dan susu. Elastisitas pendapatan kalori dan protein adalah positif tetapi menjadi lebih elastis untuk rumah tangga berpenghasilan lebih tinggi tetapi protein kurang responsif terhadap perubahan pendapatan daripada kalori.Keywords: QUAIDS, elastisitas permintaan, elastisitas nutrisi, Jawa TengahJEL Classification numbers: D12, O12

  4. Cinder cones of Mount Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia

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    Igan S. SutawIdjaja


    Full Text Available Mount Slamet volcanic field in Central Java, Indonesia, contains thirty five cinder cones within an area of 90 sq. km in the east flank of the volcano. The cinder cones occur singly or in small groups, with diameter of the base ranges from 130 - 750 m and the height is around 250 m. Within the volcanic field, the cinder cones are spread over the volcanic area at the distance of 4 to 14 km from the eruption center of the Slamet Volcano. They are concentrated within latitudes 7°11’00” - 7°16’00” S,, and longitudes 109°15’00” - 109°18’00” E. The density of the cinder cones is about 1.5 cones/km2. Most of the cinder cones lie on the Tertiary sedimentary rocks along the NW-trending fault system and on radial fractures. The structural pattern may be related to the radial faults in this region. The cone surfaces are commonly blanketed by Slamet air-falls and lava flows. The deposits consist of poorly bedded, very coarse-grained, occasionally overlain by oxidized scoria, and large-sized of ballistic bombs and blocks. There are various kind of volcanic bombs originating from scoriae ballistic rock fragments. The other kind of volcanic bombs are breadcrust bomb, almond seed or contorted shape. All of the cinder cones have undergone degradation, which can be observed from the characters of gully density and surface morphology. By using Porter parameters, Hco is equal to 0.25 Wco, whilst Wcr is equal to 0.40 Wco. The Hco/Wco ratio is higher than Hco = 0.2 Wco reference line. A radiometric dating using K-Ar method carried out on a scoria bomb yields the age of 0.042 + 0.020 Ma.  

  5. All projects related to indonesia | Page 4 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    End Date: October 25, 2009. Topic: NATURAL DISASTERS, EMERGENCY RELIEF, ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION, AID PROGRAMMES, CONFLICTS, CIVIL WAR, AID EVALUATION, DISASTER PREPAREDNESS. Region: Far East Asia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Central Asia, South Asia. Program: Governance and Justice.

  6. Analisis Cadangan Devisa Indonesia

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    Lusia Bunga Uli


    Full Text Available Abstract This study aims to determine the relationship between variables export, import, and exchange rate against Foreign Exchange Reserves in Indonesia. The data used in the empirical study of a sequence of data monthly time of year 2011.01 through 2014.12 from Bank Indonesia and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS. The analysis tool used is Auto Regression Vector Model (VAR. The results of this study indicate that the one-way relationship between the variables of foreign reserves and export. Then one-way relationship between exchange rate and exports. Lastly, there is a two-way relationship between imports and foreign exchange reserves, two-way relationship between exchange rate and foreign exchange reserves, two-way relationship between imports and exports, two-way relationship between the exchange rate and imports. The results also showed foreign exchange reserves are significantly influenced by the movement itself at a probability of 1 %. Export variable negative and not significantly affect the foreign exchange reserves. While imports of positive and not significant to the foreign exchange reserves. Foreign Exchange Reserves Indonesia is positively influenced by the exchange rate and not significant. Keywords: Foreign exchange reserves, exports, imports, exchange rate   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa keterkaitan antar variabel ekspor, impor, dan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap Cadangan Devisa Indonesia. Data yang digunakan dalam kajian empiris ini merupakan data runtutaan waktu bulanan dari tahun 2011.01 sampai 2014. 12 yang berasal dari Bank Indonesia dan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS. Alat analisis yang digunakan yaitu Vector Autoregression Model (VAR. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hubungan searah antara variabel cadangan devisa ke ekspor. Lalu hubungan searah antara kurs terhadap ekspor Terakhir, terdapat hubungan dua arah antara impor dan cadangan devisa, hubungan dua arah antara kurs dan cadangan

  7. Socioeconomic and familial characteristics influence caretakers' adherence to the periodic vitamin A capsule supplementation program in Central Java, Indonesia. (United States)

    Pangaribuan, Rosnani; Scherbaum, Veronika; Erhardt, Jürgen G; Sastroamidjojo, Soemilah; Biesalski, Hans K


    The adherence of program participants to periodic vitamin A capsule (VAC) supplementation among children aged 1-5 years (n = 677) in Central Java, Indonesia was assessed. Fourteen villages from five sub-districts and one ward from one sub-district in Central Java were included in the study to represent rural and suburban areas. All questions about demographic factors, socioeconomic conditions, current dietary practice and healthcare-seeking attitudes for common childhood illnesses, previous breastfeeding experience, their knowledge about vitamin A and adherence to the VAC program after capsule distribution (two periods in 2000) were asked. Caretakers with limited knowledge about the health benefits of vitamin A, households with more than one preschool child, and households with older children (> 36 months) were associated with a decreased likelihood of regular participation in the program with odds ratios of 0.38, 0.55, and 0.26, respectively (p program regularly with an odds ratio of 2.02 (p program.

  8. Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gammeltoft, Peter; Tarmidi, Lepi T.

    China‟s increasing integration with the world economy is met with much anticipation and much anxiety in the Southeast Asian region. In Indonesia, there is intense interest in Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI), not only among academics but also among policy makers, industrialists and the gen......China‟s increasing integration with the world economy is met with much anticipation and much anxiety in the Southeast Asian region. In Indonesia, there is intense interest in Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI), not only among academics but also among policy makers, industrialists...... conducted in 2008 among Chinese invested enterprises supplemented with available official statistics and secondary data, the study finds that Chinese FDI in Indonesia is performed by mixed entities: some are owned by central government, some by regional government and some are private firms. In the case...... of joint ventures, their local partners are mostly local Chinese, except in the infrastructure, mining and energy sector where their local partners are Indonesian state-owned enterprises. Where the local developmental effects are concerned, a picture emerges where Chinese investments, at this early period...


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    Dinda Wulan Afriani


    terletak di Kabupaten Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah. Masjid Laksamana Muhammad Cheng Ho Purbalingga merupakan salah satu dari tiga masjid Cheng Ho di Indonesia. Kehadiran masjid ini merupakan wujud simbol keindahan toleransi antar etnis dan budaya dalam sebuah akulturasi. Bentuk arsitektur masjid ini merupakan perpaduan dari budaya Islam- Tiongkok-Arab-Jawa. Keistimewaan masjid ini bukan hanya terletak pada bentuk arsitektur bangunan dan ragam hias arsitekturnya saja. Namun juga pada keindahan makna dan nilai falsafah kehidupan yang terkandung di dalamnya, yang tentu saja selaras dengan peran sertanya dalam masyarakat. Dalam membaca tanda dan makna, artikel ini juga menyajikan penalaran melalui metode semiotika visual secara singkat namun cukup padat.

  10. Finanční analýza firmy JAWA Moto, s. r. o.


    Kváš, Martin


    This bachelors thesis focuses on the financial analysis of JAWA Moto spol. s r. o. from 2012 to 2015. The thesis is divided into two sections - the methodological and the practical. The first section describes methods and indicators of financial analysis. These are applied to the company data in the second section of the thesis. The analyses made are as follows: horizontal and vertical analysis, analysis of profitability, activity, liquidity, indebtedness, cost ratio and bankruptcy and credib...


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    Puji Riyanti


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan relasi sosial pedagang etnis Cina dan etnis Jawa di pasar tradisional. Penelitian dilakukan di Pasar Tradisional Klampok Purwaja. Relasi sosial antara pedagang etnis Cina dan pedagang etnis Jawa di pasar Purwareja Klampok tercermin dalam beberapa aktivitas yang dilakukan yaitu “relasi sosial di pasar” dan “diluar pasar”. Relasi diluar pasar masih terlihat adanya jarak sosial yang lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh etnisitas, tetapi relasi dalam pasar tampak lebih egalitarian. Pelayanan kepada para pelanggan tidak memperdulikan adanya perbedaan etnis. Secara umum, mereka dapat hidup berdampingan dengan baik, keduanya saling diuntungkan secara ekonomis. Namun stereotype etnis diantara keduanya masih tetap ada dan berkembang dalam masyarakat yang cukup mempengaruhi hubungan sosial kedua etnis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. The objective of this study is to describe the social relations between ethnic Chinese merchants and the Java community in traditional markets. The research was conducted in Klampok market, Purwareja. Social relations between ethnic Chinese merchants and traders in the market of ethnic Javanese Purwareja Klampok reflected in two forms: ”relations inside the market” and ”relations outside the market”. Relations outside the market is characterized with stereotypes, shaped by ethnicity. In contrast, relations inside the market is more egalitarian. Service to the customer is not influenced by ethnicity difference. In general, these two groups can coexist, and economically they are mutually advantaged. However, ethnic stereotypes still exist and thrive in a society and affect both ethnic social relations in everyday life.

  12. Macrozoobenthos Community Structure In The Estuary of Donan River, Cilacap, Central Java Province, Indonesia

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    Taufik Fakih Hakiki


    Full Text Available Estuary of Donan Riverwhich is adjacent to Segara Anakan Lagoon in Cilacap, Central Java Province (Indonesia has been used for a number of activities such asfishieries, agriculture, industry, harbor, and tourism activities.  The aim of this study is to analyze the ecosystem condition based on mazcrozoobenthos community structure. This study was conducted from Augustus 2015 to January 2016. Samples were collected monthly at five stations from the river close area to the ocean close area. The study was conducted to identify kinds of generaand densityof themacrozoobenthos, and analyze substrates and water quality.Data analysis was performed onabundance, diversity, evenness and dominance indexes.Based on the study, macrozoobenthos at the estuary of Donan River consists of three classes i.e Gastropod (12 genera, Bivalvia(9 genera, and Polychaeta (6 genera. Based on the sampling location, Gastropod and Bivalvia are the largest composition found at five stations. Based on the sampling location, the macrozoobenthos density, diversity index, evennes index,and dominance index can be inferred that the estuary of Donan River is classified to be moderately ecological polluted.

  13. Desert agricultural terrace systems at EBA Jawa (Jordan) - Layout, water availability and efficiency (United States)

    Meister, Julia; Krause, Jan; Müller-Neuhof, Bernd; Portillo, Marta; Reimann, Tony; Schütt, Brigitta


    Located in the arid basalt desert of northeastern Jordan, the Early Bronze Age (EBA) settlement of Jawa is by far the largest and best preserved archaeological EBA site in the region. Recent surveys in the close vicinity revealed well-preserved remains of three abandoned agricultural terrace systems. In the presented study these archaeological features are documented by detailed mapping and the analysis of the sediment records in a multi-proxy approach. To study the chronology of the terrace systems optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is used. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the water management techniques and its impact on harvest yields, a crop simulation model (CropSyst) under today's climatic conditions is applied, simulating crop yields with and without (runoff) irrigation. In order to do so, a runoff time series for each agricultural terrace system and its catchment is generated, applying the SCS runoff curve number method (CN) based on rainfall and soil data. Covering a total area of 38 ha, irrigated terrace agriculture was practiced on slopes, small plateaus, and valleys in the close vicinity of Jawa. Floodwater from nearby wadis or runoff from adjacent slopes was collected and diverted via surface canals. The terraced fields were arranged in cascades, allowing effective water exploitation through a system of risers, canals and spillways. The examined terrace profiles show similar stratigraphic sequences of mixed unstratified fine sediments that are composed of small-scale relocated sediments with local origin. The accumulation of these fines is associated with the construction of agricultural terraces, forcing infiltration and storage of the water within the terraces. Two OSL ages of terrace fills indicate that the construction of these terrace systems started as early as 5300 ± 300 a, which fits well to the beginning of the occupation phase of Jawa at around 3.500 calBC, thus making them to the oldest examples of its kind in the Middle East


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    Mochamad Setyo Pramono


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Background: The aim of the MDGs improving maternal health, one indicator is the proportion of aid delivery by trained health personnel. Related to this field which is spearheading the village midwife. The presence of the midwife profession not within the vacant land, because the tradition of the existence of traditional birth attendants have been there first. In the geographical and social conditions of a diverse society, where they can be a wealth of cultural treasures. Becomes interesting when the two interests are aligned but different backgrounds met in the field. How their existence in society, especially in rural areas whose traditions are still strong. Methods: This study was conducted in 2011 in four districts in East Java is Sampang, Probolinggo, Jombang and Madison. Refers to the characteristics of the election districts in East Java community is Madura, pandalungan, arek and Mataraman. This study combines quantitative and qualitative research. The data was collected by observation and in-depth interviews, informants were village midwives and traditional birth attendants in each region was selected health centers. Results: There is a dichotomy of senior midwives and midwives young. Senior midwife came mostly from outside the region. While a limited number of wide area coverage, it is not un comm on to make them choose to live in the central districts. As aresuIt, service delivery is limited. Relations senior midwife with pregnant women is quite high. Meanwhile, a young midwife from the local community though, is not necessarily acceptable in the neighborhood. Midwives are considered inexperienced young because young age, unmarried status or newly married. Meanwhile, the role of traditional birth attendants in rural areas is still quite significant, especially in Sampang and Probolinggo, there are still bold to help direct labor. In addition to knowledge of hereditary shamans, also based on modern medical knowledge gained


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    Gindo Simanjuntak


    Full Text Available Some important zoonotic diseases in Indonesia are Rabies, Plague, Anthrax, Taeniasis/Cysticercosis and Japanese encephalitis. These diseases are geographycally distributed in some provinces in Indonesia and each disease have its control program. Other zoonoses which are under intensive surveillance are Toxoplasmosis, Leptospirosis, Brucellosis, bovine Tuberculosis and Haemorrhagic Hanta virosis. These diseases have epidemic potential. Plague known foci are in Boyolali Central Java dan Sleman Yogyakarta. In 1987 after 30 years of dormant period an outbreack of plague occured in Pasuruan, East Java with 48 number of cases and 21 deaths. Intensive surveillance on human, rodent and fleas were conducted in three plague foci. Since 1988 no human case of plague is found in Indonesia eventhough antibody against Y. pestis were found positive in human as well as in rodents. Anthrax is distributed geographycally in Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, West and East Nusa Tenggara and Timor Timur. Skin and intestinal Anthrax types are to be found in Indonesia. In 1990 on outbreak of anthrax occured in Central Java and 7 out of 98 cases were fatal. Of 154 (27.9% out 553 human sera collected from the provinces of West Sumatera, West Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, North Sumatera and North Sulawesi were found positive against toxoplasmosis during the survey conducted in 1995. From the same provinces 152 (19.2% out of 792 animal sera also were found antibody positive against Toxoplasma gondii. There are about 170 Leptospirosis serotypes known in Indonesia. Leptospirosis is geographycally distributed in Central Java, Yogyakarta, West Java, North Sumatera, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatera, Bengkulu, East Kalimantan. Sporadic outbreaks occured in some provinces related to the lack of washing and drinking water in the dry season. Of 10 (1.8% out 154 serum specimens taken from humans in West Sumatera, West Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, North

  16. Pengaturan Hasil Agroforestry Jabon (Neolamarckia Cadamba Miq.) dan Kapulaga (Amomum Compactum) di Kecamatan Pakenjeng, Garut, Jawa Barat


    Indrajaya, Yonky; Siarudin, M


    Agroforestry dapat berkontribusi pada pendapatan petani, baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Pola agroforestry jabon-kapulaga telah banyak diterapkan oleh petani di Pakenjeng, Garut, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis manajemen optimal agroforestry jabon-kapulaga menggunakan metode modeling bioekonomik yang dimodifikasi dari model Faustmann. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) daur optimal agroforestry jabon-kapulaga sesuai daur biologis tegakan jabon adalah lima tahun; 2) d...

  17. Pemetaan Ketahanan Pangan Regional di Jawa Timur


    Raharto, Sugeng


    The problem of food security in Indonesia is exacerbated by the high number of poverty in Indonesia. This is exacerbated by the high dependence of the Indonesian rice consumption has increased and the national rice production has decreased. The research objective is to map the village level food security based on the aspects of availability, aspects of food access and livelihoods and access to nutritional health. Methods of determining district purposively sample while the determination of vi...


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    I Putu Mas Dewantara


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana keefektifan budaya literasi di SD N 3 Banjar Jawa untuk meningkatkan minat baca siswa. Metode atau teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi: wawancara, observasi, angket, dan kuisioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model Miles dan Huberman, yaitu: reduksi, sajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Dari hasil penelitian terjadi peningkatan minat baca siswa sebesar 27%. Program budaya literasi ini dikemas dengan kegiatan 15 menit membaca sebelum jam pelajaran, melaksanakan sabtu literasi, menata perpustakaan, dan menciptakan lingkungan yang kaya teks.

  19. FY 2000 international exchange project on exchanges of engineers - Coal mine technology field. Overseas workshop (Indonesia); 2000 nendo gijutsusha koryu jigyo (tanko gijutsu bun'ya) kokusai koryu jigyo. Kaigai workshop (Indonesia)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For the purpose of making effective technology exchanges and surveying levels of technology in Indonesia and the needs and possibilities of technology transfer from Japan, workshop was held in Jakarta city on March 1, 2001. Subjects were the following seven: subjects on coal resource and technical strategy in the 21st century, challenge in coal development in Indonesia, geological structure survey at Tanjung Enim coal mine, waste water treatment in Indonesia, outlook for underground mining coal mines, joint research on the centralized monitoring system, and introduction of the optimum high wall coal mining system into open pit mining coal mines in Indonesia. The coal production amount in Indonesia was 75 million tons, and the domestic demand was 22 million tons. Japan imported 14 million tons from Indonesia. In coal mines in Indonesia, most of the coal preparation plants have no waste water treatment facilities. Considering that waste water treatment facilities are necessary for the plants in future, the joint research was made on the simple coal preparation waste water treatment system. (NEDO)


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    M. Widyo Wartono


    Full Text Available Tumbuhan genus Piper mempunyai kandungan minyak atsiri hampir disemua bagiannya, namun komposisi kimianya belum semua dilaporkan. Pada laporan ini kami melakukan isolasi dan identifikasi senyawa kimia minyak atsiri pada bagian buah tumbuhan Piper. Isolasi minyak atsiri buah Piper dilakukan dengan destilasi air menggunakan destilasi Stahl dan analisis komposisi kimia dengan kromatografi gas-spektroskopi masa (GC-MS. Kandungan minyak atsiri buah sirih hijau (Piper betle 1,4% (v/b, cabe jawa (Piper retrofractum 1% (v/b, dan buah kemukus (Piper cubeba 1,7% (v/b. Hasil analisis GC-MS menunjukan kandungan utama minyak atsiri adalah senyawa golongan monoterpen, seskuiterpen dan fenil propanoid. Kandungan utama minyak atsiri buah sirih hijau (P. betle adalah eugenol (12,36%, isokaryofillena (9,55% dan β-selinena (8,09%, sedangkan komponen utama buah cabe jawa (Piper retrofractum adalah isokaryofilen (8,88%, β-bisabolen (7,01% dan zingiberen (6,32%, dan minyak atsiri buah kemukus (Piper cubeba adalah spathulanol (27,05%, sativen (8,73% dan germakren D (7,50%.

  1. Tourism Investment, Supply and Demand in Indonesia: Impact and Factor Analysis


    Santi, Faurani; Oktaviani, Rina; Hakim, Dedi Budiman; Kustiari, Reni


    Tourism is one of the most significant contributors to the Indonesia growth of economy, based on datafrom the Indonesia Central Bureau of Statistics in 2012, the share of national tourism to GDP is 13.9percent and of course the contribution of the sector to be helpful for the growth of the national economy,through foreign exchange earnings as revenue from tourist consumption. Besides that, it has provided amultiplier effect to other sectors which related to the sectors. Therefore, an improvin...

  2. Who Benefits from Ecosystem Services? A Case Study for Central Kalimantan, Indonesia (United States)

    Suwarno, Aritta; Hein, Lars; Sumarga, Elham


    There is increasing experience with the valuation of ecosystem services. However, to date, less attention has been devoted to who is actually benefiting from ecosystem services. This nevertheless is a key issue, in particular, if ecosystem services analysis and valuation is used to support environmental management. This study assesses and analyzes how the monetary benefits of seven ecosystem services are generated in Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, are distributed to different types of beneficiaries. We analyze the following ecosystem services: (1) timber production; (2) rattan collection; (3) jelutong resin collection; (4) rubber production (based on permanent agroforestry systems); (5) oil palm production on three management scales (company, plasma farmer, and independent smallholder); (6) paddy production; and (7) carbon sequestration. Our study shows that the benefits generated from these services differ markedly between the stakeholders, which we grouped into private, public, and household entities. The distribution of these benefits is strongly influenced by government policies and in particular benefit sharing mechanisms. Hence, land-use change and policies influencing land-use change can be expected to have different impacts on different stakeholders. Our study also shows that the benefits generated by oil palm conversion, a main driver for land-use change in the province, are almost exclusively accrued by companies and at this point in time are shared unequally with local stakeholders.

  3. Who Benefits from Ecosystem Services? A Case Study for Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. (United States)

    Suwarno, Aritta; Hein, Lars; Sumarga, Elham


    There is increasing experience with the valuation of ecosystem services. However, to date, less attention has been devoted to who is actually benefiting from ecosystem services. This nevertheless is a key issue, in particular, if ecosystem services analysis and valuation is used to support environmental management. This study assesses and analyzes how the monetary benefits of seven ecosystem services are generated in Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, are distributed to different types of beneficiaries. We analyze the following ecosystem services: (1) timber production; (2) rattan collection; (3) jelutong resin collection; (4) rubber production (based on permanent agroforestry systems); (5) oil palm production on three management scales (company, plasma farmer, and independent smallholder); (6) paddy production; and (7) carbon sequestration. Our study shows that the benefits generated from these services differ markedly between the stakeholders, which we grouped into private, public, and household entities. The distribution of these benefits is strongly influenced by government policies and in particular benefit sharing mechanisms. Hence, land-use change and policies influencing land-use change can be expected to have different impacts on different stakeholders. Our study also shows that the benefits generated by oil palm conversion, a main driver for land-use change in the province, are almost exclusively accrued by companies and at this point in time are shared unequally with local stakeholders.

  4. Penerapan Diagram Kontrol D^2 Mahalanobis Pada Proses Produksi Minuman Kemasan Returnable Glass Bottle (Studi Kasus Di PT. Coca-cola Bottling Indonesia Central Java)


    Muhyidin, Muhammad Abid; Safitri, Diah; Rahmawati, Rita


    Quality being one of the basic factors in choosing a product consumers. Therefore, an industry or a company should always maintain the quality of their products in order to get loyal customers and are able to survive in the competitive market. Coca-cola Bottling Indonesia Central Java Limited Compay is one of the manufacturing company engaged in the beverage packaging industry and always trying to improve the quality for customer satisfaction. Although it has been to improve the quality, the...

  5. Kajian Tvc Wonderful Indonesia sebagai Cermin Citra Indonesia di Mata Dunia

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    Angela Oscario


    Full Text Available Tourism is one of the most important sectors supporting the economy of Indonesia. One way to develop the Indonesian tourism is strengthening the image of Indonesia in the world. To strengthen the image, Indonesia has replaced the old brand, “Visit Indonesia”, and launched a new brand, “Wonderful Indonesia”. Besides the logo, in order to campaign “Wonderful Indonesia,” some television commercials have been launched. An advertising, which creates a powerful image, not only has a great power to influence the viewers but can also be a double-edged sword. Advertising can become a mirror of reality, but it can also become a distorted mirror of reality. A similar case happens with Wonderful Indonesia television commercial, which was released early in 2012 by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. The television commercial is considered to have distorted the image of Indonesia in the world by displaying only the culture, society, and nature of Java and Bali. Meanwhile, the other Wonderful Indonesia television commercial, “Feeling is Believing,” which was launched by Indonesia Tourism Board in 2012 considered to have become quite successful framing the beauty, and diversity of the cultures, communities, regions, and natures of Indonesia. Learning from the mistakes, and considering the importance of an image, the future Wonderful Indonesia television commercial should be dealt more carefully. The image that is proper to represent Indonesia, the visual signifier should reflect the intended signified precisely.  

  6. Motif Dan Kepuasan Masyarakat Surabaya Dalam Menonton Program Dialog “Titik Tengah” Di Metro TV Jawa Timur


    Gunawan, Like


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kepuasan masyarakat Surabaya dalam menonton program dialog “Titik Tengah” di Metro TV Jawa Timur. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan teori Uses and Gratification dengan variabel Gratification Sought (GS) dan Gratification Obtained (GO) yang memiliki indikator yaitu informasi, identitas pribadi, integrasi dan interaksi sosial, dan hiburan.Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis eksplenatif dengan statistik infe...

  7. Molecular Scanning of β-Thalassemia in the Southern Region of Central Java, Indonesia; a Step Towards a Local Prevention Program. (United States)

    Rujito, Lantip; Basalamah, Muhammad; Mulatsih, Sri; Sofro, Abdul Salam M


    Thalassemia is the most prevalent genetic blood disorder worldwide, and particularly prevalent in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the spectrum of β-thalassemia (β-thal) mutations found in the southern region of Central Java, Indonesia. The subjects of the study included 209 β-thal Javanese patients from Banyumas Residency, a southwest region of Central Java Province. DNA analysis was performed using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS), and the direct sequencing method. The results showed that 14 alleles were found in the following order: IVS-I-5 (G > C) (HBB: c.92 + 5G > C) 43.5%, codon 26 (Hb E; HBB: c.79G > A) 28.2%, IVS-I-1 (G > A) (HBB: c.92 + 1G > A) 5.0%, codon 15 (TGG > TAG) (HBB: c.47G > A) 3.8%, IVS-I-1 (G > T) (HBB: c.92 + 1G > T) 3.1%, codon 35 (-C) (HBB: c.110delC) 2.4%. The rest, including codons 41/42 (-TTCT) (HBB: c.126_129delCTTT), codons 8/9 (+G) (HBB: c.27_28insG), codon 19 (AAC > AGC) (HBB: c.59A > G), codon 17 (AAG > TAG) (HBB: c.52A > T), IVS-I-2 (T > C) (HBB: c.92 + 2T > C), codons 123/124/125 (-ACCCCACC) (HBB: c.370_378delACCCCACCA), codon 40 (-G) (HBB: c.123delG) and Cap +1 (A > C) (HBB: c.-50A > C), accounted for up to 1.0% each. The most prevalent alleles would be recommended to be used as part of β-thal screening for the Javanese, one of the major ethnic groups in the country.

  8. All projects related to indonesia | Page 5 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Region: Far East Asia, Indonesia, Central Asia, South Asia. Program: Climate Change. Total Funding: CA$ 396,460.00. Learning Initiatives for Network Economies in Asia (LIRNEasia) : Building Capacity in ICT Policy. Project. It is now generally accepted that affordable, effective telecommunication services play an integral ...


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    Aris Budiarto


    Full Text Available Laut Jawa (WPPNRI 712 memiliki karakteristik permasalahan dalam pengelolaan perikanan rajungan yaitu berkurangnya stok sumberdaya rajungan dan tinggi nya jumlah armada penangkapan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi pengelolaan perikanan rajungan di perairan Laut Jawa berdasarkan pada indikator pengelolaan perikanan dengan pendekatan ekosistem (Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management-EAFM. Enam domain indikator EAFM yang digunakan sebagai dasar untuk analisis adalah (1 Sumber Daya Ikan; (2 Habitat dan Ekosistem; (3 Teknik Penangkapan; (4 Sosial; (5 Ekonomi; dan (6 Kelembagaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai skor komposit EAFM tergolong kategori sedang dengan kisaran antara 1,5 – 2,5. Hasil penilaian aggregat seluruh domain diperoleh nilai skor densitas berkisar antara 6,3 – 55,9. Domain memiliki densitas tertinggi adalah domain sosial dan domain kelembagaan sebesar 54,7 dan 55,9 dengan kategori sedang. Domain habitat/ekosistem dan domain ekonomi memiliki nilai skor 36,5 dan 20,7 dengan kategori kurang. Domain sumberdaya ikan dan domain teknik penangkapan memiliki nilai skor 6,3 dan 16,3 dengan kategori buruk. Secara keseluruhan hasil penilaian indikator EAFM menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan rajungan di WPPNRI 712 dalam kategori buruk hingga sedang. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini adalah melaksanakan perbaikan pengelolaan perikanan rajungan secara bertahap dengan melakukan 5 (lima langkah pengelolaan yaitu; pengaturan rajungan yang boleh ditangkap, pengaturan musim penangkapan, pengendalian alat tangkap dan daerah penangkapan, perlindungan dan rehabilitasi habitat serta melaksanakan restoking.   Java Sea waters (Fisheries Management Area 712 is one of the main live crab habitat which is also the main blue swimming crab (BSC production centers in Indonesia. FMA 712 has the characteristics of BSC fishery management problems is lower stock of crabs and the high number of fishing fleet. This study was aims to determine

  10. Language in education: The case of Indonesia (United States)

    Nababan, P. W. J.


    Although over 400 languages are spoken in Indonesia, by 1986 60% of the population had some competence in the Indonesian national language, a substantial increase over 1971. Bahasa Indonesia was declared the state language in the 1945 constitution, and reformed spelling was agreed in 1972. It is the sole medium of instruction, except in the first three grades of elementary school in nine regions, where vernaculars may be used transitionally. Thereafter vernaculars are taught as school subjects. Bilingualism, and even multilingualism in Indonesian and one or more vernaculars and/or foreign languages is increasing, and despite the use of Indonesian for official documentary purposes at all levels it does not appear that vernaculars are dying out, although their spheres of use are restricted. Bahasa Indonesia fulfils the four functions: cognitive, instrumental, integrative and cultural, while vernaculars are only integrative and cultural. The curriculum of Indonesian, established centrally, is pragmatic or communicative. It is expressed in a standard syllabus for course books. This approach equally applies to foreign languages, which are introduced at secondary level, although here receptive reading is given more weight than productive skills. A full description of the syllabus organization of the various languages is given. Nonformal language learning also takes place, in the national basic education and literacy programme, which teaches Bahasa Indonesia, and in vocational courses in foreign languages for commerce.

  11. Fungsi dan Proses Pembuatan Topeng di Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur

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    Robbi Hidajat


    Full Text Available AbstrakTopeng Malang adalah salah satu jenis topeng Jawa yang berkembang di Malang Jawa Timur. Memperhatikan bentuk raut topeng yang digambarkan tergolong dalam genre tokoh-tokoh lakon Panji. Topeng berfungsi sebagai properti seni pertunjukan Wayang Topeng. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian fungsi, baik dari sisi kegunaan material dan teknik pembuatan topeng. Permasalahan penelitian ini ada 2, yaitu (1 apakah fungsi Topeng Malang, (2 bagaimana teknik dan proses pembuatan Topeng Malang. Informan penelitian adalah perajin. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Teknik analisis adalah interpretasi simbolis. Hasil penelitian ini adalah deskripsi tentang fungsi wayang topeng sebagai alat untuk menutup wajah penari agar sebagai bentuk penyamaran bagi penari agar dapat melakukan komunikasi spiritual dengan roh leluhur untuk mengharapkan berkah kesuburan. Teknik dan proses pembuatan Topeng Malang yaitu teknik ukir menggunakan pisau pangot. Proses pembuatannya terdiri dari 4 tahap, mbakali, wiwit, meraeni, dan maesi. Tiga tahap proses ini berelasi dengan proses penggarapan lahan sawah.Kata kunci: topeng, teknik, wayang, kerajinan AbstractMask of Malang is a type of Javanese masks which develop in Malang, East Java. From the face form, the masks portray the figures from Panji tales. The main function of the masks is as a property in Mask Puppet art performance. This research is a study of functions, both in terms of material usability and mask making techniques. The problems discussed in this study are, (1 what the mask of Malang's function is, (2 how the mask making technique and process are. Research informants are craftsmen. Data collection methods are by observation and interviews. Analysis methods are by symbolic interpretation. The results of this study are description of mask puppet as an equipment to cover the dancer's face, as a camouflage in order to communicate spiritually with ancestors' spirits to ask for

  12. 1D and 2D Occam's Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data Applied in Volcano-Geothermal Area In Central Java, Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ariani, Elsi; Srigutomo, Wahyu


    One-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) magnetotelluric data inversion were conducted to reveal the subsurface resistivity structure beneath the eastern part of a volcano in Central Java, Indonesia. Fifteen magnetotelluric sounding data spanning two lines of investigation were inverted using Occam's inversion scheme. The result depict that there are extensively conductive layer (2-10 ohm meter) below the volcanic overburden. This conductive layer is interpreted as the clay cap resulted from thermal alteration. A higher resistivity layer (10-80 ohm meter) underlies the clay cap and is interpreted as the reservoir whose top boundaries vary between 1000 m above and 2000 m below sea level. (paper)

  13. A new species of Asplenium section Thamnopteris (Aspleniaceae) from Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dong, S.Y.; Mujahidin,; Wei, L.L.; Chao, Y.S.


    A new species, Asplenium riswanii (sect. Thamnopteris), is described from Central Java and West Papua, Indonesia. It is distinct from any known species by having thick and rigid fronds, abaxially keeled midribs, broadly lanceolate scales, and distantly spaced sori. Morphologically, A. riswanii is


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    L. Meily Kurniawidjaja


    Full Text Available Factors Related to Occupational Contact Dermatitis on Workers Exposed to Chemicals used at Industrial Automotive Company. Occupational contact dermatitis is one of skin disease in industrial settings which may reduce worker productivities. The occupational contact dermatitis occurs when workers are come into contact with chemicals at part of the worker’s body. This chemical contact could lead to an occupational contact dermatitis. The objective of this research is to investigate factors related to the occupational contact dermatitis at the worker who come into contact with chemicals used in industrial automotive company in Indonesia, Cibitung Jawa Barat. The study design is a descriptive research. The research subjects were selected using a stratified random sampling, and the total subjects were 54 person. The data were collected based on physical examination by a medical doctor, and the research questionnaire. Result from this study indicated that 74% (40 workers experience dermatitis contact: acute dermatitis contact 26% (14 workers, sub acute 39% (21 workers, and chronic 9% (5 workers. Furthermore, data analysis using a multivariate statistical analysis indicated that there are three major factors related to the occurence of contact dermatitis: duration of contact, frequency of contact and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE particularly gloves. In conclusion, incidence rate of occupational dermatitis contact at industrial setting is 65%/100 worker, and prevalence rate of occupational dermatitis contact at industrial setting is 74%/100 worker. In order to minimize the occupational contact dermatitis it is recommended to raise the workers awareness, the correct type of gloves used specifically to the type of chemicals, as well as improving the workers knowledge.

  15. Disposal of household burned garbage and risk of low birth weight in Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

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    Puti Sari Hidayangsih


    Full Text Available AbstrakLatar belakang: Pembakaran sampah di dalam rumah tanggadapat mempengaruhi berat badan bayi lahir rendah (BBLR. Pada tulisan ini disajikan pembakaran sampah di rumah tangga terhadap risiko BBLR.Metode: Analisis data menggunakan sebagian data studi potong lintang Riskesdas 2013 di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Data yang dianalisis ialah data bayi berusia 0-11 bulan. Berat badan bayi waktu lahir berdasarkan catatan berat bayi saat lahir yang tercatat dalam kuesioner Riskesdas. Bayi dikategorikan BBLR jika berat badan waktu lahir kurang dari 2500 gram. Hasil: Di antara 281 bayi yang mempunyai catatan berat badan lahir terdapat 10,6% (23 bayi yang BBLR. Bayi yang tinggal di rumah tangga dengan perilaku pengelolaan sampah dengan cara dibakar dibandingkan dengan selain dibakar mempunyai risiko 2,3 kali lipat mengalami BBLR (RRa=2,28; 95% CI=1,18-8,61. Kesimpulan: Bayi yang tinggal di rumah tangga dengan sampah dibakar dibandingkan dengan tanpa sampah dibakar mempunyai risiko lebih tinggi BBLR di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia. (Health Science Indones 2014;2:89-93Kata kunci: berat badan lahir rendah, pembakaran sampahAbstractBackground: The management of household waste by burning can affect the incidence of low birth weight (LBW. This paper aims to identify the burning of garbage at home and risk of low birth weight. Methods: This analysis used a part of Riskesdas 2013 data in the Central Sulawesi Province. Subjects analyzed were infants aged 0-11 months. Baby’s weight was based on the baby’s birth weightwhich was recorded in the questionnaire of Riskesdas. The infants were categorized as LBW, if the recorded birth weight was less than 2500 grams. Results: Out of 392 babies,  281 babies had recorded birth weightswhich could be proved by documentary evidence. The majority of babies were boys (50.9% and lived in rural areas (58.7%. The proportion of babies who had LBW was 10.6% (23 infants. The babies who were living in households with

  16. AKULTURASI BUDAYA ISLAM DAN JAWA: Ruang Komunal pada Budaya Nyadran Dukuh Krajan, Desa Kromengan, Kabupaten Malang

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    Sri Winarni


    Full Text Available Javanese and Islamic acculturations adhere to the people living at Dukuh Krajan. Javanese social and cultural aspects affect the spirit of Islamic activities. This is obvious by the use of Javanese/Islamic calendar system in every ritual. Yet, the high value of togetherness and communality is decreasing. This change will result in abandoning culture and growing social problem. It also influences the change of common space in the neighborhood. Therefore, it needs exploration on communal space established through Nyadran ritual. The purpose is to maintain the existence of the communal space as well as to develop togetherness and communality for the next generation. The study employs qualitative design with rationalistic approach. The data were collected through observation and interview. The communal space is formed by the activity, the physical area, the doers and the ritual time. The use of communal space in Nyadran ritual reflects togetherness and mutual cooperation value established as the result of the sense of care and the social awareness to share spaces for public interest.Akulturasi budaya Islam dan Jawa masih melekat pada kehidupan masyarakat Dukuh Krajan. Kegiatan Islam suasananya dipengaruhi oleh aspek budaya dan sosial Jawa. Tergambar jelas pada pemakaian kalender Jawa/Islam pada setiap kegiatan budaya. Namun, nilai-nilai kebersamaan dan kegotongroyangan dalam kegiatan sosial budaya saat ini semakin berkurang. Perubahan ini akan berpengaruh terhadap beberapa budaya setempat yang tersisihkan, dan masalah-masalah sosial yang mulai berkembang. Dampaknya akan berpengaruh juga terhadap perubahan ruang-ruang komunal di lingkungan pedesaan. Untuk itu perlu diteliti lebih detail tentang ruang komunal yang terbentuk, khususnya pada runtutan kegiatan budaya nyadran. Tujuannya agar ruang komunal yang terbentuk pada tradisi nyadran eksistensinya tetap ada dan terjaga dengan baik serta dapat bermanfaat dalam menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan rasa

  17. Impact of La Niña and La Niña Modoki on Indonesia rainfall variability (United States)

    Hidayat, R.; Juniarti, MD; Ma’rufah, U.


    La Niña events are indicated by cooling SST in central and eastern equatorial Pacific. While La Niña Modoki occurrences are indicated by cooling SST in central Pacific and warming SST in western and eastern equatorial Pacific. These two events are influencing rainfall variability in several regions including Indonesia. The objective of this study is to analyse the impact of La Niña and La Niña Modoki on Indonesian rainfall variability. We found the Nino 3.4 index is highly correlated (r = -0.95) with Indonesian rainfall. Positive rainfall anomalies up to 200 mm/month occurred mostly in Indonesian region during La Niña events, but in DJF several areas of Sumatera, Kalimantan and eastern Indonesia tend to have negative rainfall. During La Niña Modoki events, positive rainfall anomaly (up to 50 mm/month) occurred in Sumatera Island, Kalimantan, Java and eastern Indonesia in DJF and up to 175 mm/month occurred only in Java Island in MAM season. La Niña events have strong cooling SST in central and eastern equatorial Pacific (-1.5°C) in DJF. While La Niña Modoki events warming SST occurred in western and eastern equatorial Pacific (0.75°C) and cooling SST in central Pacific (- 0.75°C) in DJF and MAM. Walker circulation in La Niña Modoki events (on DJF and MAM) showed strong convergence in eastern Pacific, and weak convergence in western Pacific (Indonesia).

  18. The Effect of Temperature, Potato Varieties, and The Origin Of Cyst on The Reproductive Biology of Globodera rostochiensis

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    Nurjanah Nurjanah


    Full Text Available Potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis [Wollenweber] Behrens is a nematode species of worldwide regulatory concern. This nematode caused serious economic of potato losses in Indonesia. This research studied by factorial designed to evaluated the effect of temperature (10, 20, and 30ºC, potato varieties (`Granola´, `Margahayu´, and `Cipanas´, and origin of cyst (West, Central, and East Java on reproductive biology of G. rostochiensis in the growth chamber. The research was conducted by observed of produced the new cyst number, reproduction fitness, survival, fecundity, and multiplication of G. rostochiensis. The result showed that all of the potato varieties were infected by G. rostochiensis when they were grown at the temperature ranging of 20 and 30ºC but not at 10ºC. The optimum temperature for maximum number of cysts with the highest reproduction factor, survival, fecundity and multiplication rate for all populations was 20ºC. The origin of cyst did not have any effect on the reproductive rate. The temperature of 20ºC provided is best environment for the life of G. rostochiensis on Granola.   INTISARI Nematoda sista kentang (Globodera rostochiensis [Wollenweber] Behrens adalah spesies nematoda yang mendapatkan perhatian khusus di seluruh dunia. G. rostochiensis menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi yang serius pada pertanaman kentang di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh perbedaan suhu (10, 20, dan 30ºC, varietas kentang (Granola, Cipanas, dan Margahayu, dan asal sista (Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, dan Jawa Timur terhadap biologi reproduksi G. rostochiensis di growth chamber menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap jumlah sista baru, kemampuan reproduksi, daya tahan hidup, keperidian dan multiplikasi G. rostochiensis. Seluruh varietas kentang yang diuji terserang G. rostochiensis pada suhu 20 dan 30ºC kecuali pada suhu 10ºC. Kisaran suhu optimum untuk memperoleh jumlah sista baru yang maksimum

  19. CME credit systems in three developing countries: China, India and Indonesia

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    Lewis A. Miller


    Full Text Available Introduction. Two of the largest countries in the world, still developing nations, China and Indonesia, have now created national credit systems for continuing medical education (CME. A third, India, has tried but succeeded only on a state-by-state basis. This study tracks the development of CME/continuing professional development (CPD credit systems in these three major Asian countries, analyses the related administrative backgrounds and points to strengths and weaknesses of each system in terms of serving the goals of CME/CPD in impacting medical care systems. Methods. The authors researched national- and state-level government records to identify legal and regulatory data affecting CME in China, India and Indonesia. Information on current and future activities was gained from media reports. Results. In all three countries, CME/CPD systems evaluate physician continuing competence by counting credits or credit hours. Central health authorities in China and Indonesia have established national systems applying to all health professionals. In Indonesia, CME/CPD is mandatory for re-licensure; in China, it is necessary for career advancement and re-registration. An effort to develop mandatory CME requirements in India, for physicians only, failed because the central agency underwent a major overhaul. Nevertheless, 9 of 28 states in India have developed systems, all tied to re-registration. Discussion. A comparison of systems in the three countries shows that little attention has been paid to physician performance improvement or improved patient health outcomes. Needs assessments and outcomes measures are not regularly carried out. We did not find any evidence of programmes to train administrators or faculty in CME/CPD principles, with the possible exception of Indonesia. Suggestions are offered to CME system leaders and providers to help their counterparts in developing nations.

  20. Survey on The Occurrence of Viruses Infecting Cucurbits in Yogyakarta and Central Java

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    Budi Setiadi Daryono


    Full Text Available Cucurbits are grown throughout the Java Island as dry season crops. Plants having mosaic, mottling, chlorosis and leaf distortion symptoms were frequently found in most of the cucurbit fields during the survey which conducted in Central Java including Sleman, Kulon Progo, and Klaten during July–September 2000 and 2001. Using double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA; Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV and Kyuri green mottle mosaic virus (KGMMV were found infecting cucurbits. CMV was widespread, infecting 48.9% of the samples tested followed by CGMMV (12.8% and KGMMV (6.4%, while others samples (31.9% were not tested, double infections were common with 8.5 % of the samples being infected with two viruses (CGMMV and KGMMV and 34% with three viruses (CMV, CGMMV, and KGMMV. Severe mosaic and mottle symptoms were associated most often with single infection of CGMMV and KGMMV respectively. In addition, these are the first detections of CGMMV and KGMMV infecting cucurbit plants in Indonesia. Tanaman labu-labuan umumnya tumbuh sepanjang musim kemarau diPulau Jawa. Tanaman labu-labuan dengan gejala mosaik, klorosis, mottling dan bentuk daun serta buah yang berubah banyak dijumpai selama survei yang dilakukan di Kulon Progo, Sleman dan Klaten pada bulan Juli sampai September tahun 2000 dan 2001. Deteksi menggunakan metode double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA telah berhasil mengetahui keberadaan dan infeksiCucumber mosaic virus(CMV,Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV dan Kyuri green mottle mosaic virus (KGMMV pada tanaman labu-labuan di tiga kabupaten tersebut. CMV menginfeksi tanaman labu-labuan tinggi yaitu 48,9% dari jumlah sampel tanaman yang dikoleksi, kemudian CGMMV (12,8% dan KGMMV(6,4%, sedangkan sebanyak 14 sampel tanaman (31,9%tidak dideteksi.Infeksi ganda banyak ditemukan dan 8,5 % sampel tanaman terinfeksi oleh dua jenis virus (CGMMV dan


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    Yusuf - Hasyim


    Full Text Available Perkembangan  teknologi informasi menjadi pemicu berbagai perusahaan, organisasi bahkan instansi pemerintah untuk memanfaatkan sistem informasi berbasis desktop maupun Web. Balai pelatihan pertanian Provinsi Jawa Timur pun membutuhkan sebuah sistem informasi manajemen pelatihan untuk mempercepat dan mempermudah pekerjaan di bidang administrasi. Permasalahan yang dialami oleh Balai pelatihan pertanian Provinsi Jawa Timur  yaitu pada kegiatan pelatihan seperti pendaftaran , rekapitulasi hasil pelatihan, dan pembuatan laporan, penjadwalan pelatihan dan administrasi peserta pelatihan. Metodologi pengembangan  yang digunakan dalam membangun sistem informasi manajemen pelatihan adalah prototyping. Implementasi desain program menggunakan bahasa PHP versi 6, Sedangkan DBMS menggunakan MySQL. Dalam sistem informasi ini terdapat fitur untuk melakukan registrasi (pendaftaran peserta secara online, pembuatan surat (pemangilan dan pengembalian peserta, fitur membuat laporan administrasi peserta pelatihan, fitur input materi dan download materi, fitur lihat jadwal, fitur lihat hasil evaluasi dan hasil pelatihan, fitur kelola data peserta pelatihan, dan fitur kelola data widyaiswara. Dengan adanya sistem informasi administrasi berbasis web ini dapat memberikan kemudahan dan meminimalkan kesalahan yang terjadi pada bagian administrasi serta stakeholders yang terkait dengan kegiatan pelatihan tersebut.

  2. Analysis on traditional fishing grounds in Indonesia`s Natuna waters under International Law (United States)

    Kurniaty, R.; Ikaningtyas; Ruslijanto, P. A.


    This paper examines the boundary tension between Indonesia and China regarding traditional fishing ground in Natuna. Indonesia`s Natuna island is claimed by the China government as its traditional fishing zone/ground. The inclusion of Natuna territory into China`s traditional fishing zone brings new problems to Indonesia, especially with the Chinese ships docked and entered Indonesia`s exclusive economic zone, as well as several cases of illegal fishing over the territorial waters of Indonesia. Claims on traditional fishing zones have the potential to threaten the sovereignty of the Indonesian territory. This study aims to analyze the claims of the traditional fishing rights of China over the waters of the Natuna Islands under international law, especially UNCLOS 1982. This study revealed that the china`s argument of traditional fishing ground in Natuna to the nine dash line map is a unilateral claim, there is no international legal norm that can be used as the legal basis. Indonesia and some ASEAN countries have Internationally validated bilateral agreement on the continental shelf (i.e. Indonesia-Vietnam and Indonesia-Malaysia) thus the inclusion of Natuna into China`s nine dash line map rejects the legal status of Indonesian water under UNCLOS 1982.

  3. Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan Dan Faktor Demografi Terhadap Proses Keputusan Pengambilan Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR Pada Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI Kantor Unit Mantingan, Kabupaten Ngawi Jawa Timur.

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    Farida Fajar Hidayati


    Full Text Available Financial institutions such as banks are often chosen by the people as a financial institution that provides funds or capital. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI through Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR program help people in providing lending capital. Therefore, financial literacy or personal financial knowledge of the people is really needed to become guidelines the people in decision-making process of credits. This research aims to determine the effect of financial literacy and demographic factors to the decision- making process Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Unit Office Mantingan, Ngawi, East Java. This research is quantitative desciptive data and causal analysis, respondents surveyed in this research amounted to 251 customers of Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI which took the capital loan business credit or Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR. The result showed the financial literacy in the position 84,1% with a number of very good category and demographic factor at the 71,8% with good category. Based on the coefficienr of determination is obtained that the influence of financial literacy and demographic factor to the decision-making process of credit is 25,19% and 74,81% of rest is affected by other factors such as intenal factor like life style, and psychologi factor. External factor like family effect and co-workers.


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    Adrian Sutawijaya


    Full Text Available Price stability or inflation control is one of the major macroeconomic issues. Inflation received special attention in the economy of Indonesia. Every time there is a distortion in the society, politic or economic development, people always relate it to inflation. Low and stable inflation is a stimulator of economic growth. The variables that will be examined in this study are interest rate, investment, money supply, and exchange rate. This study is using data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS, and Bank Indonesia (BI between 1985-2005. The research data were analyzed by using OLS (Ordinary Least Square. The study indicates that interest rate, money supply, investment, and exchange rates simultaneously effect the inflation in Indonesia. Interest rate has a positive influence 1289%. Money supply will has a positive influence on inflation 0.001%. Investment negatively impact inflation -0.0001802%. Exchange rate has a positive impact on inflation 0.00427%. Stabilitas harga atau pengendalian inflasi merupakan salah satu isu utama ekonomi makro. Inflasi mendapat perhatian khusus dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Setiap kali ada distorsi di masyarakat, politik atau ekonomi, orang selalu mengaitkannya dengan inflasi. Tingkat inflasi yang rendah dan stabil akan menjadi inflasi stimulator pertumbuhan ekonomi. Variabel yang akan diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat suku bunga, investasi, uang beredar, dan nilai tukar. Penelitian ini menggunakan data dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS dan Bank Indonesia (BI antara 1985-2005. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan OLS (Ordinary Least Square. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat suku bunga, jumlah uang beredar, investasi, dan nilai tukar secara simultan mempengaruhi inflasi di Indonesia. Tingkat bunga memiliki pengaruh positif 1,289%. Uang beredar akan memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap inflasi 0,001%. Investasi berdampak negatif inflasi -,0001802%. Kurs memiliki dampak positif pada inflasi 0,00427%.

  5. The effect of financial performance on state-owned banks credit in Indonesia

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    Syamsurijal Tan


    Full Text Available Abstrak Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh kinerja keuangan terhadap kredit perbakan BUMN di Indonesia. Perbankan yang terpilih menjadi objek penelitian adalah Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI, Bank Nasional Indonesia (BNI, Bank Mandiri dan Ban Tabungan Negara Indonesia (BTN. Data yang digunakan adalah data panel yaitu data sekunder tahunan yang diinterpolasi dalam data per triwulan, yang bersumber dari otoritas jasa keuangan, Bank Indonesia, Bappenas, BPS dan publikasi resmi lainnya. Pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap jumlah kredit diestimasi menggunakan regresi berganda metode Random Effect Model (REM. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan rata-rata kinerja keuangan perbankan BUMN mengalami fluktuasi dan mengalami variasi masing-masing Bank, sedangkan hasil pengujian menggunakan data panel semi log dengan model REM menunjukkan bahwa variabel non performing loan dan loan to deposit ratio memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel jumlah kredit perbankan  BUMN di Indonesia, sementara itu return on assets tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Kata Kunci : Dana pihak ketiga, NPL, LDR,ROA, dan Kredit Perbankan BUMN   Abstract This study examines the effect of financial performance on state-owned banks credit in Indonesia. Banks selected to be analyzed are Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI, Bank Nasional Indonesia (BNI, Bank Mandiri, and Bank Tabungan Negara Indonesia (BTN. Panel data used is annual secondary data interpolated into quarterly data from Financial Services Authority, Bank Indonesia, The National Development Planning Agency or BadanPerencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas, Central Bureau of Statistics or Badan (BPS, and other official publications. The influence of independent variables to the amount of credit is estimated using multiple regression, Random Effects Model (REM. The result of the study indicates that all state-owned banks had fluctuations in financial performance growth and it is different for all banks, while the

  6. Profil Keamanan setelah Pemberian Dosis Primer Vaksin Pentabio® pada Bayi di Indonesia

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    Julitasari Sundoro


    Full Text Available Vaksin Hib mulai digunakan pada Pogram Imunisasi Nasional sejak tahun 2013 secara bertahap dan di seluruh Indonesia mulai tahun 2014 dalam bentuk vaksin kombinasi DTP/HB/Hib (Pentabio®, yang memberikan  kekebalan terhadap difteria, pertusis, tetanus, hepatitis B, dan Haemophilus influenzae tipe b. Studi ini menilai reaksi sitemik, reaksi lokal, dan reaksi yang serius pascaimunisasi dengan Pentabio®. Sebanyak 4.000 bayi penerima vaksin Pentabio®bergabung dalam studi ini. Reaksi yang timbul dicatat pada kartu harian oleh petugas yang sudah dilatih. Vaksin Pentabio®yang diamati pada PMS ini menggunakan vaksin rutin dari Program Imunisasi Nasional dalam waktu pengamatan 28 hari di empat propinsi, yaitu Nusa Tenggara Barat, Bali, Yogyakarta, dan Jawa Barat pada periode Mei–Desember 2014. Sebanyak 3.978 data dapat dianalisis karena 22 di antaranya tidak memberikan informasi yang valid. Reaksi sistemik yang paling banyak timbul adalah demam 0,85% pada 30 menit pertama, dan meningkat menjadi 14,03% pada satu hari pascaimunisasi, kemudian sembuh pada hari berikutnya. Reaksi lokal yang paling sering timbul adalah nyeri pada tempat suntikan pada 67,6% subjek pada 30 menit setelah imunisasi, dan meningkat menjadi 87,23% pada 1 hari pascaimunisasi namun sembuh pada hari berikutnya. Mayoritas nyeri yang timbul adalah kategori ringan. Tidak ditemukan kejadian ikutan pascaimunisasi serius selama pengamatan. Simpulan, reaksi lokal dan sistemik pascaimunisasi dengan Pentabio® dapat ditoleransi pada bayi.


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    Arik Dwijayanto


    لبحث أن المجتمعات المسلمة الجاوية في ماليزيا تحتفظ على قيم التراث المحلية التي تتحقق من خلال العادات والثقافات الموجودة. إن التحويل من قيم التراث المحلية من الأجيال إلى أجيال من قبل المجتمعات المسلمة الجاوية قد أظهر طبيعة الإسلام نوسانتارا أو الإسلام الذي يبنى على التسامح. إن المجتمعات المسلمة الجاوية في ماليزيا يمكن أن تكون مثالا في بناء المجتمع الإسلامي الذي يبنى على القيم الإسلامية الشاملة والمعتدلة والمتسامحة. ولا تختفي قيم التراث المحلية وعاداتها تحت قيم متطرفة ولكن من الممكن تراث المجتمعات الإسلامية الجاوية هناك يصوّر على القيم الإسلامية الشاملة، والسياقية، والمتسامحة. وهذه هي الثقافة الإسلامية من المجتمعات المسلمة الجاوية في منطقة سري ميدان وباتو بهات. وقد حصلت المجتمعات المسلمة على الجمع بين الثقافة المحلية والإسلام بشكل وثيق.   Abstrak: Komunitas muslim keturunan Jawa merupakan salah satu komunitas Muslim terbesar di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu. Keberadaannya telah memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap kehidupan sosial keagamaan di Semenanjung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pola migrasi, adaptasi dan tradisi masyarakat Muslim keturunan Jawa di Malaysia khususnya dalam menjalankan keseharian kehidupan keagamaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data perpustakaan, lapangan dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan fakta bahwa komunitas Muslim keturunan Jawa di Malaysia tetap memegang teguh nilai

  8. Did Oral Interventions by the Indonesian Central Bank Support the Rupiah?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sahminan, S.; de Haan, J.

    Most previous studies on the effectiveness of oral interventions (statements by officials in support of the exchange rate) focus on industrial countries. The present paper examines whether statements by Bank Indonesia officials (i.e. the central bank of Indonesia) during the period 20042007 have had

  9. Climate change and farmers’ cropping patterns in Cemoro watershed area, Central Java, Indonesia (United States)

    Sugihardjo; Sutrisno, J.; Setyono, P.; Suntoro


    Cropping pattern applied by farmers is usually based on the availability of water. Farmers cultivate rice when water is available. If it is unavailable, farmers will choose to plant crops that need less water. Climate change greatly affects to farmers in determining the cropping pattern as it alters the rainfall pattern and distribution in the region. This condition requires farmers to adjust the cropping pattern so that they can do the farming successfully. This study aims to examine the application of cropping patterns applied by the farmers in the Cemoro Watershed, Central Java, Indonesia. Descriptive analysis approach is employed in this research. The results showed that farmers’ cropping pattern is not based on the availability of water. However, it adopts a habit that has been practiced since long time ago or just adopt others farmer's habit. The cropping pattern applied by irrigated paddy farmers in Cemoro watershed area consists of two types: rice-rice-rice and rice-rice-secondary crops. Among those two types, most farmers apply the rice-rice-rice pattern. Meanwhile, there are three cropping patterns applied in the rain-land, namely rice-rice-rice, rice-rice-secondary crop, and rice-rice-fallow. The majority of farmers apply the second pattern (rice-rice-secondary crops). It was also found that farmers’ cropping pattern was not in accordance with the recommendation of the local government.

  10. Jalan Terjal Kebijakan Desentralisasi di Indonesia di Era Reformasi

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    Mudiyati Rahmatunnisa


    Full Text Available Abstrak Indonesia memasuki era baru sejak berakhirnya rezim Orde Baru pada pertengahan tahun 1998. Salah satu aspek yang mengalami perubahan adalah hubungan antara pemerintah pusat dan daerah. Momentum tersebut dimulai dengan diluncurkannya Paket Undang-Undang Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintah Daerah yang berimplikasi pada perubahan signifikan hubungan pusat-daerah, sehingga kabupaten/kota memperoleh limpahan hampir semua urusan pemerintahan yang sebelumnya berada di tangan pusat atau provinsi. Secara normatif, perubahan ini dipandang radikal dan revolusioner sehingga pemberlakuan Paket Undang-Undang Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah ini dianggap sebagai awal perubahan sistem pemerintahan yang sentralisk ke desentralisk. Saat ini, proses reformasi yang telah bergulir lebih dari satu dekade ternyata menunjukkan kebijakan desentralisasi di Indonesia dibuat dan dilaksanakan dengan tidak terbebas dari pengaruh politik. Kontroversi dan proses revisi serta lahirnya berbagai peraturan yang berimplikasi pada pasang surut derajat otonomi yang dimiliki daerah, merupakan salah satu indikator kuatnya pengaruh politik terhadap keberadaan kebijakan desentralisasi di Indonesia. Tulisan ini berupaya untuk membahas secara kritis permasalahan yang muncul dari kelahiran Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah terkait perubahan normatif dalam undang-undang, dampak terhadap tatanan pemerintahan daerah, serta potensi untuk membuat proses-proses politik dan pemerintahan daerah menjadi lebih otonom. Abstract Indonesia has entered a new era since the collapse of the New Order in the mid-1998. Iniated by the implementaon of Legislaon Package of 1999, relationship between central and regional governments has significantly changed. Per the change, regional governments especially on district/municipality levels are given extensive authority that previously only belonged to either central or provincial governments. Normatively, such change is


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    Hideyuki Saito


    Full Text Available An investigation of the recruit, survivorship and growth of naturally regenerating tree species on canal bank was conducted to  select tree species which are suitable for preceding planting in drained and burnt peat swamp lands in  Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.  Top of  the canal bank were open, with greater soil moisture  deficit and higher soil temperatures than on the next intact forest floor. The abundant  trees were asam-asam (Ploiarium alternifolium,garunggang (Cratoxylon arborescens and tumih (Combretocarpus rotundatus. New regeneration of these trees on the canal bank was confirmed during this investigation and mortality was very low. These results indicated that P. alternifolium,C. arborescens and C. rotundatuswere tolerant of intensive radiation, soil drought and high soil temperatures during germination. The annual height increments  were 189-232  cm y-1 (P. alternifolium,118-289  cm y-1  (C. arborescensand 27-255 cm y-1   (C. rotundatus; thus, these three species could be classified as fast-growing with tolerance to open and dry conditions.  Such characteristics were important to avoid competition with herbs, ferns,and/ or climbers. The results·suggest that P.alternifolium,C. arborescens and C. rotundatusare suitable for preceding planting for the rehabilitation of the disturbed peat swamp forests of Central Kalimantan.

  12. Post-dispersal seed removal by ground-feeding rodents in tropical peatlands, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia (United States)

    Blackham, Grace V.; Corlett, Richard T.


    Forested tropical peatlands in Southeast Asia are being rapidly converted to agriculture or degraded into non-forest vegetation. Although large areas have been abandoned, there is little evidence for subsequent forest recovery. As part of a study of forest degradation and recovery, we used seed removal experiments and rodent surveys to investigate the potential role of post-dispersal seed predation in limiting the regeneration of woody plants. Two 14-day seed removal trials were done in deforested and forested peatland habitat in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Seeds of Nephelium lappaceum, Syzygium muelleri, Artocarpus heterophyllus (all animal-dispersed) and Combretocarpus rotundatus (wind-dispersed) were tested. Significantly more seeds (82.8%) were removed in forest than non-forest (38.1%) and Combretocarpus had the lowest removal in both habitats. Most handled seeds were eaten in situ and little caching was observed. Six species of rodents were captured in forest and five in non-forest. The most trapped taxa were three Maxomys spp. in forest (85.5% of individuals) and Rattus tiomanicus in non-forest (74.8%). Camera traps confirmed that rodents were responsible for seed removal. Seed predation in deforested areas, which have a much lower seed rain than forest, may contribute to the low density and diversity of regenerating forest. PMID:26369444

  13. Environmental dynamics and carbon accumulation rate of a tropical peatland in Central Sumatra, Indonesia (United States)

    Hapsari, Kartika Anggi; Biagioni, Siria; Jennerjahn, Tim C.; Reimer, Peter Meyer; Saad, Asmadi; Achnopha, Yudhi; Sabiham, Supiandi; Behling, Hermann


    Tropical peatlands are important for the global carbon cycle as they store 18% of the total global peat carbon. As they are vulnerable to changes in temperature and precipitation, a rapidly changing environment endangers peatlands and their carbon storage potential. Understanding the mechanisms of peatland carbon accumulation from studying past developments may, therefore, help to assess the future role of tropical peatlands. Using a multi-proxy palaeoecological approach, a peat core taken from the Sungai Buluh peatland in Central Sumatra has been analyzed for its pollen and spore, macro charcoal and biogeochemical composition. The result suggests that peat and C accumulation rates were driven mainly by sea level change, river water level, climatic variability and anthropogenic activities. It is also suggested that peat C accumulation in Sungai Buluh is correlated to the abundance of Freycinetia, Myrtaceae, Calophyllum, Stemonuraceae, Ficus and Euphorbiaceae. Sungai Buluh has reasonable potential for being a future global tropical peat C sinks. However, considering the impact of rapid global climate change in addition to land-use change following rapid economic growth in Indonesia, such potential may be lost. Taking advantage of available palaeoecological records and advances made in Quaternary studies, some considerations for management practice such as identification of priority taxa and conservation sites are suggested.

  14. The progress on governing REDD+ in Indonesia

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    Mas Achmad Santosa


    Full Text Available Indonesia is one of the ten most forest-rich countries in the world. Almost 70 per cent of Indonesia’s mainland is covered with forest. However, Indonesia faces one of the highest rates of forest loss in the world. Deforestation and forest degradation accounts for more than 60 per cent of carbon emissions in Indonesia. Being aware of that fact and the danger of climate change, in October 2009, Indonesia voluntarily committed to reduce emissions by 26 per cent from business as usual by 2020 through national efforts, and by 41 per cent with international support. Indonesia’s commitment has gained international support; chiefly from Norway, which signed a Letter of Intent on 26 May 2010. To formalise the commitment, Presidential Decree No 19/2010 on Task Force for the preparation of REDD+ Agency and Presidential Instruction No 10/2011 on moratorium on new licenses and improvement of natural primary forest and peat land governance have been issued. The Presidential Decree ended on 30 June 2011 and was continued by Presidential Decree No 25/2011, which was later amended by Presidential Decree No 05/2013. The third Presidential Decree will conclude in the middle of 2013. The expected outputs are: establishment of a New REDD+ agency; measurement, reporting and verification instrument; funding instrument; improvement on forest governance, including legislative reform, law enforcement and administrative procedures; and gazetting forest areas and consolidating licenses through legal audit and legal compliance or legal due diligence in the pilot province. The new REDD+ Agency is expected to be established in 2013. The Agency will be an independent central agency, directly responsible to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, and will be responsible for leading and coordinating the national effort to reduce the country’s carbon emission.

  15. Parasitic Worm in Tiger (Panthera tigris at Serulingmas Zoological Garden Banjarnegara, Bandung Zoological Garden, and Indonesia Safari Park Bogor

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    Risa Tiuria


    Full Text Available This research was done to infestigate the existence and the type of parasitic worms from feces of tiger (Panthera tigris at Serulingmas Zoological Garden (TRMS at Banjarnegara, Central Java , Bandung Zoological Garden (KBB, and Indonesia Safari Park Bogor (TSI. Total of 35 tigers feces samples were examined. They are taken from 4 Bengal tigers at Serulingmas Zoological Garden, 12 tigers (8 Bengal tigers and 4 Sumatran tigers at Bandung Zoological Garden, and 19 tigers (4 Bengal tigers and 15 Sumatran tigers at Indonesia Safari Park Bogor. All of the feces samples were examined with qualitative (flotation and sedimentation and quantitative (McMaster slide method to know the existence of parasitic worm eggs. Moreover, a tiger feces that contain eggs of strongylid were cultured. Parasitic worms that were found in tigers from the research were ascarid (Toxocara sp, Toxascaris sp, strongylid (Trichostrongylus sp, Ancylostoma sp, Cooperia sp, , oxyurid (Oxyuris sp and Strongyloides sp. The result showed that prevalence index of parasitic worms in tigers at TRMS, KBB, and TSI were 100%, 50%, and 47,4%, respectively. Parasitic worms at TRMS were ascarid (Toxocara sp, strongylid (Ancylostoma sp, Trichostrongylus sp, Cooperia sp and Strongyloides sp. Parasitic worms at KBB were ascarid (Toxocara sp, Toxascaris sp, strongylid (Ancylostoma sp, Trichostrongylus sp, dan oxyurid (Oxyuris sp. Parasitic worms at TSI were ascarid (Toxocara sp, Toxascaris sp, strongylid (Ancylostoma sp, and oxyurid (Oxyuris sp. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui jenis cacing parasitik pada harimau (Panthera tigris di Taman Rekreasi Margasatwa Serulingmas (TRMS Banjarnegara Jawa Tengah, Kebun Binatang Bandung (KBB, dan Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI Bogor. Sebanyak 35 sampel tinja harimau dari tiga lembaga konservasi eks-situ, yaitu 4 ekor harimau Benggala dari TRMS, 12 ekor (4 ekor harimau Benggala dan 8 ekor harimau Sumatera dari KBB, dan 19 ekor (4 ekor harimau


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    Rizky Yudaruddin


    Full Text Available The Indonesian Banking Architecture policy had increased banks’ concentration to strengthen their capitalstructure. Banks were forced to increase their capital so that banks consolidation might occur through mergers andor acquisitions. Based on these conditions, the purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of bank concentrationlevel to the performance and stability of the bank. Using the efficiency hypothesis, “concentration-stability”hypothesis, and “concentration-fragility” hypothesis, this study analyzed the entire conventional banks inIndonesia. The data used were secondary data from Bank Indonesia and the Central Bureau of Statistics from2003 to 2013, with panel data regression using eviews program. The results showed that banking industries inIndonesia supported the efficiency hypothesis and the “concentration-stability” hypothesis.

  17. Gampong Jawa Landfill of Banda Aceh: a Case Study of Dumpsite Rehabilitation to a Sustainable Landfill


    Mirzayanto; Yulian Gressando


    Gampong Jawa dumpsite was established in 1994 as part of Banda Aceh Municipality (BAM) efforts to participate in Adipura Award for the category of clean and green city. The 12 ha area was a dumpsite for most of wastes from BAM and Aceh Besar District. When earthquake/tsunami hit Banda Aceh in December 2004, it was completely destroyed and all the wastes were swept away. This paper is aimed to present the lessons of how a dumpsite is rehabilitated to a landfill. Some issues and ...



    and Shalihuddin Djalal Tandjung, Muh. Hisjam Adi Djoko Guritno


    Wooden furniture industry is an important industry sector in Indonesia, because many people’s welfare relyon this industry sector and the industry has a big social and environmental impacts. Many wooden furnitureindustries in Indonesia, especially in Central Java Province face problems related to the sustainability. The relationbetween wood suppliers and furniture industry is studied in this paper. A sustainable supply chain management (s-SCM) model is proposed as an approach for solutions fo...

  19. Potato Cyst Nematode in East Java: Newly Infected Areas and Identification

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    Happy Cahya Nugrahana


    Full Text Available Potato Cyst Nematodes (PCN, Globodera rostochiensis has noted to be a devastated pest on potato in Indonesia. It is listed as the A2 pest by Plant Quarantine of Republik Indonesia, and it was also being a highly concerned plant parasitic nematode species worlwide. Therefore, both intensive and extensive surveys should be done to monitor the spread of PCN, especially in East Java as one of the centre of potato plantations in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to study the distribution of PCN in four potato plantations in East Java, i.e. Batu, Magetan, Probolinggo, and Pasuruan which were located between 1,205 to 2,063 m above the sea level. Extraction and isolation of cysts from soil samples was done using Baunacke method, and it was followed by identification of the nematodes using morphological and molecular approaches according to Baldwin and Mundo-Ocampo. The results showed that PCN was found on all sampling sites, i.e. Batu (Sumber Brantas, Jurang Kuali, Tunggangan, Junggo, Brakseng; Magetan (Dadi, Sarangan, Singolangu; Probolinggo (Tukul, Pandansari, Ledokombo, Sumberanom, Wonokerto, Ngadas, Pasuruan (Wonokerto, Tosari, Ledoksari, Ngadiwono. Magetan and Pasuruan were noted as new infested areas in East Java. Both morphological and molecular methods showed that the species found on all sites was Globodera rostochiensis.   Intisari Nematoda Sista Kentang (NSK, Globodera rostochiensis telah tercatat sebagai hama yang menghancurkan tanaman kentang di Indonesia. NSK terdaftar sebagai Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan Karantina golongan A2 oleh Badan Karantina Pertanian Republik Indonesia, dan juga merupakan spesies nematoda parasit tanaman yang sangat merugikan di seluruh dunia. Oleh karena itu, baik survei intensif maupun ekstensif harus dilakukan untuk memantau penyebaran NSK, terutama di Jawa Timur sebagai salah satu sentra tanaman kentang di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari distribusi NSK pada empat daerah sentra

  20. Challenges and policies in Indonesia's energy sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dutu, Richard


    Fossil fuels are central to Indonesia's energy policy, and its main source of export revenues. However, insufficient investment, the lack of transport infrastructure and an unwieldy regulatory environment are inhibiting the sector from reaching its full potential. Looking ahead, growing environmental concerns combined with sharp falls in coal prices and the on-going shale gas revolution call into question the sustainability of an energy strategy based almost exclusively on fossil fuels. This viewpoint challenges Indonesia's current energy policy and proposes ways to increase its energy efficiency and use of renewables. In particular, its gas sector should be further developed to plug the gap until sufficient renewable energy, especially geothermal, comes on line. Government control over the oil industry via state-owned Pertamina should be gradually reduced. Clarifying, streamlining and publicising simple regulations in energy, especially regarding land rights and on-shore processing, and removing foreign-ownership restrictions will help bring much needed investment. The pressure on the environment of natural resource exploitation should also be addressed by properly defining property rights and regulations regarding forest land, and implementing a positive implicit carbon price. - Highlights: • Indonesia's energy sector faces many regulatory, environmental and infrastructure hurdles. • Indonesia's energy policy can be improved through greater use of renewables, especially geothermal. • The gas sector should be further developed until more renewable energy come on line. • Government control over the oil industry should be reduced to boost investment. • Clarifying and simplifying regulations is key to attracting foreign companies and protecting the environment.

  1. Analisis Faktor Relationship Satisfaction Pada Kerjasama Antar UMKM Berbasis Logam di Waru, Sidoarjo

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    Ary Tri Wibowo


    Full Text Available Industri berskala mikro, kecil, dan menengah memiliki peranan yang penting di dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Jawa Timur sebagai penyumbang Produk Regional Domestik Bruto terbesar kedua pada tahun 2010 memiliki andil di dalam perkembangan Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM di Indonesia. Salah satu industri berskala UMKM di Jawa Timur yang sedang berkembang adalah industri berbasis logam di Waru, Sidoarjo. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu agar dapat bersaing dengan UMKM sejenis dari daerah lain dan produk impor, maka industri berbasis logam harus menguatkan kerjasama di dalam kegiatan industrinya. Untuk menguatkan kerjasama antar UMKM, maka tiap UMKM harus memperhatikan kepuasan di dalam hubungan kerjasamanya (relationship satisfaction. Hasil studi literatur dan observasi awal menunjukkan bahwa faktor benevolence, credibility, opportunism, relationship commitment, dan mutual cooperation berpengaruh terhadap relationship satisfaction. Sehingga pada penelitian ini akan dianalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap relationship satisfaction pada kerjasama antar UMKM di Waru, Sidoarjo dengan menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling. Faktor relationship satisfaction sebagai konstruk endogen dan faktor benevolence, credibility, opportunism, relationship commitment, dan mutual cooperation sebagai konstruk endogen. Masing-masing konstruk tersebut kemudian dilakukan uji confirmatory factor analysis (CFA untuk mengetahui bahwa faktor tersebut berada pada kondisi unidimensionalitas.


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    Roibin Roibin


    Full Text Available Empirical analysis on the religion and culture dialectics in the selamatan ritual of Javanese wedding has not been explored by teologist, social scientist or religion anthropologist. Their studies on such a case mostly concern with ontological-philological text analysis not directly related with the religious tradition and socio-culture which is more dynamic and realistic. This study employs social definition paradigm and phenomenological theory approach limited to the dialectic pattern between religion and myth in the ritual selamatan of Javanese wedding. The data were collected though interviewing and observing religious leaders, ethnic leaders, and Muslim preacher in Ngajum, Malang. The study found two models of dialectic pattern namely theological-compromistic and theological-humanistic. The earlier describes the theological shift from emotional-naturalistic to rational-formalistic. The later describes the theological shift from personal to social awareness theology. Telaah empirik seputar pola dialektika antara agama dan budaya dalam kasus ritual selamatan pernikahan adat Jawa, belum banyak dilakukan oleh para pakar agama, ilmuan sosial, maupun ilmuan antropolog agama. Kajian mereka terhadap kasus ini pada umumnya masih menekankan pada objek pembacaan teks secara ontologis-filologis, yang tidak bersinggungan secara langsung terhadap tradisi keagamaan dan budaya masyarakat yang lebih dinamis dan realistis. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma definisi sosial dan pendekatan teori fenomenologis, yang dibatasi pada pola dialektika antara agama dan mitos dalam kasus ritual selamatan pernikahan adat Jawa. Data diperoleh dengan cara menginterview dan mengobservasi para tokoh agama, tokoh adat, dan para da’i yang ada di Ngajum, Malang. Penelitian ini menemukan dua model yaitu pola dialektika teologis-kompromistik dan pola dialektika teologis-humanistik. Pola dialektika pertama, menggambarkan pergeseran teologis, dari teologi yang bersifat


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    Lokot Zein Nasution


    Full Text Available This study aims to analyze the governance of the financial system in Indonesia. This study uses descriptive analysis by reviewing the literature and analysis of secondary data obtained from the Ministry of Finance, Bank Indonesia (BI, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS. The results of the analysis of this study showed that based on historical experience, to mini-mize internal and external obstacles have to do with governance through improved investment and productive credit. This governance is done by way of coordination between the actors of the financial system, the community, financiers, and government. This model is expected to be a proliferation of governance oriented to minimize the risk of the financial system in the future.

  4. Indonesia-Madagascar partnership in agricultural linkages (impartial aims for sustainability

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    Y Widodo


    Full Text Available Starting in 2011 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA through the Program of Third Country Experts (TCE invited Indonesian scientists to be involved in the development endeavors for African Countries, including Madagascar especially in attempt to increase productivity of rice as main staple food of Malagasy. Initiation of bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and Madagascar had been stimulated from JICA-TCE, furthermore for developing Indonesian soybean to Madagascar from 2013 to 2015. Madagascar and many African Countries are grouped into the countries requesting global aid for taming hunger as declared under Millennium Development Goals (MDGs ended 2015 that continued into Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2030. Fortunately, there is a similarity of languages in Indonesia and Madagascar East and West Africa as heritage from the ancient voyage before western occupation or even Before Christ (BC era as reflected in the relief at wall of Borobudur a Buddhist temple in Magelang Central Java Indonesia. Based on historical background, there is an opportunity to propose Indonesia- Madagascar Partnership in Agricultural Linkages (IMPARTIAL as a new alliance for attaining sustainable development in developing countries at the southern hemisphere. Implementing agricultural innovation to provide adequate food and renewable energy for daily modern livelihood is a key to attain sustainability.

  5. Human health risk assessment of mercury vapor around artisanal small-scale gold mining area, Palu city, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. (United States)

    Nakazawa, Koyomi; Nagafuchi, Osamu; Kawakami, Tomonori; Inoue, Takanobu; Yokota, Kuriko; Serikawa, Yuka; Cyio, Basir; Elvince, Rosana


    Emissions of elemental mercury, Hg(0), from artisanal small-scale gold mining activities accounted for 37% of total global Hg(0) emissions in 2010. People who live near gold-mining areas may be exposed to high concentrations of Hg(0). Here, we assessed the human health risk due to Hg(0) exposure among residents of Palu city (Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia). The area around the city has more than 60t of gold reserves, and the nearby Poboya area is the most active gold-mining site in Indonesia. Owing to its geography, the city experiences alternating land and sea breezes. Sampling was done over a period of 3 years (from 2010 Aug. to 2012 Dec.) intermittently with a passive sampler for Hg(0), a portable handheld mercury analyzer, and a mercury analyzer in four areas of the city and in the Poboya gold-processing area, as well as wind speeds and directions in one area of the city. The 24-h average concentration, wind speed, and wind direction data show that the ambient air in both the gold-processing area and the city was always covered by high concentration of mercury vapor. The Hg(0) concentration in the city was higher at night than in the daytime, owing to the effect of land breezes. These results indicate that the inhabitants of the city were always exposed to high concentrations of Hg(0). The average daytime point-sample Hg(0) concentrations in the city, as measured with a handheld mercury analyzer over 3 days in July 2011, ranged from 2096 to 3299ngm(-3). In comparison, the average daytime Hg(0) concentration in the Poboya gold-processing area was 12,782ngm(-3). All of these concentrations are substantially higher than the World Health Organization air-quality guideline for annual average Hg exposure (1000ngm(-3)). We used the point-sample concentrations to calculate hazard quotient ratios by means of a probabilistic risk assessment method. The results indicated that 93% of the sample population overall was at risk (hazard quotient ratio ≥1 and cut off at



    Ani Solihat


    ABSTRAK   Pemerintah daerah Indonesia, dewasa ini mulai meninjau ulang pendekatan dan cara pandang dalam mengelola daerah dengan memberikan otonomi untuk membangun sarana dan prasarana dalam mendukung pembangunan ekonomi, sosial, manajemen tata ruang dan lingkungan bagi daerah, termasuk diantaranya Jawa Barat khususnya Kota Bandung. Pelaksanaan otonomi daerah yang seluas-luasnya bagi Kota Bandung merupakan suatu tantangan yang berat, karena adanya tuntutan untuk mewujudkan kemandirian ...

  7. Penggunaan Disfemia Pada Judul Berita Nasional Di TV One Dengan Pawartos Ngayogyakarta Di Jogja TV


    Budiawan, R. Yusuf Sidiq


    Penelitian mengenai penggunaan disfemia ini bertujuan untuk 1) mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk disfemia yang digunakan pada judul berita berbahasa Indonesia di TV One dan berbahasa Jawa di Jogja TV, 2) mendeskripsikan nilai rasa dalam disfemia, 3) mendeskripsikan topik-topik berita yang memunculkan disfemia, dan 4) karakteristik kebahasaannya. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik catat (Mastoyo, 2007:44-46) dan teknik samplin...



    R. Yusuf Sidiq Budiawan


    Penelitian mengenai penggunaan disfemia ini bertujuan untuk 1) mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk disfemia yang digunakan pada judul berita berbahasa Indonesia di TV One dan berbahasa Jawa di Jogja TV, 2) mendeskripsikan nilai rasa dalam disfemia, 3) mendeskripsikan topik-topik berita yang memunculkan disfemia, dan 4) karakteristik kebahasaannya. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik catat (Mastoyo, 2007:44-46) dan teknik samplin...


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    Fanny Longa Romero


    Full Text Available The wayuu are an Indian people of the Arawak linguistic family which lives in the Guajira Peninsula, in Northeast Colombia, on the Caribbean Sea, and the Western border of Venezuela. This paper studies the relation between existing and expressed ajapüjawa (dream spirit and other beings (plants, dead people, with intent, that will guide and influence the daily practices of the wayuu. The purpose here is to explore the agency from these existing rituals of death and revenge. I claim that these rituals provide information about the construction of the notion of person by the wayuu people through a symbolic economy of alterity. The wayuu people build, experience, and signify their cultural dynamics through the interference of active spiritual entities that impinge both upon life and death as two continuous, though separate, realms of social life.

  10. Halving Poverty in Indonesia


    Auwalin, Ilmiawan


    This study extends the literature on relationship between economic growth, income inequalities, and poverty reduction. We discuss poverty reduction, using the case ofIndonesia, as one of the Millennium Development Goals declared by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2000. Using provincial level data of Indonesia from 1993 to 2000, we examine the required conditions in order to halve the poverty in Indonesia by2015. The result of analysis shows that Indonesia would need to achiev...

  11. A Resilience Pattern in Village level: The Case Babalan Village, Pati, Central Java Indonesia (United States)

    Nurwahyudi, Ragil; Maryono


    Based on the Indonesia Disaster Prone Index 2013, Pati Regency is a high risk area of disaster and is ranked 11th level Central Java province while nationally ranked 156. Babalan Village located on the edge of Juwana River has disaster history from 2006-2014 shows flood disaster Giving the greatest probability and impact followed by rat pest, tornado, drought, fire. The public recognizes the signs of a continuous flooding of heavy rains accompanied by clouds all over the edge, the continuous rise of the Juwana River surface to overflow, ants, isoptera, and animals out of its nest, "Yuyu Bule", earthworms out, clear water for "Rowo floods ", Brownish water for the flash floods. Most residents have boats and can make rafts from makeshift materials (jerry cans, bamboo, banana stems). Make "Ranggon" at home for those who do not evacuate for a place to stay during the flood. Citizens elevate the kitchen (to evacuate people and goods / household furniture). Breeding Tyto Alba owl for rats pest control post-flood and controllers in the fields. Develop vegetable crops in the yard with viticulture pattern (upstairs) if flood can be moved and can eat vegetables during flood. Have food reserves for stock before outside help comes. Citizens initiate "Water Bath honesty" to meet the water needs during the dry season.

  12. A Resilience Pattern in Village level: The Case Babalan Village, Pati, Central Java Indonesia

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    Nurwahyudi Ragil


    Full Text Available Based on the Indonesia Disaster Prone Index 2013, Pati Regency is a high risk area of disaster and is ranked 11th level Central Java province while nationally ranked 156. Babalan Village located on the edge of Juwana River has disaster history from 2006-2014 shows flood disaster Giving the greatest probability and impact followed by rat pest, tornado, drought, fire. The public recognizes the signs of a continuous flooding of heavy rains accompanied by clouds all over the edge, the continuous rise of the Juwana River surface to overflow, ants, isoptera, and animals out of its nest, “Yuyu Bule”, earthworms out, clear water for “Rowo floods ”, Brownish water for the flash floods. Most residents have boats and can make rafts from makeshift materials (jerry cans, bamboo, banana stems. Make “Ranggon” at home for those who do not evacuate for a place to stay during the flood. Citizens elevate the kitchen (to evacuate people and goods / household furniture. Breeding Tyto Alba owl for rats pest control post-flood and controllers in the fields. Develop vegetable crops in the yard with viticulture pattern (upstairs if flood can be moved and can eat vegetables during flood. Have food reserves for stock before outside help comes. Citizens initiate “Water Bath honesty” to meet the water needs during the dry season.

  13. Vegetation Structure of Ebony Leaf Monkey (Trachypithecus auratus) Habitat in Kecubung Ulolanang Nature Preservation Central Java-Indonesia (United States)

    Ervina, Rahmawati; Wasiq, Hidayat Jafron


    Kecubung Ulolanang Nature Preservation is ebony leaf monkey's habitats in Central Java Indonesia. Continuously degradation of their population is caused by illegal hunting and habitat degradation that made this species being vulnerable. Habitat conservation is one of important aspects to prevent them from extinction. The purpose of this research was to analyze the vegetation's structure and composition, which was potentially, becomes habitat and food source for the monkeys. Data collected using purposive sampling with line transect method of four different level of vegetation. Data analysis used Important Value Index and Diversity Index. There were 43 species of vegetation at seedling stage, 18 species at sapling stage, 8 species at poles stage and 27 species at trees stage. Species that had the highest important value index at seedling was Stenochlaena palustri , at the sapling was Gnetum gnemon, at pole was Swietenia mahagoni and at tree was Tectona grandis . Species of trees those were potentially to become habitat (food source) for ebony leaf monkey were T. grandis, Dipterocarpus gracilis, Quercus sundaica and Ficus superba. The highest diversity index was at seedling gwoth stage.

  14. Malaria Risk Factors in Kaligesing, Purworejo District, Central Java Province, Indonesia: A Case-control Study. (United States)

    Cahyaningrum, Pratiwi; Sulistyawati, Sulistyawati


    Malaria remains a public health concern worldwide, including Indonesia. Purworejo is a district in which endemic of malaria, they have re-setup to entering malaria elimination in 2021. Accordingly, actions must be taken to accelerate and guaranty that the goal will reach based on an understanding of the risk factors for malaria. Thus, we analysed malaria risk factors based on human and housing conditions in Kaligesing, Purworejo, Indonesia. A case-control study was carried out in Kaligesing subdistrict, Purworejo, Indonesia in July to August 2017. A structured questionnaire and checklist were used to collect data from 96 participants, who consisted of 48 controls and 48 cases. Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses were performed. Bivariate analysis found that education level, the presence of a cattle cage within 100 m of the house, not sleeping under a bednet the previous night, and not closing the doors and windows from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. were significantly ( p ≤0.25) associated with malaria. Of these factors, only not sleeping under a bednet the previous night and not closing the doors and windows from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. were significantly associated with malaria. The findings of this study demonstrate that potential risk factor for Malaria should be paid of attention all the time, particularly for an area which is targeting Malaria elimination.

  15. Pola Usaha Peternakan Kambing dan Kinerja Produktivitasnya di Wilayah Eks-Karesidenen Banyumas Jawa-Tengah

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    Akhmad Sodiq


    Full Text Available Goat farming pattern and their productivity in the area of eks-karesidenan banyumas, central java ABSTRACT. Goats play an important role in the livelihood of rural people in upland and lowland farming systems in the areas of Eks-Karesidenan Banyumas Central Java. The main focus of this study presented in this paper, consist of (i documenting the regional goat farming pattern, and (ii find out the level of goat productivity in their farming. Importance of this study related to the development strategic fof their goat farming. Study was conducted in the areas of Eks-Karesidenan Banyumas Central Java (consist of Banyumas, Purbalingga, Banjarnegara, and Cilacap regencies. Upland and lowland areas were selected by purposive sampling method. Qualitative and quantitative descriptive statistic was applied in this study. Most of goats are raised within traditional system, characterized by small-scale production. The production in upland and lowland areas focused on single purposes for producing kid goats from Peranakan Etawah (PE and Jawa Randu (JR breeds. PE goats focus on dual purposes for producing milk and meat are mostly found on upland. Flock size of PE and JR goats in upland and lowland ranges from 2 to 9 head (mean: 3.8 head and from 1 to 6 head (mean: 2.7 head, respectively. Flock size of PE goat focus on dual purposes ranges from 8 to 75 head. PE and JR goats in upland and lowland were dominated by double litter, followed by single and triplets. The highest litter size (1.89 kids was found in lowland, followed by single purpose of PE and JR goats in upland (1.78 kids, and dual purposes PE goats in upland areas (1.66 kids. Pre-weaning mortality was highest (9.5% in lowland areas for single purpose of PE and JR goats. Does reproduction and productivity ranges from 1.76-5.24 kids/does/year and 12.92-87.42 kg/does/year, respectively. Doe productivity was lowest (12.92 kg/does/year in single purpose of PE and JR at lowland due to low of their

  16. Budaya Makan di Luar Rumah di Perkotaan Jawa pada Periode Akhir Kolonial

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    Gregorius Andika Ariwibowo


    Full Text Available Eating out behavior is one of picturesque studies which reviewing about people behavior and life style. This article developed from author thesis which described about culinary culture in Javanese Cities during late colonial era. This development is done by inserting Alan Warde and Lydia Martens concept that’s research about eating out culture in England. They resumed that eating out behavior related with pleasure and amusement. According with that concept this research will describe about how eating out behavior provide an influence to life style behavior on Javanese urbans people, especially for elite and middle class society. This study used Historical studies method that focus on research of mass media, advertisement publicity, and traveloque from that’s period. This study inference that eating out culture and behavior not just related with need complianced but furthemore to show a behavior and life style which  measure to a social and cultural symbol for the subject.   Perilaku makan di luar rumah merupakan salah satu kajian yang menarik terutama dalam mengkaji mengenai perilaku dan gaya hidup dalam masyarakat. Kajian merupakan pengembangan dari tesis penulis yang sebelumnya membahas mengenai budaya makan d perkotaan Jawa pada periode kolonial. Pengembangan ini dilakukan dengan memasukan konsep Alan Warde dan Lydia Marteens yang mengkaji mengenai budaya makan luar rumah di Inggris. Mereka menyimpulkan bahwa perilaku makan di luar rumah berkaitan dengan perilaku kesenangan dan hiburan. Maka berdasarkan konsep tersebut pada tulisan ini dibahas hal mengenai bagaiamana pengaruh perkembangan budaya makan di luar rumah dalam keterkaitan dengan perilaku gaya hidup masyarakat perkotaan Jawa, terutama bagi kalangan elit dan menengah. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi ilmu sejarah dengan menggunakan sumber-sumber dari media massa, iklan, dan jurnal perjalanan yang berasal dari periode tersebut.  Hasil dari kajian ini bahwa perilaku dan budaya


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    Kamaluddin Kasim


    Full Text Available Ikan tenggiri (Scomberomorus spp. di Laut Jawa merupakan jenis ikan pelagis ekonomis penting yang banyak dieksploitasi karena permintaan dan harga yang tinggi. Agar pengelolaan dapat dilakukan dengan benar maka   diperlukan informasi mengenai status pemanfaatan dan musim penangkapannya. Data primer untuk  penelitian ini diperoleh dengan metode wawancara sedangkan data sekunder dikumpulkan melalui pencatatan hasil tangkapan ikan tenggiri periode 1999-2012 oleh enumerator di PPN Pekalongan dan kajian hasil peneitian terdahulu. Metode analisis model surplus produksi dan indeks musim penangkapan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY ikan tenggiri di Laut Jawa sebesar 438 ton sedangkan effort maksimum sebesar 1000 trip setara jaring insang (gill net < 30 GT. Nilai CPUE cenderung menurun selama periode tahun 1999 hingga tahun 2012 yakni sebesar 1,73 ton/trip pada tahun 2005 menjadi hanya sebesar 0,37 ton/trip pada tahun 2011. Indeks musim Penangkapan (IMP menunjukkan bahwa ikan tenggiri melimpah pada periode Maret sampai dengan Juni dan periode Oktober hingga Desember sepanjang tahun. Narrow-barred spanish mackerel (Scomberomorous commerson is an economically important pelagic species in Java Sea that continue to be exploited due to the high demand and prices. The research regarding status of utilization and fishing season was conducted in order to obtain the optimal efforts and sustainable management. The research was conducted through interviews method to fishermen while the secondary data collected during the period of 1999-2012 through field enumerators in PPN Pekalongan as well as reviewing previous research studies. The results showed that Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY was 243.5 tons, while the maximum effort as much as 1000 trips equivalent to gill nets. Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE was declined during the period 1999 through 2012 of 0.251 tons / trip in 2005 became 0.052 tons

  18. Diversity of Wild Bees along Elevational Gradient in an Agricultural Area in Central Java, Indonesia

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    Imam Widhiono


    Full Text Available Increases in mean temperature affect the diversity and abundance of wild bees in agricultural ecosystems. Pollinator community composition is expected to change along an elevational gradient due to differences in the daily ambient temperature. This study investigated the diversity and abundance of wild bees in an agricultural area along an elevational gradient in Central Java, Indonesia. Wild bees were collected using a sweep net in 40 green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris cultivation sampling locations at seven different elevations (8, 108, 224, 424, 644, 893, and 1017 m above sea level. Species diversity was determined using the Shannon–Wiener diversity index. We identified 932 individuals from 8 species of wild bee belonging to 3 families. The family Apidae was predominant, with 6 species, while only 1 species was found from each of Megachilidae and Halictidae. Across the study sites, diversity increased with increasing elevation (H′ = 1.4, D = 0.25, and E = 0.78 at low elevation to H′ = 2.04, D = 0.13, and E = 0.96 at high elevation, and higher numbers of species were found at middle and high elevations. Species richness and abundance increased linearly with increasing elevation, and species diversity was highest at middle elevations.


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    Naili Farida


    Full Text Available Abstract The study discusses about the integration of relational bonding, relational quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty at the state-owned bank in Central Java. The locations of research include Semarang City, Surakarta City, and Cilacap City. Research method uses multi stage sampling. The sample of research counts to 278 customers of Regular Saving from Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI, Bank Mandiri, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Bank Tabungan Negara, and Bank Pembangunan Jateng. The hypothesis test in this research employs descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM. The descriptive analysis has loading factor and 5 % significance rate. The objective of research will be to understand and to analyze the relational bonding between the Bank customers through corporate image, customer value, and relational quality as well as customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. The state-owned banks in Central Java already use this model. Result of research in relative with the result of SEM analysis indicates that the relevancy of relational bonding, corporate image, customer value, and customer satisfaction has significant effect on customer loyalty. Therefore, this model should be developed by the state-owned banks to increase the customer loyalty. Keywords: Relational bonding, Corporate image, Customer value, Relational quality, Service quality, Customer loyalty

  20. Effects of land-use changes on evapotranspiration of tropical rain forest margin area in Central Sulawesi (Indonesia): Modelling study with a regional SVAT model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olchev, A.; Ibrom, Andreas; Priess, J.


    The impact of deforestation and land-use changes on evapotranspiration of mountainous tropical rain forest area in the northern part of the Lore-Lindu National Park (LLNP) in Central Sulawesi (Indonesia) was quantified using a regional process-based SVAT model "SVAT-Regio". Description...... of the areas covered by tropical rain forests, i.e. about 15%, and an increase of agricultural (coffee plantations, corn and rice fields) and urban areas. Moreover, the scenario assumes a small increase of grassland areas as well. The results of modelling experiments show that 15% deforestation of the study......, and lowest in sunny and dry days. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved....

  1. Studi Analisa Stabilitas Transien Sistem Jawa-Madura-Bali (Jamali 500kV Setelah Masuknya Pembangkit Paiton 1000 MW Pada Tahun 2021

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    Prima Prahasta Rezky


    Full Text Available Dengan kebutuhan akan listrik yang setiap tahunnya meningkat khususnya di pulau jawa dan sekitarnya, pemerintah melalui PLN merencanakan pengembangan kapasitas dan energi listrik guna mengatasi meningkatnya kebutuhan tersebut. Sehingga pada tahun 2021 sistem kelistrikan di Jawa-Bali menambahkan satu unit pembangkit Paiton 1000 MW. Dengan adanya pembangkit baru tersebut maka diperlukan rekonfigurasi jaringan dan perlu dilakukan analisis ulang terhadap kinerja sistem secara keseluruhan. Dari hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa untuk kasus lepasnya generator, lepasnya satu saluran dan saluran dobel sirkit tidak menyebabkan sistem lepas sinkron. Karena ketika generator lepas, daya supply yang hilang hanya 2% dari total pembangkitan dan lepasnya saluran dapat di backup oleh sistem interkoneksi. Begitu juga dengan kasus single pole auto reclosing dengan waktu CB kembali tertutup sebesar 500 ms setelah gangguan, hasil respon sudut rotor, frekuensi dan tegangan menunjukkan sistem tetap stabil. Kemudian untuk kasus waktu pemutusan kritis (CCT, nilai CCT pada sistem berada pada kisaran 300 ms – 400 ms. Sehingga dengan standart batas pemutusan CB untuk sistem transmisi adalah 120 ms – 140 ms maka dapat dikatakan sistem tetap stabil ketika terjadi hubung singkat tiga fasa ke tanah.


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    Bagus Ananda Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Abstrak Pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada langsung Jawa Timur putaran kedua sebentar lagi akan dimulai. Calon kepala daerah telah mempersiapkan diri dalam usaha untuk memenangkan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah. Beberapa metode telah dilakukan oleh kedua pasangan pemenang Pemilihan Kepala Daerah di Wilayah Jawa Timur ini. Usaha yang dilakukan tentu saja memiliki tujuan akhir agar mendapatkan suara dari masyarakat. Pada proses political marketing, ada empat hal yang harus diperhatikan kontestan yaitu, product (platform, karakter personal, janji-janji kampanye, price (biaya kampanye, lobi-lobi politik, place (basis massa, tim sukses, dan promotion (advertising, publicity, kampanye. Selain itu, dalam berkampanye kontestan juga harus memperhatikan banyak faktor yang dapat memengaruhi jumlah perolehan suara, seperti bentuk kelompok gaya hidup masyarakat yang beranekaragam, hal-hal yang mempengaruhi pemilih dalam memilih para kontestan, tipologi pemilih, serta segmentasi dan positioning politik. Hal lain yang menjadi perhatian dan pokok kajian pemikiran politik Tan Malaka dalam keyakinan politik adalah strategi dan taktik. Kata Kunci: Political Marketing, Demokrasi yang Berkualitas, pemikiran Politik dan Sosial Tan Malaka

  3. Kedudukan Musyawarah dan Demokrasi di Indonesia

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    Muhammad Hanafi


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Kedudukan Musyawarah dan Demokrasi di Indonesia. Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI berdasarkan lintasan sejarah perjuangan, memiliki konstruksi kenegaraan satu-satunya di dunia yang bangsa terlahir dahulu, kemudian baru membentuk negara. Presiden pertama Republik Indonesia Ir. Soekarno menegaskan, bahwa Negara Kesatuan ialah Negara Kebangsaan. Tujuan Bangsa Indonesia terlahir, merdeka, dan membentuk negara memiliki satu cita-cita, Kehendak Untuk Mengangkat Harkat dan Martabat Hidup Rakyat Indonesia (Kedaulatan Rakyat Indonesia. Melalui analisis atas realitas kehidupan saat ini, Bangsa Indonesia telah hidup pada kondisi tatanan kehidupan seolah-olah sama dengan Negara Demokrasi, ialah negara dulu terbentuk baru bangsanya dilahirkan kemudian. Sehingga kedaulatan rakyat Indonesia yang berdasarkan prinsip musyawara-mufakat dan perwakilan belum mampu terealisasi. Sementara pelaksanaan demokrasi voting yang memiliki dasar liberalisme terus bergulir, sehingga kehidupan bangsa Indonesia semakin jauh dari cita-cita awal. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v1i2.2657



    M. Widyo Wartono; Ahmad Ainurofiq; Maya Ismaniar


    Tumbuhan genus Piper mempunyai kandungan minyak atsiri hampir disemua bagiannya, namun komposisi kimianya belum semua dilaporkan. Pada laporan ini kami melakukan isolasi dan identifikasi senyawa kimia minyak atsiri pada bagian buah tumbuhan Piper. Isolasi minyak atsiri buah Piper dilakukan dengan destilasi air menggunakan destilasi Stahl dan analisis komposisi kimia dengan kromatografi gas-spektroskopi masa (GC-MS). Kandungan minyak atsiri buah sirih hijau (Piper betle) 1,4% (v/b), cabe jawa ...



    Indah Anisykurlillah; Agus Wahyudin; Kustiani -


    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh role conflict, role ambiguity dan role overload pada kepuasan kerja, pengaruh role conflict, role ambiguity dan role overload pada komitmen organisasi serta pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap komitmen organisasi. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer berupa kuesioner di mana subyek penelitian ini adalah auditor yang bekerja pada Kantor Akuntansi Publik ( KAP ) di Jawa Tengah. Sampel yang diambil adalah non probabi...


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    Bambang Susanto


    Full Text Available Indonesia has one of the largest wet seaweed producer in the World. It will impact the  economic value if the seaweed processing industry small and medium-scale can be established disentra seaweed production centers such as in Eastern Indonesia. The establishment of the seaweed industry small and medium-scale can be realized through several approaches, both economic and financial approach. The research method using descriptive analytic  with field surveys as reinforcement data analysis . The object of  this study is the financial analysis of the seaweed industry in Indonesia, especially in eastern regions such as South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and North Maluku. The results of the financial analysis of the overall approach to demonstrate the positive zone seen from the feasibility, both NPV, IRR, and Payback Ratio ratio BC

  7. Efektifitas Kebijakan Moneter Terhadap Inflasi Di Indonesia


    Setyawan, Andi Rachman


    The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of monetary policy through the discount rate and reserve requirement by the Central Bank as well as the previous inflation towards the inflation rate, and to investigate the effectiveness of monetary policy through the discount rate and reserve requirement as well as the previous inflation in influencing the rate of inflation. The data that is used to determine the discount rate and reserve requirements affect inflation in Indonesia is u...

  8. Efektifitas Kebijakan Moneter terhadap Inflasi di Indonesia


    Andi Rachman Setyawan


    The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of monetary policy through the discount rate and reserve requirement by the Central Bank as well as the previous inflation towards the inflation rate, and to investigate the effectiveness of monetary policy through the discount rate and reserve requirement as well as the previous inflation in influencing the rate of inflation. The data that is used to determine the discount rate and reserve requirements affect inflation in Indonesia is u...

  9. Instrumen Musik Barat dan Gamelan Jawa dalam Iringan Tari Keraton Yogyakarta

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    R.M. Surtihadi


    Full Text Available Perpaduan instrumen musik Barat dengan instrumen gamelan Jawa untukmengiringi tari di Keraton Yogyakarta sudah berlangsung sejak lampau. Hingga saatini perpaduan tersebut masih dapat dijumpai. Bermula dari peristiwa kontak budayaBarat dan Timur, instrumen musik Barat telah menjadi bagian dari kelengkapanupacara protokoler Keraton Yogyakarta. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk membuat kajianhistoris perpaduan gamelan Jawa dengan seperangkat instrumen musik orkestraBarat untuk mengiringi pertunjukan tari putri pada bagian kapang-kapang Bedhaya,Srimpi, dan tari putra Lawung Ageng Keraton Yogyakarta. Beberapa instrumenmusik Barat seperti instrumen genderang, tambur (percussion section, instrumengesek (string sections, instrumen tiup kayu (woodwind sections dan tiup logam (brasssections digunakan dalam mengiringi tarian-tarian tersebut di atas. Metode kualitatifanalisis data dipakai untuk mengupas masalah ini. Namun, pendekatan sosial-politikjuga akan dipakai dalam mengulas permasalahan yang terkait. Berdasarkan penelitianini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dampak peristiwa intrik politik yang terjadi di keratonterbukti telah memengaruhi kehidupan keseniannya. Kebutuhan upacara protokoleryang merupakan kegiatan rutin pada saat itu dilengkapi dengan berbagai macamsajian pertunjukan musik untuk menambah hidup suasana pesta dansa dengandiiringi musik berirama waltz.   Blend of Western Musical Instruments and Javanese Gamelan in DanceAccompaniment and Protocol Ceremonies of Keraton Yogyakarta. Westernmusical intruments have been combined with the Javanese gamelan instruments toaccompany dances performed in Keraton Yogyakarta (the Yogyakarta Palace. It startedwith the coming of the Western culture which then ‘interacting’ with the East. Sincethen, the Western musical instruments have completed the protocol ceremonies held byKeraton Yogyakarta. The objective to be obtained with this research is to historicallystudy the blend of the Javanese gamelan with the Western

  10. Genetic Diversity of Acacia mangium Seed Orchard in Wonogiri Indonesia Using Microsatellite Markers

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    Full Text Available Genetic diversity is important in tree improvement programs. To evaluate levels of genetic diversity of first generation Acacia mangium seedling seed orchard in Wonogiri, Central Java, Indonesia, three populations from each region of Papua New Guinea (PNG and Queensland, Australia (QLD were selected and analyzed using 25 microsatellite markers. Statistical analysis showed that PNG populations have higher number of detected alleles and level of genetic diversity than QLD populations. This study provides a basic information about the genetic background of the populations used in the development of an A. mangium seed orchard in Indonesia.


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    Abas Basuni Jahari


    Indonesia. Data yang digunakan adalah hasil Pemantauan Status Gizi (PSG Jawa Barat tahun 2004, Hasil Survei Gizi di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD pasca-Tsunami, 2005, dan survei masalah gizi mikro  di  7  provinsi  tahun  2006.  Hasil  menunjukkan  bahwa  dari  21,3  persen  anak  balita  yang  termasuk kategori rawan, 10 persen di antaranya sangat rawanuntuk menjadi status BB/U Rendah (Gizi Kurang. Kemudian, secara umum dari 32,9 persen anak balita berstatus BB/U Rendah yang ada pada posisi rawan, 13,2 persen di antaranya ada pada posisi sangat rawan untuk menjadi status BB/U Sangat Rendah (Gizi Buruk.  Berdasarkan  TB/U,  proporsi  anak  balita  dengan TB/U  Normal  yang  rawan  untuk  menjadi  status TB/U Pendek meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya umur. Secara umum 39,9 persen anak balita yang berstatus  TB/U  pendek  ada  pada  posisi  rawan,  di  antaranya 17,8  persen  ada  pada  posisi  sangat  rawan untuk  menjadi  status  TB/U  Sangat  Pendek.  Namun,  berdasarkan  BB/TB,  hanya  9  persen  anak  balita berstatus BB/TB Normal yang ada dalam posisi rawan,3,9  persen di antaranya ada pada posisi sangat rawan untuk menjadi status BB/TB Kurus. Karena jumlah anak balita berstatus gizi baik (normal yang ada pada posisi rawan terus meningkat mengikuti pertambahan usia, maka upaya perbaikan gizi yang bersifat preventif sudah harus dilaksanakan sejak usia dini,tidak hanya untuk anak balita kurang gizi tetapi juga bagi  anak  balita  yang  dikategorikan  berstatus  gizi  baik.  Arah  kebijakan  pemerintah  hendaknya  melalui kegiatan  yang  bersifat  PREVENTIF  dan  PROMOTIF  yang  PROAKTIF,  harus  diimplementasikan  secara benar, baik di pusat maupun di daerah. Kata kunci: SKPG, Posyandu, status gizi


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    Khairu Roojiqien Sobandi


    Full Text Available This study explores social and political conflicts in grassroots level, specifically, the challenge of natural degradations on a mangrove-fringed lagoon in Central Java, Indonesia. Segara Anakan is a significant environmental zone, with many unique ecosystem features, all of which are under threat from illegal land reclamation and timber theft, which have caused great damage. This study analyses how conflict arises between groups and how the rulers interact with villagers in Kampung Laut sur-rounding Nusakambangan Island. The result shows, as Reichel et al. (2009 notes, population growth and lagoon sedimentation indeed have directing to crucial conflicts between groups. However, histori-cal and the rulers approach factors also contribute to Kampung Laut conflicts. Long historical journey contribute to the formation of Kampung Laut villagers’ characters. It is the history of Galuh and Mata-ram Kingdoms’ networks through Babad Pasirluhur and Tanah Jawi in conquering Nusakambangan. More importantly, rulers’ policies and state apparatuses approaches also contribute to the creation of Kampung Laut villagers’ identity. The policies are often inconsistent and create more problems than solutions. Thus, dissatisfaction has directing to the creation of Kampung Laut identity marker as rebel-lions. In short, this hard situation led to conflicts between villagers and rulers. Our study suggest that it is very important to bring the state back in on the isolated and poor area like Kampung Laut Sub-District through more affirmative regional public policies and more over create additional income re-sources, for example eco-tourism that could support its sustainable outcomes.


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    Selma Siahaan


    Full Text Available At the year of 2006, The National of Health Research and Development (NJHRD conducted medicines prices survey in order to evaluate the root problems about the access to essential medicines in Indonesia. Several underlying factors which influence this access i.e. the prices, the availabitily and the adequacy of medicines. The method of the survey followed WHO/HAl methodology which is modified to be suited with Indonesia situation. The study was cross-sectional in four regions in Indonesia: a capital region (DKI Jakarta, Western part of Indonesia (Riau, Central part of Indonesia (South Kalimantan and eastern part of Indonesia (Papua. The collected samples are 10 generic names of medicines. Survey was conducted in public and private health care services, urban and rural areas. The results show that there were wide prices differences between branded and generic medicines. Variation of medicines prices between public, private, sectors and regions. The purchasing prices in health offices and primary health cares are slightly higher than in hospitals and pharmacies. The availability of generic and branded medicines in private sectors is almost the same. The adequacy of essential medicines is better in the eastern region than other regions. The study recommends: a. The government should increase the consumption of generic medicines and provide incentive for physicians and retailers that active for generic services. b. Increasing the efficiency of drug procurement system in public sectors. c. Improving the commitment of regional government on health sectors. d. Regulating the margin prices for retail medicines prices. Key words: access, medicines, prices, availability, adequacy

  14. Public-Private Partnerships: an International Development vis a vis Indonesia Experience

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    Rizal Yaya


    Full Text Available For more than two decades, Public Private Partnerships (PPP had developed worldwide as an instrument to procure public infrastructure where government funds are limited. This practice supports the covergent theory of the public and private sector. Indonesia experience with PPP follows most of what had been done by countries overseas with some deviations. The main reasons for going for PPP for Indonesia government is to fill the gap in finance and capability in procuring the infrastructure. Unofficial reason such as for off-balance sheet and ideological is not relevant. Up to now, the Government only allow investment in hard economic infrastructure. Instead of using pure private finance, Indonesia Government facilitates public funds either from Central Government or Local Governments to finance PPP projects. In most cases, this involvement is because of marginality of the project. This results in the condition where the Government still has dominant role in the existing PPP projects. Compared to the PPP framework in other countries like in the UK, Indonesia PPP lacks of attention on output specification and risk transfer. This may be because of lacking of experiences as well as due to high degree of Government involvement. Rigorous policy is needed in this area to ensure Government to achieve better value for money.

  15. Peran Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia dalam Melindungi Hak Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Luar Negeri

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    Fenny Sumardiani


    Full Text Available Permasalahan yang dihadapi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia baik pada fase pra penempatan, selama masa penempatan sampai dengan pasca penempatan dari waktu ke waktu perlu diperbaiki karena memang sangat luas dan membutuhkan koordinasi banyak pihak baik Pemerintah, PPTKIS, maupun organisasi yang membantu menyuarakan hak Tenaga Kerja Indonesia yang biasa disebut dengan Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia dan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia itu sendiri. Koordinasi yang dimaksudkan terutama adalah dalam melindungi hak Tenaga Kerja Indonesia yang bermasalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia dalam melindungi Hak Tenaga Kerja Indonesia yang bermasalah di Kabupaten Kendal serta kendala yang dihadapi Serikat Buruh Migran dalam memperjuangkan hak-hak TKI yang bermasalah di Kabupaten Kendal serta serta upaya apa yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan yuridis sosiologis dengan metode analisa data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa peran Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia dalam menagani masalah TKI dengan memberikan pendampingan kepada tenaga kerja indonesia dan keluarganya yang mengalami masalah pada saat bertugas maupun purna tugas; memberikan pendidikan kritis; memberikan pemberdayaan ekonomi dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan bagi para anggota dan keluarganya; memberikan pelatihan bagi para tenaga kerja indonesia yang sudah kembali ke indonesia. The problem faced by Indonesian Manpower both the phase pre placement, during placement until after placement from time to time need to be fixed because it is very broad and requires coordination of many parties, both Governments, PPTKIS, as well as organizations that help expressing the rights of Indonesian Workers usual called the Indonesian Migrant Workers Union and Labour Indonesia itself. Coordination is intended primarily to protect the rights of Indonesian Workers are problematic. This study aims

  16. The Influence of Working Environment Conditions, Compensation and Career Development on Employees’ Working Motivation at an Indonesian Bank




    This research aims to understand and analyse the influence of working environment conditions and career development towards the improvement of employees’ working motivation. This research is conducted at the Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Ltd. Tulungagung Jawa Timur Office Branch. The sample amount counted by census technique and acquired 91 responses. The sampling method used was census technique. The data collection instrument is a questionnaire which is analysed by path analysis. Findings...


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    Yudistira Dian Hastiti


    Full Text Available Dinas Perhubungan Komunikasi dan Informatika (Dinhubkominfo Provinsi Jawa tengah sebagai perumus dan pelaksana kebijakan teknis, fasilitator, dan evaluator terkait penyelengaraan kegiatan penimbangan kendaraan bermotor melalui 16 jembatan timbang yang tersebar di wilayah provinsi jawa tengah telah mengimplementasikan sebuah system yang dipergunakan untuk kemudahan dalam menimbang kendaraan dengan mendata setiap kendaraan pada suatu system yang disebut Sistem Informasi Manajemen Jembatan Timbang (SIM JT. Masalah yang ditemukan saat ini yaitu, melihat padatnya antrian panjang kendaraan yang akan ditimbang disebabkan karena SIM JT yang belum memiliki database identitas kendaraan dan tidak dapat terpantau secara real time yang terjadi saat local server dalam keadaan down. Berdasarkan hal tersebut Dinhubkominfo berupaya mengoptimalkan kinerja SIM JT baik dari segi sumber daya manajemen manusia, TI, serta keuangan untuk meminimalkan kesalahan serta meningkatkan efektifitas pelayanan. Dari hasil studi dokumen, wawancara, dan kuesioner  berdasarkan COBIT 5 menghasilkan tingkat kapabilitas tata kelola proses optimalisasi sumer daya (EDM04 pada Dinas Perhubungan Komunikasi dan Informatika Provinsi Jawa Tengah saat ini berada di level 3 dengan status pencapaian Largely Achieved sebesar 80,18% setara dengan 3,80 dimana level 0, 1, dan 2 mencapai status Fully Achieved. Hal ini menunjukan telah mengelola dengan baik proses optimalisasi sumber daya dan diimplementasikan untuk mendukung pengerjaan proses standar dan efektif. Untuk mencapai tingkat target, Dinhubkominfo dapat melakukan strategi perbaikan dengan memperhatikan secara bertahap dari proses atribut level 1 sampai 4 Kata Kunci: Analisis Tata Kelola TI, COBIT 5, Sistem Informasi Manajemen Jembatan Timbang, Analisis Tingkat Kapabilitas, Analisis Kesenjangan.

  18. New 1.5 million-year-old Homo erectus maxilla from Sangiran (Central Java, Indonesia). (United States)

    Zaim, Yahdi; Ciochon, Russell L; Polanski, Joshua M; Grine, Frederick E; Bettis, E Arthur; Rizal, Yan; Franciscus, Robert G; Larick, Roy R; Heizler, Matthew; Aswan; Eaves, K Lindsay; Marsh, Hannah E


    Sangiran (Solo Basin, Central Java, Indonesia) is the singular Homo erectus fossil locale for Early Pleistocene Southeast Asia. Sangiran is the source for more than 80 specimens in deposits with (40)Ar/(39)Ar ages of 1.51-0.9 Ma. In April 2001, we recovered a H. erectus left maxilla fragment (preserving P(3)- M(2)) from the Sangiran site of Bapang. The find spot lies at the base of the Bapang Formation type section in cemented gravelly sands traditionally called the Grenzbank Zone. Two meters above the find spot, pumice hornblende has produced an (40)Ar/(39)Ar age of 1.51 ± 0.08 Ma. With the addition of Bpg 2001.04, Sangiran now has five H. erectus maxillae. We compare the new maxilla with homologs representing Sangiran H. erectus, Zhoukoudian H. erectus, Western H. erectus (pooled African and Georgian specimens), and Homo habilis. Greatest contrast is with the Zhoukoudian maxillae, which appear to exhibit a derived pattern of premolar-molar relationships compared to Western and Sangiran H. erectus. The dental patterns suggest distinct demic origins for the earlier H. erectus populations represented at Sangiran and the later population represented at Zhoukoudian. These two east Asian populations, separated by 5000 km and nearly 800 k.yr., may have had separate origins from different African/west Eurasian populations. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Opportunities for Change in Small Ruminant Systems in Central Java-Indonesia

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    I Gede Suparta Budisatria


    Full Text Available Abstract. This study evaluated sheep fattening and goat breeding innovation scenarios for small ruminant systems in Central Java. In sheep fattening scenario 1, farmers were proposed to fatten 5 male sheep two times a year, in sheep fattening scenario 2, farmers were proposed to fatten sheep in one round of 9 months up to the age of one year. In sheep fattening scenario 3, farmers were proposed to fatten male sheep in two periods, one round with 5 animals as in scenario 1, and another round with 5 animals sold at one year of age for Idul Adha. Goat breeding scenarios were based on a breeding unit with 3 does and involved reductions of kidding intervals from 278 (middle zone and 273 (uplands days to 240 and 220 days. The sheep fattening scenarios indicated that if farmers could start specialising in sheep fattening, the technical and economic results could be improved compared to the present sheep production system. Sheep fattening scenario 3 showed the highest net live-weight production in kg and the highest value added. When the opportunity labour costs were included in the calculations, fattening of sheep still produced a positive net return to the farmers. A goat breeding unit with 3 does produced 2.2 and 1.7 times more kids than in the real situation in the middle zone and uplands, respectively. Reducing kidding intervals resulted in an increase of kids sold by 1.2 and 1.3 respectively for kidding intervals 240 and 220 days in the middle zone; while in the uplands this was 1.1 and 1.3 times respectively. The breeding scenario calculations indicated that goat breeding could make a positive contribution to the livelihood of goat farmers, if the management of goats was improved. Keywords:  sheep fattening, goats breeding, value added, Indonesia Animal Production 14(1:37-46, January 2012

  20. Pengaruh Kualitas Sistem Informasi Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Unit Pembangkitan Paiton)


    Ningrum, Ika Rosita; Susilo, Heru


    The aim of this study was to asses and know the condition of quality information system and work environment applied in PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB UP) Paiton. The type of study used is expalantive with through quantitative approach. The population in this study were employees of ellipse users of PT PJB UP Paiton with a sample of 62 respondents. The data analysis in this study used multiple linier regression. The testing showed that there was a partial and simultaneous effect which signifi...

  1. Vegetation Structure of Ebony Leaf Monkey (Trachypithecus auratus Habitat in Kecubung Ulolanang Nature Preservation Central Java-Indonesia

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    Ervina Rahmawati


    Full Text Available Kecubung Ulolanang Nature Preservation is ebony leaf monkey’s habitats in Central Java Indonesia. Continuously degradation of their population is caused by illegal hunting and habitat degradation that made this species being vulnerable. Habitat conservation is one of important aspects to prevent them from extinction. The purpose of this research was to analyze the vegetation’s structure and composition, which was potentially, becomes habitat and food source for the monkeys. Data collected using purposive sampling with line transect method of four different level of vegetation. Data analysis used Important Value Index and Diversity Index. There were 43 species of vegetation at seedling stage, 18 species at sapling stage, 8 species at poles stage and 27 species at trees stage. Species that had the highest important value index at seedling was Stenochlaena palustri , at the sapling was Gnetum gnemon, at pole was Swietenia mahagoni and at tree was Tectona grandis . Species of trees those were potentially to become habitat (food source for ebony leaf monkey were T. grandis, Dipterocarpus gracilis, Quercus sundaica and Ficus superba. The highest diversity index was at seedling gwoth stage.


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    Faishal Fadli


    Full Text Available This study aimed to examine the direct and indirect effects of fiscal decentralization on regional disparity through economic growth in eastern and western Indonesia. The method used in this study is Path Analysis. The variables used in this study include the General Allocation Fund (DAU/Dana Alokasi Umum, Special Allocation Fund (DAK/Dana Alokasi Khusus, Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH/Dana Bagi Hasil, local revenue (PAD/Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Economic Growth (G, and regional disparity (IW. Comparing the analysis between eastern and western of Indonesia, the results show that there is no direct effect of fiscal decentralization on regional disparity and economic growth through direct fiscal decentralization on regional disparity in both eastern and western of Indonesia. However, using some measures of fiscal decentralization, in the case of eastern of Indonesia, DAU variable has significant effect whereas in the case of western Indonesia, DBH is the only one variable that has significant effect. This is consistent with the fact that composition of the balance funds disbursed by the central government to local governments, where the greatest composition of funds in eastern Indonesia come from the General Allocation Fund which reflects the dependence of local governments to the central government and for the western region of Indonesia, DBH is the greatest reflecting the independence of the local governments. As a result, to create fiscal decentralization working it is required a greater allocation of the fund balance.

  3. Konstruksi Pencitraan Maskulinitas pada Majalah Men's Health Indonesia Versus Feminitas pada Majalah Women's Health Indonesia


    Azis, Andi Azisah; Cangara, Hafied; Bahfiarti, Tuti


    The aim of the research was to determine the construction of image projection of masculinity formed Indonesia Men's Health magazine versus femininity of Indonesia Women's Health magazine. The subjects of the research were the covers of Indonesia Men's Health magazine and Indonesia Women's Health magazine published from December 2014 to May 2015. The methods of obtaining the data were done by interpreting picture texts and categorizing written text topics. They were analyzed descriptive qualit...

  4. Analisis Determinan Net Ekspor Indonesia


    Daulay, Rahmawaty


    This study is to analyzing empirically among Indonesia GDP, trade partnership GDP (Malaysia, Singapore, US and Thailand) and real exchange rate toward Indonesia Net Export. To find out which one from those three variables is significant in order to fluctuating (increasing or decreasing) Indonesia Net Export either in the short run or in the long run. Data collection is obtained using secondary data, namely Indonesia GDP, Malaysia GDP, Singapura GDP, US GDP, Thailand GDP and real exchange rate...

  5. Numerical Modeling of 3D Seismic Wave Propagation around Yogyakarta, the Southern Part of Central Java, Indonesia, Using Spectral-Element Method on MPI-GPU Cluster (United States)

    Sudarmaji; Rudianto, Indra; Eka Nurcahya, Budi


    A strong tectonic earthquake with a magnitude of 5.9 Richter scale has been occurred in Yogyakarta and Central Java on May 26, 2006. The earthquake has caused severe damage in Yogyakarta and the southern part of Central Java, Indonesia. The understanding of seismic response of earthquake among ground shaking and the level of building damage is important. We present numerical modeling of 3D seismic wave propagation around Yogyakarta and the southern part of Central Java using spectral-element method on MPI-GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) computer cluster to observe its seismic response due to the earthquake. The homogeneous 3D realistic model is generated with detailed topography surface. The influences of free surface topography and layer discontinuity of the 3D model among the seismic response are observed. The seismic wave field is discretized using spectral-element method. The spectral-element method is solved on a mesh of hexahedral elements that is adapted to the free surface topography and the internal discontinuity of the model. To increase the data processing capabilities, the simulation is performed on a GPU cluster with implementation of MPI (Message Passing Interface).


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    Marsudi Marsudi


    Full Text Available Bahasa Indonesia lahir dari Bahasa Melayu yang pada zaman dulu menjadi bahasa lingua franca, yakni bagasa perdagangan antarpulau di nusantara. Kemudian dikukuhkan menjadi bahasa persatuan melalui momen Sumpah Pemuda. Bahasa Melayu menjadi dominan di kala itu dikarenakan fleksibelitasnya akan bahasa-bahasa lain. Dengan fakta tersebut, tepatnya 28 Oktober 1928, bahasa Melayu diangkat sebagai bahasa persatuan dan tahun 1945 diresmikan sebagai bahasa negara. Permasalahan yang muncul dalam eksistensi bahasa Indonesia adalah bagaimanakah cara mempertahankan eksistensi bahasa Indonesia? Tidak hanya masalah eksistensi saja, tetapi sanggupkah bahasa-bahasa daerah di negeri ini memperkaya kosa kata dan istilah bahasa Indonesia? Selain itu, bagaimanakah potensi bahasa Indonesia di era globalisasi? Eksistensi bahasa Indonesia, selain dipengaruhi kekonsistenan penggunaanya, juga didukung oleh kemampuan bahasa tersebut dalam mengungkapkan fenomena baru yang berkembang. Oleh karena itu, perkembangan bahasa Indonesia sangat tergantung pada tingkat keberhasilan menciptakan kosa kata dan istilah-istilah baru. Bahasa Indonesia sudah mulai mengglobal karena bahasa Indonesia memiliki sifat terbuka dan demokratis. Perkembangan yang terjadi sekarang dan yang datang tidak hanya menyangkut masalah struktur dan bahasa, tetapi lebih jauh mengungkapkan permasalahan manusia baru yang dialami manusia di dalam sebuah proses perubahan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan



    Suryawati, Sri


    A national survey has been conducted to assess thetransparency in public pharmaceutical sector in Indonesia. Thesurvey was conducted during 2007, and writer was appointedby the government as independent assessor. The assessmentcovered five functions of government in pharmaceutical sector,i.e., registration, control of promotion, inspection of production,selection of essential medicines, and central procurement ofnational buffer stock. Key informants were selected based onfirst-hand knowledge ...

  8. Taking Sides: The Frames of Online Media on the Bilateral Relationship Between Indonesia and Malaysia

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    Gatut Priyowidodo


    Full Text Available The relations between Indonesia and Malaysia are always full of dynamics. Indonesia is always known as old brother of Malaysia since it has similar history, religion also socio cultural background. Some decades show that the decline of relationship of both countries. Another time, as ASEAN members, the two countries devote their nationalities to purify their collective identities as Eastern nations. The objective of the research is to extricate the construction of Kompas online and Utusan online toward news coverage of the borders dispute between Indonesia- Malaysia in 2010. This research is proposed to examine central issues which reported by Kompas online and Utusan online consistently. As a media, Kompas coverage dominates circulation nationally. was the pioneer of online news in Indonesia and was born in reformation era. Utusan is a prominent media industry in Malaysia that was conducted by UMNO as the ruling party in Malaysia for some periods. The method used in this research is framing method by Robert N. Entman’s which consists of four steps identification: defining problem, diagnosing causes, moral judgment and a treatment recommendation. This research found that Kompas news covered the border dispute must be negotiated as recognition of Indonesia dignity. On the contrary, Utusan’s spectacle focused on the Indonesian demonstrators anarchism during the dispute. Keywords: Online Media, media construction, the border dispute, Indonesia-Malaysia’s Bilateral Relations

  9. Challenges for control of taeniasis/cysticercosis in Indonesia. (United States)

    Suroso, Thomas; Margono, Sri S; Wandra, Toni; Ito, Akira


    Taeniasis/cysticercosis has been reported from several provinces of Indonesia: Papua (=former Irian Jaya), Bali, North Sumatra, East Nusa Tenggara, South East Sulawesi, Lampung, North Sulawesi, Jakarta, West Kalimantan, and East Java. The highest level of endemicity of taeniasis/cysticercosis has been found in Papua. Recent surveys in Jayawijaya District of Papua in 2000 and 2001 showed that 5 of 58 local people (8.6%) harbored the adult tapeworm, Taenia solium, whereas 44 of 96 people (45.8%), 50 of 71 pigs (70.4%), and 7 of 64 local dogs (10.9%) were seropositive for T. solium cysticercosis. Current surveys in Bali and Samosir District, North Sumatra during 2002-2005 revealed that Taenia saginata taeniasis has increased in incidence whereas T. solium cysticercosis is now rather rare compared to one-two decades ago in Bali. Taenia asiatica taeniasis is still common in Samosir District. Data from other provinces of Indonesia are very limited or unavailable. Control of these diseases is not a priority in the health or veterinary services, neither at central or local government levels. However, limited efforts toward control of the diseases have been implemented such as training of health personnel, community education on disease prevention, and provision of anthelminthics. A working group for control of the disease in Indonesia and an international collaboration have been established among Ministry of Health, Indonesia; University of Indonesia; and Asahikawa Medical College, Asahikawa, Japan since 1996. Future goals include implementation of active case finding (active surveillance) and treatment of tapeworm carriers, sustainable public health education, establishment of a system to check the quality of beef/pork and determine the distribution of infected animals and strengthening of laboratory capacity. Efforts to motivate provinces and districts should be implemented in developing the strategic plan to control of the disease. Given the considerable differences in

  10. Business and politics in provincial Indonesia: The batik and construction sector in Pekalongan, Central Java

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Savirani, A.


    After the fall of Soeharto in 1998, and an increased connection to the global world, politics at the local level in Indonesia have changed significantly. This has contributed to a change in how business is conducted in provincial towns. This thesis explores the changing relationship between the


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    Mardiana Mardiana


    Full Text Available Malaria masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di beberapa daerah pedesaan di Jawa Tengah. Usaha pemberantasan malaria telah dilakukan oleh program baik secara kimiawi maupun hayati, guna memutuskan rantai penularan. Penelitian fauna dan tempat perindukan potensial nyamuk Anopheles telah dilakukan di Desa Buaran, Kecamatan Mayong I, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah. Penangkapan nyamuk dengan umpan orang dilakukan di dalam dan di luar rumah pada malam hari dari pukul 18.00-24.00 yang masing-masing dilakukan oleh dua orang kolektor. Penangkapan nyamuk yang istirahat di dalam dan luar rumah (vegetasi pada pagi hari dilakukan pukul 06.00-08.00, yang dilakukan satu bulan 4 kali penangkapan selama 6 bulan. Pengambilan larva dan pupa dilakukan dari pukul 06.00-08.00 pagi di tempat genangan air dan sawah serta tempat yang potensial diduga sebagai perindukan Anopheles. Hasil penangkapan selama 6 bulan, diperoleh 1248 ekor nyamuk Anopheles yang terdiri dari 6 spesies yaitu: An. aconitus 442 ekor (35,42%, An. annularis 69 ekor (5,53% , An. barbirostris 30 ekor (2,4%, An. maculatus 2 ekor (0,16%, An. tesselatus 5 ekor (0,40% dan An. vagus 700 ekor (56,09%. Populasi aconitus ditemukan dari penangkapan di luar rumah, pada bulan Juli (56,40%, Agustus (42,80% dan Oktober (39,50% sedangkan pada bulan Mei (52,9%, Juni (44% dan September (50,40% dari penangkapan di kandang sapi. Pengambilan larva dan pupa Anopheles dilakukan di tempat habitat seperti sawah yang pada bulan Aguslus terbanyak ditemukan sebesar 85 (1.70, di sungai ditemukan hanya 4 (0.08 serta di genangan air bekas telapak kaki/kobokan ditemukan sebesar 6 (0.12. Ternyata tempat perindukan yang potensial larva Anopheles pada musim kemarau, ditemukan pada sungai yang ditanami kangkung oleh masyarakat selempat. Kata kunci: Fauna, tempat perindukan, Anopheles, vector

  12. Upgrading traditional technologies in small-scale industrial clusters: producer-driven innovation adoption in Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rietveld, Piet; Sandee, Henry


    This paper discusses processes of technological change in the tile cluster in the village Karanggeneng in Central Java, Indonesia. A growing number ofproducers in this cluster have switched from traditional kiln to so-called handpress production. We will analyze the processes of innovation adoption

  13. KETERKAITAN JALUR KERETA API BATAVIA – CILACAP DENGAN SISTEM PERTAHANAN HINDIA BELANDA DI PULAU JAWA The Relation between The Railway Routes of Batavia - Cilacap And The Defense System of Dutch Colonial Government in Java Island

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    Iwan Hermawan


    Abstrak Tujuan penulisan ini adalah mengungkapkan keterkaitan antara jaringan jalan kereta api dengan pertahanan pemerintah kolonial Belanda di pulau Jawa. Pendekatan Deskriptif digunakan pada tulisan ini. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kegiatan studi pustaka, studi peta, dan survei. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan keruangan. Pembangunan jaringan kereta api bertujuan utama untuk memperlancar lalu lintas barang dan jasa. Keberadaannya juga memiliki arti penting dalam sistem pertahanan pulau Jawa. Kereta api merupakan angkutan massal bagi prajurit dan persenjataan ke medan perang. Pada kondisi darurat, kereta api juga merupakan sarana transportasi untuk mengevakuasi warga sipil dan pemimpin pemerintahan ke tempat pengungsian yang terlindung dan aman.   Kata  kunci : jalan kereta api, strategi militer, angkutan massal

  14. PERANCANGAN PASAR IKAN HIGIENIS (PIH DI REMBANG (Pendekatan Karakteristik Budaya Berdagang Masyarakat Pesisir

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    Yulianto P. Prihatmaji


    Full Text Available This writing contain the Final Duty scheme process supported by research of Hibah A3 of Architecture UII. Scheme selected is Hygienic Fish Market scheme (PIH in Rembang, Central Java. Because Rembang Regency which is located in Pantura ( Pantai Utara Jawa - Coastal of North Java inclusive of one of biggest fishery supply in Central Java. Its Fishery Potency which progressively rapidly grow to make fishery as very promising business farm. Along the increasing of amount of ship arrival in Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (PPP Tasikagung mount also activity of fish commerce in the region. Landing, processing and fish marketing become one groove the coherent activity at culture of society of coastal Rembang area. Existence of facility of Place of Fish Auction ( TPI which is given high priority to all wholesaler felt still less be optimal for society. This PIH is designed PIH with the cultural characteristic approach trade the society of coastal area into its building scheme concept. This characteristic cover the horizontalitas which is in the form of landing activity, unloading till the transportation of fish to TPI and fisherman house, floating market (adrift market and existence of strong integration between landing activity, processing and fish marketing by home industrial. With the the approach felt able to peep out the building which responsive to tread of about, physical goodness and also social. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penulisan ini akan memaparkan proses perancangan Tugas Akhir yang didukung oleh penelitian Hibah A3 Arsitektur UII. Perancangan yang dipilih adalah perancangan Pasar Ikan Higienis (PIH di Rembang, Jawa Tengah. Hal ini dikarenakan Rembang yang terletak di jalur Pantura (Pantai Utara Jawa merupakan salah satu daerah penyuplai hasil perikanan di Jawa Tengah. Potensi perikanannya yang semakin berkembang pesat menjadikan perikanan sebagai lahan bisnis yang sangat menjanjikan. Seiring meningkatnya jumlah kedatangan kapal di


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    Suprianto Damanik


    Full Text Available Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan data time series  berdasarkan tahun periode 1983-2013. Data diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik, Litbang, Bulog dan world bank. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Regresi linier berganda dan Granger casuality. Pengujian untuk melihat pengaruh antar variabel dan menguji keterkaitan antara ketahanan pangan dengan kemiskinan. Hasil penelitian regresi linier berganda menunjukkan bahwa luas panen berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap ketahanan pangan nasional yaitu sebesar 0,0357, harga beras berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap ketahanan pangan nasional yakni sebesar 0,0020, Impor beras berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap ketahanan pangan nasional yakni sebesar 0,0725. Dan hasil uji granger causality menunjukkan bahwa tidak adanya hubungan kausal antara ketahanan pangan dengan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Luas panen padi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap ketahanan pangan nasional di Indonesia, harga beras berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap ketahanan pangan nasional di Indonesia, Impor beras berpengaruh negative dan tidak signifikan terhadap ketahanan pangan nasional di Indonesia, dan tidak terjadi hubungan casusal antara ketahanan pangan dengan kemiskinan di Indonesia.  This research is a quantitative time series data based on the period 1983-2013. Data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics, Research and Development, Bulog and the World Bank. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression and Granger casuality. Testing to see the influence between variables and examine the linkages between food security and poverty. Multiple linear regression results indicate that the area harvested positive and significant impact on national food security is equal to 0.0357, the price of rice a significant negative effect on the national food security which is equal to 0.0020, imports of rice and no significant


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    Kartika Gunadi


    Full Text Available Many people need geographical information nowadays, such as: the distance between areas, information about some areas, information about nature resources in that area, to search for accident area, and others geographical information. Geographical Information System (GIS is only one from many others solution to seek for geographical information. This research aim is to make software that can give some geographical information for shortest path between towns in East Java. Others information that can be gain is information about governmental, population, tourism places, mountains, special food, handicraft, and traditional art. This software is designed with database not using satellite, so much cheaper compare with using satellite. This software use Dijkstra's method to seek the shortest path from one node to another node in the picture, so this program can't give alternative path. GIS can give answer for anything that related with geographical situation. Peoples can use GIS power to reach for a better life. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Informasi mengenai geografi semakin dibutuhkan oleh banyak pihak, misalnya informasi untuk mengetahui jarak antara satu daerah dengan daerah lain, informasi seputar daerah yang diinginkan, informasi tentang sumber daya alam yang dicari, informasi untuk menemukan lokasi kecelakaan dengan cepat, dan banyak informasi mengenai geografi lainnya. Geographical Information Systems (GIS merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mendapatkan informasi geografi tersebut. Tujuan perancangan adalah membuat suatu perangkat lunak yang dapat memberikan informasi geografi mengenai rute jalan terpendek antara kota yang satu dengan kota yang lainnya di Jawa Timur. Sedangkan informasi lainnya yang dapat diperoleh antara lain informasi mengenai pemerintahan, jumlah penduduk, tempat wisata, nama gunung, makanan khas, kerajinan, dan `kesenian tradisional yang berasal dari suatu daerah. Program ini dirancang tanpa menggunakan satelit namun hanya


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    Bina Ikawati


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. Leptospirosis is one of infected diseases that caused by bacteria pathogen called Leptospira Sp,transmitted direct or indirect from infected animal to human, also known as zoonotic deseases. Indonesia includein middle category for leptospirosis incidence with 1-10 per 100.000 population.Leptospirosis in Central Java at2011 reported in Demak, Purworejo, Klaten, Pati, Wonogiri, Cilacap, Jepara District, Semarang District andSemarang City. Clinical leptospirosis in Banyumas District found but underreported. Aimed of this research wasto confirm leptospirosis at human in Banyumas district. Cross sectional design by case screening in 3 hospital and2 Primary Health Care at Juni-November 2012. Sera from patient examine by leptotec IgG IgM and MAT(Microscopic Aglutination Test, risk factor tracer had been done in patient from Banyumas. As much 25 clinicalleptospirosis examinated with laboratory test showed 6 serra positive by leptotec IgG IgM and with MAT(Microscopic Aglutination Test. MAT test showed 4 sera clinical leptospirosis that reactive with Leptospira Spand 1 negative but reactive at low titre 1:80. Risk factor of leptospirosis was flood and poor housing, bad hygienesanitation, bad waste management. Leptospirosis case confirmed in BanyumasKey words: leptospirosis, Banyumas


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    Sarwono Sarwono


    Full Text Available RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage index of soybean in Indonesia from 1983 up to 2013 is less than one, mostly. It means that the competitiveness of soybean in Indonesia is low. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors influence the soybean competitiveness. OLS (Ordinary Least Square was used as the analysis method. Hypotheses test based on that analysis model is not bias, so that, classic divergence test is needed. It is for getting the Best Linier Unbiased Estimator (BLUE appraisal. T statistic and F statistic were also applied. The result of this research shows that production and export have positive and significant influence. In addition, exchange rate and government policy do not influence the Indonesia soybean competitiveness.Indeks RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage kedelai Indonesia dari tahun 1983-2013 kecenderungan bernilai kurang dari satu yang berarti daya saing kedelai Indonesia rendah.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi daya saing kedelai Indonesia.Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Ordinary Least Square (OLS.Pengujian hipotesis berdasarkan model analisis tersebut tidak bias maka perlu dilakukan uji penyimpangan klasik yang tujuannya agar diperoleh penaksiran yang bersifat Best Linier Unbiased Estimator (BLUE.Pengujian statistik menggunakan uji t statistikdan uji f statistik.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa produksi dan ekspor berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap daya saing kedelai Indonesia. Nilai tukar rupiah dan kebijakan pemerintah tidak berpengaruh terhadap daya saing kedelai Indonesia.


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    Ari Kristin Prasetyoningrum


    Full Text Available Implementasi balanced scorecard dalam rangka revitalisasi Lembaga Pengelola Zakat menunju Good Organzation Governance pada LAZISMA Jawa Tengah belum dilaksanakan secara maksimal khususnya dalam perspektif keuangan. Sedangkan dari perspektif pelanggan yang didasarkan pada kepuasan pelanggan dalam menerima pelayanan dari lembaga cenderung baik karena sebagai organisasi sosial kemasyarakatan yang berdasarkan Islam mereka memperlakukan mustahik sebagai keluarga. Perspektif bisnis internal yang meliputi pembelajaran, kemampuan untuk berubah, penanganan keluhan pelanggan, waktu yang diperlukan untuk menangani keluhan dan akuntabilitas organisasi juga dirasakan kurang karena bukan berorientasi profit, melainkan untuk kepentingan ibadah. Perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran didasarkan pada pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran SDM (karyawan didasarkan pada kepuasan karyawan sebagai human capital bagi organisasi menunjukkan bahwa karyawan yang dimiliki oleh lembaga zakat tersebut relatif masih dilandasi oleh faktor ibadah, loyalitas yang ditunjukkan oleh karyawan dan usaha untuk belajar secara otodidak dilandasi untuk ibadah dan mencari ridha Allah SWT semata.

  20. Assessment of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) in Tegal City, Central Java, Indonesia (United States)

    Pramudya, Y.; Onishi, T.


    One of the adverse impacts of climate change is drought, which occurs more frequently in Tegal city, Indonesia. The application of drought index analysis is useful for drought assessment to consider adaptation and mitigation method in order to deal with climate change. By figuring out the level and duration of the drought. In order to analyze drought in the specific area, Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) is an index to quantify the rainfall deficit for multiple timescales. In 2015, Indonesia experienced severe drought, which has not been analyzed, yet. Thus, it is important to assess a quantitative evaluation of the drought condition. The study shows that from all deficit periods, the most severe drought in duration and peak took place in 2015, with each drought index as follows: 1 month deficit or SPI-1 (-3.11) in 1985 (-2.51) in 2015, 3 month deficit or SPI-3 (-2.291) in 1995 (-1.82) in 2015, 6 month deficit or SPI-6 (-2.40) in 1997 and (-1.84) in 2015, 9 month deficit or SPI-9 (-1.12) in 2015, 12 month deficit or SPI-12 (-1.19) in 2015. The result underlines the potential that SPI exhibits in drought identification and the use of the rainfall strongly linked to drought relief policy and measure implementation in Tegal city.

  1. Determinan Ekspor CPO Indonesia

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    Ratih Rosita


    Full Text Available Palm oil is one of the products that are important to the economy of Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the performance of Indonesia's CPO exports and to look for the influence of the independent variables such as production volume CPO, CPO consumption and the value of the rupiah against the U.S. dollar. The authors of this study tested using the Method of Error Correction Model. The time interval used is from 1998 to 2011 with the data quarter. The findings suggest that Indonesia's CPO production volume variables exert a positive and significant impact on the number of Indonesian CPO exports in both the short and long term, then the variable volume Indonesia CPO consumption in the short and long term is also a significant effect on the number of Indonesian CPO exports but negatively related, this is due to the domestic CPO consumption greater that the capacity to export will be reduced. Variables of the Rupiah against the U.S. dollar also affects Indonesia's CPO exports significantly and negatively related to both the short and long term and conditions of the depreciation of the rupiah exchange rate is not enough to effectively be driving exports. Estimates show that the close relationship between external demand caused exports to Indonesia's export performance vulnerable to external shocks. Side factors are also a determinant of export performance.


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    Afif Amirillah


    Full Text Available This research aims to find out the factors that can cause the efficiency value difference of Islamic Banking in In-donesia. The data at this research is monetary data of Islamic Banking. It was obtained from Bank of Indonesia. Then, it was divided into input and output variables. The determination of input output variables at this research uses Value Added Approach. Its input output variables consist of Demand Deposits, Saving Deposits, Time Depo-sits, Paid -In Capital, Placement at Bank ofIndonesia, Inter Bank Assets, Mudharabah, Musyara kah, Murabahah, Istishna, Ijarahand Qardh. This research used Data Envelopment Analysis method. This method has a strength that is having the capability to measure inefficiency input output variables, so that, the variable can have the efficiency. This research has resulted Islamic Banking efficiency in Indonesia, but it does not include BPRS. The mean efficiency of Islamic banking in Indonesia is 99,94%. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari faktor –faktor penyebab perbedaan nilai efisiensiperbankan syariah di Indo-nesia yang dibandingkan secara relatif untuk setiap periode. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggu-nakan data keuangan perbankan syariah yang diperoleh dari Bank Indonesia kemudian dibagi menjadi variabel input dan output. Penentuan variabel input dan output pada penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Value Added Approach. Variabel input outputnyaterdiri dari : Giro iB, Tabungan iB, Deposito iB, Modal disetor, Pen-empatan padaBank Indonesia, Penempatan pada bank lain, Mudharabah, Musyarakah, Murabahah,Istishna, Ijarah dan Qardh. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Data Envelopment Analysis yang mempunyai kel-ebihan dalam menghitung efisiensi untuk setiap variabel input outputyang mengalami inefisiensi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan nilai efisiensi perbankan syariah di Indoenesia (tidak termasuk BPRS. Efisiensi perbankan syariah di Indonesia mengalami efisiensi rata-rata sebesar 99,94%.

  3. EPA Collaboration with Indonesia (United States)

    Indonesia is a key actor in the global environmental arena. In addition to significant ecological resources, Indonesia also has the fourth largest population in the world and the third largest greenhouse gas emissions.

  4. Gynecological cancer in Indonesia. (United States)

    Aziz, M Farid


    To overview the status of gynecologic cancer in Indonesia. Information regarding Indonesia obtained from World Bank Report and Statistical Yearbook of Indonesia 2007, epidemiological data obtained from Histopathological Data of Cancer in Indonesia 2002, Department of Health-Registry Body of Indonesian Specialist of Pathology Association-Indonesian Cancer Society; Various Hospitals in big Cities in Indonesia. Indonesia is an Archipelago with a total area of 1,922,570.00 km(2), the population is 222,192,000 (2006), the fourth world rank. Female is 49.86% with life expectancy 69 years. Gross National Product per Capita is 690.00 USD. Histopathological report in 2002 revealed that cervical cancer, ovarian cancer and uterine cancer were the most frequent cancer among female, which were the first (2,532 cases), the third (829 cases) and the eighth (316 cases) rank respectively. The peak age for cervical, uterine and ovarian cancer was 45-54 years. HPV 16, 18 were found in 82% of invasive cervical. Data from various academic hospitals in 2007 showed that cervical cancer is the most common malignancy followed by ovary, uterus, vulva and vagina. Five-year survival rate of stage I, II, III, IV cervical cancer were 50%, 40%, 20%, and 0% respectively. Overall five-year survival rate of carcinoma of the ovary was 54.8%. If sub-classified by stage, five-year survival rate are 94.3%, 75.0%, 31%, and 11.7% for stage I, II, III, and IV respectively. Five-year disease-free survival rate of endometrial cancer was 71.9%. Indonesia is the biggest Archipelago with a dense population but the income per capita still low (poor country). The most common gynecologic cancer is cervical cancer, followed by ovarian and uterine cancer. These cancers are included in top ten cancers in Indonesia. HPV 16, 18 were the most cause of cervical cancer. The five-year survival rates are comparable with world report.


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    Nike Esti Kurniawati


    Full Text Available Penelitian Bahan ajar teks novel berbahasa Jawa melalui simplifikasi dikembangkan atas persepsi kebutuhan peserta didik dan guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kebutuhan peserta didik dan guru berkaitan dengan pengembangan bahan ajar membaca teks novel melalui simplifikasi, menyusun karakteristik bahan ajar membaca teks novel berbahasa Jawa melalui simplifikasi, membuat model novel yaitu Jemini, Asmarani, dan Para Pawestri Pejuwang karya Suparto Brata sebagai bahan ajar membaca teks novel di SMA, dan memperoleh keefektifan menggunakan bahan ajar membaca teks novel melalui simplifikasi. Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan Research and Development (R&D oleh Borg and Gall yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan penelitian. Langkah penelitian Borg and Gall diadaptasi menjadi tujuh tahap, yakni analisis teoretis dan praktis, analisis kebutuhan pengembangan menurut persepsi guru dan peserta didik, penyusunan draf produk, uji ahli, revisi produk, uji keefektifan produk, revisi hasil uji penggunan produk pengembangan. Hasil uji keefektifan yang dilakukan di SMA Negeri 1 Bergas menunjukkan ada peningkatan nilai rata-rata pretes dan postes pembelajaran membaca teks novel melalui simplifikasi. Uji t hitung = 9,734, sedangkan t tabel  =2,00. Artinya t hitung > t tabel. Maka dapat dikatakan produk tersebut efektifNovel text teaching materials through simplification Javanese developed on the perception of the needs of learners and teachers.This study aims to determine the needs of the students and teachers associated with the development of teaching materials text reading novels through simplification, compiling the characteristics of teaching materials text reading novels in Java through simplification, models making novel that Jemini, Asmarani, and the Pawestri Pejuwang works soeparto Brata as material instructional text reading novels in high school, and obtain the effectiveness of using text reading novel teaching


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    Rachmalina Soerachman


    . Responden penelitian adalah pelajar usia13-15 tahun di 49 sekolah di Pulau Jawa dan Sumatra yang dipilih berdasarkan stratified random sampling.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner oleh pelajar sendiri. Analisa data menggunakanEpi-info. Sebanyak 10.9% - 21.6% of pelajar laki-laki di Jawa-Sumatra merokok sehari atau lebih darisehari dalam jangka waktu sebulan terakhir. Diantara pelajar yang merokok tersebut, 71.1% diantara mulaimerokok umur 13 bahkan sebelum umur 13 tahun. Sebanyak 37%-41% pelajar di Jawa-Sumatra pernahberkelahi sekali atau lebih dalam kurun waktu setahun terakhir. Prevalens perilaku berkelahi lebih tinggipada pelajar laki-laki dari pada pelajar perempuan. Sebagian besar masalah kesehatan pelajar ternyatamasih kurang mendapat perhatian dari kesehatan masyarakat. Temuan diatas perlu mendapat tindak lanjutlebih khusus dan ditujukan pada pelajar, terutama mengenai perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat yang sesuaidengan tingkatan pelajar. Hal ini untuk mencegah timbulnya penyakit tidak menular akibat perilakuberisiko tersebut.Kata kunci: factor risiko perilaku, pelajar, penyakit tidak menular

  7. A Preliminary Study on Rainfall Interception Loss and Water Yield Analysis on Arabica Coffee Plants in Central Aceh Regency, Indonesia

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    Reza Benara


    Full Text Available Rainfall interception loss from plants or trees can reduce a net rainfall as source of water yield. The amount of rainfall interception loss depends on kinds of plants and hydro-meteorological characteristics. Therefore, it is important to study rainfall interception loss such as from Arabica Coffee plantation which is as main agricultural commodity for Central Aceh Regency. In this study, rainfall interception loss from Arabica Coffee plants was studied in Kebet Village of Central Aceh Regency, Indonesia from January 20 to March 9, 2011. Arabica coffee plants used in this study was 15 years old, height of 1.5 m and canopy of 4.567 m2. Rainfall interception loss was determined based on water balance approach of daily rainfall, throughfall, and stemflow data. Empirical regression equation between rainfall interception loss and rainfall were adopted as a model to estimate rainfall interception loss from Arabica Coffee plantation, which the coefficient of correlation, r is 0.98. In water yield analysis, this formula was applied and founded that Arabica Coffee plants intercept 76% of annual rainfall or it leaved over annual net rainfall 24% of annual rainfall. Using this net rainfall, water yield produced from Paya Bener River which is the catchment area covered by Arabica Coffee plantation was analyzed in a planning of water supply project for water needs domestic of 3 sub-districts in Central Aceh Regency. Based on increasing population until year of 2025, the results showed that the water yield will be not enough from year of 2015. However, if the catchment area is covered by forest, the water yield is still enough until year of 2025

  8. Sister Lab Program Prospective Partner Nuclear Profile: Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bissani, M; Tyson, S


    Indonesia has participated in cooperative technical programs with the IAEA since 1957, and has cooperated with regional partners in all of the traditional areas where nuclear science is employed: in medicine, public health (such as insect control and eradication programs), agriculture (e.g. development of improved varieties of rice), and the gas and oil industries. Recently, Indonesia has contributed significantly to the Reduced Enrichment Research and Training Reactor (RERTR) Program by conducting experiments to confirm the feasibility of Mo-99 production using high-density low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel, a primary goal of the RERTR Program. Indonesia's first research reactor, the TRIGA Mark II at Bandung, began operation in 1964 at 250 kW and was subsequently upgraded in 1971 to 1 MW and further upgraded in 2000 to 2 MW. This reactor was joined by another TRIGA Mark II, the 100-kW Kartini-PPNY at Yogyakarta, in 1979, and by the 30-MW G.A. Siwabessy multipurpose reactor in Serpong, which achieved criticality in July 1983. A 10-MW radioisotope production reactor, to be called the RPI-10, also was proposed for construction at Serpong in the late 1990s, but the project apparently was not carried out. In the five decades since its nuclear research program began, Indonesia has trained a cadre of scientific and technical staff who not only operate and conduct research with the current facilities, but also represent the nucleus of a skilled labor pool to support development of a nuclear power program. Although Indonesia's previous on-again, off-again consideration of nuclear power has not gotten very far in the past, it now appears that Indonesia again is giving serious consideration to beginning a national nuclear energy program. In June 2006, Research and Technology Minister Kusmayanto Kadiman said that his ministry was currently putting the necessary procedures in place to speed up the project to acquire a nuclear power plant, indicating that, ''We will need around



    Sulistyandari; Arief Suryono


    This study aims to revise banking supervision by conducting comparative studies research model of banking supervision in Indonesia, the UK, South Korea and the aspirations of the respondents (Bank, OJK, theorist) in Central Java on efforts to improve banking supervision is now done in Indonesia. The results show Indonesian comparison with the UK and South Korea gives the idea that the OJK in charge of education and consumer protection to enhance its role as practiced by the FCA in...


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    Haniyah Safitri


    Full Text Available Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Cadangan devisa adalah asset ataupun aktiva dari bank sentral. Cadangan devisa tersimpan dalam mata uang asing seperti dolar, euro, yen dan digunakan untuk perdagangan internasional dan membiayai perekonomian sebuah negara. Cadangan ini tersimpan dalam neraca pembayaran. Krisis Asia 1997 dulu, membuat Indonesia mengalami krisis moneter yang berkepanjangan. Hal ini berdampak terhadap perdagangan internasional (Ekspor Impor dan mengalami krisi nilai tukar. Mempengaruhi perekonomian kita dan mengakibatkan kita kehilangan kepercayaan negara lain terkhususnya Negara Dunia Pertama. Judul jurnal ini adalah “ Analisis Neraca Perdagangan Migas dan Nonmigas Indonesia Terhadap Volatilitas Cadangan Devisa “. Neraca perdagangan migas dan nonmigas Indonesia mengakibatkan volatilitas yang berdampak tergerusnya cadangan devisa dan melemahnya nilai tukar rupiah. Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ Foreign exchange reserves is an asset of central Bank. It has saved by reserve currency like dolar, euro, yen and uses for beganing international trade and covered the economic of the country. It saved in a Balance Payment (BOP Prior to the 1997 Asia economic crisis, make Indonesia got a long time crisis monetary. It effected to the international trade (Export and Import and got the exchange rate crisis. The influence our economy and we lost trust from another country especially’ The First Country’ and causes decrease our Balance Of Payment. The title of this journal is "Analysis of Oil and Non-oil Trade Balance Indonesia Against Volatility Reserves". Oil and non-oil trade balance volatility impacting Indonesia resulted in erosion of foreign reserves and a weakening of the exchange rate. © 2014 Universitas Negeri Semarang

  11. Pemberitaan Media Pers Indonesia

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    Ashadi Siregar


    Full Text Available New freedom and democratic atmosphere existing in Indonesia allow the Indonesian press enjoys its new significant position. This can expand the Indonesian press goals, particularly in enriching the industrial aspiration of the institution. However, bearing in mind that Indonesia is a multicultural country, the Indonesian press can also strengthen the various demographic backgrounds of the state leading to the unity of Indonesia. This article discusses four points of the Indonesian press that need to he considered by the mass media professionals.

  12. Determinan Ekspor CPO Indonesia

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    Ratih Rosita


    Full Text Available Palm oil is one of the products that are important to the economy of Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the performance of Indonesia's CPO exports and to look for the influence of the independent variables such as production volume CPO, CPO consumption and the value of the rupiah against the U.S. dollar. The authors of this study tested using the Method of Error Correction Model. The time interval used is from 1998 to 2011 with the data quarter. The findings suggest that Indonesia's CPO production volume variables exert a positive and significant impact on the number of Indonesian CPO exports in both the short and long term, then the variable volume Indonesia CPO consumption in the short and long term is also a significant effect on the number of Indonesian CPO exports but negatively related, this is due to the domestic CPO consumption greater that the capacity to export will be reduced. Variables of the Rupiah against the U.S. dollar also affects Indonesia's CPO exports significantly and negatively related to both the short and long term and conditions of the depreciation of the rupiah exchange rate is not enough to effectively be driving exports. Estimates show that the close relationship between external demand caused exports to Indonesia's export performance vulnerable to external shocks. Side factors are also a determinant of export performance. Keywords: palm oil, CPO consumption, Error Correction Model

  13. Notes from the Field: Lolak--Another Moribund Language of Indonesia, with Supporting Audio (United States)

    Lobel, Jason William; Paputungan, Ade Tatak


    This paper consists of a short multimedia introduction to Lolak, a near-extinct Greater Central Philippine language traditionally spoken in three small communities on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. In addition to being one of the most underdocumented languages in the area, it is also spoken by one of the smallest native speaker populations…


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    Herlambang Perdana Wiratraman


    Full Text Available Indonesia is no longer an authoritarian country, and no longer centralized government. Decentralization processes since 1999 has changed local democratization in a wider participation. Nevertheless, the culture of openness and incorrupt have been far from the more ideal situation. Bribery, corruption and unresponsive public services have been continuously and more systematic taking place. In that context, the Government of Indonesia enacted Law No. 14 of 2008 concerning Public Information Openness (Keterbukaan Informasi Publik or called PIO Law, which is implemented since 30 April 2010. The PIO law is believed to contribute to the better decentralization processes and economic-political democratization at local level. Nevertheless, although right to access information was guaranteed by law, but it has been applied in limited process. Such situation actually gives clear evidence that decentralized Indonesia should be questioned, especially in terms of how the right to access information has been applied in a meaningful way after the enactment PIO Law in 2008 and, what the dominant problems in implementing right to access information are. This article will elaborate the norms and practices of PIO Law by using the rule of law point of view.


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    Reni Windiani


    Full Text Available Globalization on national context has insisted the central government to work together and share duties and rights with the local government in order to achieve the national interest.  In Indonesia, UU 32/2004 about local government provide the chance for them to become more active in foreign policy, such as doing the cooperation in sister province/sister city program. The Central Java Province had done many sister province/sister city program with some partners aboard, such as Fujian province (China, Chungchoeng buk-do province (South Korea and the Queensland province (Australia.  The cooperation cover many sectors such as agriculture, city and village development, transportation and tourism, industry, trade and infestation, education, science and technology, and other sectors that will be confer in advance. From all of the cooperation that have been done between Central Java Province and Queensland, the author, is interested to have research on farming, because central government has had many cows imported from Australia.  This research is become important because central java province is one of the major of national fresh meat distributors. This research is using a qualitative method, with descriptive type of research.  This research has three research questions: How effective is the Sister Province program in Central Java with the Queensland in farm sector? What is the obstacle that holds the Sister Province program in Central Java with the Queensland in farm sector? How is the prospect of Sister Province program in Central Java with the Queensland in farm sector? This result of this research is to prove that the implementation of Sister Province program in Central Java with the Queensland in farm sectors is not effective.  Some of the implementation variables of this program have not been fulfilled. Communication, financial resources and bureaucracy structure are some of the variables that have weakness on this program.  Act of


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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT   This study aimed at analyzing, firstly, the factors influencing the coffee export of Indonesia; secondly, the factors influencing the domestic coffee supply; and thirdly, the factors influencing the domestic coffee demand. This research used secondary data, time series data of 1975–1997 which were collected from many resources, i.e. Statistical Center Bureau (BPS, Trade Department, Indonesian Coffee Exporter Association, Forestry and Commercial Agricultural Enterprise Department, and the Indonesian Bank. The factors influencing the coffee export of Indonesia as well as the domestic coffee demand and supply were analyzed by simultaneous equation model in the form of double logarithm using the two stage least square method (2SLS. The research results show that the factors influencing the export quantity of coffee were the coffee FOB price, the coffee price in domestic markets, the exchange rate and the coffee supply of the previous year. The coffee export price had negative correlation with the coffee export quantity of Indonesia with export supply elasticity toward the export price of 2.04. In other words, the increase of coffee export price was followed by the decrease of coffee export quantity. This condition was due to the low quality of the coffee export of Indonesia. The coffee price at domestic markets has positive correlation with the coffee export quantity of Indonesia. Export was still conducted when the coffee price at domestic markets increased because the demand for domestic coffee was still very low. Other factors positively influencing the coffee export quantity were the exchange rate of rupiah and the coffee supply of the previous year. The factors influencing the domestic coffee supply were the domestic coffee price, technology level and the coffee supply of the previous year. The domestic coffee price positively related to the coffee supply at domestic markets with a supply elasticity of 0.04. This means that the


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    Surroh Zu'amah


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui bukti empiris pengaruh independensi dan kompetensi auditor secara parsial dan simultan terhadap hasil opini auditor. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah auditor pada Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Republik Indonesia (BPK RI perwakilan Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang berjumlah 135 orang, dengan proporsional random sampling. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa independensi dan kompetensi auditor mempunyai pe-ngaruh yang signifikan terhadap hasil opini auditor. Oleh karena itu, auditor disarankan untuk tetap konsisten dengan sikap independen dan kompetensinya sehingga hasil opini yang dikeluarkan dapat lebih maksimal. Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of empirical evidence of auditor independence and competence of partially and simultaneously to the auditor’s opinion. The population in this study were the auditors in the Republic of Indonesia Supreme Audit Board (BPK RI representative of Central Java province, amounting to 135 people with proportional random sampling Based on the results of this study can be concluded that the independence and competence of auditors have a significant influence on the auditor’s opinion. Therefore, auditors are advised to remain consistent with an independent attitude and competence so that the opinion is issued can get more leverage.Keywords: opinion auditor; auditor independence; auditor competence

  18. Management of developing swimming performance in National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia

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    Nonik Rahmawati


    Full Text Available The main objective of this study is to understand and analyze structural organization of NPC (National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia on managing swimming performance,recruitment system, infrastructure management, funding management and implementation of the exercise management on managing swimming performance. This study was conducted at Head Office of NPC Indonesia and Kartasura Swimming Pool, Central Java Province. This studyis made in qualitative manner and presented in descriptive approach. The data collection is conducted by doing observation, document analysis, and interviews. The results of the management of developing swimming performance in NPC (National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia are summarized as follows: 1 there are general chairman, the head of the achievement division, the head of the sports department, coach manager and then directed to the coach coordinator and coach’s assistant in the organizational structure 2 recruitment of the organization is held by choosing people who concerned about NPC of Indonesia, recruitment of coach is held without any special tests, which is selected by: giving priority to athletes who have ever won medals and have experienced in coaching, while recruitment of athletes is held by using special test by NPC of Indonesia, 3 facilities, in the form of swimming’s support tools, are given gradually by Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairsby submitting proposals. Meanwhile, facility such as swimming pool still depends on renting Kartasura Swimming Pool, 4 the funding is obtained from Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs without any sponsorship, 5 training program is held by giving suitable program in general preparation, special preparation, pre match, and also considering athletes’ physical condition, technique, and mental status. Training program can be developed according to the condition of each athlete. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that management of developing swimming

  19. The Comparison of Banking Supervision Model in Indonesia, United Kingdom, South Korea as Eforts to Improve Indonesian Supervision System


    Sulistyandari, Sulistyandari


    This study aims to improve banking supervision by conductingcomparative studies research model of banking supervision in Indonesia, the UK, South Korea and the aspirations of the respondents (Bank, OJK, theorist) in Central Java on efforts to improve banking supervision is now done in Indonesia. The results show Indonesian comparison with the UK and South Korea gives the idea that the OJK in charge of education and consumer protection to enhance its role as practiced by the FCA in the UK, and...

  20. National Economic Development Status May Affect the Association between Central Adiposity and Cognition in Older Adults.

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    Asri Maharani

    Full Text Available Obesity is becoming a global problem, rather than one found only in developed countries. Although recent studies have suggested a detrimental effect of obesity on cognition, studies of the relationship between obesity and cognition among older adults have been limited to developed countries. We aimed to examine the associations between central obesity, as measured by waist circumference, and cognition level in adults aged 50 years and older in England and Indonesia.We used linear regression models to analyse these associations and multiple imputation to manage missing data. The 2006 English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Wave 3 is the source of data from England, while data from Indonesia is sourced from the 2007 Indonesian Family Life Survey Wave 4.Centrally obese respondents had lower cognition levels than non-centrally obese respondents in England. In contrast, central adiposity had a statistically significant positive association with cognition in Indonesia. Higher levels of education and higher economic status were associated with higher cognitive ability, while age was associated with lower cognition in both countries. Elevated C-reactive protein (CRP concentrations and smoking behaviour, both linked to higher risk of obesity, were negatively associated with cognitive ability among older adults in England, but they had no statistically significant association with cognition among Indonesians.The contradictory findings on obesity and cognition in England and Indonesia not only create a puzzle, but they may also have different policy implications in these countries. Reducing the prevalence of obesity may be the main focus in England and other developed countries to maintain older adults' cognition. However, Indonesia and other developing countries should place more emphasis on education, in addition to continued efforts to tackle the double burden of malnutrition, in order to prevent cognitive impairment among older adults.

  1. Emergence of Melioidosis in Indonesia. (United States)

    Tauran, Patricia M; Sennang, Nurhayana; Rusli, Benny; Wiersinga, W Joost; Dance, David; Arif, Mansyur; Limmathurotsakul, Direk


    Melioidosis is known to be highly endemic in parts of southeast Asia and northern Australia; however, cases are rarely reported in Indonesia. Here we report three cases of melioidosis in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia occurring between 2013 and 2014. Two patients died and the other was lost to follow-up. Burkholderia pseudomallei isolates from all three cases were identified by the VITEK2 Compact installed in the hospital in 2012. None of the three patients reported received antimicrobials recommended for melioidosis because of the delayed recognition of the organism. We reviewed the literature and found only seven reports of melioidosis in Indonesia. Five were reported before 1960. We suggest that melioidosis is endemic throughout Indonesia but currently under-recognized. Training on how to identify B. pseudomallei accurately and safely in all available microbiological facilities should be provided, and consideration should be given to making melioidosis a notifiable disease in Indonesia. © The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

  2. Determinants of neonatal mortality in Indonesia. (United States)

    Titaley, Christiana R; Dibley, Michael J; Agho, Kingsley; Roberts, Christine L; Hall, John


    Neonatal mortality accounts for almost 40 per cent of under-five child mortality, globally. An understanding of the factors related to neonatal mortality is important to guide the development of focused and evidence-based health interventions to prevent neonatal deaths. This study aimed to identify the determinants of neonatal mortality in Indonesia, for a nationally representative sample of births from 1997 to 2002. The data source for the analysis was the 2002-2003 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey from which survival information of 15,952 singleton live-born infants born between 1997 and 2002 was examined. Multilevel logistic regression using a hierarchical approach was performed to analyze the factors associated with neonatal deaths, using community, socio-economic status and proximate determinants. At the community level, the odds of neonatal death was significantly higher for infants from East Java (OR = 5.01, p = 0.00), and for North, Central and Southeast Sulawesi and Gorontalo combined (OR = 3.17, p = 0.03) compared to the lowest neonatal mortality regions of Bali, South Sulawesi and Jambi provinces. A progressive reduction in the odds was found as the percentage of deliveries assisted by trained delivery attendants in the cluster increased. The odds of neonatal death were higher for infants born to both mother and father who were employed (OR = 1.84, p = 0.00) and for infants born to father who were unemployed (OR = 2.99, p = 0.02). The odds were also higher for higher rank infants with a short birth interval (OR = 2.82, p = 0.00), male infants (OR = 1.49, p = 0.01), smaller than average-sized infants (OR = 2.80, p = 0.00), and infant's whose mother had a history of delivery complications (OR = 1.81, p = 0.00). Infants receiving any postnatal care were significantly protected from neonatal death (OR = 0.63, p = 0.03). Public health interventions directed at reducing neonatal death should address community, household and individual level factors

  3. The Roles of the Supreme Court of the Republic Indonesia in Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards in Indonesia

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    Mutiara Hikmah


    Full Text Available Indonesia has been being a member of the 1958 New York Convention since 1981, namely upon issuance of the Presidential Decree No. 34 of 1981. Prior to taking into force of the Regulation of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1 of 1990 on Procedures for Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral awards, there were still constraints for the foreign business players in term of enforcement of arbitral awards in Indonesia. The Supreme Court as the highest judicial institution in Indonesia holds that international arbitral awards can not be enforced in Indonesia. After the Indonesian Supreme Court has issued such a regulation, enforcement of international arbitral awards in Indonesia began to be enforceable, because the procedural law that governs the procedures for execution of arbitral awards has been clear. In order to regulate better the international arbitral award problems in the hierarchy of legislation, on October 12, 1999, the Law on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution was promulgated. In that Law, there is a special part discussing the International Arbitration. This study examines the development of international arbitral award enforcement in Indonesia before Indonesia becoming member of the 1958 New York Convention, until nowadays, by analyzing the international arbitral awards that were decided by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia after the coming into effect of the Arbitration Law.


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    Cahaya Jatmoko


    Full Text Available Salah satu penyebab terjadinya tanah longsor dan banjir adalah rusaknya kawasan hutan, namun karena illegal logging , pembukaan ilegal taman , dan perambahan hutan memicu pencabutan hak pengusahaan hutan ( HPH , yang diserahkan kepada kendali lokal , tapi tidak berjalan dengan baik . Dari area data akses terbuka pada tahun 2010 ada sekitar 20 juta hektar dan tidak ditindaklanjuti pengelolaannya.Hutan yang telah mengalami kerusakan akibat penebangan liar perlu direhabilitasi.Dengan menggunakan data spasial ini , kegiatan rehabilitasi dapat diidentifikasi dan dimonitor dengan lebih baik. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang dapat memantau kegiatan rehabilitasi yang dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data Landsat TM, Data penginderaan jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis ( GIS merupakan suatu metode yang dapat diterapkan bersama-sama , untuk memantau dan menganalisa data dengan cepat dan akurat . Penelitian ini menggunakan data penginderaan jauh dengan mengumpulkan fitur tutupan lahan di daerah tertentu yang terjangkau ke seluruh pelosok area hutan penampung air tanah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah . Sistem Informasi Geografis digunakan untuk menangkap dan menganalisa data pertumbuhan pohon . Hasil yang diharapkan adalah terwujudnya sistem informasi geografis yang dapat memantau pertumbuhan pohon di area hutan penampung air tanah di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Kata Kunci : data spasial, Landsat TM, Remote Sensing

  5. Variation in photosynthetic light-use efficiency in a mountainous tropical rain forest in Indonesia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ibrom, Andreas; Oltchev, A.; June, T.


    in remote tropical areas. We used a 16-month continuous CO2 flux and meteorological dataset from a mountainous tropical rain forest in central Sulawesi, Indonesia to derive values of epsilon(Pg). and to investigate the relationship between P-g and Q(abs). Absorption was estimated with a 1D SVAT model from...


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    Athena Anwar


    treatmentand safety storage. Tulisan ini merupakan bagian dari studi tentang Development Of An Evindence-BasedGuideline For Promotion Of HWTS yang dilakukan di di 3 lokasi percontohan yaitu Kota Bandung,Kabupaten Bandung, (Jawa Barat dan Kabupaten Sikka (NTT. Studi dilakukan pada tahun tahun 2008,dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi program dan pendapat masyarakat tentangpengelolaan (pengolahan dan penyimpanan air minum. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data kualitatif(mitra dan petugas kesehatan dan kuantitatif (masyarakat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan carawawancara menggunakan daftar pertanyaan (kualitatif dan kuesioner (kuantitatif. Pengolahan datakualitatif dilakukan dengan content dan domain, sedangkan data kuantitatif dilakukan denganmenggunakan software SPSS. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwapemerintah mengembangkan PAM RT bersama dengan mitra Aman Tirta (Kota Bandung, Pelita Indonesia(Kabupaten Bandung, dan Dian Desa (Kabupaten Sikka. Implementasi PAM RT dilakukan melaluibeberapa tahap, yaitu persiapan/sosialisasi, pelaksanaan, monitoring dan evaluasi.Setiap mitra mempunyaicara tersendiri dalam melaksanakan tahapan kegiatan tersebut. Hanya petugas Dinas Kesehatan KabupatenSikka yang menyatakan telah terlibat secara penuh dalam implementasi PAM RT di wilayahnya. Hasilwawancara terhadap masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 80% responden menyatakan metode dalamPAM RT sesuai untuk pengolahan air minum di wilayahnya. Dalam hal menjadikan kualitas air menjadilebih baik, harga bahan/alat, dan kemudahan pengeolahan air, pendapat responden sangat bervariasi.Kata kunci: PAM RT, air minum, pengolahan ait minum


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    Wasisto Raharjo Jati


    Full Text Available This article aims to analyze historicity of political participation and representation of women in the political landscape in Indonesia. This paper used the perspective of feminism theory as core analysis in reviewing its issue. Periodicity of Indonesian women's political participation is very volatile and depends on the political situation contemporary. Indonesian women's political participation in the era of colonialism experienced domestication, revivalism in the Sukarno era, stigmatization in the New Order era, and is now experiencing ambiguity in the Reformation era. Indonesian women's political participation need to find a strong platform to promote the aspirations of his peopleKeywords: partisipation, representation, domestification, stigmatization, and women politic.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis histo-risitas partisipasi politik dan keterwakilan perempuan dalam lanskap politik di Indonesia. Tu-lisan ini menggunakan perspektif teori feminisme sebagai analisis inti dalam meninjau isu nya. Periodisitas partisipasi politik perempuan Indonesia sangat fluktuatif dan tergantung pada situasi politik kontemporer. Partisipasi politik perempuan Indonesia di era kolonialisme mengalami domestikasi, revivalisme di era Soekarno, stigmatisasi di era Orde Baru, dan sekarang mengalami ambiguitas dalam era Reformasi. Partisipasi politik perempuan Indonesia perlu menemukan platform yang kuat untuk memperjuangkan aspirasi rakyatnyaKata kunci: partisipasi, representasi, domestifikasi, stigmasi, politik perempuan  

  8. Representasi Keluarga Jawa Dalam Film Jokowi

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    Sapto Hudoyo


    Full Text Available Javanese family is smallest scope of Javanese society. Social conditions of thefamily can be represented in various ways through various media, such as through themedium of movie. Movie entitled Jokowi is a biopic film with Javanese background.The film tells the struggle of life in chronological order. The film depicts a life conditionsof character with the Javanese family, set in the period of 1960 through 2012. TheJavanese family concept from literature books that according with time frames or yearsof the story, is used as references for a family reading of social interaction that appearsfrom the primary data, they are pieces of movie scenes. This study aims to determinehow the Javanese family represented through the Jokowi film. The method used in thisresearch is descriptive qualitative method, with approach a representation theory ofStuart Hall as the reading method. Representation approach is used to posit the film asa medium that can construct the meaning through language (constructionist. So, it canappears 6 selected sequences, contains scenes which may represent a social life ofJavanese family inside the film. The results of this study showed a nearly balanced,which appears three equations, two shifts, and one difference. Equations that appearare: (1 social relations childhood in a family through the closeness between father andson was a toddler; (2 the status of teenage boys who attend school; and (3 a patternof domestic cooperation through the division of labor. Then, a shift that appears are: (1the social status of the family through a way of having a baby; (2 the role of parentsthrough of punishing the child after a fight. In addition, one significant difference thatappear is the closeness of father and son through the way of greeting each other. Keywords: family, Jawa, representation, and Jokowi

  9. Inventory of Forts in Indonesia (United States)

    Rinandi, N.; Suryaningsih, F.


    The great archipelago in Indonesia with its wealthy and various nature, the products and commodities of tropic agriculture and the rich soil, was through the centuries a region of interest for other countries all over the world. For several reasons some of these countries came to Indonesia to establish their existence and tried to monopolize the trading. These countries such as the Portuguese, the Spanish, the Dutch and the British built strengthened trade stations which later became forts all over Indonesia to defend their interest. The archipelago of Indonesia possesses a great number of fortification-works as legacies of native rulers and those which were built by European trading companies and later became colonial powers in the 16th to the 19th centuries. These legacies include those specific structures built as a defence system during pre and within the period of World War II. These fortresses are nowadaysvaluable subjects, because they might be considered as shared heritage among these countries and Indonesia. It's important to develop a vision to preserve these particular subjects of heritage, because they are an interesting part of the Indonesian history and its cultural treasures. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has national program to compile a comprehensive documentation of the existing condition of these various types of forts as cultural heritage. The result of the 3 years project was a comprehensive 442 forts database in Indonesia, which will be very valuable to the implementation of legal protection, preservation matters and adaptive re-use in the future.

  10. Jepara Indonesia Furniture




    Jepara Indonesia Furniture A wide choice of Indonesian furniture companies provide free business listings to all types of furniture also for outlets and stores. Each section is accessible that contains a comprehensive list of our range of furniture details information and full campaign. We provided a platform create various products along with featured inspiration section related products, services, accessories. Indonesia Furniture Teak Garden Furniture It is bringing customers distinctive as...

  11. Ergonomics policy in Indonesia. (United States)

    Sutarjo, Untung S


    Workers' conditions in accordance with their place of work are different from one area to another, especially in this reformation era where there are immense alterations in politics shown from the centralized government shifting to decentralization and district autonomy. Ergonomics problems in Indonesia are reviewed. In home industries, workers have to adjust themselves to their jobs, and ergonomic improvement may face significant impediments especially in small-scale industries. It is necessary to create or identify the most plausible model to be implemented in accordance with the conditions of districts, including low awareness about the relation between ergonomics and workers' productivity in producing goods and services and working processes scattered often at their own houses. As conditions conducive to ergonomics programs, district-level willingness to improve and increase the wealth of their society, recognition by businesses about the impacts of ergonomics on productivity and reduction of medical treatment costs may be mentioned. Labor unions support ergonomic improvements at production processes, and professionals and academicians are ready to assist, whereas national banks and foreign investment may encourage new technologies including ergonomics aspects. It is important to strengthen ergonomic improvement efforts in Indonesia through establishing district ergonomics improvement networks and ergonomics peer leaders with the support of continual training starting from the training of core leaders at the province level and extending to peer leaders at district level. This training should be made as simple as possible in order to facilitate innovations toward changes. Finally assistance is needed by the mentor teams in order to periodically monitor the improvements undertaken.

  12. Prospek Perekonomian Indonesia dalam Memasuki Afta


    Basuki, Agus Tri


    This article will analyze Indonesia's economic performance towards ASEAN free trade area (AFTA). From the economic performance, Indonesia is facing high threats, especially on the competitiveness of product and KKN (corruption, collusion, and nepotism) problem that cause high cost economy. So, government and businessman must anticipate it in order to strengthened Indonesia's economy.


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    Ahmad Kamil


    Full Text Available In 2008, the Department of Commerce of the Republic of Indonesia has launched a creative economic development documents interpreted the 2025 Indonesia became the starting point and guide the development of the creative economy in Indonesia. With the existence of this document, the industry and its stakeholders or other stakeholders can readily develop the creative economy in Indonesia. Economic development in the direction of the creative industries is one manifestation of optimism aspiration to support the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development in realizing the vision of Indonesia are being developed nation. The main objective of this study is the first to analyze the role of the creative industries in Indonesia for labor, value added and productivity, secondly, to analyze the performance trend of the creative industries sector, and third, to analyze the factors affecting the performance of the creative industries sector in Indonesia. Under Indonesia Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC and codes 151-372 (manufacturing industries category identified 18 industry groups belonging to the creative industries, showed that the performance of the national creative industries has been relatively high (in terms of trend analysis of the performance of the industrial creative. Furthermore, regression analysis of panel data (econometrics indicates that company size (SIZE, wages for workers (WAGE and the content of local inputs (LOCAL has a significant impact on the performance of Indonesia's creative industry. Meanwhile, the concentration ratio (CR4 no consequences but have koresi significantly positive effect on the performance of Indonesia’s creative industry.

  14. The Electability of Women Candidates in The Election of Central Java DPRD in 2014

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    Fitriyah Fitriyah


    Full Text Available The study aims to analyze the factors supporting the electability of women candidates in Central Java DPRD election 2014. This type of research is descriptive. Techniques of data collection used the in-depth interviews with all women members of the Central Java DPRD election results 2014. Data processing techniques are data reduction, data display, concluding and verifying. The study found women candidate’s electability factors because they master/control the political capital, social capital and economics capital. By political capital (party officials so candidate nominated in small number candidacy and electoral district party base. Social capital (activists of social/professional organizations support the loyalty and solidity candidate team and candidate voice, and economics capital to support the political cost. Some of them have kinship with the party elite /social elite so openly their access to social and politics capital. An open list proportional electoral system makes it difficult increasing women representation if not followed party policy affirmations committed. In order to reach the 30% the representation of women in the legislature should be intervention laws forcing the party implementing gender justice policies candidacyPenelitian ini bermaksud menganalisa  faktor-faktor pendukung keterpilihan caleg perempuan di DPRD Jawa Tengah dalam Pemilu 2014. Tipe penelitian ini deskriptif.Teknik pengumpulan data  menggunakan wawancara mendalam terhadap seluruh perempuan anggota DPRD Jawa Tengah hasil Pemilu 2014. Teknik pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini adalah reduksi data, display data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil Penelitian menemukan faktor-faktor keterpilihan caleg perempuan karena mereka menguasai modal politik (pengurus partai sehingga dicalonkan dinomor urut kecil dan dapil basis partai, modal sosial (pengurus organisasi sosial/profesi yang membantu kerja dan mendapat dukungan suara, dan modal ekonomi untuk biaya

  15. Prevalence and molecular epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infection in Indonesia

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    D.A. Collins


    Full Text Available Clostridium difficile has not been studied in detail in Asia, particularly Southeast Asia. We thus performed a prevalence study across four hospitals in Central Java province, Indonesia. Stool samples were collected from patients with diarrhoea and tested by enzyme immunoassay for glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH and toxin A/B (C DIFF QUIK CHEK COMPLETE, TechLab. Specimens were cultured and molecular typing was performed. In total, 340 samples were tested, of which 70 (20.6% were GDH positive, with toxin detected in 19 (5.6%. Toxigenic C. difficile was isolated from 37 specimens (10.9%, while a further 36 (10.6% nontoxigenic isolates were identified. The most common strain was ribotype 017 (24.3% of 74 isolates, followed by nontoxigenic types QX 224 (9.5%, and QX 238 and QX 108 (both 8.1%. The high prevalence of C. difficile highlights a need for ongoing surveillance of C. difficile infection in Indonesia.


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    Mirhan AM


    Full Text Available This paper is a study in mapping out more about the process of formation of the Muslim community in Indonesia. History is a reconstruct of the past. It seems as if the past was to be away from the present. Is it true that this view. We borrow the Kuntowijoyo’s words: “Historians are like people take who takes the train to look back, and he can freely turn to the right and to the left, which can not be done is to look ahead”. History is a valuable clue, a picture of the past that can be used as guidelines in stride, present and future. The Indonesian Islam history has significance for this nation generation. Because it has its own characteristics compared to the history of Islam in other countries. It can give the feel of the real Islam in Indonesia. The Indonesian Islam is an Islamic hue promising future in the era of globalization. Thus, Indonesian Islam will be in focus in the eyes of the world. In this description, the writer describes the entry and the development of Islam in Indonesia with discussion; process and the introduction of Islam to Indonesia, acceptance by indigenous and institutionalization of Islam in society. Then, point the establishment of Islam in Indonesia, as well as the transformation of Indonesia society

  17. Impact of GDP Information Technology in Developing of Regional Central Business (Case 50 Airports IT City Development in Indonesia) (United States)

    Suyono, Joko; Sukoco, Agus; Ikhsan Setiawan, M.; Suhermin; Rahim, Robbi


    Indonesia a great number of populations and demand of air transportation services keep increasing by the year in line with the increasing of population and welfare its people. Need for telematics solutions to support goods transport and distribution in cities is mainly due to the complexity of the processes taking place in urban transport systems and the importance of the optimisation of transport operations via ensuring adequate availability of linear and point infrastructure, while reducing the adverse impacts of the transport system on the environment. Efficient infrastructure supports economic growth, improves quality of life, and it is important for national security. Impact of GDP Information Technology in developing of Regional Central Business especially SME Business, are very large correlations and very significant supported by Passenger Arrival and Departure, Baggage Loaded and Unloaded, Cargo Loaded and Unloaded, Separated regional asset, Grant, Capital Expenditure, Investment of Regional Gov., GDP Agriculture-Forestry-Fishing, GDP Manufacturing, GDP Electricity-Gas, GDP Water supply- Sewerage-Waste Management-Remediation Activities, GDP Financial-Insurance Activities, GDP Business Activities, GDP Public Administration and Defense-Compulsory Social Security, GDP Education and GDP Other Services Activities

  18. Hepatitis B virus infection in Indonesia. (United States)

    Yano, Yoshihiko; Utsumi, Takako; Lusida, Maria Inge; Hayashi, Yoshitake


    Approximately 240 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV), 75% of whom reside in Asia. Approximately 600000 of infected patients die each year due to HBV-related diseases or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The endemicity of hepatitis surface antigen in Indonesia is intermediate to high with a geographical difference. The risk of HBV infection is high in hemodialysis (HD) patients, men having sex with men, and health care workers. Occult HBV infection has been detected in various groups such as blood donors, HD patients, and HIV-infected individuals and children. The most common HBV subgenotype in Indonesia is B3 followed by C1. Various novel subgenotypes of HBV have been identified throughout Indonesia, with the novel HBV subgenotypes C6-C16 and D6 being successfully isolated. Although a number of HBV subgenotypes have been discovered in Indonesia, genotype-related pathogenicity has not yet been elucidated in detail. Therefore, genotype-related differences in the prognosis of liver disease and their effects on treatments need to be determined. A previous study conducted in Indonesia revealed that hepatic steatosis was associated with disease progression. Pre-S2 mutations and mutations at C1638T and T1753V in HBV/B3 have been associated with advanced liver diseases including HCC. However, drug resistance to lamivudine, which is prominent in Indonesia, remains obscure. Although the number of studies on HBV in Indonesia has been increasing, adequate databases on HBV infection are limited. We herein provided an overview of the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of HBV infection in Indonesia.

  19. Kandungan L-3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine Suatu Bahan Neuroprotektif pada Biji Koro Benguk (Mucuna pruriens Segar, Rebus, dan Tempe (L-3,4-DIHYDROXYPHENYLALANINE CONTENT AS A NEUROPROTECTIVE MATERIAL ON FRESH, COOKED AND FERMENTED OF KORO BENGUK (MUCUNA PR

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    Tri Wahyu Pangestiningsih


    Full Text Available Indonesia is rich in flora potentially used for herbal medication. One of the potential herbal is koro benguk (Mucuna pruriens beans, where in Central Java and Yogyakarta is proccessed into tempe (fermented mucuna beans for daily human consumption. Koro benguk has high level of L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA which has a potential neuroprotective effect on Parkinson’s disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the L-DOPA content in fresh beans, cooked and fermented of koro benguk beans. The investigation were done in fresh mucuna beans, white color (BR D and black color (BR A beans originated from Wonogiri, Central Java, and fresh, white color (KP C, cooked, and fermented beans collected from Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. The samples were extracted using ethanol and n-propanol solutions and were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC technique. The results show that the highest L-DOPA level (8,56% was found in fresh white koro benguk beans from Wonogiri extracted using ethanol. The lowest L-DOPA level (0,016% was found in fermented beans that extracted using n-propanol. Extraction using ethanol yield a higher L-DOPA level as compared to that of using n-propanol. In brief, all of the samples starting from fresh bean, cooked, and fermented koro benguk beans contain L-DOPA, with highest L-DOPA level was found in the white fresh koro benguk beans, from Wonogiri, Central Java. The lowest ingredient L-DOPA level was found in the fermented beans from Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. ABSTRAK Indonesia sangat kaya dengan keanekaragaman flora yang potensial untuk terapi herbal, salah satunya tanaman koro benguk (Mucuna pruriens yang bijinya bisa diolah menjadi tempe sebagai konsumsi harian masyarakat di sekitar Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah. Biji koro benguk diketahui mengandung L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA tinggi dan berpotensi menjadi agen neuroprotektor pada penyakit Parkinson. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji

  20. Fluid-rock geochemical interaction for modelling calibration in geothermal exploration in Indonesia (United States)

    Deon, Fiorenza; Barnhoorn, Auke; Lievens, Caroline; Ryannugroho, Riskiray; Imaro, Tulus; Bruhn, David; van der Meer, Freek; Hutami, Rizki; Sibarani, Besteba; Sule, Rachmat; Saptadij, Nenny; Hecker, Christoph; Appelt, Oona; Wilke, Franziska


    Indonesia with its large, but partially unexplored geothermal potential is one of the most interesting and suitable places in the world to conduct geothermal exploration research. This study focuses on geothermal exploration based on fluid-rock geochemistry/geomechanics and aims to compile an overview on geochemical data-rock properties from important geothermal fields in Indonesia. The research carried out in the field and in the laboratory is performed in the framework of the GEOCAP cooperation (Geothermal Capacity Building program Indonesia- the Netherlands). The application of petrology and geochemistry accounts to a better understanding of areas where operating power plants exist but also helps in the initial exploration stage of green areas. Because of their relevance and geological setting geothermal fields in Java, Sulawesi and the sedimentary basin of central Sumatra have been chosen as focus areas of this study. Operators, universities and governmental agencies will benefit from this approach as it will be applied also to new green-field terrains. By comparing the characteristic of the fluids, the alteration petrology and the rock geochemistry we also aim to contribute to compile an overview of the geochemistry of the important geothermal fields in Indonesia. At the same time the rock petrology and fluid geochemistry will be used as input data to model the reservoir fluid composition along with T-P parameters with the geochemical workbench PHREEQC. The field and laboratory data are mandatory for both the implementation and validation of the model results.


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    J.F.X Susanto Soekiman


    Full Text Available The objectives of this research is to find out these following maters: the influence of perception external organizational support toward perception internal organizational support, the influence of perception external organizational support toward employee commitments, the influence of perception internal organizational support toward employee commitments, the influence of employee commitments toward companies success, the influence of perception external organizational support toward companies success, and the influence of perception internal organizational support toward companies success. This research uses survey and questioners as the tools in collecting data. The data were obtained from 156 consumer of 39 bank in East Java. Data analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM with AMOS 4.0 program. The results of the research showed the following results: perception external organizational support has positive and significant effect on perception internal organizational support, perception external organizational support has positive and significant effect on employee commitments, perception internal organizational support has positive and significant effect on employee commitments, employee commitments has positive and significant effect on companies success, perception external organizational support has no significant effect on companies success, and perception internal organizational support has no significant effect on companies success of Banking business especially in East Java. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi dukungan organisasi eksternal terhadap persepsi dukungan organisasi internal, pengaruh persepsi dukungan organisasi eksternal terhadap komitmen karyawan, pengaruh persepsi dukungan organisasi internal terhadap komitmen karyawan, pengaruh komitmen karyawan terhadap keberhasilan perusahaan, pengaruh persepsi dukungan organisasi eksternal terhadap keberhasilan

  2. Type of female sex worker and other risk factors of syphilis

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    Roselinda Roselinda


    Full Text Available AbstrakLatar belakang: Sifilis termasuk salah satu dari penyakit infeksi menular seksual kronis disebabkankuman Treponema pallidum yang dapat menyebabkan kecacatan pada penderita dan anak yang dilahirkan.Tujuan analisis ini adalah untuk melihat hubungan tipe dan lama kerja sebagai Wanita Pekerja Seks(WPS dengan kejadian penyakit sifilis di 7 kota di Indonesia.Metode: Data dari Survei WPS menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur di 7 kota (Kupang, Samarinda,Pontianak, Yogyakarta, Timika, Makassar dan Tangerang di Indonesia tahun 2007, desain potong lintangdan responden dipilih secara cluster random sampling dari WPS langsung dan tidak langsung yangmemenuhi kriteria definisi operasional. Diagnosa Sifilis ditegakkan dengan pemeriksaan laboratoriumRapid Plasma Reagent (RPR dan Treponema pallidum Haemaglutination Assay (TPHA.Hasil: Sebanyak 1750 responden ikut dalam penelitian dan 12.2% terindikasi sifilis. Kota Makassar mempunyaiprevalensi yang tertinggi sebesar 55,2%. WPS yang berlokasi di luar pulau Jawa memiliki risiko terinfeksi sifilis3,16 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan WPS yang berlokasi dipulau Jawa [risiko relatif suaian (RRa = 3,16 ;P= 0,000]. Tipe WPS tidak langsung memiliki risiko 46% lebih banyak untuk terinfeksi sifilis dibandingkan denganWPS langsung (RRa = 1,46 ; 95%; P = 0,002, sedangkan WPS yang mencari pengobatan ke dokter memiliki risiko58% lebih besar dibandingkan yang berobat ke sarana kesehatan langsung (RRa = 1,58; P = 0.006.Kesimpulan: Lokasi WPS yang berada di luar pulau Jawa, tipe WPS tidak langsung memiliki risiko lebihtinggi untuk terinfeksi penyakit sifilis. Wanita pekerja seks yang mencari pengobatan ke dokter menyebabkanpenyakit terindikasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan jika berobat ke sarana pelayanan kesehatan lainnya. (HealthScience Journal of Indonesia 2015;6:132-6Kata kunci: sifilis, wanita pekerja seks, Indonesia AbstractBackground: Syphilis is one of the chronicle sexual transmission diseases which is caused by



    Supatmanto, Budi Darmawan; Yusuf, Sri Malahayati


    Daerah Tangkapan waduk Jatiluhur berada diantara 107011'36” - 107032'36" BT and 6029'50" - 6040'45" LS di Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Area dengan luas 380 km2 merupakan 8% dari seluruh total area Hulu Sungai Citarum seluas 4500 km2. Fungsi dari daerah ini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air untuk pertanian di Karawang dan Bekasi dan memenuhi kebutuhan air di Jakarta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk meneliti dampak dari perubahan ik (Climate Changes) terhadap hasil hidrologi di daerah tangkapan. Perubaha...

  4. Tingkat Keberhasilan Perpindahan Koloni Trigona Spp. pada Sarang Buatan di Hutan Larangan Adat Desa Rumbio Kabupaten Kampar


    Azlan, Asprizatul; Yoza, Defri; Mardhiansyah, M


    Trigona spp. is include into stingless bee honey. Trigona spp. has another names, such as, galo-galo (Sumatera), klanceng, lenceng (Jawa), andteuweul (Sunda). The population of Trigona spp. in many areas in Indonesia. Trigona spp. produce are honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis and beeswax. People do not know much yet about the benefit and how to cultivation of Trigona spp. type, material and size of bee's nest. The purpose of this research is to know successfull affectiveness movement of Tr...


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    Trisno Musanto


    Full Text Available This reseach briefly explains to what extent customer satisfaction has significant influence to the customer loyalty of 'Iklan Jitu' Jawa Pos newspaper in Sarana Media Advertising. Moreover, it also explores variable that give the biggest contribution to the customer loyalty. Four variables are using as customer satisfaction representatives, which are reliability, response to and remedy of problems, sales experience and convenience of acquisition. Finally, the findings shows that sales experience is the biggest contributor to the customer loyalties. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kepuasan pelanggan mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan Iklan Jitu surat kabar Jawa Pos pada CV.Sarana Media Advertiseng dan variabel mana yang memberikan kontribusi terbesar pengaruhnya terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Dalam penelitian ini mengunakan empat variabel untuk mewakili keppuasan pelanggan yang meliputi : reliability,response to and remedy of problems, sales experience dan convenience of acquisition. Dari hasil perhitungan diketahui bahwa sales experience memberikan kontribusi terbesar terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Kata kunci : kepuasan pelanggan, loyaliras pelanggan.


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    Firdausi Nuritasari


    move in the same direction. This research aimed to assess whether there is effect between infrastructure, Domestic Capital Investment and Foreign Direct Investment to Gross Domestic Product.The data used in this study is a secondary data sources on the report of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS, in particular the data 1986 to 2011. The data examined included the data of Gross Domestic Product, according to the length of the road authority, the amount of water that is channele , the amount of electricity produced , the realization of domestic investment and foreign investment realization. Data collection method used is the method of documentation. Data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis method, Regression Testing and Test Assumptions Classic.The results obtained show that the research jointly road infrastructure, water. Electrical, domestic and foreign investments and a significant positive effect on gross domestic product in Indonesia. The conclusion from this research is partially that there are two independent variables are used have not a significant effect on gross domestic product in Indonesia. The variables are Domestic Capital Investment and Foreign Direct Investment.

  7. Kriptosporidiosis di Indonesia

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    Tri Wijayanti


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTCryptosporidiosis included to waterborne and soil transmited diseases, caused by Cryptosporidium, obligat intraceluller pathogen organism. Cryptosporidium cause intestinal infection of human and animal acute diarrhea. Lung cryptosporidiosis on HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis  patients was reported. Diarrhea still be important health problem because diarrhea was be the third dominant contributor of children morbidity and mortality at some country include Indonesia. Every children have 1,6-2x diarrhea onset annually. Diarrhea cases caused by Cryptosporidium sp parasite was around 4-11%. Focus of this review is  about cryptosporidiosis on children, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis patients, animal, environment, diagnostic and it’s prevention and control. Cryptosporidium species confirmed in Indonesia are C. wrairi, C. muris,  C. felis, C. hominis, C. meleagridis and C. parvum, indicated that there was a big rule of animal on Cryptosporidium transmission. Cryptosporidium was necessary to be one of diseases diagnose on HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis patients. Transmission of Cryptosporidium by  respiratory secretion (droplet, aerosol or contact with vomiting must be anticipated to prevent cryptosporidiosis especially on imunocompromissed/imunodeficiency people. Rapid Diagnostic Test that have highly sensitivity and spesificity is very important on Cryptosporidium cases finding and surveillance in Indonesia. Environment and cattle sanitation, personal hygiene, water and food treatment, is necessary to prevent cryptosporidiosis transmission.  Kriptosporidiosis termasuk waterborne dan soil transmitted diseases, disebabkan oleh Cryptosporidium yang bersifat obligat intraseluler. Cryptosporidium menyebabkan infeksi pada usus halus dan dapat menyebabkan diare akut pada manusia dan hewan. Kriptosporidiosis paru telah dilaporkan pada penderita HIV/AIDS dan tuberkulosis. Diare merupakan penyumbang utama ketiga angka kesakitan dan kematian anak di berbagai negara



    Ahmad Kamil


    In 2008, the Department of Commerce of the Republic of Indonesia has launched a creative economic development documents interpreted the 2025 Indonesia became the starting point and guide the development of the creative economy in Indonesia. With the existence of this document, the industry and its stakeholders or other stakeholders can readily develop the creative economy in Indonesia. Economic development in the direction of the creative industries is one manifestation of optimism aspiration...


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    Laily Fitriani


    Full Text Available The digital era started when the internet technology spread to the developing countries including Indonesia. The flourish of cyber literature leads to the debate on the quality of the work of literature. Above all, the existence of literature sites (cyber literature becomes an important alternative for writers and literary activist in Indonesia.

  10. Dinamika Kurikulum di Indonesia

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    M. Asri


    Full Text Available Education does not have a standard reference, which covers access for revision by the authorities. Because education continues to grow along with the rolling times. Therefore, all matters relating to education also do not have a standard reference, including educational curriculum. The curriculum is one of the important elements that has a role to advance education in Indonesia, in accordance with the ideals of the constitution. Curriculum changes are not taboo for education in developed countries of the world (such as Japan, Finlandia,  USA, etc.. Basically the dynamics of curriculum in Indonesia aims to make education in Indonesia able to compete with the developed countries in the world.

  11. Peramalan Pengguna Broadband di Indonesia [Forecasting of Broadband Users in Indonesia

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    Azwar Aziz


    Full Text Available Negara Indonesia memiliki peluang yang sangat besar untuk merealisasikan potensi pitalebar, mengingat Indonesia memiliki jumlah penduduk 253 juta orang dan pengguna internet 88,1 juta orang pada tahun 2014. Di sisi lain sektor komunikasi (salah satunya termasuk telekomunikasi merupakan satu-satunya sektor yang secara konsisten memberikan kontribusi pertumbuhan terhadap Pendapatan Domestik Bruto (PDB sebesar dua angka (double digit. Kemudian peran penting pemerintah adalah selalu mengantisipasi dalam membuat regulasi telekomunikasi, salah satu nya untuk mempercepat penggelaran prasarana pitalebar, seperti menerbitkan Peraturan Presiden RI. Nomor 96 Tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Pitalebar Indonesia 2014 – 2019.  Secara riil pembangunan jaringan pitalebar di Indonesia masih dilakukan di kota-kota besar, mengingat pengguna telekomunikasi sebagian besar berada di kota-kota besar. Selain itu perangkat hanset atau handphone, ketersediaan di pasaran masih terbatas dan harganya masih mahal. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian kuantitatif dengan menghitung peramalan dan kualitatif, dengan melakukan observasi atau pengamatan langsung ke lapangan kepada perusahaan Telkom, Telkomsel, XL Axiata dan Indosat. Selanjutnya hasil penelitian ini diperoleh lima faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan pitalebar yaitu jumlah penduduk, produk domestik bruto, pendapatan per kapita, laju pertumbuhan ekonomi dan inflasi, dan laju penetrasi. Selain itu, hasil pitalebar menunjukkan pengguna pitalebar lima tahun kedepan selalu meningkat.*****Indonesia has a tremendous opportunity to implement the potential of broadband, as Indonesia has a population of 253 million people and 88.1 million Internet users in 2014. On the other hand, the communication sector (one of them including telecommunications is the only sector that is consistently contributed to the growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP as many as two numbers (double-digit. Then the important role of government is

  12. LDC nuclear power: Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poneman, D.B.


    Indonesia's five-year plan to develop a research reactor is still in the feasibility stage of a policy to minimize domestic oil consumption. The evolution of a nuclear program in Indonesia illustrates the importance of strong political leadership in developing countries which lack technical skills and political and economic stability and the need for strong international support. 39 references


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    Sigit Setiawan


    Full Text Available This study is intended to analyze the current levels of financial depth and financial access in Indonesia and to analyze the factors affecting them. The analysis method used was a combination of descriptive quantitative, benchmarking, and literature reviews. The conclusion is that the financial depth in Indonesia has not shown a satisfactory level since it was the lowest, or the second lowest ranked country among the sampled countries. Meanwhile, the financial access in Indonesia is relatively better than its financial depth, especially for financial markets, in which Indonesia ranks in the lower average group. From literature reviews, it can be inferred that the main factor driving the poor financial depth in Indonesia is non-competitiveness of the institutions; whereas the driving force of poor financial access in Indonesia are geographical constraints, poverty, a high income gap, and a less than effective national financial development policy.


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    Anggita Tresliyana


    Full Text Available Cocoa is one of the major Indonesian agricultural export products. Cocoa international market has great potential regarding world’s consumption growth, therefore Indonesia is expected to take advantage on existing opportunities. The aims of this study were to analyze the competitiveness of Indonesian cocoa beans and processed cocoa trade in the international market as well as the level of competition between cocoa exporting countries. By using Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA and Spearman Rank Correlation, it showed that Indonesia had a comparative advantage as an cocoa exporter on the international market, the highest for cocoa beans and the lowest for cocoa paste; Indonesia also had a significant correlation to exporting countries in cocoa beans’ market (Ghana and cocoa paste’s market (Netherlands and Malaysia, the correlation suggests that there were high correlation between Indonesia and the exporting country in competing for market share.Keywords: cocoa, comparative advantage, international trade, competitiveness, market share, RCA ABSTRAKKakao merupakan salah satu komoditas pertanian unggulan ekspor Indonesia.  Pasar kakao memiliki potensi yang besar dilihat dari peningkatan konsumsi dunia, sehingga Indonesia diharapkan dapat memanfaatkan peluang yang ada.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis daya saing perdagangan biji kakao dan kakao olahan Indonesia di pasar internasional serta hubungan daya saing antar negara eksportir kakao. Dengan menggunakan Reavealed Comparative Advantage (RCA, dan Korelasi Rank Spearman, hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki keunggulan komparatif sebagai eksportir biji kakao dan kakao olahan di pasar internasional, tertinggi untuk biji kakao dan terendah untuk kakao pasta;  Indonesia juga memiliki korelasi yang signifikan di beberapa negara untuk pasar biji kakao (Ghana dan kakao pasta (Belanda dan Malaysia, korelasi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan daya saing yang cukup


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    Gunawan Aji


    Full Text Available A lot of studies about professional commitment and organization commitment have been done, but study to test how work of professional commitment and commitment organization effects the objective professional commitment and organization commitment was rare. The objective of this research is to examine the influence of professional commitment and commitment organization to job performance and islamic work ethic as intervening variable. The primary data used was from internal auditor perception of all internal auditor of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia,  one of shariah  banking  in Indonesia. The questionnaires were distributed to 150 internal auditor as respondents and 40 of questionnaires were returned and can be used. The path analysis model used to test the hypothesis of this research. The research finding figures that not of all hypothesis mentioned and built earlier could be accepted. From 7 (seven hypothesis, there were only 4 (four hypothesis admitted or accepted. The result supported H2, H5, H6 and H7, these indicated that professionalism has positively influence islamic work ethic  and islamic work ethic  has positively influence job performance. The commitment organization has not influence islamic work ethic and job performance.

  16. CITRA PERUSAHAAN DALAM BERITA KRISIS PERUSAHAAN: Konstruksi Citra Perusahaan Daerah Taman Satwa (PDTS Kebun Binatang Surabaya dalam Teks Berita Kematian Michael di Harian Jawa Pos dan Sindo

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    Theresia Intan Putri Hartiana


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana Harian Jawa Pos dan Sindo membentuk citra Perusahaan Daerah Taman Satwa (PDTS Kebun Binatang Surabaya (KBS dikonstruksikan dalam berita krisis kematian Michael. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah framing Entman dengan merujuk pada pemberian definisi, penelasan, evaluasi, dan rekomendasi acana untuk melihat penekanan pada kerangka berpikir terhadap peristiwa yang dicanangkan. Citra PDTS KBS dalam Harian Jawa Pos memperlihatkan adanya kondisi Kebun Binatang Surabaya sudah tidak layak bagi satwanya dan kesengajaan keterlibatan orang dalam menjadi penyebab kematian Singa KBS mati tergantung. Citra PDTS KBS oleh Koran Sindo ditampilkan sebagai pihak yang harus bertanggungjawab atas kelalaian dan kecerobohannya dalam memelihara satwa sehingga mengakibatkan terjadi kematian satwa yang tidak wajar. Hal tersebut terlihat dari analisis makrostruktur teks yang memaparkan bahwa kepolisian dilibatkan untuk menyelidiki singa yang mati tergantung akibat kelalaian PDTS KBS dalam pengelolaan satwa. Pemberitaan yang dimunculkan oleh media massa patut menjadi perhatian oleh praktisi Public Relations. Berita yang dikonstruksi negatif secara terus menerus dapat memberikan pengaruh negatif pula di dalam benak pembaca. Beberapa pernyataan negatif yang muncul dalam teks pemberitaan dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar perencanaan bagi humas PDTS KBS dalam penanganan krisis dan perbaikan citra setelah krisis.


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    Adwin Surja Atmadja


    Full Text Available The monetary crisis that happens among the ASEAN countries including Indonesia has cause the broken of the national economical aspects. The monetary crisis causes the imported inflation, which is the result of the sharp depreciation of rupiah exchange rate toward the foreign exchange rate. This condition can cause the heavy inflation pressure for Indonesia. The inflation phenomenon in Indonesia actually is not the short-term phenomena. That is only happens incidentally. In fact, the same general problem also happens in others developing countries. The inflation problem in Indonesia is the kind of long-term inflation that caused by the structural of economic obstacles that still occur in Indonesia. As the result, the reconstruction of inflation problem in Indonesia is not enough to be accomplished only with monetary instruments, which usually tend to be in short-term. Therefore, the reconstruction in the real sector with the main target to eliminate the nation structural economic obstacles also needed in order to improve the national economy of Indonesia. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Krisis moneter yang melanda negara-negara ASEAN, termasuk Indonesia, telah menyebabkan rusaknya sendi-sendi perekonomian nasional. Krisis moneter menyebabkan terjadinya imported inflation sebagai akibat dari terdepresiasinya secara tajam nilai tukar rupiah terhadap mata uang asing, yang selanjutnya mengakibatkan tekanan inflasi yang berat bagi Indonesia. Fenomena inflasi di Indonesia sebenarnya semata-mata bukan merupakan suatu fenomena jangka pendek saja dan yang terjadi secara situasional, tetapi seperti halnya yang umum terjadi pada negara-negara yang sedang berkembang lainnya, masalah inflasi di Indonesia lebih pada masalah inflasi jangka panjang karena masih terdapatnya hambatan-hambatan struktural dalam perekonomian negara. Dengan demikian, maka pembenahan masalah inflasi di Indonesia tidak cukup dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen-instrumen moneter saja

  18. Drought resistant of bacteria producing exopolysaccharide and IAA in rhizosphere of soybean plant (Glycine max) in Wonogiri Regency Central Java Indonesia (United States)

    Susilowati, A.; Puspita, A. A.; Yunus, A.


    Drought is one of the main problem which limitating the agriculture productivity in most arid region such as in district Eromoko, Wuryantro and SelogiriWonogiri Central Java Indonesia. Bacteria are able to survive under stress condition by producte exopolysaccharide. This study aims to determine the presence of exopolysaccharide-producing drought-resistant bacteria on rhizosphere of soybean (Glycine max) and to determine the species of bacteria based on 16S rRNA gene. Isolation of bacteria carried out by the spread plate method. The decreased of osmotic potential for screening drought tolerant bacteria according to the previous equation [12]. Selection of exopolysaccharide-producing bacteria on solid media ATCC 14 followed by staining the capsule. 16S rRNA gene amplification performed by PCR using primers of 63f and 1387r. The identificationof the bacteria is determined by comparing the results of DNA sequence similarity with bacteria databank in NCBI database. The results showed 11 isolates were exopolysaccharide-producing drought tolerant bacteria. The identity of the bacteria which found are Bacillus sp, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus pumilus.

  19. Telaah Kritis Otonomi Daerah di Indonesia

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    Auri Adham Putro


    Full Text Available The regional autonomy policy based on Law No. 22/1999 and Law No. 25/1999 is intended to cope with problems of national disintegration of Indonesia. However, during the implementation of this policy, several constraints appear. The first is economic constraint, and the second is political constraint. Economic constraints relates to the shift of local government paradigm from effectiveness and efficiency oriented policy to economic oriented policy, implying also to natural resources exploitation and to decrease of public services. Political constraint is due to excessive political powers of legislatives that are not supported by adequate human resources quality. This will lead to legislative authoritarianism, Therefore, the success of regional autonomy policy depends on the democratic central government that support law enforcement.


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    Valerie Selvie Sinaga


    Full Text Available This paper reviews the major changes of intellectual property condition in Indonesia after 2001. In that year, Indonesia, which has become a member of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS since 1994, was ready to meet its commitment under TRIPS. To do so, Indonesiahas made changes in the areas of legislation, administration, court proceedings, and law enforcement. The paper also discusses problematic issues surrounded the implementation of such changes in Indonesia. Tulisan ini melihat kembali perubahan-perubahan besar dalam bidang hak kekayaan intelektual di Indonesia setelah tahun 2001. Pada tahun tersebut, Indonesia, yang telah menjadi anggota Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS sejak 1994, siap untuk memenuhi komitmennya dalam TRIPS. Untuk memenuhi komitmen tersebut, Indonesia telah membuat perubahan-perubahan dalam bidang legislatif, administratif, tata cara pengadilan dan penegakan hukum. Tulisan ini juga membahas permasalahan di seputar pelaksanaan perubahan-perubahan tersebut.

  1. Indonesia-DLN Is A Digital Library Network In Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fahmi, Ismail


    Within this paper, philosophy of the knowledge sharing, vision of the network, and how it can give benefits to Indonesia are described. The status of the network is described that show the successfulness of the architecture in tying together partner's knowledge from all big islands of Indonesia (Sumatera, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Irian Jaya) whether they have dedicated internet connection or only a dial-up one. Currently 13 institutions have joined the network and 15+ in progress of developing their servers. Features of the software, Ganesha Digital Library (GDL version 3.1) are presented, that is now distributed as a Free-Software that is based on My SQL, PHP, and Apache

  2. Estimating the Break-Even Price for Forest Protection in Central Kalimantan


    Yamamoto, Yuki; Takeuchi, Kenji


    This paper estimates the break-even price in Central Kalimantan province, Indonesia and evaluates the effectiveness of a REDD+ mechanism in this area. On the basis of data collected through a field survey, we found that the break-even price is $17.14 per ton of carbon or $4.68 per ton of carbon dioxide. The figure can be even lower when we take the peat thickness of the area into account. Our analysis shows that the current level of carbon price can provide adequate compensation for Indonesia...

  3. Determinants of neonatal mortality in Indonesia

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    Agho Kingsley


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Neonatal mortality accounts for almost 40 per cent of under-five child mortality, globally. An understanding of the factors related to neonatal mortality is important to guide the development of focused and evidence-based health interventions to prevent neonatal deaths. This study aimed to identify the determinants of neonatal mortality in Indonesia, for a nationally representative sample of births from 1997 to 2002. Methods The data source for the analysis was the 2002–2003 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey from which survival information of 15,952 singleton live-born infants born between 1997 and 2002 was examined. Multilevel logistic regression using a hierarchical approach was performed to analyze the factors associated with neonatal deaths, using community, socio-economic status and proximate determinants. Results At the community level, the odds of neonatal death was significantly higher for infants from East Java (OR = 5.01, p = 0.00, and for North, Central and Southeast Sulawesi and Gorontalo combined (OR = 3.17, p = 0.03 compared to the lowest neonatal mortality regions of Bali, South Sulawesi and Jambi provinces. A progressive reduction in the odds was found as the percentage of deliveries assisted by trained delivery attendants in the cluster increased. The odds of neonatal death were higher for infants born to both mother and father who were employed (OR = 1.84, p = 0.00 and for infants born to father who were unemployed (OR = 2.99, p = 0.02. The odds were also higher for higher rank infants with a short birth interval (OR = 2.82, p = 0.00, male infants (OR = 1.49, p = 0.01, smaller than average-sized infants (OR = 2.80, p = 0.00, and infant's whose mother had a history of delivery complications (OR = 1.81, p = 0.00. Infants receiving any postnatal care were significantly protected from neonatal death (OR = 0.63, p = 0.03. Conclusion Public health interventions directed at reducing neonatal death should

  4. Profil Protein Trypanosoma evansi dari Daerah Geografis Berbeda di Indonesia Tahun 2012-2014 dengan Sodium Dodecil Sulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (TRYPANOSOMA EVANSI PROTEIN PROFILE OF DIFFERENT GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS ORIGIN IN INDONESIA

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    Fitrine Ekawasti


    Full Text Available Surra outbreak in 2012 has led to more than 1,700 animals have died in the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT Indonesia. Surra case sporadically continues throughout the year in various areas, especially Kalimantan, Banten as well as other areas. Some reports reveal differences in protein profiles among multiple isolates of T. evansi. Therefore the purpose of this research were to find out the protein profile of each isolate T. evansi in Indonesia and the possible biological differences among them. Eleven isolates originating from the province of East Nusa Tenggara, South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan, Banten, Lampung and Bengkulu has been isolated and purified Using DEAE. Trypanosoma isolate were frezeethawing repeatedly to obtain soluble protein. Furthermore, soluble protein is treated with heating or without heating and then each was run on SDS PAGE with Coomassie Blue staining. The protein profiles of all isolates were compared each other. The results showed that eleven isolates of T. evansi in Indonesia has a very diverse protein profile. Then for the purposes of development of diagnostic kit can be used whole lysate cell (WCL as stock antigen in serological test process.


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    yusnani hasjimzoem


    Full Text Available Republic of Indonesia is a rule of law under Article 1 (3 of the 1945 Constitution and should uphold respect for the rights of individuals and communities in implementing the country. The rights strengthened by the basic norms that become the main spirit of the people of Indonesia, Pancasila. Basic norms that the political objectives in developing the Indonesian nation and enact any bill. Thus the state agency that was created by a special law should work in line with the basic norms of the nation and work together to create prosperity. In 2003 the Ombudsman created by a special law has the duty and function to oversee public services effectively, efficiently, and in spite of the practice of (corruption, collusion, and nepotism. Ombudsman based its duties and functions that have the same vision as mandated in the fourth paragraph of the preamble of the Constitution of 1945. The Ombudsman is thus expected to make a good bureaucratic reform so that it can be a model and public services watchdog whose presence is really felt by the people of Indonesia. Keywords: Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia



    Dewi Astuti


    Food franchising business in Indonesia is growing up very fast. Factors that urge the growth are the specific characteristics of franchise inself, the rise of market demand, the availability of skilled labor, the high of return on investment and the internal factors such as the motivation, personality and the changing life style. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Bisnis franchise makanan di Indonesia berkembang dengan cepat. Beberapa faktor yang mendorong pertumbuhannya adalah ciri-ciri dari fra...

  7. Improving knowledge of antenatal care (ANC) among pregnant women: a field trial in central Java, Indonesia. (United States)

    Nuraini, E; Parker, E


    The need for reducing maternal mortality has become a paramount concern in developing countries including Indonesia. One of the strategies for reducing maternal mortality in Indonesia is the provision of antenatal care (ANC). Previous studies have reported the advantages and disadvantages of ANC. The purpose of this study is to ascertain if a new approach to ANC can improve pregnant women's knowledge of its benefits. An experimental design with 60 pregnant women from 10 cluster villages is used in this study. The intervention group received the new approach to ANC, while the control group received routine ANC. The findings show that the improvement of knowledge in the intervention group is significant particularly in the knowledge about healthy pregnancy (p=0.012), pregnancy complications (p=0.01), safe birth (p=0.01) and taking care of the newborn (p=0.012). The improvement of knowledge was significantly influenced by the respondents' educational back ground (p=0.002) and socio-economic status (p=0.027). This study recommends that the new approach to ANC be considered to educate pregnant women regarding safe birth and it is considered as one of the strategies that may be adopted to reduce maternal mortality.


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    Full Text Available Indonesia should be able to distribute evenly the visits of foreign tourists so that the visit is not merely focused on certain places. It is expected that all the tourism objects in Indonesia can attract and be visited by foreign tourists with the same quantity or number in every tourist destination. In the first year, this study aimed to identify the motivation of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia and identify the problems of distribution of foreign tourists in Indonesia. The study sites were in DKI Jakarta, Batam, and Bali. In the second year later, a distribution channel strategy will be developed in order to create competiveness of tourism. This study was conducted using qualitative research methods with descriptive analysis. The data were collected using in-depth interviews with tourism stakeholders (the Government, International Travelers, and Tourism Bureau/Travel Agencies. The research results show that the motivation of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia was related to business and purely on vacation. Additionally, the problems of foreign tourist distribution in Indonesia emerged because of some aspects, including limited entrance of foreign tourists to Indonesia, lack of connectivity between airports in Indonesia and international flights, lack of inter-regional cooperation between tourism actors, lack of infrastructure, and the ignorance of foreign tourists to all tourist destinations in Indonesia due to less effective and efficient promotion activities.

  9. Business and politics in provincial Indonesia: The batik and construction sector in Pekalongan, Central Java


    Savirani, A.


    After the fall of Soeharto in 1998, and an increased connection to the global world, politics at the local level in Indonesia have changed significantly. This has contributed to a change in how business is conducted in provincial towns. This thesis explores the changing relationship between the state and business after decentralization policy in 2001 followed by various technocratic approach in public sector. The study focuses on two business sectors: the batik and construction in Pekalongan,...

  10. Analysis of viral protein-2 encoding gene of avian encephalomyelitis virus from field specimens in Central Java region, Indonesia

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    Aris Haryanto


    Full Text Available Aim: Avian encephalomyelitis (AE is a viral disease which can infect various types of poultry, especially chicken. In Indonesia, the incidence of AE infection in chicken has been reported since 2009, the AE incidence tends to increase from year to year. The objective of this study was to analyze viral protein 2 (VP-2 encoding gene of AE virus (AEV from various species of birds in field specimen by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR amplification using specific nucleotides primer for confirmation of AE diagnosis. Materials and Methods: A total of 13 AEV samples are isolated from various species of poultry which are serologically diagnosed infected by AEV from some areas in central Java, Indonesia. Research stage consists of virus samples collection from field specimens, extraction of AEV RNA, amplification of VP-2 protein encoding gene by RT-PCR, separation of RT-PCR product by agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA sequencing and data analysis. Results: Amplification products of the VP-2 encoding gene of AEV by RT-PCR methods of various types of poultry from field specimens showed a positive results on sample code 499/4/12 which generated DNA fragment in the size of 619 bp. Sensitivity test of RT-PCR amplification showed that the minimum concentration of RNA template is 127.75 ng/μl. The multiple alignments of DNA sequencing product indicated that positive sample with code 499/4/12 has 92% nucleotide homology compared with AEV with accession number AV1775/07 and 85% nucleotide homology with accession number ZCHP2/0912695 from Genbank database. Analysis of VP-2 gene sequence showed that it found 46 nucleotides difference between isolate 499/4/12 compared with accession number AV1775/07 and 93 nucleotides different with accession number ZCHP2/0912695. Conclusions: Analyses of the VP-2 encoding gene of AEV with RT-PCR method from 13 samples from field specimen generated the DNA fragment in the size of 619 bp from one sample with

  11. 7. Efektivitas Ecpat Indonesia Dalam Menangani Kejahatan Child Sex Tourism Di Indonesia: Studi Kasus Child Sex Tourism Di Bali Tahun 2012 -2014


    Rizky Irawan, Noor Fathia; Susiatiningsih, Hermini; Paramasatya, Satwika


    The crime of child sex tourism in Bali making Indonesia was rated as the country's firstworld sex tourism, it is triggered by a lack of knowledge and lack of strong laws inIndonesia for the offender. Child sex tourism is a threat to children, since the perpetratorsare mostly foreign pedophiles who come on holiday to Indonesia. To overcome thisproblem ECPAT Indonesia undertaking various efforts to assist Indonesia in dealing withchild sex tourism crimes in particular areas of Bali. ECPAT Inter...


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    Beti Yanuri Posha


    Full Text Available Islam is a religion that put the principles of truth and justice for all its adherents. Factors that encourage Muslims to achieve independence are factors Ideology, political, economic, social and cultural. In Indonesia, Islam has an important role in education. Islamic education in Indonesia is given in three sectors, namely formal, informal and non-formal. After Indonesian independence, the issue of religious education received serious attention from the government, both in public and private schools, and has established educational institutions, especially schools and a mosque which has become a bastion of Islam that is so strong effect. Therefore, it is important to reassess how the development of Islam in Indonesia as well as the development of Islamic education institutions in Indonesia after independence.

  13. Analisis Keunggulan Bersaing Nissan di Indonesia

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    lim Sanny


    Full Text Available Automotive sales in Indonesia picked up sharply in 2010, and increase of prices does not lower the demand for automotive products. The large population of Indonesia and the low level of car ownership in the country suggest there is a lot of potential for expansion in the automotive industry. The aim of this research is to observe Nissan’s strategy in Indonesia to gain a spot in the top 10 of the best automotive seller in Indonesia. This research uses primary data with forecasting with monthly index to forecast the demand and to detect the selling target plans in 2010. Then, with combined porter five forces to determine the competitive strategy in the last 5 years. 

  14. Perkembangan Indikator Ekonomi dan Kemakmuran Indonesia Dibandingkan dengan 6 Negara Tetangga Periode 2005-2012

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    Theresia Lesmana


    Full Text Available In this study, the writer attempts basically to look at the economic indicator from three things, there are output growth rate, unemployment rate and inflation rate. For state prosperity indicator, the writer uses Gross Domestic Product (GDP per capita. Object of this study uses the data from seven countries. They are Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapura, Filipina, India and Cina. Economic and state prosperity indicator is viewed from the growth of eight years period from 2005 until 2012. The writer uses secondary data that is available on websites, such as website of International Monetary Fund, Central Statistic Body and etc. The analysis shows that Indonesia is at fourth position for output growth rate, sixth position for unemployment rate, the second position for inflation rate and the highest position for GDP per capita.

  15. Hibriditas Medium pada Film Opera Jawa Karya Garin Nugroho sebagai Sebuah Dekonstruksi

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    Riksa Belasunda


    Full Text Available Di tengah penyeragaman ide, gagasan, pesan, dan estetika pada film-film nasional, menarik menjadikan film Opera Jawa karya Garin Nugroho sebagai obyek penelitian sekaligus menjadi alasan kenapa penelitian ini dilakukan. Penelitian ini sebagai upaya peningkatan peran aktif produktif penonton dalam memahami dan memaknai teks film. Dengan fokus bagaimana pesan dan makna tersebut dibaca melalui elemen-elemen visual teks film yang dikonstruksi oleh keragaman penggunaan medium. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan estetika posmodern melalui metode semiotika dengan teknik deskriptif interpretatif. Membongkar struktur kode bahasa film, melalui analisis struktur dramatik naratif dan unsur pembentuk film, yang berkaitan dengan aspek non-verbal berupa tanda-tanda elemen visual dan gerak pada shot film. Elemen-elemen tersebut dikonstruksi oleh pilihan medium ungkap yang menjadi gaya ungkap (ekspresi sineas dalam menyampaikan pesannya. Ekspresi sineas dalam menyampaikan ide gagasan, dan konsep tersebut, berupa idiom estetik parodi, dengan pelencengan makna, eksplorasi medium (hibriditas medium, dan gaya ungkap, sebagai kritik atau sindiran atas bentuk yang dijadikan rujukan. Lewat film ini, Garin Nugroho melakukan dekonstruksi terhadap tokoh-tokoh, ruang, pesan dan makna, serta narasi dari epik Ramayana karya Walmiki yang menjadi rujukannya. Merefleksikan persoalan gender, feminisme, dominasi maskulinitas, dominasi kekuasaan, pertentangan kelas, dan kapitalisme. Kata kunci: hibriditas medium; semiotika film postmodern; dekonstruksi.In the midst of the ideas, concepts, messages, and aesthetics uniformity at national films, it is interesting to make Opera Jawa movie by Garin Nugroho the object of study. That is the reason why the study was conducted. The research was an effort to improve the audience's productive and active role in understanding and interpreting the subtitles by focusing on how to read the message and meaning through subtitles constructed by

  16. Capacity building for health inequality monitoring in Indonesia: enhancing the equity orientation of country health information system. (United States)

    Hosseinpoor, Ahmad Reza; Nambiar, Devaki; Tawilah, Jihane; Schlotheuber, Anne; Briot, Benedicte; Bateman, Massee; Davey, Tamzyn; Kusumawardani, Nunik; Myint, Theingi; Nuryetty, Mariet Tetty; Prasetyo, Sabarinah; Suparmi; Floranita, Rustini

    Inequalities in health represent a major problem in many countries, including Indonesia. Addressing health inequality is a central component of the Sustainable Development Goals and a priority of the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO provides technical support for health inequality monitoring among its member states. Following a capacity-building workshop in the WHO South-East Asia Region in 2014, Indonesia expressed interest in incorporating health-inequality monitoring into its national health information system. This article details the capacity-building process for national health inequality monitoring in Indonesia, discusses successes and challenges, and how this process may be adapted and implemented in other countries/settings. We outline key capacity-building activities undertaken between April 2016 and December 2017 in Indonesia and present the four key outcomes of this process. The capacity-building process entailed a series of workshops, meetings, activities, and processes undertaken between April 2016 and December 2017. At each stage, a range of stakeholders with access to the relevant data and capacity for data analysis, interpretation and reporting was engaged with, under the stewardship of state agencies. Key steps to strengthening health inequality monitoring included capacity building in (1) identification of the health topics/areas of interest, (2) mapping data sources and identifying gaps, (3) conducting equity analyses using raw datasets, and (4) interpreting and reporting inequality results. As a result, Indonesia developed its first national report on the state of health inequality. A number of peer-reviewed manuscripts on various aspects of health inequality in Indonesia have also been developed. The capacity-building process undertaken in Indonesia is designed to be adaptable to other contexts. Capacity building for health inequality monitoring among countries is a critical step for strengthening equity-oriented national health

  17. Doa daLam Tradisi Islam Jawa

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    Abdul Wahab Rosyidi


    Full Text Available Doa etymologically means request something to God in certain ways. while some ulama define doa is a self statement presence to Allah the Almighty about our weakness, shortages, inabilities, and disgraces, then we ask Allah the Almighty in order the weaknesses, shortages, inabilities, and humiliations are removed and replaced with the strengths, capabilities and a high degree both in human sight and in Allah sight. In the theory needs said, that basically human beings need to feel safe (safety need, and the safety need leads to the two forms, namely: safety needs of life and safety needs of the property. Safety needs emerged as the most important requirement if psychology needs have been fullfilled. this behavior as reflected in the lives of Javanese who always do doa  in the form of slametan ceremony. Slametan aims to achieve slamet (safety, namely a condition in which the events will move smoothly to follow a predetermined path and will not happen misfortunes to just anyone.   Doa Secara etimologi artinya memohon sesuatu kepada Allah SWT dengan cara- cara tertentu. Sedangkan beberapa ulama mendefinisikan doa berarti pernyataan diri ke hadirat Allah SWT tentang kelemahan, kekurangan, ketidakmampuan serta kehinaan kita, kemudian kita memohon sesuatu kepada Allah SWT agar kelemahan, kekurangan, ketidakmampuan serta kehinaan ini diangkat dan digantikan dengan kelebihan, kemampuan serta derajat yang tinggi baik di sisi manusia maupun di sisi-Nya. Dalam teori kebutuhan dikatakan; bahwa pada dasarnya manusia membutuhkan rasa aman (safety need, dan rasa aman itu mengarah pada dua bentuk yakni kebutuhan keamanan jiwa dan keamanan harta. Kebutuhan rasa aman muncul sebagai kebutuhan yang paling penting kalau kebutuhan psikologis telah terpenuhi. Hal tersebut sebagaimana tercermin dalam perilaku hidup orang Jawa yang selalu melakukan Doa dalam bentuk upacara slametan. Slametan bertujuan untuk mencapai keadaan slamet, yaitu suatu keadaan dimana peristiwa

  18. Vulnerability assessment: A comparison of three different city sizes in the coastal area of Central Java, Indonesia

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    Wiwandari Handayani


    Full Text Available Considering the importance of connecting urbanization phenomena and vulnerability assessments, this paper aims to explore vulnerability assessment in three different city sizes in the northern coast of Central Java province of Indonesia. It compares the vulnerability levels of the three cities based on their sizes (that is, levels of urbanization. It uses the most current secondary data from the lowest administrative levels, called as kelurahan (urban village, for its assessment. There are two indexes used to indicate their vulnerability levels, namely exposure and sensitivity index (ESI and adaptive capacity index (ACI. By combining the ESI and ACI, the study found that the kelurahans in Tegal (the medium sized city have similar vulnerability levels. The kelurahans in Semarang (as the big city have more combination of vulnerability levels—indicating that the city has various sensitivity, exposure, as well as adaptive capacity among its kelurahans. In Lasem (the small sized city, due to limitations imposed by adaptation—mostly because of lack of public services and high dependency on primary economic sectors—all of its kelurahans were found to be vulnerable. The study therefore concluded that the bigger a city is, the more the different areas of that city will have varying levels of vulnerability, leading to a high propensity of vulnerability among its inhabitants. On the other hand, the smaller a city is, the less capacity it will have in reducing its emerging vulnerability challenges.

  19. Children’s use of Bahasa Indonesia in Jakarta kindergartens

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Everaert, M.B.H.; Van de Velde, H.; Kushartanti, B.


    At a very young age children living in Jakarta use both Colloquial Jakarta Indonesia and Bahasa Indonesia. The children’s first and most used language is Colloquial Jakarta Indonesia. In the formal school setting Bahasa Indonesia is frequently used and stimulated on a daily basis, and the learning

  20. DINAMISASI TRADISI ISLAM DI ERA GLOBALISASI: Studi atas Tradisi Keagamaan Kampung Jawa Tondano

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    Yusno Abdullah Otta


    Full Text Available There are signifiant relationship between modernization andm religion in the modernization and globalization era. In the context of Indonesia, religion, the teachings and traditions, preserved as a fundamental basis of morality to inflence the flw of modernization. Indonesian society, in general, divided into two groups of “modernist” and “traditional”. This grouping occurs because, from a historical perspective, the existence of Islam in Indonesia is experiencing a collision with various forms of local syncretic and, also, with Western civilization, especially, in the period of colonialism, the Christian religion, as happened in the village of Tondano Java, in particular, and other areas in Indonesia, in general. The result of research shows that all the tradition in this Tondano Javanese village today is still carried out consistently by the citizens. Flow of modernization and globalization were not many signifiant impacts for the implementation of these various religious traditions.


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    Hery Firmansyah


    Full Text Available Terrorism has become the most serious issue in Indonesia after terrorist attacks in Bali, November 2002. With the current condition where Indonesia still faces a key risk of new militant attacks with new cells and more bomb experts, this paper aims to analyse the way Indonesian government fight against terrorism. Terorisme adalah permasalahan yang sangat serius di Indonesia, pasca serangan bom di Bali pada November 2002. Dengan keadaan sekarang di mana Indonesia masih menghadapi permasalahan serius serangan militan dengan jaringan baru dan lebih banyak ahli bom, tulisan ini bertujuan menganalisis cara yang ditempuh pemerintah untuk melakukan penanggulangan tindak pidana terorisme.

  2. Penanggulangan Bencana Sebagai Soft Power Dalam Diplomasi Indonesia


    Herningtyas, Ratih


    This paper aims to describe how the issue of disasters in Indonesia can be modified into a positive social capital to solve social, economic, political and social culture's problems in disaster prone areas. This paper found that Indonesia's disaster managements get worldwide recognition and increases Indonesia's competitiveness toward other countries. These recognitions become the sources of Indonesia's soft power, and can be used as a strategic instrument to build regional cooperation and In...

  3. Strengthening Indonesia's health workforce through partnerships. (United States)

    Kurniati, A; Rosskam, E; Afzal, M M; Suryowinoto, T B; Mukti, A G


    Indonesia faces critical challenges pertaining to human resources for health (HRH). These relate to HRH policy, planning, mismatch between production and demand, quality, renumeration, and mal-distribution. This paper provides a state of the art review of the existing conditions in Indonesia, innovations to tackle the problems, results of the innovations to date, and a picture of the on-going challenges that have yet to be met. Reversing this crisis level shortage of HRH requires an inclusive approach to address the underlying challenges. In 2010 the government initiated multi-stakeholder coordination for HRH, using the Country Coordination and Facilitation approach. The process requires committed engagement and coordination of relevant stakeholders to address priority health needs. This manuscript is a formative evaluation of the program using documentary study and analysis. Consistent with Indonesia's decentralized health system, since 2011 local governments also started establishing provincial multi-stakeholder committees and working groups for HRH development. Through this multi-stakeholder approach with high level government support and leadership, Indonesia was able to carry out HRH planning by engaging 164 stakeholders. Multi-stakeholder coordination has produced positive results in Indonesia by bringing about a number of innovations in HRH development to achieve UHC, fostered partnerships, attracted international attention, and galvanized multi-stakeholder support in improving the HRH situation. This approach also has facilitated mobilizing technical and financial support from domestic and international partners for HRH development. Applying the multi-stakeholder engagement and coordination process in Indonesia has proved instrumental in advancing the country's work to achieve Universal Health Coverage and the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. Indonesia continues to face an HRH crisis but the collaborative process provides an opportunity to achieve

  4. "It is not possible for me to have diabetes"-community perceptions on diabetes and its risk factors in Rural Purworejo District, Central Java, Indonesia. (United States)

    Pujilestari, Cahya Utamie; Ng, Nawi; Hakimi, Mohammad; Eriksson, Malin


    Accumulating evidence suggests that negative perceptions towards diabetes can limit the management and prevention of the disease. The negative perceptions towards diabetes are prevalent in many different settings, especially among rural communities. Few qualitative studies have been performed to understand how the community views diabetes and its associated risk factors. This study aimed to explore general community perceptions of diabetes and its risk factors in rural Indonesia. A total of 68 participants were recruited to 12 focus group discussions (FGDs) comprised of different age groups and sexes. The FGDs were conducted in six villages in rural Purworejo District, Central Java, Indonesia, from 2011 to 2012. All FGDs were recorded and transcribed. Qualitative content analysis was performed to describe and analyse how the rural community perceived diabetes and its risk factors. Diabetes was perceived as a visible and scary sugar disease, and the affected individuals themselves were blamed for getting the disease. Recognised as 'sugar' or 'sweet-pee' disease with terrifying effects, diabetes was believed to be a disease with no cure. The participants seemed to have an unrealistic optimism with regards to the diabetes risk factors. They believed that diabetes would not affect them, only others, and that having family members with diabetes was necessary for one to develop diabetes. Our findings demonstrate that rural communities have negative perceptions about diabetes and at the same time individuals have unrealistic optimism about their own risk factors. Understanding how such communities perceive diabetes and its risk factors is important for planning prevention strategies. Health messages need to be tailored to health-related behaviours and the local culture's concepts of diseases and risk factors.


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    Imam Soebechi


    Full Text Available Artikel yang berjudul “Mewujudkan Negara Hukum” ini merupakan studi tentang konsepsi negara hukum Indonesia yang membedakannya dengan konsepsi negara hukum lain. meski mendapat pengaruh dari berbagai pemikiran, tetapi konsepsi negara hukum Indonesia berbeda dengan konsepsi rule of law dan rechtsstaat. Hal tersebut dapat ditelisik dari dasar falsafah, sifat kedaulatan, kekuasaan organ negara, dan hak asasi manusia. Terdapat enam unsur utama negara hukum indonesia, yaitu : 1 Pancasila; 2 supremasi hukum; 3 demokratis; 4 pembatasan dan pemencaran kekuasaan negara; 5 kekuasaan kehakiman yang bebas dan mandiri; 6 perlindungan hak asasi manusia. Dengan penguatan Indonesia sebagai negara hukum yang demokratis berdasarkan Pancasila maka seharusnya segala bentuk tindakan bernegara dan bermasyarakat harus disandarkan pada hukum.   This Article entitled " the State law of Indonesian" is the result of a study on the conception of the characteristic of law states of Indonesian that distinguish the conception of the state laws in other countries. Based on the research results, can be explained even get the effect of various thoughts, but the conception of law state of Indonesian different with conception the rule of law and rechtstaat. This can be searched from basic of philosophy, the nature of sovereignty, the powers of state organs, and human rights. There are six main elements of Indonesian law states, namely: 1 Pancasila; 2 supremacy of law;; 3 democratic 4 restrictions and dispersal of state power; 4 independent judiciary; 6 protection of human rights. the statement of Indonesia as a democratic rule of law based on Pancasila then should all forms of civic and social action must be based on the law.

  6. Socioeconomic inequality in abdominal obesity among older people in Purworejo District, Central Java, Indonesia - a decomposition analysis approach. (United States)

    Pujilestari, Cahya Utamie; Nyström, Lennarth; Norberg, Margareta; Weinehall, Lars; Hakimi, Mohammad; Ng, Nawi


    Obesity has become a global health challenge as its prevalence has increased globally in recent decades. Studies in high-income countries have shown that obesity is more prevalent among the poor. In contrast, obesity is more prevalent among the rich in low- and middle-income countries, hence requiring different focal points to design public health policies in the latter contexts. We examined socioeconomic inequalities in abdominal obesity in Purworejo District, Central Java, Indonesia and identified factors contributing to the inequalities. We utilised data from the WHO-INDEPTH Study on global AGEing and adult health (WHO-INDEPTH SAGE) conducted in the Purworejo Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) in Purworejo District, Indonesia in 2010. The study included 14,235 individuals aged 50 years and older. Inequalities in abdominal obesity across wealth groups were assessed separately for men and women using concentration indexes. Decomposition analysis was conducted to assess the determinants of socioeconomic inequalities in abdominal obesity. Abdominal obesity was five-fold more prevalent among women than in men (30% vs. 6.1%; p < 0.001). The concentration index (CI) analysis showed that socioeconomic inequalities in abdominal obesity were less prominent among women (CI = 0.26, SE = 0.02, p < 0.001) compared to men (CI = 0.49, SE = 0.04, p < 0.001). Decomposition analysis showed that physical labour was the major determinant of socioeconomic inequalities in abdominal obesity among men, explaining 47% of the inequalities, followed by poor socioeconomic status (31%), ≤ 6 years of education (15%) and current smoking (11%). The three major determinants of socioeconomic inequalities in abdominal obesity among women were poor socio-economic status (48%), physical labour (17%) and no formal education (16%). Abdominal obesity was more prevalent among older women in a rural Indonesian setting. Socioeconomic inequality in

  7. Revitalisasi bahasa Indonesia dalam konteks kebahasaan

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    Ni Wayan Sartini


    Full Text Available Bahasa Indonesia today faces many misuse in its daily usage. The language disorder appears on many aspects on language usage, such as excessive and misguided use of foreign languages, violation of the rules of Bahasa Indonesia in media and in public places, the inclusion of regional language structure, use of acronyms arbitrarily, the emergence of slank language and so on. Regarding the language disorder, there is a strong need of revitalization of Bahasa Indonesia in linguistic context. Revitalization means re-positioning Indonesian on its right place and return its existing language rules. Revitalization of Indonesian is expected to overcome language misuse, expected to reduce the chaos or even eliminate them. Using Bahasa Indonesia correctly and appropriately means modelling the right stance to the only official language in this country.

  8. Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gammeltoft, Peter; Tarmidi, Lepi T.


    In Indonesia, no systematic study of Chinese FDI has been undertaken to date. This paper contributes to filling this research gap and analyses the current composition as well as the historical evolution of Chinese FDI in Indonesia, relying on a survey conducted in 2008 among Chinese invested...... enterprises supplemented with key informant interviews, available official statistics and secondary data. Considering the evolution of Chinese investments in Indonesia over time, investments have evolved from being individual and isolated projects to acquiring more systemic properties. Chinese companies have...... acquired a broader sectoral presence in Indonesia and Chinese invested companies in, e.g., extractive or manufacturing activities can increasingly rely on complementary Chinese investments in logistics, travel, finance, etc. Where the local development effects are concerned, a picture emerges where Chinese...


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    Nun Harrieti, S.H., M.H


    Full Text Available Since December 31, 2013 the functions, duties and authority to regulate and supervise the banking system has been switched effectively from Bank Indonesia (hereinafter referred to as BI to the Authority Financial Services (hereinafter referred to as the OJK, so this time the authority of BI include monetary policy and in payment traffic. In 2014 the central bank has set a regulation on Consumer Protection Service Payment System and previous PBI on Banking Mediation and OJK set POJK on Consumer Protection Financial Services which took effect in July 2014 and POJK on Institute Alternative Dispute Resolution. Among them are rules include the mechanisms of dispute resolution through the facilitation of BI and the OJK, given the customer as a consumer banking within the scope of those rules. The problem in this research is how authority BI and OJK in the dispute resolution of customers in Indonesia as well as how the synchronization BI and OJK authority in the customer dispute resolution. This study uses normative juridical approach with specifications descriptive analytical research. BI and OJK authority in of customers dispute resolution in Indonesia is based on the provision in Article 7 of Law OJK that disputes include microprudential sphere under the authority of OJK and that includes the realm of authority BI macroprudential be included in a of customers dispute resolution in the payment system. Synchronization authority of BI and OJK in of customers dispute resolution in Indonesia is done by way of coordination as provided for in Article 39 of the Law of OJK, in order to avoid overlapping of customers dispute resolution arrangements.


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    Asep Alvan


    Full Text Available PT. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia Central Java (CCAI-CJ pada tahun 2013 telah menerapkan program ABg (Aktif Berbagi Sistem, pada tahun tersebut terdapat peningkatan kasus kecelakaan kerja di area kerja dari tahun sebelumnya sebanyak 2 kasus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran evaluasi dan rekomendasi dari kendala-kendala dalam penerapan ABg Sistem sebagai upaya mengurangi angka kecelakaan kerja di PT. CCAI-CJ. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnografi. Teknik pengambilan sumber informasi yang digunakan adalah teknik snowball sampling, jumlah informan awal yaitu dua orang. Hasil penelitian didapatkan masih terdapat kendala dalam penerapan ABg Sistem yaitu: pelaksanaan pengawasan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3 yang belum berjalan konsisten. Konsistensi penerapan peraturan dan prosedur K3 yang belum optimal serta adanya sanksi yang tidak sesuai dengan prosedur penerapan ABg Sistem. Kurangnya komunikasi antara manajemen dengan pekerja dan kurangnya pemahaman pekerja tentang informasi K3. Kurangnya keterlibatan pekerja dalam pelaporan kejadian kecelakaan/kondisi berbahaya. Saran yang dapat diberikan yaitu: konsistensi pelaksanaan pengawasan K3 sesuai prosedur, sanksi yang diberikan lebih baik berupa arahan bagi pekerja untuk dapat bekerja lebih aman, melakukan komunikasi kepada pekerja sesuai dengan prosedur komunikasi internal, diadakan peningkatan kompetensi melalui pelatihan awareness K3, serta dilakukan pelatihan mengenai prosedur pelaporan kecelakaan/kondisi berbahaya kepada pekerja. PT. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia Central Java (CCAI-CJ in 2013 has implemented ABg (Aktif Berbagi system program, there are two accident cases increase in 2013 at the working areas. The purpose of this study is to describe the evaluation and recommendation of the constraints in the implementation of ABg System as an effort to reduce the number of accidents in the workplace. This research design is a

  11. Health Information in Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) (United States)

    ... You Are Here: Home → Multiple Languages → Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) URL of this page: Health Information in Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) To use the sharing features on this page, ...


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    Asep Saefuddin


    Full Text Available Since a long time ago, poverty has been a problem that can not be solved. Indonesia’s Central Beureu of Statistics (CBS survey on March 2011 show that there are 30.02 million people or 12.49% of total Indonesian are considered poor. From the point of view of many field of sciences the substance and the method to overcome this problem has become a very interesting topic of research. Based on statistical methods, poverty has become very interesting because there is an issue that there is an autocorrelation between data, spatial autocorrelation, error variance heterogenity, spatial interaction, and other statistical issues. The main objective of this research is to find factors that influence poverty rate in a region by developing spatial bayesian statistics. The methods developed in this research include Simultan Autoregressive (SAR, Conditional Autoregressive (CAR, Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR, Small Area Estimation (SAE and hotspot detection. Based on the SAR Bayes model it is shown that the percented of people not graduating elementary school has a significant effect on poverty rate. While the increase of spatial autocorrelation will influence the poverty rate by 0.10 in East Java. Beside that by using hierarchical bayes logit normal model with nearest neighboor spatial weighted found that 40.93% of families of Jember is considered poor.

  13. Morphological diversity in fourteen cultivars Tiron village, Kediri, Indonesia

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    Nur Azis Fuad


    Full Text Available Tiron village, Kediri is one of central mangoes in Indonesia. Many cultivar of mangoes encountered at this location. This study aims to look at the diversity of mango cultivars in the Tiron Village, Kediri, Indonesia. Mangoes diversity is based on qualitative and quantitative character of each cultivar. The diversity among cultivar indicated by the standard deviation and variance in the eleven quantitative characters of mango. Mango cultivars categorized by phylogeny morphological characters. The method used for phylogeny analysis is an UPGMA method (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean. Phylogenic analysis is based by the qualitative character of the plant. The results showed there were fourteen cultivars of mango in the village of Tiron Kediri have high diversity. Fourteen mango cultivars were categorized four groups. Based on a qualitative character, there are four classes of mango. The first group is the Katul, Podang Urang, and Podang Lumut. The second group is the Gadung, Jaran, Madu, Endog, Pakel, Dodonilo, Ireng, Lanang and Cantek. Santok Kapur into groups to form groups of three and Kopyor fourth. The high diversity in the village mango Tiron Kediri potential for resource in situ germplasm.

  14. Highlight: Forging the new Indonesia-Canada partnership | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    15 avr. 2016 ... Canada's Centre for International Governance Innovation and Indonesia's Centre for Strategic and International Studies organized the Indonesia-Canada Bilateral Forum, Innovation and Change: Forging the New Indonesia-Canada Partnership. IDRC co-sponsored the meeting, held May 26-27, 2015.

  15. Islamic fundamentalism in Indonesia


    Nagy, Sandra L.


    This is a study of Islamic fundamentalism in Indonesia. Islamic fundamentalism is defined as the return to the foundations and principles of Islam including all movements based on the desire to create a more Islamic society. After describing the practices and beliefs of Islam, this thesis examines the three aspects of universal Islamic fundamentalism: revivalism, resurgence, and radicalism. It analyzes the role of Islam in Indonesia under Dutch colonial rule, an alien Christian imperialist po...


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    H. Teman Koesmono


    Full Text Available The purpose of this researched is to find out how big is the effect of organization culture to ward motivation, job satisfaction and employee's job performance, especially on the employee's in the production area. The analytical unit is the employee's in production area sub sector in wood industry in East Java. The more positive someone's behavior will definitely effect her/his performance, this is proven when the researcher tested the hypothesis that motivation effects the job satisfaction and job satisfaction effects the performance. The result of the direct effect on employee's motivation toward job satisfaction is 1.462,and toward performance is 0.387, the direct effet job satisfaction toward job performance is 0.003, the direct effect organization culture toward job performance is 0.506, the direct effect organization culture toward motivation is 0.680, the direct effect organization culture toward job satisfaction is 1.183. Beside, this research result is useful for the next researchers, as research material in organitional behavior science or the same kind of science. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memenemukan bagaimana besarnya pengaruh Budaya Organisasi terhadap Motivasi, Kepuasan Kerja dan Kinerja karyawan khususnya karyawan dibagian produksi. Unit analisisnya adalah karyawan produksi pada subsektor industri pengolahan kayu di Jawa Timur. Secara positif perilaku seseorang akan berpengaruh terhadap kinerjanya, disamping itu peneliti menguji hipotesis bahwa motivasi berpengaruh kepada kepuasan kerja dan kepuasan kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja. Hasilnya bahwa secara langsung motivasi berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja sebesar 1.462 dan motivasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja sebesar 0.387, kepuasan kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja sebesar 0,003 dan budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja sebesar 0.506, budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap motivasi sebesar 0.680 dan budaya organisasi


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    Hoedojo Hoedojo


    Full Text Available Malaria at present is still one of the important mosquito-borne diseases in Indonesia. The disease is widespread all over the country and involves nearly all islands. Sixteen Anopheles species have been reconfirmed as malaria vectors. They were distributed geographi­cally as follows: Coastal areas and lagoons ------------------------------------- An sundaicus and An.subpictus Cultivated ricefields and swampy areas -------------------- An.aconitus, An.barbirostris, An.nigerrimus and An.sinensis Forest inland areas in shaded temporary pools, muddy animal wallows and hoof-prints -------------------------------------------------------- An.balabacensis, An.bancrofti, An.farauti, An.koliensis and An.punctulatus Swamp forest edge in ditches with vegeta- ---------------- An.letifer and An.ludlowae don Hilly areas in seepages, streams and clear moving water ---------------------------------------------- Anflavirostris, An.maculatus and Anminimus.   The species (of most general importance is An.sundaicus, which is restricted by its preference for brackish water and is prevalent in coastal areas of Java. Their types in behaviour of An.sundaicus appear as follows : 1. An.sundaicus in South Coast of Java in general. This species is essentially anthropophilic, exophagic and rests outdoor. It shows susceptible to DDT. 2. An.sundaicus in Cilacap, Central Java. This mosquito is a pure anthropophilic form. It bites man in houses and outdoors, rests indoors and is known resistant to DDT. 3. An.sundaicus in Yogyakarta and Purworejo, Central Java. This mosquito is a strong zoophilic species. It rests and prefers to bite outdoors and shows tolerance to DDT. Human filariasis in Indonesia is the result of infection by three endemic species, namely, Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and Brugia timori.W.bancrofti infection is found in both urban and rural areas. Twenty species of mosquitoes are confirmed as filariasis vectors. The urban type bancroftian filariasis


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    Muhammad Syaifuddin


    Pembentukan UUPM No. 25/2007 adalah konsekwensi yuridis dari ratifikasi Perjanjian WTO. TRIMs, yang bertujuan menciptakan hukum investasi, termasuk hukum penyelesaian sengketa investasi, yang sesuai dengan kehendak investor asing dalam perspektif global, yaitu: pertama, mengandung karakter hukum yang berkepastian, berkeadilan, dan berefisiensi; dan kedua, berlandaskan spirit hukum yang mengarahkan pemerintah dan penanaman modal asing menyelesaikan sengketa investasi melalui arbitrase internasional daripada pengadilan bahkan arbitrase nasional di Indonesia. Krisis lembaga peradilan di Indonesia harus diselesaikan dengan cara membangun sistem hukum peradilan dengan mengacu pada Pancasila sebagai cita hukum investasi Indonesia. Hal tersebut adalah  suatu syarat bagi terbentuknya aturan hukum penyelesaian sengketa investasi yang serasi dalam perspektif global dan lokal (Indonesia.


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    Ratih Kumala Sari


    Full Text Available Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Salah satu kebijakan pemerintah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan beras yaitu dengan menggenjot produksi beras dalam negeri. Namun dengan semakin meningkatnya jumlah penduduk akan meningkatkan permintaan terhadap beras dan upaya peningkatan produktivitas dalam negeri tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan beras dalam negeri. Sehingga untuk menutupi kekurangan tersebut pemerintah mengambil keputusan untuk melakukan impor beras dari negara lain. Akan tetapi pada kenyataannya impor beras dilakukan ketika data statistik menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia sedang mengalami surplus beras. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi impor beras di Indonesia. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda dengan model Error Correction Model (ECM. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa secara parsial maupun secara bersama-sama produksi beras, konsumsi beras, harga beras dalam negeri dan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar AS berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap impor beras di Indonesia. Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ One of the government’s policy to fulfill the need of rice is to boost the domestic production. However, by increasing the population, the demand of rice will also increase and the effort of increasing the domestic productivity cannot supply domestic rice need. So, to cover the shortage the government make decision to import rice from other countries. Yet, in fact importing rice is occurred when the statistical data showed that the supply of rice in Indonesia is surplus. The purpose of this research is necessary to study the factors which influence the import of rice in Indonesia. The analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis model with Error Correction Model (ECM. Based on the research proven that partially or jointly the production, the consumption, the


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    Muhammad Ramadhan


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Politik hukum merupakan sesuatu yang mendasari kebijakan dasar diundangkannya suatu regulasi, dan dasar kebijakan diberlakukannya suatu regulasi tertentu dalam tatanan sistem hukum nasional. Pengaturan dan keberlakuan regulasi perbankan syariah di Indonesia dalam perspektif politik hukum adalah sesuatu yang patut untuk dipahami. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan komparatif deskriptif sebagai analisis berpikirnya. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa regulasi perbankan syariah menjadi cerminan dalam dimensi kebijakan dasar (basic policy. Regulasi perbankan syariah merupakan respons atas perkembangan industri perbankan syariah yang membutuhkan jaminan kepastian hukum dan keadilan hukum dalam suatu regulasi yang jelas. Dalam dimensi kebijakan keberlakuan hukum (enactment policy regulasi perbankan syariah diyakini memberikan manfaat (utility dan kemaslahatan bagi masyarakat Indonesia dan dipandang sejalan dengan tujuan ekonomi nasional. Eksistensi regulasi perbankan syariah di Indonesia saat ini memperkuat teori positivisasi hukum Islam dan memperkuat paradigma hukum profetik dalam sistem hukum nasional. Abstract: Legal Policy of Islamic Banking in Indonesia. Legal policy is something that underlies basic policy of a regulation and a basic policy of enactment specific regulation in the national legal system order. Setting and enforceability of Islamic banking regulations in Indonesia on political law perspective is something that deserves to be understood. This study uses qualitative research with descriptive comparative as its thinking analysis. This study shows that the regulation of Islamic banking was a reflection of basic policy dimension. Islamic banking regulation was a response to growing Islamic banking industry that need of legaly and legal justice in a clear regulation. In the enactment of policy dimension, regulation of Islamic banking is believed to provide utility and benefit for Indonesia people and


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    Aries Haryadi


    Full Text Available AbstractThis study analyzes the effect of Indonesian Bank loan, the amount of demand deposits, and the Indonesia economic crisis in 1997 on the interbank call money market transactions in Indonesia using a multiple linear regression method. This study finds that the variables influencing the interbank call money market transactions are the interest rate of interbank call money market and the check money. Both variables have positive effect on the interbank money market transactions in Indonesia.Keywords: Loans, Interest Rate, Check Money, Monetary Crisis, Interbank Money Market TransactionsJEL Classification Numbers: G21, G28AbstrakPenelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh pinjaman Bank Indonesia terhadap tingkat bunga pasar uang antar bank, jumlah uang giral, dan krisis ekonomi Indonesia tahun 1997 terhadap transaksi pasar uang antar bank di Indonesia menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap transaksi pasar uang antar bank tersebut adalah tingkat bunga pasar uang antar bank dan jumlah uang giral. Dua variabel tersebut berpengaruh positif terhadap transaksi pasar uang antar bank di Indonesia.Keywords: Pinjaman, Tingkat Bunga, Uang Giral, Krisis Moneter, Transaksi Pasar Uang antar BankJEL Classification Numbers: G21, G28

  2. Restoring State Control Over Forest Resources Through Administrative Procedures: Evidence From a Community Forestry Programme in Central Java, Indonesia

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    Ahmad Maryudi


    Full Text Available In recent years, community forestry has emerged as a means to reform power constellations with regard to forest governance. Through community forestry, the central state promised to devolve several forest rights to local communities and encouraged them to get involved in decision making processes and the implementation of forest activities. However, experience in some countries indicates that the implementation of community forestry programmes is rarely followed by genuine power devolution to local forest users. Instead, these programmes may even serve as a means to retain or restore the central state’s control over forests. Using a case study of a community forestry programme implemented in Java, Indonesia, by a state forest company, this paper argues that the implementation of community forestry is also driven by the state’s interests to regain control over the forests. Research in eight villages in Central Java province reveals that the community forestry programmes are carefully structured according to numerous administrative procedures and estab- lish a mode of control through a bureaucratic design. ----- In den letzten Jahren hat sich community forestry als Mittel zur Reform von Machtkonstellationen in Bezug auf die Verwaltung von Wäldern herausgebildet. Der Zentralstaat versprach durch community forestry bestimmte Waldrechte an lokale Communities abzugeben und ermutigte sie, sich an Entscheidungsprozessen und der Implementierung von Forstaktivitäten zu beteiligen. Erfahrungen in einigen Ländern zeigen jedoch, dass die Implementierung von community forestry-Programmen selten mit einem tatsächlichen Machttransfer an lokale ForstnutzerInnen einhergeht, sondern diese Programme sogar als Mittel zur Rückgewinnung von zentralstaatlicher Kontrolle über Wälder dienen können. Anhand eines Fallbeispiels eines community forestry-Programms, das in Java, Indonesien, von einem staatlichen Forstunternehmen implementiert wird, argumentiere ich



    Fazzan Fazzan


    Corruption is a crucial problem in Indonesia that could not be resolved yet. Corruption takes place nearly in all aspect of life and makes Indonesia become a foremost country in corruption. In fact, the majority of Indonesians are Muslim. This study aims to define the perspective and the concept of corruption according to Islamic law in Indonesia. This study used descriptive-analytic method and normative approach. The result of this study shows that corruption in Indonesia is process of feat...

  4. Ekonomi Politik Pemberitaan Konflik Persepakbolaan Indonesia

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    Afdal Makkuraga Putra


    Full Text Available Abstract: This study reveals the interests behind football conflicts news in three newspapers in Indonesia: Kompas, Bola, and Seputar Indonesia. The analysis is based on the political economy of media theory developed by Vincent Mosco, Graham Murdock, and Peter Golding. Using critical paradigm with Norman Fairclough’s model of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA method, the findings show that the conflicts in Indonesian football have been produced as issues that legitimate the strategic position of the football elite power. The media and journalists were drag into the creation or the legitimation of football elite domination. Keywords: critical discourse analysis, football, political economy of media Abstrak: Penelitian ini mengungkap kepentingan di balik pemberitaan konflik persepakbolaan Indonesia di tiga media cetak, yakni Kompas, Bola dan Seputar Indonesia. Analisis didasarkan pada teori ekonomi politik media yang dikembangkan oleh Vincent Mosco, Graham Murdock, dan Peter Golding. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma kritis dengan metode Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA model Norman Fairclough. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peristiwa konflik persepakbolaan Indonesia diproduksi menjadi isu yang melegitimasi posisi strategis kekuasaan elit persepakbolaan. Media dan wartawan terseret dalam penciptaan atau pengukuhan kekuasaan dominasi elit persepakbolaan tersebut. Kata Kunci: analisis wacana kritis, ekonomi politik media, sepak bola

  5. Rheumatic conditions in the northern part of Central Java : an epidemiological survey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J. Darmawan


    textabstractThis thesis deals with a population study on rheumatic diseases in the subdistrict Bandungan, Central Java, Indonesia. It is part of a series of epidemiological surveys executed according to the World Health Organisation - International League Against Rheumatism (WHO-ILAR) initiative

  6. Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia-Malaysia (Studi Analisis: Dampak Ekonomi Dan Politik Dari Pengiriman Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) Ke Malaysia Periode 2004-2009)


    Sitorus, Utari Romauli


    This study tries to provide an overview of the phenomena that occur in the process of sending Indonesian Workers (TKI) in Indonesia to Malaysia. The study of the bilateral relations between Indonesia and Malaysia in the process of cooperation in the field of labor is interesting to study because of the mobilization of Indonesian workers have occurred since the 20th century. Unemployment problem that occurred in Indonesia since the 1980s to encourage labor migration from Indonesia to work abro...

  7. Bauang and Dayabumi lead the way

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krishnan, P.


    Bond issues making up part of a project financing or refinancing deal in Asia are becoming increasingly popular of late, if deals like PT Paiton Energy, Bauang Private Power Corp, PT Jawa Power and, more recently, Dayabumi Salak Pratama are any indication. Bankers estimate that there are opportunities worth billions of dollars in potential bond issues for Asian projects. Two deals involving bond issues, one in the Philippines and the other in Indonesia, may show whether 1997 is to be the golden year for project bond issues in Asia. (Author)

  8. Bauang and Dayabumi lead the way

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krishnan, P.


    Bond issues making up part of a project financing or refinancing deal in Asia are becoming increasingly popular of late, if deals like PT Paiton Energy, Bauang Private Power Corp, PT Jawa Power and, more recently, Dayabumi Salak Pratama are any indication. Bankers estimate that there are opportunities worth billions of dollars in potential bond issues for Asian projects. Two deals involving bond issues, one in the Philippines and the other in Indonesia, may show whether 1997 is to be the golden year for project bond issues in Asia. (Author)

  9. Shia: Its History and Development in Indonesia

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    Moh Hasyim


    Full Text Available Shiah becomes a new problem in Indonesia after hundreds years of living together. Currently, treatment to Shiah tends to violate the principles of religious freedom. Therefore, it is necessary to know, how the history of the emergence of Shiah and its development in Indonesia? This is a library research using a critical analysis approach. This study found that the Syiah is a religious ideology which refers to the views of Saidina Ali (the fourth khalifat and his descendants. This teaching emerged since the beginning of the khulafaurasidin. Shiah has developed dozens of religiousstreams due to disagreement and differences on the idea of Imamah. There are four stages of Shiah development in Indonesia, namely: Firstly, along with the arrival of Islam in Indonesia; Secondly, after the Islamic revolution in Iran; Thirdly, through Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals who studied in Iran, and Finally,  during the open era there was an establishment of as association Jamaah Ahlul Bai’t Indonesia.

  10. Gently dipping normal faults identified with Space Shuttle radar topography data in central Sulawesi, Indonesia, and some implications for fault mechanics (United States)

    Spencer, J.E.


    Space-shuttle radar topography data from central Sulawesi, Indonesia, reveal two corrugated, domal landforms, covering hundreds to thousands of square kilometers, that are bounded to the north by an abrupt transition to typical hilly to mountainous topography. These domal landforms are readily interpreted as metamorphic core complexes, an interpretation consistent with a single previous field study, and the abrupt northward transition in topographic style is interpreted as marking the trace of two extensional detachment faults that are active or were recently active. Fault dip, as determined by the slope of exhumed fault footwalls, ranges from 4?? to 18??. Application of critical-taper theory to fault dip and hanging-wall surface slope, and to similar data from several other active or recently active core complexes, suggests a theoretical limit of three degrees for detachment-fault dip. This result appears to conflict with the dearth of seismological evidence for slip on faults dipping less than ~. 30??. The convex-upward form of the gently dipping fault footwalls, however, allows for greater fault dip at depths of earthquake initiation and dominant energy release. Thus, there may be no conflict between seismological and mapping studies for this class of faults. ?? 2011 Elsevier B.V.

  11. Stratification and seasonal stability of diverse bacterial communities in a Pinus merkusii (pine) forest soil in central Java, Indonesia.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Krave, A.S.; Lin, B.; Braster, M.; Laverman, A.M.; van Straalen, N.M.; Roling, W.F.M.; van Verseveld, H.W.


    In Java, Indonesia, many nutrient-poor soils are intensively reforested with Pinus merkusii (pine). Information on nutrient cycles and microorganisms involved in these cycles will benefit the management of these important forests. Here, seasonal effects on the stratification of bacterial community


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    Marsudi Marsudi


    Full Text Available Attitude can be defined as permanent sense, thought, and preference on specific aspect of life. In fact, language attitude of speakers of Bahasa Indonesia is interesting to be questioned. In relation to this, the aim of this research is to describe consistency in terms of language attitude and language performance among Bahasa Indonesia users. Positive thought and sense toward Bahasa Indonesia should be completely or at least partly actualized on the use of standard language when it is implemented in academic setting. Cases found in the use of Bahasa Indonesia tend to oppose the essence of language attitude Inconsistency among bahasa Indonesia attitude lies on the level of spelling, diction, and sentence structures The causes of this inconsistency rest on the disparage and ignorance of Bahasa Indonesia language principles The use of Bahasa Indonesia ignoring language principles particularly on academic setting is viewed as unimportant and unurgent matter. Therefore, negative attitude emerges as a result of ignored language principles.


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    Meta Khairunnisa


    Full Text Available [Title: Traditional Cosmologycal Space as Kampung Naga Setlement Identity, Tasikmalaya - Jawa Barat] Located far from the city, an architectural masterpiece grows and developes in traditional settlement. The form and settlement identity merges with emotional’s people inside that not only creates an identity but also influences in the development of surrounding area . local wisdom is created from local identity and cultural that becomes soul and character of the settlement (Haryanto,2007:89. Place is created by experience memories in the past that makes the familiar space and indepth meaning (Tuan,2010:73. Kampung Naga is one of the Sundanesse traditional settlement in West Java that maintains the culture and local wisdom, nevertheless globalisation begin to influences the meaning of cultural space inside. Its has a cosmology cocept, proper behaviour and religion that is created naturally and transmitted orally from generation to generation.The research is to understand cultural themes in Kampung Naga as an identity of Naga’s people. Etnography metodology is used to describe the space indepth and connectivity of the meaning. Cultural spaces that is created from cosmologycal persception and traditional low are Pamali space, Sacred Space and Gender space, the elements of space inside give indepth meaning and create local identity of Sundanese people.

  14. Contemporary United States Foreign Policy Towards Indonesia

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    McAslan, Hugh


    United States national interests in Indonesia have traditionally being based on strategic security requirements given Indonesia's geographic location between the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and strong...

  15. EMME (Indonesia) (United States)

    US Agency for International Development — EMME is a program specific M&E tool for the Indonesia Mission that is managed by RTI and provides access to project statuses and success stories for the USAID...

  16. Pengenalan Rumah Adat di Pulau Jawa Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Berbasis VRML

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    Ari Fitriyanto


    Full Text Available Indonesia is rich in culture, ethnicity which one example is the traditional houses that exist in each province. Introduce Indonesian traditional house to users by using information technology as a medium of information could be one way to preserve the nation's culture. Limitations of the media information about traditional houses that currently can only be enjoyed through pictures or visit the traditional houses directly make society can not know the traditional houses in Indonesia optimally. Therefore we need a media so that people can know more about traditional houses in Indonesia without the need to visit directly into sites or less information such as 2-dimensional images in the book. Application developed is combination between virtual reality and website. Application built using the waterfall method. The virtual technology is embedded in a website that allows users to access them anytime and anywhere. Aplication was developed using VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language and 3ds Max modeling software, and using the programming language PHP, HTML, CSS, and MySQL database. The browser needs Cortona3D Viewer plug-in for displaying three-dimensional file. The results of making this application is an application that utilizes the VRML technology to display traditional house on the island of Java in three dimensions. The results show that this application runs in accordance with the design functionality that has been made.

  17. Implementasi Perjanjian Kemitraan Ekonomi Indonesia-Jepang: Analisis dari Perspektif Indonesia

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    Syamsul Hadi


    Full Text Available This article describes the implementation of Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership (IJEPA in four main sectors: trade, investment, manpower, and capacity building from the Indonesian perspective. It finds that in its implementation, IJEPA suffers some obstacles that hampers Indonesia’s expectation, especially in manpower and capacity building cooperation. In trade, Japan’s tariff reduction under the IJEPA does not necessarily lead to Indonesia’s automatic market penetration to Japanese market as the actual obstacle is not on tariff barriers, but non-tariff barriers. Exception could be seen in investment sector, which has shown a relatively good progress, especially on Japanese increasing interests as well as its actual investment in various sectors in Indonesia.

  18. Entering the nuclear debate in Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schlapfer, A.; Marinova, D.


    The authors discuss the risks involved with nuclear technology in relation to the specific geographic, economic and political situation of Indonesia, and argue that Australia must demonstrate a strong interest in any energy decision made in Indonesia. 11 refs., 1 tab., 1 fig

  19. Water tourism conflict resolution through good governance (story from Indonesia

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    Zaini Rohmad


    Full Text Available This paper discuss good governance model for conflict resolution around water tourism area in Indonesia. This paper developed structural factors that influence water tourism such as the population, economic development, regional generated revenue, real-time sector revenue, poverty rates, and water management which is the focus of the study affected the rising of the water conflict. This study is field research qualitative study. The objects in this research are water tourism stakeholders which are composed of three different water tourism management in Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia, namely Grojogan Sewu, Jumog and Peblengan. This study conducted in Karanganyar as a district that has a natural beauty with huge potential to further develop its natural attractions. The data sampling is done by observation and interview. From the result of this study it can be concluded that (1 there needs to be a clear explanation for the villagers near the water tourism area that the natural resources of water needs to be preserved and used moderately ; (2 a communication needs to be established between the stakeholders and those using the water resource, for the sake of the villagers’ welfare as well as the economic improvement; (3 the government, both the regional government as well as the central government need to make regulation to keep the condition of the nature without ignoring the possibility of conflict ensuing because of water usage by the villagers; (4 increasing the role of the villagers in managing the water resource so that there will be no prolonged conflict in the future.

  20. Assessing ecosystem carbon stocks of Indonesia's threatened wetland forests (United States)

    Warren, M.; Kauffman, B.; Murdiyarso, D.; Kurnianto, S.


    Over millennia, atmospheric carbon dioxide has been sequestered and stored in Indonesia's tropical wetland forests. Waterlogged conditions impede decomposition, allowing the formation of deep organic soils. These globally significant C pools are highly vulnerable to deforestation, degradation and climate change which can potentially switch their function as C sinks to long term sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Also at risk are critical ecosystem services which sustain millions of people and the conservation of unique biological communities. The multiple benefits derived from wetland forest conservation makes them attractive for international C offset programs such as the proposed Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) mechanism. Yet, ecosystem C pools and fluxes in wetland forests remain poorly quantified. Significant knowledge gaps exist regarding how land use changes impact C dynamics in tropical wetlands, and very few studies have simultaneously assessed above- and belowground ecosystem C pools in Indonesia's freshwater peat swamps and mangroves. In addition, most of what is known about Indonesia's tropical wetland forests is derived from few geographic locations where long-standing research has focused, despite their broad spatial distribution. Here we present results from an extensive survey of ecosystem C stocks across several Indonesian wetland forests. Ecosystem C stocks were measured in freshwater peat swamp forests in West Papua, Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, and Sumatra. Carbon storage was also measured for mangrove forests in W. Papua, W. Kalimantan, and Sumatra. One overarching goal of this research is to support the development of REDD+ for tropical wetlands by informing technical issues related to carbon measuring, monitoring, and verification (MRV) and providing baseline data about the variation of ecosystem C storage across and within several Indonesian wetland forests.

  1. CDM Country Guide for Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Under the Integrated Capacity Strengthening for the CDM (ICS-CDM) programme, IGES presents the CDM Country Guides, a series of manuals on CDM project development for Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand. These guidebooks aim at facilitating CDM project developments in Asia by providing essential information to both project developers and potential investors. This volume is on Indonesia

  2. Opportunity for Tourism Professional Development in Indonesia


    Menara Simanjuntak


    This study focused on opportunities related to the professional growth of tourism in Indonesia at this time and in the future. The proportion of workers in the tourism sector, including the fourth largest after agriculture, manufacturing and non-manufacturing, tends to grow very fast, because tourists visiting Indonesia will increase sharply in coming years. The purpose of this study is to provide advice to the government, tourism, and educational institutions in Indonesia's tourism industry ...


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    Michael A. Rimmer


    Full Text Available Mariculture is an important component of Indonesian fisheries and aquaculture production, directly contributing an estimated US$ 320 million in 2008. Because most mariculture production is focussed on producing for export markets, mariculture production is an important source of foreign earnings for the Indonesian economy. This paper reviews the current status and prospects for continuing development of mariculture in Indonesia. Currently the major mariculture commodity in Indonesia is seaweed for carrageenan production. Seaweed production accounts for 98% of total Indonesian mariculture production and 84% of value. The other major commodity groups are marine finfish and pearl oysters. Commodities being developed for mariculture in Indonesia include abalone and spiny lobsters. Prospects for continued development of mariculture in Indonesia appear positive. Indonesia has several advantages for mariculture development, including many potential mariculture sites, a stable tropical climate, and does not suffer from cyclonic storms. The Government of Indonesia is planning to increase aquaculture production substantially over the next four years, including mariculture production. Globally, demand for seafood products is expanding due to increasing population and increased per capita consumption of fish products. Constraints to the continued development of mariculture in Indonesia include: limited seed supply, particularly of species which cannot be economically produced in hatcheries, such as spiny lobsters; need to develop more efficient production systems for some marine finfish; the need to improve environmental sustainability by improving feeds and reducing environmental impacts; and market issues relating to environmental sustainability.

  4. Deforestation in Decentralised Indonesia: What's Law Got to Do with it?

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    Luke Lazarus Arnold


    Full Text Available A growing number of studies point to significant changes in the dynamics of deforestation in Indonesia since the introduction of decentralised governance in 2001. This essay argues that law plays an important and underestimated role in facilitating these new dynamics. This role is not limited to mere implementation failures; many of the ways in which Indonesian law makes deforestation possible can be traced back to the content of the laws themselves. In order to demonstrate this point, the essay first examines the context in which Indonesia's forestry and decentralisation laws were formulated and the salient provisions of these laws. This is followed by a discussion of the dynamics of deforestation since decentralisation and an analysis of five key ways in which law is partly responsible for the current situation: a flawed division of authority between the Central Government and the regions'; inconsistent, ambiguous and 'hollow' legislation; legislatively entrenched departmentalism; the marginalisation of forest communities; and a lack of legislative support for public participation, public interest litigation and other processes to promote sustainable forest management.

  5. Analysis of successful rate factors for small and medium enterprises in furniture manufacturing sector in Klaten Regency - Central Java, Indonesia (United States)

    Budhi Utomo, R.; Lasminiasih; Prajaka, S.


    Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are business activities that can expand the level of employment rate and provide economic services to the wider community and can play a role in the process of equalizing and improving people’s income, stimulating economic growth as well as realizing national stabilities. The aim of this study is to identify the factors of the success rate for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in furniture manufacturing sector in Klaten regency, Central Java, Indonesia. The method employed in this study was descriptive qualitative by also employing quantitative analysis of which the data were collected through observations, interviews and by administering questionnaires. The results seemed to indicate that the furniture business in Klaten is still experiencing difficulties in managing its various aspects of business, namely in terms of marketing (either directly or indirectly or by making the best use media of technology) and managing capital. All this time, the SMEs in furniture manufacturing sector in Klaten have been utilizing a very simple system in producing tables, chairs, wardrobes and any other furniture products which are then distributed to be sold by larger furniture companies. This condition makes the SMEs unable to be independent in running their business.

  6. Augmented Reality Edugame Senjata Tradisional Indonesia

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    Endah Sudarmilah


    Full Text Available Senjata tradisional merupakan sebuah produk yang berkaitan erat dengan budaya suatu masyarakat. Selain berfungsi sebagai senjata, senjata tradisional telah menjadi identitas suatu bangsa yang membantu memperkaya khasanah budaya nusantara. Pendidikan di Indonesia berpedoman pada kurikulum baru yang disebut kurikulum 2013. Salah satu materi kurikulum mengarahkan siswa untuk belajar tentang senjata tradisional bentuk senjata tradisional. Berdasarkan pada masalah yang timbul dari kurikulum 2013, peneliti menyiapkan metode pembelajaran dengan menggabungkan Augmented Reality (AR dengan permainan edukasi berbasis adventure game dalam menyajikan materi keanekaragaman budaya Indonesia, terutama untuk senjata tradisional sehingga siswa memiliki semangat dalam belajar tentang keanekaragaman budaya Indonesia khusunya senjata.


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    M. Zainuddin


    Full Text Available The objective of this research is to understand the religious freedom and the process of democratization in Indonesia. The result of this research shows that the religious freedom in Indonesia is regulated by the law. In this sense, religious freedom means freedom to choose and believe in certain religion, it does not mean that people have freedom to be atheism. In fact, the religious freedom in Indonesia has not run well since there is a religion banned by claiming it as a wrong and deviate religion. Furthermore, the violence by a religion to another religion is common in social life.


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    Martitah Martitah


    Full Text Available This paper studies the development of the legal thought in Indonesia, which was influenced by the results of intellectual contemplation, which is irrespectively from the condition of time surround it, not only its ideology but also politicization towards symbolism of the common law, as the embryo of a national law. However, in the reality, the law in Indonesia is much influenced by colonial law as the written law. After the reformation period, massive range of steps has been taken to replace or reduce abandoned Dutch colonial law. This suggests that the orientation and characteristic of legal thought in Indonesia cannot be separated from social origin, as a base discovery of legal theories which have traditional values in Indonesia. In judicial practice, it has arisen various decisions that regard to the public’s justice sense which is not just based on the only written law. Keywords: Characteristics, Shifting Thought, Indonesian Legal History Artikel ini mendeskripsikan perkembangan pemikiran hukum di Indonesia. Pemikiran hukum Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh hasil perenungan intelektual, yang tidak terlepas dari situasi zaman yang melingkupinya, baik ideologisasi maupun politisasi yang mengarah pada simbolisme hukum adat, sebagai embrio hukum nasional. Namun dalam kenyataannya hukum di Indonesia banyak dipengaruhi oleh hukum kolonial yaitu hukum yang tertulis. Setelah reformasi, berbagai langkah massif dilakukan untuk menggantikan atau mereduksi hukum yang di-tinggalkan kolonial Belanda. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa orientasi dan karakteristik pemikiran hukum di Indonesia tidak dapat dilepaskan dengan asal usul sosial masyarakat, sebagai basis ditemukannya teori-teori hukum yang memiliki nilai tradisi ke-Indonesiaan. Dalam praktik peradilan telah muncul berbagai putusan yang memperhatikan rasa keadilan masyarakat tidak sekedar berdasar pada hukum tertulis saja. Kata Kunci: Karakteristik, Pergeseran Pemikiran, Sejarah Hukum Indonesia    

  9. Contribution of Plantation Forest on Wild Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea Pollinators Conservation in Mount Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia

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    Imam Widhiono


    Full Text Available Wild bee pollinators (Hymenoptera : Apiade diversity and abundance were studied in three types of plantation forest on Mt. Slamet (Central Java Province, Indonesia. The aims of the research was to know the diversity and abundance of wild bee pollinators and to determine the possibility of plantation forest contribution on wild bees conservation. Sampling has been done at three stands: a pine forest (PF, with Pinus merkusii, an Agathis forest (AF, with Agathis damara and a community forest (CF, with Albizia falctaria. Each habitat was divided into 5 line transect (100 x 5 m and sweep nets were used to collect the wild bee samples. Sampling was done eah month from April to August 2015. The diversity of wild bees was high (12 species in 9 genera; members of the Apidae (7 species were dominant. The most abundant species across the forests were Apis cerana (343 individuals; 25.5% of total, Trigona laeviceps (195 individuals; 14.5%, and Megachille relativa (165 individuals; 12.3%. Measurements of species diversity (H’, species evenness (E, habitat similarity (Ss and species richness indicated that the wild bee species diversity in the region was relatively high (H’ = 1.275 to (H’ = 1.730;(E= 0.870 to (E = 0.93. The result showed that the diversity of wild bees in three different plantation forest habitats on Mt. Slamet were similar and can be concluded that plantation forest types were important for pollinator conservation, and an appropriate future preservation strategy should include of the areas of all plantation forest types.

  10. Paradigma Baru Dalam Museum Seni dan Budaya Jawa Ullen Sentalu

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    Amarena Nediari


    Full Text Available The existence of the museum building as  conservation collection of historic objects often give the impression that the museum is an ancient building, dark and disheveled. While the new paradigm in the management of the museum is a museum not only as a place to store historical objects, but need to present the collection in an attractive package so that visitors interested in coming back again to the museum. Museum of art and culture of Java Ullen Sentalu, in Kaliurang has provided a new insight to the culture, especially Javanese culture in the family palace of Yogyakarta and Solo Palace. The main attraction of this Sentalu Ullen is to deliver information about the historic collection from the family palace is presented as a whole, so that leaves a deep impression for visitors. This museum has given the world a new concept in museums in Indonesia, which certainly can be applied to other museums in Indonesia.  

  11. Indonesia Interest in International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention No.189


    Jamaan, Ahmad; Anugrah, Debora Panca


    This research aims to analyze, Indonesia Interest in ILO convention No. 189 on Decent Works for Domestic Workers. Indonesia has massive number of domestic workers caused by low quality of education. Therefore, Indonesia agreed on creation of ILO Convention No.189 in protecting their society that works as domestic workers. However, in the early of ILO Convention No.189 agreement creation in 2011, Indonesia has not ratified this Convention to 2013. If Indonesia has ratified this convention prev...

  12. Recent progress of geological investigations in Indonesia (United States)

    Prijosoesilo, Purnomo; Sunarya, Yaya; Wahab, A.

    Geologically, the Indonesian archipelago was formed as a result of the interaction and collision of the gigantic crustal blocks, i.e. the Eurasian, Indian, Australian and the Pacific plates. This process caused the formation of extensively distributed ultrabasic rocks in Eastern Indonesia, containing rich mineral resources. In Western Indonesia most ore bodies found are associated with the active volcano-plutonic arc or the stable mass of the Sunda Shelf. There are 60 known Tertiary sedimentary basins in Indonesia and only 36 of them have been "failry" explored, of which 14 basins have had hydrocarbon commercial production. Most of the hydrocarbon exploration and production during the last 100 years have been carried out in Western Indonesia. Many of the "unexplored" basins in Indonesia are located in the offshore areas with water depth over 200 m. Coal and geothermal resources are mostly found in Western Indonesia, particularly Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan. Coal production in 1990 has reached 11 million tons. The steady growth of production was primarily due to the establishment of the coal contract agreement with foreign contractors as well as the re-growth of the State coal mines in Bukit Asam and Sawahlunto, Sumatra. Aside from coal, geothermal is one of the alternative energy resources that have been developed in recent years. From some 16,000 MW resources potential estimated, presently only 140 MW geothermal generating power units have been commercially put on production in Kamojang, West Java. The most important minerals mined in Indonesia are tin (Sn), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu) and bauxite. Most of the gold (Au) and silver (Ag) production are mined in association with copper (Cu) such as those in Tembagapura, Irian Jaya, with the exception of a few epithermal gold mines in other areas in the country. Between 1984 and 1990, Indonesia produced around 1.3-1.5 MMBPD crude oil and condensate plus 1.6-2.2 TSCF natural gas. Most of the natural gas production was

  13. Impact of forest disturbance on the structure and composition of vegetation in tropical rainforest of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Full Text Available We presented the structure and composition of vegetation in four (4 different land use types namely undisturbed primary forest, lightly disturbed primary forest, selectively logged forest, and cacao forest garden in tropical rainforest margin of the Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi Indonesia. Individually all big trees (dbh > 10 cm was numbered with tree tags and their position in the plot mapped, crown diameter and dbh measured, whereas trunk as well as total height measured by Vertex. Additionally, overstorey plants (dbh 2- 9.9 cm were also surveyed in all land use types. Identification of vouchers and additional herbarium specimens was done in the field as well as at Herbarium Celebense (CEB, Tadulako University, and Nationaal Herbarium of Netherland (L Leiden branch, the Netherland. The result showed that the structure and composition of vegetation in studied are was different. Tree species richness was decreased from primary undisturbed forest to cacao plantation, whereas tree diversity and its composition were significantly different among four (4 land use types. Palaquium obovatum, Chionanthus laxiflorus, Castanopsis acuminatissima, Lithocarpus celebicus, Canarium hirsutum, Eonymus acuminifolius and Sarcosperma paniculata being predominant in land use type A, B and C and Coffea robusta, Theobroma cacao, Erythrina subumbrans, Glyricidia sepium, Arenga pinnata, and Syzygium aromaticum in the cacao plantation. At the family level, undisturbed natural forest was dominated by Fagaceae and Sapotaceae disturbed forest by Moraceae, Sapotaceae, Rubiaceae, and agroforestry systems by Sterculiaceae and Fabaceae.

  14. Evaluating Environment, Erosion and Sedimentation Aspects in Coastal Area to Determine Priority Handling (A Case Study in Jepara Regency, northern Central Java, Indonesia) (United States)

    Wahyudi, S. I.; Adi, H. P.


    Many areas of the northern coastal in Central Java, Indonesia, have been suffering from damage. One of the areas is Jepara, which has been experiencing this kind of damage for 7.6 kilometres from total 72 kilometres long beach. All damages are mostly caused by coastal erosion, sedimentation, environment and tidal flooding. Several efforts have been done, such as replanting mangroves, building revetment and groins, but it still could not mitigated the coastal damage. The purposes of this study are to map the coastal damages, to analyze handling priority and to determine coastal protection model. The method used are by identifying and plotting the coastal damage on the map, assessing score of each variable, and determining the handling priority and suitable coastal protection model. There are five levels of coastal damage used in this study, namely as light damage, medium, heavy, very heavy, and extremely heavy. Based on the priority assessment of coastal damage, it needs to be followed up by designing in detail and implementing through soft structure for example mangrove, sand nourishes and hard structure, such as breakwater, groins and revetment.

  15. Penerapan Prinsip Non Discrimination Dalam World Trade Organization Terhadap Kebijakan Tenaga Kerja Asing Di Indonesia (Studi Kasus : Tenaga Kerja Asing Tiongkok Di Indonesia)




    2016 Vera Nurul Hayati (B 111 12 117),The Application of Non Discrimination Principle of World Trade Organization Against Foreign Workers in Indonesia (Case Study : China Foreign Workers in Indonesia), led by Muhammad Ashri dan Laode Abdul Gani. Writing aims to determine 1) Implementation of Non Discrimination principle on policy regulation against Foreign labor in Indonesia. 2) Enforcement of non discrimination principle against Tiongkok foreign labor in Indonesia. ...


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    Dinia Saridewi


    Full Text Available AbstrakPeradaban buku pada era Islam mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat sejak metode pencatatan terhadap Al Qur’an dilakukan dan berkembang saat industri kertas mulai di kenal di Arab. Beberapa karya ilmuwan besar Islam membawa peradaban Islam secara keilmuan menjadi daya tarik bagi banyak orang untuk belajar pengetahuan Islam. Buku-buku keislaman Timur Tengah masuk ke Indonesia sejalan dengan masuknya Islam ke Indonesia. Ada beberapa jalur transmisi masuknya buku-buku Islam Timur tengah, antara lain melalui jalur dakwah oleh imigran muslim, jalur pendidikan, jalur penerjemahan, jalur kerjasama kelembagaan, jalur media masa dan teknologi informasi. Adapun jenis buku-buku Timur Tengah yang masuk ke Indonesia meliputi buku mengenai hukum Islam, teologi, akhlak, tafsir, hadis,  fiqih, dan bahasa.Kata Kunci: Buku Islam, Indonesia.AbstractCivilisation of books in Islamic era has rapidly grown since there was a record method of Al Qur’an and paper industry was developed in Arab. Many people are interested in Islambecause some respectable researchers introduce Islam through academic field, then it became a magnet for people who want to study about Islam. The beginning of Middle East – Islamic books in Indonesia is parallel with history of Islam in Indonesia. There are several paths used as an entrance of Middle East – Islamic books in Indonesia; through preaching by Muslim immigrants, education, translation, coordination with organizations, mass media and technology in information.Genres of books comprise Islamic law, theology, morals, exegesis, hadis (anthology of Prophet Muhammad’s stories, fiqih(study about ritual and obligation in Islam, and language.Key Words: Islamic books, Indonesia

  17. Partial-factor Energy Efficiency Model of Indonesia


    Nugroho Fathul; Syaifudin Noor


    This study employs the partial-factor energy efficiency to reveal the relationships between energy efficiency and the consumption of both, the renewable energy and non-renewable energy in Indonesia. The findings confirm that consumption of non-renewable energy will increase the inefficiency in energy consumption. On the other side, the use of renewable energy will increase the energy efficiency in Indonesia. As the result, the Government of Indonesia may address this issue by providing more s...



    Sigit Setiawan


    This study is intended to analyze the current levels of financial depth and financial access in Indonesia and to analyze the factors affecting them. The analysis method used was a combination of descriptive quantitative, benchmarking, and literature reviews. The conclusion is that the financial depth in Indonesia has not shown a satisfactory level since it was the lowest, or the second lowest ranked country among the sampled countries. Meanwhile, the financial access in Indonesia is relativel...


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    Yogi Anggoro


    Full Text Available Game di Indonesia sangatlah berkembang pesat, dari game offline maupun online. Penggemar game bukan hanya dari kalangan anak kecil, namun dari semua kalangan. Apalagi game online, sampai diperlombakan. Salah satunya yaitu game Dota 2, yang merupakan salah satu game online. Pada gamers bahkan tidak hanya di lingkup Indonesia saja, namun dapat tanding dengan negara manapun. Dari game ini muncul komunitas Dota 2, di Indonesia terdapat website yang memberikan informasi tentang Dota 2. Tetapi dari sekian website yang dikembangkan tidak ditemukan sebuah website yang mengakomodasi kebutuhan dari gamers. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat sebuah wadah yang berfungsi sebagai sistem informasi untuk mengatur segala aktivitas gamers dalam bermain Dota 2. Purwarupa dalam penelitian ini mengakomodasi dalam pembuatan grup, mendapatkan pertandingan serta berpartisipasi dalam pertandingan ini. Di dalam purwarupa ini menjadi penting agar mempermudah pemain dalam bermain game Dota 2 ini. Dengan metode pengumpulan data literature, inisiasi, investigasi sampai pengembangan sistem dapat menghasilkan sebuah sistem informasi untuk komunitas Dota 2 di Indonesia.


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    Lily Koesuma Widiastuty


    Full Text Available The Indonesian government's decision to erase BULOG's sugar monopoly and apply a zero percent import tariff for sugar in January 1998 caused the local sugar industry to be threatened. The fact that imported sugar was cheaper than local sugar showed the inefficiency of the local sugar industry in Indonesia. This caused many sugar factories to nearly go bankrupt because they could not compete with the imported sugar. After much protest, the government retracted its decision to free the sugar market applied a 25% import tariff on sugar. This research shows that sugar importers, owners of sugar factories and the government enjoy the benefits of the tariff but that consumers and farmers do not. This study evaluates demand and supply of sugar in Indonesia before and after the government applied the import tariff. Results of welfare analysis using consumer and producer surplus show that it is better for the government to erase the tariff to make the sugar industry more efficient and protect consumers from loss. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Keputusan pemerintah Indonesia untuk mencabut monopoli BULOG dalam pengadaan gula dan menerapkan tarif impor gula sebesar nol persen pada bulan Januari 1998 mengakibatkan industri gula lokal terancam. Kenyataan bahwa saat itu gula impor lebih murah daripada harga gula lokal menunjukkan ketidakefisienan dari industri gula lokal di Indonesia. Hal ini menyebabkan banyak pabrik gula domestik terancam bangkrut karena tidak dapat bersaing dengan gula impor. Setelah terjadi protes, pemerintah Indonesia mencabut keputusan tersebut dan menggantikannya dengan tarif impor gula sebesar 25%. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hanya importir gula, pemililk pabrik gula serta pemerintah yang menikmati keuntungan dari kebijakan tarif tersebut tetapi sebaliknya para konsumen dan para petani tebu tidak mengalami keuntungan. Studi ini menganalisa permintaan dan penawaran gula di Indonesia sebelum dan sesudah diterapkan tarif impor gula


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    Wisnu Mintargo


    Full Text Available The main objective of this paper is to analyze function of “heroic” Indonesia songs related to the struggle for Indonesian independence ( from 1945 to 1949 from a historical perspective. Through this analysis it is hoped that the process of the past, particularly the history of music development in Indonesia and the background of the use of the “heroic”Indonesia songs, can be reconstructed. Important aspects of Indonesian songs, as this paper shows, include a constructive function for ceremonies and advice for development. The ceremonial character is shown in the song of “Indonesia Raya”. the national anthem.

  2. Geothermal and volcanism in west Java (United States)

    Setiawan, I.; Indarto, S.; Sudarsono; Fauzi I, A.; Yuliyanti, A.; Lintjewas, L.; Alkausar, A.; Jakah


    Indonesian active volcanoes extend from Sumatra, Jawa, Bali, Lombok, Flores, North Sulawesi, and Halmahera. The volcanic arc hosts 276 volcanoes with 29 GWe of geothermal resources. Considering a wide distribution of geothermal potency, geothermal research is very important to be carried out especially to tackle high energy demand in Indonesia as an alternative energy sources aside from fossil fuel. Geothermal potency associated with volcanoes-hosted in West Java can be found in the West Java segment of Sunda Arc that is parallel with the subduction. The subduction of Indo-Australian oceanic plate beneath the Eurasian continental plate results in various volcanic products in a wide range of geochemical and mineralogical characteristics. The geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of volcanic and magmatic rocks associated with geothermal systems are ill-defined. Comprehensive study of geochemical signatures, mineralogical properties, and isotopes analysis might lead to the understanding of how large geothermal fields are found in West Java compared to ones in Central and East Java. The result can also provoke some valuable impacts on Java tectonic evolution and can suggest the key information for geothermal exploration enhancement.

  3. Unsur-unsur Kefilsafatan dalam Buku "Butir-butir Budaya Jawa"

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    Slamet Sutrisno


    Full Text Available This research investigated the book of "Butir-butor Budaya Jawa" 1990, 205p. The aim of this study is to sound out the possibility of transforming the philosophical values of this book to the course of branch of philosophy, that is, Metaphysic/Ontology, Epistemology, and Logic: Ethics. This research also studied the specific contens of philosophy, for example are the philosophy of social and politics:: philosophy of laws; philosophy of man and theodiceae. Feurtheremore, it will try to estimate some contents of system of philosophy in order to express the implicit tenets of Javanese culture. This research will be able to give two important benefits covered the development and academic benefit. Firstly, on the scope national development this research will support a reference of national ethos and development ethics. Secondly, in term of academic knowledge, it can expand the contens of philosophy of culture and Indonesian or Pancasila philosophy. This research emphasize on the literacy study which analysis data carried out by qualitative method by applying the hermeneutics-interpretation concerning the text. The research findings show that the six themes--Belief in the Supreme God; Spirituality; Humanity; Nationhood; and On malerial Goods--contained the three elements of philosophy mentioned above. The book also expressed the naunce of several specific philosophy, tenets of wisdom and also the elements of existentialistic and pragmatic thought/ The three elements of philosophy were not made up separated form to show some interrelation so that expressed the whole of Javanese tenets.

  4. Kebudayaan dan Agama Jawa dalam Perspektif Clifford Geertz

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    Nasruddin Nasruddin


    Full Text Available Talking about Javanese culture, anthropologist will often refer to Geertz’s thesis of santri-abangan-priyayi. Geertz’s book, Religion of Java, has been a “holy book” for those who concerns for observing and researching Javanese culture and society. In this context, Geertz has acknowledged a theory of social system of Javanese people. In his another book, Interpretation of Culture, Geertz identifies culture based on the last-concept of Kluckholn. He sets culture as a text which has to be meaningfully interpreted, not only as a concrete manner. In addition, he sets religion as cultural values within is embodied within the meanings. Everyone can interpret and experience those meanings in his own approach. Since Geertz conducted a study on The Religion of Java, the study continues, either agree or disagree with him. This article deliberately take the starting point of Geertz’s studies related to the concept of trichotomies; students, abangan and priyanyi. Although this has led to the concept of trichotomies to pros and cons among scientists, but the thing that needs to be underlined is that Geertz's conception of Islam of Java are a source of inspiration for the study of Islam in Indonesia. In addition, this article not only discusses about Geertz’s concept of religion, but also the concept of Islamic Religion in Indonesia.

  5. Human rights of persons with mental illness in Indonesia: more than legislation is needed

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    Prasetyo YA


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Although attention to human rights in Indonesia has been improving over the past decade, the human rights situation of persons with mental disorders is still far from satisfactory. The purpose of this paper is to examine the legal framework for protection of human rights of persons with mental disorder and the extent to which Indonesia's international obligations concerning the right to health are being met. Methods We examined the Indonesian constitution, Indonesian laws relevant to the right to health, the structure and operation of the National Human Rights Commission, and what is known about violations of the human rights of persons with mental illness from research and the media. Results The focus of the Indonesian Constitution on rights pre-dated the Universal Declaration, Indonesia has ratified relevant international covenants and domestic law provides an adequate legal framework for human rights protections. However, human rights abuses persist, are widespread, and go essentially unremarked and unchallenged. The National Human Rights Commission has only recently become engaged in the issue of protection of the rights of persons with mental illness. Conclusion More than legislation is needed to protect the human rights of persons with mental illness. Improving the human rights situation for persons with mental illness in Indonesia will require action by governments at national, provincial and district levels, substantial increases in the level of investment in mental health services, coordinated action by mental health professionals and consumer and carer organisations, and a central role for the National Human Rights Commission in protecting the rights of persons with mental illness.

  6. Human rights of persons with mental illness in Indonesia: more than legislation is needed (United States)

    Irmansyah, I; Prasetyo, YA; Minas, H


    Background Although attention to human rights in Indonesia has been improving over the past decade, the human rights situation of persons with mental disorders is still far from satisfactory. The purpose of this paper is to examine the legal framework for protection of human rights of persons with mental disorder and the extent to which Indonesia's international obligations concerning the right to health are being met. Methods We examined the Indonesian constitution, Indonesian laws relevant to the right to health, the structure and operation of the National Human Rights Commission, and what is known about violations of the human rights of persons with mental illness from research and the media. Results The focus of the Indonesian Constitution on rights pre-dated the Universal Declaration, Indonesia has ratified relevant international covenants and domestic law provides an adequate legal framework for human rights protections. However, human rights abuses persist, are widespread, and go essentially unremarked and unchallenged. The National Human Rights Commission has only recently become engaged in the issue of protection of the rights of persons with mental illness. Conclusion More than legislation is needed to protect the human rights of persons with mental illness. Improving the human rights situation for persons with mental illness in Indonesia will require action by governments at national, provincial and district levels, substantial increases in the level of investment in mental health services, coordinated action by mental health professionals and consumer and carer organisations, and a central role for the National Human Rights Commission in protecting the rights of persons with mental illness. PMID:19545362

  7. MODIS data used to study 2002 fires in Kalimantan, Indonesia (United States)

    Fuller, Douglas O.

    Smoke and haze blanketed western Indonesia during August and September 2002, signaling the arrival of another El Niño event in Southeast Asia. Although not as severe as the 1997-1998 El Niño event, the 2002 El Niño produced drought conditions in western Indonesia that favored extensive biomass burning in lowland areas of Borneo, Sumatra, and Sulawesi, three of the largest islands that form part of the vast Indonesian archipelago. Data derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) on board the NASA Terra satellite showed that most of the burning during 2002 occurred in central and western Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo), where forests are being cleared to make way for industrial oil palm and pulp plantations.Comparison of fire data from several different satellite sensors also reveals that fires detected in Kalimantan during 1997 appeared more numerous (Figure 1) and burned over a longer period (Figure 2) than fires that burned in late 2002 (see discussion below). This result is consistent with recent El Niño observations that characterize the current event as moderate relative to the 1997-1998 event (see products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/).


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    S. Sastrapradja


    Full Text Available The wave of biotechnology promises has struck not only the developed countries but the developing countries as well. The scientific community in Indonesia is aware of the opportunities and is eager to take an active part in this particular endeavour. Meanwhile resources are required to welcoming the biotech­nology era. The need of trained manpower, appropriate infrastructure and equipment, operational and maintenance costs requires serious consideration if a unit or a laboratory is expected to be functional in biotechnology. There is a good opportunity of applying biotechnology in the field of agriculture and industry considering the availability of biological resources in Indonesia. This paper outlines what have been done so far, the difficulties encountered and the efforts made to strengthening biotechnology research in Indonesia.


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    Lesta Karolina B Sembanyang


    Full Text Available The aims of this study are to analyze the causal relationship of public service provision (infrastructure, economic growth and tax inIndonesiaand to formulate the policy implications of causal link and infrastructure inIndonesia’s economic growth. The data used was time series data, from 1987 up to 2009. They were from many sources such as Government Expenditure (APBN, Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS and the International Financial Statistics (IFS. The method used is a causal analysis approach or the Granger causality. The findings of this study is that there is a direct relationship between GDP to infrastructure and the GDP to tax revenue. The conclusions of this study are Gross Domestic Product (GDP can lead the availability of infrastructure (for example road length in Indonesia,there is a causal connection between the economic growth and the tax revenue in Indonesia, andthe increased tax revenue will increase the availability of infrastructure, especially road.

  10. Improving sustainability by technology assessment and systems analysis: the case of IWRM Indonesia (United States)

    Nayono, S.; Lehmann, A.; Kopfmüller, J.; Lehn, H.


    To support the implementation of the IWRM-Indonesia process in a water scarce and sanitation poor region of Central Java (Indonesia), sustainability assessments of several technology options of water supply and sanitation were carried out based on the conceptual framework of the integrative sustainability concept of the German Helmholtz association. In the case of water supply, the assessment was based on the life-cycle analysis and life-cycle-costing approach. In the sanitation sector, the focus was set on developing an analytical tool to improve planning procedures in the area of investigation, which can be applied in general to developing and newly emerging countries. Because sanitation systems in particular can be regarded as socio-technical systems, their permanent operability is closely related to cultural or religious preferences which influence acceptability. Therefore, the design of the tool and the assessment of sanitation technologies took into account the views of relevant stakeholders. The key results of the analyses are presented in this article.

  11. Indonesia's migration transition. (United States)

    Hugo, G


    This article describes population movements in Indonesia in the context of rapid and marked social and economic change. Foreign investment in Indonesia is increasing, and global mass media is available to many households. Agriculture is being commercialized, and structural shifts are occurring in the economy. Educational levels are increasing, and women's role and status are shifting. Population migration has increased over the decades, both short and long distance, permanent and temporary, legal and illegal, and migration to and between urban areas. This article focuses specifically on rural-to-urban migration and international migration. Population settlements are dense in the agriculturally rich inner areas of Java, Bali, and Madura. Although the rate of growth of the gross domestic product was 6.8% annually during 1969-94, the World Bank ranked Indonesia as a low-income economy in 1992 because of the large population size. Income per capita is US $670. Indonesia is becoming a large exporter of labor to the Middle East, particularly women. The predominance of women as overseas contract workers is changing women's role and status in the family and is controversial due to the cases of mistreatment. Malaysia's high economic growth rate of over 8% per year means an additional 1.3 million foreign workers and technicians are needed. During the 1980s urban growth increased at a very rapid rate. Urban growth tended to occur along corridors and major transportation routes around urban areas. It is posited that most of the urban growth is due to rural-to-urban migration. Data limitations prevent an exact determination of the extent of rural-to-urban migration. More women are estimated to be involved in movements to cities during the 1980s compared to the 1970s. Recruiters and middlemen have played an important role in rural-to-urban migration and international migration.

  12. Isolasi dan Identifikasi Mikroba Lipolitik dari Limbah Cair Surimi dan Rajungan

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    Devi Ambarwati Oktavia


    Full Text Available Industri pengolahan hasil perikanan di sepanjang pantai Utara Jawa seperti pengalengan rajungan di Cirebon (Jawa Barat dan pengolahan surimi di Kendal (Jawa Tengah, menghasilkan air limbah yang mengandung banyak protein dan lemak. Bakteri yang hidup di limbah yang banyak mengandung protein dan lemak tersebut diperkirakan memiliki kemampuan untuk menghidrolisis lemak menjadi asam lemak dan gliserol sehingga berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bioremedian alami bagi penanganan air limbah hasil perikanan di tempat lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penapisan dan identifikasi bakteri lipolitik potensial sebagai bioremedian air limbah perikanan. Penapisan dilakukan terhadap 11 isolat bakteri lipolitik dari air limbah yang diambil dari industri pengalengan rajungan di Cirebon dan pengolahan surimi di Kendal dengan menggunakan media spesifik agar tributirin. Isolat bakteri lipolitik potensial ditentukan berdasarkan zona bening yang terbentuk di sekitar koloni, yaitu sekurang-kurangnya 6 mm. Isolat bakteri potensial ini selanjutnya diidentifikasi secara molekuler berdasarkan analisis sekuen 16S-rDNA. Dari penapisan diperoleh empat isolat bakteri potensial, yaitu isolat SPB, SHj, SOr dan SKn. Identifikasi molekuler menunjukkan bahwa isolat SPB dan SHj masing-masing adalah Serratia fonticola 10AdanBacillus cereus strain 103.2.2dengan kemiripan 97%, isolat SOr memiliki kemiripan 96% dengan Bacillus pumilus strain vit bac1 dan isolat SKn adalah Enterococcus pseudoavium strain L3C21K2dengan kemiripan 87%. Keempat isolat tersebut berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bioremedian pada air limbah dari industri pengolahan hasil perikanan di Indonesia.



    Sigit Setiawan


    This study is intended to analyse the current levels of financial depth and financial access in Indonesia and to analyse the factors affecting them. The analysis method used was a combination of descriptive quantitative, benchmarking, and literature reviews. The conclusion is that the financial depth in Indonesia has not shown a satisfactory level since it was the lowest, or the second lowest ranked country among the sampled countries. Meanwhile, the financial access in Indonesia is relativel...


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    Respati Wulandari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan melihat strategi yang digunakan pada Convenience Store di Indonesia dengan mengambil 7-Eleven sebagai sumber field study dengan metode orientasi pasar. Pengaruh lifestyle menjadi indikator penunjang dalam perkembangan 7-Eleven ddengan menerapkan beberapa strategi yang mengena di market Indonesia, terutama bagi kalangan muda dimana diketahui memiliki indikasi terpenting dalam siklus lifestyle di Indonesia. Tujuan tercapai dengan mengetahui penerapan strategi yang digunakan sehingga dapat diterapkan dalam menjalankan strategi bisnis pada Convenience Store

  15. Financial Depth and Financial Access in Indonesia


    Setiawan, Sigit


    This study is intended to analyse the current levels of financial depth and financial access in Indonesia and to analyse the factors affecting them. The analysis method used was a combination of descriptive quantitative, benchmarking, and literature reviews. The conclusion is that the financial depth in Indonesia has not shown a satisfactory level since it was the lowest, or the second lowest ranked country among the sampled countries. Meanwhile, the financial access in Indonesia is relativel...

  16. Bacaan Anak Tentang Indonesia Terbitan Amerika Serikat 1960-1980


    Toha-Sarumpaet, Riris K


    Children’s books about Indonesia published in the United States 1960-1980. The purpose of this study was to look at the image of Indonesia as presented in children’s literature published in the United States. The study focused upon the evaluative tone and the accuracy with which people in Indonesia are portrayed. Nineteen books (seven fictions, eight non-fictions, and four folktales) about Indonesia published between 1960 and 1980 constituted the sample of this study. In order to ...

  17. Ads in Indonesia

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    Wulan Roro Retno


    Full Text Available Cosmetics industry created the beauty myth for women through advertising. A cosmetic ad in Indonesia has spread a new concept of white skin: East Asia beauty myth. The white concept of Asia white skin basically derived from colonial legacy. The purpose of the research was analyzing the beauty myth in Indonesia ads using postcolonial perspective. The principal result brought the discourse analysis and postcolonial perspective a new insight in communication research. Particularly on media and cultural studies. Major conclusions showed that the beauty myth since the Dutch colonial period never been change. The main concept is always in colonialism’s idea: “white is better”. The West is better than the East.

  18. The production sharing contract in Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Machmud, T.N.


    The basic concept of production sharing is that the petroleum resource is owned and controlled by the host country while all cost and risk of exploration are borne by the contractor who is freely allowed to lift his share of petroleum. The first Production Sharing Contract (PSC) was established by the government of Indonesia in 1967 and has since become an accepted pattern for petroleum exploration and exploitation agreements between host governments and private oil companies in many developing countries in addition to Indonesia. The history of the PSC in Indonesia is briefly reviewed and a new incentive package and new contractual arrangements for gas developments are discussed. (UK)

  19. Pengaruh Islam terhadap Perkembangan Budaya Jawa: Tembang Macapat


    Mulyono, Asmaun Sahlan


    Islam came to Indonesia since the seventh century AD has a major influence on the transformation of the local culture. From cultures that were previously heavily influenced by Hinduism is primarily based on two major books from India, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata to the new culture that is influenced by Islamic values. One form of cultural transformation in the field of Javanese literature is the birth of the tembang macapat (song of macapat). Tembang macapat is a form of transformation f...

  20. Species diversity of the Genus Hoya (Asclepiadaceae in Bukit Batikap Sanctuary Forest, Central Kalimantan

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    Full Text Available The Genus Hoya (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae is being appreciated as exotic ornamental plant in Europe, USA and Australia, while in Indonesia as the country of origin still neglected. Indonesia was predicted have the highest Hoya species diversity (about 60 species from 150 species in the world. Among the major Islands in Indonesia, Kalimantan was predicted have the highest diversity in Hoya species. The inventory of the species has been done in the Bukit Batikap Sanctuary Forest, Muller Mountain in Central Kalimantan. Nine Hoya species of about thirties species in Kalimantan were found in Bukit Batikap, namely: H. coronaria Blume, H. cf. erythrostemma Kerr., H. latifolia G. Don., H. mitrata Kerr., H. nummularioides Const., H. pusilla Rintz, H. revoluta Wight, H. scortechinii King & Gamble, and Hoya cf. vaccinioides Hook.f.