
Sample records for c-si del tipo

  1. Microestructura y propiedades mecánicas del SiC biomórfico obtenido a partir de eucalipto

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    Presas, M.


    Full Text Available The development of cellular ceramics with a biological structure, like bones and wood, has been a matter of interest in recent years. A low density highly interconnected structure, perfected by evolution, rises as the principal advantage of these materials. In the case of biomimetic SiC (biomorphic SiC, or bioSiC, the fabrication process technique is quite simple: a piece of wood is pyrolysed and is infiltrated with molten silicon after, the final product is a composite Si/SiC, which replicates the wood anisotropic microstructure This work focus on the mechanical properties of bioSiC fabricated using eucalyptus wood as precursor (hard wood with a bimodal channel distribution. It has been studied the mechanical behavior of this bioSiC (compression strength, flexure strength, fracture toughness and elastic modulus between 25 and 1350 oC. It is also discussed the relationship between mechanical behavior of the material and its microstructure.

    El desarrollo de materiales cerámicos con una estructura de tipo celular, similar a la del hueso o la madera, ha sido una cuestión que ha suscitado un gran interés en los últimos años. Su atractivo se debe al hecho de poseer una estructura porosa altamente interconectada de baja densidad, perfeccionada por la evolución. En el caso del SiC biomórfico (bio-SiC el proceso de fabricación es sencillo: se piroliza una pieza de madera y a continuación se inyecta con silicio líquido, el material así obtenido es un compuesto Si/SiC en el que el SiC mimetiza la estructura de la madera original. En este trabajo se estudian las propiedades mecánicas del SiC biomórfico fabricado a partir de eucalipto (madera dura con una distribución bimodal de poros. Se ha estudiado el comportamiento mecánico del mismo (resistencia a compresión, resistencia a flexión, tenacidad de fractura y módulo de elasticidad entre 25 y 1350 oC. Asimismo, se discute la relación entre el comportamiento mecánico del material y

  2. Aplicaciones del SiC biomórfico como reforzante estructural en hormigones refractarios

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    Sepúlveda, R.


    Full Text Available This work is devoted to the study of the time and temperature dependence of the static grain growth in YTZP 4 mol %, with an average grain size within the submicrometric range (> 0.1 μm. Also, the mechanical response in the temperature interval between 1200 ºC and 1500 ºC is analysed. The grain growth is controlled by the yttria segregation at the grain boundaries, which plays a key role in the cationic diffusion processes. Microstructural characterization of both as-received and deformed samples allows to conclude that plastic deformation is due to grain boundary sliding (GBS, with stress exponents increasing with the flow stress, but in all cases they are lower than n = 2.

    Una posible aplicación del SiC biomórfico (bioSiC son los reforzante estructural en hormigones refractarios. En este caso se han fabricado piezas de bioSiC con forma de cilindros alargados, 3-4 mm de diámetro y 30-35 mm de longitud, mediante infiltración reactiva de Si líquido en piezas de carbón obtenidas por pirolización de madera de haya de calidad comercial. Hemos estudiado las características microestructurales y las propiedades mecánicas de los reforzantes, como paso previo al estudio de la aplicación mencionada, de la que se ofrece un avance en este trabajo. Para caracterizar la calidad del material y del proceso de fabricación, la microestructura de las piezas se ha estudiado mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los reforzantes de bioSiC fueron ensayados a compresión uniaxial y flexión en cuatro puntos a temperatura ambiente y a alta temperatura (1250-1400ºC para la determinación de sus propiedades mecánicas, y se realizaron estudios fractográficos en el segundo tipo de ensayos. Subsecuentemente, se prepararon ladrillos refractarios con un 3% en peso de reforzantes de bioSiC, que fueron curados a diferentes temperaturas (máx. 1600ºC. Estos ladrillos se han ensayado en compresión y flexión en tres puntos, a temperatura ambiente

  3. Influencia del contacto precoz, nacionalidad, tipo de parto y prematuridad en la lactancia materna


    Ana Belén Laviña Castan


    Conocer si en el HUMS existe asociación entre lactancia materna y nacionalidad, prematuridad, tipo de parto, contacto precoz piel con piel. Estudio de cohortes, en una muestra de 541 puérperas del HUMS en octubre-noviembre 2011. Las variables: nacionalidad, tipo de parto, contacto precoz, parto prematuro e inicio lactancia materna se recogieron antes del alta hospitalaria mediante cuestionario. A los dos meses postparto se contactó telefónicamente con las madres para conocer el tipo de lactan...

  4. Determinantes del tipo de cambio real en Colombia. Un modelo neokeynesiano

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    Moreno Rivas, Álvaro Martín


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un modelo de tipo de cambio real siguiendo los desarrollos de la escuela neokeynesiana. Se estima econométricamente de acuerdo con la metodología de la escuela inglesa de econometría. El modelo empírico incorpora una dinámica interesante y respeta las restricciones de equilibrio de largo plazo entre el tipo de cambio real y los fundamentales macroeconómicos. Se encuentra que el ritmo de apreciación o depreciación del tipo de cambio real está determinado por los cambios en los términos de intercambio, la apertura de la economía, los flujos de capitales y la aceleración de la devaluación nominal. El incremento del gasto público no es significativo a los niveles convencionales de confianza estadística. Finalmente se evalúa si la devaluación cumple con los requisitos de exogeneidad débil, exogeneidad fuerte y superexogeneidad.





    El linfoma de células B del tipo de la pierna, es una neoplasia rara y agresiva, con características clínicas, morfológicas e inmunofenotípicas distintivas. Está clasificada dentro del grupo de linfomas cutáneos primarios de células B y se presenta en edades avanzadas, con predominio en mujeres y altas tasas de recurrencia. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 63 años de edad, con diagnóstico clínico e inmunofenotípico de linfoma cutáneo de células B del tipo de la pierna. Primary cutaneous...

  6. Actividad hidráulica de un cemento belítico obtenido a partir de cenizas volantes tipo C: influencia del aditivo y tipo de curado


    Goñi Elizalde, Sara; Guerrero Bustos, Ana María


    En este trabajo se discute la influencia del tipo de curado y de un aditivo reductor de la demanda de agua en la actividad hidráulica de un cemento belítico de cenizas volantes de alto contenido en cal denominado (CBCV-2-A). Este cemento ha sido sintetizado por una ruta húmeda hidrotermal con posterior calcinación, empleando ceniza volante de alto contenido en cal (ASTM tipo C) como materia prima. La actividad hidráulica se ha estudiado en la pasta de cemento, durante un periodo de 180 ...

  7. Influencia del contacto precoz, nacionalidad, tipo de parto y prematuridad en la lactancia materna

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    Ana Belén Laviña Castan


    Full Text Available Conocer si en el HUMS existe asociación entre lactancia materna y nacionalidad, prematuridad, tipo de parto, contacto precoz piel con piel. Estudio de cohortes, en una muestra de 541 puérperas del HUMS en octubre-noviembre 2011. Las variables: nacionalidad, tipo de parto, contacto precoz, parto prematuro e inicio lactancia materna se recogieron antes del alta hospitalaria mediante cuestionario. A los dos meses postparto se contactó telefónicamente con las madres para conocer el tipo de lactancia en ese momento. El 70,32 % iniciaron la lactancia materna en las dos primeras horas postparto y el 55,58% daban Lactancia materna exclusiva (LME a los dos meses. Influyen en la lactancia materna el tipo de parto, contacto precoz y parto prematuro. La probabilidad de lactancia materna es 3,65 veces más alta si se ha realizado contacto precoz (RR 3,65; IC 95% 2,72-4,88; p=0,001. El inicio de lactancia materna en las 2 primeras horas y la nacionalidad española influye positivamente en la LME a los 2 meses. Las prácticas hospitalarias en el postparto deben promover el contacto precoz madre-recién nacido y el inicio de lactancia materna en las dos primeras horas, principalmente en las cesáreas.

  8. Actividad hidráulica de un cemento belítico obtenido a partir de cenizas volantes tipo C: influencia del aditivo y tipo de curado


    Goñi, S.; Guerrero, A.


    En este trabajo se discute la influencia del tipo de curado y de un aditivo reductor de la demanda de agua en la actividad hidráulica de un cemento belítico de cenizas volantes de alto contenido en cal denominado (CBCV-2-A). Este cemento ha sido sintetizado por una ruta húmeda hidrotermal con posterior calcinación, empleando ceniza volante de alto contenido en cal (ASTM tipo C) como materia prima. La actividad hidráulica se ha estudiado en la pasta de cemento, durante un periodo de 180 días, ...

  9. El polimorfismo (CAGn del gen ATXN2, nuevo marcador de susceptibilidad para diabetes mellitus tipo 2

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    Luis J. Flores-Alvarado

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivo Estimar si hay asociación del repetido (CAGn del gen ATXN2 en población mexicana con diabetes mellitus (DM tipo 2. Métodos Estudio epidemiológico de casos y controles. Se incluyeron personas sanas y personas diabéticas. La detección de la expansión (CAGn se realizó por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR-punto final. Los productos de PCR se analizaron mediante electroforesis (PAGE al 8% y tinción con nitrato de plata. Resultados La distribución de alelos del trinucleótido (CAGn en la población analizada resultó similar a la reportada en el centro del país. El alelo más frecuente es el de 22 repetidos; sin embargo, hay asociación con los portadores de los repetidos largos dentro del rango normal con diabetes. Conclusiones Los resultados sugieren que el repetido (CAGn del gen de ATXN2 podría ser un factor causal de DM tipo 2.

  10. Sleep quality in type 2 diabetics Calidad del sueño en diabéticos tipo 2 Qualidade do sono em diabéticos do tipo 2

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    Maria Carolina Belo da Cunha


    Full Text Available Sleeping disorders in type 2 diabetic patients constitute risk factors for aggravating diabetes since they can affect the metabolic control through insulin resistance syndrome. This was an observational, cross-sectional study. The majority (52% of subjects had scores indicating poor sleep quality. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI scores showed patients with a time after diagnosis over 10 years and hypertension had the poorest sleep quality. For those with hemoglobin A1c > 7% taking sleeping medicines and those who had normal body mass index (BMI, the sleep quality was even poorer. The findings of the present study reinforce the relevance of this topic since there are no specific tools for sleep evaluation of type 2 diabetics making it difficult to make any assertions on the sleep quality of these patients.Los disturbios del sueño en diabéticos del tipo 2, constituyen factores de riesgo para el agravamiento de la diabetes, pues pueden interferir en el control metabólico a través del síndrome de la resistencia a la insulina. El estudio fue del tipo observacional-transversal. La calidad del sueño fue investigada en 50 diabéticos del tipo 2, a quienes se aplicó el Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh (PSQI. La mayoría (52% presentó puntuaciones del PSQI, que indican calidad del sueño mala. Aquellos con tiempo de diagnóstico superior a 10 años y con hipertensión poseían peor calidad del sueño. Para aquellos con valores de Hemoglobina A1c > 7%, que usaban medicamentos para dormir y los que presentaron IMC normal, la calidad del sueño se mostró peor. Lo encontrado en esta investigación refuerza la relevancia de la temática, ya que no existen instrumentos específicos para evaluar el sueño del diabético del tipo 2, dificultando afirmaciones sobre la calidad del sueño del diabético.Distúrbios do sono em diabéticos do tipo 2 constituem fatores de risco para o agravamento do diabetes, pois podem interferir no


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    Óscar Iván Barón Estrada


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. El carcinoma cutáneo no melanoma del tipo basocelular (CBC y escamocelular (CEC, tiene tasas de incidencia cercanas al 13 por ciento y es el más prevalente en la población blanca. Trae elevada morbilidad para el paciente y altos costos para el sistema de salud, y aunque es la neoplasia maligna mas frecuentemente diagnosticada, en Colombia sólo se tienen estadísticas en instituciones oncológicas, haciendo énfasis principalmente en melanomas. Entre los principales factores de riesgo se encuentra la exposición a los RUVB, tipo de piel, la radiación, el virus del papiloma humano (HPV y su tratamiento incluye medicación tópica, crioterapia, electrofulguración y cirugía. Objetivo. Analizar algunas características epidemiológicas del cáncer cutáneo (CBC - CEC en nuestro medio, estableciendo similitudes y diferencias respecto a la literatura actual. Material y métodos. En la clínica San Pedro Claver se revisaron 202 historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado de CBC O CEC de 2004 a 2006 en un estudio retrospectivo de serie de casos y se analizaron las variables más comunes como el tipo de lesión, su ubicación, tamaño, patrón histológico y tratamiento. Resultados. Ingresaron en el estudio 112 pacientes, de los cuales cerca del 60 por ciento eran hombres, con una edad media de 69.5 años. El 90 por ciento de las lesiones se localizaban en cara (mejillas, párpados, nariz. Del 70 por ciento de las lesiones que correspondían a CBC el tipo histológico más frecuente fue sólido nodular y del 22 por ciento de lesiones que correspondían a CEC, el moderadamente diferenciado de célula grande fue el más común. Las lesiones tuvieron un tamaño promedio de 2 cm y los procedimientos quirúrgicos más usados fueron resección más injerto (44.1%, seguido de resección más colgajo local (23.5%. El 5 por ciento de los pacientes tenían lesiones previas y uno de cada cuatro tuvo algún tipo de reca

  12. Método predictivo de volatilidad tipo cambio

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    Jeffrey Viales Abellán


    Full Text Available Las series temporales descritas por precios de ciertos activos financieros tales como el de las acciones y divisas presentan dos principales características, excesos de kurtosis y clustering de volatilidad. Para recoger estas características se han utilizado modelos no lineales tales como los modelos Garch o Volatilidad Condicionada y los modelos de Volatilidad Estocástica, ambos tipos de modelo son empleados para la gestión del riesgo cambiario a corto plazo; el primer tipo de modelos definen la volatilidad en función de la misma volatilidad rezagada y de los shocks (innovaciones de volatilidad; el segundo tipo de modelos son similares a los modelos Garch con la variante de que la volatilidad incluye por si misma un término aleatorio de tipo proceso Wienner2; estos modelos son empleados para simular caminatas aleatorias del tipo de cambio con volatilidades simuladas por las ecuación estocásticas de volatilidad.En el presente trabajo se analizará el desempeño del modelo Garch en comparación a las medidas de volatilidad utilizadas actualmente para la gestión del riesgo cambiario; sus implicaciones para la gestión de riesgos.

  13. Una reconsideración matemática del modelo de "overshooting" del tipo de cambio


    Macaya, Alejo


    Este trabajo trata sobre la solución generalizada o distribucional del modelo de "overshooting" del tipo de cambio de Dornbusch. Se muestra que la solución del ejercicio de modificación de la oferta monetaria puede encontrarse utilizando funciones generalizadas.


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    Marco Valencia

    Full Text Available El aprovechamiento de la cáscara de arroz (CA es mínimo en la mayoría de los países latinoamericanos y solo una pequeña porción se utiliza eficientemente como abono o combustible. Los productos obtenidos por pirólisis de CA son, sin embargo, útiles para la fabricación de productos abrasivos y refractarios a base de carburo de silicio (SiC. Hay aplicaciones de reciente desarrollo y de mayor exigencia que consisten en usar el SiC como refuerzo de aleaciones metálicas para la fabricación de composites metálicos. En esta investigación se han obtenido fibrillas cortas y partículas finas de SiC por pirólisis controlada de CA. La síntesis del SiC se llevó a cabo en un horno de gas diseñado y puesto a punto durante el desarrollo del proyecto. El proceso fue optimizado mediante un diseño experimental que incluyó como variables la temperatura, el tiempo de pirólisis, el tipo de catalizador y la atmósfera de proceso.


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    Andy Richard Reátegui Salazar


    Full Text Available El camu camu, es una especie frutal nativa, silvestre y cultivada de la región amazónica, cuya importancia radica en el alto contenido de vitamina C, antocianinas y compuestos fenólicos presentes en la pulpa y cáscara de sus frutos. El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo en el Campo Experimental San Miguel, del INIA Loreto, con el objetivo de determinar la influencia del genotipo y el tipo de injerto en la brotación. Se evaluaron tres genotipos promisorios de camu camu (MD-014, MD-015 y MD-017 procedentes de la colección de germoplasma del INIA y tres tipos de injerto (astilla simple, astilla doble y púa; utilizándose como patrón plantones del genotipo MD-020, sobre los cuales se realizaron los injertos. La evaluación de la brotación se realizó a los 105 días después del injerto. Los resultados indican que el mejor tipo de injerto es el de púa, que obtuvo 85% de brotación y las mejores interacciones se lograron en los genotipos MD-017 y MD-015 con el injerto tipo púa; que alcanzaron 90% y 87.5% de brotación, respectivamente. Se concluyó que los mejores resultados se lograron cuando se combinaron el genotipo MD-017 con el injerto tipo púa.

  16. formales o categorías tipo interfase?

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    Julio Alfonso Piña López


    Full Text Available Se analiza la relación entre los fenómenos básicos y los fenómenos del desarrollo y la personalidad, en términos de si los primeros deberían concebirse como condición de existencia necesaria y suficiente de los segundos, y, a su vez, si los unos y los otros lo son de los últimos. Se concluye que dependiendo de cómo se plantee dicha relación, es que eventualmente tendrá sentido la construcción de teorías formales sobre el desarrollo y la personalidad, o bien caracterizar ambos fenómenos como categorías tipo interfase con fines de predicción.

  17. Efecto de la microestructura en el comportamiento tribológico de materiales monolíticos de Si3N4 y de compuestos Si3N4–SiC

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    Silva, R. F.


    Full Text Available The tribological behaviour of various Si3N4 based materials, including Si3N4/SiC composites, has been analysed from room temperature up to 700ºC, and for sliding speeds between 0.5 and 2 m/s. Materials have been prepared by hot pressing at 1750ºC in nitrogen atmosphere, varying α-Si3N4 phase content, microstructure coarseness and shape and size of the SiC particles. Wear tests were performed in self-mated pairs using a pin on disc tribometer, without lubrication and at a fixed load of 5 N. Pin and disc worn surfaces were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS. Debris generated during tests was analysed by SEM-EDS and X-ray diffraction (XRD. Results showed friction, f, and wear coefficients, K, above 0.3 y 10-6 mm3N-1m-1, respectively. Wear mechanism depended on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of the materials.Se ha analizado el comportamiento tribológico de materiales de Si3N4 y de compuestos Si3N4/SiC, desde temperatura ambiente hasta 700ºC y en el rango de velocidades 0.5-2 m/s. Los materiales se han preparado mediante prensado en caliente a 1750ºC en atmósfera de nitrógeno, variando el contenido en fase α-Si3N4, el tamaño medio de grano, y la morfología de las partículas de SiC adicionadas. Los ensayos se han realizado en pares homólogos utilizando un tribómetro del tipo punta sobre disco, sin lubricación y a una carga constante de 5 N. Las superficies de desgaste de las puntas y los discos se observaron en un microscopio electrónico de barrido con capacidad analítica (MEB-EDX. Los residuos generados durante los ensayos se analizaron mediante MEB-EDX y difracción de rayos X (DRX. Los resultados obtenidos en los ensayos daban valores de coeficiente de fricción, f, y de desgaste, K, superiores a 0.3 y 10-6 mm3N-1m-1, respectivamente. El mecanismo de desgaste predominante dependía de la microestructura y de las propiedades mecánicas del material ensayado.

  18. Diseño de un aerogenerador de eje vertical tipo Savonius para electrificación rural


    Arbeloa Sola, Lorena


    Este proyecto fin de carrera describe el cálculo y el diseño de un aerogenerador de eje vertical tipo Savonius para electrificación rural aprovechando la energía del viento. El objeto de este proyecto es proporcionar toda la información necesaria para la construcción e instalación de un aerogenerador de este tipo en una comunidad boliviana, concretamente en la comunidad de Vilacollo, situada en el departamento de Oruro, en la parte oeste de Bolivia. Si dicho proyecto resulta e...

  19. La volatilidad del tipo de cambio paralelo en Venezuela 2005-2015

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    Laura Daniela Castillo Paredes


    Full Text Available El tipo de cambio paralelo constituye una de las principales variables económicas para la toma de decisiones en Venezuela. Para analizar el comportamiento de esta variable tomando en cuenta sus características inherentes, exceso de curtosis, persistencia y asimetría, se hace una síntesis teórica de los principales modelos estocásticos de volatilidad y, se estima un conjunto de modelos. El modelo que mejor ajusta el comportamiento de la variable es un EGARCH (1,1, que captura el efecto asimétrico de las perturbaciones estocásticas sobre la serie. Ante choques negativos (depreciación del tipo de cambio paralelo, la volatilidad asociada se incrementa, pero para choques positivos (apreciación del tipo de cambio paralelo, se mantiene constante.

  20. Fundamentos del tipo de cambio real en Costa Rica (2001-2014

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    Raúl Fonseca Hernández


    Full Text Available El documento está orientado a profesionales de ciencias sociales con el objetivo de orientarles en la comprensión del comportamiento del Índice de Tipo de Cambio Real de Costa Rica (ITCER en relación con sus fundamentos. Se utiliza el modelo teórico behavioral equilibrium exchange rate (BEER para identificar y analizar los efectos en estas variables sobre el ITCER. Los seis indicadores analizados fueron: términos de intercambio, absorción fiscal, IED, tasa de interés real doméstica y productividad relativa de la economía. Estos explican adecuadamente el comportamiento del tipo de cambio real, pese a presentar una gran variabilidad. Se identifican claramente dos periodos en el comportamiento del ITCER: el primero (2001 y 2005, se presenta un periodo de depreciación, observándose posteriormente (2006 y 2014 un marcado proceso de apreciación en términos reales del colón costarricense.

  1. Change of I-V characteristics of SiC diodes upon reactor irradiation; Modification des caracteristiques I-V de jonctions p-n au SiC du fait d'une irradiation dans un reacteur; Izmeneniya kharakteristik I-V vyrashchennogo v SiC perekhoda tipa p-n posle oblucheniya ego v reaktore; Modificaciones que sufren por irradiacion en un reactor las caracteristicas I-V de uniones p-n en SiC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heerschap, M; De Coninck, R [Solid State Physics Dept., SCK-CEN, Mol (Belgium)


    In search for semiconductors, which can be used in high-flux reactors in order to measure flux distributions, we irradiated SiC p-n junctions in the Belgium BR-1 reactor. Two types of SiC-diodes of different origin have been irradiated. These junctions are grown in the Lely-furnace. The change in forward and reverse characteristics have been measured during and after irradiation up to temperatures of 150{sup o}C, while measurements up to a temperature of 500{sup o}C are in progress. It has been found that one type resists BR-1 neutrons up to an integrated flux of 10{sup 15} n/cm{sup 2}, while the other resists irradiation up to a flux of 10{sup 17} n/cm{sup 2}. The changes in characteristics are given as well as the result of some annealing experiments. (author) [French] En recherchant des semi-conducteurs pouvant servir a mesurer les distributions de flux dans les reacteurs a haut flux de neutrons, les auteurs ont irradie des jonctions p-n au SiC dans le reacteur belge BR-1. Deux types de diodes a SiC d'origines differentes ont ete ainsi irradies. Les jonctions en question sont preparees par etirage dans le four Lely. Les auteurs ont mesure les modifications subies par les caracteristiques I-V apres et pendant l'irradiation a des temperatures allant jusqu'a 150{sup o}C; ils poursuivent leurs mesures dans la gamme des temperatures allant de 150{sup o}C a 500{sup o}C. Us ont constate que l'un des types de diode a SiC resiste aux neutrons du reacteur BR-1 jusqu'a 10{sup 15} n/cm{sup 2}, tandis que l'autre type resiste a l'irradiation jusqu'a 10{sup 17} n/cm{sup 2}. Les auteurs indiquent les modifications subies par les caracteristiques, ainsi que le resultat de certaines experiences de recuit. (author) [Spanish] Los autores estan tratando de encontrar semiconductores con los que sea posible medir distribuciones de flujo en reactores de flujo elevado, y con este fin irradiaron uniones p-n del SiC en el reactor BR-1 de Belgica. Irradiaron dos tipos de diodos de SiC de

  2. Joining of SiC ceramics and SiC/SiC composites

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    Rabin, B.H. [Idaho National Engineering Lab., Idaho Falls, ID (United States)


    This project has successfully developed a practical and reliable method for fabricating SiC ceramic-ceramic joints. This joining method will permit the use of SiC-based ceramics in a variety of elevated temperature fossil energy applications. The technique is based on a reaction bonding approach that provides joint interlayers compatible with SiC, and excellent joint mechanical properties at temperatures exceeding 1000{degrees}C. Recent emphasis has been given to technology transfer activities, and several collaborative research efforts are in progress. Investigations are focusing on applying the joining method to sintered {alpha}-SiC and fiber-reinforced SiC/SiC composites for use in applications such as heat exchangers, radiant burners and gas turbine components.

  3. Fundamentos del Tipo de Cambio Real en Chile


    Rodrigo Cerda; Alvaro Donoso; Aldo Lema


    Un modelo basado en la relación gasto-producto (efecto Salter-Swan) y los términos de intercambio, habría predicho un incremento más pronunciado del tipo de cambio real (TCR) en Chile durante la segunda mitad de los '80, una caída menos acentuada entre 1990 y 1997, y un aumento más fuerte a partir de 1998 cuando irrumpió la crisis financiera internacional. Este trabajo incorpora en forma exhaustiva otros factores en la determinación de largo plazo del TCR, tanto de oferta como de demanda. Usa...

  4. Effect of NaCl upon an Al-Si casting alloy hipoeutec; Efecto del NaCl sobre una aleacion de Al-Si hipoeutectica vaciada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinez Delgado, E.J.; Ortega de la Rosa, R. [Istituto Tecnologico de Zacatecas, Zacatecas (Mexico)]. E-mail:;; Cisneros Guerrero, M.A. [Instituto Tecnologico de Saltillo, Saltillo, Coahuila (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Haro Rodriguez, S. [Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Zacatecas (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    This work, comprehends the study about the effect of NaCl kind Halite upon the morphology of eutectic Silicon and porosity in a cast hipoeutectic Al-Si alloy. The melting was carried out in two furnaces, the first to combustion of LP gas in graphite crucible to increase the content of Si in the alloy from 0.13 to 5% wt using metallic silicon with a purity of 99.35% wt, and the second of electric resistances in the same kind of crucible to control the temperature at 750 degrees Celsius. The melting material was casting into molds of sand shell. To add the salt into the metallic bath, two techniques were used; one with injection by means of Argon gas and the other on by gravity, both cases three quantities of salt were used, 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5% wt respectively, powdered and preheated at 150 degrees Celsius during 60 min. The obtained samples were analyzed metallographily evidencing the modification of the eutectic Si, presenting the best results the samples with 1.5 and 2.5% wt of salt added by gravity. Too was obtained effect of Salt upon the degassing of bath metallic, where the simples with 1.5% wt presented the best results. Finally, by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy, the precipitates present were characterized in the samples. [Spanish] Este trabajo comprende el estudio del efecto del NaCl tipo Halita sobre la morfologia del Si eutectico y la porosidad en una aleacion fundida Al-Si hipoeutectica. La fusion se llevo a cabo en dos hornos, el primero a combustion con gas LP en crisol de grafito con la finalidad de incrementar el contenido de Si en la aleacion de 0.13 a 5% en peso, utilizando silicio metalico con una pureza de 99.35%, y el segundo de resistencias electricas en el mismo tipo de crisol para controlar la temperatura a 750 grados Celsios. El material fundido fue vaciado en modelos de arena. La sal se anadio al bano metalico a 0.5, 1.5 y 2.5% en peso, respectivamente, pulverizada y precalentada a 150 grados Celsios durante 60 min, mediante dos

  5. Crecimiento y desarrollo de niños y jóvenes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1

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    Enrique Rotemberg Wilf

    Full Text Available Resumen La diabetes mellitus es un síndrome metabólico que se caracteriza por hiperglucemia con alteración en el metabolismo de los carbohidratos, proteínas y grasas, causada por deficiencias en la producción o en la utilización de la insulina. Es la enfermedad endocrinometabólica más frecuente de la infancia y adolescencia. La diabetes tipo 1 es una condición crónica debido a la destrucción de las células beta de los islotes de Langerhans del páncreas por enfermedad autoinmune o sin causa conocida. El crecimiento y desarrollo general y cráneo facial del individuo van a estar influenciados por distintos factores que actúan interrelacionados. Los profesionales de la salud deben controlar la evolución del niño con diabetes 1 especialmente durante la pubertad. Es probable encontrar diferencias de crecimiento y desarrollo entre jóvenes con eficaz o con pobre control glucémico, en especial si la enfermedad es de inicio prepuberal y si es o no diagnosticada en forma precoz. La diabetes mellitus tipo 1 puede afectar la salud buco-dental de niños y adolescentes, con posibles consecuencias en la vida adulta

  6. Detección de Malware a partir del comportamiento del navegador


    Ferrer Navarro, Santiago


    Castellano: El volumen de malware o software malicioso, se ha expandido, surgiendo continuamente numerosas versiones distintas y mucho más perfeccionadas, incluyendo un nuevo tipo de ataque que afecta al comportamiento del navegador. Se pretende observar si, únicamente mediante el comportamiento del navegador, y utilizando herramientas como Honeypots e Instrumentación Binaria, es posible determinar si dicho navegador se encuentra en estado de infección.

  7. Funcionamiento psicofisiológico y susceptibilidad a la sintomatología premenstrual en mujeres Tipo A y Tipo B

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    Francesc Palmero


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se centra en explorar el papel que juega el componente emocional del Patrón de Conducta Tipo A (PCTA en diversas áreas relacionadas con la salud. En este contexto nuestra investigación desarrolla dos objetivos diferenciados. El primero trata de constatar la relación entre determinadas características del PCTA y el mecanismo psicofisiológico en una tarea experimental de estrés real (situación de examen, considerando si existen diferencias entre los dos grupos de personas, Tipo A y Tipo B, tanto en la dimensión tónica como en la dimensión fásica de la tasa cardiaca. El segundo de nuestros objetivos trata de establecer la relación existente entre determinadas características del PCTA y la experiencia de sintomatología relacionada con el ciclo menstrual, considerando tanto la sintomatología premenstrual global, como la sintomatología premenstrual específica, diferenciando tres grandes grupos de síntomas: fisiológicos, psicológicos y conductuales. La muestra final estuvo conformada por 28 mujeres Tipo A y 29 mujeres Tipo B. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el inventario de Actividad de Jenkins (JAS, el calendario menstrual de síntomas de registro diario (CMSRD y un polígrafo que permitió registrar la tasa cardiaca. En cuanto a nuestro primer objetivo, los datos hacen pensar en la existencia de distintos perfiles psicofisiológicos en ambos grupos de mujeres; en el segundo objetivo, parece que las mujeres Tipo A experimentan de forma clara más síntomas psicológicos que las mujeres Tipo B.

  8. Propiedades y aplicaciones de piezocomposites tipo címbalo

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    Ochoa, P.


    Full Text Available The metal-ceramic composite actuators, moonies and cymbals consist in capped piezoceramic disks with metallic endcaps having cavities inside. These cavities favour the amplification of direct and reverse piezoelectric effects. These actuators fill the gap between high displacement low generative force bimorph actuators and low displacement high generative force multilayer ceramic actuators. The moonie actuator can give displacements greater than 100 mm, maximum generative force of 3N to several N´s, response time of 20 to 100 ms, and low fatigue test response for more than 107 cycles. Cymbals actuators shows twice as big as displacement than moonie for the studied size, much higher generative force and the possibility to avoid the temperature dependence of the displacement for selected materials. Properties of cymbal actuators can be tailored trough the selection of materials. Also, cymbal actuators can be tuned to adopt different resonance frequencies.

    Los composites metal-cerámica tipo luna y címbalo consisten en discos piezoeléctricos encapsulados con cápsulas metálicas que poseen una cavidad. Esta cavidad favorece la amplificación de los efectos piezoeléctricos directo e inverso. Estos actuadores llenan el escalón entre actuadores multicapa, con desplazamientos pequeños y fuerzas generativas elevadas, y actuadores bimorfos, con desplazamientos grandes y fuerzas generativas pequeñas. El actuador tipo luna alcanza desplazamientos de más de 100mm, fuerzas generativas máximas de hasta varios N´s, tiempos de respuesta desde 20 hasta 100ms, y baja respuesta en ensayos de fatiga a más de 107 ciclos. Los actuadores tipo címbalo muestran desplazamientos dos veces mayores que los obtenidos con actuadores tipo luna para el mismo tamaño, fuerzas generativas mucho mayores y la posibilidad de eliminar la dependencia del desplazamiento con la temperatura mediante selección de los materiales. Además poseen unas caracter

  9. Investigation into solubility and diffusion in SiC-NbC, SiC-TiC, SiC-ZrC systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Safaraliev, G.K.; Tairov, Yu.M.; Tsvetkov, V.F.; Shabanov, Sh.Sh.


    An investigation is carried out which demonstrates solid-phase interaction between SiC and NbC, TiC and ZrC monocrystals. The monocrystals are subjected to hot pressing in SiC powder with dispersity of 5x10 -6 m. The pressing temperature is 2270-2570 K and pressure is varied in the range of 20-40 MPa. Element composition and the distribution profile in a thin layer near the boundary of SiC-NbC, SiC-TiC and SiC-ZrC are investigated by the Anger spectroscopy method. The obtained results permit to make the conclusion in the possibility of solid solution formation in investigated systems

  10. Expansión clónica y caracterización genómica del proceso de integración del virus linfotrópico humano tipo I en la leucemia/linfoma de células T en adultos

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    Mercedes Salcedo-Cifuentes


    Conclusiones. Los resultados permiten postular que la integración del virus linfotrópico humano tipo I se dirigiría hacia un ambiente genómico caracterizado por elevado contenido de C:G, genes de replicación temprana que regularían el ciclo celular y la transducción de señales.


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    M. Guerra


    Full Text Available Los diabéticos tipo 2 (DM 2 pobremente controlados (HbA1c = 7% exhiben disminución del estado antioxidante total y dislipidemia en comparación con los metabólicamente controlados, lo cual puede ser reflejo de incrementos de radicales libres de oxígeno, alteraciones del metabolismo de las lipoproteínas lo que contribuye a desarrollar fenómenos que conducen a complicaciones micro y macrovasculares. Se estudiaron 60 individuos (40-80 años no controlados (n=20, controlados (n=20 y sanos (n=20. El criterio del buen control de la diabetes fue % HbA1c < 7%. Mediante la prueba t de diferencia de medias suponiendo varianzas desiguales se compararon los grupos. Los niveles de Col T, LDL-C, VLDL-C, TG y apo B-100 fueron significativamente más altos (p<0.05 y los de HDL-C y apo A-I más bajos en los DM 2 no controlados comparados con los niveles de los grupos de sujetos con DM 2 controlados y los controles sanos. Los pacientes con regular o pobre control glicémico presentan un perfíl lipídico anormal. Estos resultados son similares al de otros investigadores de diversas latitudes.

  12. Low dose irradiation performance of SiC interphase SiC/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Snead, L.L.; Lowden, R.A.; Strizak, J.; More, K.L.; Eatherly, W.S.; Bailey, J.; Williams, A.M.; Osborne, M.C.; Shinavski, R.J.


    Reduced oxygen Hi-Nicalon fiber reinforced composite SiC materials were densified with a chemically vapor infiltrated (CVI) silicon carbide (SiC) matrix and interphases of either 'porous' SiC or multilayer SiC and irradiated to a neutron fluence of 1.1 x 10 25 n m -2 (E>0.1 MeV) in the temperature range of 260 to 1060 C. The unirradiated properties of these composites are superior to previously studied ceramic grade Nicalon fiber reinforced/carbon interphase materials. Negligible reduction in the macroscopic matrix microcracking stress was observed after irradiation for the multilayer SiC interphase material and a slight reduction in matrix microcracking stress was observed for the composite with porous SiC interphase. The reduction in strength for the porous SiC interfacial material is greatest for the highest irradiation temperature. The ultimate fracture stress (in four point bending) following irradiation for the multilayer SiC and porous SiC interphase materials was reduced by 15% and 30%, respectively, which is an improvement over the 40% reduction suffered by irradiated ceramic grade Nicalon fiber materials fabricated in a similar fashion, though with a carbon interphase. The degradation of the mechanical properties of these composites is analyzed by comparison with the irradiation behavior of bare Hi-Nicalon fiber and Morton chemically vapor deposited (CVD) SiC. It is concluded that the degradation of these composites, as with the previous generation ceramic grade Nicalon fiber materials, is dominated by interfacial effects, though the overall degradation of fiber and hence composite is reduced for the newer low-oxygen fiber. (orig.)

  13. Porous SiC/SiC composites development for industrial application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maeta, S.; Hinoki, T.


    Silicon carbide (SiC) is promising structural materials in nuclear fields due to an excellent irradiation resistance and low activation characteristics. Conventional SiC fibers reinforced SiC matrix (SiC/SiC composites) fabricated by liquid phase sintering (LPS-SiC/SiC composites) have been required high cost and long processing time. And microstructure and mechanical property data of finally obtained LPS-SiC/SiC composites are easily scattered, because quality of the composites depend on personal skill. Thus, conventional LPS-SiC/SiC composites are inadequate for industrial use. In order to overcome these issues, the novel “porous SiC/SiC composites” have been developed by means of liquid phase sintering fabrication process. The composites consist of porous SiC matrix and SiC fibers without conventional carbon interfacial layer. The composites don’t have concerns of the degradation interfacial layer at the severe accident. Porous SiC/SiC composites preform was prepared with a thin sheet shape of SiC, sintering additives and carbon powder mixture by tape casting process which was adopted because of productive and high yielding rate fabrication process. The preform was stacked with SiC fibers and sintered in hot-press at the high temperature in argon environment. The sintered preform was decarburized obtain porous matrix structure by heat-treatment in air. Moreover, mechanical property data scattering of the obtained porous SiC/SiC composites decreased. In the flexural test, the porous SiC/SiC composites showed pseudo-ductile behavior with sufficient strength even after heat treatment at high temperature in air. From these conclusions, it was proven that porous SiC/SiC composites were reliable material at severe environment such as high temperature in air, by introducing tape casting fabrication process that could produce reproducible materials with low cost and simple way. Therefore development of porous SiC/SiC composites for industrial application was

  14. Interfacial characterization of CVI-SiC/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, W.; Kohyama, A.; Noda, T.; Katoh, Y.; Hinoki, T.; Araki, H.; Yu, J.


    The mechanical properties of the interfaces of two families of chemical vapor infiltration SiC/SiC composites, advanced Tyranno-SA and Hi-Nicalon fibers reinforced SiC/SiC composites with various carbon and SiC/C interlayers, were investigated by single fiber push-out/push-back tests. Interfacial debonding and fibers sliding mainly occurred adjacent to the first carbon layer on the fibers. The interfacial debonding strengths and frictional stresses for both Tyranno-SA/SiC and Hi-Nicalon/SiC composites were correlated with the first carbon layer thickness. Tyranno-SA/SiC composites exhibited much larger interfacial frictional stresses compared to Hi-Nicalon/SiC composites. This was assumed to be mainly contributed by the rather rough surface of the Tyranno-SA fiber

  15. Tipos de vegetación del llano de Paletará. Cordillera Central Colombia Tipos de vegetación del llano de Paletará. Cordillera Central Colombia

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    Restrepo Carla


    Full Text Available We studied the vegetation found in the Llano de Paletará, municipality of Coconuco, department of Cauca, Colombia. Based on the physiognomy and floristic composition of the vegetation we identified 8 paramo vegetation types. These units represent the most extensive azonal paramo vegetation types described up to now for the Cordillera Central. Four of the 8 vegetation types are herbaceous ("frailejonal-pajonal" with Espeletia, "chuscal abierto" with Chusquea,"swamp" with Carex, and "grassland" with Calamagrostis , three are bush tickets (thicket with Hypericum, thicket with Ageratina, and thicket with Diplostephium, and one is a forest of low stature (forest with Escallonia. We analyze some aspects of the ecology and distribution of the vegetation types and evaluate their degree of peril and value of conservation. Se estudiaron los tipos de vegetación del Llano de Paletará, municipio de Coconuco, departamento del Cauca, Colombia. Basados en la fisonomía y composición florística de la vegetación identificamos 8 tipos de vegetación, los cuales representan los tipos de vegetación paramunos de carácter azonal más extensos de la Cordillera Central registrados hasta el momento. De los 8 tipos de vegetación, cuatro son de porte herbáceo (''frailejonalpajonal'' con Espeletia. "chuscal abierto" con Chusquea. "pantano" con Carex y un "pajonal" con Calamagrostis, tres son de porte arbustivo (matorral con Hypericum, matorral con Ageratina y matorral con Diplostephium y uno es de porte arbóreo (bosque con Escallonia. Se analizan algunos aspectos de la ecología y distribución de los tipos de vegetación y se evalúa su grado de amenaza y valor de conservación.

  16. Efectos del tipo de diabetes, estrategias de afrontamiento, sexo y optimismo en el apoyo social


    Rondón, José E.; Lugli, Zoraide


    Se desea conocer el efecto del tipo de diabetes, las estrategias de afrontamiento, el sexo, y el optimismo sobre las redes sociales y el apoyo social percibido por sujetos con diabetes. Participaron 103 hombres y 197 mujeres divididos en diabéticos tipo

  17. Tipificación del vph en cáncer de cuello uterino en la población venezolana


    Suárez, Carmen María; Mijares Briñez, Alirio; Castillo Marrero, Livia; Briceño, Josefa María


    OBJETIVOS: Realizar la tipificación del virus del papiloma humano en pacientes con cáncer de cuello uterino en la población venezolana. MÉTODOS: Se incluyeron 53 pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de cuello uterino entre abril de 2004 y noviembre de 2005. Se realizó tipificación del virus del papiloma humano mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa para los tipos 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33 y 35. Se analizaron otras variables como edad, estadio y tipo histológico. RESULTADOS: La edad promed...

  18. Irradiation effect on Nite-SiC/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hinoki, T.; Choi, Y.B.; Kohyama, A.; Ozawa, K.


    Full text of publication follows: Silicon carbide (SiC) and SiC composites are significantly attractive materials for nuclear application in particular due to exceptional low radioactivity, excellent high temperature mechanical properties and chemical stability. Despite of the excellent potential of SiC/SiC composites, the prospect of industrialization has not been clear mainly due to the low productivity and the high material cost. Chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) method can produce the excellent SiC/SiC composites with highly crystalline and excellent mechanical properties. It has been reported that the high purity SiC/SiC composites reinforced with highly crystalline fibers and fabricated by CVI method is very stable to neutron irradiation. However the production cost is high and it is difficult to fabricate thick and dense composites by CVI method. The novel processing called Nano-powder Infiltration and Transient Eutectic Phase (NITE) Processing has been developed based on the liquid phase sintering (LPS) process modification. The NITE processing can achieve both the excellent material quality and the low processing cost. The productivity of the processing is also excellent, and various kinds of shape and size of SiC/SiC composites can be produced by the NITE processing. The NITE processing can form highly crystalline matrix, which is requirement for nuclear application. The objective of this work is to understand irradiation effect of the NITESiC/SiC composites. The SiC/SiC composites used were reinforced with high purity SiC fibers, Tyranno TM SA and fabricated by the NITE method. The NITE-SiC/SiC composite bars and reference monolithic SiC bars fabricated by CVI and NITE were irradiated at up to 1.0 dpa and 600-1000 deg. C at JMTR, Japan. Mechanical properties of non-irradiated and irradiated NITESiC/ SiC composites bars were evaluated by tensile tests. Monolithic SiC bars were evaluated by flexural tests. The fracture surface was examined by SEM. Ultimate

  19. Sobre lo constitución química del agua de amasado y los teorías de la hidratación del cemento

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    Kittl, P.


    Full Text Available Se estudia la composición del agua de amasado (a/c = 0,5 de un cemento comercial, obteniendo que a los 10 minutos del comienzo se trata de una solución muy concentrada de KOH y NaOH con algo de CaOH, SO4Ca, Al, Fe y vestigios de Si. La composición del agua de amasado a la 24 horas es similar. Evaporando estas soluciones no se encontró ninguna zona de composición del tipo CaO.H2O.SiO2 correspondiente a la familia de las tobermoritas y, por lo tanto, esto se inclina fuertemente a favor de la teoría topoquímica de la hidratación.

  20. Estudio de la protección del refuerzo de partículas de SiC mediante barreras activas por sol-gel en materiales compuestos de matriz de aluminio

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    Ureña, A.


    Full Text Available A microcrystalline, homogeneous and transparent sol – gel silica coating has been developed to avoid the degradation and improve the wettability of aluminium matrix composites reinforced with SiC particles. Composite aluminium matrix samples have been made by cold powder compaction, and the coating efficiency has been checked by melting the samples several temperature and times. The coating reduces the appearance of Al4C3, showing that the degradation resistance of the new material is much higher than that of the uncovered SiC particles composite one.

    Con objeto de prevenir la degradación y mejorar la mojabilidad de los materiales compuestos de matriz de aluminio reforzados con partículas de SiC se ha desarrollado un recubrimiento microcristalino, homogéneo y transparente de SiO2 obtenido por el método sol-gel. La eficacia del recubrimiento como barrera se ha comprobado realizando ensayos de fusión a diferentes tiempos y temperaturas sobre pastillas de material compuesto de matriz de aluminio obtenidas por compactación en frío de polvos. El recubrimiento limita la formación de Al4C3, lo que indica que la resistencia a la degradación del nuevo material es muy superior a la del fabricado con partículas de SiC sin recubrir.

  1. SiC/SiC Cladding Materials Properties Handbook

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Snead, Mary A. [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Katoh, Yutai [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Koyanagi, Takaaki [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Singh, Gyanender P. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    When a new class of material is considered for a nuclear core structure, the in-pile performance is usually assessed based on multi-physics modeling in coordination with experiments. This report aims to provide data for the mechanical and physical properties and environmental resistance of silicon carbide (SiC) fiber–reinforced SiC matrix (SiC/SiC) composites for use in modeling for their application as accidenttolerant fuel cladding for light water reactors (LWRs). The properties are specific for tube geometry, although many properties can be predicted from planar specimen data. This report presents various properties, including mechanical properties, thermal properties, chemical stability under normal and offnormal operation conditions, hermeticity, and irradiation resistance. Table S.1 summarizes those properties mainly for nuclear-grade SiC/SiC composites fabricated via chemical vapor infiltration (CVI). While most of the important properties are available, this work found that data for the in-pile hydrothermal corrosion resistance of SiC materials and for thermal properties of tube materials are lacking for evaluation of SiC-based cladding for LWR applications.

  2. Oxidation protection of multilayer CVD SiC/B/SiC coatings for 3D C/SiC composite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Yongsheng; Cheng Laifei; Zhang Litong; Wu Shoujun; Li Duo; Xu Yongdong


    A CVD boron coating was introduced between two CVD SiC coating layers. EDS and XRD results showed that the CVD B coating was a boron crystal without other impurity elements. SEM results indicated that the CVD B coating was a flake-like or column-like crystal with a compact cross-section. The crack width in the CVD SiC coating deposited on CVD B is smaller than that in a CVD SiC coating deposited on CVD SiC coating. After oxidation at 700 deg. C and 1000 deg. C, XRD results indicated that the coating was covered by product B 2 O 3 or B 2 O 3 .xSiO 2 film. The cracks were sealed as observed by SEM. There was a large amount of flake-like material on hybrid coating surface after oxidation at 1300 deg. C. Oxidation weight loss and residual flexural strength results showed that hybrid SiC/B/SiC multilayer coating provided better oxidation protection for C/SiC composite than a three layer CVD SiC coating at temperatures from 700 deg. C to 1000 deg. C for 600 min, but worse oxidation protection above 1000 deg. C due to the large amount of volatilization of B 2 O 3 or B 2 O 3 .xSiO 2

  3. Mechanical behavior of SiCf/SiC composites with alternating PyC/SiC multilayer interphases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Haijiao; Zhou, Xingui; Zhang, Wei; Peng, Huaxin; Zhang, Changrui


    Highlights: ► Superior combination of flexural strength and fracture toughness of the 3D SiC/SiC composite was achieved by interface tailoring. ► Resulted composite possesses a much higher flexural strength and fracture toughness than its counterparts in literatures. ► Mechanisms that PyC/SiC multilayer coatings improve the mechanical properties were illustrated. -- Abstract: In order to tailor the fiber–matrix interface of continuous silicon carbide fiber reinforced silicon carbide (SiC f /SiC) composites for improved fracture toughness, alternating pyrolytic carbon/silicon carbide (PyC/SiC) multilayer coatings were applied to the KD-I SiC fibers using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. Three dimensional (3D) KD-I SiC f /SiC composites reinforced by these coated fibers were fabricated using a precursor infiltration and pyrolysis (PIP) process. The interfacial characteristics were determined by the fiber push-out test and microstructural examination using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effect of interface coatings on composite mechanical properties was evaluated by single-edge notched beam (SENB) test and three-point bending test. The results indicate that the PyC/SiC multilayer coatings led to an optimum interfacial bonding between fibers and matrix and greatly improved the fracture toughness of the composites.

  4. Microstructure and Mechanical Property of SiCf/SiC and Cf/SiC Composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, S P; Cho, K S; Lee, H U; Lee, J K; Bae, D S; Byun, J H


    The mechanical properties of SiC based composites reinforced with different types of fabrics have been investigated, in conjunction with the detailed analyses of their microstructures. The thermal shock properties of SiC f /SiC composites were also examined. All composites showed a dense morphology in the matrix region. Carbon coated PW-SiC f /SiC composites had a good fracture energy, even if their strength was lower than that of PW-C f /SiC composites. SiC f /SiC composites represented a great reduction of flexural strength at the thermal shock temperature difference of 300 deg. C.

  5. SiC Nanoparticles Toughened-SiC/MoSi2-SiC Multilayer Functionally Graded Oxidation Protective Coating for Carbon Materials at High Temperatures (United States)

    Abdollahi, Alireza; Ehsani, Naser; Valefi, Zia; Khalifesoltani, Ali


    A SiC nanoparticle toughened-SiC/MoSi2-SiC functionally graded oxidation protective coating on graphite was prepared by reactive melt infiltration (RMI) at 1773 and 1873 K under argon atmosphere. The phase composition and anti-oxidation behavior of the coatings were investigated. The results show that the coating was composed of MoSi2, α-SiC and β-SiC. By the variations of Gibbs free energy (calculated by HSC Chemistry 6.0 software), it could be suggested that the SiC coating formed at low temperatures by solution-reprecipitation mechanism and at high temperatures by gas-phase reactions and solution-reprecipitation mechanisms simultaneously. SiC nanoparticles could improve the oxidation resistance of SiC/MoSi2-SiC multiphase coating. Addition of SiC nanoparticles increases toughness of the coating and prevents spreading of the oxygen diffusion channels in the coating during the oxidation test. The mass loss and oxidation rate of the SiC nanoparticle toughened-SiC/MoSi2-SiC-coated sample after 10-h oxidation at 1773 K were only 1.76% and 0.32 × 10-2 g/cm3/h, respectively.

  6. Estudio sobre las consecuencias del maltrato infantil en el desarrollo del lenguaje


    Moreno Manso, Juan Manuel


    Con el estudio sobre las consecuencias del maltrato infantil en el desarrollo del lenguaje, intentamos determinar si los malos tratos a la infancia ocasionan repercusiones en dicha área y si existen repercusiones lingüísticas diferenciales según el tipo de maltrato infantil que sufre el niño. Para ello, analizamos muestras de maltrato infantil tales como el abandono físico, abandono emocional, maltrato físico y maltrato emocional. Reflejamos los resultados de la aplicación de las Escalas McCa...


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    Edwin Javier Barrios-Gómez


    Full Text Available Se estudió el efecto del déficit hídrico del suelo y temperatura alta del aire en las relaciones hídricas y temperatura del dosel del cultivo (Tc, rendimiento de semilla (RS y sus componentes en 8 variedades de frijol del tipo "Flor de Mayo" (FM y una variedad criolla. Se realizaron 3 experimentos de campo; Montecillo en riego (MR con la aplicación de agua de la siembra a la madurez, Montecillo en secano (MS con la lluvia como fuente única de humedad y Celaya en secano (CS con lluvia y 2 riegos suplementarios en floración. Se utilizó una dosis de fertilización de 80 kg.ha-1 de nitrógeno y 40 kg.ha-1 de fósforo. En MR el potencial hídrico foliar ( =-0,33 Mpa, osmótico ( =-1,26 Mpa y de turgencia y (P=0,93 Mpa fue más alto que en CS ( =-0,77, =-1,36 y P=0,59 Mpa y MS ( =-1,22, =-1,57 y P=0,35 Mpa; MS, con mayor deficiencia hídrica del suelo, tuvo mayor reducción en y , y mayor grado de ajuste osmótico (AO=0,70 Mpa. El AO estuvo positiva y significativamente asociado con RS y biomasa aérea final (BMAF en los 2 ambientes de secano. La Tc en MR (26,7°C fue más baja que en CS (30,8°C y MS (36,6°C; el estrés por calor se agudizó con el descenso en el contenido hídrico de las plantas en el ambiente más seco (MS; Tc se relacionó negativa y significativamente con y en MS. La alta Tc también tuvo efecto significativo en la producción de BMAF y RS y sus componentes; la alta Tc redujo el RS, BMAF, número de vainas normales.m-2 (VN.m-2 y peso de 100 semillas (P100S en 12,5, 10,7, 10,2 y 3,4% por cada ºC (-1 ºC de aumento en la Tc, respectivamente.

  8. Influencia de la soldadura sobre la rotura por tensiones en tubos de acero inoxidable austenitico del tipo 18-11NB(TP347

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    Gutiérrez de Saiz-Solabarria, S.


    Full Text Available This work has been undertaken to study the stress cracking failure in various 18Cr11Ni [TP347 (18-11Nb, TP 321 (18-11 Ti, TP304 (18-11 and TP316 (18-11-2] types austenitic stainless steel tubes. The material used was produced hot-rolling at 76,2 mm φ (3"φ x 2,54 mm (1/10" thickness. The study was carried out at 593ºC and applied stress of 50 Ton/in2.

    Se estudia el efecto de la soldadura sobre la rotura por tensiones en tubos de acero inoxidable austenítico estabilizado con Nb o Ti de los tipos 18-11Nb (TP 347 y 18-11Ti (TP 321 así como sin estabilizar del tipo 18-11 (TP 304 y con Mo del tipo 18-11-2 (TP 316. Los tubos, en todos los casos, son de dimensiones 76,2 mm (3” φ x 2,54 mm (1/10” de espesor y la tensión aplicada (σ de 10 Ton/in2, para una temperatura de servicio de 593ºC.

  9. Desarrollo de una vacuna probiótica para el tratamiento del cáncer cérvico-uterino


    Cortés Pérez, Naima Gisela; Bermúdez Humarán, Luis Gilberto; Alcocer González, Juan Manuel; Gruss, Alexandra; Le Loir, Yves; Langella, Phillipe; Luna Leal, Roberto Montes de Oca


    Dado que el virus del papiloma humano tipo 16 (HPV- 16) es la principal causa del cáncer cérvicouterino, hay una gran necesidad de desarrollar una vacuna profiláctica y/o terapéutica. La oncoproteína E7 es constitutivamente producida por neoplasias cervicales y, por tanto, considerada como un blanco potencial para dirigir el desarrollo de una vacuna terapéutica contra el cáncer cérvico-uterino. En este trabajo desarrollamos un sistema inducible para expresar la proteín...

  10. Fundamentos del tipo de cambio real en Costa Rica (2001-2014)


    Fonseca Hernández, Raúl; Rodríguez Ramos, Nancy; Martínez Arias, Emil


    El documento está orientado a profesionales de ciencias sociales con el objetivo de orientarles en la comprensión del comportamiento del Índice de Tipo de Cambio Real de Costa Rica (ITCER) en relación con sus fundamentos. Se utiliza el modelo teórico behavioral equilibrium exchange rate (BEER) para identificar y analizar los efectos en estas variables sobre el ITCER. Los seis indicadores analizados fueron: términos de intercambio, absorción fiscal, IED, tasa de interés real doméstica y produc...

  11. Neutron tolerance of advanced SiC-fiber/CVI-SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katoh, Y.; Kohyama, A.; Snead, L.L.; Hinoki, T.; Hasegawa, A.


    Fusion blankets employing a silicon carbide (SiC) fiber-reinforced SiC matrix composite (SiC/SiC composite) as the structural material provide attractive features represented by high cycle efficiency and extremely low induced radioactivity. Recent advancement in processing and utilization techniques and application studies in ceramic gas turbine and advanced transportation systems, SiC/SiC composites are steadily getting matured as industrial materials. Reference SiC/SiC composites for fusion structural applications have been produced by a forced-flow chemical vapor infiltration (FCVI) method using conventional and advanced near-stoichiometric SiC fibers and extensively evaluated primarily in Japan-US collaborative JUPITER program. In this work, effect of neutron irradiation at elevated temperatures on mechanical property of these composites is characterized. Unlike in conventional SiC/SiC composites, practically no property degradation was identified in advanced composites with a thin carbon interphase by a neutron fluence level of approximately 8dpa at 800C. (author)

  12. High thermal conductivity SiC/SiC composites for fusion applications -- 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kowbel, W.; Tsou, K.T.; Withers, J.C.; Youngblood, G.E.


    This report covers material presented at the IEA/Jupiter Joint International Workshop on SiC/SiC Composites for Fusion Structural Applications held in conjunction with ICFRM-8, Sendai, Japan, Oct. 23--24, 1997. An unirradiated SiC/SiC composite made with MER-developed CVR SiC fiber and a hybrid PIP/CVI SiC matrix exhibited room temperature transverse thermal conductivity of 45 W/mK. An unirradiated SiC/SiC composite made from C/C composite totally CVR-converted to a SiC/SiC composite exhibited transverse thermal conductivity values of 75 and 35 W/mK at 25 and 1000 C, respectively. Both types of SiC/SiC composites exhibited non-brittle failure in flexure testing

  13. Thermochemical instability effects in SiC-based fibers and SiC{sub f}/SiC composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Youngblood, G.E.; Henager, C.H.; Jones, R.H. [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA (United States)


    Thermochemical instability in irradiated SiC-based fibers with an amorphous silicon oxycarbide phase leads to shrinkage and mass loss. SiC{sub f}/SiC composites made with these fibers also exhibit mass loss as well as severe mechanical property degradation when irradiated at 800{degrees}C, a temperature much below the generally accepted 1100{degrees}C threshold for thermomechanical degradation alone. The mass loss is due to an internal oxidation mechanism within these fibers which likely degrades the carbon interphase as well as the fibers in SiC{sub f}/SiC composites even in so-called {open_quotes}inert{close_quotes} gas environments. Furthermore, the mechanism must be accelerated by the irradiation environment.

  14. Evaluación del comportamiento tribológico de recubrimientos híbridos vidrio/grafeno del sistema Y2O3-Al2O3-SiO2


    Gómez Gómez, Alberto


    En la actualidad, industrias como la aeroespacial y la aeronáutica están introduciendo materiales cerámicos en la producción de elementos estructurales o sistemas de propulsión, impulsados por las excelentes propiedades de este tipo de materiales. En particular, materiales como el SiC y compuestos de C/C y SiC/C son utilizados en Sistemas de Protección Térmica en aplicaciones de alta exigencia como lanzaderas espaciales, donde se exponen a condiciones excepcionalmente adversas con elevadas te...

  15. Development of SiC/SiC composite for fusion application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kohyama, A.; Katoh, Y.; Snead, L.L.; Jones, R.H.


    The recent efforts to develop SiC/SiC composite materials for fusion application under the collaboration with Japan and the USA are provided, where material performance with and without radiation damage has been greatly improved. One of the accomplishments is development of the high performance reaction sintering process. Mechanical and thermal conductivity are improved extensively by process modification and optimization with inexpensive fabrication process. The major efforts to make SiC matrix by CVI, PIP and RS methods are introduced together with the representing baseline properties. The resent results on mechanical properties of SiC/SiC under neutron irradiation are quite positive. The composites with new SiC fibers, Hi-Nicalon Type-S, did not exhibit mechanical property degradation up to 10 dpa. Based on the materials data recently obtained, a very preliminary design window is provided and the future prospects of SiC/SiC technology integration is provided. (author)

  16. Gas leak tightness of SiC/SiC composites at elevated temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hayasaka, Daisuke, E-mail: [OASIS, Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, Hokkaido (Japan); Graduate School of Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, Hokkaido (Japan); Park, Joon-Soo. [OASIS, Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, Hokkaido (Japan); Kishimoto, Hirotatsu [OASIS, Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, Hokkaido (Japan); Graduate School of Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, Hokkaido (Japan); Kohyama, Akira [OASIS, Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, Hokkaido (Japan)


    Highlights: • NITE-SiC/SiC has extremely densified microstructure compared with other SiC/SiC composite like CVI. • Excellent helium and hydrogen gas-leak tightness of SiC/SiC composites by DEMO-NITE method from prototype industrialization production line was presented. • The excellence against stainless steel and Zircaloy at elevated temperature, together with generic excellent properties of SiC will be inevitable for innovative blanket and divertors for DEMO- and power- fusion reactors. - Abstract: SiC/SiC composite materials are attractive candidates for high heat flux components and blanket of fusion reactor, mainly due to their high temperature properties, radiation damage tolerance and low induced radioactivity. One of the challenges for SiC/SiC application in fusion reactors is to satisfy sufficient gas leak tightness of hydrogen and helium isotopes. Although many efforts have been carried-out, SiC/SiC composites by conventional processes have not been successful to satisfy the requirements, except SiC/SiC composites by NITE-methods. Toward the early realization of SiC/SiC components into fusion reactor systems process development of NITE-process has been continued. Followed to the brief introduction of recently developed DEMO-NITE process, baseline properties and hydrogen and helium gas leak tightness is presented. SiC/SiC claddings with 10 mm in diameter and 1 mm in wall thickness are tested by gas leak tightness system developed. The leak tightness measurements are done room temperature to 400 °C. Excellent gas leak tightness equivalent or superior to Zircaloy claddings for light water fission reactors is confirmed. The excellent gas leak tightness suggests nearly perfect suppression of large gas leak path in DEMO-NITE SiC/SiC.

  17. Avaliação do tipo de diamante de benzel em pacientes portadores de mielopatia cervical Evaluación del tipo de diamante de benzel en pacientes con mielopatia cervical Evaluation of the type of benzel's diamond in patients with cervical myelopathy

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    Rodrigo Rezende


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Difundir o método de Benzel para aferição da angulação cervical e quantificar a prevalência de cada tipo de diamante de Benzel em 30 pacientes portadores de mielopatia cervical com indicação cirúrgica. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de pacientes portadores de mielopatia cervical submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico. Foram analisadas radiografias em perfil da coluna cervical onde se aferiram os tipos diamante de Benzel usando técnicas descritas pelo próprio Benzel. Excluímos do estudo aqueles pacientes que desenvolveram a doença após traumas, que foram submetidos reoperações ou aqueles que não forneceram radiografias em perfil adequadas para aferição. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 30 pacientes, sendo 25 deles do sexo masculino, com idade entre 30 e 74 anos (média de 52,4 anos. Após a realização das medidas foram encontrados 24 pacientes com diamantes do tipo A (80%, 2 do tipo B (6,7% e 4 tipo C (13,3%. CONCLUSÃO: O diamante de Benzel tipo "A" foi encontrado em 80% dos pacientes portadores de mielopatia cervical no período pré-operatório.OBJETIVO: Difundir el método de Benzel para la medición del ángulo cervical y cuantificar la prevalencia de cada tipo de diamante Benzel en 30 pacientes portadores de mielopatía cervical con indicación quirúrgica. MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo de los pacientes con mielopatía cervical sometidos a tratamiento quirúrgico. Se analizaron las radiografías de perfil de la columna cervical, donde se midieron los tipos de diamante utilizando las técnicas descritas por el mismo Benzel. Se excluyeron del estudio los pacientes que desarrollaron la enfermedad después de trauma, que fueron sometidos a reoperaciones o los que no han presentado adecuadas radiografías de perfil para la medición. RESULTADOS: Se evaluaron 30 pacientes entre los cuales 25 eran del sexo masculino, con edades comprendidas entre 30 y 74 años (promedio de 52,4 años. Después de la realización de las

  18. Sobrevida a 5 años en relación al tipo histológico de cáncer de estómago.

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    Juan Diaz Placencia


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comparar parámetros clinico-patológicos, quirúrgicos y datos de sobrevida actuarial a 5 años en pacientes con cáncer de estómago sometidos a gastrectomía. Material y métodos: Es un estudio retrospectivo realizado en el Hospital de Belén del 1º de enero de 1966 al 31 de diciembre de 1991. Fueron incluidos 69 pacientes con tipo histológico intestinal y 68 de tipo difuso. El estadío clínico se determinó según la clasificación TNM de la UICC. Resultados: El tipo histológico intestinal fue mas frecuente que el difuso en los pacientes mayores de 40 años (p 5 cm. y la sobrevida de 5 años después de gastrectomía es similar a la del tipo intestinal. (Rev Med Hered 1995; 6: 175-181.

  19. Financiarización del tipo de cambio en México y la actividad productiva

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    Antonio Mendoza Hernández


    Full Text Available Existe una estrecha relación entre el fortalecimiento del proceso de financiarización y la gestión de las diferentes monedas. Dicha relación aparece cuando en los espacios monetarios locales se abandona la demanda de moneda nacional en beneficio de alguna otra moneda o cualquier objeto especulativo. Se trata de una política económica a favor del beneficio financiero. En la gestión de las monedas locales, se impone la nueva norma de las altas finanzas: remuneración elevada, inflación escasa. El tipo de cambio en México está en función de las condiciones de confianza y rentabilidad del beneficio financiero. Las fluctuaciones en el tipo de cambio se convirtien en un factor determinante de las variaciones experimentadas por los flujos de tesorería, las ventas, los beneficios y los activos de las grandes empresas dedicadas a la actividad productiva cotizados en diversas monedas. Lo anterior se traduce en un atractivo para el capital monopolista ­financiero local, pues significa no sólo mantener su riqueza financiera y recibir íntegramente sus intereses, sino que también verse premiadas con un beneficio financiero, en su propia moneda. La certidumbre relativa sobre la evolución del tipo de cambio en la economía mexicana es una acción necesaria para que un sector importante de las grandes empresas relacionadas al capital – monopolista financiero mantenga sus condiciones de rentabilidad.

  20. sistemas de producción tipo kanban: Descripción, componentes, diseño del sistema, y bibliografía relacionada

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    Oscar Javier Parra Ortega


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objeto de estudio, los sistemas de producción tipo ensamble (tree structure tipo Kanban, mono-producto, con tiempos de procesamiento aleatorios para las estaciones que lo conforman, y con capacidad limitada de producción para cada estación. Adicionalmente, se restringe el análisis de dichos sistemas, para horizontes finitos de producción. Después de una descripción del mecanismo de operación de un sistema Kanban simple, de los elementos que los componen, y del estado del arte en sistemas de producción tipo Kanban, se propone e implementa un modelo heurístico para determinar el número de kanbans, minimizando el costo promedio del inventario en proceso.

  1. Establecimiento de reglas prosociales del tipo aumento formativo (augmenting formative) mediante entrenamiento en discriminaciones condicionales


    Tiberio Pérez-Manrique; Andrea Martínez Uribe; Juan Silva Ocampo


    El objetivo del estudio fue examinar la eficiencia del entrenamiento en discriminaciones condicionales en el establecimiento de reglas prosociales del tipo aumento formativo. En el experimento participaron seis niños. Se utilizó el diseño intra-sujeto propuesto por Sidman y Tailby (1982) con dos condiciones, entrenamiento y prueba. Se aplicaron cuatro fases: establecimiento de clase funcional "cuidar de sí", establecimiento de la clase funcional "otros", establecimiento de la regla aumento...

  2. Dielectric Properties of SiCf/PyC/SiC Composites After Oxidation

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    SONG Huihui; ZHOU Wancheng; LUO Fa; QING Yuchang; CHEN Malin; LI Zhimin


    In this paper, the SiC fiber-reinforced SiC matrix composites with a 0.15mm thick pyrocarbon interphase (notedas SiCf/PyC/SiC) were prepared by chemical vapor infiltration (CVI). The SiCf/PyC/SiC were oxidized in air at 950℃ for 50h. The dielectric properties after this high temperature oxidation were investigated in X-band from room temperature (RT) to 700℃. Results suggested that:e' of the SiCf/PyC/SiC after oxidation increased at first then de-creased with temperature elevating;e" increased with temperature raising in the temperature range studied.


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    Full Text Available En el contexto de evaluación de praxias, los gestos pueden clasificarse en tres categorías: transitivos, intransitivos y no familiares. Si bien ha sido reportada la disociación entre los distintos tipos de gestos, es usual que en la evaluación de praxias o en el análisis del desempeño de los pacientes no se consideren por separado estas tres categorías de gestos, o se varíe la definición de ellas. El objetivo del estudio que se informa fue eva luar si en un mismo grupo de pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer se encuentran disociaciones entre gestos transitivos, intransitivos y no familiares, previamente descriptas en el rendimiento práxico de pacientes con lesiones focales (González Rothi, Mack, Verfaellie, Brown & Heilman, 1988; Negri et al., 2007. Se evaluaron 50 pacientes con diagnóstico de demencia tipo Alzheimer probable en imitación de praxias (gestos transitivos, gestos intransitivos y gestos no familiares y uso de objetos. Los estímulos fueron tomados de la batería cognitiva de evaluación de praxias (Politis, 2003. Los gestos eran inicialmente realizados por el examinador, quien mantenía su ejecución durante la imitación del paciente. El grupo con diagnóstico de demencia tipo Alzheimer rindió significativamente peor que el grupo de los controles sanos. En el grupo de pacientes, las cuatro pruebas de praxias correlacionaron entre si. Sin embargo, se hallaron disociaciones en el rendimiento individual de cada paciente en esas mismas pruebas. La disociación entre gestos transitivos, intransitivos y no familiares apoya la posibilidad de que estos diferentes tipos de gestos involucren sistemas de procesamiento distintos.

  4. Reaction mechanisms at 4H-SiC/SiO2 interface during wet SiC oxidation (United States)

    Akiyama, Toru; Hori, Shinsuke; Nakamura, Kohji; Ito, Tomonori; Kageshima, Hiroyuki; Uematsu, Masashi; Shiraishi, Kenji


    The reaction processes at the interface between SiC with 4H structure (4H-SiC) and SiO2 during wet oxidation are investigated by electronic structure calculations within the density functional theory. Our calculations for 4H-SiC/SiO2 interfaces with various orientations demonstrate characteristic features of the reaction depending on the crystal orientation of SiC: On the Si-face, the H2O molecule is stable in SiO2 and hardly reacts with the SiC substrate, while the O atom of H2O can form Si-O bonds at the C-face interface. Two OH groups are found to be at least necessary for forming new Si-O bonds at the Si-face interface, indicating that the oxidation rate on the Si-face is very low compared with that on the C-face. On the other hand, both the H2O molecule and the OH group are incorporated into the C-face interface, and the energy barrier for OH is similar to that for H2O. By comparing the calculated energy barriers for these reactants with the activation energies of oxide growth rate, we suggest the orientation-dependent rate-limiting processes during wet SiC oxidation.

  5. Protección contra la oxidación de materiales compuestos SiC(C/SiC mediante la combinación de recubrimientos de silicatos de itrio y sílice

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    Aparicio, M.


    empleado diferentes técnicas: pulverizado con soluciones de policarbosilanos, inmersión en suspensiones coloidales y técnica solgel, respectivamente. Se ha analizado la influencia sobre la resistencia a la oxidación del material, y se ha realizado un estudio microestructural por MEB previo y posterior al ensayo de oxidación. Las presencia de fisuras en la capa interior de SiC origina una resistencia a la oxidación muy reducida a baja temperatura. Solamente cuando el substrato está protegido por la triple capa la reducción de la velocidad de oxidación es considerable y la pérdida de peso se reduce del 50%, cuando el substrato está protegido por la capa de SiC, al 15% con la triple capa.

  6. 3C-SiC nanocrystal growth on 10° miscut Si(001) surface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deokar, Geetanjali, E-mail: [INSP, UPMC, CNRS UMR 7588, 4 place Jussieu, Paris F-75005 (France); D' Angelo, Marie; Demaille, Dominique [INSP, UPMC, CNRS UMR 7588, 4 place Jussieu, Paris F-75005 (France); Cavellin, Catherine Deville [INSP, UPMC, CNRS UMR 7588, 4 place Jussieu, Paris F-75005 (France); Faculté des Sciences et Technologie UPEC, 61 av. De Gaulle, Créteil F-94010 (France)


    The growth of 3C-SiC nano-crystal (NC) on 10° miscut Si(001) substrate by CO{sub 2} thermal treatment is investigated by scanning and high resolution transmission electron microscopies. The vicinal Si(001) surface was thermally oxidized prior to the annealing at 1100 °C under CO{sub 2} atmosphere. The influence of the atomic steps at the vicinal SiO{sub 2}/Si interface on the SiC NC growth is studied by comparison with the results obtained for fundamental Si(001) substrates in the same conditions. For Si miscut substrate, a substantial enhancement in the density of the SiC NCs and a tendency of preferential alignment of them along the atomic step edges is observed. The SiC/Si interface is abrupt, without any steps and epitaxial growth with full relaxation of 3C-SiC occurs by domain matching epitaxy. The CO{sub 2} pressure and annealing time effect on NC growth is analyzed. The as-prepared SiC NCs can be engineered further for potential application in optoelectronic devices and/or as a seed for homoepitaxial SiC or heteroepitaxial GaN film growth. - Highlights: • Synthesis of 3C-SiC nanocrystals epitaxied on miscut-Si using a simple technique • Evidence of domain matching epitaxy at the SiC/Si interface • SiC growth proceeds along the (001) plane of host Si. • Substantial enhancement of the SiC nanocrystal density due to the miscut • Effect of the process parameters (CO{sub 2} pressure and annealing duration)

  7. Circumferential tensile test method for mechanical property evaluation of SiC/SiC tube

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, Ju-Hyeon, E-mail: [Graduate School, Muroran Institute of Technology, 27-1, Muroran, Hokkaido (Japan); Kishimoto, Hirotatsu [Graduate School, Muroran Institute of Technology, 27-1, Muroran, Hokkaido (Japan); OASIS, Muroran Institute of Technology, 27-1, Muroran, Hokkaido (Japan); Park, Joon-soo [OASIS, Muroran Institute of Technology, 27-1, Muroran, Hokkaido (Japan); Nakazato, Naofumi [Graduate School, Muroran Institute of Technology, 27-1, Muroran, Hokkaido (Japan); Kohyama, Akira [OASIS, Muroran Institute of Technology, 27-1, Muroran, Hokkaido (Japan)


    Highlights: • NITE SiC/SiC cooling channel system to be a candidate of divertor system in future. • Hoop strength is one of the important factors for a tube. • This research studies the relationship between deformation and strain of SiC/SiC tube. - Abstract: SiC fiber reinforced/SiC matrix (SiC/SiC) composite is expected to be a candidate material for the first-wall, components in the blanket and divertor of fusion reactors in future. In such components, SiC/SiC composites need to be formed to be various shapes. SiC/SiC tubes has been expected to be employed for blanket and divertor after DEMO reactor, but there is not established mechanical investigation technique. Recent progress of SiC/SiC processing techniques is likely to realize strong, having gas tightness SiC/SiC tubes which will contribute for the development of fusion reactors. This research studies the relationship between deformation and strain of SiC/SiC tube using a circumferential tensile test method to establish a mechanical property investigation method of SiC/SiC tubes.

  8. Demencia tipo Alzheimer, deterioro cognitivo y toma de decisiones

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    Aurora Moreno


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es el de conocer cómo es la toma de decisiones en la Demencia Tipo Alzheimer (DTA en situaciones de incertidumbre, si se manifiesta la tendencia al riesgo o no, y la relación que guarda la ejecución con el status cognitivo en cada una de las áreas evaluadas por los test de cribado del deterioro cognitivo propios de las demencias. Participaron 10 pacientes con DTA, y comparados con 10 sujetos controles. Se utilizó la Prueba Cartas (basada en la Iowa Gambling Task, donde los sujetos deben elegir entre varias opciones que entrañan más o menos riesgo, y una batería de cribado del deterioro cognitivo. Los resultados reflejaron que los sujetos con DTA en etapas iniciales presentan cierta tendencia al riesgo en las decisiones que toman y no desarrollan patrones estratégicos de elección. Parece que el deterioro cognitivo y el grado de afectación en las distintas áreas se relaciona con la forma en que toman decisiones.

  9. Formation mechanism of SiC in C-Si system by ion irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hishita, Shunichi; Aizawa, Takashi; Suehara, Shigeru; Haneda, Hajime


    The irradiation effects of 2 MeV He + , Ne + , and Ar + ions on the film structure of the C-Si system were investigated with RHEED and XPS. The ion dose dependence of the SiC formation was kinetically analyzed. The SiC formation at moderate temperature was achieved by 2 MeV ion irradiation when the thickness of the initial carbon films was appropriate. The evolution process of the SiC film thickness consisted of the 3 stages. The first stage was the steep increase of the SiC, and was governed by the inelastic collision. The second was the gentle increase of the SiC, and was governed by the diffusion. The last was the decrease of the SiC, and was caused by the sputtering. The formation mechanism of the SiC was discussed. (author)

  10. Synthesis of SiC decorated carbonaceous nanorods and its hierarchical composites Si@SiC@C for high-performance lithium ion batteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Chundong [School of Optical and Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074 (China); Center of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films (COSDAF), Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (China); Li, Yi, E-mail: [College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University, Suzhou (China); Center of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films (COSDAF), Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (China); Ostrikov, Kostya [School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 (Australia); Plasma Nanoscience, Industrial Innovation Program, CSIRO Manufacturing Flagship, Lindfield, New South Wales 2070 (Australia); Yang, Yonggang [College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University, Suzhou (China); Zhang, Wenjun, E-mail: [Center of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films (COSDAF), Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (China)


    SiC- based nanomaterials possess superior electric, thermal and mechanical properties. However, due to the tricky synthesis process, which needs to be carried out under high temperature with multi-step reaction procedures, the further application is dramatically limited. Herein, a simple as well as a controllable approach is proposed for synthesis of SiC- based nanostructures under low temperature. Phenyl-bridged polysilsesquioxane was chosen as the starting material to react with magnesium at 650 °C, following which SiC@C nanocomposites were finally obtained, and it maintains the original bent rod-like architecture of polysilsesquioxanes. The possible formation process for the nanocomposites can proposed as well. The electrochemical behaviour of nanocomposites was accessed, verifying that the synthesized SiC@C nanocomposites deliver good electrochemical performance. Moreover, SiC@C also shows to be a promising scaffold in supporting Si thin film electrode in achieving stable cycling performance in lithium ion batteries. - Highlights: • SiC@C bent nanorods were synthesized with a magnesium reaction approach. • Carbon nanorod spines studded with ultrafine β-SiC nanocrystallines was realized. • The synthesized SiC@C keeps the original rod-like structure of polysilsesquioxanes. • The possible formation process for the nanocomposites was analysed and proposed. • Si@SiC@C nanocomposites reveal good electrochemical performance in LIBs.

  11. Silicon Effects on Properties of Melt Infiltrated SiC/SiC Composites (United States)

    Bhatt, Ramakrishna T.; Gyekenyesi, John Z.; Hurst, Janet B.


    Silicon effects on tensile and creep properties, and thermal conductivity of Hi-Nicalon SiC/SiC composites have been investigated. The composites consist of 8 layers of 5HS 2-D woven preforms of BN/SiC coated Hi-Nicalon fiber mats and a silicon matrix, or a mixture of silicon matrix and SiC particles. The Hi-Nicalon SiC/silicon and Hi-Nicalon SiC/SiC composites contained about 24 and 13 vol% silicon, respectively. Results indicate residual silicon up to 24 vol% has no significant effect on creep and thermal conductivity, but does decrease the primary elastic modulus and stress corresponding to deviation from linear stress-strain behavior.

  12. Electroplating chromium on CVD SiC and SiCf-SiC advanced cladding via PyC compatibility coating (United States)

    Ang, Caen; Kemery, Craig; Katoh, Yutai


    Electroplating Cr on SiC using a pyrolytic carbon (PyC) bond coat is demonstrated as an innovative concept for coating of advanced fuel cladding. The quantification of coating stress, SEM morphology, XRD phase analysis, and debonding test of the coating on CVD SiC and SiCf-SiC is shown. The residual tensile stress (by ASTM B975) of electroplated Cr is > 1 GPa prior to stress relaxation by microcracking. The stress can remove the PyC/Cr layer from SiC. Surface etching of ∼20 μm and roughening to Ra > 2 μm (by SEM observation) was necessary for successful adhesion. The debonding strength (by ASTM D4541) of the coating on SiC slightly improved from 3.6 ± 1.4 MPa to 5.9 ± 0.8 MPa after surface etching or machining. However, this improvement is limited due to the absence of an interphase, and integrated CVI processing may be required for further advancement.

  13. Reactividad entre whiskers de α-SiC y aluminio durante el procesado por vía líquida de materiales compuestos de matriz metálica

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    Ureña, A.


    Full Text Available The reactivity between α-SiC whiskers and an aluminium alloy (Al-Cu-Mg, both present in a metal matrix composite, has been studied when such matrix is in molten state. Using mainly transmission electron microscopy (TEM and electron microdiffraction (ED, the nature and morphology of the reaction products generated at the α-SiC/aluminium interface, when this last melts under different condition which simulate casting and welding procedures for metal matrix composites, have been characterised. Both the formation of Al4C3 aggregates with platelet morphology generated by dissolution-reaction mechanisms, and aciculate crystals of the same carbide form by complete dissolution of the α-SiC whiskers and later Al4C3 precipitation into the molten aluminium. Ternary Al-Si carbides with high chemical stability have been also identified by TEMED (β-Al4SiC4, being its formation related with higher energetic conditions than for the Al4C3.

    Se realiza un estudio de la reactividad entre whiskers de α-SiC y una aleación de aluminio en estado líquido (Al-Cu-Mg, que forman parte de un material compuesto de matriz metálica. Empleando fundamentalmente técnicas de microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB y de transmisión (MET, junto con difracción de electrones (DE, se ha caracterizado la naturaleza y morfología de los productos de reacción que se generan en la intercara α-SiC/aluminio, cuando éste funde en diferentes condiciones que simulan procesos de fabricación y soldadura del material compuesto. Se ha observado tanto la formación de agregados de Al4C3 con morfología tabular producidos por mecanismos de disolución-reacción de los whiskers, como de cristales aciculares del mismo tipo de carburo formados por disolución total de α-SiC y precipitación en el aluminio fundido. Se ha determinado también que, en condiciones suficientemente energéticas, pueden llegar a formarse carburos ternarios de aluminio y silicio (β-Al4SiC4 que

  14. Passivation of surface-nanostructured f-SiC and porous SiC

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ou, Haiyan; Lu, Weifang; Ou, Yiyu

    The further enhancement of photoluminescence from nanostructured fluorescent silicon carbide (f-SiC) and porous SiC by using atomic layer deposited (ALD) Al2O3 is studied in this paper.......The further enhancement of photoluminescence from nanostructured fluorescent silicon carbide (f-SiC) and porous SiC by using atomic layer deposited (ALD) Al2O3 is studied in this paper....

  15. Características del comportamiento suicida en cárceles de Colombia

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    Richard Larrotta Castillo


    Full Text Available Objetivo. El estudio, de tipo descriptivo correlacional, buscó establecer cuáles de las variables de tiempo, modo y lugar, propias del contexto penitenciario y carcelario, aparecen con mayor frecuencia en 60 internos que se vieron involucrados con pensamientos de suicidio, intento de suicidio y suicidio consumado, en las cárceles y penitenciarías adscritas al Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario de Colombia (INPEC, durante el primer trimestre del 2013. Método. La muestra intencional estuvo constituida por 60 internos, de los cuales el 68,3 % eran hombres y el 31,7 % mujeres, con una edad promedio de 28,02 años y una desviación estándar de 8,03 años. Resultados. A través de un formato de uso exclusivo del INPEC y mediante el software estadístico "Statisticals Package for the Social Sciences" (SPSS, se obtuvo que el intento de suicidio, con un 76,7 %, es la conducta que con mayor frecuencia se presenta. Asimismo, a través de la prueba de chi-cuadrado de Pearson (X2 se estableció la existencia de relaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el tipo de conducta suicida y el género, el género y el método utilizado, el lugar del acontecimiento y el tipo de conducta suicida. Conclusiones. La etapa inicial del encarcelamiento es el lapso de mayor riesgo (uno a cinco meses en la aparición del intento suicida (41,7 %, lo que podría explicarse a partir del desajuste afectivo y emocional que fragmenta la vida habitual del interno, en cuanto a sus relaciones interpersonales e intrapersonales, donde hay ausencia de comunicación positiva, y se evidencia el estrés moral y la tensión psicológica (OMS, 2000.

  16. Influencia del contenido en álcalis de los cementos sobre la corrosión de armaduras galvanizadas

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    Andrade, C.


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    Las armaduras galvanizadas han mostrado un comportamiento errático en los ensayos llevados a cabo hasta ahora, encontrándose en la literatura datos muy contradictorios. Los autores han encontrado que las siguientes tres variables tienen una decisiva importancia: a pH del mortero u hormigón, que depende básicamente de la cantidad de álcalis del cemento, b tipo de estructura metalográfica del recubrimiento galvanizado, que depende principalmente del tipo de acero y su contenido en Si y C, y c la humedad contenida en los poros del hormigón. En este trabajo se presentan resultados relacionados sólo con el punto a. Se ha podido comprobar que existe un valor de pH umbral o crítico por encima del cual el recubrimiento galvanizado se corroe severamente, debido a la formación de capas no-protectoras de productos de corrosión. La evolución de la velocidad de corrosión se ha seguido mediante la Resistencia de Polarización, y las pérdidas de peso se han determinado también, gravimétricamente.

  17. Depósito electroquímico de recubrimientos compuestos de Ni-SiC y evaluación de su comportamiento anticorrosivo

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    Johny Edwar Henao Guzmán


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se reporta la obtención de recubrimientos de Ni puro y compuestos de Ni con partículas nanométricas de SiC. Los recubrimientos fueron depositados sobre sustratos de acero al carbono AISI-SAE 1016 mediante polarización lineal sobre un electrodo de disco rotatorio, variando la velocidad de rotación y el contenido de partículas de SiC en el baño. Los recubrimientos fueron obtenidos a partir de una solución tipo Watts clásica, en la cual se adicionaron nanopartículas de SiC. Las propiedades anticorrosivas de los recubrimientos se estudiaron mediante técnicas electroquímicas y ensayos de corrosión-erosión. La microestructura de los recubrimientos se estudió mediante microscopía óptica. Se encontró que a medida que aumenta la cantidad de partículas en los recubrimientos aumenta la nobleza y la resistencia a la corrosión-erosión de los mismos. De la misma manera las propiedades mecánicas de los recubrimientos mejoran notablemente con el incremento de la cantidad de partícula en el depósito y con el aumento de la velocidad de agitación del baño durante la electrodeposición.

  18. Tipificación molecular del Virus Papiloma Humano en mujeres con lesiones cervicales de alto grado y cáncer de cérvix atentidas en el área de colposcopía en consulta externa del ION Solca Guayaquil, periodo 2013 - 2014.


    Morocho Molina, Nancy Jannet


    El Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH) está asociado directamente con el desarrollo del cáncer de cérvix. Objetivo: tipificación y asociación de VPH de alto riesgo en pacientes con LIEAG y cáncer de cérvix que acudieron a la consulta externa del ION SOLCA-GUAYAQUIL, durante el período 2013- 2014. Metodología: el presente estudio fue de tipo descriptivo, observacional y analítico, los exámenes utilizados fueron el papanicolaou, colposcopia, biopsia de cérvix y tipificación viral del VPH medi...

  19. Thermogravimetric and microscopic analysis of SiC/SiC materials with advanced interfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Windisch, C.F. Jr.; Jones, R.H. [Pacific Northwest National Lab., Richland, WA (United States); Snead, L.L. [Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States)


    The chemical stability of SiC/SiC composites with fiber/matrix interfaces consisting of multilayers of SiC/SiC and porous SiC have been evaluated using a thermal gravimetric analyzer (TGA). Previous evaluations of SiC/SiC composites with carbon interfacial layers demonstrated the layers are not chemically stable at goal use temperatures of 800-1100{degrees}C and O{sub 2} concentrations greater than about 1 ppm. No measureable mass change was observed for multilayer and porous SiC interfaces at 800-1100{degrees}C and O{sub 2} concentrations of 100 ppm to air; however, the total amount of oxidizable carbon is on the order of the sensitivity of the TGA. Further studies are in progress to evaluate the stability of these materials.

  20. Si/C and H coadsorption at 4H-SiC{0001} surfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wachowicz, E., E-mail: [Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Wrocław, Plac M. Borna 9, PL-50-204 Wrocław (Poland); Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw, Pawińskiego 5a, PL-02-106 Warsaw (Poland)


    Highlights: • Si on C-terminated and C on Si-terminated surface adsorb in the H{sub 3} hollow site. • The preferred adsorption site is in contrary to the stacking order of bulk crystal. • The presence of hydrogen increases the adsorption energy of Si/C. • Hydrogen weakens the bonds between the adsorbed Si or C and the surface. • Carbon adsorbs on top of the surface carbon on the C-terminated surface. • With both C and H on Si-terminated surface the surface state vanishes. - Abstract: Density functional theory (DFT) study of adsorption of 0.25 monolayer of either Si or C on 4H-SiC{0001} surfaces is presented. The adsorption in high-symmetry sites on both Si- and C-terminated surfaces was examined and the influence of the preadsorbed 0.25 ML of hydrogen on the Si/C adsorption was considered. It was found out that for Si on C-terminated surface and C on Si-terminated the most favourable is threefolded adsorption site on both clean and H-precovered surface. This is contrary to the bulk crystal stacking order which would require adsorption on top of the topmost surface atom. In those cases, the presence of hydrogen weakens the bonding of the adsorbate. Carbon on the C-terminated surface, only binds on-top of the surface atom. The C−C bond-length is almost the same for the clean surface and for one with H and equals to ∼1.33 Å which is shorter by ∼0.2 than in diamond. The analysis of the electronic structure changes under adsorption is also presented.

  1. Papel del factor de bloqueo inducido por Progesterona (PIBF en embarazo y cáncer

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    Araceli Gutiérrez-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El factor de bloqueo inducido por progesterona (PIBF es una proteína inmunomoduladora por medio de la cual la progesterona ejerce varios de sus efectos inmunológicos en diferentes células de alta proliferación, que incluyen desde células embrionarias hasta células tumorales. El PIBF ocasiona un incremento en la síntesis de anticuerpos asimétricos y de citocinas tipo Th2 como las interleucinas (IL 4, 6 y 10, así como una disminución en la actividad citotóxica de las células NK y en la producción de citocinas tipo Th1, como el factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNFα e IL-12. Lo anterior provoca una reducción en la relación Th1/Th2 que es característica del embarazo sano, lo que tiene como consecuencia un aumento en la inmunidad humoral y una disminución en la inmunidad celular. Estos mecanismos inmunomoduladores tienen como resultado una evasión del sistema inmune de la madre por parte del feto para que el embarazo llegue a término. De manera interesante, diversos estudios sugieren que estos mismos mecanismos son utilizados por las células cancerosas para facilitar la progresión de tumores que presentan sobre-expresión del PIBF.

  2. Sintering Behavior of Spark Plasma Sintered SiC with Si-SiC Composite Nanoparticles Prepared by Thermal DC Plasma Process (United States)

    Yu, Yeon-Tae; Naik, Gautam Kumar; Lim, Young-Bin; Yoon, Jeong-Mo


    The Si-coated SiC (Si-SiC) composite nanoparticle was prepared by non-transferred arc thermal plasma processing of solid-state synthesized SiC powder and was used as a sintering additive for SiC ceramic formation. Sintered SiC pellet was prepared by spark plasma sintering (SPS) process, and the effect of nano-sized Si-SiC composite particles on the sintering behavior of micron-sized SiC powder was investigated. The mixing ratio of Si-SiC composite nanoparticle to micron-sized SiC was optimized to 10 wt%. Vicker's hardness and relative density was increased with increasing sintering temperature and holding time. The relative density and Vicker's hardness was further increased by reaction bonding using additional activated carbon to the mixture of micron-sized SiC and nano-sized Si-SiC. The maximum relative density (97.1%) and Vicker's hardness (31.4 GPa) were recorded at 1800 °C sintering temperature for 1 min holding time, when 0.2 wt% additional activated carbon was added to the mixture of SiC/Si-SiC.

  3. Switching Performance Evaluation of Commercial SiC Power Devices (SiC JFET and SiC MOSFET) in Relation to the Gate Driver Complexity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pittini, Riccardo; Zhang, Zhe; Andersen, Michael A. E.


    and JFETs. The recent introduction of SiC MOSFET has proved that it is possible to have highly performing SiC devices with a minimum gate driver complexity; this made SiC power devices even more attractive despite their device cost. This paper presents an analysis based on experimental results...... of the switching losses of various commercially available Si and SiC power devices rated at 1200 V (Si IGBTs, SiC JFETs and SiC MOSFETs). The comparison evaluates the reduction of the switching losses which is achievable with the introduction of SiC power devices; this includes analysis and considerations...

  4. Irradiation project of SiC/SiC fuel pin 'INSPIRE': Status and future plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kohyama, Akira; Kishimoto, Hirotatsu


    After the March 11 Disaster in East-Japan, Research and Development towards Ensuring Nuclear Safety Enhancement for LWR becomes a top priority R and D in nuclear energy policy of Japan. The role of high temperature non-metallic materials, such as SiC/SiC, is becoming important for the advanced nuclear reactor systems. SiC fibre reinforced SiC composite has been recognised to be the most attractive option for the future, now, METI fund based project, INSPIRE, has been launched as 5-year termed project at OASIS in Muroran Institute of Technology aiming at early realisation of this system. INSPIRE is the irradiation project of SiC/SiC fuel pins aiming to accumulate material, thermal, irradiation effect data of NITE-SiC/SiC in BWR environment. Nuclear fuel inserted SiC/SiC fuel pins are planned to be installed in the Halden reactor. The project includes preparing the NITE-SiC/SiC tubes, joining of end caps, preparation of rigs to control the irradiation environment to BWR condition and the instruments to measure the condition of rigs and pins in operation. Also, basic neutron irradiation data will be accumulated by SiC/SiC coupon samples currently under irradiation in BR2. The output from this project may present the potentiality of NITE-SiC/SiC fuel cladding with the first stage fuel-cladding interaction. (authors)

  5. Microstructural optimization of high temperature SiC/SiC composites by nite process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimoda, K.; Park, J.S.; Hinoki, T.; Kohyama, A.


    Full text of publication follows: SiC/SiC composites are one of the promising structural materials for future fusion reactor because of the excellent potentiality in thermal and mechanical properties under very severe environment including high temperature and high energy neutron bombardment. For fusion-grade SiC/SiC composites, high-crystallinity and near-stoichiometric characteristic are required to keep excellent stability against neutron irradiation. The realization of the reactor will be strongly depend on optimization of SiC/SiC composites microstructure, particularly in regard to the materials and processes used for the fiber, interphase and matrix constituents. One of the important accomplishments is the new process, called nano-particle infiltration and transient eutectic phase (NITE) process developed in our group. The microstructure of NITE-SiC/SiC composites, such as fiber volume fraction, porosity and type of pores, can be controlled precisely by the selection of sintering temperature/applied stress history. The objective of this study is to investigate thermal stability and mechanical properties of NITE-SiC/SiC composites at high-temperature. Two kinds of highly-densified SiC/SiC composites with the difference of fiber volume fraction were prepared, and were subjected to exposure tests from 1000 deg. C to 1500 deg. C in an argon-oxygen gas mixture with an oxygen partial pressure of 0.1 Pa. The thermal stability of the composites was characterized through mass change and TEM/SEM observation. The in-situ tensile tests at 1300 deg. C and 1500 deg. C were carried out in the same atmosphere. Most of SiC/SiC composites, even for the advanced CVI-SiC/SiC composites with multi-layered SiC/C inter-phases, underwent reduction in the maximum strength by about 20% at 1300 deg. C. In particular, this reduction was attributed to a slight burnout of the carbon interphase due to oxygen impurities in test atmosphere. However, there was no significant degradation for

  6. Microstructural optimization of high temperature SiC/SiC composites by nite process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shimoda, K. [Kyoto Univ., Graduate School of Energy Science (Japan); Park, J.S. [Kyoto Univ., Institute of Advanced Energy (Japan); Hinoki, T.; Kohyama, A. [Kyoto Univ., lnstitute of Advanced Energy, Gokasho, Uji (Japan)


    Full text of publication follows: SiC/SiC composites are one of the promising structural materials for future fusion reactor because of the excellent potentiality in thermal and mechanical properties under very severe environment including high temperature and high energy neutron bombardment. For fusion-grade SiC/SiC composites, high-crystallinity and near-stoichiometric characteristic are required to keep excellent stability against neutron irradiation. The realization of the reactor will be strongly depend on optimization of SiC/SiC composites microstructure, particularly in regard to the materials and processes used for the fiber, interphase and matrix constituents. One of the important accomplishments is the new process, called nano-particle infiltration and transient eutectic phase (NITE) process developed in our group. The microstructure of NITE-SiC/SiC composites, such as fiber volume fraction, porosity and type of pores, can be controlled precisely by the selection of sintering temperature/applied stress history. The objective of this study is to investigate thermal stability and mechanical properties of NITE-SiC/SiC composites at high-temperature. Two kinds of highly-densified SiC/SiC composites with the difference of fiber volume fraction were prepared, and were subjected to exposure tests from 1000 deg. C to 1500 deg. C in an argon-oxygen gas mixture with an oxygen partial pressure of 0.1 Pa. The thermal stability of the composites was characterized through mass change and TEM/SEM observation. The in-situ tensile tests at 1300 deg. C and 1500 deg. C were carried out in the same atmosphere. Most of SiC/SiC composites, even for the advanced CVI-SiC/SiC composites with multi-layered SiC/C inter-phases, underwent reduction in the maximum strength by about 20% at 1300 deg. C. In particular, this reduction was attributed to a slight burnout of the carbon interphase due to oxygen impurities in test atmosphere. However, there was no significant degradation for

  7. Preparation and oxidation protection of CVD SiC/a-BC/SiC coatings for 3D C/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Yongsheng; Zhang Litong; Cheng Laifei; Yang Wenbin; Zhang Weihua; Xu Yongdong


    An amorphous boron carbide (a-BC) coating was prepared by LPCVD process from BCl 3 -CH 4 -H 2 -Ar system. XPS result showed that the boron concentration was 15.0 at.%, and carbon was 82.0 at.%. One third of boron was distributed to a bonding with carbon and 37.0 at.% was dissolved in graphite lattice. A multiple-layered structure of CVD SiC/a-BC/SiC was coated on 3D C/SiC composites. Oxidation tests were conducted at 700, 1000, and 1200 deg. C in 14 vol.% H 2 O/8 vol.% O 2 /78 vol.% Ar atmosphere up to 100 h. The 3D C/SiC composites with the modified coating system had a good oxidation resistance. This resulted in the high strength retained ratio of the composites even after the oxidation.

  8. Sintering Behavior of Spark Plasma Sintered SiC with Si-SiC Composite Nanoparticles Prepared by Thermal DC Plasma Process. (United States)

    Yu, Yeon-Tae; Naik, Gautam Kumar; Lim, Young-Bin; Yoon, Jeong-Mo


    The Si-coated SiC (Si-SiC) composite nanoparticle was prepared by non-transferred arc thermal plasma processing of solid-state synthesized SiC powder and was used as a sintering additive for SiC ceramic formation. Sintered SiC pellet was prepared by spark plasma sintering (SPS) process, and the effect of nano-sized Si-SiC composite particles on the sintering behavior of micron-sized SiC powder was investigated. The mixing ratio of Si-SiC composite nanoparticle to micron-sized SiC was optimized to 10 wt%. Vicker's hardness and relative density was increased with increasing sintering temperature and holding time. The relative density and Vicker's hardness was further increased by reaction bonding using additional activated carbon to the mixture of micron-sized SiC and nano-sized Si-SiC. The maximum relative density (97.1%) and Vicker's hardness (31.4 GPa) were recorded at 1800 °C sintering temperature for 1 min holding time, when 0.2 wt% additional activated carbon was added to the mixture of SiC/Si-SiC.

  9. Influence of SiC coating thickness on mechanical properties of SiCf/SiC composite (United States)

    Yu, Haijiao; Zhou, Xingui; Zhang, Wei; Peng, Huaxin; Zhang, Changrui


    Silicon carbide (SiC) coatings with varying thickness (ranging from 0.14 μm to 2.67 μm) were deposited onto the surfaces of Type KD-I SiC fibres with native carbonaceous surface using chemical vapour deposition (CVD) process. Then, two dimensional SiC fibre reinforced SiC matrix (2D SiCf/SiC) composites were fabricated using polymer infiltration and pyrolysis (PIP) process. Influences of the fibre coating thickness on mechanical properties of SiC fibre and SiCf/SiC composite were investigated using single-filament test and three-point bending test. The results indicated that flexural strength of the composites initially increased with the increasing CVD SiC coating thickness and reached a peak value of 363 MPa at the coating thickness of 0.34 μm. Further increase in the coating thickness led to a rapid decrease in the flexural strength of the composites. The bending modulus of composites showed a monotonic increase with increasing coating thickness. A chemical attack of hydrogen or other ions (e.g. a C-H group) on the surface of SiC fibres during the coating process, owing to the formation of volatile hydrogen, lead to an increment of the surface defects of the fibres. This was confirmed by Wang et al. [35] in their work on the SiC coating of the carbon fibre. In the present study, the existing ˜30 nm carbon on the surface of KD-I fibre [36] made the fibre easy to be attacked. Deposition of non-stoichiometric SiC, causing a decrease in strength. During the CVD process, a small amount of free silicon or carbon always existed [35]. The existence of free silicon, either disordered the structure of SiC and formed a new source of cracks or attacked the carbon on fibre surface resulting in properties degeneration of the KD-I fibre. The effect of residual stress. The different thermal expansion coefficient between KD-I SiC fibre and CVD SiC coating, which are 3 × 10-6 K-1 (RT ˜ 1000 °C) and 4.6 × 10-6 K-1 (RT ˜ 1000 °C), respectively, could cause residual stress

  10. Thermal fatigue behavior of C/C composites modified by SiC-MoSi2-CrSi2 coating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chu Yanhui; Fu Qiangang; Li Hejun; Li Kezhi


    Highlights: → The low-density C/C composites were modified by SiC-MoSi 2 -CrSi 2 multiphase coating by pack cementation. → The thermal fatigue behavior of the modified C/C composites was studied after undergoing thermal cycling for 20 times under the different environments. → The decrease of the flexural strength of the modified C/C composites during thermal cycle in air was primarily attributed to the partial oxidation of the modified C/C samples. - Abstract: Carbon/carbon (C/C) composites were modified by SiC-MoSi 2 -CrSi 2 multiphase coating by pack cementation, and their thermal fatigue behavior under thermal cycling in Ar and air environments was investigated. The modified C/C composites were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Results of tests show that, after 20-time thermal cycles between 1773 K and room temperature in Ar environment, the flexural strength of modified C/C samples decreased lightly and the percentage of remaining strength was 94.92%. While, after thermal cycling between 1773 K and room temperature in air for 20 times, the weight loss of modified C/C samples was 5.1%, and the flexural strength of the modified C/C samples reduced obviously and the percentage of remaining strength was only 75.22%. The fracture mode of modified C/C samples changed from a brittle behavior to a pseudo-plastic one as the service environment transformed from Ar to air. The decrease of the flexural strength during thermal cycle in air was primarily attributed to the partial oxidation of modified C/C samples.

  11. Textura del suelo y tipo de agua de riego en la disponibilidad de fósforo de estiércol bovino

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    Juan Pedro Flores Márgez


    Full Text Available La falta de información sobre la disponibilidad de macronutrimentos, como el fósforo, en los suelos agrícolas tratados con estiércol bovino e irrigado con aguas negras fue lo que motivó el presente estudio. La variabilidad de los tipos de suelo, los sistemas de manejo y la calidad del agua de riego, son factores que influyen en la mineralización del estiércol en el Valle de Juárez, Chihuahua. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la cantidad de fósforo mineralizado de estiércol bovino lechero en tres tipos de suelo y dos tipos de agua de riego, en incubación en campo. El experimento se realizó en un predio del Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas (ICB, de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ, de marzo a septiembre de 2010. Los factores en estudio fueron tres tipos de suelo Fluvisoles (con textura franco-arenoso, franco y arcilloso, dos calidades de agua (agua negra de tratamiento primario del canal de descarga en las plantas de tratamiento de la ciudad, y agua potable con dos niveles de estiércol: 0 y 50 Mg ha-1, con base en peso seco. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con un arreglo factorial con cuatro repeticiones; las unidades experimentales fueron cilindros de aluminio de 5 × 15 cm. La conductividad eléctrica de los suelos aumentó significativamente con la aplicación de estiércol, de 3.11 a 3.77 dS m-1, en promedio; la humedad del suelo mostró un aumento de 5.09 a 6.52% al final del experimento en los tratamientos con estiércol. No se detectó efecto significativo en la mineralización de P (fósforo entre los tratamientos para el factor tipo de agua. Los niveles de P Olsen detectados en el suelo, al final del experimento, después de 206 días de incubación, fueron de 40.8, 54.4 y 30.5 mg kg-1 para los suelos arcilloso, franco y franco-arenoso, respectivamente. Las concentraciones estimadas de P Olsen mineralizado neto fueron de 17.4, 24.4 y 18.7 mg kg-1; y la estimación de P disponible

  12. Status and prospects for SiC-SiC composite materials development for fusion applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharafat, S.; Jones, R.H.; Kohyama, A.; Fenici, P.


    Silicon carbide (SiC) composites are very attractive for fusion applications because of their low afterheat and low activation characteristics coupled with excellent high temperature properties. These composites are relatively new materials that will require material development as well as evaluation of hermiticity, thermal conductivity, radiation stability, high temperature strength, fatigue, thermal shock, and joining techniques. The radiation stability of SiC-SiC composites is a critical aspect of their application as fusion components and recent results will be reported. Many of the non-fusion specific issues are under evaluation by other ceramic composite development programs, such as the US national continuous fiber ceramic composites.The current development status of various SiC-SiC composites research and development efforts is given. Effect of neutron irradiation on the properties of SiC-SiC composite between 500 and 1200 C are reported. Novel high temperature properties specific to ceramic matrix composite (CMC) materials are discussed. The chemical stability of SiC is reviewed briefly. Ongoing research and development efforts for joining CMC materials including SiC-SiC composites are described. In conclusion, ongoing research and development efforts show extremely promising properties and behavior for SiC-SiC composites for fusion applications. (orig.)

  13. Elevated Temperature Properties of Commercially Available NITE-SiC/SiC Composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Y.B.; Hinoki, T.; Kohyama, A.


    Full text of publication follows: Continuous fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) have been expected as a new type of material having high fracture resistance up to a high temperature. In recent years, there have been extensive efforts in our research group to develop high performance SiC/SiC composites for energy applications, where improvements in mechanical properties and damage resistance by innovative new fabrication process with emphasis on interface improvement have been greatly accomplished. One of the most outstanding accomplishments is the Nano-powder Infiltration and Transient Eutectic (NITE) process using PyC coated Tyranno-SA fibers. For making SiC/SiC composites more attractive and competitive for high temperature structural components and for other industrial applications, one of the key issues is to demonstrate its reliability and safety under severe environments. Also to demonstrate the potential to produce SiC/SiC by NITE process from large scale production line at industries is very important. This paper provides fundamental database of mechanical properties and microstructure of Cera-NITE, the trade name of NITE-SiC/SiC composites. The mechanical properties were evaluated by uni-axial tensile test from room temperature to high temperatures. The tensile properties, including elastic modulus, PLS and ultimate tensile strength, are superior to those of other conventional SiC/SiC composites. The macroscopic observation of Cera-NITE indicated high density as planned with almost no-porosity and cracks. Furthermore, Cera-NITE showed outstanding microstructural uniformity. The characteristic variation coming from the sampling location was hardly observed.. Further information about database of properties and microstructure at evaluated temperature will be provided. (authors)

  14. Chemical compatibility issues associated with use of SiC/SiC in advanced reactor concepts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wilson, Dane F. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    Silicon carbide/silicon carbide (SiC/SiC) composites are of interest for components that will experience high radiation fields in the High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (HTGR), the Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR), the Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR), or the Fluoride-cooled High-temperature Reactor (FHR). In all of the reactor systems considered, reactions of SiC/SiC composites with the constituents of the coolant determine suitability of materials of construction. The material of interest is nuclear grade SiC/SiC composites, which consist of a SiC matrix [high-purity, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) SiC or liquid phase-sintered SiC that is crystalline beta-phase SiC containing small amounts of alumina-yttria impurity], a pyrolytic carbon interphase, and somewhat impure yet crystalline beta-phase SiC fibers. The interphase and fiber components may or may not be exposed, at least initially, to the reactor coolant. The chemical compatibility of SiC/SiC composites in the three reactor environments is highly dependent on thermodynamic stability with the pure coolant, and on reactions with impurities present in the environment including any ingress of oxygen and moisture. In general, there is a dearth of information on the performance of SiC in these environments. While there is little to no excess Si present in the new SiC/SiC composites, the reaction of Si with O2 cannot be ignored, especially for the FHR, in which environment the product, SiO2, can be readily removed by the fluoride salt. In all systems, reaction of the carbon interphase layer with oxygen is possible especially under abnormal conditions such as loss of coolant (resulting in increased temperature), and air and/ or steam ingress. A global outline of an approach to resolving SiC/SiC chemical compatibility concerns with the environments of the three reactors is presented along with ideas to quickly determine the baseline compatibility performance of SiC/SiC.

  15. Conversion of wood flour/SiO2/phenolic composite to porous SiC ceramic containing SiC whiskers

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    Li Zhong


    Full Text Available A novel wood flour/SiO2/phenolic composite was chosen to be converted into porous SiC ceramic containing SiC whiskers via carbothermal reduction. At 1550°C the composite is converted into porous SiC ceramic with pore diameters of 10~40μm, and consisting of β-SiC located at the position of former wood cell walls. β-SiC wire-like whiskers of less than 50 nm in diameter and several tens to over 100 μm in length form within the pores. The surface of the resulting ceramic is coated with β-SiC necklace-like whiskers with diameters of 1~2μm.

  16. Radiation effects and micromechanics of SiC/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghoniem, N.M.


    The basic displacement damage process in SiC has been fully explored, and the mechanisms identified. Major modifications have been made to the theory of damage dosimetry in Fusion, Fission and Ion Simulation studies of Sic. For the first time, calculations of displacements per atoms in SiC can be made in any irradiation environment. Applications to irradiations in fusion first wall neutron spectra (ARIES and PROMETHEUS) as well as in fission spectra (HIFIR and FFTF) are given. Nucleation of helium-filled cavities in SiC was studied, using concepts of stability theory to determine the size of the critical nucleus under continuous generation of helium and displacement damage. It is predicted that a bimodal distribution of cavity sizes is likely to occur in heavily irradiated SiC. A study of the chemical compatibility of SiC composite structures with fusion reactor coolants at high-temperatures was undertaken. It was shown that SiC itself is chemically very stable in helium coolants in the temperature range 500--1000 degree C. However, current fiber/matrix interfaces, such as C and BN are not. The fracture mechanics of high-temperature matrix cracks with bridging fibers is now in progress. A fundamentally unique approach to study the propagation and interaction of cracks in a composite was initiated. The main focus of our research during the following period will be : (1) Theory and experiments for the micro-mechanics of high-temperature failure; and (2) Analysis of radiation damage and microstructure evolution

  17. Los niños del Cauca. I. Descripción de un foco de raquitismo dependiente de la vitamina D, Tipo II.

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    Alejandro Giraldo


    Full Text Available Al norte del departamento del Cauca se detectó un numeroso grupo de pacientes con deformidades en miembros inferiores (genu varo, genu valgo o ambos que correspondían clínica y radiológicamente a un cuadro de raquitismo. Ninguno de los pacientes presentaban alopecia, miopatia, tetania o aminoaciduria. La mayoría deellos proceden de un grupo poblacional semiaislado de ancestro afromestizo, en el corregimiento de La Toma, del municipio de Suárez. Los estudios bioquímicos comparativos entre 64 pacientes y 109 individuos no afectados, parientes en primer grado, mostraron en los pacientes una ligera hipocalcemia, niveles normales altos de fósforo sérico, un sustancial incremento de la fosfatasa alcalina,valores normales de proteínas y albúminas y niveles séricos de paratohormona aumentados. Estudios en orina de 24 horas mostraron hipocalciuria e hipofosfaturia. A un subgrupo de 8 pacientes se les determino niveles séricos de la 25 (OHD, y ltipo de raquitismo pertenecían nuestros pacientes. Se observó un marcado incremento de lcr, 25(OH,A3, por lo que esta patología corresponde al raquitismo dependiente de la vitamina D, tipo II. Se trata de un tipo de raquitismo genético transmitido en forma autocómica recesiva, cuyas manifestaciones clínicas y de laboratorio se presentan por un defecto en la acción del receptor para la vitamina D. A 115 pacientes se les inició tratamiento con 1a,25(OH,A3 hig 0,50/día, calcio 1.840 mg/día y fósforo 1.424 mg/día, administrados en dos dosis diarias. En un grupo de 21 pacientes, se analizaron los datos de laboratorio en suero, pre y posttratamiento un ano después y todos los valores tendieron a normalizarse. Estudios moleculares, del mRNA y cDNA del gen del receptor de la vitamina D, obtenidos de cultivo de fibroblastos de dos de los pacientes más severamente afectados, mostraron una secuencia normal de nucleótidos. Se hace una comparación entre los

  18. Oxide Structure Dependence of SiO2/SiOx/3C-SiC/n-Type Si Nonvolatile Resistive Memory on Memory Operation Characteristics (United States)

    Yamaguchi, Yuichiro; Shouji, Masatsugu; Suda, Yoshiyuki


    We have investigated the dependence of the oxide layer structure of our previously proposed metal/SiO2/SiOx/3C-SiC/n-Si/metal metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) resistive memory device on the memory operation characteristics. The current-voltage (I-V) measurement and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy results suggest that SiOx defect states mainly caused by the oxidation of 3C-SiC at temperatures below 1000 °C are related to the hysteresis memory behavior in the I-V curve. By restricting the SiOx interface region, the number of switching cycles and the on/off current ratio are more enhanced. Compared with a memory device formed by one-step or two-step oxidation of 3C-SiC, a memory device formed by one-step oxidation of Si/3C-SiC exhibits a more restrictive SiOx interface with a more definitive SiO2 layer and higher memory performances for both the endurance switching cycle and on/off current ratio.

  19. Thermophysical and mechanical properties of SiC/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zinkle, S.J.; Snead, L.L.


    The key thermophysical and mechanical properties for SiC/SiC composites are summarized, including temperature-dependent tensile properties, elastic constants, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, and specific heat. The effects of neutron irradiation on the thermal conductivity and dimensional stability (volumetric swelling, creep) of SiC is discussed. The estimated lower and upper temperatures limits for structural applications in high power density fusion applications are 400 and 1000 C due to thermal conductivity degradation and void swelling considerations, respectively. Further data are needed to more accurately determine these estimated temperature limits

  20. Efecto del tiempo de almacenamiento, el tipo de músculo y el genotipo del animal sobre las pérdidas por goteo en carne cruda de cerdo

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    Bermúdez M Fanhor


    Full Text Available En un diseño factorial con arreglo en parcelas subdivididas se analizó el efecto del tiempo de almacenamiento (24, 48 y 72 h a 6 °C, el tipo de músculo (Longissimus dorsi, Tríceps brachii, Bíceps femoris y el genotipo de animal (tres razas puras: Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc; dos genotipos: F1 por el cruce Yorkshire x Landrace (YL, cruce de la F1 x Duroc (F1D sobre las pérdidas por goteo en carne cruda de cerdo. Las muestras se tomaron a las 24 h postmortem y se almacenaron durante 72 h. El mayor porcentaje de pérdida se presentó para la carne obtenida a partir del músculo Bíceps femoris proveniente de los animales pertenecientes al genotipo F1. El porcentaje de pérdida por goteo más alto se presentó durante las primeras 24 h. Los resultados indicaron diferencias estadísticas altamente significativas (P < 0.01 para los efectos individuales genotipo, tipo de músculo y tiempo de almacenamiento sobre el porcentaje de pérdida por goteo.

  1. El proceso de Toma de Decisiones en pacientes con Demencia tipo Alzheimer

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    Jose R. Alameda


    Full Text Available Tomar decisiones es algo común en nuestra vida y contribuye a la adaptación al medio en que vivimos, por ello es relevante conocer cómo es el proceso de toma de decisiones y las posibles disfunciones que puedan darse a causa de su deterioro. En el caso de los pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer, los problemas en la toma de decisiones parecen incluso ya en fases leves, lo que dificulta la correcta interacción con el entorno, especialmente en situaciones de incertidumbre. Este proceso ha sido analizado desde varios enfoques, siendo la hipótesis del marcador somático y la tarea de la Iowa Gambling Task (IGT uno de los más utilizados. El objetivo de este trabajo es el de analizar la toma de decisiones en pacientes con DTA frente a un grupo de sujetos control, y analizar el tipo de elecciones de ambos grupos en situaciones de incertidumbre mediante la una versión modificada de la IGT, observar si son tendentes al riesgo o no, y la relación que guarda su ejecución con el status cognitivo en cada una de las áreas evaluadas por los tests. Además de la IGT, utilizaremos como test de cribado en demencias el Miniexamen Cognoscitivo de Lobo, Test del Reloj a la Orden y Copia y Test de Fluidez Verbal de Isaacs. En nuestros resultados, los sujetos con DTA presentan una ejecución deficitaria en la IGT, tanto en el cómputo global como en su análisis por bloques, con una estrategia de elección de cartas aleatoria, por lo que podríamos considerar ciertas tendencias al riesgo, si bien su ejecución muestra cierta capacidad de aprendizaje a lo largo de los bloques. Por último, el deterioro cognitivo y el grado de afectación en las distintas áreas analizadas se relacionan con la forma en que toman decisiones los pacientes con DTA.

  2. Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of SiCw(p/SiC-Si Composites by Liquid Si Infiltration using Pyrolysed Rice Husks and SiC Powders as Precursors

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    Dan Zhu


    Full Text Available Dense silicon carbide (SiC matrix composites with SiC whiskers and particles as reinforcement were prepared by infiltrating molten Si at 1550 °C into porous preforms composed of pyrolysed rice husks (RHs and extra added SiC powder in different ratios. The Vickers hardness of the composites showed an increase from 18.6 to 21.3 GPa when the amount of SiC added in the preforms was 20% (w/w, and then decreased to 17.3 GPa with the increase of SiC added in the preforms up to 80% (w/w. The values of flexural strength of the composites initially decreased when 20% (w/w SiC was added in the preform and then increased to 587 MPa when the SiC concentration reached 80% (w/w. The refinement of SiC particle sizes and the improvement of the microstructure in particle distribution of the composites due to the addition of external SiC played an effective role in improving the mechanical properties of the composites.

  3. Deimanto tipo anglies nanokompozicinių (SiOx turinčių deimanto tipo anglies plėvelių struktūros, cheminės sudėties, savybių ir taikymo sričių apžvalga

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    Šarūnas MEŠKINIS


    Full Text Available Straipsnyje apžvelgiama dabartinė būklė nanokompozicinių deimanto tipo anglies plėvelių (SiOx turinčių deimanto tipo anglies dangų tyrimų srityje. Aptariami įvairūs šių dangų formavimo metodai bei sintezei naudojamos medžiagos. Įvairiais būdais ir įvairiomis sąlygomis užaugintų deimanto tipo anglies nanokompozicinių plėvelių cheminė sudėtis nagrinėta atsižvelgiant į tyrimų duomenis, gautus taikant skirtingus analizės metodus (rentgeno spindulių fotoelektronų spektroskopiją, infraraudonųjų spindulių spektroskopiją. Taip pat aprašyti skirtingų autorių siūlomi nanokompozicinių deimanto tipo anglies plėvelių struktūros modeliai. Apžvelgtos SiOx turinčių DTA plėvelių, suformuotų įvairiais būdais, mechaninės, optinės, elektrinės savybės bei plėvelių paviršiaus energija. Straipsnio pabaigoje aprašomos nanokompozicinių deimanto tipo anglies plėvelių dabartinės naudojimo sritys ir ateities perspektyvos.

  4. El sentido iniciatico del viaje de Heracles


    Bauzá, Hugo Francisco


    Según leemos en Píndaro los griegos del período clásico establecían una distinción entre tres tipos de seres: dioses, héroes y hombres; Platón, en el Crátilo agrega un cuarto tipo, los daímones, una suerte de dioses inferiores. Si bien la frontera semántica entre cada una de estas categorías varía según autores y épocas, lo que si puede afirmarse como denominador común es que consideraban a los héroes diferentes de los hombres y, por cierto, de los dioses. Para una vertiente interpretativa lo...

  5. Formation of permeation barriers on ceramic SiC/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Racault, C.; Fenici, P.


    The effectiveness as permeation barriers of the following CVD and PVD (sputtering) coatings has been investigated: TiC+Al 2 O 3 (CVD), SiC(CVD), SiO 2 (CVD), TiN(CVD), TiN(CVD)+TiN(PVD) and SiC(CVD)+Al 2 O 3 (PVD). The substrate material was a SiC/SiC composite, proposed as low activation structural material for fusion applications. Permeation measurements were performed in the temperature range 300-750 K using deuterium at pressures in the range 0.5-150 kPa. A linear dependence of permeation rate on pressure was measured. The efficiency of the coatings as deuterium permeation barriers is discussed in terms of coating microstructure. The best result was obtained with a bilayer of TiN(CVD) (15 μm) +TiN(PVD) (8 μm). (orig.)

  6. Modulating the Surface State of SiC to Control Carrier Transport in Graphene/SiC. (United States)

    Jia, Yuping; Sun, Xiaojuan; Shi, Zhiming; Jiang, Ke; Liu, Henan; Ben, Jianwei; Li, Dabing


    Silicon carbide (SiC) with epitaxial graphene (EG/SiC) shows a great potential in the applications of electronic and photoelectric devices. The performance of devices is primarily dependent on the interfacial heterojunction between graphene and SiC. Here, the band structure of the EG/SiC heterojunction is experimentally investigated by Kelvin probe force microscopy. The dependence of the barrier height at the EG/SiC heterojunction to the initial surface state of SiC is revealed. Both the barrier height and band bending tendency of the heterojunction can be modulated by controlling the surface state of SiC, leading to the tuned carrier transport behavior at the EG/SiC interface. The barrier height at the EG/SiC(000-1) interface is almost ten times that of the EG/SiC(0001) interface. As a result, the amount of carrier transport at the EG/SiC(000-1) interface is about ten times that of the EG/SiC(0001) interface. These results offer insights into the carrier transport behavior at the EG/SiC heterojunction by controlling the initial surface state of SiC, and this strategy can be extended in all devices with graphene as the top layer. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. The effect of SiC particle size on the properties of Cu–SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Celebi Efe, G.; Zeytin, S.; Bindal, C.


    Graphical abstract: The relative densities of Cu–SiC composites sintered at 700 °C for 2 h are ranged from 97.3% to 91.8% for SiC with 1 μm particle size and 97.5% to 95.2% for SiC with 5 μm particle size, microhardness of composites ranged from 143 to 167 HV for SiC having 1 μm particle size and 156–182 HVN for SiC having 5 μm particle size and the electrical conductivity of composites changed between 85.9% IACS and 55.7% IACS for SiC with 1 μm particle size, 87.9% IACS and 65.2%IACS for SiC with 5 μm particle size. It was found that electrical conductivity of composites containing SiC with 5 μm particle size is better than that of Cu–SiC composites containing SiC with particle size of 1 μm. Highlights: ► In this research, the effect of SiC particle size on some properties of Cu–SiC composites were investigated. ► The mechanical properties were improved. ► The electrical properties were obtained at desirable level. -- Abstract: SiC particulate-reinforced copper composites were prepared by powder metallurgy (PM) method and conventional atmospheric sintering. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques were used to characterize the sintered composites. The effect of SiC content and particle size on the relative density, hardness and electrical conductivity of composites were investigated. The relative densities of Cu–SiC composites sintered at 700 °C for 2 h are ranged from 97.3% to 91.8% for SiC with 1 μm particle size and from 97.5% to 95.2% for SiC with 5 μm particle size. Microhardness of composites ranged from 143 to 167 HV for SiC having 1 μm particle size and from 156 to 182 HV for SiC having 5 μm particle size. The electrical conductivity of composites changed between 85.9% IACS and 55.7% IACS for SiC with 1 μm particle size, between 87.9% IACS and 65.2% IACS for SiC with 5 μm particle size.

  8. Problemas fundamentales de elasticidad en suelos. Aplicaciones del círculo de Mohr


    Alhama Manteca, Iván; García Ros, Gonzalo; Alhama López, Francisco


    El libro contiene fundamentos teóricos relacionados con la elasticidad aplicada a mecánica de suelos, junto con 61 problemas y 155 figuras. Describe la elasticidad aplicada a geotecnia desde sus principios fundamentales: concepto de esfuerzo y tipos, Ley de Hooke, matrices de esfuerzos y deformaciones y resolución de problemas de mecánica de suelos a través del círculo de Mohr, extendiendo su aplicación a los criterios de fallo en suelos, teoría y uso del polo, círculo de Mohr de deformacione...

  9. Fiber/matrix interfaces for SiC/SiC composites: Multilayer SiC coatings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Halverson, H.; Curtin, W.A. [Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., Blacksburg, VA (United States)


    Tensile tests have been performed on composites of CVI SiC matrix reinforced with 2-d Nicalon fiber cloth, with either pyrolitic carbon or multilayer CVD SiC coatings [Hypertherm High-Temperature Composites Inc., Huntington Beach, CA.] on the fibers. To investigate the role played by the different interfaces, several types of measurements are made on each sample: (i) unload-reload hysteresis loops, and (ii) acoustic emission. The pyrolitic carbon and multilayer SiC coated materials are remarkably similar in overall mechanical responses. These results demonstrate that low-modulus, or compliant, interface coatings are not necessary for good composite performance, and that complex, hierarchical coating structures may possibly yield enhanced high-temperature performance. Analysis of the unload/reload hysteresis loops also indicates that the usual {open_quotes}proportional limit{close_quotes} stress is actually slightly below the stress at which the 0{degrees} load-bearing fibers/matrix interfaces slide and are exposed to atmosphere.


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    José Felix Patiño Restrepo


    Full Text Available

    La conducta adoptada en el Hospital de La Samaritana coincide con algunos preceptos actualmente preconizados por la Clínica Lahey (54, uno de los centros que en una época promulgaron la extirpación radical y que mayor influencia produjeron en muchos países del mundo, así como con los preconizados por la Clínica Cleveland (55, institución que ha modificado muchos de los tradicionales principios de radicalidad en la cirugía del cáncer:

    1. Todo paciente con cáncer gástrico es sometido a exploración quirúrgica;
    2. Si la lesión es resecable, se emprende una operación "curativa", la cual comprende la
    resección del tumor con márgenes suficientes, pero no excesivos, de tejido normal, tratando siempre de conservar un segmento de estómago proximal, y evitando la resección profiláctica del bazo, epiplones y órganos vecinos;
    3. No se realiza la gastrectomía total sino en situaciones en las cuales ésta es la única forma de lograr la extirpación total del tumor, y nunca como terapia paliativa;
    4. Se realizan grandes resecciones sólo para grandes cánceres, y se realizan pequeñas resecciones para tumores pequeños;
    5. Cuando no es posible realizar una resección curativa, se procede con una resección paliativa si ésta es fácilmente realizable y no significa una resección heroica o masiva; específicamente se realizan resecciones paliativas para controlar hemorragia, obstrucción y dolor; nunca debe hacerse una gastrectomía total como procedimiento paliativo, y la gastroenterostomía, la gastrostomía o la yeyunostomía tienen muy escasa indicación en la paliación del cáncer gástrico.
    6. Creemos que en última instancia el pronóstico del paciente depende del tipo y estado del tumor, de su rata de crecimiento y caracteristicas biológicas y de otros factores de la relación tumor/paciente, más que del tipo y la radicalidad del tratamiento quirúrgico empleado.

  11. Tailoring of SiC nanoprecipitates formed in Si

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Velisa, G., E-mail: [CEA, DEN, Service de Recherches de Métallurgie Physique, Laboratoire JANNUS, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, P.O. Box MG-6, 077125 Magurele (Romania); Trocellier, P. [CEA, DEN, Service de Recherches de Métallurgie Physique, Laboratoire JANNUS, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Thomé, L. [Centre de Spectrométrie Nucléaire et de Spectrométrie de Masse, UMR8609, Bât. 108, 91405 Orsay (France); Vaubaillon, S. [CEA, INSTN, UEPTN, Laboratoire JANNUS, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Miro, S.; Serruys, Y.; Bordas, É. [CEA, DEN, Service de Recherches de Métallurgie Physique, Laboratoire JANNUS, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Meslin, E. [CEA, DEN, Service de Recherches de Métallurgie Physique, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Mylonas, S. [Centre de Spectrométrie Nucléaire et de Spectrométrie de Masse, UMR8609, Bât. 108, 91405 Orsay (France); Coulon, P.E. [Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire des Solides Irradiés, CEA/DSM/IRAMIS-CNRS, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex (France); Leprêtre, F.; Pilz, A.; Beck, L. [CEA, DEN, Service de Recherches de Métallurgie Physique, Laboratoire JANNUS, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    The SiC synthesis through single-beam of C{sup +}, and simultaneous-dual-beam of C{sup +} and Si{sup +} ion implantations into a Si substrate heated at 550 °C has been studied by means of three complementary analytical techniques: nuclear reaction analysis (NRA), Raman, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It is shown that a broad distribution of SiC nanoprecipitates is directly formed after simultaneous-dual-beam (520-keV C{sup +} and 890-keV Si{sup +}) and single-beam (520-keV C{sup +}) ion implantations. Their shape appear as spherical (average size ∼4–5 nm) and they are in epitaxial relationship with the silicon matrix.

  12. Specimen size effect considerations for irradiation studies of SiC/SiC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Youngblood, G.E.; Henager, C.H. Jr.; Jones, R.H. [Pacific Northwest National Lab., Richland, WA (United States)


    For characterization of the irradiation performance of SiC/SiC, limited available irradiation volume generally dictates that tests be conducted on a small number of relatively small specimens. Flexure testing of two groups of bars with different sizes cut from the same SiC/SiC plate suggested the following lower limits for flexure specimen number and size: Six samples at a minimum for each condition and a minimum bar size of 30 x 6.0 x 2.0 mm{sup 3}.

  13. Evolution of 3C-SiC islands nucleated from a liquid phase on Si face α-SiC substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim-Hak, Olivier; Ferro, Gabriel; Lorenzzi, Jean; Carole, Davy; Dazord, Jacques; Chaudouet, Patrick; Chaussende, Didier; Miele, Philippe


    The contact between α-SiC crystals and Si-Ge based melts provokes the nucleation of 3C-SiC islands on the crystal surface. Evolution of these islands as a function of various parameters was studied. On both 4H and 6H substrates, it was found that, after nucleation, 3C-SiC islands first enlarge and may form a complete 3C layer under certain conditions. The 3C deposit can then be dissolved by the liquid phase at high temperature or for prolonged contact at relatively moderate temperature. The graphite crucible is proposed to play a central role in these enlargement and dissolution mechanisms by providing extra carbon atoms on the seed surface (enlargement) or provoking thermal induced carbon transport toward the sidewall (dissolution). Several differences between the use of 4H and 6H substrates were also observed.

  14. Palladium transport in SiC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olivier, E.J.; Neethling, J.H.


    Highlights: ► We investigate the reaction of Pd with SiC at typical HTGR operating temperatures. ► The high temperature mobility of palladium silicides within polycrystalline SiC was studied. ► Corrosion of SiC by Pd was seen in all cases. ► The preferential corrosion and penetration of Pd along grain boundaries in SiC was found. ► The penetration and transport of palladium silicides in SiC along grain boundaries was found. - Abstract: This paper reports on a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) study of Pd corroded SiC. The reaction of Pd with different types of SiC at typical HTGR operating temperatures was examined. In addition the high temperature mobility of palladium silicides within polycrystalline SiC was investigated. The results indicated corrosion of the SiC by Pd in all cases studied. The corrosion leads to the formation of palladium silicides within the SiC, with the predominant phase found being Pd 2 Si. Evidence for the preferential corrosion and penetration of Pd along grain boundaries in polycrystalline SiC was found. The penetration and transport, without significant corrosion, of palladium silicides into polycrystalline SiC along grain boundaries was also observed. Implications of the findings with reference to the use of Tri Isotropic particles in HTGRs will be discussed.

  15. Phenomenological inelastic constitutive equations for SiC and SiC fibers under irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Azab, A.; Ghoniem, N.M.


    Experimental data on irradiation-induced dimensional changes and creep in β-SiC and SiC fibers is analyzed, with the objective of studying the constitutive behavior of these materials under high-temperature irradiation. The data analysis includes empirical representation of irradiation-induced dimensional changes in SiC matrix and SiC fibers as function of time and irradiation temperature. The analysis also includes formulation of simple scaling laws to extrapolate the existing data to fusion conditions on the basis of the physical mechanisms of radiation effects on crystalline solids. Inelastic constitutive equations are then developed for SCS-6 SiC fibers, Nicalon fibers and CVD SiC. The effects of applied stress, temperature, and irradiation fields on the deformation behavior of this class of materials are simultaneously represented. Numerical results are presented for the relevant creep functions under the conditions of the fusion reactor (ARIES IV) first wall. The developed equations can be used in estimating the macro mechanical properties of SiC-SiC composite systems as well as in performing time-dependent micro mechanical analysis that is relevant to slow crack growth and fiber pull-out under fusion conditions

  16. Thermal shock properties of 2D-SiCf/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Sang Pill; Lee, Jin Kyung; Son, In Soo; Bae, Dong Su; Kohyama, Akira


    This paper dealt with the thermal shock properties of SiC f /SiC composites reinforced with two dimensional SiC fabrics. SiC f /SiC composites were fabricated by a liquid phase sintering process, using a commercial nano-size SiC powder and oxide additive materials. An Al 2 O 3 –Y 2 O 3 –SiO 2 powder mixture was used as a sintering additive for the consolidation of SiC matrix region. In this composite system, Tyranno SA SiC fabrics were also utilized as a reinforcing material. The thermal shock test for SiC f /SiC composites was carried out at the elevated temperature. Both mechanical strength and microstructure of SiC f /SiC composites were investigated by means of optical microscopy, SEM and three point bending test. SiC f /SiC composites represented a dense morphology with a porosity of about 8.2% and a flexural strength of about 160 MPs. The characterization of SiC f /SiC composites was greatly affected by the history of cyclic thermal shock. Especially, SiC f /SiC composites represented a reduction of flexural strength at the thermal shock temperature difference higher than 800 °C.

  17. Mechanical properties of MeV ion-irradiated SiC/SiC composites characterized by indentation technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, J.Y.; Park, K.H.; Kim, W.; Kishimoto, H.; Kohyama, A.


    Full text of publication follows: SiC/SiC composites have been considered as a structural material for advanced fusion concepts. In the core of fusion reactor, those SiC/SiC composites are experienced the complex attacks such as strong neutron, high temperature and transmuted gases. One of the vital data for designing the SiC/SiC composites to the fusion reactor is mechanical properties under the severe neutron irradiation. In this work, various SiC/SiC composites were prepared by the different fabrication processes like CVI (chemical vapor infiltration), WA-CVI (SiC whisker assisted CVI) and hot-pressed method. The expected neutron irradiation was simulated by a silicon self-ion irradiation at a DuET facility; Dual-beam for Energy Technologies, Kyoto University. The irradiation temperature were 600 deg. C and 1200 deg. C, and the irradiation does were 5 dpa and 20 dpa, respectively. The 5.1 MeV Si ions were irradiated to the intrinsic CVI-SiC, SiC whisker reinforced SiC and SiC composites produced by hot-press method. The mechanical properties like hardness, elastic modulus and fracture toughness were characterized by an indentation technique. The ion irradiation caused the increase of the hardness and fracture toughness, which was dependent on the irradiation temperature. SiC whisker reinforcement in the SiC matrix accelerated the increase of the fracture toughness by the ion irradiation. For SiC/SiC composites after the ion irradiation, this work will provide the additional data for the mechanical properties as well as the effect of SiC whisker reinforcement. (authors)

  18. Comparative study on stress in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures grown on 6H-SiC, Si and on composite substrates of the 6H-SiC/poly-SiC and Si/poly-SiC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guziewicz, M; Kaminska, E; Piotrowska, A; Golaszewska, K; Domagala, J Z; Poisson, M-A; Lahreche, H; Langer, R; Bove, P


    The stresses in GaN-based HEMT structures grown on both single crystal 6H SiC(0001) and Si(111) have been compared to these in the HEMT structures grown on new composite substrates engendered as a thin monocrystalline film attached to polycrystalline 3C-SiC substrate. By using HRXRD technique and wafer curvature method we show that stress of monocrystalline layer in composite substrates of the type mono-Si/poly-SiC is lower than 100 MPa and residual stress of epitaxial GaN buffer grown on the composite substrate does not exceed 0.31 GPa, but in the cases of single crystal SiC or Si substrates the GaN buffer stress is compressive in the range of -0.5 to -0.75 GPa. The total stress of the HEMT structure calculated from strains is consistent with the averaged stress of the multilayers stack measured by wafer curvature method. The averaged stress of HEMT structure grown on single crystals is higher than those in structures grown on composites substrates

  19. Regulación de la actividad biológica de las células NK por receptores de tipo toll y por células dendríticas. Implicancias en la inmunidad contra tumores.


    Girart, María Victoria


    Las células NK son células linfoides importantes en la defensa del huésped contra patógenos intracelulares y en la inmunovigilancia contra tumores. Ejercen su actividad biológica a través de la elaboración de citoquinas y el desarrollo de actividad citotóxica, funciones reguladas por familias de receptores activadores e inhibidores. Las células NK humanas expresan receptores de tipo Toll (TLRs) tales como TLR3, TLR7, TLR8 y TLR9, entre otros. Sin embargo poco se conoce acerca del impacto de l...

  20. Caracterización del inicio de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 en menores de 18 años

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    Yan González Ramos


    Full Text Available Fundamento: la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 es la enfermedad crónico endocrinológica más frecuente en la edad pediátrica y la segunda enfermedad crónica en la infancia después del asma bronquial, en los países desarrollados. Objetivo: identificar los aspectos epidemiológicos en el inicio de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 en menores de 18 años en la provincia de Cienfuegos en el periodo 1997- octubre 2015. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo en los pacientes menores de 18 años, diagnosticados con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 en el periodo mencionado. Las variables utilizadas fueron: año y edad del inicio, sexo, color de la piel y municipio de procedencia. Los resultados se presentaron en tablas de frecuencias y porcentajes. Resultados: el porcentaje de pacientes del sexo masculino y femenino fue bastante similar con un leve predominio del masculino (53,5 %. El grupo 5-9 años presentó el mayor número de pacientes (35 casos pero sin diferencias significativas con el de 10-14 años (34 casos. El color de piel blanca predominó con el 75,7 %. El mayor número de casos se mostraron en los meses de otoño con 30. Los municipios de mayor incidencia fueron Cienfuegos con 40 y Cumanayagua con 16 casos respectivamente. Conclusiones: se ha producido un aumento de la incidencia en los últimos años con un leve predominio del sexo masculino y el grupo de 5-9 años. Predominó la raza blanca. El mayor número del inicio ocurrió en otoño y en el municipio de Cienfuegos.

  1. SiC/SiC composite fabricated with carbon nanotube interface layer and a novel precursor LPVCS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, Shuang, E-mail: [Science and Technology on Advanced Ceramic Fibers and Composites Laboratory, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073 (China); School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL (United Kingdom); Zhou, Xingui; Yu, Jinshan [Science and Technology on Advanced Ceramic Fibers and Composites Laboratory, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073 (China); Mummery, Paul [School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL (United Kingdom)


    Highlights: • The CNTs were distributed uniformly on the SiC fibers in the fabric by CVD process. • The microstructural evolution of the CNTs interface coating was studied. • The closed porosity was investigated by X-ray tomography. • The liquid precursor LPVCS exhibited high densification efficiency. - Abstract: Continuous SiC fiber reinforced SiC matrix composites (SiC/SiC) have been studied as promising candidate materials for nuclear applications. Three-dimensional SiC/SiC composite was fabricated via polymer impregnation and pyrolysis (PIP) process using carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as the interface layer and LPVCS as the polymer precursor. The microstructural evolution of the fiber/matrix interface was studied. The porosity, mechanical properties, thermal and electrical conductivities of the SiC/SiC composite were investigated. The results indicated that the high densification efficiency of the liquid precursor LPVCS resulted in a low porosity of the SiC/SiC composite. The SiC/SiC composite exhibited non-brittle fracture behavior, however, bending strength and fracture toughness of the composite were relatively low because of the absence of CNTs as the interface layer. The thermal and electrical conductivities of the SiC/SiC composite were low enough to meet the requirements desired for flow channel insert (FCI) applications.

  2. SiC-SiC and C-SiC Honeycomb for Advanced Flight Structures, Phase II (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The proposed project builds upon the work done in Phase I with the development of a C-SiC CMC honeycomb material that was successfully tested for mechanical...

  3. Analysis on the sequence of formation of Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2} and Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2}/SiC composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Radhakrishnan, R.; Bhaduri, S.B. [Idaho Univ., Moscow, ID (United States). Dept. of Mining and Metallurgy; Henager, C.H. Jr. [Pacific Northwest Lab., Richland, WA (United States)


    Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2}, a compound in the ternary Ti-Si-C system, is reported to be ductile. This paper reports the sequence of formation of Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2} and Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2}/SiC composites involving either combustion synthesis or by displacement reaction, respectively. Onset of exothermic reaction temperatures were determined using Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA). Phases present after the exothermic temperatures were analyzed by X-Ray diffraction. Based on these observations, a route to formation of Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2} and Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2}/SiC composites is proposed for the two`s thesis methods.

  4. Palladium transport in SiC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Olivier, E.J., E-mail: [Centre for High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth (South Africa); Neethling, J.H. [Centre for High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth (South Africa)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer We investigate the reaction of Pd with SiC at typical HTGR operating temperatures. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The high temperature mobility of palladium silicides within polycrystalline SiC was studied. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Corrosion of SiC by Pd was seen in all cases. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The preferential corrosion and penetration of Pd along grain boundaries in SiC was found. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The penetration and transport of palladium silicides in SiC along grain boundaries was found. - Abstract: This paper reports on a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) study of Pd corroded SiC. The reaction of Pd with different types of SiC at typical HTGR operating temperatures was examined. In addition the high temperature mobility of palladium silicides within polycrystalline SiC was investigated. The results indicated corrosion of the SiC by Pd in all cases studied. The corrosion leads to the formation of palladium silicides within the SiC, with the predominant phase found being Pd{sub 2}Si. Evidence for the preferential corrosion and penetration of Pd along grain boundaries in polycrystalline SiC was found. The penetration and transport, without significant corrosion, of palladium silicides into polycrystalline SiC along grain boundaries was also observed. Implications of the findings with reference to the use of Tri Isotropic particles in HTGRs will be discussed.

  5. Fabrication of SiC Composites with Synergistic Toughening of Carbon Whisker and In Situ 3C-SiC Nanowire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhang Yunlong


    Full Text Available The SiC composites with synergistic toughening of carbon whisker and in situ 3C-SiC nanowire have been fabricated by hot press sinter technology and annealed treatment technology. Effect of annealed time on the morphology of SiC nanowires and mechanical properties of the Cw/SiC composites was surveyed in detail. The appropriate annealed time improved mechanical properties of the Cw/SiC composites. The synergistic effect of carbon whisker and SiC nanowire can improve the fracture toughness for Cw/SiC composites. The vapor-liquid-solid growth (VLS mechanism was proposed. TEM photo showed that 3C-SiC nanowire can be obtained with preferential growth plane ({111}, which corresponded to interplanar spacing about 0.25 nm.

  6. Programa de cribaje de la retinopatía diabética en el Vallès Oriental mediante cámara no midriática. Estudio de 5228 pacientes diabéticos tipo 2


    Hernecki, Jaroslaw


    Descripció del recurs: 4 novembre 2010 La presente tesis doctoral recoge los resultados del programa de cribaje de la retinopatía diabética mediante la cámara no midriática en la comarca de Vallès Oriental (Barcelona). Es un estudio de 5228 pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 no cribados previamente. Se analizan las características demográficas del grupo estudiado, los datos de la diabetes (el tipo de tratamiento, tiempo de evolución de la diabetes y el control metabólico) y la prevalencia de la r...

  7. Investigation on fabrication of SiC/SiC composite as a candidate material for fuel sub-assembly

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jae-Kwang; Naganuma, Masayuki; Park, Joon-Soo; Kohyama, Akira


    The possibility of SiC/SiC (Silicon carbide fiber reinforced Silicon carbide) composites application for fuel sub-assembly of Fast Breeder Reactor was investigated. To select a raw material of SiC/SiC composites, a few kinds of SiC nano powder was estimated by SEM observation and XRD analysis. Furthermore, SiC monolithic was sintered from them and estimated by flexural test. SiC nano-powder which showed good sinterability, it was used for fabrication of SiC/SiC composites by Hot Pressing method. From the sintering condition of 1800, 1820degC temperature and 15, 20 MPa pressure, SiC/SiC composite was fabricated and then estimated by tensile test. SiC/SiC composite, which made by 1820degC and 20 MPa condition, showed the highest mechanical strength by the monotonic tensile test. SiC/SiC composite, which made by 1800degC and 15 MPa condition, showed a stable fracture behavior at the monotonic and cyclic tensile test. And then, the hoop stress of ideal model of SiC/SiC composites was discussed. It was confirmed that applicability of SiC/SiC composites by Hot Pressing method for fuel sub-assembly structural material. To make it real attractive one, to maintain the reliability and safety as a high temperature structural material, the design and process study on SiC/Sic composites material will be continued. (author)

  8. Defect-induced polytype transformations in LPE grown SiC epilayers on (1 1 1) 3C-SiC seeds grown by VLS on 6H-SiC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marinova, Maya; Zoulis, Georgios; Robert, Teddy; Mercier, Frederic; Mantzari, Alkioni; Galben, Irina; Kim-Hak, Olivier; Lorenzzi, Jean; Juillaguet, Sandrine; Chaussende, Didier; Ferro, Gabriel; Camassel, Jean; Polychroniadis, Efstathios K.


    The results of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with low-temperature photoluminescence (LTPL) and Raman studies of liquid phase grown epilayers on top of a vapor liquid solid (VLS) grown 3C-SiC buffer layer are compared. While the 6H-SiC substrate was completely covered by the 3C-SiC seed after the first VLS process, degradation occurred during the early stage of the liquid phase epitaxy process. This resulted in polytype instabilities, such that several rhombohedral forms stabilized one after the other. These (21R-SiC, 57R-SiC) eventually led after few microns to a final transition back to 6H-SiC. This interplay of polytypes resulted in a complex optical signature, with specific LTPL and Raman features.

  9. La dimensión corporativa del tercer sector. Los tipos organizativos del voluntariado

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    Zurdo Alaguero, Ángel


    Full Text Available The present article analyses the principal forms of organization that are linked to the participative practice of the voluntary sector, paying especial attention to the “hetero-aid” and the “mutualism”. Likewise, it analyses in depth the conflict between formal and substantive rationality that exists in the voluntary organizations. The present study also emphasizes the progressive prevalence of the formal rationality, especially in the organization dynamics linked to the management. Finally, this analysis proposes the existence of another critical problem for the voluntary organizations, the displacement of objectives.

    El artículo aborda la caracterización de los principales tipos organizativos ligados a la práctica participativa del voluntariado, fundamentalmente la “heteroayuda”, pero también el mutualismo. Asimismo, se profundiza en el análisis del “conflicto” existente entre racionalidad formal y sustantiva en el seno de las organizaciones voluntarias, apuntándose, además, el progresivo dominio de la racionalidad formal —especialmente en las dinámicas organizativas vinculadas a la gestión. También se delimita otro problema especialmente crítico para las organizaciones voluntarias, a saber, el desplazamiento de objetivos

  10. Minimum bar size for flexure testing of irradiated SiC/SiC composite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Youngblood, G.E.; Jones, R.H.


    This report covers material presented at the IEA/Jupiter Joint International Workshop on SiC/SiC Composites for Fusion structural Applications held in conjunction with ICFRM-8, Sendai, Japan, Oct. 23-24, 1997. The minimum bar size for 4-point flexure testing of SiC/SiC composite recommended by PNNL for irradiation effects studies is 30 x 6 x 2 mm 3 with a span-to-depth ratio of 10/1

  11. Stability analysis of SiO2/SiC multilayer coatings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fu Zhiqiang; Jean-Charles, R.


    The stability behaviours of SiC coatings and SiO 2 /SiC coatings in helium with little impurities are studied by HSC Chemistry 4.1, the software for analysis of Chemical reaction and equilibrium in multi-component complex system. It is found that in helium with a low partial pressure of oxidative impurities under different total pressure, the key influence factor controlling T cp of SiC depends is the partial pressure of oxidative impurities; T cp of SiC increases with the partial pressure of oxidative impurities. In helium with a low partial pressure of different impurities, the key influence factor of T cs of SiO 2 are both the partial pressure of impurities and the amount of impurities for l mol SiO 2 ; T cs of SiO 2 increases with the partial pressure of oxidative impurities at the same amount of the impurities for 1 mol SiO 2 while it decreases with the amount of the impurities for 1 mm SiO 2 at the same partial pressure of the impurities. The influence of other impurities on T cp of SiC in He-O 2 is studied and it is found that CO 2 , H 2 O and N-2 increase T cp of SiC in He-O 2 while H 2 , CO and CH 4 decrease T cp of SiC He-O 2 . When there exist both oxidative impurities and reductive impurities, their effect on T cs of SiO 2 can be suppressed by the other. In HTR-10 operation atmosphere, SiO 2 /SiC coatings can keep stable status at higher temperature than SiC coatings, so SiO 2 /SiC coatings is more suitable to improve the oxidation resistance of graphite in HTR-10 operation atmosphere compared with SiC coatings. (authors)

  12. Surface Chemistry Involved in Epitaxy of Graphene on 3C-SiC(111/Si(111

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    Abe Shunsuke


    Full Text Available Abstract Surface chemistry involved in the epitaxy of graphene by sublimating Si atoms from the surface of epitaxial 3C-SiC(111 thin films on Si(111 has been studied. The change in the surface composition during graphene epitaxy is monitored by in situ temperature-programmed desorption spectroscopy using deuterium as a probe (D2-TPD and complementarily by ex situ Raman and C1s core-level spectroscopies. The surface of the 3C-SiC(111/Si(111 is Si-terminated before the graphitization, and it becomes C-terminated via the formation of C-rich (6√3 × 6√3R30° reconstruction as the graphitization proceeds, in a similar manner as the epitaxy of graphene on Si-terminated 6H-SiC(0001 proceeds.

  13. Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of PIP-SiC/SiC composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, Shuang, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Advanced Ceramic Fibres and Composites, College of Aerospace and Materials Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073 (China); School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL (United Kingdom); Zhou, Xingui; Yu, Jinshan [Key Laboratory of Advanced Ceramic Fibres and Composites, College of Aerospace and Materials Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073 (China); Mummery, Paul [School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL (United Kingdom)


    Continuous SiC fibre reinforced SiC matrix composites (SiC/SiC) have been studied as materials for heat resistant and nuclear applications. Thermal stability is one of the key issues for SiC/SiC composites. In this study, 3D SiC/SiC composites are fabricated via the polymer impregnation and pyrolysis (PIP) process, and then heat treated at 1400 Degree-Sign C, 1600 Degree-Sign C and 1800 Degree-Sign C in an inert atmosphere for 1 h, respectively. The effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of the composites is investigated. The results indicate that the mechanical properties of the SiC/SiC composites are significantly improved after heat treatment at 1400 Degree-Sign C mainly because the mechanical properties of the matrix are greatly improved due to crystallisation. With the increasing of heat treatment temperature, the properties of the composites are conversely decreased because of severe damage of the fibres and the matrix.

  14. Residual stresses and mechanical properties of Si3N4/SiC multilayered composites with different SiC layers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liua, S.; Lia, Y.; Chena, P.; Lia, W.; Gaoa, S.; Zhang, B.; Yeb, F.


    The effect of residual stresses on the strength, toughness and work of fracture of Si3N4/SiC multilayered composites with different SiC layers has been investigated. It may be an effective way to design and optimize the mechanical properties of Si3N4/SiC multilayered composites by controlling the properties of SiC layers. Si3N4/SiC multilayered composites with different SiC layers were fabricated by aqueous tape casting and pressureless sintering. Residual stresses were calculated by using ANSYS simulation, the maximum values of tensile and compressive stresses were 553.2MPa and −552.1MPa, respectively. Step-like fracture was observed from the fracture surfaces. Fraction of delamination layers increased with the residual stress, which can improve the reliability of the materials. Tensile residual stress was benefit to improving toughness and work of fracture, but the strength of the composites decreased. [es

  15. On the interplay between Si(110) epilayer atomic roughness and subsequent 3C-SiC growth direction (United States)

    Khazaka, Rami; Michaud, Jean-François; Vennéguès, Philippe; Nguyen, Luan; Alquier, Daniel; Portail, Marc


    In this contribution, we performed the growth of a 3C-SiC/Si/3C-SiC layer stack on a Si(001) substrate by means of chemical vapor deposition. We show that, by tuning the growth conditions, the 3C-SiC epilayer can be grown along either the [111] direction or the [110] direction. The key parameter for the growth of the desired 3C-SiC orientation on the Si(110)/3C-SiC(001)/Si(001) heterostructure is highlighted and is linked to the Si epilayer surface morphology. The epitaxial relation between the layers has been identified using X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). We showed that, regardless of the top 3C-SiC epilayer orientation, domains rotated by 90° around the growth direction are present in the epilayer. Furthermore, the difference between the two 3C-SiC orientations was investigated by means of high magnification TEM. The results indicate that the faceted Si(110) epilayer surface morphology results in a (110)-oriented 3C-SiC epilayer, whereas a flat hetero-interface has been observed between 3C-SiC(111) and Si(110). The control of the top 3C-SiC growth direction can be advantageous for the development of new micro-electro-mechanical systems.

  16. Materiales compuestos C/SiC para aplicaciones estructurales de alta temperatura. Parte I: estabilidad termodinámica y química

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    Aparicio, M.


    Full Text Available The development of aero-engine and aircraft industry is aimed to hypersonic technology, efficiency enhancements and pollutant emission reductions. This objective can only be reached by increasing the operating temperatures, utilising new materials which mechanical properties are retained up to high temperatures. SiC matrix composites reinforced with carbon fibres (C/SiC are good examples with very good bending and thermal shock resistance at temperatures up to 1600ºC as well as low density. However, the fact which currently inhibits the application of these materials is the high oxidation rate of carbon fibres at temperatures above 450ºC. In the first part of the paper, a review of the most important properties and oxidation mechanisms of C and SiC has been carried out. The influence of each material disposition, individually and as composite, has been analysed.

    El desarrollo de la industria aeroespacial se orienta actualmente hacia la tecnología hipersónica, el incremento en el rendimiento de las reacciones de combustión y la reducción de la emisión de contaminantes. Estos objetivos sólo pueden alcanzarse aumentando la temperatura de combustión, para lo cual es necesario desarrollar nuevos materiales que conserven sus propiedades mecánicas hasta temperaturas muy elevadas. Entre ellos se encuentran los materiales compuestos de matriz de SiC reforzada con fibra continua de carbono (C/SiC, cuyas propiedades más importantes son una elevada resistencia a flexión y al choque térmico desde temperatura ambiente hasta 1600ºCy su reducido peso específico. Sin embargo, el principal problema que acompaña a los materiales compuestos C/SiC es la elevada velocidad de oxidación de la fibra de carbono a partir de 450ºC. En la primera parte del trabajo se realiza una revisión de las características más relevantes del carbono y SiC, y de su comportamiento frente a la oxidación, tanto por separado como formando parte de materiales

  17. C/SiC/MoSi2-Si multilayer coatings for carbon/carbon composites for protection against oxidation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Yulei; Li Hejun; Qiang Xinfa; Li Kezhi; Zhang Shouyang


    Highlights: → A C/SiC/MoSi 2 -Si multilayer coating was prepared on C/C by slurry and pack cementation. → Multilayer coating can protect C/C for 300 h at 1873 K or 103 h at 1873 K in air. → The penetration cracks in the coating result in the weight loss of the coated C/C. → The fracture of the coated C/C in wind tunnel result from the excessive local stress. - Abstract: To improve the oxidation resistance of carbon/carbon (C/C) composites, a C/SiC/MoSi 2 -Si multilayer oxidation protective coating was prepared by slurry and pack cementation. The microstructure of the as-prepared coating was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive spectroscopy. The isothermal oxidation and erosion resistance of the coating was investigated in electrical furnace and high temperature wind tunnel. The results showed that the multilayer coating could effectively protect C/C composites from oxidation in air for 300 h at 1773 K and 103 h at 1873 K, and the coated samples was fractured after erosion for 27 h at 1873 K h in wind tunnel. The weight loss of the coated specimens was considered to be caused by the formation of penetration cracks in the coating. The fracture of the coated C/C composites might result from the excessive local stress in the coating.

  18. Diodes of nanocrystalline SiC on n-/n+-type epitaxial crystalline 6H-SiC (United States)

    Zheng, Junding; Wei, Wensheng; Zhang, Chunxi; He, Mingchang; Li, Chang


    The diodes of nanocrystalline SiC on epitaxial crystalline (n-/n+)6H-SiC wafers were investigated, where the (n+)6H-SiC layer was treated as cathode. For the first unit, a heavily boron doped SiC film as anode was directly deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition method on the wafer. As to the second one, an intrinsic SiC film was fabricated to insert between the wafer and the SiC anode. The third one included the SiC anode, an intrinsic SiC layer and a lightly phosphorus doped SiC film besides the wafer. Nanocrystallization in the yielded films was illustrated by means of X-ray diffraction, transmission electronic microscope and Raman spectrum respectively. Current vs. voltage traces of the obtained devices were checked to show as rectifying behaviors of semiconductor diodes, the conduction mechanisms were studied. Reverse recovery current waveforms were detected to analyze the recovery performance. The nanocrystalline SiC films in base region of the fabricated diodes are demonstrated as local regions for lifetime control of minority carriers to improve the reverse recovery properties.

  19. Microscopic and macroscopic characterization of the charging effects in SiC/Si nanocrystals/SiC sandwiched structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Jie; Xu, Jun; Wang, Yuefei; Cao, Yunqing; Li, Wei; Yu, Linwei; Chen, Kunji


    Microscopic charge injection into the SiC/Si nanocrystals/SiC sandwiched structures through a biased conductive AFM tip is subsequently characterized by both electrostatic force microscopy and Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM). The charge injection and retention characteristics are found to be affected by not only the band offset at the Si nanocrystals/SiC interface but also the doping type of the Si substrate. On the other hand, capacitance–voltage (C–V) measurements investigate the macroscopic charging effect of the sandwiched structures with a thicker SiC capping layer, where the charges are injected from the Si substrates. The calculated macroscopic charging density is 3–4 times that of the microscopic one, and the possible reason is the underestimation of the microscopic charging density caused by the averaging effect and detection delay in the KPFM measurements. (paper)

  20. Betavoltaic device in por-SiC/Si C-Nuclear Energy Converter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Akimchenko Alina


    Full Text Available The miniature and low-power devices with long service life in hard operating conditions like the Carbon-14 beta-decay energy converters indeed as eternal resource for integrated MEMS and NEMS are considered. Authors discuss how to create the power supply for MEMS/NEMS devices, based on porous SiC/Si structure, which are tested to be used as the beta-decay energy converters of radioactive C-14 into electrical energy. This is based on the silicon carbide obtaining by self-organizing mono 3C-SiC endotaxy on the Si substrate. The new idea is the C-14 atoms including in molecules in the silicon carbide porous structure by this technology, which will increase the efficiency of the converter due to the greater intensity of electron-hole pairs generation rate in the space charge region. The synthesis of C-14 can be also performed by using the electronically controlled magneto-optic chamber.

  1. The corrosion behavior of CVI SiC matrix in SiC{sub f}/SiC composites under molten fluoride salt environment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Hongda [Structural Ceramics and Composites Engineering Research Center, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); School of Graduate, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China); Feng, Qian [Analysis and Testing Center, Donghua University, Shanghai 201600 (China); Wang, Zhen, E-mail: [Structural Ceramics and Composites Engineering Research Center, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); Zhou, Haijun; Kan, Yanmei; Hu, Jianbao [Structural Ceramics and Composites Engineering Research Center, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); Dong, Shaoming, E-mail: [Structural Ceramics and Composites Engineering Research Center, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China)


    High temperature corrosion behavior and microstructural evolution of designed chemical-vapor-infiltrated SiC matrix in SiC fiber reinforced SiC ceramic matrix composites in 46.5LiF-11.5NaF-42.0KF (mol. %) eutectic salt at 800 °C for various corrosion time was studied. Worse damage was observed as extending the exposure time, with the mass loss ratio increasing from 0.716 wt. % for 50 h to 5.914 wt. % for 500 h. The mass loss rate showed a trend of first decrease and then increase with the extended corrosion exposure. Compared with the near-stoichiometric SiC matrix layers, the O-contained boundaries between deposited matrix layers and the designed Si-rich SiC matrix layers were much less corrosion resistant and preferentially corroded. Liner relationship between the mass loss ratio and the corrosion time obtained from 50 h to 300 h indicated that the corrosion action was reaction-control process. Further corrosion would lead to matrix layer exfoliation and higher mass loss ratio.

  2. Residual stresses and mechanical properties of Si3N4/SiC multilayered composites with different SiC layers; Las tensiones residuales y las propiedades mecánicas de compuestos multicapa de Si3N4/SiC con diferentes capas de SiC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liua, S.; Lia, Y.; Chena, P.; Lia, W.; Gaoa, S.; Zhang, B.; Yeb, F.


    The effect of residual stresses on the strength, toughness and work of fracture of Si3N4/SiC multilayered composites with different SiC layers has been investigated. It may be an effective way to design and optimize the mechanical properties of Si3N4/SiC multilayered composites by controlling the properties of SiC layers. Si3N4/SiC multilayered composites with different SiC layers were fabricated by aqueous tape casting and pressureless sintering. Residual stresses were calculated by using ANSYS simulation, the maximum values of tensile and compressive stresses were 553.2MPa and −552.1MPa, respectively. Step-like fracture was observed from the fracture surfaces. Fraction of delamination layers increased with the residual stress, which can improve the reliability of the materials. Tensile residual stress was benefit to improving toughness and work of fracture, but the strength of the composites decreased. [Spanish] Se ha investigado el efecto de las tensiones residuales en la resistencia, dureza y trabajo de fractura de los compuestos multicapa de Si3N4/SiC con diferentes capas de SiC. Puede ser una manera eficaz de diseñar y optimizar las propiedades mecánicas de los compuestos multicapa de Si3N4/SiC mediante el control de las propiedades de las capas de SiC. Los compuestos multicapa de Si3N4/SiC con diferentes capas de SiC se fabricaron por medio de colado en cinta en medio acuoso y sinterización sin presión. Las tensiones residuales se calcularon mediante el uso de la simulación ANSYS, los valores máximos de las fuerzas de tracción y compresión fueron 553,2 MPa y −552,1 MPa, respectivamente. Se observó una fractura escalonada a partir de las superficies de fractura. La fracción de capas de deslaminación aumenta con la tensión residual, lo que puede mejorar la fiabilidad de los materiales. La fuerza de tracción residual era beneficiosa para la mejora de la dureza y el trabajo de fractura, pero la resistencia de los compuestos disminuyó.

  3. Bloqueo del receptor del factor de crecimiento semejante a la Insulina Tipo I utilizando oligodeoxinucleótidos antisentido en cáncer de mama experimental Type I insulin-like growth factor receptor antisense strategies in experimental breast cancer

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    Mariana Salatino


    Full Text Available Evaluamos el efecto del bloqueo de la expresión del receptor del factor de crecimiento semejante a la insulina tipo I (IGF-IR sobre el crecimiento in vivo de cáncer de mama empleando una estrategia "antisentido". Utilizamos el adenocarcinoma mamario murino progestágeno-dependiente C4HD. La administración intratumoral o sistémica de oligodeoxinucleótidos antisentido fosfotiolados al ARNm del IGF-IR (AS[S]ODN inhibió el crecimiento tumoral. El efecto antitumoral fue específico debido a su dosis-dependencia y a la falta de efecto en ratones tratados con el S[S]ODN "sentido". Los tumores obtenidos de ratones tratados con AS[S]ODN mostraron: disminución en la expresión de IGF-IR y en la fosforilación del sustrato del receptor de insulina-1, inhibición de la activación de PI-3K/Akt, p42/p44MAPK y ErbB-2, mientras que la expresión y activación del receptor de progesterona no se afectó. Es la primera demostración que el crecimiento de cáncer de mama puede ser inhibido por la administración in vivo de AS[S]ODN al IGF-IR.We addressed the effect of targeting type I insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF-IR, with antisense strategies in in vivo growth of breast cancer cells. We used C4HD tumors from an experimental model of hormonal carcinogenesis in which medroxyprogesterone acetate induced mammary adenocarcinomas in Balb/c mice. Intratumor or systemic administration of phosphorothiolated antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (AS[S]ODN to IGF-IR mRNA resulted in a significant inhibition of C4HD tumor growth. The antitumor effect was specific since inhibition of tumor growth was dose-dependent and no effect was observed in mice treated with sense S[S]ODN. Tumors from AS[S]ODN-treated mice showed a decrease in IGF-IR expression and in insulin receptor substrate-1 tyrosine phosphorylation. Activation of PI-3K/Akt, p42/p44 MAPK and ErbB-2 was abolished in tumors treated with AS[S]ODN. Progesterone receptor expression or activity remained

  4. Effects of SiC amount on phase compositions and properties of Ti3SiC2-based composites

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    蔡艳芝; 殷小玮; 尹洪峰


    The phase compositions and properties of Ti3SiC2-based composites with SiC addition of 5%−30% in mass fraction fabricated by in-situ reaction and hot pressing sintering were studied. SiC addition effectively prevented TiC synthesis but facilitated SiC synthesis. The Ti3SiC2/TiC−SiC composite had better oxidation resistance when SiC added quantity reached 20% but poorer oxidation resistance with SiC addition under 15%than Ti3SiC2/TiC composite at higher temperatures. There were more than half of the original SiC and a few Ti3SiC2 remaining in Ti3SiC2/TiC−SiC with 20% SiC addition, but all constituents in Ti3Si2/TiC composite were oxidized after 12 h in air at 1500 °C. The oxidation scale thickness of TS30, 1505.78μm, was near a half of that of T, 2715μm, at 1500 °C for 20 h. Ti3SiC2/TiC composite had a flexural strength of 474 MPa, which was surpassed by Ti3SiC2/TiC−SiC composites when SiC added amount reached 15%. The strength reached the peak of 518 MPa at 20%SiC added amount.

  5. Characterization of SiC based composite materials by the infiltration of ultra-fine SiC particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, J.K.; Lee, S.P.; Byun, J.H.


    The fabrication route of SiC materials by the complex compound of ultra-fine SiC particles and oxide additive materials has been investigated. Especially, the effect of additive composition ratio on the characterization of SiC materials has been examined. The characterization of C/SiC composites reinforced with plain woven carbon fabrics was also investigated. The fiber preform for C/SiC composites was prepared by the infiltration of complex mixture into the carbon fabric structure. SiC based composite materials were fabricated by a pressure assisted liquid phase sintering process. SiC materials possessed a good density higher than about 3.0 Mg/m 3 , accompanying the creation of secondary phase by the chemical reaction of additive materials. C/SiC composites also represented a dense morphology in the intra-fiber bundle region, even if this material had a sintered density lower than that of monolithic SiC materials. The flexural strength of SiC materials was greatly affected by the composition ratio of additive materials.

  6. Modelo para el cálculo de la resistencia del suelo a la penetración de sondas. Parte I: sondas cónicas


    Ernesto Ramos Carbajal; Arturo Martínez Rodríguez; Armando García de la Figal Costales


    La sonda de punta cónica constituye la base de comparación para el diseño de cualquier otro tipo de sonda. Un modelo teórico conceptual de la interacción con el suelo de una sonda de punta cónica destinada al sensoramiento de la resistencia a la penetración del suelo, se expone en el presente trabajo. El modelo, elaborado a partir de un análisis cuasi-estático del sistema de fuerzas que actúa sobre la sonda, tiene en cuenta las dimensiones y forma geométrica del cono, así como propiedades fís...

  7. Effects of dual-ion irradiation on the swelling of SiC/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kishimoto, Hirotatsu; Kohyama, Akira; Ozawa, Kazumi; Kondo, Sosuke


    Silicon carbide (SiC) matrix composites reinforced by SiC fibers is a candidate structural material of fusion gas-cooled blanket system. From the viewpoint of material designs, it is important to investigate the swelling by irradiation, which results from the accumulation of displacement damages. In the fusion environment, (n, α) nuclear reactions are considered to produce helium gas in SiC. For the microstructural evolution, a dual-ion irradiation method is able to simulate the effects of helium. In the present research, 1.7 MeV tandem and 1 MeV single-end accelerators were used for Si self-ion irradiation and helium implantation, respectively. The average helium over displacement per atom (dpa) ratio in SiC was adjusted to 60 appm/dpa. The irradiation temperature ranged from room temperature to 1400degC. The irradiation-induced swelling was measured by the step height method. Helium that was implanted simultaneously with displacement damages in dual-ion irradiated SiC increased the swelling that was larger than that by single-ion irradiated SiC below 800degC. Since this increase was not observed above 1000degC, the interaction of helium and displacement damages was considered to change above 800degC. In this paper, the microstructural behavior and dimensional stability of SiC materials under the fusion relevant environment are discussed. (author)

  8. Análisis evolutivo del concepto de adaptación a la diabetes tipo 2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Martín Castro-Espinoza


    Full Text Available El concepto de adaptación tiene diferentes aplicaciones y acepciones. En personas que viven con diabetes tipo 2 (DT2 se asocia con la observancia del tratamiento y el control glucémico. Es utilizado frecuentemente en la literatura de salud pero no está claro qué signi- fica en personas que viven con esta enfermedad, por lo que el propósito de esta investigación fue analizar el concepto de adaptación a la DT2. Metodología: se utilizó el método de análisis evolutivo de concepto de Rodgers. Los datos se codificaron por autor, 16 en total, palabras clave, hallazgos, antecedentes, atributos y consecuencias, conceptos relativos y sustitutos. La guía del análisis respondió a tres preguntas: ¿ cómo define el concepto el autor? ¿ Qué características o atributos se establecen? ¿ Qué idea da el autor acerca del concepto? Resultados: el concepto de adaptación muestra atributos que permiten definirlo como un proceso que se presenta en tres fases: reac- ción, asimilación y respuesta. Los antecedentes corresponden a conductas previas al proceso, los resultados incluyen desafíos y cambios. Conclusiones: los atributos, los antecedentes y las consecuencias ofrecen guías para la investigación; es necesario ampliar el estudio en el contexto del hogar, la familia, el trabajo y el hospital.

  9. Initial assessment of environmental effects on SiC/SiC composites in helium-cooled nuclear systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Contescu, Cristian I [ORNL


    This report summarized the information available in the literature on the chemical reactivity of SiC/SiC composites and of their components in contact with the helium coolant used in HTGR, VHTR and GFR designs. In normal operation conditions, ultra-high purity helium will have chemically controlled impurities (water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen) that will create a slightly oxidizing gas environment. Little is known from direct experiments on the reactivity of third generation (nuclear grade) SiC/SiC composites in contact with low concentrations of water or oxygen in inert gas, at high temperature. However, there is ample information about the oxidation in dry and moist air of SiC/SiC composites at high temperatures. This information is reviewed first in the next chapters. The emphasis is places on the improvement in material oxidation, thermal, and mechanical properties during three stages of development of SiC fibers and at least two stages of development of the fiber/matrix interphase. The chemical stability of SiC/SiC composites in contact with oxygen or steam at temperatures that may develop in off-normal reactor conditions supports the conclusion that most advanced composites (also known as nuclear grade SiC/SiC composites) have the chemical resistance that would allow them maintain mechanical properties at temperatures up to 1200 1300 oC in the extreme conditions of an air or water ingress accident scenario. Further research is needed to assess the long-term stability of advanced SiC/SiC composites in inert gas (helium) in presence of very low concentrations (traces) of water and oxygen at the temperatures of normal operation of helium-cooled reactors. Another aspect that needs to be investigated is the effect of fast neutron irradiation on the oxidation stability of advanced SiC/SiC composites in normal operation conditions.

  10. Process-property relationships of SiC chemical vapor deposition in the Si/H/C/O system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Richardson, C.; Takoudis, C.G.


    The thermal, chemical, and physical properties of SiC make it an attractive material for a wide range of applications from wear resistant coatings on tools to high temperature microelectronics operations. A comprehensive thermodynamic analysis has been performed for the Si/H/C/O system from which a priori process-property relationships of the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of silicon carbide (SiC) are obtained. The parameter space for pure silicon carbide growth is reported for five orders of magnitude of the system water vapor level (1 ppb--100 ppm), four orders of magnitude of system pressure (0.1--760 Torr), and two orders of magnitude of C/Si feed ratio (0.25--20) and H 2 /Si feed ratio (50--10,000). Lower growth temperatures for pure SiC are predicted in clean systems with low system water vapor levels, at stoichiometric to near carbon excess conditions (C/Si ≅ 1 to C/Si > 1), at high carrier gas flow rates (large H 2 /Si feed ratios), and at low operating pressures. Because relative C/Si and H 2 /Si feed ratios have been considered, the predictions in this study are applicable to both multiple and single precursor systems. Further, these results are valid for the CVD of α-SiC as well as β-SiC. Experimental data reported on the growth of α-SiC and β-SiC are found to be in satisfactory agreement with the theoretical predictions, for numerous systems that include multiple and single source, silicon and carbon, species

  11. Fiber/matrix interfacial thermal conductance effect on the thermal conductivity of SiC/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nguyen, Ba Nghiep; Henager, Charles H.


    SiC/SiC composites used in fusion reactor applications are subjected to high heat fluxes and require knowledge and tailoring of their in-service thermal conductivity. Accurately predicting the thermal conductivity of SiC/SiC composites as a function of temperature will guide the design of these materials for their intended use, which will eventually include the effects of 14-MeV neutron irradiations. This paper applies an Eshelby–Mori–Tanaka approach (EMTA) to compute the thermal conductivity of unirradiated SiC/SiC composites. The homogenization procedure includes three steps. In the first step EMTA computes the homogenized thermal conductivity of the unidirectional (UD) SiC fiber embraced by its coating layer. The second step computes the thermal conductivity of the UD composite formed by the equivalent SiC fibers embedded in a SiC matrix, and finally the thermal conductivity of the as-formed SiC/SiC composite is obtained by averaging the solution for the UD composite over all possible fiber orientations using the second-order fiber orientation tensor. The EMTA predictions for the transverse thermal conductivity of several types of SiC/SiC composites with different fiber types and interfaces are compared to the predicted and experimental results by Youngblood et al. [J. Nucl. Mater. 307–311 (2002) 1120–1125, Fusion Sci. Technol. 45 (2004) 583–591, Compos. Sci. Technol. 62 (2002) 1127–1139.

  12. Relaciones estructura-función de la proteína SP-C del surfactante pulmonar: efectos sobre la estructura de membranas y papel del colesterol


    Roldán López, Nuria


    La función respiratoria depende del establecimiento de una interfase aire-líquido que tiene lugar en los alveolos pulmonares. La estabilización de dicha interfase requiere la presencia de un complejo lipoproteico que es sintetizado y secretado por las células epiteliales alveolares de tipo II, también llamadas neumocitos tipo II. Este material se denomina surfactante pulmonar y sus funciones principales implican la estabilización de los alveolos a lo largo de los ciclos respiratorios, así com...

  13. PIE of nuclear grade SiC/SiC flexural coupons irradiated to 10 dpa at LWR temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koyanagi, Takaaki [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Katoh, Yutai [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    Silicon carbide fiber-reinforced SiC matrix (SiC/SiC) composites are being actively investigated for accident-tolerant core structures of light water reactors (LWRs). Owing to the limited number of irradiation studies previously conducted at LWR-coolant temperature, this study examined SiC/SiC composites following neutron irradiation at 230–340°C to 2.0 and 11.8 dpa in the High Flux Isotope Reactor. The investigated materials are chemical vapor infiltrated (CVI) SiC/SiC composites with three different reinforcement fibers. The fiber materials were monolayer pyrolytic carbon (PyC)-coated Hi-NicalonTM Type-S (HNS), TyrannoTM SA3 (SA3), and SCS-UltraTM (SCS) SiC fibers. The irradiation resistance of these composites was investigated based on flexural behavior, dynamic Young’s modulus, swelling, and microstructures. There was no notable mechanical properties degradation of the irradiated HNS and SA3 SiC/SiC composites except for reduction of the Young’s moduli by up to 18%. The microstructural stability of these composites supported the absence of degradation. In addition, no progressive swelling from 2.0 to 11.8 dpa was confirmed for these composites. On the other hand, the SCS composite showed significant mechanical degradation associated with cracking within the fiber. This study determined that SiC/SiC composites with HNS or SA3 SiC/SiC fibers, a PyC interphase, and a CVI SiC matrix retain their properties beyond the lifetime dose for LWR fuel cladding at the relevant temperature.

  14. Thermally induced formation of SiC nanoparticles from Si/C/Si multilayers deposited by ultra-high-vacuum ion beam sputtering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, C-K; Wu, B-H


    A novel approach for the formation of SiC nanoparticles (np-SiC) is reported. Deposition of Si/C/Si multilayers on Si(100) wafers by ultra-high-vacuum ion beam sputtering was followed by thermal annealing in vacuum for conversion into SiC nanoparticles. The annealing temperature significantly affected the size, density, and distribution of np-SiC. No nanoparticles were formed for multilayers annealed at 500 0 C, while a few particles started to appear when the annealing temperature was increased to 700 0 C. At an annealing temperature of 900 0 C, many small SiC nanoparticles, of several tens of nanometres, surrounding larger submicron ones appeared with a particle density approximately 16 times higher than that observed at 700 0 C. The higher the annealing temperature was, the larger the nanoparticle size, and the higher the density. The higher superheating at 900 0 C increased the amount of stable nuclei, and resulted in a higher particle density compared to that at 700 0 C. These particles grew larger at 900 0 C to reduce the total surface energy of smaller particles due to the higher atomic mobility and growth rate. The increased free energy of stacking defects during particle growth will limit the size of large particles, leaving many smaller particles surrounding the large ones. A mechanism for the np-SiC formation is proposed in this paper

  15. New evaluation method of crack growth in SiC/SiC composites using interface elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serizawa, H.; Ando, M.; Lewinsohn, C.A.; Murakawa, H.


    Crack propagation behavior in SiC/SiC composites was analyzed using a new computer simulation method that included time-dependent interface elements. The simulation method was used to describe the time-dependent crack growth in SiC/SiC composites under four-point bending of single-edge-notched beam bend-bars. Two methods were used to simulate time-dependent crack growth in SiC/SiC composites due to fiber creep. In one method, the creep property was introduced into the interface elements by the general method of finite element method (FEM) analysis. In the second method, a new technique making the best use of the potential function was used to represent crack closure tractions due to creeping fibers. The stage-II slow crack growth of a general creep deformation was simulated by both methods. Additionally, stage-III crack growth and the transition from stage-II to stage-III could be simulated by the new method. The new method has the potential to completely simulate time-dependent crack growth behavior in SiC/SiC composites due to fiber creep

  16. Synthesis and characterization of laminated Si/SiC composites (United States)

    Naga, Salma M.; Kenawy, Sayed H.; Awaad, Mohamed; Abd El-Wahab, Hamada S.; Greil, Peter; Abadir, Magdi F.


    Laminated Si/SiC ceramics were synthesized from porous preforms of biogenous carbon impregnated with Si slurry at a temperature of 1500 °C for 2 h. Due to the capillarity infiltration with Si, both intrinsic micro- and macrostructure in the carbon preform were retained within the final ceramics. The SEM micrographs indicate that the final material exhibits a distinguished laminar structure with successive Si/SiC layers. The produced composites show weight gain of ≈5% after heat treatment in air at 1300 °C for 50 h. The produced bodies could be used as high temperature gas filters as indicated from the permeability results. PMID:25685404

  17. Synthesis and characterization of laminated Si/SiC composites

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    Salma M. Naga


    Full Text Available Laminated Si/SiC ceramics were synthesized from porous preforms of biogenous carbon impregnated with Si slurry at a temperature of 1500 °C for 2 h. Due to the capillarity infiltration with Si, both intrinsic micro- and macrostructure in the carbon preform were retained within the final ceramics. The SEM micrographs indicate that the final material exhibits a distinguished laminar structure with successive Si/SiC layers. The produced composites show weight gain of ≈5% after heat treatment in air at 1300 °C for 50 h. The produced bodies could be used as high temperature gas filters as indicated from the permeability results.

  18. SiC/SiC composites by preceramic polymer infiltration and pyrolysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schiroky, G.H.


    Lanxide Corporation has been developing fiber-reinforced silicon carbide matrix composites using the technique of preceramic polymer infiltration and pyrolysis, commonly referred to as the PIP-process. In this method, liquid CERASET TM preceramic polymer is being infiltrated into lay-ups of ceramic fibers, thermoset, and pyrolized at elevated temperatures for conversion into a SiC matrix. Several cycles of reinfiltration and pyrolysis must be performed to build up the SiC matrix because of the increase in density during pyrolysis from 1.0 g/cm 3 for the liquid polymer to between 2.2 and 3.2 g/cm 3 for the ceramic matrix. Composites have been fabricated using three different approaches: first, polymer infiltration of free-standing fiber preforms in which the fiber plies are being held together with a C/SiC duplex coating applied by chemical vapor infiltration; second, infiltration of individually coated fiber plies contained in a mold using the resin transfer molding method; and third, infiltration of vacuum-bagged, individually coated fiber plies using the vacuum assisted resin infiltration technique. Very good mechanical properties of Nicalon TM /SiC and Hi-Nicalon TM /SiC composites have been obtained, with four-point flexural strengths exceeding 400 MPa and toughnesses in the 20 to 30 MPa·m 1/2 range. The thermal conductivity of the fabricated composites is low (below 5 W/m·K) and must be improved substantially to meet the requirements for fusion structural applications. The fabricated components are relatively dense and impermeable to nitrogen, however, are readily permeated by helium. Chemical analysis has indicated the presence of a small amount of nitrogen (ca. 1 wt%) in the SiC material after pyrolysis of the CERASET preceramic polymer at 1600degC. (author)

  19. SiC/SiC composites by preceramic polymer infiltration and pyrolysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schiroky, G.H. [Lanxide Corporation, Newark, DE (United States)


    Lanxide Corporation has been developing fiber-reinforced silicon carbide matrix composites using the technique of preceramic polymer infiltration and pyrolysis, commonly referred to as the PIP-process. In this method, liquid CERASET{sup TM} preceramic polymer is being infiltrated into lay-ups of ceramic fibers, thermoset, and pyrolized at elevated temperatures for conversion into a SiC matrix. Several cycles of reinfiltration and pyrolysis must be performed to build up the SiC matrix because of the increase in density during pyrolysis from 1.0 g/cm{sup 3} for the liquid polymer to between 2.2 and 3.2 g/cm{sup 3} for the ceramic matrix. Composites have been fabricated using three different approaches: first, polymer infiltration of free-standing fiber preforms in which the fiber plies are being held together with a C/SiC duplex coating applied by chemical vapor infiltration; second, infiltration of individually coated fiber plies contained in a mold using the resin transfer molding method; and third, infiltration of vacuum-bagged, individually coated fiber plies using the vacuum assisted resin infiltration technique. Very good mechanical properties of Nicalon{sup TM}/SiC and Hi-Nicalon{sup TM}/SiC composites have been obtained, with four-point flexural strengths exceeding 400 MPa and toughnesses in the 20 to 30 MPa{center_dot}m{sup 1/2} range. The thermal conductivity of the fabricated composites is low (below 5 W/m{center_dot}K) and must be improved substantially to meet the requirements for fusion structural applications. The fabricated components are relatively dense and impermeable to nitrogen, however, are readily permeated by helium. Chemical analysis has indicated the presence of a small amount of nitrogen (ca. 1 wt%) in the SiC material after pyrolysis of the CERASET preceramic polymer at 1600degC. (author)

  20. Materiales compuestos C/SiC para aplicaciones estructurales de alta temperatura. Parte II: Sistemas de protección contra la oxidación

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    Aparicio, M.


    Full Text Available The fact which currently excludes the use of C/SiC composites in high temperature structural applications is the high oxidation rate of carbon fibres at temperatures higher than 450ºC. In this second part of the paper, a review of the different oxidation protection systems, including inhibitors, surface modification of composites, coatings and previous infiltration of the substrates, has been carried out. The addition of inhibitors reduces the oxidation rate, but only up to 850ºC, while the surface modification of composites leads to thin coatings with poor thermal shock resistance. On the other hand, the external layers are the most usual method employed because allows combining different compositions and thicknesses. The multilayer coatings are especially interesting in applications with wide temperature range and thermal shocks requirements. The infiltration of substrate porosity improves slightly the oxidation resistance of C/SiC composites reducing the oxygen accessibility to carbon fibres. However, the infiltration complements very well the oxidation protection performance of a coating system at low temperature, since these normally present open cracks due to mismatch between coating and substrate thermal expansion coefficients.

    La utilización de los materiales compuestos C/SiC en aplicaciones estructurales a alta temperatura está limitada por la elevada velocidad de oxidación de la fibra de carbono a temperaturas superiores de 450ºC. En esta segunda parte del trabajo se realiza una revisión de las posibilidades de protección contra la oxidación de estos materiales, incluyendo inhibidores, modificación superficial del material compuesto, recubrimientos e infiltración previa del sustrato. La eficacia de los inhibidores de la reacción de oxidación esta restringida a temperaturas de hasta 850ºC, mientras que la modificación superficial del material compuesto da lugar a capas delgadas y poco resistentes a los ciclos t

  1. Technique development for modulus, microcracking, hermeticity, and coating evaluation capability characterization of SiC/SiC tubes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hu, Xunxiang [Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Ang, Caen K. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Singh, Gyanender P. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Katoh, Yutai [Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    Driven by the need to enlarge the safety margins of nuclear fission reactors in accident scenarios, research and development of accident-tolerant fuel has become an important topic in the nuclear engineering and materials community. A continuous-fiber SiC/SiC composite is under consideration as a replacement for traditional zirconium alloy cladding owing to its high-temperature stability, chemical inertness, and exceptional irradiation resistance. An important task is the development of characterization techniques for SiC/SiC cladding, since traditional work using rectangular bars or disks cannot directly provide useful information on the properties of SiC/SiC composite tubes for fuel cladding applications. At Oak Ridge National Laboratory, experimental capabilities are under development to characterize the modulus, microcracking, and hermeticity of as-fabricated, as-irradiated SiC/SiC composite tubes. Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy has been validated as a promising technique to evaluate the elastic properties of SiC/SiC composite tubes and microcracking within the material. A similar technique, impulse excitation, is efficient in determining the basic mechanical properties of SiC bars prepared by chemical vapor deposition; it also has potential for application in studying the mechanical properties of SiC/SiC composite tubes. Complete evaluation of the quality of the developed coatings, a major mitigation strategy against gas permeation and hydrothermal corrosion, requires the deployment of various experimental techniques, such as scratch indentation, tensile pulling-off tests, and scanning electron microscopy. In addition, a comprehensive permeation test station is being established to assess the hermeticity of SiC/SiC composite tubes and to determine the H/D/He permeability of SiC/SiC composites. This report summarizes the current status of the development of these experimental capabilities.

  2. Clima organizacional y liderazgo: predictores del desempeño docente, en los Centros Educativos Iniciales de la Unión Peruana del Norte, 2016.


    Espinoza Poves, Jenny Luz


    El estudio queda en sintonía del objetivo: determinar si el clima organizacional y el liderazgo son predictores del desempeño docente, en los centros educativos iniciales de la Unión Peruana del Norte, 2016. Para lograr un excelente sustento teórico del estudio, se revisaron las teorías y otros estudios sobre las tres variables de estudio: clima organizacional, liderazgo transformacional y desempeño docente. Se recurrió a un enfoque cuantitativo, sostenido en los tipos: descriptivo, correlaci...

  3. Metallization of ion beam synthesized Si/3C-SiC/Si layer systems by high-dose implantation of transition metal ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lindner, J.K.N.; Wenzel, S.; Stritzker, B.


    The formation of metal silicide layers contacting an ion beam synthesized buried 3C-SiC layer in silicon by means of high-dose titanium and molybdenum implantations is reported. Two different strategies to form such contact layers are explored. The titanium implantation aims to convert the Si top layer of an epitaxial Si/SiC/Si layer sequence into TiSi 2 , while Mo implantations were performed directly into the SiC layer after selectively etching off all capping layers. Textured and high-temperature stable C54-TiSi 2 layers with small additions of more metal-rich silicides are obtained in the case of the Ti implantations. Mo implantations result in the formation of the high-temperature phase β-MoSi 2 , which also grows textured on the substrate. The formation of cavities in the silicon substrate at the lower SiC/Si interface due to the Si consumption by the growing silicide phase is observed in both cases. It probably constitutes a problem, occurring whenever thin SiC films on silicon have to be contacted by silicide forming metals independent of the deposition technique used. It is shown that this problem can be solved with ion beam synthesized contact layers by proper adjustment of the metal ion dose

  4. Effect of TiO2 addition on reaction between SiC and Ni in SiC-Ni cermet spray coatings. Part 2. ; Development of SiC-based cermet spray coatings. SiC-Ni yosha himakuchu no SiC-Ni kaimen hanno ni oyobosu TiO2 tenka no koka. 2. ; SiC-ki sametto yosha himaku no kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakamura, T [Kumano Technical College, Mie (Japan); Oki, S; Goda, S [Kinki Univ., Higashi-Osaka, Osaka (Japan). Faculty of Science and Technology


    The depression of the reaction between SiC and Ni, by adding TiO2 powder in spraying powder which has caused uniform dispersion in spray coating and reduction of TiO2 by the reaction during spraying, was studied. The mass ratio of the mixed components has been, SiC:Ni:TiO2=3:2:1. The spray coating was examined by electron prove microanalysis as well as X-ray diffractometry, centering mainly to the SiC-metal interface reaction. The formation of Ni-Si compounds have been depressed by the addition of TiO2 to spraying powder and by using plasma gas containing H2. Reason for this has been that the TiC formed in the SiC-Ni interface has depressed the reaction at the SiC-Ni interface. Further, TiO2 is reduced during spraying, and TiC is thought to be formed by the reaction between Ti and SiC or reaction between TiO2 and SiC. 8 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab.

  5. Biomecánica del pié diabético: estudio experimental de pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo I con y sin neuropatía periférica


    Pérez Verdún, Miguel Ángel


    La prevalencia de pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo I en España supone del 10 al 15% del total de los pacientes con diabetes. Algunos estudios apoyan la correlación entre alteraciones biomecánicas del pie y el desarrollo neuropático en diabetes. Objetivo Principal: Relacionar las alteraciones biomecánicas del pie con la presencia de neuropatía periférica de miembros inferiores en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1. Objetivos secundarios: Conocer los patrones de presión plantar, sup...

  6. Comparative study of SiC- and Si-based photovoltaic inverters (United States)

    Ando, Yuji; Oku, Takeo; Yasuda, Masashi; Shirahata, Yasuhiro; Ushijima, Kazufumi; Murozono, Mikio


    This article reports comparative study of 150-300 W class photovoltaic inverters (Si inverter, SiC inverter 1, and SiC inverter 2). In these sub-kW class inverters, the ON-resistance was considered to have little influence on the efficiency. The developed SiC inverters, however, have exhibited an approximately 3% higher direct current (DC)-alternating current (AC) conversion efficiency as compared to the Si inverter. Power loss analysis indicated a reduction in the switching and reverse recovery losses of SiC metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors used for the DC-AC converter is responsible for this improvement. In the SiC inverter 2, an increase of the switching frequency up to 100 kHz achieved a state-of-the-art combination of the weight (1.25 kg) and the volume (1260 cm3) as a 150-250 W class inverter. Even though the increased switching frequency should cause the increase of the switching losses, the SiC inverter 2 exhibited an efficiency comparable to the SiC inverter 1 with a switching frequency of 20 kHz. The power loss analysis also indicated a decreased loss of the DC-DC converter built with SiC Schottky barrier diodes led to the high efficiency for its increased switching frequency. These results clearly indicated feasibility of SiC devices even for sub-kW photovoltaic inverters, which will be available for the applications where compactness and efficiency are of tremendous importance.

  7. Direct insight into grains formation in Si layers grown on 3C-SiC by chemical vapor deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khazaka, Rami; Portail, Marc; Vennéguès, Philippe; Alquier, Daniel; Michaud, Jean François


    Graphical abstract: In this contribution, we demonstrated the influence of the 3C-SiC layer on the subsequent growth of Si epilayers. We were able to give a direct evidence that the rotation in the Si epilayer of 90° around the growth direction occurs exactly on the termination of an antiphase boundary in the 3C-SiC layer as shown in the figure above. Thus, increasing the layer thickness of the 3C-SiC leads to a direct improvement of the crystalline quality of the subsequent Si epilayer. (a) Cross-section bright-field TEM image of the Si/3C-SiC layer stack along two 3C-SiC zone axes [1 −1 0] and [1 1 0] (equivalent to [1 −1 1] and [1 1 2] in Si, respectively), (b) dark field image selecting a (2 0 −2) electron diffraction spot indicated by the black circle in the SAED shown as inset, (c) dark field image selecting a (−1 1 −1) electron diffraction spot indicated by the black circle in the SAED shown as inset. The dotted white line in the images show the position of the defect in the 3C-SiC layer. - Abstract: This work presents a structural study of silicon (Si) thin films grown on cubic silicon carbide (3C-SiC) by chemical vapor deposition. The presence of grains rotated by 90° around the growth direction in the Si layer is directly related to the presence of antiphase domains on the 3C-SiC surface. We were able to provide a direct evidence that the 90° rotation of Si grains around the growth direction occurs exactly on the termination of antiphase boundaries (APBs) in 3C-SiC layer. Increasing the 3C-SiC thickness reduces the APBs density on 3C-SiC surface leading to a clear improvement of the uppermost Si film crystal quality. Furthermore, we observed by high resolution plan-view TEM images the presence of hexagonal Si domains limited to few nm in size. These hexagonal Si domains are inclusions in small Si grains enclosed in larger ones rotated by 90°. Finally, we propose a model of grains formation in the Si layer taking into consideration the effect

  8. Structure of MnSi on SiC(0001) (United States)

    Meynell, S. A.; Spitzig, A.; Edwards, B.; Robertson, M. D.; Kalliecharan, D.; Kreplak, L.; Monchesky, T. L.


    We report on the growth and magnetoresistance of MnSi films grown on SiC(0001) by molecular beam epitaxy. The growth resulted in a textured MnSi(111) film with a predominantly [1 1 ¯0 ] MnSi (111 )∥[11 2 ¯0 ] SiC(0001) epitaxial relationship, as demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy, reflection high energy electron diffraction, and atomic force microscopy. The 500 ∘C temperature required to crystallize the film leads to a dewetting of the MnSi layer. Although the sign of the lattice mismatch suggested the films would be under compressive stress, the films acquire an in-plane tensile strain likely driven by the difference in thermal expansion coefficients between the film and substrate during annealing. As a result, the magnetoresistive response demonstrates that the films possess a hard-axis out-of-plane magnetocrystalline anisotropy.

  9. Effect of irradiation on thermal expansion of SiCf/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Senor, D.J.; Trimble, D.J.; Woods, J.J.


    Linear thermal expansion was measured on five different SiC-fiber-reinforced/SiC-matrix (SiC f /SiC) composite types in the unirradiated and irradiated conditions. Two matrices were studied in combination with Nicalon CG reinforcement and a 150 nm PyC fiber/matrix interface: chemical vapor infiltrated (CVI) SiC and liquid-phase polymer impregnated precursor (PIP) SiC. Composites of PIP SiC with Tyranno and HPZ fiber reinforcement and a 150 nm PyC interface were also tested, as were PIP SiC composites with Nicalon CG reinforcement and a 150 nm BN fiber/matrix interface. The irradiation was conducted in the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II at a nominal temperature of 1,000 C to doses of either 33 or 43 dpa-SiC. Irradiation caused complete fiber/matrix debonding in the CVI SiC composites due to a dimensional stability mismatch between fiber and matrix, while the PIP SiC composites partially retained their fiber/matrix interface after irradiation. However, the thermal expansion of all the materials tested was found to be primarily dependent on the matrix and independent of either the fiber or the fiber/matrix interface. Further, irradiation had no significant effect on thermal expansion for either the CVI SiC or PIP SiC composites. In general, the thermal expansion of the CVI SiC composites exceeded that of the PIP SiC composites, particularly at elevated temperatures, but the expansion of both matrix types was less than chemical vapor deposited (CVD) β-SiC at all temperatures

  10. Oxidation-resistant interface coatings for SiC/SiC composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stinton, D.P.; Kupp, E.R.; Hurley, J.W.; Lowden, R.A. [Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States)] [and others


    The characteristics of the fiber-matrix interfaces in ceramic matrix composites control the mechanical behavior of these composites. Finite element modeling (FEM) was performed to examine the effect of interface coating modulus and coefficient of thermal expansion on composite behavior. Oxide interface coatings (mullite and alumina-titania) produced by a sol-gel method were chosen for study as a result of the FEM results. Amorphous silicon carbide deposited by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is also being investigated for interface coatings in SiC-matrix composites. Processing routes for depositing coatings of these materials were developed. Composites with these interfaces were produced and tested in flexure both as-processed and after oxidation to examine the suitability of these materials as interface coatings for SiC/SiC composites in fossil energy applications.

  11. Evolución del tipo de cambio peso mexicano/dólar estadounidense y el uso de derivados financieros


    María de Lourdes Nájera López


    En este trabajo se analiza la evolución del tipo de cambio peso mexicano frente al dólar estadounidense, su volatilidad, así como el uso de los derivados financieros en las diferentes crisis que ha sufrido el país. Todo ello a partir de 1954 a la fecha, en donde se han registrado los regímenes de tipo de cambio: fijo, dual, de bandas de flotación y el de libre flotación. Se concluye que el tipo de cambio mexicano es volátil y que cualquier fenómeno económico o financiero externo repercute en ...

  12. SiC/SiC composites through transient eutectic-phase route for fusion applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katoh, Y.; Kohyama, A.; Nozawa, T.; Sato, M.


    Factors that may limit attractiveness of silicon-carbide-based ceramic composites to fusion applications include thermal conductivity, applicable design stress, chemical compatibility, hermeticity, radiation stability and fabrication cost. A novel SiC/SiC composite, which has recently been developed through nano-infiltration and transient eutectic-phase (NITE) processing route, surpasses conventional materials in many of these properties. In this paper, the latest development, property evaluation and prospect of the NITE SiC/SiC composites are briefly reviewed. The topics range from fundamental aspects of process development to industrial process development. Elevated temperature strength, fracture behavior, and thermo-physical properties in various environments are summarized. Future directions of materials and application technology development are also discussed

  13. Papel del estrés oxidativo y del coenzima q en la patología asociada a procesos neurodegenerativos y neurooncológicos


    Frontiñan Rubio, Javier


    El estrés oxidativo subyace a una gran variedad de enfermedades, entre las que destacan las enfermedades neurodegenerativas y el cáncer. En la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA), el estrés oxidativo aparece en etapas muy iniciales de la enfermedad y está asociado con alteraciones clave como la patología vascular. El p-amiloide (FA), proteína patológica de la EA, es un fuerte inductor de estrés oxidativo y de la patología vascular. El glioblastoma multiforme, es el principal tipo tumora I del si...

  14. Caracterización estacional del hábitat fluvial del río Erro (Navarra

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    P.M. Leunda, R. Miranda, M.C. Escala


    Full Text Available Se presenta la descripción de catorce tramos representativos del río Erro (Navarra a partir de la caracterización del hábitat fluvial llevada a cabo en invierno, verano y otoño de 2002. Para este estudio se han considerado parámetros tanto del hábitat físico (profundidad, anchura del cauce, pendiente de las orillas, velocidad del agua, tipo de sustrato, vegetación acuática y sombreado como físico-químicos del agua (temperatura, pH, conductividad, sólicos disueltos y oxigeno disuelto. El análisis de las caracteristicas del rio Erro permite considerar su estado general como bueno, aunque se detecta la presencia de un tramo sensible aguas abajo de la localidad de Erro. Si bien este tramo sensible presenta niveles de conservación aceptables, es susceptible de deteriorarse si no de adoptan las medidas oportunas para su conservación. Se sugiere su inclusión en el Lugar de Interés Comunitario (Red Natura 2000 de Navarra de los "Sistemas Fluviales de lis Ríos Irati, Urrobi y Erro".

  15. Incidencia de cáncer en el área sanitaria del Salnés: período 2001-2005


    García Sanz, Teresa


    [Resumen] Se registraron todos los casos de cáncer diagnosticados en el Hospital del Salnés desde enero 2001 hasta diciembre de 2005; todos confirmados histológicamente. Se calculó la densidad de incidencia para cada tipo de tumor; se ajustó a la población mundial para compararla con la incidencia en diversos registros de otras Comunidades Autónomas españolas. El cáncer más frecuente fue, en varones, el cáncer de piel no melanoma, el cáncer de próstata y del cáncer de colon; e...

  16. Efecto del ácido indolbutírico y tipo de estaquilla en el enraizamiento de sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.

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    Henry Ruiz-Solsol


    Full Text Available Plukenetia volubilis, conocida como sacha inchi (maní del Inca es una planta trepadora, semileñosa y perenne, nativa de la Amazonía Peruana. Sus semillas son ricas en proteínas y aceite de alta calidad, importantes en alimentación humana, y aplicaciones en salud, cosmética y medicina. La ausencia de métodos confiables de propagación asexual ha limitado su plantación y uso a nivel industrial. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de 4 dosis de ácido indolbutírico (0,00; 0,10; 0,15 y 0,20% y 3 tipos de estaquilla (basal, intermedia y apical sobre el enraizamiento de sacha inchi, mediante cámaras de subirrigación. Se realizó en el vivero del Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (IIAP en San Martín, Perú, a través de un diseño completamente al azar (DCA con arreglo factorial 4 x 3, con 3 repeticiones y 9 estaquillas por unidad experimental. Al término de 30 días las estaquillas intermedias y basales mostraron mayor enraizamiento (78,70 y 77,78%, número de raíces (19,21 y 15,75 y longitud de raíz mayor (4,07 y 4,24 cm. Fue necesaria la aplicación de AIB para lograr un buen enraizamiento en estaquillasde esta especie. Al aplicar dosis de AIB a 0,15 y 0,20% se obtuvo el mayor porcentaje de enraizamiento (92,59 y 87,65%, número de raíces (25,94 y 20,05 y longitud de raíz mayor (4,25 y 4,57 cm. Se concluye que es posible propagar sacha inchi por estaquillas (más de 80% de enraizamiento si se aplica la dosis adecuada de AIB a estaquillas intermedias y basales.

  17. Fabrication and characterization of 2.5D and 3D SiC{sub f}/SiC composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, Shuang, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Advanced Ceramic Fibers and Composites, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073 (China); School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL (United Kingdom); Zhou, Xingui; Yu, Jinshan [Key Laboratory of Advanced Ceramic Fibers and Composites, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073 (China); Mummery, Paul [School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL (United Kingdom)


    Highlights: • 2.5D and 3D KD-I SiC fiber fabrics were used as the reinforcement. • Closed porosity was investigated by X-ray tomographic techniques. • The properties of the composites were improved by the CVD process. -- Abstract: SiC{sub f}/SiC composites are considered promising candidate materials for fusion applications. 2.5D and 3D KD-I SiC fiber fabrics were used as the reinforcement and SiC{sub f}/SiC composites were fabricated via polymer impregnation and pyrolysis (PIP) process and coated with chemical vapor deposited (CVD) SiC. The porosity, thermal conductivity and mechanical property of the composites were characterized. The results indicated that 2.5D and 3D SiC{sub f}/SiC composites fabricated via PIP process exhibited high porosity, and hence low thermal conductivity. After the CVD process, the density, thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of the composites were increased.

  18. Estudio del comportamiento a la corrosión por picadura de materiales compuestos de matriz de aluminio (A3xx.x/SiCp

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    Pardo, A.


    Full Text Available The influence of the SiCp proportion on the pitting corrosion of A3xx.x/SiC/xxp composites was studied by means of potenciodinamic polarization and double cyclic polarization in saline environment at 25 °C. A360/SiC/xxp matrix does not contain copper, whereas the A380/SiC/xxp matrix contains l,39'l,44w %Ni and 3,13-3,45wt %Cu. The kinetic study was carried out by gravimetric measurements. The nature of corrosion products was analysed by low angle XRD and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM. The corrosion is due to nucleation and growth of Al2O3·3H2O on the material surface. The corrosion increases with the reinforcement proportion, chloride concentration and copper content.

    Se estudia la influencia de la proporción de SiCp, en la resistencia a la corrosión por picadura, de composites A3xx.x/SiC/xxp, mediante medidas de polarización potencio^ dinámica y de doble polarización cíclica cuando operan en ambiente salino a 25 °C. La matriz del material A360/SiC/xxp no contiene cobre, mientras que el material A380/SiC/xxp contiene 1,394,44 % Ni y 3,13-3,45 % Cu. El estudio cinético se realizó mediante medidas gravimétricas. La naturaleza de los productos de corrosión se estudió por difracción de rayos X de incidencia rasante y microscopía electrónica de barrido. La degradación está asociada a la nucleación y crecimiento de Al2O3·3H2O sobre la superficie de los materiales y aumenta con la proporción de refuerzo, la concentración de iones cloruro del medio y la concentración de cobre del material.

  19. El Síndrome de Déficit Atencional del Escolar como Expresión Clínica de los Trastornos del Sueño de Tipo Comicial.

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    Elsa Bartolotti Laurens


    Full Text Available El presente articulo realiza un primer informe del trabajo clínico realizado a lo largo de los últimos doce años fundamentando que el Síndrome de Déficit atencional con o sin hiperactividad, (TDAH y TDA, así como otros signos y síntomas descritos como trastornos de conducta y desadaptación escolar, que se observan en un considerable número de sujetos, resultan ser expresiones diferentes de un mismo cuadro clínico, los que se pueden clasificar en lo etiológico como una comicialidad del sueño, Lo anterior se verifica observando los resultados del EEG digital durante el sueño espontáneo los cuales evidencian crisis paroxísticas de tipo onda lenta de aparición intermitente, parciales o generalizadas. Se aporta, de este modo, un nuevo enfoque para el estudio de estos cuadros además de un más pertinente abordaje de tipo terapéutico farmacológico.

  20. Electrical properties of SiO{sub 2}/SiC interfaces on 2°-off axis 4H-SiC epilayers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vivona, M., E-mail: [CNR-IMM, Strada VIII, n. 5 – Zona Industriale, I-95121 Catania (Italy); Fiorenza, P. [CNR-IMM, Strada VIII, n. 5 – Zona Industriale, I-95121 Catania (Italy); Sledziewski, T.; Krieger, M. [Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU) Erlangen-Nuremberg, Department of Physics, Staudtstrasse 7/Bld. A3, D-91058 Erlangen (Germany); Chassagne, T.; Zielinski, M. [NOVASiC, Savoie Technolac, BP267, F-73375 Le Bourget-du-Lac Cedex (France); Roccaforte, F. [CNR-IMM, Strada VIII, n. 5 – Zona Industriale, I-95121 Catania (Italy)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Processing and electrical characterization of MOS capacitors fabricated on 4H-SiC epilayers grown on 2°-off axis heavily doped substrates. • Excellent characteristics of the SiO{sub 2}/4H-SiC interface in terms of flatness, interface state density and oxide reliability. • Electrical behavior of the MOS devices comparable with that obtained for the state-of-the-art of 4°-off axis 4H-SiC material. • Demonstration of the maturity of the 2°-off axis material for application in 4H-SiC MOSFET device technology. - Abstract: In this paper, the electrical properties of the SiO{sub 2}/SiC interface on silicon carbide (4H-SiC) epilayers grown on 2°-off axis substrates were studied. After epilayer growth, chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) allowed to obtain an atomically flat surface with a roughness of 0.14 nm. Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitors, fabricated on this surface, showed an interface state density of ∼1 × 10{sup 12} eV{sup −1} cm{sup −2} below the conduction band, a value which is comparable to the standard 4°-off-axis material commonly used for 4H-SiC MOS-based device fabrication. Moreover, the Fowler–Nordheim and time-zero-dielectric breakdown analyses confirmed an almost ideal behavior of the interface. The results demonstrate the maturity of the 2°-off axis material for 4H-SiC MOSFET device fabrication.

  1. In situ observation of mechanical damage within a SiC-SiC ceramic matrix composite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saucedo-Mora, L. [Institute Eduardo Torroja for Construction Sciences-CSIC, Madrid (Spain); Department of Materials, University of Oxford (United Kingdom); Lowe, T. [Manchester X-ray Imaging Facility, The University of Manchester (United Kingdom); Zhao, S. [Department of Materials, University of Oxford (United Kingdom); Lee, P.D. [Research Complex at Harwell, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (United Kingdom); Mummery, P.M. [School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, The University of Manchester (United Kingdom); Marrow, T.J., E-mail: [Department of Materials, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)


    SiC-SiC ceramic matrix composites are candidate materials for fuel cladding in Generation IV nuclear fission reactors and as accident tolerant fuel clad in current generation plant. Experimental methods are needed that can detect and quantify the development of mechanical damage, to support modelling and qualification tests for these critical components. In situ observations of damage development have been obtained of tensile and C-ring mechanical test specimens of a braided nuclear grade SiC-SiC ceramic composite tube, using a combination of ex situ and in situ computed X-ray tomography observation and digital volume correlation analysis. The gradual development of damage by matrix cracking and also the influence of non-uniform loading are examined. - Highlights: • X-ray tomography with digital volume correlation measures 3D deformation in situ. • Cracking and damage in the microstructure can be detected using the strain field. • Fracture can initiate from the monolithic coating of a SiC-SiC ceramic composite.

  2. In situ observation of mechanical damage within a SiC-SiC ceramic matrix composite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saucedo-Mora, L.; Lowe, T.; Zhao, S.; Lee, P.D.; Mummery, P.M.; Marrow, T.J.


    SiC-SiC ceramic matrix composites are candidate materials for fuel cladding in Generation IV nuclear fission reactors and as accident tolerant fuel clad in current generation plant. Experimental methods are needed that can detect and quantify the development of mechanical damage, to support modelling and qualification tests for these critical components. In situ observations of damage development have been obtained of tensile and C-ring mechanical test specimens of a braided nuclear grade SiC-SiC ceramic composite tube, using a combination of ex situ and in situ computed X-ray tomography observation and digital volume correlation analysis. The gradual development of damage by matrix cracking and also the influence of non-uniform loading are examined. - Highlights: • X-ray tomography with digital volume correlation measures 3D deformation in situ. • Cracking and damage in the microstructure can be detected using the strain field. • Fracture can initiate from the monolithic coating of a SiC-SiC ceramic composite.

  3. Current status and recent research achievements in SiC/SiC composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Katoh, Y., E-mail: [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Snead, L.L. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Henager, C.H. [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA (United States); Nozawa, T. [Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Rokkasho, Aomori (Japan); Hinoki, T. [Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Kyoto (Japan); Iveković, A.; Novak, S. [Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Gonzalez de Vicente, S.M. [EFDA Close Support Unit, Garching (Germany)


    The silicon carbide fiber-reinforced silicon carbide matrix (SiC/SiC) composite system for fusion applications has seen a continual evolution from development a fundamental understanding of the material system and its behavior in a hostile irradiation environment to the current effort which is directed at a broad-based program of technology maturation program. In essence, over the past few decades this material system has steadily moved from a laboratory curiosity to an engineering material, both for fusion structural applications and other high performance application such as aerospace. This paper outlines the recent international scientific and technological achievements towards the development of SiC/SiC composite material technologies for fusion application and discusses future research directions. It also reviews the materials system in the larger context of progress to maturity as an engineering material for both the larger nuclear community and broader engineering applications.

  4. Current status and recent research achievements in SiC/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katoh, Y.; Snead, L.L.; Henager, C.H.; Nozawa, T.; Hinoki, T.; Iveković, A.; Novak, S.; Gonzalez de Vicente, S.M.


    The silicon carbide fiber-reinforced silicon carbide matrix (SiC/SiC) composite system for fusion applications has seen a continual evolution from development a fundamental understanding of the material system and its behavior in a hostile irradiation environment to the current effort which is directed at a broad-based program of technology maturation program. In essence, over the past few decades this material system has steadily moved from a laboratory curiosity to an engineering material, both for fusion structural applications and other high performance application such as aerospace. This paper outlines the recent international scientific and technological achievements towards the development of SiC/SiC composite material technologies for fusion application and discusses future research directions. It also reviews the materials system in the larger context of progress to maturity as an engineering material for both the larger nuclear community and broader engineering applications

  5. Current status and recent research achievements in SiC/SiC composites (United States)

    Katoh, Y.; Snead, L. L.; Henager, C. H.; Nozawa, T.; Hinoki, T.; Iveković, A.; Novak, S.; Gonzalez de Vicente, S. M.


    The silicon carbide fiber-reinforced silicon carbide matrix (SiC/SiC) composite system for fusion applications has seen a continual evolution from development a fundamental understanding of the material system and its behavior in a hostile irradiation environment to the current effort which is directed at a broad-based program of technology maturation program. In essence, over the past few decades this material system has steadily moved from a laboratory curiosity to an engineering material, both for fusion structural applications and other high performance application such as aerospace. This paper outlines the recent international scientific and technological achievements towards the development of SiC/SiC composite material technologies for fusion application and discusses future research directions. It also reviews the materials system in the larger context of progress to maturity as an engineering material for both the larger nuclear community and broader engineering applications.

  6. Growing GaN LEDs on amorphous SiC buffer with variable C/Si compositions (United States)

    Cheng, Chih-Hsien; Tzou, An-Jye; Chang, Jung-Hung; Chi, Yu-Chieh; Lin, Yung-Hsiang; Shih, Min-Hsiung; Lee, Chao-Kuei; Wu, Chih-I; Kuo, Hao-Chung; Chang, Chun-Yen; Lin, Gong-Ru


    The epitaxy of high-power gallium nitride (GaN) light-emitting diode (LED) on amorphous silicon carbide (a-SixC1−x) buffer is demonstrated. The a-SixC1−x buffers with different nonstoichiometric C/Si composition ratios are synthesized on SiO2/Si substrate by using a low-temperature plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The GaN LEDs on different SixC1−x buffers exhibit different EL and C-V characteristics because of the extended strain induced interfacial defects. The EL power decays when increasing the Si content of SixC1−x buffer. The C-rich SixC1−x favors the GaN epitaxy and enables the strain relaxation to suppress the probability of Auger recombination. When the SixC1−x buffer changes from Si-rich to C-rich condition, the EL peak wavelengh shifts from 446 nm to 450 nm. Moreover, the uniform distribution contour of EL intensity spreads between the anode and the cathode because the traping density of the interfacial defect gradually reduces. In comparison with the GaN LED grown on Si-rich SixC1−x buffer, the device deposited on C-rich SixC1−x buffer shows a lower turn-on voltage, a higher output power, an external quantum efficiency, and an efficiency droop of 2.48 V, 106 mW, 42.3%, and 7%, respectively. PMID:26794268

  7. Microwave joining of SiC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silberglitt, R.; Ahmad, I. [FM Technologies, Inc., Fairfax, VA (United States); Black, W.M. [George Mason Univ., Fairfax, VA (United States)] [and others


    The purpose of this work is to optimize the properties of SiC-SiC joints made using microwave energy. The current focus is on optimization of time-temperature profiles, production of SiC from chemical precursors, and design of new applicators for joining of long tubes.

  8. SiC/SiC fuel cladding R and D Project 'SCARLET': Status and future plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kishimoto, Hirotatsu; Kohyama, Akira


    This paper provides the recent progress in SiC/SiC development towards early utilisation for LWRs based on NITE method. After the March 11 Disaster in East-Japan, ensuring safe technology for LWR became a top priority R and D in nuclear energy policy of Japan. Along this line, replacement of Zircaloy claddings with SiC/SiC based fuel cladding is becoming one of the most attractive options and a MEXT fund based project, SCARLET, and a METI fund based project have been launched as 5-year termed projects at Muroran Institute of Technology. These projects care for NITE process for making long SiC/SiC fuel pins and connecting technology integration. The SCARLET project also includes coolant compatibility and irradiation effect evaluations as LWR and LMFBR materials. The outline and the present status of the SCARLET project will be briefly introduced in the present paper. (authors)

  9. Modificación en la composición corporal de jugadores de Hockey luego del período de preparación


    Perrice, Constanza


    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre el tipo de alimentación y el cambio en la composición corporal en jugadores de hockey sobre césped masculino que integran el Seleccionado Bonaerense de primera división, luego del período de preparación del año 2009 y si se ve influenciado por el grado de información en el campo de la nutrición deportiva. A través del mismo se establece la variación en el porcentaje de masa magra y masa grasa, mediante medi...

  10. Epitaxial growth of 3C-SiC by using C{sub 60} as a carbon source; Untersuchungen zum epitaktischen Wachstum von 3C-SiC bei Verwendung einer C{sub 60}-Kohlenstoffquelle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schreiber, Sascha


    Within this work epitaxial 3C-SiC-films were grown on Si(001) substrates and on ion beam synthesized 3C-SiC(001) pseudo substrates. A rather new process was used which is based on the simultaneous deposition of C60 and Si. In order to set up the necessary experimental conditions an ultra-high vacuum chamber has been designed and built. A RHEED system was used to examine SiC film growth in-situ. Using the described technique 3C-SiC films were grown void-free on Si(001) substrates. Deposition rates of C60 and Si were chosen adequately to maintain a Si:C ratio of approximately one during the deposition process. It was shown that stoichiometric and epitaxial 3C-SiC growth with the characteristic relationship (001)[110]Si(001)[110]3C-SiC could be achieved. TEM investigations revealed that the grown 3C-SiC films consist of individual grains that extend from the Si substrate to the film surface. Two characteristic grain types could be identified. The correlation between structure and texture of void-free grown 3C-SiC films and film thickness was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Pole figure measurements showed that thin films only contain first-order 3C-SiC twins. With higher film thickness also second-order twins are found which are located as twin lamellae in grain type 2. Improvement of polar texture with increasing film thickness couldn't be observed in the investigated range of up to 550 nm. On ion beam synthesized 3C-SiC pseudo substrates homoepitaxial 3C-SiC growth could be demonstrated for the first time by using a C{sub 60} carbon source. In respect to the crystalline quality of the grown films the surface quality of the used substrates was identified as a crucial factor. Furthermore a correlation between the ratio of deposition rates of C{sub 60} and Si and 3C-SiC film quality could be found. Under silicon-rich conditions, i.e. with a Si:C ratio of slightly greater one, homoepitaxial 3C-SiC layer-by-layer growth can be achieved. Films grown under these

  11. Influence of helium atoms on the shear behavior of the fiber/matrix interphase of SiC/SiC composite (United States)

    Jin, Enze; Du, Shiyu; Li, Mian; Liu, Chen; He, Shihong; He, Jian; He, Heming


    Silicon carbide has many attractive properties and the SiC/SiC composite has been considered as a promising candidate for nuclear structural materials. Up to now, a computational investigation on the properties of SiC/SiC composite varying in the presence of nuclear fission products is still missing. In this work, the influence of He atoms on the shear behavior of the SiC/SiC interphase is investigated via Molecular Dynamics simulation following our recent paper. Calculations are carried out on three dimensional models of graphite-like PyC/SiC interphase and amorphous PyC/SiC interphase with He atoms in different regions (the SiC region, the interface region and the PyC region). In the graphite-like PyC/SiC interphase, He atoms in the SiC region have little influence on the shear strength of the material, while both the shear strength and friction strength may be enhanced when they are in the PyC region. Low concentration of He atoms in the interface region of the graphite-like PyC/SiC interphase increases the shear strength, while there is a reduction of shear strength when the He concentration is high due to the switch of sliding plane. In the amorphous PyC/SiC interphase, He atoms can cause the reduction of the shear strength regardless of the regions that He atoms are located. The presence of He atoms may significantly alter the structure of SiC/SiC in the interface region. The influence of He atoms in the interface region is the most significant, leading to evident shear strength reduction of the amorphous PyC/SiC interphase with increasing He concentration. The behaviors of the interphases at different temperatures are studied as well. The dependence of the shear strengths of the two types of interphases on temperatures is studied as well. For the graphite-like PyC/SiC interphase, it is found strongly related to the regions He atoms are located. Combining these results with our previous study on pure SiC/SiC system, we expect this work may provide new insight

  12. Influence of helium atoms on the shear behavior of the fiber/matrix interphase of SiC/SiC composite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jin, Enze [State Nuclear Power Research Institute, Beijing, 100029 (China); Du, Shiyu, E-mail: [Engineering Laboratory of Specialty Fibers and Nuclear Energy Materials, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315201 (China); Li, Mian [Engineering Laboratory of Specialty Fibers and Nuclear Energy Materials, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315201 (China); Liu, Chen [Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy (China); He, Shihong [State Nuclear Power Research Institute, Beijing, 100029 (China); Engineering Laboratory of Specialty Fibers and Nuclear Energy Materials, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315201 (China); He, Jian [Center for Translational Medicine, Department of Biotechnology, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian, Liaoning, 116023 (China); He, Heming, E-mail: [State Nuclear Power Research Institute, Beijing, 100029 (China)


    Silicon carbide has many attractive properties and the SiC/SiC composite has been considered as a promising candidate for nuclear structural materials. Up to now, a computational investigation on the properties of SiC/SiC composite varying in the presence of nuclear fission products is still missing. In this work, the influence of He atoms on the shear behavior of the SiC/SiC interphase is investigated via Molecular Dynamics simulation following our recent paper. Calculations are carried out on three dimensional models of graphite-like PyC/SiC interphase and amorphous PyC/SiC interphase with He atoms in different regions (the SiC region, the interface region and the PyC region). In the graphite-like PyC/SiC interphase, He atoms in the SiC region have little influence on the shear strength of the material, while both the shear strength and friction strength may be enhanced when they are in the PyC region. Low concentration of He atoms in the interface region of the graphite-like PyC/SiC interphase increases the shear strength, while there is a reduction of shear strength when the He concentration is high due to the switch of sliding plane. In the amorphous PyC/SiC interphase, He atoms can cause the reduction of the shear strength regardless of the regions that He atoms are located. The presence of He atoms may significantly alter the structure of SiC/SiC in the interface region. The influence of He atoms in the interface region is the most significant, leading to evident shear strength reduction of the amorphous PyC/SiC interphase with increasing He concentration. The behaviors of the interphases at different temperatures are studied as well. The dependence of the shear strengths of the two types of interphases on temperatures is studied as well. For the graphite-like PyC/SiC interphase, it is found strongly related to the regions He atoms are located. Combining these results with our previous study on pure SiC/SiC system, we expect this work may provide new insight

  13. Influence of helium atoms on the shear behavior of the fiber/matrix interphase of SiC/SiC composite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jin, Enze; Du, Shiyu; Li, Mian; Liu, Chen; He, Shihong; He, Jian; He, Heming


    Silicon carbide has many attractive properties and the SiC/SiC composite has been considered as a promising candidate for nuclear structural materials. Up to now, a computational investigation on the properties of SiC/SiC composite varying in the presence of nuclear fission products is still missing. In this work, the influence of He atoms on the shear behavior of the SiC/SiC interphase is investigated via Molecular Dynamics simulation following our recent paper. Calculations are carried out on three dimensional models of graphite-like PyC/SiC interphase and amorphous PyC/SiC interphase with He atoms in different regions (the SiC region, the interface region and the PyC region). In the graphite-like PyC/SiC interphase, He atoms in the SiC region have little influence on the shear strength of the material, while both the shear strength and friction strength may be enhanced when they are in the PyC region. Low concentration of He atoms in the interface region of the graphite-like PyC/SiC interphase increases the shear strength, while there is a reduction of shear strength when the He concentration is high due to the switch of sliding plane. In the amorphous PyC/SiC interphase, He atoms can cause the reduction of the shear strength regardless of the regions that He atoms are located. The presence of He atoms may significantly alter the structure of SiC/SiC in the interface region. The influence of He atoms in the interface region is the most significant, leading to evident shear strength reduction of the amorphous PyC/SiC interphase with increasing He concentration. The behaviors of the interphases at different temperatures are studied as well. The dependence of the shear strengths of the two types of interphases on temperatures is studied as well. For the graphite-like PyC/SiC interphase, it is found strongly related to the regions He atoms are located. Combining these results with our previous study on pure SiC/SiC system, we expect this work may provide new insight

  14. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) considerations for liquid metal blanket and a SiC/SiC composite structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scholz, R.; Greeff, J. de; Vinche, C.


    The electrical conductivity was measured on SiC/SiC composite specimens, in the as-received conditions and after neutron irradiation, for temperatures between 20 deg. C and 1000 deg. C. The tests were aimed at estimating the magnitude of MHD effects in liquid metal blankets and a SiC/SiC composites structure. The electrical conductivity of the unirradiated samples increased continuously with temperature and ranged from 330 (Ω m) -1 at 20 deg. C to 550 (Ω m) -1 at 1000 deg.C. The irradiation reduced only slightly the magnitude of σ indicating the materials tested cannot be treated as an electrical insulator in a MHD analysis for liquid metal blankets. (authors)

  15. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) considerations for liquid metal blanket and a SiC/SiC composite structure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scholz, R.; Greeff, J. de; Vinche, C. [Commission Europeenne Community, JRC, Vatican City State, Holy See (Italy)


    The electrical conductivity was measured on SiC/SiC composite specimens, in the as-received conditions and after neutron irradiation, for temperatures between 20 deg. C and 1000 deg. C. The tests were aimed at estimating the magnitude of MHD effects in liquid metal blankets and a SiC/SiC composites structure. The electrical conductivity of the unirradiated samples increased continuously with temperature and ranged from 330 ({omega} m){sup -1} at 20 deg. C to 550 ({omega} m){sup -1} at 1000 deg.C. The irradiation reduced only slightly the magnitude of {sigma} indicating the materials tested cannot be treated as an electrical insulator in a MHD analysis for liquid metal blankets. (authors)

  16. Sensing performance of plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition SiC-SiO2-SiC horizontal slot waveguides

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pandraud, G.; Margallo-Balbas, E.; Sarro, P.M.


    We have studied, for the first time, the sensing capabilities of plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) SiC-SiO2-SiC horizontal slot waveguides. Optical propagation losses were measured to be 23.9 dB?cm for the quasi-transverse magnetic mode. To assess the potential of this device as a

  17. Análisis Molecular de las Mutaciones 2299delG y C759F en Individuos Colombianos con Retinitis Pigmentosa e Hipoacusia Neurosensorial


    López, Greizy; Gelvez, Nancy Yaneth; Urrego, Luisa Fernanda; Florez, Silvia; Medina, David; Rodríguez, Vicente; Tamayo, Marta Lucía


    Objetivo: Determinar la presencia de las mutaciones 2299delG y C759F en 37 individuos colombianos no relacionados con asociación de RP e hipoacusia neurosensorial. Materiales y métodos: análisis de secuencia directa del exón 13 del gen USH2A en todos los individuos seleccionados para el estudio. Resultados: la mutación 2299delG fue observada únicamente en individuos con Síndrome de Usher tipo II, mientras que la mutación C759F, no fue observada en ninguno de los individuos del estudio. Obj...

  18. Epidemiología de la infección y detección de tipos oncogenéticos del VPH por tecnología de captura de híbridos en mujeres sin aparentes factores de riesgo


    Fuente Villarreal, David de la


    Introducción: El virus del papiloma humano (VPH) pertenece al grupo de virus con tropismo por los epitelios, infecta predominantemente la piel y las membranas mucosas produciendo proliferaciones epiteliales benignas o papilomas, que bajo ciertas circunstancias (las cuales si bien aún no han sido definidas a satisfacción, se estima que se relacionan con el estado inmunológico de la paciente, su carga genética, la presencia de ciertos receptores, así como la continua infección por diversos tipo...

  19. Degradación del ácido ascórbico en la pasteurización de bebidas tipo néctar de durazno


    Espol; Cedeño Sares, Luis Alberto


    El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo evaluar la pérdida de ácido ascórbico en el proceso de pasteurización en la elaboración de bebidas tipo néctar de durazno, mediante un estudio cinético de la pérdida de vitamina C a tres temperaturas de procesamiento térmico. Se realizó un diseño de experimento donde la variable dependiente fue la pérdida de vit. C y las variables independientes fueron la temperatura y tiempos de exposición establecidos. También se estudió la pérdida del componente enf...

  20. Roles de género tradicionales y personalidad tipo c en mujeres con diagnóstico de cáncer de mama

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Ceballos-Fontes


    Full Text Available Se identifica el desarrollo de la personalidad tipo c mediante procesos de socialización que fomentan roles normatizados de género y la relación de éstos con el cáncer de mama. Se entrevistaron mujeres diagnosticadas con esta enfermedad utilizando el método interpretativo para el análisis de datos. Los resultados mostraron relación entre los elementos descritos al encontrarse que la necesidad de armonía es el elemento prevaleciente de este constructo de personalidad que incide negativamente en prácticas de autocuidado, tales como la autoexploración mamaria y la asistencia oportuna al médico. Por ello, se proponen acciones desde la práctica psicológica que permitan promover el autocuidado enfocado en la prevención oportuna del cáncer de mama.

  1. Structural and electronic properties of Si/SiO2 MOS structures with aligned 3C-SiC nanocrystals in the oxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pongracz, A.; Battistig, G.; Duecso, Cs.; Josepovits, K.V.; Deak, P.


    Our group previously proved that a simple reactive annealing in CO containing gas produces 3C-SiC nanocrystals, which are epitaxially and void-free aligned in the Si substrate. By a further thermal oxidation step, these nanocrystals can be lifted from the Si and incorporated into the SiO 2 matrix, thereby creating a promising structure for charge storage. In this work the structural and electrical properties of such systems with nanocrystalline SiC will be presented. Prototype MOS structures with 3C-SiC nanocrystals were produced for current-voltage and capacitance-voltage measurements. The results indicate that the high-temperature annealing did not damage the MOS structure, despite the fact that the CO annealing changed the electrical properties of the system. There was a positive charge accumulation and a reversible carrier injection observed in the structure. We assume that the positive charges originated from oxygen vacancies and the charge injection is related to the presence of SiC nanocrystals

  2. Grafted SiC nanocrystals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Saini, Isha; Sharma, Annu; Dhiman, Rajnish


    ), raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. UV–Visible absorption spectroscopy was used to study optical properties such as optical energy gap (Eg), Urbach's energy (Eu), refractive index (n), real (ε1) and imaginary (ε2) parts of dielectric constant of PVA as well as PVA......Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) grafted SiC (PVA-g-SiC)/PVA nanocomposite was synthesized by incorporating PVA grafted silicon carbide (SiC) nanocrystals inside PVA matrix. In-depth structural characterization of resulting nanocomposite was carried out using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR...

  3. Nanocatalytic growth of Si nanowires from Ni silicate coated SiC nanoparticles on Si solar cell. (United States)

    Parida, Bhaskar; Choi, Jaeho; Ji, Hyung Yong; Park, Seungil; Lim, Gyoungho; Kim, Keunjoo


    We investigated the nanocatalytic growth of Si nanowires on the microtextured surface of crystalline Si solar cell. 3C-SiC nanoparticles have been used as the base for formation of Ni silicate layer in a catalytic reaction with the Si melt under H2 atmosphere at an annealing temperature of 1100 degrees C. The 10-nm thick Ni film was deposited after the SiC nanoparticles were coated on the microtextured surface of the Si solar cell by electron-beam evaporation. SiC nanoparticles form a eutectic alloy surface of Ni silicate and provide the base for Si supersaturation as well as the Ni-Si alloy layer on Si substrate surface. This bottom reaction mode for the solid-liquid-solid growth mechanism using a SiC nanoparticle base provides more stable growth of nanowires than the top reaction mode growth mechanism in the absence of SiC nanoparticles. Thermally excited Ni nanoparticle forms the eutectic alloy and provides collectively excited electrons at the alloy surface, which reduces the activation energy of the nanocatalytic reaction for formation of nanowires.

  4. Gas-source molecular beam epitaxy of Si(111) on Si(110) substrates by insertion of 3C-SiC(111) interlayer for hybrid orientation technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bantaculo, Rolando, E-mail:; Saitoh, Eiji; Miyamoto, Yu; Handa, Hiroyuki; Suemitsu, Maki


    A method to realize a novel hybrid orientations of Si surfaces, Si(111) on Si(110), has been developed by use of a Si(111)/3C-SiC(111)/Si(110) trilayer structure. This technology allows us to use the Si(111) portion for the n-type and the Si(110) portion for the p-type channels, providing a solution to the current drive imbalance between the two channels confronted in Si(100)-based complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The central idea is to use a rotated heteroepitaxy of 3C-SiC(111) on Si(110) substrate, which occurs when a 3C-SiC film is grown under certain growth conditions. Monomethylsilane (SiH{sub 3}-CH{sub 3}) gas-source molecular beam epitaxy (GSMBE) is used for this 3C-SiC interlayer formation while disilane (Si{sub 2}H{sub 6}) is used for the top Si(111) layer formation. Though the film quality of the Si epilayer leaves a lot of room for betterment, the present results may suffice to prove its potential as a new technology to be used in the next generation CMOS devices.

  5. Characterization of SiCf/SiC and CNT/SiC composite materials produced by liquid phase sintering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, J.K.; Lee, S.P.; Cho, K.S.; Byun, J.H.; Bae, D.S.


    This paper dealt with the microstructure and mechanical properties of SiC based composites reinforced with different reinforcing materials. The composites were fabricated using reinforcing materials of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and Tyranno Lox-M SiC chopped fibers. The volume fraction of carbon nanotubes was also varied in this composite system. An Al 2 O 3 -Y 2 O 3 powder mixture was used as a sintering additive in the consolidation of the SiC matrix. The characterization of the composites was investigated by means of SEM and three point bending tests. These composites showed a dense morphology of the matrix region, by the creation of a secondary phase. The composites reinforced with SiC chopped fibers possessed a flexural strength of about 400 MPa at room temperature. The flexural strength of the carbon nanotubes composites had a tendency to decrease with increased volume fraction of the reinforcing material.

  6. Optimal determination of the elastic constants of woven 2D SiC/SiC composite materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mouchtachi, A; Guerjouma, R El; Baboux, J C; Rouby, D; Bouami, D


    For homogeneous materials, the ultrasonic immersion method, associated with a numerical optimization process mostly based on Newton's algorithm, allows the determination of elastic constants for various synthetic and natural composite materials. Nevertheless, a principal limitation of the existing optimization procedure occurs when the considered material is at the limit of the homogeneous hypothesis. Such is the case of the woven bidirectional SiC matrix and SiC fibre composite material. In this study, we have developed two numerical methods for the determination of the elastic constants of the 2D SiC/SiC composite material (2D SiC/SiC). The first one is based on Newton's algorithm: the elastic constants are obtained by minimizing the square deviation between experimental and calculated velocities. The second method is based on the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. We show that these algorithms give the same results in the case of homogeneous anisotropic composite materials. For the 2D SiC/SiC composite material, the two methods, using the same measured velocities, give different sets of elastic constants. We then note that the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm enables a better convergence towards a global set of elastic constants in good agreement with the elastic properties, which can be measured using classical quasi-static methods

  7. Designing the fiber volume ratio in SiC fiber-reinforced SiC ceramic composites under Hertzian stress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Kee Sung; Jang, Kyung Soon; Park, Jae Hong; Kim, Tae Woo; Han, In Sub; Woo, Sang Kuk


    Highlights: → Optimum fiber volume ratios in the SiC/SiC composite layers were designed under Hertzian stress. → FEM analysis and spherical indentation experiments were undertaken. → Boron nitride-pyrocarbon double coatings on the SiC fiber were effective. → Fiber volume ratio should be designed against flexural stress. -- Abstract: Finite element method (FEM) analysis and experimental studies are undertaken on the design of the fiber volume ratio in silicon carbide (SiC) fiber-reinforced SiC composites under indentation contact stresses. Boron nitride (BN)/Pyrocarbon (PyC) are selected as the coating materials for the SiC fiber. Various SiC matrix/coating/fiber/coating/matrix structures are modeled by introducing a woven fiber layer in the SiC matrix. Especially, this study attempts to find the optimum fiber volume ratio in SiC fiber-reinforced SiC ceramics under Hertzian stress. The analysis is performed by changing the fiber type, fiber volume ratio, coating material, number of coating layers, and stacking sequence of the coating layers. The variation in the stress for composites in relation to the fiber volume ratio in the contact axial or radial direction is also analyzed. The same structures are fabricated experimentally by a hot process, and the mechanical behaviors regarding the load-displacement are evaluated using the Hertzian indentation method. Various SiC matrix/coating/fiber/coating/matrix structures are fabricated, and mechanical characterization is performed by changing the coating layer, according to the introduction (or omission) of the coating layer, and the number of woven fiber mats. The results show that the damage mode changes from Hertzian stress to flexural stress as the fiber volume ratio increases in composites because of the decreased matrix volume fraction, which intensifies the radial crack damage. The result significantly indicates that the optimum fiber volume ratio in SiC fiber-reinforced SiC ceramics should be designed for

  8. Concepciones evolutivas acerca de la fabricación del dinero II: Los tipos de respuestas


    Delval, Juan; Denegri Coria, Marianela


    En este artículo se profundiza en el análisis de los tipos de respuesta dados por los escolares ante cuestiones relativas al proceso de fabricación del dinero, teniendo en cuanta las diferencies en cuanto el nivel de complejidad de las respuestas aportadas por los sujetos de diferentes edades que fueron entrevistados. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (España) BSO2000-0064

  9. Introduction of nano-laminate Ti3SiC2 and SiC phases into Cf-C composite by liquid silicon infiltration method

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    Omid Yaghobizadeh


    Full Text Available The material Cf-C-SiC-Ti3SiC2 is promising for high temperature application. Due to the laminated structure and special properties, the Ti3SiC2 is one of the best reinforcements for Cf-C-SiC composites. In this paper, Cf-C-SiC-Ti3SiC2 composites were fabricated by liquid silicon infiltration (LSI method; the effect of the TiC amount on the various composites properties were studied. For samples with 0, 50 and 90 vol.% of TiC, the results show that bending strength are 168, 190, and 181 MPa; porosities are 3.2, 4.7, and 9%; the fracture toughness are 6.1, 8.9, and 7.8 MPa∙m1/2; interlaminar shear strength are 27, 36, and 30 MPa; the amount of the MAX phase are 0, 8.5, and 5.6 vol.%, respectively. These results show that amount of TiC is not the main effective parameter in synthesis of Ti3SiC2. The existence of carbon promotes the synthesis of Ti3SiC2 indicating that only sufficient carbon content can lead to the appearance of Ti3SiC2 in the LSI process.

  10. Biomorphous SiSiC/Al-Si ceramic composites manufactured by squeeze casting: microstructure and mechanical properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zollfrank, C.; Travitzky, N.; Sieber, H.; Greil, P. [Department of Materials Science, Glass and Ceramics, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg (Germany); Selchert, T. [Advanced Ceramics Group, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg (Germany)


    SiSiC/Al-Si composites were fabricated by pressure-assisted infiltration of an Al-Si alloy into porous biocarbon preforms derived from the rattan palm. Al-Si alloy was found in the pore channels of the biomorphous SiSiC preform, whereas SiC and carbon were present in the struts. The formation of a detrimental Al{sub 4}C{sub 3}-phase was not observed in the composites. A bending strength of 200 MPa was measured. The fractured surfaces showed pull-out of the Al-alloy. (Abstract Copyright [2005], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  11. Influencia del nivel de conocimiento sobre sexualidad en los tipos de actitud respecto a los contenidos de sexualidad de los docentes del área de Persona, Familia y Relaciones Humanas del nivel secundario pertenecientes en la UGEL 01 de Lima Metropolitana


    Rivera Bravo, Luisa Vivian


    Identifica la influencia del nivel de conocimiento de los contenidos de sexualidad en los tipos de actitud de los docentes del área de Persona, Familia y relaciones Humanas del nivel secundario, la cual recae en las siguientes dimensiones: las características sociales en la adolescencia, los valores, creencias y prejuicios sobre sexualidad y las relaciones interpersonales. Tesis

  12. Evolución de la fricción interna del material compuesto de matriz Al-Li 8090 reforzado con partículas de SiC

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    Gutiérrez-Urrutia, I.


    Full Text Available The present study has been undertaken to investigate the mechanism of thermal stress relief at the range of temperatures below room temperature for the metal matrix composite Al-Li 8090/SiC. For this aim the experimental technique of internal friction has been used which has been showed up very effective. Several thermal cycles from 453 K to 100 K were used in order to measure the internal friction as well as the elastic modulus of the material concluding that thermal stresses are relaxed by microplastic deformation around the reinforcements. It has been also related the variation in the elastic modulus with the different levels of precipitation.

    El presente trabajo investiga el mecanismo de relajación de tensiones térmicas a temperaturas por debajo de la de ambiente en el material compuesto Al-Li 8090/SiC. Para ello se ha empleado la técnica experimental de fricción interna que se ha mostrado la más eficaz para tal fin. Aplicando diferentes ciclos térmicos de 453 K a 100 K se midió tanto la fricción interna como el módulo elástico del material concluyendo que el mecanismo de relajación de tensiones térmicas es el de microdeformación plástica alrededor del reforzamiento. También se relaciona la variación del módulo elástico con los diferentes estadios de precipitación.

  13. Self-sealing multilayer coating for SiC/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferraris, M.; Appendino Montorsi, M.; Salvo, M.; Isola, C.; Kohyama, A.


    A double layer coating for SiC/SiC for fusion applications is proposed: the first layer consists in a homogeneous, crack free, glass-ceramic with high characteristic temperatures and thermal expansion coefficient compatible to the composite one; the second layer is amorphous and shows self-sealing properties above 700degC. The glass and the glass-ceramic materials used for this double layer coating do not contain lithium and boron oxide, making them particularly interesting for thermonuclear fusion applications. The self-sealing property of the double layer coating was valued by inducing cracks on the coatings and observing their reparation after heating. (author)

  14. Hot pressing of B4C/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sahin, F.C.; Turhan, E.; Yesilcubuk, S.A.; Addemir, O.


    B 4 C/SiC ceramic composites containing 10-20-30 vol % SiC were prepared by hot pressing method. The effect of SiC addition and hot pressing temperature on sintering behaviour and mechanical properties of hot pressed composites were investigated. Microstructures of hot pressed samples were examined by SEM technique. Three different temperatures (2100 deg. C, 2200 deg. C and 2250 deg. C) were used to optimize hot pressing temperature applying 100 MPa pressure under argon atmosphere during the sintering procedure. The highest relative density of 98.44 % was obtained by hot pressing at 2250 deg. C. However, bending strengths of B 4 C/SiC composite samples were lower than monolithic B 4 C in all experimental conditions. (authors)

  15. Influence of Constituents on Creep Properties of SiC/SiC Composites (United States)

    Bhatt, R.; DiCarlo, J.


    SiC-SiC composites are being considered as potential candidate materials for next generation turbine components such as combustor liners, nozzle vanes and blades because of their low density, high temperature capability, and tailorable mechanical properties. These composites are essentially fabricated by infiltrating matrix into a stacked array of fibers or fiber preform by one or a combination of manufacturing methods such as, Melt Infiltration (MI) of molten silicon metal, Chemical Vapor Infiltration (CVI), Polymer Infiltration and Pyrolysis (PIP). To understand the influence of constituents, the SiC-SiC composites fabricated by MI, CVI, and PIP methods were creep tested in air between 12000 and 14500 degrees Centigrade for up to 500 hours. The failed specimens were analyzed under a scanning electron microscope to assess damage mechanisms. Also, knowing the creep deformation parameters of the fiber and the matrix under the testing conditions, the creep behavior of the composites was modeled and compared with the measured data. The implications of the results on the long term durability of these composites will be discussed.

  16. Progress in blanket designs using SiCf/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giancarli, L.; Golfier, H.; Nishio, S.; Raffray, R.; Wong, C.; Yamada, R.


    This paper summarizes the most recent design activities concerning the use of SiC f /SiC composite as structural material for fusion power reactor breeding blanket. Several studies have been performed in the past. The most recent proposals are the TAURO blanket concept in the European Union, the ARIES-AT concept in the US, and DREAM concept in Japan. The first two concepts are self-cooled lithium-lead blankets, while DREAM is an helium-cooled beryllium/ceramic blanket. Both TAURO and ARIES-AT blankets are essentially formed by a SiC f /SiC box acting as a container for the lithium-lead which has the simultaneous functions of coolant, tritium breeder, neutron multiplier and, finally, tritium carrier. The DREAM blanket is characterized by small modules using pebble beds of Be as neutron multiplier material, of Li 2 O (or other lithium ceramics) as breeder material and of SiC as shielding material. The He coolant path includes a flow through the pebble beds and a porous partition wall. For each blanket, this paper describes the main design features and performances, the most recent design improvements, and the proposed manufacturing routes in order to identify specific issues and requirements for the future R and D on SiC f /SiC

  17. Fracture behavior of C/SiC composites at elevated temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoon, Dong Hyun; Lee, Jeong Won; Kim, Jae Hoon; Shin, Ihn Cheol; Lim, Byung Joo [Chungnam National University, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    The fracture behavior of carbon fiber-reinforced silicon carbide (C/SiC) composites used in rocket nozzles has been investigated under tension, compression, and fracture conditions at room temperature, 773 K and 1173 K. The C/SiC composites used in this study were manufactured by liquid silicon infiltration process at ~1723 K. All experiments were conducted using two types of specimens, considering fiber direction and oxidation condition. Experimental results show that temperature, fiber direction, and oxidation condition affect the behavior of C/SiC composites. Oxidation was found to be the main factor that changes the strength of C/SiC composites. By applying an anti-oxidation coating, the tensile and compressive strengths of the C/SiC composites increased with temperature. The fracture toughness of the C/SiC composites also increased with increase temperature. A fractography analysis of the fractured specimens was conducted using a scanning electron microscope.

  18. Oxidation of C/SiC Composites at Reduced Oxygen Partial Pressures (United States)

    Opila, Elizabeth J.; Serra, Jessica


    Carbon-fiber reinforced SiC (C/SiC) composites are proposed for leading edge applications of hypersonic vehicles due to the superior strength of carbon fibers at high temperatures (greater than 1500 C). However, the vulnerability of the carbon fibers in C/SiC to oxidation over a wide range of temperatures remains a problem. Previous oxidation studies of C/SiC have mainly been conducted in air or oxygen, so that the oxidation behavior of C/SiC at reduced oxygen partial pressures of the hypersonic flight regime are less well understood. In this study, both carbon fibers and C/SiC composites were oxidized over a wide range of temperatures and oxygen partial pressures to facilitate the understanding and modeling of C/SiC oxidation kinetics for hypersonic flight conditions.

  19. Mo-based compounds for SiC-SiC joints

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Magnani, G.; Beaulardi, L.; Mingazzini, C. [ENEA-Faenza (Italy). New Material Div.; Marmo, E. [Fabbricazioni Nucleari S.p.A., Bosco Mavengo (Italy)


    New method to joint silicon carbide-based material was developed. It was based on mixture composed mainly by molybdenum silicides. This mixture was tested as brazing mixture with several types of silicon carbide-based material. Microstructural examination of the joint showed that brazing mixture reacted with substrate to form silicon carbide on the surface, while two different molybdenum silicides were identified inside the joint (MoSi{sub 2} and Mo{sub 4.8}Si{sub 3}C{sub 0.6}). Preliminary oxidation tests performed by means of TGA showed high oxidation resistance of this joint over 1000 C making it very promising for high temperature application like ceramic heat exchanger. (orig.)

  20. An optically controlled SiC lateral power transistor based on SiC/SiCGe super junction structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pu Hongbin; Cao Lin; Ren Jie; Chen Zhiming; Nan Yagong


    An optically controlled SiC/SiCGe lateral power transistor based on superjunction structure has been proposed, in which n-SiCGe/p-SiC superjunction structure is employed to improve device figure of merit. Performance of the novel optically controlled power transistor was simulated using Silvaco Atlas tools, which has shown that the device has a very good response to the visible light and the near infrared light. The optoelectronic responsivities of the device at 0.5 μm and 0.7 μm are 330 mA/W and 76.2 mA/W at 2 V based voltage, respectively. (semiconductor devices)

  1. An optically controlled SiC lateral power transistor based on SiC/SiCGe super junction structure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pu Hongbin; Cao Lin; Ren Jie; Chen Zhiming; Nan Yagong, E-mail: [Xi' an University of Technology, Xi' an 710048 (China)


    An optically controlled SiC/SiCGe lateral power transistor based on superjunction structure has been proposed, in which n-SiCGe/p-SiC superjunction structure is employed to improve device figure of merit. Performance of the novel optically controlled power transistor was simulated using Silvaco Atlas tools, which has shown that the device has a very good response to the visible light and the near infrared light. The optoelectronic responsivities of the device at 0.5 {mu}m and 0.7 {mu}m are 330 mA/W and 76.2 mA/W at 2 V based voltage, respectively. (semiconductor devices)

  2. Tunable Synthesis of SiC/SiO2 Heterojunctions via Temperature Modulation

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    Wei Li


    Full Text Available A large-scale production of necklace-like SiC/SiO2 heterojunctions was obtained by a molten salt-mediated chemical vapor reaction technique without a metallic catalyst or flowing gas. The effect of the firing temperature on the evolution of the phase composition, microstructure, and morphology of the SiC/SiO2 heterojunctions was studied. The necklace-like SiC/SiO2 nanochains, several centimeters in length, were composed of SiC/SiO2 core-shell chains and amorphous SiO2 beans. The morphologies of the as-prepared products could be tuned by adjusting the firing temperature. In fact, the diameter of the SiO2 beans decreased, whereas the diameter of the SiC fibers and the thickness of the SiO2 shell increased as the temperature increased. The growth mechanism of the necklace-like structure was controlled by the vapor-solid growth procedure and the modulation procedure via a molten salt-mediated chemical vapor reaction process.

  3. Influencia del grado de refuerzo y de la composición de la matriz en la resistencia a la corrosión de materiales compuestos de matriz de aluminio (A3xx.x/SiC en 80% humedad relativa (HR

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    Pardo, A.


    Full Text Available A study of the influence of the SiCp proportion of four aluminium metal composites (A380/SiC/10p, A380/SiC/20p, A360/SiC/10p y A360/ SiC/20p on 80%HR at 25 and 50ºC, simulated under climatic chamber. The matrix of A360/SiC/xxp composites is virtually free of Cu while the A380/SiC/xxp matrix contains 1.39-1.44wt%Ni and 3.13-3.45wt%Cu. The kinetics of the corrosion process were studied on the basis of gravimetric tests. The nature of corrosion products was studied as a function of the reinforcement proportion, matrix concentration and test conditions. At the humidity environment tested, both the material corrosion resistance and the stability of the passive layer were high. The damage was low and increased with temperature, SiCp proportion and Cu matrix composition.

    Se estudia la influencia de la proporción de SiC en la resistencia a la corrosión de los materiales compuestos de matriz de aluminio A380/ SiC/10p, A380/SiC/20p, A360/SiC/10p y A360/SiC/20p, cuando operan en un ambiente con 80% HR a 25º y 50ºC, que ha sido simulado mediante cámara climática. La matriz del material A360/SiC/xxp no contiene Cu, mientras que el material A380/SiC/xxp contiene entre el 1,39-1,44% de Ni y 3,13-3,45 de Cu. Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio cinético mediante medidas gravimétricas. Se ha estudiado la naturaleza de los productos de corrosión en función de la proporción de refuerzo, de la composición de la matriz y de las condiciones de exposición al medio agresivo. Para la humedad ensayada, la resistencia a la corrosión de estos materiales es elevada y el grado de protección de la capa pasiva es alto. El grado de daño, aunque es pequeño aumenta con la temperatura y es función tanto de la composición de la matriz como del porcentaje de refuerzo.

  4. Estudio comparativo del tratamiento ortésico en las fracturas toraco-lumbosacras según la gravedad del trauma


    Manzone,Patricio; Stefanizzi,Julio; Ávalos,Eduardo Mariño; Barranco,Silvia Manzone; Ihlenfeld,Claudia


    OBJETIVO: Determinar si la gravedad del trauma en lesiones toracolumbosacras mayores estables permite decidir la selección del tipo de ortesis en un tratamiento ortopédico. MÉTODOS: Estudio Retrospectivo de casos 12/1990 - 12/2006 (16 años). Criterios de Selección: 1) Seguimiento mínimo: 2 años. 2) Estudios radiológicos convencionales completos. 3) Ausencia de Litigio. 4) Tratamiento ortésico con TLSO a medida para los traumas de alta energía cinética y con ortesis prefabricadas para los de b...

  5. Lesiones del nervio facial provocan alteraciones en las células microgliales en el sistema nervioso central

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    Jeimmy Cerón


    Full Text Available Introducción. El Laboratorio de Neurofisiología Comportamental de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia ha descrito modificaciones tanto estructurales como electrofisiológicas en neuronas piramidales de la corteza motora producidas por la lesión del nervio facial contralateral en ratas. Sin embargo, poco se conoce si dichos cambios neuronales también se acompañan de modificaciones en las células gliales circundantes. Objetivo. Caracterizar en ratas el efecto de la lesión unilateral del nervio facial sobre la activación y proliferación de células de la microglía en la corteza motora primaria contralateral. Materiales y métodos. Se realizaron experimentos de inmunohistoquímica para detectar células microgliales en tejido cerebral de ratas sometidas a lesión del nervio facial, sacrificadas a distintos tiempos luego de la misma. Se realizaron dos tipos de lesiones: reversible (por compresión, que permite recuperación de la función e irreversible (por corte, que provoca parálisis permanente. Los tejidos cerebrales de animales sin lesión (Control absoluto y con falsa cirugía (Sham se compararon con los de animales lesionados sacrificados a 1, 3, 7, 21 ó 35 días post-lesión. Resultados. Las células microgliales en la corteza motora de animales lesionados irreversiblemente mostraron signos de proliferación y activación desde los 3 hasta los 7 días post-lesión. La proliferación de las células microgliales en animales con lesión reversible fue significativa sólo a los 3 días post-lesión. Conclusiones. La lesión del nervio facial produce modificaciones en las células microgliales de la corteza motora primaria. Estas modificaciones podrían estar involucradas en la generación de los cambios morfológicos y electrofisiológicos descritos en las neuronas piramidales de la corteza motora que comandan los movimientos faciales.

  6. Effect of simultaneous ion irradiation on microstructural change of SiC/SiC composites at high temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taguchi, T.; Wakai, E.; Igawa, N.; Nogami, S.; Snead, L.L.; Hasegawa, A.; Jitsukawa, S.


    The effect of simultaneous triple ion irradiation of He, H and Si on microstructural evolution of two kinds of SiC/SiC composites (HNS composite (using Hi-Nicalon type S SiC fiber) and TSA composite (using Tyranno SA SiC fiber)) at 1000 deg. C has been investigated. The microstructure observations of SiC/SiC composites irradiated to 10 dpa were examined by transmission electron microscopy. He bubbles were hardly formed in matrix of TSA composite, but many helium bubbles and some cracks were observed at grain boundaries of matrix of HNS composite. He bubbles and cracks were not, on the other hand, observed in the both fiber fabrics of HNS and TSA composites. Debonding between fiber and carbon layer following irradiation region was not observed in the both composites. Under these irradiation conditions, TSA composite showed the better microstructural stability against ion beams irradiation than one of HNS composite

  7. EL TRASPASO DE MOVIMIENTOS DEL TIPO DE CAMBIO A LOS PRECIOS. Un análisis para la economía mexicana

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    Carlos Capistrán


    Full Text Available En este documento se analiza el traspaso de movimientos en el tipo de cambio a diferentes índices de precios en México. El análisis se basa en un modelo de vectores autorregresivos (VAR para datos mensuales de enero de 1997 a diciembre de 2010. Los efectos del traspaso se calculan utilizando los impulsos respuesta acumulados de un choque al tipo de cambio que se identifica mediante el método recursivo. Los resultados muestran que el traspaso a los precios de las importaciones es completo, pero que el grado de traspaso disminuye a lo largo de la cadena de distribución, de tal manera que el efecto en los precios al consumidor es menor a 20%. Además, se encuentra que el traspaso a los precios al consumidor parece disminuir considerablemente a partir de 2001, lo cual coincide con la adopción del esquema de objetivos de inflación por parte del Banco de México.

  8. Liderazgo del director y el compromiso organizacional de los docentes del nivel secundario de las Instituciones Educativas del distrito de Chancay, 2014


    Velásquez García, Luis Alberto


    El presente estudio se centra en describir cómo se relaciona el liderazgo del director y el compromiso organizacional de los docentes del nivel secundario de las Instituciones Educativas del distrito de Chancay, 2014. El nivel de la presente investigación es cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo correlacional. La muestra es probabilística de 117 docentes del nivel secundario de las Instituciones Educativas del distrito de Chancay, 2014. Los instrumentos utilizados para observar ...

  9. Gestión del riesgo del cambio (primera parte

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    Juan Pablo Zorrilla


    Full Text Available A partir de la desaparición del sistema Bretton-Woods, y la libre flotación del tipo de cambio, el mundo se volvió más susceptible a todo tipo de riesgos. El presente artículo pretende explicar a los gestores financieros o empresarios interesados en el tema de instrumentos financieros derivados, a conocer lo más relevante y necesario acerca del uso de futuros sobre el tipo de cambio, instrumento útil para cubrir riesgos derivados del tipo de cambio para las empresas que se dedican a importar, exportar o para protegerse de un crédito otorgado en moneda extranjera.

  10. Advanced Environmental Barrier Coating Development for SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites: NASA's Perspectives (United States)

    Zhu, Dongming


    This presentation reviews NASA environmental barrier coating (EBC) system development programs and the coating materials evolutions for protecting the SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites in order to meet the next generation engine performance requirements. The presentation focuses on several generations of NASA EBC systems, EBC-CMC component system technologies for SiC/SiC ceramic matrix composite combustors and turbine airfoils, highlighting the temperature capability and durability improvements in simulated engine high heat flux, high pressure, high velocity, and with mechanical creep and fatigue loading conditions. The current EBC development emphasis is placed on advanced NASA 2700F candidate environmental barrier coating systems for SiC/SiC CMCs, their performance benefits and design limitations in long-term operation and combustion environments. Major technical barriers in developing environmental barrier coating systems, the coating integrations with next generation CMCs having the improved environmental stability, erosion-impact resistance, and long-term fatigue-environment system durability performance are described. The research and development opportunities for advanced turbine airfoil environmental barrier coating systems by utilizing improved compositions, state-of-the-art processing methods, and simulated environment testing and durability modeling are discussed.

  11. Determining the fracture resistance of advanced SiC fiber reinforced SiC matrix composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nozawa, T.; Katoh, Y.; Kishimoto, H.


    Full text of publication follows: One of the perceived advantages for highly-crystalline and stoichiometric silicon carbide (SiC) and SiC composites, e.g., advanced SiC fiber reinforced chemically-vapor-infiltrated (CVI) SiC matrix composites, is the retention of fast fracture properties after neutron irradiation at high-temperatures (∼1000 deg. C) to intermediate-doses (∼15 dpa). Accordingly, it has been clarified that the maximum allowable stress (or strain) limit seems unaffected in certain irradiation conditions. Meanwhile, understanding the mechanism of crack propagation from flaws, as potential weakest link to cause composite failure, is somehow lacking, despite that determining the strength criterion based on the fracture mechanics will eventually become important considering the nature of composites' fracture. This study aims to evaluate crack propagation behaviors of advanced SiC/SiC and to provide fundamentals on fracture resistance of the composites to define the strength limit for the practical component design. For those purposes, the effects of irreversible energies related to interfacial de-bonding, fiber bridging, and microcrack forming on the fracture resistance were evaluated. Two-dimensional SiC/SiC composites were fabricated by CVI or nano-infiltration and transient-eutectic-phase (NITE ) methods. Hi-Nicalon TM Type-S or Tyranno TM -SA fibers were used as reinforcements. In-plane mode-I fracture resistance was evaluated by the single edge notched bend technique. The key finding is the continuous Load increase with the crack growth for any types of advanced composites, while many studies specified the gradual load decrease for the conventional composites once the crack initiates. This high quasi-ductility appeared due primarily to high friction (>100 MPa) at the fiber/matrix interface using rough SiC fibers. The preliminary analysis based on the linear elastic fracture mechanics, which does not consider the effects of irreversible energy

  12. Production of Al2O3–SiC nano-composites by spark plasma sintering; Producción de nano-composites – SiC–Al2O3 por spark plasma sinterizado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mansour Razavi; Ali Reza Farajipour; Mohammad Zakeri; Mohammad Reza Rahimipour; Ali Reza Firouzbakht


    In this paper, Al2O3–SiC composites were produced by SPS at temperatures of 1600°C for 10min under vacuum atmosphere. For preparing samples, Al2O3 with the second phase including of micro and nano-sized SiC powder were milled for 5h. The milled powders were sintered in a SPS machine. After sintering process, phase studies, densification and mechanical properties of Al2O3–SiC composites were examined. Results showed that the specimens containing micro-sized SiC have an important effect on bulk density, hardness and strength. The highest relative density, hardness and strength were 99.7%, 324.6 HV and 2329MPa, respectively, in Al2O3–20wt% SiCmicro composite. Due to short time sintering, the growth was limited and grains still remained in nano-meter scale. [Spanish] En este trabajo se muestran compuestos de Al2O3-SiC producidos por SPS, en vacío, a 1.600 °C durante 10 min. Para la preparación de muestras, se molieron polvos de Al2O3 durante 5 h con la segunda fase de micro-y-nano polvo de SiC. Posteriormente, estos polvos molidos se sinterizaron mediante SPS. Después del proceso de sinterización, se realizaron estudios de fase, densificación y propiedades mecánicas de los compuestos de Al2O3-SiC obtenidos. Los resultados mostraron que micro-SiC en las muestras tiene un efecto importante en su densidad aparente, dureza y resistencia. La mayor densidad relativa, dureza y resistencia fueron respectivamente del 99,7%, 324,6 HV y 2.329 MPa para Al2O3 con un 20% en peso micro-SiC. Debido al corto tiempo de sinterización, el crecimiento los granos fue limitado y se mantuvieron en escala nanométrica.

  13. BURNER RIG TESTING OF A500 C/SiC (United States)


    AFRL-RX-WP-TR-2018-0071 BURNER RIG TESTING OF A500® C /SiC Larry P. Zawada Universal Technology Corporation Jennifer Pierce UDRI...TITLE AND SUBTITLE BURNER RIG TESTING OF A500® C /SiC 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER In-House 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 62102F 6...test program characterized the durability behavior of A500® C /SiC ceramic matrix composite material at room and elevated temperature. Specimens were

  14. Innovative SiC/SiC composite for nuclear applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaffron, L.; Sauder, C.; Lorrette, C.; Briottet, L.; Michaux, A.; Gelebart, L.; Coupe, A.; Zabiego, M.; Le Flem, M.; Seran, J. L.


    Among various refractory materials, SiC/SiC ceramic matrix composites (CMC) are of prime interest for fusion and advanced fission energy applications, due to their excellent irradiation tolerance and safety features (low activation, low tritium permeability,K). Initially developed as fuel cladding materials for the Fourth generation Gas cooled Fast Reactor (GFR), this material has been recently envisaged by CEA for different core structures of Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR) which combines fast neutrons and high temperature (500 deg.C). Regarding fuel cladding generic application, in the case of GFR, the first challenge facing this project is to demonstrate the feasibility of a fuel operating under very harsh conditions that are (i) temperatures of structures up to 700 deg.C in nominal and over 1600 deg.C in accidental conditions, (ii) irradiation damage higher than 60 dpa SiC , (iii) neutronic transparency, which disqualifies conventional refractory metals as structural core materials, (iv) mechanical behavior that guarantees in most circumstances the integrity of the first barrier (e.g.: ε> 0.5%), which excludes monolithic ceramics and therefore encourages the development of new types of fibrous composites SiC/SiC adapted to the fast reactor conditions. No existing material being capable to match all these requirements, CEA has launched an ambitious program of development of an advanced material satisfying the specifications [1]. This project, that implies many laboratories, inside and outside CEA, has permitted to obtain a very high quality compound that meets most of the challenging requirements. We present hereinafter few recent results obtained regarding the development of the composite. One of the most relevant challenges was to make a gas-tight composite up to the ultimate rupture. Indeed, multi-cracking of the matrix is the counterpart of the damageable behavior observed in these amazing compounds. Among different solutions envisaged, an innovative one has been


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    J. P. Núñez Roca


    Full Text Available


    El objetivo de nuestro estudio es comprobar la influencia de un programa de actividad física en la condición física de mujeres adultas (fuerza del tren superior e inferior, equilibrio estático, consumo máximo de oxígeno y la movilidad articular de tronco y ver si el tipo de programa condiciona la mejora de las variables analizadas. La muestra la componen 20
    mujeres de 30-50 años, formando un grupo de n =10 para la actividad de natación y un grupo de n =10 para la actividad de mantenimiento. Los programas de actividad física de mantenimiento y natación de 2 sesiones semanales, son suficientes para mantener la condición física general, pero no para mejorarla significativamente. El programa de actividad física de natación, produce incrementos significativos en el consumo máximo de oxigeno en
    las mujeres de mediana edad (30-50 años.
    PALABRAS CLAVES: natación, mantenimiento, adultos, condición física.

  16. Effect of Ti and Si interlayer materials on the joining of SiC ceramics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, Yang Il; Park, Jung Hwan; Kim, Hyun Gil; Park, Dong Jun; Park, Jeong Yong; Kim, Weon Ju [LWR Fuel Technology Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    SiC-based ceramic composites are currently being considered for use in fuel cladding tubes in light-water reactors. The joining of SiC ceramics in a hermetic seal is required for the development of ceramic-based fuel cladding tubes. In this study, SiC monoliths were diffusion bonded using a Ti foil interlayer and additional Si powder. In the joining process, a very low uniaxial pressure of ∼0.1 MPa was applied, so the process is applicable for joining thin-walled long tubes. The joining strength depended strongly on the type of SiC material. Reaction-bonded SiC (RB-SiC) showed a higher joining strength than sintered SiC because the diffusion reaction of Si was promoted in the former. The joining strength of sintered SiC was increased by the addition of Si at the Ti interlayer to play the role of the free Si in RB-SiC. The maximum joint strength obtained under torsional stress was ∼100 MPa. The joint interface consisted of TiSi{sub 2}, Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2}, and SiC phases formed by a diffusion reaction of Ti and Si.

  17. Obesidad y factores de riesgo del síndrome metabólico en jóvenes con diabetes tipo 1

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    Mariana Prieto


    Full Text Available Los cambios en la forma de presentación de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1(DM T1 en la infancia y adolescencia asociados a la obesidad, determinaron una superposición entre los dos tipos de diabetes, con mayor heterogeneidad en su presentación clínica. Con el objetivo de caracterizar el tipo de diabetes mellitus (DM, comienzo de la diabetes, independientemente de las clasificaciones disponibles y evaluar el impacto de la obesidad en la forma de presentación, se estudiaron cincuenta niños diabéticos agrupados según su condición nutricional. Se evaluó la reserva de insulina pancreática por medición de péptido C basal, índice glucemia/péptido C y en respuesta a comida mixta (MMTT, se determinó el genotipo HLA-DQB1 y los anticuerpos GADA, ICA 512, IAA y se evaluó la presencia de factores de riesgo para enfermedad metabólica como obesidad, hipertensión, diabetes y dislipidemia en el grupo familiar. El 38% de la población presentó sobrepeso/obesidad (SP/OB. Un 82% tuvo anticuerpos positivos GADA, ICA 512, IAA sin diferencia significativa entre ambos grupos, el 100% fue positivo para genotipo HLA-DQB1 de riesgo. El 84% de los familiares presentó factores de riesgo positivo para síndrome metabólico. Se dividió a la población en dos grupos (sobrepeso/obesidad vs. normopeso. No hubo diferencias en los valores de péptido C en ayunas o en el índice glucemia/péptido C entre los dos grupos El péptido C en el MMTT mostró mayor área bajo la curva (1.77 ng/ml vs. 5.5 ng/ml, p = 0.0007 y valores más altos a los 60 y 120 minutos (p: 0.02 y 0.03 en el grupo con SP/OB. En conclusión, los pacientes con diabetes tipo 1A con SP/OB tienen mayor capacidad de respuesta pancreática medida por péptido C, sugiriendo que el estado nutricional podría actuar como acelerador del comienzo clínico de la enfermedad.

  18. Chemical vapor deposition of Si/SiC nano-multilayer thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weber, A.; Remfort, R.; Woehrl, N.; Assenmacher, W.; Schulz, S.


    Stoichiometric SiC films were deposited with the commercially available single source precursor Et_3SiH by classical thermal chemical vapor deposition (CVD) as well as plasma-enhanced CVD at low temperatures in the absence of any other reactive gases. Temperature-variable deposition studies revealed that polycrystalline films containing different SiC polytypes with a Si to carbon ratio of close to 1:1 are formed at 1000 °C in thermal CVD process and below 100 °C in the plasma-enhanced CVD process. The plasma enhanced CVD process enables the reduction of residual stress in the deposited films and offers the deposition on temperature sensitive substrates in the future. In both deposition processes the film thickness can be controlled by variation of the process parameters such as the substrate temperature and the deposition time. The resulting material films were characterized with respect to their chemical composition and their crystallinity using scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XRD), atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction, grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, secondary ion mass spectrometry and Raman spectroscopy. Finally, Si/SiC multilayers of up to 10 individual layers of equal thickness (about 450 nm) were deposited at 1000 °C using Et_3SiH and SiH_4. The resulting multilayers features amorphous SiC films alternating with Si films, which feature larger crystals up to 300 nm size as measured by transmission electron microscopy as well as by XRD. XRD features three distinct peaks for Si(111), Si(220) and Si(311). - Highlights: • Stoichiometric silicon carbide films were deposited from a single source precursor. • Thermal as well as plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition was used. • Films morphology, crystallinity and chemical composition were characterized. • Silicon/silicon carbide multilayers of up to 10 individual nano-layers were deposited.

  19. The Present Status of SiC/SiC R and D for Nuclear Application in Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kohyama, Akira


    SiC/SiC R and D for nuclear application in Japan is quite active under the coordinated activities of Atomic Energy Society of Japan's committee on 'Applications of Ceramic Materials for Advanced Nuclear Power Systems' and mainly government funded nuclear engineering/materials activities collaborating academia and industries. Start with the brief introduction of those activities, representing research activities are introduced. ITER and BA related SiC/SiC activities are emphasized, followed by introductions of extensive OASIS, Muroran Institute of Technology activities. The importance of international collaboration and strategic planning is mentioned.

  20. Design of a creep experiment for SiC/SiC composites in HFIR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hecht, S.L.; Hamilton, M.L.; Jones, R.H. [and others


    A new specimen was designed for performing in-reactor creep tests on composite materials, specifically on SiC/SiC composites. The design was tailored for irradiation at 800{degrees}C in a HFIR RB position. The specimen comprises a composite cylinder loaded by a pressurized internal bladder that is made of Nb1Zr. The experiment was designed for approximately a one year irradiation.

  1. Design of a creep experiment for SiC/SiC composites in HFIR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hecht, S.L.; Hamilton, M.L.; Jones, R.H.


    A new specimen was designed for performing in-reactor creep tests on composite materials, specifically on SiC/SiC composites. The design was tailored for irradiation at 800 degrees C in a HFIR RB position. The specimen comprises a composite cylinder loaded by a pressurized internal bladder that is made of Nb1Zr. The experiment was designed for approximately a one year irradiation

  2. Effects of Surface Treatment Processes of SiC Ceramic on Interfacial Bonding Property of SiC-AFRP

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    WEI Ru-bin


    Full Text Available To improve the interfacial bonding properties of SiC-aramid fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites (SiC-AFRP, the influences of etching process of SiC ceramic, coupling treatment process, and the adhesives types on the interfacial peel strength of SiC-AFRP were studied. The results show that the surface etching process and coupling treatment process of silicon carbide ceramic can effectively enhance interfacial bonding property of the SiC-AFRP. After soaked the ceramic in K3Fe(CN6 and KOH mixed etching solution for 2 hours, and coupled with vinyl triethoxy silane coupling agent, the interfacial peel strength of the SiC-AFRP significantly increases from 0.45kN/m to 2.20kN/m. EVA hot melt film with mass fraction of 15%VA is ideal for interface adhesive.

  3. Evaluation of a Melt Infiltrated SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composite (United States)


    temperature performance of a state- of-the-art CMC provides evidence that this new class of materials can, or perhaps cannot, meet the harsh...and elevated temperature . This report describes tensile, creep, and fatigue testing procedures and presents the results. 15. SUBJECT TERMS ceramic...matrix composites, creep, dwell fatigue, fatigue, high temperature , melt infiltrated, SiC/SiC 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF

  4. The morphology of ceramic phases in B x C-SiC-Si infiltrated composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayun, S.; Frage, N.; Dariel, M.P.


    The present communication is concerned with the effect of the carbon source on the morphology of reaction bonded boron carbide (B 4 C). Molten silicon reacts strongly and rapidly with free carbon to form large, faceted, regular polygon-shaped SiC particles, usually embedded in residual silicon pools. In the absence of free carbon, the formation of SiC relies on carbon that originates from within the boron carbide particles. Examination of the reaction bonded boron carbide revealed a core-rim microstructure consisting of boron carbide particles surrounded by secondary boron carbide containing some dissolved silicon. This microstructure is generated as the outcome of a dissolution-precipitation process. In the course of the infiltration process molten Si dissolves some boron carbide until its saturation with B and C. Subsequently, precipitation of secondary boron carbide enriched with boron and silicon takes place. In parallel, elongated, strongly twinned, faceted SiC particles are generated by rapid growth along preferred crystallographic directions. This sequence of events is supported by X-ray diffraction and microcompositional analysis and well accounted for by the thermodynamic analysis of the ternary B-C-Si system. - Graphical abstract: Bright field TEM image of the rim area between two boron carbide grains

  5. Experimental investigation of slow-positron emission from 4H-SiC and 6H-SiC surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ling, C.C.; Beling, C.D.; Fung, S.; Weng, H.M.


    Slow-positron emission from the surfaces of as-grown n-type 4H-SiC and 6H-SiC (silicon carbide) with a conversion efficiency of ∼10 -4 has been observed. After 30 min of 1000 deg. C annealing in forming gas, the conversion efficiency of the n-type 6H-SiC sample was observed to be enhanced by 75% to 1.9x10 -4 , but it then dropped to ∼10 -5 upon a further 30 min annealing at 1400 deg. C. The positron work function of the n-type 6H-SiC was found to increase by 29% upon 1000 deg. C annealing. For both p-type 4H-SiC and p-type 6H-SiC materials, the conversion efficiency was of the order of ∼10 -5 , some ten times lower than that for the n-type materials. This was attributed to the band bending at the p-type material surface which caused positrons to drift away from the positron emitting surface. (author)

  6. A proposito de si America Latina necesita una sociología del trabajo propia. Reflexiones a partir de resultados de investigacion sobre el mercado laboral en Colombia

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    Anita Weiss


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como propósito invitar a la discusión en torno a si América necesita una sociología del trabajo propia, con teorías y procedimientos diferentes a los de los países desarrollados. Para ello la autora trabaja cuatro ejes temáticos. En primer lugar y a manera de introducción se presentan algunos elementos marco de tipo general a cerca del objeto de análisis. En segundo lugar se presenta una contextualización de la situación económica y empresarial de Colombia en diversos aspectos, lo cual permite llegar a elaborar una reflexión a cerca del problema laboral de nuestro medio. Finalmente, se presenta una reflexión en torno al proceso de individualización de los obreros del sector industrial colombiano, haciendo énfasis en como dicho proceso se relaciona con las políticas de flexibilización del empleo adoptadas en nuestro país.

  7. Establecimiento de reglas prosociales del tipo aumento formativo (augmenting formative mediante entrenamiento en discriminaciones condicionales

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    Tiberio Pérez-Manrique


    "cuidar de sí", establecimiento de la clase funcional "otros", establecimiento de la regla aumento formativo y fase de prueba. Los participantes de la fase experimental pasaron por las cuatro fases del programa mientras que los de la fase control pasaron por las fases 1, 2 y 4. Los resultados evidencian que los participantes que pasaron por la fase experimental derivaron la regla de aumento formativo como producto del entrenamiento en discriminaciones condicionales a partir de la muestra Cuidar y sus comparadores TAX, RAY y JOR, con porcentajes totales de acierto relativo de 88.8%, 72.2% y 94.4%, respectivamente. Estos datos siguieren que es posible el establecimiento de reglas tipo aumento formativo a través de este clase de entrenamiento.

  8. Characterization of SiC–SiC composites for accident tolerant fuel cladding

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deck, C.P., E-mail:; Jacobsen, G.M.; Sheeder, J.; Gutierrez, O.; Zhang, J.; Stone, J.; Khalifa, H.E.; Back, C.A.


    Silicon carbide (SiC) is being investigated for accident tolerant fuel cladding applications due to its high temperature strength, exceptional stability under irradiation, and reduced oxidation compared to Zircaloy under accident conditions. An engineered cladding design combining monolithic SiC and SiC–SiC composite layers could offer a tough, hermetic structure to provide improved performance and safety, with a failure rate comparable to current Zircaloy cladding. Modeling and design efforts require a thorough understanding of the properties and structure of SiC-based cladding. Furthermore, both fabrication and characterization of long, thin-walled SiC–SiC tubes to meet application requirements are challenging. In this work, mechanical and thermal properties of unirradiated, as-fabricated SiC-based cladding structures were measured, and permeability and dimensional control were assessed. In order to account for the tubular geometry of the cladding designs, development and modification of several characterization methods were required.

  9. Dispersão e comportamento reológico de concretos refratários ultra-baixo teor de cimento no sistema Al2O3-SiC-SiO2-C

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    Oliveira I. R. de


    Full Text Available Concretos refratários no sistema Al2O3-SiC-SiO2-C vêm sendo amplamente utilizados em indústrias siderúrgicas como revestimento de canais de corrida de altos-fornos, em virtude principalmente da sua elevada refratariedade aliada a altas resistências ao choque térmico e ao ataque por escória e metal fundido. Neste trabalho, investigou-se a influência de diferentes tipos de aditivos na trabalhabilidade e dispersão de concretos refratários de ultra-baixo teor de cimento nesse sistema. Apesar da sua alta capacidade de complexar íons de cálcio, moléculas de citrato não foram capazes de controlar adequadamente o tempo de pega do concreto estudado, contradizendo a idéia geral de que os íons de citrato devem ser utilizados para controlar a sua trabalhabilidade. Por outro lado, o aditivo polimetacrilato de sódio mostrou-se eficiente na otimização simultânea da dispersão e da trabalhabilidade do concreto devido provavelmente ao retardamento da dissolução dos íons advindos do cimento.

  10. El impacto social de League of Legends en Corea del Sur


    García Callealta, Desiré


    Trabajo de Fin de Máster del Máster en Asia oriental - Estudios japoneses, curso 2015-2016 [ES] Este trabajo consiste en una breve descripción y revisión bibliográfica sobre la historia de los e-Sports y su desarrollo en Corea del Sur. Debido a que se trata del primer videojuego tipo MOBA totalmente gratis que ha alcanzado la máxima popularidad en todo el mundo, League of Legends será el e-Sport central de esta exposición, si bien el impacto social que ha causado en Corea del Sur, la segun...

  11. X-ray absorption spectroscopy study on SiC-side interface structure of SiO2–SiC formed by thermal oxidation in dry oxygen (United States)

    Isomura, Noritake; Kosaka, Satoru; Kataoka, Keita; Watanabe, Yukihiko; Kimoto, Yasuji


    Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy is demonstrated to measure the fine atomic structure of SiO2–SiC interfaces. The SiC-side of the interface can be measured by fabricating thin SiO2 films and using SiC-selective EXAFS measurements. Fourier transforms of the oscillations of the EXAFS spectra correspond to radial-structure functions and reveal a new peak of the first nearest neighbor of Si for m-face SiC, which does not appear in measurements of the Si-face. This finding suggests that the m-face interface could include a structure with shorter Si–C distances. Numerical calculations provide additional support for this finding.

  12. Compósitos SiCf /SiC utilizados em sistemas de proteção térmica SiCf /SiC composites for thermal protection systems

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    M. Florian


    Full Text Available Compósitos de carbeto de silício (SiC reforçado com fibras de carbeto de silício (SiCf são materiais candidatos em potencial para utilização em sistemas de proteção térmica em altas temperaturas devido principalmente à boa condutividade térmica na direção da fibra e muito baixa condutividade térmica na direção transversal à fibra, alta dureza, estabilidade térmica e à corrosão por oxidação. O compósito SiCf/SiC possui uma matriz de SiC reforçada com fibras contínuas policristalinas de SiC e é obtido por reações de conversão em altas temperaturas e atmosfera controlada, utilizando o compósito carbono/carbono como precursor. O processo de Reação Química em Vapor (CVR foi utilizado para a fabricação de compósitos SiCf/SiC com alta pureza na fase de SiC-beta. O compósito precursor de carbono/carbono foi fabricado com fibra de carbono não estabilizada e matriz carbonosa derivada da resina fenólica na forma de carbono isotrópico. O compósito convertido exibiu uma densidade de 1,75 g/cm³, com 40% de porosidade aberta e resistência à flexão de 80 MPa medida por ensaio flexão em 4 pontos. A área especifica medida pela técnica de BET é dependente da temperatura de conversão e das condições inicias do precursor de carbono, podendo chegar a 18 m²/g.Composites based on silicon carbide are potential candidate materials for thermal protection systems mainly due to its good thermal conductivity in fiber direction and very low transversal thermal conductivity, high hardness, corrosion and thermal resistance. SiCf/SiC composite presents a SiC matrix reinforced with SiC polycrystalline continuous fibers. The composite was obtained by conversion reactions at high temperature and controlled atmosphere from a carbon/carbon composite precursor. The CVR process was used to fabricate SiC /SiC composite with crystalline high-purity beta-SiC from a carbon-carbon precursor fabricated with non-stabilized carbon fiber and

  13. Inversión per cápita y características de usuarios del servicio de salud mental: Red Valle del Mantaro (2011: 2013)


    Bustamante Maita, Sherly Tania


    La investigación describe la inversión per cápita y las características de los usuarios del servicio de salud mental de la Red de Salud Valle del Mantaro del 2011 al 2013; la población estuvo conformada por todos los usuarios del Servicio de Salud Mental y los pacientes atendidos en el Servicio del 2011 al 2013 formaron parte de la muestra. Para lo cual se emplearon listas de observación en base al Atlas de Recursos en Salud Mental de la OMS y de los registros operacionales de usuarios del si...

  14. Matrix densification of SiC composites by sintering process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Young-Wook; Jang, Doo-Hee; Eom, Jung-Hye; Chun, Yong-Seong


    The objectives of this research are to develop a process for dense SiC fiber-SiC composites with a porosity of 5% or less and to develop high-strength SiC fiber-SiC composites with a strength of 500 MPa or higher. To meet the above objectives, the following research topics were investigated ; new process development for the densification of SiC fiber-SiC composites, effect of processing parameters on densification of SiC fiber-SiC composites, effect of additive composition on matrix microstructure, effects of additive composition and content on densification of SiC fiber-SiC composites, mechanical properties of SiC fiber-SiC composites, effect of fiber coating on densification and strength of SiC fiber-SiC composites, development of new additive composition. There has been a great deal of progress in the development of technologies for the processing and densification of SiC fiber-SiC composites and in better understanding of additive-densification-mechanical property relations as results of this project. Based on the progress, dense SiC fiber-SiC composites (≥97%) and high strength SiC fiber-SiC composites (≥600 MPa) have been developed. Development of 2D SiC fiber-SiC composites with a relative density of ≥97% and a strength of ≥600 MPa can be counted as a notable achievement

  15. C-H and C-C activation of n -butane with zirconium hydrides supported on SBA15 containing N-donor ligands: [(≡SiNH-)(≡SiX-)ZrH2], [(≡SiNH-)(≡SiX-)2ZrH], and[(≡SiN=)(≡SiX-)ZrH] (X = -NH-, -O-). A DFT study

    KAUST Repository

    Pasha, Farhan Ahmad; Bendjeriou-Sedjerari, Anissa; Huang, Kuo-Wei; Basset, Jean-Marie


    : [(≡SiNH-)(≡SiO-)ZrH2] (A), [(≡SiNH-)2ZrH2] (B), [(≡SiNH-)(≡SiO-) 2ZrH] (C), [(≡SiNH-)2(≡SiO-)ZrH] (D), [(≡SiN=)(≡Si-O-)ZrH] (E), and [(≡SiN=)(≡SiNH-)ZrH] (F). The roles of these hydrides have been investigated in C-H/C-C bond activation and cleavage

  16. Effect of Reactant Concentration on the Microstructure of SiC Nano wires Grown In Situ within SiC Fiber Preforms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Weon Ju; Kang, Seok Min; Park, Ji Yeon; Ryu, Woo Seog


    Silicon carbide fiber-reinforced silicon carbide matrix (SiC f /SiC) composites are considered as advanced materials for control rods and other in-core components of high-temperature gas cooled reactors. Although the carbon fiber-reinforced carbon matrix (C f /C) composites are more mature and have advantages in cost, manufacturability and some thermomechanical properties, the SiC f /SiC composites have a clear advantage in irradiation stability, specifically a lower level of swelling and retention of mechanical properties. This offers a lifetime component for control rod application to HTGRs while the Cf/C composites would require 2-3 replacements over the reactor lifetime. In general, the chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) technique has been used most widely to produce SiC f /SiC composites. Although the technique produces a highly pure SiC matrix, it requires a long processing time and inevitably contains large interbundle pores. The present authors have recently developed 'whisker growing-assisted process,' in which one-dimensional SiC nano structures with high aspect ratios such as whiskers, nano wires and nano rods are introduced into the fiber preform before the matrix infiltration step. This novel method can produce SiC f /SiC composites with a lower porosity and an uniform distribution of pores when compared with the conventional CVI. This would be expected to increase mechanical and thermal properties of the SiC f /SiC composites. In order to take full advantage of the whisker growing strategy, however, a homogeneous growth of long whiskers is required. In this study, we applied the atmospheric pressure CVI process without metallic catalysts for the growth of SiC nano wires within stacked SiC fiber fabrics. We focused on the effect of the concentration of a reactant gas on the growth behavior and microstructures of the SiC nano wires and discussed a controlling condition for the homogenous growth of long SiC nano wires

  17. Efecto de la plata sobre el proceso de síntesis por fusión de un pigmento del tipo azul ultramarino


    Castillo, Wilmer; González, Luis; Sánchez, Selene; Ocanto, Freddy; Linares, Carlos F


    Se realizó la síntesis de pigmentos inorgánicos del tipo azul ultramarino a partir de la mezcla de zeolita A, carbonato de sodio, azufre elemental y contenido de plata entre un 0 al 5% p/p a una temperatura de 800°C por espacio de 4h. Los sólidos fueron caracterizados por la técnicas de difracción de rayos X (DRX), infrarrojo con transformada de Fourier (FTIR) y espectroscopia de reflectancia de UV a fin de verificar la estructura y coloración de los materiales obtenidos. Los resultados mostr...

  18. Características del proceso de generación y difusión del conocimiento tecnológico en dos distritos industriales del sector textil-confecciones

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    Ana Gennero de Rearte


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad analizar las características de generación y difusión del conocimiento en distintos distritos industriales o aquéllos dedicados a la industria de la confección. Se analizan dos distritos textiles localizados en las ciudades de Pergamino y Mar del Plata (Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ellos poseen una importante masa crítica de talleres de confección ligados a empresas con marca y diseño propio, cuya localización dentro o fuera de los límites de la ciudad varía en ambos casos. La metodología de investigación es cuantitativa y de tipo descriptivo. Los resultados muestran que Pergamino ha construido una base más sólida de conocimiento que Mar del Plata, proveniente de diferentes orígenes y sendero evolutivo. Ello incide, como un círculo virtuoso, sobre el conocimiento arquitectural de las empresas y sobre sus estrategias empresariales. Sin embargo, si bien en Pergamino existe un flujo constante de saberes tecnológicos externos que permiten crear una base más elevada de conocimiento de las firmas, que se difunde en el distrito, no se vislumbra el surgimiento de nuevas empresas locales con marca y diseño. De esta manera persiste un tipo de organización donde las firmas núcleo, en su mayoría externas al territorio, son las que traccionan el dinamismo de la trama.

  19. Synergistic effect of displacement damage, helium and hydrogen on microstructural change of SiC/SiC composites fabricated by reaction bonding process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Taguchi, T.; Igawa, N.; Wakai, E.; Jitsukawa, S. [Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Naga-gun, Ibaraki-ken (Japan); Hasegawa, A. [Tohoku Univ., Dept. of Quantum Science and Energy Engr., Sendai (Japan)


    Full text of publication follows: Continuous silicon carbide (SiC) fiber reinforced SiC matrix (SiC/SiC) composites are known to be attractive candidate materials for first wall and blanket components in fusion reactors. In the fusion environment, helium and hydrogen are produced and helium bubbles can be formed in the SiC by irradiation of 14-MeV neutrons. Authors reported the synergistic effect of helium and hydrogen as transmutation products on swelling behavior and microstructural change of the SiC/SiC composites fabricated by chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) process. Authors also reported about the fabrication of high thermal conductive SiC/SiC composites by reaction bonding (RB) process. The matrix fabricated by RB process has different microstructures such as bigger grain size of SiC and including Si phase as second phase from that by CVI process. It is, therefore, investigated the synergistic effect of displacement damage, helium and hydrogen as transmutation products on the microstructure of SiC/SiC composite by RB process in this study. The SiC/SiC composites by RB process were irradiated by the simultaneous triple ion irradiation (Si{sup 2+}, He{sup +} and H{sup +}) at 800 and 1000 deg. C. The displacement damage was induced by 6.0 MeV Si{sup 2+} ion irradiation up to 10 dpa. The microstructures of irradiated SiC/SiC composites by RB process were observed by TEM. The double layer of carbon and SiC as interphase between fiber and matrix by a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) was coated on SiC fibers in the SiC/SiC composites by RB process. The TEM observation revealed that He bubbles were formed both in the matrix by RB and SiC interphase by CVD process. Almost all He bubbles were formed at the grain boundary in SiC interphase by CVD process. On the other hand, He bubbles were formed both at the grain boundary and in Si grain of the matrix by RB process. The average size of He bubbles in the matrix by RB was smaller than that in SiC interphase by CVD

  20. Nanocrystalline SiC and Ti3SiC2 Alloys for Reactor Materials: Annual Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Henager, Charles H. [pnnl; Alvine, Kyle J. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Roosendaal, Timothy J. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Shin, Yongsoon [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Nguyen, Ba Nghiep; Borlaug, Brennan A. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Jiang, Weilin [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Arreguin, Shelly A. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    A new dual-phase nanocomposite of Ti₃SiC₂/SiC is being synthesized using preceramic polymers, ceramic powders, and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) designed to be suitable for advanced nuclear reactors and perhaps as fuel cladding. The material is being designed to have superior fracture toughness compared to SiC, adequate thermal conductivity, and higher density than SiC/SiC composites. This annual report summarizes the progress towards this goal and reports progress in understanding certain aspects of the material behavior but some shortcomings in achieving full density or in achieving adequate incorporation of CNTs. The measured thermal conductivity is adequate and falls into an expected range based on SiC and Ti₃SiC₂. Part of this study makes an initial assessment for Ti₃SiC₂ as a barrier to fission product transport. Ion implantation was used to introduce fission product surrogates (Ag and Cs) and a noble metal (Au) in Ti₃SiC₂, SiC, and a synthesized at PNNL. The experimental results indicate that the implanted Ag in SiC is immobile up to the highest temperature (1273 K) applied in this study; in contrast, significant out-diffusion of both Ag and Au in MAX phase Ti₃SiC₂ occurs during ion implantation at 873 K. Cs in Ti₃SiC₂ is found to diffuse during post-irradiation annealing at 973 K, and noticeable Cs release from the sample is observed. This study may suggest caution in using Ti₃SiC₂ as a fuel cladding material for advanced nuclear reactors operating at very high temperatures. Progress is reported in thermal conductivity modeling of SiC-based materials that is relevant to this research, as is progress in modeling the effects of CNTs on fracture strength of SiC-based materials.

  1. Heteroepitaxial growth of SiC films by carbonization of polyimide Langmuir-Blodgett films on Si

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    Goloudina S.I.


    Full Text Available High quality single crystal SiC films were prepared by carbonization of polyimide Langmuir-Blodgett films on Si substrate. The films formed after annealing of the polyimide films at 1000°C, 1100°C, 1200°C were studied by Fourier transform-infrared (FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electon microscopy (TEM, transmission electron diffraction (TED, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM. XRD study and HRTEM cross-section revealed that the crystalline SiC film begins to grow on Si (111 substrate at 1000°C. According to the HRTEM cross-section image five planes in 3C-SiC (111 film are aligned with four Si(111 planes at the SiC/Si interface. It was shown the SiC films (35 nm grown on Si(111 at 1200°C have mainly cubic 3C-SiC structure with a little presence of hexagonal polytypes. Only 3C-SiC films (30 nm were formed on Si (100 substrate at the same temperature. It was shown the SiC films (30-35 nm are able to cover the voids in Si substrate with size up to 10 μm.

  2. Modelo biopsicossocial e formulação comportamental: compreendendo a cefaléia do tipo tensional Modelo biopsicosocial y formulación comportamental: comprendiendo la cefalea del tipo tensional The bio-psychosocial model and behavioral formulation: understanding the tension-type headache

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    Adriana Mayon Neiva Flores


    Full Text Available A cefaléia do tipo tensional constitui um tipo freqüente de dor de cabeça, que tende a ocasionar uma série de comportamentos de evitação, com prejuízos físicos, sociais e psicológicos aos indivíduos afetados. O presente trabalho descreve algumas contribuições do modelo biopsicossocial de saúde para a compreensão da cefaléia do tipo tensional, descreve os tratamentos mais freqüentemente oferecidos e discute as vantagens de modalidades terapêuticas que utilizam a formulação comportamental. Destaca-se a relevância da consideração de fatores psicossociais presentes nas formas mais comuns de evolução da cefaléia do tipo tensional, o que contribui para a elaboração de planos de tratamento mais eficientes e coerentes com uma proposta realmente sistêmica e idiográfica.La cefalea del tipo tensional constituye un tipo frecuente de dolor de cabeza, que tiene la tendencia a ocasionar una serie de comportamientos de evitación, con daños físicos, sociales y psicológicos a los individuos afectados. El presente trabajo describe algunas contribuciones del modelo biopsicosocial de salud para la comprensión de la cefalea del tipo tensional, describe los tratamientos más frecuentemente ofrecidos y discute las ventajas de modalidades terapéuticas que utilizan la formulación comportamental. Se destaca la relevancia de la consideración de factores psicosociales presentes en las formas más comunes de evolución de la cefalea del tipo tensional, lo que contribuye para la elaboración de planes de tratamiento más eficientes y coherentes con una propuesta realmente sistémica e idiográfica.Tension-type headache are a frequent source of complaints in health assistance units. It tends to cause avoidance behaviors with adverse consequences in physical, psychological and social aspects. Contributions from the Bio-Psychosocial perspective are described for a better understanding of the tension-type headache problem. Study also analyzes

  3. Hot pressing of B{sub 4}C/SiC composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sahin, F.C.; Turhan, E.; Yesilcubuk, S.A.; Addemir, O. [Ystanbul Technical University, Faculty of Chemistry and Metallurgy, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Dept., Maslak-Ystanbul (Turkey)


    B{sub 4}C/SiC ceramic composites containing 10-20-30 vol % SiC were prepared by hot pressing method. The effect of SiC addition and hot pressing temperature on sintering behaviour and mechanical properties of hot pressed composites were investigated. Microstructures of hot pressed samples were examined by SEM technique. Three different temperatures (2100 deg. C, 2200 deg. C and 2250 deg. C) were used to optimize hot pressing temperature applying 100 MPa pressure under argon atmosphere during the sintering procedure. The highest relative density of 98.44 % was obtained by hot pressing at 2250 deg. C. However, bending strengths of B{sub 4}C/SiC composite samples were lower than monolithic B{sub 4}C in all experimental conditions. (authors)

  4. Packaging Technologies for 500C SiC Electronics and Sensors (United States)

    Chen, Liang-Yu


    Various SiC electronics and sensors are currently under development for applications in 500C high temperature environments such as hot sections of aerospace engines and the surface of Venus. In order to conduct long-term test and eventually commercialize these SiC devices, compatible packaging technologies for the SiC electronics and sensors are required. This presentation reviews packaging technologies developed for 500C SiC electronics and sensors to address both component and subsystem level packaging needs for high temperature environments. The packaging system for high temperature SiC electronics includes ceramic chip-level packages, ceramic printed circuit boards (PCBs), and edge-connectors. High temperature durable die-attach and precious metal wire-bonding are used in the chip-level packaging process. A high temperature sensor package is specifically designed to address high temperature micro-fabricated capacitive pressure sensors for high differential pressure environments. This presentation describes development of these electronics and sensor packaging technologies, including some testing results of SiC electronics and capacitive pressure sensors using these packaging technologies.

  5. Simulación del movimiento del aire en un invernadero tipo venlo

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    Jorge Víctor Prado Hernández


    Full Text Available Se han realizado aproximaciones teóricas para estudiar la ventilación en invernaderos como los modelos mecanicistas, que se basan en el balance de energía, pero sólo proveen información acerca de la tasa de ventilación global sin ofrecer detalles de la distribución espacial de las líneas de corriente de aire. En años recientes se ha observado que los modelos matemáticos basados en las ecuaciones completas de Navier-Stokes representan adecuadamente la ventilación en invernaderos y ofrecen información detallada de la distribución espacial de la masa de aire; sin embargo, resulta muy costosa la adquisición de los permisos de uso de los paquetes de cómputo comerciales por lo que es necesario investigar sobre modelos simplificados con el fin de reducir los costos de los estudios. En este trabajo se simuló la circulación de aire en un invernadero tipo Venlo en diferentes condiciones de ventilación, mediante dos modelos: uno de ellos considera las ecuaciones completas de Navier-Stokes, y el otro resuelve un modelo simplificado de Navier-Stokes en el que no se considera la aceleración convectiva en la ecuación de cantidad de movimiento. Para el estudio del modelo completo se usó el programa comercial FLUENT versión 11.0 (ANSYS Inc, 2013 y el modelo simplificado se resolvió numéricamente en MATLAB. Ambos métodos arrojan tasas de ventilación globales similares, pero la circulación de la masa de aire es diferente en algunos escenarios de ventilación. El método simplificado resultó más económico en dinero y tiempo, debido a que su solución numérica se puede implementar con mayor facilidad en algún lenguaje de programación de medio y alto nivel, y porque los tiempos de cómputo se reducen sustancialmente. Para tener mayor detalle de las zonas de recirculación de la masa de aire en el interior de los invernaderos se debe considerar el modelo completo de Navier-Stokes.

  6. Purity and radioactive decay behaviour of industrial 2D-reinforced SiCf/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scholz, H.W.; Zucchetti, M.; Casteleyn, K.; Adelhelm, C.


    Ceramic matrix composites based on SiC with continuous fibres (SiC f /SiC) are considered promising structural materials for future fusion devices. It was still to clarify, whether impurities in industrial SiC f /SiC could jeopardise radiological advantages. Experimental impurity analyses revealed a two-dimensionally reinforced SiC f /SiC with the matrix produced by CVI as very pure. Chemo-spectrometric methods were combined with radioactivation methods (CPAA, NAA). A quantification of the main constituents Si, C and O was added. Calculations with the FISPACT-2.4 code and EAF-2 library identified elements detrimental for different low-activation criteria. For the neutron exposure, EEF reactor-study first wall and blanket conditions were simulated. The calculated SiC f /SiC included 48 trace elements. Even under conservative assumptions, all low-activation limits of European interest are fulfilled. Exclusively the hands-on recycling limit for the First Wall can intrinsically not be satisfied with SiC. The theoretical goal of a SiC f /SiC depleted of 28 Si (isotopic tailoring) is critically discussed. ((orig.))

  7. Anisotropy in elastic properties of TiSi2 (C49, C40 and C54), TiSi and Ti5Si3: an ab-initio density functional study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niranjan, Manish K


    We present a comparative study of the anisotropy in the elastic properties of the C49, C54 and C40 phases of TiSi 2 , as well as orthorhombic TiSi and hexagonal Ti 5 Si 3 . The elastic constants, elastic moduli, Debye temperature and sound velocities are computed within the framework of density functional theory. The computed values of the elastic constants and moduli are found to be in excellent agreement with available experimental values. The average elastic moduli, such as Young’s modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus and Poisson’s ratio, of polycrystalline aggregates are computed using the computed elastic constants of single crystals. The anisotropy in elastic properties is analyzed using estimates of shear anisotropic factors, bulk modulus anisotropic factors and variations in Young’s and bulk moduli in different crystallographic directions. Among the Ti–Si phases, the computed directional Young’s modulus profiles of C49 TiSi 2 and C40 TiSi 2 are found to be quite similar to those of bulk Si and Ti, respectively. In addition to the elastic properties, the electronic structure of five Ti–Si phases is studied. The density of states and planar charge density profiles reveal mixed covalent–metallic bonding in all Ti–Si phases. (paper)

  8. Disorder accumulation and recovery in gold-ion irradiated 3C-SiC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jiang, Weilin; Weber, William J.; Lian, Jie; Kalkhoran, N. M.


    A single-crystal 3C-SiC film on the Si/SiO2/Si (SIMOX) substrate was irradiated in different areas at 156 K with Au2+ ions to low fluences. The disorder profiles as a function of dose on both the Si and C sublattices have been determined in situ using a combination of 0.94 MeV D+ Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and nuclear reaction analysis in channeling geometry along the <100>, <110> and <111> axes. The results indicate that for the same damage state, the level of disorder on the Si sublattice in 3C-SiC follows a decreasing order along the <111>, <100> and <110> axes, while that on the C sublattice shows comparable values. Similar levels of Si and C disorder are observed along the <111> axis over the applied dose range. However, the level of C disorder is higher than that of Si disorder along either <100> or <110>. The amount of disorder recovery during thermal annealing processes depends on the sublattice (Si or C) and crystallographic orientation. Room-temperature recovery occurs for both sublattices in 3C-SiC irradiated to a dose of 0.047 dpa or lower. Significant recovery is observed along all directions during thermal annealing at 600 K. The results will be discussed and compared to those for 6H- and 4H-SiC under similar irradiation conditions.

  9. Gestión del talento humano y compromiso organizacional de los docentes del nivel primario en las instituciones educativas del Cercado de Huaral, 2014


    Huapalla Paredes, Javier Mitchel


    El presente estudio se centra en describir cómo se relaciona Gestión del talento humano y compromiso organizacional de los docentes del nivel primario en las Instituciones Educativas del Cercado de Huaral, 2014. El nivel de la presente investigación es cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo correlacional. La muestra es probabilística de 125 docentes del nivel primario de las Instituciones Educativas del Cercado de Huaral. Los instrumentos utilizados para observar y recabar inform...

  10. Planar Edge Terminations and Related Manufacturing Process Technology for High Power 4H-SiC Diodes


    Pérez Rodríguez, Raúl


    Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada Els dispositius semiconductors de potència es requereixen per transmetre o rebre gairebé qualsevol tipus de senyal elèctrica i energia electromagnètica. En temps de constant augment del consum energètic i de la sensibilitat medi-ambiental, aquests petits dispositius poden dura a terme un gran paper. Un aspecte molt important és la elecció del material semiconductor. El carbur de silici (SiC) es un semiconductor de ample ...

  11. Growth rate and surface morphology of 4H-SiC crystals grown from Si-Cr-C and Si-Cr-Al-C solutions under various temperature gradient conditions (United States)

    Mitani, Takeshi; Komatsu, Naoyoshi; Takahashi, Tetsuo; Kato, Tomohisa; Fujii, Kuniharu; Ujihara, Toru; Matsumoto, Yuji; Kurashige, Kazuhisa; Okumura, Hajime


    The growth rate and surface morphology of 4H-SiC crystals prepared by solution growth with Si1-xCrx and Si1-x-yCrxAly (x=0.4, 0.5 and 0.6; y=0.04) solvents were investigated under various temperature conditions. The growth rate was examined as functions of the temperature difference between the growth surface and C source, the amount of supersaturated C and supersaturation at the growth surface. We found that generation of trench-like surface defects in 4H-SiC crystals was suppressed using Si1-x-yCrxAly solvents even under highly supersaturated conditions where the growth rate exceeded 760 μm/h. Conversely, trench-like defects were observed in crystals grown with Si1-xCrx solvents under all experimental conditions. Statistical observation of the macrostep structure showed that the macrostep height in crystals grown with Si1-x-yCrxAly solvents was maintained at lower levels than that obtained using Si1-xCrx solvents. Addition of Al prevents the macrosteps from developing into large steps, which are responsible for the generation of trench-like surface defects.

  12. Palladium assisted silver transport in polycrystalline SiC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neethling, J.H., E-mail: [Physics Department, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, PO Box 77000, Port Elizabeth 6031 (South Africa); O' Connell, J.H.; Olivier, E.J. [Physics Department, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, PO Box 77000, Port Elizabeth 6031 (South Africa)


    The transport of silver in polycrystalline 3C-SiC and hexagonal 6H-SiC has been investigated by annealing the SiC samples in contact with a Pd-Ag compound at temperatures of 800 and 1000 Degree-Sign C and times of 24 and 67 h. The Pd was added in an attempt to improve the low wetting of SiC by Ag and further because Pd is produced in measurable concentrations in coated particles during reactor operation. Pd is also known to coalesce at the IPyC-SiC interface and to chemically attack the SiC layer. SEM, TEM and EDS were used to show that the Ag penetrates polycrystalline SiC along grain boundaries together with Pd. It is suggested that Ag transport in SiC takes place along grain boundaries in the form of moving nodules consisting of a Ag-Pd mixture. It is assumed that the nodules move along grain boundaries by dissolving the SiC at the leading edge followed by the reprecipitation of SiC at the trailing edge. Since the solubility of Cs in Ag and Pd is extremely low, it is unlikely that Cs will penetrate the SiC together with the Ag-Pd compound if present at the IPyC-SiC interface. If it is assumed that the dominant transport mechanism of Ag in intact polycrystalline SiC is indeed the Pd assisted mechanism, then the stabilization of Pd (and other metallic fission products) in the kernel could be a way of mitigating Ag release from TRISO-coated particles.

  13. Empleo de escorias de soldadura del sistema MnO-Si02 para la obtención de un nuevo fundente aglomerado aleado

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    Cruz, A.


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the use of welding slags of the MnO-Si02 system fluxes, coming from the recovering by means of the submerged arc welding in the manufacturing of agglomerated fluxes for surfacing with the same propose. The composition of the matrix is studied by means of an experimental design in a restricted area of the McLean Anderson kind, the technological behaviour of the different mixtures is checked, and the results of the best types that have alloy charges included are analysed by a characterization of the weld.

    El presente trabajo plantea la utilización de escorias de fundentes del sistema MnO-Si02, procedentes del proceso de recuperación de rodillos de buldózer, mediante soldadura automática por arco sumergido, en la fabricación de fundentes aglomerado para relleno de soldadura con idénticos fines. Se realiza un estudio de conformación de la matriz del fundente mediante un diseño de experimentos de tipo McLean Anderson para una región restringida, estudiándose el comportamiento tecnológico de las diferentes mezclas, evaluándose, además, los resultados de las mejores variantes con carga aleante incluida, mediante una caracterización de los depósitos

  14. Seropositividad al virus linfotrópico de células T humanas tipos I y II en donantes del Banco Municipal de Sangre de Caracas y factores de riesgo asociados

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    Graciela León


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Conocer la proporción de sangre descartada por seropositividad al virus linfotrópico de células T humanas (HTLV tipos I y II, la prevalencia de dicha infección y los probables factores de riesgo en donantes del Banco Municipal de Sangre de Caracas (BMSC. MÉTODOS: Se evaluaron serológicamente mediante ensayos de inmunoadsorción enzimática (ELISA 23 413 donantes atendidos entre julio del año 2000 y abril de 2001 en el BMSC. Las muestras repetidamente reactivas (RR se estudiaron por inmunoblot de Western (WB, como prueba suplementaria. Los donantes positivos o indeterminados por WB fueron citados a la consejería para realizar la confirmación mediante la amplificación de ácidos nucleicos por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR, recoger datos sobre sus antecedentes de riesgo y asesorarlos acerca de su estado. RESULTADOS. El 0,2% de las donaciones resultaron RR; de ellas 52,1% resultaron positivas en el WB (23 a HTLV I y 2 a HTLV II; 4,1% indeterminadas por WB; 29,2% negativas; y el 14,6% no pudo ser evaluado. Asistieron a la consejería 16 donantes (14 WB positivos a HTLV I, 1 a HTLV II y 1 indeterminado. Todos resultaron positivos en la RCP. No se encontraron diferencias significativas con el grupo control en cuanto a edad, sexo, tipo de donación, número de donaciones previas, antecedentes de transfusiones y comportamiento sexual. Se observaron diferencias significativas según los antecedentes de consumo de drogas no intravenosas (P < 0,05, y altamente significativas (P < 0,001 según los antecedentes de lactancia materna larga. Las madres estudiadas de seis de los donantes positivos que manifestaron haber tenido una larga lactancia materna resultaron positivas, al igual que el hijo mayor de la única pareja positiva de las 13 evaluadas. CONCLUSIONES. Se descartó el 0,2% de la sangre por resultar positiva al HTLV I/II. La prevalencia entre los donantes fue de 0,11%. En el 37,5% de los casos se pudo determinar la

  15. Seropositividad al virus linfotrópico de células T humanas tipos I y II en donantes del Banco Municipal de Sangre de Caracas y factores de riesgo asociados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    León Graciela


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Conocer la proporción de sangre descartada por seropositividad al virus linfotrópico de células T humanas (HTLV tipos I y II, la prevalencia de dicha infección y los probables factores de riesgo en donantes del Banco Municipal de Sangre de Caracas (BMSC. MÉTODOS: Se evaluaron serológicamente mediante ensayos de inmunoadsorción enzimática (ELISA 23 413 donantes atendidos entre julio del año 2000 y abril de 2001 en el BMSC. Las muestras repetidamente reactivas (RR se estudiaron por inmunoblot de Western (WB, como prueba suplementaria. Los donantes positivos o indeterminados por WB fueron citados a la consejería para realizar la confirmación mediante la amplificación de ácidos nucleicos por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR, recoger datos sobre sus antecedentes de riesgo y asesorarlos acerca de su estado. RESULTADOS. El 0,2% de las donaciones resultaron RR; de ellas 52,1% resultaron positivas en el WB (23 a HTLV I y 2 a HTLV II; 4,1% indeterminadas por WB; 29,2% negativas; y el 14,6% no pudo ser evaluado. Asistieron a la consejería 16 donantes (14 WB positivos a HTLV I, 1 a HTLV II y 1 indeterminado. Todos resultaron positivos en la RCP. No se encontraron diferencias significativas con el grupo control en cuanto a edad, sexo, tipo de donación, número de donaciones previas, antecedentes de transfusiones y comportamiento sexual. Se observaron diferencias significativas según los antecedentes de consumo de drogas no intravenosas (P < 0,05, y altamente significativas (P < 0,001 según los antecedentes de lactancia materna larga. Las madres estudiadas de seis de los donantes positivos que manifestaron haber tenido una larga lactancia materna resultaron positivas, al igual que el hijo mayor de la única pareja positiva de las 13 evaluadas. CONCLUSIONES. Se descartó el 0,2% de la sangre por resultar positiva al HTLV I/II. La prevalencia entre los donantes fue de 0,11%. En el 37,5% de los casos se pudo determinar la

  16. Luminescence of solar cells with a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions (United States)

    Zhigunov, D. M.; Il'in, A. S.; Forsh, P. A.; Bobyl', A. V.; Verbitskii, V. N.; Terukov, E. I.; Kashkarov, P. K.


    We have studied the electroluminescence (EL) and photoluminescence (PL) of solar cells containing a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions. It is established that both the EL and PL properties of these cells are determined by the radiative recombination of nonequilibrium carriers in crystalline silicon (c-Si). The external EL energy yield (efficiency) of solar cells with a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions at room temperature amounts to 2.1% and exceeds the value reached in silicon diode structures. This large EL efficiency can be explained by good passivation of the surface of crystalline silicon and the corresponding increase in lifetime of minority carrier s in these solar cells.

  17. Palladium assisted silver transport in polycrystalline SiC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neethling, J.H.; O’Connell, J.H.; Olivier, E.J.


    The transport of silver in polycrystalline 3C-SiC and hexagonal 6H-SiC has been investigated by annealing the SiC samples in contact with a Pd–Ag compound at temperatures of 800 and 1000 °C and times of 24 and 67 h. The Pd was added in an attempt to improve the low wetting of SiC by Ag and further because Pd is produced in measurable concentrations in coated particles during reactor operation. Pd is also known to coalesce at the IPyC–SiC interface and to chemically attack the SiC layer. SEM, TEM and EDS were used to show that the Ag penetrates polycrystalline SiC along grain boundaries together with Pd. It is suggested that Ag transport in SiC takes place along grain boundaries in the form of moving nodules consisting of a Ag–Pd mixture. It is assumed that the nodules move along grain boundaries by dissolving the SiC at the leading edge followed by the reprecipitation of SiC at the trailing edge. Since the solubility of Cs in Ag and Pd is extremely low, it is unlikely that Cs will penetrate the SiC together with the Ag–Pd compound if present at the IPyC–SiC interface. If it is assumed that the dominant transport mechanism of Ag in intact polycrystalline SiC is indeed the Pd assisted mechanism, then the stabilization of Pd (and other metallic fission products) in the kernel could be a way of mitigating Ag release from TRISO-coated particles.

  18. Environmental Barrier Coating Development for SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites: Recent Advances and Future Directions (United States)

    Zhu, Dongming


    This presentation briefly reviews the SiC/SiC major environmental and environment-fatigue degradations encountered in simulated turbine combustion environments, and thus NASA environmental barrier coating system evolution for protecting the SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites for meeting the engine performance requirements. The presentation will review several generations of NASA EBC materials systems, EBC-CMC component system technologies for SiC/SiC ceramic matrix composite combustors and turbine airfoils, highlighting the temperature capability and durability improvements in simulated engine high heat flux, high pressure, high velocity, and with mechanical creep and fatigue loading conditions. This paper will also focus on the performance requirements and design considerations of environmental barrier coatings for next generation turbine engine applications. The current development emphasis is placed on advanced NASA candidate environmental barrier coating systems for SiC/SiC CMCs, their performance benefits and design limitations in long-term operation and combustion environments. The efforts have been also directed to developing prime-reliant, self-healing 2700F EBC bond coat; and high stability, lower thermal conductivity, and durable EBC top coats. Major technical barriers in developing environmental barrier coating systems, the coating integrations with next generation CMCs having the improved environmental stability, erosion-impact resistance, and long-term fatigue-environment system durability performance will be described. The research and development opportunities for turbine engine environmental barrier coating systems by utilizing improved compositions, state-of-the-art processing methods, and simulated environment testing and durability modeling will be briefly discussed.

  19. Preparation of SiC and Ag/SiC coatings on TRISO surrogate particles by Pulsed Laser Deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lustfeld, Martin; Reinecke, Anne-Maria; Lippman, Wolfgang; Hurtado, Antonio; Ruiz-Moreno, Ana


    Recently published research results suggest significant advantages of using nanocrystalline instead of coarse grained SiC for nuclear applications. In this work it was attempted to prepare nanocrystalline SiC coatings on TRISO surrogate kernels using the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) process. As a plasma-based physical vapor deposition process, PLD allows the synthesis of dense and stoichiometric coatings in the amorphous or nanocrystalline phase. Two different types of TRISO surrogate kernels were used with outer diameters of 500 pm and 800 μm, respectively: plain Al_2O_3 kernels and ZrO_2 kernels coated with TRISO-like buffer and pyrolytic carbon (PyC) layers. In a second step, the PLD process was used for the preparation of multilayer coatings consisting of a Ag layer buried with a SiC layer. The samples were analyzed regarding their morphology, microstructure, crystalline phase and chemical composition using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), laser scanning microscopy (LSM), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy- dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The samples will be used in future work for out-of-pile investigations of both thermal stability and Ag retention capability of nanocrystalline SiC layers. X-ray diflraction measurements did not confirm nano crystallinity of the SiC coatings, but rather indicated that the coatings were mainly amorphous possibly with a little fraction of the nanocrystalline phase. Further analyses showed that some of the SiC coatings had an adequate stoichiometric composition and that Ag/SiC multilayer coatings were successfully produced by PLD. Coatings on TRISO- like buffer and PyC layers exhibited good adhesion to the substrate while coatings on Al_2O_3 kernels were susceptible to delamination. The results suggest that PLD is generally suitable for SiC coating of TRISO particles. However, further optimization of the process parameters such as the coating temperature is needed to obtain fine- grained non-columnar SiC layers that are

  20. Heteroepitaxy of zinc-blende SiC nano-dots on Si substrate by organometallic ion beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, T.; Kiuchi, M.; Sugimoto, S.; Goto, S.


    The self-assembled SiC nano-dots were fabricated on Si(111) substrate at low-temperatures using the organometallic ion beam deposition technique. The single precursor of methylsilicenium ions (SiCH 3 + ) with the energy of 100 eV was deposited on Si(111) substrate at 500, 550 and 600 deg. C. The characteristics of the self-assembled SiC nano-dots were analyzed by reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED), Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscope (AFM). The RHEED patterns showed that the crystal structure of the SiC nano-dots formed on Si(111) substrate was zinc-blende SiC (3C-SiC) and it was heteroepitaxy. The self-assembled SiC nano-dots were like a dome in shape, and their sizes were the length of 200-300 nm and the height of 10-15 nm. Despite the low-temperature of 500 deg. C as SiC crystallization the heteroepitaxial SiC nano-dots were fabricated on Si(111) substrate using the organometallic ion beam

  1. Nano-SiC region formation in (100) Si-on-insulator substrate: Optimization of hot-C+-ion implantation process to improve photoluminescence intensity (United States)

    Mizuno, Tomohisa; Omata, Yuhsuke; Kanazawa, Rikito; Iguchi, Yusuke; Nakada, Shinji; Aoki, Takashi; Sasaki, Tomokazu


    We experimentally studied the optimization of the hot-C+-ion implantation process for forming nano-SiC (silicon carbide) regions in a (100) Si-on-insulator substrate at various hot-C+-ion implantation temperatures and C+ ion doses to improve photoluminescence (PL) intensity for future Si-based photonic devices. We successfully optimized the process by hot-C+-ion implantation at a temperature of about 700 °C and a C+ ion dose of approximately 4 × 1016 cm-2 to realize a high intensity of PL emitted from an approximately 1.5-nm-thick C atom segregation layer near the surface-oxide/Si interface. Moreover, atom probe tomography showed that implanted C atoms cluster in the Si layer and near the oxide/Si interface; thus, the C content locally condenses even in the C atom segregation layer, which leads to SiC formation. Corrector-spherical aberration transmission electron microscopy also showed that both 4H-SiC and 3C-SiC nanoareas near both the surface-oxide/Si and buried-oxide/Si interfaces partially grow into the oxide layer, and the observed PL photons are mainly emitted from the surface SiC nano areas.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Guerra


    Full Text Available Es importante determinar y monitorear el mantenimiento del control metabólico en los pacientes diabéticos. Dado que las concentraciones de hemoglobina glicosilada (HbA1c y de proteínas glicadas diferentes a la hemoglobina, conocidas colectivamente como “fructosamina”, son indicadores del aumento sostenido de la glicemia durante un período de tiempo, se decidió estudiar estos parámetros sanguíneos en un grupo de pacientes diabéticos tipo I en Bogotá, y compararlos con un grupo de individuos saludables.El grupo control estuvo conformado por 25 estudiantes saludables de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, DC, seleccionados al azar, y el experimental, por 25 pacientes diabéticos tipo I contactados a través de la Asociación Colombiana de Diabetes, con edades comprendidas entre 15 a 25 años. Con los datos obtenidos se realizaron análisis de regresión y análisis de correlación lineal múltiple. Los resultados mostraron correlación alta (r=0,9 entre HbA1c y “fructosamina”. Se encontró diferencias significantes (p<0,05 entre los controles y los pacientes para ambos parámetros. Los valores de HbA1c y de “fructosamina” fueron independientes de la concentración de glucosa sanguínea durante el estudio.

  3. M3FT-16OR020202112 - Report on viability of hydrothermal corrosion resistant SiC/SiC Joint development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Katoh, Yutai [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Koyanagi, Takaaki [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Kiggans Jr, James O. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Terrani, Kurt A. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    Hydrothermal corrosion of four types of the silicon carbide (SiC) to SiC plate joints were investigated under PWR and BWR relevant chemical conditions without irradiation. The joints were formed by metal diffusion bonding using molybdenum or titanium interlayer, reaction sintering using Ti-Si-C system, and SiC nanopowder sintering. Most of the formed joints withstood the corrosion tests for five weeks. The recession of the SiC substrates was limited. Based on the recession rate of the bonding layers, it was concluded that all the joints except for the molybdenum diffusion bond are promising under the reducing activity environments. The SiC nanopowder sintered joint was the most corrosion tolerant under the oxidizing activity environment among the four joints.

  4. Physicochemical interactions resulting from the use of a SiC/SiC composite material in typical environments of future nuclear reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Braun, James


    The development of high purity SiC fibers during the nineties has led to their consideration as nuclear reactors components through the use of SiC/SiC composites. SiC and SiC/SiC composites are considered as core materials of future nuclear reactors (SFR, GFR) and as a potential replacement for the zirconium cladding of PWR. Therefore, the thermochemical compatibility of these materials with typical environments of those nuclear reactors has been studied. The composition and the growth kinetics of the reaction zone of SiC towards niobium and tantalum (considered as materials to ensure the leak-tightness of a SiC/SiC cladding for GFR) have been studied between 1050 and 1500 C. High temperature heat treatments in open and closed systems between SiC and UO 2 have shown a significant reactivity over 1200 C characterized by the formation of CO and uranium silicides. Moreover, a liquid phase has been detected between 1500 and 1650 C. The exposure of SiC/SiC to liquid sodium (550 C, up to 2000 h) has been studied as a function of the oxygen concentration dissolved in liquid sodium. An improvement of the mechanical properties of the composites elaborated for this study (increase of the tensile strength and strain at failure) has been highlighted after immersion in the liquid sodium independently of its oxygen concentration. It is believed that this phenomenon is due to the presence of residual sodium in the material. (author) [fr

  5. Mechanical performance of Hi-Nicalon/CVI-SiC composites with multilayer SiC/C interfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Halverson, H.G.; Carter, R.H.; Curtin, W.A. [Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacksburg, VA (United States). Dept. of Engineering Science and Mechanics


    The mechanical properties and interfacial characteristics of new SiC/SiC ceramic composites, composed of Hi-Nicalon fibers in a CVI-SiC matrix and having a variety of multilayer SiC/C coatings between the fibers and the matrix, are studied in detail to elucidate the roles of the coatings and fibers. Axial tension tests and unload/reload hysteresis loop measurements are performed to determine mechanical performance. All materials exhibit the strong and tough behavior characteristic of good ceramic composites, with all multilayer variants performing quite similarly. SEM microscopy demonstrates that matrix cracks penetrate through the multilayers and debond at the fiber/inner-coating interface. Analysis of the hysteretic behavior leads to values for interfacial sliding resistance {tau} {approx} 11 ksi and interfacial toughness {Gamma}{sub i} {approx} 2 J/m{sup 2} that are nearly independent of multilayer structure, and are similar to values obtained for standard pyrolitic carbon interfaces. These results all indicate debonding at the fiber surface for all coating structures, which provides a common roughness, {tau}, and {Gamma}{sub i}. Analysis of fiber fracture mirrors provides an estimate of the in-situ strength of the fibers and demonstrates the high strength retention of the Hi-Nicalon fibers. The in-situ fiber strengths are combined with the measured pullout lengths to obtain an independent determination of {tau} = 8.5 ksi that agrees well with the value found from the hysteretic behavior. Predictions of composite strength using the derived fiber strengths agree well with the measured value although the predicted failure strain is too large. This study demonstrates that Hi-Nicalon fiber/CVI-SiC composites perform well for a wide range of multilayer interface structures and that the interfaces present relatively high values of {tau} and {Gamma}{sub i}, both of which are beneficial to strength and toughness. The small carbon layer thicknesses in these multilayer

  6. Nitric acid oxidation of Si (NAOS) method for low temperature fabrication of SiO{sub 2}/Si and SiO{sub 2}/SiC structures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kobayashi, H., E-mail: [Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, and CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 8-1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047 (Japan); Imamura, K.; Kim, W.-B.; Im, S.-S.; Asuha [Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, and CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 8-1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047 (Japan)


    We have developed low temperature formation methods of SiO{sub 2}/Si and SiO{sub 2}/SiC structures by use of nitric acid, i.e., nitric acid oxidation of Si (or SiC) (NAOS) methods. By use of the azeotropic NAOS method (i.e., immersion in 68 wt% HNO{sub 3} aqueous solutions at 120 deg. C), an ultrathin (i.e., 1.3-1.4 nm) SiO{sub 2} layer with a low leakage current density can be formed on Si. The leakage current density can be further decreased by post-metallization anneal (PMA) at 200 deg. C in hydrogen atmosphere, and consequently the leakage current density at the gate bias voltage of 1 V becomes 1/4-1/20 of that of an ultrathin (i.e., 1.5 nm) thermal oxide layer usually formed at temperatures between 800 and 900 deg. C. The low leakage current density is attributable to (i) low interface state density, (ii) low SiO{sub 2} gap-state density, and (iii) high band discontinuity energy at the SiO{sub 2}/Si interface arising from the high atomic density of the NAOS SiO{sub 2} layer. For the formation of a relatively thick (i.e., {>=}10 nm) SiO{sub 2} layer, we have developed the two-step NAOS method in which the initial and subsequent oxidation is performed by immersion in {approx}40 wt% HNO{sub 3} and azeotropic HNO{sub 3} aqueous solutions, respectively. In this case, the SiO{sub 2} formation rate does not depend on the Si surface orientation. Using the two-step NAOS method, a uniform thickness SiO{sub 2} layer can be formed even on the rough surface of poly-crystalline Si thin films. The atomic density of the two-step NAOS SiO{sub 2} layer is slightly higher than that for thermal oxide. When PMA at 250 deg. C in hydrogen is performed on the two-step NAOS SiO{sub 2} layer, the current-voltage and capacitance-voltage characteristics become as good as those for thermal oxide formed at 900 deg. C. A relatively thick (i.e., {>=}10 nm) SiO{sub 2} layer can also be formed on SiC at 120 deg. C by use of the two-step NAOS method. With no treatment before the NAOS method

  7. SiC for microwave power transistors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sriram, S.; Siergiej, R.R.; Clarke, R.C.; Agarwal, A.K.; Brandt, C.D. [Northrop Grumman Sci. and Technol. Center, Pittsburgh, PA (United States)


    The advantages of SiC for high power, microwave devices are discussed. The design considerations, fabrication, and experimental results are described for SiC MESFETs and SITs. The highest reported f{sub max} for a 0.5 {mu}m MESFET using semi-insulating 4H-SiC is 42 GHz. These devices also showed a small signal gain of 5.1 dB at 20 GHz. Other 4H-SiC MESFETs have shown a power density of 3.3 W/mm at 850 MHz. The largest SiC power transistor reported is a 450 W SIT measured at 600 MHz. The power output density of this SIT is 2.5 times higher than that of comparable silicon devices. SITs have been designed to operate as high as 3.0 GHz, with a 3 cm periphery part delivering 38 W of output power. (orig.) 28 refs.

  8. ZnO epitaxy on SiC(0001-bar) substrate: Comparison with ZnO/SiC(0 0 0 1) heterostructure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashrafi, Almamun; Aminuzzaman, Mohammod


    ZnO thin layers deposited on 6H-SiC substrates showed six-fold crystal symmetry with an epitaxial relationship of (0 0 0 2) ZnO ||(0 0 0 6) SiC and [112-bar 0] ZnO ||[112-bar 0] SiC . Despite the different 6H-SiC substrate surface orientations for the ZnO epitaxy, the orientation relationship of ZnO/6H-SiC heterostructures is identical, as confirmed by X-ray diffraction studies. In these ZnO/6H-SiC(0 0 0 1) and ZnO/6H-SiC(0001-bar) heterostructures, the valence band offsets are measured to be 1.12 eV and 1.09 eV, leading to the conduction band offset values of 0.75 eV and 0.72 eV, respectively. These slightly different band-offset values in ZnO/6H-SiC heterojunctions are attributed to the variation of valence band maximums and the different interface charge compensation mechanisms.

  9. Molecular dynamics simulation of damage cascade creation in SiC composites containing SiC/graphite interface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wallace, Joseph; Chen, Di; Wang, Jing; Shao, Lin, E-mail:


    Silicon carbide composites have been investigated for their use as structural materials for advanced nuclear reactor designs. Although the composites have significantly enhanced mechanical properties and structure integrity, there is little known about the behavior of defects in the presence of a graphite-silicon carbide interface. In this study, molecular dynamics simulations have been used to model defect creation and clustering in a composite containing a SiC/graphite interface. Evolution of displacements as a function of time were studied and compared to bulk SiC. The results show that the first a few SiC atomic layers closest to the interface are easily damaged. However, beyond these first few atomic layers the system appears to be unaffected by the SiC interface.

  10. Electrochemical characteristics of nc-Si/SiC composite for anode electrode of lithium ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeon, Bup Ju; Lee, Joong Kee


    Graphical abstract: Cycling performances and coulombic efficiencies of the nc-Si/SiC composite anodes at different CH 4 /SiH 4 mole ratios. -- Highlights: • Our work has focused on irreversible discharge capacity and capacity retention of nc-Si/SiC composite particles. • Particles comprised a mixed construction of nc-Si/SiC structure with dual phases. • The SiC phase acted as retarding media, leading to enhanced cycle stability. -- Abstract: nc-Si/SiC composite particles were prepared as an anode material for lithium ion batteries using a plasma jet with DC arc discharge. The composition of the nc-Si/SiC composite particles was controlled by setting the mole ratio of CH 4 and SiH 4 precursor gases. X-ray diffraction, TEM images, and Raman shift analyses revealed that the synthesized nc-Si/SiC composite particles comprised a construction of nano-nocaled structure with crystalline phases of active silicon, highly disordered amorphous carbon of graphite and crystalline phases of β-SiC. In the experimental range examined, the nc-Si/SiC composite particles showed good coulombic efficiency in comparison with particles high Si–Si bonding content due to the interplay of particles with a small proportion of carbon and the buffering effect against volume expansion by structural stabilization, and played a role as retarding media for the rapid electrochemical reactions of the SiC crystal against lithium

  11. Electrochemical characteristics of nc-Si/SiC composite for anode electrode of lithium ion batteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeon, Bup Ju [Department of Energy Resources, Shinhan University, 233-1, Sangpae-dong, Dongducheon, Gyeonggi-do, 483-777 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Joong Kee, E-mail: [Advanced Energy Materials Processing Laboratory, Center for Energy Convergence Research, Green City Technology Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-791 (Korea, Republic of)


    Graphical abstract: Cycling performances and coulombic efficiencies of the nc-Si/SiC composite anodes at different CH{sub 4}/SiH{sub 4} mole ratios. -- Highlights: • Our work has focused on irreversible discharge capacity and capacity retention of nc-Si/SiC composite particles. • Particles comprised a mixed construction of nc-Si/SiC structure with dual phases. • The SiC phase acted as retarding media, leading to enhanced cycle stability. -- Abstract: nc-Si/SiC composite particles were prepared as an anode material for lithium ion batteries using a plasma jet with DC arc discharge. The composition of the nc-Si/SiC composite particles was controlled by setting the mole ratio of CH{sub 4} and SiH{sub 4} precursor gases. X-ray diffraction, TEM images, and Raman shift analyses revealed that the synthesized nc-Si/SiC composite particles comprised a construction of nano-nocaled structure with crystalline phases of active silicon, highly disordered amorphous carbon of graphite and crystalline phases of β-SiC. In the experimental range examined, the nc-Si/SiC composite particles showed good coulombic efficiency in comparison with particles high Si–Si bonding content due to the interplay of particles with a small proportion of carbon and the buffering effect against volume expansion by structural stabilization, and played a role as retarding media for the rapid electrochemical reactions of the SiC crystal against lithium.

  12. Transport properties at 3C-SiC interfaces


    Eriksson, Gustav Jens Peter


    For years cubic (3C) silicon carbide (SiC) has been believed to be a very promising wide bandgap semiconductor for high frequency and high power electronics. However, 3C-SiC is fraught with large concentrations of various defects, which have so far hindered the achievement of the predicted properties at a macroscopic level. These defects have properties that are inherently nanoscale and that will have a strong influence on the electrical behavior of the material, particularly at interfaces c...

  13. Análisis de la culpabilidad en los siniestros del seguro del automóvil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Antonio Ordaz Sanz


    Full Text Available El conocimiento de los principales factores que intervienen en los accidentes que sufren los conductores es una cuestión de gran trascendencia para las compañías aseguradoras que operan en el ramo del automóvil. El interés puede resultar aún mayor si nos referimos a los siniestros en los que el asegurado es el culpable, puesto que son los que repercuten negativamente de forma directa en la compañía. El análisis que llevamos a cabo en este trabajo tiene como propósito fundamental determinar las variables que se muestran como más significativas en el proceso de estimación del número de siniestros declarados por los clientes a sus compañías aseguradoras cuando son culpables. El estudio se basa en los datos cedidos por una entidad aseguradora privada española. Como se hace generalmente en este tipo de investigaciones, se aplica un modelo econométrico de tipo recuento o count data. De entre éstos, decidiremos cuál es finalmente el más adecuado: si modelos tradicionales, como el de regresión de Poisson o el binomial negativo, u otros más complejos y recientes como los inflados de ceros.

  14. Advanced Environmental Barrier Coating Development for SiC-SiC Ceramic Matrix Composite Components (United States)

    Zhu, Dongming; Harder, Bryan; Hurst, Janet B.; Halbig, Michael Charles; Puleo, Bernadette J.; Costa, Gustavo; Mccue, Terry R.


    This presentation reviews the NASA advanced environmental barrier coating (EBC) system development for SiC-SiC Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) combustors particularly under the NASA Environmentally Responsible Aviation, Fundamental Aeronautics and Transformative Aeronautics Concepts Programs. The emphases have been placed on the current design challenges of the 2700-3000F capable environmental barrier coatings for low NOX emission combustors for next generation turbine engines by using advanced plasma spray based processes, and the coating processing and integration with SiC-SiC CMCs and component systems. The developments also have included candidate coating composition system designs, degradation mechanisms, performance evaluation and down-selects; the processing optimizations using TriplexPro Air Plasma Spray Low Pressure Plasma Spray (LPPS), Plasma Spray Physical Vapor Deposition and demonstration of EBC-CMC systems. This presentation also highlights the EBC-CMC system temperature capability and durability improvements under the NASA development programs, as demonstrated in the simulated engine high heat flux, combustion environments, in conjunction with high heat flux, mechanical creep and fatigue loading testing conditions.

  15. Effect of hydrogen flow on growth of 3C-SiC heteroepitaxial layers on Si(111) substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan, Guoguo; Zhang, Feng; Niu, Yingxi; Yang, Fei; Liu, Xingfang; Wang, Lei; Zhao, Wanshun; Sun, Guosheng; Zeng, Yiping


    Highlights: • 3C-SiC thin films of preferential orientation along with Si(111) substrates were obtained using home-made horizontal LPCVD with different H_2 flow rate ranging from15 to 30 slm. • High H_2 flow rate will inhibit the out-diffusion of silicon atoms from silicon substrates effectively. Transformation and the mechanism of void formation are discussed based on our model. • The variation of growth rate and n-type doping with increasing H_2 flow rate is researched and the influencing mechanism is discussed. - Abstract: 3C-SiC thin films were grown on Si(111) substrates at 1250 °C by horizontal low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD). We performed an exhaustive study on the effect of H_2 flow rate on the crystalline quality, surface morphologies, growth rate, n-type doping of 3C-SiC thin films and the voids at the interface. The films show epitaxial nature with high crystal quality and surface morphology increase obviously with increasing H_2 flow rate. The growth rate and n-type doping are also dependent on H_2 flow rate. The properties of the voids at the interface are discussed based on the cross-sectional scanning electron microscope characterization. Transformation of voids with increasing H_2 flow rate are attributed to higher 3C-SiC film growth rate and H_2 etching rate. The mechanism of void formation is discussed based on our model, too. The results demonstrate that H_2 flow rate plays a very important role in the heteroepitaxial growth of 3C-SiC films.

  16. Effect of hydrogen flow on growth of 3C-SiC heteroepitaxial layers on Si(111) substrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yan, Guoguo [Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083 (China); Zhang, Feng, E-mail: [Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083 (China); Niu, Yingxi; Yang, Fei [Electrical Engineering New Materials and Microelectronics Department, State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute, Beijing 100192 (China); Liu, Xingfang; Wang, Lei; Zhao, Wanshun [Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083 (China); Sun, Guosheng [Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083 (China); Dongguan Tianyu Semiconductor, Inc., Dongguan 523000 (China); Zeng, Yiping [Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083 (China)


    Highlights: • 3C-SiC thin films of preferential orientation along with Si(111) substrates were obtained using home-made horizontal LPCVD with different H{sub 2} flow rate ranging from15 to 30 slm. • High H{sub 2} flow rate will inhibit the out-diffusion of silicon atoms from silicon substrates effectively. Transformation and the mechanism of void formation are discussed based on our model. • The variation of growth rate and n-type doping with increasing H{sub 2} flow rate is researched and the influencing mechanism is discussed. - Abstract: 3C-SiC thin films were grown on Si(111) substrates at 1250 °C by horizontal low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD). We performed an exhaustive study on the effect of H{sub 2} flow rate on the crystalline quality, surface morphologies, growth rate, n-type doping of 3C-SiC thin films and the voids at the interface. The films show epitaxial nature with high crystal quality and surface morphology increase obviously with increasing H{sub 2} flow rate. The growth rate and n-type doping are also dependent on H{sub 2} flow rate. The properties of the voids at the interface are discussed based on the cross-sectional scanning electron microscope characterization. Transformation of voids with increasing H{sub 2} flow rate are attributed to higher 3C-SiC film growth rate and H{sub 2} etching rate. The mechanism of void formation is discussed based on our model, too. The results demonstrate that H{sub 2} flow rate plays a very important role in the heteroepitaxial growth of 3C-SiC films.

  17. Carrier frequency of GJB2 gene mutations c.35delG, c.235delC and c.167delT among the populations of Eurasia. (United States)

    Dzhemileva, Lilya U; Barashkov, Nikolay A; Posukh, Olga L; Khusainova, Rita I; Akhmetova, Vita L; Kutuev, Ildus A; Gilyazova, Irina R; Tadinova, Vera N; Fedorova, Sardana A; Khidiyatova, Irina M; Lobov, Simeon L; Khusnutdinova, Elza K


    Hearing impairment is one of the most common disorders of sensorineural function and the incidence of profound prelingual deafness is about 1 per 1000 at birth. GJB2 gene mutations make the largest contribution to hereditary hearing impairment. The spectrum and prevalence of some GJB2 mutations are known to be dependent on the ethnic origin of the population. This study presents data on the carrier frequencies of major GJB2 mutations, c.35delG, c.167delT and c.235delC, among 2308 healthy persons from 18 various populations of Eurasia: Russians, Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvashes, Udmurts, Komi-Permyaks and Mordvins (Volga-Ural region of Russia); Belarusians and Ukrainians (East Europe); Abkhazians, Avars, Cherkessians and Ingushes (Caucasus); Kazakhs, Uighurs and Uzbeks (Central Asia); and Yakuts and Altaians (Siberia). The data on c.35delG and c.235delC mutation prevalence in the studied ethnic groups can be used to investigate the prospective founder effect in the origin and prevalence of these mutations in Eurasia and consequently in populations around the world.

  18. Doping and stability of 3C-SiC: from thinfilm to bulk growth

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jokubavicius, V.; Sun, J.; Linnarsson, M. K.

    cell technology. Nitrogen and boron doped 3C-SiC layers can depict a new infrared LED. Hexagonal SiC is an excellent substrate for heteropeitaxial growth of 3C-SiC due to excellent compatibility in lattice constant and thermal expansion coefficient. However, the growth of 3C-SiC on such substrates......-SiC for optoelectronic applications are discussed....

  19. The Seebeck coefficient of monocrystalline α-SiC and polycrystalline β-SiC measured at 300-533 K (United States)

    Abu-Ageel, N.; Aslam, M.; Ager, R.; Rimai, L.


    The temperature dependence of the Seebeck coefficient of polycrystalline icons/Journals/Common/beta" ALT="beta" ALIGN="TOP"/> -SiC films deposited on quartz substrates by laser ablation and of commercially available icons/Journals/Common/alpha" ALT="alpha" ALIGN="TOP"/> -SiC wafers is reported in a temperature range of 300-533 K for the first time. The Seebeck emf of icons/Journals/Common/alpha" ALT="alpha" ALIGN="TOP"/> -SiC substrates and icons/Journals/Common/beta" ALT="beta" ALIGN="TOP"/> -SiC samples ranges between -9 µV °C-1 and -108 µV °C-1 which is higher than that of commercial Pt thermocouples.

  20. Sistema del fosfórico. Resolución de mezclas de fosfatos por volumetría ácido-base.


    Milla González, Miguel


    Se entrega a un alumno un problema que puede contener una especie del sistema del fosfórico o mezclas binarias compatibles del mismo en forma de sales solubles. Deberá encontrarse de forma razonada si el problema corresponde al primer o al segundo tipo y averiguar la composición porcentual del mismo mediante una valoración ácido base. El ejercicio incluye consideraciones teóricas de la valoración utilizando la curva completa de valoración del ácido fosfórico, el empleo del diagrama de distrib...

  1. Impact resistance of uncoated SiC/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhatt, Ramakrishna T.; Choi, Sung R.; Cosgriff, Laura M.; Fox, Dennis S.; Lee, Kang N.


    Two-dimensional woven SiC/SiC composites fabricated by melt infiltration method were impact tested at room temperature and at 1316 deg. C in air using 1.59-mm diameter steel-ball projectiles at velocities ranging from 115 to 400 m/s. The extent of substrate damage with increasing projectile velocity was imaged and analyzed using optical and scanning electron microscopy, and non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods such as pulsed thermography, and computed tomography. The impacted specimens were tensile tested at room temperature to determine their residual mechanical properties. Results indicate that at 115 m/s projectile velocity, the composite showed no noticeable surface or internal damage and retained its as-fabricated mechanical properties. As the projectile velocity increased above this value, the internal damage increased and mechanical properties degraded. At velocities >300 m/s, the projectile penetrated through the composite, but the composite retained ∼50% of the ultimate tensile strength of the as-fabricated composite and exhibited non-brittle failure. Predominant internal damages are delamination of fiber plies, fiber fracture and matrix shearing

  2. Combined Thermomechanical and Environmental Durability of Environmental Barrier Coating Systems on SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites (United States)

    Zhu, Dongming; Harder, Bryan; Bhatt, Ramakrishna


    Environmental barrier coatings (EBCs) and SiC/SiC ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) will play a crucial role in next generation turbine engines for hot-section component applications. The development of prime-reliant environmental barrier coatings is essential to the EBC-CMC system durability, ensuring the successful implementations of the high temperature and lightweight engine component technologies for engine applications.This paper will emphasize recent NASA environmental barrier coating and CMC developments for SiC/SiC turbine airfoil components, utilizing advanced coating compositions and processing methods. The emphasis has been particularly placed on thermomechanical and environment durability evaluations of EBC-CMC systems. We have also addressed the integration of the EBCs with advanced SiC/SiC CMCs, and studied the effects of combustion environments and Calcium-Magnesium-Alumino-Silicate (CMAS) deposits on the durability of the EBC-CMC systems under thermal gradient and mechanical loading conditions. Advanced environmental barrier coating systems, including multicomponent rare earth silicate EBCs and HfO2-Si based bond coats, will be discussed for the performance improvements to achieve better temperature capability and CMAS resistance for future engine operating conditions.

  3. Desarrollo del pensamiento crítico mediante la aplicación del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas

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    Verónica Lara Quintero

    Full Text Available Resumen El proceso educativo actual involucra al docente y al estudiante con roles activos aplicando nuevas estrategias. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar si la aplicación del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas a estudiantes de Ingeniería Biomédica de una universidad privada de Bogotá, favorece la obtención de competencias genéricas, especialmente el pensamiento crítico. El tipo de estudio fue de naturaleza mixta, cuasi-experimental y transaccional. Se utilizó para el enfoque cuantitativo el cuestionario de las Competencias Genéricas Individuales validado por Olivares y Wong (2013 asociado a tres dimensiones del pensamiento crítico: interpretación, juicio e inferência. A su vez, se evaluó de manera cualitativa mediante rúbrica de cuatro categorías relacionadas con la estrategia didáctica: autonomía, participación, comunicación y disposición al pensamiento crítico. Aunque el enfoque cuantitativo no arrojó resultados determinantes en el cambio del pensamiento crítico, si se encontraron cambios a través del análisis cualitativo, especialmente en análisis, interpretación y evaluación.

  4. Irradiation damage of SiC semiconductor device (I)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Ji Yeon; Kim, Weon Ju


    This report reviewed the irradiation damage of SiC semiconductor devices and examined a irradiation behavior of SiC single crystal as a pre-examination for evaluation of irradiation behavior of SiC semiconductor devices. The SiC single was crystal irradiated by gamma-beam, N+ ion and electron beam. Annealing examinations of the irradiated specimens also were performed at 500 deg C. N-type 6H-SiC dopped with N+ ion was used and irradiation doses of gamma-beam, N+ion and electron beam were up to 200 Mrad, 1x10 16 N + ions/cm 2 and 3.6 x 10 17 e/cm 2 and 1.08 x 10 18 e/cm 2 , respectively. Irradiation damages were analyzed by the EPR method. Additionally, properties of SiC, information about commercial SiC single crystals and the list of web sites with related to the SiC device were described in the appendix

  5. Irradiation damage of SiC semiconductor device (I)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Ji Yeon; Kim, Weon Ju


    This report reviewed the irradiation damage of SiC semiconductor devices and examined a irradiation behavior of SiC single crystal as a pre-examination for evaluation of irradiation behavior of SiC semiconductor devices. The SiC single was crystal irradiated by gamma-beam, N+ ion and electron beam. Annealing examinations of the irradiated specimens also were performed at 500 deg C. N-type 6H-SiC dopped with N+ ion was used and irradiation doses of gamma-beam, N+ion and electron beam were up to 200 Mrad, 1x10{sup 16} N{sup +} ions/cm{sup 2} and 3.6 x 10{sup 17} e/cm{sup 2} and 1.08 x 10{sup 18} e/cm{sup 2} , respectively. Irradiation damages were analyzed by the EPR method. Additionally, properties of SiC, information about commercial SiC single crystals and the list of web sites with related to the SiC device were described in the appendix.

  6. Del impuesto sobre beneficios devengado al pagado: una valoración del cálculo del tipo impositivo efectivo

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    Julián Martínez Vargas


    Teniendo en cuenta esta circunstancia y que ya disponemos de información adaptada a la normativa internacional de varios ejercicios, proponemos una nueva metodología que trate de impulsar y profundizar en la realización de trabajos basados en la obtención de un tipo impositivo efectivo «fiscal» en nuestro país, que nos permita hacer comparaciones más precisas de la presión fiscal corriente de las sociedades, atendiendo a factores tales como el tamaño, el sector, la localización geográfica, la estructura económica y financiera, etc.

  7. ZnO epitaxy on SiC(0001-bar) substrate: Comparison with ZnO/SiC(0 0 0 1) heterostructure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ashrafi, Almamun, E-mail: [Department of Physics, University of Vermont, VT 05405 (United States); Aminuzzaman, Mohammod [Department of Chemical Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Perak (Malaysia)


    ZnO thin layers deposited on 6H-SiC substrates showed six-fold crystal symmetry with an epitaxial relationship of (0 0 0 2){sub ZnO}||(0 0 0 6){sub SiC} and [112-bar 0]{sub ZnO}||[112-bar 0]{sub SiC}. Despite the different 6H-SiC substrate surface orientations for the ZnO epitaxy, the orientation relationship of ZnO/6H-SiC heterostructures is identical, as confirmed by X-ray diffraction studies. In these ZnO/6H-SiC(0 0 0 1) and ZnO/6H-SiC(0001-bar) heterostructures, the valence band offsets are measured to be 1.12 eV and 1.09 eV, leading to the conduction band offset values of 0.75 eV and 0.72 eV, respectively. These slightly different band-offset values in ZnO/6H-SiC heterojunctions are attributed to the variation of valence band maximums and the different interface charge compensation mechanisms.

  8. Creep Behavior of Hafnia and Ytterbium Silicate Environmental Barrier Coating Systems on SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites (United States)

    Zhu, Dongming; Fox, Dennis S.; Ghosn, Louis J.; Harder, Bryan


    Environmental barrier coatings will play a crucial role in future advanced gas turbine engines because of their ability to significantly extend the temperature capability and stability of SiC/SiC ceramic matrix composite (CMC) engine components, thus improving the engine performance. In order to develop high performance, robust coating systems for engine components, appropriate test approaches simulating operating temperature gradient and stress environments for evaluating the critical coating properties must be established. In this paper, thermal gradient mechanical testing approaches for evaluating creep and fatigue behavior of environmental barrier coated SiC/SiC CMC systems will be described. The creep and fatigue behavior of Hafnia and ytterbium silicate environmental barrier coatings on SiC/SiC CMC systems will be reported in simulated environmental exposure conditions. The coating failure mechanisms will also be discussed under the heat flux and stress conditions.

  9. Solving the critical thermal bowing in 3C-SiC/Si(111) by a tilting Si pillar architecture (United States)

    Albani, Marco; Marzegalli, Anna; Bergamaschini, Roberto; Mauceri, Marco; Crippa, Danilo; La Via, Francesco; von Känel, Hans; Miglio, Leo


    The exceptionally large thermal strain in few-micrometers-thick 3C-SiC films on Si(111), causing severe wafer bending and cracking, is demonstrated to be elastically quenched by substrate patterning in finite arrays of Si micro-pillars, sufficiently large in aspect ratio to allow for lateral pillar tilting, both by simulations and by preliminary experiments. In suspended SiC patches, the mechanical problem is addressed by finite element method: both the strain relaxation and the wafer curvature are calculated at different pillar height, array size, and film thickness. Patches as large as required by power electronic devices (500-1000 μm in size) show a remarkable residual strain in the central area, unless the pillar aspect ratio is made sufficiently large to allow peripheral pillars to accommodate the full film retraction. A sublinear relationship between the pillar aspect ratio and the patch size, guaranteeing a minimal curvature radius, as required for wafer processing and micro-crack prevention, is shown to be valid for any heteroepitaxial system.

  10. Synthesis of whiskers of SiC microwave assisted; Sintesis de whiskers de SiC asistida por microondas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garza-Mendez, F. J.; Vanegas, A. J.; Vazquez, B. A.; Garza-Paz, J.


    We developed a new process for the synthesis of SiC whiskers assisted by microwaves; this is based on the mixture of silica xerogels and graphite powder. As energy source were used microwaves of 2.45 GHz and 1.0 kW of power RMS. On the other hand, mesoporous silica was synthesized via sol-gel, the precursors used were TEOS/H{sub 2}O and ethanol. Through analysis of the BET is determined the value of average pore size (3.0 nm) and the surface area (1090 m2/g).By mean of X-Ray diffraction it was demonstrated that the silica obtained is an amorphous solid and, the powders obtained in the microwave synthesis are {beta}-SiC. Synthesized SiC powders were observed using a SEM in secondary electron mode, it was observed that this powders consists of SiC whiskers. The effect of microwaves on the synthesis of whiskers of SiC is discussed in the present work. (Author) 19 refs.

  11. Modelo numérico del golpe de ariete con scilab


    Rodríguez Calderón, Wilson; Pallares Muñoz, Myriam Rocío


    El golpe de ariete puede generar consecuencias severas en la integridad de las tuberías, y debido a ello, la si-mulación es un requisito esencial para asegurar el correcto diseño y operación de los sistemas de distribución de agua. En este sentido, el artículo pretende demostrar la importancia de los métodos numéricos en la resolución de este tipo de problemas. Para la simulación numérica del fenómeno se desarrolló un código en Scilab3 que permite representar la propagación de las ondas de pr...

  12. Mechanical properties of hot-pressed SiC-TiC composites

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    Kamil Kornaus


    Full Text Available SiC-TiC composites, with 0, 5, 10 and 20 vol.% of TiC, were sintered by the hot-pressing technique at temperature of 2000 °C under argon atmosphere. SiC sintering process was activated by liquid phase created by the reaction between Al2O3 and Y2O3, in which it is possible to dissolve passivating oxide layers (SiO2 and TiO2 and partially SiC and TiC carbides. Microstructure observation and density measurements confirmed that the composites were dense with uniformly distributed components. Differences in thermal expansion coefficients between SiC and TiC led to complex stress state occurrence. These stresses combined with the liquid-derived separate phase between grains boundaries increased fracture toughness of the composites, which ranged from 5.8 to 6.3 MPa·m0.5. Opposite to the bending strength, fracture toughness increased with the TiC volume fraction. By means of simulation of residual thermal stresses in the composites, it was found that with the increasing volume fraction of TiC, tensile stress in TiC grains is reduced simultaneously with strong rise of compressive stresses in the matrix.

  13. Structure and chemistry of passivated SiC/SiO{sub 2} interfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Houston Dycus, J.; Xu, Weizong; LeBeau, James M. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7907 (United States); Lichtenwalner, Daniel J.; Hull, Brett; Palmour, John W. [Power Devices R& D, Wolfspeed, A Cree Company, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 (United States)


    Here, we report on the chemistry and structure of 4H-SiC/SiO{sub 2} interfaces passivated either by nitric oxide annealing or Ba deposition. Using aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy, we find that Ba and N remain localized at SiC/SiO{sub 2} interface after processing. Further, we find that the passivating species can introduce significant changes to the near-interface atomic structure of SiC. Specifically, we quantify significant strain for nitric oxide annealed sample where Si dangling bonds are capped by N. In contrast, strain is not observed at the interface of the Ba treated samples. Finally, we place these results in the context of field effect mobility.


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    Silvia Angélica Puertas Céspedes


    Full Text Available Esta investigación estudió si se producía una estimulación de todos los tipos de pensamiento creativo en niños entre los 8 y los 11 años, a través de la escritura de mitos sobre el origen del universo. Para tal fin, se aplicó a los participantes, como pretest, la Evaluación Multifactorial de la Creatividad (Sánchez, 2006. Posteriormente, se realizó un taller de escritura de mitos para potencializar el pensamiento creativo y, al finalizarlo, se aplicó como postest el mismo instrumento del pretest, con el fin de cuantificar el aumento en la creatividad. Se observó un aumento del 11.3% en el desempeño de los individuos en el postest con respecto al pretest. Los niños, el grado quinto y los participantes de 9 años fueron quienes incrementaron principalmente la creatividad. Se recomienda una investigación futura sobre herramientas literarias para la estimulación del pensamiento creativo, alternativas a las que comúnmente se usan en el área educativa.

  15. Evaluación de tres tipos de empaque (bolsas de polietileno para almacenamiento de guayaba manzana (Psidium guajava var., Klom sali

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    Luis Román Ardila Núñez


    Full Text Available La Universidad Nacional de Colombia, a través del Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícola de Santafé de Bogotá, ha venido adelantando investigación sobre manejo postcosecha de productos hortofrutícolas, con miras a minimizar las pérdidas de estos productos y a conservar su calidad. En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados obtenidos de comportamiento del fruto guayaba manzana (Psidium guajava varoKlom Sali, al ser almacenado en frío con bolsas de polietileno de baja densidad de tres tipos: abierto, perforado y cerrado, a una temperatura de 10ºC y humedad relativa de 95 %. Se compararon los resultados durante los días del almacenamiento, tomando como base los índices de madurez del fruto, tales como la pérdida de peso, la intensidad respiratoria, la firmeza, el contenido de ácidos, el contenido de sólidos solubles y el pH. Además, se tomaron datos del almacenamiento de este fruto en bolsas abiertas del mismo tipo, en condiciones ambiente (temperatura 20,1 ºC y humedad relativa de 50,3 %, lo cual se utilizó como testigo. De esta investigación se concluyó que la mejor condición de almacenamiento es en frío con bolsa cerrada, pues el producto conserva mejor su calidad que en los otros dos tipos de empaques evaluados.

  16. Comportamiento frente a la corrosión del material compuesto 2124/SiC

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    López-Caballero, J. A.


    Full Text Available A comparative study was performed on the corrosion behaviour of an aluminium matrix composite reinforced with silicon carbide particles, obtained by powder metallurgic. The 2124/SiC material was heat treated using T4 and T6 procedures. The T6 heat treatment induced the formation of several intermetallics and reducing the corrosion resistance. The silicon carbide particles did not have a cathodic behaviour as compared with the aluminium matrix. However, these particles produced a diminution in the corrosion resistance due to the formation of more active zones in the matrix/reinforced interface. These ceramic particles caused intermetallic precipitation and deformation originating in the surrounding zones localized corrosion.

    Se realiza un estudio comparativo del comportamiento frente a la corrosión de la aleación de aluminio 2124 reforzada con partículas de carburo de silicio, obtenida por pulvimetalurgia y con tratamientos térmicos T4 y T6. Los resultados experimentales muestran que el tratamiento térmico T6 induce la formación de numerosos intermetálicos que reducen la resistencia a la corrosión. Las partículas de carburo de silicio no tienen un comportamiento catódico con respecto a la matriz de aluminio, sin embargo, disminuyen la resistencia a la corrosión, ya que generan zonas más activas en la interfase matriz/ refuerzo, debido a la acumulación de dislocaciones, tensiones residuales y a la precipitación de intermetálicos.

  17. Phase Stability and Thermal Conductivity of Composite Environmental Barrier Coatings on SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites (United States)

    Benkel, Samantha; Zhu, Dongming


    Advanced environmental barrier coatings are being developed to protect SiC/SiC ceramic matrix composites in harsh combustion environments. The current coating development emphasis has been placed on the significantly improved cyclic durability and combustion environment stability in high-heat-flux and high velocity gas turbine engine environments. Environmental barrier coating systems based on hafnia (HfO2) and ytterbium silicate, HfO2-Si nano-composite bond coat systems have been processed and their stability and thermal conductivity behavior have been evaluated in simulated turbine environments. The incorporation of Silicon Carbide Nanotubes (SiCNT) into high stability (HfO2) and/or HfO2-silicon composite bond coats, along with ZrO2, HfO2 and rare earth silicate composite top coat systems, showed promise as excellent environmental barriers to protect the SiC/SiC ceramic matrix composites.

  18. High-temperature protective coatings for C/SiC composites

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    Xiang Yang


    Full Text Available Carbon fiber-reinforced silicon carbide (C/SiC composites were well-established light weight materials combining high specific strength and damage tolerance. For high-temperature applications, protective coatings had to provide oxidation and corrosion resistance. The literature data introduced various technologies and materials, which were suitable for the application of coatings. Coating procedures and conditions, materials design limitations related to the reactivity of the components of C/SiC composites, new approaches and coating systems to the selection of protective coatings materials were examined. The focus of future work was on optimization by further multilayer coating systems and the anti-oxidation ability of C/SiC composites at temperatures up to 2073 K or higher in water vapor.

  19. Photoelectric Properties of Si Doping Superlattice Structure on 6H-SiC(0001). (United States)

    Li, Lianbi; Zang, Yuan; Hu, Jichao; Lin, Shenghuang; Chen, Zhiming


    The energy-band structure and visible photoelectric properties of a p/n-Si doping superlattice structure (DSL) on 6H-SiC were simulated by Silvaco-TCAD. The,n the Si-DSL structures with 40 nm-p-Si/50 nm-n-Si multilayers were successfully prepared on 6H-SiC(0001) Si-face by chemical vapor deposition. TEM characterizations of the p/n-Si DSL confirmed the epitaxial growth of the Si films with preferred orientation and the misfit dislocations with a Burgers vector of 1/3 at the p-Si/n-Si interface. The device had an obvious rectifying behavior, and the turn-on voltage was about 1.2 V. Under the visible illumination of 0.6 W/cm², the device demonstrated a significant photoelectric response with a photocurrent density of 2.1 mA/cm². Visible light operation of the Si-DSL/6H-SiC heterostructure was realized for the first time.

  20. Photoelectric Properties of Si Doping Superlattice Structure on 6H-SiC(0001

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    Lianbi Li


    Full Text Available The energy-band structure and visible photoelectric properties of a p/n-Si doping superlattice structure (DSL on 6H-SiC were simulated by Silvaco-TCAD. The,n the Si-DSL structures with 40 nm-p-Si/50 nm-n-Si multilayers were successfully prepared on 6H-SiC(0001 Si-face by chemical vapor deposition. TEM characterizations of the p/n-Si DSL confirmed the epitaxial growth of the Si films with preferred orientation and the misfit dislocations with a Burgers vector of 1/3 <21-1> at the p-Si/n-Si interface. The device had an obvious rectifying behavior, and the turn-on voltage was about 1.2 V. Under the visible illumination of 0.6 W/cm2, the device demonstrated a significant photoelectric response with a photocurrent density of 2.1 mA/cm2. Visible light operation of the Si-DSL/6H-SiC heterostructure was realized for the first time.

  1. Grinding, Machining Morphological Studies on C/SiC Composites (United States)

    Xiao, Chun-fang; Han, Bing


    C/SiC composite is a typical material difficult to machine. It is hard and brittle. In machining, the cutting force is large, the material removal rate is low, the edge is prone to collapse, and the tool wear is serious. In this paper, the grinding of C/Si composites material along the direction of fiber distribution is studied respectively. The surface microstructure and mechanical properties of C/SiC composites processed by ultrasonic machining were evaluated. The change of surface quality with the change of processing parameters has also been studied. By comparing the performances of conventional grinding and ultrasonic grinding, the surface roughness and functional characteristics of the material can be improved by optimizing the processing parameters.

  2. Influence wt.% of SiC and borax on the mechanical properties of AlSi-Mg-TiB-SiC composite by the method of semi solid stir casting (United States)

    Bhiftime, E. I.; Guterres, Natalino F. D. S.; Haryono, M. B.; Sulardjaka, Nugroho, Sri


    SiC particle reinforced metal matrix composites (MMCs) with solid semi stir casting method is becoming popular in recent application (automotive, aerospace). Stirring the semi solid condition is proven to enhance the bond between matrix and reinforcement. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the SiC wt.% and the addition of borax on mechanical properties of composite AlSi-Mg-TiB-SiC and AlSi-Mg-TiB-SiC/Borax. Specimens was tested focusing on the density, porosity, tensile test, impact test microstructure and SEM. AlSi is used as a matrix reinforced by SiC with percentage variations (10, 15, 20 wt.%). Giving wt.% Borax which is the ratio of 1: 4 between wt.% SiC. The addition of 1.5% of TiB gives grain refinement. The use of semi-solid stir casting method is able to increase the absorption of SiC particles into a matrix AlSi evenly. The improved composite presented here can be used as a guideline to make a new composite.

  3. SiC/C composite sheets produced from polycarbosilane/resin/bonder mixtures. Polycarbosilane/jushi/bonder kongokei kara sakuseishita SiC/C fukugo sheet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kawamura, K. (The National Defense Academy, Kanagawa (Japan)); Koga, J.; Iwata, T.; Yamanaka, S.; Ono, M. (Mitsubishi Materials Corp., Saitama (Japan))


    In a course of work to improve anti-oxidative property and strength of sheets of carbonic composite materials with resins, and further to produce those sheets in an industrial scale, it was tried to prepare two types of 0.4 {approximately} 0.6 m thickness SiC / C composite sheets by heat treatment of two green sheets polycarbosilane ( PCS ) / fran resin / binder type and PCS / (phenol-formaldehyde resin / binder type ) at temperature of 1200 {approximately} 1400{degree}C in an atmosphere of nitrogen. The sheets thus made were subjected to SEM observation, X-ray diffraction, measurement of density and electric resistance, and to tests on weight loss by heating and on bending. The texture of them were as tight as that of their resin carbon ( glassy carbon ). The structural feature is formation of amorphous SiO{sub 2} as a secondary product, This indicates that Si in PCS reacts with oxygen in resin during pyrolysis. The bending strength and anti-oxidative property depend on the SiC content from PCS and that the mixing effect of SiC on them are feasible when a mixing ratio of PCS / resin is higher than (2/1). 13 ref., 7 figs., 2 tabs.

  4. Synthesis of micro-sized interconnected Si-C composites (United States)

    Wang, Donghai; Yi, Ran; Dai, Fang


    Embodiments provide a method of producing micro-sized Si--C composites or doped Si--C and Si alloy-C with interconnected nanoscle Si and C building blocks through converting commercially available SiO.sub.x (0

  5. Variantes moleculares en el gen L1 del virus del papiloma humano tipo 16, y regiones de la proteína L1 probablemente involucradas en la interacción virus-célula epitelial

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    María Mercedes Bravo


    Full Text Available

    La infección con virus del papiloma humano de alto riesgo es considerada como el principal factor de riesgo en el desarrollo del cáncer de cuello uterino. Entre los HPV de alto riesgo, el tipo 16 es el más frecuente tanto en mujeres con citología normal, como en mujeres con lesiones premalignas y en cáncer invasivo. Se ha demostrado la existencia de variaciones en la secuencia del genoma de HPV16, estos polimorfismos se han agrupado en cinco ramas filogenéticas denominadas según su distribución geográfica: Europeas (E, Asiaticas-Americanas (AA, Asiáticas (As, Africanas (Af y Norteamericanas (NA; determinadas por sustituciones nucleotídicas en los genes E6, L1 y L2 y la región larga de control.

    Varios estudios han sugerido que las variantes no Europeas son más agresivas que las Europeas, esto puede ser el reflejo de una interacción diferente con el huésped y por tanto implicar diferencias en el resultado final de la infección (mayor persistencia o mayor oncogenicidad.

    Particularmente se ha demostrado que las variaciones en la secuencia de aminoácidos de la proteína L1, la proteína principal de la cápside viral, pueden modificar las epítopes neutralizantes del virus afectando la efectividad de la respuesta inmune, también estas variaciones pueden afectar la capacidad de ensamble de las cápsides y la afinidad por receptores a nivel epitelial.

    El propósito de este estudio fue identificar las variaciones moleculares del gen L1 de HPV16 en aislamientos provenientes de cepillados cervicales de mujeres colombianas con citología normal y con cáncer de cuello uterino, con el fin de analizar si existen variaciones que alteren las regiones

  6. Biología molecular de las proteínas accesorias del Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana tipo 1 (VIH-1

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    Guillermo Cervantes Acosta


    Full Text Available El Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana tipo 1 (VIH-1 es un retrovirus complejo que codifica 15 distintas proteínas. Algunas de estas proteínas no son esenciales para la replicación viral. No obstante estas proteínas accesorias participan en diferentes estadios del ciclo viral, incluyendo la regulación de la replicación, la infectividad y la salida viral. Los mecanismos por los cuales estas proteínas accesorias orientan ciertos eventos virales y celulares y su interacción con proteínas celulares se ha convertido en un tópico muy importante en investigación. Esta revisión expone entonces cómo la conformación estructural de las proteínas accesorias del VIH, Nef, Vpr, Vif y Vpu está relacionada con sus fenotipos putativos. Finalmente, nuestros resultados de previos estudios serán también presentados y discutidos a la luz de recientes desarrollos en el área.

  7. SiV color centers in Si-doped isotopically enriched {sup 12}C and {sup 13}C CVD diamonds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sedov, Vadim; Bolshakov, Andrey [General Physics Institute, RAS, Moscow (Russian Federation); National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow (Russian Federation); Boldyrev, Kirill [Institute of Spectroscopy, RAS, Troitsk, Moscow (Russian Federation); Krivobok, Vladimir; Nikolaev, Sergei [Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Moscow (Russian Federation); Khomich, Alex [Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, RAS, Fryazino (Russian Federation); Khomich, Andrew [General Physics Institute, RAS, Moscow (Russian Federation); Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, RAS, Fryazino (Russian Federation); Krasilnikov, Anatoly [Institution ' ' ProjectCenter ITER' ' , Moscow (Russian Federation); Ralchenko, Victor [General Physics Institute, RAS, Moscow (Russian Federation); National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow (Russian Federation); Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin (China)


    The effect of isotopic modification of diamond lattice on photoluminescence (PL) and optical absorption spectra of ensembles of SiV{sup -} centers was studied. Thin epitaxial diamond layers were grown by a microwave plasma CH{sub 4}/H{sub 2} mixtures using methane enriched to 99.96% for either {sup 12}C or {sup 13}C isotopes, while the Si doping was performed by adding a small percentage of silane SiH{sub 4} into the plasma. Temperature dependent SiV{sup -} ZPL spectra in absorption were measured at 3-80 K to monitor the evolution of the ZPL fine structure. It is found that the SiV{sup -} ZPL at 736.9 nm observed in PL for {sup 12}C diamond at T = 5 K, exhibits a blue shift of 1.78 meV, to 736.1 nm in {sup 13}C diamond matrix. Narrow ZPL with the width (FWHM) of 0.09 meV (21 GHz) was measured in absorption spectra at T = 3-30 K in the Si-doped {sup 13}C diamond. Besides the charged SiV{sup -} center, the absorption of the neutral SiV{sup 0} defect at 946 nm wavelength has also been detected. From changes observed in SiV{sup -} phonon band structure in PL with isotopic modification, the band at 64 meV was confirmed to be a local vibration mode (LVM) involving a Si atom. (copyright 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  8. Oxidation of SiC/BN/SiC Composites in Reduced Oxygen Partial Pressures (United States)

    Opila, Elizabeth J.; Boyd, Meredith


    SiC fiber-reinforced SiC composites with a BN interphase are proposed for use as leading edge structures of hypersonic vehicles. The durability of these materials under hypersonic flight conditions is therefore of interest. Thermogravimetric analysis was used to characterize the oxidation kinetics of both the constituent fibers and composite coupons at four temperatures: 816, 1149, 1343, and 1538 C (1500, 2100, 2450, and 2800 F) and in oxygen partial pressures between 5% and 0.1% (balance argon) at 1 atm total pressure. One edge of the coupons was ground off so the effects of oxygen ingress into the composite could be monitored by post-test SEM and EDS. Additional characterization of the oxidation products was conducted by XPS and TOF-SIMS. Under most conditions, the BN oxidized rapidly, leading to the formation of borosilicate glass. Rapid initial oxidation followed by volatilization of boria lead to protective oxide formation and further oxidation was slow. At 1538C in 5% oxygen, both the fibers and coupons exhibited borosilicate glass formation and bubbling. At 1538C in 0.1% oxygen, active oxidation of both the fibers and the composites was observed leading to rapid SiC degradation. BN oxidation at 1538C in 0.1% oxygen was not significant.

  9. Electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity of SiC/Si ecoceramics prepared from sapele wood biocarbon (United States)

    Parfen'eva, L. S.; Orlova, T. S.; Smirnov, B. I.; Smirnov, I. A.; Misiorek, H.; Mucha, J.; Jezowski, A.; Gutierrez-Pardo, A.; Ramirez-Rico, J.


    Samples of β-SiC/Si ecoceramics with a silicon concentration of ˜21 vol % have been prepared using a series of consecutive procedures (carbonization of sapele wood biocarbon, synthesis of high-porosity biocarbon with channel-type pores, infiltration of molten silicon into empty channels of the biocarbon, formation of β-SiC, and retention of residual silicon in channels of β-SiC). The electrical resistivity ρ and thermal conductivity κ of the β-SiC/Si ecoceramic samples have been measured in the temperature range 5-300 K. The values of ρ{Si/chan}( T) and κ{Si/chan}( T) have been determined for silicon Sichan located in β-SiC channels of the synthesized β-SiC/Si ecoceramics. Based on the performed analysis of the obtained results, the concentration of charge carriers (holes) in Sichan has been estimated as p ˜ 1019 cm-3. The factors that can be responsible for such a high value of p have been discussed. The prospects for practical application of β-SiC/Si ecoceramics have been considered.

  10. Procesamiento químico de interfases semiconductoras tipo CuInS2 / Buffer para células solares de lámina delgada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herrero, J.


    Full Text Available Some results are presented about the preparation of CuInS2 / buffer interfaces by chemical bath deposition. This type of interface has an interest for solar energy conversion by thin- film solar cells. It is shown that the deposition of buffer films with ZnSe composition onto CuInS2 is due to a combined electroless and chemical reaction process. Characterization of the CuInS2 / ZnSe structure is carried out with X-ray diffraction and microscope techniques (AFM, SEM. Solar cells of CuInS2 / ZnSe / ZnO type are characterized as a function of buffer layer deposition process.Se presentan resultados sobre la preparación mediante depósito químico de interfases CuInS2 / buffer. Estas interfases son de interés en la fabricación de células solares de lámina delgada. Se lleva a cabo el crecimiento de películas buffer de ZnSe en un baño químico, mediante a partir de reaccionesón electroless y química. La interfase CuInS2 / ZnSe resultante se caracteriza por medio de técnicas microscópicas (AFM, SEM. Se presentan resultados de células solares del tipo CuInS2 / ZnSe / ZnO, en función del tipo de depósito de la lámina buffer.

  11. SiC Seeded Crystal Growth (United States)

    Glass, R. C.; Henshall, D.; Tsvetkov, V. F.; Carter, C. H., Jr.


    The availability of relatively large (30 mm) SiC wafers has been a primary reason for the renewed high level of interest in SiC semiconductor technology. Projections that 75 mm SiC wafers will be available in 2 to 3 years have further peaked this interest. Now both 4H and 6H polytypes are available, however, the micropipe defects that occur to a varying extent in all wafers produced to date are seen by many as preventing the commercialization of many types of SiC devices, especially high current power devices. Most views on micropipe formation are based around Frank's theory of a micropipe being the hollow core of a screw dislocation with a huge Burgers vector (several times the unit cell) and with the diameter of the core having a direct relationship with the magnitude of the Burgers vector. Our results show that there are several mechanisms or combinations of these mechanisms which cause micropipes in SiC boules grown by the seeded sublimation method. Additional considerations such as polytype variations, dislocations and both impurity and diameter control add to the complexity of producing high quality wafers. Recent results at Cree Research, Inc., including wafers with micropipe densities of less than 1 cm - 2 (with 1 cm2 areas void of micropipes), indicate that micropipes will be reduced to a level that makes high current devices viable and that they may be totally eliminated in the next few years. Additionally, efforts towards larger diameter high quality substrates have led to production of 50 mm diameter 4H and 6H wafers for fabrication of LEDs and the demonstration of 75 mm wafers. Low resistivity and semi-insulating electrical properties have also been attained through improved process and impurity control. Although challenges remain, the industry continues to make significant progress towards large volume SiC-based semiconductor fabrication.

  12. Aplicación del shot peening en implantes dentales de titanio para la mejora de la osteointegración

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aparicio, C.


    Full Text Available In order to optimize the implant-bone fixation, different shot peening treatments with different shot particles (TiO2, Al2O3 y SiC. La rugosidad, SiC have been made. The influence that each type of shot particle has in the bone colonization on the different treatment surfaces has been determined by means of osteoblast-like cells culture. Commercially pure titanium discs have been shot peened. Their qualitative and quantitative surface roughness have been characterized; as well as their surface contamination caused by the shot particles. Particle size has also been determined, before and after the treatment, in order to evaluate their breaking averages. Finally, a TiO2 shot particles manufacture process by sintering has been developed. The manufacture has been necessary since this type of shot particles are not available in the market with the adequate size.

    Con el propósito de optimizar la fijación entre el implante y el hueso, se han realizado tratamientos de shot peening con distintos tipos de partículas de proyección: TiO2, Al2O3 y SiC. La rugosidad superficial obtenida será colonizada por hueso neoformado que producirá un anclaje implante-hueso. Para valorar la influencia que cada tipo de material abrasivo tiene en la colonización del hueso sobre las superficies tratadas, se han realizado ensayos in vitro de cultivos osteoblásticos. El shot peening se ha llevado a cabo en discos de titanio comercialmente puro, sobre los que se ha caracterizado cuantitativa y cualitativamente la rugosidad después del tratamiento; así como la contaminación de la superficie por las partículas. También se ha determinado el tamaño de las partículas, antes y después del tratamiento, para valorar sus porcentajes de rotura. Finalmente, se ha propuesto un proceso de fabricación de partículas de TiO2 por sinterización en el laboratorio

  13. Joining of SiCf/SiC composites for thermonuclear fusion reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferraris, M.; Badini, C.; Montorsi, M.; Appendino, P.; Scholz, H.W.


    Due to their favourable radiological behaviour, SiC f /SiC composites are promising structural materials for future use in fusion reactors. A problem to cope with is the joining of the ceramic composite material (CMC) to itself for more complex structures. Maintenance concepts for a reactor made of SiC f /SiC will demand a method of joining. The joining agents should comply with the low-activation approach of the base material. With the acceptable elements Si and Mg, sandwich structures of composite/metal/composite were prepared in Ar atmosphere at temperatures just above the melting points of the metals. Another promising route is the use of joining agents of boro-silicate glasses: their composition can be tailored to obtain softening temperatures of interest for fusion applications. The glassy joint can be easily ceramised to improve thermomechanical properties. The joining interfaces were investigated by SEM-EDS, XRD and mechanical tests. ((orig.))

  14. Simulation of light-induced degradation of μc-Si in a-Si/μc-Si tandem solar cells by the diode equivalent circuit (United States)

    Weicht, J. A.; Hamelmann, F. U.; Behrens, G.


    Silicon-based thin film tandem solar cells consist of one amorphous (a-Si) and one microcrystalline (μc-Si) silicon solar cell. The Staebler - Wronski effect describes the light- induced degradation and temperature-dependent healing of defects of silicon-based solar thin film cells. The solar cell degradation depends strongly on operation temperature. Until now, only the light-induced degradation (LID) of the amorphous layer was examined in a-Si/μc-Si solar cells. The LID is also observed in pc-Si single function solar cells. In our work we show the influence of the light-induced degradation of the μc-Si layer on the diode equivalent circuit. The current-voltage-curves (I-V-curves) for the initial state of a-Si/pc-Si modules are measured. Afterwards the cells are degraded under controlled conditions at constant temperature and constant irradiation. At fixed times the modules are measured at standard test conditions (STC) (AM1.5, 25°C cell temperature, 1000 W/m2) for controlling the status of LID. After the degradation the modules are annealed at dark conditions for several hours at 120°C. After the annealing the dangling bonds in the amorphous layer are healed, while the degradation of the pc-Si is still present, because the healing of defects in pc-Si solar cells needs longer time or higher temperatures. The solar cells are measured again at STC. With this laboratory measured I-V-curves we are able to separate the values of the diode model: series Rs and parallel resistance Rp, saturation current Is and diode factor n.

  15. TiC/Ti3SiC2复合材料的制备及其性能研究%Preparation and properties of TiC/Ti3SiC2 composites

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    贾换; 尹洪峰; 袁蝴蝶; 杨祎诺


    以粉末Ti,Si,TiC和炭黑为原料,采用反应热压烧结法制备TiC/Ti3SiC2复合材料.借助XRD和SEM研究TiC含量对TiC/Ti3SiC2复合材料相组成、显微结构及力学特性的影响.结果表明:通过热压烧结可以得到致密度较高的TiC/Ti3SiC2复合材料;引入TiC可以促进Ti3SiC2的生成,当引入TiC的质量分数达30%,TiC/Ti3SiC2复合材料的弯曲强度和断裂韧性分别为406.9 MPa,3.7 MPa·m1/2;复合材料中Ti3SiC2相以穿晶断裂为主,TiC晶粒易产生拔出.%TiC/Ti3SiC2 composites were fabricated by reactive hot pressing sintering method using the mixture powder of Ti, Si, C and TiC as raw material. The effect of TiC content on phase composition, microstructure and mechanical properties of TiC/Ti3SiC2 composites was investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results demonstrate that dense TiC/ Ti3SiC2 composites can be obtained by hot pressing. The addition of TiC into composites can enhance the formation of TisSiC2. When the additional content of TiC reaches 30% (mass fraction) , the flexural strength and fracture toughness of TiC/Ti3SiC2 composite are 406.9 MPa and 3.7 MPa·m-2, respectively. Ti3SiC2 phase displays intergranular fracture and TiC grain pulls out from Ti3SiC2 matrix when TiC/Ti3SiC2 composite fractures.

  16. Determinantes en la elección del tipo de combustible para cocción de alimentos en asentamientos humanos

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    Carlos Meza


    Full Text Available EL ARTÍCULO PRESENTA LOS DETERMINANTES EN LA ELECCIÓN DEL TIPO DE combustible primario para cocción de alimentos en cuatro asentamientos humanos urbanos localizados en los departamentos de Managua y León. Se eligió un modelo logístico binario (Logit que permitió concluir que los factores que inciden en la elecciónson: el ingreso, los niveles de educación, el departamento al que pertenecen los barrios, número de miembros del hogar y la edad del cabeza de familia. Este estudio ofrece un punto de inicio en la discusión de los aspectos de relevancia en la demanda de combustibles a nivel urbano en Managua y León.

  17. Surface acoustic wave devices on AlN/3C–SiC/Si multilayer structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, Chih-Ming; Lien, Wei-Cheng; Riekkinen, Tommi; Senesky, Debbie G; Pisano, Albert P; Chen, Yung-Yu; Felmetsger, Valery V


    Surface acoustic wave (SAW) propagation characteristics in a multilayer structure including a piezoelectric aluminum nitride (AlN) thin film and an epitaxial cubic silicon carbide (3C–SiC) layer on a silicon (Si) substrate are investigated by theoretical calculation in this work. Alternating current (ac) reactive magnetron sputtering was used to deposit highly c-axis-oriented AlN thin films, showing the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the rocking curve of 1.36° on epitaxial 3C–SiC layers on Si substrates. In addition, conventional two-port SAW devices were fabricated on the AlN/3C–SiC/Si multilayer structure and SAW propagation properties in the multilayer structure were experimentally investigated. The surface wave in the AlN/3C–SiC/Si multilayer structure exhibits a phase velocity of 5528 m s −1 and an electromechanical coupling coefficient of 0.42%. The results demonstrate the potential of AlN thin films grown on epitaxial 3C–SiC layers to create layered SAW devices with higher phase velocities and larger electromechanical coupling coefficients than SAW devices on an AlN/Si multilayer structure. Moreover, the FWHM values of rocking curves of the AlN thin film and 3C–SiC layer remained constant after annealing for 500 h at 540 °C in air atmosphere. Accordingly, the layered SAW devices based on AlN thin films and 3C–SiC layers are applicable to timing and sensing applications in harsh environments. (paper)

  18. Ecuador y los objetivos del milenio : inversiones para la conservación del agua

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    Fabián Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente estudio analiza si se justifica la inversión en la protección del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (SNAP. El nivel de inversión del Estado ecuatoriano fue estimado a partir de las necesidades de financiamiento del SNAP. Los beneficios económicos fueron estimados a partir de la oferta de agua de las áreas protegidas que se encuentran a lo largo de la Cordillera de los Andes. La metodología para evaluar si es conveniente o no la inversión del Estado en la protección del SNAP fue la relación beneficio - costo (B/C. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que solo los valores piso de la relación B/C justifican la inversión del Estado.

  19. La Planta única como tipo resistente a la escala


    Colmenares Vilata, Silvia


    El sistema capitalista ha generado dos de los modelos espaciales de indiferencia funcional más extremos: por un lado, el espacio tecnificado y repetido del edificio de oficinas en altura, encarnado por la ?planta tipo? y, por otro, el espacio diáfano y extenso del gran contendor, que responde a la lógica de lo que llamaremos ?planta única?. En los edificios construidos para la industria automovilística y bélica americana se encuentra el germen de un tipo que servirá de modelo para los nuevos ...

  20. C-H and C-C activation of n -butane with zirconium hydrides supported on SBA15 containing N-donor ligands: [(≡SiNH-)(≡SiX-)ZrH2], [(≡SiNH-)(≡SiX-)2ZrH], and[(≡SiN=)(≡SiX-)ZrH] (X = -NH-, -O-). A DFT study

    KAUST Repository

    Pasha, Farhan Ahmad


    Density functional theory (DFT) was used to elucidate the mechanism of n-butane hydrogenolysis (into propane, ethane, and methane) on well-defined zirconium hydrides supported on SBA15 coordinated to the surface via N-donor surface pincer ligands: [(≡SiNH-)(≡SiO-)ZrH2] (A), [(≡SiNH-)2ZrH2] (B), [(≡SiNH-)(≡SiO-) 2ZrH] (C), [(≡SiNH-)2(≡SiO-)ZrH] (D), [(≡SiN=)(≡Si-O-)ZrH] (E), and [(≡SiN=)(≡SiNH-)ZrH] (F). The roles of these hydrides have been investigated in C-H/C-C bond activation and cleavage. The dihydride A linked via a chelating [N,O] surface ligand was found to be more active than B, linked to the chelating [N,N] surface ligand. Moreover, the dihydride zirconium complexes are also more active than their corresponding monohydrides C-F. The C-C cleavage step occurs preferentially via β-alkyl transfer, which is the rate-limiting step in the alkane hydrogenolysis. The energetics of the comparative pathways over the potential energy surface diagram (PES) reveals the hydrogenolysis of n-butane into propane and ethane. © 2014 American Chemical Society.

  1. Preparation of Biomorphic SiC/C Ceramics from Pine Wood via Supercritical Ethanol Infiltration

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    Biomorphic (wood derived) carbide ceramics with an overall composition in the SiC/C was produced by supercritical ethanol infiltration of low viscosity tetraethylorthosilicate/supercritical ethanol into biologically derived carbon templates (CB-templates) and in situ hydrolysis into Si(OH)4-gel, the Si(OH)4-gel was calcined at 1400℃ to promote the polycondensation of Si(OH)4-gel into SiO2-phase and then carbonthermal reduction of the SiO2 with the biocarbon template into highly porous, biomorphic SiC/C ceramics. The phases and morphology conversion mechanism of resulting porous SiC/C ceramics have been investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Experimental results showed that the biomorphic cellular morphology of pinewood charcoal was remained in the porous SiC/C ceramic with high precision that consisted of β-SiC with minority of α-SiC and the remain free carbon existed in amorphous phase.

  2. Homoepitaxial VPE growth of SiC active layers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burk, A.A. Jr. [Northrop Grumman Electron. Sensors and Syst. Div., Baltimore, MD (United States); Rowland, L.B. [Northrop Grumman Sci. and Technol. Center, Pittsburgh, PA (United States)


    SiC active layers of tailored thickness and doping form the heart of all SiC electronic devices. These layers are most conveniently formed by vapor phase epitaxy (VPE). Exacting requirements are placed upon the SiC-VPE layers` material properties by both semiconductor device physics and available methods of device processing. In this paper, the current ability of the SiC-VPE process to meet these requirements is described along with continuing improvements in SiC epitaxial reactors, processes and materials. (orig.) 48 refs.

  3. Formation of Si/SiC multilayers by low-energy ion implantation and thermal annealing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dobrovolskiy, S.; Yakshin, Andrey; Tichelaar, F.D.; Verhoeven, J.; Louis, Eric; Bijkerk, Frederik


    Si/SiC multilayer systems for XUV reflection optics with a periodicity of 10–20 nm were produced by sequential deposition of Si and implantation of 1 keV View the MathML source ions. Only about 3% of the implanted carbon was transferred into the SiC, with a thin, 0.5–1 nm, buried SiC layer being

  4. Improved thermoelectric performance of CdO by adding SiC fibers versus by adding SiC nanoparticles inclusions (United States)

    Liang, S.; Li, Longjiang


    We report the improved thermoelectric (TE) performance of CdO by alloying with SiC fibers. In contrast to the lowered thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) in a CdO matrix with SiC nanoparticle composites, an appreciable ZT value increment of about 36% (from 0.32 to 0.435) at 1000 K was obtained in the CdO matrix with SiC fiber composites. Both kinds of composites show substantially decreased thermal conductivity due to additional phonon scattering by the nano-inclusions. Compared to the very high electrical resistivity (ρ ˜ 140 μΩ m) for 5 at. % SiC nanoparticle composites, SiC fiber composites favorably maintained a very low ρ (˜30 μΩ m) even with 5 at. % SiC at 1000 K. We think the substantial difference of specific surface areas of these two nano-inclusions (30 m2/g for fibers vs 300 m2/g for nanoparticles) might play a crucial role to fine tune the TE performance. Larger interface could be inductive to diffusion and electron acceptor activation, which affect carrier mobility considerably. This work might hint at an alternative approach to improve TE materials' performance.

  5. Interfacial push-out measurements of fully-bonded SiC/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Snead, L.L.; Steiner, D.; Zinkle, S.J.


    The direct measurement of interfacial bond strength and frictional resistance to sliding in a fully-bonded SiC/SiC composite is measured. It is shown that a fiber push-out technique can be utilized for small diameter fibers and very thin composite sections. Results are presented for a 22 micron thick section for which 37 out of 44 Nicalon fibers tested were pushed-out within the maximum nanoindentor load of 120 mN. Fiber interfacial yielding, push-out and sliding resistance were measured for each fiber. The distribution of interfacial strengths is treated as being Weibull in form. 14 refs., 5 figs

  6. Tipos de cláusula, clases verbales y posición del sujeto en español

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    María Elena Sánchez Arroba


    Full Text Available Siguiendo una recomendación metodológica de Dryer (1997 sobre el estudio tipológico del orden de palabras, se analiza la posición del sujeto en cláusulas intransitivas e “intransitivizadas” del español, extraídas del habla culta de tres ciudades hispanohablantes. El análisis se concentra en la clase verbal, como factor sintáctico-semántico de alta incidencia en la posición del sujeto en español, factor directamente vinculado con el tipo de cláusula. Se reconoce como cláusulas intransitivas con mayor tendencia al orden VS, a las de verbos biactanciales de experimentación emotiva, las existenciales, las aspectuales y las de verbos de movimiento, clases verbales que por sus rasgos semánticos, tienden a adquirir un valor presentativo en el discurso. De manera que la motivación semántico-pragmática adquiere mayor relevancia. Se concluye que en español, la posposición de los sujetos no necesariamente ocurre por el rasgo de inacusatividad del verbo, ni constituye un diagnóstico aplicable a todas las clases verbales inacusativas.

  7. Demonstration of SiC Pressure Sensors at 750 C (United States)

    Okojie, Robert S.; Lukco, Dorothy; Nguyen, Vu; Savrun, Ender


    We report the first demonstration of MEMS-based 4H-SiC piezoresistive pressure sensors tested at 750 C and in the process confirmed the existence of strain sensitivity recovery with increasing temperature above 400 C, eventually achieving near or up to 100% of the room temperature values at 750 C. This strain sensitivity recovery phenomenon in 4H-SiC is uncharacteristic of the well-known monotonic decrease in strain sensitivity with increasing temperature in silicon piezoresistors. For the three sensors tested, the room temperature full-scale output (FSO) at 200 psig ranged between 29 and 36 mV. Although the FSO at 400 C dropped by about 60%, full recovery was achieved at 750 C. This result will allow the operation of SiC pressure sensors at higher temperatures, thereby permitting deeper insertion into the engine combustion chamber to improve the accurate quantification of combustor dynamics.

  8. Interaction in polysilazane/SiC powder systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boiteux, Y.P.


    Consolidation of ceramic precursor ceramic powder systems upon heating is investigated. A polysilazane (silicon nitride precursor) is chosen as ceramic precursor with a filler of a sub-micron SiC powder. A scheme to optimize the volume fraction of precursor is developed in order to maximize the density of the compacted samples in the green state. Different techniques are presented to improve the homogeneity of precursor distribution in the mixture. A microencapsulation technique is developed that leads to a uniform coating of precursor on individual SiC particles. Upon pyrolysis of systems with 20 wt% polysilazane, little shrinkage occurs. The SiC particles do not coarsen during the heat treatment. The precursor, upon pyrolysis, transforms into an amorphous ceramic phase that acts as a cement between SiC particles. This cement phase can remain amorphous up to 1500{degrees}C; and is best described as a siliconoxycarbide with or without traces of nitrogen. Elimination of nitrogen in the amorphous phase indicates that the filler material (SiC) has a strong influence on the pyrolysis behavior of the chosen polysilazane. The amorphous ceramic phase may crystallize between 1400 and 1500{degrees}C, and depending on the nature of the gas environment, the crystalline phases are SiC, Si or Si{sub 3}N{sub 4}. Mechanisms explaining the strength increase upon heat treatment are proposed. Redistribution of the precursor occurs by capillary forces or vapor phase diffusion and recondensation of volatile monomers. The confined pyrolysis of the precursor results in an increase of residual ceramic matter being decomposed inside the sample. Interfacial reaction between the native silica-rich surface layer on SiC particles and the precursor derived phase explains the high strength of the materials.

  9. Effect of different parameters on machining of SiC/SiC composites via pico-second laser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Weinan; Zhang, Ruoheng [State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, Shaanxi 10068 (China); Liu, Yongsheng, E-mail: [Science and technology on Thermostructure Composite Materials Laboratory, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710072 (China); Wang, Chunhui; Wang, Jing [Science and technology on Thermostructure Composite Materials Laboratory, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710072 (China); Yang, Xiaojun [State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, Shaanxi 10068 (China); Cheng, Laifei [Science and technology on Thermostructure Composite Materials Laboratory, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710072 (China)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • The highlights of the manuscript include the following two aspects. • First, we found that the different machining modes (helical line scanning and single ring line scanning) and processing power of machining have remarkable effect on the surface morphology of the machined area, such as the shape, depth and the formation of different surface structures. • Secondly, we investigated that the debris consisted of C, Si and O was observed on the machined surface. • Some of the Si–C bonds of the SiC matrix and fibers would be transformed into Si–O bonds after machined, depending on the processing power. - Abstract: Pico-second laser plays an important role in modern machining technology, especially in machining high hardness materials. In this article, pico-second laser was utilized for irradiation on SiC/SiC composites, and effects of different processing parameters including the machining modes and laser power were discussed in detail. The results indicated that the machining modes and laser power had great effect on machining of SiC/SiC composites. Different types of surface morphology and structure were observed under helical line scanning and single ring line scanning, and the analysis of their formulation was discussed in detail. It was believed that the machining modes would be responsible to the different shapes of machining results at the same parameters. The processing power shall also influence the surface morphology and quality of machining results. In micro-hole drilling process, large amount of debris and fragments were observed within the micro-holes, and XPS analysis showed that there existed Si–O bonds and Si–C bonds, indicating that the oxidation during processing was incomplete. Other surface morphology, such as pores and pits were discussed as well.


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    Felipe Sánchez-Minero


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estudió la velocidad de reacción del carbazol sobre catalizadores NiMo soportados sobre Al2O3 modificada superficialmente con SiO2 (0 y 10 % en peso de SiO2 en el soporte. Los catalizadores fueron evaluados en un reactor intermitente a cuatro temperaturas (287, 300, 312 y 325oC, presión de 4.0 MPa y relación molar hidrogeno/carbazol de 2400. A partir de los resultados experimentales se realizó un estudio cinético utilizando ecuaciones del tipo Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H. Luego, los parámetros cinéticos fueron estimados mediante la minimización de Powell (programa Scientist de MicroMath. Los resultados muestran que el catalizador con sílice (NiMo-SAC 10 alcanza una mayor actividad para la HDN de carbazol debido a que presenta un mayor número de sitios activos (valor de A, así como una menor fuerza de adsorción entre el reactante y la superficie catalítica (valor de KN, lo cual posiblemente favorece una mejor regeneración de sitios activos.

  11. Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y resistencia a la insulina

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    Enrique Cipriani-Thorne


    Full Text Available Se analizó la literatura de los últimos 15 años para poder objetivar los temas que son materia de esta comunicación. En primer lugar se analiza en qué consiste el llamado Síndrome Metabólico, sus características; a continuación se resume la historia natural de la Diabetes Mellitus tipo II y su patogenia. Se revisa la importancia de la resistencia a la insulina en el músculo estriado principal órgano de combustión de la glucosa y el factor mitocondrial de la resistencia a la insulina. Se analiza además la importancia de resistencia a la insulina con respecto al metabolismo del hígado y en particular a las alteraciones del metabolismo del colesterol y de los triglicéridos. Se hace un comentario extenso de cómo así la Diabetes Mellitus Tipo II es considerada en la actualidad como una enfermedad de origen inflamatorio y por último se discuten las consecuencias de la hiperinsulinemia, dado que el exceso de insulina es producido por el bloqueo en la línea metabólica de su acción más no en su línea de producir proliferación tisular.(Rev Med Hered 2010;21:160-170.

  12. TaxHf1−xB2–SiC multiphase oxidation protective coating for SiC-coated carbon/carbon composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ren, Xuanru; Li, Hejun; Fu, Qiangang; Li, Kezhi


    Highlights: • Ta x Hf 1−x B 2 –SiC coating was prepared on SiC coated C/C by in-situ reaction method. • TaB 2 and HfB 2 were introduced in the form of solid solution Ta x Hf 1−x B 2 . • The coating could protect C/C for 1480 h with only 0.57% mass loss at 1773 K in air. • Oxidation layer consists of out Ta–Si–O compound layer and inner SiO 2 glass layer. • Ta–Si–O compound silicate layer presents a better stability than SiO 2 glass layer. - Abstract: A Ta x Hf 1−x B 2 –SiC coating was prepared by in-situ reaction method on SiC coated C/C composites. Ta x Hf 1−x B 2 phase is the form of solid solution between TaB 2 and HfB 2 . Isothermal oxidation behavior at 1773 K and ablation behavior of the coated C/C were tested. Ta x Hf 1−x B 2 –SiC/SiC coating could protect the C/C from oxidation at 1773 K for 1480 h and ablation above 2200 K for 40 s. During oxidation, oxides of Ta and Hf atoms exist as “pinning phases” in the compound glass layer consisted of outer Ta–Si–O compound silicate layer and inner SiO 2 glass layer, which was responsible for the excellent oxidation resistance

  13. Los niños del Cauca II. Receptor de la vitamina D con secuencia normal en un foco de pacientes con raquitismo dependiente de la vitamina D, tipo II

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    Luis Fernando García-Ramirez


    Full Text Available El Raquitismo Dependiente de Vitamina D, tipo II (RDVD II, es una enfermedad de herencia autosómica recesiva que se caracteriza por resistencia generalizada a la 1,25-dihidroxivitamina D, originada en alteraciones que comprometen la función del receptor para la vitamina D (RVD. El clonaje y caracterización del cDNA del RVD ha permitido el estudio de su secuencia en pacientes con RDVD II y el hallazgo de diversas mutaciones puntuales que explican el cuadro clínico. En este estudio, hemos utilizado las técnicas de PCR y clonación, para secuenciar el RVD de dos pacientes pertenecientes a un foco descrito previamente en el departamento del Cauca (Colombia, cuyas manifestaciones clínicas y de laboratorio son compatibles con RDVD II. La secuencia del RVD de nuestros pacientes fue normal, sugiriendo una alteración a nivel postranscripcional o postraduccional relacionada con la función del receptor, en lo que podría corresponder a una nueva variante de resistencia a la vitamina D.

  14. Research on SiC Whisker Prepared by H-PSO

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    WANG Yao


    Full Text Available SiC whiskers were prepared on the matrix of graphite by using high hydrogenous silicone oil(PSO as raw material. The effect of surface conditions of graphite and heating temperature on the growth of SiC whisker was mainly studied in this paper. The main factor which affects the nucleation and growth of SiC whisker is the heating temperature, with the heating temperature rising, the production of SiC whisker increases. The surface condition of graphite matrix also influences the growth of SiC whisker. With the nucleation points provided by graphite matrix defects increasing, the production of SiC whisker incleases and SiC whisker starts to overlap with each other. The formation process of SiC whisker includes two steps:nucleation and growth. SiC whisker nucleates at low temperature and grows at high temperature, which follows the VLS (vapor-liquid-solid growth mechanism.

  15. Improved C/SiC Ceramic Composites Made Using PIP (United States)

    Easler, Timothy


    Improved carbon-fiber-reinforced SiC ceramic-matrix composite (C/SiC CMC) materials, suitable for fabrication of thick-section structural components, are producible by use of a combination of raw materials and processing conditions different from such combinations used in the prior art. In comparison with prior C/SiC CMC materials, these materials have more nearly uniform density, less porosity, and greater strength. The majority of raw-material/processing-condition combinations used in the prior art involve the use of chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) for densifying the matrix. In contrast, in synthesizing a material of the present type, one uses a combination of infiltration with, and pyrolysis of, a preceramic polymer [polymer infiltration followed by pyrolysis (PIP)]. PIP processing is performed in repeated, tailored cycles of infiltration followed by pyrolysis. Densification by PIP processing takes less time and costs less than does densification by CVI. When one of these improved materials was tested by exposure to a high-temperature, inert-gas environment that caused prior C/SiC CMCs to lose strength, this material did not lose strength. (Information on the temperature and exposure time was not available at the time of writing this article.) A material of the present improved type consists, more specifically, of (1) carbon fibers coated with an engineered fiber/matrix interface material and (2) a ceramic matrix, containing SiC, derived from a pre-ceramic polymer with ceramic powder additions. The enhancements of properties of these materials relative to those of prior C/SiC CMC materials are attributable largely to engineering of the fiber/ matrix interfacial material and the densification process. The synthesis of a material of this type includes processing at an elevated temperature to a low level of open porosity. The approach followed in this processing allows one to fabricate not only simple plates but also more complexly shaped parts. The carbon fiber

  16. Tasks for development of SiC/SiC composites as structural material in a fusion reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamada, Reiji


    SiC/SiC composites are chosen for a structural material of blankets in DREAM Reactor that has been proposed as a power reactor by JAERI. The main requirements and the target values in the DREAM conceptual design were described, and compared to available experimental data. (author)

  17. A new SiC/C bulk FGM for fusion reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Changchun, G.; Anhua, W.; Wenbin, C.; Jiangtao, L.


    Graphite is widely used in present Tokamak facilities and a C/C composite has been selected as one of the candidate materials for the ITER. But C-based material has an excessive chemical sputtering yield at 600-1000 K and exhibits irradiation enhanced sublimation at >1200 K under plasma erosion condition, causing serious C-contamination of plasma. Low Z material SiC has several advantages for use in fusion reactor, such as excellent high temperature properties, corrosion resistance, low density, and especially its low activation irradiation. To reduce C contamination during plasma exposure, previously SiC coatings were chemically deposited on the surface of C-substrate, however, the thermal stresses arise on the interface between the coating layers and the substrate under high temperature. Heating/cooling cycle leading to cracks in SiC/C interface, small thickness of coating and long processing time are limiting factors for FGM made with CVD process. In this paper, a new SiC/C bulk FGM has been successfully fabricated with P/M hot pressing process. The chemical sputtering yield, gas desorption performance, thermal shock resistance and physical sputtering performance in Tokamak are outlined in this paper. (author)

  18. Comportamiento en fluencia de un material compuesto de matriz metálica Al6061-15 vol % SiCw pulvimetalúrgico

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    González-Doncel, G.


    Full Text Available The creep behavior of a powder metallurgy (PM Al6061-15 vol % SiCw metal matrix composite has been studied. This behavior has been compared to that of 6061Al cast alloy and 6061Al PM alloy. The creep response of the PM unreinforced alloy is better than that of the cast 6061Al alloy. Similarly, the behavior of the composite is better than that of the PM unreinforced alloy. Two microstructural factors have been considered the responsible ones of this improvement. The first one is the dispersion of Al2O3 oxide particles of nanometric scale. The second one, is the presence of the SiC whisker reinforcement of micrometric scale. Despite the similar strengthening effect, the intrinsic nature of the reinforcing mechanism is, however, different for each type of particle due to the different microstructural scale.Se ha realizado un estudio de las propiedades en fluencia del material compuesto pulvimetalúrgico Al6061-15 vol % SiCw. Su comportamiento se ha comparado con el de la aleación Al6061 pulvimetalúrgica y la aleación Al6061 de colada. El comportamiento del material pulvimetalúrgico sin reforzar mejora respecto al del material de colada. Al mismo tiempo, el del material compuesto mejora respecto al comportamiento del material pulvimetalúrgico sin reforzar. Se consideran dos factores microestructurales como los principales responsables de la mejora de las propiedades en fluencia de este material compuesto. Por un lado, las partículas de Al2O3 de tamaño nanométrico y, por otro, las partículas de fibra corta cerámicas de SiC de tamaño micrométrico. Aunque ambos tipos de partículas dan lugar a un efecto de refuerzo similar, los mecanismos intrínsecos asociados a la presencia de estas partículas tienen una naturaleza diferente debido a la diferencia en la escala microestructural.

  19. Inhibidores de la paraproteína convertasa subtilisina/kexina tipo 9: una alternativa de manejo para las dislipidemias


    Beatriz Wills-Sanín; Alejandra Rincón; Ana Cristina Montenegro; Andrés F. Buitrago-Sandoval


    Las guías de la práctica clínica internacionales recomiendan a las estatinas como la terapia de elección para el manejo de la dislipidemia. No obstante, pese a la evidencia acerca de la importancia del manejo de esta condición, existe un porcentaje significativo de los adultos que no logran las metas en los lípidos con las estatinas. Lo anterior ha estimulado el desarrollo de anticuerpos monoclonales que inactivan la paraproteína convertasa subtilisina/kexina tipo 9. Estos medicamentos han si...

  20. Negative effects of crystalline-SiC doping on the critical current density in Ti-sheathed MgB2(SiC)y superconducting wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang, G; Fang, H; Luo, Z P; Hoyt, C; Yen, F; Guchhait, S; Lv, B; Markert, J T


    Ti-sheathed MgB 2 wires doped with nanosize crystalline-SiC up to a concentration of 15 wt% SiC have been fabricated, and the effects of the SiC doping on the critical current density (J c ) and other superconducting properties studied. In contrast with the previously reported results that nano-SiC doping with a doping range below 16 wt% usually enhances J c , particularly at higher fields, our measurements show that SiC doping decreases J c over almost the whole field range from 0 to 7.3 T at all temperatures. Furthermore, it is found that the degradation of J c becomes stronger at higher SiC doping levels, which is also in sharp contrast with the reported results that J c is usually optimized at doping levels near 10 wt% SiC. Our results indicate that these negative effects on J c could be attributed to the absence of significant effective pinning centres (mainly Mg 2 Si) due to the high chemical stability of the crystalline-SiC particles

  1. Mechanical characterization of Si-C(O) fiber/SiC (CVI) matrix composites with a BN-interphase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prouhet, S.; Camus, G.; Labrugere, C.; Guette, A.; Martin, E.


    The mechanical behavior of three CVI-processed 2D woven SiC/BN/SiC composite materials with different initial BN interphase thicknesses has been investigated by means of tensile and impact tests. The results have established the efficiency of a BN interphase in promoting a nonlinear/noncatastrophic tensile behavior and high impact resistance. The effect of the initial BN interphase thickness on the resulting mechanical behavior has also been demonstrated. AES and TEM has revealed the presence of a SiO 2 /C double layer at the BN/fiber interface, which might result from a decomposition undergone by the Si-C(O) Nicalon fiber during processing. It has been suggested that the influence of the initial BN interphase thickness on the mechanical properties of the composites results from both changes occurring in the composition and morphology of the interfacial zones and modifications of the interfacial forces due to accommodation of the radial residual clamping stress

  2. Gestión del riesgo del cambio (segunda parte)


    Zorrilla Salgador, Juan Pablo


    Segunda parte del artículo acerca del uso de futuros sobre el tipo de cambio. Esta continuación abarca estrategias, definiciones, metodología y explicaciones sobre todo lo relacionado con el Ratio de cobertura de los futuros y la aparición del riesgo base.Segunda parte del artículo acerca del uso de futuros sobre el tipo de cambio. Esta continuación abarca estrategias, definiciones, metodología y explicaciones sobre todo lo relacionado con el Ratio de cobertura de los futuros y la aparición d...

  3. Control of the graphene growth rate on capped SiC surface under strong Si confinement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Çelebi, C.; Yanık, C.; Demirkol, A.G.; Kaya, İsmet İ.


    Highlights: ► Graphene is grown on capped SiC surface with well defined cavity size. ► Graphene growth rate linearly increases with the cavity height. ► Graphene uniformity is reduced with thickness. - Abstract: The effect of the degree of Si confinement on the thickness and morphology of UHV grown epitaxial graphene on (0 0 0 −1) SiC is investigated by using atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopy measurements. Prior to the graphene growth process, the C-face surface of a SiC substrate is capped by another SiC comprising three cavities on its Si-rich surface with depths varying from 0.5 to 2 microns. The Si atoms, thermally decomposed from the sample surface during high temperature annealing of the SiC cap /SiC sample stack, are separately trapped inside these individual cavities at the sample/cap interface. Our analyses show that the growth rate linearly increases with the cavity height. It was also found that stronger Si confinement yields more uniform graphene layers.

  4. Microstructure and mechanical properties of SiC materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yarahmadi, M.


    The effect of the microstructure on the mechanical properties of SiC materials of different chemical composition (SSiC, SiSiC, and RSiC) was investigated. Furthermore, the creep strength was determined on oxidized samples and on non-pretreated samples. (HSCH)

  5. Si/SiC heterojunction optically controlled transistor with charge compensation layer

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    Pu Hongbin


    Full Text Available A novel n-SiC/p-Si/n-Si optically controlled transistor with charge compensation layer has been studied in the paper. The performance of the device is simulated using Silvaco Atlas tools, which indicates excellent performances of the device in both blocking state and conducting state. The device also has a good switching characteristic with 0.54μs as rising time and 0.66μs as falling time. With the charge compensation layer, the breakdown voltage and the spectral response intensity of the device are improved by 90V and 33A/W respectively. Compared with optically controlled transistor without charge compensation layer, the n-SiC/p-Si/n-Si optically controlled transistor with charge compensation layer has a better performance.

  6. Damage accumulation and annealing in 6H-SiC irradiated with Si+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, W.; Weber, W.J.; Thevuthasan, S.; McCready, D.E.


    Damage accumulation and annealing in 6H-silicon carbide (α-SiC) single crystals have been studied in situ using 2.0 MeV He + RBS in a left angle 0001 right angle -axial channeling geometry (RBS/C). The damage was induced by 550 keV Si + ion implantation (30 off normal) at a temperature of -110 C, and the damage recovery was investigated by subsequent isochronal annealing (20 min) over the temperature range from -110 C to 900 C. At ion fluences below 7.5 x 10 13 Si + /cm 2 (0.04 dpa in the damage peak), only point defects appear to be created. Furthermore, the defects on the Si sublattice can be completely recovered by thermal annealing at room temperature (RT), and recovery of defects on the C sublattice is suggested. At higher fluences, amorphization occurs; however, partial damage recovery at RT is still observed, even at a fluence of 6.6 x 10 14 Si + /cm 2 (0.35 dpa in the damage peak) where a buried amorphous layer is produced. At an ion fluence of 6.0 x 10 15 Si + /cm 2 (-90 C), an amorphous layer is created from the surface to a depth of 0.6 μm. Because of recovery processes at the buried crystalline-amorphous interface, the apparent thickness of this amorphous layer decreases slightly (<10%) with increasing temperature over the range from -90 C to 600 C. (orig.)

  7. SiO 2/SiC interface proved by positron annihilation (United States)

    Maekawa, M.; Kawasuso, A.; Yoshikawa, M.; Itoh, H.


    We have studied positron annihilation in a Silicon carbide (SiC)-metal/oxide/semiconductor (MOS) structure using a monoenergetic positron beam. The Doppler broadening of annihilation quanta were measured as functions of the incident positron energy and the gate bias. Applying negative gate bias, significant increases in S-parameters were observed. This indicates the migration of implanted positrons towards SiO 2/SiC interface and annihilation at open-volume type defects. The behavior of S-parameters depending on the bias voltage was well correlated with the capacitance-voltage ( C- V) characteristics. We observed higher S-parameters and the interfacial trap density in MOS structures fabricated using the dry oxidation method as compared to those by pyrogenic oxidation method.

  8. SiO2/SiC interface proved by positron annihilation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maekawa, M.; Kawasuso, A.; Yoshikawa, M.; Itoh, H.


    We have studied positron annihilation in a Silicon carbide (SiC)-metal/oxide/semiconductor (MOS) structure using a monoenergetic positron beam. The Doppler broadening of annihilation quanta were measured as functions of the incident positron energy and the gate bias. Applying negative gate bias, significant increases in S-parameters were observed. This indicates the migration of implanted positrons towards SiO 2 /SiC interface and annihilation at open-volume type defects. The behavior of S-parameters depending on the bias voltage was well correlated with the capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics. We observed higher S-parameters and the interfacial trap density in MOS structures fabricated using the dry oxidation method as compared to those by pyrogenic oxidation method

  9. Electric measurements of PV heterojunction structures a-SiC/c-Si (United States)

    Perný, Milan; Šály, Vladimír; Janíček, František; Mikolášek, Miroslav; Váry, Michal; Huran, Jozef


    Due to the particular advantages of amorphous silicon or its alloys with carbon in comparison to conventional crystalline materials makes such a material still interesting for study. The amorphous silicon carbide may be used in a number of micro-mechanical and micro-electronics applications and also for photovoltaic energy conversion devices. Boron doped thin layers of amorphous silicon carbide, presented in this paper, were prepared due to the optimization process for preparation of heterojunction solar cell structure. DC and AC measurement and subsequent evaluation were carried out in order to comprehensively assess the electrical transport processes in the prepared a-SiC/c-Si structures. We have investigated the influence of methane content in deposition gas mixture and different electrode configuration.

  10. Análisis evolutivo del concepto de adaptación a la diabetes tipo 2


    José Martín Castro-Espinoza; Esther C. Gallegos-Cabriales; Keville Frederickson


    El concepto de adaptación tiene diferentes aplicaciones y acepciones. En personas que viven con diabetes tipo 2 (DT2) se asocia con la observancia del tratamiento y el control glucémico. Es utilizado frecuentemente en la literatura de salud pero no está claro qué signi- fica en personas que viven con esta enfermedad, por lo que el propósito de esta investigación fue analizar el concepto de adaptación a la DT2. Metodología: se utilizó el método de análisis evolutivo de concepto de Rodger...

  11. Efecto del tipo de lactancia durante el primer año de vida sobre el estado de hierro y el desarrollo físico y psicológico del niño


    Bedmar Carretero, Cristina


    El objetivo de este estudio fue valorar el desarrollo del niño durante el primer año de vida en función del tipo de lactancia realizada durante el primer semestre y de la dosis de hierro administrada durante el segundo semestre. El 75,5% realizan lactancia materna exclusiva al nacer y el 16,5% la mantienen hasta los 6 meses. El 39,5%tienen alguna mutación en el gen HFE. La prevalencia de déficit de hierroy anemia ferropénicaes del 4,5% y 2,5% a los 6 meses y del 9,2% y 1,2% a los 12 meses.La ...

  12. Microwave joining of SiC ceramics and composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahmad, I.; Silberglitt, R.; Tian, Y.L. [FM Technologies, Inc., Fairfax, VA (United States); Katz, J.D. [Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States)


    Potential applications of SiC include components for advanced turbine engines, tube assemblies for radiant burners and petrochemical processing and heat exchangers for high efficiency electric power generation systems. Reliable methods for joining SiC are required in order to cost-effectively fabricate components for these applications from commercially available shapes and sizes. This manuscript reports the results of microwave joining experiments performed using two different types of SiC materials. The first were on reaction bonded SiC, and produced joints with fracture toughness equal to or greater than that of the base material over an extended range of joining temperatures. The second were on continuous fiber-reinforced SiC/SiC composite materials, which were successfully joined with a commercial active brazing alloy, as well as by using a polymer precursor.

  13. La función social del castigo: el caso de lo prohibición legal del consumo de "droga"

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    Full Text Available (Versión revisada de un ensayo del mismo título sobre droga y criminalidad, varios autores, Madrid: Ed. Edersa, 1986. La discusión se centra en la fragilidad del orden social, y los intentos de consolidarlo por medio de legislación penal tomando como ejemplo la prohibición del consumo de drogas. Son analizadas las dos actitudes opuestas hacia dicha prohibición, liberales y prohibicionistas. Se argumenta que ambas posiciones pueden ser explicadas mediante teorías sociológicas que muestran que cada grupo se posiciona defendiendo sus propios valores: Los Prohibicionistas defienden los valores en declive y los liberales defiendes aquellos en alza. Para los unos, el consumo es siempre un crimen; para los segundos no lo es, pero pueden considerar punibles algunas otras actividades que son eximidas por los primeros, p.e: las prácticas laborales abusivas. Así las cosas, ambos sectores sociales contemplan en su ordenación ciertos tipos de comportamiento criminal como punible; dicho castigo, como ritual del colectivo, incrementa la integración social. La teoría del crimen de Emile Durkheim encaja con ambos casos si es interpretada como defensora de la necesidad de un código moral social, al margen de cual sea su contenido.

  14. Pressureless sintering of dense Si3N4 and Si3N4/SiC composites with nitrate additives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, J.Y.; Iseki, Takayoshi; Yano, Toyohiko


    The effect of aluminum and yttrium nitrate additives on the densification of monolithic Si 3 N 4 and a Si 3 N 4 /SiC composite by pressureless sintering was compared with that of oxide additives. The surfaces of Si 3 N 4 particles milled with aluminum and yttrium nitrates, which were added as methanol solutions, were coated with a different layer containing Al and Y from that of Si 3 N 4 particles milled with oxide additives. Monolithic Si 3 N 4 could be sintered to 94% of theoretical density (TD) at 1,500 C with nitrate additives. The sintering temperature was about 100 C lower than the case with oxide additives. After pressureless sintering at 1,750 C for 2 h in N 2 , the bulk density of a Si 3 N 4 /20 wt% SiC composite reached 95% TD with nitrate additives

  15. Thermo-mechanical assessment of full SiC/SiC composite cladding for LWR applications with sensitivity analysis (United States)

    Singh, Gyanender; Terrani, Kurt; Katoh, Yutai


    SiC/SiC composites are considered among leading candidates for accident tolerant fuel cladding in light water reactors. However, when SiC-based materials are exposed to neutron irradiation, they experience significant changes in dimensions and physical properties. Under a large heat flux application (i.e. fuel cladding), the non-uniform changes in the dimensions and physical properties will lead to build-up of stresses in the structure over the course of time. To ensure reliable and safe operation of such a structure it is important to assess its thermo-mechanical performance under in-reactor conditions of irradiation and elevated temperature. In this work, the foundation for 3D thermo-mechanical analysis of SiC/SiC cladding is put in place and a set of analyses with simplified boundary conditions has been performed. The analyses were carried out with two different codes that were benchmarked against one another and prior results in the literature. A constitutive model is constructed and solved numerically to predict the stress distribution and variation in the cladding under normal operating conditions. The dependence of dimensions and physical properties variation with irradiation and temperature has been incorporated. These robust models may now be modified to take into account the axial and circumferential variation in neutron and heat flux to fully account for 3D effects. The results from the simple analyses show the development of high tensile stresses especially in the circumferential and axial directions at the inner region of the cladding. Based on the results obtained, design guidelines are recommended. For lack of certainty in or tailor-ability for the physical and mechanical properties of SiC/SiC composite material a sensitivity analysis is conducted. The analysis results establish a precedence order of the properties based on the extent to which these properties influence the temperature and the stresses.


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    Pietro Scaglioni Solano


    Full Text Available Este estudio examina el efecto del tipo de propulsión sobre la Frecuencia Cardíaca (FC y el Esfuerzo Percibido (EP, Escala de Borg en el ejercicio de carrera, obtenidas durante dos protocolos equivalentes, en terreno plano (pendiente 0%, uno con propulsión externa (motor, en la banda sinfín y otro con autopropulsión (carrera en pista de atletismo. 14 corredores (34.3 +/- 9.77 años, 1.74 +/- 0.06m, 75.3 +/- 10.3 Kg realizaron un protocolo que consistía en un calentamiento de 30 min. a una intensidad entre 60 y 70% de FCmáx. seguido de un incremento gradual de la intensidad del ejercicio, aumentando la velocidad de calentamiento 1.6 Km/h cada 30 seg., llevando al sujeto a un esfuerzo máximo en un lapso de 3 a 4 minutos, se recupera hasta la condición de calentamiento, se repite dos veces el proceso de incremento gradual y recuperación, escogiendo el valor máximo de FC y EP de los tres obtenidos. En el protocolo de pista, se marcó el paso al sujeto con una bicicleta provista de un velocímetro calibrado. Se realizaron mediciones de EP durante el calentamiento (EPC y de FC y EP durante los esfuerzos máximos (FCM, EPM. La FC del calentamiento se mantuvo constante para ambos protocolos (119.2 +/- 5.3 latidos/min; 65 +/- 2.4 % de FCmáx. Se compararon los datos obtenidos con propulsión externa, (EPC1, FCM1, EPM1 y los obtenidos con autopropulsión (EPC2, FCM2, EPM2 aplicando pruebas T. No se encontraron diferencias significativas para la FCmáx entre los dos protocolos (FCM1=181.8+/ 8.3 ; FCM2= 181.5+/- 6.9. Para EP se encontraron diferencias significativas (p< 0.01 entre los dos protocolos para el esfuerzo máximo (EPM1= 16.22+/-2.12 ; EPM2= 15.11+/- 2.09 y también para la fase de calentamiento (EPC1=10+/- 1 ; EPC2 = 8.56+/- 1.74. Los resultados indican que no hay un efecto del tipo de propulsión en la FC máx en carrera, por lo que se puede utilizar indistintamente una prueba en banda sinfín o en el campo para estimar un valor m

  17. A study of metal-ceramic wettability in SiC-Al using dynamic melt infiltration of SiC (United States)

    Asthana, R.; Rohatgi, P. K.


    Pressure-assisted infiltration with a 2014 Al alloy of plain and Cu-coated single crystal platelets of alpha silicon carbide was used to study particulate wettability under dynamic conditions relevant to pressure casting of metal-matrix composites. The total penetration length of infiltrant metal in porous compacts was measured at the conclusion of solidification as a function of pressure, infiltration time, and SiC size for both plain and Cu-coated SiC. The experimental data were analyzed to obtain a threshold pressure for the effect of melt intrusion through SiC compacts. The threshold pressure was taken either directly as a measure of wettability or converted to an effective wetting angle using the Young-Laplace capillary equation. Cu coating resulted in partial but beneficial improvements in wettability as a result of its dissolution in the melt, compared to uncoated SiC.

  18. SiC Conversion Coating Prepared from Silica-Graphite Reaction

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    Back-Sub Sung


    Full Text Available The β-SiC conversion coatings were successfully synthesized by the SiO(v-graphite(s reaction between silica powder and graphite specimen. This paper is to describe the effects on the characteristics of the SiC conversion coatings, fabricated according to two different reaction conditions. FE-SEM, FE-TEM microstructural morphologies, XRD patterns, pore size distribution, and oxidation behavior of the SiC-coated graphite were investigated. In the XRD pattern and SAD pattern, the coating layers showed cubic SiC peak as well as hexagonal SiC peak. The SiC coatings showed somewhat different characteristics with the reaction conditions according to the position arrangement of the graphite samples. The SiC coating on graphite, prepared in reaction zone (2, shows higher intensity of beta-SiC main peak (111 in XRD pattern as well as rather lower porosity and smaller main pore size peak under 1 μm.

  19. Durability Evaluation of a Thin Film Sensor System With Enhanced Lead Wire Attachments on SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites (United States)

    Lei, Jih-Fen; Kiser, J. Douglas; Singh, Mrityunjay; Cuy, Mike; Blaha, Charles A.; Androjna, Drago


    An advanced thin film sensor system instrumented on silicon carbide (SiC) fiber reinforced SiC matrix ceramic matrix composites (SiC/SiC CMCs), was evaluated in a Mach 0.3 burner rig in order to determine its durability to monitor material/component surface temperature in harsh environments. The sensor system included thermocouples in a thin film form (5 microns thick), fine lead wires (75 microns diameter), and the bonds between these wires and the thin films. Other critical components of the overall system were the heavy, swaged lead wire cable (500 microns diameter) that contained the fine lead wires and was connected to the temperature readout, and ceramic attachments which were bonded onto the CMCs for the purpose of securing the lead wire cables, The newly developed ceramic attachment features a combination of hoops made of monolithic SiC or SiC/SiC CMC (which are joined to the test article) and high temperature ceramic cement. Two instrumented CMC panels were tested in a burner rig for a total of 40 cycles to 1150 C (2100 F). A cycle consisted of rapid heating to 1150 C (2100 F), a 5 minute hold at 1150 C (2100 F), and then cooling down to room temperature in 2 minutes. The thin film sensor systems provided repeatable temperature measurements for a maximum of 25 thermal cycles. Two of the monolithic SiC hoops debonded during the sensor fabrication process and two of the SiC/SiC CMC hoops failed during testing. The hoops filled with ceramic cement, however, showed no sign of detachment after 40 thermal cycle test. The primary failure mechanism of this sensor system was the loss of the fine lead wire-to-thin film connection, which either due to detachment of the fine lead wires from the thin film thermocouples or breakage of the fine wire.

  20. Thermal effect of TiC in the Mo/TiC/SiC system at elevated temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roger, Jerome; Audubert, Fabienne; Le Petitcorps, Yann


    In this study, we examined the effect induced by the addition of a TiC interlayer on the stability of the Mo/SiC system at high temperature. Indeed, Mo/SiC couple is unstable at high temperature with formation of Mo 2 C and Mo 5 Si 3 C x phases. In order to limit the degradation of Mo mechanical properties, a TiC film was inserted between Mo and SiC. Samples used in this work were prepared on metallic wires substrates, SiC and TiC being deposited by CVD. The protection given by TiC layer was considered in the 1473-1673 K temperature range and for TiC thicknesses up to about 60 μm. From our results, TiC is not effective enough to mitigate C and Si atoms diffusion. Nevertheless, a notable reduction of the reaction extent is obtained at any temperatures. The so-observed effect depends on the TiC thickness and the temperature. In actual fact, TiC efficiency increases when temperature and/or TiC layer thickness increases without reaching a complete protection.

  1. Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y osteoartritis primaria de rodilla

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    Rubén Daniel Arellano-Pérez Vertti


    Full Text Available Señor editor: Es nuestro interés dar a conocer los resultados del estudio sobre la asociación entre diabetes tipo 2 y osteoartritis primaria de rodilla en una población del norte de México.

  2. Materiales vitrocerámicos del sistema MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 a partir de ceniza de cáscara de arroz

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    Romero, M.


    Full Text Available This wok shows the results of a valorisation study to use rice husk ash as raw material to develop glass-ceramic materials. An original glass has been formulated in the base system MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 with addition of B2O3 and Na2O to facilitate the melting and poring processes. Glass characterization was carried out by determining its chemical composition. Sintering behaviour has been examined by Hot Stage Microscopy (HSM. Thermal stability and crystallization mechanism have been studied by Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA. Mineralogy analyses of the glass-ceramic materials were carried out using X-ray Diffraction (XRD. Results show that it is possible to use ash rice husk to produce glass-ceramic materials by a sintercrystallization process, with nepheline (Na2O·Al2O3 · SiO2 as major crystalline phase in the temperature interval 700-950ºC and forsterite (2MgO·SiO2 at temperatures above 950ºC.En este trabajo se muestran los resultados de un estudio de valorización de la ceniza de cáscara de arroz como materia prima en la obtención de materiales vitrocerámicos. Se ha formulado un vidrio en el sistema base MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 incorporando B2O3 y Na2O para facilitar los procesos de fusión y colado del vidrio. El vidrio se ha caracterizado mediante la determinación de su composición química. Su comportamiento frente a la sinterización se ha llevado a cabo mediante Microscopía de Calefacción (MC. La estabilidad térmica de las muestras y el mecanismo de cristalización preferente se ha estudiado mediante Análisis Térmico Diferencial (ATD. La mineralogía de los materiales vitrocerámicos se ha llevado a cabo por Difracción de rayos-X (DRX. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que es posible utilizar ceniza de cáscara de arroz para producir materiales vitrocerámicos mediante un proceso de sinterización seguido de cristalización, con nefelina (Na2O·Al2O3·2SiO2 como fase cristalina mayoritaria en el intervalo de temperatura 700º-950ºC y


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    DRA. M. Gabriela Sanzana G.


    En las “Diabetes Atípicas” (no incluidas en la clasificación ADA, se mencionan la DM tipo 2 en niños y adolescentes, favorecida por el aumento de la obesidad y del sedentarismo; la diabetes propensa a la cetosis, que debutan en cetoacidosis, con etiopatogenia y evolución de DM2; los Latent Autoinmune Diabetes of Adults (LADA, DM tipo 1 de lenta aparición y la diabetes postrasplante.

  4. Ion beam synthesis and characterization of large area 3C-SiC pseudo substrates for homo- and heteroepitaxy; Ionenstrahlsynthese und Charakterisierung grossflaechiger 3C-SiC-Pseudosubstrate fuer die Homo- und Heteroepitaxie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haeberlen, Maik


    In this work, large area epitaxial 3C-SiC films on Si(100) and Si(111) were formed by ion beam synthesis and subsequently characterized for their structural and crystalline properties. These SiC/Si structures are meant to be used as SiC pseudosubstrates for the homo- and heteroepitaxial growth of other compound semiconductors. The suitability of these pseudosubstrates for this purpose was tested using various epitaxial systems and thin film growth methods. For this the homoepitaxial growth of 3C-SiC employing C{sub 60}-MBE and the heteroepitaxial growth of hexagonal GaN films grown by MOCVD and IBAMBA was studied in detail. The comparison of the structural and crystalline properties with data from literature enabled a qualified judgement of the potential of the 3C-SiC pseudosubstrates as an alternative substrate for the epitaxial growth of such films. These new 3C-SiC pseudosubstrates also enabled studies of other little known epitaxial systems: For the first time hexagonal ZnO films on (111) oriented pseudosubstrates were grown using PLD. The method if IBAMBE enabled the growth of cubic GaN layers on (100)-oriented pseudosubstrates. (orig.)

  5. Transformation mechanism of n-butyl terminated Si nanoparticles embedded into Si1-xCx nanocomposites mixed with Si nanoparticles and C atoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, J.W.; Oh, D.H.; Kim, T.W.; Cho, W.J.


    Bright-field transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images, high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) images, and fast-Fourier transformed electron-diffraction patterns showed that n-butyl terminated Si nanoparticles were aggregated. The formation of Si 1-x C x nanocomposites was mixed with Si nanoparticles and C atoms embedded in a SiO 2 layer due to the diffusion of C atoms from n-butyl termination shells into aggregated Si nanoparticles. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images showed that the Si 1-x C x nanocomposites mixed with Si nanoparticles and C atoms existed in almost all regions of the SiO 2 layer. The formation mechanism of Si nanoparticles and the transformation mechanism of n-butyl terminated Si nanoparticles embedded into Si 1-x C x nanocomposites mixed with Si nanoparticles and C atoms are described on the basis of the TEM, HRTEM, and AFM results. These results can help to improve the understanding of the formation mechanism of Si nanoparticles.

  6. Effect of fiber coating on interfacial shear strength of SiC/SiC by nano-indentation technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hinoki, T.; Zhang, W.; Kohyama, A.; Noda, T.


    In order to quantitatively evaluate mechanical properties of fibers, matrices and their interfaces in fiber reinforced SiC/SiC composites, fiber push-out tests have been carried out. From the indentation load vs. displacement relations, the fiber push-out process has been discussed in comparison with the C/C composites and the loads for fiber push-in and those for fiber push-out were estimated. The trends of load-displacement curve of fiber push-out process depended on specimen thickness. The curve in the case of thick specimen had a micro step indicating fiber push-in and a larger step corresponding to fiber push-out. However just a larger step indicating fiber push-out was seen without fiber push-in process in the case of thin specimen. Interfacial shear stress was discussed and defined in both cases. The effects of fiber coatings on interfacial shear stress obtained from thin specimens were analyzed. The relationship between bending stress and interfacial shear stress of SiC (pcs) /SiC (CVI) is preliminarily postulated together with microstructural characteristics of the composites. (orig.)

  7. Construction and characterization of spherical Si solar cells combined with SiC electric power inverter (United States)

    Oku, Takeo; Matsumoto, Taisuke; Hiramatsu, Kouichi; Yasuda, Masashi; Shimono, Akio; Takeda, Yoshikazu; Murozono, Mikio


    Spherical silicon (Si) photovoltaic solar cell systems combined with an electric power inverter using silicon carbide (SiC) field-effect transistor (FET) were constructed and characterized, which were compared with an ordinary Si-based converter. The SiC-FET devices were introduced in the direct current-alternating current (DC-AC) converter, which was connected with the solar panels. The spherical Si solar cells were used as the power sources, and the spherical Si panels are lighter and more flexible compared with the ordinary flat Si solar panels. Conversion efficiencies of the spherical Si solar cells were improved by using the SiC-FET.

  8. CDC Signos Vitales-La prevención del melanoma (Preventing Melanoma)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast se basa en la edición de junio del 2015 del informe Signos Vitales de los CDC. El cáncer de piel es el tipo de cáncer más común en los Estados Unidos. En el 2011, hubo más de 65 000 casos de melanoma, el tipo de cáncer de piel más mortal. Sepa cómo todos pueden ayudar a prevenir el cáncer de piel.  Created: 6/2/2015 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 6/2/2015.

  9. La actividad científica del CSIC: Indicadores de producción e impacto por tipo de colaboración (WoS, 2004-2009)


    Gómez Caridad, Isabel; Bordons, María; Morillo, Fernanda; Moreno, Luz; González-Albo, Borja


    El objetivo del presente estudio es realizar un análisis de la presencia de la colaboración en la producción de los centros del CSIC recogida en la base de datos Web of Science durante el periodo 2004-2009, identificar el patrón de colaboración de las distintas áreas y centros/institutos, y describir la visibilidad e impacto de la producción en función del tipo de colaboración presente en la misma.

  10. Effect of inclusion of SiC particulates on the mechanical resistance behaviour of stir-cast AA6063/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balasubramanian, I.; Maheswaran, R.


    Highlights: • AA6063/SiC composites with different weight percent are stir cast. • Resistance properties against indentation, stretching force and sliding force are studied. • Increase in initiation of cleavage facets and reduces the tensile strength for 15% SiC. • Transition from micro ploughing to micro cutting wear mechanism is less due to SiC inclusion. - Abstract: This study investigates the mechanical resistance behaviour of AA6063 particulate composites with the inclusion of micron-sized silicon carbide (SiC) particles with different weight percentages in an AA6063 aluminium matrix. AA6063/SiC particulate composites containing 0, 5, 10, and 15 weight percent of SiC particles were produced by stir casting. Standard mechanical tests were conducted on the composite plates, and the mechanical resistance to indentation, tensile force and sliding force are evaluated. It has been observed that upon addition of SiC particles, the resistance against indentation is increased and the resistance against tensile force is initially increased and then decreased. Furthermore, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the fracture appearance of the broken specimen subjected to tensile force and morphological changes in the surface subjected to sliding force are analysed. The SEM images reveal that the addition of SiC particles in the AA6063 aluminium matrix initiates more cleavage facets. This leads to brittle fracture in the specimen subjected to tensile forces and less transition from material displacement to material removal in the specimen subjected to sliding forces


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    Full Text Available By means of transient plastic phase process, the SiC silicon carbide kiln furniture materials were produced through adding Si powder to SiC materials. At the condition of the same additions of SiO2 powder, the effect of the Si powder additions on properties of silicon carbide materials after sintered at 1450°C for 3 h in air atmosphere was studied by means of SEM and other analysis methods. The results showed that silicon powder contributes to both sintering by liquid state and plastic phase combination to improve the strength of samples. When the Si powder additions is lower than 3.5 %, the density and strength of samples increase and porosity decrease with increasing Si powder additions. However when the Si powder additions is higher than 3.5 %, the density and strength of samples decrease and porosity increase with increasing Si powder additions. With increasing of Si additions, the residual strength of sample after thermal shocked increased and linear change rate decreased, and get to boundary value when Si additions is 4.5 %. The results also indicated that at the same sintering temperature, the sample with 3.5 % silicon powder has maximum strength.

  12. Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of CrSiC coatings sliding against SiC and Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} balls in water

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, Zhiwei [State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016 (China); College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Precision and Micro-Manufacturing Technology, Nanjing 210016 (China); College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037 (China); Zhou, Fei, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016 (China); College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Precision and Micro-Manufacturing Technology, Nanjing 210016 (China); Chen, Kangmin [Center of Analysis, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013 (China); Wang, Qianzhi [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Keio University, Yokohama 2238522 (Japan); Zhou, Zhifeng [Advanced Coatings Applied Research Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong (China); Yan, Jiwang [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Keio University, Yokohama 2238522 (Japan); Li, Lawrence Kwok-Yan [Advanced Coatings Applied Research Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong (China)


    Graphical abstract: CrSiC coatings were speculated to be X-ray amorphous (A). Although the hardness of coatings fluctuated slightly (13.2–13.8 GPa), the CrSiC coatings showed poor wear resistance due to the decline of the crack resistance and toughness. Moreover, the friction coefficient (0.24–0.31) and the wear rate (2.97–7.66 × 10{sup −6} mm{sup 3}/Nm) of CrSiC/SiC trobopairs were lower than those of CrSiC/Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} tribopairs (B and C). - Highlights: • CrSiC coatings with Si content of 2.0–7.4 at.% were deposited via adjusting the TMS flow. • The amorphous structure in the CrSiC coatings was presented. • No obvious fluctuations of hardness (about 13 GPa) were observed with TMS flow. • CrSiC/SiC tribopairs showed better tribological performance than CrSiC/Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} tribopairs. - Abstract: CrSiC coatings with different silicon contents were prepared using unbalanced magnetron sputtering via adjusting trimethylsilane (Si(CH{sub 3}){sub 3}H) flows. Their phase structure, bonding structure, microstructure and hardness were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectrons spectroscopy (XPS), a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and nano-indenter, respectively. The tribological properties of CrSiC coatings sliding against SiC and Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} balls were investigated in water. The results showed that the CrSiC coatings were speculated to be X-ray amorphous. Although the hardness of coatings fluctuated slightly (13.2–13.8 GPa), the coatings showed poor wear resistance due to the decline of the crack resistance and toughness. Moreover, the friction coefficient (0.24–0.31) and the wear rate (2.97–7.66 × 10{sup −6} mm{sup 3}/Nm) of CrSiC/SiC trobopairs were lower than those of CrSiC/Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} tribopairs.

  13. Atomic state and characterization of nitrogen at the SiC/SiO2 interface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Y.; Garfunkel, E. L.; Zhu, X.; Lee, H. D.; Xu, C.; Shubeita, S. M.; Gustafsson, T.; Ahyi, A. C.; Sharma, Y.; Williams, J. R.; Lu, W.; Ceesay, S.; Tuttle, B. R.; Pantelides, S. T.; Wan, A.; Feldman, L. C.


    We report on the concentration, chemical bonding, and etching behavior of N at the SiC(0001)/SiO 2 interface using photoemission, ion scattering, and computational modeling. For standard NO processing of a SiC MOSFET, a sub-monolayer of nitrogen is found in a thin inter-layer between the substrate and the gate oxide (SiO 2 ). Photoemission shows one main nitrogen related core-level peak with two broad, higher energy satellites. Comparison to theory indicates that the main peak is assigned to nitrogen bound with three silicon neighbors, with second nearest neighbors including carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms. Surprisingly, N remains at the surface after the oxide was completely etched by a buffered HF solution. This is in striking contrast to the behavior of Si(100) undergoing the same etching process. We conclude that N is bound directly to the substrate SiC, or incorporated within the first layers of SiC, as opposed to bonding within the oxide network. These observations provide insights into the chemistry and function of N as an interface passivating additive in SiC MOSFETs

  14. Creep/Stress Rupture Behavior and Failure Mechanisms of Full CVI and Full PIP SiC/SiC Composites at Elevated Temperatures in Air (United States)

    Bhatt, R. T.; Kiser, J. D.


    SiC/SiC composites fabricated by melt infiltration are being considered as potential candidate materials for next generation turbine components. However these materials are limited to 2400 F application because of the presence of residual silicon in the SiC matrix. Currently there is an increasing interest in developing and using silicon free SiC/SiC composites for structural aerospace applications above 2400 F. Full PIP or full CVI or CVI + PIP hybrid SiC/SiC composites can be fabricated without excess silicon, but the upper temperature stress capabilities of these materials are not fully known. In this study, the on-axis creep and rupture properties of the state-of-the-art full CVI and full PIP SiC/SiC composites with Sylramic-iBN fibers were measured at temperatures to 2700 F in air and their failure modes examined. In this presentation creep rupture properties, failure mechanisms and upper temperature capabilities of these two systems will be discussed and compared with the literature data.

  15. Aplicación de microondas en el tratamiento de emulsiones del tipo agua en aceite (w/o) y aceite en agua (o/w).




    Las emulsiones del tipo agua en aceite (w/o) y aceite en agua (o/w) están compuestas por una mezcla de aceite, agua, lodo y otros agentes. Se pueden encontrar en el proceso y/o en los vertidos de diferentes tipos de industrias, tales como refinerías de petróleo, plantas procesadoras de aceite de consumo, industrias farmacéuticas, industrias de alimentos, etc. El calentamiento de un material a una frecuencia de microondas depende de la frecuencia de la onda electromagnética y de las propie...

  16. Elección del tipo de vehículo apropiado para longitudes medias de transporte

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    Chinchilla, M.


    Full Text Available To select the appropriate type of equipment the following will have to be taken into account. Economic, mechanical and technical factors and data which indicate the most satisfactory type of vehicle. Economic factors include purchase price, maintenance, as well as overall performance of each kind of transport. Mechanical factors are those that characterise each variety of vehicle, such as trucks, dumpers, special lorries. Choice must be directed towards the type most apt to do the required work. Attention must also be given to the mechanical qualities that will enable certain vehicles to compete successfully even in unfavourable conditions against other vehicles which have been specially designed and built to undertake the particular type of work.Para la acertada elección del tipo más apto de maquinaria para estos trabajos, habrá que tener en cuenta: Unas características económicas, mecánicas y técnicas que proporcionen la información necesaria para adoptar la solución más conveniente. Entre las características económicas hay que considerar los costes de adquisición, mantenimiento y entretenimiento, así como los rendimientos que se obtendrán con el empleo de cada tipo de vehículo. Entre las características mecánicas se consideran las que presentan cada uno de los tipos de vehículos, camiones, dumpers y camiones especiales para elegir dentro de las diversas clases y las disponibilidades existentes, aquel que por sus cualidades permita la normal realización del trabajo a efectuar, así como las condiciones mecánicas que deben satisfacer los vehículos adaptados para poder estar capacitados para competir aun en condiciones menos ventajosas con aquellos que específicamente se han construido y proyectado para trabajos de esta índole. Las características técnicas que habrá que tener en cuenta para efectuar la elección son, en realidad, derivadas de las dos anteriores y dependientes de las condiciones en que haya de

  17. Simulations of Proton Implantation in Silicon Carbide (SiC) (United States)


    Simulations of Proton Implantation in Silicon Carbide (SiC) Jonathan P. McCandless, Hailong Chen, Philip X.-L. Feng Electrical Engineering, Case...of implanting protons (hydrogen ions, H+) into SiC thin layers on silicon (Si) substrate, and explore the ion implantation conditions that are...relevant to experimental radiation of SiC layers. Keywords: silicon carbide (SiC); radiation effects; ion implantation ; proton; stopping and range of

  18. Development and Performance Evaluations of HfO2-Si and Rare Earth-Si Based Environmental Barrier Bond Coat Systems for SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites (United States)

    Zhu, Dongming


    Ceramic environmental barrier coatings (EBC) and SiCSiC ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) will play a crucial role in future aircraft propulsion systems because of their ability to significantly increase engine operating temperatures, improve component durability, reduce engine weight and cooling requirements. Advanced EBC systems for SiCSiC CMC turbine and combustor hot section components are currently being developed to meet future turbine engine emission and performance goals. One of the significant material development challenges for the high temperature CMC components is to develop prime-reliant, high strength and high temperature capable environmental barrier coating bond coat systems, since the current silicon bond coat cannot meet the advanced EBC-CMC temperature and stability requirements. In this paper, advanced NASA HfO2-Si based EBC bond coat systems for SiCSiC CMC combustor and turbine airfoil applications are investigated. The coating design approach and stability requirements are specifically emphasized, with the development and implementation focusing on Plasma Sprayed (PS) and Electron Beam-Physic Vapor Deposited (EB-PVD) coating systems and the composition optimizations. High temperature properties of the HfO2-Si based bond coat systems, including the strength, fracture toughness, creep resistance, and oxidation resistance were evaluated in the temperature range of 1200 to 1500 C. Thermal gradient heat flux low cycle fatigue and furnace cyclic oxidation durability tests were also performed at temperatures up to 1500 C. The coating strength improvements, degradation and failure modes of the environmental barrier coating bond coat systems on SiCSiC CMCs tested in simulated stress-environment interactions are briefly discussed and supported by modeling. The performance enhancements of the HfO2-Si bond coat systems with rare earth element dopants and rare earth-silicon based bond coats are also highlighted. The advanced bond coat systems, when

  19. Diabetes tipo 2 en niños: Serie de casos

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    Helard Manrique-Hurtado


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir las características clínicas y bioquímicas de un grupo de niños y adolescentes con diagnóstico reciente de diabetes tipo 2. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, tipo de serie de casos. Se definió caso al niño o adolescente con glucosa plasmática en ayunas mayor a 126 mg/dl, ausencia de antiGAD y péptido C mayor a 1,5 ng/dl. Se excluyeron a los pacientes con diagnóstico previo de diabetes mellitus tipo 1, diabetes tipo MODY o diabetes secundaria a uso de fármacos. Resultados: La edad media fue 14,3 años, 59% fueron mujeres y 43% tenía por lo menos un padre con diabetes tipo 2. Al momento del diagnóstico, el índice de masa corporal fue 32,8 kg/m2, 85% tenía acantosis nigricans y 68% estaba en estadio Tanner IV y V. El tratamiento inicial incluyó el uso de hipoglicemiantes orales en 75% de los casos, siendo más frecuente el uso de metformina (64,3%. Solamente el 41% de los pacientes recibía algún tipo de insulina. Conclusiones: Los niños y adolescentes con diabetes tipo 2, tienen una frecuencia aumentada de obesidad/sobrepeso, acantosis nigricans y antecedente familiar de DM2. En general, tienen mal control metabólico y reciben metformina como tratamiento inicial.

  20. La perspectiva del género en el cáncer: una visión relevante y necesaria

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    Borràs, Josep M.ª


    Full Text Available The gender perspective has been part of most analyses of the impact of cancer, given its obvious importance. In this article, we will briefly explore three types of data supporting this statement, the incidence and differential mortality according to gender, the survival rates observed and behavior with regard to risk factors such as tobacco. Lastly, we will discuss their possible consequences for Spain’s cancer control strategy. Any cancer control target proposed must consider the importance of the gender perspective.La perspectiva del género en el cáncer ha formado parte de la gran mayoría de análisis del impacto de esta enfermedad, dada su indudable relevancia. En este artículo, exploraremos brevemente tres tipos de datos que avalan esta afirmación, la incidencia y mortalidad diferencial según género, la supervivencia observada y el comportamiento respecto a los factores de riesgo, como el tabaco. Finalmente, comentaremos sus posibles consecuencias para la estrategia de control del cáncer en nuestro país. Cualquier objetivo de control del cáncer debe ser planteado teniendo en cuenta la relevancia de la perspectiva del género.

  1. Características clínicas y bioquímicas de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DMt2 en el Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño

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    Martha Calagua-Quispe


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar las características clínicas y bioquímicas al momento del diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DMt2, en pacientes pediátricos. Diseño: Estudio clínico retrospectivo. Institución: Servicio de Endocrinología, Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño, Lima, Perú. Pacientes: Niños con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Métodos: Se revisó las historias clínicas de 187 pacientes con diabetes mellitus y se identificó 17 (9,2% con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Se preparó una ficha para la recolección de datos, en la cual se consignó características personales y familiares, síntomas y signos y datos bioquímicos. Principales medidas de resultados: Características clínicas y bioquímicas de los niños. Resultados: La edad promedio al momento del diagnóstico fue de 12,8 ± 3 años; 11 fueron de sexo masculino (64,7% y 6 de sexo femenino (35,3%. Todos nacieron a término, de los cuales 17,6% fueron macrosómicos. Se encontró que 82,4% tenía antecedente familiar de diabetes tipo 2. Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron: poliuria, polidipsia, polifagia y pérdida de peso; 35,3% presentó sobrepeso, 41,2% obesidad y 65% del conjunto, acantosis nigricans. Cinco pacientes desarrollaron cetoacidosis. Se encontró que 60% tenía alteración de alguno de los componentes del perfil lipídico, siendo la más frecuente la alteración de los LDL (46,5%. Los anticuerpos anti-insulina, anti-GAD y anti-ICA fueron negativos en 85,7%; 14,3% de los pacientes mostró alguno de ellos positivos. Conclusiones: La mayor parte de los niños con DMt2 estudiados presentó antecedentes familiares de diabetes tipo 2, 75% de ellos con signos y síntomas clásicos de esta patología, acompañados de presencia de sobrepeso u obesidad y dislipidemia.

  2. Synthesis of geopolymer from spent FCC: Effect of SiO2/Al2O<3 and Na2O/SiO2 molar ratios

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    Trochez, J. J.


    Full Text Available This paper assesses the feasibility of using a spent fluid catalytic cracking catalyst (SFCC as precursor for the production of geopolymers. The mechanical and structural characterization of alkali-activated SFCC binders formulated with different overall (activator + solid precursor SiO2/Al2O3 and Na2O/SiO2 molar ratios are reported. Formation of an aluminosilicate ‘geopolymer’ gel is observed under all conditions of activation used, along with formation of zeolites. Increased SiO2/Al2O3 induces the formation of geopolymers with reduced mechanical strength, for all the Na2O/SiO2 ratios assessed, which is associated with excess silicate species supplied by the activator. This is least significant at increased alkalinity conditions (higher Na2O/SiO2 ratios, as larger extents of reaction of the spent catalyst are achieved. SiO2/Al2O3 and Na2O/SiO2 ratios of 2.4 and 0.25, respectively, promote the highest compressive strength (67 MPa. This study elucidates the great potential of using SFCC as precursor to produce sustainable ceramic-like materials via alkali-activation.Este artículo estudia la factibilidad de usar un catalizador gastado del proceso de craqueo (SFCC para la producción de geopolímeros. Se evalúan las características mecánicas y estructurales de los geopolímeros producidos con diferentes relaciones molares (activador + precursor solido de SiO2/Al2O3 y Na2O/SiO2. La formación de un gel geopolimérico de tipo aluminosilicato se observa a las diferentes condiciones evaluadas, así como la formación de zeolitas. Un incremento en la relación SiO2/Al2O3 genera geopolímeros de baja resistencia mecánica, a las diferentes relaciones molares Na2O/SiO2 evaluadas, como consecuencia del exceso de especies silicato provenientes del activador. Este efecto es menos significativo al incrementar las condiciones de alcalinidad (mayores relaciones Na2O/SiO2, ya que un mayor grado de reacción del catalizador gastado es alcanzado. Las

  3. SHS synthesis of Si-SiC composite powders using Mg and reactants from industrial waste (United States)

    Chanadee, Tawat


    Si-SiC composite powders were synthesized by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) using reactants of fly ash-based silica, sawdust-based activated carbon, and magnesium. Fly ash-based silica and sawdust-based activated carbon were prepared from coal mining fly ash and Para rubber-wood sawdust, respectively. The work investigated the effects of the synthesis atmosphere (air and Ar) on the phase and morphology of the SHS products. The SHS product was leached by a two-step acid leaching processes, to obtain the Si-SiC composite powder. The SHS product and SHS product after leaching were characterized by X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry. The results indicated that the SHS product synthesized in air consisted of Si, SiC, MgO, and intermediate phases (SiO2, Mg, Mg2SiO4, Mg2Si), whereas the SHS product synthesized in Ar consisted of Si, SiC, MgO and a little Mg2SiO4. The SiC content in the leached-SHS product was higher when Ar was used as the synthesis atmosphere. As well as affecting the purity, the synthesis atmospheres also affected the average crystalline sizes of the products. The crystalline size of the product synthesized in Ar was smaller than that of the product synthesized in air. All of the results showed that fly ash and sawdust could be effective waste-material reactants for the synthesis of Si-SiC composite powders.

  4. In-situ synthesis of SiC particles by the structural evolution of TiCx in Al–Si melt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nie, Jinfeng; Li, Dakui; Wang, Enzhao; Liu, Xiangfa


    Highlights: • A facile method to in-situ synthesize SiC was developed utilizing the structural evolution of TiC x in Al–Si melt. • The SiC particles have the size range from 2.5 to 7.5 μm and a block-like morphology. • The SiC particles and (SiC + TiB 2 ) hybrid-particles reinforced Al–18Si composite were prepared. • The wear resistance effect of SiC on the based alloy was investigated. - Abstract: A facile method has been developed to in-situ synthesize SiC particles utilizing the structural instability and evolution of TiC x in Al–Si melt. It is considered that the synthesis of SiC particles occurs via the gradual reaction between TiC x and Si atoms, whilst Si content plays the crucial role in this approach. If the Si content in the melt is above 30%, TiC x directly reacts with Si and Al to form SiC, but the needle-like TiAl x Si y phase formed simultaneously will do harm to the mechanical properties of the composites. Thus, it is proposed to add B element in the melt to transform the TiAl x Si y into TiB 2 particles. Therefore, the SiC and (SiC + TiB 2 ) hybrid-particles reinforced Al–18Si composites were successfully prepared using the method. In the composites, the SiC particles have the size range from 2.5 to 7.5 μm and a block-like morphology. Furthermore, the mechanical properties of base alloy, including the wear resistance and macro-hardness, have been obviously improved by the in-situ SiC particles. Besides, the relevant underlying mechanisms are also discussed

  5. Microstructural characterization of hybrid CFRP/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Von Dollinger, C.F.A.; Pardini, L.C.; Alves, S.C.N.


    In present work a hybrid matrix C-C/SiC composites were produced. Carbon fiber fabric was impregnated with phenolic resin mixed with powder Si in proportions of 5%, 10%, 15% e 20%wt. Optical microscopy under reflected light and polarized light were used in order to characterize samples in the as molded condition and after carbonization at 1000°C, and heat treatment 1600°C in order to react carbon and liquid silicon in order to form in situ SiC . The pore volume fraction ranges from 33% to 41% for composites after heat treatment at 1600°C due to volatiles released specially during carbonization process. Complementary analyses were done by Scanning Electron microscopy (SEM) and X-Ray diffraction to confirm in situ conversion of SiC. The results showed that the impregnation of a carbon fabric with phenolic resin added with silicon proved to be an alternative route to produce CFRP/SiC composites. (author)

  6. Cambios en fracciones dinámicas de la materia orgánica de dos suelos, inceptisol y ultisol, por el uso con cultivo de cítricas


    Pulido-Moncada, Mansonia; Flores, Bestalia; Rondón S, Tatiana; Hernández-Hernández, Rosa M; Lozano, Zenaida


    La materia orgánica (MO) es uno de los parámetros más aceptados como indicador de cambios en la calidad del suelo; sin embargo, sus fracciones dinámicas pueden ser aun más sensibles a los efectos del tipo de manejo y tipo de vegetación. En los suelos del trópico es importante la determinación temprana de los cambios debido al manejo puesto que los procesos biológicos de los ecosistemas que son intervenidos pueden darse a altas velocidades. En este trabajo se planteó determinar si las fraccion...

  7. SiC Composite for Fuel Structure Applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yueh, Ken [Electric Power Research Inst. (EPRI), Charlotte, NC (United States)


    Extensive evaluation was performed to determine the suitability of using SiC composite as a boiling water reactor (BWR) fuel channel material. A thin walled SiC composite box, 10 cm in dimension by approximately 1.5 mm wall thickness was fabricated using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) for testing. Mechanical test results and performance evaluations indicate the material could meet BWR channel mechanical design requirement. However, large mass loss of up to 21% was measured in in-pile corrosion test under BWR-like conditions in under 3 months of irradiation. A fresh sister sample irradiated in a follow-up cycle under PWR conditions showed no measureable weight loss and thus supports the hypothesis that the oxidizing condition of the BWR-like coolant chemistry was responsible for the high corrosion rate. A thermodynamic evaluation showed SiC is not stable and the material may oxidize to form SiO2 and CO2. Silica has demonstrated stability in high temperature steam environment and form a protective oxide layer under severe accident conditions. However, it does not form a protective layer in water under normal BWR operational conditions due to its high solubility. Corrosion product stabilization by modifying the SiC CVD surface is an approach evaluated in this study to mitigate the high corrosion rate. Titanium and zirconium have been selected as stabilizing elements since both TiSiO4 and ZrSiO4 are insoluble in water. Corrosion test results in oxygenated water autoclave indicate TiSiO4 does not form a protective layer. However, zirconium doped test samples appear to form a stable continuous layer of ZrSiO4 during the corrosion process. Additional process development is needed to produce a good ZrSiC coating to verify functionality of the mitigation concept.

  8. Diseño de un aerogenerador tipo H-Darrieus y estudio de la influencia del ángulo de pitch, mediante mecánica de fluidos computacional


    Río Sánchez, Saúl del


    Este trabajo es un estudio de diseño, mediante CFD, de un aerogenerador de eje vertical de tipo H-Darrieus de tres álabes. Se ha realizado el diseño general, viendo la sensibilidad a la malla y comparando los resultados con otros de la bibliografía, se han representado las curvas características y el patrón de flujo para conocer el comportamiento de la turbina. Aparte del diseño, también se ha realizado un análisis de cómo afectan los cambios realizados en la configuración d...

  9. Nanocrystalline SiC and Ti3SiC2 Alloys for Reactor Materials: Diffusion of Fission Product Surrogates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Henager, Charles H. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Jiang, Weilin [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    MAX phases, such as titanium silicon carbide (Ti3SiC2), have a unique combination of both metallic and ceramic properties, which make them attractive for potential nuclear applications. Ti3SiC2 has been suggested in the literature as a possible fuel cladding material. Prior to the application, it is necessary to investigate diffusivities of fission products in the ternary compound at elevated temperatures. This study attempts to obtain relevant data and make an initial assessment for Ti3SiC2. Ion implantation was used to introduce fission product surrogates (Ag and Cs) and a noble metal (Au) in Ti3SiC2, SiC, and a dual-phase nanocomposite of Ti3SiC2/SiC synthesized at PNNL. Thermal annealing and in-situ Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) were employed to study the diffusivity of the various implanted species in the materials. In-situ RBS study of Ti3SiC2 implanted with Au ions at various temperatures was also performed. The experimental results indicate that the implanted Ag in SiC is immobile up to the highest temperature (1273 K) applied in this study; in contrast, significant out-diffusion of both Ag and Au in MAX phase Ti3SiC2 occurs during ion implantation at 873 K. Cs in Ti3SiC2 is found to diffuse during post-irradiation annealing at 973 K, and noticeable Cs release from the sample is observed. This study may suggest caution in using Ti3SiC2 as a fuel cladding material for advanced nuclear reactors operating at very high temperatures. Further studies of the related materials are recommended.

  10. Mechanism of Si intercalation in defective graphene on SiC

    KAUST Repository

    Kaloni, Thaneshwor P.; Cheng, Yingchun; Schwingenschlö gl, Udo; Upadhyay Kahaly, M.


    Previously reported experimental findings on Si-intercalated graphene on SiC(0001) seem to indicate the possibility of an intercalation process based on the migration of the intercalant through atomic defects in the graphene sheet. We employ density

  11. Effects of neutron irradiation on the strength of continuous fiber reinforced SiC/SiC composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Youngblood, G.E.; Henager, C.H. Jr.; Jones, R.H. [Pacific National Lab., Richland, WA (United States)


    Flexural strength data as a function of irradiation temperature and dose for a SiC{sub f}/SiC composite made with Nicalon-CG fiber suggest three major degradation mechanisms. Based on an analysis of tensile strength and microstructural data for irradiated Nicalon-CG and Hi-Nicalon fibers, it is anticipated that these degradation mechanisms will be alleviated in Hi-Nicalon reinforced composites.

  12. Efectos diferenciales del ambiente y de la interacción en el aula en rendimiento escolar


    Alves, Maria Clara Araújo


    El principal objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar si un estilo de enseñanza más tradicional o más autónomo difieren en el ambiente del aula creado para aprender y en los tipos de estrategias de aprendizaje adquiridas por los estudiantes de esas aulas. La muestra fue recogida en dos escuelas que fueron seleccionadas por sus escenarios de aprendizaje y por los diferentes tipos de enseñanza que imparten, derivados de sus distintas concepciones de aprendizaje. Una de las escuelas tenía ...

  13. Growth and characterization of epitaxial ultra-thin NbN films on 3C-SiC/Si substrate for terahertz applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dochev, D; Desmaris, V; Pavolotsky, A; Meledin, D; Belitsky, V; Lai, Z; Henry, A; Janzen, E; Pippel, E; Woltersdorf, J


    We report on electrical properties and microstructure of epitaxial thin NbN films grown on 3C-SiC/Si substrates by means of reactive magnetron sputtering. A complete epitaxial growth at the NbN/3C-SiC interface has been confirmed by means of high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) along with x-ray diffractometry (XRD). Resistivity measurements of the films have shown that the superconducting transition onset temperature (T C ) for the best specimen is 11.8 K. Using these epitaxial NbN films, we have fabricated submicron-size hot-electron bolometer (HEB) devices on 3C-SiC/Si substrate and performed their complete DC characterization. The observed critical temperature T C = 11.3 K and critical current density of about 2.5 MA cm -2 at 4.2 K of the submicron-size bridges were uniform across the sample. This suggests that the deposited NbN films possess the necessary homogeneity to sustain reliable hot-electron bolometer device fabrication for THz mixer applications.

  14. Growth and characterization of epitaxial ultra-thin NbN films on 3C-SiC/Si substrate for terahertz applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dochev, D; Desmaris, V; Pavolotsky, A; Meledin, D; Belitsky, V [Group for Advanced Receiver Development, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Gothenburg (Sweden); Lai, Z [Nanofabrication Laboratory, Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Gothenburg (Sweden); Henry, A; Janzen, E [Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Linkoeping University, SE-581 83 Linkoeping (Sweden); Pippel, E; Woltersdorf, J, E-mail: [Max-Planck-Institute of Microstructure Physics, Weinberg 2, D-06120 Halle (Germany)


    We report on electrical properties and microstructure of epitaxial thin NbN films grown on 3C-SiC/Si substrates by means of reactive magnetron sputtering. A complete epitaxial growth at the NbN/3C-SiC interface has been confirmed by means of high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) along with x-ray diffractometry (XRD). Resistivity measurements of the films have shown that the superconducting transition onset temperature (T{sub C}) for the best specimen is 11.8 K. Using these epitaxial NbN films, we have fabricated submicron-size hot-electron bolometer (HEB) devices on 3C-SiC/Si substrate and performed their complete DC characterization. The observed critical temperature T{sub C} = 11.3 K and critical current density of about 2.5 MA cm{sup -2} at 4.2 K of the submicron-size bridges were uniform across the sample. This suggests that the deposited NbN films possess the necessary homogeneity to sustain reliable hot-electron bolometer device fabrication for THz mixer applications.

  15. In-situ Observation of Fracture Behavior on Nano Structure in NITE SiC/SiC Composite by HVEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shibayama, Tamaki; Hamada, Kouichi; Watanabe, Seiichi; Matsuo, Genichiro; Kishimoto, Hirotatsu


    We have been successfully done in situ observation on the sequence of fracture event at the interface of NITE SiC/SiC composite examined by using miniaturized double notched shear specimen for TEM prepared by Focused Ion Beam method. In this study, we used nano-mechanics TEM experimental apparatus to investigate not only microstructure evolution and but also load and displacement curve at once in High Voltage Electron Microscope. Our results summarize as follows. Cracks were initiated at the interface between carbon coating layer on the SiC fiber and SiC matrices, and propagated along the interface. Load drop in the load and displacement curve during in-situ TEM was clearly observed at the crack initiation. The shear strength by using the miniaturized specimen is about ten times higher than that obtained by the standard testing.

  16. Effects of C+ ion implantation on electrical properties of NiSiGe/SiGe contacts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, B.; Yu, W.; Zhao, Q.T.; Buca, D.; Breuer, U.; Hartmann, J.-M.; Holländer, B.; Mantl, S.; Zhang, M.; Wang, X.


    We have investigated the morphology and electrical properties of NiSiGe/SiGe contact by C + ions pre-implanted into relaxed Si 0.8 Ge 0.2 layers. Cross-section transmission electron microscopy revealed that both the surface and interface of NiSiGe were improved by C + ions implantation. In addition, the effective hole Schottky barrier heights (Φ Bp ) of NiSiGe/SiGe were extracted. Φ Bp was observed to decrease substantially with an increase in C + ion implantation dose

  17. Metastability of a-SiO{sub x}:H thin films for c-Si surface passivation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Serenelli, L., E-mail: [ENEA Research centre “Casaccia”, via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Rome (Italy); DIET University of Rome “Sapienza”, via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome (Italy); Martini, L. [DIET University of Rome “Sapienza”, via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome (Italy); Imbimbo, L. [ENEA Research centre “Casaccia”, via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Rome (Italy); DIET University of Rome “Sapienza”, via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome (Italy); Asquini, R. [DIET University of Rome “Sapienza”, via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome (Italy); Menchini, F.; Izzi, M.; Tucci, M. [ENEA Research centre “Casaccia”, via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Rome (Italy)


    Highlights: • a-SiO{sub x}:H film deposition by RF-PECVD is optimized from SiH{sub 4}, CO{sub 2} and H{sub 2} gas mixture. • Metastability of a-SiO{sub x}:H/c-Si passivation is investigated under thermal annealing and UV exposure. • A correlation between passivation metastability and Si−H bonds is found by FTIR spectra. • A metastability model is proposed. - Abstract: The adoption of a-SiO{sub x}:H films obtained by PECVD in heterojunction solar cells is a key to further increase their efficiency, because of its transparency in the UV with respect to the commonly used a-Si:H. At the same time this layer must guarantee high surface passivation of the c-Si to be suitable in high efficiency solar cell manufacturing. On the other hand the application of amorphous materials like a-Si:H and SiN{sub x} on the cell frontside expose them to the mostly energetic part of the sun spectrum, leading to a metastability of their passivation properties. Moreover as for amorphous silicon, thermal annealing procedures are considered as valuable steps to enhance and stabilize thin film properties, when performed at opportune temperature. In this work we explored the reliability of a-SiO{sub x}:H thin film layers surface passivation on c-Si substrates under UV exposition, in combination with thermal annealing steps. Both p- and n-type doped c-Si substrates were considered. To understand the effect of UV light soaking we monitored the minority carriers lifetime and Si−H and Si−O bonding, by FTIR spectra, after different exposure times to light coming from a deuterium lamp, filtered to UV-A region, and focused on the sample to obtain a power density of 50 μW/cm{sup 2}. We found a certain lifetime decrease after UV light soaking in both p- and n-type c-Si passivated wafers according to a a-SiO{sub x}:H/c-Si/a-SiO{sub x}:H structure. The role of a thermal annealing, which usually enhances the as-deposited SiO{sub x} passivation properties, was furthermore considered. In

  18. Creep behavior for advanced polycrystalline SiC fibers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Youngblood, G.E.; Jones, R.H. [Pacific Northwest National Lab., Richland, WA (United States); Kohyama, Akira [Kyoto Univ. (Japan)] [and others


    A bend stress relaxation (BSR) test has been utilized to examine irradiation enhanced creep in polycrystalline SiC fibers which are under development for use as fiber reinforcement in SiC/SiC composite. Qualitative, S-shaped 1hr BSR curves were compared for three selected advanced SiC fiber types and standard Nicalon CG fiber. The temperature corresponding to the middle of the S-curve (where the BSR parameter m = 0.5) is a measure of a fiber`s thermal stability as well as it creep resistance. In order of decreasing thermal creep resistance, the measured transition temperatures were Nicalon S (1450{degrees}C), Sylramic (1420{degrees}C), Hi-Nicalon (1230{degrees}C) and Nicalon CG (1110{degrees}C).

  19. A comparative study of low energy radiation responses of SiC, TiC and ZrC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, M.; Xiao, H.Y.; Zhang, H.B.; Peng, S.M.; Xu, C.H.; Liu, Z.J.; Zu, X.T.


    In this study, an ab initio molecular dynamics method is employed to compare the responses of SiC, TiC and ZrC to low energy irradiation. It reveals that C displacements are dominant in the cascade events of the three carbides. The associated defects in SiC are mainly Frenkel pairs and antisite defects, whereas damage end states in TiC and ZrC generally consist of Frenkel pairs and very few antisite defects are created. It is proposed that the susceptibility to antisite formation in SiC contributes to its crystalline-to-amorphous transformation under irradiation that is observed experimentally. The stronger radiation tolerance of TiC and ZrC than SiC can be originated from their different electronic structures, i.e., the C> and C> bonds are a mixture of covalent, metallic, and ionic character, whereas the C> bond is mainly covalent. The presented results provide underlying mechanisms for defect generation in SiC, TiC and ZrC, and advance the fundamental understanding of the radiation resistances of carbide materials.

  20. Study of the interface in n{sup +}{mu}c-Si/p-type c-Si heterojunctions: role of the fluorine chemistry in the interface passivation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Losurdo, M.; Grimaldi, A.; Sacchetti, A.; Capezzuto, P.; Ambrico, M.; Bruno, G.; Roca, Francesco


    Investigation of n-p heterojunction solar cells obtained by depositing a n-type thin silicon films either amorphous or microcrystalline on p-type c-Si is carried out. The study is focused on the improvement of the c-Si surface and emitter layer/c-Si substrate interface. The peculiarity is the use of SiF{sub 4}-based plasmas for the in situ dry cleaning and passivation of the c-Si surface and for the PECVD deposition of the emitter layer that can be either amorphous (a-Si:H,F) or microcrystalline ({mu}c-Si). The use of SiF{sub 4} instead of the conventional SiH{sub 4} results in a lower hydrogen content in the film and in a reduction of the interaction of the c-Si surface with hydrogen atoms. Furthermore, the dependence of the heterojunction solar cell photovoltaic parameters on the insertion of an intrinsic buffer layer between the n-type thin silicon layer and the p-type c-Si substrate is discussed.

  1. Bulk Thermoelectric Materials Reinforced with SiC Whiskers (United States)

    Akao, Takahiro; Fujiwara, Yuya; Tarui, Yuki; Onda, Tetsuhiko; Chen, Zhong-Chun


    SiC whiskers have been incorporated into Zn4Sb3 compound as reinforcements to overcome its extremely brittle nature. The bulk samples were prepared by either hot-extrusion or hot-pressing techniques. The obtained products containing 1 vol.% to 5 vol.% SiC whiskers were confirmed to exhibit sound appearance, high density, and fine-grained microstructure. Mechanical properties such as the hardness and fracture resistance were improved by the addition of SiC whiskers, as a result of dispersion strengthening and microstructural refinement induced by a pinning effect. Furthermore, crack deflection and/or bridging/pullout mechanisms are invoked by the whiskers. Regarding the thermoelectric properties, the Seebeck coefficient and electrical resistivity values comparable to those of the pure compound are retained over the entire range of added whisker amount. However, the thermal conductivity becomes large with increasing amount of SiC whiskers because of the much higher conductivity of SiC relative to the Zn4Sb3 matrix. This results in a remarkable degradation of the dimensionless figure of merit in the samples with addition of SiC whiskers. Therefore, the optimum amount of SiC whiskers in the Zn4Sb3 matrix should be determined by balancing the mechanical properties and thermoelectric performance.

  2. Behaviors of SiC fibers at high temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colin, C.; Falanga, V.; Gelebart, L.


    On the one hand, considering the improvements of mechanical and thermal behaviours of the last generation of SiC fibers (Hi-Nicalon S, Tyranno SA3); on the other hand, regarding physical and chemical properties and stability under irradiation, SiC/SiC composites are potential candidates for nuclear applications in advanced fission and fusion reactors. CEA must characterize and optimize these composites before their uses in reactors. In order to study this material, CEA is developing a multi-scale approach by modelling from fibers to bulk composite specimen: fibres behaviours must be well known in first. Thus, CEA developed a specific tensile test device on single fibers at high temperature, named MecaSiC. Using this device, we have already characterized the thermoelastic and thermoelectric behaviours of SiC fibers. Additional results about the plastic properties at high temperatures were also obtained. Indeed, we performed tensile tests between 1200 degrees C up to 1700 degrees C to characterize this plastic behaviour. Some thermal annealing, up to 3 hours at 1700 degrees C, had been also performed. Furthermore, we compare the mechanical behaviours with the thermal evolution of the electric resistivity of these SiC fibers. Soon, MecaSiC will be coupled to a new charged particle accelerator. Thus, in this configuration, we will be able to study in-situ irradiation effects on fibre behaviours, as swelling or creep for example

  3. Joining of SiC/SiCf ceramic matrix composites for fusion reactor blanket applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colombo, P.; Riccardi, B.; Donato, A.; Scarinci, G.


    Using a preceramic polymer, joints between SiC/SiC f ceramic matrix composites were obtained. The polymer, upon pyrolysis at high temperature, transforms into a ceramic material and develops an adhesive bonding with the composite. The surface morphology of 2D and 3D SiC/SiC f composites did not allow satisfactory results to be obtained by a simple application of the method initially developed for monolithic SiC bodies, which employed the use of a pure silicone resin. Thus, active or inert fillers were mixed with the preceramic polymer, in order to reduce its volumetric shrinkage which occurs during pyrolysis. In particular, the joints realized using the silicone resin with Al-Si powder as reactive additive displayed remarkable shear strength (31.6 MPa maximum). Large standard deviation for the shear strength has nevertheless been measured. The proposed joining method is promising for the realization of fusion reactor blanket structures, even if presently the measured strength values are not fully satisfactory

  4. Ab initio study of 3C-SiC/M (M = Ti or Al) nano-hetero interfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Shingo; Kohyama, Masanori


    Ab initio pseudopotential calculation of 3C-SiC(1 1 1)/Al nano-hetero interfaces have been performed and interface atom species dependence (IASD) and interface orientation dependence (IOD) of nano-hetero interfaces between 3C-SiC ((1 1 1) or (0 0 1) orientation) and metal (Ti or Al) have been studied systematically. Stable atomic configurations of the 3C-SiC(1 1 1)/Al interfaces are quite different from those of the 3C-SiC(1 1 1)/Ti interfaces. Two terminated, Si-terminated (Si-TERM) and C-terminated (C-TERM), 3C-SiC(1 1 1)/Al interfaces have covalent bonding nature. In 3C-SiC/M (M = Ti or Al) nano-hetero interfaces, the C-terminated interface has relative strong, covalent and ionic C-Ti or C-Al bonds as TiC or SiC while the Si-terminated interface has various type of bonding nature, relative weak Si-Ti or Si-Al bonds from metallic character at the (0 0 1) interface to covalent character at the (1 1 1) interface. Adhesive energy (AE) shows strong IASD and IOD. The AE of the C-terminated interface is larger than that of the Si-terminated one. In the C-terminated interface, the AE of the (1 1 1) interface is smaller than that of the (0 0 1) one while in the Si-terminated interface there exists opposite interrelation. Schottky barrier height (SBH) also shows strong IASD and IOD. The SBH of the C-terminated interface is smaller than that of the Si-terminated one. The C-terminated SiC/Al interfaces have extremely small SBHs. In comparison with some experimental SBH, the present result is reliable as the difference of SBH between the two terminated interfaces and qualitative properties

  5. Laser cladding of Al-Si/SiC composite coatings : Microstructure and abrasive wear behavior

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Anandkumar, R.; Almeida, A.; Vilar, R.; Ocelik, V.; De Hosson, J.Th.M.


    Surface coatings of an Al-Si-SiC composite were produced on UNS A03560 cast Al-alloy substrates by laser cladding using a mixture of powders of Al-12 wt.% Si alloy and SiC. The microstructure of the coatings depends considerably on the processing parameters. For a specific energy of 26 MJ/m2 the

  6. A step-by-step experiment of 3C-SiC hetero-epitaxial growth on 4H-SiC by CVD

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xin, Bin [School of Microelectronics, Xidian University, Key Laboratory of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Xi’an 710071 (China); Jia, Ren-Xu, E-mail: [School of Microelectronics, Xidian University, Key Laboratory of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Xi’an 710071 (China); Hu, Ji-Chao [School of Microelectronics, Xidian University, Key Laboratory of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Xi’an 710071 (China); Tsai, Cheng-Ying [Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering, National Taiwan University, 10617 Taipei, Taiwan (China); Lin, Hao-Hsiung, E-mail: [Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering, National Taiwan University, 10617 Taipei, Taiwan (China); Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University, 10617 Taipei, Taiwan (China); Zhang, Yu-Ming [School of Microelectronics, Xidian University, Key Laboratory of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Xi’an 710071 (China)


    Highlights: • A step-by-step experiment to investigate the growth mechanism of SiC hetero-epitaxial is proposed. • It has shown protrusive regular “hill” morphology with much lower density of DPB defect in our experiment, which normally were in high density with shallow groove. Based on the defect morphology, an anisotropy migration rate phenomenon of adatoms has been regarded as forming the morphology of DPB defects and a new “DPB defects assist epitaxy” growth mode has been proposed based on Frank-van der Merwe growth mode. - Abstract: To investigate the growth mechanism of hetero-epitaxial SiC, a step-by-step experiment of 3C-SiC epitaxial layers grown on 4H-SiC on-axis substrates by the CVD method are reported in this paper. Four step experiments with four one-quarter 4H-SiC wafers were performed. Optical microscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were used to characterize the morphology of the epitaxial layers. It was previously found that the main factor affecting the epilayer morphology was double-positioning boundary (DPB) defects, which normally were in high density with shallow grooves. However, a protrusive regular “hill” morphology with a much lower density was shown in our experiment in high-temperature growth conditions. The anisotropic migration of adatoms is regarded as forming the morphology of DPB defects, and a new “DPB defects assist epitaxy” growth mode has been proposed based on the Frank-van der Merwe growth mode. Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction were used to examine the polytypes and the quality of the epitaxial layers.

  7. SiC/C components for nuclear applications from low cost precursor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narciso, J.; Calderon, N.R.


    The development of structural materials with the desired properties to produce the components facing the plasma in fusion reactors is one of the key problems in fusion technology. The structural materials used in the first wall and breeder blanket limits the operating temperature of the system, and higher operating temperatures means higher efficiency. Among the advanced material under consideration for those parts (first wall and breeder blanket) SiC based composites offers the greatest potential. However, considerable research is still required in order to solve engineering feasibility and manufacturing issues, as the improvement of the maximum working temperature and the capability of fabrication of components with homogeneous properties at reasonable cost. Last decade, there has been a strong effort in blanket design using SiC f /SiC composites which are rather expensive while excellent mechanical properties are not so mandatory as resistance to neutron irradiation for this application. In this work, an experimental procedure for manufacturing SiC/C composite materials with homogeneous properties from low cost precursors is described. The process consists in classical reactive infiltration of porous carbon preforms by liquid silicon to produce RBSC where the porous carbon preforms are tailor-made for the fabrication of SiC components without residual Si. The proper selection of the feedstock nature and the pyrolysis conditions determine the microstructure and sinterability of the carbon particles, respectively. These two features control the reactivity of the carbon substrate and porosity of the carbon preform for complete infiltration. The absence of silicon and the homogeneous microstructure of the SiC materials produced by this procedure make them suitable for structural applications at temperatures higher than 1200 deg. C. Furthermore, the technique allows near-net-shape capability and the carbon source is a low cost material. (author)

  8. Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, afrontamiento del estrés y emociones negativas en pacientes con cáncer en tratamiento quimioterapéutico


    Ana Milena Gaviria; Stefano Vinaccia; María Fernanda Riveros; Japcy Margarita Quiceno


    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, el afrontamiento del estrés y las emociones negativas en 28 pacientes de ambos géneros con diagnóstico de diferentes tipos de cáncer en tratamiento quimioterapéutico del Instituto de Medicancer de Medellín (Colombia). Se utilizaron los cuestionarios: EORTC QLQ-C30, que mide Calidad de Vida; el CAE, que evalúa Afrontamiento al Estrés, y la Escala de Ansiedad y Depresión Hospitalaria (H...

  9. Feasibility study on the application of carbide (ZrC, SiC) for VHTR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Ji Yeon; Kim, Weon Ju; Jung, Choong Hwan; Ryu, Woo Seog; Kim, Si Hyeong; Jang, Moon Hee; Lee, Young Woo


    A feasibility study on the coating process of ZrC for the TRISO nuclear fuel and applications of SiC as high temperature materials for the core components has performed to develop the fabrication process for the advanced ZrC TRISO fuels and the high temperature structural components for VHTR, respectively. In the case of ZrC coating, studies were focused on the comparisons of the developed coating processes for screening of our technology, the evaluations of the reactions parameters for a ZrC deposition by the thermodynamic calculations and the preliminary coating experiments by the chloride process. With relate to SiC ceramics, our interesting items are as followings; an analysis of applications and specifications of the SiC components and collections of the SiC properties and establishments of data base. For these purposes, applications of SiC ceramics for the GEN-IV related components as well as the fusion reactor related ones were reviewed. Additionally, the on-going activities with related to the ZrC clad and the SiC composites discussed in the VHTR GIF-PMB, were reviewed to make the further research plans at the section 1 in chapter 3.

  10. Fallas maternas: la historia del no cuidado en la dinámica relacional de madres con hijos con desnutrición tipo marasmo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Inés Restrepo Vásquez


    Full Text Available La desnutrición es un problema de salud pública y una causa reconocida de mortalidad y morbilidad a nivel mundial. En la Clínica Infantil Santa Ana de la ciudad de Medellín, para el año 2009, el 63% de los niños atendidos tenían este diagnóstico. El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar las representaciones acerca de la maternidad, construidas por las madres de niños con desnutrición tipo marasmo en la Clínica Infantil Santa Ana durante el periodo 2011 y 2012. Método: se utilizó un diseño cualitativo, con un enfoque fenomenológico- hermenéutico, haciendo uso de la historia de vida como estrategia metodológica. La técnica de generación de información fue la entrevista en profundidad. Participaron 7 madres entre 15 y 46 años de edad, quienes ingresaron a la Clínica Infantil Santa Ana de la ciudad de Medellín con su hijo, el cual tenía como diagnóstico desnutrición tipo marasmo. Resultados: las representaciones sobre la maternidad, halladas en los relatos construidos por madres de hijos con desnutrición tipo marasmo, dan lugar a la denominación de esta investigación como Fallas maternas: la historia del no cuidado; comprendidas estas como un vínculo con características específicas, que dan lugar a déficits en la relación madre/hijo. Conclusiones: el fenómeno de la desnutrición es un asunto complejo que va más allá del alimento. Las personas que se ocupan de la salud y del tema deben considerar los aspectos psicológicos que se hallan presentes en la desnutrición tipo marasmo.

  11. Microstructure and mechanical properties of low-activation glass-ceramic joining and coating for SiC/SiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katoh, Yutai; Kotani, M.; Kohyama, A.; Montorsi, M.; Salvo, M.; Ferraris, M.


    Calcia-alumina (CA) glass-ceramic was studied as a candidate low-activation joining and sealing material for SiC/SiC components for fusion blanket and diverter structures, in terms of microstructural stability and mechanical properties. The CA glass-ceramic joining and seal coating were applied to the Hi-Nicalon TM SiC fiber-reinforced SiC matrix composites in which the matrix had been formed through chemical vapor infiltration and polymer impregnation and pyrolysis methods. Microstructural characterization was carried out for the joined and coated materials by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mechanical property of the joint was evaluated through a shear test on sandwich joints. The average shear strength of the joined structures was 28 MPa at room temperature. Fractography revealed that the fracture occurred in the glass phase and the shear strength may be improved by reduction of the glass fraction

  12. El trastorno esquizoide de la personalidad en la jurisprudencia penal del Tribunal Supremo español

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Penado


    Full Text Available El trastorno esquizoide de la personalidad se presenta como un patrón de desconexión del sujeto de las relaciones sociales y fundamentalmente interpersonales, con un serio déficit de su capacidad de expresión emocional. El presente artículo analiza la delictología asociada a las personas que padecen el citado trastorno y la repercusión que dicha dolencia tiene a la hora de determinar la imputabilidad del acusado. Una vez analizadas las 26 sentencias emitidas por el Tribunal Supremo a partir de la entrada en vigor del Código Penal, se puede observar cómo el padecimiento de un trastorno esquizoide de la personalidad no es considerado con suficiente entidad como para eximir de responsabilidad penal (eximente completa, pero sí para disminuir dicha responsabilidad con la consideración de una eximente incompleta o una atenuante analógica, en función de si además del citado trastorno se dan otro tipo de circunstancias como la embriaguez o el consumo de drogas.

  13. Cuotas de género y tipo de lista en América Latina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nélida Archenti


    Full Text Available Las reformas electorales llevadas a cabo en algunos países de América Latina, a partir de los '90, han producido resultados cuyo análisis es ineludible para la comprensión del acceso de las mujeres a los cargos electivos. En la actualidad, no existe un consenso respecto a cómo afectan los elementos del sistema electoral a la participación política femenina bajo las leyes de cuotas, en particular en lo referente al tipo de lista (bloqueada o desbloqueada y la magnitud de distrito. Este artículo intenta, a través del análisis de los resultados electorales de esas provincias, aportar nuevos elementos empíricos al debate sobre los efectos del tipo de lista en el acceso de las mujeres a los legislativos, en sistemas con cuotas de género.The electoral reforms implemented in some Latin American countries at the 90's have had a strong impact over the women access to elected positions, although there is not a consensus about the electoral systems ' components that affect the women participation in politics through especific electoral laws. This article analyses the effects of electoral mechanisms on women's participation in politics in some municiaplities in Argentina.

  14. Biomorphous SiC ceramics prepared from cork oak as precursor (United States)

    Yukhymchuk, V. O.; Kiselov, V. S.; Valakh, M. Ya.; Tryus, M. P.; Skoryk, M. A.; Rozhin, A. G.; Kulinich, S. A.; Belyaev, A. E.


    Porous ceramic materials of SiC were synthesized from carbon matrices obtained via pyrolysis of natural cork as precursor. We propose a method for the fabrication of complex-shaped porous ceramic hardware consisting of separate parts prepared from natural cork. It is demonstrated that the thickness of the carbon-matrix walls can be increased through their impregnation with Bakelite phenolic glue solution followed by pyrolysis. This decreases the material's porosity and can be used as a way to modify its mechanical and thermal characteristics. Both the carbon matrices (resulted from the pyrolysis step) and the resultant SiC ceramics are shown to be pseudomorphous to the structure of initial cork. Depending on the synthesis temperature, 3C-SiC, 6H-SiC, or a mixture of these polytypes, could be obtained. By varying the mass ratio of initial carbon and silicon components, stoichiometric SiC or SiC:C:Si, SiC:C, and SiC:Si ceramics could be produced. The structure, as well as chemical and phase composition of the prepared materials were studied by means of Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy.

  15. Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Ti3SiC2-TiC composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tian, WuBian; Sun, ZhengMing; Hashimoto, Hitoshi; Du, YuLei


    Ti 3 SiC 2 -TiC composites were fabricated by pulse discharge sintering technique using three different sets of powder mixtures, i.e. Ti/Si/TiC (TC30), Ti/Si/C/TiC (SI30) and Ti/Si/C (TSC30). Based on X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and microstructural observations, starting powder reactants were found to have little effect on phase content but strong influence on the microstructure in terms of phase distribution. The phase distribution mainly relies on the heat released from reaction and the liquid phase content formed during sintering. The mechanical properties of the fabricated dense samples demonstrate that more homogeneous phase distribution, available by choosing the starting reactants of SI30, results in higher flexural strength, whereas the Vickers hardness is almost independent of the microstructure. The enhanced flexural strength in sample SI30 sintered at 1400 o C is mainly attributed to the homogeneous TiC distribution in the microstructure.

  16. Mechanoactivation of chromium silicide formation in the SiC-Cr-Si system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vlasova M.


    Full Text Available The processes of simultaneous grinding of the components of a SiC-Cr-Si mixture and further temperature treatment in the temperature range 1073-1793 K were studied by X-ray phase analysis, IR spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and X-ray microanalysis. It was established that, during grinding of the mixture, chromium silicides form. A temperature treatment completes the process. Silicide formation proceeds within the framework of the diffusion of silicon into chromium. In the presence of SiO2 in the mixture, silicide formation occurs also as a result of the reduction of silica by silicon and silicon carbide. The sintering of synthesized composite SiC-chromium silicides powders at a high temperature under a high pressure (T = 2073 K, P = 5 GPa is accompanied by the destruction of cc-SiC particles, the cc/3 transition in silicon carbide and deformation distortions of the lattices of chromium silicides.

  17. Characterization of a n+3C/n−4H SiC heterojunction diode

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Minamisawa, R. A.; Mihaila, A. [Department of Power Electronics, ABB Corporate Research Center, CH-5405 Baden-Dättwil (Switzerland); Farkas, I.; Hsu, C.-W.; Janzén, E. [Semiconductor Materials, IFM, Linköping University, SE-58183 Linköping (Sweden); Teodorescu, V. S. [National Institute of Material Physics, R-077125 Bucharest-Măgurele (Romania); Afanas' ev, V. V. [Semiconductor Physics Laboratory, KU Leuven, 3001 Leuven (Belgium); Rahimo, M. [ABB Semiconductors, Fabrikstrasse 3, CH-5600 Lenzburg (Switzerland)


    We report on the fabrication of n + 3C/n-4H SiC heterojunction diodes (HJDs) potentially promising the ultimate thermal stability of the junction. The diodes were systematically analyzed by TEM, X-ray diffraction, AFM, and secondary ion mass spectroscopy, indicating the formation of epitaxial 3C-SiC crystal on top of 4H-SiC substrate with continuous interface, low surface roughness, and up to ∼7 × 10{sup 17 }cm{sup −3} dopant impurity concentration. The conduction band off-set is about 1 V as extracted from CV measurements, while the valence bands of both SiC polytypes are aligned. The HJDs feature opening voltage of 1.65 V, consistent with the barrier height of about 1.5 eV extracted from CV measurement. We finally compare the electrical results of the n + 3C/n-4H SiC heterojunction diodes with those featuring Si and Ge doped anodes in order to evaluate current challenges involved in the fabrication of such devices.

  18. Análisis de costo-efectividad del uso de Detemir en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 en riesgo de presentar eventos cardiovasculares y muerte en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martín Romero Prada


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Analizar la costo-efectividad del uso de Detemir frente a otras insulinas (Glargine e NPH para tratamiento de diabetes tipo 2 en Colombia. Métodos: Mediante un modelo de Markov se analizó la costo-efectividad desde la perspectiva del tercero pagador, en una cohorte de 10000 personas de 45 años, en un horizonte temporal de 5 años. Como desenlaces se evaluaron eventos cardiovasculares y muertes evitadas –medidas en Años de Vida Salvados (AVS– relacionadas con eventos de hipoglicemia severa. Los costos se tomaron de bases de datos de prestadores de servicios de salud a precios 2013. Se utilizó una tasa de descuento del 3% para costos y resultados. Se aplicó un análisis de sensibilidad para comprobar la robustez del modelo. Resultados: Detemir presentó un menor número de eventos de hipoglicemia severa (730 frente a Glargine (1.910 y NPH (2.140, y un menor número de eventos macrovasculares (1.053 y microvasculares (1.019 frente a Glargine (1.116, 1.037, respectivamente y NPH (1.129 y 1.042, respectivamente. Detemir evitó 122 y 147 muertes frente a Glargine y NPH, respectivamente, equivalentes a 4.233 y 3.513 AVS, respectivamente. Tras el descuento el ICER por AVS con Detemir frente a Glargine fue de USD $ 998,39 y frente a NPH fue de USD $4.096,86. En el análisis de sensibilidad tipo Montecarlo, Detemir se mantiene costo-efectivo en el 100% de los casos, según el umbral propuesto por la OMS. Conclusiones: Detemir, desde la perspectiva del tercero pagador, es costo-efectivo frente a Glargine y NPH para tratamiento de diabetes tipo 2 en Colombia.

  19. Boron doping induced thermal conductivity enhancement of water-based 3C-Si(B)C nanofluids. (United States)

    Li, Bin; Jiang, Peng; Zhai, Famin; Chen, Junhong; Bei, Guo-Ping; Hou, Xinmei; Chou, Kuo-Chih


    In this paper, the fabrication and thermal conductivity of water-based nanofluids using boron (B) doped SiC as dispersions are reported. Doping B into β-SiC phase leads to the shrinkage of SiC lattice due to the substitution of Si atoms (radius: 0.134 nm) by smaller B atoms (radius: 0.095 nm). The presence of B in SiC phase also promotes crystallization and grain growth of obtained particles. The tailored crystal structure and morphology of B doped SiC nanoparticles are beneficial for the thermal conductivity improvement of the nanofluids by using them as dispersions. Serving B doped SiC nanoparticles as dispersions for nanofluids, a remarkable improvement of the stability was achieved in SiC-B6 nanofluid at pH 11 by means of the Zeta potential measurement. Dispersing B doped SiC nanoparticles in water based fluids, the thermal conductivity of the as prepared nanofluids containing only 0.3 vol. % SiC-B6 nanoparticles is remarkably raised up to 39.3 % at 30 °C compared to the base fluids and is further enhanced with the increased temperature. The main reasons for the improvement of thermal conductivity of SiC-B6 nanofluids are more stable dispersion and intensive charge ions vibration around the surface of nanoparticles as well as the enhanced thermal conductivity of the SiC-B dispersions. © 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd.

  20. SiC Power MOSFET with Improved Gate Dielectric

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sbrockey, Nick M. [Structured Materials Industries, Inc., Piscataway, NJ (United States); Tompa, Gary S. [Structured Materials Industries, Inc., Piscataway, NJ (United States); Spencer, Michael G. [Structured Materials Industries, Inc., Piscataway, NJ (United States); Chandrashekhar, Chandra M.V. S. [Structured Materials Industries, Inc., Piscataway, NJ (United States)


    In this STTR program, Structured Materials Industries (SMI), and Cornell University are developing novel gate oxide technology, as a critical enabler for silicon carbide (SiC) devices. SiC is a wide bandgap semiconductor material, with many unique properties. SiC devices are ideally suited for high-power, highvoltage, high-frequency, high-temperature and radiation resistant applications. The DOE has expressed interest in developing SiC devices for use in extreme environments, in high energy physics applications and in power generation. The development of transistors based on the Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) structure will be critical to these applications.

  1. Crystal growth and characterization of fluorescent SiC

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wellmann, P.; Kaiser, M.; Hupfer, T.

    -SiC co-doped with nitrogen and boron has been achieved [1][2]. The source is the rate determining step, and is expected to be determining the fluorescent properties by introducing dopants to the layer from the source. The optimization process of the polycrystalline, co-doped SiC:B,N source material...... and its impact on the FSPG epitaxial process, in particular the influence on the brightness of the is presented. In particular, the doping properties of the poly-SiC source material influence on the brightness of the fluorescent 6H-SiC. In addition we have investigated how the grain orientation...

  2. Impedance spectroscopy of heterojunction solar cell a-SiC/c-Si with ITO antireflection film investigated at different temperatures (United States)

    Šály, V.; Perný, M.; Janíček, F.; Huran, J.; Mikolášek, M.; Packa, J.


    Progressive smart photovoltaic technologies including heterostructures a-SiC/c-Si with ITO antireflection film are one of the prospective replacements of conventional photovoltaic silicon technology. Our paper is focused on the investigation of heterostructures a-SiC/c-Si provided with a layer of ITO (indium oxide/tin oxide 90/10 wt.%) which acts as a passivating and antireflection coating. Prepared photovoltaic cell structure was investigated at various temperatures and the influence of temperature on its operation was searched. The investigation of the dynamic properties of heterojunction PV cells was carried out using impedance spectroscopy. The equivalent AC circuit which approximates the measured impedance data was proposed. Assessment of the influence of the temperature on the operation of prepared heterostructure was carried out by analysis of the temperature dependence of AC equivalent circuit elements.

  3. Ultrarapid Multimode Microwave Synthesis of Nano/Submicron β-SiC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Min Zhao


    Full Text Available This paper presents the design, development and realization of a fast and novel process for the synthesis of 3C silicon carbide (β-SiC nanorods and submicron powder. Using SiO2 (or Si and activated carbon (AC, this process allows β-SiC to be synthesized with almost 100% purity in timeframes of seconds or minutes using multimode microwave rotary tube reactors under open-air conditions. The synthesis temperature used was 1460 ± 50 °C for Si + AC and 1660 ± 50 °C for SiO2 + AC. The shortest β-SiC synthesis time achieved was about 20 s for Si + AC and 100 s for SiO2 + AC. This novel synthesis method allows for scaled-up flow processes in the rapid industrial-scale production of β-SiC, having advantages of time/energy saving and carbon dioxide emission reduction over comparable modern processes.

  4. Pd/CeO2/SiC Chemical Sensors (United States)

    Lu, Weijie; Collins, W. Eugene


    The incorporation of nanostructured interfacial layers of CeO2 has been proposed to enhance the performances of Pd/SiC Schottky diodes used to sense hydrogen and hydrocarbons at high temperatures. If successful, this development could prove beneficial in numerous applications in which there are requirements to sense hydrogen and hydrocarbons at high temperatures: examples include monitoring of exhaust gases from engines and detecting fires. Sensitivity and thermal stability are major considerations affecting the development of high-temperature chemical sensors. In the case of a metal/SiC Schottky diode for a number of metals, the SiC becomes more chemically active in the presence of the thin metal film on the SiC surface at high temperature. This increase in chemical reactivity causes changes in chemical composition and structure of the metal/SiC interface. The practical effect of the changes is to alter the electronic and other properties of the device in such a manner as to degrade its performance as a chemical sensor. To delay or prevent these changes, it is necessary to limit operation to a temperature sensor structures. The present proposal to incorporate interfacial CeO2 films is based partly on the observation that nanostructured materials in general have potentially useful electrical properties, including an ability to enhance the transfer of electrons. In particular, nanostructured CeO2, that is CeO2 with nanosized grains, has shown promise for incorporation into hightemperature electronic devices. Nanostructured CeO2 films can be formed on SiC and have been shown to exhibit high thermal stability on SiC, characterized by the ability to withstand temperatures somewhat greater than 700 C for limited times. The exchanges of oxygen between CeO2 and SiC prevent the formation of carbon and other chemical species that are unfavorable for operation of a SiC-based Schottky diode as a chemical sensor. Consequently, it is anticipated that in a Pd/CeO2/SiC Schottky

  5. High density plasma via hole etching in SiC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, H.; Lee, K.P.; Leerungnawarat, P.; Chu, S.N.G.; Ren, F.; Pearton, S.J.; Zetterling, C.-M.


    Throughwafer vias up to 100 μm deep were formed in 4H-SiC substrates by inductively coupled plasma etching with SF 6 /O 2 at a controlled rate of ∼0.6 μm min-1 and use of Al masks. Selectivities of >50 for SiC over Al were achieved. Electrical (capacitance-voltage: current-voltage) and chemical (Auger electron spectroscopy) analysis techniques showed that the etching produced only minor changes in reverse breakdown voltage, Schottky barrier height, and near surface stoichiometry of the SiC and had high selectivity over common frontside metallization. The SiC etch rate was a strong function of the incident ion energy during plasma exposure. This process is attractive for power SiC transistors intended for high current, high temperature applications and also for SiC micromachining

  6. Removal of C and SiC from Si and FeSi during ladle refining and solidification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klevan, Ole Svein


    The utilization of solar energy by means of solar cells requires the Si to be very pure. The purity of Si is important for other applications as well. This thesis mainly studies the total removal of carbon from silicon and ferrosilicon. The decarburization includes removal of SiC particles by stirring and during casting in addition to reduction of dissolved carbon by gas purging. It was found that for three commercial qualities of FeSi75, Refined, Gransil, and Standard lumpy, the refined quality is lowest in carbon, followed by Gransil and Standard. A decarburization model was developed that shows the carbon removal by oxidation of dissolved carbon to be a slow process at atmospheric pressure. Gas stirring experiments have shown that silicon carbide particles are removed by transfer to the ladle wall. The casting method of ferrosilicon has a strong influence on the final total carbon content in the commercial alloy. Shipped refined FeSi contains about 100 ppm total carbon, while the molten alloy contains roughly 200 ppm. The total carbon out of the FeSi-furnace is about 1000 ppm. It is suggested that low values of carbon could be obtained on an industrial scale by injection of silica combined with the use of vacuum. Also, the casting system could be designed to give low carbon in part of the product. 122 refs., 50 figs., 24 tabs.

  7. Film Cooled Recession of SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites: Test Development, CFD Modeling and Experimental Observations (United States)

    Zhu, Dongming; Sakowski, Barbara A.; Fisher, Caleb


    SiCSiC ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) systems will play a crucial role in next generation turbine engines for hot-section component applications because of their ability to significantly increase engine operating temperatures, reduce engine weight and cooling requirements. However, the environmental stability of Si-based ceramics in high pressure, high velocity turbine engine combustion environment is of major concern. The water vapor containing combustion gas leads to accelerated oxidation and corrosion of the SiC based ceramics due to the water vapor reactions with silica (SiO2) scales forming non-protective volatile hydroxide species, resulting in recession of the ceramic components. Although environmental barrier coatings are being developed to help protect the CMC components, there is a need to better understand the fundamental recession behavior of in more realistic cooled engine component environments.In this paper, we describe a comprehensive film cooled high pressure burner rig based testing approach, by using standardized film cooled SiCSiC disc test specimen configurations. The SiCSiC specimens were designed for implementing the burner rig testing in turbine engine relevant combustion environments, obtaining generic film cooled recession rate data under the combustion water vapor conditions, and helping developing the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) film cooled models and performing model validation. Factors affecting the film cooled recession such as temperature, water vapor concentration, combustion gas velocity, and pressure are particularly investigated and modeled, and compared with impingement cooling only recession data in similar combustion flow environments. The experimental and modeling work will help predict the SiCSiC CMC recession behavior, and developing durable CMC systems in complex turbine engine operating conditions.

  8. Advanced SiC/SiC Ceramic Composites For Gas-Turbine Engine Components (United States)

    Yun, H. M.; DiCarlo, J. A.; Easler, T. E.


    NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) is developing a variety of advanced SiC/SiC ceramic composite (ASC) systems that allow these materials to operate for hundreds of hours under stress in air at temperatures approaching 2700 F. These SiC/SiC composite systems are lightweight (approximately 30% metal density) and, in comparison to monolithic ceramics and carbon fiber-reinforced ceramic composites, are able to reliably retain their structural properties for long times under aggressive gas-turbine engine environments. The key for the ASC systems is related first to the NASA development of the Sylramic-iBN Sic fiber, which displays higher thermal stability than any other SiC- based ceramic fibers and possesses an in-situ grown BN surface layer for higher environmental durability. This fiber is simply derived from Sylramic Sic fiber type that is currently produced at ATK COI Ceramics (COIC). Further capability is then derived by using chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) and/or polymer infiltration and pyrolysis (PIP) to form a Sic-based matrix with high creep and rupture resistance as well as high thermal conductivity. The objectives of this study were (1) to optimize the constituents and processing parameters for a Sylramic-iBN fiber reinforced ceramic composite system in which the Sic-based matrix is formed at COIC almost entirely by PIP (full PIP approach), (2) to evaluate the properties of this system in comparison to other 2700 F Sylramic-iBN systems in which the matrix is formed by full CVI and CVI + PIP, and (3) to examine the pros and cons of the full PIP approach for fabricating hot-section engine components. A key goal is the development of a composite system with low porosity, thereby providing high modulus, high matrix cracking strength, high interlaminar strength, and high thermal conductivity, a major property requirement for engine components that will experience high thermal gradients during service. Other key composite property goals are demonstration at

  9. High-performance a -Si/c-Si heterojunction photoelectrodes for photoelectrochemical oxygen and hydrogen evolution

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Hsin Ping; Sun, Ke; Noh, Sun Young; Kargar, Alireza; Tsai, Meng Lin; Huang, Ming Yi; Wang, Deli; He, Jr-Hau


    Amorphous Si (a-Si)/crystalline Si (c-Si) heterojunction (SiHJ) can serve as highly efficient and robust photoelectrodes for solar fuel generation. Low carrier recombination in the photoelectrodes leads to high photocurrents and photovoltages

  10. Electrically modulated lateral photovoltage in μc-SiOx:H/a-Si:H/c-Si p-i-n structure at low temperatures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Jihong; Qiao, Shuang, E-mail:; Wang, Jianglong; Wang, Shufang, E-mail:; Fu, Guangsheng


    Graphical abstract: In this paper, the temperature dependence of the LPE has been experimentally studied under illumination of different lasers ranging from visible to infrared for the μc-SiOx:H/a-Si:H/c-Si p-i-n structure. It was found that the position sensitivity increases nearly linearly with wavelength from 405 nm to 980 nm in the whole temperature range, and the saturated position sensitivity decreased quickly from 32.4 mV/mm to a very low value of 1.26 mV/mm and the nonlinearity improved from 7.01% to 3.54% with temperature decreasing from 296 K to 80 K for 532 nm laser illumination. By comparing the experiment results of μc-SiOx:H/a-Si:H/c-Si and ITO/c-Si, it is suggest that the position sensitivity was mainly determined by the temperature-dependent SB and the nonlinearity was directly related to the decreased resistivity of conductive layer. When an external bias voltage was applied, the LPE improved greatly and the position sensitivity of 361.35 mV/mm under illumination of 80 mW at 80 K is 286.7 times as large as that without biased voltage. More importantly, both the position sensitivity and the nonlinearity were independent of temperature again, which can be ascribed to the large constant transmission probability and diffusion length induced by the greatly increased SB. Our research provides an essential insight on the bias voltage-modulated LPE at different temperatures, and this temperature-independent greatly improved LPE is thought to be very useful for developing novel photoelectric devices. - Highlights: • The LPE is proportional to the laser wavelength in the whole temperature range. • The LPE decreases gradually with decreasing temperature from 296 K to 80 K. • Nonlinearity of the LPV curve improves a little with decreasing temperature. • The LPE improves dramatically and is independent of temperature with the aid of a bias voltage. - Abstract: The lateral photovoltaic effect (LPE) in μc-SiOx:H/a-Si:H/c-Si p-i-n structure is studied

  11. First-principles study of the Pd–Si system and Pd(001)/SiC(001) hetero-structure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Turchi, P.E.A. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Ivashchenko, V.I. [National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU), Kiev (Ukraine)


    First-principles molecular dynamics simulations of the Pd(001)/3C–SiC(001) nano-layered structure were carried out at different temperatures ranging from 300 to 2100 K. Various PdSi (Pnma, Fm3m, P6m2, Pm3m), Pd2Si (P6⁻2m, P63/mmc, P3m1, P3⁻1m) and Pd3Si (Pnma, P6322, Pm3m, I4/mmm) structures under pressure were studied to identify the structure of the Pd/Si and Pd/C interfaces in the Pd/SiC systems at high temperatures. It was found that a large atomic mixing at the Pd/Si interface occurred at 1500–1800 K, whereas the Pd/C interface remained sharp even at the highest temperature of 2100 K. At the Pd/C interface, voids and a graphite-like clustering were detected. Palladium and silicon atoms interact at the Pd/Si interface to mostly form C22-Pd2Si and D011-Pd3Si fragments, in agreement with experiment.

  12. Susceptibilidad genética y riesgo de cáncer gástrico en una población del Cauca.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María M. Torres


    Full Text Available El cáncer gástrico es la principal causa de mortalidad por cáncer en Colombia. El riesgo de desarrollar cáncer gástrico se ha asociado con factores ambientales y con la infección por Helicobacter pylori. Las enzimas glutatión-S-transferasas están involucradas en la desintoxicación de varios carcinógenos ambientales. Las deleciones homocigóticas de glutatión-S-transferasa M1 (GSTM1-0 y glutatión-S-transferasa T1 (GSTT1-0 se han asociado con algunos tipos de cáncer. Los niveles del factor de necrosis tumoral (FNT ? están aumentados en pacientes infectados por H. pylori. Una transición G/A en la posición -308 del promotor del FNT-? se ha visto relacionada en algunos estudios con un incremento en la expresión del gen, y está asociada con la susceptibilidad a cáncer gástrico. Se investigó la asociación de estos polimorfismos con cáncer gástrico y la interacción con otros factores de riesgo (estilo de vida. Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre de 46 pacientes con cáncer gástrico y 96 controles. Se empleó el modelo de regresión logística para obtener la razón de posibilidades (OR y sus intervalos de confianza del 95% y, así, establecer la asociación entre los polimorfismos enzimáticos y el cáncer gástrico, y entre otros factores independientes y esta enfermedad. Las frecuencias de los polimorfismos de deleción en pacientes y controles fueron: para la GSTM1, 65,2% y 37,5%, y para la GSTT1, 17,4% y 14,6%, respectivamente. La frecuencia del polimorfismo G/A del FNT ? en las personas infectadas con H. pylori fue de 18% en la población con cáncer gástrico y de 7% en el grupo control. Nuestros resultados sugieren que el polimorfismo de deleción de GSTM1 puede estar asociado con un riesgo aumentado de cáncer gástrico (OR 5,5; IC95%, 1,7-17,2. Igualmente, nuestros datos muestran que otros factores de riesgo como la infección por H. pylori y el consumo de cigarrillo y alcohol están asociados con este tipo de cáncer (OR

  13. Deposition of SiC thin films by PECVD

    CERN Document Server

    Cho, N I; Kim, C K


    The SiC films were deposited on Si substrate by the decomposition of CH sub 3 SiCl sub 3 (methylthrichlorosilane) molecules in a high frequency discharge field. From the Raman spectra, it is conjectured that the deposited film are formed into the polycrystalline structure. The photon absorption measurement reveal that the band gap of the electron energy state are to be 2.4 eV for SiC, and 2.6 eV for Si sub 0 sub . sub 4 C sub 0 sub . sub 6 , respectively. In the high power density regime, methyl-radicals decompose easily and increases the carbon concentration in plasma and result in the growing films.

  14. β-FeSi2 films prepared on 6H-SiC substrates by magnetron sputtering (United States)

    Hong, Li; Hongbin, Pu; Chunlei, Zheng; Zhiming, Chen


    β-FeSi2 thin films have been successfully prepared by magnetron sputtering and post rapid thermal annealing method on 6H-SiC (0001) substrates using a FeSi2 target and a Si target. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy are applied to analyze the formation of β-FeSi2 films. XRD spectra reveal that the amorphous FeSi2 films are transformed to β-FeSi2 phase as the annealing temperature is increased from 500 to 900 °C for 5 min and the optimal annealing temperature is 900 °C. The formation of β-FeSi2 is also confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations indicate that the film is flat, relatively compact and the interface between β-FeSi2 and 6H-SiC is clear. Atomic force microscope (AFM) measurements demonstrate that the surface roughness confirmed by the root mean square (RMS) of the β-FeSi2 film is 0.87 nm. Near-infrared spectrophotometer observation shows that the absorption coefficient is of the order of 105 cm-1 and the optical band-gap of the β-FeSi2 film is 0.88 eV. The β-FeSi2 film with high crystal quality is fabricated by co-sputtering a FeSi2 target and a Si target for 60 min and annealing at 900 °C for 5 min. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51177134) and the Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China (No. 2015JM6286).

  15. C and Si delta doping in Ge by CH_3SiH_3 using reduced pressure chemical vapor deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamoto, Yuji; Ueno, Naofumi; Sakuraba, Masao; Murota, Junichi; Mai, Andreas; Tillack, Bernd


    C and Si delta doping in Ge are investigated using a reduced pressure chemical vapor deposition system to establish atomic-order controlled processes. CH_3SiH_3 is exposed at 250 °C to 500 °C to a Ge on Si (100) substrate using H_2 or N_2 carrier gas followed by a Ge cap layer deposition. At 350 °C, C and Si are uniformly adsorbed on the Ge surface and the incorporated C and Si form steep delta profiles below detection limit of SIMS measurement. By using N_2 as carrier gas, the incorporated C and Si doses in Ge are saturated at one mono-layer below 350 °C. At this temperature range, the incorporated C and Si doses are nearly the same, indicating CH_3SiH_3 is adsorbed on the Ge surface without decomposing the C−Si bond. On the other hand, by using H_2 as carrier gas, lower incorporated C is observed in comparison to Si. CH_3SiH_3 injected with H_2 carrier gas is adsorbed on Ge without decomposing the C−Si bond and the adsorbed C is reduced by dissociation of the C−Si bond during temperature ramp up to 550 °C. The adsorbed C is maintained on the Ge surface in N_2 at 550 °C. - Highlights: • C and Si delta doping in Ge is investigated using RPCVD system by CH_3SiH_3 exposure. • Atomically flat C and Si delta layers are fabricated at 350 °C. • Incorporated C and Si doses are saturated at one mono-layer below 350 °C. • CH_3SiH_3 adsorption occurred without decomposing C−Si bond. • Adsorbed C is desorbed due to dissociation by hydrogen during postannealing at 550 °C.

  16. Radiation effects and micromechanics of SiC/SiC composites (December 1, 1990--November 14, 1993) and modeling the mechanical behavior of SiC/SiC composites in fusion environments (November 15, 1993--November 14, 1996). Final report, December 1, 1990--November 14, 1996

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghoniem, N.M.


    The development of Silicon Carbide composite materials for structural applications in fusion energy systems is mainly motivated by the prospect that fusion power systems utilizing the material will have a much more favorable environmental impact. The research team at UCLA was the first to identify the potential advantages of SiC/SiC composite materials through early System Studies. Consequently, two three-year term grants have been awarded to the team, in order to focus on modeling the effects of irradiation on key properties that have been recognized by the community as fundamental to the successful development of the composite. Two main tasks, which are further subdivided into several subtasks each, have been pursued during the course of research during the period: December 1990 through November 1996. The first task deals with modeling the effects of irradiation on the dimensional stability of SiC. To achieve this goal, a substantial effort was launched for modeling the evolution of the microstructure under irradiation. Rate and Fokker-Planck theories have been advanced to model the complex multi-component system of SiC under irradiation. The effort has resulted in a deeper understanding of the interaction between displacement damage components, and transmutant helium gas atoms. Utilizing the methods of Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Monte Carlo (MC), the energetics of defects and the basic displacement mechanisms in SiC have been fully delineated. An advanced Fokker-Planck approach was formulated to determine the phase content and size distribution of damage microstructure in SiC. Finally, a rate theory model was developed and successfully applied to the experimental swelling data on SiC. In the second task, the authors investigated the mechanical behavior of SiC/SiC composites under the irradiation conditions of fusion reactors. The main focus of the second task has been on developing models for the micro-mechanics of cracks in the fiber reinforced matrix of the

  17. Superconductivity, critical current density, and flux pinning in MgB2-x(SiC)x/2 superconductor after SiC nanoparticle doping (United States)

    Dou, S. X.; Pan, A. V.; Zhou, S.; Ionescu, M.; Wang, X. L.; Horvat, J.; Liu, H. K.; Munroe, P. R.


    We investigated the effect of SiC nanoparticle doping on the crystal lattice structure, critical temperature Tc, critical current density Jc, and flux pinning in MgB2 superconductor. A series of MgB2-x(SiC)x/2 samples with x=0-1.0 were fabricated using an in situ reaction process. The contraction of the lattice and depression of Tc with increasing SiC doping level remained rather small most likely due to the counterbalancing effect of Si and C co-doping. The high level Si and C co-doping allowed the creation of intragrain defects and highly dispersed nanoinclusions within the grains which can act as effective pinning centers for vortices, improving Jc behavior as a function of the applied magnetic field. The enhanced pinning is mainly attributable to the substitution-induced defects and local structure fluctuations within grains. A pinning mechanism is proposed to account for different contributions of different defects in MgB2-x(SiC)x/2 superconductors.

  18. Tribological Characteristics of C/C-SiC-Cu Composite and Al/SiC Composite Materials under Various Contact Conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Byung-Kook; Shin, Dong-Gap; Kim, Chang-Lae; Kim, Dae-Eun; Goo, Byeong-Choon


    The surface temperature of disc brakes varies during braking, which can affect the friction and wear behavior of braking systems. In order to develop an efficient braking system, the friction and wear behaviors of brake materials need to be clearly understood. In this work, the friction and wear behavior of the C/C-SiC-Cu composite and the Al/SiC composite, which are used in disc braking systems, were investigated. Both the surface temperature and contact pressure were studied. A pin-on-reciprocating tribotester was used for this purpose, in order to control temperature and load. Results showed that the friction varied significantly with temperature and sliding distance. It was found that a transfer layer of compacted wear debris formed on the wear track of the two materials. These layers caused the surface roughness of the wear track to increase. The outcome of this work is expected to serve as a basis for the development of braking systems under various operating conditions.

  19. Tribological Characteristics of C/C-SiC-Cu Composite and Al/SiC Composite Materials under Various Contact Conditions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Byung-Kook; Shin, Dong-Gap; Kim, Chang-Lae; Kim, Dae-Eun [Yonsei Univ., Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Goo, Byeong-Choon [Korea Railroad Research Institute, Uiwang (Korea, Republic of)


    The surface temperature of disc brakes varies during braking, which can affect the friction and wear behavior of braking systems. In order to develop an efficient braking system, the friction and wear behaviors of brake materials need to be clearly understood. In this work, the friction and wear behavior of the C/C-SiC-Cu composite and the Al/SiC composite, which are used in disc braking systems, were investigated. Both the surface temperature and contact pressure were studied. A pin-on-reciprocating tribotester was used for this purpose, in order to control temperature and load. Results showed that the friction varied significantly with temperature and sliding distance. It was found that a transfer layer of compacted wear debris formed on the wear track of the two materials. These layers caused the surface roughness of the wear track to increase. The outcome of this work is expected to serve as a basis for the development of braking systems under various operating conditions.


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    Mabel Morales López


    Full Text Available Este artículo contiene una revisión de la literatura sobre el tema perfil criminal y la investigación de Policía judicial para el esclarecimiento del homicidio cometido por sicarios en Colombia.El propósito es comprobar si cumple con la rigurosidad como técnica y si es efectiva en la identificación y captura del agresor que utiliza un modus operandi propio de la cultura criminal en Colombia. A partir de la investigación forense sobre informes periciales de necropsia y la escena del crimen de éste tipo de homicidio, se pretende proponer mejoras en los procesos investigativos y en el entrenamiento de investigadores.

  1. Structural and thermal characterization of polyvinylalcohol grafted SiC nanocrystals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Saini, Isha; Sharma, Annu; Dhiman, Rajnish


    introduced in the characteristic TO and LO mode of vibration of SiC nanocrystals after grafting procedure.XRD analysis confirmed that the grafting procedure did not alter the crystalline geometry of SiC nanocrystals. TEM and SEM images further support the FTIR and Raman spectroscopic results and confirm...... of semiconducting SiC nanocrystals using a novel method. FTIR spectroscopy reveals the introduction of new peaks corresponding to various functional groups of PVA alongwith the presence of characteristic Si-C vibrational peak in the spectra of grafted SiC nanocrystals. Raman spectra depict the presence of changes...... the presence of PVA layer around SiC nanocrystals. Thermal degradation behavior of PVA-g-SiC nanocrystals has been studied using TGA analysis....

  2. Determinantes de la violencia entre pares en escuelas secundarias del Estado de México: calidad de relaciones con maestros y familiares


    Arlette Covarrubias Feregrino; Nelly Rosa Caro Luján


    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar, por medio de un Probit ordenado, si las relaciones del alumno con sus maestros y familiares aumentan la probabilidad de que este ejerza violencia contra sus compañeros en las escuelas secundarias del Estado de México. Existen varios tipos de violencia: verbal, física, psicológica, sexual y hacia las pertenencias de otros. La muestra se compuso de 1 217 adolescentes de ambos sexos, y es representativa de los alumnos de secundaria del Est...

  3. Impedance spectroscopy of heterojunction solar cell a-SiC/c-Si with ITO antireflection film investigated at different temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Šály, V; Pern, M; Janíček, F; Mikolášek, M; Packa, J; Huran, J


    Progressive smart photovoltaic technologies including heterostructures a-SiC/c-Si with ITO antireflection film are one of the prospective replacements of conventional photovoltaic silicon technology. Our paper is focused on the investigation of heterostructures a-SiC/c-Si provided with a layer of ITO (indium oxide/tin oxide 90/10 wt.%) which acts as a passivating and antireflection coating. Prepared photovoltaic cell structure was investigated at various temperatures and the influence of temperature on its operation was searched. The investigation of the dynamic properties of heterojunction PV cells was carried out using impedance spectroscopy. The equivalent AC circuit which approximates the measured impedance data was proposed. Assessment of the influence of the temperature on the operation of prepared heterostructure was carried out by analysis of the temperature dependence of AC equivalent circuit elements. (paper)

  4. Micromechanics of fiber pull-out and crack bridging in SCS-6 SiC- CVD SiC composite system at high-temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Azab, A.; Ghoniem, N.M.


    A micro mechanical model is developed to study fiber pull-out and crack bridging in fiber reinforced SiC-SiC composites with time dependent thermal creep. By analyzing the creep data for monolithic CVD SiC (matrix) and the SCS-6 SiC fibers in the temperature range 900-1250 degrees C, it is found that the matrix creep rates can be ignored in comparison to those of fibers. Two important relationships are obtained: (1) a time dependent relation between the pull-out stress and the relative sliding distance between the fiber and matrix for the purpose of analyzing pull-out experiments, and (2) the relation between the bridging stress and the crack opening displacement to be used in studying the mechanics and stability of matrix crack bridged by fibers at high temperatures. The present analysis can also be applied to Nicalon-reinforced CVD SiC matrix system since the Nicalon fibers exhibit creep characteristics similar to those of the SCS-6 fibers

  5. Tratamiento conservador de las fracturas del cóndilo mandibular en pacientes pediátricos: Serie de casos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Verónica D´Andrea


    Full Text Available La fractura del cóndilo mandibular es una lesión traumática cuya prevalencia en niños es relativamente baja, lo cual puede deberse tanto a factores anatómicos como ambientales. Las consecuencias incluyen anquilosis de la articulación temporomandibular, asimetrías faciales y trastornos funcionales. El tratamiento conservador es el que cuenta con mayor aceptación, siendo el seguimiento cercano y a largo plazo fundamental. Esta investigación describe el seguimiento de 11 pacientes con antecedentes de fracturas condilares, que asistieron al servicio de Ortodoncia Interceptiva de la Facultad de Odontología de la UCV durante el periodo comprendido entre 2001-2014. Se evaluó la edad del paciente, causa de la fractura, el tipo de fractura, tratamiento recibido y tiempo de duración mediante radiografías panorámicas y tomografías antes y después del tratamiento conservador. Se evaluaron los cambios anatómicos ocurridos. Los tipos de tratamientos variaron desde uso de analgésicos, antiinflamatorios, fisioterapia (ejercicios de apertura y cierre mediante abrebocas y paletas de mordida, aparatos funcionales (Bionator, Klammt, híbridos, y fijación intermaxilar. La prevalencia de fracturas condilares fue de 1,50% siendo las causas más frecuentes caídas de altura y accidentes de tránsito. Las fracturas mas prevalentes fueron 5 casos de fracturas unilaterales y 6 casos de fracturas bilaterales. El tratamiento conservador resultó exitoso en la vasta mayoría de los casos. Como resultado terapéutico se observó remodelado del cóndilo, en ocasiones con leves variantes anatómicas, simetría facial en reposo y apertura. Ningún caso presentó anquilosis de la ATM.

  6. Notas sobre la tierra en la villa de Huelva a mediados del siglo XVIII

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacinto de VEGA DOMÍNGUEZ


    Full Text Available Propiedad y explotación serían los dos aspectos a tratar en un análisis del sector agrario, con atención a sus múltiples variantes y derivados: elementos del medio ambiente, fuerzas productivas, propiedad y uso de cada uno de los medios de producción, relaciones de producción, financiamiento e inversiones, estructuras de comercialización de los excedentes, tipos y dimensiones del mercado, precios... Pecaríamos, cuando menos, de ingenuos si pretendiésemos desarrollar en extenso, aquí y ahora, todos y cada uno de estos aspectos referidos a nuestro objeto de estudio.

  7. SiC as an oxidation-resistant refractory material. Pt. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schlichting, J.


    Uses his own investigations and gives a literature survey on the oxidation and corrosion behaviour of SiC (in the form of a pure SiC powder, hot-pressed and reaction-sintered materials). The excellent stability of SiC in oxidizing atmosphere is due to the development of protective SiO 2 coatings. Any changes in these protective coatings (e.g. due to impurities with corrosive media, high porosity of SiC, etc.) lead in most cases to increased rates of oxidation and thus restrict the field of application of SiC. (orig.) [de

  8. Riflessioni sulle pratiche educative osservate in un nido del Centro Nascita Montessori

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Franceschini


    Full Text Available L’articolo presenta una ricerca basata sull’osservazione di un contesto educativo di ispirazione montessoriana. La ricerca intendeva mettere in luce gli atteggiamenti, le proposte e le strategie delle educatrici, e le risposte dei bambini a queste sollecitazioni. Il testo si articola in una introduzione metodologica che illustra il tipo di servizio educativo, la metodologia di osservazione adottata e la traccia che ha guidato le osservazioni; seguono alcune considerazioni sull’autonomia del bambino, l’attenzione al singolo bambino e la cura del bambino, emerse dalla analisi delle osservazioni; conclude l’articolo la trascrizione di una delle tre osservazioni condotte.

  9. Evaluation of the behavior of PtPd/MWCNT electrocatalysts as ethylene glycol-tolerant electrodes for oxygen oxidation reaction (ORR); Evaluacion del comportamiento de electrocatalizadores tipo PtPd/MWCNT como electrodos para la reaccion de oxidacion del oxigeno (ORR) tolerantes al etilenglicol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morales-Acosta, D.; Arriaga, L.G. [Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico en Electroquimica, Pedro Escobedo, Queretaro (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Alvarez-Contreras, L. [Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados S. C., Chihuahua, Chihuahua (Mexico); Fraire Luna, S.; Rodriguez Varela, F.J. [Cinvestav, Unidad Saltillo, Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila, (Mexico)


    Pt-Pd/MWCNTs (atomic ratio Pt:Pd 43:57) and Pt/MWCNTs electrocatalysts were synthesized and evaluated as cathodes for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) with the application of direct ethylene glycol fuel cells (DEGFC). A commercial PtC material was also evaluated as a reference. It was found that Pt-Pd/MWCNT has a capability for high tolerance to ethylene glycol (EG) and higher selectivity for ORR compared to a single Pt- cathode. As a result, the change in onset potential of the ORR, Eonset, in Pt-Pd/MWCNTs was considerably less than the change in Pt/MWCNTs or Pt/C. The average particle size (XRD) was 3.5nm and 4nm for Pt/MWCNTs and Pt-Pd/MWCNTs, respectively. A moderate degree of alloying was determined for the material. The application of Pt-Pd electrocatalysts in DEGFCs should be advantageous. [Spanish] Electrocatalizadores Pt-Pd/MWCNTs (relacion atomic Pt:Pd 43:57) y Pt/MWCNTs fueron sintetizados y evaluados como catodos para la reaccion de reduccion del oxigeno (ORR) con aplicacion del celdas de consumo directo de etilenglicol (Direct Ethylene Glycol Fuel Cells, o DEGFC). Como referencia, un material comercial tipo Pt/C fue tambien evaluado. Se encontro que Pt-Pd/MWCNTs tiene una alta capacidad de tolerancia al etilenglicol (EG) y una selectividad mayor hacia la ORR comparado con el catodo basado en Pt-solo. Como resultado, el cambio en potencial de inicio de la ORR, Eonset, en Pt-Pd/MWCNTs fue considerablemente menor que el cambio en Pt/MWCNTs o Pt/C. La talla de particula promedio (de XRD) fue 3.5 nm y 4 nm para Pt/MWCNTs y Pt-Pd/MWCNTs, respectivamente. Un moderado grado de aleacion fue determinado para el material. Una aplicacion ventajosa para electrocatalizadores tipo Pt-Pd debe ser en DEGFCs.

  10. Rare earth element abundances in presolar SiC (United States)

    Ireland, T. R.; Ávila, J. N.; Lugaro, M.; Cristallo, S.; Holden, P.; Lanc, P.; Nittler, L.; Alexander, C. M. O'D.; Gyngard, F.; Amari, S.


    Individual isotope abundances of Ba, lanthanides of the rare earth element (REE) group, and Hf have been determined in bulk samples of fine-grained silicon carbide (SiC) from the Murchison CM2 chondrite. The analytical protocol involved secondary ion mass spectrometry with combined high mass resolution and energy filtering to exclude REE oxide isobars and Si-C-O clusters from the peaks of interest. Relative sensitivity factors were determined through analysis of NIST SRM reference glasses (610 and 612) as well as a trace-element enriched SiC ceramic. When normalised to chondrite abundances, the presolar SiC REE pattern shows significant deficits at Eu and Yb, which are the most volatile of the REE. The pattern is very similar to that observed for Group III refractory inclusions. The SiC abundances were also normalised to s-process model predictions for the envelope compositions of low-mass (1.5-3 M⊙) AGB stars with close-to-solar metallicities (Z = 0.014 and 0.02). The overall trace element abundances (excluding Eu and Yb) appear consistent with the predicted s-process patterns. The depletions of Eu and Yb suggest that these elements remained in the gas phase during the condensation of SiC. The lack of depletion in some other moderately refractory elements (like Ba), and the presence of volatile elements (e.g. Xe) indicates that these elements were incorporated into SiC by other mechanisms, most likely ion implantation.

  11. Effects of the curing methods on the fabrication of polycarbosilane derived SiCf/SiC composite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Ji Yeon; Kim, Weon Ju; Ryu, Woo Seog; Woo, Chang Hyun; Han, Bum Soo


    Silicon carbide has potential advantages for structural applications in the next generation energy system- VHTR, GFR and the fusion reactor due to its unique properties such as a good irradiation resistance and thermo-mechanical properties, less severe waste generation due to neutron activation and improved plant conversion efficiencies by higher operating temperatures. Among the several fabrication processes for SiC f /SiC composites, the polymer impregnation and pyrolysis (PIP) process is the only method derived from polymeric precursors. In the PIP process, the careful control of the oxygen content is important to avoid the property degradation at a high temperature because polymeric precursors are used as source materials of SiC ceramics. During the polymer precursor conversion process, unintended oxygen may be introduced for a cross-linking with producing the Si-O-Si bonds at the curing step. High oxygen content affects the degradation of the high temperature stability in SiC ceramics. Therefore, a decrease of the oxygen content is desirable to obtain SiC ceramics with the high temperature stability. One of the methods to reduce the oxygen content of polymer derived SiC ceramics is the irradiation curing process by gamma ray or electron beam. Polymer derived SiC ceramics with the low oxygen content prepared by the electron beam curing showed the improved thermal stability at a higher temperature. In this study, the electron beam (EB) and the thermal oxidation curing methods were applied to make SiC f /SiC composite using a polymer precursor, polycarbosilane (PCS) by the PIP process. And the evaluations of the curing effects, the pyrolysis behaviors and a high temperature stability were performed

  12. Fabrication and characterization of SiC and ZrC composite coating on TRISO coated particle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, H. G.; Lee, S. H.; Kim, D. J.; Park, J. Y.; Kim, W. J. [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    SiC coating is widely suggested as structural materials for nuclear application due to its excellent high irradiation resistance properties and high temperature mechanical properties. SiC coating on TRistructural-ISOtropic (TRISO) coated fuel particles plays an important role as a protective layer from radioactive fission gas and a mechanical structural layer. TRISO coating layer was deposited on a spherical particle by a FBCVD method. The ZrO{sub 2} spherical particles were used as a simulant kernel. TRISO coating layers consisting of a porous buffer layer, an inner PyC layer were sequentially deposited before depositing SiC or ZrC coating layer. In order investigate the phase of each composite coating layer, Raman analysis was conducted. SiC, ZrC coating and SiC/ZrC composite coating on spherical particle were successfully deposited via FBCVD method by adjusting source gas flow rate. In the SiC and ZrC composite coating, SiC phase and ZrC phase were observed by XRD and SEM analysis. In the condition of 100 sccm of ZrCl{sub 4}, 25 sccm of CH{sub 4}, and 30 sccm of MTS, only two phases of SiC and ZrC were observed and two phases are located with clean grain boundary.

  13. Effects of antimony (Sb) on electron trapping near SiO{sub 2}/4H-SiC interfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mooney, P. M.; Jiang, Zenan; Basile, A. F. [Physics Department, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6 (Canada); Zheng, Yongju; Dhar, Sarit [Physics Department, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36849 (United States)


    To investigate the mechanism by which Sb at the SiO{sub 2}/SiC interface improves the channel mobility of 4H-SiC MOSFETs, 1 MHz capacitance measurements and constant capacitance deep level transient spectroscopy (CCDLTS) measurements were performed on Sb-implanted 4H-SiC MOS capacitors. The measurements reveal a significant concentration of Sb donors near the SiO{sub 2}/SiC interface. Two Sb donor related CCDLTS peaks corresponding to shallow energy levels in SiC were observed close to the SiO{sub 2}/SiC interface. Furthermore, CCDLTS measurements show that the same type of near-interface traps found in conventional dry oxide or NO-annealed capacitors are present in the Sb implanted samples. These are O1 traps, suggested to be carbon dimers substituted for O dimers in SiO{sub 2}, and O2 traps, suggested to be interstitial Si in SiO{sub 2}. However, electron trapping is reduced by a factor of ∼2 in Sb-implanted samples compared with samples with no Sb, primarily at energy levels within 0.2 eV of the SiC conduction band edge. This trap passivation effect is relatively small compared with the Sb-induced counter-doping effect on the MOSFET channel surface, which results in improved channel transport.

  14. Influence of type of movement termination and sport practice on muscle activity during elbow extension movements. (Efecto del tipo de finalización del movimiento y práctica deportiva sobre la actividad muscular en el movimiento de extensión del codo.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raúl Reina Vaíllo


    Full Text Available AbstractTwenty participants were tested on rapid elbow extension movements. This experiment examined the effects of the type of termination (pointing vs. impact movements and sport practice (karate vs. volleyball on temporary specific electromyographic (EMG and kinematic measures during elbow extension movements. EMG was recorded from triceps (main agonist and biceps (main antagonist. The analysis of variance on the type of movement showed differences on the time from onset of EMG activation to peak EMG in agonist and antagonist when these variables are normalized to a proportion of total movement time. Also, correlation analysis showed strong correlations between the kinematic variables and the time from onset of EMG antagonist to peak EMG. This variable is the only EMG variable that presented differences in the analysis between sport groups. The results allow us to conclude that the delay in the biceps action expressed in the time from onset EMG activation to peak EMG normalized to a proportion of total movement time is an indicator of the performance level in fast movements. Resumen Veinte sujetos fueron evaluados durante la realización de rápidos movimientos de extensión del codo. En este trabajo se analizan los efectos que el tipo de finalización del movimiento (marcaje vs. golpeo y el tipo de práctica deportiva (voleibol vs. kárate tienen sobre variables específicas temporales de electromiografía cinemáticas y de electromiografía (EMG Se registró la actividad EMG del tríceps (principal músculo agonista y del bíceps (principal músculo antagonista. El análisis de la varianza acerca del tipo de movimiento mostró diferencias respecto al tiempo de comienzo de la activación EMG hasta el pico de actividad EMG del agonista y antagonista cuando esas variables eran normalizadas con respecto al tiempo total de movimiento. Además, el análisis de correlación realizado mostró correlaciones significativas entre las variables cinem

  15. Performance and Durability of Environmental Barrier Coatings on SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites (United States)

    Zhu, Dongming; Harder, Bryan; Bhatt, Ramakrishna


    This presentation highlights advanced environmental barrier coating (EBC) and SiC-SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMC) systems for next generation turbine engines. The emphasis will be placed on fundamental coating and CMC property evaluations; and the integrated system performance and degradation mechanisms in simulated laboratory turbine engine testing environments. Long term durability tests in laser rig simulated high heat flux the rmomechanical creep and fatigue loading conditions will also be presented. The results can help improve the future EBC-CMC system designs, validating the advanced EBC-CMC technologies for hot section turbine engine applications.

  16. Effect of SiC Content on Microstructure and Wear Resistance of Laser Cladding SiC/Ni60A Composite Coating

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    ZHAO Long-zhi


    Full Text Available The SiC reinforced Ni60A alloy laser cladding coating on the 45 steel substrate was fabricated with the LDM2500-60 semiconductor laser equipment. The effect of SiC content on microstructure, dilution rate, wear resistance, friction coefficient and microhardness was investigated systematically.The results show that with the increase of SiC content, the microstructure of upper coating is refined obviously, the dilution rate, wear resistance, friction coefficient and microhardness increase firstly and then decrease;when the mass fraction of SiC is 20%, the wear resistance of the cladding coating is the best one, in which the wear loss of coating is only 0.0012g and is 1/36.3 of the matrix;the minimum friction coefficient is 0.464, the friction process is the most stable;the highest microhardness of the cladding coating is 1039.9HV0.2, which is 3.5 times of the substrate;but when the mass fraction of SiC is 25%, the microhardness and wear resistance of coating decrease.

  17. Diagnóstico del estado nutricional de los pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer registrados en el Grupo de Neurociencias, Medellín, 2004.

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    Angélica María Muñoz


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer presentan riesgo de deterioro del estado nutricional por cambios fisiológicos, socioeconómicos y psicológicos relacionados con la enfermedad, lo que se suma al proceso de envejecimiento. Objetivo. Describir el estado nutricional de los pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer del Grupo de Neurociencias de la Universidad de Antioquia según el estadio de evolución. Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo transversal. Cada paciente fue evaluado para obtener información general, de salud, composición corporal, alimentaria, signos clínicos y aspectos psicosociales. Resultados. Se evaluaron 77 pacientes con edad promedio de 65,5±12,8 años, 48 de ellos con antecedentes familiares de la enfermedad y 39 con más de 60 meses de diagnóstico; el estadio más frecuente fue el moderado y el tipo de demencia más común, la familiar precoz; la enfermedad se diagnosticó antes de los 50 años en 26 pacientes. Hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el índice de masa corporal, el área grasa braquial y el área magra braquial por estadio, y mayor compromiso en el estadio grave (p=0,001, p=0,000 y p=0,000; en todos los estadios se presentó compromiso de la reserva energética y muscular. El calcio y los folatos fueron los nutrientes más comprometidos en el consumo. Conclusión. Aun en el estadio inicial, los pacientes presentaron compromiso del estado nutricional, evidenciado por déficit en la reserva energética y muscular, signos clínicos y consumo inadecuado de calcio y folatos. A medida que avanza la enfermedad, el compromiso de los indicadores nutricionales es mayor. Lo anterior evidencia la necesidad del cuidado nutricional individual de acuerdo con el estadio de la enfermedad.

  18. Development of ASTM Standard for SiC-SiC Joint Testing Final Scientific/Technical Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jacobsen, George [General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States); Back, Christina [General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States)


    As the nuclear industry moves to advanced ceramic based materials for cladding and core structural materials for a variety of advanced reactors, new standards and test methods are required for material development and licensing purposes. For example, General Atomics (GA) is actively developing silicon carbide (SiC) based composite cladding (SiC-SiC) for its Energy Multiplier Module (EM2), a high efficiency gas cooled fast reactor. Through DOE funding via the advanced reactor concept program, GA developed a new test method for the nominal joint strength of an endplug sealed to advanced ceramic tubes, Fig. 1-1, at ambient and elevated temperatures called the endplug pushout (EPPO) test. This test utilizes widely available universal mechanical testers coupled with clam shell heaters, and specimen size is relatively small, making it a viable post irradiation test method. The culmination of this effort was a draft of an ASTM test standard that will be submitted for approval to the ASTM C28 ceramic committee. Once the standard has been vetted by the ceramics test community, an industry wide standard methodology to test joined tubular ceramic components will be available for the entire nuclear materials community.

  19. GaN growth via HVPE on SiC/Si substrates: growth mechanisms (United States)

    Sharofidinov, Sh Sh; Redkov, A. V.; Osipov, A. V.; Kukushkin, S. A.


    The article focuses on the study of GaN thin film growth via chloride epitaxy on SiC/Si hybrid substrate. SiC buffer layer was grown by a method of substitution of atoms, which allows one to reduce impact of mechanical stress therein on subsequent growth of III-nitride films. It is shown, that change in GaN growth conditions leads to change in its growth mechanism. Three mechanisms: epitaxial, spiral and stepwise growth are considered and mechanical stresses are estimated via Raman spectroscopy.

  20. Tipos de tirano y resistencia en Francisco Suárez

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Font Oporto


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende analizar la discusión que Francisco Suárez mantiene con las tesis contrarias a la distinción entre tipos de tirano en la cuestión del tiranicidio (Defensio fidei, Libro VI, capítulo IV, números 10-13. Para esta visión no le es lícito a una persona privada matar a ninguno de los dos tipos de tirano; sólo es posible darles muerte en legítima defensa, porque se entiende que en tal caso se actúa en ejercicio de autoridad pública. Suárez acaba admitiendo esta tesis en el número 13, lo que parece contradecirse con lo sostenido en el número 7, donde se aceptaba la muerte del usurpador por cualquier particular. Sin embargo, en el fondo mantiene la diferencia entre ambos tipos de tirano, por cuanto que en el caso del usurpador sostiene que siempre se dan las condiciones para alegar legítima defensa. Queda sin aclarar qué ocurre en tal caso con las condiciones dispuestas en los números 8 y 9.

  1. High-efficient production of SiC/SiO2 core-shell nanowires for effective microwave absorption

    KAUST Repository

    Zhong, Bo; Sai, Tianqi; Xia, Long; Yu, Yuanlie; Wen, Guangwu


    In the current report, we have demonstrated that the high-efficient production of SiC/SiO2 core-shell nanowires can be achieved through the introduction of trace of water vapor during the chemical vapor deposition process. The yield of the SiC/SiO2 core-shell nanowires is dramatically improved due to the introduction of water vapor. The SiC/SiO2 core-shell nanowires exhibit an excellent microwave absorption property in the frequency range of 2.0–18.0GHz with a very low weight percentage of 0.50wt.% in the absorbers. A minimum reflection loss value of −32.72dB (>99.99% attenuation) at 13.84GHz has been observed with the absorber thickness of 3.0mm. Moreover, the SiC/SiO2 core-shell nanowires based absorber can reach an effective absorption bandwidth (<−10dB) of 5.32GHz with the absorber thickness of 3.5mm. Furthermore, a possible absorption mechanism is also proposed in detail for such effective attenuation of microwave which can be attributed to the dielectric loss and magnetic loss of SiC/SiO2 core-shell nanowires.

  2. High-efficient production of SiC/SiO2 core-shell nanowires for effective microwave absorption

    KAUST Repository

    Zhong, Bo


    In the current report, we have demonstrated that the high-efficient production of SiC/SiO2 core-shell nanowires can be achieved through the introduction of trace of water vapor during the chemical vapor deposition process. The yield of the SiC/SiO2 core-shell nanowires is dramatically improved due to the introduction of water vapor. The SiC/SiO2 core-shell nanowires exhibit an excellent microwave absorption property in the frequency range of 2.0–18.0GHz with a very low weight percentage of 0.50wt.% in the absorbers. A minimum reflection loss value of −32.72dB (>99.99% attenuation) at 13.84GHz has been observed with the absorber thickness of 3.0mm. Moreover, the SiC/SiO2 core-shell nanowires based absorber can reach an effective absorption bandwidth (<−10dB) of 5.32GHz with the absorber thickness of 3.5mm. Furthermore, a possible absorption mechanism is also proposed in detail for such effective attenuation of microwave which can be attributed to the dielectric loss and magnetic loss of SiC/SiO2 core-shell nanowires.

  3. A comparative study of the mechanical and thermal properties of defective ZrC, TiC and SiC. (United States)

    Jiang, M; Zheng, J W; Xiao, H Y; Liu, Z J; Zu, X T


    ZrC and TiC have been proposed to be alternatives to SiC as fuel-cladding and structural materials in nuclear reactors due to their strong radiation tolerance and high thermal conductivity at high temperatures. To unravel how the presence of defects affects the thermo-physical properties under irradiation, first-principles calculations based on density function theory were carried out to investigate the mechanical and thermal properties of defective ZrC, TiC and SiC. As compared with the defective SiC, the ZrC and TiC always exhibit larger bulk modulus, smaller changes in the Young's and shear moduli, as well as better ductility. The total thermal conductivity of ZrC and TiC are much larger than that of SiC, implying that under radiation environment the ZrC and TiC will exhibit superior heat conduction ability than the SiC. One disadvantage for ZrC and TiC is that their Debye temperatures are generally lower than that of SiC. These results suggest that further improving the Debye temperature of ZrC and TiC will be more beneficial for their applications as fuel-cladding and structural materials in nuclear reactors.

  4. Nanowires of silicon carbide and 3D SiC/C nanocomposites with inverse opal structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Emelchenko, G.A.; Zhokhov, A.A.; Masalov, V.M.; Kudrenko, E.A.; Tereshenko, A.N.; Steinman, E.A.; Khodos, I.I.; Zinenko, V.I.; Agafonov, Yu.A.


    Synthesis, morphology, structural and optical characteristics of SiC NWs and SiC/C nanocomposites with an inverse opal lattice have been investigated. The samples were prepared by carbothermal reduction of silica (SiC NWs) and by thermo-chemical treatment of opal matrices (SiC/C) filled with carbon compounds which was followed by silicon dioxide dissolution. It was shown that the nucleation of SiC NWs occurs at the surface of carbon fibers felt. It was observed three preferred growth direction of the NWs: [111], [110] and [112]. HRTEM studies revealed the mechanism of the wires growth direction change. SiC/C- HRTEM revealed in the structure of the composites, except for silicon carbide, graphite and amorphous carbon, spherical carbon particles containing concentric graphite shells (onion-like particles).

  5. Estimación de la prevalencia de trastornos bipolares tipo I en España a través del consumo de carbonato de litio (1996-1998

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    Juan J Criado Álvarez


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Los estudios sobre la prevalencia de Trastornos Bipolares Tipo 1 son escasos y están realizados con metodologías diferentes, lo que impide conocer el impacto de los mismos como problema de salud pública en España. Se determina la prevalencia de Trastornos Bipolares tipo 1 en España a través del consumo de carbonato de litio. Métodos: Se estima la prevalencia a través del calculo de las dosis diarias definidas por 100.000 habitantes y día de carbonato de litio (Grupo terapéutico, NOSAN, durante los anos 19961998, para cada una de las provincias españolas. Se ha dispuesto de los datos de las prescripciones indicadas por la Subdirección General de Planifrcaci6n Farmacéutica del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Resultados: Se estima una prevalencia de 70 casos por 100.000 habitantes y día para el conjunto de la población española. Conclusiones: El consumo de carbonato de litio por provincias y años permite estimar la distribución de los Trastornos Bipolares tipo 1 en España. Las cifras obtenidas sitúan a España en una prevalencia baja- media; aunque las diferencias metodológicas no permiten conclusiones definitivas.

  6. Morphological and electronic properties of epitaxial graphene on SiC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yakimova, R.; Iakimov, T.; Yazdi, G.R.; Bouhafs, C.; Eriksson, J.; Zakharov, A.; Boosalis, A.; Schubert, M.; Darakchieva, V.


    We report on the structural and electronic properties of graphene grown on SiC by high-temperature sublimation. We have studied thickness uniformity of graphene grown on 4H–SiC (0 0 0 1), 6H–SiC (0 0 0 1), and 3C–SiC (1 1 1) substrates and investigated in detail graphene surface morphology and electronic properties. Differences in the thickness uniformity of the graphene layers on different SiC polytypes is related mainly to the minimization of the terrace surface energy during the step bunching process. It is also shown that a lower substrate surface roughness results in more uniform step bunching and consequently better quality of the grown graphene. We have compared the three SiC polytypes with a clear conclusion in favor of 3C–SiC. Localized lateral variations in the Fermi energy of graphene are mapped by scanning Kelvin probe microscopy. It is found that the overall single-layer graphene coverage depends strongly on the surface terrace width, where a more homogeneous coverage is favored by wider terraces. It is observed that the step distance is a dominating, factor in determining the unintentional doping of graphene from the SiC substrate. Microfocal spectroscopic ellipsometry mapping of the electronic properties and thickness of epitaxial graphene on 3C–SiC (1 1 1) is also reported. Growth of one monolayer graphene is demonstrated on both Si- and C-polarity of the 3C–SiC substrates and it is shown that large area homogeneous single monolayer graphene can be achieved on the Si-face substrates. Correlations between the number of graphene monolayers on one hand and the main transition associated with an exciton enhanced van Hove singularity at ∼4.5 eV and the free-charge carrier scattering time, on the other are established. It is shown that the interface structure on the Si- and C-polarity of the 3C–SiC (1 1 1) differs and has a determining role for the thickness and electronic properties homogeneity of the epitaxial graphene.

  7. Al-Si/B{sub 4}C composite coatings on Al-Si substrate by plasma spray technique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarikaya, Ozkan [Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Anik, Selahaddin [Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Aslanlar, Salim [Sakarya University, Faculty of Technical Education, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Cem Okumus, S. [Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Celik, Erdal [Dokuz Eylul University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Buca, Izmir 35160 (Turkey)]. E-mail:


    Plasma-sprayed coatings of Al-Si/B{sub 4}C have been prepared on Al-Si piston alloys for diesel engine motors. The Al-Si/B{sub 4}C composite powders including 5-25 wt% B{sub 4}C were prepared by mixing and ball-milling processes. These powders were deposited on Al-Si substrate using an atmospheric plasma spray technique. The coatings have been characterised with respect to phase composition, microstructure, microhardness, bond strength and thermal expansion. It was found that Al, Si, B{sub 4}C and Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} phases were determined in the coatings with approximately 600 {mu}m thick by using X-ray diffraction analysis. Scanning electron microscope observation revealed that boron carbide particles were uniformly distributed in composite coatings and B{sub 4}C particles were fully wetted by Al-Si alloy. Also, no reaction products were observed in Al-Si/B{sub 4}C composite coatings. It was found that surface roughness, porosity, bond strength and thermal expansion coefficient of composite coatings decreased with increasing fraction of the boron carbide particle. It was demonstrated that the higher the B{sub 4}C content, the higher the hardness of coatings because the hardness of B{sub 4}C is higher than that of Al-Si.

  8. Investigation of 3C-SiC/SiO2 interfacial point defects from ab initio g-tensor calculations and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements (United States)

    Nugraha, T. A.; Rohrmueller, M.; Gerstmann, U.; Greulich-Weber, S.; Stellhorn, A.; Cantin, J. L.; von Bardeleben, J.; Schmidt, W. G.; Wippermann, S.

    SiC is widely used in high-power, high-frequency electronic devices. Recently, it has also been employed as a building block in nanocomposites used as light absorbers in solar energy conversion devices. Analogous to Si, SiC features SiO2 as native oxide that can be used for passivation and insulating layers. However, a significant number of defect states are reported to form at SiC/SiO2 interfaces, limiting mobility and increasing recombination of free charge carriers. We investigated the growth of oxide on different 3C-SiC surfaces from first principles. Carbon antisite Csi defects are found to be strongly stabilized in particular at the interface, because carbon changes its hybridization from sp3 in the SiC-bulk to sp2 at the interface, creating a dangling bond inside a porous region of the SiO2 passivating layer. Combining ab initio g-tensor calculations and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements, we show that Csi defects explain the measured EPR signatures, while the hyperfine structure allows to obtain local structural information of the oxide layer. Financial support from BMBF NanoMatFutur Grant 13N12972 and DFG priority program SPP-1601 is gratefully acknowledged.

  9. Electrosynthesis of Ti5Si3, Ti5Si3/TiC, and Ti5Si3/Ti3SiC2 from Ti-Bearing Blast Furnace Slag in Molten CaCl2 (United States)

    Li, Shangshu; Zou, Xingli; Zheng, Kai; Lu, Xionggang; Chen, Chaoyi; Li, Xin; Xu, Qian; Zhou, Zhongfu


    Ti5Si3, Ti5Si3/TiC, and Ti5Si3/Ti3SiC2 have been electrochemically synthesized from the Ti-bearing blast furnace slag/TiO2 and/or C mixture precursors at a cell voltage of 3.8 V and 1223 K to 1273 K (950 °C to 1000 °C) in molten CaCl2. The pressed porous mixture pellets were used as the cathode, and a solid oxide oxygen-ion-conducting membrane (SOM)-based anode was used as the anode. The phase composition and morphologies of the cathodic products were systematically characterized. The final products possess a porous nodular microstructure due to the interconnection of particles. The variations of impurity elements, i.e., Ca, Mg, and Al, have been analyzed, and the result shows that Ca and Mg can be almost completely removed; however, Al cannot be easily removed from the pellet due to the formation of Ti-Al alloys during the electroreduction process. The electroreduction process has also been investigated by the layer-depended phase composition analysis of the dipped/partially reduced pellets to understand the detailed reaction process. The results indicate that the electroreduction process of the Ti-bearing blast furnace slag/TiO2 and/or C mixture precursors can be typically divided into four periods, i.e., (i) the decomposition of initial Ca(Mg,Al)(Si,Al)2O6, (ii) the reduction of Ti/Si-containing intermediate phases, (iii) the removal of impurity elements, and (iv) the formation of Ti5Si3, TiC, and Ti3SiC2. It is suggested that the SOM-based anode process has great potential to be used for the direct and facile preparation of Ti alloys and composites from cheap Ti-containing ores.

  10. The topotactic transformation of Ti3SiC2 into a partially ordered cubic Ti(C0.67Si0.06) phase by the diffusion of Si into molten cryolite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barsoum, M.W.; El-Raghy, T.; Farber, L.; Amer, M.; Christini, R.; Adams


    Immersion of Ti 3 SiC 2 samples in molten cryolite at 960 C resulted in the preferential diffusion of Si atoms out of the basal planes to form a partially ordered, cubic phase with approximate chemistry Ti(C 0.67 , Si 0.06 ). The latter forms in domains, wherein the (111) planes are related by mirror planes; i.e., the loss of Si results in the de-twinning of the Ti 3 C 2 layers. Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, optical, scanning and transmission electron microscopy all indicate that the Si exists the structure topotactically, in such a way that the C atoms remain partially in their ordered position in the cubic phase

  11. Si-FeSi2/C nanocomposite anode materials produced by two-stage high-energy mechanical milling (United States)

    Yang, Yun Mo; Loka, Chadrasekhar; Kim, Dong Phil; Joo, Sin Yong; Moon, Sung Whan; Choi, Yi Sik; Park, Jung Han; Lee, Kee-Sun


    High capacity retention Silicon-based nanocomposite anode materials have been extensively explored for use in lithium-ion rechargeable batteries. Here we report the preparation of Si-FeSi2/C nanocomposite through scalable a two-stage high-energy mechanical milling process, in which nano-scale Si-FeSi2 powders are besieged by the carbon (graphite/amorphous phase) layer; and investigation of their structure, morphology and electrochemical performance. Raman analysis revealed that the carbon layer structure comprised of graphitic and amorphous phase rather than a single amorphous phase. Anodes fabricated with the Si-FeSi2/C showed excellent electrochemical behavior such as a first discharge capacity of 1082 mAh g-1 and a high capacity retention until the 30th cycle. A remarkable coulombic efficiency of 99.5% was achieved within a few cycles. Differential capacity plots of the Si-FeSi2/C anodes revealed a stable lithium reaction with Si for lithiation/delithiation. The enhanced electrochemical properties of the Si-FeSi2/C nanocomposite are mainly attributed to the nano-size Si and stable solid electrolyte interface formation and highly conductive path driven by the carbon layer.

  12. Filosofía educativa del P. Félix Varela y Morales en el contexto de Cuba a finales del siglo XVIII y primera mitad del XIX


    Fors Castillo, María de las Nieves


    232 p. El trabajo de investigación que se presenta: Filosofía educativa del P. Félix Varela y Morales en el contexto de Cuba a finales del siglo XVIII y primera mitad del XIX es de tipo analítico-explicativo, ya que en él se profundiza en el análisis de las ideas filosófico-educativas de Félix Varela ¿resultado del pensamiento de la Ilustración- y cómo éstas influyen en la formación y desarrollo del pensamiento cubano.Para alcanzar los objetivos de la investigación se valora la importancia...

  13. Preliminary soft x-ray studies of beta-SiC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shek, M.L. [Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States); Miyano, K.E.; Ederer, D.L. [Tulane Univ., New Orleans, LA (United States). Dept. of Physics; Dong, Q.Y.; Callcott, T.A. [Tennessee Univ., Knoxville, TN (United States). Dept. of Physics


    We have looked at beta-SiC with soft x-ray emission and photoemission spectroscopy. From the Si L{sub 23} and C K emissions, the Si s+d-like and C p partial density of states in the bulk valence band are identified, and compared with valence band photoemission. In addition to bulk electronic structural features, photoemission from a (3 {times} 2) Si-rich surface shows two surface-derived valence features at {approximately}{minus}2.6 and {approximately}{minus}1.6 eV relative to the Fermi level. The intensities of these valence features vary as those of surface Si 2p core level components shifted by {minus}0.5 eV and {minus}1.4 eV from the bulk-like SiC Si 2p core level. We have also used the Si L{sub 23} absorption edge as a probe of the unfilled states near the conduction, band minimum.

  14. 3C-SiC epitaxial films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering: Growth, characterization and device development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wahab, Qamar ul.


    Epitaxial 3C-SiC films were grown on silicon substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering of pure Si target in a mixed Ar-CH[sub 4] discharges. Films were grown on Si(001), and 4 degrees off-oriented (001) substrates. Epitaxial 3C-SiC films with sharp interface to Si substrates have been grown at substrate temperatures [<=] 900 degrees C. Above 900 degrees C interfacial reaction starts resulting in a rough SiC/Si interface. The carbon content as well as the crystalline structure was also found to be strongly dependent on CH[sub 4] partial pressure (PCH[sub 4]) and stoichiometric composition can only be obtained in a narrow PCH[sub 4] range. Films grown on Si(001) substrates contained anti domain boundaries as evident by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM). Films grown on (111)-oriented substrates were epitaxial at 850 degrees C but contained double positioning domains as determined by X-ray diffraction analysis and XTEM. High quality films were obtained on 4 degrees off-oriented Si(001) substrates at T[sub s]=850 degrees C and PCH[sub 4]=0.6 mTorr. Films grown on off-oriented substrates showed atomically sharp interface to Si and also a smooth top surface. SiO[sub 2] layer grown on such films showed atomically sharp oxide/film interface. Also the growth of epitaxial Si films on top of SiC films was realized. Au-Schottky diodes fabricated on (001)-oriented 3C-SiC films showed good rectification with a leakage current density = 4 [mu]A cm[sup -2], a breakdown voltage of -15 V, an ideality factor of 1.27 and a barrier height of 1.04 eV. Metal oxide semiconductor structures were fabricated by thermally grown SiO[sub 2] on (111)-oriented SiC films. The capacitance-voltage measurements showed the accumulation, depletion and deep depletion region in the C-V curve. The interface trap densities were 3-7 x 10[sup 11] cm[sup -2] eV[sup -1]. Finally 3C-SiC/Si heterojunction diodes processed showed good rectification and the diode had a breakdown at -110 V.

  15. 3C-SiC epitaxial films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering: Growth, characterization and device development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wahab, Qamar ul.


    Epitaxial 3C-SiC films were grown on silicon substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering of pure Si target in a mixed Ar-CH 4 discharges. Films were grown on Si(001), and 4 degrees off-oriented (001) substrates. Epitaxial 3C-SiC films with sharp interface to Si substrates have been grown at substrate temperatures ≤ 900 degrees C. Above 900 degrees C interfacial reaction starts resulting in a rough SiC/Si interface. The carbon content as well as the crystalline structure was also found to be strongly dependent on CH 4 partial pressure (PCH 4 ) and stoichiometric composition can only be obtained in a narrow PCH 4 range. Films grown on Si(001) substrates contained anti domain boundaries as evident by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM). Films grown on (111)-oriented substrates were epitaxial at 850 degrees C but contained double positioning domains as determined by X-ray diffraction analysis and XTEM. High quality films were obtained on 4 degrees off-oriented Si(001) substrates at T s =850 degrees C and PCH 4 =0.6 mTorr. Films grown on off-oriented substrates showed atomically sharp interface to Si and also a smooth top surface. SiO 2 layer grown on such films showed atomically sharp oxide/film interface. Also the growth of epitaxial Si films on top of SiC films was realized. Au-Schottky diodes fabricated on (001)-oriented 3C-SiC films showed good rectification with a leakage current density = 4 μA cm -2 , a breakdown voltage of -15 V, an ideality factor of 1.27 and a barrier height of 1.04 eV. Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) structures were fabricated by thermally grown SiO 2 on (111)-oriented SiC films. The capacitance-voltage measurements showed the accumulation, depletion and deep depletion region in the C-V curve. The interface trap densities were 3-7 x 10 11 cm -2 eV -1 . Finally 3C-SiC/Si heterojunction diodes processed showed good rectification and the diode had a breakdown at -110 V. 59 refs, figs, tabs

  16. Aplicación del Nd-YAG láser en pacientes con opacidad de cápsula posterior

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eldis Eliecer Rodríguez Morffi

    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar el resultado visual de la capsulotomía posterior en los pacientes con opacidad de cápsula posterior. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, transversal en el centro oftalmológico de Port Mourant en Guyana, en el período comprendido entre marzo de 2009 hasta julio de 2010. Con un universo de 54 pacientes, operados de catarata por la técnica de Blumenthal de más de 6 meses de evolución, con opacidad de la cápsula posterior. Las variables estudiadas fueron: edad, sexo, tipo de opacidad, complicaciones en el acto quirúrgico y agudeza visual corregida antes y después del láser. Los datos se recogieron de los informes operatorios y las historias clínicas. Resultados: existió un predominio del sexo femenino con más de 60 años. El 50 % de los pacientes antes del tratamiento presentaban una agudeza visual corregida menor o igual a 20/60.El tipo de opacidad capsular más diagnosticada fue las perlas de Elschnig (68,5 %. Solamente el 16,7 % de los pacientes tuvieron complicaciones, entre ellas, la elevación transitoria de la presión intraocular fue la más frecuente. El 81,5 % de los pacientes a los que se le realizó la capsulotomía posterior alcanzaron una visión corregida de 20/20. Conclusión: la capsulotomía posterior con Nd-YAG láser es un valioso procedimiento para los pacientes con opacidad de la cápsula posterior que mejora ostensiblemente su agudeza visual, con una incidencia mínima de complicaciones.

  17. Structure of Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rawn, C.J.; Payzant, E.A.; Hubbard, C.R. [Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States); Barsoum, M.W.; El-Raghy, T. [Drexel Univ., Philadelphia, PA (United States). Dept. of Materials Engineering


    Earlier high temperature structure analysis by neutron powder diffraction suggested that Si vacancies were created when Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2} was heated. A specimen that was heated to 906 C overnight was later examined at room temperature. For this subsequent room temperature data set refinement of the Si site occupancies in the Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2} structure did not support the hypothesis that Si vacancies were being created when the sample was held at elevated temperatures in a vacuum furnace.

  18. Luminescence and Morphological Properties of GaN Layers Grown on SiC/Si(111) Substrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez-Garcia, M.A.; Ristic, J.; Calleja, E. [ISOM and Dpto. Ing. Electronica, ETSI Telecomunicacion, Univ. Politecnica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid (Spain); Perez-Rodriguez, A.; Serre, C.; Romano-Rodriguez, A.; Morante, J.R. [EME - Electronic Materials and Engineering, Department of Electronics, Universidad de Barcelona, Marti i Franques 1, 08028 Barcelona (Spain); Koegler, R.; Skorupa, W. [Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V., 01314 Dresden (Germany); Trampert, A.; Ploog, K.H. [Paul-Drude-Institut fuer Festkoerperelektronik, Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, 10117 Berlin (Germany)


    This article describes the fabrication of SiC thin films on top of Si(111) substrates by means of a multiple C-ion implantation and the subsequent growth by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy of GaN layers. The stoichiometry of the top SiC layer is controlled by reactive ion etching. Photoluminescence spectra reveal that all GaN layers are under biaxial tensile strain of thermal origin. The photoluminescence efficiency clearly depends on the stoichiometry of the initial SiC layer and on whether AlN buffer layers are used or not. GaN layers grown directly on bare non-stoichiometric SiC layers exhibit the best photoluminescence efficiency but also a high degree of mosaicity, as measured by X-ray diffraction techniques. The nucleation process involved in the initial stages of the growth leads to the formation of large dislocation-free grains with a high PL efficiency and with a higher tensile strain character. Despite the lack of a perfect monocrystalline SiC substrate lattice, high quality GaN microcrystals are obtained. (Abstract Copyright[2002], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  19. Development of the fabrication process of SiC composite by polycarbosilane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Ji Yeon; Kim, Weon Ju; Kim, Jung Il; Ryu, Woo Seog


    This technical report reviewed the fabrication process of fiber reinforced ceramic composites, characteristics of the PIP process, and applications of SiC f /SiC composite to develop a silicon carbide composite by PIP method. Additionally, characteristics and thermal behaviors of a PCS+SiC powder slurry and infiltration behaviors of slurry into the SiC fabric was evaluated. The stacking behaviors of SiC fabrics infiltrated a PCS+SiC powder slurry was also investigated. Using this stacked preforms, SiC f /SiC composites were fabricated by the electron beam curing and pyrolysis process and the thermal oxidation curing and pyrolysis process, respectively. And the characteristics of both composites were compared

  20. Effect of 3C-SiC intermediate layer in GaN—based light emitting diodes grown on Si(111) substrate (United States)

    Zhu, Youhua; Wang, Meiyu; Li, Yi; Tan, Shuxin; Deng, Honghai; Guo, Xinglong; Yin, Haihong; Egawa, Takashi


    GaN-based light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on Si(111) substrate with and without 3C-SiC intermediate layer (IL). Structural property has been characterized by means of atomic force microscope, X-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscope measurements. It has been revealed that a significant improvement in crystalline quality of GaN and superlattice epitaxial layers can be achieved by using 3C-SiC as IL. Regarding of electrical and optical characteristics, it is clearly observed that the LEDs with its IL have a smaller leakage current and higher light output power comparing with the LEDs without IL. The better performance of LEDs using 3C-SiC IL can be contributed to both of the improvements in epitaxial layers quality and light extraction efficiency. As a consequence, in terms of optical property, a double enhancement of the light output power and external quantum efficiency has been realized.