
Sample records for cdc americano sistema

  1. La scuola confessionale nei sistemi anglosassoni.Tra incorporazione inglese e separatismo americano

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    Rita Benigni


    SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa - 2. L’istruzione popolare in Inghilterra: dal sostegno alle scuole confessionali alla riforma Gladstone - 3. La scuola confessionale nel sistema di pubblica istruzione: dalla riforma Gladstone ai nostri giorni. - 4. Il separatismo americano: le ragioni di una scelta e la sua incidenza sul sistema scolastico. - 5. Scuola confessionale ed establishment clause. La fase di strict separation. – 6. (segue L’affermazione di un separatismo attenuato. I voucher e le charter schools.

  2. Potenciais benefícios do sistema de rastreabilidade animal dos EUA para o setor de carnes americano

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    Moisés de Andrade Resende Filho


    Full Text Available Este artigo investigou os potenciais ganhos do setor de carnes americano advindos da implantação do Sistema Nacional de Identificação Animal (NAIS, dos EUA. Foram analisados os potenciais efeitos do NAIS sobre a percepção de risco dos consumidores americanos em relação aos perigos decorrentes do consumo das carnes bovina, suína e de aves e seus derivados. Sistemas de equações de demanda foram estimados, incorporando-se como "proxies" da percepção de risco do consumidor, séries de índices de segurança do alimento, separadamente construídas para cada tipo de carne. Tais séries foram concebidas, somando-se o número de referências nos principais jornais americanos a problemas de segurança da carne. Foi utilizado o melhor modelo estimado, escolhido com base em uma série de testes de especificação, para se construir três cenários, simulando-se os casos em que o NAIS não está implementado; que está implementado apenas para o gado bovino; e que está implementado para suínos e bovinos. Foram utilizadas as diferenças entre as receitas estimadas para cada cenário e para cada tipo de carne, como uma medida do potencial ganho advindo da implementação do NAIS. Foi concluído que os setores da carne bovina e suína poderiam arcar com os custos do NAIS. Esse resultado, contudo, depende de o quanto desses potenciais ganhos chegarão efetivamente aos produtores agrícolas.This article investigates the potential gains to the U.S. meat sector with the implantation of the U.S. National Animal Identification System (NAIS. The focus is on the effect that the NAIS could have on consumers' risk perception about eating meat. System of demand equations are estimated using time series of food safety indexes variables used as proxies for consumers' reactions to news on meat safety issues. The series of food safety indexes are built on the basis of the number of food safety news reported in top U.S. newspapers. Using the preferred model

  3. Estados Unidos: a instituição de um sistema prisional singular

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    Virgílio Caixeta Arraes


    Full Text Available O presente artigo busca analisar historicamente o peculiar sistema prisional norte-americano,  focando  na doutrina da guerra ao terror, comumente usada como justificativa pelas ações de Washington.

  4. Argos Americano: incertidumbre e independencia

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    Julián Penagos Carreño


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es el resultado del análisis léxico métrico al periódico cartagenero el Argos Americano. Papel político, económico y literario de Cartagena de Indias (Septiembre de 1810 -Marzo de 1812 , que muestra las distintas discusiones que se dieron en torno a temas como nación, gobierno e independencia durante una época turbulenta cuando España había sido invadida por los ejércitos de Napoleón, y el rey Fernando VII fue hecho prisionero, lo cual dejó un vacío de poder que sumió a las provincias del continente americano en la incertidumbre por definir un gobierno. Este trabajo hace parte del proyecto de investigación Historia Cultural de la Prensa en la Nueva Granada ( 1810-1820 , patrocinado por la Dirección de Investigaciones y la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de La Sabana.

  5. Sistema Socioeducativo Potiguar: um debate sobre violações de direitos de crianças e adolescentes em âmbito internacional

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    Ilana Lemos Paiva


    Full Text Available O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA, embasado especialmente no processo da Convenção Internacional das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos da Criança (1989, representou um significativo avanço em relação à proteção dos direitos fundamentais de crianças e adolescentes, e originou mudanças paradigmáticas ao responsabilizar adolescentes em conflito com a lei por meio de medidas socioeducativas. Apesar dos avanços observados, a realidade dos adolescentes que cumprem medidas socioeducativas continua marcada por quadro de violação de direitos. Desse modo, pretende-se analisar as graves e recorrentes violações de direitos humanos a adolescentes em conflito com a lei verificadas no estado do Rio Grande do Norte, como territorialidade específica. Compreende-se que, apesar das limitações, acionar o sistema americano de direitos humanos revela-se uma importante ferramenta. Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, Sistema Socioeducativo, sistema americano de direitos humanos

  6. Surgimiento de un derecho americano de los derechos humanos en America Latina

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    Gonzalo Aguilar Cavallo


    Full Text Available La dinámica propia de America Latina y la actividad de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos han estimulado el surgimiento de un Derecho Americano de los Derechos Humanos. El Derecho Americano de los Derechos Humanos se nutriría de las tradiciones constitucionales comunes de los Estados americanos y de los instrumentos internacionales de derechos humanos. El Derecho Americano de los Derechos Humanos demarcaría un espacio de orden público americano. Actualmente, las características fundamentales de este orden jurídico serían la promoción de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, la protección de la diversidad cultural y el desarrollo del dominio del ius cogens. The own Latin-American dynamic and the Interamerican Human Rights Court activity have fostered the emergence of an American Human Rights Law. American Human Rights Law would be fed on states’ common constitutional traditions and international human rights instruments. The American Human Rights Law would delimit an American space of public order. Nowadays, the main features of this legal order would be the promotion of economic, social and cultural rights, the protection of cultural diversity and the development of ius cogens’ field.


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    Sabrina Evangelista Medeiros


    Full Text Available Este texto tem como propósito a análise do sistema inter-americano e da Organização dos Estados Americanos por meio de sua história e componentes relacionadas às tratativas e organicidade do sistema. Para isso, esta abordagem tem como base a sua evolução institucional, os diferentes usos conceituais e de propósito, as principais fases deste sistema e, em consequência, a reputação associada a ele em que pese os marcos regulatórios e compromissos assumidos no âmbito da OEA e fora dele. A hipótese é de que, a OEA teve constante evolução institucional por conta da transição de objetivos que sofreu entre o fim da Guerra Fria e o século XXI e que, nesta conjuntura e como forma de adaptar-se às outras frentes regionais potencialmente competitivas, volta-se para a questão da segurança individual e direitos humanos criando um guarda-chuva em que cabem, de maneira complementar, as demais iniciativas setorialmente organizadas, como as de finalidade energética, comercial ou de defesa. Por último, que a configuração do setor de defesa nestes mesmos marcos regulatórios criados ao longo destes anos apresenta-se pela fusão de fatores multidimensionais, que vão desde a segurança civil às fronteiras, com poucos aspectos tradicionais de defesa, realocando o seu papel na região

  8. Pensamento, Teoria e Estudos Latino-americanos

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    Jacques de Novion


    Full Text Available RESUMO O presente trabalho configura como artigo inicial do Dossiê Especial – Pensamento, Teoria e Estudos Latino-americanos, organizado conjuntamente por nós, a pedido da Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre as Américas (CEPPAC, do Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS, da Universidade de Brasília (UnB. De forma breve, este artigo apresenta a importância alcançada pelo Pensamento, pela Teoria, e, sobre tudo, pelos Estudos Latino-americanos nas últimas décadas. Em seguida, o artigo apresenta os quatorze trabalhos e uma resenha que compõem este Dossiê, resultado da contribuição de diferentes pesquisadores de distintas localidades da região, organizados em três blocos: Ciências Sociais Latino-americanas, Pensamento e Estudos. PALAVRAS CHAVE: Ciências Sociais Latino-americanas; Pensamento Latino-americanos; Teoria Latino-americana; Estudos Latino-americanos. --- RESUMEN El presente trabajo configura como articulo inicial del Dossier Especial – Pensamiento Teoría y Estudios Latinoamericanos, organizado conjuntamente por nosotros, a pedido de la Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre as Américas (CEPPAC, del Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS, de la Universidade de Brasília (UnB. De forma breve, este articulo presenta la importancia alcanzada por el Pensamiento, por la Teoría, y, sobre todo, por los Estudios Latinoamericanos en las últimas décadas. En seguida, el articulo presenta los catorce trabajos e una reseña que componen este Dossier, resultado de la contribución de diferentes investigadores de distintas localidades de la región, organizados en tres bloques: Ciencias Sociales Latinoamericanas, Pensamiento y Estudios. PALABRAS CLAVE: Ciencias Sociales Latinoamericanas; Pensamiento Latinoamericano; Teoría Latinoamericana; Estudios Latinoamericanos. --- ABSTRACT This paper is set up as the initial article of this Special Dossier - Thought, Theory and Latin American Studies, which we organized collectively, at the request

  9. El escritor americano

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    Cristina Iglesia


    Full Text Available Facundo se escribe para los no saben leer América. Este es uno de los puntos de partida de Sarmiento : hay una mala lectura europea de América, sobre todo de la Argentina, del Río de la Plata, de esta parte de América que es, en realidad, la única que a Sarmiento le interesa. “Sus más hábiles políticos no han alcanzado a comprender nada de lo que sus ojos han visto al echar una mirada precipitada sobre el poder americano que desafiaba a la gran nación” escribe en Viajes.Y Europa no sabe leer ...

  10. Sistema privado de seguro-saúde: lições do caso americano

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    Mônica Viegas Andrade


    Full Text Available O mercado de serviços de atenção à saúde apresenta particularidades não observadas em outros mercados de bens, traduzidas nas relações contratuais estabelecidas entre os agentes deste mercado: relação paciente-provedor e relação seguradora-provedor. Na relação seguradora-provedor existe um problema de risco moral que cria incentivos à sobreutilização de serviços médicos. O objetivo deste trabalho é sistematizar as principais características institucionais do sistema de saúde americano, enfatizando as reformas ocorridas na década de 1970 e os problemas identificados em regulamentar o setor privado de serviços médicos e hospitalares. Estes problemas estão relacionados, em sua grande maioria, à regulamentação dos contratos permitidos entre as seguradoras, os provedores de serviços médicos e hospitalares e os segurados. A principal conclusão deste trabalho é mostrar que a flexibilização dos contratos entre provedores e seguradora tem efeito significativo na redução dos custos do seguro-saúde, resultando sobretudo em maior eficiência dos serviços ofertados. Os novos desenhos de contratos estabelecidos permitem a divisão do risco entre os provedores e seguradora, além de centralizar a decisão de encaminhamentos médicos a serem realizados configurando utilização mais racional destes serviços. A flexibilização dos contratos não significou, no entanto, eliminação da regulação por parte do Estado do setor de seguro-saúde privado, sendo fundamental para garantir a sustentabilidade financeira dos seguros.The aim of this paper is to organize the main institutional characteristics of the American Health System, emphasizing the reforms that occurred during the age of seventy and the difficulties to regulate the private sector of medical and hospital services. The most part of these problems are related to the contract regulation between the providers of medical and hospital service and the patients. The

  11. Dos americanos hablan de España

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    Helcías Martán Góngora


    Full Text Available El tema universal de España vuelve a resonar en la voz de los poetas americanos. El motivo noble se renueva en la generación que regresa a la península descubridora, a trueque de las negaciones, en la carabela de sus estrofas.

  12. Ukola Club. Bar americano

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    Azpiazu, J. R.


    Full Text Available En la calle de Serrano, aprovechando un semisótano dedicado a otro negocio anteriormente, se ha instalado un bar americano, de cuyo interior ofrecemos algunos pormenores. Se han cuidado, especialmente, las condiciones acústicas, resueltas por medio de un techo de escayola perforada, con vitrofib en su parte superior, y paredes de madera, que contribuyen a darle un ambiente cálido y acogedor. El soporte de hierro laminado existente en el centro del local, cuya supresión hubiera sido costosa, se ha revestido con lajas de mármol que le convierten en un elemento decorativo.

  13. Um acontecimento, três jornais: processos de produção no Jornalismo latino-americano

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    Angela Zamin

    Full Text Available Nucleado por um acontecimento, o artigo tem por objetivo analisar os processos de produção que dão conta de sua materialidade jornalística. Trata-se do Angostura, crise colombo-equatoriana resultante do ataque do Exército colombiano a um acampamento das Farc localizado no Equador, em 1º de março de 2008. Com base no arcabouço dos estudos do acontecimento jornalístico, constatam-se fluxos do acontecimento e do Jornalismo (no espaço, entre editorias e sistemas informativos. Considera um conjunto de notícias sobre o acontecimento dos jornais latino-americanos O Estado de S.Paulo, El Tiempo e El Comercio, publicadas em 2008 e 2009. Por meio de uma análise da materialidade discursiva (FOUCAULT, 2005; GUILHAUMOU, 2002, identifica em que medida o acontecimento desestabiliza a ordem dos jornais e como, ao fazer trabalhar o acontecimento, o Jornalismo também se organiza.

  14. Organização e arquitetura microscópica do sistema tegumentar do Lobo-marinho-sul-americano (Arctocephalus australis, Zimmermann, 1783)


    Ana Paula da Silva


    O lobo-marinho-sul-americano (Arctocephalus australis) membro da Ordem Carnivora, é comumente visto nos períodos de outono e inverno na costa brasileira do Rio Grande do Sul até o Rio de Janeiro, porém, sem colônias reprodutivas estabelecidas. A espécie pertence ao grupo dos pinípedes, carnívoros com membros em forma de nadadeiras que vivem em ambiente aquático e terrestre. Estudos sobre a morfologia da pele em pinípedes são raros e antigos, destes procederam muitos relatos divergentes, em vi...

  15. Assessment of Cellular Mutagenicity of Americano Coffees from Popular Coffee Chains. (United States)

    Liu, Zhen-Shu; Chen, Po-Wen; Wang, Jung-Yu; Kuo, Tai-Chen


    Coffee is a popular beverage worldwide, but coffee beans can be contaminated with carcinogens. The Ames Salmonella mutagenicity test is often used for analysis of carcinogens for mutagenicity. However, previous studies have provided controversial data about the direct mutagenicity of coffee beans based on Ames test results. This study was conducted to determine the mutagenicity of popular Americano coffee based on results from the Ames test. Coffee samples without additives that were served by five international coffee chain restaurants were subjected to the analysis using Salmonella Typhimurium tester strains TA98, TA100, and TA1535. The levels of bacterial revertants in samples from coffee chains were lower than the twofold criterion of the control sets, and no significant dose-response effect was observed with or without rat liver enzyme activation. These data indicate that Americano coffees from the selected coffee chains possessed no direct mutagenic activity with or without enzyme activation. These findings suggest a low mutagenic risk from Americano coffees served by the selected coffee chains and support the use of other methods to confirm the nonmutagenicity of coffee products. These results are consistent with most recent epidemiological reports.

  16. "A wild and wondrous ride": CDC field epidemiologists in the east Pakistan smallpox and cholera epidemics of 1958 "Uma louca e maravilhosa jornada": epidemiologistas de campo do CDC nas epidemias de varíola e cólera do Paquistão Oriental em 1958

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    Paul Greenough


    desenvolvimento. Langmuir descreveu o episódio como uma "jornada louca e maravilhosa", porém pareceu mais um pesadelo: o departamento de saúde do Paquistão Oriental entrou em colapso; um movimento popular assumiu a vacinação e desperdiçou suprimentos de vacinas; jornalistas hostis questionaram as motivações ocultas dos americanos; e iniciou-se uma rivalidade profissional entre americanos e o epidemiologista britânico Aidan Cockburn. No final da epidemia, em julho de 1958, tinham sido vacinados trinta milhões de bengalis contra varíola, mas outros vinte mil sucumbiram. Esse episódio foi a primeira intervenção sistemática do CDC no exterior.


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    Full Text Available Condemned to a dubious media representation in early cinema through thenovels of the late nineteenth century, the North American Indians never had a high profile infilms of this period. However, an animator, Walter Lantz, has a high degree of characterizationof Native Americans in his work. The aim of this paper is to study the role of Native Americansin these cartoons and analyze the social implications of these choices, using the concepts ofapparatus and formula. Furthermore, the analysis will include a portrayal of the Americanmedia scene before and after Lantz, seeking disruptions and legacies.Condenados a uma duvidosa representação midiática no início do cinema graçasaos romances do final do século XIX, os índios norte-americanos nunca tiveram um grandedestaque nos filmes dessa época. No entanto, um realizador de desenhos animados, WalterLantz, possui um alto grau de caracterização de nativos norte-americanos em seus trabalhos. Oobjetivo do presente artigo é estudar o protagonismo dos índios norte-americanos nessesdesenhos animados, e analisar as implicações sociais dessas escolhas através do uso dosconceitos de dispositivo e fórmula. Além disso, a análise incluirá a retratação da cenamidiática norte-americana antes e depois de Lantz, buscando rupturas e legados.

  18. Investimentos estrangeiros nos sistemas financeiros latino-americanos: os casos da Argentina, do Brasil e do México Foreigner's investments in the Latin-American financial systems: the experiences of Argentina, Brazil and Mexico

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    Maria Cristina Penido de Freitas


    Full Text Available Desde o retorno dos fluxos de capitais voluntários para a América Latina nos anos 1990 ocorreu a intensificação dos investimentos estrangeiros nos mercados financeiros locais, os quais assumiram, notadamente, as formas de fluxos de portfólio e de investimento direto mediante a aquisição de participação acionária nas instituições financeiras domésticas. Argentina, Brasil e México foram os três países que mais absorveram esses fluxos destinados à região. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar os efeitos desses investimentos sobre os sistemas financeiros domésticos desses três países latino-americanos, que, longe de serem homogêneos, se diferenciaram em função do grau de abertura financeira e da gestão macroeconômica.In the 90's, the context of the renewal of capital flows to Latin America, the foreigner's investments in the local financial markets intensified not only as portfolio investments but as direct stock ownership of the financial enterprises. But, this movement is so far to be homogeneous since there are wide differences in the financial openness degrees and the macroeconomics policies across the countries. For this, we examine the effects of this process on the three Latin-American financial systems - the Brazilian, the Argentinean and Mexican ones - which have attracted the majority of the capital inflows to the region.


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    Marco Anthony Steveson Villas Boas


    Full Text Available A construção do sistema de proteção do ambiente como direito humano, integrante da terceira dimensão ou geração de direitos, alicerçado na responsabilidade solidária e no dever fundamental de o Estado protegê-lo, procurou garantir a qualidade de vida e a dignidade do homem, e bem assim a própria sobrevivência do ser humano no Planeta. No entanto, o antropocentrismo eurocêntrico, alargado pelo Direito Internacional e incorporado por diversas Constituições latino-americanas, não tem alcançado força normativa para proteger minorias étnicas, como indígenas e populações tradicionais. Essa baixa normatividade e as diferenças populacionais da América Latina trouxeram, para o plano do Direito Constitucional, novas propostas de proteção à natureza, conferindo-lhe direitos a partir de uma cosmovisão indígena biocêntrica, de matriz pluralista, a qual quer sobrepor-se ao monismo antropocêntrico. Todavia, deixam o constitucionalismo latino-americano em verdadeira encruzilhada.

  20. Overexpression of CDC25B, CDC25C and phospho-CDC25C (Ser216 in vulvar squamous cell carcinomas are associated with malignant features and aggressive cancer phenotypes

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    Flørenes Vivi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background CDC25 phosphatases are important regulators of the cell cycle. Their abnormal expression detected in a number of tumors implies that their dysregulation is involved in malignant transformation. However, the role of CDC25s in vulvar cancer is still unknown. To shed light on their roles in the pathogenesis and to clarify their prognostic values, expression of CDC25A, CDC25B and CDC25C in a large series of vulvar squamous cell carcinomas were examined. Methods Expression of CDC25A, CDC25B, CDC25C and phosphorylated (phospho-CDC25C (Ser216 were examined in 300 vulvar carcinomas using immunohistochemistry. Western blot analysis was utilized to demonstrate CDC25s expression in vulvar cancer cell lines. Kinase and phosphatase assays were performed to exclude cross reactivity among CDC25s isoform antibodies. Results High nuclear CDC25A and CDC25B expression were observed in 51% and 16% of the vulvar carcinomas, respectively, whereas high cytoplasmic CDC25C expression was seen in 63% of the cases. In cytoplasm, nucleus and cytoplasm/nucleus high phospho-CDC25C (Ser216 expression was identified in 50%, 70% and 77% of the carcinomas, respectively. High expression of CDC25s correlated significantly with malignant features, including poor differentiation and infiltration of vessel for CDC25B, high FIGO stage, presence of lymph node metastases, large tumor diameter, poor differentiation for CDC25C and high FIGO stage, large tumor diameter, deep invasion and poor differentiation for phospho-CDC25C (Ser216. In univariate analysis, high expression of phospho-CDC25C (Ser216 was correlated with poor disease-specific survival (p = 0.04. However, such an association was annulled in multivariate analysis. Conclusions Our results suggest that CDC25C and phospho-CDC25C (Ser216 play a crucial role and CDC25B a minor role in the pathogenesis and/or progression of vulvar carcinomas. CDC25B, CDC25C and phospho-CDC25C (Ser216 were associated with

  1. Overexpression of CDC25B, CDC25C and phospho-CDC25C (Ser216) in vulvar squamous cell carcinomas are associated with malignant features and aggressive cancer phenotypes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Zhihui; Trope, Claes G; Flørenes, Vivi Ann; Suo, Zhenhe; Nesland, Jahn M; Holm, Ruth


    CDC25 phosphatases are important regulators of the cell cycle. Their abnormal expression detected in a number of tumors implies that their dysregulation is involved in malignant transformation. However, the role of CDC25s in vulvar cancer is still unknown. To shed light on their roles in the pathogenesis and to clarify their prognostic values, expression of CDC25A, CDC25B and CDC25C in a large series of vulvar squamous cell carcinomas were examined. Expression of CDC25A, CDC25B, CDC25C and phosphorylated (phospho)-CDC25C (Ser216) were examined in 300 vulvar carcinomas using immunohistochemistry. Western blot analysis was utilized to demonstrate CDC25s expression in vulvar cancer cell lines. Kinase and phosphatase assays were performed to exclude cross reactivity among CDC25s isoform antibodies. High nuclear CDC25A and CDC25B expression were observed in 51% and 16% of the vulvar carcinomas, respectively, whereas high cytoplasmic CDC25C expression was seen in 63% of the cases. In cytoplasm, nucleus and cytoplasm/nucleus high phospho-CDC25C (Ser216) expression was identified in 50%, 70% and 77% of the carcinomas, respectively. High expression of CDC25s correlated significantly with malignant features, including poor differentiation and infiltration of vessel for CDC25B, high FIGO stage, presence of lymph node metastases, large tumor diameter, poor differentiation for CDC25C and high FIGO stage, large tumor diameter, deep invasion and poor differentiation for phospho-CDC25C (Ser216). In univariate analysis, high expression of phospho-CDC25C (Ser216) was correlated with poor disease-specific survival (p = 0.04). However, such an association was annulled in multivariate analysis. Our results suggest that CDC25C and phospho-CDC25C (Ser216) play a crucial role and CDC25B a minor role in the pathogenesis and/or progression of vulvar carcinomas. CDC25B, CDC25C and phospho-CDC25C (Ser216) were associated with malignant features and aggressive cancer phenotypes. However, the

  2. Blastomyces dermatitidis septins CDC3, CDC10, and CDC12 impact the morphology of yeast and hyphae, but are not required for the phase transition. (United States)

    Marty, Amber J; Gauthier, Gregory M


    Blastomyces dermatitidis, the etiologic agent of blastomycosis, belongs to a group of thermally dimorphic fungi that change between mold (22°C) and yeast (37°C) in response to temperature. The contribution of structural proteins such as septins to this phase transition in these fungi remains poorly understood. Septins are GTPases that serve as a scaffold for proteins involved with cytokinesis, cell polarity, and cell morphology. In this study, we use a GFP sentinel RNA interference system to investigate the impact of CDC3, CDC10, CDC12, and ASPE on the morphology and phase transition of B. dermatitidis. Targeting CDC3, CDC10, and CDC12 by RNA interference resulted in yeast with aberrant morphology at 37°C with defects in cytokinesis. Downshifting the temperature to 22°C promoted the conversion to the mold phase, but did not abrogate the morphologic defects. CDC3, CDC10, and CDC12 knockdown strains grew as mold with curved, thickened hyphae. Knocking down ASPE transcript did not alter morphology of yeast at 37°C or mold at 22°C. Following an increase in temperature from 22°C to 37°C, all septin knockdown strains were able to revert to yeast. In conclusion, CDC3, CDC10, and CDC12 septin- encoding genes are required for proper morphology of yeast and hyphae, but are dispensable for the phase transition.

  3. cdc-25.4, a Caenorhabditis elegans Ortholog of cdc25, Is Required for Male Mating Behavior

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    Sangmi Oh


    Full Text Available Cell division cycle 25 (cdc25 is an evolutionarily conserved phosphatase that promotes cell cycle progression. Among the four cdc25 orthologs in Caenorhabditis elegans, we found that cdc-25.4 mutant males failed to produce outcrossed progeny. This was not caused by defects in sperm development, but by defects in male mating behavior. The cdc-25.4 mutant males showed various defects during male mating, including contact response, backing, turning, and vulva location. Aberrant turning behavior was the most prominent defect in the cdc-25.4 mutant males. We also found that cdc-25.4 is expressed in many neuronal cells throughout development. The turning defect in cdc-25.4 mutant males was recovered by cdc-25.4 transgenic expression in neuronal cells, suggesting that cdc-25.4 functions in neurons for male mating. However, the neuronal morphology of cdc-25.4 mutant males appeared to be normal, as examined with several neuronal markers. Also, RNAi depletion of wee-1.3, a C. elegans ortholog of Wee1/Myt1 kinase, failed to suppress the mating defects of cdc-25.4 mutant males. These findings suggest that, for successful male mating, cdc-25.4 does not target cell cycles that are required for neuronal differentiation and development. Rather, cdc-25.4 likely regulates noncanonical substrates in neuronal cells.

  4. CDC Disease Detective Camp

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    The CDC Disease Detective Camp gives rising high school juniors and seniors exposure to key aspects of the CDC, including basic epidemiology, infectious and chronic disease tracking, public health law, and outbreak investigations. The camp also helps students explore careers in public health.  Created: 8/2/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 8/2/2010.

  5. Chlamydia - CDC Fact Sheet (United States)

    ... Archive STDs Home Page Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) Chlamydia Gonorrhea Genital Herpes Hepatitis HIV/AIDS & STDs Human Papillomavirus ( ... sheet Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) – CDC fact sheet Gonorrhea – CDC fact sheet STDs Home Page Bacterial Vaginosis ( ...

  6. Overexpression of CDC25B, CDC25C and phospho-CDC25C (Ser216) in vulvar squamous cell carcinomas are associated with malignant features and aggressive cancer phenotypes


    Wang, Zhihui; Trope, Claes G; Fl?renes, Vivi Ann; Suo, Zhenhe; Nesland, Jahn M; Holm, Ruth


    Background CDC25 phosphatases are important regulators of the cell cycle. Their abnormal expression detected in a number of tumors implies that their dysregulation is involved in malignant transformation. However, the role of CDC25s in vulvar cancer is still unknown. To shed light on their roles in the pathogenesis and to clarify their prognostic values, expression of CDC25A, CDC25B and CDC25C in a large series of vulvar squamous cell carcinomas were examined. ...

  7. Role of AtCDC48 & the AtCDC48 Regulatory Protein Family, PUX, in Plant Cell Morphogenesis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bednarek, Sebastian, Y.


    The long-term objective of this work is to understand the molecular events and mechanisms involved in secretory membrane trafficking and organelle biogenesis, which are crucial for normal plant growth and development. Our studies have suggested a vital role for the cytosolic chaperone Cdc48p/p97 during cytokinesis and cell expansion which are highly dependent upon secretory membrane trafficking. Localization studies have shown that the plant Cdc48p/p97, AtCDC48, and the Arabidopsis ortholog of the ER- and Golgi-associated SNARE, syntaxin 5, (referred to as SYP31) are targeted to the division plane during cytokinesis. In addition, AtCDC48 and SYP31 were shown to interact in vitro and in vivo. To characterize further the function of AtCDC48 and SYP31 we have utilized affinity chromatography and MALDI-MS to identify several plant-specific proteins that interact with SYP31 and/or modulate the activity of AtCDC48 including two UBX (i.e. ubiquitin-like) domain containing proteins, PUX1 and PUX2 (Proteins containing UBX domain). These proteins define a plant protein family consisting of 15 uncharacterized members that we postulate interact with AtCDC48. Biochemical studies have demonstrated that PUX2 is a novel membrane adapter for AtCDC48 that mediates AtCDC48/SYP31 interaction and is likely to control AtCDC48-dependent membrane fusion. In contrast, PUX1 negatively regulates AtCDC48 by inhibiting its ATPase activity and by promoting the disassembly of the active hexamer. These findings provide the first evidence that the assembly and disassembly of the CDC48/p97complex is actually a dynamic process. This new unexpected level of regulation for CDC48/p97 was demonstrated to be critical in vivo as pux1 loss-of-function mutants grow faster than wild-type plants. These studies suggest a role for AtCDC48 in plant cell cycle progression including cytokinesis and/or cell expansion. The proposed studies are designed to: 1) characterize further the localization and function of AtCDC

  8. Retornados e inadaptados: el "Americano" Gallego, entre mito y realidad (1880-1930

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    Núñez Seixas, Xosé M.


    Full Text Available During the period of mass migration to America, return migrants, also labelled as "americans" or "indianos", played an important role in Galicia's rural regions as technical innovators and catalysers of the articulation of civil society. This article attemps to have a first look on the topic, by researching into the internal diversity of the whole collectivity of return migrants. It also aims at offering a typology of the social and political agency of return migrants in Galicia in comparative perspective.

    En el período de emigración masiva hacia América, los retornados, también denominados "americanos" o "indianos", jugaron un papel importante como introductores de innovaciones técnicas y como catalizadores de la articulación de la sociedad civil en las zonas rurales de Galicia. Este artículo intenta una aproximación al tema, preguntándose por la diversidad interna del colectivo de retornados y ensayando, en virtud de la comparación con otros ejemplos históricos, una tipología de la agencia social y política de los "americanos" gallegos.

  9. CDC Disease Detective Camp

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    The CDC Disease Detective Camp gives rising high school juniors and seniors exposure to key aspects of the CDC, including basic epidemiology, infectious and chronic disease tracking, public health law, and outbreak investigations. The camp also helps students explore careers in public health.

  10. Regulated degradation of the APC coactivator Cdc20

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robbins Jonathan A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Cdc20 is a highly conserved activator of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC, promoting cell-cycle-regulated ubiquitination and proteolysis of a number of critical cell-cycle-regulatory targets including securin and mitotic cyclins. APC-Cdc20 activity is tightly regulated, and this regulation is likely important for accurate cell cycle control. One significant component of Cdc20 regulation is thought to be Cdc20 proteolysis. However, published literature suggests different mechanisms and requirements for Cdc20 proteolysis. The degree to which Cdc20 proteolysis is cell-cycle regulated, the dependence of Cdc20 proteolysis on Cdc20 destruction boxes (recognition sequences for APC-mediated ubiqutination, either by Cdc20 or by the related Cdh1 APC activator, and the need for APC itself for Cdc20 proteolysis all have been disputed to varying extents. In animals, Cdc20 proteolysis is thought to be mediated by Cdh1, contributing an intrinsic order of APC activation by Cdc20 and then by Cdh1. One report suggests a Cdh1 requirement for Cdc20 proteolysis in budding yeast; this idea has not been tested further. Results We characterized Cdc20 proteolysis using Cdc20 expressed from its endogenous locus; previous studies generally employed strongly overexpressed Cdc20, which can cause significant artifacts. We analyzed Cdc20 proteolysis with or without mutations in previously identified destruction box sequences, using varying methods of cell cycle synchronization, and in the presence or absence of Cdh1. Cdc20 instability is only partially dependent on destruction boxes. A much stronger dependence on Cdh1 for Cdc20 proteolysis was observed, but Cdh1-independent proteolysis was also clearly observed. Cdc20 proteolysis independent of both destruction boxes and Cdh1 was especially detectable around the G1/S transition; Cdh1-dependent proteolysis was most notable in late mitosis and G1. Conclusions Cdc20 proteolysis is under complex control

  11. Prácticas escolares en el Colégio Americano: un enfoque en la cultura material

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    Marlucy do Socorro Aragão de Sousa


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda las prácticas escolares y la cultura material de la escuela en Belém do Pará, a finales del siglo XIX. El objetivo es analizar cómo se configuraron la cultura material y las prácticas escolares en el Colégio Americano, ideado por José Veríssimo entre 1884 y 1890. Se usa como fuente la obra Noticia Geral sobre o Collegio Americano. Se utilizó la metodología histórico-hermenéutica. Al analizar la cultura material de la escuela, se tiene como horizonte la percepción de sus vínculos con el contexto histórico, cultural y social en el que se generó un nuevo modelo de educación que destacaba la civilidad, la nación y la moral. Por consiguiente, dichos artefactos no eran simples objetos, sino que revelaron las relaciones conflictivas o pacíficas de aquel contexto, e incluso las prácticas escolares de la institución. Se observa que el uso y la descripción de los objetos dispuestos en la estructura del Colégio Americano, para su creador, tenían el objetivo de establecer y mantener normas que debían formar hombres disciplinados, que se vincularan directamente con el propósito de la educación física, moral y cívica de los estudiantes.

  12. O pensamento social e político Latino-Americano: etapas de seu desenvolvimento

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    Simone Rodrigues Pinto


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende traçar um panorama do pensamento latino-americano, partindo de uma linha histórica mais recente, iniciada pela influência do romantismo e do positivismo nos primeiros anos da independência, a esquerda nascente e os nacionalismos, a emergência do desenvolvimentismo e do dependentismo, finalizando com a perspectiva crítica do pós-colonialismo. A proposta não é descrever as principais correntes e teorias de maneira exaustiva e completa, mas tentar gerar interesse e admiração pelos escritos e escritores latino-americanos de maior destaque, a partir do conhecimento das etapas de seu desenvolvimento.This article aims to trace a panorama of Latin American thought. This panorama begins with the influence of the romanticism and the positivism in the early years of independence, then the rising of the nationalism and the emergence of the so called "developmental-ism" and "dependent-ism". At the end, it presents the critical perspective of post-colonialism. The proposal is not to describe the theories in depth, but to create interest for the most prominent Latin American writers.

  13. CDC Climat - 2011 Sustainable Development Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    CDC Climat is the Caisse des Depots (CDC) subsidiary that is dedicated to combating climate change. Its activities aim to support the transition towards a low resource and low greenhouse gas emission (GHG) economy, through services that are cutting-edge, pro table, and in line with CDC's public policy goals. Through its corporate purpose, CDC Climat embodies the CDC's commitments in the sustainable development field. CDC Climat supports the implementation of public GHG emission reduction policies, primarily through emission trading schemes at the European and international level. Since it was founded in 2010, and throughout 2011, its strategic priorities have consisted in: - developing a long-term policy for investing in carbon credits generated by environmental initiatives, as part of the project mechanisms set up by the Kyoto Protocol, and used in the European Emission Trading Scheme; - supporting the development of its investments in carbon finance operators, like BlueNext, the European carbon exchange, for instance; - broadening the scope of its research into climate economics, which is supported by CDC and available to everyone, in order to serve the public and private players concerned. Its teams have supported French and European governments, international organisations and the United Nations, and various NGOs in their work and thinking on the future of tools for combating climate change. They have specifically contributed reports based on their research and operational feedback. When it was founded, CDC Climat was closely linked to public policies aimed at combating climate change via allowance and carbon trading mechanisms. The difficulties encountered by international negotiations, together with the effects of the economic and financial downturn in Europe, have resulted in a very pronounced fall in the price of carbon assets on these markets since the summer of 2011, with no prospect of recovery for several years. This environment is calling some of the

  14. O Crisol: periódico das alunas do Colégio Americano (Porto Alegre/RS, 1945-1964 - O Crisol: the jornal by students of the Colégio Americano (Porto Alegre/RS, 1945-1964

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    Dóris Bittencourt Almeida, Brasil


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho investiga-se o periódico O Crisol, produzido pelas alunas do Colégio Americano, uma escola de Porto Alegre/RS, entre os anos de 1945 e 1964. Esse periódicodiz muito à História da Educação, pois evidencia saberes e práticas que circulavam nacomunidade do Colégio e revela um pouco das representações da cultura juvenil daquele tempo. Aqui interessam os significados dos discursos difundidos pelo periódico nos processos de subjetivação provocados pelos textos e suas possíveis influências na construção das identidades das jovens leitoras e escritoras do jornal. A pesquisa identifica-se com os pressupostos teóricos da História Cultural e se inscreve no campo das práticas de leitura e escrita e de memórias juvenis, tendo como referenciais as concepções da cultura escrita enquanto produção discursiva de um determinado tempo e lugar.Palavras-chave: memórias juvenis, escritas escolares, práticas de escrita. O CRISOL: THE JORNAL BY STUDENTS OF THE COLÉGIO AMERICANO (PORTO ALEGRE/RS, 1945-1964 AbstractThis work investigates the journalO Crisolproduced by students of the Colégio Americano, a school in Porto Alegre/RS, between the years 1945 and 1964.The journal says much to the History of Education, as evidenced knowledges and pratices circulating in the community,showing a bit of representations of youth culture in that time. Herethe interest by meaning’s dissemination of speeches by the journal in the processes of subjectivation caused by texts and their possible influences on the construction of identities of young readers and writers of the newspaper. The research identifies with the theoreticals presuppositions o Cultural History and inscribed in the field of reading and writing practices and memories of youth, taking as reference the concepts of the writing culture as a discursive production of a determinated time and place.Key-words: youth’s memories, written school, writing practices. O CRISOL: EL

  15. Comparing three body mass index classification systems to assess overweight and obesity in children and adolescents Comparación de tres sistemas de clasificación de los índices de masa corporal para evaluar el sobrepeso y la obesidad en niños y adolescentes

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    Ines Gonzalez-Casanova


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To compare the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF 2005, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC 2000, and World Health Organization (WHO 2007 body mass index (BMI classification systems in terms of prevalence estimation and association with demographic factors. METHODS: The 18 265 children and adolescents ages 5 to 18 years (mean = 11.2 years, standard deviation = 3.9 years in the nationally representative Colombian National Nutrition Survey of 2005 were classified as overweight or obese according to IOTF, CDC, and WHO criteria. Prevalence estimates were compared according to each system and associations with age, sex, socioeconomic status, and population density were tested. RESULTS: Prevalence estimates of combined overweight and obesity differed by system (males: IOTF = 8.5%, CDC = 10.8%, WHO = 14.1%; females: IOTF = 14.6%, CDC = 13.8%, WHO = 17.1%; P OBJETIVO: Comparar los sistemas de clasificación de los índices de masa corporal (IMC del Grupo de Trabajo Internacional sobre la Obesidad (IOTF de 2005, de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC de 2000, y de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS de 2007, en cuanto a la estimación de la prevalencia y la asociación con factores demográficos. MÉTODOS: Los 18 265 niños y adolescentes de ambos sexos y de edades comprendidas entre 5 y 18 años (media = 11,2 años, desviación estándar = 3,9 años que participaron en la Encuesta Nacional de la Situación Nutricional en Colombia del 2005, representativa a escala nacional, fueron clasificados como afectados de sobrepeso u obesidad según los criterios del IOTF, los CDC y la OMS. Se compararon los cálculos de la prevalencia según cada sistema y se analizaron las asociaciones con la edad, el sexo, la situación socioeconómica y la densidad de población. RESULTADOS: Los cálculos de la prevalencia del sobrepeso y la obesidad combinados diferían según el sistema (varones: IOTF = 8,5%, CDC


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    Alexandre de Assis Campello


    Full Text Available O texto aborda a mudança na percepção da imagem entre o cinema clássico e o cinema moderno, com especial atenção ao gênero dos road movies latino-americanos. Parte do pressuposto de que há um deslocamento (ruptura nessa transição e vai se valer dos conceitos de situação ótica pura, de Deleuze, e da noção de Não lugares, de Marc Auge, para tentar explicá-lo.

  17. Encontrando os feminismos latino-americanos e caribenhos

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    Alvarez Sonia E


    Full Text Available Este artigo examina os Encontros Latino-Americanos e do Caribe como espaços críticos transnacionais onde se re-imagina a política dos feminismos na região. Enfocando o Oitavo desses Encontros, realizado em Juan Dolio, República Dominicana, em 1999, analisamos os principais debates politicos e filosóficos que surgiram durante 20 anos de Encontros: (1 mudanças nas concepções de 'autonomia' do movimento e na relação dos feminismos com o movimento de mulheres mais amplo e com outros atores na sociedade civil e política, o Estado e instituições internacionais; (2 controvérsias geradas pelas recorrentes crises de 'inclusão' e de 'expansão' do movimento; e (3 debates centrados nas diferenças, desigualdades e desequilíbrios de poder entre mulheres em geral e entre as feministas em particular.

  18. 13 CFR 120.851 - CDC ethical requirements. (United States)


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false CDC ethical requirements. 120.851... Company Loan Program (504) Other Cdc Requirements § 120.851 CDC ethical requirements. CDCs and their Associates must act ethically and exhibit good character. They must meet all of the ethical requirements of...

  19. Dieta del Cernícalo Americano (Falco sparverius Linnaeus, 1758 en dos hábitats interandinos del norte de Ecuador

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    Glenda M. Pozo-Zamora


    Full Text Available El cernícalo americano es una especie de ave rapaz ampliamente distribuida desde Alaska hasta Tierra de Fuego en Argentina. Su dieta generalista está basada principalmente en invertebrados. En Ecuador existe escasa información biológica de ésta especie, desconociéndose aspectos de alimentación. En el presente trabajo se da a conocer la dieta del cernícalo americano, por medio del análisis de egagrópilas colectadas en dos hábitats ubicados en la región interandina en el norte de Ecuador. Los ítems más representativos para Sangolquí y Tababela fueron los coleópteros (48.4 y 39.5%, seguidos por orthópteros (31.3 y 30.7 % respectivamente. En términos de biomasa, los mamíferos son los más importantes dentro de la dieta del cernícalo americano con el 40.3% para Sangolquí y el 70.8% en Tababela. El índice de Shannon (H´= 1.894 indica una mediana diversidad de presas, y la amplitud de dieta (0.26 indica que ésta especie presenta una dieta especialista, difiriendo de otros hábitats donde presenta dieta generalista.

  20. CDC 7600 Module

    CERN Multimedia


    The CDC 7600 has been created by Seymour Cray. It was designed to be compatible with the 6600, which allows for a substantial increase in performance. Furthermore the rise of new technologies has enabled this performance by reducing the minor cycle clock period from 100 ns to 27.5 ns (4 time faster). A very large machine, the 7600 had over 120 miles of hand-wired interconnections. It was the most powerful computer of its time. However, this speed caused a ground-loop problem causing intermittent faults, and eventually requiring all modules to be fitted with sheathed rubber bands. The CDC 7600 was replaced in 1983 by CRAY-1A.

  1. CDC Health Disparities and Inequalities Report--U.S. 2013 (United States)

    ... Women's Health Health Literacy Health Equity CDC Health Disparities & Inequalities Report (CHDIR) Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share ... 2011 Report More Information CDC Releases Second Health Disparities & Inequalities Report - United States, 2013 CDC and its ...

  2. Um exemplo de inversão do domínio ideológico norte-americano no Brasil

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    Carla Damião


    Full Text Available Propomos discutir a relação de domínio ideológico-cultural norte-americano sobre o Brasil, tendo em vista exemplos documentados. Trata-se da chamada “política de boa vizinhança” [Good Neighbor Policy], com início em 1933 até o final da Segunda Guerra, notadamente durante o governo Getúlio Vargas no Brasil e o governo Franklin Roosevelt nos Estados Unidos. A necessidade de propaganda política passava pela “sedução” cultural da potência estadunidense sobre seus vizinhos latino-americanos. Neste sentido, o momento político de tentativa de “adoção” ideológica do Brasil pelos Estados Unidos foi marcado pela “encomenda” de produtos culturais como a personagem do malandro Zé Carioca de Disney. O exemplo mais ambíguo que marca essa ambição de domínio ideológico é o filme encomendado a Orson Welles e jamais finalizado, intitulado: It’s All True [É tudo verdade]. O filme não concluído por seu famoso diretor, filmado em 1942, só se tornou conhecido em 1993 quando outros diretores americanos realizaram um documentário remontando partes do filme. O material presente nesse documentário foi também recuperado pela pesquisa realizada pelo cineasta brasileiro Rogério Sganzerla, da qual surgiu uma tetralogia composta pelos filmes: Nem tudo é verdade (1986, A liguagem de orson Welles (1990, Tudo é Brasil (1997 e O signo do caos (2003. O projeto de domínio cultural encomendado a Orson Welles terminou em fracasso, visto que este desviou sua atenção da glamourosa cidade do Rio de Janeiro e do Carnaval, para filmar a saga de jangadeiros que lutavam por direitos trabalhistas. A conotação política do filme determina seu fracasso no domínio ideológico de propaganda política do governo americano. Sganzerla elegeu o episódio para pensar e criticar o domínio ideológico norte-americano sempre presente na cultura brasileira, de uma maneira bastante ambígua. A ambiguidade permeia a atitude dos dois cineastas: o

  3. Cdc42 promotes host defenses against fatal infection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lee, Keunwook; Boyd, Kelli L; Parekh, Diptiben V


    attempted to specifically delete it in these cells by crossing the Cdc42(fl/fl) mouse with a FSP-1 cre mouse, which is thought to mediate recombination exclusively in fibroblasts. Surprisingly, the FSP-1cre;Cdc42(fl/fl) mice died at 3 weeks of age due to overwhelming suppurative upper airway infections...... showed that in addition to fibroblasts, the FSP-1 cre deleted Cdc42 very efficiently in all leukocytes. Thus, by using this non-specific cre mouse we inadvertently demonstrated the importance of Cdc42 in host protection from lethal infections and suggest a critical role for this small GTPase in innate...

  4. Ubiquitination of Cdc20 by the APC occurs through an intramolecular mechanism (United States)

    Foe, Ian T.; Foster, Scott A.; Cheung, Stephanie K.; DeLuca, Steven Z.; Morgan, David O.; Toczyski, David P.


    SUMMARY Background Cells control progression through late mitosis by regulating Cdc20 and Cdh1, the two mitotic activators of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC). The control of Cdc20 protein levels during the cell cycle is not well understood. Results Here, we demonstrate that Cdc20 is degraded in budding yeast by multiple APC-dependent mechanisms. We find that the majority of Cdc20 turnover does not involve a second activator molecule, but instead depends on in cis Cdc20 autoubiquitination while it is bound to its activator-binding site on the APC core. Unlike in trans ubiquitination of Cdc20 substrates, the APC ubiquitinates Cdc20 independent of APC activation by Cdc20’s C-box. Cdc20 turnover by this intramolecular mechanism is cell cycle-regulated, contributing to the decline in Cdc20 levels that occurs after anaphase. Interestingly, high substrate levels in vitro significantly reduce Cdc20 autoubiquitination. Conclusion We show here that Cdc20 fluctuates through the cell cycle via a distinct form of APC-mediated ubiquitination. This in cis autoubiquitination may preferentially occur in early anaphase, following depletion of Cdc20 substrates. This suggests that distinct mechanisms are able to target Cdc20 for ubiquitination at different points during the cell cycle. PMID:22079111

  5. CDC WONDER: Births (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Births (Natality) online databases in CDC WONDER report birth rates, fertility rates and counts of live births occurring within the United States to U.S....

  6. Cdc7 kinase - a new target for drug development. (United States)

    Swords, Ronan; Mahalingam, Devalingam; O'Dwyer, Michael; Santocanale, Corrado; Kelly, Kevin; Carew, Jennifer; Giles, Francis


    The cell division cycle 7 (Cdc7) is a serine threonine kinase that is of critical importance in the regulation of normal cell cycle progression. Cdc7 kinase is highly conserved during evolution and much has been learned about its biological roles in humans through the study of lower eukaryotes, particularly yeasts. Two important regulator proteins, Dbf4 and Drf1, bind to and modulate the kinase activity of human Cdc7 which phosphorylates several sites on Mcm2 (minichromosome maintenance protein 2), one of the six subunits of the replicative DNA helicase needed for duplication of the genome. Through regulation of both DNA synthesis and DNA damage response, both key functions in the survival of tumour cells, Cdc7 becomes an attractive target for pharmacological inhibition. There are much data available on the pre-clinical anti-cancer effects of Cdc7 depletion and although there are no available Cdc7 inhibitors in clinical trials as yet, several lead compounds are being optimised for this purpose. In this review, we will address the current status of Cdc7 as an important target for new drug development.

  7. Decreased uv mutagenesis in cdc8, a DNA replication mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prakash, L.; Hinkle, D.; Prakash, S.


    A DNA replication mutant of yeast, cdc8, was found to decrease uv-induced reversion of lys2-1, arg4-17, tryl and ural. This effect was observed with all three alleles of cdc8 tested. Survival curves obtained following uv irradiation in cdc8 rad double mutants show that cdc8 is epistatic to rad6, as well as to rad1; cdc8 rad51 double mutants seem to be more sensitive than the single mutants. Since uv-induced reversion in cdc8 rad1 and cdc8 rad51 double mutants is like that of the cdc8 single mutants, we conclude that CDC8 plays a direct role in error-prone repair. To test whether CDC8 codes for a DNA polymerase, we have purified both DNA polymerase I and DNA polymerase II from cdc8 and CDC+ cells. The purified DNA polymerases from cdc8 were no more heat labile than those from CDC+, suggesting that CDC8 is not a structural gene for either enzyme

  8. Cdc20 mediates D-box-dependent degradation of Sp100

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Ran; Li, Ke-min; Zhou, Cai-hong; Xue, Jing-lun; Ji, Chao-neng; Chen, Jin-zhong


    Highlights: ► Cdc20 is a co-activator of APC/C complex. ► Cdc20 recruits Sp100 and mediates its degradation. ► The D-box of Sp100 is required for Cdc20-mediated degradation. ► Sp100 expresses consistently at both the mRNA and protein levels in cell cycle. -- Abstract: Cdc20 is a co-activator of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C complex), which recruits substrates at particular phases of the cell cycle and mediates their degradation. Sp100 is a PML-NB scaffold protein, which localizes to nuclear particles during interphase and disperses from them during mitosis, participates in viral resistance, transcriptional regulation, and apoptosis. However, its metabolism during the cell cycle has not yet been fully characterized. We found a putative D-box in Sp100 using the Eukaryotic Linear Motif (ELM) predictor database. The putative D-box of Sp100 was verified by mutational analysis. Overexpression of Cdc20 resulted in decreased levels of both endogenous Sp100 protein and overexpressed Sp100 mRNA in HEK 293 cells. Only an overexpressed D-box deletion mutant of Sp100 accumulated in HEK293 cells that also overexpressed Cdc20. Cdc20 knockdown by cdc20 specific siRNA resulted in increased Sp100 protein levels in cells. Furthermore, we discovered that the Cdc20 mediated degradation of Sp100 is diminished by the proteasome inhibitor MG132, which suggests that the ubiquitination pathway is involved in this process. However, unlike the other Cdc20 substrates, which display oscillating protein levels, the level of Sp100 protein remains constant throughout the cell cycle. Additionally, both overexpression and knockdown of endogenous Sp100 had no effect on the cell cycle. Our results suggested that sp100 is a novel substrate of Cdc20 and it is degraded by the ubiquitination pathway. The intact D-box of Sp100 was necessary for this process. These findings expand our knowledge of both Sp100 and Cdc20 as well as their role in ubiquitination.

  9. Rho GTPase protein Cdc42 is critical for postnatal cartilage development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagahama, Ryo [Department of Biochemistry, School of Dentistry, Showa University, Tokyo (Japan); Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Showa University, Tokyo (Japan); Yamada, Atsushi, E-mail: [Department of Biochemistry, School of Dentistry, Showa University, Tokyo (Japan); Tanaka, Junichi [Department of Oral Diagnostic Sciences, School of Dentistry, Showa University, Tokyo (Japan); Aizawa, Ryo [Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Showa University, Tokyo (Japan); Suzuki, Dai [Department of Biochemistry, School of Dentistry, Showa University, Tokyo (Japan); Kassai, Hidetoshi [Laboratory of Animal Resources, Center for Disease Biology and Integrative Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan); Yamamoto, Matsuo [Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Showa University, Tokyo (Japan); Mishima, Kenji [Department of Oral Diagnostic Sciences, School of Dentistry, Showa University, Tokyo (Japan); Aiba, Atsu [Laboratory of Animal Resources, Center for Disease Biology and Integrative Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan); Maki, Koutaro [Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Showa University, Tokyo (Japan); Kamijo, Ryutaro [Department of Biochemistry, School of Dentistry, Showa University, Tokyo (Japan)


    Cdc42, a small Rho GTPase family member, has been shown to regulate multiple cellular functions in vitro, including actin cytoskeletal reorganization, cell migration, proliferation, and gene expression. However, its tissue-specific roles in vivo remain largely unknown, especially in postnatal cartilage development, as cartilage-specific Cdc42 inactivated mice die within a few days after birth. In this study, we investigated the physiological functions of Cdc42 during cartilage development after birth using tamoxifen-induced cartilage-specific inactivated Cdc42 conditional knockout (Cdc42 {sup fl/fl}; Col2-CreERT) mice, which were generated by crossing Cdc42 flox mice (Cdc42 {sup fl/fl}) with tamoxifen-induced type II collagen (Col2) Cre transgenic mice using a Cre/loxP system. The gross morphology of the Cdc42 cKO mice was shorter limbs and body, as well as reduced body weight as compared with the controls. In addition, severe defects were found in growth plate chondrocytes of the long bones, characterized by a shorter proliferating zone (PZ), wider hypertrophic zone (HZ), and loss of columnar organization of proliferating chondrocytes, resulting in delayed endochondral bone formation associated with abnormal bone growth. Our findings demonstrate the importance of Cdc42 for cartilage development during both embryonic and postnatal stages. - Highlights: • Tamoxifen-induced cartilage specific inactivated Cdc42 mutant mice were generated. • Cdc42 mutant mice were shorter limbs and body. • Severe defects were found in growth plate chondrocytes.

  10. The establishment of injury surveillance systems in Colombia, El Salvador, and Nicaragua (2000-2006 Establecimiento de sistemas de vigilancia de lesiones en Colombia, El Salvador y Nicaragua (2000-2006

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    Benjamin A. Sklaver


    Full Text Available La Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS, en colaboración con los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC de los Estados Unidos de América, estableció en 2000 sistemas para la vigilancia de lesiones en Colombia, El Salvador y Nicaragua. Estos sistemas, basados en los servicios hospitalarios de emergencia, formaron parte de un proyecto piloto fundamentado en las guías para la vigilancia de lesiones, desarrolladas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS y los CDC. Los objetivos de este proyecto eran evaluar la utilidad de las guías de la OMS/CDC, crear mecanismos apropiados para la vigilancia de lesiones en los tres países, promover intervenciones preventivas adecuadas e integrar la prevención y el control de lesiones en proyectos nacionales de salud pública. En este artículo se describe el proyecto piloto de la OPS/CDC y se resaltan los principios más importantes y las lecciones aprendidas durante sus seis años de funcionamiento (2000-2006. Entre las principales recomendaciones se encuentran la integración de la vigilancia de las lesiones en las unidades de epidemiología e información existentes en los ministerios de salud, la recogida de los datos importantes exclusivamente, la garantía de monitoreos y evaluaciones adecuados y la adopción de las prácticas que han demostrado ser más efectivas para el entrenamiento de personal y la diseminación de información.

  11. Isolation of a cdc28 mutation that abrogates the dependence of S ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    We have isolated a mutation in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisisae CDC28 gene that allows cdc13 cells, carrying damaged DNA, to continue with the cell division cycle. While cdc13 mutant cells are arrested as large-budded cells at the nonpermissive temperature 37°C, the cdc13 cdc28 double mutant culture ...

  12. Rho GTPase protein Cdc42 is critical for postnatal cartilage development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagahama, Ryo; Yamada, Atsushi; Tanaka, Junichi; Aizawa, Ryo; Suzuki, Dai; Kassai, Hidetoshi; Yamamoto, Matsuo; Mishima, Kenji; Aiba, Atsu; Maki, Koutaro; Kamijo, Ryutaro


    Cdc42, a small Rho GTPase family member, has been shown to regulate multiple cellular functions in vitro, including actin cytoskeletal reorganization, cell migration, proliferation, and gene expression. However, its tissue-specific roles in vivo remain largely unknown, especially in postnatal cartilage development, as cartilage-specific Cdc42 inactivated mice die within a few days after birth. In this study, we investigated the physiological functions of Cdc42 during cartilage development after birth using tamoxifen-induced cartilage-specific inactivated Cdc42 conditional knockout (Cdc42 "f"l"/"f"l; Col2-CreERT) mice, which were generated by crossing Cdc42 flox mice (Cdc42 "f"l"/"f"l) with tamoxifen-induced type II collagen (Col2) Cre transgenic mice using a Cre/loxP system. The gross morphology of the Cdc42 cKO mice was shorter limbs and body, as well as reduced body weight as compared with the controls. In addition, severe defects were found in growth plate chondrocytes of the long bones, characterized by a shorter proliferating zone (PZ), wider hypertrophic zone (HZ), and loss of columnar organization of proliferating chondrocytes, resulting in delayed endochondral bone formation associated with abnormal bone growth. Our findings demonstrate the importance of Cdc42 for cartilage development during both embryonic and postnatal stages. - Highlights: • Tamoxifen-induced cartilage specific inactivated Cdc42 mutant mice were generated. • Cdc42 mutant mice were shorter limbs and body. • Severe defects were found in growth plate chondrocytes.

  13. Passado, presente e futuro dos princípios contábeis norte-americanos - US GAAP Lições para contabilidade brasileira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Henrique Pederiva


    Full Text Available Como se estruturam as normas contábeis adotadas para registrar as atividades econômicas norte-americanas - United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles - US GAAP (Princípios Contábeis Geralmente Aceitos Norte Americanos, quais os seus principais eixos de desenvolvimento doutrinário e que interesse há nesse conhecimento para a contabilidade brasileira? A relevância de obter respostas a esses questionamentos resulta da importância econômica dos Estados Unidos da America para as demais nações. Afinal, os recentes problemas nos mercados de capitais norte-americanos comprometeram, em dois anos e meio, US$ 7,7 trilhões da poupança destinada a aposentadoria dos trabalhadores daquele país. Atente-se que muitos países, inclusive o Brasil, buscam recursos nesses mercados de capitais.

  14. Cdc20 mediates D-box-dependent degradation of Sp100

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Ran; Li, Ke-min; Zhou, Cai-hong; Xue, Jing-lun [State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Institute of Genetics, School of Life Science, Fudan University, Shanghai (China); Ji, Chao-neng, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Institute of Genetics, School of Life Science, Fudan University, Shanghai (China); Chen, Jin-zhong, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Institute of Genetics, School of Life Science, Fudan University, Shanghai (China)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Cdc20 is a co-activator of APC/C complex. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Cdc20 recruits Sp100 and mediates its degradation. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The D-box of Sp100 is required for Cdc20-mediated degradation. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Sp100 expresses consistently at both the mRNA and protein levels in cell cycle. -- Abstract: Cdc20 is a co-activator of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C complex), which recruits substrates at particular phases of the cell cycle and mediates their degradation. Sp100 is a PML-NB scaffold protein, which localizes to nuclear particles during interphase and disperses from them during mitosis, participates in viral resistance, transcriptional regulation, and apoptosis. However, its metabolism during the cell cycle has not yet been fully characterized. We found a putative D-box in Sp100 using the Eukaryotic Linear Motif (ELM) predictor database. The putative D-box of Sp100 was verified by mutational analysis. Overexpression of Cdc20 resulted in decreased levels of both endogenous Sp100 protein and overexpressed Sp100 mRNA in HEK 293 cells. Only an overexpressed D-box deletion mutant of Sp100 accumulated in HEK293 cells that also overexpressed Cdc20. Cdc20 knockdown by cdc20 specific siRNA resulted in increased Sp100 protein levels in cells. Furthermore, we discovered that the Cdc20 mediated degradation of Sp100 is diminished by the proteasome inhibitor MG132, which suggests that the ubiquitination pathway is involved in this process. However, unlike the other Cdc20 substrates, which display oscillating protein levels, the level of Sp100 protein remains constant throughout the cell cycle. Additionally, both overexpression and knockdown of endogenous Sp100 had no effect on the cell cycle. Our results suggested that sp100 is a novel substrate of Cdc20 and it is degraded by the ubiquitination pathway. The intact D-box of Sp100 was necessary for this process. These findings expand

  15. Estado actual de la bartonellosis (fiebre verrucosa. verruga en el continente americano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Patiño Camargo


    Full Text Available Trabajo Presentado al VIII Congreso Científico Panamericano reunido en Washington D.C. en mayo de 1940 por La grave calamidad que ha constituido para Colombia la epidemia de Bartonellosis o Fiebre Verrucosa en una región septentrional de su territorio; la endemia legendaria de el Perú; el hecho de haberse señalado en los últimos días focos activos en el Ecuador; y la circunstancia verosímil de que las remotas epidemias llamadas "Bubas" en Guatemala hayan sido de Verruga, demuestran que sobre un dilatado territorio, en varias naciones tributarias del Pacífico existen focos de Bartonellosis en el Continente Americano.

  16. Repertorio Americano 1974-1982. Edición de OCTUBRE-NOVIEMBRE-DICIEMBRE-1981


    Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos, UNA


    Manuel Arce, El libro de la patria. Un hito en la evolución poética de Alfonso Chase, 1* Sin autor, Fotografía, 1* Sin autor, La Habana, Cuba, con los poetas Adolfo Martí Fuentes, Luis Suardíaz, Angel Augier y Nicolás Guillén, 3* Sin autor, Repertorio Americano, 4* J. G., Semblanza del maestro Joaquín García Monge, 4* Carlos Enrique Aguirre Gómez, Ars poética y poesía en “la piel de los signos” de Mario Picado, 5* Sin autor, El poeta Mario Picado con el también poeta para Julián Marchena, 5* ...

  17. CDC Kerala 1: Organization of clinical child development services (1987-2013). (United States)

    Nair, M K C; George, Babu; Nair, G S Harikumaran; Bhaskaran, Deepa; Leena, M L; Russell, Paul Swamidhas Sudhakar


    The main objective of establishing the Child Development Centre (CDC), Kerala for piloting comprehensive child adolescent development program in India, has been to understand the conceptualization, design and scaling up of a pro-active positive child development initiative, easily replicable all over India. The process of establishing the Child Development Centre (CDC) Kerala for research, clinical services, training and community extension services over the last 25 y, has been as follows; Step 1: Conceptualization--The life cycle approach to child development; Step 2: Research basis--CDC model early stimulation is effective; Step 3: Development and validation of seven simple developmental screening tools; Step 4: CDC Diagnostic services--Ultrasonology and genetic, and metabolic laboratory; Step 5: Developing seven intervention packages; Step 6: Training--Post graduate diploma in clinical child development; Step 7: CDC Clinic Services--seven major ones; Step 8: CDC Community Services--Child development referral units; Step 9: Community service delivery models--Childhood disability and for adolescent care counselling projects; Step 10: National capacity building--Four child development related courses. CDC Kerala follow-up and clinic services are offered till 18 y of age and premarital counselling till 24 y of age as shown in "CDC Kerala Clinic Services Flow Chart" and 74,291 children have availed CDC clinic services in the last 10 y. CDC Kerala is the first model for comprehensive child adolescent development services using a lifecycle approach in the Government sector and hence declared as the collaborative centre for Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK), in Kerala.

  18. CDC Child Growth Charts (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — CDC child growth charts consist of a series of percentile curves that illustrate the distribution of selected body measurements in U.S. children. Pediatric growth...

  19. Fission yeast cdc24(+) encodes a novel replication factor required for chromosome integrity. (United States)

    Gould, K L; Burns, C G; Feoktistova, A; Hu, C P; Pasion, S G; Forsburg, S L


    A mutation within the Schizosaccharomyces pombe cdc24(+) gene was identified previously in a screen for cell division cycle mutants and the cdc24(+) gene was determined to be essential for S phase in this yeast. We have isolated the cdc24(+) gene by complementation of a new temperature-sensitive allele of the gene, cdc24-G1. The DNA sequence predicts the presence of an open reading frame punctuated by six introns which encodes a pioneer protein of 58 kD. A cdc24 null mutant was generated by homologous recombination. Haploid cells lacking cdc24(+) are inviable, indicating that cdc24(+) is an essential gene. The transcript of cdc24(+) is present at constant levels throughout the cell cycle. Cells lacking cdc24(+) function show a checkpoint-dependent arrest with a 2N DNA content, indicating a block late in S phase. Arrest is accompanied by a rapid loss of viability and chromosome breakage. An S. pombe homolog of the replicative DNA helicase DNA2 of S. cerevisiae suppresses cdc24. These results suggest that Cdc24p plays a role in the progression of normal DNA replication and is required to maintain genomic integrity.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Pereira de Castro


    Full Text Available Através deste estudo, procuramos apresentar o período entre as independências dos países americanos (final do século XVIII e início do XIX e a grande depressão mundial de 1929. Com base nos textos e discussões de diferentes autores, defensores de teses distintas, buscamos abordar as causas do atraso relativo das economias dos países latino-americanos e caribenhos em comparação com os Estados Unidos e o Canadá, exemplos de ex-colônias de metrópoles européias que sofreram processos de desenvolvimento diferentes das demais.

  1. CDC Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs - 2007 (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs. Funding. CDC's Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco...

  2. CDC Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs - 2014 (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs. Funding. CDC's Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco...

  3. El laberinto teatral de espejos digitales : la presentación de mexicano-americanos en Facebook


    Arao Galhardi, Renato de Almeida


    Este trabajo explora las formas en las cuales mexicano-americanos universitarios actualmente viviendo en Estados Unidos, se presentan en un sitio de redes sociales, Facebook. Partiendo de los enfoques del interaccionismo simbólico, la fenomenología y la psicología social, investigando cómo éstos incorporan la mexicanidad dentro de sus presentaciones digitales. 1. Definición del marco analítico. -- 2. Internet: la red de redes. -- 3. Una introducción a Facebook. -- 4. Analogías digitales: s...

  4. Traducción de cómic americano, superhéroes y chimichangas


    Gonzalbes Valenzuela, Carla


    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar el proceso de traducción de un cómic americano. Consiste de una traducción de varios fragmentos de un cómic de Marvel de Masacre (Deadpool, en inglés) y un posterior análisis de dicha traducción, en el que se comentan los problemas que han surgido, se explica la solución al problema y se justifican las decisiones tomadas L'objectiu d'aquest treball és estudiar el procés de traducció d'un còmic americà. Consisteix en la traducció de diversos fragments...

  5. Cdc45-induced loading of human RPA onto single-stranded DNA. (United States)

    Szambowska, Anna; Tessmer, Ingrid; Prus, Piotr; Schlott, Bernhard; Pospiech, Helmut; Grosse, Frank


    Cell division cycle protein 45 (Cdc45) is an essential component of the eukaryotic replicative DNA helicase. We found that human Cdc45 forms a complex with the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding protein RPA. Moreover, it actively loads RPA onto nascent ssDNA. Pull-down assays and surface plasmon resonance studies revealed that Cdc45-bound RPA complexed with ssDNA in the 8-10 nucleotide binding mode, but dissociated when RPA covered a 30-mer. Real-time analysis of RPA-ssDNA binding demonstrated that Cdc45 catalytically loaded RPA onto ssDNA. This placement reaction required physical contacts of Cdc45 with the RPA70A subdomain. Our results imply that Cdc45 controlled stabilization of the 8-nt RPA binding mode, the subsequent RPA transition into 30-mer mode and facilitated an ordered binding to ssDNA. We propose that a Cdc45-mediated loading guarantees a seamless deposition of RPA on newly emerging ssDNA at the nascent replication fork. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  6. The effect of DNA replication on mutation of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC8 gene. (United States)

    Zaborowska, D; Zuk, J


    Incubation in YPD medium under permissive conditions when DNA replication is going on, strongly stimulates the induction of cdc+ colonies of UV-irradiated cells of yeast strains HB23 (cdc8-1/cdc8-3), HB26 (cdc8-3/cdc8-3) and HB7 (cdc8-1/cdc8-1). Inhibition of DNA replication by hydroxyurea, araCMP, cycloheximide or caffeine or else by incubation in phosphate buffer pH 7.0, abolishes this stimulation. Thus the replication of DNA is strongly correlated with the high induction of cdc+ colonies by UV irradiation. It is postulated that these UV-induced cdc+ colonies arise as the result infidelity in DNA replication.

  7. Cdc42-mediated tubulogenesis controls cell specification

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kesavan, Gokul; Sand, Fredrik Wolfhagen; Greiner, Thomas Uwe


    Understanding how cells polarize and coordinate tubulogenesis during organ formation is a central question in biology. Tubulogenesis often coincides with cell-lineage specification during organ development. Hence, an elementary question is whether these two processes are independently controlled......, or whether proper cell specification depends on formation of tubes. To address these fundamental questions, we have studied the functional role of Cdc42 in pancreatic tubulogenesis. We present evidence that Cdc42 is essential for tube formation, specifically for initiating microlumen formation and later...... for maintaining apical cell polarity. Finally, we show that Cdc42 controls cell specification non-cell-autonomously by providing the correct microenvironment for proper control of cell-fate choices of multipotent progenitors. For a video summary of this article, see the PaperFlick file with the Supplemental Data...

  8. La Banca Centrale Europea : profili giuridici e istituzionali, un confronto con il modello americano della Federal Reserve


    BARONCELLI, Stefania


    Il libro analizza il processo di creazione e l'evoluzione istituzionale della Banca Centrale Europea facendo una comparazione con l'esperienza storica del Federal Reserve System americano. Vengono così confrontate le ragioni che hanno portato alla creazione delle due banche centrali, le politiche economiche che ne hanno ispirato l'azione ed i problemi istituzionali legati alla gestione della politica monetaria in un'area politicamente non uniforme quale appunto l'attuale Unione Europea. Pu...

  9. Comparação do uso de drogas entre universitários brasileiros, norte-americanos e jovens da população geral brasileira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frederico Eckschmidt


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar o uso de drogas entre os universitários e a população geral brasileira, assim como com os universitários norte-americanos, identificando possíveis diferenças de uso pela interferência da cultura. MÉTODOS: Para comparar o uso de drogas na vida entre as populações de interesse, foram utilizados os dados públicos de levantamentos estatísticos brasileiros realizados com universitários e a população geral, assim como levantamento estatístico norte-americano, por meio da comparação de intervalos de confiança (IC 95%. RESULTADOS: O uso de drogas na vida é mais frequente entre os estudantes norte-americanos, que relatam usar mais tabaco, tranquilizantes, maconha, ecstasy, alucinógenos, cocaína, crack e heroína que os universitários brasileiros. Em contrapartida, os universitários brasileiros relatam usar quase duas vezes mais inalantes do que os universitários norte-americanos. Esse padrão se repete ao se analisarem as diferenças intragênero. A isso se soma que os universitários brasileiros parecem envolver-se com mais frequência no uso de bebidas alcoólicas, maconha, tranquilizantes, inalantes, alucinógenos e anfetamínicos que seus pares da população geral brasileira. CONCLUSÕES: Conhecer as particularidades do uso de drogas entre os universitários é de suma importância para a detecção precoce desse consumo. Investimentos nesse segmento e diferenças de sexo devem ser contempladas nas políticas preventivas, assim como na elaboração de estratégias para a redução e o controle desse consumo, como programas de triagem e intervenção breve, uma vez que possuem a melhor relação custo-benefício.

  10. Polo kinase Cdc5 is a central regulator of meiosis I (United States)

    Attner, Michelle A.; Miller, Matthew P.; Ee, Ly-sha; Elkin, Sheryl K.; Amon, Angelika


    During meiosis, two consecutive rounds of chromosome segregation yield four haploid gametes from one diploid cell. The Polo kinase Cdc5 is required for meiotic progression, but how Cdc5 coordinates multiple cell-cycle events during meiosis I is not understood. Here we show that CDC5-dependent phosphorylation of Rec8, a subunit of the cohesin complex that links sister chromatids, is required for efficient cohesin removal from chromosome arms, which is a prerequisite for meiosis I chromosome segregation. CDC5 also establishes conditions for centromeric cohesin removal during meiosis II by promoting the degradation of Spo13, a protein that protects centromeric cohesin during meiosis I. Despite CDC5’s central role in meiosis I, the protein kinase is dispensable during meiosis II and does not even phosphorylate its meiosis I targets during the second meiotic division. We conclude that Cdc5 has evolved into a master regulator of the unique meiosis I chromosome segregation pattern. PMID:23918381

  11. Hispanic Health: CDC Vitalsigns (United States)

    ... Injury Prevention & Control Gateway to Health Communication & Social Marketing Practice On Other Web Sites MedlinePlus – Hispanic American ... MB] en Español [PDF – 1.61 MB] CDC Digital Press Kit Read the MMWR Science Clips Language: ...

  12. Human CDT1 associates with CDC7 and recruits CDC45 to chromatin during S phase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ballabeni, Andrea; Zamponi, Raffaela; Caprara, Greta


    The initiation of DNA replication is a tightly controlled process that involves the formation of distinct complexes at origins of DNA replication at specific periods of the cell cycle. Pre-Replicative Complexes are formed during telophase and early G1. They rearrange at the start of S phase to form...... pre-Initiation Complexes, which are a prerequisite for DNA replication. The CDT1 protein is required for the formation of the pre-Replicative Complexes. Here we show that human CDT1 associates with the CDC7 kinase and recruits CDC45 to chromatin. Moreover, we show that the amount of CDT1 bound...

  13. CDC Vital Signs–Opioid Prescribing

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the July 2017 CDC Vital Signs report. Higher opioid prescribing puts patients at risk for addiction and overdose. Learn what can be done about this serious problem.  Created: 7/6/2017 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 7/6/2017.

  14. Cdc42-dependent actin dynamics controls maturation and secretory activity of dendritic cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schulz, Anna M; Stutte, Susanne; Hogl, Sebastian


    Cell division cycle 42 (Cdc42) is a member of the Rho guanosine triphosphatase family and has pivotal functions in actin organization, cell migration, and proliferation. To further study the molecular mechanisms of dendritic cell (DC) regulation by Cdc42, we used Cdc42-deficient DCs. Cdc42 defici...

  15. Fission Yeast Apc15 Stabilizes MCC-Cdc20-APC/C Complexes, Ensuring Efficient Cdc20 Ubiquitination and Checkpoint Arrest. (United States)

    May, Karen M; Paldi, Flora; Hardwick, Kevin G


    During mitosis, cells must segregate the replicated copies of their genome to their daughter cells with extremely high fidelity. Segregation errors lead to an abnormal chromosome number (aneuploidy), which typically results in disease or cell death [1]. Chromosome segregation and anaphase onset are initiated through the action of the multi-subunit E3 ubiquitin ligase known as the anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C [2]). The APC/C is inhibited by the spindle checkpoint in the presence of kinetochore attachment defects [3, 4]. Here we demonstrate that two non-essential APC/C subunits (Apc14 and Apc15) regulate association of spindle checkpoint proteins, in the form of the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC), with the APC/C. apc14Δ mutants display increased MCC association with the APC/C and are unable to silence the checkpoint efficiently. Conversely, apc15Δ mutants display reduced association between the MCC and APC/C, are defective in poly-ubiquitination of Cdc20, and are checkpoint defective. In vitro reconstitution studies have shown that human MCC-APC/C can contain two molecules of Cdc20 [5-7]. Using a yeast strain expressing two Cdc20 genes with different epitope tags, we show by co-immunoprecipitation that this is true in vivo. MCC binding to the second molecule of Cdc20 is mediated via the C-terminal KEN box in Mad3. Somewhat surprisingly, complexes containing both molecules of Cdc20 accumulate in apc15Δ cells, and the implications of this observation are discussed. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  16. CDC73 intragenic deletion in familial primary hyperparathyroidism associated with parathyroid carcinoma. (United States)

    Korpi-Hyövälti, Eeva; Cranston, Treena; Ryhänen, Eeva; Arola, Johanna; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Sane, Timo; Thakker, Rajesh V; Schalin-Jäntti, Camilla


    CDC73 mutations frequently underlie the hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome, familial isolated hyperparathyroidism (FIHP), and parathyroid carcinoma. It has also been suggested that CDC73 deletion analysis should be performed in those patients without CDC73 mutations. To investigate for CDC73 deletion in a family with FIHP previously reported not to have CDC73 mutations. Eleven members (six affected with primary hyperparathyroidism and five unaffected) were ascertained from the family, and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification was performed to detect CDC73 deletion using leukocyte DNA. A previously unreported deletion of CDC73 involving exons 1-10 was detected in five affected members and two unaffected members who were 26 and 39 years of age. Two affected members had parathyroid carcinomas at the ages of 18 and 32 years, and they had Ki-67 proliferation indices of 5 and 14.5% and did not express parafibromin, encoded by CDC73. Primary hyperparathyroidism in the other affected members was due to adenomas and atypical adenomas, and none had jaw tumors. Two affected members had thoracic aortic aneurysms, which in one member occurred with parathyroid carcinoma and renal cysts. A previously unreported intragenic deletion of exons 1 to 10 of CDC73 was detected in a three-generation family with FIHP, due to adenomas, atypical adenomas, and parathyroid carcinomas. In addition, two affected males had thoracic aortic aneurysms, which may represent another associated clinical feature of this disorder.

  17. CDC PRAMStat Data for 2010 (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). PRAMS, the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, is a surveillance system collecting state-specific,...

  18. CDC PRAMStat Data for 2005 (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). PRAMS, the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, is a surveillance system collecting state-specific,...

  19. CDC PRAMStat Data for 2003 (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). PRAMS, the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, is a surveillance system collecting state-specific,...

  20. CDC PRAMStat Data for 2000 (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). PRAMS, the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, is a surveillance system collecting state-specific,...

  1. CDC PRAMStat Data for 2008 (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). PRAMS, the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, is a surveillance system collecting state-specific,...

  2. CDC PRAMStat Data for 2009 (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). PRAMS, the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, is a surveillance system collecting state-specific,...

  3. CDC PRAMStat Data for 2004 (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). PRAMS, the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, is a surveillance system collecting state-specific,...

  4. CDC PRAMStat Data for 2006 (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). PRAMS, the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, is a surveillance system collecting state-specific,...

  5. CDC PRAMStat Data for 2002 (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). PRAMS, the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, is a surveillance system collecting state-specific,...

  6. CDC PRAMStat Data for 2001 (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). PRAMS, the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, is a surveillance system collecting state-specific,...

  7. CDC PRAMStat Data for 2007 (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). PRAMS, the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, is a surveillance system collecting state-specific,...

  8. Molecular Mechanism of Substrate Processing by the Cdc48 ATPase Complex. (United States)

    Bodnar, Nicholas O; Rapoport, Tom A


    The Cdc48 ATPase and its cofactors Ufd1/Npl4 (UN) extract polyubiquitinated proteins from membranes or macromolecular complexes, but how they perform these functions is unclear. Cdc48 consists of an N-terminal domain that binds UN and two stacked hexameric ATPase rings (D1 and D2) surrounding a central pore. Here, we use purified components to elucidate how the Cdc48 complex processes substrates. After interaction of the polyubiquitin chain with UN, ATP hydrolysis by the D2 ring moves the polypeptide completely through the double ring, generating a pulling force on the substrate and causing its unfolding. ATP hydrolysis by the D1 ring is important for subsequent substrate release from the Cdc48 complex. This release requires cooperation of Cdc48 with a deubiquitinase, which trims polyubiquitin to an oligoubiquitin chain that is then also translocated through the pore. Together, these results lead to a new paradigm for the function of Cdc48 and its mammalian ortholog p97/VCP. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Cell cycle sibling rivalry: Cdc2 vs. Cdk2. (United States)

    Kaldis, Philipp; Aleem, Eiman


    It has been long believed that the cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) binds to cyclin E or cyclin A and exclusively promotes the G1/S phase transition and that Cdc2/cyclin B complexes play a major role in mitosis. We now provide evidence that Cdc2 binds to cyclin E (in addition to cyclin A and B) and is able to promote the G1/S transition. This new concept indicates that both Cdk2 and/or Cdc2 can drive cells through G1/S phase in parallel. In this review we discuss the classic cell cycle model and how results from knockout mice provide new evidence that refute this model. We focus on the roles of Cdc2 and p27 in regulating the mammalian cell cycle and propose a new model for cell cycle regulation that accommodates these novel findings.

  10. System integration of CDC attenuation in the new Opel Astra; Systemintegration der CDC-Daempfung beim neuen Opel Astra

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Balandat, W.; Kutsche, T. [ZF Sachs AG, Schweinfurt (Germany)


    The optional carriage system IDS Plus of the new Opel Astra was developed in close cooperation between opel, ZF Sachs and other suppliers. This networking approach resulted in a high degree of system integration with the electronic attenuation control system CDC as key element. (orig.) [German] Das optionale Fahrwerksystem IDS Plus im neuen Opel Astra entstand in enger Kooperation zwischen Opel, ZF Sachs und weiteren Zulieferern. Die Arbeit im Netzwerk fuehrte zu einer hohen Systemintegration, in deren Kern die elektronische Daempferregelung CDC steht. (orig.)

  11. The human homolog of S. cerevisiae CDC27, CDC27 Hs, is encoded by a highly conserved intronless gene present in multiple copies in the human genome

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Devor, E.J.; Dill-Devor, R.M. [Univ. of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City (United States)


    We have obtained a number of unique sequences via PCR amplification of human genomic DNA using degenerate primers under low stringency (42{degrees}C). One of these, an 853 bp product, has been identified as a partial genomic sequence of the human homolog of the S. cerevisiae CDC27 gene, CDC27Hs (GenBank No. U00001). This gene, reported by Turgendreich et al. is also designated EST00556 from Adams et al. We have undertaken a more detailed examination of our sequence, MCP34N, and have found that: 1. the genomic sequence is nearly identical to CDC27Hs over its entire 853 bp length; 2. an MCP34N-specific PCR assay of several non-human primate species reveals amplification products in chimpanzee and gorilla genomes having greater than 90% sequence identity with CDC27Hs; and 3. an MCP34N-specific PCR assay of the BIOS hybrid cell line panel gives a discordancy pattern suggesting multiple loci. Based upon these data, we present the following initial characterization: 1. the complete MCP34N sequence identity with CDC27Hs indicates that the latter is encoded by an intronless gene; 2. CDC27Hs is highly conserved among higher primates; and 3. CDC27Hs is present in multiple copies in the human genome. These characteristics, taken together with those initially reported for CDC27Hs, suggest that this is an old gene that carries out an important but, as yet, unknown function in the human brain.

  12. CDC Vital Signs–HIV Testing

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the December 2017 CDC Vital Signs report. In the U.S., about 15 percent of people who have HIV don't know they have it. Learn about the importance of testing, early diagnosis, and treatment.  Created: 11/28/2017 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 11/28/2017.

  13. CDC's 29th Annual Joseph W. Mountin Lecture

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    In this podcast, William H. Foege, MD, MPH delivers the 29th Annual Joseph W. Mountin Lecture. Dr. Foege was a key leader in the smallpox effort and worked as an epidemiologist in the successful eradication campaign in the 1970s. Dr. Foege became chief of the Smallpox Eradication Program at CDC, and was appointed director of CDC in 1977.

  14. Os povos indígenas no cenário nacional: dos conflitos entre o Direito Positivo Brasileiro e o Direito Consuetudinário indígena


    Copetti, Saionara do Amaral


    Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós- Graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino- Americanos da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Mestra em Estudos Latino-Americanos. Orientadora: Prof.a Dr.a. Maria Eta Vieira Co-Orientador: SENILDE ALCANTARA GUANAES No Brasil existem diferentes culturas e, cada comunidade possui sistemas de organização social e ordenações jurídicas próprias, como é o caso das cult...

  15. CDC WONDER: Mortality - Infant Deaths (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Mortality - Infant Deaths (from Linked Birth / Infant Death Records) online databases on CDC WONDER provide counts and rates for deaths of children under 1 year...

  16. Fisetin induces G2/M phase cell cycle arrest by inactivating cdc25C-cdc2 via ATM-Chk1/2 activation in human endometrial cancer cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhan-Ying Wang


    Full Text Available Endometrial cancer is one of the most prevalent gynaecological malignancies where, currently available therapeutic options remain limited. Recently phytochemicals are exploited for their efficiency in cancer therapy. The present study investigates the anti-proliferative effect of fisetin, a flavonoid on human endometrial cancer cells (KLE and Hec1 A. Fisetin (20-100 µM effectively reduced the viability of Hec1 A and KLE cells and potentially altered the cell population at G2/M stage. Expression levels of the cell cycle proteins (cyclin B1, p-Cdc2, p-Cdc25C, p-Chk1, Chk2, p-ATM, cyclin B1, H2AX, p21 and p27 were analyzed. Fisetin suppressed cyclin B1 expression and caused inactiva-tion of Cdc25C and Cdc2 by increasing their phosphorylation levels and further activated ATM, Chk1 and Chk2. Increased levels of p21 and p27 were observed as well. These results suggest that fisetin induced G2/M cell cycle arrest via inactivating Cdc25c and Cdc2 through activation of ATM, Chk1 and Chk2.

  17. Sistema de Reconocimiento de Caracteres Orientado a Sistemas Android


    Segura Morales, Oriol; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola d'Enginyeria


    Este proyecto trata sobre un sistema de reconocimiento de caracteres que se implementa para sistemas Android en forma de aplicación para móvil y Tablet. La aplicación está orientada para que los niños aprendan a escribir de una forma más amena. El sistema utiliza el patrón de diseño Modelo-Vista-Controlador para separar la lógica del sistema de la interfaz visual. En la interfaz, el sistema pide que se escriba un carácter utilizando la pantalla táctil y una vez el usuario lo ha escrito el sis...

  18. Phosphatidylserine and GTPase activation control Cdc42 nanoclustering to counter dissipative diffusion. (United States)

    Sartorel, Elodie; Ünlü, Caner; Jose, Mini; Massoni-Laporte, Aurélie; Meca, Julien; Sibarita, Jean-Baptiste; McCusker, Derek


    The anisotropic organization of plasma membrane constituents is indicative of mechanisms that drive the membrane away from equilibrium. However, defining these mechanisms is challenging due to the short spatio-temporal scales at which diffusion operates. Here, we use high-density single protein tracking combined with photoactivation localization microscopy (sptPALM) to monitor Cdc42 in budding yeast, a system in which Cdc42 exhibits anisotropic organization. Cdc42 exhibited reduced mobility at the cell pole, where it was organized in nanoclusters. The Cdc42 nanoclusters were larger at the cell pole than those observed elsewhere in the cell. These features were exacerbated in cells expressing Cdc42-GTP, and were dependent on the scaffold Bem1, which contributed to the range of mobility and nanocluster size exhibited by Cdc42. The lipid environment, in particular phosphatidylserine levels, also played a role in regulating Cdc42 nanoclustering. These studies reveal how the mobility of a Rho GTPase is controlled to counter the depletive effects of diffusion, thus stabilizing Cdc42 on the plasma membrane and sustaining cell polarity. Movie S1 Movie S1 sptPALM imaging of live yeast expressing Pil1-mEOS expressed at the genomic locus. Pil1-mEOS was simultaneously photo-converted with a 405 nm laser and imaged with a 561 nm laser using HiLo illumination. Images were acquired at 20 ms intervals, of which 300 frames are shown at 7 frames per second.

  19. A crucial role for CDC42 in senescence-associated inflammation and atherosclerosis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Takashi K Ito

    Full Text Available Risk factors for atherosclerosis accelerate the senescence of vascular endothelial cells and promote atherogenesis by inducing vascular inflammation. A hallmark of endothelial senescence is the persistent up-regulation of pro-inflammatory genes. We identified CDC42 signaling as a mediator of chronic inflammation associated with endothelial senescence. Inhibition of CDC42 or NF-κB signaling attenuated the sustained up-regulation of pro-inflammatory genes in senescent human endothelial cells. Endothelium-specific activation of the p53/p21 pathway, a key mediator of senescence, also resulted in up-regulation of pro-inflammatory molecules in mice, which was reversed by Cdc42 deletion in endothelial cells. Likewise, endothelial-specific deletion of Cdc42 significantly attenuated chronic inflammation and plaque formation in atherosclerotic mice. While inhibition of NF-κB suppressed the pro-inflammatory responses in acute inflammation, the influence of Cdc42 deletion was less marked. Knockdown of cdc-42 significantly down-regulated pro-inflammatory gene expression and restored the shortened lifespan to normal in mutant worms with enhanced inflammation. These findings indicate that the CDC42 pathway is critically involved in senescence-associated inflammation and could be a therapeutic target for chronic inflammation in patients with age-related diseases without compromising host defenses.

  20. Loss of Cdc42 leads to defects in synaptic plasticity and remote memory recall. (United States)

    Kim, Il Hwan; Wang, Hong; Soderling, Scott H; Yasuda, Ryohei


    Cdc42 is a signaling protein important for reorganization of actin cytoskeleton and morphogenesis of cells. However, the functional role of Cdc42 in synaptic plasticity and in behaviors such as learning and memory are not well understood. Here we report that postnatal forebrain deletion of Cdc42 leads to deficits in synaptic plasticity and in remote memory recall using conditional knockout of Cdc42. We found that deletion of Cdc42 impaired LTP in the Schaffer collateral synapses and postsynaptic structural plasticity of dendritic spines in CA1 pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus. Additionally, loss of Cdc42 did not affect memory acquisition, but instead significantly impaired remote memory recall. Together these results indicate that the postnatal functions of Cdc42 may be crucial for the synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons, which contribute to the capacity for remote memory recall.

  1. CDC Vital Signs: Preventing Melanoma (United States)

    ... not use the device. Include warning statements in marketing materials about the risk of using the device. ... MB] en Español [PDF – 1.16 MB] CDC Digital Press Kit Read the MMWR Science Clips Language: ...

  2. miR-330 regulates the proliferation of colorectal cancer cells by targeting Cdc42

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Yuefeng [The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212001 (China); Zhu, Xiaolan; Xu, Wenlin [The Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212001 (China); Wang, Dongqing [The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212001 (China); Yan, Jinchuan, E-mail: [The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212001 (China)


    Highlights: ► miR-330 was inversely correlated with Cdc42 in colorectal cancer cells. ► Elevated miR-330 suppressed cell proliferation in vivo and in vitro. ► Elevated miR-330 mimicked the effect of Cdc42 knockdown. ► Restoration of Cdc42 could partially attenuate the effects of miR-330. -- Abstract: MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNA molecules that play important roles in the multistep process of colorectal carcinoma (CRC) development. However, the miRNA–mRNA regulatory network is far from being fully understood. The objective of this study was to investigate the expression and the biological roles of miR-330 in colorectal cancer cells. Cdc42, one of the best characterized members of the Rho GTPase family, was found to be up-regulated in several types of human tumors including CRC and has been implicated in cancer initiation and progression. In the present study, we identified miR-330, as a potential regulator of Cdc42, was found to be inversely correlated with Cdc42 expression in colorectal cancer cell lines. Ectopic expression of miR-330 down-regulated Cdc42 expression at both protein and mRNA level, mimicked the effect of Cdc42 knockdown in inhibiting proliferation, inducing G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of the colorectal cancer cells, whereas restoration of Cdc42 could partially attenuate the effects of miR-330. In addition, elevated expression of miR-330 could suppress the immediate downstream effectors of Cdc42 and inhibit the growth of colorectal cancer cells in vivo. To sum up, our results establish a role of miR-330 in negatively regulating Cdc42 expression and colorectal cancer cell proliferation. They suggest that manipulating the expression level of Cdc42 by miR-330 has the potential to influence colorectal cancer progression.

  3. miR-330 regulates the proliferation of colorectal cancer cells by targeting Cdc42

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Yuefeng; Zhu, Xiaolan; Xu, Wenlin; Wang, Dongqing; Yan, Jinchuan


    Highlights: ► miR-330 was inversely correlated with Cdc42 in colorectal cancer cells. ► Elevated miR-330 suppressed cell proliferation in vivo and in vitro. ► Elevated miR-330 mimicked the effect of Cdc42 knockdown. ► Restoration of Cdc42 could partially attenuate the effects of miR-330. -- Abstract: MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNA molecules that play important roles in the multistep process of colorectal carcinoma (CRC) development. However, the miRNA–mRNA regulatory network is far from being fully understood. The objective of this study was to investigate the expression and the biological roles of miR-330 in colorectal cancer cells. Cdc42, one of the best characterized members of the Rho GTPase family, was found to be up-regulated in several types of human tumors including CRC and has been implicated in cancer initiation and progression. In the present study, we identified miR-330, as a potential regulator of Cdc42, was found to be inversely correlated with Cdc42 expression in colorectal cancer cell lines. Ectopic expression of miR-330 down-regulated Cdc42 expression at both protein and mRNA level, mimicked the effect of Cdc42 knockdown in inhibiting proliferation, inducing G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of the colorectal cancer cells, whereas restoration of Cdc42 could partially attenuate the effects of miR-330. In addition, elevated expression of miR-330 could suppress the immediate downstream effectors of Cdc42 and inhibit the growth of colorectal cancer cells in vivo. To sum up, our results establish a role of miR-330 in negatively regulating Cdc42 expression and colorectal cancer cell proliferation. They suggest that manipulating the expression level of Cdc42 by miR-330 has the potential to influence colorectal cancer progression

  4. Two Cdc2 Kinase Genes with Distinct Functions in Vegetative and Infectious Hyphae in Fusarium graminearum.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huiquan Liu


    Full Text Available Eukaryotic cell cycle involves a number of protein kinases important for the onset and progression through mitosis, most of which are well characterized in the budding and fission yeasts and conserved in other fungi. However, unlike the model yeast and filamentous fungi that have a single Cdc2 essential for cell cycle progression, the wheat scab fungus Fusarium graminearum contains two CDC2 orthologs. The cdc2A and cdc2B mutants had no obvious defects in growth rate and conidiation but deletion of both of them is lethal, indicating that these two CDC2 orthologs have redundant functions during vegetative growth and asexual reproduction. However, whereas the cdc2B mutant was normal, the cdc2A mutant was significantly reduced in virulence and rarely produced ascospores. Although deletion of CDC2A had no obvious effect on the formation of penetration branches or hyphopodia, the cdc2A mutant was limited in the differentiation and growth of infectious growth in wheat tissues. Therefore, CDC2A plays stage-specific roles in cell cycle regulation during infectious growth and sexual reproduction. Both CDC2A and CDC2B are constitutively expressed but only CDC2A was up-regulated during plant infection and ascosporogenesis. Localization of Cdc2A- GFP to the nucleus but not Cdc2B-GFP was observed in vegetative hyphae, ascospores, and infectious hyphae. Complementation assays with chimeric fusion constructs showed that both the N- and C-terminal regions of Cdc2A are important for its functions in pathogenesis and ascosporogenesis but only the N-terminal region is important for its subcellular localization. Among the Sordariomycetes, only three Fusarium species closely related to F. graminearum have two CDC2 genes. Furthermore, F. graminearum uniquely has two Aurora kinase genes and one additional putative cyclin gene, and its orthologs of CAK1 and other four essential mitotic kinases in the budding yeast are dispensable for viability. Overall, our data

  5. Two Cdc2 Kinase Genes with Distinct Functions in Vegetative and Infectious Hyphae in Fusarium graminearum. (United States)

    Liu, Huiquan; Zhang, Shijie; Ma, Jiwen; Dai, Yafeng; Li, Chaohui; Lyu, Xueliang; Wang, Chenfang; Xu, Jin-Rong


    Eukaryotic cell cycle involves a number of protein kinases important for the onset and progression through mitosis, most of which are well characterized in the budding and fission yeasts and conserved in other fungi. However, unlike the model yeast and filamentous fungi that have a single Cdc2 essential for cell cycle progression, the wheat scab fungus Fusarium graminearum contains two CDC2 orthologs. The cdc2A and cdc2B mutants had no obvious defects in growth rate and conidiation but deletion of both of them is lethal, indicating that these two CDC2 orthologs have redundant functions during vegetative growth and asexual reproduction. However, whereas the cdc2B mutant was normal, the cdc2A mutant was significantly reduced in virulence and rarely produced ascospores. Although deletion of CDC2A had no obvious effect on the formation of penetration branches or hyphopodia, the cdc2A mutant was limited in the differentiation and growth of infectious growth in wheat tissues. Therefore, CDC2A plays stage-specific roles in cell cycle regulation during infectious growth and sexual reproduction. Both CDC2A and CDC2B are constitutively expressed but only CDC2A was up-regulated during plant infection and ascosporogenesis. Localization of Cdc2A- GFP to the nucleus but not Cdc2B-GFP was observed in vegetative hyphae, ascospores, and infectious hyphae. Complementation assays with chimeric fusion constructs showed that both the N- and C-terminal regions of Cdc2A are important for its functions in pathogenesis and ascosporogenesis but only the N-terminal region is important for its subcellular localization. Among the Sordariomycetes, only three Fusarium species closely related to F. graminearum have two CDC2 genes. Furthermore, F. graminearum uniquely has two Aurora kinase genes and one additional putative cyclin gene, and its orthologs of CAK1 and other four essential mitotic kinases in the budding yeast are dispensable for viability. Overall, our data indicate that cell cycle

  6. CDC Vital Signs: Hispanic Health (United States)

    ... Injury Prevention & Control Gateway to Health Communication & Social Marketing Practice On Other Web Sites MedlinePlus – Hispanic American ... MB] en Español [PDF – 1.61 MB] CDC Digital Press Kit Read the MMWR Science Clips Language: ...

  7. Cdc42 regulates epithelial cell polarity and cytoskeletal function during kidney tubule development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elias, Bertha C; Das, Amrita; Parekh, Diptiben V


    The Rho GTPase Cdc42 regulates key signaling pathways required for multiple cell functions, including maintenance of shape, polarity, proliferation, migration, differentiation and morphogenesis. Although previous studies have shown that Cdc42 is required for proper epithelial development and main......The Rho GTPase Cdc42 regulates key signaling pathways required for multiple cell functions, including maintenance of shape, polarity, proliferation, migration, differentiation and morphogenesis. Although previous studies have shown that Cdc42 is required for proper epithelial development...

  8. CDC Lab Values

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    More than fifteen hundred scientists fill the lab benches at CDC, logging more than four million hours each year. CDC’s laboratories play a critical role in the agency’s ability to find, stop, and prevent disease outbreaks. This podcast provides a brief overview of what goes on inside CDC’s labs, and why this work makes a difference in American’s health.

  9. Las influencias europeas en el movimiento plástico del expresionismo-abstracto americano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amparo Serrano de Haro Soriano


    Full Text Available La literatura crítica que gira en torno al Expresionismo-Abstracto norteamericano (que es la tendencia artística predominante en EEUU en los años 40 y 50 de nuestro siglo tiene dos fases principales. En primer lugar una serie de libros que aparecen a partir de los años 50 y 60 de contenido laudatorio, exaltante y reafirmando lo «americano» de este arte, los títulos son por sí solos extremadamente ilustrativos: Rudy Blesh Modem Art USA: Men, Rebellion, Conquest de 1956; Thomas B. Hess Abstract Painting: Background and American Phase de 1951; Irving Sandler The Triumph of American Painting: A History of Abstract Expressionism de 1970; William Seitz Abstract Expressionism Painting in America de 1955.

  10. O terror e a mídia: o neoconservadorismo norte-americano e o islã radical


    Ortunes, Leandro


    Esta dissertação tem como objeto de estudo a construção da imagem do neoconservadorismo norte-americano e do Islã radical na mídia. Através de uma fundamentação teórica sobre os choques culturais e os confrontos armados entre Ocidente e Oriente, mais precisamente entre Estados Unidos e países com grande atuação islâmica na forma de governo; apresentaremos os pontos de divergência e possíveis similaridades destes dois grupos. Com esta fundamentação, observaremos as divergências e as superficia...

  11. CDC Vital Signs-HIV Testing

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the December 2017 CDC Vital Signs report. In the U.S., about 15 percent of people who have HIV don't know they have it. Learn about the importance of testing, early diagnosis, and treatment.

  12. CDC Vital Signs-Legionnaires' Disease

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the June 2017 CDC Vital Signs report. Legionnaires' disease is a serious, often deadly lung infection. People most commonly get it by breathing in water droplets containing Legionella germs. Learn how to prevent infections from Legionella.

  13. Cell cycle-dependent mobility of Cdc45 determined in vivo by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ronan Broderick

    Full Text Available Eukaryotic DNA replication is a dynamic process requiring the co-operation of specific replication proteins. We measured the mobility of eGFP-Cdc45 by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS in vivo in asynchronous cells and in cells synchronized at the G1/S transition and during S phase. Our data show that eGFP-Cdc45 mobility is faster in G1/S transition compared to S phase suggesting that Cdc45 is part of larger protein complex formed in S phase. Furthermore, the size of complexes containing Cdc45 was estimated in asynchronous, G1/S and S phase-synchronized cells using gel filtration chromatography; these findings complemented the in vivo FCS data. Analysis of the mobility of eGFP-Cdc45 and the size of complexes containing Cdc45 and eGFP-Cdc45 after UVC-mediated DNA damage revealed no significant changes in diffusion rates and complex sizes using FCS and gel filtration chromatography analyses. This suggests that after UV-damage, Cdc45 is still present in a large multi-protein complex and that its mobility within living cells is consistently similar following UVC-mediated DNA damage.

  14. Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra: etnografía y navegación en el Pacífico americano (siglo XVIII

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Melgar Bao


    Full Text Available La expedición marítima de Bodega y Quadra por las costas e islas del norte del Pacífico americano en 1775 es analizada como una valiosa fuente sobre los primeros contactos con las poblaciones originarias. Se destacan y discuten algunas representaciones y prácticas culturales hispano-criollas frente a la otredad.

  15. CDC Vital Signs–Preventing Stroke Deaths

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the September 2017 CDC Vital Signs report. Each year, more than 140,000 people die and many survivors face disability. Eighty percent of strokes are preventable. Learn the signs of stroke and how to prevent them.  Created: 9/6/2017 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 9/6/2017.

  16. CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation - Preemption (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. Legislation—Preemption. The STATE...

  17. Stalking SARS: CDC at Work

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about the SARS outbreak and how CDC worked to solve the mystery.  Created: 5/22/2014 by National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD).   Date Released: 5/22/2014.

  18. Caffeine stabilizes Cdc25 independently of Rad3 in S chizosaccharomyces pombe contributing to checkpoint override (United States)

    Alao, John P; Sjölander, Johanna J; Baar, Juliane; Özbaki-Yagan, Nejla; Kakoschky, Bianca; Sunnerhagen, Per


    Cdc25 is required for Cdc2 dephosphorylation and is thus essential for cell cycle progression. Checkpoint activation requires dual inhibition of Cdc25 and Cdc2 in a Rad3-dependent manner. Caffeine is believed to override activation of the replication and DNA damage checkpoints by inhibiting Rad3-related proteins in both S chizosaccharomyces pombe and mammalian cells. In this study, we have investigated the impact of caffeine on Cdc25 stability, cell cycle progression and checkpoint override. Caffeine induced Cdc25 accumulation in S . pombe independently of Rad3. Caffeine delayed cell cycle progression under normal conditions but advanced mitosis in cells treated with replication inhibitors and DNA-damaging agents. In the absence of Cdc25, caffeine inhibited cell cycle progression even in the presence of hydroxyurea or phleomycin. Caffeine induces Cdc25 accumulation in S . pombe by suppressing its degradation independently of Rad3. The induction of Cdc25 accumulation was not associated with accelerated progression through mitosis, but rather with delayed progression through cytokinesis. Caffeine-induced Cdc25 accumulation appears to underlie its ability to override cell cycle checkpoints. The impact of Cdc25 accumulation on cell cycle progression is attenuated by Srk1 and Mad2. Together our findings suggest that caffeine overrides checkpoint enforcement by inducing the inappropriate nuclear localization of Cdc25. PMID:24666325

  19. Cdc42 controls progenitor cell differentiation and beta-catenin turnover in skin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wu, Xunwei; Quondamatteo, Fabio; Lefever, Tine


    for differentiation of skin progenitor cells into HF lineage and that it regulates the turnover of beta-catenin. In the absence of Cdc42, degradation of beta-catenin was increased corresponding to a decreased phosphorylation of GSK3beta at Ser 9 and an increased phosphorylation of axin, which is known to be required...... for binding of beta-catenin to the degradation machinery. Cdc42-mediated regulation of beta-catenin turnover was completely dependent on PKCzeta, which associated with Cdc42, Par6, and Par3. These data suggest that Cdc42 regulation of beta-catenin turnover is important for terminal differentiation of HF...

  20. CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation - Licensure (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. Legislation—Licensure. The STATE System...

  1. CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation - Tax (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2017. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. Legislation-Tax. The STATE System...

  2. CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation - Tax (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. Legislation-Tax. The STATE System...

  3. Functional Dysregulation of CDC42 Causes Diverse Developmental Phenotypes. (United States)

    Martinelli, Simone; Krumbach, Oliver H F; Pantaleoni, Francesca; Coppola, Simona; Amin, Ehsan; Pannone, Luca; Nouri, Kazem; Farina, Luciapia; Dvorsky, Radovan; Lepri, Francesca; Buchholzer, Marcel; Konopatzki, Raphael; Walsh, Laurence; Payne, Katelyn; Pierpont, Mary Ella; Vergano, Samantha Schrier; Langley, Katherine G; Larsen, Douglas; Farwell, Kelly D; Tang, Sha; Mroske, Cameron; Gallotta, Ivan; Di Schiavi, Elia; Della Monica, Matteo; Lugli, Licia; Rossi, Cesare; Seri, Marco; Cocchi, Guido; Henderson, Lindsay; Baskin, Berivan; Alders, Mariëlle; Mendoza-Londono, Roberto; Dupuis, Lucie; Nickerson, Deborah A; Chong, Jessica X; Meeks, Naomi; Brown, Kathleen; Causey, Tahnee; Cho, Megan T; Demuth, Stephanie; Digilio, Maria Cristina; Gelb, Bruce D; Bamshad, Michael J; Zenker, Martin; Ahmadian, Mohammad Reza; Hennekam, Raoul C; Tartaglia, Marco; Mirzaa, Ghayda M


    Exome sequencing has markedly enhanced the discovery of genes implicated in Mendelian disorders, particularly for individuals in whom a known clinical entity could not be assigned. This has led to the recognition that phenotypic heterogeneity resulting from allelic mutations occurs more commonly than previously appreciated. Here, we report that missense variants in CDC42, a gene encoding a small GTPase functioning as an intracellular signaling node, underlie a clinically heterogeneous group of phenotypes characterized by variable growth dysregulation, facial dysmorphism, and neurodevelopmental, immunological, and hematological anomalies, including a phenotype resembling Noonan syndrome, a developmental disorder caused by dysregulated RAS signaling. In silico, in vitro, and in vivo analyses demonstrate that mutations variably perturb CDC42 function by altering the switch between the active and inactive states of the GTPase and/or affecting CDC42 interaction with effectors, and differentially disturb cellular and developmental processes. These findings reveal the remarkably variable impact that dominantly acting CDC42 mutations have on cell function and development, creating challenges in syndrome definition, and exemplify the importance of functional profiling for syndrome recognition and delineation. Copyright © 2017 American Society of Human Genetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. CDC Vital Signs-Heroin Epidemic

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the July 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. Heroin use and heroin-related overdose deaths are increasing. Most people are using it with other drugs, especially prescription opioid painkillers. Learn what can be done to prevent and treat the problem.

  5. Functions of mammalian Cdc7 kinase in initiation/monitoring of DNA replication and development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jung Min; Yamada, Masayuki; Masai, Hisao


    Cdc7 kinase plays an essential role in firing of replication origins by phosphorylating components of the replication complexes. Cdc7 kinase has also been implicated in S phase checkpoint signaling downstream of the ATR and Chk1 kinases. Inactivation of Cdc7 in yeast results in arrest of cell growth with 1C DNA content after completion of the ongoing DNA replication. In contrast, conditional inactivation of Cdc7 in undifferentiated mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells leads to growth arrest with rapid cessation of DNA synthesis, suggesting requirement of Cdc7 functions for continuation of ongoing DNA synthesis. Furthermore, loss of Cdc7 function induces recombinational repair (nuclear Rad51 foci) and G2/M checkpoint responses (inhibition of Cdc2 kinase). Eventually, p53 becomes highly activated and the cells undergo massive p53-dependent apoptosis. Thus, defective origin activation in mammalian cells can generate DNA replication checkpoint signals. Efficient removal of those cells in which replication has been perturbed, through cell death, may be beneficial to maintain the highest level of genetic integrity in totipotent stem cells. Partial, rather than total, loss of Cdc7 kinase expression results in retarded growth at both cellular and whole body levels, with especially profound impairment of germ cell development.

  6. Functions of mammalian Cdc7 kinase in initiation/monitoring of DNA replication and development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jung Min; Yamada, Masayuki; Masai, Hisao


    Cdc7 kinase plays an essential role in firing of replication origins by phosphorylating components of the replication complexes. Cdc7 kinase has also been implicated in S phase checkpoint signaling downstream of the ATR and Chk1 kinases. Inactivation of Cdc7 in yeast results in arrest of cell growth with 1C DNA content after completion of the ongoing DNA replication. In contrast, conditional inactivation of Cdc7 in undifferentiated mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells leads to growth arrest with rapid cessation of DNA synthesis, suggesting requirement of Cdc7 functions for continuation of ongoing DNA synthesis. Furthermore, loss of Cdc7 function induces recombinational repair (nuclear Rad51 foci) and G2/M checkpoint responses (inhibition of Cdc2 kinase). Eventually, p53 becomes highly activated and the cells undergo massive p53-dependent apoptosis. Thus, defective origin activation in mammalian cells can generate DNA replication checkpoint signals. Efficient removal of those cells in which replication has been perturbed, through cell death, may be beneficial to maintain the highest level of genetic integrity in totipotent stem cells. Partial, rather than total, loss of Cdc7 kinase expression results in retarded growth at both cellular and whole body levels, with especially profound impairment of germ cell development

  7. Perseguir al SRAG: CDC en acción (Stalking SARS: CDC at Work)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    En este podcast los niños de Kidtastics hablan sobre el brote del SRAS y cómo trabajaron los CDC para resolver el misterio.  Created: 4/29/2013 by National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD).   Date Released: 8/10/2016.

  8. UPEML, Computer Independent Emulator of CDC Update Utility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    1 - Description of program or function: UPEML is a machine-portable CDC UPDATE emulation program. It is capable of emulating a significant subset of the standard CDC UPDATE functions, including program library creation and subsequent modification. 2 - Method of solution: UPEML was originally written to facilitate the use of CDC-based scientific packages on alternate computers. In addition to supporting computers such as the VAX/VMS, IBM, and CRAY/COS, Version 3.0 now supports UNIX workstations and the CRAY/UNICOS operating system. Several program bugs have been corrected in Version 3.0. Version 3.0 has several new features including 1) improved error checking, 2) the ability to use *ADDFILE and READ from nested files, 3) creation of compile file on creation, 4) allows identifiers to begin with numbers, and 5) ability to control warning messages and program termination on error conditions. 3 - Restrictions on the complexity of the problem: None noted

  9. Insights into Cdc13 Dependent Telomere Length Regulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    M Mason; E Skordalakes


    Cdc13 is a single stranded telomere binding protein that specifically localizes to the telomere ends of budding yeasts and is essential for cell viability. It caps the ends of chromosomes thus preventing chromosome end-to-end fusions and exonucleolytic degradation, events that could lead to genomic instability and senescence, the hallmark of aging. Cdc13 is also involved in telomere length regulation by recruiting or preventing access of telomerase to the telomeric overhang. Recruitment of telomerase to the telomeres for G-strand extension is required for continuous cell division, while preventing its access to the telomeres through capping the chromosome ends prevents mitotic events that could lead to cell immortality, the hall mark of carcinogenesis. Cdc13 and its putative homologues human CTC1 and POT1 are therefore key to many biological processes directly associated with life extension and cancer prevention and can be viewed as an ideal target for cancer and age related therapies.

  10. Hepatocyte-specific deletion of Cdc42 results in delayed liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in mice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yuan, Haixin; Zhang, Hong; Wu, Xunwei


    Cdc42, a member of the Rho guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) family, plays important roles in the regulation of the cytoskeleton, cell proliferation, cell polarity, and cellular transport, but little is known about its specific function in mammalian liver. We investigated the function of Cdc42...... in regulating liver regeneration. Using a mouse model with liver-specific knockout of Cdc42 (Cdc42LK), we studied liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. Histological analysis, immunostaining, and western blot analysis were performed to characterize Cdc42LK livers and to explore the role of Cdc42 in liver...... regeneration. In control mouse livers, Cdc42 became activated between 3 and 24 hours after partial hepatectomy. Loss of Cdc42 led to a significant delay of liver recovery after partial hepatectomy, which was associated with reduced and delayed DNA synthesis indicated by 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine staining...

  11. CDC WONDER: Daily Fine Particulate Matter (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Daily Fine Particulate Matter data available on CDC WONDER are geographically aggregated daily measures of fine particulate matter in the outdoor air, spanning...

  12. DNA replication initiator Cdc6 also regulates ribosomal DNA transcription initiation. (United States)

    Huang, Shijiao; Xu, Xiaowei; Wang, Guopeng; Lu, Guoliang; Xie, Wenbing; Tao, Wei; Zhang, Hongyin; Jiang, Qing; Zhang, Chuanmao


    RNA-polymerase-I-dependent ribosomal DNA (rDNA) transcription is fundamental to rRNA processing, ribosome assembly and protein synthesis. However, how this process is initiated during the cell cycle is not fully understood. By performing a proteomic analysis of transcription factors that bind RNA polymerase I during rDNA transcription initiation, we identified that the DNA replication initiator Cdc6 interacts with RNA polymerase I and its co-factors, and promotes rDNA transcription in G1 phase in an ATPase-activity-dependent manner. We further showed that Cdc6 is targeted to the nucleolus during late mitosis and G1 phase in a manner that is dependent on B23 (also known as nucleophosmin, NPM1), and preferentially binds to the rDNA promoter through its ATP-binding domain. Overexpression of Cdc6 increases rDNA transcription, whereas knockdown of Cdc6 results in a decreased association of both RNA polymerase I and the RNA polymerase I transcription factor RRN3 with rDNA, and a reduction of rDNA transcription. Furthermore, depletion of Cdc6 impairs the interaction between RRN3 and RNA polymerase I. Taken together, our data demonstrate that Cdc6 also serves as a regulator of rDNA transcription initiation, and indicate a mechanism by which initiation of rDNA transcription and DNA replication can be coordinated in cells. © 2016. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  13. Binding of Cdc42 to phospholipase D1 is important in neurite outgrowth of neural stem cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Mee-Sup; Cho, Chan Ho; Lee, Ki Sung; Han, Joong-Soo


    We previously demonstrated that phospholipase D (PLD) expression and PLD activity are upregulated during neuronal differentiation. In the present study, employing neural stem cells from the brain cortex of E14 rat embryos, we investigated the role of Rho family GTPases in PLD activation and in neurite outgrowth of neural stem cells during differentiation. As neuronal differentiation progressed, the expression levels of Cdc42 and RhoA increased. Furthermore, Cdc42 and PLD1 were mainly localized in neurite, whereas RhoA was localized in cytosol. Co-immunoprecipitation revealed that Cdc42 was bound to PLD1 during differentiation, whereas RhoA was associated with PLD1 during both proliferation and differentiation. These results indicate that the association between Cdc42 and PLD1 is related to neuronal differentiation. To examine the effect of Cdc42 on PLD activation and neurite outgrowth, we transfected dominant negative Cdc42 (Cdc42N17) and constitutively active Cdc42 (Cdc42V12) into neural stem cells, respectively. Overexpression of Cdc42N17 decreased both PLD activity and neurite outgrowth, whereas co-transfection with Cdc42N17 and PLD1 restored them. On the other hand, Cdc42V12 increased both PLD activity and neurite outgrowth, suggesting that active state of Cdc42 is important in upregulation of PLD activity which is responsible for the increase of neurite outgrowth

  14. Del conocimiento y enseñanza de los indios, según José de Aco

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Tenemos algún conocimiento del sistema de crianza que algunos pueblos indios americanos tenían y transmitían de generación en generación. Según esto, los modos de enseñanza de los indios americanos, especialmente por lo que se refiere a la juventud, se ponen de manifiesto, si no en toda su extensión, por lo menos en grado suficiente para que podamos pensar y hablar de una pedagogía subyacente en ciertos pueblos de la América precolombina. El jesuita José de Acosta (1539-16001, que vivió en Centroamérica y en América del Sur y conoció directamente los usos y costumbres de los indios americanos, en su valiosa Historia natural y moral de las Indias

  15. Podocyte-specific loss of cdc42 leads to congenital nephropathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scott, Rizaldy P; Hawley, Steve P; Ruston, Julie


    in the absence of Cdc42, indicating a disruption of the slit diaphragm. Kidneys from Rac1- and RhoA-mutant mice, however, had normal glomerular morphology and intact foot processes. A nephrin clustering assay suggested that Cdc42 deficiency, but not Rac1 or RhoA deficiency, impairs the polymerization of actin...

  16. CDC WONDER: AIDS Public Use Data (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The AIDS Public Information Data Set (APIDS) for years 1981-2002 on CDC WONDER online database contains counts of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) cases...

  17. Psiconeuroinmunología: Conexiones entre sistema nervioso y sistema inmune

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    García López, Luis Joaquín


    Full Text Available La psiconeuroinmunología es una nueva parcela de la ciencia que apenas lleva tres décadas, pero que en los últimos años ha sido objeto de una enorme atención por diversos grupos de investigación. El articulo pretende exponer brevemente cómo están organizados los sistemas inmune y neuroendocrino, para después presentar los hallazgos que hasta el momento intentan dar explicación de las relaciones entre ambos con el sistema nervioso, así como las influencias de unos sobre otros, más concretamente expresar la relación entre los tres sistemas responsables de la defensa del organismo y, más ampliamente, de su mantenimiento homeostático. Cuando se trata de amenazas, el sistema nervioso central tiene que decidir qué sistema se pone en marcha, el sistema de estrés como energía para el ataque o la huida (un animal que nos quiere atacar, el sistema inmune para neutralizar el antígeno (un virus que nos quiere atacar o ambos (la energía es necesaria también para el sistema inmune. Como parece ser que en muchas ocasiones la depresión aparece tras los esfuerzos infructuosos de puesta en marcha de estrategias de afrontamiento, también hemos repasado sucintamente algunas investigaciones que relacionan al sistema inmune con la depresión, así como con los trastornos del sueño. Se finaliza con las aportaciones que la psicología puede ofrecer a nivel terapéutico.

  18. CDC Vital Signs–Cancer and Obesity

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the October 2017 CDC Vital Signs report. Obesity is a leading cancer risk factor. Unfortunately, two out of three U.S. adults weigh more than recommended. Find out what can be done to help people get to and keep a healthy weight.  Created: 10/4/2017 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/4/2017.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Feliciano de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Resumo: Os países da América Latina estão regidos por uma ordem constitucional comum, especificamente a que decorre dos tratados internacionais sobre direitos humanos. Com efeito, conforme a tendência do bloco de constitucionalidade, além das respectivas constituições, vários países latino-americanos conferem aos tratados internacionais a mesma hierarquia das normas constitucionais quando têm por objeto os direitos humanos. A relevância da pesquisa decorre em razão de a supremacia constitucional ir além das prescrições constitucionais para as normas internacionais que promovem os direitos humanos. Aborda-se o conceito material de direitos humanos a partir da carga valorativa dos bens jurídicos mais relevantes para a sociedade, em especial, os valores da dignidade humana, vida, liberdade e igualdade, de modo que os direitos humanos seriam os daí imediatamente decorrentes. Analisa-se a tendência dos Estados latino-americanos de respeitarem os tratados internacionais sobre direitos humanos como se fossem normas constitucionais, com especial atenção a respeito da experiência brasileira. A pesquisa é bibliográfica, descritiva, e tem-se a finalidade de aprimorar o conhecimento sobre o tema. Ao final, conclui-se que surge na América Latina a primeira ideia de uma Constituição Internacional Comunitária, em face da prevalência dos direitos humanos no cenário supranacional. Palavras-chave: Direitos Humanos. Constitucionalismo. Bloco. América Latina.

  20. Políticas de amizade: Portinari e o mundo cultural ibero-americano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria de Fátima Fontes Piazza

    Full Text Available O presente artigo visa mostrar uma rede de sociabilidade intelectual formada a partir das relações entre o pintor Cândido Portinari (1903-1962 com o mundo cultural ibero-americano, especialmente com o poeta espanhol Rafael Alberti, com o crítico de arte argentino Jorge Romero Brest e com os uruguaios, Carlos Washington Aliseris, pintor, Cipriano Santiago Vitureira, escritor e crítico de arte, e Enrique Amorim, poeta e escritor, entre outros. Aqui, as correspondências foram analisadas como "objeto cultural", seguindo a trilha dos estudos desenvolvidos sob a perspectiva da história dos intelectuais segundo a tradição francesa. Tais missivas revelaram que para a cidade de Buenos Aires acorreu um significativo número de exilados de várias partes da Ibero-América e da Europa (com ênfase nos espanhóis, o que levou a cosmopolita capital portenha a figurar como um promissor mercado de bens culturais.

  1. Communications and Web services: What do CDC users desire in partner relationship management and does CDC's PHIN Directory meet the need? (United States)

    Cervone, Maria A; Savel, Thomas G


    The National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sought to establish a database to proactively manage their partner relationships with external organizations. A user needs analysis was conducted, and CDC's Public Health Information Network Directory (PHINDIR) was evaluated as a possible solution. PHINDIR could sufficiently maintain contact information but did not address customer relationships; however, its flexible architecture allows add-on applications via web services. Thus, NCBDDD's needs could be met via PHINDIR.

  2. Cdc7 is required throughout the yeast S phase to activate replication origins. (United States)

    Donaldson, A D; Fangman, W L; Brewer, B J


    The long-standing conclusion that the Cdc7 kinase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required only to trigger S phase has been challenged by recent data that suggests it acts directly on individual replication origins. We tested the possibility that early- and late-activated origins have different requirements for Cdc7 activity. Cells carrying a cdc7(ts) allele were first arrested in G1 at the cdc7 block by incubation at 37 degrees C, and then were allowed to enter S phase by brief incubation at 23 degrees C. During the S phase, after return to 37 degrees C, early-firing replication origins were activated, but late origins failed to fire. Similarly, a plasmid with a late-activated origin was defective in replication. As a consequence of the origin activation defect, duplication of chromosomal sequences that are normally replicated from late origins was greatly delayed. Early-replicating regions of the genome duplicated at approximately their normal time. The requirements of early and late origins for Cdc7 appear to be temporally rather than quantitatively different, as reducing overall levels of Cdc7 by growth at semi-permissive temperature reduced activation at early and late origins approximately equally. Our results show that Cdc7 activates early and late origins separately, with late origins requiring the activity later in S phase to permit replication initiation.

  3. Interphase APC/C-Cdc20 inhibition by cyclin A2-Cdk2 ensures efficient mitotic entry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hein, Jamin B; Nilsson, Jakob


    Proper cell-cycle progression requires tight temporal control of the Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C), a large ubiquitin ligase that is activated by one of two co-activators, Cdh1 or Cdc20. APC/C and Cdc20 are already present during interphase but APC/C-Cdc20 regulation during...... this window of the cell cycle, if any, is unknown. Here we show that cyclin A2-Cdk2 binds and phosphorylates Cdc20 in interphase and this inhibits APC/C-Cdc20 activity. Preventing Cdc20 phosphorylation results in pre-mature activation of the APC/C-Cdc20 and several substrates, including cyclin B1 and A2......, are destabilized which lengthens G2 and slows mitotic entry. Expressing non-degradable cyclin A2 but not cyclin B1 restores mitotic entry in these cells. We have thus uncovered a novel positive feedback loop centred on cyclin A2-Cdk2 inhibition of interphase APC/C-Cdc20 to allow further cyclin A2 accumulation...

  4. O marxismo indo-americano de Mariátegui e a polêmica com a III Internacional Comunista.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Gabriela Guillén


    Full Text Available Partindo da perspectiva marxista indo-americana de José Carlos Mariátegui, o artigo visa a exposição de fatores teóricos e históricos que culminaram na polêmica com a III Internacional Comunista na América Latina. A problemática evidencia a originalidade do pensamento de Mariátegui, cujo eixo central é a interpretação dos fatos históricos, políticos e sociais latino-americanos sob a perspectiva dialética do desenvolvimento desigual e combinado para explicar a dinâmica particular da realidade peruana.

  5. Cdc25A localisation and shuttling: characterisation of sequences mediating nuclear export and import

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaellstroem, Helena; Lindqvist, Arne; Pospisil, Vitek; Lundgren, Andreas; Karlsson Rosenthal, Christina


    The Cdc25 phosphatases play crucial roles in cell cycle progression by removing inhibitory phosphates from tyrosine and threonine residues of cyclin-dependent kinases. Cdc25A is an important regulator of the G1/S transition but functions also in the mitotic phase of the human cell cycle. In this paper, we investigate the sub-cellular localisation of exogenously expressed Cdc25A. We show that YFP-Cdc25A is localised both in the nucleus and the cytoplasm of HeLa cells and untransformed fibroblasts. Cell fusion assays and fluorescence loss in photobleaching (FLIP) assays reveal that the localisation is dynamic and the protein shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. We demonstrate that nuclear export of Cdc25A is partly mediated by an N-terminal nuclear export sequence (NES), in a manner not sensitive to the Exportin 1-inhibitor leptomycin B. A nuclear localisation signal (NLS) is also characterised, mutation of which leads to cytoplasmic localisation of Cdc25A. Our results imply that the Cdc25A phosphatase may interact with substrates and regulators both in the nucleus and the cytoplasm

  6. A construção do inimigo nos discursos presidenciais norte-americanos do pós-Guerra Fria


    Leite, Lucas Amaral Batista [UNESP


    Este trabalho busca compreender a evolução da narrativa do inimigo por meio da análise dos discursos presidenciais norte-americanos como o State of the Union – e outros selecionados tematicamente – entre os anos de 1989 e 2009, correspondentes aos governos de George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton e George W. Bush. Para tanto, usaremos das proposições teóricas de autores pós-estruturalistas como David Campbell e Robert Walker, além de utilizar a estrutura de pesquisa proposta por Lene Hansen. Junto ...

  7. CDC Vital Signs–Safe Sleep for Babies

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the January 2018 CDC Vital Signs report. Every year, there are about 3,500 sleep-related deaths among U.S. babies. Learn how to create a safe sleep environment for babies.  Created: 1/9/2018 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 1/9/2018.

  8. Moderate variations in CDC25B protein levels modulate the response to DNA damaging agents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aressy, B.; Bugler, B.; Valette, A.; Ducommun, B.; Biard, D.


    CDC25B, one of the three members of the CDC25 dual-specificity phosphatase family, plays a critical role in the control of the cell cycle and in the checkpoint response to DNA damage. CDC25B is responsible for the initial dephosphorylation and activation of the cyclin-dependent kinases, thus initiating the train of events leading to entry into mitosis. The critical role played by CDC25B is illustrated by the fact that it is specifically required for checkpoint recovery and that unscheduled accumulation of CDC25B is responsible for illegitimate entry into mitosis. Here, we report that in p53 colon carcinoma cells, a moderate increase in the CDC25B level is sufficient to impair the DNA damage checkpoint, to increase spontaneous mutagenesis, and to sensitize cells to ionising radiation and genotoxic agents. Using a tumour cell spheroid assay as an alternative to animal studies, we demonstrate that the level of CDC25B expression modulates growth inhibition and apoptotic death. Since CDC25B overexpression has been observed in a significant number of human cancers, including colon carcinoma, and is often associated with high grade tumours and poor prognosis, our work suggests that the expression level of CDC25B might be a potential key parameter of the cellular response to cancer therapy. (authors)

  9. Gene targeting implicates Cdc42 GTPase in GPVI and non-GPVI mediated platelet filopodia formation, secretion and aggregation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huzoor Akbar

    Full Text Available Cdc42 and Rac1, members of the Rho family of small GTPases, play critical roles in actin cytoskeleton regulation. We have shown previously that Rac1 is involved in regulation of platelet secretion and aggregation. However, the role of Cdc42 in platelet activation remains controversial. This study was undertaken to better understand the role of Cdc42 in platelet activation.We utilized the Mx-cre;Cdc42(lox/lox inducible mice with transient Cdc42 deletion to investigate the involvement of Cdc42 in platelet function. The Cdc42-deficient mice exhibited a significantly reduced platelet count than the matching Cdc42(+/+ mice. Platelets isolated from Cdc42(-/-, as compared to Cdc42(+/+, mice exhibited (a diminished phosphorylation of PAK1/2, an effector molecule of Cdc42, (b inhibition of filopodia formation on immobilized CRP or fibrinogen, (c inhibition of CRP- or thrombin-induced secretion of ATP and release of P-selectin, (d inhibition of CRP, collagen or thrombin induced platelet aggregation, and (e minimal phosphorylation of Akt upon stimulation with CRP or thrombin. The bleeding times were significantly prolonged in Cdc42(-/- mice compared with Cdc42(+/+ mice.Our data demonstrate that Cdc42 is required for platelet filopodia formation, secretion and aggregation and therefore plays a critical role in platelet mediated hemostasis and thrombosis.

  10. CDC Vital Signs–African American Health

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the May 2017 CDC Vital Signs report. The life expectancy of African Americans has improved, but it’s still an average of four years less than whites. Learn what can be done so all Americans can have the opportunity to pursue a healthy lifestyle.  Created: 5/2/2017 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 5/2/2017.

  11. Cooperation of Rho family proteins Rac1 and Cdc42 in cartilage development and calcified tissue formation. (United States)

    Ikehata, Mikiko; Yamada, Atsushi; Fujita, Koji; Yoshida, Yuko; Kato, Tadashi; Sakashita, Akiko; Ogata, Hiroaki; Iijima, Takehiko; Kuroda, Masahiko; Chikazu, Daichi; Kamijo, Ryutaro


    Rac1 and Cdc42, Rho family low molecular weight G proteins, are intracellular signaling factors that transmit various information from outside to inside cells. Primarily, they are known to control various biological activities mediated by actin cytoskeleton reorganization, such as cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. In order to investigate the functions of Rac1 and Cdc42 in bone formation, we prepared cartilage-specific double conditional knockout mice, Rac1 fl/fl ; Cdc42 fl/fl ; Col2-Cre (Rac1: Cdc42 dcKO mice), which died just after birth, similar to Cdc42 fl/fl ; Col2-Cre mice (Cdc42 cKO mice). Our findings showed that the long tubule bone in Rac1: Cdc42 dcKO mice was shorter than that in Rac1 fl/fl ; Col2-Cre mice (Rac1 cKO mice) and Cdc42 cKO mice. Abnormal skeleton formation was also observed and disordered columnar formation in the growth plate of the Rac1: Cdc42 dcKO mice was more severe as compared to the Rac1 cKO and Cdc42 cKO mice. Together, these results suggest that Rac1 and Cdc42 have cooperating roles in regulation of bone development. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. CDC Vital Signs-Preventing Melanoma

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the June 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. In 2011, there were more than 65,000 cases of melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer. Learn how everyone can help prevent skin cancer.

  13. Cdc42 is crucial for the establishment of epithelial polarity during early mammalian development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wu, Xunwei; Li, Shaohua; Chrostek-Grashoff, Anna


    To study the role of Cdc42 in the establishment of epithelial polarity during mammalian development, we generated murine Cdc42-null embryonic stem cells and analyzed peri-implantation development using embryoid bodies (EBs). Mutant EBs developed endoderm and underlying basement membrane, but exhi......To study the role of Cdc42 in the establishment of epithelial polarity during mammalian development, we generated murine Cdc42-null embryonic stem cells and analyzed peri-implantation development using embryoid bodies (EBs). Mutant EBs developed endoderm and underlying basement membrane...

  14. Identification of CDC25 as a Common Therapeutic Target for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeff C. Liu


    Full Text Available Summary: CDK4/6 inhibitors are effective against cancer cells expressing the tumor suppressor RB1, but not RB1-deficient cells, posing the challenge of how to target RB1 loss. In triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC, RB1 and PTEN are frequently inactivated together with TP53. We performed kinome/phosphatase inhibitor screens on primary mouse Rb/p53-, Pten/p53-, and human RB1/PTEN/TP53-deficient TNBC cell lines and identified CDC25 phosphatase as a common target. Pharmacological or genetic inhibition of CDC25 suppressed growth of RB1-deficient TNBC cells that are resistant to combined CDK4/6 plus CDK2 inhibition. Minimal cooperation was observed in vitro between CDC25 antagonists and CDK1, CDK2, or CDK4/6 inhibitors, but strong synergy with WEE1 inhibition was apparent. In accordance with increased PI3K signaling following long-term CDC25 inhibition, CDC25 and PI3K inhibitors effectively synergized to suppress TNBC growth both in vitro and in xenotransplantation models. These results provide a rationale for the development of CDC25-based therapies for diverse RB1/PTEN/TP53-deficient and -proficient TNBCs. : Liu et al. report that inhibition of the protein phosphatase CDC25 kills diverse triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC cells. Moreover, CDC25 antagonists cooperate with other drugs, such as PI3K inhibitors, to efficiently suppress growth of human TNBC engrafted into mice. Keywords: triple negative breast cancer, basal-like breast cancer, therapy, RB1, PTEN, TP53, CDC25, WEE1, CHK1, checkpoint control

  15. CDC 6600 Cordwood Module

    CERN Multimedia


    The CDC 6600 cordwood module containing 64 silicon transistors. The module was mounted between two plates that were cooled conductive by a refrigeration unit via the front panel. The construction of this module uses the cord method, so called because the resistors seem to be stacked like cord between the two circuit boards in order to obtain a high density. The 6600 model contained nearly 6,000 such modules.

  16. CDC Lab Values

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    More than fifteen hundred scientists fill the lab benches at CDC, logging more than four million hours each year. CDC’s laboratories play a critical role in the agency’s ability to find, stop, and prevent disease outbreaks. This podcast provides a brief overview of what goes on inside CDC’s labs, and why this work makes a difference in American’s health.  Created: 2/2/2015 by Office of the Associate Director for Communication (OADC).   Date Released: 2/2/2015.

  17. Driver or passenger effects of augmented c-Myc and Cdc20 in gliomagenesis. (United States)

    Ji, Ping; Zhou, Xinhui; Liu, Qun; Fuller, Gregory N; Phillips, Lynette M; Zhang, Wei


    Cdc20 and c-Myc are commonly overexpressed in a broad spectrum of cancers, including glioblastoma (GBM). Despite this clear association, whether c-Myc and Cdc20 overexpression is a driver or passenger event in gliomagenesis remains unclear. Both c-Myc and Cdc20 induced the proliferation of primary glial progenitor cells. c-Myc also promoted the formation of soft agar anchorage-independent colonies. In the RCAS/Ntv-a glia-specific transgenic mouse model, c-Myc increased the GBM incidence from 19.1% to 47.4% by 12 weeks of age when combined with kRas and Akt3 in Ntv-a INK4a-ARF (also known as CDKN2A)-null mice. In contrast, Cdc20 decreased the GBM incidence from 19.1% to 9.1%. Moreover, cell differentiation was modulated by c-Myc in kRas/Akt3-induced GBM on the basis of Nestin/GFAP expression (glial progenitor cell differentiation), while Cdc20 had no effect on primary glial progenitor cell differentiation. We used glial progenitor cells from Ntv-a newborn mice to evaluate the role of c-Myc and Cdc20 in the proliferation and transformation of GBM in vitro and in vivo. We further determined whether c-Myc and Cdc20 have a driver or passenger role in GBM development using kRas/Akt3 signals in a RCAS/Ntv-a mouse model. These results suggest that the driver or passenger of oncogene signaling is dependent on cellular status. c-Myc is a driver when combined with kRas/Akt3 oncogenic signals in gliomagenesis, whereas Cdc20 overexpression is a passenger. Inhibition of cell differentiation of c-Myc may be a target for anti-glioma therapy.

  18. Essential roles of Cdc42 and MAPK in cadmium-induced apoptosis in Litopenaeus vannamei

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peng, Ting; Wang, Wei-Na, E-mail:; Gu, Mei-Mei; Xie, Chen-Ying; Xiao, Yu-Chao; Liu, Yuan; Wang, Lei


    Highlights: • Cd{sup 2+} induces Cdc42 and MAPKs pathway related gene of Litopenaeus vannamei up-regulation. • Reduction of THC, increase of ROS production and apoptotic cell rate were observed when the shrimps exposure to Cd{sup 2+}. • DsRNA-suppression of LvCdc42 and MAPKs during Cd{sup 2+} stress reduces the ROS production and apoptosis. • We conclude that LvCdc42 and MAPKs play key roles in Cd{sup 2+} stress responses of shrimps. - Abstract: Cadmium, one of the most toxic heavy metals in aquatic environments, has severe effects on marine invertebrates and fishes. The MAPK signaling pathway plays a vital role in stress responses of animals. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway plays a vital role in animals’ stress responses, including mediation of apoptosis induced by the Rho GTPase Cdc42. However, there is limited knowledge about its function in shrimps, although disorders exacerbated by environmental stresses (including heavy metal pollution) have caused serious mortality in commercially cultured shrimps. Thus, we probed roles of Cdc42 in Litopenaeus vannamei shrimps (LvCdc42) during cadmium exposure by inhibiting its expression using dsRNA-mediated RNA interference. The treatment successfully reduced expression levels of MAPKs (including p38, JNK, and ERK). Cadmium exposure induced significant increases in expression levels of LvCdc42 and MAPKs, accompanied by reductions in total hemocyte counts (THC) and increases in apoptotic hemocyte ratios and ROS production. However, all of these responses were much weaker in LvCdc42-suppressed shrimps, in which mortality rates were higher than in controls. Our results suggest that the MAPK pathway plays a vital role in shrimps’ responses to Cd{sup 2+}. They also indicate that LvCdc42 in shrimps participates in its regulation, and thus plays key roles in ROS production, regulation of apoptosis and associated stress responses.

  19. Essential roles of Cdc42 and MAPK in cadmium-induced apoptosis in Litopenaeus vannamei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng, Ting; Wang, Wei-Na; Gu, Mei-Mei; Xie, Chen-Ying; Xiao, Yu-Chao; Liu, Yuan; Wang, Lei


    Highlights: • Cd 2+ induces Cdc42 and MAPKs pathway related gene of Litopenaeus vannamei up-regulation. • Reduction of THC, increase of ROS production and apoptotic cell rate were observed when the shrimps exposure to Cd 2+ . • DsRNA-suppression of LvCdc42 and MAPKs during Cd 2+ stress reduces the ROS production and apoptosis. • We conclude that LvCdc42 and MAPKs play key roles in Cd 2+ stress responses of shrimps. - Abstract: Cadmium, one of the most toxic heavy metals in aquatic environments, has severe effects on marine invertebrates and fishes. The MAPK signaling pathway plays a vital role in stress responses of animals. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway plays a vital role in animals’ stress responses, including mediation of apoptosis induced by the Rho GTPase Cdc42. However, there is limited knowledge about its function in shrimps, although disorders exacerbated by environmental stresses (including heavy metal pollution) have caused serious mortality in commercially cultured shrimps. Thus, we probed roles of Cdc42 in Litopenaeus vannamei shrimps (LvCdc42) during cadmium exposure by inhibiting its expression using dsRNA-mediated RNA interference. The treatment successfully reduced expression levels of MAPKs (including p38, JNK, and ERK). Cadmium exposure induced significant increases in expression levels of LvCdc42 and MAPKs, accompanied by reductions in total hemocyte counts (THC) and increases in apoptotic hemocyte ratios and ROS production. However, all of these responses were much weaker in LvCdc42-suppressed shrimps, in which mortality rates were higher than in controls. Our results suggest that the MAPK pathway plays a vital role in shrimps’ responses to Cd 2+ . They also indicate that LvCdc42 in shrimps participates in its regulation, and thus plays key roles in ROS production, regulation of apoptosis and associated stress responses

  20. CDC Vital Signs-Preventing Stroke Deaths

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the September 2017 CDC Vital Signs report. Each year, more than 140,000 people die and many survivors face disability. Eighty percent of strokes are preventable. Learn the signs of stroke and how to prevent them.

  1. Regulation of the vertebrate cell cycle by the cdc2 protein kinase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Draetta, G.; Brizuela, L.; Moran, B.; Beach, D.


    A homolog of the cdc2/CDC28 protein kinase of yeast is found in all vertebrate species that have been investigated. Human cdc2 exists as a complex with a 13-kD protein that is homologous to the suc1 gene product of fission yeast. In both human and fission yeast cells, the protein kinase also exists in a complex with a 62-kD polypeptide that has not been identified genetically but acts as a substrate in vitro. The authors have studied the properties of the protein kinase in rat and human cells, as well as in Xenopus eggs. They find that in baby rat kidney (BRK) cells, which are quiescent in cell culture, the cdc2 protein is not synthesized. However, synthesis is rapidly induced in response to proliferative activation by infection with adenovirus. In human HeLa cells, the protein kinase is present continuously. It behaves as a cell-cycle oscillator that is inactive in G 1 but displays maximal enzymatic activity during mitotic metaphase. These observations indicate that in a wide variety of vertebrate cells, the cdc2 protein kinase is involved in regulating mitosis. The authors' approach taken toward study of the cdc2 protein kinase highlights the possibilities that now exist for combining the advantages of ascomycete genetics with the cell-free systems of Xenopus and the biochemical advantages of tissue culture cells to investigate fundamental problems of the cell cycle

  2. CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation - Preemption Summary (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. Legislation—Preemption. The STATE...

  3. Poder civil y derechos naturales de los indios americanos según Fray Alonso de la Veracruz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Méndez Alonzo


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo investiga las tesis sobre el poder civil de Alonso de la Veracruz que buscan incorporar en la comunidad política española a los habitantes autóctonos del Nuevo Mundo, tesis que suelen relacionarse con F. de Vitoria y el tomismo español, y que últimamente son consideradas parte del republicanismo novohispano elaborado desde la periferia americana. Se busca demostrar que su propósito era aplicar una teoría de derechos naturales, sin que ello implique participación política de los indios americanos. Se analiza la postura del fraile frente a la diversidad cultural y la guerra contra los indios.

  4. Cdc6 is a rate-limiting factor for proliferative capacity during HL60 cell differentiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barkley, Laura R.; Hong, Hye Kyung; Kingsbury, Sarah R.; James, Michelle; Stoeber, Kai; Williams, Gareth H.


    The DNA replication (or origin) licensing pathway represents a critical step in cell proliferation control downstream of growth signalling pathways. Repression of origin licensing through down-regulation of the MCM licensing factors (Mcm2-7) is emerging as a ubiquitous route for lowering proliferative capacity as metazoan cells exit the cell division cycle into quiescent, terminally differentiated and senescent 'out-of-cycle' states. Using the HL60 monocyte/macrophage differentiation model system and a cell-free DNA replication assay, we have undertaken direct biochemical investigations of the coupling of origin licensing to the differentiation process. Our data show that down-regulation of the MCM loading factor Cdc6 acts as a molecular switch that triggers loss of proliferative capacity during early engagement of the somatic differentiation programme. Consequently, addition of recombinant Cdc6 protein to in vitro replication reactions restores DNA replication competence in nuclei prepared from differentiating cells. Differentiating HL60 cells over-expressing either wild-type Cdc6 or a CDK phosphorylation-resistant Cdc6 mutant protein (Cdc6A4) exhibit an extended period of cell proliferation compared to mock-infected cells. Notably, differentiating HL60 cells over-expressing the Cdc6A4 mutant fail to down-regulate Cdc6 protein levels, suggesting that CDK phosphorylation of Cdc6 is linked to its down-regulation during differentiation and the concomitant decrease in cell proliferation. In this experimental model, Cdc6 therefore plays a key role in the sequential molecular events leading to repression of origin licensing and loss of proliferative capacity during execution of the differentiation programme

  5. Interaction of the Small GTPase Cdc42 with Arginine Kinase Restricts White Spot Syndrome Virus in Shrimp. (United States)

    Xu, Ji-Dong; Jiang, Hai-Shan; Wei, Tian-Di; Zhang, Ke-Yi; Wang, Xian-Wei; Zhao, Xiao-Fan; Wang, Jin-Xing


    Many types of small GTPases are widely expressed in eukaryotes and have different functions. As a crucial member of the Rho GTPase family, Cdc42 serves a number of functions, such as regulating cell growth, migration, and cell movement. Several RNA viruses employ Cdc42-hijacking tactics in their target cell entry processes. However, the function of Cdc42 in shrimp antiviral immunity is not clear. In this study, we identified a Cdc42 protein in the kuruma shrimp ( Marsupenaeus japonicus ) and named it Mj Cdc42. Mj Cdc42 was upregulated in shrimp challenged by white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). The knockdown of Mj Cdc42 and injection of Cdc42 inhibitors increased the proliferation of WSSV. Further experiments determined that Mj Cdc42 interacted with an arginine kinase ( Mj AK). By analyzing the binding activity and enzyme activity of Mj AK and its mutant, Δ Mj AK, we found that Mj AK could enhance the replication of WSSV in shrimp. Mj AK interacted with the envelope protein VP26 of WSSV. An inhibitor of AK activity, quercetin, could impair the function of Mj AK in WSSV replication. Further study demonstrated that the binding of Mj Cdc42 and Mj AK depends on Cys 271 of Mj AK and suppresses the WSSV replication-promoting effect of Mj AK. By interacting with the active site of Mj AK and suppressing its enzyme activity, Mj Cdc42 inhibits WSSV replication in shrimp. Our results demonstrate a new function of Cdc42 in the cellular defense against viral infection in addition to the regulation of actin and phagocytosis, which has been reported in previous studies. IMPORTANCE The interaction of Cdc42 with arginine kinase plays a crucial role in the host defense against WSSV infection. This study identifies a new mechanism of Cdc42 in innate immunity and enriches the knowledge of the antiviral innate immunity of invertebrates. Copyright © 2017 American Society for Microbiology.

  6. CDC STATE System E-Cigarette Legislation - Licensure (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. E-Cigarette Legislation—Licensure. The...

  7. CDC STATE System E-Cigarette Legislation - Preemption (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. E-Cigarette Legislation—Preemption. The...

  8. CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation - Youth Access (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. Legislation—Youth Access. The STATE...

  9. CDC Vital Signs: Drinking and Driving (United States)

    ... Adapted from The ABCs of BAC, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2005, and How to Control Your Drinking, WR Miller and RF Munoz, University of New Mexico, 1982. Self-reported annual drinking and driving episodes SOURCE: CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, ...

  10. Deviation of the typical AAA substrate-threading pore prevents fatal protein degradation in yeast Cdc48. (United States)

    Esaki, Masatoshi; Islam, Md Tanvir; Tani, Naoki; Ogura, Teru


    Yeast Cdc48 is a well-conserved, essential chaperone of ATPases associated with diverse cellular activity (AAA) proteins, which recognizes substrate proteins and modulates their conformations to carry out many cellular processes. However, the fundamental mechanisms underlying the diverse pivotal roles of Cdc48 remain unknown. Almost all AAA proteins form a ring-shaped structure with a conserved aromatic amino acid residue that is essential for proper function. The threading mechanism hypothesis suggests that this residue guides the intrusion of substrate proteins into a narrow pore of the AAA ring, thereby becoming unfolded. By contrast, the aromatic residue in one of the two AAA rings of Cdc48 has been eliminated through evolution. Here, we show that artificial retrieval of this aromatic residue in Cdc48 is lethal, and essential features to support the threading mechanism are required to exhibit the lethal phenotype. In particular, genetic and biochemical analyses of the Cdc48 lethal mutant strongly suggested that when in complex with the 20S proteasome, essential proteins are abnormally forced to thread through the Cdc48 pore to become degraded, which was not detected in wild-type Cdc48. Thus, the widely applicable threading model is less effective for wild-type Cdc48; rather, Cdc48 might function predominantly through an as-yet-undetermined mechanism.

  11. CDC WONDER: Online Tuberculosis Information System (OTIS) (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Online Tuberculosis Information System (OTIS) on CDC WONDER contains information on verified tuberculosis (TB) cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control...

  12. CDC STATE System E-Cigarette Legislation - Tax (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. E-Cigarette Legislation—Tax. The STATE...

  13. CDC Wonder Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) online database on CDC WONDER provides counts and percentages of adverse event case reports after vaccination,...

  14. Implementation experiences of NASTRAN on CDC CYBER 74 SCOPE 3.4 operating system (United States)

    Go, J. C.; Hill, R. G.


    The implementation of the NASTRAN system on the CDC CYBER 74 SCOPE 3.4 Operating System is described. The flexibility of the NASTRAN system made it possible to accomplish the change with no major problems. Various sizes of benchmark and test problems, ranging from two hours to less than one minute CP time were run on the CDC CYBER SCOPE 3.3, Univac EXEC-8, and CDC CYBER SCOPE 3.4. The NASTRAN installation deck is provided.

  15. CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation - Smokefree Campus (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2016. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. Legislation – Smokefree Campuses. The...

  16. CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation - Preemption Summary (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2017. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. Legislation—Preemption. The STATE...

  17. CDC STATE System E-Cigarette Legislation - Preemption (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2017. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. E-Cigarette Legislation—Preemption....

  18. CDC STATE System E-Cigarette Legislation - Licensure (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2017. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. E-Cigarette Legislation—Licensure....

  19. Conserved CDC20 cell cycle functions are carried out by two of the five isoforms in Arabidopsis thaliana.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zoltán Kevei

    Full Text Available The CDC20 and Cdh1/CCS52 proteins are substrate determinants and activators of the Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C E3 ubiquitin ligase and as such they control the mitotic cell cycle by targeting the degradation of various cell cycle regulators. In yeasts and animals the main CDC20 function is the destruction of securin and mitotic cyclins. Plants have multiple CDC20 gene copies whose functions have not been explored yet. In Arabidopsis thaliana there are five CDC20 isoforms and here we aimed at defining their contribution to cell cycle regulation, substrate selectivity and plant development.Studying the gene structure and phylogeny of plant CDC20s, the expression of the five AtCDC20 gene copies and their interactions with the APC/C subunit APC10, the CCS52 proteins, components of the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC and mitotic cyclin substrates, conserved CDC20 functions could be assigned for AtCDC20.1 and AtCDC20.2. The other three intron-less genes were silent and specific for Arabidopsis. We show that AtCDC20.1 and AtCDC20.2 are components of the MCC and interact with mitotic cyclins with unexpected specificity. AtCDC20.1 and AtCDC20.2 are expressed in meristems, organ primordia and AtCDC20.1 also in pollen grains and developing seeds. Knocking down both genes simultaneously by RNAi resulted in severe delay in plant development and male sterility. In these lines, the meristem size was reduced while the cell size and ploidy levels were unaffected indicating that the lower cell number and likely slowdown of the cell cycle are the cause of reduced plant growth.The intron-containing CDC20 gene copies provide conserved and redundant functions for cell cycle progression in plants and are required for meristem maintenance, plant growth and male gametophyte formation. The Arabidopsis-specific intron-less genes are possibly "retrogenes" and have hitherto undefined functions or are pseudogenes.

  20. Los modelos etnomatemáticos de representación cosmogónica en los pueblos indígenas Americanos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Jaén Rojas


    Full Text Available El propósito en este artículo es el de mostrar y analizar diversas formas de representación que utilizaron o, utilizan aun los indígenas americanos de diversas culturas. Algunas formas de representación, consideradas comúnmente como motivos decorativos, parecen responder a un sistema lógico muy preciso, que podría tener el propósito central de expresar y guardar conocimientos cosmogónicos. Para tal efecto, los indígenas de diversos pueblos, recurrieron a estructuras y formas de representación matemáticas, que les permitían guardar conocimientos astronómicos, calendáricos, de las cosechas, censos, entre otros, y luego expresarlos como mitos, integrados dentro de su espacio cosmogónico. Resulta sorprendente ver como algunas formas de representación, como las grecas escalonadas, pasan de una cultura a otra, desde Alaska hasta la Patagonia, en lo que parecen ser modelos de representación, que se difundieron muchos siglos antes de la llegada de los españoles a América. La razón por la cual, estos modelos de representación se generalizan, a lo largo de distancias enormes y entre los pueblos más diversos, es porque son conocimientos que surgen ligados a los tejidos. Hasta donde sabemos, casi la totalidad de los indígenas tejían en algodón o diversas fibras, con lo cual, una vez iniciado el proceso de guardar informaciones todos ellos contaron con una base simple y sólida para fortalecer el proceso de recopilación de datos, y guardarlos con precisión. Muchos son los ejemplos de cómputos realizados con mecates, al estilo de los quipus suramericanos. En el arte de tejer surgen conocimientos matemáticos que les permitieron guardar informaciones muy variadas: calendáricas, astronómicas, culturales, entre otras, que luego eran expresadas como una visión de mundo, una cosmogonía.

  1. CDC WONDER: Mortality - Underlying Cause of Death (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The CDC WONDER Mortality - Underlying Cause of Death online database is a county-level national mortality and population database spanning the years since 1979. Data...

  2. CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation - Youth Access (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2016. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. Legislation—Youth Access. The STATE...

  3. The small GTPase Cdc42 modulates the number of exocytosis-competent dense-core vesicles in PC12 cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sato, Mai [Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo 153-8902 (Japan); Kitaguchi, Tetsuya [Cell Signaling Group, Waseda Bioscience Research Institute in Singapore (WABOIS), Waseda University, 11 Biopolis Way, 05-01/02 Helios, Singapore 138667 (Singapore); Numano, Rika [The Electronics-Inspired Interdisciplinary Research Institute (EIIRIS), Toyohashi University of Technology, 1-1 Hibarigaoka, Tennpaku-cho, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-8580 (Japan); Ikematsu, Kazuya [Forensic Pathology and Science, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki 852-8523 (Japan); Kakeyama, Masaki [Laboratory of Environmental Health Sciences, Center for Disease Biology and Integrative Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0033 (Japan); Murata, Masayuki; Sato, Ken [Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo 153-8902 (Japan); Tsuboi, Takashi, E-mail: [Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo 153-8902 (Japan)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Regulation of exocytosis by Rho GTPase Cdc42. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Cdc42 increases the number of fusion events from newly recruited vesicles. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Cdc42 increases the number of exocytosis-competent dense-core vesicles. -- Abstract: Although the small GTPase Rho family Cdc42 has been shown to facilitate exocytosis through increasing the amount of hormones released, the precise mechanisms regulating the quantity of hormones released on exocytosis are not well understood. Here we show by live cell imaging analysis under TIRF microscope and immunocytochemical analysis under confocal microscope that Cdc42 modulated the number of fusion events and the number of dense-core vesicles produced in the cells. Overexpression of a wild-type or constitutively-active form of Cdc42 strongly facilitated high-KCl-induced exocytosis from the newly recruited plasma membrane vesicles in PC12 cells. By contrast, a dominant-negative form of Cdc42 inhibited exocytosis from both the newly recruited and previously docked plasma membrane vesicles. The number of intracellular dense-core vesicles was increased by the overexpression of both a wild-type and constitutively-active form of Cdc42. Consistently, activation of Cdc42 by overexpression of Tuba, a Golgi-associated guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Cdc42 increased the number of intracellular dense-core vesicles, whereas inhibition of Cdc42 by overexpression of the Cdc42/Rac interactive binding domain of neuronal Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein decreased the number of them. These findings suggest that Cdc42 facilitates exocytosis by modulating both the number of exocytosis-competent dense-core vesicles and the production of dense-core vesicles in PC12 cells.

  4. The small GTPase Cdc42 modulates the number of exocytosis-competent dense-core vesicles in PC12 cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Mai; Kitaguchi, Tetsuya; Numano, Rika; Ikematsu, Kazuya; Kakeyama, Masaki; Murata, Masayuki; Sato, Ken; Tsuboi, Takashi


    Highlights: ► Regulation of exocytosis by Rho GTPase Cdc42. ► Cdc42 increases the number of fusion events from newly recruited vesicles. ► Cdc42 increases the number of exocytosis-competent dense-core vesicles. -- Abstract: Although the small GTPase Rho family Cdc42 has been shown to facilitate exocytosis through increasing the amount of hormones released, the precise mechanisms regulating the quantity of hormones released on exocytosis are not well understood. Here we show by live cell imaging analysis under TIRF microscope and immunocytochemical analysis under confocal microscope that Cdc42 modulated the number of fusion events and the number of dense-core vesicles produced in the cells. Overexpression of a wild-type or constitutively-active form of Cdc42 strongly facilitated high-KCl-induced exocytosis from the newly recruited plasma membrane vesicles in PC12 cells. By contrast, a dominant-negative form of Cdc42 inhibited exocytosis from both the newly recruited and previously docked plasma membrane vesicles. The number of intracellular dense-core vesicles was increased by the overexpression of both a wild-type and constitutively-active form of Cdc42. Consistently, activation of Cdc42 by overexpression of Tuba, a Golgi-associated guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Cdc42 increased the number of intracellular dense-core vesicles, whereas inhibition of Cdc42 by overexpression of the Cdc42/Rac interactive binding domain of neuronal Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein decreased the number of them. These findings suggest that Cdc42 facilitates exocytosis by modulating both the number of exocytosis-competent dense-core vesicles and the production of dense-core vesicles in PC12 cells.

  5. CDC73-Related Disorders: Clinical Manifestations and Case Detection in Primary Hyperparathyroidism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Tuin, Karin; Tops, Carli M. J.; Adank, Muriel A.; Cobben, Jan-Maarten; Hamdy, Neveen A. T.; Jongmans, Marjolijn C.; Menko, Fred H.; van Nesselrooij, Bernadette P. M.; Netea-Maier, Romana T.; Oosterwijk, Jan C.; Valk, Gerlof D.; Wolffenbuttel, Bruce H. R.; Hes, Frederik J.; Morreau, Hans


    Context: Heterozygous pathogenic germline variants in CDC73 predispose to the development of primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) and, less frequently, ossifying fibroma of the jaw and renal and uterine tumors. Clinical information on CDC73-related disorders has so far been limited to small case

  6. Cdc42 controls primary mesenchyme cell morphogenesis in the sea urchin embryo. (United States)

    Sepúlveda-Ramírez, Silvia P; Toledo-Jacobo, Leslie; Henson, John H; Shuster, Charles B


    In the sea urchin embryo, gastrulation is characterized by the ingression and directed cell migration of primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs), as well as the primary invagination and convergent extension of the endomesoderm. Like all cell shape changes, individual and collective cell motility is orchestrated by Rho family GTPases and their modulation of the actomyosin cytoskeleton. And while endomesoderm specification has been intensively studied in echinoids, much less is known about the proximate regulators driving cell motility. Toward these ends, we employed anti-sense morpholinos, mutant alleles and pharmacological inhibitors to assess the role of Cdc42 during sea urchin gastrulation. While inhibition of Cdc42 expression or activity had only mild effects on PMC ingression, PMC migration, alignment and skeletogenesis were disrupted in the absence of Cdc42, as well as elongation of the archenteron. PMC migration and patterning of the larval skeleton relies on the extension of filopodia, and Cdc42 was required for filopodia in vivo as well as in cultured PMCs. Lastly, filopodial extension required both Arp2/3 and formin actin-nucleating factors, supporting models of filopodial nucleation observed in other systems. Together, these results suggest that Cdc42 plays essential roles during PMC cell motility and organogenesis. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Drug design with Cdc7 kinase: a potential novel cancer therapy target

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Masaaki Sawa


    Full Text Available Masaaki Sawa1, Hisao Masai21Carna Biosciences, Inc., Kobe, Japan; 2Genome Dynamics Project, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Tokyo, JapanAbstract: Identification of novel molecular targets is critical in development of new and efficient cancer therapies. Kinases are one of the most common drug targets with a potential for cancer therapy. Cell cycle progression is regulated by a number of kinases, some of which are being developed to treat cancer. Cdc7 is a serine-threonine kinase originally discovered in budding yeast, which has been shown to be necessary to initiate the S phase. Inhibition of Cdc7 in cancer cells retards the progression of the S phase, accumulates DNA damage, and induces p53-independent cell death, but the same treatment in normal cells does not significantly affect viability. Low-molecular-weight compounds that inhibit Cdc7 kinase with an IC50 of less than 10 nM have been identified, and shown to be effective in the inhibition of tumor growth in animal models. Thus Cdc7 kinase can be recognized as a novel molecular target for cancer therapy.Keywords: Cdc7 kinase, cell cycle, replication fork, genome stability, DNA damages, ATP-binding pocket, kinase inhibitor

  8. Estudos latino-americanos sobre melancolia: um transtorno do humor melhor definido para o CID-11 Melancholia in Latin American studies: a distinct mood disorder for the ICD-11

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario F. Juruena


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A depressão melancólica é um diagnóstico psiquiátrico de história de vida, geralmente com episódios recorrentes. Melancolia é uma síndrome com longa duração e características específicas de psicopatologia, insuficientemente diferenciada de depressão maior por um especificador no DSM-IV e parcialmente descrito nos critérios da Classificação Internacional de Doenças-10ª Edição. Dentro da classificação atual, é frequentemente vista em pacientes gravemente doentes com depressão e transtorno bipolar. No entanto, a melancolia possui uma homogeneidade psicopatológica e biológica distinta na experiência clínica e nos marcadores de testes laboratoriais, e é diferencialmente sensível às intervenções terapêuticas específicas. O objetivo deste estudo é revisar a literatura de artigos publicados por autores latino-americanos sobre a melancolia. MÉTODO: Realizou-se busca de artigos latino-americanos de informações relevantes para a revisão da Classificação Internacional de Doenças-10ª Edição de transtornos mentais e comportamentais em pacientes com depressão melancólica. Foi avaliada a qualidade do design de todos os estudos e realizada uma revisão abrangente sobre o assunto, com o objetivo de considerar a contribuição latino-americana para inclusão da melancolia como uma entidade distinta na futura Classificação Internacional de Doenças-11ª Edição. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: Os estudos latino-americanos fundamentam o diagnóstico da melancolia com uma psicopatologia e psiconeuroendocrinologia própria que fundamentam ser reconhecida como um transtorno de humor identificável e merecedor de uma atenção específica nos sistemas de classificação, como um transtorno de humor distinto, identificável e especificamente tratável.OBJECTIVE: Melancholic depression is a lifetime diagnosis, typically with recurrent episodes. Melancholia, a syndrome with a long history and distinctive

  9. Aproximaciones a una estética de lo americano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María del Milagro Casalla


    Full Text Available El legado filosófico que nos ha dejado Rodolfo Kusch tiene cada vez más presencia y valor en este largo itinerario de descubrirnos como americanos. La pasión de este pensador por la América profunda es una fuente de ins- piración para quienes creemos que vivir en América no es simplemente un episodio geográfico sino un horizonte desde y a partir del cual construimos nuestra identidad. En este trabajo se pretende recrear sus consideracio - nes estéticas recogidas en su ensayo “Anotaciones para una estética de lo americano”, escrito en el año 1955. Aunque se trata de uno de los primeros escritos de Rodolfo Kusch, en el mismo se encuentran presentes numerosos conceptos que luego serán tematizados extensamente a lo largo de toda su obra. Considero que el abordaje a sus consideraciones estéticas no ha sido tan frecuentado como sí otros aspectos de su pensamiento (ser-estar, geocultura, símbolo y religión, etc.. Por ello, creo que este trabajo puede constituir una orientación preeliminar para futuras interpretaciones y, a la vez, ser un humilde homenaje a su filosofía, que, a lo largo de los años, sigue estimulando a antiguas y nuevas generaciones de pensadores dedicados a la filosofía latinoamericana.

  10. CDC Vital Signs-Cancer and Obesity

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the October 2017 CDC Vital Signs report. Obesity is a leading cancer risk factor. Unfortunately, two out of three U.S. adults weigh more than recommended. Find out what can be done to help people get to and keep a healthy weight.

  11. CDC WONDER: Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) morbidity (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Morbidity online databases on CDC WONDER contain case reports reported from the 50 United States and D.C., Puerto Rico, Virgin...

  12. CDC WONDER: Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Morbidity (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Morbidity online databases on CDC WONDER contain case reports reported from the 50 United States and D.C., Puerto Rico, Virgin...

  13. CDC Study Finds Fecal Contamination in Pools (United States)

    ... Communication (404) 639-3286 CDC study finds fecal contamination in pools A study of public pools done ... The E. coli is a marker for fecal contamination. Finding a high percentage of E. coli-positive ...

  14. CDC WONDER: Mortality - Multiple Cause of Death (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Mortality - Multiple Cause of Death data on CDC WONDER are county-level national mortality and population data spanning the years 1999-2006. These data are...

  15. CDC WONDER: Mortality - Multiple Cause of Death (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Mortality - Multiple Cause of Death data on CDC WONDER are county-level national mortality and population data spanning the years 1999-2009. Data are based on...

  16. CDC Vital Signs: Making Health Care Safer (United States)

    ... of Page What Can Be Done The Federal government is Implementing activities across all government agencies to ... Making Health Care Safer [PSA – 0:60 seconds] Digital Press Kit: CDC Modeling Predicts Growth of Drug- ...

  17. Synapse Formation in Monosynaptic Sensory–Motor Connections Is Regulated by Presynaptic Rho GTPase Cdc42 (United States)

    Imai, Fumiyasu; Ladle, David R.; Leslie, Jennifer R.; Duan, Xin; Rizvi, Tilat A.; Ciraolo, Georgianne M.; Zheng, Yi


    Spinal reflex circuit development requires the precise regulation of axon trajectories, synaptic specificity, and synapse formation. Of these three crucial steps, the molecular mechanisms underlying synapse formation between group Ia proprioceptive sensory neurons and motor neurons is the least understood. Here, we show that the Rho GTPase Cdc42 controls synapse formation in monosynaptic sensory–motor connections in presynaptic, but not postsynaptic, neurons. In mice lacking Cdc42 in presynaptic sensory neurons, proprioceptive sensory axons appropriately reach the ventral spinal cord, but significantly fewer synapses are formed with motor neurons compared with wild-type mice. Concordantly, electrophysiological analyses show diminished EPSP amplitudes in monosynaptic sensory–motor circuits in these mutants. Temporally targeted deletion of Cdc42 in sensory neurons after sensory–motor circuit establishment reveals that Cdc42 does not affect synaptic transmission. Furthermore, addition of the synaptic organizers, neuroligins, induces presynaptic differentiation of wild-type, but not Cdc42-deficient, proprioceptive sensory neurons in vitro. Together, our findings demonstrate that Cdc42 in presynaptic neurons is required for synapse formation in monosynaptic sensory–motor circuits. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Group Ia proprioceptive sensory neurons form direct synapses with motor neurons, but the molecular mechanisms underlying synapse formation in these monosynaptic sensory–motor connections are unknown. We show that deleting Cdc42 in sensory neurons does not affect proprioceptive sensory axon targeting because axons reach the ventral spinal cord appropriately, but these neurons form significantly fewer presynaptic terminals on motor neurons. Electrophysiological analysis further shows that EPSPs are decreased in these mice. Finally, we demonstrate that Cdc42 is involved in neuroligin-dependent presynaptic differentiation of proprioceptive sensory neurons in vitro

  18. CDC Vital Signs-African American Health

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the May 2017 CDC Vital Signs report. The life expectancy of African Americans has improved, but it's still an average of four years less than whites. Learn what can be done so all Americans can have the opportunity to pursue a healthy lifestyle.

  19. CDC Vital Signs-Hospital Actions Affect Breastfeeding

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the October 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. Hospitals can implement the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding to be designated as "Baby-Friendly" and support more moms in a decision to breastfeed.

  20. [Prokaryotic expression and histological localization of the Taenia solium CDC37 gene]. (United States)

    Huang, Jiang; Li, Bo; Dai, Jia-Lin; Zhang, Ai-Hua


    To express Taenia solium gene encoding cell division cycle 37 protein (TsCDC37) and investigate its antigenicity and localization in adults of Taenia solium. The complete coding sequence of TsCDC37 was amplified by PCR based on the recombinant plasmid clone from the cDNA library of adult Taenia solium. The PCR product was cloned into a prokaryotic expression vector pET-28a (+). The recombinant expression plasmid was identified by PCR, double endonuclease digestion and sequencing. The recombinant plasmid was transformed into E. coli BL21/DE3 and followed by expression of the protein induced by IPTG. The mice were immunized subcutaneously with purified recombinant TsCDC37 formulated in Freund's adjuvant. The antigenicity of the recombinant protein was examined by Western blotting. The localization of TsCDC37 in adult worms was demonstrated by immunofluorescent technique. The recombinant expression vector was constructed successfully. The recombinant protein was about M(r) 52 000, it was then purified and specifically recognized by immuno sera of SD rats and sera from patients infected with Taenia solium, Taenia saginata or Taenia asiatica. The immunofluorescence assay revealed that TsCDC37 located at the tegument of T. solium adult and the eggs. TsCDC37 gene has been expressed with immunoreactivity. The recombinant protein is mainly expressed in tegument and egg, and is a common antigen of the three human taenia cestodes.

  1. CDC Vital Signs-Heroin Epidemic

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the July 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. Heroin use and heroin-related overdose deaths are increasing. Most people are using it with other drugs, especially prescription opioid painkillers. Learn what can be done to prevent and treat the problem.  Created: 7/7/2015 by National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC).   Date Released: 7/7/2015.

  2. en tres sistemas agroforestales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Monge Meza


    Full Text Available Se estudió el desarrollo inicial (30 meses del duraznillo (Prunus annularis en tres sistemas agroforestales: duraznillo-maíz (Zea mays, duraznillomenta (Satureja viminea y duraznillo-naranjilla (Solanum quitoense, en un sitio en la zona de vida Bosque muy húmedo Montano Bajo, en Costa Rica. Se utilizaron cuatro parcelas de cada sistema agroforestal, con una densidad de 722 árboles/ ha, y un sistema de siembra de árboles en forma de triángulo equilátero, entre los que se intercaló el componente agrícola respectivo de cada sistema agroforestal. La altura media alcanzada por los árboles de duraznillo fue de 226,2, 221,4 y 164,3 cm, para el sistema agroforestal duraznillo-maíz, duraznillo- menta y duraznillo-naranjilla, respectivamente. En cuanto a los volúmenes, éstos variaron entre 0,58 y 1,30 m3/ha. Hubo una diferencia significativa en altura media entre el sistema agroforestal duraznillo-maíz y duraznillo-menta con respecto al de duraznillo-naranjilla. No hubo diferencias con respecto al volumen entre los sistemas de producción

  3. Frequent alterations of SLIT2–ROBO1–CDC42 signalling pathway ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    breast cancer; alterations of SLIT2–ROBO1 signalling; active CDC42; ... proportion of four subtypes were tested for molecular alterations of SLIT2, ... reduced expression of phospho Serine-71 CDC42 predicted poor survival of BC patients.

  4. El arte indígena americano en los museos españoles. Propuesta de acción didáctica


    Muñoz García, Gemma María


    La presente investigación se desarrolla desde un punto de vista multidisciplinar, abarcando ámbitos como: la Antropología, las manifestaciones artísticas indígenas de América, la Museología, la Comunicación, la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, las Nuevas Tecnologías, pero principalmente la Educación Patrimonial. Nuestro principal objetivo e hipótesis de partida, es saber en qué medida las colecciones de arte indígena americano conservadas en instituciones museísticas son potencialmente apt...

  5. CDC-reported assisted reproductive technology live-birth rates may mislead the public. (United States)

    Kushnir, Vitaly A; Choi, Jennifer; Darmon, Sarah K; Albertini, David F; Barad, David H; Gleicher, Norbert


    The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publicly reports assisted reproductive technology live-birth rates (LBR) for each US fertility clinic under legal mandate. The 2014 CDC report excluded 35,406 of 184,527 (19.2%) autologous assisted reproductive technology cycles that involved embryo or oocyte banking from LBR calculations. This study calculated 2014 total clinic LBR for all patients utilizing autologous oocytes two ways: including all initiated assisted reproductive technology cycles or excluding banking cycles, as done by the CDC. The main limitation of this analysis is the CDC report did not differentiate between cycles involving long-term banking of embryos or oocytes for fertility preservation from cycles involving short-term embryo banking. Twenty-seven of 458 (6%) clinics reported over 40% of autologous cycles involved banking, collectively performing 12% of all US assisted reproductive technology cycles. LBR in these outlier clinics calculated by the CDC method, was higher than the other 94% of clinics (33.1% versus 31.1%). However, recalculated LBR including banking cycles in the outlier clinics was lower than the other 94% of clinics (15.5% versus 26.6%). LBR calculated by the two methods increasingly diverged based on proportion of banking cycles performed by each clinic reaching 4.5-fold, thereby, potentially misleading the public. Copyright © 2017 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. CDC Vital Signs–Legionnaires’ Disease

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the June 2017 CDC Vital Signs report. Legionnaires’ disease is a serious, often deadly lung infection. People most commonly get it by breathing in water droplets containing Legionella germs. Learn how to prevent infections from Legionella.  Created: 6/6/2017 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 6/6/2017.

  7. CDC Vital Signs-Communication Can Save Lives

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the August 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. Antibiotic-resistant germs cause at least 23,000 deaths each year. Learn how public health authorities and health care facilities can work together to save lives.

  8. A atuação da Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA nas crises políticas contemporâneas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Ernesto Fagundes


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a atuação da Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA no período pós Guerra Fria, especificamente, nas crises políticas do Haiti (1991, Venezuela (2001 e Honduras (2009. O trabalho apresenta um panorama da atuação dessa organização multilateral a partir da década de 1950 até as mais recentes disputas ocorridas na América Latina.

  9. Informe Signos Vitales de los CDC Obesidad infantil - (Childhood Obesity)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast se basa en el informe Signos Vitales de los CDC de agosto del 2013. La tasa de obesidad entre los niños en edad prescolar de bajos ingresos ha disminuido, pero todavía uno de cada seis niños hispanos es obeso. Este programa habla brevemente sobre lo que se puede hacer.  Created: 8/6/2013 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 8/6/2013.

  10. CDC 24/7: Saving Lives, Protecting People

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    24/7, CDC provides health information, responds to public health emergencies and natural disasters, and monitors disease.  Created: 6/4/2012 by Office of the Associate Director of Communciation (OADC).   Date Released: 6/4/2012.

  11. Frequent alterations of SLIT2–ROBO1–CDC42 signalling pathway ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Sep 7, 2016 ... Keywords. breast cancer; alterations of SLIT2–ROBO1 signalling; active CDC42; pSer71-CDC42 . Journal of ... have already been studied in head and neck squamous cell ...... lung, oral, cervical, breast, kidney (Dallol et al.

  12. CDC Vital Signs–Opioid Overdoses Treated in Emergency Departments

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the March 2018 CDC Vital Signs report. Opioid overdoses continue to increase in the United States. Learn what can be done to help prevent opioid overdose and death.  Created: 3/6/2018 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 3/6/2018.

  13. Cell cycle- and cell growth-regulated proteolysis of mammalian CDC6 is dependent on APC-CDH1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, B O; Wagener, C; Marinoni, F


    is targeted for ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis by the anaphase promoting complex (APC)/cyclosome in G(1). A combination of point mutations in the destruction box and KEN-box motifs in CDC6 stabilizes the protein in G(1) and in quiescent cells. Furthermore, APC, in association with CDH1, ubiquitinates CDC6...... in vitro, and both APC and CDH1 are required and limiting for CDC6 proteolysis in vivo. Although a stable mutant of CDC6 is biologically active, overexpression of this mutant or wild-type CDC6 is not sufficient to induce multiple rounds of DNA replication in the same cell cycle. The APC-CDH1-dependent...

  14. CDC Vital Signs-Heart Age

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the September 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. Your heart age is the age of your heart and blood vessels as a result of your risk factors for heart attack and stroke. If you smoke or have high blood pressure, your heart age will be much higher than your actual age. Learn what you can do to lower your heart age and keep it low.

  15. CDC Vital Signs-Hispanic Health

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the May 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. About one in six people living in the U.S. are Hispanic. The two leading causes of death in this group are heart disease and cancer, accounting for two out of five deaths. Unfortunately, many Hispanics face considerable barriers to getting high quality health care, including language and low income. Learn what can be done to reduce the barriers.

  16. Structure and function of the AAA+ ATPase p97/Cdc48p. (United States)

    Xia, Di; Tang, Wai Kwan; Ye, Yihong


    p97 (also known as valosin-containing protein (VCP) in mammals or Cdc48p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is an evolutionarily conserved ATPase present in all eukaryotes and archaebacteria. In conjunction with a collection of cofactors and adaptors, p97/Cdc48p performs an array of biological functions mostly through modulating the stability of 'client' proteins. Using energy from ATP hydrolysis, p97/Cdc48p segregates these molecules from immobile cellular structures such as protein assemblies, membrane organelles, and chromatin. Consequently, the released polypeptides can be efficiently degraded by the ubiquitin proteasome system or recycled. This review summarizes our current understanding of the structure and function of this essential cellular chaperoning system. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  17. Articles Published and Downloaded by Public Health Scientists: Analysis of Data From the CDC Public Health Library, 2011-2013. (United States)

    Iskander, John; Bang, Gail; Stupp, Emma; Connick, Kathy; Gomez, Onnalee; Gidudu, Jane


    To describe scientific information usage and publication patterns of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Public Health Library and Information Center patrons. Administratively collected patron usage data and aggregate data on CDC-authored publications from the CDC Library for 3 consecutive years were analyzed. The CDC Public Health Library and Information Center, which serves CDC employees nationally and internationally. Internal patrons and external users of the CDC Library. Three-year trends in full-text article publication and downloads including most common journals used for each purpose, systematic literature searches requested and completed, and subscriptions to a weekly public health current literature awareness service. From 2011 to 2013, CDC scientists published a total of 7718 articles in the peer-reviewed literature. During the same period, article downloads from the CDC Library increased 25% to more than 1.1 million, completed requests for reviews of the scientific literature increased by 34%, and electronic subscriptions to literature compilation services increased by 23%. CDC's scientific output and information use via the CDC Library are both increasing. Researchers and field staff are making greater use of literature review services and other customized information content delivery. Virtual public health library access is an increasingly important resource for the scientific practice of public health.

  18. CDC STATE System E-Cigarette Legislation - Youth Access (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. E-Cigarette Legislation—Youth Access....

  19. Controle Financeiro Governamental: uma pesquisa sobre os arranjos jurídicoinstitucionais e a relação políticoadministrativa em 18 países de diferentes continentes


    Gileno Fernandes Marcelino; Lorena Pinho Morbach Paredes Wassally; Rosane Maria Pio da Silva


    Este artigo tem por objetivo identificar qual o sistema organizacional adotado por instituições responsáveis pelo controle financeiro-orçamentário governamental (controladoria ou tribunal de contas) em dezoito países, sendo nove do Continente Americano, cinco do Continente Europeu, três do Continente Asiático e um da Oceania. Além disso, busca-se verificar o tratamento dado pelo ordenamento jurídico desses países e a relação do sistema organizacional existente com o sistem...

  20. CDC releases ventilator-associated events criteria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robbins RA


    Full Text Available No abstract available. Article truncated at 150 words. A new term has been coined by the CDC, ventilator-associated events (VAEs (1. In 2011, the CDC convened a working group composed of members of several stakeholder organizations to address the limitations of the definition of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP definition (2. The organizations represented in the Working Group include: the Critical Care Societies Collaborative (the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, the American College of Chest Physicians, the American Thoracic Society, and the Society for Critical Care Medicine; the American Association for Respiratory Care; the Association of Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology; the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists; the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee’s Surveillance Working Group; the Infectious Diseases Society of America; and the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America. VAEs are defined by an increase oxygen (>0.2 in FiO2 or positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP (≥3 cm H2O, after a previous stable baseline of at least 2 …

  1. CDC Vital Signs-Safer Food Saves Lives

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the November 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. Contaminated food sent to several states can cause multistate outbreaks of foodborne illness and make a lot of people seriously ill. Learn what can be done to prevent and stop outbreaks.

  2. CDC Vital Signs: Teen Drinking and Driving (United States)

    ... short. Obey speed limits. Never use a cell phone or text while driving. Parents can Understand that most teens who drink ... number of teen passengers Never use a cell phone or text while driving Obey speed limits Get your copy of CDC's ...

  3. CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation - Smokefree Indoor Air (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. Legislation – Smokefree Indoor Air. The...

  4. Cdc7-Dbf4 Regulates NDT80 Transcription as Well as Reductional Segregation during Budding Yeast Meiosis


    Lo, Hsiao-Chi; Wan, Lihong; Rosebrock, Adam; Futcher, Bruce; Hollingsworth, Nancy M.


    In budding yeast, as in other eukaryotes, the Cdc7 protein kinase is important for initiation of DNA synthesis in vegetative cells. In addition, Cdc7 has crucial meiotic functions: it facilitates premeiotic DNA replication, and it is essential for the initiation of recombination. This work uses a chemical genetic approach to demonstrate that Cdc7 kinase has additional roles in meiosis. First, Cdc7 allows expression of NDT80, a meiosis-specific transcriptional activator required for the induct...

  5. sistemas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego Alejandro Muñoz Gaviria


    Full Text Available El texto presentado a continuación, plantea en términos generales las principales posturas conceptuales del sociólogo alemán Niklas Luhmann sobre las ideas de Max Weber y su teoría de la acción social, y de Talcott Parsons y sus planteamientos en torno a la teoría de los sistemas sociales. Al final del escrito se hace especial énfasis en el rol protagónico que para Luhmann tienen las ciencias sociales y humanas en la autorreferencia del sistema social.

  6. Cdc42 is crucial for the maturation of primordial cell junctions in keratinocytes independent of Rac1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Du, Dan; Pedersen, Esben; Wang, Zhipeng


    Cell-cell contacts are crucial for the integrity of all tissues. Contrasting reports have been published about the role of Cdc42 in epithelial cell-cell contacts in vitro. In keratinocytes, it was suggested that Rac1 and not Cdc42 is crucial for the formation of mature epithelial junctions, based...... on dominant negative inhibition experiments. Deletion of the Cdc42 gene in keratinocytes in vivo slowly impaired the maintenance of cell-cell contacts by an increased degradation of beta-catenin. Whether Cdc42 is required for the formation of mature junctions was not tested. We show now that Cdc42-deficient...... immortalized and primary keratinocytes form only punctate primordial cell contacts in vitro, which cannot mature into belt-like junctions. This defect was independent of enhanced degradation of beta-catenin, but correlated to an impaired activation and localization of aPKCzeta in the Cdc42-null keratinocytes...

  7. A novel functional polymorphism in the Cdc6 promoter is associated with the risk for hepatocellular carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiong Xingdong; Fang Jianhong; Qiu Fuen; Zhao Jing; Cheng Jiasen; Yuan Yunfei; Li Shengping; Zhuang Shimei


    Cdc6 is essential for DNA replication and its deregulation is involved in carcinogenesis. To date, the biological significance of the polymorphism in Cdc6 promoter is still unknown. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the influence of the Cdc6 -515A>G polymorphism (rs4134994) on the individual's susceptibility to cancer and on the function of Cdc6. The Cdc6 -515A>G polymorphism was genotyped in 387 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and 389 age- and sex-matched healthy subjects. The association between the genotypes and the risk for HCC was then estimated by unconditional logistic regression analysis with adjustment for age, sex and HBV status. Compared with the AA homozygotes, the homozygous GG genotype (adjusted OR = 0.36, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.18-0.72, P = 0.004) or the combined AG/GG genotypes (adjusted OR = 0.56, 95% CI = 0.36-0.86, P = 0.008) were statistically significantly associated with the reduced risk for HCC. Moreover, the analysis using luciferase reporter system showed that the G-allelic Cdc6 promoter displayed a decreased transcriptional activity compared with the A-allelic one. These results indicate that the individuals with G allele may have reduced Cdc6 expression and are therefore in reduced risk for HCC. Further investigation using electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) revealed that the G allele had a stronger binding strength to nuclear protein(s) which might function as negative regulator(s) for Cdc6 transcription. Our findings suggest that the -515A>G polymorphism may affect the Cdc6 promoter binding affinity with nuclear protein(s) and in turn the Cdc6 expression, which consequently modulates the individual's susceptibility to HCC

  8. Distinct pools of cdc25C are phosphorylated on specific TP sites and differentially localized in human mitotic cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Celine Franckhauser

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The dual specificity phosphatase cdc25C was the first human cdc25 family member found to be essential in the activation of cdk1/cyclin B1 that takes place at the entry into mitosis. Human cdc25C is phosphorylated on Proline-dependent SP and TP sites when it becomes active at mitosis and the prevalent model is that this phosphorylation/activation of cdc25C would be part of an amplification loop with cdk1/cyclin B1. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using highly specific antibodies directed against cdc25C phospho-epitopes, pT67 and pT130, we show here that these two phospho-forms of cdc25C represent distinct pools with differential localization during human mitosis. Phosphorylation on T67 occurs from prophase and the cdc25C-pT67 phospho-isoform closely localizes with condensed chromosomes throughout mitosis. The phospho-T130 form of cdc25C arises in late G2 and associates predominantly with centrosomes from prophase to anaphase B where it colocalizes with Plk1. As shown by immunoprecipitation of each isoform, these two phospho-forms are not simultaneously phosphorylated on the other mitotic TP sites or associated with one another. Phospho-T67 cdc25C co-precipitates with MPM2-reactive proteins while pT130-cdc25C is associated with Plk1. Interaction and colocalization of phosphoT130-cdc25C with Plk1 demonstrate in living cells, that the sequence around pT130 acts as a true Polo Box Domain (PBD binding site as previously identified from in vitro peptide screening studies. Overexpression of non-phosphorylatable alanine mutant forms for each isoform, but not wild type cdc25C, strongly impairs mitotic progression showing the functional requirement for each site-specific phosphorylation of cdc25C at mitosis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results show for the first time that in human mitosis, distinct phospho-isoforms of cdc25C exist with different localizations and interacting partners, thus implying that the long-standing model of a cdc25C

  9. Parkin Regulates Mitosis and Genomic Stability through Cdc20/Cdh1. (United States)

    Lee, Seung Baek; Kim, Jung Jin; Nam, Hyun-Ja; Gao, Bowen; Yin, Ping; Qin, Bo; Yi, Sang-Yeop; Ham, Hyoungjun; Evans, Debra; Kim, Sun-Hyun; Zhang, Jun; Deng, Min; Liu, Tongzheng; Zhang, Haoxing; Billadeau, Daniel D; Wang, Liewei; Giaime, Emilie; Shen, Jie; Pang, Yuan-Ping; Jen, Jin; van Deursen, Jan M; Lou, Zhenkun


    Mutations in the E3 ubiquitin ligase Parkin have been linked to familial Parkinson's disease. Parkin has also been implicated in mitosis through mechanisms that are unclear. Here we show that Parkin interacts with anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) coactivators Cdc20 and Cdh1 to mediate the degradation of several key mitotic regulators independent of APC/C. We demonstrate that ordered progression through mitosis is orchestrated by two distinct E3 ligases through the shared use of Cdc20 and Cdh1. Furthermore, Parkin is phosphorylated and activated by polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) during mitosis. Parkin deficiency results in overexpression of its substrates, mitotic defects, genomic instability, and tumorigenesis. These results suggest that the Parkin-Cdc20/Cdh1 complex is an important regulator of mitosis. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Science in Emergency Response at CDC: Structure and Functions. (United States)

    Iskander, John; Rose, Dale A; Ghiya, Neelam D


    Recent high-profile activations of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Emergency Operations Center (EOC) include responses to the West African Ebola and Zika virus epidemics. Within the EOC, emergency responses are organized according to the Incident Management System, which provides a standardized structure and chain of command, regardless of whether the EOC activation occurs in response to an outbreak, natural disaster, or other type of public health emergency. By embedding key scientific roles, such as the associate director for science, and functions within a Scientific Response Section, the current CDC emergency response structure ensures that both urgent and important science issues receive needed attention. Key functions during emergency responses include internal coordination of scientific work, data management, information dissemination, and scientific publication. We describe a case example involving the ongoing Zika virus response that demonstrates how the scientific response structure can be used to rapidly produce high-quality science needed to answer urgent public health questions and guide policy. Within the context of emergency response, longer-term priorities at CDC include both streamlining administrative requirements and funding mechanisms for scientific research.

  11. Sistema de seguridad en redes locales utilizando sistemas multiagentes distribuidos. Net-Mass

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Horfan Álvarez


    Full Text Available La seguridad en las redes de datos es uno de los elementos neurálgicos dentro de una organización, ya que requiere de diferentes estrategias de protección para salvaguardar puntos vulnerables, y de la coordinación y distribución de esfuerzos para cercar todas las posibles formas de ataques informáticos. En este artículo se propone un sistema multiagente distribuido como herramienta de protección para redes con diferentes sistemas operativos y susceptibilidad de diversos ataques.El sistema propuesto está conformado por un grupo de agentes autónomos heterogéneos con características particulares en cuanto a sus estrategias de detección de intrusos y protección de los sistemas primordiales de la red, se tiene planeado que estos agentes basen sus decisiones en la aplicación de diferentes técnicas de inteligencia artificial como heurística de sistemas expertos, algoritmos evolutivos y redes neuronales.

  12. Sequencing Analysis of Mutant Allele $cdc$28-$srm$ of Protein Kinase CDC28 and Molecular Dynamics Study of Glycine-Rich Loop in Wild-Type and Mutant Allele G16S of CDK2 as Model

    CERN Document Server

    Koltovaya, N A; Kholmurodov, Kh T; Kretov, D A


    The central role that cyclin-dependent kinases play in the timing of cell division and the high incidence of genetic alteration of CDKs or deregulation of CDK inhibitors in a number of cancers make CDC28 of the yeast \\textit{Saccharomyces cerevisiae }very attractive model for studies of mechanisms of CDK regulation. Earlier it was found that certain gene mutations including \\textit{cdc28-srm} affect cell cycle progression, maintenance of different genetic structures and increase cell sensitivity to ionizing radiation. A~\\textit{cdc28-srm} mutation is not temperature-sensitive mutation and differs from the known \\textit{cdc28-ts }mutations because it has the evident phenotypic manifestations at 30 $^{\\circ}$C. Sequencing analysis of \\textit{cdc28-srm} revealed a single nucleotide substitution G20S. This is a third glycine in a conserved sequence GxGxxG in the G-rich loop positioned opposite the activation T-loop. Despite its demonstrated importance, the role of the G-loop has remained unclear. The crystal stru...

  13. CDC WONDER: Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) online database on CDC WONDER provides counts and percentages of adverse event case reports after vaccination, by...

  14. CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation - Smokefree Indoor Air (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2017. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. Legislation – Smokefree Indoor Air....

  15. CDC WONDER: Compressed Mortality - Underlying Cause of Death (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The CDC WONDER Mortality - Underlying Cause of Death online database is a county-level national mortality and population database spanning the years since 1979...

  16. Archaeal orthologs of Cdc45 and GINS form a stable complex that stimulates the helicase activity of MCM. (United States)

    Xu, Yuli; Gristwood, Tamzin; Hodgson, Ben; Trinidad, Jonathan C; Albers, Sonja-Verena; Bell, Stephen D


    The regulated recruitment of Cdc45 and GINS is key to activating the eukaryotic MCM(2-7) replicative helicase. We demonstrate that the homohexameric archaeal MCM helicase associates with orthologs of GINS and Cdc45 in vivo and in vitro. Association of these factors with MCM robustly stimulates the MCM helicase activity. In contrast to the situation in eukaryotes, archaeal Cdc45 and GINS form an extremely stable complex before binding MCM. Further, the archaeal GINS•Cdc45 complex contains two copies of Cdc45. Our analyses give insight into the function and evolution of the conserved core of the archaeal/eukaryotic replisome.

  17. CDC Vital Signs-Preventing Melanoma

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the June 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. In 2011, there were more than 65,000 cases of melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer. Learn how everyone can help prevent skin cancer.  Created: 6/2/2015 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 6/2/2015.

  18. Cdc42 regulates cofilin during the establishment of neuronal polarity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Garvalov, Boyan K; Flynn, Kevin C; Neukirchen, Dorothee


    suppressed ability to form axons both in vivo and in culture. This was accompanied by disrupted cytoskeletal organization, enlargement of the growth cones, and inhibition of filopodial dynamics. Axon formation in the knock-out neurons was rescued by manipulation of the actin cytoskeleton, indicating...... that the effects of Cdc42 ablation are exerted through modulation of actin dynamics. In addition, the knock-outs showed a specific increase in the phosphorylation (inactivation) of the Cdc42 effector cofilin. Furthermore, the active, nonphosphorylated form of cofilin was enriched in the axonal growth cones of wild...

  19. CDC STATE System E-Cigarette Legislation - Youth Access (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2017. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. E-Cigarette Legislation—Youth Access....

  20. O mundo americano na produção escrita inglesa: séculos XVI, XVII e XVIII

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lílian Martins de Lima


    Full Text Available A apreciação do Novo Mundo por letrados ingleses, irlandeses e escoceses pode ser pontuada a partir da segunda metade do século XVI. A compreensão acerca dessa temática é um dos eixos deste artigo, que pretende avaliar as nuances da produção escrita em língua inglesa entre os séculos XVI, XVII e XVIII, com destaque para a formulação de histórias filosóficas da América. Buscamos, em linhas gerais, avaliar de que forma o cenário americano foi descrito por autores que, em diferentes momentos, se indagaram sobre o lugar da América na historiografia inglesa.

  1. CDC WONDER: Daily Air Temperatures and Heat Index (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Daily Air Temperature and Heat Index data available on CDC WONDER are county-level daily average air temperatures and heat index measures spanning the years...

  2. CDC WONDER: Detailed Mortality - Underlying Cause of Death (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Detailed Mortality - Underlying Cause of Death data on CDC WONDER are county-level national mortality and population data spanning the years 1999-2009. Data are...

  3. Controle Financeiro Governamental: uma pesquisa sobre os arranjos jurídicoinstitucionais e a relação políticoadministrativa em 18 países de diferentes continentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gileno Fernandes Marcelino


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo identificar qual o sistema organizacional adotado por instituições responsáveis pelo controle financeiro-orçamentário governamental (controladoria ou tribunal de contas em dezoito países, sendo nove do Continente Americano, cinco do Continente Europeu, três do Continente Asiático e um da Oceania. Além disso, busca-se verificar o tratamento dado pelo ordenamento jurídico desses países e a relação do sistema organizacional existente com o sistema de governo adotado e a história política dos países. A fundamentação teórica abrange conceitos das ciências da Administração, da Economia e do Direito. Quanto ao objetivo, a metodologia adotada é a descritiva e quanto aos procedimentos, a pesquisa é documental. Os países europeus de origem latina França, Itália, Espanha e Portugal adotam como sistema de controle os tribunais de contas. O Continente Americano, predominantemente, adota controladorias, exceto Brasil e Uruguai, onde o controle é realizado por tribunais. China, Índia e Israel também adotam controladorias, assim como na Oceania com a Nova Zelândia. Em Cuba, o controle de contas públicas está a cargo de um Ministério de Auditoria. Nos países parlamentaristas, os arranjos institucionais prevalecentes são Controladorias ou Auditorias-Gerais e nos países presidencialistas predomina os Tribunais de Contas. Palavras-chave: Sistema Organizacional; Controle Governamental; Controladorias; e Tribunais de Contas.

  4. Functional mapping of the fission yeast DNA polymerase δ B-subunit Cdc1 by site-directed and random pentapeptide insertion mutagenesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gray Fiona C


    Full Text Available Abstract Background DNA polymerase δ plays an essential role in chromosomal DNA replication in eukaryotic cells, being responsible for synthesising the bulk of the lagging strand. In fission yeast, Pol δ is a heterotetrameric enzyme comprising four evolutionarily well-conserved proteins: the catalytic subunit Pol3 and three smaller subunits Cdc1, Cdc27 and Cdm1. Pol3 binds directly to the B-subunit, Cdc1, which in turn binds the C-subunit, Cdc27. Human Pol δ comprises the same four subunits, and the crystal structure was recently reported of a complex of human p50 and the N-terminal domain of p66, the human orthologues of Cdc1 and Cdc27, respectively. Results To gain insights into the structure and function of Cdc1, random and directed mutagenesis techniques were used to create a collection of thirty alleles encoding mutant Cdc1 proteins. Each allele was tested for function in fission yeast and for binding of the altered protein to Pol3 and Cdc27 using the two-hybrid system. Additionally, the locations of the amino acid changes in each protein were mapped onto the three-dimensional structure of human p50. The results obtained from these studies identify amino acid residues and regions within the Cdc1 protein that are essential for interaction with Pol3 and Cdc27 and for in vivo function. Mutations specifically defective in Pol3-Cdc1 interactions allow the identification of a possible Pol3 binding surface on Cdc1. Conclusion In the absence of a three-dimensional structure of the entire Pol δ complex, the results of this study highlight regions in Cdc1 that are vital for protein function in vivo and provide valuable clues to possible protein-protein interaction surfaces on the Cdc1 protein that will be important targets for further study.

  5. The Rho GTPase Cdc42 regulates hair cell planar polarity and cellular patterning in the developing cochlea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Kirjavainen


    Full Text Available Hair cells of the organ of Corti (OC of the cochlea exhibit distinct planar polarity, both at the tissue and cellular level. Planar polarity at tissue level is manifested as uniform orientation of the hair cell stereociliary bundles. Hair cell intrinsic polarity is defined as structural hair bundle asymmetry; positioning of the kinocilium/basal body complex at the vertex of the V-shaped bundle. Consistent with strong apical polarity, the hair cell apex displays prominent actin and microtubule cytoskeletons. The Rho GTPase Cdc42 regulates cytoskeletal dynamics and polarization of various cell types, and, thus, serves as a candidate regulator of hair cell polarity. We have here induced Cdc42 inactivation in the late-embryonic OC. We show the role of Cdc42 in the establishment of planar polarity of hair cells and in cellular patterning. Abnormal planar polarity was displayed as disturbances in hair bundle orientation and morphology and in kinocilium/basal body positioning. These defects were accompanied by a disorganized cell-surface microtubule network. Atypical protein kinase C (aPKC, a putative Cdc42 effector, colocalized with Cdc42 at the hair cell apex, and aPKC expression was altered upon Cdc42 depletion. Our data suggest that Cdc42 together with aPKC is part of the machinery establishing hair cell planar polarity and that Cdc42 acts on polarity through the cell-surface microtubule network. The data also suggest that defects in apical polarization are influenced by disturbed cellular patterning in the OC. In addition, our data demonstrates that Cdc42 is required for stereociliogenesis in the immature cochlea.

  6. CDC Vital Signs: Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke (United States)

    ... on youth access to tobacco products and tobacco marketing to youth, and closely follow them. Check the ... Director for Communications (OADC) Email Recommend Tweet YouTube Instagram Listen Watch RSS ABOUT About CDC Jobs Funding ...

  7. Cdc42 is a key regulator of B cell differentiation and is required for antiviral humoral immunity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Burbage, Marianne; Keppler, Selina J; Gasparrini, Francesca


    The small Rho GTPase Cdc42, known to interact with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) protein, is an important regulator of actin remodeling. Here, we show that genetic ablation of Cdc42 exclusively in the B cell lineage is sufficient to render mice unable to mount antibody responses. Indeed Cdc42-de...

  8. Cdc20 is critical for meiosis I and fertility of female mice.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fang Jin


    Full Text Available Chromosome missegregation in germ cells is an important cause of unexplained infertility, miscarriages, and congenital birth defects in humans. However, the molecular defects that lead to production of aneuploid gametes are largely unknown. Cdc20, the activating subunit of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C, initiates sister-chromatid separation by ordering the destruction of two key anaphase inhibitors, cyclin B1 and securin, at the transition from metaphase to anaphase. The physiological significance and full repertoire of functions of mammalian Cdc20 are unclear at present, mainly because of the essential nature of this protein in cell cycle progression. To bypass this problem we generated hypomorphic mice that express low amounts of Cdc20. These mice are healthy and have a normal lifespan, but females produce either no or very few offspring, despite normal folliculogenesis and fertilization rates. When mated with wild-type males, hypomorphic females yield nearly normal numbers of fertilized eggs, but as these embryos develop, they become malformed and rarely reach the blastocyst stage. In exploring the underlying mechanism, we uncover that the vast majority of these embryos have abnormal chromosome numbers, primarily due to chromosome lagging and chromosome misalignment during meiosis I in the oocyte. Furthermore, cyclin B1, cyclin A2, and securin are inefficiently degraded in metaphase I; and anaphase I onset is markedly delayed. These results demonstrate that the physiologically effective threshold level of Cdc20 is high for female meiosis I and identify Cdc20 hypomorphism as a mechanism for chromosome missegregation and formation of aneuploid gametes.

  9. The small G-proteins Rac1 and Cdc42 are essential for myoblast fusion in the mouse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vasyutina, Elena; Martarelli, Benedetta; Brakebusch, Cord


    Rac1 and Cdc42 are small G-proteins that regulate actin dynamics and affect plasma membrane protrusion and vesicle traffic. We used conditional mutagenesis in mice to demonstrate that Rac1 and Cdc42 are essential for myoblast fusion in vivo and in vitro. The deficit in fusion of Rac1 or Cdc42 mut...... genetic analysis demonstrates thus that the function of Rac in myoblast fusion is evolutionarily conserved from insects to mammals and that Cdc42, a molecule hitherto not implicated in myoblast fusion, is essential for the fusion of murine myoblasts....

  10. CDC Vital Signs-Protect Patients from Antibiotic Resistance

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the March 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. Patients can get serious healthcare-associated infections, or HAIs, while receiving medical treatment in a healthcare facility. Learn how to prevent healthcare-associated infections.

  11. CDC Vital Signs-Too Loud for Too Long!

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the February 2017 CDC Vital Signs report. Being around too much loud noise-like a leaf blower or rock concert-can cause permanent hearing loss. Learn how to prevent hearing loss.

  12. Systematic Investigation of Expression of G2/M Transition Genes Reveals CDC25 Alteration in Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenomas. (United States)

    Butz, Henriett; Németh, Kinga; Czenke, Dóra; Likó, István; Czirják, Sándor; Zivkovic, Vladimir; Baghy, Kornélia; Korbonits, Márta; Kovalszky, Ilona; Igaz, Péter; Rácz, Károly; Patócs, Attila


    Dysregulation of G1/S checkpoint of cell cycle has been reported in pituitary adenomas. In addition, our previous finding showing that deregulation of Wee1 kinase by microRNAs together with other studies demonstrating alteration of G2/M transition in nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas (NFPAs) suggest that G2/M transition may also be important in pituitary tumorigenesis. To systematically study the expression of members of the G2/M transition in NFPAs and to investigate potential microRNA (miRNA) involvement. Totally, 80 NFPA and 14 normal pituitary (NP) tissues were examined. Expression of 46 genes encoding members of the G2/M transition was profiled on 34 NFPA and 10 NP samples on TaqMan Low Density Array. Expression of CDC25A and two miRNAs targeting CDC25A were validated by individual quantitative real time PCR using TaqMan assays. Protein expression of CDC25A, CDC25C, CDK1 and phospho-CDK1 (Tyr-15) was investigated on tissue microarray and immunohistochemistry. Several genes' expression alteration were observed in NFPA compared to normal tissues by transcription profiling. On protein level CDC25A and both the total and the phospho-CDK1 were overexpressed in adenoma tissues. CDC25A correlated with nuclear localized CDK1 (nCDK1) and with tumor size and nCDK1 with Ki-67 index. Comparing primary vs. recurrent adenomas we found that Ki-67 proliferation index was higher and phospho-CDK1 (inactive form) was downregulated in recurrent tumors compared to primary adenomas. Investigating the potential causes behind CDC25A overexpression we could not find copy number variation at the coding region nor expression alteration of CDC25A regulating transcription factors however CDC25A targeting miRNAs were downregulated in NFPA and negatively correlated with CDC25A expression. Our results suggest that among alterations of G2/M transition of the cell cycle, overexpression of the CDK1 and CDC25A may have a role in the pathogenesis of the NFPA and that CDC25A is potentially

  13. The DNA repair capability of cdc9, the saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant defective in DNA ligase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnston, L.H.


    The cell cycle mutant, cdc9, in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is defective in DNA ligase with the consequence to be deficient in the repair of DNA damaged by methyl methane sulphonate. On the other hand survival of cdc9 after irradiation by γ-rays is little different from that of the wild-type, even after a period of stress at the restrictive temperature. The mutant cdc9 is not allelic with any known rad or mms mutants. (orig./AJ) [de

  14. Rac1 and Cdc42 GTPases regulate shear stress-driven β-catenin signaling in osteoblasts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wan, Qiaoqiao; Cho, Eunhye; Yokota, Hiroki; Na, Sungsoo


    Highlights: •Shear stress increased TCF/LEF activity and stimulated β-catenin nuclear localization. •Rac1, Cdc42, and RhoA displayed distinct dynamic activity patterns under flow. •Rac1 and Cdc42, but not RhoA, regulate shear stress-driven TCF/LEF activation. •Cytoskeleton did not significantly affect shear stress-induced TCF/LEF activation. -- Abstract: Beta-catenin-dependent TCF/LEF (T-cell factor/lymphocyte enhancing factor) is known to be mechanosensitive and an important regulator for promoting bone formation. However, the functional connection between TCF/LEF activity and Rho family GTPases is not well understood in osteoblasts. Herein we investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying oscillatory shear stress-induced TCF/LEF activity in MC3T3-E1 osteoblast cells using live cell imaging. We employed fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based biosensors, which allowed us to monitor signal transduction in living cells in real time. Oscillatory (1 Hz) shear stress (10 dynes/cm 2 ) increased TCF/LEF activity and stimulated translocation of β-catenin to the nucleus with the distinct activity patterns of Rac1 and Cdc42. The shear stress-induced TCF/LEF activity was blocked by the inhibition of Rac1 and Cdc42 with their dominant negative mutants or selective drugs, but not by a dominant negative mutant of RhoA. In contrast, constitutively active Rac1 and Cdc42 mutants caused a significant enhancement of TCF/LEF activity. Moreover, activation of Rac1 and Cdc42 increased the basal level of TCF/LEF activity, while their inhibition decreased the basal level. Interestingly, disruption of cytoskeletal structures or inhibition of myosin activity did not significantly affect shear stress-induced TCF/LEF activity. Although Rac1 is reported to be involved in β-catenin in cancer cells, the involvement of Cdc42 in β-catenin signaling in osteoblasts has not been identified. Our findings in this study demonstrate

  15. Rac1 and Cdc42 GTPases regulate shear stress-driven β-catenin signaling in osteoblasts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wan, Qiaoqiao; Cho, Eunhye [Department of Biomedical Engineering, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN 46202 (United States); Yokota, Hiroki [Department of Biomedical Engineering, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN 46202 (United States); Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN 46202 (United States); Na, Sungsoo, E-mail: [Department of Biomedical Engineering, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN 46202 (United States)


    Highlights: •Shear stress increased TCF/LEF activity and stimulated β-catenin nuclear localization. •Rac1, Cdc42, and RhoA displayed distinct dynamic activity patterns under flow. •Rac1 and Cdc42, but not RhoA, regulate shear stress-driven TCF/LEF activation. •Cytoskeleton did not significantly affect shear stress-induced TCF/LEF activation. -- Abstract: Beta-catenin-dependent TCF/LEF (T-cell factor/lymphocyte enhancing factor) is known to be mechanosensitive and an important regulator for promoting bone formation. However, the functional connection between TCF/LEF activity and Rho family GTPases is not well understood in osteoblasts. Herein we investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying oscillatory shear stress-induced TCF/LEF activity in MC3T3-E1 osteoblast cells using live cell imaging. We employed fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based biosensors, which allowed us to monitor signal transduction in living cells in real time. Oscillatory (1 Hz) shear stress (10 dynes/cm{sup 2}) increased TCF/LEF activity and stimulated translocation of β-catenin to the nucleus with the distinct activity patterns of Rac1 and Cdc42. The shear stress-induced TCF/LEF activity was blocked by the inhibition of Rac1 and Cdc42 with their dominant negative mutants or selective drugs, but not by a dominant negative mutant of RhoA. In contrast, constitutively active Rac1 and Cdc42 mutants caused a significant enhancement of TCF/LEF activity. Moreover, activation of Rac1 and Cdc42 increased the basal level of TCF/LEF activity, while their inhibition decreased the basal level. Interestingly, disruption of cytoskeletal structures or inhibition of myosin activity did not significantly affect shear stress-induced TCF/LEF activity. Although Rac1 is reported to be involved in β-catenin in cancer cells, the involvement of Cdc42 in β-catenin signaling in osteoblasts has not been identified. Our findings in this study demonstrate

  16. The F-box protein Cdc4/Fbxw7 is a novel regulator of neural crest development in Xenopus laevis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hartley Rebecca S


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The neural crest is a unique population of cells that arise in the vertebrate ectoderm at the neural plate border after which they migrate extensively throughout the embryo, giving rise to a wide range of derivatives. A number of proteins involved in neural crest development have dynamic expression patterns, and it is becoming clear that ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation is partly responsible for this. Results Here we demonstrate a novel role for the F-box protein Cdc4/Fbxw7 in neural crest development. Two isoforms of Xenopus laevis Cdc4 were identified, and designated xCdc4α and xCdc4β. These are highly conserved with vertebrate Cdc4 orthologs, and the Xenopus proteins are functionally equivalent in terms of their ability to degrade Cyclin E, an established vertebrate Cdc4 target. Blocking xCdc4 function specifically inhibited neural crest development at an early stage, prior to expression of c-Myc, Snail2 and Snail. Conclusions We demonstrate that Cdc4, an ubiquitin E3 ligase subunit previously identified as targeting primarily cell cycle regulators for proteolysis, has additional roles in control of formation of the neural crest. Hence, we identify Cdc4 as a protein with separable but complementary functions in control of cell proliferation and differentiation.

  17. CDC Vital Signs: Daily Pill Can Prevent HIV (United States)

    ... risk about PrEP through health department programs, social marketing campaigns, and other training and technical assistance efforts. ... MB] en Español [PDF – 2.7 MB] CDC Digital Press Kit MMWR Article 1 MMWR Article 2 ...

  18. Mechanism of IRSp53 inhibition and combinatorial activation by Cdc42 and downstream effectors. (United States)

    Kast, David J; Yang, Changsong; Disanza, Andrea; Boczkowska, Malgorzata; Madasu, Yadaiah; Scita, Giorgio; Svitkina, Tatyana; Dominguez, Roberto


    The Rho family GTPase effector IRSp53 has essential roles in filopodia formation and neuronal development, but its regulatory mechanism is poorly understood. IRSp53 contains a membrane-binding BAR domain followed by an unconventional CRIB motif that overlaps with a proline-rich region (CRIB-PR) and an SH3 domain that recruits actin cytoskeleton effectors. Using a fluorescence reporter assay, we show that human IRSp53 adopts a closed inactive conformation that opens synergistically with the binding of human Cdc42 to the CRIB-PR and effector proteins, such as the tumor-promoting factor Eps8, to the SH3 domain. The crystal structure of Cdc42 bound to the CRIB-PR reveals a new mode of effector binding to Rho family GTPases. Structure-inspired mutations disrupt autoinhibition and Cdc42 binding in vitro and decouple Cdc42- and IRSp53-dependent filopodia formation in cells. The data support a combinatorial mechanism of IRSp53 activation.

  19. CDC STATE System E-Cigarette Legislation - Smokefree Indoor Air (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. E-Cigarette Legislation—Smokefree...

  20. Multiple domains of fission yeast Cdc19p (MCM2) are required for its association with the core MCM complex. (United States)

    Sherman, D A; Pasion, S G; Forsburg, S L


    The members of the MCM protein family are essential eukaryotic DNA replication factors that form a six-member protein complex. In this study, we use antibodies to four MCM proteins to investigate the structure of and requirements for the formation of fission yeast MCM complexes in vivo, with particular regard to Cdc19p (MCM2). Gel filtration analysis shows that the MCM protein complexes are unstable and can be broken down to subcomplexes. Using coimmunoprecipitation, we find that Mis5p (MCM6) and Cdc21p (MCM4) are tightly associated with one another in a core complex with which Cdc19p loosely associates. Assembly of Cdc19p with the core depends upon Cdc21p. Interestingly, there is no obvious change in Cdc19p-containing MCM complexes through the cell cycle. Using a panel of Cdc19p mutants, we find that multiple domains of Cdc19p are required for MCM binding. These studies indicate that MCM complexes in fission yeast have distinct substructures, which may be relevant for function.

  1. The internal Cdc20 binding site in BubR1 facilitates both spindle assembly checkpoint signalling and silencing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lischetti, Tiziana; Zhang, Gang; Sedgwick, Garry G


    Improperly attached kinetochores activate the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) and by an unknown mechanism catalyse the binding of two checkpoint proteins, Mad2 and BubR1, to Cdc20 forming the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC). Here, to address the functional role of Cdc20 kinetochore localization...... in the SAC, we delineate the molecular details of its interaction with kinetochores. We find that BubR1 recruits the bulk of Cdc20 to kinetochores through its internal Cdc20 binding domain (IC20BD). We show that preventing Cdc20 kinetochore localization by removal of the IC20BD has a limited effect...... on the SAC because the IC20BD is also required for efficient SAC silencing. Indeed, the IC20BD can disrupt the MCC providing a mechanism for its role in SAC silencing. We thus uncover an unexpected dual function of the second Cdc20 binding site in BubR1 in promoting both efficient SAC signalling and SAC...

  2. Cdc7-Dbf4 regulates NDT80 transcription as well as reductional segregation during budding yeast meiosis. (United States)

    Lo, Hsiao-Chi; Wan, Lihong; Rosebrock, Adam; Futcher, Bruce; Hollingsworth, Nancy M


    In budding yeast, as in other eukaryotes, the Cdc7 protein kinase is important for initiation of DNA synthesis in vegetative cells. In addition, Cdc7 has crucial meiotic functions: it facilitates premeiotic DNA replication, and it is essential for the initiation of recombination. This work uses a chemical genetic approach to demonstrate that Cdc7 kinase has additional roles in meiosis. First, Cdc7 allows expression of NDT80, a meiosis-specific transcriptional activator required for the induction of genes involved in exit from pachytene, meiotic progression, and spore formation. Second, Cdc7 is necessary for recruitment of monopolin to sister kinetochores, and it is necessary for the reductional segregation occurring at meiosis I. The use of the same kinase to regulate several distinct meiosis-specific processes may be important for the coordination of these processes during meiosis.

  3. Cdc7-Dbf4 Regulates NDT80 Transcription as Well as Reductional Segregation during Budding Yeast Meiosis (United States)

    Lo, Hsiao-Chi; Wan, Lihong; Rosebrock, Adam; Futcher, Bruce


    In budding yeast, as in other eukaryotes, the Cdc7 protein kinase is important for initiation of DNA synthesis in vegetative cells. In addition, Cdc7 has crucial meiotic functions: it facilitates premeiotic DNA replication, and it is essential for the initiation of recombination. This work uses a chemical genetic approach to demonstrate that Cdc7 kinase has additional roles in meiosis. First, Cdc7 allows expression of NDT80, a meiosis-specific transcriptional activator required for the induction of genes involved in exit from pachytene, meiotic progression, and spore formation. Second, Cdc7 is necessary for recruitment of monopolin to sister kinetochores, and it is necessary for the reductional segregation occurring at meiosis I. The use of the same kinase to regulate several distinct meiosis-specific processes may be important for the coordination of these processes during meiosis. PMID:18768747

  4. Experience in programming Assembly language of CDC CYBER 170/750 computer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caldeira, A.D.


    Aiming to optimize processing time of BCG computer code in the CDC CYBER 170/750 computer, the FORTRAN-V language of INTERP subroutine was converted to Assembly language. The BCG code was developed for solving neutron transport equation by iterative method, and the INTERP subroutine is innermost loop of the code carrying out 5 interpolation types. The central processor unit Assembly language of the CDC CYBER 170/750 computer and its application in implementing the interpolation subroutine of BCG code are described. (M.C.K.)

  5. Characterization of cyclin-dependent kinases and Cdc2/Cdc28 kinase subunits in Trichomonas vaginalis. (United States)

    Amador, Erick; López-Pacheco, Karla; Morales, Nataly; Coria, Roberto; López-Villaseñor, Imelda


    Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) have important roles in regulating key checkpoints between stages of the cell cycle. Their activity is tightly regulated through a variety of mechanisms, including through binding with cyclin proteins and the Cdc2/Cdc28 kinase subunit (CKS), and their phosphorylation at specific amino acids. Studies of the components involved in cell cycle control in parasitic protozoa are limited. Trichomonas vaginalis is the causative agent of trichomoniasis in humans and is therefore important in public health; however, some of the basic biological processes used by this organism have not been defined. Here, we characterized proteins potentially involved in cell cycle regulation in T. vaginalis. Three genes encoding protein kinases were identified in the T. vaginalis genome, and the corresponding recombinant proteins (TvCRK1, TvCRK2, TvCRK5) were studied. These proteins displayed similar sequence features to CDKs. Two genes encoding CKSs were also identified, and the corresponding recombinant proteins were found to interact with TvCRK1 and TvCRK2 by a yeast two-hybrid system. One putative cyclin B protein from T. vaginalis was found to bind to and activate the kinase activities of TvCRK1 and TvCRK5, but not TvCRK2. This work is the first characterization of proteins involved in cell cycle control in T. vaginalis.

  6. Should all patients with hyperparathyroidism be screened for a CDC73 mutation?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caroline Bachmeier


    Full Text Available Primary hyperparathyroidism (PH is a common endocrine abnormality and may occur as part of a genetic syndrome. Inactivating mutations of the tumour suppressor gene CDC73 have been identified as accounting for a large percentage of hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumour syndrome (HPT-JT cases and to a lesser degree account for familial isolated hyperparathyroidism (FIHP cases. Reports of CDC73 whole gene deletions are exceedingly rare. We report the case of a 39 year-old woman with PH secondary to a parathyroid adenoma associated with a large chromosomal deletion (2.5 Mb encompassing the entire CDC73 gene detected years after parathyroidectomy. This case highlights the necessity to screen young patients with hyperparathyroidism for an underlying genetic aetiology. It also demonstrates that molecular testing for this disorder should contain techniques that can detect large deletions.

  7. Sistemas roboticos teleoperados

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    Alexander Ceron Correa


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión general sobre los sistemas robóticos teleoperados, su estructura, componentes principales, clasificación, tipos de sensores, sistemas de locomoción y aplicaciones; como ejemplo se mencionan algunos trabajos realizados Colombia y en el mundo

  8. Dangerous Creatures - A Visit to the CDC Insectary

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Tour CDC’s insectary with Sofi, a young host, and learn from CDC researchers about mosquitoes and insecticide resistance.  Created: 11/7/2012 by Center for Global Health (CGH).   Date Released: 12/20/2012.

  9. Immunohistochemical detection of cdc2 is useful in predicting survival in patients with mantle cell lymphoma. (United States)

    Hui, David; Reiman, Tony; Hanson, John; Linford, Rick; Wong, Winson; Belch, Andrew; Lai, Raymond


    Recent cDNA microarray studies have reported the prognostic value of several genes in mantle cell lymphoma patients. We aimed to validate the prognostic significance of three of these genes: alpha-tubulin, cdc2, and CENP-F. The protein expression of alpha-tubulin, cdc2, and CENP-F was assessed using immunohistochemistry. Their immunoreactivity in 48 formalin-fixed/paraffin-embedded mantle cell lymphoma tumors was determined by estimating the percentage of positive cells. These results were correlated with the expression of proliferation marker Ki67 and survival. Of these 48 mantle cell lymphoma patients, 41 were men and seven were women. The median age at time of diagnosis was 64.5 years, and the overall median survival was 40 months. In benign lymph nodes, the expression of cdc2 and alpha-tubulin was restricted to the germinal centers; mantle zones were negative. Expression of CENP-F was more uniformly distributed. In mantle cell lymphoma, Ki67 significantly correlated with all three markers (P50%) and cdc2 (>25%) significantly correlated with shorter survival (Por=2 correlated with worse clinical outcome, and high clinical stage (ie 4 vs cdc2 and Ki67 was independent of international prognostic index and clinical stage. We have validated the prognostic value of cdc2, and confirmed that of Ki67, in a cohort of mantle cell lymphoma patients. Immunohistochemical detection of cdc2 and Ki67 may be a useful and simple method in evaluating the prognosis of mantle cell lymphoma patients.

  10. SCFCyclin F-dependent degradation of CDC6 suppresses DNA re-replication

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Walter, David; Hoffmann, Saskia; Komseli, Eirini-Stavroula


    interact through defined sequence motifs that promote CDC6 ubiquitylation and degradation. Absence of Cyclin F or expression of a stable mutant of CDC6 promotes re-replication and genome instability in cells lacking the CDT1 inhibitor Geminin. Together, our work reveals a novel SCF(Cyclin F...

  11. Rac1 and Cdc42 are regulators of HRasV12-transformation and angiogenic factors in human fibroblasts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Appledorn, Daniel M; Dao, Kim-Hien T; O'Reilly, Sandra; Maher, Veronica M; McCormick, J Justin


    The activities of Rac1 and Cdc42 are essential for HRas-induced transformation of rodent fibroblasts. What is more, expression of constitutively activated mutants of Rac1 and/or Cdc42 is sufficient for their malignant transformation. The role for these two Rho GTPases in HRas-mediated transformation of human fibroblasts has not been studied. Here we evaluated the contribution of Rac1 and Cdc42 to maintaining HRas-induced transformation of human fibroblasts, and determined the ability of constitutively activated mutants of Rac1 or Cdc42 to induce malignant transformation of a human fibroblast cell strain. Under the control of a tetracycline regulatable promoter, dominant negative mutants of Rac1 and Cdc42 were expressed in a human HRas-transformed, tumor derived fibroblast cell line. These cells were used to determine the roles of Rac1 and/or Cdc42 proteins in maintaining HRas-induced transformed phenotypes. Similarly, constitutively active mutants were expressed in a non-transformed human fibroblast cell strain to evaluate their potential to induce malignant transformation. Affymetrix GeneChip arrays were used for transcriptome analyses, and observed expression differences were subsequently validated using protein assays. Expression of dominant negative Rac1 and/or Cdc42 significantly altered transformed phenotypes of HRas malignantly transformed human fibroblasts. In contrast, expression of constitutively active mutants of Rac1 or Cdc42 was not sufficient to induce malignant transformation. Microarray analysis revealed that the expression of 29 genes was dependent on Rac1 and Cdc42, many of which are known to play a role in cancer. The dependence of two such genes, uPA and VEGF was further validated in both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. The results presented here indicate that expression of both Rac1 and Cdc42 is necessary for maintaining several transformed phenotypes in oncogenic HRas transformed human cells, including their ability to form tumors in athymic

  12. Rac1 and Cdc42 are regulators of HRasV12-transformation and angiogenic factors in human fibroblasts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dao Kim-Hien T


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The activities of Rac1 and Cdc42 are essential for HRas-induced transformation of rodent fibroblasts. What is more, expression of constitutively activated mutants of Rac1 and/or Cdc42 is sufficient for their malignant transformation. The role for these two Rho GTPases in HRas-mediated transformation of human fibroblasts has not been studied. Here we evaluated the contribution of Rac1 and Cdc42 to maintaining HRas-induced transformation of human fibroblasts, and determined the ability of constitutively activated mutants of Rac1 or Cdc42 to induce malignant transformation of a human fibroblast cell strain. Methods Under the control of a tetracycline regulatable promoter, dominant negative mutants of Rac1 and Cdc42 were expressed in a human HRas-transformed, tumor derived fibroblast cell line. These cells were used to determine the roles of Rac1 and/or Cdc42 proteins in maintaining HRas-induced transformed phenotypes. Similarly, constitutively active mutants were expressed in a non-transformed human fibroblast cell strain to evaluate their potential to induce malignant transformation. Affymetrix GeneChip arrays were used for transcriptome analyses, and observed expression differences were subsequently validated using protein assays. Results Expression of dominant negative Rac1 and/or Cdc42 significantly altered transformed phenotypes of HRas malignantly transformed human fibroblasts. In contrast, expression of constitutively active mutants of Rac1 or Cdc42 was not sufficient to induce malignant transformation. Microarray analysis revealed that the expression of 29 genes was dependent on Rac1 and Cdc42, many of which are known to play a role in cancer. The dependence of two such genes, uPA and VEGF was further validated in both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Conclusion(s The results presented here indicate that expression of both Rac1 and Cdc42 is necessary for maintaining several transformed phenotypes in oncogenic HRas

  13. CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation - Smokefree Indoor Air Summary (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. Legislation – Smokefree Indoor Air. The...

  14. The PP2AB56 phosphatase promotes the association of Cdc20 with APC/C in mitosis. (United States)

    Lee, Sun Joo; Rodriguez-Bravo, Veronica; Kim, Hyunjung; Datta, Sutirtha; Foley, Emily A


    PP2A comprising B56 regulatory subunit isoforms (PP2A B56 ) is a serine/threonine phosphatase essential for mitosis. At the kinetochore, PP2A B56 both stabilizes microtubule binding and promotes silencing of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) through its association with the SAC protein BubR1. Cells depleted of the B56 regulatory subunits of PP2A are delayed in activation of Cdc20-containing APC/C (APC/C Cdc20 ), which is an essential step for mitotic exit. It has been hypothesized that this delay arises from increased production of the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC), an APC/C Cdc20 inhibitor formed at unattached kinetochores through SAC signaling. In contrast to this prediction, we show that depletion of B56 subunits does not increase the amount or stability of the MCC. Rather, delays in APC/C Cdc20 activation in B56-depleted cells correlate with impaired Cdc20 binding to APC/C. Stimulation of APC/C Cdc20 assembly does not require binding between PP2A B56 and BubR1, and thus this contribution of PP2A B56 towards mitotic exit is distinct from its functions at kinetochores. PP2A B56 associates with APC/C constitutively in a BubR1-independent manner. A mitotic phosphorylation site on Cdc20, known to be a substrate of PP2A B56 , modulates APC/C Cdc20 assembly. These results elucidate the contributions of PP2A B56 towards completion of mitosis. © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  15. NEK11: linking CHK1 and CDC25A in DNA damage checkpoint signaling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Claus Storgaard; Melixetian, Marina; Klein, Ditte Kjaersgaard


    The DNA damage induced G(2)/M checkpoint is an important guardian of the genome that prevents cell division when DNA lesions are present. The checkpoint prevents cells from entering mitosis by degrading CDC25A, a key CDK activator. CDC25A proteolysis is controlled by direct phosphorylation events...... is required for beta-TrCP mediated CDC25A polyubiquitylation and degradation. The activity of NEK11 is in turn controlled by CHK1 that activates NEK11 via phosphorylation on serine 273. Since inhibition of NEK11 activity forces checkpoint-arrested cells into mitosis and cell death, NEK11 is, like CHK1...

  16. Computer Center CDC Libraries/NSRD (Subprograms). (United States)



  17. ECIS - Adaptation to CDC CYBER system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nair, R.P.K.; Rego, R.A.; Lemos, B.J.K.C.


    The implantation of ECIS computer code, elaborated for BOURROUGHS 6700 computer of USP (Universidade de Sao Paulo), in the CDC CYBER 170/730 computer is presented. The ECIS code calculates cross section by coupled channel method. Some problems were calculated to verify the compactibility of results obtained from BOURROUGHS 6700 version with the version. The problems calculated by new version and the carried out modifications, are described (M.C.K.) [pt

  18. CDC STATE System Tobacco Legislation - Smokefree Indoor Air Summary (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2017. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. Legislation – Smokefree Indoor Air....

  19. CDC STATE System E-Cigarette Legislation - Smokefree Indoor Air (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1995-2016. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. E-Cigarette Legislation—Smokefree...

  20. Cdc6-Induced Conformational Changes in ORC Bound to Origin DNA Revealed by Cryo-Electron Microscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sun J.; Li H.; Kawakami, H.; Zech, J.; Speck, C.; Stillman, B.


    The eukaryotic origin recognition complex (ORC) interacts with and remodels origins of DNA replication prior to initiation in S phase. Here, we report a single-particle cryo-EM-derived structure of the supramolecular assembly comprising Saccharomyces cerevisiae ORC, the replication initiation factor Cdc6, and double-stranded ARS1 origin DNA in the presence of ATP{gamma}S. The six subunits of ORC are arranged as Orc1:Orc4:Orc5:Orc2:Orc3, with Orc6 binding to Orc2. Cdc6 binding changes the conformation of ORC, in particular reorienting the Orc1 N-terminal BAH domain. Segmentation of the 3D map of ORC-Cdc6 on DNA and docking with the crystal structure of the homologous archaeal Orc1/Cdc6 protein suggest an origin DNA binding model in which the DNA tracks along the interior surface of the crescent-like ORC. Thus, ORC bends and wraps the DNA. This model is consistent with the observation that binding of a single Cdc6 extends the ORC footprint on origin DNA from both ends.

  1. Cdc42 and RhoA reveal different spatio-temporal dynamics upon local stimulation with Semaphorin-3A

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Federico eIseppon


    Full Text Available Small RhoGTPases, such as Cdc42 and RhoA, are key players in integrating external cues and intracellular signaling pathways that regulate growth cone (GC motility. Indeed, Cdc42 is involved in actin polymerization and filopodia formation, whereas RhoA induces GC collapse and neurite retraction through actomyosin contraction. In this study we employed Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET microscopy to study the spatio-temporal dynamics of Cdc42 and RhoA in GCs in response to local Semaphorin-3A stimulation obtained with lipid vesicles filled with Semaphorin-3A and positioned near the selected GC using optical tweezers. We found that Cdc42 and RhoA were activated at the leading edge of NG108-15 neuroblastoma cells during spontaneous cycles of protrusion and retraction, respectively. The release of Semaphorin-3A brought to a progressive activation of RhoA within 30 seconds from the stimulus in the central region of the GC that collapsed and retracted. In contrast, the same stimulation evoked waves of Cdc42 activation propagating away from the stimulated region. A more localized stimulation obtained with Sema3A coated beads placed on the GC, led to Cdc42 active waves that propagated in a retrograde manner with a mean period of 70 seconds, and followed by GC retraction. Therefore, Semaphorin-3A activates both Cdc42 and RhoA with a complex and different spatial-temporal dynamics.

  2. The RNA-binding protein Spo5 promotes meiosis II by regulating cyclin Cdc13 in fission yeast. (United States)

    Arata, Mayumi; Sato, Masamitsu; Yamashita, Akira; Yamamoto, Masayuki


    Meiosis comprises two consecutive nuclear divisions, meiosis I and II. Despite this unique progression through the cell cycle, little is known about the mechanisms controlling the sequential divisions. In this study, we carried out a genetic screen to identify factors that regulate the initiation of meiosis II in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We identified mutants deficient in meiosis II progression and repeatedly isolated mutants defective in spo5, which encodes an RNA-binding protein. Using fluorescence microscopy to visualize YFP-tagged protein, we found that spo5 mutant cells precociously lost Cdc13, the major B-type cyclin in fission yeast, before meiosis II. Importantly, the defect in meiosis II was rescued by increasing CDK activity. In wild-type cells, cdc13 transcripts increased during meiosis II, but this increase in cdc13 expression was weaker in spo5 mutants. Thus, Spo5 is a novel regulator of meiosis II that controls the level of cdc13 expression and promotes de novo synthesis of Cdc13. We previously reported that inhibition of Cdc13 degradation is necessary to initiate meiosis II; together with the previous information, the current findings indicate that the dual control of Cdc13 by de novo synthesis and suppression of proteolysis ensures the progression of meiosis II. © 2014 The Authors Genes to Cells © 2014 by the Molecular Biology Society of Japan and Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  3. A New Genetically Encoded Single-Chain Biosensor for Cdc42 Based on FRET, Useful for Live-Cell Imaging (United States)

    Cox, Dianne; Hodgson, Louis


    Cdc42 is critical in a myriad of cellular morphogenic processes, requiring precisely regulated activation dynamics to affect specific cellular events. To facilitate direct observations of Cdc42 activation in live cells, we developed and validated a new biosensor of Cdc42 activation. The biosensor is genetically encoded, of single-chain design and capable of correctly localizing to membrane compartments as well as interacting with its upstream regulators including the guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor. We characterized this new biosensor in motile mouse embryonic fibroblasts and observed robust activation dynamics at leading edge protrusions, similar to those previously observed for endogenous Cdc42 using the organic dye-based biosensor system. We then extended our validations and observations of Cdc42 activity to macrophages, and show that this new biosensor is able to detect differential activation patterns during phagocytosis and cytokine stimulation. Furthermore, we observe for the first time, a highly transient and localized activation of Cdc42 during podosome formation in macrophages, which was previously hypothesized but never directly visualized. PMID:24798463

  4. Coordination by Cdc42 of Actin, Contractility, and Adhesion for Melanoblast Movement in Mouse Skin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Woodham, Emma F; Paul, Nikki R; Tyrrell, Benjamin


    traverse the dermis to reach the epidermis of the skin and hair follicles. We previously established that Rac1 signals via Scar/WAVE and Arp2/3 to effect pseudopod extension and migration of melanoblasts in skin. Here we show that RhoA is redundant in the melanocyte lineage but that Cdc42 coordinates...... multiple motility systems independent of Rac1. Similar to Rac1 knockouts, Cdc42 null mice displayed a severe loss of pigmentation, and melanoblasts showed cell-cycle progression, migration, and cytokinesis defects. However, unlike Rac1 knockouts, Cdc42 null melanoblasts were elongated and displayed large...... null cells lacked the ability to polarize their Golgi and coordinate motility systems for efficient movement. Loss of Cdc42 de-coupled three main systems: actin assembly via the formin FMNL2 and Arp2/3, active myosin-II localization, and integrin-based adhesion dynamics....

  5. Regulación neuroendocrina del sistema inmune


    Caballero Hernández, Diana; Tamez Guerra, Reyes S.; Rodríguez Padilla, Cristina; Tamez Guerra, Patricia; Weber, Richard J.; Gómez Flores, Ricardo


    El sistema inmune recibe señales del sistema nervioso central (cerebro) vía el sistema nervioso autónomo y el sistema endocrino. El sistema inmune, a su vez, envía información al cerebro vía citocinas. Este sistema de retroalimentación es vital para el funcionamiento adecuado del organismo en situaciones normales, y en aquellas en las que la homeostasis se ve perturbada, como en casos de estrés, consumo de drogas (terapéuticas o de abuso), enfermedades infecciosas y...

  6. MRG15 activates the cdc2 promoter via histone acetylation in human cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pena, AndreAna N.; Tominaga, Kaoru; Pereira-Smith, Olivia M.


    Chromatin remodeling is required for transcriptional activation and repression. MRG15 (MORF4L1), a chromatin modulator, is a highly conserved protein and is present in complexes containing histone acetyltransferases (HATs) as well as histone deacetylases (HDACs). Loss of expression of MRG15 in mice and Drosophila results in embryonic lethality and fibroblast and neural stem/progenitor cells cultured from Mrg15 null mouse embryos exhibit marked proliferative defects when compared with wild type cells. To determine the role of MRG15 in cell cycle progression we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation with an antibody to MRG15 on normal human fibroblasts as they entered the cell cycle from a quiescent state, and analyzed various cell cycle gene promoters. The results demonstrated a 3-fold increase in MRG15 occupancy at the cdc2 promoter during S phase of the cell cycle and a concomitant increase in acetylated histone H4. H4 lysine 12 was acetylated at 24 h post-serum stimulation while there was no change in acetylation of lysine 16. HDAC1 and 2 were decreased at this promoter during cell cycle progression. Over-expression of MRG15 in HeLa cells activated a cdc2 promoter-reporter construct in a dose-dependent manner, whereas knockdown of MRG15 resulted in decreased promoter activity. In order to implicate HAT activity, we treated cells with the HAT inhibitor anacardic acid and determined that HAT inhibition results in loss of expression of cdc2 mRNA. Further, chromatin immunoprecipitation with Tip60 localizes the protein to the same 110 bp stretch of the cdc2 promoter pulled down by MRG15. Additionally, we determined that cotransfection of MRG15 with the known associated HAT Tip60 had a cooperative effect in activating the cdc2 promoter. These results suggest that MRG15 is acting in a HAT complex involving Tip60 to modify chromatin via acetylation of histone H4 at the cdc2 promoter to activate transcription.

  7. MRG15 activates the cdc2 promoter via histone acetylation in human cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pena, AndreAna N., E-mail: [Sam and Ann Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX (United States); Department of Cellular and Structural Biology, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX (United States); Tominaga, Kaoru; Pereira-Smith, Olivia M. [Sam and Ann Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX (United States); Department of Cellular and Structural Biology, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX (United States)


    Chromatin remodeling is required for transcriptional activation and repression. MRG15 (MORF4L1), a chromatin modulator, is a highly conserved protein and is present in complexes containing histone acetyltransferases (HATs) as well as histone deacetylases (HDACs). Loss of expression of MRG15 in mice and Drosophila results in embryonic lethality and fibroblast and neural stem/progenitor cells cultured from Mrg15 null mouse embryos exhibit marked proliferative defects when compared with wild type cells. To determine the role of MRG15 in cell cycle progression we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation with an antibody to MRG15 on normal human fibroblasts as they entered the cell cycle from a quiescent state, and analyzed various cell cycle gene promoters. The results demonstrated a 3-fold increase in MRG15 occupancy at the cdc2 promoter during S phase of the cell cycle and a concomitant increase in acetylated histone H4. H4 lysine 12 was acetylated at 24 h post-serum stimulation while there was no change in acetylation of lysine 16. HDAC1 and 2 were decreased at this promoter during cell cycle progression. Over-expression of MRG15 in HeLa cells activated a cdc2 promoter-reporter construct in a dose-dependent manner, whereas knockdown of MRG15 resulted in decreased promoter activity. In order to implicate HAT activity, we treated cells with the HAT inhibitor anacardic acid and determined that HAT inhibition results in loss of expression of cdc2 mRNA. Further, chromatin immunoprecipitation with Tip60 localizes the protein to the same 110 bp stretch of the cdc2 promoter pulled down by MRG15. Additionally, we determined that cotransfection of MRG15 with the known associated HAT Tip60 had a cooperative effect in activating the cdc2 promoter. These results suggest that MRG15 is acting in a HAT complex involving Tip60 to modify chromatin via acetylation of histone H4 at the cdc2 promoter to activate transcription.


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    Full Text Available El encuentro europeo con las nuevas especies y espacios americanos en el siglo XVI, complejiza ese universo de percepciones de superioridad occidental frente a mundos que se consideraban más exóticos y menos civilizados. Las descripciones europeas de la naturaleza americana, las primeras imágenes de sus productos alimenticios y especies autóctonas pintadas con los colores del paraíso, el exotismo y la belleza, la fertilidad y la abundancia, ayudarán a conformar una imagen positiva del continente americano. A pesar del original desprecio o indiferencia frente a ciertos alimentos indígenas, con el tiempo estas percepciones cambiarán al convertirse muchos de ellos en salvavidas de las hambrunas mundiales e ingredientes fundamentales de las gastronomías nacionalesThe European encounter with the new American space and it species during the sixteenth century, allows us to look at the European percepction of superiority towards exotic worlds in a more complex way. European description of American nature, the first visual images of the local species described with the colors of paradise, exotism and beauty, fertility and abundance, help in constructing a positive image of America. Despite the original disdain or indifference towards the indigenous food, these percepctions will change over time when many of these products become a solution to world wide hunger and important ingredients for national gastronomies

  9. The structure of FMNL2-Cdc42 yields insights into the mechanism of lamellipodia and filopodia formation (United States)

    Kühn, Sonja; Erdmann, Constanze; Kage, Frieda; Block, Jennifer; Schwenkmezger, Lisa; Steffen, Anika; Rottner, Klemens; Geyer, Matthias


    Formins are actin polymerization factors that elongate unbranched actin filaments at the barbed end. Rho family GTPases activate Diaphanous-related formins through the relief of an autoregulatory interaction. The crystal structures of the N-terminal domains of human FMNL1 and FMNL2 in complex with active Cdc42 show that Cdc42 mediates contacts with all five armadillo repeats of the formin with specific interactions formed by the Rho-GTPase insert helix. Mutation of three residues within Rac1 results in a gain-of-function mutation for FMNL2 binding and reconstitution of the Cdc42 phenotype in vivo. Dimerization of FMNL1 through a parallel coiled coil segment leads to formation of an umbrella-shaped structure that--together with Cdc42--spans more than 15 nm in diameter. The two interacting FMNL-Cdc42 heterodimers expose six membrane interaction motifs on a convex protein surface, the assembly of which may facilitate actin filament elongation at the leading edge of lamellipodia and filopodia.

  10. Micro-supercapacitors from carbide derived carbon (CDC) films on silicon chips (United States)

    Huang, Peihua; Heon, Min; Pech, David; Brunet, Magali; Taberna, Pierre-Louis; Gogotsi, Yury; Lofland, Samuel; Hettinger, Jeffrey D.; Simon, Patrice


    Interdigitated on-chip micro-supercapacitors based on Carbide Derived Carbon (CDC) films were fabricated and tested. A titanium carbide (TiC) film was patterned and treated with chlorine to obtain a TiC derived carbon (TiC-CDC) film, followed by the deposition of two types of current collectors (Ti/Au and Al) using standard micro-fabrication processes. CDC based micro-supercapacitors were electrochemically characterized by cyclic voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy using a 1 M tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate, NEt4BF4, in propylene carbonate (PC) electrolyte. A capacitance of 0.78 mF for the device and 1.5 mF cm-2 as the specific capacitance for the footprint of the device was measured for a 2 V potential range at 100 mV s-1. A specific energy of 3.0 mJ cm-2 and a specific power of 84 mW cm-2 were calculated for the devices. These devices provide a pathway for fabricating pure carbon-based micro-supercapacitors by micro-fabrication, and can be used for powering micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) and electronic devices.

  11. Unraveling the molecular mechanism of interactions of the Rho GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1 with the scaffolding protein IQGAP2. (United States)

    Ozdemir, E Sila; Jang, Hyunbum; Gursoy, Attila; Keskin, Ozlem; Li, Zhigang; Sacks, David B; Nussinov, Ruth


    IQ motif-containing GTPase-activating proteins (IQGAPs) are scaffolding proteins playing central roles in cell-cell adhesion, polarity, and motility. The Rho GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1, in their GTP-bound active forms, interact with all three human IQGAPs. The IQGAP-Cdc42 interaction promotes metastasis by enhancing actin polymerization. However, despite their high sequence identity, Cdc42 and Rac1 differ in their interactions with IQGAP. Two Cdc42 molecules can bind to the Ex-domain and the RasGAP site of the GTPase-activating protein (GAP)-related domain (GRD) of IQGAP and promote IQGAP dimerization. Only one Rac1 molecule might bind to the RasGAP site of GRD and may not facilitate the dimerization, and the exact mechanism of Cdc42 and Rac1 binding to IQGAP is unclear. Using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, site-directed mutagenesis, and Western blotting, we unraveled the detailed mechanisms of Cdc42 and Rac1 interactions with IQGAP2. We observed that Cdc42 binding to the Ex-domain of GRD of IQGAP2 (GRD2) releases the Ex-domain at the C-terminal region of GRD2, facilitating IQGAP2 dimerization. Cdc42 binding to the Ex-domain promoted allosteric changes in the RasGAP site, providing a binding site for the second Cdc42 in the RasGAP site. Of note, the Cdc42 "insert loop" was important for the interaction of the first Cdc42 with the Ex-domain. By contrast, differences in Rac1 insert-loop sequence and structure precluded its interaction with the Ex-domain. Rac1 could bind only to the RasGAP site of apo-GRD2 and could not facilitate IQGAP2 dimerization. Our detailed mechanistic insights help decipher how Cdc42 can stimulate actin polymerization in metastasis.

  12. Comparing U.S. Injury Death Estimates from GBD 2015 and CDC WONDER

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yue Wu


    Full Text Available Objective: The purpose of the present study was to examine consistency in injury death statistics from the United States CDC Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC WONDER with those from GBD 2015 estimates. Methods: Differences in deaths and the percent difference in deaths between GBD 2015 and CDC WONDER were assessed, as were changes in deaths between 2000 and 2015 for the two datasets. Results: From 2000 to 2015, GBD 2015 estimates for the U.S. injury deaths were somewhat higher than CDC WONDER estimates in most categories, with the exception of deaths from falls and from forces of nature, war, and legal intervention in 2015. Encouragingly, the difference in total injury deaths between the two data sources narrowed from 44,897 (percent difference in deaths = 41% in 2000 to 34,877 (percent difference in deaths = 25% in 2015. Differences in deaths and percent difference in deaths between the two data sources varied greatly across injury cause and over the assessment years. The two data sources present consistent changes in direction from 2000 to 2015 for all injury causes except for forces of nature, war, and legal intervention, and adverse effects of medical treatment. Conclusions: We conclude that further studies are warranted to interpret the inconsistencies in data and develop estimation approaches that increase the consistency of the two datasets.

  13. CDC Vital Signs-Heart Age

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the September 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. Your heart age is the age of your heart and blood vessels as a result of your risk factors for heart attack and stroke. If you smoke or have high blood pressure, your heart age will be much higher than your actual age. Learn what you can do to lower your heart age and keep it low.  Created: 9/1/2015 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 9/1/2015.

  14. CDC Vital Signs-Hispanic Health

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the May 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. About one in six people living in the U.S. are Hispanic. The two leading causes of death in this group are heart disease and cancer, accounting for two out of five deaths. Unfortunately, many Hispanics face considerable barriers to getting high quality health care, including language and low income. Learn what can be done to reduce the barriers.  Created: 5/5/2015 by Office of Minority Health & Health Equity (OMHHE).   Date Released: 5/5/2015.

  15. Jaridonin-induced G2/M phase arrest in human esophageal cancer cells is caused by reactive oxygen species-dependent Cdc2-tyr15 phosphorylation via ATM–Chk1/2–Cdc25C pathway

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ma, Yong-Cheng [Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory, Henan Province People' s Hospital, No. 7, Wei Wu Road, Zhengzhou, Henan (China); Su, Nan [Department of Quality Detection and Management, Henan University of Animal Husbandry and Economy, Zhengzhou, Henan (China); Shi, Xiao-Jing; Zhao, Wen; Ke, Yu [School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhengzhou University, No. 100, Science Avenue, Zhengzhou, Henan (China); Zi, Xiaolin [Department of Urology, University of California, Irvine, Orange, CA (United States); Department of Pharmacology, University of California, Irvine, Orange, CA (United States); Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of California, Irvine, Orange, CA (United States); Zhao, Ning-Min; Qin, Yu-Hua; Zhao, Hong-Wei [Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory, Henan Province People' s Hospital, No. 7, Wei Wu Road, Zhengzhou, Henan (China); Liu, Hong-Min, E-mail: [School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhengzhou University, No. 100, Science Avenue, Zhengzhou, Henan (China)


    Jaridonin, a novel diterpenoid from Isodon rubescens, has been shown previously to inhibit proliferation of esophageal squamous cancer cells (ESCC) through G2/M phase cell cycle arrest. However, the involved mechanism is not fully understood. In this study, we found that the cell cycle arrest by Jaridonin was associated with the increased expression of phosphorylation of ATM at Ser1981 and Cdc2 at Tyr15. Jaridonin also resulted in enhanced phosphorylation of Cdc25C via the activation of checkpoint kinases Chk1 and Chk2, as well as in increased phospho-H2A.X (Ser139), which is known to be phosphorylated by ATM in response to DNA damage. Furthermore, Jaridonin-mediated alterations in cell cycle arrest were significantly attenuated in the presence of NAC, implicating the involvement of ROS in Jaridonin's effects. On the other hand, addition of ATM inhibitors reversed Jaridonin-related activation of ATM and Chk1/2 as well as phosphorylation of Cdc25C, Cdc2 and H2A.X and G2/M phase arrest. In conclusion, these findings identified that Jaridonin-induced cell cycle arrest in human esophageal cancer cells is associated with ROS-mediated activation of ATM–Chk1/2–Cdc25C pathway. - Highlights: • Jaridonin induced G2/M phase arrest through induction of redox imbalance. • Jaridonin increased the level of ROS through depleting glutathione in cell. • ATM–Chk1/2–Cdc25C were involved in Jaridonin-induced cell cycle arrest. • Jaridonin selectively inhibited cancer cell viability and cell cycle progression.

  16. Sistemas de gestión ambiental normalizados


    Fronti de García, Luisa; Pahlen, Ricardo José María; D’Onofrio, Paula Alejandra


    La contabilidad ambiental presupone la existencia de un sistema de gestión ambiental. Dentro del sistema integral de la organización, el sistema de gestión ambiental permite la obtención de información oportuna y segura. Podríamos definir el sistema de gestión ambiental de un ente como el conjunto de medidas destinadas a prevenir el impacto negativo de las actividades del ente sobre el medio ambiente. El sistema de gestión ambiental (SGA) es aquella parte del sistema de gestión total que incl...

  17. New role for Cdc14 phosphatase: localization to basal bodies in the oomycete phytophthora and its evolutionary coinheritance with eukaryotic flagella.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Audrey M V Ah-Fong

    Full Text Available Cdc14 protein phosphatases are well known for regulating the eukaryotic cell cycle, particularly during mitosis. Here we reveal a distinctly new role for Cdc14 based on studies of the microbial eukaryote Phytophthora infestans, the Irish potato famine agent. While Cdc14 is transcribed constitutively in yeast and animal cells, the P. infestans ortholog is expressed exclusively in spore stages of the life cycle and not in vegetative hyphae where the bulk of mitosis takes place. PiCdc14 expression is first detected in nuclei at sporulation, and during zoospore formation the protein accumulates at the basal body, which is the site from which flagella develop. The association of PiCdc14 with basal bodies was supported by co-localization studies with the DIP13 basal body protein and flagellar β-tubulin, and by demonstrating the enrichment of PiCdc14 in purified flagella-basal body complexes. Overexpressing PiCdc14 did not cause defects in growth or mitosis in hyphae, but interfered with cytoplasmic partitioning during zoosporogenesis. This cytokinetic defect might relate to its ability to bind microtubules, which was shown using an in vitro cosedimentation assay. The use of gene silencing to reveal the precise function of PiCdc14 in flagella is not possible since we showed previously that silencing prevents the formation of the precursor stage, sporangia. Nevertheless, the association of Cdc14 with flagella and basal bodies is consistent with their phylogenetic distribution in eukaryotes, as species that lack the ability to produce flagella generally also lack Cdc14. An ancestral role of Cdc14 in the flagellar stage of eukaryotes is thereby proposed.

  18. The Use of the Data-to-Action Framework in the Evaluation of CDC's DELTA FOCUS Program. (United States)

    Armstead, Theresa L; Kearns, Megan; Rambo, Kirsten; Estefan, Lianne Fuino; Dills, Jenny; Rivera, Moira S; El-Beshti, Rasha

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancements and Leadership Through Alliances, Focusing on Outcomes for Communities United with States (DELTA FOCUS) program is a 5-year cooperative agreement (2013-2018) funding 10 state domestic violence coalitions and local coordinated community response teams to engage in primary prevention of intimate partner violence. Grantees' prevention strategies were often developmental and emergent; therefore, CDC's approach to program oversight, administration, and support to grantees required a flexible approach. CDC staff adopted a Data-to-Action Framework for the DELTA FOCUS program evaluation that supported a culture of learning to meet dynamic and unexpected information needs. Briefly, a Data-to-Action Framework involves the collection and use of information in real time for program improvement. Utilizing this framework, the DELTA FOCUS data-to-action process yielded important insights into CDC's ongoing technical assistance, improved program accountability by providing useful materials, and information for internal agency leadership, and helped build a learning community among grantees. CDC and other funders, as decision makers, can promote program improvements that are data-informed by incorporating internal processes supportive of ongoing data collection and review.

  19. CDC Vital Signs-Communication Can Save Lives

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the August 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. Antibiotic-resistant germs cause at least 23,000 deaths each year. Learn how public health authorities and health care facilities can work together to save lives.  Created: 8/4/2015 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 8/4/2015.

  20. CDC Vital Signs-Hospital Actions Affect Breastfeeding

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the October 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. Hospitals can implement the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding to be designated as "Baby-Friendly" and support more moms in a decision to breastfeed.  Created: 10/6/2015 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 10/6/2015.

  1. FORTRAN text correction with the CDC-1604-A console typewriter during reading a punched card program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kotorobaj, F.; Ruzhichka, Ya.; Stolyarskij, Yu.V.


    The paper describes FORTRAN text correction with the CDC 1604-A console typewriter during reading a punched card program. This method gives one more possibility of FORTRAN program correction during program's input to the CDC 1604-A computer. This essentially reduced the time necessary for punched card correction with other methods. Possibility of inputting desired number of punched cards one after another allows one writing small FORTRAN programs to computer core storage with simultaneous punching of the cards. The correction program has been written to the CDC 1604 COOP monitor

  2. Cdc42 expression in keratinocytes is required for the maintenance of the basement membrane in skin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wu, Xunwei; Quondamatteo, Fabio; Brakebusch, Cord


    , structure and number of hemidesomosomes were not significantly changed in the Cdc42 mutant skin compared with the control mice and no blister formation was observed in mutant skin. These data indicate that Cdc42 in keratinocytes is important for maintenance of the basement membrane of skin....... process, which requires directed secretion, deposition and organization of basement membrane components at the basal side of epithelial cells. In the current study, we analyzed the maintenance of skin basement membrane in mice with a keratinocyte-restricted deletion of the Cdc42 gene. In the absence...

  3. MiR-27a Promotes Hemin-Induced Erythroid Differentiation of K562 Cells by Targeting CDC25B

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dongsheng Wang


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: MicroRNAs (miRNAs play a crucial role in erythropoiesis. MiR-23a∼27a∼24-2 clusters have been proven to take part in erythropoiesis via some proteins. CDC25B (cell division control Cdc2 phosphostase B is also the target of mir-27a; whether it regulates erythropoiesis and its mechanism are unknown. Methods: To evaluate the potential role of miR-27a during erythroid differentiation, we performed miR-27a gain- and loss-of-function experiments on hemin-induced K562 cells. We detected miR-27a expression after hemin stimulation at different time points. At the same time, the γ-globin gene also was measured via real-time PCR. According to the results of the chips, we screened the target protein of miR-27a through a dual-luciferase reporter assay and identified it via Western blot analyses. To evaluate the function of CDC25B, benzidine staining and flow cytometry were employed to detect the cell differentiation and cell cycle. Results: We found that miR-27a promotes hemin-induced erythroid differentiation of human K562 cells by targeting cell division cycle 25 B (CDC25B. Overexpression of miR-27a promotes the differentiation of hemin-induced K562 cells, as demonstrated by γ-globin overexpression. The inhibition of miR-27a expression suppresses erythroid differentiation, thus leading to a reduction in the γ-globin gene. CDC25B was identified as a new target of miR-27a during erythroid differentiation. Overexpression of miR-27a led to decreased CDC25B expression after hemin treatment, and CDC25B was up-regulated when miR-27a expression was inhibited. Moreover, the inhibition of CDC25B affected erythroid differentiation, as assessed by γ-globin expression. Conclusion: This study is the first report of the interaction between miR-27a and CDC25B, and it improves the understanding of miRNA functions during erythroid differentiation.

  4. Genetic deletion of cdc42 reveals a crucial role for astrocyte recruitment to the injury site in vitro and in vivo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Robel, Stefanie; Bardehle, Sophia; Lepier, Alexandra


    signals, the small RhoGTPase Cdc42, selectively in mouse astrocytes in vitro and in vivo. We used an in vitro scratch assay as a minimal wounding model and found that astrocytes lacking Cdc42 (Cdc42Δ) were still able to form protrusions, although in a nonoriented way. Consequently, they failed to migrate...... in a directed manner toward the scratch. When animals were injured in vivo through a stab wound, Cdc42Δ astrocytes developed protrusions properly oriented toward the lesion, but the number of astrocytes recruited to the lesion site was significantly reduced. Surprisingly, however, lesions in Cdc42Δ animals...

  5. Ufd1-Npl4 Recruit Cdc48 for Disassembly of Ubiquitylated CMG Helicase at the End of Chromosome Replication

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marija Maric


    Full Text Available Disassembly of the Cdc45-MCM-GINS (CMG DNA helicase is the key regulated step during DNA replication termination in eukaryotes, involving ubiquitylation of the Mcm7 helicase subunit, leading to a disassembly process that requires the Cdc48 “segregase”. Here, we employ a screen to identify partners of budding yeast Cdc48 that are important for disassembly of ubiquitylated CMG helicase at the end of chromosome replication. We demonstrate that the ubiquitin-binding Ufd1-Npl4 complex recruits Cdc48 to ubiquitylated CMG. Ubiquitylation of CMG in yeast cell extracts is dependent upon lysine 29 of Mcm7, which is the only detectable site of ubiquitylation both in vitro and in vivo (though in vivo other sites can be modified when K29 is mutated. Mutation of K29 abrogates in vitro recruitment of Ufd1-Npl4-Cdc48 to the CMG helicase, supporting a model whereby Ufd1-Npl4 recruits Cdc48 to ubiquitylated CMG at the end of chromosome replication, thereby driving the disassembly reaction.

  6. Item response theory analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Health-Related Quality of Life (CDC HRQOL) items in adults with arthritis. (United States)

    Mielenz, Thelma J; Callahan, Leigh F; Edwards, Michael C


    Examine the feasibility of performing an item response theory (IRT) analysis on two of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention health-related quality of life (CDC HRQOL) modules - the 4-item Healthy Days Core Module (HDCM) and the 5-item Healthy days Symptoms Module (HDSM). Previous principal components analyses confirm that the two scales both assess a mix of mental (CDC-MH) and physical health (CDC-PH). The purpose is to conduct item response theory (IRT) analysis on the CDC-MH and CDC-PH scales separately. 2182 patients with self-reported or physician-diagnosed arthritis completed a cross-sectional survey including HDCM and HDSM items. Besides global health, the other 8 items ask the number of days that some statement was true; we chose to recode the data into 8 categories based on observed clustering. The IRT assumptions were assessed using confirmatory factor analysis and the data could be modeled using an unidimensional IRT model. The graded response model was used for IRT analyses and CDC-MH and CDC-PH scales were analyzed separately in flexMIRT. The IRT parameter estimates for the five-item CDC-PH all appeared reasonable. The three-item CDC-MH did not have reasonable parameter estimates. The CDC-PH scale is amenable to IRT analysis but the existing The CDC-MH scale is not. We suggest either using the 4-item Healthy Days Core Module (HDCM) and the 5-item Healthy days Symptoms Module (HDSM) as they currently stand or the CDC-PH scale alone if the primary goal is to measure physical health related HRQOL.

  7. Implementação de um sistema SIP para o sistema operacional Linux


    Davison Gonzaga da Silva


    Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta a implementação de um Sistema de VoIP usando o Protocolo SIP. Este Sistema SIP foi desenvolvido para o Linux, usando-se a linguagem C++ em conjunto com a biblioteca QT. O Sistema SIP é composto de três entidades básicas: o Terminal SIP, o Proxy e o Servidor de Registros. O Terminal SIP é a entidade responsável por estabelecer sessões SIP com outros Terminais SIP. Para o Terminal SIP, foi desenvolvida uma biblioteca de acesso à placa de áudio, que permite a modi...

  8. Microgravity simulation activates Cdc42 via Rap1GDS1 to promote vascular branch morphogenesis during vasculogenesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shouli Wang


    Full Text Available Gravity plays an important role in normal tissue maintenance. The ability of stem cells to repair tissue loss in space through regeneration and differentiation remains largely unknown. To investigate the impact of microgravity on blood vessel formation from pluripotent stem cells, we employed the embryoid body (EB model for vasculogenesis and simulated microgravity by clinorotation. We first differentiated mouse embryonic stem cells into cystic EBs containing two germ layers and then analyzed vessel formation under clinorotation. We observed that endothelial cell differentiation was slightly reduced under clinorotation, whereas vascular branch morphogenesis was markedly enhanced. EB-derived endothelial cells migrated faster, displayed multiple cellular processes, and had higher Cdc42 and Rac1 activity when subjected to clinorotation. Genetic analysis and rescue experiments demonstrated that Cdc42 but not Rac1 is required for microgravity-induced vascular branch morphogenesis. Furthermore, affinity pull-down assay and mass spectrometry identified Rap1GDS1 to be a Cdc42 guanine nucleotide exchange factor, which was upregulated by clinorotation. shRNA-mediated knockdown of Rap1GDS1 selectively suppressed Cdc42 activation and inhibited both baseline and microgravity-induced vasculogenesis. This was rescued by ectopic expression of constitutively active Cdc42. Taken together, these results support the notion that simulated microgravity activates Cdc42 via Rap1GDS1 to promote vascular branch morphogenesis.

  9. El sistema deportivo. Amenazas y oportunidades

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Olivera Betrán


    Full Text Available Aplicando la teoría de sistemas de Ludwig von Bertalanffy, el deporte es un sistema. En un sistema se da un conjunto de unidades interrelacionadas de tal manera que el comportamiento de cada parte depende del estado de todas las otras, pues todas se encuentran en una estructura que las interconecta. En el enfoque sistémico, el concepto tradicional de energía es reemplazado por el de información, y el de causa-efecto por el de estructura y realimentación. El deporte es una realidad social total, por lo que participa de manera implícita y/o explícita en los procesos humanos más diversos a través de los distintos procedimientos que corresponden a nuestra organización sociocultural. El deporte se configura en estructuras de alta complejidad, las cuales están constituidas por sistemas de sistemas cuya comprensión y estudio representan un formidable reto. El estudio del deporte como sistema debe efectuarse desde la lógica estructural y sistémica a través de la cual nos permita indagar con éxito su configuración esencial, sus elementos fundamentales y el proceso de interactuación con los subsistemas que pertenecen al sistema deporte y con los otros del sistema sociocultural dominante. El deporte es un sistema dinámico que interactúa continuamente mediante un doble proceso, intrínseco a través de una constante metamorfosis entre los distintos subsistemas que lo integran y extrínseco por medio de un ajuste permanente con el contexto social, cultural y medioambiental.

  10. Continuous cell injury promotes hepatic tumorigenesis in cdc42-deficient mouse liver

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    van Hengel, Jolanda; D'Hooge, Petra; Hooghe, Bart


    be required for liver function. METHODS: Mice in which Cdc42 was ablated in hepatocytes and bile duct cells were generated by Cre-loxP technology. Livers were examined by histologic, immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and serum analysis to define the effect of loss of Cdc42 on liver structure. RESULTS...... of 2 months, the canaliculi between hepatocytes were greatly enlarged, although the tight junctions flanking the canaliculi appeared normal. Regular liver plates were absent. E-cadherin expression pattern and gap junction localization were distorted. Analysis of serum samples indicated cholestasis...

  11. Child Passenger Safety (A Cup of Health with CDC)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Proper installation and use of car seats and booster seats for child passengers can save their lives. CDC recommends drivers ensure children are always buckled up. In this podcast, Bethany West discusses how to keep young passengers as safe as possible.

  12. CDC Vital Signs-Safer Food Saves Lives

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the November 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. Contaminated food sent to several states can cause multistate outbreaks of foodborne illness and make a lot of people seriously ill. Learn what can be done to prevent and stop outbreaks.  Created: 11/3/2015 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 11/3/2015.

  13. Prevention and control of tuberculosis in correctional and detention facilities: recommendations from the CDC

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Parsons, S


    Full Text Available and Detention Facilities: Recommendations from CDC Endorsed by the Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis, the National Commission on Correctional Health Care, and the American Correctional Association MMWR CONTENTS Introduction... in Correctional and Detention Facilities: Recommendations from CDC Endorsed by the Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis, the National Commission on Correctional Health Care, and the American Correctional Association Summary Tuberculosis (TB...

  14. 13 CFR 120.810 - Applications for certification as a CDC. (United States)


    ... LOANS Development Company Loan Program (504) Certification Procedures to Become A Cdc § 120.810... District Office serving the jurisdiction in which the applicant has or proposes to locate its headquarters...

  15. Pela democracia dos sistemas de avaliação da produção acadêmica: convergências de estudiosos latino-americanos e europeus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aimée Vega Montiel


    Full Text Available El presente texto es la transcripción de una conferencia pronunciada en 2011, en el encuentro anual de la Europeean Comunication Research and Education Association (ECREA, que plantea la discusión sobre los efectos de la supremacía de los investigadores del norte sobre los investigadores del sur en el contexto de la evaluación de la calidad de la producción académica. Aunque se reconozcan las especificidades locales y regionales, así como la necesidad de adopción de diferentes metodologías e instrumentos de investigación para el estudio de problemas distintos, en contextos sociales distintos, la producción académica de los estudiosos latinoamericanos sigue siendo sometida a patrones definidos en otras latitudes del mundo. Se argumenta que la supremacía científica de los investigadores del norte se debe, fundamentalmente, a la supremacía del inglés en el sistema académico internacional, que limita las posibilidades de diseminación del conocimiento en otras lenguas.

  16. A TOCA/CDC-42/PAR/WAVE functional module required for retrograde endocytic recycling (United States)

    Bai, Zhiyong; Grant, Barth D.


    Endosome-to-Golgi transport is required for the function of many key membrane proteins and lipids, including signaling receptors, small-molecule transporters, and adhesion proteins. The retromer complex is well-known for its role in cargo sorting and vesicle budding from early endosomes, in most cases leading to cargo fusion with the trans-Golgi network (TGN). Transport from recycling endosomes to the TGN has also been reported, but much less is understood about the molecules that mediate this transport step. Here we provide evidence that the F-BAR domain proteins TOCA-1 and TOCA-2 (Transducer of Cdc42 dependent actin assembly), the small GTPase CDC-42 (Cell division control protein 42), associated polarity proteins PAR-6 (Partitioning defective 6) and PKC-3/atypical protein kinase C, and the WAVE actin nucleation complex mediate the transport of MIG-14/Wls and TGN-38/TGN38 cargo proteins from the recycling endosome to the TGN in Caenorhabditis elegans. Our results indicate that CDC-42, the TOCA proteins, and the WAVE component WVE-1 are enriched on RME-1–positive recycling endosomes in the intestine, unlike retromer components that act on early endosomes. Furthermore, we find that retrograde cargo TGN-38 is trapped in early endosomes after depletion of SNX-3 (a retromer component) but is mainly trapped in recycling endosomes after depletion of CDC-42, indicating that the CDC-42–associated complex functions after retromer in a distinct organelle. Thus, we identify a group of interacting proteins that mediate retrograde recycling, and link these proteins to a poorly understood trafficking step, recycling endosome-to-Golgi transport. We also provide evidence for the physiological importance of this pathway in WNT signaling. PMID:25775511

  17. Estabilidade monetária e CEPAL: A heterogeneidade do pensamento estruturalista latino-americano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available RESUMO O artigo verifica a hipótese de homogeneidade estrita do pensamento estruturalista latino-americano em matéria de estabilidade monetária em seus anos iniciais. Em meados da década de 1950, o crescente e contínuo fenômeno inflacionário na região era explicado pela CEPAL como resultante da presença de estrangulamentos nas estruturas reais da economia. Entretanto, o canal de transmissão ao nível de preços é explicado pelos autores de maneiras diversas, gerando-se, por conseguinte, diferentes propostas de estabilização. O artigo sublinha a flexibilidade metodológica e o grau de fragmentação teórica da abordagem cepalina, bem como a controvérsia sobre a inflação constituir parte do processo de desenvolvimento. A análise destes elementos revela uma tensão entre os aspectos keynesianos anglo-saxônicos na abordagem de Prebisch e a original teoria latino-americana proposta por Noyola e Furtado. Avalia-se em que medida este descompasso impediu a constituição de um corpo teórico diferenciado em matéria de estabilização monetária.

  18. Cdc42/N-WASP signaling links actin dynamics to pancreatic β cell delamination and differentiation (United States)

    Kesavan, Gokul; Lieven, Oliver; Mamidi, Anant; Öhlin, Zarah Löf; Johansson, Jenny Kristina; Li, Wan-Chun; Lommel, Silvia; Greiner, Thomas Uwe; Semb, Henrik


    Delamination plays a pivotal role during normal development and cancer. Previous work has demonstrated that delamination and epithelial cell movement within the plane of an epithelium are associated with a change in cellular phenotype. However, how this positional change is linked to differentiation remains unknown. Using the developing mouse pancreas as a model system, we show that β cell delamination and differentiation are two independent events, which are controlled by Cdc42/N-WASP signaling. Specifically, we show that expression of constitutively active Cdc42 in β cells inhibits β cell delamination and differentiation. These processes are normally associated with junctional actin and cell-cell junction disassembly and the expression of fate-determining transcription factors, such as Isl1 and MafA. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that genetic ablation of N-WASP in β cells expressing constitutively active Cdc42 partially restores both delamination and β cell differentiation. These findings elucidate how junctional actin dynamics via Cdc42/N-WASP signaling cell-autonomously control not only epithelial delamination but also cell differentiation during mammalian organogenesis. PMID:24449844

  19. Sistemas de serviços de saúde: principais tipologias e suas relações com os sistema de saúde brasileiro


    José Patrício Bispo Júnior; Kelly Leite Maia de Messias


    O presente artigo discute as principais características dos Sistemas de Serviços de Saúde e relaciona o Sistema de Saúde Brasileiro com os três principais tipos de Sistemas de Serviços de Saúde. Conceitua e diferencia Sistema de Saúde de Sistemas de Serviços de Saúde. Apresenta a conformação, objetivos, componentes, características e funções dos Sistemas de Serviços de Saúde. Apresenta e discute os três principais tipos de Sistemas de Serviços de Saúde: Sistema de Saúde de Dominância de Me...

  20. Nek2A destruction marks APC/C activation at the prophase-to-prometaphase transition by spindle-checkpoint-restricted Cdc20. (United States)

    Boekhout, Michiel; Wolthuis, Rob


    Nek2 isoform A (Nek2A) is a presumed substrate of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome containing Cdc20 (APC/C(Cdc20)). Nek2A, like cyclin A, is degraded in mitosis while the spindle checkpoint is active. Cyclin A prevents spindle checkpoint proteins from binding to Cdc20 and is recruited to the APC/C in prometaphase. We found that Nek2A and cyclin A avoid being stabilized by the spindle checkpoint in different ways. First, enhancing mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC) formation by nocodazole treatment inhibited the degradation of geminin and cyclin A, whereas Nek2A disappeared at a normal rate. Second, depleting Cdc20 effectively stabilized cyclin A but not Nek2A. Nevertheless, Nek2A destruction crucially depended on Cdc20 binding to the APC/C. Third, in contrast to cyclin A, Nek2A was recruited to the APC/C before the start of mitosis. Interestingly, the spindle checkpoint very effectively stabilized an APC/C-binding mutant of Nek2A, which required the Nek2A KEN box. Apparently, in cells, the spindle checkpoint primarily prevents Cdc20 from binding destruction motifs. Nek2A disappearance marks the prophase-to-prometaphase transition, when Cdc20, regardless of the spindle checkpoint, activates the APC/C. However, Mad2 depletion accelerated Nek2A destruction, showing that spindle checkpoint release further increases APC/C(Cdc20) catalytic activity. © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  1. Sistemas de tiempo real y sistemas distribuidos de tiempo real


    Pesado, Patricia Mabel; Ramón, Hugo Dionisio; Boracchia, Marcos; Pasini, Ariel C.; De Vito, María Cecilia; Osella Massa, Germán Leandro; Estrebou, César Armando


    El proyecto de investigación y desarrollo en Sistemas de Software Distribuido, abarca aspectos que van desde los fundamentos del desarrollo (Técnicas de Ingeniería de Requerimientos, Metodologías de Gestión y Desarrollo de Proyectos, Técnicas de Planificación, Métricas, Normas de Calidad, Web-Systems) hasta la concepción de aplicaciones específicas orientadas a los procesos industriales (Sistemas de Planeamiento de Producción, Control Industrial en tiempo real), procesos de E-government (Voto...

  2. CDC91L1 (PIG-U) is a newly discovered oncogene in human bladder cancer.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Guo, Z.; Linn, J.F.; Wu, G.; Anzick, S.L.; Eisenberger, C.F.; Halachmi, S.; Cohen, Y.; Fomenkov, A.; Hoque, M.O.; Okami, K.; Steiner, G.; Engles, J.M.; Osada, M.; Moon, C.; Ratovitski, E.; Trent, J.M.; Meltzer, P.S.; Westra, W.H.; Kiemeney, L.A.L.M.; Schoenberg, M.P.; Sidransky, D.; Trink, B.


    Genomic amplification at 20q11-13 is a common event in human cancers. We isolated a germline translocation breakpoint at 20q11 from a bladder cancer patient. We identified CDC91L1, the gene encoding CDC91L1 (also called phosphatidylinositol glycan class U (PIG-U), a transamidase complex unit in the

  3. Sistema de radiació solar via USB


    Villanueva López, José Vicente


    L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és implementar un sistema de mesura de la irradiació solar a la Terra basat en una placa solar fotovoltaica. S’ha dissenyat i construït un sistema de mesura de la radiació solar que pot ser útil per aquells que instal·len sistemes fotovoltaics, que pot permetre l’estudi pràctic de les variables energètiques i econòmiques que ens poden indicar quin sistema és mes rentable construir, si un sistema de pannell solar fix, un sistema de pannell solar o...

  4. CDC Signos Vitales: Enfermedad del legionario (CDC Vital Signs–Legionnaires’ Disease)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Este podcast se basa en la edición de junio del 2016 del informe Signos Vitales de los CDC. Las personas pueden contraer la enfermedad del legionario, un tipo grave de infección pulmonar, al inhalar pequeñas gotitas de agua contaminada con bacterias Legionella. Obtenga más información sobre lo que se puede hacer para ayudar a prevenir brotes de enfermedad del legionario y mantener seguras a las personas.

  5. Cdc25A promotes cell survival by stimulating NF-κB activity through IκB-α phosphorylation and destabilization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong, Hey-Young; Choi, Jiyeon; Cho, Young-Wook; Kim, Byung-Chul


    Highlights: ► We examine the antiapoptotic mechanisms of Cdc25A. ► Smad7 decreases the phosphorylation of IκB-alpha at Ser-32. ► Smad7 positively regulates NF-κB activity through IκB-alpha ubiquitination. -- Abstract: Cell division cycle 25A (Cdc25A), a dual specificity protein phosphatase, exhibits anti-apoptotic activity, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly characterized. Here we report that Cdc25A inhibits cisplatin-induced apoptotic cell death by stimulating nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) activity. In HEK-293 cells, Cdc25A decreased protein level of inhibitor subunit kappa B alpha (Iκ-Bα) in association with increased serine 32-phosphorylation, followed by stimulation of transcriptional activity of NF-κB. Inhibition of NF-κB activity by chemical inhibitor or overexpression of Iκ-Bα in Cdc25A-elevated cancer cells resistant to cisplatin improved their sensitivity to cisplatin-induced apoptosis. Our data show for the first time that Cdc25A has an important physiological role in NF-κB activity regulation and it may be an important survival mechanism of cancer cells.

  6. Head-circumference distribution in a large primary care network differs from CDC and WHO curves. (United States)

    Daymont, Carrie; Hwang, Wei-Ting; Feudtner, Chris; Rubin, David


    To compare currently available head-circumference growth curves to curves constructed from clinical measurements from patients in a large US primary care network (PCN). We performed a retrospective cohort study of 75 412 patients in an urban-suburban PCN. Patients with a birth weight of curves. The PCN curves were most similar to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) curves and were substantially different from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) curves. The overall proportion of observations above the 95th percentile was 4.9% (PCN), 6.2% (NCHS), 8.6% (CDC), and 14.0% (WHO). The proportion below the 5th percentile was 4.4% (PCN), 5.1% (NCHS), 2.9% (CDC), and 2.3% (WHO). When using the CDC curves, the proportion above the 95th percentile increased from 0.2% for children younger than 2 weeks to 11.8% for children 12 months old. When using the WHO curves, the proportion above the 95th percentile was >5% at all ages, with a maximum of 18.0% for children older than 24 months. The CDC and WHO head-circumference curves describe different distributions than the clinical measurements in our PCN population, especially for children with larger heads. The resulting percentile misclassification may delay diagnosis in children with intracranial pathology in very young infants and spur unnecessary evaluation of healthy children older than 6 months.

  7. Psychometric properties of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Health-Related Quality of Life (CDC HRQOL items in adults with arthritis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    DeVellis Robert


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Measuring health-related quality of life (HRQOL is important in arthritis and the SF-36v2 is the current state-of-the-art. It is only emerging how well the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC HRQOL measures HRQOL for people with arthritis. This study's purpose is to assess the psychometric properties of the 9-item CDC HRQOL (4-item Healthy Days Core Module and 5-item Healthy Days Symptoms Module in an arthritis sample using the SF-36v2 as a comparison. Methods In Fall 2002, a cross-sectional study acquired survey data including the CDC HRQOL and SF-36v2 from 2 North Carolina populations of adult patients reporting osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia; 2182 (52% responded. The first item of both the CDC HRQOL and the SF-36v2 was general health (GEN. All 8 other CDC HRQOL items ask for the number of days in the past 30 days that respondents experienced various aspects of HRQOL. Exploratory principal components analyses (PCA were conducted on each sample and the combined samples of the CDC HRQOL. The multitrait-multimethod matrix (MTMM was used to compute correlations between each trait (physical health and mental health and between each method of measurement (CDC HRQOL and SF36v2. The relative contribution of the CDC HRQOL in predicting the physical component summary (PCS and the mental component summary (MCS was determined by regressing the CDC HRQOL items on the PCS and MCS scales. Results All 9 CDC HRQOL items loaded primarily onto 1 factor (explaining 57% of the item variance representing a reasonable solution for capturing overall HRQOL. After rotation a 2 factor interpretation for the 9 items was clear, with 4 items capturing physical health (physical, activity, pain, and energy days and 3 items capturing mental health (mental, depression, and anxiety days. All of the loadings for these two factors were greater than 0.70. The CDC HRQOL physical health factor correlated with PCS (r = -.78, p 2

  8. April 28, 2015 CDC Ebola Response Update

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    In any disease outbreak, misinformation, a lack of understanding, and fear can lead to unfortunate side effects, like stigma. Stigma presents a challenge for communities during a time when they need to be strong to fight the disease. In this podcast, Molly Gaines-McCollom, CDC Health Communication Specialist, discusses the impact of stigma in the current Ebola outbreak and why it’s so important to fight it.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jonas Otaviano Praça de Souza


    Full Text Available Tentando consolidar as noções de totalidade, a geografia física passa a utilizar a noção de sistemas dinâmicos, não lineares e de comportamento caótico. Deste modo, a abordagem sistêmica/complexa apresenta-se como meio de compreensão do mundo natural, assim possibilitando a previsão de mudanças, avaliação dos sistemas ambientais, distúrbios e limiares do sistema. Nota-se, assim, a importância dos estudos processuais para o gerenciamento de recursos hídricos, tornando imprescindíveis estudos sistêmicos que analisem os diversos elementos importantes para a análise dos recursos hídricos, dentre eles as questões processuais. Deste modo, a necessidade de se trabalhar o gerenciamento integrado de recursos hídricos, enquadrado na perspectiva sistêmica, solidificou a bacia hidrográfica e/ou bacia de drenagem como recorte espacial sistêmico. Delimitada a área pode-se compreender a bacia hidrográfica como um Sistema Fluvial, conceituado por Schumm (1977, que é analisado a partir da zona fonte de sedimentos, da rede de transporte e dos sítios de deposição. Esses elementos não são espacialmente excludentes, interagindo entre si, além de apresentar escalas diferenciadas. Para o estudo do sistema fluvial é necessário levar em consideração quatro conceitos: uniformidade dos processos, limiares de mudança, evolução da paisagem e respostas complexas.

  10. Sistema Automatizado de Emailing Marketing


    Martínez López, Javier


    Projecte final de carrera realitzat en col.laboració amb E-xpertel S.A El presente proyecto describe el diseño e implementación de un sistema de automatización de campañas de marketing a través de email hacia clientes y/o clientes potenciales. Este sistema tiene como objetivos principales adquirir nuevos clientes y conseguir la delización de los mismos. El sistema se complementa con una plataforma CRM (Customer Relationship Management) para el mantenimiento de datos de empresa...

  11. Cdc45 (cell division cycle protein 45) guards the gate of the Eukaryote Replisome helicase stabilizing leading strand engagement (United States)

    Petojevic, Tatjana; Pesavento, James J.; Costa, Alessandro; Liang, Jingdan; Wang, Zhijun; Berger, James M.; Botchan, Michael R.


    DNA replication licensing is now understood to be the pathway that leads to the assembly of double hexamers of minichromosome maintenance (Mcm2–7) at origin sites. Cell division control protein 45 (Cdc45) and GINS proteins activate the latent Mcm2–7 helicase by inducing allosteric changes through binding, forming a Cdc45/Mcm2-7/GINS (CMG) complex that is competent to unwind duplex DNA. The CMG has an active gate between subunits Mcm2 and Mcm5 that opens and closes in response to nucleotide binding. The consequences of inappropriate Mcm2/5 gate actuation and the role of a side channel formed between GINS/Cdc45 and the outer edge of the Mcm2–7 ring for unwinding have remained unexplored. Here we uncover a novel function for Cdc45. Cross-linking studies trace the path of the DNA with the CMG complex at a fork junction between duplex and single strands with the bound CMG in an open or closed gate conformation. In the closed state, the lagging strand does not pass through the side channel, but in the open state, the leading strand surprisingly interacts with Cdc45. Mutations in the recombination protein J fold of Cdc45 that ablate this interaction diminish helicase activity. These data indicate that Cdc45 serves as a shield to guard against occasional slippage of the leading strand from the core channel. PMID:25561522

  12. CDC Vital Signs-Protect Patients from Antibiotic Resistance

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the March 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. Patients can get serious healthcare-associated infections, or HAIs, while receiving medical treatment in a healthcare facility. Learn how to prevent healthcare-associated infections.  Created: 3/3/2016 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 3/3/2016.

  13. Divergent functions of the Rho GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42 in podocyte injury

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blattner, Simone M; Hodgin, Jeffrey B; Nishio, Masashi


    -specific deletion of Rac1 prevented foot process effacement. In a long-term model of chronic hypertensive glomerular damage, however, loss of Rac1 led to an exacerbation of albuminuria and glomerulosclerosis. In contrast, mice with podocyte-specific deletion of Cdc42 had severe proteinuria, podocyte foot process...... effacement, and glomerulosclerosis beginning as early as 10 days of age. In addition, slit diaphragm proteins nephrin and podocin were redistributed, and cofilin was dephosphorylated. Cdc42 is necessary for the maintenance of podocyte structure and function, but Rac1 is entirely dispensable in physiological...... steady state. However, Rac1 has either beneficial or deleterious effects depending on the context of podocyte impairment. Thus, our study highlights the divergent roles of Rac1 and Cdc42 function in podocyte maintenance and injury.Kidney International advance online publication, 15 May 2013; doi:10...

  14. Multiple alterations of platelet functions dominated by increased secretion in mice lacking Cdc42 in platelets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pleines, Irina; Eckly, Anita; Elvers, Margitta


    formation and exocytosis in various cell types, but its exact function in platelets is not established. Here, we show that the megakaryocyte/platelet-specific loss of Cdc42 leads to mild thrombocytopenia and a small increase in platelet size in mice. Unexpectedly, Cdc42-deficient platelets were able to form...

  15. 75 FR 4830 - Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention-Ethics... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention--Ethics Subcommittee (ES..., CDC, regarding a broad range of public health ethics questions and issues arising from programs...

  16. 77 FR 34046 - Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-Ethics... (United States)


    ... Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)--Ethics Subcommittee (ES... ACD, CDC, regarding a broad range of public health ethics questions and issues arising from programs... ethics standards to the accreditation process for public health departments; ethical considerations...

  17. 75 FR 7483 - Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention-Ethics... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention--Ethics Subcommittee (ES); Correction AGENCY: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HHS. ACTION: Notice of meeting; meeting...

  18. Crystal structure of the karyopherin Kap121p bound to the extreme C-terminus of the protein phosphatase Cdc14p

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kobayashi, Junya [Division of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University (Japan); Hirano, Hidemi [Division of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University (Japan); Structural Biology Research Center, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University (Japan); Matsuura, Yoshiyuki, E-mail: [Division of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University (Japan); Structural Biology Research Center, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University (Japan)


    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the protein phosphatase Cdc14p is an antagonist of mitotic cyclin-dependent kinases and is a key regulator of late mitotic events such as chromosome segregation, spindle disassembly and cytokinesis. The activity of Cdc14p is controlled by cell-cycle dependent changes in its association with its competitive inhibitor Net1p (also known as Cfi1p) in the nucleolus. For most of the cell cycle up to metaphase, Cdc14p is sequestered in the nucleolus in an inactive state. During anaphase, Cdc14p is released from Net1p, spreads into the nucleus and cytoplasm, and dephosphorylates key mitotic targets. Although regulated nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of Cdc14p has been suggested to be important for exit from mitosis, the mechanism underlying Cdc14p nuclear trafficking remains poorly understood. Here we show that the C-terminal region (residues 517–551) of Cdc14p can function as a nuclear localization signal (NLS) in vivo and also binds to Kap121p (also known as Pse1p), an essential nuclear import carrier in yeast, in a Gsp1p-GTP-dependent manner in vitro. Moreover we report a crystal structure, at 2.4 Å resolution, of Kap121p bound to the C-terminal region of Cdc14p. The structure and structure-based mutational analyses suggest that either the last five residues at the extreme C-terminus of Cdc14p (residues 547–551; Gly-Ser-Ile-Lys-Lys) or adjacent residues with similar sequence (residues 540–544; Gly-Gly-Ile-Arg-Lys) can bind to the NLS-binding site of Kap121p, with two residues (Ile in the middle and Lys at the end of the five residues) of Cdc14p making key contributions to the binding specificity. Based on comparison with other structures of Kap121p-ligand complexes, we propose “IK-NLS” as an appropriate term to refer to the Kap121p-specific NLS. - Highlights: • The C-terminus of Cdc14p binds to Kap121p in a Gsp1p-GTP-dependent manner. • The crystal structure of Kap121p-Cdc14p complex is determined. • The structure reveals how

  19. Crystal structure of the karyopherin Kap121p bound to the extreme C-terminus of the protein phosphatase Cdc14p

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, Junya; Hirano, Hidemi; Matsuura, Yoshiyuki


    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the protein phosphatase Cdc14p is an antagonist of mitotic cyclin-dependent kinases and is a key regulator of late mitotic events such as chromosome segregation, spindle disassembly and cytokinesis. The activity of Cdc14p is controlled by cell-cycle dependent changes in its association with its competitive inhibitor Net1p (also known as Cfi1p) in the nucleolus. For most of the cell cycle up to metaphase, Cdc14p is sequestered in the nucleolus in an inactive state. During anaphase, Cdc14p is released from Net1p, spreads into the nucleus and cytoplasm, and dephosphorylates key mitotic targets. Although regulated nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of Cdc14p has been suggested to be important for exit from mitosis, the mechanism underlying Cdc14p nuclear trafficking remains poorly understood. Here we show that the C-terminal region (residues 517–551) of Cdc14p can function as a nuclear localization signal (NLS) in vivo and also binds to Kap121p (also known as Pse1p), an essential nuclear import carrier in yeast, in a Gsp1p-GTP-dependent manner in vitro. Moreover we report a crystal structure, at 2.4 Å resolution, of Kap121p bound to the C-terminal region of Cdc14p. The structure and structure-based mutational analyses suggest that either the last five residues at the extreme C-terminus of Cdc14p (residues 547–551; Gly-Ser-Ile-Lys-Lys) or adjacent residues with similar sequence (residues 540–544; Gly-Gly-Ile-Arg-Lys) can bind to the NLS-binding site of Kap121p, with two residues (Ile in the middle and Lys at the end of the five residues) of Cdc14p making key contributions to the binding specificity. Based on comparison with other structures of Kap121p-ligand complexes, we propose “IK-NLS” as an appropriate term to refer to the Kap121p-specific NLS. - Highlights: • The C-terminus of Cdc14p binds to Kap121p in a Gsp1p-GTP-dependent manner. • The crystal structure of Kap121p-Cdc14p complex is determined. • The structure reveals how

  20. Importancia del manual de los sistemas contables en el sistema de control interno.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicolás Valdés Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La dirección administrativa del país en los últimos 3 años ha insistido en la necesidad de profundizar en los mecanismos de control económico –financiero de las entidades, el presente trabajo va dirigido a contribuir en alguna medida a lograr ese propósito. El sistema contable de una Entidad forma parte indisoluble del Sistema de Control Interno de la misma, por la vinculación tan estrecha que existe entre los mismos. El objetivo fundamental del trabajo ”Importancia del Manual de los Sistemas Contables en el Sistema de Control Interno”, es destacar la utilidad práctica, técnica y organizativa que tiene el Manual para elevar la eficiencia del trabajo contable de las Entidades y su repercusión positiva en la eficiencia el sistema de Control Interno establecido. Los beneficios que aporta el Manual radican en que crea una base normativa contable adecuada a las características de cada entidad. Como se sabe en las transformaciones económicas realizadas en el país, la existencia de dos monedas en el trabajo económico-contable de muchas entidades, la puntualización del objeto social y la cartera de productos y servicios han complejizado el trabajo contable, requiriendo una mayor adecuación a las características propias de cada entidad, lo cual se logra con la realización del Manual.

  1. Dialogismo: emergência do pensamento latino-americano em comunicação

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuji Gushiken


    Full Text Available Neste artigo estuda-se a emergência do pensamento latino-americano em comunicação, tendo como foco a proposta dialógica que, na história das teorias da comunicação, se caracteriza como crítica à mass communication research da sociologia americana. Situa a emergência desse pensamento comunicacional na América Latina em meio a condições de subdesenvolvimento econômico e social, analisando-o também como crítica aos difusionismos culturais e comunicacionais do processo de globalização. Historicamente, o dialogismo atualiza os processos de inovação teórica que reavaliaram a recepção como mediadora e produtora de sentidos nos estudos em comunicação. Palavras-chave: Comunicação; dialogismo; América Latina. ABSTRACT In this article, latin-american thought emergence in communication is studied focusing on the dialogue proposal which, in the history of communication theories, is characterised as a critique of mass communication research in American sociology. Latin-american thought emergence in communication is situated within conditions of economic and socialunderdevelopment being analysed also as a critique of the idea of cultural and communication dispersion of the globalisation process. Historically, dialogism updates the processes of theory innovation which reassesses reception as a mediator and producer of meaning in the studies of communication. Keywords: Communication; dialogism; Latin America.

  2. Sistema de inferencia difusa basado en relaciones Booleanas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helbert Eduardo Espitia Cuchango


    Full Text Available Este documento describe la estructura de un sistema de inferencia difusa basado en relaciones booleanas. La teoría relacionada con lógica y conjuntos booleanos es una buena herramienta para el diseño de automatismos y sistemas digitales. Una variación con la cual se busca mejorar los sistemas basados en automatismos consiste en emplear conjuntos difusos en lugar de booleanos. Lo anterior se realiza con el objetivo de tener una acción continua en el actuador del automatismo. Al realizar esta variación y al aplicar la metodología de diseño de los sistemas de automatismos, aparecen los sistemas de inferencia difusa basados en relaciones booleanas.Aunque inicialmente esta propuesta se realizó considerando sistemas de automatismos, se observa que es posible extenderla a sistemas de inferencia difusa.

  3. 76 FR 29755 - Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-Ethics... (United States)


    ... Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)--Ethics Subcommittee (ES... of public health ethics questions and issues arising from programs, scientists and practitioners... April 28, 2011, ACD, CDC meeting; discussion of next steps on addressing potential public health ethical...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gérard Duménil


    Full Text Available La nueva estrategia militar de los americanos responde a motivaciones políticas, pero también debe entenderse en relación con la situación económica. La economía americana no está en una situación de crisis permanente desde los años setenta aunque las tasas de crecimiento se mantienen comparativamente débiles y existe la amenaza de crisis financiera debida a los factores domésticos y al riesgo de contagio proveniente de la periferia. La participación del gasto militar en el PNN es bajo, y los americanos mantienen capacidad para financiar nuevas guerras. La nueva carrera militar debe ser entendida con un componente del sistema general de las hegemonía americana considerando los intereses de este país en el extranjero

  5. Defining Moments in MMWR History: CDC's Response to Intentional Release of Anthrax - 2001

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    On October 4, 2001, shortly after the September 11 attacks in New York City and Washington, DC, the Palm Beach County Health Department, the Florida State Department of Health, and CDC reported a case of anthrax in a 63-year-old man from Florida. This case was first reported in MMWR and marked the beginning of a series of anthrax cases that resulted from intentional delivery of Bacillus anthracis spores sent through the mail. In this podcast, Dr. Sherif Zaki recalls CDC's investigation and response to the anthrax attacks.

  6. 13 CFR 120.852 - Restrictions regarding CDC participation in the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) program... (United States)


    .... A CDC must not invest in or be an Affiliate of a Lender participating in the 7(a) loan program... of November 6, 2003 may remain Affiliates. (b) SBIC program. A CDC must not directly or indirectly... participation in the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) program and the 7(a) loan program. 120.852 Section...

  7. Prominin-2 expression increases protrusions, decreases caveolae and inhibits Cdc42 dependent fluid phase endocytosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singh, Raman Deep, E-mail:; Schroeder, Andreas S.; Scheffer, Luana; Holicky, Eileen L.; Wheatley, Christine L.; Marks, David L., E-mail:; Pagano, Richard E.


    Highlights: •Prominin-2 expression induced protrusions that co-localized with lipid raft markers. •Prominin-2 expression decreased caveolae, caveolar endocytosis and increased pCav1. •Prominin-2 expression inhibited fluid phase endocytosis by inactivation of Cdc42. •These endocytic effects can be reversed by adding exogenous cholesterol. •Caveolin1 knockdown restored fluid phase endocytosis in Prominin2 expressing cells. -- Abstract: Background: Membrane protrusions play important roles in biological processes such as cell adhesion, wound healing, migration, and sensing of the external environment. Cell protrusions are a subtype of membrane microdomains composed of cholesterol and sphingolipids, and can be disrupted by cholesterol depletion. Prominins are pentaspan membrane proteins that bind cholesterol and localize to plasma membrane (PM) protrusions. Prominin-1 is of great interest as a marker for stem and cancer cells, while Prominin-2 (Prom2) is reportedly restricted to epithelial cells. Aim: To characterize the effects of Prom-2 expression on PM microdomain organization. Methods: Prom2-fluorescent protein was transfected in human skin fibroblasts (HSF) and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells for PM raft and endocytic studies. Caveolae at PM were visualized using transmission electron microscopy. Cdc42 activation was measured and caveolin-1 knockdown was performed using siRNAs. Results: Prom2 expression in HSF and CHO cells caused extensive Prom2-positive protrusions that co-localized with lipid raft markers. Prom2 expression significantly decreased caveolae at the PM, reduced caveolar endocytosis and increased caveolin-1 phosphorylation. Prom2 expression also inhibited Cdc42-dependent fluid phase endocytosis via decreased Cdc42 activation. Effects on endocytosis were reversed by addition of cholesterol. Knockdown of caveolin-1 by siRNA restored Cdc42 dependent fluid phase endocytosis in Prom2-expressing cells. Conclusions: Prom2 protrusions primarily

  8. CDC28, NETI, and HFII are required for checkpoints in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koltovaya, N.A.; Kadyshevskaya, E.Yu.; Roshina, M.P.; Devin, A.B.


    The involvement of SRM genes selected as genes affecting genetic stability and radiosensitivity in a cell cycle arrest under the action of damaging agents was studied. It was shown that the srm5/cdc28-srm, srm8/netI-srm, and srmI2/hfiI-srm mutations prevent checkpoint activation by DNA damage, particularly the G 0 /S (srm5, srm8), G 1 /S (srm5, srm8, srm12), S (srm8, srm12) and S/G 2 (srm5) checkpoints. It seems that in budding yeast the CDC28, HFII/ADAI, and NETI genes mediate cellular response induced by DNA damage with checkpoint control. The well-known checkpoint-genes RAD9, RAD17, RAD24, and RAD53, and the genes CDC28, and NETI have been found to belong to one epistasis group named RAD9-group as regards cell sensitivity to γ radiation. An analysis of the radiosensitivity of double mutants has revealed that the mutation cdc-28-srm is hypostatic to each of mutations rad9Δ, and rad24Δ, and additive to rad17Δ. The mutation netI-srm is hypostatic to the mutations rad9Δ but additive to rad17Δ, rad24Δ, and rad53. The mutation hfiI-srm has an additive effect in compound with the mutations rad24Δ and rad9Δ. So, investigations of epistatic interactions have demonstrated a branched RAD9-dependent pathway. The analyzed genes can also participate in a minor mechanism involved in determining cell radiation sensitivity independently of the mentioned RAD9-dependent pathway

  9. Heart transplant outcomes in recipients of Centers for Disease Control (CDC) high risk donors. (United States)

    Tsiouris, Athanasios; Wilson, Lynn; Sekar, Rajesh B; Mangi, Abeel A; Yun, James J


    A lack of donor hearts remains a major limitation of heart transplantation. Hearts from Centers for Disease Control (CDC) high-risk donors can be utilized with specific recipient consent. However, outcomes of heart transplantation with CDC high-risk donors are not well known. We sought to define outcomes, including posttransplant hepatitis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status, in recipients of CDC high-risk donor hearts at our institution. All heart transplant recipients from August 2010 to December 2014 (n = 74) were reviewed. Comparison of 1) CDC high-risk donor (HRD) versus 2) standard-risk donor (SRD) groups were performed using chi-squared tests for nominal data and Wilcoxon two-sample tests for continuous variables. Survival was estimated with Kaplan-Meier curves. Of 74 heart transplant recipients reviewed, 66 (89%) received a SRD heart and eight (11%) received a CDC HRD heart. We found no significant differences in recipient age, sex, waiting list 1A status, pretransplant left ventricular assist device (LVAD) support, cytomegalovirus (CMV) status, and graft ischemia times (p = NS) between the HRD and SRD groups. All of the eight HRD were seronegative at the time of transplant. Postoperatively, there was no significant difference in rejection rates at six and 12 months posttransplant. Importantly, no HRD recipients acquired hepatitis or HIV. Survival in HRD versus SRD recipients was not significantly different by Kaplan-Meier analysis (log rank p = 0.644) at five years posttransplant. Heart transplants that were seronegative at the time of transplant had similar posttransplant graft function, rejection rates, and five-year posttransplant survival versus recipients of SRD hearts. At our institution, no cases of hepatitis or HIV occurred in HRD recipients in early follow-up. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Cdc42 and Tks5: a minimal and universal molecular signature for functional invadosomes. (United States)

    Di Martino, Julie; Paysan, Lisa; Gest, Caroline; Lagrée, Valérie; Juin, Amélie; Saltel, Frédéric; Moreau, Violaine


    Invadosomes are actin-based structures involved in extracellular-matrix degradation. Invadosomes, either known as podosomes or invadopodia, are found in an increasing number of cell types. Moreover, their overall organization and molecular composition may vary from one cell type to the other. Some are constitutive such as podosomes in hematopoietic cells whereas others are inducible. However, they share the same feature, their ability to interact and to degrade the extracellular matrix. Based on the literature and our own experiments, the aim of this study was to establish a minimal molecular definition of active invadosomes. We first highlighted that Cdc42 is the key RhoGTPase involved in invadosome formation in all described models. Using different cellular models, such as NIH-3T3, HeLa, and endothelial cells, we demonstrated that overexpression of an active form of Cdc42 is sufficient to form invadosome actin cores. Therefore, active Cdc42 must be considered not only as an inducer of filopodia, but also as an inducer of invadosomes. Depending on the expression level of Tks5, these Cdc42-dependent actin cores were endowed or not with a proteolytic activity. In fact, Tks5 overexpression rescued this activity in Tks5 low expressing cells. We thus described the adaptor protein Tks5 as a major actor of the invadosome degradation function. Surprisingly, we found that Src kinases are not always required for invadosome formation and function. These data suggest that even if Src family members are the principal kinases involved in the majority of invadosomes, it cannot be considered as a common element for all invadosome structures. We thus define a minimal and universal molecular signature of invadosome that includes Cdc42 activity and Tks5 presence in order to drive the actin machinery and the proteolytic activity of these invasive structures.

  11. Sistemas híbrido de produção de energia para sistema de comunicações rádio


    Carreiras, José Manuel Patrício


    Mestrado em Sistemas de Energias Renováveis na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo Este trabalho de projeto incidiu sobre o dimensionamento de cinco sistemas Autónomos de produção de energia para alimentação de Pontos repetidores do sistema de comunicação e sua implementação. O presente trabalho iniciou-se em 2006 quando por motivos profissionais foi necessário construir um sistema de comunicação de suporte ao sistema de telegestã...

  12. Um modelo de enfermagem como sistema complexo adaptativo

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    Mariana Vieira


    Full Text Available El surgimiento y el uso de los sistemas complejos adaptativos suplieron la necesidad de contar con una nueva alternativa, recurriendo a los paradigmas existentes. En cuanto al sistema de salud y de enfermería, ambos pueden verse como sistemas complejos adaptativos al aplicar un modelo visual que debe ser explorado para potenciar la complejidad de la ciencia de enfermería y de cuidados de salud. Desde esta perspectiva, el/la enfermero/a es un sistema complejo adaptativo, dinámico que interactúa, pero también es agente de un sistema complejo adaptativo en una unidad de enfermería, que a la vez es un sistema complejo adaptativo en una organización de la salud. Hoy en día la/el profesional de enfermería busca actualizarse y cualificarse en diversas especialidades, que van desde enfermería neonatal hasta cuidados geriátricos, para ejecutar sus actividades y visualizar su ambiente laboral desde la perspectiva de un sistema complejo. En consecuencia, la organización del sistema de cuidados permite, mediante los sistemas complejos, apoyarse en el saber compartido de los diversos profesionales y en el trabajo en equipo para disfrutar la complicidad de la cadena cliente-usuario-profesionales.

  13. Del Actual Sistema de Enfermedad a un verdadero Sistema de Salud

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    Lidice Alvarez-Miño


    Full Text Available Esta editorial tiene como objetivo generar una reflexión y abrir el debate sobre el sistema actual de salud que se refleja en prácticas naturalizadas  que se contradicen con la esencia del significado de la salud. Se trata de la costumbre de acudir al sistema de salud únicamente cuando se considera que se está enfermo, o peor aún, la equivalencia reduccionista y casi automática del concepto de salud como sinónimo de medicina.

  14. 77 FR 2549 - Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-Ethics... (United States)


    ... Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)--Ethics Subcommittee (ES... will provide counsel to the ACD, CDC, regarding a broad range of public health ethics questions and... territorial health departments in their efforts to address public health ethics challenges, approaches for...

  15. 75 FR 57044 - Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-Ethics... (United States)


    ... Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)--Ethics Subcommittee (ES... will provide counsel to the ACD, CDC, regarding a broad range of public health ethics questions and...; efforts to support state, tribal, local and territorial health departments address ethical issues in the...

  16. Improving integration and coordination of funding, technical assistance, and reporting/data collection: recommendations from CDC and USAPI stakeholders. (United States)

    Ka'opua, Lana Sue I; White, Susan F; Rochester, Phyllis F; Holden, Debra J


    Current US Federal funding mechanisms may foster program silos that disable sharing of resources and information across programs within a larger system of public health services. Such silos present challenges to USAPI communities where human resources, health infrastructure, and health financing are limited. Integrative and coordinated approaches have been recommended. The CDC Pacific Islands Integration and Coordination project was initiated by the CDC Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC). The project aim was to identify ways for the CDC to collaborate with the USAPI in improving CDC activities and processes related to chronic disease. This article focuses on recommendations for improving coordination and integration in three core areas of health services programming: funding, program reporting/data collection and analysis, and technical assistance. Preliminary information on challenges and issues relevant to the core areas was gathered through site visits, focus groups, key informant interviews, and other sources. This information was used by stakeholder groups from the CDC and the USAPI to develop recommendations in the core programming areas. Recommendations generated at the CDC and USAPI stakeholder meetings were prepared into a single set of recommendations and stakeholders reviewed the document for accuracy prior to its dissemination to CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion programs management and staff. Key recommendations, include: (1) consideration of resources and other challenges unique to the USAPI when reviewing funding applications, (2) consideration of ways to increase flexibility in USAPI use of program funds, (3) dedication of funding and human resources for technical assistance, (4) provision of opportunities for capacity-building across programs and jurisdictions, (5) consideration of ways to more directly link program reporting with technical assistance. This project provided a unique opportunity

  17. Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) position statement: restore CDC funding for firearms and gun violence prevention research. (United States)

    Behrman, Pamela; Redding, Colleen A; Raja, Sheela; Newton, Tamara; Beharie, Nisha; Printz, Destiny


    The Society for Behavioral Medicine (SBM) urges restoration of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funding for firearms and gun violence prevention research. Gun violence in the United States is an important and costly public health issue in need of research attention. Unfortunately, there have been no concerted CDC-funded research efforts in this area since 1996, due to the passage of the Dickey Amendment. To remedy the information-gathering restrictions caused by the Dickey Amendment bans, it is recommended that Congress remove 'policy riders' on federal appropriations bills that limit firearms research at the CDC; expand NVDRS firearms-related data collection efforts to include all fifty states; fund CDC research on the risk and protective factors of gun use and gun violence prevention; fund research on evidence-based primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention and treatment initiatives for communities that are seriously impacted by the effects of gun violence; and support the development of evidence-based policy and prevention recommendations for gun use and ownership.

  18. Computer program CDCID: an automated quality control program using CDC update

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singer, G.L.; Aguilar, F.


    A computer program, CDCID, has been developed in coordination with a quality control program to provide a highly automated method of documenting changes to computer codes at EG and G Idaho, Inc. The method uses the standard CDC UPDATE program in such a manner that updates and their associated documentation are easily made and retrieved in various formats. The method allows each card image of a source program to point to the document which describes it, who created the card, and when it was created. The method described is applicable to the quality control of computer programs in general. The computer program described is executable only on CDC computing systems, but the program could be modified and applied to any computing system with an adequate updating program

  19. Estrangeirização de Terras na Perspectiva das Formas de Colonialidade no Agro Latino-Americano

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    Luís Felipe Perdigão de Castro


    “Acaparamiento de Tierras” y Formas de Colonialidad em el “Agro” LatinoAmericano Resumen La demanda global por tierras se ha convertido en un fenómeno global, dando impulso a lo que se denomina convencionalmente “land grabbing”, “acaparamiento de tierras” ou “estrangeirização de terras”. Sobre la base de este tema, este artículo describe cómo el control de los gobiernos y corporaciones internacionales sobre las tierras y territorios de las comunidades tradicionales muestran la extranjerización de la tierra como una forma reciente de la "continuidad de las formas coloniales de dominación" (Grosfoguel, 2008, p.126. El objetivo es poner en contexto la llamada fiebre por tierras a nivel mundial a través de datos de la FAO (2011, ya la luz de los aspectos sociológicos y jurídicos relacionados. El fondo es para discutir el tema de las interfaces con las formas de la continuidad del colonialismo. Palabras clave: Tierra Estrangeirização; América Latina; Tierras y territorios; Identidades sociales

  20. Enhanced CDC of B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells mediated by rituximab combined with a novel anti-complement factor H antibody.

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    Mark T Winkler

    Full Text Available Rituximab therapy for B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL has met with mixed success. Among several factors to which resistance can be attributed is failure to activate complement dependent cytotoxicity (CDC due to protective complement regulatory proteins, including the soluble regulator complement factor H (CFH. We hypothesized that rituximab killing of non-responsive B-CLL cells could be augmented by a novel human monoclonal antibody against CFH. The B cells from 11 patients with B-CLL were tested ex vivo in CDC assays with combinations of CFH monoclonal antibody, rituximab, and a negative control antibody. CDC of rituximab non-responsive malignant B cells from CLL patients could in some cases be augmented by the CFH monoclonal antibody. Antibody-mediated cytotoxicity of cells was dependent upon functional complement. In one case where B-CLL cells were refractory to CDC by the combination of rituximab plus CFH monoclonal antibody, additionally neutralizing the membrane complement regulatory protein CD59 allowed CDC to occur. Inhibiting CDC regulatory proteins such as CFH holds promise for overcoming resistance to rituximab therapy in B-CLL.

  1. Compositores Latino-Americanos and New Paradigms of the 20th Century Classical Music

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    Eliana Monteiro da Silva


    Full Text Available This article discusses the direction taken by some Latin American composers in light of the new tendencies aimed to challenge paradigms of traditional Western classical music during the 20th century. Latin American composers were influenced by these tendencies to a greater or lesser degree depending on the place and time they lived. They worked with different styles and techniques while attempting to maintain a dialogue with the production of other contemporary artists without losing their identity. Some of these practices are shown in this paper. The examples were taken from a set of 54 pieces for piano recorded by Beatriz Balzi, an Argentinian-Brazilian pianist, contained in her album entitled Compositores Latino-americanos [Latin American Composers]. Exemplifying 13 Latin American countries, this repertoire was analyzed by the authors in order to define the most common practices adopted and/or created by the composers chosen by Balzi. These practices were then catalogued into six topics and organized in chronological order of events and styles to which they relate. To describe the main tendencies mentioned in this paper the authors adopted Stefan Kostka's Materials and Techniques of Twentieth Century Music for his clear, objective writing. This work helped to contextualize Balzi's repertoire, comparing the Latin American compositional process to some of the most respected musicians of the Western world.

  2. Differential impact of diverse anticancer chemotherapeutics on the Cdc25A-degradation checkpoint pathway

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agner, Jeppe; Falck, Jacob; Lukas, Jiri; Bartek, Jiri


    When exposed to DNA-damaging insults such as ionizing radiation (IR) or ultraviolet light (UV), mammalian cells activate checkpoint pathways to halt cell cycle progression or induce cell death. Here we examined the ability of five commonly used anticancer drugs with different mechanisms of action to activate the Chk1/Chk2-Cdc25A-CDK2/cyclin E cell cycle checkpoint pathway, previously shown to be induced by IR or UV. Whereas exposure of human cells to topoisomerase inhibitors camptothecin, etoposide, or adriamycin resulted in rapid (within 1 h) activation of the pathway including degradation of the Cdc25A phosphatase and inhibition of cyclin E/CDK2 kinase activity, taxol failed to activate this checkpoint even after a prolonged treatment. Unexpectedly, although the alkylating agent cisplatin also induced degradation of Cdc25A (albeit delayed, after 8-12 h), cyclin E/CDK2 activity was elevated and DNA synthesis continued, a phenomena that correlated with increased E2F1 protein levels and consequently enhanced expression of cyclin E. These results reveal a differential impact of various classes of anticancer chemotherapeutics on the Cdc25A-degradation pathway, and indicate that the kinetics of checkpoint induction, and the relative balance of key components within the DNA damage response network may dictate whether the treated cells arrest their cell cycle progression

  3. 13 CFR 120.830 - Reports a CDC must submit. (United States)


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Reports a CDC must submit. 120.830 Section 120.830 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BUSINESS LOANS Development... each new associate and staff, a Statement of Personal History (for use by non-bank lenders and CDCs...

  4. 76 FR 55678 - Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-Ethics... (United States)


    ... Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)--Ethics Subcommittee (ES... provide counsel to the ACD, CDC, regarding a broad range of public health ethics questions and issues... in their efforts to address public health ethics challenges. The agenda is subject to change as...

  5. Cdc42 is not essential for filopodium formation, directed migration, cell polarization, and mitosis in fibroblastoid cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Czuchra, Aleksandra; Wu, Xunwei; Meyer, Hannelore


    of Cdc42 did not affect filopodium or lamellipodium formation and had no significant influence on the speed of directed migration nor on mitosis. Cdc42-deficient cells displayed a more elongated cell shape and had a reduced area. Furthermore, directionality during migration and reorientation of the Golgi...

  6. O sistema social da saúde: conceito, limites e possibilidades

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra Regina Martini Vial


    Full Text Available Discutem-se as possibilidades de definir o sistema da saúde como um sistema social, diferenciado funcionalmente, a partir da ótica da Teoria dos Sistemas Sociais, utilizando os pressupostos gerais da Teoria e a estrutura apresentada por Niklas Luhmann sobre o sistema médico. Apresentam-se alguns “desassossegos” provocados pela Teoria; as possíveis relações entre o sistema da saúde e o que Luhmann chamou de sistema médico e como esse sistema, atualmente, pode ser considerado sistema da saúde; e, por fim, a nossa concepção do sistema da saúde na atualidade.

  7. Que informações são necessárias para o conhecimento da situação de saúde do idoso? The health status of the elderly population: what do we need to know?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mônica Rebouças


    Full Text Available O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar, por meio da Internet, os dados sobre a saúde da população idosa existentes no sistema de informações brasileiro e a sua correspondência com as estatísticas norte-americanas. Foram utilizados os indicadores norte-americanos da publicação Older Americans 2000: Key Indicators of Well-Being como parâmetro para busca de similares brasileiros. As bases de dados, assim como os instrumentos das pesquisas norte-americanos e brasileiros, são apresentadas. Os dados norte-americanos são provenientes do Supplement on Aging and Second Supplement on Aging; Health and Retirement Study; National Health Interview Survey e National Long Term Care Survey. Os dados brasileiros são do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM, do Sistema de Informações do Programa Nacional de Imunizações (SI-PNI, da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílio realizada em 1998 e em 2003 e do Inquérito Domiciliar sobre Comportamentos de Risco e Morbidade Referida de Doenças e Agravos não transmissíveis de 2002-2003. Existe grande quantidade de informações brasileiras para acompanhar a população idosa do país pela Internet e, com poucas exceções, há correspondência de informações sobre idosos brasileiros e norte-americanos.The objective of this research was to evaluate the data on the health of the elderly population available in the Brazilian information system and their correspondence with the North American statistics using the Internet. The North American publication "Older Americans 2000: Key Indicators of Well-Being" was used as a standard. The databases and instruments used in the North American and Brazilian surveys are presented. The North American data are based on the Supplement on Aging and Second Supplement on Aging; Health and Retirement Study; National Health Interview Survey and National Long Term Care Survey. The Brazilian data were collected from the Mortality Information System; Information

  8. Internacionalização de PME no Continente Americano: Revisão da Literatura

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    Cláudia Pires Ribau


    Full Text Available Dado el gran interés de la comunidad académica y el mundo empresarial sobre la internacionalización de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes, esta investigación tiene como objetivo revisar la literatura empírica sobre la internacionalización de las pymes en el continente americano, a partir de las principales bases de datos académicas. Partiendo de un conjunto de 329 artículos, este estudio examina en detalle 39 artículos entre 1999 y 2014, lo que contribuye significativamente al desarrollo del conocimiento y la comprensión de la investigación realizada hasta la fecha en este ámbito. Con este análisis se han identificado tendencias y patrones, y se concluye que la investigación realizada sobre la internacionalización de pymes se centra en los EE. UU. y Canadá, influenciada principalmente en cuatro temas principales: las teorías de la internacionalización, estrategia, desempeño y perspectiva internacional. Igualmente, se concluye que las investigaciones han seguido un predominio cuantitativo. Las conclusiones e interpretaciones de oportunidades para futuras investigaciones son relevantes tanto para la comunidad académica como para el mundo empresarial.

  9. Intelligent tutorial system for selftraining in tuning of control systems; Sistema tutorial inteligente para el autoentrenamiento en sintonizacion de sistemas de control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romero Jimenez, Guillermo; Perez Ocampo, Maria Concepcion [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    In this paper the design, development and validation of an intelligent tutorial system oriented to the instruction of techniques of tuning of control systems is described. This system is based on systems previously developed in the Simulation Unit of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE). The designed system accounts with four modules: of knowledge, the student model, of tutor and of interface, basic characteristics that allows to locate this system in the context of the intelligent tutorial systems. In this system in particular, the knowledge module was only modified, because advantage is taken of the existing structure to incorporate a new dominion of application: the one of the techniques of tuning of control systems. The system maintains the characteristic that it can also be used as a consultation system. In addition to the design and validation of the tutorial system, when following the methodology of processing the degree of generality of the developed system, was evaluated, taking into account the evaluation and quantification of metrics that the engineering software proposes. [Spanish] En este trabajo se describen el diseno, el desarrollo y la validacion de un sistema tutorial inteligente orientado a la instruccion de tecnicas de sintonizacion de sistemas de control. Este sistema esta basado en sistemas desarrollados anteriormente en la Unidad de Simulacion del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE). El sistema disenado cuenta con cuatro modulos: de conocimiento, del modelo del estudiante, de tutor y de interfaz, caracteristica principal que permite ubicar a este sistema en el contexto de los sistemas tutoriales inteligentes. En este sistema en particular solo se modifica el modulo de conocimiento, pues se aprovecha la estructura existente para incorporar un nuevo dominio de aplicacion: el de las tecnicas de sintonizacion de sistemas de control. El sistema mantiene la caracteristica de que tambien puede utilizarse como un sistema de

  10. C/EBP{delta} targets cyclin D1 for proteasome-mediated degradation via induction of CDC27/APC3 expression. (United States)

    Pawar, Snehalata A; Sarkar, Tapasree Roy; Balamurugan, Kuppusamy; Sharan, Shikha; Wang, Jun; Zhang, Youhong; Dowdy, Steven F; Huang, A-Mei; Sterneck, Esta


    The transcription factor CCAAT/enhancer binding protein delta (C/EBPdelta, CEBPD, NFIL-6beta) has tumor suppressor function; however, the molecular mechanism(s) by which C/EBPdelta exerts its effect are largely unknown. Here, we report that C/EBPdelta induces expression of the Cdc27 (APC3) subunit of the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), which results in the polyubiquitination and degradation of the prooncogenic cell cycle regulator cyclin D1, and also down-regulates cyclin B1, Skp2, and Plk-1. In C/EBPdelta knockout mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEF) Cdc27 levels were reduced, whereas cyclin D1 levels were increased even in the presence of activated GSK-3beta. Silencing of C/EBPdelta, Cdc27, or the APC/C coactivator Cdh1 (FZR1) in MCF-10A breast epithelial cells increased cyclin D1 protein expression. Like C/EBPdelta, and in contrast to cyclin D1, Cdc27 was down-regulated in several breast cancer cell lines, suggesting that Cdc27 itself may be a tumor suppressor. Cyclin D1 is a known substrate of polyubiquitination complex SKP1/CUL1/F-box (SCF), and our studies show that Cdc27 directs cyclin D1 to alternative degradation by APC/C. These findings shed light on the role and regulation of APC/C, which is critical for most cellular processes.

  11. 75 FR 72831 - Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-Ethics... (United States)


    ... Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)--Ethics Subcommittee (ES... counsel to the ACD, CDC, regarding a broad range of public health ethics questions and issues arising from... strategy for addressing its charge to provide a preliminary overview to the ACD on ethical issues related...

  12. Evolución estelar en sistemas binarios (United States)

    De Vito, M. A.; Benvenuto, O.

    Definición y clasificación de sistemas binarios; descripción del comportamiento del sistema frente a la variación de su masa; binarias de rayos X; transferencia de masa en sistemas binarios masivos aplicado al posible esclarecimiento del progenitor azul de la supernova SN 1987A; comentario acerca de la evolución de enanas blancas de helio de baja masa y su conexión con los sistemas binarios; reseña del trabajo de Kippenhahn y Weigert sobre el cual está basado el código evolutivo desarrollado en la FCAG por el Dr. Benvenuto y sobre el cual se trabajará para poder incluir la evolución de una estrella con pérdida de masa perteneciente a un sistema binario.

  13. Cdc15 Phosphorylates the C-terminal Domain of RNA Polymerase II for Transcription during Mitosis. (United States)

    Singh, Amit Kumar; Rastogi, Shivangi; Shukla, Harish; Asalam, Mohd; Rath, Srikanta Kumar; Akhtar, Md Sohail


    In eukaryotes, the basal transcription in interphase is orchestrated through the regulation by kinases (Kin28, Bur1, and Ctk1) and phosphatases (Ssu72, Rtr1, and Fcp1), which act through the post-translational modification of the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II. The CTD comprises the repeated Tyr-Ser-Pro-Thr-Ser-Pro-Ser motif with potential epigenetic modification sites. Despite the observation of transcription and periodic expression of genes during mitosis with entailing CTD phosphorylation and dephosphorylation, the associated CTD specific kinase(s) and its role in transcription remains unknown. Here we have identified Cdc15 as a potential kinase phosphorylating Ser-2 and Ser-5 of CTD for transcription during mitosis in the budding yeast. The phosphorylation of CTD by Cdc15 is independent of any prior Ser phosphorylation(s). The inactivation of Cdc15 causes reduction of global CTD phosphorylation during mitosis and affects the expression of genes whose transcript levels peak during mitosis. Cdc15 also influences the complete transcription of clb2 gene and phosphorylates Ser-5 at the promoter and Ser-2 toward the 3' end of the gene. The observation that Cdc15 could phosphorylate Ser-5, as well as Ser-2, during transcription in mitosis is in contrast to the phosphorylation marks put by the kinases in interphase (G 1 , S, and G 2 ), where Cdck7/Kin28 phosphorylates Ser-5 at promoter and Bur1/Ctk1 phosphorylates Ser-2 at the 3' end of the genes. © 2017 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  14. Diabetes: What's Your Type? (A Cup of Health with CDC)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Diabetes is a common chronic disease and the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. The CDC estimates that about 30 million people in the United States have diabetes. In this podcast, Dr. Stephen Benoit discusses the importance of managing diabetes.

  15. Diabetes: What's Your Type? (A Minute of Health with CDC)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Diabetes is a common chronic disease and the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. The CDC estimates that about 30 million people in the United States have diabetes. In this podcast, Dr. Stephen Benoit discusses the importance of managing diabetes.

  16. STEADI: CDC's approach to make older adult fall prevention part of every primary care practice. (United States)

    Sarmiento, Kelly; Lee, Robin


    Primary care providers play a critical role in protecting older adult patients from one of the biggest threats to their health and independence-falls. A fall among an older adult patient cannot only be fatal or cause a devastating injury, but can also lead to problems that can effect a patient's overall quality of life. In response, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) developed the STEADI initiative to give health care providers the tools they need to help reduce their older adult patient's risk of a fall. CDC's STEADI resources have been distributed widely and include practical materials and tools for health care providers and their patients that are designed to be integrated into every primary care practice. As the population ages, the need for fall prevention efforts, such as CDC's STEADI, will become increasingly critical to safeguard the health of Americans. STEADI's electronic health records (EHRs), online trainings, assessment tools, and patient education materials are available at no-cost and can be downloaded online at Health care providers should look for opportunities to integrate STEADI materials into their practice, using a team-based approach, to help protect their older patients. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  17. Sistema inteligente de detección de intrusiones


    Martínez Puentes, Javier


    El sistema diseñado es un sistema de detección de intrusiones mediante el análisis del payload del tráfico de la red en busca de algún tipo de malware. Este sistema implementa su algoritmo de detección como “preprocesador dinámico” de Snort. Mediante el trabajo conjunto de Snort y del Sistema diseñado puede afirmarse que se obtiene un sistema altamente eficaz ante ataques conocidos (mediante el paso de reglas de Snort) e igualmente eficaz ante ataques nuevos o desconocidos (que era el obj...

  18. Diálogos latino-americanos. Correspondência entre Ángel Rama, Berta e Darcy Ribeiro. Organización, estudios y notas de Haydée Ribeiro Coelho y Pablo Rocca. São Paulo: Global Editora, 2015. 189 pp.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Facundo Gómez


    Full Text Available Reseña de Diálogos latino-americanos. Correspondência entre Ángel Rama, Berta e Darcy Ribeiro. Organización, estudios y notas de Haydée Ribeiro Coelho y Pablo Rocca. São Paulo: Global Editora, 2015. 189 pp.

  19. [CDC73 mutations in young patients with primary hyperparathyroidism: A description of two clinical cases]. (United States)

    Mamedova, E O; Mokrysheva, N G; Pigarova, E A; Przhiyalkovskaya, E G; Voronkova, I A; Vasilyev, E V; Petrov, V M; Gorbunova, V A; Rozhinskaya, L Ya; Belaya, Zh E; Tyulpakov, A N

    The article describes two clinical cases of severe primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) caused by parathyroid carcinoma in young female patients who underwent molecular genetic testing to rule out the hereditary forms of PHPT. In both patients, heterozygous germline nonsense mutations of tumor suppressor gene CDC73 encoding parafibromin (p.R91X and p.Q166X) were identified using next-generation sequencing with Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine (Thermo Fisher Scientific - Life Technologies, USA). It is the first description of CDC73 mutations in Russia, one of the mutations is described for the first time in the world. Identification of germline mutations in the CDC73 gene in patients with PHPT necessitates regular lifelong screening for other manifestations of hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome (HPT-JT), PHPT recurrence due to parathyroid carcinoma as well, and identification of mutation carriers among first-degree relatives.

  20. Introducción al estudio de los sistemas económicos


    García Nossa, Antonio


    Interdependencia de los sistemas; Coexistencia de los sistemas; Sucesión y coexistencia; Sistemas históricos y sistemas geopolíticos; Factores cuantitativos y cualitativos de los sistemas; Principios generales de los sistemas.

  1. Cdc25A promotes cell survival by stimulating NF-{kappa}B activity through I{kappa}B-{alpha} phosphorylation and destabilization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hong, Hey-Young; Choi, Jiyeon [Department of Biochemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Kangwon National University, 192-1 Hyoja-2-dong, Chuncheon 200-701 (Korea, Republic of); Cho, Young-Wook [Korea Basic Science Institute, Chuncheon Center, Gangwondaehak-gil 1, Chuncheon 200-701 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Byung-Chul, E-mail: [Department of Biochemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Kangwon National University, 192-1 Hyoja-2-dong, Chuncheon 200-701 (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer We examine the antiapoptotic mechanisms of Cdc25A. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Smad7 decreases the phosphorylation of I{kappa}B-alpha at Ser-32. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Smad7 positively regulates NF-{kappa}B activity through I{kappa}B-alpha ubiquitination. -- Abstract: Cell division cycle 25A (Cdc25A), a dual specificity protein phosphatase, exhibits anti-apoptotic activity, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly characterized. Here we report that Cdc25A inhibits cisplatin-induced apoptotic cell death by stimulating nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-{kappa}B) activity. In HEK-293 cells, Cdc25A decreased protein level of inhibitor subunit kappa B alpha (I{kappa}-B{alpha}) in association with increased serine 32-phosphorylation, followed by stimulation of transcriptional activity of NF-{kappa}B. Inhibition of NF-{kappa}B activity by chemical inhibitor or overexpression of I{kappa}-B{alpha} in Cdc25A-elevated cancer cells resistant to cisplatin improved their sensitivity to cisplatin-induced apoptosis. Our data show for the first time that Cdc25A has an important physiological role in NF-{kappa}B activity regulation and it may be an important survival mechanism of cancer cells.

  2. Large intragenic deletion of CDC73 (exons 4-10) in a three-generation hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor (HPT-JT) syndrome family. (United States)

    Guarnieri, Vito; Seaberg, Raewyn M; Kelly, Catherine; Jean Davidson, M; Raphael, Simon; Shuen, Andrew Y; Baorda, Filomena; Palumbo, Orazio; Scillitani, Alfredo; Hendy, Geoffrey N; Cole, David E C


    Inactivating mutations of CDC73 cause Hyperparathyroidism-Jaw Tumour syndrome (HPT-JT), Familial Isolated Hyperparathyroidism (FIHP) and sporadic parathyroid carcinoma. We conducted CDC73 mutation analysis in an HPT-JT family and confirm carrier status of the proband's daughter. The proband had primary hyperparathyroidism (parathyroid carcinoma) and uterine leiomyomata. Her father and daughter had hyperparathyroidism (parathyroid adenoma) but no other manifestations of HPT-JT. CDC73 mutation analysis (sequencing of all 17 exons) and whole-genome copy number variation (CNV) analysis was done on leukocyte DNA of the three affecteds as well as the proband's unaffected sister. A novel deletion of exons 4 to 10 of CDC73 was detected by CNV analysis in the three affecteds. A novel insertion in the 5'UTR (c.-4_-11insG) that co-segregated with the deletion was identified. By in vitro assay the 5'UTR insertion was shown to significantly impair the expression of the parafibromin protein. Screening for the mutated CDC73 confirmed carrier status in the proband's daughter and the biochemistry and ultrasonography led to pre-emptive surgery and resolution of the hyperparathyroidism. A novel gross deletion mutation in CDC73 was identified in a three-generation HPT-JT family emphasizing the importance of including screening for large deletions in the molecular diagnostic protocol.

  3. Comparison of NCHS, CDC, and WHO curves in children with cardiovascular risk. (United States)

    Oliveira, Grasiela Junges de; Barbiero, Sandra Mari; Cesa, Claudia Ciceri; Pellanda, Lucia Campos


    The study aimed to compare the prevalence of overweight and obesity according to three growth curves, created by the World Health Organization (WHO/2006), by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS/1977), and by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC/2000) in children with cardiovascular risk factors. Data from 118 children and adolescents, aged between 2 and 19 years, treated between the years 2001 to 2009 at the Pediatric Preventive Cardiology Outpatient Clinic of the Instituto de Cardiologia de Porto Alegre were evaluated. The variables analyzed were: weight, height, age, and gender. Variables were classified according to the following criteria: weight/age, height/age, and body mass index (BMI). The cutoff points used were obtained from the three growth curves: WHO/2006, NCHS/1977, and CDC/2000. Regarding the criterion weight/age by the NCHS curve, 18% of the children were classified as having normal weight, and 82% had excess weight; by the CDC curve, 28% had normal and 72% had excess weight; by the WHO curve, 16.0% had normal weight and 84% had excess weight. According to the BMI, 0.8% of the population was underweight. According to the CDC and WHO curves, 7.6% and 6.8% had normal weight; 26.3% and 11.9% were overweight; and 65.3% and 80.5% were obese, respectively. Regarding the height/age criterion, there was no significant difference between the references and, on average, 98.3% of the population showed adequate height for age. The new WHO curves are more sensitive to identify obesity in a population at risk, which has important implications for preventive and therapeutic management. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Radiation Hazard Scale Data Product Review Feedback Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Askin, A. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Buddemeier, B. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Alai, M. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Yu, K. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    In support of the Department of Energy (DOE) National nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) assisted in the development of new data templates for disseminating and communicating FRMAC1 data products using the CDC Radiation Hazard Scale communication tool. To ensure these data products will be useful to stakeholders during a radiological emergency, LLNL facilitated opportunities for product socialization and review.

  5. JUAN M. LOPE BLANCH. El habla de Diego de Ordaz. Contribución a la historia del español americano. México, UNAM. 1985. 233 p.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. L. R.


    Full Text Available Este libro reúne los trabajos publicados por Lope Blanch en revistas especializadas y homenajes académicos acerca del idiolecto de este importante americano nacido en tierras leonesas hacia 1480, colonizador de las Antillas, expedicionario a Tierra Firme y a Cuba, conquistador de México y explorador del Orinoco. La base documental está constituida por siete cartas autógrafasque L.B. publica al final del libro en una cuidadosa transcripción que corrige defectos de una edición anterior.

  6. El Sistema inspirerede projekter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holst, Finn; Chemi, Tatiana

    Rapporten er resultat af pilotprojektet ”Forundersøgelse El Sistema DK” gennemført af Ph.D. Finn Holst (DPU, Aarhus Universitet) og Ph.D. Tatiana Chemi (Aalborg Universitet) i 2015. I rapporten indgår desuden bidrag fra Sofie Holm, Sara Fink Søndergaard og Stine Møgelbjerg Johansen. Pilotprojektet...... er gennemført for DMKLs El Sistema-udvalg med støtte fra Statens Kunstfond, Projektstøtteudvalget for Musik....

  7. Sistema fotovoltaico de iluminación solar


    Víctor Hugo Benítez Baltazar; Guadalupe Araceli Torres Valverde; Luis Armando Gámez Valdéz; Jesús Horacio Pacheco Ramírez


    El artículo es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación enfocado al uso de sistemas fotovoltaicos para la iluminación por medio de diodos emisores de luz tipo LED. Se busca reducir el consumo energético mediante la implementación de un sistema de iluminación basado en LED hasta en un 80%, donde la fuente primaria de energía es el Sol. Se demuestra la viabilidad de los sistemas solares de iluminación LED mediante la construcción de un prototipo. Los sistemas de iluminación fotovoltaicos son...

  8. Cdc20 control of cell fate during prolonged mitotic arrest

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nilsson, Jakob


    The fate of cells arrested in mitosis by antimitotic compounds is complex but is influenced by competition between pathways promoting cell death and pathways promoting mitotic exit. As components of both of these pathways are regulated by Cdc20-dependent degradation, I hypothesize that variations...

  9. Immanuel Wallerstein e o moderno sistema mundial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Jobson de Andrade Arruda


    Full Text Available (primeiro parágrafo do texto Immanuel Wallerstein é diretor do Centro Fernand Braudel para o Estudo de Economias, Sistemas Históricos e Civilizacionais (Binghamton, N.Y. e editor da revista trimestral Review. Seu projeto mais amplo é a busca dos elementos determinantes do sistema mundial moderno. Para tanto, dividiu o seu trabalho em quatro partes principais, às quais con-sidera as quatro épocas fundamentais apresentadas pelo dito sistema até hoje. O primeiro volume, objeto desta resenha crítica, cobre o período de 1450 a 1640, correspondendo ao estudo das origens e condições primitivas do sistema mundial até então exclusivamente um sistema europeu. O segundo volume, já publicado, ocupar-se-ia da consolidação do sis-tema entre 1640 e 1815. O terceiro volume, referente ao período de 1815 a 1917, estará centrado na recriação do sistema decorrente das vertiginosas transformações resultantes do dinamismo tecnológico e do avanço do industrialismo no século XIX. O quarto volume cuidará da consolidação da economia — mundo capitalista, a partir de 1917 até a atualidade, e das tensões "revolucionárias" particulares que esta conso lidação tem provocado.

  10. Control óptimo y robusto H∞ de sistemas no lineales aplicaciones a sistemas electromecánicos


    Vivas Venegas, Carlos


    La teoría de control automático ha experimentado un notable desarrollo en los últimos tiempos especialmente en el campo de los sistemas no lineales. Son aportaciones relativamente recientes los paradigmas de control basados en pasividad, teoría de sistema

  11. Estabilización robusta de sistemas lineales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Horacio Leyva Castellanos


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se muestra un conjunto de resultados que permiten abordar el problema de la estabilización robusta de una familia de sistemas lineales positivos. Se describen dos nuevas aplicaciones en la teoría de control positivo para sistemas compartimentales y se muestra la aplicación de un teorema de robustez para tales sistemas

  12. CDC Signos Vitales: Enfermedad del legionario (CDC Vital Signs–Legionnaires’ Disease)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast se basa en la edición de junio del 2016 del informe Signos Vitales de los CDC. Las personas pueden contraer la enfermedad del legionario, un tipo grave de infección pulmonar, al inhalar pequeñas gotitas de agua contaminada con bacterias Legionella. Obtenga más información sobre lo que se puede hacer para ayudar a prevenir brotes de enfermedad del legionario y mantener seguras a las personas.  Created: 6/7/2016 by National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD).   Date Released: 6/7/2016.

  13. Child Passenger Safety (A Cup of Health with CDC)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Proper installation and use of car seats and booster seats for child passengers can save their lives. CDC recommends drivers ensure children are always buckled up. In this podcast, Bethany West discusses how to keep young passengers as safe as possible.  Created: 9/29/2016 by MMWR.   Date Released: 9/29/2016.

  14. CDC Vital Signs–Arthritis in America

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the March 2017 CDC Vital Signs report. Many adults in the United States have arthritis. Learn how to reduce the pain of arthritis, as well as manage the condition.  Created: 3/7/2017 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 3/7/2017.

  15. Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel thiadiazole amides as potent Cdc25B and PTP1B inhibitors. (United States)

    Li, Yingjun; Yu, Yang; Jin, Kun; Gao, Lixin; Luo, Tongchuan; Sheng, Li; Shao, Xin; Li, Jia


    A series of novel thiadiazole amide derivatives have been synthesized and evaluated for inhibitory activities against Cdc25B and PTP1B. Most of them showed inhibitory activities against Cdc25B (IC50=1.18-8.01 μg/mL) and PTP1B (IC50=0.85-8.75 μg/mL), respectively. Moreover, compounds 5b and 4l were most potent with IC50 values of 1.18 and 0.85 μg/mL for Cdc25B and PTP1B, respectively, compared with reference drugs Na3VO4 (IC50=0.93 μg/mL) and oleanolic acid (IC50=0.85 μg/mL). The results of selectivity experiments showed that the target compounds were selective inhibitors against PTP1B and Cdc25B. Enzyme kinetic experiments demonstrated that compound 5k was a specific inhibitor with the typical characteristics of a mixed inhibitor. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Exportações brasileiras de suco de laranja e subsídios americanos: uma análise empírica de estratégias comerciais (1991-2006

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    Cássia Kely Favoretto Costa


    Full Text Available O Brasil e os Estados Unidos são considerados os principais participantes no mercado mundial do suco de laranja. Os subsídios americanos afetam as exportações brasileiras de suco de laranja concentrado e congelado (SLCC e a participação do País no mercado mundial de tal produto; neste sentido, objetiva-se analisar a influência dos subsídios agrícolas americanos sobre as exportações do SLCC, no período entre 1991 e 2006. O modelo teórico parase estudar o comércio internacional foi proposto por Brander e Spencer (1985; Brander (1995 e Spencer e Brander (2007, com enfoque de competição imperfeita incorporando a intervenção governamental. Na abordagem empírica, realizou-se uma junção de modelos de séries temporais e de teoria dos jogos, como instrumentos para avaliar o efeito dos subsídios sobre as exportações do suco de laranja. Concluiu-se que a proteção americana prejudicou a capacidade exportadora do Brasil no período examinado. Como conclusão, reforça-se a participação ativa do Brasil na defesa da liberalização do comércio agrícola, para o seu acesso ao setor protegido e também para a conquista de novos parceiros comerciais.

  17. CDC Vital Signs–Dental Sealants Prevent Cavities

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the October 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. Dental sealants, applied soon after a child's permanent molars come in, can protect against cavities for up to nine years. Applying sealants in schools for low-income children could save millions in dental treatment costs.

  18. CDC Vital Signs-Zika and Pregnancy: What You Should Know

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the April 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. A pregnant woman who is infected with Zika virus can pass it to her fetus which is linked to microcephaly, a serious birth defect. This podcast discusses how to protect yourself from Zika virus.

  19. Evaluation of the CDC safe water-storage intervention to improve ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Evaluation of the CDC safe water-storage intervention to improve the microbiological quality of point-of-use drinking water in rural communities in South Africa. ... use of safe household water-storage devices and water treatment processes and improvement of hygiene and sanitation practices in these rural households.

  20. Novel Activities of Select NSAID R-Enantiomers against Rac1 and Cdc42 GTPases.

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    Tudor I Oprea

    Full Text Available Rho family GTPases (including Rac, Rho and Cdc42 collectively control cell proliferation, adhesion and migration and are of interest as functional therapeutic targets in numerous epithelial cancers. Based on high throughput screening of the Prestwick Chemical Library® and cheminformatics we identified the R-enantiomers of two approved drugs (naproxen and ketorolac as inhibitors of Rac1 and Cdc42. The corresponding S-enantiomers are considered the active component in racemic drug formulations, acting as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs with selective activity against cyclooxygenases. Here, we show that the S-enantiomers of naproxen and ketorolac are inactive against the GTPases. Additionally, more than twenty other NSAIDs lacked inhibitory action against the GTPases, establishing the selectivity of the two identified NSAIDs. R-naproxen was first identified as a lead compound and tested in parallel with its S-enantiomer and the non-chiral 6-methoxy-naphthalene acetic acid (active metabolite of nabumetone, another NSAID as a structural series. Cheminformatics-based substructure analyses-using the rotationally constrained carboxylate in R-naproxen-led to identification of racemic [R/S] ketorolac as a suitable FDA-approved candidate. Cell based measurement of GTPase activity (in animal and human cell lines demonstrated that the R-enantiomers specifically inhibit epidermal growth factor stimulated Rac1 and Cdc42 activation. The GTPase inhibitory effects of the R-enantiomers in cells largely mimic those of established Rac1 (NSC23766 and Cdc42 (CID2950007/ML141 specific inhibitors. Docking predicts that rotational constraints position the carboxylate moieties of the R-enantiomers to preferentially coordinate the magnesium ion, thereby destabilizing nucleotide binding to Rac1 and Cdc42. The S-enantiomers can be docked but are less favorably positioned in proximity to the magnesium. R-naproxen and R-ketorolac have potential for rapid

  1. The implementation of the CDC version of RELAP5/MOD1/019 on an IBM compatible computer system (AMDAHL 470/V8)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kolar, W.; Brewka, W.


    RELAP5/MOD1 is an advanced one-dimensional best estimate system code, which is used for safety analysis studies of nuclear pressurized water reactor systems and related integral and separate effect test facilities. The program predicts the system response for large break, small break LOCA and special transients. To a large extent RELAP5/MOD1 is written in Fortran, only a small part of the program is coded in CDC assembler. RELAP5/MOD1 was developed on the CDC CYBER 176 at INEL*. The code development team made use of CDC system programs like the CDC UPDATE facility and incorporated in the program special purpose software packages. The report describes the problems which have been encountered when implementing the CDC version of RELAP5/MOD1 on an IBM compatible computer systems (AMDAHL 470/V8)

  2. A Amazônia no imaginário norte-americano em tempo de guerra Amazonia in the U.S. wartime imaginary

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seth Garfield


    Full Text Available Este ensaio delineia a emergência da Amazônia no imaginário norte-americano no período da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Embora a importância geopolítica de diversificação dos mercados fornecedores de borracha e o desenvolvimento da borracha sintética tenham sido discutidos nos Estados Unidos antes do ataque a Pearl Harbor, a subsequente interdição japonesa aos mercados tradicionais do sudeste asiático levou burocratas e cientistas a se apressarem na busca de alternativas. Como em outras regiões da América Latina, as políticas de obtenção e fornecimento, durante a guerra, dividiram os progressistas adeptos do New Deal e os conservadores fiscais. Entretanto, a política de gestão norte-americana também moldou e foi moldada por mitos enraizados acerca das regiões e populações tropicais. Na época, como agora, a Amazônia era muito mais que um lugar: para os norte-americanos, era também uma pedra de toque das ansiedades mais profundas concernentes às questões de raça, classe e nação.This essay traces the emergence of the Amazon in the United States wartime imaginary. Although the geopolitical importance of diversifying rubber markets and developing synthetics had been discussed in the United States before Pearl Harbor, the subsequent Japanese interdiction of traditional Southeast Asian markets sent American government officials and scientists scurrying to find alternatives. As in other regions of Latin America, wartime procurement policies in the Amazon divided New Deal progressives and fiscal conservatives, but these policies also shaped and were shaped by entrenched myths of tropical regions and populations. Then, as now, the Amazon was more than a place, but also a flashpoint for Americans for deeper anxieties concerning questions of race, class, and nation.

  3. CDC25A Protein Stability Represents a Previously Unrecognized Target of HER2 Signaling in Human Breast Cancer: Implication for a Potential Clinical Relevance in Trastuzumab Treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emanuela Brunetto


    Full Text Available The CDC25A-CDK2 pathway has been proposed as critical for the oncogenic action of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2 in mammary epithelial cells. In particular, transgenic expression of CDC25A cooperates with HER2 in promoting mammary tumors, whereas CDC25A hemizygous loss attenuates the HER2-induced tumorigenesis penetrance. On the basis of this evidence of a synergism between HER2 and the cell cycle regulator CDC25A in a mouse model of mammary tumorigenesis, we investigated the role of CDC25A in human HER2-positive breast cancer and its possible implications in therapeutic response. HER2 status and CDC25A expression were assessed in 313 breast cancer patients and we found statistically significant correlation between HER2 and CDC25A (P = .007. Moreover, an HER2-positive breast cancer subgroup with high levels of CDC25A and very aggressive phenotype was identified (P = .005. Importantly, our in vitro studies on breast cancer cell lines showed that the HER2 inhibitor efficacy on cell growth and viability relied also on CDC25A expression and that such inhibition induces CDC25A down-regulation through phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B pathway and DNA damage response activation. In line with this observation, we found a statistical significant association between CDC25A overexpression and trastuzumab-combined therapy response rate in two different HER2-positive cohorts of trastuzumab-treated patients in either metastatic or neoadjuvant setting (P = .018 for the metastatic cohort and P = .021 for the neoadjuvant cohort. Our findings highlight a link between HER2 and CDC25A that positively modulates HER2- targeted therapy response, suggesting that, in HER2-positive breast cancer patients, CDC25A overexpression affects trastuzumab sensitivity.

  4. CDC Vital Signs–HIV and Injection Drug Use

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the December 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. Sharing needles, syringes, and other injection equipment puts you at risk for getting HIV and other infections, including hepatitis. Learn how to reduce your HIV risk.

  5. A produção científica em Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional nos periódicos Latino-Americanos da base de dados SciELO


    Gomes, Rogério


    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Economia, Sociedade e Política da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Bacharel em Desenvolvimento Rural e Segurança Alimentar. Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Érika Marafon Rodrigues Ciacchi. Co-orientadora: Profa. Dra. Silvia Aparecida Zimmermman. O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar trabalhos publicados nos países da América Latina que compõe o conjunto ...

  6. Comparação entre os modelos norte-americano (ACSI) e europeu (ECSI) de satisfação do cliente: um estudo no setor de serviços


    Lopes, Humberto Elias Garcia; Pereira, Camila Cristina de Paula; Vieira, Ana Flávia Santos


    O objetivo central deste trabalho é comparar os modelos norte-americano (ACSI) e europeu (ECSI) de satisfação do cliente, preservando as relações estruturais entre as variáveis latentes tal como originalmente estabelecidas. Para tanto, optou-se por uma abordagem quantitativa, centrada na modelagem de equações estruturais por meio da análise fatorial confirmatória. Foram pesquisados 2.145 clientes de empresas do setor de serviços, atuantes no Estado de Minas Gerais. Os principais resultados in...

  7. Porque é Tão Difícil Ter Boas Escolas


    Satar, Edma A.


    Nesta recensão crítica do livro do autor Larry Cuban pretende-se, em primeiro lugar, destacar as preocupações do autor da reforma educativa do sistema americano, através da implantação das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, com a distribuição de microcomputadores nas salas de aula destinados ao desenvolvimento da aprendizagem dos alunos do ensino elementar. Descreve-se o ambiente polí...

  8. Identification of the quinolinedione inhibitor binding site in Cdc25 phosphatase B through docking and molecular dynamics simulations (United States)

    Ge, Yushu; van der Kamp, Marc; Malaisree, Maturos; Liu, Dan; Liu, Yi; Mulholland, Adrian J.


    Cdc25 phosphatase B, a potential target for cancer therapy, is inhibited by a series of quinones. The binding site and mode of quinone inhibitors to Cdc25B remains unclear, whereas this information is important for structure-based drug design. We investigated the potential binding site of NSC663284 [DA3003-1 or 6-chloro-7-(2-morpholin-4-yl-ethylamino)-quinoline-5, 8-dione] through docking and molecular dynamics simulations. Of the two main binding sites suggested by docking, the molecular dynamics simulations only support one site for stable binding of the inhibitor. Binding sites in and near the Cdc25B catalytic site that have been suggested previously do not lead to stable binding in 50 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In contrast, a shallow pocket between the C-terminal helix and the catalytic site provides a favourable binding site that shows high stability. Two similar binding modes featuring protein-inhibitor interactions involving Tyr428, Arg482, Thr547 and Ser549 are identified by clustering analysis of all stable MD trajectories. The relatively flexible C-terminal region of Cdc25B contributes to inhibitor binding. The binding mode of NSC663284, identified through MD simulation, likely prevents the binding of protein substrates to Cdc25B. The present results provide useful information for the design of quinone inhibitors and their mechanism of inhibition.

  9. Identification of the quinolinedione inhibitor binding site in Cdc25 phosphatase B through docking and molecular dynamics simulations. (United States)

    Ge, Yushu; van der Kamp, Marc; Malaisree, Maturos; Liu, Dan; Liu, Yi; Mulholland, Adrian J


    Cdc25 phosphatase B, a potential target for cancer therapy, is inhibited by a series of quinones. The binding site and mode of quinone inhibitors to Cdc25B remains unclear, whereas this information is important for structure-based drug design. We investigated the potential binding site of NSC663284 [DA3003-1 or 6-chloro-7-(2-morpholin-4-yl-ethylamino)-quinoline-5, 8-dione] through docking and molecular dynamics simulations. Of the two main binding sites suggested by docking, the molecular dynamics simulations only support one site for stable binding of the inhibitor. Binding sites in and near the Cdc25B catalytic site that have been suggested previously do not lead to stable binding in 50 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In contrast, a shallow pocket between the C-terminal helix and the catalytic site provides a favourable binding site that shows high stability. Two similar binding modes featuring protein-inhibitor interactions involving Tyr428, Arg482, Thr547 and Ser549 are identified by clustering analysis of all stable MD trajectories. The relatively flexible C-terminal region of Cdc25B contributes to inhibitor binding. The binding mode of NSC663284, identified through MD simulation, likely prevents the binding of protein substrates to Cdc25B. The present results provide useful information for the design of quinone inhibitors and their mechanism of inhibition.

  10. CDC Vital Signs-Daily Pill Can Prevent HIV

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the November 24, 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. Preexposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is a daily medicine that can be used to prevent getting HIV. PrEP is for people who don’t have HIV but who are at very high risk for getting it from sex or injection drug use. Unfortunately, many people who can benefit from PrEP aren’t taking it.

  11. CDC Vital Signs-E-cigarette Ads and Youth

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the January 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. Most electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, contain nicotine, which is highly addictive and may harm brain development. More than 18 million middle and high school students were exposed to e-cigarette ads. Exposure to these ads may be contributing to an increase in e-cigarette use among youth. Learn what can be done to keep our youth safe and healthy.

  12. Adherence to CDC Recommendations for the Treatment of Uncomplicated Gonorrhea - STD Surveillance Network, United States, 2016. (United States)

    Weston, Emily J; Workowski, Kimberly; Torrone, Elizabeth; Weinstock, Hillard; Stenger, Mark R


    Gonorrhea, the sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, is the second most common notifiable disease in the United States after chlamydia; 468,514 cases were reported to state and local health departments in 2016, an increase of 18.5% from 2015 (1). N. gonorrhoeae has progressively developed resistance to most antimicrobials used to treat the infection (2). As a result, CDC recommends two antimicrobials (250 mg of ceftriaxone [IM] plus 1 g of azithromycin [PO]) for treating uncomplicated gonorrhea to improve treatment efficacy and, potentially, to slow the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance. To monitor adherence to the current CDC-recommended regimen for uncomplicated gonorrhea, CDC reviewed enhanced data collected on a random sample of reported cases of gonorrhea in seven jurisdictions participating in the STD Surveillance Network (SSuN) and estimated the proportion of patients who received the CDC-recommended regimen for uncomplicated gonorrhea, by patient characteristics and diagnosing facility type. In 2016, the majority of reported patients with gonorrhea (81%) received the recommended regimen. There were no differences in the proportion of patients receiving the recommended regimen by age or race/ethnicity; however, patients diagnosed with gonorrhea in STD (91%) or family planning/reproductive health (94%) clinics were more likely to receive this regimen than were patients diagnosed in other provider settings (80%). These data document high provider adherence to CDC gonorrhea treatment recommendations in specialty STD clinics, indicating high quality of care provided in those settings. Local and state health departments should monitor adherence with recommendations in their jurisdictions and consider implementing interventions to improve provider and patient compliance with gonorrhea treatment recommendations where indicated.

  13. Morphological Analysis of CDC2 and Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3β Phosphorylation as Markers of G2 → M Transition in Glioma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Javier Otero


    Full Text Available G2 → M transition is a strategic target for glioma chemotherapy. Key players in G2 → M transition include CDC2 and glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β, which are highly regulated by posttranslational phosphorylation. This report is a morphological analysis of CDC2 and GSK3β phosphorylation using immunohistochemistry in gliomas with different biological properties. GBM showed a 2.8-fold and 5.6-fold increase in number of cells positive for pThr161CDC2 and a 4.2- and 6.9-fold increase in number of cells positive for pTyr15CDC2 relative to oligodendroglioma and ependymoma, respectively. Elevated labeling for inhibited phospho-CDC2 (pTyr15CDC correlates with elevated levels of phosphorylated glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β. 71% of the GBM cases showed intermediate to high intensity staining for pSer9SGK3β 53% of oligodendroglioma, and 73% of ependymoma showed low intensity staining. CDC2 gene amplification correlates with increased survival in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM and astrocytoma WHO grades II-III, but not in oligodendroglioma WHO grades II-III.

  14. CDC Vital Signs–Native Americans With Diabetes

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the January 2017 CDC Vital Signs report. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure and Native Americans have a greater chance of having diabetes than any other racial group in the U.S. Learn how to manage your diabetes to delay or prevent kidney failure.

  15. Health and Environment Linked for Information Exchange (HELIX)-Atlanta: A CDC-NASA Joint Environmental Public Health Tracking Collaborative Project (United States)

    Al-Hamdan, Mohammad; Luvall, Jeff; Crosson, Bill; Estes, Maury; Limaye, Ashutosh; Quattrochi, Dale; Rickman, Doug


    HELIX-Atlanta was developed to support current and future state and local EPHT programs to implement data linking demonstration projects which could be part of the CDC EPHT Network. HELIX-Atlanta is a pilot linking project in Atlanta for CDC to learn about the challenges the states will encounter. NASA/MSFC and the CDC are partners in linking environmental and health data to enhance public health surveillance. The use of NASA technology creates value added geospatial products from existing environmental data sources to facilitate public health linkages. Proving the feasibility of the approach is the main objective


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    Leticia Torres Martínez


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se caracteriza la variación espacial y temporal de los patrones reproductivos del cocodrilo americano (Crocodylus acutus Cuvier, entre 2008 y 2010, para las localidades de La Isleta y Los Coquitos, en la Reserva Ecológica Bahía de Nuevas Grandes-La Isleta en Manatí, Las Tunas. Se describen las conductas de nidificación, desove y atención al nido. Además, se analiza la dinámica de las puestas, eclosiones y la morfometría de los huevos. Se detectó que las hembras no despliegan la misma conducta para la construcción del nido, pero en todos los casos la nidificación implica la transformación del paisaje. En ambas localidades las curvas de acumulación de puestas y eclosiones se dividen en tres etapas: inicial, aceleración y meseta. En general, existe consistencia de la correlación entre el largo y ancho de los huevos con tendencia a que los huevos largos y pesados incrementen su natalidad y viabilidad. En La Isleta la altura y tipo de suelo aseguran una elevada eficiencia de reproducción, lo que sugiere mayor estabilidad temporal de factores bióticos y abióticos.

  17. The FEAR protein Slk19 restricts Cdc14 phosphatase to the nucleus until the end of anaphase, regulating its participation in mitotic exit in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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    Ann Marie E Faust

    Full Text Available In Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitosis, the protein Slk19 plays an important role in the initial release of Cdc14 phosphatase from the nucleolus to the nucleus in early anaphase, an event that is critical for proper anaphase progression. A role for Slk19 in later mitotic stages of Cdc14 regulation, however, has not been demonstrated. While investigating the role of Slk19 post-translational modification on Cdc14 regulation, we found that a triple point mutant of SLK19, slk19(3R (three lysine-to-arginine mutations, strongly affects Cdc14 localization during late anaphase and mitotic exit. Using fluorescence live-cell microscopy, we found that, similar to slk19Δ cells, slk19(3R cells exhibit no defect in spindle stability and only a mild defect in spindle elongation dynamics. Unlike slk19Δcells, however, slk19(3R cells exhibit no defect in Cdc14 release from the nucleolus to the nucleus. Instead, slk19(3R cells are defective in the timing of Cdc14 movement from the nucleus to the cytoplasm at the end of anaphase. This mutant has a novel phenotype: slk19(3R causes premature Cdc14 movement to the cytoplasm prior to, rather than concomitant with, spindle disassembly. One consequence of this premature Cdc14 movement is the inappropriate activation of the mitotic exit network, made evident by the fact that slk19(3R partially rescues a mutant of the mitotic exit network kinase Cdc15. In conclusion, in addition to its role in regulating Cdc14 release from the nucleolus to the nucleus, we found that Slk19 is also important for regulating Cdc14 movement from the nucleus to the cytoplasm at the end of anaphase.

  18. Inhibition of Cell Survival by Curcumin Is Associated with Downregulation of Cell Division Cycle 20 (Cdc20) in Pancreatic Cancer Cells. (United States)

    Zhang, Yu; Xue, Ying-Bo; Li, Hang; Qiu, Dong; Wang, Zhi-Wei; Tan, Shi-Sheng


    Pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggressive human tumors in the United States. Curcumin, a polyphenol derived from the Curcuma longa plant, has been reported to exert its antitumor activity in pancreatic cancer. However, the molecular mechanisms of curcumin-mediated tumor suppressive function have not been fully elucidated. In the current study, we explore whether curcumin exhibits its anti-cancer function through inhibition of oncoprotein cell division cycle 20 (Cdc20) in pancreatic cancer cells. We found that curcumin inhibited cell growth, enhanced apoptosis, induced cell cycle arrest and retarded cell invasion in pancreatic cancer cells. Moreover, we observed that curcumin significantly inhibited the expression of Cdc20 in pancreatic cancer cells. Furthermore, our results demonstrated that overexpression of Cdc20 enhanced cell proliferation and invasion, and abrogated the cytotoxic effects induced by curcumin in pancreatic cancer cells. Consistently, downregulation of Cdc20 promoted curcumin-mediated anti-tumor activity. Therefore, our findings indicated that inhibition of Cdc20 by curcumin could be useful for the treatment of pancreatic cancer patients.

  19. CDC Vital Signs–Think Sepsis. Time Matters.

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the August 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. Sepsis is a medical emergency and can happen quickly. Learn the signs of sepsis and how to prevent it.  Created: 8/23/2016 by National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC).   Date Released: 8/23/2016.

  20. CDC Vital Signs–Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the July 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. In the U.S., about 90 people die in motor vehicle crashes each day and thousands more are injured, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in direct medical costs each year. Learn what you can do to stay safe.

  1. A hot-spot mutation in CDC42 (p.Tyr64Cys) and novel phenotypes in the third patient with Takenouchi-Kosaki syndrome. (United States)

    Motokawa, Midori; Watanabe, Satoshi; Nakatomi, Akiko; Kondoh, Tatsuro; Matsumoto, Tadashi; Morifuji, Kanako; Sawada, Hirotake; Nishimura, Toyoki; Nunoi, Hiroyuki; Yoshiura, Koh-Ichiro; Moriuchi, Hiroyuki; Dateki, Sumito


    Takenouchi-Kosaki syndrome (TKS) is a congenital malformation syndrome characterized by severe developmental delay, macrothrombocytopenia, camptodactyly, sensorineural hearing loss, and dysmorphic facial features. Recently, a heterozygous de novo mutation (p.Tyr64Cys) in the CDC42 gene, which encodes a key small GTP-binding protein of the Rho-subfamily, was identified in two unrelated patients with TKS. We herein report a third patient with TKS who had the same heterozygous CDC42 mutation. The phenotype of the patient was very similar to those of the two previously reported patients with TKS; however, she also demonstrated novel clinical manifestations, such as congenital hypothyroidism and immunological disturbance. Thus, despite the heterozygous mutation of CDC42 (p.Tyr64Cys) likely being a hot-spot mutation for TKS, its phenotype may be variable. Further studies and the accumulation of patients with CDC42 mutations are needed to clarify the phenotype in patients with TKS and the pathophysiological roles of the CDC42 mutation.

  2. Health communication takes on new dimensions at CDC.


    Roper, W L


    Actions by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to integrate health communication into overall prevention programs as a means of influencing individual behavior to reduce risks to health are described. These actions include a set of 5-year goals for the Agency; a proposal to establish an Office of Health Communication to provide leadership and support for accomplishing the goals; and establishment of a working group to create the proposed Office of Health Communication and to ...

  3. Survival and growth of yeast without telomere capping by Cdc13 in the absence of Sgs1, Exo1, and Rad9.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hien-Ping Ngo


    Full Text Available Maintenance of telomere capping is absolutely essential to the survival of eukaryotic cells. Telomere capping proteins, such as Cdc13 and POT1, are essential for the viability of budding yeast and mammalian cells, respectively. Here we identify, for the first time, three genetic modifications that allow budding yeast cells to survive without telomere capping by Cdc13. We found that simultaneous inactivation of Sgs1, Exo1, and Rad9, three DNA damage response (DDR proteins, is sufficient to allow cell division in the absence of Cdc13. Quantitative amplification of ssDNA (QAOS was used to show that the RecQ helicase Sgs1 plays an important role in the resection of uncapped telomeres, especially in the absence of checkpoint protein Rad9. Strikingly, simultaneous deletion of SGS1 and the nuclease EXO1, further reduces resection at uncapped telomeres and together with deletion of RAD9 permits cell survival without CDC13. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis studies show that cdc13-1 rad9Delta sgs1Delta exo1Delta strains can maintain linear chromosomes despite the absence of telomere capping by Cdc13. However, with continued passage, the telomeres of such strains eventually become short and are maintained by recombination-based mechanisms. Remarkably, cdc13Delta rad9Delta sgs1Delta exo1Delta strains, lacking any Cdc13 gene product, are viable and can grow indefinitely. Our work has uncovered a critical role for RecQ helicases in limiting the division of cells with uncapped telomeres, and this may provide one explanation for increased tumorigenesis in human diseases associated with mutations of RecQ helicases. Our results reveal the plasticity of the telomere cap and indicate that the essential role of telomere capping is to counteract specific aspects of the DDR.

  4. Stage-specific functions of the small Rho GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1 for adult hippocampal neurogenesis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vadodaria, Krishna C; Brakebusch, Cord; Suter, Ueli


    The molecular mechanisms underlying the generation, maturation, and integration of new granule cells generated throughout life in the mammalian hippocampus remain poorly understood. Small Rho GTPases, such as Cdc42 and Rac1, have been implicated previously in neural stem/progenitor cell (NSPC......) proliferation and neuronal maturation during embryonic development. Here we used conditional genetic deletion and virus-based loss-of-function approaches to identify temporally distinct functions for Cdc42 and Rac1 in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. We found that Cdc42 is involved in mouse NSPC proliferation......, initial dendritic development, and dendritic spine maturation. In contrast, Rac1 is dispensable for early steps of neuronal development but is important for late steps of dendritic growth and spine maturation. These results establish cell-autonomous and stage-specific functions for the small Rho GTPases...

  5. The G2/M DNA damage checkpoint inhibits mitosis through Tyr15 phosphorylation of p34cdc2 in Aspergillus nidulans. (United States)

    Ye, X S; Fincher, R R; Tang, A; Osmani, S A


    It is possible to cause G2 arrest in Aspergillus nidulans by inactivating either p34cdc2 or NIMA. We therefore investigated the negative control of these two mitosis-promoting kinases after DNA damage. DNA damage caused rapid Tyr15 phosphorylation of p34cdc2 and transient cell cycle arrest but had little effect on the activity of NIMA. Dividing cells deficient in Tyr15 phosphorylation of p34cdc2 were sensitive to both MMS and UV irradiation and entered lethal premature mitosis with damaged DNA. However, non-dividing quiescent conidiospores of the Tyr15 mutant strain were not sensitive to DNA damage. The UV and MMS sensitivity of cells unable to tyrosine phosphorylate p34cdc2 is therefore caused by defects in DNA damage checkpoint regulation over mitosis. Both the nimA5 and nimT23 temperature-sensitive mutations cause an arrest in G2 at 42 degrees C. Addition of MMS to nimT23 G2-arrested cells caused a marked delay in their entry into mitosis upon downshift to 32 degrees C and this delay was correlated with a long delay in the dephosphorylation and activation of p34cdc2. Addition of MMS to nimA5 G2-arrested cells caused inactivation of the H1 kinase activity of p34cdc2 due to an increase in its Tyr15 phosphorylation level and delayed entry into mitosis upon return to 32 degrees C. However, if Tyr15 phosphorylation of p34cdc2 was prevented then its H1 kinase activity was not inactivated upon MMS addition to nimA5 G2-arrested cells and they rapidly progressed into a lethal mitosis upon release to 32 degrees C. Thus, Tyr15 phosphorylation of p34cdc2 in G2 arrests initiation of mitosis after DNA damage in A. nidulans.


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    Omar Daniel


    Full Text Available É ampla a discussão que envolve a importância do enquadramento das atividades de produção em geral, ao conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável. Dentre as atividades agropecuárias, os sistemas agroflorestais (SAF têm sido considerados como sustentáveis, apresentando-se como alternativas aos sistemas intensivos de produção. Para monitorar a sustentabilidade de atividades agropecuárias em geral, incluindo os SAF, diferentes autores enfatizam os indicadores biofísicos, em detrimento dos socioeconômicos. Com o objetivo de definir um rol de indicadores socioeconômicos adaptáveis aos diversos modelos de SAF, desenvolveu-se um estudo consolidado por recomendações de especialistas e ampla revisão de literatura. Concluiu-se que: as categorias relacionadas com a operação dos sistemas comportaram o maior número de indicadores no componente socioeconômico, com maior concentração nas operações endógenas ao sistema, seguidas, de longe, pelos recursos endógenos e exógenos; o maior número de indicadores, sugeridos na categoria operação do sistema, deu-se nos descritores saúde e nutrição, empregos, habitação e saneamento básico e análise econômica; na categoria operação de sistemas exógenos, determinou-se maior número de indicadores para os descritores comercialização e infra-estrutura rural; praticamente, não houve diferença entre o número de indicadores obtidos para os sistemas agroflorestais com e sem o componente animal.

  7. Sistemas integrados de gestão empresarial: estudos de casos de implementação de sistemas ERP.


    Cesar Alexandre de Souza


    Este trabalho é um estudo das características dos sistemas ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), de seus processos de escolha, implementação e utilização, de seus benefícios, suas desvantagens e de seus possíveis impactos nas organizações. No levantamento bibliográfico, são apresentados conceitos relacionados aos sistemas ERP, bem como uma proposta de modelo de ciclo para estes sistemas, com a finalidade de estudar suas diferentes etapas na empresa, procurando estabelecer em cada uma delas qua...

  8. Dsc E3 ligase localization to the Golgi requires the ATPase Cdc48 and cofactor Ufd1 for activation of sterol regulatory element-binding protein in fission yeast. (United States)

    Burr, Risa; Ribbens, Diedre; Raychaudhuri, Sumana; Stewart, Emerson V; Ho, Jason; Espenshade, Peter J


    Sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs) in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe regulate lipid homeostasis and the hypoxic response under conditions of low sterol or oxygen availability. SREBPs are cleaved in the Golgi through the combined action of the Dsc E3 ligase complex, the rhomboid protease Rbd2, and the essential ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities (AAA + ) ATPase Cdc48. The soluble SREBP N-terminal transcription factor domain is then released into the cytosol to enter the nucleus and regulate gene expression. Previously, we reported that Cdc48 binding to Rbd2 is required for Rbd2-mediated SREBP cleavage. Here, using affinity chromatography and mass spectrometry experiments, we identified Cdc48-binding proteins in S. pombe , generating a list of many previously unknown potential Cdc48-binding partners. We show that the established Cdc48 cofactor Ufd1 is required for SREBP cleavage but does not interact with the Cdc48-Rbd2 complex. Cdc48-Ufd1 is instead required at a step prior to Rbd2 function, during Golgi localization of the Dsc E3 ligase complex. Together, these findings demonstrate that two distinct Cdc48 complexes, Cdc48-Ufd1 and Cdc48-Rbd2, are required for SREBP activation and low-oxygen adaptation in S. pombe . © 2017 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  9. Different roles of the small GTPases Rac1, Cdc42, and RhoG in CALEB/NGC-induced dendritic tree complexity. (United States)

    Schulz, Jana; Franke, Kristin; Frick, Manfred; Schumacher, Stefan


    Rho GTPases play prominent roles in the regulation of cytoskeletal reorganization. Many aspects have been elaborated concerning the individual functions of Rho GTPases in distinct signaling pathways leading to cytoskeletal rearrangements. However, major questions have yet to be answered regarding the integration and the signaling hierarchy of different Rho GTPases in regulating the cytoskeleton in fundamental physiological events like neuronal process differentiation. Here, we investigate the roles of the small GTPases Rac1, Cdc42, and RhoG in defining dendritic tree complexity stimulated by the transmembrane epidermal growth factor family member CALEB/NGC. Combining gain-of-function and loss-of-function analysis in primary hippocampal neurons, we find that Rac1 is essential for CALEB/NGC-mediated dendritic branching. Cdc42 reduces the complexity of dendritic trees. Interestingly, we identify the palmitoylated isoform of Cdc42 to adversely affect dendritic outgrowth and dendritic branching, whereas the prenylated Cdc42 isoform does not. In contrast to Rac1, CALEB/NGC and Cdc42 are not directly interconnected in regulating dendritic tree complexity. Unlike Rac1, the Rac1-related GTPase RhoG reduces the complexity of dendritic trees by acting upstream of CALEB/NGC. Mechanistically, CALEB/NGC activates Rac1, and RhoG reduces the amount of CALEB/NGC that is located at the right site for Rac1 activation at the cell membrane. Thus, Rac1, Cdc42, and RhoG perform very specific and non-redundant functions at different levels of hierarchy in regulating dendritic tree complexity induced by CALEB/NGC. Rho GTPases play a prominent role in dendritic branching. CALEB/NGC is a transmembrane member of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family that mediates dendritic branching, dependent on Rac1. CALEB/NGC stimulates Rac1 activity. RhoG inhibits CALEB/NGC-mediated dendritic branching by decreasing the amount of CALEB/NGC at the plasma membrane. Palmitoylated, but not prenylated form

  10. Sistemas integrados de gestión (SIG)


    García Pantigozo, Manuel; Quispe Atúncar, Carlos; Ráez Guevara, Luis


    La cultura de la normalización es necesaria para competir globalmente, y para esto la ISO ha elaborado una serie de sistemas de gestión orientados a las calidad, medio ambiente, seguridad en el trabajo y recursos humanos, esto significa la necesidad de integrar sistemas mediante el Sistema integrado de Gestión - SIG The culture of standardization is necessary to compete globally, and to this ISO has developed a number of management systems geared to quality, environment, occupational safe...

  11. Assignment of C1q-binding HLA antibodies as unacceptable HLA antigens avoids positive CDC-crossmatches prior to transplantation of deceased donor organs. (United States)

    Juhl, David; Marget, Matthias; Hallensleben, Michael; Görg, Siegfried; Ziemann, Malte


    Soon, a virtual crossmatch shall replace the complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) allocation crossmatch in the Eurotransplant region. To prevent positive CDC-crossmatches in the recipient centre, careful definition of unacceptable antigens is necessary. For highly sensitized patients, this is difficult by CDC alone. Assignment of all antibodies detected by sensitive assays, however, could prevent organ allocation. To assess the usefulness of the Luminex C1q-assay to prevent positive CDC-crossmatches, all CDC-crossmatches performed prior to deceased kidney transplantation in a 16-month-period were reviewed. Sera causing positive crossmatches were investigated by the C1q-assay. 31 out of 1432 crossmatches (2.2%) were positive. Sera involved in 26 positive crossmatches were available. C1q-binding donor-specific antibodies were detected in 19 sera (73.1%). The other sera were from recipients without any HLA antibodies detectable by CDC or common solid phase assays. Three patients had known Non-HLA antibodies causing positive CDC-results. Four crossmatches were only weak positive. Therefore, avoidance of donors with HLA antigens against whom C1q-binding antibodies were detected would have prevented all positive crossmatches due to HLA antibodies. Provided that all HLA specificities against which antibodies are detected by the Luminex C1q-assay are considered as unacceptable antigens, CDC-crossmatches prior to transplantation might safely be omitted in many patients. They should be maintained in highly immunized patients, however, for whom assignment of all C1q-positive antibodies as unacceptable antigens could lead to a significant delay or even prevention of transplantation. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Importancia del manual de los sistemas contables en el sistema de control interno.


    Nicolás Valdés Rodríguez


    La dirección administrativa del país en los últimos 3 años ha insistido en la necesidad de profundizar en los mecanismos de control económico –financiero de las entidades, el presente trabajo va dirigido a contribuir en alguna medida a lograr ese propósito. El sistema contable de una Entidad forma parte indisoluble del Sistema de Control Interno de la misma, por la vinculación tan estrecha que existe entre los mismos. El objetivo fundamental del trabajo ”Importancia del Manual de ...


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    Full Text Available En el año 2009 la Facultad cuenta con los siguientes programas activos:* Pregrado en Ingeniería de Sistemas Presencial Registro Calificado Código SNIES 11846 Resolución No. 2293 del 03 de octubre de 2002. Título que otorga: Doble titulación, Ingeniero de Sistemas y Tecnólogo en Sistemas.* Ciclo de Profesionalización para Tecnólogos en Sistemas Presencial Título que otorga: Ingeniero de Sistemas.* Tecnología en Sistemas de Información Presencial Registro Calificado Código SNIES 11850 Título que otorga: Tecnólogo en Sistemas de Información.* Especialización en Gerencia de la Tecnología Presencial Registro Calificado Código SNIES 53168 Título que otorga: Especialista en gerencia de la Tecnología.

  14. CDC Vital Signs–Cancer and Tobacco Use

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the November 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. There is a long list of cancers linked to tobacco use, the leading preventable cause of cancer and cancer deaths. Learn more here.  Created: 11/10/2016 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 11/10/2016.

  15. Discovery and characterization of novel imidazopyridine derivative CHEQ-2 as a potent CDC25 inhibitor and promising anticancer drug candidate. (United States)

    Song, Yu'ning; Lin, Xiaoqian; Kang, Dongwei; Li, Xiao; Zhan, Peng; Liu, Xinyong; Zhang, Qingzhu


    Cell division cycle (CDC) 25 proteins are key phosphatases regulating cell cycle transition and proliferation via the interactions with CDK/Cyclin complexes. Overexpression of CDC25 proteins is frequently observed in cancer and is related to aggressiveness, high-grade tumors and poor prognosis. Thus, inhibiting CDC25 activity in cancer treatment appears a good therapeutic strategy. In this article, refinement of the initial hit XDW-1 by synthesis and screening of a focused compound library led to the identification of a novel set of imidazopyridine derivatives as potent CDC25 inhibitors. Among them, the most potent molecule was CHEQ-2, which could efficiently inhibit the activities of CDC25A/B enzymes as well as the proliferation of various different types of cancer cell lines in vitro assay. Moreover, CHEQ-2 triggered S-phase cell cycle arrest in MCF-7, HepG2 and HT-29 cell lines, accompanied by generation of ROS, mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis. Besides, oral administration of CHEQ-2 (10 mg/kg) significantly inhibited xenografted human liver tumor growth in nude mice, while demonstrated extremely low toxicity (LD50 > 2000 mg/kg). These findings make CHEQ-2 a good starting point for further investigation and structure modification. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  16. Construindo um modelo de sistema de cuidados Construyendo un modelo de sistema de cuidados Developing an explanatory theoretical model of system of care

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Construir um modelo teórico explicativo de Sistema de Cuidados. METODO: Estudo exploratório qualitativo apoiado nos pressupostos da Grounded Theory. Participaram do estudo 15 profissionais e os dados foram coletados por entrevista aberta. RESULTADOS: O Modelo teórico foi delimitado a partir do fenômeno Construindo o Sistema Complexo de Cuidados determinado pelas categorias: Convivendo com a dinamicidade do sistema de cuidados e Organizando o sistema de cuidados a partir de múltiplas interações. CONCLUSÃO: O modelo de sistema de cuidados apresentou-se como sistema vital e dinâmico construído a partir de redes interacionais de vários saberes do agir humano expresso pelo trabalho compartilhado, multidisciplinar e em equipe.OBJETIVO: Construir un modelo teórico explicativo de Sistema de Cuidados. MÉTODO: Se trata de un estudio cualitativo exploratorio apoyado en las premisas de la Teoría Fundamentada en los Datos. Participaron del estudio 15 profesionales. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de una entrevista abierta. RESULTADOS: El modelo teórico se delimitó al fenómeno Construyendo el Sistema Complejo de Cuidados determinado por las categorías: Viviendo junto con la dinamicidad del sistema de cuidados y Organizando el sistema de cuidados a partir de interacciones múltiples. CONCLUSIÓN: El modelo de sistema de cuidados se presenta como un sistema vital y dinámico construido a partir de redes de interacción de conocimientos del actuar humano expresado en el trabajo conjunto, multidisciplinario y en equipo.OBJECTIVE: To develop an explanatory theoretical model of the system of care. METHOD: Grounded theory served as the conceptual framework to conduct this qualitative exploratory study. Unstructured interviews were conducted among 15 care professionals. RESULTS: The theoretical model was delimited from the phenomenon "building complex system of care" as determined by the following categories: "dealing with a

  17. Working at a Ferranti-Argus graphics display linked to a CDC 6600

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    The photo shows a Ferranti-Argus graphics display linked to a CDC 6600 computer running one of the first interactive graphics packages for physics analysis. The people around are Jean-Claude Marin, Harry Renshall and Emilio Pagiola (right).

  18. The G2/M DNA damage checkpoint inhibits mitosis through Tyr15 phosphorylation of p34cdc2 in Aspergillus nidulans.


    Ye, X S; Fincher, R R; Tang, A; Osmani, S A


    It is possible to cause G2 arrest in Aspergillus nidulans by inactivating either p34cdc2 or NIMA. We therefore investigated the negative control of these two mitosis-promoting kinases after DNA damage. DNA damage caused rapid Tyr15 phosphorylation of p34cdc2 and transient cell cycle arrest but had little effect on the activity of NIMA. Dividing cells deficient in Tyr15 phosphorylation of p34cdc2 were sensitive to both MMS and UV irradiation and entered lethal premature mitosis with damaged DN...

  19. Molecular and structural insight into lysine selection on substrate and ubiquitin lysine 48 by the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Cdc34

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Suryadinata, Randy; Holien, Jessica K; Yang, George


    , the mechanisms of lysine selection are not clearly understood. The positioning of lysine(s) toward the E2/E3 active site and residues proximal to lysines are critical in their selection. We investigated determinants of lysine specificity of the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Cdc34, toward substrate and Ub lysines....... Evaluation of the relative importance of different residues positioned -2, -1, +1 and +2 toward ubiquitination of its substrate, Sic1, on lysine 50 showed that charged residues in the -1 and -2 positions negatively impact on ubiquitination. Modeling suggests that charged residues at these positions alter...... the native salt-bridge interactions in Ub and Cdc34, resulting in misplacement of Sic1 lysine 50 in the Cdc34 catalytic cleft. During polyubiquitination, Cdc34 showed a strong preference for Ub lysine 48 (K48), with lower activity towards lysine 11 (K11) and lysine 63 (K63). Mutating the -2, -1, +1 and +2...

  20. Mechanisms controlling the temporal degradation of Nek2A and Kif18A by the APC/C-Cdc20 complex

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sedgwick, G.G.; Hayward, D.G.; Nilsson, J.


    The Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) in complex with its co-activator Cdc20 is responsible for targeting proteins for ubiquitin-mediated degradation during mitosis. The activity of APC/C-Cdc20 is inhibited during prometaphase by the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC) yet certain...... substrates escape this inhibition. Nek2A degradation during prometaphase depends on direct binding of Nek2A to the APC/C via a C-terminal MR dipeptide but whether this motif alone is sufficient is not clear. Here, we identify Kif18A as a novel APC/C-Cdc20 substrate and show that Kif18A degradation depends...... by the APC/C. Nek2A and the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC) have an overlap in APC/C subunit requirements for binding and we propose that Nek2A binds with high affinity to apo-APC/C and is degraded by the pool of Cdc20 that avoids inhibition by the SAC....

  1. Parkin Regulates Mitosis and Genomic Stability through Cdc20/Cdh1

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lee, S.B.; Kim, J.J.; Nam, H.J.; Gao, B.; Yin, P.; Qin, B.; Yi, S.Y.; Ham, H.; Evans, D.; Kim, S.H.; Zhang, J.; Deng, M.; Liu, T.; Zhang, H.; Billadeau, D.D.; Wang, L.; Giaime, E.; Shen, J.; Pang, Y.P.; Jen, J.; Deursen, J.M.A. van; Lou, Z.


    Mutations in the E3 ubiquitin ligase Parkin have been linked to familial Parkinson's disease. Parkin has also been implicated in mitosis through mechanisms that are unclear. Here we show that Parkin interacts with anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) coactivators Cdc20 and Cdh1 to mediate

  2. Structure and dimerization of the catalytic domain of the protein phosphatase Cdc14p, a key regulator of mitotic exit in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (United States)

    Kobayashi, Junya; Matsuura, Yoshiyuki


    In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the protein phosphatase Cdc14p orchestrates various events essential for mitotic exit. We have determined the X-ray crystal structures at 1.85 Å resolution of the catalytic domain of Cdc14p in both the apo state, and as a complex with S160-phosphorylated Swi6p peptide. Each asymmetric unit contains two Cdc14p chains arranged in an intimately associated homodimer, consistent with its oligomeric state in solution. The dimerization interface is located on the backside of the substrate-binding cleft. Structure-based mutational analyses indicate that the dimerization of Cdc14p is required for normal growth of yeast cells. © 2017 The Protein Society.

  3. Teoría de sistemas (2008/09)


    Pla López, Rafael


    Conceptos fundamentales de la Teoría general de sistemas. Nociones básicas de estadística. Modelos cibernéticos. Sistemas caóticos.Asignatura optativa de Ciencias Ambientales. Primer ciclo. Segundo curso. Cuatrimestral: 6 créditos.

  4. Sistema de videovigilancia utilizando recursos de LAN


    Fernández García, David


    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es realizar un sistema de información que sea capaz de efectuar video vigilancia. Este sistema de información está formado por un servidor y un número, en principio, limitado de clientes

  5. CDC Vital Signs-Alcohol and Pregnancy: Why Take the Risk?

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the February 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. More than three million women in the U.S. are at risk for exposing their developing baby to alcohol. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause physical, behavioral, and intellectual disabilities that can affect a child’s whole life. Learn what can be done to keep developing babies healthy.

  6. Caos en sistemas clásico-cuánticos (United States)

    Dirani, L. D.; Núñez, J. A.

    Una de las formas de estudiar la existencia de caos en el comportamiento de un sistema clásico-cuántico, es truncando el espacio de Hilbert del sistema cuántico. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar como afecta dicho truncamiento en la dinámica del sistema. Para tal fin se propone un Hamiltoniano integrable, cuyos valores de expectación asociados a coordenadas y momentos cuánticos responden, por el teorema de Ehrenfest, a un sistema de dos osciladores clásicos con acoplamiento lineal.

  7. Sistema de iluminación inteligente inalámbrico


    Nicolás Jaro, Jesús


    Este proyecto crea un sistema de iluminación inteligente compuesto por múltiples dispositivos que, de forma inalámbrica, se sincronizan entre si, para encenderse, apagarse y cambiar el color de la luz ambiente. El sistema se ha diseñado para conectar hasta 8 dispositivos basados en el sistema embebido LPC1769 y S.O. FreeRTOS, integrando un sensor acelerómetro, varios leds de distinto color y un módulo WiFly RN-XV que los interconecta de forma inalámbrica. Aquest projecte crea un sistema d'...

  8. Sistemas adhesivos en Odontología Restauradora

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    María Natalia Mandri

    Full Text Available Los sistemas adhesivos actuales han permitido mejorar los procedimientos clínicos tanto en la evolución de los componentes y su mecanismo de acción, como en la disminución del tiempo operatorio de aplicación de cada uno de ellos, brindando una eficacia clínica aceptable y predecible. Esta demanda de efectividad, ha dado lugar a una gran variedad de sistemas adhesivos, que en muchas ocasiones, no se emplean en la práctica profesional. El propósito de este trabajo es realizar una revisión de los sistemas adhesivos a fin de brindar la información necesaria y secuencia de aplicación, que permita al odontólogo realizar una adecuada selección y utilización del sistema, de acuerdo a la situación clínica

  9. Los TLC de Estados Unidos con países latinoamericanos: un modelo de integración económica “superficial” para el continente americano

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    José Julián Tole


    Full Text Available El modelo TLC de Estados Unidos se convierte en un instrumento de integración “ideal” para mejorar sus intereses geopolíticos y geoeconómicos en el continente americano, pues facilita la construcción de peldaños o pequeños bloques que mejorarán su peso en la escena internacional y en algunos sectores del comercio internacional. En tal contexto, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el modelo “hecho a la medida” por Estados Unidos para regular y profundizar la liberalización comercial, sin considerar de ninguna manera un mayor grado de integración, con los países latinoamericanos.

  10. Make a Difference at Your School! CDC Resources Can Help You Implement Strategies to Prevent Obesity Among Children and Adolescents (United States)

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2008


    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reviews scientific evidence to determine which school-based policies and practices are most likely to improve key health behaviors among young people, including physical activity and healthy eating. In this document, the CDC identifies ten strategies to help schools prevent obesity by promoting…

  11. Sistema Solar


    Federación de Asociaciones de Astronomía Cielo de Comellas


    Lección sobre el Sistema Solar. Curso de Astronomía Básica, segunda edición, impartido por los miembros de la Federación de Asociaciones de Astronomía Cielo de Comellas. Casa de la Ciencia, sábados, del 24 de septiembre al 22 de octubre de 2011

  12. Entendendo o tempo e o clima na América do Sul

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    Michelle Simões Reboita


    Full Text Available A América do Sul (AS possui uma geografia diversificada, propícia ao desenvolvimento e atuação de diferentes sistemas atmosféricos que contribuem para não-homogeneidade espacial e temporal da precipitação. Diante disso, os objetivos deste estudo são: (a discutir os conceitos básicos de tempo e clima, (b apresentar a climatologia de precipitação no continente sul-americano e (c descrever os sistemas atmosféricos que contribuem para os diferentes ciclos anuais de precipitação nos diversos setores da AS, com base em revisão da literatura. De modo geral, a estação chuvosa da AS é o verão e a seca, o inverno. Nessas estações do ano, diferentes sistemas atmosféricos são responsáveis pela precipitação.

  13. A Decision Processing Algorithm for CDC Location Under Minimum Cost SCM Network (United States)

    Park, N. K.; Kim, J. Y.; Choi, W. Y.; Tian, Z. M.; Kim, D. J.

    Location of CDC in the matter of network on Supply Chain is becoming on the high concern these days. Present status of methods on CDC has been mainly based on the calculation manually by the spread sheet to achieve the goal of minimum logistics cost. This study is focused on the development of new processing algorithm to overcome the limit of present methods, and examination of the propriety of this algorithm by case study. The algorithm suggested by this study is based on the principle of optimization on the directive GRAPH of SCM model and suggest the algorithm utilizing the traditionally introduced MST, shortest paths finding methods, etc. By the aftermath of this study, it helps to assess suitability of the present on-going SCM network and could be the criterion on the decision-making process for the optimal SCM network building-up for the demand prospect in the future.

  14. Inhibition of Cdc42 and Rac1 activities in pheochromocytoma, the adrenal medulla tumor. (United States)

    Croisé, Pauline; Brunaud, Laurent; Tóth, Petra; Gasman, Stéphane; Ory, Stéphane


    Altered Rho GTPase signaling has been linked to many types of cancer. As many small G proteins, Rho GTPases cycle between an active and inactive state thanks to specific regulators that catalyze exchange of GDP into GTP (Rho-GEF) or hydrolysis of GTP into GDP (Rho-GAP). Recent studies have shown that alteration takes place either at the level of Rho proteins themselves (expression levels, point mutations) or at the level of their regulators, mostly RhoGEFs and RhoGAPs. Most reports describe Rho GTPases gain of function that may participate to the tumorigenesis processes. In contrast, we have recently reported that decreased activities of Cdc42 and Rac1 as well as decreased expression of 2 Rho-GEFs, FARP1 and ARHGEF1, correlate with pheochromocytomas, a tumor developing in the medulla of the adrenal gland (Croisé et al., Endocrine Related Cancer, 2016). Here we highlight the major evidence and further study the correlation between Rho GTPases activities and expression levels of ARHGEF1 and FARP1. Finally we also discuss how the decrease of Cdc42 and Rac1 activities may help human pheochromocytomas to develop and comment the possible relationship between FARP1, ARHGEF1 and the 2 Rho GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1 in tumorigenesis.

  15. Huge enhancement of energy storage capacity and power density of supercapacitors based on the carbon dioxide activated microporous SiC-CDC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tee, Ester; Tallo, Indrek; Kurig, Heisi; Thomberg, Thomas; Jänes, Alar; Lust, Enn


    Nanostructured carbide-derived carbons (CDC) were synthesized from SiC powders (SiC-CDC) via gas phase chlorination within the temperature range from 1000 °C to 1100 °C. Thereafter the CDCs were additionally activated by CO 2 treatment method, resulting in nearly two-fold increase in specific surface area. The results of X-ray diffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy showed that the synthesized CDC materials are mainly amorphous, however containing small graphitic crystallites. The low-temperature N 2 sorption experiments were performed and the specific micropore surface areas from 1100 m 2 g −1 up to 2270 m 2 g −1 were obtained, depending on the extent of CO 2 activation. The energy and power density characteristics of the supercapacitors based on 1 M (C 2 H 5 ) 3 CH 3 NBF 4 solution in acetonitrile and SiC-CDC as an electrode material were investigated using the cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, galvanostatic charge/discharge and constant power discharge methods. The electrochemical data indicated two-times increase in specific capacitance. Most importantly, the activation of SiC-CDC with CO 2 significantly increases the performance (energy density, power density, etc.) of the supercapacitors especially at higher potential scan rates and at higher power loads

  16. Portando uma aplicação de sistema embarcado com arquitetura super Loop para operar com sistema operacional em tempo real

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edielson Prevato Frigieri


    Full Text Available Atualmente, a utilização dos sistemas operacionais, principalmente os sistemas de tempo real (RTOS, tem sido de grande importância no desenvolvimento de sistemas embarcados. Cada vez mais, diferentes e variadas funcionalidades são requisitos dos projetos de sistemas embarcados, como interfaces de comunicação com e sem fio, interfaces com o usuário através de displays, interfaces de acesso de dado como USB, serial, etc. Com o aumento da complexidade, fica extremamente difícil construir um sistema que seja estável e que atenda aos requisitos de tempo a partir de estruturas de programas comuns como o Super Loop. A fim de demonstrar os problemas inerentes deste tipo de arquitetura, foi desenvolvida uma aplicação utilizando o Super Loop e a mesma foi portada para uma solução baseada em RTOS demonstrando os principais conceitos que envolvem um sistema operacional, como utilizá-lo, e os benefícios obtidos com a sua utilização, como estabilidade do sistema, sincronização entre tarefas e cumprimento dos requisitos de tempo. Palavras-chave: Sistemas operacionais de tempo real. Sistemas embarcados. Escalonamento.Porting an embedded system application with super loop architecture to operate with real-time operating systemCurrently, the use of operating systems, especially real-time systems (RTOS, has been of great importance in the development of embedded systems. Increasingly, different and varied features are requirements for embedded system projects, as wired and wireless communication interfaces; user interfaces through displays; data access interfaces such as USB, serial, etc. With the increase in complexity, it becomes extremely difficult to build a system that is stable and that meets the time requirements from common program structures like Super Loop. In order to demonstrate the inherent problems of this type of architecture, an application was developed using Super Loop and it was ported to a solution based on RTOS

  17. CDC staging based on absolute CD4 count and CD4 percentage in an HIV-1-infected Indian population: treatment implications (United States)

    Vajpayee, M; Kaushik, S; Sreenivas, V; Wig, N; Seth, P


    CD4+ T-cell levels are an important criterion for categorizing HIV-related clinical conditions according to the CDC classification system and are therefore important in the management of HIV by initiating antiretroviral therapy and prophylaxis for opportunistic infections due to HIV among HIV-infected individuals. However, it has been observed that the CD4 counts are affected by the geographical location, race, ethnic origin, age, gender and changes in total and differential leucocyte counts. In the light of this knowledge, we classified 600 HIV seropositive antiretroviral treatment (ART)-naïve Indian individuals belonging to different CDC groups A, B and C on the basis of CDC criteria of both CD4% and CD4 counts and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were generated. Importantly, CDC staging on the basis of CD4% indicated significant clinical implications, requiring an early implementation of effective antiretroviral treatment regimen in HIV-infected individuals deprived of treatment when classified on the basis of CD4 counts. PMID:16045738

  18. CDC Vital Signs-ADHD in Young Children: What You Should Know

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast is based on the May 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. For children ages two to five who have ADHD, behavior therapy is recommended before prescribing medicine. This therapy teaches parents ways to improve their child’s behavior and can work as well as medicine, without the risk of side effects.


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    Mauricio Castillo Effen


    Full Text Available En este artículo se introduce el campo de la mecatrónica, su importancia y relación con los sistemas embebidos, procediendo luego a mostrar algunos retos que representa la tarea de modelar y simular sistemas mecatrónicos. Se presentan también algunos paradigmas de modelación y simulación de sistemas de éste tipo así como alternativas prácticas de cómo encarar los retos mencionados.

  20. The signaling pathway of Campylobacter jejuni-induced Cdc42 activation: Role of fibronectin, integrin beta1, tyrosine kinases and guanine exchange factor Vav2

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Krause-Gruszczynska, Malgorzata


    Abstract Background Host cell invasion by the foodborne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni is considered as one of the primary reasons of gut tissue damage, however, mechanisms and key factors involved in this process are widely unclear. It was reported that small Rho GTPases, including Cdc42, are activated and play a role during invasion, but the involved signaling cascades remained unknown. Here we utilised knockout cell lines derived from fibronectin-\\/-, integrin-beta1-\\/-, focal adhesion kinase (FAK)-\\/- and Src\\/Yes\\/Fyn-\\/- deficient mice, and wild-type control cells, to investigate C. jejuni-induced mechanisms leading to Cdc42 activation and bacterial uptake. Results Using high-resolution scanning electron microscopy, GTPase pulldowns, G-Lisa and gentamicin protection assays we found that each studied host factor is necessary for induction of Cdc42-GTP and efficient invasion. Interestingly, filopodia formation and associated membrane dynamics linked to invasion were only seen during infection of wild-type but not in knockout cells. Infection of cells stably expressing integrin-beta1 variants with well-known defects in fibronectin fibril formation or FAK signaling also exhibited severe deficiencies in Cdc42 activation and bacterial invasion. We further demonstrated that infection of wild-type cells induces increasing amounts of phosphorylated FAK and growth factor receptors (EGFR and PDGFR) during the course of infection, correlating with accumulating Cdc42-GTP levels and C. jejuni invasion over time. In studies using pharmacological inhibitors, silencing RNA (siRNA) and dominant-negative expression constructs, EGFR, PDGFR and PI3-kinase appeared to represent other crucial components upstream of Cdc42 and invasion. siRNA and the use of Vav1\\/2-\\/- knockout cells further showed that the guanine exchange factor Vav2 is required for Cdc42 activation and maximal bacterial invasion. Overexpression of certain mutant constructs indicated that Vav2 is a linker

  1. RIT1 controls actin dynamics via complex formation with RAC1/CDC42 and PAK1.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Uta Meyer Zum Büschenfelde


    Full Text Available RIT1 belongs to the RAS family of small GTPases. Germline and somatic RIT1 mutations have been identified in Noonan syndrome (NS and cancer, respectively. By using heterologous expression systems and purified recombinant proteins, we identified the p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1 as novel direct effector of RIT1. We found RIT1 also to directly interact with the RHO GTPases CDC42 and RAC1, both of which are crucial regulators of actin dynamics upstream of PAK1. These interactions are independent of the guanine nucleotide bound to RIT1. Disease-causing RIT1 mutations enhance protein-protein interaction between RIT1 and PAK1, CDC42 or RAC1 and uncouple complex formation from serum and growth factors. We show that the RIT1-PAK1 complex regulates cytoskeletal rearrangements as expression of wild-type RIT1 and its mutant forms resulted in dissolution of stress fibers and reduction of mature paxillin-containing focal adhesions in COS7 cells. This effect was prevented by co-expression of RIT1 with dominant-negative CDC42 or RAC1 and kinase-dead PAK1. By using a transwell migration assay, we show that RIT1 wildtype and the disease-associated variants enhance cell motility. Our work demonstrates a new function for RIT1 in controlling actin dynamics via acting in a signaling module containing PAK1 and RAC1/CDC42, and highlights defects in cell adhesion and migration as possible disease mechanism underlying NS.

  2. RIT1 controls actin dynamics via complex formation with RAC1/CDC42 and PAK1. (United States)

    Meyer Zum Büschenfelde, Uta; Brandenstein, Laura Isabel; von Elsner, Leonie; Flato, Kristina; Holling, Tess; Zenker, Martin; Rosenberger, Georg; Kutsche, Kerstin


    RIT1 belongs to the RAS family of small GTPases. Germline and somatic RIT1 mutations have been identified in Noonan syndrome (NS) and cancer, respectively. By using heterologous expression systems and purified recombinant proteins, we identified the p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1) as novel direct effector of RIT1. We found RIT1 also to directly interact with the RHO GTPases CDC42 and RAC1, both of which are crucial regulators of actin dynamics upstream of PAK1. These interactions are independent of the guanine nucleotide bound to RIT1. Disease-causing RIT1 mutations enhance protein-protein interaction between RIT1 and PAK1, CDC42 or RAC1 and uncouple complex formation from serum and growth factors. We show that the RIT1-PAK1 complex regulates cytoskeletal rearrangements as expression of wild-type RIT1 and its mutant forms resulted in dissolution of stress fibers and reduction of mature paxillin-containing focal adhesions in COS7 cells. This effect was prevented by co-expression of RIT1 with dominant-negative CDC42 or RAC1 and kinase-dead PAK1. By using a transwell migration assay, we show that RIT1 wildtype and the disease-associated variants enhance cell motility. Our work demonstrates a new function for RIT1 in controlling actin dynamics via acting in a signaling module containing PAK1 and RAC1/CDC42, and highlights defects in cell adhesion and migration as possible disease mechanism underlying NS.

  3. PUBG; purex solvent extraction process model. [IBM3033; CDC CYBER175; FORTRAN IV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Geldard, J.F.; Beyerlein, A.L.

    PUBG is a chemical model of the Purex solvent extraction system, by which plutonium and uranium are recovered from spent nuclear fuel rods. The system comprises a number of mixer-settler banks. This discrete stage structure is the basis of the algorithms used in PUBG. The stages are connected to provide for countercurrent flow of the aqueous and organic phases. PUBG uses the common convention that has the aqueous phase enter at the lowest numbered stage and exit at the highest one; the organic phase flows oppositely. The volumes of the mixers are smaller than those of the settlers. The mixers generate a fine dispersion of one phase in the other. The high interfacial area is intended to provide for rapid mass transfer of the plutonium and uranium from one phase to the other. The separation of this dispersion back into the two phases occurs in the settlers. The species considered by PUBG are Hydrogen (1+), Plutonium (4+), Uranyl Oxide (2+), Plutonium (3+), Nitrate Anion, and reductant in the aqueous phase and Hydrogen (1+), Uranyl Oxide (2+), Plutonium (4+), and TBP (tri-n-butylphosphate) in the organic phase. The reductant used in the Purex process is either Uranium (4+) or HAN (hydroxylamine nitrate).IBM3033;CDC CYBER175; FORTRAN IV; OS/MVS or OS/MVT (IBM3033), NOS 1.3 (CDC CYBER175); The IBM3033 version requires 150K bytes of memory for execution; 62,000 (octal) words are required by the CDC CYBER175 version..

  4. The role of cDC1s in vivo: CD8 T cell priming through cross-presentation [version 1; referees: 3 approved

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Derek Theisen


    Full Text Available The cDC1 subset of classical dendritic cells is specialized for priming CD8 T cell responses through the process of cross-presentation. The molecular mechanisms of cross-presentation remain incompletely understood because of limited biochemical analysis of rare cDC1 cells, difficulty in their genetic manipulation, and reliance on in vitro systems based on monocyte- and bone-marrow-derived dendritic cells. This review will discuss cross-presentation from the perspective of studies with monocyte- or bone-marrow-derived dendritic cells while highlighting the need for future work examining cDC1 cells. We then discuss the role of cDC1s as a cellular platform to combine antigen processing for class I and class II MHC presentation to allow the integration of “help” from CD4 T cells during priming of CD8 T cell responses.

  5. CDC: Tips from Former Smokers – Tiffany PSA (:60)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    When Tiffany was 16, her mother—a cigarette smoker—died of lung cancer. Tiffany quit smoking at 34 because she wanted to be around for her own daughter, who had just turned 16. In this 60 second PSA from CDC's Tips From Former Smokers campaign, Tiffany offers tips on how to quit.

  6. sistemas de producción tipo kanban: Descripción, componentes, diseño del sistema, y bibliografía relacionada

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    Oscar Javier Parra Ortega


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objeto de estudio, los sistemas de producción tipo ensamble (tree structure tipo Kanban, mono-producto, con tiempos de procesamiento aleatorios para las estaciones que lo conforman, y con capacidad limitada de producción para cada estación. Adicionalmente, se restringe el análisis de dichos sistemas, para horizontes finitos de producción. Después de una descripción del mecanismo de operación de un sistema Kanban simple, de los elementos que los componen, y del estado del arte en sistemas de producción tipo Kanban, se propone e implementa un modelo heurístico para determinar el número de kanbans, minimizando el costo promedio del inventario en proceso.

  7. Sistemas Silvipastoris Silvipastoral Systems

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    Fernando Salgado Bernardino


    Full Text Available

    Apesar das pesquisas com sistemas silvipastoris terem sido iniciadas no final da década de 1970, as informações geradas até hoje não são em grande número. As vantagens advindas de um sistema silvipastoril são inúmeras e devidamente reconhecidas. Pelo fato de ser uma técnica de uso da terra capaz de recuperar ecossistemas alterados pelo mau manejo, estes sistemas, pela integração de atividades agrícolas, pecuárias e silviculturais, passam a representar uma tecnologia que confere maior sustentabilidade que os sistemas tradicionais, nos quais os monocultivos são predominantes. Nos últimos anos, instituições de ensino, pesquisa e extensão do País têm se voltado para o desenvolvimento de tais sistemas. O governo de Minas Gerais, por meio de sua Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura e de órgãos vinculados, vem promovendo a condução de modelos agrossilvipastoris num processo integrado de ocupação do solo, denominado lavoura-pecuária-silvicultura. Apesar dos grandes avanços no conhecimento de culturas anuais e dos componentes arbóreos, principalmente o eucalipto, e de gramíneas forrageiras tolerantes à diminuição da intensidade luminosa, ainda é necessário se comnhecer melhor o manejo do sub-bosque sob os efeitos do pastejo.


    doi: 10.4336/2009.pfb.60.77

    Although researches related to silvopastoral systems have been initiated many years ago in Brazil, there are few informations generated until now. The advantages from a silvopastoral system are inumerous and well recognized. By the fact of being a technique of land using capable of recovering several disturbed ecosystems, the silvopastoral systems by the integration of agricultural, cattle, and silvicultural activities represent a technology that can achieve higher sustainability than the traditional systems as the monocultures. Today, research centers in Brazil dedicate great attention to agrossilvopastoral systems. The government of Minas Gerais

  8. Anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome protein Cdc27 is a target for curcumin-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Seung Joon; Langhans, Sigrid A


    Curcumin (diferuloylmethane), the yellow pigment in the Asian spice turmeric, is a hydrophobic polyphenol from the rhizome of Curcuma longa. Because of its chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic potential with no discernable side effects, it has become one of the major natural agents being developed for cancer therapy. Accumulating evidence suggests that curcumin induces cell death through activation of apoptotic pathways and inhibition of cell growth and proliferation. The mitotic checkpoint, or spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), is the major cell cycle control mechanism to delay the onset of anaphase during mitosis. One of the key regulators of the SAC is the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) which ubiquitinates cyclin B and securin and targets them for proteolysis. Because APC/C not only ensures cell cycle arrest upon spindle disruption but also promotes cell death in response to prolonged mitotic arrest, it has become an attractive drug target in cancer therapy. Cell cycle profiles were determined in control and curcumin-treated medulloblastoma and various other cancer cell lines. Pull-down assays were used to confirm curcumin binding. APC/C activity was determined using an in vitro APC activity assay. We identified Cdc27/APC3, a component of the APC/C, as a novel molecular target of curcumin and showed that curcumin binds to and crosslinks Cdc27 to affect APC/C function. We further provide evidence that curcumin preferably induces apoptosis in cells expressing phosphorylated Cdc27 usually found in highly proliferating cells. We report that curcumin directly targets the SAC to induce apoptosis preferably in cells with high levels of phosphorylated Cdc27. Our studies provide a possible molecular mechanism why curcumin induces apoptosis preferentially in cancer cells and suggest that phosphorylation of Cdc27 could be used as a biomarker to predict the therapeutic response of cancer cells to curcumin

  9. Anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome protein Cdc27 is a target for curcumin-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lee Seung Joon


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Curcumin (diferuloylmethane, the yellow pigment in the Asian spice turmeric, is a hydrophobic polyphenol from the rhizome of Curcuma longa. Because of its chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic potential with no discernable side effects, it has become one of the major natural agents being developed for cancer therapy. Accumulating evidence suggests that curcumin induces cell death through activation of apoptotic pathways and inhibition of cell growth and proliferation. The mitotic checkpoint, or spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC, is the major cell cycle control mechanism to delay the onset of anaphase during mitosis. One of the key regulators of the SAC is the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C which ubiquitinates cyclin B and securin and targets them for proteolysis. Because APC/C not only ensures cell cycle arrest upon spindle disruption but also promotes cell death in response to prolonged mitotic arrest, it has become an attractive drug target in cancer therapy. Methods Cell cycle profiles were determined in control and curcumin-treated medulloblastoma and various other cancer cell lines. Pull-down assays were used to confirm curcumin binding. APC/C activity was determined using an in vitro APC activity assay. Results We identified Cdc27/APC3, a component of the APC/C, as a novel molecular target of curcumin and showed that curcumin binds to and crosslinks Cdc27 to affect APC/C function. We further provide evidence that curcumin preferably induces apoptosis in cells expressing phosphorylated Cdc27 usually found in highly proliferating cells. Conclusions We report that curcumin directly targets the SAC to induce apoptosis preferably in cells with high levels of phosphorylated Cdc27. Our studies provide a possible molecular mechanism why curcumin induces apoptosis preferentially in cancer cells and suggest that phosphorylation of Cdc27 could be used as a biomarker to predict the therapeutic response of cancer cells to

  10. Anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome protein Cdc27 is a target for curcumin-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis (United States)


    Background Curcumin (diferuloylmethane), the yellow pigment in the Asian spice turmeric, is a hydrophobic polyphenol from the rhizome of Curcuma longa. Because of its chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic potential with no discernable side effects, it has become one of the major natural agents being developed for cancer therapy. Accumulating evidence suggests that curcumin induces cell death through activation of apoptotic pathways and inhibition of cell growth and proliferation. The mitotic checkpoint, or spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), is the major cell cycle control mechanism to delay the onset of anaphase during mitosis. One of the key regulators of the SAC is the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) which ubiquitinates cyclin B and securin and targets them for proteolysis. Because APC/C not only ensures cell cycle arrest upon spindle disruption but also promotes cell death in response to prolonged mitotic arrest, it has become an attractive drug target in cancer therapy. Methods Cell cycle profiles were determined in control and curcumin-treated medulloblastoma and various other cancer cell lines. Pull-down assays were used to confirm curcumin binding. APC/C activity was determined using an in vitro APC activity assay. Results We identified Cdc27/APC3, a component of the APC/C, as a novel molecular target of curcumin and showed that curcumin binds to and crosslinks Cdc27 to affect APC/C function. We further provide evidence that curcumin preferably induces apoptosis in cells expressing phosphorylated Cdc27 usually found in highly proliferating cells. Conclusions We report that curcumin directly targets the SAC to induce apoptosis preferably in cells with high levels of phosphorylated Cdc27. Our studies provide a possible molecular mechanism why curcumin induces apoptosis preferentially in cancer cells and suggest that phosphorylation of Cdc27 could be used as a biomarker to predict the therapeutic response of cancer cells to curcumin. PMID:22280307

  11. Chk1 regulates the S phase checkpoint by coupling the physiological turnover and ionizing radiation-induced accelerated proteolysis of Cdc25A

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Claus Storgaard; Syljuåsen, Randi G; Falck, Jacob


    Chk1 kinase coordinates cell cycle progression and preserves genome integrity. Here, we show that chemical or genetic ablation of human Chk1 triggered supraphysiological accumulation of the S phase-promoting Cdc25A phosphatase, prevented ionizing radiation (IR)-induced degradation of Cdc25A...

  12. Contexto General de los Sistemas Agrarios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vélez Escobar Norberto


    Full Text Available Esta ponencia introdujo y delimitó el campo de trabajo para el panel: Formas o Sistemas de Producción Agraria. En ella se presentó y discutió la definición del concepto de FORMA DE PRODUCCION e igualmente planteó la taxonomía más general o "agrupamientos" de los sistemas de producción agraria en Colombia. Se identificaron cinco grupos de formas, en proceso de estructuración, empresariales, campesinas, de economía natural y experimentales; y a continuación se caracterizó y explicó cada uno de los cinco agrupamientos. La ponencia terminó sustentando la validez del trabajo académico basado en el enfoque de sistemas y presentó la evolución reciente de esta forma de trabajo en la Universidad Nacional, Seccional Medellín.

  13. CDC Vital Signs-Zika and Pregnancy: What You Should Know

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the April 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. A pregnant woman who is infected with Zika virus can pass it to her fetus which is linked to microcephaly, a serious birth defect. This podcast discusses how to protect yourself from Zika virus.  Created: 4/1/2016 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 4/1/2016.

  14. CDC Vital Signs–Dental Sealants Prevent Cavities

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the October 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. Dental sealants, applied soon after a child's permanent molars come in, can protect against cavities for up to nine years. Applying sealants in schools for low-income children could save millions in dental treatment costs.  Created: 10/18/2016 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 10/18/2016.

  15. Nuevos sistemas de frecuencia intermedia para el IAR (United States)

    Olalde, J. C.; Perilli, D.; Larrarte, J. J.

    Se presenta el diagrama en bloques de los nuevos sistemas de Frecuencia Intermedia para los dos radiómetros instalados en el IAR. Entre las características más importantes del sistema podemos mencionar la posibilidad de conectar cualquiera de las dos antenas a los ``backend" disponibles: analizador espectral de alta resolución (META II) de 0,05 Hz, autocorrelador de 1008 canales y contínuo. Se incorporan al sistema nuevos sintetizadores de frecuencia implementados con PLL y la moderna técnica de síntesis digital directa. Por último, el conjunto del sistema es susceptible de ser configurado por las computadoras de adquisición de datos, supervisadas por otra, que entrega el estado de funcionamiento actual y evita la selección de configuraciones incorrectas por parte del usuario.

  16. Sistemas multi–modales de profundidad restringida Multi-modal systems of restricted depth


    Manuel Sierra A.


    Se presentan como extensiones del cálculo proposicional clásico, la jerarquíade sistemas deductivos SMM–n con n > 1. SMM–n es el sistema multi–modalde profundidad–n. El sistema SMM–1 es el cálculo proposicional clásico. Elsistema SMM–(n + 1) puede ser visto como el resultado de aplicar la regla denecesariedad, asociada a los razonadores con suficiente capacidad de razona-miento, una vez a los teoremas del sistema SMM–n. El sistema SMM resultade la reunión de los sistemas de la jerarquía, y pu...

  17. Elementos del sistema electoral del Congreso Mexicano

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    Aldo Medina García


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es un estudio de los componentes del sistema electoral, diseñado por el legislador mexicano para integrar al parlamento federal. Estudio desarrollado a sabiendas de la importancia que reviste el sistema electoral como un medio que permite a los ciudadanos convertir su voto expresado en las urnas en escaños a favor de determinado candidato o partido. En dicho análisis tomamos en cuenta la evolución constitucional del sistema electoral mexicano, la participación de las fuerzas minoritarias en la integración del Senado y de la Cámara de Diputados, la división que se hace del territorio en circunscripciones electorales, la barrera electoral que se fija a los partidos políticos para acceder a la representación en el Parlamento, la fórmula de asignación que se aplica a la votación obtenida, para finalmente concluir que el sistema electoral mexicano es esencialmente mayoritario aun cuando se vista de proporcional.

  18. Sistemas de tiempo real en situaciones de sobrecarga


    Pérez Almansa, Jordi


    En el proyecto presentado en esta memoria se estudia el análisis de sistemas de tiempo real en los que se debe verificar el cumplimiento de ciertos requerimientos temporales, principalmente referidos a plazos máximos de ejecución. El análisis de estos requerimientos se basa en el estudio de la Calidad de Control del sistema, es decir, observar como responde el sistema cuando tiene situaciones de sobrecarga. El análisis y diseño en tiempo real se trata de una tarea compleja, que requiere la...

  19. Estrogen and Resveratrol Regulate Rac and Cdc42 Signaling to the Actin Cytoskeleton of Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells

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    Nicolas G. Azios


    Full Text Available Estrogen and structurally related molecules play critical roles in breast cancer. We reported that resveratrol (50 µM, an estrogen-like phytosterol from grapes, acts in an antiestrogenic manner in breast cancer cells to reduce cell migration and to induce a global and sustained extension of actin structures called filopodia. Herein, we report that resveratrol-induced filopodia formation is time-dependent and concentration-dependent. In contrast to resveratrol at 50 µM, resveratrol at 5 µM acts in a manner similar to estrogen by increasing lamellipodia, as well as cell migration and invasion. Because Rho GTPases regulate the extension of actin structures, we investigated a role for Rac and Cdc42 in estrogen and resveratrol signaling. Our results demonstrate that 50 µM resveratrol decreases Rac and Cdc42 activity, whereas estrogen and 5 µM resveratrol increase Rac activity in breast cancer cells. MDA-MB-231 cells expressing dominant-negative Cdc42 or dominantnegative Rac retain filopodia response to 50 µM resveratrol. Lamellipodia response to 5 µM resveratrol, estrogen, or epidermal growth factor is inhibited in cells expressing dominant-negative Rac, indicating that Rac regulates estrogen and resveratrol (5 µM signaling to the actin cytoskeleton. These results indicate that signaling to the actin cytoskeleton by low and high concentrations of resveratrol may be differentially regulated by Rac and Cdc42.

  20. CDC Vital Signs-E-cigarette Ads and Youth

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the January 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. Most electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, contain nicotine, which is highly addictive and may harm brain development. More than 18 million middle and high school students were exposed to e-cigarette ads. Exposure to these ads may be contributing to an increase in e-cigarette use among youth. Learn what can be done to keep our youth safe and healthy.  Created: 1/5/2016 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 1/5/2016.

  1. CDC Vital Signs-Daily Pill Can Prevent HIV

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the November 24, 2015 CDC Vital Signs report. Preexposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is a daily medicine that can be used to prevent getting HIV. PrEP is for people who don’t have HIV but who are at very high risk for getting it from sex or injection drug use. Unfortunately, many people who can benefit from PrEP aren’t taking it.  Created: 11/24/2015 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP).   Date Released: 11/24/2015.

  2. A hard lesson for Europeans: the ASEAN CDC. (United States)

    Tibayrenc, Michel


    Despite the growing threat of major pandemics, the European Union is planning no more than a meager surveillance agency staffed with 70 people on the 2007 horizon: the new European Centre for Disease Control. I argue that an effective structure should be much larger and include a strong research activity. Asian countries, inspired by the US CDC, are now taking this concept in hand and creating an ASEAN Center For Disease Control, with sophisticated laboratory facilities to be included. This is a tough lesson for us Europeans, and our avarice in this domain could have tragic consequences in the future.


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    Full Text Available Muchas de las empresas modernas entendieron que sus antiguas unidades de sistemas ya no son funcionales, y comienzan a subdividirlas en dos grupos de trabajo diferenciadores: el encargado de la infraestructura y el de los denominados “arquitectos de Sistemas”. Esta decisión lógica la inspira la actual evolución de la Ingeniería de Sistemas que, como área de conocimiento, genera los mismos subgrupos como agentes para formación. Además, la evolución y complejidad de lossistemas de información en medio de la sociedad del conocimiento, con exigencias y expectativas muy complejas, también determinan la necesidad de esta especialización. En este documento, una traducción casi literal de un white paper que publicó la empresa Quidnunc consultado en abril del año 2000- especializada en gestión de configuración, se detalla la importancia de esta división y las pautas a seguir a la hora de diseñar la arquitectura de sistemas de una empresa

  4. Sistemas de control en estructuras

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    José Luis Ahumada Villafañe


    Full Text Available En el diseño estructural, la capacidad de disipación de energía en elementos que conforman los sistemas resistentes a fuerzas dinámicas, como las impartidas por la actividad sísmica y eólica, es suministrada por un minucioso detallado del acero de refuerzo y dimensiones en las secciones transversales de los elementos. Esta práctica es realizada bajo muchas suposiciones que en algunas ocasiones no corresponden a la realidad, y como es de esperarse, producen resultados inexactos y un desconocimiento del desempeño de la estructura. Por lo anterior es riesgoso confiar el 100% de la capacidad estructural a los elementos sobre todo cuando conforman sistemas estructurales diseñados en zonas de amenaza sísmica alta. En este artículo se presentan los sistemas de control, los cuales son una serie de dispositivos adaptados a las estructuras que absorben gran parte de la energía sísmica y liberan los elementos estructurales en gran porcentaje de la acción sísmica, logrando disminuir en ellas las solicitaciones (fuerzas internas y las respuestas (derivas con el objetivo de conseguir un buen desempeño, limitar el daño y abaratar los costos de reparación de fallas localizadas. Los sistemas de control que se analizarán en el presente artículo se dividen en control pasivo, control activo, control semiactivo y control híbrido.

  5. Involvement of the Cdc42 pathway in CFTR post-translational turnover and in its plasma membrane stability in airway epithelial cells.

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    Romain Ferru-Clément

    Full Text Available Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR is a chloride channel that is expressed on the apical plasma membrane (PM of epithelial cells. The most common deleterious allele encodes a trafficking-defective mutant protein undergoing endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD and presenting lower PM stability. In this study, we investigated the involvement of the Cdc42 pathway in CFTR turnover and trafficking in a human bronchiolar epithelial cell line (CFBE41o- expressing wild-type CFTR. Cdc42 is a small GTPase of the Rho family that fulfils numerous cell functions, one of which is endocytosis and recycling process via actin cytoskeleton remodelling. When we treated cells with chemical inhibitors such as ML141 against Cdc42 and wiskostatin against the downstream effector N-WASP, we observed that CFTR channel activity was inhibited, in correlation with a decrease in CFTR amount at the cell surface and an increase in dynamin-dependent CFTR endocytosis. Anchoring of CFTR to the cortical cytoskeleton was then presumably impaired by actin disorganization. When we performed siRNA-mediated depletion of Cdc42, actin polymerization was not impacted, but we observed actin-independent consequences upon CFTR. Total and PM CFTR amounts were increased, resulting in greater activation of CFTR. Pulse-chase experiments showed that while CFTR degradation was slowed, CFTR maturation through the Golgi apparatus remained unaffected. In addition, we observed increased stability of CFTR in PM and reduction of its endocytosis. This study highlights the involvement of the Cdc42 pathway at several levels of CFTR biogenesis and trafficking: (i Cdc42 is implicated in the first steps of CFTR biosynthesis and processing; (ii it contributes to the stability of CFTR in PM via its anchoring to cortical actin; (iii it promotes CFTR endocytosis and presumably its sorting toward lysosomal degradation.

  6. The human ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Cdc34 controls cellular proliferation through regulation of p27Kip1 protein levels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Butz, Nicole; Ruetz, Stephan; Natt, Francois; Hall, Jonathan; Weiler, Jan; Mestan, Juergen; Ducarre, Monique; Grossenbacher, Rita; Hauser, Patrick; Kempf, Dominique; Hofmann, Francesco


    Ubiquitin-mediated degradation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 Kip1 was shown to be required for the activation of key cyclin-dependent kinases, thereby triggering the onset of DNA replication and cell cycle progression. Although the SCF Skp2 ubiquitin ligase has been reported to mediate p27 Kip1 degradation, the nature of the human ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme involved in this process has not yet been determined at the cellular level. Here, we show that antisense oligonucleotides targeting the human ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Cdc34 downregulate its expression, inhibit the degradation of p27 Kip1 , and prevent cellular proliferation. Elevation of p27 Kip1 protein level is found to be the sole requirement for the inhibition of cellular proliferation induced upon downregulation of Cdc34. Indeed, reducing the expression of p27 Kip1 with a specific antisense oligonucleotide is sufficient to reverse the anti-proliferative phenotype elicited by the Cdc34 antisense. Furthermore, downregulation of Cdc34 is found to specifically increase the abundance of the SCF Skp2 ubiquitin ligase substrate p27 Kip1 , but has no concomitant effect on the level of IkBα and β-catenin, which are known substrates of a closely related SCF ligase

  7. Waist Circumferences of Chilean Students: Comparison of the CDC-2012 Standard and Proposed Percentile Curves

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    Rossana Gómez-Campos


    Full Text Available The measurement of waist circumference (WC is considered to be an important means to control overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. The objectives of the study were to (a compare the WC measurements of Chilean students with the international CDC-2012 standard and other international standards, and (b propose a specific measurement value for the WC of Chilean students based on age and sex. A total of 3892 students (6 to 18 years old were assessed. Weight, height, body mass index (BMI, and WC were measured. WC was compared with the CDC-2012 international standard. Percentiles were constructed based on the LMS method. Chilean males had a greater WC during infancy. Subsequently, in late adolescence, males showed values lower than those of the international standards. Chilean females demonstrated values similar to the standards until the age of 12. Subsequently, females showed lower values. The 85th and 95th percentiles were adopted as cutoff points for evaluating overweight and obesity based on age and sex. The WC of Chilean students differs from the CDC-2012 curves. The regional norms proposed are a means to identify children and adolescents with a high risk of suffering from overweight and obesity disorders.

  8. Waist Circumferences of Chilean Students: Comparison of the CDC-2012 Standard and Proposed Percentile Curves (United States)

    Gómez-Campos, Rossana; Lee Andruske, Cinthya; Hespanhol, Jefferson; Sulla Torres, Jose; Arruda, Miguel; Luarte-Rocha, Cristian; Cossio-Bolaños, Marco Antonio


    The measurement of waist circumference (WC) is considered to be an important means to control overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. The objectives of the study were to (a) compare the WC measurements of Chilean students with the international CDC-2012 standard and other international standards, and (b) propose a specific measurement value for the WC of Chilean students based on age and sex. A total of 3892 students (6 to 18 years old) were assessed. Weight, height, body mass index (BMI), and WC were measured. WC was compared with the CDC-2012 international standard. Percentiles were constructed based on the LMS method. Chilean males had a greater WC during infancy. Subsequently, in late adolescence, males showed values lower than those of the international standards. Chilean females demonstrated values similar to the standards until the age of 12. Subsequently, females showed lower values. The 85th and 95th percentiles were adopted as cutoff points for evaluating overweight and obesity based on age and sex. The WC of Chilean students differs from the CDC-2012 curves. The regional norms proposed are a means to identify children and adolescents with a high risk of suffering from overweight and obesity disorders. PMID:26184250

  9. Uma investigação sobre os co-movimentos na volatilidade dos par bonds latino-americanos

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    Igor A.C. de Morais


    Full Text Available Este artigo procura aplicar o método de quase-máxima verossimilhança para estimar a volatilidade estocástica multivariada não-estacionária dos preços de compra dos par bonds de quatro países latino-americanos - México, Brasil, Argentina e Venezuela - no período de 9-8-1994 a 15-9-1999. O objetivo é analisar possíveis movimentos comuns nestas variâncias. Os testes feitos revelam que a volatilidade nos modelos univariados não apresentam inclinação, mas possuem alta persistência. A formulação multivariada relaciona bem os dados, obtendo estimativas consistentes e revelando a existência de um comportamento ao longo do tempo similar entre as volatilidades das quatro séries.This paper uses a quasi-maximum likelihood procedure to estimate the non-stationary stochastic volatility for the par bonds of four Latin American countries: Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Venezuela. The aim is to investigate the possible presence of co-movements in volatility across countries. The estimation period goes from August 1994 to September 1999, including, therefore, the Asian and Russian crises. The estimated volatility for the univariate model does not show any slope and is highly persistent. The multivariate model gives a good fit to the data and shows that there is common movement.

  10. The signaling pathway of Campylobacter jejuni-induced Cdc42 activation: Role of fibronectin, integrin beta1, tyrosine kinases and guanine exchange factor Vav2

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    Krause-Gruszczynska Malgorzata


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Host cell invasion by the foodborne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni is considered as one of the primary reasons of gut tissue damage, however, mechanisms and key factors involved in this process are widely unclear. It was reported that small Rho GTPases, including Cdc42, are activated and play a role during invasion, but the involved signaling cascades remained unknown. Here we utilised knockout cell lines derived from fibronectin-/-, integrin-beta1-/-, focal adhesion kinase (FAK-/- and Src/Yes/Fyn-/- deficient mice, and wild-type control cells, to investigate C. jejuni-induced mechanisms leading to Cdc42 activation and bacterial uptake. Results Using high-resolution scanning electron microscopy, GTPase pulldowns, G-Lisa and gentamicin protection assays we found that each studied host factor is necessary for induction of Cdc42-GTP and efficient invasion. Interestingly, filopodia formation and associated membrane dynamics linked to invasion were only seen during infection of wild-type but not in knockout cells. Infection of cells stably expressing integrin-beta1 variants with well-known defects in fibronectin fibril formation or FAK signaling also exhibited severe deficiencies in Cdc42 activation and bacterial invasion. We further demonstrated that infection of wild-type cells induces increasing amounts of phosphorylated FAK and growth factor receptors (EGFR and PDGFR during the course of infection, correlating with accumulating Cdc42-GTP levels and C. jejuni invasion over time. In studies using pharmacological inhibitors, silencing RNA (siRNA and dominant-negative expression constructs, EGFR, PDGFR and PI3-kinase appeared to represent other crucial components upstream of Cdc42 and invasion. siRNA and the use of Vav1/2-/- knockout cells further showed that the guanine exchange factor Vav2 is required for Cdc42 activation and maximal bacterial invasion. Overexpression of certain mutant constructs indicated that Vav2 is a linker

  11. Evaluación y Medida de Sistemas de Aprendizaje en Ambientes Colaborativos


    Vega Rodríguez, Pamela M.; Aguilar Carranza, Kathia M.; Paredes Velasco, Maximiliano


    La evaluación del sistema de aprendizaje se realiza en base a ciertos criterios y variables que permiten cuantificar, obtener resultados y determinar ventajas y desventajas frente a otro sistema. La evaluación permite verificar que un sistema colaborativo de aprendizaje cumple con los objetivos deseados. En este informe se presenta una revisión de estudios sobre los sistemas de aprendizaje colaborativo y posteriormente una propuesta de evaluación. Lenguajes y Sistemas Inform...

  12. The Gcn2 Regulator Yih1 Interacts with the Cyclin Dependent Kinase Cdc28 and Promotes Cell Cycle Progression through G2/M in Budding Yeast.

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    Richard C Silva

    Full Text Available The Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein Yih1, when overexpressed, inhibits the eIF2 alpha kinase Gcn2 by competing for Gcn1 binding. However, deletion of YIH1 has no detectable effect on Gcn2 activity, suggesting that Yih1 is not a general inhibitor of Gcn2, and has no phenotypic defect identified so far. Thus, its physiological role is largely unknown. Here, we show that Yih1 is involved in the cell cycle. Yeast lacking Yih1 displays morphological patterns and DNA content indicative of a delay in the G2/M phases of the cell cycle, and this phenotype is independent of Gcn1 and Gcn2. Accordingly, the levels of phosphorylated eIF2α, which show a cell cycle-dependent fluctuation, are not altered in cells devoid of Yih1. We present several lines of evidence indicating that Yih1 is in a complex with Cdc28. Yih1 pulls down endogenous Cdc28 in vivo and this interaction is enhanced when Cdc28 is active, suggesting that Yih1 modulates the function of Cdc28 in specific stages of the cell cycle. We also demonstrate, by Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation, that endogenous Yih1 and Cdc28 interact with each other, confirming Yih1 as a bona fide Cdc28 binding partner. Amino acid substitutions within helix H2 of the RWD domain of Yih1 enhance Yih1-Cdc28 association. Overexpression of this mutant, but not of wild type Yih1, leads to a phenotype similar to that of YIH1 deletion, supporting the view that Yih1 is involved through Cdc28 in the regulation of the cell cycle. We further show that IMPACT, the mammalian homologue of Yih1, interacts with CDK1, the mammalian counterpart of Cdc28, indicating that the involvement with the cell cycle is conserved. Together, these data provide insights into the cellular function of Yih1/IMPACT, and provide the basis for future studies on the role of this protein in the cell cycle.

  13. Problems with the random number generator RANF implemented on the CDC cyber 205 (United States)

    Kalle, Claus; Wansleben, Stephan


    We show that using RANF may lead to wrong results when lattice models are simulated by Monte Carlo methods. We present a shift-register sequence random number generator which generates two random numbers per cycle on a two pipe CDC Cyber 205.

  14. LTSS compendium: an introduction to the CDC 7600 and the Livermore Timesharing System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fong, K.W.


    This report is an introduction to the CDC 7600 computer and to the Livermore Timesharing System (LTSS) used by the National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center (NMFECC) and the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Computer Center (LLLCC or Octopus network) on their 7600's. This report is based on a document originally written specifically about the system as it is implemented at NMFECC but has been broadened to point out differences in implementation at LLLCC. It also contains information about LLLCC not relevant to NMFECC. This report is written for computational physicists who want to prepare large production codes to run under LTSS on the 7600's. The generalized discussion of the operating system focuses on creating and executing controllees. This document and its companion, UCID-17557, CDC 7600 LTSS Programming Stratagems, provide a basis for understanding more specialized documents about individual parts of the system

  15. A cidade como sentimento: história e memória de um acontecimento na sociedade contemporânea - o incêndio do Gran Circus Norte-Americano em Niterói, 1961

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    Paulo Knauss


    Full Text Available O estudo relaciona história do acontecimento e história urbana para discutir a problemática da memória nas sociedades contemporâneas. A pesquisa aborda o caso do incêndio do Gran Circus Norte-Americano, ocorrido em 17 de dezembro de 1961, na cidade de Niterói, então capital do antigo estado do Rio de Janeiro. O fato é conhecido como um dos maiores incêndios da história em termos de número de vítimas fatais, e se afirmou na memória da cidade. O trabalho tem como base fontes da imprensa e fontes orais. A análise demonstra como o acontecimento se estabelece entre história e memória e define a cidade como sentimento.The study connects urban history and event history to discuss the memory in contemporary societies. The research analyzes the fire of the Gran Circus Norte-Americano in December 17, 1961, in the city of Niterói, when it still was the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro. The fact is known as one of the biggest fires in history in terms of fatal victims’ number, and that has been established in the city memory. The work is based on press sources and oral sources. The analysis shows how the event is established between history and memory, and defines the city as feeling.

  16. Conversion tool for the LWR transient analysis code RELAP5 from the CDC version to the FACOM version

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shinozawa, Naohisa; Fujisaki, Masahide; Makino, Mitsuhiro; Kondou, Kazuya; Ishiguro, Misako


    The LWR transient analysis code RELAP5 has been developed on the CDC-CYBER 176 at Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL), the RELAP5 code has been often updated in order to extend the analyzing model and correct the errors. At Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute the code has been converted from the CDC version to the FACOM version and the converted code has been used. The conversion is the task which consumes a lot of time, because the code is large and there is the difference between CDC's machines and FACOM's ones. In order to convert the RELAP5 code automatically, the software tool has been developed. By using this tools the efficiency for converting the RELAP5 code has been improved. Productivity of the conversion is increased about 2.0 to 2.6 times by the tools in comparison with in manual. The procedure of conversion by using the tools and the option parameters of each tool are described. (author)

  17. Notas sobre a noção de inconsciente em Wundt e Leibniz

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    Hélio Honda

    Full Text Available O artigo inicia discutindo os equívocos da leitura dos psicólogos anglo-americanos, motivados pela perspectiva empirista a partir da qual tentaram compreender a psicologia de Wundt. Em seguida, discute a noção de inconsciente em Wundt e mostra sua vinculação com o racionalismo da filosofia de Leibniz. Defende que a compreensão de teorias e sistemas em psicologia impõe como necessidade a consideração de seus fundamentos epistemológicos e filosóficos.

  18. Neo-patrimonialismo e populismo : uma leitura pela reciprocidade

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    Eric Sabourin


    Full Text Available Este artigo propõe uma leitura dos processos de neo-patrimonialismo em particular nos Estados africanos e de neo populismo nos Estados latino-americanos a luz da lógica de reciprocidade. Defende a hipótese que o principio de reciprocidade sendo diferente daquele da troca (e em particular da troca mercantil, ele pode gerar formas de alienação especificas e não redutíveis a principal forma de alienação do sistema de troca: a exploração capitalista analisada por Marx.

  19. De sistema mecánico a sistema tecnológico complejo. El caso de los automóviles

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    Arturo Ángel Lara Rivero


    Full Text Available La mayoría de los trabajos de investigación relacionados con el sector automotriz se ha concentrado en el análisis de la naturaleza mecánica de los vehículos y, de una manera muy escasa, al estudio de su naturaleza electrónica. Para dar cuenta de las transformaciones profundas ocurridas en las últimas cuatro décadas es necesario integrar en la explicación la manera en que los componentes y los sistemas electrónicos han transformado la naturaleza de los vehículos automotores. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la naturaleza de los procesos evolutivos implicados en la transición del vehículo automotor: de un sistema complejo a un sistema complejo adaptable.

  20. CDC Vital Signs–Native Americans With Diabetes

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is based on the January 2017 CDC Vital Signs report. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure and Native Americans have a greater chance of having diabetes than any other racial group in the U.S. Learn how to manage your diabetes to delay or prevent kidney failure.  Created: 1/10/2017 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 1/10/2017.