
Sample records for brazil chuva acida

  1. Erosividade, coeficiente de chuva, padrões e período de retorno das chuvas de Quaraí, RS Erosivity, rainfall coefficient and patterns and return period in Quarai, RS, Brazi

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    Marcos Gabriel Peñalva Bazzano


    intermediário e 18 % do atrasado. Das chuvas erosivas, 57 % da erosividade correspondeu a chuvas do padrão avançado, 25 % a chuvas do padrão intermediário e 18 % a chuvas do padrão atrasado.The planning of agricultural and civil engineering activities must be based on knowledge of rainfall erosion potential. For Quarai, RS, Brazil, the rainfall erosivity and its relationship with precipitation and rainfall coefficient, rainfall patterns and rainfall return period were determined. Daily rainfall data from the 1966-2003 period were used. For each erosive rainfall the segments of the rainfall chart with the same intensity were separated and the data recorded in a worksheet. The mean precipitation and rainfall patterns were estimated, as well as the monthly and annual erosivity by the EI30 index (International System of Units, using the software Chuveros. The rainfall coefficient was calculated. Pearson correlations and linear regressions between the erosivity index EI30 and the mean annual precipitation and rainfall coefficient (Rc were performed. The rainfall maximum intensity was calculated by the method of extreme distribution type I for different rainfall durations (1/6, 1/3, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 and 48 h and rainfall return periods (2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 years. Equations were adjusted that relate the maximum intensity and rainfall duration to all return periods, by the method of simple linear regression, and the rainfall characteristics related in a graph. The mean annual values of EI30 (R factor of USLE determined for Quarai, RS, Brazil, was 9,292 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 year-1. The following equations were obtained: EI30 = -754.37 + 13.50 p (r² = 0.85 and EI30 = -47.35 + 82.72 Rc (r² = 0.84. In relation to the total precipitation studied, 44 % of the number of rainfalls and 90 % of the volume were erosive. Of the total rainfalls evaluated, 44 % of the number and 90 % of the volume were erosive. Of the total erosive rainfall events, 51 % had an advanced, 25 % had an

  2. Modelos da distribuição temporal de chuvas intensas em Piracicaba, SP Time distribution models of intense rainfall in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil

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    Décio E. Cruciani


    Full Text Available O estudo da variação temporal de chuvas intensas é de grande importância na hidrologia, para a análise e previsão de eventos extremos, necessárias em projetos de controle de engenharia. Com esse objetivo, foram analisados dados de pluviogramas da cidade de Piracicaba, SP, do período de 1966 a 2000, para se determinar a distribuição temporal de chuvas intensas de 60 e de 120 min de duração. As chuvas de 60 min foram subdivididas em três intervalos iguais e sucessivos de 20 min cada um, enquanto as chuvas de 120 min foram subdivididas em quatro intervalos iguais e sucessivos de 30 min cada um. O modelo de distribuição da precipitação que predominou para as chuvas de 60 e 120 min, foi do tipo exponencial negativo, com 85,7 e 50,7% dos casos, respectivamente. Para as chuvas de 60 min, com altura pluviométrica média de 20,7 mm, a distribuição foi de 72,3, 21,4 e 6,2% do total precipitado, respectivamente, nos três intervalos sucessivos de 20 min. Para as chuvas de 120 min, com altura pluviométrica média de 33,3 mm, o resultado foi de 60,1, 25,2, 11,1 e 3,6%, respectivamente, nos quatro intervalos sucessivos de 30 min. O modelo de distribuição temporal dessas chuvas não foi modificado pelo total precipitado nem pela sua duração, nos intervalos em questão.Time distribution models of intense and short rains are very important in hydrology and for extreme predictions in engineering projects. With this purpose, rain data of Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, from 1966 to 2000 were analyzed to establish time distribution models of 60 and 120 min intense rains, during the rainy season from October through March. Time distribution models were assessed by three intervals of twenty minutes duration, for 60 min rains and by four intervals of thirty minutes duration for 120 min rains. The prevailing precipitation model for both, 60 and 120 min rains was a negative exponential distribution, in 85.7 and 50.7% of cases, respectively. For 60 min

  3. Parâmetros erosividade da chuva, da enxurrada e da chuva-enxurrada correlacionados com as perdas de solo de um luvissolo

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    A. W. Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Foram estudadas as correlações lineares simples, múltiplas e não-lineares entre os parâmetros erosividade da chuva, da enxurrada e da chuva-enxurrada e as perdas de solo provocadas por chuvas erosivas num Luvissolo. Os dados correspondentes ao período de 1986-1990 foram obtidos na estação experimental de Sumé (PB, pertencente à Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB. Para determinar os parâmetros erosividade da chuva, da enxurrada e da chuva-enxurrada, foram analisadas chuvas individuais registradas em 136 pluviogramas. O volume de enxurrada isolado ou em combinação com características da chuva contribuiu, de forma significativa, para melhorar a estimativa das perdas de solo de chuvas individuais. Os parâmetros erosividade da chuva-enxurrada a(Vu α I30b; a(Vu α I5b; a(EIAb e da enxurrada a(Vub foram os melhores estimadores das perdas de solo para chuvas individuais. Dentre os parâmetros da erosividade da chuva, os que melhor se correlacionaram com as perdas de solo foram aqueles que incluíram o produto do volume da chuva pela intensidade máxima em trinta minutos a(VrI30.

  4. Salvianolic Acid-A Induces Apoptosis, Mitochondrial Membrane ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    using Hoechst 33258 staining. The effect of the compound on mitochondrial membrane potential loss ... Fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that salvianolic acid-A induced dose- dependent ..... aggregation and anticancer properties. It has.

  5. Erosividade e características hidrológicas das chuvas de Rio Grande (RS Erosivity and hydrological characteristics of rainfalls in Rio Grande (RS, Brazil

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    Marcos Gabriel Peñalva Bazzano


    ,0 % do intermediário e 24,2 % do atrasado. Da erosividade anual, 49,1 % correspondeu a chuvas do padrão avançado, 28,9 % a chuvas do padrão intermediário e 22,1 % a chuvas do padrão atrasado. O método da distribuição extrema tipo I foi adequado para obter as curvas de intensidade-duração-frequência. Os períodos de retorno da chuva podem ser calculados por meio das equações, utilizando os valores dos parâmetros encontrados, ou pelos gráficos das curvas de intensidade-duração-frequência.Specific rainfall characteristics vary among regions and their erosion potential must be known for the planning of agricultural and civil engineering activities. For Rio Grande (RS, Brazil, the erosivity and relationships with the precipitation and rainfall coefficient, rainfall hydrologic patterns and return period were determined based on rainfall data of 23 years. For each erosive rainfall the segments of the rainfall chart with the same intensity were separated together and the data registered in worksheets. The mean monthly and annual rainfall erosivity, the EI30 index in the International System of Units and the rainfall patterns were estimated using software Chuveros. The mean monthly values of precipitation and erosivity index were expressed as percentage of the mean annual values of these variables, resulting in the curve of accumulated distribution of precipitation and erosivity index in function of time. The rainfall coefficient (Rc was calculated. Pearson correlations and linear regressions between the erosivity index EI30 and the mean annual values of precipitation and rainfall coefficient were calculated. The rainfall return period was calculated for 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 years. The mean annual value of EI30 was 5135 MJ mm ha-1 h-1, which is to be used as "R" Factor in the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE for Rio Grande and surrounding regions with similar climatic conditions. The regression equations for EI30 and precipitation and rainfall

  6. Equações de chuvas intensas para o estado do Pará Intense rainfall equations for the state of Pará, Brazil

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    Rodrigo O. R. de M. Souza


    Full Text Available As equações de chuvas intensas têm sido usadas como ferramenta importante para o dimensionamento de obras hidráulicas. Devido à grande carência de informações relativas às equações de chuvas intensas, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a obtenção das relações de intensidade, duração e frequência de precipitação pluvial para o Estado do Pará, utilizando-se a metodologia da desagregação da chuva de 24 h. Foram utilizadas séries históricas de dados pluviométricos de 74 cidades do Estado do Pará, obtidas no Sistema de Informações Hidrológicas da Agência Nacional de Águas-ANA. As equações de intensidade-duração-frequência foram devidamente ajustadas e apresentaram bom ajuste, com coeficientes de determinação acima de 0,99. A maioria das estações (51,4% apresentou intensidade de precipitação entre 90 e 110 mm h-1, para uma duração de chuva de 30 min e um tempo de retorno de 15 anos. Pode-se perceber uma concentração das maiores precipitações na região próxima ao litoral do nordeste paraense e no sudeste da Ilha do Marajó.The intense rainfall equations have been used as an important tool for design of hydraulic structures. Considering the lack of intense rainfall equations, this study aimed to determine the relations of intensity, duration and frequency of intense rainfall in the Pará State (Brazil, using the one-day rain disaggregation method. In this research rainfall data of 74 cities in the State of Pará were used, obtained from the Hydrological Information System of the National Water Agency-ANA. The equations of intensity-duration-frequency were adjusted and presented good adjustment with coefficients of determination above 0.99. Most stations (51.4% showed intensity of precipitation between 90 and 110 mm h-1 for duration of 30 min and rainfall return period of 15 years. The highest rainfall intensities were in the region near the northeast coast of Pará State and southeast of the Marajo

  7. NetErosividade MG: erosividade da chuva em Minas Gerais NetErosividade MG: rainfall erosivity for Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    Michel Castro Moreira


    Full Text Available A erosividade da chuva é um índice numérico que expressa a capacidade das chuvas em provocar erosão hídrica no solo. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver um programa computacional para estimar os valores da erosividade da chuva no Estado de Minas Gerais com base em redes neurais artificiais (RNAs. O valor anual da erosividade da chuva é obtido pelo somatório dos valores mensais dos índices de erosividade EI30 ou KE > 25. Foram utilizados para cálculo de cada um desses índices dois métodos de obtenção da energia cinética de precipitação pluvial. Dessa maneira, obtiveram-se quatro valores de erosividade para cada mês, totalizando o desenvolvimento de 48 redes. As RNAs desenvolvidas foram implementadas no ambiente de programação Borland Delphi 7.0. O programa computacional desenvolvido foi denominado NetErosividade MG. O programa fornece, de forma fácil e rápida, os valores mensais e anual da erosividade da chuva para qualquer localidade do Estado de Minas Gerais.Rainfall erosivity represents the potential of rainfall causing soil erosion. This study aimed to develop a software to estimate rainfall erosivity in the state of Minas Gerais based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs. The annual value of the rainfall erosivity is given by the sum of the monthly values of the erosivity indexes EI30 or KE > 25. Two methodologies were used to estimate the kinetic energy for each index. Thus, four erosivity values were evaluated for each month, resulting in the development of 48 ANNs. These ANNs were implemented using the software Borland Delphi 7.0. The new software was called NetErosividade MG. The program calculates the monthly and annual values of rainfall erosivity for any location in the state of Minas Gerais in an easy and fast way.

  8. Distribuição de frequência da chuva para região Centro-Sul do Ceará, Brasil Frequency distribution of rainfall for the South-Central region of Ceará, Brazil

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    Ítalo Nunes Silva


    Full Text Available Foram analisadas sete distribuições de probabilidade Exponencial, Gama, Log-normal, Normal, Weibull, Gumbel e Beta para a chuva mensal e anual na região Centro-Sul do Ceará, Brasil. Para verificação dos ajustes dos dados às funções densidade de probabilidade foi utilizado o teste não-paramétrico de Kolmogorov-Smirnov com nível de 5% de significância. Os dados de chuva foram obtidos da base de dados da SUDENE registrados durante o período de 1913 a 1989. Para a chuva total anual teve ajuste satisfatório dos dados às distribuições Gama, Gumbel, Normal e Weibull e não ocorreu ajuste às distribuições Exponencial, Log-normal e Beta. Recomenda-se o uso da distribuição Normal para estimar valores de chuva provável anual para a região, por ser um procedimento de fácil aplicação e também pelo bom desempenho nos testes. A distribuição de frequência Gumbel foi a que melhor representou os dados de chuva para o período mensal, com o maior número de ajustes no período chuvoso. No período seco os dados de chuva foram melhores representados pela distribuição Exponencial.Seven probability distributions were analysed: Exponential, Gamma, Log-Normal, Normal, Weibull, Gumbel and Beta, for monthly and annual rainfall in the south-central region of Ceará, Brazil. In order to verify the adjustments of the data to the probability density functions, the non-parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used with a 5% level of significance. The rainfall data were obtained from the database at SUDENE, recorded from 1913 to 1989. For the total annual rainfall, adjustment of the data to the Gamma, Gumbel, Normal and Weibull distributions was satisfactory, and there was no adjustment to the Exponential, Log-normal and Beta distributions. Use of Normal distribution is recommended to estimate the values of probable annual rainfall in the region, this being a procedure of easy application, performing well in the tests. The Gumbel frequency


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    Cícero Onofre de Andrade Neto


    Full Text Available A água de chuva será, em breve, valorizada como a água mais segura que se obterá para consumo humano e com boa qualidade para diversos fins, necessitando, em muitos casos, apenas de tratamento simplificado para purificação. No Brasil, o uso de água de chuva ocorre há séculos, mas a captação imediata no meio urbano, visando ao aproveitamento em usos diversos, ainda é insipiente, e no meio rural somente na última década é que a construção de cisternas vem se disseminando para abastecimento difuso de água. Existe amplo conhecimento tecnológico internacional e nacional que deve ser utilizado de forma mais competente para o aproveitamento imediato da água de chuva, sobretudo para maximizar a relação benefício/custo, aumentar a segurança sanitária dos sistemas e assegurar a qualidade da água. Este trabalho procura mostrar as vantagens do aproveitamento imediato da água de chuva para diversos usos, apresenta e comenta avanços, e avalia e discute a segurança da água e a proteção sanitária do sistema de captação e armazenamento. Destaca a atenção que deve ser dispensada aos primeiros milímetros da cada chuva, pois estes têm grande influência sobre a qualidade da água captada em cisternas; já que esta quantidade é, geralmente, suficiente para lavar a atmosfera e a superfície de captação. Se esta água for descartada, o restante da água da chuva tem boa qualidade para diversos usos, e existem dispositivos simples, de baixo custo e de eficiência comprovada para o descarte automático das águas do primeiro milímetro de cada chuva. Quanto às ações de governo das últimas décadas para implantação de cisternas no meio rural no Brasil, é necessário avançar no desenvolvimento e adequação da tecnologia, e manter ou acelerar o ritmo das ações, mas sem perder as diretrizes políticas conquistadas, voltadas para a justiça social e a cidadania.

  10. Evolution of the Planetary Boundary Layer on the northern coast of Brazil during the CHUVA campaign (United States)

    Ramos, Diogo Nunes da Silva; Fernandez, Julio Pablo Reyes; Fisch, Gilberto


    This study aims to characterize the wind and thermodynamic structure of the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) on the northern coast of Brazil (NCB) via the CHUVA datasets. Three synoptic conditions were present in the NCB region between March 1 and 25, 2010: a dry period, the Upper Tropospheric Cyclonic Vortex (UTCV) and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Nighttime precipitation accounted for 78% of the total precipitation observed in the month, mainly during the ITCZ. In general, the surface meteorological fields were few changed by intense weather events due to proximity to the ocean and the predominant contribution of the northeasterly trade winds. There was also a weak sea breeze signal that maintained the horizontal moisture flow in the studied area. On dry days, the PBL depth was higher, drier, and warmer, resulting in stronger winds below 500 m. Moreover, trends throughout the period suggest that PBLs are near-neutral below 500 m. However, the wind variability was intensified by up to 20% due to downdrafts and higher wind shears during the deep convection mechanisms derived by UTCV. Furthermore, ITCZ mixed rainfall cooled the PBL at approximately 2 K, making it very stable according to the Richardson number classification adopted. The observed temporal and spatial scale represent challenges to the physical parameterizations used to improve numerical weather prediction models over tropical coastal areas.



    Cícero Onofre de Andrade Neto


    A água de chuva será, em breve, valorizada como a água mais segura que se obterá para consumo humano e com boa qualidade para diversos fins, necessitando, em muitos casos, apenas de tratamento simplificado para purificação. No Brasil, o uso de água de chuva ocorre há séculos, mas a captação imediata no meio urbano, visando ao aproveitamento em usos diversos, ainda é insipiente, e no meio rural somente na última década é que a construção de cisternas vem se disseminando para abastecimento difu...

  12. Erosividade, padrões hidrológicos, período de retorno e probabilidade de ocorrência das chuvas em São Borja, RS Erosivity, hydrological patterns, return period and probability of occurrence of rainfalls at São Borja, RS, Brazil

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    Elemar Antonino Cassol


    "R" da USLE, foi obtido de dados pluviométricos, representados pelo coeficiente de chuva, que pode ser utilizado para regiões climáticas semelhantes que apenas dispõem de dados pluviométricos. O valor da erosividade média anual de 9.751 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1 é esperado pelo menos uma vez a cada 2,2 anos, com uma probabilidade de ocorrência de 44,9 %.The erosivity potential of rainfalls can be estimated by some indexes, among them the EI30, which is given by the product of kinetic energy (E and rainfall intensity for a 30-minute period (I30. The purpose of this study was to determine rainfall erosivity, hydrological patterns, return period and probability of occurrence of erosive rainfalls in São Borja, RS, Brazil, based on diary rainfall charts of the FEPAGRO meteorological station, from 1956 to 2003. The duration and accumulated amount of each erosive rainfall were measured, entered in a spreadsheet, digitalized and processed by CHUVEROS software, which calculated the EI30 index and the monthly and annual total erosivity, besides determining the hydrological pattern of each rainfall. Most of the annual erosivity (76 % was concentrated between October and April, in the period of soil tillage, sowing and growth of summer crops. The most notable peak in the erosive potential was observed between March and April (1,260-1,269 MJ mm ha-1 h-1, when most crops are normally in full growth, while July and August were the months of lowest erosive potential (268-271 MJ mm ha-1 h-1. Of the total erosive rainfalls 47, 25 and 28 % had advanced, intermediary and delayed patterns, respectively, while these patterns corresponded to 50, 26 and 24 %, respectively, of the mean annual volume of erosive rainfalls and to 53, 25 and 22 % of the average annual erosivity. The mean annual index of erosivity in São Borja is 9,751 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 year-1. It represents the "R" Factor of the Universal Soil Loss Equation to be used in São Borja and regions with similar rainfall pattern

  13. Acid rain: a case study at the Universidade de Sao Paulo campus, Sao Paulo State, Brazil; Chuva acida: estudo de caso no campus USP/SP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galvao, Patricia


    The phenomena called acid rain is considered, by many researchers, one of the most serious environmental problem. This work has the aim of showing, in a theoretical and practical study, the problems caused by the atmospheric-pollutant emission, through natural or anthropogenic sources. In a period of 1 year (nov/94-nov/95), it was realized a practical work on rainwater, which consisted of collecting and, afterwards, analysing some physical and chemical parameters of this water, such as acidity, ionic concentrations, etc, with the purpose of characterizing the rainwater in Cidade Universitaria (SP, Brazil). After ending the practical part, it was possible to observe a 1,236.71 mm/y pluviosity, characterized by rainy summer and dry winter. The chemical-constituent-concentration analysis show us the predominance of SO{sup 2-}{sub 4} and Ca{sup 2+}, and a continental-origin water). The region of sao Paulo (Brazil), site of this study, is one of the largest metropolitan and industrialized areas of the world, which includes 18 million people, beside to an enormous industrial and vehicular complex. The acidity in the rain water is a complex problem and it must be treated by a range of disciplines to have a better comprehension of the cause/effects of the acid rain. (author) 96 refs., 28 figs., 4 tabs.

  14. Acid rain: a case study at the Universidade de Sao Paulo campus, Sao Paulo State, Brazil; Chuva acida: estudo de caso no campus USP/SP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galvao, Patricia


    The phenomena called acid rain is considered, by many researchers, one of the most serious environmental problem. This work has the aim of showing, in a theoretical and practical study, the problems caused by the atmospheric-pollutant emission, through natural or anthropogenic sources. In a period of 1 year (nov/94-nov/95), it was realized a practical work on rainwater, which consisted of collecting and, afterwards, analysing some physical and chemical parameters of this water, such as acidity, ionic concentrations, etc, with the purpose of characterizing the rainwater in Cidade Universitaria (SP, Brazil). After ending the practical part, it was possible to observe a 1,236.71 mm/y pluviosity, characterized by rainy summer and dry winter. The chemical-constituent-concentration analysis show us the predominance of SO{sup 2-}{sub 4} and Ca{sup 2+}, and a continental-origin water). The region of sao Paulo (Brazil), site of this study, is one of the largest metropolitan and industrialized areas of the world, which includes 18 million people, beside to an enormous industrial and vehicular complex. The acidity in the rain water is a complex problem and it must be treated by a range of disciplines to have a better comprehension of the cause/effects of the acid rain. (author) 96 refs., 28 figs., 4 tabs.

  15. Análise de distribuição de chuva para Santa Maria, RS Analysis of rainfall distribution for Santa Maria, RS, Brazil

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    Joel C. da Silva


    Full Text Available O estudo em pauta teve como objetivo analisar a distribuição da quantidade diária de precipitação e do número de dias com chuva e determinar a variação da probabilidade de ocorrência de precipitação diária, durante os meses do ano, em Santa Maria, RS. Os dados de precipitação utilizados foram obtidos durante 36 anos de observação, na Estação Climatológica do 8º Distrito de Meteorologia, localizada na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (29º 43' 23" de latitude Sul e 53º 43' 15" de longitude Oeste, altitude 95 m. Analisaram-se as seguintes funções de distribuição de probabilidade: gama, Weibull, normal, log-normal e exponencial. As funções que melhor descreveram a distribuição das probabilidades foram gama e Weibull. O maior número de dias com chuva ocorreu durante os meses de inverno porém o volume de precipitação é menor nesses dias, resultando em total mensal semelhante para todos os meses do ano.The objectives of this study were to analyze the distribution of total daily rainfall data and the number of rainy-days, and to determine the probability variation of daily precipitation during the months of the year in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. A 36-year rainfall database measured at the Climatological Station of 8th District of Meteorology, located in Santa Maria Federal University (29º 43' 23" S and 53º 43' 15" W were used in the study. The following probability distribution functions were tested: gamma, Weibull, normal, lognormal and exponential. The functions that best described the frequency distribution were gamma and Weibull. There were more number of rainy days in the winter, but with less amount of rainfall, resulting in similar monthly total precipitation for the twelve months of the year.

  16. Análise de modelos matemáticos aplicados ao estudo de chuvas intensas

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    C. R. Mello


    Full Text Available A estimativa de chuvas intensas máximas é de grande importância para o dimensionamento de projetos agrícolas, tais como: terraços para controle de erosão, obras de barragens de terra e drenagem em solo agrícola. As chuvas são caracterizadas pela sua intensidade (mm h-1, pelo tempo de duração (min e pelo período de retorno (anos. O modelo básico tem sido usado para determinação da intensidade de precipitação máxima diária a ser aplicada no dimensionamento de estruturas de contenção, fixando-se o período de retorno e a duração da chuva. O tempo de concentração em bacias hidrográficas, que normalmente fica entre 60 e 120 min para bacias consideradas pequenas, tem sido usado como tempo de duração na estimativa de chuvas intensas. Nesse intervalo, existem outros modelos que propiciam melhores ajustes e, conseqüentemente, maior confiabilidade na estimativa da chuva a ser usada nos dimensionamentos de estruturas de contenção. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo ajustar dois outros modelos para a estimativa de chuvas intensas: um exponencial e um linear, além do modelo básico. Esses modelos foram ajustados com base em dados de precipitação máxima diária anual da região de Lavras (MG, empregando-se dados de chuvas diárias do período de 1914 a 1991. Os dados foram transformados em intensidades de precipitação, com tempo de retorno variando de 2 a 100 anos e duração entre 5 e 1.440 min. Verificou-se que o modelo exponencial proposto proporcionou melhores ajustes, com menores erros na estimativa, para chuvas variando de 5 a 240 min, sendo, portanto, recomendável a bacias em que o tempo de concentração se enquadre nesta faixa de tempo; o modelo básico mostrou-se mais aplicável a bacias em que o tempo de duração seja maior que 240 min, enquanto o modelo linear não se mostrou confiável para a estimativa de chuvas intensas.

  17. Erosividade da chuva e erodibilidade de Cambissolo e Latossolo na região de Lavras, sul de Minas Gerais Rainfall erosivity and erodibility of Cambisol (Inceptisol and Latosol (Oxisol in the region of Lavras, Southern Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    Antonio Marcos da Silva


    Full Text Available No Brasil, ainda são relativamente poucos os estudos envolvendo erodibilidade do solo, principalmente Cambissolos, dada a morosidade na obtenção dos resultados de experimentos com chuva natural. O conhecimento dos índices de erosividade e de erodibilidade é importante para o planejamento conservacionista, contribuindo para a sustentabilidade dos solos. Este estudo teve como objetivos determinar a erosividade da chuva e a erodibilidade de Cambissolo Háplico Tb distrófico típico e Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico, sob chuva natural, em Lavras (MG, no período de 1998 a 2002. Os dados de precipitação pluviométrica foram obtidos na Estação Climatológica Principal de Lavras, localizada no campus da Universidade Federal de Lavras, próxima das unidades experimentais de perdas de solo. A erosividade (EI30 foi determinada a partir do produto da energia cinética da chuva pela sua intensidade máxima em 30 min. Estes dados, correlacionados com as perdas de solo, permitiram obter o índice de erodibilidade dos solos. A precipitação total média anual foi 1.287 mm e a erosividade média foi de 4.865 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1. A erodibilidade foi 0,0355 Mg h MJ-1 mm-1 para o Cambissolo e 0,0032 Mg h MJ-1 mm-1 para o Latossolo, em consonância com seus atributos mineralógicos, químicos, físicos e morfológicos diferenciais.Relatively few studies in Brazil have investigated soil erodibility, mainly for Cambisols (Inceptisols, due to the tediousness of data collection in natural rainfall experiments. Knowledge about erodibility and erosivity is important for conservation planning, which contributes to soil sustainability. This study aimed at evaluating the rainfall erosivity and erodibility of a typic dystrophic Tb Haplic Cambisol (Inceptisol and a typic dystroferric Red Latosol (Oxisol under natural rainfall, in Lavras, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, between 1998 and 2002. Pluvial precipitation data were obtained from the main weather

  18. Kernel smoothing dos dados de chuva no Nordeste

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    Nyedja F. M. Barbosa


    Full Text Available O regime de chuvas sobre o Nordeste do Brasil é bastante complexo, sendo considerado sazonal, além de sofrer fortes influências dos fenômenos El Niño, La Niña e outros sistemas meteorológicos, como o dipolo, atuantes sobre as bacias do oceano Atlântico Tropical. Neste trabalho foi aplicada a técnica matemática-computacional de interpolação do Kernel Smoothing nos dados de precipitação pluvial sobre o Nordeste, coletados no período de 1904 a 1998, provenientes de 2.283 estações meteorológicas. Os cálculos foram desenvolvidos por meio do software "Kernel", escrito em linguagem C e Cuda o que possibilitou fazer a interpolação de mais de 26 milhões de medidas de precipitação pluvial, permitindo gerar mapas de intensidade de chuva sobre toda a região e calcular estatísticas para a precipitação do Nordeste em escalas mensais e anuais. De acordo com as interpolações realizadas foi possível detectar, dentre o período estudado, os anos mais secos e mais chuvosos, a distribuição espacial das chuvas em cada mês, bem como a característica da precipitação pluviométrica em épocas de El Niño e La Niña.

  19. Variabilidade Espacial e Intranual das Chuvas na Região Sul de Moçambique, África Austral

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    Dionísio Inocêncio Uele

    Full Text Available Resumo Estudos sobre a climatologia das chuvas na região Sul de Moçambique (RSM são essenciais para o planejamento de diversas atividades humanas, com destaque para agricultura. Assim, o diagnóstico das tendências sazonais e mensais das chuvas é necessário, principalmente por se tratar de uma região com irregular distribuição espaço-temporal das chuvas. A variação da chuva mensal e sazonal na RSM foi analisada com base em séries climáticas de 45 anos (1960-2004. Aplicou-se na identificação de regiões com chuvas mensais homogêneas a análise de agrupamento (método de Ward. Com base na análise de agrupamento identificaram-se três grupos de estações com chuvas mensais homogêneas (G1, G2 e G3 e outras três estações que não foram agrupadas (NDg. As chuvas apresentaram gradiente espacial negativo na direção de G1 para G3 (nordeste-sudoeste, e totais entre os maiores nas estações do NDg (próximas ao litoral. O período chuvoso mostrou padrão similar, com maior comprimento nas estações do G1 e NDg e, menor nas estações do G3. As variabilidades sazonais e mensais das chuvas na RSM são condicionadas pelos Ciclones Tropicais, Sistemas Frontais, e a influência da Corrente Quente do Canal de Moçambique, enquanto as variabilidades espaciais são, principalmente, definidas pela Zona de Convergência Intertropical.

  20. Erosividade da chuva para o bioma Pantanal

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    Daniel Okamoto Machado


    Full Text Available A escassez de dados pluviográficos na região do Pantanal fez com que muitos autores utilizassem equações de regressão obtidas em outras regiões do Brasil para calcular o Fator R da Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (USLE. O presente estudo define equações para a previsão da erosividade em região do bioma Pantanal, correlacionando a erosividade das chuvas calculada pelo índice EI30 e o coeficiente de chuva (Rc. A equação desenvolvida, do tipo potencial, apresenta consistência e correlação significativa com os dados observados, obtendo valor de coeficiente de determinação de 97%. Portanto, a equação de erosividade proposta pode ser utilizada para estimativa do fator R da USLE a partir dos dados mensais e anuais de precipitação da região e de outras regiões com características climáticas semelhantes.

  1. Potabilização de água da chuva por ultrafiltração

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    Taizi Miorando

    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar a ultrafiltração (UF para o tratamento de água de chuva, ajustando seus parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos para a potabilidade. Para tal, duas membranas de UF foram testadas em duas pressões diferentes para tratar água de chuva coletada em um prédio da Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF. A água de chuva apresentou uma moderada concentração de sólidos suspensos, cor, turbidez, matéria orgânica e contaminação por coliformes e uma baixa concentração de nitritos, nitratos e sulfatos. As duas membranas de UF utilizadas (com diâmetro de corte de 4 e 50 kDa permitiram o ajuste desses parâmetros à potabilidade, sendo que a membrana de 50 kDa de fibra oca apresentou fluxos superiores a 130 L.h-1.m-2 (a 2 bar. Logo, a captação de água de chuva e sua UF é uma promissora alternativa para um abastecimento descentralizado de água potável.

  2. Reservatório de ardósia para sistemas de aproveitamento de água de chuva

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    Marcio Antonio Nogueira Andrade

    Full Text Available RESUMO No contexto da crescente pressão exercida no mundo todo sobre os recursos hídricos, qualitativa e quantitativamente, o desenvolvimento de tecnologias apropriadas para sistemas de aproveitamento de água de chuva surge como alternativa promissora. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo apresentar uma tecnologia inovadora para armazenamento de água de chuva, trazendo como modelo a construção de um reservatório executado com placas de ardósia, com capacidade para 250 m3, que faz parte de um sistema de aproveitamento de água de chuva implantado em uma instalação suinícola no Oeste Catarinense. Nesse sistema, a água de chuva é destinada para dessedentação animal e higienização das instalações. Também são apresentados, porém com menos enfoque, os dispositivos de tratamento da água de chuva desenvolvidos no projeto. Realizou-se uma análise comparativa de custos entre esse reservatório e os comumente utilizados na região de estudo. Também foram feitas análises físico-químicas e bacteriológicas da água de chuva em diferentes pontos do sistema, a fim de verificar se a qualidade da água é adequada para os usos pretendidos. A tecnologia de construção de reservatórios de ardósia apresentou rapidez e facilidade de execução e baixo custo de construção. A ardósia, além de servir de forma para a moldagem da armadura e para a argamassagem, é um material natural e abundante na região central do Estado de Santa Catarina. As análises físico-químicas e bacteriológicas mostraram a eficiência dos dispositivos de tratamento da água de chuva aplicados neste trabalho. Por fim, observou-se que a água de chuva é adequada para dessedentação animal, já que atende às condições e padrões para as águas de Classe 3 da Resolução CONAMA 357. Deste modo, a nova tecnologia apresenta grande potencial de aplicação e viabilidade econômica para a região de estudo.

  3. Acid rain effect in the constituent material of Mexican Mayan monuments; Efecto de la lluvia acida en el material constituyente de los monumentos Mayas mexicanos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bravo Alvarez, H.; Soto Ayala, R.; Sosa Echeverria, R.; Sanchez Alvarez, P. [Facultad de Ingenieria, UNAM, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    Actually, acid rain is considered as a potential problem that affects materials and ecosystems. The effect on monuments, made mainly from limestone, has been studied for long time. In this work, a sample of limestone from Tulum, Quintana Roo, was studied. The following parameters were measured: density, porosity and percentage of water adsorption. Also, the sample was irrigated with acid rain prepared in the laboratory (pH 4.6), based in the chemical composition of 56 rain samples from Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, in 1994 and 1995. The results obtained show that acid rain is neutralized by calcium carbonate from the limestone. The high calcium concentrations in the effluent show that limestone is dissolved by acid rain. Superficial recession was 4.4 {mu}m/year under experimental conditions used. [Spanish] Actualmente la lluvia acida se ha convertido en un problema potencial que afecta en mayor o menor grado a materiales y a los ecosistemas. El efecto que causa la lluvia acida en monumentos construidos fundamentalmente de roca caliza, ha sido objeto de muchas investigaciones realizadas, prioritariamente, por paises que poseen estructuras, cuyo material de construccion es caliza. En este trabajo de investigacion se estudio una muestra de roca caliza proveniente de los monumentos mayas de Tulum, Quintana Roo. Se determinaron los parametros de densidad, porosidad y porcentaje de adsorcion de agua. Asimismo, se efectuo la irrigacion de la muestra con lluvia acida (pH aprox. 4.6), preparada en el laboratorio con base en la composicion quimica que se determino en 56 muestras de agua de lluvia provenientes de Puerto Morelos, punto cercano a los monumentos de Tulum, Quintana Roo, durante los anos 1994 y 1995. Los resultados permiten concluir que la lluvia acida sufre un proceso de neutralizacion con el carbonato de calcio de la roca caliza. Las altas concentraciones de calcio en el efluente, mostraron que la roca caliza sufrio una disolucion con la lluvia acida. La

  4. Simulador de chuva tipo empuxo com braços movidos hidraulicamente: fabricação e calibração

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    Ildegardis Bertol


    Full Text Available O uso de simuladores de chuva é fundamental em estudos de erosão hídrica pluvial. Com eles é possível controlar as condições experimentais, principalmente as características da chuva, e compreender melhor o processo erosivo do solo. Vários tipos de simulador de chuva foram desenvolvidos desde 1930 no mundo. Atualmente, o tipo Swanson é o mais utilizado. No entanto, um pequeno número desses simuladores está em pleno funcionamento no Brasil, devido ao alto grau de desgaste e às dificuldades de manutenção. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um novo modelo de simulador de chuva, construído predominantemente em alumínio, desprovido de motor para rotação dos braços e movido hidraulicamente por empuxo. O simulador de chuva movido hidraulicamente por empuxo mantém em geral as características do modelo Swanson, sobretudo aquelas relacionadas às características de chuva produzida, tendo sido minimizados seu excesso de peso e a necessidade de uso de um motor a gasolina para movimento dos braços, denominado "Tipo Empuxo". Essas características tornaram o novo modelo mais leve, econômico, silencioso e de fácil manejo na área experimental do que o modelo Swanson, sendo possível deslocá-lo com apenas quatro pessoas. A intensidade da chuva correlacionou-se linear e positivamente com a pressão da água no manômetro.

  5. Aproveitamento de Água de Chuva em unidades Educacionais do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

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    Xaila Sant Anna Amaral


    Full Text Available Com este estudo objetivou-se avaliar os sistemas de aproveitamento de água de chuva em unidades educacionais do Rio Grande do Norte. Inicialmente, foi realizado um levantamento de informações sobre os sistemas de aproveitamento de água de chuva dos campi do IFRN. Em seguida, os campi foram visitados para validação das informações colhidas e verificação de outros elementos pertinentes (áreas da superfície de captação, tipos e volumes de reservatórios, estado físico das instalações, condições operacionais e destino da água armazenada. Posteriormente, 4 unidades educacionais foram selecionadas e monitoradas mensalmente entre março e setembro de 2014 a fim de caracterizar a água de chuva armazenada, físico-química e microbiologicamente. Os resultados revelam que a água armazenada apresentou qualidade compatível para irrigação de áreas verdes, apesar de descuidos operacionais e sanitários. Conclui-se que sistemas de captação e armazenamento podem compatibilizar o uso racional, eficiente e sanitário da água de chuva no Semiárido brasileiro.

  6. Avaliação do potencial erosivo das chuvas em Urussanga, SC, no período de 1980 a 2012

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    Morgana Levati Valvassori


    Full Text Available O conhecimento do potencial erosivo das chuvas e a sua distribuição ao longo do ano contribuem para o planejamento de práticas de manejo e a conservação do solo, que visam a redução da erosão hídrica, diminuindo as perdas de solo e aumentando a produção agrícola. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar as chuvas da região de Urussanga, SC, com relação ao potencial erosivo, determinando os Índices de Erosividade mensais e anuais (EI30 e estabelecendo assim o fator "R" para utilização na Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo, período de retorno e probabilidade de ocorrência das chuvas erosivas, a partir dos dados de chuva de diagramas diários do pluviógrafo da Estação Meteorológica de Urussanga, de outubro de 1980 a março de 2012. As chuvas foram digitalizadas em segmentos com intensidade constante. Foi elaborado um programa computacional para a leitura dos dados digitalizados, identificação das chuvas erosivas e realização dos cálculos de erosividade. A precipitação pluvial média anual foi de 1.781,8 mm, dos quais 1.502,6 mm foram de chuvas erosivas e 279,1 mm, de não erosivas. Ocorrem em média 184,9 chuvas por ano, sendo 77,7 % não erosivas e 22,3 %, erosivas. O valor médio anual do índice EI30 é 5.665,10 MJ mm ha-1 h-1, classificando as chuvas com erosividade média a forte. A época do ano com maior erosividade é de dezembro a março. O fator "R" da USLE, para regiões do entorno com características semelhantes de Urussanga, pode ser estimado com dados de pluviometria utilizando-se a equação linear ajustada.

  7. Análise da distribuição temporal das chuvas em eventos hidrológicos extremos


    Abreu, Fernando Girardi de; Sobrinha, Lôide Angelini; Brandão, João Luiz Boccia


    RESUMO: O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar a influência da distribuição temporal das chuvas em eventos hidrológicos extremos na bacia do Córrego do Gregório (São Carlos, São Paulo). Foram aplicadas duas metodologias de distribuição temporal das chuvas e adotados períodos de retorno de 25, 50 e 100 anos: o método de Huff 1º quartil e o método dos blocos alternados; e simularam-se as manchas de inundação com o software HEC-GeoRAS. A alteração do método de distribuição temporal das chuvas resul...

  8. Effect of the acid rain in the constituent material of the Mayan Mexican monuments; Efecto de la lluvia acida en el material constituyente de los monuments mayas mexicanos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bravo Alvarez, H; Soto Ayala, R; Sosa Echeverria, R; Sanchez Alvarez, P [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    Actually, acid rain is considered as a potential problem that affects materials and ecosystems. The effect on monuments, made mainly from limestone, has been studied for long time. In this work, a sample of limestone from Tulum, Qintana Roo, was studied. The following parameters were measured: density, porosity and percentage of water adsorption. Also, the sample was irrigated with acid rain prepared in the laboratory (pH = 4.6), based in the chemical composition of 56 rain samples from Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, in 1994 and 1995. The results obtained show that acid rain is neutralized by calcium carbonate from the limestone. The high calcium concentrations in the effluent, show that limestone is dissolved by acid rain. Superficial recession was 4.4 {mu}m/year under experimental conditions used. [Spanish] Actualmente la lluvia acida se ha convertido en un problema potencial que afecta en mayor o menor grado a materiales y a los ecosistemas. El efecto que causa la lluvia acida en monumentos construidos fundamentalmente de roca caliza, ha sido objeto de muchas investigaciones realizadas, prioritariamente, por paises que poseen estructuras, cuyo material de construccion es caliza. En este trabajo de investigacion se estudio una muestra de roca caliza proveniente de los monumentos mayas de Tulum, Quintana Roo. Se determinaron los parametros de densidad, porosidad y porcentaje de adsorcion de agua. Asimismo, se efectuo la irrigacion de la muestra con lluvia acida (pH aprox.4.6), preparada en el laboratorio con base en la composicion quimica que se determino en 56 muestras de agua de lluvia provenientes de Puerto Morelos, punto cercano a los monumentos de Tulum, Quintana Roo, durante los anos 1994 y 1995. Los resultados permiten concluir que la lluvia acida sufre un proceso de naturalizacion con el carbonato de calcio de la roca caliza. Las altas concentraciones de calcio en el efluente, mostraron que la roca caliza sufrio una disolucion con la lluvia acida. La

  9. Erosividade da chuva: sua distribuição e relação com as perdas de solo em Campinas (SP Rainfall erosivity: its distribution and relationship with soil loss at Campinas, state of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Francisco Lombardi Neto


    Full Text Available O potencial de erosão de uma chuva, representado pelo produto da energia cinética pela intensidade máxima em 30 minutos, foi calculado para chuvas individuais, para Campinas (SP. Durante um período de 22 anos (de 1954 a 1975, o índice de erosão médio anual computado foi de 6.738, tendo os valores variado de 3.444 a 13.830. Foram estabelecidas as distribuições mensais e estacionais do índice de erosão. Os dados mostraram que 62% do potencial de erosão anual ocorre durante dezembro-fevereiro. A freqüência de distribuição dos valores totais anuais e do valor máximo anual do índice de erosão seguiu o tipo de curva inclinada, típica de dados hidrológicos, mas o logaritmo dos dados apresentou distribuição normal. Foi encontrada alta correlação entre a média mensal do índice de erosão e a média mensal do coeficiente de chuva, o que simplifica o método para calcular o índice de erosão de um local.The rainfall erosion potential for individual storms was evaluated for Campinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The erosion potential of a rainstorm is the product of the rainfall energy and the maximum 30-minute intensity of the storm. Over a 22-year period the average annual erosion index computed was 6,738 (values ranged from 3,444 to 13,830. Monthly and seasonal distributions of the erosion index were established. The data showed that 62% of the annual erosion potential occurs during the period from December to February. The frequency distribution of the total annual and maximum annual individual storm erosion index was skewed, but the logarithms of the data appeared to be normally distributed. Expected average monthly and annual values of erosion potential may be readily estimated from local rainfall amount records by the equation EI = 68,730 (p²/P0,841. A high correlation was found between actual and estimated EI values.

  10. Jardim de chuva: sistema de biorretenção para o manejo das águas pluviais urbanas

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    Tássia dos Anjos Tenório de Melo

    Full Text Available Uma abordagem sustentável da drenagem urbana em ambientes construídos precisa integrar todo o sistema de águas urbanas. Uma das formas de se conseguir isso é melhorando a infiltração no próprio lote com a utilização de jardins de chuva, técnica do tipo controle na fonte, baseada no conceito de biorretenção e compensação das áreas impermeáveis. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo experimental de um jardim de chuva, em Recife, avaliando as funções de retenção, armazenamento e infiltração da água de chuva proveniente de um telhado. Devido à elevada taxa de infiltração na superfície (312,0 mm/h, as águas rapidamente se infiltram na estrutura. Os modelos introduzidos por Horton e Mezencev foram utilizados para representar as características de infiltração do solo natural e da primeira camada do jardim de chuva, tendo apresentado resultados satisfatórios. Uma análise de custo foi implementada, e avaliaram-se o desempenho e o custo de construção para diversos tempos de retorno (2, 5, 10 e 25 anos e durações (de 10 min a 120 min. Durante o período de monitoramento não foi observado extravasamento na estrutura. O jardim de chuva piloto apresentou resultados satisfatórios, mostrando-se uma técnica aplicável para o manejo das águas pluviais urbanas.

  11. Simulador de chuva tipo empuxo com braços movidos hidraulicamente: fabricação e calibração Rainfall simulator thrust type with hydraulically moved arms: fabrication and calibration

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    Ildegardis Bertol


    Full Text Available O uso de simuladores de chuva é fundamental em estudos de erosão hídrica pluvial. Com eles é possível controlar as condições experimentais, principalmente as características da chuva, e compreender melhor o processo erosivo do solo. Vários tipos de simulador de chuva foram desenvolvidos desde 1930 no mundo. Atualmente, o tipo Swanson é o mais utilizado. No entanto, um pequeno número desses simuladores está em pleno funcionamento no Brasil, devido ao alto grau de desgaste e às dificuldades de manutenção. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um novo modelo de simulador de chuva, construído predominantemente em alumínio, desprovido de motor para rotação dos braços e movido hidraulicamente por empuxo. O simulador de chuva movido hidraulicamente por empuxo mantém em geral as características do modelo Swanson, sobretudo aquelas relacionadas às características de chuva produzida, tendo sido minimizados seu excesso de peso e a necessidade de uso de um motor a gasolina para movimento dos braços, denominado "Tipo Empuxo". Essas características tornaram o novo modelo mais leve, econômico, silencioso e de fácil manejo na área experimental do que o modelo Swanson, sendo possível deslocá-lo com apenas quatro pessoas. A intensidade da chuva correlacionou-se linear e positivamente com a pressão da água no manômetro.The use of rain simulators is fundamental to study rainfall erosion. They are used to monitor the experimental conditions, particularly the rain characteristics and to understand the soil erosion process better. Several types of rainfall simulators have been developed since 1930 around the world. Currently, the Swanson model is the most commonly used. However, a small number of these simulators is fully operational in Brazil, due to the high degree of wear and difficulties of maintenance. The purpose of this study was to develop a new rainfall simulator model, made mostly of aluminum, with no motor to rotate the

  12. Contaminação de águas superficiais e de chuva por agrotóxicos em uma região do estado do Mato Grosso Groundwater and rainwater contamination by pesticides in an agricultural region of Mato Grosso state in central Brazil

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    Josino Costa Moreira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou analisar a contaminação de águas superficiais e de chuvas por agrotóxicos em dois municípios do estado do Mato Grosso, Lucas do Rio Verde e Campo Verde, situados entre os maiores produtores de soja, milho e algodão do estado e do país. A metodologia analítica combinou o uso de técnicas cromatográficas em amostras de água superficial e de chuva com análises ecotoxicológicas do impacto da contaminação por agrotóxicos sobre espécies bioindicadoras. Resultados das análises mostraram a presença de resíduos de diferentes agrotóxicos nas amostras de águas superficiais e de chuva coletadas nos dois municípios. Associados a estes dados, resultados das análises ecotoxicológicas mostraram a presença de anomalias em uma espécie de anfíbio anuro coletado em uma das duas localidades, compatíveis com exposição a agrotóxicos. Os resultados aqui apresentados e discutidos apontam para a degradação da qualidade de recursos hídricos da região, causada pelo uso intensivo de agrotóxicos na agricultura, incluindo fontes de água de consumo humano e de chuvas, amplificando o risco de contaminação para além das áreas de plantio.This study sought to analyze groundwater and rainwater contamination by pesticides in two municipalities (Lucas do Rio Verde and Campo Verde of Mato Grosso state. The area is Brazil's mid-west situated among the major soybean, corn and cotton producers in the state and the country. The analytical methodology combined chromatographic techniques on groundwater and rainwater samples with eco-toxicological analyses of the impacts of contamination by pesticide on bio-indicator species. The results revealed the presence of different pesticide residues in the groundwater and rainwater samples collected in the two municipalities. In conjunction with this data, results of the eco-toxicological tests revealed the presence of anomalies in a bio-indicator species collected in one of the

  13. Aproveitamento de Água de Chuva em unidades Educacionais do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil


    Xaila Sant Anna Amaral; Ceres Virgínia da Costa Dantas; Carlos Antonio Lira Felipe Neto; Cícero Onofre de Andrade Neto; André Luís Calado Araújo


    Com este estudo objetivou-se avaliar os sistemas de aproveitamento de água de chuva em unidades educacionais do Rio Grande do Norte. Inicialmente, foi realizado um levantamento de informações sobre os sistemas de aproveitamento de água de chuva dos campi do IFRN. Em seguida, os campi foram visitados para validação das informações colhidas e verificação de outros elementos pertinentes (áreas da superfície de captação, tipos e volumes de reservatórios, estado físico das instalações, condições o...


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    Vinicius Carmello


    Full Text Available Os investimentos no campo vêm sendo ampliados ao longo das últimas décadas, sobretudo pela justificativa de se minimizar as repercussões, ditas “naturais”, no território agrícola ocupado. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a variabilidade das chuvas na vertente paranaense da bacia do rio Paranapanema em período de safra de soja (outubro – abril. Para tanto, foram aplicadas duas técnicas estatísticas: Mann-Kendall e Percentil, com o intuito de estudar a tendência e a variabilidade dos totais anuais de chuva da série histórica entre os anos 1999-2000 a 2009-2010. Para isso utilizou-se dados de precipitação de 89 postos pluviométricos administrados pelo Instituto das Águas do Paraná. Ademais, definiram-se períodos extremamente secos, secos, habituais, chuvosos e extremamente chuvosos, representados em um painel tempo-espacial. Quanto ao teste de Mann-Kendall: 13 postos pluviométricos apresentaram tendência positiva de aumento das chuvas. No que se refere aos resultados mais expressivos relacionados à variabilidade da chuva anual acumulada, concluiu-se que o ano agrícola de 1999–2000 foi definido como padrão seco, em contraposição ao ano agrícola chuvoso de 2009–2010. Os valores de produtividade de soja utilizados para medir o impacto desses períodos extremos também evidenciam variações em resposta aos registros pluviométricos de cada ano.


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    Júlio Mannuel Tavares Diniz


    Full Text Available Na região Nordeste do Brasil é característica a significativa variabilidade espacial e temporal da precipitação pluvial, proveniente da atuação de diferentes sistemas meteorológicos. Em determinadas localidades do estado da Paraíba são comuns a ausência de chuvas durante períodos prolongados, ocasionando graves problemas para a sociedade e para os ecossistemas naturais. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo a avaliação da precipitação e do número de dias com chuvas observados em duas cidades distintas da Paraíba. Os dados utilizados foram fornecidos pelo Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e são provenientes de observações realizadas entre os anos de 2002 e 2011. A partir da análise dos resultados, verificou-se que o total de chuvas anuais e mensais observado em João Pessoa é bastante superior ao de Campina Grande. Em ambas as localidades, as chuvas apresentaram-se mais abundantes e regulares no primeiro semestre do ano, com valores máximos em torno do mês de Junho.

  16. Anti-inflammatory activity of copao (Eulychnia acida Phil., Cactaceae) fruits. (United States)

    Jiménez-Aspee, Felipe; Alberto, Maria Rosa; Quispe, Cristina; Soriano, Maria del Pilar Caramantin; Theoduloz, Cristina; Zampini, Iris Catiana; Isla, Maria Ines; Schmeda-Hirschmann, Guillermo


    Copao (Eulychnia acida Phil., Cactaceae) is an endemic species occurring in northern Chile. The edible fruits of this plant are valued for its acidic and refreshing taste. Phenolic-enriched extracts from copao fruit pulp and epicarp, collected in the Elqui and Limari river valleys, were assessed by its in vitro ability to inhibit the pro-inflammatory enzymes lipoxygenase (LOX) and cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2). At 100 μg/mL, pulp extracts showed better effect towards LOX than epicarp extract, while COX-2 inhibition was observed for both epicarp and pulp samples. In general, the extracts were inactive towards COX-1. A positive correlation was observed between the anti-inflammatory activity and the main phenolic compounds found in this fruit. Copao fruits from the Limari valley, a main place of collection and commercialization, showed major activity, adding evidence on the possible health-beneficial effects of this native Chilean fruit.

  17. Comparação de desempenho hidrológico de sistemas de infiltração de água de chuva: poço de infiltração e jardim de chuva

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    Ricardo Prado Abreu Reis

    Full Text Available A ocupação de áreas urbanas produz impactos significativos no equilíbrio do balanço hídrico das cidades. Como consequência da impermeabilização de áreas edificadas tem-se o aumento do escoamento superficial, que ocasiona maior frequência de cheias urbanas. Visando diminuir o impacto ocasionado pela ocupação, soluções técnicas compensatórias, fundamentadas em técnicas de infiltração de água pluvial, vêm sendo amplamente propostas para os projetos de sistemas prediais. Este trabalho objetiva comparar o desempenho hidrológico de dois sistemas de infiltração no lote: um jardim de chuva e um poço de infiltração. Para tanto, foram monitoradas as vazões de entrada, o volume infiltrado e o volume extravasado durante eventos de chuva simulados. Os sistemas de infiltração de água foram implantados em uma área experimental, e o monitoramento dos parâmetros foi feito por meio de sensores de nível de água e medidores de vazão de alta precisão. Assim, foi possível construir os hidrogramas de saída dos sistemas e mensurar a parcela de infiltração de água durante a operação deles. Como resultado avaliou-se a relevância de se considerar a parcela de infiltração no dimensionamento dos sistemas de infiltração de água de chuva. Além disso, observaram-se um melhor desempenho de amortecimento de pico de vazão do hidrograma no jardim de chuva e maior eficiência de redução de volume escoado por parte do poço de infiltração.

  18. Erodibilidade de um Cambissolo Húmico sob chuva natural


    Schick, Jefferson; Bertol, Ildegardis; Cogo, Neroli Pedro; González, Antonio Paz


    A estimativa de perdas de solo é fundamental para o planejamento conservacionista. Com essa finalidade, destaca-se no Brasil o uso da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo (USLE), para cuja utilização há escassez de dados obtidos de acordo com o método-padrão desse modelo. Entre os fatores que compõem a USLE, a erodibilidade do solo (fator K) é de difícil obtenção em razão da necessidade de conduzir experimentos em campo por longo tempo sob chuva natural. Com o objetivo de quantificar a erodibi...

  19. Momento da chuva após a aplicação e a eficácia dos herbicidas sulfosate e glyphosate aplicados em diferentes formulações Rainfastness and glyphosate and sulfosate efficacy using different formulations

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    A.F.F. Pedrinho Júnior


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de estudar a influência da chuva sobre o desempenho dos herbicidas sulfosate e glyphosate em diferentes formulações, foram conduzidos dois experimentos, um no inverno de 2000 e outro no verão de 2001, na Fazenda Experimental de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Campus de Jaboticabal-SP. Os experimentos foram instalados segundo o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, no arranjo fatorial de 4x5+1, ou seja, quatro tratamentos de herbicidas, cinco períodos sem chuva após a aplicação e uma testemunha, que não recebeu chuva. As formulações de glyphosate foram: SAqC (1,0 L ha-1, GrDA (0,5 kg ha-1, SAqC Transorb (0,75 L ha-1, mais o sulfosate SAqC (1,09 L ha¹. Os períodos sem chuva após a aplicação foram de 1, 2, 4, 6 e > 48 horas. Os herbicidas foram aplicados em pós-emergência das plantas daninhas, utilizando-se de um pulverizador costal, à pressão constante (mantida por ar comprimido de 30 lbf pol-2. A chuva foi simulada com um sistema de irrigação por aspersão. A lâmina de água variou entre 18 e 19 mm. Em ambas as épocas, a chuva simulada foi prejudicial à ação dos herbicidas, principalmente quando feita nos menores intervalos após a aplicação. Os sintomas de fitointoxicação apareceram mais rapidamente no verão. A formulação Transorb, comercializada como não sendo afetada pela chuva uma hora após a aplicação, não teve o desempenho esperado, tanto no inverno quanto no verão, para períodos de até seis horas sem chuva após a aplicação. O sulfosate apresentou o melhor controle geral das plantas avaliadas, quando se simulou chuva após seis horas, em ambas as épocas. A formulação GrDA foi a mais afetada pela ação da chuva em ambas as épocas.Two field assays were carried out to evaluate the rainfall effects on sulfosate and glyphosate herbicide activity, using different formulations, under two growing seasons (winter

  20. Análise econômica de um sistema de aproveitamento de água de chuva em unidade hospitalar


    Fonseca, Márcio de Castro


    O uso de tecnologias de aproveitamento de água de chuva vem se consolidando cada vez mais como fonte alternativa de suprimento de água em diversos tipos de usos. A vantagem desta tecnologia se baseia na acessibilidade da água durante a estação seca, com a possibilidade de substituição da água proveniente do abastecimento público. O objetivo deste estudo consistiu na análise financeira de dois projetos piloto de aproveitamento de água de chuva para o abastecimento de lavanderia em unidade hosp...

  1. Erodibilidade de um cambilosolo húmico sob chuva natural


    Schick, Jefferson; Bertol, Ildegardis; Cogo, Neroli Pedro; Paz González, Antônio


    A estimativa de perdas de solo é fundamental para o planejamento conservacionista. Com essa finalidade, destaca-se no Brasil o uso da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo (USLE), para cuja utilização há escassez de dados obtidos de acordo com o método-padrão desse modelo. Entre os fatores que compõem a USLE, a erodibilidade do solo (fator K) é de difícil obtenção em razão da necessidade de conduzir experimentos em campo por longo tempo sob chuva natural. Com o objetivo de quantificar a erodibi...

  2. Erodibilidade de um Cambissolo Húmico sob chuva natural

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    Jefferson Schick


    Full Text Available A estimativa de perdas de solo é fundamental para o planejamento conservacionista. Com essa finalidade, destaca-se no Brasil o uso da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo (USLE, para cuja utilização há escassez de dados obtidos de acordo com o método-padrão desse modelo. Entre os fatores que compõem a USLE, a erodibilidade do solo (fator K é de difícil obtenção em razão da necessidade de conduzir experimentos em campo por longo tempo sob chuva natural. Com o objetivo de quantificar a erodibilidade do solo em um Cambissolo Húmico em Lages, SC, utilizando-se do método-padrão da USLE, quantificaram-se a erosividade (EI30 das chuvas naturais e as respectivas perdas de solo durante o período de 1993 a 2012. A erodibilidade foi determinada pelo quociente entre essas variáveis e pela regressão linear simples dessas. O valor de erodibilidade anual estimado pelo quociente e pela regressão linear simples entre as perdas de solo e as erosividades foi respectivamente de 0,0175 e 0,0172 Mg ha h ha-1 MJ-1 mm-1. A erodibilidade nos períodos de primavera-verão e outono-inverno apresentou pequenas variações em relação à média anual. A erodibilidade mensal variou de 0,0083 Mg ha h ha-1 MJ-1 mm-1 no mês de dezembro a 0,0241 Mg ha h ha-1 MJ-1 mm-1, no mês de abril. Ao longo do período de tempo avaliado, a erodibilidade anual evidenciou maior incremento nos anos iniciais e menor incremento nos anos finais.

  3. Estudo comparativo da qualidade da água da chuva coletada em telhado com telhas de concreto e em telhado verde para usos não potáveis

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    Celimar Azambuja Teixeira

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo apresenta uma comparação da qualidade da água da chuva coletada em telhado inclinado com telhas de concreto (residência 1 e cobertura plana e vegetada (residência 2, indicada como telhado verde. Os objetivos desta investigação foram: (1 analisar a qualidade da água da chuva captada nas duas coberturas, com base nos parâmetros da NBR 15527 (ABNT, 2007 e (2 fazer acompanhamento da qualidade da água armazenada para verificar eficiência e comportamento dos dois telhados. Este estudo foi desenvolvido em Curitiba, PR, onde é obrigatório o aproveitamento da água da chuva em novas construções desde o ano de 2007. A água da chuva captada no telhado com telhas de concreto apresentou menores valores para turbidez e demanda química de oxigênio na maioria dos resultados (oito e sete amostras, respectivamente. O telhado verde contribuiu para a diminuição da acidez natural da água da chuva. Não foram atendidos os parâmetros microbiológicos estabelecidos na NBR 15527 (ABNT, 2007 em nenhuma das amostras coletadas. Apesar de a qualidade da água da chuva não atender todos os parâmetros indicados na NBR 15527 (ABNT, 2007, essa água vem sendo aproveitada nas residências para limpeza de calçadas, irrigação de jardim e descarga em bacias sanitárias, sem indicação de inconvenientes pelos moradores.

  4. Classicação Sinótica de Frentes Frias Associadas a Chuvas Extremas no Leste de Santa Catarina (SC

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    Gustavo C.J. Escobar

    Full Text Available Resumo O trabalho apresenta uma classificação sinótica de frentes frias sobre o leste do Estado de Santa Catarina (SC, com o propósito de identificar os principais padrões sinóticos associados com chuvas extremas na região do Vale do Itajaí. A metodologia utilizada foi a técnica de Análise de Componentes Principais aplicada à série de reanálises do Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR (NCEP para o período 1979-2010. Previamente, realiza-se uma climatologia de frentes frias sobre o leste de SC, cujos resultados mostram uma maior frequência de frentes frias associadas a chuvas extremas no Vale do Itajaí durante a primavera. Os resultados fornecem cinco padrões sinóticos principais que representam 83,4% dos casos de frentes frias com chuvas extremas no Vale do Itajaí. O padrão sinótico mais frequente mostra um intenso fluxo de quadrante sudeste sobre a região de estudo, determinado pela presença de um forte anticiclone pós-frontal observado sobre o sul da Província de Buenos Aires, cuja frente fria associada encontra-se no extremo nordeste catarinense. Por último, há dois padrões sinóticos típicos de verão relacionados com chuvas extremas no Vale do Itajaí; um relacionado com episódios de Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul (ZCAS e outro associado com a Baixa do Chaco (BCH.

  5. Desinfecção de água de chuva por radiação ultravioleta Disinfection of rainwater by ultraviolet radiation

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    Elisabeth Wisbeck


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o tratamento de água de chuva, de duas regiões industriais de Joinville (SC, por radiação ultravioleta. O reator operou em processo contínuo, de modo que cada partícula permanecesse sob radiação por 60 segundos. As amostras de água foram analisadas em termos de coliformes totais, coliformes termotolerantes e bactérias heterotróficas antes do tratamento por ultravioleta, após o tratamento e após tratadas e armazenadas por 24, 48 e 72 horas. Verificou-se a eficiência da desinfecção de água de chuva direta e de telhado por radiação ultravioleta com a inativação de 100% dos coliformes totais e dos coliformes termotolerantes e o não recrescimento desses micro-organismos em amostras tratadas e estocados por até 72 horas, no entanto, bactérias heterotróficas persistiram e foram identificadas após 24, 48 e 72 horas ao tratamento.The objective of this study was to evaluate the treatment of rainwater in two industrial regions in Joinville (SC, Brazil by ultraviolet radiation. The reactor was operating in continuous process with each particle remaining under radiation for 60 seconds. The samples were evaluated in terms of total coliforms, fecal coliform and heterotrophic bacteria prior to ultraviolet treatment, after treatment and further treated and stored for 24, 48 and 72 hours. The efficiency of disinfection of direct rainwater and that collected from roofing by ultraviolet radiation was verified with 100% inactivation of total coliforms and fecal coliform and these microorganisms did not reappear in samples treated and stored for up to 72 hours, however, heterotrophic bacteria persisted and were identified after 24, 48 and 72 hours of treatment.

  6. Krigagem e inverso do quadrado da distância para interpolação dos parâmetros da equação de chuvas intensas

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    Mello C. R.


    Full Text Available Em projetos de obras hidráulicas, é necessária a estimativa da chuva intensa adequada à realidade técnico-financeira dos projetos, para posterior cálculo de vazões máximas. O uso da equação de chuvas intensas é a forma mais usual para estimativa da chuva de projeto. No entanto, há dificuldade em obtê-la para locais desprovidos de dados pluviométricos, o que pode ser superado mediante técnicas computacionais para a espacialização dos seus parâmetros. Para isto, pode-se trabalhar com procedimentos estatísticos para interpolação dos parâmetros com base em estações meteorológicas vizinhas ao local. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, comparar os dois procedimentos estatísticos mais exatos, conforme já constatado em outras aplicações físicas, que são a krigagem (interpolador geoestatístico e o inverso do quadrado da distância, para interpolação dos parâmetros da equação de chuvas intensas. Utilizaram-se 140 estações meteorológicas do estado de São Paulo, as quais dispõem da respectiva equação de chuvas intensas estimada com base em dados pluviométricos, consideradas como ideais. Destas, 126 foram utilizadas para estudo da dependência espacial dos parâmetros e 14 para comparação de erros nas estimativas da chuva intensa. Constatou-se que ambos os métodos apresentaram boa precisão, mas a krigagem produziu menores erros médios para 11 estações, verificando-se melhorias consideráveis em especial para tempos de retorno e tempos de duração da precipitação usuais em projetos em pequenas bacias hidrográficas, podendo-se sugerir este método como o mais adequado.

  7. Simulate rain about action insecticide flonicamid in the control of the cotton aphid=Chuva simulada sobre ação inseticida flonicamid no controle do pulgão-do-algodoeiro.

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    Paulo Eduardo Degrande


    Full Text Available The cotton production system in Brazil concentrates on the area of the cerrado, characterized by frequent rains that interfere in the effectiveness of the necessary sprays during its cycle. The objective of the work was to evaluate simulate rain of 15 mm in 4 hours after spraying in the control of Aphis gossypii with insecticide flonicamid. Plants of Gossypium hirsutum were cultivated in pots containing soil as substrate in greenhouse conditions. The pots were arranged in randomized complete design with seven treatments and five replicates, consisting of: test without insecticide spraying, without insecticide spraying with rain, flonicamid spraying with simulate rain of 15 mm after 30 minutes, 1, 2 and 4 hours after spraying. Equivalent insecticide was sprayed 75 g of flonicamid by hectare. The efficiency evaluation was accomplished through the individuals of A. gossypii count which started from an artificial infestation 6 days before the application of the treatments. The results were: a 15-mm precipitation during the first four hours after flonicamid spraying interfered negatively in the control of A. gossypii.O cultivo do algodoeiro no Brasil concentra-se na Região do Cerrado, caracterizada por chuvas freqüentes que interferem na eficácia das pulverizações necessárias durante seu ciclo. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar chuva simulada de 15 mm nas 4h iniciais após pulverização no controle de A. gossypii com inseticida flonicamid. Plantas de Gossypium hirsutum foram cultivadas em vasos contendo solo como substrato em condições de casa-de-vegetação. Cada parcela foi constituída de um vaso com duas plantas. Utilizou-se delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com sete tratamentos e cinco repetições, consistindo de: testemunha sem pulverização de inseticida, testemunha sem pulverização de inseticida com presença de chuva e pulverização de flonicamid com chuva simulada de 15 mm aos 30 min., 1, 2 e 4h após aplica

  8. Mapeamento de chuvas intensas no estado de Minas Gerais Mapping of heavy rainfalls in the state of Minas Gerais

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    Carlos Rogério de Mello


    Full Text Available Estudos associados a chuvas extremas são constituídos de eventos de interesse prático para a gestão dos recursos naturais, como manejo de bacias hidrográficas e conservação dos solos e da água. A distribuição espacial desses eventos possibilita inferir sobre áreas onde sua ocorrência é acentuada e desprovida de informações técnicas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram promover, a partir de dados pontuais de 177 estações meteorológicas e com a utilização de técnicas geoestatísticas, o mapeamento de chuvas intensas para o Estado de Minas Gerais e identificar as áreas mais vulneráveis no tocante à ocorrência dessas chuvas nesse Estado. Foi constatado que as maiores intensidades ocorrem nas regiões leste e noroeste de Minas Gerais, o que pode ser explicado pela maior influência da Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul, além de ocorrência de chuvas convectivas. Foi possível, também, constatar e mapear intensidades intermediárias nas regiões sul e central e os menores valores para as regiões norte e nordeste de Minas Gerais. Para maiores durações, verificou-se, para a região sul, ocorrência de altas intensidades, o que está associado à entrada com maior frequência de frentes frias, produzindo chuvas de longa duração.Studies of heavy rainfall are of practical interest for the conservation management of natural resources such as watersheds and soil and water. The spatial distribution of these natural rainfall events allows conclusions about regions where the occurrence of heavy rain is more frequent and to estimate their magnitude for locations without rainfall data sets. Thus, the purpose of this study was to map heavy rainfall data from 177 meteorological stations, using a geostatistical approach, for Minas Gerais, identifying the most vulnerable regions in terms of the occurrence of heavy rain. The highest values were estimated for the East and Northwest regions of the state, which can be explained by the

  9. Estudo da variabilidade espacial das chuvas em Belo Horizonte a partir da expansão da rede pluviométrica: uma análise qualitativa


    Carlos Wagner Goncalves Andrade Coelho


    Em grandes cidades como Belo Horizonte, o cotidiano humano é influenciado diretamente por eventos extremos como as precipitações de chuva na estação chuvosa, que além de ser um dos controladores hídricos pode causar problemas como enchentes e deslizamentos de terra, principalmente nas "áreas de risco", onde se observam grandes tragédias. Estudos feitos para a capital mineira obtiveram bons resultados sobre o comportamento das chuvas, relacionando-as com a topografia e a outros fatores meteoro...

  10. Dimensionamento de reservatório para aproveitamento de água de chuva: comparação entre métodos da ABNT NBR 15527:2007 e Decreto Municipal 293/2006 de Curitiba, PR


    Bezerra,Stella Maris da Cruz; Christan,Priscila de; Teixeira,Celimar Azambuja; Farahbakhsh,Khosrow


    Este trabalho apresenta uma comparação entre os métodos de dimensionamento de reservatório de água de chuva propostos na NBR 15527:007 e no Decreto Municipal 293/2006, de Curitiba, PR. Para esta análise foram selecionadas cinco edificações que possuem sistema de captação e aproveitamento de água de chuva em funcionamento. Os resultados obtidos através dos dois métodos foram discrepantes. A fim de resultarem volumes coerentes com o aproveitamento de água de chuva, as equações do Decreto Munici...

  11. Chuva de sementes em Floresta Estacional Semidecidual em Viçosa, MG, Brasil Seed rain in a seasonal semideciduous forest at Viçosa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    Érica Pereira de Campos


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou avaliar a composição florística, a densidade e a freqüência de sementes, em 25 coletores, em um trecho de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual. Além disso, classificar os táxons quanto à forma de vida, às síndromes de dispersão e, nas arbóreas, quanto ao estádio sucessional e verificar a similaridade florística entre as espécies identificadas na chuva de sementes e as espécies arbóreas localizadas nas mesmas parcelas dos coletores. O trabalho foi realizado entre dezembro/2004 a novembro/2006. Foram reconhecidos 43 táxons, sendo que Leguminosae foi representada por 11 espécies. A forma de vida dominante foi arbórea (63,1%, as lianas foram representadas por 28,9% das espécies amostradas, as herbáceas por 5,3% e as arbustivas por 2,6%. A densidade média de sementes no primeiro ano foi de 113,92 sementes.m-2 e no segundo de 2.603,84 sementes.m-2. Essas diferenças demonstraram heterogeneidade espacial e temporal da chuva de sementes. A similaridade florística encontrada pelo índice de Sørensen entre as espécies da chuva de sementes e as espécies arbóreas do trecho do fragmento estudado foi de 32%, valor considerado baixo (This study aims to evaluate the floristic composition, density and frequency of seeds in 25 traps in a section of seasonal semideciduous forest, as well as classify taxons as to life form, dispersal syndromes, and succession phase of the tree species, and verify floristic similarities between seed rain species and tree species located in the same plots. The work was carried out from December/2004 to November/2006. Forty three taxons were recognized and Leguminosae was represented by 11 species. The dominant life form was arboreal (63.1%, climbers were represented by 28.9% of the sampled species, herbs by 5.3% and shrubs by 2.6%. Mean seed density in the first year was 113.92 seeds.m-2 and 2603.84 seeds.m-2 in the second year. These differences showed spatial and seasonal heterogeneity

  12. Aproveitamento de águas de chuva por telhados: aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos


    Farias, Maria Mariah Monteiro Wanderley Estanislau Costa de


    Nos últimos anos tem-se observado, em várias localidades, um crescimento populacional acelerado. A maior parte da população vive em áreas urbanas e enfrenta diversos problemas relacionados ao abastecimento precário de água e à ocorrência de eventos extremos, tais como estiagem prolongada e enchentes. Nesse contexto, se insere o aproveitamento de águas de chuva, que deverão ser captadas e acumuladas em reservatórios, de modo que a mesma possa ser consumida, de imediato ou após algum tempo, em ...

  13. Vibrações induzidas por chuva e vento em cabos de pontes estaiadas : investigação experimental dos mecanismo em túnel de vento


    Daniel de Souza Machado


    Desde 1988, ao redor do mundo, têm sido relatadas, ocorrências de vibrações de cabos de pontes estaiadas sob ação combinada de chuva de vento. Este mecanismo tem sido de grande interesse dos engenheiros de pontes e pesquisadores, por provocar vibrações de grandes amplitudes em cabos de pontes estaiadas. Estas vibrações, que são predominantemente transversais à direção do vento, foram observadas apenas sob condições de chuva leve e baixa velocidade do vento ocorrendo simultaneamente. As oscila...

  14. Análise de viabilidade técnica e econômica do uso de água de chuva em uma indústria metalmecânica na região metropolitana de Curitiba PR

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    Celimar Azambuja Teixeira


    Full Text Available Resumo Este estudo tem por objetivo verificar a possibilidade de aproveitamento da água da chuva em uma indústria metalmecânica localizada no município de São José dos Pinhais, região metropolitana de Curitiba, considerando o volume de chuvas, necessidade da indústria, as características de qualidade da água de chuva da região, além de uma simulação da cobrança pelo uso da água e emissão dos seus efluentes lançados em um córrego próximo. Nesta avaliação, verificou-se que o aproveitamento da água de chuva pode ser viável devido ao comportamento hidrológico da região e a qualidade dessa água, verificada por ensaios de laboratório. Além disso, realizou-se uma simulação para estimar a provável economia ao se evitar o pagamento pela captação e emissão dos lançamentos nos corpos d’água da região, além do orçamento do reservatório proposto para o armazenamento da água de chuva.

  15. As chuvas no estado do Tocantins: distribuição geográfica e gênese das variações rítmicas


    Pinto, Paulo Henrique Pereira [UNESP


    O presente estudo trata-se de uma análise acerca da distribuição espacial e temporal das chuvas no estado do Tocantins e da participação dos sistemas atmosféricos na gênese desta. Esta pesquisa possui sua relevância, principalmente devido à sua contribuição para o conhecimento científico da área de estudo, uma vez verificada a carência de estudos climatológicos de base genética e dinâmica realizados na área em foco. Os dados de chuva utilizados nesta pesquisa provêm de estações pluviométricas...

  16. Distribuição e potencial erosivo das chuvas no Estado do Tocantins

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    Marcelo Ribeiro Viola


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os valores de erosividade e gerar os mapas da distribuição espaço-temporal das chuvas no Estado do Tocantins. Analisaram-se séries históricas pluviométricas de 97 postos pluviométricos, compreendendo o período de 1985 a 2009. A erosividade foi estimada por meio de equações nas quais a variável independente foi a precipitação média mensal ou o coeficiente de chuva de Fournier (Rc. A geoestatística foi aplicada para o mapeamento da erosividade tanto na escala mensal quanto na anual. A erosividade anual apresentou valores entre 6.599 e 14.000 MJ mm ha-1 h-1, com auge em dezembro, quando atingiu valores de até 2.800 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 por mês. De maio a setembro, a erosividade apresentou valores inferiores ao crítico, tido como 500 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 por mês. Foram identificadas três regiões prioritárias para ações de planejamento visando a conservação do solo e da água: região centro-oeste do Estado, nas imediações do Parque Estadual do Cantão, com maior erosividade anual; região norte do Estado, especialmente no primeiro trimestre; e região sudeste do Estado, no quarto trimestre.

  17. Análise da frequência e da intensidade das chuvas em Ponta Grossa, Estado do Paraná, no período entre 1954 E 2001 - doi: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v33i1.6957

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    Maysa de Lima Leite


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo realizar uma avaliação da frequência e da intensidade da precipitação pluvial em Ponta Grossa, Estado do Paraná, no período de 1954 a 2001, utilizando técnicas estatísticas de análise exploratória de dados com o auxílio dos softwares Microsoft Office Excel e Microcal Origin. A média dos totais anuais de precipitação para a série analisada foi de 1.546,2 mm, revelando tendência a aumentar com o passar dos anos. O mês com maior total médio de precipitação foi janeiro com o mês de agosto sendo o de menor total médio. Para todos os meses do ano foi observada assimetria positiva na distribuição de frequência dos dados, e nos meses mais secos essa tendência se mostrou mais acentuada. Em relação à intensidade de precipitação acumulada diariamente, os totais foram classificados como chuvisco, chuva fraca, chuva moderada, chuva forte e chuva extrema. O intervalo de precipitação predominante para a maioria dos meses foi o de chuva fraca, entre 2,5 e 10,0 mm.

  18. Análise de viabilidade técnica e econômica do uso de água de chuva em uma indústria metalmecânica na região metropolitana de Curitiba PR


    Teixeira,Celimar Azambuja; Zattoni,Gleidiston Tadeu; Nagalli,André; Freira,Flávio Bentes; Teixeira,Sidnei Helder Cardoso


    Resumo Este estudo tem por objetivo verificar a possibilidade de aproveitamento da água da chuva em uma indústria metalmecânica localizada no município de São José dos Pinhais, região metropolitana de Curitiba, considerando o volume de chuvas, necessidade da indústria, as características de qualidade da água de chuva da região, além de uma simulação da cobrança pelo uso da água e emissão dos seus efluentes lançados em um córrego próximo. Nesta avaliação, verificou-se que o aproveitamento da á...



    Nara de Melo Dantas Silva; Louisa Wessels Perello; Luiz Roberto Santos Moraes


    Com a existência da problemática de carência hídrica no Semiárido Brasileiro devido aos fatores climáticos e edáficos, o sistema de captação e armazenamento de água de chuva, mostra-se como uma solução para o abastecimento de água, melhorando a qualidade de vida dos habitantes das regiões semiáridas, inclusive dos moradores de Inhambupe. Ao estudar os fatores intervenientes da água de chuva armazenada em cisternas da zona rural do município de Inhambupe, pode-se concluir que existe a possibil...

  20. Erosivity under two durations of maximum rain intensities in Pelotas/RS = Erosividade sob duas durações de intensidades máximas da chuva em Pelotas - RS

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    Jacira Porto dos Santos


    Full Text Available In the Universal Equation of Soil Loss (USLE, erosivity is the factor related to rain and express its potential to cause soil erosion, being necessary to know its kinetic energy and the maximum intensities of rain in duration of 30 min. Thus, the aim of this study was to verify and quantify the impact of the rain duration, considering 15 and 30 min, on the USLE erosivity factor. To achieve this, 863 rain gauge records were used, duiring the period of 1983 to 1998 in the city of Pelotas, RS, obtained from the Agrometeorological Station - Covenant EMBRAPA/UFPel, INMET (31o51´S; 52o21´O and altitude of 13,2 m. With the records, it was estimated the erosivity values from the maximum intensities of rain during the period evaluated. The average annual values of erosivity was 2551,3 MJ ha-1 h-1 ano-1 and 1406,1 MJ ha-1 h-1 ano-1, for the average intensities of 6,40 mm h-1 and 3,74 mm h-1, in durations of 15 and 30 min, respectively. The results of this study have shown that the percentage of erosive rainfalls in relation to the total precipitation was of 91.0%, and that the erosivity was influenced by the duration of the maximum intensity of rain.= Na Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo (EUPS a erosividade é o fator relacionado à chuva e expressa o seu potencial em provocar a erosão do solo, sendo necessário que se conheça a energia cinética da mesma e as máximas intensidades da chuva na duração de 30 min. Objetivou-se com este trabalho verificar e quantificar o impacto da duração da chuva, considerando 15 e 30 min, sobre o fator erosividade da EUPS. Para tanto foram utilizados 863 registros pluviográficos de chuva, no período de 1983 a 1998 da localidade de Pelotas, RS, obtidos na Estação Agroclimatológica – Convênio EMBRAPA/UFPel, INMET (31o51´S;52o21´O e altitude de 13,2 m. Com os registros foram estimados os valores de erosividade a partir de intensidades máximas de chuva nas durações consideradas. Os valores m

  1. Análise do regime hídrico de Patos-PB por meio do Índice de Anomalia de Chuvas (IAC

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    M. F. A. Alves


    Full Text Available A seca é um fenômeno natural que o ser humano não consegue impedir que ocorra. Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa tem por objetivo, analisar o comportamento do regime hídrico do município de Patos interior da Paraíba, no período de 1994 a 2009 utilizando o IAC. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, realizou-se um levantamento pluviométrico de 15 anos obtidos no site da Agência Executiva de Gestão das Águas da Paraíba (AESA de 1994 a 2009. Os dados foram disponibilizados em planilha eletrônica do Microsoft Excel com informações diárias, mensais e anuais e por último foi analisado o comportamento das precipitações através do Índice de Anomalia de Chuva (IAC, que é bastante simples e empregado para avaliação dos períodos secos ou úmidos. Pelo o estudo observou-se que apenas 2009 apresentou um mês (abril, como extremamente úmido e os demais anos foram classificados como muito úmidos, úmidos e secos. O ano mais seco foi 1998 que apresentou anomalias negativas de fevereiro a maio, seguido de 1999 com anomalias negativas em fevereiro e abril do período chuvoso. Dos resultados se percebe que as principais chuvas que ocorrem sob a região estudada caem sobre a terra de forma mal distribuída e irregular, e que o índice pluviométrico da região, se comparado com outras regiões áridas do planeta, o semiárido paraibano é um dos que mais chove em todo mundo, deixando claro que a falta de água que assola os nordestinos são decorrentes das características das chuvas. Percebe-se que apenas 2009 apresentou mês tido como extremamente úmido e isso não é caraterístico da região, devendo-se, sobretudo a modelos de estabilização da atmosfera por eventos meteorológicos que provocaram as chuvas fora do período chuvoso de Patos. Analysis of water regime of Patos-PB through Rainfall Anomaly Index (RAIAbstract: Drought is a natural phenomenon that humans can't prevent that from occurring. In this sense, this research aims

  2. Intensidade-duração-frequência de chuvas para o Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul Intensity-duration-frequency of rainfall for the State of Mato Grosso do Sul

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    Glenio G. Santos


    Full Text Available A ausência de equações de chuvas intensas para o Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul e a necessidade de maior segurança na elaboração de projetos e dimensionamento de obras hidráulicas, foram o alicerce para, com este estudo, se obtivessem e espacializassem as relações de intensidade, duração e frequência de precipitações para o Estado. Utilizou-se, então, da metodologia da desagregação da chuva de 24 h e se utilizaram dados pluviométricos consistidos de 109 estações disponíveis no banco de dados da Agência Nacional de Águas. As equações de chuvas intensas apresentaram bom ajuste, com coeficientes de determinação acima de 0,99 para todas as localidades estudadas. Os parâmetros ajustados apresentaram alta variabilidade resultando em grandes diferenças nos valores de precipitações intensas esperadas para as diferentes localidades. A espacialização permitiu boa visualização das diferenças evidenciando maiores intensidades esperadas na região centro-norte e as menores intensidades nas regiões sudeste e sudoeste do Estado. Os resultados demonstram a importância da obtenção da equação de intensidade-duração-frequência para cada localidade e sua utilização para a realização de estudos e projetos hidráulicos.Rain intensity data are necessary to increase security of hydraulic projects. The objective of this study was to determine the rain storm equations and the spatial distribution of rain intensity for the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The equations were obtained by disaggregation of 24 h rain data from 109 pluviometric stations available in the National Water Agency (ANA data bank. These equations resulted in coefficients of determination above 0,99 for all localities. The adjusted parameters showed high variability, resulting from different rain intensities in different places of the State. The interpolation of data allowed good visualization of the differences, evidencing higher intensities of rains

  3. A gênese da escassez de chuva em Maringá, Estado do Paraná, Brasil, durante os meses de maio de 2003 e maio de 2005 = The genesis of scanty rainfall in Maringá, Paraná State, Brazil, during the months of May 2003 and May 2005

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    Leonor Marcon da Silveira


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve por objetivo identificar os sistemas atmosféricos geradores da escassez de chuvas durante os meses de maio de 2003 e maio de 2005, em Maringá, Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, utilizaram-se dados meteorológicos de superfície referentes às variações diárias dos elementos climáticos, com os quais se elaborou uma tabela para cada um dos meses em estudo, eleitos como amostragem de meses de maio secos. Para identificar os sistemas atmosféricos promotores dos diferentes tipos de tempo, tais tabelas foram analisadas concomitantemente à análise de cartas sinóticas meteorológicas de superfície, também diárias, e de imagens de satélite. Constatou-se que a escassez de chuva em Maringá durante os períodos estudados decorreu da atuação de anticiclones frios, que penetraram na retaguarda dos sistemas frontais, e da atuação do Sistema Tropical Atlântico sobre o continente, o qual geralmente bloqueava as frentes frias próximo à latitude de 30°S, de modo que estas se deslocavam para o Atlântico antes de alcançarem a área em estudo. The atmospheric systems accountable for scanty rainfall during May 2003 and May 2005 in Maringá, Paraná State, Brazil, are identified. Surface meteorological data on daily variables of climatic elements have been employed for the creation of a table for each month under analysis. They were chosen as dry May samplings. Tables were analyzed concomitantly with an investigation on daily surface meteorological synoptic charts and on satellite photos, so that the atmosphericsystems causing different types of climate might be identified. Results show that scanty rainfall in Maringá during the periods under analysis was caused by cold anti-cyclone activities which followed after frontal systems and by the activities of Atlantic TropicalSystem on the South American subcontinent. The latter normally blocks out cold fronts near latitude 30°S which, in turn

  4. Índices de chuva dirigida direcional e análise do nível de umedecimento em fachadas de edifício multipavimentos em Goiânia, GO

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    Carlos Mariano Melo Júnior

    Full Text Available As fachadas dos edifícios estão sujeitas a condições de exposição que variam de acordo com as características climatológicas da região onde estão localizadas. A chuva dirigida, associação do vento à chuva, é uma das principais fontes externas de umidade e contribui com o processo de degradação dessas fachadas. O fenômeno é estudado em vários países e, devido à preocupação com seus efeitos, métodos vêm sendo desenvolvidos como forma de mensuração. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho visa obter os primeiros índices de chuva dirigida direcionais para a cidade de Goiânia-GO, bem como verificar a existência de relação desse índice com a umidade medida na superfície das fachadas de um edifício multipavimentos. Para tanto, os índices de chuva dirigida direcionais (ICDd da média mensal e de janeiro foram calculados aplicando o método semi-empírico, considerando dados meteorológicos do período de 2002 a 2008. Posteriormente, foi realizada a medição experimental de umidade na superfície do revestimento das fachadas de um edifício com 17 pavimentos tipo. As medições foram realizadas sobre as fachadas revestidas com argamassa, no mês de janeiro, após um evento de precipitação pluviométrica. Como resultado, obteve-se que o ICDd da média de todos os meses dos anos analisados e o ICDd de janeiro indicam um comportamento diferenciado de chuva dirigida para cada orientação. As medições de umidade superficial nas fachadas do edifício apontaram a ocorrência de maior umedecimento para as fachadas voltadas à orientação N, bem como no pavimento mais alto (17º e nas regiões abaixo das janelas.

  5. Avaliação das contribuições de água de chuva provenientes de ligações domiciliares em sistema de esgotamento sanitário separador absoluto


    Bertolino, Murilo


    Resumo: Os sistemas de esgotamento sanitário do tipo separador absoluto são concebidos de maneira que não devam sofrer com a interferência das águas pluviais, sendo que estas devem ser direcionadas aos sistemas de drenagem pública. No entanto, a água de chuva é comum na operação deste tipo de sistema. A interferência da água de chuva se dá por meio de infiltrações no sistema ou por afluxo direto ou indireto. A infiltração pode ser definida como sendo a água pluvial ou de lençol freático que p...

  6. Resistência hidráulica da crosta formada em solos submetidos a chuvas simuladas Crust hydraulic resistance in soils under simulated rain

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    Viviane dos Santos Brandão


    Full Text Available Para avaliar a redução da taxa de infiltração em solos sujeitos ao encrostamento decorrente da aplicação de chuvas simuladas, foi realizado um experimento em esquema fatorial 5 x 6, sendo cinco solos (Argissolo Vermelho, Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, Neossolo Flúvico e Neossolo Quartzarênico e seis energias cinéticas de chuva (0, 525, 1051, 2102, 3153 e 4204 J m-2, com três repetições. A partir dos dados de taxa de infiltração da água no solo e da espessura da crosta, determinadas por micromorfometria, calcularam-se a condutividade e a resistência hidráulica da crosta. Todos os solos apresentaram redução da taxa de infiltração, quando a energia cinética de chuva simulada aplicada aumentou. A resistência hidráulica da crosta aumentou com a energia cinética (especialmente para os solos Argissolos Vermelho-Amarelos e Vermelho até atingir um valor máximo, a partir do qual ocorreu diminuição, atribuída ao desgaste erosivo da crosta provocado pelo aumento do escoamento superficial, associado aos maiores valores de energia cinética da chuva simulada. Por meio de análise de regressão múltipla, foram determinadas a relação da resistência hidráulica da crosta com a energia cinética da chuva e as características químicas e físicas de cada solo. A variável resistência hidráulica da crosta mostrou-se adequada a ser utilizada nos modelos infiltração da água no solo para descrever a influência do encrostamento neste processo.To evaluate the decrease in infiltration rate in crusting soils an experiment was carried out using a rainfall simulator. Treatments were distributed in a factorial schedule 5 x 6, using five soils (Red Ultisol, Red-Yellow Ultisol, Red-Yellow Oxisol, Fluvic Entisol and Arenic Entisol and six rainfall kinetic energies (0, 525, 1051, 2102, 3153, and 4204 J m-2 with three replications. According to the water infiltration rate and crust thickness, as determined by

  7. Características das Frentes Frias Causadoras de Chuvas Intensas no Leste de Santa Catarina

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    Marcelo Seluchi

    Full Text Available Resumo O presente trabalho analisa as características principais das frentes frias causadoras de chuvas intensas no litoral do Estado de Santa Catarina, com a finalidade de melhorar o conhecimento e a previsão desse tipo de situação. Para isso, foi feita uma climatologia sinótica das frentes frias, utilizando reanálises CFSR do NCEP e dados de precipitação do CPTEC/INPE no período 1998-2010, a partir dos quais foram separados 5% das frentes frias mais chuvosas da série. Os resultados mostram que as frentes frias que provocam chuvas mais volumosas ocorrem ao longo de todo o ano, associadas à penetração de cavados frios, intensos e pouco baroclínicos nos níveis médios e altos da atmosfera. A lenta evolução da situação meteorológica permite a intensificação de um cavado na baixa troposfera, que provoca a gradativa intensificação da instabilidade termodinâmica sobre o leste de Santa Catarina, através da advecção de calor e umidade desde a Amazônia. A frente fria que dispara a precipitação apresenta forte inclinação nos baixos níveis e lento deslocamento. Em geral, a situação meteorológica apresenta poucas variações sazonais e pode ser identificada, em média, com pelo menos 48 h de antecedência.

  8. Avaliação interdisciplinar de um sistema de captação de água de chuva construído através de processo participativo com agricultores familiares paulistas.


    Binotti, Túlio Caio; Stolf, Rubismar; Costa, Manoel Baltasar Baptista da; Antonini, Sandra Regina Ceccato


    Sistemas de captação de água de chuva são frequentemente utilizados no semi árido rural brasileiro, porém em outras regiões rurais brasileiras são ainda pouco usados, mesmo com toda problemática envolvendo os recursos hídricos. Este trabalho é fruto de uma pesquisa ação que teve como objetivo avaliar um sistema de captação de água de chuva construído em processo participativo com os agricultores em um assentamento do Programa de Reforma Agrária paulista. Para verificar a viabilidade e sustent...

  9. Dimensionamento de reservatório para aproveitamento de água de chuva: comparação entre métodos da ABNT NBR 15527:2007 e Decreto Municipal 293/2006 de Curitiba, PR

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    Stella Maris da Cruz Bezerra

    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta uma comparação entre os métodos de dimensionamento de reservatório de água de chuva propostos na NBR 15527:007 e no Decreto Municipal 293/2006, de Curitiba, PR. Para esta análise foram selecionadas cinco edificações que possuem sistema de captação e aproveitamento de água de chuva em funcionamento. Os resultados obtidos através dos dois métodos foram discrepantes. A fim de resultarem volumes coerentes com o aproveitamento de água de chuva, as equações do Decreto Municipal 293/2006 merecem uma revisão, para serem incluídas as considerações sobre índice pluviométrico, área de captação e demanda para a água de chuva armazenada. A utilização dos métodos apresentados na NBR 15527:2007 seria facilitada com ajustes de nomenclatura e inclusão de mais informações na apresentação das equações, em função da ambiguidade de denominação das variáveis. A decisão final sobre qual método mais indicado pode ser baseada na comparação dos volumes obtidos e na viabilidade em termos de área disponível e custo de construção do reservatório.

  10. Efeito da seca e chuva sobre a comunidade microbiana da rizosfera de leguminosas da Caatinga


    Milena Duarte Lançoni


    Propriedades que constituem um clima árido são encontradas distribuídas por todo o globo terrestre. A Caatinga, bioma semi-árido brasileiro, se estende por 11% do território nacional e tem particularidades tanto em relação ao clima, volume de chuvas e temperatura, quanto à sua composição flora e faunística. Micro-organismos associados a plantas provêm defesas e resistência a diferentes estresses abióticos ou bióticos. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a comunidade rizosférica microbiana...

  11. Velocidade e energia cinética da chuva de um emissor usado em pivô central


    Ferreira, Denise de Jesus Lemos


    A erosão decorrente do escoamento superficial causa grande impacto no potencial produtivo das áreas cultivadas. Portanto, o estudo da velocidade e da energia cinética com que as gotas de água atingem a superfície do solo irrigado é de fundamental importância para o desenvolvimento de diagnósticos e medidas que visem minimizar os efeitos negativos no manejo das áreas irrigadas. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a velocidade de impacto e a energia cinética de chuvas artificiais ...

  12. Estimativas de chuvas intensas para o Estado de Goiás Intense rainfall estimates for the Goiás State, Brazil

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    Luiz F. C. de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A ausência de estações pluviográficas e de séries históricas longas, tem levado os Engenheiros à utilização de metodologias que permitam expressar a relação intensidade-duração-freqüência de precipitações críticas. Com o objetivo de estimar as alturas de chuvas intensas, associadas a uma duração e freqüência, desenvolveu-se uma rotina computacional para ajustar os parâmetros do modelo de Bell para alguns municípios do Estado de Goiás. Para tal, empregaram-se séries históricas de precipitações diárias e de relações intensidade-duração-freqüência disponíveis para alguns municípios. Determinou-se, também, a relação entre a precipitação de 60 minutos e 1 dia de duração, para um período de retorno de dois anos. As informações geradas neste trabalho foram regionalizadas, permitindo a geração de mapas temáticos, visando a estimar a altura precipitada-duração-freqüência para as localidades desprovidas de registros. Para os municípios estudados, o modelo de Bell se ajustou-se perfeitamente, apresentando alternativa interessante na obtenção das alturas de chuvas intensas a partir de séries curtas. A reconstrução do modelo de Bell a partir da regionalização dos parâmetros ajustados permitiu a ampliação das equações que expressam a relação entre a precipitação máxima para diferentes durações e o período de retorno com baixos valores no erro-padrão da estimativa.The absence of pluviograph stations and of long historical series has induced engineers to use methodologies that allow them to express the intensity-duration-frequency relation of critical rainfalls. With the purpose of estimating the height of intense rain associated to a given duration and frequency, it was developed a computational routine to adjust the parameters of the BellÂ’s model to some municipal districts of the Goiás State. For such work it was employed historical series of daily precipitation and intensity

  13. Efeito da cobertura nas perdas de solo em um argissolo vermelho-amarelo utilizando simulador de chuva Effect of the cover on soil losses in a red-yellow podzolic soil under simulated rainfall

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    Demétrius D. Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da porcentagem de cobertura do solo e da energia cinética decorrente de chuvas simuladas sobre as perdas de solo. O experimento consistiu de seis parcelas experimentais (4 m², as quais foram mantidas com coberturas de 0; 20; 40; 60; 80 e 100%, utilizando manta de Bidin, simulando condição de manejo de cultivo em contorno. Utilizou-se de simulador de chuva sobre Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, com declividade média de 9,5%. Foram utilizadas as intensidades de precipitação de 60; 80; 100 e 120 mm h-1, associadas às durações de 68; 40; 24 e 14 minutos, resultando nos valores de energia cinética de 1.401; 1.122; 841 e 589 J m-2, respectivamente. Para cada uma das intensidades de precipitação, realizaram-se seis aplicações sucessivas, espaçadas de 12 h. Verificou-se diminuição acentuada nas perdas de solo com o aumento da porcentagem de cobertura do solo e que os maiores valores de perda de solo foram obtidos para as menores intensidades de precipitação, em virtude da maior duração da precipitação. Observou-se, também, que a cobertura do solo apresentou maior influência do que a intensidade de precipitação nas perdas de solo e que o potencial erosivo das chuvas intensas foi reduzido pelo aumento da cobertura do solo, passando o processo de erosão a ser dominado pelo efeito erosivo do escoamento superficial, o qual ocorre por maior período nas chuvas menos intensas, por apresentarem maior duração.The present work was carried out in the experimental area of the Agronomy Department of the Viçosa Federal University, Brazil, aiming to evaluate the effect of soil cover and kinetic energy of rainfall on soil losses. The soil management used was the contour cropping, with six experimental units (4,0 m² with soil cover percentage of 0; 20; 40; 60; 80 and 100%. The tests were conducted with a rotative rainfall simulator and the soil in the experimental area was a Red-Yellow Podzolic

  14. Lixiviação de potássio da palha de espécies de cobertura de solo de acordo com a quantidade de chuva aplicada Potassium leaching from green cover crop residues as affected by rainfall amount

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    C. A. Rosolem


    Full Text Available Os restos vegetais deixados na superfície do solo em sistemas de semeadura direta, além de proteger o solo da erosão, constituem considerável reserva de nutrientes que podem ser disponibilizados para a cultura principal, subseqüente. Avaliou-se a lixiviação de K da palha de seis espécies vegetais com potencial de uso como plantas para cobertura do solo de acordo com a quantidade de chuva recebida após o manejo. Milheto (Pennisetum americanum, var. BN-2, sorgo de guiné (Sorghum vulgare, aveia preta (Avena strigosa, triticale (Triticum secale, crotalária juncea (Crotalaria juncea e braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens foram cultivados em vasos com terra, em casa de vegetação, em Botucatu (SP. Aos 45 dias da emergência, as plantas foram cortadas na altura do colo, secas em estufa e submetidas a chuvas simuladas de 4,4, 8,7, 17,4, 34,9 e 69,8 mm, considerando uma quantidade de palha equivalente a 8,0 t ha-1. A máxima retenção de água pela palha corresponde a uma lâmina de até 3,0 mm, independentemente da espécie, praticamente não ocorrendo lixiviação do potássio com chuvas da ordem de 5 mm. A máxima liberação de K por unidade de chuva ocorre com lâminas de até 20 mm, decrescendo a partir deste ponto. A quantidade de K liberado da palha logo após o manejo depende da espécie vegetal, não ultrapassando, no entanto, 24 kg ha-1 com chuvas da ordem de 70 mm, apresentando correlação positiva com a concentração do nutriente no tecido vegetal. O triticale e a aveia são mais eficientes na ciclagem do potássio.Besides protecting soil from erosion, plant residues left on the soil surface by green cover crops in no-till cropping systems represent a considerable nutrient source of nutrients that can be made available for the following crop. Potassium leaching from the straw of six cover crop species was evaluated, in relation to the amount of rain on the residues. Pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum, guinea sorghum (Sorghum

  15. Rainfall erosivity and rainfall return period in the experimental watershed of Aracruz, in the coastal plain of Espirito Santo, Brazil Erosividade da chuva e tempo de retorno na bacia experimental da Aracruz, região dos tabuleiros costeiros brasileiros

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    Sérgio Gualberto Martins


    Full Text Available Knowledge on the factors influencing water erosion is fundamental for the choice of the best land use practices. Rainfall, expressed by rainfall erosivity, is one of the most important factors of water erosion. The objective of this study was to determine rainfall erosivity and the return period of rainfall in the Coastal Plains region, near Aracruz, a town in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, based on available data. Rainfall erosivity was calculated based on historic rainfall data, collected from January 1998 to July 2004 at 5 min intervals, by automatic weather stations of the Aracruz Cellulose S.A company. A linear regression with individual rainfall and erosivity data was fit to obtain an equation that allowed data extrapolation to calculate individual erosivity for a 30-year period. Based on this data the annual average rainfall erosivity in Aracruz was 8,536 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 yr-1. Of the total annual rainfall erosivity 85 % was observed in the most critical period October to March. Annual erosive rains accounted for 38 % of the events causing erosion, although the runoff volume represented 88 % of the total. The annual average rainfall erosivity return period was estimated to be 3.4 years.O conhecimento dos fatores que influenciam a erosão hídrica é de fundamental importância no planejamento do uso do solo. Dos fatores que alteram a erosão, a precipitação pluvial, expressa pela erosividade da chuva, é um dos mais importantes. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a erosividade e o tempo de retorno para a região dos Tabuleiros Costeiros, no município de Aracruz, ES. Para o cálculo da erosividade, foram utilizados dados pluviométricos de janeiro de 1998 a julho de 2004, obtidos em estações climatológicas automatizadas, localizadas em área experimental da Aracruz Celulose AS, que, para este estudo, geraram dados de 5 em 5 min. A análise de regressão linear entre precipitação pluvial e erosidade para esse per

  16. A dinâmica atmosférica na vertente oriental da bacia do alto rio Paraná e a gênese das chuvas - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v30i2.5498

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    Victor da Assunção Borsato


    Full Text Available O ritmo dos sistemas atmosféricos e a intensidade variam no tempo e no espaço. Por isso, para caracterizar a dinâmica climática de uma região é necessário estudar a dinâmica das massas de ar ao longo de uma série. Estudaram-se, por meio da dinâmica das massas de ar, a participação dos sistemas atmosféricos atuantes e as porcentagens das chuvas convectivas e frontais ao longo da vertente oriental da bacia do alto rio Paraná. Verificou-se que, nessa vertente, nos meses mais frios, predomina a atuação da massa tropical Atlântica e da polar Atlântica. Nos meses mais quentes, além de predominar a atuação dos sistemas de baixa pressão equatorial continental e tropical continental, têm-se as chuvas convectivas. Verificou-se, também, progressivo aumento na participação das chuvas convectivas, a partir da década de 1990, corroborando a teoria das mudanças climáticas.


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    Iris Rianne Santana Alves


    Full Text Available Este trabalho se baseia em Dietz e Nagagata (1997 que propõe o direcionamento de programas em educação conservacionista aos visitantes e comunidades do entorno das áreas protegidas utilizando-se de espécies que proporcionam rápida identificação com as pessoas, também chamados de espécies guarda-chuva. Partindo da ideia do uso de espécies guarda-chuva como forma de contribuir para a conservação, foram utilizados questionários como ferramenta para o estudo da percepção de visitantes (professores e público variado quanto a possível espécie que poderia ser símbolo da RPPN. Os questionários (67 foram aplicados entre os meses de agosto à dezembro de 2010, período caracterizado como de extrema seca. Os resultados obtidos foram: I quanto ao perfil do visitante: a referente ao gênero (67% mulheres e faixa etária (entre 16 a 25 anos; b procedência (33% Crateús/CE, 43% Fortaleza/CE e 24% Buriti dos Montes/PI; c formação: professores com formação diversificada (pedagogia, ciências biológicas e química. Os resultados obtidos para a espécie guarda-chuva para a área foram: a espécies botânicas: plantas xerófilas e bromeliáceas, juazeiro (Ziziphus joazeiro. b espécies da fauna: macaco-prego (Cebus apella. Vale destacar que, dos entrevistados, 75% desconheciam a área e o animal mais preferido (macaco-prego era de fácil visualização em uma das trilhas da RPPN. Tais resultados possibilitam o uso didático da espécie escolhida junto aos visitantes e população do entorno visando se estimular a biofilia, buscando estabelecer aspectos perceptivos e de sensibilidade ambiental na referida comunidade. O resultado da percepção para a definição de uma espécie guarda-chuva foi confirmado com a literatura especializada quanto a maior preferência por espécies antropomórficas e que despertam sentimento de compaixão, neste caso o primata (Cebus apella. Logo podemos refletir à respeito dos benefícios da escolha de uma

  18. Análise estatística de chuvas intensas na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Paraíba Statistical analysis of rains intense in the Paraíba River bas

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    Lincoln Eloi de Araújo


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa foi realizada na bacia hidrográfica do rio Paraíba com a finalidade de identificar a variação espacial e temporal das chuvas intensas de 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 dias. Os resultados obtidos mostraram concentração de valores máximos da variação espacial das chuvas intensas no leste da sub-bacia do Baixo Paraíba, Sul da sub-bacia do rio Taperoá e centro-norte da sub-bacia do Alto Paraíba. A análise da variação temporal revelou que os meses de maiores ocorrências de chuvas intensas na bacia em estudo são: janeiro, fevereiro, março e abril. Em seguida, as chuvas intensas foram ajustadas à função distribuição de probabilidade de Gumbel. O teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov foi utilizado para verificar a qualidade desses ajustes.This research was accomplished in the Paraíba river basin for to identify the space and temporal variability of the rains intense of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 days. The obtained results showed concentration of maximum values of the space variation of the rains intense in the east of the subbasin of Low Paraíba, south of the subbasin of the river Taperoá and center-north of the subbasin of High Paraíba. The analysis of the temporal variation did reveal that the months of larger occurrences of rains intense in the basin in study are: January, February, March and April. Soon after, the rains intense they were adjusted to the probability distribution function of Gumbel. The test Kolmogorov-Smirnov was used to verify the quality of those fittings.

  19. Erosividade das chuvas associada a períodos de retorno e probabilidade de ocorrência no estado do Rio de Janeiro

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    Roriz Luciano Machado


    Full Text Available O conhecimento da erosividade das chuvas associada à probabilidade de ocorrência e ao período de retorno pode contribuir para o planejamento conservacionista de uma região, em médio e longo prazo. A fim de gerar informações para melhor utilizar modelos e controle da erosão, dados de chuvas de 30 séries pluviográficas e pluviométricas, abrangendo 25 municípios, entre 1933 e 2006, foram estudados quanto à adequação das séries e do cálculo da probabilidade de ocorrência teórica (P e período de retorno (T da erosividade das chuvas (EI30 e KE>25, para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foi feita a espacialização do potencial erosivo associado aos períodos de retorno de 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 e 100 anos para todo o Estado. A erosividade anual média (EI30 ou fator R da USLE para qualquer localidade no Estado do Rio de Janeiro pode ser igualada ou superada pelo menos uma vez, em média, em um período de 1,8 a 2,1 anos, com faixa de 48,5 a 54,9 % de probabilidade de ocorrência teórica. As localidades que apresentam maior erosividade associada aos períodos de retorno estão situadas nas mesorregiões Metropolitanas e em partes das mesorregiões Sul e Centro Fluminense. Foi possível identificar de oito a 12 regiões homogêneas, quanto à distribuição espacial da erosividade associada aos períodos de retorno de dois para 100 anos no Estado. De modo geral, a maior variação da distribuição espacial da erosividade apresenta-se na faixa de período de retorno de dois a cinco anos.

  20. Rugosidade superficial do solo formada por escarificação e influenciada pela erosividade da chuva Soil surface roughness formed by chiseling and affected by rainfall erosivity

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    Wilson Antonio Zoldan Junior


    Full Text Available A rugosidade superficial do solo é influenciada, entre outros fatores, pelo efeito residual de manejo do solo, pelo tipo de preparo e pela erosividade da chuva e, juntamente com a cobertura do solo por resíduos vegetais, influencia a erosão hídrica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar, entre junho de 2005 e março de 2006, em um Nitossolo Háplico alumínico típico, o efeito de uma operação de escarificador e da erosividade de chuvas sobre a rugosidade superficial, nos seguintes sistemas de manejo do solo: preparo convencional sem cultivo do solo (SCE, preparo convencional com cultivo do solo (PCE, semeadura direta em solo nunca preparado e com resíduos queimados (SQE e semeadura direta tradicional (STE. Nos tratamentos PCE, SQE e STE, cultivaram-se aveia-preta, soja, ervilhaca comum, milho, aveia-preta, feijão preto, nabo forrageiro, soja, ervilhaca comum, milho e aveia-preta. Aplicaram-se cinco testes de chuva simulada, com 64 mm h-1 e duração de 20, 30, 40, 50 e 60 min cada um. Entre o segundo e o terceiro teste de chuva simulada ocorreram 57 mm de chuva natural; entre o terceiro e o quarto, 21 mm; e entre o quarto e o quinto, 30 mm. Determinou-se a rugosidade superficial imediatamente antes e logo após o preparo do solo com escarificador e imediatamente após cada teste de chuva simulada. A rugosidade original e linear da superfície do solo não foi influenciada pelo manejo, enquanto a rugosidade ao acaso teve essa influência, ao final de um pousio de seis meses. Diferentes sistemas de manejo do solo mantidos em pousio por seis meses resultaram em diferente rugosidade original, linear e ao acaso, quando o solo foi submetido à operação de escarificador. A rugosidade ao acaso foi menos influenciada pela declividade do terreno do que pelas marcas de preparo do solo, tendo diminuído com o aumento da erosividade das chuvas. Essa mesma rugosidade apresentou coeficiente de decaimento temporal semelhante nos sistemas de manejo


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    Maria Auxiliadora Freitas dos Santos


    Full Text Available No nordeste brasileiro, em especial, nas áreas áridas, a escassez de água para o consumohumano constitui-se uma realidade comum. Dentre as propostas de aproveitamento,utilização e armazenamento da água da chuva, tem-se as cisternas rurais. Este trabalhoteve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade da água da chuva armazenada em cisternas ruraisassociada às práticas de manuseio realizadas pelas famílias no município deSerrinha/BA. No período de outubro/2007 a janeiro/2008 foram realizadas análisesbacteriológicas e físico-químicas das amostras de água armazenadas nas cisternas,associando-as aos dados relacionados sobre captação armazenamento, uso e manuseiodesta água através da aplicação de formulário. Os resultados demonstraram que, emrelação aos parâmetros bacteriológicos, todas as amostras apresentaram E.c. Quanto aosparâmetros físico-químicos, aqueles que estavam fora dos limites estabelecidos pelaportaria n518/04, foram: 27,8% em relação a cor, 4,2% em relação a turbidez. Emrelação aos parâmetros pH, sulfato, dureza, alcalinidade, cloreto, sólidos dissolvidos,nitrito e nitrato as amostras estão em conformidade com a portaria citada. Foramidentificadas algumas práticas de armazenamento e manuseio que proporcionam acontaminação da água, dentre elas: 44,4% das famílias entrevistadas misturam a água dachuva com água de outras fontes, 11,2% não desviam a primeira água da chuva, 27,8 %insere peixes na água e deste percentual, 20% fornece alimento. Para captar a água,70,8% das famílias utilizam o balde. A utilização de práticas inadequadas possibilitou oaumento da concentração de E.c e entre as famílias que apenas utilizam a bombamanual foram encontrados os menores valores de E.c. As cisternas constituem umatecnologia viável para o abastecimento de água no nordeste brasileiro, entretanto, asfamílias devem aperfeiçoar as técnicas de manejo, dentre elas realizar a desinfecção daágua da chuva

  2. Qualidade microbiológica das águas de chuva em cisternas da área rural do município de Inhambupe, no semiárido baiano e seus fatores intervenientes

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    Nara de Melo Dantas Da Silva


    Full Text Available No intuito de atender à demanda hídrica das populações rurais do semiárido baiano, o aproveitamento da água de chuva mostra-se como uma alternativa de abastecimento de água. A preocupação relaciona-se à preservação da qualidade microbiológica da água coletada. O objetivo foi caracterizar a qualidade microbiológica da água de chuva armazenada em cisternas localizadas na área rural de Inhambupe-Bahia, e investigar os principais fatores intervenientes da sua qualidade. A metodologia utilizada foi iniciada pelo levantamento de dados sobre as cisternas e o Sistema de Aproveitamento de Água de Chuva (SAAC, seguido por coleta de amostras e análise da qualidade microbiológica de água de chuvas armazenada em cisternas e seus fatores intervenientes, acompanhados da formulação do questionário de observação, do trabalho de campo e, por último, da análise fatorial. Foi identificada a existência de 707 cisternas em funcionamento com as seguintes variáveis: falta de desvio das primeiras águas (6%, utilização de balde para a retirada da água do interior da cisterna (47%, existência de árvores próximas ao telhado (93%, criação de galinhas (70% e a não realização de limpeza do interior da cisterna (36%. A interação dos fatores: utilização de balde com corda para retirada de água, limpeza da cisterna em tempo inadequado e a falta de desvio das primeiras águas com a presença de árvores próximas ao telhado, foram os responsáveis pela geração dos efeitos significativos sobrea variável resposta ‘coliformes termotolerantes’, levando em consideração um nível de confiança de 10%. Para a variável resposta bactérias heterotróficas, foram os fatores “árvores próximas ao telhado” e a interação dos fatores “balde com corda com árvores próximas ao telhado e com falta de desvio das primeiras águas”. Para gerar efeito de melhoria na qualidade microbiológica da água, deve ocorrer de forma correta a


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    Marcos Ronielly Silva Santos


    Full Text Available A identificação dos montantes de chuva para uma região corrobora para a gestão eficiente das politicas públicas e o desenvolvimento social, econômico e ambiental dos centros urbanos.  A mesorregião metropolitana de Belém detém a maior concentração populacional e urbana da Amazônia Oriental, apresentando elevados índices pluviômetros durante todo o ano. Neste contexto o presente trabalho visa identificar a distribuição temporal e espacial da precipitação na mesorregião metropolitana de Belém e associa-la aos principais sistemas precipitantes que atuam na região. Para isto se utilizou o sensoriamento remoto por meio da técnica do CPC MORPHing technique (CMORPH com resolução temporal de 30 min e espacial de 8/8 km. A partir da técnica empregada foram gerados mapas da distribuição têmporo-espacial da chuva com as médias mensais para os dozes meses do ano, decorrentes dos acumulados do período de Jan/2000 a Dez/2010. Os resultados mostram que há uma grande variação temporal e espacial da chuva na mesorregião evidenciando de modo satisfatório a sazonalidade regional da precipitação, com altos índices durante o período chuvoso e baixos índices no período menos chuvoso. Trabalhos que visem à interdisciplinaridade podem contribuir de forma eficaz para estruturação das ciências ambientais e para a tomada de decisões.


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    Fatima Conceição Márquez Piña-Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o nível de degradação de fragmentos florestais a partir do uso da chuva de sementes como indicador ambiental. Fragmentos (n= 5 de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual na região de Sorocaba - SP foram estudados de agosto a outubro de 2007 e janeiro a dezembro de 2008, utilizando-se coletores instalados em 11 parcelas (10 x 10 m. Do material coletado foram separadas as frações de sementes e frutos para identificação e classificação por síndrome de dispersão e hábito. Os resultados demonstraram que, embora os fragmentos F4 e F5 apresentem os maiores índices de riqueza, diversidade e equitabilidade, há a dominância de espécies anemocóricas e herbáceas. Os fragmentos F1, F2 e F4 foram os com maior aporte de sementes, respectivamente com 36,8%, 26,8% e 17,8% e os fragmentos F3 e F5, apenas 12,6% e 5,9%. O aporte de propágulos foi sazonal sendo maior na transição da estação seca para a úmida, o que resulta em 63% do total de propágulos aportados. A síndrome com maior representatividade foi a anemocoria (86%, comum em áreas abertas e degradadas. Os resultados obtidos indicam a viabilidade da aplicação do estudo quantitativo da chuva de sementes para o monitoramento da restauração de fragmentos, tendo sido eficiente em detectar diferenças ambientais entre os fragmentos.  

  5. Relationship between raindrops and ultrasonic energy on the disruption of a Haplic Cambisol Relação entre energia de gotas de chuva e energia ultra-sônica na desagregação de um Cambissolo Háplico

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    Bruno Teixeira Ribeiro


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to compare aggregate disruption of undisturbed soil samples by ultrasonic energy to aggregate disruption caused by the energy of simulated raindrops, to provide equations that can describe this relationship, and to evaluate whether aggregate stability, expressed by sonication method, may be used to estimate the effect that raindrops have on undisturbed soil samples. Undisturbed soil samples from A, Bi and C horizons of a Cambisol were submitted to different levels of ultrasonic energy and simulated raindrops. Sieved samples (aggregates were also submitted to different levels of ultrasonic energy so that both disturbed and undisturbed conditions of samples could be compared. The results showed that the method using ultrasonic energy on undisturbed soil samples can simulate the amount of aggregate disruption of soil due to raindrop impact. Dispersion curves of disturbed samples may not be used to estimate the effect of raindrops on undisturbed soil samples.Objetivou-se neste trabalho comparar a desagregação de amostras de solo indeformadas pela energia ultra-sônica com a desagregação causada pela energia cinética de gotas de chuva simulada, estabelecer equações para descrever essa relação e avaliar se a estabilidade de agregados determinada pelas curvas de desagregação por ultra-som pode ser usada para estimar o efeito que as gotas de chuva têm sobre amostras indeformadas. Amostras indeformadas dos horizontes A, Bi e C de um Cambissolo Háplico foram submetidas a diferentes níveis de energia ultra-sônica e gotas de chuva simulada. Amostras peneiradas (agregados também foram submetidas a diferentes níveis de energia ultra-sônica para obtenção de curvas de desagregação. Os resultados mostraram que a quantidade de solo desagregado pelo impacto das gotas de chuva pode ser simulada pela aplicação de energia ultra-sônica sobre amostras indeformadas de solo. Curvas de desagregação de amostras deformadas

  6. Soil losses from typic cambisols and red latosol as related to three erosive rainfall patterns Perdas de solo em cambissolo e latossolo vermelho, em relação a três padrões de chuvas erosivas

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    Regimeire Freitas Aquino


    Full Text Available Rainfall erosivity is one of the main factors related to water erosion in the tropics. This work focused on relating soil loss from a typic dystrophic Tb Haplic Cambisol (CXbd and a typic dystrophic Red Latosol (LVdf to different patterns of natural erosive rainfall. The experimental plots of approximately 26 m² (3 x 8.67 m consisted of a CXbd area with a 0.15 m m-1 slope and a LVdf area with 0.12 m m-1 slope, both delimited by galvanized plates. Drainpipes were installed at the lower part of these plots to collect runoff, interconnected with a Geib or multislot divisor. To calculate erosivity (EI30, rainfall data, recorded continuously at a weather station in Lavras, were used. The data of erosive rainfall events were measured (10 mm precipitation intervals, accuracy 0.2 mm, 24 h period, 20 min intervals, characterized as rainfall events with more than 10 mm precipitation, maximum intensity > 24 mm h-1 within 15 min, or kinetic energy > 3.6 MJ, which were used in this study to calculate the rainfall erosivity parameter, were classified according to the moment of peak precipitation intensity in advanced, intermediate and delayed patterns. Among the 139 erosive rainfall events with CXbd soil loss, 60 % were attributed to the advanced pattern, with a loss of 415.9 Mg ha-1, and total losses of 776.0 Mg ha-1. As for the LVdf, of the 93 erosive rainfall events with soil loss, 58 % were listed in the advanced pattern, with 37.8 Mg ha-1 soil loss and 50.9 Mg ha-1 of total soil loss. The greatest soil losses were observed in the advanced rain pattern, especially for the CXbd. From the Cambisol, the soil loss per rainfall event was greatest for the advanced pattern, being influenced by the low soil permeability.A erosividade da chuva é um dos principais fatores relacionados à erosão hídrica para as condições tropicais. Este trabalho teve como objetivo relacionar as perdas de solo em Cambissolo Háplico Tb distrófico típico (CXbd e Latossolo


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    Alexandre Simões Lorenzon


    Full Text Available RESUMOEste trabalho foi desenvolvido na Estação de Pesquisas, Treinamento e Educação Ambiental Mata do Paraíso, situada no Município de Viçosa, na Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais, Brasil, e teve como objetivo avaliar o escoamento pelo tronco em um fragmento de Mata Atlântica, no período de agosto de 2009 a março de 2011. Para quantificar esse escoamento, foram demarcadas seis parcelas de 10 x 10 m, sendo em cada parcela adaptados coletores à base de poliuretano nos troncos das árvores com circunferência 15,0 cm. Um pluviômetro foi instalado em local aberto para quantificar a água diretamente da chuva. Além disso, realizou-se uma análise qualitativa dos indivíduos do escoamento pelo troco, avaliando a qualidade do fuste e da copa, posição no estrato da floresta e infestação de cipó. Em todo o período de análises, foram realizadas 75 medições. Nas parcelas de escoamento pelo tronco foram amostrados 126 indivíduos, distribuídos em 29 famílias e 59 espécies. A precipitação em aberto foi de 2.391,63 mm, e o escoamento pelo tronco somou 31,59 mm, ou 1,32% da precipitação em aberto. A espécie com maior escoamento pelo tronco foi a Euterpe edulis, com um volume médio de água escoado de 637,00 L. Das espécies com maior escoamento pelo tronco, 73,91% encontravam-se no estrato inferior da floresta, evidenciando que algumas espécies possuem algum tipo de adaptação morfológica para captação da água da chuva.


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    Nara de Melo Dantas Silva


    Full Text Available Com a existência da problemática de carência hídrica no Semiárido Brasileiro devido aos fatores climáticos e edáficos, o sistema de captação e armazenamento de água de chuva, mostra-se como uma solução para o abastecimento de água, melhorando a qualidade de vida dos habitantes das regiões semiáridas, inclusive dos moradores de Inhambupe. Ao estudar os fatores intervenientes da água de chuva armazenada em cisternas da zona rural do município de Inhambupe, pode-se concluir que existe a possibilidade dos microrganismos, bioindicadores e/ou patogênicos, e a matéria orgânica adentra nas cisternas por meio: da ausência do desvio da primeira água, da não existência de calha de proteção das cisternas, da forma inadequada de retirada de água do interior da cisterna, da existência de árvores próximas à superfície de coleta e da criação de animais, como porcos, galinhas e a presença de curral, ocorrendo a entrada de impurezas, estas podem permanecer no interior da cisterna, caso a família não realize sua limpeza periódica e dos seus componentes. Na avaliação da qualidade microbiológica da água de chuva armazenada nas cisternas estudadas, a maioria das amostras analisadas (78,1% apresentaram coliformes termotolerantes. Com relação a presença de bactérias heterotróficas se faz presente em todas as análises de amostras de água de todas as cisternas estudadas. Aplicando-se o planejamento fatorial para identificar os fatores intervenientes da qualidade microbiológica da água das cisternas, tendo como variável resposta ‘coliformes termotolerantes’, e levando-se em consideração a presença dos fatores analisados a um nível de confiança de 10%, os fatores que apresentaram efeitos significativos foram: Balde*Limpeza*Falta Desvio, Falta Desvio, Árvores, a interação dos quatros fatores estudados - Balde*Limpeza*Árvores*Falta Desvio e Árvores*Falta Desvio. Para a variável resposta bactérias heterotr

  9. Chemical and Nutritional Composition of Copao Fruit (Eulychnia acida Phil. Unswe Thee Environmental Conditions in the Coquimbo Region Características Químicas y Composición Nutricional de los Frutos de Copao (Eulychnia acida Phil. Bajo tres Condiciones Ambientales de la Región de Coquimbo

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    Lilia Masson S


    Full Text Available Copao (Eulychnia acida Phil. is an endemic arborescent cactus restricted mainly to the semi-arid Coquimbo Region (29°54'28" S, 71°15'15" W, Chile. The area of distribution is from sea level to 1200 m.a.s.l. The edible fruit called rumpa is generally round, with green or pink peel and small scales on its surface, showing wide variability in size and weight. The aim of this work was to characterize the rumpa harvested in January 2009 and 2010 in three sectors of Coquimbo Region to determine chemical and nutritional composition in three fractions: pulp with seeds, juice, and peel. The research showed that this fruit is a good natural source of mainly soluble dietary fiber, which has a jellied texture and is present in the three fractions analyzed: 2% for juice, 3% for pulp with seeds, and approximately 5% for peel, making it potentially a good source of hydrocolloids for the food industry. The fruit is also a good source of vitamin C; around 55 mg 100 g-1 in peel, and 30 mg 100 g-1 in pulp with seeds and juice, values considered high compared to 18 mg 100 g-1 for prickly pear (Opuntiaficus-indica [L.] Mill. The main minerals were: K, Mg, Ca, and P. Total polyphenols and betalain pigments were also determined in the pulp with seeds and pink peel fractions, respectively. The nutritional characteristics, together with its high water content of around 96%, make rumpa a promising raw material for agro-industrial development of natural juices or isotonic drinks. This characterization helps in the recovery of an endemic native species by reducing potential threats to destroy wild populations of E. acid, especially near agricultural areas, and by promoting habitat conservation of the species in the region.El copao (Eulychnia acida Phil. es un cactus arborescente endémico restringido principalmente a la región semi árida de Coquimbo (29°54'28" S, 71°15'15" O, Chile. El área de distribución comprende desde el nivel del mar hasta los 1200 m de

  10. Ectoparasitic crustaceans on mullet, Mugil curema (Osteichthyes: Mugilidae in the coastal waters of Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil = Crustáceos ectoparasítos em tainha, Mugil curema (Osteichthyes: Mugilidae nas águas costeiras do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

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    Elizete Teresinha Santos Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available White mullet is a commercial fish species abundant in the coastal waters of Brazil. This study investigated the occurrence of crustacean ectoparasites on white mullet, Mugil curema captured from the littoral waters of Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. From 2006 to 2007, 31 individuals of M. curema were captured and encountered ectoparasites were observed, identified and counted. M. curema was parasitized by ectoparasitic crustaceans, caligid copepods, Caligus bonito and Caligus sp.; ergasilid copepods, Ergasilus versicolor andE. lizae; and isopod Cymothoa spinipalpa. Of the caligids detected, 66.66% were C. bonito and 33.33% Caligus sp. C. bonito occurred on males of M. curema during the drought season and Caligus sp. occurred on females during the rainy season. The prevalence of both caligidspecies was 3.23%. Of the ergasilids detected, E. versicolor (91.67% occurred during the drought and rainy seasons, whereas E. lizae (8.33% occurred during the rainy season. Prevalence of E. versicolor was 35.48% and E. lizae was 3.23%. C. spinipalpa was detected during the drought and rainy seasons with a prevalence of 16.13%. The preferred site of fixation by the parasites was the branchial chambers.As tainhas são peixes marinhos de valor comercial, abundantes em águas costeiras brasileiras. O presente estudo investigou a ocorrência de crustáceos ectoparasitos na tainha, Mugil curema no litoral do Rio Grande do Norte. Foram capturados 31 exemplares de M. curema no período de março de 2006 a março de 2007 e os ectoparasitos encontrados foram coletados, observados, identificados e quantificados. M. curema foi parasitado por vários crustáceosectoparasitos: caligídeos: Caligus bonito e Caligus sp.; ergasilídeos: Ergasilus versicolor e E. lizae; e isópode Cymothoa spinipalpa. Dos caligídeos detectados 66,66% foi de C. bonito e 33,33% de Caligus sp. Caligus bonito ocorreu somente nos machos de M. curema durante a estação seca e Caligus sp

  11. Efeitos de períodos de permanência de clomazone + hexazinona no solo e na palha de cana-de-açúcar antes da ocorrência de chuvas na eficácia de controle de plantas daninhas Effects of different periods of clomazone + hexazinona permanence in soil and sugarcane mulch before the occurrence of rain on weed control efficacy

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    C.A. Carbonari


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficácia da mistura formulada de clomazone e hexazinona aplicada sobre o solo e em associação com a palha de cana-de-açúcar, após diferentes períodos de permanência sem a ocorrência de chuvas. O experimento foi conduzido em vasos em casa de vegetação, no município de Botucatu-SP. Os vasos foram preenchidos com solo, e as sementes de plantas daninhas (Brachiaria decumbens, Ipomoea grandifolia, Ipomoea hederifolia e Euphorbia heterophylla foram semeadas superficialmente e, em seguida, cobertas ou não com palha de cana-de-açúcar, dependendo do tratamento utilizado. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em um esquema fatorial 3 x 6, sendo os fatores seis períodos sem ocorrência de chuvas (0, 3, 7, 15, 30 e 60 dias e três posicionamentos do produto (sobre o solo sem palha, sobre e sob a palha de cana. Foram realizadas avaliações de controle aos 10, 21, 35 e 42 dias após a ocorrência da chuva. A mistura de clomazone + hexazinona promoveu excelentes resultados de controle para todas as espécies estudadas quando aplicada sobre, sob ou na ausência de palha de cana-de-açúcar. No entanto, observou-se tendência de redução nos níveis de controle para períodos superiores a 60 dias sem ocorrência de chuva.The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of the formulated mixture clomazone and hexazinone applied in soil or combined with sugarcane mulch, after different periods of permanence without the occurrence of rain. The experiment was carried out in vases under greenhouse conditions in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. The weeds Brachiaria decumbens, Ipomoea grandifolia, Ipomoea hederifolia and Euphorbia heterophylla were sown and covered or not with sugarcane mulch. The experiment was arranged in a complete randomized design with four repetitions. The treatments were displaced in a 3x6

  12. Infiltração de água em um Latossolo vermelho-escuro sob condições de chuva intensa em diferentes sistemas de manejo

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    A. A. Barcelos


    Full Text Available A infiltração de água é uma propriedade que reflete as condições físicas do solo, principalmente quanto à sua qualidade estrutural. Foi realizado um estudo na Embrapa Trigo, em Passo Fundo (RS, em um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro, submetido por longo tempo a diferentes sistemas de manejo, com o objetivo de verificar a influência desses sistemas na taxa de infiltração de água, considerando as diferentes coberturas de solo e condições físicas gerais por eles propiciadas. A área experimental estava cultivada com milho, tendo-se aplicado chuva simulada de 120 mm h-1, durante 90 minutos, em três repetições, em três épocas distintas: (a 45 dias após a semeadura do milho; (b logo após a colheita do milho e (c logo após a semeadura de aveia. As chuvas simuladas foram aplicadas sobre parcelas de 0,81 m² distribuídas dentro de macroparcelas com os sistemas de manejo em preparo convencional, cultivo mínimo e sistema plantio direto. O cultivo mínimo apresentou, em todas as épocas, as maiores taxas de infiltração de água no solo, e o sistema plantio direto produziu as maiores quantidades de palha na superfície do solo.

  13. Índice de cobertura vegetal pela cultura do milho no período de chuvas intensas no sul de Minas Gerais Plant cover index in the period of intensive rainfall for corn crop at south of Minas Gerais state, Brazil

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    Fabiana Silva de Souza


    Full Text Available A cobertura vegetal é a defesa natural do solo contra a erosão hídrica. Nos modelos de estimativas de perdas de solo, o efeito da cobertura vegetal na interceptação da energia cinética da chuva é a variável chave na modelagem do processo erosivo. Assim sendo, objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência da cobertura vegetal, proporcionada pela cultura do milho, e suas relações com os atributos fitotécnicos desta cultura para alguns híbridos. O estudo foi realizado no campo demonstrativo de híbridos de milho da Universidade Federal de Lavras, localizada no município de Lavras, MG. Para determinação da cobertura vegetal utilizou-se um aparato que consiste em uma estrutura horizontal, contendo orifícios para visualização dos pontos com cobertura e sem cobertura vegetal, sendo as leituras feitas de forma aleatória e transversalmente às linhas da cultura. Os atributos fitotécnicos avaliados foram altura da planta, estande, matéria seca e produção de grãos. Diante dos resultados pode-se concluir que o maior índice de cobertura vegetal foi observado para os híbridos de milho P 30F33, P 30F90, P 3021, STRIKE, FORT, VALENT, UFLA 2001, UFLA 2004, CO 32, D 8480, D 8420 DKB 333B, DKB 440, evidenciando boa qualidade como planta protetora do solo. No período de maior ocorrência de chuvas, na região sul de Minas Gerais, a cultura do milho pode minimizar o efeito do processo erosivo. A produção de matéria seca relacionou-se bem com o índice de cobertura vegetal, podendo ser um indicativo quanto à proteção do solo.The plant cover is a natural protection of soil against water erosion. In estimative models of soil loss, the effect of plant cover in the interception of rainfall kinetic energy is the key variable in the modeling of the erosive process. Thus, the aim of this work is to evaluate the efficiency of the plant cover provided by the corn crop and their relations with the phytotechnical attributes of this crop for its respective

  14. Perda de água, solo e fósforo com aplicação de dejeto líquido bovino em latossolo sob plantio direto e com chuva simulada Water, soil and phosphorus loss after cattle slurry application to oxisol under no-tillage and simulated rainfall

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    Hélio Fumiaki Mori


    Full Text Available A região dos Campos Gerais do Paraná é importante produtora de leite em sistema confinado e, com isso, também geradora de dejeto líquido bovino. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar perdas de água, solo, P total, P solúvel e P particulado em chuva simulada, realizada imediatamente após a aplicação das doses de 0, 30, 60 e 90 m³ ha-1 de dejeto líquido bovino, em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo manejado em plantio direto, e inferir os eventuais impactos na qualidade da água. A aplicação de dejeto aumentou a taxa de perda de água por escoamento superficial em mais de 10 vezes, em todos os intervalos de 15 min da chuva durante duas horas. O maior incremento na perda total de água ocorreu com as doses 0 e 30 m³ ha-1. A partir da dose de 60 m³ ha-1, houve tendência de estabilização da perda de água. A taxa de perda de solo nos primeiros 15 min de chuva também aumentou com a aplicação de dejeto, repetindo-se, embora não de forma significativa, até o final da chuva. O maior incremento na perda de solo também ocorreu com a aplicação das doses de 0 e 30 m³ ha-1, seguido por estabilização com as doses maiores. Parte do material sólido perdido veio do próprio dejeto. A aplicação de dejeto, mesmo na dose de 30 m³ ha-1, elevou a concentração de P total, solúvel e particulado no escoamento para valores acima dos níveis críticos relacionados com a eutrofização, especialmente nos primeiros 15 min de chuva. Por aumentar a taxa de escoamento de água e a concentração de P no escoamento, o dejeto também aumentou a perda absoluta das três formas de P, com tendência de estabilização a partir de 60 m³ ha-1. A causa do aumento substancial tanto das taxas como da quantidade absoluta de perda de água, solo e P por escoamento foi possivelmente o selamento superficial do solo promovido pelo próprio dejeto e pelo fato de a chuva ter ocorrido imediatamente após a aplicação deste.Campos Gerais in the State of Paran

  15. Efeito da chuva na eficiência de herbicidas aplicados em pós-emergência sobre corda-de-viola Effect of rainfall on the efficiency of herbicides applied in post-emergence on Ipomoea grandifolia

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    G.S.F Souza


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da chuva na eficiência de herbicidas aplicados em pós-emergência em plantas de Ipomoea grandifolia. As plantas de I. grandifolia foram cultivadas em vasos plásticos com capacidade de 2,5 L, em casa de vegetação, com uma planta por vaso. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, com os tratamentos dispostos em um esquema fatorial 7x8 (sete tratamentos químicos e oito períodos para ocorrência de chuva após a aplicação dos tratamentos. Os tratamentos químicos constaram da aplicação de glyphosate em cinco formulações comerciais (Roundup Original, Roundup WG, Roundup Transorb, Roundup Transorb R e Roundup Ultra a 1.080 g e.a. ha-1, amônio-glufosinate (Finale a 400 g i.a. ha-1 e 2,4-D (DMA 806 a 1.000 g e.a. ha-1 e de oito intervalos de tempo para simulação de uma chuva de 15 mm, com duração de cinco minutos: 15', 30', 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 8h após a aplicação dos tratamentos e uma testemunha sem chuva, Foram realizadas avaliações visuais de controle das plantas aos 7, 14, 21, 28 e 35 dias após a aplicação e, por ocasião da última avaliação, determinou-se a massa seca das plantas. A ocorrência de chuvas após a aplicação de 2,4-D não alterou a sua eficiência no controle das plantas de I. grandifolia; já os herbicidas amônio-glufosinate e glyphosate, em todas suas formulações testadas, apresentaram redução na eficiência de controle quando da ocorrência de chuvas em até oito horas após a aplicação dos tratamentos.The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of rainfall on the efficiency of herbicides applied in post-emergence on Ipomoea grandifolia plants. I. grandifolia plants were sown in plastic pots with a capacity of 2.5L under greenhouse conditions, with only one plant per pot. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design, with four replications, with the treatments

  16. Study of the shallow convection over the Belem region in Brazil (United States)

    Bassi Marinho Pires, Luciana; Suselj, Kay; Rossato, Luciana; Teixeira, Joao


    The largest forest of the world, the Amazon, presents an interesting and very complex system mixing forests, various topographies, sites of deforestation, cities, and regions close and far from the coast, which influence the climatology of the region. This study was focused in the region of Belem which is considered the rainiest region in the eastern Amazon with precipitation around 2000 mm/year. Belem is the capital of Para state, which is located in northern Brazil, 2,146 kilometers from Brasilia with an area of about 1,059,458 km² and a population of 1,432,844 inhabitants with 26% of the area of the Brazilian Amazon and having 49% of its natural attractions, according to the Organization of American States. Shallow convection and deep convection are among the main components of the local energy balance. An analysis of the performance of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory /NASA model of shallow convection parameterization in a framework of the single column model (SCM) in relation to the cluster of cumulus clouds formed in the coastal region of the Amazon forest due to squall lines is provided. To achieve this purpose infrared images from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES), visible images from the GOES-12/METEOSAT satellites, and data obtained by the "Cloud processes of the main precipitation systems in Brazil: A contribUtion to cloud resolVing modeling and to the GPM (GlobAl Precipitation Measurement)" - CHUVA - campaign, during the month of June of 2011, were used. Results demonstrated that the parameterizations performed well in the case where only a core of clouds was observed.

  17. Erosividade das chuvas associada a períodos de retorno e probabilidade de ocorrência no estado do Rio de Janeiro Rainfall erosivity associated to return periods and occurrence probability in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Roriz Luciano Machado


    Full Text Available O conhecimento da erosividade das chuvas associada à probabilidade de ocorrência e ao período de retorno pode contribuir para o planejamento conservacionista de uma região, em médio e longo prazo. A fim de gerar informações para melhor utilizar modelos e controle da erosão, dados de chuvas de 30 séries pluviográficas e pluviométricas, abrangendo 25 municípios, entre 1933 e 2006, foram estudados quanto à adequação das séries e do cálculo da probabilidade de ocorrência teórica (P e período de retorno (T da erosividade das chuvas (EI30 e KE>25, para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foi feita a espacialização do potencial erosivo associado aos períodos de retorno de 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 e 100 anos para todo o Estado. A erosividade anual média (EI30 ou fator R da USLE para qualquer localidade no Estado do Rio de Janeiro pode ser igualada ou superada pelo menos uma vez, em média, em um período de 1,8 a 2,1 anos, com faixa de 48,5 a 54,9 % de probabilidade de ocorrência teórica. As localidades que apresentam maior erosividade associada aos períodos de retorno estão situadas nas mesorregiões Metropolitanas e em partes das mesorregiões Sul e Centro Fluminense. Foi possível identificar de oito a 12 regiões homogêneas, quanto à distribuição espacial da erosividade associada aos períodos de retorno de dois para 100 anos no Estado. De modo geral, a maior variação da distribuição espacial da erosividade apresenta-se na faixa de período de retorno de dois a cinco anos.Knowledge on rainfall erosivity associated to occurrence probability and return periods can contribute to conservation planning in the medium and long term. With the objective of generating information for a better use of medium and long-term erosion models and erosion control, rainfall data of 30 pluviometric and pluviographic data sets from 25 cities ranging from 1933 to 2006 were studied in terms of adjustment of data sets, calculation of the probability of

  18. Aproveitamento de água de chuva de cobertura em edificações: dimensionamento do reservatório pelos métodos descritos na NBR 15527


    Jozrael Henriques Rezende; Natália Tecedor


    Este estudo avaliou a viabilidade do aproveitamento da água das chuvas no Tanque de Provas, utilizado em ensaios de modelos reduzidos de embarcações da Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jahu - Fatec Jahu, SP. O trabalho considerou os dados pluviométricos locais, a área de cobertura para captação e a demanda de água. Foi estimada a necessidade de água no processo de limpeza por filtragem, lavagem e evaporação do Tanque de Provas. O dimensionamento do reservatório foi calculado conforme as metodologia...

  19. Redistribuição das chuvas pelas copas de um povoamento de seringueira, José Bonifácio, SP. Rainwater redistribution under a rubber tree stand in the José Bonifacio county, SP.

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    Valdemir Antonio RODRIGUES


    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida emum povoamento de seringueira, clone RRIM 600,com 15 anos de idade, município de JoséBonifácio, SP. A pesquisa avaliou a redistribuiçãodas chuvas no período de agosto de 1996 a julhode 1997 (ano hídrico 1996/97, por meio dequantificação das precipitações pluvial total,interna e efetiva; do escoamento pelo tronco; eestimativa da interceptação das chuvas pelas copasdo seringal. Foram instalados pluviômetros a céuaberto e sob o dossel das árvores e, nos troncos dasárvores, coletores de água. A precipitação médiaanual foi de 1.514,5 mm, a precipitação interna foide 1.065,7 mm e o escoamento pelo tronco, de107,7 mm. A interceptação das chuvas pelas copase a precipitação efetiva resultaram em 341,1 e1.173,4 mm, respectivamente; correspondendo a22,5% e 77,5% do total da precipitação no seringal.A proporção de água que chega ao solo através doescoamento pelo tronco na seringueira foi superioraos obtidos em estudos similares realizados naregião Sudeste do Brasil. Os menores e maioresvalores percentuais de interceptação ocorreram noperíodo de estiagem, enquanto no período chuvosoos valores foram intermediários. Os valores mínimosocorreram durante os meses do período deestiagem, durante os quais as árvores estãodesfolhadas, enquanto os maiores valores ocorreramlogo a seguir, quando as chuvas que ainda têmcaracterísticas do período de estiagem ocorreramsobre as árvores com a folhagem recomposta.This research was developed in a 15years old rubber-tree plantation (RRIM 600,located in the municipality of José Bonifácio,São Paulo State. The reasearch evaluate the rainredistribution between August 1996 and July 1997(water year 1996/1997. It was estimated the grossand net precipitation, the throughfall, the stemflowand the crown interception loss. Non-recordingrain gauges were installed at an open area andunder the rubber tree canopy. Stemflow collectorswere installed at the

  20. Chuva de sementes em remanescentes florestais de Campo Verde, MT

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    William Pietro-Souza


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em avaliar sazonalmente a produção de sementes provenientes de fragmentos florestais presentes na zona rural de Campo Verde, MT. Essa caracterização ocorreu em termos de produção de sementes e riqueza de espécies vegetais. Foram selecionados três fragmentos florestais caracterizados como Floresta Estacional Semidecidual. Em cada fragmento, cinco coletores foram instalados e confeccionados com canos de PVC (1 m²; malha de náilon de 0,001 m e 0,15 m de profundidade do bojo. O material foi coletado mensalmente, cujas sementes foram quantificadas e separadas conforme a síndrome de dispersão, etapa sucessional e forma de vida. Houve a determinação da densidade, frequência absoluta, índice de diversidade e equitabilidade. Ao todo, foram obtidas 3.622 sementes, pertencentes a 74 táxons. Maiores densidades de sementes foram observadas durante os meses de setembro, outubro e novembro. As lianas Gouania sp., Fridericia speciosa, Heteropterys sp. e Distictella sp. responderam com 55,95% do total de sementes aportadas. Das espécies que compuseram a chuva de sementes, 74% não são dispersas pelo vento. Todavia, quando se verificou a quantidade de diásporos coletados, formas dispersas pelo vento foram predominantes, representando 76% do total. Citam-se como táxons arbóreos importantes para a recomposição florestal na região de Campo Verde, situada no Sudeste de Mato Grosso: Tachigali rubiginosa, Siparuna guianensis, Nectandra sp., Cordia alliodora, Alibertia sp., Terminalia brasiliensis e Myrcia sp. Essas espécies devem ser alvo de estudos mais específicos relacionados ao seu potencial para recuperação de ambientes degradados, considerando-se as Áreas de Preservação Permanente e Reservas Legais.

  1. Avaliação da eficácia de barreiras sanitárias em sistemas para aproveitamento de águas de chuva no semi-árido pernambucano


    Henrique Braga de Souza, Sérgio


    O uso de cisternas para abastecimento de água das famílias que moram em regiões de escassez de recursos hídricos constitui uma importante forma alternativa para os moradores dessas localidades, uma vez que se trata de um sistema de captação e armazenamento eficiente que emprega dispositivos simples e de custo acessível. Existindo um regime de chuvas que possibilita o armazenamento dos recursos hídricos em quantidade suficiente para a demanda local de água, pode-se considerar qu...

  2. A erosividade das chuvas em Fortaleza (CE: I - distribuição, probabilidade de ocorrência e período de retorno - 1ª aproximação Rainfall erosivity in Fortaleza, Ceará State, Brazil: I - distribution, probability of occurrence and return period - 1st approximation

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    A. S. Dias


    Full Text Available A aplicação da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo para previsão de perdas por erosão e para planejamento conservacionista requer a avaliação de valores locais de índices de erosividade da chuva. Visando contribuir para o conhecimento desses índices na zona litorânea do estado do Ceará, os objetivos do presente estudo foram: (a determinar o fator R e os valores anuais do índice EI30, sua distribuição mensal, probabilidade de ocorrência e períodos de retorno em Fortaleza (CE no período de 1962 a 1981, e (b criar um banco de dados que permita, numa análise posterior, avaliar as correlações entre o índice EI30 e as chuvas mensais, com vistas em simplificar o cálculo desse índice e atualizar seus valores durante o período de 1982 a 2000. A energia cinética total, intensidades uniformes, intensidades máximas em 30 minutos e o índice EI30 em chuvas individuais foram determinados em 7.300 diagramas diários de pluviógrafo do período de 1962 a 1981, disponíveis na Estação Meteorológica da Universidade Federal do Ceará, em Fortaleza. Distribuições de freqüência dos valores máximos individuais e anuais do índice EI30 e seus períodos de retorno foram calculados e plotados em curvas de probabilidades de ocorrência desses valores. No período de 20 anos, o valor do fator R em Fortaleza foi de 6.774 com uma amplitude de 2.237 a 12.882 MJ mm (ha h ano-1. Esse valor médio anual pode ocorrer ou ser superado pelo menos uma vez a cada 2,2 anos, com uma probabilidade de 46 %. Os valores individuais máximos estimados para os períodos de retorno de 2, 5, 20, 50 e 100 anos foram de 1.363, 2.415, 3.783, 5.950 e 8.000 MJ mm (ha h-1, respectivamente. Nos meses de fevereiro a maio, são esperadas as mais altas perdas de solo e água, posto que 70 % do valor anual do índice de erosividade ocorre nesse período, quando é utilizado o preparo convencional do solo e a cobertura vegetal é incipiente.The use of the Universal Soil


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    Nilton de Brito Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available RESUMO Este trabalho teve como objetivo fazer ura levantamento junto aos pequenos agricultores de cinco municípios da região semi-árida, quanto à utilização das técnicas voltadas para a captação e o armazenamento de água de chuva. O trabalho foi realizado nos municípios de Simplício Mendes, PI, Morada Nova, CE, Angicos, RN, Jeremoabo, BA, e Tnajá, PE, no período de 1996 a 1998. Em cada município foi aplicado um questionário junto aos agricultores selecionados por meio de uma amostra aleatória simples, no total de 179 agricultores, com as seguintes variáveis: 1 agricultores que utilizam a cisterna rural; 2 agricultores que utilizam o barreiro para irrigação suplementar; 3 agricultores que usam a barragem subterrânea; 4 agricultores que utilizam o sistema de captação de água de chuva "in situ" e 5 motivos da não utilização das técnicas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que apenas 9,5% agricultores utilizam a cisterna rural e 51,96% dos agricultores não utilizam esta técnica, por falta de recursos financeiros. As demais técnicas não foram adotadas por nenhum agricultor. Com esses resultados pode-se concluir que há necessidade de maior difusão e demonstração dessas técnicas para os pequenos agricultores.


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    Nori Paulo Griebeler


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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo a obtenção das relações intensidade-duração-frequência para algumas localidades do Estado de Goiás e Distrito Federal, empregando-se a metodologia da desagregação da chuva de um dia. Os resultados das intensidades de precipitação obtidos pelas equações geradas neste trabalho foram comparados com os obtidos pelas equações ajustadas com base em dados de pluviogramas. As relações geradas com o método de desagregação de chuvas de um dia apresentaram desvios relativos médios que variaram de -1,6% a 43,9%, para alguns municípios nessa região. Isso limita a sua utilização nas localidades para as quais não se ajustaram as equações de regressão.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Chuva intensa; drenagem; intensidade-duração-frequência.

    This study had the objective of obtaining rain intensityduration- frequency information for some sites in the State of Goiás and Distrito Federal, using the one-day rain disaggregation method. The precipitation intensities obtained through the equations generated in this paper were compared to those obtained by adjusted equations based on pluviographic data. The intensityduration-frequency relationships generated through pluviometric data using the one-day rain disaggregation method presented relative mean deviations varying between -1.6% and 43.9%, for some municipalities in this region. This limits its use in sites where regression equations were not adjusted.

    KEY-WORDS: Intense rainfall; drainage; intensity-durationfrequency.

  5. Relação entre a precipitação do leste do Nordeste do Brasil e a temperatura dos oceanos Relationship between the rainfall of the eastern Northeast of Brazil and the ocean temperature

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    Geber B. de A. Moura


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi correlacionar a precipitação (março a julho de um grupo de postos homogêneos do setor leste do Nordeste do Brasil (NEB com Anomalia de Temperatura da Superfície do Mar (ATSM e identificar áreas de influência deste parâmetro nas chuvas da região. O período de estudo foi de 1945 a 1985 e a análise mostrou influência do Atlântico e Pacífico sobre as chuvas do setor leste, sendo a correlação do Atlântico maior, principalmente na área do Dipolo (correlação maior que 0,6, significativa a p The objective of this work was to correlate the Northeast of Brazil (NEB rainfall grouped in one homogeneous cluster with the global sea surface temperature (SST anomalies. The data covered the period from 1945 to 1985 and the analyses shows that there are influences from the Atlantic and Pacific ocean over the eastern NEB's rainfall, with a higher correlation for the Atlantic, especially in the Dipole area (correlation values greater than 0.6, and p < 0.05. The 1995 Servain and Arnault meridional (Atlantic Dipole and equatorial modes were detected during several lag analyses. In the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean in the region of El Niño-3 negative correlations were found, indicating the presence of the descendant branches of the Walker cell in the sector east of the NEB.

  6. Precipitação efetiva e interceptação da chuva em um fragmento florestal com diferentes estágios de regeneração

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    Alexandre Simões Lorenzon


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a precipitação efetiva e a interceptação da chuva em um fragmento de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual em estágio inicial e avançado de regeneração no Município de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, no período de agosto de 2009 a fevereiro de 2011. Foram demarcadas seis parcelas, três na área de regeneração inicial e três na área de regeneração avançada. Para quantificar a precipitação interna e o escoamento pelo tronco, foram instalados 25 pluviômetros em cada parcela e coletores nas árvores com circunferência 15 cm. Além disso, um pluviômetro foi instalado em local aberto para quantificar a precipitação em aberto, que no período estudado foi igual a 1.509,96 mm. Em média, 85,08 e 74,93% da precipitação em aberto, respectivamente, no estágio inicial e avançado de regeneração, chegam ao solo via precipitação efetiva. A interceptação pelo dossel florestal foi maior na área avançada do que na área inicial de regeneração, correspondendo, respectivamente, a 25,07 e 14,92% da precipitação em aberto, o que sugere que áreas mais densamente povoadas interceptam maior quantidade de chuva e, consequentemente, geram menor precipitação efetiva.



    Cavalcanti,Nilton de Brito; Oliveira,Carlos Alberto Vasconcelos de; Brito,Luiza Teixeira de Lima; Resende,Geraldo Milanez


    RESUMO Este trabalho teve como objetivo fazer ura levantamento junto aos pequenos agricultores de cinco municípios da região semi-árida, quanto à utilização das técnicas voltadas para a captação e o armazenamento de água de chuva. O trabalho foi realizado nos municípios de Simplício Mendes, PI, Morada Nova, CE, Angicos, RN, Jeremoabo, BA, e Tnajá, PE, no período de 1996 a 1998. Em cada município foi aplicado um questionário junto aos agricultores selecionados por meio de uma amostra aleatória...

  8. Aproveitamento de água de chuva para usos não potáveis na Universidade Severino Sombra

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    Juliana Francisco Souza


    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisa a viabilidade de um sistema de captação e reuso de água de chuva no campus da Universidade Severino Sombra. O índice pluviométrico anual médio foi de 1329,9 mm. O consumo de água potável médio mensal foi de 468,9 m³, correspondendo a um custo médio de R$ 4.478,00. Para o dimensionamento do reservatório foram utilizados três métodos: Azevedo Neto, Rippl e Interação. Foram obtidos volumes de reservatório de 71, 142, 215, 285 e 355 m3 pelo Método Interativo e custos totais de implantação de R$ 63.694,71; R$ 86.997,90; R$ 110.027,79; R$ 131.218,97 e R$ 131.218,97, com tempos de retorno de aproximadamente 7,8; 5,3; 4,5; 4,0 e 3,8 anos levando em consideração os percentuais de aproveitamento de 10, 20, 30, 40 e 50%, respectivamente.

  9. Perdas de solo e água em um Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo, submetido a diferentes intensidades de chuva simulada Soil and water losses in a Red Yellow Argissol under different intensities of simulated rainfall

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    Daniel F. de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de se estimar as perdas de solo e água em um Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo, utilizando-se um simulador de chuvas pendular. Para testes com 35 min de duração, o simulador foi regulado adequadamente, a fim de aplicar chuvas com cinco diferentes valores de energia cinética (138, 184, 229, 275 e 321 J m-2 correspondendo às intensidades de 30, 40, 50, 60 e 70 mm h-1, respectivamente. Com os resultados obtidos, pôde-se ajustar equações de regressão entre as perdas de solo e de água, e o tempo de precipitação. Utilizando-se as equações ajustadas, obtiveram-se valores de perda que variaram de 2,83 a 26,82 g m-2 (solo e de 0,00209 a 0,01370 m³ m-2 (água quando a energia cinética da chuva variou de 138 para 321 J m-2, respectivamente. Comparando-se os valores simulados com os dados de campo, verificaram-se variações máximas de 3,4 e 5,7%, para as perdas de solo e água, respectivamente.The objective of this research was to estimate soil and water losses of a Red Yellow Argissol, using a pendulum rainfall simulator. Rainfall was simulated for 35 min at the intensities of 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 mm h-1, which corresponded to kinetic energy values of 138, 184, 229, 275 and 321 J m-2, respectively. Cumulative soil and water losses were recorded with time at 5 min intervals. The results of soil and water losses were then fitted by regression equations. The fitted equations yielded soil and water losses that varied from 2.83 to 26.82 g m-2 (for soil and from 0.00209 to 0.01370 m³ m-2 (for water when the rainfall kinetic energy varied from 138 to 321 J m-2. Fitted and field measured soil and water losses showed a maximum variation of 3.4 and 5.7%, respectively.

  10. Análise de chuvas intensas por meio da desagregação de precipitações diárias de Jaru e Machadinho d’Oeste – RO, Brasil

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    Vinicius Alexandre Sikora de Souza


    Full Text Available A precipitação pluviométrica, dentre os elementos hidrológicos, é o que mais interfere na vida humana, uma vez que, se configura como a principal entrada de água no sistema hidrológico. Atualmente uma das soluções para realizar a caracterização e estimativa das precipitações intensas é a utilização de curvas Intensidade-Duração-Frequência (IDF, as quais consistem em modelos matemáticos semi-empíricos que preveem a intensidade precipitada por meio da duração e distribuição temporal. Neste contexto, esse estudo objetiva estimar a função IDF para os municípios de Jaru e Machadinho d’Oeste, localizados no estado de Rondônia – Brasil, por meio da metodologia da desagregação de chuvas diárias, que gera séries sintéticas com duração em intervalos menores, por meio de coeficientes que transformam chuva de 24h em outras de menor duração, permitindo assim o desenvolvimento de curvas IDF. As equações geradas apresentaram um coeficiente de ajuste de aproximadamente 96% para o município de Jaru e 92,85% para Machadinho d’Oeste. Por fim, constatou-se que as equações propostas para a estimativa da intensidade das precipitações máximas são de grande aplicabilidade tanto para o município de Machadinho d’Oeste quanto para Jaru.

  11. Influência da chuva na eficiência de diquat no controle de Salvinia auriculata, Pistia stratiotes e Eichhornia crassipes Influence of rainfall on diquat efficiency in controlling Salvinia auriculata, Pistia stratiotes and Eichhornia crassipes

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    G.S.F Souza


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da ocorrência de chuva em diferentes períodos de tempo após a aplicação do herbicida diquat, em sua eficiência de controle sobre plantas de Salvinia auriculata, Pistia stratiotes e Eichhornia crassipes. Foram estudadas chuvas de 10 mm, aplicadas durante 5min, em diferentes períodos de tempo (0h, 0,25h, 0,5h, 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 12h e não simulação de chuva após a aplicação de diquat, na formulação Reward, a 600 g i.a. ha-1 (2,5 L p.c. ha-1. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. As plantas foram avaliadas visualmente aos 3, 5, 7 e 12 dias após a aplicação (DAA, sendo os resultados submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste F, e as médias dos tratamentos, comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (pThe aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of rainfall events at different time periods after application of diquat on the efficiency of this herbicide in controlling Salvinia auriculata, Pistia stratiotes and Eichhornia crassipes. Simulation of 10 mm rainfall applied during 5 min was studied at different time periods (0h, 0.25h, 0.5h, 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 12h and no rain simulation after application of diquat in Reward formulation, 600 g a.i. ha-1 (2.5Lcp ha-1. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications. Plants were evaluated at 3, 5, 7, and 12 days after application (DAA, and the results submitted to analysis of variance by the F test and the treatment means compared by the Tukey test (p < 0.05. Diquat provided excellent control of all the species studied, regardless of the time period for rain occurrence after application, even when immediately after application.

  12. Ação do enxofre em chuva ácida simulada sobre parâmetros morfofisiológicos de Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Fabaceae = Sulfur effect by simulated acid rain on morphophysiological parameters of the bean plant

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    Bruna Borba Dias


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de analisar os efeitos do enxofre e da chuva ácida simulada sobre a estrutura foliar do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L, nos aspectos morfoanatômicos, teores de clorofila a, b, total e feofitina. As plantas-controle sofreram simulações de chuva com pH 6,0 e as plantas-teste sofreram simulação de chuva ácida com pH 3,0. As concentrações de clorofila a, b e total diminuíram no estádio de floração (R6. Já, no estádio R7, onde surgem as primeiras vagens, os teores aumentaram, indicando possível resistência e/ou adaptação dos espécimes às simulações ácidas. O tratamento ácido afetou a concentração de clorofila que foi degradada por processos oxidativos sem a sua conversão em feofitina. Também se observou diminuição na frequência de tricomas tectores e glandulares, assim como de estômatos. As injúrias visualizadas foram classificadas como de caráter leve, provavelmente pela existência de anexos epidérmicos para proteção foliar e peciolar.The goal of this work was to evaluate the effects of sulfur and simulated acid rain on the leaf of Phaseolus vulgaris. Acid rain (pH 3.0 and an aqueous solution (Ph 6.0 were performed on test and control plants, respectively. A decrease in chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll concentrations was observed in theflowering stage (R6. However, increased rates were determined in the maturation stage (R7, which can suggest a resistance and/or adjustment of the plants to the acid simulation conditions. The acid treatment achieved chlorophyll degradation by oxidative processes without conversion to pheophytin. A reduction was also seen in the number of glandular and non-glandular trichomes and stomata on the test plants. Moreover, only small injuries were verified on the blade and peciolar areas of the tested individuals of P. vulgaris, probablydue to the presence of the reported epidermal structures.

  13. Sao Paulo Lightning Mapping Array (SP-LMA): Network Assessment and Analyses for Intercomparison Studies and GOES-R Proxy Activities (United States)

    Bailey, J. C.; Blakeslee, R. J.; Carey, L. D.; Goodman, S. J.; Rudlosky, S. D.; Albrecht, R.; Morales, C. A.; Anselmo, E. M.; Neves, J. R.; Buechler, D. E.


    A 12 station Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) network was deployed during October 2011 in the vicinity of Sao Paulo, Brazil (SP-LMA) to contribute total lightning measurements to an international field campaign [CHUVA - Cloud processes of tHe main precipitation systems in Brazil: A contribUtion to cloud resolVing modeling and to the GPM (GlobAl Precipitation Measurement)]. The SP-LMA was operational from November 2011 through March 2012 during the Vale do Paraiba campaign. Sensor spacing was on the order of 15-30 km, with a network diameter on the order of 40-50km. The SP-LMA provides good 3-D lightning mapping out to 150 km from the network center, with 2-D coverage considerably farther. In addition to supporting CHUVA science/mission objectives, the SP-LMA is supporting the generation of unique proxy data for the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) and Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), on NOAA's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R (GOES-R: scheduled for a 2015 launch). These proxy data will be used to develop and validate operational algorithms so that they will be ready to use on "day1" following the GOES-R launch. As the CHUVA Vale do Paraiba campaign opportunity was formulated, a broad community-based interest developed for a comprehensive Lightning Location System (LLS) intercomparison and assessment study, leading to the participation and/or deployment of eight other ground-based networks and the space-based Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS). The SP-LMA data is being intercompared with lightning observations from other deployed lightning networks to advance our understanding of the capabilities/contributions of each of these networks toward GLM proxy and validation activities. This paper addresses the network assessment including noise reduction criteria, detection efficiency estimates, and statistical and climatological (both temporal and spatially) analyses for intercomparison studies and GOES-R proxy activities.

  14. Limnological characteristics and seasonal changes in density and diversity of the phytoplanktonic community at the Caçó pond, Maranhão State, Brazil

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    Maria José Dellamano-Oliveira


    Full Text Available Seasonal changes of the phytoplanktonic community and limnological abiotic characteristics of Caçó pond (Maranhão State, Brazil was evaluated from two field researches during the rainy (April 1999 and dry (November 1999 seasons. Measurements of twelve chemical and physical variables and phytoplankton collections were carried out at eight sampling stations. The Chlorophyceae and Cyanobacteria groups were in highest fractions during the rainy and dry seasons, respectively. The limnological abiotic variables showed a homogenous spatial distribution. The cluster analysis, using Bray-Curtis distance, distinguished two major groups, represented by the most common and abundant species in both the periods. The results showed that the climate regime, due to the seasonal changes in pluviosity, was a determinant over the phytoplanktonic community structure at Caçó pond.Mudanças sazonais na comunidade fitoplanctônica e nas características limnológicas abióticas da lagoa do Caçó, Estado do Maranhão, Brasil, foram avaliadas a partir de duas coletas, nos períodos de chuva (Abril/1999 e seca (Novembro/1999. Medidas de quatorze variáveis físicas e químicas e coletas do fitoplâncton foram realizadas em oito estações de amostragem. Quantitativamente, os grupos Chlorophyceae e Cyanobacteria apresentaram maior contribuição nos períodos de chuva e seca, respectivamente. As variáveis limnológicas abióticas mostraram uma distribuição espacial homogênea em relação aos dois períodos amostrados. A análise de agrupamento a partir da distância de Bray-Curtis para comunidade fitoplanctônica distinguiu dois grandes grupos (estação seca e chuvosa, representados pelas espécies mais comuns e abundantes em ambos períodos. Os resultados deste estudo permitiram concluir que o regime climatológico foi determinante sobre a dinâmica e a estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica da lagoa do Caçó.

  15. A dinâmica atmosférica na vertente oriental da bacia do alto rio Paraná e a gênese das chuvas = The atmospheric dynamics on the eastern slope of the Paraná river basin and the genesis of rain

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    Victor da Assunção Borsato


    Full Text Available O ritmo dos sistemas atmosféricos e a intensidade variam no tempo e noespaço. Por isso, para caracterizar a dinâmica climática de uma região é necessário estudar a dinâmica das massas de ar ao longo de uma série. Estudaram-se, por meio da dinâmica das massas de ar, a participação dos sistemas atmosféricos atuantes e as porcentagens das chuvas convectivas e frontais ao longo da vertente oriental da bacia do alto rio Paran��. Verificou-se que, nessa vertente, nos meses mais frios, predomina a atuação da massa tropical Atlântica e da polar Atlântica. Nos meses mais quentes, além de predominar a atuação dos sistemas de baixa pressão equatorial continental e tropical continental, têm-se as chuvas convectivas. Verificou-se, também, progressivo aumento na participação das chuvas convectivas, a partirda década de 1990, corroborando a teoria das mudanças climáticas.The rhythm and intensity of atmospheric systems vary intime and space. Therefore, it is necessary to study the dynamics of air masses over a temporal series in order to characterize the climate dynamics of a region or area. The participation of the active atmospheric systems and the percentage shared by convective andfrontal rains along the eastern slope of upper Paraná River were studied based on the dynamics of air masses. It was observed that, in such a slope, during the coldest months, the actions of the Atlantic tropical mass and polar Atlantic mass prevail. However, during thewarmer months, in addition to the predominance of the action of equatorial continental and tropical continental low atmospheric pressure systems, convective rains also take place. It was also noted that, from the 1990s onward, a progressive increase was observed in the participation of convective rains, strengthening the theory of climatic change.

  16. Evaluation of anticonvulsant activity of methanol leaf extract of ...

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    Hymenocardia acida is a plant used in African folkloric medicine in the treatment of headache, rheumatic pain, sickle cell crisis, malaria, epilepsy and cancer. This study was aimed at investigating the anticonvulsant potential of the methanol leaf extract of H. acida (MLEHA) in chicks and mice. Preliminary phytochemical ...

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    data, particularly on African tree species and their fruit consumers are rare. Removal efficiency in the two dioecious trees, Lannea acida A. Rich. and L. welwitschii (Hiern) Engl. (Anacardiaceae), was investigated. L. acida is widespread throughout West African savanna and may. Fruit Removal and Seed Predation in Two ...

  18. Aerodinâmica de cabos de pontes estaiadas sob a ação simultânea de chuva e vento - parte I desprendimento de vórtices

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    D. S. Machado

    Full Text Available Simultâneas ocorrências de vibrações de cabos de pontes estaiadas sob ação combinada de chuva e de vento têm sido observadas ao redor do mundo nos últimos 20 anos. Este mecanismo tem causado grande preocupação aos engenheiros de pontes e pesquisadores por provocar grandes amplitudes de vibração. Estas vibrações, que são predominantemente transversais à direção do vento, foram observadas apenas sob condições de chuva leve e baixa velocidade do vento ocorrendo simultaneamente. Este trabalho apresenta os principais resultados de um programa experimental em túnel de vento, realizado com o intuito de investigar a influência dos filetes d’água formados na superfície dos cabos sobre o desprendimento de vórtices em três modelos seccionais. O modelo M1 foi posicionado horizontalmente com vento incidente normal ao eixo longitudinal, o modelo M2 foi posicionado horizontalmente com vento incidindo obliquamente ao eixo longitudinal e o modelo M3 representa um cabo inclinado típico de ponte estaiada. Para o M3 notou-se aumento da intensidade do desprendimento de vórtices para qualquer posição dos filetes. A maior intensidade ocorreu para os filetes superior e inferior localizados a 50° e 110°. Para escoamento turbulento, o desprendimento de vórtices é mais intenso nos modelos com filetes. Para Re 1,2 x 105 o filete inferior passa a afetar nitidamente o escoamento em torno do cilindro. Para o modelo inclinado o filete inferior apresentou influência no escoamento para todos os valores de Re.

  19. Rainfall effect on dissipation and movement of diuron and simazine in a vineyard soil Efeito da chuva na dissipação e movimentação de diuron e simazine em solo de vinha

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    C. Alister


    , chuvas naturais e chuvas naturais mais irrigação com 180 mm de chuva artificial durante os primeiros 90 dias após a aplicação. O coeficiente de partição no solo (Kd no perfil de solo (a uma profundidade de 0 a 90 cm foi de 2.04 mL g-1 e de 1,4 a 0,66 mL g-1, e a capacidade de adsorção máxima do solo foi de aproximadamente 18,3 mg g-1 e 8.3 mg g-1 para diuron e simazine respectivamente. O diuron e o simazine atingiram uma profundidade de até 90 e 120 cm no solo, com uma média de, respectivamente, 8,3% e 62,4% de movimentação do herbicida abaixo de 15 cm do solo. A meia-vida de simazine no solo (DT50 foi de 38,1 dias e 7,5 dias, enquanto a meia-vida para o diuron foi de 68,0 e 24,6, com chuva natural e irrigação respectivamente. A média de simazine residual remanescente em todo o perfil do solo após 90 DAA foi de 25,4%, e de 39,9% para o diuron, sem nenhum efeito de quantidade de chuva adicional. Em 340 DAA, a quantidade de simazine presente em todo o perfil do solo correspondeu a 13,2% da quantidade inicial aplicada, sendo o diuron mais persistente, com 21,5% do herbicida inicial aplicado. Pode-se atribuir a elevada movimentação no solo com ambos os herbicidas a um processo de não-equilíbrio de sorção, explicado por fluxo preferencial, baixo Kd e elevada dessorção.

  20. Avaliação de barreiros e finalidade da água armazenada na região semi-árida da Bahia Evaluation of the water traps and stored water usage in the semi-arid region of Bahia - Brazil

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    Nilton de B. Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Fazer-se um levantamento do tipo e da quantidade de barreiros utilizados pelos pequenos agricultores das comunidades de Curaçá, Casa Nova e Jaguarari, municípios do Estado da Bahia, foi a meta principal deste trabalho, realizado no período de janeiro de 1998 a dezembro de 1999, em que os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os pequenos agricultores utilizam algum tipo de barreiro para armazenar água de chuva. A água é utilizada para o consumo humano e animal.This study had the objective of making a survey about the type and amount of water traps used as rainwater catchment by small farmers of three communities located in the municipalities of Curaçá, Casa Nova and Jaguarari in the State of Bahia, Brazil. The research was carried out between January of 1998 and December of 1999. The results showed that small farmers use some form of tank for rainwater catchment. The water is used for human and animal consumption.


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    Marcelo Mello


    Full Text Available Nos dias atuais é notória a escassez de água em que o mundo vivencia aliado a isso, o desenvolvimento sustentável tem evoluído bastante no sentido de encontrar formas para proteger recursos naturais essenciais a sobrevivência humana; além da demanda pelo uso da água ser crescente, devido ao aumento populacional. Esses fatores remetem ao questionamento de como utilizar alternativas que reduzam o consumo de água potável e seus custos, preservando os recursos hídricos. Contexto que necessita de alternativas para preservação da água, de modo que esse recurso no futuro próximo não se torne escasso. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a viabilidade econômica da implantação de um sistema de aproveitamento de água de chuva para fins não potáveis; no Instituto Educacional Paulo de Tarso, localizado no bairro Parque Aurora, na cidade de Campos dos Goytacazes – RJ. Foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso para auxiliar na tomada de decisão sobre a aplicação do investimento no projeto; por meio de levantamento dos consumos mensais de água, precipitação pluviométrica e determinação da área de coleta de chuva. Foi realizado o levantamento dos custos dos materiais, mão-de-obra, operação e manutenção do sistema. Os fluxos de caixas das duas alternativas foram analisados com um horizonte de planejamento de vinte e cinco anos a uma taxa mínima de atratividade (TMA de 8,5% ao ano; a alternativa de se investir em um sistema de aproveitamento de água pluvial foi viável financeiramente. A análise de viabilidade econômica foi realizada através dos métodos de valor presente líquido (VPL, taxa interna de retorno (TIR, e o estudo do tempo de recuperação do capital investido, através do payback simples (PBS e payback descontado (PBD.

  2. Relação entre a precipitação no setor leste do nordeste do Brasil e a temperatura da superfície nos oceanos Atlântico e Pacífico Relationship between the rainfall in eastern Northeast Brazil and the sea surface temperature in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans

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    Geber Barbosa de A. Moura


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, com este estudo, relacionar a precipitação no setor leste do Nordeste do Brasil (NEB com a Temperatura da Superfície do Mar (TSM nos oceanos Atlântico (área do Dipolo e Pacífico, no período de 1945 a 1985. Através dessa análise pode-se ter uma idéia de como os episódios com anomalias de TSM influenciam na pluviometria da costa leste do NEB (que se estende do Rio Grande do Norte à Bahia. Os resultados mais significativos foram os seguintes: em anos com gradiente de temperatura negativo no Atlântico, aqui também chamado gradiente desfavorável, as chuvas ocorreram abaixo da média de longo período nos estados do Rio Grande do Norte (84% e Paraíba (74%; em anos com gradiente de temperatura neutro, as chuvas foram normais ou acima do normal na Paraíba (73%; em anos com gradiente de temperatura positivo no Atlântico, aqui também chamado gradiente favorável, as chuvas ocorreram na média e acima da média de longo período, nos Estados de Alagoas (73%, Sergipe (73% e Bahia (73%.The main purpose of this study was to relate the rainfall in eastern Northeast Brazil (NEB with the sea surface temperature (SST in the Atlantic (Dipole area and Pacific oceans during the 1945-1985 period. This analysis shows how anomalous SST events influence precipitation in the eastern part of NEB, from the states of Rio Grande do Norte through to Bahia. The main significant results were: in years with a negative temperature gradient in the Atlantic, the rainfall was below the long term mean in Rio Grande do Norte (84% and Paraíba (74%; in years with neutral gradient, the rainfall was normal or above normal in Paraíba (73%; in years with positive temperature gradient (south minus north, hereby called favorable gradient, the rainfall was above the long term mean, in Alagoas (73%, Sergipe (73% and Bahia (73%.

  3. Interações entre nuvens, chuvas e a biosfera na Amazônia Clouds, rain and biosphere interactions in Amazon

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    Maria Assunção Faus da Silva Dias


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se uma revisão dos resultados já obtidos no Projeto LBA, na componente de Física do Clima, referente ao efeito da interação entre a biosfera e a formação de nuvens e de chuva em diferentes estações do ano e regiões da Bacia Amazônica. O efeito do desmatamento e das queimadas na atmosfera é abordado assim como mecanismos atmosféricos que foram caracterizados a partir das diversas campanhas do projeto LBA. Uma visão da complexidade das interações e do progresso que tem sido feito com base nos dados colhidos é apresentada.A review of results obtained within the Physical Climate component of LBA with respect to the interaction between the biosphere and cloud and rain formation in the Amazon Basin, in different seasons and different regions within the Basin is presented. The deforestation effect and the effect of biomass burning are discussed and the physical processes highlighted based on the data collected in several LBA intensive field campaigns. The complex interactions and the progress in the understanding their evolution based on the new datasets is presented.

  4. Erosão hídrica em um Nitossolo Háplico submetido a diferentes sistemas de manejo sob chuva simulada. I - Perdas de solo e água Water erosion on an Hapludox submitted to different soil managements under simulated rainfall. I - Soil and water losses

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    D. Leite


    Full Text Available O manejo do solo influencia a cobertura e a rugosidade na superfície, constituindo-se no principal fator que afeta a erosão hídrica. Utilizando um simulador de chuvas de braços rotativos, foram aplicados, no campo, três testes de chuva simulada no cultivo do milho e três no do feijão, com intensidade constante de 64 mm h-1 e energia cinética de 0,2083 MJ ha-1 mm-1 , no Planalto Sul Catarinense, entre março de 2001 e abril de 2003, para avaliar as perdas de água e solo nos seguintes tratamentos de manejo do solo, em duas repetições: solo sem cultivo com uma aração + duas gradagens (SSC; cultivos de milho e feijão com uma aração + duas gradagens sobre resíduos dessecados (PCO; cultivos de milho e feijão em semeadura direta sobre resíduos dessecados em solo previamente preparado (SDI; cultivos de milho e feijão em semeadura direta sobre resíduos dessecados em solo nunca preparado (SDD; cultivos de milho e feijão em semeadura direta sobre resíduos queimados em solo nunca preparado (SDQ, e solo sem cultivo com campo nativo melhorado (CNM. O experimento foi realizado em um Nitossolo Háplico alumínico argiloso, com inclinação média do terreno de 0,165 m m-1. As perdas de solo foram fortemente influenciadas pelo sistema de manejo do solo, enquanto as perdas de água sofreram efeito apenas moderado. A SDI reduziu as perdas de solo 96 % em relação ao PCO, enquanto as perdas de água que equivaleram a 22 % do volume das chuvas aplicadas no PCO foram reduzidas para 7 % do referido volume na SDI, na média dos cultivos. A queima dos resíduos culturais aumentou as perdas de solo em 21 vezes em relação à ausência de queima, enquanto as perdas de água que eqüivaleram a 22,5 % do volume das chuvas aplicadas na área não queimada aumentaram para 26,5 % do referido volume com a queima, na média dos cultivos. As perdas de solo relacionaram-se exponencialmente com a percentagem de cobertura da superfície pelos res

  5. Aproveitamento da água de chuva para lavagem de máquinas agrícolas e veículos: Estudo de caso do Colégio Politécnico da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


    Nogueira, Cicero Urbanetto; Camilo de Moraes Nogueira, Helena Maria; Fantinel, Antonio Luiz; Jahn, Sérgio Luiz; Rodríguez Padrón, Richard Alberto


    Os estudos sobre manejo e aproveitamento dos recursos hídricos vêm sendo um dos focos de pesquisa que está procurando diferentes alternativas para o aproveitamento dos recursos naturais com sustentabilidade. O estudo teve como objetivo o planejamento, a execução e a estimação do retorno econômico do aproveitamento da água de chuva, para lavagem de veículos, máquinas e implementos agrícolas. O estudo foi realizado para o setor de Mecanização do Colégio Politécnico da Universidade Federal de Sa...

  6. An experimental test of rainfall as a control agent of Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera, Psyllidae on seedlings of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn (Myrtaceae

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    Karla N. Oliveira


    Full Text Available An experimental test of rainfall as a control agent of Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera, Psyllidae on seedlings of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn (Myrtaceae. Glycaspis brimblecombei is one the greatest threats to eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. The effects of rainfall to reduce the abundance of lerp of Glycaspis brimblecombei on experimentally infested seedlings of Eucalyptus camaldulensis were assessed. The number of lerps on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of every leaf of 60 seedlings was recorded, before and after submission to the following treatments: "artificial rain", "leaf wetting" and control. A drastic reduction in lerp abundance per plant was observed after the treatments "leaf wetting" and artificial rain (F = 53.630; p Teste experimental da chuva como agente de controle de Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera, Psyllidae em mudas de Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn (Myrtaceae. Glycaspis brimblecombei é uma das maiores ameaças das plantações de eucalipto do Brasil. Foram avaliados os efeitos da água na redução da abundância de conchas desse inseto em mudas de Eucalyptus camaldulensis infestadas experimentalmente. Foi quantificado o número de conchas nas superfícies adaxial e abaxial de todas as folhas de 60 mudas, antes e após a aplicação dos seguintes tratamentos: "chuva artificial", "molhamento das folhas" e controle. Foi observada uma drástica redução na abundância de conchas nos tratamentos "chuva artificial" e "molhamento das folhas" (F = 53,630; p < 0,001, o que não ocorreu para o tratamento controle ao longo do experimento (F = 1,450; p = 0,232. Ao final do experimento, a abundância de conchas foi significativamente menor no tratamento "chuva artificial" e "molhamento das folhas" do que no tratamento controle. Dessa forma, dois dias de chuva mostraram ser eficientes para diminuir mais que 50% da população de conchas, com quase 100% de eficiência após 5 dias de experimento. Nossos resultados

  7. Previsões climáticas sazonais sobre o Brasil: avaliação do RegCM3 aninhado no modelo global CPTEC/COLA Seasonal climatic forecast over Brazil: evaluation of the RegCM3 model nested to the CPTEC/COLA global model

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    Rubinei Dorneles Machado


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avalia o desempenho de previsões sazonais do modelo climático regional RegCM3, aninhado ao modelo global CPTEC/COLA. As previsões com o RegCM3 utilizaram 60 km de resolução horizontal num domínio que inclui grande parte da América do Sul. As previsões do RegCM3 e CPTEC/COLA foram avaliadas utilizando as análises de chuva e temperatura do ar do Climate Prediction Center (CPC e National Centers for Enviromental Prediction (NCEP, respectivamente. Entre maio de 2005 e julho de 2007, 27 previsões sazonais de chuva e temperatura do ar (exceto a temperatura do CPTEC/COLA, que possui 26 previsões foram avaliadas em três regiões do Brasil: Nordeste (NDE, Sudeste (SDE e Sul (SUL. As previsões do RegCM3 também foram comparadas com as climatologias das análises. De acordo com os índices estatísticos (bias, coeficiente de correlação, raiz quadrada do erro médio quadrático e coeficiente de eficiência, nas três regiões (NDE, SDE e SUL a chuva sazonal prevista pelo RegCM3 é mais próxima da observada do que a prevista pelo CPTEC/COLA. Além disto, o RegCM3 também é melhor previsor da chuva sazonal do que da média das observações nas três regiões. Para temperatura, as previsões do RegCM3 são superiores às do CPTEC/COLA nas áreas NDE e SUL, enquanto o CPTEC/COLA é superior no SDE. Finalmente, as previsões de chuva e temperatura do RegCM3 são mais próximas das observações do que a climatologia observada. Estes resultados indicam o potencial de utilização do RegCM3 para previsão sazonal, que futuramente deverá ser explorado através de previsão por conjunto.This study presents an assessment of seasonal forecasts from the regional climate model RegCM3 nested to the CPTEC/COLA global model. The used RegCM3 version is 60 km horizontal resolution over an area that includes large part of South America. RegCM3 and CPTEC/COLA forecasts were evaluated using the rainfall and air temperature analyses from Climate

  8. Sandflies (Psychodidae: Phlebotominae survey in an urban transmission area of visceral leishmaniasis, Northeastern Brazil Pesquisa de flebotomíneos (Psychodidae: Phlebotominae em área urbana de transmissão de leishmaniose visceral no Nordeste do Brasil

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    Sthenia Santos Albano Amóra


    Full Text Available Visceral leishmaniasis (VL is a major public health challenge in Brazil, especially in states where it is endemic. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of sand fly population density with environmental variables (temperature, rainfall and relative humidity in urban areas of the city of Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil. Sand flies were captured with Center Disease Control (CDC traps installed monthly in the intra and peridomicile of three houses. Data analysis was based on the chi-square test and linear regression. A total of 7,347 sand flies were captured, being 93.85% Lutzomyia longipalpis and 6.15% Lutzomyia evandroi. Sand flies were more commonly found in the peridomicile and there was no difference between the number of males and females. The variables rainy season as well as relative humidity and rainfall, alone or together, did not have an effect on sand fly population density. However, high temperatures had a negative effect. The study of the behavior of sand flies in specific units of endemic areas can provide input to public health authorities for planning appropriate VL vector control measures.A leishmaniose visceral (LV é um grande desafio para a saúde pública no Brasil, particularmente nos estados onde é endêmica. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a relação da densidade populacional de flebotomíneos com as variáveis ambientais (temperatura, precipitação de chuva e umidade relativa do ar em bairros urbanos de Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte. Os flebotomíneos foram capturados com armadilhas CDC instaladas mensalmente no intra e peridomicílio de três casas. A análise dos dados foi baseada no teste Qui-quadrado e na regressão linear. Foram capturados 7.347 flebotomíneos, sendo 93,85% Lutzomyia longipalpis e 6,15% Lutzomyia evandroi. Os flebotomíneos foram encontrados mais comumente no peridomicílio e nenhuma diferença significativa entre o número de machos e fêmeas foi

  9. Recovery of tungsten from wolframite from the Igarape Manteiga mine (Rondonia - Brazil) via acidic leaching; Isolamento do tungstenio da volframita da mina de Igarape Manteiga (Rondonia - Brasil) por lixiviacao acida

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    Paulino, Jessica Frontino; Afonso, Julio Carlos [Departamento de Quimica Analitica, Instituto de Quimica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Mantovano, Jose Luiz; Vianna, Claudio Augusto; Cunha, Jose Waldemar Silva Dias da [Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro - RJ (Brazil)


    We report results of the efficiency of tungsten extraction from wolframite concentrate (containing 61.5 wt % WO{sub 3}) from the Igarape Manteiga mine (state of Rondonia, Brazil) through acid leaching with strong mineral acids at 100 deg C and 400 rpm for 2-4 h. HCl yielded insoluble matter containing the highest WO{sub 3} content (90 wt %). This solid was dissolved in concentrated NH{sub 3(aq)} at 25 deg C and the insoluble matter filtrated. The filtrate was slowly evaporated. 70 wt % of the tungsten present in the starting concentrate material was recovered as ammonium paratungstate (APT). (author)

  10. Interpolação dos parâmetros da equação de chuvas intensas com uso do inverso de potências da distância Interpolation of parameters of intensity-duration-frequency equation using the inverse distance to a different powers

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    Roberto A. Cecílio


    Full Text Available As equações de chuvas intensas representam excelente alternativa para a determinação das precipitações críticas utilizadas em projetos de engenharia; contudo, a sua determinação é muito trabalhosa. No Brasil, entretanto, dispõe-se, em diversos Estados, de um expressivo número de equações, o que torna possível a obtenção, por interpolação, dos parâmetros da equação de chuvas intensas para locais em que estes não são conhecidos. Neste trabalho compararam-se, considerando-se as informações disponíveis em 171 localidades do Estado de Minas Gerais, 625 diferentes combinações entre os quatro parâmetros da equação de chuvas intensas ("K", "a", "b" e "c" interpolados com a utilização da metodologia do inverso da potência da distância, através de cinco diferentes potências. Percebeu-se, em todas as combinações, tendência de superestimativa da intensidade de precipitação. A interpolação de "K" e "c" com o inverso da quinta potência da distância, "a" com o inverso da distância e "b" com o inverso do cubo da distância, apresentou melhores resultados na estimativa da intensidade de precipitação.Intense precipitation equations represent an excellent alternative to determinate critical rainfalls used in engineering designs but its obtainment is time-consuming. However, in some Brazilian States a great number of these equations have been determined for several places, permitting to obtain the equation parameters, by interpolation, for the places where these still have not bean known. In this paper 625 different combinations were compared for the four intense precipitation parameters ("K", "a", "b" and "c" interpolated by the inverse distance to a power method (using five different powers. Data from 171 places located in Minas Gerais State were used. In all the combinations, a tendency of overestimation was noticed for the precipitation intensity. "K" and "c" parameters interpolated by the inverse distance to


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    Solon Jonas Longhi


    Full Text Available Este estudo foi realizado na Reserva Genética Florestal de Caçador, no Estado de Santa Catarina no período de agosto de 1995 a janeiro de 1996. Para o estudo da regeneração natural foram instaladas 10 parcelas de 250 m² (10m x 25m. No interior das mesmas foram coletados a camada de solo juntamente com a serapilheira em até 3cm de profundidade em 40 pontos amostrais de 0,5m x 0,5m para a análise do banco de sementes no solo, e instalados 20 coletores com área de 0,5 m x 0,5 m para a avaliação da chuva de sementes. Os resultados mostram que apesar da Araucaria angustifolia ser a espécie dominante no estrato superior da floresta não apresenta indivíduos na regeneração natural e a Mimosa scabrella foi a espécie arbórea mais importante presente no banco de sementes no solo. As relações entre os três parâmetros avaliados evidenciam uma distribuição irregular das espécies na área de estudo.

  12. Opening up Brazil's hydrocarbon sector - the Bolivia-Brazil pipeline

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Law, P.


    The Bolivia-Brazil natural gas pipeline, which transports natural gas more than 3000 km from Bolivia to Brazil, cost US$2.1 billion to construct. Despite the substantial benefits for both Bolivia and Brazil and the involvement of reputable private partners, the perceived risks and complexities of this large project made financing it major challenge. neither of these countries has had a tradition of independent regulation or economic fuel pricing, and the pipeline was the first major gas infrastructure project involving the private sector in Brazil. The presentation explains the historical features of the project and how the project was used to open up Brazilian oil and gas sector to private investment and competition. (author)

  13. Diatom assemblage in a tropical lake of northeastern Brazil

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    Lilian Rodrigues do Nascimento


    Full Text Available The composition and spatial variation of diatom assemblage in surface sediments of Caçó Lake (shallow, mesotrophic and weakly acid lake - Maranhão State, Brazil were analyzed in order to know the distribution pattern of the species along the lake during rainy season (April 1999. Four zones were established in the lake based on 21 diatoms species and habitat affinities. The first three zones (prime three meters deep to six meters deep were marked by the occurrence of Pinnularia gigas, Frustulia rhomboides, Encyonopsis krasskei, Eunotia camelus, E. femoriformis and E. monodon. Zone IV (seven to nine meters deep was inhabited mainly by Surirella biseriata and Fragilariforma floridana. During the beginning of the rainy season, the diatom assemblage in Caçó Lake was composed mainly by benthic and epiphytic forms that reflected the low lake levels and the abundance of littoral vegetation present in this lake.Com o objetivo de se conhecer a dinâmica espacial e a distribuição das diatomáceas contidas no sedimento superficial do lago Caçó, durante o período de chuvas (abril de 1999 foram realizadas coletas em um "transect" horizontal. A partir da observação destas coletas efetuadas a cada 1 metro pode-se observar que a distribuição das diatomáceas esteve fortemente ligada a ocorrência do banco de macrófitas da sua margem, com a ocorrência maciça das espécies epifíticas e bentônicas. A análise de agrupamento de dados permitiu uma melhor visualização, da sua distribuição a cada profundidade e também das associações específicas em cada zona. Os resultados deste estudo permitiram concluir que a ocorrência e distribuição das diatomáceas do Lago Caçó está fortemente ligada ao banco de macrófitas localizado em suas margens, definindo assim zonas características dentro do lago.

  14. Brachiaria spp. poisoning in cattle in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil


    Souza, Roosevelt I.C.; Riet-Correa, Franklin; Brum, Karine B.; Fernandes, Carlos Eurico; Barbosa-Ferreira, Marcos; Lemos, Ricardo A. Amaral de


    Mediante a revisão dos arquivos das fichas de necropsia do Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul, foram estudados a epidemiologia, o quadro clínico e a patologia de 29 surtos de intoxicação por Brachiaria spp., ocorridos em bovinos de corte, no Mato Grosso do Sul, de março de 1996 a novembro de 2009. Os surtos ocorreram em todas as épocas do ano, tanto na seca quanto na chuva. Em 24 dos 29 surtos o principal sinal clínico foi a fotossensibilização e em ci...


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    Ysa Helena Diniz Morais de Luna


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Com este artigo, estudou-se a qualidade da água de chuva em um sistema instalado na cidade de João Pessoa-PB, tendo como objetivo verificar sua adequabilidade para usos residenciais. Utilizou-se como padrões comparativos de qualidade os descritos em NBR 15527/2007 (ABNT, 2007, NBR 13969/1997 (ABNT, 1997, Sautchunk et al. (2005, Resolução CONAMA 357/2005 (BRASIL, 2005 e Portaria MS 2914/2011 (BRASIL, 2011. Foram testados dois mecanismos de melhoria da qualidade da água, a saber: dispositivos de descarte dos primeiros milímetros de chuva e filtro de areia. Os resultados mostraram que a qualidade da água, seja a bruta, antes de contato com a superfície de captação, seja a armazenada no reservatório, apresenta boa qualidade, compatível com diversos usos previstos em uma residência, tais como: descargas de bacias sanitárias, irrigação de gramado e de plantas ornamentais, lavagem de veículos e limpeza de calçadas e ruas. Verificou-se, também, o atendimento aos padrões da Resolução CONAMA 357 (BRASIL, 2005 classe 1 que se destina, dentre outros usos, ao abastecimento humano após tratamento simplificado. Com relação aos padrões de potabilidade, preconizados pela Portaria MS 2914/2011 (BRASIL, 2011, ocorreram apenas quatro casos de não atendimento para a turbidez e o não-atendimento para todos os casos referentes a coliformes totais e termotolerantes. /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabela normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;}

  16. Aproveitamento de água de chuva de cobertura em edificações: dimensionamento do reservatório pelos métodos descritos na NBR 15527

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    Jozrael Henriques Rezende


    Full Text Available Este estudo avaliou a viabilidade do aproveitamento da água das chuvas no Tanque de Provas, utilizado em ensaios de modelos reduzidos de embarcações da Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jahu - Fatec Jahu, SP. O trabalho considerou os dados pluviométricos locais, a área de cobertura para captação e a demanda de água. Foi estimada a necessidade de água no processo de limpeza por filtragem, lavagem e evaporação do Tanque de Provas. O dimensionamento do reservatório foi calculado conforme as metodologias descritas na NBR 15527, que determina os requisitos para o aproveitamento de coberturas em áreas urbanas para fins não potáveis. O volume do reservatório selecionado como a melhor alternativa após as análises comparativas considerou as restrições locais e o risco de não atendimento, permitiu o máximo aproveitamento da água pluvial e resultou na maior redução possível da demanda de água potável do sistema de abastecimento público.

  17. Modelagem da proteção do solo por plantas de cobertura no sul de Minas Gerais = Modeling of soil protection by cover crops in southern Minas Gerais, Brazil.

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    Diego Antonio França de Freitas


    Full Text Available A cobertura do solo é o fator de maior importância relativa no controle da erosão hídrica. Assim, objetivou-se no presente estudo elaborar a modelagem da cobertura vegetal de vinte e quatro plantas de cobertura, em diversos sistemas de plantio e históricos de uso, com potencial para cultivo no Sul de Minas Gerais. Para avaliação da cobertura vegetal foram realizadas avaliações no campo utilizando uma régua de classificação da cobertura vegetal, sendo o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições, utilizado neste experimento. As plantas cultivadas sobre a palhada de feijãoirrigado apresentaram alto índice de cobertura do solo, o que pode estar relacionado à maior disponibilidade de nutrientes deixado por esta cultura na palhada e a maior reserva de água no solo, promovido pela irrigação do feijão. O milheto cultivado em nível e sobre a palhada de milheto e feijão-de-porco apresentou o menor índice de cobertura entre as plantas testadas. Na região sul de Minas Gerais os padrões de chuvas ocorrem em maior quantidade nos períodos de outubro a março, com elevação em dezembro e janeiro. Neste período o solo deve estar protegido do impacto da gota de chuva, pois o risco de erosão hídrica é maior. Assim, a utilização das plantas de cobertura é de grande importância, pois estas protegem o solo do impacto direto dasgotas de chuvas e diminuem os picos de temperatura do solo, sendo que estas devem ser cultivadas, preferencialmente, sobre a palhada de feijão.The ground cover is the most important factor relative to control erosion. Thus, the objective of this study was to develop a model plant cover for 24 cover crops used in several cropping systems and historical use, with potential for cultivation in southern Minas Gerais State, Brazil. To evaluate the vegetation cover field assessments using the strip land cover classification. A completely randomized design with three replications was

  18. Comparing parameterized versus measured microphysical properties of tropical convective cloud bases during the ACRIDICON–CHUVA campaign

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    R. C. Braga


    Full Text Available The objective of this study is to validate parameterizations that were recently developed for satellite retrievals of cloud condensation nuclei supersaturation spectra, NCCN(S, at cloud base alongside more traditional parameterizations connecting NCCN(S with cloud base updrafts and drop concentrations. This was based on the HALO aircraft measurements during the ACRIDICON–CHUVA campaign over the Amazon region, which took place in September 2014. The properties of convective clouds were measured with a cloud combination probe (CCP, a cloud and aerosol spectrometer (CAS-DPOL, and a CCN counter onboard the HALO aircraft. An intercomparison of the cloud drop size distributions (DSDs and the cloud water content (CWC derived from the different instruments generally shows good agreement within the instrumental uncertainties. To this end, the directly measured cloud drop concentrations (Nd near cloud base were compared with inferred values based on the measured cloud base updraft velocity (Wb and NCCN(S spectra. The measurements of Nd at cloud base were also compared with drop concentrations (Na derived on the basis of an adiabatic assumption and obtained from the vertical evolution of cloud drop effective radius (re above cloud base. The measurements of NCCN(S and Wb reproduced the observed Nd within the measurements uncertainties when the old (1959 Twomey's parameterization was used. The agreement between the measured and calculated Nd was only within a factor of 2 with attempts to use cloud base S, as obtained from the measured Wb, Nd, and NCCN(S. This underscores the yet unresolved challenge of aircraft measurements of S in clouds. Importantly, the vertical evolution of re with height reproduced the observation-based nearly adiabatic cloud base drop concentrations, Na. The combination of these results provides aircraft observational support for the various components of the satellite-retrieved methodology that was recently developed to

  19. Estudo da variabilidade do NDVI sobre o Brasil, utilizando-se a análise de agrupamentos Study of NDVI variability in Brazil using cluster analysis

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    Helen da C. Gurgel


    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisa a variabilidade do NDVI (Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada sobre o Brasil, utilizando-se a análise de agrupamentos. As análises foram feitas através de imagens do sensor Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR para o período de janeiro de 1982 a dezembro de 1993. Os resultados obtidos mostram que na região Amazônica o ciclo anual do NDVI não é bem definido, visto que o máximo tipicamente ocorre em junho, dois meses após o período chuvoso, enquanto o mínimo se dá em dois períodos distintos: entre fevereiro e março e setembro e novembro. Na região central do Brasil, o cerrado apresenta um ciclo anual definido, com valores máximos de NDVI entre março e maio, e mínimos em setembro, final do período seco. Por outro lado, a vegetação das regiões da zona da mata nordestina e dos campos de Roraima apresentam um ciclo anual nítido, sendo que os maiores valores de NDVI ocorrem em junho e julho e os menores entre fevereiro e março, alguns meses antes do início das chuvas. No caso da região nordeste do Brasil, a caatinga mostra um ciclo anual bem definido, com um período seco marcante, sendo que os valores mais elevados de NDVI ocorrem entre os meses de abril e maio, que é o final da época das chuvas, e os menores em setembro e outubro. Em parte do Estado de Santa Catarina e no sul do Paraná, o ciclo anual das formações vegetais dominantes (floresta ombrófila aberta e floresta ombrófila mista não é muito nítido. No sul do Brasil, a região de estepes não apresenta ciclo anual nítido, os valores máximos de NDVI geralmente ocorrem entre março e junho e os valores mínimos no mês de agosto. Além disso, constatou-se que os eventos El Niño, independente da sua intensidade, afetam distintamente os vários tipos de vegetação.This paper deals with vegetation cover variability in Brazil using cluster analysis. The study was done using NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation

  20. Brazils Role in environmental governance: Analysis of possibilities for increased Brazil-Norway cooperation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Valberg, Anna Helene


    This report examines the role played by Brazil in connection with certain international negotiations, such as the climate negotiations and the CBD. It identifies the driving factors that have influenced environmental politics and standards in Brazil, and take note of conflicts that must be discussed when Norway is seeking expanded cooperation with Brazil. In line with the mandate, FNI identifies areas of particular interest for further collaboration between the two countries, and recommend directions for supplementary Norwegian policy-making in light of a broadened scope for Norway-Brazil interaction. In recent years, the Norwegian government has initiated an extensive process aimed at reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). This is the most obvious shared environmental scope between Norway and Brazil. However, given the large body of literature that already exists on this field, this report will concentrate instead on issues more on the outskirts of the REDD discourse, such as biodiversity conservation, biofuel efficiency and challenges concerning hydropower, all of which threaten to impact negatively on the Amazonian areas. In our recommendations, we cite tangible examples to illustrate issues where we believe lessons learnt in Norway may have applicability to Brazil.(auth)

  1. Cogeneration for Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Almost all the electric power in Brazil comes from large-scale hydroelectric plants: only about 3% comes from cogeneration. But, now that the barriers which discouraged cogeneration are being removed, there will be more and more investment in cogeneration and distributed generation. The circumstances which have brought about these changes are described. It is expected that cogeneration will be responsible for producing 10-15% of Brazil's electricity by 2010 and the demand for cogeneration will reach 11-17 GW. It is concluded that Brazil represents one of the world's most attractive market for cogeneration and distributed generation

  2. Uso do alimento por duas espécies simpátricas de Moenkhausia (Characiformes, Characidae em um riacho da Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil Food used by two sympatric species of Moenkhausia (Characiformes, Characidae, in a stream of center-western Brazil

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    Raffael M Tófoli


    Full Text Available Esse estudo avaliou sazonalmente a dieta de Moenkhausia dichroura (Kner, 1858 e M. sanctaefilomenae (Steindachner, 1907, coletadas em simpatria no riacho Cancela, Mato Grosso, Brasil. Independente do período hidrológico, alimentos de origem alóctone predominaram na dieta de ambas as espécies (>50% do total de itens consumidos, sendo insetos terrestres o recurso principal, embora, para M. dichroura insetos aquáticos tenham contribuído na dieta também. Hymenoptera (Formicidae foi o alimento mais consumido, sendo ambas as espécies caracterizadas como insetívoras terrestres. A dieta restrita dessas espécies é confirmada pelos baixos valores de amplitude de nicho trófico: Ba=0,26 para M. dichroura em ambos os períodos e Ba=0,41 no período de seca e 0,38 no período de chuva, para M. sanctaefilomenae. A sobreposição alimentar foi elevada no período de chuva (Ojk=0,75 e apresentou valor intermediário no período de seca (Ojk=0,41, evidenciando maior partilha do alimento entre as espécies neste período.This study evaluated the seasonality in the diet of Moenkhausia dichroura (Kner, 1858 and M. sanctaefilomenae (Steindachner, 1907, sympatric species of the Cancela stream, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Regardless of the seasonal period, allochthonous food source predominated in the diet of both species (>50% of all items consumed and among these terrestrial insects were the dominant resource. However, aquatic insects were important in the diet of M. dichroura as well. Hymenoptera (Formicidae was the dominant item to both species, thus they were characterized as terrestrial insectivorous. The restricted diet of these species is confirmed by the trophic niche breadth, whose values were in general low: Ba=0.26 to M. dichroura in both periods and Ba=0.41 and 0.38 in the dry and rainy period, respectively, to M. sanctaefilomenae. The feeding overlap was high in the rainy period (Ojk=0.75 and intermediate in the dry period (Ojk=0.41, showing

  3. Brazil, China, US: a triangular relation?

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    José-Augusto Guilhon-Albuquerque


    Full Text Available This article is divided in three sections. The first one explores the so-called "strategic partnership" between Brazil and China. In the second section we shall examine how US-China relations in the global system could affect both Brazil-US, and Brazil-China bilateral relations. A final section presents some recommendations for Brazil strategic orientations regarding the current systemic transition in the allotment of global power.

  4. Eficácia do herbicida glifosato-potássico submetido à chuva simulada após a aplicação Effects of rainfall on efficacy the potassium glyphosate in weeds

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    Gustavo Martini


    Full Text Available Apesar de possuir boa ação herbicida, alguns fatores afetam a eficácia do glifosato e, nesse contexto, realizaram-se estudos buscando formulações mais eficazes. O experimento foi instalado em área do Campus da FCAV-UNESP, Jaboticabal (SP. Testou-se a formulação potássica de glifosato comparada com solução aquosa e grânulos dispersíveis em água à mesma dosagem (0,36 kg.ha-1 e.a em cinco intervalos (1, 2, 4, 6 e > 48 horas sem chuva após a aplicação, comparados com uma testemunha sem uso de herbicidas. Foram aplicados em pós-emergência sobre Brachiaria plantaginea, B. decumbens e Digitaria horizontalis. A aplicação foi feita com pulverizador costal a CO2, à pressão de 2,5, munido de barra com seis bicos DG 110.02 e consumo de calda equivalente a 200 L.ha-1. Realizaram-se cinco avaliações de porcentagem de controle em relação à testemunha infestada, atribuídas visualmente, até 42 dias após aplicação. Notou-se que o controle da formulação potássica sobre as espécies avaliadas foi mais precoce, necessitando apenas quatro horas após sua aplicação para se igualar ao intervalo superior a 48 horas sem chuva. As demais necessitaram de, no mínimo, seis horas de intervalo.In spite of possessing good herbicidal action, some factors affect the effectiveness of the glyphosate and, in that context, studies were accomplished looking for more effective formulations. The experiment was installed in area of FCAV-UNESP Campus, in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State. The potassium glyphosate formulation was compared to CS and WG formulations, at the same rate (0.36 kg.ha-1 a.e, in five intervals (1, 2 ,4 6 and 48 hours without rain after the application, compared to a control without herbicides. They were applied in post emergence on Brachiaria plantaginea, B. decumbens and Digitaria horizontalis. The herbicides were applied with costal sprayer, at a constant pressure (35 lbf/pol², with four nozzles DG 11002. The

  5. Energy in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morato de Andrade, C.


    To prepare the Gross Domestic Product increase of 4 % in the next years, it is necessary to increase the capacity in Brazil. The government decided actions in favor of the installed capacity growth speeding up and planed investments. This document takes stock on the energy situation in Brazil, the human, political and geographical constraints and the decided measures in favor the energy development. (A.L.B.)

  6. An overview on small hydro in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Filho, G.T.


    An overview of small-scale hydro development in Brazil was presented in the context of the Brazilian energy sector. Brazil's energy sector is currently comprised of 45 per cent renewable energy. Brazil is the tenth largest energy producer in the world, with an installed capacity of 105.986 MW. Brazil currently has an estimated 258.410 MW of hydroelectric power potential. Small hydropower (SHP) plants in Brazil are defined as plants capable of producing up to 30 MW of power, with a reservoir area smaller than 12 km 2 . It is estimated that SHP plants will provide 5 per cent of Brazil's electrical supply by 2030. SHP plants in Brazil typically use Kaplan and Pelton hydraulic turbines, as well as Michell-Banki cross-flow turbines. Hydrokinetic turbine prototypes are also being designed at the Federal University of Brazil. Researchers are currently developing a diffuser enhancement design. However, there are currently no designs available that use peripheric generators. Researchers are currently investigating the design of fish-friendly turbines as well as mobile dams. Development projects in the Amazon region were outlined. tabs., figs.

  7. Overview: Precipitation characteristics and sensitivities to environmental conditions during GoAmazon2014/5 and ACRIDICON-CHUVA

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    L. A. T. Machado


    Full Text Available This study provides an overview of precipitation processes and their sensitivities to environmental conditions in the Central Amazon Basin near Manaus during the GoAmazon2014/5 and ACRIDICON-CHUVA experiments. This study takes advantage of the numerous measurement platforms and instrument systems operating during both campaigns to sample cloud structure and environmental conditions during 2014 and 2015; the rainfall variability among seasons, aerosol loading, land surface type, and topography has been carefully characterized using these data. Differences between the wet and dry seasons were examined from a variety of perspectives. The rainfall rates distribution, total amount of rainfall, and raindrop size distribution (the mass-weighted mean diameter were quantified over both seasons. The dry season generally exhibited higher rainfall rates than the wet season and included more intense rainfall periods. However, the cumulative rainfall during the wet season was 4 times greater than that during the total dry season rainfall, as shown in the total rainfall accumulation data. The typical size and life cycle of Amazon cloud clusters (observed by satellite and rain cells (observed by radar were examined, as were differences in these systems between the seasons. Moreover, monthly mean thermodynamic and dynamic variables were analysed using radiosondes to elucidate the differences in rainfall characteristics during the wet and dry seasons. The sensitivity of rainfall to atmospheric aerosol loading was discussed with regard to mass-weighted mean diameter and rain rate. This topic was evaluated only during the wet season due to the insignificant statistics of rainfall events for different aerosol loading ranges and the low frequency of precipitation events during the dry season. The impacts of aerosols on cloud droplet diameter varied based on droplet size. For the wet season, we observed no dependence between land surface type and rain rate. However

  8. Brazil's Higher Education Responses to the Global Challenges of the 21st Century. Thinking Brazil. No. 23 (United States)

    Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2006


    "Thinking Brazil" is an electronic publication of the Brazil Institute. This issue of "Thinking Brazil" highlights the research of Elizabeth Balbachevsky. On July 24, 2006, Elizabeth Balbachevsky, Woodrow Wilson Center Public Policy Scholar and Associate Professor of Political Science, Universidade de Sao Paulo, presented her research on the…

  9. Padrões de circulação em superfície e altitude associados a eventos de chuva intensa na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro

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    Carlos Roberto Weide Moura


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foi feita uma classificação sinótica de sequência de campos de pressão ao nível médio do mar (PNMM e de altura geopotencial em 500 hPa, associado à ocorrência de precipitação intensa na cidade do Rio de Janeiro - RJ. Para obter os Padrões de Sequência Principal (PSP da PNMM foi utilizada a metodologia de Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP rotacionadas. Os resultados mostram três tipos de padrões sinóticos que causaram eventos extremos de chuva na cidade do Rio de Janeiro durante o período de 1997-2010, que representam aproximadamente 56% da variância total dos casos. O padrão dominante mostra a passagem de frentes frias com trajetória predominantemente zonal. Já o segundo padrão está relacionado ao ingresso de frentes frias clássicas, acompanhadas de intensos anticiclones pós-frontais. Por último, observa-se um padrão relacionado ao posicionamento de um anticiclone à leste do Rio Grande do Sul, que gera ventos de quadrante sul no Rio de Janeiro.

  10. Absconding and migratory behaviors of feral Africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera L. colonies in NE Brazil = Comportamentos de abandono e migração de colônias silvestres da abelha melífera africanizada (Apis mellifera L. no nordeste do Brasil

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    Breno Magalhães Freitas


    Full Text Available We investigated the annual movements of feral Africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera L. colonies in the state of Ceará, Brazil, aiming to understand seasonal variations in their population. Arrival and absconding of Africanized honey bee (AHB colonies in the semiaridmunicipality of Canindé and the coastal humid city of Fortaleza (120 km apart were recorded weekly from January 1999 to December 2001, and the data compared to rainfall records in both areas. Results showed that AHB colonies only nest in the semiarid during the rainy season and abscond during the dry season, the opposite from observations taken in Fortaleza. Only 5% of colonies remained in the semiarid area for the entire year due to ant (Camponotus sp. attacks and shortage of nectar and water during the dry season, with most colonies migrating to coastal areas where the weather is milder and many plant species bloom at that time of year. Excessive rainfallprobably pushes AHB colonies back to the semiarid during the rainy season. We concluded that absconding and migration are strategies that allow AHB colonies to survive in the semiarid NE of Brazil, contrary to European honeybees, which have never succeeded in establishing wild colonies in the region.Os movimentos de colônias silvestres da abelha melífera africanizada (Apis mellifera L. no Estado do Ceará, Brasil, foram investigados com o objetivo de compreender variações anuais em sua população. A chegada e a partida de colônias de abelhas africanizadas (AHB,no município semi-árido de Canindé e na úmida cidade litorânea de Fortaleza (separadas por 120 km, foram monitoradas semanalmente, de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2001, e comparados com os dados pluviométricos de chuvas em ambas as áreas. Os resultadosdemonstraram que as abelhas africanizadas somente nidificaram no semi-árido durante a estação chuvosa e o abandonaram na estação seca, ao contrário do observado em Fortaleza. Apenas 5% das col

  11. Perdas de solo e água num Latossolo Vermelho aluminoférrico submetido a diferentes sistemas de preparo e cultivo sob chuva natural Water erosion caused by natural rainfall in a clayey Hapludox with different cropland tillage systems

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    J. F. Beutler


    Full Text Available A chuva e a enxurrada, combinadas, são os agentes ativos na erosão hídrica, a qual também é influenciada pela cobertura, rugosidade, tipo de cultura e sistema de preparo do solo. Os preparos de solo conservacionistas reduzem a erosão hídrica em relação aos preparos convencionais, visto que são menos intensos e mantêm o solo coberto por maior período de tempo e, às vezes, proporcionam aumento da rugosidade na superfície do solo. Para avaliar as perdas de solo e água causadas pela erosão hídrica sob chuva natural, realizou-se um experimento em Chapecó (SC, num Latossolo Vermelho aluminoférrico, com declividade média de 0,09 m m-1, entre 1994 e 1999. Estudaram-se os tratamentos: preparo convencional, cultivo mínimo, rotação de preparos e semeadura direta, executados no sentido paralelo ao declive, com duas repetições, com algumas combinações de rotação de culturas no inverno e no verão. O tratamento-testemunha constou de preparo de solo convencional, sem cultivo (parcela-padrão da Equação Universal de Perda de Solo - EUPS. A semeadura direta com rotação de culturas reduziu as perdas de solo em 45 % em relação ao preparo de solo convencional no verão e semeadura direta no inverno, com rotação de culturas e, em relação ao preparo de solo convencional sem cultura, esta redução foi de 99 %. Nos preparos de solo conservacionistas, as perdas de solo foram reduzidas em 80 % em relação aos preparos de solo convencionais, na média dos tratamentos que envolveram culturas e dos anos de cultivo. Nos tratamentos de semeadura direta, as perdas de solo foram duas vezes maiores na primavera/verão do que no outono/inverno, enquanto, nos demais tratamentos, essas perdas foram 3,3 vezes maiores no outono/inverno, na média dos tratamentos e dos anos de cultivo. As perdas de água foram pequenas e se comportaram de maneira semelhante às perdas de solo, diferindo quanto à magnitude.Rainfall and runoff together are the

  12. An overview on small hydro in Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Filho, G.T. [Federal Univ. of Itajuba (Brazil). National Reference Centre for Small Hydro


    An overview of small-scale hydro development in Brazil was presented in the context of the Brazilian energy sector. Brazil's energy sector is currently comprised of 45 per cent renewable energy. Brazil is the tenth largest energy producer in the world, with an installed capacity of 105.986 MW. Brazil currently has an estimated 258.410 MW of hydroelectric power potential. Small hydropower (SHP) plants in Brazil are defined as plants capable of producing up to 30 MW of power, with a reservoir area smaller than 12 km{sup 2}. It is estimated that SHP plants will provide 5 per cent of Brazil's electrical supply by 2030. SHP plants in Brazil typically use Kaplan and Pelton hydraulic turbines, as well as Michell-Banki cross-flow turbines. Hydrokinetic turbine prototypes are also being designed at the Federal University of Brazil. Researchers are currently developing a diffuser enhancement design. However, there are currently no designs available that use peripheric generators. Researchers are currently investigating the design of fish-friendly turbines as well as mobile dams. Development projects in the Amazon region were outlined. tabs., figs.

  13. Vulnerabilidade socioambiental, redução de riscos de desastres e construção da resiliência: lições do terremoto no Haiti e das chuvas fortes na Região Serrana, Brasil Socio-environmental vulnerability, disaster risk-reduction and resilience-building: lessons from the earthquake in Haiti and torrential rains in the mountain range close to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil

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    Carlos Machado de Freitas


    Full Text Available Dados sobre desastres no mundo apontam para uma maior gravidade nos países com menores níveis de desenvolvimento econômico e social. Neste contexto, políticas de redução de riscos de desastres e construção da resiliência constituem prioridades na agenda do desenvolvimento sustentável, estando entre os temas eleitos para a Rio+20. O objetivo deste artigo é, através de uma contribuição de natureza conceitual e dos exemplos de desastres em países com níveis de desenvolvimento diferentes, o terremoto do Haiti e as chuvas fortes na Região Serrana (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, demonstrar como a vulnerabilidade socioambiental cria condições para os desastres, ao mesmo tempo em que limita as estratégias para prevenção e mitigação. Ao final são apontados alguns dos desafios que a redução de riscos de desastres e a construção da resiliência exigem em contextos de vulnerabilidade socioambiental, o que inclui mudanças nos padrões de desenvolvimento social, econômico e ambiental orientados para a sustentabilidade ecológica e a justiça social como pilares do desenvolvimento sustentável.Data on disasters around the world reveal greater seriousness in countries with lower social and economic development levels. In this context, disaster risk-reduction and resilience-building policies are priorities in the sustainable development agenda, featuring among the topics selected for the Rio+20 Summit. By means of a contribution of a conceptual nature and from examples of disasters in countries with different development levels, namely the Haiti earthquake and the torrential rains in the mountain range close to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, the scope of this article is to demonstrate how socio-environmental vulnerability creates conditions for disasters, while at the same time limiting strategies for their prevention and mitigation. Lastly, some of the measures that disaster risk reduction and resilience-building demand in a socio

  14. Brazil in the global energy world

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Frank D.; Vossoughi, Shapour [University of Kansas (KU), KS (United States)


    Brazil is the 10th largest energy consumer in the world and the third largest in the Western Hemisphere, behind the United States and Canada. Total primary energy consumption in Brazil has increased significantly in recent years; and over the past decade, Brazil has made great strides in increasing its total energy production, particularly oil. Brazil has the second-largest crude oil reserves in South America (behind Venezuela), and is one of the fastest growing oil producers in the world. According to United States Energy Information Administration (EIA), Brazil had 12.2 billion barrels of proven oil reserves in 2008. In 2007, Brazil's state owned Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. (PETROBRAS) announced that it had discovered an estimated 5-8 billion barrels of recoverable reserves (including both oil and natural gas) in the Tupi field, located in the Santos Basin. In 2008, subsequent discoveries were announced, to include Jupiter and Carioca (aka Sugar Loaf). Although PETROBRAS has yet to confirm the size of the discoveries, some industry analysts estimate the total extent of recoverable oil and natural gas reserves in the entire pre-salt layer have approached 40 to 80 billion barrels of oil equivalent. The reserves occur below a salt zone that is estimated to be 7,000 meters below the ocean surface. However, Brazil faces many challenges to recover the hydrocarbons to include technical, political, fiscal, and infrastructure hurdles. In spite of the challenges ahead, these discoveries transformed the nature and focus of Brazil's oil industry, economy, and future; and the potential impact of the pre-salt discoveries upon world oil markets is vast. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how the recent discoveries will affect Brazil's future and the impact it will have on the global energy world. (author)

  15. Erodibilidade, fatores cobertura e manejo e práticas conservacionistas em argissolo vermelho-amarelo, sob condições de chuva natural

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    Eliete Nazaré Eduardo


    Full Text Available Os modelos de predição de perda de solo têm se tornado importantes ferramentas no planejamento conservacionista, sendo, para tanto, fundamental a estimativa local dos parâmetros que influenciam o processo erosivo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a erodibilidade (fator K e os fatores manejo e cobertura (fator C e práticas conservacionistas de suporte (fator P da Equação Universal da Perda de Solo (USLE, em um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo. Foram avaliadas as perdas de solo (PS ocorridas em parcelas-padrão de Wischmeier, no período de 2006 a 2011, com seus respectivos índices de erosividade (EI30. Valores de erodibilidade foram calculados pelo quociente entre PS e EI30 das chuvas anuais (Ka e total no período (Kt e pelo coeficiente angular gerado pela análise de regressão linear entre esses mesmos parâmetros (Kci e Kct. Os fatores C e P foram estimados para a cultura do milho, durante três anos de cultivo em nível (MN. Os valores de Kt e Kct obtidos foram de 0,0090 e 0,0106 Mg ha h ha-1 MJ-1 mm-1, respectivamente. Os valores médios calculados para os fatores C e P são de 0,0070 Mg ha Mg-1 ha-1 e de 0,45, respectivamente, indicando redução de 55 % na perda de solo do MN, em relação ao MMA. Os valores dos fatores K, C e P encontrados podem ser usados como primeira aproximação para estudos de manejo e conservação do solo e da água na região.

  16. The scaly tree ferns (Cyatheaceae-Polypodiopsida of Brazil

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    Anna Weigand


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT A synopsis of all scaly tree fern species (Cyatheaceae occurring in Brazil is presented. We recognize 51 species in three genera [Sphaeropteris one species, Alsophila four species (one subspecies, two varieties, and Cyathea 45 species (one variety ] with 17 taxa being endemic to Brazil. One hybrid endemic to Brazil is recognized. Further included are five species that have not yet been recorded in Brazil, but are expected here because they are found in adjacent countries and occur literally on the border with Brazil. We present the first key covering the family for the whole territory of Brazil.

  17. Avaliação de estimativas de campos de precipitação para modelagem hidrológica distribuída Assessment of estimated precipitation fields for distributed hydrologic modeling

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    Adriano Rolim da Paz


    Full Text Available É crescente a disponibilidade e utilização de campos de chuva estimados por sensoriamento remoto ou calculados por modelos de circulação da atmosfera, os quais são freqüentemente utilizados como entrada para modelos hidrológicos distribuídos. A distribuição espacial dos campos de chuva estimados é altamente relevante e deve ser avaliada frente aos campos de chuva observados. Este artigo propõe um método de comparação espaço-temporal entre campos de chuva observados e estimados baseado na comparação pixel a pixel e na construção de tabelas de contingência. Duas abordagens são utilizadas: (i a análise integrada no espaço gera índices de performance que retratam a qualidade do campo de chuva estimada em reproduzir a ocorrência de chuva observada ao longo do tempo; (ii a análise integrada no tempo produz mapas dos índices de performance que resumem a destreza das estimativas de ocorrência de chuva em cada pixel. Como exemplo de aplicação, é analisada a chuva estimada na climatologia do modelo global de circulação da atmosfera CPTEC/COLA sobre a bacia do Rio Grande. Utilizando-se cinco índices de performance, o método proposto permitiu identificar variações sazonais e padrões espaciais na performance das estimativas de chuva em relação a campos de chuva derivados de observações em pluviômetros.There is an increasing availability and application of precipitation fields estimated by remote sensing or calculated by atmospheric circulation models, which are frequently used as input for distributed hydrological models. The spatial distribution of the estimated precipitation fields is extremely important and must be verified against observed precipitation fields. This paper proposes a method for spatiotemporal comparison between observed and estimated precipitation fields based on a pixel by pixel comparison and on contingency tables. Two distinct approaches are carried out: (i the spatial integrated analysis

  18. Phosphorus loss by surface runoff in no-till system under mineral and organic fertilization Perda de fósforo via escoamento superficial no sistema plantio direto sob adubação mineral e orgânica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oromar João Bertol


    Full Text Available The no-till system has been intensively used in the state of Paraná, Brazil, and it has increased the nutrients level at the soil surface. This has contributed for nutrient losses via runoff and consequently, off-site water pollution. The objective of this study was to evaluate phosphorus loss in surface runoff by simulated rainfall on an Oxisol, under no-till system following application of mineral fertilizer and liquid swine manure. Nitrogen, soil and water losses from the same study are reported in a separated paper. The application of liquid swine manure, compared with mineral fertilization, increased runoff concentration of total P, particulate P and dissolved reactive P by 193%, 111% and 506%, respectively, averaged for all rainfall intensities. Independently on the fertilizer source, the highest rainfall intensity provided the greatest concentration and loads of P in runoff.O sistema plantio direto tem sito intensivamente utilizado no Estado do Paraná Brasil o qual tem aumentado os níveis de nutrientes na superfície do solo. Isto tem contribuído para a perda de nutrientes via escoamento superficial e consequentemente com a poluição não pontual das águas. Avaliou-se a perda de fósforo via escoamento superficial ocasionado por chuva simulada sobre um Latossolo originário de basalto, em sistema plantio direto submetido à aplicação de fertilizante mineral e dejeto líquido de suíno. As perdas de nitrogênio, solo e água deste mesmo estudo foram publicadas em outro artigo. A aplicação de dejeto líquido suíno, comparado com o fertilizante mineral, aumentou a concentração de P total, P particulado e P dissolvido reativo em 193%, 111% e 506%, respectivamente, na média das chuvas. Independentemente da fonte de fertilizante, a chuva de maior intensidade proporcionou maior concentração e quantidade perdida de P no escoamento superficial.

  19. Climatologia do comportamento do período chuvoso da região sudeste do Brasil Climatology of the rainy period behavior in the southeast region of Brazil

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    Rosandro Boligon Minuzzi


    Full Text Available Foram analisados dados diários de 203 estações pluviométricas localizadas na região Sudeste do Brasil, com o objetivo de caracterizar climaticamente e analisar a tendência do comportamento do período chuvoso. Os resultados indicam que o período chuvoso inicia mais cedo (entre 13 e 22 de setembro e tem maior duração (210 a 229 dias na região litorânea de São Paulo. Comportamento oposto ao observado nas regiões Norte e Vale do Jequitinhonha, em Minas Gerais, onde o período chuvoso inicia em média, entre os dias 23 de outubro a 2 de novembro, durando apenas 136 a 155 dias. As datas de início e a duração do período chuvoso estão fortemente correlacionadas entre si, bem como, entre o total de precipitação e a duração do período chuvoso em praticamente todo o Sudeste do Brasil. De modo geral, desde meados da década de 1970, o período chuvoso tem iniciado precocemente e durado mais no Sudeste do Brasil. Quanto à quantidade de chuva, esta tem ocorrido em maiores quantidades somente na área MG3 (sudeste de Minas Gerais e no estado de São Paulo.Daily data from 203 pluviometric stations, located in the Southeast region of Brazil, were studied with the objective to characterize climatically and analyze the tendency of the behavior of the rainy period. The results indicate that the rainy period begins early (between 13 and September 22th and has larger duration (210 to 229 days at the coastal area of São Paulo. Behavior opposed to the observed in the areas North and Vale do Jequitinhonha, in Minas Gerais, where the rainy period begins on average, among October 23th on November 2nd, only lasting 136 to 155 days. The duration and the dates at the beginning of the rainy period are strongly correlated, as well as, among the precipitation total and the duration of the rainy period in practically the whole Southeast region of Brazil. In general, from middles of the 1970's, the rainy period has started earlier and lasted more in the

  20. OUT Success Stories: Rural Electrification in Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Strawn, N.


    The United States and Brazil are collaborating to bring electricity to some 5 million households in rural Brazil. Over the next decade, there is a potential to install approximately 500 megawatts (MW) of solar home systems and 1000 MW of community systems, bringing light to households, schools, and health clinics throughout rural Brazil.

  1. Brazil and CERN get closer

    CERN Multimedia


    The map of countries affiliated to CERN may in future include Brazil. On a visit to CERN last week, the Brazilian Minister of State for Science and Technology, Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg, expressed his country's interest in closer links to the Laboratory.   Luciano Maiani and the Brazilian Minister of State for Science and Technology Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg shake hands on CERN-Brazil co-operation. During his visit, the Minister and CERN Director General Luciano Maiani issued a joint statement for the continuation of a Co-operation Agreement first established in 1990. They also agreed to study the possibility of Brazil joining CERN-led Grid computing infrastructure projects. Brazilian physicists are already involved in the LHCb, ATLAS and CMS experiments. At the conclusion of the Minister's visit, he and Director-General Maiani agreed to establish a Working Group to examine ways of strengthening Brazil's links with CERN, and to prepare the way for a Brazilian request to CERN Council to become an Observer at th...

  2. Spatial variability of the rainfall erosivity in southern region of Minas Gerais state, Brazil Variabilidade espacial da erosividade da chuva na região sul de Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Regimeire Freitas Aquino


    do uso local da terra. Para tanto, determinou-se o fator erosividade para séries de precipitação pluviométrica, utilizando dados de precipitações obtidas junto à Agencia Nacional de Água - ANA, constituindo-se séries históricas que variaram de 15 a 40 anos. Os índices de erosividade mensais e anuais foram obtidos, utilizando a equação de Fournier utilizada em Lavras, MG e a variabilidade espacial da erosividade foi realizada com base nos princípios da geoestatística, considerando-se apenas a distância que os separa, construindo-se o semivariograma experimental isotrópico. O ajuste do semivariograma foi realizado com base no método dos Mínimos Quadrados Ponderados e no grau de dependência espacial. Definida a estrutura e o ajuste do semivariograma passou-se à fase de geração dos mapas de krigagem, gerando o comportamento espacial das erosividades, na região Sul de Minas Gerais. Observou-se que a região Sul de Minas Gerais apresenta elevados padrões de erosividade, com amplitude de 5.145 a 7.776 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1, para Ijaci (região norte e Itajubá (região sul, respectivamente. Os índices de erosividade da região do Sul de Minas Gerais foram considerados elevados e com forte influência da topografia, associados às características climáticas. Maiores erosividades estão associadas às áreas de maior altitude, como ao longo da Serra da Mantiqueira e em planaltos e serras elevadas no centro-norte da região. A abordagem geoestatística com dados de longo prazo de chuva para a região Sul de Minas Gerais, que é uma região relativamente heterogênea em termos de altitude, profundidade do solo e declive, mostrou-se adequada à proposta do presente estudo.

  3. Effect factors for terrestrial acidification in Brazil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Crespo Mendes, Natalia; Laurent, Alexis; Hauschild, Michael Zwicky

    conditions, which is an essential approach considering countries like Brazil, with high biodiversity. Previous studies have assessed the impacts of terrestrial acidification from the estimations of the potential losses of vascular plants species richness as a result of exposure to acidifying substances...... for 13 biomes, with 2409 species addressed for whole world. In this context this work aims to provide spatially-differentiated effect factors (EF) for terrestrial acidification in Brazil and support the development of spatially-differentiated characterization factors for Brazil. In order to maintain...... in Brazil, represented by 33167 species, indicating that this is a comprehensive study. Maps of soil pH in Brazil were extracted at 1-km resolution and pH values were extracted for the depth range of 0-30cm. For each ecoregion, species richness was plotted against soil pH and the exposure-response curves...

  4. All about neosporosis in Brazil

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    Camila Koutsodontis Cerqueira-Cézar


    Full Text Available Abstract Neospora caninum is protozoan parasite with domestic and wild dogs, coyotes and grey wolves as the definitive hosts and many warm-blooded animals as intermediate hosts. It was cultivated and named in 1988. Neosporosis is a major disease of cattle and has no public health significance. Since 1990’s N. caninum has emerged as a major cause of abortion in cattle worldwide, including in Brazil. N. caninum also causes clinical infections in several other animal species. Considerable progress has been made in understanding the biology of N. caninum and there are more than 200 papers on this subject from Brazil. However, most of the reports on neosporosis from Brazil are serological surveys. Overall, little is known of clinical neosporosis in Brazil, particularly cattle. The few reports pertain to sporadic cases of abortion with no information on epidemics or storms of abortion. The objective of the present review is to summarize all reports from Brazil and suggest topic for further research, including prevalence of N. caninum oocysts in soil or in canine feces, and determining if there are additional definitive hosts, other than the domestic dog. There is need for a national survey in cattle using defined parameters. Future researches should focus on molecular characterization of N. caninum strains, possibility of vaccine production and relationship between wildlife and livestock epidemiology.

  5. Visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil

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    Mary Marcondes


    Full Text Available Visceral leishmaniasis (VL is among the most important vector-borne diseases that occur in Brazil, mainly due to its zoonotic nature. It is currently present in almost all Brazilian territory, and its control is a challenge both for veterinarians and for public health officials. The etiologic agent is Leishmania infantum (syn chagasi, and the main vector in Brazil is Lutzomyia longipalpis. Of all animals identified as reservoirs of VL, the dog is considered the most important domestic reservoir. Although the disease has already been identified in cats, the epidemiological role of this animal species is still unclear. This article presents a brief review of the epidemiological situation of the disease, its mode of transmission, clinical features in dogs and cats as well as possible risk factors associated with the occurrence of the disease in Brazil.

  6. Properties of Brazil nuts: A review

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 25, 2015 ... approaches different technologies applied in the Brazil nut products process. Key words: ... forest and adjacent areas in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru (Ferreira et al., 2011). ... ''Scientific evidence suggests”, but does not prove, that.

  7. FY16 Brazil Country Opinion Survey Report


    World Bank Group


    The Country Opinion Survey in Brazil assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in gaining a better understanding of how stakeholders in Brazil perceive the WBG. It provides the WBG with systematic feedback from national and local governments, multilateral/bilateral agencies, media, academia, the private sector, and civil society in Brazil on 1) their views regarding the general environment in Bra...

  8. The scaly tree ferns (Cyatheaceae-Polypodiopsida) of Brazil


    Weigand, Anna; Lehnert, Marcus


    ABSTRACT A synopsis of all scaly tree fern species (Cyatheaceae) occurring in Brazil is presented. We recognize 51 species in three genera [Sphaeropteris one species, Alsophila four species (one subspecies, two varieties), and Cyathea 45 species (one variety) ] with 17 taxa being endemic to Brazil. One hybrid endemic to Brazil is recognized. Further included are five species that have not yet been recorded in Brazil, but are expected here because they are found in adjacent countries and occur...


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    Lindberg Nascimento Júnior


    Full Text Available A Oscilação Decadal do Pacífico – ODP tem sido discutida como a teleconexão de baixa frequência mais recorrente do Oceano Pacífico. A oscilação é caracterizada por meio das temperaturas da superfície do mar e pela temporalidade de atuação na escala de 20 a 30 anos. No Brasil, associações entre ODP nas dinâmicas climáticas regionais e locais são verificadas principalmente na variabilidade pluviométrica. No Paraná, estudos que associaram a oscilação à dinâmica pluviométrica e/ou climática foram obtidos de forma indireta. Neste contexto, o objetivo do trabalho é apresentar as características por meio de associações e correlações espaciais e temporais obtidas por testes estatísticos para a precipitação no estado. O intuito é contribuir aos estudos sobre a gênese das chuvas na região, considerando a variabilidade pluviométrica em escala decadal, e destacando a ODP como um fenômeno que auxilia na produção das chuvas no estado. Foram utilizadas séries históricas de 1976 a 2011: a com dados mensais de chuva e número de dias com chuva, agrupados em escalas trimestrais, sazonais e anuais; e b com índices anuais padronizados da ODP. A caracterização foi processada pela associação em função da similaridade temporal da ODP e das chuvas no Paraná e as correlações foram obtidas pelo coeficiente de correlação linear de Pearson. Em geral, a participação da ODP se mostrou com sinal fraco para chuvas, numa relação de 11% a 20%, considerando o coeficiente de determinação (r². Para os números de dias com chuva a correlação foi de 17 a 46%, sugerindo uma relação com sinal moderado-fraco. Os resultados corroboram para o melhor entendimento das gêneses das chuvas em regiões de clima tropical, especialmente para o Paraná, e aponta abordagens interpretativas dos impactos regionais e locais de teleconexões climáticas de baixa frequência.

  10. Nuclear material control in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marzo, M.A.S.; Iskin, M.C.L.; Palhares, L.C.; Almeida, S.G. de.


    A general view about the safeguards activities in Brazil is presented. The national system of accounting for and control of nuclear materials is described. The safeguards agreements signed by Brazil are presented, the facilities and nuclear material under these agreements are listed, and the dificulties on the pratical implementation are discussed. (E.G.) [pt

  11. Type 2 diabetes in Brazil: epidemiology and management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Almeida-Pititto B


    Full Text Available Bianca de Almeida-Pititto,1 Monike Lourenço Dias,2 Ana Carolina Franco de Moraes,3 Sandra RG Ferreira,3 Denise Reis Franco,4 Freddy Goldberg Eliaschewitz4,5 1Department of Preventive Medicine, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; 2Department of Endocrinology, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil; 3Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; 4CPClin Clinical Research Center, 5Albert Einstein Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil Abstract: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM is one of the most important epidemic diseases in the world this century, and accounts for 90% of cases of diabetes globally. Brazil is one of the most important examples of the alarming picture of T2DM in emergent societies, being the country with the fourth largest number of people with diabetes. The aim of this paper is to review the literature on diabetes in Brazil, specifically looking at the epidemiology and management of T2DM. A literature search was conducted using PubMed and LILACS to identify articles containing information on diabetes in Brazil. Official documents from the Brazilian government, World Health Organization, and International Diabetes Federation were also reviewed. Keywords: type 2 diabetes, Brazil, epidemiology, management

  12. Sources of Brazil's Counter-Hegemony

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    Marcos Aurelio Guedes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available There have been two key initiatives taken in the last two decades in Brazil to create a counter-hegemonic project for the country. One initiative resulted from Brazil's business community and high-level State bureaucracy and aimed at forming a regional economic and political bloc that would guarantee and enlarge a relative independence from the hegemonic powers. The other resulted from the emergence of the new unionist movement in São Paulo and from the formation of Partido dos Trabalhadores and aimed at promoting radical democratization and reducing social exclusion. Both initiatives have created policies and changes that have converged to enhance Brazil's counter-hegemonic position as a regional and emerging power.

  13. Brazil-U.S. Relations (United States)


    Eduardo Lins, “La Casa Blanca y El Planalto: Respeto y Solidaridad,” Foreign Affairs En Español, January-March 2003. 31 See “President Bush Meets with...U.S. Department of State, Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2005: Brazil, February 2006. 2 Lincoln Gordon, Brazil’s Second Change En Route...stabilizing force and skillful interlocutor in Latin America. U.S. officials tend to describe Brazil, similar to Chile , as a friendly country governed

  14. Sweet future? Brazil's ethanol fuel programme

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calle, F.R.


    This article traces the history of Brazil's ethanol fuel programme from 1975 to the present, and considers Brazil's energy policy, and the implications of price liberalisation and privatisation aimed at reducing prices to control inflation. The achievements of ProAlcool which was established in 1975 with the aim of replacing petrol with ethanol, costs and investment in ProAlcool, environmental implications, and policy initiatives to boost ProAlcool are examined. Details of typical emissions from a 6-year old car in Brazil are tabulated illustrating the reduced emissions due to ethanol fuels

  15. Diabetes Care in Brazil. (United States)

    Coutinho, Walmir F; Silva Júnior, Wellington Santana


    The diabetes epidemic affects most countries across the world and is increasing at alarming rates in Latin America. Nearly 12 million individuals have diabetes in Brazil, and the current prevalence ranges from 6.3% to 13.5%, depending on the region and the diagnostic criteria adopted in each study. To provide an overview of diabetes care in Brazil, focusing on studies of diabetes epidemiology, prevalence of patients within the standard targets of care, and economic burden of diabetes and its complications. SciELO and PubMed searches were performed for the terms "diabetes," "Brazil," "Brazilian," and "health system"; relevant literature from 1990 to 2015 was selected. Additional articles identified from reference list searches were also included. All articles selected were published in Portuguese and/or English. Recent studies detected a prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus of nearly 20%. Among patients with type 1 diabetes, almost 90% fail to reach target of glycemic control, with less than 30% receiving treatment for both hypertension and dyslipidemia. More than 75% of patients with type 2 diabetes are either overweight or obese. Most of these patients fail to reach glycemic targets (42.1%) and less than 30% reached the target for systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body mass index, or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Only 0.2% of patients reach all these anthropometric and metabolic targets. Brazil is the fourth country in the world in number of patients with diabetes. Regardless of the diabetes type, the majority of patients do not meet other metabolic control goals. The economic burden of diabetes and its complications in Brazil is extremely high, and more effective approaches for preventions and management are urgently needed. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  16. 77 FR 22343 - Certain Orange Juice From Brazil (United States)


    ... Brazil Determination On the basis of the record \\1\\ developed in the subject five-year review, the United... from Brazil would not be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury to an industry... Publication 4311 (April 2012), entitled Certain Orange Juice from Brazil: Investigation No. 731-TA-1089...

  17. Restoration practicesin Brazil's Atlantic rainforest. (United States)

    Jorge Correa de Lima Palidon; Maisa dos Santos Guapyassu


    The atlantic Rain Forst (Mata Atlantica) extends along the southern coast of Brazil and inland into Argentina and Paraguay. Originally covering 15% of the land area of Brazil, it was a region of an estimated 1.3 million km2 (MMA 2000). Today, remnants of the Atlantic Forest represents about 8% of the original area, or some 94,000 km2...

  18. Challenges for malaria elimination in Brazil. (United States)

    Ferreira, Marcelo U; Castro, Marcia C


    Brazil currently contributes 42 % of all malaria cases reported in the Latin America and the Caribbean, a region where major progress towards malaria elimination has been achieved in recent years. In 2014, malaria burden in Brazil (143,910 microscopically confirmed cases and 41 malaria-related deaths) has reached its lowest levels in 35 years, Plasmodium falciparum is highly focal, and the geographic boundary of transmission has considerably shrunk. Transmission in Brazil remains entrenched in the Amazon Basin, which accounts for 99.5 % of the country's malaria burden. This paper reviews major lessons learned from past and current malaria control policies in Brazil. A comprehensive discussion of the scientific and logistic challenges that may impact malaria elimination efforts in the country is presented in light of the launching of the Plan for Elimination of Malaria in Brazil in November 2015. Challenges for malaria elimination addressed include the high prevalence of symptomless and submicroscopic infections, emerging anti-malarial drug resistance in P. falciparum and Plasmodium vivax and the lack of safe anti-relapse drugs, the largely neglected burden of malaria in pregnancy, the need for better vector control strategies where Anopheles mosquitoes present a highly variable biting behaviour, human movement, the need for effective surveillance and tools to identify foci of infection in areas with low transmission, and the effects of environmental changes and climatic variability in transmission. Control actions launched in Brazil and results to come are likely to influence control programs in other countries in the Americas.

  19. Area Handbook Series: Brazil: A Country Study (United States)


    Encompassing almost half the South American conti- nent and bordering every South American country except Ecuador and Chile , Brazil ranks as the fifth largest...and agricultural projects related to the program was slowed. Expansion of the sugarcane acreage was less 184 Construction site, Aguas Claras mine near...Development-OECD) purchased 60 percent of Brazil’s exports. Among Brazil’s 10 largest export markets, only Argentina (US$718 million), Chile (US$363 million

  20. Municipal solid waste in Brazil: A review. (United States)

    Alfaia, Raquel Greice de Souza Marotta; Costa, Alyne Moraes; Campos, Juacyara Carbonelli


    The production of municipal solid waste (MSW) represents one of the greatest challenges currently faced by waste managers all around the world. In Brazil, the situation with regard to solid waste management is still deficient in many aspects. In 2015, only 58.7% of the MSW collected in Brazilian cities received appropriate final disposal. It was only as late as 2010 that Brazil established the National Policy on Solid Waste (NPSW) based on the legislation and programmes established in the 1970s in more developed countries. However, the situation with regard to MSW management has changed little since the implementation of the NPSW. Recent data show that, in Brazil, disposal in sanitary landfills is practically the only management approach to MSW. Contrary to expectations, despite the economic recession in 2015 the total annual amount of MSW generated nationwide increased by 1.7%, while in the same period the Brazilian population grew by 0.8% and economic activity decreased by 3.8%. The article describes the panorama with regard to MSW in Brazil from generation to final disposal and discusses the issues related to the delay in implementing the NPSW. The collection of recyclable material, the recycling process, the application of reverse logistics and the determination of the gravimetric composition of MSW in Brazil are also addressed in this article. Finally, a brief comparison is made between MSW management in Brazil and in other countries, the barriers to developing effective waste disposal systems are discussed and some recommendations for future MSW management development in Brazil are given.

  1. Abortion in Brazil: A Search For Rights


    Anjos, Karla Ferraz dos; Santos, Vanessa Cruz; Souzas, Raquel; Eugênio, Benedito Gonçalves


    Discussing the abortion theme in Brazil is highly problematic since it involves ethical, moral and legal precepts. The criminalization of abortion in Brazil favors a clandestine and unsafe practice and can lead to serious consequences to women´s health. In this perspective, this research deals with the legal context in which the abortion problem is inscribed in Brazil, coupled to the specific aims in pinpointing complications caused by the criminalization of clandestine abortion besides deali...

  2. Brazil's energy industry in a crisis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sangmeister, H.


    In volume 8/1986 of this periodical, Brazil's moving away from the program for the building and expansion of a national nuclear power industry had been reported on back of foreign currencies and urgently necessary saving measures of the public means influence not only the construction of nuclear power plants, they also decay instruments in other areas of energy industry. In the area of electric power, some nationalisations have already taken place and in petroleum supply, the need for imports is increasing again. Furthermore, there is reason to believe that some of the energy-political solutions which Brazil had chosen as answers to the petroleum price shocks of 1973/74 and 1979/80 are likely to lead to some considerable problems in the near future. In the middle of these crises in which Brazil's energy industry has been for some time now, there is nonetheless one spectacular event. Brazil's President, Mr. Jose Sarney, announced the command of the nuclear cycle by means of national technology. (orig.) [de

  3. Precipitação efetiva e interceptação das chuvas por floresta de Mata Atlântica em uma microbacia experimental em Cunha - São Paulo

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    Arcova Francisco Carlos Soriano


    Full Text Available São apresentados os resultados de pesquisa que quantificaram a precipitação efetiva e a interceptação das chuvas pelo dossel da floresta secundária de Mata Atlântica na "microbacia experimental B", do Laboratório de Hidrologia Florestal Walter Emmerich, em Cunha-SP. No período de um ano foram medidos a precipitação no aberto, a precipitação interna e o escoamento pelo tronco das árvores, totalizando 54 coletas. Um pluviômetro em área aberta e 16 no interior da floresta foram utilizados para quantificação dos dois primeiros processos, respectivamente. Para determinação do escoamento pelo tronco foram instalados dispositivos de espuma de poliuretano em 38 árvores. A água interceptada foi estimada pela diferença entre a precipitação no aberto e a precipitação efetiva. Concluiu-se que, em média, 18,6% da precipitação foi interceptada pela floresta, retornando à atmosfera na forma de vapor. Um montante de 81,2% alcançou o piso como precipitação interna e apenas 0,2% como escoamento pelo tronco. Os fluxos de precipitação interna e escoamento pelo tronco foram maiores no período caracterizado como chuvoso. Os porcentuais de interceptação foram superiores no período pouco chuvoso.

  4. Previsão de chuva a curtíssimo prazo na área de abrangência do radar meteorológico de São Paulo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Felipe da Silva Farias


    Full Text Available A avaliação da previsão de chuva a curtíssimo prazo com até 3 horas de antecedência na área de cobertura do Radar Meteorológico de São Paulo (RSP para diferentes tipos de sistemas precipitantes, principalmente os associados às enchentes e deslizamentos na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP, foi realizada por meio de um modelo advectivo a partir do campo de vento 2D médio e da velocidade dos campos das taxas de precipitação estimados com o radar e um Esquema Numérico de Terceira-ordem Corrente Acima (ENTOCA, que utiliza um vetor de deslocamento constante. O desempenho obtido para precipitação acumulada foi avaliado com os seguintes parâmetros estatísticos: Índice de Sucesso Crítico (ISC, Probabilidade de Detecção (POD, Razão de Falsos Alarmes (RFA, Erro Quadrático Médio (EQM e Coeficiente de Correlação (CCOR. O ISC para limiar de acumulo de 0,2 mm, em períodos de acumulação de 60 minutos, apresentou os seguintes valores: 77% para eventos de Frente fria, 67,5% para Linhas de Instabilidade, 58% para Bandas Dispersas, 56,4% para Convecção Isolada e 47% para Brisa Marítima. A previsibilidade obtida foi maior para sistemas estratiformes do que para sistemas convectivos. A partir de períodos de 90 (120 minutos de advecção o CSI diminui exponencialmente para sistemas convectivos (estratiformes.

  5. Comportamentos de abandono e migração de colônias silvestres da abelha melífera africanizada (Apis mellifera L. - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v29i4.882 Absconding and migratory behaviors of feral Africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera L. colonies in NE Brazil - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v29i4.882

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raimundo Maciel Souza


    Full Text Available Os movimentos de colônias silvestres da abelha melífera africanizada (Apis mellifera L. no Estado do Ceará, Brasil, foram investigados com o objetivo de compreender variações anuais em sua população. A chegada e a partida de colônias de abelhas africanizadas (AHB, no município semi-árido de Canindé e na úmida cidade litorânea de Fortaleza (separadas por 120 km, foram monitoradas semanalmente, de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2001, e comparados com os dados pluviométricos de chuvas em ambas as áreas. Os resultados demonstraram que as abelhas africanizadas somente nidificaram no semi-árido durante a estação chuvosa e o abandonaram na estação seca, ao contrário do observado em Fortaleza. Apenas 5% das colônias permaneceram na área semi-árida por todo o ano, por causa dos ataques de formigas (Camponotus sp. e carência de néctar e água na estação seca. A maioria das colônias migrou para as áreas litorâneas onde o clima é mais ameno e muitas espécies vegetais florescem nesta época do ano. O excesso de chuvas provavelmente forçava as colônias africanizadas a migrarem de volta ao semi-árido durante a estação chuvosa. Conclui-se que o abandono e a migração são estratégias que permitem às abelhas africanizadas sobreviverem no semi-árido nordestino, em contraste com as raças européias que nunca conseguiram estabelecer populações silvestres na região.We investigated the annual movements of feral Africanized honey bee (Apis melliferaL. colonies in the state of Ceará, Brazil, aiming to understand seasonal variations in their population. Arrival and absconding of Africanized honey bee (AHB colonies in the semiarid municipality of Canindé and the coastal humid city of Fortaleza (120 km apart were recorded weekly from January 1999 to December 2001, and the data compared to rainfall records in both areas. Results showed that AHB colonies only nest in the semiarid during the rainy season and abscond during the

  6. Rainfall erosivity in Brazil: A Review (United States)

    In this paper, we review the erosivity studies conducted in Brazil to verify the quality and representativeness of the results generated and to provide a greater understanding of the rainfall erosivity (R-factor) in Brazil. We searched the ISI Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO, and Google Scholar datab...

  7. Danish wind power in Brazil. Part 1. The future of wind power in Brazil - market analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Husted Rich, N


    More than 95% of total energy produced in Brazil comes from highly efficient hydroelectric power plants but, faced with a serious shortage of energy after the year 2000, the country is now considering wind energy as one of the basic alternatives for energy supply. It is suggested that biomass, wind energy and biogas may be included in a future supply policy for the north-east region of the land. The structure of, the privatisation, legislation and the tariff system within the Brazilian power sector are described in addition to the present situation regarding wind energy in the country, including current and coming projects in this field, the excellent wind conditions in Northeastern Brazil and investment possibilities. The political activities in this field of the Danish Folkecenter for Renewable Energy are noted and future developments in Brazil are discussed. It is concluded that there are good prospects for Danish windmill technology on the Brazilian market. Wind measurement programs are presently being carried out in various areas of the country, though a number of impediments to the development of wind energy in Brazil remain. (AB)

  8. Population structure and reproduction of Deuterodon langei travassos, 1957 (Teleostei, Characidae in a neotropical stream basin from the Atlantic Forest, Southern Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean Ricardo Simões Vitule


    Full Text Available Aspects of the biology of D. langei were studied at different sites along a longitudinal gradient formed by the Ribeirão stream basin, a Neotropical stream of the Atlantic Forest, southern Brazil. Differences were observed in population structure and reproduction along the longitudinal gradient and during the study period. Juvenile fishes occurred in high abundance, mainly in the downstream site after the rainy months. Adults occurred mainly in the intermediate and upstream sites. During their life cycle, adults optimise their reproductive strategy by concentrating the reproductive period with total spawn in a short time interval before summer rains dragged the juvenile, larval forms and/or eggs downstream. The downstream site was characterized by a wide range of microhabitats (ex. submerged grass and shallow flooded area. Thus, the species used different portions of the basin in distinct stages of its life, being ecologically adapted to variation patterns in its temporal and physical environments.Aspectos da biologia de D. langei foram estudados em diferentes locais da bacia do rio Ribeirão, um riacho litorâneo da Floresta Atlântica do sudeste do Brasil. Foram observadas diferenças na estrutura da população e na reprodução, ao longo do gradiente longitudinal da bacia e do período de estudo. Os peixes juvenis ocorreram em grande abundância, principalmente no trecho a jusante da bacia, após os meses mais chuvosos. Adultos ocorreram principalmente nos trechos intermediários e a montante. Não houve diferença significativa na relação sexual entre os locais amostrados, estações do ano, meses e classes de comprimento. O comprimento médio de primeira maturação (L50 foi o mesmo para machos e fêmeas, entre 6,1 e 7,0 cm de comprimento total (Lt. O período reprodutivo foi curto (entre o final da primavera e início do verão, antes dos meses mais chuvosos, com desova total. O Índice de Atividade Reprodutiva (IAR indicou que D

  9. Brazil's mineral development: potential and problems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lloyd, B; Wheeler, E


    Brazil's vast mineral wealth still lies in the ground largely unexploited. Lack of adequate communications and the past political instability of the country has greatly hampered mineral exploration, and risk capital for major schemes has only recently been forthcoming. In 1975, Brazil's oil imports alone cost US $3073 million, creating an unhealthy balance of payments deficit and causing the external national debt to reach US $22 billion by the end of that year--an increase of a further 25% in this debt took place during 1976. Substantial price rises in imported machinery followed that of oil, while the prices of Brazil's main exports, coffee, sugar and soya, have continued to fluctuate widely. As a result of the oil price rise Brazil has moved from a traditional trade balance to substantial deficit, although this has fallen from its 1974 peak of 4.6 billion, largely as a result of government policies. Brazil has untapped deposits of bauxite, tin, zinc, iron ore, nickel, as well as oil, and is firmly set on the path that will make her one of the world's major sources of raw materials by the year 2000. The government has made the exploitation of natural resources, particularly the previously neglected oil and gas sectors, one of the cornerstones of its economic strategy. Yet in 1975 the mineral sector produced less than 2% of Brazil's GNP, although it did contribute 11% of exports. Apart from iron oreand manganese, mineral production is small and the country is still a net importer of copper, zinc, nickel, tin, and lead. Without a substantial increase in exports the government's whole economic/social and political strategy will be at risk.

  10. the Energy in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    To face the forecasted increase of 4 % of the Gross Domestic Product, it is necessary to increase the energy capacity installed in Brazil. The action at first planned on 10 to 20 years, is oriented today on a shorter period from 2001 to 2004. The program proposes investment of 43 milliards or Reals from which 32 will come from the private sector. This report takes stock on the energy situation in Brazil, the human, political and geographical constraints and the actions in favor of the energy development. (A.L.B.)

  11. Scientific integrity in Brazil. (United States)

    Lins, Liliane; Carvalho, Fernando Martins


    This article focuses on scientific integrity and the identification of predisposing factors to scientific misconduct in Brazil. Brazilian scientific production has increased in the last ten years, but the quality of the articles has decreased. Pressure on researchers and students for increasing scientific production may contribute to scientific misconduct. Cases of misconduct in science have been recently denounced in the country. Brazil has important institutions for controlling ethical and safety aspects of human research, but there is a lack of specific offices to investigate suspected cases of misconduct and policies to deal with scientific dishonesty.

  12. Properties of Brazil nuts: A review

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 25, 2015 ... Brazil nut products, including oil, cake and flour, milk extract and extruded products. NUTRITIONAL ASPECTS. Brazil nut has high content of proteins, carbohydrates, unsaturated ... nuts, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce ..... products since it enables the mixing of different raw.

  13. Neglected tropical diseases in Brazil. (United States)

    Lindoso, José Angelo L; Lindoso, Ana Angélica B P


    Poverty is intrinsically related to the incidence of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). The main countries that have the lowest human development indices (HDI) and the highest burdens of NTDs are located in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Among these countries is Brazil, which is ranked 70th in HDI. Nine out of the ten NTDs established by the World Health Organization (WHO) are present in Brazil. Leishmaniasis, tuberculosis, dengue fever and leprosy are present over almost the entire Brazilian territory. More than 90% of malaria cases occur in the Northern region of the country, and lymphatic filariasis and onchocerciasis occur in outbreaks in a particular region. The North and Northeast regions of Brazil have the lowest HDIs and the highest rates of NTDs. These diseases are considered neglected because there is not important investment in projects for the development of new drugs and vaccines and existing programs to control these diseases are not sufficient. Another problem related to NTDs is co-infection with HIV, which favors the occurrence of severe clinical manifestations and therapeutic failure. In this article, we describe the status of the main NTDs currently occurring in Brazil and relate them to the HDI and poverty.

  14. Group Analytic Psychotherapy in Brazil. (United States)

    Penna, Carla; Castanho, Pablo


    Group analytic practice in Brazil began quite early. Highly influenced by the Argentinean Pichon-Rivière, it enjoyed a major development from the 1950s to the early 1980s. Beginning in the 1970s, different factors undermined its development and eventually led to its steep decline. From the mid 1980s on, the number of people looking for either group analytic psychotherapy or group analytic training decreased considerably. Group analytic psychotherapy societies struggled to survive and most of them had to close their doors in the 1990s and the following decade. Psychiatric reform and the new public health system have stimulated a new demand for groups in Brazil. Developments in the public and not-for-profit sectors, combined with theoretical and practical research in universities, present promising new perspectives for group analytic psychotherapy in Brazil nowadays.

  15. Allelopathic research in Brazil

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    Manuel Reigosa


    Full Text Available In this article, we review allelopathy studies conducted in Brazil or involving plant species that occur in the country. Conceptions and misconceptions associated with allelopathy, as well as some international criteria to be applied in allelopathic research, are presented and discussed. We observed a sharp increase in the number of papers on this subject conducted in Brazil between 1991 and 2010. However, most studies are conducted under laboratory conditions, lack a clear hypothesis or a solid justification, and typically make use of target species that do not co-exist with the donor species under natural conditions. We also found that most studies do not take the additional steps in order to purify and identify the bioactive molecules. We recommend that further studies be conducted in order to explore the potential of plant biodiversity in Brazil. Such studies could lead to the development of new molecular structures (allelochemicals that could be used in the control of pests and weeds, thereby reducing the use of the harmful synthetic herbicides that are currently being widely employed.

  16. The Espinharas uranium occurrence, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuchs, H.D.; Fonte, J. da; Suckau, V.; Thakur, V.


    Nuclam has been exploring for uranium in Brazil since 1976. During this period one uranium ore body has been found in the vicinity of Espinharas, a village in Paraiba State, northeast Brazil. According to present knowledge, the mineralized ore body is caused by metasomatic action. The history of discovery and the exploration work until the end of 1979 is given, showing the conceptual change with increasing knowledge of the mineralized zone. (author)

  17. Brazil: anchoring the region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Costamilan, L.C.L.


    The role of Brazil's state-run petroleum company, Petrobras, in providing a national supply of oil and natural gas and their products to Brazil was discussed. Petrobras is the sole state-run enterprise which carries out research, exploration, production, refining, imports, exports and the transportation of oil and gas in Brazil. Petrobras has built a complete and modern infrastructure made up of refineries, distribution bases, terminals and oil and gas pipelines. Recently (1995) the Brazilian National Assembly approved legislation that while confirming the state monopoly, also provides private contractors and other state-owned companies ways to participate in the petroleum sector. There exists a great potential for oil and gas in many of Brazil's 29 sedimentary basins. The regulatory legislation also created two new organs to deal with the partial deregulation of the petroleum sector, the National Board for Energy Policy and the National Petroleum Agency. The first of these will deal with policy issues, measures and guidelines regarding regional energy supply and demand and specific programs such as those affecting natural gas, fuel alcohol, coal and nuclear energy. The National Petroleum Agency will manage the hydrocarbon sector on behalf of the government. Its functions will include regulation and monitoring of the sector, managing the bidding process for concessions for exploration and production, and other related activities. The new legislation opens up new horizons for the Brazilian oil sector, providing opportunities for private investment, both domestic and foreign, as well as for new technological capabilities associated with these investments. 1 tab., 6 figs

  18. Biomass briquetting and its perspectives in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Felfli, Felix Fonseca; Mesa P, Juan M.; Rocha, Jose Dilcio; Filippetto, Daniele; Luengo, Carlos A.; Pippo, Walfrido Alonso


    A study of the status of biomass briquetting and its perspectives in Brazil was conducted including determination of the availability and characteristics of the agro-residues for briquetting. Wood residues, rice husk and coffee husk were characterized and identified as the more promising agro-residues for briquetting in the short-term in Brazil. A survey was carried out in order to determine the number of briquetting factories in Brazil, and also to determine: used briquetting technologies, briquettes production, briquettes sale prices, the status of biomass briquetting market and its future perspectives. (author)

  19. The situation of nuclear research in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alves, R.N.


    In order to understand the nuclear research situation in Brazil, one must examine the historical facts and their political, economical and social dimensions. In the first part of this work, the international aspects of the nuclear area and the corresponding measures adopted in Brazil are examined. The reasons that caused the country to adopt the current development model are presented. A proposal that will permit Brazil to develop and use nuclear energy in the way it wants and not as it might be imposed is presented. 4 tabs

  20. Biomass briquetting and its perspectives in Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Felfli, Felix Fonseca; Mesa P, Juan M. [BIOWARE Ltda., Caixa Postal 6086, 13083-970, Campinas, SP (Brazil); Rocha, Jose Dilcio [EMBRAPA-Agroenergia, Brasilia, DF (Brazil); Filippetto, Daniele; Luengo, Carlos A.; Pippo, Walfrido Alonso [Grupo Combustiveis Alternativos/Departamento de Fisica Aplicada/IFGW/UNICAMP, Caixa Postal 6165, Barao Geraldo 13083-970, Campinas, SP (Brazil)


    A study of the status of biomass briquetting and its perspectives in Brazil was conducted including determination of the availability and characteristics of the agro-residues for briquetting. Wood residues, rice husk and coffee husk were characterized and identified as the more promising agro-residues for briquetting in the short-term in Brazil. A survey was carried out in order to determine the number of briquetting factories in Brazil, and also to determine: used briquetting technologies, briquettes production, briquettes sale prices, the status of biomass briquetting market and its future perspectives. (author)

  1. Lycopodiaceae in Brazil. Conspectus of the family

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Øllgaard, Benjamin; Windisch, Paulo G.


    A conspectus of the Lycopodiaceae in Brazil is presented, following a generic classification based on anatomy, chromosome numbers, spores and gametophytes, as well as recent molecular studies. The species of Lycopodiaceae occurring in Brazil, traditionally treated conservatively, were grouped...

  2. IDRC in Brazil

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    local farmers — particularly women — ... INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH CENTRE. FL. IC ... the roots of violence ... Wage inequalities in Brazil and India ... foreign policy efforts, IDRC supports research in developing countries.

  3. Rising Expectations in Brazil and Chile (United States)

    Elacqua, Gregory; Alves, Fatima


    Two themes connect Brazil and Chile: one is economic success; the other is social unrest. Protests rocked cities across Brazil in June 2013, and in Chile, recent student protests turned violent. Yet living conditions in both nations are better now than they've ever been. Successful economic and social reforms over the last two decades have led to…

  4. Occupational health and safety in Brazil. (United States)

    Frumkin, H; Câmara, V de M


    Brazil is the world's fifth largest and sixth most populous nation. Its economy is varied, with strong manufacturing, agriculture, mining, and service sectors. Therefore, a wide variety of workplace hazards confronts its work force. This paper describes Brazil's occupational safety and health regulatory scheme, workers' compensation system, plant-level practices, training, and data collection. We reviewed and analyzed Brazilian regulatory legislation and government and non-governmental organization (NGO) activity in occupational safety and health, as well as the structure and function of the workers' compensation system. We also reviewed available data on injuries and diseases from major sources, including the now-defunct Instituto Nacional do Previdencia Social (INPS) and the workers' compensation scheme, Seguro de Acidente de Trabalho (SAT). The incidence of workplace injuries has decreased in recent years and is now reported to be about 5 per 100 workers per year. The case fatality rate has been constant at about 5 fatalities per 1000 injuries. Less than 6% of reported injuries are classified as "diseases." Brazil's rates are comparable to those of Mexico and Zimbabwe, and two to four times higher than in most industrialized countries. Brazil has a high incidence of occupational injuries and diseases; these injuries and diseases are underreported; there is a large informal sector at special risk; and Brazil illustrates the disparity that exists in many countries between legislation on the books and legislation that is actually implemented.

  5. The victory against Greenpeace-Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The author writes down an interview with the President of the Brazilian association for nuclear energy (ABEN). ABEN has actively participated to the rebirth of nuclear energy in Brazil. During the beginning of the nineties Brazil underwent several anti-nuclear campaigns led by Greenpeace-Brazil, these campaigns found a favorable echo among the public because of the radiation accident of Goiania (1987) when a Cesium-137 source found in a dump site irradiated several families, killing 4 people, and of the technical difficulties that appeared during the first operating months of the Angra-1 nuclear power plant. The public controversy was so strong that it was in the air to stop the building work on the Angra-2 site. A counter campaign showing the dark sides of the Greenpeace organisation, opened the eyes to Brazilian politicians and now nuclear energy is re-established in the public esteem. (A.C.)

  6. Architecture of Brazil 1900-1990

    CERN Document Server

    Segawa, Hugo


    Architecture of Brazil: 1900-1990 examines the processes that underpin modern Brazilian architecture under various influences and characterizes different understandings of modernity, evident in the chapter topics of this book. Accordingly, the author does not give overall preference to particular architects nor works, with the exception of a few specific works and architects, including Warchavchik, Niemeyer, Lucio Costa, and Vilanova Artigas. In summary, this book: Meticulously examines the controversies, achievements, and failures in constructing spaces, buildings, and cities in a dynamic country Gives a broad view of Brazilian architecture in the twentieth century Proposes a reinterpretation of the varied approaches of the modern movement up to the Second World War Analyzes ideological impacts of important Brazilian architects including Oscar Niemeyer, Lucio Costa and Vilanova Artigas Discusses work of expatriate architects in Brazil Features over 140 illustrations In Architecture of Brazil: 1900-1990, S...

  7. Ocular sequelae of congenital toxoplasmosis in Brazil compared with Europe.

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    Ruth E Gilbert


    Full Text Available Toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis appears to be more severe in Brazil, where it is a leading cause of blindness, than in Europe, but direct comparisons are lacking. Evidence is accumulating that more virulent genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii predominate in South America.We compared prospective cohorts of children with congenital toxoplasmosis identified by universal neonatal screening in Brazil and neonatal or prenatal screening in Europe between 1992 and 2003, using the same protocol in both continents.Three hundred and eleven (311 children had congenital toxoplasmosis: 30 in Brazil and 281 in Europe, where 71 were identified by neonatal screening. Median follow up was 4.1 years in Europe and 3.7 years in Brazil. Relatively more children had retinochoroiditis during the first year in Brazil than in Europe (15/30; 50% versus 29/281; 10% and the risk of lesions by 4 years of age was much higher: the hazard ratio for Brazil versus Europe was 5.36 (95%CI: 3.17, 9.08. Children in Brazil had larger lesions, which were more likely to be multiple and to affect the posterior pole (p<0.0001. In Brazil, visual impairment (<6/12 Snellen was predicted for most affected eyes (87%, 27/31, but not in Europe (29%; 20/69, p<0.0001. The size of newly detected lesions decreased with age (p = 0.0007.T. gondii causes more severe ocular disease in congenitally infected children in Brazil compared with Europe. The marked differences in the frequency, size and multiplicity of retinochoroidal lesions may be due to infection with more virulent genotypes of the parasite that predominate in Brazil but are rarely found in Europe.

  8. Ocular sequelae of congenital toxoplasmosis in Brazil compared with Europe. (United States)

    Gilbert, Ruth E; Freeman, Katherine; Lago, Eleonor G; Bahia-Oliveira, Lilian M G; Tan, Hooi Kuan; Wallon, Martine; Buffolano, Wilma; Stanford, Miles R; Petersen, Eskild


    Toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis appears to be more severe in Brazil, where it is a leading cause of blindness, than in Europe, but direct comparisons are lacking. Evidence is accumulating that more virulent genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii predominate in South America. We compared prospective cohorts of children with congenital toxoplasmosis identified by universal neonatal screening in Brazil and neonatal or prenatal screening in Europe between 1992 and 2003, using the same protocol in both continents. Three hundred and eleven (311) children had congenital toxoplasmosis: 30 in Brazil and 281 in Europe, where 71 were identified by neonatal screening. Median follow up was 4.1 years in Europe and 3.7 years in Brazil. Relatively more children had retinochoroiditis during the first year in Brazil than in Europe (15/30; 50% versus 29/281; 10%) and the risk of lesions by 4 years of age was much higher: the hazard ratio for Brazil versus Europe was 5.36 (95%CI: 3.17, 9.08). Children in Brazil had larger lesions, which were more likely to be multiple and to affect the posterior pole (p<0.0001). In Brazil, visual impairment (<6/12 Snellen) was predicted for most affected eyes (87%, 27/31), but not in Europe (29%; 20/69, p<0.0001). The size of newly detected lesions decreased with age (p = 0.0007). T. gondii causes more severe ocular disease in congenitally infected children in Brazil compared with Europe. The marked differences in the frequency, size and multiplicity of retinochoroidal lesions may be due to infection with more virulent genotypes of the parasite that predominate in Brazil but are rarely found in Europe.

  9. Bolivia's gas heads for Brazil as Argentina waits - and watches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knight, P.


    The first 1,800 km stretch of a 3,400 km natural gas pipeline from Bolivia to Brazil will start operating in December. First planned 50 years ago, the pipeline has long been expected to result in an immediate surge of gas use in Brazil. However, impending deep recession in Brazil makes this prospect less likely despite the power shortages which indicate the need for considerable gas imports. Initially, most Bolivian gas will flow through Brazil to Argentina. But gas production is expanding rapidly in Argentina and the supply contract with Bolivia ends in 1999. Plans are well advanced to build two gas lines into the south of the Brazil from Argentina. Ultimately, it is anticipated that Argentina, which has abundant reserves and a virtually saturated domestic market, will become the principal source of natural gas for Brazil. (UK)

  10. Aspergillus bertholletius sp. nov. from Brazil Nuts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Taniwaki, Marta H.; Pitt, John I.; Iamanaka, Beatriz T.


    During a study on the mycobiota of brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa) in Brazil, a new Aspergillus species, A. bertholletius, was found, and is described here. A polyphasic approach was applied using morphological characters, extrolite data as well as partial beta-tubulin, calmodulin and ITS sequ...

  11. Brazil's uranium/thorium deposits: geology, reserves, potential

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McNeil, M.


    With its area of 8.5 million square kilometers (3.3 million square miles) Brazil is the world's fifth largest nation, occupying almost one half of the continent of South America. Its vastness and its wide variety of geological terrain suggest that parts of Brazil may be favorable for many kinds of uranium deposits. The nation's favorability for uranium is indicated by the high correspondence between discoveries and the amount of exploration done to date. For the first time, the uranium and thorium resources of Brazil and their geologic setting are described here in a single volume. 270 refs

  12. Erodibilidade de um nitossolo háplico alumínico determinada em condições de campo Erodibility of a typic hapludox evaluated under field conditions

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    Ildegardis Bertol


    Full Text Available O termo erodibilidade do solo (fator K na Equação Universal de Perda de Solo - EUPS expressa a suscetibilidade natural do solo à erosão hídrica. O fator K representa a taxa de perda de solo por unidade de erosividade da chuva (fator R na EUPS. O conhecimento do fator K, juntamente com os demais fatores do modelo EUPS, é importante no planejamento conservacionista, pois, por meio desse modelo, estimam-se as perdas médias anuais de solo esperadas para determinadas condições. Dados de perda de solo, obtidos em campo em solo sem cultivo e com preparo convencional, sob condições de chuva simulada, no período de novembro de 2001 a março de 2004, no sul do Planalto Catarinense, foram utilizados para calcular o fator K de um Nitossolo Háplico alumínico típico, com declividade média de 0,15 m m-1. O fator K foi calculado pela razão entre as perdas de solo e a erosividade das chuvas e, ainda, estimado por análise de regressão linear simples entre estas duas variáveis. Foram utilizados valores de erosividade das chuvas (EI30 de 11 testes de chuva simulada e suas respectivas perdas de solo, obtidas em parcelas de 3,5 x 11,0 m, desprovidas de vegetação e de crosta superficial, após terem sido mantidas sem cultivo e sob preparo de solo contínuo por dois anos. O preparo do solo, executado no sentido do declive, duas vezes ao ano, consistiu de uma aração e duas gradagens. A crosta superficial e as plantas espontâneas eram mecanicamente eliminadas por meio de escarificação e de capina manual com enxada. O fator erodibilidade do solo determinado para o Nitossolo Háplico alumínico foi de 0,011 Mg ha h ha-1 MJ-1 mm-1 quando calculado por meio da razão entre os valores anuais de perda de solo e do índice de erosividade das chuvas e de 0,012 Mg ha h ha-1 MJ-1 mm-1 quando estimado por meio de regressão linear simples entre estas duas variáveis.The term soil erodibility (factor K in the Universal Soil Loss Equation - USLE expresses

  13. Demand for fisheries products in Brazil

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    Daniel Yokoyama Sonoda


    Full Text Available Fish consumption per capita in Brazil is relatively modest when compared to other animal proteins. This study analyses the influence of protein prices, other food prices and population income on the fish demand in Brazil. First, the problem of fish supply in Brazil is characterized. It is followed by reviews of the relevant economic theory and methods of Almost Ideal Demand System - AIDS and their elasticity calculations. A descriptive analysis of fish demand in Brazil using the microdata called "Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiar" (Familiar Budget Research - POF 2002-2003 is presented. Finally, demand functions and their elasticities are calculated for two different cases: one considering five groups of animal proteins (Chicken; Milk and Eggs; Fish; Processed Proteins and Red Meat and other with seven groups of food categories (Cereals; Vegetables and Fruits; Milky and Eggs; Oils and Condiments; Fish; Other processed foods; and Meats. The main results are: per capita consumption of fish (4.6 kg per inhabitant per year is low in Brazil because few households consume fish. When only households with fish consumption are considered, the per capita consumption would be higher: 27.2 kg per inhabitant per year. The fish consumption in the North-East Region is concentrated in the low-income class. In the Center-South Region, the fish consumption is lower and concentrated in the intermediate income classes. The main substitutes for fish are the processed proteins and not the traditional types of meat, such as chicken and red meat.

  14. Frontier Security: The Case of Brazil (United States)


    been rising investment. This analysis is the fourth publication from the Institute for National Strategic Studies on Brazil and its emerging world role...satellite imagery ter- minals, wireless communication networks , computerized data collection, and ground-based air traffic monitoring centers designed for...Bolivia 13 mobile radars that can be positioned at important sites. In 2015, Brazil reengaged Bolivia concerning international crime networks .49 Brazil’s

  15. Seismic monitoring during acid stimulation of wells LV-4 and LV-13 at the Las Tres Virgenes geothermal field, BCS, Mexico; Monitoreo sismico durante la estimulacion acida de los pozos LV-4 y LV-13 del campo geotermico de Las Tres Virgenes, BCS, Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Venegas Salgado, Saul; Arredondo Fragoso, Jesus; Ramirez Silva, German; Flores Armenta, Magaly; Ramirez Montes, Miguel [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Gerencia de Proyectos Geotermoelectricos, Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    From September through December 2004 a seismic monitoring in the Las Tres Virgenes, BCS, geothermal field was carried out simultaneously with the acid stimulation of wells LV-4 and LV-13. The seismic network had four digital seismographs and recorded 174 local seismic events, 131 regional ones and many more volcanic signals at seismic station TV20 during the acid stimulation. Additionally, 37 seismic events were located, 22 of them inside the most important geothermal zone at depths between 0.4 and 4 km with typically low magnitudes (0.7 to 2.2 Md). Two relevant zones were determined: Zone A related to the El Volcan fault system and Zone B related to injection well LV-8. In Zone A the well-induction stage and the operation start of the wells LV-4 and LV-13 after acidification on October 30 and November 17, 2004, increased seismic activity to a maximum of 12 daily events in early December. When the two wells in Zone B were cooled before the acidification, the seismic events recorded there increased to a maximum of 6 daily events on October 2, and then decreased. Also in Zone B the seismic activity increased after well-induction and the start of well production once they were acidified, recording up to 11 daily events in late November. According to the seismic distribution, we may conclude that the most active fault systems are El Volcan and El Viejo. New proposals for well locations in the field are supported by these results. [Spanish] De septiembre a diciembre de 2004 se realizo un estudio de monitoreo sismico en el campo geotermico de Las Tres Virgenes, BCS, simultaneamente con las estimulaciones acidas de los pozos LV-4 y LV-13. Se utilizo una red sismica conformada por cuatro sismografos digitales, logrando registrar en la estacion sismica TV20 un total de 174 sismos locales, 131 sismos regionales y muchas mas senales de tipo volcanico, durante el periodo del monitoreo de la estimulacion acida. Ademas, se localizaron un total de 37 sismos, de los cuales 22 se

  16. Counseling in Brazil: Past, Present, and Future (United States)

    Hutz-Midgett, Aida; Hutz, Claudio Simon


    This article describes counseling in Brazil, which is rooted in career and vocational guidance. Although considered a distinct discipline, counseling falls under the umbrella of psychology. The multicultural movement is gaining momentum in Brazil, and counselors are pioneers working with socioracial minority college students. This is an emerging…

  17. All projects related to Brazil | Page 4 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Region: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay ... URUGUAY, Climate change, ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, BRAZIL, COASTAL WATERS ... SURVEYS, CONSUMER EDUCATION, HEALTH LEGISLATION.

  18. Explaining Racial Disparities in Infant Health in Brazil (United States)

    Nyarko, Kwame A.; Lopez-Camelo, Jorge; Castilla, Eduardo E.


    Objectives. We sought to quantify how socioeconomic, health care, demographic, and geographic effects explain racial disparities in low birth weight (LBW) and preterm birth (PTB) rates in Brazil. Methods. We employed a sample of 8949 infants born between 1995 and 2009 in 15 cities and 7 provinces in Brazil. We focused on disparities in LBW (Public policies to improve children’s health should target prenatal care and geographic location differences to reduce health disparities between infants of African and European ancestries in Brazil. PMID:26313046

  19. The new role of Brazil in energy geopolitics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rousseau, I.


    Thanks to its efficient petroleum framework, Brazil has just found some very large deep off-shore fields (pre-halite layers), which, if confirmed, will allow the country to become a major international oil producer. There will be significant repercussions on Brazil. On the one hand, the prospect of high economic rents encourages it to assign its hydrocarbon industry a more social and national calling; on the other hand, this huge potential offers Brazil a new geopolitical dimension. This article examines both these avenues. (author)

  20. 77 FR 18215 - U.S. Education Mission to Brazil; Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Brazil, August 30... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration U.S. Education Mission to Brazil; Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro and S[atilde]o Paulo, Brazil, August 30-September 6, 2012 AGENCY: International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The United States Department of...

  1. Placing Brazil's heavy acid oils on international markets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szklo, Alexandre Salem; Machado, Giovani; Schaeffer, Roberto; Felipe Simoes, Andre; Barboza Mariano, Jacqueline


    This paper identifies the international market niches of Brazil's heavy acid oils. It analyzes the perspectives for making wider use of heavy acid oils, assessing their importance for certain oil-producing regions such as Brazil, Venezuela, West Africa, the North Sea and China. Within this context, the oil produced in the Marlim Field offshore Brazil is of specific interest, spurred by the development of its commercial brand name for placement on international markets and backed by ample production volumes. This analysis indicates keener international competition among acid oils produced in Brazil, the North Sea and the West Coast of Africa, through to 2010. However, over the long term, refinery conversion capacity is the key factor for channeling larger volumes of heavy acid oils to the international market. In this case, the future of acid oil producers will depend on investments in refineries close to oil product consumption centers. For Brazil, this means investments in modifying its refineries and setting up partnerships in the downstream segment for consumer centers absorbing all products of high added value, such as the USA and even Southeast Asia and Western Europe

  2. Environmental sustainability of biodiesel in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Geraldes Castanheira, Érica; Grisoli, Renata; Freire, Fausto; Pecora, Vanessa; Coelho, Suani Teixeira


    Biodiesel production in Brazil has grown from 736 m 3 in 2007 to 2.7 Mm 3 in 2012. It is an emergent bioenergy for which it is important to guarantee environmental sustainability. The objective of this article is to characterise the biodiesel production chain in Brazil, to identify potential environmental impacts and to analyse key drivers and barriers for biodiesel environmental sustainability. This article explores these aspects and focusses on the increasing demand for the main feedstocks for biodiesel production in Brazil: soybean oil and beef tallow. The impacts of land use and land-use change on greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity and water, as well as the energy balance, were found to be critical for the environmental sustainability assessment and development of biodiesel chains. Increasing agriculture yields, diversifying feedstocks and adopting ethyl transesterification can contribute to minimise environmental impacts. It was also found that environmental impacts could be mitigated by appropriate policies aiming at an integrated optimisation of food and bioenergy production and through agro-economic–ecological zoning, allowing adequate use of land for each purpose. Despite the limitation and weakness of some sustainability tools and initiatives, certification and zoning can play an important role in the sustainability of the emerging biodiesel production in Brazil

  3. Mushroom cultivation in Brazil: challenges and potential for growth


    Dias,Eustáquio Souza


    Mushroom cultivation is rapidly expanding in Brazil because Brazilians have discovered the medicinal and culinary value of mushrooms and their economic situation has improved. However, the horticultural technology for cultivating mushrooms under Brazilian conditions is lacking. For many years, the mushroom cultivation technology used in Brazil was adapted from developed countries whose materials and climate were different from those of Brazil. In order to exploit the Brazilian potential for m...

  4. Modelo agrometeorológico regional para estimativa da severidade da mancha de Phaeosphaeria em milho safrinha no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil Regional agrometeorological model to estimate Phaeosphaeria leaf spot severity on off-season maize crop in the State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Glauco de Souza Rolim


    Full Text Available O milho safrinha, cultivado no outono-inverno, no Estado de São Paulo, tem apresentado com freqüência significativas reduções de produtividade devidas à mancha foliar de Phaeosphaeria. Como estratégia para minimizar esses danos, os modelos agrometeorológicos de previsão de doenças podem auxiliar no planejamento e na tomada de decisões para o controle da doença na cultura. Dessa forma, este trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento e teste de modelos agrometeorológicos para previsão da porcentagem da área foliar afetada pela doença (%AFA em função do acúmulo diário de temperatura média e de chuva, em escala regional. Para tanto, foram utilizadas informações sobre a severidade da mancha de Phaeosphaeria em 158 cultivares de milho com diferentes níveis de resistência, durante a safrinha, em 14 diferentes localidades do Estado de São Paulo. Modelos foram desenvolvidos para cultivares suscetíveis, moderadamente resistentes e resistentes e os resultados indicaram haver boa performance na estimativa da %AFA, com altos valores de coeficiente de determinação (0,92; 0,81 e 0,83 respectivamente e índice de concordância de Willmott (0,98; 0,87; 0,94 respectivamente, além de teste F significativo a 1% de probabilidade para todos os casos. Os resultados também permitiram sugerir que a chuva e a temperatura são os fatores preponderantes para a ocorrência da mancha de Phaeosphaeria no Estado de São Paulo. Esses modelos têm a vantagem de utilizar variáveis usualmente obtidas em estações meteorológicas e poderão ser empregados em sistemas de alerta fitossanitários para monitoramento da doença no Estado.The off-season maize crop (named as "Safrinha" has been frequently suffering significant yield losses due to Phaeosphaeria leaf spot in state of São Paulo, Brazil. As a strategy for minimizing these losses, agrometeorological disease forecasting models can help in the planning and decision-making for disease control

  5. Novelties in the genus Persicaria (Polygonaceae) in Brazil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Funez, Luís A.; Hassemer, Gustavo


    This work presents novelties in the genus Persicaria in Brazil. More specifically, we describe P. sylvestris, a new species from the Atlantic rainforest in subtropical Brazil, propose the new combination P. diospyrifolium and designate a lectotype for its basionym, Polygonum diospyrifolium. The new...... species has until now been identified as P. acuminata, from which it differs by morphological characters as well as ecological aspects. We also provide photographs of the new species and of similar species along with a distribution map and a key to the species of Persicaria in Brazil....

  6. Sectoral Innovation System Foresight in Brazil and Korea

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl Andersen, Allan; Andersen, Per Dannemand; Park, Byeongwon

    involved in strategic innovation system (IS) transformation. This paper seeks to address the latter research gaps by exploring sector foresight in Brazil and South Korea (henceforth Korea). Though very different, both countries face challenges of IS transformation. In both countries sector level foresight...... in emerging economies as Brazil and Korea. Chapter two will outline the basic principles of ISF that will be translated into indicators for our measuring of ISF. Also, it will illustrate why the sector-level approach is necessary. Chapter three presents sector foresight cases from Brazil and Korea. Chapter...

  7. Pediatric Hospital: The Paradigms of Play in Brazil. (United States)

    de Macedo, Lino; da Silva, Gláucia Faria; Setúbal, Sandra Mutarelli


    The role of play in Brazilian children's hospitals is highlighted, as well as the perspective of humanization in Brazil. Some aspects of our culture are crucial to understanding the importance of play considering our society. Sabara Children's Hospital ("Hospital Infantil Sabará") in Brazil is used particularly to discuss humanization. To understand the issue of play in Brazil, it is important to discuss hospitals in their social context, their history, current roles in children's care, humanization history and child development, according to the approaches of Piaget and Winnicott that are used in our culture.

  8. Cultivo de Spirulina maxima ao ar livre - I. Inverno

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    Rogério Lacaz Ruiz


    e noturno indicaram que o melhor período de produção de biomassa durante o dia foi das 8 - 13 h e a produtividade atingiu valor máximo de 8,08 g/metro quadrado/dia. Durante todo o experimento foi necessário adicionar água ao sistema, devido à ausência de chuvas; e o total acrescentado equivaleu a 72,14 mm de chuva.

  9. US/Brazil joint pilot project objectives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper describes a joint US/Brazil pilot project for rural electrification, whose major goals are: to establish technical, institutional, and economic confidence in using renewable energy (PV and wind) to meet the needs of the citizens of rural Brazil; to establish on-going institutional, individual and business relationships necessary to implement sustainable programs and commitments; to lay the groundwork for larger scale rural electrification through the use of distributed renewable technologies. The projects have supported low power home lighting systems, lighting and refrigeration for schools and medical centers, and water pumping systems. This is viewed as a long term project, where much of the equipment will come from the US, but Brazil will be responsible for program management, and sharing data gained from the program. The paper describes in detail the Brazilian program which was instituted to support this phased project.

  10. Inequality and School Reform in Bahia, Brazil (United States)

    Reiter, Bernd


    This article compares public and community schools in Salvador, the state capital of Bahia, Brazil. Based on quantitative data analysis and qualitative research conducted on-site during three research trips in 2001, 2003 and 2005, the author finds that Brazil's extreme inequality and the associated concentration of state power in a few hands stand…

  11. 1841-IJBCS-Article-Piana Pius

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2012). Les pertes en vies humaines dans le monde dues à la drépanocytose sont ... 2010b ; Mpiana et al., 2012). ... éthanoliques, et à l'étuve (45 °C) pour les ..... Hymenocardia acida. Tul. (Ehphorbiaceae) Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 10(5):. 788-791.

  12. Influência da declividade do solo e da energia cinética de chuvas simuladas no processo de erosão entre sulcos Influence of the soil slope and kinetic energy of simulated precipitation in the channel interrill erosion process

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    Ricardo S.S. Amorim


    Full Text Available Utilizou-se um simulador de chuvas e um canal de solo para se avaliar o efeito da declividade da superfície do solo e da energia cinética decorrente das chuvas simuladas nas perdas de solo em áreas entre sulcos. O experimento consistiu de um esquema fatorial, com cinco valores de energia cinética (495, 832, 1.151, 1.541 e 1.959 J m-2 correspondentes às intensidades de precipitação de 30, 46, 69, 88 e 107 mm h-1, respectivamente, e cinco declividades da superfície do solo (2, 6, 10, 14 e 18%. Nos testes foi utilizado o horizonte A de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo. A perda de solo foi determinada pelo método direto e uma equação de regressão foi obtida, tendo-se como variável dependente a perda de solo e, como variáveis independentes, a declividade da superfície do solo e a energia cinética da precipitação. Os resultados mostraram que a perda acumulada de solo ao longo do tempo apresentou comportamento com tendência linear proporcionando, desta forma, taxas de perda de solo constantes ao longo dos testes e que a perda total de solo aumentou à medida que os valores de declividade da superfície do solo e energia cinética foram aumentados, sendo que o efeito da declividade na perda de solo foi menos expressivo que o da energia cinética.A rainfall simulator and a soil channel were used to evaluate the effect of the soil slope and kinetic energy of simulated rainfall on the soil loss for interrill areas. The experiment consisted of a factorial arrangement, with five values of kinetic energy (495, 832, 1,151, 1,541 e 1,959 J m-2 corresponding to precipitation intensities of 30, 46, 69, 88 and 107 mm h-1, respectively, and five soil slopes (2, 6, 10, 14 and 18%. In the test, a horizon of a Red Yellow Latosol soil was used. The soil loss was determined by direct method and a regression equation was obtained relating the soil loss with the soil slope and kinetic energy. The results showed that the accumulated soil loss with time

  13. Thermopower generation investment in Brazil - economic conditions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moreira, Ajax; Rocha, Katia [IPEA, Inst. for Applied Economic Research of Brazilian Government, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); David, Pedro [FURNAS Centrais Electricas: Power Utility, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)


    One of the main questions in electricity market deregulation is the aptitude of private capital for investments in power generation. This is especially important in Brazil, whose load has a strong growth trend ({approx}6% per year). Thermopower is an attractive alternative for expanding generation, as it is complementary in many aspects to hydropower, which supplies most Brazil's power at a very low price most of the time, but makes the system vulnerable to seasonal water variations. This paper studies the competitiveness of thermopower generation in Brazil under current regulations; assesses under the real options theory approach the conditions for investments in thermopower generation, and finally presents and discusses a hydropower generation schedule model. (Author)

  14. Thermopower generation investment in Brazil--economic conditions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moreira, Ajax E-mail:; Rocha, Katia E-mail:; David, Pedro E-mail:


    One of the main questions in electricity market deregulation is the aptitude of private capital for investments in power generation. This is especially important in Brazil, whose load has a strong growth trend ({approx}6% per year). Thermopower is an attractive alternative for expanding generation, as it is complementary in many aspects to hydropower, which supplies most Brazil's power at a very low price most of the time, but makes the system vulnerable to seasonal water variations. This paper studies the competitiveness of thermopower generation in Brazil under current regulations; assesses under the real options theory approach the conditions for investments in thermopower generation, and finally presents and discusses a hydropower generation schedule model.

  15. Thermopower generation investment in Brazil--economic conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moreira, Ajax; Rocha, Katia; David, Pedro


    One of the main questions in electricity market deregulation is the aptitude of private capital for investments in power generation. This is especially important in Brazil, whose load has a strong growth trend (∼6% per year). Thermopower is an attractive alternative for expanding generation, as it is complementary in many aspects to hydropower, which supplies most Brazil's power at a very low price most of the time, but makes the system vulnerable to seasonal water variations. This paper studies the competitiveness of thermopower generation in Brazil under current regulations; assesses under the real options theory approach the conditions for investments in thermopower generation, and finally presents and discusses a hydropower generation schedule model

  16. Media Monopoly in Brazil. (United States)

    Amaral, Roberto; Guimaraes, Cesar


    Documents the process of broadcasting media development in Brazil, the failure of new technologies to produce democratization, and the barriers to democratization erected by monopolization and "metastasis." (SR)

  17. Diatomáceas epilíticas de águas oligotróficas e ácidas do Sudeste do Brasil Epilithic diatoms from acidic and oligotrophic waters in Southeast Brazil

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    Luís Gustavo de Castro Canani


    Full Text Available Poucos estudos tem abordado a flora de diatomáceas de sistemas oligotróficos do Brasil. São apresentados os resultados da composição taxonômica e distribuição espacial e temporal de diatomáceas no rio do Salto, situado no Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais (21º40'-21º44'S e 43º52'-43º55'W. As águas desse rio possuem pH entre 4,2 e 5,5 e concentração de ortofosfato entre 1,37 e 10,98 µg.L-1. O estudo baseia-se na análise de 80 amostras coletadas em oito estações no leito rochoso do rio, em janeiro e julho de 2004, períodos de chuva e estiagem, respectivamente. Um total de 15 espécies e duas variedades taxonômicas, distribuídas em oito gêneros e oito famílias foram descritas e ilustradas, com destaque para o gênero Eunotia Ehrenberg. O estudo sobre diatomáceas bentônicas em ambientes lóticos é pioneiro no estado de Minas Gerais, sendo registradas 14 novas citações, das quais Fragilariforma stevensonii Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot, Eunotia pirarucu Metzeltin & Lange Betalot, Nupela giluwensis Vyverman & Compère e Sellaphora blackfordensis Mann & Droop são primeiros registros para o Brasil.Few studies have been done on the diatom flora of acidic and oligotrophic environments from Brazil. We present the taxonomic composition and distribution of diatoms of Salto River, situated at Ibitipoca State Park, Minas Gerais (21º40'-21º44'S; 43º52'-43º55'W. The pH values ranged from 4.2 to 5.5 and orthophosphate was between 1.37 and 10.98 µg.L-1. The study is based on the analysis of 80 samples collected at eight stations in the rocky stream bed, in January and July 2004, rainy and dry seasons, respectively. A total of 15 species and two taxonomic varieties distributed in eight genera and eight families were described and illustrated, notably the Eunotia Ehrenberg genus. The study of benthic diatoms in lotic systems is pioneer in Minas Gerais state; 14 new records were recorded of which Fragilariforma stevensonii

  18. Determinação de fatores da equação universal de perda de solo em Sumé, PB Determination of the factors of the universal soil loss equation in Sumé (Paraíba State, Brazil

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    Abel W. de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Para se alcançar os objetivos previstos neste trabalho, determinaram-se os fatores da Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (EUPS em condições de chuva natural, num Luvissolo de Sumé, PB, em que os dados relativos aos anos de 1983-1990 foram obtidos na Estação Experimental de Sumé, PB, pertencente à Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB, cujos tratamentos foram os seguintes: parcela descoberta e em alqueive contínuo, parcela com caatinga nativa, parcela com caatinga nova, parcelas em pousio, parcela com palma cultivada morro abaixo e parcela com palma cultivada em nível. Os valores médios anuais do fator erosividade da chuva expressos em EI30 e PI30 foram de 4.928 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 e 19.734 mm-2 h-1, respectivamente. Os valores do fator erodibilidade do solo (K foram calculados em 0,013 t h MJ-1 mm-1 e 0,003 t ha-1 mm-2, enquanto os valores determinados para o fator uso e manejo do solo foram os seguintes: 0,0015 (caatinga nativa, 0,0174 (caatinga nova, 0,0133 (cobertura morta, 0,0056 (cobertura morta, 0,5103 (palma cultivada morro abaixo e 0,2355 (palma cultivada em nível. O valor do fator práticas conservacionistas para palma cultivada em nível foi de 0,46The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE factors were determined in a Haplargs under natural rainfall conditions. Data concerning to the years of 1983 -1990 were obtained at the Sumé Experimental Station (Paraíba State - Brazil of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB. The treatments consisted of runoff plots with bare soil, native semiarid vegetation runoff plot, mulch runoff plot, palm leaf under downhill runoff plot and under contour palm leaf runoff plot. The annual average of the rainfall erosivity factors EI30 and PI30 were 4,928 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 and 19,734 mm-2 h-1, respectively. The calculated annual mean values of the erodibility parameters were calculated in 0.013 t h MJ-1 mm-1 and 0.003 t h ha-1 mm-2. The calculated values for the support practice factor cropping

  19. Women's motivation to become dentists in Brazil. (United States)

    Kfouri, Maria G; Moyses, Samuel J; Moyses, Simone Tetu


    There has been a marked increase of women in dentistry in Brazil and in many countries around the world. The behavioral mechanisms behind the choice of career differ between men and women, and the inclination to care for others is thought by some to be more present in women than it is in men. This article discusses the reasons that lead women to choose dentistry as a profession in Brazil and the impact of feminization on the current and future profile of the profession, based on the ethics of care. The authors' review of the relevant literature published between 2000 and 2011, primarily in Brazil, suggests that whereas men have tended to choose dentistry as a good business opportunity, women have tended to base their decision on relations with other people and the flexibility of practicing the profession. Many women dentists have been found to decide to work fewer hours, report more interruptions in their activities, and have less preference to work in private practice than men dentists. In the view of service users and dental auxiliaries in Brazil, women dentists invest more time in their patients and communicate in a more pleasant, sensitive, and friendly manner. The conclusion suggests that characteristics often associated with women can affect the dental profession in Brazil by introducing greater concern with the promotion of health and other people's well-being in contrast to traditional dentistry based on curative procedures.

  20. Influência da soma térmica e da chuva durante o desenvolvimento de laranjas-'Valência' e 'Natal' na relação entre sólidos solúveis e acidez e no índice tecnológico do suco Influence of the accumulated heat unit and rainfall on the ratio and technological index of sweet oranges 'Valência' and 'Natal'

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    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de conhecer a influência que algumas variáveis meteorológicas exercem na razão entre sólidos solúveis totais e acidez total titulável ("ratio" e no índice tecnológico dos frutos da primeira florada das laranjeiras-'Natal' e 'Valência', na região de Bebedouro-SP, mediante a utilização de métodos estatísticos de regressão. Foram utilizados dados de amostragens de rotina para o processamento industrial durante 4 anos, os quais permitiram desenvolver equações de regressão linear e quadrática, com a soma térmica (graus-dia como variável independente, e de regressão múltipla, utilizando graus-dia e chuva como variáveis independentes. A equação de melhor ajuste para o índice tecnológico foi a quadrática, enquanto para o "ratio" a equação linear apresentou o melhor ajuste. A temperatura do ar, representada por graus-dia, foi a variável que exerceu maior influência nos indicadores de qualidade dos frutos.This study aimed to know the influence of some meteorological variables on the ratio and technological index for oranges provided from 'Natal' and 'Valencia' orchards, from field plots, located at Bebedouro - São Paulo - Brazil. The quality indicators, ratio and technological index, were obtained from routine processing plant tests. These parameters were related to the meteorological variables: degree-day and rainfall. In order to determine which independent variable had a stronger influence on the fruit quality indicators, single and multiple linear regressions analysis were applied. The results have shown that technological index is better described by a quadratic function, and ratio is better described by a linear regression, as function of independent variables. The statistical analysis have indicated that the air temperature, expressed by accumulated degree day, is the meteorological aspect that had greater influence in fruit quality indicators.

  1. Análise Espacial com SIG de Parâmetros Ambientais e Comportamento Hidrológico (Chuva-Vazão de uma Bacia de drenagem Montanhosa na Serra Dos Órgãos: Bacia Do Paquequer, Município De Teresópolis, RJ.

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    Carla Semiramis Silveira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivos principais apresentar e analisar, por meio de Sistema de Informação Geográfica, a distribuição espacial dos parâmetros ambientais, na escala 1:50.000, e discutir a possível influência destes na dinâmica hidrológica de chuvavazão da bacia do Paquequer. Este rio (5ª ordem, 30 km de comprimento nasce na Serra dos Órgãos e drena 269 km2 para o vale do Paraíba do Sul. A pluviosidade anual varia de 1500 mm a jusante da bacia até mais de 3000 mm na cabeceira e as chuvas predominam no verão. Em 1996, a vegetação da bacia era composta por um mosaico de diferentes estágios de sucessão ecológica até Floresta Ombrófila Densa - Mata Atlântica, em fragmentos de diferentes tamanhos, e 25 % da área com uso urbano/rural. Na bacia ocorrem 3 unidades geológicas (Granito Teresópolis, Batólito Serra dos Órgãos (gnaisse e Unidade Rio Negro (migmatito. Os afloramentos rochosos (5 % da área são importantes feições da paisagem (principalmente no Granito Teresópolis. As unidades estão sobrepostas por colúvios, colúvios ricos em blocos, elúvio e pouca quantidade de depósitos aluvionares. Os Cambissolos são dominantes, com poucos Latossolos (preferencialmente associados a Unidade Rio Negro e Gleissolos nos vales. Uma coletânea, unificação e análise das relações espaciais dos dados de geologia, solos, declividade, formação superficial, hidrografia, vegetação e uso mapeados pelo projeto Teresópolis (UERJ/IBGE foi elaborada por intermédio do ArcGis Desktop 9.2. Os resultados do SIG apontam que a geologia da bacia condiciona diferentes paisagens. No Granito Teresópolis as classes de maior declividade, os afloramentos rochosos e os colúvios com blocos têm maior significado. As classes Gleissolo e Latossolo adquirem importância significativa na unidade Rio Negro. A investigação por meio de GPR e granulometria de uma sub-bacia identificou padrões geofísicos e granulom

  2. Predictors for oral cancer in Brazil


    Isabella Lima Arrais RIBEIRO; Johnys Berton Medeiros da NÓBREGA; Ana Maria Gondim VALENÇA; Ricardo Dias de CASTRO


    Abstract Introduction The incidence of lip, oral cavity and oropharynx cancer in Brazil is one of the highest worldwide. Objective This study aimed to identify predictors for oral cancer in Brazil between 2010 and 2013. Method Through a time series study in which 14,959 primary head and neck cancer diagnoses were evaluated. The variables of interest were gender, age, race, education level, family history of cancer, alcohol consumption, smoking, and previous cancer diagnosis. The outcome va...

  3. Coccidioidomycosis in Brazil. A case report


    MARTINS, Marilena dos Anjos; ARAÚJO, Evangelina da Motta Pacheco Alves de; KUWAKINO, Marcelo Hisato; HEINS-VACCARI, Elisabeth Maria; DEL NEGRO, Gilda Maria Bárbaro; VOZZA JÚNIOR, João Antonio; LACAZ, Carlos da Silva


    Coccidioidomycosis is an endemic infection with a relatively limited geographic distribution: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Paraguai, Argentina and the southwest of the United States. In these countries, the endemic area is restricted to the semiarid desert like regions which are similar to the northeast of Brazil. Case report: The patient is a 32 year-old male, born in the state of Bahia (Northeast of Brazil) and has been living in São Paulo (Southeast) for 6 yea...

  4. Labour Market Inequality in Brazil and India: A Comparative Brazil ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Think tanks in Brazil and India are joining forces to examine the factors behind wage inequality in their countries and propose policy options to reduce inequality in labour markets. While these two economies have succeeded in reducing poverty and gaining influence in global affairs, both still experience high inequality, ...

  5. Is China’s Engagement with Brazil, an Opportunity or Threat? (United States)


    WITH BRAZIL, AN OPPORTUNITY OR THREAT? Brazil Aspires to Big League in More Than Soccer —New York Times1 Brazil’s aspiration to become a member...vibrant open market to sell their goods. Third, the sheer size of the population makes nutrition important. The second and third order affects of...James Brooke, “Brazil Aspires to Big League in More than Soccer ”, New York Times, February 9, 1990. 2 Marco Sibaja, “Chinese look to increase Brazil

  6. Pediatric Hospital: The Paradigms of Play in Brazil

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    Lino de Macedo


    Full Text Available The role of play in Brazilian children’s hospitals is highlighted, as well as the perspective of humanization in Brazil. Some aspects of our culture are crucial to understanding the importance of play considering our society. Sabara Children’s Hospital (“Hospital Infantil Sabará” in Brazil is used particularly to discuss humanization. To understand the issue of play in Brazil, it is important to discuss hospitals in their social context, their history, current roles in children’s care, humanization history and child development, according to the approaches of Piaget and Winnicott that are used in our culture.

  7. Mesozoic dinosaurs from Brazil and their biogeographic implications. (United States)

    Bittencourt, Jonathas S; Langer, Max C


    The record of dinosaur body-fossils in the Brazilian Mesozoic is restricted to the Triassic of Rio Grande do Sul and Cretaceous of various parts of the country. This includes 21 named species, two of which were regarded as nomina dubia, and 19 consensually assigned to Dinosauria. Additional eight supraspecific taxa have been identified based on fragmentary specimens and numerous dinosaur footprints known in Brazil. In fact, most Brazilian specimens related to dinosaurs are composed of isolated teeth and vertebrae. Despite the increase of fieldwork during the last decade, there are still no dinosaur body-fossils of Jurassic age and the evidence of ornithischians in Brazil is very limited. Dinosaur faunas from this country are generally correlated with those from other parts of Gondwana throughout the Mesozoic. During the Late Triassic, there is a close correspondence to Argentina and other south-Pangaea areas. Mid-Cretaceous faunas of northeastern Brazil resemble those of coeval deposits of North Africa and Argentina. Southern hemisphere spinosaurids are restricted to Africa and Brazil, whereas abelisaurids are still unknown in the Early Cretaceous of the latter. Late Cretaceous dinosaur assemblages of south-central Brazil are endemic only to genus or, more conspicuously, to species level, sharing closely related taxa with Argentina, Madagascar, Indo-Pakistan and, to a lesser degree, continental Africa.

  8. Angiostrongylus cantonensis and Rat Lungworm Disease in Brazil (United States)

    de Oliveira Simões, Raquel; Fernandez, Monica Ammon; Júnior, Arnaldo Maldonado


    The metastrongyloid nematode genus Angiostrongylus includes 18 species, two of which are relevant from a medical standpoint, Angiostrongylus costaricensis and Angiostrongylus cantonensis. The first was described from Costa Rica in 1971 and causes abdominal angiostrongyliasis in the Americas, including in Brazil. Angiostrongylus cantonensis, first described in 1935 from Canton, China, is the causative agent of eosinophilic meningitis. The natural definitive hosts are rodents, and molluscs are the intermediate hosts. Paratenic or carrier hosts include crabs, freshwater shrimp, amphibians, flatworms, and fish. Humans become infected accidentally by ingestion of intermediate or paratenic hosts and the parasite does not complete the life cycle as it does in rats. Worms in the brain cause eosinophilic meningitis. This zoonosis, widespread in Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands, has now been reported from other regions. In the Americas there are records from the United States, Cuba, Jamaica, Brazil, Ecuador, and Haiti. In Brazil seven human cases have been reported since 2007 from the southeastern and northeastern regions. Epidemiological studies found infected specimens of Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus as well as many species of molluscs, including the giant African land snail, Achatina fulica, from various regions of Brazil. The spread of angiostrongyliasis is currently a matter of concern in Brazil. PMID:23901376

  9. Gender Equality and Economic Growth in Brazil


    Pierre-Richard Agénor; Otaviano Canuto


    This note studies the long-run impacts of policies aimed at fostering gender equality on economic growth in Brazil. After a brief review of gender issues in Brazil, this note describes a framework for quantifying the growth effects of gender-based policies in developing economies. The analysis is based on a computable overlapping generations (OLG) model that accounts for the impact of acce...

  10. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tope, SF. Vol 4, No 4 (2010) - Articles Foraging behaviour of Apis mellifera adansonii Latreille (Hymenoptera : Apidae) on Daniellia oliveri, Delonix regia, Hymenocardia acida and Terminalia mantaly flowers in Ngaoundéré (Cameroon) Abstract PDF. ISSN: 1997-342X. AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL.

  11. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mbianda, AP. Vol 4, No 4 (2010) - Articles Foraging behaviour of Apis mellifera adansonii Latreille (Hymenoptera : Apidae) on Daniellia oliveri, Delonix regia, Hymenocardia acida and Terminalia mantaly flowers in Ngaoundéré (Cameroon) Abstract PDF. ISSN: 1997-342X. AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL ...

  12. Avaliação da economia de água potável com a implantação de um sistema de aproveitamento de água de chuva: estudo de caso no município de Irati, Paraná / Evaluation of the economics of drinking water with the establishment of a rainwater system: case study in Irati, Paraná

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    Adelena Gonçalves Maia


    Full Text Available O uso de sistemas de aproveitamento de água de chuva tem aumentado em todo o mundo, para minimizar a escassez hídrica local ou como uma fonte alternativa que viabilize a economia de água potável. O presente trabalho estuda o potencial de economia de água potável com a implantação de sistemas de aproveitamento de água de chuva em residências do município de Irati, Paraná. Os dados de área de telhado residencial foram levantados a partir de imagens satelitárias de alta resolução da área de estudo e foram utilizadas duas metodologias no dimensionamento dos reservatórios, que consideram respectivamente o aumento percentual de economia de água potável e a confiabilidade do sistema. Os reservatórios foram dimensionados considerando diferentes faixas de área de captação, para as quais foram calculadas a economia de água que o sistema proporcionaria. A economia média de água potável, com a implantação do sistema, foi de 44,92%, que representa um valor diário de 148,43 m3.AbstractThe use of rainwater systems has increased worldwide, to minimize the local water scarcity or as an alternative source that makes possible the saving of drinking water. This paper studies the potential savings of potable water with the implantation of rainwater systems in Brazilian residences in Irati, Paraná. Data on residential roof area were gathered from a satellite image of study area and two methods were used to choose the reservoir size, which consider the percentage increase in saving drinking water and system reliability. The reservoirs were designed considering different roof area ranges, from which one were calculated the water savings that the system would provide. The average savings for potable water, with the implementation of the system, was 44.92%, representing a value of 148.43 m3 per day per household.

  13. Ação do flúor dissolvido em chuva simulada sobre a estrutura foliar de Panicum maximum jacq. (colonião e Chloris gayana kunth. (capim-rhodes - Poaceae

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    Chaves Alba Lucilvânia Fonseca


    Full Text Available Panicum maximum e Chloris gayana foram submetidas à chuvas simuladas com soluções de fluoreto de potássio (15mg ml-1 com objetivo de identificar as injúrias causadas pelo flúor (F-, como poluente atmosférico, na estrutura da lâmina foliar e fornecer subsídios para a seleção de características diagnósticas a serem utilizadas na bioindicação. Os principais sintomas foram clorose e necrose, principalmente no ápice e margens das lâminas. Nos cortes transversais, quatro tipos de alterações causadas pelo flúor são relacionadas: redução do número, tamanho e arranjo dos cloroplastos; necrose dos tecidos principalmente nas margens das folhas; erosões na superfície da folha e hipertrofia das células. Em C. gayana, no entanto, não foram observadas as alterações nos cloroplastos e os outros sintomas foram bem mais discretos que em P. maximum. A ocorrência de compostos fenólicos foi registrada pela coloração com fucsina em todas as regiões da lâmina onde foram observadas lesões. Ao microscópio eletrônico de varredura foi observado o achatamento e formação de concavidades nas paredes externas das células. Este experimento confirma a maior sensibilidade de P. maximum ao flúor e revela algumas características anatômicas de C. gayana que, entre outros fatores, podem estar contribuindo para a maior resistência desta espécie a este poluente.

  14. Labour Market Inequality in Brazil and India: A Comparative Brazil ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Think tanks in Brazil and India are joining forces to examine the factors behind wage inequality in their countries and propose policy options to reduce inequality in labour markets. While these two economies have succeeded in ... Les chaînes de valeur comme leviers stratégiques. Les entreprises peuvent comprendre les ...

  15. Economic losses due to bovine brucellosis in Brazil

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    Renato L. Santos


    Full Text Available Brucellosis is an important zoonosis of worldwide distribution. Reliable epidemiologic brucellosis data covering approximately 90% of the cattle population in Brazil have been recently published. Therefore, considering the scarcity of information regarding the economic impact of bovine brucellosis in Brazil, the goal of this study was to estimate economic impact of brucellosis on the Brazilian cattle industry. Several parameters including abortion and perinatal mortality rates, temporary infertility, replacement costs, mortality, veterinary costs, milk and meat losses were considered in the model. Bovine brucellosis in Brazil results in an estimated loss of R$ 420,12 or R$ 226,47 for each individual dairy or beef infected female above 24 months of age, respectively. The total estimated losses in Brazil attributed to bovine brucellosis were estimated to be approximately R$ 892 million (equivalent to about 448 million American dollars. Every 1% increase or decrease in prevalence is expected to increase or decrease the economic burden of brucellosis in approximately 155 million Reais.

  16. Historical amphibian declines and extinctions in Brazil linked to chytridiomycosis. (United States)

    Carvalho, Tamilie; Becker, C Guilherme; Toledo, Luís Felipe


    The recent increase in emerging fungal diseases is causing unprecedented threats to biodiversity. The origin of spread of the frog-killing fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis ( Bd ) is a matter of continued debate. To date, the historical amphibian declines in Brazil could not be attributed to chytridiomycosis; the high diversity of hosts coupled with the presence of several Bd lineages predating the reported declines raised the hypothesis that a hypervirulent Bd genotype spread from Brazil to other continents causing the recent global amphibian crisis. We tested for a spatio-temporal overlap between Bd and areas of historical amphibian population declines and extinctions in Brazil. A spatio-temporal convergence between Bd and declines would support the hypothesis that Brazilian amphibians were not adapted to Bd prior to the reported declines, thus weakening the hypothesis that Brazil was the global origin of Bd emergence. Alternatively, a lack of spatio-temporal association between Bd and frog declines would indicate an evolution of host resistance in Brazilian frogs predating Bd 's global emergence , further supporting Brazil as the potential origin of the Bd panzootic. Here, we Bd -screened over 30 000 museum-preserved tadpoles collected in Brazil between 1930 and 2015 and overlaid spatio-temporal Bd data with areas of historical amphibian declines. We detected an increase in the proportion of Bd -infected tadpoles during the peak of amphibian declines (1979-1987). We also found that clusters of Bd -positive samples spatio-temporally overlapped with most records of amphibian declines in Brazil's Atlantic Forest. Our findings indicate that Brazil is post epizootic for chytridiomycosis and provide another piece to the puzzle to explain the origin of Bd globally. © 2017 The Author(s).

  17. Historical amphibian declines and extinctions in Brazil linked to chytridiomycosis (United States)

    Carvalho, Tamilie; Becker, C. Guilherme


    The recent increase in emerging fungal diseases is causing unprecedented threats to biodiversity. The origin of spread of the frog-killing fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a matter of continued debate. To date, the historical amphibian declines in Brazil could not be attributed to chytridiomycosis; the high diversity of hosts coupled with the presence of several Bd lineages predating the reported declines raised the hypothesis that a hypervirulent Bd genotype spread from Brazil to other continents causing the recent global amphibian crisis. We tested for a spatio-temporal overlap between Bd and areas of historical amphibian population declines and extinctions in Brazil. A spatio-temporal convergence between Bd and declines would support the hypothesis that Brazilian amphibians were not adapted to Bd prior to the reported declines, thus weakening the hypothesis that Brazil was the global origin of Bd emergence. Alternatively, a lack of spatio-temporal association between Bd and frog declines would indicate an evolution of host resistance in Brazilian frogs predating Bd's global emergence, further supporting Brazil as the potential origin of the Bd panzootic. Here, we Bd-screened over 30 000 museum-preserved tadpoles collected in Brazil between 1930 and 2015 and overlaid spatio-temporal Bd data with areas of historical amphibian declines. We detected an increase in the proportion of Bd-infected tadpoles during the peak of amphibian declines (1979–1987). We also found that clusters of Bd-positive samples spatio-temporally overlapped with most records of amphibian declines in Brazil's Atlantic Forest. Our findings indicate that Brazil is post epizootic for chytridiomycosis and provide another piece to the puzzle to explain the origin of Bd globally. PMID:28179514

  18. Brazil and the Vital South Atlantic (United States)


    Brasileiro, Conferencia Mundial de Energia . Recursos Fnergeticos do Brasil . Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Maio, 1970. Carvalho Filho, Milton X. As Con ferencios...Geopolhti~os en ef At,,1,nrco Sur (No other references ) Baker, P. Warren. "Next: A Resource War?" Soýa Powver, p 55, October 1980. Banco do Brasil ...Brazil, The Nevv Power Brasil . (No date Barbola, Luiz. "Itamnaraty may faz objecat." Jornal de BrasO Ric) de’ Janeiro, Bircizil. (No other ref-rence

  19. Energy issues and policies in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldemberg, J.


    Initiative taken in Brazil to achieve 'energy autonomy' in vien of the petroleum crisis is analyzed. The dynamics of the movement away from oil and the desire to base the development of the country on locally available resources such as hydroelectricity and biomass derived fuels are emphasized. Energy resources, energy comsumption, issues and policies, energy projections and social issues are discussed, as well as the relevance and applicability to other countries of policies followed in Brazil. (I.C.R.) [pt

  20. Schistosomiasis control in Brazil

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    Katz Naftale


    Full Text Available In 1975 the Special Programme for Schistosomiasis Control was introduced in Brazil with the objective of controlling this parasitic disease in six northeastern states. The methodology applied varied largely from state to state, but was based mainly on chemotherapy, This Programme was modified about ten years after it beginning with the main goals including control of morbidity and the blockage of establishment of new foci in non-endemic areas. In two states, Bahia and Minas Gerais, the schistosomiasis control programme started in 1979 and 1983, respectively. The recently made evaluation of those two programmes is the main focus of this paper. It must also be pointed out, that the great majority of the studies performed by different researchers in Brazil, at different endemic areas, consistently found significant decrease on prevalence and incidence, when control measures are repeatedly used for several years. Significant decrease of hepatosplenic forms in the studied areas is well documented in Brazil. After more than 20 years of schistosomiasis control programmes in our country, chemotherapy has shown to be a very important tool for the control of morbidity and to decrease prevalence and incidence in endemic areas. Nevertheless, in medium and long terms, sanitation, water supply, sewage draining and health education seem to be the real tools when the aim is persistent and definitive schistosomiasis control.

  1. Mutual cooperation with Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Orstein, Roberto M.


    The history of the nuclear cooperation between Brazil and Argentina is outlined in the framework of the changing political circumstances. Reference is made to the agreements between both countries and to its implementation

  2. Energy Education in Brazil. (United States)

    Messick, Rosemary; de Paiva, Terezhina Villela O'Grady


    Compares energy education in Brazil and the United States. Topics discussed include the Brazilian setting, government initiatives, dependence on foreign fuel sources, public reaction, schools and energy education, and mass media involvement. (DB)

  3. ICTs for Microcredit Delivery : Correspondent Banking in Brazil ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Although microfinance has proved a powerful tool in fighting poverty in developing countries, it has been slow to catch on in Latin America, particularly Brazil. On the other hand, correspondent banking enabled by information and communication technologies (ICTs) has allowed Brazil to reach low-income families in remote ...

  4. Establishment and cryptic transmission of Zika virus in Brazil and the Americas. (United States)

    Faria, N R; Quick, J; Claro, I M; Thézé, J; de Jesus, J G; Giovanetti, M; Kraemer, M U G; Hill, S C; Black, A; da Costa, A C; Franco, L C; Silva, S P; Wu, C-H; Raghwani, J; Cauchemez, S; du Plessis, L; Verotti, M P; de Oliveira, W K; Carmo, E H; Coelho, G E; Santelli, A C F S; Vinhal, L C; Henriques, C M; Simpson, J T; Loose, M; Andersen, K G; Grubaugh, N D; Somasekar, S; Chiu, C Y; Muñoz-Medina, J E; Gonzalez-Bonilla, C R; Arias, C F; Lewis-Ximenez, L L; Baylis, S A; Chieppe, A O; Aguiar, S F; Fernandes, C A; Lemos, P S; Nascimento, B L S; Monteiro, H A O; Siqueira, I C; de Queiroz, M G; de Souza, T R; Bezerra, J F; Lemos, M R; Pereira, G F; Loudal, D; Moura, L C; Dhalia, R; França, R F; Magalhães, T; Marques, E T; Jaenisch, T; Wallau, G L; de Lima, M C; Nascimento, V; de Cerqueira, E M; de Lima, M M; Mascarenhas, D L; Neto, J P Moura; Levin, A S; Tozetto-Mendoza, T R; Fonseca, S N; Mendes-Correa, M C; Milagres, F P; Segurado, A; Holmes, E C; Rambaut, A; Bedford, T; Nunes, M R T; Sabino, E C; Alcantara, L C J; Loman, N J; Pybus, O G


    Transmission of Zika virus (ZIKV) in the Americas was first confirmed in May 2015 in northeast Brazil. Brazil has had the highest number of reported ZIKV cases worldwide (more than 200,000 by 24 December 2016) and the most cases associated with microcephaly and other birth defects (2,366 confirmed by 31 December 2016). Since the initial detection of ZIKV in Brazil, more than 45 countries in the Americas have reported local ZIKV transmission, with 24 of these reporting severe ZIKV-associated disease. However, the origin and epidemic history of ZIKV in Brazil and the Americas remain poorly understood, despite the value of this information for interpreting observed trends in reported microcephaly. Here we address this issue by generating 54 complete or partial ZIKV genomes, mostly from Brazil, and reporting data generated by a mobile genomics laboratory that travelled across northeast Brazil in 2016. One sequence represents the earliest confirmed ZIKV infection in Brazil. Analyses of viral genomes with ecological and epidemiological data yield an estimate that ZIKV was present in northeast Brazil by February 2014 and is likely to have disseminated from there, nationally and internationally, before the first detection of ZIKV in the Americas. Estimated dates for the international spread of ZIKV from Brazil indicate the duration of pre-detection cryptic transmission in recipient regions. The role of northeast Brazil in the establishment of ZIKV in the Americas is further supported by geographic analysis of ZIKV transmission potential and by estimates of the basic reproduction number of the virus.

  5. Establishment and cryptic transmission of Zika virus in Brazil and the Americas (United States)

    Faria, N. R.; Quick, J.; Claro, I. M.; Thézé, J.; de Jesus, J. G.; Giovanetti, M.; Kraemer, M. U. G.; Hill, S. C.; Black, A.; da Costa, A. C.; Franco, L. C.; Silva, S. P.; Wu, C.-H.; Raghwani, J.; Cauchemez, S.; Du Plessis, L.; Verotti, M. P.; de Oliveira, W. K.; Carmo, E. H.; Coelho, G. E.; Santelli, A. C. F. S.; Vinhal, L. C.; Henriques, C. M.; Simpson, J. T.; Loose, M.; Andersen, K. G.; Grubaugh, N. D.; Somasekar, S.; Chiu, C. Y.; Muñoz-Medina, J. E.; Gonzalez-Bonilla, C. R.; Arias, C. F.; Lewis-Ximenez, L. L.; Baylis, S. A.; Chieppe, A. O.; Aguiar, S. F.; Fernandes, C. A.; Lemos, P. S.; Nascimento, B. L. S.; Monteiro, H. A. O.; Siqueira, I. C.; de Queiroz, M. G.; de Souza, T. R.; Bezerra, J. F.; Lemos, M. R.; Pereira, G. F.; Loudal, D.; Moura, L. C.; Dhalia, R.; França, R. F.; Magalhães, T.; Marques, E. T.; Jaenisch, T.; Wallau, G. L.; de Lima, M. C.; Nascimento, V.; de Cerqueira, E. M.; de Lima, M. M.; Mascarenhas, D. L.; Neto, J. P. Moura; Levin, A. S.; Tozetto-Mendoza, T. R.; Fonseca, S. N.; Mendes-Correa, M. C.; Milagres, F. P.; Segurado, A.; Holmes, E. C.; Rambaut, A.; Bedford, T.; Nunes, M. R. T.; Sabino, E. C.; Alcantara, L. C. J.; Loman, N. J.; Pybus, O. G.


    Transmission of Zika virus (ZIKV) in the Americas was first confirmed in May 2015 in northeast Brazil. Brazil has had the highest number of reported ZIKV cases worldwide (more than 200,000 by 24 December 2016) and the most cases associated with microcephaly and other birth defects (2,366 confirmed by 31 December 2016). Since the initial detection of ZIKV in Brazil, more than 45 countries in the Americas have reported local ZIKV transmission, with 24 of these reporting severe ZIKV-associated disease. However, the origin and epidemic history of ZIKV in Brazil and the Americas remain poorly understood, despite the value of this information for interpreting observed trends in reported microcephaly. Here we address this issue by generating 54 complete or partial ZIKV genomes, mostly from Brazil, and reporting data generated by a mobile genomics laboratory that travelled across northeast Brazil in 2016. One sequence represents the earliest confirmed ZIKV infection in Brazil. Analyses of viral genomes with ecological and epidemiological data yield an estimate that ZIKV was present in northeast Brazil by February 2014 and is likely to have disseminated from there, nationally and internationally, before the first detection of ZIKV in the Americas. Estimated dates for the international spread of ZIKV from Brazil indicate the duration of pre-detection cryptic transmission in recipient regions. The role of northeast Brazil in the establishment of ZIKV in the Americas is further supported by geographic analysis of ZIKV transmission potential and by estimates of the basic reproduction number of the virus.

  6. Bolivia-Brazil gas line route detailed

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper reports that state oil companies of Brazil and Bolivia have signed an agreement outlining the route for a 2,270 km pipeline system to deliver natural gas from Bolivian fields to Southeast Brazil. The two sides currently are negotiating details about construction costs as well as contract volumes and prices. Capacity is projected at 283-565 MMcfd. No official details are available, but Roberto Y. Hukai, a director of the Sao Paulo engineering company Jaako Poyry/Technoplan, estimates transportation cost of the Bolivian gas at 90 cents/MMBTU. That would be competitive with the price of gas delivered to the Sao Paulo gas utility Comgas, he the. Brazil's Petroleos Brasileiro SA estimates construction of the pipeline on the Brazilian side alone with cost $1.2-1.4 billion. Bolivia's Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) is negotiating with private domestic and foreign investors for construction of the Bolivian portion of the project

  7. Brazil: The “coup” and was given

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Colectivo Canudos


    Full Text Available Many reforms are live and suffer in Brazil, even governments that are called progesistas today discussing the possibility of a “coup”, but those who speak of this possibility, do not see that as Brazil is suffering a blow hidden under the defense of “democracy” for the few. We present a characterization of the coup we speak.

  8. Urban Violence Reduction and Citizen Security in Brazil, Colombia ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Urban Violence Reduction and Citizen Security in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and ... The work will be conducted in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and South Africa, which are ... Minister Bibeau announces appointments of IDRC's President and new ...

  9. Sao Paulo Lightning Mapping Array (SP-LMA): Deployment and Plans (United States)

    Bailey, J. C.; Carey, L. D.; Blakeslee, R. J.; Albrecht, R.; Morales, C. A.; Pinto, O., Jr.


    An 8-10 station Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) network is being deployed in the vicinity of Sao Paulo to create the SP-LMA for total lightning measurements in association with the international CHUVA [Cloud processes of tHe main precipitation systems in Brazil: A contribUtion to cloud resolVing modeling and to the GPM (GlobAl Precipitation Measurement)] field campaign. Besides supporting CHUVA science/mission objectives and the Sao Luz Paraitinga intensive operation period (IOP) in December 2011-January 2012, the SP-LMA will support the generation of unique proxy data for the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) and Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), both sensors on the NOAA Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R (GOES-R), presently under development and scheduled for a 2015 launch. The proxy data will be used to develop and validate operational algorithms so that they will be ready for use on "day1" following the launch of GOES-R. A preliminary survey of potential sites in the vicinity of Sao Paulo was conducted in December 2009 and January 2010, followed up by a detailed survey in July 2010, with initial network deployment scheduled for October 2010. However, due to a delay in the Sa Luz Paraitinga IOP, the SP-LMA will now be installed in July 2011 and operated for one year. Spacing between stations is on the order of 15-30 km, with the network "diameter" being on the order of 30-40 km, which provides good 3-D lightning mapping 150 km from the network center. Optionally, 1-3 additional stations may be deployed in the vicinity of Sa Jos dos Campos.

  10. Sao Paulo Lightning Mapping Array (SP-LMA): Deployment, Operation and Initial Data Analysis (United States)

    Blakeslee, R.; Bailey, J. C.; Carey, L. D.; Rudlosky, S.; Goodman, S. J.; Albrecht, R.; Morales, C. A.; Anseimo, E. M.; Pinto, O.


    An 8-10 station Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) network is being deployed in the vicinity of Sao Paulo to create the SP-LMA for total lightning measurements in association with the international CHUVA [Cloud processes of the main precipitation systems in Brazil: A contribution to cloud resolving modeling and to the GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement)] field campaign. Besides supporting CHUVA science/mission objectives and the Sao Luiz do Paraitinga intensive operation period (IOP) in November-December 2011, the SP-LMA will support the generation of unique proxy data for the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) and Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), both sensors on the NOAA Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R (GOES-R), presently under development and scheduled for a 2015 launch. The proxy data will be used to develop and validate operational algorithms so that they will be ready for use on "day1" following the launch of GOES-R. A preliminary survey of potential sites in the vicinity of Sao Paulo was conducted in December 2009 and January 2010, followed up by a detailed survey in July 2010, with initial network deployment scheduled for October 2010. However, due to a delay in the Sao Luiz do Paraitinga IOP, the SP-LMA will now be installed in July 2011 and operated for one year. Spacing between stations is on the order of 15-30 km, with the network "diameter" being on the order of 30-40 km, which provides good 3-D lightning mapping 150 km from the network center. Optionally, 1-3 additional stations may be deployed in the vicinity of Sao Jos dos Campos.

  11. Labour Market Inequality in Brazil and India: A Comparative Brazil ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    In Brazil, inequality has dropped by 9% between 1993 and 2008, while in India,, it increased by 16%. This reflects the different labour markets in both countries, which provide the main source of income for households. This research project brings together The Centre for Analysis and Planning in São Paulo (CEBRAP) and ...

  12. Biodiversity of mycobiota throughout the Brazil nut supply chain: From rainforest to consumer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Taniwaki, Marta H.; Frisvad, Jens Christian; Ferranti, Larissa S.


    A total of 172 Brazil nut samples (114 in shell and 58 shelled) from the Amazon rainforest region and São Paulo state, Brazil was collected at different stages of the Brazil nut production chain: rainforest, street markets, processing plants and supermarkets. The mycobiota of the Brazil nut sampl...

  13. Brazil-U.S. Relations

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Seelke, Clare R


    .... Lula was re-elected in the second round of voting with fairly broad popular support. His immediate tasks were to boost Brazil's lagging economic growth and address the issues of crime, violence, and poverty...

  14. Case studies in international tobacco surveillance: cigarette smuggling in Brazil. (United States)

    Shafey, O; Cokkinides, V; Cavalcante, T M; Teixeira, M; Vianna, C; Thun, M


    This article is the first in a series of international case studies developed by the American Cancer Society to illustrate use of publicly available surveillance data for regional tobacco control. A descriptive analysis of Brazil and Paraguay cigarette production and trade data from official sources. Per capita cigarette consumption for Brazil and its neighbour was calculated from 1970 to 1998 using data on production, imports, and exports from NATIONS, the National Tobacco Information Online System. A 63% decrease was observed in the estimate of per capita consumption of cigarettes in Brazil between 1986 and 1998 (from 1913 cigarettes per person in 1986 to 714 cigarettes per person in 1998) and a 16-fold increase in Paraguay was observed during the same period (from 678 cigarettes per person in 1986 to 10 929 cigarettes per person in 1998). Following Brazil's 1999 passage of a 150% cigarette export tax, cigarette exports fell 89% and Brazil's estimated per capita consumption rose to 1990 levels (based on preliminary data). Per capita consumption in Paraguay also fell to 1990 levels. These trends coincide with local evidence that large volumes of cigarettes manufactured in Brazil for export to Paraguay are smuggled back and consumed as tax-free contraband in Brazil. It is hoped that this case study will draw wider public attention to the problems that smuggling presents for tobacco control, help identify other countries confronting similar issues, and stimulate effective interventions.

  15. Brazil for Sale? Does Sino-Brazilian Trade or Investment Significantly Influence Brazil’s United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Voting Pattern? (United States)


    for Trade in Brazil? An Application of the Gravity Model. Anais do XXXI Encontro Nacional de Economia [Proceedings of the 31th Brazilian Economics...FDI Matter for Trade in Brazil? An Application of the Gravity Model. Anais do XXXI Encontro Nacional de Economia [Proceedings of the 31th

  16. Equine influenza in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Filippsen Favaro


    Full Text Available Equine influenza virus (EIV (H3N8 and H7N7 is the causative agent of equine influenza, or equine flu. The H7N7 subtype has been considered to be extinct worldwide since 1980. Affected animals have respiratory symptoms that can be worsened by secondary bacterial respiratory infection, thereby leading to great economic losses in the horse-breeding industry. In Brazil, equine influenza outbreaks were first reported in 1963 and studies on hemagglutination antibodies against viral subtypes in Brazilian horses have been conducted since then. The objective of the present review was to present the history of the emergence of EIV around the world and in Brazil and the studies that have thus far been developed on EIV in Brazilian equines.

  17. Organic carbon stocks in the soils of Brazil

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Batjes, N.H.


    Soil organic carbon stocks to 1 m for Brazil, calculated using an updated Soil and Terrain (SOTER) database and simulation of phenoforms, are 65.9-67.5 Pg C, of which 65% is in the Amazonian region of Brazil. Other researchers have obtained similar gross results, despite very different spatial

  18. The Cassava Processing Industry in Brazil: Traditional Techniques ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The paper considers the evolution of cassava-based industrial production, processing and marketing in Brazil, in light of the great technological diversification to be found in Brazil. It discusses the private role of the small- and medium-scale food and related processing enterprises in the food industry, as they employ ...

  19. Aspergillus bertholletius sp. nov. from Brazil nuts.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta H Taniwaki

    Full Text Available During a study on the mycobiota of brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa in Brazil, a new Aspergillus species, A. bertholletius, was found, and is described here. A polyphasic approach was applied using morphological characters, extrolite data as well as partial β-tubulin, calmodulin and ITS sequences to characterize this taxon. A. bertholletius is represented by nineteen isolates from samples of brazil nuts at various stages of production and soil close to Bertholletia excelsa trees. The following extrolites were produced by this species: aflavinin, cyclopiazonic acid, kojic acid, tenuazonic acid and ustilaginoidin C. Phylogenetic analysis using partial β-tubulin and camodulin gene sequences showed that A. bertholletius represents a new phylogenetic clade in Aspergillus section Flavi. The type strain of A. bertholletius is CCT 7615 ( = ITAL 270/06 = IBT 29228.

  20. Aspergillus bertholletius sp. nov. from Brazil Nuts (United States)

    Taniwaki, Marta H.; Pitt, John I.; Iamanaka, Beatriz T.; Sartori, Daniele; Copetti, Marina V.; Balajee, Arun; Fungaro, Maria Helena P.; Frisvad, Jens C.


    During a study on the mycobiota of brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa) in Brazil, a new Aspergillus species, A. bertholletius, was found, and is described here. A polyphasic approach was applied using morphological characters, extrolite data as well as partial β-tubulin, calmodulin and ITS sequences to characterize this taxon. A. bertholletius is represented by nineteen isolates from samples of brazil nuts at various stages of production and soil close to Bertholletia excelsa trees. The following extrolites were produced by this species: aflavinin, cyclopiazonic acid, kojic acid, tenuazonic acid and ustilaginoidin C. Phylogenetic analysis using partial β-tubulin and camodulin gene sequences showed that A. bertholletius represents a new phylogenetic clade in Aspergillus section Flavi. The type strain of A. bertholletius is CCT 7615 ( = ITAL 270/06 = IBT 29228). PMID:22952594

  1. [Fertility transition in Brazil. Causes and consequences]. (United States)

    Carvalho, J A; Wong, L R


    This work examines the determinants and most important consequences of the Brazilian fertility decline. Brazil's total fertility rate declined from 6.2 in 1940 to around 3.5 in 1985. the decline began in the 1960s and amounted to 45% in about 20 years. The most rapid drop began in the late 1970s, with much of it concentrated in 2 specific periods: 1970-75 and 1980-85. The early period coincided with Brazil's so-called "Economic Miracle", a period of rapid growth accompanied however by deteriorating living conditions for the poorest population sectors. The second period coincided with the international economic crisis of the early 1980s, which was felt more strongly in Brazil than elsewhere in Latin America because of Brazil's greater degree of industrialization and closer integration into the world economy. Most of the fertility decline has been accomplished by use of just two contraceptive methods, oral contraceptives and sterilization, which together account for around 85% of contraceptive usage throughout Brazil. The third most common method, rhythm, accounts for just 6%. No reliable data on abortion are available, but it appears to be a common practice equally accessible to all socioeconomic strata despite greater associated health risks for poorer women. Brazil's fertility transition appears to have been a response to the process of proletarianization and urbanization underway in the country as well as to particular circumstances in the country. The most evident and immediate consequence of the continuous fertility decline over more than 20 years is the change in the age structure of the population. The proportions of children under 5 will decline from 14.4% in 1980 to 9.2% in 2010. The proportion aged 5-14 will decline from 24.5% to 17.4%, while the proportion aged 65 and over will increase from 4.0% to 5.6%. Brazil's recent demographic changes are scarcely reflected in development plans and political and social projects. There is almost no mention of the new

  2. Communications received from Argentina and Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document reproduces the Joint Declaration on Nuclear Policy signed by the Presidents of Argentina and Brazil on 30 November 1985, the Protocol on Nuclear Co-operation between Argentina and Brazil signed on 10 December 1986, the Joint Declaration on Nuclear Policy signed by the two Presidents on 10 December 1986, the Joint Declaration on Nuclear Policy signed by the two Presidents on 17 July 1987 and the Joint Declaration on Nuclear Policy (IPERO Declaration) signed by the two Presidents on 8 April 1988

  3. Potential geographic distribution of hantavirus reservoirs in Brazil.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefan Vilges de Oliveira

    Full Text Available Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome is an emerging zoonosis in Brazil. Human infections occur via inhalation of aerosolized viral particles from excreta of infected wild rodents. Necromys lasiurus and Oligoryzomys nigripes appear to be the main reservoirs of hantavirus in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes. We estimated and compared ecological niches of the two rodent species, and analyzed environmental factors influencing their occurrence, to understand the geography of hantavirus transmission. N. lasiurus showed a wide potential distribution in Brazil, in the Cerrado, Caatinga, and Atlantic Forest biomes. Highest climate suitability for O. nigripes was observed along the Brazilian Atlantic coast. Maximum temperature in the warmest months and annual precipitation were the variables that most influence the distributions of N. lasiurus and O. nigripes, respectively. Models based on occurrences of infected rodents estimated a broader area of risk for hantavirus transmission in southeastern and southern Brazil, coinciding with the distribution of human cases of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome. We found no demonstrable environmental differences among occurrence sites for the rodents and for human cases of hantavirus. However, areas of northern and northeastern Brazil are also apparently suitable for the two species, without broad coincidence with human cases. Modeling of niches and distributions of rodent reservoirs indicates potential for transmission of hantavirus across virtually all of Brazil outside the Amazon Basin.

  4. The Poisoned Chalice: Oil and Macroeconomics in Brazil (1967-2003) (United States)

    Biasetto, Bruno Henz

    This dissertation analyzes the development of the Brazilian oil industry and its impact on the economic development of Brazil from the beginning of the "Brazilian Miracle" (1968-1973) to the end of the Fernando Henrique Cardoso's second term as president (1995-2002). The dissertation explores the closely intertwined nature of Brazil's oil industry and its macroeconomic development, shedding new light on the history of Petrobras (the Brazilian state oil company), and on other key topics of Brazilian economic history, including the Debt Crisis of the 1980s and the role of neoliberalism in Brazil. The argument is that oil policy shaped the national economy and the Brazilian state in this period. Attention to the oil industry, and to Petrobras in particular, was crucial to the establishment of diplomatic and economic policy, and to conflict within the Brazilian state. Finally, this dissertation seeks to illuminate Brazil's place in the global oil industry and how that has shaped Brazil's global economic standing.

  5. Economic missions. Synthetic file: the petroleum sector in Brazil (exploration and production); the refining activity in Brazil; natural gas in Brazil: a fragile market, inferior to forecasts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This dossier prepared by the economic mission of the French embassy in Brazil makes a synthesis of the exploration-production and refining activities of the petroleum industry, and of the natural gas distribution market in Brazil: oil reserves and production, Petrobras company, partnership agreements with Petrobras, legal aspects, concessions, projects financing, refining capacity, refinery projects in progress or under study, para-petroleum market perspectives and opportunities, natural gas market development, pipelines network, gas utilities, privatization and foreign participation, lack of expertise and of gas infrastructures and equipments. (J.S.)

  6. Erosividade e padrões hidrológicos de precipitação no Agreste Central pernambucano Erosivity and rainfall hydrological patterns in the Pernambuco Central 'Agreste'

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thais E. M. dos Santos


    Full Text Available A principal forma de erosão nas condições brasileiras é a causada pela energia cinética do impacto das gotas de chuva sobre a superfície do solo, desencadeando o processo de erosão hídrica. Desenvolveu-se o presente trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar o índice de erosividade (EI30 e caracterizar o padrão hidrológico das chuvas do Agreste Central pernambucano, considerando-se uma série de 29 anos de dados, ficando patente que o primeiro semestre do ano é caracterizado pela ocorrência de chuvas de elevado potencial erosivo. O valor do fator "R" da equação universal de perda de solo para a região estudada é de 2.779,79 MJ mm ha-1 h-1. O padrão de chuva de maior ocorrência é o avançado, seguido do intermediário e atrasado, com 46,57; 36,38 e 17,19% dos totais de chuvas erosivas analisados, respectivamente. Não foram encontradas correlações significativas entre erosividade, coeficiente de chuva e precipitação.The main form of erosion in Brazilian conditions is caused by the kinetic energy of the impact of raindrops on the soil surface, triggering the erosion process. The present study was conducted with the aim to evaluate the erosivity index (EI30, as well as to characterize the hydrological pattern of rainfall in the Pernambuco Central 'Agreste', considering a series of 29 years of data. It was found that the first half of the year is characterized by rain with high erosive potential. The value of the factor "R" in the Universal equation of soil loss for the studied region is 2,779.79 MJ mm ha-1 h-1. The rain pattern of higher occurrence is the advanced, followed by intermediate and delayed, with 46.57; 36.38 and 17.19% of total erosive rainfall analyzed, respectively. There were no significant correlations between erosivity, rainfall coefficient and precipitation.

  7. IDRC in Brazil

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Subscribe to the IDRC Bulletin: BRAZIL. Macapá. Manaus. São Paulo. Belém. Fortaleza. Recife. Salvador. Rio de Janeiro. Porto. Alegre. Brasilia. ✪. ○. ○. ○. ○. ○. ○. ○. ○. ○. BOLIVIA. PERU. ECUADOR. COLOMBIA. VENEZUELA. CHILE. PARAGUAY. Atlantic Ocean. Pacific Ocean.

  8. Tax regulating carbon market in Brazil: barriers and perspectives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marques, Fernando; Magalhaes, Gerusa; Parente, Virginia


    The world is moving towards a low carbon economy to fight global warming caused by increases in anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). The carbon market beckons as a promising opportunity for Brazil through Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects, which result in Certified Emission Reductions (CERs). Although Brazil is responsible for about 8% of all CDM projects in the world, there is still no specific tax regulation for CERs, thus hindering the development of carbon market in Brazil. It is essential that Brazil have a consistent internal framework which guarantees to potential investors a minimum security on the legal and fiscal operations of CERs. There are government institutions, considering the current law and that, given the number of bills being processed in Congress, are not definitive. Such bills have different understandings for the legal classification of CERs and the related tax treatment. This article supports an urgent need for a regulatory tax system for CERs, proposing a tax exemption on transactions involving CERs in order to encourage the effective development of carbon markets in Brazil in the context of the currently international legal system in which Kyoto Protocol is based. (author)

  9. Brazil's Exception to the World-Class University Movement (United States)

    Alperin, Juan Pablo


    The continued importance of university rankings has only served to fuel the growth of the "world-class" university movement. There is a growing impression that, in a globalised and interconnected world, no country can do without a world-class university. No country, that is, except Brazil. While Brazil has the resources necessary to…

  10. Rural Sociology in Brazil: Institutional Growth (1965-1977). (United States)

    Hansen, David O.; And Others

    Growth and present status of graduate programs, major research interests, and potential for US-Brazilian collaboration indicate the present state of rural sociology in Brazil. In contrast to US rural sociology's identity crisis of the past decade, the field in Brazil has blossomed. Graduate programs are underway at universities of Rio Grande do…

  11. Nuclear safeguards in Brazil and Argentina: 25 years of ABACC (United States)

    Kassenova, Togzhan


    As possessors of advanced nuclear technology, Brazil and Argentina bear special responsibility for helping the international community and neighbors in their region feel confident that their nuclear programs are peaceful, secure, and safe. Over the past 25 years, the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC) has played an indispensable role in strengthening such confidence by implementing nuclear safeguards in the two countries. Today, ABACC carries out safeguards inspections at a total of 76 nuclear facilities in Brazil and Argentina. This article describes how Brazil and Argentina view trends in the global nonproliferation regime and international nuclear safeguards, and explains how these trends relate to unique challenges and opportunities facing Brazil, Argentina, and ABACC.

  12. Reflexions on the expansion of nuclear generation in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freitas, Juliana de Moraes Marreco de


    This article analyses the pros and cons of the nuclear generation in Brazil, involving in a large discussion the technological perspectives both economic, social and environmental. The objective is to rise the main questions about the polemical nuclear expansion in Brazil

  13. The climate change/energy efficiencies market in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In December 1997, one hundred and sixty countries negotiated the Kyoto Protocol, where a commitment was made by industrialized countries to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 5.2 per cent below their 1990 level. This objective was to be achieved by 2008 to 2012. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was promoted by Brazil in Kyoto. The CDM defines the mechanism by which investment, technologies and practices from developed countries are implemented in developing country projects. It is then possible to credit the emissions avoided by these projects against the supplier's own commitment to reducing GHG. An essential element of good business practice for the private sector and programs sponsored by the government in Brazil is sound environmental management. The Brazilian Federal Government, research institutes and few leading private companies are concerned with the climate change market. Climate change and environmental efficiency projects in Brazil are frequently funded by international financial institutions (IFIs), namely the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). International partners who can help in obtaining IFIs funds are sought after by Brazilian companies. Before entering the Brazilian market, Canadian entrepreneurs should examine all aspects of exporting environmental equipment. Some investment in Brazil might be required to achieve long term penetration of the market. Since national companies are offered preferential treatment for obtaining government contracts, a local partner is almost indispensable. The cost of doing business in Brazil might even be increased when considering the import taxes, such as federal excise taxes, state value-added taxes, and the merchant marine tax. Brazil can represent a springboard to the South American markets due to its membership in trade groups like the Mercosul and the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI). 14 refs

  14. Realism under Hegemony: Theorizing the Rise of Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kurt Weyland


    Full Text Available What light can international relations theory shed on how developing countries such as Brazil have achieved regional leadership and international influence? This comprehensive examination of Brazilian foreign policy over the last few decades argues that Realism provides a better account of Brazil’s strategy than Liberalism and Constructivism. Despite changes of government and regime, Brasília has persistently pursued relative political gain, especially international influence. However, because this rising country has faced an established hegemon in the form of the United States, it has not been able to employ conventionally Realist instruments and tactics. Its subordinate position in the current power constellation has forced Brazil to forego political or military confrontation and instead use economic cooperation, both with the hegemon and its weaker neighbors. Through this collaboration, Brazil hopes to derive disproportionate benefits that will enhance its relative power. By elucidating these complex calculations, the present essay explains the Realist strategy that ambitious nations such as Brazil have pursued and helps design a version of Realism that captures recent power dynamics in the international system.

  15. Using the Portuguese version of the Bicultural Scale in Brazil. (United States)

    Zubaran, Carlos; Foresti, Katia; Persch, Karina Nunes


    Brazil has received influxes of people, mainly from Africa, Europe and Japan, forming one of the most heterogeneous populations in the world. Some groups, particularly in Southern Brazil, have retained their original cultural traditions, whilst acquiring elements of the typical local Brazilian cultural identity. This is the first study designed to formally evaluate biculturality in Brazil. To psychometrically assess and validate the Portuguese version of the Bicultural Scale (BS) in Brazil. The BS was adapted and translated to Portuguese and tested for the first time in Brazil in a sample of descendants (n = 160) from four immigrant groups and respective locations in Southern Brazil. A series of psychometric tests were conducted in order to examine the validity of the Portuguese version of the BS. Analyses of variance across scores for all subgroups were also conducted. Factor analysis revealed two main factors contributing to most of the variance in scores. The 10 items measuring affiliation with minority cultural characteristics and the typical Brazilian culture yielded Cronbach's alpha coefficients of 0.69 and 0.78 respectively, whereas the overall Cronbach's alpha for all 20 items of the BS was 0.67. There was a significant correlation between items related to the typical Brazilian culture and the generation since immigration of research participants (r = 0.23, p = 0.004). The mean time taken to complete the questionnaire was 7.4 minutes. The results indicate that the Portuguese version of the BS is a valid, reliable and easy-to-use instrument to assess biculturality experienced by descendants of immigrants in southern Brazil.

  16. 7 CFR 319.56-25 - Papayas from Central America and Brazil. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Papayas from Central America and Brazil. 319.56-25... § 319.56-25 Papayas from Central America and Brazil. The Solo type of papaya may be imported into the... shipment to the United States in one of the following locations: (1) Brazil: State of Espirito Santo; all...

  17. Indirect taxes on food in Southern Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denize Mirian da Silva


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper is to estimate the indirect tax burden on food for ten income classes, based on income and household total expenditure in southern Brazil. Thus it can be seen as indirect taxes on foods affect the monetary income and consumption pattern of households. To reach the objectives proposed, will be used the Pintos-Payeras (2008 model. The database iscomposed by microdata from the Household Budgeting Survey (POF 2008-2009 and the tax regulations of the country and the southern states of Brazil. The results show that indirect taxes on food in Southern Brazil is regressive when based on income and expenditure of household , ie , the poorest people pay proportionately more taxes and have their consumption pattern highest taxed ICMS (Brazilian value added tax is the tax that contributes most to the regressivity.

  18. Advanced ceramics in Brazil: actual stage and perspectives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zanotto, E.D.


    The development of advanced ceramics in Brazil, the perspectives of the world and Brazilian markets, the raw materials, the equipments for industry and research, the human resources, and the disposable technology, are presented. The researches on advanced ceramics in Brazil initiated in the sixty decade, with the nuclear fuel development and production projets. (M.C.K.) [pt

  19. Invisible Migrants : Norwegians in Brazil, 1820-1940


    Figueiredo, Clarisse Carvalho


    The present study focuses on Norwegian migration to Brazil from a macro-level perspective: how many migrated, when, where, how and why. The present analysis is based on data from emigration and immigration records, passenger lists, as well as other “alternative” sources such as travelogues, personal and historical accounts and letters, collected both in Norway and Brazil. Official emigration and immigration statistics on this group are often incomplete, unreliable or simply inexistent, in par...

  20. The Brazil agreement - quo vadis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hossner, R.


    After an analysis of the power requirements of Brazil as well as of the options for covering these requirements an important nuclear power program for peaceful uses was decided. It is performed on the basis of a bilateral agreement between Brazil and the Federal Republic of Germany of 1975 by co-operation between the German and the Brazilian industry. German firms make their know-how available as well as experts for a limited period of time, in order to establish during about 20 years an independent Brazilian infrastructure for nuclear power plants and their requirements, and to realize the transfer of technology which at the same time shall transmit impulses to the industrial development of the country. (orig.) [de

  1. Miracle drug: Brazil approves never-tested cancer medicine. (United States)

    Kuchenbecker, Ricardo S; Mota, Daniel M


    Background Brazil recently approved synthetic phosphoetanolamine, a popularly dubbed 'cancer pill', a substance that has been shown to kill cancer cells in lab animal models but was not yet formally accessed in humans, and thus despite the existence of any evidence of its efficacy and safety. Methods The authors describe the recent decision of Brazil to aprove phosphoetanolamine in the context of growing 'judicialization' to promote access to medicines and thus reinforcing a growing sense of legal uncertainty. Results The approval of phosphoetanolamine despite the existence of any evidence of its efficacy and safety represents to the authors one of the saddest and surrealistic episodes in Brazil's recent public health history. Brazil's current economic crisis is fueling the 'judicialization' to promote access to medicines and thus reinforcing a growing sense of legal uncertainty in the context of rising economic constrains and a progressive failing state. The authors state that the Phosphoetanolamine's approval bill violates current legal prohibition of commercialisation of drugs without the Brazilian national drug regulatory agency's approval and thus may represent a potential menace to Brazil's pharmacogovernance and the country's governance to health technology assessment at the Brazilian national health systems. Conclusion Phosphoetanolamine's approval illustrates that the combination of flawed decision making, economic crisis and political interference may threaten weak governance mechanisms for drug regulation and health technology assessment and thus representing an extra burden in the sustainability of universal access-based national health systems.

  2. Oil refining expansion criteria for Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tavares, M.E.E.; Szklo, A.S.; Machado, G.V.; Schaeffer, R.; Mariano, J.B.; Sala, J.F.


    This paper assesses different strategies for the expansion of Brazil's oil refining segment, using criteria that range from energy security (reducing imports and vulnerability for key products) through to maximizing the profitability of this sector (boosting the output of higher value oil products) and adding value to Brazil's oil production (reducing exports of heavy acid oil). The development prospects are analyzed for conventional fuel production technology routes, sketching out three possible refining schemes for Brazilian oil and a GTL plant for producing gasoil from natural gas. Market scenario simulations indicate that investments will be required in Brazil's oil refining segment over and above those allocated to planned modifications in its current facilities, reducing the nation's vulnerability in terms of gasoil and petrochemical naphtha imports. Although not economically attractive, oil refining is a key activity that is crucial to oil company strategies. The decision to invest in this segment depends on local infrastructure conditions, environmental constraints and fuel specifications, in addition to oil company strategies, steady growth in demand and the definition of a government policy that eases institutional risks. (author)

  3. Oil refining expansion criteria for Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tavares, Marina Elisabete Espinho; Szklo, Alexandre Salem; Machado, Giovani Vitoria; Schaeffer, Roberto; Mariano, Jacqueline Barboza; Sala, Janaina Francisco


    This paper assesses different strategies for the expansion of Brazil's oil refining segment, using criteria that range from energy security (reducing imports and vulnerability for key products) through to maximizing the profitability of this sector (boosting the output of higher value oil products) and adding value to Brazil's oil production (reducing exports of heavy acid oil). The development prospects are analyzed for conventional fuel production technology routes, sketching out three possible refining schemes for Brazilian oil and a GTL plant for producing gasoil from natural gas. Market scenario simulations indicate that investments will be required in Brazil's oil refining segment over and above those allocated to planned modifications in its current facilities, reducing the nation's vulnerability in terms of gasoil and petrochemical naphtha imports. Although not economically attractive, oil refining is a key activity that is crucial to oil company strategies. The decision to invest in this segment depends on local infrastructure conditions, environmental constraints and fuel specifications, in addition to oil company strategies, steady growth in demand and the definition of a government policy that eases institutional risks

  4. Quantitative analysis of seed rain under natural and artificial perches in the Araucaria Forest Análise quantitativa da chuva de sementes sob poleiros naturais e artificiais em Floresta Ombrófila Mista

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra Bos Mikich


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to compare the efficiency in terms of number of seeds deposited under natural and artificial bird-perches set in degraded areas of Araucaria Forest. Six experimental units were used, each containing seed traps set under natural perches (NP, artificial perches (AP and under open sky (OS. After 12 months of weekly sampling 26880 zoochoric seeds were collected under AP, 5729 under NP, and only seven under OS. Thus, the presence of perches increases dramatically seed deposition and NP are more or as efficient as AP when the effect of deposition area is taken into account.O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a eficiência de poleiros naturais e artificiais na deposição de
    sementes em áreas degradadas da Floresta com Araucária. Seis unidades experimentais foram utilizadas, cada qual constituída por coletores de sementes instalados sob poleiros naturais (PN, artificiais (PA e a céu aberto (CA. Após 12 meses de coletas semanais, foram recolhidas 26.880 sementes zoocóricas sob os PA, 5.729 sob os PN e 7 nos CA. Portanto, a presença de poleiros incrementa significativamente a chuva de sementes e os PN são tão ou mais eficientes que os PA quando o efeito da área de deposição é levado em consideração.

  5. [Public policies for the elderly in Brazil: an integrative review]. (United States)

    Andrade, Luana Machado; Sena, Edite Lago da Silva; Pinheiro, Gleide Magali Lemos; Meira, Edmeia Campos; Lira, Lais Santana Santos Pereira


    This paper is an integrative review analyzing the scientific production and legal documents regarding public policies for the elderly in Brazil. Research was conducted in the Virtual Health Library and Scopus databases, examining publications since 2003. Data were collected from June to September of 2011 using the following key words: "elderly" (idosos), "public policies" (políticas públicas), "elderly person" (pessoa idosa), "aging" (envelhecimento) and "civic participation" (participação cidadã). The search resulted in the selection of 15 articles and six legal documents targeted at the elderly in Brazil that were submitted to content analysis by categorization. The results revealed that aging in Brazil has occurred in the midst of adaptations entrenched in cultural biases, social, economic and educational discrepancies and the implementation of public welfare policies. There were few studies that indicated the importance of strengthening social movements that elicit discussion related to the elderly in Brazil. The conclusion reached is that the study will provide material for reflection about the construction of a new reality about aging in Brazil.

  6. Obstacles to the nuclear technology development in Brazil: from the beginning of atomic age to the Brazil-Germany Nuclear Agreement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Medeiros, Tharsila Reis de


    This paper intends to comprehend the Brazilian social actors' efforts applied to the nuclear energy control, from the beginning of Atomic Age to Brazil-Germany Nuclear Agreement. It tries to demonstrate that the limits of The Brazilian nuclear development in this period derive from the capitalist development dynamics in Brazil and from the absence of continuity on the motivations of its nuclear policy. (author)

  7. Diversidade de formigas na Floresta Nacional de Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brasil Ants diversity in Floresta Nacional de Chapecó in Santa Catarina State, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Junir Antonio Lutinski


    Full Text Available A mirmecofauna da Floresta Nacional de Chapecó, Gleba I, foi estudada por coletas semanais realizadas de dezembro de 2003 a dezembro de 2004. Foram utilizadas armadilhas do tipo malaise, pit-fall, iscas com sardinha, iscas com glicose, rede de varredura, guarda-chuva entomológico e funil de Berlese. Três constituições vegetais foram amostradas, sendo pinus, eucalipto e Floresta Ombrófila Mista e Floresta Estacional Decidual. Foram capturadas 137.019 espécimes de nove subfamílias, 18 tribos, 36 gêneros e 121 espécies. Os índices de diversidade de Margalef obtidos foram 9,9; 9,7 e 12,6; de Shannon e Wiener 3,0; 3,2 e 3,4 e de equitabilidade de 0,69; 0,73 e 0,74, para as áreas com pinus, eucalipto e mata nativa, respectivamente. Estes resultados indicam uma distribuição mais uniforme na comunidade da mata nativa, caracterizando-se como um importante reservatório espécies de formigas no Oeste catarinense.Mirmecofauna of the Floresta Nacional de Chapecó, Field I, was studied by weekly collections from December of 2003 to December of 2004. Malaise, pit-fall, sardine baits, glucose baits, sweeping net, entomological umbrella and Berlese funnel had been used. Three vegetal constitutions where showed, like pinus, eucalyptus Ombrófila Mista and Estacional Decidual native forests. 137.019 specimens of nine subfamilies, 18 tribes, 36 generas and 121 species were captured. The indices of diversity of Margalef were 9.9; 9.7 and 12.6; of Shannon and Wiener 3.0; 3.2 and 3.4 and of equitability of 0.69; 0.73 and 0.74, for the areas with pinus, eucalyptus and native forest, respectively. These results indicate a more uniform distribution in the community of the native forest, characterizing itself as an important reservoir species of ants in the West region of the Santa Catarina State, Brazil.

  8. Main meal quality in Brazil and United Kingdom: Similarities and differences. (United States)

    Gorgulho, Bartira Mendes; Pot, Gerda Karolien; Sarti, Flavia Mori; Marchioni, Dirce Maria


    Consumption of fast food and ready-to-eat meals has been positively associated with obesity. In the UK, ready-made meals are more often consumed than in Brazil, a country in which nutrition transition is relatively low. This study aimed to compare the nutritional quality of the main meal consumed by adults in Brazil and UK. Food record data was obtained from representative samples from UK and Brazil databases. The Main Meal Quality Index (MMQI) was applied to estimate the quality of the main meal consumed in Brazil and UK. Differences in food groups consumed in the main meal in Brazil and UK were observed using classification decision tree. Meals with higher average energy content were lunch for Brazil, and dinner for the UK. On average, the Brazilian main meal had better nutritional quality (4.42 times higher), independently of sex, age, family income, nutritional status and energy consumed, with higher scores of fiber, carbohydrate, total fat, saturated fat and energy density. However, UK's main meal included more fruits and vegetables. Food preparations combined with rice and beans were classified as Brazilian main meal, while combinations with fast food items, as fried potatoes, sandwiches and sugary beverages, were classified as UK main meals. In Brazil, the main meal quality was lower among women and obese individuals, presenting significant positive association with age, and negative association with energy intake and family income; while in UK, only age was positively associated with MMQI. Although main meals in Brazil had higher nutritional quality compared to the UK, main meals consumed in both countries need nutritional improvement. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Agriculture, Rio Sao Francisco, Brazil, South America (United States)


    The large field patterns in this view of the Rio Sao Francisco basin, Brazil, South America, (11.5S, 43.5W) indicate a commercial agriculture venture; family subsistence farms are much smaller and laid out in different patterns. Land clearing in Brazil has increased at an alarming rate in recent years and preliminary estimates suggest a 25 to 30% increase in deforestation since 1984. The long term impact on the ecological processes are still unknown.

  10. Nuclear proliferation. I. Atoms for Brazil, dangers for all

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gall, N.


    West Germany and Brazil, by seeking to establish their independence in the transfer of nuclear technology to a developing country, have raised international anxieties over how to finance and manage nuclear trade in a way that will secure peace. The deal, which commits the two countries to a program of uranium exploration and mining, enrichment, fuel fabrication and reprocessing, and power plant construction, means food supplies, jobs, and contracts for Germany and economic development for Brazil. Of concern to the rest of the world are the opportunities for diverting nuclear materials to weapons. Both countries have agreed to comply with the International Atomic Energy Agency's safeguards agreement, but Brazil is not bound by it. Brazil's development is making her the dominant power in South America and altering her relationship with the United States. A review of the West German-Brazilian agreement focuses on the historical competition for export markets and the lessening of U.S. control over the enriched uranium market

  11. Privatization of Brazil's petroleum sector on track despite scandal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper reports that the push to privatize Brazil's petroleum sector remains on track despite the taint of scandal that hit state oil company Petroleos Brasileiro SA and the ensuing political crisis for the administration of President Fernando Collor de Mello. Collor's efforts to reform Brazil's beleaguered economy have focused heavily on privatizing state-owned companies by selling assets or ending monopolies. Nowhere is that task more daunting than with Petrobras, one of the world's biggest petroleum companies, which has an entrenched monopoly over most upstream and downstream operations in the country. Collor and the energy ministers and chiefs of Petrobras during his administration have pressed measured to inject free market principles in Brazil's petroleum sector. The Collor administration earlier this year sent a bill to Brazil's Congress calling for a constitutional amendment to end Petrobras monopoly over exploration, production, transportation, refining, and exports and imports of oil and gas. The amendment is expected to be voted upon in 1993


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laércio Baptista da Silva


    Full Text Available This study presents an analysis of the reality of credit unions in Brazil, in view of the singular importance of credit unions for the whole society as an alternative to private resources in favor of members of the community where they are located. It confirms that, in Brazil, the mutual credit unions, besides being presented as one of the viable options within the financial system, are also seen as an alternative by which some sectors of society promote the humanization of the financial system by offering credit and return on capital with fairer interest rates.

  13. IHY activities in Brazil (United States)

    Dal Lago, Alisson

    The International Heliophysical Year is a program of international scientific colaboration planned to be held in the period from 2007-2009. Many brazilian institutions have shown interest in participating in the IHY activities. All of them provided information about their instrumental facilities and contact person. A list of institutions and their information is shown in the Latin-American IHY webpage (, hosted by the Latin American Association on Space Geophysics - ALAGE. IHY Brazilian activities are being conducted in close colaboration with Latin-American Institutions. Five Coordinated Investigation programs (CIPs) have been proposed by scientists from brazilian institutions. Recentely, in February 2008, there has been the Latin American IHY School in Sao Paulo (Brazil), with the participation of 80 students from Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Mexico and Cuba. In this work, a report on the brazilian activities will be presented.

  14. Brazil's Difficult Road to Greatness

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Wolfe, David C


    Brazil is an emerging country that has made important strides in consolidating its democracy, constructing a diversified and financially sound economy, and enhancing its diplomatic participation on the world stage...

  15. The first clinical liver transplantation of Brazil revisited. (United States)

    Bacchella, T; Machado, M C C


    The first clinical orthotopic liver transplantation in Brazil was performed on August 5, 1968. The patient was awake after surgery and died on the seventh postoperative day due to subdural hematoma, bronchopneumonia, renal failure, and graft rejection. The report of this case is important to understand the evolution of clinical liver transplantation in Brazil, where this procedure is now routinely carried out in many medical centers.

  16. All projects related to Brazil | Page 2 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Despite the region's progress in reducing poverty, 165 million people in Latin ... This project aims to study the impacts of reforms to increase participation rights in five Latin American countries at the local level. ... Region: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, India ... Brazil has witnessed an unprecedented rise of women to economic and ...

  17. The privatization of medical education in Brazil: trends and challenges. (United States)

    Scheffer, Mário C; Dal Poz, Mario R


    Like other countries, Brazil is struggling with issues related to public policies designed to influence the distribution, establishment, supply and education of doctors. While the number of undergraduate medical schools and places available on medical schools has risen, the increase in the number of doctors in Brazil in recent decades has not benefitted the population homogeneously. The government has expanded the medical schools at the country's federal universities, while providing incentives for the creation of new undergraduate courses at private establishments. This article examines the trends and challenges of the privatization of medical education in Brazil. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study based on secondary data from official government databases on medical schools and courses and institutions offering such courses in Brazil. It takes into account the year when the medical schools received authorization to initiatte the activities, where they are situated, whether they are run by a public or private entity, how many places they offer, how many students they have enrolled, and their performance according to Ministry of Education evaluations. Brazil had 241 medical schools in 2014, offering a total of 20,340 places. The private higher education institutions are responsible for most of the enrolment of medical students nationally (54 %), especially in the southeast. However, enrolment in public institutions predominate more in the capitals than in other cities. Overal, the public medical schools performed better than the private schools in the last two National Exam of Students' (ENADE). The privatization of the teaching of medicine at undergraduate level in Brazil represents a great challenge: how to expand the number of places while assuring quality and democratic access to this form of education. Upon seeking to understand the configuration and trends in medical education in Brazil, it is hoped that this analysis may contribute to a broader

  18. Origin and evolution of dengue virus type 3 in Brazil. (United States)

    de Araújo, Josélio Maria Galvão; Bello, Gonzalo; Romero, Hector; Nogueira, Rita Maria Ribeiro


    The incidence of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever in Brazil experienced a significant increase since the emergence of dengue virus type-3 (DENV-3) at the early 2000s. Despite the major public health concerns, there have been very few studies of the molecular epidemiology and time-scale of this DENV lineage in Brazil. In this study, we investigated the origin and dispersion dynamics of DENV-3 genotype III in Brazil by examining a large number (n=107) of E gene sequences sampled between 2001 and 2009 from diverse Brazilian regions. These Brazilian sequences were combined with 457 DENV-3 genotype III E gene sequences from 29 countries around the world. Our phylogenetic analysis reveals that there have been at least four introductions of the DENV-3 genotype III in Brazil, as signified by the presence of four phylogenetically distinct lineages. Three lineages (BR-I, BR-II, and BR-III) were probably imported from the Lesser Antilles (Caribbean), while the fourth one (BR-IV) was probably introduced from Colombia or Venezuela. While lineages BR-I and BR-II succeeded in getting established and disseminated in Brazil and other countries from the Southern Cone, lineages BR-III and BR-IV were only detected in one single individual each from the North region. The phylogeographic analysis indicates that DENV-3 lineages BR-I and BR-II were most likely introduced into Brazil through the Southeast and North regions around 1999 (95% HPD: 1998-2000) and 2001 (95% HPD: 2000-2002), respectively. These findings show that importation of DENV-3 lineages from the Caribbean islands into Brazil seems to be relatively frequent. Our study further suggests that the North and Southeast Brazilian regions were the most important hubs of introduction and spread of DENV-3 lineages and deserve an intense epidemiological surveillance.

  19. Origin and evolution of dengue virus type 3 in Brazil.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josélio Maria Galvão de Araújo

    Full Text Available The incidence of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever in Brazil experienced a significant increase since the emergence of dengue virus type-3 (DENV-3 at the early 2000s. Despite the major public health concerns, there have been very few studies of the molecular epidemiology and time-scale of this DENV lineage in Brazil. In this study, we investigated the origin and dispersion dynamics of DENV-3 genotype III in Brazil by examining a large number (n=107 of E gene sequences sampled between 2001 and 2009 from diverse Brazilian regions. These Brazilian sequences were combined with 457 DENV-3 genotype III E gene sequences from 29 countries around the world. Our phylogenetic analysis reveals that there have been at least four introductions of the DENV-3 genotype III in Brazil, as signified by the presence of four phylogenetically distinct lineages. Three lineages (BR-I, BR-II, and BR-III were probably imported from the Lesser Antilles (Caribbean, while the fourth one (BR-IV was probably introduced from Colombia or Venezuela. While lineages BR-I and BR-II succeeded in getting established and disseminated in Brazil and other countries from the Southern Cone, lineages BR-III and BR-IV were only detected in one single individual each from the North region. The phylogeographic analysis indicates that DENV-3 lineages BR-I and BR-II were most likely introduced into Brazil through the Southeast and North regions around 1999 (95% HPD: 1998-2000 and 2001 (95% HPD: 2000-2002, respectively. These findings show that importation of DENV-3 lineages from the Caribbean islands into Brazil seems to be relatively frequent. Our study further suggests that the North and Southeast Brazilian regions were the most important hubs of introduction and spread of DENV-3 lineages and deserve an intense epidemiological surveillance.

  20. Studies on forensic nursing in Brazil: a systematic review of the literature. (United States)

    Pereira de Paiva, M H; Pinheiro Lages, L; Cavalcanti de Medeiros, Z


    To identify and synthesize the national and international literature on forensic nursing in Brazil. Forensic nursing is a new specialty to the nursing practice in Brazil, being recognized by the Federal Nursing Council of Brazil in 2011. In 2016, the first forensic nursing specialization programme was authorized in the country. The implementation of forensic nursing specialty in Brazil marks new possibilities for the nursing practice, making it possible for nurses to develop additional skills to intervene in various situations under the Brazilian Unified Healthcare System. A systematic search of the literature was conducted using the keyword 'Forensic nursing' in combination with 'Brazil'. LILACS, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus and Web of Science databases were searched. Studies were also retrieved from the grey literature. Once literature had been identified, a thematic analysis was undertaken in order to extract themes, which were: establishment of the forensic nursing specialty and its contributions to Brazil and its practical implications. Eight manuscripts and 20 studies from the grey literature were included in the final review. Most studies (54%) were literature reviews that indicated forensic nursing as an emerging specialty in Brazil, addressing educational, instructional, communicative or contextual aspects of the specialty in the country. In the nursing profession in Brazil, few studies exist on forensic nursing and those are limited to short communications. Although most studies address the definition of forensic nursing, others present its implications in various situations such as intimate partner violence, domestic violence, sexual abuse and elder mistreatment. Despite the study limitations, it provides evidence that forensic nursing has been silently implemented in the country with the need for more evidence-based studies to support its constitution as a specialty in Brazil. © 2016 International Council of Nurses.

  1. Zika and Reproductive Rights in Brazil: Challenge to the Right to Health. (United States)

    Valente, Pablo K


    The Zika virus epidemic rapidly spread across Brazil and Latin America, gaining international attention because of the causal relationship between Zika and birth defects. The high number of cases in Brazil has been attributed to a failure of the state to contain the epidemic and protect the affected people, especially women. Therefore, the public health crisis created by Zika exposed a stark conflict between Brazil's constitutional right to health and the long-standing violation of reproductive rights in the country. Although health is considered to be a right of all in Brazil, women struggle with barriers to reproductive services and lack of access to safe and legal abortions. In response to the epidemic, women's rights advocates have filed a lawsuit with Brazil's supreme court that requires the decriminalization of abortion upon the diagnosis of Zika virus. However, the selective decriminalization of abortion may lead to negative social consequences and further stigmatization of people with disabilities. A solution to the reproductive health crisis in Brazil must reconcile women's right to choose and the rights of people with disabilities.

  2. Development first: Linking energy and emission policies with sustainable development for Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garg, A.; Halsnaes, K.; La Rovere, E.L.; Pereira, A.O.; Simoes, A.F.; Pereira, A.S.; Schmidt Dubeux, C.B.; Costa, R.C. da


    The most recent set of information on economic and social indicators evinces that the economic stabilization plan, launched in 1994, had positive results in many areas, such as the control of inflation, better income distribution, and the slow but continuous progress of the main structural variables of the Brazilian social conditions. In 2005, Brazil had a population of 180 million, the literacy rate of 88.2%, average life expectancy of 71.3 years, infant mortality at 27.5 children per thousand and per capita income of over R$ 8,000. Brazil is the 10th largest energy consumer in the world and the third largest in the Western Hemisphere, behind the United States and Canada. Over the past decade, Brazil has made great strides in increasing its total energy production, particularly with regard to oil. In the early 1990s, for example, Brazil was a large net oil importer, but by 2006, the domestic production met domestic demand. Brazil intends to increase its biofuels production and exports. The country case studies highlight the centrality of energy to socio-economic development of Brazil. (au)

  3. Development first: Linking energy and emission policies with sustainable development for Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garg, A.; Halsnaes, K.; La Rovere, E.L.; Pereira, A.O.; Simoes, A.F.; Pereira, A.S.; Schmidt Dubeux, C.B.; Costa, R.C. da


    The most recent set of information on economic and social indicators evinces that the economic stabilization plan, launched in 1994, had positive results in many areas, such as the control of inflation, better income distribution, and the slow but continuous progress of the main structural variables of the Brazilian social conditions. In 2005, Brazil had a population of 180 million, the literacy rate of 88.2%, average life expectancy of 71.3 years, infant mortality at 27.5 children per thousand and per capita income of over R$ 8,000. Brazil is the 10th largest energy consumer in the world and the third largest in the Western Hemisphere, behind the United States and Canada. Over the past decade, Brazil has made great strides in increasing its total energy production, particularly with regard to oil. In the early 1990s, for example, Brazil was a large net oil importer, but by 2006, the domestic production met domestic demand. Brazil intends to increase its biofuels production and exports. The country case studies highlight the centrality of energy to socio-economic development of Brazil. (au)

  4. Brazil: improved environmental policy in spite of the financial crisis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kasa, Sjur; Naess, Lars Otto


    Globalization is often thought of as being associated with increasing environmental problems. In particular this is true in connection with dramatic financial crises. Experience from the financial crisis in Brazil in 1998 to 1999, however, shows a more varied picture in which parts of the environmental policy were indeed improved. The article also discusses how representative the example of Brazil might be for generalization and points out that the reaction of Brazil on the financial crisis was mitigated by that country being a strong democracy with robust institutions

  5. Human Intraocular Filariasis Caused by Dirofilaria sp. Nematode, Brazil (United States)

    Diniz, Daniel G.; Dantas-Torres, Filipe; Casiraghi, Maurizio; de Almeida, Izabela N.F.; de Almeida, Luciana N.F.; Nascimento dos Santos, Jeannie; Furtado, Adriano Penha; Sobrinho, Edmundo F. de Almeida; Bain, Odile


    A case of human intraocular dirofilariasis is reported from northern Brazil. The nematode was morphologically and phylogenetically related to Dirofilaria immitis but distinct from reference sequences, including those of D. immitis infesting dogs in the same area. A zoonotic Dirofilaria species infesting wild mammals in Brazil and its implications are discussed. PMID:21529396

  6. Stratigraphy of the Roraima Supergroup along the Brazil-Guyana border in the Guiana shield, Northern Amazonian Craton - results of the Brazil-Guyana Geology and Geodiversity Mapping Project

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nelson Joaquim Reis

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: The Geological and Geodiversity Mapping binational program along the Brazil-Guyana border zone allowed reviewing and integrating the stratigraphy and nomenclature of the Roraima Supergroup along the Pakaraima Sedimentary Block present in northeastern Brazil and western Guyana. The area mapped corresponds to a buffer zone of approximately 25 km in width on both sides of the border, of a region extending along the Maú-Ireng River between Mount Roraima (the triple-border region and Mutum Village in Brazil and Monkey Mountain in Guyana. The south border of the Roraima basin is overlain exclusively by effusive and volcaniclastic rocks of the Surumu Group of Brazil and its correlated equivalent the Burro-Burro Group of Guyana.

  7. A new species of the genus Xanthomicrogaster Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Microgastrinae) from Brazil

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Penteado-Dias, A.M.; Shimabukuro, P.H.F.; Achterberg, van C.


    One new Xanthomicrogaster species from Brazil is described, and X. fortipes Cameron, 1911, is redescribed and reported from Brazil and Suriname for the first time. A key to the species is presented as well as data about the geographical distribution in Brazil.

  8. Dynamics of Cattle Production in Brazil.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Concepta McManus

    Full Text Available Movement of livestock production within a country or region has implications for genetics, adaptation, well-being, nutrition, and production logistics, particularly in continental-sized countries, such as Brazil. Cattle production in Brazil from 1977 to 2011 was spatialized, and the annual midpoint of production was calculated. Changes in the relative production and acceleration of production were calculated and spatialized using ARCGIS®. Cluster and canonical discriminant analyses were performed to further highlight differences between regions in terms of cattle production. The mean production point has moved from the Center of Minas Gerais State (in the southeast region to the North of Goiás State (in the Midwest region. This reflects changes in environmental factors, such as pasture type, temperature and humidity. Acceleration in production in the northern region of Brazil has remained strong over the years. More recently, "traditional" cattle-rearing regions, such as the south and southeast, showed a reduction in growth rates as well as a reduction in herd size or internal migration over the period studied. These maps showed that this movement tends to be gradual, with few regions showing high acceleration or deceleration rates.

  9. Noise in large cities in Brazil (United States)

    Gerges, Samir N. Y.


    Large cities' noise is considered by the World Health Organization to be the third most hazardous pollution, preceded by air and water pollution. In urban centers, in general, and especially in developing countries such as Brazil, large populations are affected by excessive noise due mainly to traffic flow. The Brazilian Federal Government specifies noise limits, but each state can enforce its own set of noise limits, providing they are lower. The rapid economic growth, together with large migration of northern Brazilians to the developing southern urban areas in search of more lucrative jobs in construction and industrial sectors, resulted in a fast increase in activities such as vehicle and bus traffic, home construction, and development of all necessary infrastructures to support this growth. Urban noise in Brazil has been receiving the attention of national authorities only since 1990, when the Federal Government approved the first ``Program of Community Silence,'' based on ISO R 1996-1971. This paper highlights the noise situation in the five largest and most populated cities in Brazil: Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre and Curitiba [Zannin et al., Appl. Acoust. 63, 351-358 (2002)].

  10. U.S.-Brazil Security Cooperation and the Challenge of Technology Transfer (United States)


    Brazil and the United States,” IPEA Boletim de Economia e Política Internacional (October 2012), C. Sotomayor, “Latin America’s Middle Powers in the United Nations: Brazil and Mexico in Comparative Perspective,” Journal of International...Postgraduate School, 2012); and Arturo C. Sotomayor, “Brazil and Mexico in the Nonproliferation Regime: Common Structures and Divergent Trajectories in

  11. Nutrition surveys in Burma and northeast Brazil. (United States)

    Bunce, George E


    Participation of the author in the Interdepartmental Committee on Nutrition for National Defense sponsored nutrition surveys of Burma and northeast Brazil is described. These surveys not only collected important data on nutritional status but also guided the subsequent research interests of the author. The Brazil survey results contributed to the creation of legislation that mandated the addition of water-dispersible vitamin A to skimmed-milk powder products. This additive has greatly diminished the likelihood of vitamin A deficiency syndrome occurring in children after famine relief efforts.

  12. Fast reactor research activities in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menezes, A.


    Fast reactor activities in Brazil have the objective of establishing a consistent knowledge basis which can serve as a support for a future transitions to the activities more directly related to design, construction and operation of an experimental fast reactor, although its materialization is still far from being decided. Due to the present economic difficulties and uncertainties, the program is modest and all efforts have been directed towards its consolidation, based on the understanding that this class of reactors will play an important role in the future and Brazil needs to be minimally prepared. The text describes the present status of those activities, emphasizing the main progress made in 1996. (author)

  13. Bilateral cooperation between Germany and Brazil on fuel irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dias, J.W.


    Within the framework of the Government Agreement on Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the Federal Republic of Germany and Brazil, the Brazilian National Atomic Commission and the Juelich Nuclear Research Center (KFA) signed on 23rd April, 1971 an Agreement on Cooperation in the field of Nuclear Research and Reactor Technology. Projects have been elaborated in fields of mutual interest to share activities between the partner institutes in both countries. A typical project is the fuel irradiation programme jointly prepared by NUCLEBRAS and KFA-Juelich. Brazil is planning to use elements of its own production in nuclear power plants to be erected within the German-Brazilian Industrial Agreement. As no material test reactor is available in Brazil it is expedient to irradiate samples of Brazilian production in Germany. Brazilian collaborators will participate in the preparation, execution and post-irradiation examination. In this way an optimum transfer of all information and results is assured. In the first phase, sample rods manufactured in Brazil are irradiated in the FRJ-2 test reactor in Juelich. These rods are assembled under clean conditions in the NUCLEBRAS research centres. The first Brazilian test rods showed excellent in-pile behaviour even under very high fuel rod capacity. In the second phase, fuel rods of original length manufactured and assembled in Brazil will be irradiated in German power plants, and, at the same time, additional irradiations of small samples will be carried out in test reactors. In the third phase, rod clusters and complete fuel elements will be manufactured in Brazil and irradiated in German power plants until target burn-up. All the necessary prerequisites have been fulfilled to meet the above requirements, i.e. mutual interest, good infrastructure maintained by both partners, qualified personnel and last but not least unbureaucratic and effective help by the coordinating offices of NUCLEBRAS and KFA

  14. Spatiotemporal Analysis of AIDS Incidence Among Adults in Brazil. (United States)

    da Silva Lizzi, Elisangela Aparecida; Nunes, Altacilio Aparecido; Martinez, Edson Zangiacomi


    AIDS is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide and, currently, the overall prevalence rate of HIV infection in Brazil is 0.5% among men and 0.3% among women. To evaluate the spatiotemporal trend of AIDS in Brazil from 2006 to 2012 and its relationship with human development index (HDI) and their components income, education and life expectancy. This ecological study evaluate the spatiotemporal trend of standardized incidence ratio of AIDS among adults in Brazil from 2006 to 2012 and its relationship with HDI by using a Bayesian analysis, considering the Brazilian Federal Units as units of analysis. The proposed statistical model allows obtaining a standardized incidence ratio (SIR, adjusted by gender and age). Among the men, our results show higher incidence rates in the States of the Southern regions as well as in the state of Amazonas (Northern Brazil). In females, we found other patterns for SIR, with higher incidence rates in the states of Rio de Janeiro (Southeast region), Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina (both in Southern region). Among men it was observed as an expressive association between the SIR values and the overall HDI and income and education components, but it was observed to have an inverse association with the life expectancy component. Among women, it is noted that the SIR values are associated with the overall HDI and the education components only at the beginning of the studied period. AIDS remains a major public health problem in Brazil, mainly in the southern and southeastern regions of the country. Considering its association with HDI, it is noted that the disease still remains related to the pattern observed in the early years of the studied period, at least in the more developed regions of Brazil. This certainly happened because of the chronicity of the disease, thus affecting people with good socioeconomic status.

  15. A Systematic Review of Children's Environmental Health in Brazil. (United States)

    Froes Asmus, Carmen I R; Camara, Volney M; Landrigan, Philip J; Claudio, Luz


    In the region of the Americas, approximately 100,000 children under the age of 5 years die each year due to environmental hazards. Brazil, due to its large size and wide range of environmental challenges, presents numerous hazards to children's health. The aim of this study was to systematically review the scientific literature that describes children's exposures to environmental pollutants in Brazil and their effects on Brazilian children's health. A systematic review of the scientific literature was performed without language restrictions and time of publication (years). The literature search was conducted in the following key resources: PubMed (MEDLINE), Scopus and Web of Science with the MeSH Terms: Environmental exposure AND Brazil (filters: Human, Child [birth to 18 years] and Affiliation Author). The Virtual Health Library was also employed to access the databases Scielo and Lilacs. The search strategy was [DeCS Terms]: Child OR adolescent AND Environmental exposure AND Brazil. Health effects in children associated with exposure to environmental pollutants in Brazil were reported in 74 studies, during the period between 1995 and 2015. The most frequently cited effect was hospital admission for respiratory causes including wheezing, asthma, and pneumonia among children living in areas with high concentrations of air pollutants. A broad spectrum of other health effects possibly linked to pollutants also was found such as prematurity, low birth weight, congenital abnormality (cryptorchidism, hypospadia, micropenis), poor performance in tests of psychomotor and mental development, and behavioral problems. Exposure to pesticides in utero and postnatally was associated with a high risk for leukemia in children Brazil for stricter monitoring of pollutant emissions and for health surveillance programs especially among vulnerable populations such as pregnant women and young children. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. 75 FR 48724 - Frozen Warmwater Shrimp From Brazil, China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam (United States)


    ... Warmwater Shrimp From Brazil, China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam AGENCY: United States International Trade... warmwater shrimp from Brazil, China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam. SUMMARY: The Commission hereby gives... warmwater shrimp from Brazil, China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam would be likely to lead to continuation or...

  17. 75 FR 57501 - Frozen Warmwater Shrimp From Brazil, China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam (United States)


    ... Warmwater Shrimp From Brazil, China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam AGENCY: United States International Trade... warmwater shrimp from Brazil, China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam. SUMMARY: The Commission hereby gives... warmwater shrimp from Brazil, China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam would be likely to lead to continuation or...

  18. 75 FR 22424 - Frozen Warmwater Shrimp From Brazil, China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam (United States)


    ... Warmwater Shrimp From Brazil, China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam AGENCY: United States International Trade... antidumping duty orders on frozen warmwater shrimp from Brazil, China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam. SUMMARY... duty orders on frozen warmwater shrimp from Brazil, China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam would be likely...

  19. Influenza A Viruses of Human Origin in Swine, Brazil. (United States)

    Nelson, Martha I; Schaefer, Rejane; Gava, Danielle; Cantão, Maurício Egídio; Ciacci-Zanella, Janice Reis


    The evolutionary origins of the influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus that caused the first outbreak of the 2009 pandemic in Mexico remain unclear, highlighting the lack of swine surveillance in Latin American countries. Although Brazil has one of the largest swine populations in the world, influenza was not thought to be endemic in Brazil's swine until the major outbreaks of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in 2009. Through phylogenetic analysis of whole-genome sequences of influenza viruses of the H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2 subtypes collected in swine in Brazil during 2009-2012, we identified multiple previously uncharacterized influenza viruses of human seasonal H1N2 and H3N2 virus origin that have circulated undetected in swine for more than a decade. Viral diversity has further increased in Brazil through reassortment between co-circulating viruses, including A(H1N1)pdm09. The circulation of multiple divergent hemagglutinin lineages challenges the design of effective cross-protective vaccines and highlights the need for additional surveillance.

  20. The developmental state in Brazil: comparative and historical perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The record of successful developmental states in East Asia and the partial successes of developmental states in Latin America suggest several common preconditions for effective state intervention including a Weberian bureaucracy, monitoring of implementation, reciprocity (subsidies in exchange for performance, and collaborative relations between government and business. Although Brazil failed to develop the high technology manufacturing industry and exports that have fueled sustained growth in East Asia, its developmental state had a number of important, and often neglected, successes, especially in steel, automobiles, mining, ethanol, and aircraft manufacturing. Where Brazil's developmental state was less successful was in promoting sectors like information technology and nuclear energy, as well as overall social and regional equality. In addition, some isolated initiatives by state governments were also effective in promoting particular local segments of industry and agriculture. Comparisons with East Asia, highlight the central role of state enterprises in Brazil that in effect internalized monitoring and reciprocity and bypassed collaboration between business and government (that was overall rarer in Brazil.

  1. Radial variation in fiber length of some lesser used wood species in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Variations in fibre length of ten lesser used wood species were investigated. The mean fibre length varied from 1.07mm in Lannea acida to 2.41mm in Sterculia setigera. Four patterns of within tree radial variations in fibre length were observed in the studied species. In pattern one, fibre length increased from the pith to the ...

  2. Ethnozoology in Brazil: current status and perspectives. (United States)

    Alves, Rômulo Rn; Souto, Wedson Ms


    Ancient connections between animals and human are seen in cultures throughout the world in multiple forms of interaction with the local fauna that form the core of Ethnozoology. Historically, ethnozoological publications grew out of studies undertaken in academic areas such as zoology, human ecology, sociology and anthropology--reflecting the interdisciplinary character of this discipline. The rich fauna and cultural diversity found in Brazil, with many different species of animals being used for an extremely wide diversity of purposes by Amerindian societies (as well as the descendents of the original European colonists and African slaves), presents an excellent backdrop for examining the relationships that exist between humans and other animals. This work presents a historical view of ethnozoological research in Brazil and examines its evolution, tendencies, and future perspectives. In summary, literature researches indicated that ethnozoology experienced significant advances in recent years in Brazil, although from a qualitative point of view improvement is still needed in terms of methodological procedures, taxonomic precision, and the use of quantitative techniques. A wide range of methodologies and theories are available in different areas of learning that can be put to good use in ethnozoological approaches if the right questions are asked. The challenges to studying ethnozoology in Brazil are not insignificant, and the tendencies described in the present study may aid in defining research strategies that will maintain the quantitative growth observed in the recent years but likewise foster needed qualitative improvements.

  3. Learning communities and overcoming poverty in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tatiana Santos Pitanga


    Full Text Available Object: Brazil has implemented social programs to meet the Millennium Development Goals of reducing poverty and inequality. Despite the good results still there are ghettos and educational and social inequalities. Moreover Learning Communities are responding to these needs by promoting education based on successful actions scientifically proven of which promote educational change and social inclusion. The aim of this article is to highlight the characteristics of Learning Communities that allow overcoming poverty, and in this perspective, explain the implementation of the Learning Communities in Brazil and how, in this way, it is creating the conditions for effective overcoming give poverty and inequality in this country.Design / methodology: This article is based on documentary analysis of reports of the INCLUD-ED - the project on school education more scientific resources has been funded by the European Union, United Nations / ECLAC, Brazilian public agencies and websites of official institutions that promote Learning Communities in Brazil. Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics are also collected.Contributions and results: It highlights successful actions that contribute to overcoming poverty and social exclusion. Such actions are based on dialogic learning, democratic management and the formation of heterogeneous groups. It is observed that in Brazil are carrying out such actions and the ongoing expansion of the project in the country is creating the conditions for effective poverty reduction.Added value: This article reveals specific elements of overcoming poverty through education.

  4. Dengue situation in Brazil by year 2000

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hermann G Schatzmayr


    Full Text Available Dengue virus types 1 and 2 have been isolated in Brazil by the Department of Virology, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, in 1986 and 1990 respectively, after many decades of absence. A successful continental Aedes aegypti control program in the Americas, has been able to eradicate the vector in most countries in the 60's, but the program could not be sustained along the years. Dengue viruses were reintroduced in the American region and the infection became endemic in Brazil, like in most Central and SouthAmerican countries and in the Caribbean region, due to the weaning of the vector control programs in these countries. High demographic densities and poor housing conditions in large urban communities, made the ideal conditions for vector spreading. All four dengue types are circulating in the continent and there is a high risk of the introduction in the country of the other two dengue types in Brazil, with the development of large epidemics. After the Cuban episode in 1981, when by the first time a large epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome have been described in the Americas, both clinical presentations are observed, specially in the countries like Brazil, with circulation of more than one dengue virus type. A tetravalent potent vaccine seems to be the only possible way to control the disease in the future, besides rapid clinical and laboratory diagnosis, in order to offer supportive treatment to the more severe clinical infections.

  5. Trophic state and microorganisms community of major sub-basins of the middle Rio Doce basin, southeast Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauricio Mello Petrucio


    Full Text Available Total phosphorus concentration was used to define the trophic state of the main sub-basins of the middle Rio Doce, in Minas Gerais State (southeast Brazil and physical, chemical, and microbiological variables of water were analyzed during 2000 to 2001. The study evaluated changes in water quality caused by seasonality and human activities. Water temperature, conductivity, pH, total alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, and concentrations of NH4-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, total-N, PO4-P, total-P, DOC, and chlorophyll-a were measured in seven rivers stretches (sampling stations. Total yeasts, faecal and total coliforms, and heterotrophic bacteria were also determined. The studied areas were considered to be under oligotrophic to eutrophic conditions. The variables that presented highest positive correlation with faecal coliforms were total-P and total-N, and heterotrophic bacteria density was identified as a good parameter to differentiate the ecosystems. These results suggested the inclusion of the trophic level and the distinct activities within a watershed as important elements when proposing conservation and restoration areas.A concentração de fósforo total foi utilizada para determinar o grau de trofia das principais sub-bacias do trecho médio da bacia do Rio Doce, em Minas Gerais, e variáveis físicas, químicas e microbiológicas da água foram analisadas nos períodos de chuva e seca durante os anos de 2000 e 2001. O estudo visou determinar mudanças na qualidade da água causadas pela sazonalidade e por diferentes atividades antrópicas. As áreas estudadas variaram de oligotróficas a eutróficas. As variáveis que apresentaram as maiores correlações positivas com a densidades de coliformes fecais foram as concentrações de nitrogênio e fósforo total, além disso, bactérias heterotróficas mostrou-se capaz de diferenciar os ambientes. Estes resultados sugerem a inclusão do grau de trofia e da caracterização das atividades antrópicas na

  6. Air quality and human health improvements from reduced deforestation in Brazil (United States)

    Reddington, C.; Butt, E. W.; Ridley, D. A.; Artaxo, P.; Morgan, W.; Coe, H.; Spracklen, D. V.


    Significant areas of the Brazilian Amazon have been deforested over the past few decades, with fire being the dominant method through which forests and vegetation are cleared. Fires emit large quantities of particulate matter into the atmosphere, degrading air quality and negatively impacting human health. Since 2004, Brazil has achieved substantial reductions in deforestation rates and associated deforestation fires. Here we assess the impact of this reduction on air quality and human health. We show that dry season (August - October) aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrieved by satellite over southwest Brazil and Bolivia is positively related to Brazil's annual deforestation rate (r=0.96, Pannually across South America. Future increases in Brazil's deforestation rates and associated fires may threaten the improved air quality reported here.

  7. New records of ribbon worms (Nemertea) from Ceará, Northeast Brazil. (United States)

    Mendes, Cecili B; Matthews-Cascon, Helena; Norenburg, Jon L


    Of 45 species of nemerteans reported for the Brazilian coast, only two were recorded from Brazil's Northeast coast. Here we report seven new records for the state of Ceará, in Northeast Brazil: Tubulanus rhabdotus Côrrea, 1954, Carinomella cf. lactea Coe, 1905, Baseodiscus delineatus (Delle-Chiaje 1825), Cerebratulus cf. lineolatus Coe, 1905, Cerebratulus sp. 1, Cerebratulus sp. 2 and Lineidae sp. 1. Specimens were collected at the following beaches: Praia dos Dois Coqueiros, Praia do Pacheco, Pecém harbor, Praia da Pedra Rachada and Praia do Guajiru. T. rhabdotus is a new record for Northeast Brazil, Carinomella cf. lactea and Cerebratulus cf. lineolatus are new records for the South Atlantic Ocean and both genera are new records for Brazil.

  8. The prevalence and impact of headache in Brazil. (United States)

    Queiroz, Luiz P; Silva Junior, Ariovaldo A


    In Brazil, several epidemiological studies on headache have been produced, most with an emphasis on prevalence and the association of primary headaches with some sociodemographic characteristics of the population. Data on the burden of headache, however, are scarce. The aim of this paper is to review all Brazilian population-based studies on headache, as well as to analyze the Migraine Disability Assessment Score (MIDAS) data collected with the PhD thesis of the senior author (LPQ). A literature review was performed using the keywords ("headache" or "migraine") and ("epidemiology" or "prevalence") and (Brazil). Another part of this paper will look at unpublished data on disability (MIDAS), collected with the prevalence data of the Brazilian nationwide epidemiological study of headache. There are 6 published epidemiological studies of headache in Brazil. The mean 1-year prevalence of headache in Brazil is 70.6%, of migraine 15.8%, of tension-type headache (TTH) 29.5%, and of chronic daily headache (CDH) 6.1%. Disability is significantly higher: in females compared to males; in patients with migraine and CDH compared to patients with TTH; and in those with headaches ≥15 days per month rather than those with episodic headaches. There was also a positive relationship between pain intensity and severity of disability. Patients with higher disability used more both abortive and prophylactic medication. The mean prevalence of headache in Brazil, and some of its subtypes, is similar to the rates described in other countries of the world. Disability is higher in females, in patients with migraine, in individuals with headaches ≥15 days per month, and in those with severe head pain. © 2015 American Headache Society.

  9. 77 FR 23659 - Revocation of Antidumping Duty Order: Certain Orange Juice From Brazil (United States)


    ... Duty Order: Certain Orange Juice From Brazil AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade...) initiated a sunset review of the antidumping duty order on certain orange juice (OJ) from Brazil.\\1\\ On...), the Department is revoking the antidumping duty order on OJ from Brazil. \\1\\ See Initiation of Five...

  10. The biodiversity of Aspergillus section Flavi in brazil nuts: From rainforest to consumer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Calderari, Thaiane O.; Iamanaka, Beatriz T.; Frisvad, Jens Christian


    A total of 288 brazil nut samples (173 kernel and 115 shell) from the Amazon rainforest region and São Paulo State, Brazil were collected at different stages of brazil nut production. Samples were analysed for: percentages of aflatoxigenic fungal species and potential for aflatoxin production and...

  11. Brazil to Join the European Southern Observatory (United States)


    The Federative Republic of Brazil has yesterday signed the formal accession agreement paving the way for it to become a Member State of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). Following government ratification Brazil will become the fifteenth Member State and the first from outside Europe. On 29 December 2010, at a ceremony in Brasilia, the Brazilian Minister of Science and Technology, Sergio Machado Rezende and the ESO Director General, Tim de Zeeuw signed the formal accession agreement aiming to make Brazil a Member State of the European Southern Observatory. Brazil will become the fifteen Member State and the first from outside Europe. Since the agreement means accession to an international convention, the agreement must now be submitted to the Brazilian Parliament for ratification [1]. The signing of the agreement followed the unanimous approval by the ESO Council during an extraordinary meeting on 21 December 2010. "Joining ESO will give new impetus to the development of science, technology and innovation in Brazil as part of the considerable efforts our government is making to keep the country advancing in these strategic areas," says Rezende. The European Southern Observatory has a long history of successful involvement with South America, ever since Chile was selected as the best site for its observatories in 1963. Until now, however, no non-European country has joined ESO as a Member State. "The membership of Brazil will give the vibrant Brazilian astronomical community full access to the most productive observatory in the world and open up opportunities for Brazilian high-tech industry to contribute to the European Extremely Large Telescope project. It will also bring new resources and skills to the organisation at the right time for them to make a major contribution to this exciting project," adds ESO Director General, Tim de Zeeuw. The European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) telescope design phase was recently completed and a major review was

  12. Study for Agricultural Engineering Development in Brazil. Summary Report of Joint Study Group on Agricultural Engineering in Brazil (July 24-August 12, 1972). (United States)

    National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.

    The joint study group was established to identify the most urgent research and training needs in agricultural engineering in Brazil and to recommend how best to meet those needs. Specific recommendations are given for a long-term program to establish quality programs in education and research in agricultural engineering in Brazil and means to gain…

  13. Anthropology of health in Brazil: a border discourse. (United States)

    Langdon, Esther Jean; Follér, Maj-Lis


    This article traces the development of anthropological research on health in Brazil in light of discussions on modernity/coloniality and world anthropologies. Originating in the 1970s, stimulated by external and internal pressures for scientific production and along with the expansion of graduate programs, a network of anthropologists has consolidated and multiplied in Brazil. We describe the development of research groups, meetings, and publications in order to characterize Brazilian anthropology of health as a research program that distinguishes itself from North Atlantic medical anthropology. We examine the visibility and circulation of references in academic publications to explore the participation of Brazilians in the global discourse and, more specifically, in the North-South dialogue. From a comparative perspective, we argue that anthropological investigations of health reflect a perspective and ethos distinctive to Brazil and its historical and political processes.

  14. Will Brazil's cars go on the wagon?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Homewood, B.


    The use of ethanol as an alternative fuel for cars in Brazil, may shortly be reduced. Falling world oil prices have meant that ethanol, derived from sugar cane, following a fourteen year research program, has ceased to be a financially viable replacement for petrol. Although about a third of Brazil's cars are at present powered by ethanol, only substantial government subsidies could reinstate this fuel despite its reduced pollutant status. Government officials now predict that ethanol will become merely a petrol additive and production of ethanol cars will have stopped by the year 2000. (UK)

  15. The sustainability of hydropower projects in Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    de Methodio Maranhao Neto, Gil; Yana, Laurent


    The construction of hydropower plants unquestionably impacts the environment and communities. But countries such as Brazil have been able to build up a sophisticated socio-environmental legislation and institutions as well as a democratic and participative licensing process to protect the nature and the population affected. In some cases, plants greatly contribute towards the creation of local welfare to the population as well as good environmental practices. As a good example of best practices on socio-environmental standards, we will analyze Jirau Hydropower Project, currently under construction on the Madeira River, north of Brazil.

  16. Brazil and Mexico's manufacturing performance in international perspective, 1970-1998

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mulder, Nanno; Montout, Sylvie; Perez Lopes, Luis


    This paper studies the labour productivity performances of Brazil and Mexico in international perspective by comparing them with the United States, one of the international productivity leaders, during the period 1970-99. Brazil and Mexico are compared separately with the USA, in 1985 and 1988

  17. A review on human attitudes towards reptiles in Brazil. (United States)

    Alves, Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega; Vieira, Kleber Silva; Santana, Gindomar Gomes; Vieira, Washington Luiz Silva; Almeida, Waltécio Oliveira; Souto, Wedson Medeiros Silva; Montenegro, Paulo Fernando Guedes Pereira; Pezzuti, Juarez Carlos Brito


    For many millennia humans and reptiles have interacted, but the attitude of humans towards these animals has depended on culture, environment, and personal experience. At least 719 reptile species are known to occur in Brazil and about 11% of this fauna has been exploited for many different purposes, including bushmeat, leather, ornamental and magic/religious uses, and as folk medicines. Brazil can therefore serve as an interesting case study for better understanding reptile use by human societies, and the present paper catalogues some of the reptile species being used in Brazil and discusses implications for their conservation. A literature review indicated that 81 reptile species are culturally important in this country, with 47 (58%) species having multiple uses, 54 being used for medicinal purposes, 38 as food, 28 for ornamental or decorative purposes, 20 used in magic/religious practices, 18 as pets, and 40 are commonly killed when they come into contact with humans. Regarding their conservation status, 30 (37.5%) are included on State's Red List, Brazilian Red List or the IUCN Red List. There are many forms of interaction between reptiles and humans in Brazil-although most of them are quite negative in terms of wildlife conservation-which reinforces the importance of understanding such uses and interactions in the context of protecting reptiles in Brazil. A better understanding of the cultural, social, and traditional roles of these reptiles is fundamental to establishing management plans for their sustainable use.

  18. Constructing public oral health policies in Brazil: issues for reflection. (United States)

    Soares, Catharina Leite Matos


    This paper addresses the construction of public oral health policies in Brazil by reviewing the available literature. It includes a discussion of the social responses given by the Brazilian State to oral health policies and the relationship of these responses with the ideological oral health movements that have developed globally, and that have specifically influenced oral health policies in Brazil. The influence of these movements has affected a series of hegemonic practices originating from both Market Dentistry and Preventive and Social Dentistry in Brazil. Among the state activities that have been set into motion, the following stand out: the drafting of a law to regulate the fluoridation of the public water supply, and the fluoridation of commercial toothpaste in Brazil; epidemiological surveys to analyze the status of the Brazilian population's oral health; the inclusion of oral health in the Family Health Strategy (Estratégia de Saúde da Família - ESF); the drawing up of the National Oral Health Policy, Smiling Brazil (Brasil Sorridente). From the literature consulted, the progressive expansion of state intervention in oral health policies is observed. However, there remains a preponderance of hegemonic "dental" practices reproduced in the Unified Public Health Service (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS) and the Family Health Strategy.

  19. Melhoramento da videira Grape breeding in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Ribeiro Almeida Santos Neto


    Full Text Available Os primeiros trabalhos sôbre o melhoramento da videira no Brasil datam de 1895 e se devem a Pereira Barreto e seus colaboradores. Entre 1930 e 1940, em Amparo, Paulino Recch, Nicolau Martorano e Pedro Araujo, dedicaram-se ao melhoramento da videira obtendo espécimes de real valor. A partir de 1943, no Instituto Agronômico, a Seção de Viticultura vem desenvolvendo um programa traçado para prover a nossa viticultura de abundante material melhorado para múltiplas finalidades. Cogita-se da obtenção de variedades novas para porta-enxertos, para mesa, vinho, suco não fermentado e passa. Essas variedades devem apresentar características de adaptação e acomodação ao nosso meio ambiente ; resistência às moléstias e pragas, e ao apodrecimento ocasionado pelas chuvas ; boas características específicas para mesa, vinho e suco não fermentado (1 a 18. Para execução do programa foi utilizado o material existente nas coleções do Instituto Agronômico, e importado novo material das Américas do Norte e Central. Dos capítulos mais importantes, um que está sendo atacado é o da produção de uvas de mesa isentas de sementes, ou apirenas. Igual importância tem o referente às diferentes combinações com as variedades tropicais, principalmente Vitis gigas e V. tilixfolia. Os resultados até agora obtidos são animadores : o Instituto Agronômico já dispõe de novos porta-enxertos em estudo, novas variedades de mesa com características de grande valor, numerosas variedades para produção de bons vinhos, bem como outras que, combinadas em diferentes proporções, produzem excelente suco não fermentado. Os trabalhos prosseguem e, não sendo interrompidos, poderão trazer reais vantagens à viticultura nacional.Grape breeding, was first started in Brazil by Pereira Barreto in 1895. From 1930 to 1940, Paulino Reech, Nicolau Martorano, and Pedro Araujo, frorn. Amparo, São Paulo, did some breeding work with grapes and obtained several new

  20. Review of potential environmental impacts of transgenic glyphosate-resistant soybean in Brazil. (United States)

    Cerdeira, Antonio L; Gazziero, Dionsio L P; Duke, Stephen O; Matallo, Marcus B; Spadotto, Claudio A


    Transgenic glyphosate-resistant soybeans (GRS) have been commercialized and grown extensively in the Western Hemisphere, including Brazil. Worldwide, several studies have shown that previous and potential effects of glyphosate on contamination of soil, water, and air are minimal, compared to those caused by the herbicides that they replace when GRS are adopted. In the USA and Argentina, the advent of glyphosate-resistant soybeans resulted in a significant shift to reduced- and no-tillage practices, thereby significantly reducing environmental degradation by agriculture. Similar shifts in tillage practiced with GRS might be expected in Brazil. Transgenes encoding glyphosate resistance in soybeans are highly unlikely to be a risk to wild plant species in Brazil. Soybean is almost completely self-pollinated and is a non-native species in Brazil, without wild relatives, making introgression of transgenes from GRS virtually impossible. Probably the highest agricultural risk in adopting GRS in Brazil is related to weed resistance. Weed species in GRS fields have shifted in Brazil to those that can more successfully withstand glyphosate or to those that avoid the time of its application. These include Chamaesyce hirta (erva-de-Santa-Luzia), Commelina benghalensis (trapoeraba), Spermacoce latifolia (erva-quente), Richardia brasiliensis (poaia-branca), and Ipomoea spp. (corda-de-viola). Four weed species, Conyza bonariensis, Conyza Canadensis (buva), Lolium multiflorum (azevem), and Euphorbia heterophylla (amendoim bravo), have evolved resistance to glyphosate in GRS in Brazil and have great potential to become problems.

  1. How Brazil turned one public health school into 40



    Brazil built its public health education system through the work of the renowned Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, which established courses across the whole country. The courses eventually became the core curriculum for small schools and now Brazil boasts 40 schools of public health. Foundation President Paulo Buss argues that there are ways that resource-poor countries can improve their public health education.

  2. Entomopathogenic nematodes in agricultural areas in Brazil. (United States)

    de Brida, Andressa Lima; Rosa, Juliana Magrinelli Osório; Oliveira, Cláudio Marcelo Gonçalves de; Castro, Bárbara Monteiro de Castro E; Serrão, José Eduardo; Zanuncio, José Cola; Leite, Luis Garrigós; Wilcken, Silvia Renata Siciliano


    Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) (Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) can control pests due to the mutualistic association with bacteria that kill the host by septicemia and make the environment favorable for EPNs development and reproduction. The diversity of EPNs in Brazilian soils requires further study. The identification of EPNs, adapted to environmental and climatic conditions of cultivated areas is important for sustainable pest suppression in integrated management programs in agricultural areas of Brazil. The objective was to identify EPNs isolated from agricultural soils with annual, fruit and forest crops in Brazil. Soil samples were collected and stored in 250 ml glass vials. The nematodes were isolated from these samples with live bait traps ([Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larvae]. Infective juveniles were collected with White traps and identified by DNA barcoding procedures by sequencing the D2/D3 expansion of the 28S rDNA region by PCR. EPNs identified in agricultural areas in Brazil were Heterorhabditis amazonensis, Metarhabditis rainai, Oscheios tipulae and Steinernema rarum. These species should be considered pest biocontrol agents in Brazilian agricultural areas.

  3. SMART GRID: Evaluation and Trend in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Moreira da Silva


    Full Text Available The Smart Grid is considered the most promising conglomerate of technology to be applied for the improvement and optimization of all power production in electrical engineer. Smart Grid's concept is being more and more recognized for its importance for representing a way to meliorate the energetic efficiency of the electric system, reducing consumption, allowing intensive use of energy generation renewable sources. Therefore, the goal of this article is to explore and present Smart Grid's concepts and its global evolution, so as perform an assessment on Smart Grid's tendencies in Brazil. In order to do this, we shown the concepts of Smart Grid, its benefits and impacts in the electric system's value chain, the barriers to its diffusion in Brazil and the paths of investments' incentives for deployment of the new technology. Accordingly, we reach the conclusion that the researches point to a long and challenging trajectory for the development and implantation of Smart Grid's technology in Brazil, which is still in a embryonic phase of pilot projects for the knowledge and technology development implantation.

  4. Canine vector-borne diseases in Brazil (United States)

    Dantas-Torres, Filipe


    Canine vector-borne diseases (CVBDs) are highly prevalent in Brazil and represent a challenge to veterinarians and public health workers, since some diseases are of great zoonotic potential. Dogs are affected by many protozoa (e.g., Babesia vogeli, Leishmania infantum, and Trypanosoma cruzi), bacteria (e.g., Anaplasma platys and Ehrlichia canis), and helminths (e.g., Dirofilaria immitis and Dipylidium caninum) that are transmitted by a diverse range of arthropod vectors, including ticks, fleas, lice, triatomines, mosquitoes, tabanids, and phlebotomine sand flies. This article focuses on several aspects (etiology, transmission, distribution, prevalence, risk factors, diagnosis, control, prevention, and public health significance) of CVBDs in Brazil and discusses research gaps to be addressed in future studies. PMID:18691408

  5. Canine vector-borne diseases in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dantas-Torres Filipe


    Full Text Available Abstract Canine vector-borne diseases (CVBDs are highly prevalent in Brazil and represent a challenge to veterinarians and public health workers, since some diseases are of great zoonotic potential. Dogs are affected by many protozoa (e.g., Babesia vogeli, Leishmania infantum, and Trypanosoma cruzi, bacteria (e.g., Anaplasma platys and Ehrlichia canis, and helminths (e.g., Dirofilaria immitis and Dipylidium caninum that are transmitted by a diverse range of arthropod vectors, including ticks, fleas, lice, triatomines, mosquitoes, tabanids, and phlebotomine sand flies. This article focuses on several aspects (etiology, transmission, distribution, prevalence, risk factors, diagnosis, control, prevention, and public health significance of CVBDs in Brazil and discusses research gaps to be addressed in future studies.

  6. Variability of extreme climate indices at Rio claro, São Paulo, Brazil Variabilidade dos índices de extremos climáticos em Rio Claro, São Paulo, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Antonio Costa dos Santos


    Full Text Available Linear trends in climate extreme indices derived from precipitation and temperature data at the Rio Claro station, São Paulo-Brazil, are examined for the 40-year period 1966-2005 and the dataset is available at the Instituto de Pesquisas Meteorológicas (IPMET of the State University of São Paulo (UNESP. The precipitation based climate indices did not show statistically significant trends. When correlated with the SST related indices in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, the analysis shows some weak but positive influence of El Niño and the TNAI (Tropical North Atlantic Index over the rainfall behavior of the Rio Claro region. Overall, the temperatures are rising in the last 40 years with an indication of increasing the diurnal temperature range, especially in the recent past due to an increase in the maximum temperature.Foram examinadas tendências lineares nos índices de extremos climáticos derivados de dados de precipitação e temperatura para a estação meteorológica de Rio Claro, São Paulo - Brasil, para o período de 1966 - 2005, correspondente a 40 anos e os dados estão disponíveis no Instituto de Pesquisas Meteorológicas (IPMET da Universidade do Estado de São Paulo (UNESP. Os índices climáticos baseados na precipitação não mostraram tendências com significância estatística. Quando correlacionados com os índices relacionados à TSM dos Oceanos Pacífico e Atlântico, as análises mostram influência fraca, mas positiva do El Niño e TNAI (Tropical North Atlantic Index sobre o comportamento das chuvas sobre a região de Rio Claro. De forma geral, as temperaturas estão aumentando nos últimos 40 anos com um sinal de aumento na amplitude térmica diária, especialmente nos últimos anos devido ao aumento das temperaturas máximas.

  7. The future of energy generation sector in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Assis, Gino de


    The importance of energy on the life of modern man is evaluated considering environmental and strategic issues. Energetic crisis that happened on the recent past of Brazil and United States of America are reviewed and analysed in the light of the particular strategic matters of each country. A tentative projection of the profile of the electrical energy generator industry of Brazil is done based on the past experiences, on the present scenario and on the future potentials. (author)

  8. Adult Education in Brazil. (United States)

    Ministerio da Educacao e Cultura, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

    The status and goals of adult education programs in Brazil are discussed in this report. Supplemental systems such as the Brazilian Literacy Movement (Mobral) and their results are described and evaluated. Charts detailing the evolution of literacy are shown and priorities in education are suggested. The progress of other educational entities is…

  9. [Obesity among the poor in Brazil: female vulnerability]. (United States)

    Ferreira, Vanessa Alves; Magalhães, Rosana


    The increase in obesity among women in the lower income bracket in Brazil has been singled out as a priority issue in the field of Public Health today. Concern about future repercussions of obesity in the less privileged groups calls for an in-depth theoretical approach and the energetic definition of public policy for prevention and control of the affliction in these segments. In this respect, the scope of this work is to attempt to pinpoint some analytical categories in the phenomenon of obesity among the underprivileged female population in Brazil. Biological, socioeconomic and cultural factors appear to interact in the dynamics of female obesity in the context of poverty revealing the complexity of this problem. Public policies of job creation, social inclusion and gender equality in the labor market would appear to be more promising ways of tackling obesity in underprivileged females in Brazil.

  10. Brazil's neglected tropical diseases: an overview and a report card. (United States)

    Hotez, Peter J; Fujiwara, Ricardo T


    Today, the nation of Brazil leads the Western Hemisphere in terms of the number of its citizens living with neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). These diseases continue to trap Brazil's "bottom 20 million" in extreme poverty. Copyright © 2014 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  11. Water erosion under simulated rainfall in different soil management systems during soybean growth Erosão hídrica sob chuva simulada em diferentes sistemas de manejo do solo durante o crescimento da soja

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Luis Engel


    Full Text Available Soil management influences soil cover by crop residues and plant canopy, affecting water erosion. The objective of this research was to quantify water and soil losses by water erosion under different soil tillage systems applied on a typical aluminic Hapludox soil, in an experiment carried out from April 2003 to May 2004, in the Santa Catarina highland region, Lages, southern Brazil. Simulated rainfall was applied during five soybean cropstages, at the constant intensity of 64.0 mm h-1. Treatments were replicated twice and consisted of: i conventional tillage on bare soil - control treatment (CTBS, ii conventional tillage on cultivated soil (CTCS, iii no-tillage on non tilled soil with burned crop residue (NTRB, iv no-tillage in non tilled soil with crop residue desiccated (NTRD, and v no-tillage on four-years interrupted soil tillage with crop residue desiccated - "traditional no tillage" (NTRT. Regardless of soybean cropstages, water losses were the highest for the CTCS than for the untilled soils, while soil losses were considerably higher in the CTCS treatment only until cropstage 3, in cultivated soil treatments. The NTRT was most effective treatment in terms of both water and soil loss reduction. Water infiltration should also be considered, when considering the soil erosion process caused by rainfall and its associated runoff, due to the management systems usually adopted in cultivated fields.O manejo do solo influencia a cobertura superficial pelo resíduo cultural e, juntamente com a cobertura do solo pela copa das plantas, afeta a erosao hídrica. O objetivo do estudo foi quantificar as perdas de água e solo por erosão hídrica em diferentes sistemas de manejo do solo, em diferentes estádios do cultivo da soja, em um experimento conduzido de abril de 2003 a maio de 2004, na região do Planalto Catarinense, em um Nitossolo Háplico alumínico. Chuvas simuladas foram aplicadas em cinco estádios do cultivo da soja, com intensidade

  12. Energy trends and the water-energy binomium for Brazil. (United States)

    Da Rocha, Gisele O; Dos Anjos, Jeancarlo P; De Andrade, Jailson B


    According to the demands of energy saving and carbon emission reduction, the water vs. energy nexus has become a major concern worldwide. Brazil occupies a singular position in the global energy system. A major portion of the Brazilian occupancies has electricity and the energy system expansion that, at first, possesses adequate means for supporting the economic growing may experience some turnovers. The Brazil determination through alternative fuels was a natural choice, given its large hydropower potential and land agricultural base. In the transportation sector Brazil has developed its energy matrix towards an important rate of ethanol and biodiesel. Although those fuels are low carbon emitter, they may probably not be an affordable alternative regarding land use, food security and water footprint. In this way, considering the recent advances in the exploration of oil from Pre-salt (9-15 million barrels) and the discovery of shale gas wells up to 245 tcf, together to unfavorable social and environmental issues associated to biofuels, the Brazilian energy matrix might turn back to the fossil fuels again. These represent challenges to the Brazilian policymakers and how they will be solved will reflect not only in Brazil but also to the world at large.


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    Vanessa Cruz Santos


    Full Text Available Abortion in Brazil provides public health impacts, mainly due to the high rate of maternal morbidity and mortality, because it most often occurs in an illegal practice and / or unsafe, because of the illegality of abortion in certain situations in the country. Therefore, it is an issue that refers to the various reflections, such as legal, moral, cultural, socio-economic and bioethical. Given the above, the study aims to address about abortion in Brazil and the impacts of illegality in public health. Study of literature review, descriptive and discursive, held in the database SciELO sites and governmental and non-governmental organizations. It was evident that the illegality of abortion in Brazil is harmful to the health of women who resort to unsafe practices and / or illegal, a violation of human rights, the women’s autonomy, as well as providing public health impacts, and sometimes this actually happens because the deficit in quality of care, specifically to sexual and reproductive health, as the actions of Family Planning. It is considered that the way of abortion in Brazil requires modifications, especially with regard to legislative and bioethics conflicts.

  14. Contesting and Contextualising CITES: Wildlife Trafficking in Colombia and Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Rodríguez Goyes


    Full Text Available This article raises the question of whether recently implemented legislation in Colombia and Brazil (1 provides the necessary tools to prevent the harms of wildlife trafficking (WLT and (2 influences humans’ practices concerning the use of nonhuman animals. These questions are investigated from the dual perspectives of green criminology and public policy. The analysis is based on a qualitative empirical study undertaken in Colombia and Brazil whereby we discuss the function of the legislation in Colombia and Brazil in preventing illegal WLT. We consider the legitimacy of different practices of WLT and evaluate them with respect to species justice and environmental justice.

  15. A regional-scale Ocean Health Index for Brazil. (United States)

    Elfes, Cristiane T; Longo, Catherine; Halpern, Benjamin S; Hardy, Darren; Scarborough, Courtney; Best, Benjamin D; Pinheiro, Tiago; Dutra, Guilherme F


    Brazil has one of the largest and fastest growing economies and one of the largest coastlines in the world, making human use and enjoyment of coastal and marine resources of fundamental importance to the country. Integrated assessments of ocean health are needed to understand the condition of a range of benefits that humans derive from marine systems and to evaluate where attention should be focused to improve the health of these systems. Here we describe the first such assessment for Brazil at both national and state levels. We applied the Ocean Health Index framework, which evaluates ten public goals for healthy oceans. Despite refinements of input data and model formulations, the national score of 60 (out of 100) was highly congruent with the previous global assessment for Brazil of 62. Variability in scores among coastal states was most striking for goals related to mariculture, protected areas, tourism, and clean waters. Extractive goals, including Food Provision, received low scores relative to habitat-related goals, such as Biodiversity. This study demonstrates the applicability of the Ocean Health Index at a regional scale, and its usefulness in highlighting existing data and knowledge gaps and identifying key policy and management recommendations. To improve Brazil's ocean health, this study suggests that future actions should focus on: enhancing fisheries management, expanding marine protected areas, and monitoring coastal habitats.

  16. Consumer choice between ethanol and gasoline: Lessons from Brazil and Sweden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pacini, Henrique, E-mail:; Silveira, Semida, E-mail:


    The introduction of flex-fuel vehicles since 2003 has made possible for Brazilian drivers to choose between high ethanol blends or gasoline depending on relative prices and fuel economies. In Sweden, flex-fuel fleets were introduced in 2005. Prices and demand data were examined for both Brazil and Sweden. Bioethanol has been generally the most cost-efficient fuel in Brazil, but not for all states. In any case, consumers in Brazil have opted for ethanol even when this was not the optimal economic choice. In Sweden, a different behavior was observed when falling gasoline prices made E85 uneconomical in late 2008. In a context of international biofuels expansion, the example of E85 in Sweden indicates that new markets could experience different consumer behavior than Brazil: demand falls rapidly with reduced price differences between ethanol and gasoline. At the same time, rising ethanol demand and lack of an international market with multiple biofuel producers could lead to higher domestic prices in Brazil. Once the limit curve is crossed, the consumer might react by shifting back to the usage of gasoline. - Research Highlights: > Brazil and Sweden both have infrastructure for high fuel ethanol blends. > Flex-fuel vehicles enable competition between ethanol and gasoline in fuel markets. > Data suggests that consumers make their fuel choice based mainly on prices. > Consumers in Sweden appear to be more price-sensitive than their Brazilian counterparts. > In the absence of international markets, high ethanol prices may drive consumers back to gasoline.

  17. Antimicrobial resistance in Enterobacteriaceae in Brazil: focus on β-lactams and polymyxins. (United States)

    Sampaio, Jorge Luiz Mello; Gales, Ana Cristina


    During the last 30 years there has been a dissemination of plasmid-mediated β-lactamases in Enterobacteriaceae in Brazil. Extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) are widely disseminated in the hospital setting and are detected in a lower frequency in the community setting. Cefotaximases are the most frequently detected ESBL type and Klebsiella pneumoniae is the predominant species among ESBL producers. Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae became widely disseminated in Brazil during the last decade and KPC production is currently the most frequent resistance mechanism (96.2%) in carbapenem resistant K. pneumoniae. To date KPC-2 is the only variant reported in Brazil. Polymyxin B resistance in KPC-2-producing K. pneumoniae has come to an alarming rate of 27.1% in 2015 in São Paulo, the largest city in Brazil. New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase was detected in Brazil in 2013, has been reported in different Brazilian states but are not widely disseminated. Antimicrobial resistance in Enterobacteriaceae in Brazil is a very serious problem that needs urgent actions which includes both more strict adherence to infection control measures and more judicious use of antimicrobials. Copyright © 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  18. An overview of migratory birds in Brazil

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    Marina Somenzari


    Full Text Available Abstract We reviewed the occurrences and distributional patterns of migratory species of birds in Brazil. A species was classified as migratory when at least part of its population performs cyclical, seasonal movements with high fidelity to its breeding grounds. Of the 1,919 species of birds recorded in Brazil, 198 (10.3% are migratory. Of these, 127 (64% were classified as Migratory and 71 (36% as Partially Migratory. A few species (83; 4.3% were classified as Vagrant and eight (0,4% species could not be defined due to limited information available, or due to conflicting data.

  19. Dipylidium caninum (Cyclophyllidea, Dipylidiidae) in a wild carnivore from Brazil. (United States)

    Vieira, Fabiano M; Luque, José L; Lima, Sueli de Souza; Neto, Antonio H A de Moraes; Muniz-Pereira, Luís C


    We report Dipylidium caninum for the first time in a wild carnivore in Brazil, the crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous). Presence of the cestode could be the consequence of anthropogenic expansion into natural habitats of this host, as this parasite has only previously been reported in domestic hosts in Brazil.

  20. Bridging the Atlantic : Brazil and Sub-Saharan Africa, South–South Partnering for Growth


    World Bank


    Bridging the Atlantic is a descriptive study of Brazil's involvement with counterparts in Sub-Saharan Africa through knowledge exchange, trade, and investments. The objective of the study is to understand these relations better with the intent to forge concrete and mutually beneficial partnerships between Brazil and Sub-Saharan Africa. Brazil and Sub-Saharan Africa are natural partners, wi...

  1. Cyclotron facilities in Brazil: Current status and licensing aspects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Facure, A.; Carvalho, S.M.; Di Prinzio, R.; Silveira, C.S.; Gasparian, P.B.R.; Franca, W.F.


    Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a highly sensitive and accurate nuclear medicine imaging technology but the major problem of this technique is the use of radioisotopes with short half-life, less than two hours. The production and selling of short half-life radioisotopes used to be monopoly of the Brazilian Government. In 2006, a Constitutional Amendment revoked the state monopoly due to the need for the use of short half-life radioisotopes in nuclear medicine centers very far from the government production facilities. The aim of this study is to describe the current status of short half-life radioisotopes production in Brazil and discuss some licensing process. In Brazil, as has been occurring worldwide, the number of nuclear medicine centers is increasing. Currently there are 123 services performing PET scans in Brazil. There are 14 cyclotrons operating in Brazil. The type of licensing process conducted in Brazil does not take into account the population density of each state, with a free competition model being adopted. Because of this there is a lot of equipment concentrated in the Southeast and no cyclotrons operating in the Northern part of the country. One of the biggest obstacles during the licensing process is the designation of qualified personnel as operation workers and radiation safety officers. The number of cyclotron accelerators and PET/CT equipment increased in recent years. However, a number of external factors such as the distance from the nuclear medicine centers, and qualified personnel have proved crucial for the economic viability of this type of facility. (author)

  2. Cyclotron facilities in Brazil: Current status and licensing aspects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Facure, A.; Carvalho, S.M.; Di Prinzio, R.; Silveira, C.S.; Gasparian, P.B.R.; Franca, W.F., E-mail: [Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a highly sensitive and accurate nuclear medicine imaging technology but the major problem of this technique is the use of radioisotopes with short half-life, less than two hours. The production and selling of short half-life radioisotopes used to be monopoly of the Brazilian Government. In 2006, a Constitutional Amendment revoked the state monopoly due to the need for the use of short half-life radioisotopes in nuclear medicine centers very far from the government production facilities. The aim of this study is to describe the current status of short half-life radioisotopes production in Brazil and discuss some licensing process. In Brazil, as has been occurring worldwide, the number of nuclear medicine centers is increasing. Currently there are 123 services performing PET scans in Brazil. There are 14 cyclotrons operating in Brazil. The type of licensing process conducted in Brazil does not take into account the population density of each state, with a free competition model being adopted. Because of this there is a lot of equipment concentrated in the Southeast and no cyclotrons operating in the Northern part of the country. One of the biggest obstacles during the licensing process is the designation of qualified personnel as operation workers and radiation safety officers. The number of cyclotron accelerators and PET/CT equipment increased in recent years. However, a number of external factors such as the distance from the nuclear medicine centers, and qualified personnel have proved crucial for the economic viability of this type of facility. (author)

  3. Neutron radiography in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rogers, J.D.


    Neutron radiography studies being carried out in reactor centres in Brazil are discussed. These research projects are under way using the 5 MW swimming pool reactor at the Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research (IPEN) in Sao Paulo and the Argonaut reactor at the Institute of Nuclear Engineering (IEN) in Rio de Janeiro. (Auth.)

  4. 3 CFR - Provision of U.S. Drug Interdiction Assistance to the Government of Brazil (United States)


    ... the Government of Brazil Presidential Documents Other Presidential Documents Presidential... Brazil Memorandum for the Secretary of State [and] the Secretary of Defense Pursuant to the authority... (22 U.S.C. 2291-4), I hereby certify, with respect to Brazil, that (1) interdiction of aircraft...

  5. Application of Physically based landslide susceptibility models in Brazil (United States)

    Carvalho Vieira, Bianca; Martins, Tiago D.


    Shallow landslides and floods are the processes responsible for most material and environmental damages in Brazil. In the last decades, some landslides events induce a high number of deaths (e.g. Over 1000 deaths in one event) and incalculable social and economic losses. Therefore, the prediction of those processes is considered an important tool for land use planning tools. Among different methods the physically based landslide susceptibility models having been widely used in many countries, but in Brazil it is still incipient when compared to other ones, like statistical tools and frequency analyses. Thus, the main objective of this research was to assess the application of some Physically based landslide susceptibility models in Brazil, identifying their main results, the efficiency of susceptibility mapping, parameters used and limitations of the tropical humid environment. In order to achieve that, it was evaluated SHALSTAB, SINMAP and TRIGRS models in some studies in Brazil along with the Geotechnical values, scales, DEM grid resolution and the results based on the analysis of the agreement between predicted susceptibility and the landslide scar's map. Most of the studies in Brazil applied SHALSTAB, SINMAP and to a lesser extent the TRIGRS model. The majority researches are concentrated in the Serra do Mar mountain range, that is a system of escarpments and rugged mountains that extends more than 1,500 km along the southern and southeastern Brazilian coast, and regularly affected by heavy rainfall that generates widespread mass movements. Most part of these studies used conventional topographic maps with scales ranging from 1:2000 to 1:50000 and DEM-grid resolution between 2 and 20m. Regarding the Geotechnical and hydrological values, a few studies use field collected data which could produce more efficient results, as indicated by international literature. Therefore, even though they have enormous potential in the susceptibility mapping, even for comparison

  6. Proceedings of the 3. Workshop on Nuclear Physics in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication is the final report of the III Workshop on Nuclear Physics in Brazil. Many works were presented on the fields related to Nuclear Physics. It was organized some work groups which discussed the following topics: Perspectivas of Nuclear Physics in Brazil, Personnel Formation and Related Instrumentation. (A.C.A.S.) [pt

  7. Properties of Brazil nuts: A review | Kluczkovski | African Journal of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Brazil nut is a seed with high nutritional value and of great economic importance to the Northern region of Brazil. In addition to enabling direct consumption, its nutritional potential enables the development of various products. Among its nutrients, emphasis is given to the amino acid-rich proteins, lipid content and selenium, ...

  8. Shared decision making in Brazil: history and current discussion. (United States)

    Abreu, Mirhelen Mendes de; Battisti, Raphael; Martins, Rachel Samhan; Baumgratz, Thiago Dias; Cuziol, Mirella


    There is no SDM in clinical practice in Brazil. The first steps have been taken towards research and tool development recently. Likewise, our society is starting to get involved with decision making in health care. This paper aims to offer an overview of the Brazilian health system history, its values, and its influence on SDM. The participative social control concept is introduced as a result of the movement against the dictatorship era. In addition, the influence of social changes on the Medical Ethical Code is delineated. SDM state of the art in Brazil is also discussed and the challenges to implement it on clinical practice are described. Regardless the challenges, it is possible to make a positive assessment of SDM in Brazil. 2011. Published by Elsevier GmbH.

  9. Plant poisonings in livestock in Brazil and South Africa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mary-Louise Penrith


    Full Text Available Information on intoxication of livestock by plants in Brazil, in terms of cause, clinical signs and pathology, is compared with information on livestock poisoning by plants in South Africa. Plant poisoning, including mycotoxicosis, is considered to be one of three major causes of death in livestock in Brazil, which is one of the top beef producing countries in the world, with a cattle population of more than 200 million. Cattle production in South Africa is on a more modest scale, but with some 600 species of plants and fungi known to cause toxicity in livestock, as opposed to some 130 species in Brazil, the risk to livestock in South Africa appears to be much greater. The comparisons discussed in this communication are largely restricted to ruminants.

  10. Natural variation of selenium in Brazil nuts and soils from the Amazon region. (United States)

    Silva Junior, E C; Wadt, L H O; Silva, K E; Lima, R M B; Batista, K D; Guedes, M C; Carvalho, G S; Carvalho, T S; Reis, A R; Lopes, G; Guilherme, L R G


    Brazil nut tree (Bertholletia excelsa) is native of the Amazon rainforest. Brazil nuts are consumed worldwide and are known as the richest food source of selenium (Se). Yet, the reasoning for such Se contents is not well stablished. We evaluated the variation in Se concentration of Brazil nuts from Brazilian Amazon basin, as well as soil properties, including total Se concentration, of the soils sampled directly underneath the trees crown, aiming to investigate which soil properties influence Se accumulation in the nuts. The median Se concentration in Brazil nuts varied from 2.07 mg kg - 1 (in Mato Grosso state) to 68.15 mg kg - 1 (in Amazonas state). Therefore, depending on its origin, a single Brazil nut could provide from 11% (in the Mato Grosso state) up to 288% (in the Amazonas state) of the daily Se requirement for an adult man (70 μg). The total Se concentration in the soil also varied considerably, ranging from Brazil nuts generally increased in soils with higher total Se content, but decreased under acidic conditions in the soil. This indicates that, besides total soil Se concentration, soil acidity plays a major role in Se uptake by Brazil nut trees, possibly due to the importance of this soil property to Se retention in the soil. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Serologic detection of coccidioidomycosis antibodies in northeast Brazil. (United States)

    Cordeiro, Rossana de Aguiar; Fechine, Maria Auxiliadora Bezerra; Brilhante, Raimunda Sâmia Nogueira; Rocha, Marcos Fábio Gadelha; da Costa, Ana Karoline Freire; Nagao, Maria Aparecida Tiemi Dias; de Camargo, Zoilo Pires; Sidrim, José Júlio Costa


    Coccidioidomycosis is a systemic infection caused by Coccidioides spp. The disease is endemic in Brazil but its incidence is underreported as it is not a notifiable disease. This article presents the results of a serologic survey carried out with 229 volunteers in northeast Brazil by the immunodiffusion (ID) test with commercial Coccidioides spp. antigens. The commercial ID test detected 15 individuals without clinical diagnosis of the disease and two individuals in treatment for coccidioidomycosis. Regarding the epidemiological data, most of the positive individuals were male, between 18 and 65 years of age and were engaged in armadillo hunting. Three women who had never participated in armadillo hunts also displayed positive results for coccidioidal antibodies. Besides armadillo hunts, exposure to environmental dust in endemic areas may account for the serologic response detected in the study. The data from this study suggest the importance of performing epidemiological surveys for coccidioidomycosis in order to understand the prevalence of this disease in Brazil.

  12. Uranium enrichment by jet nozzle separation process in the German-Brazil cooperation program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Becker, E.W.


    It presents a lecture on technical and commercial aspects of uranium isotopic enrichment by the Get Lozzle Method in Brazil. The analysis is presented regarding the context of bilateral agreement German-Brazil it discusses the technical problems of a demonstration plant design as well as the commercial exportation viability of enriched uranium produced in Brazil by the Jet Nozzle Method. (author)

  13. Condições termodinâmicas de eventos de precipitação extrema em Belém-PA durante a estação chuvosa Thermodynamic conditions of extreme rainfall events in Belém-PA, Brazil, during the rainy season

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    João Paulo Nardin Tavares


    Full Text Available As condições termodinâmicas de uma região são muito importantes para o desenvolvimento da convecção úmida profunda, principalmente nas regiões tropicais. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi o de entender e caracterizar o papel das condições termodinâmicas da atmosfera durante os eventos de precipitações extremas na estação chuvosa, no período de 1987 a 2007, em Belém (PA. Os resultados mostram que as precipitações extremas, em sua maioria (56% apresentam um ambiente precursor com forte instabilidade, indicada pelos altos valores de CAPE (acima de 1000 J/kg e valores significativos dos índices de instabilidade. Houve, contudo, eventos com baixos valores de CAPE na sondagem das 1200 UTC do dia do evento, mas valores maiores na véspera, o que indica que a chuva em questão pode ter começado na madrugada e ter perdurado por várias horas, atravessando a hora da sondagem, explicando a queda deste parâmetro. Os índices de instabilidade K, TT e LI apresentaram uma boa representação do ambiente, prognosticando as tempestades com chuvas fortes com índice de acerto de até 74%, se levados em conta os eventos em que todos os índices apontavam os mesmos resultados e indicavam forte instabilidade. As condições termodinâmicas de forte instabilidade ajudam a promover, mas não são as únicas responsáveis pelas tempestades convectivas com precipitações extremas.The thermodynamic conditions from any region are very important to the development of the deep, moist convection, mainly in the tropical region. Therefore, the aim of this work was to understand and characterize the role of atmospheric thermodynamic conditions during extreme rainfall events in the rainy season, in Belém (PA, Brazil. The results show that the extreme rainfall, in their majority (56% present a pre-storm environment with strong instability, indicated by the CAPE high values (above 1000 J/kg and meaningful values of the instability indexes. There was

  14. Brazil | IDRC - International Development Research Centre

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    IDRC-supported research in Brazil has informed policy debates on a variety of issues, including democracy, economic growth, health, social services, innovation, ... earthquake, including food security and public-private sector partnerships.

  15. Brazil on the Rise: Implications on U.S. Policies (United States)


    such as NAFTA , South America as a whole was relatively excluded from such discussions. Actions such as these would leave an opening for future...currently constitutes 25 percent of Brazil’s total gas consumption. 27 Other shared U.S.-Brazilian interests include the increasingly Brazil constituted 70% of this type of aid provided to all of Latin America during WWII. Joseph Smith, Brazil and the United States: Convergence

  16. Variation morphogeometrics of Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera in Brazil

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    Lorena A. Nunes


    Full Text Available The morphometrics of the honey bee Apis mellifera L., 1758 has been widely studied mainly because this species has great ecological importance, high adaptation capacity, wide distribution and capacity to effectively adapt to different regions. The current study aimed to investigate the morphometric variations of wings and pollen baskets of honey bees Apis mellifera scutellata Lepeletier, 1836 from the five regions in Brazil. We used geometric morphometrics to identify the existence of patterns of variations of shape and size in Africanized honey bees in Brazil 16 years after the classic study with this species, allowing a temporal and spatial comparative analysis using new technological resources to assess morphometrical data. Samples were collected in 14 locations in Brazil, covering the five geographical regions of the country. The shape analysis and multivariate analyses of the wing allowed to observe that there is a geographical pattern among the population of Apis mellifera in Brazil. The geographical variations may be attributed to the large territorial extension of the country in addition to the differences between the bioregions.

  17. Status of uranium in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Majdalani, S.A.; Tavares, A.M.


    Uranium exploration in Brazil was started in 1952 by the Brazilian National Research Council. This led to the discovery of the first uranium deposits in Pocos de Caldas and Jacobina. These activities was later continued by the National Energy Commission/Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN), formed in 1962. The founding of NUCLEBRAS at the end of 1974 marked the increasing effort of the country's uranium exploration programme. At this time only the Pocos de Caldas deposit was known with measurable resources. Due to the reorganization of the Brazilian nuclear programme in 1988, all uranium exploration in the country was stopped. By then, eight areas with uranium reserves has been identified. Brazil uranium resources in the RAR category at ≤ $80/kg U cost range are estimated to be 162,000 tonnes U, out of which 56,100 tonnes are in the ≤ $40/kg U cost range. Additional resources in the EAR-I category and the cost range ≤ 80/kg U are in the order of 100,200 tonnes U. The first production of uranium in Brazil, at the Osamu Utsumi mine (Pocos de Caldas deposit), started in 1982. Because of escalated costs and reduced demand, this activity was put on stand-by status between 1990 and 1992. The mine was restarted in 1993, but was stopped again in October 1995. The cumulative production of the mine to 1996 was 1241 tonnes U. The Lagoa Real deposit is currently being prepared as a new producing mine. (author)

  18. Tackling drug and alcohol misuse in Brazil: priorities and challenges for nurses. (United States)

    Rassool, G H; Villar-Luis, M


    To provide an overview of the extent of drug and alcohol misuse in Brazil and the policies and approaches in tackling substance misuse. An examination of the challenges facing the nursing profession in working with substance misusers is presented. Alcohol, cocaine, and cannabis are the most commonly misused psychoactive substances in Brazil. One of the biggest public health problems is the interface between the misuse of psychoactive substances and HIV prevalence and other sexually transmitted diseases. Findings from a recent study suggest that undergraduate nurses in Brazil are not adequately prepared in the care and management of substance misuse problems. The nursing profession in Brazil faces numerous challenges in the development of professional competence of nurses in this field. A strategy proposed is the creation of regional centres in Brazil to study the integration of substance use and misuse in the nursing undergraduate curriculum and the giving of specific support in teaching and research to nurse teachers. Nurses have a key role to play in the early recognition, assessment, prevention, and treatment of substance misuse.

  19. First record of Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart (Diptera, Calliphoridae from Brazil

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    José O. de Almeida Silva


    Full Text Available First record of Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart (Diptera, Calliphoridae from Brazil. In addition to its native fauna, the Neotropical region is known to be inhabited by four introduced species of blow flies of the genus Chrysomya. Up until now, only three of these species have been recorded in Brazil - Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, and Chrysomya putoria (Wiedemann. In South America, C. rufifacies (Macquart has only been reported from Argentina and Colombia. This study records C. rufifacies from Brazil for the first time. The specimens were collected in an area of cerrado (savanna-like vegetation in the municipality of Caxias in state of Maranhão, and were attracted by pig carcasses.

  20. Concentrations of Se, Ba, Zn and Mn in Brazil nuts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Armelin, Maria José A.; Maihara, Vera A.; Cardoso, Paulo S.; Saiki, Mitiko [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Cozollino, Silvia M.F., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade de São Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas


    The concentrations of Se, Ba, Zn and Mn were determined in samples of Brazil nuts collected in two ways: a) in a production farm predominantly for export and, b) in various points of sale from different regions of Brazil. Instrumental neutron activation analysis was the analytical technique used in this study. Results indicate that the concentrations of Se and Ba varied greatly among the Brazil nut samples analyzed. This large variability may be related to the soil characteristics from which the nuts were produced. An inverse correlation was observed between the concentrations of Se and Ba. On the other hand, the concentrations of Zn and Mn did not show significant differences among these samples. (author)

  1. Concentrations of Se, Ba, Zn and Mn in Brazil nuts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Armelin, Maria José A.; Maihara, Vera A.; Cardoso, Paulo S.; Saiki, Mitiko; Cozollino, Silvia M.F.


    The concentrations of Se, Ba, Zn and Mn were determined in samples of Brazil nuts collected in two ways: a) in a production farm predominantly for export and, b) in various points of sale from different regions of Brazil. Instrumental neutron activation analysis was the analytical technique used in this study. Results indicate that the concentrations of Se and Ba varied greatly among the Brazil nut samples analyzed. This large variability may be related to the soil characteristics from which the nuts were produced. An inverse correlation was observed between the concentrations of Se and Ba. On the other hand, the concentrations of Zn and Mn did not show significant differences among these samples. (author)

  2. Consumer choice between ethanol and gasoline: Lessons from Brazil and Sweden

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pacini, Henrique; Silveira, Semida


    The introduction of flex-fuel vehicles since 2003 has made possible for Brazilian drivers to choose between high ethanol blends or gasoline depending on relative prices and fuel economies. In Sweden, flex-fuel fleets were introduced in 2005. Prices and demand data were examined for both Brazil and Sweden. Bioethanol has been generally the most cost-efficient fuel in Brazil, but not for all states. In any case, consumers in Brazil have opted for ethanol even when this was not the optimal economic choice. In Sweden, a different behavior was observed when falling gasoline prices made E85 uneconomical in late 2008. In a context of international biofuels expansion, the example of E85 in Sweden indicates that new markets could experience different consumer behavior than Brazil: demand falls rapidly with reduced price differences between ethanol and gasoline. At the same time, rising ethanol demand and lack of an international market with multiple biofuel producers could lead to higher domestic prices in Brazil. Once the limit curve is crossed, the consumer might react by shifting back to the usage of gasoline. - Research highlights: → Brazil and Sweden both have infrastructure for high fuel ethanol blends. → Flex-fuel vehicles enable competition between ethanol and gasoline in fuel markets. → Data suggests that consumers make their fuel choice based mainly on prices. → Consumers in Sweden appear to be more price-sensitive than their Brazilian counterparts. → In the absence of international markets, high ethanol prices may drive consumers back to gasoline.

  3. Institutional framework changes in Brazil's energy industries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Almeida, E.; Queiroz Pinto JR, H.


    The liberalization of the Brazilian energy sector in the 1990's was meant to drastically reduce the role of the State in the sector. This reform has not had the desired results. Private investment could not guarantee the expansion of the Brazilian energy sector at the necessary speed. The first half of this decade has been marked by problems of electricity supply and a rather timid role of private investment in boosting energy supply. During the second half of the decade, liberal reform of the energy sector in Brazil has gone through major adjustments, marked by the search for a new compromise between the role of the State and the private sector. This paper highlights the institutional evolution of Brazil's energy or industries and tries to show how risk for public and private investment has been reduced by the adoption of new institutional and economic mechanisms of coordination. In the current institutional framework, the State plays an important role in coordinating the investment process for the expansion of supply. The pace of investment in Brazil in the energy sector has accelerated significantly after the adoption of the new coordination mechanisms. (authors)

  4. Brazil's Market for Trading Forest Certificates. (United States)

    Soares-Filho, Britaldo; Rajão, Raoni; Merry, Frank; Rodrigues, Hermann; Davis, Juliana; Lima, Letícia; Macedo, Marcia; Coe, Michael; Carneiro, Arnaldo; Santiago, Leonardo


    Brazil faces an enormous challenge to implement its revised Forest Code. Despite big losses for the environment, the law introduces new mechanisms to facilitate compliance and foster payment for ecosystem services (PES). The most promising of these is a market for trading forest certificates (CRAs) that allows landowners to offset their restoration obligations by paying for maintaining native vegetation elsewhere. We analyzed the economic potential for the emerging CRA market in Brazil and its implications for PES programs. Results indicate a potential market for trading 4.2 Mha of CRAs with a gross value of US$ 9.2±2.4 billion, with main regional markets forming in the states of Mato Grosso and São Paulo. This would be the largest market for trading forests in the world. Overall, the potential supply of CRAs in Brazilian states exceeds demand, creating an opportunity for additional PES programs to use the CRA market. This expanded market could provide not only monetary incentives to conserve native vegetation, but also environmental co-benefits by fostering PES programs focused on biodiversity, water conservation, and climate regulation. Effective implementation of the Forest Code will be vital to the success of this market and this hurdle brings uncertainty into the market. Long-term commitment, both within Brazil and abroad, will be essential to overcome the many challenges ahead.

  5. Brazil's Market for Trading Forest Certificates.

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    Britaldo Soares-Filho

    Full Text Available Brazil faces an enormous challenge to implement its revised Forest Code. Despite big losses for the environment, the law introduces new mechanisms to facilitate compliance and foster payment for ecosystem services (PES. The most promising of these is a market for trading forest certificates (CRAs that allows landowners to offset their restoration obligations by paying for maintaining native vegetation elsewhere. We analyzed the economic potential for the emerging CRA market in Brazil and its implications for PES programs. Results indicate a potential market for trading 4.2 Mha of CRAs with a gross value of US$ 9.2±2.4 billion, with main regional markets forming in the states of Mato Grosso and São Paulo. This would be the largest market for trading forests in the world. Overall, the potential supply of CRAs in Brazilian states exceeds demand, creating an opportunity for additional PES programs to use the CRA market. This expanded market could provide not only monetary incentives to conserve native vegetation, but also environmental co-benefits by fostering PES programs focused on biodiversity, water conservation, and climate regulation. Effective implementation of the Forest Code will be vital to the success of this market and this hurdle brings uncertainty into the market. Long-term commitment, both within Brazil and abroad, will be essential to overcome the many challenges ahead.


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    Annah Rachel Graciano


    Full Text Available Objective: To verify the prevalence of AIDS in Brazil among the years 2000 and 2014 and the mortality rate from 2000 to 2013, correlating the rates for male and female and age. Methods: analytical ecological study with temporal bias of design. The data sources used were SIH, SIM and IBGE. The quantified variables refer to the gender and age of the general population. The selected groups were aged between 0 and 100 years of age. Results: The study showed that between 2000 and 2014 there was a significant reduction in the prevalence of AIDS in Brazil. Regarding the findings by gender, the highest overall prevalence rate corresponded to the year 2001 with a rate of 0.027% (95% CI: 0.027% - 0.028%, while the lowest rate was for the year 2014 with the corresponding rate of 0.010% (95% CI: 0.010% - 0.010%. Regarding the number of cases relating to age, there was a significant reduction in the absolute number of cases among the 2005 and 2006 and subsequent increase between 2006 and 2007. Conclusion: It was concluded that the AIDS epidemiological patterns in Brazil over the the last 15 years was favorable, with significant decrease from 2000 to 2014 while mortality rates not having be changed during the period analyzed.

  7. Energy trends and the water-energy binomium for Brazil

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    Gisele O. Da Rocha


    Full Text Available According to the demands of energy saving and carbon emission reduction, the water vs. energy nexus has become a major concern worldwide. Brazil occupies a singular position in the global energy system. A major portion of the Brazilian occupancies has electricity and the energy system expansion that, at first, possesses adequate means for supporting the economic growing may experience some turnovers. The Brazil determination through alternative fuels was a natural choice, given its large hydropower potential and land agricultural base. In the transportation sector Brazil has developed its energy matrix towards an important rate of ethanol and biodiesel. Although those fuels are low carbon emitter, they may probably not be an affordable alternative regarding land use, food security and water footprint. In this way, considering the recent advances in the exploration of oil from Pre-salt (9-15 million barrels and the discovery of shale gas wells up to 245 tcf, together to unfavorable social and environmental issues associated to biofuels, the Brazilian energy matrix might turn back to the fossil fuels again. These represent challenges to the Brazilian policymakers and how they will be solved will reflect not only in Brazil but also to the world at large.

  8. Materno-infantilism, feminism and maternal health policy in Brazil. (United States)

    Diniz, Simone


    In the last days of 2011, President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff issued a provisional measure (or draft law) entitled "National Surveillance and Monitoring Registration System for the Prevention of Maternal Mortality" (MP 557), as part of a new maternal health programme. It was supposed to address the pressing issue of maternal morbidity and mortality in Brazil, but instead it caused an explosive controversy because it used terms such as nascituro (unborn child) and proposed the compulsory registration of every pregnancy. After intense protests by feminist and human rights groups that this law was unconstitutional, violated women's right to privacy and threatened our already limited reproductive rights, the measure was revised in January 2012, omitting "the unborn child" but not the mandatory registration of pregnancy. Unfortunately, neither version of the draft law addresses the two main problems with maternal health in Brazil: the over-medicalisation of childbirth and its adverse effects, and the need for safe, legal abortion. The content of this measure itself reflects the conflictive nature of public policies on reproductive health in Brazil and how they are shaped by close links between different levels of government and political parties, and religious and professional sectors. Copyright © 2012 Reproductive Health Matters. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Update and extension of the Brazil SimSmoke model to estimate the health impact of cigarette smoking by pregnant women in Brazil


    Szklo, André Salem; Yuan, Zhe; Levy, David


    Abstract: A previous application of the Brazil SimSmoke tobacco control policy simulation model was used to show the effect of policies implemented between 1989 and 2010 on smoking-attributable deaths (SADs). In this study, we updated and further validated the Brazil SimSmoke model to incorporate policies implemented since 2011 (e.g., a new tax structure with the purpose of increasing revenues/real prices). In addition, we extended the model to estimate smoking-attributable maternal and child...

  10. Regional safeguards arrangements: The Argentina-Brazil experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marzo, M.; Gonzales, H.L.; Iskin, M.C.L.; Vicens, H.


    A Common System of Accounting and Control of Nuclear Material (SCCC) was established by Argentina and Brazil in July 1992. It is a full scope safeguard's system in both countries. The Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC) was created to apply the SCCC. The main elements of the SCCC are presented. The main safeguards' procedures are described. A brief discussion of the inspection methodology and its impact for facility operators is performed. The safeguard's implementation from the operator's point of view is commented, taking as example a fuel fabrication plant in Argentina and a uranium enrichment plant in Brazil. (author)

  11. Paradigms of public policies for licit and illicit drugs in Brazil. (United States)

    Gigliotti, Analice; Ribeiro, Marcelo; Tapia Aguilera, Amarílis; Rezende, Elton; Ogata Perrenoud, Luciane


    Brazil is a country of continental dimensions that, over the last 3 decades, has been making increased efforts to develop effective public policies for controlling the use of both licit and illicit psychoactive substances. In the case of licit drugs, Brazil was a pioneer in following the guidance of the World Health Organization for tobacco control and has witnessed surprising results relating to reduction of smoking prevalence and correlated morbidity and mortality. Today, Brazil has a national structure for organizing, applying, and monitoring laws relating to tobacco. However, in the field of illicit drugs, with crack consumption as a paradigm, the situation is the opposite: its use has been increasing year by year and is being consumed at increasingly young ages and by all social classes. Thus, it is becoming an enormous challenge for public policies relating to prevention and treatment. In this context, the aim of this article is to present a review of the epidemiological data relating to tobacco and crack use in Brazil, with an analysis on the impact of public policies for controlling consumption over recent years. Despite the efforts made over the last 3 decades, Brazil still has a long way to go in order to construct a consistent and effective national drugs policy.

  12. Economic integration, poverty and regional inequality in Brazil

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    Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira Filho


    Full Text Available In this paper we address the issue of how trade integration can affect poverty and income distribution in Brazil. The analysis is conducted through a static General Equilibrium and Microsimulation Model of Brazil, calibrated with the PNAD 2001 data. The model comprises 112,055 Brazilian households and 263,938 adults, distinguishing 42 activities, 52 commodities, and 27 regions. The FTAA formation is simulated, and its impacts upon poverty and income distribution in Brazil analyzed. Results point to the fact that even a large shock like the one simulated wouldn't have a strong impact on poverty reduction in Brazil, although the results are concentrated on the poorest households.Este trabalho analisa os efeitos potenciais da formação da ALCA sobre os níveis de pobreza e distribuição de renda no Brasil. A análise é conduzida através de um Modelo Aplicado de Equilíbrio Geral e de Micro-simulação estático, calibrado com os dados da PNAD 2001. O modelo distingue na sua estrutura 112.055 domicílios e 263.938 adultos, 42 atividades produtivas, 52 produtos, e 27 regiões. Os resultados apontam para o fato de que mesmo mudanças tarifárias grandes como as aqui simuladas não trariam um forte impacto sobre a pobreza no Brasil, embora os resultados estejam concentrados nos domicílios mais pobres.

  13. Consumption of foods away from home in Brazil. (United States)

    Bezerra, Ilana Nogueira; Souza, Amanda de Moura; Pereira, Rosangela Alves; Sichieri, Rosely


    To describe foods consumed away from home and associated factors in Brazil. The study was based on the National Dietary Survey which was conducted among residents aged over 10 years old in 24% of households participating in the Household Budget Survey in 2008-2009 (n = 34,003). The consumption of food and beverages was collected through records of foods consumed, type of preparation, quantity, time and food source (inside or outside home). The frequency with which individuals consumed food away from home was calculated according to age, gender, income, household area location, family size, presence of children at home and age of head of household in Brazil and in each Brazilian region. Specific sampling weight and effect of the sampling design were considered in the analyses. Consumption of food away from home in Brazil was reported by 40% of respondents, varying from 13% among the elderly in the Midwest Region to 51% among adolescents in the Southeast. This percentage decreased with age and increased with income in all regions of Brazil and was higher among men and in urban areas. Foods with the highest percentage of consumption outside home were alcoholic beverages, baked and fried snacks, pizza, soft drinks and sandwiches. Foods consumed away from home showed a predominance of high energy content and poor nutritional content, indicating that the consumption of foods away from home should be considered in public health campaigns aimed at improving Brazilians' diet.

  14. Medical and agricultural entomology in Brazil: a historical approach. (United States)

    Benchimol, J L


    Medical Entomology emerged in Brazil in the late nineteenth century, through the initiative of a group of physicians dedicated to researching microorganisms related to diseases of public health importance, especially yellow fever and malaria. They led the institutionalization of Bacteriology and Tropical Medicine in southeast Brazil and the sanitation of coastal cities and, subsequently, rural areas. Medical Entomology provided the professionals who would undertake campaigns against agricultural plagues, as well as the institutionalization of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine. In the present article, I intend to show how relations between the professionals who gave life to Medical Entomology in Brazil were interwoven and to illustrate their relations with entomologists in other countries. I will also present an overview of the research problems faced by Brazilian entomologists at the turn of the nineteenth century and early decades of the twentieth.

  15. The National Health Services of Brazil and Northern Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gurgel Jr., Garibaldi D.; Carvalho de Sousa, Islâandia M.; de Araujo Oliveira, Sydia Rosana


    In 1990 the national health services in the United Kingdom and Sweden started to split up in internal markets with purchasers and providers. It was also the year when Brazil started to implement a national health service (SUS) inspired by the British national health service that aimed at principles......, and inequities have increased. The health sector reform in Brazil, on the other hand, contributed to great improvements in population health but never succeeded in changing the fact that more than half of health care spending was private. Demographic and epidemiological changes, with more elderly people having...... chronic disorders and very unequal comorbidities, bring the issue of integrality in the forefront in all 3 countries, and neither the public purchaser provider markets nor the 2-tier system in Brazil delivers on that front. It will demand political leadership and strategic planning with population...

  16. Five new species of Ytu Reichardt (Coleoptera: Myxophaga: Torridincolidae) and new records from Brazil. (United States)

    Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti; Ferreira, Nelson


    The genus Ytu Reichardt is the most diverse within Torridincolidae, currently with 19 species. Five new species are described herein, four of them from various localities in the southeast of Brazil (type localities in parentheses): Ytu hermes sp. nov. (Brazil, Espírito Santo, Dores do Rio Preto, Pedra Menina, Parque Nacional do Caparaó, Cachoeira Sete Pilões); Ytu hypnos sp. nov. (Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, São Fidelis, Serra Bela Joana); Ytu nyx sp. nov. (Brazil, Espírito Santo, Dores do Rio Preto, Pedra Menina, Parque Nacional do Caparaó, Rio São Domingos, Cachoeira do Aurélio); Ytu thanatos sp. nov. (Brazil, Espírito Santo, Castelo, Parque Estadual do Forno Grande). The other new species, Ytu coeus sp. nov. (Brazil, Espírito Santo, Dores do Rio Preto, Pedra Menina, Parque Nacional do Caparaó, nascente do Rio São Domingos) is described from Brazilian States of Espírito Santo and Ceará, the latter being the first record of this genus in northeastern Brazil. Illustrations of habitus and important diagnostic characters are provided. The new species are compared to other similar species of the genus. New records of some other species of Ytu are presented.

  17. Seasonality of insects in the semi-arid Caatinga of northeastern Brazil Sazonalidade de insetos na Caatinga do Nordeste Brasileiro

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    Alexandre Vasconcellos


    Full Text Available Insects are essential to tropical ecosystems functioning. In semi-arid regions, the increase in abundance and/or activity (e.g. reproduction and foraging behavior of insects is usually associated with climatic variables. The present study investigates which climatic variables are best predictors of insect abundance in an area of Caatinga in northeastern Brazil. Individuals were sampled for 24 months using Malaise and pitfall traps, and beating trays. A total of 58925 individuals belonging to 20 insect orders were collected. The most abundant orders were Hymenoptera, Diptera, Collembola and Coleoptera. Most orders studied showed a clear maximum abundance in the rainy season. Rainfall and humidity were the best predictors of insect abundance in the Caatinga. However, no climatic variable could explain Psocoptera and Blattodea variance in abundance/activity. Our results suggest that climatic changes associated with rainfall patterns in the Caatinga may affect ecosystem processes and services that depend direct or indirectly on insect abundance/activity.Os insetos são abundantes e essenciais para o funcionamento dos ecossistemas terrestres tropicais. No entanto, a abundância e/ou atividade (e.g. reprodução ou forrageio destes organismos podem ser fortemente influenciadas pelas variáveis climáticas. Este estudo examina quais as variáveis climáticas podem atuar como preditoras da abundância e/ou atividade dos insetos em uma área de Caatinga do Nordeste brasileiro. Ao longo de 24 meses, os insetos foram coletados mensalmente utilizando armadilhas Malaise, armadilhas tipo "pitfall" e guarda-chuva entomológico. Um total de 58925 indivíduos de 20 ordens foi coletado. As ordens mais abundantes foram Hymenoptera, Diptera, Collembola e Coleoptera. Entre as doze ordens mais abundantes, dez apresentaram os seus maiores picos durante a estação chuvosa. A precipitação e a umidade relativa foram os principais preditores dos padrões de abund

  18. Energy trends and the water-energy binomium for Brazil


    Gisele O. Da Rocha; Jeancarlo P. Dos Anjos; Jailson B. De Andrade


    According to the demands of energy saving and carbon emission reduction, the water vs. energy nexus has become a major concern worldwide. Brazil occupies a singular position in the global energy system. A major portion of the Brazilian occupancies has electricity and the energy system expansion that, at first, possesses adequate means for supporting the economic growing may experience some turnovers. The Brazil determination through alternative fuels was a natural choice, given its large hydr...

  19. Euplectrus furnius parasitizing Spodoptera frugiperda in maize in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vinícius Soares Sturza


    Full Text Available Brazil is among the world's biggest maize producers and fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, is the main insect pest on this crop in the country. Despite the importance of its natural enemies, there still is a lack of information about parasitoids species that attack this insect-pest, such as larval parasitoids. This research reports Euplectrus furnius Walker (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae parasitizing S. fugiperda larvae on maize crop in Brazil.

  20. An Epidemiological Profile of CrossFit Athletes in Brazil


    Sprey, Jan W.C.; Ferreira, Thiago; de Lima, Marcos V.; Duarte, Aires; Jorge, Pedro B.; Santili, Claudio


    Background: CrossFit is a conditioning and training program that has been gaining recognition and interest among the physically active population. Approximately 440 certified and registered CrossFit fitness centers and gyms exist in Brazil, with approximately 40,000 athletes. To date, there have been no epidemiological studies about the CrossFit athlete in Brazil. Purpose: To evaluate the profile, sports history, training routine, and presence of injuries among athletes of CrossFit. Study Des...

  1. The Doha Round, poverty, and regional inequality in Brazil


    Filho, Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira; Horridge, Mark


    This paper addresses the potential effects of the Doha round of trade negotiations on poverty and income distribution in Brazil, using an applied general equilibrium (AGE) and micro-simulation model of Brazil tailored for income distribution and poverty analysis. Of particular importance is the fact that the representative household hypothesis is replaced by a detailed representation of households. The model distinguishes 10 different labor types and has 270 different household expenditure pa...

  2. Cancer research in Brazil - stuck in second gear?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.P. Lepique


    Full Text Available This article describes the main issues regarding clinical cancer research in Brazil, including both the opportunities and the hurdles. Scientists and clinicians in this field had the opportunity to talk to regulatory agencies and to the Health Ministry representative at a meeting held in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in April 2014. Our conclusions are that we do indeed have opportunities; however, we need to move forward regarding partnerships between academia and industry, increase the availability of funding, and provide easier navigation through the regulatory processes.

  3. Activity levels of gamma-emitters in Brazil nuts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Armelin, M. J.A.; Maihara, V.A.; Silva, P.S.C.; Saiki, M.; Cozzolino, S.M.F.


    Activity concentrations of the radionuclides 137 Cs, 40 K, 226 Ra and 228 Ra were determined in Brazil nuts acquired at points of sale between 2010 and 2013. Results indicated that the estimated annual effective radioactive dose due to ingestion of Brazil nuts is 27% of the annual dose limit of 1 mSv y -1 for public exposure, according to the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). To estimate this dose the highest activity concentration obtained for each radionuclide was considered, assuming an annual consumption of 1.5 kg y -1 per individual. (author)

  4. Brazil well worth the wait

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duey, R.


    Oil companies weren't the only ones waiting for Brazil to make up its mind about privatizing its oil and gas industry. Seismic firms are flocking to the area in droves to work their spec magic. Exploratory activities in these large offshore blocks are described.

  5. Brazil: World Oil Report 1991

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper reports that Brazil's state oil company Petrobras has racked up a significant period of achievement over the last 12 months. Average daily oil production hit a new high. A small portion of deepwater giant Marlim field came onstream. Risk contracts ended, and the firm assumed all responsibility for exploration activity in Brazil. Furthermore, Santos basin proved to be the nation's most recent oil province after two discoveries. Last, but not least, Petrobras assumed a dominant position worldwide in development of new deepwater technology, as evidenced by papers presented at the 1991 Offshore Technology Conference. What is remarkable is that all this was achieved while the company was experiencing political turmoil. Last Oct. 19, Petrobras President Luis Octavio Motta Veiga resigned in a dispute with the Ministry of Economy (MOE) over refined product pricing levels. His replacement, interestingly enough, was the 36-year-old executive secretary of the MOE, Eduardo de Freitas Teixeira. His term at Petrobras lasted less than six months

  6. Trends in research involving human beings in Brazil

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    Ricardo Eccard da Silva


    Full Text Available Developing countries have experienced a dramatic increase in the number of clinical studies in the last decades. The aim of this study was to describe 1 the number of clinical trials submitted to the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, Anvisa from 2007 to 2012 and the number of human-subject research projects approved by research ethics committees (RECs and the National Research Ethics Committee (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa, CONEP in Brazil from 2007 to 2011 and 2 the diseases most frequently studied in Brazilian states in clinical trials approved in the country from 2009 to 2012, based on information from an Anvisa databank. Two databases were used: 1 the National Information System on Research Ethics Involving Human Beings (Sistema Nacional de Informação Sobre Ética em Pesquisa envolvendo Seres Humanos, SISNEP and 2 Anvisa's Clinical Research Control System (Sistema de Controle de Pesquisa Clínica, SCPC. Data from the SCPC indicated an increase of 32.7% in the number of clinical trials submitted to Anvisa, and data from the SISNEP showed an increase of 69.9% in those approved by RECs and CONEP (from 18 160 in 2007 to 30 860 in 2011. Type 2 diabetes (26.0% and breast cancer (20.5%-related to the main causes of mortality in Brazil-were the two most frequently studied diseases. The so-called “neglected diseases,” such as dengue fever, were among the least studied diseases in approved clinical trials, despite their significant impact on social, economic, and health indicators in Brazil. Overall, the data indicated 1 a clear trend toward more research involving human beings in Brazil, 2 good correspondence between diseases most studied in clinical trials approved by Anvisa and the main causes of death in Brazil, and 3 a low level of attention to neglected diseases, an issue that should be considered in setting future research priorities, given their socioeconomic and health effects.

  7. New species and new records of Notonecta (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Notonectidae from Brazil

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    Julianna F. Barbosa


    Full Text Available Notonecta itatiaia sp. nov. is described from the state of Rio de Janeiro. Like other Notonecta species that occurs in Brazil, N. itatiaia has no remarkable diagnostic features than the shape of genital capsule. Along with the first description of a Notonecta from Brazil in eighty years, N. disturbata is newly recorded from the states of Pará, Piauí and São Paulo, and N. pulchra from Pará. A key to species of Notonecta (males occurring in Brazil is given.

  8. Purification, crystallization and initial crystallographic characterization of brazil-nut allergen Ber e 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guo, Feng; Jin, Tengchuan; Howard, Andrew; Zhang, Yu-Zhu, E-mail: [Department of Biology, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 (United States)


    The crystallization of the brazil nut allergen Ber e 2 is reported. Peanut and tree-nut allergies have attracted considerable attention because of their frequency and their lifelong persistence. Brazil-nut (Bertholletia excelsa) allergies have been well documented and the 11S legumin-like seed storage protein Ber e 2 (excelsin) is one of the two known brazil-nut allergens. In this study, Ber e 2 was extracted from brazil-nut kernels and purified to high purity by crystalline precipitation and gel-filtration chromatography. Well diffracting single crystals were obtained using the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method. A molecular-replacement structural solution has been obtained. Refinement of the structure is currently under way.

  9. Scale Insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) on Myrciaria dubia (Myrtaceae) in Brazil. (United States)

    Wolff, V R S; Kondo, T; Peronti, A L B G; Noronha, A C S


    Commercial cultivation of the fruit tree Myrciaria dubia (Myrtaceae) is being developed in Brazil but phytophagous insects, including scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea), can become pests in plantations. The coccids Ceroplastes jamaicensis White, Coccus viridis (Green), Parasaissetia nigra (Nietner), Pseudokermes vitreus (Cockerell) (Coccidae), and the diaspidid Pseudaonidia trilobitiformis (Green) were collected on M. dubia in the municipality of Belém and Tomé-Açu, state of Pará (PA), metropolitan and Northeast Pará mesoregions, Brazil. A key to species of Coccoidea recorded on M. dubia, based on adult females, is provided. Photographs for all scale insects reported on M. dubia are provided. Ceroplastes jamaicensis is recorded for the first time for Brazil and is herein reported for the first time associated with this host.

  10. Soil health assessment and maintenance in Central and South Central Brazil (United States)

    Brazil has evolved from a food insecure country in the early 1970´s into one of the most important food producers and exporters in the world. During the past 45 years, a science-based advanced tropical agriculture was developed throughout Brazil. Production has increased steadily and productivity ga...

  11. Epidemia de esquistossomose aguda na praia de Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brasil An outbreak of acute schistosomiasis at Porto de Galinhas beach, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Constança Simões Barbosa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho notifica a ocorrência de um surto de esquistossomose aguda na praia de Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brasil, quando 662 pessoas tiveram diagnóstico positivo para Schistosoma mansoni. A infecção humana em massa ocorreu no feriado de 7 de setembro, quando chuvas pesadas provocaram a enchente do rio Ipojuca que invadiu as residências. A maioria dos casos agudos foi representada por famílias de residentes locais que tiveram exposição diária às cercárias durante três semanas, até que as águas baixassem. O inquérito malacológico aponta para a possibilidade dos caramujos vetores terem sido introduzidos na localidade com os aterros realizados em quintais, onde vieram a se reproduzir em criadouros peridomiciliares. A infecção dos moluscos se deu a partir de vazamentos de fossas. Os resultados da clínica e do laboratório apontam para cerca de 62% de casos agudos. Estudos complementares estão sendo realizados, para a melhor compreensão deste evento epidemiológico de significativa magnitude para os órgãos de saúde pública e impacto para a população afetada.We recently confirmed several cases of acute schistosomiasis in Porto de Galinhas beach, Northeast Brazil. A total of 662 patients were diagnosed by parasitological and clinical examinations. The infection likely occurred during the September 7 national holiday, when heavy rainfall flooded the Ipojuca River and people were infected when the water covered their yards. Families were continuously exposed to infection for a period of three weeks until the water had completely dried up. Previous investigation suggests that snail vectors were introduced as a result of landfill in marshy areas. The swamp-flooding of such areas facilitated the emergence of slums surrounded by snail breeding sites. Heavy rainfall caused open-air sewage ditches to overflow, allowing for infection of snails by Schistosoma mansoni. Thus, continuous floods were responsible for the spread of

  12. Social Environmental Eeterminants and Health: Rural Brazil versus Brazil Urban.

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    Rackynelly Alves SARMENTO


    Full Text Available The rural population lives in socioeconomic inequality conditions motivated by several problems, including an insufficient sewage systems and water supply, these, sometimes, most responsibles by the appearance of waterborne diseases that contribute to the rise of child mortality and other problems. Rural areas in Brazil are defined by opposition and exclusion in urban areas. This definition is arbitrary and physical-geographic, not considering the social and economic processes involving the territories. This study purposed to verify, by means of sociodemographic aspects, environmental sanitation and main grievances/diseases importance for public health of the population from forest field and water, if the most rural municipalities (MMR are more precarious than the more urban (MMU. To this end, was carried out a descriptive study based on secondary sources (Atlas of Human Development in Brazil, IBGE census, PNAD and Sinan. Among the results, it follows that the rural population identified by IBGE boils down to 15.6% of Brazil’s population. In 29% of the municipalities, the population living in rural areas exceeds the city. The higher frequencies from IDMH very low are for MMR, while the higher frequency from IDMH very high and high are for MMU. In health, the MMR also exhibit deficiency. It was observed high incidence rates of diseases related to poor conditions of sanitation. From these results, it was identified a more precarious health profile in MMR when compared to MMU.

  13. The Zika Virus Epidemic in Brazil: From Discovery to Future Implications. (United States)

    Lowe, Rachel; Barcellos, Christovam; Brasil, Patrícia; Cruz, Oswaldo G; Honório, Nildimar Alves; Kuper, Hannah; Carvalho, Marilia Sá


    The first confirmed case of Zika virus infection in the Americas was reported in Northeast Brazil in May 2015, although phylogenetic studies indicate virus introduction as early as 2013. Zika rapidly spread across Brazil and to more than 50 other countries and territories on the American continent. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is thought to be the principal vector responsible for the widespread transmission of the virus. However, sexual transmission has also been reported. The explosively emerging epidemic has had diverse impacts on population health, coinciding with cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome and an unexpected epidemic of newborns with microcephaly and other neurological impairments. This led to Brazil declaring a national public health emergency in November 2015, followed by a similar decision by the World Health Organization three months later. While dengue virus serotypes took several decades to spread across Brazil, the Zika virus epidemic diffused within months, extending beyond the area of permanent dengue transmission, which is bound by a climatic barrier in the south and low population density areas in the north. This rapid spread was probably due to a combination of factors, including a massive susceptible population, climatic conditions conducive for the mosquito vector, alternative non-vector transmission, and a highly mobile population. The epidemic has since subsided, but many unanswered questions remain. In this article, we provide an overview of the discovery of Zika virus in Brazil, including its emergence and spread, epidemiological surveillance, vector and non-vector transmission routes, clinical complications, and socio-economic impacts. We discuss gaps in the knowledge and the challenges ahead to anticipate, prevent, and control emerging and re-emerging epidemics of arboviruses in Brazil and worldwide.

  14. The Zika Virus Epidemic in Brazil: From Discovery to Future Implications

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    Rachel Lowe


    Full Text Available The first confirmed case of Zika virus infection in the Americas was reported in Northeast Brazil in May 2015, although phylogenetic studies indicate virus introduction as early as 2013. Zika rapidly spread across Brazil and to more than 50 other countries and territories on the American continent. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is thought to be the principal vector responsible for the widespread transmission of the virus. However, sexual transmission has also been reported. The explosively emerging epidemic has had diverse impacts on population health, coinciding with cases of Guillain–Barré Syndrome and an unexpected epidemic of newborns with microcephaly and other neurological impairments. This led to Brazil declaring a national public health emergency in November 2015, followed by a similar decision by the World Health Organization three months later. While dengue virus serotypes took several decades to spread across Brazil, the Zika virus epidemic diffused within months, extending beyond the area of permanent dengue transmission, which is bound by a climatic barrier in the south and low population density areas in the north. This rapid spread was probably due to a combination of factors, including a massive susceptible population, climatic conditions conducive for the mosquito vector, alternative non-vector transmission, and a highly mobile population. The epidemic has since subsided, but many unanswered questions remain. In this article, we provide an overview of the discovery of Zika virus in Brazil, including its emergence and spread, epidemiological surveillance, vector and non-vector transmission routes, clinical complications, and socio-economic impacts. We discuss gaps in the knowledge and the challenges ahead to anticipate, prevent, and control emerging and re-emerging epidemics of arboviruses in Brazil and worldwide.

  15. Forest policy reform in Brazil (United States)

    S. Bauch; E. Sills; L.C. Rodriguez Estraviz; K. McGinley; F. Cubbage


    Rapid deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, caused by economic, social, and policy factors, has focused global and national attention on protecting this valuable forest resource. In response, Brazil reformed its federal forest laws in 2006, creating new regulatory, development, and incentive policy instruments and institutions. Federal forestry responsibilities are...

  16. Perspectives on bioenergy and biotechnology in Brazil. (United States)

    Pessoa, Adalberto; Roberto, Inês Conceição; Menossi, Marcelo; dos Santos, Raphael Revert; Filho, Sylvio Ortega; Penna, Thereza Christina Vessoni


    Brazil is one of the world's largest producers of alcohol from biomass at low cost and is responsible for more than 1 million direct jobs. In 1973, the Brazilian Program of Alcohol (Proalcool) stimulated the creation of a bioethanol industry that has led to large economic, social, and scientific improvements. In the year 1984, 94.5% of Brazil's cars used bioethanol as fuel. In 2003/2004, 350.3 million of sugarcane produced 24.2 million t of sugar and 14.4 billion L of ethanol for an average 4.3 million cars using ethanol. Since its inception, cumulative investment in Proalcool totals US$11 billion, and Brazil has saved US$27 billion in oil imports. The ethanol production industry from sugarcane gene-rates 152 times more jobs than would have been the case if the same amount of fuel was produced from petroleum, and the use of ethanol as a fuel is advantageous for environmental reasons. In 2003, one of the biggest Brazilian ethanol industries started consuming 50% of the residual sugarcane bagasse to produce electrical energy (60 MW), a new alternative use of bioenergy for the Brazilian market. Other technologies for commercial uses of bagasse are in development, such as in the production of natural fibers, sweeteners (glucose and xylitol), single-cell proteins, lactic acid, microbial enzymes, and many other products based on fermentations (submerged and semisolid). Furthermore, studies aimed at the increase in the biosynthesis of sucrose and, consequently, ethanol productivity are being conducted to understand the genetics of sugarcane. Although, at present, there remain technical obstacles to the economic use of some ethanol industry residues, several research projects have been carried out and useful data generated. Efficient utilization of ethanol industry residues has created new opportunities for new value-added products, especially in Brazil, where they are produced in high quantities.

  17. “Almost invisible scars”: medical tourism to Brazil. (United States)

    Edmonds, Alexander


    Along with a handful of other nations in the developing world, Brazil has emerged as a top destination for medical tourism. Drawing on the author's ethnographic fieldwork in plastic surgery wards, this article examines diverse factors - some explicitly promoted in medical marketing and news sources, others less visible - contributing to Brazil's international reputation for excellence in cosmetic plastic surgery. Brazil's plastic surgery residency programs, some of which are housed within its public health system, attract overseas surgeons, provide ample opportunities for valuable training in cosmetic techniques, and create a clinical environment that favors experimentation with innovative techniques. Many graduates of these programs open private clinics that, in turn, attract overseas patients. High demand for Brazilian plastic surgery also reflects an expansive notion of female health that includes sexual realization, mental health, and cosmetic techniques that manage reproduction. Medical tourism is sometimes represented as being market-driven: patients in wealthier nations travel to obtain quality services at lower prices. This article ends by reflecting on how more complex local and transnational dynamics also contribute to demand for elective medical procedures such as cosmetic surgery.

  18. Strategic Behavior Analysis of Small Business in Brazil

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    Peter Bent Hansen


    Full Text Available Over recent years, small businesses have been the target of public and private investment in Brazil due to the appreciation of their economic and social impact. The growth of small businesses in Brazil has stimulated a demand for greater knowledge and a broader understanding of their peculiarities. Hence, this paper aims to propose a framework for analyzing the strategic behavior for small businesses. To test the suitability of this analytical framework, qualitative research was conducted based on descriptive and exploratory case studies involving three small companies in the construction sector in the Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The results show that: (i based on the proposed analytical structure it was possible to identifythe idiosyncrasies and the conflicts between strategy, structure and processes in such firms; (ii the strategic behavior ofthe firms is not stable, since they demonstrate the ability to change the prevailing strategic behavior based on strategicdecisions that reinforce the strategic typologies studied and; (iii it is possible to identify opportunities to strengthen certainstrategic behavior of firms.

  19. Serological Evidence of Orthopoxvirus Circulation Among Equids, Southeast Brazil

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    Iara A. Borges


    Full Text Available Since 1999 Vaccinia virus (VACV outbreaks involving bovines and humans have been reported in Brazil; this zoonosis is known as Bovine Vaccinia (BV and is mainly an occupational disease of milkers. It was only in 2008 (and then again in 2011 and 2014 however, that VACV was found causing natural infections in Brazilian equids. These reports involved only equids, no infected humans or bovines were identified, and the sources of infections remain unknown up to date. The peculiarities of Equine Vaccinia outbreaks (e.g., absence of human infection, the frequently shared environments, and fomites by equids and bovines in Brazilian farms and the remaining gaps in BV epidemiology incited a question over OPV serological status of equids in Brazil. For this report, sera from 621 equids - representing different species, ages, sexes and locations of origin within Minas Gerais State, southeast Brazil – were examined for the presence of anti-Orthopoxvirus (OPV antibodies. Only 74 of these were sampled during an Equine Vaccinia outbreak, meaning some of these specific animals presented typical lesions of OPV infections. The majority of sera, however, were sampled from animals without typical signs of OPV infection and during the absence of reported Bovine or Equine Vaccinia outbreaks. Results suggest the circulation of VACV among equids of southeast Brazil even prior to the time of the first VACV outbreak in 2008. There is a correlation of OPVs outbreaks among bovines and equids although many gaps remain to our understanding of its nature. The data obtained may even be carefully associated to recent discussion over OPVs history. Moreover, data is available to improve the knowledge and instigate new researches regarding OPVs circulation in Brazil and worldwide.

  20. The increase in domestic violence in Brazil from 2009-2014. (United States)

    Rodrigues, Nádia Cristina Pinheiro; O'Dwyer, Gisele; Andrade, Mônica Kramer de Noronha; Flynn, Matthew Brian; Monteiro, Denise Leite Maia; Lino, Valéria Teresa Saraiva


    In recent decades, the rise violent phenomena in Brazil has reached epidemic proportions. However, the prevalence of domestic violence (DV) across different states in the country is not well established. The objective of this study was to describe the distribution of DV across Brazilian states from 2009 to 2014. An ecological study based on spatial analysis techniques was performed using Brazilian states as geographical units of analysis. A multilevel Poisson model was used to explain the risk of DV in Brazil according to age, sex, period (fixed effects), the Human Developing Index, and the victim's residence state (random effects). The overall average rate of DV almost tripled from 2009-2010 to 2013-2014. The rate of DV in Brazil in the 2013-2014 period was 3.52 times greater than the 2009-2010 period. The risk of DV in men was 74% lower than in women. The increase of DV against women during period under study occurred mainly in the Southeast, South, and Midwest. DV was more frequent in adolescence and adulthood. DV is gradually increasing in recent years in Brazil. More legislation and government programs are needed to combat the growth of violence in society.

  1. Suicide in Brazil, 2004-2010: the importance of small counties. (United States)

    Marín-León, Letícia; Oliveira, Helenice Bosco de; Botega, Neury José


    To describe suicide rates by county size in the five geopolitical areas of Brazil. This was an ecological, descriptive study of suicide deaths in Brazil that occurred among the population 10 years of age and older in 2004-2010. Data were obtained from the National Mortality Information System of Brazil. Counties were defined by size as: very large (200,000+), large (interval were used to compare suicide risk between groups and the reference. The national, average suicide mortality rate was 5.7 deaths/100,000 inhabitants. Except in the North and North-East, suicide mortality rates increased from the very large (> 200,000) to the micro counties ( 30 deaths per 100,000). At highest risk were micro counties in the South (13.6 deaths per 100,000), with elderly males (60+ years, 31.4) and males 40-59 years (31.3) being the sex/age group with the highest rates. To reduce suicide mortality in Brazil, public health authorities must support mental health training in small cities and multi-professional interventions among the indigenous peoples. In addition, the causes behind underreporting of suicide deaths must be resolved in several areas.

  2. 75 FR 39663 - Stainless Steel Bar From Brazil: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-351-825] Stainless Steel Bar From... duty order on certain stainless steel bar from Brazil. The review covers one producer/exporter of the... antidumping duty order on certain stainless steel bar from Brazil. See Stainless Steel Bar From Brazil...

  3. Extreme Water Deficit in Brazil Detected from Space (United States)

    Vieira Getirana


    Extreme droughts have caused significant socioeconomic and environmental damage worldwide. In Brazil, ineffective energy development and water management policies have magnified the impacts of recent severe droughts, which include massive agricultural losses, water supply restrictions, and energy rationing. Spaceborne remote sensing data advance our understanding of the spatiotemporal variability of large-scale droughts and enhance the detection and monitoring of extreme water-related events. In this study, data derived from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission are used to detect and quantify an extended major drought over eastern Brazil and provide estimates of impacted areas and region-specific water deficits. Two structural breakpoint detection methods were applied to time series of GRACE-based terrestrial water storage anomalies (TWSA), determining when two abrupt changes occurred. One, in particular, defines the beginning of the current drought. Using TWSA, a water loss rate of 26.1 cmyr21 over southeastern Brazil was detected from 2012 to 2015. Based on analysis of Global Land Data Assimilation System(GLDAS) outputs, the extreme drought is mostly related to lower-than-usual precipitation rates, resulting in high soil moisture depletion and lower-than-usual rates of evapotranspiration. A reduction of 2023 of precipitation over an extended period of 3 years is enough to raise serious water scarcity conditions in the country. Correlations between monthly time series of both grid-based TWSA and ground-based water storage measurements at 16 reservoirs located within southeastern Brazil varied from 0.42 to 0.82. Differences are mainly explained by reservoir sizes and proximity to the drought nucleus.

  4. Residential energy demand in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arouca, M.; Gomes, F.M.; Rosa, L.P.


    The energy demand in Brazilian residential sector is studied, discussing the methodology for analyzing this demand from some ideas suggested, for developing an adequate method to brazilian characteristics. The residential energy consumption of several fuels in Brazil is also presented, including a comparative evaluation with the United States and France. (author)

  5. 77 FR 51759 - U.S. Medical Mission to Brazil; Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 21-24, 2013 (United States)


    ... equipment, emergency equipment, diagnostic, physiotherapy and orthopedic, healthcare information technology... as attendees from Europe, Asia and Africa. The Medical Trade Mission to Brazil is intended to include.... Brazilian health insurance companies are responsible for paying 99% of the costs related to home care...

  6. "Health for All" in England and Brazil? (United States)

    Duncan, Peter; Bertolozzi, Maria Rita; Cowley, Sarah; Egry, Emiko Yoshikawa; Chiesa, Anna Maria; de Siqueira França, Francisco Oscar


    This article discusses the achievements and challenges that England and Brazil face in relation to their capacity to address inequalities in health through health promotion and public health policies. Using secondary data (policy texts and related documents), this article contextualizes, explains, and critically appraises health promotion and public health efforts for the reduction of inequalities in health in the 2 countries. A historic documentary analysis was undertaken, with hermeneutics as the methodological framework. The global economic crisis has prompted the so-called developed economies of Europe to reconsider their economic and social priorities. England represents a state facing this kind of challenge. Equally, Brazil is assuming new positions not only on the world stage but also in terms of the relationship it has with its citizens and the priorities it has for state welfare. The United Kingdom continues to finance a health care system allowing universal access in the form of the National Health Service, and state concern about the public health task of reducing inequalities has recently been underlined in policy. For Brazil, although there have been recent achievements related to population access to healthcare, challenges continue, especially with regard to the quality of care. © SAGE Publications 2015.

  7. Contentious Politics and Participatory Democracy in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brian Wampler


    Full Text Available Contentious politics helps individuals and groups with limited political voice to place their ideas and interests on the political agenda. Contentious politics were long thought to occur when politically marginalized group had no other means to advance their political agenda. The June 2013 social mobilization in Brazil caught most political observers by surprise, especially given the creation of a large, wide-spread participatory architecture (national conferences, councils, participatory budgeting. The innovative institutions emerging in Brazil created a policy environment in which millions of citizens have regular access to state policymaking bodies. How does the institutionalization of a broader network of participatory institutions make it easier for citizens to engage in contentious politics? In what ways does this institutionalization make it more difficult for some citizens to engage in contentious politics? In what ways has the vast network of participatory institutions been largely irrelevant to how citizens use contentious politics? This article explore how the institutionalization of an extensive participatory democracy system in Brazil alters the incentive structures that encourage citizens to engage in contentious collective action.

  8. Scientometrical review of Dinoflagellate studies in Brazil

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    Pietro Martins Barbosa Noga


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Scientific production in developing countries is currently increasing, but there is still an unbalanced distribution of scientific production between developed and developing countries. With the need to elucidate disparities in scientific production, this paper aims to review publications on dinoflagellates in Brazil by discussing spatial and temporal trends. A search for papers referring to dinoflagellates was performed in the Scopus database up to the year of 2016. A total of 125 papers were found, but only 106 were selected according to established criteria. A linear regression was used to evaluate the increasing temporal trend in production and non-parametric ANOVA for comparisons among study categories. Dinoflagellate and toxic taxa-based publications have increased from 1990 to 2016 for Brazil, yet a discrepancy in performance with other countries is evident. There is a constant increase in the number of functional ecology studies focusing on toxin-producing species related to blooms. The spatial distribution of production in Brazil revealed that the Southeast and South regions are the most productive, where there more graduate programs and advanced research centers. Investments in this ecological subject are fundamental to the management of biodiversity, and a call for more equal resource distribution in developing countries is imperative.

  9. Homeschooling in Brazil: A Matter of Rights or a Political Debate? (United States)

    Barbosa, Luciane Muniz Ribeiro


    This article presents an analysis of the right to education in Brazil in light of the growing number of Brazilian families practicing homeschooling. The debate is recent in Brazil. Here we present an analysis of international literature on homeschooling, Brazilian literature on the right to education, and an appraisal of lawsuits against Brazilian…

  10. Brazil - land of contrasts; Brasilien. Land der Gegensaetze

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Assmann, Dirk [Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn (Germany). Deutsch-Brasilianisches Energieprogramm; Kissel, Johannes [Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn (Germany). Erneuerbare Energien im Energieprogramm


    Brazil's energy supply system is relatively low in CO{sub 2} emissions. However, the security of energy supply is poor, posing a risk to the growth of the Brazilian economy. The great challenge confronting Brazil is to improve the security of its energy supply at low cost and if possible without increasing CO{sub 2} emissions or creating social problems. Modern energy efficiency technologies and renewable energy resources could make an important contribution to this end. This defines the approach of the energy programme launched by the GTZ on behalf of the German Federal Government.

  11. Activity levels of gamma-emitters in Brazil nuts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Armelin, M. J.A.; Maihara, V.A.; Silva, P.S.C.; Saiki, M., E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Centro do Reator de Pesquisas. Laboratorio de Analise por Ativacao Neutronica; Cozzolino, S.M.F. [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Ciencias Farmaceuticas


    Activity concentrations of the radionuclides {sup 137}Cs, {sup 40}K, {sup 226}Ra and {sup 228}Ra were determined in Brazil nuts acquired at points of sale between 2010 and 2013. Results indicated that the estimated annual effective radioactive dose due to ingestion of Brazil nuts is 27% of the annual dose limit of 1 mSv y{sup -1} for public exposure, according to the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). To estimate this dose the highest activity concentration obtained for each radionuclide was considered, assuming an annual consumption of 1.5 kg y{sup -1} per individual. (author)

  12. H.E. Mr Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Photo 01: At the ATLAS assembly hall H.E. Mr Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil (centre) with C. Melo (left) and P. Jenni Photo 02: At the ATLAS assembly hall H.E. Mr Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil (centre) with C. Melo (left) and P. Jenni. Photo 03: At the ATLAS assembly hall H.E. Mr Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil (second from right) with R. Salmeron, C. Melo, A. Dos Anjos and H. Pessoa Lima Junior. Photo 05: At the ATLAS assembly hall H.E. Mr Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil (second from left) with, from left to right C. Melo, R. Salmeron, P. Jenni. Photo 06: At the ATLAS assembly hall H.E. Mr Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil (left) with C. Melo. Behind, J. Ellis and J.A. Rubiol. Photo 07: At the ATLAS assembly hall H.E. Mr Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg, Minister for Science,...

  13. Students' Trust, Value and Loyalty: Evidence from Higher Education in Brazil (United States)

    Sampaio, Claudio Hoffmann; Perin, Marcelo Gattermann; Simoes, Claudia; Kleinowski, Hamilton


    This paper focuses on students' perception of value, trust and loyalty and how these constructs connect in the context of higher education in Brazil. For this endeavor we conducted a survey among undergraduate business students in Brazil. The findings suggest that trust in faculty and trust in staff positively affects students' trust in management…

  14. A concession system for public forests in "Mata Atlantica" Dominium, Brazil (United States)

    Jorge Paladino Corrêa de Lima; Josh McDaniel


    Political and administrative limitations are real factors for a Management System for National Forest in Brazil, but some actions needs to be achieve. The concession system is economically feasible to create and manage National Forest in Atlantic area for sustainable timber production under actual wood world market condition. Brazil National Forest needs to be...

  15. [Bromatological characteristics of pecan nuts (Carya illinoensis Koch) cultivated in Brazil]. (United States)

    de Carvalho, V D


    The A. studied pecan nuts cultivated in Brazil: two samples represented North American varieties and three others Brazilian hybrids. The comparison between physical classification and chemical composition, specially amino acid contents pointed to non significant differences, all beeing useful for commercial purposes. The A. stresses the importance of the culture of pecan nuts in Brazil.

  16. Epidemiology of soil-transmitted helminthiases-related mortality in Brazil. (United States)

    Martins-Melo, Francisco R; Ramos, Alberto N; Alencar, Carlos H; Lima, Mauricélia S; Heukelbach, Jorg


    Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical areas, including Brazil. We performed a nationwide population-based study including all deaths in Brazil from 2000 to 2011, in which STHs (ascariasis, trichuriasis and/or hookworm infection) were mentioned on death certificates, either as underlying or as associated causes of death. Epidemiological characteristics, time trends and spatial analysis of STH-related mortality were analysed. STHs was identified on 853/12 491 280 death certificates: 827 (97·0%) deaths related to ascariasis, 25 (2·9%) to hookworm infections, and 1 (0·1%) to trichuriasis. The average annual age-adjusted mortality rate was 0·34/1 000 000 inhabitants (95% confidence interval: 0·27-0·44). Females, children Brazil, a considerable number of deaths is caused by STHs, with ascariasis responsible for the vast majority. There were marked regional differences, affecting mainly children and vulnerable populations.

  17. Obstetric care in Brazil: An analysis of the situation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcia de Freitas


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate the situation of obstetric care in Brazil. Methods:Analysis of data from the Ministry of Health: Information System onMortality; Information System on Live Births; Information System onAmbulatory Care of the Brazilian Unified Health System; InformationSystem on Hospital Care of the Brazilian Unified Health System. Otherssource of data: the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics.Results: Maternal mortality rate was 50.83/100000 live births in Brazil.Prenatal care in the Northern and Northeastern regions of the countrypresented the lowest number of prenatal care appointments (27% ofpregnant women with less than 3 appointments. Premature labor wasthe main diagnosis for hospital admission before delivery. The numberof obstetric beds exceeds the population demand throughout the country.The main causes of maternal deaths were direct causes. Conclusions:Maternal mortality rate in Brazil is high and the main causes of deathsare preventable and related to medical and non-medical factors.

  18. Diversity and associations between coastal habitats and anurans in southernmost Brazil. (United States)

    Oliveira, Mauro C L M; Dos Santos, Maurício B; Loebmann, Daniel; Hartman, Alexandre; Tozetti, Alexandro M


    This study aimed to verify the relationship between habitat and the composition of anuran species in dune and restinga habitats in southernmost Brazil. The habitats were sampled between April 2009 and March 2010 using pitfalls with drift fence. We have captured 13,508 individuals of 12 anuran species. Species richness was lower in the dunes and dominance was higher in the resting. Apparently the less complex plant cover, water availability, and wide daily thermal variation in dunes act as an environmental filter for frogs. This hypothesis is reinforced by the fact that the most abundant species (Physalaemus biligonigerus and Odonthoprynus maisuma) bury themselves in the sand, minimizing these environmental stresses. Despite being in the Pampa biome, the studied community was more similar to those of coastal restinga environment of southeast Brazil than with other of the Pampa biome. The number of recorded species is similar to those observed in other open habitats in Brazil, showing the importance of adjacent ones to the shoreline for the maintenance of the diversity of anurans in southernmost Brazil.

  19. Future oil production in Brazil-Estimates based on a Hubbert model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szklo, Alexandre; Machado, Giovani; Schaeffer, Roberto


    This paper forecasts oil production in Brazil, according to the Hubbert model and different probabilities for adding reserves. It analyzes why the Hubbert model might be more appropriate to the Brazilian oil industry than that of Hotelling, as it implicitly emphasizes the impacts of information and depletion on the derivative over time of the accumulated discoveries. Brazil's oil production curves indicate production peaks with a time lag of more than 15 years, depending on the certainty (degree of information) associated with the reserves. Reserves with 75% certainty peak at 3.27 Mbpd in 2020, while reserves with 50% certainty peak at 3.28 Mbpd in 2028, and with 30% certainty peak at 3.88 Mbpd in 2036. These findings show that Brazil oil industry is in a stage where the positive impacts of information on expanding reserves (mainly through discoveries) may outstrip the negative impacts of depletion. The still limited number of wells drilled by accumulated discoveries also explain this assertion. Being a characteristic of frontier areas such as Brazil, this indicates the need for ongoing exploratory efforts

  20. Brazil nut harvesting in Peruvian Amazonia from the perspective of ecosystem services

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Risto Kalliola


    Full Text Available Brazil nuts are harvested from the primary rainforests in the Amazonian lowlands as a direct form of sustainably using the region’s biological resources. We analyze the ecological economics of Brazil nut production in the Peruvian region of Madre de Dios where nut extraction occurs on hundreds of small-holder concessions operating under long-term agreements. This activity sustains locally important economies that suffer from small volumes and high seasonality. The size and the remoteness of the NTFP concession determine much of its profitability to concessionaires. Seasonality of the harvest generates short-term income peaks for the majority of collectors. The fragility of the Brazil nut economy in the region is compounded by volatile market prices and the overall development pressures in Amazonia, which usually involve deforestation. Although the current regulatory mechanisms in Peru encourage long-term Brazil nut production in concessions, the income level is seldom high enough to help concession-owners to rise from poverty. Auxiliary financial support based on compensations for the non-valued ecosystem services provided by the forest-covered Brazil nut concessions could change the picture. Funds for these could come from international instruments like those of carbon emission control or debt for nature swaps. Green marketing could be developed to consider payments supporting ecosystem values as well as mechanisms supporting indigenous communities working with Brazil nuts. Appropriate indicators are needed to optimize those management, policy and trading conditions that best help to preserve the invaluable ecosystem functions and services.

  1. A New 14C-AMS Facility at UFF- Niteroi, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomes, P. R. S.; Macario, K. D.; Anjos, R. M.; Linares, R.; Carvalho, C.; Queiroz, E.


    We report a new Accelerator Mass Spectrometry facility at the Physics Institute of Fluminense Federal University in Brazil, the Nuclear Chronology Laboratory - LACRON. The sample preparation laboratory is ready to perform chemical treatment through graphitization and the acquisition of a Single Stage Accelerator Mass Spectrometry System is in progress. LACRON will be the first independent laboratory to perform the 14 C-AMS technique not only in Brazil but in Latin America.

  2. A New 14C-AMS Facility at UFF- Niteroi, Brazil (United States)

    Gomes, P. R. S.; Macario, K. D.; Anjos, R. M.; Linares, R.; Carvalho, C.; Queiroz, E.


    We report a new Accelerator Mass Spectrometry facility at the Physics Institute of Fluminense Federal University in Brazil, the Nuclear Chronology Laboratory—LACRON. The sample preparation laboratory is ready to perform chemical treatment through graphitization and the acquisition of a Single Stage Accelerator Mass Spectrometry System is in progress. LACRON will be the first independent laboratory to perform the 14C-AMS technique not only in Brazil but in Latin America.

  3. H.E. Mr. Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Photo 01: Signature of the joint statement by H.E. Mr Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil (centre) with CERN Director-General, L. Maiani (right) and C. Melo. Photo 02: Signature of the joint statement by H.E. Mr Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil (left) and CERN Director-General, L. Maiani. Photo 03: H.E. Mr Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil and CERN Director-General, L. Maiani.

  4. Concessions and contractual agreements: a case study for an offshore project in Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Motta, Paula; Andrade, Mauro [Deloitte Petroleum Services, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    This paper discusses the government take burden of E and P agreements in Brazil, Angola, Nigeria and Indonesia. A cash flow model is constructed considering the fiscal and regulatory rules of each country. The hypothetical offshore project is more profitable in Brazil than in any the other three countries analyzed and when Brazil's government take is increased to Angola's and Indonesia's values the amount of corporate tax due diminishes leaving the government with a dilemma. (author)

  5. Impact of over-the-counter restrictions on antibiotic consumption in Brazil and Mexico.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yared Santa-Ana-Tellez

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: In Latin American countries over-the-counter (OTC dispensing of antibiotics is common. In 2010, both Mexico and Brazil implemented policies to enforce existing laws of restricting consumption of antibiotics only to patients presenting a prescription. The objective of the present study is therefore to evaluate the impact of OTC restrictions (2010 on antibiotics consumption in Brazil and Mexico. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Retail quarterly sales data in kilograms of oral and injectable antibiotics between January 2007 and June 2012 for Brazil and Mexico were obtained from IMS Health. The unit of analysis for antibiotics consumption was the defined daily dose per 1,000 inhabitants per day (DDD/TID according to the WHO ATC classification system. Interrupted time series analysis was conducted using antihypertensives as reference group to account for changes occurring independently of the OTC restrictions directed at antibiotics. To reduce the effect of (a seasonality and (b autocorrelation, dummy variables and Prais-Winsten regression were used respectively. Between 2007 and 2012 total antibiotic usage increased in Brazil (from 5.7 to 8.5 DDD/TID, +49.3% and decreased in Mexico (10.5 to 7.5 DDD/TID, -29.2%. Interrupted time series analysis showed a change in level of consumption of -1.35 DDD/TID (p<0.01 for Brazil and -1.17 DDD/TID (p<0.00 for Mexico. In Brazil the penicillins, sulfonamides and macrolides consumption had a decrease in level after the intervention of 0.64 DDD/TID (p = 0.02, 0.41 (p = 0.02 and 0.47 (p = 0.01 respectively. While in Mexico it was found that only penicillins and sulfonamides had significant changes in level of -0.86 DDD/TID (p<0.00 and -0.17 DDD/TID (p = 0.07. CONCLUSIONS: Despite different overall usage patterns of antibiotics in Brazil and Mexico, the effect of the OTC restrictions on antibiotics usage was similar. In Brazil the trend of increased usage of antibiotics was tempered after the OTC restrictions; in

  6. Socioeconomic inequalities in dental health services in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2003-2008

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    C. Monteiro (Camila); M.A. Beenackers (Marielle); Goldbaum, M. (Moisés); De Azevedo Barros, M.B. (Marilisa Berti); Gianini, R.J. (Reinaldo José); Cesar, C.L.G. (Chester Luiz Galvão); J.P. Mackenbach (Johan)


    markdownabstract__Background:__ Access to, and use of, dental health services in Brazil have improved since 2003. The increase of private health care plans and the implementation of the "Smiling Brazil" Program, the largest public oral health care program in the world, could have influenced this

  7. The Development of the Strategic Partnership between Brazil and the European Union

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A Yu Borzova


    Full Text Available The article deals with the process of formation of strategic partnership between Brazil and the EU, the main areas of interaction and cooperation program adopted at summits EU—Brazil, and their implementation. The article highlights problems in economic, trade and political relations.

  8. Image of Brazil: similarities and differences in the assessment in ten countries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eber Celoto Souza


    Full Text Available This article seeks to understand how foreigners make their image about Brazil and investigates similarities and differences in this assessment. The paper presents the results of a survey of 4373 respondents of ten countries. The authors performed a factor analysis to identify the dimensions and assessment of each country followed by a discriminant analysis. The results indicate that Brazil has a slightly positive image in the sample studied. The affection dimension has the best evaluation, while the communication dimension is the worst, and eight statements have the highest discrimination on the image of Brazil.

  9. Management report 2001 of COPEL - Electrical Company of Parana State, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The COPEL - Electrical Company of Parana State, Brazil - management report of calendar year of 2000 is presented, covering the following topics: COPEL - standing for much more than energy; extending the benefits of electricity to everyone in Parana state, Brazil; protecting and recovering the environment; philanthropy and volunteer work; education; social integration; support to cultural expression and gratitude

  10. Geographic distribution of phlebotomine sandfly species (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Central-West Brazil (United States)

    de Almeida, Paulo Silva; de Andrade, Andrey José; Sciamarelli, Alan; Raizer, Josué; Menegatti, Jaqueline Aparecida; Hermes, Sandra Cristina Negreli Moreira; de Carvalho, Maria do Socorro Laurentino; Gurgel-Gonçalves, Rodrigo


    This study updates the geographic distributions of phlebotomine species in Central-West Brazil and analyses the climatic factors associated with their occurrence. The data were obtained from the entomology services of the state departments of health in Central-West Brazil, scientific collections and a literature review of articles from 1962-2014. Ecological niche models were produced for sandfly species with more than 20 occurrences using the Maxent algorithm and eight climate variables. In all, 2,803 phlebotomine records for 127 species were analysed. Nyssomyia whitmani, Evandromyia lenti and Lutzomyia longipalpis were the species with the greatest number of records and were present in all the biomes in Central-West Brazil. The models, which were produced for 34 species, indicated that the Cerrado areas in the central and western regions of Central-West Brazil were climatically more suitable to sandflies. The variables with the greatest influence on the models were the temperature in the coldest months and the temperature seasonality. The results show that phlebotomine species in Central-West Brazil have different geographical distribution patterns and that climate conditions in essentially the entire region favour the occurrence of at least one Leishmania vector species, highlighting the need to maintain or intensify vector control and surveillance strategies. PMID:26018450

  11. Diffusion of new automotive technologies for improving energy efficiency in Brazil's light vehicle fleet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bastin, Cristina; Szklo, Alexandre; Rosa, Luiz Pinguelli


    Historically, Brazil has promoted the development and sales of light duty vehicles running on ethanol (firstly, ethanol-dedicated cars, and recently flexfuel cars). In the 1990s, the country also favored the sales of compact cars to middle and low-income classes. However, in the last years, the profile of vehicles sold in Brazil has converged towards larger and less-efficient vehicles. In 2008, Brazil launched the vehicle labeling program. Based on the outcomes of the historical programs oriented towards the development of automotive innovations, and on a survey conducted with the country's main auto makers, this article evaluates whether the vehicle labeling program will both improve the energy efficiency of light vehicles, and introduce new technologies. Our results indicate that, despite its virtuous intentions, the program will not control the tendency of rising fuel consumption of passenger cars sold in Brazil. Therefore, other policies are needed to boost innovations in Brazil's automotive industry. (author)

  12. Aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity and composition in streams along an altitudinal gradient in Southeastern Brazil


    Henriques-Oliveira, Ana Lucia; Nessimian, Jorge Luiz


    Aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity and composition in streams along an altitudinal gradient in Southeastern Brazil. A study concerning taxonomic richness and composition of the aquatic insect fauna in streams within the same catchment basin along an altitudinal gradient in Southeast Brazil, was conducted to test the hypothesis that there is a faunal discontinuity in the biocenotic composition, related to differences in altitude and latitude. In Southeastern Brazil, around latitude 22°, this ...

  13. [Toxicity and apple production in southern Brazil]. (United States)

    Klanovicz, Jó


    The article explores the links between the controversial apprehension of contaminated apples in southern Brazil in 1989 and the reactions of the apple industry to press reports on the use of pesticides in Brazilian orchards. The issue is framed within a broader analysis of the notions of toxicity and 'danger' surrounding the consumption of healthier food and the idea of 'food security,' notions that have begun taking hold in public and private life. It is argued that apple growers' responses to the problem can be better understood through a historical reading of the interactions between the biology of the apple tree, the agroecology of this monoculture, and the structures, actors, and discourses of the human and non-human groups in Brazil's apple-producing region.

  14. Who pays and who gains from fuel policies in Brazil?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khanna, Madhu; Nuñez, Hector M.; Zilberman, David


    Brazil has pursued a mix of policy interventions in the fuel sector to achieve multiple objectives of economic and social development, promoting biofuels and reducing dependence on oil. We develop an economic framework to provide insight on the fuel policy choices in Brazil and to analyze the trade-offs they have engendered in the fuel and sugar sectors. We also examine their distributional impacts on producers and consumers in the sugar, oil and biofuel sectors and on government revenues. Additionally, we undertake a normative analysis for the purpose of comparing the welfare and environmental impacts of existing policies with those justified by the goal of maximizing social welfare and addressing market failure. The ex-post analysis of the outcomes for different stakeholders in the fuel and sugar sectors provides insights on the likely political-economic factors guiding policy choices. We find that the status quo policies are likely to have been motivated by the objectives of increasing oil exports, raising government revenue and promoting rural development through the sugarcane sector and have had a significant adverse effect on fuel and sugar consumers, aggregate social welfare and greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil. - Highlights: • Relative to a no-policy baseline, status quo fuel policies in Brazil have increased oil exports and government revenue. • These policies benefited the sugarcane producing sector but had a significant adverse effect on fuel and sugar consumers. • These policies have adversely affected aggregate social welfare and greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil. • The cap on domestic oil price provides a marginal gain to fuel and sugar consumers but lower aggregate social welfare.

  15. Prevalence and factors associated with overweight in adults - Brazil, 2008-2009

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vladimir Schuindt da Silva


    Full Text Available DOI:   The worldwide overweight prevalence showed a rapid increase in recent decades, featuring a true global epidemic. The aim of this study was to determine the overweight prevalence (BMI ≥ 25kg/m2 and possible associations with socioeconomic and demographic indicators for adults in Brazil. This epidemiological study analyzed data from the population of adults aged 20-59 years (n = 101 308 637 included in the 2008-2009 Brazilian Family Budget Survey (POF conducted in all geographic regions of Brazil. The nutritional status assessment used the Body Mass Index, which was categorized as normal weight and overweight according to cutoff points recommended by the World Health Organization. As socioeconomic and demographic indicators, sex, age, color-race, education, income, and geographic region were analyzed. Crude and adjusted Poisson regression was performed. The results showed that the overweight prevalence was 47.7%, and the groups with the highest prevalence were adults aged 20-59 years, males, black skin color, schooling from 6 to 9 years , income of 1/4 ≥ minimum wage <1/2 and living in Southern Brazil. Almost half of adults in Brazil are overweight. Strategic actions aimed at reducing the overweight prevalence among adults in Brazil are needed to combat the obesity epidemic.

  16. Enhancing information for solar and wind energy technology deployment in Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramos Martins, Fernando, E-mail: [Centro de Ciencia do Sistema Terrestre-Instituto Nacisonal de Pesquisas Espaciais (Earth System Center-National Institute for Space Research), P.O. Box 515, 12245-970, Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil); Pereira, Enio Bueno, E-mail: [Centro de Ciencia do Sistema Terrestre-Instituto Nacisonal de Pesquisas Espaciais (Earth System Center-National Institute for Space Research), P.O. Box 515, 12245-970, Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil)


    Brazil's primary energy matrix is based on more than 47% of renewables, and more than 85% of its electricity is generated by hydro power sources. Despite this large fraction of renewable energy resources, less than 0.3% of the national energy supply comes from solar or wind sources. This paper presents a diagnostic review on the penetration of the solar and wind energy technologies in Brazil. It also includes a survey of the latest government policies and incentives for renewable energies deployment by entrepreneurs, industry and commercial and residential consumers. In addition, the paper analyses how to best meet the requirements for policy support and information technology to boost the deployment of solar technology and wind energy in Brazil. This study was mostly based on results of a widely distributed survey covering key issues, and also by personal interviews carried out with key stakeholders in order to better understand the issues highlighted in the survey responses. The study pointed out some of the main obstacles to effectively promote and improve government policies and actions for investment in solar and wind energy market in Brazil. - Highlights: > Current status on the solar and wind energy deployment in Brazil is presented. > Policy framework required to support solar and wind energy was discussed. > Study was based on responses for consultations with key stakeholders. > Worthiness Index was established to rank the stakeholders outlooks. > Energy price, human resources and tax reductions were indicated as priority.

  17. Enhancing information for solar and wind energy technology deployment in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramos Martins, Fernando; Pereira, Enio Bueno


    Brazil's primary energy matrix is based on more than 47% of renewables, and more than 85% of its electricity is generated by hydro power sources. Despite this large fraction of renewable energy resources, less than 0.3% of the national energy supply comes from solar or wind sources. This paper presents a diagnostic review on the penetration of the solar and wind energy technologies in Brazil. It also includes a survey of the latest government policies and incentives for renewable energies deployment by entrepreneurs, industry and commercial and residential consumers. In addition, the paper analyses how to best meet the requirements for policy support and information technology to boost the deployment of solar technology and wind energy in Brazil. This study was mostly based on results of a widely distributed survey covering key issues, and also by personal interviews carried out with key stakeholders in order to better understand the issues highlighted in the survey responses. The study pointed out some of the main obstacles to effectively promote and improve government policies and actions for investment in solar and wind energy market in Brazil. - Highlights: → Current status on the solar and wind energy deployment in Brazil is presented. → Policy framework required to support solar and wind energy was discussed. → Study was based on responses for consultations with key stakeholders. → Worthiness Index was established to rank the stakeholders outlooks. → Energy price, human resources and tax reductions were indicated as priority.

  18. [The eradication of African swine fever in Brazil, 1978-1984]. (United States)

    Lyra, T M P


    The African swine fever episode in Brazil was due to trade and tourism between Spain, Portugal and Brazil, at a time when outbreaks were on the rise in Europe. The eradication of the disease, the slaughter of pigs, the elimination of the carcasses and the isolation of affected farms were given wide media coverage, and had a major socio-economic impact. It was forbidden to raise pigs in garbage dumps or to give them feed considered hazardous. Analyses performed in Brazil as well as national and international investigations by researchers from reference laboratories concluded that the disease had spread from Rio de Janeiro to other states, as is stated in official reports. Following emergency measures, a control programme was implemented, leading to enhanced quality in the pig farming sector. The authors describe epidemiological surveillance of African swine fever, classical swine fever and related diseases, biosafety in swine farming, and the emergency action plan comprising animal health training for veterinarians and social workers. The results of the eradication programme were excellent, despite the controversy over compulsory sacrifice in a country with serious social problems. In 2004, Brazil was the fourth largest pork producer and exporter, with an output of 2.679 million tons and exports of 508,000 tons to international markets with very high standards.

  19. The vulnerability of wind power to climate change in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pereira de Lucena, Andre Frossard; Szklo, Alexandre Salem; Schaeffer, Roberto; Dutra, Ricardo Marques


    The availability and reliability of wind power depend a great deal on current and future climate conditions, which may vary in light of possible global climate change (GCC). Long-term energy planning, however, does not normally take possible future GCC into consideration, which may turn out to be a risky exercise. In the case of Brazil, the untapped wind power potential is known to be impressive, provided that climate conditions remain the same over time. The focus of this study is to analyze some possible impacts of GCC on the wind power potential of Brazil, by simulating wind conditions associated with the IPCC A2 and B2 Scenarios. Results based on the HadCM3 general circulation model and the analysis of the country's wind database indicate that the wind power potential in Brazil would not be jeopardized in the future due to possible new climate conditions. On the contrary, improved wind conditions are expected, particularly in the Northeast coast of the country. Therefore, investments in wind power generation can be an interesting way to expand renewable energy production in Brazil. However, given the large uncertainties associated with GCC models and scenarios, the findings of this paper should be viewed as a possibility rather than as a projection. (author)

  20. [Women and development in Brazil]. (United States)

    Cunha Neves, A


    This paper discusses the social, political and cultural status of women in Brazil. In 1976 only 29.6% of Brazilian women participated in economic activities; 54.3% of these were still employed as laborers in the countryside, while only 6% were employed in urban and industrial jobs. The greatest concentration of female labor is in the category of the very badly paid domestic employment. Man is traditionally the head of the family, even when he is not the breadwinner. Illiteracy has decreased in Brazil to 24.3%, but female analphabetism is 26.5% versus 21.9% male analphabetism. Schools are open to males and females at all levels, but the traditional and cultural structure of Brazilian society considers the home, not the school, as the only proper place for young girls, and maternity is still the primary social function of women. Politically Brazilian women have very little power, even if they make up 44% of the electoral body. Sex education does not exist in the school or in the home, and any sexuality exercised outside the bonds of marriage is considered as deviant.

  1. Rapidly developing market regions : Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Britto, A.


    Brazil and the State of Rio Grande do Sul are experiencing a period of rapid industrial development. Global investment has been forecast to reach $240 billion over the next five to seven years. This level of development is likely to result in a sharp increase in the consumption of plastic products made from olefins and from aromatic products. Accordingly, Copesul, the centre of raw materials for the State complex, is expected to increase its production of ethane from 685 tonnes to 1.13 million tonnes after 1999. The government has established a program of incentives to stimulate investment in third generation industries. Also, the State petrochemical industry has been rendered more competitive as a result of the purchase of the latest generation equipment. The principal challenges that exist for the petrochemical industry in Brazil and for that matter, around the world, are to reduce production costs and to preserve the natural environment. Another challenge, also world-wide, is to address the issue of plastic residues and to eliminate such residues through plastic recycling programs

  2. Bildungskrise und Bildungspolitik in Brasilien = Educational Crisis and Education Policy in Brazil. (United States)

    Freitag-Rouanet, Barbara


    Evaluates the United Nations 1990 Human Development Report's portrayal of Brazil. Attributes missed human development opportunities cited in the report to the Brazilian military rule of 1964 to 1984 and subsequent redemocratization. Cites possibilities for human development, particularly in education. Questions whether Brazil will be among the…

  3. Ticks (Acari: Ixodida) on wild carnivores in Brazil. (United States)

    Labruna, Marcelo B; Jorge, Rodrigo S P; Sana, Dênis A; Jácomo, Anah Tereza A; Kashivakura, Cyntia K; Furtado, Mariana M; Ferro, Claudia; Perez, Samuel A; Silveira, Leandro; Santos, Tarcísio S; Marques, Samuel R; Morato, Ronaldo G; Nava, Alessandra; Adania, Cristina H; Teixeira, Rodrigo H F; Gomes, Albério A B; Conforti, Valéria A; Azevedo, Fernando C C; Prada, Cristiana S; Silva, Jean C R; Batista, Adriana F; Marvulo, Maria Fernanda V; Morato, Rose L G; Alho, Cleber J R; Pinter, Adriano; Ferreira, Patrícia M; Ferreira, Fernado; Barros-Battesti, Darci M


    The present study reports field data of ticks infesting wild carnivores captured from July 1998 to September 2004 in Brazil. Additional data were obtained from one tick collection and from previous published data of ticks on carnivores in Brazil. During field work, a total of 3437 ticks were collected from 89 Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating fox), 58 Chrysocyon brachyurus (maned wolf), 30 Puma concolor (puma), 26 Panthera onca (jaguar), 12 Procyon cancrivorus (crab-eating raccoon), 4 Speothos venaticus (bush dog), 6 Pseudalopex vetulus (hoary fox), 6 Nasua nasua (coati), 6 Leopardus pardalis (ocelot), 2 Leopardus tigrinus (oncilla), 1 Leopardus wiedii (margay), 1 Herpailurus yagouaroundi (jaguarundi), 1 Oncifelis colocolo (pampas cat), 1 Eira barbara (tayara), 1 Galictis vittata (grison), 1 Lontra longicaudis (neotropical otter), and 1 Potus flavus (kinkajou). Data obtained from the Acari Collection IBSP included a total of 381 tick specimens collected on 13 C. thous, 8 C. brachyurus, 3 P. concolor, 10 P. onca, 3 P. cancrivorus, 4 N. nasua, 1 L. pardalis, 1 L. wiedii, 4 H. yagouaroundi, 1 Galictis cuja (lesser grison), and 1 L. longicaudis. The only tick-infested carnivore species previously reported in Brazil, for which we do not present any field data are Pseudalopex gymnocercus (pampas fox), Conepatus chinga (Molina's hog-nosed skunk), and Conepatus semistriatus (striped hog-nosed skunk). We report the first tick records in Brazil on two Felidae species (O. colocolo, H. yagouaroundi), two Canidae species (P. vetulus, S. venaticus), one Procyonidae species (P. flavus) and one Mustelidae (E. barbara). Tick infestation remains unreported for 5 of the 26 Carnivora species native in Brazil: Oncifelis geoffroyi (Geoffroy's cat), Atelocynus microtis (short-eared dog), Pteronura brasiliensis (giant otter), Mustela africana (Amazon weasel), and Bassaricyon gabbii (olingo). Our field data comprise 16 tick species represented by the genera Amblyomma (12 species), Ixodes (1

  4. Genetics against race: Science, politics and affirmative action in Brazil. (United States)

    Kent, Michael; Wade, Peter


    This article analyses interrelations between genetic ancestry research, political conflict and social identity. It focuses on the debate on race-based affirmative action policies, which have been implemented in Brazil since the turn of the century. Genetic evidence of high levels of admixture in the Brazilian population has become a key element of arguments that question the validity of the category of race for the development of public policies. In response, members of Brazil's black movement have dismissed the relevance of genetics by arguing, first, that in Brazil race functions as a social--rather than a biological--category, and, second, that racial classification and discrimination in this country are based on appearance, rather than on genotype. This article highlights the importance of power relations and political interests in shaping public engagements with genetic research and their social consequences.

  5. [Regulating the internet: a comparative analysis of Brazil, Chile, Spain, the US, and France]. (United States)

    Segurado, Rosemary; Lima, Carolina Silva Mandú de; Ameni, Cauê S


    Global governance is of key concern in the current debate over the workings of the world's computer network, and Brazil has played a notable role in this process, especially after approval of the Marco Civil da Internet (law 12.965, april 23, 2014), which defines Brazil's regulatory framework for the internet. Dubbed the internet bill of rights, this law sets out the principles, guarantees, rights, and duties of internet users and providers in Brazil. Based on the fundamental categories of net neutrality, internet users' right to privacy, and copyright discussions from the perspective of intellectual property, the article offers a comparative analysis of regulations in five countries: Brazil, Chile, Spain, the US, and France.

  6. Economic potential of natural gas-fired cogeneration in Brazil: two case studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Szklo, Alexandre Salem; Soares, Jeferson Borghetti; Tolmasquim, Mauricio Tiomno [Rio de Janeiro Federal Univ., Energy Planning Program (COPPE), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Cidade Univ., Ilha do Fundao, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)


    Recent restructuring of Brazil's power sector, allied to the expected larger share of natural gas in the nation's grid and the cost reductions of gas-fired power generation technologies, has introduced a set of situations apparently favorable to the expansion of natural gas-fired cogeneration. However, electricity self-generation applications are restricted to specific cases in Brazil. In order to deal with this issue, the COGEN model was developed to assess the economic potential of cogeneration ventures from the standpoint of the investor and guide incentive public policies. This model has been applied to two cases in Brazil -- a chemical plant and a shopping mall -- showing that the highest economic potential for gas-fired cogeneration in Brazil is found in industrial plants faced with high values of loss of load. In the commercial sector, measures reshaping the load curve of enterprises -- such as cold storage --- might be much more interesting than fired cogeneration. (Author)

  7. Communications received from Argentina and Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document reproduces the Joint Statement on Nuclear Policy signed by the President of Argentina and the President of Brazil on 29 November 1988 at Ezeiza, Argentina, concerning the decision of the two countries to undertake a joint fast breeder reactor project

  8. Fatal Yellow Fever in Travelers to Brazil, 2018. (United States)

    Hamer, Davidson H; Angelo, Kristina; Caumes, Eric; van Genderen, Perry J J; Florescu, Simin A; Popescu, Corneliu P; Perret, Cecilia; McBride, Angela; Checkley, Anna; Ryan, Jenny; Cetron, Martin; Schlagenhauf, Patricia


    Yellow fever virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus that causes yellow fever, an acute infectious disease that occurs in South America and sub-Saharan Africa. Most patients with yellow fever are asymptomatic, but among the 15% who develop severe illness, the case fatality rate is 20%-60%. Effective live-attenuated virus vaccines are available that protect against yellow fever (1). An outbreak of yellow fever began in Brazil in December 2016; since July 2017, cases in both humans and nonhuman primates have been reported from the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, and Rio de Janeiro, including cases occurring near large urban centers in these states (2). On January 16, 2018, the World Health Organization updated yellow fever vaccination recommendations for Brazil to include all persons traveling to or living in Espírito Santo, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro states, and certain cities in Bahia state, in addition to areas where vaccination had been recommended before the recent outbreak (3). Since January 2018, 10 travel-related cases of yellow fever, including four deaths, have been reported in international travelers returning from Brazil. None of the 10 travelers had received yellow fever vaccination.

  9. Hemoglobinopathies in newborns from Salvador, Bahia, Northeast Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adorno Elisângela Vitória


    Full Text Available Hemoglobinopathies are hereditary disorders of the hemoglobin molecule with a high prevalence worldwide. Brazil has a prevalence of 0.1 to 0.3% of newborns with sickle cell anemia and 20.0 to 25.0% of heterozygous alpha2 thalassemia among African Brazilians. In the present study, we investigated the presence of variant hemoglobins and alpha2(3.7 Kb and alpha2(4.2 Kb thalassemia in newborns from Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Samples of umbilical cord blood from a total of 590 newborns were analyzed, of which 57 (9.8% were FAS; 36 (6.5% FAC; one (0.2% SF; and five (0.9% FSC. One hundred fourteen (22.2% newborns had alpha2(3.7 Kb thalassemia, of whom 101 (19.7% were heterozygous and 13 (2.5% homozygous, showing statistical significance for hematological data between newborns with normal alpha genes and alpha2(3.7 Kb thalassemia carriers. The alpha2(4.2 Kb thalassemia was not found. Frequencies found in the present study confirm that hemoglobinopathies are a public health problem in Brazil, emphasizing the need for neonatal screening and genetic counseling programs.

  10. [Rocky Mountain spotted fever in Brazil]. (United States)

    del Sá DelFiol, Fernando; Junqueira, Fábio Miranda; da Rocha, Maria Carolina Pereira; de Toledo, Maria Inês; Filho, Silvio Barberato


    Although the number of confirmed cases of spotted fever has been declining in Brazil since 2005, the mortality rate (20% to 30%) is still high in comparison to other countries. This high mortality rate is closely related to the difficulty in making the diagnosis and starting the correct treatment. Only two groups of antibiotics have proven clinical effectiveness against spotted fever: chloramphenicol and tetracyclines. Until recently, the use of tetracyclines was restricted to adults because of the associated bone and tooth changes in children. Recently, however, the American Academy of Pediatrics and various researchers have recommended the use of doxycycline in children. In more severe cases, chloramphenicol injections are often preferred in Brazil because of the lack of experience with injectable tetracycline. Since early diagnosis and the adequate drug treatment are key to a good prognosis, health care professionals must be better prepared to recognize and treat spotted fever.

  11. Overview of physical safety of radiation sources in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lima, A.R.; Silva, F.C.A. da


    The threat of 'radiological terrorism' has been recognized worldwide after the event of September 11, 2001. Radioactive sources can be used for the development of DDR ('dirty bomb') devices. Studies show that the use of a DDR could cause health damage, psychosocial and economic and environmental damage. Brazil follows this worldwide concern, since it has a large medical-industrial park that uses radioactive sources. This paper presents an overview of the physical safety of radioactive sources in Brazil, based on the inventory of radiative facilities, regulatory aspects and international recommendations. For the preparation of the study, the database of radioactive sources of the regulatory body, the current normative status and the international recommendations were used. In Brazil there are approximately 2,500 radiative installations, with about 400 radioactive sources Category 1 and 2, which are the biggest concern in terms of physical safety. The Brazilian licensing standard addresses only some aspects of physical protection, not providing a clear orientation for the elaboration and implementation of physical protection systems, in accordance with international recommendations. For Brazil to be included in the world scenario of physical safety of radioactive sources, it is urgent to elaborate specific legislation with well-defined regulatory criteria. The lack of more detailed requirements makes it difficult to make a more careful regulatory assessment of the physical protection conditions of the facilities, either through the evaluation of plans and other physical protection documents or through regulatory inspections

  12. Radium-224, 226 and 228 activity in Brazil nuts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andrello, Avacir Casanova; Appoloni, Carlos Roberto; Martins, Maristela; Pacheco, Ariane Mendonca


    Full text: Recently, Brazil nuts have received a special attention because they contain large quantities of omega 6, antioxidant fat and selenium. Omega 6 and antioxidant fat prevent body cells inflammation and selenium combats cellular aging, guaranteeing a long and healthy life. One cashew per day is sufficient to assure the minimum amount of selenium necessary to the body. The aim of this work was to study radium (224, 226 and 228) concentration in Brazil nuts of the Amazon region. Thirty samples of different size (10 small, 10 medium and 10 large) exportation-type Brazil nuts, peeled and dehydrated, from the 2009 harvest, were analysed. Each sample, with 1.8 kg mass, was milled and then incinerated, resulting in 48 grams of ashes, that were placed in a 300 ml cylindrical recipient for gamma-ray spectrometry. Ra-224, Ra-226 and Ra-228 activities were determined using the gamma-rays of 234 keV following Pb-214 decay, 352 keV and 609 keV from Pb-212 and Bi-212, and the 911 keV from Ac-228, respectively. The incinerated samples average activities were 1100 Bq/kg for Ra-224, 4500 Bq/kg for Ra-226 and 3500 Bq/kg for Ra-228, corresponding to activities of 29.3 Bq/kg for Ra-224, 120 Bq/kg for Ra-226 and 93.9 Bq/kg for Ra-228 in raw Brazil nuts. (author)

  13. Juristocracy in Brazil Ran Hirschl's Perspective About Judicial Empowerment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Maria Barbosa


    Full Text Available Within the classical view of separation of powers, the judiciary originally occupied the weaker position. What is observed today, however, is a displacement of power from representative institutions to the judiciary, erecting a new kind of political regime that the Canadian political scientist Ran Hirschl called juristocracy. This paper intends to discuss this movement basing on the idea of hegemonic preservation, presented by Hirschl in his work Towards Juristocracy whose central hypothesis is that the political, economic and social elites voluntarily transfer power to the judiciary, when threatened of losing their hegemony in the political sphere. In Brazil, the 1988 Constitution turned the Supreme Court into one of the world's most powerful courts, which works at the same time as constitutional court, court of appeals and criminal court, responsible for deciding the most fundamental issues for brazilian society. We present at first, the examples used by Hirschl to illustrate his thesis about the judicial empowerment through constitutionalization, analyzing the political and economic changes in recent history of Israel, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa, followed by an analysis of the phenomenon in Brazil. We conclude that it is not possible to determine, in principle, the occurrence of hegemonic preservation in Brazil, but that Hirschl's analysis that offers an answer that challenges the traditional view on the judicialization of politics, contributes to the discussion and analysis of the phenomenon in Brazil.

  14. Heparin pharmacovigilance in Brazil. (United States)

    Junqueira, Daniela Rezende Garcia; Viana, Thércia Guedes; Peixoto, Eliane R de M; Barros, Fabiana C R de; Carvalho, Maria das Graças; Perini, Edson


    To investigate the biological origin of injectable unfractioned heparin available in Brazilian market by discussing the impact of the profile of commercial products and the changes in heparin monograph on the drug safety. The Anvisa data base for the Registered Products of Pharmaceutical Companies and the Dictionary of Pharmaceutical Specialties (DEF 2008/2009) were searched. A survey with industries having an active permission for marketing the drug in Brazil was conducted. Five companies were granted a permission to market unfractioned heparin in Brazil. Three of them are porcine in origin and two of them are bovine in origin, with only one explicitly showing this information in the package insert. The effectiveness and safety of heparin studied in non-Brazilian populations may not represent the Brazilian reality, since most countries no longer produce bovine heparin. The currently marketed heparin has approximately 10% less anticoagulant activity than that previously produced and this change may have clinical implications. Evidence about the lack of dose interchangeability between bovine and porcine heparins and the unique safety profile of these drugs indicates the need to follow the treatment and the patients' response. Events threatening the patient's safety must be reported to the pharmacovigilance system in each particular country.

  15. First record of Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) (Diptera, Calliphoridae) from Brazil


    José O. de Almeida Silva; Fernando da S. Carvalho-Filho; Maria C. Esposito; Geniana A. Reis


    First record of Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) (Diptera, Calliphoridae) from Brazil. In addition to its native fauna, the Neotropical region is known to be inhabited by four introduced species of blow flies of the genus Chrysomya. Up until now, only three of these species have been recorded in Brazil - Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann), Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius), and Chrysomya putoria (Wiedemann). In South America, C. rufifacies (Macquart) has only been reported from Argentina and Colom...

  16. Sustainable consumption in supermarket retail : a case of Walmart Brazil


    Silva, Minelle Enéas da; Nascimento, Luis Felipe Machado do; Jappe, Marcio Luis Miron


    On the context of new market relations, this aims to analyze how Walmart Brazil relates itself with its suppliers under the sustainable consumption perspective. For that, with an exploratory research and qualitative approach, the brand Hiper Bompreço, in Recife (Brazil) was analyzed under sustainability background. The dissemination throughout the supply chain of sustainability demonstrates an evolution in the placement of a company in the market, thus, it was identified a slight orientation ...

  17. Empowerment evaluation in Brazil: building capacity and facilitating self-determination


    Fetterman, David


    mpowerment evaluation is a global phenomenon. It is being practiced in the United States, Finland, United Kingdom, South Africa, Japan, and Brazil, among many other countries.1 Dr. Thereza Penna Firme recently invited Dr. Fetterman to discuss the most recent developments in empowerment evaluation and provide an empowerment evaluation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2004. The effort was sponsored by Cesgranrio Foundation. Ana Carolina Letichevsky and Angela Dannemann helped organized the c...

  18. Desempenho de plantas de soja em função do vigor das sementes e do estresse hídrico em Balsas/MA


    RODRIGUES, Denilson da Silva


    O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar características agronômicas e o rendimento de populações de soja oriundas de sementes de diferentes níveis de vigor determinado pelo método de envelhecimento acelerado, em duas épocas de semeadura. A primeira época logo após as primeiras chuvas, para que o campo passasse por um período de estresse hídrico e a segunda época após as chuvas terem se estabilizado e que tivesse suficiência hídrica. Foram utilizados dois lotes de sementes de alto vigor, um de 9...

  19. Microbiological food safety issues in Brazil: bacterial pathogens. (United States)

    Gomes, Bruna Carrer; Franco, Bernadette Dora Gombossy de Melo; De Martinis, Elaine Cristina Pereira


    The globalization of food supply impacts patterns of foodborne disease outbreaks worldwide, and consumers are having increased concern about microbiological food safety. In this sense, the assessment of epidemiological data of foodborne diseases in different countries has not only local impact, but it can also be of general interest, especially in the case of major global producers and exporters of several agricultural food products, such as Brazil. In this review, the most common agents of foodborne illnesses registered in Brazil will be presented, compiled mainly from official databases made available to the public. In addition, some representative examples of studies on foodborne bacterial pathogens commonly found in Brazilian foods are provided.

  20. Virtual water and water self-sufficiency in agricultural and livestock products in Brazil. (United States)

    da Silva, Vicente de Paulo R; de Oliveira, Sonaly D; Braga, Célia C; Brito, José Ivaldo B; de Sousa, Francisco de Assis S; de Holanda, Romildo M; Campos, João Hugo B C; de Souza, Enio P; Braga, Armando César R; Rodrigues Almeida, Rafaela S; de Araújo, Lincoln E


    Virtual water trade is often considered a solution for restricted water availability in many regions of the world. Brazil is the world leader in the production and export of various agricultural and livestock products. The country is either a strong net importer or a strong net exporter of these products. The objective of this study is to determine the volume of virtual water contained in agricultural and livestock products imported/exported by Brazil from 1997 to 2012, and to define the water self-sufficiency index of agricultural and livestock products in Brazil. The indexes of water scarcity (WSI), water dependency (WDI) and water self-sufficiency (WSSI) were calculated for each Brazilian state. These indexes and the virtual water balance were calculated following the methodology developed by Chapagain and Hoekstra (2008) and Hoekstra and Hung (2005). The total water exports and imports embedded in agricultural and livestock products were 5.28 × 10 10 and 1.22 × 10 10  Gm 3  yr -1 , respectively, which results in positive virtual water balance of 4.05 × 10 10  Gm 3  yr -1 . Brazil is either a strong net importer or a strong net exporter of agricultural and livestock products among the Mercosur countries. Brazil has a positive virtual water balance of 1.85 × 10 10  Gm 3  yr -1 . The indexes used in this study reveal that Brazil is self-sufficient in food production, except for a few products such as wheat and rice. Horticultural products (tomato, onion, potato, cassava and garlic) make up a unique product group with negative virtual water balance in Brazil. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.