
Sample records for carcinoma del tiroides

  1. Taponamiento cardíaco secundario a carcinoma papilar esclerosante difuso de tiroides

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    Verónica Riva


    Full Text Available El carcinoma papilar, variante esclerosante difusa, corresponde al 2% de todos los carcinomas papilares de la tiroides. Se caracteriza por comprometer de manera difusa y bilateral a la glándula tiroides. Clínicamente se manifiesta con metástasis ganglionares y pulmonares, afectando predominantemente a mujeres jóvenes. Se describe un caso de taponamiento cardíaco como presentación inicial de un carcinoma papilar de tiroides variante esclerosante difusa. Una mujer de 32 años concurrió al servicio de emergencias médicas refiriendo epigastralgia y tos seca. Durante el examen físico se constató hipotensión arterial, taquicardia y ruidos cardíacos disminuidos. Se realizó un ecocardiograma, observándose derrame pericárdico. Por medio de una pericardiocentesis se obtuvo líquido pericárdico, cuyo análisis mostró células neoplásicas. Durante la evolución la paciente presentó recurrencia del derrame pericárdico por lo que se realizó una ventana pleuropericárdica, detectándose durante la cirugía una lesión nodular subpleural, la cual fue biopsiada e informada posteriormente como una metástasis de carcinoma papilar vinculable a origen tiroideo. Se realizó una tiroidectomía total con linfadenectomía cervical bilateral. El diagnóstico final fue carcinoma papilar, variante esclerosante difusa. Esta variante infiltra el tejido conectivo de los espacios interfoliculares, simulando una tiroiditis y se caracteriza por una permeación vascular temprana. En oposición a la variante clásica, la esclerosante difusa presenta mayor agresividad y mayor tasa de recurrencia. El carcinoma papilar de tiroides debe tenerse presente como diagnóstico diferencial en nuestro medio, en todas aquellas lesiones neoplásicas papilares metastásicas, más aún si se trata de mujeres jóvenes.

  2. Incidencia del cáncer de tiroides en la consulta central de tiroides, últimos nueve años en Pinar del Río Incidence of cancer in the thyroid gland. Its behaviour at central medical consultation during 1998-2007 Pinar del Rio

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    Gladys Iglesias Díaz


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional clínico de caso paciente, retrospectivo, descriptivo y de corte transversal, en un universo de 679 enfermos intervenidos quirúrgicamente por afecciones de la glándula tiroides en " Hospital León Cuervo Rubio" , para evaluar la frecuencia con que se presenta el cáncer de tiroides en la consulta central de tiroides de Pinar del Río. Durante los últimos nueve años, se seleccionó una muestra de 104 portadores de cáncer de tiroides diagnosticados por la biopsia por parafina en el departamento de Anatomía patológica del mismo Hospital, entre los años 1999 al 2007. Se procesaron variables cualitativas y cuantitativas como número de casos por año, variedad histológica y otras, y se representaron en tablas y gráficos, se determinó que el 15% del universo sufre de cáncer de tiroides. El carcinoma bien diferenciado fue la variedad histológica que predominó (96 %, en ocasiones se asociaban con otras enfermedades, predominando la tiroiditis de Hashimoto, el indiferenciado toma valores por encima de lo normal con el 3,8 %, se refiere un caso de carcinoma folicular el resto se representa por la variedad papilar.A clinical, retrospective, descriptive, cross-sectional case report study was carried out at "Leon Cuervo Rubio" General Hospital, taking a total of 679 patients who underwent a surgery of thyroid gland during the last 9 years. A sample of 104 patients who suffered from cancer of the thyroid was selected - being this corroborated by means of paraffin wax biopsies. These biopsies were performed at the Department of Anatomy in the institution during 1999-2007. Qualitative and quantitative variables and the figures of cases per year were processed, histological variety and other items were represented in tables and charts. 15% of the total of patients suffered from cancer of thyroid, histologically the differentiated carcinoma prevailed (96%, and sometimes it was associated with other diseases

  3. Aplicación del índice pronóstico AGES para el tratamiento del carcinoma bien diferenciado de la tiroides Application of AGES prognostic rate for treatment of a well differentiated thyroid carcinoma

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    Gimel Sosa Martín


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. En la actualidad la selección del tratamiento quirúrgico adecuado en pacientes con carcinoma diferenciado de la tiroides en etapas tempranas es controversial. La presente investigación tuvo el objetivo de describir y evaluar los resultados del diagnóstico y tratamiento de esta enfermedad en un período de 5 años. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo con elementos analíticos incorporados, y prospectivo para la recolección de información de los pacientes atendidos por presentar nódulo de la tiroides, en el ISMM «Dr. Luis Díaz Soto», entre enero del 2002 y diciembre del 2006. A estos pacientes con cánceres bien diferenciados en etapas I y II según la clasificación internacional de tumores, ganglios y metástasis, se les aplicó de forma retrospectiva el índice de pronóstico AGES. RESULTADOS. La muestra estudiada estuvo constituida por 73 pacientes, de los cuales 69 eran mujeres (94,5 %. Del total de pacientes estudiados, 42 presentaron tumores benignos (57,5 % y 31, malignos (42,5 %. De los 31 casos diagnosticados como carcinomas mediante parafina, 21 obtuvieron puntuación menor de 4 según el índice AGES (menor riesgo, y solo 11 de estos (67,7 % recibieron una cirugía conservadora de la tiroides. CONCLUSIONES. Existió una buena concordancia entre la biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina y la parafina, por lo que la primera se considera de valor en la exploración de un nódulo de la tiroides. El índice AGES no siempre fue tomado en cuenta para la selección del tipo de cirugía, con tendencia a la cirugía más radical. Las complicaciones mayores se asociaron con mayor frecuencia a la cirugía radical.INTRODUCTION: At the present times, the selection a suitable surgical treatment for patients presenting with an early differentiated thyroid carcinoma is a controversial question. The aim of present research was to describe and to assessment the diagnosis results and the treatment of this

  4. Cáncer anaplásico de tiroides: Reporte de caso

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    Miguel Pinto-Valdivia


    Full Text Available Mujer de 40 años, sin antecedente de patología tiroidea, con historia de enfermedad de cuatro semanas caracterizado por baja de peso, aumento rápido del tamaño de la glándula tiroides y dolor óseo generalizado. El examen físico mostró bocio multinodular no doloroso con múltiples ganglios cervicales. Los análisis de laboratorio mostraron anemia y niveles elevados de transaminasas, fosfatasa alcalina y deshidrogenasa láctica. El perfil tiroideo fue normal y los anticuerpos antiperoxidasa tiroidea fueron negativos. La biopsia por aspiración mostró carcinoma de tiroides. Se realizó una tiroidectomía total con disección amplia de los ganglios del cuello y en el estudio de anatomía patológica resultó un carcinoma anaplásico de tiroides. La evolución de la paciente fue desfavorable, falleciendo por insuficiencia respiratoria, secundaria a embolismo pulmonar. El carcinoma anaplásico de tiroides es poco frecuente, pero tiene una alta mortalidad. Las metástasis a distancia están asociadas a mal pronóstico.

  5. Metilación del receptor de la hormona estimulante del tiroides: marcador diagnóstico de malignidad en cáncer de tiroides Methylation of the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor: diagnostic marker of malignity in thyroid cancer

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    María Teresa Marrero Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se analizó el estado de metilación del promotor del gen para el receptor de la hormona estimulante del tiroides (TSH en el diagnóstico de tumores tiroideos de origen epitelial. El estudio se realizó en tejido tiroideo obtenido de bloques de parafina de diferentes patologías tiroideas (carcinoma papilar, folicular e indiferenciado, y adenomas foliculares. El trabajo se realizó empleando la técnica de modificación del ADN con bisulfito de sodio y el análisis del estado de la metilación del gen RTSH se realizó por el método de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa específica para metilación. Encontramos metilación del promotor para el gen del receptor de TSH en los carcinomas papilares (33 de 40; 82,5 %, en los 10 carcinomas indiferenciados (100 % y en 10 de los 15 carcinomas foliculares analizados (66,6 %. En cambio, no se observó metilación en los 8 adenomas foliculares analizados. Se propone la metilación del gen para el receptor de TSH como un nuevo marcador diagnóstico de malignidad, y una base para emplear agentes desmetilantes conjuntamente con la terapia con radioyodo, en los pacientes con cáncer de tiroides de origen epitelial que no respondan a la terapia.The methylation state of the gene promoter for the receptor of the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH in the diagnosis of thyroid tumors of epithelial origin was analyzed. The study was conducted in thyroid tissue obtained from paraffin blocks of different thyroid pathologies (papillary, follicular and undifferentiated carcinoma and follicular adenomas. The work was done by using the DNA modification technique with sodium bisulfite, and polymerase chain reaction was applied to analyze the gene methylation state. Methylation of the promoter for the gene of the TSH receptor was found in the papillary carcinomas (33 of 40; 82.5 %, in 10 undifferentiated carcinomas (100 %, and in 10 of the 15 follicular carcinomas analyzed (66.6 %. No methylation was observed in the 8

  6. Taponamiento cardíaco secundario a carcinoma papilar esclerosante difuso de tiroides Metastatic cardiac tamponade as initial manifestation of papillary thyroid carcinoma

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    Verónica Riva


    Full Text Available El carcinoma papilar, variante esclerosante difusa, corresponde al 2% de todos los carcinomas papilares de la tiroides. Se caracteriza por comprometer de manera difusa y bilateral a la glándula tiroides. Clínicamente se manifiesta con metástasis ganglionares y pulmonares, afectando predominantemente a mujeres jóvenes. Se describe un caso de taponamiento cardíaco como presentación inicial de un carcinoma papilar de tiroides variante esclerosante difusa. Una mujer de 32 años concurrió al servicio de emergencias médicas refiriendo epigastralgia y tos seca. Durante el examen físico se constató hipotensión arterial, taquicardia y ruidos cardíacos disminuidos. Se realizó un ecocardiograma, observándose derrame pericárdico. Por medio de una pericardiocentesis se obtuvo líquido pericárdico, cuyo análisis mostró células neoplásicas. Durante la evolución la paciente presentó recurrencia del derrame pericárdico por lo que se realizó una ventana pleuropericárdica, detectándose durante la cirugía una lesión nodular subpleural, la cual fue biopsiada e informada posteriormente como una metástasis de carcinoma papilar vinculable a origen tiroideo. Se realizó una tiroidectomía total con linfadenectomía cervical bilateral. El diagnóstico final fue carcinoma papilar, variante esclerosante difusa. Esta variante infiltra el tejido conectivo de los espacios interfoliculares, simulando una tiroiditis y se caracteriza por una permeación vascular temprana. En oposición a la variante clásica, la esclerosante difusa presenta mayor agresividad y mayor tasa de recurrencia. El carcinoma papilar de tiroides debe tenerse presente como diagnóstico diferencial en nuestro medio, en todas aquellas lesiones neoplásicas papilares metastásicas, más aún si se trata de mujeres jóvenes.Papillary carcinoma, diffuse sclerosing variant corresponds to 2% of all papillary thyroid carcinomas. It is usually diffuse and bilateral, affecting the entire

  7. Variantes histológicas y factores pronósticos del carcinoma papilar de tiroides en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de Colombia, 2006-2012

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    Alfredo Romero-Rojas


    Full Text Available Introducción. El cáncer de tiroides es la neoplasia más común y el subtipo papilar es el más frecuente; hay factores histológicos y clínicos asociados con un mayor riesgo de recidiva y metástasis. Objetivo. Examinar las características histológicas, clínicas y de pronóstico de los carcinomas papilares de tiroides diagnosticados en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio de cohorte retrospectiva que incluyó a 619 pacientes con carcinoma papilar de tiroides entre 2006 y 2012; se analizaron las características sociodemográficas, histológicas, de pronóstico y clínicas. Resultados. El 87,7% de casos correspondió a mujeres. La presencia de dos o más variantes histológicas en un mismo caso se consideró como una variante a la cual se denominó patrón combinado; esta fue la más frecuente (50,9 %, seguida de la variante folicular (23,4 %, incluidos los subtipos encapsulados o no encapsulado y la variante clásica (22,1 %. El promedio del tamaño tumoral fue de 20,8 mm. En más de la mitad de los casos se evidenció invasión capsular, invasión extratiroidea y metástasis en ganglios linfáticos. Comparados con otras variantes histológicas, los carcinomas con patrón combinado presentaron mayor riesgo de invasión de la cápsula tiroidea, de invasión extraganglionar y de metástasis. Conclusión. En muchos aspectos los resultados fueron similares a los reportados previamente; sin embargo, se encontró que la presencia del patrón combinado aumentaba el riesgo de invasión capsular, metástasis en nódulos linfoides y extensión extratiroidea en comparación con los que tenían una sola variante. Sería necesario hacer estudios acerca del mecanismo biológico de la diferenciación en células cancerosas con el fin de ahondar sobre este fenómeno.

  8. La tiroiditis bifásica: un patrón fisiopatológico en las tiroiditis


    Marsiglia, Italo


    La disfunción tiroidea es una observación común en el curso evolutivo de las tiroiditis. En las fases avanzadas de la tiroiditis crónica autoinmune es muy frecuente el hallazgo de hipotiroidismo clínico o subclínico, como consecuencia del reemplazo glandular por la fibrosis y atrofia resultantes. El hipotiroidismo permanente también es una secuela común en la tiroiditis silente y poco frecuente en la tiroiditis subaguda. Por otra parte, se conoce como “tiroiditis destructiva”, al proceso infl...

  9. Aplicaciones clínicas del radioyodo 131 (I131 en las enfermedades del tiroides Clinical applications of radioiodine 131 (I131 in the thyroid diseases

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    Levi González Rivero


    Full Text Available El radioyodo 131 es un isótopo radioactivo que se emplea exitosamente en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de las enfermedades benignas y malignas del tiroides. Su propiedad de integrarse selectivamente al metabolismo del tiroides y emitir una señal, le permite describir el funcionamiento glandular mediante estudios de captación, y delimitar la morfología y localización de los tejidos que capten yodo, a través de la gammagrafía. Es además una radioterapia sencilla, segura y coste-efectiva, usada como primera línea terapéutica en el control del hipertiroidismo, cuya dosis y momento de aplicación debería individualizarse según la etiología y la clínica de cada paciente. El radioyodo 131 ofrece una alternativa eficaz para reducir el tamaño del bocio no tóxico; además, respalda el tratamiento quirúrgico del carcinoma diferenciado del tiroides, y destruye a dosis ablativa los restos tisulares y las lesiones metastásicas que puede identificar durante el seguimiento gammagráfico. El empleo de radioyodo 131 está sujeto al cumplimiento de regulaciones de protección contra la radioactividad.Radioiodine 131 is a radioactive isotope that is successfully used for the diagnosis and the treatment of benign and malignant thyroid diseases. Its quality of selectively integrating to the thyroid metabolism and emitting a signal allows it to describe the gland functioning through capture studies, and to delimit the morphology and location of the tissues that capture iodine by means of gammagraphy. It is also a simple, safe and cost-effective radiotherapy used as first-line therapeutics in the control of hyperthyroidism. The dose and right time of application should be individualized according to the etiology and the clinic of each patient. Radioiodine 131 offers an efficient alternative to reduce the size of non-toxic goiter in addition to supporting the surgical treatment of the differentiated thyroid carcinoma and destroying with ablative doses

  10. Expresión de oncogén RET/PTC en tiroiditis de hashimoto y microcarcinomas papilares tiroideos mediante estudio inmunohistoquímico


    Pareja Megía, María Jesús


    El desarrollo de neoplasias malignas en pacientes afectados por tiroiditis de Hashimoto es un importante problema clínico-terapéutico del que todavía se desconocen algunos aspectos etiopatogénicos. Los enfermos generalmente tienen un buen pronóstico, pero en ocasiones pueden desarrollar hipotiroidismo. Además, estos pacientes tienen un mayor riesgo para desarrollar neoplasias malignas como linfomas y carcinomas. La alta incidencia de carcinoma papilar en la tiroiditis de Hashimoto hace consid...

  11. Epidemiología del Cáncer de Tiroides.

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    Hernando Vargas Uricoechea


    Full Text Available El cáncer de tiroides hace parte de un amplio espectro de enfermedades con pronóstico variable; se considera que es el cáncer de origen endocrino más común, y su incidencia se ha incrementado de manera continua en las últimas tres décadas en todo el mundo. Esta tendencia está presente en todos los continentes, excepto África. Dicho cáncer es el quinto más frecuente en mujeres, y sólo en unos cuantos países su incidencia ha disminuido. Mundialmente, las tasas de incidencia de cáncer de tiroides pueden variar de manera amplia, con causas potenciales relacionadas con la raza, las diferencias étnicas, geográficas, o medioambientales como el exceso o la deficiencia de yodo, además de la exposición a la radiación. El cáncer de tiroides es el décimo sexto cáncer más frecuente en el mundo, con cerca de 298.000 casos nuevos diagnosticados en el año 2012 (2% del total. Los datos disponibles en Sudamérica –excepto algunos países– son escasos y dispersos; en países como Brasil, Chile y Colombia no existe una suficiente cobertura poblacional que asegure la obtención de datos confiables y completos de registros de cáncer, ni criterios universales que aseguren la recolección de datos de la ma- yoría de la población. No obstante, la creación de registros de cáncer basados en la población ha llevado a tener una visión más exacta del problema.

  12. Cáncer de tiroides. Caracterización en la provincia de Cienfuegos (2006-2010

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    Álvaro Enrique Galeano Tenorio


    Full Text Available Fundamento: el cáncer de tiroides es el carcinoma endocrino más común, aunque solo represente un 1% del total de tipos cáncer. Su incidencia parece aumentar un 4% cada año, y en la actualidad es el octavo cáncer más frecuente en mujeres, apareciendo fundamentalmente en las edades comprendidas entre los 25 y 65 años.Objetivo: caracterizar el comportamiento del cáncer de tiroides en la provincia de Cienfuegos. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, ambiespectivo, de corte longitudinal, con un total de 62 pacientes operados en el servicio de Cirugía General del hospital Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima, durante el quinquenio 2006-2010. Las variables estudiadas: tasas de incidencia anual, edad, sexo, localización y tipo histológico del tumor, y estado actual de los pacientes. Resultados: el mayor número de pacientes correspondió al sexo femenino, siendo el carcinoma papilar la variante histológica más diagnosticada (85,19 %. La incidencia mayor se registró en el año 2010. El grupo edades de 41 a 50 años fue el más representativo. El mayor número de cánceres (79,03 % se diagnosticaron en el estadio I. Conclusiones: la propia incidencia elevada del cáncer de tiroides en la provincia de Cienfuegos, en los últimos cinco años, ha hecho que la vigilancia sobre esta afección se haya incrementado, lo cual se evidencia por el diagnóstico en etapas tempranas, resultado de este estudio.

  13. Fijación de radioyodo en huesos maxilares simulando metástasis en pacientes con Carcinoma Diferenciado de Tiroides (CDT): False- Positive images in patients with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma. (DTC)


    Degrossi, O. J.; Gutiérrez, S.; Fadel, A.; Degrossi, E. B.; Valdivieso, M. C.; Balbuena, R. L.; Alak, M. del C.; de Cabrejas, M.


    En estudios centellográficos con 131I (CCT) para seguimiento, postablación o tratamiento de pacientes portadores de carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides (CDT) se observan frecuentemente en tiempos precoces áreas de captación del radiotrazador en macizo facial. Estas áreas corresponden, generalmente, a glándulas salivares y extremo anterior de mucosa nasal y se mantienen durante las primeras 48 horas y no son observadas generalmente a las 72 horas. Pero con menor frecuencia se presentan otras qu...


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    Full Text Available La unidad morfológica y funcional de la glándula tiroides es el folículo, estructura ovoide cerrada, constituida por una capa de células cúbicas (tirocitos que encierran un lumen lleno del coloide secretado por ellas. En cultivo, tanto la estructura como la función del folículo se pierden rápidamente en las primeras 24 horas. Sin embargo, si se cultivan folículos cerrados de tiroides de rata conservan la arquitectura folicular, la morfología del tirocito y la función hasta la síntesis de hormonas tiroides de manera similar a la glándula in vivo. En este trabajo describimos el aislamiento y cultivo de folículos porcinos cerrados y su análisis morfológico. Los folículos se aíslan por digestión enzimática y disociación mecánica del parénquima tiroideo, luego se cultivan sobre agarosa con y sin hormona tirotrópica o tirotropina (1 mU/ml, TSH. El tejido de tiroides porcino obtenido tiene las mismas características de una glándula hipotiroidea in vivo, un epitelio casi plano, retículo endoplásmico rugoso (RER exiguo, complejo de Golgi (CG, y microvellosidades escasas y cortas. Los folículos cultivados sin TSH conservan la forma ovoide y el coloide en su interior, y la misma ultra-estructura del tejido in vivo, RER y CG muy escasos, pero con el tiempo de cultivo aumenta la longitud de la microvellosidades y el espesor del epitelio. En presencia de TSH el epitelio se hipertrofia desde el primer día y las cavidades foliculares se reducen considerablemente. Se demuestra que folículos cerrados de tiroides durante ocho días (d de cultivo conservan su morfología con y sin TSH. Además, estos responden al estímulo de TSH disminuyendo su cavidad folicular y aumentando el espesor del epitelio folicular.

  15. Linfoma tiroideo en paciente con tiroiditis de Hashimoto


    Carmen Aravena G.; Daniela Aguayo Y.; Francisca Marín A.; Felipe Cayumil F.


    INTRODUCCIÓN: El linfoma tiroideo (LT) es una neoplasia infrecuente (menos del 1% de linfomas y menos del 2% de neoplasias tiroideas). Su incidencia es mayoritaria en mujeres, entre 60 y 75 años. La tiroiditis de Hashimoto es un importante factor de riesgo. El objetivo es destacar la importancia del estudio precoz del bocio rápidamente progresivo. PRESENTACIÓN DEL CASO: Hombre de 63 años, con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial, tabaquismo crónico activo e hipotiroidismo por tiroiditis de H...

  16. Tiroiditis de Quervain

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    Idania Teresa Mora López


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de una paciente que asistió a la consulta externa de endocrinología del Hospital General Docente "Enrique Cabrera", Pinar del Río, Cuba; con 62 años de edad, de raza blanca, antecedentes de enfermedad respiratoria alta y, posteriormente, aumento de volumen en la región anterior del cuello, dolor intenso, espontáneo, disfagia, fiebre de 39ºC a 40ºC y malestar general. Se constata al examen físico un aumento de volumen difuso de la glándula tiroides y dolor a la palpación en la región anterior del cuello. Se decide darle seguimiento ambulatorio. Aspectos significativos en las investigaciones realizadas: hemograma con diferencial y eritrosedimentación; leucocitosis con desviación a la izquierda y eritrosedimentación acelerada, hormonas tiroideas y tiroestimulante normales en el inicio de la tiroiditis y elevada en meses posteriores, confirmando el diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo primario crónico.

  17. Hipertiroidismo y riesgo de cáncer de tiroides


    Cédola, Federico N.; Ricciardi, María Paula; Lastra, S.; Rielo, M.; Spezzi, M.


    La coexistencia de cáncer de tiroides (CT) y el hipertiroidismo se encuentra descripta aunque se desconoce la fisiopatología de esta relación. Los nódulos tiroideos son más frecuentes en personas con enfermedad de Graves (EG) que en la población general y se ha reportado malignidad en 2,3 a 45,8 %. El CT puede asociarse a diferentes formas de hipertiroidismo: EG, nódulos tiroideos tóxicos únicos o múltiples e hiperproducción hormonal por metástasis funcionantes del carcinoma tiroideo....

  18. Diagnóstico y tratamiento quirúrgico del cáncer de tiroides en el Centro de Investigaciones Medicoquirúrgicas (CIMEQ Diagnosis and surgical treatment of thyroid cancer in the Centre for Medicosurgical Research

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    C. Julio Díaz Mesa


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. El carcinoma de tiroides es infrecuente, pero en cambio constituye la neoplasia maligna más común del sistema endocrino. Fueron objetivos de esta presentación describir los resultados del diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer de tiroides durante un quinquenio, en el Centro de Investigaciones Medicoquirúrgicas, caracterizar diversas variables de la población afectada y determinar la relación entre técnica quirúrgica realizada e índice pronóstico a partir de la edad, metástasis a distancia, extensión de la enfermedad y tamaño del tumor (AGES. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y prospectivo con elementos analíticos incorporados, de 52 pacientes operados de cáncer de tiroides en el CIMEQ, entre enero de 2001 y diciembre de 2005. Se aplicó el índice pronóstico AGES para los pacientes con cáncer de tiroides bien diferenciado y se relacionó con la técnica quirúrgica empleada. RESULTADOS. El cáncer de tiroides predominó en el sexo femenino (86,5 % en las edades entre 29 y 67 años, y en el hombre por encima de los 55 años. La biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina resultó un procedimiento de utilidad en el diagnóstico del cáncer de tiroides, con una alta concordancia con los diagnósticos por congelación y parafina. El carcinoma papilar resultó el más frecuente (71,2 % y la lesión más asociada, la tiroiditis de Hashimoto. Predominó la cirugía radical en pacientes que requerían cirugía conservadora según el índice pronóstico AGES. Las complicaciones se asociaron a la cirugía radical. CONCLUSIONES. El cáncer de tiroides resulta más frecuente en las mujeres de mediana edad. La biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina cobra valor a la hora de plantear la técnica quirúrgica, teniendo en cuenta el alto índice de concordancia con la biopsia por parafina. El índice pronóstico AGES no siempre fue tomado en cuenta a la hora de elegir la técnica quirúrgica, de ahí que

  19. Tratamiento de la tiroiditis de Riedel con triamcinolona

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    Germán Brito Sosa

    Full Text Available Se presenta el primer paciente con una tiroiditis de Riedel que se le aplica un tratamiento alternativo con triamcinolona creado por el profesor Juan Gualberto Vivó Núñez. Es el caso de una mujer de 48 años de edad, que acude al cuerpo de guardia por aumento de volumen de la región anterior del cuello y referir ligera disfagia. Tiene antecedente inicialmente de hipertiroidismo, a los 9 años comenzó con hipotiroidismo y hace aproximadamente un año se le diagnosticó una tiroiditis de Hashimoto, con seguimiento por endocrinología. La ecografía del tiroides muestra un aumento marcado de la glándula tiroidea y las imágenes de la biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina (BAAF son compatibles con una tiroiditis de Hashimoto. Con estos resultados se decide intervenirla quirúrgicamente eliminando así los signos compresivos. La biopsia postoperatoria describe una tiroiditis de Riedel. Por el gran tamaño de los lóbulos tiroideos, se le infiltra triamcinolona 1/2 cc en cada lóbulo, una vez al mes durante cuatro meses; logrando reducir aproximadamente el 50 % de los lóbulos tiroideos. Por lo que se puede apreciar los resultados obtenidos con el uso de la triamcinolona.

  20. Tiroiditis no-autoinmunes

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    Leonardo F. L Rizzo


    Full Text Available El término tiroiditis comprende un grupo de enfermedades de la glándula tiroides caracterizado por la presencia de inflamación, abarcando entidades autoinmunes y no-autoinmunes. Pueden manifestarse como enfermedades agudas con dolor tiroideo severo (tiroiditis subaguda y tiroiditis infecciosas, y condiciones en las cuales la inflamación no es clínicamente evidente, cursando sin dolor y presentando disfunción tiroidea y/o bocio (tiroiditis inducida por fármacos y tiroiditis de Riedel. El objetivo de esta revisión es aportar un enfoque actualizado sobre las tiroiditis no-autoinmunes cubriendo sus aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos.

  1. Fijación de radioyodo en huesos maxilares simulando metástasis en pacientes con Carcinoma Diferenciado de Tiroides (CDT): False- Positive images in patients with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma. (DTC) Uptake of 131-I in maxillary bones mimicking salivary glands


    O. J. Degrossi; S. Gutiérrez; A. Fadel; E. B. Degrossi; M. C. Valdivieso; R. L. Balbuena; M. del C. Alak; M. de Cabrejas


    En estudios centellográficos con 131I (CCT) para seguimiento, postablación o tratamiento de pacientes portadores de carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides (CDT) se observan frecuentemente en tiempos precoces áreas de captación del radiotrazador en macizo facial. Estas áreas corresponden, generalmente, a glándulas salivares y extremo anterior de mucosa nasal y se mantienen durante las primeras 48 horas y no son observadas generalmente a las 72 horas. Pero con menor frecuencia se presentan otras qu...



    Nancy Echeverry; Blanca Laura Ortíz; Jorge Caminos


    En el presente estudio se identificaron proteínas de expresión constitutiva, como vimentina, actina, tubulina, proteína de choque térmico de 60 kDa, peroxirredoxina y la ATP sintasa mitocondrial, en cultivos primarios de tiroides normales y de carcinoma papilar de tiroides. Se establecieron las condiciones de extracción, solubilización, análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de dichas proteínas, y se buscaron las mejores condiciones de isoelectroenfoque (IEF) en ...

  3. Cancer de Tiroides. Más Iatrogenia Terapéutica que Morbimortalidad Tumoral.

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    Alvaro Sanabria Quiroga


    Full Text Available El cáncer de tiroides es el cáncer endocrino más frecuente y la tiroidectomía la cirugía cervical más realizada. En las últimas décadas, la incidencia de cáncer de tiroides ha tenido un aumento progresivo, llegando al punto de que algunos escritores lo han considerado la epidemia de cáncer del siglo XXI. Este aumento corresponde principalmente a carcinomas papilares menores de 1 cm; a pesar de su detección y tratamiento en etapas tan tempranas, no se ha producido un cambio significativo en la mortalidad. Mucho se ha discutido acerca de las causas de este crecimiento de la incidencia y de la verdadera magnitud de esta “epidemia”. Existe claridad hoy en día de que el acceso fácil y el uso indiscriminado de la ecografía para el estudio de cualquier condición cervical ha redundado en este aumento dramático de la incidencia de cáncer de tiroides. De alguna manera, nos hemos convertido en víctimas de la tecnología, que se usa sin apego a las recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia. Además del problema que implica detectar precozmente una condición para la cual el tratamiento no produce cambios en la mortalidad y recurrencia, esta “epidemia” ha tenido un efecto notable en la carga para el sistema de salud y en la calidad de vida de los pacientes...

  4. Ablación con 131I en pacientes con carcinoma papilífero de bajo riesgo: comparación de tres métodos de preparación del paciente a través de control evolutivo


    Degrossi, EB; Degrossi, OJ; Alak, M del C; Balbuena, RL; Traverso, S; Falco, JF; Mezzadri, NA


    Antecedentes: El tratamiento habitual del carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides es tiroidectomía seguida de ablación con radioiodo(1-16). En los últimos años el empleo de ablación en casos de carcinoma papilar de tiroides considerados de bajo riesgo (CPT-BR) está en controversia(17,18). Objetivo: a) determinar que el método de estímulo de TSH con TRH (TRH-ST) es adecuado para obtener ablación. Material y métodos: Se efectuó ablación en 117 pacientes considerados CPT-BR empleando 3 métodos. G-I: ...

  5. Acceso inmediato de los pacientes de cáncer refractario de tiroides y medular de tiroides al tratamiento farmacológico aprobado por la Agencia Europea del Medicamento aunque aún en tramitación por la Administración Central o autonómica


    García-González, Manuel


    El objeto del presente dictamen es dar respuesta a la consulta formulada por la Asociación Española de Cáncer de Tiroides (AECAT), organización independiente y sin ánimo de lucro, cuya misión, según es descrita en su página web, es la ayuda a los pacientes de cáncer de tiroides.

  6. Análisis proteómico de cultivos primarios de tiroides


    Echeverry, Nancy; Ortíz, Blanca Laura; Caminos, Jorge


    En el presente estudio se identificaron proteínas de expresión constitutiva, como vimentina, actina, tubulina, proteína de choque térmico de 60 kDa, peroxirredoxina y la ATP sintasa mitocondrial, en cultivos primarios de tiroides normales y de carcinoma papilar de tiroides. Se establecieron las condiciones de extracción, solubilización, análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de dichas proteínas, y se buscaron las mejores condiciones de isoelectroenfoque (IEF) en ...

  7. Seroprevalencia del Virus Linfotrópico Humano de células T tipo 1 (HTLV-1 en pacientes con tiroiditis autoinmune.

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    Ricardo Mori


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir la seroprevalencia de infección por HTLV-1 en pacientes con tiroiditis autoinmune. Material y Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado en pacientes con tiroiditis autoinmune que acudieron al consultorio de Endocrinología del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia entre octubre del 2008 y enero del 2010. Se usó un cuestionario estructurado para obtener datos epidemiológicos y clínicos, paralelamente, se revisaron las historias clínicas para obtener datos de laboratorio. A los participantes se les tomó una muestra de sangre para el diagnóstico de HTLV-1 mediante prueba de ELISA y confirmación por Western Blot, previa firma de consentimiento informado. Resultados: Durante el período de estudio, se atendieron 285 pacientes con tiroiditis autoinmune. Se incluyeron 145 pacientes (50,9%; la edad media fue 48,1 ± 15 años y 135 (93,1% fueron de sexo femenino. Tres pacientes tuvieron infección por HTLV-1, con una prevalencia estimada de 2,1% (IC 95%: 0-4,4%. Los seropositivos fueron de sexo femenino y tuvieron el diagnóstico de Enfermedad de Graves hipertiroidea. La frecuencia de infección por HTLV-1 en este grupo fue de 5% (3/60; IC 95%: 0-11%. No se encontró diferencia significativa entre los pacientes HTLV-1 positivos y negativos en cuanto a características demográficas, clínicas y de laboratorio. Conclusión: La prevalencia de infección por HTLV-1 en los pacientes con tiroiditis autoinmune fue similar a la prevalencia estimada para la población peruana en general.(Rev Med Hered 2010;21:180-186.

  8. Espectro clinicopatológico de las tiroiditis


    Marsiglia, Italo


    El espectro clinicopatológico de las tiroiditis abarca, desde la rara tiroiditis aguda o supurativa hasta la más rara tiroiditis de Riedel. Las tiroiditis subaguda y silente (y su variante postpartum) también son enfermedades no comunes, mientras que la tiroiditis crónica autoinmune o enfermedad de Hashimoto resulta la tiroiditis y la enfermedad autoinmune órgano específica más frecuente, responsable de la mayor parte de los casos de hipotiroidismo. Efectivamente, en las áreas geográficas no ...

  9. Microcarcinoma papilar de tiroides: ¿microcarcinoma o microtumor?


    Ladra González, María Jesús


    El cáncer de tiroides está aumentando en incidencia en todo el mundo, siendo quizás la neoplasia que más lo hace. Parece que este fenómeno se debe en la mejora de la detección, pero no es seguro que esa sea la única causa. La investigación del cáncer de tiroides es particularmente interesante como modelo de cáncer en general, puesto que más que en ningún otro órgano, hay una muy estrecha correlación entre el tipo histológico tumoral, las alteraciones moleculares, las vías de metástasis y l...

  10. Enfoque terapéutico de algunas enfermedades del tiroides en Pediatría Therapeutic approach to some thyroid diseases in pediatrics

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    Cecilia Pérez Gesen


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades del tiroides ocupan un lugar importante, por su frecuencia y variedad, entre las afecciones endocrinas del niño y el adolescente, y aunque puedan padecer las mismas enfermedades tiroideas del adulto, presentan afecciones específicas de la edad, cuyo diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuado puede prevenir los efectos devastadores e irreversibles que estas pueden producir. Se presenta, con interés de actualizar y establecer consenso, el enfoque terapéutico de algunas tiroidopatías de la infancia, en orden de importancia y frecuencia, como es el nódulo de tiroides, el bocio y el hipertiroidismo.Thyroid diseases hold an important place because of their frequency and variety in the endocrine diseases affecting the child and the adolescent. Although both can suffer the same thyroid diseases as the adults, there are specific illnesses of the age, the diagnosis and treatment of which may prevent the devastating and irreversible effects that they can bring. For the purpose of updating information and reaching a consensus, this paper presented the therapeutic approach to some thyroid diseases of the childhood by order of importance and frequency, such as the thyroid nodule, the goiter and the hyperthyroidism.

  11. Tratamiento multimodal en los carcinomas anaplásicos de tiroides

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    José Luis Guerra Mesa


    Full Text Available Se reporta que el carcinoma anaplásico del tiroides (CAT es una de las neoplasias más malignas que afectan al ser humano, con una supervivencia menor de 6 meses posterior al diagnóstico. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la forma de presentación, el tratamiento multimodal y la evolución de los pacientes con CAT en el Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología. Se estudiaron 25 pacientes que padecían CAT entre diciembre de 1967 y diciembre de 1997 en el Servicio de Cirugía Esplácnica de dicho centro, los que fueron atendidos íntegramente (diagnóstico, tratamiento, seguimiento y deceso. El diagnóstico positivo se hizo mediante citología aspirativa con aguja fina. El tratamiento consistió en una combinación de radioterapia y quimioterapia neoadyuvantes más cirugía. La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 64 años (rango 55-70; la relación hombre-mujer, de 1:1,5 y la frecuencia de la enfermedad de 4,6 %. La forma de presentación más frecuente fue un rápido crecimiento de la glándula asociado con dolor cervical, disfonía, disnea y disfagia. La invasión a estructuras vecinas, las metástasis a distancia y las metástasis ganglionares cervicales regionales estuvieron presentes en el 68, el 32 y el 20 % de los casos, respectivamente al momento del diagnóstico. Se logró resección completa en 7 pacientes y parcial en 10. No ocurrió mortalidad quirúrgica. El tipo histológico más frecuente fue el CAT de células fusiformes. La supervivencia de los pacientes a los cuales se les practicó resección completa del tumor fue de 24 meses como promedioThyroid anaplastic carcinoma (TAC is one of the most malignant neoplasias affecting the human beign, with a survival of less than 6 months after diagnosis. The aim of this paper is to analyze its form of presentation, combined modality treatment and the evolution of those patients presenting with TAC at the National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology. We studied 25

  12. Enfermedad de Graves y cáncer de tiroides. Reporte de caso.


    Manrique-Hurtado, Helard; Pinto-Valdivia, Miguel; Acosta-Chacaltana, Max


    Se reporta el caso de una mujer de 62 años con antecedente de cáncer de recto curado, con Enfermedad de Graves de reciente diagnóstico. El examen físico mostró un bocio difuso y presencia de un nódulo en el polo inferior del lóbulo derecho. El perfil tiroideo mostró un TSH suprimido y hormonas tiroideas aumentadas. Los anticuerpos antitiroideos fueron negativos. La ecografía de tiroides confirmó la presencia de un nódulo sólido en la tiroides y ganglios linfáticos aumentados de tamaño. La gam...

  13. Enfermedad de Graves y cáncer de tiroides: Reporte de caso

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    Helard Manrique-Hurtado


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de una mujer de 62 años con antecedente de cáncer de recto curado, con Enfermedad de Graves de reciente diagnóstico. El examen físico mostró un bocio difuso y presencia de un nódulo en el polo inferior del lóbulo derecho. El perfil tiroideo mostró un TSH suprimido y hormonas tiroideas aumentadas. Los anticuerpos antitiroideos fueron negativos. La ecografía de tiroides confirmó la presencia de un nódulo sólido en la tiroides y ganglios linfáticos aumentados de tamaño. La gammagrafía de tiroides mostró una glándula aumentada de tamaño, hipercaptadora, con presencia de un nódulo frío en el lóbulo derecho. El estudio histopatológico luego de la tiroidectomía total mostró cáncer papilar moderadamente diferenciado, con invasión local y metástasis ganglionares. La coexistencia de enfermedad de Graves y cáncer de tiroides ha sido reportada hasta en 9% de los pacientes. El tumor es más agresivo presentando metástasis a ganglios o a distancia. En general, se debería incluir a la ecografía tiroidea en la evaluación inicial de los pacientes con enfermedad de Graves, especialmente, en los que presentan nódulos tiroideos palpables. (Rev Med Hered 2011;22:34-37.

  14. Fungsi Tiroid Pasca Radioterapi Tumor Ganas Kepala- Leher

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    Ade Chandra


    Full Text Available Abstrak                 Latar Belakang : Radioterapi merupakan salah satu pilihan modalitas pada penatalaksanaan tumor ganas kepala dan leher selain pembedahan dan kemoterapi. Radioterapi pada tumor ganas kepala dan leher dapat mempengaruhi kelenjar tiroid dan merangsang kelainan. Diantara efek samping akibat radioterapi pada kelenjar tiroid tersebut, hipotiroid merupakan kelainan yang paling sering ditemukan. Hipotiroid akibat radioterapi ini bersifat irreversibel dan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup pasien.  Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui fungsi tiroid setelah dilakukan radioterapi pada pasien tumor ganas kepala dan leher. Tinjauan Pustaka : Hipotiroid merupakan efek samping yang paling sering ditemukan pasca radioterapi tumor ganas kepala dan leher. Kelainan pada tiroid pasca radioterapi dihubungkan dengan kerusakan sel dan pembuluh darah kecil kelenjar tiroid serta fibrosis kapsul kelenjar tiroid yang selanjutnya menyebabkan kelenjar tiroid mengecil. Kesimpulan : Radioterapi pada pasien tumor ganas kepala dan leher dapat menimbulkan efek samping berupa hipotiroid yang dibuktikan dengan peningkatan nilai TSH dan penurunan nilai T4  pada pemeriksaan fungsi tiroid.Kata kunci: Radioterapi, tumor ganas kepala dan leher, hipotiroid AbstractBackground: Radiotherapy is one option of modality in the management of head and neck cancer beside surgery and chemotherapy. Radiotherapy in the head and neck cancer can affect the thyroid gland and stimulates the gland disorders. Among the side-effects of radiotherapy on the thyroid gland, hypothyroidism is a disorder most commonly found. Hypothyroidism due to radiotherapy is irreversible and affect quality of life of patients Objective: To determine the function of the thyroid after radiotherapy in patients with the head and neck cancer. Literature Review: Hypothyroidism is the most common side effects found after radiotherapy of the head and neck cancer. Abnormalities of the thyroid after

  15. Tiroides lingual: un nuevo abordaje quirúrgico Lingual thyroid: a new surgical approach

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    I. Zubillaga Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El tiroides lingual es una rara anomalía congénita del desarrollo tiroideo resultante de la ausencia de descenso del mismo desde el foramen caecum hasta la localización prelaríngea habitual. Presentamos el caso de una paciente en edad postmenopáusica con diagnóstico anatomopatológico de tiroides lingual de gran tamaño y localización profunda en la base de la lengua que producía disfagia y dificultad respiratoria crecientes. Asimismo, planteamos un nuevo abordaje quirúrgico para la resección combinando cervicotomía media, pull-through lingual y glosotomía media. Se discuten las distintas pruebas complementarias para llegar a su diagnóstico y se revisan las diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas habitualmente empleadas en su tratamiento concluyendo con las ventajas del abordaje empleado en este caso.Lingual thyroid is an uncommon congenital disorder of thyroid gland development, resulting in a lack of descend of the gland from the foramen caecum to his normal prelaringeal location. In this paper we present a case of a postmenopausic patient presenting with a big size lingual thyroid deeply located in the base of the tongue, suffering increasing disphagia and respiratory impairment. For tumor resection, we chose a surgical approach combining a cervical submental incision, lingual pull- through and midline glossotomy. We discuss the different image studies recommended for proper diagnosis also reviewing the most common surgical techniques used for treatment, as compared with the approach we have described in this case.

  16. Cáncer diferenciado de Tiroides. ¿Porqué está aumentando su frecuencia?.

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    Alfredo Jácome Roca


    Full Text Available Aunque el cáncer de tiroides ocupa un porcentaje menor de los casos de cáncer, no dejan de presentarse un buen número de casos. En su gran mayoría se trata de cánceres diferenciados (papilar y folicular, con buen pronóstico y excelente supervivencia. En décadas recientes se ha notado un incremento mundial de cánceres papilares, aunque con pocas excepciones, se trata de carcinomas muy pequeños, llamados microcarcinomas o carcinomas ocultos. Con el objeto de destacar los aspectos más relevantes de estos tumores y tangencialmente de los cánceres tiroideos pobremente diferenciados o indiferenciados, presentamos esta revisión que también discute las indicaciones conservadoras o citorreductivas de los tratamientos quirúrgicos y otros de naturaleza ablativa. La casuística nacional es cada vez más importante.


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    Nancy Echeverry


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se identificaron proteínas de expresión constitutiva, como vimentina, actina, tubulina, proteína de choque térmico de 60 kDa, peroxirredoxina y la ATP sintasa mitocondrial, en cultivos primarios de tiroides normales y de carcinoma papilar de tiroides. Se establecieron las condiciones de extracción, solubilización, análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de dichas proteínas, y se buscaron las mejores condiciones de isoelectroenfoque (IEF en la electroforesis en dos dimensiones (2D. En la extracción y solubilización de las proteínas se evaluó la presencia o ausencia de anfolitos y sales, se obtuvo un mejor resultado empleando en el amortiguador de extracción sales como Tris-HCl y acetato de magnesio que incrementan la solubilidad de las proteínas. Para la cuantificación se recomienda el uso conjunto de técnicas colorimétricas con la electroforesis SDS-PAGE tiñendo con azul de Coomassie y corroborando los resultados mediante western blot, lo cual permite, además, verificar la integridad de las proteínas. Respecto a la electroforesis en dos dimensiones, se obtuvieron geles con un mayor número de manchas (spots, resueltos, enfocados y reproducibles empleando en el IEF gradientes inmovilizados de pH de 4-7 y voltaje final de 8.000 V. Las proteínas se identificaron mediante el análisis bioinformático de los geles 2D con el programa PDQuest (PDQuest 7.2, Bio-Rad® y MALDI-TOF.

  18. Study of the 6-n-propyl-2 thiouracil (PTU) as radioprotector in the thyroid cancer; Estudio del 6 propil-2 tiouracilo (PTU) como radioprotector en el tratamiento del cancer de tiroides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perona, Marina; Dagrosa, Maria A; Pisarev, Mario A; Juvenal, Guillelrmo J [Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, General San Martin (Argentina). Dept. de Radiogiologia; Pagotto, R; Pignataro, O [Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET), Buenos Aires (Argentina). Instituto de Biologia y Medicina Experimental; Casal, M [Instituto Nacional de Oncologia ' Angel H. Roffo' , Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    epidemiologicos han demostrado que la exposicion a altas dosis de radiacion externa incrementa la frecuencia de neoplasias de tiroides, particularmente cuando la misma ocurre en la niniez o en la adolescencia. El uso de radioprotectores de la tiroides seria de utilidad para evitar efectos tumorigenicos en la glandula cuando la radiacion ionizante en la zona del cuello es la unica terapia posible. Objetivos: Estudiar el posible efecto radioprotector de la droga antitiroidea 6 propil-2 tiouracilo (PTU). Se cultivaron celulas tiroideas normales (linea FRTL-5 de rata) y patologicas (lineas de cancer humano tiroideo anaplasico ARO). Las mismas fueron irradiadas con una fuente de 60Co (1Gy/min) en dosis variables entre 1 y 8 Gy, en presencia y ausencia de PTU (1 mM). A posteriori se evaluo el danio post radiacion mediante el ensayo de formacion de colonias tomando la fraccion de sobrevida (FS) como indicador del efecto. Resultados: La FS aumento respecto del Control en ambas lineas celulares para todas las dosis utilizadas. La relacion PTU vs. Control fue de 2,3 y 2,7 para las celulas ARO y FRTL-5 respectivamente. El efecto radioprotector del PTU es el mismo si es agregado 24 hs antes o inmediatamente post irradiacion. Dado que se ha demostrado que el aumento de la radioresistencia de los tejidos puede inducirse mediante la estimulacion de las vias del AMP ciclico (cAMP), se midieron los niveles del segundo mensajero luego de incubar las lineas celulares durante 5, 24, 48 y 72 horas con diferentes concentraciones de PTU (0; 0,1 mM; 1 mM y 2 mM). El PTU aumento los niveles intra y extracelulares del cAMP en todos los tratamientos. Se observo un pico a las 24 hs en los niveles extracelulares incubados con PTU 1 mM de 36,97 {+-} 6,37 (fmol/{mu}g de prot) vs Control 16,67 {+-} 3,92 (fmol/{mu}g de prot). El efecto radioprotector del PTU fue mimetizado por el cAMP. Conclusion: El PTU ejerce un efecto radioprotector estimulando la via del cAMP. (autor)

  19. Metilación y expresión de genes en el cáncer diferenciado de tiroides Methylation and expression of genes in thyroid differentiated cancer

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    María Teresa Marrero Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En los últimos años ha cobrado importancia el estudio de las alteraciones epigenéticas en el desarrollo del cáncer. La metilación del ácido desoxirribonucleico es el cambio epigenético más frecuente e importante hasta ahora estudiado, y tiene un importante papel en la regulación transcripcional de genes. Recientemente se ha observado que existen patrones de metilación anormales en muchos tipos de cánceres, incluyendo el cáncer de tiroides, los cuales conducen a la inactivación de genes supresores de tumores y a la inestabilidad del genoma. La metilación de genes específicos, tales como, el cotransportador de yodo/sodio, la tiroglobulina y el receptor de la hormona estimulante del tiroides en el cáncer diferenciado de tiroides, es una de las causas de fallo en el tratamiento de los pacientes con esta enfermedad. Se ha iniciado el tratamiento con agentes desmetilantes en los pacientes con cáncer de tiroides que presentan una alteración genética por metilación, a fin de corregir estas alteraciones, restablecer la función, y con ello, la posibilidad de que el tratamiento sea efectivo.In past years the study of epigenetic alterations in the cancer development becomes significance. The methylation of desoxyribonucleic acid is the more frequent and important epigenetic change until now studied and play a significant role in the transcription regulation of genes. Recently it was noted the existence of abnormal methylation patterns in many types of cancer, including the thyroid one, which leading to inactivation of tumor suppressors genes and to genome instability. The methylation of specific genes such as the co-transporter of iodine/sodium, the thyroglobulin and the receptor of thyroid stimulant hormone (TSH in the thyroid differentiated cancer, is one of the failure cause in treatment of patients presenting this disease. In patients with thyroid cancer it has been initiated a treatment with demethylation agents in patients with

  20. Tratamiento del cáncer por captura neutrónica de boro: Su aplicación al carcinoma indiferenciado de tiroides Boron neutron capture therapy applied to undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma

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    Mario A. Pisarev


    Full Text Available El cáncer indiferenciado de tiroides es un tumor muy agresivo, de muy mal pronóstico y sin tratamiento efectivo. La terapia por captura neutrónica de boro (BNCT podría ser una alternativa para el tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Se basa en la captación selectiva de boro por el tumor y su activación por un haz de neutrones. El boro activado libera un núcleo de litio-7 y una partícula alfa, las cuales tienen una alta transmisión linear de energía (linear energy transfer, LET y un alcance de 5-9 µm, destruyendo el tumor. En estudios previos hemos mostrado que la línea celular humana de cáncer indiferenciado de tiroides (ARO tiene una captación selectiva de borofenilalanina (10BPA tanto in vitro como después de ser implantada en ratones NIH nude. También demostramos en estos animales inyectados con BPA e irradiados con un haz de neutrones térmicos, un 100% de control sobre el crecimiento tumoral y un 50% de cura histológica. En trabajos posteriores mostramos que la porfirina 10BOPP tetrakis-carborane carboxylate ester de 2,4-bis-(a,b-dihydroxyethyl-deutero-porphyrin IX cuando es inyectada 5-7 días antes que el BPA se obtiene una concentración tumoral de boro de aproximadamente el doble que el BPA solo (45-38 ppm vs. 20 ppm. La posterior irradiación con neutrones mostró un 100% de remisión completa en animales con tumores cuyo volumen pre-tratamiento era de 50 mm³ o menor. Los perros padecen CIT espontáneo, con un comportamiento biológico similar al humano, y una captación selectiva de BPA, abriendo la posibilidad de su tratamiento por BNCT.Undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma (UTC is an aggressive tumor with a poor prognosis due to the lack of an effective treatment. Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT is based on the selective uptake of boron by the tumor and its activation by a neutron beam, releasing lithium-7 and an alpha particle that will kill the tumor cells by their high linear energy transfer (LET. In previous

  1. Procedimiento de elaboración de polvo de tiroides

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    Bárbara Águila Gil


    Full Text Available Se desarrolló un procedimiento para la obtención de polvo de tiroides, en el que se introdujeron cambios en la etapa de desgrase mediante el uso de un solvente adecuado. El solvente empleado para el desgrase fue el alcohol al 95 %. Se logró un producto a nivel de laboratorio e industrial que cumple las especificaciones de calidad según la Norma Cubana para el producto polvo de tiroides.A procedure was developed to obtain thyroid powder. Changes were made in the degreasing stage by using an appropiate solvent. The solvent utilized was alcohol 95 %. At the laboratory and industrial level it was obtained a product that meets the quality specifications according to the Cuban Norm for thyroid powder.

  2. Patología maligna tiroidea. Hospital Sabogal, Callao

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    Juan Oré


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar las características clínicas del cáncer de tiroides encontrados en la población del Callao. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo. Material y Métodos: Se revisó las historias clínicas de las intervenciones quirúrgicas de la glándula tiroides en el Hospital Nacional Alberto Sabogal Sologuren (HNASS, en el periodo enero de 2000 a diciembre de 2002, cuyo resultado por anatomía patológica fue compatible con neoplasia maligna de dicha glándula. Resultados: Las 45 neoplasias malignas primarias de tiroides encontradas representaron 34,2% de la patología tiroidea operada en el periodo en estudio. El carcinoma papilar se presentó en 100% de los pacientes de sexo masculino y en 82% del sexo femenino; en la mujer, los carcinomas folicular, medular y linfoma representaron 10,3%, 5,1% y 2,6%, respectivamente. El grupo etáreo con mayor incidencia fue entre 50 y 69 años, con una edad promedio de 53 años. Dentro de los diferentes tipos de neoplasias malignas, el más frecuente fue el papilar con 38 casos (84,4%, seguido de los carcinomas folicular y medular con 8,9% y 4,4%, respectivamente. El síntoma más frecuente fue el aumento de volumen (61,5%, seguido de dolor (15,4%, disfagia (10,8% y disfonía (9,2%; 29,6% se encontraba en estadio I y 59,1% en estadio II; sólo 11,4% estaba en estadio III. Conclusiones: El predominio de casos en mujeres del carcinoma papilar y la clínica asociada, fueron acordes con lo descrito en la literatura.

  3. Patogénesis molecular del carcinoma de esófago

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    A. M. Jiménez


    Full Text Available El carcinoma de esófago existe en dos formas principales: el carcinoma de células escamosas o pavimentoso y el adenocarcinoma. En este artículo se describen las principales alteraciones genéticas halladas en ambos tipos de carcinomas y la implicancia de éstas en la patogénesis de los mismos. La secuencia de estas alteraciones se correlaciona con la histogénesis, lo que permite comprender la progresión tumoral desde el epitelio normal al carcinoma invasor. Se establece también una comparación entre la patogénesis molecular del cáncer de esófago y del desarrollo de estos carcinomas con el modelo de la patogénesis molecular del cáncer colorrectal.Carcinoma of the esophagus is present in two distinct morphological cell types: squamous or pavimentous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. In this article, the main genetic alterations found in both types of carcinomas and their implications are described. The sequence of these alterations is related to histogenesis, making it possible to understand tumor progression from normal epithelium to invasive carcinoma. A comparison is attempted between the molecular development of esophagus carcinomas and that of colorectal carcinoma.


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    Ángel Concepción


    Full Text Available El estudio del sistema inmune normal y los efectos histopatológicos provocados por sus alteraciones, son de la mayor importancia tanto desde el punto de vista investigativo, como para una adecuada preparación del médico integral que se necesita formar en este campo. Tomando en consideración estos antecedentes fue utilizado en el presente trabajo, muestras de mastocitos peritoneales teñidas con azul de toluidina y cortes de corazón, pulmón y tiroides, incluidas en parafina y teñidas con hematoxilina-eosina. Posteriormente fueron fotografiadas a través de un microscopio óptico y procesadas, mediante un programa de foto edición. Se comparan patologías de origen inmunológico, como las características de los mastocitos desgranulados y sin desgranular, corazón normal y con carditis, pulmón normal con la de asma a nivel alveolar y tiroides normal, con tiroiditis. El objetivo del trabajo consiste en comparar un grupo de imágenes que muestran las características normales de diversos órganos, comparándolas con las imágenes de patologías de origen inmunológico que las afectan, por lo que además del resultado investigativo, posee valor docente.

  5. Biopsia por punción con aguja fina sin aspiración en el diagnóstico prequirúrgico del nódulo del tiroides Fine needle biopsy without aspiration in the presurgical diagnosis of thyroid nodule

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    Francisco Ochoa Torres


    Full Text Available Se estudió un grupo de 100 pacientes operados de nódulo único del tiroides en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital “Cmdte. Manuel Fajardo”, para validar el método de la biopsia por punción con aguja fina sin aspiración (citopunción en el diagnóstico prequirúrgico de esa afección. A cada paciente se le realizó una citopunción con aguja No. 25 antes de la intervención quirúrgica; los resultados se clasificaron en negativos (benignos y positivos (malignos y sospechosos y la histología posoperatoria, en benigna y maligna, según los intereses de nuestro trabajo y de criterios preestablecidos en el Departamento de Anatomía Patológica del hospital. El 100 % de las muestras fue útil para diagnóstico con una correspondencia entre citopunción e histología del 83 %. Los valores de los indicadores de validación fueron: sensibilidad: 76 %, especificidad: 85 %, valor predictivo positivo: 57 %, valor predictivo negativo: 93 % y eficacia general del método: 85 %. Concluimos que la citopunción es un método diagnóstico útil en el nódulo único del tiroides y que logra iguales resultados que la BAF, pero la primera es más recomendable por ser de más fácil aplicación, menos traumático y más económico.A group of 100 patients operated on of thyroid nodule at the Service of General Surgery of “Comandante Manuel Fajardo” Hospital was studied aimed at validating the method of biopsy by fine needle puncture without aspiration (cytopuncture in the presurgical diagnosis of this disease. Every patient underwent cytopuncture with needle No. 25 before the operation. The results were classified into negative (benign and positive (malignant and suspected, and postoperative histology into benign and malignant, according to the interests of our investigation and to the criteria preestablished at the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the hospital. 100 % of the samples were useful for the diagnosis with a correspondence

  6. Carcinoma primitivo del hígado


    Rocha Posada, Hernando; Henríquez Tejada, Basilio; Isaza, Pablo A.; Mendoza Acosta, Emiro


    Los autores presentan los aspectos clínico patológicos y de laboratorio de 18 casos auténticos de carcinoma primitivo del hígado, hallados sobre un total de 5.479 autopsias realizadas en el departamento de anatomía patológica del Hospital de San Juan de Dios de Bogotá, durante el período de tiempo comprendido entre 1954 y 1964.

  7. Caracterización clínica y funcional en pacientes con diagnóstico inicial de tiroiditis de Hashimoto en el año 2007. Clinical and functional characterization in patients with initial diagnosis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis in 2007.

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    Marelys Yanes Quesada


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: la tiroiditis de Hashimoto constituye una afección tiroidea autoinmune de lenta evolución, y es la primera causa de hipotiroidismo con bocio en zonas con adecuada ingesta de yodo. OBJETIVO: identificar las características clínicas (edad, sexo, antecedentes patológicos familiares de enfermedad tiroidea y presencia de bocio, así como el estado de función tiroideo en el momento del diagnóstico de la tiroiditis de Hashimoto. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal con 41 pacientes con diagnóstico inicial de tiroiditis de Hashimoto durante el año 2007, a los cuales se les llenó un modelo de encuesta, y se les hizo examen físico del tiroides, así como dosificación de hormona estimulante del tiroides y tiroxina total. Los datos se analizaron utilizando el método porcentual y se expusieron en tablas. RESULTADOS: se obtuvo un predominio del sexo femenino con un 78 %, y según edad y sexo el grupo más frecuente ocurrió en las mujeres de 50 a 59 años con un 29,26 %. El 60,97 de los pacientes presentó antecedentes patológicos familiares de enfermedad tiroidea. Todos los pacientes presentaron bocio, y fue el más frecuente el grado 2, con un 60,97 %. El 58,53 de los pacientes estaba funcionalmente eutiroideo. CONCLUSIONES: la tiroiditis de Hashimoto fue más frecuente en el sexo femenino y en la quinta década de la vida, la presencia de antecedentes patológicos personales fue muy frecuente, y todos los pacientes presentaron bocio en el momento del diagnóstico, más frecuente de grado 2. La mayoría de los casos tuvo una función tiroidea normal.INTRODUCTION: Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune thyroid affection of slow evolution and it is the first cause of hypothyroidism with goiter in zones with an adequate ingestion of iodine. OBJECTIVE: to identify the clinical characteristics (age, sex, family pathological history of thyroid disease and presence of goiter, as well as the state of thyroid

  8. Síndrome de Turner y tiroiditis autoinmune Turner´s syndrome and autoimmune thyroiditis

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    Tamara Fernández Teruel


    Full Text Available Paciente de 13 años de edad, del sexo femenino, quien presenta los siguientes antecedentes patológicos familiares: madre que padece de hipertensión arterial, padre con úlcera péptica; sin lazos de consanguinidad entre los progenitores. Antecedentes prenatales: gestación a término de 38 semanas que corresponde al segundo embarazo, signo de menos y escaso incremento de la altura uterina. Motivo de consulta: baja talla. Al examen físico de la paciente se encuentra piel seca y áspera, panículo adiposo aumentado, cubitus valgus, teletelia, implantación baja del cabello y en tridente, así como acortamiento del cuarto metacarpiano. Glándula tiroides: aumentada de volumen ± 25 gramos, superficie lisa, no dolorosa, no se precisan nódulos. Maniobra de Chvostek negativa, no vello sexual, genitales externos de aspecto femenino y estadio I de desarrollo de mamas (Tanner I. Estudios complementarios realizados: TSH 32,6 mU/L, anticuerpos antimicrosomales positivo, anticuerpos antiislotes pancreáticos positivo, cromatina oral 12 %, FSH 68,8 UI/L (elevado, LH 12,5 UI/L (elevado, estrógenos 18 pmol/L. (disminuido, prolactina 72 mU/L (disminuido. En resumen, se trata de una paciente con diagnóstico de síndrome de Turner y enfermedad autoinmune del tiroides, que cursa con hipotiroidismo clínico.A 13-years-old female patient, who presents with the following family pathological history: mother with blood hypertension, father with peptic ulcer; no blood relationship between parents. Prenatal history: term pregnancy of 38 weeks of a second pregnancy, minus sign and little increase of uterine height. Reason for appointment: low height. On physical exam, the patient´s skin was dry and rough, augmented adipose pannicle, cubitus valgus, telethelia, low implantation of hair in trident position as well as shortening of fourth metacarpal. Thyroidal gland: increased volume of ± 25 grams, smooth surface, no pain, no nodules were detected. Negative Chvostek

  9. El informe histológico del carcinoma basocelular

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    Gerzaín Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En Colombia, ha sido costumbre hacer el informe microscópico del carcinoma basocelular sin referencia a sus patrones histológicos; es común que sólo diga 'carcinoma basocelular', sin descripción de las características microscópicas. El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer recomendaciones sobre la manera de realizar el informe histológico de este tumor, refiriéndose a sus patrones microscópicos más importantes y a otras características como su dispersión y la invasión perinerural porque tienen importancia en el pronóstico y tratamiento del paciente. Entre los múltiples patrones histológicos que adopta el carcinoma basocelular, los más comunes y de importancia pronóstica son: nodular, superficial, micronodular, trabecular, morfeiforme y fibroepitelial. El carcinoma basocelular micronodular, el trabecular y el morfeiforme son los que más extensión subclínica presentan, los más infiltrantes en profundidad, capaces de dar invasión perineural y de ser los que con mayor frecuencia recidivan, si no se resecan con márgenes suficientes o con cirugía micrográfica de Mohs. Tienen un patrón de crecimiento difuso. El carcinoma basoescamoso es ocasional y tiene capacidad de dar metástasis. El informe histológico del carcinoma basocelular debe incluir una descripción que precise el patrón histológico, el crecimiento disperso o circunscrito y la presencia o ausencia de invasión perineural; debe informar su extensión y localización: si está unido al epitelio, a qué nivel de la dermis penetra y si alcanza la grasa subcutánea o el tejido muscular. El conocimiento de estos datos permite al dermatólogo establecer el pronóstico y hacer el tratamiento más adecuado en cada caso.

  10. Mitral valve prolapse in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis Tiroiditis de Hashimoto y prolapso de la válvula mitral

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    Federico Uribe Londoño


    Full Text Available The prevalence of mitral valve prolapse was determined en 67 patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (TH, and in 48 healthy control individuals. Mitral valve prolapse was found in 14 of 67 (20.9% patients with TH and in none of the controls. The presence of mitral valve prolapse should be investigated whenever this diagnosed. Se investigó la prevalencia de prolapso de la válvula mitral por ecocardiografía modo M y bidimensional en 67 pacientes que cumplían como mínimo tres de los criterios de Fisher y asociados, para el diagnóstico clínico de tiroiditis de Hashimoto (TH y que fueron comprobados por biopsia por aspiración de la glándula tiroides, con aguja fina, leída según los criterios de Kline; se incluyeron como controles 48 individuos normales. Se encontraron 14 casos (20.9% de prolapso de la válvula mitral en los pacientes con TH y ninguno entre los controles. Desconocemos por qué en esta serle la frecuencia del prolapso de la válvula mitral en pacientes con TH fue solamente la mitad de la observada en otra serle (41%, a pesar de que se utilizaron procedimientos y criterios diagnósticos similares. Con base en los hallazgos se sugIere buscar el prolapso de la válvula mitral en todo paciente con TH.

  11. El cáncer del cuerpo tiroides

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    Santiago Triana Cortés


    Full Text Available El coto fue conocido por los antiguos, pero el cáncer tiroideo pasó inadvertido para ellos, confundido con los otros tumores cervicales, bajo los mismos nombres: broncoceles, traqueoceles y estrumas. La patología tiroidea avanzó extraordinariamente en el siglo XVIII, gracias a los estudios de Kortum, quien demostró el origen tiroideo del coto y sospechó su posible degeneración cancerosa; pero el cáncer tiroideo no fue individualizado sino más tarde, cuando a mediados del pasado siglo se inició su estudio serio en lo que puede considerarse el período de investigaciones histológicas y terapéuticas, que daban mayor luz que las aportadas en el período de diferenciación clínica y anatómica que caracterizó la etapa anterior.

  12. Carcinoma escamoso y virus del papiloma humano. Actualización


    López López, José, 1958-; Roselló Llabrés, Xavier; Jané Salas, Enric; Blanco Carrión, Andrés; Chimenos Küstner, Eduardo


    Se realiza una revisión sobre el estado actual del carcinoma escamoso oral y su relación con el virus del papiloma humano. Se repasan los diferentes métodos de detección del virus y las diferentes enfermedades orales en las que se implica. Finalmente se actualizan los diferentes aspectos genéticos que lo implican en la etiopatogenia de las lesiones premalignas y malignas.

  13. Biología molecular y cáncer de tiroides Molecular biology and thyroid cancer

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    Juan Cassola Santana


    Full Text Available Se realiza una revisión actualizada sobre aspectos de biología molecular que servirán de base al cirujano actuante para un mejor conocimiento del cáncer tiroideo. El objetivo radica en alertar a los cirujanos sobre las nuevas evaluaciones a las que podrán someterse los tumores de la tiroides, que implicarán cambios en toda la gama de conductas actuales en estos casos. Se señalan aspectos que sin duda cambiarán los conceptos que se manejan hoy día.A updating review is carry out on the features of molecular biology as a basis for acting surgeon to a better knowledge of thyroid cancer. The objective is to alert surgeons on the new assessments for this type of cancer, implicating changes in all the range of current behaviors in these cases. The features that will change the nowadays concepts in this respect.

  14. Nódulo de tiroides Thyroid nodule

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    Silvia Elena Turcios Tristá


    Full Text Available En los últimos años se ha incrementado la frecuencia diagnóstica del nódulo de tiroides. Un adecuado método clínico y algunos exámenes complementarios, serán los factores a tener en cuenta para definir la naturaleza de la lesión y su funcionalidad. En la actualidad se adicionan nuevos elementos en los estudios por imagen que ayudan a predecir, en alguna medida, el riesgo de malignidad de estas lesiones, y se trata de que el resultado citológico sea más uniforme y orientador. Las conductas se adecuan al tipo de enfermedad tiroidea y a sus riesgos, pero es imprescindible la unión de las especialidades que tienen que ver con la enfermedad nodular tiroidea, para unificar criterios que favorezcan un adecuado y eficiente proceso diagnóstico-terapéutico, que reduzcan los riesgos y los costos que implica la adopción de conductas inadecuadas e innecesarias.In the last few years, the frequency of diagnosis of the thyroid nodule has increased. A correct clinical method and some supplementary tests are the factors to be taken into account to define the nature of lesion and functionality. At present, new elements are added to the imaging studies, which help to predict somehow the risk of malignancy of these lesions, and it is intended to reach a more uniform and guiding cytological result. The behaviors should adapt to the type of thyroid disease and to the risks, but the combination of those specialties that have to do with the nodular thyroid disease is indispensable in order to uniform criteria favoring adequate and efficient diagnostic and therapeutic processes, and reducing the risks and costs of the adoption of inadequate and unnecessary behaviors.

  15. Informes clínicos breves

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista de la


    Full Text Available Carcinoma de tiroides / Cristian Roger Barbosa Sandoval y Edgar Jose Figueredo ; tutor Erix Boz6n -- Protocolo para el manejo de pacientes con trastorno afectivo bipolar manfaco (TABM / Luis Eduardo Jaramillo y Ricardo Sanchez -- Apendicitis aguda: experiencia en el Hospital de La Misericordia / Enrique Villamizar Zuniga ; tutores Efrairn Bonilla, Mizrahinn Mendez -- Comparacion del crecimiento facial en pacientes con fisuras labio-palatinas reparadas mediante dos tecnicas de palatoplastia / Oswaldo J. Gomez ; tutor Rafael Gomez -- Enfermedades del tejido conectivo en neoplasia / MarJioCharry Barrios ; tutor Jorge Rodrfguez Riveros.

  16. Punción aspiración con aguja fina de nódulos tiroideos

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    Iván Pimienta Concepción


    Full Text Available La punción aspirativa con aguja fina es una técnica muy habitual en las últimas décadas, que interpretada por un citólogo experto proporciona una información muy valiosa, se basa en un método simple, mínimamente invasivo y preciso para diagnosticar masas superficiales tales como los nódulos tiroideos; definidos por la Asociación Tiroidea Americana como discretas lesiones dentro de la glándula tiroidea imagenológicamente distintas del parénquima tiroideo. En los nódulos fríos indica si la citología es benigna, dudosa o maligna, con escasas probabilidades de error. En los carcinomas papilares su fiabilidad se acerca al 100% e igualmente en los carcinomas anaplásicos y carcinomas medulares; no así en los adenomas foliculares que son indiferenciables de los carcinomas, por lo cual el diagnóstico de proliferación folicular no es definitivo hasta después de la cirugía cuando esté el informe histopatológico de la biopsia por parafina, que sí es concluyente. En esta revisión bibliográfica se abordan los referentes teóricos más actuales sobre la importancia de la punción aspiración con aguja fina en el estudio de las lesiones nodulares de la glándula tiroides, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, si se tiene en cuenta la tendencia al incremento del cáncer de tiroides en el Ecuador.

  17. Differentiated thyroid cancer: reclassification of the risk of recurrence based on the response to initial treatment; Carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides: reclasificación del riesgo de recurrencia según la respuesta al tratamiento inicial

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martínez, M. P.; Lozano Bullrich, M. P.; Rey, M.; Ridruejo, M. C.; Bomarito, M. J.; Claus Hermberg, H.; Pozzo, M.J., E-mail: [Hospital Alemán, Servicio de Endocrinología, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    response was observed in 11 (84.6 %) and an acceptable response was observed in 2 (15.4 %) of the intermediate-risk classified patients and in the high-risk group 1 patient (100 %) presented an acceptable response. Clinical status of patients after 2 years of IT: 25 (80.6 %) with no evidence of disease (NED), 6 (19.4 %) with biochemical persistence (BP) and 0 (0 %) with structural persistence (EP), recurrence (R) or death (D). After a mean long-term follow-up period of 51.3 months, the clinical status was: 25 (80.6 %) with NED, 4 (12.9 %) with BP and (0 %) with EP, R or D; for the remaining 2 (6.5 %) no long-term follow-up data was available (ND). At the end of the long-term follow-up period, 24 (96 %) patients with excellent response after 2 years of IT remained NED, whereas 1 (4 %) was reported as ND and 1 (16.7 %) patient with acceptable response after 2 years of IT remained NED (initially this was a low-risk patient), 4 (66.6 %) remained BP, 1 (16.7 %) was reported as ND and no EP, R or D was observed. Conclusions: 1) reclassification of patients was particularly useful in the intermediate risk group because 84.6 % of these patients had an excellent response after two years of IT, 2) reclassification of patients based on the response to IT, allows us to optimize their follow-up and 3) although the mean long-term follow-up period was 51.3 months, there was a good correlation between clinical status after two years of IT and after the long-term follow-up period, mainly in the excellent response group. (authors) [Spanish] Introducción: la clasificación de la American Thyroid Association (ATA) para carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides (CDT) aporta una visión estática del paciente al inicio y no está diseñada para ser modificada. El Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MS-KCC) diseñó una reclasificación a 2 años del tratamiento inicial (TI), permitiendo tener una óptica más dinámica. Objetivo: comunicar nuestra experiencia con la reclasificación del riesgo de

  18. Rabdomiolisis y miopatía como únicas manifestaciones de hipotiroidismo severo secundario a tiroiditis de Hashimoto Rhabdomyolysis and myopathy as the only manifestations of severe hypothyroidism secondary to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis


    Juan P. Brito; Juan P. Domecq; Gabriela Prutsky; Germán Málaga; Larry Young; Atil Y. Kargi


    La tiroiditis de Hashimoto constituye la causa más frecuente de hipotiroidismo en las regiones sin deficiencia de yodo, es más frecuente en mujeres y muchas veces tiene asociación familiar. Los síntomas y signos del hipotiroidismo son sistémicos y dependen de la duración e intensidad de la deficiencia de la hormona tiroidea. Las manifestaciones neuromusculares, son excepcionalmente los únicos signos clínicos. Se presenta el caso de un paciente joven con una miopatía severa con rabdomiolisis c...

  19. Rabdomiolisis y miopatía como únicas manifestaciones de hipotiroidismo severo secundario a tiroiditis de Hashimoto Rhabdomyolysis and myopathy as the only manifestations of severe hypothyroidism secondary to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

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    Juan P. Brito


    Full Text Available La tiroiditis de Hashimoto constituye la causa más frecuente de hipotiroidismo en las regiones sin deficiencia de yodo, es más frecuente en mujeres y muchas veces tiene asociación familiar. Los síntomas y signos del hipotiroidismo son sistémicos y dependen de la duración e intensidad de la deficiencia de la hormona tiroidea. Las manifestaciones neuromusculares, son excepcionalmente los únicos signos clínicos. Se presenta el caso de un paciente joven con una miopatía severa con rabdomiolisis como la única manifestación de hipotiroidismo severo debido a tiroiditis de HashimotoHashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most frequent cause of hypothyroidism. In the regions with no iodine deficiency, it is more frequent in women and oftentimes has a familial association. The symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism are systemic and depend on the duration and intensity of the thyroid hormone deficiency. Neuromuscular manifestations are seldom the only symptoms and signs present. We present the case of a young patient with severe myopathy, where rhabdomyolysis was the sole manifestation of severe hypothyroidism secondary to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

  20. Comportamiento del carcinoma basocelular facial en Artemisa durante la última década

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    Mileydis Viñas García


    Full Text Available El carcinoma basocelular representa aproximadamente entre un 70 a un 80 % de los cánceres cutáneos no melanoma, en la población de color de piel blanca y su tasa de incidencia ha incrementado un 20 % en las últimas 2 décadas. Se realizó un estudio observacional de tipo descriptivo y de corte transversal desde enero de 2000 a diciembre de 2009, para determinar el comportamiento del carcinoma basocelular en los pacientes anotados en el registro de solicitud de biopsias del Servicio de Cirugía Máxilofacial del municipio Artemisa. El universo fueron 1 287 individuos y constituyeron la muestra 607 pacientes con diagnóstico clínico e histopatológico de carcinoma basocelular. Se registraron las siguientes variables: grupo de edad, sexo, color de la piel, ocupación, localización del tumor, formas clínicas de presentación y tipo histopatológico. Se confeccionó un formulario y los datos se procesaron estadísticamente por cálculo porcentual. Los resultados se presentaron en tablas. Se obtuvo un 47,1 % con diagnóstico de carcinoma basocelular en ambos sexos, con ligero predominio en el género masculino, los campesinos y constructores resultaron ser los más afectados. La población de piel blanca constituyó el 98,8 % de los pacientes con carcinoma basocelular y el grupo de edad más afectado fue el de 70 años en adelante. La principal región fue la nasal, la forma clínica de presentación nodular perlada fue la más frecuente. Predominó el tipo histopatológico sólido y tres cuartas partes de los pacientes fueron tratados con exéresis simple. Se concluyó que el carcinoma basocelular constituyó la entidad de mayor prevalencia al afectar casi la mitad de la población objeto de estudio.

  1. Depresion en pacientes con alteraciones del tiroides


    Radanovic-Grguric´, Ljiljana; Filakovic´, Pavo; Barkic´, Jelena; Mandic´, Nikola; Karner, Ivan; Smoje, Juraj


    Nuestro estudio fue realizado en un grupo de 53 mujeres con disfunción tiroidea y 28 mujeres con depresión mayor. Empleamos la Escala de la Depresión de Hamilton, la Escala de Autoevaluación de la Depresión de Zung y la Escala sobre la Impresión Clínica Global. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que la mayoría de los pacientes con disfunción tiroidea se mostraron clínicamente significativos en cuanto al trastorno depresivo. Los episodios depresivos son más frecuentes en pacientes con hipot...





    Objetivo: Describir y analizar el funcionamiento normal de la glándula tiroides en equinos y los factores que aumentan en ellos los niveles de hormonas tiroideas. Materiales y métodos: Mediante la revisión de la literatura disponible de los últimos 50 años en las bases de datos BBCS-LILACS, fuente académica, IB-PsycINFO, IB-SSCI, IB-SciELO, Scopus y Scirus, al igual que artículos históricos, textos y referencias citadas en trabajos publicados. Resultados: la información obtenida relacionada c...

  3. Pengaruh Iodium terhadap Perubahan Fungsi Tiroid dan Status Iodium

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    Suryati Kumorowulan


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Iodine is an essential element that enables the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. The source of iodine in the body comes from food, iodized salt and iodine capsules. Iodized salt and iodine capsules had been used by the government in Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD elimination program. However, iodine capsules prophylaxis program in the IDD endemic areas had caused symptoms of hyperthyroidism, subsequently the program was discontinued since 2009. The aim of this research to determine the effect of iodine supplementation on thyroid function and iodine status. This was quasi-experimental design, conducted in Pituruh Purworejo District. Sample of this study consisted of 85 women of childbearing age, divided into three intervention groups. Each group obtained iodized salt for one month, then continued with the provision of iodized salt and 200 mg iodine capsules in group I, iodized salt and 400 mg iodine capsules in group II, and iodized salt and shredded tuna fish 2 times a week in group III for 3 months. Thyroid status was measured by levels of TSH, FT4 analyzed with ELISA. Iodine status measured by UIE levels analyzed with spectrophotometer. Data was analyzed using General Linear Model Repeated Measure (GLM RM. After 3 months, in all three treatment groups the TSH changes were statistically significant. In FT4 hormone levels, after administration of the intervention occurred “Wolff-Chaikoff” mechanism. There were significant increase on Iodine status (UIE (p< 0.05 in all three treatment groups. There is a change in iodine status and thyroid function after administration of three forms of iodine intervention. Keywords: iodine, TSH, FT4, UIE. ABSTRAK Iodium merupakan bahan dasar untuk membentuk hormon tiroid. Sumber iodium tubuh berasal dari makanan, garam beriodium, dan kapsul iodium. Garam beriodium dan kapsul iodium telah digunakan oleh pemerintah dalam penanggulangan Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Iodium (GAKI. Namun peng

  4. Consumo de yodo, estado nutricional y situación socioeconómica en dos comunidades con diferente altitud sobre el nivel del mar


    Bastardo de Castañeda, Gladys; Quintero de Rivas, Yurimay del Valle; Angarita R., Coromoto E.; Acero, Carmen; Barrera, Orgleis; Castañeda, Gabriel; Carrero, Alejandro; Rivas, José Gregorio


    Objetivo: Evaluar el consumo de yodo, el estado nutricional y la situación socioeconómica en escolares de Nueva Bolivia y El Playón, dos zonas andinas con diferente altitud sobre el nivel del mar del Estado Mérida, Venezuela. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal. Participaron 162 escolares. Se determinaron la hormona estimulante del tiroides (TSH), tiroxina libre (T4L), triyodotironina libre (T3L) séricas y la cantidad de yodo en la sal. La evaluación dietética se realizó mediante una enc...

  5. Cáncer de Tiroides: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo Thyroid carcinoma: A descriptive retrospective study

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    Carolina C. González


    Full Text Available Entre todos los tumores, el carcinoma tiroideo (CT es poco frecuente, se caracteriza por su lenta evolución y elevado porcentaje de curación. Nuestro objetivo es estudiar las características de los pacientes con CT. Analizamos retrospectivamente a 171 pacientes, edad media al diagnóstico 41.1( ± 14.6 años, que consultaron entre los años 2000-04 por CT. Se evaluaron datos de anamnesis, métodos de diagnóstico, anatomía patológica y evolución. Agrupamos a los tumores por el tamaño y según TNM (tumor-adenopatía-metástasis en estadios (E. La presencia de tiroglobulina estimulada (Tg > 2 ng/ml e imagen positiva (con 131I u otro radiotrazador fueron consideradas como positivas para CT residual. De la población total el 88% fue sexo femenino, el 62% menores de 45 años, y el 77.1% tuvo función tiroidea normal. La punción con aguja fina (PAAF fue diagnóstica en 78%. El 96% fue carcinoma papilar (CTP, 63% presentaban E I; 14% E II; 19% E III y 4% E IV. Se detectó CT residual en el 90% de los pacientes con Tg entre 2 y 10, y en el 100% con Tg > 10 ng/ml, mientras que con Tg The thyroid carcinoma (TC is not very frequent among all cancers. Its course is slow and is high potentially curable. Our aim was to analyse the characteristics in patients with TC. A retrospective analysis on 171 patients, with an average age of 41.1 (±14,6, who asked for TC to our service between the years 2000-04, was performed. From case histories it was evaluated: anamnesis, diagnostic image, histopathology and evolution. Tumours were grouped for size and TNM (tumour-nodule-metastasis in stages (S. A stimulated serum thyroglobulin level > 2 ng/ml and positive image with 131I or another nuclear marker were considered as positive for residual TC. In the totality of the analyzed patients 88% were female, 62% below 45 years old, and in 77% the thyroid function was normal. The fine needle aspiration (FNA was diagnostic in 78%. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC in 96

  6. Patrón evolutivo de la incidencia de cáncer de tiroides en la Región de Murcia de 1984 a 2008

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    María Dolores Chirlaque


    Conclusiones: El cáncer de tiroides, de ser un tumor raro se ha convertido en un tumor emergente. El papilar muestra los mayores cambios per se y por incluir paulatinamente un mayor porcentaje de microcarcinoma.

  7. Síndrome de Gorlin-Goltz: manejo del carcinoma basocelular facial Gorlin-Goltz syndrome: management of facial basal cell carcinoma

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    Rocío Gilabert Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introducción/objetivo: El síndrome de Gorlin-Goltz (SGG es un trastorno hereditario autosómico dominante que predispone principalmente a la proliferación de tumores como los carcinomas basocelulares y queratoquistes maxilares. Está causado por la mutación del gen Patched localizado en el cromosoma 9. Los carcinomas basocelulares que aparecen en pacientes con el SGG suelen ser múltiples, de aspecto clínico polimórfico y sin predilección por el sexo, detectándose a veces a edades precoces de la vida y afectando incluso a zonas no expuestas a la luz solar. Muestran un comportamiento clínico variable, si bien en ocasiones pueden ser muy agresivos, sobre todo a nivel facial. Con el fin de estudiar el comportamiento de los carcinomas basocelulares en los pacientes con SGG se ha realizado un estudio de los pacientes tratados en nuestro hospital durante el periodo comprendido entre 2001 y 2011 y que cumplían criterios de la enfermedad. Material y métodos: Se incluyeron 11 pacientes con diagnóstico clínico y/o genético de SGG. Se estudió la distribución según edad y sexo, manifestaciones clínicas, características histológicas, técnica quirúrgica empleada, presencia de recidiva y evolución de los pacientes. Resultados: Un 36% de los pacientes presentaron carcinomas basocelulares en la cara. El número de tumores por paciente osciló entre 9 y 21. El tratamiento preferido fue la exéresis quirúrgica, si bien todos los pacientes desarrollaron nuevas lesiones y recidivas que requirieron varios procedimientos. El estudio histológico reveló un contacto o proximidad del tumor con los márgenes quirúrgicos en el 28% de las lesiones. Conclusiones: En la literatura no hay evidencia suficiente para determinar el tratamiento de elección entre los distintos métodos disponibles para el manejo del carcinoma basocelular en el SGG. Es necesario un enfoque preventivo evitando la exposición al sol.Introduction/objective: Gorlin Goltz

  8. Impacto de la aplicación de los criterios de la asociación americana de tiroides en el diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo en gestantes de Vigo, España

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    Marta Pombar-Pérez

    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar el impacto de la aplicación de los criterios de la Asociación Americana de Tiroides (ATA en el diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo en gestantes del área sanitaria de Vigo en España, se analizó la concentración sérica de tirotropina (TSH, tiroxina libre (T4L y anticuerpos antitiroideos, comparando la frecuencia de gestantes diagnosticadas de hipotiroidismo aplicando los criterios utilizados en el laboratorio de hormonas del Hospital Xeral y los criterios de referencia propuestos por la ATA. La asunción de dichos criterios implicaría un aumento de un 29,6% de pacientes diagnosticadas de hipotiroidismo. La aplicación de los criterios ATA tuvo una repercusión en la medición de la concentración de TSH en gestantes lo que sugiere una evaluación de los valores de referencia de TSH en función de la población y los métodos de diagnóstico locales

  9. Impacto de la aplicación de los criterios de la asociación americana de tiroides en el diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo en gestantes de Vigo, España

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    Marta Pombar-Pérez


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar el impacto de la aplicación de los criterios de la Asociación Americana de Tiroides (ATA en el diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo en gestantes del área sanitaria de Vigo en España, se analizó la concentración sérica de tirotropina (TSH, tiroxina libre (T4L y anticuerpos antitiroideos, comparando la frecuencia de gestantes diagnosticadas de hipotiroidismo aplicando los criterios utilizados en el laboratorio de hormonas del Hospital Xeral y los criterios de referencia propuestos por la ATA. La asunción de dichos criterios implicaría un aumento de un 29,6% de pacientes diagnosticadas de hipotiroidismo. La aplicación de los criterios ATA tuvo una repercusión en la medición de la concentración de TSH en gestantes lo que sugiere una evaluación de los valores de referencia de TSH en función de la población y los métodos de diagnóstico locales

  10. Detección y tipificación de virus del papiloma humano en biopsias de carcinoma ductal infiltrante y lesiones benignas de mama en mujeres venezolanas


    Solorzano, Marisé; Bastidas, Marco; Quintero, Militza; Rojas, Lisbeth; Stea, Domingo; Villasmil, Saúl; Acosta, Víctor; Marín, Carmen; Ramírez, Ana; Blanco, Natasha; Cruz, Jhon; Puig, Juan


    Objetivo: Realizar la detección y tipificación del virus del papiloma humano (VPH) en muestras de biopsias de tejido mamario con carcinoma ductal infiltrante. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal de 57 biopsias de carcinoma ductal infiltrante, y 41 biopsias de lesiones benignas de mama de pacientes venezolanas, estas fueron evaluadas utilizando la técnica PCR-RFLP en busca de la presencia del genoma del virus de papiloma humano. El riesgo OR fue evaluado mediante análisis estadís...



    Jara Y, Jorge A; Pretell, Eduardo A; Zaracho de Irazusta, Juana; Goetting, Sonia; Riveros, Claudia


    Paraguay, país mediterráneo ubicado en el corazón de America del Sur, con una superficie de 406.542 Km2 y con una población de 5,8 millones de habitantes importa toda la sal que consume de países cercanos como la Argentina, Brasil y Chile. En el presente estudio observacional, de tipo descriptivo utiliza el método ecográfico para determinar el tamaño y las características de la glándula tiroides, se examinaron 1034 escolares de ambos sexos de 13 distritos del país y fue realizado durante 3 me...

  12. Association of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma and Graves' Disease. Unexpected Development and Efficiency of Ablative Dose with Recombinant Human Thyrotropin (rhTSH); Asociación de carcinoma papilar de tiroides y enfermedad de Graves. Inesperada evolución y eficacia de la dosis ablativa con tirotrofina recombinante humana (rhTSH)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pacenza, N. A.; Groppo, N. [Centro Médico “Enrique Tortosa”, Consultorio de Endocrinología, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Guibourg, H. C. [Sigma Imágenes Médicas S.A., Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    22-year-old obese man. Highlights: 1) The importance of initial US exploration in a patient with GD, 2) Residual neoplastic lymph node tissue after 2 S, performed by an experienced surgeon, with enough functioning tissue to prevent a significant elevation of TSH and allow I{sup 131} ablative therapy, 3) Tumor local aggressiveness shown by adjacent tissues and lymph node infiltration, 4) Failure to identify residues in the neck by CT and US; instead, effectiveness of the neck MRI without contrast and {sup 99m}Tc thyroid scan, 5) Effective use of ablative radioiodine therapy with rhTSH. (authors) [Spanish] El carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides (CDT) asociado a enfermedad de Graves (EG) es una asociación relativamente rara, ocurriendo en el 0,3 % al 9,8 % de los pacientes operados por EG. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con EG y CDT de tiroides con características evolutivas y terapéuticas peculiares. Varón de 22 años que consultó por obesidad. Peso: 116,4 kg, Talla: 1,73 m, BMI: 38,9, clínicamente eutiroideo, con palpación tiroidea dificultosa por grosor de cuello. Análisis iniciales: T3, T4 y TSH dentro de rango normal y ecografía tiroidea con nódulo hipoecoico en lóbulo derecho (LD) de 11 x 10 mm. Se le solicitó punción aspirativa con aguja fina (PAAF) bajo guía ecográfica. Vuelve a los 4 meses con cuadro clínico de hipertiroidismo. Análisis: T3: 557 ng/dL, T4: 18,8 mcg/dL, T4 L: 3,73 ng/dL, TSH: < 0,01 μIU/mL, ATPO: 186 UI/mL, ATG: 965 UI/mL. La citología mostró: {sup H}allazgos citológicos vinculables con carcinoma papilar (CP) tiroideo{sup .} Centellograma tiroideo: {sup N}ódulo integrado en LD{sup .} Es tratado con metimazol y se opera a los 2 meses: {sup T}iroidectomía total{sup ;} cuya anatomía patológica (AP) reveló un {sup C}P variante folicular en lóbulo derecho y zona de CP variante clásica en lóbulo izquierdo{sup .} A los 35 y 60 días de operado (sin instaurar levotiroxina): presenta TSH <0,1 μIU/mL con T3 y T4 normales

  13. DNA aneuploidy in colorectal adenomas: Role in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence Aneuploidía del ADN en adenomas colónicos: Papel en la secuencia adenoma-carcinoma

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    M. Alcántara Torres


    Full Text Available Introduction: aneuploidy has been observed in 6-27% of lesions known to be precursors of colorectal cancer, such as adenomas or ulcerative colitis. It has been suggested that aneuploidy may predispose to malignancy in these cases. However, its role in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence has not been definitely established. The objective of this study was to assess the incidence of aneuploidy in colon adenomas, as well as to study its possible role in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence. Material and methods: the study was performed on a series of 57 large bowel adenomas measuring 10 mm or more, collected from 54 consecutive patients. All specimens were obtained either by endoscopic or by surgical resection. There were 49 adenomas with low-grade dysplasia, two with high-grade dysplasia, two intramucous carcinomas, and four microinvasive carcinomas. A flow cytometric DNA analysis was performed in fresh specimens following Vindelov´s method. Results: aneuploid DNA was detected in five out of 49 low-grade dysplasia adenomas (10%, in all four high-grade dysplasia adenomas or intramucous carcinomas (100%, and in three out of four microinvasive carcinomas (75%. The association between aneuploidy and high-grade dysplasia adenomas, intramucous, or microinvasive carcinoma was statistically significant (p Introducción: en patología benigna de intestino grueso precursora del cáncer colorrectal, como adenomas o colitis ulcerosa, se ha observado aneuploidía en el 6-27% de los casos y se ha sugerido que su presencia predispone al desarrollo de malignidad. Sin embargo, su papel en la secuencia adenoma-carcinoma no se ha demostrado de forma concluyente. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue valorar la incidencia de aneuploidía en adenomas colónicos, con y sin signos de malignidad, y estudiar su posible papel en la secuencia adenoma-carcinoma. Material y métodos: el estudio se realizó en una serie de 57 adenomas de intestino grueso, de 10 o más mil

  14. Pertinencia de la gammagrafía de tiroides en un servicio de medicina nuclear de referencia del oriente colombiano / Pertinence of Thyroid Scan in a Nuclear Medicine Department in Eastern Colombia / Relevância da cintilografia da tireóide em um centro de referência de medicina nuclear no leste colombiano

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    Liset Sánchez-Ordúz, MD.


    Full Text Available Introducción: La gammagrafía de tiroides es un examen frecuentemente empleado en el estudio de la enfermedad tiroidea. Se recomienda su realización en el paciente con tirotoxicosis, nódulo tiroideo con citología indeterminada y en la búsqueda de tiroides ectópica. Objetivo: Determinar la pertinencia de la solicitud de la gammagrafía tiroidea en un servicio de medicina nuclear de referencia del oriente colombiano. Metodología: Estudio observacional, corte transversal retrospectivo tipo descriptivo. Se evaluaron las gammagrafías de tiroides realizadas en la unidad de medicina nuclear de la clínica Carlos Ardila Lulle durante 3 meses consecutivos que en la hoja de solicitud incluyeran todas las variables de interés. Se registró la indicación del estudio, formación académica del médico que solicitaba el examen, sexo del paciente, presencia concomitante de TSH con su valor respectivo y el consumo de levotiroxina previo al examen. Adicionalmente se registró el resultado gammagráfico. Resultados: 277 gammagrafías fueron analizadas, 244 (88% eran mujeres. EL 67% no estaban correctamente indicadas y de estas el 32% de los pacientes estaban recibiendo suplencia hormonal, la cual fue suspendida 25 días antes de la realización del examen. Los médicos generales y médicos especialistas no endocrinólogos tienen la probabilidad de 9.08 veces y 9.37 veces respectivamente de no indicar adecuadamente la gammagrafía tiroidea respecto a los médicos endocrinólogos. Conclusiones: Dos de cada 3 gammagrafías tiroideas que se realizaron en un servicio de medicina nuclear de referencia del oriente colombiano no están adecuadamente indicadas, teniendo esto un impacto en la salud pública. [Sánchez-Orduz L, Wandurraga-Sánchez EA, García RE, Camacho PA. Pertinencia de la gammagrafía de tiroides en un servicio de medicina nuclear de referencia del oriente colombiano. MedUNAB 2015; 17(3: xx-xx]. Introduction: Thyroid scan is a test frequently

  15. Microcarcinomas papilares de tiroides no incidentales Non-incidental papillary microcarcinomas of the thyroid

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    Marcelo Monteros Alvi


    Full Text Available El significado clínico de los microcarcinomas papilares de tiroides sigue siendo controvertido. La alta prevalencia en autopsias e incidental en tiroidectomías por patología benigna indican un comportamiento clínico indolente. Sin embargo, algunos desarrollan metástasis ganglionares y recurrencia local. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar características clínicas y patológicas de microcarcinonas papilares de tiroides no incidentales (MPT-NI. Se analizaron 18 pacientes con diagnóstico de microcarcinomas (tumor The clinical significance of papillary microcarcinoma of the thyroid gland keeps being controversial. Its high prevalence in autopsies and as incidental findings in thyroidectomy specimens for benign pathology indicate an indolent clinical behavior. Nevertheless some of the microcarcinomas develop lymph node metastasis and local recurrence. To determine the clinical and pathological characteristics of non-incidental papillary microcarcinomas of the thyroid (PTM -NI. 18 patients with diagnosis of non-incidental papillary microcarcinoma (tumor < 1cm with nodular expression in the thyroid gland or with lymph node metastasis have been studied. Initial diagnosis, prediction factors and evolution have been evaluated. Of 18 patients with PTM-NI, 12 demonstrated lymph node metastasis. 6 patients had positive fine needle aspiration (FNA of palpable thyroid nodules. Multifocality and extraglandular extension were associated with lymph node metastasis. Seven of the nine metastatic lymph nodes diagnosed by FNA were cystic. Histologically 83.3% of the nodules in the thyroid were non-encapsulated and showed papillary growth pattern. Multifocality and extrathyroid infiltration were associated with lymph node metastasis at presentation. 46% of the patients with thyroid nodules < 4 mm and lymph node involvement (N1 showed recurrence/persistence. The non-incidental intrathyroideal papillary microcarcinoma without capsular involvement, extraglandular

  16. Telomerase activity and telomere length in the colorectal polyp-carcinoma sequence Actividad de la telomerasa y longitud del telómero en la secuencia pólipo-carcinoma colorrectal

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    C. Valls Bautista


    Full Text Available Objective: the role of telomerase activity and telomere length in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence of colon carcinogenesis has not been well established. The objective of this study was to determine telomerase activity and telomere length patterns in patients with adenomatous polyps either associated or not with colorectal cancer, as well as the role of telomeric instability in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence. Patients and methods: we included in the study 14 patients who underwent surgery for colorectal cancer and/or polyps. In 6 of these patients fresh samples of tumor tissue, polyps, and normal mucosa were obtained; in the 8 remaining cases, we collected only polyps and normal mucosa. We used the fluorescent-telomeric repeat amplification protocol assay (TRAP-F to determine telomerase activity and telomere length using Southern-blot testing. Results: telomerase activity was detected in 86% of polyps and 50% of associated normal mucosa. Mean telomerase activity in polyp tissue was 5.85; in the normal mucosa it was 0.58 TPG. Mean telomere length was 6.78 Kbp and 7.78, respectively. Polyps in patients without synchronous cancer had a telomerase activity that was significantly higher (9.4 than in those with cancer (1.1. Conclusions: telomerase activity increases in the colorectal adenoma-carcinoma sequence, concurrently with a decrease in telomere length. The presence of synchronous cancer modifies telomerase activity in polyps.Objetivo: el papel de la actividad de la telomerasa y la longitud del telómero en la secuencia adenoma-carcinoma de la carcinogénesis colónica no ha sido bien establecido. El objetivo fue determinar el comportamiento de la actividad de la telomerasa y la longitud del telómero en pacientes con pólipos adenomatosos asociados o no a cáncer colorrectal y conocer el papel de la inestabilidad telomérica en la secuencia adenoma-carcinoma. Pacientes y métodos: se estudiaron 14 pacientes intervenidos de cáncer colorrectal y

  17. Validez y seguridad del estadiamiento clínico axilar en el carcinoma infiltrante de mama

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    Yamilka Rodríguez Alberteri

    Full Text Available Introducción: el correcto estadiamiento clínico en el cáncer de mama contribuye al éxito de la terapéutica, debe basarse en pruebas válidas y seguras. Objetivo: determinar la validez y seguridad del estadiamiento clínico axilar del cáncer de mama. Métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de 74 y 63 pacientes con carcinoma infiltrante de la mama y cirugía como primera opción terapéutica atendida en el Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología de La Habana y el Centro Oncológico Territorial de Holguín en el primer semestre de 2010 y 2012. Se determinaron la validez y seguridad del estadiamiento clínico axilar empleado en ambos centros de conjunto y en cada uno de manera aislada, a través del cálculo de la sensibilidad, especificidad y sus índices de error complementarios: proporción de falsos positivos y de falsos negativos, así como los valores predictivos positivo y negativo como índices de seguridad. La prueba de oro fue el diagnóstico histopatológico. Resultados: en los tres casos, la sensibilidad superior al 54 % demostró una probabilidad de los métodos empleados para encontrar positividad axilar cuando había invasión metastásica y la especificidad mayor del 71 % expresó la capacidad del estadiamiento clínico axilar para clasificar clínicamente como negativas a las axilas no afectadas. Una axila clínicamente positiva fue dos veces más probable en un paciente con invasión axilar que en uno sin metástasis a este nivel. En los tres casos los valores predictivos positivos superaron el 61 % y los negativos el 73 %. Conclusiones: el estadiamiento clínico axilar en ambos centros fue una prueba válida y segura en pacientes con carcinoma infiltrante de la mama y cirugía como primera opción terapéutica.

  18. Carcinoma epidermoide del margen anal contra calidad de vida

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    Miguel A Reyes Argudín

    Full Text Available La calidad de vida de los pacientes debe tenerse en cuenta. Esta representa el resultado final de la actuación médica desde la perspectiva del paciente. En ocasiones solo nos basamos en este criterio para tomar decisiones terapéuticas ante determinadas enfermedades, como el carcinoma epidermoide de margen anal en estadío terminal. El tratamiento y conducta con fines paliativos tiene como objetivo mejorar la calidad de vida de estas personas. Presentamos el caso de paciente varón de 48 años de edad que acude a consulta por presentar lesión en el ano que no le permitía sentarse y después de realizársele todo el estudio necesario para determinar su diagnóstico definitivo (carcinoma epidermoide de ano evaluarlo y determinar el tratamiento requerido para el grado de la enfermedad, nos percatamos que el tratamiento radical no cambiaba la evolución de su estado y se decide tratamiento paliativo para mejorar la calidad de vida. En ocasiones acuden a consulta pacientes que al culminar su estudio, obtienen el diagnóstico de una enfermedad avanzada y es, a partir de este momento, que nuestro pensamiento médico debe cambiar y encaminar nuestros esfuerzos a mejorar la calidad de vida y no llevarlos a un final tormentoso con el objetivo de revertir la evolución de una enfermedad que no tiene regresión.

  19. Alteraciones estructurales de la glándula tiroidea tras la radioterapia Structural alterations of thyroid gland after radiotherapy

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    Caridad Verdecia Cañizares


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. El objetivo de la presente publicación fue comunicar los casos detectados en nuestro estudio de anomalías estructurales de la glándula tiroidea en pacientes que recibieron radioterapia para el tratamiento de tumores malignos de cabeza y cuello. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal para determinar la prevalencia de alteraciones estructurales de la glándula tiroides en 43 pacientes sobrevivientes de tumores malignos de cabeza y cuello, que habían recibido radioterapia y que fueron atendidos en los Hospitales Pediátricos Docentes «William Soler» y «Juan Manuel Márquez» en un período de 10 años (1990 a 2000. RESULTADOS. La alteración estructural de la glándula tiroides más frecuente fue la fibrosis glandular (18,5 %, seguida del adenoma tiroideo y de quistes simples de la glándula (11,1 % respectivamente. Hubo 2 casos de carcinoma diferenciado de la glándula tiroides (7,4 % y uno de lesión mixta adenofolicular (3,7 %. La citología aspirativa con aguja fina permitió la detección de la mayoría de estas lesiones y posibilitó, guiada por ecografía, la detección de lesiones intraparenquimatosas de la glándula. El tratamiento de las alteraciones encontradas fue quirúrgico y se practicó tiroidectomía total a los dos pacientes con carcinoma diferenciado de la glándula tiroides, tiroidectomía subtotal a los tres pacientes con quistes de la glándula y adenomas tiroideos. En los casos de fibrosis glandular se detectó hipofunción tiroidea concomitante, por tanto se administró tratamiento sustitutivo con levotiroxina. CONCLUSIONES. La citología aspirativa con aguja fina guiada mediante ecografía de la glándula tiroides permitió diagnosticar alteraciones estructurales no detectadas en el examen físico. La patología maligna más irradiada correspondió a los linfomas no Hodgkin. Cuanto mayor es la dosis de irradiación, mayor es la patología tiroidea.INTRODUCTION: The aim of

  20. Cáncer de tiroides en Cuba: estudio de 14 años Thyroid cancer in Cuba: A 14-year study

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    José Luis Valenciaga Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El Registro Nacional del Cáncer en Cuba (RNCC aporta la información para el análisis de incidencia de cáncer en nuestro país. Constituye una herramienta para identificar necesidades asistenciales, planificar el uso adecuado de recursos y plantear estrategias en cuanto a las acciones de salud a desarrollar. Su objetivo es exponer y analizar la incidencia del cáncer de tiroides (CT en Cuba. Se realizó una investigación descriptiva y retrospectiva sobre el CT en el período de 1988 al 2001. Se emplearon las variables: edad, sexo, provincia de procedencia, diagnóstico histológico y etapa clínica, aportadas por el RNCC. Se calcularon distribuciones de frecuencia y tasas ajustadas y se expusieron los datos en tablas y gráficos. De 4 183 casos, el 81,3 % perteneció al sexo femenino y la media de edad calculada fue 45,9 ±17,5 años. La incidencia aumentó bruscamente en 1996, y mantuvo cifras estables, pero superiores a años precedentes. En general y en los varones la afectación fue mayor, coincidentemente, en mayores de 60 años (23,7 y 33,2 % pero en las féminas fue entre 30 y 39 (22,2. Cienfuegos tuvo más casos notificados. El 42 % fue bien diferenciado y el 40,4 perteneció a la etapa clínica I. Se desconoció el grado de diferenciación histológica y la etapa clínica en un 52 y un 41,8 % respectivamente. Se concluye que por su tendencia creciente en los últimos años es preciso mejorar la calidad en la notificación del CT para contribuir al mejor conocimiento de este en nuestro medio, y así plantear estrategias adecuadas de prevención y control.The National Cancer Registry of Cuba (NCRC provides information for the analysis of the incidence of this disease in our country, which is a tool to identify medical assistance needs, to plan the adequate use of resources and lay out strategies on the health care actions to be taken. The objective of this study was to present and analyze the incidence of thyroid cancer (TC in Cuba. A

  1. Sobrevida postquirúrgica del carcinoma de pulmón de células no pequeñas en estadio I

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    Andy Rocha Quintana


    Full Text Available Fundamento: En el pronóstico del carcinoma de pulmón, es importante el diagnóstico durante los estadios iniciales, por la elevada sobrevida postquirúrgica que suele obtenerse. Objetivo: Caracterizar la sobrevida del carcinoma de pulmón de células no pequeñas en estadio I luego de tratamiento quirúrgico. Métodos: Estudio observacional, analítico y longitudinal, de pacientes operados de carcinoma de pulmón de células no pequeñas en estadio I, durante el período de 1982 a 1997 (33 pacientes, en el Hospital Gustavo Aldereguía Lima, de Cienfuegos, y seguidos durante 10 años en dependencia de la sobrevida alcanzada individualmente. Fueron analizadas las variables edad, sexo, localización, histología y estadio del tumor, tipo de operación, sobrevida postquirúrgica a 1, 5 y 10 años. Resultados: Predominó el sexo masculino y la edad media fue 60,2 años. La sobrevida a los 5 años fue 69,7 % y a los 10 años de 48,5 %. Predominó el carcinoma epidermoide, siendo el carcinoma de células gigantes el de mejor pronóstico a los 5 años. La localización lobular del tumor presentó una mayor sobrevida a los 5 años sobre la hiliar, pero esta proporción se invirtió a los 10 años y más. El estadio Ia fue el de mejor probabilidad de sobrevida. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los pacientes son diagnosticados ya en etapas avanzadas de la enfermedad, donde ya el tratamiento quirúrgico ofrece esperanzas de sobrevida muy escasas. Por lo tanto, es necesario hacer énfasis en la profilaxis y diagnóstico oportuno como única solución a este flagelo de la humanidad.Post Surgical Survival for Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung CancerBackground: As part of the prognosis for lung carcinoma, diagnosis during initial stages is highly important given the high post surgical survival rates that are usually obtained. Objective: To characterize the survival of stage I non-small cell lung cancer after surgical treatment. Methods: An observational, analytical and

  2. Carcinoma invasor de cérvix en Las Palmas : tipificación del virus del papiloma humano (VPH) y factores pronósticos


    Arencibia Sánchez, Octavio


    Programa de doctorado: Patología Quirúrgica, Reproducción humana y factores psicológicos y el proceso de enfermar [ES]Estudio retrospectivo destinado a estudiar los carcinomas infiltrantes de cérvix (estadio FIGO IB y superiores) registrados en la Unidad de Ginecología Oncológica del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Materno Infantil entre los años 1996 y 2013. El tamaño muestral final fue de 561 pacientes, de las que se contaba con material disponible...

  3. Genomic profiling of CHEK2*1100delC-mutated breast carcinomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Massink, Maarten P. G.; Kooi, Irsan E.; Martens, John W. M.; Waisfisz, Quinten; Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne


    CHEK2*1100delC is a moderate-risk breast cancer susceptibility allele with a high prevalence in the Netherlands. We performed copy number and gene expression profiling to investigate whether CHEK2*1100delC breast cancers harbor characteristic genomic aberrations, as seen for BRCA1 mutated breast cancers. We performed high-resolution SNP array and gene expression profiling of 120 familial breast carcinomas selected from a larger cohort of 155 familial breast tumors, including BRCA1, BRCA2, and CHEK2 mutant tumors. Gene expression analyses based on a mRNA immune signature was used to identify samples with relative low amounts of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), which were previously found to disturb tumor copy number and LOH (loss of heterozygosity) profiling. We specifically compared the genomic and gene expression profiles of CHEK2*1100delC breast cancers (n = 14) with BRCAX (familial non-BRCA1/BRCA2/CHEK2*1100delC mutated) breast cancers (n = 34) of the luminal intrinsic subtypes for which both SNP-array and gene expression data is available. High amounts of TILs were found in a relatively small number of luminal breast cancers as compared to breast cancers of the basal-like subtype. As expected, these samples mostly have very few copy number aberrations and no detectable regions of LOH. By unsupervised hierarchical clustering of copy number data we observed a great degree of heterogeneity amongst the CHEK2*1100delC breast cancers, comparable to the BRCAX breast cancers. Furthermore, copy number aberrations were mostly seen at low frequencies in both the CHEK2*1100delC and BRCAX group of breast cancers. However, supervised class comparison identified copy number loss of chromosomal arm 1p to be associated with CHEK2*1100delC status. In conclusion, in contrast to basal-like BRCA1 mutated breast cancers, no apparent specific somatic copy number aberration (CNA) profile for CHEK2*1100delC breast cancers was found. With the possible exception of copy number loss

  4. Pigmented basal cell carcinoma mimicking a superficial spreading melanoma

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    Paula Hasbún Acuña


    Full Text Available Resumen El carcinoma basocelular es el cáncer de piel más frecuente, especialmente en personas de edad avanzada. El carcinoma basocelular pigmentado es una variante poco común que se ha descrito en la literatura como una lesión nodular hiperpigmentada. En raras ocasiones puede presentarse en forma de una extensa placa pigmentada, la cual puede ser clínicamente indistinguible del melanoma maligno de extensión superficial y de la enfermedad de Bowen. La dermatoscopía tiene una alta sensibilidad en el diagnóstico del carcinoma basocelular, cuando se utilizan los criterios de Menzies, aunque el diagnóstico final es histopatológico. El objetivo del presente trabajo es reportar y analizar el caso de una paciente con un extenso carcinoma basocelular superficial pigmentado, que simula un melanoma maligno de extensión superficial.

  5. Hepatocellular carcinoma: computed tomography assessment after invasive treatment;Hepatocarcinoma: Evaluacion con tomografia computada luego del tratamiento intervencionista

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kozima, Shigeru; Larranaga, Nebil; Wulfson, Gabriela [Servicio de Diagnostico por Imagenes Hospital General de Agudos ' Cosme Argerich' , CABA, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Departamento de Imagenes, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Eisele, Guillermo [Departamento de Imagenes, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Ridruejo, Ezequiel; Mando, Oscar [Seccion de Hepatologia. Departamento de Medicina, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Perazzo, Florencia [Seccion Oncologia. Departamento de Medicina, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    Objective: To show the computed tomography (CT) usefulness after treatment with transcatheter arterial quimioembolization and radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma. Material and methods: In a period between march 2006 to april 2008 a total of 90 patient presenting 148 nodular lesions with diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma were controlled with triphasic CT. All the lesions were treated with minimally invasive procedure. For the treatment, the patients were classified in two groups following Milan criteria. The first group, constituted by 75 patients with 109 nodules, was treated with quimioembolization. The second group, of 15 patients with 25 nodules, was treated with radiofrequency ablation. In our population, a subgroup of 10 patients was treated with both methods. Results: Of 90 patients after CT control on a month, 3 months and for each 3 months during 2 years, on 63 cases (70%) was observed homogeneous accumulation of iodized oil, partial defect without enhancement or absence of enhancement on treated lesions. In these patients a new treatment after initial one was not performed. The remaining 27 patients (30%) underwent new treatment because we founded partial defect or absence of iodized oil with enhancement or peripheral enhancement on arterial phase in treated lesions. In this last group, 16 treated patients (17.7%) had new nodular enhancement on the remaining hepatic parenquimal. Conclusion: The CT unenhanced and the arterial phase on a month and for each 3 months, allow monitoring the effectiveness, residual disease and/or relapse of hepatocellular carcinoma after minimally invasive treatment. (authors);Objetivo: Mostrar la utilidad de la tomografia computada trifasica (TCT) luego del tratamiento con quimioembolizacion y ablacion por radiofrecuencia (RF) del hepatocarcinoma (HCC). Material y metodos: En un periodo comprendido entre marzo de 2006 y abril de 2008 se controlaron con TCT 90 pacientes que presentaron 148 lesiones nodulares y

  6. Detección precoz de trastornos endocrinológicos


    M. Patricio Trincado, Dr.; B. Carolina Letelier, Dra.


    Se revisan los trastornos más comunes del sistema endocrino que se detectan en la consulta no especializada. Se hace énfasis en: a) Trastornos tiroideos tales como hipo o hipertiroidismo, nódulos de la tiroides y la importancia de la enfermedad de la tiroides durante el embarazo, b) la enfermedad adrenal en la hipertensión y el enfoque de la incidentaloma suprarrenal c) hiperparatiroidismo primario y la deficiencia de vitamina D d) Trastornos gonadal y la importancia de la detección precoz de...

  7. Carcinoma invasor de cérvix en Las Palmas : tipificación del virus del papiloma humano (VPH) y factores pronósticos


    Arencibia Sánchez, Octavio


    Programa de doctorado: Patología Quirúrgica, Reproducción humana y factores psicológicos y el proceso de enfermar Estudio retrospectivo destinado a estudiar los carcinomas infiltrantes de cérvix (estadio FIGO IB y superiores) registrados en la Unidad de Ginecología Oncológica del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Materno Infantil entre los años 1996 y 2013. El tamaño muestral final fue de 561 pacientes, de las que se contaba con material disponible para el genotipado viral, lo que supon...

  8. Carcinoma basocelular de la región perianal: reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    L.A. Espino-Urbina


    Full Text Available La literatura reporta una incidencia anual de 5,900 casos de carcinoma anal en países desarrollados. Estos involucran a 3 zonas anatómicas distintas: carcinoma del canal anal; carcinoma perianal (antes denominado carcinoma del margen anal, ubicado a una distancia menor a 5 cm de este y carcinoma de la piel perianal (a más de 5 cm de distancia del margen anal. El carcinoma basocelular de la región perianal es una neoplasia poco común (0.27% de todos los carcinomas basocelulares diagnosticados cuyo tratamiento en la inmensa mayoría de las veces es la resección con márgenes libres de enfermedad; debe de diferenciarse de la variante basaloide epidermoide del carcinoma debido a su buen pronóstico y casi nulo potencial de diseminación.

  9. Del-1 overexpression potentiates lung cancer cell proliferation and invasion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Seung-Hwan; Kim, Dong-Young; Jing, Feifeng; Kim, Hyesoon [Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Yun, Chae-Ok [Department of Bioengineering, College of Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Han, Deok-Jong [Department of Surgery, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Eun Young, E-mail: [Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Developmental endothelial locus-1 (Del-1) is an endogenous anti-inflammatory molecule that is highly expressed in the lung and the brain and limits leukocyte migration to these tissues. We previously reported that the expression of Del-1 is positively regulated by p53 in lung endothelial cells. Although several reports have implicated the altered expression of Del-1 gene in cancer patients, little is known about its role in tumor cells. We here investigated the effect of Del-1 on the features of human lung carcinoma cells. Del-1 mRNA was found to be significantly decreased in the human lung adenocarcinoma cell lines A549 (containing wild type of p53), H1299 (null for p53) and EKVX (mutant p53), compared to in human normal lung epithelial BEAS-2B cells and MRC-5 fibroblasts. The decrease of Del-1 expression was dependent on the p53 activity in the cell lines, but not on the expression of p53. Neither treatment with recombinant human Del-1 protein nor the introduction of adenovirus expressing Del-1 altered the expression of the apoptosis regulators BAX, PUMA and Bcl-2. Unexpectedly, the adenovirus-mediated overexpression of Del-1 gene into the lung carcinoma cell lines promoted proliferation and invasion of the lung carcinoma cells, as revealed by BrdU incorporation and transwell invasion assays, respectively. In addition, overexpression of the Del-1 gene enhanced features of epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT), such as increasing vimentin while decreasing E-cadherin in A549 cells, and increases in the level of Slug, an EMT-associated transcription regulator. Our findings demonstrated for the first time that there are deleterious effects of high levels of Del-1 in lung carcinoma cells, and suggest that Del-1 may be used as a diagnostic or prognostic marker for cancer progression, and as a novel therapeutic target for lung carcinoma. - Highlights: • Developmental Endothelial Locus-1 (Del-1) expression is downregulated in human lung cancer cells.

  10. Del-1 overexpression potentiates lung cancer cell proliferation and invasion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Seung-Hwan; Kim, Dong-Young; Jing, Feifeng; Kim, Hyesoon; Yun, Chae-Ok; Han, Deok-Jong; Choi, Eun Young


    Developmental endothelial locus-1 (Del-1) is an endogenous anti-inflammatory molecule that is highly expressed in the lung and the brain and limits leukocyte migration to these tissues. We previously reported that the expression of Del-1 is positively regulated by p53 in lung endothelial cells. Although several reports have implicated the altered expression of Del-1 gene in cancer patients, little is known about its role in tumor cells. We here investigated the effect of Del-1 on the features of human lung carcinoma cells. Del-1 mRNA was found to be significantly decreased in the human lung adenocarcinoma cell lines A549 (containing wild type of p53), H1299 (null for p53) and EKVX (mutant p53), compared to in human normal lung epithelial BEAS-2B cells and MRC-5 fibroblasts. The decrease of Del-1 expression was dependent on the p53 activity in the cell lines, but not on the expression of p53. Neither treatment with recombinant human Del-1 protein nor the introduction of adenovirus expressing Del-1 altered the expression of the apoptosis regulators BAX, PUMA and Bcl-2. Unexpectedly, the adenovirus-mediated overexpression of Del-1 gene into the lung carcinoma cell lines promoted proliferation and invasion of the lung carcinoma cells, as revealed by BrdU incorporation and transwell invasion assays, respectively. In addition, overexpression of the Del-1 gene enhanced features of epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT), such as increasing vimentin while decreasing E-cadherin in A549 cells, and increases in the level of Slug, an EMT-associated transcription regulator. Our findings demonstrated for the first time that there are deleterious effects of high levels of Del-1 in lung carcinoma cells, and suggest that Del-1 may be used as a diagnostic or prognostic marker for cancer progression, and as a novel therapeutic target for lung carcinoma. - Highlights: • Developmental Endothelial Locus-1 (Del-1) expression is downregulated in human lung cancer cells.

  11. Carcinoma verrucoso plantar. A propósito de un caso poco frecuente


    López López, Daniel; Rodríguez Sanz, David; Morales Ponce, Ángel; Soriano Medrano, Alfredo


    Antecedentes: Los carcinomas verrucosos en pocas ocasiones se mencionan en la literatura su localización en la planta de los pies, siendo una variante bien diferenciada del carcinoma de células escamosas visto en mucosa y piel, incluyendo los pies. Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas, histopatológicas y de laboratorio y los resultados de un caso clínico inusual de un carcinoma verrucoso en la planta del pie. Métodos: Presentamos un extraño caso de un carcinoma verr...

  12. Exploración funcional de la Tiroides: Determinación del yodo proteico en la sangre

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    Adolfo Bisso


    Full Text Available Se estudió un total de 129 sujetos distribuídos en la forma siguiente: 39 de control; 19 con bocio coloide normofuncionante; 12 con hipotiroidismo; 26 con hipertiroidismo; 18 con obesidad; 3 gestantes, 10 con endocrinopatías diversas, y 2 con miastenia gravis. En todos se realizó la determinación de yodo proteico en sangre, y en la mayoría se determinaron el metabolismo basal y el colesterol en la sangre. Ocasionalmente se efectuó la determinación del metabolismo en somnolencia. 1.- En sujetos sin enfermedad funcional tiroidea, las cifras de yodo proteico varían entre 4.20 y 7. 10 mcgrs. por ciento, con un promedio de 5.47±:0.15 y D.S. de 0.89 ± 0.10. Puede aceptarse como límites normales entre 3.5. y 8 mcgrs. por ciento. Los obesos y los enfermos con bocio coloide normofuncionante dan resultados similares, mientras que los hipertiroideos arrojan cifras significativamente más altas, y los hipotiroideos tienen cifras significativamente más bajas. 2.- El resultado de la determinación del yodo proteico en la sangre, guarda estrecha relación con el diagnóstico clínico de actividad tiroidea, excepto en los casos de introducción exógena de yodo, sea hormonal o no. 3.- El metabolismo basal si bien en estudio de grupos es alto en el hipertiroidismo, normal en los casos de bocio coloide normofuncionante, y bajo en el hipotiroidismo y en la obesidad, tiene discrepancias muy grandes con el diagnóstico clínico en cada caso en particular, excepto en el hipotiroidismo. 4.- El colesterol en cada grupo, estuvo en promedio, dentro de límites normales, y en cada caso particular fué muy variable e independiente del estado funcional tiroideo. 5.- De los tres métodos de exploración funcional de la glándula tiroidea que se han utilizado, el único que ha demostrado tener valor en el diagnóstico individual, ha sido la determinación del yodo proteico, siempre que se excluyera la introducción de yodo del exterior.

  13. Selenio: nutriente objetivo para mejorar la composición nutricional del pescado cultivado

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    J. E. Vinchira


    Full Text Available El selenio (Se es un micromineral que se encuentra en forma de compuestos inorgánicoscomo selenito y seleniato, o compuestos orgánicos en forma de seleno-aminoácidostales como seleno-cisteína y seleno-metionina. El creciente mercado de los alimentosfuncionales incluye al selenio (componente funcional en el grupo de alimentos conefectos positivos para el ser humano. Este mineral genera beneficios para la salud yaque forma parte importante del glutatión peroxidasa (GSH-Px, enzima encargada deproteger el organismo contra agentes oxidantes. Adicionalmente, se reconoce que elselenio tiene efectos positivos en la función inmune, la actividad de la tiroides y lafertilidad. El selenio podría ser incorporado a los filetes de pescado mediante suplementaciónen la dieta. Este documento presenta una breve revisión sobre la temáticade alimentos funcionales, las principales características del selenio y su utilización ensistemas de alimentación para modificar la composición final de productos de origenanimal como el pescado.

  14. Carcinoma primario intraóseo

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    Susana Szlabi


    Full Text Available El carcinoma primario intraóseo (PIOC es un tumor poco frecuente, definido como carcinoma escamoso que se desarrolla en huesos maxilares, no teniendo conexión inicial con mucosa ni piel adyacente. Es localmente agresivo, con una incidencia de metástasis en ganglios regionales del 28% y en pulmón del 5%, en el momento del diagnóstico. Su origen puede ser de novo o a partir de otros tumores odontogénicos. Los huesos maxilares son los únicos que tienen en su interior tejidos epiteliales, por lo cual esta neoplasia se localiza exclusivamente en este sitio, predominantemente en la mandíbula. Los criterios diagnósticos del PIOC incluyen: histopatología de carcinoma escamocelular, ausencia de compromiso de mucosa oral y senos paranasales, descartando metástasis de un sitio distante en base a estudios clínicos y métodos complementarios. El tratamiento de elección consiste, siempre que sea posible, en la exéresis con criterios oncológicos, y radio y/o quimioterapia adicional. Se requiere además, cirugía reconstructiva con injerto y/o prótesis con fines estéticos y funcionales. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 72 años, que consultó por molestias en maxilar inferior tres meses después de la extracción de un molar. Se efectuó biopsia por curetaje y luego se resecó el maxilar inferior con vaciamiento ganglionar. El estudio histopatológico mostró un carcinoma escamoso pobremente diferenciado, infiltrante en hueso maxilar, con hallazgos morfológicos que lo vinculaban a quiste odontogénico residual, y metástasis en 15 de 48 ganglios aislados. Se realizó radioterapia postquirúrgica, falleciendo a los 30 meses del diagnóstico por deterioro progresivo.

  15. Adenoma tiroidiano con sospecha de degeneración maligna

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    Manuel José Luque


    III El autor describe la intervención quirúrgica y anota los hallazgos del acto operatorio. Se hizo una estirpación meticulosa de todas las formaciones ganglionares. IV Transcribe día a día el post operatorio y termina con unas breves consideraciones sobre la degeneración neoplásica del cuerpo tiroides.

  16. Fisher criteria vs. thyroid aspiration citology in the diagnosis of hashimoto's thyroiditis Valor de cuatro de los criterios de Fischer comarados con la biopsia tiroidea por aspiración en el diagnóstico de la tiroiditis de Hashimoto

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    Constanza Díaz González


    Full Text Available

    One hundred and forty one patients with diffuse goiter were studied In order to evaluate four of Fisher's criteria for the diagnosis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis and to compare them with the result of thyroid aspiration biopsy. The following criteria were Included in the analysis: a physical characteristics of the gland; b appearance of the radioisotope scan; c plasma TSH concentration; d serum tilters of antithyroid antibodies. It was found that neither criteria was satisfactory in terms of sensitivity or specificity when compared with the result of the aspiration cytology. Ac. cordingly, we favor the use of the latter provided that adequate material is obtained and that an expert reading is performed.

    Se hicieron estudios clínico y de laboratorio y biopsia tiroidea por aspiración a 133 mujeres y 8 hombres con bocio difuso, de la Consulta Externa del Instituto de Seguros Sociales de Medellín, con el fin de comparar el valor diagnóstico de cuatro de los cinco criterios de Fisher con el de dicha biopsia, en la tiroiditis de Hashimoto. El diagnóstico citológico fue bocio simple (nodular, multinodular O coloide en 130 casos (92.2% y tiroiditis de Hashimoto en 11 (7.8%. Se aplicó la prueba tamiz a los criterios de Fisher, aisladamente O en grupos, con resultados deficientes en cuanto a sensibilidad y especificidad. Los criterios analizados fueron: a glándula moderadamente crecida, difusa y firme; b captación tiroidea Irregular; c TSH plasmática elevada; y d anticuerpos antitiroideos positivos a muy altas diluciones (≥:1 :25.000. La captación tiroidea Irregular tuvo la mayor sensibilidad (90% pero su especificidad fue sólo 11 %. En contraste, la sensibilidad y la especificidad de los títulos altos de anticuerpos antimicrosomales fueron 78% 71 %, respectivamente.

  17. Carcinoma vulvar

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    Yamit Peñas Zayas


    Full Text Available El carcinoma de la vulva tiene una incidencia de aproximadamente un 3-5% dentro de todas las enfermedades ginecológicas malignas. El 90% de los tumores malignos de la vulva está constituido por carcinoma epidermoide, el resto son adenocarcinomas, carcinomas de células basales y melanomas. Se realiza la presentación de un caso de una paciente femenina de 25 años de edad con antecedentes  de Diabetes Mellitus tipo II y trombopatia, que ingresa en el servicio de ginecología con un cuadro cutáneo polimorfo, localizado en labios mayores y menores, dado por lesiones eritematoerosivas y vegetante, sospechándose clínicamente el diagnóstico  de un carcinoma epidermoide, corroborándose el mismo histológicamente al realizarse biopsia de piel. Se indicó tratamiento con quimioterapia. Por la edad de la paciente y ser menos frecuente en mucosa que en la piel,  motivo la presentación del caso.

  18. Presentación diferencial de ARN mensajeros e identificación del gen selenocisteína liasa en células de carcinoma hepatocelular con expresión transitoria de la proteína core del virus de la hepatitis C.

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    Jesús Orlando Yepes


    Full Text Available Introducción. El virus de la hepatitis C se asocia a diversas hepatopatías como hepatitis aguda, hepatitis crónica, esteatosis, cirrosis y carcinoma hepatocelular. Numerosos estudios han explorado mecanismos virales implicados en el establecimiento de la infección persistente y en las propiedades oncogénicas e inmunomoduladoras de la proteína core del virus de la hepatitis C. Las investigaciones orientadas a evaluar los cambios en la expresión de genes celulares endógenos inducidos por la proteína core son importantes para identificar genes candidatos responsables de los mecanismos de patogenicidad del virus de la hepatitis C. Objetivos. Comparar perfiles de expresión e identificar genes celulares endógenos en la línea celular derivada de carcinoma hepatocelular humano, HepG2, con expresión transitoria de la proteína core del virus de la hepatitis C. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizó la técnica de presentación diferencial de ARN mensajero por RT-PCR en células HepG2 con y sin expresión transitoria de la proteína core del virus de la hepatitis C o de la proteína verde fluorescente, obtenidas previamente con el sistema de expresión del Semliki Forest Virus, mediante transducción de partículas recombinantes rSFVCore o rSFV-GFP. Resultados. Se observaron diferencias en las intensidades de las bandas de ARNm expresadas en células HepG2 transducidas con rSFV-Core comparadas con células sin transducir y trasducidas con rSFV-GFP. Un ARNm de 258 pb expresado diferencialmente en células HepG2 transducidas con rSFV-Core fue clonado e identificado como selenocisteína liasa. Conclusión. Los resultados confirman que la expresión de la proteína core del virus de la hepatitis C se asocia con cambios en la expresión de ARN mensajeros específicos, incluido al gen selenocisteina liasa, el cual puede estar involucrado en la fisiopatología del carcinoma hepatocelular.

  19. la cirugia en las afecciones del corazón

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    A. Villamarín


    Full Text Available I-La cirugía en la terapéutica de las afecciones cardíacas. II-Cuerpo tiroides, glándulas de secreción interna. III-Afecciones cardíacas de origen tiroidiano. IV-Conclusiones.

  20. Detección precoz de trastornos endocrinológicos

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    M. Patricio Trincado, Dr.


    Full Text Available Se revisan los trastornos más comunes del sistema endocrino que se detectan en la consulta no especializada. Se hace énfasis en: a Trastornos tiroideos tales como hipo o hipertiroidismo, nódulos de la tiroides y la importancia de la enfermedad de la tiroides durante el embarazo, b la enfermedad adrenal en la hipertensión y el enfoque de la incidentaloma suprarrenal c hiperparatiroidismo primario y la deficiencia de vitamina D d Trastornos gonadal y la importancia de la detección precoz de la enfermedad hormonal, tanto en la disfunción ovárica y testicular.

  1. Carcinoma sebáceo palpebral: Presentación de un caso Palpeebral sebaceous carcinoma: A case report

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    María Cáceres Toledo


    Full Text Available Se presenta a un paciente de 26 años de edad, con diagnóstico clínico de chalación gigante del párpado inferior del ojo derecho de 6 meses de evolución, con un gran componente inflamatorio y bordes ulcerados que no había respondido a la terapéutica médica ni quirúrgica. El resultado de la biopsia tomada de este lesión fue, carcinoma epidermoide infiltrante, por lo que decidimos hacer la cirugía con margen oncológico, que requirió de un colgajo libre del párpado superior con fines estéticos y funcionales. El estudio histológico de la tumoración evidenció un carcinoma sebáceo. La evolución posoperatoria de este paciente, al año de operado, ha sido satisfactoriaA 26-year-old patient wich clinical diagnosis of giant chalazi on of the lower eyelid of the right eye with 6 months of evolution and with a great inflamatory component and ulcerated edges that had not responded to mechical and surgical therapeutics is presented. The result of the biopsy was infiltrating epidermoid carcinoma, so it was decided to perform surgery with oncological margin that required a free flap of the upper eyelid with aesthetic functional ends. The histological study of the tumor proved the existance of a sebaceous carcinoma. The posoperative evolution of the patient after a year has been satisfactory

  2. Selenio: nutriente objetivo para mejorar la composición nutricional del pesca do cultivado

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    JE Vinchira


    Full Text Available El selenio (Se es un micromineral que se encuentra en forma de compuestos inorgánicos como selenito y seleniato, o compuestos orgánicos en forma de seleno-aminoácidos tales como selenocisteína y seleno-metionina. El creciente mercado de los alimentos funcionales incluye al selenio (componente funcional en el grupo de alimentos con efectos positivos para el ser humano. Este mineral genera beneficios para la salud ya que forma parte importante del glutatión peroxidasa (GSH-Px, enzima encargada de proteger el organismo contra agentes oxidantes. Adicionalmente, se reconoce que el selenio tiene efectos positivos en la función inmune, la actividad de la tiroides y la fertilidad. El selenio podría ser incorporado a los filetes de pescado mediante suplementación en la dieta. Este documento presenta una breve revisión sobre la temática de alimentos funcionales, las principales características del selenio y su utilización en sistemas de alimentación para modificar la composición final de productos de origen animal como el pescado.

  3. Accuracy of Triple Diagnostic Test in Patients with Thyroid Nodule at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital

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    Diani Kartini


    Full Text Available The aim of the study is to evaluate the accuracy of triple diagnostic test on thyroid nodules. The data from patients’ medical records who came to Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital for the first time or for evaluation of thyroid nodule and patients who underwent thyroidectomy during 2010 to 2011. Clinical examination was scored by McGill Thyroid Nodule Score. ROC procedure was performed to obtain clinical cut-off scores of diagnosis of malignant. Ultrasonography (USG result was considered malignant for TIRADS 4, 5, and 6. If clinical, USG and histopathology examinations of triple diagnostic give positive results, it will be classified as concordant malignant whereas if all those three show benign results, the classification is benign. Thyroid carcinoma was found in 134 out of 161 patients with thyroid nodule. There were 84 patients with concordant results for all three elements of the triple test. Out of 84 patients with concordant triple diagnostic results, there were 53 malignant cases (32.9% and 31 benign cases (19.3%. Main histopathological findings among patients with thyroid carcinoma was papillary (90.3%, follicular (3%, medullary (0.7%, and anaplastic (6%. The sensitivity and specificity of triple diagnostic was 77% and 94%, with positive predictive value of 98%, negative predictive value of 51,6% and accuracy of 80.9%. Combination of clinical findings, USG, and FNAB gave malignant probability of 92%, better than combination of clinical findings and USG (81.6% or clinical findings and FNAB (87%. Triple diagnostic cannot be used as an ideal test to replace frozen section examination in managing thyroid nodule. However, in cases with concordant results of each triple diagnostic’s element, the positive predictive value (98% and malignant probability (92% is high. Keywords: thyroid nodule, triple diagnostic, accuracy.   Akurasi Metode Triple Diagnostic pada Pasien Nodul Tiroid  di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo   Abstrak Tujuan

  4. La tiroides como modelo de mecanismos moleculares en enfermedades genéticas The thyroid as a model for molecular mechanisms in genetic diseases

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    Carina M. Rivolta


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades tiroideas constituyen una heterogénea colección de anormalidades asociadas a mutaciones en los genes responsables en el desarrollo de la tiroides: factor de transcripción tiroideo 1 (TTF-1, factor de transcripción tiroideo 2 (TTF-2 y PAX8, o en uno de los genes que codifican para las proteínas involucradas en la biosíntesis de hormonas tiroideas como tiroglobulina (TG, tiroperoxidasa (TPO, sistema de generación de peróxido de hidrógeno (DUOX2, cotransportdor de Na/I- (NIS, pendrina (PDS, TSH y receptor de TSH. El hipotiroidismo congénito ocurre con una prevalencia de 1 en 4.000 nacidos. Los pacientes con este síndrome pueden ser divididos en dos grupos: con hipotiroidismo congénito sin bocio (disembriogénesis o con bocio (dishormonogénesis. El grupo de disembriogénesis, que corresponde al 85% de los casos, resulta de ectopía, agenesia o hipoplasia. En una minoría de estos pacientes, el hipotiroidismo congénito está asociado con mutaciones en los genes TTF-1, TTF-2, PAX-8, TSH o TSHr. La presencia de bocio congénito (15% de los casos se ha asociado a mutaciones en los genes NIS, TG, TPO, DUOX2 o PDS. El hipotiroidismo congénito por dishormonogénesis es trasmitido en forma autonómica recesiva. Mutaciones somáticas en el TSHr han sido identificadas en adenomas tiroideos hiperfuncionantes. Otra enfermedad tiroidea bien establecida es la resistencia a hormonas tiroideas (RTH. Es un síndrome de reducida respuesta tisular a la acción hormonal causado por mutaciones localizadas en el gen del receptor b de hormonas tiroideas (TRb. Mutantes de TRb interfieren con la función del receptor normal por un mecanismo de dominancia negativa. En conclusión, la identificación de mutaciones en los genes de expresión tiroidea ha permitido un mayor entendimiento sobre la relación estructura-función de los mismos. La tiroides constituye un excelente modelo para el estudio molecular de las enfermedades gen

  5. Carcinoma escamocelular bucal diagnosticado precozmente Oral squamocellular carcinoma with early diagnosis

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    Leandro Napier de Souza


    Full Text Available El carcinoma escamocelular es la neoplasia maligna más común en la cavidad bucal. Los sitios anatómicos más frecuentemente afectados son el labio inferior, los bordes laterales de lengua y el suelo de la boca. Su etiología es multifactorial, aunque está íntimamente relacionada con factores ambientales como el tabaquismo y el alcoholismo. El cuadro clínico se caracteriza generalmente por la presencia de placas blancas, placas eritematosas, placas entre eritematosas y blancas, úlceras de bordes levantados y masas exofíticas. El tratamiento consiste en la extirpación quirúrgica, la radioterapia, quimioterapia o ambos tratamientos. Este artículo presenta un caso de carcinoma escamocelular bucal en un paciente del sexo masculino, de 70 años de edad. En el mismo se describen los hallazgos clínicos, histopatológicos y el tratamiento correspondiente del caso. El diagnóstico precoz y correcto posibilitó la cura en este caso.The squamocellular carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm commonest in the buccal cavity. The more frequently involved anatomical sites are the lower lip, the tongue's lateral edges and the mouth floor. Its etiology is multifactor although it is closely related to smoking and alcoholism. Clinical picture is generally characterized by the presence of different types of white, erythematous, between erythematous and white plaques, ulcers with raised edges and exophytic masses. Treatment includes surgical removal, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or both. In present paper the case of a man aged 70 presenting with buccal squamous carcinoma describing the clinical, and the histopathologic findings and its corresponding treatment. The early and appropriate diagnosis allowed the cure of this case.

  6. BCNT studies for application to the undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma; Estudios de terapia por captura neutronica en boro para su aplicacion al tratamiento del cancer indiferenciado de tiroides

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    Dagrosa, Maria A; Viaggi, Mabel E; Cabrini, Romulo L; Juvenal, Guillermo J; Pisarev, Mario A [Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, General San Martin (Argentina). Dept. de Radiobiologia; Garavaglia, Ricardo N; Farias, Silvia S [Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, General San Martin (Argentina). Dept. de Quimica; Belli, Carolina; Larripa, Irene [Academia Nacional de Medicina, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Dept. de Genetica; Gangitano, David [Policia Federal Argentina, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Lab. de Quimica


    Undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma (UTC) lacks an effective treatment. Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is based on the selective uptake of {sup 10}B-boronated compounds by some tumours, followed by irradiation with an appropriate neutron beam. The radioactive boron originated ({sup 11}B) decays releasing {sup 7}Li, gamma rays and alpha particles, and these latter will destroy the tumour. In order to explore the possibility of applying BNCT to UTC we have studied the biodistribution of BPA. Animal Model: To develop an animal model of undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma (UTC), which may be useful to study of BNCT. The UTC human cell line ARO was implanted into the back of the nude mice. We performed successive passages in mouse after tumor culturing in order to obtain an animal model similar to the human tumor. We studied the kinetics and the tumoral histology, the capability to induce metastasis, the biokinetics of in vitro growth, as well as cytogenetic and molecular aspects. Histological specimens of tumor showed extensive viability with high mitotic activity. At 117 days, the tumors reached a size of 1700 mm{sup 3} and showed a central necrotic portion with a thin layer of viable cells presence of micro metastasis could be observed in the lung. The kinetics of growth both in vivo and in vitro showed that when the number of passages in mouse increases the growth rate decreases. The cytogenetic and molecular studies did not show differences between the original line and the sublines that could explain this phenotypic change. Moreover, the cytogenetic studies proved that the ARO cell line and its sublines showed a complex clonal karyotype including structural alterations with deletions and translocations involving chromosomes 5, 7, 8, 9p, 11p, 17q 19p, and 20q that were consistent with earlier reported data in UTC. In vivo BNCT studies: ARO cells were transplanted into the scapular region of NIH nude mice, and after 2 weeks BPA (350 or 600 mg/kg bw) was injected

  7. Comportamiento del plan de detección precoz del cáncer bucal en Artemisa (1990-1994

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    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz


    Full Text Available Realizamos un estudio detallado del comportamiento del Plan de Detección Precoz del Cáncer Bucal (PDCB en el municipio de Artemisa durante los últimos cinco años. Determinar la proporción de pacientes examinados y remitidos por edades y sexos así como el diagnóstico definitivo de las lesiones encontradas fue el objetivo de esta investigación. Se examinaron un total de 149 961 pacientes mayores de 15 años, de los cuales se remitieron con lesiones 109 para el 0,072 % de la muestra; hubo un ligero predominio en el sexo masculino en los afectados. Estos fueron aumentando a medida que la edad también lo hizo. Las lesiones más frecuentes fueron: leucoplasias, carcinomas basales, neoplasias benignas, otras lesiones premalignas, y carcinomas epidermoides. Señalamos la importancia de la incorporación del médico de la familia a este plan en nuestro municipio.A detailed study of the behaviour of the Plan for the Early Detection of Oral Cancer (PEDOC at the municipality of Artemisa during the last five years, was carried out. The objective of this investigation was to determine the number of patients examined and referred by age and sex, and the definite diagnosis of the lesions found. 149 961 patients over 15 were examined, from whom 109 were referred with lesions, accounting for 0,072 % of the sample. Among the affected there was a slight predominance of males that increased together with age. The most frequent lesions were: leukoplasias, basal carcinomas, benign neoplasias, other premalignant lesions, and epidermoid carcinomas. It is stress the importance of the family physician incorporation to this plan in our municipality.

  8. Mujer, corazón y tiroides

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    Ana E. Espinosa de Ycaza


    Full Text Available Resumen: Las hormonas tiroideas desempeñan un papel importantísimo en el mantenimiento del metabolismo del cuerpo y la homeostasis del sistema cardiovascular. Las alteraciones en la función tiroidea, ya sea por inhabilidad de producir suficientes hormonas tiroideas o por sobreproducción de las mismas, son más comunes en mujeres que en hombres. Se estima que 1 de cada 10 mujeres desarrollará disfunción tiroidea a lo largo de su vida. Tanto el hipotiroidismo como el hipertiroidismo causan gran variedad de alteraciones hemodinámicas y cardiacas que pueden conducir a eventos cardiovasculares, arritmias e insuficiencia cardiaca. Existe evidencia que tanto el Hipo-tiroidismo como el hipertiroidismo subclínico causan alteraciones cardiovasculares. Sin embargo, no hay evidencia clara de que el tratamiento de estas formas más leves de disfunción tiroidea modifique los factores de riesgo cardiovascular o disminuya el riesgo de eventos cardiovasculares adversos. En esta revisión se analizarán las complicaciones cardiovasculares del hipo- e hipertiroidismo y los mecanismos involucrados. Abstract: Thyroid hormones play an important role in maintaining cellular metabolism and cardiovascular homeostasis. Thyroid dysfunction caused by an underactive or overactive thyroid gland is more common in women than in men. It is estimated that one out of ten women will develop some form of thyroid dysfunction in her lifetime. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can both cause hemodynamic and cardiac changes that can ultimately lead to cardiovascular disease, arrhythmias and heart failure. Additionally, subclinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are associated with cardiovascular changes. However, there is no clear evidence that treatment of these mild forms of thyroid dysfunction improves cardiovascular risk factors, or prevents cardiovascular events. In this review we will describe and analyze the cardiovascular consequences of hypothyroidism and

  9. Morbilidad en la consulta de endocrinología del Centro de Investigaciones Medicoquirúrgicas de Angola Morbidity at the Endocrinology outpatient department of the Center for Medicosurgical Research in Angola

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    Rubén S. Padrón Durán


    Full Text Available Los datos de la morbilidad en consulta externa pueden ser útiles para conocer las causas por las que los pacientes acuden al centro de salud, así como para planificar el ofrecimiento de consultas especiales y de exámenes complementarios. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar y analizar la morbilidad en la consulta externa de endocrinología del Centro de Investigaciones Medicoquirúrgicas de Angola (CIMECA. Se compilaron todos los diagnósticos de cada caso durante 28 meses consecutivos. Los diagnósticos específicos se clasificaron en 7 grandes grupos: 1 alteraciones de la glucemia, 2 obesidad y otros trastornos metabólicos, 3 medicina reproductiva, 4 trastornos del tiroides, 5 endocrinología pediátrica, 6 otras endocrinopatías y 7 sin endocrinopatías. Se atendieron 2 294 pacientes. Los grupos diagnósticos más frecuentes fueron: alteración de la glucemia (60,07 y obesidad y otros trastornos metabólicos (42,07; relativamente frecuentes fueron medicina reproductiva (19,4 y trastornos del tiroides (11,07. Sin embargo, los pacientes de endocrinología pediátrica (1,53 y otras endocrinopatías (0,22 fueron muy poco numerosos. Los diagnósticos específicos más comunes fueron la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2 y la obesidad exógena (53,01 y 24,72 respectivamente, seguidos por las hiperlipoproteinemias (11,73. En un rango entre 4,5 y 10 % observamos bocio difuso eutiroideo, glucemia en ayunas alterada, infertilidad femenina e hiperuricemia; el resto se halló en menos del 3 % del total de casos. Lo resultados y conclusiones más importantes del estudio son: a Los grupos diagnósticos más comunes fueron las alteraciones de la glucemia y la obesidad y otros trastornos metabólicos, entre ellos la DM2 y la obesidad exógena, b Los diagnósticos de medicina reproductiva y trastornos del tiroides fueron relativamente comunes, c Los trastornos endocrinos en edades pediátricas y otras endocrinopatías fueron muy poco frecuentes, d

  10. Carcinoma basocelular metastásico en la región parotídea: un nuevo caso Basal cell carcinoma metastatic to the parotid area: case report

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    T. Pérez de la Fuente


    Full Text Available El carcinoma basocelular es la tumoración cutánea maligna más frecuente. Junto con el carcinoma espinocelular su localización habitual es a nivel de cabeza y cuello y a diferencia de éste la tasa de metástasis regionales es mucho más baja. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 85 años con un carcinoma basocelular a nivel del pabellón auricular derecho, que inicialmente se trató mediante extirpación y cierre. A los 2 años presentó recidiva local en la zona inferior del pabellón auricular y en la exploración física se apreció una tumoración dura a nivel submandibular derecho. Se realizó punción aspiración con aguja fina (PAAF que fue positiva para metástasis de carcinoma basocelular. La Tomografía Axial Computerizada (TAC mostraba una masa única en la región submandibular no adherida a la mandíbula. El tratamiento consistió en extirpación de la recidiva local y parotidectomía superficial más vaciamiento cervical funcional del lado derecho. La paciente se negó a realizar tratamiento con radioterapia complementaria. En la actualidad la paciente está viva y realiza revisiones periódicas.Basal cell carcinoma is the most common cutaneous malignancy. As the scamous cell carcinoma its first location is in head and neck, but the rate of regional metastases is much lower. We present the case of an 85-year-old woman with a basal cell carcinoma located on the ear. She was first treated by local excision and direct suture. Two years later presented a local recurrence in the lower part of the ear. At this time a physical neck exam revealed a submandibular node. Fine needle aspiration was positive for basal cell carcinoma metastases, and a Computed Tomography (CT showed a single mass in the submandibular region not in contact with bone. Treatment consisted on a wide local excision, superficial parotidectomy and ipsilateral functional neck dissection. The patient refused postoperative radiotherapy treatment. At this moment the

  11. Radiocirugía en el programa de prevención del cáncer cervicouterino en Pinar del Río

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    José Guillermo Sanabria Negrín


    Full Text Available Introducción: la radiocirugía como método diagnóstico y terapeútico se usa en Pinar del Río desde noviembre de 2003, y la evaluación de su eficacia debe ser permanente. Objetivo: evaluar el impacto de la utilización del cono por radiocirugía en Pinar del Río en el período 2004-2012. Método: estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo en la consulta provincial de Patología de Cuello del Hospital General Docente "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" (casos del programa de detección o no. Se emplearon los métodos de la Estadística Descriptiva y el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson, ANOVA y la T de Student. Resultados: asistieron 15836 mujeres, de las cuales 6695 (42,3% recibieron radiocirugía, 744 en promedio anual, de todos los municiios y ninguna bajo anestesia. El 49,5% del programa (38,0±8,7 años, IC 95%: 36,7_39.4 años, el resto no era del programa (34.3±10.9 años, IC 95%: 33,1-35,5 años. Entre las complicaciones inmediatas (0,46% predominó el sangrado. El diagnóstico más frecuente fue neoplasia intraepitelial cervical (NIC1, se detectaron 44 carcinomas epidermoides invasores en estadios Ib o superior y 3 adenocarcinomas endocervicales. Los márgenes positivos (5,1% predominaron en los casos de carcinoma in situ y dos casos progresaron a carcinoma invasor. Hubo enfermedad residual en el 17,8 %. Conclusiones: la radiocirugía ambulatoria es eficaz al diagnosticarse lesiones 100 % curables. Se ha logrado que la pieza quirúrgica haya mejorado notablemente en el tiempo. Menos casos con márgenes positivos, y por tanto menos posibilidad de lesión residual. Tiene un impacto positivo para el Programa de Detección Precoz del Cáncer Cervicouterino.

  12. Carcinoma tricofolicular con capacidad metastásica

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    C.B. Pinilla-Martínez


    Full Text Available El carcinoma folicular es un tumor maligno derivado del folículo piloso. La mayor parte de los tumores foliculares son benignos, pero en los últimos años se han publicado casos aislados de tumores anexiales con características de malignidad y con una gran agresividad local siendo en principio tumores que se consideraban benignos. Creemos que este tumor está siendo infradiagnosticado, y como consecuencia, infratratado al ser confundido con otros tumores malignos originados en la piel, como el carcinoma basocelular y sobre todo con el carcinoma epidermoide, en parte por poca documentación y por la dificultad para su diagnóstico anatomopatológico. Presentamos un caso de carcinoma tricofolicular en cuero cabelludo en una mujer de 51 años de edad que rápidamente invade sistema nervioso central y que en solo 3 meses metastatiza a pulmón.

  13. Hipotiroidismo en el embarazo


    Macchia, Carla Lorena; Sánchez-Flórez, Javier Augusto


    Introducción: el hipotiroidismo se presenta entre el 0,5 y 2,5% de todos los embarazos. La frecuencia es mayor si se consideran poblaciones de riesgo, como pacientes portadoras de enfermedades autoinmunes. Durante la gestación temprana existe dependencia de hormonas tiroideas maternas, puesto que la tiroides fetal es incapaz de elaborar sus productos hasta después del primer trimestre. En este periodo, toda situación de carencia puede ejercer efectos indeseables. Objetivo: el objetivo del pre...

  14. Cushing syndrome secondary to a medullary thyroid carcinoma: report of a case and review of the literature = Síndrome de Cushing secundario a carcinoma medular de tiroides: descripción de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    Gutiérrez Restrepo, Johnayro


    Full Text Available We report the case of a 29-year old female who was evaluated because of a thyroid tumor. The initial pathological classification was an insular thyroid carcinoma. There was strong involvement in the neck, mediastinum and lungs. Three years after receiving specific therapy for her thyroid neoplasia, she developed a Cushing syndrome and liver lesions suggestive of metastases from the primary tumor. A review of the previous pathological material revealed a medullary thyroid carcinoma producing ACTH, instead of the insular carcinoma. Based on this case a review of the literature is presented.

  15. Síndrome de Gardner

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    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz


    Full Text Available El síndrome de Gardner, una variante de la poliposis adenomatosa familiar, es una enfermedad hereditaria autosómica dominante caracterizada por la presencia combinada de múltiples pólipos intestinales y manifestaciones extraintestinales que incluyen osteomas múltiples, tumores del tejido conectivo carcinoma de tiroides hipertrofia del epitelio pigmentado de la retina, también son frecuentes la presencia de dientes supernumerarios retenidos y odontomas. Se presenta un caso clínico de un paciente masculino, de 20 años de edad que acude a consulta por presentar aumento de volumen en tres localizaciones de la región facial. Radiográficamente se constataron las imágenes radiopacas características del osteoma y con la rectosigmoidescopia la presencia de pólipos intestinales. La intervención quirúrgica de los osteomas se realizó bajo anestesia general que incluyó condilectomía del lado izquierdo. El diagnóstico histopatológico fue de osteoma ebúrneo. Un año después del procedimiento se observó clínicamente recuperación estética y funcional y radiográficamente buena regeneración ósea en al ángulo mandibular donde se encontraba el osteoma de mayor diámetro. El paciente ha tenido hasta la actualidad una evolución muy satisfactoria, con excelente apertura bucal. El objetivo es describir el manejo que se tuvo con un paciente con síndrome de Gardner en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial de Artemisa.

  16. Carcinoma fusocelular de cavidad oral: Revisión de 9 casos Spindle cell carcinoma of the oral cavity: A review of 9 cases

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    G. Gómez Oliveira


    Full Text Available El carcinoma fusocelular es una variedad maligna y poco frecuente del carcinoma de células escamosas. Es una tumoración constituida por una doble proliferación celular: una sarcomatosa de células fusocelulares y otra carcinomatosa de células epiteliales. Aunque puede afectar a cualquier parte del organismo, es más frecuente encontrarla en vías aerodigestivas superiores. Afecta con mayor frecuencia a varones entre la 6ª y 7ª décadas de la vida. Tiene un comportamiento agresivo con tendencia a la recurrencia. El alcohol y tabaco han sido identificados como los factores de riesgo más importantes. Su diagnóstico histológico es complicado y muchas veces es necesario recurrir a técnicas de inmunohistoquímica y al uso del microscopio electrónico. En la actualidad, se le atribuye un origen epitelial. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una revisión de 9 casos de carcinoma fusocelular localizados en cavidad oral recogidos en nuestro servicio entre los años 1985 a 2004, describiendo su comportamiento clínico y tratando de comprender la patogenia de esta controvertida estirpe tumoral.Spindle cell carcinoma is a malignant and rare variant of squamous cell carcinoma. The histological pattern is composed of a double cell proliferation: a sarcomatous component made up of spindle-shaped cells and a carcinomatous component made up of epithelial cells. Nearly all the anatomy of the body can be affected by these tumors although the most common location is the upper aerodigestive tract. With regard to sex distribution, it is more frequent in males than in females in their sixth and seventh decades of life. Its behavior is aggressive and it tends to recur after treatment. The most important risk factors are alcohol and tobacco. The histological diagnosis is complicated, so immunohistochemical techniques and the use of electron microscopy are usually necessary. Nowadays, its epithelial origin is accepted. The aim of this article is to report a

  17. Osteotomía de avance del marco orbitario para el tratamiento del exoftalmos endocrino severo Advancement osteotomy of the orbital rim for the treatment of severe endocrine exophthalmos

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    F. Almeida


    Full Text Available La orbitopatía tiroidea es una enfermedad debilitante del sistema visual caracterizada por presentar cambios en los tejidos blandos orbitarios y periorbitarios debidos a un proceso inflamatorio, o a la consecuencia del mismo, y que se relaciona con alteraciones sistémicas de la glándula tiroides. Aparte de las alteraciones estéticas que ocasiona, los pacientes pueden presentar queratitis de repetición por exposición, diplopia, dolor retrobulbar, compresión del nervio óptico e incluso ceguera. La cirugía constituye el tratamiento definitivo del exoftalmos en la orbitopatía de Graves, mejorando la proptosis y la visión, así como diminuyendo la sintomatología ocular, con una morbilidad mínima. Presentamos un caso de exoftalmos severo que fue intervenido mediante osteotomía y avance del marco orbitario superior, lateral e inferior, remoción parcial de dos paredes orbitarias y lipectomía. Los resultados estéticos y el alivio de la sintomatología ocular resultaron satisfactorios.Thyroid-associated orbitopathy is a debilitating disease of the visual system that is characterized by changes in the softtissues of the orbit and periorbita as a result of an inflammatory process, or as a consequence of this, and related to systemic disorders of the thyroid gland. Apart from the aesthetic changes that arise, patients may also present persistent keratitis due to exposure, diplopia, retrobulbar pain, compression of the optic nerve and even blindness. Surgery represents the definitive treatment for exophthalmos in Graves’ orbitopathy as improvements are shown in proptosis and vision. A decrease is also experienced in ocular symptomatology and there is minimal morbidity. We present the case of severe exophthalmos that was surgically operated on with an advancement osteotomy of the supero-, lateral- and infraorbital rim, with partial removal of two of the orbital walls with lipectomy. The aesthetic results and the relief of the ocular symptoms

  18. Comentario al margen del artículo estenosis malignas del estómago


    Gaitán Yanguas, Mario


    Leyendo la magnífica contribución que con el título anotado publicaron los doctores Jácome, Gutierrez, Parra, Forero y Medina en la página 214 del volumen 22 de la Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, encontré que dicen los autores que "entre los 301 casos de estenosis malignas del estómago observados en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología no se encuentra ningún caso" de sarcoma gástrico, y que todos corresponden a carcinomas (escamosos ó glandulares). Sin embargo, existen en los archivos...

  19. Historia natural del carcinoma hepatocelular en una cohorte de pacientes de un hospital comarcal Natural history of hepatocellular carcinoma in a cohort of patients from a county hospital

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    M. Vergara


    Full Text Available Introducción: el carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC es una neoplasia con una elevada incidencia y una alta mortalidad. Objetivo: nuestro objetivo es la descripción de la historia natural de una cohorte de pacientes con CHC e identificar variables asociadas a supervivencia. Material y métodos: estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo de pacientes diagnosticados de CHC entre 1995-2002. Las variables cualitativas se expresaron mediante frecuencias y porcentajes y las cuantitativas con mediana y desviación típica. La supervivencia se estimó mediante el método de Kaplan Meyer y la prueba de Log Rank. Resultados: se analizaron un total de 154 pacientes con CHC. La ratio hombre-mujer fue de 2,9/1. La edad media de 68 ± 9 años. El 82% de los pacientes fueron exitus en un tiempo medio de seguimiento de 28 meses. La mediana de supervivencia fue de 21,5 meses (IC 95%: 16,98-26,04. Se realizó tratamiento con intención curativa en un 40,3% y el resto tratamiento paliativo. Las variables asociadas a la supervivencia fueron: presencia o no de ascitis, el número de lesiones en el momento del diagnóstico y si el tratamiento realizado fue con intención curativa o no. No hubieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas respecto a: sexo, edad, etiología de la cirrosis y estadio de Child en el momento del diagnóstico. Conclusiones: los factores asociados a una menor supervivencia en los pacientes con carcinoma hepatocelular fueron la presencia de ascitis y el número de lesiones en el momento del diagnóstico. La realización de tratamiento con intención curativa se asocia a una mayor supervivencia.Background: hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC is a cancer with high incidence and mortality. Objective: our aim was to describe the natural history of a patient cohort with HCC, and to identify the factors associated with survival. Patients and methods: a retrospective and descriptive study of patients diagnosed with HCC between 1995 and 2002. Qualitative variables

  20. Recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation presenting as anastomotic biliary stricture Presentación del carcinoma hepatocelular recurrente tras el trasplante de hígado en forma de estenosis biliar anastomótica

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    S. Y. Chen


    Full Text Available A 52-year-old man visited our hospital complaining of anorexia and fatigue two months after receiving orthotopic liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma. A laboratory investigation demonstrated a clinical picture of obstructive jaundice. T-tube cholangiography showed biliary stricture over the anastomotic site. Percutaneous transluminal balloon dilatation and stenting was attempted but failed. Magnetic resonance cholangiography showed possible tumor recurrence over the site of the anastomotic biliary stricture. A biopsy sample was obtained via ultrasound-guided aspiration and histopathological study revealed inflammatory and fibrotic changes. With high suspicion of recurrence of the hepatocellular carcinoma, surgical exploration was performed and an intraoperative frozen section proved the recurrence. We thus diagnosed this case as a recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation. To our knowledge, there have been no previous reports of early tumor recurrence after liver transplantation being the cause of an anastomotic biliary stricture.Un varón de 52 años visitó nuestro hospital quejándose de anorexia y fatiga a los dos meses de haber recibido un trasplante hepático ortotópico a causa de un carcinoma hepatocelular. La analítica mostró un cuadro clínico de ictericia obstructiva. La colangiografía con tubo en T mostró una estenosis biliar sobre la anastomosis. Se intentó una dilatación transluminal percutánea con globo y colocación de endoprótesis, que fracasó. La colangiografía por resonancia magnética mostró una posible recurrencia tumoral sobre el lugar de la estenosis biliar anastomótica. Se extrajo una muestra de biopsia mediante aspiración bajo guía ecográfica y el estudio histopatológico mostró alteraciones inflamatorias y fibróticas. Al sospecharse la recurrencia del carcinoma hepatocelular, se realizó una exploración quirúrgica; un corte intraoperatorio congelado demostr

  1. Thyroiditis (United States)

    ... Hypothyroidism in Children and Adolescents Pediatric Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Thyroid Nodules in Children and Adolescents Thyroiditis Resources Thyroiditis Brochure PDF Thyroiditis FAQs PDF En Español Tiroiditis El folleto de Tiroiditis Tiroiditis, Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ) Search ...

  2. Hipotiroidismo Congénito. Presentación de un caso.


    Angela Belkys Brito García; José Miguel Alcalde Rojas; Raúl Medina Martín


    El hipotiroidismo congénito es el cuadro clínico resultante de una disminución de la actividad biológica de las hormonas tiroideas en los primeros años de vida, tiene una incidencia de 1/3000 a 1/4000 nacidos vivos. La expresividad clínica depende del grado de insuficiencia tiroidea, solo el 5% de los casos diagnosticados presentan manifestaciones clínicas al nacer, otros pacientes solamente pueden presentar niveles elevados de hormona estimulante del tiroides (TSH) en suero, el tratamiento...

  3. Problemas médicos habituales relacionados con la paciente embarazada

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    V. Lorena Quiroz, DRA.


    Full Text Available Problemas médicos como enfermedades del tiroides, deficiencia de vitamina D, anemia, infecciones del tracto urinario e insulino resistencia entre otros, pueden complicar el embarazo. Dado las molestias propias de la gestación, muchas de estas patologías no son diagnosticadas ni tratadas, aumentando la morbilidad materna y fetal. Algunas de estas enfermedades tienen diferentes criterios diagnósticos comparados con la mujer no embarazada. Se revisan los criterios diagnósticos y tratamientos de los problemas médicos más frecuentes en el embarazo.

  4. Síndrome de carcinoma basocelular nevoide con agenesia de cuerpo calloso, mutación en PTCH1 y ausencia de carcinoma basocelular

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    Luis D Mazzuoccolo


    Full Text Available El síndrome del carcinoma basocelular nevoide (SCBCN o de Gorlin-Goltz es un raro desorden autosómico dominante con un amplio espectro de manifestaciones clínicas. El signo cardinal es la presencia de múltiples carcinomas basocelulares (CBCs y su ausencia demora el diagnóstico. Presentamos un adolescente de 14 años con diagnóstico de SCBCN por la presencia de queratoquistes odontogénicos, hiper­telorismo, macrocefalia y agenesia del cuerpo calloso pero sin lesiones cutáneas. La madre, de 43 años, tiene diagnóstico de SCBCN y no presenta CBCs. Para completar el estudio se realizó secuenciación bidireccional y Multiplex Ligation dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA en sangre periférica para buscar mutaciones en PTCH1, principal gen responsable del síndrome. Se encontró una mutación germinal novel en el paciente y la madre: una duplicación de 25 pb en el exón 10 (c.1375dupl25bp. El análisis bioinformático predijo un corrimiento del marco de lectura y un codón stop prematuro, que produciría una proteína trunca más corta que lo normal. Nuestros resultados sugieren que el estudio clínico y genealógico completo con análisis genético es fundamental para la detección temprana de casos como el presente.


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    José Manuel Ornelas Aguirre


    Full Text Available El carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC se encuentra dentro de los tipos de cáncer que más muertes generan al año. Es una neoplasia con una incidencia creciente en todo el mundo. Es el tumor primario del hígado más frecuente y constituye el 90% de éstos. Se sabe que el desarrollo de CHC puede ser por múltiples etiologías, una de ellas es la exposición crónica a las aflatoxinas, especialmente a la aflatoxina B1 (AFB1, esta es una micotoxina producida por hongos del genero Aspergillus. La AFB1 produce mutación en el codón 249, exón 7 del gen P53. La AFB1 se encuentra en alimentos contaminados como granos de maíz, arroz y cacahuate, y se ha encontrado una alta relación entre el consumo de estos alimentos y el desarrollo de CHC en países de Asia y África. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo recopilar la información existente sobre los mecanismos de carcinogenicidad de la AFB1 que lleva al desarrollo del CHC. Palabras Clave: Carcinoma hepatocelular, Aflatoxina B1, Micotoxina, Aflatoxicosis

  6. Carcinomatosis peritoneal secundaria a carcinoma Lobulillar de mama




    Introducción: Aunque el cáncer de mama metastatiza con mayor frecuencia en ganglios linfáticos, hueso, pulmón e hígado, también se puede extender hacia el tracto gastrointestinal, peritoneo y órganos ginecológicos. Material y Método: Describimos tres casos de carcinomatosis peritoneal secundaria a la diseminación metastásica de un carcinoma lobulillar infiltrante de mama. En los tres casos el diagnóstico se hizo varios años después del descubrimiento del tumor primario y en dos de ellos se ob...

  7. Uso de HeberPAG en carcinoma basocelular periocular

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    Yanisel Jiménez Barbán

    Full Text Available Se describe el caso clínico de un paciente de 34 años de edad con un carcinoma basocelular nodular de párpado inferior del ojo izquierdo, de 3 años de evolución. Se procedió a aplicar el HeberPAG en inyección perilesional 3 veces por semana durante 3 semanas consecutivas. Terminadas las aplicaciones de este producto desaparecieron los signos clínicos del tumor. Se comenta el potencial destructor de este tumor, así como las técnicas utilizadas en el manejo de esta patología.

  8. Tratamiento crioquirúrgico de pacientes con carcinoma espinocelular bucal Cryosurgical treatment in patients with oral squamous-cell carcinoma

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    Gladys Aída Estrada Pereira


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 50 pacientes de ambos sexos con carcinoma espinocelular bucal, atendidos en la consulta estomatológica del Policlínico de Especialidades del Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, desde septiembre del 2009 hasta igual mes del 2012, a fin de evaluar los resultados terapéuticos de la criocirugía en el tratamiento de esta enfermedad. La técnica crioquirúrgica se aplicó en la exéresis de la citada afección con repetidas congelaciones súbitas, así como descongelaciones lentas y espontáneas, razón por la cual se logró una excelente cicatrización de los tejidos dañados en el menor tiempo posible. Se demostró que la criocirugía fue un procedimiento sencillo, eficaz, fácil de aplicar, no traumática a la mucosa, sin riesgo ni complicación e inocua a los tejidos bucales; por tanto, impidió la formación de cicatrices residuales.A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in 50 patients of both sexes with oral squamous-cell carcinoma, treated at the stomatology department of the Specialties Polyclinic of "Saturnino Lora Torres" Provincial Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from September 2009 to September 2012, in order to evaluate the therapeutic results of cryosurgery in treating this disease. Cryosurgical technique was applied in the exeresis of damaged tissues with sudden repeated freezing and spontaneous slow thawing, thus achieving an excellent healing of tissues in the possible shortest time. It was demonstrated that cryosurgery was simple, effective and easy to apply, and nontraumatic to the mucosa without risk or complication and safe for oral tissues; therefore, it prevented residual scarring.

  9. Tratamiento del bocio tóxico difuso con 131I en dosis de 80 µCi/g de tejido tiroideo Treatment of diffuse toxic goiter with 131I at doses of 80 µCi/g of thyroid tissue

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    Francisco Ochoa Torres


    Full Text Available El 131I ha demostrado ser la terapéutica más eficaz en el tratamiento del bocio tóxico difuso (BTD. Sin embargo, no existe consenso sobre la dosis a administrar: fija o de acuerdo con la actividad funcional del tiroides y su tamaño. Con el fin de evaluar los resultados terapéuticos con una dosis de 80 µCi/g de tejido tiroideo, estimado por palpación y sin tener en cuenta la actividad funcional del tiroides, se estudiaron 61 pacientes diagnosticados por la clínica, así como las determinaciones de TSH y T4 total en edades entre 20 y 80 años, de uno y otro sexos, con tamaño de la glándula de más de 30 g y si habían recibido o no propiltiouracilo (PTU previamente. El seguimiento postratamiento se realizó cada 2 meses durante 3 años por el mismo especialista y con iguales procederes. La eficacia del tratamiento con la primera dosis fue de 85,2 %. La frecuencia de hipotiroidismo a los 3 años de evolución fue de 29,5. La edad del paciente, el sexo, el tamaño del bocio y el tratamiento con PTU no influyeron en la respuesta a este. Las ventajas mostradas por el método fueron: una eficacia alta, la dosis de 131I se calcula con facilidad, es fácil de aplicar, disminuye el costo al no tener que realizar valoración del estado funcional de la glándula y reduce las consultas.131I has proved to be the most efficient therapeutics in the treatment of diffuse toxic goiter (DTG. However, there is no consensus on the dose to be administered: fixed dose or according to the functional activity of the thyroid and its size. In order to evaluate the therapeutical results at a dose of 80 Ci/g of thyroid tissue, estimated by palpation and without having into account the functional activity of thyroid and wether they had received propylthiouracil (PTU previously , 61 patients diagnosed by the clinic, as well as determinations of TSH and total T4, were studied in individuals aged 20-80 of both sexes, with a thyroid size over 30 g. The posoperative

  10. Diabetes gestacional, hipotiroidismo y concentración urinaria de yodo en embarazadas. Yodurias en escolares en Paraguay: Exceso de yodo en la sal y riesgo de hiper e hipotiroidismo


    Jara Yorg, Jorge Antonio; Pretell, Eduardo A; Ovelar, Elsi; Sánchez Bernal, S; Mendoza, L; Jara Mark, A; Jara Ruiz, Jessica M; Jara Ruiz, Elías; Ortellado, José; Acuña, Vicente; Brizuela, Félix; Rodriguez, Amada; Santos, Jorge; Peña, Giuliana; Arevalos, Cecilia


    El principal indicador del impacto de la yodación de la sal de consumo humano es la concentración urinaria de yodo la cual es útil en el monitoreo de la sal. En la encuesta del año 1988 realizada en el Paraguay, se alcanzó una prevalencia de bocio de 48,6% en la población escolar con un déficit de yodo en la sal, pero el año 2000 en el estudio del proyecto de Tiroides Móvil, se redujo por el método ecográfico a 17%. Ese mismo año la mediana de los niveles urinarios en niños escolares de 6-12 ...

  11. Carcinoma escamoso metastásico primario de origen desconocido. Presentación de un caso Primary Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Unknown Origin. A Case Report

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    Miguel Ángel Serra Valdés


    Full Text Available El cáncer primario oculto representa según varias series del 0,5 al 7 % de todos los cánceres que se diagnostican y la edad media de presentación es 60 años. Se presenta un caso de metástasis ganglionar de carcinoma primario de células escamosas no identificado, de una paciente de 58 años de edad, de color de piel blanca, con antecedentes de salud, ama de casa, que fumaba desde joven e ingería alcohol frecuentemente. Ingresó con aumento de volumen de los ganglios del cuello. Se diagnosticó por biopsia metástasis de carcinoma escamoso. No pudo identificarse el primario en vida ni en la necropsia. El cáncer metastásico primario de origen desconocido sigue siendo un reto para la práctica clínica.Occult primary cancer represents, according to several series, from 0,5 % to 7 % of all diagnosed cancers, the average onset age being 60 years old. We report the case of nodal metastasis of unidentified primary squamous cell carcinoma in a 58 years old patient with white skin and a history of good health. The patient was a housekeeper who smoked from early age and frequently consumed alcohol. She was admitted with an enlargement of the neck glands. Metastases of squamous cell carcinoma were diagnosed through biopsy. Primary cancer was not identified neither while still alive or at necropsy. Primary metastatic cancers of unknown origin remain a challenge for clinical practice.

  12. Tiroiditis autoinmune inducida por interferón en pacientes con infección por virus de la hepatitis C. Interferon-induced autoimmune thyroiditis in a patient with hepatitis C virus infection

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    José L. Pinto


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de un varón de 43 años de edad, sin antecedentes patológicos de importancia, que acudió por elevación asintomática de la alanino aminotransferasa (ALT. El paciente negó ser bebedor crónico de alcohol. Se hizo el diagnóstico serológico de infección activa por hepatitis C y la biopsia de hígado reveló inflamación crónica activa. Con estos resultados, se inició tratamiento con interferón-alfa y ribavirina. Durante el tratamiento de 48 semanas, el paciente presentó anticuerpos antitiroideos positivos con variaciones en sus niveles de tirotropina (TSH y hormonas tiroideas. En el seguimiento postratamiento, el paciente continuó con hipertiroidismo por enfermedad de Graves. La tiroiditis autoinmune es una complicación frecuente del uso de interferón en pacientes con hepatitis C. En algunos casos se presenta como hipertiroidismo por enfermedad de Graves. Se debe evaluar la función tiroidea y los anticuerpos antitiroideos antes y durante el tratamiento con interferón.A 43 year old man presented with asymptomatic elevation of alanine aminotransferase (ALT and no relevant past history. The patient denied being a chronic alcohol drinker. Work-up revealed an active hepatitis C, and liver biopsy showed active inflammation. Treatment was started with interferon-alfa and ribavirin. During the 48 weeks of treatment, the patient developed positive thyroid antibodies with varying level of thyrotropin (TSH and thyroid hormones. At follow-up after treatment, the patient continued with hyperthyroidism due to Graves’ disease. Autoimmune thyroiditis is a common complication of using interferon in patients with hepatitis C. In some cases, it is presented as hyperthyroidism because of Graves’ disease. Thyroid function and thyroid antibodies should be evaluated before and during treatment with interferon.

  13. Valoración de la expresión de Bcl2 y ki-67 en el carcinoma epidermoide de pulmón. Alteraciones génicas asociadas. Correlación con variables anatomoclínicas


    Montejo Maillo, Beatriz


    [ES]Aparte del estudio clinico del tumor, escasos factores parecen influir en el pornóstico del carcinoma epidermoide de pulmón y en los úlitmos 20 años, apenas se ha modificado la supervivencia [EN]Apart from the clinical study of tumor, few factors appear to influence the porn squamous cell carcinoma of lung and in 20 years last article, has remained largely unchanged survival

  14. Relación entre la pureza radioquímica del 123i-ioflupano y la captación extracraneal (tiroidea y parotídea

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    Lucía Díaz Platas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Estudiar el efecto de la pureza radioquímica (PR del 123I-Ioflupano, utilizado para realizar SPECT cerebral de transportadores de dopamina, sobre las imágenes obtenidas y evaluar la posible influencia de la extravasación durante su administración y del grado de afectación del paciente por el síndrome parkinsoniano sobre los resultados. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo en 39 pacientes. La PR del 123I-Ioflupano se determinó mediante cromatografía en capa fina. Se delimitaron las regiones de interés (ROI en zona aproximada de cerebro, parótidas y región cervical, obteniéndose la media de cuentas en cada región y las ratios de actividad tiroides/cerebro (RTC y parótidas/cerebro (RPC. Se propuso un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple con predictores cuantitativos y categóricos. Resultados: El modelo mostró correlación entre la PR y la RTC modificada por la presencia de extravasación, fue estadísticamente significativo (p<0,001 y predijo el 42,31% de la variabilidad de la RTC. La correlación entre PR y RPC no se modificó por ninguna de las variables propuestas. El modelo fue estadísticamente significativo (p<0,0176 y predijo el 12,3% de la variabilidad del RPC. Conclusiones: La capacidad predictiva del modelo para explicar la variabilidad de la RTC es aceptable y explica la repercusión negativa de la extravasación. Sin embargo, la capacidad para explicar la variabilidad de la RPC es baja y debe ser atribuida a variables no estudiadas. Una PR baja y la extravasación durante la administración del radiofármaco se traduce en mayor actividad extracraneal e implica peor calidad de imagen y mayor irradiación tiroidea.

  15. Las 47 preguntas sobre el virus del papiloma humano, VPH


    Elena de la Fuente Díez; Luz María Mira Ferrer


    La prevención del cáncer de cuello uterino ha evolucionado rápidamente a consecuencia de la identificación de su causa, el Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH). La asociación VPH/Cáncer de Cuello Uterino, es aplicable tanto al carcinoma escamocelular como al adenocarcinoma. Dos de los tipos oncogénicos, los VPHs 16 y 18, son responsables del 70% de los casos de cáncer de cuello uterino a nivel mundial. El VPH es muy prevalente entre personas sexualmente activas, y se puede identificar fácilmente m...

  16. Bocio intratorácico

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    Gladys Iglesias Díaz


    Full Text Available Introducción: el bocio constituye la afección de la glándula tiroides que más es tratado en los servicios quirúrgicos, sin embargo, su posición anómala no es frecuente. Presentación de caso: paciente de 51 años de edad, con antecedentes de asma bronquial. Hace 3 años presentó un aumento de volumen de la región lateral izquierda del cuello y presencia de decaimiento, palpitaciones y disfagia ocasional, para lo cual llevó el tratamiento con levotiropsina sódica. Se indicaron estudios de la función tiroidea, radiografías de tórax (vista anteroposterior, ecografía de la tiroides y biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina. A través de la vía cervical se le realizó la tiroidectomía total corroborando que más del 50% de la glándula estaba en posición intratorácica, nódulos en ambos lóbulos y sin complicaciones; resultó ser un bocio coloide multinodular. Conclusiones: el bocio intratorácico responde poco al tratamiento médico, de preferencia se utiliza la tiroidectomía total por vía cervical ante síntomas de compresión siempre que sea posible.

  17. Tumoral response factors after radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic liver Factores de respuesta tumoral tras ablación mediante radiofrecuencia del carcinoma hepatocelular sobre cirrosis

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    J. Calleja Kempin


    Full Text Available Objective: hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC ablation by radiofrequency (RFA is a novel technique with a great variety of methods whose efficacy and predictive factors have not been completely studied. Some of the main predictive factors in this type of treatment are analyzed in the present study. Patients and methods: ninety-three patients with hepatocellular carcinoma over cirrhosis, and with no indication for surgical resection were treated by RFA. Two different types of electrodes were used for RFA (refrigerated-"Cool-Tip" and perfusion with saline solution, the approach was percutaneous, by laparoscopy or laparotomy. Results: overall survival at 1, 2 and 3 years was 88, 81, and 76%, with a free-disease survival (FDS of 66, 31 and 17%, respectively. For tumors less than 3 cm, FDS at 1,2 and 3 years was 74, 44 and 30%, while for more than 3 cm in size FDS was 55, 12 and 0% (p = 0.02. FDS for HCC with one nodule was 70, 36 and 22%, and for more than one nodule it decreased to 50, 17 and 0% at 1, 2 and 3 years, respectively (p = 0.07. Surprisingly, the method employed for RFA has a main influence in FDS, with 0% at 3 years for perfusion electrodes and 26% for cool-tip electrodes at the same period. Conclusions: in this series, overall survival at three years was relatively high; however, tumoral size, number of nodules and RFS method were independent variables associated with disease-free survival.Objetivo: la ablación por radiofrecuencia del hepatocarcinoma (ARF es una técnica de reciente adquisición, cuya eficacia y factores predictivos no han sido suficientemente evaluados. El presente estudio fue diseñado para este análisis. Pacientes y métodos: se han tratado 93 pacientes con hepatocarcinoma sobre hígado cirrótico sin criterios de resección ni de trasplante hepático. El tratamiento se realizó mediante abordaje percutáneo, laparoscópico o mediante laparotomía con dos tipos de electrodos de radiofrecuencia, electrodo refrigerado y

  18. Analisi dell'efficacia di un programma di prevenzione secondaria del carcinoma orale

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    S. Iannazzo


    Full Text Available

    In Italia i carcinomi del cavo orale (KCO sono diagnosticati
    prevalentemente al II-IV stadio TNM con conseguenti basse sopravvivenza a 5 anni e qualità della vita. Una maggior frequenza di diagnosi allo stadio I porterebbe a migliorare ampiamente i valori medi dei suddetti parametri.
    Scopo del presente lavoro è stato valutare l’efficacia di un programma di prevenzione secondaria del KCO in termini di aumento di diagnosi allo stadio I e di vite salvate.

    Abbiamo stimato la prevalenza di casi istopatologicamente
    accertati (livello C3 di leucoplachia, principale lesione precancerosa del KCO, nella ASL/RMA come prodotto tra la prevalenza stimata di leucoplachia diagnosticata clinicamente (livello C2 (2989,2Ĩ13077,7 e la proporzione, scelta arbitrariamente, di C3 tra i C2 (0,50.

    Tenendo presente che nel campione studiato nella ASL/RMA la proporzione di KCO allo stadio I tra i C3 era 0,03, abbiamo stimato il numero di KCO.

    Abbiamo stimato quanti KCO verrebbero diagnosticati allo stadio I se venisse attuato un programma di prevenzione secondaria, considerando diversi livelli di compliance, e sulla base di una sopravvivenza media a 5 anni, in Italia, del 53% per tutti gli stadi e del 79% per i KCO allo stadio I, abbiamo calcolato il numero di vite salvate. I valori sono stati espressi come IC95.

    Le prevalenze di leucoplachia C3 e KCO sono risultate,
    rispettivamente, 1494,6Ĩ6538,8 e 44,8Ĩ196,2. Con compliance del 10%, 40% e 75% verrebbero diagnosticati, rispettivamente, 4,5Ĩ19,6, 17,9Ĩ78,5 e 33,6Ĩ147,2 casi di KCO e le vite salvate sarebbero 1,1Ĩ5,1, 4,6Ĩ20,4 e 8,7Ĩ38,3 rispettivamente.
    In termini di vite salvate i dati evidenziano la necessita di attuare programmi di screening del KCO, anche nell' eventualità di uno scarso coinvolgimento della popolazione a rischio.

  19. Scanning in Thyroid Cancer; Exploration des tumeurs de la thyroide; Ispol'zovanie radioizotopov pri issledovanii raka shchitovidnoj zhelezy; Exploracion de los tumores tiroideos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bauer, Franz K [Radioisotope Centre, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA (United States)


    methode qui permette de suivre l'evolution de la maladie. (author) [Spanish] La exploracion de los tumores de la tiroides reviste interes para: 1. El diagnostico preoperatorio de los nodulos tiroideos; 2. La localization de metastasis del cancer de tiroides; 3. El tratamiento de los enfermos tiroidectomizados, con metastasis del cancer de la tiroides. El autor describe el aspecto de los nodulos tiroideos en el centelleograma y proporciona algunos resultados preliminares obtenidos con el empleo del fosforo radiactivo y con el recuento externo de los nodulos < inactivos > mediante un contador Geiger-Mueller. El autor describe asimismo la localizacion de las metastasis del cancer de la tiroides, destacando, especialmente, el empleo de la hormona tirotropica. Ese metodo ha permitido comprobar que las tres cuartas partes de los enfermos que padecen de tumores metastaticos de la tiroides tienen metastasis activas. Estudia detalladamente la tecnica de la ablation de los restos glandulares que suelen quedar despues de la tiroidectomia total, asi como el tratamiento de las metastasis. La exploracion de las metastasis constituye el mejor medio para observar la evolucion de la enfermedad. (author) [Russian] Primenenie radioizotopov v issledovanii raka shchitovidnoj zhelezy rekomenduetsya v sleduyushchikh sluchayakh: 1. Predoperatsionny j diagnoz uzelkovogo utolshcheniya shchitovidnoj zhelezy; 2. Lokalizatsiya metastazov raka shchitovidnoj zhelezy; 3. Lechenie bol'nykh s udalennoj shchitovidnoj zhelezoj, no s metastazami, obrazovann{sup m}i rakom ehtoj zhelezy; Opisyvaetsya vliyanie uzelkovykh utolshchenij shchitovidnoj zhelezy na etsiitigrammu. Soobshchaetsya o nekotorykh predvaritel'nykh rezul'tatakh opredeleniya < kholodnykh > utolshchenij pri pomoshchi radioaktivnog o fosfora i naruzhnogo primeneniya schetchika Gejgera-Myullera. Opisyvaetsya lokalizatsiya metastazov raka shchitovidnoj zhelezy i v osobennosti ispol'zovanie dlya ehtoj Deli gormona perednej doli gipofiza. S pomoshch

  20. Giant basal cell carcinoma Carcinoma basocelular gigante

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    Nilton Nasser


    Full Text Available The basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer but the giant vegetating basal cell carcinoma reaches less than 0.5 % of all basal cell carcinoma types. The Giant BCC, defined as a lesion with more than 5 cm at its largest diameter, is a rare form of BCC and commonly occurs on the trunk. This patient, male, 42 years old presents a Giant Basal Cell Carcinoma which reaches 180 cm2 on the right shoulder and was negligent in looking for treatment. Surgical treatment was performed and no signs of dissemination or local recurrence have been detected after follow up of five years.O carcinoma basocelular é o tipo mais comum de câncer de pele, mas o carcinoma basocelular gigante vegetante não atinge 0,5% de todos os tipos de carcinomas basocelulares. O Carcinoma Basocelular Gigante, definido como lesão maior que 5 cm no maior diâmetro, é uma forma rara de carcinoma basocelular e comumente ocorre no tronco. Este paciente apresenta um Carcinoma Basocelular Gigante com 180cm² no ombro direito e foi negligente em procurar tratamento. Foi realizado tratamento cirúrgico e nenhum sinal de disseminação ou recorrência local foi detectada após 5 anos.

  1. Cytogenetic in thyroid carcinoma and therapy with 131{sup I}; Citogenetica en cancer de tiroides y terapia con 131''I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Popova, L.; Hadjidekova, V.; Christova, R.; Agova, S.; Grudeva, V.; Hadjieva, T.; Dominguez, I.


    In order to assess the genotoxic risk of the therapy with radioiodine-131(''131I), the production of micronuclei (MN) and chromosome aberrations (CA) were analyzed in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of group of 26 patients undergoing therapy with this radionuclide for differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). Blood samples were taken immediately before ''131 I administration and 1 month later. The patients underwent radioiodine ablation (RIA) or radioiodine therapy (RIT) after radical thyroidectomy. The amount of orally administered ''131I activity varied from 3330 to 4030 MBq according to the king of therapy (RIA or RIT). results show that after radioiodine therapy there is a significant increase in the frequency of MN and CA. The mean frequencies of MN {+-} Sd before and after the therapy were 10.72 % {+-} 5.84 % and 25.28 %{+-} 12.6% respectively. For CA, the mean frequencies obtained were 1.16% {+-} 0.36% before and 2.3% {+-} 0.87% after the therapy. These findings indicate a genotoxic activity of ''131I therapy estimated after a period of one month. (Author) 38 refs.

  2. Localization of occult breast lesions: mammographic findings in non infiltrating carcinoma; Localizacion de lesiones ocultas de mama: hallazgos mamograficos del carcinoma no infiltrante

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paul, L; Iribar, M; Vilarrasa, A; Lopez, M A; Hernandez, R; Carrasco, A [Departamento de Radiodiagnostico, Hospital Doce de Octubre, Madrid (Spain)


    A review was carried out of 169 biopsies of occult breast lesions, 32 of which were malignant. The radiological findings associated with in situ carcinomas were compared with those of malignant lesions in general. The signs that permit the detection of breast carcinoma in the earliest stages are described, and the positive predictive value of signs, such as a spicular form, clusters of microcalcifications, nodules and architectural disturbances, is discussed. Given the lack of specificity of these findings, many beginning lesions should be biopsied to ensure an early diagnosis of breast cancer. (Author)

  3. Protocolo de diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer tiroideo Protocol of diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer

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    Ramón González Fernández


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se plasma el manejo de los pacientes con de cáncer del tiroides, teniendo en cuenta, el uso de los medios diagnósticos, en particular la importancia del uso de la biopsia aspirativa con aguja fina para el diagnóstico precoz. Se sabe que en las últimas décadas han existido criterios más conservadores en lo referido a la suficiencia en la extensión de la operación, en los cánceres bien diferenciados, motivado esto por el mayor conocimiento de la biología del tumor, el desarrollo de pruebas de inmunohistoquímica, tratamiento adyuvante y un seguimiento más estrecho. Por lo que esto ha motivado ciertos criterios controvertidos. Se expone un protocolo de diagnóstico y tratamiento, teniendo en cuenta un adecuado estadiamiento, y definición de los grupos de riesgo, parámetro importante y novedoso en esta entidadIn this paper, the management of patients with thyroid cancer is dealt with taking into account the use of the diagnostic tools and, in particular, the importance of the use of fine-needle aspiration biopsy for the early diagnosis. In the last decades, there have been more conservative criteria regarding the sufficiency in the extension of surgery in the well differentiated cancers, motivated by the greater knowledge of tumor biology, the development of immunohistochemical tests, adjuvant treatment and a closer follow-up. This has led to the appearance of certain controversial criteria. A protocol of diagnosis and treatmemt is exposed taking into consideration an adequate staging and definition of the risk groups, an important and novel parameter in this entity

  4. Basal cell carcinoma of the skin with areas of squamous cell carcinoma: a basosquamous cell carcinoma?


    de Faria, J


    The diagnosis of basosquamous cell carcinoma is controversial. A review of cases of basal cell carcinoma showed 23 cases that had conspicuous areas of squamous cell carcinoma. This was distinguished from squamous differentiation and keratotic basal cell carcinoma by a comparative study of 40 cases of compact lobular and 40 cases of keratotic basal cell carcinoma. Areas of intermediate tumour differentiation between basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma were found. Basal cell carcinomas with ...

  5. El útero humano en distintas edades y el carcinoma in situ del cuello uterino

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    Herwig Hamperl


    Full Text Available El área alrededor del orificio del canal cervical es probablemente una de las más interesantes de la Patología Uterina. En el siguiente esbozo, voy a intentar dar un breve resumen de los problemas y del progreso que creemos haber realizado en nuestro esfuerzo por resolverlos. Empezamos con la recién nacida: En ella, la parte inferior del cuello uterino, presenta una forma que nunca volverá a mostrar durante el resto de la vida, sobresale en la vagina en forma de cono puntiaguda. El límite de los epitelios de revestimiento del cono varía: a veces el epitelio escamoso de la vagina termina exactamente en el orificio externo del canal cervical, como es usual en la mujer adulta; a veces el epitelio escamoso asciende unos milímetros en el canal cervical. El hecho más interesante es que en aproximadamente un tercio de las niñas, la extensión del epitelio escamoso está tan restringida, que el epitelio cilíndrico puede cubrir la superficie del cono cervical. Al examen macroseópico, está región se distingue  entonces por color rojo y forma, lo que se ha llamado erosión o mejor la pseudoerosión de la recién nacida.

  6. Biopsia por aspiración y supresión con hormonas tiroideas en el diagnóstico de cáncer tiroideo: comparación con la cirugía en 77 nódulos hipocaptantes Fine-Needle aspiration biopsy and suppression with thyroid hormone in the diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma

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    Humberto Aristizábal


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 77 pacientes con nódulos tiroideos hipocaptantes, demostrados por gamagrafía, por medio de biopsia tiroidea por aspiración y terapia supresiva con hormonas tiroideas durante 6 meses o más. Se realizó estudio ecográfico del nódulo antes de iniciar la terapia y seis meses después de estarla administrando. Todos fueron intervenidos porque en ninguno desapareció el nódulo con la terapia, a pesar de que se obtuvo supresión de la tirotrofina en plasma. La biopsia tiroidea por aspiración (BT A fue Interpretada en todos los pacientes como bocio coloide o nodular o neoplasia folicular. En contraste, en el estudio de la pieza quirúrgica 52 pacientes presentaron bocio nodular, multinodular o coloide; 16 tenían carcinomas (12 papilares y 4 foliculares y 9 tiroiditis de Hashimoto. Contrariamente a lo esperado se observó que 5 de loS carcinomas (31.3% disminuyeron de volumen durante el tratamiento hormonal; de acuerdo a la ecografía la disminución promedio fue 0.41 cm3. En cambio 4 de los 52 nódulos benignos (7.7% aumentaron de volumen, en promedio 3.7 cm3. Estos hallazgos sugieren que la prueba de supresión con hormonas tiroideas no es confiable para definir si una lesión es benigna o maligna. En el estudio quirúrgico se demostró que 20.8% (16/77 de los nódulos eran carcinomas. A la luz de estos datos la biopsia por aspiración no estableció por lo general el diagnóstico de carcinoma; por ello se debe recurrir a la cirugía aunque la biopsia sea negativa.

    Seventy-seven patients with cold thyroid nodules were studied with flne-needle aspiration biopsy and suppression with thyroid hormone. The volume of the nodule was calculated ultrasonographycally at the beginning of the study and after six months of oral therapy with thyroglobulin, at doses sufficient to maintain TSH at the low limits of the normal

  7. Disfunción tiroidea inducida por amiodarona en la práctica clínica

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    José Luis Paz-Ibarra


    Full Text Available La amiodarona (AMD es una droga antiarrítmica potente (clase III usada en la práctica clínica para la profilaxis y el tratamiento de muchos disturbios del ritmo cardiaco, desde la fibrilación auricular paroxística hasta las taquiarritmias ventriculares que amenazan la vida. Frecuentemente causa cambios en las pruebas de función tiroidea principalmente relacionados a la inhibición de la actividad de la 5'-deiodinasa, resultando en una disminución de la generación de T3 desde T4 y el consecuente incremento en la producción de T3 reversa y una disminución de su aclaramiento. En 14 a 18% de pacientes tratados con AMD hay una disfunción tiroidea manifiesta, ya sea tirotoxicosis inducida por amiodarona (TIA o hipotiroidismo inducido por amiodarona (HIA. Tanto TIA como HIA pueden desarrollarse en glándulas aparentemente normales o en glándulas con anormalidades preexistentes clínicamente silentes. La TIA está primariamente relacionada a la síntesis de hormonas tiroideas inducida por el exceso de yodo en una glándula tiroidea anormal (TIA tipo 1 o a una tiroiditis destructiva relacionada a la amiodarona (TIA tipo 2, aunque frecuentemente ocurren formas mixtas. La tiroiditis de Hashimoto preexistente es un factor de riesgo definido para la ocurrencia de HIA. La patogenia del HIA es la falla para escapar del efecto agudo de Wolff-Chaikoff inducido por el yodo, debido a los defectos en la hormonogénesis tiroidea y, en pacientes con pruebas de autoanticuerpos tiroideos positivos, para tiroiditis de Hashimoto concomitante. La TIA es más común en zonas deficientes de yodo mientras que el HIA es usualmente visto en zonas suficientes en yodo. En contraste al HIA, la TIA es una condición difícil de diagnosticar y tratar, y usualmente se recomienda la descontinuación de la amiodarona. En esta revisión se analiza, de acuerdo a los datos actuales, las alteraciones en las pruebas de función tiroidea vistas en pacientes eutirodeos bajo

  8. Cáncer de colon, secuencia adenoma carcinoma y pólipo aserrado

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    MSc. Juan Carlos Calderón Reza


    Full Text Available Los pólipos adenomatosos son muy frecuentes y presentan gran potencial de malignización. De entre ellos el velloso es el de mayor potencial maligno, pero todos los tipos histológicos presentan componente velloso en mayor o menor proporción, por lo que todos se pueden considerar premalignos, este proceso degenerativo conocido como secuencia adenoma carcinoma explicó efectivamente un 85 % de los cánceres colorrectales por décadas. Hoy en día gracias a los avances tecnológicos, se conoce que no todos los cánceres colorrectales presentan la mencionada secuencia, el 10 a 15% restantes, están incluidos dentro del denominado “Serrated neoplasia pathway” cuya característica es la inestabilidad de micro satélites, caracterizada por la inactivación de los genes reparadores del ADN por cambios epigenéticos como la hipermetilación del promotor del gen MLH1 observado en el Síndrome de Lynch

  9. Peritoneal carcinomatosis: an unusual presentation of fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma; Carcinomatosis peritoneal como forma de presentacion infrecuente del hepatocarcinoma fibrolamelar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vicente, R; Garcia-Gutierrez, J A; Fernandez, A; Santalla, F [Hospital Comarcal de la Axarquia. Malaga (Spain)


    Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma is an uncommon malignant tumor with characteristic clinical, radiological and histopahtological features that is usually associated with a more favorable natural course and greater survival than more common variants of hepatocellular carcinoma. We describe an atypical case of a fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinomas sowing aggressive behaviour in a 20-year-old woman. The lesion presented with massive ascites, and imaging studies revealed extensive peritoneal metastatic spread. (Author) 8 refs.

  10. Thyroid and Weight (United States)

    ... Hypothyroidism in Children and Adolescents Pediatric Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Thyroid Nodules in Children and Adolescents Thyroid and Weight Resources Thyroid and Weight Brochure PDF En Español La Tiroides y el Peso El folleto de La Tiroides y el ...

  11. Carcinoma odontogénico de células claras

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    Sergio Alberto Flores Alvarado


    Full Text Available El carcinoma odontogénico de células claras es un raro tumor odontogénico que se presenta principalmente en la parte anterior de la mandíbula, mayormente en mujeres entre la quinta y séptima década de vida. Se caracteriza histológicamente por redes de células con citoplasma claro mezcladas con células que contienen citoplasma eosinófilo. Es sumamente agresivo y puede presentar metástasis local o a distancia. Al emplearse el tratamiento por enucleación y curetaje, frecuentemente da lugar a recurrencia, por lo que se aconseja el tratamiento radical de resección mandibular hasta una zona libre de lesión. El carcinoma odontogénico de células claras debe ser considerado en el diagnóstico diferencial de tumores mandibulares que presenten células claras para el establecimiento del plan de tratamiento adecuado. Se debe incluir el seguimiento a largo plazo del paciente. Se presenta el caso de un paciente femenino de 69 años de edad, con una lesión presente en la región presinfisaria derecha, sin afectación de ganglios linfáticos regionales o metástasis aparente. Se efectuó osteotomía segmentaria mandibular y reconstrucción con placa de titanio.

  12. Carcinoma de glándulas sebáceas limitado a conjuntiva bulbar

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    Manuel Fernando Buitrago-Torrado

    Full Text Available El carcinoma de glándulas sebáceas es un tumor infrecuente que puede desarrollarse a partir de cualquier glándula sebácea en la piel. El 75 % de las veces es de origen ocular y afecta principalmente las glándulas de Zeiss, Meibomio y de la carúncula. Se caracteriza por un comportamiento agresivo, con alta probabilidad de invasión a piel, conjuntiva y córnea. Sin embargo, el compromiso de la conjuntiva como localización primaria es raro. Se presenta un caso con diagnóstico de carcinoma sebáceo de patrón nodular primario de la conjuntiva bulbar, atendido en el Hospital Universitario de Santander durante los años 2014-2016. El propósito del presente estudio es dar a conocer el caso de una patología infrecuente con pocos casos reportados en la literatura, enfatizar su importancia dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales de masas en la conjuntiva y del estudio histopatológico como método para obtener un diagnóstico definitivo y realizar un abordaje temprano.

  13. Manejo quirúrgico de la orbitopatía de graves


    Rodrigo Poblete, S.


    La Enfermedad de Graves corresponde a un síndrome que comprende: bocio hipertiroídeo habitualmente, oftalmopatía asociada a la tiroides y dermatopatía. No se cuenta con estadísticas nacionales, sin embargo la mayoría de los estudios internacionales muestran una frecuencia mayor en la mujer. Desde el punto de vista del manejo quirúrgico de esta enfermedad, éste se basa en tres etapas fundamentales: descompresión orbitaria, cirugía de los músculos extraoculares y finalmente la cirugía de reposi...

  14. Thyroid Surgery (United States)

    ... Hypothyroidism in Children and Adolescents Pediatric Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Thyroid Nodules in Children and Adolescents Thyroid Surgery Resources Thyroid Surgery Brochure PDF Thyroid Surgery FAQs PDF En Español Cirugia De La Tiroides El folleto de Cirugia De La Tiroides Search Thyroid ...

  15. Stating of cervical carcinoma using magnetic resonance imaging; Estadificacion del carcinoma de cervix por resonancia magnetica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oleaga, L.; Vela, M. C.; Grande, J.; Cura del, J. L.; Grande, D. [Hospital de Basurto. Bilbao (Spain)


    The infiltration of the parametrium represents one of the most important factors that determine the prediction and treatment of cervical carcinoma. Our objetive is to evaluate the utility of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the staging of cervical carcinomas, to establish the reliability of this technique and to carry out a comparative study of the sequences used to demonstrate the parametrial invasion. We have carried out a retrospective study on 44 patients diagnosed with cervix neoplasia, using clinical exploration and performing a biopsy. the MRI studies have been carried out using a 1 Tesla magnet and the sequences used have been SE T1, Se proton density (PD) and T2 and dynamic GRE after administering gadolinium intravenously in the axial and sagital projections. The stages determined by MRI have been compared to the anatomopathological stages of the surgical specimens in cases where surgery was carried out and with the clinical stage in cases where no radical surgery was carried out. A diagnosis value of MRI has been determined to demonstrate the parametrial invasion, comparing the SE T2 sequence with the dynamic GE sequence with gadolinium. We calculate the volume of the tumour in the MRI studies to evaluate the difference of the volume between patients with tumoral stages that are clinically surgical and not surgical. MRI determines the invasion of the parametrium with a sensitivity of 88.8%, a specificity of 80% a positive value of 76.1%, a negative predictive value of 90.9% and a reliability of 83.7%. For the SE T2 sequences the sensitivity was 86.6%, the specifity 80%, the posistive predictive value 81.25%, the negative predictive value 85.7% and the reliability 83.3%. For the dynamic GE sequence with intravenous gadolinium the sensitivity was 86.6%, the specifity 86.6%, the posistive predictive value 86.6%, the negative predictive value 86.6% and the reliability 86.6%. The use of the dynamic GE sequence after the intravenous administration of

  16. Squamous Cell Carcinoma (United States)

    ... Kids’ zone Video library Find a dermatologist Squamous cell carcinoma Overview Squamous cell carcinoma: This man's skin ... a squamous cell carcinoma on his face. Squamous cell carcinoma: Overview Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a ...

  17. Aplicaciones médicas de los isotopos radioactivos

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    Santiago Triana Cortés


    Full Text Available Yodo radioactivo y tiroides La afinidad específica del yodo por el tejido tiroideo y su papel en la formación de la tiroxina, explican la aplicación de los isotopos al estudio de la fisiología de la glándula y al tratamiento de los cuadros patológicos. Se han descrito 8 isotopos radioactivos del yodo, pero sólo 4 de éstos han sido utilizados en las investigaciones biológicas. Los mejores resultados se han obtenido con el I131, de 8 días de mitad de vida, y el I130, de 12,6 horas, los cuales emiten rayos beta relativamente intensos y rayos gamma débiles.

  18. Bocio endotorácico. Presentación de un caso

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    José Alberto Puerto Lorenzo


    Full Text Available Se denomina bocio al aumento de volumen de la glándula tiroides en la región antero-lateral del cuello. Se calcula que aproximadamente el 3 % de los pobladores del mundo lo tienen, aunque la incidencia del bocio nodular ha disminuido debido a la ingestión en algunos países de sal yodada y alimentos ricos en yodo. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 59 años que acudió a consulta por presentar aumento de volumen del cuello, acompañado de decaimiento, palpitaciones y disfagia, la cual después de ser estudiada en consulta fue intervenida quirúrgicamente, en la que se corroboró el diagnóstico de un bocio endotorácico. Por ser esta patología poco frecuente, se considera de interés científico para los profesionales dedicados al estudio y tratamiento de las afecciones tiroideas.

  19. Reproducibilidad del diagnóstico histopatológico de lesiones precursoras del carcinoma gástrico en tres países latinoamericanos Reproducibility of histopathologic diagnosis of precursor lesions of gastric carcinoma in three Latin American countries

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    Elena Kasamatsu


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la concordancia en el diagnóstico de lesiones precursoras del carcinoma gástrico de tipo intestinal entre observadores con diferente experiencia. Material y métodos. Se estudiaron 1 056 casos de biopsias gástricas: 341 de Colombia, 382 de México y 333 de Paraguay. En el diagnóstico de cada caso participaron patólogos sin experiencia en patología gastrointestinal (A, patólogos con experiencia en patología gastrointestinal (B y expertos que trabajan en un centro de referencia internacional (C. Resultados. La concordancia (k entre patólogos inexpertos y expertos fue pobre en el diagnóstico de gastritis atrófica (k=0.04 a 0.12 y displasia (k=0.11 a 0.05 y buena en el diagnóstico de metaplasia intestinal (k=0.52 a 0.58; la supervisión de un patólogo inexperto por un experto mejoró notablemente la concordancia en el diagnóstico de gastritis atrófica (k=0.65 y metaplasia intestinal (k=0.91 y, en un menor grado, de displasia (k=0.28. Al comparar la concordancia entre expertos antes y después de la reunión de consenso no hubo variación en el diagnóstico de gastritis atrófica (k=0.57; la concordancia varió de buena a excelente en el de metaplasia intestinal (k=0.67 a 0.81 y de pobre a buena en el de displasia (k=0.18 a 0.66. Conclusión. Los principales problemas se presentan en el diagnóstico de la gastritis crónica atrófica y la displasia. La concordancia interobservador depende de la experiencia del observador y la lectura de consenso.Objective. The aim was to evaluate the concordance in the diagnosis of precursor lesions of intestinal-type gastric carcinoma among observers with different levels of experience. Material and Methods. Gastric biopsies from 1 056 cases were studied: 341 from Colombia, 382 from Mexico, and 333 from Paraguay. Pathologists without experience (A and with experience (B in gastrointestinal pathology, as well as experts working in an international reference center (C participated in

  20. Urinary bladder carcinoma with divergent differentiation featuring small cell carcinoma, sarcomatoid carcinoma, and liposarcomatous component. (United States)

    Yasui, Mariko; Morikawa, Teppei; Nakagawa, Tohru; Miyakawa, Jimpei; Maeda, Daichi; Homma, Yukio; Fukayama, Masashi


    Both small cell carcinoma and sarcomatoid carcinoma of the urinary bladder are highly aggressive tumors, and a concurrence of these tumors is extremely rare. We report a case of urinary bladder cancer with small cell carcinoma as a predominant component, accompanied by sarcomatoid carcinoma and conventional urothelial carcinoma (UC). Although the small cell carcinoma component had resolved on receiving chemoradiotherapy, rapid growth of the residual tumor led to a fatal outcome. A 47-year-old man presented with occasional bladder irritation and had a 2-year history of asymptomatic hematuria. Cystoscopy revealed a huge mass in the urinary bladder, and transurethral resection was performed. Microscopically, small cell carcinoma was detected as the major tumor component. Spindle-shaped sarcomatoid cells were also observed that were intermingled with small cell carcinoma and conventional UC. In addition, a sheet-like growth of the lipoblast-like neoplastic cells was observed focally. Initially, by providing chemoradiotherapy, we achieved a marked tumor regression; however, the tumor rapidly regrew after the completion of chemoradiotherapy, and the patient underwent radical cystectomy. Only conventional UC and sarcomatoid carcinoma were identified in the cystectomy specimen. The patient died of the disease 4 months after cystectomy. Urinary bladder cancer may include a combination of multiple aggressive histologies as in the present case. Because the variation in the tumor components may affect the efficacy of therapy, a correct diagnosis of every tumor component is necessary. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  1. Basal Cell Carcinoma (United States)

    ... Kids’ zone Video library Find a dermatologist Basal cell carcinoma Overview Basal cell carcinoma: This skin cancer ... that has received years of sun exposure. Basal cell carcinoma: Overview Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the ...

  2. Merkel Cell Carcinoma (United States)

    ... Kids’ zone Video library Find a dermatologist Merkel cell carcinoma Overview Merkel cell carcinoma: This rare skin ... hard patch (1) or firm bump (2). Merkel cell carcinoma: Overview What is Merkel cell carcinoma? Merkel ...

  3. Mutational analysis of FLASH and PTPN13 genes in colorectal carcinomas. (United States)

    Jeong, Eun Goo; Lee, Sung Hak; Yoo, Nam Jin; Lee, Sug Hyung


    The Fas-Fas ligand system is considered a major pathway for induction of apoptosis in cells and tissues. FLASH was identified as a pro-apoptotic protein that transmits apoptosis signal during Fas-mediated apoptosis. PTPN13 interacts with Fas and functions as both suppressor and inducer of Fas-mediated apoptosis. There are polyadenine tracts in both FLASH (A8 and A9 in exon 8) and PTPN13 (A8 in exon 7) genes that could be frameshift mutation targets in colorectal carcinomas. Because genes encoding proteins in Fas-mediated apoptosis frequently harbor somatic mutations in cancers, we explored the possibility as to whether mutations of FLASH and PTPN13 are a feature of colorectal carcinomas. We analysed human FLASH in exon 8 and PTPN13 in exon 7 for the detection of somatic mutations in 103 colorectal carcinomas by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)- based single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). We detected two mutations in FLASH gene, but none in PTPN13 gene. However, the two mutations were not frameshift (deletion or insertion) mutations in the polyadenine tracts of FLASH. The two mutations consisted of a deletion mutation (c.3734-3737delAGAA) and a missense mutation (c.3703A>C). These data indicate that frameshift mutation in the polyadenine tracts in both FLASH and PTPN13 genes is rare in colorectal carcinomas. Also, the data suggest that both FLASH and PTPN13 mutations in the polyadenine tracts may not have a crucial role in the pathogenesis of colorectal carcinomas.

  4. Carcinoma de Colón en recto en menores de 40 años

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    Carlos Mario Salinas Q.


    Full Text Available Entre abril de 1986 y abril de 1988 se estudiaron prospectivamente 21 pacientes menores de 40 años, con diagnóstico de cáncer de colon y recto; provinieron de la Consulta Externa del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, del Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe y de consultorios privados. A cada paciente se le investigaron los antecedentes
    personales y familiares; los síntomas y signos de presentación de la enfermedad; la localización segmentaria de las lesiones; el tipo de carcinoma; el estadio tumoral y la sobrevida; se hizo revisión cada
    tres meses.

  5. Carcinoma Broncogénico. Actualización De Métodos de Diagnostico e Indicaciones del Tratamiento Quirúrgico

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    Gilberto Rueda Pérez


    Full Text Available

    Datos Estadísticos
    Debemos referirnos casi exclusivamente a los datos aportados por los textos y revistas norteamericanos y europeos puesto que nuestro país carece en forma prácticamente total de estadísticas confiables en este campo.

    En 1900 habían sido publicados menos de 80 casos en la literatura médica mundial. En 1912, el Dr. Isaac Adler en su Tratado Clásico sobre “Tumores Primarios de Pulmón y Bronquios” informó 400 casos. La incidencia aumentó progresivamente. El uso del cigarrillo y la polución ambiental han contribuido a este aumento inicialmente en el hombre y en las últimas décadas en la mujer, hasta el punto que en 1930 hubiesen muerto 2.357 personas por esta causa en Estados Unidos; en 1943, 9.205 Y en 1950, 18.313. Durante los siguientes 25 años la mortalidad por esta causa se disparó pasando de 24 a 67.5 por 100.000 en los hombres (un 185% de aumento y de 5 a 16.6 por 100.000 en mujeres (un 239% de aumento.

    Es de anotar que ningún otro tipo de cáncer aumentó más de 3 por 100.000 en el mismo lapso. Prácticamente se podría hablar de una epidemia de cáncer pulmonar. Durante este período de 25 años, la proporción de los que fueron detectados y curados fue del 20 al 25% con una sobrevida a 5 años del 8 al 10%.

    En 1981 se detectaron 122.000 nuevos casos en EE.UU. y 105 mil muertes por carcinoma broncogénico. En el curso de la presente década la mujer alcanzará al hombre en este campo. El cáncer del pulmón causael25% de todas las muertes por cáncer y el 5%de todas las muertes. La mortalidad por cáncer del pulmón alcanzó ya en 1985 a la producida por accidentes de tránsito. Todos estos datos corresponden a estadísticas estadounidenses.

    Las técnicas y enfoques modernos de tratamiento han permitido descubrir la lesión en etapas más tempranas, y por tanto tratarla en un período mejor para lograr mayor sobrevida. A esos métodos nos vamos a referir

  6. Gut-associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) Carcinoma or Dome Carcinoma? (United States)

    Rubio, Carlos A; Schmidt, Peter T


    The vast majority of colorectal carcinomas (CRCs) evolve from mucosa not associated to lymphoid tissues aggregates via the adenoma-carcinoma sequence or via the serrated pathway. Rarely CRCs evolve from gut mucosa associated to lymphoid tissue (GALT). Based on the presence of a circumscribed elevation in the colorectal mucosa, GALT carcinomas are also referred to as dome carcinomas (DC). Descriptions of the surface mucosa covering 21 GALT-CRCs appearing in pathological reports were reviewed. Three of the 21 GALT-CRCs fulfilled the criteria of dome carcinoma. Of the remaining 18 GALT-CRCs, nine were described as polypoid lesions, five as plaque-like lesions, two as sessile elevated lesions or mass, one as ulcerated and one as histological finding. Hence, only 14.3% (n=3) of the 21 GALT-CRCs displayed a dome configuration, whereas the majority, 85.7% (n=18), exhibited structures other than dome shapes at gross or at histologic examination. It becomes apparent that by using "dome" in addressing carcinomas in the colorectal mucosa, many cases of GALT carcinomas might be overlooked. Another drawback of using the "dome" nomenclature is that dome-like outlines may be detected in small metastatic tumors in the submucosa or in small colorectal carcinomas not arising from GALT mucosa. Instead, by using "GALT carcinoma", that is the histologic diagnosis in addressing these neoplasias, all cases of GALT-CRCs will be included. Copyright© 2016 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. John G. Delinassios), All rights reserved.

  7. Guía para el Manejo Quirúrgico del Cáncer de Páncreas.

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    José Felix Patiño Restrepo


    Full Text Available

    El cáncer del páncreas representa un formidable desafío quirúrgico: es difícil de diagnosticar, difícil de tratar y difícil de curar. Su incidencia está en aumento, y en algunos países llega a ser el segundo en frecuencia entre los cánceres del tracto gastrointestinal. Es altamente letal y la tasa de supervivencia a 5 años es apenas de 1 a 2%. Su incidencia es 2 1/2 mayor en fumadores que en no fumadores (1. Varios estudios han señalado una mayor incidencia en pacientes diabéticos, y se reconoce la presencia de intolerancia a la glucosa en más del 30%de los casos, en tanto que 30%son francamente diabéticos (2. El 25% presenta colelitiasis asociada (1.

    El adenocarcinoma es la forma más común y representa 90-95% de los casos; éste se origina en las células ductales, pero el de origen en células acinares también ocurre en forma esporádica. Con frecuencia es multifocal o multicéntrico. Otros neoplasmas del páncreas menos comunes son el cistadenocarcinoma, ellinfoma, el carcinoma escamocelular y los tumores endocrinos de células insulares. Esta guía se refiere al manejo quirúrgico del adenocarcinoma del páncreas exocrino.

    El 60% de los adenocarcinomas de origen ductal se presenta en la cabeza del páncreas, 25%en el cuerpo y 15% en la cola (2. Los cánceres de la cabeza del páncreas exhiben el peor pronóstico entre los carcinomas de la región periampular, pero se han informado tasas de curación hasta de 10%para tumores pequeños. Los otros tipos de cáncer periampular no pancreático exhiben mejores tasas de supervivencia. Los adenocarcinomas del cuerpo y la cola del páncreas tienen pésimo pronóstico y son verdaderamente excepcionales los pacientes que llegan a sobrevivir 5 años con cualquier tipo de tratamiento...

  8. Carcinoma adenoide quístico parotídeo: soluciones estéticas y funcionales

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    Raquel Villar


    Full Text Available El carcinoma adenoide quístico supone el 10-30% de las neoplasias malignas parotídeas, su tratamiento se basa en una parotidectomía que incluya el tumor con un adecuado margen de seguridad y la radioterapia postoperatoria dado que permite mejorar el control locorregional de la enfermedad. Revisamos un caso que permite exponer el manejo de las secuelas funcionales y estéticas derivadas de su tratamiento. Consideramos adecuada la reconstrucción inmediata del nervio facial cuando se encuentra clínicamente afecto o englobado por el tumor; así como suplir el defecto de volumen posparotidectomía con un colgajo local. Proponemos la anastomosis nerviosa con injerto de nervio sural de las ramas del nervio facial afectas y el relleno del defecto volumen posparotidectomía con un colgajo de fascia temporo-parietal.

  9. Expression of heparanase in basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. (United States)

    Pinhal, Maria Aparecida Silva; Almeida, Maria Carolina Leal; Costa, Alessandra Scorse; Theodoro, Thérèse Rachell; Serrano, Rodrigo Lorenzetti; Machado, Carlos D'Apparecida Santos


    Heparanase is an enzyme that cleaves heparan sulfate chains. Oligosaccharides generated by heparanase induce tumor progression. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma comprise types of nonmelanoma skin cancer. Evaluate the glycosaminoglycans profile and expression of heparanase in two human cell lines established in culture, immortalized skin keratinocyte (HaCaT) and squamous cell carcinoma (A431) and also investigate the expression of heparanase in basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and eyelid skin of individuals not affected by the disease (control). Glycosaminoglycans were quantified by electrophoresis and indirect ELISA method. The heparanase expression was analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR (qRTPCR). The A431 strain showed significant increase in the sulfated glycosaminoglycans, increased heparanase expression and decreased hyaluronic acid, comparing to the HaCaT lineage. The mRNA expression of heparanase was significantly higher in Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma compared with control skin samples. It was also observed increased heparanase expression in squamous cell carcinoma compared to the Basal cell carcinoma. The glycosaminoglycans profile, as well as heparanase expression are different between HaCaT and A431 cell lines. The increased expression of heparanase in Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma suggests that this enzyme could be a marker for the diagnosis of such types of non-melanoma cancers, and may be useful as a target molecule for future alternative treatment.

  10. Subclinical hypothyroidism neither so asymptomatic nor so harmless


    Quesada, Marelys Yanes; Rodríguez Fernández, Lisbet; Cruz Hernández, Jeddú; Turcios Tristá, Silvia; Yanes Quesada, Miguel Ángel


    El hipotiroidismo subclínico es la condición definida por la elevación de la hormona estimulante del tiroides, en presencia de secreción de hormonas tiroideas (T3 y T4) normales para el rango de referencia. Sus manifestaciones clínicas no son tan nulas como lo define el término subclínico. Si se hace un correcto interrogatorio y examen clínico se pueden encontrar alteraciones en diversos sistemas y órganos que perjudican la calidad de vida de los pacientes afectos e incrementan su morbimortal...

  11. Synchronous thyroid carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jae Seo


    Thyroid carcinoma occurring as a second primary associated with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is unusual. This report presents a synchronous thyroid carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma in the anterior palate region of a 41-year-old man. The clinical, radiologic, and histologic features are described. At 10-month follow-up after operation, no evidence of recurrence ana metastasis was present

  12. Síndrome de Gardner Gardner´s syndrome

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    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz


    Full Text Available El síndrome de Gardner, una variante de la poliposis adenomatosa familiar, es una enfermedad hereditaria autosómica dominante caracterizada por la presencia combinada de múltiples pólipos intestinales y manifestaciones extraintestinales que incluyen osteomas múltiples, tumores del tejido conectivo carcinoma de tiroides hipertrofia del epitelio pigmentado de la retina, también son frecuentes la presencia de dientes supernumerarios retenidos y odontomas. Se presenta un caso clínico de un paciente masculino, de 20 años de edad que acude a consulta por presentar aumento de volumen en tres localizaciones de la región facial. Radiográficamente se constataron las imágenes radiopacas características del osteoma y con la rectosigmoidescopia la presencia de pólipos intestinales. La intervención quirúrgica de los osteomas se realizó bajo anestesia general que incluyó condilectomía del lado izquierdo. El diagnóstico histopatológico fue de osteoma ebúrneo. Un año después del procedimiento se observó clínicamente recuperación estética y funcional y radiográficamente buena regeneración ósea en al ángulo mandibular donde se encontraba el osteoma de mayor diámetro. El paciente ha tenido hasta la actualidad una evolución muy satisfactoria, con excelente apertura bucal. El objetivo es describir el manejo que se tuvo con un paciente con síndrome de Gardner en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial de Artemisa.Gardner's syndrome, a variant of familial adenomatous polyposis, is a dominant autosomal inherited disease characterized by multiple intestinal polyps together with extra-intestinal manifestations including multiple osteomas, connective tissue tumors, thyroid carcinomas, hypertrophied pigmented epithelium of the retina, and also frequent retained supernumerary teeth and odontomas. The objective of this paper was to describe the management of a patient with Gardner's syndrome at the maxillofacial surgery service in the province

  13. Evaluación del programa de detección precoz de cáncer cervicouterino en Consolación del Sur Assessment of Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program in Consolacion del Sur municipality

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    Maricel Ramírez Valle


    Full Text Available Introducción: la evaluación del Programa de Detección Precoz de Cáncer Cervicouterino debe realizarse con frecuencia para ir resolviendo las dificultades presentes. Objetivo: evaluar el desarrollo y la calidad del Programa de Detección Precoz de Cáncer Cervicouterino en Consolación del Sur en el período 2005-2007. Material y método: se realizó un estudio observacional, retrospectivo y transversal con componentes analíticos. Universo (N =34570 mujeres de =15 años. Marco muestral 22233 mujeres comprendidas entre 25-59 años (las contempladas en el Programa de Detección Precoz de Cáncer Cervicouterino. Se calculó la incidencia anual de lesiones, la edad de presentación de las mismas. Se evaluó la calidad del diagnóstico citológico mediante las pruebas de rendimiento. Se utilizaron los estadígrafos X², concordancia Kappa de Cohen, y coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. Resultados: la cobertura continúa baja, con variaciones en las diferentes áreas de salud del municipio. Sin embargo, el diagnóstico citológico está dentro de rangos internacionales con una sensibilidad de más del 60 % y una eficacia global de más del 70 %. La incidencia anual de lesiones de bajo grado se duplica al final del período, pero las de alto grado se mantienen estables. Los carcinomas invasores aunque escasos continúan presentándose. Conclusiones: el Programa de Detección Precoz de Cáncer Cervicouterino en Consolación del Sur muestra logros, pero aún hay deficiencias tanto en la atención primaria de salud, como en la secundaria.Introduction: the assessment of Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program should be carried out frequently to solve current difficulties. Objective: to assess the development and quality of Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program in Consolacion del Sur during 2005-2007. Material and Method: an observational, retrospective and cross-sectional study with analytical components was conducted. The target group involved

  14. Metástasis hipofisaria de carcinoma de mama debutando como diabetes insípida

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    Ana Arévalo


    Full Text Available Los tumores metastáticos que afectan a la glándula hipofisaria son hallazgos pocos comunes, presentándose en cerca del 1% de las cirugías hipofisarias. Los autores presentan el caso de una paciente mujer de 46 años que debuta con síntomas de diabetes insípida. Había sido tratada 3 años antes por un carcinoma ductal infiltrante de la mama derecha. Las imágenes de resonancia magnética cerebral mostraron una masa en la silla turca con extensión supraselar. La paciente fue sometida a resección tumoral vía transesfenoidal que demostró metástasis de carcinoma de mama.

  15. Carcinoma triquilemal: relato de caso Trichilemmal carcinoma: case report

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    Miguel Roismann


    Full Text Available O carcinoma triquilemal é um tumor raro, que ocorre, geralmente, na pele exposta ao sol, principalmente face, couro cabeludo, pescoço e dorso das mãos, em indivíduos idosos, entre a 4ª e 9ª décadas de vida, sem predilação por sexo. O presente estudo mostra um caso de carcinoma triquilemal, recidivado, de difícil tratamento, em mesma topografia de um carcinoma basocelular tratado previamente com cirurgia e radioterapia.The trichilemmal carcinoma is a rare tumor that usually occurs on sun-exposed skin, especially on the face, scalp, neck and back of hands, mainly in elderly subjects but commonly between the 4th and 9th decades of life. It is not a gender-based illness. This study shows a difficult to treat case of recurrent trichilemmal carcinoma on the same location of a basal-cell carcinoma previously treated with surgery and radiotherapy.

  16. Hyperammonemic encephalopathy after urinary diversion. Diet therapy. Encefalopatía hiperamoniémica tras cistectomía radical y derivación urinaria. Tratamiento nutricional


    Moriana, Miriam; Martinez-Ibañez, Juncal; Civera, Miguel; Martínez-Valls, José Francisco; Ascaso Gimilio, Juan Francisco


    La diabetes tipo 1 se asocia a otras enfermedades autoinmunes,con más frecuencia a tiroiditis linfocitaria o a celiaquía. En la última década se ha descrito algunos casos de encefalitis límbica asociados a diabetes tipo 1, tiroiditis u otros procesos autoinmunes, incluso en edad pediátrica.

  17. Carcinoma hepatocelular, alcoholismo y virus de la hepatitis C Hepatocellular carcinoma, alcoholism and hepatitis C virus infection

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    John Jairo Orrego B.


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 64 años, con el antecedente de consumo excesivo de alcohol, quien consulta por dolor localizado en el cuadrante superior derecho, de varios meses de evolución. En la laparoscopia se aprecian cirrosis macronodular y una masa localizada en el lóbulo Izquierdo del hígado, previamente detectada por ecografía. El estudio histológico demostró un carcinoma hepatocelular. Los estudios metabólicos, Inmunológicos y sexológicos permitieron documentar solamente la asociación con anticuerpos contra el virus de la Hepatitis C.

    We report on the case of a sixty-four year old man who drank alcohol chronically. For several months he had suffered pain in his right upper abdominal quadrant. At laparoscopy macronodular cirrhosis and a mass 10-calized on the left hepatic lobe were observed; the mass had previously been identified by ultrasound examination. Histologic examination of the lesion established the presence of a hepatocellular carcinoma. Metabolic, Immunologic and serologic studies documented only the association with antibodies to hepatitis C virus.


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    Ivone Rosini


    Full Text Available El estudio objetivó construir un protocolo de cuidados para punción aspirativa con aguja fina de mama y tiroides. Con abordaje cualitativo, tipo convergente asistencial. el estudio fue realizado en un hospital de enseñanza en el sur de Brasil, en el periodo septiembre de 2010 a abril de 2011. Participaron del estudio 88 clientes y 20 profesionales que actúan en el Servicio de Radiología. La construcción del protocolo ocurrió en tres etapas: realización de actividades educativas em sala de espera junto a los clientes para identificación de dudas y ansiedades acerca del examen, encuentros con los profesionales para evaluación y validación del protocolo y búsqueda de evidencias científicas en las fuentes de datos. La organización de lós datos ha permitido la elaboración del organigrama de atendimiento del cliente y el protocolo de cuidados, que fue organizado en actividades secuenciales incluyendo el ejecutor, actividad y justificativa científica. Los profesionales indicaron la importancia del protocolo, trayendo beneficios para la asistencia del cliente, como la agilidad, organización y humanización del atendimiento.

  19. MAQUETTE ORL Décembre 2004

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    della tiroide. Chirurgia : 1994 ; 7 :315-18. 17-Morone G, Meriggi F, Forni E. : elementi di diagnostica a principi di terabit nel canro della tiroide : esperenza pavese 100anni dopo Bottini. G. Chir : 1992 ;. 13:193-298. 18-Block M.A, Miller J. M, Horn R. C. : Thyroid carcinoam with cervical lymph node metastasis. Am J Surg.

  20. Metachronous colorectal carcinoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bülow, Steffen; Svendsen, L B; Mellemgaard, A


    During the period 1943-67, 903 Danish patients aged less than 40 years had colorectal carcinoma. The patients were followed up for up to 41 years and during this period 44 of 501 (9 per cent) operated on for cure developed a metachronous colorectal carcinoma. The cumulative risk of a metachronous...... colorectal carcinoma was 30 per cent after up to 41 years of observation. The occurrence of a metachronous colorectal carcinoma was evenly distributed in the observation period. The cumulative survival rate after operation for a metachronous colorectal carcinoma was 41 per cent after 20 years of observation....... We propose a lifelong follow-up programme after resection of colorectal carcinoma for cure in this age group, including annual Hemoccult test and colonoscopy at 3-year intervals....


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    Dr. Juan Ramón Soto S.


    Full Text Available Los trastornos de la función tiroidea afectan profundamente al sistema cardiovascular. En esta revisión se presentan algunos aspectos fisiológicos de la interrelación entre tiroides y corazón, como tambiècn las consecuencias de la tirotoxicosis e hipotiroidismo sobre el aparato cardiovascular. Se analiza la influencia del hipertiroidismo en la gècnesis de la fibrilación auricular y del hipotiroidismo en el metabolismo de las lipoproteínas. Adicionalmente, el artículo se referirá a los potenciales efectos adversos del antiarrítmico amiodarona sobre la función tiroidea y cómo se investigan y tratan. Finalmente, se expone un caso clínico real para ilustrar con mayor claridad la enorme importancia que pueden alcanzar las relaciones fisiopatológicas entre el corazón y las afecciones de esta glándula endocrina.

  2. Carcinoma de las células basales en el niño: Presentación de un caso Basal cell carcinoma in the child: A case report

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    Edelisa Moredo Romo


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un escolar de seis años de edad, del sexo masculino y raza negra, que desarrolló un carcinoma de las células basales de la piel de la cara sin antecedente previo de lesión cutánea, exposición exagerada al sol ni otros agentes carcinógenos conocidos. Por la rareza de esta neoplasia en la edad pediátrica y de su aparición en la raza negra, por el interés despertado hacia este caso en nuestro servicio y sobre la base de que su incidencia muestra una tendencia creciente y de que este tipo de tumor se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública mayor; se decide realizar una revisión amplia del tema y presentar este caso.

  3. Using the marker CD34 as tool to discriminate adenoma versus hepatocellular; Uso del marcador de CD34 como herramienta para discriminar adenoma versus hepatocarcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mohs Alfaro, Monica


    The CD34 marker is used as immunohistochemistry technique to detect and differentiate between the hepatocellular adenoma of the hepatocellular carcinoma. The liver lesions are described. The hepatic angiogenesis is explained [Spanish] El marcador CD34 es usado como tecnica de inmunohistoquimica para detectar y diferenciar entre el adenoma hepatocelular del carcinoma hepatocelular. La lesiones en el higado son descritas. La angiogenesis hepatica es explicada.

  4. Telomerase activity and telomere length in the colorectal polyp-carcinoma sequence Actividad de la telomerasa y longitud del telómero en la secuencia pólipo-carcinoma colorrectal


    C. Valls Bautista; C. Piñol Felis; J. M. Reñe Espinet; J. Buenestado García; J. Viñas Salas


    Objective: the role of telomerase activity and telomere length in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence of colon carcinogenesis has not been well established. The objective of this study was to determine telomerase activity and telomere length patterns in patients with adenomatous polyps either associated or not with colorectal cancer, as well as the role of telomeric instability in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence. Patients and methods: we included in the study 14 patients who underwent surgery for c...

  5. Correlación clínico patológica del cáncer cervical y precursores en una población de Lima periférica

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    Victoria Valer


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y los factores de riesgo del cáncer cervical y sus precursores en un grupo poblacional, con especial énfasis en el manejo de la enfermedad cervical preinvasiva. Diseño: Estudio prospectivo y descriptivo no aleatorio. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio realizado durante el año 2003, en mujeres del Centro de Salud de Piedra Liza (San Juan de Lurigancho en 120 pacientes con diagnóstico citológico de ASC, AGC, L-SIL, H-SIL y carcinoma; se realizó biopsia de las lesiones cervicales en 49 casos, para confirmar el diagnóstico citológico y correlacionarlo con el cuadro clínico y la colposcopia. Resultados: De los 120 casos de estudio citológico, 14 (11,5% fueron ASC; 67 (56% L-SIL, 34 (29% H-SIL, 3 (2,5% carcinoma escamoso y 2 (2% adenocarcinoma. De 49 biopsias, 12 casos fueron L-SIL, 32 H-SIL, 3 carcinoma escamoso invasor y 2 adenocarcinoma cervical, uno de ellos in situ. Conclusiones: Los resultados citológicos muestran que las lesiones escamosas intraepiteliales y el carcinoma cervical tuvieron alta prevalencia en este grupo poblacional.

  6. Synchronous gastric neuroendocrine carcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ewertsen, Caroline; Henriksen, Birthe Merete; Hansen, Carsten Palnæs


    of synchronous gastric NEC and hepatocellular carcinoma in a patient with several other precancerous lesions is presented. The patient had anaemia, and a gastric tumour and two duodenal polyps were identified on upper endoscopy. A CT scan of the abdomen revealed several lesions in the liver. The lesions were...... invisible on B-mode sonography and real-time sonography fused with CT was used to identify and biopsy one of the lesions. Histology showed hepatocellular carcinoma. A literature search showed that only one case of a hepatocellular carcinoma synchronous with a gastric NEC has been reported previously. TRIAL...

  7. Embarazo y carcinoma de cuello uterino en vidrio esmerilado: reporte de un caso.

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    Mario Nicolás Albani Pérez


    Full Text Available En Venezuela, el cáncer de cérvix es la primera causa de muerte por neoplasias en la mujer, con 2.500 defunciones anuales. Puede ser diagnosticado durante el embarazo, e incluso, histopatológicamente expresarse en variedades infrecuentes y agresivas como el carcinoma de cuello uterino en patrón de vidrio esmerilado. Se reporta un caso de gestante de 28 años de edad, multípara, con embarazo de 17 semanas de evolución por ecosonograma transabdominal quien acude al Hospital Universitario "Dr. Luis Razetti", al presentar sangrado transvaginal y dolor en hipogastrio. Ingresa al servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia con impresión diagnóstica de cáncer de cuello uterino estadio IIIA, y posteriormente el servicio de Anatomía Patológica reporta hallazgo histológico como carcinoma de cuello uterino con patrón celular en vidrio esmerilado, se plantea como medida terapéutica la interrupción del embarazo. Tras debate de equipo de médicos, se decide el progreso del embarazo y hospitalización de la paciente hasta la fecha de cesárea previamente acordada, así como la aplicación del tratamiento posterior a la misma. La cesárea se desarrolló a las 34 semanas de embarazo con previa colocación de inductores de la maduración pulmonar fetal, cursó sin complicaciones y se obtuvo un neonato vivo pequeño para la edad gestacional. Se acordó tratamiento radioterápico al cabo de un mes postcesárea.

  8. Oral Rigosertib for Squamous Cell Carcinoma (United States)


    Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma; Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma; Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma; Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma; Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma; Skin Squamous Cell Carcinoma; Penile Squamous Cell Carcinoma

  9. Biological dosimetry of patients with differenced carcinoma of thyroid treated with Iodine-131; Dosimetria biologica de pacientes con carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides tratados con Iodo-131

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vallerga, M. B.; Rojo, A.M.; Taja, M.R.; Deluca, G.; Di Giorgio, M. [Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear Av. Del Libertador 8250 (C1429BNP). Buenos Aires (Argentina); Fadel, A. [Hospital General de Agudos Dr. Carlos Durand Av. Diaz Velez 5044. Buenos Aires (Argentina); Cabrejas, M.; Valdivieso, C. [Hospital de Clfnicas Jose de San Martin Av. Cordoba 2351 (CP1120). Buenos Aires (Argentina)]. e-mail:


    The administration of I-131 to patient with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma (CaDiT) it is used inside the therapeutic outline as later step to the thyroidectomy. However, the good activity to give is of difficult determination due to factors such as, the variability in the capacity of tumoral reception of the I-131, distribution of the pharmaceutical, physiologic status, other associate pathologies, grade of advance of the illness, and previous treatments. Additionally, the activity to administer is dependent of the dose of tolerance in the healthy tissues; superior dose to 2 Gy in bone marrow, its could drive to myelotoxicity. At the moment, the form more extended of administration it is the empiric prescription that considers clinical parameters and of laboratory for their determination. Presently work, the protocol of applied treatment incorporates the evaluation for internal dosimetry and biological dosimetry to estimate absorbed dose in bone marrow. The biological estimate of the dose of these patients is based on the quantification of chromosomal aberrations whose frequency is referred to a curve-dose response in which the lymphocytes is irradiated in vitro with I-131, allowing to determine the in vivo dose to the patient's circulating lymphocytes. The objective of the present work is to determine the applicability of different cytogenetic essays in the estimate of the absorbed dose to the whole body or specific organs. Three patients were evaluated with CaDiT. Their treatment protocol consisted on a tracer administration of radioactive iodine of 74 - 111 MBq (2 - 3 mCi) and a therapy 7,4 - 11,1 GBq (200 - 300 mCi). Previous to the tracer administration and 8 days post-therapeutic administration took samples of veined blood that were evaluated by biological dosimetry by means of the application of the techniques: conventional cytogenetic Micronucleus and FISH (Hybridization in situ by Fluorescence). Starting from the frequencies of observed chromosomal

  10. Optimization of the therapeutic dose of {sup 131}I for thyroid differentiated carcinoma; Otimizacao da dose terapeutica com {sup 131}I para carcinoma diferenciado da tiroide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lima, Fabiana Farias de


    reduction for many organs, such as the narrow and gonads, of up to 78.4%.Possible benefits to the institution also include the use of less radioactive material and a reduction in radiation exposures to the staff during the manipulation and administration of the {sup 131} I. To facilitate the calculations of the optimum therapeutic activity of {sup 131} I for individual patients, a simple and fast dose planning program was created (PlanDose). The program has been set up to evaluate thryroid remant ablation, but it can also be used for the calculation of the activity to be administered for treatment of hyperthyroidism. This protocol of calculated optimal patient-specific {sup 131} I. activities allows a better determination of the necessary ablative dose for patients with differentiated carcinoma of the thyroid, and is an example of optimizing the practice of radiation protection. (author)

  11. Metástasis cervical contralateral en el carcinoma epidermoide de la cavidad oral: Estudio clínico analítico retrospectivo en 315 pacientes primariamente tratados con cirugía Contralateral neck metastasis in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity: An analytical retrospective clinical study of 315 patients primarily treated with surgery

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    R. González-García


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Existen en la literatura numerosos estudios en relación con los factores pronósticos implicados en la aparición de metástasis cervicales ipsilaterales en el carcinoma epidermoide de cavidad oral. Sin embargo, no existen estudios clínicos amplios acerca de la asociación de factores clínico-patológicos y la aparición de metástasis cervicales contralaterales tras la resección quirúrgica del tumor primario. El propósito de este estudio es el análisis de los factores implicados en la aparición de metástasis cervical contralateral en pacientes con carcinoma epidermoide de cavidad oral primariamente tratados con cirugía. Pacientes y métodos. Se analizó una serie de 315 pacientes consecutivos con carcinoma epidermoide de la cavidad oral no tratados previamente. Se realizó un estudio complementario del subgrupo de 203 pacientes con carcinoma epidermoide del borde lateral de la lengua libre, por tratarse de un grupo muy prevalente en la serie analizada. Todos los pacientes recibieron tratamiento quirúrgico con o sin tratamiento radioterápico adyuvante. Varias fueron las variables clínicas e histopatológicas analizadas, como son: las características clínicas del tumor, el estadio tumoral, el grado de diferenciación histológica, el tipo de disección cervical, la supervivencia enfermedad- específica, los márgenes quirúrgicos en la pieza resecada, la extensión ganglionar extracapsular, la diseminación perineural y la afectación ósea. Resultados. La duración media del seguimiento de los pacientes que sobrevivieron fue de 70,9 ± 49,6 meses. Ochenta y tres pacientes murieron a causa de la enfermedad a lo largo del seguimiento. Cuarenta y siete de estos pertenecían al subgrupo de pacientes con carcinoma epidermoide de lengua. Un total de 147 pacientes permanecía vivo sin evidencias de recurrencia de la enfermedad al final del periodo de seguimiento, 116 de los cuales correspondían al subgrupo de pacientes con

  12. Metastatic basal cell carcinoma caused by carcinoma misdiagnosed as acne - case report and literature review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aydin, Dogu; Hölmich, Lisbet Rosenkrantz; Jakobsen, Linda Plovmand


    Basal cell carcinoma can be misdiagnosed as acne; thus, carcinoma should be considered in treatment-resistant acne. Although rare, neglected basal cell carcinoma increases the risk of metastasis.......Basal cell carcinoma can be misdiagnosed as acne; thus, carcinoma should be considered in treatment-resistant acne. Although rare, neglected basal cell carcinoma increases the risk of metastasis....

  13. Detección del antígeno Tn en tumores epiteliales con la lectina de Vicia villosa isolectina B4.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catalina Limpias


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. Los epítopes T, Tn y sTn, se expresan en un alto porcentaje de tumores epiteliales y pueden detectarse con anticuerpos monoclonales y lectinas. Objetivo. Evaluar diferencias de expresión del antígeno Tn en cortes histológicos de epitelios no neoplásicos y tumores epiteliales mediante isolectina B4 de Vicia villosa. Material y métodos. Se evaluaron semicuantitativamente localización, intensidad y porcentaje de expresión del antígeno en carcinomas in-situ e infiltrantes y epitelios no neoplásicos de cérvix, seno y urotelio, mediante isolectina B4. Resultados La expresión de Tn en cérvix predominó en membrana de células no neoplásicas y citoplasma de células tumorales; su intensidad fue mayor en carcinomas in-situ e infiltrantes comparado con epitelio no neoplásico aunque en este el porcentaje de expresión fue mayor. En seno, la expresión de Tn fue predominantemente citoplasmática con intensidad similar, el porcentaje de expresión fué mayor en carcinomas ductales in-situ e infiltrantes. En urotelio no neoplásico y tumoral la expresión de Tn predominó en citoplasma; la intensidad y el porcentaje de expresión fueron mayores en neoplasias no invasivas de bajo y alto grado, mientras que en urotelio no neoplásico fue baja y no hubo tendencia definida en tumores infiltrantes. Conclusiones. La detección del antígeno Tn mediante la lectina VVB4 mostró una mayor extensión de marcación en carcinomas ductales de seno en relación con el epitelio no neoplásico, pero no mostró una tendencia definida entre el tejido normal, ni diferentes etapas del desarrollo de los tumores de cérvix y urotelio. Estos hallazgos pueden atribuirse a la heterogeneidad de los procesos carcinogénicos o a que la especificidad de la lectina VVB4 no está restringida a este antígeno.

  14. Relación existente entre la infección por los diferentes genotipos del Virus del Papiloma Humano y la presencia de patología premaligna y maligna del cuello uterino


    Mazarico Gallego, Edurne


    1) Introducción Hasta el momento se han secuenciado total o parcialmente más de 100 tipos y subtipos de VPH. De todos ellos, aproximadamente 40 tipos se han aislado en lesiones de tracto genital inferior y unos 35, según diferentes estudios, en carcinomas. Según su riesgo oncogénico, se clasifican en tipos de VPH de bajo riesgo (VPH-BR), VPH de probable alto riesgo y VPH de alto riesgo (VPH-AR). Uno de los descubrimientos más importantes en la investigación etiológica del cáncer en los...

  15. Evidence based medicine (EBM) and evidence based radiology (EBR) in the follow-up of the patients after surgery for lung and colon-rectal carcinoma; Medicina basata sulle evidenze (EMB) e radiologia basata sulle evidenze (EBR) nel follow-up dei pazienti operati per tumore del polmone e del colon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giovagnoni, Andrea; Ottaviani, Letizia; Mensa' , Anna; Durastanti, Martina; Floriani, Irene; Cascinu, Stefano [Marche Univ., Ancona (Italy). Azienda ospedaliera Umberto I, Istituto di radiologia, oncologia clinica


    considerare attendibili 9 lavori sui 41 selezionati. La maggior parte dei lavori (7/9) e le linee guida delle maggiori Societa Scientifiche Internazionali mostrano concordanza nel definire come non significativo il vantaggio clinico del follow up strumentale dei pazienti operati per tumore del polmone e colon. Ne consegue che esiste una enorme discrepanza tra i costi reali sostenuti nel follow up dei 40 pazienti osservati rispetto ai costi teorici estrapolati dalle raccomandazioni delle linee guida (surplus del 99.06% per il carcinoma del polmone e 93.6% per il carcinoma del colon). Conclusioni: I dati emersi consentono di aprire una discussione sul reale ruolo della radiologia nel follow-up dei pazienti neoplastici al fine di una piu oppotuna razionalizzazione delle ri0011sor.

  16. Correlation between preoperative serum alpha-fetoprotein levels and survival with respect to the surgical treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma at a tertiary care hospital in Veracruz, Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Martínez-Mier


    Full Text Available Introduction: Preoperative serum alpha-fetoprotein levels can have predictive value for hepatocellular carcinoma survival. Aim: Our aim was to analyze the correlation between preoperative serum alpha-fetoprotein levels and survival, following the surgical treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Methods: Nineteen patients were prospectively followed (07/2005-01/2016. An ROC curve was created to determine the sensitivity and specificity of alpha-fetoprotein in relation to survival (Kaplan-Meier. Results: Of the 19 patients evaluated, 57.9% were men. The mean patient age was 68.1 ± 8.5 years and survival at 1, 3, and 5 years was 89.4, 55.9, and 55.9%. The alpha-fetoprotein cutoff point was 15.1 ng/ml (sensitivity 100%, specificity 99.23%. Preoperative alpha-fetoprotein levels below 15.1, 200, 400, and 463 ng/ml correlated with better 1 and 5-year survival rates than levels above 15.1, 200, 400, and 463 ng/ml (P<.05. Conclusions: Elevated preoperative serum alpha-fetoprotein levels have predictive value for hepatocellular carcinoma survival. Resumen: Introducción: Los niveles séricos de alfafetoproteína (AFP preoperatoria pueden tener valor predictivo para la sobrevida del hepatocarcinoma (HCC. Objetivo: Analizar la correlación entre los niveles séricos de AFP preoperatoria y la sobrevida posterior al tratamiento quirúrgico del HCC. Métodos: Diecinueve pacientes fueron seguidos prospectivamente (julio del 2005-enero del 2016. Se realizó una curva ROC para determinar la sensibilidad y la especificidad de la AFP con relación con la sobrevida (Kaplan-Meier. Resultados: Se evaluó a 19 pacientes, 57.9% hombres, edad media 68.1 ± 8.5 años con sobrevida a 1, 3 y 5 años del 89.4, el 55.9 y el 55.9%. El punto de corte de AFP fue 15.1 ng/ml (sensibilidad 100%, especificidad 99.23%. Los niveles preoperatorios de AFP menores de 15.1, 200, 400 y 463 ng/ml correlacionaron con mejor sobrevida a 1 y 5 años que niveles mayores de AFP (p < 0

  17. [Pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinoma]. (United States)

    Antoine, Martine; Vieira, Thibault; Fallet, Vincent; Hamard, Cécile; Duruisseaux, Michael; Cadranel, Jacques; Wislez, Marie


    Pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinomas are a rare group of tumors accounting for about one percent of non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). In 2015, the World Health Organization classification united under this name all the carcinomas with sarcomatous-like component with spindle cell or giant cell appearance, or associated with a sarcomatous component sometimes heterologous. There are five subtypes: pleomorphic carcinoma, spindle cell carcinoma, giant cell carcinoma, carcinosarcoma and pulmonary blastoma. Clinical characteristics are not specific from the other subtypes of NSCLC. Epithelial to mesenchymal transition pathway may play a key role. Patients, usually tobacco smokers, are frequently symptomatic. Tumors are voluminous more often peripherical than central, with strong fixation on FDG TEP CT. Distant metastases are frequent with atypical visceral locations. These tumors have poorer prognosis than the other NSCLC subtypes because of great aggressivity, and frequent chemoresistance. Here we present pathological description and a review of literature with molecular features in order to better describe these tumors and perhaps introduce new therapeutics. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  18. Primary combined carcinoid and adenocarcinoma of the ileum associated with transitional carcinoma of the bladder. Single case report Causa infrecuente de disfagia en el postoperatorio tardío de la cirugía de la hernia de hiato

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    I. D. Venizelos


    Full Text Available Composite neoplasms, carcinoid and adenocarcinoma have been reported to occur in several parts of the body, including the stomach, ampulla of Vater, large bowel, lung, and urinary bladder. Here we report a case of a 74-year-old male with a composite carcinoid-adenocarcinoma of the ileum associated with a transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. The microscopical examination of the composite tumor showed an admixture of typical carcinoid tumor and moderately a differentiated adenocarcinoma. Immunohistochemically, the two components showed clear-cut differentiations. A review of the literature revealed that this is the first reported case of composite carcinoid-adenocarcinoma of the ileum associated with transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder.Las neoplasias compuestas, el carcinoide y el adenocarcinoma se ha observado que aparecen en varias partes del organismo, como el estómago, la ampolla de Vater, el intestino grueso, el pulmón y la vejiga urinaria. Publicamos aquí el caso de un varón de 74 años con un tumor compuesto de tipo carcinoide-adenocarcinoma del íleon asociado a un carcinoma vesical de células transicionales. El examen macroscópico del tumor compuesto mostró una mezcla de tumor carcinoide típico y adenocarcinoma moderadamente diferenciado. Desde el punto de vista inmunohistoquímico, los dos componentes estaban claramente diferenciados. Una revisión de la bibliografía reveló que este es el primer caso que se publica de un tumor compuesto de tipo carcinoide-adenocarcinoma del íleon asociado a un carcinoma de células transicionales de la vejiga urinaria.

  19. Poorly Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma. (United States)

    Setia, Namrata; Barletta, Justine A


    Poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma (PDTC) has been recognized for the past 30 years as an entity showing intermediate differentiation and clinical behavior between well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas (ie, papillary thyroid carcinoma and follicular thyroid carcinoma) and anaplastic thyroid carcinoma; however, there has been considerable controversy around the definition of PDTC. In this review, the evolution in the definition of PDTC, current diagnostic criteria, differential diagnoses, potentially helpful immunohistochemical studies, and molecular alterations are discussed with the aim of highlighting where the diagnosis of PDTC currently stands. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  20. y ERB-2 asociados al pronóstico del cáncer de mama en la población de Barranquilla (2004- 2005

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    Luz Alba Silvera Arenas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Estudiar los patrones de expresión de los receptores de estrógenos, progestagenos y erb-2 en 85 pacientes atendidas en dos laboratorios de patología de Barranquilla. De Julio del 2004 a diciembre del 2005. Material y metodos: Estudio Descriptivo de corte. Se utilizaron 85 muestras incluidas en parafina de pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de mama para lo cual, se realizaron estudios inmunohistoquimicos con técnicas de peroxidasa – antiperoxidasa, se utilizaron anticuerpos monoclonales Dako contra estrógenos, progestágenos y ebr-2. Resultados: Se observó carcinoma in situ (4, cáncer mesenquimal (1, carcinoma lobulillar (1 y resto carcinomas ductales infiltrantes grados I, II y III. La inmunohistoquímica mostró positividad para estrógeno y progestágeno a nivel intracelular en 73 casos y negativos para erb-2, 11 fueron negativos para estrógeno y progestágeno, uno fue positivo para ebr-2. Conclusiones: 1. El carcinoma ductal infiltrante grado II y III fue la forma histológica que se presentó con mayor frecuencia (80 casos. 2. El 88,23 % de los casos fueron estrógeno y progestágeno positivos. 3. La relación entre el componente histológico y receptores hormonales positivos, sugieren buen pronóstico.

  1. Morbilidad de las afecciones quirúrgicas del mediastino Morbidity of mediastinum surgical affections

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    Orestes Noel Mederos Curbelo


    Full Text Available Introducción: las afecciones quirúrgicas del mediastino son un tema controversial, por la variedad de las manifestaciones clínicas, compromiso de estructuras adyacentes, y complejidad de las intervenciones quirúrgicas a realizar. Objetivos: mostrar la experiencia del Hospital Universitario "Cmdte. Manuel Fajardo" en la atención a estas afecciones. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte transversal, tipo serie de casos, de todos los pacientes atendidos por afecciones quirúrgicas del mediastino, excluyendo los tumores esofágicos, las hernias hiatales y las prolongaciones endotorácicas de la glándula tiroides. Resultados: la localización más afectada fue el mediastino medio. La enfermedad más frecuente en mediastino anterior fue el bocio endotorácico verdadero; en el medio, el derrame pericárdico agudo y crónico, con compresión del miocardio; y en el posterior, los tumores neurogénicos, las eventraciones y hernias diafragmáticas traumáticas crónicas. Las vías de acceso quirúrgico más usadas fueron la toracotomía anterior izquierda, la esternotomía media, la toracotomía posterolateral y la toracotomía vertical, en ese orden. Las complicaciones más frecuentes fueron la arritmia cardiaca, la inestabilidad tensional y los procesos inflamatorios respiratorios. Conclusiones: las afecciones mediastinales más frecuentes se localizaron en el mediastino medio, posterior y anterior. La cirugía exerética de los tumores y las resecciones del pericardio fueron las intervenciones más realizadas, y las complicaciones más presentadas fueron las cardiovasculares y las respiratorias.Introduction: the surgical affections of mediastinum are a controversial topic due to the variety of its clinical manifestations, involvement of surrounding structures and the complexity of surgical interventions to be carried out. Objectives: to show the experiences acquired by the "Commandant Manuel Fajardo" University Hospital in relation

  2. Hep par-1: a novel immunohistochemical marker for differentiating hepatocellular carcinoma from metastatic carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanif, R.


    To evaluate the diagnostic utility of Hep par-1 in differentiating hepatocellular carcinoma from metastatic carcinoma taking histopathology as a gold standard. Study Design: Comparative cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Pathology Department, Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Lahore, from April 2007 to February 2008. Methodology: Hep par-1 immunohistochemical stain was performed on 60 cases of liver carcinoma, 30 cases each of metastatic and hepatocellular carcinoma. Information regarding patient age, gender, sign and symptoms, radiographic findings, histological grade of tumour, and expression of Hep par-1 on hepatocellular and metastatic carcinoma were recorded on proforma sheet. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and accuracy of Hep par-1 were calculated using the formulas. Results: Hep par-1 expression was noted in 25 out of 30 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (83%). Out of 30 cases of metastatic carcinoma, only one case expressed staining in < 5% tumour cells and remaining 29 cases showed no reactivity. The age of the patients with hepatocellular carcinoma ranged from 40 to 76 years with a median age of 60.5 years and 40 - 75 years for metastatic carcinomas with a median age of 57.5 years. Conclusion: Hep par-1 is a reliable immunohistochemical marker for cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It can be used along with other markers in morphologically difficult cases when differential diagnosis lies between poorly differentiated HCC and metastatic carcinoma of liver. (author)

  3. Proton radiotherapy of skin carcinomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Umebayashi, Y.; Uyeno, K.; Otsuka, F.


    At the Proton Medical Research Centre, University of Tsukuba, a pilot study of proton-beam radiotherapy was performed in 12 patients with the following types of carcinoma: Bowen's disease (4), oral verrucous carcinoma (5), and squamous cell carcinoma (3). They received total doses of 51-99.2 Gy in fractions of 2-12.5 Gy. All tumours responded well to the treatment. All four lesions of Bowen's disease, three of the five oral verrucous carcinomas, and the three squamous cell carcinomas completely regressed following irradiation. Two squamous cell carcinomas recurred during the follow-up period. One recurrent squamous cell carcinoma was successfully treated by a salvage surgical operation, and in the other case the patient refused further therapy. In two verrucous carcinomas there was 90% regression of tumour volume. No severe radiation-related complication occurred. (Author)

  4. Tiroidectomia total en afecciones benignas de la glándula tiroides.


    Lucena Olavarrieta, Jorge R.; Coronel, Paúl; Orellana, Ysabelen


    Editorial. ¡Ya tenemos símbolo, ícono o logotipo!. Now we have symbol, icono or logo!. Salinas, Pedro José Accidentes domésticos en ancianos. Municipio Libertador. Mérida. 1993-1996. Domestics accidents in elderly people. Libertador County of Mérida State. 1993-1996. Salinas, Pedro José Rojas Márquez, Reina Estrés y síntomas en personal de salud del Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Stress and symptoms in health staff of the Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Méri...

  5. Small cell type neuroendocrine carcinoma colliding with squamous cell carcinoma at esophagus (United States)

    Yang, Luoluo; Sun, Xun; Zou, Yabin; Meng, Xiangwei


    Collision tumor is an extremely rare tumor which defined as the concrescence of two distinct primaries neoplasms. We report here a case of collision tumor at lower third esophagus composed of small cell type neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC), which is an very rare, highly aggressive and poorly prognostic carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (SqCC). In our case, pathologically, the small cell carcinoma display the characteristic of small, round, ovoid or spindle-shaped tumor cells with scant cytoplasm, which colliding with a moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Immunohistochemical staining demonstrated positive activities for CD56, synaptophysin, 34βE12, CK 5/6, ki-67 (70%-80%), but negative for CD99, chromogranin A, and TTF-1. Accurate diagnosis was made base on these findings. PMID:24817981

  6. Are the uterine serous carcinomas underdiagnosed? Histomorphologic and immunohistochemical correlates and clinical follow up in high-grade endometrial carcinomas initially diagnosed as high-grade endometrioid carcinoma. (United States)

    Hu, Shaomin; Hinson, Jeff L; Matnani, Rahul; Cibull, Michael L; Karabakhtsian, Rouzan G


    Histologic subclassification of high-grade endometrial carcinomas can sometimes be a diagnostic challenge when based on histomorphology alone. Here we utilized immunohistochemical markers to determine the immunophenotype in histologically ambiguous high-grade endometrial carcinomas that were initially diagnosed as pure or mixed high-grade endometrioid carcinoma, aiming to determine the utility of selected immunohistochemical panel in accurate classification of these distinct tumor types, while correlating these findings with the clinical outcome. A total of 43 high-grade endometrial carcinoma cases initially classified as pure high-grade endometrioid carcinoma (n=32), mixed high-grade endometrioid carcinoma/serous carcinoma (n=9) and mixed high-grade endometrioid carcinoma/clear cell carcinoma (n=2) were retrospectively stained with a panel of immunostains, including antibodies for p53, p16, estrogen receptor, and mammaglobin. Clinical follow-up data were obtained, and stage-to-stage disease outcomes were compared for different tumor types. Based on aberrant staining for p53 and p16, 17/43 (40%) of the high-grade endometrial carcinoma cases initially diagnosed as high-grade endometrioid carcinoma were re-classified as serous carcinoma. All 17 cases showed negative staining for mammaglobin, while estrogen receptor was positive in only 6 (35%) cases. The remaining 26 cases of high-grade endometrioid carcinoma showed wild-type staining for p53 in 25 (96%) cases, patchy staining for p16 in 20 (77%) cases, and were positive for mammaglobin and estrogen receptor in 8 (31%) and 19 (73%) cases, respectively, thus the initial diagnosis of high-grade endometrioid carcinoma was confirmed in these cases. In addition, the patients with re-classified serous carcinoma had advanced clinical stages at diagnosis and poorer overall survival on clinical follow-up compared to that of the remaining 26 high-grade endometrioid carcinoma cases. These results indicate that selected

  7. Avaliação do tratamento cirúrgico nos pacientes com metástase vertebral secundária ao carcinoma de mama Evaluación del tratamiento quirúrgico en pacientes con metástasis vertebrales secundarias a carcinoma de mama Evaluation of surgical treatment of patients with vertebral metastasis secondary to breast carcinoma

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    Alex Veneziano Oliveira Junior


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados cirúrgicos dos pacientes com metástase vertebral secundária ao carcinoma de mama. MÉTODOS: Vinte e duas pacientes operadas com doença metastática vertebral secundária ao carcinoma de mama foram avaliadas no pré-operatório, pós-operatório imediato e depois de 1 mês e 6 meses do procedimento cirúrgico, usando a escala numérica da dor e o índice de incapacidade de Oswestry (ODI. RESULTADOS: As medidas para dor produziram valor de p de 0,0001 para a diferença entre o pré-operatório e o pós-operatório imediato, 0,0005 entre o pós-operatório imediato e 1 mês de pós-operatório, e 0,0908 entre 1 mês de pós-operatório e 6 meses de pós-operatório, portanto, encontram-se evidências de diferenças entre o pré-operatório e o pós-operatório imediato, assim como entre o pós-operatório imediato e após o 1º mês, mas não há tal evidência entre o 1º e o 6º mês de pós-operatório. Quanto ao ODI, a diferença foi significativa em todos os períodos. CONCLUSÃO: A cirurgia melhora a dor e diminui a incapacidade dos pacientes com doença metastática secundária ao carcinoma de mama.OBJETIVO: Evaluar los resultados quirúrgicos de los pacientes con metástasis vertebrales secundarias a carcinoma de mama. MÉTODOS: Veintidós pacientes operados con enfermedad metastásica espinal secundaria a carcinoma de mama fueron evaluadas antes de la cirugía, inmediatamente después de la operación y después de 1 mes y 6 meses de la cirugía, mediante la escala numérica del dolor y el índice de discapacidad de Oswestry. RESULTADOS: Las medidas para el dolor produjeron un valor de "p" de 0,0001 para la diferencia entre el pre y postoperatorio, 0,0005 entre el postoperatorio inmediato y un mes después de la operación, y 0,0908 entre 1 mes después de la cirugía y el postoperatorio de 6 meses, por lo tanto, son la evidencia de las diferencias entre el pre y postoperatorio, así como entre el

  8. Uso del Propanolol en Hipertiroidismo

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    Alfredo Jácome Roca


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    Cuando el organismo se encuentra expuesto a concentraciones elevadas de T4 y/o de T3. La fracción libre de estas hormonas es la que ejerce su función biológica, mientras que la mayor parte de la concentración total está ligada a proteínas transportadoras, formando un reservorio hormonal tiroideo.

    El estado hipermetabólico observado en el hipertiroidismo, variable en severidad de acuerdo con niveles hormonales, causa y edad, produce síntomas que pueden relacionarse con una actividad simpático-mimética excesiva y a un aumento del catabolismo. Aunque los tratamientos clásicos del hipertiroidismo incluyen las tioureas, el yodo radiactivo y la cirugía, preferidos en forma prioritaria de acuerdo con la causa y con la edad, en la mayoría de los casos debe realizarse un bloqueo beta-adrenérgico como tratamiento coadyuvante, precisamente para antagonizar la excesiva actividad simpático-mimética (1.

    Las causas más frecuentes del síndrome hipertiroideo son la Enfermedad de Graves, el bocio no dular tóxico (anteriormente llamado Enfermedad de Plummer, el adenoma tóxico, la toroiditis subaguda de De Quervain y la tirotoxicosis factitia o la iatrogénica. Hay causas más raras como la Hashitoxicosis, los TSH-omas, los tumores trofoblásticos, el estruma ovárico y el hipertiroidismo yodo-inducido. Situaciones especiales se consideran el hipertiroidismo durante el embarazo o la cirugía, la crisis o tormenta tirotóxica y las complicaciones cardiacas.

    El Graves se caracteriza por un bocio difuso hiperfuncionante asociado a exoftalmos y mixedema pretibial, con presencia de inmunoglobulinas estimulantes de la tiroides (TSI, por lo que hace parte de la llamada Enfermedad Tiroidea Autoinmune y del Síndrome Poliglandular Autoinmune. El bocio nodular tóxico, observado en personas de mayor edad, es más bien un proceso evolutivo de un bocio presente por muchos años, con un cuadro clínico no siempre florido.

    Muchas de

  9. Low-grade salivary duct carcinoma or low-grade intraductal carcinoma? Review of the literature. (United States)

    Kuo, Ying-Ju; Weinreb, Ilan; Perez-Ordonez, Bayardo


    Low-grade salivary duct carcinoma (LG-SDC) is a rare neoplasm characterized by predominant intraductal growth, luminal ductal phenotype, bland microscopic features, and favorable clinical behavior with an appearance reminiscent of florid to atypical ductal hyperplasia to low grade intraductal breast carcinoma. LG-SDC is composed of multiple cysts, cribriform architecture with "Roman Bridges", "pseudocribriform" proliferations with floppy fenestrations or irregular slits, micropapillae with epithelial tufts, fibrovascular cores, and solid areas. Most of the tumor cells are small to medium sized with pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, and round to oval nuclei, which may contain finely dispersed or dark condensed chromatin. Foci of intermediate to high grade atypia, and invasive carcinoma or micro-invasion have been reported in up to 23 % of cases. The neoplastic cells have a ductal phenotype with coexpression of keratins and S100 protein and are surrounded by a layer of myoepithelial cells in non-invasive cases. The main differential diagnosis of LG-SDC includes cystadenoma, cystadenocarcinoma, sclerosing polycystic adenosis, salivary duct carcinoma in situ/high-grade intraductal carcinoma, and papillary-cystic variant of acinic cell carcinoma. There is no published data supporting the continuous classification of LG-SDC as a variant of cystadenocarcinoma. Given that most LG-SDC are non-invasive neoplasms; the terms "cribriform cystadenocarcinoma" and LG-SDC should be replaced by "low-grade intraductal carcinoma" (LG-IDC) of salivary gland or "low-grade intraductal carcinoma with areas of invasive carcinoma" in those cases with evidence of invasive carcinoma.

  10. Carcinoma broncogénico epidermoide en un hombre de 21 años Epidermoid bronchogenic carcinoma in a 21 year old black man

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    John Jairo Duque Alzate


    Full Text Available Hombre de 21 años de edad de raza negra, natural del Chocó (Colombia, quien ha desempeñado diversos oficios; presentó un síndrome de dificultad respiratoria de dos meses de evolución, dolor pleurítico derecho, insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva y síntomas sistémicos. En la necropsia se encontró una masa tumoral blanco-grisácea de 10 x 8 cm, homogénea, con áreas de necrosis, originada en el bronquio principal de los lóbulos inferior y medio derechos y que invadió por vecindad en forma de coraza todo el pericardio causando una pericarditis constrictiva tumoral. El estudio microscópico correspondió a un carcinoma broncogénico tipo epidermoide bien diferenciado. El carcinoma broncogénico se asocia frecuentemente con el consumo de cigarrillo pero su incidencia ha c.umentado entre las personas no fumadoras, lo que sugiere la posibilidad de otros factores que influyen en su presentación como son los contaminantes atmósféricos, la predisposición genética, la dieta deficiente en vitamina A y carotenos, la presencia de ciertos virus y cambios inmunológicos. Este tumor constituye el 16% de todos los cánceres en el hombre y e113% en las mujeres; aparece con mayor frecuencia entre los 40 y los 70 años y sólo del1 al 5% de los casos se presenta en menores de 40 años. A 21 year cid black man, native from Chocó (Colombia, variously employed, who presented with a respiratory difficulty syndrome of two months of evolution, right pleuritic pain, congestive cardiac failure and systemic symptoms. A homogeneic white .grayish tumor measuring 8 by 10 cm with necrotic areas was found at necropsy. The tumor originated in the main bronchial tube of the lower and middle lobes of the right lung and invaded the entire pericardial vicinity forming a cuirass and causing tumoral constrictive pericarditis. Microscopic studies revealed a well differentiated squamous type bronchogenic carcinoma. Bronchogenic carcinomas are frequently associated with

  11. Transitional cell carcinoma in dogs: a report of two cases, mother and Daughter


    Martins Leal, Leonardo; Fernandes Machado, Márcia Rita; Bignotto Ferreira, Fernanda; Margarete Didoné, Eliangela; Bruno de Souza, Isabela


    El carcinoma de células transicionales que comúnmente se encuentra en la región del trígono de la vejiga se presenta con signos inespecíficos de las vías urinarias inferiores, tales como hematuria, estranguria, poliaquiuria e incontinencia urinaria. Las obstrucciones uretrales y ureterales ocurren en algunos casos. Factores etiológicos, endógenos e iatrogénicos han sido catalogados como la causa de la enfermedad. El presente reporte tiene como objetivo hacer la descripción y tratamiento de do...

  12. Detección de micrometástasis de carcinoma de colon en ganglios linfáticos

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    A. Roma


    Full Text Available En el carcinoma colorrectal la diseminación a los ganglios linfáticos es un factor pronóstico reconocido. La presencia de ganglios linfáticos con micrometástasis en muchos casos no puede ser detectada por técnicas rutinarias. Se estudiaron prospectivamente 162 ganglios linfáticos de 30 pacientes con carcinoma de colon, los cuales según los resultados de las técnicas rutinarias fueron clasificados como Dukes A (2, Dukes B (19 y Dukes C (9. Un paciente con enfermedad colónica benigna se uso como control negativo. Todos los ganglios se seccionaron en mitades, una de las cuales se almacenó en nitrógeno líquido para su ulterior estudio por técnicas de biología molecular, mediante la expresión del antígeno carcinoembrionario (CEA. La otra mitad fue fijada en formaldehído e incluida en parafina para su estudio anatomopatológico e inmunohistoquímico. Del total de los casos se detectó un aumento del 50% de la sensibilidad en la detección de micrometástasis mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa con transcriptasa reversa (RT-PCR para los Dukes A-B y se detectó la expresión de dicho antígeno en el total de los casos Dukes C. Estos resultados evidencian una mayor sensibilidad en la detección de micrometástasis utilizando RT-PCR en comparación con las técnicas rutinarias, incluyendo la inmunohistoquímica.Dissemination of lymph nodes is a known prognostic factor in colorectal carcinoma. Micrometastases in lymph nodes can be missed when studied by routine techniques. We analyzed 162 lymph nodes from 30 patients with colonic carcinoma and using routine techniques, they were classified as follows: two Dukes A; nineteen Dukes B; and nine Dukes C. A patient with benign colon disease served as negative control. Lymph nodes were all sectioned in halves, with one of the halves stored in liquid nitrogen for molecular biology examination by carcinoembryonic antigen expression. The other formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded

  13. Paleopatología de los restos humanos de la Edad del Bronce procedentes de Gobaederra (Alava.

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    Francisco Etxeberria


    Full Text Available Se estudian los aspectos patológicos de una serie de restos óseos humanos que pertenecen a un número mínimo de 81 individuos inhumados durante la Edad del Bronce en la cueva sepulcral de Gobaederra (Alava. Entre la variedad de las lesiones descritas, resultan de interés los signos de artrosis que presentan los codos de dos individuos, compatibles con ejercicios repetitivos de prono-supinación del antebrazo con flexión del mismo a 90°, en lo que suponemos una actividad de perforación o similar en labores artesanales. Asimismo hemos de destacar la lesión generalizada que presenta un individuo y que etiquetamos como osteoartropatía hipertrófica pulmonar, probablemente debida a carcinoma broncógeno o proceso supurativo crónico de pulmón que tuvo que ser causa irremediable del fallecimiento del mismo. Por otra parte existen tres piezas dentarias que presentan desgastes, acaso intencionados, a nivel de sus cuellos.

  14. Osteopontin expression in salivary gland carcinomas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjørndal, Kristine; Larsen, Stine R; Godballe, Christian


    J Oral Pathol Med (2010) Background:  In several cancer types, osteopontin (OPN) expression has been correlated with tumor progression and prognosis. Two earlier studies have examined OPN expression in salivary gland carcinomas with contradictory results. Methods:  One hundred and seventy......:  Osteopontin was expressed in all salivary gland carcinomas. Adenoid cystic carcinomas had the highest mean sum score (7.3) and a significantly higher proportion of carcinomas with high OPN sum score than both mucoepidermoid carcinoma and acinic cell carcinoma. Correlation of OPN expression with known...... prognostic factors in salivary gland carcinomas was insignificant. Conclusions:  Salivary gland carcinomas express OPN. The expression does not correlate with known prognostic factors....

  15. Vitronectin in human breast carcinomas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aaboe, Mads; Offersen, Birgitte Vrou; Christensen, Anni


    We have analysed the occurrence of the extracellular glycoprotein vitronectin in carcinomas and normal tissue of human breast. Immunohistochemical analysis of carcinomas revealed a strong vitronectin accumulation in extracellular matrix (ECM) around some cancer cell clusters and in the subendothe......We have analysed the occurrence of the extracellular glycoprotein vitronectin in carcinomas and normal tissue of human breast. Immunohistochemical analysis of carcinomas revealed a strong vitronectin accumulation in extracellular matrix (ECM) around some cancer cell clusters...... and in the subendothelial area of some blood vessels. In normal tissue, vitronectin had a homogeneous periductal occurrence, with local accumulation much lower than that in the carcinomas. Using a new solid phase radioligand assay, the vitronectin concentrations of extracts of carcinomas and normal breast tissue were...... is not synthesised locally in breast tissue but derived by leakage from vessels, followed by extracellular accumulation in patterns distinctly different in carcinomas and normal tissue. The observation of a high vitronectin content in the carcinomas and its localisation in the tissue contributes to the clarification...

  16. Multicentricidade no carcinoma diferenciado da tireóide Multicentricity in the thyroid differentiated carcinoma

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    José Francisco Salles Chagas


    Full Text Available O tratamento cirúrgico de escolha no carcinoma diferenciado da tireóide sempre foi controverso. OBJETIVO: Analisar o acometimento tumoral do lobo contralateral da tireóide no carcinoma diferenciado, correlacionando risco e benefício com as complicações decorrentes da segunda intervenção. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo, de 1998 a 2006, com 27 pacientes submetidos à tireoidectomia menos que total, sendo 21 lobectomias, cinco tireoidectomias subtotais e uma istmectomia. Foram analisados: gênero, idade, tipo de cirurgia, complicações, histopatológico do espécime cirúrgico e invasão do lobo contralateral. As idades variaram de 17 a 89 anos; o tipo histopatológico mais freqüente foi o carcinoma papilífero clássico (18 casos, seguido do carcinoma folicular (seis casos, do carcinoma papilífero variante folicular (dois casos e do carcinoma de células Hürthle (um caso. Vinte e um pacientes foram submetidos à totalização da tireoidectomia, 15 a 30 dias depois. RESULTADOS: A análise do lobo contralateral foi negativa para carcinoma em 16 (76,5% e positiva nos cinco restantes (23,8%. As complicações observadas foram: disfonia temporária (três casos e hipoparatireoidismo (dois casos, sendo um permanente. CONCLUSÃO: A totalização da tireoidectomia é um procedimento importante no tratamento do carcinoma bem diferenciado da tireóide pelo elevado acometimento contralateral (23,8%. A incidência de complicações é pequena.The treatment of choice for the well differentiated thyroid carcinoma has always been controversial. AIM: to analyze tumor invasion of the thyroid gland's contralateral lobe in cases of differentiated carcinoma, correlating risk/benefit with the complications of a second surgical approach. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective study, from 1998 to 2006, of 27 patients undergoing less than total thyroidectomy: lobectomy (21, subtotal thyroidectomy (5 or isthmusectomy (1. Gender, age, type of surgery

  17. Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma of the head and face. (United States)

    Feller, L; Khammissa, R A G; Kramer, B; Altini, M; Lemmer, J


    Ultraviolet light (UV) is an important risk factor for cutaneous basal cell carcinoma, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and cutaneous melanoma of the skin. These cancers most commonly affect persons with fair skin and blue eyes who sunburn rather than suntan. However, each of these cancers appears to be associated with a different pattern of UV exposure and to be mediated by different intracellular molecular pathways.Some melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene variants play a direct role in the pathogenesis of cutaneous basal cell carcinoma, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and cutaneous melanoma apart from their role in determining a cancer-prone pigmentory phenotype (fair skin, red hair, blue eyes) through their interactions with other genes regulating immuno-inflammatory responses, DNA repair or apoptosis.In this short review we focus on the aetiological role of UV in cutaneous basal cell carcinoma, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and cutaneous melanoma of the skin, and on some associated biopathological events.

  18. [Solitary hyperfunctioning thyroid gland carcinomas]. (United States)

    Zivaljevic, V; Zivic, R; Diklic, A; Krgovic, K; Kalezic, N; Vekic, B; Stevanovic, D; Paunovic, I


    Thyroid gland carcinomas usually appear as afunctional and hypofunctional lesions on thyroid scintigrams, but some rare cases of thyroid carcinoma with scintigraphic hyperfunctional lesions have also been reported. The aim of our retrospective study was to elucidate the frequency of carcinomas in patients operated for solitary hyperfunctional thyroid nodules and to represent their demographic and clinical features. During one decade (1997/2006), 308 patients were operated for solitary hyperfunctional thyroid nodules in the Centre for Endocrine Surgery in Belgrade. Malignancy was revealed in 9 cases (about 3 %) by histopathological examination. In 6 cases papillary microcarcinomas were found adjacent to dominant hyperfunctional adenomas, while in 3 cases (about 1 %) real hyperfunctional carcinomas were confirmed. Follicular carcinoma was diagnosed in 2 cases and papillary carcinoma in one. All 3 patients were preoperatively hyperthyroid. In both patients with follicular carcinoma we performed lobectomies. In the third case we carried out a total thyroidectomy considering the intraoperative frozen section finding of a papillary carcinoma. According to our results the frequency of solitary hyperfunctioning thyroid carcinomas is about 1 %, so that the possibility that a hyperfunctional nodule is malignant should be considered in the treatment of such lesions. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart ˙ New York.

  19. Multifocal hyperfunctioning thyroid carcinoma without metastases. (United States)

    Nishida, Akiko T; Hirano, Shigeru; Asato, Ryo; Tanaka, Shinzo; Kitani, Yoshiharu; Honda, Nobumitsu; Fujiki, Nobuya; Miyata, Kouji; Fukushima, Hideyuki; Ito, Juichi


    Hyperthyroidism due to thyroid carcinoma is rare, and most cases are caused by hyperfunctioning metastatic thyroid carcinoma rather than primary carcinoma. Among primary hyperfunctioning thyroid carcinoma, multifocal thyroid carcinoma is exceedingly rare, with the only one case being reported in the literature. Here, we describe the case of a 62-year-old woman with multifocal functioning thyroid carcinoma. Technetium-99m (99m Tc) scintigraphic imaging showed four hot areas in the thyroid gland. Histopathological examination of all four nodules revealed papillary carcinoma, corresponding to hot areas in the 99m Tc scintigram. DNA sequencing of the thyrotropin receptor (TSH-R) gene from all nodules revealed no mutation, indicating that activation of TSH-R was unlikely in the pathophysiogenesis of hyperfunctioning thyroid carcinoma in the present case.

  20. Radiotherapy of bronchogenic carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heilmann, H.P.


    Radiotherapy of branchogenic carcinoma comprises; palliative treatment, postoperative or pre-operative radiotherapy, radiotherapy as part of a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy of small cell carcinoma and curative radiotherapy of non-operable non-small cell carcinoma. Atelectasis and obstruction are indications for palliative radiotherapy. Postoperative radiotherapy is given only in cases of incomplete resection or mediastinal metastases. In the treatment of small cell carcinoma by combined irradiation and chemotherapy the mediastinum and primary tumour are irradiated, generally after chemotherapy, and the C.N.S. receives prophylactic radiotherapy. Curative radiotherapy is indicated in cases of non-operable small cell carcinoma. Irradiation with doses of 60-70 Gy produced 5-years-survival rates of 10-14% in cases classified as T 1 -T 2 N 0 M 0 . (orig.) [de

  1. Estudio preliminar del ganglio centinela en el cáncer oral: a propósito de 12 casos Preliminary study of the sentinel node in oral cancer: in conjunction with 12 cases

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    C.I. Salazar Fernandez


    Full Text Available Resumen: El manejo de los cuellos N0 en pacientes con carcinoma epidermoide de cabeza y cuello es controvertido. Objetivo. Demostrar la eficacia diagnóstica de la biopsia del ganglio centinela (GC en los pacientes con carcinoma epidermoide oral con cuello clinicamente negativo. Metodología. Se realiza un estudio prospectivo de 12 pacientes consecutivos, hasta el momento, con carcinoma epidermoide oral de cualquier tamaño y cuello clinicamente negativo que no habian recibido tratamiento antitumoral, asistidos en el S. de Cirugía Maxilofacial del área del H.U.V.M de Sevilla. A estos pacientes se les realiza una linfografía cervical con nanocoloides -Tc 99 para localizar el GC, y una dosis de recuerdo antes de iniciar el ttº quirúrgico. Durante la cirugía se localiza el GC con la sonda y se extirpa, se completa la disección cervical funcional y la extirpación de la lesión con posteriores estudios histológicos independientes. Resultados. índice de linfolocalización: 91%, índice de radiolocalización 100%, falsos negativos 0%, la sensibilidad y VPN del 100%, cocientes de probabilidades positivo > 10 y negativo Abstract: IManagement of the N0 neck in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma remains controversial. Objective. To evaluate the feasibility and predictive ability of the sentinel node (SN localization-biopsy technique for patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and clinically negative necks. Methodology. We realize a prospective study of 12 consecutive patients at present, with squamous cell carcinoma oral and clinically negative necks. These patients had not recived treatment against tumor and they were assited by Maxillofacial Surgery Service of HUVM from Seville. All patients received a cervical Tc99mlymphoscintigraphy to localize the sentinel node and a new dose before surgery. Intraoperatively, the sentinel node is localized and it is removed separately before tumor resection and elective

  2. Carcinoma basocelular em localizações incomuns Basal cell carcinoma in unusual locations

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    Ane Beatriz Mautari Niwa


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam cinco pacientes que desenvolveram carcinomas basocelulares em locais incomuns de ocorrência desse tumor. O objetivo é relatar a raridade topográfica da neoplasia cutânea e discutir o conceito de localização incomum para o carcinoma basocelular.The authors present five patients who develop basal cell carcinomas in sites this tumor rarely occurs. The aim is to report the rare location of this frequent cutaneous malignancy and to briefly discuss the concept of unusual location of basal cell carcinoma.

  3. Warty Carcinoma Penis: An Uncommon Variant

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    Sushma Thapa


    Full Text Available Penile carcinoma frequency varies widely in different parts of the world and comprises 1–10% of all the malignancies in males. Majority of the cases of penile carcinoma are squamous cell carcinoma of penis comprising 60% to 70% of all cases. Warty carcinoma of penis is an unusual neoplasm and a variant of penile squamous cell carcinoma comprising 5%–10% of all the variants. The other histological variants include basaloid, verrucous, papillary, sarcomatous, mixed, and adenosquamous carcinoma. The various histological entities with an exophytic papillary lesions including warty carcinoma are together referred to as the “verruciform” group of neoplasms. The warty carcinoma has to be differentiated from these lesions and is typically distinguished by histological features of hyperkeratosis, arborescent papillomatosis, acanthosis, and prominent koilocytosis with nuclear pleomorphism. We present a case of 65-year-old male with growth measuring 6×4 cm in the penis who underwent total penectomy and was diagnosed as warty carcinoma penis.

  4. Cholangiographic evaluation of bile duct carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nichols, D.A.; MacCarty, R.L.; Gaffey, T.A.


    Cholangiograms and clinical histories of 82 patients with biopsy-proved bile duct carcinoma were reviewed. The carcinomas were classified according to morphologic findings and clinical outcome. Ulcerative colitis and antecedent inflammatory disease of the biliary tree, particularly primary sclerosing cholangitis, seem to predispose to the development of bile duct carcinoma. Focal stenotic lesions were the most common morphologic type (62/82). Polypoid carcinomas and diffuse sclerosing carcinomas were less common and of about equal frequency. Prognosis was best for patients with polypoid carcinomas and worst for those with diffuse sclerosing carcinomas. In 69 cases (84%), the tumors involved the intrahepatic or proximal extrahepatic ducts, makin curative resection difficult or impossible. Patients with carcinomas limited to the more distal extrahepatic bile ducts had a longer average survival and a higher probability of surgical cure. Proper management of patients with bile duct carcinoma requires a complete and accurate cholangiographic evaluation of the morphology, location, and extent of the disease

  5. Reevaluation and reclassification of resected lung carcinomas originally diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma using immunohistochemical analysis (United States)

    Kadota, Kyuichi; Nitadori, Jun-ichi; Rekhtman, Natasha; Jones, David R.; Adusumilli, Prasad S.; Travis, William D.


    Currently, non-small cell lung carcinomas are primarily classified by light microscopy. However, recent studies have shown that poorly-differentiated tumors are more accurately classified by immunohistochemistry. In this study, we investigated the use of immunohistochemical analysis in reclassifying lung carcinomas that were originally diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma. Tumor slides and blocks were available for histologic evaluation, and tissue microarrays were constructed from 480 patients with resected lung carcinomas originally diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma between 1999 and 2009. Immunohistochemistry for p40, p63, thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1; clone SPT24 and 8G7G3/1), Napsin A, Chromogranin A, Synaptophysin, and CD56 were performed. Staining intensity (weak, moderate, or strong) and distribution (focal or diffuse) were also recorded. Of all, 449 (93.5%) patients were confirmed as having squamous cell carcinomas; the cases were mostly diffusely positive for p40 and negative for TTF-1 (8G7G3/1). Twenty cases (4.2%) were reclassified as adenocarcinoma since they were positive for TTF-1 (8G7G3/1 or SPT24) with either no or focal p40 expression, and all of them were poorly-differentiated with squamoid morphology. In addition, 1 case was reclassified as adenosquamous carcinoma, 4 cases as large cell carcinoma, 4 cases as large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, and 2 cases as small cell carcinoma. In poorly-differentiated non-small cell lung carcinomas, an accurate distinction between squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma cannot be reliably determined by morphology alone and requires immunohistochemical analysis, even in resected specimens. Our findings suggest that TTF-1 8G7G3/1 may be better suited as the primary antibody in differentiating adenocarcinoma from squamous cell carcinoma. PMID:25871623

  6. Resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de los tumores malignos del párpado inferior Results of the surgical treatment of malignant tumors of the lower eyelid

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    Roberto Frías Banqueris


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. Es objetivo de este trabajo describir el tratamiento quirúrgico de las lesiones malignas localizadas en el párpado inferior, de extensión mayor del 25 % y propagación a los cantos mediales y externo. MÉTODOS. Un equipo multidisciplinario del Hospital «Celia Sánchez Manduley» (Manzanillo realizó un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo entre enero de 2001 y diciembre de 2006. Se seleccionaron para el estudio 19 pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, que fueron valorados previamente por el equipo multidisciplinario, y que dieron su consentimiento informado de participar en la investigación. Se describieron variables como edad, sexo, técnica quirúrgica empleada, localización, resultado anatomopatológico, complicaciones y resultado final. A los pacientes se les daría seguimiento durante un mínimo de 5 años. RESULTADOS. Se encontró un ligero predominio del sexo masculino y de edades por encima de los 50 años. La resección del tumor en cuña, seguida de la reconstrucción por técnica de colgajo de mejilla de Mustardé, fue la técnica de elección. El 79 % de los tumores resultó ser del tipo carcinoma basocelular. La necrosis parcial del colgajo y el hematoma fueron las complicaciones más frecuentes. Los pacientes se han mantenido en consulta de seguimiento, sin recidiva ni persistencia tumoral. CONCLUSIONES. El tratamiento quirúrgico por técnica de Mustardé combinada con otras técnicas y realizado por un equipo multidisciplinario es ideal para la cirugía del cáncer del párpado inferior.INTRODUCTION. The objective of this paper is to describe the surgical treatment of the malignant lesions localized in the lower eyelid with an extension over 25 % and propagation to the medial and external edges. METHODS. A multidisciplinary team of «Celia Sánchez Manduley» Hospital (Manzanillo conducted a descriptive and prospective study from January 2001 to December 2006. 19 patients that fulfilled the

  7. Transplantable pancreatic acinar carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Warren, J.R.; Reddy, J.K.


    Fragments of the nafenopin-induced pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma of rat have been examined in vitro for patterns of intracellular protein transport and carbamylcholine-induced protein discharge. Continuous incubation of the fragments with [3H]-leucine for 60 minutes resulted in labeling of rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi cisternae, and mature zymogen granules, revealed by electron microscope autoradiography. This result indicates transport of newly synthesized protein from the rough endoplasmic reticulum to mature zymogen granules in approximately 60 minutes. The secretagogue carbamylcholine induced the discharge of radioactive protein by carcinoma fragments pulse-chase labeled with [3H]-leucine. A maximal effective carbamylcholine concentration of 10(-5) M was determined. The acinar carcinoma resembles normal exocrine pancreas in the observed rate of intracellular protein transport and effective secretagogue concentration. However, the acinar carcinoma fragments demonstrated an apparent low rate of carbamylcholine-induced radioactive protein discharge as compared with normal pancreatic lobules or acinar cells. It is suggested that the apparent low rate of radioactive protein discharge reflects functional immaturity of the acinar carcinoma. Possible relationships of functional differentiation to the heterogeneous cytodifferentiation of the pancreatic acinar carcinoma are discussed

  8. Results of high energy x-ray therapy of gastric carcinoma, 3. Early gastric carcinoma (Tl carcinoma)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamada, S; Asakawa, H; Otawa, H; Matsumoto, K [Miyagi Seijinbyo Center (Japan)


    A total of 25 cases with early gastric carcinoma, of which 10 cases were followed by gastrectomy, were given a combined radiotherapy with 5-Fu, Ft 207 or MFC at Miyagi Seijinbyo Center. Histologic examinations of biopsy specimens revealed the disappearance of cancer cells in five (42%) of 12 cases and those of serial specimens of the resected stomach showed the complete disappearance of cancer cells in three (27%) of 11 lesions (10 cases). Five year survival rate in 15 non-resected cases was only 30%. From these results, it was suggested that a combined radiotherapy of early gastric carcinoma should not be chosen as a curative treatment procedure but it might be valuable, if early carcinoma was thought to be inoperable because of other medical reasons.

  9. Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma Co-Existing with Intraductal Papillary Carcinoma of Male Breast: A Rare Case Report. (United States)

    Kumar, Mayank; Pottipati, Bhaswanth; Arakeri, Surekha U; Javalgi, Anita P


    Male breast carcinomas are rare tumours, accounting for less than 1% of all malignancies in men. Intracystic Papillary Carcinoma (IPC) in males is a very rare entity, representing 5-7.5% of all male breast carcinomas. It lacks the classical clinical, radiological and cytological features of malignancy and usually presents as a benign-appearing lump. We report a case of Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) co-existing with intracystic papillary carcinoma in a 53-year-old male who presented with lump in the right breast.

  10. Female urethral carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saitoh, Masahiko; Kondo, Atsuo; Sakakibara, Toshihumi


    Urethral carcinoma in 2 females has been treated with irradiation together with adjunct chemotherapy. In case 1, a 73-year-old female with squamous cell carcinoma was successfully treated with irradiation of 4,000 rad and peplomycin of 60 mg intravenously given. She has been free from the disease for the past 43 months. In case 2, a 61-year-old female with transitional cell carcinoma was initially treated with irradiation of 5,000 rad together with peplomycin 90 mg, which was followed by another 5,000 rad irradiation. The tumor recurred and the patient was operated on for cystourethrectomy and partial resection of the vagina. A further chemotherapy of cisplatin, peplomycin, and mitomycin C was instituted. She died of the tumor recurrence 23 months after the first visit to our clinic. Diagnosis and treatment modalities on the female urethral carcinoma are briefly discussed. (author)

  11. Invasive lobular carcinoma with extracellular mucin as a distinct variant of lobular carcinoma: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haltas Hacer


    Full Text Available Abstract The differences between invasive lobular and ductal carcinomas affect the diagnostic and therapeutic management for patients with breast cancer. In most cases, this can be accomplished because of distinct histomorphologic features. However, occasionally, this task may become quite difficult, in particular when dealing with the variants of infiltrating lobular carcinoma. Lobular carcinoma has been considered a variant of mucin-secreting carcinoma with only intracytoplasmic mucin. The presence of extracellular mucin is a feature of ductal carcinoma. Herein is presented a case of lobular carcinoma with extracellular and intracellular mucin in a 43-year-old female patient, and confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Up to the present, infiltrating lobular carcinoma displaying extracellular mucin has not been described in the literature except two case. Virtual slides The virtual slide(s for this article can be found here:

  12. Does multifocal papillary micro-carcinoma require radioiodine ablation?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Punda, A.; Markovic, V.; Eterovic, D.


    Full text of publication follows. Background: the thyroid carcinomas smaller than 1 cm (micro-carcinomas) comprise a significant fraction of papillary carcinomas. Excluding clinical micro-carcinomas, which present as metastatic disease, the micro-carcinomas diagnosed by ultrasound/FNAC or incidentally have very good prognosis. However, whether or not these papillary micro-carcinomas require post-surgical radioiodine ablation remains a matter of debate. Hypothesis: multi-focality is present in majority of clinical papillary micro-carcinomas and this characteristic can be used to identify the subset of non-clinical micro-carcinomas with greater malignant potential. Methods: the data on types of differentiated thyroid carcinomas diagnosed in the period 2008-2011 in the University Hospital Split were collected. Results: there were 359 patients with thyroid carcinoma, 329 (92%) of which had papillary carcinoma. About 61% (202/329) of papillary carcinomas were micro-carcinomas; most of them were diagnosed by ultrasound/FNAC (134/202= 66%), the rest were incidentalomas (48/202=24%) and clinical micro carcinomas (20/202=10%). Sixty percent (12/20) of patients with clinical micro-carcinoma and 23 patients with non-clinical micro-carcinoma (23/182=13%) had multifocal disease. Conclusion: multifocal disease is a frequent characteristic of clinical papillary thyroid micro-carcinomas, suggesting that multi-focality presents an early stage of non-clinical micro-carcinomas with more aggressive behaviour. Thus multifocal, but not uni-focal papillary micro-carcinomas may require radioiodine ablation. (authors)

  13. Ultrasound manifestation of hepatocellular carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hwang, M. S.; Yoo, H. S.; Park, C. Y.; Choi, H. J.; Moon, Y. M.; Lee, S. I.


    With the advent of gray scale ultrasonographic equipment, the parenchymal disease of liver is more easily evaluated. Ultrasonography is a non-invasive technique, different from angiography, and performed without discomfort to patient. And also ultrasonography can be used in assessing the liver in cases showing equivocal scintigraphy and in differentiation of solid and cystic masses, first detected on scintigrams. Therefore, the complementary use of ultrasonography, Tc-99m-sulfur colloid scan and angiography provides better diagnostic accuracy for the detection of hepatocellular carcinoma, and moreover, sequential ultrasonographic studies in the same patient are valuable of following the course of hepatocellular carcinoma and monitoring the effectiveness of therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma. In thirty patients with histologically proven hepatocellular carcinoma, an analysis of ultrasound manifestation is made and the results are as follows; 1. Ultrasound manifestation of hepatocellular carcinoma by gray scale showed four different sonographic patterns including discrete echo free, discrete echogenic, ill defined echogenic and mixed patterns. 2. The size of hepatocellular carcinoma by ultrasonographic measurement was larger than 5 cm in diameter in 28 cases. 3. In 7 cases performed with angiography, all echogenicities of hepatocellualr carcinoma were correlated with the findings of vascularity of angiography. 4. In cases combined with liver cirrhosis, the sonographic pattern of hepatocellular carcinoma appeared to be discrete or ill defined echogenic patterns

  14. Ultrasound manifestation of hepatocellular carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hwang, M S; Yoo, H S; Park, C Y; Choi, H J; Moon, Y M; Lee, S I [Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    With the advent of gray scale ultrasonographic equipment, the parenchymal disease of liver is more easily evaluated. Ultrasonography is a non-invasive technique, different from angiography, and performed without discomfort to patient. And also ultrasonography can be used in assessing the liver in cases showing equivocal scintigraphy and in differentiation of solid and cystic masses, first detected on scintigrams. Therefore, the complementary use of ultrasonography, Tc-99m-sulfur colloid scan and angiography provides better diagnostic accuracy for the detection of hepatocellular carcinoma, and moreover, sequential ultrasonographic studies in the same patient are valuable of following the course of hepatocellular carcinoma and monitoring the effectiveness of therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma. In thirty patients with histologically proven hepatocellular carcinoma, an analysis of ultrasound manifestation is made and the results are as follows; 1. Ultrasound manifestation of hepatocellular carcinoma by gray scale showed four different sonographic patterns including discrete echo free, discrete echogenic, ill defined echogenic and mixed patterns. 2. The size of hepatocellular carcinoma by ultrasonographic measurement was larger than 5 cm in diameter in 28 cases. 3. In 7 cases performed with angiography, all echogenicities of hepatocellualr carcinoma were correlated with the findings of vascularity of angiography. 4. In cases combined with liver cirrhosis, the sonographic pattern of hepatocellular carcinoma appeared to be discrete or ill defined echogenic patterns.

  15. Anaplastic carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parikh, D.M.; Agarwal, S.; Rao, R.S.


    Thyroid carcinoma (TC) is a slow growing tumor with an indolent course and has an excellent prognosis. However, a sharp contrast exists in the biological behavior of TC, which in its well-differentiated form is associated with long-term survival, but in its undifferentiated form is one of the most lethal neoplasms known. The anaplastic carcinoma (ANC) form has a fulminanat course with poor prognosis and almost invariably, a fatal outcome

  16. Eag1 channels as potential early-stage biomarkers of hepatocellular carcinoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chávez-López MG


    Full Text Available María de Guadalupe Chávez-López,1 Violeta Zúñiga-García,1 Julio Isael Pérez-Carreón,2 Arturo Avalos-Fuentes,3 Yesenia Escobar,4 Javier Camacho1 1Department of Pharmacology, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, 2Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica, 3Department of Physiology, Biophysics and Neuroscience, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, 4Centro de Investigación Clínica Acelerada Sc, Mexico City, Mexico Abstract: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC is a major cause of cancer death worldwide. HCC is usually asymptomatic at potential curative stages, and it has very poor prognosis if detected later. Thus, the identification of early biomarkers and novel therapies is essential to improve HCC patient survival. Ion channels have been proposed as potential tumor markers and therapeutic targets for several cancers including HCC. Especially, the ether à-go-go-1 (Eag1 voltage-gated potassium channel has been suggested as an early marker for HCC. Eag1 is overexpressed during HCC development from the cirrhotic and the preneoplastic lesions preceding HCC in a rat model. The channel is also overexpressed in human HCC. Astemizole has gained great interest as a potential anticancer drug because it targets several proteins involved in cancer including Eag1. Actually, in vivo studies have shown that astemizole may have clinical utility for HCC prevention and treatment. Here, we will review first some general aspects of HCC including the current biomarkers and therapies, and then we will focus on Eag1 channels as promising tools in the early diagnosis of HCC. Keywords: ion channels, Eag1, hepatocellular carcinoma, astemizole, diethylnitrosamine

  17. Radiosensitivity of hepatocellular carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hennequin, C.; Quero, L.; Rivera, S.


    The frequency of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is increasing in the western world and the role of radiotherapy is more and more discussed. Classically, hepatocellular carcinoma was considered as a radioresistant tumour: in fact, modern radio-biologic studies, performed on cell lines directly established from patients, showed that hepatocellular carcinoma has the same radiosensitivity than the other epithelial tumours. From clinical studies, its α/β ratio has been estimated to be around 15 Gy. Radiosensitivity of normal hepatic parenchyma is now well evaluated and some accurate NTCP models are available to guide hepatic irradiation. The biology of hepatocellular carcinoma is also better described: the combination of radiotherapy and targeted therapies will be a promising approach in the near future. (authors)

  18. Carcinoma urotelial primario de la trompa uterina, una patología infrecuente: reporte de un caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefano Pozzobon-Borregales


    Full Text Available El carcinoma primario de la trompa uterina es una patología maligna infrecuente que ocurre entre el 0,1% al 1,8% de todos los tumores malignos del organismo, siendo aun menos frecuente el tipo histológico transicional o urotelial que representa el 10% de los tumores malignos de trompa uterina. Se presentan principalmente entre la 5ta y 7ma décadas de la vida, y clínicamente se manifiesta, en el 18% de los casos, con la triada de masa palpable y/o distensión abdominal, dolor pélvico y metrorragia. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 44 años de edad quien inicia enfermedad actual en diciembre del 2010, con antecedente de dolor pélvico y sangrado genital continuo. En la resonancia magnética se apreció un lesión ocupante de espacio parauterina derecha, sugestiva de neoplasia maligna de ovario derecho. El reporte del marcador tumoral Ca 125 mostró valores elevados, acompañado de clínica y paraclínica sugestiva enfermedad tumoral maligna. Se decidió realizar laparotomía ginecológica en la que se evidenció tumoración en trompa uterina derecha. El estudio histológico se concluyó como carcinoma con diferenciación uroterial. Posteriormente se realizó cirugía de estadiaje, que incluyó lavado peritoneal, histerectomía total, salpingooforectomía izquierda, omentectomía subcolónica, apendicectomía y linfadenectomía bilateral selectiva. El reporte de biopsia de dichas piezas operatorias resultaron negativas para malignidad. La paciente se encuentra actualmente libre de enfermedad. Dado lo infrecuente de la patología se reporta este caso. Primary Carcinoma of the uterine tube, an unusual malignant pathology: case report Abstract Primary Carcinoma of the uterine tube is an unusual malignant pathology that occurs between the 0,1% and the 1,8% of all malignant tumors, being the urothelial histological type even less frequent, which represents 10% of malignant tumors of the uterine tubes. These tumors usually appear in women

  19. Carcinoma arising in thyroglossal remnants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Vuuren, P. A.; Balm, A. J.; Gregor, R. T.; Hilgers, F. J.; Loftus, B. M.; Delprat, C. C.; Rutgers, E. J.


    Three patients with a papillary carcinoma arising in a thyroglossal duct cyst are presented and the literature is reviewed. This rare malignancy is seen mostly in women between the ages of 20 and 50 years. The distribution of carcinoma subtypes differs from that of thyroid carcinomas and

  20. Invasive lobular carcinoma with extracellular mucin as a distinct variant of lobular carcinoma: a case report


    Haltas, Hacer; Bayrak, Reyhan; Yenidunya, Sibel; Kosehan, Dilek; Sen, Meral; Akin, Kayihan


    Abstract The differences between invasive lobular and ductal carcinomas affect the diagnostic and therapeutic management for patients with breast cancer. In most cases, this can be accomplished because of distinct histomorphologic features. However, occasionally, this task may become quite difficult, in particular when dealing with the variants of infiltrating lobular carcinoma. Lobular carcinoma has been considered a variant of mucin-secreting carcinoma with only intracytoplasmic mucin. The ...

  1. A clinical study of nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Zenya; Wada, Tetsuro; Senarita, Masamitsu


    Forty-four patients of nasopharyngeal carcinoma, treated in Tsukuba University Hospital between March 1988 and March 1998, were reviewed in order to assess the adequacy of our treatment protocol. Most of the cases except 5 were histologically diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma including 25 of lymphoepithelioma (poorly-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma). Thirty-two out of 39 squamous cell carcinoma cases have fallen into Stage IV category (UICC, 1987) , and all of the non-squamous cell carcinoma cases were also categorized as Stage IV. The basic protocol for nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma was the combination of full-dose irradiation and chemotherapy using cisplatin/carboplatin and peplomycin. The metastatic cervical lymphnodes in 9 cases, too massive to control by this treatment, were surgically dissected after the treatment. Recurrence was noted in 9 cases who were rehospitalized and salvaged medically and/or surgically. As a consequence, the overall 5-year survival rate was 71.4% for squamous cell carcinoma. On the other hand, only one of the 5 non-squamous cell carcinoma cases died of the disease. (author)

  2. Thyroid cancer - medullary carcinoma (United States)

    Thyroid - medullary carcinoma; Cancer - thyroid (medullary carcinoma); MTC; Thyroid nodule - medullary ... in children and adults. Unlike other types of thyroid cancer, MTC is less likely to be caused by ...

  3. Pulmonary squamous cell carcinoma following head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: Metastasis or second primary?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geurts, Tom W.; Nederlof, Petra M.; van den Brekel, Michiel W. M.; van't Veer, Laura J.; de Jong, Daphne; Hart, August A. M.; van Zandwijk, Nico; Klomp, Houke; Balm, Alfons J. M.; van Velthuysen, Marie-Louise F.


    Purpose: To distinguish a metastasis from a second primary tumor in patients with a history of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and subsequent pulmonary squamous cell carcinoma. Experimental Design: For 44 patients with a primary squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck followed by a

  4. Peces del Noroeste del Ecuador


    Barriga, Ramiro


    La ictiofauna del occidente del Ecuador es poco conocida. Los peces del noroccidente son diferentes a los del suroccidente del Ecuador. 34 familias y 82 especies fueron colectadas que equivale al 11 % de las especies de peces continentales registradas en el Ecuador. Icteogeográficamente se sabe que la costa ecuatoriana posee dos provincias: la del Pacifico Norte y la del Guayas, se determinó que el límite de las dos provincias es el río Santiago ya que las especies del mencionado río so...

  5. Dynamic CT of hepatocellular carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujita, Nobuyuki; Shirato, Hiroki; Shinohara, Masahiro; Miyasaka, Kazuo; Morita, Yutaka; Irie, Goro


    We performed dynamic CT in 30 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, and concluded as below. Detecting the stain in the early phase of the dynamic series, it is possible to make a diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. The dynamic CT is effective in a case of small hepatocellular carcinoma in which it is difficult to gain an accurate diagnosis in the routine CT study. The dynamic CT is also effective in the differential diagnosis of hepatic lesions, as other hepatic lesions such as hemangioma and metastatic liver cancer show different patterns compared with hepatocellular carcinoma.

  6. Emerging therapies for thyroid carcinoma.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Walsh, S


    Thyroid carcinoma is the most commonly diagnosed endocrine malignancy. Its incidence is currently rising worldwide. The discovery of genetic mutations associated with the development of thyroid cancer, such as BRAF and RET, has lead to the development of new drugs which target the pathways which they influence. Despite recent advances, the prognosis of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma is still unfavourable. In this review we look at emerging novel therapies for the treatment of well-differentiated and medullary thyroid carcinoma, and advances and future directions in the management of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma.

  7. Mammary carcinoma diagnostics and therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fischer, Uwe; Baum, Friedemann


    The book on mammary carcinoma diagnostics and therapy covers the following issues: development, anatomy and physiology of the mammary glands, pathology of benign and malign mammary gland changes, non-imaging diagnostics; mammography; ultrasonic mammography; magnetic resonance tomography of the mammary glands; imaging diagnostics findings; mammary interventions; examination concepts; operative therapy of the mammary carcinoma; chemotherapy of the mammary carcinoma; radio-oncological therapy of the mammary carcinoma; logistics in a medical center for mammary gland diseases; logistics in an interdisciplinary center for mammary diseases; dialogue conduction and psycho-social attendance.

  8. Birth characteristics and childhood carcinomas. (United States)

    Johnson, K J; Carozza, S E; Chow, E J; Fox, E E; Horel, S; McLaughlin, C C; Mueller, B A; Puumala, S E; Reynolds, P; Von Behren, J; Spector, L G


    Carcinomas in children are rare and have not been well studied. We conducted a population-based case-control study and examined associations between birth characteristics and childhood carcinomas diagnosed from 28 days to 14 years during 1980-2004 using pooled data from five states (NY, WA, MN, TX, and CA) that linked their birth and cancer registries. The pooled data set contained 57,966 controls and 475 carcinoma cases, including 159 thyroid and 126 malignant melanoma cases. We used unconditional logistic regression to calculate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). White compared with 'other' race was positively associated with melanoma (OR=3.22, 95% CI 1.33-8.33). Older maternal age increased the risk for melanoma (OR(per 5-year age increase)=1.20, 95% CI 1.00-1.44), whereas paternal age increased the risk for any carcinoma (OR=1.10(per 5-year age increase), 95% CI 1.01-1.20) and thyroid carcinoma (OR(per 5-year age increase)=1.16, 95% CI 1.01-1.33). Gestational age birth weight, and birth order were not significantly associated with childhood carcinomas. This exploratory study indicates that some birth characteristics including older parental age and low gestational age may be related to childhood carcinoma aetiology.

  9. Carcinoma multiplex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shah, S. A.; Riaz, U.; Zahoor, I.; Jalil, A.; Zubair, M.


    Multiple primaries in a single patient are uncommon, though not very rare. The existence of such cancers in two un-related, non-paired organs is even more un-common. Here, we present a case of 55 years old male who presented to us with a mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the parotid gland and was operated. Later on, he presented with a large cystic swelling in the pelvis which turned out to be pseudomyxoma peritonei. A review of slides and immunohistochemistry indicated it to be adenocarcinoma colon. He presented again with recurrent mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the parotid which was operated successfully with the use of myocutaneous flap for wound closure. He is currently undergoing chemotherapy. In order to establish a separate mono-clonal etiology of both tumours, immunohistochemistry was performed. To the best of our knowledge, carcinoma multiplex in the colon and the parotid has never been reported before. (author)

  10. Oblimersen in Treating Patients With Merkel Cell Carcinoma (United States)


    Recurrent Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Skin; Stage I Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Skin; Stage II Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Skin; Stage III Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Skin; Stage IV Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Skin

  11. ELF5 in epithelial ovarian carcinoma tissues and biological behavior in ovarian carcinoma cells. (United States)

    Yan, Hongchao; Qiu, Linglin; Xie, Xiaolei; Yang, He; Liu, Yongli; Lin, Xiaoman; Huang, Hongxiang


    The expression of E74-like factor 5 (ELF5) in epithelial ovarian carcinoma tissues and its effects on biological behavior in ovarian carcinoma cells were assessed in search for a new approach for gene treatment of epithelial ovarian carcinoma. RT-PCR technology was applied to detect the expression of ELF5 mRNA in epithelial ovarian carcinoma (n=49), borderline ovarian epithelial tumor (n=19), benign ovarian epithelial tumor (n=31) and normal ovarian tissues (n=40). Then, we transfected recombinant plasmid pcDNA3.1‑ELF5+EGFP into human ovarian carcinoma SKOV3 cells (recombinant plasmid group) in vitro and screened out stably transfected cells to conduct multiplication culture. Western blot analysis was performed to detect the expression of ELF5 protein in the different groups. Flow cytometry was employed to detect cell apoptosis and cycles. ELF5 mRNA in epithelial ovarian carcinoma and borderline ovarian epithelial tumor tissues were significantly lower (Pepithelial tumor and normal ovarian tissues. ELF5 protein expression in the cells of recombinant plasmid group was significantly higher compared with empty plasmid and blank control groups. The capacity of cell reproductive recombinant plasmid group at each time point decreased (P<0.05). Flow cytometry detection showed that 67.03% of cells in recombinant plasmid group was blocked in G0/G1 phase (P<0.05), compared with empty plasmid group (37.17%) and blank control group (38.24%). Apoptotic rate of recombinant plasmid group was significantly lower (31.4±1.9%; P<0.05), compared with that of empty plasmid group (9.1±2.2%) and blank control group (8.7±1.5%), and the differences were statistically significant. In conclusion, ELF5 interfered with cell cycle of human ovarian carcinoma SKOV3 cells and promoted apoptosis of human ovarian carcinoma SKOV3 cells inhibiting their growth and invasive capacity; and thus providing a new approach to gene treatment of ovarian carcinoma.

  12. Cryotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Awad, Tahany; Thorlund, Kristian; Gluud, Christian


    BACKGROUND: Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common primary malignant cancer of the liver. Evidence for the role of cryotherapy in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma is controversial. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this review is to evaluate the potential benefits and harms of cryotherapy...... for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched The Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group Controlled Trials Register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) in The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and LILACS until June 2009. We identified further studies by searching...... of benefit but included for the assessment of harm. Both severe and non-severe adverse events were reported, but the true nature and extent of harm was difficult to asses. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: At present, there is no evidence to recommend or refute cryotherapy for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danilo Terán Muñoz


    preciso realizar el diagnóstico diferencial con otras entidades como el quiste del conducto tirogloso, tiroides lingual, tejido linfoide hiperplásico, linfangioma, fibroma, lipoma, quiste dermoide, carcinoma de células escamosas, linfoma y otro tumor de glándulas salivares menores. El manejo pasa por una adecuada extirpación en los tumores de bajo grado. El pronóstico lo determina tanto el estadiaje, el éxito de la exicisión y  el grado histológico.Conclusión:A pesar de la baja incidencia del adenocarcinoma de la cavidad oral, debe estar considerado en el diagnóstico diferencial entre patologías neoplásicas de dicha localización.

  14. Latissimus dorsi volteado para reconstrucción de carcinoma basocelular gigante en un paciente anciano Latissimus dorsi turn over flap for giant basal cell carcinoma reconstruction in elderly patient

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Balaguer-Cambra


    Full Text Available Los carcinomas basocelulares son tumores cutáneos de crecimiento lento aunque pueden llegar a tener un gran tamaño a lo largo de los años si el entorno socioeconómico y asistencial del paciente es pobre, como sucede en el caso que presentamos, en el que la lesión ulcerada en la línea media de la espalda llegó a medir 21 x 13 cm de diámetro. El colgajo de Latissimus Dorsi permite gracias a sus dos pedículos y a ser pivotado, una posibilidad reconstructiva en el caso de pacientes ancianos, evitando el uso de colgajos libres.Basal cell carcinoma are well known as slow local growth cutaneous tumors that can enlarge through years in low socioeconomic and poor health assistance environments, as in the case that we present, with a 21 x 13 cm ulcerated lesion located over back midline. The Latissimus Dorsi muscle flap offers a reliable reconstruction in elderly patients avoiding the use of free flaps. This flap, because of its two different pedicles, can be used to reach defects in opposite directions.

  15. Usefulness of recombinant human TSH-aided radioiodine doses administered in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma Administración de dosis terapéuticas de radioyodo luego de TSH recombinante en pacientes con carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabián Pitoia


    Full Text Available The published studies confirming the safety and efficacy of rhTSH for diagnostic purposes have led to an increased interest in its use for preparation for radioiodine (RI dose administration in patients with recurrent or persistent differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC. In order to establish the efficacy of RI therapy after rhTSH, we have reviewed 39 rhTSH-aided radioiodine treatment in a series of 28 DTC patients. Patients were divided into two groups: GI (n=17, with previous thyroid bed uptake and undetectable thyroglobulin (Tg levels under levothyroxine treatment and GII (n=11, with proven metastatic local or distant disease. Median follow-up after the first rhTSH-aided radioiodine treatment was 32 ± 13 months (range 8 to 54 months. Sixteen patients (94% in GI were rendered disease free and one patient was shown to have persistent disease. In GII, the post therapy whole body scan showed pathological uptakes in all cases: in four patients in lungs, in four in mediastinum and in three in lateral neck. In two patients with mediastinum uptake, Tg levels were undetectable after rhTSH. In the follow-up, two patients with lateral neck uptake were rendered disease free, four patients died (three due to thyroid cancer and five out of the remaining patients have persistent disease. In conclusion, rhTSH aided therapy was helpful to eliminate normal thyroid bed remnants in 16/17 (94% patients (GI. rhTSH stimulated Tg was undetectable in two patients with mediastinal metastasis. We believe that rhTSH is a good alternative to levothyroxine withdrawal for the treatment of DTC with radioactive iodine, increasing the quality of life in these patients. Caution should be recommended in the follow-up of unselected DTC patients only with stimulated Tg levels.Los estudios publicados que confirman la seguridad y eficacia de la TSH recombinante (rhTSH llevaron a un incremento en el interés para su uso como adyuvante terapéutico en el CDT (ablación o tratamiento

  16. Dynamic CT of hepatocellular carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujita, Nobuyuki; Shirato, Hiroki; Shinohara, Masahiro; Miyasaka, Kazuo; Morita, Yutaka; Irie, Goro


    We performed dynamic CT in 30 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, and concluded as below. 1 Decting the stain in the early phase of the dynamic series, it is possible to make a diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. 2 The dinamic CT is effective in a case of small hepatocellular carcinoma in which it is difficult to gain an accurate diagnosis in the routine CT study. 3 The dynamic CT is also effective in the differential diagnosis of hepatic lesions, as other hepatic lesions such as hemangioma and metastatic liver cancer show different patterns compared with hepatocellular carcinoma. (author)

  17. Palliation of Dysphagia in Carcinoma Esophagus


    Ramakrishnaiah, Vishnu Prasad Nelamangala; Malage, Somanath; Sreenath, G.S.; Kotlapati, Sudhakar; Cyriac, Sunu


    Esophageal carcinoma has a special place in gastrointestinal carcinomas because it contains two main types, namely, squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Carcinoma esophagus patients require some form of palliation because of locally advanced stage or distant metastasis, where it cannot be subjected to curable treatment with surgery and chemoradiation. Many modalities of palliation of dysphagia are available, but the procedure with least morbidity, mortality, and long-term palliation of...

  18. Dosimetric essay in dental radiology; Experiencia dosimetrica en radiologia odontologica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez Salaberry, M [Ministerio de Industria, Energia y Mineria, Montevideo (Uruguay). Direccion Nacional de Tecnologia Nuclear; Dato Carfagna, A; Rodriguez Dorgia, R [Universidad de la Republica, Facultad de Odontologia , Montevideo (Uruguay)


    A neck study was observated in the tiroids glands,laryngeal zone, sensitive organs for the ionizing radiation for increase dental xray exams. Was selected 29th patients with radiography prescription complete (in the Odontology Faculty Clinics Uruguaian). It took radiographies with and without tiroids necklace and apron lead using dosemeters. Dosimetric studies had demonstrated good dose between patients. For measuring the radiation dose have been used TLD thermoluminescence dosimetric and Harshaw 6600 for read it. The thyroids necklace use and odontology postgrading for training course for dentistry was the two recommendations advised

  19. Dosimetric essay in dental radiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez Salaberry, M.


    A neck study was observated in the tiroids glands,laryngeal zone, sensitive organs for the ionizing radiation for increase dental xray exams. Was selected 29th patients with radiography prescription complete (in the Odontology Faculty Clinics Uruguaian). It took radiographies with and without tiroids necklace and apron lead using dosemeters. Dosimetric studies had demonstrated good dose between patients. For measuring the radiation dose have been used TLD thermoluminescence dosimetric and Harshaw 6600 for read it. The thyroids necklace use and odontology postgrading for training course for dentistry was the two recommendations advised

  20. Early onset sebaceous carcinoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kaltreider Sara A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Ocular sebaceous carcinoma can masquerade as benign lesions resulting in delay of diagnosis. Early recognition is even more difficult in young patients where the disease rarely occurs. Here, we provide a clinicopathological correlation of ocular sebaceous carcinoma in a young individual lacking history of hereditary cancer or immunosuppression. Findings A detailed histopathological study including p53 DNA sequencing was performed on an aggressive sebaceous carcinoma presenting in a healthy 32 year-old Caucasian woman. She had no history of retinoblastoma, evidence for a hereditary cancer syndrome, or radiation therapy. However, she potentially was at risk for excessive UV light exposure. A detailed review of the literature is also provided. A moderately well differentiated sebaceous carcinoma was established histopathologically arising from the meibomian gland of the upper eyelid. In most areas, the cytoplasm contained small but distinct Oil-red-O positive vacuoles. Direct sequencing of p53 identified a G:C→A:T mutation at a dipyrimidine site. The mutation results in substitution of arginine for the highly conserved glycine at residue 199 located at the p53 dimer-dimer interface. Energy minimization structural modeling predicts that G199R will neutralize negative charges contributed by nearby inter- and intramonomeric glutamate residues. Discussion This study points to the importance of recognizing that sebaceous carcinoma can occur in young patients with no evidence for hereditary cancer risk or radiation therapy. The G199R substitution is anticipated to alter the stability of the p53 tetrameric complex. The role of UV light in the etiology of sebaceous carcinoma deserves further study. Our findings, taken together with those of others, suggest that different environmental factors could lead to the development of sebaceous carcinoma in different patients.

  1. Clinical Observation on Thyroid Carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Seon Yang; Shin, Yong Tae; Cho, Bo Yun; Kim, Byung Kuk; Koh, Chang Soon; Lee, Mun Ho [Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Clinical features of 147 patients with biopsy-proven thyroid carcinomas were investigated from January, 1972 to April, 1978 at the Seoul National University Hospital with the following results. 1) The incidence of thyroid carcinomas according to their histopathological classification revealed 76.2% of papillary carcinoma, 19.0% of follicular carcinoma, and 3 cases of occult sclerozing carcinoma, 1 case of giant cell carcinoma and 1 case of metastatic melanoma. 2) The ratio of male to female patients was 1:8.3 and showed no difference between papillary and follicular carcinomas. 3) The age distribution showed the peak incidence in the fourth decade (29.3%) followed by the fifth and sixth decades. 4) The average duration of illness from the onset of symptoms was about 5 years while it was 4.4 years and 7.6 years in the papillary and follicular carcinomas respectively. 5) The diameter of the thyroid masses was smaller than 5 cm in 53.6% of the patients, from 5 cm to 10 cm in 40.0% and larger than 10 cm in 6.4%. 6) In 36.4% of the patients with thyroid carcinomas the thyroid masses were fixed to adjacent tissues. 7) Metastasis to the regional lymph nodes was noted in 40.0% of the total cases, and in 45.2% and 17.6% of the papillary and follicular carcinomas respectively, while the lung and bone metastases were found in 10.0% and 4.4% in each type respectively. 8) 88.9% of the patients showed cold areas in the thyroid scans using {sup 131}I. 9) Typical psammoma bodies were observed in 21.3% of the cases in the microscopic examination of the pathological specimens. 10) The initial diagnosis of thyroid malignancy could be made before histological confirmation in 64.5% of the patients. 11) The clinical staging slightly modified from Schulz method revealed 43.6% of the patients in stage I, 26.4% in stage II, 20.9% in stage III and 9.1% in stage IV. 12) The association with Hashimoto's thyroiditis was noted in 4 cases, with nodular goiter in 3 cases, and with follicular

  2. Synchronous lobular carcinoma in situ and invasive lobular cancer: marker or precursor for invasive lobular carcinoma. (United States)

    Wallace, A S; Xiang, D; Hockman, L; Arya, M; Jeffress, J; Wang, Z; Dale, P S


    Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) is a known risk factor for invasive breast carcinoma, but there is increasing data indicating a possible precursor relationship. This study investigates the incidence of lobular carcinoma in situ that occurs with invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC). Women diagnosed with ILC or LCIS from 2000 to 2010 were retrospectively identified and reviewed after institutional review board approval. This group was divided into two cohorts: ILC alone, and LCIS and ILC (ILC/LCIS). Patient demographics, disease characteristics, and treatment modalities were captured. p invasive ductal carcinoma at ∼40%. The association of pre-invasive and invasive lobular lesions should be further studied in a large scale prospective study to assess for a precursor relationship. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Poliartritis y tenosinovitis grave por Streptococcus agalactiae en un paciente con hipoesplenia funcional Severe polyarthritis and tenosynovitis caused by Streptococcus agalactiae in a patient with functional hyposplenia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Domingo C. Balderramo


    Full Text Available La artritis por Streptococcus agalactiae es infrecuente. No conocemos publicaciones de casos sobre la afección tendinosa por este microorganismo. Se presenta una mujer de 46 años que consultó por fiebre, poliartralgias, mialgias, diarrea y vómitos. Como antecedentes presentaba carcinoma papilar de tiroides e hipoesplenia funcional. Al examen se encontraba hemodinámicamente inestable, febril, con artritis de mano izquierda, muñecas, codos, hombro derecho y tobillo izquierdo. Presentaba tenosinovitis en ambos pies y en la mano izquierda. Los hemocultivos y el cultivo de la bursa olecraniana derecha fueron positivos para S. agalactiae. La ecografía mostró signos de tenosinovitis del tibial anterior izquierdo. Completó 20 días de tratamiento endovenoso con cefazolina y 12 días de cefuroxima oral. El cuadro articular revirtió completamente en 60 días. El Streptococcus agalactiae puede causar, en forma infrecuente, un síndrome de poliartritis, tenosinovitis y fiebre similar al producido por la infección gonocócica.Cases of arthritis caused by Streptococcus agalactiae are infrequent and in our knowledge there are no case reports of tenosynovitis caused by S. agalactiae. A 46-year-old woman presented with fever, polyarthralgia, myalgia, diarrhea and vomiting. She had a history of papillary thyroid carcinoma and functional hyposplenia. She was febrile, with arthritis in hands, wrists, elbows, right shoulder and left ankle joints, and presented tenosynovitis in both feet and left hand. Blood and right olecranon bursa sample cultures were positive for S. agalactiae. An ultrasound scan made at the musculus tibialis anterior of left foot revealed signs of tenosynovitis. She was treated with intravenous cefazolin for 20 days and oral cefuroxime for 12 days. The joint involvement completely subsided in 60 days. Streptococcus agalactiae can cause, infrequently, a polyarthritis and tenosynovitis syndrome similar to disseminated gonococcal

  4. Collision tumor of the thyroid: follicular variant of papillary carcinoma and squamous carcinoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kane Subhadra V


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Collision tumors of the thyroid gland are a rare entity. We present a case of a follicular variant of papillary carcinoma and squamous carcinoma in the thyroid. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first documentation of a collision tumor with a papillary carcinoma and a squamous carcinoma within the thyroid gland. The clinicopathological features and immunohistochemical profile are reported. The theories of origin, epidemiology and management are discussed with a literature review. Case presentation A 65 year old woman presented with a large thyroid swelling of 10 years duration and with swellings on the back and scalp which were diagnosed to be a follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma with metastasis. Clinical examination, radiology and endoscopy ruled out any other abnormality of the upper aerodigestive tract. The patient was treated surgically with a total thyroidectomy with central compartment clearance and bilateral selective neck dissections. The histopathology revealed a collision tumor with components of both a follicular variant of papillary carcinoma and a squamous carcinoma. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed the independent origin of these two primary tumors. Adjuvant radio iodine therapy directed toward the follicular derived component of the thyroid tumor and external beam radiotherapy for the squamous component was planned. Conclusion Collision tumors of the thyroid gland pose a diagnostic as well as therapeutic challenge. Metastasis from distant organs and contiguous primary tumors should be excluded. The origins of squamous cancer in the thyroid gland must be established to support the true evolution of a collision tumor and to plan treatment. Treatment for collision tumors depends upon the combination of primary tumors involved and each component of the combination should be treated like an independent primary. The reporting of similar cases with longer follow-up will help define the

  5. Carcinoma prostático de células pequeñas. Una histología atípica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Fernández Montes


    Full Text Available Los tumores de células pequeñas extrapulmonares son raros. Representan un 0,1-0,4% de todos los tipos tumorales y en torno al 2,5% del total de los de células pequeñas1. Dentro de los mismos, los localizados en la próstata son especialmente infrecuentes, y suponen el 0,5-2% de todas las tumoraciones prostáticas.2 Suelen aparecer a edades más tempranas que el adenocarcinoma, entre la cuarta y la sexta década de la vida, y presentan un comportamiento más agresivo, de forma que la mayoría de los casos se encuentran en fase metastásica en el momento del diagnóstico, lo que implica una supervivencia media de 5-17 meses3. En la actualidad no disponemos de un tratamiento estándar, de forma que por regla general se extrapola su manejo al del carcinoma de células pequeñas de origen pulmonar.

  6. Osteopatía hipertrófica secundaria a metástasis pulmonar de carcinoma mamario


    Correa Salgado, Ricardo Andrés; Giraldo Villegas, Juan Carlos


    Propósitos: este artículo pretende reportar los hallazgos de un caso clínico de osteopatía hipertrófica. Tema: la osteopatía hipertrófica es un raro desorden paraneoplásico, asociado con el sobrecrecimiento doloroso del periostio de los huesos largos, normalmente desencadenado por neoplasias primarias o metastásicas de pulmón. Desarrollo: se presenta el caso de un rottweiler, de 12 años, con osteopatía hipertrófica asociada con metástasis pulmonar de un carcinoma mamario. Conclusiones: se com...

  7. Thyroid Metastasis from Breast Carcinoma Accompanied by Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Song-I Yang


    Full Text Available Metastasis to the thyroid gland is very rare. Recently, we experienced a case of thyroid metastasis from breast cancer accompanying a papillary thyroid. A 51-year-old female patient presented with a palpated lymph node on her left lateral neck. The patient had undergone a left modified radical mastectomy followed by chemotherapy and hormonal therapy 12 years prior. Ultrasonography of the neck revealed a malignant looking nodule at the left thyroid lobe, measuring 0.9 × 0.9 cm, and several cystic nodules at the right thyroid lobe. Ultrasonography of the neck additionally revealed a malignant looking lymph node at the right level VI. Fine-needle aspiration of the left thyroid lobe resulted in a diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma and that of the right level VI in Hurthle cell lesion. The patient had a total thyroidectomy with selective dissection of the left neck node. Pathologic assessment of the specimen revealed metastatic carcinoma from the breast carcinoma and papillary thyroid carcinoma. Although the thyroid gland is highly vascularized, metastasis of malignant tumors to the thyroid is relatively rare and detection of metastasis shows a low frequency. So a careful evaluation of thyroid tumor should be considered in a patient with a history of other malignancy.

  8. Adenopatía supraclavicular como forma de presentación de un carcinoma de cérvix asociado al complejo esclerosis tuberosa con linfangioleiomiomatosis


    Pablo López Mato; Alfonso Varela Fariña; Elena Seco Hernández; Antonio J. Chamorro Fernández


    La linfangioleiomiomatosis es una proliferación del tejido muscular broncovascular que recientemente se ha definido como una expresión incompleta de la entidad “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”, una facomatosis a la que se asocian diversas neoplasias. Presentamos un caso de carcinoma de cérvix con metástasis supraclaviculares y cervicales, asociado a linfangioleiomiomatosis en el contexto de un “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”.

  9. Breast carcinomas: why are they missed? (United States)

    Muttarak, M; Pojchamarnwiputh, S; Chaiwun, B


    Mammography has proven to be an effective modality for the detection of early breast carcinoma. However, 4-34 percent of breast cancers may be missed at mammography. Delayed diagnosis of breast carcinoma results in an unfavourable prognosis. The objective of this study was to determine the causes and characteristics of breast carcinomas missed by mammography at our institution, with the aim of reducing the rate of missed carcinoma. We reviewed the reports of 13,191 mammograms performed over a five-year period. Breast Imaging Reporting and Data Systems (BI-RADS) were used for the mammographical assessment, and reports were cross-referenced with the histological diagnosis of breast carcinoma. Causes of missed carcinomas were classified. Of 344 patients who had breast carcinoma and had mammograms done prior to surgery, 18 (5.2 percent) failed to be diagnosed by mammography. Of these, five were caused by dense breast parenchyma obscuring the lesions, 11 were due to perception and interpretation errors, and one each from unusual lesion characteristics and poor positioning. Several factors, including dense breast parenchyma obscuring a lesion, perception error, interpretation error, unusual lesion characteristics, and poor technique or positioning, are possible causes of missed breast cancers.

  10. Primary peritoneal clear cell carcinoma versus ovarian carcinoma versus malignant transformation of endometriosis: a vexing issue. (United States)

    Insabato, Luigi; Natella, Valentina; Somma, Anna; Persico, Marcello; Camera, Luigi; Losito, Nunzia Simona; Masone, Stefania


    Peritoneum is a site for both primary and secondary tumors. Primary peritoneal tumors are fairly rare. The most common primary tumors of the peritoneum are malignant mesothelioma and serous papillary adenocarcinoma. Clear cell carcinoma of the peritoneum is extremely rare and often misdiagnosed as mesothelioma, serous carcinoma, or metastatic adenocarcinoma, so it represents a diagnostic challenge for both clinicians and pathologists. Up to date, to the best of our knowledge, only 11 cases of primary peritoneal clear cell carcinoma have been reported in the English literature. Distinguishing this tumor of the peritoneum versus ovarian carcinoma can be problematic. Herein, we report a rare case of primary peritoneal clear cell carcinoma occurring in a 49-year-old woman, along with a review of the literature. © The Author(s) 2015.



    Blaž Trotovšek; Valentin Sojar; Dragan Stanisavljevič; Aleš Tomažič


    Background. Carcinoma of the gallbladder is a tumour with a dismal prognosis and 5-years overall survival rate less than 5%. Among the tumours of the gastrointestinal tract it is fifth in the row and its incidence is approximately 1.2/105. Tumour occurs more often (2–6 times) in women and in people over 50 years old (90%). According to the Slovenian Registry of Cancer for year 1998 the incidence of gallbladder carcinoma was 2.7/105 and it occurred 4 times more often among women. The most impo...

  12. Radiosensitivity of carcinoma of esophagus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furusawa, Hidenori


    With a detailed graphic reconstruction of radiation effects shown in 11 operation materials of carcinoma of esophagus with preoperative irradiation, histologic analysis of the radiosensitivity was made. Residual cancer lesions in 11 operation specimens contained adenocarcinoma elements. Carcinoma of esophagus belonged to mixed carcinoma (syn. metaplastic cancer). Radioresistant nature resulted from the remnant adenocarcinoma elements. Protruded type (3 cases) showed about 60 % of residual cancer after preoperative irradiation of 40 Gy (Lineac or 60 Co.). The residual cancer nests histologically revealed well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma with a few signet-ring cells, compatible with mucoepidermoid carcinoma. In protruded type, the mixed carcinoma was composed of segmental, disproportioned zonal squamous metaplasia. As its histogenetic origin, a main duct of esophageal gland was suggested. In 9 autopsy cases of esophageal cancer, recurrent lesion within the field of irradiation failed to respond to radiotherapy. In recurrent residual lesions, a higher proportion of adenocarcinoma elements was noticed. Therefore, the cancer part formed by a high rate of metaplasia was markedly responsive to irradiation, whereas increased residue of adenocarcinoma elements was enhanced the radioresistant property. In a middle thoracic esophagus (Im) corresponding to the commonest site of esophageal cancer, the distribution of esohageal glands was in a high density with a constant ratio of density in each age group particularly in male. In age groups with higher incidence of carcinoma of esophagus, esophageal glands markedly increased especially in male, in contrast with the indefinite number and density ratio in female cases. A high density of esophageal glands was noticed in the upper (Iu) and lower (Im) parts of the 2nd physiologic constriction, in proportion to the commonest site of carcinoma of esophagus. (J.P.N.)

  13. Histopathologic risk factors in oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma variants: An update with special reference to HPV-related carcinomas (United States)


    Accurate identification of the microscopic risk factors of oral and oropharyngeal (OP) squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and their morphologic variants is of at most importance, as these generally determine treatment modalities, prognosis and overall patient outcome. The great majority of oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas are microscopically described as kerartinizing squamous cell carcinoma (KSCC). They bear certain resemblance to keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium. Tobacco habits and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages have been considered to be the main etiologic agents in these carcinomas. The tumors occurred in older patients more commonly affected the oral tongue and floor of the mouth with well established morphologic risk factors including tumor grade, pattern of invasion and perineural involvement. Within the last 30 years however, the advent and expanding prevalence of high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) as an important etiologic agent for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, particularly in the OP, has resulted in a significant change in the established morphologic criteria for risk assessment. The majority of HPV relate carcinomas of the OP are nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma (NKSCC). These tumors are found to be more responsive to treatment with a favorable patient outcome and good prognosis. Consequently, alterations in treatment protocols aimed at de-escalation are currently being evaluated. More recently, other morphologic variants that are HPV positive are reported with increasing frequency in the OP and other head and neck sites. As a result, several clinical and pathologic questions have emerged. Importantly, whether the virus is biologically active in these tumors and involved in their pathogenesis, and second, what are the clinical implications with regard to patient management and outcome in the HPV-related variants. Examples of HPV-related squamous cell carcinoma variants that will be addressed here are

  14. Metastatic giant basal cell carcinoma: a case report. (United States)

    Bellahammou, Khadija; Lakhdissi, Asmaa; Akkar, Othman; Rais, Fadoua; Naoual, Benhmidou; Elghissassi, Ibrahim; M'rabti, Hind; Errihani, Hassan


    Basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer, characterised by a slow growing behavior, metastasis are extremely rare, and it occurs in less than 0, 1% of all cases. Giant basal cell carcinoma is a rare form of basal cell carcinoma, more aggressive and defined as a tumor measuring more than 5 cm at its largest diameter. Only 1% of all basal cell carcinoma develops to a giant basal cell carcinoma, resulting of patient's negligence. Giant basal cell carcinoma is associated with higher potential of metastasis and even death, compared to ordinary basal cell carcinoma. We report a case of giant basal cell carcinoma metastaticin lung occurring in a 79 years old male patient, with a fatal evolution after one course of systemic chemotherapy. Giant basal cell carcinoma is a very rare entity, early detection of these tumors could prevent metastasis occurrence and improve the prognosis of this malignancy.

  15. Utentes com gastrectomia por carcinoma gástrico: nutrição versus qualidade de vida - Revisão sistemática de literatura Usuarios con gastrectomía por carcinoma gástrico: nutrición versus calidad de vida - Revisión sistemática de la literatura Users with gastrectomy for gastric carcinoma: nutrition versus quality of life - Systematic literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivo Cristiano Soares Paiva


    Full Text Available A doença oncológica reveste-se de um carácter estigmatizante, sentida pelo utente e sua família que, associada a incertezas de prognóstico, provocam sofrimento, levantando questões ao nível da Qualidade de Vida (QV dos indivíduos. Com a finalidade de compreender qual o impacto da gastrectomia em utentes com carcinoma gástrico (nutrição versus QV, a sua influência na satisfação do autocuidado e o papel do enfermeiro, ao longo do processo de transição saúde-doença efectuou-se uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura (RSL, sem meta-síntese e sem metanálise. Foi seguida a metodologia PI[C]OD - Participantes; Intervenções; [Comparações]; Outcomes; Desenho do estudo - para a elaboração da pergunta de investigação e definição dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão dos estudos recolhidos, sendo que, doze constituíram a amostra: foram analisados, interpretados e sintetizados. Dessa análise pode concluir-se que a nutrição se traduz num benefício quando iniciada precocemente traduzindo-se numa melhoria da QV. O enfermeiro funciona como elemento facilitador no processo, promovendo a autonomia e independência necessárias para satisfazer as necessidades, expressas ou sentidas, de autocuidado. Em Portugal, surge a necessidade de reconhecer a importância da variável nutrição na minimização do impacto da cirurgia por carcinoma gástrico e desenvolver estudos neste âmbito transpondo os resultados para a prática.La enfermedad oncológica está impregnada de un carácter estigmatizante sentida por el usuario y su familia que, asociado a incertidumbres de pronóstico, provoca sufrimiento, planteando interrogantes respecto a la Calidad de Vida (QV de los individuos. Con el fin de comprender cuál es el impacto de la gastrectomía en usuarios con carcinoma gástrico (nutrición versus calidad de vida, su influencia en la satisfacción del autocuidado y el papel del enfermero a lo largo del proceso de transición salud

  16. Synchronous, bilateral tonsillar carcinomas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nami Saber, Camelia; Grønhøj, Christian; Jensen, David Hebbelstrup


    INTRODUCTION: The incidence of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) is increasing, but data on the incidence of synchronous, bilateral tonsillar squamous cell carcinomas (BiTSCCs) is sparse. In this study, we report the incidence and tumour characteristics of BiTSCCs in a population-base...


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Yang Wentao; Xu Liangzhong; Zhang Taiming; Zhu weiping; Li Xiaomei; Jin Aiping


    Objective:To investigate the significance of telomerase activity in breast carcinoma with its respect to axillary lymph node status. Methods: Telomerase activity was analyzed in 88 breast carcinomas and 16benign breast lesions, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay. Results: Telomerase activity was detected in 75 (85%) of 88 breast carcinomas (including three breast carcinomas in situ which were all positive for telomerase activity), whereas in benign breast lesions analyzed only 2(12.5%) of 16 cases were positive for telomerase activity. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P<0.001). Besides,telomerase activity was expressed significantly higher in node-positive breast carcinoma (93%) than in nodenegative ones (77%) (P<0.05). Conclusion: Our results suggest that telomerase activation plays an important role during breast carcinoma development. It is possible that this enzyme may serve as an early indication of breast carcinoma.

  18. Incidence of ascariasis in gastric carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jong Woo; Rhee, Hak Song; Bahk, Yong Whee [St Mary' s Hospital Catholic Medical College, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Prompted by the finding that the radiological incidence of small bowel ascariasis in the patient with gastric carcinoma was unexpectedly lower than the incidence in the normal population, a clinical study was performed to investigate possible relationship between gastric carcinoma and intestinal ascariasis. As a preliminary survey, we reviewed the radiological incidence of ascariasis in a total of 2,446 cases of upper GI series performed at the Department of Radiology, St Mary's Hospital Catholic Medical College. These included 1,573 normal subjects, 146 gastric carcinoma patients, 100 benign gastric ulcer and 249 duodenal ulcer patients and 378 other upper GI diseases. Following the preliminary study, a more accurate parasitologic study was conducted in another 578 normal subjects and 51 gastric carcinoma patients. The radiological incidences of ascaiasis in normal subjects and gastric carcinoma patients were 15.1% and 28.1%, respectively. The incidence of overall helminthiasis including ascaris lumbricoides, trichocephalus trichiurus and trichostrongyloides orientalis in normal subjects of the present series was 73.5%. This figure is virtually the same with 69.1% of the general population incidence reported by Kim, et al. (1971), but the incidence in gastric carcinoma patients was 94.1%. The high incidence pattern of overall helminthiasis in gastric carcinoma patients is, however, reversed as for as ascariasis is concerned. Thus, the incidence of ascariasis of gastric carcinoma patients was much lower than that of normal subjects (9.8% vs 19.4%). From the present observation, it is postulated that there can be some possible antagonistic relationship between evolution of gastric carcinoma and small bowel infestation of ascaris lumbricoides.

  19. Incidence of ascariasis in gastric carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jong Woo; Rhee, Hak Song; Bahk, Yong Whee


    Prompted by the finding that the radiological incidence of small bowel ascariasis in the patient with gastric carcinoma was unexpectedly lower than the incidence in the normal population, a clinical study was performed to investigate possible relationship between gastric carcinoma and intestinal ascariasis. As a preliminary survey, we reviewed the radiological incidence of ascariasis in a total of 2,446 cases of upper GI series performed at the Department of Radiology, St Mary's Hospital Catholic Medical College. These included 1,573 normal subjects, 146 gastric carcinoma patients, 100 benign gastric ulcer and 249 duodenal ulcer patients and 378 other upper GI diseases. Following the preliminary study, a more accurate parasitologic study was conducted in another 578 normal subjects and 51 gastric carcinoma patients. The radiological incidences of ascaiasis in normal subjects and gastric carcinoma patients were 15.1% and 28.1%, respectively. The incidence of overall helminthiasis including ascaris lumbricoides, trichocephalus trichiurus and trichostrongyloides orientalis in normal subjects of the present series was 73.5%. This figure is virtually the same with 69.1% of the general population incidence reported by Kim, et al. (1971), but the incidence in gastric carcinoma patients was 94.1%. The high incidence pattern of overall helminthiasis in gastric carcinoma patients is, however, reversed as for as ascariasis is concerned. Thus, the incidence of ascariasis of gastric carcinoma patients was much lower than that of normal subjects (9.8% vs 19.4%). From the present observation, it is postulated that there can be some possible antagonistic relationship between evolution of gastric carcinoma and small bowel infestation of ascaris lumbricoides

  20. Stages of Merkel Cell Carcinoma (United States)

    ... Genetics of Skin Cancer Skin Cancer Screening Research Merkel Cell Carcinoma Treatment (PDQ®)–Patient Version General Information About Merkel Cell Carcinoma Go to Health Professional Version Key ...

  1. Cytology of treated cervical carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shibata, Hideo


    The vaginal smear specimens of the patients who received operative therapy, irradiation or chemotherapy for cervical carcinoma were examined. Long-term follow-up vaginal cytology following treatment of cervical carcinoma is effective for the detection of local recurrence in an early stage. Serial cytology is also useful in evaluation of the effects of irradiation and chemotherapy for cervical carcinoma. Radiosensitive and prognostic significance of vaginal smears before and after radiation therapy was discussed. (author)

  2. Multiple gastrointestinal metastases of Merkel cell carcinoma. (United States)

    Poškus, Eligijus; Platkevičius, Gediminas; Simanskaitė, Vilma; Rimkevičiūtė, Ernesta; Petrulionis, Marius; Strupas, Kestutis


    Merkel cell carcinoma is an aggressive skin malignancy. Primary Merkel cell carcinomas are treated by wide radical excision with or without adjuvant radiotherapy, while benefits of adjuvant chemotherapy remain doubtful. There are only several cases of gastrointestinal metastases of Merkel cell carcinoma reported so far. We report a case of recurrent Merkel cell carcinoma with metastases to the stomach and the small intestines after wide excision of primary Merkel cell carcinoma. Copyright © 2016 The Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.

  3. Mammographic features of breast carcinoma: mammographic-pathologic correlation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gu Yajia; Wang Jiuhua; Chen Tongzhen; Zhang Tingqiu; Zhou Kangrong


    Objective: To analyze the mammographic features of breast carcinoma and the correlation between the mammographic and pathologic findings. Methods: A prospective study of 397 consecutive mammograms in patients with breast carcinoma, including infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC, n=297), ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and DCIS associated with small invasive foci (n=38), mucinous carcinoma (n=21), medullary carcinoma (n=22) and invasive lobular carcinoma (n=19), was performed to determine the correlations between the mammographic and pathologic findings. Results: (1) Microcalcifications appeared in 170 cases (42.8%), a mass in 258 cases (65.0%), and distortion in 33 cases (8.3%), respectively. (2) Microcalcifications were more commonly associated with DCIS and IDC (χ 2 =30.90, P 2 =30.87, P 2 =27.40, P 2 =6.22, P 2 =7.19, P < 0.01). Conclusion: The common features of breast carcinoma in mammography were microcalcifications, microcalcifications with a mass, a mass, and distortion IDC was the commonest in breast carcinoma, and could be considered when mammographic malignant features above mentioned were found except the appearance of microcalcifications alone, which was firstly suggestive of DCIS. A mass also appeared in medullary and mucinous carcinoma, and distortion appeared in invasive lobular carcinoma

  4. Colorectal carcinoma with dome-like phenotype: an under-recognised subset of colorectal carcinoma?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Asmussen, L; Pachler, J; Holck, S


    The term dome carcinoma has been applied to a variant of colorectal carcinoma, thought to derive from M-cells of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Its distinguishing morphological features include a non-polypoid plaque-like lesion composed of closely apposed cystically dilated glands lined...

  5. Clinicopathological characteristics of head and neck Merkel cell carcinomas. (United States)

    Knopf, Andreas; Bas, Murat; Hofauer, Benedikt; Mansour, Naglaa; Stark, Thomas


    There are still controversies about the therapeutic strategies and subsequent outcome in head and neck Merkel cell carcinoma. Clinicopathological data of 23 Merkel cell carcinomas, 93 cutaneous head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs), 126 malignant melanomas, and 91 primary parotid gland carcinomas were comprehensively analyzed. Merkel cell carcinomas were cytokeratin 20 (CK20)/neuron-specific enolase (NSE)/chromogranin A (CgA)/synaptophysin (Syn)/thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1)/MIB1 immunostained. All Merkel cell carcinomas underwent wide local excision. Parotidectomy/neck dissection was performed in 40%/33% cutaneous Merkel cell carcinoma and 100%/100% in parotid gland Merkel cell carcinoma. Five-year recurrence-free interval (RFI)/overall survival (OS) was significantly higher in malignant melanoma (81/80%) than in cutaneous Merkel cell carcinoma/HNSCC. Interestingly, 5-year RFI/OS was significantly higher in Merkel cell carcinoma (61%/79%) than in HNSCC (33%/65%; p Merkel cell carcinoma and parotid gland carcinomas, nor in the immunohistochemical profile. Five-year RFI/OS was significantly better in cutaneous Merkel cell carcinoma when compared with TNM classification matched HNSCC. Five-year RFI/OS was comparable in parotid gland Merkel cell carcinoma and other primary parotid gland malignancies. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck 39: 92-97, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. Merkel cell carcinoma: is this a true carcinoma? (United States)

    Jankowski, Marek; Kopinski, Piotr; Schwartz, Robert; Czajkowski, Rafal


    Recent years have brought an enhanced understanding of Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) biology, especially with regard to the Merkel cell polyoma virus as a causative agent. Differences between Merkel cell polyomavirus-positive and Merkel cell polyomavirus-negative MCC in morphology; gene expression, miRNA profiles and prognosis have been reported. Origin of MCC is controversial. Presence of neurosecretory granules has suggested that these carcinomas originate from one of the neurocrest derivatives, most probably Merkel cells; the name Merkel cell carcinoma is now widely accepted. Expression of PGP 9.5, chromogranin A and several neuropeptides, initially regarded as specific markers for neural and neuroendocrine cells, has recently been shown in a subset of lymphomas. MCC commonly expresses terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase and PAX5. Their co-expression under physiologic circumstances is restricted to pro/pre-B cells and pre-B cells. These findings lead to the hypothesis by zur Hausen et al. that MCC originates from early B cells. This review was intended to critically appraise zur Hausen's hypothesis and discuss the possibility that MCC is a heterogenous entity with distinct subtypes. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Watermelon stomach, hemorrhagic pericarditis, small cell carcinoma of the lung and synchronous squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue base

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    A. Murinello


    Full Text Available Based on a case of gastric antral vascular ectasia (watermelon stomach that was associated with hemorrhagic pericarditis, small cell lung carcinoma with mediastinal lymph node metastases and a synchronous squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue, the authors made a review of the clinical, endoscopic and histopathological aspects of this type of gastropathy, and its association with other diseases, and of the results of its endoscopic therapy. The causes of hemorrhagic pericarditis are considered, emphasizing the necessity to know if the effusion has a malignant etiology. To the best of our knowledge the association of watermelon stomach to small cell lung carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue has not yet been described. Extensive metastases to mediastal lymph nodes are common to small cell lung carcinoma. Resumo: Baseados num caso de gastropatia antral com ectasia vascular (estômago em melancia associado a pericardite hemorrágica e a um carcinoma de pequenas células do pulmão com metástases ganglionares ao longo do mediastino e a um carcinoma pavimentocelular síncrono da base da língua, os autores fazem uma revisão dos aspectos clínicos, endoscópicos e histopatológicos deste tipo de gastropatia, da sua associação a outras doenças e das possibilidades terapêuticas actuais por via endoscópica. Referem-se igualmente as causas mais frequentes de pericardite hemorrágica, salientando-se a necessidade de esclarecer se o derrame é ou não de origem neoplásica. Não está referida na literatura a associação deste tipo de gastropatia ao carcinoma de pequenas células do pulmão nem ao carcinoma pavimento-celular da base da língua. A invasão extensa dos gânglios mediastínicos pelo carcinoma de pequenas células do pulmão é ocorrência frequente. Key-words: Gastric antral vascular ectasia, watermelon stomach, small cell lung carcinoma, oat cell lung carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma of the base

  8. [Clinicopathological study of diffuse carcinoma of stomach (author's transl)]. (United States)

    Shimoda, T


    The biological behavior of ulcer type gastric carcinoma was studied on 114 cases of diffuse carcinoma (Borrmann's 4 type) and 262 cases of early like advanced carcinoma (including superficial spreading type). In both types of gastric carcinoma, the age distribution, location, ulcer with cancer focus and prognosis differed greatly. The early like carcinoma was speculated to have advanced maintaining the groos findings of early gastric carcinoma, and its location and associated ulcer were the same as the early ulcer type of carcinoma. The prognosis of this type of carcinoma was good, showing a figure of 70% in 3 year survival rate. On the other hand, diffuse carcinoma demonstrated diffuse extensive infiltration of tumor cells along the gastric wall, resulting in poor prognosis with a 3 year survival rate of almost 0%. Histologically, diffuse type of carcinoma showed lymphatic infiltration of tumor cells, and this is probably the main reason for the diffuse infiltration in this type of carcinoma. Diffuse carcinoma is, therefore, considered to be one special type of carcinoma having different biological behavior compared with the other ulcer type of carcinoma, and diffuse carcinoma is not the terminal stage of early like advanced carcinoma. There are three stages in diffuse carcinoma: 1. Infiltrative stage: wide spread infiltration of cancer cells through lymphatic channels (lymphangiosis carcinomatosa) 2. Edematous stage: soluble collagen appearing in gastric wall 3. Sclerosing stage: soluble collagen changing into insoluble collagen leading to marked thickening and stiffness of the gastric wall. This is the end stage of gastric diffuse carcinoma. It is difficult to explain that the marked fibrosis of gastric wall is a result to stromal reaction from tumor cell infiltration, since extensive fibrosis is found in areas without tumor cells and stiffness of the gastric wall occurs in a too short period of time. The production of abundunt soluble collagen is probably

  9. Resected Pleomorphic Carcinoma of the Gallbladder

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    Masanari Shimada


    Full Text Available Pleomorphic carcinoma is a rare lesion and the literature contains few reports of pleomorphic carcinoma of the gallbladder. The present study reports a rare case of primary pleomorphic carcinoma of the gallbladder for which we were able to perform curative surgery. A 77-year-old woman with dementia developed nausea and anorexia, and computed tomography demonstrated irregular thickening of the gallbladder wall. Drip infusion cholangiography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography revealed no stenosis of the common and intrahepatic bile ducts. We suspected carcinoma of the gallbladder without lymph node metastasis and invasion to the common bile duct. We guessed it to be resectable and performed open laparotomy. At operation, the fundus of the gallbladder was adherent to the transverse colon, but no lymph node and distant metastases were detected. Therefore, we performed curative cholecystectomy with partial colectomy. Histopathology and immunostaining showed coexistence of an adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and sarcomatous tumor of spindle-shaped cell, as well as transition zones between these tumors. We diagnosed stage I pleomorphic carcinoma of the gallbladder. No recurrence has been observed for one and a half years. The biological behavior of pleomorphic carcinoma of the gallbladder remains unknown. It will be necessary to accumulate more case reports of this tumor in order to define diagnostic criteria.

  10. Clinical analysis of cases with nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Katsuro; Tomita, Masahiko; Takahashi, Sugata; Matsuyama, Hiroshi


    Forty-one cases with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) treated in our department between 1991 and 2007 were clinically analyzed. The mean age of the cases was 53 years old, and the male-to female ratio was 3.6:1. The most common chief complaint was ear symptoms followed by neck, eye, and nose symptoms. The most common histology was squamous cell carcinoma, followed by undifferentiated carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and spindle cell carcinoma. More than half of the cases were classified as clinical stage IV. For squamous cell carcinoma, undifferentiated carcinoma, spindle cell carcinoma cases, concurrent chemoradiotherapy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy was applied. For adenocarcinoma cases, transpalatal resection and postoperative radiotherapy was applied. The five-year overall survival rate was 64.1% and the disease-specific five-year survival rate was 71.2%. No significant statistical differences were seen between early stage (I, II) and late stage (III, IV), between I, II, III stage and IV stage. Recurrence occurred in 24.4% of the cases, and distant metastasis was more dominant than local recurrence. For the diagnosis and treatment of NPC, proper detection of NPC from variegated symptoms, and chemoradiotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma cases were considered to be important. (author)

  11. Unusual manifestations of secondary urothelial carcinoma

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    Chaohui Lisa Zhao


    Full Text Available High-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma regularly invades the bladder wall, adjacent prostate, seminal vesicles, ureters, vagina, rectum, retroperitoneum, and regional lymph nodes. In advanced stages, it may disseminate to the liver, lungs, and bone marrow. On rare occasions, unusual metastatic foci like skin have been reported. The incidence of urothelial carcinoma has increased with associated rise in variants of urothelial carcinoma and unusual metastatic foci. It is imperative that urologists and pathologists are aware of the unusual variants and unusual metastatic locations to expedite the diagnostic process. Hereby we report an unusual case of secondary involvement of spinal nerve by conventional urothelial carcinoma. Also a second case of rhabdoid variant of urothelial carcinoma showing synchronous involvement of bladder and subcutaneous tissue of upper extremity is presented.

  12. CT differentiation of invasive thymoma and thymic carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Eun Jung; Jung, Gyoo Sik; Kim, Seong Min; Huh, Jin Do; Joh, Young Duk; Shin, Mi Jung; Kim, Jung Sik; Suh, Soo Jhi


    In order to determine the differential points between them, we analyzed the CT findings of invasive thymoma and thymic carcinoma. We retrospectively reviewed the CT scans of 14 patients with invasive thymoma and 15 with thymic carcinoma, confirmed by surgery(n=3D19) or percutaneous needle aspiration(n=3D10) between 1988 and 1996. CT findings were evaluated in each group for intrathoracic spread(posterior, direct posterior, and anterolateral), obliteration of the fat plane between the mass and vascular structures, vessel encasement, invasion of adjacent mediastinal structures, pleural implants, mediastinal nodes and distant metastasis. Direct posterior spread was more common in thymic carcinoma than invasive thymoma;it was seen in one case (7%) of invasive thymoma and 12(80%) of thymic carcinoma(p=3D0.00). Posterior spread was seen in six cases (43%) of in vasive thymoma and nine (60%) of thymic carcinoma. Anterolateral spread was seen only in two cases (13%) of thymic carcinoma. Obliteration of the fat plane was seen in nine cases (64%) of invasive thymoma and 14 (93%) of thymic carcinoma, while vessel encasement was seen in two cases (14%) of invasive thymoma and 13(87%) of thymic carcinoma(p=3D0.00). Invasion of adjacent structures was seen in two cases (14%) of invasive thymoma and eight (53%) of thymic carcinoma. Pleural implants were more common in invasive thymoma than thymic carcinoma, being seen in six cases (43%) of the former and one (7%) of the latter(p=3D0.04). Mediastinal lymphadenopathy was seen in three cases (21%) of invasive thymoma and ten (67%) of thymic carcinoma. Distant metastases were observed only in six cases (40%) of thymic carcinoma(p=3D0.02). Although differentiation between invasive thymoma and thymic carcinoma is difficult on the basis of CT findings, there are certain differential points. Thymic carcinomas showed a higher rate of direct posterior intrathoracic spread, vessel encasement, mediastinal nodes and distant metastases than

  13. Thyroid carcinoma in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akhzari, F.


    Thyroid cancer is rare in children, with only 3-6% of thyroid malignancies occurring in children, and constitutes but 6% of head and neck tumors. Over 95% thyroid cancer are differentiated, and 10% of these occur in children of adolescents. Any of the histologic types that occur in adults may be in children, but they are most often differentiated thyroid carcinomas. The etiologies of thyroid carcinoma are unknown, but factors considered in pathogenesis include irradiation, sex and age. The incandesce of thyroid carcinoma in a solitary coddle in a child has been described as high as 70%. History and /or physical examination alone are unlikely to advance the diagnosis, and with exception of plasma CT in medullary thyroid carcinoma, blood studies are unhelpful in the diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma. Radiographs and ultrasound imaging are helpful in planning treatment and follow-up, but are unlikely to be needed for initial diagnosis. One of the main indication of thyroid scan in the pediatric group is thyroid nodule. FNAB is established as the most effective method of diagnosis in adults, although in children it may be less reliable. While radionuclide scintigraphy may be considered for initial screening, FNAB is well established and its specificity allows it to negate the need for a substantial number of operation. Treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinoma in children is more controversial. Some authors maintain that modified or subtotal thyroidectomy is appropriation this disease, others maintain that total thyroidectomy is required Nevertheless, radioiodine therapy is considered to be standard in the treatment of iodine-avid thyroid carcinomas for ablation of the thyroid remnant following surgery and for treatment of iodine-avid distant diseases. The front-line treatment of medullary thyroid carcinoma is aggressive surgery. Total thyroidectomy is indicated, In general treatment with chemotherapy, extemal radiation and I-131 are not helpful, however radioactive

  14. CT differentiation of renal tumor invading parenchyma and pelvis: renal cell carcinoma vs transitional cell carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Chang Hee; Cho, Seong Beum; Park, Cheol Min; Cha, In Ho; Chung, Kyoo Byung


    The differentiation between renal cell carcinoma(RCC) and transitional cell carcinoma(TCC) is important due to the different methods of treatment and prognosis. But occasionally it is difficult to draw a distinction between the two diseases when renal parenchyma and renal collecting systems are invaded simultaneously. We reviewed CT scans of 37 cases of renal cell carcinoma and 12 cases of transitional cell carcinoma which showed involvement of renal parenchyma and renal sinus fat on CT. Retrospective analysis was performed by 3 abdominal radiologists. Check points were renal contour bulging or reinform shape, location of mass center, intact parenchyma overlying the tumor, cystic change, calcification, LN metastasis, vessel invasion, and perirenal extention. There were renal contour bulging due to the tumor mass in 33 out of 37 cases of renal cell carcinoma, where a and nine of 12 cases of transitional cell carcinoma maintained the reinform appearance. This is significant statiscal difference between the two(P<0.005). Center of all TCCs were located in the renal sinus, and 24 out of 35 cases of RCC were located in the cortex(P<0.005). Thirty-six out of 37 cases of RCC lost the overlying parenchyma, where as 4 out of 9 cases of well enhanced TCC had intact overlying parenchyma(P<0.005) RCC showed uptic change within the tumor mags in 31 cases which was significanity higher than the 4 cases in TCC(P<0.05). CT findings of renal cell carcinoma are contour bulging, peripheral location, obliteration of parenchyma, and cystic change. Findings of transitional cell carcinoma are reinform appearance, central location within the kidney, intact overlying parenchyma, and rare cystic change

  15. Follicular carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shah, D.H.; Samuel, A.M.


    Follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) is considered as a disease of the elderly with a higher incidence in females as compared to papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). Some studies have reported its occurrence at an early age, which may be attributed to early diagnosis because of the availability of advanced techniques. The prognosis of the disease is considered poor as compared to that of PTC. The conclusions drawn in this review are based on 663 cases in whom adequate data was available for meaningful analysis followed for a mean period of 9.2 years, median, 7.8 years; range, 1-32 years

  16. Basal cell carcinoma-treatment with cryosurgery

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    Kaur S


    Full Text Available Basal cell carcinoma is a common cutaneous malignancy, frequently occurring over the face in elderly individuals. Various therapeutic modalities are available to treat these tumors. We describe three patients with basal cell carcinoma successfully treated with cryosurgery and discuss the indications and the use of this treatment modality for basal cell carcinomas.

  17. Red Dot Basal Cell Carcinoma: Report of Cases and Review of This Unique Presentation of Basal Cell Carcinoma. (United States)

    Cohen, Philip R


    Red dot basal cell carcinoma is a unique variant of basal cell carcinoma. Including the three patients described in this report, red dot basal cell carcinoma has only been described in seven individuals. This paper describes the features of two males and one female with red dot basal cell carcinoma and reviews the characteristics of other patients with this clinical subtype of basal cell carcinoma. A 70-year-old male developed a pearly-colored papule with a red dot in the center on his nasal tip. A 71-year-old male developed a red dot surrounded by a flesh-colored papule on his left nostril. Lastly, a 74-year-old female developed a red dot within an area of erythema on her left mid back. Biopsy of the lesions all showed nodular and/or superficial basal cell carcinoma. Correlation of the clinical presentation and pathology established the diagnosis of red dot basal cell carcinoma. The tumors were treated by excision using the Mohs surgical technique. Pubmed was searched with the keyword: basal, cell, cancer, carcinoma, dot, red, and skin. The papers generated by the search and their references were reviewed. Red dot basal cell carcinoma has been described in three females and two males; the gender was not reported in two patients. The tumor was located on the nose (five patients), back (one patient) and thigh (one patient). Cancer presented as a solitary small red macule or papule; often, the carcinoma was surrounded by erythema or a flesh-colored papule. Although basal cell carcinomas usually do not blanch after a glass microscope slide is pressed against them, the red dot basal cell carcinoma blanched after diascopy in two of the patients, resulting in a delay of diagnosis in one of these individuals. Dermoscopy may be a useful non-invasive modality for evaluating skin lesions when the diagnosis of red dot basal cell carcinoma is considered. Mohs surgery is the treatment of choice; in some of the patients, the ratio of the area of the postoperative wound to that

  18. Factores pronósticos en el tratamiento adyuvante del cáncer de vejiga


    Pardo Aranda, Nuria


    El cáncer de vejiga es el cuarto tumor más frecuente en hombres. En este estudio se recogen 70 pacientes diagnosticados de carcinoma urotelial resecables en el Hospital Germans Trias y Pujol(1994 -2011). El objetivo es analizar que factores pronósticos determinan la realización del tratamiento adyuvante.La edad fue un factor pronóstico: menores de 70 años alcanzaban una mediana de supervivencia de 77 meses.Pacientes sin afectación ganglionar tenían una mediana de supervivencia de 77 meses fre...

  19. Collecting Duct Carcinoma of the Kidney Mimicking Invasive Transitional Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Byun, Joo Nam; Lim, Hyung Guhn; Lim, Sung Chul [Chosun University College of Medicine, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of)


    Approximately 100 cases of collecting duct carcinoma have been reported in the medical literature. We herein report on a case of collecting duct carcinoma of the kidney in a 75-year-old patient. The abdominal sonography depicted a relatively poorly defined 7x6 cm sized, isoechoic mass lesion, as compared to the normal parenchyma, at the left kidney lower pole and the affected kidney showed preservation of the reniform shape. CT revealed a heterogeneous poorly defined low-attenuation mass that was mainly located in the medulla with involvement of the cortex and the lower half of the renal pelvis. Retrograde ureter opyelography showed a filling defect at the lower renal pelvis and severe narrowing of the left proximal ureter. We initially thought this lesion was invasive transitional cell carcinoma. Subsequent surgery confirmed a collecting duct carcinoma

  20. Adenopatía supraclavicular como forma de presentación de un carcinoma de cérvix asociado al complejo esclerosis tuberosa con linfangioleiomiomatosis

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    Pablo López Mato


    Full Text Available La linfangioleiomiomatosis es una proliferación del tejido muscular broncovascular que recientemente se ha definido como una expresión incompleta de la entidad “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”, una facomatosis a la que se asocian diversas neoplasias. Presentamos un caso de carcinoma de cérvix con metástasis supraclaviculares y cervicales, asociado a linfangioleiomiomatosis en el contexto de un “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”.

  1. Secretory cell outgrowths, p53 signatures, and serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma in the fallopian tubes of patients with sporadic pelvic serous carcinoma. (United States)

    Mittal, Neha; Srinivasan, Radhika; Gupta, Nalini; Rajwanshi, Arvind; Nijhawan, Raje; Gautam, Upasana; Sood, Swati; Dhaliwal, Lakhbir


    High-grade serous carcinomas of ovarian, tubal, and peritoneal origin are together referred as pelvic serous carcinoma. The fallopian tubes, ovarian surface epithelium, and the tuboperitoneal junctional epithelium are all implicated in pelvic serous carcinogenesis. The aim of this study is to identify putative precursor lesions of serous carcinoma including secretory cell outgrowths (SCOUTs), serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC), and p53 signatures and assign its probable site of origin. Prospective case-control study of consecutive specimen comprising 32 serous carcinomas and 31 controls (10 normal adnexa, 10 benign and 6 atypically proliferative surface epithelial tumors, and 5 other carcinomas). Sectioning and extensive examination of the fimbrial end (SEE-FIM) protocol along with immunohistochemistry for Bcl-2, p53, and Ki-67 was employed for evaluating invasive carcinoma and precursor lesions in cases versus controls. SCOUT, p53 signatures, and STIC were most frequent in the serous carcinomas. p53 signatures and STIC were always seen in the fimbrial end. STICs were exclusively present in serous carcinomas, more common in ipsilateral tubes of cases with dominant ovarian mass. Multifocal p53 signatures with STIC were seen in 7 (21.9%) cases. STIC was present with or without an invasive carcinoma in 25% and in 6.25% of cases of pelvic serous carcinomas, respectively. The junctional epithelia did not show any lesion in any group. SEE-FIM protocol is recommended for evaluation of sporadicpelvic (ovarian/tubal/peritoneal) serous carcinoma. Based on the presence of STIC or invasive carcinoma, nearly 60% of all pelvic serous carcinomas are of fallopian tubal origin.

  2. Bilateral papillary renal cell carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gossios, K.; Vazakas, P.; Argyropoulou, M.; Stefanaki, S.; Stavropoulos, N.E.


    Papillary renal cell carcinoma is a subgroup of malignant renal epithelial neoplasms. We report the clinical and imaging findings of a case with multifocal and bilateral renal cell carcinoma which are nonspecific. (orig.)

  3. Carcinoma of the pancreas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Humphrey, L.J.; Hartman, G.V.


    Experience with 17 patients with incurable carcinoma of the pancreas treated by radiation therapy and immunotherapy is described. Results observed have prompted a program of aggressive surgery, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and long-term chemotherapy. Optimism for significant palliation and survival for these patients with curable and incurable pancreatic carcinoma is warranted. (U.S.)

  4. Cervical carcinoma and sexual behavior: collaborative reanalysis of individual data on 15,461 women with cervical carcinoma and 29,164 women without cervical carcinoma from 21 epidemiological studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjær, Susanne Krüger


    of sexual partners and age at first sexual intercourse from 21 studies, or groups of studies, including 10,773 women with invasive cervical carcinoma, 4,688 women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 (CIN3)/carcinoma in situ, and 29,164 women without cervical carcinoma. Relative risks......High-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types cause most cervical carcinomas and are sexually transmitted. Sexual behavior therefore affects HPV exposure and its cancer sequelae. The International Collaboration of Epidemiological Studies of Cervical Cancer has combined data on lifetime number...... for invasive cancer and CIN3 were estimated by conditional logistic regression. Risk of invasive cervical carcinoma increased with lifetime number of sexual partners (P for linear trend or =6 versus 1 partner, conditioned on age, study, and age at first intercourse, was 2...

  5. Estadificación y valoración mediastínica del cáncer del pulmón Staging and mediastinal assessment of lung cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Emilio García Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El cáncer de pulmón se considera la más letal de las neoplasias, tanto en los hombres como en las mujeres, y supera la suma de todas las muertes por cáncer de colon, próstata y mama. En el momento del diagnóstico más del 40 % de los pacientes tienen una enfermedad localmente avanzada, en la que las posibilidades de curación son escasas y la supervivencia a los 5 años es de apenas un 15 %. La estadificación de la enfermedad, así como la valoración mediastínica es crucial para realizar un tratamiento correcto, establecer pronósticos y realizar investigaciones que conlleven a una conducta adecuada ante estos pacientes. Con el objetivo de actualizar el tema se realizó una revisión en varias bases de datos en inglés: Pubmed, Medline y Ebsco, utilizando las palabras clave: lung cancer staging, mediastinal lymphonode excision y lung carcinoma.The lung cancer is considered the most lethal of neoplasias both in men and women and it is the highest figure of all death by colon, prostate and breast deaths. At diagnosis more than the 40% of patients have a locally advanced disease with scarce possibilities of cure and the 5-years survival is hardly of a 15%. Disease's staging as well as the mediastinal assessment is crucial to a proper diagnosis, to establish prognoses and the carry out researches leading to a appropriate behavior in these cases. The objective of present paper was to update on this subject authors made search in some databases in English language: Pubmed, Medline and Ebsco, using lung cancer staging, mediastinal lymphonode excision and lung carcinoma as key words.

  6. Thyroid autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases Anticuerpos antitiroideos en enfermedades autoinmunes

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    Regina M. Innocencio


    Full Text Available Abnormalities in the thyroid function and thyroid autoantibodies have been frequently described in patients with autoimmune diseases but seldom in antiphospholipid syndrome patients. In order to determine the prevalence of thyroid function and autoimmune abnormalities, we compared serum thyrotropin (TSH, serum free thyroxine (T4 levels, thyroid antithyroglobulin (TgAb and antithyroperoxidase (TPOAb levels of 25 patients with systemic sclerosis, 25 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 13 patients with antiphospholipid syndrome to a control group of 113 healthy individuals. Evaluation included a thorough clinical examination with particular attention to thyroid disease and a serologic immune profile including rheumatoid factor, antinuclear and anticardiolipin antibody measurements. Subclinical hypothyroidism (4.2Ciertas anormalidades en la función tiroidea y anticuerpos antitiroideos han sido frecuentemente descriptos en pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes, y más raramente en pacientes con el síndrome antifosfolipídico. Para determinar la prevalencía de anormalidades en la función tiroidea y de autoinmunidad, comparamos los niveles séricos de tirotropina (TSH tiroxina libre en suero (T4 anticuerpos antitiroglobulina (TgAb y antitiroperoxidasa (TPOAb en 25 pacientes con esclerosis sistémica, 25 pacientes con artritis reumatoidea y 13 pacientes con el síndrome antifosfolipídico con un grupo control de 113 individuos aparentemente sanos. La evaluación incluyó un completo examen clínico con particular atención para las enfermedades de la tiroides y una evaluación inmunológica incluyendo dosaje del factor reumatoideo, anticuerpos antinucleares y anticardiolipina. Hipotiroidismo subclínico (4.2

  7. Carcinoma-specific Ulex europaeus agglutinin-I binding glycoproteins of human colorectal carcinoma and its relation to carcinoembryonic antigen. (United States)

    Matsushita, Y; Yonezawa, S; Nakamura, T; Shimizu, S; Ozawa, M; Muramatsu, T; Sato, E


    Glycoproteins binding to Ulex europaeus agglutinin-I (UEA-I) lectin, which recognizes the terminal alpha-L-fucose residue, were analyzed in 18 cases of human colorectal carcinoma by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by the Western blotting method. In the distal large bowel (descending and sigmoid colon and rectum), high-molecular-weight glycoproteins binding to UEA-I existed in carcinoma tissue but not in normal mucosa. In the proximal large bowel (ascending and transverse colon), high-molecular-weight glycoproteins binding to UEA-I were found both in normal mucosa and in carcinoma tissue, whereas those from the carcinoma tissue had an apparently lower molecular weight as compared to the weight of those from the normal mucosa. Thus there is a biochemical difference in UEA-I binding glycoproteins between the normal mucosa and the carcinoma tissue, although in our previous histochemical study no difference was observed in UEA-I binding glycoproteins of the proximal large bowel between the carcinoma tissue and the normal mucosa. Furthermore, carcinoembryonic antigen from the carcinoma tissue was found to have the same electrophoretical mobility as the UEA-I binding glycoproteins.

  8. Prevalencia de Hipotiroidismo Congénito y factores asociados en neonatos nacidos en un Hospital del Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga entre junio de 2014 y junio de 2015

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    Adriana Ortíz


    Full Text Available Introducción: El hipotiroidismo neonatal es un trastorno congénito de la glándula tiroides que se caracteriza por una baja producción de las hormonas tiroideas y que conduce a daños irreversibles en el desarrollo psicomotor cuando se detecta tardíamente. Un diagnóstico a tiempo de esta condición permite instaurar un tratamiento y seguimiento efectivo del caso con el fin de evitar las secuelas. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de Hipotiroidismo Congénito (HC y factores asociados en neonatos nacidos en un Hospital del Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga, entre Junio de 2014 a Junio de 2015. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de casos y controles anidado en una cohorte retrospectiva (relación 1:4. Inicialmente, con la información de todos los RN durante el período se determinó la prevalencia de HC. Los neonatos con niveles de TSH neonatal >15 mU/L en sangre de cordón recolectada en papel filtro o de >10 mU/L en sangre de talón fueron considerados como casos. 104 neonatos con niveles normales de TSH se eligieron aleatoriamente como controles. La información clínica y demográfica se consultó en la base de datos del hospital y se registró en formatos específicos. El análisis estadístico se realizó utilizando regresión logística. Resultados: Se tamizaron 2.475 neonatos en los cuales se detectaron 25 casos de HC. La prevalencia de HC fue 1.01% (IC95% de 0.65% - 1.49%. Los casos fueron comparados con 104 controles. Los factores estadísticamente significativos que se asociaron con HC fueron haber realizado controles prenatales (ORa 0.19 IC 95% 0.005-0.69, la talla del RN (ORa 0.82 IC95% 0.71-0.96 y el antecedente de hipotiroidismo materno (ORa 5.19 IC 95% 1.13-23.94. Los antecedentes de la madre más frecuentes fueron preeclampsia y sobrepeso. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de HC fue mayor comparada con estudios previos (20 veces. Aunque en este hospital la confirmación de HC con la prueba L-T4 no está disponible al egreso del RN

  9. Secretory cell outgrowths, p53 signatures, and serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma in the fallopian tubes of patients with sporadic pelvic serous carcinoma

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    Neha Mittal


    Full Text Available Context: High-grade serous carcinomas of ovarian, tubal, and peritoneal origin are together referred as pelvic serous carcinoma. The fallopian tubes, ovarian surface epithelium, and the tuboperitoneal junctional epithelium are all implicated in pelvic serous carcinogenesis. Aims: The aim of this study is to identify putative precursor lesions of serous carcinoma including secretory cell outgrowths (SCOUTs, serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC, and p53 signatures and assign its probable site of origin. Settings and Design: Prospective case-control study of consecutive specimen comprising 32 serous carcinomas and 31 controls (10 normal adnexa, 10 benign and 6 atypically proliferative surface epithelial tumors, and 5 other carcinomas. Subjects and Methods: Sectioning and extensive examination of the fimbrial end (SEE-FIM protocol along with immunohistochemistry for Bcl-2, p53, and Ki-67 was employed for evaluating invasive carcinoma and precursor lesions in cases versus controls. Results: SCOUT, p53 signatures, and STIC were most frequent in the serous carcinomas. p53 signatures and STIC were always seen in the fimbrial end. STICs were exclusively present in serous carcinomas, more common in ipsilateral tubes of cases with dominant ovarian mass. Multifocal p53 signatures with STIC were seen in 7 (21.9% cases. STIC was present with or without an invasive carcinoma in 25% and in 6.25% of cases of pelvic serous carcinomas, respectively. The junctional epithelia did not show any lesion in any group. Conclusions: SEE-FIM protocol is recommended for evaluation of sporadicpelvic (ovarian/tubal/peritoneal serous carcinoma. Based on the presence of STIC or invasive carcinoma, nearly 60% of all pelvic serous carcinomas are of fallopian tubal origin.

  10. Achalasia Carcinoma Sequence


    Makmun, Dadang


    We report a case of carcinoma of the esophagus in a 58 years old woman with achalasia, who has been diagnosed since 30 years ago, which initiated by surgical treatment (myotomy) and the symptoms recurred since 3 years ago. According to the progress of the disease, Malignancy was strongly suspected due to prolonged stasis and mucosal irritation caused by achalasia (achalasia carcinoma sequence). Because of these contributing factors for the development of serious complications such as Malignan...

  11. Papillary thyroid carcinoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Godballe, C; Asschenfeldt, P; Sørensen, J A


    The age influence on the prognosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma was analyzed in a group of 67 patients. A marked decline in cause-specific survival was found for patients older than 60 years of age at the time of diagnosis. In order to find a tumor-biological explanation of the prognostic...... invasion and distant metastases. The results indicate that 60 years of age the time of diagnosis may be the "prognostic break-point" for papillary thyroid carcinoma....

  12. Pleomorphic Lobular Carcinoma of the Breast: Clinicopathological Analysis of a Distinctive and Rare Variant of Lobular Carcinoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olfa El Amine


    Full Text Available Pleomorphic lobular carcinoma (PLC of the breast is an uncommon variant of invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC, accounting for 0.67% of all breast carcinomas and <5% of lobular carcinoma. This lesion is usually misdiagnosed as infiltrating ductal carcinoma. It has been identified as a distinct entity from classic ILC and is reported to be associated with a more aggressive clinical behavior than classic lobular carcinoma. In this report, we aim to describe radiological and pathological characteristics of PLC and to review the therapeutic management. We present a new case of PLC occurring in a 74-year-old woman, consulting for a retro-areolar mass in the right breast, measuring 3 cm in great diameter. She underwent a mastectomy. The tumor was described as PLC. Radiologically, the PLC is most commonly similar to invasive ductal carcinoma. It is described as a speculated mass on mammography or ultrasonography. However, unlike the classic variant, the tumor cells of the pleomorphic variant of ILC are larger and have abundant cytoplasm with large hyperchromatic nuclei that show prominent nucleoli. Positivity for hormone receptors and amplification of human epidermal growth factor-2/neu in PLC suggest that endocrine-related targeted therapy and trastuzumab may be valuable treatment regimens for these patients. [J Interdiscipl Histopathol 2016; 4(4.000: 104-106

  13. Cutaneous squamous and neuroendocrine carcinoma: genetically and immunohistochemically different from Merkel cell carcinoma. (United States)

    Pulitzer, Melissa P; Brannon, A Rose; Berger, Michael F; Louis, Peter; Scott, Sasinya N; Jungbluth, Achim A; Coit, Daniel G; Brownell, Isaac; Busam, Klaus J


    Cutaneous neuroendocrine (Merkel cell) carcinoma most often arises de novo in the background of a clonally integrated virus, the Merkel cell polyomavirus, and is notable for positive expression of retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) protein and low expression of p53 compared with the rare Merkel cell polyomavirus-negative Merkel cell carcinomas. Combined squamous and Merkel cell tumors are consistently negative for Merkel cell polyomavirus. Little is known about their immunophenotypic or molecular profile. Herein, we studied 10 combined cutaneous squamous cell and neuroendocrine carcinomas for immunohistochemical expression of p53, retinoblastoma 1 protein, neurofilament, p63, and cytokeratin 20 (CK20). We compared mutation profiles of five combined Merkel cell carcinomas and seven 'pure' Merkel cell carcinomas using targeted next-generation sequencing. Combined tumors were from the head, trunk, and leg of Caucasian males and one female aged 52-89. All cases were highly p53- and p63-positive and neurofilament-negative in the squamous component, whereas RB1-negative in both components. Eight out of 10 were p53-positive, 3/10 p63-positive, and 3/10 focally neurofilament-positive in the neuroendocrine component. Six out of 10 were CK20-positive in any part. By next-generation sequencing, combined tumors were highly mutated, with an average of 48 mutations per megabase compared with pure tumors, which showed 1.25 mutations per megabase. RB1 and p53 mutations were identified in all five combined tumors. Combined tumors represent an immunophenotypically and genetically distinct variant of primary cutaneous neuroendocrine carcinomas, notable for a highly mutated genetic profile, significant p53 expression and/or mutation, absent RB1 expression in the context of increased RB1 mutation, and minimal neurofilament expression.

  14. Breast carcinoma: a conservative treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campelo Gentil, F. de.


    Some factors inherent to classic therapeutic for breast carcinoma are analysed: immunology and immunotherapy; post-operative radiotherapy; multicentricity and chimiotherapy; surgery. A therapeutic schedule based on this analysis is proposed for the initial breast carcinoma. (M.A.) [pt

  15. Spontaneous regression of metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Hassan, S J


    Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare aggressive neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin predominantly affecting elderly Caucasians. It has a high rate of local recurrence and regional lymph node metastases. It is associated with a poor prognosis. Complete spontaneous regression of Merkel cell carcinoma has been reported but is a poorly understood phenomenon. Here we present a case of complete spontaneous regression of metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma demonstrating a markedly different pattern of events from those previously published.

  16. Renal Cell Carcinoma Metastatic to Thyroid Gland, Presenting Like Anaplastic Carcinoma of Thyroid

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khalid Riaz


    Full Text Available Background. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC has unpredictable and diverse behavior. The classic triad of hematuria, loin pain, and abdominal mass is uncommon. At time of diagnosis, 25%–30% of patients are found to have metastases. Bones, lungs, liver, and brain are the frequent sites of metastases. RCC with metastasis to the head and neck region and thyroid gland is the rarest manifestation and anaplastic carcinoma behaving metastatic thyroid mass is an extremely rare presentation of RCC. Case Presentation. A 56-year-old Saudi man with past history of right radical nephrectomy 5 years back presented with 3 months history of rapid increasing neck mass with dysphagia, presenting like anaplastic thyroid carcinoma. Tru-cut biopsy turned out to be metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Patient was treated with radiation therapy 30 Gy in 10 fractions to mass. Patient died 4 months after the discovery of anaplastic thyroid looking metastasis. Conclusion. Rapidly progressing thyroid metastases secondary to RCC are rare and found often unresectable which are not amenable to surgery. Palliative radiotherapy can be considered for such patients.

  17. Maspin and MCM2 immunoprofiling in salivary gland carcinomas

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    Helmy Iman M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The pathogenesis of salivary gland carcinomas is very complex and prognostic markers are difficult to find in these carcinomas of which the different subtypes have varying malignant potential. The study was conducted to examine the cellular distribution of maspin and MCM2 in salivary gland carcinomas and their value to predict lymph node metastasis. Materials and methods Fifty three paraffin blocks of different lesions (15 muco-epidermoid carcinoma, 14 adenoid cystic carcinoma, 3 epi-myoepithelial carcinoma, 5 salivary duct carcinoma, 5 malignant pleomorphic adenoma, 6 polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma and 5 acinic cell carcinoma were prepared for immunohistochemical staining with maspin and MCM2 antibodies. ANOVA and Pearson correlation tests were used for the statistical analysis of the results. Results All salivary gland carcinomas express maspin and MCM2 with variable cellular localization. There was a significant difference in the expression of each antibody between mucoepidermoid carcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma and polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma. No association was found between examined markers and lymph node metastasis. Conclusions Salivary gland carcinomas express maspin and MCM2 with variable levels and cellular localization, consisting important markers of biological behavior in these tumors. The level of MCM2 expression can be used in the differential diagnosis of adenoid cystic carcinoma and polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma. Further study with large sample size is recommended to assess their value in prediction of lymph node metastasis.

  18. Sarcomatoid carcinoma associated with small cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder: a series of 28 cases. (United States)

    Urrea, Yuly Ramirez; Epstein, Jonathan I


    The association of sarcomatoid carcinoma (SC) with small cell carcinoma (SCC) has not been systematically studied. We identified 39 consult cases between 2001 and 2016 with available slides for review in 28 cases. There were 19 men and 9 women (mean age: 78 years [51-89]). In 26 (92.8%) cases, the sarcomatoid component had nonspecific malignant spindle cells, 4 (14%) chondrosarcoma, 2 (7%) myxoid sarcomatous, 1 (3.5%) osteosarcoma, and 1 (3.5%) rhabdomyosarcoma. The predominant component was SCC in 11 (39%) cases, urothelial carcinoma in 6 (21%), sarcomatoid in 3 (10%), and equal sarcomatoid and SCC in 8 (29%). There were 3 morphological groups: group 1 (18/28 [64%]) showed a gradual transition from SCC to other components; group 2 (5/28 [18%]) had an abrupt transition from SCC to other components; and in group 3 (5/28 [18%]), the SCC was separate from other components. In group 1, 12 (66%) cases of SCC showed a gradual transition to sarcomatoid areas; 3 (17%) to urothelial carcinoma; and 3 (17%) to multiple components including squamous cell carcinoma, urothelial carcinoma, and sarcomatoid. Mortality did not differ based on pathological groups. The 36-month actuarial risk of death was 64.3%. The multitude of different components in these tumors is further evidence of the remarkable ability of carcinoma of the bladder to show divergent differentiation with, in some cases, gradual transition between SCC and other elements including sarcomatoid. Greater recognition of this entity with chemotherapy targeted to the various histological elements may have important therapeutic implications. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Photodynamic therapy for basal cell carcinoma. (United States)

    Fargnoli, Maria Concetta; Peris, Ketty


    Topical photodynamic therapy is an effective and safe noninvasive treatment for low-risk basal cell carcinoma, with the advantage of an excellent cosmetic outcome. Efficacy of photodynamic therapy in basal cell carcinoma is supported by substantial research and clinical trials. In this article, we review the procedure, indications and clinical evidences for the use of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma.

  20. Primary carcinoma of the duodenum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steidle, B.; Huetter, B.; Ziegler, F.


    Primary carcinoma of the duodenum represents about 0.35% of all gastrointestinal carcinomas and is thus a rare disease. The radiological diagnosis of a duodenal origin is made more difficult by the close proximity of the pancreas, biliary system, right kidney and transverse colon. Histologically, duodenal malignant tumours are usually adenocarcinomas. Between 1973 and 1983, eight patients with primary duodenal carcinomas were diagnosed at the University of Tuebingen. Average age of the patients was 67 years. There was no sex difference. Average survival was 3.3 years. (orig.) [de

  1. Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (United States)

    NBCC syndrome; Gorlin-Goltz syndrome; Basal cell nevus syndrome; BCNS; Basal cell cancer - nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome ... Nevoid basal cell carcinoma nevus syndrome is a rare genetic ... syndrome is known as PTCH ("patched"). The gene is passed down ...

  2. Circumscribed breast carcinoma: Mammographic and sonographic findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chung, Soo Young; Lee, Yul; Park, Ki Soon; Lee, Ke Sook [College of Medicine, Hallym University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Circumscribe breast cancer is a well demarcated mass with or without a lobulated border simulating a benign tumor like fibroadenoma on mammography or breast US and is reported as approximate 10% of the incidence among primary breast carcinoma(1.2). Pathologically medullary, colloid, papillary, intraductal and rarely invasive ductal carcinomas are included in this group which show the less intense desmoplastic reaction than the scirrhous type cancer, resulting in the most favorable prognosis of all carcinoma of the breast. Among 214 primary breast carcinoma during the past 8 years, we experienced 6 case of pathologically proven circumscribed breast cancer(2 cases of medullary carcinoma, 1 of colloid carcinoma, 1 of intracystic papillary carcinoma, 2 of comedo type intraductal carcinoma). Clinically 2 cases showed bloody nipple discharge from one hole of a unilateral nipple orifice. Mammography showed a well circumscribed nodule with or without partial lobular contour and no pathologic calcification. Breast sonographic findings were a well defined heterogeneous hypoechoic nodule with weak posterior acoustic enhancement. Characteristically a thin dilated lactiferous duct between the mass and the nipple on US could be detected in 2 cases which clinically was accompanied by bloody nipple discharge. Although the mammographic criteria is promising as benign tumor, the possibility of circumscribed as benign tumor, the possibility of circumscribed breast carcinoma must be considered in heterogeneous hypoechoic nodule with weak posterior acoustic enhancement in US, especially in the presence of a dilated lactiferous duct between the mass and the nipple with bloody nipple discharge.

  3. Collision tumours, squamous cell carcinoma of larynx, papillary thyroid carcinoma, metastatic lymphatic node. Clinical Presentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Villalba, V; Gomez, R; Yoffe, I.; Liu, T.; Arias, J.; Quiroz, J.; Gonzalez, M; Ayala, E.


    Male patient with 35 years old, merchant from Capiata, no history of smoking or alcoholism, with 2 months history of bilateral neck nodes, sore throat, weight loss of 8 kg., dysphonia, progressive dyspne a on medium efforts dyspne a at rest so you see the urgency of the Hospital de Clinicas. On examination: lucid, collaborator, normosomico, with dysphonia, stri dor and dyspne a. P S: 2. No hemodynamic or fever. Neck: tumor mass of 6 cm in diameter, infrahiodea right, accompanying the movement of swallowing, bilateral jugular carotid lymphadenopathy high of 2 cm in diameter, solid-elastic smooth, mobile; lymphadenopathy average lower right carotid and jugular similar characteristics. Laryngoscopy smooth, submucosal, nodular lesion on right vocal cord, paralytic in middle position; aritenoides edematous law, glottal gap of 10%. Mobile left vocal cord. Remainder of the examination: Normal. Emergency tracheotomy performed. Biopsy of the lesion: invasive carcinoma, without other specifications. Laboratory tests: Hb: 11gr% eosinophilia. ECG, Rx. Chest and abdominal ultrasound: within normal limits. CT: tumor mass of 4.5 cm in diameter in right vocal cord, which is in middle position, and infiltrates the thyroid cartilage soft tissue. In thyroid lobe right: node 5 cm diameter. Cervical lymphadenopathy 2 cm in diameter in bilateral high carotid jugular region, medium and low carotid jugular right. 2/9/09 Surgery: Tumor infiltrating infrahiodea right muscles, jugular Total laryngectomy with bilateral carotid dissection, level 2,3 and 4. Right Thyroid lobectomy. Infrahiodea muscle resection. Pathology: 1-larynx neoplasms consist collision, poorly differentiated right infraglotis (3.2 cm.) Keratinizing squamous carcinoma infiltrating focally in depth the laryngeal cartilage through it, and a papillary carcinoma right thyroid lobe (3.4 cm.) massively infiltrating peritiroideo fibroadipose and skeletal muscle tissue infiltrating through the laryngeal cartilage and extending to

  4. Carcinoma thyroid in multi and uni nodular goiter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iqbal, M.; Mehmood, Z.; Rasul, S.; Inamullah, S.; Sagheer, H.; Bokhari, I.


    To determine the frequency and profile of carcinoma in multi-nodular goiter and solitary thyroid nodule. Study Design: Case series. Place and Duration of Study: Surgical Unit-I, Ward-3 of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi, from January 1999 to January 2009. Methodology: Cases with solitary thyroid nodules and multi-nodular goiter were included. Patients under 12 years of age, cystic benign lesion in solitary thyroid nodules or those multi-nodular goiters which were not causing pressure symptoms, cosmetic problems or sign of malignancy were excluded. In solitary thyroid nodule, hemithyroidectomy was done and if histopathology examination revealed carcinoma thyroid then completion thyroidectomy was done. In multi-nodular goiter sub-total thyroidectomy done. Results were described as frequency percentages and mean. Results: Out of 397 patients of multi-nodular goiter only one patient was found to be papillary carcinoma (0.25%). In 220 patients of solitary thyroid nodules, 93 patients were diagnosed as carcinoma of thyroid (42.27%). Others diagnosed in solitary thyroid nodule were thyroid adenoma, colloid goiter, thyroiditis and multi-nodular goiter. The frequency of papillary carcinoma in 65.95% occurring females of 12-30 years of age and being multifocal in 6.45%, follicular carcinoma in 23.40%, medullary carcinoma in 7.44%, anaplastic carcinoma in 2.12% and lymphoma in 1.01%. Female were predominantly involved and papillary carcinoma was common in 12-30 years of age (71.63%) and follicular was common in 30-40 years of age (68.18%). 6.45% of papillary carcinoma was found to be multifocal in nature. Conclusion: Frequency of carcinoma of thyroid is very high in solitary thyroid nodule (42.27%), but markedly low in multi nodular goiter. Papillary carcinoma is the most common variety, most of in younger female. (author)

  5. Factores pronósticos y predictivos de respuesta en pacientes con carcinoma de vejiga localmente avanzado tratados con quimioterapia neoadyuvante


    Céliz, Pamela


    La cistectomía radical es el tratamiento de elección en pacientes con carcinoma de vejiga localmente avanzado. Sin embargo, más del 50% de los pacientes presentan recurrencias y fallecen por la enfermedad. La quimioterapia neoadyuvante ha demostrado un beneficio modesto en estos pacientes, más significativo en pacientes con respuesta patológica completa tras el tratamiento. Sin embargo, aun no se ha identificado en que pacientes se obtiene un mayor beneficio. El análisis de genes que particip...

  6. Sclerodermiform basal cell carcinoma: how much can we rely on dermatoscopy to differentiate from non-aggressive basal cell carcinomas? Analysis of 1256 cases. (United States)

    Husein-ElAhmed, Husein


    The behaviour of each basal cell carcinoma is known to be different according to the histological growth pattern. Among these aggressive lesions, sclerodermiform basal cell carcinomas are the most common type. This is a challenging-to-treat lesion due to its deep tissue invasion, rapid growth, risk of metastasis and overall poor prognosis if not diagnosed in early stages. To investigate if sclerodermiform basal cell carcinomas are diagnosed later compared to non-sclerodermiform basal cell carcinoma Method: All lesions excised from 2000 to 2010 were included. A pathologist classified the lesions in two cohorts: one with specimens of non-aggressive basal cell carcinoma (superficial, nodular and pigmented), and other with sclerodermiform basal cell carcinoma. For each lesion, we collected patient's information from digital medical records regarding: gender, age when first attending the clinic and the tumor location. 1256 lesions were included, out of which 296 (23.6%) corresponded to sclerodermiform basal cell carcinoma, whereas 960 (76.4%) were non-aggressive subtypes of basal cell carcinoma. The age of diagnosis was: 72.78±12.31 years for sclerodermiform basal cell and 69.26±13.87 years for non-aggressive basal cell carcinoma (Pbasal cell carcinomas are diagnosed on average 3.52 years later than non-aggressive basal cell carcinomas. Sclerodermiform basal cell carcinomas were diagnosed 3.40 years and 2.34 years later than non-aggressive basal cell carcinomas in younger and older patients respectively (P=.002 and P=.03, respectively). retrospective design. The diagnostic accuracy and primary clinic conjecture of sclerodermiform basal cell carcinomas is quite low compared to other forms of basal cell carcinoma such as nodular, superficial and pigmented. The dermoscopic vascular patterns, which is the basis for the diagnosis of non-melanocytic nonpigmented skin tumors, may not be particularly useful in identifying sclerodermiform basal cell carcinomas in early stages

  7. Minimally Invasive Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma in Pediatric Age

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Romero, Alfredo; Diaz, Julio; Messa Oscar; Chinchilla, Sandra; Gomez, Constanza; Restrepo, Ligia


    Thyroid carcinomas are rare during childhood and adolescence. They have increased recently probably due to a higher frequency radiation over the head, neck and mediastinum. The papillary carcinoma is the most common and true follicular carcinoma is far less common. Follicular thyroid carcinoma is associated with endemic goiter, genetic disorders, and increased TSH levels. Its morphological characteristics are peculiar and have been recently redefined, thus helping the diagnosis. A minimally invasive follicular thyroid carcinoma in 13 years old girl is described, presenting a hypocaptant thyroid nodule in the left lobe lower pole. The fine needle aspiration biopsy revealed a follicular cell lesion suspicious of malignancy. Thyroid lobectomy was performed reporting minimally invasive follicular carcinoma.

  8. Las 47 preguntas sobre el virus del papiloma humano, VPH

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena de la Fuente Díez


    Full Text Available La prevención del cáncer de cuello uterino ha evolucionado rápidamente a consecuencia de la identificación de su causa, el Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH. La asociación VPH/Cáncer de Cuello Uterino, es aplicable tanto al carcinoma escamocelular como al adenocarcinoma. Dos de los tipos oncogénicos, los VPHs 16 y 18, son responsables del 70% de los casos de cáncer de cuello uterino a nivel mundial. El VPH es muy prevalente entre personas sexualmente activas, y se puede identificar fácilmente mediante el uso de tecnologías capaces de detectar ADN y otros biomarcadores del VPH. El ADN y los biomarcadores se pueden detectar en todas las fases de la historia natural de la infección y del proceso neoplásico. Dicha trazabilidad unida a la validación clínica de las tecnologías de identificación, han permitido mejorar los protocolos de cribado del cáncer cervical. La proteína principal del virión, ya expresada, produce inmunógenos capaces de inducir fuertes respuestas inmunitarias cuando se administran vía intramuscular, y ésta es la base de la Vacuna frente a VPH.The UCC (Uterine Cervical Cancer prevention has suffered a great evolution because of the knowing of its cause, wich is the HPV (Human Papillomavirus. The association HPV / UCC is available also to Scamocellular Carcinome to Adenocarcinome. Mundially, the oncogenic types, 16 and 18, are responssible of 70% of cases of UCC. HPV is very prevalent in sexually active people, and it’s easy identify by using DNA amplyfiyng technologies and other biomarkers. These ones can be detected in hole virus natural life, including the neoplasic process. The tazability and the clinic validation of this technologies, have improved to get a better screening of the UCC. The main HPV protein, is able to produce a strong inmunitary response, when it’s given by intramuscular punctury; and this is the explanation of the HPC vaccine.

  9. ¿Aporta mayor información la medición del volumen y la vascularización endometrial con la ecografía 3D que con la 2D para el diagnóstico de patología maligna en pacientes con sangrado postmenopausico?


    Aranda Fortea, Mireia


    El carcinoma de endometrio (CE) es el tumor maligno del aparato reproductor femenino más habitual en el mundo occidental y el cuarto cáncer más frecuente en mujeres, después del de mama, el de pulmón y el colorrectal. La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer estima que la incidencia de CE es de 2.5 veces superior a la del cáncer de cuello uterino, y aun así, no existen programas de screening para detectar el CE. Aproximadamente el 80% de los nuevos CE diagnosticados en el mundo occidental son de ...

  10. La superaci??n del modelo del ??ngel del hogar:


    Hurtado Mu??oz, M??nica


    La Tesis Doctoral titulada "La superaci??n del modelo del "??ngel del hogar". Recuperaci??n de la escritora Leonor Canalejas y Fustegueras (1869-1945)" aborda, en primer lugar, un an??lisis sociol??gico de las circunstancias que rodearon a la mujer espa??ola en el cambio de siglo en el ??mbito social y educativo, en un intento de esclarecer las caracter??sticas propias del contexto en el que la mujer accede a la intelectualidad en general y a la literatura en particular. Esta parte concluye q...

  11. Lobular Carcinoma of the Breast whith an Unusual Metastasis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Songül Peltek Özer


    Full Text Available Invasive lobular carcinoma is the second most common type of invasive breast cancer accounting for approximately 5-10% of all invasive breast carcinomas. The metastatic patterns of lobular and ductal carcinomas are significantly different. Most series report a greater propensity for lobular carcinoma to metastasize to the gastrointestinal tract, gynecological organs and the peritoneum, while ductal carcinoma most frequently relapses in the liver, lungs and the brain. Gastrointestinal system metastases were observed in 6-18%, the most commonly affected organ is the stomach. We aimed to present a female patient who had been diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast ten years ago and had invasive ductal carcinoma of the other breast three years ago, investigated for excessive ascites and found to have invasive lobular breast carcinoma metastasis to the stomach.

  12. Human papillomavirus genotypes in invasive cervical squamous cell carcinoma in Trinidad Genotipos de virus de los papilomas humanos en carcinoma cervicouterino escamocelular invasor en Trinidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felicia Hosein


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To determine the relative contribution of known high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV genotypes to the occurrence of cervical cancers in Trinidad. METHODS: The distribution of HPV genotypes in cases of invasive cervical squamous cell carcinoma in Trinidad was investigated. This study was a follow-up to an investigation of HPV genotypes in 310 nonsymptomatic women in Trinidad. The latter study showed that cervical HPV prevalence and heterogeneity of genotypes were high in the study population; notably, the genotypes targeted by the available HPV prophylactic vaccines were not the most common types. RESULTS: The current study of 85 cases of invasive cervical squamous cell carcinomas demonstrated that the previously observed heterogeneity in HPV genotype distribution is lost in cases of invasive cervical cancer, with the vaccine-targeted HPV types HPV 16 and HPV 18 becoming the most prevalent. CONCLUSIONS: HPV 16 and HPV 18 were the primary HPV genotypes associated with cases of invasive squamous cell carcinoma in the current Trinidad study. This strong association leads us to conclude that the HPV vaccines targeting HPV 16 and HPV 18 may contribute to reducing the cervical cancer burden in Trinidad.OBJETIVO: Determinar la contribución relativa de los diferentes genotipos de virus de los papilomas humanos (VPH conocidos como de alto riesgo para la aparición de cáncer cervicouterino en Trinidad. MÉTODOS: Se investigó la distribución de los genotipos de VPH en casos de carcinoma cervicouterino escamocelular invasor en Trinidad. Este estudio fue la continuación de una investigación de los genotipos de VPH presentes en 310 mujeres asintomáticas en Trinidad. Este último estudio reveló altas prevalencia de VPH en el cuello uterino y heterogeneidad de los genotipos en la población del estudio; cabe destacar que los genotipos a los que se dirigen las vacunas preventivas de la infección por VPH disponibles no fueron los tipos m

  13. Cervical carcinoma vs endometrial carcinoma, involving both corpus and cervix : comparison of growing pattern with MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Byung Keuk; Lee, Jin Hee; Kim, Hong; Suh, Soo Ji; Kim, Jung Sik


    To evaluate the growth pattern depicted by MR imaging and used to differentiate between uterine cervical and endometrial carcinoma where the mass involves both the uterine corpus and cervix. The tumor growth pattern observed on MR images obtained between November 1989 and January in 1999 in 37 of 784 cervical carcinomas and 9 of 47 endometrial carcinomas in which the tumor involved both the uterine corpus and cervix was analysed. The histologic type was squamous (n=29), adenocarcinomatous (n=6) or adenosquamous (n=2) in cervical carcinoma, and carcinomatous (n=8) or adenosquamous (n=1) in endometrial carcinoma. A 1.5-T (Magnetom Vision, Siemens, Germany) and a 2.0-T unit (Spectro-20000, Goldstar, Korea) were used to obtain T1-and T2-weighted axial, T2-weighted sagittal and Gd-enhanced images. Tumor involvement of the uterine cervix was classified as Cp-n, Cp-x, or Cp-b according to involvement of the endocervix, exocervix or both. Tumors of the uterine corpus were classified as involving the mucosa(U-mu), myometrium(U-my) or serosa(U-se). In 37 cases of cervical carcinoma, all three involving the endocervix(Cp-n) invaded the endometrium(U-mu), three involving both the endo- and exocervix(Cp-b) invaded the endometrium(U-mu, 1 case), myometrium(U-my, 1 case), or serosa(U-se, 1 case), and 31 involving the full-thickness of the uterine cervix(Ct) invaded the endometrium (U-mu, 6 cases) or serosa(U-se, 25 cases). In nine cases of endometrial carcinoma, three involving the endometrium(U-mu) and five involving the myometrium(U-my) invaded the endocervix(Cp-n), and one involving the serosa(U-se) invaded the full-thickness of the uterine cervix(Ct). Cervical carcinoma tended to involve the entire cervix and the full thickness of the uterine corpus, but endometrial carcinoma tended to involve the endometrium or myometrium of the uterine corpus and endocervix

  14. Microinvasive lobular carcinoma arising in a fibroadenoma. (United States)

    Hayes, Brian D; Quinn, Cecily M


    A 51-year-old woman had a 35 mm circumscribed calcified lesion identified on screening mammography, designated R4. Excision showed a fibroadenoma with multiple foci of lobular neoplasia (atypical lobular hyperplasia and classical lobular carcinoma in situ [LCIS]). A focus of microinvasive lobular carcinoma (MILC) was also present, confirmed on immunohistochemistry. The MILC cells were ER positive, Her-2-negative, and e-cadherin negative. Microinvasive carcinoma, defined as "invasive carcinoma with no focus measuring >1 mm" (TNM UICC 7th edition) is usually encountered in ductal carcinoma in situ but may occur with classical, florid, or pleomorphic LCIS. In one series MILC constituted 0.4% of all invasive lobular carcinomas and was present in 0.4% of all LCIS. MILC is a histologically subtle lesion, the identification of which lends further weight to the concept of lobular neoplasia as a precursor lesion. MILC has been observed in hamartoma but, to our knowledge, has not previously been reported in fibroadenoma.

  15. Primary Fallopian Tube Carcinoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prasad K Shetty


    Full Text Available Primary Fallopian Tube Carcinoma (PFTC is rare and accounts for about 0.3% of all gynecologic cancers. Less than 1500 cases have been reported in the literature. It arises in postmenopausal women and typically presents with abdominal pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding and watery discharge. However, a correct diagnosis is rarely achieved preoperative, and in many cases, the diagnosis is made after incidental surgery for unrelated conditions commonly being ovarian carcinoma . Compared with ovarian carcinoma, PFTC more often presents at early stages, but it has a worse prognosis. PFTC is usually managed in the same manner as ovarian cancer. We report a case of Left PFTC that presented as Left ovarian mass, and we briefly review the literature.

  16. Clinicopathologic study of serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma with invasive carcinoma: is serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma a reliable feature for determining the organ of origin? (United States)

    Gao, Faye F; Bhargava, Rohit; Yang, Huaitao; Li, Zaibo; Zhao, Chengquan


    In the past several decades, the concept of serous ovarian carcinoma has been revised repeatedly. However, the exact pathogenesis remains controversial. The most popular current concept is origin from the epithelium of the fimbriated ends of the fallopian tubes. The objective of our study was to evaluate the characteristic clinical and morphologic features of serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC) and associated invasive carcinomas. One hundred sixteen consecutive cases of STIC seen from 2007 to 2011 were included in this study. High-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) with or without a mixed component was identified in 107 cases (92.2%), non-HGSC in 5 cases, and STICs without invasive carcinoma in 4 cases. Using conventional criteria, HGSCs were classified as fallopian tube in origin in 65 cases (60.7%), as ovarian in 30 (28.0%), as peritoneal in 9 (8.4%), and as endometrial in 3 (2.8%). Among the 107 cases with HGSCs, most STICs (86; 80%) were present unilaterally, whereas invasive tumors more commonly involved the ovaries bilaterally (79%; 84 cases). These findings support the hypothesis that STIC acts as a precursor lesion for most fallopian tube, ovarian, and peritoneal HGSCs, but not for endometrial HGSC. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Laparoscopic colectomy for transverse colon carcinoma. (United States)

    Zmora, O; Bar-Dayan, A; Khaikin, M; Lebeydev, A; Shabtai, M; Ayalon, A; Rosin, D


    Laparoscopic resection of transverse colon carcinoma is technically demanding and was excluded from most of the large trials of laparoscopic colectomy. The aim of this study was to assess the safety, feasibility, and outcome of laparoscopic resection of carcinoma of the transverse colon. A retrospective review was performed to identify patients who underwent laparoscopic resection of transverse colon carcinoma. These patients were compared to patients who had laparoscopic resection for right and sigmoid colon carcinoma. In addition, they were compared to a historical series of patients who underwent open resection for transverse colon cancer. A total of 22 patients underwent laparoscopic resection for transverse colon carcinoma. Sixty-eight patients operated for right colon cancer and 64 operated for sigmoid colon cancer served as comparison groups. Twenty-four patients were identified for the historical open group. Intraoperative complications occurred in 4.5% of patients with transverse colon cancer compared to 5.9% (P = 1.0) and 7.8% (P = 1.0) of patients with right and sigmoid colon cancer, respectively. The early postoperative complication rate was 45, 50 (P = 1.0), and 37.5% (P = 0.22) in the three groups, respectively. Conversion was required in 1 (5%) patient in the laparoscopic transverse colon group. The conversion rate and late complications were not significantly different in the three groups. There was no significant difference in the number of lymph nodes harvested in the laparoscopic and open groups. Operative time was significantly longer in the laparoscopic transverse colectomy group when compared to all other groups (P = 0.001, 0.008, and transverse colectomy, respectively). The results of laparoscopic colon resection for transverse colon carcinoma are comparable to the results of laparoscopic resection of right or sigmoid colon cancer and open resection of transverse colon carcinoma. These results suggest that laparoscopic resection of transverse

  18. Viral hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Juei-Low, Sung [ed.; National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei (Republic of China Taiwan). Department of Internal Medicine; Ding-Shinn, Chen [ed.; National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei (Republic of China Taiwan). Hepatitis Research Center National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei (Republic of China Taiwan). Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine


    Two papers in this volume are in INIS scope, respectively dealing with MRI in the study of viral hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma, and The use of {sup 131}I-labeled Lipidol in the diagnosis of hepato-cellular carcinoma. (H.W.). refs.; figs.; tabs.

  19. Viral hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sung Juei-Low; Chen Ding-Shinn


    Two papers in this volume are in INIS scope, respectively dealing with MRI in the study of viral hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma, and The use of 131 I-labeled Lipidol in the diagnosis of hepato-cellular carcinoma. (H.W.). refs.; figs.; tabs

  20. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of lung masquerading as urothelial carcinoma of bladder (United States)

    Graham, Donna M.; O’Connor, Kate M.; Hinchion, John; Coate, Linda E.; Burke, Louise; Power, Derek G.


    Background Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) of the lung is a rare subtype of non-small cell lung cancer. There is no consensus regarding optimal management for this disease. Case report We present a case of MEC of the lung in a 75 year-old female with a history of superficial urothelial carcinoma of the bladder. The patient was found to have an asymptomatic lung mass. Initial biopsy suggested metastatic recurrence of urothelial carcinoma and therefore, cisplatin and gemcitabine chemotherapy was administered prior to surgical resection. Pathological analysis of the resected specimen confirmed a diagnosis of stage IIIA MEC with focal high-grade features including transitional cell-like areas. Adjuvant radiotherapy was administered due to a positive microscopic resection margin. No chemotherapy was given due to lack of supporting data. The patient developed widespread metastatic disease 3 months following completion of radiotherapy and died 1 month later. Conclusion This case demonstrates the possibility of dual pathology in cases where metastatic disease is suspected. The use of small tissue samples may complicate diagnosis due to the heterogeneity of malignant tumours. PMID:24936321

  1. Thyroid carcinoma in Graves' disease: A meta-analysis. (United States)

    Staniforth, Joy U L; Erdirimanne, Senarath; Eslick, Guy D


    The incidence of thyroid carcinoma is increasing worldwide. Graves' disease is the most common hyperthyroid disease. Studies have suggested an increased risk of thyroid malignancy in Graves' disease: there has not yet been a meta-analysis to allow quantitative comparison. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk of thyroid carcinoma in Graves' disease, and to gather information on the histological subtypes of carcinoma and the co-existence of thyroid nodules. Several databases and article reference lists were searched. Inclusion criteria included appropriate diagnostic criteria for thyroid conditions and a diagnoses of carcinoma based on histology. 33 studies were selected, all reporting on surgically-resected specimens. The event rate of thyroid carcinoma in Graves' disease was 0.07 (95% CI 0.04 to 0.12). There was no data to allow comparison with patients without hyperthyroid diseases. There was no increase in the odds of developing carcinoma in Graves' disease compared to toxic multinodular goitre and toxic uninodular goitre. 88% of thyroid carcinomas in Graves' disease were papillary, with solitary papillary micro-carcinoma (diameter 10 mm or less) comprising 23% of all detected thyroid carcinomas. Patients with Graves' disease and co-existing thyroid nodules were almost 5 times more likely to be diagnosed with thyroid carcinoma than those without nodules. Thyroid malignancy in Graves' disease requiring surgical treatment should be considered as likely as in other hyperthyroid diseases needing surgical treatment. Clinicians should consider screening selected patients with Graves' disease for nodules whilst being aware of potentially over-diagnosing papillary micro-carcinoma. Crown Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Citotoxicidad de extractos de plantas medicinales sobre la línea celular de carcinoma de pulmón humano A549

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexis Díaz García


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: evaluar el efecto de 10 extractos de plantas medicinales sobre el crecimiento de la línea celular humana de carcinoma de pulmón A549. METODOS: el efecto de los extractos sobre la células tumorales se midió a través de un ensayo colorimétrico mediante el empleo del bromuro de 3-(4,5-dimetil-tiazol-2-yl-2,5-difenil tetrazolio a concentraciones entre 3,9-250 µg/mL durante 72 h y se calculó la concentración citotóxica media para cada uno. RESULTADOS: del total de los extractos evaluados solo cuatro (Parthenium hysterophorus, Bixa orellana, Momordica charantia y Cucurbita maxima evidenciaron concentraciones citotóxicas medias inferiores a 100 µg/mL. Excepto Parthenium hysterophorus, las restantes se emplean en la medicina tradicional para el tratamiento del cáncer. Los extractos de Cecropia peltata, Melia azedarach, Annona glabra, Artemisia absintium, Lepidium virginicum y Bidens pilosa no mostraron efectos citotóxicos significativos. CONCLUSIONES: Los extractos de plantas que se emplean en la medicina tradicional para el tratamiento del cáncer, mostraron citotoxicidad sobre las células tumorales. El conocimiento etnobotánico representa una herramienta importante en la selección de plantas medicinales, en la búsqueda de nuevos compuestos para el tratamiento del cáncer.

  3. Ionising rays and laryngeal carcinomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, G.; Glanz, H.; Kleinsasser, O.


    Review of the literature and report of a new case of laryngeal cancer after irradiation of a benign lesion of the neck. These cases obviously become rare since benign lesions are no longer irradiated. Today the risk of inducing a second carcinoma by a successful irradiation of the first tumor becomes more important. A study of 109 patients, irradiated for laryngeal carcinoma and surviving with no evidence of disease for a period of at least 5 years has been performed. 8 of these patients developed a second primary in the previously irradiated area after 7-15 years. These second carcinomas are not rare if one considers that most patients with laryngeal carcinoma are 60-70 years old and therefore the life expectance on an average is low. These facts should be taken into consideration when deciding between surgical or radiation therapy in younger patients with high life expectance. (orig.) [de

  4. Ultrasonography findings of gastric carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Chong Ku; Choi, Ji Bai; Ko, Young Tae; Lim, Jae Hoon; Kim, Soon Young


    Stomach carcinoma is more common disease in Korea than western countries. The reported ultrasonographic findings of gastric carcinoma were thickening of gastric wall and 'pseudokidney' sign. The author analyzed ultrasonographic findings of 101 cases with gastric carcinoma who were performed ultrasonography and gastroscopy at Kyung Hee University Hospital from October 1982 to October 1985. The results were as followings; 1. Types of gastric carcinoma were consisted with infiltrative type 68 cases, infiltrative type with ulceration 16 cases, polypoid type with ulceration 1 case, infiltrative adn polypoid type 4 cases, limits plastica type 3 cases, ulcerative type 1 case and polypoid type 1 case. 2. Extent of the lesions were in body and antrum 45 cases, entire stomach 18 cases, antrum 18 cases, body 12 cases, body and fundus 6 cases. 3. Ultrasonography was useful in demonstrating the extent of the tumor and the presence of materials elsewhere in abdomen

  5. Ultrasonography findings of gastric carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chung, Chong Ku; Choi, Ji Bai; Ko, Young Tae; Lim, Jae Hoon; Kim, Soon Young [Kyung Hee University Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Stomach carcinoma is more common disease in Korea than western countries. The reported ultrasonographic findings of gastric carcinoma were thickening of gastric wall and 'pseudokidney' sign. The author analyzed ultrasonographic findings of 101 cases with gastric carcinoma who were performed ultrasonography and gastroscopy at Kyung Hee University Hospital from October 1982 to October 1985. The results were as followings; 1. Types of gastric carcinoma were consisted with infiltrative type 68 cases, infiltrative type with ulceration 16 cases, polypoid type with ulceration 1 case, infiltrative adn polypoid type 4 cases, limits plastica type 3 cases, ulcerative type 1 case and polypoid type 1 case. 2. Extent of the lesions were in body and antrum 45 cases, entire stomach 18 cases, antrum 18 cases, body 12 cases, body and fundus 6 cases. 3. Ultrasonography was useful in demonstrating the extent of the tumor and the presence of materials elsewhere in abdomen.

  6. Squamous cell carcinoma arising in an odontogenic cyst

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Jae Jung; Hwang, Eui Hwan; Lee, Sang Rae; Choi, Jeong Hee


    Squamous cell carcinoma arising in an odontogenic cyst is uncommon. The diagnosis of carcinoma arising in a cyst requires that there must be an area of microscopic transition from the benign epithelial cyst lining to the invasive squamous cell carcinoma. We report a histopathologically proven case of squamous cell carcinoma arising in a residual mandibular cyst in a 54-year-old woman.

  7. Radiation-associated thyroid carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Razack, M.S.; Sako, K.; Shimaoka, K.; Getaz, E.P.; Rao, U.; Parthasarathy, K.L.


    Since February, 1977, 735 patients having a history of receiving radiation therapy for benign conditions of the head and neck areas during infancy and childhood were examined in a thyroid screening program, and 159 patients were found to have palpable thyroid nodules. These patients had thyroid function tests and indirect laryngoscopy and were followed closely on suppression therapy consisting of either Cytomel or thyroid extract. Thyroidectomy was advised in those in whom the nodules persisted or increased in size. This study documents the incidence of carcinoma and other benign pathological changes and postoperative complications in this group of patients. So far, 49 patients had either a lobectomy with isthmusectomy or a total thyroidectomy. Eleven patients were found to have carcinoma (six had papillary, fou had mixed papillary and follicular, and one had follicular carcinoma). Three patients had a therapeutic modified neck dissection following the documentaion of microscopic involvement of paratracheal lymph nodes. A high incidence of chronic nonspecific thyroiditis, postradiation fibrosis, and follicular adenomas were also found in these patients. Three patients had temporary hypocalcemia (two weeks) and none had wound infection, hematoma, or postoperative nerve palsy. Of patients who had surgical resection, 22.4% showed thyroid carcinoma

  8. Radiation-associated thyroid carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Razack, M.S.; Sako, K.; Shimaoka, K.; Getaz, E.P.; Rao, U.; Parthasarathy, K.L.


    Since February 1977, 735 patients having a history of receiving radiation therapy for benign conditions of the head and neck areas during infancy and childhood were examined in a thyroid screening program, and 159 patients were found to have palpable thyroid nodules. These patients had thyroid function tests and indirect laryngoscopy and were followed closely on suppression therapy consisting of either Cytomel or thyroid extract. Thyroidectomy was advised in those in whom the nodules persisted or increased in size. This study documents the incidence of carcinoma and other benign pathological changes and postoperative complications in this group of patients. So far, 49 patients had either a lobectomy with isthmusectomy or a total thyroidectomy. Eleven patients were found to have carcinoma (six had papillary, four had mixed papillary and follicular, and one had follicular carcinoma). Three patients had a therapeutic modified neck dissection following the documentation of microscopic involvement of paratracheal lymph nodes. A high incidence of chronic nonspecific thyroiditis, postradiation fibrosis, and follicular adenomas were also found in these patients. Three patients had temporary hypocalcemia (two weeks) and none had wound infection, hematoma, or postoperative nerve palsy. Of patients who had surgical resection, 22.4% showed thyroid carcinoma

  9. Computed tomographic findings of hepatocellular carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jo, In Su; Jong, Woo Yung; Lee, Jong Yul; Choi, Han Yong; Kim, Bong Ki


    With Development of Computed Tomography, detection of the Hepatocellular Carcinoma are easily performed and frequently used in the world. During 15 months, from December 1985 to February 1987, 59 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma were evaluated with computed tomography in department of radiology at Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital. The results were as follow: 1. The most prevalent age group was 5th to 7th decades, male to female ratio was 4.9:1. 2. Classification with incidence of computed tomographic appearance of the hepatocellular carcinoma were solitary type 28 cases (48%), multinodular type 24 cases (40%), and diffuse type 7 cases (12%), Association with liver cirrhosis was noted in 22 cases (38%). 3. Inhomogenous internal consistency of hepatocellular carcinoma due to central necrosis were 35 cases (60%). Portal vein invasion by hepatocellular carcinoma was noted in 15 cases (25%), and particularly most common in diffuse type 4 cases (55%). 4. On precontrast scan, all hepatocellular carcinoma were seen as area of low density except for 3 cases(0.5%) of near isodensity which turned out to be remarkable low density on postcontrast scan. 5. In solitary type, posterior segment of right lobe was most common site of involvement 12 cases (43%). In diffuse type, bilobar involvement was most common, 6 cases (85%)

  10. Adenocarcinoma y carcinoma tipo linfoepitelioma sincrónico en estómago: presentación de un caso y revisión de la literatura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Aranguibel


    Full Text Available El cáncer gástrico es una de las principales causas de muerte en el mundo. En Venezuela, las neoplasias gástricas representan 37% de todos los tumores malignos del sistema digestivo, pero el carcinoma tipo linfoepitelioma, sólo se presenta entre 1,6% y 3,1% de los casos. También es rara la presentación de lesiones tumorales sincrónicas. Al respecto se expone el caso clínico, el primero en este país, de un varón con 2 lesiones tumorales sincrónicas. Las lesiones lucían como incipientes, no obstante, el estudio histológico mostró 2 neoplasias malignas de estirpe epitelial: adenocarcinoma bien diferenciado y carcinoma tipo linfoepitelioma.

  11. Clear cell carcinoma of the uterine corpus following irradiation therapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwaoki, Yasuhisa; Katsube, Yasuhiro; Nanba, Koji.


    A case of clear cell carcinoma of the endometrium following squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix is reported. The patient had had a previous cervical biopsy which revealed squamous cell carcinoma (large cell non-keratinizing type), classified clinically as a stage IIb lesion. She was treated with external pelvic irradiation delivering an estimated tumor dose of approximately 7,000 rads and intracavital radium application delivering 4,995 when she was 51 years old. She complained of post-menopausal bleeding at age 66 and was diagnosed by endometrial cytology as having clear cell carcinoma of the endometrium. Total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and omentectomy were performed. The clinical stage of the endometrial cancer was Ib. She is alive after 2 years with no evidence of disease. Endometrial cytology revealed several adenocarcinoma cells in small clusters. The shape of the nuclei was somewhat irregular, the chromatin pattern was fine granular, and single or multiple nucleoli were seen. The diameter of these nuclei ranged from 10 to 30 μm. The cytoplasm was pale green or vacuolated. The volume of the cytoplasm varied from scanty to abundant. These findings suggested clear cell carcinoma. Histopathologically, an irregular shaped polypoid tumor, 3 x 1.5 cm in size, was located on the lower anterior wall of the uterine corpus. The tumor was a clear cell carcinoma showing a solid and papillary pattern. A hobnail pattern was not observed. The cytoplasm was clear and abundant, and PAS-positive granules digestible by diastase were seen. These 2 cancers had different pathological features and their immunohistochemical reactivities for CEA and keratin were also different. The patient was regarded as having a rare heterochronous double cancer consisting of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix and clear cell carcinoma of the endometrium. (author)

  12. The role of mammary gland on 131-I uptake by neonatal of wistar mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Darussalam, M.; Soedjono, I.; Ilyas, R.


    The aim of this investigation was to know the role of mammary gland of Wistar mice in transfering Iodine (I) to neonatal that fit in the role of I itself, and the degree of neonate need to I. Twenty four albino Wistar mouse post natal, were divided into 4 groups of six mouse for each, based on the interval observation. Each mice was given per oral 0.25 ml Na131-I with the activity of 300 uCi. The observation were pointed to tissues and organs such as: blood, liver, kidney, digestion cannal, tiroid gland, lymphe, mammary gland and urine; where as for neonatal: blood, kidney, digestion cannal, and the tiroid gland. The resuls show thet the high 131-I repentions were bound on tiroid gland (between 5.72 and 21.76 %) and on mammary gland (batween 9.30 and 21.90 %) of Wistar mice at lactation period in line with the increasing of mammary gland function and increasing the need of iodine for neonatal. In uptake of 131-I the thyroid gland of neonatal seemed superior compared to tissue or other neonatal organs. (author). 5 refs, 2 figs, 4 tabs

  13. Visualization of adrenocortical carcinoma with 131I-Adosterol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maruoka, Shin; Nakamura, Mamoru


    There are very few literatures on successful visualization of adrenocortical carcinoma by means of 131 I-iodocholesterol scintigraphy, although many reports have referred to utility of 131 I-iodocholesterol scintigraphy for adrenal disorders. Since 1976, we have experienced 4 cases of adrenocortical carcinoma which were delineated by 131 I-6β-iodomethyl-19-norcholesterol ( 131 I-Adosterol). Three of 4 cases were adrenocortical carcinoma with Cushing's syndrome, and one was adrenocortical carcinoma with adrenogenital syndrome. In 3 cases of cortisol secreting adrenocortical carcinoma, uptake in the tumor and lack of uptake in the contralateral adrenal gland were seen. Faint to moderate uptakes were observed in the 2 cases, but another one showed as high uptake as seen in adenoma. Patient with androgen secreting adrenocortical carcinoma had increased uptake in the tumor and showed faint uptake in the contralateral adrenal gland. Intensity of 131 I-Adosterol uptake in adrenocortical carcinoma seems to depend on the extent of tumor necrosis, cell differentiation and function. (author)

  14. General Information about Merkel Cell Carcinoma (United States)

    ... Genetics of Skin Cancer Skin Cancer Screening Research Merkel Cell Carcinoma Treatment (PDQ®)–Patient Version General Information About Merkel Cell Carcinoma Go to Health Professional Version Key ...

  15. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy on thyroid carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan Weimin; Tan Tianzhi


    Purpose: To study the diagnostic value and clinical method of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy on thyroid carcinoma using 99 Tc m -RC-160 labeled with direct method as scintigraphy reagent; Methods: Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS) were performed on 25 patients with thyroid carcinoma, using 99 Tc m -RC-160 labeled with direct method as scintigraphy reagent, controlling with 131 I- whole- body- imaging(1312 -WBI). Results: Of 4 patients with MTC (medullary thyroid carcinoma), positive metastasis and primary tumour were detected on 3 patients by SRS, negative results were obtained by 131 I-WBI, the positive detective rate by SRS is 3/4; of 12 patients with PTC (papillary thyroid carcinoma), positive metastasis and primary tumour were detected on 2 patients by SRS or 131 I-WBI,1 of which only by SRS, while negative results were obtained by 131 I- WBI, the positive detective rate by SRS is 3/12; of 8 patients with FTC(follicular thyroid carcinoma), positive metastasis and primary tumour were detected on 1 patients by SRS or 131 I-WBI, and 2 positive results were obtained only by SRS, while negative by 131 I-WBI, the positive detective rate by SRS is 3/8; of 1 patients with HCC (hurthle cell carcinoma ), positive metastasis and primary tumour were detected by SRS, while negative by 131 I-WBI; Conclusions: SRS using 99 Tc m -RC-160 labeled with direct method as scintigraphy reagent has high diagnostic value on thyroid carcinoma, especially on MTC and HCC. (authors)

  16. Gall bladder carcinoma with ampullary carcinoma: A rare case of double malignancy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Praveer Rai


    Full Text Available Simultaneous double cancers in the biliary system are rare. Most are associated with pancreaticobiliary maljunction (PBM. However, it can occur in patients without PBM. Differentiation between these events is important since these two mechanistic origins imply different stages of disease, as well as different subsequent treatments and prognoses. Herein, we report a case of ampullary carcinoma associated with gall bladder carcinoma diagnosed nonoperatively and palliated with biliary metal stenting.

  17. Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma to the Pancreas: A Review. (United States)

    Cheng, Shaun Kian Hong; Chuah, Khoon Leong


    The pancreas is an unusual site for tumor metastasis, accounting for only 2% to 5% of all malignancies affecting the pancreas. The more common metastases affecting the pancreas include renal cell carcinomas, melanomas, colorectal carcinomas, breast carcinomas, and sarcomas. Although pancreatic involvement by nonrenal malignancies indicates widespread systemic disease, metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the pancreas often represents an isolated event and is thus amenable to surgical resection, which is associated with long-term survival. As such, it is important to accurately diagnose pancreatic involvement by metastatic renal cell carcinoma on histology, especially given that renal cell carcinoma metastasis may manifest more than a decade after its initial presentation and diagnosis. In this review, we discuss the clinicopathologic findings of isolated renal cell carcinoma metastases of the pancreas, with special emphasis on separating metastatic renal cell carcinoma and its various differential diagnoses in the pancreas.

  18. Radiotherapy - an effective treatment for vaginal verrucous carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reinecke, L.; Thornley, A.L.


    Vaginal carcinoma makes up 1%-2% of all gynaecological tumours. Verrucous carcinoma of the vagina is even more rare -only 16 cases are reported in the scientific literature. A case of a complete regression after 60 Gy fractionated radiotherapy by a tumour 12 cm 3 in size is reported. Most authors are of the opinion that radiotherapy causes anaplastic transformation of verrucous carcinoma. The minority view, that anaplastic transformation does not occur, is correct and is supported by our clinical and radiological data. The conflicting literature on vaginal verrucous carcinoma (VVC) is reviewed with reference to verrucous carcinoma at other sites. (Author)

  19. Radiotherapeutic aspects of bronchiogenic carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sauer, R.


    For inoperable bronchial carcinomas the prognostication is unfavourable still in this era of combined radiological and chemical therapy. Yet the situation is better than it was two years ago. Important international therapeutical investigations have substantially enriched our knowledge. This concerns first of all parvicellular anaplastic carcinomas of the bronchi where, thanks to the combination chemotherapy-radiotherapy-chemotherapy, new possibilities have turned up and the radiotherapy of the primary tumor, the mediastinum and the neurocranium has become firmly established in spite of initial scepticism. As regards non-parvicellular carcinomas, the development is still behind. Post-operative radiotherapy occupies a place in the non-curative resection of bronchial carcinomas. As to the rest, the radiotherapist encounters only palliative indications at the moment excepting controlled clinical studies. It is to be hoped that new combination therapies including hyperthermal measures, radiosensitizer, bleomycin and other chemotherapeuticals will open up now paths. Supraregional therapeutical investigations should be initialled in this sector.

  20. Radiotherapeutic aspects of bronchiogenic carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sauer, R.


    For inoperable bronchial carcinomas the prognostication is unfavourable still in this era of combined radiological and chemical therapy. Yet the situation is better than it was two years ago. Important international therapeutical investigations have substantially enriched our knowledge. This concerns first of all parvicellular anaplastic carcinomas of the bronchi where, thanks to the combination chemotherapy-radiotherapy-chemotherapy, new possibilities have turned up and the radiotherapy of the primary tumor, the mediastinum and the neurocranium has become firmly established in spite of initial scepticism. As regards non-parvicellular carcinomas, the development is still behind. Post-operative radiotherapy occupies a place in the non-curative resection of bronchial carcinomas. As to the rest, the radiotherapist encounters only palliative indications at the moment excepting controlled clinical studies. It is to be hoped that new combination therapies including hyperthermal measures, radiosensitizer, bleomycin and other chemotherapeuticals will open up now paths. Supraregional therapeutical investigations should be initialled in this sector. (orig.) [de

  1. Radiation therapy for carcinoma of the eyelid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuchiya, Miwako; Takahashi, Mitsuhiro; Shinozaki, Jun; Kaneda, Koichi; Oda, Norio; Tabuchi, Yoshiko


    Between 1969 and 1985, 30 patients with carcinomas of the eyelid were treated by radiation, including 19 primary cases and 11 secondary cases. The latter were less controlable than the former. According to histology, there were 21 squamous cell carcinomas, 6 basal cell carcinomas and 3 adenocarcinomas. Among the 21 patients with squamous cell carcinomas, 5 had local recurrences, 10 had lymph node metastasis and 3 had distant metastasis. Patients with other histological classifications had no local recurrences, except for one who received incomplete therapy due to diabetes. Almost all of the controlled patients with squamous cell carcinomas were treated with a TDF value greater than 90. Although the visual function was damaged by irradiation in seven patients, the lesions of 6 of them were too advanced to avoid radiation injuries. (author)

  2. Environmental exposures as a risk factor for fibrolamellar carcinoma. (United States)

    Graham, Rondell P; Craig, John R; Jin, Long; Oliveira, Andre M; Bergquist, John R; Truty, Mark J; Mounajjed, Taofic; Greipp, Patricia T; Torbenson, Michael S


    Fibrolamellar carcinoma was first described in 1956. Subsequent large studies failed to identify cases before 1939 (the start of the World War II). This finding, combined with the presence of aryl hydrocarbon receptors on the tumor cells, have suggested that fibrolamellar carcinomas may be caused by environmental exposures that are new since World War II. To investigate this possibility, the surgical pathology files before 1939 were reviewed for hepatocellular carcinomas resected in young individuals. Two cases of fibrolamellar carcinoma were identified, from 1915 to 1924. The diagnosis of fibrolamellar carcinoma was confirmed at the histologic, ultrastructural and proteomic levels. These two fibrolamellar carcinoma cases clarify a key aspect of fibrolamellar carcinoma biology, reducing the likelihood that these tumors result exclusively from post World War II environmental exposures.

  3. Mucinous carcinoma of the breast: mammographic features with histologic correlation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui Chunyan; Zhang Ling; Wu Yaopan; Li Shuqin


    Objective: To correlate the mammographic findings of mucinous carcinoma with histologic features. Methods: Retrospective analysis of the mammographic and pathologic findings of 37 patients with mucinous carcinomas of the breasts was performed. Results: Mammograms of ten (52.6%) women with mucinous carcinomas showed masses with well-defined, lobu-lated margins correlating well with the pure histologic type. Thirteen (81.3%) mixed type of mucinous carcinomas demonstrated poorly defined or spiculated margins (P<0.05). Most of the pure type carcinomas were hyperdense similar to most of mixed type carcinomas (P<0.05). Of 34 mucinous carcinomas tested, there were 25 ER-positive, 29 PR-positive, 24 C-erbB-2 negative expressions with pure type carcinomas accounting for 78.9%, 89.5% and 78.9%, respectively. Conclusion: The mammographic features of pure type are different from those of mixed type of mucinous breast carcinomas. The most common mammographic appearance of pure mucinous carcinoma is a well-defined mass without calcification whereas the mixed type carcinomas have more aggressive imaging characteristics. (authors)

  4. Vómito tirotóxico: Presentación infrecuente del hipertiroidismo. Reporte de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de una mujer de 59 años de edad, que acude a emergencia con una historia de 3 semanas de baja de peso, dolor epigástrico, y vómitos severos. El examen físico reveló un abdomen doloroso a la palpación, tremor fino de las manos e hiperreflexia. Se realizaron varios estudios, incluidos ecografía abdominal y endoscopía digestiva alta, que fueron normales. Después de la admisión al servicio de hospitalización, los análisis de hormonas tiroideas mostraron niveles elevados de tiroxina y triiodotironina, y tirotropina suprimida. La gammagrafía de tiroides mostró una glándula con hiperfunción difusa. Se inició tratamiento con Metimazol y Propanolol, presentando mejoría clínica. La paciente fue dada de alta sin molestias (Rev Med Hered 2006;17:55-57.

  5. Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)-associated Gastric Carcinoma (United States)

    Iizasa, Hisashi; Nanbo, Asuka; Nishikawa, Jun; Jinushi, Masahisa; Yoshiyama, Hironori


    The ubiquitous Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with several human tumors, which include lymphoid and epithelial malignancies. It is known that EBV persistently infects the memory B cell pool of healthy individuals by activating growth and survival signaling pathways that can contribute to B cell lymphomagenesis. Although the monoclonal proliferation of EBV-infected cells can be observed in epithelial tumors, such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma and EBV-associated gastric carcinoma, the precise role of EBV in the carcinogenic progress is not fully understood. This review features characteristics and current understanding of EBV-associated gastric carcinoma. EBV-associated gastric carcinoma comprises almost 10% of all gastric carcinoma cases and expresses restricted EBV latent genes (Latency I). Firstly, definition, epidemiology, and clinical features are discussed. Then, the route of infection and carcinogenic role of viral genes are presented. Of particular interest, the association with frequent genomic CpG methylation and role of miRNA for carcinogenesis are topically discussed. Finally, the possibility of therapies targeting EBV-associated gastric carcinoma is proposed. PMID:23342366

  6. Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV-associated Gastric Carcinoma

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    Hironori Yoshiyama


    Full Text Available The ubiquitous Epstein-Barr virus (EBV is associated with several human tumors, which include lymphoid and epithelial malignancies. It is known that EBV persistently infects the memory B cell pool of healthy individuals by activating growth and survival signaling pathways that can contribute to B cell lymphomagenesis.  Although the monoclonal proliferation of EBV-infected cells can be observed in epithelial tumors, such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma and EBV-associated gastric carcinoma, the precise role of EBV in the carcinogenic progress is not fully understood. This review features characteristics and current understanding of EBV-associated gastric carcinoma. EBV-associated gastric carcinoma comprises almost 10% of all gastric carcinoma cases and expresses restricted EBV latent genes (Latency I. Firstly, definition, epidemiology, and clinical features are discussed. Then, the route of infection and carcinogenic role of viral genes are presented.  Of particular interest, the association with frequent genomic CpG methylation and role of miRNA for carcinogenesis are topically discussed. Finally, the possibility of therapies targeting EBV-associated gastric carcinoma is proposed. 

  7. Basal Cell Carcinoma Arising in a Tattooed Eyebrow (United States)

    Lee, Jong-Sun; Park, Jin; Kim, Seong-Min; Kim, Han-Uk


    Malignant skin tumors, including squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma, have occurred in tattoos. Seven documented cases of basal cell carcinoma associated with tattoos have also been reported in the medical literature. We encountered a patient with basal cell carcinoma in a tattooed eyebrow. We report on this case as the eighth reported case of a patient with basal cell carcinoma arising in a tattooed area. PMID:20523804

  8. Epstein-Barr Virus in Gastric Carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nishikawa, Jun, E-mail: [Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Minami-Kogushi 1-1-1, Ube, Yamaguchi 755-8505 (Japan); Yoshiyama, Hironori; Iizasa, Hisashi; Kanehiro, Yuichi [Department of Microbiology, Shimane University Faculty of Medicine, 89-1 Enyacho, Izumo City, Shimane 693-8501 (Japan); Nakamura, Munetaka; Nishimura, Junichi; Saito, Mari; Okamoto, Takeshi [Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Minami-Kogushi 1-1-1, Ube, Yamaguchi 755-8505 (Japan); Sakai, Kouhei; Suehiro, Yutaka; Yamasaki, Takahiro [Department of Oncology and Laboratory Medicine, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Minami-Kogushi 1-1-1, Ube, Yamaguchi 755-8505 (Japan); Oga, Atsunori [Department of Pathology, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Minami-Kogushi 1-1-1, Ube, Yamaguchi 755-8505 (Japan); Yanai, Hideo [Department of Clinical Research, National Hospital Organization Kanmon Medical Center, 1-1 Sotoura, Chofu, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 752-8510 (Japan); Sakaida, Isao [Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Minami-Kogushi 1-1-1, Ube, Yamaguchi 755-8505 (Japan)


    The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is detected in about 10% of gastric carcinoma cases throughout the world. In EBV-associated gastric carcinoma, all tumor cells harbor the clonal EBV genome. Gastric carcinoma associated with EBV has distinct clinicopathological features, occurs predominately in men and in younger-aged individuals, and presents a generally diffuse histological type. Most cases of EBV-associated gastric carcinoma exhibit a histology rich in lymphocyte infiltration. The immunological reactiveness in the host may represent a relatively preferable prognosis in EBV-positive cases. This fact highlights the important role of EBV in the development of EBV-associated gastric carcinoma. We have clearly proved direct infection of human gastric epithelialcells by EBV. The infection was achieved by using a recombinant EBV. Promotion of growth by EBV infection was observed in the cells. Considerable data suggest that EBV may directly contribute to the development of EBV-associated GC. This tumor-promoting effect seems to involve multiple mechanisms, because EBV affects several host proteins and pathways that normally promote apoptosis and regulate cell proliferation.

  9. Epstein-Barr Virus in Gastric Carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishikawa, Jun; Yoshiyama, Hironori; Iizasa, Hisashi; Kanehiro, Yuichi; Nakamura, Munetaka; Nishimura, Junichi; Saito, Mari; Okamoto, Takeshi; Sakai, Kouhei; Suehiro, Yutaka; Yamasaki, Takahiro; Oga, Atsunori; Yanai, Hideo; Sakaida, Isao


    The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is detected in about 10% of gastric carcinoma cases throughout the world. In EBV-associated gastric carcinoma, all tumor cells harbor the clonal EBV genome. Gastric carcinoma associated with EBV has distinct clinicopathological features, occurs predominately in men and in younger-aged individuals, and presents a generally diffuse histological type. Most cases of EBV-associated gastric carcinoma exhibit a histology rich in lymphocyte infiltration. The immunological reactiveness in the host may represent a relatively preferable prognosis in EBV-positive cases. This fact highlights the important role of EBV in the development of EBV-associated gastric carcinoma. We have clearly proved direct infection of human gastric epithelialcells by EBV. The infection was achieved by using a recombinant EBV. Promotion of growth by EBV infection was observed in the cells. Considerable data suggest that EBV may directly contribute to the development of EBV-associated GC. This tumor-promoting effect seems to involve multiple mechanisms, because EBV affects several host proteins and pathways that normally promote apoptosis and regulate cell proliferation

  10. Metaplastic Carcinoma with Chondroid Differentiation Arising in Microglandular Adenosis

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    Ga-Eon Kim


    Full Text Available Microglandular adenosis (MGA of the breast is a rare, benign proliferative lesion but with a significant rate of associated carcinoma. Herein, we report an unusual case of metaplastic carcinoma with chondroid differentiation associated with typical MGA. Histologically, MGA showed a direct transition to metaplastic carcinoma without an intervening atypical MGA or ductal carcinoma in situ component. The immunohistochemical profile of the metaplastic carcinoma was mostly similar to that of MGA. In both areas, all the epithelial cells were positive for S-100 protein, but negative for estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, HER2/neu, and epidermal growth factor receptor. An increase in the Ki-67 and p53 labelling index was observed from MGA to invasive carcinoma. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of metaplastic carcinoma with chondroid differentiation arising in MGA in Korea. This case supports the hypothesis that a subset of MGA may be a non-obligate morphologic precursor of breast carcinoma, especially the triple-negative subtype.

  11. Historia deldel = History of Padel

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    Bernardino Javier Sánchez-Alcaraz Martínez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo resume la historia del deporte deldel. Existen dos versiones sobre el origen deldel. La primera versión relaciona los antecedentes deldel con los de otros deportes de raqueta como el tenis o el bádminton, siendo su origen común el jeu de la paume francés. Posteriormente, surgen variantes en Estados Unidos como el Paddle Tennis y el Platform Tennis, siendo versiones reducidas del tenis, pero con elementos muy comunes al pádel actual. La segunda versión, aprobada por la Federación Internacional de Pádel, afirma que este deporte nació en México, en 1969, a través del empresario Enrique Corcuera.--------------------------------------------------------------------This research summarizes the history of paddle sport. There are two versions about the origin of paddle. The first version relates the history of paddle with other racket sports like tennis or badminton, and its common origin of the Jeu de Paume French. Later, in in the United States, appear two sports called Paddle Tennis and Platform Tennis, which are reduced versions of tennis sport, but these have lot of common characteristics with paddle. The second version, approved by the International Padel Federation, said the sport was born in Mexico in 1969, through the businessman Enrique Corcuera.

  12. Metastatic syringoid eccrine carcinoma of the nipple

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    Ballardini P


    Full Text Available Pierluigi Ballardini,1 Guido Margutti,1 Massimo Pedriali,2 Patrizia Querzoli21Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital of the Delta, Lagosanto, 2Institute of Pathology, S Anna Hospital, Ferrara, ItalyAbstract: Syringoid eccrine carcinoma is a very rare skin tumor. Herein we describe a 72-year-old male patient presenting with a syringoid eccrine carcinoma of the nipple with associated axillary lymph node metastases. Surgery associated with adjuvant radiotherapy was performed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of syringoid eccrine carcinoma of the nipple ever reported.Keywords: syringoid carcinoma, nipple, axillary metastases, radiotherapy

  13. Warthin-like papillary thyroid carcinoma: a case report

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    Haeri H


    Full Text Available Background: Warthin tumor- like papillary carcinoma of thyroid is a rare variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. It is characterized by distinct papillary structures lined by oncocytic tumor cells with nuclear features of papillary carcinoma and marked lymphoplasmocytic infiltrate in the papillary stalks. This tumor derives its name from its resemblance to Warthin tumor of major salivary glands.Case presentation: We report a 54- year- old man presented with bilateral thyroid masses. Histopathological study showed papillary structures lined by cells with eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and ground- glass nuclei with lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the stalks.Conclusion: Warthin tumor-like papillary thyroid carcinoma could be mistaken for benign lymphoepithelial lesions such as Hashimoto thyroiditis, Hurthle cell tumors and tall cell variant of papillary carcinoma. Follow- up information on the previously reported cases has suggested that these tumors behave similarly to usual papillary carcinoma.

  14. Malar Bone Metastasis Revealing a Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

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    Ihsen Slim


    Full Text Available Papillary thyroid carcinoma is the most common form of differentiated thyroid carcinoma. It is generally confined to the neck with or without spread to regional lymph nodes. Metastatic thyroid carcinomas are uncommon and mainly include lung and bone. Metastases involving oral and maxillofacial region are extremely rare. We described a case of malar metastasis revealing a follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma, presenting with pain and swelling of the left cheek in a 67-years-old female patient with an unspecified histological left lobo-isthmectomy medical history. To our knowledge, this is the first recorded instance of a malar metastasis from a follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma.

  15. Multiple squamous cell carcinomas within the head and neck region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Katsuro; Hanazawa, Hideyuki; Sato, Yuichiro; Takahashi, Sugata


    Clinical features of multiple squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cases within the head and neck that were treated in our department during the recent 10 years are discussed. Multiple SCCs arose in 6.6% of the cases with primary SCC; 67% of the cases had two carcinomas, and 33% had more than three carcinomas. The most common site of the multiple SCCs was the oral cavity (54%). The most frequent interval between treatment of previous carcinoma and diagnosis of subsequent carcinoma was simultaneous, but more than 5 years' interval was observed in 36% of the patients. The most common initial treatment of the carcinoma was irradiation, but the ratio of surgery increased for subsequent carcinomas. Prognosis of the patients with more than three carcinomas was not worse than that of patients with two carcinomas. Therefore, early diagnosis of the subsequent carcinomas based on careful long-term observation in the head and neck is necessary for follow-up of the patients with SCC of the head and neck. Treatment strategies considering the treatment of subsequent carcinomas are needed for the patients with primary head and neck SCC. (author)

  16. Metabolic fate of 18F-FDG in mice bearing either SCCVII squamous cell carcinoma or C3H mammary carcinoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaarstad, Katrin; Bender, Dirk; Bentzen, Lise


    in mice. METHODS: 18F-FDG was given intravenously to mice with either SCCVII squamous cell carcinoma or C3H mammary carcinoma grown on the back. 18F-Labeled metabolites were determined by radio-high-performance liquid chromatography in tumor tissue biopsies, in a time course of 180 min (12 mice of each...... tumor type), and in liver tissue biopsies 80 min after tracer injection (2 mice of each type). RESULTS: After the tracer injection, not only 18F-FDG and 18F-FDG-6-P but also 18F-FD-PG1 and 2-18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-1,6-biphosphate were detected in both tumors, relatively more in SCCVII carcinoma than in C3H...... carcinoma. Both tumors accumulated radioactivity throughout the 180-min measurement period, 4-fold more in SCCVII carcinoma than in C3H carcinoma. At 80 min, the radioactivity was approximately 6 and 1.2 times higher in the respective tumors than in liver tissue. CONCLUSION: Our results agree...

  17. CT diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo Dehong; Shi Mulan; Luo Douqiang


    Purpose: To study the CT appearances of thyroid carcinoma and its cervical metastatic lymphadenopathy, as well as to evaluate the diagnostic criteria of tumor invasion of adjacent structures. Methods: CT findings of surgery and pathology proved thyroid carcinoma in 52 patients were analyzed. Results: All of the primary tumor were heterogeneous in density, 32 tumors (82.5%) were ill-defined. Fine granular calcifications were revealed in 11 primary tumors and metastatic lymph nodes in 5 cases. Cystic formation with intracystic high density papillary-like nodules were found in 4 primary tumors and metastatic lymphadenopathy in 5 cases. Trachea, esophagus and carotic artery invasion were proved by surgery in 22, 21 and 10 cases respectively. Serrated inner wall and tumor nodule protrusion into tracheal lumen were the definite signs of trachea invasion. Use tumor encasement over 1/2 of the circumference of esophagus and 1/3 of the circumference of carotid artery as the diagnostic criterion of invasion, sensitivity was 71.4%, 100.0% specificity was 96.3%, 95.2% respectively. Conclusion: Fine granular calcification and cystic formation with high attenuation intracystic papillary-like nodules were characteristic manifestations of primary thyroid carcinoma (especially papillary carcinoma) and its metastatic lymphadenopathy as well. Contrast enhanced CT scan is helpful in the diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma and the delineation of tumor extent, which is very important in surgical planning

  18. Radiation therapy for carcinoma of the major salivary glands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Teshima, T [Dept. of Radiology, Osaka Univ. Medical School (Japan); Inoue, Ta [Dept. of Radiology, Osaka Univ. Medical School (Japan); Inoue, To [Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Osaka Univ. Medical School (Japan); Ikeda, H [Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Osaka Univ. Medical School (Japan); Yamazaki, H [Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Osaka Univ. Medical School (Japan); Ohtani, M [Dept. of Radiology, Osaka Univ. Medical School (Japan); Shimizutani, K [Dept. of Radiology, Osaka Univ. Medical School (Japan); Furukawa, S [Dept. of Radiology, Osaka Univ. Medical School (Japan); Kozuka, T [Dept. of Radiology, Osaka Univ. Medical School (Japan); Murayama, S [National Inst. of Radiological Science, Chiba (Japan)


    From January 1967 through November 1991, a total of 135 patients with carcinoma of the major salivary glands (parotid: 95; submandibular: 39, sublingual: 1) were treated at our department. 40 patients had adenocarcinoma, 29 adenoid cystic carcinoma, 24 mucoepidermoid carcinoma and 16 squamous cell carcinoma. 100 patients were irradiated postoperatively and the remaining 35 were treated with radiation alone. Total radiation doses delivered were 50 Gy for the postoperative group and 50 to 66 Gy for the group receiving only radiation using a [sup 60]Co single portal with or without wedged paired or single electron portal boost. Actuarial five-year survivals after radiation therapy were 55% for the postoperative group and 26% for radiation only group (p=0.0004). The local control rates for the postoperative group were 83% for adenocarcinoma, 81% for adenoid cystic carcinoma, 83% for mucoepidermoid carcinoma and 62% for squamous cell carcinoma. Corresponding figures for the radiation only group were 40% for adenocarcinoma, 38% for adenoid cystic carcinoma and 33% for mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Conventional irradiation techniques continue to play an important role because they offer superior local control for postoperative patients with carcinoma of the major salivary glands. However, the local control rates for the radiation only group were only 30 to 40%, so that new irradiation modalities such as provided by a high LET machine are needed for these patients. (orig.)

  19. Antecedentes, diagnóstico, repercusión y prevención del déficit de yodo en la salud humana Backgrounds, diagnosis, repercussion and prevention of iodine deficits in human health

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Serafín Silvio Noa Cordero


    Full Text Available La glándula tiroidea tiene 2 particularidades: al examen físico está al alcance de la mano del médico, y su función se relaciona con un oligoelemento, el yodo, que tiene una relevante importancia en el metabolismo de nuestro organismo. Su deficiencia favorecería la aparición de enfermedades conocidas como desórdenes por déficit de yodo, que tienen un impacto negativo en la vida de hombres y mujeres, de animales y de plantas. Desde el punto de vista clínico está considerada como la mayor causa de daño cerebral en niños, hipotiroidismo y bocio en el adulto, todas prevenibles, y en dependencia de la voluntad conjunta de organismos y organizaciones nacionales e internacionales, es posible de erradicar con una práctica sencilla como el consumo de la sal yodada. Los métodos diagnósticos utilizados para evaluar su deficiencia son de extraordinaria utilidad en la práctica clínica. En la actualidad la utilización de la ecografía como método coadyuvante para realizar la mensuración de la glándula tiroides y definir el bocio en zonas de suficiencia de yodo, como la nuestra, sería de gran utilidad por su mayor especificidad y sensibilidad. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es ofrecer una panorámica general de la importancia de las funciones del yodo en el organismo y su relación con la glándula tiroides, sus métodos diagnósticos, el impacto, la repercusión y la prevención de los desórdenes por déficit de yodo en la salud humana, así como la aplicación de nuestro programa nacional de yodación de la sal.Thyroid gland has two particular features: the manual physical examination is easy and its function is related to oligoelement, the iodine having a relevant significance in the metabolism of our organism. Its deficiency will favor the appearance of diseases known as disorders due to iodine deficit with a negative impact on life of men and women, of animals and of plants. From the clinical point of view it is considered as the

  20. Diagnostic role of barium enema in carcinoma rectum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asghar, M.


    Objective: The main aim of this barium enema study was to evaluate its role in patients suspected to have rectal pathologies with complaints of change in bowel habit, anorexia/weight loss, bleeding per rectum and acute/sub-acute colonic obstruction. Results: barium enema study as screening test for colo-rectal carcinoma was undertaken. Contrast outlined the colonic growth in 35 cases, out of which the cases of carcinoma colon were 24 including 13 patients suffering from carcinoma rectum. The percentage of carcinoma colon to total colonic growth was 68% while, carcinoma rectum to total carcinoma colon was 54%. Conclusion: On the basis of these investigations, it is concluded that patient's compliance is important factor in the early detection of colonic neoplasia. Though results of colonoscopy are more reliable but in practice, barium enema (double contrast) is performed initially to outline the lesion and then colonoscopy for biopsy purpose. (author)

  1. Incidental serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma and early invasive serous carcinoma in the nonprophylactic setting: analysis of a case series. (United States)

    Morrison, Jane C; Blanco, Luis Z; Vang, Russell; Ronnett, Brigitte M


    A precursor for invasive ovarian/pelvic high-grade serous carcinoma, termed serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC), has been identified and characterized through careful analysis of the fallopian tubes in both prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy specimens obtained from women with either a family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer or germline mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2 and in cases of pelvic high-grade serous carcinoma. Data on incidental STICs and clinically occult microscopic invasive high-grade serous carcinomas are limited. We analyzed the clinicopathologic features of 22 cases, including 15 pure STICs and 7 STICs associated with microscopic invasive high-grade serous carcinomas, identified incidentally in fallopian tubes removed for nonprophylactic indications. Patient age ranged from 39 to 79 years (mean: 62.7; median: 61), with only 1 patient under the age of 50. No patients were known to carry BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations. Of the 12 pure STICs for which the location in the fallopian tube could be established, 9 were in the fimbriated portion, 1 was at the junction of the fimbria and infundibulum, and 2 were in the nonfimbriated tube. Of the 7 STICs with associated invasive high-grade serous carcinoma, 3 were located in the fimbriated portion, 2 were at the junction of the fimbria and infundibulum, and 2 were in the nonfimbriated tube. The invasive components were in the fallopian tube in 6 cases, 4 in subepithelial stroma of tubal mucosa, and 2 as an intramucosal (exophytic) luminal lesion without invasion of underlying subepithelial stroma (size range: 1 to 4 mm). The remaining case had a microscopic focus of high-grade serous carcinoma within the ipsilateral ovary (1.3 mm cortical focus) identified only on deeper sections, without an associated invasive component in the fallopian tube. The preferential finding of atypical epithelium with the cytologic features of high-grade serous carcinoma, namely STIC, in the fallopian tubes rather than the

  2. Chest radiographic findings in bronchogenic carcinoma in pakistani population

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suliman, M.I.; Ali, B.; Majeed, H.; Qureshi, F.


    To observe the common radiographic findings in histologically confirmed cases of bronchogenic carcinoma. This descriptive study comprised of 35 consecutive histopathologically / cytological confirmed cases of bronchogenic carcinoma that were admitted from January 2000 to April 2003 in Bahawal Victoria Hospital Bahawalpur. Plain chest radiographs were obtained in all cases Two radiologists blinded to the cell types were asked to interpret the radiographs. Hilar mass was the major manifestation in 62.8% cases. Chest radiographs showed 7 different types of lesions in four cell varieties in 35 cases, these included hilar mass in 62% cases of squamous cell carcinoma. Cavitation and rib erosion were found exclusively in squamous cell type carcinoma. In small cell carcinomas, hilar Involvement was present in 83.3% cases. Half of large cell carcinomas and one case of adenocarcinoma presented with a peripheral mass. Hilar mass was seen in 50% cases with adenocarcinoma Wide mediastinum was seen only in cases with small cell carcinoma. The chest radiograph findings in bronchogenic carcinoma has more or less a standard patterns which Can help the physician in better suspicion and diagnosis. (author)

  3. Scalp squamous cell carcinoma in xeroderma pigmentosum. (United States)

    Awan, Basim A; Alzanbagi, Hanadi; Samargandi, Osama A; Ammar, Hossam


    Xeroderma pigmentosum is a rare autosomal-recessive disorder that appears in early childhood. Squamous cell carcinoma is not uncommon in patients with xeroderma pigmentosum and mostly involving the face, head, neck, and scalp. However, squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp may exhibit an aggressive course. Here, we present a huge squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp in a three-years-old child with xeroderma pigmentosum. In addition, we illustrate the challenges of a child with xeroderma pigmentosum who grows up in a sunny environment where the possibility of early onset of squamous cell carcinoma is extremely high in any suspected skin lesion. In xeroderma pigmentosum patients, squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp can present early and tends to be unusually aggressive. In sunny areas, proper education to the patient and their parents about ultra-violet light protection and early recognition of any suspicious lesion could be life-saving.

  4. Cetuximab & Nivolumab in Patients With Recurrent/Metastatic Head & Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (United States)


    Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oropharynx; Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Larynx; Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity; Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Hypopharynx; Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Paranasal Sinus; Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma; Squamous Cell Cancer; Head and Neck Carcinoma

  5. Potencial del Agua del suelo

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    Bustamante Heliodoro


    Full Text Available La energía potencial del agua presenta diferencias de un punto del suelo a otro; esas diferencias son las que originan el movimiento del agua de acuerdo a la tendencia universal de la materia en el sentido de moverse de donde la energía potencial es mayor a donde dicha energía es menor. En el suelo el agua en consecuencia se mueve hacia donde su energía decrece hasta lograr su estado de equilibrio. Se desprende entonces que la cantidad de energía potencial absoluta contenida en el agua, no es importante por sí misma, sino por su relación con la energía en diferentes lugares dentro del suelo. El concepto Potencial de agua del suelo es un criterio para esta energía.

  6. Hepatocellular carcinoma: a clinico pathological study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abbasi, A.; Butt, N.; Bhutto, A.R.; Gulzar, K.; Munir, S.M.


    To describe the clinico-pathological and radiological profile of hepatocellular carcinoma. All consecutive patients suspected of having hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), were admitted and included in this study. Diagnosis of HCC was established by clinical, biochemical, ultrasonographic and histopathologic findings. Patients with primary carcinoma elsewhere in the body, metastatic in the liver, fibrolamellar carcinoma and benign tumours were excluded from the study. At ultrasonography, the details of tumour size and number, portal vein thrombosis and presence of ascites were recorded. Patients were staged according to Okuda staging system. Results were described in mean and percentage values. There were 82 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma including 58 males and 24 females, with male to female ratio of 2.8:1. The mean age of patients was 56.24 +- 13.65 years. Right hypochondrial pain was the main symptom in 52 (63.4%) patients. The duration of symptoms varied from 1 month to 2 years. Tumour size was larger than 50% of liver size in 42 (51.2%) with portal vein thrombosis in 10 (12.19%). Anti HCV was positive in 44 (53.7%), HBsAg in 26 (31.7%) and both were found positive in 2 (2.44%) patients. Ten patients (12.2/%) found negative both for anti-HCV and HBsAg. According to Okuda staging system 18 patients had stage 1, 50 had stage 2 and 14 had stage 3 hepatocellular carcinoma. The mean age of presentation of hepatocellular carcinoma was younger as compared to western countries with potentially large non-resectable lesions. Chronic hepatitis C and B was found to be the major known factors. Patients with chronic hepatitis C and B should undergo vigorous HCC surveillance to detect early, potentially respectable HCC. (author)

  7. Genomic features of lobular breast carcinoma (United States)

    Investigators with The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Research Network have identified molecular characteristics of a type of breast cancer, invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC), that distinguishes it from invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), the most common invasive breast cancer subtype.

  8. Chromophobe hepatocellular carcinoma with abrupt anaplasia: a proposal for a new subtype of hepatocellular carcinoma with unique morphological and molecular features. (United States)

    Wood, Laura D; Heaphy, Christopher M; Daniel, Hubert Darius-J; Naini, Bita V; Lassman, Charles R; Arroyo, May R; Kamel, Ihab R; Cosgrove, David P; Boitnott, John K; Meeker, Alan K; Torbenson, Michael S


    Hepatocellular carcinomas exhibit heterogeneous morphologies by routine light microscopy. Although some morphologies represent insignificant variations in growth patterns, others may represent unrecognized subtypes of hepatocellular carcinoma. Identification of these subtypes could lead to separation of hepatocellular carcinomas into discrete groups with unique underlying genetic changes, prognosis, or therapeutic responses. In order to identify potential subtypes, two pathologists independently screened a cohort of 219 unselected hepatocellular carcinoma resection specimens and divided cases into potential subtypes. One of these promising candidate subtypes was further evaluated using histological and molecular techniques. This subtype was characterized by a unique and consistent set of histological features: smooth chromophobic cytoplasm, abrupt focal nuclear anaplasia (small clusters of tumor cells with marked nuclear anaplasia in a background of tumor cells with bland nuclear cytology), and scattered microscopic pseudocysts--we designate this variant as 'chromophobe hepatocellular carcinoma with abrupt anaplasia'. Thirteen cases were identified (6% of all hepatocellular carcinomas), including 6 men and 7 women with an average age of 61 years. Six cases occurred in cirrhotic livers. Serum AFP was elevated in 6 out of 10 cases. There were a variety of underlying liver diseases, but cases were enrichment for chronic hepatitis B, P=0.006. Interestingly, at the molecular level, this variant was strongly associated with the alternative lengthening of telomere (ALT) phenotype by telomere FISH. ALT is a telomerase-independent mechanism of telomere maintenance and is found in approximately 8% of unselected hepatocellular carcinomas. In contrast, 11/12 (92%) of the cases of chromophobe hepatocellular carcinoma with abrupt anaplasia were ALT-positive. In summary, we propose that chromophobe hepatocellular carcinoma with abrupt anaplasia represents a new subtype of

  9. Black Thyroid Associated with Thyroid Carcinoma

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    Emad Kandil


    Full Text Available Objective. Black thyroid is a rare pigmented change seen almost exclusively in patients upon minocycline ingestion, and the process has previously been thought to be generally benign. There have been 61 reported cases of black thyroid. We are aware of 13 cases previously reported in association with thyroid carcinoma. This paper reports six patients with black thyroid pigmentation in association with thyroid carcinoma. Design. The medical records of six patients who were diagnosed with black thyroid syndrome, all of whom underwent thyroid surgery, were reviewed. Data on age, gender, race, preoperative fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA, thyroid function levels, and pathology reports were collected. Main Outcome. The mean age was 60 years. There were 5 females, 4 of whom were African American. All patients were clinically and biochemically euthyroid. Black pigmentation was not diagnosed in preoperative FNA, and only one patient had a preoperative diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma. The other patients underwent surgery and were found to have black pigmentation of the thyroid associated with carcinoma. Conclusions. FNA does not diagnose black thyroid, which is associated with thyroid carcinoma. Thyroid glands with black pigmentation deserve thorough pathologic examination, including several sections of each specimen.

  10. Missed breast carcinoma; why and how to avoid?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamal, R.; Abdel Razek, N.M.; Hassan, M.A.; Shaalan, M.A.


    Despite the advances in mammography techniques, it still has a number of limitations. It is estimated that about 10 to 25% of lesions are overlooked in mammograms out of which about two thirds are detected retrospectively by radiologists and oncologists. Causes of missed breast cancer on mammography can be secondary to many factors including those related to the patient (whether inherent or acquired), the nature of the malignant mass itself, poor mammographic techniques, provider factors or interpretive skills of radiologists and oncologists (including perception and interpretation errors). Aim of Work: The aim of this study is to investigate the aforementioned factors hindering early breast cancer detection and in turn lowering mammographic sensitivity and to outline the major guidelines to overcome these factors aiming to an optimum mammographic examination and interpretation by radiologists and oncologists. Subject and Methods: We conducted this multicenter study over a two-year interval. We included 152 histo-pathological proven breast carcinomas that were initially missed on mammography. The cases were subjected to mammography, complementary US, MRI and digital mammography in some cases and all cases were histo-pathologically proven either by FNAB, CNB or open biopsy. Results: Revision of the pathological specimens of these 152 cases revealed 121 infiltrating ductal carcinomas, 2 lobular, 4 mucinous, 14 inflammatory carcinomas, 6 carcinomas in situ (3 of which were intracystic), 2 intraductal papillary carcinomas and 3 cases with Paget's disease of the nipple. In analyzing the causes responsible for misdiagnosis of these carcinomas we classified them into 4 causative factors; patient, tumor, technical or provider factors. Tumor factors were the most commonly encountered, accounting for 44. I %, while provider factors were the least commonly encountered in 14.5%. Carcino- mas were detected using several individual or combined complementary techniques. These

  11. Efecto del silicio y plaguicidas en la fertilidad del suelo y rendimiento del arroz


    Furcal-Beriguete, Parménides; Herrera-Barrantes, Alejandra


    Efecto del silicio y plaguicidas en la fertilidad del suelo y rendimiento del arroz. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, ...

  12. Pleomorphic Lobular Carcinoma in a Male Breast: A Rare Occurrence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bhatia Rohini


    Full Text Available Carcinoma of male breast is uncommon as it accounts for 0.7% of total breast cancer. The pathology of male breast cancer is remarkably similar to that of cancers seen in women. The same histological subtypes of invasive cancer are present, although papillary carcinomas (both invasive and in situ are more common and lobular carcinomas are less common. The predominant histological type, in males, as in females, reported in large series has been infiltrating ductal carcinoma with scattered reports of infiltrating lobular carcinoma, all of them of classical type except for a single case of pleomorphic infiltrating lobular carcinoma. Herein, we describe a case of pleomorphic lobular carcinoma occurring in male breast.

  13. Review of photodynamic therapy with 5-methyl aminolevulinate in actinic keratosis, epidermoid carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fallas Moya, Said


    A bibliographic review was conduced on the use of 5-methyl aminolevulinate in dermatology, specifically in the treatment of actinic keratosis, epidermoid carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. The basic fundamentals of photodynamic therapy are described. The preparation and method of use of photodynamic therapy with 5-methyl aminolevulinate (MAL-PDT) are detailed. The clinical studies that were realized with photodynamic therapy for the treatment of actinic keratosis, epidermoid carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma are mentioned. Different photo-inducible agents and other current therapeutic options of first-line are compared. The MAL-PDT has have the advantage of to present less side effects and the same have been more tolerable than liquid nitrogen and 5 fluorouracil. The MAL-PDT has been considered as an effective option for the treatment of Bowen's disease. Invasive epidermoid carcinoma has existed without evidence to support the routine use of this therapeutic. For superficial basal cell carcinoma, the MAL-PDT has presented a high cure rate and transient and manageable side effects in extensive and multiple lesions. The MAL-PDT has been an effective and safe treatment in patients with basal cell carcinoma, for those with less depth of 2mm. The MAL-PDT could play an important role in the field of prevention with immunosuppressed patients, particularly, those that have required transplant and its immunosuppression has been pharmacological. The use or not of the MAL-PDT, should be evaluated individually for each patient and to have suitable characteristics for each disease that was cited in this review. The photodynamic therapy with 5-methyl aminolevulinate has been a therapeutic modality of considerable economy, however, it should be evaluated in the context of number of inquiries and side effects that have offered other therapeutic modalities [es


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective To evaluate the impact of preoperative accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy in the management of bladder carcinoma in Egyptian patients. Patients and Methods Between December 1996 and February 2000, 104 Egyptian patients with pathologically proven infiltrative bladder carcinoma were enrolled in ...

  15. A possible connective tissue primary lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma (LELC)


    Aurilio, G; Ricci, V; De Vita, F; Fasano, M; Fazio, N; Orditura, M; Funicelli, L; De Luca, G; Iasevoli, D; Iovino, F; Ciardiello, F; Conzo, G; Nol?, F; Lamendola, MG


    Lymphoepithelial carcinoma is an undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma with lymphoid stroma and non-keratinizing squamous cells with distinctive clinical, epidemiological and etiological features. Conversely, lymphoepithelioma-like carcinomas (LELCs) are carcinomas that arise outside the nasopharynx but resemble a lymphoepithelioma histologically. In this case study, LELC presentation in connective tissue (left sternocleidomastoid muscle) is peculiar and unusual, but its diagnosis is supp...

  16. Computed tomographic findings in carcinoma of cervix

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Kyung Hee; Lee, Jae Moon; Bahk, Yong Whee


    Accurate staging as well as diagnosis of cervix carcinoma is of paramount importance in planning treatment. Cervical smear cytologic studies have increased the detection rate of cervix carcinoma, but current radiologic techniques are limited in staging cervix carcinoma and precise visualization of lymphnodal metastasis. The CT scan can display the precise transaxial anatomical structures, permitting us not only to know the tumor size, shape and its extent but also lymphnodal enlargement in the pelvic cavity and around the abdominal aorta and secondary changes of the kidney. The authors have tested the usefulness of CT in staging cervix carcinoma and detecting lymphatic involvement by analysis of 24 cases diagnosed by CT and confirmed histologically at St. Mary's hospital during the period from October 1982 to May 1984. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The accuracy of CT in staging of cervix carcinoma was 79%. 2. The accuracy of CT diagnosis of lymphatic involvement was 87.5%, sensitivity was 85.7%, and specificity was 88.2%

  17. Gastric metastasis of triple negative invasive lobular carcinoma


    Caglayan Geredeli; Osman Dogru; Ethem Omeroglu; Farise Yilmaz; Faruk Cicekci


    Invasive lobular carcinomas are the second most common type (5% to 15%) of invasive breast carcinomas. The most frequent sites of breast cancer metastasis are the local and distant lymph nodes, brain, lung, liver, and bones; metastasis to the gastrointestinal system, especially to the stomach, is rare. When a mass is detected in an unusual place in a patient with invasive lobular carcinoma, it should be kept in mind that such a mass may be either a second primary carcinoma or the metastasis o...

  18. Merkel cell carcinoma in an immunosuppressed patient. (United States)

    Góes, Heliana Freitas de Oliveira; Lima, Caren Dos Santos; Issa, Maria Cláudia de Almeida; Luz, Flávio Barbosa; Pantaleão, Luciana; Paixão, José Gabriel Miranda da


    Merkel cell carcinoma is an uncommon neuroendocrine carcinoma with a rising incidence and an aggressive behavior. It predominantly occurs in older patients, with onset occurring at a mean age of 75-80 years. Recognized risk factors are ultraviolet sunlight exposure, immunosuppression, and, more recently, Merkel cell polyomavirus. We report a case of Merkel cell carcinoma in a young HIV positive patient with Merkel Cell polyomavirus detected in the tumor.

  19. Serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma, chronic fallopian tube injury, and serous carcinoma development. (United States)

    Malmberg, Karin; Klynning, Charlotta; Flöter-Rådestad, Angelique; Carlson, Joseph W


    Ovarian carcinoma is the deadliest gynecological malignancy. Previous studies have suggested that the fallopian tube may be the primary site for high-grade serous carcinoma. In prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomies from women with hereditary high risk for ovarian cancer, precursors can be assessed prior to onset and studied as a model for serous cancer precursor lesions. Epidemiologic studies indicate that carcinogenesis may be a result of chronic fallopian tube injury. The aims of this study were to (1) to examine the incidence of serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC) in relation to other clinical parameters and (2) to evaluate whether chronic fallopian tube injury was related to cancer development. This study enrolled 101 women, comprising the following three groups: hereditary (n = 60), sporadic serous cancer (n = 18; endometrial cancers were excluded), and control (n = 23). The cases were histologically examined and clinical risk factors were collected. The histological changes were compared between different patients and correlated to clinical risk factors. STICs were identified primarily on the fallopian tube fimbria. The incidence of STIC was 3 % in the hereditary patients. In sporadic serous cancer cases, 61 % were associated with STIC and tubal carcinoma (p STIC and invasive cancer were seen more often in the older patients than in the younger patients (p = 0.528). This small study, no correlation with chronic tubal injury or inflammation was identified.

  20. Somatic mosaicism containing double mutations in PTCH1 revealed by generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome. (United States)

    Ikemoto, Yu; Takayama, Yoshinaga; Fujii, Katsunori; Masuda, Mokuri; Kato, Chise; Hatsuse, Hiromi; Fujitani, Kazuko; Nagao, Kazuaki; Kameyama, Kohzoh; Ikehara, Hajime; Toyoda, Masashi; Umezawa, Akihiro; Miyashita, Toshiyuki


    Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterised by developmental defects and tumorigenesis, such as medulloblastomas and basal cell carcinomas, caused by mutations of the patched-1 ( PTCH1 ) gene. In this article, we seek to demonstrate a mosaicism containing double mutations in PTCH1 in an individual with NBCCS. A de novo germline mutation of PTCH1 (c.272delG) was detected in a 31-year-old woman with NBCCS. Gene analysis of two out of four induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) clones established from the patient unexpectedly revealed an additional mutation, c.274delT. Deep sequencing confirmed a low-prevalence somatic mutation (5.5%-15.6% depending on the tissue) identical to the one found in iPSC clones. This is the first case of mosaicism unequivocally demonstrated in NBCCS. Furthermore, the mosaicism is unique in that the patient carries one normal and two mutant alleles. Because these mutations are located in close proximity, reversion error is likely to be involved in this event rather than a spontaneous mutation. In addition, this study indicates that gene analysis of iPSC clones can contribute to the detection of mosaicism containing a minor population carrying a second mutation. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  1. Gut-associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) Carcinoma in Ulcerative Colitis. (United States)

    Rubio, Carlos A; DE Petris, Giovanni; Puppa, Giacomo


    In ulcerative colitis (UC), the majority of colorectal carcinomas (CRC) arise in the vast colorectal mucosal domain built with mucus-producing goblet cells and columnar cells. Conversely, CRC in UC rarely evolve in the tiny, spotty gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) mucosal domain. Here we review the four reported cases of colonic carcinoma developing in GALT mucosa in UC, searching for possible precursor lesions connected with the evolution of these tumours. The clinical history, age, gender, endoscopic descriptions, and the pathology (localization, gross and histological descriptions of the luminal surface) of the four UC-GALT carcinomas reported in the literature were reviewed. The luminal surface in three out of the four carcinomas revealed conventional (tubular/villous) adenomas or high-grade dysplasia. All four UC-GALT-carcinomas were detected at an early stage (T1N0). GALT carcinomas do occur, albeit infrequently, in patients with UC. The finding that three out of the four GALT carcinomas on record were covered by conventional adenomas or by high-grade dysplasia strongly suggests that non-invasive conventional neoplasias might often precede GALT carcinomas in UC. Copyright© 2018, International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved.

  2. Evidencia y recomendación. ¿Harmonic Ultracision ofrece ventajas en tiroidectomía?

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    Full Text Available Introducción y objetivo: En un paciente con patología de tiroides [paciente] sometido a tiroidectomía [intervención] la técnica realizada con Harmonic Ultracision® (HU comparada con las técnicas convencionales (ligadura, electrocoagulación mono o bipolar y Ligasure® [comparación] ¿es más segura [resultado]? Material y método: Búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos PubMed, Cochrane Library y Scopus con la estrategia de búsqueda «(((((ultrasonic scalpel OR harmonic AND thyroidectomy AND meta-analysis. Resultados: Nivel de evidencia: La evidencia de la ventaja del uso de HU en tiroidectomía frente a otras técnicas es alta respecto a la eliminación de las suturas, a la facilitación del acceso a espacios más reducidos, la reducción del tiempo quirúrgico, la reducción del sangrado intraoperatorio y postoperatorio, la reducción del hipoparatiroidismo transitorio, la reducción del dolor postoperatorio, la reducción de la estancia hospitalaria y reducción del coste. Conclusiones: Recomendación: La recomendación del uso de HU en tiroidectomía frenta a otras alternativas (cirugía convencional / Ligasure® es débil a favor porque reduce la incidencia de parálisis laríngea y es fuerte a favor debido a que reduce el tiempo operatorio, reduce el sangrado intraoperatorio y postoperatorio, reduce el volumen drenado, reduce la incidencia de hipocalcemia, reduce la estancia hospitalaria y el coste. La recomendación del uso de HU en tiroidectomía es fuerte a favor.

  3. CT diagnosis of rare histological variant of hepatocellular carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Huaibo; Feng Zhipeng; Duan Shaoyin; Zhaugn Xiangrong


    Objective: To explore and understand the CT findings of 5 rare histological variants of hepatocellular carcinoma. Methods: CT findings of 31 cases of rare histological variants confirmed by surgery and pathology were analyzed retrospectively. Results: 13 cases were clear cell hepatocellular carcinoma. 3 cases of them showed patchy fat density in plain scans. Enhanced CT showed features of 'fast in fast out' which was similar to the common hepatocellular carcinoma. 4 cases belonged to sclerosis hepatocellular carcinoma. They appeared as heterogeneous, slowly enhancement on arterial phase images, and delay enhancement on portal venous phase and delay phase images. 9 cases belonged to mixed hepatocellular carcinoma. 5 cases of them showed inhomogeneous enhancement and 4 without enhancement during arterial phase, 3 cases showed delay enhancement and 4 without during portal venous and delay phase. 3 cases were fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma. All showed obvious and fastly enhancement on arterial phase images, subsided slowly on the portal venous and delay phase images, showing features of 'fast in slow out', no enhancement was seen in the central scar. Shrinkage phenomenon on the surface of liver could be seen on the CT plain scans in sclerosis, mixed and fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma. 2 cases were the type of dense hepatocellular carcinoma. The surrounding part in the 2 cases were slightly enhanced, while the most part of the center were not enhanced similar to necrosis. Conclusion: The CT findings of rate histological variant of hepatocellular carcinoma are characteristic. Analyzing the CT plain and enhancement finding is helpful to the diagnosis of these types of hepatocellular carcinoma. (authors)

  4. Metastatic Basal Cell Carcinoma Accompanying Gorlin Syndrome

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    Yeliz Bilir


    Full Text Available Gorlin-Goltz syndrome or basal cell nevus syndrome is an autosomal dominant syndrome characterized by skeletal anomalies, numerous cysts observed in the jaw, and multiple basal cell carcinoma of the skin, which may be accompanied by falx cerebri calcification. Basal cell carcinoma is the most commonly skin tumor with slow clinical course and low metastatic potential. Its concomitance with Gorlin syndrome, resulting from a mutation in a tumor suppressor gene, may substantially change morbidity and mortality. A 66-year-old male patient with a history of recurrent basal cell carcinoma was presented with exophthalmus in the left eye and the lesions localized in the left lateral orbita and left zygomatic area. His physical examination revealed hearing loss, gapped teeth, highly arched palate, and frontal prominence. Left orbital mass, cystic masses at frontal and ethmoidal sinuses, and multiple pulmonary nodules were detected at CT scans. Basal cell carcinoma was diagnosed from biopsy of ethmoid sinus. Based on the clinical and typical radiological characteristics (falx cerebri calcification, bifid costa, and odontogenic cysts, the patient was diagnosed with metastatic skin basal cell carcinoma accompanied by Gorlin syndrome. Our case is a basal cell carcinoma with aggressive course accompanying a rarely seen syndrome.

  5. Oral verrucous carcinoma. Treatment with radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nair, M.K.; Sankaranarayanan, R.; Padmanabhan, T.K.; Madhu, C.S.


    Fifty-two cases of oral verrucous carcinoma treated with radiotherapy at the Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum, Kerala, India in 1982 were evaluated to determine the distribution within the oral cavity, clinical extent, and effectiveness of radiotherapy in controlling the disease. The most common site was the buccal mucosa. Fifty percent of the patients had clinically negative regional lymph nodes and 33% were in earlier stages (T1, T2, N0, and M0). The overall 3-year no evidence of disease (NED) survival rate was 44%. The 3-year NED survival rate with radium implant was 86%. We cannot comment on anaplastic transformation after radiotherapy because our treatment failures have not been subjected for biopsy concerning this matter. Because the results are comparable with those of well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, we think that the treatment policies advocated for oral squamous cell carcinoma are also applicable to oral verrucous carcinoma

  6. Computed tomography diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma rupture haemorrhage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhi Weike; Jiang Bin; Liu Jinquan; Li Sixia; Zhu Zhichang


    Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of hepatocellular carcinoma rupture hemorrhage using Computed Tomography. Methods: Six cases diagnosed hepatocellular carcinoma rupture hemorrhage were analyzed by morphic and histologic method and investigated the key point of scan in diagnosis. Result: The correct rate of hepatocellular carcinoma rupture hemorrhage by Computed Tomography is above 83 percent, it characteristic representation is strip and would high-density shadow after enhancement. Conclusion: The characteristic representation of hepatocellular carcinoma rupture hemorrhage is attain by Computed Tomography, which provides effective operation evidences for clinical operation. (authors)

  7. Synchronous Parathyroid and Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

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    Shi-Dou Lin


    Full Text Available Concomitant thyroid disease is not unusual among patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. However, the simultaneous occurrence of parathyroid and thyroid carcinoma is extremely rare. We report a 38-year-old man with primary hyperparathyroidism who presented with osteitis fibrosa cystica complicated with pathologic femoral neck fracture. Preoperative investigation for exclusion of multiple endocrine neoplasia did not find evidence of medullary thyroid carcinoma or pheochromocytoma, but imaging studies revealed the presence of nodules in the right lobe and a parathyroid lesion over the left inferior pole of the thyroid gland. Total thyroidectomy, left parathyroidectomy, and bipolar hemiarthroplasty of the left hip were then performed simultaneously. The resected specimens were pathologically identified as papillary thyroid carcinoma and parathyroid carcinoma, respectively. After the operation, 131I ablation therapy was administered at a dose of 120 mCi. Additional doses of 30 mCi were given yearly as serum thyroglobulin level became elevated. Serum calcium level remained normal during yearly follow-up. Although parathyroid carcinoma is an uncommon cause of parathyroid hormone-dependent hypercalcemia, it should nonetheless be given due consideration because its surgical approach differs from that of parathyroid adenoma. As the coexistence of parathyroid and non-medullary thyroid carcinoma has previously been reported, the possibility of both malignancies must also be considered in the setting of primary hyperparathyroidism with thyroid nodules. If confirmed with preoperative parathyroid scintigraphic and other laboratory studies, an optimal outcome may be achieved with complete resection of both tumors at the time of initial operation, followed by adjunctive therapy.

  8. Caso Clínico del Departamento de Medicina Interna: Carcinoma verrucoso de pene, Tratamiento con criocirugía

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    Alvaro Acosta de Hart


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente hombre, de 62 años de edad, natural y procedente de Bogotá, de ocupación conductor, que consulto a la Unidad de Dermatología del Hospital San Juan de Dios de Bogotá, por presentar durante varios meses de evolución, una lesión tumoral, exofítica, localizada en la región dorsal izquierda del surco balanoprepucial, de tres por dos centímetros, de bordes netos, ondulantes, centro exofítico, ulcerado y base infiltrada. Antecedente importante, cuadro de mastocitosis cutánea de aproximadamente 20 años de evolución.

  9. Clinicopathological evaluation of radiation induced basal cell carcinoma

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    Meibodi Naser


    Full Text Available Background: Development of skin neoplasms is one of the most important chronic complications of radiation therapy. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC is the most frequent carcinoma occurring at the region of the body to which radiotherapy was delivered. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical and histological aspects of basal cell carcinoma in patients with a history of radiotherapy. Materials and Methods: Medical records and microscopic slides of 80 patients with basal cell carcinoma who had received radiotherapy (1996-2006 were reviewed in pathology department of Imam Reza hospital of Mashhad, Iran. Collected data were analyzed statistically using descriptive test. Results: 60 men and 20 women were included, majority of them in their sixties. Plaque was the most common clinical pattern of basal cell carcinoma. Fifty one percent of the patients had pigmented and 42.5% had multiple lesions. Scalp was the most common site of involvement. Histologically, macronodular and pigmented carcinoma were the most predominant forms of basal cell carcinoma. Discussion: Majority of patients had scalp involvement and multiple lesions. Nodular and pigmented forms were the most common histological findings. We suggest the need for close supervision in patients with a history of radio therapy in the past.

  10. Breed predisposition to canine gastric carcinoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seim-Wikse, Tonje; Jörundsson, Einar; Nødtvedt, Ane


    Previous research has indicated a breed predisposition to gastric carcinoma in dogs. However, results to date are inconsistent since several studies have failed to prove such a predisposition. Better knowledge of breeds at risk could facilitate early detection of gastric carcinoma in dogs. The ai...

  11. Neglected Giant Scalp Basal Cell Carcinoma

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    Anne Kristine Larsen, MD


    Full Text Available Summary: Rarely, basal cell carcinoma grows to a giant size, invading the underlying deep tissue and complicating the treatment and reconstruction modalities. A giant basal cell carcinoma on the scalp is in some cases treated with a combination of surgery and radiation therapy, resulting in local control, a satisfactory long-term cosmetic and functional result. We present a case with a neglected basal cell scalp carcinoma, treated with wide excision and postoperative radiotherapy, reconstructed with a free latissimus dorsi flap. The cosmetic result is acceptable and there is no sign of recurrence 1 year postoperatively.

  12. Determinantes del trabajo infantil y la escolaridad: el caso del Valle del Cauca en Colombia

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    Sebastián Urueña Abadía


    Full Text Available Colombia, al igual que la mayoría de países latinoamericanos, consciente de las repercusiones sociales y económicas negativas del trabajo infantil, se ha comprometido en la lucha por la erradicación de este fenómeno. Prueba de ello es la ratificación por parte del gobierno colombiano en el año 2007, del Convenio 182 de la OIT sobre la Prohibición de las Peores Formas de Trabajo Infantil y la Acción Inmediata para su Eliminación. En el plano regional, como parte del Plan de Desarrollo del Departamento del Valle del Cauca 2008-2011, se está implementando actualmente una estrategia territorial de erradicación del trabajo infantil en sus 42 municipios. Considerando este panorama, este trabajo indaga cuáles son los determinantes del trabajo infantil y la escolaridad en el departamento del Valle a partir de los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida del año 2003. Para el análisis se emplea un modelo econométrico Probit Bivariado, que permite el estudio conjunto e interrelacionado de decisiones diferentes, en este caso la asistencia escolar y el trabajo.

  13. [La combinazione di gemcitabina e oxaliplatino (GEMOX) nel trattamento del carcinoma pancreatico in fase avanzata di malattia: le notizie sulla mia morte sono state esagerate? (United States)

    Giuliani, Jacopo; Bonetti, Andrea


    Riassunto. L'analisi è stata condotta al fine di valutare l'effetto sia sulla sopravvivenza globale (OS) sia sulla sopravvivenza libera da progressione di malattia (PFS) della chemioterapia di combinazione in prima linea per il carcinoma pancreatico in fase avanzata di malattia. La presente analisi è limitata agli studi randomizzati controllati (RCT) di fase III. Successivamente è stata applicata la European Society for Medical Oncology Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale (ESMO-MCBS) agli RCT di fase III analizzati per ricavare uno score relativo all'entità del beneficio clinico ottenuto per ciascun RCT. Sono state calcolate inoltre le differenze in termini di PFS tra i diversi bracci di trattamento rapportandole con i costi dei farmaci necessari per ottenere il beneficio di PFS. La nostra analisi ha valutato 11 RCT di fase III, per un totale di 4572 pazienti. Combinando i costi della terapia con la misura dell'efficacia espressa dalla PFS, è stato ottenuto un costo di 74,12 euro (€) per mese di vita guadagnato in termini di PFS con la combinazione di 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, irinotecan e oxaliplatino (FOLFIRINOX), 90,14 € per la combinazione di gemcitabina e oxaliplatino (GEMOX) e 4708,7 € per la combinazione di nab-paclitaxel e gemcitabina. Da questo punto di vista riteniamo che l'utilizzo delle "vecche chemioterapie di combinazione" (per es., GEMOX) non dovrebbe essere completamente abbandonato, ma valutato sul singolo paziente, sulla base di diversi fattori (età, ECOG PS, comorbilità, carico di malattia), al fine di ottenere una reale "tailored therapy".

  14. La superación del modelo del ángel del hogar:


    Hurtado Muñoz, Mónica


    La Tesis Doctoral titulada "La superación del modelo del "ángel del hogar". Recuperación de la escritora Leonor Canalejas y Fustegueras (1869-1945)" aborda, en primer lugar, un análisis sociológico de las circunstancias que rodearon a la mujer española en el cambio de siglo en el ámbito social y educativo, en un intento de esclarecer las características propias del contexto en el que la mujer accede a la intelectualidad en general y a la literatura en particular. Esta parte concluye que la cr...

  15. Prostate carcinomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toledano, A.; Chauveinc, L.; Flam, T.; Thiounn, N.; Solignac, S.; Timbert, M.; Rosenwald, J.C.; Cosset, J.M.; Ammor, A.; Bonnetain, F.; Brenier, J.P.; Maingon, P.; Peignaux, K.; Truc, G.; Bosset, M.; Crevoisier, R. de; Tucker, S.; Dong, L.; Cheung, R.; Kuban, D.; Azria, D.; Llacer Moscardo, C.; Ailleres, N.; Allaw, A.; Serre, A.; Fenoglietto, P.; Hay, M.H.; Thezenas, S.; Dubois, J.B.; Pommier, P.; Perol, D.; Lagrange, J.L.; Richaud, P.; Brune, D.; Le Prise, E.; Azria, D.; Beckendorf, V.; Chabaud, S.; Carrie, C.; Bosset, M.; Bosset, J.F.; Maingon, P.; Ammor, A.; Crehangen, G.; Truc, G.; Peignaux, K.; Bonnetain, F.; Keros, L.; Bernier, V.; Aletti, P.; Wolf, D.; Marchesia, V.; Noel, A.; Artignan, X.; Fourneret, P.; Bacconier, M.; Shestaeva, O.; Pasquier, D.; Descotes, J.L.; Balosso, J.; Bolla, M.; Burette, R.; Corbusier, A.; Germeau, F.; Crevoisier, R. de; Dong, L.; Bonnen, M.; Cheung, R.; Tucker, S.; Kuban, D.; Crevoisier, R. de; Melancon, A.; Kuban, D.; Cheung, R.; Dong, L.; Peignaux, K.; Brenier, J.P.; Truc, G.; Bosset, M.; Ammor, A.; Barillot, I.; Maingon, P.; Molines, J.C.; Berland, E.; Cornulier, J. de; Coulet-Parpillon, A.; Cohard, C.; Picone, M.; Fourneret, P.; Artignan, X.; Daanen, V.; Gastaldo, J.; Bolla, M.; Collomb, D.; Dusserre, A.; Descotes, J.L.; Troccaz, J.; Giraud, J.Y.; Quero, L.; Hennequin, C.; Ravery, V.; Desgrandschamps, F.; Maylin, C.; Boccon-Gibod, L.; Salem, N.; Bladou, F.; Gravis, G.; Tallet, A.; Simonian, M.; Serment, G.; Salem, N.; Bladou, F.; Gravis, G.; Simonian, M.; Rosello, R.; Serment, G.


    Some short communications on the prostate carcinoma are given here. The impact of pelvic irradiation, conformation with intensity modulation, association of radiotherapy and chemotherapy reduction of side effects, imaging, doses escalation are such subjects studied and reported. (N.C.)

  16. Metastatic renal cell carcinoma management

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    Flavio L. Heldwein


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To assess the current treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma, focusing on medical treatment options. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The most important recent publications have been selected after a literature search employing PubMed using the search terms: advanced and metastatic renal cell carcinoma, anti-angiogenesis drugs and systemic therapy; also significant meeting abstracts were consulted. RESULTS: Progress in understanding the molecular basis of renal cell carcinoma, especially related to genetics and angiogenesis, has been achieved mainly through of the study of von Hippel-Lindau disease. A great variety of active agents have been developed and tested in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC patients. New specific molecular therapies in metastatic disease are discussed. Sunitinib, Sorafenib and Bevacizumab increase the progression-free survival when compared to therapy with cytokines. Temsirolimus increases overall survival in high-risk patients. Growth factors and regulatory enzymes, such as carbonic anhydrase IX may be targets for future therapies. CONCLUSIONS: A broader knowledge of clear cell carcinoma molecular biology has permitted the beginning of a new era in mRCC therapy. Benefits of these novel agents in terms of progression-free and overall survival have been observed in patients with mRCC, and, in many cases, have become the standard of care. Sunitinib is now considered the new reference first-line treatment for mRCC. Despite all the progress in recent years, complete responses are still very rare. Currently, many important issues regarding the use of these agents in the management of metastatic renal cancer still need to be properly addressed.

  17. In vivo 1H MR spectroscopy of thyroid carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, Ann D.; Yeung, David K.W.; Ahuja, Anil T.; Tse, Gary M.K.; Chan, Amy B.W.; Lam, Sherlock S.L.; Hasselt, Andrew C. van


    To determine if proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( 1 H MRS) of thyroid carcinoma is feasible and to determine if 1 H MRS spectra of malignant tumors differ from that of normal thyroid tissue. We performed 1 H MRS at 1.5 T at echo-times (TE) 136 and 272 ms to examine eight patients with thyroid cancer (primary tumour or nodal metastasis) larger than 1 cm 3 in size and five volunteers with normal thyroids. Spectra acquired from six primary tumors (three anaplastic carcinomas, two papillary carcinomas and one follicular carcinoma) and two nodes (two papillary carcinoma metastases) were analyzed in the time-domain using a non-linear least squares fitting algorithm with incorporation of prior knowledge. Choline (3.2 ppm) was identified in all solid carcinomas with a mean choline/creatine of 4.3 at TE 136 ms and 5.4 at TE 272 ms. Ratios for malignant tumors at TE 136 ms ranged from 1.6 in well differentiated follicular carcinoma to 9.4 in anaplastic carcinoma. No choline was detected in normal thyroid tissues. Our results showed that 1 H MRS is a feasible technique for the evaluation of malignant thyroid tumors larger than 1 cm 3 and that proton spectra of malignant tumors differ from that of normal thyroid tissue

  18. Visualization of adrenocortical carcinoma with /sup 131/I-Adosterol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maruoka, Shin; Nakamura, Mamoru


    There are very few literatures on successful visualization of adrenocortical carcinoma by means of /sup 131/I-iodocholesterol scintigraphy, although many reports have referred to utility of /sup 131/I-iodocholesterol scintigraphy for adrenal disorders. Since 1976, we have experienced 4 cases of adrenocortical carcinoma which were delineated by /sup 131/I-6US -iodomethyl-19-norcholesterol (/sup 131/I-Adosterol). Three of 4 cases were adrenocortical carcinoma with Cushing's syndrome, and one was adrenocortical carcinoma with adrenogenital syndrome. In 3 cases of cortisol secreting adrenocortical carcinoma, uptake in the tumor and lack of uptake in the contralateral adrenal gland were seen. Faint to moderate uptakes were observed in the 2 cases, but another one showed as high uptake as seen in adenoma. Patient with androgen secreting adrenocortical carcinoma had increased uptake in the tumor and showed faint uptake in the contralateral adrenal gland. Intensity of /sup 131/I-Adosterol uptake in adrenocortical carcinoma seems to depend on the extent of tumor necrosis, cell differentiation and function.

  19. Multiple oncocytomas and renal carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Velasquez, G.; Glass, T.A.; D'Souza, V.J.; Formanek, A.G.


    Renal oncocytoma, although rare, is being diagnosed more frequently, and criteria to differentiate it from other tumors have been described. Multiple oncocytomas have been reported, but an association between multiple oncocytomas and renal carcinoma in the same kidney has not been described. The authors report a case with two oncocytomas and a renal carcinoma in the right kidney as well as a right adrenal adenoma

  20. Differentiated thyroid carcinoma with functional autonomy. (United States)

    Yaturu, Subhashini; Fowler, Marjorie R


    To present a case of papillary carcinoma in an autonomously hyperfunctioning thyroid nodule. We chronicle the clinical and laboratory findings in a patient with a painless neck mass, with a particular focus on the pathologic findings after surgical removal of the right thyroid lobe. A 39-year-old woman had an enlarging nodule of the right thyroid lobe. Results of thyroid function tests suggested subclinical hyperthyroidism. Two months later, the patient complained of increasing swelling in the neck (but still had no symptoms suggestive of hyperthyroidism). Thus, resection of the right thyroid lobe was performed. Pathologic analysis disclosed low-grade papillary thyroid carcinoma within the nodule, with a small rim of compressed inactive-appearing thyroid tissue surrounding the nodule. Subsequently, she underwent total thyroidectomy and follow-up care for thyroid carcinoma. Although solitary hyperfunctioning nodules of the thyroid gland are usually considered benign, the current case suggests that the diagnosis of autonomous thyroid nodules does not preclude thyroid carcinoma in a functioning nodule.

  1. Squamous cell carcinoma of the breast: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hofstee Mans


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Squamous cells are normally not found inside the breast, so a primary squamous cell carcinoma of the breast is an exceptional phenomenon. There is a possible explanation for these findings. Case presentation A 72-year-old woman presented with a breast abnormality suspected for breast carcinoma. After the operation the pathological examination revealed a primary squamous cell carcinoma of the breast. Conclusion The presentation of squamous cell carcinoma could be similar to that of an adenocarcinoma. However, a squamous cell carcinoma of the breast could also develop from a complicated breast cyst or abscess. Therefore, pathological examination of these apparent benign abnormalities is mandatory.

  2. Prognostic factors of follicular thyroid carcinoma. (United States)

    Ríos, Antonio; Rodríguez, José M; Ferri, Belén; Martínez-Barba, Enrique; Torregrosa, Núria M; Parrilla, Pascual


    Most prognostic studies in differentiated carcinoma have included a high number of papillary carcinomas and few follicular carcinomas, and not all of their conclusions therefore apply to the latter. To analyze the prognostic factors of follicular thyroid carcinoma. Patients with histological diagnosis of follicular carcinoma who had undergone potentially curative surgery, had no disseminated disease at diagnosis, and had been followed up for at least 5 years. Tumor recurrence was defined as: 1) tumor lesions with cytological analysis suggesting malignancy and/or 2) patients with total thyroidectomy with thyroglobulin levels >2 ng/mL. Clinical, therapeutic, and histological parameters were analyzed to assess prognostic factors. Recurrence was found in 25 (38%) of the 66 study patients during a follow-up period of 99 ± 38 months. Most patients with recurrence (n=20) had increased Tg levels without anatomical location, and were initially treated with radioactive I131. In the remaining 5 cases, surgical excision of the lesion was performed, and three patients required surgery during the follow-up period. Two patients died due to the disease (3%), and two other patients (3%) currently have distant metastases. Mean disease-free interval was 154 ± 14 months, and rates of disease-free patients at 5, 10, 15, and 20 years were 71, 58, 58, and 58% respectively. Clinical factors influencing recurrence included 1) age (p=0.0035); 2) sex (p=0.0114); and 3) cervical pain (p=0.0026). Histological/surgical factors associated with recurrence included 1) infiltration into neighboring structures (p=0.0000); 2) type of carcinoma (p=0.0000); 3) size (p=0.0162); 4) vascular invasion (p=0.0085); and 5) adenopathies (p=0.046). In the multivariate study, cervical pain (p=0.018) and extrathyroid invasion (p=0.045) continued to be significant factors. In follicular carcinoma, rates of disease-free patients are 71% at 5 years and 58% at 10 years, and the main predictive factors are presence

  3. Genetics Home Reference: head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (United States)

    ... and neck squamous cell carcinoma Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript ... Consumer Version: Overview of Mouth, Nose, and Throat Cancers Orphanet: Squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck University of Michigan ...

  4. Radiological diagnosis of renal carcinoma in adults

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mignon, F.; Mesurolle, B.


    In this paper, we describe the new imaging modalities employed in initial imaging management of renal carcinoma which provide accurate answers to practical questions. This article highlights the more suitable diagnostic imaging tools, their strong and weak points, their limitations with emphasis placed on the major role of helical CT in diagnosis and initial staging of renal carcinoma: helical CT allows complete examination in the same time of the lesion and its possible extensions. In recent years with the advent of new imaging modalities, HelicalCT has become the standard diagnostic method for characterizing and staging renal carcinoma which decisively influences the therapeutic approach. CT can diagnose the type of carcinoma, precisely establish local and regional staging such as extension to the adjacent structures (perirenal fat, collecting system), presence of regional lymph node metastases and venous tumor thrombus. In addition helical CT is able to detail anatomical landmarks (venous and arterial) necessary for partial nephrectomy. This article points out the various key points in detection mid work-up of a renal carcinoma required for proper therapeutic decision-making. (authors)

  5. Necrotizing colitis associated with carcinoma of the colon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woo, Seong Ku; Lim, Jae Hoon; Kim, Soon Yong; Ahn, Chi Yul


    Necrotizing colitis associated with carcinoma of the colon, known also as obstructive colitis, is a disorder characterized by anulceration and inflammation of the colon proximal to an obstructive lesion, especially carcinoma of the rectosigmoid colon, and in rare instance, leads to acute gangrene of the colon. The authors analyzed radiologic findings in four cases of necrotizing colitis associated with carcinoma of the colon. Barium enema disclosed mucosal edema, nodular filling defects, irregularity of the colonic contour and typical thumbprinting appearance of involved colon proximal to an obstructing carcinoma of the colon. The mechanism of necrotizing colitis was briefly reviewed

  6. Utilisation of hepatocellular carcinoma screening in Australians at risk of hepatitis B virus-related carcinoma and prescribed anti-viral therapy. (United States)

    Sheppard-Law, Suzanne; Zablotska-Manos, Iryna; Kermeen, Melissa; Holdaway, Susan; Lee, Alice; George, Jacob; Zekry, Amany; Maher, Lisa


    To investigate hepatocellular carcinoma screening utilisation and factors associated with utilisation among patients prescribed hepatitis B virus anti-viral therapy and at risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma has increased in Australia over the past three decades with chronic hepatitis B virus infection a major contributor. hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance programs aim to detect cancers early enabling curative treatment options, longer survival and longer times to recurrence. Multi-site cross-sectional survey. An online study questionnaire was administered to eligible participants attending three Sydney tertiary hospitals. Data were grouped into six mutually exclusive hepatocellular carcinoma risk factor categories as per American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases guidelines. All analyses were undertaken in STATA. Logistic regression was used to assess the associations between covariates and screening utilisation. Multivariate models described were assessed using the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit. Of the 177 participants, 137 (77.4%) self-reported that US had been performed in the last six months. Awareness that screening should be performed and knowing the correct frequency of US screening were independently associated with screening utilisation. Participants who knew that screening should be undertaken were three times more likely to have had pretreatment education or were prescribed hepatitis B virus anti-viral treatment for >4 years. Participants reporting a family history of hepatocellular carcinoma were less likely to know that screening should be undertaken every 6 months. While utilisation of hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance programs was higher in this study than in previous reports, strategies to further improve surveillance remain necessary. Findings from this research form the basis for proposing strategies to improve utilisation of hepatocellular carcinoma screening, inform hepatitis B virus

  7. Neuroendocrine carcinomas of the lung

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forster, B.B.; Muller, N.L.; Miller, R.R.; Nelems, B.; Evans, K.G.


    Neuroendocrine lung carcinomas may be classified as Kulchitzky cell carcinoma (KCC) I (classic carcinoids), II (atypical carcinoids), and III (small cell carcinomas). The authors reviewed the clinical, CT, and pathologic findings in 31 patients with KCC. KCC I occurred mainly in younger nonsmoking women, and on CT were small (1.8 cm average diameter) and showed lymphadenopathy in one of ten patients. KCC II were found mainly in older smoking men and were larger (3.9 cm, P < .001), and four of ten patients had lymphadenopathy. KCC III occurred in older smoking men and were large (4.2 cm), and 11 of 11 patients had lymphadenopathy. Sputum cytology and percutaneous and bronchoscopic biopsy were often nondiagnostic or misleading. The authors conclude that chest CT provides additional discriminating information in the preoperative diagnosis of KCC

  8. Parathyroid carcinoma in tertiary hyperparathyroidism. (United States)

    Kim, Byung Seup; Ryu, Han Suk; Kang, Kyung Ho; Park, Sung Jun


    Parathyroid carcinoma is a rare disease of unknown etiology. This study presents a case of parathyroid carcinoma in a patient with tertiary hyperparathyroidism. Despite a successful kidney transplantation, the intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) level of the patient was elevated consistently and could not be controlled by medical therapy. Due to the development of tertiary hyperparathyroidism with bone pain and osteoporosis, subtotal parathyroidectomy was performed 4 months after the kidney transplantation. Histological evaluation revealed that one of four parathyroid lesions was a parathyroid carcinoma, while the others were diffuse hyperplasia. Postoperative laboratory studies indicated a decreased level of iPTH. A positron emission tomography-computed tomography performed 6 months after the operation revealed no evidence of local recurrence or distant metastasis. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Taiwan.

  9. Squamous Cell Carcinoma In Situ Overlying Merkel Cell Carcinoma. (United States)

    McGowan, Maria A; Helm, Matthew F; Tarbox, Michelle B


    Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare and aggressive cutaneous neoplasm that has exhibited an exponential increase in incidence in the past 3 decades. Combined MCC and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC/MCC) is an uncommon variant of MCC that exhibits worse prognosis than pure MCC. To describe the clinical presentation, dermoscopy, and histology of an unusual subtype of combined SCC/MCC. A 73-year-old white woman presented with an ulcerated and violaceous 10-mm plaque on her right jawline that had been present for 2 to 3 months. On dermoscopy, the lesion was predominantly milky pink to red with peripheral crusting and large-caliber polymorphous vessels. Histology revealed SCC in situ above and adjacent to MCC. The tumor was excised with clear margins, and sentinel lymph node scintography was negative for nodal involvement. © The Author(s) 2016.

  10. Chromophobe hepatocellular carcinoma with abrupt anaplasia: a proposal for a new subtype of hepatocellular carcinoma with unique morphological and molecular features


    Wood, Laura D; Heaphy, Christopher M; Daniel, Hubert Darius-J; Naini, Bita V; Lassman, Charles R; Arroyo, May R; Kamel, Ihab R; Cosgrove, David P; Boitnott, John K; Meeker, Alan K; Torbenson, Michael S


    Hepatocellular carcinomas exhibit heterogeneous morphologies by routine light microscopy. Although some morphologies represent insignificant variations in growth patterns, others may represent unrecognized subtypes of hepatocellular carcinoma. Identification of these subtypes could lead to separation of hepatocellular carcinomas into discrete groups with unique underlying genetic changes, prognosis, or therapeutic responses. In order to identify potential subtypes, two pathologists independen...

  11. Carcinoma do colo do útero: taxa de sobrevida e fatores prognósticos em mulheres no Estado de Mato Grosso Carcinoma de cuello de útero: tasa de sobrevida y factores pronósticos en mujeres en el Estado de Mato Grosso Cervical carcinoma: survival rate and prognostic factors in women in the state of Mato Grosso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janete Tomiyoshi Nakagawa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Analisar a taxa de sobrevida de mulheres submetidas ao tratamento de câncer do colo do útero no Estado de Mato Grosso e identificar os fatores prognósticos que mais influenciaram no tempo de sobrevida. MÉTODOS: Estudo tipo coorte, realizado por meio daanálise dos prontuários clínicos, e dados do Sistema de Informação do Colo do Útero, Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade, Sistema de Informação Autorização de Procedimentos Alta Complexidade. A população correspondeu a 55 mulheres que apresentaram esse tipo de carcinoma e tiveram seguimento clínico entre 2002 e 2007. RESULTADOS: A taxa de sobrevida global foi de 66,7%. Os fatores prognósticos que influenciaram na taxa de sobrevida foram: idade, presença de sintomatologia sugestiva de câncer cervical e estágio tardio da doença no momento do diagnóstico. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da taxa de sobrevida global encontrada assemelhar-se às taxas de países desenvolvidos, foi menor em mulheres com condições sociais desfavoráveis.OBJETIVOS: Analizar la tasa de sobrevida de mujeres sometidas al tratamiento de cáncer de cuello de útero en el Estado de Mato Grosso e identificar los factores pronósticos que más influyeron en el tiempo de sobrevida. MÉTODOS: Estudio de tipo cohorte, realizado por medio del análisis de las historias clínicas, entre otros. La población correspondió a 55 mujeres que presentaron ese tipo de carcinoma y tuvieron seguimiento clínico entre 2002 y 2007. RESULTADOS: La tasa de sobrevida global fue del 66,7%. Los fatores pronósticos que influyeron en la tasa de sobrevida fueron: edad, presencia de sintomatología sugestiva de cáncer cervical y estadío tardío de la enfermedad en el momento del diagnóstico. CONCLUSIÓN: A pesar de que la tasa de sobrevida global encontrada se asemeje a las tasas de países desarrollados, fue menor en mujeres con condiciones sociales desfavorables.OBJECTIVES: To analyze the survival rate of women undergoing

  12. Carcinoma da glândula supra-renal Adrenal gland carcinoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Coutinho Teixeira de Freitas


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: A neoplasia da glândula supra-renal pode ser oriunda de diversos tipos histológicos. O carcinoma é raro, correspondendo à 0,02% de todas as neoplasias. OBJETIVOS: Revisar os últimos avanços relacionados ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento do carcinoma da glândula supra-renal. MÉTODOS:Foi realizada revisão da literatura no Medline, livros texto de autores consagrados e referências obtidas de artigos considerados de maior relevância. CONCLUSÕES: Aproximadamente 79% dos carcinomas supra-renais são funcionantes. O hormônio mais comumente secretado é o cortisol causando síndrome de Cushing. Portadores de lesões não-funcionantes podem apresentar queixas relacionadas com o crescimento local da lesão. Ele está presente em uma série de síndromes neoplásicas de origem familiar. Ainda não está definido se o carcinoma esporádico tem origem em lesões benignas. De acordo com os sintomas, a investigação diagnóstica inicial envolve dosagens de cortisol urinário e nível sérico de aldosterona e renina. A tomografia abdominal ou a ressonância magnética são os exames de imagem de primeira linha. O PET scan com fluorodeoxiglicose apresenta potencial para diferenciação entre lesão benigna e maligna. A biópsia com agulha fina não está indicada devido à sua alta taxa de complicações. O tratamento de eleição é o cirúrgico com ressecção em bloco de órgãos adjacentes se necessário. Linfadenectomia aórtica e retroperitoneal deve ser realizada. Recorrência local ou metástases ocorrem em 80% dos casos. Procedimentos cirúrgicos citoredutores beneficiam os casos de doença avançada. Na presença de metástases, nos submetidos à cirurgia citoredutora e nos com recorrência local à quimioterapia com mitotano está indicada. Radioterapia é o tratamento de escolha no caso de metástases ósseas e tratamento adjuvante em alguns casos de risco elevado para recorrência. Em adultos a sobrevida média geral em 5 anos

  13. Brachytherapy in Lip Carcinoma: Long-Term Results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guibert, Mireille, E-mail: [Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Larrey Hospital, Toulouse (France); David, Isabelle [Department of Radiation Oncology, Claudius Regaud Institut, Toulouse (France); Vergez, Sebastien [Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Larrey Hospital, Toulouse (France); Rives, Michel [Department of Radiation Oncology, Claudius Regaud Institut, Toulouse (France); Filleron, Thomas [Department of Epidemiology, Claudius Regaud Institut, Toulouse (France); Bonnet, Jacques; Delannes, Martine [Department of Radiation Oncology, Claudius Regaud Institut, Toulouse (France)


    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of low-dose-rate brachytherapy for local control and relapse-free survival in squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas of the lips. We compared two groups: one with tumors on the skin and the other with tumors on the lip. Patients and methods: All patients had been treated at Claudius Regaud Cancer Centre from 1990 to 2008 for squamous cell or basal cell carcinoma. Low-dose-rate brachytherapy was performed with iridium 192 wires according to the Paris system rules. On average, the dose delivered was 65 Gy. Results: 172 consecutive patients were included in our study; 69 had skin carcinoma (squamous cell or basal cell), and 92 had squamous cell mucosal carcinoma. The average follow-up time was 5.4 years. In the skin cancer group, there were five local recurrences and one lymph node recurrence. In the mucosal cancer group, there were ten local recurrences and five lymph node recurrences. The 8-year relapse-free survival for the entire population was 80%. The 8-year relapse-free survival was 85% for skin carcinoma 75% for mucosal carcinoma, with no significant difference between groups. The functional results were satisfactory for 99% of patients, and the cosmetic results were satisfactory for 92%. Maximal toxicity observed was Grade 2. Conclusions: Low-dose-rate brachytherapy can be used to treat lip carcinomas at Stages T1 and T2 as the only treatment with excellent results for local control and relapse-free survival. The benefits of brachytherapy are also cosmetic and functional, with 91% of patients having no side effects.

  14. Contemporary management of ductal carcinoma in situ and lobular carcinoma in situ. (United States)

    Obeng-Gyasi, Samilia; Ong, Cecilia; Hwang, E Shelley


    The management of in situ lesions ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) continues to evolve. These diagnoses now comprise a large burden of mammographically diagnosed cancers, and with a global trend towards more population-based screening, the incidence of these lesions will continue to rise. Because outcomes following treatment for DCIS and LCIS are excellent, there is emerging controversy about what extent of treatment is optimal for both diseases. Here we review the current approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of both DCIS and LCIS. In addition, we will consider potential directions for future management of these lesions.


    Andrighetto, Luiza Vitelo; Poziomyck, Aline Kirjner


    Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the most frequent types of malignant tumors in the world. There is growing evidence of the relationship between it development and obesity. The mechanism that links obesity to cancer is still not fully understood; however, it is essential to the understanding the adipose tissue in metabolic changes related to obesity and hepatocellular carcinoma. To review the influence of serum leptin levels in patients with hepatocelular carcinoma. Systematic review of the literature based on the methodology of the Cochrane Institute. The search for articles was in the database: Science Direct, Scielo, Medline, Lilacs e Pubmed. The key words used were hepatocellular carcinoma, leptin, adipokine. After evaluation of individual studies, were selected seven studies. The results previously studied are still inconsistent and contradictory, and leptin can be effectively involved in the occurrence and development of hepatocellular carcinoma. Therefore, it is necessary to develop prospective, well-designed and conducted focusing on the role and specific mechanisms of this hormone in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, so that new correlations can be properly supported. O carcinoma hepatocelular é um dos tipos mais frequentes de tumores malignos no mundo. Há crescentes evidências da relação entre o seu desenvolvimento e a obesidade. O mecanismo que os relaciona ainda não é completamente entendido. Entretanto é essencial a compreensão do tecido adiposo nas alterações metabólicas relacionadas à obesidade e ao câncer. Revisar a influência dos níveis séricos de leptina em pacientes com carcinoma hepatocelular. Trata-se de revisão bibliográfica baseada na metodologia do Instituto Cochrane; a busca de dados foi realizada na base de dados Science Direct, Scielo, Medline, Lilacs e Pubmed, empregando as seguintes descritores: hepatocellular carcinoma, leptin, adipokine. Após avaliação individual dos artigos selecionaram-se sete estudos

  16. Lacrimal gland ductal carcinomas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Simon; Grauslund, Morten; Heegaard, Steffen


    and xerophtalmia; case 2: A 53-year-old man, presented with headache, proptosis and chemosis and case 3: A 73-year-old man, presenting with chemosis and a corneal abscess. All three cases were characterized morphologically including immunohistochemistry and genetically with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH...... HER2 amplification was found in cases 2 and 3. CONCLUSION: This study identified a spectrum of genetic events and pattern of protein expression in DC of the lacrimal gland similar to a subset of carcinomas of the breast and ductal carcinomas of the salivary glands. For therapeutic purposes...

  17. Gingival squamous cell carcinoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amit Walvekar


    Full Text Available Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC is the most common epithelial malignancy affecting the oral cavity. The most common sites for the development are lateral surface of tongue and floor of mouth; the least common sites are soft palate, gingiva, and buccal mucosa. Gingival squamous cell carcinoma can mimic a multitude of oral lesions and enlargements, especially those of inflammatory origin. In addition, predisposing and presenting factors are different from those of other OSCCs. Careful examination as well as routine biopsy are crucial for accurate diagnosis.

  18. Collecting duct carcinoma of the kidney : a case report


    Igawa, Mikio; Honda, Satoshi; Yoneda, Tatsuaki; Shiina, Hiroaki; Ishibe, Tomoyuki; Kadena, Hitoshi; Nakamoto, Takahisa; Usui, Tsuguru


    We present a case of collecting duct carcinoma of the kidney that is an unusual variant of renal cell carcinoma, whose appearance and behavior are not well established. A 55-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with a left large renal cystic mass detected during a health examination. He had undergone radical nephrectomy under the clinical diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma. Histologically, the tumor was not typical renal cell carcinoma and immunohistochemical study was performed. The tumo...

  19. Evolution and pathology of colorectal carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hermanek, P.


    Numerous clinical, epidemiological, histological and experimental observations favour the adenoma-carcinoma sequence. Metastases occur only after invasion of the submucosa. The elevated rate of synchronous lesions (carcinomas and adenomas) is emphasized. In the rule, lymphatic spread precedes distant metastasis. Typing and grading should be performed according to the rules of WHO. The present UICC staging system will be replaced by a new 4th edition 1987. Early carcinoma (limited to the submucosa) has an excellent prognosis and may be treated by limited procedures (polypectomy, local excision) in the most cases. The modern concept of histology- and stage-adapted cancer therapy requires the pre-, intra- and postoperative cooperation with the pathologist. (Author)

  20. Squamous cell carcinoma in Hand – Case reportCarcinoma de células escamosas na mão - Estudo de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joaquim José de Lima Silva


    Full Text Available Introduction: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC is a type of skin malignancy that originates in the squamous layer of the epidermis.  A lower incidence than basal cell carcinomas is reported. There is a predominance of areas heavily exposed to sunlight Objectives: To report a case of squamous cell carcinoma in left hand compromising the hypothenar region. To carry out a literature review and emphasize the main methods of diagnosis and treatment. Methods: Information obtained from medical records, photographic record of pre and post-operative. Result: Histopathological diagnosis was made, confirming squamous cell carcinoma due to the evolution of metastatic basal cell carcinoma, with the removal of bones: 5th metacarpal and scaphoid. After relapse, requiring amputation of the left hand. Conclusion: To report a rare case of bone metastasis derived from a skin cancer.

  1. Elevated serum levels of Chromogranin A in hepatocellular carcinoma. (United States)

    Biondi, Antonio; Malaguarnera, Giulia; Vacante, Marco; Berretta, Massimiliano; D'Agata, Velia; Malaguarnera, Michele; Basile, Francesco; Drago, Filippo; Bertino, Gaetano


    During the past three decades, the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in the United States has tripled. The neuroendocrine character has been observed in some tumor cells within some hepatocellular carcinoma nodules and elevated serum chromogranin A also been reported in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. The aim of this work was to investigate the role of serum concentration of chromogranin A in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma at different stages. The study population consisted of 96 patients (63 males and 33 females age range 52-84) at their first hospital admission for hepatocellular carcinoma. The control group consisted of 35 volunteers (20 males and 15 females age range 50-80). The hepatocellular carcinoma patients were stratified according the Barcelona-Clinic Liver Cancer classification. Venous blood samples were collected before treatment from each patients before surgery, centrifuged to obtain serum samples and stored at -80° C until assayed. The chromogranin A serum levels were elevated (> 100 ng/ml) in 72/96 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. The serum levels of chromogranin A were significantly correlated (p<0.05) with alpha-fetoprotein. In comparison with controls, the hepatocellular carcinoma patients showed a significant increase (p<0.001) vs controls. The chromogranin A levels in the Barcelona staging of hepatocellular carcinoma was higher in stage D compared to stage C (p<0.01), to stage B (p<0.001), and to stage A (p<0.001). Molecular markers, such as chromogranin A, could be very useful tools for hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis. However the molecular classification should be incorporated into a staging scheme, which effectively separated patients into groups with homogeneous prognosis and response to treatment, and thus serves to aid in the selection of appropriate therapy.

  2. Clear cell carcinoma of the uterine corpus following irradiation therapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix; A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iwaoki, Yasuhisa; Katsube, Yasuhiro (Kure Kyosai Hospital, Hiroshima (Japan)); Nanba, Koji


    A case of clear cell carcinoma of the endometrium following squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix is reported. The patient had had a previous cervical biopsy which revealed squamous cell carcinoma (large cell non-keratinizing type), classified clinically as a stage IIb lesion. She was treated with external pelvic irradiation delivering an estimated tumor dose of approximately 7,000 rads and intracavital radium application delivering 4,995 when she was 51 years old. She complained of post-menopausal bleeding at age 66 and was diagnosed by endometrial cytology as having clear cell carcinoma of the endometrium. Total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and omentectomy were performed. The clinical stage of the endometrial cancer was Ib. She is alive after 2 years with no evidence of disease. Endometrial cytology revealed several adenocarcinoma cells in small clusters. The shape of the nuclei was somewhat irregular, the chromatin pattern was fine granular, and single or multiple nucleoli were seen. The diameter of these nuclei ranged from 10 to 30 {mu}m. The cytoplasm was pale green or vacuolated. The volume of the cytoplasm varied from scanty to abundant. These findings suggested clear cell carcinoma. Histopathologically, an irregular shaped polypoid tumor, 3 x 1.5 cm in size, was located on the lower anterior wall of the uterine corpus. The tumor was a clear cell carcinoma showing a solid and papillary pattern. A hobnail pattern was not observed. The cytoplasm was clear and abundant, and PAS-positive granules digestible by diastase were seen. These 2 cancers had different pathological features and their immunohistochemical reactivities for CEA and keratin were also different. The patient was regarded as having a rare heterochronous double cancer consisting of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix and clear cell carcinoma of the endometrium. (author).

  3. Salivary duct carcinoma: a Danish national study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Breinholt, Helle; Elhakim, Mohammad Talal; Godballe, Christian


    BACKGROUND: To present the first national series of salivary duct carcinoma patients, including survival rates and an analysis of prognostic factors. METHODS: By merging three Danish nationwide registries that encompass an entire population, 34 patients diagnosed with salivary duct carcinoma from......-rank test. RESULTS: Salivary duct carcinoma showed an incidence of 0.04/100.000 inhabitants/year. Distant recurrence was seen in 52% of patients. Five-year overall survival, disease-specific survival and recurrence-free survival were 32%, 42% and 35%, respectively. Univariate analyses suggested that overall...... carcinoma incidence averages to two episodes per year in the entire Kingdom of Denmark. With half of patients in this study experiencing distant recurrences and only a third surviving at 5 years, prognosis is dismal. Advanced overall stage, vascular invasion and involved resection margins all seem...

  4. Imaging of uterine cervix carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Viala, J.


    Imaging of uterine cervix carcinoma has evolved during the last decade. Recent developments in magnetic resonance imaging have expanded the role of MRI in evaluating the pathology of uterine cervix carcinoma. MRI is now the modality of choice for tumor staging, evaluating tumor response to treatment, diagnosing recurrences and for evaluating pregnant patients. MRI images will soon be used to calculate dosimetry for brachytherapy with matching and fusion software. (author)

  5. Comportamiento del cáncer de mama en la provincia de Cienfuegos. Quinquenio 2007-2011

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lidia Torres Ajá


    Full Text Available Fundamento: el cáncer de mama representa la primera localización y segunda causa de muerte por tumores malignos en el sexo femenino en Cuba, lo cual ha hecho que sea considerado un problema de salud y una línea priorizada de investigación por parte del Ministerio de Salud Pública. Objetivo: caracterizar el comportamiento del cáncer de mama en la provincia de Cienfuegos en el quinquenio 2007-2011. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, del total de pacientes operados de cáncer de mama en la provincia de Cienfuegos durante 5 años, comprendidos desde el 1 de enero de 2007 al 31 de diciembre del 2011. Se analizaron las variables: sexo, edad, mama afectada, localización topográfica, variante histológica, etapa clínica en el momento del diagnóstico, modalidad de biopsia utilizada y técnicas quirúrgicas aplicadas. Para la recolección de los datos se confeccionó un modelo que fue aplicado a cada paciente, además de revisarse las historias clínicas y protocolos biópsicos. Resultados: existen tasas de incidencia altas en este quinquenio. Existe predominio de afectación en pacientes mayores de 50 años y el carcinoma ductal infiltrante es la modalidad más diagnosticada. El 80,6 % de los tumores se diagnosticaron en etapas tempranas. Conclusiones: el cáncer de mama constituye un problema de salud en la provincia de Cienfuegos, con altas tasas de incidencia, y con un 80,6 % de los tumores diagnosticados en etapas curables.

  6. Metastases of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Misdiagnosed as Isolated Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. (United States)

    Greco, Assunta; De Masi, Roberto; Orlando, Stefania; Metrangolo, Antonio; Zecca, Vittorio; Morciano, Giancarlo; De Donno, Antonella; Bagordo, Francesco; Piccinni, Giancarlo

    At present, cardiac metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma is rarely mentioned in the literature. We report a hepatocellular carcinoma patient with cardiac metastasis misdiagnosed as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in 2011. Two years later, on presentation of syncope, an abnormal ventricular septal size was recorded by ultrasound scan, and was subsequently shown by magnetic resonance imaging to be a tumour lesion. A myocardial biopsy confirmed infiltration of hepatocellular carcinoma. This observation underlines the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma cardiac metastasis, manifested in its infiltrative form as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In conclusion, we suggest that the ultrasound appearance of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in hepatocellular carcinoma patients should be seen as a "red flag" and recommend the introduction of magnetic resonance imaging assessment of transplant candidates.

  7. Potential targets for lung squamous cell carcinoma (United States)

    Researchers have identified potential therapeutic targets in lung squamous cell carcinoma, the second most common form of lung cancer. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Research Network study comprehensively characterized the lung squamous cell carcinoma gen

  8. Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the gingiva appearing as a solitary branchial cyst carcinoma: diagnostic role of PET/CT. (United States)

    Zhang, Xiong-Xin; Zhao, Kui; Zhou, Shui-Hong; Wang, Qin-Ying; Liu, Jian-Hua; Lu, Zhong-Jie


    We herein present a case of a left cervical cystic mass, for which the initial pathological diagnosis was branchial cleft cyst carcinoma (following complete mass excision). Thorough postoperative examinations, including with FDG positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT), revealed a primary tumor in the retromolar region of the left mandible. A 52-year-old female presented with a 2-month history of a painless, progressively enlarged left-sided neck mass. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy suggested a branchial cleft cyst. Physical examination revealed a 3 × 3-cm smooth, tender mass in the upper-left neck and anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Examination using nasendoscopy and a strobolaryngoscope revealed no abnormalities of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx or larynx. MRI of the neck revealed a solitary, round, cystic mass under the left parotid gland. The mass was excised completely. Pathologic results indicated a branchial cleft cyst carcinoma. According to the diagnostic criteria for a branchial cleft cystic carcinoma, PET/CT was performed to detect the occult primary site. PET/CT revealed high FDG uptake in the tooth root of the left mandible. Frozen sections of the mass were indicative of moderate, differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. The carcinoma in the retromolar region of the left mandible was locally excised under general anesthesia. A partial left maxillectomy, partial mandibulectomy, and left radical neck dissection were performed. The patient received postoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy, and was disease-free at the 8-month follow-up. True branchial cleft cyst carcinoma is rare: once diagnosed, it should be distinguished from metastatic cystic cervical lymph and occult primary carcinoma. FDG PET/CT is useful in the identification of occult primary tumor.

  9. Comprehensive Molecular Characterization of Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma (United States)

    Linehan, W. Marston; Spellman, Paul T.; Ricketts, Christopher J.; Creighton, Chad J.; Fei, Suzanne S.; Davis, Caleb; Wheeler, David A.; Murray, Bradley A.; Schmidt, Laura; Vocke, Cathy D.; Peto, Myron; Al Mamun, Abu Amar M.; Shinbrot, Eve; Sethi, Anurag; Brooks, Samira; Rathmell, W. Kimryn; Brooks, Angela N.; Hoadley, Katherine A.; Robertson, A. Gordon; Brooks, Denise; Bowlby, Reanne; Sadeghi, Sara; Shen, Hui; Weisenberger, Daniel J.; Bootwalla, Moiz; Baylin, Stephen B.; Laird, Peter W.; Cherniack, Andrew D.; Saksena, Gordon; Haake, Scott; Li, Jun; Liang, Han; Lu, Yiling; Mills, Gordon B.; Akbani, Rehan; Leiserson, Mark D.M.; Raphael, Benjamin J.; Anur, Pavana; Bottaro, Donald; Albiges, Laurence; Barnabas, Nandita; Choueiri, Toni K.; Czerniak, Bogdan; Godwin, Andrew K.; Hakimi, A. Ari; Ho, Thai; Hsieh, James; Ittmann, Michael; Kim, William Y.; Krishnan, Bhavani; Merino, Maria J.; Mills Shaw, Kenna R.; Reuter, Victor E.; Reznik, Ed; Shelley, Carl Simon; Shuch, Brian; Signoretti, Sabina; Srinivasan, Ramaprasad; Tamboli, Pheroze; Thomas, George; Tickoo, Satish; Burnett, Kenneth; Crain, Daniel; Gardner, Johanna; Lau, Kevin; Mallery, David; Morris, Scott; Paulauskis, Joseph D.; Penny, Robert J.; Shelton, Candace; Shelton, W. Troy; Sherman, Mark; Thompson, Eric; Yena, Peggy; Avedon, Melissa T.; Bowen, Jay; Gastier-Foster, Julie M.; Gerken, Mark; Leraas, Kristen M.; Lichtenberg, Tara M.; Ramirez, Nilsa C.; Santos, Tracie; Wise, Lisa; Zmuda, Erik; Demchok, John A.; Felau, Ina; Hutter, Carolyn M.; Sheth, Margi; Sofia, Heidi J.; Tarnuzzer, Roy; Wang, Zhining; Yang, Liming; Zenklusen, Jean C.; Zhang, Jiashan (Julia); Ayala, Brenda; Baboud, Julien; Chudamani, Sudha; Liu, Jia; Lolla, Laxmi; Naresh, Rashi; Pihl, Todd; Sun, Qiang; Wan, Yunhu; Wu, Ye; Ally, Adrian; Balasundaram, Miruna; Balu, Saianand; Beroukhim, Rameen; Bodenheimer, Tom; Buhay, Christian; Butterfield, Yaron S.N.; Carlsen, Rebecca; Carter, Scott L.; Chao, Hsu; Chuah, Eric; Clarke, Amanda; Covington, Kyle R.; Dahdouli, Mahmoud; Dewal, Ninad; Dhalla, Noreen; Doddapaneni, HarshaVardhan; Drummond, Jennifer; Gabriel, Stacey B.; Gibbs, Richard A.; Guin, Ranabir; Hale, Walker; Hawes, Alicia; Hayes, D. Neil; Holt, Robert A.; Hoyle, Alan P.; Jefferys, Stuart R.; Jones, Steven J.M.; Jones, Corbin D.; Kalra, Divya; Kovar, Christie; Lewis, Lora; Li, Jie; Ma, Yussanne; Marra, Marco A.; Mayo, Michael; Meng, Shaowu; Meyerson, Matthew; Mieczkowski, Piotr A.; Moore, Richard A.; Morton, Donna; Mose, Lisle E.; Mungall, Andrew J.; Muzny, Donna; Parker, Joel S.; Perou, Charles M.; Roach, Jeffrey; Schein, Jacqueline E.; Schumacher, Steven E.; Shi, Yan; Simons, Janae V.; Sipahimalani, Payal; Skelly, Tara; Soloway, Matthew G.; Sougnez, Carrie; Tam, Angela; Tan, Donghui; Thiessen, Nina; Veluvolu, Umadevi; Wang, Min; Wilkerson, Matthew D.; Wong, Tina; Wu, Junyuan; Xi, Liu; Zhou, Jane; Bedford, Jason; Chen, Fengju; Fu, Yao; Gerstein, Mark; Haussler, David; Kasaian, Katayoon; Lai, Phillip; Ling, Shiyun; Radenbaugh, Amie; Van Den Berg, David; Weinstein, John N.; Zhu, Jingchun; Albert, Monique; Alexopoulou, Iakovina; Andersen, Jeremiah J; Auman, J. Todd; Bartlett, John; Bastacky, Sheldon; Bergsten, Julie; Blute, Michael L.; Boice, Lori; Bollag, Roni J.; Boyd, Jeff; Castle, Erik; Chen, Ying-Bei; Cheville, John C.; Curley, Erin; Davies, Benjamin; DeVolk, April; Dhir, Rajiv; Dike, Laura; Eckman, John; Engel, Jay; Harr, Jodi; Hrebinko, Ronald; Huang, Mei; Huelsenbeck-Dill, Lori; Iacocca, Mary; Jacobs, Bruce; Lobis, Michael; Maranchie, Jodi K.; McMeekin, Scott; Myers, Jerome; Nelson, Joel; Parfitt, Jeremy; Parwani, Anil; Petrelli, Nicholas; Rabeno, Brenda; Roy, Somak; Salner, Andrew L.; Slaton, Joel; Stanton, Melissa; Thompson, R. Houston; Thorne, Leigh; Tucker, Kelinda; Weinberger, Paul M.; Winemiller, Cythnia; Zach, Leigh Anne; Zuna, Rosemary


    Background Papillary renal cell carcinoma, accounting for 15% of renal cell carcinoma, is a heterogeneous disease consisting of different types of renal cancer, including tumors with indolent, multifocal presentation and solitary tumors with an aggressive, highly lethal phenotype. Little is known about the genetic basis of sporadic papillary renal cell carcinoma; no effective forms of therapy for advanced disease exist. Methods We performed comprehensive molecular characterization utilizing whole-exome sequencing, copy number, mRNA, microRNA, methylation and proteomic analyses of 161 primary papillary renal cell carcinomas. Results Type 1 and Type 2 papillary renal cell carcinomas were found to be different types of renal cancer characterized by specific genetic alterations, with Type 2 further classified into three individual subgroups based on molecular differences that influenced patient survival. MET alterations were associated with Type 1 tumors, whereas Type 2 tumors were characterized by CDKN2A silencing, SETD2 mutations, TFE3 fusions, and increased expression of the NRF2-ARE pathway. A CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) was found in a distinct subset of Type 2 papillary renal cell carcinoma characterized by poor survival and mutation of the fumarate hydratase (FH) gene. Conclusions Type 1 and Type 2 papillary renal cell carcinomas are clinically and biologically distinct. Alterations in the MET pathway are associated with Type 1 and activation of the NRF2-ARE pathway with Type 2; CDKN2A loss and CIMP in Type 2 convey a poor prognosis. Furthermore, Type 2 papillary renal cell carcinoma consists of at least 3 subtypes based upon molecular and phenotypic features. PMID:26536169

  10. Thyroid carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lambertini, Roberto; Dalurzo, Liliana; Jaen, Ana del V.


    In this document the case of a 66-year old woman is presented, with record of multi nodular goiter of 5 year of evolution, which is derived to scan ultrasound office to make a puncture-aspiration with thin needle because of the growth of nodular thyroid injuries. The ultrasound scan examination made before the puncture determine multiple dominant nodules of hyperplasia aspect between 15 and 25 mm of diameter and a small nodule of 6 mm suspected proliferate process. Despite its size, it was decided to include small nodule in injuries to a biopsy. The cytological study reveals nodular hyperplasia with carcinoma in the small nodule of 6 mm. A thyroidectomy is practiced on the patient. The deferred histological study of the thyroid gland confirms the finding of multi-nodular goiter with a small focus of papillar carcinoma. The ganglions examined were negative in the deferred examination [es

  11. Papillary carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shah, D.H.; Samuel, A.M.


    Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid (PTC) constitutes a major proportion of all thyroid cancers and is generally believed to be a slow growing tumor with an indolent course. The diagnosis of PTC often makes the physician overly optimistic and complacent and yet this tumor can be aggressive in a subset of patients leading to death in a few months. The fundamental but subtle differences underlying the extremes in biologic behaviour of this complex and fascinating tumor remain poorly understood. Although there is a general agreement among the investigators regarding prognostic factors, controversy exists about the management of the disease. There is divided opinion with respect to the type and extent of surgery and the need for radioiodine (1 31 I) treatment in case of PTC. The experiences at Radiation Medicine Centre (RMC) of 1904 cases of differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) registered during the period 1963-1990 are reviewed


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    Premaletha Narayanan


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Oesophageal cancer is a serious malignancy with regards to mortality and prognosis. It is a growing health concern that is expected to increase in incidence over the next 10 years. Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common histological type of oesophageal cancer worldwide with a higher incidence in developing nations. With the increased prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease and obesity in developed nations, the incidence of oesophageal adenocarcinoma has dramatically increased in the past 40 years. MATERIALS AND METHODS Retrospective study was conducted to study the clinical profile of patients presented with oesophageal carcinoma at Government Medical College, Kottayam, Kerala, India, during January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2016. 104 subjects who met the inclusion criteria were enrolled. Data were collected from the records. RESULTS Out of 104 subjects enrolled in the study, 78 (75% were males, rest 26 (25% were females. 73% of the patients with oesophageal carcinoma were above 60 years. 79.8% patients presented with dysphagia. 87.5% cases had squamous cell type lesions. More than 75% of the lesions were in the mid and lower oesophagus. Noduloulcerative type was the most common morphologic presentation. CONCLUSION Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common oesophageal carcinoma in our institution. Majority of the lesions are located in the mid and lower oesophagus and are well differentiated.

  13. Descripción de la nocividad del cromo proveniente de la industria curtiembre y de las posibles formas de removerlo Description of chrome toxicity from the tannery industry and possible ways of removing it

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Álvaro Chávez Porras


    Full Text Available Los diversos compuestos de cromo (Cr representan una gran amenaza al ambiente y al hombre debido a sus efectos nocivos. Las intoxicaciones se manifiestan en lesiones renales, gastrointestinales, del hígado, del riñón, de la glándula tiroides y la médula ósea, y la velocidad corporal de eliminación es muy lenta. Las industrias de curtiduría de pieles utilizan sales de Cr en sus procesos, que generan cantidades de efluentes líquidos con alto contenido de este metal, el cual, debe ser removido a fin de cumplir con la legislación ambiental. En esta revisión se presenta una descripción de algunas de las técnicas de remoción como la electrolítica o electrodeposición; el intercambio iónico; la precipitación y los sistemas biológicos. Cada una de ellas ofrece una solución práctica y viable en términos económicos, ambientales y de mejoramiento continuo de los procesos, permitiendo pensaren una producción sostenible y responsable.The various chromium (Cr compounds represent a major threat to both environment and human beings, due to its harmful effects. Toxicity is shown in kidney, gastrointestinal tract, liver, thyroid glands, and in the marrow; and body elimination speed is very slow. Tannery industries use Cr salts in their processes, generating large amounts of liquid effluents with high content of this metal; which should be removed in order to comply with existing environmental legislation. This study provides a description of techniques such as electrolytic removal or electroplating, ion exchange process; process of precipitation; and biological systems. Each one of them offers a practical and feasible solution in terms of economy, environment, and continuous improvement of processes, which allows thinking of a sustainable and responsible production.

  14. Obesity, fat topography and risk of carcinoma breast

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, A.; Rafique, K.; Khan, K.; Farooq, U.


    Background: Carcinoma breast is most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer related deaths in women, with a multifactorial aetiology. This case control study was aimed at studying the possible link of body fat with the pathogenesis of carcinoma breast. Methods: A case control study extending over a period of two years (2015-2016) was conducted in which the body size and shape of 56 carcinoma breast cases was studied against 168 controls who had no breast disease. Results: Fifty-six women suffering from carcinoma breast had a higher BMI and fat distributed in the abdominal area A high BMI was found to be protective in pre-menopausal women (OR= 0.14 by; 95% CI: 0.02–0.77) while it was a risk factor in post-menopausal women (OR=2.39 by; 95% CI: 1.02–5.55). Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) of ≥0.9 was associated with an increased risk of carcinoma breast compared to WHR ≤0.8 (OR=3.857 by; 95% CI: 0.875–17.05). Conclusion: the results show there is an increased risk of carcinoma breast in women having more fat cantered around the abdomen. (author)

  15. Culturas del Mundo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benwell, Ann Fenger; Costa, Alberto; Waehle, Espen


    ’Culturas del mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca’ with Ann Fenger Benwell in Culturas del Mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca, ed. Silvia Sauquet, Fundación "la Caixa", Barcelona 2006, pp. 31-39......’Culturas del mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca’ with Ann Fenger Benwell in Culturas del Mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca, ed. Silvia Sauquet, Fundación "la Caixa", Barcelona 2006, pp. 31-39...

  16. Primary adenosquamous carcinoma of the stomach: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Mi Jeong; Kwon, Jung Hyeok; Kim, In Ho; Ryu, Seung Wan; Park, Kyung Sik; Hwang, Jae Seok; Kang, Yu Na


    Adenosquamous carcinoma, a rare malignant tumor of the stomach, is characterized by the presence of two different cell components, one adenomatous and the other squamous. Adenosquamous carcinoma of the stomach tends to more aggressive clinicopathologic features than common adenocarcinoma. There are few reports about radiologic features of adenosquamous carcinoma of the stomach. We experienced a case of a primary adenosquamous carcinoma of the stomach in a 67-year-old man, and report here the ultrasonographic and computed tomographic (CT) findings

  17. Metaplastic carcinoma. Breast. Relapse. Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marquez, A.; Terrasa, J.; Garcia, J.M.; Rifa, J.


    Metaplastic carcinoma of the breast is a rare tumor. The appearance of unexpected mesenchymal elements within the epithelial tumors is the squamous metaplasia. These tumors have a different clinical behaviour that classical breast carcinoma. We present a case of metaplastic mammary carcinoma with multiple relapses treated with a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The use of chemotherapy after local treatment has enhanced the relapse-free survival. The combined treatment modality seems to produce some benefit in the management of the local relapses of this neoplasms

  18. Neglected basal cell carcinoma on scalp

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sudip Sarkar


    Full Text Available Giant basal cell carcinoma (BCC is a very rare entity. Usually, they occur due to the negligence of the patient. Local or distant metastasis is present in most cases. Here, we present a case of giant BCC that clinically resembled squamous cell carcinoma and demonstrated no metastasis at presentation.

  19. Adnexal germ cell carcinoma with bone metastases in pregnant women: case report and review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Del Rosario Tenorio -Guadalupe


    Full Text Available Resumen El carcinoma de células germinales durante el embarazo es una entidad poco frecuente, a pesar de que su detección ha aumentado debido al posicionamiento de la ecografía de control fetal dentro del programa de control prenatal. En este artículo se reporta el caso de una gestante de 27 años de edad, diagnosticada de carcinoma anexial de células germinales a las seis semanas de gestación, cuyo abordaje inicial fue la resección local (citorreducción subóptima. Cuatro semanas después de la cirugía, la paciente debutó con neuropatía periférica grado IV en miembros inferiores, cuyo hallazgo por imagenología (resonancia magnética nuclear indicó lesión infiltrante paravertebral a nivel de D5. En junta médica se decidió que reciba tratamiento de quimioterapia a partir de la semana 19 de la gestación. El embarazo cursó sin complicaciones y la paciente fue sometida a cesárea a las 34 semanas de gestación teniendo como producto un recién nacido vivo sin complicaciones. Desafortunadamente, cuatro días luego de la cesárea, la paciente falleció a consecuencia de un shock séptico de foco respiratorio.

  20. Glottic ansd supraglottic carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Acht, M.J.J. van; Dolsma, W.V.; Hulshof, J.H.; Leer, J.W.H.; Hermans, J.


    From 1971 through 1982, 442 patients with laryngeal carcinoma were seen at the Leiden University Hospital. They were treated either with radiotherapy alone, sandwich therapy (pre- and postoperative radiotherapy) or by surgery followed by postoperative irradiation. Three hundred and sixty-six patients with glottic or supraglottic tumours could be analysed with respect to two different treatments, complications of treatment and some prognostic factors. Two endpoints of analysis were used: disease-free interval and survival to cfancer death. In patients with glottic or supraglottic carcinoma, the survival of patients with advanced disease, treated with radiotherapy only, was worse as compared to the survival of the same category of patients who were treated with sandwich therapy (p<0.005). In small supraglottic tumours, the survival with both therapy policies was equal. There was no influence on prognosis of histological differentiation of the tumour. It appeared that interruption of radiotherapy for more tah two days had an adverse effect on survival in patients with glottic carcinoma (p=0.0001). (author). 16 refs.; 4 figs.;

  1. Study of a new tumor marker, CYFRA 21-1, in squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, and comparison with squamous cell carcinoma antigen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsai, S.Ch.; KAo, CH.H.; Wang, S.J.


    The diagnosis value of a new tumor marker, CYFRA 21-1, was studied in the blood samples collected from 22 controls, and 87 pre-treatment patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. Sensitivity and specificity of CYFRA 21-1 was was compared with those of squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC) measured in the sera of the same patients. Serum CYFRA 21-1 levels were higher in patients with squamous cell carcinoma than in controls (p < 0.05), and correlated with FIGO stage (Stage IIb-IV vs. Stage Ib-IIa, p = 0.0477). Using 2.5 ng/ml as cut-off value, elevated CYFRA 21-1 levels were found in 13.6% of controls, 34.8% of patients with Stage Ib-IIa squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, and 63.5% of patients with Stage IIb-IV squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. However, there was less sensitivity and specificity of CYFRA 21-1 than those of SCC in detecting squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. CYFRA 21-1 may not be a better tumor marker than SCC for squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. (author)

  2. Clinically-inspired automatic classification of ovarian carcinoma subtypes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aicha BenTaieb


    Full Text Available Context: It has been shown that ovarian carcinoma subtypes are distinct pathologic entities with differing prognostic and therapeutic implications. Histotyping by pathologists has good reproducibility, but occasional cases are challenging and require immunohistochemistry and subspecialty consultation. Motivated by the need for more accurate and reproducible diagnoses and to facilitate pathologists′ workflow, we propose an automatic framework for ovarian carcinoma classification. Materials and Methods: Our method is inspired by pathologists′ workflow. We analyse imaged tissues at two magnification levels and extract clinically-inspired color, texture, and segmentation-based shape descriptors using image-processing methods. We propose a carefully designed machine learning technique composed of four modules: A dissimilarity matrix, dimensionality reduction, feature selection and a support vector machine classifier to separate the five ovarian carcinoma subtypes using the extracted features. Results: This paper presents the details of our implementation and its validation on a clinically derived dataset of eighty high-resolution histopathology images. The proposed system achieved a multiclass classification accuracy of 95.0% when classifying unseen tissues. Assessment of the classifier′s confusion (confusion matrix between the five different ovarian carcinoma subtypes agrees with clinician′s confusion and reflects the difficulty in diagnosing endometrioid and serous carcinomas. Conclusions: Our results from this first study highlight the difficulty of ovarian carcinoma diagnosis which originate from the intrinsic class-imbalance observed among subtypes and suggest that the automatic analysis of ovarian carcinoma subtypes could be valuable to clinician′s diagnostic procedure by providing a second opinion.

  3. Serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma upregulates markers associated with high-grade serous carcinomas including Rsf-1 (HBXAP), cyclin E and fatty acid synthase. (United States)

    Sehdev, Ann Smith; Kurman, Robert J; Kuhn, Elisabetta; Shih, Ie-Ming


    Serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC) has been proposed as a precursor for many pelvic high-grade serous carcinomas. Our previous analysis of the ovarian cancer genome identified several genes with oncogenic potential that are amplified and/or overexpressed in the majority of high-grade serous carcinomas. Determining whether these genes are upregulated in STICs is important in further elucidating the relationship of STICs to high-grade serous carcinomas and is fundamental in understanding the molecular pathogenesis of high-grade serous carcinomas. In this study, 37 morphologically defined STICs were obtained from 23 patients with stage IIIC/IV high-grade serous carcinomas. Both STICs and the high-grade serous carcinomas were analyzed for expression of Rsf-1 (HBXAP), cyclin E, fatty acid synthase (FASN) and mucin-4. In addition, they were examined for expression of established markers including p53, Ki-67 and p16. We found that diffuse nuclear p53 and p16 immunoreactivity was observed in 27 (75%) of 36 and 18 (55%) of 33 STICs, respectively, whereas an elevated Ki-67 labeling index (>or=10%) was detected in 29 (78%) of 37 STICs. Cyclin E nuclear staining was seen in 24 (77%) of 35 STICs, whereas normal tubal epithelial cells were all negative. Increased Rsf-1 and FASN immunoreactivity occurred in 63%, and 62% of STICs, respectively, compared with adjacent normal-appearing tubal epithelium. Interestingly, only one STIC showed increased mucin-4 immunoreactivity. Carcinomas, when compared with STICs, overexpressed p16, Rsf-1, cyclin E and FASN in a higher proportion of cases. In conclusion, STICs express several markers including Rsf-1, cyclin E and FASN in high-grade serous carcinomas. In contrast, mucin-4 immunoreactivity either did not change or was reduced in most STICs. These results suggest that overexpression of Rsf-1, cyclin E and FASN occurs early in tumor progression.

  4. Papillary thyroid carcinoma presenting as an asymptomatic pelvic bone metastases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siddiq S


    Full Text Available Thyroid carcinoma is rare comprising 1% of all malignancies and commonly presents as a neck lump. Papillary thyroid carcinoma unlike follicular thyroid carcinoma tends not to metastasise to distant sites.We present a case of papillary thyroid carcinoma presenting as a solitary asymptomatic pelvic bone metastases and highlight current management of bone metastases. A 59-year old female was found on abdominal computerised tomography to have an incidental finding of a 4.5 cm soft tissue mass in the right iliac bone. Biopsy of the lesion confirmed metastatic thyroid carcinoma. There was no history of a neck lump, head and neck examination was normal. Further imaging confirmed focal activity in the right lobe of the thyroid. A total thyroidectomy and level VI neck dissection was performed and histology confirmed follicular variant of papillary carcinoma.Early detection of bone metastases have been shown to improve prognosis and thyroid carcinoma should be considered as a potential primary malignancy.

  5. Epigenetic Dysregulation in Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Thian-Sze Wong


    Full Text Available Laryngeal carcinoma is a common head and neck cancer with poor prognosis. Patients with laryngeal carcinoma usually present late leading to the reduced treatment efficacy and high rate of recurrence. Despite the advance in the use of molecular markers for monitoring human cancers in the past decades, there are still no reliable markers for use to screen laryngeal carcinoma and follow the patients after treatment. Epigenetics emerged as an important field in understanding the biology of the human malignancies. Epigenetic alterations refer to the dysregulation of gene, which do not involve the alterations of the DNA sequence. Major epigenetic changes including methylation imbalance, histone modification, and small RNA dysregulation could play a role in the development of human malignancies. Global epigenetic change is now regarded as a molecular signature of cancer. The characteristics and behavior of a cancer could be predicted based on the specific epigenetic pattern. We here provide a review on the understanding of epigenetic dysregulation in laryngeal carcinoma. Further knowledge on the initiation and progression of laryngeal carcinoma at epigenetic level could promote the translation of the knowledge to clinical use.

  6. Carcinoma cheek: regional pattern and management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Musani, M.A.; Jawad, I.; Marfani, S.; Khambaty, Y.; Jalisi, M.


    Oral cancer varies globally and regionally, and is closely linked with geographical, social, economical, biological, ethnic, dietary and environmental factors. In western countries it accounts for about 2 - 5% while in the south-east Asia for about 40% of all cancers. In Pakistan it is second commonest tumour after bronchogenic carcinoma in males and breast carcinoma in females. The objectives of this study were to find out the pattern of carcinoma cheek in our region, its etiological associations, management and prognosis. This study was conducted in the Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Department of Civil Hospital, Karachi from April 1995 to December 1998. It was prospective study. Methods: Forty-five cases of primary carcinoma cheek were diagnosed and investigations including OPG and CT scan were carried out along with other required investigations to evaluate the extension of tumour, bony erosion and metastasis. TNM staging was done. All patients were treated surgically, sent for post-operative radiotherapy or chemo radiation and followed up for 3 years. Result: Among 45 cases of oral cancer, 28 were females and 17 were males. Common presenting symptom was growth or ulcer. It was more common in 41 - 50 years of age. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) was found in 95.5% of the cases. Most of the patients 31 (68%) were in T4 stage. Surgical excision was done in all cases with reconstruction in 23 cases and neck dissection in 39 cases. In the follow up for 3 years, 30 patient remained disease free. Conclusion: Carcinoma cheek is a common entity in our region and now it is seen in relatively younger patients. Oral cancer is a self preventable disease. What is required is to develop awareness of oral hygiene and discourage the habit of social carcinogens use. Early diagnosis and treatment offers better chance of cure whereas advance disease has a poor prognosis. (author)

  7. Características clínicas, perfil hormonal y marcadores de autoinmunidad de pacientes con enfermedad de Graves.

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    Deysy Cieza Diaz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas, el perfil hormonal y los marcadores de autoinmunidad de pacientes con enfermedad de Graves (EG, atendidos en el servicio de endocrinología de un hospital general. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de pacientes con diagnóstico de EG atendidos en el servicio de endocrinología del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia durante el año 2005. Los pacientes fueron identificados utilizando el Registro Diario de Atención y Otras Actividades del consultorio externo. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el programa SPSS versión 12,0. Resultados: Se revisaron 111 historias clínicas. La edad promedio fue de 40,6 ± 14 años. El 71,2% eran mujeres. El 20,7% tenía antecedente familiar de otra enfermedad autoinmune. El tiempo de enfermedad promedio antes de la consulta fue 18,9 ± 30,4 meses. Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron: tremor, piel delgada, palpitaciones y baja de peso. El peso promedio de la glándula tiroides estimado por palpación fue 69 ± 27,5 gr, 38,7% presentaba exoftalmos y 18,9% mixedema pretibial. El perfil hormonal mostró TSH suprimida, T4 libre y T3 total elevados. El 86,7% de los casos tenía autoanticuerpos anti-peroxidasa tiroidea (anti-TPO positivo. En 95,5% el tratamiento incluyó el uso de tionamidas. El análisis bivariado mostró que las mujeres tuvieron antecedente familiar de enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune en mayor frecuencia que los varones (27,8 vs. 9,4% (p=0,04. Conclusión: La población estudiada con EG fueron con mayor frecuencia mujeres entre la tercera y sexta década de la vida. El peso estimado de la glándula tiroides fue tres veces lo normal, con alta frecuencia de oftalmopatía y mixedema. La mayoría tiene marcadores humorales de autoinmunidad y el tratamiento inicial se basa en el uso de tionamidas. (Rev Med Hered 2008; 19:152-157.

  8. Primary Small Cell Carcinoma of the Upper Urinary Tract

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    Victor Ka-Siong Kho


    Full Text Available We report a case of primary extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma of the distal ureter, with a synchronous small cell carcinoma of the ipsilateral renal pelvis. These tumors, rarely reported in the urinary tract, are locally aggressive and have a poor prognosis. A 77-year-old male bedridden patient presented with fever and chills with left side-flank pain for 3 days. Following a diagnosis of ureteral urothelial carcinoma, hand-assisted laparoscopic nephroureterectomy with bladder cuff excision was carried out. Adjuvant chemotherapy was given after pathologic report of primary small cell carcinoma of the distal ureter and a synchronous small cell carcinoma of the ipsilateral renal pelvis. After 3 cycles of combination chemotherapy, the patient died 4 months postoperatively due to sepsis.

  9. Determinación del requerimiento hídrico del pimentón en el municipio de Candelaria, departamento del Valle del Cauca

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    Estrada Salazar Edgar Iván


    Full Text Available Se realizó un ensayo con el fin de determinar el requerimiento hídrico del pimentón Capsicum annuum variedad Unapal-Serrano, en la zona de Candelaria-Valle del Cauca (Colombia. Se determinó que el pimentón requiere 425mm de agua durante su ciclo vegetativo, obteniendo una eficiencia del uso del agua de 5.32 kg/m3 de fruto fresco y de 0.5 kg/m3 en términos de materia seca. Además, se comprobó la eficiencia del microevaporímetro "MIEVHR" como herramienta para programación del riego y estudios hidrológicos.

  10. Obstructive jaundice and advanced gastric carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saida, Yukihisa; Tsunoda, Hiroko; Kurosaki, Yoshihisa


    One hundred twenty-nine patients with far advanced or recurrent gastric carcinoma underwent computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen. There were three histologic types: differentiated (n=41), undifferentiated (n=68), and unclassified (n=20). Eighteen patients who had developed obstructive jaundice were retrospectively studied to elucidate the nature of obstruction with histologic correlation. In differentiated carcinomas tumor tended to grow in an expansive fashion. A fairly large, well-defined lymph adenopathy was observed on CT. The extrahepatic bile duct surrounded by lymph nodes appeared as ''doughnot sign'' in six of eight patients. Undifferentiated gastric carcinoma had tendency to extend infiltratively. Bile duct obstruction was only a part of diffuse spreading. In spite of the presence of obstructive jaundice, no discrete mass was demonstrated around the extrahepatic bile duct on CT. In none of nine patients was present ''doughnot sign''. The significance of lymph node dissection along the extrahepatic bile duct in patients with differentiated gastric carcinoma was emphasized. The region of hepatoduodenal and pancreatico-duodenal lymph nodes should be carefully evaluated in interpretation of abdominal CT. (author)

  11. Laryngeal adenoid cystic carcinoma: case report

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    André Del Negro

    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Adenoid cystic carcinomas are malignant tumors that occur in both the major and the minor salivary glands. A laryngeal location is rare because of the paucity of accessory salivary glands in this area. Adenoid cystic carcinomas account for less than 1% of all malignant tumors in the larynx, and only about 120 cases have been reported in the literature. These tumors have a slight female predisposition, and their peak incidence is in the fifth and sixth decades of life. In this article, we describe a case of laryngeal adenoid cystic carcinoma and discuss its clinical characteristics and treatment. CASE REPORT: We report on a case of laryngeal adenoid cystic carcinoma in a 55 year-old female patient who presented with dyspnea and hoarseness. Features of the diagnostic and therapeutic evaluation are described and the clinical management of such cases is outlined. The clinical course, definitive treatment strategy and surgical procedure, and also adjuvant treatment with irradiation are discussed. Although the tumor is radiosensitive, it is not radiocurable.

  12. Breast carcinoma with osteoclast-like giant cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gjerdrum, L M; Lauridsen, M C; Sørensen, Flemming Brandt


    Primary carcinoma with osteoclast-like giant cells is a very rare tumour of the female breast. The clinical course, histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural features of 61 cases of invasive duct carcinoma with osteoclast-like multinucleated giant cells (OMGCs) are reviewed and a new...... in the literature have shown that 86% of patients with these tumours are still alive after 5 years. Histologically, these tumours are invasive ductal carcinomas with OMGCs next to the neoplastic glands and within their lumen. Signs of recent and past haemorrhage are ubiquitously present in the highly vascularized...


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    Kartheek Botta Venkata Satya


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Cancer cervix is the second most commonly-diagnosed cancer among women worldwide. The aim of the study is to evaluate the histopathological diagnosis of cancer cervix and to determine the incidence of the various types of cancerous lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS It was a prospective study in the Department of Pathology, Andhra Medical College/King George Hospital over a period of one year. 152 women with carcinoma cervix were included in the study. RESULTS 152 cases of carcinoma of cervix were in the age group of 28-76 years. The mean age of the patients with carcinoma cervix is 52.97. Histologically, Large Cell Non-Keratinising Squamous Cell Carcinoma (LCNKSCC constituted the majority of carcinoma cervix cases, i.e. 134 cases (88.15%. 3 (1.97% cases of adenocarcinoma of cervix were diagnosed in the present study. Majority of cases of carcinoma cervix were in stage III, i.e. 64 cases (64%, followed by stage II in 24 cases (24% and stage IB in 8 cases (8%. CONCLUSION Large Cell Non-Keratinising Squamous Cell Carcinoma (LCNKSCC is the most common histological type of carcinoma cervix. A relatively large proportion of patients presented in stages IIIA and IIIB. There is a need to reinforce the early detection of carcinoma cervix and its precursor lesions, especially in developing countries.

  14. Gastric Metastasis of Triple Negative Invasive Lobular Carcinoma. (United States)

    Geredeli, Caglayan; Dogru, Osman; Omeroglu, Ethem; Yilmaz, Farise; Cicekci, Faruk


    Invasive lobular carcinomas are the second most common type (5% to 15%) of invasive breast carcinomas. The most frequent sites of breast cancer metastasis are the local and distant lymph nodes, brain, lung, liver, and bones; metastasis to the gastrointestinal system, especially to the stomach, is rare. When a mass is detected in an unusual place in a patient with invasive lobular carcinoma, it should be kept in mind that such a mass may be either a second primary carcinoma or the metastasis of an invasive lobular carcinoma. In this report, we present a case of gastric metastasis from triple-negative invasive lobular breast cancer. It is important to make an accurate diagnosis by distinguishing gastric metastasis from breast cancer in order to select the best initial treatment for systemic diseases of breast cancer. Considering our case, healthcare professionals should take into account that cases with invasive lobular breast cancer may experience unusual metastases.

  15. Radiotherapy and verrucous carcinoma of the oral cavity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vidyasagar, M.S.; Fernandes, D.J.; Pai Kasturi, D.; Akhileshwaran, R.; Rao, K.; Rao, S.; Rao, R.V.; Solomon, J.G.R.


    One hundred and seven cases of oral verrucous carcinoma treated with radiotherapy at Kasturba Hospital, Manipal, India between 1977 and 1987 were analysed concerning location within the oral cavity, clinical extent, and effectiveness of radiotherapy. The most common site was the buccal mucosa followed by the buccogingival sulcus. Only 13.2% of the patients presented with T1 or T2 tumours and 32.7% had clinically negative nodes. Biopsy had to be repeated more than once in 22 patients to get confirmation in invasive carcinoma. The 5-year survival rate was 35% for stage III and 26% for stage IV. The treatment results with radiotherapy were comparable with those for ordinary squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. It is felt that the treatment policy for verrucous carcinoma can be the same as for ordinary squamous cell carcinoma. In order to prevent delay in diagnosis and treatment, proper cooperation between the treating oncologist and the pathologist is essential. (orig.)

  16. Reclassifying bronchial-pulmonary carcinoma: Differentiating histological type in biopsies by immunohistochemistry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lina Carvalho


    Full Text Available The current state of molecular knowledge on lung cancer demands a histological classification which goes beyond small-cell and non-small-cell carcinoma to provide support for tailored therapy in aiding in understanding of the drugs currently available.As diagnosis and follow-up in the vast majority of lung cancer cases is based on biopsies and cytology samples, Immunohistochemical Bronchial Pulmonary Carcinoma Classification (IBPCC is necessary to reveal the raft of characteristics available. This provides morphological support for the WHO's 1999/2004 classification, in addition to an understanding of carcinogenesis.The immunohistochemical panel clarifies the main morphology and cytology characteristics to maintain the leading histological types as squamous cell carcinoma (high weight molecular cytokeratins/HWMC, adenosquamous carcinoma (CK7, TTF1, HWMA, neuroendocrine carcinoma (Chrg, Syn, CD56, TTF1, Ki67, adenocarcinoma (CK7, CK20, TTF1 and bring the polymorphic and pleomorphic carcinomas under a single banner of pleomorphic carcinoma (Ck7, TTF1, HWMC, VMT, Desmin, Actin which shelters large cell carcinomas and sarcomatoid carcinomas.Lung cancer chemotherapy will still be based on platinum and gemcitabine for the near future and the IBPCC is a simple and efficient tool for streamlining the registration of lung cancer histological characteristics in biopsies and other reduced samples to support clinical evidence and trials. Resumo: Os conhecimentos actuais da patologia molecular do cancro do pulmão requerem outra caracterização histológica, para além de carcinoma de células pequenas e carcinoma não pequenas células para suporte da terapia personalizada e entendimento do valor real dos fármacos actualmente disponíveis.Como o diagnóstico e seguimento clínico da maioria dos casos de cancro do pulmão se baseia em produtos de biópsia e citologia, a classificação imunoistoquímica do carcinoma

  17. Apocrine carcinoma arising in a complex fibroadenoma: a case report. (United States)

    Mele, Marco; Vahl, Pernille; Funder, Jonas Amstrup; Sorensen, Anne Schmidt; Jensen, Vibeke


    A carcinoma arising in a fibroadenoma is a rare event, which often entails a diagnostic challenge. The most common type is the lobular carcinoma and secondary a ductal carcinoma. We present an extremely rare case of malignant development of an invasive apocrine carcinoma in a complex fibroadenoma and underline the importance for clinicians to recognize the possibility of benign and malignant co-existence especially in older women.

  18. Comprehensive Molecular Characterization of Papillary Renal-Cell Carcinoma. (United States)

    Linehan, W Marston; Spellman, Paul T; Ricketts, Christopher J; Creighton, Chad J; Fei, Suzanne S; Davis, Caleb; Wheeler, David A; Murray, Bradley A; Schmidt, Laura; Vocke, Cathy D; Peto, Myron; Al Mamun, Abu Amar M; Shinbrot, Eve; Sethi, Anurag; Brooks, Samira; Rathmell, W Kimryn; Brooks, Angela N; Hoadley, Katherine A; Robertson, A Gordon; Brooks, Denise; Bowlby, Reanne; Sadeghi, Sara; Shen, Hui; Weisenberger, Daniel J; Bootwalla, Moiz; Baylin, Stephen B; Laird, Peter W; Cherniack, Andrew D; Saksena, Gordon; Haake, Scott; Li, Jun; Liang, Han; Lu, Yiling; Mills, Gordon B; Akbani, Rehan; Leiserson, Mark D M; Raphael, Benjamin J; Anur, Pavana; Bottaro, Donald; Albiges, Laurence; Barnabas, Nandita; Choueiri, Toni K; Czerniak, Bogdan; Godwin, Andrew K; Hakimi, A Ari; Ho, Thai H; Hsieh, James; Ittmann, Michael; Kim, William Y; Krishnan, Bhavani; Merino, Maria J; Mills Shaw, Kenna R; Reuter, Victor E; Reznik, Ed; Shelley, Carl S; Shuch, Brian; Signoretti, Sabina; Srinivasan, Ramaprasad; Tamboli, Pheroze; Thomas, George; Tickoo, Satish; Burnett, Kenneth; Crain, Daniel; Gardner, Johanna; Lau, Kevin; Mallery, David; Morris, Scott; Paulauskis, Joseph D; Penny, Robert J; Shelton, Candace; Shelton, W Troy; Sherman, Mark; Thompson, Eric; Yena, Peggy; Avedon, Melissa T; Bowen, Jay; Gastier-Foster, Julie M; Gerken, Mark; Leraas, Kristen M; Lichtenberg, Tara M; Ramirez, Nilsa C; Santos, Tracie; Wise, Lisa; Zmuda, Erik; Demchok, John A; Felau, Ina; Hutter, Carolyn M; Sheth, Margi; Sofia, Heidi J; Tarnuzzer, Roy; Wang, Zhining; Yang, Liming; Zenklusen, Jean C; Zhang, Jiashan; Ayala, Brenda; Baboud, Julien; Chudamani, Sudha; Liu, Jia; Lolla, Laxmi; Naresh, Rashi; Pihl, Todd; Sun, Qiang; Wan, Yunhu; Wu, Ye; Ally, Adrian; Balasundaram, Miruna; Balu, Saianand; Beroukhim, Rameen; Bodenheimer, Tom; Buhay, Christian; Butterfield, Yaron S N; Carlsen, Rebecca; Carter, Scott L; Chao, Hsu; Chuah, Eric; Clarke, Amanda; Covington, Kyle R; Dahdouli, Mahmoud; Dewal, Ninad; Dhalla, Noreen; Doddapaneni, Harsha V; Drummond, Jennifer A; Gabriel, Stacey B; Gibbs, Richard A; Guin, Ranabir; Hale, Walker; Hawes, Alicia; Hayes, D Neil; Holt, Robert A; Hoyle, Alan P; Jefferys, Stuart R; Jones, Steven J M; Jones, Corbin D; Kalra, Divya; Kovar, Christie; Lewis, Lora; Li, Jie; Ma, Yussanne; Marra, Marco A; Mayo, Michael; Meng, Shaowu; Meyerson, Matthew; Mieczkowski, Piotr A; Moore, Richard A; Morton, Donna; Mose, Lisle E; Mungall, Andrew J; Muzny, Donna; Parker, Joel S; Perou, Charles M; Roach, Jeffrey; Schein, Jacqueline E; Schumacher, Steven E; Shi, Yan; Simons, Janae V; Sipahimalani, Payal; Skelly, Tara; Soloway, Matthew G; Sougnez, Carrie; Tam, Angela; Tan, Donghui; Thiessen, Nina; Veluvolu, Umadevi; Wang, Min; Wilkerson, Matthew D; Wong, Tina; Wu, Junyuan; Xi, Liu; Zhou, Jane; Bedford, Jason; Chen, Fengju; Fu, Yao; Gerstein, Mark; Haussler, David; Kasaian, Katayoon; Lai, Phillip; Ling, Shiyun; Radenbaugh, Amie; Van Den Berg, David; Weinstein, John N; Zhu, Jingchun; Albert, Monique; Alexopoulou, Iakovina; Andersen, Jeremiah J; Auman, J Todd; Bartlett, John; Bastacky, Sheldon; Bergsten, Julie; Blute, Michael L; Boice, Lori; Bollag, Roni J; Boyd, Jeff; Castle, Erik; Chen, Ying-Bei; Cheville, John C; Curley, Erin; Davies, Benjamin; DeVolk, April; Dhir, Rajiv; Dike, Laura; Eckman, John; Engel, Jay; Harr, Jodi; Hrebinko, Ronald; Huang, Mei; Huelsenbeck-Dill, Lori; Iacocca, Mary; Jacobs, Bruce; Lobis, Michael; Maranchie, Jodi K; McMeekin, Scott; Myers, Jerome; Nelson, Joel; Parfitt, Jeremy; Parwani, Anil; Petrelli, Nicholas; Rabeno, Brenda; Roy, Somak; Salner, Andrew L; Slaton, Joel; Stanton, Melissa; Thompson, R Houston; Thorne, Leigh; Tucker, Kelinda; Weinberger, Paul M; Winemiller, Cynthia; Zach, Leigh Anne; Zuna, Rosemary


    Papillary renal-cell carcinoma, which accounts for 15 to 20% of renal-cell carcinomas, is a heterogeneous disease that consists of various types of renal cancer, including tumors with indolent, multifocal presentation and solitary tumors with an aggressive, highly lethal phenotype. Little is known about the genetic basis of sporadic papillary renal-cell carcinoma, and no effective forms of therapy for advanced disease exist. We performed comprehensive molecular characterization of 161 primary papillary renal-cell carcinomas, using whole-exome sequencing, copy-number analysis, messenger RNA and microRNA sequencing, DNA-methylation analysis, and proteomic analysis. Type 1 and type 2 papillary renal-cell carcinomas were shown to be different types of renal cancer characterized by specific genetic alterations, with type 2 further classified into three individual subgroups on the basis of molecular differences associated with patient survival. Type 1 tumors were associated with MET alterations, whereas type 2 tumors were characterized by CDKN2A silencing, SETD2 mutations, TFE3 fusions, and increased expression of the NRF2-antioxidant response element (ARE) pathway. A CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) was observed in a distinct subgroup of type 2 papillary renal-cell carcinomas that was characterized by poor survival and mutation of the gene encoding fumarate hydratase (FH). Type 1 and type 2 papillary renal-cell carcinomas were shown to be clinically and biologically distinct. Alterations in the MET pathway were associated with type 1, and activation of the NRF2-ARE pathway was associated with type 2; CDKN2A loss and CIMP in type 2 conveyed a poor prognosis. Furthermore, type 2 papillary renal-cell carcinoma consisted of at least three subtypes based on molecular and phenotypic features. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health.).

  19. Las fluctuaciones del nivel del mar durante el Cuaternario


    Pousa, Jorge Lorenzo; Isla, Federico Ignacio; Schnack, Enrique Jorge


    Los cambios del nivel del mar han ejercido una fuerte influencia en la evolución del planeta y en la historia de la humanidad. En una escala de tiempo geológico, las variaciones de los niveles oceánicos han dejado un registro ampliamente distribuido en la forma de depósitos sedimentarios. El descenso del nivel del mar durante la Ultima Glaciación, que alcanzó unos 120 metros hace 18.000 años, permitió la emergencia del estrecho de Bering y la migración humana desde Eurasia hacia América. Se e...

  20. Childhood Midline Tract Carcinoma Treatment (PDQ®)—Patient Version (United States)

    Childhood midline tract carcinoma occurs in the respiratory tract or other places along the center line of the body. It is sometimes caused by a change in the NUT gene (NUT midline carcinoma). Get information about childhood midline tract carcinoma, including symptoms, tests, and multimodality treatment in this expert-reviewed summary.

  1. Riesgo de niveles bajos de vitamina D en la población y cómo la fortificación de alimentos puede corregirlos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yorleny Araya Quesada


    Full Text Available El ergocalciferol y el colecalciferol, vitamina D2 y vitamina D3, respectivamente, se conocen comúnmente con el nombre de vitamina D. La vitamina D3 se sintetiza en la piel a partir de 7-dehidrocolesterol a causa de la irradiación de los rayos ultravioleta. La bioactivación de la vitamina D3 como hormona posteriormente se lleva a cabo por 1 α,25-dihidroxivitamina D3 (calcitriol en el riñón. La concentración de la vitamina D3, 25-(OHD3 se ha usado como indicador del estatus de vitamina D. Se han detectado deficiencias en la población, debido al aumento en un estilo de vida sedentario y a la protección solar que utilizan los individuos o a causa de ciertas enfermedades, y se considera un problema emergente de salud mundial. El riesgo de insuficiencia de vitamina D se relaciona con la raza (color de la piel, latitud geográfica, exposición solar (estilo de vida, género y la salud del individuo en general. Es mayor la deficiencia en zonas del sur del continente que del norte y más en mujeres que en hombres, así como en invierno. Se hizo una recopilación del impacto de la vitamina D en suero sanguíneo sobre la salud, como lo es la osteoporosis, efecto sobre la tiroides y el cerebro, enfermedades cardiovasculares, artritis enfermedades autoinmunes, cáncer y diabetes, y las dosis recomendadas de vitamina D para mantener los niveles suficientes, así como la fortificación de alimentos para lograr llenar esas recomendaciones.

  2. Results of high energy x-ray therapy of gastric carcinoma, 2. Recurrent gastric carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Asakawa, H; Otawa, H; Yamada, S [Miyagi Prefectural Adult Disease Center, Natori (Japan)


    Thirty cases with recurrent gastric carcinoma were treated with a combination of high energy x-ray and some anti-cancer drugs at Miyagi Seijinbyo Center between 1967 and 1977. Twenty three cases of them tolerated well such treatment; the irradiated dose was more than 4000 rad without any serious complication. The response of recurrent tumor to irradiation was marked in 11 lesions of 21 local recurrences and 4 metastases of the lymph node. The survival rates of those irradiated more than 4000 rad were 22% at one year, 15% at two years and 5% at three years. The median survival month was 6,9 months. These rates obtained in a combined radiation therapy seemed to be well matched for those reported by other authors in a surgical management of recurrent gastric carcinoma. As a conclusion, it was suggested that a combined radiation therapy with some anticancer drugs should be an effective procedure to prolong the life of a patient of recurrent gastric carcinoma.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Medullary thyroid carcinoma associated diarrhoea can be disabling. A 75-yr-old man with metastatic medullary thyroid carcinoma and refractory diarrhoea is described. Subcutaneous administration of the somatostatin analogue, octreotide, 100-mu-g thrice daily, resulted in a sustained improvement in

  4. [Screening for cutaneous carcinoma]. (United States)

    Beani, J C


    Skin carcinoma is the most frequent of all cancers. The main risk factor is represented by solar exposition and, so, individuals with special risk are xeroderma pigmento sum (enzymatic defect of DNA repair), light phototype person, sun-seekers, outdoor-workers and patients treated with high doses of PUVA. X-rays, mineral oils, tar and arsenic are also known skin carcinogens. HPV can also participate to skin carcinogenis alone or associated with UV particularly in immunosupressed sujets. Subjects with predisposition for skin carcinoma can be pointed out and cautioned. Detection of preepitheliomatous lesions is easy; actinic keratosis are the main signs.

  5. Synchronous presentation of nasopharyngeal and renal cell carcinomas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cem Boruban


    Full Text Available We report a rare case of synchronous presentation of nasopharyngeal and renal cell carcinomas in a-50-year old male patient with long standing smoking history. The patient was initially presented with a diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. During staging process, the abdominal computed tomography detected a right renal solid mass, 6.5 cm in diameter, originating from posterior portion of the right renal cortex. Right radical nephrectomy was performed and pathological examination revealed renal cell carcinoma. Smoking was thought to be a risk factor for both cancers. Systemic evaluation of kidney should not be discarded in patients diagnosed with nasopharyngeal carcinoma living in western countries with a smoking history.

  6. Evaluation of radiation therapy for advanced well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tatsuno, Ikuo; Tada, Akira; Choto, Shuichi; Takanaka, Tsuyoshi


    Eighty-two patients with advanced well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma were treated. Sixty-six patients survived for more than 10 years and 10-year-survival rate was 80.5 %. Multidisciplinary treatment, consisting of surgery, radioiodine, external irradiation and TSH suppression was studied. We emphasized that radioiodine treatment after thyroid-ectomy was unique and an ideal therapeutic model for locally advanced, distant metastatic and recurrent cases as far as radioiodine was accumulated on thyroid cancer tissue. External irradiation was sometimes effective for the remnant thyroid carcinoma and metastases. Occassionally, well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma showed good response to TSH suppression therapy using thyroid hormone. The significance of conversion of well-differentiated carcinoma of thyroid to anaplastic carcinoma was noticed. We recognized that radiation therapy was effective for advanced well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma in multidisciplinary treatment. (author)

  7. Evaluation of radiation therapy for advanced well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tatsuno, Ikuo; Tada, Akira; Choto, Shuichi; Takanaka, Tsuyoshi


    Eighty-two patients with advanced well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma were treated. Sixty-six patients survived for more than 10 years and 10-year-survival rate was 80.5 %. Multidisciplinary treatment, consisting of surgery, radioiodine, external irradiation and TSH suppression was studied. We emphasized that radioiodine treatment after thyroid-ectomy was unique and an ideal therapeutic model for locally advanced, distant metastatic and recurrent cases as far as radioiodine was accumulated on thyroid cancer tissue. External irradiation was sometimes effective for the remnant thyroid carcinoma and metastases. Occassionally, well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma showed good response to TSH suppression therapy using thyroid hormone. The significance of conversion of well-differentiated carcinoma of thyroid to anaplastic carcinoma was noticed. We recognized that radiation therapy was effective for advanced well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma in multidisciplinary treatment.

  8. CT in the diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma of urinary bladder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narumi, Yoshifumi; Mitani, Takashi; Kuriyama, Keiko


    CT findings of 8 operated cases with squamous cell carcinoma of urinary bladder were reviewed. All of them had advanced stage tumor with invasion into perivesical fat or organs (≥ T3b), and with or without lymphnode involvement. We compared them with 15 operated cases with advavced transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder (≥ T3b) especially in regard to the direction of tumor growth, and the frequency of invasion into perivesical organs and lymphnode involvement. Futhermore, we studied a relation between CT findings and histopathological stages of the squamous cell carcinoma of urinary bladder. Squamous cell carcinoma of urinary bladder showed predominant extravesical growth as the stage advanced, while transitional cell carcinoma generally showed predominant intravesical growth. Squamous cell carcinoma invaded into perivesical organs and metastasized to lymphnodes more frequently than transitional cell carcinoma of control group. Accuracy of CT staging of squamous cell carcinoma of urinary bladder was found to be 100 % in T stage and 75 % in N stage. (author)

  9. Diagnostic Approaches to Metastatic Hepatocellular Carcinoma of the Orbit. (United States)

    Geske, Michael J; Bloomer, Michele M; Kersten, Robert C; Vagefi, M Reza

    Orbital metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma is exceedingly rare and caries a grave prognosis. Three cases of metastatic orbital hepatocellular carcinoma in which the primary tumor was initially unknown and the diagnostic challenges encountered are presented. With hepatocellular carcinoma, open biopsy and palliative tumor debulking has an increased bleeding risk due to the highly vascular nature of the tumor and coagulopathy associated with chronic liver disease. As an alternative, fine needle aspiration biopsy should be considered for hepatocellular carcinoma with a readily accessible mass and the availability of an experienced cytopathologist.

  10. Aberrant E-cadherin staining patterns in invasive mammary carcinoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brogi Edi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background E-cadherin, a cell surface protein involved in cell adhesion, is present in normal breast epithelium, benign breast lesions, and in breast carcinoma. Alterations in the gene CDH1 on chromosome 16q22 are associated with changes in E-cadherin protein expression and function. Inactivation of E-cadherin in lobular carcinomas and certain diffuse gastric carcinomas may play a role in the dispersed, discohesive "single cell" growth patterns seen in these tumors. The molecular "signature" of mammary lobular carcinomas is the loss of E-cadherin protein expression as evidenced by immunohistochemistry, whereas ductal carcinomas are typically E-cadherin positive. Patients and methods We report on E-cadherin immunostaining patterns in five cases of invasive mammary carcinoma Results These were five exceptional instances in which the E-cadherin immunophenotype did not correspond to the apparent histologic classification of the lesion. These cases which are exceedingly rare in our experience are the subject of this report. Conclusion Findings such as those illustrated in this study occur in virtually all biologic phenomena and they do not invalidate the very high degree of correlation between the expression of E-cadherin and the classification of breast carcinomas as ductal or lobular type on the basis of conventional histologic criteria.

  11. Morphologic Subtypes of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. (United States)

    Torbenson, Michael S


    Hepatocellular carcinomas can be further divided into distinct subtypes that provide important clinical information and biological insights. These subtypes are distinct from growth patterns and are on based on morphologic and molecular findings. There are 12 reasonably well-defined subtypes as well as 6 provisional subtypes, together making up 35% of all hepatocellular carcinomas. These subtypes are discussed, with an emphasis on their definitions and the key morphologic findings. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Oncofetal fibronectins in oral carcinomas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mandel, U; Gaggero, B; Reibel, J


    -B-containing isoform and the oncofetal FN isoform derived by O-glycosylation, in oral squamous cell carcinomas, premalignant lesions, and normal oral mucosa. A selective expression of the ED-B-containing isoform was demonstrated in close relation to the invading carcinoma (38/38), whereas there was virtually...... no staining in submucosa underlying premalignant lesions (1/11) and normal epithelium (0/5). The ED-B-containing FN showed close co-distribution and staining pattern with the oncofetal isoform derived by O-glycosylation. These results demonstrate that accumulation of FN adjacent to oral carcinomas includes...... in breast and oral tumors. Another oncofetal FN isoform containing the ED-B sequence is derived by alternative splicing, and FN containing ED-B has been found to be a stromal marker of malignancies in various tissues. Here we report a comparative study by immunohistology of the distribution of the ED...

  13. Expression of cancer-associated fibroblast-related proteins differs between invasive lobular carcinoma and invasive ductal carcinoma. (United States)

    Park, Cheol Keun; Jung, Woo Hee; Koo, Ja Seung


    Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are classified into various functional subtypes such as fibroblast activation protein-α (FAP-α), fibroblast specific protein-1 (FSP-1), platelet-derived growth factor receptor-α (PDGFR-α), and PDGFR-β. In this study, we compared the expression of CAF-related proteins in invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) with those in invasive carcinoma of no special type (NST) and assessed the implications of the differences observed. Using tissue microarrays of 104 ILC and 524 invasive carcinoma (NST) cases, immunohistochemistry for CAF-related proteins [podoplanin, prolyl 4-hydroxylase, FAP-α, FSP-1/S100A4, PDGFR-α, PDGFR-β, and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (NG2)] was conducted. In invasive carcinoma (NST), tumor cells expressed a high level of PDGFR-α, whereas ILC tumor cells expressed high levels of podoplanin, prolyl 4-hydroxylase, FAP-α, and FSP-1/S100A4. In stromal cells of invasive carcinoma (NST), high expression levels of prolyl 4-hydroxylase, PDGFR-α, and NG2 were observed, whereas ILC stromal cells expressed high levels of FAP-α, FSP-1/S100A4, and PDGFR-β. In ILC, tumoral FSP-1/S100A4 positivity was associated with higher Ki-67 labeling index (p = 0.010) and non-luminal A type cancer (p = 0.014). Stromal PDGFR-α positivity was associated with lymph node metastasis (p = 0.011). On survival analysis of entire cases, tumoral FSP-1/S100A4 positivity (p = 0.002), stromal podoplanin positivity (p = 0.041), and stromal FSP-1/S100A4 negativity (p = 0.041) were associated with shorter disease-free survival; only tumoral FSP-1/S100A4 positivity (p = 0.044) was associated with shorter overall survival. In ILC, the expression of FAP-α and FSP-1/S100A4 was higher in both tumor and stromal cells than that observed in invasive carcinoma (NST). These results indicate that CAFs are a potential target in ILC treatment.

  14. Photodynamic Therapy With HPPH in Treating Patients With Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity (United States)


    Recurrent Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lip and Oral Cavity; Recurrent Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oropharynx; Recurrent Verrucous Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity; Stage I Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lip and Oral Cavity; Stage I Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oropharynx; Stage I Verrucous Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity; Stage II Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lip and Oral Cavity; Stage II Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oropharynx; Stage II Verrucous Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity; Stage III Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lip and Oral Cavity; Stage III Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oropharynx; Stage III Verrucous Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity; Stage IVA Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lip and Oral Cavity; Stage IVA Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oropharynx; Stage IVA Verrucous Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity; Stage IVB Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lip and Oral Cavity; Stage IVB Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oropharynx; Stage IVB Verrucous Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity; Stage IVC Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lip and Oral Cavity; Stage IVC Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oropharynx; Stage IVC Verrucous Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Parm\\u00E9nides Furcal-Beriguete


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, silicio al suelo más plaguicidas (alternativas químicas, silicio foliar, silicio foliar más plaguicidas y testigo comercial. Como fuente se utilizaron si- licio en polvo al 70% de SiO2, aplicado quince días antes de siembra en dosis de 100 kg SiO2/ha, y líquido concentrado 40% SiO2 y 36% MgO, aplicado al follaje en dosis de 4 l/ha a los 17 y 30 días después de la siembra. El suelo del orden inceptisol de formación aluvial, al inicio del experimento tenía pH 4,9, valores de P y Si disponibles de 29 ppm y 44,7 ppm, respectivamente, acidez intercambiable 1,2 cmol(+/l y suma de bases 19,11 cmol(+/l. No hubo diferencia estadística significativa del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de plagas y enfermedades, y en la calidad molinera; sin embargo, la combinación del silicio aplicado al suelo y el uso de plaguicidas incrementaron el contenido de zinc y cobre en el suelo, y del zinc y magnesio en las hojas de arroz, pero este efecto no se tradujo en rendimiento y calidad de granos. La aplicación de plaguicidas influyó positivamente en el peso y rendimiento del arroz en granza (p≤0,05.

  16. Carcinoma of the cervical stump: comparison of radiation therapy factors, survival and patterns of failure with carcinoma of the intact uterus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Igboeli, P.; Kapp, D.S.; Lawrence, R.; Schwartz, P.E.


    Eighty-nine patients with previously untreated invasive carcinoma of the cervical stump were seen at Yale-New Haven Hospital from 1953 through 1977. This represented 9.4% of the carcinomas of the cervix seen during this time period. Eighty-five of the 89 patients (95.5%) had ''true'' cancers of the cervical stump diagnosed 2 years or more after subtotal hysterectomy, while 4 of the 89 patients (4.5%) had ''coincident'' cancers diagnosed within 2 years of the subtotal hysterectomy. All cervical cancers were staged by the F.I.G.O. classification. Patient characteristics, methods of management, failure sites and survival of patients with carcinoma of the cervical stump were compared to those patients with carcinoma in the intact uterus. Patients with cervical stump cancers were treated in a similar manner to those with carcinomas of the intact uterus, using a combination of external beam irradiation and intracavitary radium. The stump cancer patients had a similar stage distribution to the patients with cancers of the intact uterus but, on the average, they were older and received less irradiation. The patterns of failure were similar on a stage for stage basis, but the survival and disease-free survival for stump cancer patients were superior to those of the patients with carcinoma of the intact uterus

  17. Are all pelvic (nonuterine) serous carcinomas of tubal origin? (United States)

    Przybycin, Christopher G; Kurman, Robert J; Ronnett, Brigitte M; Shih, Ie-Ming; Vang, Russell


    It has been proposed that the presence of tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (TIC), in association with one-third to nearly half of pelvic serous carcinomas, is evidence of fallopian tube origin for high-grade serous carcinomas that would have been otherwise classified as primary ovarian or peritoneal. To address this hypothesis, we evaluated a series of 114 consecutive pelvic (nonuterine) gynecologic carcinomas at our institution (2006 to 2008) to determine the frequency of TIC in 52 cases in which all the resected fallopian tube tissue was examined microscopically. These 52 cases were classified as ovarian (n=37), peritoneal (n=8), or fallopian tube (n=7) in origin as per conventional criteria based on disease distribution. The presence of TIC and its location and relationship to invasive carcinoma in the fallopian tubes and ovaries were assessed. Among the 45 cases of ovarian/peritoneal origin, carcinoma subtypes included 41 high-grade serous, 1 endometrioid, 1 mucinous, 1 high-grade, not otherwise specified, and 1 malignant mesodermal mixed tumor. TIC was identified in 24 cases (59%) of high-grade serous carcinoma but not among any of the other subtypes; therefore, the term serous TIC (STIC) is a more specific appellation. STICs were located in the fimbriated end of the tube in 22 cases (92%) and in the ampulla in 2 (8%); they were unilateral in 21 (88%) and bilateral in 3 (13%). STICs in the absence of an associated invasive carcinoma in the same tube were detected in 7 cases (30%) and with invasive carcinoma in the same tube in 17 (71%). Unilateral STICs were associated with bilateral ovarian involvement in 15 cases and unilateral (ipsilateral) ovarian involvement in 5 (the remaining case with a unilateral STIC had a primary peritoneal tumor with no ovarian involvement); the bilateral STICs were all associated with bilateral ovarian involvement. Six of the 7 primary tubal tumors were high-grade serous carcinomas, and 4 of these 6 (67%) had STICs. Based on

  18. Ductal carcinoma of the parotid gland. (United States)

    Eriksen, H E; Greisen, O; Hastrup, N


    A case of ductal carcinoma of the parotid gland is described. The medical literature contains only 13 previous reports on this kind of adenocarcinoma of the parotid gland. The tumour is characterized by its histologic resemblance to ductal carcinomas of the breast and prostate. The course of previously described cases suggests that this tumour has a highly aggressive biological behaviour.

  19. Catàleg dels Miridae (Heteroptera) del Massís del Garraf


    Goula Goula, Marta


    Per a la redacció d'aquest catàleg, s'aporten dades d'observació pròpia al llarg dels anys 1980-1984, així com les troballes publicades per CUNI (1889a,1889b,1889c,1891) i per RIBES (1978a,1978b,1980,1984). Totes aquestes observacions s'han fet en localitats del Massis del Garraf, que será objecte d'una curta descripció.

  20. La Orden de Medidas Provisionales del Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar en el caso del buque de guerra ARA Libertad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Cabrera Mirassou


    Full Text Available El presente comentario tiene por finalidad describir la reciente orden de medidas provisionales emitida por el Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar en el caso relativo a la detención de la Fragata ARA Libertad. La controversia contiene un complejo trasfondo político, económico y jurídico, en el cual se destaca el alcance de la inmunidad de los buques de guerra, el funcionamiento del sistema de solución de controversias de la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre Derecho del Mar y, en particular, la competencia del Tribunal. Con la finalidad de lograr un entendimiento más profundo de su jurisprudencia se abordan los principales aspectos que permitan comprender el valor de la decisión para los actores del régimen de los océanos.