
Sample records for biologischer parameter abschlussbericht

  1. Huisverkoop van biologisch vlees : handboek

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heijden, van der C.H.T.M.


    Voor biologische boeren die willen beginnen met de verkoop van biologisch vlees aan huis, is het 'Handboek Huisverkoop Biologisch Vlees' samengesteld. Het handboek bevat o.a. marketingtips en een overzicht van de wet- en regelgeving. Het is opgesteld door Wageningen UR in samenwerking met Biologica

  2. Kringlopen in de biologische landbouw: best belangrijk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bos, J.F.F.P.; Wit, de J.


    In het meerjarige onderzoeksprogramma 'Intersectorale samenwerking binnen de biologische landbouw' wordt gezocht naar concepten voor samenwerking, met als doel kringlopen binnen biologische landbouwsystemen beter te sluiten. De huidige kringloop binnen de Nederlandse biologische landbouw kan

  3. Uienrassenkeuze 2004 - rassenonderzoek biologische zaaiuien

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lammerts Van Bueren, E.


    Gegevens over het aanbod van biologisch uitgangsmateriaal voor ui in 2004, en de resultaten van het rassenonderzoek biologische zaaiuien teelt 2001 en 2002 en bewaring 2002 en 2003. Voor belangrijke gewas- en bewaareigenschappen lijkt de rasvolgorde niet te veranderen wanneer uien gangbaar of

  4. Regionale clustering biologische landbouw; Randvoorwaarde voor groei?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stokkers, R.; Braker, M.; Lenssinck, F.; Waal, van der B.H.C.


    Onderzoek naar het effect van regionale clustering op de groei van de biologische landbouw in Nederland. Op basis van literatuuronderzoek en interviews met woordvoerders van regionale samenwerkingsverbanden worden die activiteiten in de biologische landbouw onderscheiden, waarbij regionale

  5. Een (Duits) eitje : afzet biologische pluimveehouderij 2005

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Werf, van der J.T.N.; Kijlstra, A.


    Het aantal biologische pluimveebedrijven in Nederland neemt snel toe. Veel van de grotere biologische bedrijven exporteren hun eieren via pakstations naar Duitsland. De rest van de bedrijven zet de eieren binnenlands af via pakstations en een deel verkoopt ze direct aan huis of via

  6. Biologische producten natuurlijk verpakt

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thoden van Velzen, E.U.


    Hoe milieuvriendelijk zijn hernieuwbare en biologisch afbreekbare kunststofverpakkingen eigenlijk? Voor het verpakkend bedrijfsleven is het lastig om daarachter te komen en dus weloverwogen keuzes te maken. In het onderzoek ‘Natuurlijk verpakt’ – uitgevoerd door Wageningen UR Food & Biobased

  7. Biologische Angriffe auf Mauerwerke

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schober, G.; Kort, H.S.M.; Balen, van K.; Bronswijk, van J.E.M.H.


    Zusammenfassung: Biologische Angriffe durch Mauerwerkbewuchs führen zu Schadensbildern, die durch Festigkeitsverlust, Formveränderungen oder Farbveränderungen auf den Oberflächen charakterisiert sind. Allerdings sind nur einige spezialisierte Pflanzen an die extremen Bedingungen dieser Lebensräume

  8. De invloed van bodemreiniging op de biologische beschikbaarheid van metalen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Adema DMM*; Boer JLM de; Gestel CAM van; Jong P de*


    Er werd onderzoek uitgevoerd met als doel het uitlooggedrag en de biologische beschikbaarheid van metalen in verontreinigde gronden voor en na reiniging te bepalen. Dit (deel)rapport beschrijft de resultaten van het onderzoek naar de biologische beschikbaarheid. Op zes locaties in Nederland

  9. Biologische agentia en bouwfysica

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bronswijk, van J.E.M.H.


    Het voor het eerst door de politiek geformuleerde begrip 'biologische agentia' omvat zowel de schadelijke organismen zelf, als de door hen afgescheiden verbindingen. De overlast is velerlei: knaagschade, verkleuring, parasitaire en allergische aandoeningen. Daar 2 tot 3 van iedere 5 huishoudens met

  10. Classificatie van biologische agentia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klein MR; LIS; cib


    Deze rapportage omvat een inventarisatie van de problematiek rond de classificatie van biologische agentia, die ziekte bij de mens kunnen veroorzaken.

    De constatering is dat de Europese lijst met classificaties verouderd is en geactualiseerd en uitgebreid zou moeten worden. De lijst bevat

  11. Biologische consumptie-aardappelrassen : smaaktoetsing van gekookt product : meerjarige toetsing op smaakeigenschappen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijk, van C.A.P.


    In 2007 is daarom vanuit Bioconnect Innovatiegroep Productkwaliteit een project gestart ter verbetering van de productkwaliteit bij een aantal grotere biologische gewassen. Het doel van het project was: 1. Verhoging van de productkwaliteit van het biologische product door ontwikkeling van nieuwe

  12. Deskstudie biologische bestrijding van invasieve exotische oever- en wateronkruiden in Nederland

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kempenaar, C.; Franke, A.C.; Lotz, L.A.P.


    In dit rapport wordt een overzicht gegeven van biologische onkruidbestrijding in het algemeen, en ontwikkelingen op het gebied van biologische bestrijding van elf belangrijke exotische oever+ en wateronkruiden in Nederland in het bijzonder. De gepresenteerde informatie betreft vooral onderzoek+ en

  13. Zicht op dierlijke biologische ketens

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meeusen-van Onna, M.J.G.; Wijnands, J.H.M.; Kijlstra, A.; Boekhoff, M.


    De studie vormt een onderdeel van het project 'Visies op biologische landbouw: een systeemanalyse'. Dit project is gefinancierd door Wageningen Universiteit en Researchcentrum uit middelen voor Strategische Expertise Ontwikkeling. In dit project worden mensbeelden onderscheiden om de visies te

  14. Sortiment biologische laanbomen en sierheesters onder het vergrootglas : interview met Margareth Hop

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jacobs, R.; Hop, M.E.C.M.


    In tegenstelling tot de traditionele boomkwekerijgewassen is binnen de Nederlandse boomkwekerijsector de markt voor biologische boomkwekerijproducten nog steeds uiterst bescheiden. Telers horen vaak van afnemers dat het nog beperkte sortiment dat biologisch leverbaar is, hier mee te maken heeft.

  15. Monitoring onkruid op biologische bedrijven

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Teenstra, E.D.; Riemens, M.M.


    De beheersing van onkruiden op biologische bedrijven houdt niet op bij de bestrijding in het gewas. Ook gewaskeuze, teeltsysteem en vruchtopvolging hebben een grote invloed op de onkruiddruk en op de onkruidontwikkeling op het bedrijf. Telers van het praktijknetwerk BIOM gaven aan behoefte te hebben

  16. Biologische bestrijdingsmiddelen kunnen imago ernstig schaden

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sukkel, W.


    In Nederland zijn zijn voor de akkerbouw en de vollegrondsgroententeelt slechts vier biologische (niet-synthetische) middelen toegestaan: Bacillus thuringiensis, pyretrine + piperonylbutoxide, koperoxychloride en zwavel. Een opsomming van de tot nu toe bekende eigenschappen (doelorganismen;

  17. PPO Glastuinbouw en LEI helpen biologische ketenprojecten op weg: "vernieuwing moet wel uit de biologische hoek komen"

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Staalduinen, van Jan; Poot, E.H.; Wertheim-Heck, S.C.O.


    Het biologische marktsegment is vanwege de hogere kostprijs van het geteelde product een natuurlijke kraamkamer voor productinnovatie. De zoektocht naar tastbaar onderscheid en aansprekende verkoopconcepten vereist multidisciplinaire samenwerking van teelt- en marktonderzoek. LEI en PPO Glastuinbouw

  18. Zicht op de plantaardige biologische keten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijnands, J.H.M.; Meeusen-van Onna, M.J.G.; Hoorweg, M.J.; Kik, C.; Rossing, W.A.H.; Scholten, O.M.


    De studie vormt een onderdeel van het project 'Visies op biologische landbouw: een systeem analyse'. Dit project is gefinancierd door Wageningen Universiteit en Researchcentrum uit middelen voor Strategische Expertise Ontwikkeling. In dit project worden mensbeelden onderscheiden om de visies te

  19. Vervolgonderzoek ecologische risico's Noorderbos : chemische en biologische beschikbaarheid van chroom : rapportage fase 2

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groenenberg, J.E.; Bloem, J.; Faber, J.H.; Dijcker, R.


    Dit rapport beschrijft de resultaten van het vervolgonderzoek van de chemische en biologische monitoring van de ernstig met chroom vervuilde bodem van het Noorderbos in Tilburg. Er is specifiek aandacht besteed aan de chemische en biologische beschikbaarheid van metalen met name van chroom waarvan

  20. Assortiment-kanaalmatch voor biologische fair tradeproducten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    Stichting FairBites ontwikkelt middels een innovatief organisatiemodel biologische en fair trade voedingsproducten voor de out-of-home (OOH) markt. Deze producten zijn zeer beperkt beschikbaar in dit marktsegment dat ± 35% van de voedingsmarkt vertegenwoordigd. FairBites richt zich op jong

  1. Via diergezondheidsmanagement naar minimalisering van antibioticagebruik : weetjes en praktische tips voor de biologische varkenshouder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bokma-Bakker, M.H.; Vermeer, H.M.; Houwers, H.W.J.; Eijck, I.; Leeijen, J.


    In deze waaier staan weetjes en praktische tips om uw diergezondheidsmanagement op uw biologische varkensbedrijf te versterken en daarmee het gebruik van antibiotica te minimaliseren. De weetjes en tips zijn o.a. gebaseerd op de ervaringen die biologische varkenshouders hebben opgedaan in een

  2. Eisen doen de kostprijs rijzen: berekend op 6,20 Euro per 17-weekse biologische hen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeij, I.


    Sinds 1 januari dit jaar gelden verscherpte voorwaarden voor de opfok van biologische leghennen. Deze aanscherping heeft een fors kostprijsverhogend effect. De Animal Sciences Group heeft daarom de productiekosten op het biologisch opfokbedrijf opnieuw bestudeerd.

  3. Boomkwekerij op veen : bedrijfseconomische resultaten biologische boomkwekerij

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Snoek, B.; Schuring, W.; Leijden, van J.P.H.


    Resultaten van een onderzoek op PPO-locatie Boskoop naar de bedrijfseconomische mogelijkheden van biologische boomteelt. Zes gewassen uit de gewasgroep siergewassen (Acer, Buxus, Magnolia, Mahonia, Prunus en Syringa) werden in twee jaar opgekweekt van plantgoed naar leverbaar materiaal. In tabellen

  4. Sortimentsverbreding van biologische zomerbloemen in de volle grond : eindverslag

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hop, M.E.C.M.


    De handel in biologische zomerbloemen heeft behoefte aan uitbreiding van het sortiment. In overleg met verschillende partners uit de keten zijn 5 verschillende gewassen beproefd en enkele planten gedemonstreerd: Amaranthus (amarant), Carthamus (safloer), Eryngium (kruisdistel), Helenium en Tagetes

  5. Biological degradation of partially oxidated constituents of stabilized sapropel; Biologischer Abbau teiloxidierter Inhaltsstoffe stabilisierter Faulschlaemme

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scheminski, A.; Krull, R.; Hempel, D.C. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Bioverfahrenstechnik


    Partial oxidation of sapropel with ozone destroys the cell walls of microorganisms in sludge and releases the cell constituents. Substances that are not biologically degraded because of the size or structure of their molecules are transformed into smaller, water-soluble and biologically degradable fractions by the reaction with ozone. The experiments aim to render the partially oxidated sewage sludge constituents highly biologically degradable using a minimum of oxidation agents. For the experiments described, stabilized sapropels with low biological activity are used. Hence the ozone is mainly used for the partial oxidation of recalcitrant constituents. (orig.) [German] Durch partielle Oxidation von Faulschlaemmen mit Ozon werden die Zellwaende der Mikroorganismen im Schlamm zerstoert und die Zellinhaltsstoffe freigesetzt. Dabei werden Substanzen, die aufgrund ihrer Molekuelgroesse oder -struktur biologisch nicht abgebaut werden, durch die Reaktion mit Ozon in kleinere, wasserloesliche und biologisch abbaubare Bruchstuecke ueberfuehrt. Ziel der Versuche ist es, durch den Einsatz moeglichst geringer Mengen an Oxidationsmitteln eine hohe biologische Abbaubarkeit der teiloxidierten Klaerschlamminhaltsstoffe zu erreichen. Fuer die hier vorgestellten Experimente wurden stabilisierte Faulschlaemme mit geringer biologischer Aktivitaet eingesetzt. Dadurch wird das Ozon vorwiegend zur Teiloxidation recalcitranter Inhaltsstoffe genutzt. (orig.)

  6. Biologische effectiviteit van bespuitingen: effecten van druppelgrootte en waterkwaliteit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zande, van de J.C.; Schans, van der D.A.; Koster, A.T.J.


    Deze rapportage beschrijft de invloed van watervolume, druppelgrootte en kwaliteit van het tankmengsel op de biologische effectiviteit van bespuitingen. Onder kwaliteit van het tankmengsel wordt in dit verband verstaan: temperatuur, hardheid, pH en zoutgehalte (chloor en ijzerzouten) van de

  7. Organische precisiebemesting in de biologische landbouw?; praktische toepassingen blijken mogelijk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vos, de B.; Heinen, M.


    Welke mogelijkheden voor organische precisiebemesting zijn er in de biologische akkerbouw? Uitleg over de relaties tussen gewasgroei en stikstofmineralisatie, bodemstructuur en bodemprocessen, en over de opzet van het onderzoek naar organische precisiebemesting in aardappel

  8. Resultaten van het RWS-RIKZ JAMP 2003 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platychthys flesus L.). Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoffen in bot en mosselen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kotterman, M.J.J.


    In opdracht van RWS-RIKZ werden door het RIVO werkzaamheden uitgevoerd in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De werkzaamheden bestonden uit het verzamelen van monsters bot waarvan biologische parameters werden bepaald. Tevens werden milieukritische stoffen

  9. Resultaten van het RWS-RIKZ JAMP 2004 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platichthys flesus L.). Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoffen in bot en mosselen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kotterman, M.J.J.


    In opdracht van RWS-RIKZ werden door het RIVO werkzaamheden uitgevoerd in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De werkzaamheden bestonden uit het verzamelen van monsters bot waarvan biologische parameters werden bepaald. Tevens werden milieukritische stoffen

  10. Biologische leefstijlfactoren in volwassen afstandsonderwijs: voorspellen van cognitief presteren en leerprestatie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gijselaers, Jérôme


    Gijselaers, H. J. M. (2015, 29 October). Biologische leefstijlfactoren in volwassen afstandsonderwijs: voorspellen van cognitief presteren en leerprestatie [Biological lifestyle factors in adult distance education: predicting cognitive and learning performance]. Pitch given for the board of

  11. Biological dynamic lighting in an office building; Biologisch dynamische verlichting in een kantoorgebouw

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Visser, R. [Professional Lighting Designers' Association PLDA, Guetersloh (Germany)


    The aim of so-called biodynamic lighting systems is to influence human biological rhythms such that productivity, alertness, wellbeing and health are improved. In the office building of Grontmij in Amersfoort, Netherlands, experiments were carried out with biodynamic lighting systems. [Dutch] In de afgelopen jaren hebben verschillende fabrikanten biologisch dynamische verlichtingssystemen op de markt gebracht. Uitgangspunt voor dergelijke systemen is om biologische ritmen van de mens zodanig te beinvloeden dat productiviteit, alertheid, welbevinden en ook de gezondheid in meer of mindere mate verbeteren. Om ervaring in de kantooromgeving op te doen, is een aantal van deze systemen op diverse locaties in het gebouw van de Grontmij in Amersfoort aangebracht. Vervolgens is onderzoek gedaan naar de toepassingsmogelijkheden en eigenschappen ervan in de praktijk.

  12. Higher efficiency of the filtration stage in the treatment of biologically treated waste water for reuse (MESAB II). Final report; Erhoehung der Effizienz der Filtrationsstufe bei der Aufbereitung von biologisch behandeltem Abwasser zur Mehrfachnutzung (MESAB II). Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marzinkowski, J.M. [Bergische Univ., Wuppertal (Germany); Fiedler, P.; Hartmann


    The work focussed on the microfiltration of biologically pretreated waste water of the textile finishing industry. By enhancing the filtration capacity from 25-30 l/m{sup 2}h to about 45 l/m{sup 2}h and lower energy consumption, the cost was to be reduced from 2.30 EUR/m{sup 3} to less than 1.80 EUR/m{sup 3}, thus making water recirculation economically efficient. Biological deposits on the filter membranes were to be removed without interrupting the filtering process and without using biocides or other aggressive chemical substances. (orig.) [German] Bei der Mikrofiltration von biologisch vorbehandeltem Abwasser aus der Textilveredlung sollten durch Erhoehung der Filtratleistung von bisher 25 bis 30 L/m{sup 2}h auf ca. 45 L/m{sup 2}h und Verringerung des Energieverbrauches die Kosten fuer die Aufbereitung des Abwassers fuer einen Wiedereinsatz als Brauchwasser bei verschiedenen Textilveredlungsprozessen von bisher 2,30 Euro/m{sup 3} (Az. 10890) auf weniger als 1,80 Euro/m{sup 3} gesenkt werden und somit die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Brauchwasserrueckgewinnung erreicht werden. Die Entfernung biologischer Belaege von den Filtrationsmembranen sollte ohne Unterbrechnung der Filtratgewinnung und ohne Verwendung von Bioziden oder anderen aggressiven Chemikalien erfolgen. (orig.)

  13. Kennis, hét knelpunt in de biologische teelt van blauwe bessen in Nederland

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peppelman, G.; Balkhoven, J.M.T.


    Vanuit de markt wordt de vraag naar biologisch geteeltde producten steeds groter. Daarnaast is men op zoek naar teeltmethoden die minder bestrijdingsmiddelen toepassen, omdat bij steeds meer middelen de gebruikstoestemming in blauwe besen op het etiket verdwijnt. Daarom is een verkenning gedaan naar

  14. Groenbemesters in biologische teeltsystemen: Wat dragen zij bij aan een ecologisch beheer van onkruiden?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kruidhof, H.M.; Bastiaans, L.; Molema, G.J.


    In 2003 is een vierjarig project gestart met als doel de optimalisatie van de bijdrage van groenbemesters aan het onkruidbeheer in biologische teeltsystemen. Groenbemesters kunnen een belangrijke rol spelen in de vruchtwisseling en een hoge toegevoegde waarde hebben. In het najaar kan een goed

  15. CO2 dosering in de biologische glastuinbouw: Onderzoek naar alternatieve bronnen - Toepassingen in gangbare tuinbouw

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeulen, P.C.M.; Lans, van der C.J.M.


    In dit onderzoek is uitgewerkt wat de behoefte aan CO2 is op glastuinbouw bedrijven en hoe deze behoefte op biologische bedrijven ingevuld wordt. Factoren die de CO2 behoefte beïnvloeden zijn de gewasopname, de aangehouden concentratie in de kas en de ventilatie. Als CO2 bron zorgt de ingebrachte

  16. Hoge kostprijs, maar concurrerend : 12,5 cent (grondhuisvesting) of 11,7 cent (volière) per biologisch ei

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeij, I.


    De Animal Sciences Group in Lelystad heeft de productiekosten op het biologisch legpluimveebedrijf berekend. Bij de berekening van de kostprijs is uitgegaan van twee modelbedrijven, een bedrijf met grondhuisvesting en een bedrijf met volièrehuisvesting. Uit dit onderzoek blijkt dat de

  17. Prestatiekenmerken van de bepaling van As, Cd, Pb en Hg in voeding en biologisch materiaal met ICP-MS en AFS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Velde-Koerts T van der; Bom CM; LAC


    Een ICP-MS-methode werd ontwikkeld voor de bepaling van As, Cd en Pb in salpeterzuur-destruaten van voeding en biologisch materiaal. De methode werd geoptimaliseerd op basis van minimale spectrale storingen en matrixeffecten met behulp van correctieformules, interne standaarden en

  18. Zum biologisch-dynamischen Forschungsansatz – Nur philosophisches Beiwerk oder Erkenntnisbedingung einer Wissenschaft vom Leben?


    Hagel, Ingo


    [Einleitung:] Die Biologisch-Dynamische Wirtschaftsweise ist die älteste unter den verschiedenen Methoden des Ökologischen Landbaus. Ihr geistiges Fundament ist eine Reihe von Vorträgen, die Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) im Jahr 1924 in Koberwitz bei Breslau für Landwirte hielt (STEINER 1924a). Daher können ihre Voraussetzungen und Intentionen und auch ihr Forschungsansatz nicht losgelöst von dem spirituellen Weltbild der Anthroposophie, deren Begründer Rudolf Steiner ist, betrachtet werden. ...

  19. Behaviour at landfills of waste having undergone mechanic-biological and thermal conditioning; Deponieverhalten mechanisch-biologisch und thermisch behandelten Restabfalls

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Danhamer, H.; Dach, J.; Jager, J. [Institut WAR, Darmstadt (Germany). FG Abfalltechnik


    The work studies, in landfill test reactors, water, gas and heat transport as well as gas and leachate formation in waste having undergone mechanical-biological and thermal conditioning. (orig.) [Deutsch] Es wurde der Wasser-, Gas- und Waermetransport, sowie die Gasbildung- und Sickerwasserbelastung mechanisch-biologisch und thermisch vorbehandelter Abfaelle in Deponieversuchsreaktoren untersucht. (orig.)

  20. Control of a reactor for conditioning of biogenic waste materials. Final report; Steuerung eines Reaktors zur Aufbereitung von Abfaellen mit biogenen Bestandteilen. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bartha, B.; Brummack, J.; Kloeden, W.


    Mechanical-biological waste treatment implies biological drying and mechanical separation; it produces a pollutant-free fuel fraction with good calorific value and inorganic fractions available for recycling. Apart from some prototypes, mostly static aerobic reactors are used. For moist residues, dynamic reactors may be interesting as they permit coupling of thermal and mechanical processes, i.e. parallel biological drying and mechanical separation. A discontinuous rotary kiln reactor for biological drying of residues was developed in this project. (orig.) [German] Die mechanisch-biologische Aufbereitung von Restabfaellen (MBA) hat sich zu einem Systembaustein innerhalb der Restabfallentsorgung entwickelt. Das Hauptanwendungsziel besteht darin, durch die Kombination von biologischer Trocknung mit mechanischen Stofftrennverfahren eine heizwertreiche und schadstoffentfrachtete Fraktion mit Brennstoffeigenschaften, sowie verwertbare anorganische Fraktionen aus dem Restabfall zu gewinnen. Die Ausgangssituation zeigte, dass, abgesehen von einigen prototypischen Anlagen, in der MBA-Technologie hauptsaechlich statische, aerob arbeitende Reaktoren (Rottetunnel und Rotteboxen) fuer den biologischen Schritt eingesetzt werden. Fuer feuchte Restabfaelle erscheint es interessant, dynamische Reaktoren einzusetzen, die die Kopplung thermischer und mechanischer Prozesse erlauben, die also die biologische Trocknung und den mechanischen Aufschluss parallel zulassen. Im Rahmen des Projektes wurde die Steuerung eines diskontinuierlich betriebenen Drehrohrreaktors zur biologischen Trocknung von Restabfaellen entwickelt. (orig.)

  1. Resultaten van het Rijkswaterstaat JAMP 2008 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platichthys flesus L.). Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoffen in bot

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoek-van Nieuwenhuizen, van M.; Barneveld, van E.


    De in dit rapport beschreven werkzaamheden zijn door Wageningen IMARES uitgevoerd op basis van een opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De opdracht hield in het verkrijgen van biologische gegevens van bot. De benodigde monsters

  2. Resultaten van het Rijkswaterstaat JAMP 2009 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platichthys flesus L.). Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoffen in bot

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoek-van Nieuwenhuizen, van M.; Barneveld, van E.


    De in dit rapport beschreven werkzaamheden zijn in 2009 door IMARES uitgevoerd op basis van een opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De opdracht hield in het verkrijgen van biologische gegevens van bot (visziekten). De benodigde

  3. Resultaten van het RWS-RIKZ JAMP 2005 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platichthys flesus L.) : Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoofen in bot

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kotterman, M.J.J.


    In opdracht van RWS-RIKZ werden door het RIVO werkzaamheden uitgevoerd in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De opdracht hield in het verkrijgen van biologische gegevens van bot. De werkzaamheden bestonden uit het verzamelen van monsters bot waarvan

  4. Resultaten van het RWS-RIKZ JAMP 2006 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platichthys flesus L.). Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoffen in bot

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kotterman, M.J.J.; Barneveld, van E.


    De in dit rapport beschreven werkzaamheden werden door IMARES uitgevoerd op basis van een opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat- Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee (RIKZ) in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De opdracht hield in het verkrijgen van biologische gegevens

  5. Resultaten van het Rijkswaterstaat JAMP 2009 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platichthys flesus L.). Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoffen in bot


    Hoek-van Nieuwenhuizen, van, M.; Barneveld, van, E.


    De in dit rapport beschreven werkzaamheden zijn in 2009 door IMARES uitgevoerd op basis van een opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De opdracht hield in het verkrijgen van biologische gegevens van bot (visziekten). De benodigde monsters bot werden verzameld door IMARES. Tevens werd materiaal van bot verzameld voor chemisch onderzoek en geanalyseerd.

  6. Combination of biological treatment of waste air and liquid effluents in small and medium-sized businesses by using spherical carrier media in exchange with each other. Final report; Kombination der biologischen Behandlung von Abluft- und Abwasserreinigung in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen durch die Verwendung von kugeligen Traegermaterialien im gegenseitigen Austausch. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kunz, P.M.; Brunk, M.; Bentz, P.; Bach, K.; Marcos del Rio, O.; Stahl, B.; Wolf, C.


    A combined system for biological treatment of solvent-contaminated liquid and gaseous effluents was to be constructed. The system was to be mobile for demonstration purposes in industrial processes and was to serve for dimensioning of full-scale systems. The system works by a combined process via exchange of spherical carriers with a growth of micro-organisms. Two pilot systems of the Institut fuer Biologische Verfahrenstechnik, one for liquid and one for gaseous effluents, were combined for this purpose, ensuring exchange of carrier materials between the two units. (orig.) [German] Aufgabe im Rahmen dieses F+E-Vorhabens war es gewesen, eine kombinierte biologische Abluft- und Abwasserreinigungsanlage - speziell fuer loesungsmittelhaltige Abluft und Abwaesser - zu untersuchen. Dazu sollte eine Anlage aufgebaut werden, die auch als Demonstrations- und Versuchsanlage zu Industriebetrieben gebracht und dort zur Dimensionierung von full-scale-Anlage eingesetzt werden kann. Idee fuer dieses Vorhaben war gewesen, die Kombination beider Behandlungssysteme ueber den Austausch von mit Mikroorganismen bewachsenem Traegermaterial herzustellen. Am Institut fuer Biologische Verfahrenstechnik existierte bereits eine Pilotanlage fuer die biologische Abwasserreinigung mit kugeligem Traegermaterial (Vario-Bio-Reaktor) und eine Pilotanlage fuer die biologische Behandlung von Abluft nach dem Trickling-Filter-Prinzip mit ebenfalls kugeligem Traegermaterial. Diese beiden Anlagen sollten miteinander kombiniert und der Austausch des Traegermaterials hergestellt werden. (orig.)

  7. Resultaten van het RWS-RIKZ JAMP 2006 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platichthys flesus L.). Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoffen in bot


    Kotterman, M.J.J.; Barneveld, van, E.


    De in dit rapport beschreven werkzaamheden werden door IMARES uitgevoerd op basis van een opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat- Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee (RIKZ) in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De opdracht hield in het verkrijgen van biologische gegevens van bot. De benodigde monsters bot werden verzameld door IMARES. Tevens werd materiaal van bot verzameld voor chemisch onderzoek en geanalyseerd.

  8. Hydrogen as an energy carrier. Final report; Wasserstoff als Energietraeger. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rebholz, H. [ed.


    This final report of the Special Field of Research 270 (SFB 270) documents the work and results of the four promotion phases from 1989 to 1998, presented in reports on 15 part-projects. From its inception, SFB 270, which bears the title ''Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier'', has been dedicated to two fields of work: in Project Area A to the production of hydrogen (7 part-projects) and in Project Area B to the transport and storage of hydrogen (8 part-projects). The scientific results of the part-projects have also been presented in detail in the progress reports and interim reports of 1991, 1994 and 1997. Some of them have also been presented at the colloquiums of SFB 270. Twelve part-projects have been abstracted individually for the ENERGY database. [German] Der vorliegende Abschlussbericht des Sonderforschungsbereichs 270 dokumentiert die Arbeiten und Ergebnisse der vier Foerderungsphasen von 1989 bis 1998. Sie sind in den Berichten von 15 Teilprojekten wiedergegeben. Der Sonderforschungsbereich 270 'Wasserstoff als Energietraeger' hat sich von Anfang an zwei Aufgabengebieten gewidmet: Im Projektbereich A der Herstellung von Wasserstoff (7 Teilprojekte) und im Projektbereich B dem Transport und der Speicherung von Wasserstoff (8 Teilprojekte). Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Teilprojekte sind ausfuehrlich auch in den Arbeits- und Ergebnisberichten 1991, 1994 und 1997 wiedergegeben. Sie wurden auch, in Teilen, in entsprechenden Kolloquien des SFB 270 praesentiert. Fuer die Datenbank ENERGY wurden 12 Teilprojekte separat aufgenommen. (orig.)

  9. Consequences of the amended Biomass Waste Ordinance for biological waste treatment; Konsequenzen der novellierten Bioabfallverordnung fuer die biologische Abfallbehandlung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kehres, Bertram [Bundesguetegemeinschaft Kompost e.V. (BGK), Koeln (Germany)


    The amended Biomass Waste Ordinance will bring about changes in biological waste treatment to which operators of composting and fermenting plants will have to adapt. The contribution outlines the most relevant changes; at the time of publication, it was not known how the Bundesrat would decide with regard to the Amendment, probably in late March 2012. (orig.) [German] Die Novelle der Bioabfallverordnung wird fuer die biologische Abfallbehandlung verschiedene Veraenderungen mit sich bringen, auf die sich Betreiber von Kompostierungs- und von Vergaerungsanlagen einzustellen haben. Auf die wesentlichen Aenderungen wird in diesem Beitrag eingegangen. Zum Zeitpunkt der Abfassung dieses Beitrages ist allerdings noch nicht vollstaendig bekannt, wie der Bundesrat - voraussichtlich Ende Maerz 2012 - ueber die Novelle abschliessend entscheiden wird. (orig.)

  10. Biological monitoring of blood toluene in exposed printing shop workers; Biologisches Monitoring von Toluol am Beispiel belasteter Druckereiarbeiter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hammer, K.D. [Hamburg Univ. (Germany). Ordinariat fuer Hygiene; Pietsch, S. [Hamburg Univ. (Germany). Ordinariat fuer Hygiene; Pfeiffer, E.H. [Hamburg Univ. (Germany). Ordinariat fuer Hygiene


    42 toluene exposed printing workers were monitored and the results compared with those of a control group of 45 blood donors. Monitoring was done by means of blood toluene and hippuric acid excretion measurements. The mean indoor air concentration of toluene amounted to 230 mg/m{sup 3}. The blood toluene averaged up to 830 {mu}g/l. The median of hippuric acid excretion was in the range of 0,405 mg/mg creatinine for the control group and 1,938 mg/mg creatinine for the exposed group respectively. Hippuric acid showed a positive correlation toward ORSA-tube toluene measurements with good significance (p=0,000). Considerable high individual deviations in toluene metabolism occurred, and were discussed as a result of smoking and drinking behavior. (orig.) [Deutsch] 42 Druckereiarbeiter, die einer Raumluft mit einer mittleren Toluolkonzentration von 230 {mu}g/m{sup 3} exponiert waren, wurden untersucht und die Ergebnisse einer unbelasteten Kontrollgruppe bestehend aus 45 Blutspendern gegenuebergestellt. Als Parameter fuer ein biologisches Monitoring wurde die Blut-Toluolkonzentration und die Exkretion von Hippursaeure verwendet. Die Blut-Toluolkonzentration lag im Mittel bei 830 {mu}g/l. Der Mittelwert der Hippursaeure im Urin der unbelasteten Gruppe lag bei 0,405 mg/mg Kreatinin und der belasteten Gruppe bei 1,938 mg/mg Kreatinin. Die Hippursaeureausscheidung war hoch signifikant mit den Werten der ORSA-Roehrchen fuer die Luft-Toluolkonzentration korreliert (p=0,000). Erhebliche individuelle Abweichungen im Toluol-Metabolismus wurden deutlich und anhand von Rauch- und Trinkgewohnheiten diskutiert. (orig.)

  11. Evaluation of combustion experiments conducted during the research and development project ``Mechanical-biological waste conditioning in combination with thermal processing of partial waste fractions``; Auswertung der Verbrennungsversuche zum Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben ``mechanisch-biologische Restmuellbehandlung unter Einbindung thermischer Verfahren fuer Teilfraktionen``

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jager, J.; Lohf, A.; Herr, C. [Institut WAR, Darmstadt (Germany)


    The technical code on municipal waste makes specific demands on waste to be deposited at landfills which can only be met if mechanical-biological conditioning of waste as well as thermal processing of partial waste fractions are continued also in the future. But waste that has undergone mechanical or mechanical-biological conditioning presents different combustion properties from those of unconditioned waste. In this second stage of the research project, the thermal processability of waste having undergone mechanical or mechanical-biological conditioning was studied. Together with the results from the first project stage, where the throughput represented exclusively mechanically conditioned material, the results of the latter measuring campaigns comprehensively demonstrate possibilities for the thermal processing of partial waste fractions having undergone biological-mechanical conditioning, and inform on changes in plant performance. (orig.) [Deutsch] Um die in der TA-Siedlungsabfall an den abzulagernden Restmuell gestellten Deponieeingangsbedingungen zu erfuellen, muss neben einer mechanisch-biologischen Aufbereitung bei Teilfraktionen auch weiterhin eine thermische Behandlung eingeplant werden. Die Verbrennungseigenschaften von mechanisch oder mechanisch-biologisch vorbehandeltem Restmuell weichen allerdings von denen von unbehandeltem Restmuell ab. In dieser zweiten Projektphase des Forschungsvorhabens wurde eine Untersuchung bezueglich der thermischen Behandelbarkeit von mechanisch und auch biologisch vorbehandeltem Muell durchgefuehrt. Die Ergebnisse der Messkampagnen bilden zusammen mit den Ergebnissen der ersten Projektphase, in der ausschliesslich mechanisch vorbehandeltes Material durchgesetzt wurde, eine umfassende Darstellung ueber Moeglichkeiten und veraenderte Anlagenverhalten bei der thermischen Behandlung von Teilfraktionen aus der biologisch-mechanisch Vorbehandlung. (orig.)

  12. Mechanical-biological waste treatment and anaerobic processes. 59. information meeting, Neuwied, October 1999; Mechanisch-biologische Restabfallbehandlung und Anaerobverfahren. 59. Informationsgespraech in Neuwied im Oktober 1999

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hangen, H.O.; Euler, H.; Leonhardt, H.W. [comps.


    This proceedings volume discusses the specifications for and cost of mechanical-biological waste treatment, the optimisation of economic efficiency and pollutant emissons, the combination of mechanical-biological and thermal waste treatment processes, the value of mechanical-biological waste treatment, waste management concepts, process engineering and practical experience, and the eco-balance of the process. [German] Themen dieses Proceedingsbandes sind: Anforderungen und Kosten der mechanisch-biologischen Abfallbehandlung; Optimierung der Wirtschaftlichkeit und Emissionssituation; Kombination von mechanisch-biologischer und thermischer Muellbehandlung; Bewertung der mechanisch-biologischen Abfallbehandlung, Abfallwirtschaftskonzepte, Verfahrenstechnik und Betriebserfahrungen; Oekobilanz. (SR)

  13. Ecotoxicological and human toxicological risk assessment of PAH-contaminated soils before and after biological treatment; Oekotoxikologische und humantoxikologische Risikobewertung PAK-belasteter Boeden vor und nach biologischer Behandlung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roos, P.H.; Hanstein, W.G. [Bochum Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Physiologische Chemie; Weissenfels, W.D. [RAG Umwelt Kommunal GmbH, Bottrop (Germany); Afferden, M. van [IMTA, Jiutepec, Mor. (Mexico); Pfeifer, F. [DMT-Gesellschaft fuer Forschung und Pruefung mbH, Essen (Germany)


    The goal of the present work is to assess the adverse effects of soil bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) which remain in soils after biological remediation. We focus on risk assessment for mammalian species with respect to the oral uptake of contaminated soil particles and compare the results of a biomarker test with those of an ecotoxicological assay, the bioluminescence inhibition test with Vibrio fischeri. As a biomarker effect in mammals, we determined the liver microsomal cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP1A1 which is induced by PAH in exposed rats. After biological soil treatment, different amounts of PAH remain in the soil depending on the soil properties and initial pollutant composition. Particularly, higher condensated PAH resists biological treatment due to its hydrophobicity. In addition, high amounts of organic carbon in the soils affect remediation efficiency. In the bioluminescence inhibition test, eluates of all biologically treated soils studied do not reveal any or only low inhibitory effects. In contrast, the oral uptake of biologically treated contaminated soils leads to induction levels for CYP1A1 similar to those in the untreated samples. A good correlation is obtained between CYP1A1 levels and the amount of 5 and 6-ring PAH in the soil samples. The main result is that the remediation efficiency determined by the luminescence test is not reflected by the biomarker test, a finding which indicates the high bioavailability of residual PAH in soils. Consequently, new criteria for human risk assessment can be delineated. (orig.) [German] Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, moegliche toxische Wirkungen PAK-belasteter Boeden vor und nach biologischer Sanierung zu erfassen. Hierbei liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Abschaetzung des Risikos fuer Saeugetiere nach oraler Aufnahme von Bodenpartikeln. Als Biomarker-Effekt fuer die PAK-Aufnahme haben wir in Ratten die Induktion des lebermikrosomalen P450-Enzyms CYP1A1 bestimmt, dessen Expression durch PAK moduliert

  14. Biological mechanisms of radiation effects; Biologische Mechanismen der Strahlenwirkung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gruber, S.; Doerr, W. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, ATRAB - Angewandte und Translationale Radiobiologie, Univ.-Klinik fuer Strahlentherapie, Wien (Austria)


    Tumorinduktion fuehren. Die Kenntnis der biologischen Mechanismen dieser Effekte ist essenziell fuer eine Individualisierung der Applikation. Biologische Mechanismen - auf geweblicher und molekularer Ebene - der klinischen Manifestation eines Strahleneffekts, Dosisabhaengigkeit des Risikos und des zeitlichen Verlaufs, Einflussfaktoren. Der zeitliche Verlauf der Reaktion von Geweben auf eine Strahlenexposition erstreckt sich ueber weite Bereiche bis hin zu vielen Jahrzehnten. Es werden fruehe und spaete gewebliche Strahleneffekte unterschieden, deren Pathobiologie sich wesentlich unterscheidet. Es sind vonseiten des Expositionsmusters verschiedene Einflussfaktoren (''R'') auf die klinische Manifestation von Strahleneffekten bekannt. Die Strahlentoleranz normaler Gewebestrukturen bzgl. der Induktion eines funktionellen Defizits variiert stark, hat aber immer einen Schwellenwert, welcher bei diagnostischen Massnahmen in der Regel nicht ueberschritten wird. Das Risiko einer letalen strahleninduzierten Tumorerkrankung (Ganzkoerperexposition 5 %/Gy) ist bei einer medizinischen Strahlenapplikation im Vergleich zum natuerlichen Risiko als sehr gering einzuschaetzen. Die Patientenaufklaerung muss dies in ausgewogener Weise widerspiegeln. (orig.)

  15. New results by adding additives to rapidly biodegradable lubricants; Neue Ergebnisse zum Thema: Additivierung von biologisch schnell abbaubaren Schmierstoffen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fessenbecker, A.; Rossrucker, T.; Korff, J.


    Fluids of two different chemical categories are currently established in the market as the basic oils for rapidly biodegradable lubricants: Polyglycols and organic esters, the latter representing the more significant volume. The wide range of substances in ester chemistry and the resulting variety in properties such as oxidative stability, hydrolytic stability, corrosion protection and wear protection properties necessitate a differentiated view of, for instance, the additives used. Standard lubricant tests are used to analyze these substances and properties. Classification in three different groups helps us come to clear terms with the wide variety of esters available. - Unsaturated native esters (rapeseed oil, sunflower seed oil, etc.); - unsaturated synthetic esters (TMP oleates, etc.); - saturated synthetic esters (dicarboxylic acid esters, etc.). The test result for the different additives, among them readily biodegradable ones, in typical representatives of the above ester classes are compared as the basis for evaluation of sometimes widely varying behaviour in each basic fluid. Attempts are made to analyze various interrelationships between additives and technical properties, e.g. influence of the choice of additives on the hydrolytic stability of esters. Acidic or highly alkaline additives catalyze the destruction of esters and should be avoided. Tests acc. to-ASTM-D 2619 (`Coca-Cola` Test) and ASTM-D 943 (`TOST-Test`) reveal ways to improve the hydrolytic properties with hydrolytic protoction additives. The oxidative behaviour of esters with varying degrees of saturation makes it necessary to optimize the antioxidants for a given system of basic oil. This is shown clearly on the basis of trial results with standardized lubricant oxidation tests. (orig.) [Deutsch] Als Basisoele fuer biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstoffe haben sich derzeit am Markt zwei chemisch unterschiedliche Kategorien von Fluessigkeiten etabliert: Polyglykole und organische Ester

  16. Mechanical-biological waste conditioning with controlled venting - the Meisenheim mechanical-biological waste conditioning plant; Mechanisch-biologische Restabfallbehandlung nach dem Kaminzugverfahren - MBRA Meisenheim

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hangen, H.O. [Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb Landkreis Bad Kreuznach, Bad Kreuznach (Germany)


    The decision of the rural district of Bad Kreuznach to propose creating facilities for mechanical-biological waste conditioning at the new northern Meisenheim landfill was consistent and correct. It will ensure that the material deposited at this new, state-of-the-art landfill is organically `lean` and can be deposited with a high density. Preliminary sifting of the material prior to depositing safeguards that no improper components are inadvertently included. Three years of operation warrant the statement that waste components that cannot be appropriately biologically conditioned should be eliminated prior to rotting. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Entscheidung des Landkreises Bad Kreuznach, der neu eingerichteten Norddeponie Meisenheim eine MBRA vorzuschlaten, war auf jeden Fall konsequent und richtig. Es ist damit sicher gestellt, dass in diesem neuen nach dem Stand der Technik eingerichteten Deponiebereich von Anfang an ein Material eingelagert wird, das `organisch abgemagert` ist und mit hoher Einbaudichte eingebaut werden kann. Die Sichtung des gesamten Deponie-Inputs in der Vorsortierhalle gibt ein Stueck Sicherheit, dass keine nicht zugelassenen Stoffe verdeckt dem Ablagerungsbereich der Deponie zugefuehrt werden. Nach mehr als 3 Jahren Betriebszeit kann festgestellt werden, dass biologisch nicht sinnvoll behandelbare Abfallbestandteile vor dem Rotteprozess abgetrennt werden sollten. (orig.)

  17. Climate change and the Lower Weser region. Final report; Klimaaenderung und Unterweserregion (KLIMU) 'Fallstudie Weseraestuar'. Teilprojekt: Oekologischer Komplex. T. B: Klimasensitivitaet der Unterweser und ihrer Vorlaender. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Osterkamp, S.; Schirmer, M.


    The climate sensitivity of the aquatic, amphibic and terrestrial compartments of the lower Weser region was analyzed. This region, located between Bremen and Bremerhaven in northern Germany, is part of a bigger natural reserve ('Unterwesermarsch'). Vegetation and land use were mapped at the biotype level, and forecasts of changes to be expected were attempted on the basis of a regionalised climate scenario. Climate-induced changes in the topology of the headlands and in the morphology of the lower Weser river could not be taken into account. [German] In der vorliegenden Arbeit (Teil B: 'Klimasensitivitaet der Unterweser und ihrer Vorlaender') des Teilprojektes Oekologischer Komplex wird die Klimasensitivitaet der aquatischen, amphibischen und terrestrischen Lebensraeume der Unterweserregion analysiert. (Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen der Klimasensitivitaet der Marschen sind im Abschlussbericht des Teilprojektes Oekologischer Komplex, Teil A, Kraft and Schirmer 2000 beschrieben). Das Untersuchungsgebiet, im Norden Deutschlands zwischen Bremen und Bremerhaven gelegen, stellt den inneren Teil des Naturraumes Unterwesermarsch dar. Die Vegetation und die Nutzung des Gebietes wurde flaechendeckend auf der Ebene von Biotoptypenkartierungen erfasst. Prognosen der Flaechenbilanzen und der kuenftigen Veraenderung der Biotoptypen und der Fauna des Vorlandes und der Unterweser wurden auf der Grundlage eines regionalisierten Klimaszenarios vorgenommen. Klimabedingte Veraenderungen der Topografie der Vorlandbereiche und der Morphologie der Unterweser konnten innerhalb der vorliegenden Studie nicht beruecksichtigt werden. (orig.)

  18. Dispersion behaviour of rape oil methyl ester and rape-oil-based hydraulic oils in soils and on soil surfaces with due consideration to the technical performance capabilities of the hydraulic oils. Part-project 1: studies on model ecosystems. Part-project 2: provision of oils with defined degrees of ageing. Final report; Ausbreitungsverhalten von Rapsoelmethylester und Hydraulikoelen auf Rapsoelbasis im Boden und auf Bodenoberflaechen unter Beruecksichtigung der technischen Leistungsfaehigkeit der Hydraulikoele. Teilvorhaben 1: Untersuchungen an Modelloekosystemen. Teilvorhaben 2: Bereitstellung definiert gealterter Hydraulikoele. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paul, W.; Schuett, C.; Roemer, A.; Foelster, N.; Lemke, M.


    The purpose of the present cooperative research project is to study the toxicity, the degradation and in particular the dispersion behaviour of biologically rapidly degradable hydraulic oils and rape oil methyl esters (RME) in soils and waters with a special focus on hydraulic oils. This is to serve as a basis for developing guidelines for action in the event of accidents involving biologically rapidly degradable hydraulic fluids that ensure proper accident reporting and handling. The outcome of the cooperative research project is to permit a first risk assessment for the soil and water compartments in the event of accidents involving hydraulic oils and RME. Another task is to clarify to what extent it is permissible to deviate from the usual measures prescribed for oil accidents involving crude oil when biologically rapidly degradable hydraulic oils or RME are involved instead. [German] Ziel des Verbundvorhabens ist es, die Toxizitaet, den Abbau und insbesondere das Ausbreitungsverhalten von biologisch schnell abbaubaren Hydraulikoelen und Rapsoelmethylester (RME) in Boden und Wasser zu untersuchen, wobei der Schwerpunkt der Arbeiten bei den Hydraulikoelen liegt. Damit sollen Verfahrensrichtlinien angegeben werden, die im Falle von Unfaellen mit biologisch schnell abbaubaren Hydraulikfluessigkeiten oder Biodiesel eine angemessene Unfallaufnahme und -abwicklung sicherstellen. Als Ergebnis des Verbundvorhabens soll eine erste Risikoabschaetzung fuer die Kompartimente Boden und Wasser bei Unfaellen mit Hydraulikoelen und RME moeglich sein. Darueber hinaus soll geklaert werden, inwieweit Abweichungen von den ueblichen Massnahmen bei Oelunfaellen mit Mineraloelprodukten im Vergleich zu biologisch schnell abbaubaren Hydraulikoelen oder RME moeglich sind. (orig.)

  19. Biological test methods for the ecotoxicological characterization of wastes. Final report; Biologische Testerverfahren zur oekotoxikologischen Charakterisierung von Abfaellen. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Becker, Roland [Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung, Berlin (Germany); Donnevert, Gerhild [Fachhochschule Giessen-Friedberg (Germany). FB MNI; Roembke, Joerg [ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH, Floersheim am Main (Germany)


    The ecotoxicological characterization of waste is part of their assessment as hazardous or non-hazardous according to the European Waste List. Despite its transfer into national law in the waste list ordnance 2001 no methodological recommendations have been provided to cover the hazard criterion (H14 ''ecotoxicity'') which was taken over from the legislation on dangerous substances. Based on the recommendations of CEN guideline 14735 (2005), an international ring test was organised by BAM, FH Giessen-Friedberg and ECT GmbH. In total, 67 laboratories from 15 countries participated in the ring test. It was performed with three representative waste types: an ash from an incineration plant mainly contaminated with heavy metals, a soil containing high concentrations of organic contaminants (PAHs) and a preserved wood waste contaminated with copper and other heavy metals. Samples were prepared by BAM (e.g. inter alia dried, sieved and homogenised) and distributed. Parallel to the biological testing the eluates and solid samples were chemically characterized. The basic test battery used in the ring test consisted of three aquatic (Algae test, Daphnia acute test and Microtox test) and three terrestrial (earthworm acute and plant test with two species (oat, rape)) tests. In addition, data were submitted for ten additional tests (five aquatic (including a genotoxicity test) and five terrestrial ones). Almost all tests were performed according to ISO guidelines, providing EC50 values as measurement of toxicity. Data evaluation was done following recent recommendations made by ISO (2002) and Environment Canada (2005). Besides a high number of reference test data, 634 data sets were produced in the basic test battery and 204 data sets in the additional tests. Only few data sets were not acceptable (e.g. due to lack of reference data) and even less results were identified as statistical or biological outliers. For example, in the case of the basic test battery the acceptance rate varied between 74.1% (Algae test) and 92.6% (Daphnia test). Methodologically, no problems occurred but further guidance on moisture determination in the terrestrial tests as well as details concerning reference testing and data evaluation for several tests are needed. Independently which test system is considered, SOI always caused the lowest effects and WOO was most toxic, while the EC50 values of INC show an intermediate toxicity. Among the aquatic tests, daphnids and one algal species were the most sensitive ones, while plants were always more sensitive than earthworms in the solid waste samples. Based on the test results from additional tests proposals for the modification of the existing basic test battery could be made. For example, the earthworm acute test could be replaced by another soil invertebrate test with higher sensitivity. Further work performed in parallel to the ring test improves waste testing considerably (e.g. the use of artificial soil as control substrate). A comparison of the ring test results with literature data published so far revealed a good agreement. The results of this ring test support confirm that a combination of a battery of biological tests and chemical residue analysis is needed for an ecotoxicological characterization of wastes. With small modifications proposed in this report the basic test battery is considered to be well suitable for the hazard and risk assessment of wastes. Further, probably multi-variate evaluation of the ring test results will improve the identification of those tests most qualified for the ecotoxicological characterization of wastes. Finally, the experiences made in the ring test support also the proposals made in CEN guideline 14735 (2005) concerning the performance of such tests. (orig.)

  20. Genotypische diversiteit en rhizosfeerkolonisatie van DAPG-producerende Pseudomonas spp.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bergsma-Vlami, M.


    Het antibioticum 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) speelt een belangrijke rol in biologische bestrijding van verschillende plantenpathogenen door fluorescerende Pseudomonas-soorten. DAPG-producerende Pseudomonas-stammen zijn effectief in biologische bestrijding, maar hun saprofytisch vermogen is

  1. An autonomous robot for weed control : design, navigation and control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bakker, T.


    In de biologische landbouw worden geen chemische middelen toegepast voor onkruidbestrijding. Een van de grootste knelpunten in de biologische open teelt (bv suikerbieten, uien) is het onkruidprobleem. Voor de onkruidbestrijding tussen de rijen zijn mechanische methodes voor onkruidbestrijding

  2. Biologie en criminologie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    Ruim zes jaar na het themanummer 'Biologische factoren van agressief gedrag' (2000) is er nu opnieuw een speciale aflevering over de verhouding tussen biologie en criminologie. Een belangrijke aanleiding zijn de vele onderzoeken naar biologische factoren van psychopathie, agressie, antisociaal

  3. Meerjarige wortelonkruiden : onderzoeksplan

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Houwers, G.; Kammer, H.; Westerdijk, K.; Bleeker, P.O.


    Er zijn op akkerbouwbedrijven, vooral op biologisch, problemen met de bestrijding van meerjarige wortelonkruiden. Het probleem wordt ook steeds groter. Door middel van biologische grond ontsmetting (BGO) wordt het aantal meerjarige wortelonkruiden verminderd, maar hoeveel en hoe sterk dat is, is

  4. Biobrood van eigen bodem: een ketenproject

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Postma, R.; Bakker, den A.; Derksen, V.; Kruiger, K.; Maassen, J.; Osman, A.M.; Schepers, H.E.


    In 2007 is het ketenproject “Biobrood van eigen bodem” uitgevoerd in het kader van het coinnovatieprogramma biologische afzetketens. Het betrof een samenwerkingsproject van een aantal ketenpartijen uit de biologische broodketen en een aantal kennisinstellingen. Het doel van het project was gericht

  5. Effect Bacillus thuringiensis gekwantificeerd

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elderson, J.; Belder, den E.


    PRI onderzocht in veldproeven de effecten van het biologische middel Dipel WP voor de bestrijding van rupsen (koolmot e.a.) in de biologische spruitkoolteelt. Na behandeling loopt het aantal koolmotten fors terug; de opbrengst van de behandelde en onbehandelde velden was gelijk, maar de kwaliteit

  6. Biodiversiteit in theorie en praktijk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hengeveld, R.


    Biodiversiteit is een recent en nog slecht gedefinieerd begrip. Doorgaans wordt het op tweeërlij wijze opgevat en gemeten. De eerste betreft het loutere aantal soorten in een gebied, ongeacht hun identiteit of biologische eigenschappen. De tweede wijze betreft juist de biologische variatie in

  7. Warm water voor alle plantuien (Interview)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schepers, H.T.A.M.


    De innovatieve kracht van de biologische sector wordt ook wel omschreven met het begrip kraamkamer. Wat dit zoal inhoudt wordt zichtbaar gemaakt in deze publicatie. Waardevolle innovaties in de biologische landbouw worden geïllustreerd aan de hand van uitkomsten, ervaringen en interviews. Gangbare

  8. Hoornloos fokken : praktische aspecten bij het opbouwen van een hoornloze veestapel

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smolders, G.


    De biologische melkveehouderij streeft naar een hoog dierenwelzijn en wil de integriteit van de dieren zo min mogelijk aantasten. Maar omdat veel stallen nog niet zijn aangepast aan het houden van dieren met hoorns, moeten de meeste biologische boeren toch onthoornen. Het fokken van hoornloze dieren

  9. Onkruidonderdrukking door zwarte grond

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bleeker, P.O.


    Onkruid beperken in vooral fijnzadige gewassen als zaaiuien en peen is nog steeds één van de dingen die veel arbeid vragen op de biologische akker- en tuinbouwbedrijven. Naar aanleiding van een idee van Anton van Vilsteren (biologische teler) is in samenwerking met van Hienen Mechanisatie, PPO

  10. Development of an aerobic/anaerobic process for in-situ-rehabilitation of a mostly with mineral oil contaminated location. Final report; Entwicklung eines aeroben/anaeroben Verfahrens zur `In situ-Sanierung` eines vorwiegend mineraloelkontaminierten Altlaststandortes. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Auerbach, C; Winsel, E; Wartenberg, G


    - A location contaminated with mineral oil was tested for the possibility of a bioremediation; - the microbiological tests showed, that there is both an aerobiotic and an optional anaerobic autochthonous pollutants degrading microflora but only the activation of the aerobiotic germs was possible by both suitable nutrients and test conditions; - in degrading tests with a high concentration of pollutants a degradation was possible by addition of different nutrients. Within a week a degradation of about 70% was shown. In areas of lower concentration the possible degradation was smaller. - An in-situ-rehabilitation by a hydraulic supply of the soil microorganisms was not possible because of the anisotropic conditions at the location in a depth of 5-10 m; - an in-situ-rehabilitation with both soil air aspiration and aeration, for the supply of the soil microorganisms too, is even possible at anisotropic soil conditions; - now there is knowledge about both a variable filtration and tubing for an optimal adaptation for the bioremediation to the damage; - apparatus were developped for in-situ-rehabilitation for small and medium locations, useable for biological processes too; - there is a wide utilization of the aeration apparatus is because of the careful environmental use. (orig.) [Deutsch] - Ein Mineraloel-kontaminierter Altlaststandort wurde im Hinblick auf eine moegliche biologische Sanierung untersucht. - Die mikrobiologischen Untersuchungen ergaben, dass eine aerobe und fakultativ anaerobe autochthone schadstoffabbauende Mikroflora vorhanden ist, aber nur der aeroben Keime durch geeignete Naehrstoffe und Versuchsbedingungen aktivierbar waren. - In Abbauuntersuchungen durch Zusatz unterschiedlicher Naehrsalze konnte bei hoher Schadstoffkonzentration schon nach 1 Woche ein Abbau > 70% erreicht werden. In niederen Konzentrationsbereichen war die Schadstoffabbaupotenz wesentlich geringer. - Die anisotropen Verhaeltnisse am Standort in 5-10m Tiefe liessen eine In

  11. Zum Wissenschaftsverständnis der modernen Evolutionsbiologie (United States)

    Sommer, Ralf J.

    Die moderne Evolutionsbiologie hat ihren Ursprung in den Arbeiten von Charles Darwin und Alfred Wallace (Darwin 1963). Der gemeinsame Ausgangspunkt des Evolutionsgedanken ist dabei die Beobachtung, dass die biologische Welt nicht konstant ist. Biologische Systeme und alle darin lebenden Organismen unterliegen über längere Zeiträume hinweg einer stetigen Veränderung. Diese grundlegende Eigenschaft biologischer Systeme macht die Biologie zu einer historischen Wissenschaft und stellt einen wichtigen Gegensatz zu großen Teilen der Physik dar. Obwohl die Aussage von der Veränderlichkeit der Arten heute trivial klingt, war sie im 19. Jahrhundert eine Revolution, da die Konstanz der Arten und der Welt eine vorherrschende Stellung im damaligen Weltbild hatte (Amundson 2005).

  12. Potential evaluation of hydrogen peroxide for in-situ bioremediation of contaminated subsoils (chances, limitations, consequences). Final report; Untersuchung des Anwendungspotentials von Wasserstoffperoxid bei der biotechnologischen in-situ-Sanierung von kontaminierten Boeden (Moeglichkeiten, Grenzen, Folgen). Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barenschee, E R; Weppen, P; Mueller, B G; Deckwer, W D; Muennich, K; Collins, H J


    erhoehen, wurden gefunden. Das Ausbreitungsverhalten von H{sub 2}O{sub 2} im Boden wird wesentlich durch biologische und chemisch/physikalische Parameter beeinflusst. Schwermetallmobilisierungen beim Uebergang vom reduzierten in den oxidierten Zustand wurden in geringem Umfang beobachtet. (orig.) With 28 refs., 11 tabs., 34 figs.

  13. Safe disposal of nuclear submarines of the Russian Federation. Final report on the German-Russian project. Reporting period: October 2003 - December 2016; Sichere Entsorgung von Atom-U-Booten der Russischen Foederation. Abschlussbericht ueber das Deutsch-Russische Projekt. Berichtszeitraum: Oktober 2003 - Dezember 2016

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    As part of the ''Global Partnership Against the Proliferation of Weapons and Materials for Mass Destruction'' agreed by the G8 countries in June 2002, the Federal Republic of Germany has taken on the project ''Safe Disposal of Nuclear Submarines of the Russian Federation''. Following the conclusion of an intergovernmental agreement, project work began at the end of 2003 under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Economics. At the end of 2016, this project of German-Russian cooperation could now be completed successfully, within the set financial and time frame. The final report documents the project goals, project organization as well as the task, work results and financial expenses of several sub-projects and summarizes the results of the overall project. [German] Im Rahmen der von den G8-Staaten im Juni 2002 vereinbarten ''Globalen Partnerschaft gegen die Verbreitung von Massenvernichtungswaffen und -materialien'' hat die Bundesrepublik Deutschland das Projekt ''Sichere Entsorgung von Atom-U-Booten der Russischen Foederation'' uebernommen. Nach Abschluss eines Regierungsabkommens begannen Ende 2003 unter der Federfuehrung des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums die Projektarbeiten. Ende 2016 konnte dieses Projekt deutsch-russischer Kooperation nun vollumfaenglich, innerhalb des gesetzten Finanz- und Zeitrahmens erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden. Der Abschlussbericht dokumentiert die Projektziele, Projektorganisation sowie Aufgabenstellung, Arbeitsergebnisse und finanziellen Aufwendungen mehrerer Teilprojekte und fasst die Ergebnisse des Gesamtprojekts zusammen.

  14. Engine 3E. NO{sub x} reduction by means of homogenisation of mixtures inside combustion chambers. Final report; Engine 3E. NO{sub x}-Reduktion durch Homogenisierung des Gemisches in Brennkammern. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zarzalis, N.; Homann; Schubert


    This is the final report of the Technology Project 'NO{sub x} reduction by means of homogenisation of mixtures inside combustion chambers', which is part of the Engine 3E 2010 programme of the BMBF, which was to promote research in aircraft engineering. In this project, technologies were developed to achieve a 60% reduction of NO{sub x} emissions as compared to ICAO '95 in an annular combustion chamber in realistic operating conditions where the emissions of substances oher than NO{sub x} were to be of the same level as the emissions of modern jet drives. Further, the design of the new combustion chamber was to be conventional in order to retain the possibility of converting existing propulsion systems to the new technology. [German] Diese Notiz enthaelt den Abschlussbericht des Technologievorhabens 'NO{sub x}-Reduktion durch Homogenisierung des Gemisches in Brennkammern'. Das Vorhaben ist Teil des Luftfahrtfoerderprogramms Engine 3E 2010 der Bundesregierung und wird vom Bundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (BMBF) unter dem Foerderkennzeichen 20T9540 gefoerdert. Das Programm wurde am 01. Juli 1995 begonnen und endete am 30. Juni 1999. Entsprechend dem Foerderantrag wurden in dem Vorhaben Einzeltechnologien erarbeitet, die erforderlich sind, um eine 60% Reduktion der NO{sub x}-Emissionen gegenueber ICAO '95 in einer Ringbrennkammer unter realistischen Betriebsbedingungen zu demonstrieren, wobei die restlichen Emissionen das Emissionsniveau moderner Triebwerke nicht ueberschreiten sollten. Darueber hinaus sollte das aeussere Design der zu entwickelnden Brennkammer sind von konventionellen Brennkammern nicht unterscheiden, um die Moeglichkeit der Umruestung von alten Triebwerken mit der Brennkammern der neuen Technologie offen zu halten. (orig.)

  15. Blades and disks in gas turbines. Material and component behaviour. Project department D. Final report; Schaufeln und Scheiben in Gasturbinen. Werkstoff- und Bauteilverhalten. Projektbereich D. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Special Research Department No. 339, ``Disks and Blades in Gas Turbines - Material and Component Characteristics`` received financial support from 1988 through 1996. This final report discusses activities of the years 1994, 1995, and 1996. Project group D, ``Production and Quality Assurance``, investigated rotors and blades. Grinding techniques were developed and optimized for nickel base materials, and the effects of grinding on the marginal zones was investigated, including an analysis of intrinsic stresses induced by machining. In the field of ceramics, separation and production of reinforced ceramics was investigated, and techniques for vacuum soldering of ceramic/ceramic and ceramic/metal compounds for high-temperature applications were developed. In the framework of a part-project carried out at HMI, neutron diffraction was used for nondestructive analysis of volume intrinsic stresses near the joint both on model geometries and on the joint between metal shaft and ceramic rotor. The development and application of computerized tomography for testing of ceramic rotors and joints was an important contribution to quality assurance. (orig./MM) [Deutsch] Der Sonderforschungsbereich 339 `Schaufeln und Scheiben in Gasturbinen - Werkstoff- und Bauteilverhalten` wurde von 1988 bis Ende 1996 gefoerdert. Der vorliegende Abschlussbericht behandelt vor allem die Arbeiten der Jahre 1994, 1995 und 1996. Am Bauteil Rotor und Schaufel orientierten sich die Arbeiten des Projektbereichs D `Fertigung und Qualitaetssicherung`. Zum einen wurden hier Schleifverfahren fuer Nickelbasis-Werkstoffe entwickelt und optimiert und der Einfluss der Schleifbearbeitung auf die Randzoneneigenschaften studiert. Zur Randzonencharakterisierung gehoerte insbesondere auch die Analyse bearbeitungsinduzierter Eigenspannungen. Auf der Seite der Keramiken wurde zum einen die trennende Fertigung verstaerkter Keramiken untersucht. Zum anderen wurden Techniken fuer das Hochvakuumloeten von Keramik

  16. Aptamers as a tool to detect estrogens


    Vanschoenbeek, Katrijn


    Biosensoren vormen een verlengde van de menselijke kijk op de wereld. Mensen zijn uiterst gevoelig voor de fysische omgeving en zijn in staat veranderingen in bijvoorbeeld licht, temperatuur en vochtigheid waar te nemen. De gevoeligheid van mensen voor de chemische en biologische omgeving is daarentegen veel beperkter. Levenskwaliteit is echter sterk afhankelijk van geschikte chemische of biologische composities. Afwijkingen in het menselijke lichaam (bv. betreffende metabolieten, metaalionen...

  17. Biodegradable plastics in composting. Results of a practical experiment in the Bad Duerkheim district; Einsatz von biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoffen in der Kompostwirtschaft. Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen aus dem Praxisversuch im Landkreis Bad Duerkheim

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pabst, Klaus [Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb Landkreis Bad Duerkheim, Bad Duerkheim (Germany)


    For collecting biomass waste, about 65,000 households in the Bad Duerkheim district were given ten bags each of the compostable BASF plastic material Ecovio {sup registered} FS. The biomass waste collected in the Ecovio {sup registered} bags were composted in a composting plant. After the compost process, no residues of the Ecovio {sup registered} bags were found in the rotting, i.e. they are completely degradable. Neither the compost quality nor the working processes in the composting plant were affected, and there was no bigger volume of sorting residues. 90% of the users stated that they were satisfied with the new biomass waste bags. (orig.) [German] Fuer die Entsorgung des Bioabfalls erhielten rund 65.000 Haushalte aus dem Landkreis Bad Duerkheim je zehn Biomuelltuten aus dem kompostierbaren BASF-Kunststoff Ecovio {sup registered} FS. Die in diesen Ecovio {sup registered} -Tueten gesammelten Bioabfaelle wurden im Biokompostwerk zu Kompost verarbeitet. Nach dem Kompostierungsprozess konnten keine Reste der Ecovio {sup registered} -Folien mehr in der Rotte gefunden werden, und sie wurden vollstaendig biologisch abgebaut. Durch den Einsatz dieser Tueten wurden weder die Kompostqualitaet noch die Arbeitsablaeufe im Biokompostwerk beeintraechtigt. Eine Erhoehung der Sortierreste war nicht festzustellen. Im Rahmen einer Kundenbefragung aeusserten sich rund 90% zufrieden mit dem Einsatz dieser Biomuelltueten. (orig.)

  18. Blades and discs in gas turbines. Behaviour of material and components. Project department A-C. Final report; Schaufeln und Scheiben in Gasturbinen. Werkstoff- und Bauteilverhalten. Projektbereiche A bis C. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The special research area 339 `Blades and discs in gas turbines, behaviour of material and components` was carried on from 1988 to the end of 1196. This final report deals with the work in the years 1994, 1995 and 1996. In the project area A `Development of material` manufacturing processes both for metallic and ceramic high temperature materials were developed, tested and optimised. In the area of optimising casting structure, it was shown that the making grains finer up to the medium temperature range can be a suitable means for significantly raising the resistance to LCF loading with nearly unchanged heat and creep strength properties. Another main point was the characterisation and optimisation of sprayed ceramic layers on metallic substrates (heat insulating layers) and compound ceramic materials. In project area B `Material behaviour` the mechanisms were studied, which, particularly in metallic high temperature materials such as nickel-based superalloys, lead to failure of the material under thermo-mechanical stresses. In project area C `Component design`, on the one hand models for estimating service life for metallic high temperature materials under different thermo-mechanical stresses were developed. [Deutsch] Der Sonderforschungsbereich 339, `Schaufeln und Scheiben in Gasturbinen - Werkstoff- und Bauteilverhalten` wurde von 1988 bis Ende 1996 gefoerdert. Dieser Abschlussbericht behandelt die Arbeiten der Jahre 1994, 1995 und 1996. Im Projektbereich A `Werkstoffentwicklung` wurden Herstellungsverfahren sowohl fuer metallische als auch fuer keramische Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe entwickelt, erprobt und optimiert. Auf dem Gebiet der Gussgefuegeoptimierung konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Kornfeinung bis in den mittleren Temperaturbereich ein geeignetes Mittel sein kann, um den Widerstand gegen LCF-Belastung bei annaehernd unveraenderten Warm- und Kriechfestigkeitseigenschaften signifikant zu erhoehen. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bildete die Charakterisierung und

  19. Selection and examination of types of waste relevant to underground disposal. Final report; Auswahl und Untersuchung UTD-relevanter Abfallarten. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reichelt, C. [GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit Neuherberg GmbH, Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Tieflagerung; Brasser, T. [GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit Neuherberg GmbH, Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Tieflagerung; Bahadir, M. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Oekologische Chemie und Abfallanalytik; Fischer, R. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Oekologische Chemie und Abfallanalytik; Lorenz, W. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Oekologische Chemie und Abfallanalytik; Petersen, C. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Oekologische Chemie und Abfallanalytik


    Kenntnisse ueber den Abfall selbst, die geologisch-hydrogeologischen Verhaeltnisse des Deponieraumes und seiner Umgebung sowie der zukuenftigen Entwicklung des gesamten Deponiesystems. Die Langzeitsicherheit jeder Untertagedeponie (sinngemaess auch jeder sonstigen untertaegigen Verbringung von Stoffen) ist dabei in erster Linie davon abhaengig, ob auf das Wirtsgestein und dei darin abgelagerten Abfaelle Wasser oder waessrige Loesungen einwirken koennen, in welchem Umfang dadurch Umloeseprozesse und/oder eine Schadstoffmobilisierung resultieren koennen und letztlich, ob Beeintraechtigungen der Barrieren sowie eine Ausbreitung von Schadstoffen in der naeheren und weiteren Umgebung einer Untertagedeponie moeglich sind. Hierzu muessen insbesondere die Abfaelle selbst sowie deren Reaktionsvermoegen mit fluiden Komponenten in geologischen Systemen bekannt sein und erforderlichenfalls untersucht und bewertet werden. Der vorliegende Abschlussbericht ist in diesem Zusammenhang als Beitrag zur Schaffung der notwendigen Datenbasis fuer UTD-relevante Abfallarten ausgerichtet. Damit konnten wichtige Aussagen zum Abfallaufkommen selbst und den zu beruecksichtigenden Abfallinhaltsstoffen ermittelt, wie auch eine Abschaetzung deren Gefaehrdungspotentials vorgenommen werden und als Grundlage fuer weiterfuehrende Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten dienen. (orig./SR)

  20. Ecological aspects to the use of pretreated waste in thermal plants; Oekologische Aspekte beim Einsatz aufbereiteter Abfaelle in thermischen Anlagen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Friedel, M.; Urban, A.I. [Kassel Univ. (Gesamthochschule) (Germany). Fachgebiet Abfalltechnik


    The present contribution focuses on the input side of individual process techniques. It shows on the basis of example calculations how two parameters describing the incinerable (residual) waste that are of particular importance for unconventional thermal treatment methods, namely ``pollutant load`` and ``calorific value``, can be influenced by a recycling stage and then further by mechanical-biological pretreatment. [Deutsch] Im folgenden soll das Hauptaugenmerk auf die Inputseite zu den einzelnen thermischen Verfahren gelegt werden und anhand einer Beispielrechnung aufgezeigt werden, wie sich die fuer einen Einsatz in nichtkonventionellen thermischen Verfahren besonders wichtigen Parameter des aufbereiteten (Rest)Abfalls `Schadstoffbelastung` und `Heizwert` zunaechst durch eine Verwertung und weiter durch eine mechanisch-biologische Vorbehandlung veraendern. (orig./SR)

  1. Cleaning of process and excess water from organic waste fermentation with a combination of biological treatment stage and microfiltration; Reinigung von Prozess- und Ueberschusswaessern aus der Bioabfallvergaerung durch Kombination aus biologischer Stufe und Mikrofiltration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buer, T.; Schumacher, J. [Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany). Lehrstuhl und Inst. fuer Siedlungswasserwirtschaft


    Within the framework of an R and D project sponsored by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, cleaning of process and excess water from organic waste fermentation plants was studied at the Institute for Siedlungswasserwirtschaft of Aachen Technical University RWTH. The focus in studying these waste waters was on the adaptation and optimization of the ZenoGem {sup trademark} process - a biological cleaning technique with an integrated microfiltration membrane. The use of this technology had the following objectives: to safeguard compliance with the limiting values for direct or indirect discharge of excess water and to reduce the heavy metal freight of circulating process water reentering the fermentation process for mashing raw organic waste. Thus the pollutant content of the fermentation residue was to be cut down. (orig.) [German] Im Rahmen eines von der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt gefoerderten Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhabens wurde am Institut fuer Siedlungswasserwirtschaft der RWTH Aachen die Prozess- und Ueberschusswasserreinigung von Bioabfallvergaerungsanlagen untersucht. Dabei stellte die Adaption und Optimierung des ZenoGem {sup trademark} -Verfahrens - ein biologisches Reinigungsverfahren mit integrierter Mikrofiltrationsmembran - fuer diese Abwaesser den Untersuchungsschwerpunkt dar. Ziel war es, mit dieser Technologie zum einen die Grenzwerte fuer eine direkte oder indirekte Einleitung des Ueberschusswassers zu gewaehrleisten und zum anderen die zirkulierenden Prozesswaesser, die in den Vergaerungsprozess zum Anmaischen der Roh-Bioabfaelle zurueckgefuehrt werden, an Schwermetallen zu entfrachten. Hierdurch sollte eine Schadstoffreduktion im Gaerreststoff erzielt werden. (orig.)

  2. Biologische Internationale Handel

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bakker, J.H.; Bunte, F.H.J.


    Organic products are considered to have a major impact worldwide on sustainable development due to their contribution to a better environment and the improvement of animal welfare. On behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, the market for organic products is being

  3. Development of a method for direct biological removal of ammonium to nitrogen in treatment of waste waters of the anaerobic sludge digestion - deammonification. Final report; Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur direkten biologischen Umsetzung von Ammonium zu Stickstoff bei der Behandlung von Abwaessern der Anaerob-Klaerschlammfaulung - Deammonifikation. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosenwinkel, K.H.; Seyfried, C.F.; Kunst, S.; Diekmann, H.; Hippen, A.; Helmer, C.; Scholten, E.


    The nitrogen elimination in municipal and industrial wastewater continues to play a major role in wastewater treatment, especially since the Wastewater Directive (AbwV) from 1997 introduced several changes in the requirements and regulations in regard to the pollutant and nutrient removal. As particularly the nitrogen elimination often makes for a considerable cost factor in wastewater treatment, especially when part-streams with high nitrogen loads must be (co-)treated, there is a constant search for economically viable treatment concepts. In this research project, the method of deammonification was developed, that is the process sequence of aerobic nitritation and anoxic ammonium oxidation ('biological comproportioning' of ammonium and nitrite into molecular nitrogen), which is based completely on the metabolism processes of autotrophic micro-organisms, which leads to saving potentials, especially of the carbon demand. Because of the shortened aerobic oxidation steps and the application of biofilm technology, it is also possible to reduce the oxygen demand and the reaction volume. In regard to the purposeful application of deammonification in operation technology, the project steps were targeted to determine the process-defining parameters and to check suitable method technologies and operation control systems in greater detail. To achieve this, the crucial frame conditions for the realisation and the operation performance of the autotrophic nitrogen elimination were defined on the basis of industrial and pilot-technical examinations under consideration of the (micro-)biological connections. Eventually, directives on the establishment of a stable deammonification operation could be derived. On the one hand, we ran a stock-taking of the operation of three industrial leachate treatment plants, on the other hand we operated test-plants on sludge-water treatment. Furthermore, various examinations with different reactor configurations and purposeful

  4. Integrated production - Product zonder markt?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zadoks, J.C.


    Het vermarkten van zowel ecologisch als economisch duurzame landbouwproducten (vollegrondsgroenten die geïntegreerd of biologisch zijn geproduceerd) was de rode draad op een internationale workshop in Amsterdam

  5. Toepassing natuurlijke geotextielen in beekdalen onderzocht

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gosselink, R.; Dam, van J.; Klompenburg, van J.


    Biologisch afbreekbare (natuurlijke) geotextielen gemaakt uit plantaardige vezelgrondstoffen zijn interessant voor het tegengaan van erosie bij de inrichting van natuurvriendelijke oevers en bieden voordelen boven synthetische geotextielen (vegetatieontwikkeling, verwijderingskosten, milieu). Het

  6. Sierteelt op zand

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janmaat, L.


    Informatiepagina van Wageningen UR en het Louis Bolk Instituut. over het onderzoek aan een biologisch bedrijfssysteem met bloembollen, vaste planten, zomerbloemen en sierheesters in de Bollenstreek, met extra aandacht voor de bodemkwaliteit

  7. Energiebehoefte bio-leghennen wijkt af van gangbare hen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Knegsel, van A.T.M.; Krimpen, van M.M.


    De gedachte is dat de energie- en eiwitbehoeften van biologisch gehouden pluimvee verschilt van die van gangbaar gehouden kippen. Om meer zicht te krijgen op dit verschil in behoeften, is een literatuuronderzoek uitgevoerd

  8. Biologischer Anbau von Strauchbeeren


    Schmid, Andi


    Das Merkblatt enthält auf Österreich angepasste, praxisnahe Informationen zur Produktion von hochwertigen Strauchbeeren wie Himbeeren, Brombeeren, Johannisbeeren, Stachelbeeren und Heidelbeeren. Weiterhin: übersichtliche Hinweise zur Planung, Standortwahl, Sortenauswahl, Bodenvorbereitung und Pflanzung, Bewässerung, Nährstoffversorgung, Witterungsschutz, Beikrautregulierung, Ernte und Lagerung. (Diese Publikation enthält spezifische Informationen für Österreich)

  9. De inzet van kruiden om agressie bij mannelijke ongecastreerde varkens te verminderen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Asseldonk, van A.G.M.


    Vanuit het project antibioticavermindering in de biologische varkenshouderij is aan het Institute for Ethnobotany and Zoopharmacognosy (IEZ) de vraag gesteld of kruiden kunnen helpen om de agressie bij ongecastreerde mannelijke varkens (beren) te verminderen.

  10. Modifications of collagen and chromatin in ECM-related disease : Uncovering therapeutic targets for fibrosis and cancer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gjaltema, Rutger Almer Friso


    De extracellulaire matrix (ECM) is essentieel voor vele biologische functies en wordt strikt gereguleerd vanaf transcriptie tot post-translationeel niveau. Wanneer deze balans verstoord wordt kunnen er verscheidene ECM-gerelateerde ziekten ontstaan. Fibroproliferatieve aandoeningen, zoals

  11. Exploiting Catalytic Promiscuity for Biocatalysis : Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation by a Proline-Based Tautomerase

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miao, Yufeng


    Een belangrijk thema bij het ontwikkelen van nieuwe biokatalysatoren is katalytische promiscuïteit, waarbij een enzym alternatieve reacties katalyseert naast de reactie die biologisch relevant is. Promiscue enzymactiviteiten zijn een veelbelovende bron van synthetisch bruikbare katalytische

  12. Levend of dood, dat is de vraag!

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lee, van der T.A.J.; Leeuwen, van G.; Haan, de E.; Helder, J.; Koenraadt, H.; Bonants, P.J.M.


    In de literatuur zijn voor de detectie van plantenpathogenen diverse methodieken beschreven. De biologische methodieken detecteren alleen levende organismen. Morfologische, serologische en moleculaire technieken maken mmestal geen onderscheid tussen dood en levend of infectieus en niet infectieus.

  13. Geïntegreerde gewasbescherming is meer dan efficiënter gebruik van chemische middelen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vereijken, P.H.


    Om de langdurige schadelijke gevolgen voor het milieu een halt toe te roepen is integratie van economische en ecologische doelen vereist. Dit betekent dat biologische en fysische methoden van gewasbescherming de voorkeur verdienen boven de chemische bestrijding

  14. Medische begeleiding produktiepersoneel uit oogpunt van produktbescherming

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boot R; Bremer VHP; Hannik CA; Middelkoop-Selman YB; van Steenis G


    Dit rapport bevat globale richtlijnen betreffende gezondheidsaspecten van personeel, binnen het RIVM betrokken bij de bereiding van biologische prudkten voor humane toepassing, gericht op bescherming van deze produkten. In het rapport : a) wordt het betreffende produktiepersoneel (PP) nader

  15. Grote rol voor agrarische natuur

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Visser, A.J.


    In het kader van het BIOM-project (Biologische landbouw, Innovatie en Omschakeling) is varkenshouder Van der Groes in Haps (Noord-Brabant) omgeschakeld, en een schoolvoorbeeld geworden van multifunctionele landbouw, met fokzeugen, mestvarkens, melkgeiten, minicamping en boerderijwinkel. Op alle

  16. Exploring the glucosylation potential of glucansucrases : From enzyme to product

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Devlamynck, Tim Nick


    De introductie van een glycosylgroep kan zowel de fysicochemische als biologische eigenschappen van organische moleculen, zoals antioxidanten, antibiotica en zoetstoffen, beïnvloeden. Een industrieel relevant voorbeeld is de glycosylatie van steviolglycosiden, zoete verbindingen die geëxtraheerd

  17. Small systems, small sensors : Integrating sensing technologies into microfluidic and organ-on-a-chip devices

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oomen, Pieter Edmond


    Pieter Oomen presenteert in zijn proefschrift verschillende microfluïdische systemen met geïntegreerde sensors voor biologische en chemische analyses. Deze geminiaturiseerde systemen kennen veel voordelen: reagentia- en monstergebruik worden verminderd, parallelle experimenten kunnen op een enkel

  18. Eenmalig mestuitrijden zonder schade

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boer, de H.C.; Eekeren, van N.J.M.; Schouten, T.; Bloem, J.


    In het voorjaar van 2005 is in het kader van het onderzoeksproject '100 procent biologische mest' met een zware zodenbemester eenmalig drijfmest uitgereden op een blijvend graslandbodem met klaver, waarna de effecten op bodemleven en -structuur zijn onderzocht

  19. Stikstofvoorziening in teelten onder glas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marcelis, L.F.M.


    WUR doet meerjarig onderzoek naar kritische succesfactoren voor het realiseren van een effectief management van organische stof op biologische glastuinbouwbedrijven. De organische-stofvoorziening speelt een belangrijke rol, zowel in relatie tot het bereiken van evenwichtsbemesting als in relatie tot

  20. Pollution and pollution tolerance as regards the sorption of organic chemicals in urban soils; Sorption organischer Chemikalien

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blume, H.P.; Wu Qinglan; Strehl, M. [Kiel Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Pflanzenernaehrung und Bodenkunde; Abend, S. [Kiel Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Anorganische Chemie; Rexilius, L. [Pflanzenschutzamt des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel (Germany); Schleuss, U. [Kiel Univ. (Germany). Oekologie-Zentrum]|[Zentrum fuer Agrarlandschafts- und Landnutzungsforschung Muencheberg (Germany)


    The behaviour of pollutants in soils concerning, for example, their immobilisation, transport, biodegradation, or uptake by useful plants is to large degree determined by the sorption properties of the soil in question. The degree of sorption is an all-important parameter in any model description of the behaviour of pollutants in soils. The aim of the present part-project was to estimate by means of simple field methods the binding capacity of anthropogenic urban soils for environmentally consequential organic chemicals and to assess the results with regard to soil and water protection. [Deutsch] Das Verhalten von Schadstoffen in Boeden, wie z.B. Immobilisierung, Transport, biologischer Abbau, Aufnahme durch Kulturpflanzen, wird von den Sorptionseigenschaften im Boden wesentlich beeinflusst. Bei allen Modellbeschreibungen ueber das Verhalten von Schadstoffen in Boeden ist die Staerke der Sorption ein unersetzbarer Parameter. Ziel dieses Teilprojektes war es, das Bindungsvermoegen der anthropogenen Stadtboeden fuer umweltrelevante organische Chemikalien mittels einfacher Feldmethoden abzuschaetzen und im Hinblick auf Boden- und Gewaesserschutz zu bewerten. (orig./SR)

  1. On the statistical analysis of images in low-dose electron microscopy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Slump, Cornelis Herman


    Dit proefschrift handelt over de statistische aspecten van de beeldvorming en de beeldinterpretatie van elektronen-microscoop beelden. Het blijkt dat met name biologische preparaten erg stralingsgevoelig zijn. Om nu stralingsschade aan het object en daarmee artefacten in de afbeelding zoveel

  2. Niedermolekulare Verbindungen aus Spinnen als chemische Sensoren

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Christian Adam; Kristensen, Anders S.; Strømgaard, Kristian


    sie als Leitstrukturen für die Entwicklung, Synthese und biologische Untersuchung synthetischer Analoga verwendet. Weit weniger erforscht sind hingegen Verbindungen, die der Kommunikation von Spinnen dienen. Vor kurzem wurden jedoch auf dem Gebiet der Pheromone und Allomone aus Spinnen neue...

  3. Cardiovascular molecular imaging

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Haas, Hans


    Moleculaire beeldvormingstechnieken zoals PET en SPECT maken biologische processen zichtbaar. Ze gebruiken radiotracers, die worden toegediend aan levende patiënten of proefdieren. Het scheuren van atherosclerotische plaque in een kransslagader is de hoofdoorzaak van het myocardinfarct en kan leiden

  4. Mindfulness voor volwassenen met een licht verstandelijke beperking

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Punt, M.; Helmond, P.E.; Meirmans, M.; Otten, R.; Speckens, A.E.M.


    Mensen met een licht verstandelijke beperking (LVB) hebben veelal te maken met een opeenstapeling van verschillende biologische, psychologische en sociale factoren, waardoor zij vijf tot zes keer meer kans hebben op het ontwikkelen van psychopathologie dan normaal begaafden (Allen, 2008; Buckles,

  5. Movie and Comic-Review: Star Trek

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karl H. Stingeder


    Full Text Available Ob als Film oder Comic: Star Trek ist eine Vision, eine Utopie voller atem­beraubender Bilder, mannigfaltiger Charaktere und gegensätzlicher (biologischer Gruppierungen als Metapher zu den Gegensätzen und Gemeinsamkeiten auf unserem blauen Planeten.

  6. Bestrijding schadelijke rupsensoorten in de glastuinbouw met sluipwespen : toetsing van Cotesia vanessae in het laboratorium en toetsing van Meteorus gyrator tegen turkse mot (Chrysodeixis chalcites) in komkommer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bloemhard, C.M.J.; Haaring, M.A.


    Zowel in groente- als sierteelten onder glas komen rupsen voor uit de families Noctuidae, Tortricidae en Pyralidae. Bestaande chemische middelen of biologische bestrijders voldoen vaak niet. Uit literatuuronderzoek zijn een aantal sluipwespsoorten gekomen die kandidaat zijn voor de bestrijding van

  7. Ontwikkeling en demonstratie van een geintegreerd bestrijdingssysteem voor de rode luis Myzus nicotianae

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijken, van M.J.


    De geïntegreerde plaagbestrijding van de paprikateelt onder glas, wordt sinds 1993 verstoord door de opkomst van de rode luis, Myzus nicotianae. Deze luis is namelijk resistent tegen het selectieve chemische correctiemiddel pirimicarb en een effectieve biologische bestrijding was onvoldoende

  8. Genetic engineering of Penicillium chrysogenum for the reactivation of biosynthetic pathways with potential pharmaceutical value

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Guzmán Chávez, Fernando


    Sinds de ontdekking van penicilline door Alexander Fleming wordt de filamenteuze schimmel Penicillium chrysogenum op grote schaal gebruikt voor de industriële productie van β-lactam antibiotica. Van origine kan deze schimmel ook andere, mogelijk bruikbare, biologisch actieve componenten produceren.

  9. Approaches to the dimensioning of enhanced biological phosphorus elimination systems, taking dynamic simulation into account; Bemessungshinweise zur vermehrten biologischen Phosphorelimination unter Beruecksichtigung der dynamischen Simulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scheer, H


    With so many projects either planned or under construction, the question of the dimensioning of sewage treatment plants with enhanced biological phosphorus elimination (BIO-P) is becoming more and more important. A detailed search of literature established in how far dimensioning approaches or models were already available in the spring of 1994. These modelling approaches were critically examined and compared as to their practical applicability by means of parameter and sensitivity studies. For this purpose, they were programmed and the relevance of certain dimensioning parameters to biological phosphorus elimination was studied by means of a pilot plant. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Der Auslegung von Klaeranlagen mit vermehrter biologischer Phosphorelimination (BIO-P) kommt bei der Vielzahl von Planungs- und Baumassnahmen eine immer wichtigere Bedeutung zu. Inwieweit fuer die Bemessung von Klaeranlagen mit BIO-P im Fruehjahr 1994 bereits auf vorhandene Bemessungsansaetze und -modelle zurueckgegriffen werden konnte, wurde mittels einer detaillierten Literaturstudie, untersucht. Diese Modellansaetze wurden im Hinblick auf ihre praxisorietierte Anwendbarkeit durch Parameter- und Sensitivitaetsstudien kritisch untersucht und verglichen. Hierzu wurden die verschiedenen, zum damaligen Zeitpunkt vorhandenen Ansaetze programmiert und die Auswirkungen wichtiger bemessungsrelevanter Parameter auf die BIO-P anhand einer Modellklaeranlage abgeschaetzt. (orig./SR)

  10. Approaches to the dimensioning of enhanced biological phosphorus elimination systems, taking dynamic simulation into account; Bemessungshinweise zur vermehrten biologischen Phosphorelimination unter Beruecksichtigung der dynamischen Simulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scheer, H.


    With so many projects either planned or under construction, the question of the dimensioning of sewage treatment plants with enhanced biological phosphorus elimination (BIO-P) is becoming more and more important. A detailed search of literature established in how far dimensioning approaches or models were already available in the spring of 1994. These modelling approaches were critically examined and compared as to their practical applicability by means of parameter and sensitivity studies. For this purpose, they were programmed and the relevance of certain dimensioning parameters to biological phosphorus elimination was studied by means of a pilot plant. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Der Auslegung von Klaeranlagen mit vermehrter biologischer Phosphorelimination (BIO-P) kommt bei der Vielzahl von Planungs- und Baumassnahmen eine immer wichtigere Bedeutung zu. Inwieweit fuer die Bemessung von Klaeranlagen mit BIO-P im Fruehjahr 1994 bereits auf vorhandene Bemessungsansaetze und -modelle zurueckgegriffen werden konnte, wurde mittels einer detaillierten Literaturstudie, untersucht. Diese Modellansaetze wurden im Hinblick auf ihre praxisorietierte Anwendbarkeit durch Parameter- und Sensitivitaetsstudien kritisch untersucht und verglichen. Hierzu wurden die verschiedenen, zum damaligen Zeitpunkt vorhandenen Ansaetze programmiert und die Auswirkungen wichtiger bemessungsrelevanter Parameter auf die BIO-P anhand einer Modellklaeranlage abgeschaetzt. (orig./SR)

  11. Detectie van ziektesymptomen met behulp van fluorescentiebeelden

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Loon, van P.C.C.


    Rapport over de positie van de biologische paddestoelenteelt op intersectoraal en (inter)-regionaal niveau. Het overzicht in tabel- en schemavorm van de stromen grondstoffen en producten verduidelijkt de intersectorale positie van de champignonteelt. Dit kan een aanzet zijn bij het signaleren en

  12. Groene petfles dichterbij

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haveren, van J.


    Jacco van Haveren van Wageningen UR Food and Biobased Research zoekt in zijn laboratorium samen met collega’s naar een groen alternatief voor de petfles. De eerste resultaten zijn positief, de biologische vervanger lijkt in eerste oogopslag goed op de PET uit aardolie.

  13. Control and coordination of robotic fish

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wang, Chen


    Het verbazingwekkende dynamische gedrag van scholen vissen en andere groepen sociale dieren in de natuur zijn in de afgelopen jaren in de belangstelling komen te staan van multidisciplinair onderzoek. In dit proefschrift passen we fundamentele gereedschappen uit de regeltechniek toe op biologische

  14. RECURF project : bio-composieten op basis van textielresten, unieke eigenschappen, belevingswaarde en recyclebaarheid

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Jong, Matthijs; Oskam, Inge; Lepelaar, Mark


    Er zijn nieuwe materialen gecreëerd door textielresten te mengen met bio-based plastics en deze te bewerken m.b.v. digitale productietechnieken. De nieuwe materialen hebben goede mechanische en functionele eigenschappen, alsmede een hoge belevingswaarde . Tevens zijn de nieuwe materialen biologisch

  15. Geïntegreerde bestrijding van citruswolluis Planococcus citri in roos

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pijnakker, J.; Leman, A.; Hennekam, M.


    Citruswolluis, Planococcus citri (Risso), is een van de belangrijkste plagen geworden in de rozenteelt onder glas. Er is inmiddels veel praktijkervaring met de toepassing van biologische bestrijders om haarden uit te roeien. Voor de professionele tuinbouw is de effectiviteit van deze aanpak

  16. On the effects of sampling, analysis and interpretation strategies for complex forensic DNA research with focus on sexual assault cases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Benschop, C.C.G.


    Forensisch DNA-onderzoek kan een grote bijdrage leveren aan het oplossen van diverse soorten misdrijven. Dit DNA-onderzoek kan complex zijn, bijvoorbeeld als de hoeveelheid celmateriaal minimaal is of als het biologische spoor celmateriaal bevat van meerdere (aan elkaar verwante) donoren. Corina

  17. Knoflook remt App

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mul, M.F.; Becker, P.M.; Peet-Schwering, van der C.M.C.; Wikselaar, van P.G.; Wisselink, H.J.; Stockhofe, N.


    De Animal Sciences Group van Wageningen UR heeft in opdracht van biologische varkenshouders onderzocht of het mogelijk is om in plaats van antibiotica, knoflook te gebruiken voor de bestrijding van longontsteking door de bacterie Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App). Uit de resultaten blijkt dat

  18. Eindrapportage gele rozeluis in de teelt van aardbei onder glas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bloemhard, C.M.J.; Linden, van der A.


    Van de vele soorten bladluizen die op aardbei kunnen voorkomen is de gele rozeluis Rhodobium porosum het moeilijkst chemisch te bestrijden. Dit onderzoek richt zich op de biologische bestrijding van de luis met natuurlijke vijanden als de sluipwespen, gaas en zweefvliegen en insectpathogene

  19. Gezondheidsschade door calamiteiten met gevaarlijke stoffen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weger, D. de; Feron, V.J.; Zwart, A.; Vrijer, F. de


    Door de Afdeling Industriële Veiligheid van IMET-TNO (Instituut voor Milieu- en Energietechnologie, Hoofdgroep Milieu en Energie te Apeldoorn) en de Afdeling Biologische Toxicologie van ITV-TNO (Instituur voor Toxicologie en voeding, Hoofdgroep Voeding te Zeist) is het project 'Gezondheidsschade

  20. Regenvastheid van zwavel

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jong, de P.F.; Scholten-Grit, G.; Anbergen, R.H.N.; Heijne, B.


    Binnen de biologische fruitteelt is het aantal gewasbeschermingsmiddelen dat toegepast mag worden zeer beperkt. De meest belangrijke ziekte waar tegen bestreden moet worden, is schurft (Venturia inaequalis). Het middel zwavel is het meest toegepaste fungicide dat op dit moment wordt ingezet op

  1. EM: effectieve microben of effectieve magie? : Een onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van Effectieve Micro-organismen (EM)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bruggen, van A.H.C.; Blok, W.J.; Vos, de O.J.; Volker, D.; Diepen, G.


    In dit onderzoek werden de effecten bepaald van het microbiële middel EM (Effectieve Microorganismen) op het verloop van het composteringsproces en op de ziektewerendheid tegen wortelziekten. EM werd ook toegevoegd aan biologisch beteelde gronden in de vorm van gefermenteerd organisch materiaal

  2. Determining pump limits. Fianal report; Pumpgrenzbestimmung. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Riess, W; Gehring, S


    A considerable part of the work is concerned with KOCH`s model, which belongs to the group of empirical processes. According to CUMSTY and KERREBROK, the model is suitable for practical compressor design, as it takes into account important parameters. The processes of GRAHL et al and MOORE are checked, from the group of mathematical models. Both processes are based on the theory of small disturbances; however, the GRAHL model examines flow in the individual compressor grid, while MOORE examines the flow of a multi-stage compressor. To check the models, the stability limits known from experiments on a 6 stage and a 3 stage compressor are calculated. The experimental data and the results of a characteristic calculation of the 3 stage compressor act as input data. For the 6 stage compressor, the results of extensive non-steady state measurements are available, which give a detailed idea of the causation mechanism of the instability. (orig./AKF) [Deutsch] Ein wesentlicher Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Modell nach KOCH, das zur Gruppe der empirischen Verfahren gehoert. CUMPSTY und KERREBROK zufolge ist das Modell fuer die praktische Verdichterauslegung geeignet, da es wesentliche Einflussfaktoren beruecksichtigt. Aus der Gruppe der mathematischen Modelle werden Verfahren von GRAHL et al. und MOORE ueberprueft. Beide Verfahren basieren auf der Theorie der kleinen Stoerungen; jedoch untersucht das Modell von GRAHL die Stroemung im einzelnen Verdichtergitter waehrend MOORE die Stroemung eines vielstufigen Verdichters untersucht. Zur Ueberpruefung der Modelle werden die aus Experimenten bekannten Stabilitaetsgrenzen eines 6- und eines 3-stufigen Verdichters nachgerechnet. Als Eingabedaten dienen die experimentellen Daten sowie die Ergebnisse einer Kennfeldberechnung des 3-stufigen Verdichters. Fuer den 6-stufigen Verdichter stehen ebenfalls die Resultate umfangreicher instationaerer Messungen zur Verfuegung, die einen detaillierten Einblick in den

  3. Determining pump limits. Fianal report; Pumpgrenzbestimmung. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Riess, W.; Gehring, S.


    A considerable part of the work is concerned with KOCH`s model, which belongs to the group of empirical processes. According to CUMSTY and KERREBROK, the model is suitable for practical compressor design, as it takes into account important parameters. The processes of GRAHL et al and MOORE are checked, from the group of mathematical models. Both processes are based on the theory of small disturbances; however, the GRAHL model examines flow in the individual compressor grid, while MOORE examines the flow of a multi-stage compressor. To check the models, the stability limits known from experiments on a 6 stage and a 3 stage compressor are calculated. The experimental data and the results of a characteristic calculation of the 3 stage compressor act as input data. For the 6 stage compressor, the results of extensive non-steady state measurements are available, which give a detailed idea of the causation mechanism of the instability. (orig./AKF) [Deutsch] Ein wesentlicher Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Modell nach KOCH, das zur Gruppe der empirischen Verfahren gehoert. CUMPSTY und KERREBROK zufolge ist das Modell fuer die praktische Verdichterauslegung geeignet, da es wesentliche Einflussfaktoren beruecksichtigt. Aus der Gruppe der mathematischen Modelle werden Verfahren von GRAHL et al. und MOORE ueberprueft. Beide Verfahren basieren auf der Theorie der kleinen Stoerungen; jedoch untersucht das Modell von GRAHL die Stroemung im einzelnen Verdichtergitter waehrend MOORE die Stroemung eines vielstufigen Verdichters untersucht. Zur Ueberpruefung der Modelle werden die aus Experimenten bekannten Stabilitaetsgrenzen eines 6- und eines 3-stufigen Verdichters nachgerechnet. Als Eingabedaten dienen die experimentellen Daten sowie die Ergebnisse einer Kennfeldberechnung des 3-stufigen Verdichters. Fuer den 6-stufigen Verdichter stehen ebenfalls die Resultate umfangreicher instationaerer Messungen zur Verfuegung, die einen detaillierten Einblick in den

  4. The increase of biofouling in cooling water; Microweb reduceert biofouling in koelwater

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Boer, B.; Overgaauw, C. (eds.)


    A method to prevent biofouling in cooling water systems is to remove materials which stimulate the growth of micro-organisms. Such materials are in particular biodegradable materials as amino acids, carbon hydrates and volatile fatty acids. The Dutch research institute TNO carries out research on biofiltration by means of which biofouling and other forms of pollution can be controlled or prevented. TNO developed a biofilter for this purpose: MICROWEB. [Dutch] Een preventieve methode om biofouling in koelwatersystemen te beheersen is het verwijderen van stoffen die de groei van micro-organismen bevorderen. Het zijn vooral gemakkelijk biologisch afbreekbare componenten zoals aminozuren, koolhydraten en vluchtige vetzuren die al bij zeer lage concentraties (vanaf enkele microgrammen per liter), biologische groei stimuleren. TNO onderzoekt op welke wijze biofiltratie een positieve bijdrage levert aan het beheersen van biofouling en andere vormen van vervuiling. TNO ontwikkelde hiervoor een biofilter onder de naam MICROWEB.

  5. Classification of biological agents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klein MR; LIS; cib


    Deze rapportage omvat een inventarisatie van de problematiek rond de classificatie van biologische agentia, die ziekte bij de mens kunnen veroorzaken.

    De constatering is dat de Europese lijst met classificaties verouderd is en geactualiseerd en uitgebreid zou moeten worden. De lijst bevat

  6. Wieden zonder handwerk : wat mogen we van de onkruidrobot verwachten?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lokhorst, C.; Achten, V.T.J.M.; Bakker, T.; Goense, D.; Vermeulen, G.D.


    IMAG en WUR werken aan de ontwikkeling van een wiedrobot die geschikt is voor de Nederlandse omstandigheden en die het benodigde aantal uren handwieden in de biologische vollegrondsteelten kan helpen verminderen. Inmiddels is een programma van eisen geformuleerd en is onderzoek gestart naar de

  7. Barcode van DNA. Democratisering van de taxonomie door digitaal identificatiesysteem

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bakker, F.T.


    Het herkennen van biologische soorten aan de hand van een gestandaardiseerde DNA-barcode heeft de laatste tijd een enorme vlucht genomen. Gedreven door aan de ene kant de biodiversiteitscrises en de mogelijke global change, en aan de andere kant zowel razendsnelle technologische vooruitgang als ook

  8. Met .naturalis in zee: Nederlands koraalrifonderzoek in de Indo-Pacific

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoeksema, B.W.


    In een serie arikelen onder de naam 'Met Naturalis in zee', zal Onderwatersport in samenwerking met het Leidse museum Naturalis met enige regelmaat aandacht besteden aan Nederlands biologisch koraalrifonderzoek in de Indische en de Stille Oceaan. Bert Hoeksema schreef de introductie van de serie.

  9. The rate of living in tau mutant Syrian hamsters : Studies on the impact of a circadian allele on temporal organisation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oklejewicz, Malgorzata Marta


    De temporele organisatie van gedrag en fysiologie in de meeste organismen is gebaseerd op een inwendig gegenereerd 24 uurs patroon. Deze "circadiane" ritmiciteit is in de evolutie ontstaan als aanpassing aan de aardrotatie. Naast de circadiane oscillatie treden er biologische cvcli op op allerlei

  10. Mineralenbolus geiten alleen bij tekorten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smolders, E.A.A.; Eekeren, van N.J.M.; Govaerts, W.


    Op biologische geitenbedrijven zijn er soms twijfels over de mineralenvoorziening van de geiten. Afwijkende vacht, kromme pootjes en een slechte vruchtbaarheid zouden aanwijzingen kunnen zijn voor tekorten aan mineralen. In de stalperiode 2008/2009 is nagegaan of de bloedwaarden bij de geiten en hun

  11. Kruiden voor kippen?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Asseldonk, van T.; Puls, I.; Animal Sciences Group (ASG),


    In de biologische pluimveesector worden regelmatig kruidenmiddelen gebruikt, en ook in de reguliere pluimveehouderij worden steeds meer producten op basis van kruiden toegepast. Wat zijn dat voor middelen en wat kan hiervan worden verwacht? Welk product te kiezen uit het ruime aanbod? In dit

  12. Het cliché: Homeopathie is kwakzalverij!

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baars, T.; Ellinger, L.; Livestock Research,


    In het project Bioveem (gericht op de biologische melkveehouderij) wordt o.a. gewerkt aan het verkrijgen van een beter inzicht in de homeopathie. Er is een deskstudie geschreven waarin wordt aangegeven waarom de toepassing van homeopathie zo moeilijk geaccepteerd wordt (de discussie rondom het

  13. Gevoelige bodem koesteren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klein Swormink, B.; Livestock Research,


    Graslandbeheer en bemesting op het biologische melkveebedrijf van Durk Oosterhof in Drachten (Fr). Alle percelen, op leemachtig zand, worden maximaal benut voor de productie van grasklaver. Op het bedrijf is, in het kader van het Bioveem-project, onderzoek gedaan naar de effectiviteit van dierlijke

  14. Maatregelen ter beperking van energiegebruik en broeikasgasemissies in de melkveehouderij, akkerbouw en vollegrondsgroenteteelt

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haan, de J.J.; Schooten, van H.A.; Bos, J.F.F.P.; Wel, van der C.; Voort, van der M.P.J.


    In dit rapport wordt getracht de beschikbare kennis over maatregelen in de biologische melkveehouderij, akkerbouw en vollegrondsgroenteteelt op een rij te zetten. Aspecten uit de keten zijn buiten beschouwing gelaten. Er is voor gekozen om de ca 20 meest effectieve maatregelen te beschrijven die

  15. Thermal processing of conditioned waste and fuel substitutes; Thermische Behandlung vorbehandelter Abfaelle und Ersatzbrennstoffe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Velden, F. van der; Engweiler, J. [Von Roll Umwelttechnik AG, Zurich (Switzerland)


    Different technologies for the thermal processing of mechanical-biologically conditioned waste are described and compared in terms of cost and flexibility. (orig.) [Deutsch] Es werden verschiedene Technologien der thermischen Behandlung mechanisch-biologisch vorbehandelter Abfaelle vorgestellt und im Hinblick auf Kosten und Flexibilitaet verglichen. (orig.)

  16. SAFIRA project B.3.3: in-situ-treatment of contaminated ground water by catalytic oxidation. Final report; Sanierungsforschung in regional kontaminierten Aquiferen (SAFIRA). Projekt B.3.3: In situ-Behandlung von kontaminierten Grundwaessern durch katalytische Oxidation. Teilvorhaben 1: Untersuchungen im Labormassstab. Teilvorhaben 2: Tests in der bench-scale-Anlage und Teilvorhaben 3: Die Erprobung in der Pilotanlage am Modellstandort. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hofmann, J.; Haentzschel, D.; Freier, U.; Wecks, M.


    A new technology for treatment of contaminated ground water was developed. In this process heterogeneous catalysts (full metal catalyst, mixed oxide catalyst or iron-containing zeolites) in combination with hydrogen peroxide are used. In the reactor catalytic oxidation and aerob biological degradation occur simultaneously. A complete degradation of chlorobenzene was observed in a bench-scale-equipment (2 liter) and also in the pilot plant at the model site located in Bitterfeld (30 liter reactor). The technology can be applied to the ground and waste water treatment. (orig.) [German] Fuer die Behandlung von Grundwaessern, die mit organischen Schadstoffen belastet sind, wurde ein neuartiges Verfahren entwickelt. Bei der katalytischen Oxidation werden heterogene Katalysatoren in Form von Vollmetall-, Mischoxid- und Traegerkatalysatoren in Verbindung mit Wasserstoffperoxid als Oxidationsmittel eingesetzt. In den Katalysereaktoren laufen die heterogen-katalytische Oxidation und der aerob-biologische Abbau nebeneinander ab. Es werden synergistische Effekte erzielt. Mit dem Verfahren wurde in einer bench-scale-Angle (2 Liter) und in der Pilotanlage am Modellstandort in Bitterfeld (30 l Reaktor) der Schadstoff Chlorbenzol vollstaendig umgesetzt. Das Verfahren kann zur Grund- und Abwasserbehandlung eingesetzt werden. (orig.)

  17. Biologische Groente met Meer Waarde

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weening, K.


    Purpose of the project is to develop an added value concept of tomato and cucumber, through integrating various areas of expertise. Five companies (two growers, a wholesaler, a retailer and a health shop supplier) cooperate with two institutes (PPO glasshouse and A&F). The project consists of

  18. Voeding biologische melkschapen : praktijkevaluatie voedernormen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verkaik, J.C.; Hindle, V.A.; Middelkoop, van J.A.; Riel, van J.W.; Sebek, L.B.J.


    On-farm assessment indicates that present feeding standards for dairy sheep lead to overestimation in protein requirement. The proposed lowering of the (protein) standards can be justified on both nutritional and economical grounds. The proposed lowering in feed protein allowance will lead to

  19. In search of the proton channel : An electrophysiological study on the polar leaves of Elodea densa and Potamogeton lucens

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miedema, Hendrik


    In tegenstelling tot het mechanisme waarmee ionen als K+, CI- en Ca2+, biologische membranen passeren, is over het mechanisme van passief proton (H+) transport nog erg weinig bekend. Een van de oorzaken is dat isotoopstudies niet kunnen worden gebruikt voor dit type transport. Voorts is

  20. Richtlijn detoxificatie van psychoactieve middelen: Verantwoord ambulant of intramuraal detoxificeren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, B.A.G.; Oort, M.M.H.J. van; Schellekens, A.F.A.; Haan, H.A. de; Jong, C.A.J. de


    Een keur aan experts geeft in deze richtlijn aan hoe op verantwoorde wijze het proces van detoxificatie van verslavende middelen kan worden doorlopen en begeleid. Daarbij ligt het accent van het complex van interventies op de biologische aspecten van de verslavingsproblemen, maar is er ook aandacht

  1. Pyridine alcohols and thiols : Synthesis, properties and applications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koning, Bartjan


    Enzymen spelen in het leven van mens, dier en plant een enorm grote rol. Enzymen zijn biologische katalysatoren dwz. versnellers van (bio)chemische processen die zich in levende organismen afspelen. Enzymen zijn eiwitten die opgebouwd zijn uit aminozuren. Om meer inzicht te krijgen in de werking van

  2. Biodiversiteit onder glas : voedsel voor luizenbestrijders

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janmaat, L.; Bloemhard, C.M.J.; Kleppe, R.


    In het praktijknetwerk 'Biodiversiteit onder glas' is door glastuinders geëxperimenteerd met bloemen in en rond de kas. Al dan niet in combinatie met bankerplanten zoals granen. Deze brochure is gemaakt om kennis over bloemen en biologische bestrijders te geven en specifiek het nut van

  3. A Framework and Strategies for Determining Reference Conditions for Streams with Legacy Sediments on Military Installations (United States)


    water where there is a sharp change in channel slope, such as a waterfall or lake, resulting from differential rates of erosion above and below the...Beitrage zur Lehre von der biologische Gewasserbeurteilung. International Review of Hydrobiology 2:126-52. ———. 1909. Oekologie der Saprobien. Uber

  4. Toeval

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haakma, S.; Lemmens, E.; Meester, R.; Nijhuis, T.; Dieks, D.G.B.J.


    De sterrenkundige Fred Hoyle vergeleek de verklaring van de evolutie van leven op aarde op grond van toeval met een orkaan die over een autokerkhof raast en een auto geheel in elkaar zet. Het lijkt vergezocht, dat complexe systemen (in dit geval biologische) ontstaan zouden zijn door louter

  5. Groenbemesters en aaltjesmanagement; De belangrijke rol van deze groene motor in de grond

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Korthals, G.W.; Sukkel, W.


    Groenbemesters spelen een essentiële rol in de (biologische) rotatie, ook al heeft het gebruik ervan zowel voor- als nadelen. Bij een doordachte keus uit het aanbod aan groenbemesters wegen de voordelen op tegen de nadelen. Een groenbemester wordt steeds vaker gezien als de 'groene' motor voor

  6. De stikstofstromen bij Oosterhof nader bekeken

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schröder, J.J.; Eekeren, van N.J.M.; Oosterhof, D.


    Biologische melkveehouders zijn geïnteresseerd in de vraag of en tegen welke prijs zij mest zouden kunnen verkopen aan collega-akkerbouwers, zonder daarbij een wissel te trekken op de duurzaamheid van hun eigen melkveebedrijf. Het antwoord hierop wordt in de eerste plaats bepaald door de mate waarin

  7. Introductie van de Chevon : een zoektocht naar de afzet van geitenvlees

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eleveld, I.; Louis Bolk,


    Het afmesten en afzetten van lammeren op een biologisch bedrijf is geen gemakkelijke weg. Aan de smaak van het vlees zal het niet liggen. De chevon, lammeren met een leeftijd van 5 tot 7 maand, geven vlees met karakter: een vleugje geit! De onbekendheid van het vlees vereist een zorgvuldige

  8. Vorderingen bij betere handhaving nuttige bestrijders in kas : Naar een echte geïntegreerde bestrijding

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kierkels, T.; Messelink, G.J.


    Bij biologische bestrijding is de gebruikelijke vraag: welke natuurlijke vijand pakt de plaag het beste aan? Maar het is tijd voor een andere basisvraag: welke natuurlijke vijanden passen het best bij je gewas en het aangeboden voedsel? Zo’n insteek vergroot de kans dat ze zich lang handhaven in de

  9. Nemerteans from Curaçao

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Corrêa, Diva Diniz


    All species treated in this paper were collected by me between January and June 1962, during my stay at the “Caraïbisch Marien-Biologisch Instituut” (Caribbean Marine Biological Institute), Curaçao. I am deeply indebted to the Government of the Netherlands, which awarded me a grant enabling me to

  10. Opisthobranchs from the Lesser Antilles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bois-Reymond Marcus, Eveline du; Marcus, Ernst


    Thanks to help of the Government of the Netherlands, Dr. DIVA DINIZ CORRÊA, a lecturer in our Department, was able to work at the “Caraïbisch Marien-Biologisch Instituut” (Caribbean Marine Biological Institute; Carmabi) Curaçao, from January to July 1962. Besides actinians and nemerteans for her own

  11. Environmental medicine field studies in the Bitterfeld and Hettstedt districts and in a control district. 1992-1994. Data book; Umweltmedizinische Untersuchungen im Raum Bitterfeld, im Raum Hettstedt und einem Vergleichsgebiet. 1992-1994. Data Book

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heinrich, J; Popescu, M; Wjst, M; Trepka, M J; Cyrys, J; Wichmann, H E


    For the purpose of establishing an inventory of environmental medicine data for the eastern Lands of Germany (of the former GDR), field studies have been carried out in the strongly polluted districts of Bitterfeld and Hettstedt and in a low-pollution control district, around Zerbst. The data were intended to reveal the environmental pollution level in various districts and regions, and to indicate regions of priority for immediate research activities to be initiated. The report covers the results compiled in the first project period, in 1992 and 1993. The data presented are for the most part tabulated data taken from the Final Report of the Bitterfeld Study (Heinrich et al.; 1994). Some tables of immunological parameters have been modified. These data are supplemented by data on internal heavy metal concentrations. The data refer to the anamnesis, especially of respiratory tract disease or allergies, complaints and symptoms, lung functional data, allergiologic findings, hematologic data (only of infants and children), immunologic parameters, and heavy metal accumulations. (orig.) [Deutsch] Fuer eine Bestandsaufnahme der umweltmedizinischen Forschung in der DDR, die Herausarbeitung von regionalen Umweltbelastungsschwerpunkten und die Darstellung des akuten Foerderungsbedarfs wurden umweltmedizinische Untersuchungen in den hochbelasteten Regionen Bitterfeld und Hettstedt sowie im gering belasteten Vergleichsgebiet Zerbst durchgefuehrt. Die vorliegende Zusammenstellung bezieht sich auf die Ergebnisse der ersten Untersuchungsetappe in den Jahren 1992/93. Es werden Daten tabellarisch zusammengestellt, die in dem Abschlussbericht der `Bitterfeld-Studie` (Heinrich, et al.; 1994) enthalten sind. Einzelne Tabellen zu immunologischen Parametern wurden modifiziert. Zusaetzlich werden die Daten durch die interne Schwermetallbelastung ergaenzt. So wird Bezug genommen auf die Krankengeschichte, speziell von Atemwegserkrankungen und Allergien, Beschwerden und Symptomen, auf

  12. Polycladida from Curaçao and faunistically related regions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bois-Reymond Marcus, du Eveline; Marcus, Ernst


    Professor Dr. DIVA DINIZ CORRÊA, Head of the Department of Zoology of the University of São Paulo, was able to work at the “Caraïbisch Marien-Biologisch Instituut” (Caribbean Marine Biological Institute: Carmabi) at Curaçao from December 1965 to March 1966, thanks to a grant received from the

  13. Contactless detection of the structure and selected parameters of a two-phase-flow by pattern recognition based ultrasonic techniques. Final report; Beruehrungslose Detektion der Struktur und Messung ausgewaehlter Parameter von Zweiphasenstroemungen durch Mustererkennungsverfahren unter Verwendung von Ultraschall als Messsonde. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prasser, H.M.; Schuetz, P.; Kossok, N.


    An ultrasonic measuring method is presented, which allows to measure the volume flow densities of the gas and the liquid phases in a pipeline. A prototype was developed in co-operation with the Technical University of Nishny Novgorod, Russia. It operates in pulse-echo and in pulse-transmission models with wave guide sensors, which can be clamped also on hot pipelines up to 350 C. The basis of the measuring method is a pattern recognition technique. In certain regions of flow rates, it determines the volume flow densities with an error of less than 10%, provided the thermodynamic parameters are almost constant. An extension of the training matrices by adding a thermodynamic parameter (temperature, pressure) allows to apply the classification method for fluids with variable physical properties, too. The pattern recognition and the ultrasonic hardware were experimentally optimised and tested. The ultrasonic signals were also classified by an unsupervised learning procedure. The found clusters show a significant similarity to flow maps known from the literature. It was shown that the method of unsupervised learning can be used for the automatic setup of flow maps. A special chapter is dedicated to the water level measurement in a segment of the main circulation line of nuclear pressurised water reactors. (orig.) [Deutsch] Es wird ein Ultraschall-Messverfahren fuer Zweiphasenstroemungen vorgestellt, das die simultane Messung der Volumenstromdichte der Gas- und Fluessigphase in einer Rohrleitung ermoeglicht. Ein Prototyp wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universitaet Nishny Novgorod (Russland) aufgebaut. Es realisiert einen gepulsten Transmissions- und Reflexionsbetrieb mit Wellenleitersensoren, die auch an heisse Rohrleitungen bis zu 350 C direkt angekoppelt werden koennen. Kernstueck der Messmethode ist ein Mustererkennungsverfahren, das in bestimmten Volumenstrombereichen nach einer umfangreichen Kalibrierung (Trainingsprozess) einen Messfehler von kleiner 10% besitzt

  14. Climatic change and the effects on the marine ecosystem around the island of Sylt. Final report; Das marine Oekosystem um Sylt unter veraenderten Klimabedingungen. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lackschewitz, D.; Menn, I.; Reise, K.


    Climatic warming of 1.5 to 2.5 C with a higher water temperature may only slightly change the species spectrum of the intertidal zone of the island of Sylt (North Sea). This is shown by a comparison with tidal flats of the French Atlantic coast. Stronger effects are expected from a sea level rise and an increase in hydrodynamic forces. This may result in a decrease of eelgrass and mussel beds. On the high intertidal zone muddy flats will be replaced by sandy flats due to wave action. Enhanced erosion at the Wadden Sea shoreline will probably entail its continued petrification to prevent further losses. This will cause a decrease of natural habitats with their specific assemblages, and the esthetic appeal of the Wadden Sea will decrease too. It is proposed that sand replenishment on the Wadden Sea shoreline will better preserve the natural sequence of biotopes on the tidal flats. The erosive beach on the seaward side of the island of Sylt is both focal place for tourist recreation, and the site of a highly diverse interstitial fauna. This fauna will be able to re-establish itself three months after a campaign of sand replenishment. Sand replenishment was found to be an effective way to compensate beach erosion and, due to the quick re-establishment of the fauna, it may be regarded as an acceptable method of coastal defense from an ecological perspective. (orig.) [German] Bei einer Klimaerwaermung um 1,5 bis 2,5 C wird der direkte Einfluss hoeherer Wassertemperatur das biologische Artenspektrum im Sylter Gezeitenbereich nicht wesentlich veraendern. Dies ergibt ein Vergleich mit Watten der franzoesischen Atlantikkueste. Bedeutender sind voraussichtlich Auswirkungen hoeherer Wasserstaende und einer zunehmenden Hydrodynamik. Seegraswiesen und Muschelbaenke werden dadurch im Wattbereich abnehmen. In Ufernaehe werden schlickige von sandigen Watten verdraengt. Einer verstaerkten Erosion an ungeschuetzten Wattufern wird voraussichtlich mit weiteren Befestigungen begegnet

  15. Kunnen biologische herkauwers zonder synthetische vitaminen


    Smolders, E.A.A.; Kan, C.A.


    Uit berekeningen blijkt dat er voor koeien in de stalperiode soms een tekort dreigt aan vitamine D en E. Voor vitamine A geldt dat alleen in rantsoenen met uitsluitende hooi. Gehalten van vitamine A in voordroogkuilen van gras/klaver op Bioveembedrijven komen redelijk overeen met literatuurgegevens. Die van vitamine E waren de helft van wat verwacht werd en het gehalte aan vitamine D was in de Nederlandse kuilen veel hoger dan wat elders gevonden is.

  16. Opstandige biologische bestrijder van het wortelknobbelaaltje

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wurff, van der A.W.G.


    Uit een in vitro toets blijkt dat de bacterie Pasteuria penetrans een veelbelovende bestrijder is van het wortelknobbelaaltje. De bacterie heeft echter een sterke voorkeur voor bepaalde stammen uit een kas van een bioteler van kasgroenten. Knobbelaaltjes bij andere biotelers lieten de bacterie links

  17. Haben repetitive DNA-Sequenzen biologische Funktionen? (United States)

    John, Maliyakal E.; Knöchel, Walter


    By DNA reassociation kinetics it is known that the eucaryotic genome consists of non-repetitive DNA, middle-repetitive DNA and highly repetitive DNA. Whereas the majority of protein-coding genes is located on non-repetitive DNA, repetitive DNA forms a constitutive part of eucaryotic DNA and its amount in most cases equals or even substantially exceeds that of non-repetitive DNA. During the past years a large body of data on repetitive DNA has accumulated and these have prompted speculations ranging from specific roles in the regulation of gene expression to that of a selfish entity with inconsequential functions. The following article summarizes recent findings on structural, transcriptional and evolutionary aspects and, although by no means being proven, some possible biological functions are discussed.

  18. Waste processing at tannery Royal Hulshof in Lichtenvoorde, Netherlands; Reststromen leerlooierij duurzaam verwerkt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Jong, K [ed.


    The title tannery has put into operation a biological water purification insallation which not only operates in an efficient way, but also produces green gas and converts nitrogen compounds into nitrogen gas. [Dutch] Leerlooierij Koninklijke Hulshof in Lichtenvoorde nam onlangs een biologische waterzuivering in gebruik die niet alleen efficienter werkt, maar oo groen gas produceert en de stikstofverbindingen omzet in stikstofgas.

  19. KLINO - climatology and prognosis of climate-induced changes in hydrographic parameters of the North Sea and Baltic Sea. Final report; KLINO - Klimatologie und Prognose klimainduzierter Aenderungen hydrographischer Groessen in Nord- und Ostsee. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The marine climate of the North Sea and Baltic Sea was simulated and analyzed with the aid of meteorological and oceanographic models. The KLINO project is a first step towards climate impact research as sensitivity studies of the models permit preliminary statements on the effects of potential changes of marine climate. The simulations covered several decades. The models used were: WAM for calculating the swell of the Atlantic and the two marginal seas; HAMSOM for climate-induced variations of the hydrographic parameters of the NOrth Sea and Baltic Sea; HAMSOM and REMO for interactive coupling between ocean and atmosphere; HYDROMOD for extreme and normal conditions in the offshore region. [German] Im Projekt KLINO wurde das derzeitige marine Klima (Wasserstaende und mittlerer Meeresspiegel, Seegang, Stroemungen und Schichtung) von Nord- und Ostsee in Kontrollexperimenten mit Hilfe meteorologischer und ozeanographischer Modelle simuliert und nach vollzogen. Das KLINO Projekt ist in die Arbeiten zur Klima-Regionalisierung bzw. als ein erster Schritt zur Klima-Impaktforschung einzustufen, da Sensitivitaetsstudien der Modelle bereits vorsichtige Aussagen ueber die Folgen moeglicher Aenderungen des marinen Klimas zulassen. Das WAM-Modell lieferte eine Klimatologie des Seeganges fuer den Atlantik und die beiden Randmeere. Die klimainduzierten Schwankungen der hydrographischen Parameter in Nord- und Ostsee wurden mit Hilfe des HAMSOM untersucht; eine interaktive Kopplung zwischen Ozean und Atmosphaere erfolgte mit den Regionalmodellen HAMSOM und REMO. Die Simulationen deckten hinreichend lange Zeitraeume (Dekaden) ab und wurden mit beobachteten bzw. aus meteorologischen Re-Analysen abgeleiteten Fluessen von Impuls, Waerme und Frischwasser angetrieben. Zur Initialisierung und Validierung der ozeanographischen Modelle wurden umfangreiche Beobachtungsdatensaetze fuer die Parameter Temperatur, Salzgehalt, Eis, Seegang und Oberflaechenauslenkung zusammengestellt

  20. Emotional reactions after event learning : a Rift between Implicit and Explicit Conditioned Valence in Humans Pain Relief Lerning


    Andreatta, Marta


    Organismen vermeiden Gefahren und streben nach Belohnungen, um zu überleben. Klassische Konditionierung ist ein einfaches Model, das erklärt, wie Tiere und Menschen Ereignisse in Verbindung bringen. Dieses Lernen ermöglicht Lebewesen Gefahr oder Belohnung direkt vorherzusehen. Normalerweise besteht das Konditionierungsparadigma aus der Präsentation eines neutralen Stimulus zusammen mit einem biologisch bedeutsamen Event (der unkonditionierte Stimulus – US). Aufgrund dieser Assoziation erwirbt...

  1. Small systems, small sensors: Integrating sensing technologies into microfluidic and organ-on-a-chip devices


    Oomen, Pieter Edmond


    Pieter Oomen presenteert in zijn proefschrift verschillende microfluïdische systemen met geïntegreerde sensors voor biologische en chemische analyses. Deze geminiaturiseerde systemen kennen veel voordelen: reagentia- en monstergebruik worden verminderd, parallelle experimenten kunnen op een enkel apparaat worden gedaan en natuurlijke celomgevingen kunnen worden nagebootst in incubatiesystemen (orgaan-op-chip). Echter, om zulke systemen te controleren en systematisch te verbeteren gedurende de...

  2. Waste treatment by the CCP/EuRec {sup trademark} process; Abfallbehandlung nach dem CCP/EuRec {sup trademark} -Restabfallbehandlungsverfahren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lippmann, A. [CCP GmbH, Waste Management, Merkers (Germany)


    The CCP/EuRec {sup trademark} process involves either an aerobic (composting) or an anaerobic (fermentation) biological treatment stage, or a combination of both. [German] Bei dem CCP/EuRec {sup trademark} -Restabfallbehandlungsverfahren handelt es sich um ein leistungsfaehiges System zur biologischen Behandlung von Restabfaellen. Die biologische Behandlungsstufe kann wahlweise aerob (Rotte) oder anaerob (Vergaerung) erfolgen. Eine Kombination zwischen beiden Varianten ist ebenfalls moeglich. (orig.)

  3. Treatment factors influencing survival in pancreatic carcinoma; Der Einfluss der Therapie auf das Ueberleben von Patienten mit Pankreaskarzinom. Eine Analyse von Einzelfaktoren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Warszawski, N.; Warszawski, A.; Schneider, B.M.; Roettinger, E.M. [Ulm Univ. (Germany). Abt. Radiologie 2 (Strahlentherapie); Link, K.H.; Gansauge, F. [Ulm Univ. (Germany). Abt. fuer Allgemeinchirurgie; Lutz, M.P. [Ulm Univ. (Germany). Abt. Innere Medizin 1


    . Zusaetzlich erhielten 37 Patienten mehrere Chemotherapiezyklen mit Mitoxantron, 5-Fluorouracil und Cis-Platin, entweder intravenoes (14/38) oder intraarteriell (23/38). Der Einfluss von Behandlungsfaktoren auf das Ueberleben wurde untersucht. Die biologisch effektive Dosis wurde mit Hilfe des linearquadratischen Models ({alpha}/{beta}=25 Gy) berechnet bei einem taeglichen Wirkungsverlust von 0,85 Gy ab Tag 28. Ergebnisse: Behandlungsfaktoren, die das Ueberleben beeinflussten, waren die Resektion (p=0,02), die strahlentherapeutische Behandlungseit (p=0,03) und die biologisch effektive Dosis (p<0,002). Gesamtdosis und Applikationsart der Chemotherapie hatten keinen signifikanten Einfluss. Das strahlentherapeutische Behandlungsvolumen wies eine negative Korrelation (r=-0,5 mit p=0,06) mit dem Geamtueberleben auf, ohne dass eine Korrelation zwischen Tumorgroesse, Tumorstadium und Behandlungsvolumen nachweisbar war. In der multivariaten Analyse behielt allein die biologisch effektive Dosis mit p=0,02 ihre Signifikanz. Schlussfolgerungen: Neben der Resektion beeinflusst die biologisch effektive Dosis das Ueberleben der Pankreaskarzinompatienten. Das Bestrahlungsvolumen soll so klein wie moeglich gehalten und eine Unterbrechung der Strahlentherapie soll vermieden werden. (orig.)

  4. Parameter Estimation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sales-Cruz, Mauricio; Heitzig, Martina; Cameron, Ian


    of optimisation techniques coupled with dynamic solution of the underlying model. Linear and nonlinear approaches to parameter estimation are investigated. There is also the application of maximum likelihood principles in the estimation of parameters, as well as the use of orthogonal collocation to generate a set......In this chapter the importance of parameter estimation in model development is illustrated through various applications related to reaction systems. In particular, rate constants in a reaction system are obtained through parameter estimation methods. These approaches often require the application...... of algebraic equations as the basis for parameter estimation.These approaches are illustrated using estimations of kinetic constants from reaction system models....

  5. Strategy for the investigation of hazardous substances in industrial effluents: IDA (Industrial Discharge Assessment)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reemtsma, T.; Klinkow, N.


    The assessment of amounts and effects of hazardous substances in industrial effluents necessitates a combination of chemical and biological investigations. Therefore in this study a strategy for the investigation of hazardous substances in wastewater discharges was developed which connects the parameters persistence, bioaccumulation, and aquatic toxicity. The strategy IDA (Industrial Discharge Assessment) was elaborated based on the evaluation of existing investigation strategies and the available test systems. The strategy has a modular structure to assure a flexible investigation with regard to the particularities of a given wastewater. After the determination of acute and chronic toxicity and genotoxicity a microbial degradation test is carried out to obtain the persistent wastewater fraction. The bioaccumulating substances are determined from this fraction by solid-phase extraction. Within the strategy differences between direct and indirect discharges are taken into account and particulate matter is considered as well. By the modular linking it can be determined if a wastewater contains toxic and persistent and bioaccumulating substances, which present an important potential of hazard for the aquatic environment. The first application of the strategy on three wastewater samples of the chemical and the metal processing industry showed that the strategy can be used as planned. (orig.) [German] Die Erfassung der Gehalte und Wirkungen gefaehrlicher Stoffe in Abwassereinleitungen der Industrie erfordert eine Kombination chemischer und biologischer Untersuchungen, die ueber das bisher in der AbwV festgelegte Mass hinausgeht. In dieser Studie wurde deshalb eine Untersuchungsstrategie fuer gefaehrliche Stoffe in Abwasserleitungen entwickelt, die die Parameter Persistenz, Bioakkumulierbarkeit und Toxizitaet auch experimentell verknuepft. Die Ausarbeitung erfolgte nach Auswertung der international bestehenden Untersuchungsstrategien sowie der zur Verfuegung stehenden

  6. Implementation of the ordinances issued under the Technical Guide for Refuse Management and quality assurance of fermentation products. 60. information meeting at Wolfsburg, October 2000; Umsetzung der TASi-Nachfolge-Verordnungen und Guetesicherung von Gaerprodukten. 60. Informationsgespraech in Wolfsburg im Oktober 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fricke, K.; Hangen, H.O.; Leonhardt, H.W. [comps.


    The lectures and discussions held at this event produced new insights concerning the successor ordinances to the Household Waste Technical Code, quality assurance for fermented products and problems surrounding the composting of biodegradable wastes. [German] Vortraege und Diskussionen werden neue Erkenntnisse nicht nur zu den TASi-Nachfolge-Verordnungen, sondern auch zur Guetesicherung von Gaerprodukten und zur Problematik der Kompostierung biologisch abbaubarer Werkstoffe bringen. Wir wuenschen der Tagung einen guten Verlauf. (orig.)

  7. Wider die dualistische Position akademischen Schreibens: Das Schreiben einer Doktorarbeit als leibgebundene Praxis


    Hanrahan, Mary


    Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der Spannung zwischen der dualistischen Tradition unseres Kulturkreises (WERTHEIM, 1999) einerseits und neueren Ansätzen, die die Konstruktion und Genese von Wissen als leibgebundenes Handeln innerhalb biologischer und ökologischer Systeme nachzuvollziehen versuchen andererseits (z.B. DAMASIO, 1994; LEAR, 1998; LEMKE, 1995; MATURANA & VARELA, 1992). Dabei werden auch Implikationen eines biosozialen Modells für Forschungsmethodologie und für akademisches Schreib...

  8. Challenging the Dualistic Assumptions of Academic Writing: Representing Ph.D. Research As Embodied Practice


    Hanrahan, Mary


    Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der Spannung zwischen der dualistischen Tradition unseres Kulturkreises (WERTHEIM, 1999) einerseits und neueren Ansätzen, die die Konstruktion und Genese von Wissen als leibgebundenes Handeln innerhalb biologischer und ökologischer Systeme nachzuvollziehen versuchen andererseits (z.B. DAMASIO, 1994; LEAR, 1998; LEMKE, 1995; MATURANA & VARELA, 1992). Dabei werden auch Implikationen eines biosozialen Modells für Forschungsmethodologie und für akademisches Schreib...

  9. Derivation of radioecological parameters from the long-term emission of iodine-129. Final report; Ableitung von radiooekologischen Parametern aus dem langfristigen Eintrag von Iod-129. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Michel, R.; Klipsch, K.; Ernst, T.; Gorny, M.; Jakob, D.; Vahlbruch, J. [Zentrum fuer Strahlenschutz und Radiooekologie (ZSR), Universitaet Hannover (Germany); Synal, H.A. [Paul Scherrer Inst., ETH Hoenggerberg, Zuerich (Switzerland); Schnabel, C. [Institut fuer Teilchenphysik, ETH Hoenggerberg, Zuerich (Switzerland)


    In this project, the distribution and behaviour of {sup 129}I and {sup 127}I in the environment and its pathways through the environment to man were comprehensively investigated in order to provide a basis for estimating the radiation exposure to man due to releases of {sup 129}I. To this end, the actual situation in Lower Saxony, Germany, was studied for exemplary regions near to and far from the coast of the North Sea. Accelerator mass spectrometry, radiochemical neutron activation analysis, ion chromatography, and ICP-MS were applied to measure the iodine isotopes, {sup 129}I and P{sup 127}I, in sea-water, air, precipitation, surface and ground waters, soils, plants, animals, foodstuffs, total diet, and human and animal thyroid glands. For air-borne iodine, the speciation as well as the particle size distribution of aerosols was determined. Soil depth profiles were investigated down to depths of 2.5 m in order to study the iodine migration as well as individual surface soil samples to allow for the determination of transfer factors of the iodine isotopes into plants. From the analytical results radioecological parameters for the long-term behaviour of {sup 129}I in the pedo- and biosphere were derived. The iodine isotopes are in severe disequilibrium in the different environmental compartments. The pre-nuclear equilibrium {sup 129}I/{sup 127}I ratio in the biosphere was determined to be 2.0 x 10{sup -13} with a geometric standard deviation of 1.39. Today, the environmental isotopic ratios in Northern Germany range from 10{sup -6} to 10{sup -10}. The highest ratios are found in North Sea water, the lowest in deep soil samples and ground water. The North Sea appears as the dominant source of air-borne iodine in Northern Germany due to the emissions of European reprocessing plants. The results are discussed with respect to their radiological relevance and in view of the general protection of the environment, i.e. air, water, soil and the biosphere. (orig.)

  10. Biologische beheersing wortelvlieg (Psila rosae) in 2009

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Broek, van den R.C.F.M.; Gruppen, R.; Kamstra, J.H.


    Since 2007 Applied Plant Research (PPO) investigates whether the carrot root fly (Psila rosae) can be disorientated by applying strong smelling oils. A mature carrot root fly can find a carrot field by smell. The question is whether the smell of carrots may be masked by strong smelling oils so that

  11. Biologische Wirkungen der Bestrahlung mit schweren Ionen (United States)

    Kiefer, Jürgen


    Experiments with accelerated heavy ions may contribute to the understanding of biological radiation action. After outlining the theoretical background experiments are described which were carried out at the UNILAC-machine (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany) where ions up to uranium can be accelerated to maximal specific energies of 10 MeV/u. Yeast cells served as biological test systems with the synthesis of ribosomal RNA (r-RNA), colony-forming ability and mutation induction as experimental endpoints. A relationship between action and energy deposition by individual particles can be demonstrated for the inhibition of r-RNA synthesis, in other cases the ion energy plays also an important role indicating that the interaction of δ-electrons from different particles contributes significantly to the biological effect.

  12. Combining mechanical-biological residual waste treatment plants with the carbonisation-combustion process; Kombination MBA mit dem Schwel-Brenn-Verfahren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diekmann, J.; Wiehn, G. [Siemens AG Unternehmensbereich KWU, Erlangen (Germany). Bereich Energieerzeugung


    The disposal market for household waste is strongly influenced by the legal framework governing it. A further factor that makes it difficult for the authorities responsible for disposal to decide on residual waste disposal by means of thermal or mechanical-biological treatment plants is the downward pressure on disposal prices from inexpensive, underused landfills. This makes it all the more important for a future-oriented waste management to develop a both economically and ecologically optimised waste disposal concept. In this situation there is much in favour of adopting a concept consisting of a combination of mechanical, mechanical-biological, and thermal treatment which takes due account of waste disposal concepts at the regional and supraregional scale. [Deutsch] Der Entsorgungsmarkt fuer Siedlungsabfaelle wird stark durch die Entwicklung der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen beeinflusst. Hinzu kommt, dass der Entscheidungsprozess der oeffentlichen Entsorgungstraeger zur Restabfallentsorgung mittels thermischer oder mechanisch-biologischer Anlagen durch den Druck auf die Entsorgungspreise aufgrund der kostenguenstigen, nicht ausgelasteten Deponien erschwert wird. Umso mehr muss das Ziel einer zukunftsorientierten Abfallwirtschaft sein, unter oekonomischen und oekologischen Gesichtspunkten ein optimiertes Abfallkonzept aufzubauen. Hier kann es sehr hilfreich sein, sich eines Konzeptes, bestehend aus der Kombination von mechanischer, mechanisch-biologischer und thermischer Behandlung unter Beruecksichtigung des regionalen und ueberregionalen Abfallkonzeptes zu bedienen. (orig./SR)

  13. WIPP Compliance Certification Application calculations parameters. Part 1: Parameter development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Howarth, S.M.


    The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in southeast New Mexico has been studied as a transuranic waste repository for the past 23 years. During this time, an extensive site characterization, design, construction, and experimental program was completed, which provided in-depth understanding of the dominant processes that are most likely to influence the containment of radionuclides for 10,000 years. Nearly 1,500 parameters were developed using information gathered from this program; the parameters were input to numerical models for WIPP Compliance Certification Application (CCA) Performance Assessment (PA) calculations. The CCA probabilistic codes frequently require input values that define a statistical distribution for each parameter. Developing parameter distributions begins with the assignment of an appropriate distribution type, which is dependent on the type, magnitude, and volume of data or information available. The development of the parameter distribution values may require interpretation or statistical analysis of raw data, combining raw data with literature values, scaling of lab or field data to fit code grid mesh sizes, or other transformation. Parameter development and documentation of the development process were very complicated, especially for those parameters based on empirical data; they required the integration of information from Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) code sponsors, parameter task leaders (PTLs), performance assessment analysts (PAAs), and experimental principal investigators (PIs). This paper, Part 1 of two parts, contains a discussion of the parameter development process, roles and responsibilities, and lessons learned. Part 2 will discuss parameter documentation, traceability and retrievability, and lessons learned from related audits and reviews

  14. Chemistry and biology of natural product derived protease inhibitors


    Stolze, Sara Christina


    Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation sollten Naturstoffe und davon abgeleitete Derivate synthetisiert und im Hinblick auf ihre biologische Aktivität als Protease-Inhibitoren untersucht werden. Für die Naturstoffklasse der 3-Amino-6-Hydroxy-2-piperidon(Ahp)-Cyclodepsipeptide, die als nicht-kovalente Serin-Protease-Inhibitoren bekannt sind, konnte eine Festphasensynthese basierend auf einem allgemeinen Ahp-Vorläufermolekül entwickelt werden. Für den Ahp-Vorläufer wurde eine Lösungssynthese entwicke...

  15. Strategien zur HLA-Typisierung mit PyrosequencingTM


    Entz, Patricia


    Der Haupthistokompatibilitätskomplex ist durch seine biologische Funktion eine für die Diagnostik und Forschung äußerst wichtige Region im humanen Genom. Die Untersuchung von HLA-Genorten stellt ein wichtiges Instrument in der molekulargenetischen Praxis dar. Die Pyrosequencing-Technik ist gut geeignet, um kurze DNA-Abschnitte mit weitgehend bekannter Sequenz schnell und effizient zu untersuchen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung von Pyrosequencing-basierten Methoden zur HLA-Typisierung....

  16. Lumped-parameter models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ibsen, Lars Bo; Liingaard, M.


    A lumped-parameter model represents the frequency dependent soil-structure interaction of a massless foundation placed on or embedded into an unbounded soil domain. In this technical report the steps of establishing a lumped-parameter model are presented. Following sections are included in this report: Static and dynamic formulation, Simple lumped-parameter models and Advanced lumped-parameter models. (au)

  17. Booster parameter list

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parsa, Z.


    The AGS Booster is designed to be an intermediate synchrotron injector for the AGS, capable of accelerating protons from 200 MeV to 1.5 GeV. The parameters listed include beam and operational parameters and lattice parameters, as well as parameters pertaining to the accelerator's magnets, vacuum system, radio frequency acceleration system, and the tunnel. 60 refs., 41 figs

  18. A parameter tree approach to estimating system sensitivities to parameter sets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jarzemba, M.S.; Sagar, B.


    A post-processing technique for determining relative system sensitivity to groups of parameters and system components is presented. It is assumed that an appropriate parametric model is used to simulate system behavior using Monte Carlo techniques and that a set of realizations of system output(s) is available. The objective of our technique is to analyze the input vectors and the corresponding output vectors (that is, post-process the results) to estimate the relative sensitivity of the output to input parameters (taken singly and as a group) and thereby rank them. This technique is different from the design of experimental techniques in that a partitioning of the parameter space is not required before the simulation. A tree structure (which looks similar to an event tree) is developed to better explain the technique. Each limb of the tree represents a particular combination of parameters or a combination of system components. For convenience and to distinguish it from the event tree, we call it the parameter tree. To construct the parameter tree, the samples of input parameter values are treated as either a '+' or a '-' based on whether or not the sampled parameter value is greater than or less than a specified branching criterion (e.g., mean, median, percentile of the population). The corresponding system outputs are also segregated into similar bins. Partitioning the first parameter into a '+' or a '-' bin creates the first level of the tree containing two branches. At the next level, realizations associated with each first-level branch are further partitioned into two bins using the branching criteria on the second parameter and so on until the tree is fully populated. Relative sensitivities are then inferred from the number of samples associated with each branch of the tree. The parameter tree approach is illustrated by applying it to a number of preliminary simulations of the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, NV. Using a

  19. Inventory parameters

    CERN Document Server

    Sharma, Sanjay


    This book provides a detailed overview of various parameters/factors involved in inventory analysis. It especially focuses on the assessment and modeling of basic inventory parameters, namely demand, procurement cost, cycle time, ordering cost, inventory carrying cost, inventory stock, stock out level, and stock out cost. In the context of economic lot size, it provides equations related to the optimum values. It also discusses why the optimum lot size and optimum total relevant cost are considered to be key decision variables, and uses numerous examples to explain each of these inventory parameters separately. Lastly, it provides detailed information on parameter estimation for different sectors/products. Written in a simple and lucid style, it offers a valuable resource for a broad readership, especially Master of Business Administration (MBA) students.

  20. A comparison between two powder compaction parameters of plasticity: the effective medium A parameter and the Heckel 1/K parameter. (United States)

    Mahmoodi, Foad; Klevan, Ingvild; Nordström, Josefina; Alderborn, Göran; Frenning, Göran


    The purpose of the research was to introduce a procedure to derive a powder compression parameter (EM A) representing particle yield stress using an effective medium equation and to compare the EM A parameter with the Heckel compression parameter (1/K). 16 pharmaceutical powders, including drugs and excipients, were compressed in a materials testing instrument and powder compression profiles were derived using the EM and Heckel equations. The compression profiles thus obtained could be sub-divided into regions among which one region was approximately linear and from this region, the compression parameters EM A and 1/K were calculated. A linear relationship between the EM A parameter and the 1/K parameter was obtained with a strong correlation. The slope of the plot was close to 1 (0.84) and the intercept of the plot was small in comparison to the range of parameter values obtained. The relationship between the theoretical EM A parameter and the 1/K parameter supports the interpretation of the empirical Heckel parameter as being a measure of yield stress. It is concluded that the combination of Heckel and EM equations represents a suitable procedure to derive a value of particle plasticity from powder compression data. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Statistical MOSFET Parameter Extraction with Parameter Selection for Minimal Point Measurement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marga Alisjahbana


    Full Text Available A method to statistically extract MOSFET model parameters from a minimal number of transistor I(V characteristic curve measurements, taken during fabrication process monitoring. It includes a sensitivity analysis of the model, test/measurement point selection, and a parameter extraction experiment on the process data. The actual extraction is based on a linear error model, the sensitivity of the MOSFET model with respect to the parameters, and Newton-Raphson iterations. Simulated results showed good accuracy of parameter extraction and I(V curve fit for parameter deviations of up 20% from nominal values, including for a process shift of 10% from nominal.

  2. Microorganisms are making large progress. DaimlerChrysler supports biotechnology research at universities; Mikroorganismen geben Gas. DaimlerChrysler unterstuetzt Biotechnologieforschung an Hochschulen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In order to improve the cooperation between economy and science the DaimlerChrysler Challenge Fund sponsors research at American universities. Some projects deal with hydrogen that is generated biologically and supposed to be stored in new tanks. (orig.) [German] Um die Kooperation zwischen Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft zu verbessern, sponsert der DaimlerChrysler Challenge Fund die Forschung an nordamerikanischen Hochschulen. Einige Projekte befassen sich mit Wasserstoff, der biologisch erzeugt und in neuartigen Tanks gespeichert werden soll. (orig.)

  3. Comparative studies in farther-reaching waste water cleaning in different reactor systems; Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur weitergehenden Abwasserreinigung in unterschiedlichen Reaktorsystemen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dockhorn, T. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Siedlungswasserwirtschaft


    Three semi-technical pilot plants (completely mixed reactor, cascade, SBR) were operated in parallel under equal starting conditions. The influence of the type of reactor on the processes COD elimination, nitrification, denitrification and biological P elimination under operating conditions was studied. (orig.) [German] Es wurden drei halbtechnische Versuchsanlagen (volldurchmischter Reaktor, Kaskade, SBR) unter gleichen Ausgangsbedingungen parallel betrieben. Hierbei wurde der Einfluss des Reaktortyps auf die Prozesse CSB-Elimination, Nitrifikation, Denitrifikation sowie biologische P-Elimination unter Betriebsbedingungen untersucht. (orig.)

  4. Balance of groundwaterstreams below dumps with the application of environmental isotopes within hydrogeological examinations. Final report; Bilanzierung von Grundwasserstroemen unter Deponien mit Hilfe von umweltisotopen-hydrologischen Analysen im Rahmen hydrogeologischer Untersuchungen. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Geyh, M A; Ays, G


    Deponiesickerwaesser eine von der natuerlichen Isotopenzusammensetzung abweichende Markierung haben koennten, die vom Deponieinhalt und Isotopen-Fraktionierungen bei dessen Abbau gepraegt ist. Die Isotopenwerte des Grundwassers ober- oder unterstrom der Deponien wurden zu verschiedenen Jahreszeiten gemessen, um natuerliche und anthropogene Veraenderungen der Isotopenzusammensetzungen im Deponiebereich zu erfassen. Es wurde erwartet, dass die Mobilitaet der chemischen Kontaminanten durch physikalische, chemische und biologische Retardation gegenueber der der isotopisch markierten Wassermolekuele eingeschraenkt sei. Im Abstrom von Hausmuelldeponien koennen mit Hilfe der Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoff-Isotopenzusammensetzung im Sickerwasser unterschiedlich stark von der Deponie beeinflusste Bereiche voneinander abgegrenzt werden. Die Kohlenstoff-Isotopenzusammensetzung kann zur Verfolgung der Phasen des chemischen Abbaus organischer Inhaltsstoffe eingesetzt werden. In Sonderabfalldeponien treten spezielle Isotopen-Effekte auf, die mit der andersartigen Zusammensetzung der Inhaltsstoffe zu erklaeren sind. (orig.)

  5. Opfok van biologische leghennen in verschillende Europese landen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bestman, M.W.P.


    At EU-level there are no specific regulations for organic rearing hens. Therefore the different countries use different interpretations of the rules that do exist. However, not only the rules vary per country, but also the way the rearing is being organised in the different countries. From a study

  6. Biologisch-dynamische Forschung zwischen "wissenschaftlicher Weltsicht" und "Ideologie"


    Eysel, Georg


    Der Beitrag zeigt den Konflikt zwischen "wertefreier" Wissenschaft und "ganzheitlicher" Forschung auf. Ein Zusammenspiel bio-dynamischer Forschung und der Anthroposophie mit anderen Disziplinen könnte einen Beitrag zu einem neuen Wissenschaftsbegriff mit umfassender Weltanschauung leisten. Dialog, Verständnis, Toleranz, Offenheit, kritisches Hinterfragen und Mut zur sinnvollen Anpassung sind dafür notwendige Schritte.

  7. Lage krachtvoergiften en diergezondheid in de biologische melkveehouderij

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zom, R.L.G.; Smolders, E.A.A.


    Organic dairy farmers have multiple reasons to choose a farm strategy with low concentrate input per unit of milk produced. First and foremost, concentrates and concentrate replacers of organic origin are expensive. Therefore, depending on the milk prices, concentrate feeding is often uneconomical.

  8. Biologisch en gemak : een combinatie voor de toekomst?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijk, van E.E.C.; Tacken, G.M.L.


    The aim of this consumer survey was to explore how convenience can be combined with the product fresh organic meat. In the survey, 24 light users of fresh organic meat were asked for their opinion on what organic stands for, in particular in relation to fresh organic meat. It also investigated what

  9. Emissies uit de biologische veehouderij : processen en factoren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mosquera Losada, J.; Hol, J.M.G.; Groenestein, C.M.


    Organic farming places greater demands on animal welfare, for example by requiring the use of straw and more space available to the animals in the animal house as well as outdoors. There is still little known on the environmental impacts of the organic livestock production. The aim of this research

  10. Fysische, chemische en biologische bestrijding van pectinolytische Erwinia's

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wolf, van der J.M.; Doorn, van J.


    Rotveroorzakende bacteriën, met name pectinolytische Erwinia spp., zijn verantwoordelijk voor veel schade in de diverse gewassen, vooral in de teelt van aardappelen en de bloembolgewassen hyacint, zantedeschia en iris. In deze literatuurstudie worden de beschikbare gegevens nog eens nader bekeken

  11. Waardering van de duurzaamheidsprestaties van de biologische landbouw

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meeusen, M.J.G.; Reinhard, A.J.; Bos, E.J.


    New insights into the contribution of organic agriculture to a sustainable society form the background to a study aimed at re-evaluating the social effects of the organic sector. This study compares the social costs and benefi ts of organic agriculture with those of regular agriculture. The focus is

  12. Bioremediation without earth moving. Biologische Altlastensanierung ohne Erdaushub

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Franz, B; Knapp, A; Mueller, D


    According to rough estimates, there are 70,000 sites in the pre-unification Federal Republic of Germany where contamination is suspected. Some 50 to 60% of the contaminated sites are suitable for bioremediation. The Bioux-S process permits in-situ cleanup without any need for complicated and expensive earth moving operations. The culture conditions of the aerobic microorganisms already present in the soil are improved by the introduction of pure oxygen and special nutrients. Such microorganisms are already ideally adapted to the contaminants present and utilise them partly as nutrients and partly to maintain their energy balance. The process has already been successfully used for bioremediation of refinery and gasworks as well as chemical production sites. (orig.).

  13. Safeguards systems parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avenhaus, R.; Heil, J.


    In this paper analyses are made of the values of those parameters that characterize the present safeguards system that is applied to a national fuel cycle; those values have to be fixed quantitatively so that all actions of the safeguards authority are specified precisely. The analysis starts by introducing three categories of quantities: The design parameters (number of MBAs, inventory frequency, variance of MUF, verification effort and false-alarm probability) describe those quantities whose values have to be specified before the safeguards system can be implemented. The performance criteria (probability of detection, expected detection time, goal quantity) measure the effectiveness of a safeguards system; and the standards (threshold amount and critical time) characterize the magnitude of the proliferation problem. The means by which the values of the individual design parameters can be determined with the help of the performance criteria; which qualitative arguments can narrow down the arbitrariness of the choice of values of the remaining parameters; and which parameter values have to be fixed more or less arbitrarily, are investigated. As a result of these considerations, which include the optimal allocation of a given inspection effort, the problem of analysing the structure of the safeguards system is reduced to an evaluation of the interplay of only a few parameters, essentially the quality of the measurement system (variance of MUF), verification effort, false-alarm probability, goal quantity and probability of detection

  14. Generating three-parameter sensor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Filinyuk M. A.


    Full Text Available Generating sensors provide the possibility of getting remote information and its easy conversion into digital form. Typically, these are one-parameter sensors formed by combination of a primary transmitter (PT and a sine wave generator. Two-parameter sensors are not widely used as their implementation causes a problem with ambiguity output when measuring the PT. Nevertheless, the problem of creating miniature, thrifty multi-parameter RF sensors for different branches of science and industry remains relevant. Considering ways of designing RF sensors, we study the possibility of constructing a three-parameter microwave radio frequency range sensor, which is based on a two-stage three-parameter generalized immitance convertor (GIC. Resistive, inductive and capacitive PT are used as sensing elements. A mathematical model of the sensor, which describes the relation of the sensor parameters to the parameters of GIC and PT was developed. The basic parameters of the sensor, its transfer function and sensitivity were studied. It is shown that the maximum value of the power generated signal will be observed at a frequency of 175 MHz, and the frequency ranges depending on the parameters of the PT will be different. Research results and adequacy of the mathematical model were verified by the experiment. Error of the calculated dependences of the lasing frequency on PT parameters change, compared with the experimental data does not exceed 2 %. The relative sensitivity of the sensor based on two-stage GIC showed that for the resistive channel it is about 1.88, for the capacitive channel –1,54 and for the inductive channel –11,5. Thus, it becomes possible to increase the sensor sensitivity compared with the sensitivity of the PT almost 1,2—2 times, and by using the two stage GIC a multifunctional sensor is provided.

  15. Cell genetic processes under space flight conditions: Analysis of two-factor crosses between spore color mutants of Sordaria macrospora. Final report; Zellgenetische Prozesse unter Weltraumbedingungen: Analyse von Zweifaktorenkreuzungen zwischen Sporenfarbenmutanten von Sordaria macrospora. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hock, B.; Hahn, A.


    hervorgerufen. In Bodenreferenzexperimenten wurde ein dosisabhaengiger Effekt von Schwerionenpartikelstrahlung auf die Postreduktionsfrequenz und die dadurch errechenbaren Genabstaende festgestellt. Eine Erhoehung der Bestrahlungsdosis hat eine Erhoehung der Postreduktionsfrequenz zur Folge. Es konnten Dosis-Effektkurven fuer den Vergleich mit Roentgenstrahlen erstellt werden und die relative biologische Wirksamkeit der Schwerionenstrahlung bezueglich des errechneten Genabstands der Gene lu und r{sub 2} bestimmt werden. Das Myzel der geflogenen Pilzproben wurde auf molekularer Ebene mit Hilfe eines Einzelzellgelektrophorese-Assays auf DNA-Strangbrueche untersucht. Es ergaben sich in den Raumflugproben keine messbaren Genschaeden. Versuche zur DNA-Reparatur in S. macrospora belegen, dass die meisten Schaeden bereits nach wenigen Stunden repariert werden koennen. Es wurden maximale Wirkungsdosen von ionisierender und nichtionisierender Strahlung festgestellt, bei denen DNA-Reparatur noch moeglich ist. (orig./MG)

  16. Cosmological Parameters 2000


    Primack, Joel R.


    The cosmological parameters that I emphasize are the age of the universe $t_0$, the Hubble parameter $H_0 \\equiv 100 h$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, the average matter density $\\Omega_m$, the baryonic matter density $\\Omega_b$, the neutrino density $\\Omega_\

  17. The four step axial flow compressor of the Technical University of Dresden - development concept and results of flow measurements; Der vierstufige Axialverdichter der TU Dresden - Entwicklungskonzeption und Ergebnisse von Stroemungsmessungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boos, P.; Moeeckel, H.; Mueller, R.; Sauer, H.; Wolf, E. [Technische Univ. Dresden (Germany)


    In this paper the results obtained from flow-technical investigations at low velocity compressor in Dresden were presented. They were supposed to give little insight on the focus of current research works in the field of axial flow compressors. A detailed solution of the flow structure applying the conventional pneumatic measuring technology as well as the hot-wire, microphone, culite, laser and light-section measuring technology enables to understand flow parameter better and to find approaches for improving power density, efficiency, environmental friendliness and operational stability. The large-scale research plant was constructed in approximately Two and a half years. The low velocity compressor in Dresden constitutes a tool in Germany and Europe that enables the manufacturers of stationary gas turbine plants and steel jet engines to improve various parameters of their products. The MTU in Munich already pointed out this fact in its contribution to the final report on the construction phase. It noted that this plant is going to extend the possibilities of research and development in Europe in the field of aerodynamics of axial flow compressors in an excellent way. (orig.) [Deutsch] Im Vortrag wurden beispielhaft erreichte Ergebnisse stroemungstechnischer Untersuchungen am Niedergeschwindigkeitsverdichter in Dresden dargestellt. Sie sollten einen kleinen Einblick in die Moeglichkeiten der Bearbeitung von Forschungsschwerpunkten geben, die gegenwaertig fuer Axialverdichter bedeutungsvoll sind. Eine detaillierte messtechnische Aufloesung der Stroemungsstrukturen unter Anwendung der konventionellen pneumatischen Messtechnik sowie der Hitzdraht-, Mikrofon-, Kulite-, Laser- und Lichtschnittmesstechnik schafft die Voraussetzung, die Stroemungsphaenomene besser zu verstehen und Ansatzpunkte fuer Verbesserungen der Leistungsdichte, des Wirkungsgrades, der Umweltvertraeglichkeit und der Betriebsstabilitaet zu finden. In ca. 2 1/2 Jahren konnte die Grossforschungsanlage

  18. Correlations among Stress Parameters, Meat and Carcass Quality Parameters in Pigs (United States)

    Dokmanovic, Marija; Baltic, Milan Z.; Duric, Jelena; Ivanovic, Jelena; Popovic, Ljuba; Todorovic, Milica; Markovic, Radmila; Pantic, Srdan


    Relationships among different stress parameters (lairage time and blood level of lactate and cortisol), meat quality parameters (initial and ultimate pH value, temperature, drip loss, sensory and instrumental colour, marbling) and carcass quality parameters (degree of rigor mortis and skin damages, hot carcass weight, carcass fat thickness, meatiness) were determined in pigs (n = 100) using Pearson correlations. After longer lairage, blood lactate (prigor mortis (p<0.05), suggesting that lactate could be a predictor of both meat quality and the level of preslaughter stress. Cortisol affected carcass quality, so higher levels of cortisol were associated with increased hot carcass weight, carcass fat thickness on the back and at the sacrum and marbling, but also with decreased meatiness. The most important meat quality parameters (pH and temperature after 60 minutes) deteriorated when blood lactate concentration was above 12 mmol/L. PMID:25656214

  19. Bomb parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kerr, George D.; Young, Rebert W.; Cullings, Harry M.; Christry, Robert F.


    The reconstruction of neutron and gamma-ray doses at Hiroshima and Nagasaki begins with a determination of the parameters describing the explosion. The calculations of the air transported radiation fields and survivor doses from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs require knowledge of a variety of parameters related to the explosions. These various parameters include the heading of the bomber when the bomb was released, the epicenters of the explosions, the bomb yields, and the tilt of the bombs at time of explosion. The epicenter of a bomb is the explosion point in air that is specified in terms of a burst height and a hypocenter (or the point on the ground directly below the epicenter of the explosion). The current reassessment refines the energy yield and burst height for the Hiroshima bomb, as well as the locations of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki hypocenters on the modern city maps used in the analysis of the activation data for neutrons and TLD data for gamma rays. (J.P.N.)

  20. Magnetic S-parameter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sannino, Francesco


    We propose a direct test of the existence of gauge duals for nonsupersymmetric asymptotically free gauge theories developing an infrared fixed point by computing the S-parameter in the electric and dual magnetic description. In particular we show that at the lower bound of the conformal window...... the magnetic S-parameter, i.e. the one determined via the dual magnetic gauge theory, assumes a simple expression in terms of the elementary magnetic degrees of freedom. The results further support our recent conjecture of the existence of a universal lower bound on the S parameter and indicates...

  1. Disorder parameter of confinement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, N.; Ejiri, S.; Matsubara, Y.; Suzuki, T.


    The disorder parameter of confinement-deconfinement phase transition based on the monopole action determined previously in SU(2) QCD are investigated. We construct an operator which corresponds to the order parameter defined in the abelian Higgs model. The operator shows proper behaviors as the disorder parameter in the numerical simulations of finite temperature QCD. (orig.)

  2. Uncertainty analysis of flexible rotors considering fuzzy parameters and fuzzy-random parameters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabian Andres Lara-Molina

    Full Text Available Abstract The components of flexible rotors are subjected to uncertainties. The main sources of uncertainties include the variation of mechanical properties. This contribution aims at analyzing the dynamics of flexible rotors under uncertain parameters modeled as fuzzy and fuzzy random variables. The uncertainty analysis encompasses the modeling of uncertain parameters and the numerical simulation of the corresponding flexible rotor model by using an approach based on fuzzy dynamic analysis. The numerical simulation is accomplished by mapping the fuzzy parameters of the deterministic flexible rotor model. Thereby, the flexible rotor is modeled by using both the Fuzzy Finite Element Method and the Fuzzy Stochastic Finite Element Method. Numerical simulations illustrate the methodology conveyed in terms of orbits and frequency response functions subject to uncertain parameters.

  3. Effects of landfills on the limnology of associated running waters; Gefaehrdung von Oberflaechengewaessern durch Altablagerungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baier, B. [Hohenheim Univ., Stuttgart (Germany). Inst. fuer Zoologie; Kappus, B. [Hohenheim Univ., Stuttgart (Germany). Inst. fuer Zoologie; Boehmer, J. [Hohenheim Univ., Stuttgart (Germany). Inst. fuer Zoologie; Nill, A. [Hohenheim Univ., Stuttgart (Germany). Inst. fuer Zoologie; Rahmann, H. [Hohenheim Univ., Stuttgart (Germany). Inst. fuer Zoologie


    Five small brooks influenced by runoff from landfills were surveyed from May 1993 to March 1994 using chemical and biological methods. Results showed clear impacts on the macroinvertebrate fauna as a result of pollutants in three of the five brooks studied. (orig.) [Deutsch] Im Einflussbereich von Altdeponien wurden fuenf kleine Fliessgewaesser von Mai 1993 bis Maerz 1994 wasserchemisch und biologisch untersucht. Anhand der Untersuchungsergebnisse wurde eine Gefaehrdungsabschaetzung der Oberflaechengewaesser durch die Altablagerungen vorgenommen. Danach waren bei drei der fuenf untersuchten Deponien aufgrund von Schadstoffeintraegen Auswirkungen auf die Makrobenthosfauna der angrenzenden Fliessgewaesser erkennbar. (orig.)

  4. Correlations between skin hydration parameters and corneocyte-derived parameters to characterize skin conditions. (United States)

    Masaki, Hitoshi; Yamashita, Yuki; Kyotani, Daiki; Honda, Tatsuya; Takano, Kenichi; Tamura, Toshiyasu; Mizutani, Taeko; Okano, Yuri


    Skin hydration is generally assessed using the parameters of skin surface water content (SWC) and trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL). To date, few studies have characterized skin conditions using correlations between skin hydration parameters and corneocyte parameters. The parameters SWC and TEWL allow the classification of skin conditions into four distinct Groups. The purpose of this study was to assess the characteristics of skin conditions classified by SWC and TEWL for correlations with parameters from corneocytes. A human volunteer test was conducted that measured SWC and TEWL. As corneocyte-derived parameters, the size and thick abrasion ratios, the ratio of sulfhydryl groups and disulfide bonds (SH/SS) and CP levels were analyzed. Volunteers were classified by their median SWC and TEWL values into 4 Groups: Group I (high SWC/low TEWL), Group II (high SWC/high TEWL), Group III (low SWC/low TEWL), and Group IV (low SWC/high TEWL). Group IV showed a significantly smaller size of corneocytes. Groups III and IV had significantly higher thick abrasion ratios and CP levels. Group I had a significantly lower SH/SS value. The SWC/TEWL value showed a decline in order from Group I to Group IV. Groups classified by their SWC and TEWL values showed characteristic skin conditions. We propose that the SWC and TEWL ratio is a comprehensive parameter to assess skin conditions. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Cosmological Parameters and Hyper-Parameters: The Hubble Constant from Boomerang and Maxima (United States)

    Lahav, Ofer

    Recently several studies have jointly analysed data from different cosmological probes with the motivation of estimating cosmological parameters. Here we generalise this procedure to allow freedom in the relative weights of various probes. This is done by including in the joint likelihood function a set of `Hyper-Parameters', which are dealt with using Bayesian considerations. The resulting algorithm, which assumes uniform priors on the log of the Hyper-Parameters, is very simple to implement. We illustrate the method by estimating the Hubble constant H0 from different sets of recent CMB experiments (including Saskatoon, Python V, MSAM1, TOCO, Boomerang and Maxima). The approach can be generalised for a combination of cosmic probes, and for other priors on the Hyper-Parameters. Reference: Lahav, Bridle, Hobson, Lasenby & Sodre, 2000, MNRAS, in press (astro-ph/9912105)

  6. Correlations among Stress Parameters, Meat and Carcass Quality Parameters in Pigs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marija Dokmanovic


    Full Text Available Relationships among different stress parameters (lairage time and blood level of lactate and cortisol, meat quality parameters (initial and ultimate pH value, temperature, drip loss, sensory and instrumental colour, marbling and carcass quality parameters (degree of rigor mortis and skin damages, hot carcass weight, carcass fat thickness, meatiness were determined in pigs (n = 100 using Pearson correlations. After longer lairage, blood lactate (p<0.05 and degree of injuries (p<0.001 increased, meat became darker (p<0.001, while drip loss decreased (p<0.05. Higher lactate was associated with lower initial pH value (p<0.01, higher temperature (p<0.001 and skin blemishes score (p<0.05 and more developed rigor mortis (p<0.05, suggesting that lactate could be a predictor of both meat quality and the level of preslaughter stress. Cortisol affected carcass quality, so higher levels of cortisol were associated with increased hot carcass weight, carcass fat thickness on the back and at the sacrum and marbling, but also with decreased meatiness. The most important meat quality parameters (pH and temperature after 60 minutes deteriorated when blood lactate concentration was above 12 mmol/L.

  7. Parameter identification of chaos system based on unknown parameter observer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Shaoming; Luo Haigeng; Yue Chaoyuan; Liao Xiaoxin


    Parameter identification of chaos system based on unknown parameter observer is discussed generally. Based on the work of Guan et al. [X.P. Guan, H.P. Peng, L.X. Li, et al., Acta Phys. Sinica 50 (2001) 26], the design of unknown parameter observer is improved. The application of the improved approach is extended greatly. The works in some literatures [X.P. Guan, H.P. Peng, L.X. Li, et al., Acta Phys. Sinica 50 (2001) 26; J.H. Lue, S.C. Zhang, Phys. Lett. A 286 (2001) 148; X.Q. Wu, J.A. Lu, Chaos Solitons Fractals 18 (2003) 721; J. Liu, S.H. Chen, J. Xie, Chaos Solitons Fractals 19 (2004) 533] are only the special cases of our Corollaries 1 and 2. Some observers for Lue system and a new chaos system are designed to test our improved method, and simulations results demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the improved approach

  8. Biological regeneration of carrier material for the adsorption of halogen hydrocarbons in plants for cleaning up contaminated groundwater. Final report. Biologische Regeneration von Traegermaterial fuer die Adsorption von Halogenkohlenwasserstoffen in Anlagen zur Sanierung kontaminierten Grundwassers. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ressel, K


    Halogen hydrocarbons and above all chlorinated hydrocarbons are widespread harmful substances in soils and in groundwater. When cleaning up groundwater contamination, the contaminants are brought into the gas phase by strip processes. From the gas phase, the contaminants can be adsorbed on different carrier materials, mostly active carbon. One was searching for ways to regenerate this adsorption material. The mixed culture from a sea sediment most suitable for the decomposition of chlorinated hydrocarbons was optimized regarding its decomposition performance and was later used on the technical scale. In the decomposition experiments on the large technical scale, the cultures were lodged on filling bodies which has a much higher amount of gaps. In this case, an optimum supply of the micro-organisms with oxygen and methane is guaranteed, which is used as co-substrate. No intermediate product was found in a gas chromatography examination. The biologically occupied stage is situated between a desorption column and the active carbon filters, and reduces the load of harmful substances which can no longer be brought into the gas phase by stripping out. This has the advantage that it can be integrated in existing plants and can be adapted to any case of contamination by lodging adapted micro-organisms on it. The basis for each application must be separately researched. (orig.)

  9. Parameters of care for craniosynostosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    McCarthy, Joseph G; Warren, Stephen M; Bernstein, Joseph


    A multidisciplinary meeting was held from March 4 to 6, 2010, in Atlanta, Georgia, entitled "Craniosynostosis: Developing Parameters for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management." The goal of this meeting was to create parameters of care for individuals with craniosynostosis.......A multidisciplinary meeting was held from March 4 to 6, 2010, in Atlanta, Georgia, entitled "Craniosynostosis: Developing Parameters for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management." The goal of this meeting was to create parameters of care for individuals with craniosynostosis....

  10. Marktontwikkeling biologische (vers)producten in de bedrijfscateringketen : eindrapport AKK

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jong, de P.W.G.A.


    Company catering should fulfill an important role in the nationwide objective to let 5% of consumer expenses be on organic products. During the working week, millions of consumers have lunch in the company restaurant. Introducing organic products in company catering reaches a large group of

  11. Polychaete Anneliden verzameld door Het Rijksinstituut voor Biologisch Visscherijonderzoek

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Horst, R.


    Lepidonotus squamatus L. juv. Waarn. 134. Enkhuizerzand. 7 Febr. 1909. Zooals vroeger door mij aangetoond, is deze soort vrij gemeen in de Zuiderzee. Eunoa nodosa M. Sars. Waarn. 16. 55° 40' N.Br., 0° 50' W.L. 8 Maart 1914. Harmothoë (Evarne) impar (Johnst.). Waarn. 69. Molengat. 16 Oct. 1913. De

  12. Actieve biologische Monitoring Zoete Rijkswateren: microverontreinigingen in zoetwatermosselen - 2015

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kotterman, M.J.J.


    Rijkswaterstaat van het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu is in 1992 gestart met de uitvoering van het monitoringprogramma “Monitoring Zoete Rijkswateren”. Dit vormt een onderdeel van de “Monitoring van de Waterstaatkundige Toestand des Lands” (MWTL). Doelstellingen van de metingen zijn: - het

  13. Het gezonde van biologisch voedsel: de beleving van consumenten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijk, van E.E.C.; Ronteltap, A.; Jager, L.C.


    On the basis of a literature study, group interviews and an online questionnaire, an investigation was carried out into what light users - people who occasionally buy organic products - believe makes food in general - and organic food in particular - healthy

  14. Neuropsychiatrie of biologische psychiatrie; een toekomstvisie in historisch perspectief. (United States)

    Verhoeven, W M; Tuinier, S


    Neuropsychiatry or Biological Psychiatry There is an urgent need to reconsider the position of psychiatry within the neurosciences because of the exploding knowledge about the relationship between brain and behaviour and the delay in implementation of new findings due to the separation of neurology and psychiatry. Biological psychiatry and psychopharmacology originate from the discovery by chance of psycho-active compounds in the early fifties and have contributed to the scientification of psychiatry. The impact of biological psychiatry for the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders, however, is limited as a result of its biased orientation on neurotransmitters and receptors. The neuropsychiatric paradigm integrates knowledge from several domains, such as functional neuroanatomy, genetics and endocrinology and opens new vistas for the involvement of neuronal circuits in the initiation and maintenance of behavioural disturbances. In addition, novel and more specific treatment modalities may emerge.

  15. Robust estimation of hydrological model parameters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Bárdossy


    Full Text Available The estimation of hydrological model parameters is a challenging task. With increasing capacity of computational power several complex optimization algorithms have emerged, but none of the algorithms gives a unique and very best parameter vector. The parameters of fitted hydrological models depend upon the input data. The quality of input data cannot be assured as there may be measurement errors for both input and state variables. In this study a methodology has been developed to find a set of robust parameter vectors for a hydrological model. To see the effect of observational error on parameters, stochastically generated synthetic measurement errors were applied to observed discharge and temperature data. With this modified data, the model was calibrated and the effect of measurement errors on parameters was analysed. It was found that the measurement errors have a significant effect on the best performing parameter vector. The erroneous data led to very different optimal parameter vectors. To overcome this problem and to find a set of robust parameter vectors, a geometrical approach based on Tukey's half space depth was used. The depth of the set of N randomly generated parameters was calculated with respect to the set with the best model performance (Nash-Sutclife efficiency was used for this study for each parameter vector. Based on the depth of parameter vectors, one can find a set of robust parameter vectors. The results show that the parameters chosen according to the above criteria have low sensitivity and perform well when transfered to a different time period. The method is demonstrated on the upper Neckar catchment in Germany. The conceptual HBV model was used for this study.

  16. Influence of processing parameters on lattice parameters in laser deposited tool alloy steel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sun, G.F., E-mail: [Center for Laser-Aided Intelligent Manufacturing, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109 (United States); School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 212013 (China); Bhattacharya, S. [Center for Laser-Aided Intelligent Manufacturing, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109 (United States); Dinda, G.P.; Dasgupta, A. [Center for Advanced Technologies, Focus: Hope, Detroit, MI, 48238 (United States); Mazumder, J. [Center for Laser-Aided Intelligent Manufacturing, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109 (United States)


    Highlights: {yields} Orientation relationships among phases in the DMD are given. {yields} Martensite lattice parameters increased with laser specific energy. {yields} Austenite lattice parameters decreased with laser specific energy. - Abstract: Laser aided direct metal deposition (DMD) has been used to form AISI 4340 steel coating on the AISI 4140 steel substrate. The microstructural property of the DMD coating was analyzed by means of scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffractometry. Microhardness of the DMD was measured with a Vickers microhardness tester. Results indicate that DMD can be used to form dense AISI 4340 steel coatings on AISI 4140 steel substrate. The DMD coating is mainly composed of martensite and retained austenite. Consecutive thermal cycles have a remarkable effect on the microstructure of the plan view of the DMD coating and on the corresponding microhardness distribution. Orientation relationships among austenite, martensite and cementite in the DMD coating followed the ones in conventional heat treated steels. As the laser specific energy decreased, cooling rate increased, and martensite peaks broadened and shifted to a lower Bragg's angle. Also martensite lattice parameters increased and austenite lattice parameters decreased due to the above parameter change.

  17. Influence of processing parameters on lattice parameters in laser deposited tool alloy steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, G.F.; Bhattacharya, S.; Dinda, G.P.; Dasgupta, A.; Mazumder, J.


    Highlights: → Orientation relationships among phases in the DMD are given. → Martensite lattice parameters increased with laser specific energy. → Austenite lattice parameters decreased with laser specific energy. - Abstract: Laser aided direct metal deposition (DMD) has been used to form AISI 4340 steel coating on the AISI 4140 steel substrate. The microstructural property of the DMD coating was analyzed by means of scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffractometry. Microhardness of the DMD was measured with a Vickers microhardness tester. Results indicate that DMD can be used to form dense AISI 4340 steel coatings on AISI 4140 steel substrate. The DMD coating is mainly composed of martensite and retained austenite. Consecutive thermal cycles have a remarkable effect on the microstructure of the plan view of the DMD coating and on the corresponding microhardness distribution. Orientation relationships among austenite, martensite and cementite in the DMD coating followed the ones in conventional heat treated steels. As the laser specific energy decreased, cooling rate increased, and martensite peaks broadened and shifted to a lower Bragg's angle. Also martensite lattice parameters increased and austenite lattice parameters decreased due to the above parameter change.

  18. Summary of the DREAM8 Parameter Estimation Challenge: Toward Parameter Identification for Whole-Cell Models.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jonathan R Karr


    Full Text Available Whole-cell models that explicitly represent all cellular components at the molecular level have the potential to predict phenotype from genotype. However, even for simple bacteria, whole-cell models will contain thousands of parameters, many of which are poorly characterized or unknown. New algorithms are needed to estimate these parameters and enable researchers to build increasingly comprehensive models. We organized the Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessments and Methods (DREAM 8 Whole-Cell Parameter Estimation Challenge to develop new parameter estimation algorithms for whole-cell models. We asked participants to identify a subset of parameters of a whole-cell model given the model's structure and in silico "experimental" data. Here we describe the challenge, the best performing methods, and new insights into the identifiability of whole-cell models. We also describe several valuable lessons we learned toward improving future challenges. Going forward, we believe that collaborative efforts supported by inexpensive cloud computing have the potential to solve whole-cell model parameter estimation.

  19. Comparison of Parameter Identification Techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eder Rafael


    Full Text Available Model-based control of mechatronic systems requires excellent knowledge about the physical behavior of each component. For several types of components of a system, e.g. mechanical or electrical ones, the dynamic behavior can be described by means of a mathematic model consisting of a set of differential equations, difference equations and/or algebraic constraint equations. The knowledge of a realistic mathematic model and its parameter values is essential to represent the behaviour of a mechatronic system. Frequently it is hard or impossible to obtain all required values of the model parameters from the producer, so an appropriate parameter estimation technique is required to compute missing parameters. A manifold of parameter identification techniques can be found in the literature, but their suitability depends on the mathematic model. Previous work dealt with the automatic assembly of mathematical models of serial and parallel robots with drives and controllers within the dynamic multibody simulation code HOTINT as fully-fledged mechatronic simulation. Several parameters of such robot models were identified successfully by our embedded algorithm. The present work proposes an improved version of the identification algorithm with higher performance. The quality of the identified parameter values and the computation effort are compared with another standard technique.

  20. Sustainable towards a second gas revolution. The Groningen Way; Duurzaam op weg naar een tweede gasrevolutie. De Groningen Way

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Euverink, G.J.; Van Gemert, W.J.T.; Groeneveld, M.J.W.; Stokman, F.N.; Visser, C.


    The authors suggest to give the Dutch province Groningen a pioneering role in the energy transition, in which aboveground biogas production must be stimulated, and thus natural gas reserves can be left untouched. For that, the produced gas must be transferred to 'green' gas to be able to mix it into the natural gas distribution system. The applied techniques which the authors propose are based on power-to-gas, for which a surplus of sustainably produced energy (e.g. solar and wind energy) is used to generate hydrogen from the electrolysis of water. From hydrogen and CO2 'green' gas can be produced. In addition, the authors suggest to improve green gas installations which produce gas from sewage sludge and organic waste. This can be done using biological enzymes [Dutch] De auteurs stellen voor om de provincie Groningen een voortrekkersrol te geven in de energietransitie, waarbij bovengrondse biogasproductie gestimuleerd moet worden, zodat het huidige aardgas gewoon in de bodem kan blijven zitten. Daarbij moet het gas wel worden opgewerkt tot groen gas, zodat het rechtstreeks aan het aardgasnet geleverd kan worden. De technieken die de wetenschappers daarbij voorstellen is de gebruikmaking van Power-to-gas, waarbij overtollig duurzaam geproduceerde energie, uit bijvoorbeeld zon en wind, wordt gebruikt om uit water waterstof te maken. Door die waterstof vervolgens met CO2 te verbinden, kan er er groen gas van worden gemaakt. Daarnaast stelt de denktank verbeterde groengasinstallaties voor die gas halen uit rioolslib en biologisch afval. Dit kan met behulp van biologische enzymen die zelf hoge druk opbouwen.

  1. [Helsinki declaration on patient safety in anaesthesiology -part 10: infection control/hygiene]. (United States)

    Kerwat, Klaus; Wulf, Hinnerk


    There is a plethora of laws, regulations, guidelines and recommendations relating to infection control and hygiene. Major issues are the prevention of nosocomial infections, staff protection and environmental protection. Of the highest relevance are the infection control law [Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG)], the hygiene regulations of the German federal states [Hygieneverordnungen der Bundesländer], the German technical rules for biological materials [Technische Regel Biologische Arbeitsstoffe 250 (TRBA 250)] - biological materials in health-care and welfare work [Biologische Arbeitsstoffe im Gesundheitswesen und in der Wohlfahrtspflege], the guidelines for hospital hygiene and prevention of infection of the commission for hospital hygiene and prevention of infection of the Robert-Koch Institute [Richtlinie für Krankenhaushygiene und Infektionsprävention von der Kommission für Krankenhaushygiene und Infektionsprävention (KRINKO) beim Robert Koch-Institut], the recommendations of the commission on anti-infectives, resistance and therapy of the Robert-Koch Institute [Empfehlungen der Kommission Antiinfektiva, Resistenz und Therapie (ART) beim Robert Koch-Institut]. Of subordinate importance are, e.g., the recommendations of the German Society for Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine (DGAI). It is practically impossible for an anesthesiologist working in a hospital to have knowledge of all laws, regulations, guidelines and recommendations. And this is also not reasonable. Thus it is necessary to distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant. Checklists can be useful here. The most important and effective individual action in hospital hygiene is and remains hand hygiene as is propagated in the action "clean hands", irrespective of all laws, regulations, guidelines and recommendations. © Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York.

  2. Reduction of robot base parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vandanjon, P.O.


    This paper is a new step in the search of minimum dynamic parameters of robots. In spite of planing exciting trajectories and using base parameters, some parameters remain not identifiable due to the perturbation effects. In this paper, we propose methods to reduce the set of base parameters in order to get an essential set of parameters. This new set defines a simplified identification model witch improves the noise immunity of the estimation process. It contributes also in reducing the computation burden of a simplified dynamic model. Different methods are proposed and are classified in two parts: methods, witch perform reduction and identification together, come from statistical field and methods, witch reduces the model before the identification thanks to a priori information, come from numerical field like the QR factorization. Statistical tools and QR reduction are shown to be efficient and adapted to determine the essential parameters. They can be applied to open-loop, or graph structured rigid robot, as well as flexible-link robot. Application for the PUMA 560 robot is given. (authors). 9 refs., 4 tabs

  3. Reduction of robot base parameters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vandanjon, P O [CEA Centre d` Etudes de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Dept. des Procedes et Systemes Avances; Gautier, M [Nantes Univ., 44 (France)


    This paper is a new step in the search of minimum dynamic parameters of robots. In spite of planing exciting trajectories and using base parameters, some parameters remain not identifiable due to the perturbation effects. In this paper, we propose methods to reduce the set of base parameters in order to get an essential set of parameters. This new set defines a simplified identification model witch improves the noise immunity of the estimation process. It contributes also in reducing the computation burden of a simplified dynamic model. Different methods are proposed and are classified in two parts: methods, witch perform reduction and identification together, come from statistical field and methods, witch reduces the model before the identification thanks to a priori information, come from numerical field like the QR factorization. Statistical tools and QR reduction are shown to be efficient and adapted to determine the essential parameters. They can be applied to open-loop, or graph structured rigid robot, as well as flexible-link robot. Application for the PUMA 560 robot is given. (authors). 9 refs., 4 tabs.

  4. Applied parameter estimation for chemical engineers

    CERN Document Server

    Englezos, Peter


    Formulation of the parameter estimation problem; computation of parameters in linear models-linear regression; Gauss-Newton method for algebraic models; other nonlinear regression methods for algebraic models; Gauss-Newton method for ordinary differential equation (ODE) models; shortcut estimation methods for ODE models; practical guidelines for algorithm implementation; constrained parameter estimation; Gauss-Newton method for partial differential equation (PDE) models; statistical inferences; design of experiments; recursive parameter estimation; parameter estimation in nonlinear thermodynam

  5. A Generic Approach to Parameter Control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Karafotias, G.; Smit, S.K.; Eiben, A.E.


    On-line control of EA parameters is an approach to parameter setting that offers the advantage of values changing during the run. In this paper, we investigate parameter control from a generic and parameter-independent perspective. We propose a generic control mechanism that is targeted to

  6. Approaches to automatic parameter fitting in a microscopy image segmentation pipeline: An exploratory parameter space analysis. (United States)

    Held, Christian; Nattkemper, Tim; Palmisano, Ralf; Wittenberg, Thomas


    Research and diagnosis in medicine and biology often require the assessment of a large amount of microscopy image data. Although on the one hand, digital pathology and new bioimaging technologies find their way into clinical practice and pharmaceutical research, some general methodological issues in automated image analysis are still open. In this study, we address the problem of fitting the parameters in a microscopy image segmentation pipeline. We propose to fit the parameters of the pipeline's modules with optimization algorithms, such as, genetic algorithms or coordinate descents, and show how visual exploration of the parameter space can help to identify sub-optimal parameter settings that need to be avoided. This is of significant help in the design of our automatic parameter fitting framework, which enables us to tune the pipeline for large sets of micrographs. The underlying parameter spaces pose a challenge for manual as well as automated parameter optimization, as the parameter spaces can show several local performance maxima. Hence, optimization strategies that are not able to jump out of local performance maxima, like the hill climbing algorithm, often result in a local maximum.

  7. Approaches to automatic parameter fitting in a microscopy image segmentation pipeline: An exploratory parameter space analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Held


    Full Text Available Introduction: Research and diagnosis in medicine and biology often require the assessment of a large amount of microscopy image data. Although on the one hand, digital pathology and new bioimaging technologies find their way into clinical practice and pharmaceutical research, some general methodological issues in automated image analysis are still open. Methods: In this study, we address the problem of fitting the parameters in a microscopy image segmentation pipeline. We propose to fit the parameters of the pipeline′s modules with optimization algorithms, such as, genetic algorithms or coordinate descents, and show how visual exploration of the parameter space can help to identify sub-optimal parameter settings that need to be avoided. Results: This is of significant help in the design of our automatic parameter fitting framework, which enables us to tune the pipeline for large sets of micrographs. Conclusion: The underlying parameter spaces pose a challenge for manual as well as automated parameter optimization, as the parameter spaces can show several local performance maxima. Hence, optimization strategies that are not able to jump out of local performance maxima, like the hill climbing algorithm, often result in a local maximum.

  8. The parameter spreadsheets and their applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwitters, R.; Chao, A.; Chou, W.; Peterson, J.


    This paper is to announce that a set of parameter spreadsheets, using the Microsoft EXCEL software, has been developed for the SSC (and also for the LHC). In this program, the input (or control) parameters and the derived parameters are linked by equations that express the accelerator physics involved. A subgroup of parameters that are considered critical, or possible bottlenecks, has been highlighted under the category of open-quotes Flagsclose quotes. Given certain performance goals, one can use this program to open-quotes tuneclose quotes the input parameters in such a way that the flagged parameters do not exceed their acceptable range. During the past years, this program has been employed for the following purposes: (a) To guide the machine designs for various operation scenarios, (b) To generate a parameter list that is self-consistent and, (c) To study the impact of some proposed parameter changes (e.g., different choices of the rf frequency and bunch spacing)

  9. Identifyability measures to select the parameters to be estimated in a solid-state fermentation distributed parameter model. (United States)

    da Silveira, Christian L; Mazutti, Marcio A; Salau, Nina P G


    Process modeling can lead to of advantages such as helping in process control, reducing process costs and product quality improvement. This work proposes a solid-state fermentation distributed parameter model composed by seven differential equations with seventeen parameters to represent the process. Also, parameters estimation with a parameters identifyability analysis (PIA) is performed to build an accurate model with optimum parameters. Statistical tests were made to verify the model accuracy with the estimated parameters considering different assumptions. The results have shown that the model assuming substrate inhibition better represents the process. It was also shown that eight from the seventeen original model parameters were nonidentifiable and better results were obtained with the removal of these parameters from the estimation procedure. Therefore, PIA can be useful to estimation procedure, since it may reduce the number of parameters that can be evaluated. Further, PIA improved the model results, showing to be an important procedure to be taken. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:905-917, 2016. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

  10. Selection and verification of safety parameters in safety parameter display system for nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Yuangfang


    The method and results for safety parameter selection and its verification in safety parameter display system of nuclear power plants are introduced. According to safety analysis, the overall safety is divided into six critical safety functions, and a certain amount of safety parameters which can represent the integrity degree of each function and the causes of change are strictly selected. The verification of safety parameter selection is carried out from the view of applying the plant emergency procedures and in the accident man oeuvres on a full scale nuclear power plant simulator

  11. GPS User Devices Parameter Control Methods


    Klūga, A; Kuļikovs, M; Beļinska, V; Zeļenkovs, A


    In our day’s wide assortment of GPS user devices is manufacture. How to verify that parameters of the real device corresponds to parameters that manufacture shows. How to verify that parameters have not been changed during the operation time. The last one is very important for aviation GPS systems, which must be verified before the flight, but the values of parameter in time of repair works. This work analyses GPS user devices parameters control methods.

  12. Systematic of delayed neutron parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isaev, S.G.; Piksaikin, V.M.


    The experimental studies of the energy dependence of the delayed neutron (DN) parameters for various fission systems has shown that the behaviour of a some combination of delayed neutron parameters has a similar features. On the basis of this findings the systematics of delayed neutron experimental data for thorium, uranium, plutonium and americium isotopes have been investigated with the purpose to find a correlation of DN parameters with characteristics of fissioning system as well as a correlation between the delayed neutron parameters themselves. It was presented the preliminary results which were obtained during study the physics interpretation of the results [ru

  13. On the Consistency of Bootstrap Testing for a Parameter on the Boundary of the Parameter Space

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cavaliere, Giuseppe; Nielsen, Heino Bohn; Rahbek, Anders


    It is well known that with a parameter on the boundary of the parameter space, such as in the classic cases of testing for a zero location parameter or no autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) effects, the classic nonparametric bootstrap – based on unrestricted parameter estimates...... – leads to inconsistent testing. In contrast, we show here that for the two aforementioned cases, a nonparametric bootstrap test based on parameter estimates obtained under the null – referred to as ‘restricted bootstrap’ – is indeed consistent. While the restricted bootstrap is simple to implement...... in practice, novel theoretical arguments are required in order to establish consistency. In particular, since the bootstrap is analysed both under the null hypothesis and under the alternative, non-standard asymptotic expansions are required to deal with parameters on the boundary. Detailed proofs...

  14. Investigations to identify organic pollutions in sewer slime. Final report; Untersuchungen zur Identifizierung organischer Schadstoffe in Sielhaeuten. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Antusch, E.; Sauer, J.; Ripp, C.; Hahn, H.H.


    An analytical method to measure organic compounds in sewer slime and sewage sludge has been developed. The method needs no halogenated solvents. Furthermore, the sorption behavior of sewer slime has been investigated. Chlorophenols, as an example of more polar organic compounds, show a more stronger and faster desorption from sewer slime than for example PAH. pH-value and fat-content (resp. content of organic carbon) are the most important parameters affecting the sorption kinetic and sorption capacity of sewer slime. To get comparable results, all datas should be refered to the content of organic carbon of the sewer slime. By constructing pollutions-profiles of parameters like AOX, PCB, Flame Protection Agencies and PAH in the sewers of an industrial area, emissions could be localized. (orig.) [Deutsch] Es wurde eine analytische Methode entwickelt, die es erlaubt, ein breites Spektrum lipophiler organischer Schadstoffe in Sielhaut und Klaerschlamm zu identifizieren, als quantitativ zu bestimmen. Die Methode kommt ohne halogenierte Loesungsmittel aus. Verbindungen, die aufgrund ihrer Wasserunloeslichkeit nicht im Abwasser nachgewiesen werden konnten, koennen durch Sielhautanalyse verfolgt werden. Anhand von Schadstoffprofilen in Nebensammlern eines Industriegebietes konnte beispielhaft die Lokalisierung von punktfoermigen Schadstoffeinleitungen demonstriert werden. Erfolgreich verlief auch die Identifizierung eines AOX-Emittenten. Ebenso sind die Eintragspfade von Stoffen, die im Verdacht stehen, endokrine Wirkungen zu haben mit Sielhautanalyse aufklaerbar. Das Sorptionsverhalten der Sielhaut wird durch Faktoren, wie pH und Fettgehalt gepraegt. Bei der Auswertung der Proben muessen die Werte auf den organischen Kohlenstoffgehalt bezogen werden. (orig.)

  15. Viburcol — Bioregulatory Approach in Childhood Diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S.V. Popovich


    The article provides an overview of publications devoted to clinical researches of combination bioregulatory drug Viburcol manufactured by German company Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, which is widely used in childhood diseases both by domestic doctors, and abroad [1, 2, 4–14, 16]. Scientific and clinical studies demonstrate the high efficacy of Viburcol, which in some cases is comparable with that of other drugs [1, 2, 5, 6]. At the same time, Viburcol has a favorable safety profile, is well tolerated by children, is being used from 1 year of age and in pregnant women [1, 2, 4–13].

  16. Auftreten von Falschem Mehltau bei Gartenkresse (Lepidium sativum L. in der Saatgutvermehrung – Evaluierung von Saatgutbehandlung und Wachstumsbedingungen in einem Gefäßversuch

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zeller, Stefanie


    Full Text Available Die zur Familie der Brassicaceae gehörende Gartenkresse wird in Deutschland überwiegend im biologischen Anbau vermehrt. Seit einigen Jahren werden diese Gartenkressebestände von Erregern des Falschen Mehltaus (Hyaloperonospora parasitica, Perofascia lepidii befallen, was zu einem Totalausfall des Pflanzenbestandes führen kann. Daher ist die biologische Saatgutproduktion von Gartenkresse gefährdet, was eine Beeinträchtigung der Saatgutversorgung für die Keimsprossenerzeugung zur Folge hat. In den laufenden Untersuchungen wird der Einfluss von nicht chemischen Saatgutbehandlungsmaßnahmen (Wasserdampf, Elektronen, sowie Wachstumsbedingungen (Feuchte, Boden auf die Infektion mit Falschem Mehltau untersucht.

  17. 25 years acidification monitoring in Bavaria. Trends and developments; 25 Jahre Versauerungsmonitoring in Bayern. Trends und Entwicklungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scheel, Thorsten


    In Bavaria, the development of the atmospheric caused acidification within all relevant environmental compartments (soil, water, air) is monitored by an intensive monitoring for more than 25 years. This report covers the trends and developments of chemical and biological indicators of flowing waters, groundwater and lakes are summarized evaluated and displayed. [German] In Bayern wird seit mehr als 25 Jahren die Entwicklung der atmosphaerisch bedingten Versauerung innerhalb aller betroffenen Umweltkompartimente (Boden, Wasser, Luft) durch ein intensives Monitoring ueberwacht. In diesem Bericht sind die Trends und Entwicklungen chemischer und biologischer Indikatoren der Fliessgewaesser, Grundwaesser und Seen zusammenfassend ausgewertet und dargestellt.

  18. Inflation and cosmological parameter estimation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hamann, J.


    In this work, we focus on two aspects of cosmological data analysis: inference of parameter values and the search for new effects in the inflationary sector. Constraints on cosmological parameters are commonly derived under the assumption of a minimal model. We point out that this procedure systematically underestimates errors and possibly biases estimates, due to overly restrictive assumptions. In a more conservative approach, we analyse cosmological data using a more general eleven-parameter model. We find that regions of the parameter space that were previously thought ruled out are still compatible with the data; the bounds on individual parameters are relaxed by up to a factor of two, compared to the results for the minimal six-parameter model. Moreover, we analyse a class of inflation models, in which the slow roll conditions are briefly violated, due to a step in the potential. We show that the presence of a step generically leads to an oscillating spectrum and perform a fit to CMB and galaxy clustering data. We do not find conclusive evidence for a step in the potential and derive strong bounds on quantities that parameterise the step. (orig.)

  19. Parameter transferability within homogeneous regions and comparisons with predictions from a priori parameters in the eastern United States (United States)

    Chouaib, Wafa; Alila, Younes; Caldwell, Peter V.


    The need for predictions of flow time-series persists at ungauged catchments, motivating the research goals of our study. By means of the Sacramento model, this paper explores the use of parameter transfer within homogeneous regions of similar climate and flow characteristics and makes comparisons with predictions from a priori parameters. We assessed the performance using the Nash-Sutcliffe (NS), bias, mean monthly hydrograph and flow duration curve (FDC). The study was conducted on a large dataset of 73 catchments within the eastern US. Two approaches to the parameter transferability were developed and evaluated; (i) the within homogeneous region parameter transfer using one donor catchment specific to each region, (ii) the parameter transfer disregarding the geographical limits of homogeneous regions, where one donor catchment was common to all regions. Comparisons between both parameter transfers enabled to assess the gain in performance from the parameter regionalization and its respective constraints and limitations. The parameter transfer within homogeneous regions outperformed the a priori parameters and led to a decrease in bias and increase in efficiency reaching a median NS of 0.77 and a NS of 0.85 at individual catchments. The use of FDC revealed the effect of bias on the inaccuracy of prediction from parameter transfer. In one specific region, of mountainous and forested catchments, the prediction accuracy of the parameter transfer was less satisfactory and equivalent to a priori parameters. In this region, the parameter transfer from the outsider catchment provided the best performance; less-biased with smaller uncertainty in medium flow percentiles (40%-60%). The large disparity of energy conditions explained the lack of performance from parameter transfer in this region. Besides, the subsurface stormflow is predominant and there is a likelihood of lateral preferential flow, which according to its specific properties further explained the reduced

  20. Multi-Objective Parameter Selection for Classifers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christoph Mussel


    Full Text Available Setting the free parameters of classifiers to different values can have a profound impact on their performance. For some methods, specialized tuning algorithms have been developed. These approaches mostly tune parameters according to a single criterion, such as the cross-validation error. However, it is sometimes desirable to obtain parameter values that optimize several concurrent - often conflicting - criteria. The TunePareto package provides a general and highly customizable framework to select optimal parameters for classifiers according to multiple objectives. Several strategies for sampling andoptimizing parameters are supplied. The algorithm determines a set of Pareto-optimal parameter configuration and leaves the ultimate decision on the weighting of objectives to the researcher. Decision support is provided by novel visualization techniques.

  1. Voltage stability, bifurcation parameters and continuation methods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alvarado, F L [Wisconsin Univ., Madison, WI (United States)


    This paper considers the importance of the choice of bifurcation parameter in the determination of the voltage stability limit and the maximum power load ability of a system. When the bifurcation parameter is power demand, the two limits are equivalent. However, when other types of load models and bifurcation parameters are considered, the two concepts differ. The continuation method is considered as a method for determination of voltage stability margins. Three variants of the continuation method are described: the continuation parameter is the bifurcation parameter the continuation parameter is initially the bifurcation parameter, but is free to change, and the continuation parameter is a new `arc length` parameter. Implementations of voltage stability software using continuation methods are described. (author) 23 refs., 9 figs.

  2. Sea surface stability parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weber, A.H.; Suich, J.E.


    A number of studies dealing with climatology of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean have been published in the last ten years. These published studies have dealt with directly measured meteorological parameters, e.g., wind speed, temperature, etc. This information has been useful because of the increased focus on the near coastal zone where man's activities are increasing in magnitude and scope, e.g., offshore power plants, petroleum production, and the subsequent environmental impacts of these activities. Atmospheric transport of passive or nonpassive material is significantly influenced by the turbulence structure of the atmosphere in the region of the atmosphere-ocean interface. This research entails identification of the suitability of standard atmospheric stability parameters which can be used to determine turbulence structure; the calculation of these parameters for the near-shore and continental shelf regions of the U.S. east coast from Cape Hatteras to Miami, Florida; and the preparation of a climatology of these parameters. In addition, a climatology for average surface stress for the same geographical region is being prepared

  3. New fundamental parameters for attitude representation (United States)

    Patera, Russell P.


    A new attitude parameter set is developed to clarify the geometry of combining finite rotations in a rotational sequence and in combining infinitesimal angular increments generated by angular rate. The resulting parameter set of six Pivot Parameters represents a rotation as a great circle arc on a unit sphere that can be located at any clocking location in the rotation plane. Two rotations are combined by linking their arcs at either of the two intersection points of the respective rotation planes. In a similar fashion, linking rotational increments produced by angular rate is used to derive the associated kinematical equations, which are linear and have no singularities. Included in this paper is the derivation of twelve Pivot Parameter elements that represent all twelve Euler Angle sequences, which enables efficient conversions between Pivot Parameters and any Euler Angle sequence. Applications of this new parameter set include the derivation of quaternions and the quaternion composition rule, as well as, the derivation of the analytical solution to time dependent coning motion. The relationships between Pivot Parameters and traditional parameter sets are included in this work. Pivot Parameters are well suited for a variety of aerospace applications due to their effective composition rule, singularity free kinematic equations, efficient conversion to and from Euler Angle sequences and clarity of their geometrical foundation.

  4. Improved Estimates of Thermodynamic Parameters (United States)

    Lawson, D. D.


    Techniques refined for estimating heat of vaporization and other parameters from molecular structure. Using parabolic equation with three adjustable parameters, heat of vaporization can be used to estimate boiling point, and vice versa. Boiling points and vapor pressures for some nonpolar liquids were estimated by improved method and compared with previously reported values. Technique for estimating thermodynamic parameters should make it easier for engineers to choose among candidate heat-exchange fluids for thermochemical cycles.

  5. Parameter identifiability and redundancy: theoretical considerations.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mark P Little

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Models for complex biological systems may involve a large number of parameters. It may well be that some of these parameters cannot be derived from observed data via regression techniques. Such parameters are said to be unidentifiable, the remaining parameters being identifiable. Closely related to this idea is that of redundancy, that a set of parameters can be expressed in terms of some smaller set. Before data is analysed it is critical to determine which model parameters are identifiable or redundant to avoid ill-defined and poorly convergent regression. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this paper we outline general considerations on parameter identifiability, and introduce the notion of weak local identifiability and gradient weak local identifiability. These are based on local properties of the likelihood, in particular the rank of the Hessian matrix. We relate these to the notions of parameter identifiability and redundancy previously introduced by Rothenberg (Econometrica 39 (1971 577-591 and Catchpole and Morgan (Biometrika 84 (1997 187-196. Within the widely used exponential family, parameter irredundancy, local identifiability, gradient weak local identifiability and weak local identifiability are shown to be largely equivalent. We consider applications to a recently developed class of cancer models of Little and Wright (Math Biosciences 183 (2003 111-134 and Little et al. (J Theoret Biol 254 (2008 229-238 that generalize a large number of other recently used quasi-biological cancer models. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We have shown that the previously developed concepts of parameter local identifiability and redundancy are closely related to the apparently weaker properties of weak local identifiability and gradient weak local identifiability--within the widely used exponential family these concepts largely coincide.

  6. Multi-Parameter Estimation for Orthorhombic Media

    KAUST Repository

    Masmoudi, Nabil


    Building reliable anisotropy models is crucial in seismic modeling, imaging and full waveform inversion. However, estimating anisotropy parameters is often hampered by the trade off between inhomogeneity and anisotropy. For instance, one way to estimate the anisotropy parameters is to relate them analytically to traveltimes, which is challenging in inhomogeneous media. Using perturbation theory, we develop travel-time approximations for orthorhombic media as explicit functions of the anellipticity parameters η1, η2 and a parameter Δγ in inhomogeneous background media. Specifically, our expansion assumes inhomogeneous ellipsoidal anisotropic background model, which can be obtained from well information and stacking velocity analysis. This approach has two main advantages: in one hand, it provides a computationally efficient tool to solve the orthorhombic eikonal equation, on the other hand, it provides a mechanism to scan for the best fitting anisotropy parameters without the need for repetitive modeling of traveltimes, because the coefficients of the traveltime expansion are independent of the perturbed parameters. Furthermore, the coefficients of the traveltime expansion provide insights on the sensitivity of the traveltime with respect to the perturbed parameters. We show the accuracy of the traveltime approximations as well as an approach for multi-parameter scanning in orthorhombic media.

  7. Multi-Parameter Estimation for Orthorhombic Media

    KAUST Repository

    Masmoudi, Nabil; Alkhalifah, Tariq Ali


    Building reliable anisotropy models is crucial in seismic modeling, imaging and full waveform inversion. However, estimating anisotropy parameters is often hampered by the trade off between inhomogeneity and anisotropy. For instance, one way to estimate the anisotropy parameters is to relate them analytically to traveltimes, which is challenging in inhomogeneous media. Using perturbation theory, we develop travel-time approximations for orthorhombic media as explicit functions of the anellipticity parameters η1, η2 and a parameter Δγ in inhomogeneous background media. Specifically, our expansion assumes inhomogeneous ellipsoidal anisotropic background model, which can be obtained from well information and stacking velocity analysis. This approach has two main advantages: in one hand, it provides a computationally efficient tool to solve the orthorhombic eikonal equation, on the other hand, it provides a mechanism to scan for the best fitting anisotropy parameters without the need for repetitive modeling of traveltimes, because the coefficients of the traveltime expansion are independent of the perturbed parameters. Furthermore, the coefficients of the traveltime expansion provide insights on the sensitivity of the traveltime with respect to the perturbed parameters. We show the accuracy of the traveltime approximations as well as an approach for multi-parameter scanning in orthorhombic media.

  8. Objective parameters for engine noise quality evaluation; Objektive Parameter zur Bewertung der Motorgeraeuschqualitaet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Graf, Bernhard; Brandl, Stephan [AVL List GmbH, Graz (Austria); Sontacchi, Alois [Univ. fuer Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Graz (Austria). Inst. fuer Elektronische Musik und Akustik; Girstmair, Josef [Kompetenzzentrum Das Virtuelle Fahrzeug, Graz (Austria). Gruppe Antriebsstrang Dynamik und Akustik


    Due to ongoing downsizing efforts and more stringent emission regulations, relevance of sound quality monitoring during engine and vehicle development is strongly increasing. Therefore AVL developed new sound quality parameters like CKI (Combustion Knocking Index) and HI (Harshness Index). Using these parameters sound quality can be objectively monitored, without subjective evaluations, online throughout the complete development process. (orig.)

  9. Identifiability of altimetry-based rating curve parameters in function of river morphological parameters (United States)

    Paris, Adrien; André Garambois, Pierre; Calmant, Stéphane; Paiva, Rodrigo; Walter, Collischonn; Santos da Silva, Joecila; Medeiros Moreira, Daniel; Bonnet, Marie-Paule; Seyler, Frédérique; Monnier, Jérôme


    Estimating river discharge for ungauged river reaches from satellite measurements is not straightforward given the nonlinearity of flow behavior with respect to measurable and non measurable hydraulic parameters. As a matter of facts, current satellite datasets do not give access to key parameters such as river bed topography and roughness. A unique set of almost one thousand altimetry-based rating curves was built by fit of ENVISAT and Jason-2 water stages with discharges obtained from the MGB-IPH rainfall-runoff model in the Amazon basin. These rated discharges were successfully validated towards simulated discharges (Ens = 0.70) and in-situ discharges (Ens = 0.71) and are not mission-dependent. The rating curve writes Q = a(Z-Z0)b*sqrt(S), with Z the water surface elevation and S its slope gained from satellite altimetry, a and b power law coefficient and exponent and Z0 the river bed elevation such as Q(Z0) = 0. For several river reaches in the Amazon basin where ADCP measurements are available, the Z0 values are fairly well validated with a relative error lower than 10%. The present contribution aims at relating the identifiability and the physical meaning of a, b and Z0given various hydraulic and geomorphologic conditions. Synthetic river bathymetries sampling a wide range of rivers and inflow discharges are used to perform twin experiments. A shallow water model is run for generating synthetic satellite observations, and then rating curve parameters are determined for each river section thanks to a MCMC algorithm. Thanks to twin experiments, it is shown that rating curve formulation with water surface slope, i.e. closer from Manning equation form, improves parameter identifiability. The compensation between parameters is limited, especially for reaches with little water surface variability. Rating curve parameters are analyzed for riffle and pools for small to large rivers, different river slopes and cross section shapes. It is shown that the river bed

  10. MFV Reductions of MSSM Parameter Space

    CERN Document Server

    AbdusSalam, S.S.; Quevedo, F.


    The 100+ free parameters of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) make it computationally difficult to compare systematically with data, motivating the study of specific parameter reductions such as the cMSSM and pMSSM. Here we instead study the reductions of parameter space implied by using minimal flavour violation (MFV) to organise the R-parity conserving MSSM, with a view towards systematically building in constraints on flavour-violating physics. Within this framework the space of parameters is reduced by expanding soft supersymmetry-breaking terms in powers of the Cabibbo angle, leading to a 24-, 30- or 42-parameter framework (which we call MSSM-24, MSSM-30, and MSSM-42 respectively), depending on the order kept in the expansion. We provide a Bayesian global fit to data of the MSSM-30 parameter set to show that this is manageable with current tools. We compare the MFV reductions to the 19-parameter pMSSM choice and show that the pMSSM is not contained as a subset. The MSSM-30 analysis favours...

  11. Hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm for parameter optimization of five-parameter bidirectional reflectance distribution function model. (United States)

    Wang, Qianqian; Zhao, Jing; Gong, Yong; Hao, Qun; Peng, Zhong


    A hybrid artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm inspired by the best-so-far solution and bacterial chemotaxis was introduced to optimize the parameters of the five-parameter bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) model. To verify the performance of the hybrid ABC algorithm, we measured BRDF of three kinds of samples and simulated the undetermined parameters of the five-parameter BRDF model using the hybrid ABC algorithm and the genetic algorithm, respectively. The experimental results demonstrate that the hybrid ABC algorithm outperforms the genetic algorithm in convergence speed, accuracy, and time efficiency under the same conditions.

  12. Parameter space of experimental chaotic circuits with high-precision control parameters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sousa, Francisco F. G. de; Rubinger, Rero M. [Instituto de Física e Química, Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Itajubá, MG (Brazil); Sartorelli, José C., E-mail: [Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP (Brazil); Albuquerque, Holokx A. [Departamento de Física, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Joinville, SC (Brazil); Baptista, Murilo S. [Institute of Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology, SUPA, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen (United Kingdom)


    We report high-resolution measurements that experimentally confirm a spiral cascade structure and a scaling relationship of shrimps in the Chua's circuit. Circuits constructed using this component allow for a comprehensive characterization of the circuit behaviors through high resolution parameter spaces. To illustrate the power of our technological development for the creation and the study of chaotic circuits, we constructed a Chua circuit and study its high resolution parameter space. The reliability and stability of the designed component allowed us to obtain data for long periods of time (∼21 weeks), a data set from which an accurate estimation of Lyapunov exponents for the circuit characterization was possible. Moreover, this data, rigorously characterized by the Lyapunov exponents, allows us to reassure experimentally that the shrimps, stable islands embedded in a domain of chaos in the parameter spaces, can be observed in the laboratory. Finally, we confirm that their sizes decay exponentially with the period of the attractor, a result expected to be found in maps of the quadratic family.

  13. Complexity, parameter sensitivity and parameter transferability in the modelling of floodplain inundation (United States)

    Bates, P. D.; Neal, J. C.; Fewtrell, T. J.


    In this we paper we consider two related questions. First, we address the issue of how much physical complexity is necessary in a model in order to simulate floodplain inundation to within validation data error. This is achieved through development of a single code/multiple physics hydraulic model (LISFLOOD-FP) where different degrees of complexity can be switched on or off. Different configurations of this code are applied to four benchmark test cases, and compared to the results of a number of industry standard models. Second we address the issue of how parameter sensitivity and transferability change with increasing complexity using numerical experiments with models of different physical and geometric intricacy. Hydraulic models are a good example system with which to address such generic modelling questions as: (1) they have a strong physical basis; (2) there is only one set of equations to solve; (3) they require only topography and boundary conditions as input data; and (4) they typically require only a single free parameter, namely boundary friction. In terms of complexity required we show that for the problem of sub-critical floodplain inundation a number of codes of different dimensionality and resolution can be found to fit uncertain model validation data equally well, and that in this situation Occam's razor emerges as a useful logic to guide model selection. We find also find that model skill usually improves more rapidly with increases in model spatial resolution than increases in physical complexity, and that standard approaches to testing hydraulic models against laboratory data or analytical solutions may fail to identify this important fact. Lastly, we find that in benchmark testing studies significant differences can exist between codes with identical numerical solution techniques as a result of auxiliary choices regarding the specifics of model implementation that are frequently unreported by code developers. As a consequence, making sound

  14. Bayesian Parameter Estimation for Heavy-Duty Vehicles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miller, Eric; Konan, Arnaud; Duran, Adam


    Accurate vehicle parameters are valuable for design, modeling, and reporting. Estimating vehicle parameters can be a very time-consuming process requiring tightly-controlled experimentation. This work describes a method to estimate vehicle parameters such as mass, coefficient of drag/frontal area, and rolling resistance using data logged during standard vehicle operation. The method uses Monte Carlo to generate parameter sets which is fed to a variant of the road load equation. Modeled road load is then compared to measured load to evaluate the probability of the parameter set. Acceptance of a proposed parameter set is determined using the probability ratio to the current state, so that the chain history will give a distribution of parameter sets. Compared to a single value, a distribution of possible values provides information on the quality of estimates and the range of possible parameter values. The method is demonstrated by estimating dynamometer parameters. Results confirm the method's ability to estimate reasonable parameter sets, and indicates an opportunity to increase the certainty of estimates through careful selection or generation of the test drive cycle.

  15. A Modified Penalty Parameter Approach for Optimal Estimation of UH with Simultaneous Estimation of Infiltration Parameters (United States)

    Bhattacharjya, Rajib Kumar


    The unit hydrograph and the infiltration parameters of a watershed can be obtained from observed rainfall-runoff data by using inverse optimization technique. This is a two-stage optimization problem. In the first stage, the infiltration parameters are obtained and the unit hydrograph ordinates are estimated in the second stage. In order to combine this two-stage method into a single stage one, a modified penalty parameter approach is proposed for converting the constrained optimization problem to an unconstrained one. The proposed approach is designed in such a way that the model initially obtains the infiltration parameters and then searches the optimal unit hydrograph ordinates. The optimization model is solved using Genetic Algorithms. A reduction factor is used in the penalty parameter approach so that the obtained optimal infiltration parameters are not destroyed during subsequent generation of genetic algorithms, required for searching optimal unit hydrograph ordinates. The performance of the proposed methodology is evaluated by using two example problems. The evaluation shows that the model is superior, simple in concept and also has the potential for field application.

  16. Design parameters and source terms: Volume 1, Design parameters: Revision 0

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Design Parameters and Source Terms Document was prepared in accordance with DOE request and to provide data for the environmental impact study to be performed in the future for the Deaf Smith County, Texas site for a nuclear waste repository in salt. This document updates a previous unpublished report by Stearns Catalytic Corporation (SCC), entitled ''Design Parameters and Source Terms for a Two-Phase Repository in Salt,'' 1985, to the level of the Site Characterization Plan - Conceptual Design Report. The previous unpublished SCC Study identifies the data needs for the Environmental Assessment effort for seven possible Salt Repository sites

  17. ATLAS parameter study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adler, R.J.


    The purpose of this study is to make an independent assessment on the parameters chosen for the ATLAS capacitor bank at LANL. The contractor will perform a study of the basic pulsed power parameters of the ATLAS device with baseline functional parameters of >25 MA implosion current and <2.5 microsecond current risetime. Nominal circuit parameters held fixed will be the 14 nH from the vacuum interface to the load, and the nominal load impedances of 1 milliohm for slow loads and 10 milliohms for fast loads. Single Ended designs, as opposed to bipolar designs, will be studied in detail. The ATLAS pulsed power design problem is about inductance. The reason that a 36 MJ bank is required is that such a bank has enough individual capacitors so that the parallel inductance is acceptably low. Since about half the inductance is in the bank, and the inductance and time constant of the submodules is fixed, the variation of output with a given parameter will generally be a weak one. In general, the dl/dt calculation demonstrates that for the real system inductances, 700 kV is the optimum voltage for the bank to drive X-ray loads. The optimum is broad, and there is little reduction in performance at voltages as low as 450 kV. The direct drive velocity analysis also shows that the optimum velocity is between 480 and 800 kV for a variety of assumptions, and that there is less than a 10% variation in velocity over this range. Voltages in the 120 kV--600 kV range are desirable for driving heavy liners. A compromise optimum operating point might be 480 kV, at which all X-ray operation scenarios are within 10% of their velocity optimum, and heavy liners can be configured to be near optimum if small enough. Based on very preliminary studies the author believes that the choice of a single operating voltage point (say, 480 kV) is unnecessary, and that a bank engineered for dual operation at 480 and 240 kV will be the best solution to the ATLAS problem

  18. Psychoacoustic parameters and its measuring system; Onshitsu hyoka wo hyokasuru tame no parameter to keisoku system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ohashi, M.; Imaizumi, H.; Ono, T. [Ono Sokki Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    Human auditory sensation has both extremely excellent performance and general versatility as sound analyzer. At present, it is impossible to make equipment with the same functions as human being, and describe an auditory sensation function as acoustic sensor even by any physical analysis techniques. However, extraction of auditory sensation parameters is becoming possible by using psychoacoustics and binaural signal processing. This paper mainly explains the calculation method of sound quality evaluation parameters derived from psychoacoustic results based on a sound quality evaluation system under development by the authors. This system is based on binaural measurement by dummy head, and calculates psychoacoustic parameters such as loudness, sharpness, roughness, fluctuation strength and tonality through frequency analysis of the measured stereo signals. The system also calculates 2-D parameters such as sensory pleasantness and unbiased annoyance based on the above parameters. 12 refs., 4 figs.

  19. Electroweak interaction parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marciano, W.J.


    After a presentation of the experimentally determined parameters of the standard SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) model the author discusses the definition of the Weinberg angle. Then masses and widths of the intermediate vector bosons are considered in the framework of the Weinberg-Salam theory with radiative corrections. Furthermore the radiative decays of these bosons are discussed. Then the relations between the masses of the Higgs boson and the top quark are considered. Thereafter grand unification is briefly discussed with special regards to the SU(5) prediction of some observable parameters. Finally some speculations are made concerning the observation of radiative decays in the UA1 experiments. (HSI)

  20. Recovering Parameters of Johnson's SB Distribution (United States)

    Bernard R. Parresol


    A new parameter recovery model for Johnson's SB distribution is developed. This latest alternative approach permits recovery of the range and both shape parameters. Previous models recovered only the two shape parameters. Also, a simple procedure for estimating the distribution minimum from sample values is presented. The new methodology...

  1. On the Interplay between Order Parameter Dynamics and System Parameter Dynamics in Human Perceptual-Cognitive-Behavioral Systems. (United States)

    Frank, T D


    Previous research has demonstrated that perceiving, thinking, and acting are human activities that correspond to self-organized patterns. The emergence of such patterns can be completely described in terms of the dynamics of the pattern amplitudes, which are referred to as order parameters. The patterns emerge at bifurcations points when certain system parameters internal and external to a human agent exceed critical values. At issue is how one might study the order parameter dynamics for sequences of consecutive, emergent perceptual, cognitive, or behavioral activities. In particular, these activities may in turn impact the system parameters that have led to the emergence of the activities in the first place. This interplay between order parameter dynamics and system parameter dynamics is discussed in general and formulated in mathematical terms. Previous work that has made use of this two-tiered framework of order parameter and system parameter dynamics are briefly addressed. As an application, a model for perception under functional fixedness is presented. Finally, it is argued that the phenomena that emerge in this framework and can be observed when human agents perceive, think, and act are just as likely to occur in pattern formation systems of the inanimate world. Consequently, these phenomena do not necessarily have a neurophysiological basis but should instead be understood from the perspective of the theory of self-organization.

  2. Biotropic parameters of magnetic fields

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shishlo, M.A.

    The use of magnetic fields (MF) in biology and medicine to control biological systems has led to appearance of the term, biotropic parameters of MF. They include the physical characteristics of MF, which determine the primary biologically significant physicochemical mechanisms of field action causing formation of corresponding reactions on the level of the integral organism. These parameters include MF intensity, gradient, vector, pulse frequency and shape, and duration of exposure. Factors that elicit responses by the biological system include such parameter of MF interaction with the integral organism as localization of exposure and volume of tissues interacting with the field, as well as the initial state of the organism. In essence, the findings of experimental studies of biotropic parameters of MF make it possible to control physiological processes and will aid in optimizing methods of MF therapy.

  3. Approximate effect of parameter pseudonoise intensity on rate of convergence for EKF parameter estimators. [Extended Kalman Filter (United States)

    Hill, Bryon K.; Walker, Bruce K.


    When using parameter estimation methods based on extended Kalman filter (EKF) theory, it is common practice to assume that the unknown parameter values behave like a random process, such as a random walk, in order to guarantee their identifiability by the filter. The present work is the result of an ongoing effort to quantitatively describe the effect that the assumption of a fictitious noise (called pseudonoise) driving the unknown parameter values has on the parameter estimate convergence rate in filter-based parameter estimators. The initial approach is to examine a first-order system described by one state variable with one parameter to be estimated. The intent is to derive analytical results for this simple system that might offer insight into the effect of the pseudonoise assumption for more complex systems. Such results would make it possible to predict the estimator error convergence behavior as a function of the assumed pseudonoise intensity, and this leads to the natural application of the results to the design of filter-based parameter estimators. The results obtained show that the analytical description of the convergence behavior is very difficult.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hadiyanto Hadiyanto


    Full Text Available Bread product quality is highly dependent to the baking process. A model for the development of product quality, which was obtained by using quantitative and qualitative relationships, was calibrated by experiments at a fixed baking temperature of 200°C alone and in combination with 100 W microwave powers. The model parameters were estimated in a stepwise procedure i.e. first, heat and mass transfer related parameters, then the parameters related to product transformations and finally product quality parameters. There was a fair agreement between the calibrated model results and the experimental data. The results showed that the applied simple qualitative relationships for quality performed above expectation. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the microwave input is most meaningful for the internal product properties and not for the surface properties as crispness and color. The model with adjusted parameters was applied in a quality driven food process design procedure to derive a dynamic operation pattern, which was subsequently tested experimentally to calibrate the model. Despite the limited calibration with fixed operation settings, the model predicted well on the behavior under dynamic convective operation and on combined convective and microwave operation. It was expected that the suitability between model and baking system could be improved further by performing calibration experiments at higher temperature and various microwave power levels.  Abstrak  PERKIRAAN PARAMETER DALAM MODEL UNTUK PROSES BAKING ROTI. Kualitas produk roti sangat tergantung pada proses baking yang digunakan. Suatu model yang telah dikembangkan dengan metode kualitatif dan kuantitaif telah dikalibrasi dengan percobaan pada temperatur 200oC dan dengan kombinasi dengan mikrowave pada 100 Watt. Parameter-parameter model diestimasi dengan prosedur bertahap yaitu pertama, parameter pada model perpindahan masa dan panas, parameter pada model transformasi, dan

  5. Importance theory for lumped-parameter systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cady, K.B.; Kenton, M.A.; Ward, J.C.; Piepho, M.G.


    A general sensitivity theory has been developed for nonlinear lumped parameter system simulations. The point of departure is general perturbation theory for nonlinear systems. Importance theory as developed here allows the calculation of the sensitivity of a response function to any physical or design parameter; importance of any equation or term or physical effect in the system model on the response function; variance of the response function caused by the variances and covariances of all physical parameters; and approximate effect on the response function of missing physical phenomena or incorrect parameters

  6. Silicon solar cells with high efficiencies. Final report; Silicium-Solarzellen mit hoechsten Wirkungsgraden. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wettling, W.; Knobloch, J.; Glunz, S.W.; Henninger, V.; Kamerewerd, F.J.; Koester, B.; Leimenstoll, A.; Schaeffer, E.; Schumacher, J.; Sterk, S.; Warta, W.


    In this report the basic activities for the development of the silicon high efficiency solar cell technology are described. The project had two main goals: (i) The improvement of efficiencies using a systematic optimization of all cell parameters and technology steps and (ii) the simplification of the technology towards the possibilities of an industrial production, keeping the cell efficiency at a high level. Starting from the LBSF technology, developed at Fraunhofer ISE, the reduction of all loss mechanisms led to efficiencies up to 22.5% on FZ-silicon. Using a modification of this technology efficiencies of up to 21.7% have been reached on Cz-silicon. Even after the reduction of the number of photolithographic steps from six to three efficiencies up to 21.6% on FZ- and 19.5% on Cz-silicon have been obtained. These are best values in an international comparison. (orig.) [Deutsch] In diesem Projektbericht werden grundlegende Arbeiten zur Entwicklung der Silicium-`Highefficiency`-Solarzellentechnologie beschrieben. Das Projekt hatte zwei Hauptziele: (i) Die Erhoehung der Wirkungsgrade durch eine systematische Optimierung aller Zellparameter und aller Technologieschritte und (ii) die Vereinfachung der Technologie unter Beibehaltung sehr hoher Wirkungsgrade mit dem Ziel einer Annaeherung an die Moeglichkeiten der Industriefertigung. Ausgehend von der im Fraunhofer ISE entwickelten LBSF-Technologie gelang es durch Reduzierung aller Verlustmechanismen, Wirkungsgrade bis zu 22.5% auf FZ-Silicium zu erreichen. Nach Anpassung der Technologie wurden auf Cz-Silicium Wirkungsgrade bis 21.7% erzielt. Ein von sechs auf drei Fotomaskenschritte reduzierter Prozess erzielte immerhin noch Werte bis 21.6% auf FZ- und 19.5% auf Cz-Material. Alle dieser Werte stellen im internationalen Vergleich Spitzenleistungen dar. (orig.)

  7. The Impact of Three Factors on the Recovery of Item Parameters for the Three-Parameter Logistic Model (United States)

    Kim, Kyung Yong; Lee, Won-Chan


    This article provides a detailed description of three factors (specification of the ability distribution, numerical integration, and frame of reference for the item parameter estimates) that might affect the item parameter estimation of the three-parameter logistic model, and compares five item calibration methods, which are combinations of the…

  8. Background-cross-section-dependent subgroup parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamoto, Toshihisa


    A new set of subgroup parameters was derived that can reproduce the self-shielded cross section against a wide range of background cross sections. The subgroup parameters are expressed with a rational equation which numerator and denominator are expressed as the expansion series of background cross section, so that the background cross section dependence is exactly taken into account in the parameters. The advantage of the new subgroup parameters is that they can reproduce the self-shielded effect not only by group basis but also by subgroup basis. Then an adaptive method is also proposed which uses fitting procedure to evaluate the background-cross-section-dependence of the parameters. One of the simple fitting formula was able to reproduce the self-shielded subgroup cross section by less than 1% error from the precise evaluation. (author)

  9. Criterions for recognition of soil contamination for testing of soil extracts by means of biological testing - determination of ``baseline responses`` of noncontaminated soils; Kriterien zur Erkennung von Bodenkontaminationen bei der Testung von Bodenextrakten mit Hilfe biologischer Wirktests - Ermittlung der ``Grundlevel-Antworten`` unkontaminierter Boeden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schuphan, I.; Gaipl, S.; Herlitz, E.; Schreiner, J.; Tietz, U. [Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Biologie 5


    One way to discover contaminations of soil in future is to use biological testing of soil extracts. For this purpose the baseline responses of the biological test systems have to be determined as a basis to distinguish between effects of natural soil components and those of contaminates. These basic level responses have been collected using water and organic extracts of 15 `uncontaminated` soils from different areas of Germany. The use of extracts for testing requires references between the soil extract, the soil itself and the test system. Starting values and the window of competence for testing are proposed. The starting value 1 SE is realized by equivalence of extract aliqouts of a defined soil amount (gramm soil equivalent, g SE) and the amount of test-(cultur)medium in g. The effect limits should be at least the double standard deviation of the blank (extract without soil components). In some test systems higher effect levels have to be fixed according to screening values of `uncontaminated` soils. If no relation can be found to the test-(culture)medium the so called window of competence has to be defined. This is necessary e.g. for the Salmonella mutagenicity test using agar as test medium. In this case screening results of `uncontaminated` soil extracts lead to a gramm Se range, the window of competence, inbetween which no natural response will be found. Extracts giving a mutation ratio (number of revertant colonies from sample extracts/number colonies from the blank) of {>=}2 were considered positively mutagenic. (orig.) [Deutsch] Es sollen kuenftig Bodenkontaminationen durch Testung der entsprechenden Bodenextrakte mit biologischen Wirktests aufgedeckt werden. Dazu muss als Voraussetzung der Grundlevel biologischer Antworten `unbelasteter` Boeden in Testsystemen bestimmt werden. Dieser wurde mit waessrigen und organischen Extrakten von ueber 15 `unbelasteten` Boeden aus verschiedenen Gegenden Deutschlands ermittelt. Die Verwendung von Extrakten fuer die

  10. Precision Parameter Estimation and Machine Learning (United States)

    Wandelt, Benjamin D.


    I discuss the strategy of ``Acceleration by Parallel Precomputation and Learning'' (AP-PLe) that can vastly accelerate parameter estimation in high-dimensional parameter spaces and costly likelihood functions, using trivially parallel computing to speed up sequential exploration of parameter space. This strategy combines the power of distributed computing with machine learning and Markov-Chain Monte Carlo techniques efficiently to explore a likelihood function, posterior distribution or χ2-surface. This strategy is particularly successful in cases where computing the likelihood is costly and the number of parameters is moderate or large. We apply this technique to two central problems in cosmology: the solution of the cosmological parameter estimation problem with sufficient accuracy for the Planck data using PICo; and the detailed calculation of cosmological helium and hydrogen recombination with RICO. Since the APPLe approach is designed to be able to use massively parallel resources to speed up problems that are inherently serial, we can bring the power of distributed computing to bear on parameter estimation problems. We have demonstrated this with the CosmologyatHome project.

  11. The ASDEX Upgrade Parameter Server

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neu, Gregor, E-mail: [Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Boltzmannstr. 2, 85748 Garching (Germany); Cole, Richard [Unlimited Computer Systems, Seeshaupter Str. 15, 82393 Iffeldorf (Germany); Gräter, Alex [Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Boltzmannstr. 2, 85748 Garching (Germany); Lüddecke, Klaus [Unlimited Computer Systems, Seeshaupter Str. 15, 82393 Iffeldorf (Germany); Rapson, Christopher J.; Raupp, Gerhard; Treutterer, Wolfgang; Zasche, Dietrich; Zehetbauer, Thomas [Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Boltzmannstr. 2, 85748 Garching (Germany)


    Highlights: • We describe our main tool in the plasma control configuration process. • Parameter access and computation are configurable with XML files. • Simple implementation of in situ tests by rerouting requests to test data. • Pulse specific overriding of parameters. - Abstract: Concepts for the configuration of plant systems and plasma control of modern devices such as ITER and W7-X are based on global data structures, or “pulse schedules” or “experiment programs”, which specify all physics characteristics (waveforms for controlled actuators and plasma quantities) and all technical characteristics of the plant systems (diagnostics and actuators operation settings) for a planned pulse. At ASDEX Upgrade we use different approach. We observed that the physics characteristics driving the discharge control system (DCS) are frequently modified on a pulse-to-pulse basis. Plant system operation, however, relies on technical standard settings, or “basic configurations” to provide guaranteed resources or services, which evolve according to longer term session or campaign operation schedules. This is why AUG manages technical configuration items separately from physics items. Consistent computation of the DCS configuration requires access to all this physics and technical data, which include the discharge programme (DP), settings of actuator systems and real-time diagnostics, the current system state and a database of static parameters. A Parameter Server provides a unified view on all these parameter sets and acts as the central point of access. We describe the functionality and architecture of the Parameter Server and its embedding into the control environment.

  12. Performance analysis of pin fins with temperature dependent thermal parameters using the variation of parameters method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cihat Arslantürk


    Full Text Available The performance of pin fins transferring heat by convection and radiation and having variable thermal conductivity, variable emissivity and variable heat transfer coefficient was investigated in the present paper. Nondimensionalizing the fin equation, the problem parameters which affect the fin performance were obtained. Dimensionless nonlinear fin equation was solved with the variation of parameters method, which is quite new in the solution of nonlinear heat transfer problems. The solution of variation of parameters method was compared with known analytical solutions and some numerical solution. The comparisons showed that the solutions are seen to be perfectly compatible. The effects of problem parameters were investigated on the heat transfer rate and fin efficiency and results were presented graphically.

  13. Establishing statistical models of manufacturing parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Senevat, J.; Pape, J.L.; Deshayes, J.F.


    This paper reports on the effect of pilgering and cold-work parameters on contractile strain ratio and mechanical properties that were investigated using a large population of Zircaloy tubes. Statistical models were established between: contractile strain ratio and tooling parameters, mechanical properties (tensile test, creep test) and cold-work parameters, and mechanical properties and stress-relieving temperature

  14. Development of solar selective absorber layers on aluminium. Final report; Entwicklung solarselektiver Absorberschichten auf Aluminium fuer Solarkollektoren. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoenicke, D.; Moeller, T.; Schwarz, T.


    A new electrolytic process was developed to form solar selective layers on aluminium. In the developed process, both the formation of the alumina layer and the deposition of metals into the layer takes place in only one treatment step using a single electrolysis bath. The main step of the so called ISOC-method (impulse structured oxide ceramic) is the anodic oxidation of aluminium which was carried out by using a pulse technique at different voltages. During the anodic polarisation a thin alumina ceramic layer was formed, while the cathodic led to the metal deposition as copper and nickel. The conditions of the electrolysis were varied in order to estimate optimal parameters achieving solar selective layers with high selectivity. Furthermore, a scale-up of the lab scale apparatus to a mini plant was carried out. Finally, the corrosion resistance of the absorber layers was improved by the formation of a thin hydrophobic overlayer using a sol-gel treatment. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ein neuartiges Behandlungsverfahren zur Erzeugung von solarselektiven Absorberschichten auf Aluminium wurde entwickelt. Bei dieser elektrochemischen Behandlung wird in einem Einstufenprozess mit einem Elektrolyten durch eine Kombination von anodischer Oxidation und bipolarer Pulsbehandlung auf der Oberflaeche des Aluminiums eine impulsstrukturierte Oxidkeramik (ISOK) erzeugt. Dabei entsteht durch eine anodische Oxidation eine strukturierte Aluminiumoxidschicht. Bei der bipolaren Pulsbehandlung erfolgt dann eine Abscheidung der im ISOK-Elektrolyten befindlichen Metalle Cu und Ni auf oder in die Aluminiumoxidoberflaeche. Die ISOK-Behandlung wurde vom Labormassstab zu einem ISOK-Verfahren im Miniplant-Massstab entwickelt. Der Einfluss der elektrischen Parameter und der chemischen Zusammensetzung der ISOK-Elektrolyte wurde untersucht. Durch eine auf das ISOK-Verfahren abgestimmte Nachbehandlung, ein Tauchverfahren in einer Sol-Gel-Loesung, entsteht ein Schichtsystem mit hoher Solarselektivitaet

  15. Telemetry System of Biological Parameters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan Spisak


    Full Text Available The mobile telemetry system of biological parameters serves for reading and wireless data transfer of measured values of selected biological parameters to an outlying computer. It concerns basically long time monitoring of vital function of car pilot.The goal of this projects is to propose mobile telemetry system for reading, wireless transfer and processing of biological parameters of car pilot during physical and psychical stress. It has to be made with respect to minimal consumption, weight and maximal device mobility. This system has to eliminate signal noise, which is created by biological artifacts and disturbances during the data transfer.

  16. Reassessment of safeguards parameters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hakkila, E.A.; Richter, J.L.; Mullen, M.F.


    The International Atomic Energy Agency is reassessing the timeliness and goal quantity parameters that are used in defining safeguards approaches. This study reviews technology developments since the parameters were established in the 1970s and concludes that there is no reason to relax goal quantity or conversion time for reactor-grade plutonium relative to weapons-grade plutonium. For low-enriched uranium, especially in countries with advanced enrichment capability there may be an incentive to shorten the detection time.

  17. Band parameters of phosphorene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lew Yan Voon, L. C.; Wang, J.; Zhang, Y.


    Phosphorene is a two-dimensional nanomaterial with a direct band-gap at the Brillouin zone center. In this paper, we present a recently derived effective-mass theory of the band structure in the presence of strain and electric field, based upon group theory. Band parameters for this theory...... are computed using a first-principles theory based upon the generalized-gradient approximation to the density-functional theory. These parameters and Hamiltonian will be useful for modeling physical properties of phosphorene....

  18. HF Parameters of Induction Motor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. N. Benallal


    Full Text Available This article describes the results of experimental studies of HF input and primary parameters. A simulation model in Matlab SimulinkTM of multiphase windings as ladder circuit of coils is developed. A method for determining the primary parameters of ladder equivalent circuits is presented.

  19. Circuit realization, chaos synchronization and estimation of parameters of a hyperchaotic system with unknown parameters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Elsonbaty


    Full Text Available In this article, the adaptive chaos synchronization technique is implemented by an electronic circuit and applied to the hyperchaotic system proposed by Chen et al. We consider the more realistic and practical case where all the parameters of the master system are unknowns. We propose and implement an electronic circuit that performs the estimation of the unknown parameters and the updating of the parameters of the slave system automatically, and hence it achieves the synchronization. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to implement a circuit that estimates the values of the unknown parameters of chaotic system and achieves synchronization. The proposed circuit has a variety of suitable real applications related to chaos encryption and cryptography. The outputs of the implemented circuits and numerical simulation results are shown to view the performance of the synchronized system and the proposed circuit.

  20. Parameter estimation of variable-parameter nonlinear Muskingum model using excel solver (United States)

    Kang, Ling; Zhou, Liwei


    Abstract . The Muskingum model is an effective flood routing technology in hydrology and water resources Engineering. With the development of optimization technology, more and more variable-parameter Muskingum models were presented to improve effectiveness of the Muskingum model in recent decades. A variable-parameter nonlinear Muskingum model (NVPNLMM) was proposed in this paper. According to the results of two real and frequently-used case studies by various models, the NVPNLMM could obtain better values of evaluation criteria, which are used to describe the superiority of the estimated outflows and compare the accuracies of flood routing using various models, and the optimal estimated outflows by the NVPNLMM were closer to the observed outflows than the ones by other models.

  1. Band parameters of phosphorene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lew Yan Voon, L C; Wang, J; Zhang, Y; Willatzen, M


    Phosphorene is a two-dimensional nanomaterial with a direct band-gap at the Brillouin zone center. In this paper, we present a recently derived effective-mass theory of the band structure in the presence of strain and electric field, based upon group theory. Band parameters for this theory are computed using a first-principles theory based upon the generalized-gradient approximation to the density-functional theory. These parameters and Hamiltonian will be useful for modeling physical properties of phosphorene. (paper)

  2. Optomechanical parameter estimation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ang, Shan Zheng; Tsang, Mankei; Harris, Glen I; Bowen, Warwick P


    We propose a statistical framework for the problem of parameter estimation from a noisy optomechanical system. The Cramér–Rao lower bound on the estimation errors in the long-time limit is derived and compared with the errors of radiometer and expectation–maximization (EM) algorithms in the estimation of the force noise power. When applied to experimental data, the EM estimator is found to have the lowest error and follow the Cramér–Rao bound most closely. Our analytic results are envisioned to be valuable to optomechanical experiment design, while the EM algorithm, with its ability to estimate most of the system parameters, is envisioned to be useful for optomechanical sensing, atomic magnetometry and fundamental tests of quantum mechanics. (paper)

  3. Model parameter updating using Bayesian networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Treml, C.A.; Ross, Timothy J.


    This paper outlines a model parameter updating technique for a new method of model validation using a modified model reference adaptive control (MRAC) framework with Bayesian Networks (BNs). The model parameter updating within this method is generic in the sense that the model/simulation to be validated is treated as a black box. It must have updateable parameters to which its outputs are sensitive, and those outputs must have metrics that can be compared to that of the model reference, i.e., experimental data. Furthermore, no assumptions are made about the statistics of the model parameter uncertainty, only upper and lower bounds need to be specified. This method is designed for situations where a model is not intended to predict a complete point-by-point time domain description of the item/system behavior; rather, there are specific points, features, or events of interest that need to be predicted. These specific points are compared to the model reference derived from actual experimental data. The logic for updating the model parameters to match the model reference is formed via a BN. The nodes of this BN consist of updateable model input parameters and the specific output values or features of interest. Each time the model is executed, the input/output pairs are used to adapt the conditional probabilities of the BN. Each iteration further refines the inferred model parameters to produce the desired model output. After parameter updating is complete and model inputs are inferred, reliabilities for the model output are supplied. Finally, this method is applied to a simulation of a resonance control cooling system for a prototype coupled cavity linac. The results are compared to experimental data.

  4. Parameter Estimation in Continuous Time Domain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela M. ATANASIU


    Full Text Available This paper will aim to presents the applications of a continuous-time parameter estimation method for estimating structural parameters of a real bridge structure. For the purpose of illustrating this method two case studies of a bridge pile located in a highly seismic risk area are considered, for which the structural parameters for the mass, damping and stiffness are estimated. The estimation process is followed by the validation of the analytical results and comparison with them to the measurement data. Further benefits and applications for the continuous-time parameter estimation method in civil engineering are presented in the final part of this paper.

  5. The Solubility Parameters of Ionic Liquids (United States)

    Marciniak, Andrzej


    The Hildebrand’s solubility parameters have been calculated for 18 ionic liquids from the inverse gas chromatography measurements of the activity coefficients at infinite dilution. Retention data were used for the calculation. The solubility parameters are helpful for the prediction of the solubility in the binary solvent mixtures. From the solubility parameters, the standard enthalpies of vaporization of ionic liquids were estimated. PMID:20559495

  6. The Solubility Parameters of Ionic Liquids

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrzej Marciniak


    Full Text Available The Hildebrand’s solubility parameters have been calculated for 18 ionic liquids from the inverse gas chromatography measurements of the activity coefficients at infinite dilution. Retention data were used for the calculation. The solubility parameters are helpful for the prediction of the solubility in the binary solvent mixtures. From the solubility parameters, the standard enthalpies of vaporization of ionic liquids were estimated.

  7. Cosmological parameter estimation using Particle Swarm Optimization (United States)

    Prasad, J.; Souradeep, T.


    Constraining parameters of a theoretical model from observational data is an important exercise in cosmology. There are many theoretically motivated models, which demand greater number of cosmological parameters than the standard model of cosmology uses, and make the problem of parameter estimation challenging. It is a common practice to employ Bayesian formalism for parameter estimation for which, in general, likelihood surface is probed. For the standard cosmological model with six parameters, likelihood surface is quite smooth and does not have local maxima, and sampling based methods like Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method are quite successful. However, when there are a large number of parameters or the likelihood surface is not smooth, other methods may be more effective. In this paper, we have demonstrated application of another method inspired from artificial intelligence, called Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for estimating cosmological parameters from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data taken from the WMAP satellite.

  8. Cosmological parameter estimation using Particle Swarm Optimization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prasad, J; Souradeep, T


    Constraining parameters of a theoretical model from observational data is an important exercise in cosmology. There are many theoretically motivated models, which demand greater number of cosmological parameters than the standard model of cosmology uses, and make the problem of parameter estimation challenging. It is a common practice to employ Bayesian formalism for parameter estimation for which, in general, likelihood surface is probed. For the standard cosmological model with six parameters, likelihood surface is quite smooth and does not have local maxima, and sampling based methods like Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method are quite successful. However, when there are a large number of parameters or the likelihood surface is not smooth, other methods may be more effective. In this paper, we have demonstrated application of another method inspired from artificial intelligence, called Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for estimating cosmological parameters from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data taken from the WMAP satellite

  9. Hyperspectral signature analysis of skin parameters (United States)

    Vyas, Saurabh; Banerjee, Amit; Garza, Luis; Kang, Sewon; Burlina, Philippe


    The temporal analysis of changes in biological skin parameters, including melanosome concentration, collagen concentration and blood oxygenation, may serve as a valuable tool in diagnosing the progression of malignant skin cancers and in understanding the pathophysiology of cancerous tumors. Quantitative knowledge of these parameters can also be useful in applications such as wound assessment, and point-of-care diagnostics, amongst others. We propose an approach to estimate in vivo skin parameters using a forward computational model based on Kubelka-Munk theory and the Fresnel Equations. We use this model to map the skin parameters to their corresponding hyperspectral signature. We then use machine learning based regression to develop an inverse map from hyperspectral signatures to skin parameters. In particular, we employ support vector machine based regression to estimate the in vivo skin parameters given their corresponding hyperspectral signature. We build on our work from SPIE 2012, and validate our methodology on an in vivo dataset. This dataset consists of 241 signatures collected from in vivo hyperspectral imaging of patients of both genders and Caucasian, Asian and African American ethnicities. In addition, we also extend our methodology past the visible region and through the short-wave infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. We find promising results when comparing the estimated skin parameters to the ground truth, demonstrating good agreement with well-established physiological precepts. This methodology can have potential use in non-invasive skin anomaly detection and for developing minimally invasive pre-screening tools.

  10. Het biologische ei in beeld : consumentenonderzoek in Nederland en Duitsland

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijk, van E.E.C.; Riet, van 't J.P.; Tacken, G.M.L.; Winter, de M.A.


    The Dutch organic egg industry wants to stimulate the demand for Dutch organic eggs in both the Dutch and German markets. In both markets the primary aim is to increase the market share, besides which the industry wants to raise the profile of the Dutch product in the German market. The aim of this

  11. Biologische reiniging van baggerspecie op de landfarm Kreekraksluizen; monitoring 2001

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Harmsen, J.; Toorn, van den A.; Dijk-Hooyer, van O.M.; Zweers, A.J.; Bouwman, L.A.; Ma, W.C.; Bodt, J.M.


    De monitoring betreft de afbraak van PAK, minerale olie; en het gedrag van zware metalen. De species zijn afkomstig van de Geulhaven (Rotterdam), de havens van Wemeldinge en Zierikzee, de Petroleumhaven (Amsterdam)

  12. Onderzoek naar aanwezigheid van legionella in biologische luchtwassers bij stallen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Melse, R.W.; Schalk, J.A.C.; Bartels, A.A.


    In an earlier study it was concluded, based on literature and interviews, that biotrickling filters might be responsible for airborne transmission of Legionella bacteria. Risk factors in this type of systems are recirculating of trickling water with a pH close to neutral and the use of spray nozzles

  13. Invoegen, uitvoegen en ritsen : over de dynamiek van biologische membranen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Helms, J.B.


    De titel 'INVOEGEN, UITVOEGEN EN RITSEN' duidt op dynamische processen, die zich alleen kunnen afspelen door middel van samenwerkingsverbanden. Er valt niets in te voegen, uit te voegen of te ritsen als er geen medespelers zijn. Als deze titel ergens op van toepassing is, dan is het wel de

  14. Quantitative analysis of spatial variability of geotechnical parameters (United States)

    Fang, Xing


    Geotechnical parameters are the basic parameters of geotechnical engineering design, while the geotechnical parameters have strong regional characteristics. At the same time, the spatial variability of geotechnical parameters has been recognized. It is gradually introduced into the reliability analysis of geotechnical engineering. Based on the statistical theory of geostatistical spatial information, the spatial variability of geotechnical parameters is quantitatively analyzed. At the same time, the evaluation of geotechnical parameters and the correlation coefficient between geotechnical parameters are calculated. A residential district of Tianjin Survey Institute was selected as the research object. There are 68 boreholes in this area and 9 layers of mechanical stratification. The parameters are water content, natural gravity, void ratio, liquid limit, plasticity index, liquidity index, compressibility coefficient, compressive modulus, internal friction angle, cohesion and SP index. According to the principle of statistical correlation, the correlation coefficient of geotechnical parameters is calculated. According to the correlation coefficient, the law of geotechnical parameters is obtained.

  15. Relationship between macular ganglion cell complex parameters and visual field parameters after tumor resection in chiasmal compression. (United States)

    Ohkubo, Shinji; Higashide, Tomomi; Takeda, Hisashi; Murotani, Eiji; Hayashi, Yasuhiko; Sugiyama, Kazuhisa


    To evaluate the relationship between macular ganglion cell complex (GCC) parameters and visual field (VF) parameters in chiasmal compression and the potential for GCC parameters in order to predict the short-term postsurgical VF. Twenty-three eyes of 12 patients with chiasmal compression and 33 control eyes were studied. All patients underwent transsphenoidal tumor resection. Before surgery a 3D scan of the macula was taken using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. All patients underwent Humphrey 24-2 VF testing after surgery. Spearman's rank correlation coefficients were used to evaluate the relationship between the GCC parameters and VF parameters [mean deviation (MD), pattern standard deviation]. Coefficients of determination (R2) were calculated using linear regression. Average thickness in the patients was significantly thinner than that of controls. Average thickness, global loss volume and focal loss volume (FLV) significantly correlated with the MD. We observed the greatest R2 between FLV and MD. Examining the macular GCC was useful for evaluating structural damage in patients with chiasmal compression. Preoperative GCC parameters, especially FLV, may be useful in predicting visual function following surgical decompression of chiasmal compression.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Applying these data, viscosity-B-coefficients, activation parameters (Δμ10≠) and (Δμ20≠) and excess thermodynamic functions, viz., excess molar volume (VE), excess viscosity, ηE and excess molar free energy of activation of flow, (GE) were calculated. The value of interaction parameter, d, of Grunberg and Nissan ...

  17. Parameters in pure type systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bloo, C.J.; Kamareddine, F.; Laan, T.D.L.; Nederpelt, R.P.; Rajsbaum, S.


    In this paper we study the addition of parameters to typed ¿-calculus with definitions. We show that the resulting systems have nice properties and illustrate that parameters allow for a better fine-tuning of the strength of type systems as well as staying closer to type systems used in practice in

  18. Quality assessment for radiological model parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Funtowicz, S.O.


    A prototype framework for representing uncertainties in radiological model parameters is introduced. This follows earlier development in this journal of a corresponding framework for representing uncertainties in radiological data. Refinements and extensions to the earlier framework are needed in order to take account of the additional contextual factors consequent on using data entries to quantify model parameters. The parameter coding can in turn feed in to methods for evaluating uncertainties in calculated model outputs. (author)

  19. Study of electroweak parameters at LEP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blum, W.


    The measurement of the line shape and asymmetry parameters of the Z 0 in its leptonic and hadronic decays are reviewed. Progress is reported about a considerable increase in measurement accuracy. Several tests of the Standard Model confirm it to better than one per cent. New values for the effective mixing parameter are derived from the line shape parameters averaged over the four LEP experiments. The corresponding limits on the top mass are presented. (orig.)

  20. Introduction of Two Novel Stiffness Parameters and Interpretation of Air Puff-Induced Biomechanical Deformation Parameters With a Dynamic Scheimpflug Analyzer. (United States)

    Roberts, Cynthia J; Mahmoud, Ashraf M; Bons, Jeffrey P; Hossain, Arif; Elsheikh, Ahmed; Vinciguerra, Riccardo; Vinciguerra, Paolo; Ambrósio, Renato


    To investigate two new stiffness parameters and their relationships with the dynamic corneal response (DCR) parameters and compare normal and keratoconic eyes. Stiffness parameters are defined as Resultant Pressure at inward applanation (A1) divided by corneal displacement. Stiffness parameter A1 uses displacement between the undeformed cornea and A1 and stiffness parameter highest concavity (HC) uses displacement from A1 to maximum deflection during HC. The spatial and temporal profiles of the Corvis ST (Oculus Optikgeräte, Wetzlar, Germany) air puff were characterized using hot wire anemometry. An adjusted air pressure impinging on the cornea at A1 (adjAP1) and an algorithm to biomechanically correct intraocular pressure based on finite element modelling (bIOP) were used for Resultant Pressure calculation (adjAP1 - bIOP). Linear regression analyses between DCR parameters and stiffness parameters were performed on a retrospective dataset of 180 keratoconic eyes and 482 normal eyes. DCR parameters from a subset of 158 eyes of 158 patients in each group were matched for bIOP and compared using t tests. A P value of less than .05 was considered statistically significant. All DCR parameters evaluated showed significant differences between normal and keratoconic eyes, except peak distance. Keratoconic eyes had lower stiffness parameter values, thinner pachymetry, shorter applanation lengths, greater absolute values of applanation velocities, earlier A1 times and later second applanation times, greater HC deformation amplitudes and HC deflection amplitudes, and lower HC radius of concave curvature (greater concave curvature). Most DCR parameters showed a significant relationship with both stiffness parameters in both groups. Keratoconic eyes demonstrated less resistance to deformation than normal eyes with similar IOP. The stiffness parameters may be useful in future biomechanical studies as potential biomarkers. [J Refract Surg. 2017;33(4):266-273.]. Copyright 2017

  1. Parameter Estimation of Partial Differential Equation Models. (United States)

    Xun, Xiaolei; Cao, Jiguo; Mallick, Bani; Carroll, Raymond J; Maity, Arnab


    Partial differential equation (PDE) models are commonly used to model complex dynamic systems in applied sciences such as biology and finance. The forms of these PDE models are usually proposed by experts based on their prior knowledge and understanding of the dynamic system. Parameters in PDE models often have interesting scientific interpretations, but their values are often unknown, and need to be estimated from the measurements of the dynamic system in the present of measurement errors. Most PDEs used in practice have no analytic solutions, and can only be solved with numerical methods. Currently, methods for estimating PDE parameters require repeatedly solving PDEs numerically under thousands of candidate parameter values, and thus the computational load is high. In this article, we propose two methods to estimate parameters in PDE models: a parameter cascading method and a Bayesian approach. In both methods, the underlying dynamic process modeled with the PDE model is represented via basis function expansion. For the parameter cascading method, we develop two nested levels of optimization to estimate the PDE parameters. For the Bayesian method, we develop a joint model for data and the PDE, and develop a novel hierarchical model allowing us to employ Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques to make posterior inference. Simulation studies show that the Bayesian method and parameter cascading method are comparable, and both outperform other available methods in terms of estimation accuracy. The two methods are demonstrated by estimating parameters in a PDE model from LIDAR data.

  2. Selection of noise parameters for Kalman filter

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Ka-Veng Yuen; Ka-In Hoi; Kai-Meng Mok


    The Bayesian probabilistic approach is proposed to estimate the process noise and measurement noise parameters for a Kalman filter. With state vectors and covariance matrices estimated by the Kalman filter, the likehood of the measurements can be constructed as a function of the process noise and measurement noise parameters. By maximizing the likklihood function with respect to these noise parameters, the optimal values can be obtained. Furthermore, the Bayesian probabilistic approach allows the associated uncertainty to be quantified. Examples using a single-degree-of-freedom system and a ten-story building illustrate the proposed method. The effect on the performance of the Kalman filter due to the selection of the process noise and measurement noise parameters was demonstrated. The optimal values of the noise parameters were found to be close to the actual values in the sense that the actual parameters were in the region with significant probability density. Through these examples, the Bayesian approach was shown to have the capability to provide accurate estimates of the noise parameters of the Kalman filter, and hence for state estimation.

  3. Multi-objective optimization in quantum parameter estimation (United States)

    Gong, BeiLi; Cui, Wei


    We investigate quantum parameter estimation based on linear and Kerr-type nonlinear controls in an open quantum system, and consider the dissipation rate as an unknown parameter. We show that while the precision of parameter estimation is improved, it usually introduces a significant deformation to the system state. Moreover, we propose a multi-objective model to optimize the two conflicting objectives: (1) maximizing the Fisher information, improving the parameter estimation precision, and (2) minimizing the deformation of the system state, which maintains its fidelity. Finally, simulations of a simplified ɛ-constrained model demonstrate the feasibility of the Hamiltonian control in improving the precision of the quantum parameter estimation.

  4. Physiological Parameters Database for Older Adults (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The Physiological Parameters Database for Older Adults is available for download and contains physiological parameters values for healthy older human adults (age 60...

  5. LMFBR plant parameters 1991

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document has been prepared on the basis of information provided by the members of the IAEA International Working Group on Fast Reactors (IWGFR). It contains updated parameters of 27 experimental, prototype and commercial size liquid metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBRs). Most of the reactors are currently in operation, under construction or in an advanced planning stage. Parameters of the Clinch River Breeder Reactor (USA), PEC (Italy), RAPSODIE (France), DFR (UK) and EFFBR (USA) are included in the report because of their important role in the development of LMFBR technology from first LMFBRs to the prototype size fast reactors. Two more reactors appeared in the list: European Fast Reactor (EFR) and PRISM (USA). Parameters of these reactors included in this publication are based on the data from the papers presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the IWGFR. All in all more than four hundred corrections and additions have been made to update the document. The report is intended for specialists and institutions in industrialized and developing countries who are responsible for the design and operation of liquid metal fast breeder reactors

  6. A Tool for Parameter-space Explorations (United States)

    Murase, Yohsuke; Uchitane, Takeshi; Ito, Nobuyasu

    A software for managing simulation jobs and results, named "OACIS", is presented. It controls a large number of simulation jobs executed in various remote servers, keeps these results in an organized way, and manages the analyses on these results. The software has a web browser front end, and users can submit various jobs to appropriate remote hosts from a web browser easily. After these jobs are finished, all the result files are automatically downloaded from the computational hosts and stored in a traceable way together with the logs of the date, host, and elapsed time of the jobs. Some visualization functions are also provided so that users can easily grasp the overview of the results distributed in a high-dimensional parameter space. Thus, OACIS is especially beneficial for the complex simulation models having many parameters for which a lot of parameter searches are required. By using API of OACIS, it is easy to write a code that automates parameter selection depending on the previous simulation results. A few examples of the automated parameter selection are also demonstrated.

  7. Optimisation of milling parameters using neural network

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lipski Jerzy


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to design and test an intelligent computer software developed with the purpose of increasing average productivity of milling not compromising the design features of the final product. The developed system generates optimal milling parameters based on the extent of tool wear. The introduced optimisation algorithm employs a multilayer model of a milling process developed in the artificial neural network. The input parameters for model training are the following: cutting speed vc, feed per tooth fz and the degree of tool wear measured by means of localised flank wear (VB3. The output parameter is the surface roughness of a machined surface Ra. Since the model in the neural network exhibits good approximation of functional relationships, it was applied to determine optimal milling parameters in changeable tool wear conditions (VB3 and stabilisation of surface roughness parameter Ra. Our solution enables constant control over surface roughness parameters and productivity of milling process after each assessment of tool condition. The recommended parameters, i.e. those which applied in milling ensure desired surface roughness and maximal productivity, are selected from all the parameters generated by the model. The developed software may constitute an expert system supporting a milling machine operator. In addition, the application may be installed on a mobile device (smartphone, connected to a tool wear diagnostics instrument and the machine tool controller in order to supply updated optimal parameters of milling. The presented solution facilitates tool life optimisation and decreasing tool change costs, particularly during prolonged operation.

  8. Free flight in parameter space

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahlstedt, Palle; Nilsson, Per Anders


    with continuous interpolation between population members. With a suitable sound engine, the system forms a surprisingly expressive performance instrument, used by the electronic free impro duo pantoMorf in concerts and recording sessions over the last year.......The well-known difficulty of controlling many synthesis parameters in performance, for exploration and expression, is addressed. Inspired by interactive evolution, random vectors in parameter space are assigned to an array of pressure sensitive pads. Vectors are scaled with pressure and added...... to define the current point in parameter space. Vectors can be scaled globally, allowing exploration of the whole space or minute timberal expression. The vector origin can be shifted at any time, allowing exploration of subspaces. In essence, this amounts to mutation-based interactive evolution...

  9. Examining the Functional Specification of Two-Parameter Model under Location and Scale Parameter Condition


    Nakashima, Takahiro


    The functional specification of mean-standard deviation approach is examined under location and scale parameter condition. Firstly, the full set of restrictions imposed on the mean-standard deviation function under the location and scale parameter condition are made clear. Secondly, the examination based on the restrictions mentioned in the previous sentence derives the new properties of the mean-standard deviation function on the applicability of additive separability and the curvature of ex...

  10. Transmission Electron Microscope Measures Lattice Parameters (United States)

    Pike, William T.


    Convergent-beam microdiffraction (CBM) in thermionic-emission transmission electron microscope (TEM) is technique for measuring lattice parameters of nanometer-sized specimens of crystalline materials. Lattice parameters determined by use of CBM accurate to within few parts in thousand. Technique developed especially for use in quantifying lattice parameters, and thus strains, in epitaxial mismatched-crystal-lattice multilayer structures in multiple-quantum-well and other advanced semiconductor electronic devices. Ability to determine strains in indivdual layers contributes to understanding of novel electronic behaviors of devices.

  11. Robust Parameter Coordination for Multidisciplinary Design

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    This paper introduced a robust parameter coordination method to analyze parameter uncertainties so as to predict conflicts and coordinate parameters in multidisciplinary design. The proposed method is based on constraints network, which gives a formulated model to analyze the coupling effects between design variables and product specifications. In this model, interval boxes are adopted to describe the uncertainty of design parameters quantitatively to enhance the design robustness. To solve this constraint network model, a general consistent algorithm framework is designed and implemented with interval arithmetic and the genetic algorithm, which can deal with both algebraic and ordinary differential equations. With the help of this method, designers could infer the consistent solution space from the given specifications. A case study involving the design of a bogie dumping system demonstrates the usefulness of this approach.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    muhammad zahid rashid


    Full Text Available The exponential distribution is commonly used to model the behavior of units that have a constant failure rate. The two-parameter exponential distribution provides a simple but nevertheless useful model for the analysis of lifetimes, especially when investigating reliability of technical equipment.This paper is concerned with estimation of parameters of the two parameter (location and scale exponential distribution. We used the least squares method (LSM, relative least squares method (RELS, ridge regression method (RR,  moment estimators (ME, modified moment estimators (MME, maximum likelihood estimators (MLE and modified maximum likelihood estimators (MMLE. We used the mean square error MSE, and total deviation TD, as measurement for the comparison between these methods. We determined the best method for estimation using different values for the parameters and different sample sizes

  13. SYVAC3 parameter distribution package

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andres, T; Skeet, A


    SYVAC3 (Systems Variability Analysis Code, generation 3) is a computer program that implements a method called systems variability analysis to analyze the behaviour of a system in the presence of uncertainty. This method is based on simulating the system many times to determine the variation in behaviour it can exhibit. SYVAC3 specializes in systems representing the transport of contaminants, and has several features to simplify the modelling of such systems. It provides a general tool for estimating environmental impacts from the dispersal of contaminants. This report describes a software object type (a generalization of a data type) called Parameter Distribution. This object type is used in SYVAC3, and can also be used independently. Parameter Distribution has the following subtypes: beta distribution; binomial distribution; constant distribution; lognormal distribution; loguniform distribution; normal distribution; piecewise uniform distribution; Triangular distribution; and uniform distribution. Some of these distributions can be altered by correlating two parameter distribution objects. This report provides complete specifications for parameter distributions, and also explains how to use them. It should meet the needs of casual users, reviewers, and programmers who wish to add their own subtypes. (author). 30 refs., 75 tabs., 56 figs.

  14. Incorporating Nuisance Parameters in Likelihoods for Multisource Spectra

    CERN Document Server

    Conway, J.S.


    We describe here the general mathematical approach to constructing likelihoods for fitting observed spectra in one or more dimensions with multiple sources, including the effects of systematic uncertainties represented as nuisance parameters, when the likelihood is to be maximized with respect to these parameters. We consider three types of nuisance parameters: simple multiplicative factors, source spectra "morphing" parameters, and parameters representing statistical uncertainties in the predicted source spectra.

  15. Calculation of Optical Parameters of Liquid Crystals (United States)

    Kumar, A.


    Validation of a modified four-parameter model describing temperature effect on liquid crystal refractive indices is being reported in the present article. This model is based upon the Vuks equation. Experimental data of ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices for two liquid crystal samples MLC-9200-000 and MLC-6608 are used to validate the above-mentioned theoretical model. Using these experimental data, birefringence, order parameter, normalized polarizabilities, and the temperature gradient of refractive indices are determined. Two methods: directly using birefringence measurements and using Haller's extrapolation procedure are adopted for the determination of order parameter. Both approches of order parameter calculation are compared. The temperature dependences of all these parameters are discussed. A close agreement between theory and experiment is obtained.

  16. Parameter Estimation of Partial Differential Equation Models

    KAUST Repository

    Xun, Xiaolei


    Partial differential equation (PDE) models are commonly used to model complex dynamic systems in applied sciences such as biology and finance. The forms of these PDE models are usually proposed by experts based on their prior knowledge and understanding of the dynamic system. Parameters in PDE models often have interesting scientific interpretations, but their values are often unknown and need to be estimated from the measurements of the dynamic system in the presence of measurement errors. Most PDEs used in practice have no analytic solutions, and can only be solved with numerical methods. Currently, methods for estimating PDE parameters require repeatedly solving PDEs numerically under thousands of candidate parameter values, and thus the computational load is high. In this article, we propose two methods to estimate parameters in PDE models: a parameter cascading method and a Bayesian approach. In both methods, the underlying dynamic process modeled with the PDE model is represented via basis function expansion. For the parameter cascading method, we develop two nested levels of optimization to estimate the PDE parameters. For the Bayesian method, we develop a joint model for data and the PDE and develop a novel hierarchical model allowing us to employ Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques to make posterior inference. Simulation studies show that the Bayesian method and parameter cascading method are comparable, and both outperform other available methods in terms of estimation accuracy. The two methods are demonstrated by estimating parameters in a PDE model from long-range infrared light detection and ranging data. Supplementary materials for this article are available online. © 2013 American Statistical Association.

  17. Some properties of 2-D dielectric-based ENG/MNG material parameters extracted using the S-parameter method

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wu, Yunqiu; Arslanagic, Samel

    This work presents a systematic investigation of material parameters for two-dimensional epsilon-negative (ENG) and mu-negative (MNG) materials as obtained by the scattering parameter method. The unit cell consists of infinite dielectric cylinders, their sizes and permittivities are chosen...... to enable the ENG and MNG behaviors. For the both configurations, the permittivity and the permeability is reported. Influence of several effects on the extracted material parameters is examined, including the loss inside the cylinders and the size of the unit cells...

  18. The Sensitivity of the Input Impedance Parameters of Track Circuits to Changes in the Parameters of the Track

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lubomir Ivanek


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the sensitivity of the input impedance of an open track circuit in the event that the parameters of the track are changed. Weather conditions and the state of pollution are the most common reasons for parameter changes. The results were obtained from the measured values of the parameters R (resistance, G (conductance, L (inductance, and C (capacitance of a rail superstructure depending on the frequency. Measurements were performed on a railway siding in Orlova. The results are used to design a predictor of occupancy of a track section. In particular, we were interested in the frequencies of 75 and 275 Hz for this purpose. Many parameter values of track substructures have already been solved in different works in literature. At first, we had planned to use the parameter values from these sources when we designed the predictor. Deviations between them, however, are large and often differ by three orders of magnitude (see Tab.8. From this perspective, this article presents data that have been updated using modern measurement devices and computer technology. And above all, it shows a transmission (cascade matrix used to determine the parameters.

  19. Performance Parameters for Grid-Connected PV Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marion, B.; Adelstein, J.; Boyle, K.; Hayden, H.; Hammond, B.; Fletcher, T.; Canada, B.; Narang, D.; Shugar, D.; Wenger, H.; Kimber, A.; Mitchell, L.; Rich, G.; Townsend, T.


    The use of appropriate performance parameters facilitates the comparison of grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems that may differ with respect to design, technology, or geographic location. Four performance parameters that define the overall system performance with respect to the energy production, solar resource, and overall effect of system losses are the following: final PV system yield, reference yield, performance ratio, and PVUSA rating. These performance parameters are discussed for their suitability in providing desired information for PV system design and performance evaluation and are demonstrated for a variety of technologies, designs, and geographic locations. Also discussed are methodologies for determining system a.c. power ratings in the design phase using multipliers developed from measured performance parameters.The use of appropriate performance parameters facilitates the comparison of grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems that may differ with respect to design, technology, or geographic location. Four performance parameters that define the overall system performance with respect to the energy production, solar resource, and overall effect of system losses are the following: final PV system yield, reference yield, performance ratio, and PVUSA rating. These performance parameters are discussed for their suitability in providing desired information for PV system design and performance evaluation and are demonstrated for a variety of technologies, designs, and geographic locations. Also discussed are methodologies for determining system a.c. power ratings in the design phase using multipliers developed from measured performance parameters.

  20. An analytical-numerical approach for parameter determination of a five-parameter single-diode model of photovoltaic cells and modules (United States)

    Hejri, Mohammad; Mokhtari, Hossein; Azizian, Mohammad Reza; Söder, Lennart


    Parameter extraction of the five-parameter single-diode model of solar cells and modules from experimental data is a challenging problem. These parameters are evaluated from a set of nonlinear equations that cannot be solved analytically. On the other hand, a numerical solution of such equations needs a suitable initial guess to converge to a solution. This paper presents a new set of approximate analytical solutions for the parameters of a five-parameter single-diode model of photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules. The proposed solutions provide a good initial point which guarantees numerical analysis convergence. The proposed technique needs only a few data from the PV current-voltage characteristics, i.e. open circuit voltage Voc, short circuit current Isc and maximum power point current and voltage Im; Vm making it a fast and low cost parameter determination technique. The accuracy of the presented theoretical I-V curves is verified by experimental data.

  1. Parameter Estimation for Thurstone Choice Models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vojnovic, Milan [London School of Economics (United Kingdom); Yun, Seyoung [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    We consider the estimation accuracy of individual strength parameters of a Thurstone choice model when each input observation consists of a choice of one item from a set of two or more items (so called top-1 lists). This model accommodates the well-known choice models such as the Luce choice model for comparison sets of two or more items and the Bradley-Terry model for pair comparisons. We provide a tight characterization of the mean squared error of the maximum likelihood parameter estimator. We also provide similar characterizations for parameter estimators defined by a rank-breaking method, which amounts to deducing one or more pair comparisons from a comparison of two or more items, assuming independence of these pair comparisons, and maximizing a likelihood function derived under these assumptions. We also consider a related binary classification problem where each individual parameter takes value from a set of two possible values and the goal is to correctly classify all items within a prescribed classification error. The results of this paper shed light on how the parameter estimation accuracy depends on given Thurstone choice model and the structure of comparison sets. In particular, we found that for unbiased input comparison sets of a given cardinality, when in expectation each comparison set of given cardinality occurs the same number of times, for a broad class of Thurstone choice models, the mean squared error decreases with the cardinality of comparison sets, but only marginally according to a diminishing returns relation. On the other hand, we found that there exist Thurstone choice models for which the mean squared error of the maximum likelihood parameter estimator can decrease much faster with the cardinality of comparison sets. We report empirical evaluation of some claims and key parameters revealed by theory using both synthetic and real-world input data from some popular sport competitions and online labor platforms.

  2. Visual exploration of parameter influence on phylogenetic trees. (United States)

    Hess, Martin; Bremm, Sebastian; Weissgraeber, Stephanie; Hamacher, Kay; Goesele, Michael; Wiemeyer, Josef; von Landesberger, Tatiana


    Evolutionary relationships between organisms are frequently derived as phylogenetic trees inferred from multiple sequence alignments (MSAs). The MSA parameter space is exponentially large, so tens of thousands of potential trees can emerge for each dataset. A proposed visual-analytics approach can reveal the parameters' impact on the trees. Given input trees created with different parameter settings, it hierarchically clusters the trees according to their structural similarity. The most important clusters of similar trees are shown together with their parameters. This view offers interactive parameter exploration and automatic identification of relevant parameters. Biologists applied this approach to real data of 16S ribosomal RNA and protein sequences of ion channels. It revealed which parameters affected the tree structures. This led to a more reliable selection of the best trees.

  3. Multi-parameters scanning in HTI media

    KAUST Repository

    Masmoudi, Nabil


    Building credible anisotropy models is crucial in imaging. One way to estimate anisotropy parameters is to relate them analytically to traveltime, which is challenging in inhomogeneous media. Using perturbation theory, we develop traveltime approximations for transversely isotropic media with horizontal symmetry axis (HTI) as explicit functions of the anellipticity parameter η and the symmetry axis azimuth ϕ in inhomogeneous background media. Specifically, our expansion assumes an inhomogeneous elliptically anisotropic background medium, which may be obtained from well information and stacking velocity analysis in HTI media. This formulation has advantages on two fronts: on one hand, it alleviates the computational complexity associated with solving the HTI eikonal equation, and on the other hand, it provides a mechanism to scan for the best fitting parameters η and ϕ without the need for repetitive modeling of traveltimes, because the traveltime coefficients of the expansion are independent of the perturbed parameters η and ϕ. The accuracy of our expansion is further enhanced by the use of shanks transform. We show the effectiveness of our scheme with tests on a 3D model and we propose an approach for multi-parameters scanning in TI media.

  4. Multi-parameters scanning in HTI media

    KAUST Repository

    Masmoudi, Nabil; Alkhalifah, Tariq Ali


    Building credible anisotropy models is crucial in imaging. One way to estimate anisotropy parameters is to relate them analytically to traveltime, which is challenging in inhomogeneous media. Using perturbation theory, we develop traveltime approximations for transversely isotropic media with horizontal symmetry axis (HTI) as explicit functions of the anellipticity parameter η and the symmetry axis azimuth ϕ in inhomogeneous background media. Specifically, our expansion assumes an inhomogeneous elliptically anisotropic background medium, which may be obtained from well information and stacking velocity analysis in HTI media. This formulation has advantages on two fronts: on one hand, it alleviates the computational complexity associated with solving the HTI eikonal equation, and on the other hand, it provides a mechanism to scan for the best fitting parameters η and ϕ without the need for repetitive modeling of traveltimes, because the traveltime coefficients of the expansion are independent of the perturbed parameters η and ϕ. The accuracy of our expansion is further enhanced by the use of shanks transform. We show the effectiveness of our scheme with tests on a 3D model and we propose an approach for multi-parameters scanning in TI media.

  5. Reionization history and CMB parameter estimation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dizgah, Azadeh Moradinezhad; Kinney, William H.; Gnedin, Nickolay Y.


    We study how uncertainty in the reionization history of the universe affects estimates of other cosmological parameters from the Cosmic Microwave Background. We analyze WMAP7 data and synthetic Planck-quality data generated using a realistic scenario for the reionization history of the universe obtained from high-resolution numerical simulation. We perform parameter estimation using a simple sudden reionization approximation, and using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique proposed by Mortonson and Hu. We reach two main conclusions: (1) Adopting a simple sudden reionization model does not introduce measurable bias into values for other parameters, indicating that detailed modeling of reionization is not necessary for the purpose of parameter estimation from future CMB data sets such as Planck. (2) PCA analysis does not allow accurate reconstruction of the actual reionization history of the universe in a realistic case

  6. Reionization history and CMB parameter estimation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dizgah, Azadeh Moradinezhad; Gnedin, Nickolay Y.; Kinney, William H.


    We study how uncertainty in the reionization history of the universe affects estimates of other cosmological parameters from the Cosmic Microwave Background. We analyze WMAP7 data and synthetic Planck-quality data generated using a realistic scenario for the reionization history of the universe obtained from high-resolution numerical simulation. We perform parameter estimation using a simple sudden reionization approximation, and using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique proposed by Mortonson and Hu. We reach two main conclusions: (1) Adopting a simple sudden reionization model does not introduce measurable bias into values for other parameters, indicating that detailed modeling of reionization is not necessary for the purpose of parameter estimation from future CMB data sets such as Planck. (2) PCA analysis does not allow accurate reconstruction of the actual reionization history of the universe in a realistic case.

  7. A parametric reconstruction of the deceleration parameter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Al Mamon, Abdulla [Manipal University, Manipal Centre for Natural Sciences, Manipal (India); Visva-Bharati, Department of Physics, Santiniketan (India); Das, Sudipta [Visva-Bharati, Department of Physics, Santiniketan (India)


    The present work is based on a parametric reconstruction of the deceleration parameter q(z) in a model for the spatially flat FRW universe filled with dark energy and non-relativistic matter. In cosmology, the parametric reconstruction technique deals with an attempt to build up a model by choosing some specific evolution scenario for a cosmological parameter and then estimate the values of the parameters with the help of different observational datasets. In this paper, we have proposed a logarithmic parametrization of q(z) to probe the evolution history of the universe. Using the type Ia supernova, baryon acoustic oscillation and the cosmic microwave background datasets, the constraints on the arbitrary model parameters q{sub 0} and q{sub 1} are obtained (within 1σ and 2σ confidence limits) by χ{sup 2}-minimization technique. We have then reconstructed the deceleration parameter, the total EoS parameter ω{sub tot}, the jerk parameter and have compared the reconstructed results of q(z) with other well-known parametrizations of q(z). We have also shown that two model selection criteria (namely, the Akaike information criterion and Bayesian information criterion) provide a clear indication that our reconstructed model is well consistent with other popular models. (orig.)

  8. Learning regularization parameters for general-form Tikhonov

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Julianne; Español, Malena I


    Computing regularization parameters for general-form Tikhonov regularization can be an expensive and difficult task, especially if multiple parameters or many solutions need to be computed in real time. In this work, we assume training data is available and describe an efficient learning approach for computing regularization parameters that can be used for a large set of problems. We consider an empirical Bayes risk minimization framework for finding regularization parameters that minimize average errors for the training data. We first extend methods from Chung et al (2011 SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 33 3132–52) to the general-form Tikhonov problem. Then we develop a learning approach for multi-parameter Tikhonov problems, for the case where all involved matrices are simultaneously diagonalizable. For problems where this is not the case, we describe an approach to compute near-optimal regularization parameters by using operator approximations for the original problem. Finally, we propose a new class of regularizing filters, where solutions correspond to multi-parameter Tikhonov solutions, that requires less data than previously proposed optimal error filters, avoids the generalized SVD, and allows flexibility and novelty in the choice of regularization matrices. Numerical results for 1D and 2D examples using different norms on the errors show the effectiveness of our methods. (paper)

  9. Behavioural Pattern of Causality Parameter of Autoregressive ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this paper, a causal form of Autoregressive Moving Average process, ARMA (p, q) of various orders and behaviour of the causality parameter of ARMA model is investigated. It is deduced that the behaviour of causality parameter ψi depends on positive and negative values of autoregressive parameter φ and moving ...

  10. Partial solvation parameters and LSER molecular descriptors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panayiotou, Costas


    Graphical abstract: The one-to-one correspondence of LSER molecular descriptors and partial solvation parameters (PSPs) for propionic acid. Highlights: ► Quantum-mechanics based development of a new QSPR predictive method. ► One-to-one correspondence of partial solvation parameters and LSER molecular descriptors. ► Development of alternative routes for the determination of partial solvation parameters and solubility parameters. ► Expansion and enhancement of solubility parameter approach. - Abstract: The partial solvation parameters (PSP) have been defined recently, on the basis of the insight derived from modern quantum chemical calculations, in an effort to overcome some of the inherent restrictions of the original definition of solubility parameter and expand its range of applications. The present work continues along these lines and introduces two new solvation parameters, the van der Waals and the polarity/refractivity ones, which may replace both of the former dispersion and polar PSPs. Thus, one may use either the former scheme of PSPs (dispersion, polar, acidic, and basic) or, equivalently, the new scheme (van der Waals, polarity/refractivity, acidic, basic). The new definitions are made in a simple and straightforward manner and, thus, the strength and appeal of the widely accepted concept of solubility parameter is preserved. The inter-relations of the various PSPs are critically discussed and their values are tabulated for a variety of common substances. The advantage of the new scheme of PSPs is the bridge that makes with the corresponding Abraham’s LSER descriptors. With this bridge, one may exchange information between PSPs, LSER experimental scales, and quantum mechanics calculations such as via the COSMO-RS theory. The proposed scheme is a predictive one and it is applicable to, both, homo-solvated and hetero-solvated compounds. The new scheme is tested for the calculation of activity coefficients at infinite dilution, for octanol

  11. Multilevel resonance parameters of 241Pu

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weston, L.W.; Todd, J.H.


    The data previously reported by the authors on the neutron fission and capture cross sections of 241 Pu were simultaneously fit with the Adler formalism to obtain multilevel resonance parameters. The neutron energy range of the fit was 0.01 to 100 eV. The 241 Pu cross sections in the resonance region of neutron energies are complex, and the Adler parameters present an efficient method of representing these cross sections, which are important for plutonium-fueled reactors. The parameters represent the data to an accuracy within the quoted experimental errors. 5 figures, 2 tables

  12. Deductive multiscale simulation using order parameters (United States)

    Ortoleva, Peter J.


    Illustrative embodiments of systems and methods for the deductive multiscale simulation of macromolecules are disclosed. In one illustrative embodiment, a deductive multiscale simulation method may include (i) constructing a set of order parameters that model one or more structural characteristics of a macromolecule, (ii) simulating an ensemble of atomistic configurations for the macromolecule using instantaneous values of the set of order parameters, (iii) simulating thermal-average forces and diffusivities for the ensemble of atomistic configurations, and (iv) evolving the set of order parameters via Langevin dynamics using the thermal-average forces and diffusivities.

  13. Choice of the parameters of the cusum algorithms for parameter estimation in the markov modulated poisson process


    Burkatovskaya, Yuliya Borisovna; Kabanova, T.; Khaustov, Pavel Aleksandrovich


    CUSUM algorithm for controlling chain state switching in the Markov modulated Poissonprocess was investigated via simulation. Recommendations concerning the parameter choice were givensubject to characteristics of the process. Procedure of the process parameter estimation was described.

  14. Design parameters of Tokamak-7 system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, D.P.; Keilin, V.E.; Klimenko, E.Yu.; Strelkov, V.S.

    Superconducting windings for the main magnetic field of Tokamak-7 are discussed. The parameters of this facility are based on the use of commercially available superconducting materials for fields up to 80 kOe. Experimental parameters are described. (U.S.)

  15. [Diagnostic value of quantitative pharmacokinetic parameters and relative quantitative pharmacokinetic parameters in breast lesions with dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI]. (United States)

    Sun, T T; Liu, W H; Zhang, Y Q; Li, L H; Wang, R; Ye, Y Y


    Objective: To explore the differential between the value of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI quantitative pharmacokinetic parameters and relative pharmacokinetic quantitative parameters in breast lesions. Methods: Retrospective analysis of 255 patients(262 breast lesions) who was obtained by clinical palpation , ultrasound or full-field digital mammography , and then all lessions were pathologically confirmed in Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University from May 2012 to May 2016. A 3.0 T MRI scanner was used to obtain the quantitative MR pharmacokinetic parameters: volume transfer constant (K(trans)), exchange rate constant (k(ep))and extravascular extracellular volume fraction (V(e)). And measured the quantitative pharmacokinetic parameters of normal glands tissues which on the same side of the same level of the lesions; and then calculated the value of relative pharmacokinetic parameters: rK(rans)、rk(ep) and rV(e).To explore the diagnostic value of two pharmacokinetic parameters in differential diagnosis of benign and malignant breast lesions using receiver operating curves and model of logistic regression. Results: (1)There were significant differences between benign lesions and malignant lesions in K(trans) and k(ep) ( t =15.489, 15.022, respectively, P 0.05). The areas under the ROC curve(AUC)of K(trans), k(ep) and V(e) between malignant and benign lesions were 0.933, 0.948 and 0.387, the sensitivity of K(trans), k(ep) and V(e) were 77.1%, 85.0%, 51.0% , and the specificity of K(trans), k(ep) and V(e) were 96.3%, 93.6%, 60.8% for the differential diagnosis of breast lesions if taken the maximum Youden's index as cut-off. (2)There were significant differences between benign lesions and malignant lesions in rK(trans), rk(ep) and rV(e) ( t =14.177, 11.726, 2.477, respectively, P quantitative pharmacokinetic parameters and the prediction probability of relative quantitative pharmacokinetic parameters( Z =0.867, P =0.195). Conclusion: There was no significant

  16. Photovoltaic module parameters acquisition model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cibira, Gabriel, E-mail:; Koščová, Marcela, E-mail:


    Highlights: • Photovoltaic five-parameter model is proposed using Matlab{sup ®} and Simulink. • The model acquisits input sparse data matrix from stigmatic measurement. • Computer simulations lead to continuous I–V and P–V characteristics. • Extrapolated I–V and P–V characteristics are in hand. • The model allows us to predict photovoltaics exploitation in different conditions. - Abstract: This paper presents basic procedures for photovoltaic (PV) module parameters acquisition using MATLAB and Simulink modelling. In first step, MATLAB and Simulink theoretical model are set to calculate I–V and P–V characteristics for PV module based on equivalent electrical circuit. Then, limited I–V data string is obtained from examined PV module using standard measurement equipment at standard irradiation and temperature conditions and stated into MATLAB data matrix as a reference model. Next, the theoretical model is optimized to keep-up with the reference model and to learn its basic parameters relations, over sparse data matrix. Finally, PV module parameters are deliverable for acquisition at different realistic irradiation, temperature conditions as well as series resistance. Besides of output power characteristics and efficiency calculation for PV module or system, proposed model validates computing statistical deviation compared to reference model.

  17. Photovoltaic module parameters acquisition model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cibira, Gabriel; Koščová, Marcela


    Highlights: • Photovoltaic five-parameter model is proposed using Matlab ® and Simulink. • The model acquisits input sparse data matrix from stigmatic measurement. • Computer simulations lead to continuous I–V and P–V characteristics. • Extrapolated I–V and P–V characteristics are in hand. • The model allows us to predict photovoltaics exploitation in different conditions. - Abstract: This paper presents basic procedures for photovoltaic (PV) module parameters acquisition using MATLAB and Simulink modelling. In first step, MATLAB and Simulink theoretical model are set to calculate I–V and P–V characteristics for PV module based on equivalent electrical circuit. Then, limited I–V data string is obtained from examined PV module using standard measurement equipment at standard irradiation and temperature conditions and stated into MATLAB data matrix as a reference model. Next, the theoretical model is optimized to keep-up with the reference model and to learn its basic parameters relations, over sparse data matrix. Finally, PV module parameters are deliverable for acquisition at different realistic irradiation, temperature conditions as well as series resistance. Besides of output power characteristics and efficiency calculation for PV module or system, proposed model validates computing statistical deviation compared to reference model

  18. On parameter estimation in deformable models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fisker, Rune; Carstensen, Jens Michael


    Deformable templates have been intensively studied in image analysis through the last decade, but despite its significance the estimation of model parameters has received little attention. We present a method for supervised and unsupervised model parameter estimation using a general Bayesian form...

  19. The influence of model parameters on catchment-response

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shah, S.M.S.; Gabriel, H.F.; Khan, A.A.


    This paper deals with the study of influence of influence of conceptual rainfall-runoff model parameters on catchment response (runoff). A conceptual modified watershed yield model is employed to study the effects of model-parameters on catchment-response, i.e. runoff. The model is calibrated, using manual parameter-fitting approach, also known as trial and error parameter-fitting. In all, there are twenty one (21) parameters that control the functioning of the model. A lumped parametric approach is used. The detailed analysis was performed on Ling River near Kahuta, having catchment area of 56 sq. miles. The model includes physical parameters like GWSM, PETS, PGWRO, etc. fitting coefficients like CINF, CGWS, etc. and initial estimates of the surface-water and groundwater storages i.e. srosp and gwsp. Sensitivity analysis offers a good way, without repetititious computations, the proper weight and consideration that must be taken when each of the influencing factor is evaluated. Sensitivity-analysis was performed to evaluate the influence of model-parameters on runoff. The sensitivity and relative contributions of model parameters influencing catchment-response are studied. (author)

  20. Coaster - Drive development; Coaster Gentle Mobile. Antriebsentwicklung. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mathoy, A.


    This comprehensive final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) discusses various electrical drive systems for a proposed people-mover system using motorised cabins on a carrier-structure similar to that of a roller-coaster. The system, suitable for both city applications and as a transport / fun system in mountainous tourist areas, is described. Various options for energy storage are discussed and their advantages and disadvantages are described. Drive concepts and system characteristics are discussed in detail. Test runs with a coaster test-platform on a short stretch of line are described, as is further testing on a stationary test-bed. The report is completed with a review of further work to be done in a second phase before the product is commercialised.

  1. Environmentally compatible sewage sludge disposal; Umweltgerechte Klaerschlammentsorgung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mueller, J. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik; Schwedes, J. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik


    Cleaning of municipal and industrial waste water is done by means of biological processes: micro-organisms degrade pollutants. The resulting products are, besides cleaned waste water, sewage sludge and surplus sludge. Their disposal involves ecological and economic problems. One approach to their partial disposal is their degradation in a digester. Approximately one half of the organic substance is converted by anaerobic bacteria into energy-rich biogas. Optimization of this digestion process accelerates the anaerobic degradation process, increases the accruing amount of digester gas and reduces the volume of digested sludge to be disposed of. With these objectives, the Institute fuer Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik is conducting research into the mechanical treatment of micro-organisms remaining in surplus sludge by means of different treatment devices. The project is sponsored under the programme of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG ``Biological processes with dispersive solids``. Mechanical treatment renders the cell constituents exploitable to anaerobic bacteria; the resulting sludge degradation is more rapid and more complete. (orig./ABI) [Deutsch] Zur Reinigung haeuslicher und industrieller Abwaesser werden biologische Prozesse eingesetzt. Dabei sorgen Mikroorganismen fuer den Abbau der Verunreinigungen. Neben dem gereinigten Abwasser fallen Primaer- und Ueberschussschlamm an, deren Entsorgung oekologische und oekonomische Probleme verursacht. Ein Weg zur partiellen Beseitigung dieser Klaerschlaemme ist ihr Abbau in einem Faulbehaelter. Dabei wird etwa die Haelfe der organischen Substanz durch anaerobe Bakterien zu einem energiereichen Biogas umgewandelt. Eine Optimierung dieses Faulprozesses beinhaltet: 1. Beschleunigung des anaeroben Abbauprozesses, 2. Erhoehung der anfallenden Faulgasmenge und 3. Reduzierung der zu entsorgenden Faulschlammenge. Mit diesen Zielsetzungen wird am Institut fuer Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik im Rahmen der DFG

  2. Multiplicity distributions in impact parameter space

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wakano, Masami


    A definition for the average multiplicity of pions as a function of momentum transfer and total energy in the high energy proton-proton collisions is proposed by using the n-pion production differential cross section with the given momentum transfer from a proton to other final products and the given energy of the latter. Contributions from nondiffractive and diffractive processes are formulated in a multi-Regge model. We define a relationship between impact parameter and momentum transfer in the sense of classical theory for inelastic processes and we obtain the average multiplicity of pions as a function of impact parameter and total energy from the corresponding quantity afore-mentioned. By comparing this quantity with the square root of the opaqueness at given impact parameter, we conclude that the overlap of localized constituents is important in determining the opaqueness at given impact parameter in a collision of two hadrons. (auth.)

  3. Correlation between quantitative and semiquantitative parameters in DCE-MRI with a blood pool agent in rectal cancer: can semiquantitative parameters be used as a surrogate for quantitative parameters? (United States)

    Dijkhoff, Rebecca A P; Maas, Monique; Martens, Milou H; Papanikolaou, Nikolaos; Lambregts, Doenja M J; Beets, Geerard L; Beets-Tan, Regina G H


    The aim of this study was to assess correlation between quantitative and semiquantitative parameters in dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) in rectal cancer patients, both in a primary staging and restaging setting. Nineteen patients were included with DCE-MRI before and/or after neoadjuvant therapy. DCE-MRI was performed with gadofosveset trisodium (Ablavar ® , Lantheus Medical Imaging, North Billerica, Massachusetts, USA). Regions of interest were placed in the tumor and quantitative parameters were extracted with Olea Sphere 2.2 software permeability module using the extended Tofts model. Semiquantitative parameters were calculated on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Spearman rank correlation tests were used for assessment of correlation between parameters. A p value ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. Strong positive correlations were found between mean peak enhancement and mean K trans : 0.79 (all patients, prectal cancer. Peak enhancement correlates strongly with K trans and wash-in showed strong correlation with V p and K ep . These parameters have been reported to predict tumor aggressiveness and response in rectal cancer. Therefore, semiquantitative analyses might be a surrogate for quantitative analyses.

  4. LMFBR plant parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document has been prepared on the basis of information compiled by the members of the IAEA International Working Group on Fast Reactors (IWGFR). It contains parameters of 25 experimental, prototype and commercial size liquid metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBR). Most of the reactors are currently in operation, under construction or in an advanced planning stage. Parameters of the Clinch River Breeder Reactor (USA) are presented because its design was nearly finished and most of the components were fabricated at the time when the project was terminated. Three reactors (RAPSODIE (France), DFR (UK) and EFFBR (USA)) have been shut down. However, they are included in the report because of their important role in the development of LMFBR technology from first LMFBRs to the prototype size fast reactors. The first LMFBRs (CLEMENTINE (USA), EBR-1 (USA), BR-2 (USSR), BR-5 (USSR)) and very special reactors (LAMPRE (USA), SEFOR (USA)) were not recommended by the members of the IWGFR to be included in the report

  5. A new Bayesian recursive technique for parameter estimation (United States)

    Kaheil, Yasir H.; Gill, M. Kashif; McKee, Mac; Bastidas, Luis


    The performance of any model depends on how well its associated parameters are estimated. In the current application, a localized Bayesian recursive estimation (LOBARE) approach is devised for parameter estimation. The LOBARE methodology is an extension of the Bayesian recursive estimation (BARE) method. It is applied in this paper on two different types of models: an artificial intelligence (AI) model in the form of a support vector machine (SVM) application for forecasting soil moisture and a conceptual rainfall-runoff (CRR) model represented by the Sacramento soil moisture accounting (SAC-SMA) model. Support vector machines, based on statistical learning theory (SLT), represent the modeling task as a quadratic optimization problem and have already been used in various applications in hydrology. They require estimation of three parameters. SAC-SMA is a very well known model that estimates runoff. It has a 13-dimensional parameter space. In the LOBARE approach presented here, Bayesian inference is used in an iterative fashion to estimate the parameter space that will most likely enclose a best parameter set. This is done by narrowing the sampling space through updating the "parent" bounds based on their fitness. These bounds are actually the parameter sets that were selected by BARE runs on subspaces of the initial parameter space. The new approach results in faster convergence toward the optimal parameter set using minimum training/calibration data and fewer sets of parameter values. The efficacy of the localized methodology is also compared with the previously used BARE algorithm.

  6. Parameter identification of civil engineering structures (United States)

    Juang, J. N.; Sun, C. T.


    This paper concerns the development of an identification method required in determining structural parameter variations for systems subjected to an extended exposure to the environment. The concept of structural identifiability of a large scale structural system in the absence of damping is presented. Three criteria are established indicating that a large number of system parameters (the coefficient parameters of the differential equations) can be identified by a few actuators and sensors. An eight-bay-fifteen-story frame structure is used as example. A simple model is employed for analyzing the dynamic response of the frame structure.

  7. The Importance of Vocal Parameters Correlation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valentin Ghisa


    Full Text Available To analyze communication we need to study the main parameters that describe the vocal sounds from the point of view of information content transfer efficiency. In this paper we analyze the physical quality of the “on air" information transfer, according to the audio streaming parameters and from the particular phonetic nature of the human factor. Applying this statistical analysis we aim to identify and record the correlation level of the acoustical parameters with the vocal ones and the impact which the presence of this cross-correlation can have on communication structures’ improvement.

  8. MXLKID: a maximum likelihood parameter identifier

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gavel, D.T.


    MXLKID (MaXimum LiKelihood IDentifier) is a computer program designed to identify unknown parameters in a nonlinear dynamic system. Using noisy measurement data from the system, the maximum likelihood identifier computes a likelihood function (LF). Identification of system parameters is accomplished by maximizing the LF with respect to the parameters. The main body of this report briefly summarizes the maximum likelihood technique and gives instructions and examples for running the MXLKID program. MXLKID is implemented LRLTRAN on the CDC7600 computer at LLNL. A detailed mathematical description of the algorithm is given in the appendices. 24 figures, 6 tables

  9. Reduction of coupling parameters and duality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oehme, R.; Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Muenchen


    The general method of the reduction in the number of coupling parameters is discussed. Using renormalization group invariance, theories with several independent couplings are related to a set of theories with a single coupling parameter. The reduced theories may have particular symmetries, or they may not be related to any known symmetry. The method is more general than the imposition of invariance properties. Usually, there are only a few reduced theories with an asymptotic power series expansion corresponding to a renormalizable Lagrangian. There also exist 'general' solutions containing non-integer powers and sometimes logarithmic factors. As an example for the use of the reduction method, the dual magnetic theories associated with certain supersymmetric gauge theories are discussed. They have a superpotential with a Yukawa coupling parameter. This parameter is expressed as a function of the gauge coupling. Given some standard conditions, a unique, isolated power series solution of the reduction equations is obtained. After reparameterization, the Yukawa coupling is proportional to the square of the gauge coupling parameter. The coefficient is given explicitly in terms of the numbers of colors and flavors. 'General' solutions with non-integer powers are also discussed. A brief list is given of other applications of the reduction method. (orig.)

  10. Parameters Evaluation of PLC Dependability and Safety

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juraj Zdansky


    Full Text Available This paper is focused on evaluation of dependability and safety parameters of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller. Achievement of requested level of these parameters is an application assumption for using PLC in control of safety critical processes. Evaluation of these parameters can be made on the base of suitable model and it can be influenced by system architecture when necessary.

  11. Nanohydroxyapatite synthesis using optimized process parameters ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    3Energy Research Group, School of Engineering, Taylor's University, 47500 ... influence of different ultrasonication parameters on the prop- ... to evaluate multiple process parameters and their interaction. ..... dent and dependent variables by a 3-D representation of .... The intensities of O–H functional groups are seen to.

  12. Statistical Inference for Data Adaptive Target Parameters. (United States)

    Hubbard, Alan E; Kherad-Pajouh, Sara; van der Laan, Mark J


    Consider one observes n i.i.d. copies of a random variable with a probability distribution that is known to be an element of a particular statistical model. In order to define our statistical target we partition the sample in V equal size sub-samples, and use this partitioning to define V splits in an estimation sample (one of the V subsamples) and corresponding complementary parameter-generating sample. For each of the V parameter-generating samples, we apply an algorithm that maps the sample to a statistical target parameter. We define our sample-split data adaptive statistical target parameter as the average of these V-sample specific target parameters. We present an estimator (and corresponding central limit theorem) of this type of data adaptive target parameter. This general methodology for generating data adaptive target parameters is demonstrated with a number of practical examples that highlight new opportunities for statistical learning from data. This new framework provides a rigorous statistical methodology for both exploratory and confirmatory analysis within the same data. Given that more research is becoming "data-driven", the theory developed within this paper provides a new impetus for a greater involvement of statistical inference into problems that are being increasingly addressed by clever, yet ad hoc pattern finding methods. To suggest such potential, and to verify the predictions of the theory, extensive simulation studies, along with a data analysis based on adaptively determined intervention rules are shown and give insight into how to structure such an approach. The results show that the data adaptive target parameter approach provides a general framework and resulting methodology for data-driven science.

  13. Calculation of electromagnetic parameter based on interpolation algorithm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Wenqiang; Yuan, Liming; Zhang, Deyuan


    Wave-absorbing material is an important functional material of electromagnetic protection. The wave-absorbing characteristics depend on the electromagnetic parameter of mixed media. In order to accurately predict the electromagnetic parameter of mixed media and facilitate the design of wave-absorbing material, based on the electromagnetic parameters of spherical and flaky carbonyl iron mixture of paraffin base, this paper studied two different interpolation methods: Lagrange interpolation and Hermite interpolation of electromagnetic parameters. The results showed that Hermite interpolation is more accurate than the Lagrange interpolation, and the reflectance calculated with the electromagnetic parameter obtained by interpolation is consistent with that obtained through experiment on the whole. - Highlights: • We use interpolation algorithm on calculation of EM-parameter with limited samples. • Interpolation method can predict EM-parameter well with different particles added. • Hermite interpolation is more accurate than Lagrange interpolation. • Calculating RL based on interpolation is consistent with calculating RL from experiment

  14. Parameter estimation in X-ray astronomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lampton, M.; Margon, B.; Bowyer, S.


    The problems of model classification and parameter estimation are examined, with the objective of establishing the statistical reliability of inferences drawn from X-ray observations. For testing the validities of classes of models, the procedure based on minimizing the chi 2 statistic is recommended; it provides a rejection criterion at any desired significance level. Once a class of models has been accepted, a related procedure based on the increase of chi 2 gives a confidence region for the values of the model's adjustable parameters. The procedure allows the confidence level to be chosen exactly, even for highly nonlinear models. Numerical experiments confirm the validity of the prescribed technique.The chi 2 /sub min/+1 error estimation method is evaluated and found unsuitable when several parameter ranges are to be derived, because it substantially underestimates their joint errors. The ratio of variances method, while formally correct, gives parameter confidence regions which are more variable than necessary


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayşegül Akdoğan Eker


    Full Text Available Nanotechnology concept which has added a new dimension to our lives in recent years, is finding a place in every sector day by day. The combined effect of nanotechnology is almost equal to the industrial revolution of last 200 years and have is able to fill all developments in a few years. However this development should be taken under control. Otherwise unstoppable new structures will not ease life but will be a problem for humanity. For this purpose, the main parameters (from the start up stage of nano-technologic applications to the obtained product should be checked. These parameters are actually not different than the adaptation of the classical quality indicators for nanotechnology applications. Especially it plays an important role in obtaining a uniform distribution and regarding the features of the end product in nano-technological ceramic and etc. applications. The most important problem faced in particles of that size is the accumulation they create. Another problem is the increasing friction force as size gets smaller. The friction force of asubstance increases proportionally with the cube of its surface area. Another problem is surface tension. The increasing surface tension due to increasing surface area will cause the particles to attract and stick to each other. The structures aimed to be obtained are mostly complex and especially in upwards approach, it is thermodynamically very hard for the atoms to get into that order. Therefore in this announcement, we stated the quality parameters that will be taken into consideration in nano-technological applications and the methods for obtaining those parameters. The aim is to explain these parameters with all dimensions so that they will lead the way to the future nano-technological applications.

  16. Efficiency of Traumeel S Application in Combined Therapy of Acute Sinusitis in Children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    O.I. Smiian


    Full Text Available The article presents the results of researches on the effect of combination bioregulatory drug Traumeel S, manufactured by Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, on the clinical efficacy of treatment for acute sinusitis in children on the background of basic therapy. Evaluation of treatment efficacy was performed by determining the integrated hematological indices, calculated on the basis of indicators of clinical blood tests and markers of inflammation (total protein and its fractions, C-reactive protein. The inclusion of Traumeel S into the treatment regimens in patients with acute sinusitis showed significantly more rapid decline in leukocyte index of intoxication, and the completion of inflammation. This medicine is effective and well tolerated by patients.

  17. Innovative lighting in school buildings for the 'Frisse School'. The importance of lighting in school buildings for student performance; Innovatieve schoolverlichting voor de 'Frisse School'. Verlichting belangrijk voor optimale schoolprestaties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Groot, E.; Westerlaken, N. [Business Unit Bouw en Installaties, TNO Bouw en Ondergrond, Delft (Netherlands); De Bruin-Hordijk, T. [Faculteit Bouwkunde, Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft (Netherlands)


    The quality of lighting plays an important role in the psychological and biological processes of people. Research shows that student performace increases in a good visual environment. At the same time, the energy use of artificial lighting is one of the major cost items of schools. This was a major reason to conduct research into optimal utilisation of daylight in schools.(mk) [Dutch] De lichtkwaliteit speelt een belangrijke rol bij de psychologische en biologische processen van mensen. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat in een goede visuele omgeving de prestaties van leerlingen toenemen. Gelijktijdig is het energiegebruik voor kunstlicht een van de belangrijkste kostenposten van scholen. Alle reden om onderzoek te doen naar optimaal gebruik van daglicht in scholen.

  18. Calculation of shielding parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montoya Z, J.


    With the propose of reduce the hazard to radiation, exist three basic factors: a) time, the time to exposition to working person inside to area, from exist determined speed the doses, is proportional of the time permanence; b) distance, the reduce to doses is inverse square of the distance to exposition point; c) building, consist to interpose between source and exposition point to material. The main aspect development to the analysis of parameters distance and building. The analysis consist to development of the mathematical implicit, in the model of source radioactive, beginning with the geometry to source, distance to exposition source, and configuration building. In the final part was realize one comparative studied to calculus of parameters to blinding, employs two codes CPBGAM and MICROSHIELD, the first made as part to work thesis. The point source its a good approximation to any one real source, but in the majority of the time to propose analysis the spatial distribution of the source must realized in explicit way. The buildings calculus in volumetry's source can be approximate begin's of plan as source adaptations. It's important to have present that not only the building exist the exposition to the radiation, and the parameters time and distance plays an important paper too. (Author)

  19. GBD 2000 - Proceedings of the 4. annual meeting of 'Gesellschaft fuer Biologische Strahlenforschung'; GBS 2000 - Proceedings der 4. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fuer Biologische Strahlenforschung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eckardt-Schupp, F.; Ahne, F.; Kistler, M. (eds.) [Gesellschaft fuer Strahlen- und Umweltforschung mbH Muenchen, Neuherberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Strahlenbiologie


    The headings of the meeting were as follows: Radiation chemistry and micro beam irradiation; DNA radiation damage and biological models; DNA repair; genetic radiation effects; radiation effects and stress effects on gene expression; cellular radiobiology; radiobiology of tumors and normal tissues; epidemiology.

  20. Numerical identifiability of the parameters of induction machines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Corcoles, F.; Pedra, J.; Salichs, M. [Dep. d' Eng. Electrica ETSEIB. UPC, Barcelona (Spain)


    This paper analyses the numerical identifiability of the electrical parameters of induction machines. Relations between parameters and the impossibility to estimate all of them - when only external measures are used: voltage, current, speed and torque - are shown. Formulations of the single and double-cage induction machine, with and without core losses in both models, are developed. The proposed solution is the formulation of machine equations by using the minimum number of parameters (which are identifiable parameters). As an application example, the parameters of a double-cage induction machine are identified using steady-state measurements corresponding to different angular speeds. (orig.)

  1. Integral parameters of crystal field for RE spectra

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kustov, E.F.; Maketov, T.K.; Prgevudsky, A.K.; Steczko, G.


    The integral parameters of the crystal field are introduced for the interpretation of the spectra of RE ions in various crystals. The main formula of the method, the expression of the parameters for various states of Ce, Pr, Nd, Eu, Tb, Er, Tu, and Yb are determined. Integral parameters of A 2 , A 4 , A 6 and parameter of the spin-orbit interaction xi are calculated for 40 laser crystals with Nd, Er. An interpretation of the symmetry of the Eu 3+ centres of the NaBaZn silicate glass is given using integral parameters A 2 , A 4 . (author)

  2. Three-dimensional calculation of pollutant migration via compressible two-phase flow, for analysis of the methods of in situ air sparging and soil vapor extraction; Raeumliche Berechnung des Schadstofftransportes mit einer kompressiblen Zweiphasenstroemung zur Untersuchung der Drucklufteinblasung und Bodenluftabsaugung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuepper, S.


    In this study an analysis method is presented which allows numerical simulation of in situ air sparging coupled with soil vapor extraction. The improved FE-program takes the following phenomena into account: - Two-phase flow of compressible air and incompressible water - convective-dispersive contamination migration with air and water - transfer of volatile components from liquid phase to gas and water phase - sorption of contaminants onto soil - transfer of contaminants between air and water phase - biological processes. By means of back calculations of the results of laboratory experiments made by Eisele (1989) it was shown that with the developed program GWLCOND some of the necessary parameters for the numerical simulation of remedial systems can be determined. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] In dieser Arbeit wird ein Verfahren vorgestellt, mit dem eine numerische Simulation der Drucklufteinblasung und Bodenluftabsaugung durchgefuehrt werden kann. Das weiterentwickelte FE-Programmsystem beinhaltet folgende Ablaeufe: - Zweiphasenstroemung der kompressiblen Luft- und der inkompressiblen Wasserphase - Konvektiv-dispersiver Schadstofftransport mit der Gas- und der Wasserphase - Uebergang fluessiger Schadstoffe in die Gas- und in die Wasserphase - Sorption der Schadstoffe an der Feststoffphase - Uebergang der Schadstoffe zwischen der Gas- und der Wasserphase - Biologischer Abbau. Anhand der Nachrechnung eines Laborversuches von Eisele (1989) wird gezeigt, wie mit dem entwickelten Transportprogramm GWLCOND ein Teil der fuer die numerische Simulation des Sanierungsverfahrens benoetigten Kennwerte ermittelt werden kann. (orig./SR)

  3. Exploiting intrinsic fluctuations to identify model parameters. (United States)

    Zimmer, Christoph; Sahle, Sven; Pahle, Jürgen


    Parameterisation of kinetic models plays a central role in computational systems biology. Besides the lack of experimental data of high enough quality, some of the biggest challenges here are identification issues. Model parameters can be structurally non-identifiable because of functional relationships. Noise in measured data is usually considered to be a nuisance for parameter estimation. However, it turns out that intrinsic fluctuations in particle numbers can make parameters identifiable that were previously non-identifiable. The authors present a method to identify model parameters that are structurally non-identifiable in a deterministic framework. The method takes time course recordings of biochemical systems in steady state or transient state as input. Often a functional relationship between parameters presents itself by a one-dimensional manifold in parameter space containing parameter sets of optimal goodness. Although the system's behaviour cannot be distinguished on this manifold in a deterministic framework it might be distinguishable in a stochastic modelling framework. Their method exploits this by using an objective function that includes a measure for fluctuations in particle numbers. They show on three example models, immigration-death, gene expression and Epo-EpoReceptor interaction, that this resolves the non-identifiability even in the case of measurement noise with known amplitude. The method is applied to partially observed recordings of biochemical systems with measurement noise. It is simple to implement and it is usually very fast to compute. This optimisation can be realised in a classical or Bayesian fashion.

  4. Determining extreme parameter correlation in ground water models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hill, Mary Cole; Østerby, Ole


    can go undetected even by experienced modelers. Extreme parameter correlation can be detected using parameter correlation coefficients, but their utility depends on the presence of sufficient, but not excessive, numerical imprecision of the sensitivities, such as round-off error. This work...... investigates the information that can be obtained from parameter correlation coefficients in the presence of different levels of numerical imprecision, and compares it to the information provided by an alternative method called the singular value decomposition (SVD). Results suggest that (1) calculated...... correlation coefficients with absolute values that round to 1.00 were good indicators of extreme parameter correlation, but smaller values were not necessarily good indicators of lack of correlation and resulting unique parameter estimates; (2) the SVD may be more difficult to interpret than parameter...

  5. Systematics of nuclear level density parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bucurescu, Dorel; Egidy, Till von


    The level density parameters for the back-shifted Fermi gas (both without and with energy-dependent level density parameter) and the constant temperature models have been determined for 310 nuclei between 18 F and 251 Cf by fitting the complete level schemes at low excitation energies and the s-wave neutron resonance spacings at the neutron binding energies. Simple formulae are proposed for the description of the two parameters of each of these models, which involve only quantities available from the mass tables. These formulae may constitute a reliable tool for extrapolating to nuclei far from stability, where nuclear level densities cannot be measured

  6. Supersymmetry Parameter Analysis : SPA Convention and Project

    CERN Document Server

    Aguilar-Saavedra, J A; Allanach, Benjamin C; Arnowitt, R; Baer, H A; Bagger, J A; Balázs, C; Barger, V; Barnett, M; Bartl, Alfred; Battaglia, M; Bechtle, P; Belyaev, A; Berger, E L; Blair, G; Boos, E; Bélanger, G; Carena, M S; Choi, S Y; Deppisch, F; Desch, Klaus; Djouadi, A; Dutta, B; Dutta, S; Díaz, M A; Eberl, H; Ellis, Jonathan Richard; Erler, Jens; Fraas, H; Freitas, A; Fritzsche, T; Godbole, Rohini M; Gounaris, George J; Guasch, J; Gunion, J F; Haba, N; Haber, Howard E; Hagiwara, K; Han, L; Han, T; He, H J; Heinemeyer, S; Hesselbach, S; Hidaka, K; Hinchliffe, Ian; Hirsch, M; Hohenwarter-Sodek, K; Hollik, W; Hou, W S; Hurth, Tobias; Jack, I; Jiang, Y; Jones, D R T; Kalinowski, Jan; Kamon, T; Kane, G; Kang, S K; Kernreiter, T; Kilian, W; Kim, C S; King, S F; Kittel, O; Klasen, M; Kneur, J L; Kovarik, K; Kraml, Sabine; Krämer, M; Lafaye, R; Langacker, P; Logan, H E; Ma, W G; Majerotto, Walter; Martyn, H U; Matchev, K; Miller, D J; Mondragon, M; Moortgat-Pick, G; Moretti, S; Mori, T; Moultaka, G; Muanza, S; Mukhopadhyaya, B; Mühlleitner, M M; Nauenberg, U; Nojiri, M M; Nomura, D; Nowak, H; Okada, N; Olive, Keith A; Oller, W; Peskin, M; Plehn, T; Polesello, G; Porod, Werner; Quevedo, Fernando; Rainwater, D L; Reuter, J; Richardson, P; Rolbiecki, K; de Roeck, A; Weber, Ch.


    High-precision analyses of supersymmetry parameters aim at reconstructing the fundamental supersymmetric theory and its breaking mechanism. A well defined theoretical framework is needed when higher-order corrections are included. We propose such a scheme, Supersymmetry Parameter Analysis SPA, based on a consistent set of conventions and input parameters. A repository for computer programs is provided which connect parameters in different schemes and relate the Lagrangian parameters to physical observables at LHC and high energy e+e- linear collider experiments, i.e., masses, mixings, decay widths and production cross sections for supersymmetric particles. In addition, programs for calculating high-precision low energy observables, the density of cold dark matter (CDM) in the universe as well as the cross sections for CDM search experiments are included. The SPA scheme still requires extended efforts on both the theoretical and experimental side before data can be evaluated in the future at the level of the d...

  7. Key parameters analysis of hybrid HEMP simulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mao Congguang; Zhou Hui


    According to the new standards on the high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) developed by International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the target parameter requirements of the key structure of the hybrid HEMP simulator are decomposed. Firstly, the influences of the different excitation sources and biconical structures to the key parameters of the radiated electric field wave shape are investigated and analyzed. Then based on the influence curves the target parameter requirements of the pulse generator are proposed. Finally the appropriate parameters of the biconical structure and the excitation sources are chosen, and the computational result of the electric field in free space is presented. The results are of great value for the design of the hybrid HEMP simulator. (authors)

  8. Hecke algebras with unequal parameters

    CERN Document Server

    Lusztig, G


    Hecke algebras arise in representation theory as endomorphism algebras of induced representations. One of the most important classes of Hecke algebras is related to representations of reductive algebraic groups over p-adic or finite fields. In 1979, in the simplest (equal parameter) case of such Hecke algebras, Kazhdan and Lusztig discovered a particular basis (the KL-basis) in a Hecke algebra, which is very important in studying relations between representation theory and geometry of the corresponding flag varieties. It turned out that the elements of the KL-basis also possess very interesting combinatorial properties. In the present book, the author extends the theory of the KL-basis to a more general class of Hecke algebras, the so-called algebras with unequal parameters. In particular, he formulates conjectures describing the properties of Hecke algebras with unequal parameters and presents examples verifying these conjectures in particular cases. Written in the author's precise style, the book gives rese...

  9. Catalogue of HI PArameters (CHIPA) (United States)

    Saponara, J.; Benaglia, P.; Koribalski, B.; Andruchow, I.


    The catalogue of HI parameters of galaxies HI (CHIPA) is the natural continuation of the compilation by M.C. Martin in 1998. CHIPA provides the most important parameters of nearby galaxies derived from observations of the neutral Hydrogen line. The catalogue contains information of 1400 galaxies across the sky and different morphological types. Parameters like the optical diameter of the galaxy, the blue magnitude, the distance, morphological type, HI extension are listed among others. Maps of the HI distribution, velocity and velocity dispersion can also be display for some cases. The main objective of this catalogue is to facilitate the bibliographic queries, through searching in a database accessible from the internet that will be available in 2015 (the website is under construction). The database was built using the open source `` mysql (SQL, Structured Query Language, management system relational database) '', while the website was built with ''HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)'' and ''PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)''.

  10. Key parameters controlling radiology departments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Busch, Hans-Peter


    For radiology departments and outstanding practises control and optimization of processes demand an efficient management based on key data. Systems of key data deliver indicators for control of medical quality, service quality and economics. For practices effectiveness (productivity), for hospitals effectiveness and efficiency are in the focus of economical optimization strategies. Task of daily key data is continuous monitoring of activities and workflow, task of weekly/monthly key data is control of data quality, process quality and achievement of objectives, task of yearly key data is determination of long term strategies (marketing) and comparison with competitors (benchmarking). Key parameters have to be defined clearly and have to be available directly. For generation, evaluation and control of key parameters suitable forms of organization and processes are necessary. Strategies for the future will be directed more to the total processes of treatment. To think in total processes and to steer and optimize with suitable parameters is the challenge for participants in the healthcare market of the future. (orig.)

  11. Parameter estimation and inverse problems

    CERN Document Server

    Aster, Richard C; Thurber, Clifford H


    Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems primarily serves as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and introductory graduate courses. Class notes have been developed and reside on the World Wide Web for faciliting use and feedback by teaching colleagues. The authors'' treatment promotes an understanding of fundamental and practical issus associated with parameter fitting and inverse problems including basic theory of inverse problems, statistical issues, computational issues, and an understanding of how to analyze the success and limitations of solutions to these probles. The text is also a practical resource for general students and professional researchers, where techniques and concepts can be readily picked up on a chapter-by-chapter basis.Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems is structured around a course at New Mexico Tech and is designed to be accessible to typical graduate students in the physical sciences who may not have an extensive mathematical background. It is accompanied by a Web site that...

  12. Kinetic parameter estimation from attenuated SPECT projection measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reutter, B.W.; Gullberg, G.T.


    Conventional analysis of dynamically acquired nuclear medicine data involves fitting kinetic models to time-activity curves generated from regions of interest defined on a temporal sequence of reconstructed images. However, images reconstructed from the inconsistent projections of a time-varying distribution of radiopharmaceutical acquired by a rotating SPECT system can contain artifacts that lead to biases in the estimated kinetic parameters. To overcome this problem the authors investigated the estimation of kinetic parameters directly from projection data by modeling the data acquisition process. To accomplish this it was necessary to parametrize the spatial and temporal distribution of the radiopharmaceutical within the SPECT field of view. In a simulated transverse slice, kinetic parameters were estimated for simple one compartment models for three myocardial regions of interest, as well as for the liver. Myocardial uptake and washout parameters estimated by conventional analysis of noiseless simulated data had biases ranging between 1--63%. Parameters estimated directly from the noiseless projection data were unbiased as expected, since the model used for fitting was faithful to the simulation. Predicted uncertainties (standard deviations) of the parameters obtained for 500,000 detected events ranged between 2--31% for the myocardial uptake parameters and 2--23% for the myocardial washout parameters


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pankow, Chris; Sampson, Laura; Perri, Leah; Chase, Eve; Coughlin, Scott; Zevin, Michael; Kalogera, Vassiliki


    The detection of electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational waves (GWs) has great promise for the investigation of many scientific questions. While it is well known that certain orientation parameters can reduce uncertainty in other related parameters, it was also hoped that the detection of an electromagnetic signal in conjunction with a GW could augment the measurement precision of the mass and spin from the gravitational signal itself. That is, knowledge of the sky location, inclination, and redshift of a binary could break degeneracies between these extrinsic, coordinate-dependent parameters and the physical parameters that are intrinsic to the binary. In this paper, we investigate this issue by assuming perfect knowledge of extrinsic parameters, and assessing the maximal impact of this knowledge on our ability to extract intrinsic parameters. We recover similar gains in extrinsic recovery to earlier work; however, we find only modest improvements in a few intrinsic parameters—namely the primary component’s spin. We thus conclude that, even in the best case, the use of additional information from electromagnetic observations does not improve the measurement of the intrinsic parameters significantly.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pankow, Chris; Sampson, Laura; Perri, Leah; Chase, Eve; Coughlin, Scott; Zevin, Michael; Kalogera, Vassiliki [Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA) and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208 (United States)


    The detection of electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational waves (GWs) has great promise for the investigation of many scientific questions. While it is well known that certain orientation parameters can reduce uncertainty in other related parameters, it was also hoped that the detection of an electromagnetic signal in conjunction with a GW could augment the measurement precision of the mass and spin from the gravitational signal itself. That is, knowledge of the sky location, inclination, and redshift of a binary could break degeneracies between these extrinsic, coordinate-dependent parameters and the physical parameters that are intrinsic to the binary. In this paper, we investigate this issue by assuming perfect knowledge of extrinsic parameters, and assessing the maximal impact of this knowledge on our ability to extract intrinsic parameters. We recover similar gains in extrinsic recovery to earlier work; however, we find only modest improvements in a few intrinsic parameters—namely the primary component’s spin. We thus conclude that, even in the best case, the use of additional information from electromagnetic observations does not improve the measurement of the intrinsic parameters significantly.

  15. Determination of complex microcalorimeter parameters with impedance measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saab, T.; Bandler, S.R.; Chervenak, J.; Figueroa-Feliciano, E.; Finkbeiner, F.; Iyomoto, N.; Kelley, R.L.; Kilbourne, C.A.; Lindeman, M.A.; Porter, F.S.; Sadleir, J.


    The proper understanding and modeling of a microcalorimeter's response requires accurate knowledge of a handful of parameters, such as C, G, α. While a few of these parameters are directly determined from the IV characteristics, some others, notoriously the heat capacity (C) and α, appear in degenerate combinations in most measurable quantities. The consideration of a complex microcalorimeter leads to an added ambiguity in the determination of the parameters. In general, the dependence of the microcalorimeter's complex impedance on these various parameters varies with frequency. This dependence allows us to determine individual parameters by fitting the prediction of the microcalorimeter model to impedance data. In this paper we describe efforts at characterizing the Goddard X-ray microcalorimeters. With the parameters determined by this method, we compare the pulse shape and noise spectra predictions to data taken with the same devices

  16. Computerized analysis of brain perfusion parameter images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turowski, B.; Haenggi, D.; Wittsack, H.J.; Beck, A.; Aurich, V.


    Purpose: The development of a computerized method which allows a direct quantitative comparison of perfusion parameters. The display should allow a clear direct comparison of brain perfusion parameters in different vascular territories and over the course of time. The analysis is intended to be the basis for further evaluation of cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). The method should permit early diagnosis of cerebral vasospasm. Materials and Methods: The Angiotux 2D-ECCET software was developed with a close cooperation between computer scientists and clinicians. Starting from parameter images of brain perfusion, the cortex was marked, segmented and assigned to definite vascular territories. The underlying values were averages for each segment and were displayed in a graph. If a follow-up was available, the mean values of the perfusion parameters were displayed in relation to time. The method was developed under consideration of CT perfusion values but is applicable for other methods of perfusion imaging. Results: Computerized analysis of brain perfusion parameter images allows an immediate comparison of these parameters and follow-up of mean values in a clear and concise manner. Values are related to definite vascular territories. The tabular output facilitates further statistic evaluations. The computerized analysis is precisely reproducible, i. e., repetitions result in exactly the same output. (orig.)

  17. Source term modelling parameters for Project-90

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaw, W.; Smith, G.; Worgan, K.; Hodgkinson, D.; Andersson, K.


    This document summarises the input parameters for the source term modelling within Project-90. In the first place, the parameters relate to the CALIBRE near-field code which was developed for the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate's (SKI) Project-90 reference repository safety assessment exercise. An attempt has been made to give best estimate values and, where appropriate, a range which is related to variations around base cases. It should be noted that the data sets contain amendments to those considered by KBS-3. In particular, a completely new set of inventory data has been incorporated. The information given here does not constitute a complete set of parameter values for all parts of the CALIBRE code. Rather, it gives the key parameter values which are used in the constituent models within CALIBRE and the associated studies. For example, the inventory data acts as an input to the calculation of the oxidant production rates, which influence the generation of a redox front. The same data is also an initial value data set for the radionuclide migration component of CALIBRE. Similarly, the geometrical parameters of the near-field are common to both sub-models. The principal common parameters are gathered here for ease of reference and avoidance of unnecessary duplication and transcription errors. (au)

  18. Real-Time Parameter Identification (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Armstrong researchers have implemented in the control room a technique for estimating in real time the aerodynamic parameters that describe the stability and control...

  19. On the relationship between input parameters in two-mass vocal-fold model with acoustical coupling an signal parameters of the glottal flow

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Hirtum, Annemie; Lopez, Ines; Hirschberg, Abraham; Pelorson, Xavier


    In this paper the sensitivity of the two-mass model with acoustical coupling to the model input-parameters is assessed. The model-output or the glottal volume air flow is characterised by signal-parameters in the time-domain. The influence of changing input-parameters on the signal-parameters is

  20. Grain filling parameters and yield components in wheat


    Brdar Milka; Kobiljski Borislav; Balalić-Kraljević Marija


    Grain yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is influenced by number of grains per unit area and grain weight, which is result of grain filling duration and rate. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationships between grain filling parameters in 4 wheat genotypes of different earliness and yield components. Nonlinear regression estimated and observed parameters were analyzed. Rang of estimated parameters corresponds to rang of observed parameters. Stepwise MANOVA indicated that the ...

  1. Critical parameters for ammonia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, M.; Masui, G.; Uematsu, M.


    (p, ρ, T) measurements and visual observations of the meniscus for ammonia were carried out carefully in the critical region over the range of temperatures: -1 K (T - T c ) 0.04 K, and of densities: -19 kg . m -3 (ρ - ρ c ) 19 kg . m -3 by a metal-bellows volumometer with an optical cell. Vapor pressures were also measured at T = (310, 350, and 400) K. The critical parameters of T c and ρ c were determined based on the results of observation of the critical opalescence. The critical pressure p c was determined from the present measurements at T c on the vapor pressure curve. Comparisons of the critical parameters with values given in the literature are presented

  2. Optimization of Parameters of Asymptotically Stable Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Guerman


    Full Text Available This work deals with numerical methods of parameter optimization for asymptotically stable systems. We formulate a special mathematical programming problem that allows us to determine optimal parameters of a stabilizer. This problem involves solutions to a differential equation. We show how to chose the mesh in order to obtain discrete problem guaranteeing the necessary accuracy. The developed methodology is illustrated by an example concerning optimization of parameters for a satellite stabilization system.

  3. Systematic parameter inference in stochastic mesoscopic modeling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lei, Huan; Yang, Xiu [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352 (United States); Li, Zhen [Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 (United States); Karniadakis, George Em, E-mail: [Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 (United States)


    We propose a method to efficiently determine the optimal coarse-grained force field in mesoscopic stochastic simulations of Newtonian fluid and polymer melt systems modeled by dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) and energy conserving dissipative particle dynamics (eDPD). The response surfaces of various target properties (viscosity, diffusivity, pressure, etc.) with respect to model parameters are constructed based on the generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) expansion using simulation results on sampling points (e.g., individual parameter sets). To alleviate the computational cost to evaluate the target properties, we employ the compressive sensing method to compute the coefficients of the dominant gPC terms given the prior knowledge that the coefficients are “sparse”. The proposed method shows comparable accuracy with the standard probabilistic collocation method (PCM) while it imposes a much weaker restriction on the number of the simulation samples especially for systems with high dimensional parametric space. Fully access to the response surfaces within the confidence range enables us to infer the optimal force parameters given the desirable values of target properties at the macroscopic scale. Moreover, it enables us to investigate the intrinsic relationship between the model parameters, identify possible degeneracies in the parameter space, and optimize the model by eliminating model redundancies. The proposed method provides an efficient alternative approach for constructing mesoscopic models by inferring model parameters to recover target properties of the physics systems (e.g., from experimental measurements), where those force field parameters and formulation cannot be derived from the microscopic level in a straight forward way.

  4. Acquisition system of tandem injector parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Decourt, M.


    The system centralizes all the parameters belonging to the accelerator injector. The acquisition center system reinforces an original device made of cameras and video receivers. Besides giving access to all the parameters of the ion source, the new system allows, in the ''OSCILLO'' mode, to visualize in real time any channel on the oscilloscope [fr

  5. Planck 2015 results. XIII. Cosmological parameters

    CERN Document Server

    Ade, P.A.R.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Banday, A.J.; Barreiro, R.B.; Bartlett, J.G.; Bartolo, N.; Battaner, E.; Battye, R.; Benabed, K.; Benoit, A.; Benoit-Levy, A.; Bernard, J.P.; Bersanelli, M.; Bielewicz, P.; Bonaldi, A.; Bonavera, L.; Bond, J.R.; Borrill, J.; Bouchet, F.R.; Boulanger, F.; Bucher, M.; Burigana, C.; Butler, R.C.; Calabrese, E.; Cardoso, J.F.; Catalano, A.; Challinor, A.; Chamballu, A.; Chary, R.R.; Chiang, H.C.; Chluba, J.; Christensen, P.R.; Church, S.; Clements, D.L.; Colombi, S.; Colombo, L.P.L.; Combet, C.; Coulais, A.; Crill, B.P.; Curto, A.; Cuttaia, F.; Danese, L.; Davies, R.D.; Davis, R.J.; de Bernardis, P.; de Rosa, A.; de Zotti, G.; Delabrouille, J.; Desert, F.X.; Di Valentino, E.; Dickinson, C.; Diego, J.M.; Dolag, K.; Dole, H.; Donzelli, S.; Dore, O.; Douspis, M.; Ducout, A.; Dunkley, J.; Dupac, X.; Efstathiou, G.; Elsner, F.; Ensslin, T.A.; Eriksen, H.K.; Farhang, M.; Fergusson, J.; Finelli, F.; Forni, O.; Frailis, M.; Fraisse, A.A.; Franceschi, E.; Frejsel, A.; Galeotta, S.; Galli, S.; Ganga, K.; Gauthier, C.; Gerbino, M.; Ghosh, T.; Giard, M.; Giraud-Heraud, Y.; Giusarma, E.; Gjerlow, E.; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J.; Gorski, K.M.; Gratton, S.; Gregorio, A.; Gruppuso, A.; Gudmundsson, J.E.; Hamann, J.; Hansen, F.K.; Hanson, D.; Harrison, D.L.; Helou, G.; Henrot-Versille, S.; Hernandez-Monteagudo, C.; Herranz, D.; Hildebrandt, S.R.; Hivon, E.; Hobson, M.; Holmes, W.A.; Hornstrup, A.; Hovest, W.; Huang, Z.; Huffenberger, K.M.; Hurier, G.; Jaffe, A.H.; Jaffe, T.R.; Jones, W.C.; Juvela, M.; Keihanen, E.; Keskitalo, R.; Kisner, T.S.; Kneissl, R.; Knoche, J.; Knox, L.; Kunz, M.; Kurki-Suonio, H.; Lagache, G.; Lahteenmaki, A.; Lamarre, J.M.; Lasenby, A.; Lattanzi, M.; Lawrence, C.R.; Leahy, J.P.; Leonardi, R.; Lesgourgues, J.; Levrier, F.; Lewis, A.; Liguori, M.; Lilje, P.B.; Linden-Vornle, M.; Lopez-Caniego, M.; Lubin, P.M.; Macias-Perez, J.F.; Maggio, G.; Mandolesi, N.; Mangilli, A.; Marchini, A.; Martin, P.G.; Martinelli, M.; Martinez-Gonzalez, E.; Masi, S.; Matarrese, S.; Mazzotta, P.; McGehee, P.; Meinhold, P.R.; Melchiorri, A.; Melin, J.B.; Mendes, L.; Mennella, A.; Migliaccio, M.; Millea, M.; Mitra, S.; Miville-Deschenes, M.A.; Moneti, A.; Montier, L.; Morgante, G.; Mortlock, D.; Moss, A.; Munshi, D.; Murphy, J.A.; Naselsky, P.; Nati, F.; Natoli, P.; Netterfield, C.B.; Norgaard-Nielsen, H.U.; Noviello, F.; Novikov, D.; Novikov, I.; Oxborrow, C.A.; Paci, F.; Pagano, L.; Pajot, F.; Paladini, R.; Paoletti, D.; Partridge, B.; Pasian, F.; Patanchon, G.; Pearson, T.J.; Perdereau, O.; Perotto, L.; Perrotta, F.; Pettorino, V.; Piacentini, F.; Piat, M.; Pierpaoli, E.; Pietrobon, D.; Plaszczynski, S.; Pointecouteau, E.; Polenta, G.; Popa, L.; Pratt, G.W.; Prezeau, G.; Prunet, S.; Puget, J.L.; Rachen, J.P.; Reach, W.T.; Rebolo, R.; Reinecke, M.; Remazeilles, M.; Renault, C.; Renzi, A.; Ristorcelli, I.; Rocha, G.; Rosset, C.; Rossetti, M.; Roudier, G.; d'Orfeuil, B.Rouille; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Rubino-Martin, J.A.; Rusholme, B.; Said, N.; Salvatelli, V.; Salvati, L.; Sandri, M.; Santos, D.; Savelainen, M.; Savini, G.; Scott, D.; Seiffert, M.D.; Serra, P.; Shellard, E.P.S.; Spencer, L.D.; Spinelli, M.; Stolyarov, V.; Stompor, R.; Sudiwala, R.; Sunyaev, R.; Sutton, D.; Suur-Uski, A.S.; Sygnet, J.F.; Tauber, J.A.; Terenzi, L.; Toffolatti, L.; Tomasi, M.; Tristram, M.; Trombetti, T.; Tucci, M.; Tuovinen, J.; Turler, M.; Umana, G.; Valenziano, L.; Valiviita, J.; Van Tent, B.; Vielva, P.; Villa, F.; Wade, L.A.; Wandelt, B.D.; Wehus, I.K.; White, M.; White, S.D.M.; Wilkinson, A.; Yvon, D.; Zacchei, A.; Zonca, A.


    We present results based on full-mission Planck observations of temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB. These data are consistent with the six-parameter inflationary LCDM cosmology. From the Planck temperature and lensing data, for this cosmology we find a Hubble constant, H0= (67.8 +/- 0.9) km/s/Mpc, a matter density parameter Omega_m = 0.308 +/- 0.012 and a scalar spectral index with n_s = 0.968 +/- 0.006. (We quote 68% errors on measured parameters and 95% limits on other parameters.) Combined with Planck temperature and lensing data, Planck LFI polarization measurements lead to a reionization optical depth of tau = 0.066 +/- 0.016. Combining Planck with other astrophysical data we find N_ eff = 3.15 +/- 0.23 for the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom and the sum of neutrino masses is constrained to < 0.23 eV. Spatial curvature is found to be |Omega_K| < 0.005. For LCDM we find a limit on the tensor-to-scalar ratio of r <0.11 consistent with the B-mode constraints fr...

  6. Progress on Chinese evaluated nuclear parameter library (CENPL) (II)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Su Zhongdi; Ge Zhigang; Zhou Chunmei


    CENPL collected, evaluated and compiled nuclear basic constants and model parameters. CENPL-1 contain six sub-libraries, they are: (1) Atomic masses and characteristic constants for nuclear ground states; (2) discrete level schemes and branch ratios of γ decay; (3) level density parameters; (4) giant dipole resonance parameters for γ-ray strength function (5) fission barrier parameter; (6) optical model parameters. Their progresses are introduced

  7. Optimization of surface roughness parameters in dry turning


    R.A. Mahdavinejad; H. Sharifi Bidgoli


    Purpose: The precision of machine tools on one hand and the input setup parameters on the other hand, are strongly influenced in main output machining parameters such as stock removal, toll wear ratio and surface roughnes.Design/methodology/approach: There are a lot of input parameters which are effective in the variations of these output parameters. In CNC machines, the optimization of machining process in order to predict surface roughness is very important.Findings: From this point of view...


    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


  9. Brute force meets Bruno force in parameter optimisation: introduction of novel constraints for parameter accuracy improvement by symbolic computation. (United States)

    Nakatsui, M; Horimoto, K; Lemaire, F; Ürgüplü, A; Sedoglavic, A; Boulier, F


    Recent remarkable advances in computer performance have enabled us to estimate parameter values by the huge power of numerical computation, the so-called 'Brute force', resulting in the high-speed simultaneous estimation of a large number of parameter values. However, these advancements have not been fully utilised to improve the accuracy of parameter estimation. Here the authors review a novel method for parameter estimation using symbolic computation power, 'Bruno force', named after Bruno Buchberger, who found the Gröbner base. In the method, the objective functions combining the symbolic computation techniques are formulated. First, the authors utilise a symbolic computation technique, differential elimination, which symbolically reduces an equivalent system of differential equations to a system in a given model. Second, since its equivalent system is frequently composed of large equations, the system is further simplified by another symbolic computation. The performance of the authors' method for parameter accuracy improvement is illustrated by two representative models in biology, a simple cascade model and a negative feedback model in comparison with the previous numerical methods. Finally, the limits and extensions of the authors' method are discussed, in terms of the possible power of 'Bruno force' for the development of a new horizon in parameter estimation.

  10. Uncertainty in dual permeability model parameters for structured soils (United States)

    Arora, B.; Mohanty, B. P.; McGuire, J. T.


    Successful application of dual permeability models (DPM) to predict contaminant transport is contingent upon measured or inversely estimated soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters. The difficulty in unique identification of parameters for the additional macropore- and matrix-macropore interface regions, and knowledge about requisite experimental data for DPM has not been resolved to date. Therefore, this study quantifies uncertainty in dual permeability model parameters of experimental soil columns with different macropore distributions (single macropore, and low- and high-density multiple macropores). Uncertainty evaluation is conducted using adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo (AMCMC) and conventional Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithms while assuming 10 out of 17 parameters to be uncertain or random. Results indicate that AMCMC resolves parameter correlations and exhibits fast convergence for all DPM parameters while MH displays large posterior correlations for various parameters. This study demonstrates that the choice of parameter sampling algorithms is paramount in obtaining unique DPM parameters when information on covariance structure is lacking, or else additional information on parameter correlations must be supplied to resolve the problem of equifinality of DPM parameters. This study also highlights the placement and significance of matrix-macropore interface in flow experiments of soil columns with different macropore densities. Histograms for certain soil hydraulic parameters display tri-modal characteristics implying that macropores are drained first followed by the interface region and then by pores of the matrix domain in drainage experiments. Results indicate that hydraulic properties and behavior of the matrix-macropore interface is not only a function of saturated hydraulic conductivity of the macroporematrix interface (Ksa) and macropore tortuosity (lf) but also of other parameters of the matrix and macropore domains.

  11. Determining "small parameters" for quasi-steady state (United States)

    Goeke, Alexandra; Walcher, Sebastian; Zerz, Eva


    For a parameter-dependent system of ordinary differential equations we present a systematic approach to the determination of parameter values near which singular perturbation scenarios (in the sense of Tikhonov and Fenichel) arise. We call these special values Tikhonov-Fenichel parameter values. The principal application we intend is to equations that describe chemical reactions, in the context of quasi-steady state (or partial equilibrium) settings. Such equations have rational (or even polynomial) right-hand side. We determine the structure of the set of Tikhonov-Fenichel parameter values as a semi-algebraic set, and present an algorithmic approach to their explicit determination, using Groebner bases. Examples and applications (which include the irreversible and reversible Michaelis-Menten systems) illustrate that the approach is rather easy to implement.

  12. Methods for measurement of durability parameters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ernst Jan De Place


    Present selected methods for measurement of durabilty parameters relating to chlorides, corrosion, moisture and freeze-thaw, primarly on concrete. Advantages and drawbacks of the different methods are included.......Present selected methods for measurement of durabilty parameters relating to chlorides, corrosion, moisture and freeze-thaw, primarly on concrete. Advantages and drawbacks of the different methods are included....


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    HU Jie; PENG Yinghong; XIONG Guangleng


    A new parameter coordination and robust optimization approach for multidisciplinary design is presented. Firstly, the constraints network model is established to support engineering change, coordination and optimization. In this model, interval boxes are adopted to describe the uncertainty of design parameters quantitatively to enhance the design robustness. Secondly, the parameter coordination method is presented to solve the constraints network model, monitor the potential conflicts due to engineering changes, and obtain the consistency solution space corresponding to the given product specifications. Finally, the robust parameter optimization model is established, and genetic arithmetic is used to obtain the robust optimization parameter. An example of bogie design is analyzed to show the scheme to be effective.

  14. Multiwavelength light curve parameters of Cepheid variables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bhardwaj Anupam


    Full Text Available We present a comparative analysis of theoretical and observed light curves of Cepheid variables using Fourier decomposition. The theoretical light curves at multiple wavelengths are generated using stellar pulsation models for chemical compositions representative of Cepheids in the Galaxy and Magellanic Clouds. The observed light curves at optical (VI, near-infrared (JHKs and mid-infrared (3.6 & 4.5-μm bands are compiled from the literature. We discuss the variation of light curve parameters as a function of period, wavelength and metallicity. Theoretical and observed Fourier amplitude parameters decrease with increase in wavelength while the phase parameters increase with wavelength. We find that theoretical amplitude parameters obtained using canonical mass-luminosity levels exhibit a greater offset with respect to observations when compared to non-canonical relations. We also discuss the impact of variation in convective efficiency on the light curve structure of Cepheid variables. The increase in mixing length parameter results in a zero-point offset in bolometric mean magnitudes and reduces the systematic large difference in theoretical amplitudes with respect to observations.

  15. Measuring the Michel parameter ξ''

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knowles, P.; Deutsch, J.; Egger, J.; Fetscher, W.; Foroughi, F.; Govaerts, J.; Hadri, M.; Kirch, K.; Kistryn, S.; Lang, J.; Morelle, X.; Naviliat, O.; Ninane, A.; Prieels, R.; Severijns, N.; Simons, L.; Sromicki, J.; Vandormael, S.; Hove, P. van


    Unlike the majority of Michel parameters which are consistent with the Standard Model V-A interaction, the experimental value of ξ''(=0.65±0.36) [1] is poorly known. Our experiment will measure the longitudinal polarization, P L , of positrons emitted from the decay of polarized muons. The value of P L , equal to unity in the Standard Model, will decrease for high energy positrons emitted antiparallel to the muon spin if the combination of Michel parameters ξ''/ξξ' - 1 deviates from the Standard Model value of zero

  16. Morphology parameters for intracranial aneurysm rupture risk assessment. (United States)

    Dhar, Sujan; Tremmel, Markus; Mocco, J; Kim, Minsuok; Yamamoto, Junichi; Siddiqui, Adnan H; Hopkins, L Nelson; Meng, Hui


    The aim of this study is to identify image-based morphological parameters that correlate with human intracranial aneurysm (IA) rupture. For 45 patients with terminal or sidewall saccular IAs (25 unruptured, 20 ruptured), three-dimensional geometries were evaluated for a range of morphological parameters. In addition to five previously studied parameters (aspect ratio, aneurysm size, ellipticity index, nonsphericity index, and undulation index), we defined three novel parameters incorporating the parent vessel geometry (vessel angle, aneurysm [inclination] angle, and [aneurysm-to-vessel] size ratio) and explored their correlation with aneurysm rupture. Parameters were analyzed with a two-tailed independent Student's t test for significance; significant parameters (P 41; 95% confidence interval, 1.03-1.92) and undulation index (odds ratio, 1.51; 95% confidence interval, 1.08-2.11) had the strongest independent correlation with ruptured IA. From the receiver operating characteristic analysis, size ratio and aneurysm angle had the highest area under the curve values of 0.83 and 0.85, respectively. Size ratio and aneurysm angle are promising new morphological metrics for IA rupture risk assessment. Because these parameters account for vessel geometry, they may bridge the gap between morphological studies and more qualitative location-based studies.

  17. The incidence of significant relationships between selected parameters of feet and parameters of trunk in children aged 4, 5 and 6 years

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirosław Mrozkowiak


    2. Foot parameters revealed the most frequent significant relationship with trunk parameters in the sagittal and frontal planes. Trunk parameters with which foot parameters correlated most often included: asymmetry in the height of both scapulas with the right scapula up, inclination of thoracolumbar region and asymmetry in the height of waist triangles with the right triangle up.

  18. Parameter Subset Selection Techniques for Problems in Mathematical Biology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Christian; Smith, Ralph; Tran, Hien


    Patient-specific models for diagnostics and treatment planning require reliable parameter estimation and model predictions. Mathematical models of physiological systems are often formulated as systems of nonlinear ODEs with many parameters and few options for measuring all state variables....... Consequently, it can be difficult to determine which parameters can reliably be estimated from the available data. This investigation highlights some pitfalls associated with parameters that are unidentifiable in the sense that they are not uniquely determined by responses, and presents methods for recognizing...... and addressing identifiability problems. These methods quantify the magnitude of parameter influence through sensitivity analysis, and parameter interactions that might complicate unambiguous parameter estimation. The methods will be demonstrated using five examples of increasing complexity, as well...

  19. Dynamics in the Parameter Space of a Neuron Model (United States)

    Paulo, C. Rech


    Some two-dimensional parameter-space diagrams are numerically obtained by considering the largest Lyapunov exponent for a four-dimensional thirteen-parameter Hindmarsh—Rose neuron model. Several different parameter planes are considered, and it is shown that depending on the combination of parameters, a typical scenario can be preserved: for some choice of two parameters, the parameter plane presents a comb-shaped chaotic region embedded in a large periodic region. It is also shown that there exist regions close to these comb-shaped chaotic regions, separated by the comb teeth, organizing themselves in period-adding bifurcation cascades.

  20. Parameter extraction with neural networks (United States)

    Cazzanti, Luca; Khan, Mumit; Cerrina, Franco


    In semiconductor processing, the modeling of the process is becoming more and more important. While the ultimate goal is that of developing a set of tools for designing a complete process (Technology CAD), it is also necessary to have modules to simulate the various technologies and, in particular, to optimize specific steps. This need is particularly acute in lithography, where the continuous decrease in CD forces the technologies to operate near their limits. In the development of a 'model' for a physical process, we face several levels of challenges. First, it is necessary to develop a 'physical model,' i.e. a rational description of the process itself on the basis of know physical laws. Second, we need an 'algorithmic model' to represent in a virtual environment the behavior of the 'physical model.' After a 'complete' model has been developed and verified, it becomes possible to do performance analysis. In many cases the input parameters are poorly known or not accessible directly to experiment. It would be extremely useful to obtain the values of these 'hidden' parameters from experimental results by comparing model to data. This is particularly severe, because the complexity and costs associated with semiconductor processing make a simple 'trial-and-error' approach infeasible and cost- inefficient. Even when computer models of the process already exists, obtaining data through simulations may be time consuming. Neural networks (NN) are powerful computational tools to predict the behavior of a system from an existing data set. They are able to adaptively 'learn' input/output mappings and to act as universal function approximators. In this paper we use artificial neural networks to build a mapping from the input parameters of the process to output parameters which are indicative of the performance of the process. Once the NN has been 'trained,' it is also possible to observe the process 'in reverse,' and to extract the values of the inputs which yield outputs

  1. Primary Numbers Database for ATLAS Detector Description Parameters

    CERN Document Server

    Vaniachine, A; Malon, D; Nevski, P; Wenaus, T


    We present the design and the status of the database for detector description parameters in ATLAS experiment. The ATLAS Primary Numbers are the parameters defining the detector geometry and digitization in simulations, as well as certain reconstruction parameters. Since the detailed ATLAS detector description needs more than 10,000 such parameters, a preferred solution is to have a single verified source for all these data. The database stores the data dictionary for each parameter collection object, providing schema evolution support for object-based retrieval of parameters. The same Primary Numbers are served to many different clients accessing the database: the ATLAS software framework Athena, the Geant3 heritage framework Atlsim, the Geant4 developers framework FADS/Goofy, the generator of XML output for detector description, and several end-user clients for interactive data navigation, including web-based browsers and ROOT. The choice of the MySQL database product for the implementation provides addition...

  2. Optimization of parameters of special asynchronous electric drives (United States)

    Karandey, V. Yu; Popov, B. K.; Popova, O. B.; Afanasyev, V. L.


    The article considers the solution of the problem of parameters optimization of special asynchronous electric drives. The solution of the problem will allow one to project and create special asynchronous electric drives for various industries. The created types of electric drives will have optimum mass-dimensional and power parameters. It will allow one to realize and fulfill the set characteristics of management of technological processes with optimum level of expenses of electric energy, time of completing the process or other set parameters. The received decision allows one not only to solve a certain optimizing problem, but also to construct dependences between the optimized parameters of special asynchronous electric drives, for example, with the change of power, current in a winding of the stator or rotor, induction in a gap or steel of magnetic conductors and other parameters. On the constructed dependences, it is possible to choose necessary optimum values of parameters of special asynchronous electric drives and their components without carrying out repeated calculations.

  3. Assessment of thermodynamic parameters of plasma shock wave

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasileva, O V; Isaev, Yu N; Budko, A A; Filkov, A I


    The work is devoted to the solution of the one-dimensional equation of hydraulic gas dynamics for the coaxial magneto plasma accelerator by means of Lax-Wendroff modified algorithm with optimum choice of the regularization parameter artificial viscosity. Replacement of the differential equations containing private derivatives is made by finite difference method. Optimum parameter of regularization artificial viscosity is added using the exact known decision of Soda problem. The developed algorithm of thermodynamic parameter calculation in a braking point is proved. Thermodynamic parameters of a shock wave in front of the plasma piston of the coaxial magneto plasma accelerator are calculated on the basis of the offered algorithm. Unstable high-frequency fluctuations are smoothed using modeling and that allows narrowing the ambiguity area. Results of calculation of gas dynamic parameters in a point of braking coincide with literary data. The chart 3 shows the dynamics of change of speed and thermodynamic parameters of a shock wave such as pressure, density and temperature just before the plasma piston

  4. Cosmological parameter estimation using particle swarm optimization (United States)

    Prasad, Jayanti; Souradeep, Tarun


    Constraining theoretical models, which are represented by a set of parameters, using observational data is an important exercise in cosmology. In Bayesian framework this is done by finding the probability distribution of parameters which best fits to the observational data using sampling based methods like Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). It has been argued that MCMC may not be the best option in certain problems in which the target function (likelihood) poses local maxima or have very high dimensionality. Apart from this, there may be examples in which we are mainly interested to find the point in the parameter space at which the probability distribution has the largest value. In this situation the problem of parameter estimation becomes an optimization problem. In the present work we show that particle swarm optimization (PSO), which is an artificial intelligence inspired population based search procedure, can also be used for cosmological parameter estimation. Using PSO we were able to recover the best-fit Λ cold dark matter (LCDM) model parameters from the WMAP seven year data without using any prior guess value or any other property of the probability distribution of parameters like standard deviation, as is common in MCMC. We also report the results of an exercise in which we consider a binned primordial power spectrum (to increase the dimensionality of problem) and find that a power spectrum with features gives lower chi square than the standard power law. Since PSO does not sample the likelihood surface in a fair way, we follow a fitting procedure to find the spread of likelihood function around the best-fit point.

  5. Optimal Laser Phototherapy Parameters for Pain Relief. (United States)

    Kate, Rohit J; Rubatt, Sarah; Enwemeka, Chukuka S; Huddleston, Wendy E


    Studies on laser phototherapy for pain relief have used parameters that vary widely and have reported varying outcomes. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal parameter ranges of laser phototherapy for pain relief by analyzing data aggregated from existing primary literature. Original studies were gathered from available sources and were screened to meet the pre-established inclusion criteria. The included articles were then subjected to meta-analysis using Cohen's d statistic for determining treatment effect size. From these studies, ranges of the reported parameters that always resulted into large effect sizes were determined. These optimal ranges were evaluated for their accuracy using leave-one-article-out cross-validation procedure. A total of 96 articles met the inclusion criteria for meta-analysis and yielded 232 effect sizes. The average effect size was highly significant: d = +1.36 (confidence interval [95% CI] = 1.04-1.68). Among all the parameters, total energy was found to have the greatest effect on pain relief and had the most prominent optimal ranges of 120-162 and 15.36-20.16 J, which always resulted in large effect sizes. The cross-validation accuracy of the optimal ranges for total energy was 68.57% (95% CI = 53.19-83.97). Fewer and less-prominent optimal ranges were obtained for the energy density and duration parameters. None of the remaining parameters was found to be independently related to pain relief outcomes. The findings of meta-analysis indicate that laser phototherapy is highly effective for pain relief. Based on the analysis of parameters, total energy can be optimized to yield the largest effect on pain relief.

  6. Method for Determining the Time Parameter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. P. Baslyk


    Full Text Available This article proposes a method for calculating one of the characteristics that represents the flight program of the first stage of ballistic rocket i.e. time parameter of the program of attack angle.In simulation of placing the payload for the first stage, a program of flight is used which consists of three segments, namely a vertical climb of the rocket, a segment of programmed reversal by attack angle, and a segment of gravitational reversal with zero angle of attack.The programed reversal by attack angle is simulated as a rapidly decreasing and increasing function. This function depends on the attack angle amplitude, time and time parameter.If the projected and ballistic parameters and the amplitude of attack angle were determined this coefficient is calculated based the constraint that the rocket velocity is equal to 0.8 from the sound velocity (0,264 km/sec when the angle of attack becomes equal to zero. Such constraint is transformed to the nonlinear equation, which can be solved using a Newton method.The attack angle amplitude value is unknown for the design analysis. Exceeding some maximum admissible value for this parameter may lead to excessive trajectory collapsing (foreshortening, which can be identified as an arising negative trajectory angle.Consequently, therefore it is necessary to compute the maximum value of the attack angle amplitude with the following constraints: a trajectory angle is positive during the entire first stage flight and the rocket velocity is equal to 0,264 km/sec by the end of program of angle attack. The problem can be formulated as a task of the nonlinear programming, minimization of the modified Lagrange function, which is solved using the multipliers method.If multipliers and penalty parameter are constant the optimization problem without constraints takes place. Using the determined coordinate descent method allows solving the problem of modified Lagrange function of unconstrained minimization with fixed

  7. Critical parameters for ammonia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sato, M. [Center for Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Keio University, Hiyoshi 3-14-1, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama 223-8522 (Japan); Masui, G. [Center for Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Keio University, Hiyoshi 3-14-1, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama 223-8522 (Japan); Uematsu, M. [Center for Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Keio University, Hiyoshi 3-14-1, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama 223-8522 (Japan)]. E-mail:


    (p, {rho}, T) measurements and visual observations of the meniscus for ammonia were carried out carefully in the critical region over the range of temperatures: -1 K (T - T {sub c}) 0.04 K, and of densities: -19 kg . m{sup -3} ({rho} - {rho} {sub c}) 19 kg . m{sup -3} by a metal-bellows volumometer with an optical cell. Vapor pressures were also measured at T = (310, 350, and 400) K. The critical parameters of T {sub c} and {rho} {sub c} were determined based on the results of observation of the critical opalescence. The critical pressure p {sub c} was determined from the present measurements at T {sub c} on the vapor pressure curve. Comparisons of the critical parameters with values given in the literature are presented.

  8. Parameter extraction using global particle swarm optimization approach and the influence of polymer processing temperature on the solar cell parameters (United States)

    Kumar, S.; Singh, A.; Dhar, A.


    The accurate estimation of the photovoltaic parameters is fundamental to gain an insight of the physical processes occurring inside a photovoltaic device and thereby to optimize its design, fabrication processes, and quality. A simulative approach of accurately determining the device parameters is crucial for cell array and module simulation when applied in practical on-field applications. In this work, we have developed a global particle swarm optimization (GPSO) approach to estimate the different solar cell parameters viz., ideality factor (η), short circuit current (Isc), open circuit voltage (Voc), shunt resistant (Rsh), and series resistance (Rs) with wide a search range of over ±100 % for each model parameter. After validating the accurateness and global search power of the proposed approach with synthetic and noisy data, we applied the technique to the extract the PV parameters of ZnO/PCDTBT based hybrid solar cells (HSCs) prepared under different annealing conditions. Further, we examine the variation of extracted model parameters to unveil the physical processes occurring when different annealing temperatures are employed during the device fabrication and establish the role of improved charge transport in polymer films from independent FET measurements. The evolution of surface morphology, optical absorption, and chemical compositional behaviour of PCDTBT co-polymer films as a function of processing temperature has also been captured in the study and correlated with the findings from the PV parameters extracted using GPSO approach.

  9. Pulsatility Index as a Diagnostic Parameter of Reciprocating Wall Shear Stress Parameters in Physiological Pulsating Waveforms.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Idit Avrahami

    Full Text Available Arterial wall shear stress (WSS parameters are widely used for prediction of the initiation and development of atherosclerosis and arterial pathologies. Traditional clinical evaluation of arterial condition relies on correlations of WSS parameters with average flow rate (Q and heart rate (HR measurements. We show that for pulsating flow waveforms in a straight tube with flow reversals that lead to significant reciprocating WSS, the measurements of HR and Q are not sufficient for prediction of WSS parameters. Therefore, we suggest adding a third quantity-known as the pulsatility index (PI-which is defined as the peak-to-peak flow rate amplitude normalized by Q. We examine several pulsating flow waveforms with and without flow reversals using a simulation of a Womersley model in a straight rigid tube and validate the simulations through experimental study using particle image velocimetry (PIV. The results indicate that clinically relevant WSS parameters such as the percentage of negative WSS (P[%], oscillating shear index (OSI and the ratio of minimum to maximum shear stress rates (min/max, are better predicted when the PI is used in conjunction with HR and Q. Therefore, we propose to use PI as an additional and essential diagnostic quantity for improved predictability of the reciprocating WSS.

  10. LLL DBASE glossary and parameter definitions, Part 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rohrer, R.F.


    This report lists, defines, and updates parameters in DBASE, an LLL test effects data bank in which data is stored from experiments performed at NTS and other test sites. Parameters are listed by subject and by number. Part 2 of this report presents the same information for classified parameters

  11. Parameter extraction from I-V characteristics of PV devices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Macabebe, Erees Queen B. [Department of Electronics, Computer and Communications Engineering, Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108 (Philippines); Department of Physics and Centre for Energy Research, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, PO Box 77000, Port Elizabeth 6031 (South Africa); Sheppard, Charles J. [Department of Physics, University of Johannesburg, PO Box 524, Auckland Park 2006 (South Africa); Dyk, E. Ernest van [Department of Physics and Centre for Energy Research, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, PO Box 77000, Port Elizabeth 6031 (South Africa)


    Device parameters such as series and shunt resistances, saturation current and diode ideality factor influence the behaviour of the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of solar cells and photovoltaic modules. It is necessary to determine these parameters since performance parameters are derived from the I-V curve and information provided by the device parameters are useful in analyzing performance losses. This contribution presents device parameters of CuIn(Se,S){sub 2}- and Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S){sub 2}-based solar cells, as well as, CuInSe{sub 2}, mono- and multicrystalline silicon modules determined using a parameter extraction routine that employs Particle Swarm Optimization. The device parameters of the CuIn(Se,S){sub 2}- and Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S){sub 2}-based solar cells show that the contribution of recombination mechanisms exhibited by high saturation current when coupled with the effects of parasitic resistances result in lower maximum power and conversion efficiency. Device parameters of photovoltaic modules extracted from I-V characteristics obtained at higher temperature show increased saturation current. The extracted values also reflect the adverse effect of temperature on parasitic resistances. The parameters extracted from I-V curves offer an understanding of the different mechanisms involved in the operation of the devices. The parameter extraction routine utilized in this study is a useful tool in determining the device parameters which reveal the mechanisms affecting device performance. (author)

  12. Parameter tracking with partial forgetting method

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Dedecius, Kamil; Nagy, Ivan; Kárný, Miroslav


    Roč. 26, č. 1 (2012), s. 1-12 ISSN 0890-6327 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/08/0567 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10750506 Keywords : regression models * model * parameter estimation * parameter tracking Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research Impact factor: 1.219, year: 2012

  13. Review of 241 Pu resonance parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Derrien, H.


    The status of 241 Pu resonance parameters is reviewed. The most important recent results are compared in some energy ranges, both from single level and multilevel point of view. It appears that an accurate set of resonance parameters is not still obtained for a general description of the cross-sections in the resonance region. Some recommendations are given for further experiments or evaluations

  14. Genetic parameters in a Swine Population

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dana Popa


    Full Text Available The estimation of the variance-covariance components is a very important step in animal breeding because these components are necessary for: estimation of the genetic parameters, prediction of the breeding value and design of animal breeding programs. The estimation of genetic parameters is the first step in the development of a swine breeding program, using artificial insemination. Various procedures exist for estimation of heritability. There are three major procedures used for estimating heritability: analysis of variance (ANOVA, parents-offspring regression and restricted maximum likelihood (REML. By using ANOVA methodology or regression method it is possible to obtain aberrant values of genetic parameters (negative or over unit value of heritability coefficient, for example which can not be interpreting because is out of biological limits.

  15. Statistics of Parameter Estimates: A Concrete Example

    KAUST Repository

    Aguilar, Oscar; Allmaras, Moritz; Bangerth, Wolfgang; Tenorio, Luis


    © 2015 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Most mathematical models include parameters that need to be determined from measurements. The estimated values of these parameters and their uncertainties depend on assumptions made about noise

  16. Parameter Estimation of Partial Differential Equation Models

    KAUST Repository

    Xun, Xiaolei; Cao, Jiguo; Mallick, Bani; Maity, Arnab; Carroll, Raymond J.


    PDEs used in practice have no analytic solutions, and can only be solved with numerical methods. Currently, methods for estimating PDE parameters require repeatedly solving PDEs numerically under thousands of candidate parameter values, and thus

  17. Chiral-symmetry order parameter, the lattice, and nucleosynthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McLerran, L.


    I discuss an order parameter for the chiral-symmetry restoration phase transition which may be useful in computations of big-bang nucleosynthesis, a phenomenon which requires a finite baryon-number density. This parameter is strictly speaking an order parameter in the large-N limit, and distinguishes between a parity-doubled and a massless-fermion realization of chiral-symmetry restoration. This order parameter may be evaluated at a zero net baryon-number density at finite temperature, and is useful as long as the baryon chemical potential μ is much less than the temperature T

  18. Cosmological parameters from SDSS and WMAP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tegmark, Max; Strauss, Michael A.; Bahcall, Neta A.; Schlegel, David; Finkbeiner, Douglas; Gunn, James E.; Ostriker, Jeremiah P.; Seljak, Uros; Ivezic, Zeljko; Knapp, Gillian R.; Lupton, Robert H.; Blanton, Michael R.; Scoccimarro, Roman; Hogg, David W.; Abazajian, Kevork; Xu Yongzhong; Dodelson, Scott; Sandvik, Havard; Wang Xiaomin; Jain, Bhuvnesh


    We measure cosmological parameters using the three-dimensional power spectrum P(k) from over 200 000 galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) in combination with Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and other data. Our results are consistent with a 'vanilla' flat adiabatic cold dark matter model with a cosmological constant without tilt (n s =1), running tilt, tensor modes, or massive neutrinos. Adding SDSS information more than halves the WMAP-only error bars on some parameters, tightening 1σ constraints on the Hubble parameter from h≅0.74 -0.07 +0.18 to h≅0.70 -0.03 +0.04 , on the matter density from Ω m ≅0.25±0.10 to Ω m ≅0.30±0.04 (1σ) and on neutrino masses from 0 ≅16.3 -1.8 +2.3 Gyr to t 0 ≅14.1 -0.9 +1.0 Gyr by adding SDSS and SN Ia data. Including tensors, running tilt, neutrino mass and equation of state in the list of free parameters, many constraints are still quite weak, but future cosmological measurements from SDSS and other sources should allow these to be substantially tightened

  19. A Novel Nonlinear Parameter Estimation Method of Soft Tissues

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qianqian Tong


    Full Text Available The elastic parameters of soft tissues are important for medical diagnosis and virtual surgery simulation. In this study, we propose a novel nonlinear parameter estimation method for soft tissues. Firstly, an in-house data acquisition platform was used to obtain external forces and their corresponding deformation values. To provide highly precise data for estimating nonlinear parameters, the measured forces were corrected using the constructed weighted combination forecasting model based on a support vector machine (WCFM_SVM. Secondly, a tetrahedral finite element parameter estimation model was established to describe the physical characteristics of soft tissues, using the substitution parameters of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio to avoid solving complicated nonlinear problems. To improve the robustness of our model and avoid poor local minima, the initial parameters solved by a linear finite element model were introduced into the parameter estimation model. Finally, a self-adapting Levenberg–Marquardt (LM algorithm was presented, which is capable of adaptively adjusting iterative parameters to solve the established parameter estimation model. The maximum absolute error of our WCFM_SVM model was less than 0.03 Newton, resulting in more accurate forces in comparison with other correction models tested. The maximum absolute error between the calculated and measured nodal displacements was less than 1.5 mm, demonstrating that our nonlinear parameters are precise.

  20. Von Donuts und Zucker: Mit Neutronen biologische Makromoleküle erforschen (United States)

    May, Roland P.


    Für die Erforschung von Biomolekülen bieten Neutronen einzigartige Eigenschaften. Vor allem ihre unterschiedliche Wechselwirkung mit dem natürlichen Wasserstoff und seinem schweren Isotop Deuterium ermöglicht tiefe Einblicke in Struktur, Funktion und Dynamik von Proteinen, Nukleinsäuren und Biomembranen. Bei vielen Fragestellungen zur Strukturaufklärung gibt es kaum oder keine Alternative zum Neutron. Das Institut Laue-Langevin trägt Bahnbrechendes zum Erfolg der Neutronen-Methoden in der Biologie bei.

  1. Parameter Estimation as a Problem in Statistical Thermodynamics. (United States)

    Earle, Keith A; Schneider, David J


    In this work, we explore the connections between parameter fitting and statistical thermodynamics using the maxent principle of Jaynes as a starting point. In particular, we show how signal averaging may be described by a suitable one particle partition function, modified for the case of a variable number of particles. These modifications lead to an entropy that is extensive in the number of measurements in the average. Systematic error may be interpreted as a departure from ideal gas behavior. In addition, we show how to combine measurements from different experiments in an unbiased way in order to maximize the entropy of simultaneous parameter fitting. We suggest that fit parameters may be interpreted as generalized coordinates and the forces conjugate to them may be derived from the system partition function. From this perspective, the parameter fitting problem may be interpreted as a process where the system (spectrum) does work against internal stresses (non-optimum model parameters) to achieve a state of minimum free energy/maximum entropy. Finally, we show how the distribution function allows us to define a geometry on parameter space, building on previous work[1, 2]. This geometry has implications for error estimation and we outline a program for incorporating these geometrical insights into an automated parameter fitting algorithm.

  2. Activation method for measurement of neutron spectrum parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Efimov, B.V.; Demidov, A.M.; Ionov, V.S.; Konjaev, S.I.; Marin, S.V.; Bryzgalov, V.I.


    Experimental researches of spectrum parameters of neutrons at nuclear installations RRC KI are submitted. The installations have different designs of the cores, reflector, parameters and types of fuel elements. Measurements were carried out with use of the technique developed in RRC KI for irradiation resonance detectors UKD. The arrangement of detectors in the cores ensured possibility of measurement of neutron spectra with distinguished values of parameters. The spectrum parameters which are introduced by parametrical representation of a neutrons spectrum in the form corresponding to formalism Westcott. On experimental data were determinate absolute values of density neutron flux (DNF) in thermal and epithermal area of a spectrum (F t , f epi ), empirical dependence of temperature of neutron gas (Tn) on parameter of a rigidity of a spectrum (z), density neutron flux in transitional energy area of the spectrum. Dependences of spectral indexes of nuclides (UDy/UX), included in UKD, from a rigidity z and-or temperatures of neutron gas Tn are obtained.B Tools of mathematical processing of results are used for activation data and estimation of parameters of a spectrum (F t , f epi , z, Tn, UDy/UX). In the paper are presented some results of researches of neutron spectrum parameters of the nuclear installations (Authors)

  3. Parameter estimation in plasmonic QED (United States)

    Jahromi, H. Rangani


    We address the problem of parameter estimation in the presence of plasmonic modes manipulating emitted light via the localized surface plasmons in a plasmonic waveguide at the nanoscale. The emitter that we discuss is the nitrogen vacancy centre (NVC) in diamond modelled as a qubit. Our goal is to estimate the β factor measuring the fraction of emitted energy captured by waveguide surface plasmons. The best strategy to obtain the most accurate estimation of the parameter, in terms of the initial state of the probes and different control parameters, is investigated. In particular, for two-qubit estimation, it is found although we may achieve the best estimation at initial instants by using the maximally entangled initial states, at long times, the optimal estimation occurs when the initial state of the probes is a product one. We also find that decreasing the interqubit distance or increasing the propagation length of the plasmons improve the precision of the estimation. Moreover, decrease of spontaneous emission rate of the NVCs retards the quantum Fisher information (QFI) reduction and therefore the vanishing of the QFI, measuring the precision of the estimation, is delayed. In addition, if the phase parameter of the initial state of the two NVCs is equal to πrad, the best estimation with the two-qubit system is achieved when initially the NVCs are maximally entangled. Besides, the one-qubit estimation has been also analysed in detail. Especially, we show that, using a two-qubit probe, at any arbitrary time, enhances considerably the precision of estimation in comparison with one-qubit estimation.

  4. On the relationship between input parameters in the two-mass vocal-fold model with acoustical coupling and signal parameters of the glottal flow

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hirtum, van A.; Lopez Arteaga, I.; Hirschberg, A.; Pelorson, X.


    In this paper the sensitivity of the two-mass model with acoustical coupling to the model input-parameters is assessed. The model-output or the glottal volume air flow is characterised by signal-parameters in the time-domain. The influence of changing input-parameters on the signal-parameters is

  5. Sensitivity of Footbridge Vibrations to Stochastic Walking Parameters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Lars; Frier, Christian


    of the pedestrian. A stochastic modelling approach is adopted for this paper and it facilitates quantifying the probability of exceeding various vibration levels, which is useful in a discussion of serviceability of a footbridge design. However, estimates of statistical distributions of footbridge vibration levels...... to walking loads might be influenced by the models assumed for the parameters of the load model (the walking parameters). The paper explores how sensitive estimates of the statistical distribution of vertical footbridge response are to various stochastic assumptions for the walking parameters. The basis...... for the study is a literature review identifying different suggestions as to how the stochastic nature of these parameters may be modelled, and a parameter study examines how the different models influence estimates of the statistical distribution of footbridge vibrations. By neglecting scatter in some...

  6. Demographic and transportation parameters in RADTRAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brogan, J.D.; Cashwell, J.W.; Neuhauser, K.S.


    Recent efforts at Sandia National Laboratories have focused not only on modification of the RADTRAN transportation risk analysis code but also on updating the default parameters for population, land use, and roadway characteristics used by the code. Changes to the code have been discussed earlier in this Conference. This paper summarizes the results of a review of transportation and demographic parameters, performed to complement recent model modifications

  7. Statistics of Parameter Estimates: A Concrete Example

    KAUST Repository

    Aguilar, Oscar


    © 2015 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Most mathematical models include parameters that need to be determined from measurements. The estimated values of these parameters and their uncertainties depend on assumptions made about noise levels, models, or prior knowledge. But what can we say about the validity of such estimates, and the influence of these assumptions? This paper is concerned with methods to address these questions, and for didactic purposes it is written in the context of a concrete nonlinear parameter estimation problem. We will use the results of a physical experiment conducted by Allmaras et al. at Texas A&M University [M. Allmaras et al., SIAM Rev., 55 (2013), pp. 149-167] to illustrate the importance of validation procedures for statistical parameter estimation. We describe statistical methods and data analysis tools to check the choices of likelihood and prior distributions, and provide examples of how to compare Bayesian results with those obtained by non-Bayesian methods based on different types of assumptions. We explain how different statistical methods can be used in complementary ways to improve the understanding of parameter estimates and their uncertainties.

  8. Problems of low-parameter equations of state (United States)

    Petrik, G. G.


    The paper focuses on the system approach to problems of low-parametric equations of state (EOS). It is a continuation of the investigations in the field of substantiated prognosis of properties on two levels, molecular and thermodynamic. Two sets of low-parameter EOS have been considered based on two very simple molecular-level models. The first one consists of EOS of van der Waals type (a modification of van der Waals EOS proposed for spheres). The main problem of these EOS is a weak connection with the micro-level, which raise many uncertainties. The second group of EOS has been derived by the author independently of the ideas of van der Waals based on the model of interacting point centers (IPC). All the parameters of the EOS have a meaning and are associated with the manifestation of attractive and repulsive forces. The relationship between them is found to be the control parameter of the thermodynamic level. In this case, EOS IPC passes into a one-parameter family. It is shown that many EOS of vdW-type can be included in the framework of the PC model. Simultaneously, all their parameters acquire a physical meaning.

  9. Analysis of sagittal spinopelvic parameters in achondroplasia. (United States)

    Hong, Jae-Young; Suh, Seung-Woo; Modi, Hitesh N; Park, Jong-Woong; Park, Jung-Ho


    Prospective radiological analysis of patients with achondroplasia. To analyze sagittal spinal alignment and pelvic orientation in achondroplasia patients. Knowledge of sagittal spinopelvic parameters is important for the treatment of achondroplasia, because they differ from those of the normal population and can induce pain. The study and control groups were composed of 32 achondroplasia patients and 24 healthy volunteers, respectively. All underwent lateral radiography of the whole spine including hip joints. The radiographic parameters examined were sacral slope (SS), pelvic tilt, pelvic incidence (PI), S1 overhang, thoracic kyphosis, T10-L2 kyphosis, lumbar lordosis (LL1, LL2), and sagittal balance. Statistical analysis was performed to identify significant differences between the two groups. In addition, correlations between parameters and symptoms were sought. Sagittal spinopelvic parameters, namely, pelvic tilt, pelvic incidence, S1 overhang, thoracic kyphosis, T10-L2 kyphosis, lumbar lordosis 1 and sagittal balance were found to be significantly different in the patient and control groups (P achondroplasia patients and normal healthy controls. The present study shows that sagittal spinal and pelvic parameters can assist the treatment of spinal disorders in achondroplasia patients.

  10. Two-parameter asymptotics in magnetic Weyl calculus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lein, Max


    This paper is concerned with small parameter asymptotics of magnetic quantum systems. In addition to a semiclassical parameter ε, the case of small coupling λ to the magnetic vector potential naturally occurs in this context. Magnetic Weyl calculus is adapted to incorporate both parameters, at least one of which needs to be small. Of particular interest is the expansion of the Weyl product which can be used to expand the product of operators in a small parameter, a technique which is prominent to obtain perturbation expansions. Three asymptotic expansions for the magnetic Weyl product of two Hoermander class symbols are proven as (i) ε<< 1 and λ<< 1, (ii) ε<< 1 and λ= 1, as well as (iii) ε= 1 and λ<< 1. Expansions (i) and (iii) are impossible to obtain with ordinary Weyl calculus. Furthermore, I relate the results derived by ordinary Weyl calculus with those obtained with magnetic Weyl calculus by one- and two-parameter expansions. To show the power and versatility of magnetic Weyl calculus, I derive the semirelativistic Pauli equation as a scaling limit from the Dirac equation up to errors of fourth order in 1/c.

  11. Determination of cosmological parameters: An introduction for non ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Then I show how the age of the universe depends on them, followed by the evolution of the scale parameter of the universe for various values of the density parameters. Then I define strategies for measuring them, and show the results for the recent determination of these parameters from measurements on supernovas of ...

  12. Integral data analysis for resonance parameters determination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larson, N.M.; Leal, L.C.; Derrien, H.


    Neutron time-of-flight experiments have long been used to determine resonance parameters. Those resonance parameters have then been used in calculations of integral quantities such as Maxwellian averages or resonance integrals, and results of those calculations in turn have been used as a criterion for acceptability of the resonance analysis. However, the calculations were inadequate because covariances on the parameter values were not included in the calculations. In this report an effort to correct for that deficiency is documented: (1) the R-matrix analysis code SAMMY has been modified to include integral quantities of importance, (2) directly within the resonance parameter analysis, and (3) to determine the best fit to both differential (microscopic) and integral (macroscopic) data simultaneously. This modification was implemented because it is expected to have an impact on the intermediate-energy range that is important for criticality safety applications

  13. Spectroscopic determination of valence band parameters in InP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lewis, R.A.; Lough, B.C.C.


    Full text: The general form of the Hamiltonian for an electron or hole in a semiconductor has been given by Luttinger. The valence band is characterised by three parameters - γ 1 , γ 2 , γ 3 -now commonly known as the Luttinger parameters. Despite many investigations there is still considerable uncertainty regarding the Luttinger parameters of InP. The situation has been reviewed by Hackenberg et al. These authors themselves sought to determine the Luttinger parameters by hot-electron luminescence and discovered that many Luttinger parameter triplets were consistent with their data. We employ a spectroscopic approach to estimating valence-band parameters in InP. Calculations have been made for both the unperturbed energy levels and the energy levels in a magnetic field of acceptor impurities in semiconductors characterised by different Luttinger parameters. We compare our recent experimental data for the transitions associated with the Zn acceptor impurity in InP in magnetic fields up to 30 T to determine the most appropriate set of valence-band parameters for InP

  14. The Power of Heterogeneity: Parameter Relationships from Distributions (United States)

    Röding, Magnus; Bradley, Siobhan J.; Williamson, Nathan H.; Dewi, Melissa R.; Nann, Thomas; Nydén, Magnus


    Complex scientific data is becoming the norm, many disciplines are growing immensely data-rich, and higher-dimensional measurements are performed to resolve complex relationships between parameters. Inherently multi-dimensional measurements can directly provide information on both the distributions of individual parameters and the relationships between them, such as in nuclear magnetic resonance and optical spectroscopy. However, when data originates from different measurements and comes in different forms, resolving parameter relationships is a matter of data analysis rather than experiment. We present a method for resolving relationships between parameters that are distributed individually and also correlated. In two case studies, we model the relationships between diameter and luminescence properties of quantum dots and the relationship between molecular weight and diffusion coefficient for polymers. Although it is expected that resolving complicated correlated relationships require inherently multi-dimensional measurements, our method constitutes a useful contribution to the modelling of quantitative relationships between correlated parameters and measurements. We emphasise the general applicability of the method in fields where heterogeneity and complex distributions of parameters are obstacles to scientific insight. PMID:27182701

  15. Stellar atmospheric parameter estimation using Gaussian process regression (United States)

    Bu, Yude; Pan, Jingchang


    As is well known, it is necessary to derive stellar parameters from massive amounts of spectral data automatically and efficiently. However, in traditional automatic methods such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) and kernel regression (KR), it is often difficult to optimize the algorithm structure and determine the optimal algorithm parameters. Gaussian process regression (GPR) is a recently developed method that has been proven to be capable of overcoming these difficulties. Here we apply GPR to derive stellar atmospheric parameters from spectra. Through evaluating the performance of GPR on Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectra, Medium resolution Isaac Newton Telescope Library of Empirical Spectra (MILES) spectra, ELODIE spectra and the spectra of member stars of galactic globular clusters, we conclude that GPR can derive stellar parameters accurately and precisely, especially when we use data preprocessed with principal component analysis (PCA). We then compare the performance of GPR with that of several widely used regression methods (ANNs, support-vector regression and KR) and find that with GPR it is easier to optimize structures and parameters and more efficient and accurate to extract atmospheric parameters.

  16. Impact parameter analysis and soft QCD dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carvalho, P.A.S.; Martini, A.F.; Menon, M.J.


    In a recent paper, based on the hypothesis of light-cone dipole representation for gluon Bremsstrahlung, Kopeliovich et al. developed a dynamical model for the elastic hadronic amplitude. The model has been applied to pp and p (bar) p scattering and the effects of unitarity and peripheral interactions have been investigated in the impact parameter representation. In this communication, making use of a model independent extraction of the scattering amplitude in the impact parameter space (early developed), we represent a comparative study between the predictions from the dynamical model and the impact parameter analysis. (author)

  17. Edge Modeling by Two Blur Parameters in Varying Contrasts. (United States)

    Seo, Suyoung


    This paper presents a method of modeling edge profiles with two blur parameters, and estimating and predicting those edge parameters with varying brightness combinations and camera-to-object distances (COD). First, the validity of the edge model is proven mathematically. Then, it is proven experimentally with edges from a set of images captured for specifically designed target sheets and with edges from natural images. Estimation of the two blur parameters for each observed edge profile is performed with a brute-force method to find parameters that produce global minimum errors. Then, using the estimated blur parameters, actual blur parameters of edges with arbitrary brightness combinations are predicted using a surface interpolation method (i.e., kriging). The predicted surfaces show that the two blur parameters of the proposed edge model depend on both dark-side edge brightness and light-side edge brightness following a certain global trend. This is similar across varying CODs. The proposed edge model is compared with a one-blur parameter edge model using experiments of the root mean squared error for fitting the edge models to each observed edge profile. The comparison results suggest that the proposed edge model has superiority over the one-blur parameter edge model in most cases where edges have varying brightness combinations.

  18. Nuclear EMP: key suppression device parameters for EMP hardening

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Durgin, D.L.; Brown, R.M.


    The electrical transients induced by EMP exhibit unique characteristics which differ considerably from transients associated with other phenomena such as lightning, switching, and circuit malfunctions. The suppression techniques developed to handle more common transients, though not necessarily the same devices, can be used for EMP damage protection. The suppression devices used for circuit level EMP protection are referred to as Terminal Protection Devices (TPD). Little detailed data describing the response of TPD's to EMP-related transients have been published. While most vendors publish specifications for TPD performance, there is little standardization of parameters and TPD response models are not available. This lack of parameter standardization has resulted in a proliferation of test data that is sometimes conflicting and often not directly comparable. This paper derives and/or defines a consistent set of parameters based on EMP circuit hardening requirements and on measurable component parameters and is concerned only with use of TPD's to prevent permanent damage. Three sets of parameters pertaining to pertinent TPD functional characteristics were defined as follows: standby parameters, protection parameters, and failure parameters. These parameters are used to evaluate a representative sample of TPD's and the results are presented in matrix form to facilitate the selection of devices for specific hardening problems

  19. Traveltime approximations and parameter estimation for orthorhombic media

    KAUST Repository

    Masmoudi, Nabil


    Building anisotropy models is necessary for seismic modeling and imaging. However, anisotropy estimation is challenging due to the trade-off between inhomogeneity and anisotropy. Luckily, we can estimate the anisotropy parameters Building anisotropy models is necessary for seismic modeling and imaging. However, anisotropy estimation is challenging due to the trade-off between inhomogeneity and anisotropy. Luckily, we can estimate the anisotropy parameters if we relate them analytically to traveltimes. Using perturbation theory, we have developed traveltime approximations for orthorhombic media as explicit functions of the anellipticity parameters η1, η2, and Δχ in inhomogeneous background media. The parameter Δχ is related to Tsvankin-Thomsen notation and ensures easier computation of traveltimes in the background model. Specifically, our expansion assumes an inhomogeneous ellipsoidal anisotropic background model, which can be obtained from well information and stacking velocity analysis. We have used the Shanks transform to enhance the accuracy of the formulas. A homogeneous medium simplification of the traveltime expansion provided a nonhyperbolic moveout description of the traveltime that was more accurate than other derived approximations. Moreover, the formulation provides a computationally efficient tool to solve the eikonal equation of an orthorhombic medium, without any constraints on the background model complexity. Although, the expansion is based on the factorized representation of the perturbation parameters, smooth variations of these parameters (represented as effective values) provides reasonable results. Thus, this formulation provides a mechanism to estimate the three effective parameters η1, η2, and Δχ. We have derived Dix-type formulas for orthorhombic medium to convert the effective parameters to their interval values.

  20. Universally sloppy parameter sensitivities in systems biology models.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ryan N Gutenkunst


    Full Text Available Quantitative computational models play an increasingly important role in modern biology. Such models typically involve many free parameters, and assigning their values is often a substantial obstacle to model development. Directly measuring in vivo biochemical parameters is difficult, and collectively fitting them to other experimental data often yields large parameter uncertainties. Nevertheless, in earlier work we showed in a growth-factor-signaling model that collective fitting could yield well-constrained predictions, even when it left individual parameters very poorly constrained. We also showed that the model had a "sloppy" spectrum of parameter sensitivities, with eigenvalues roughly evenly distributed over many decades. Here we use a collection of models from the literature to test whether such sloppy spectra are common in systems biology. Strikingly, we find that every model we examine has a sloppy spectrum of sensitivities. We also test several consequences of this sloppiness for building predictive models. In particular, sloppiness suggests that collective fits to even large amounts of ideal time-series data will often leave many parameters poorly constrained. Tests over our model collection are consistent with this suggestion. This difficulty with collective fits may seem to argue for direct parameter measurements, but sloppiness also implies that such measurements must be formidably precise and complete to usefully constrain many model predictions. We confirm this implication in our growth-factor-signaling model. Our results suggest that sloppy sensitivity spectra are universal in systems biology models. The prevalence of sloppiness highlights the power of collective fits and suggests that modelers should focus on predictions rather than on parameters.

  1. Universally sloppy parameter sensitivities in systems biology models. (United States)

    Gutenkunst, Ryan N; Waterfall, Joshua J; Casey, Fergal P; Brown, Kevin S; Myers, Christopher R; Sethna, James P


    Quantitative computational models play an increasingly important role in modern biology. Such models typically involve many free parameters, and assigning their values is often a substantial obstacle to model development. Directly measuring in vivo biochemical parameters is difficult, and collectively fitting them to other experimental data often yields large parameter uncertainties. Nevertheless, in earlier work we showed in a growth-factor-signaling model that collective fitting could yield well-constrained predictions, even when it left individual parameters very poorly constrained. We also showed that the model had a "sloppy" spectrum of parameter sensitivities, with eigenvalues roughly evenly distributed over many decades. Here we use a collection of models from the literature to test whether such sloppy spectra are common in systems biology. Strikingly, we find that every model we examine has a sloppy spectrum of sensitivities. We also test several consequences of this sloppiness for building predictive models. In particular, sloppiness suggests that collective fits to even large amounts of ideal time-series data will often leave many parameters poorly constrained. Tests over our model collection are consistent with this suggestion. This difficulty with collective fits may seem to argue for direct parameter measurements, but sloppiness also implies that such measurements must be formidably precise and complete to usefully constrain many model predictions. We confirm this implication in our growth-factor-signaling model. Our results suggest that sloppy sensitivity spectra are universal in systems biology models. The prevalence of sloppiness highlights the power of collective fits and suggests that modelers should focus on predictions rather than on parameters.

  2. Updated Abraham solvation parameters for polychlorinated biphenyls

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Noort, P.C.M.; Haftka, J.J.H.; Parsons, J.R.


    This study shows that the recently published polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) Abraham solvation parameters predict PCB air−n-hexadecane and n-octanol−water partition coefficients very poorly, especially for highly ortho-chlorinated congeners. Therefore, an updated set of PCB solvation parameters was

  3. Updated Abraham solvation parameters for polychlorinated biphenyls

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Noort, van P.C.M.; Haftka, J.J.H.; Parsons, J.R.


    This study shows that the recently published polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) Abraham solvation parameters predict PCB air-n-hexadecane and n-octanol-water partition coefficients very poorly, especially for highly ortho-chlorinated congeners. Therefore, an updated set of PCB solvation parameters was

  4. Some hematological and biochemical parameters in smokeless ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 4, 2007 ... The effect of Jharda powder (smokeless tobacco) on some hematological and biochemical parameters in consumers was investigated. Hematological parameters including hemoglobin content and white blood cell and leukocyte counts were higher in jharda powder consumers, while monocytes and.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alem Čolaković


    Full Text Available Measurement of customer sastisfaction is an efficient tool to detect problems in SP (Services Provider and their relationship with customers. Based on this measurement a relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty can be established. It can determine the influence of key parameters on the number of users of services. The parameters of customer satisfaction and loyalty are numerous and depend on the network (network quality of services parameters, the client (the perception, expectations, beliefs, etc., employees (implementation of activities, technological developments, organizational structure, etc. This paper aims to show the way to identify key indicators and their weighted factors that affect customer satisfaction. This paper intends to emphasize relationship between quality of services, customer perception and loyalty and to present a model for examining the key parameters that significantly influence customer satisfaction and how these parameters influence customer loyalty.

  6. Parameter space of general gauge mediation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rajaraman, Arvind; Shirman, Yuri; Smidt, Joseph; Yu, Felix


    We study a subspace of General Gauge Mediation (GGM) models which generalize models of gauge mediation. We find superpartner spectra that are markedly different from those of typical gauge and gaugino mediation scenarios. While typical gauge mediation predictions of either a neutralino or stau next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) are easily reproducible with the GGM parameters, chargino and sneutrino NLSPs are generic for many reasonable choices of GGM parameters.

  7. Some hematological and biochemical parameters in smokeless ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The effect of Jharda powder (smokeless tobacco) on some hematological and biochemical parameters in consumers was investigated. Hematological parameters including hemoglobin content and white blood cell and leukocyte counts were higher in jharda powder consumers, while monocytes and basophiles counts were ...

  8. Changes in haematological parameters of Tilapia guineensis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Changes in haematological parameters of Tilapia guineensis exposed to different concentrations of detergent under laboratory conditions. ... The experiment evaluated sub-lethal effect of the exposure on some haematological parameters including haemoglobin (Hb), red blood cell (RBC), packed cell volume (PCV), white ...

  9. Single-Channel Blind Estimation of Reverberation Parameters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Doire, C.S.J.; Brookes, M. D.; Naylor, P. A.


    The reverberation of an acoustic channel can be characterised by two frequency-dependent parameters: the reverberation time and the direct-to-reverberant energy ratio. This paper presents an algorithm for blindly determining these parameters from a single-channel speech signal. The algorithm uses...

  10. Parameters control in GAs for dynamic optimization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khalid Jebari


    Full Text Available The Control of Genetic Algorithms parameters allows to optimize the search process and improves the performance of the algorithm. Moreover it releases the user to dive into a game process of trial and failure to find the optimal parameters.

  11. Study on Parameters Modeling of Wind Turbines Using SCADA Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yonglong YAN


    Full Text Available Taking the advantage of the current massive monitoring data from Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA system of wind farm, it is of important significance for anomaly detection, early warning and fault diagnosis to build the data model of state parameters of wind turbines (WTs. The operational conditions and the relationships between the state parameters of wind turbines are complex. It is difficult to establish the model of state parameter accurately, and the modeling method of state parameters of wind turbines considering parameter selection is proposed. Firstly, by analyzing the characteristic of SCADA data, a reasonable range of data and monitoring parameters are chosen. Secondly, neural network algorithm is adapted, and the selection method of input parameters in the model is presented. Generator bearing temperature and cooling air temperature are regarded as target parameters, and the two models are built and input parameters of the models are selected, respectively. Finally, the parameter selection method in this paper and the method using genetic algorithm-partial least square (GA-PLS are analyzed comparatively, and the results show that the proposed methods are correct and effective. Furthermore, the modeling of two parameters illustrate that the method in this paper can applied to other state parameters of wind turbines.

  12. Bead-bead interaction parameters in dissipative particle dynamics: Relation to bead-size, solubility parameter, and surface tension (United States)

    Maiti, Amitesh; McGrother, Simon


    Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) is a mesoscale modeling method for simulating equilibrium and dynamical properties of polymers in solution. The basic idea has been around for several decades in the form of bead-spring models. A few years ago, Groot and Warren [J. Chem. Phys. 107, 4423 (1997)] established an important link between DPD and the Flory-Huggins χ-parameter theory for polymer solutions. We revisit the Groot-Warren theory and investigate the DPD interaction parameters as a function of bead size. In particular, we show a consistent scheme of computing the interfacial tension in a segregated binary mixture. Results for three systems chosen for illustration are in excellent agreement with experimental results. This opens the door for determining DPD interactions using interfacial tension as a fitting parameter.

  13. Some tests for parameter constancy in cointegrated VAR-models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henrik; Johansen, Søren


    Some methods for the evaluation of parameter constancy in vector autoregressive (VAR) models are discussed. Two different ways of re-estimating the VAR model are proposed; one in which all parameters are estimated recursively based upon the likelihood function for the first observations, and anot...... be applied to test the constancy of the long-run parameters in the cointegrated VAR-model. All results are illustrated using a model for the term structure of interest rates on US Treasury securities. ......Some methods for the evaluation of parameter constancy in vector autoregressive (VAR) models are discussed. Two different ways of re-estimating the VAR model are proposed; one in which all parameters are estimated recursively based upon the likelihood function for the first observations......, and another in which the cointegrating relations are estimated recursively from a likelihood function, where the short-run parameters have been concentrated out. We suggest graphical procedures based on recursively estimated eigenvalues to evaluate the constancy of the long-run parameters in the model...

  14. A Comparative Study of Distribution System Parameter Estimation Methods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sun, Yannan; Williams, Tess L.; Gourisetti, Sri Nikhil Gup


    In this paper, we compare two parameter estimation methods for distribution systems: residual sensitivity analysis and state-vector augmentation with a Kalman filter. These two methods were originally proposed for transmission systems, and are still the most commonly used methods for parameter estimation. Distribution systems have much lower measurement redundancy than transmission systems. Therefore, estimating parameters is much more difficult. To increase the robustness of parameter estimation, the two methods are applied with combined measurement snapshots (measurement sets taken at different points in time), so that the redundancy for computing the parameter values is increased. The advantages and disadvantages of both methods are discussed. The results of this paper show that state-vector augmentation is a better approach for parameter estimation in distribution systems. Simulation studies are done on a modified version of IEEE 13-Node Test Feeder with varying levels of measurement noise and non-zero error in the other system model parameters.

  15. Failure probability under parameter uncertainty. (United States)

    Gerrard, R; Tsanakas, A


    In many problems of risk analysis, failure is equivalent to the event of a random risk factor exceeding a given threshold. Failure probabilities can be controlled if a decisionmaker is able to set the threshold at an appropriate level. This abstract situation applies, for example, to environmental risks with infrastructure controls; to supply chain risks with inventory controls; and to insurance solvency risks with capital controls. However, uncertainty around the distribution of the risk factor implies that parameter error will be present and the measures taken to control failure probabilities may not be effective. We show that parameter uncertainty increases the probability (understood as expected frequency) of failures. For a large class of loss distributions, arising from increasing transformations of location-scale families (including the log-normal, Weibull, and Pareto distributions), the article shows that failure probabilities can be exactly calculated, as they are independent of the true (but unknown) parameters. Hence it is possible to obtain an explicit measure of the effect of parameter uncertainty on failure probability. Failure probability can be controlled in two different ways: (1) by reducing the nominal required failure probability, depending on the size of the available data set, and (2) by modifying of the distribution itself that is used to calculate the risk control. Approach (1) corresponds to a frequentist/regulatory view of probability, while approach (2) is consistent with a Bayesian/personalistic view. We furthermore show that the two approaches are consistent in achieving the required failure probability. Finally, we briefly discuss the effects of data pooling and its systemic risk implications. © 2010 Society for Risk Analysis.

  16. Psychophysical parameters of a multidimensional pain scale in newborns

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Oliveira, M V M; De Jesus, J A L; Tristao, R M


    The Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP) is a promising multidimensional tool for comparison and testing of new technologies in newborn pain assessment studies since it may adhere to basic psychophysical parameters of intensity, direction, reactivity, regulation and slope described in analyses of physiological pain indicators. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether these psychophysical parameters can be achieved using the PIPP in acute pain assessment. Thirty-six healthy term newborn infants were conveniently sampled whilst being videotaped before, during and after heel prick blood sampling. The images were blind-scored by three trained independent raters and scored against the PIPP. The PIPP and its facial action indicators met the parameters of intensity, reactivity and regulation (all p < 0.001). The heart rate variability did not meet any parameter (all p > 0.05). The oxygen saturation variability met only the intensity parameter (p < 0.05). The behavioural state indicator met all parameters and had the best correlation to the psychophysical parameters of all indicators of PIPP (all p < 0.001). We concluded that the overall PIPP meets the assumptions of these psychophysical parameters, being the behavioural state indicator which best fit the model. (paper)

  17. Infrared Drying Parameter Optimization (United States)

    Jackson, Matthew R.

    In recent years, much research has been done to explore direct printing methods, such as screen and inkjet printing, as alternatives to the traditional lithographic process. The primary motivation is reduction of the material costs associated with producing common electronic devices. Much of this research has focused on developing inkjet or screen paste formulations that can be printed on a variety of substrates, and which have similar conductivity performance to the materials currently used in the manufacturing of circuit boards and other electronic devices. Very little research has been done to develop a process that would use direct printing methods to manufacture electronic devices in high volumes. This study focuses on developing and optimizing a drying process for conductive copper ink in a high volume manufacturing setting. Using an infrared (IR) dryer, it was determined that conductive copper prints could be dried in seconds or minutes as opposed to tens of minutes or hours that it would take with other drying devices, such as a vacuum oven. In addition, this study also identifies significant parameters that can affect the conductivity of IR dried prints. Using designed experiments and statistical analysis; the dryer parameters were optimized to produce the best conductivity performance for a specific ink formulation and substrate combination. It was determined that for an ethylene glycol, butanol, 1-methoxy 2- propanol ink formulation printed on Kapton, the optimal drying parameters consisted of a dryer height of 4 inches, a temperature setting between 190 - 200°C, and a dry time of 50-65 seconds depending on the printed film thickness as determined by the number of print passes. It is important to note that these parameters are optimized specifically for the ink formulation and substrate used in this study. There is still much research that needs to be done into optimizing the IR dryer for different ink substrate combinations, as well as developing a

  18. Parameter identification in the logistic STAR model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ekner, Line Elvstrøm; Nejstgaard, Emil

    We propose a new and simple parametrization of the so-called speed of transition parameter of the logistic smooth transition autoregressive (LSTAR) model. The new parametrization highlights that a consequence of the well-known identification problem of the speed of transition parameter is that th...

  19. State Estimation-based Transmission line parameter identification

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    Fredy Andrés Olarte Dussán


    Full Text Available This article presents two state-estimation-based algorithms for identifying transmission line parameters. The identification technique used simultaneous state-parameter estimation on an artificial power system composed of several copies of the same transmission line, using measurements at different points in time. The first algorithm used active and reactive power measurements at both ends of the line. The second method used synchronised phasor voltage and current measurements at both ends. The algorithms were tested in simulated conditions on the 30-node IEEE test system. All line parameters for this system were estimated with errors below 1%.

  20. Application of spreadsheet to estimate infiltration parameters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Zakwan


    Full Text Available Infiltration is the process of flow of water into the ground through the soil surface. Soil water although contributes a negligible fraction of total water present on earth surface, but is of utmost importance for plant life. Estimation of infiltration rates is of paramount importance for estimation of effective rainfall, groundwater recharge, and designing of irrigation systems. Numerous infiltration models are in use for estimation of infiltration rates. The conventional graphical approach for estimation of infiltration parameters often fails to estimate the infiltration parameters precisely. The generalised reduced gradient (GRG solver is reported to be a powerful tool for estimating parameters of nonlinear equations and it has, therefore, been implemented to estimate the infiltration parameters in the present paper. Field data of infiltration rate available in literature for sandy loam soils of Umuahia, Nigeria were used to evaluate the performance of GRG solver. A comparative study of graphical method and GRG solver shows that the performance of GRG solver is better than that of conventional graphical method for estimation of infiltration rates. Further, the performance of Kostiakov model has been found to be better than the Horton and Philip's model in most of the cases based on both the approaches of parameter estimation.

  1. Calibration of discrete element model parameters: soybeans (United States)

    Ghodki, Bhupendra M.; Patel, Manish; Namdeo, Rohit; Carpenter, Gopal


    Discrete element method (DEM) simulations are broadly used to get an insight of flow characteristics of granular materials in complex particulate systems. DEM input parameters for a model are the critical prerequisite for an efficient simulation. Thus, the present investigation aims to determine DEM input parameters for Hertz-Mindlin model using soybeans as a granular material. To achieve this aim, widely acceptable calibration approach was used having standard box-type apparatus. Further, qualitative and quantitative findings such as particle profile, height of kernels retaining the acrylic wall, and angle of repose of experiments and numerical simulations were compared to get the parameters. The calibrated set of DEM input parameters includes the following (a) material properties: particle geometric mean diameter (6.24 mm); spherical shape; particle density (1220 kg m^{-3} ), and (b) interaction parameters such as particle-particle: coefficient of restitution (0.17); coefficient of static friction (0.26); coefficient of rolling friction (0.08), and particle-wall: coefficient of restitution (0.35); coefficient of static friction (0.30); coefficient of rolling friction (0.08). The results may adequately be used to simulate particle scale mechanics (grain commingling, flow/motion, forces, etc) of soybeans in post-harvest machinery and devices.

  2. Determination of the atrazine migration parameters in Vertisol (United States)

    Raymundo-Raymundo, E.; Hernandez-Vargas, J.; Nikol'Skii, Yu. N.; Guber, A. K.; Gavi-Reyes, F.; Prado-Pano, B. L.; Figueroa-Sandoval, B.; Mendosa-Hernandez, J. R.


    The parameters of the atrazine migration in columns with undisturbed Vertisol sampled from an irrigated plot in Guanajuato, Mexico were determined. A model of the convection-dispersion transport of the chemical compounds accounting for the decomposition and equilibrium adsorption, which is widely applied for assessing the risk of contamination of natural waters with pesticides, was used. The model parameters were obtained by solving the inverse problem of the transport equation on the basis of laboratory experiments on the transport of the 18O isotope and atrazine in soil columns with an undisturbed structure at three filtration velocities. The model adequately described the experimental data at the individual selection of the parameters for each output curve. Physically unsubstantiated parameters of the atrazine adsorption and degradation were obtained when the parameter of the hydrodynamic dispersion was determined from the data on the 18O migration. The simulation also showed that the use of parameters obtained at water content close to saturation in the calculations for an unsaturated soil resulted in the overestimation of the leaching rate and the maximum concentration of atrazine in the output curve compared to the experimental data.

  3. Analysis of glottal source parameters in Parkinsonian speech. (United States)

    Hanratty, Jane; Deegan, Catherine; Walsh, Mary; Kirkpatrick, Barry


    Diagnosis and monitoring of Parkinson's disease has a number of challenges as there is no definitive biomarker despite the broad range of symptoms. Research is ongoing to produce objective measures that can either diagnose Parkinson's or act as an objective decision support tool. Recent research on speech based measures have demonstrated promising results. This study aims to investigate the characteristics of the glottal source signal in Parkinsonian speech. An experiment is conducted in which a selection of glottal parameters are tested for their ability to discriminate between healthy and Parkinsonian speech. Results for each glottal parameter are presented for a database of 50 healthy speakers and a database of 16 speakers with Parkinsonian speech symptoms. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were employed to analyse the results and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) values were used to quantify the performance of each glottal parameter. The results indicate that glottal parameters can be used to discriminate between healthy and Parkinsonian speech, although results varied for each parameter tested. For the task of separating healthy and Parkinsonian speech, 2 out of the 7 glottal parameters tested produced AUC values of over 0.9.

  4. Statistical analysis of dynamic parameters of the core

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ionov, V.S.


    The transients of various types were investigated for the cores of zero power critical facilities in RRC KI and NPP. Dynamic parameters of neutron transients were explored by tool statistical analysis. Its have sufficient duration, few channels for currents of chambers and reactivity and also some channels for technological parameters. On these values the inverse period. reactivity, lifetime of neutrons, reactivity coefficients and some effects of a reactivity are determinate, and on the values were restored values of measured dynamic parameters as result of the analysis. The mathematical means of statistical analysis were used: approximation(A), filtration (F), rejection (R), estimation of parameters of descriptive statistic (DSP), correlation performances (kk), regression analysis(KP), the prognosis (P), statistician criteria (SC). The calculation procedures were realized by computer language MATLAB. The reasons of methodical and statistical errors are submitted: inadequacy of model operation, precision neutron-physical parameters, features of registered processes, used mathematical model in reactivity meters, technique of processing for registered data etc. Examples of results of statistical analysis. Problems of validity of the methods used for definition and certification of values of statistical parameters and dynamic characteristics are considered (Authors)

  5. Footprint parameters as a measure of arch height. (United States)

    Hawes, M R; Nachbauer, W; Sovak, D; Nigg, B M


    The human foot has frequently been categorized into arch height groups based upon analysis of footprint parameters. This study investigates the relationship between directly measured arch height and many of the footprint parameters that have been assumed to represent arch height. A total of 115 male subjects were measured and footprint parameters were calculated from digitized outlines. Correlation and regression analyses were used to determine the relationship between footprint measures and arch height. It may be concluded from the results that footprint parameters proposed in the literature (arch angle, footprint index, and arch index) and two further parameters suggested in this study (arch length index and truncated arch index) are invalid as a basis for prediction or categorization of arch height. The categorization of the human foot according to the footprint measures evaluated in this paper represent no more than indices and angles of the plantar surface of the foot itself.

  6. Parameter and State Estimator for State Space Models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruifeng Ding


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a parameter and state estimator for canonical state space systems from measured input-output data. The key is to solve the system state from the state equation and to substitute it into the output equation, eliminating the state variables, and the resulting equation contains only the system inputs and outputs, and to derive a least squares parameter identification algorithm. Furthermore, the system states are computed from the estimated parameters and the input-output data. Convergence analysis using the martingale convergence theorem indicates that the parameter estimates converge to their true values. Finally, an illustrative example is provided to show that the proposed algorithm is effective.

  7. Zener Diode Compact Model Parameter Extraction Using Xyce-Dakota Optimization.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buchheit, Thomas E. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Wilcox, Ian Zachary [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Sandoval, Andrew J [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Reza, Shahed [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    This report presents a detailed process for compact model parameter extraction for DC circuit Zener diodes. Following the traditional approach of Zener diode parameter extraction, circuit model representation is defined and then used to capture the different operational regions of a real diode's electrical behavior. The circuit model contains 9 parameters represented by resistors and characteristic diodes as circuit model elements. The process of initial parameter extraction, the identification of parameter values for the circuit model elements, is presented in a way that isolates the dependencies between certain electrical parameters and highlights both the empirical nature of the extraction and portions of the real diode physical behavior which of the parameters are intended to represent. Optimization of the parameters, a necessary part of a robost parameter extraction process, is demonstrated using a 'Xyce-Dakota' workflow, discussed in more detail in the report. Among other realizations during this systematic approach of electrical model parameter extraction, non-physical solutions are possible and can be difficult to avoid because of the interdependencies between the different parameters. The process steps described are fairly general and can be leveraged for other types of semiconductor device model extractions. Also included in the report are recommendations for experiment setups for generating optimum dataset for model extraction and the Parameter Identification and Ranking Table (PIRT) for Zener diodes.

  8. Models for estimating photosynthesis parameters from in situ production profiles (United States)

    Kovač, Žarko; Platt, Trevor; Sathyendranath, Shubha; Antunović, Suzana


    The rate of carbon assimilation in phytoplankton primary production models is mathematically prescribed with photosynthesis irradiance functions, which convert a light flux (energy) into a material flux (carbon). Information on this rate is contained in photosynthesis parameters: the initial slope and the assimilation number. The exactness of parameter values is crucial for precise calculation of primary production. Here we use a model of the daily production profile based on a suite of photosynthesis irradiance functions and extract photosynthesis parameters from in situ measured daily production profiles at the Hawaii Ocean Time-series station Aloha. For each function we recover parameter values, establish parameter distributions and quantify model skill. We observe that the choice of the photosynthesis irradiance function to estimate the photosynthesis parameters affects the magnitudes of parameter values as recovered from in situ profiles. We also tackle the problem of parameter exchange amongst the models and the effect it has on model performance. All models displayed little or no bias prior to parameter exchange, but significant bias following parameter exchange. The best model performance resulted from using optimal parameter values. Model formulation was extended further by accounting for spectral effects and deriving a spectral analytical solution for the daily production profile. The daily production profile was also formulated with time dependent growing biomass governed by a growth equation. The work on parameter recovery was further extended by exploring how to extract photosynthesis parameters from information on watercolumn production. It was demonstrated how to estimate parameter values based on a linearization of the full analytical solution for normalized watercolumn production and from the solution itself, without linearization. The paper complements previous works on photosynthesis irradiance models by analysing the skill and consistency of

  9. A real time S-parameter imaging system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naik, P.S.; Cheung, C.K.; Beling, C.D.; Fung, S.


    Obtaining a lateral S-parameter image scan from positrons implanted into semiconductor devices can be a helpful research tool both for localizing device structures and in diagnosing defect patterns that could help interpret function. S-parameter images can be obtained by electromagnetically rastering a variable energy positron beam of small spot size across the sample. Here we describe a general hardware and software architecture of relatively low cost that has recently been developed in our laboratory which allows the whole sub-surface S-parameter image of a sample or device to be obtained in real time. This system has the advantage over more conventional sequential scanning techniques of allowing the operator to terminate data collection once the quality of the image is deemed sufficient. As an example of the usefulness of this type of imaging architecture, S-parameter images of a representative sample are presented at two different position implantation energies. (author)

  10. Mathematical determination of setup parameters for carcinoma breast cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prasad, P.B.L.D.; Suresh, P.; Sridhar, A.


    Determining proper patient set up parameters like IFD, Gantry angles and field width in Ca Breast are prime important to achieve precise treatment. In a center where 3D Treatment Planning Systems (TPS) and simulator are not available to determine the set up parameters, contouring of target region is essential which is time consuming. The mathematical formula described here provides instant patient set up parameters using machine parameters. (author)

  11. Measuring the chargino parameters

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    by measuring the cross-sections with polarized beams at e+e- collider ... is given by the fundamental SUSY parameters: the SU(2) gaugino mass Е¾, the higgsino .... two points in the plane which are symmetric under the interchange ¾Д ° ¾К.

  12. Delivery parameters, neonatal parameters and incidence of urinary incontinence six months postpartum: a cohort study. (United States)

    Wesnes, Stian Langeland; Hannestad, Yngvild; Rortveit, Guri


    Contradictory results have been reported regarding most delivery parameters as risk factors for urinary incontinence. We investigated the association between the incidence of urinary incontinence six months postpartum and single obstetric risk factors as well as combinations of risk factors. This study was based on the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study, conducted by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health during 1998-2008. This substudy was based on 7561 primiparous women who were continent before and during pregnancy. Data were obtained from questionnaires answered at weeks 15 and 30 of pregnancy and six months postpartum. Data were linked to the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. Single and combined delivery- and neonatal parameters were analyzed by logistic regression analyses. Birthweight was associated with significantly higher risk of urinary incontinence six months postpartum [3541-4180 g: odds ratio (OR) 1.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.2-1.6; >4180 g: OR 1.6, 95% CI 1.2-2.0]. Fetal presentation, obstetric anal sphincter injuries, episiotomy and epidural analgesia were not significantly associated with increased risk of urinary incontinence. The following combinations of risk factors among women delivering by spontaneous vaginal delivery increased the risk of urinary incontinence six months postpartum; birthweight ≥3540 g and ≥36 cm head circumference; birthweight ≥3540 g and forceps, birthweight ≥3540 g and episiotomy; and ≥36 cm head circumference and episiotomy. Some combinations of delivery parameters and neonatal parameters seem to act together and may increase the risk of incidence of urinary incontinence six months postpartum in a synergetic way. © 2017 Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  13. Stereoskopische Visualisierung einer Infektion mammalischer Zellen durch pathogene Bakterien (United States)

    Granseier, Michael; Grassmé, Heike; Gulbins, Erich; Lipinski, Hans-Gerd

    Die Infektion mammalischer Zellen durch pathogene Bakterien ist biologisch immer noch nicht sicher geklärt. Mit Hilfe der Laserscanmikroskopie ist es mittlerweile aber möglich, räumliche Bilddaten von Zellproben zu erstellen, auf denen der Eindringvorgang der Bakterien in das Zellinnere durch verschieden leuchtende Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe visualisiert werden kann. Unter Verwendung bekannter und adaptierter 3D-Rekonstruktionsalgorithmen werden dreidimensionale Visualisierungen von Mikroskopiebildern vorgestellt, mit deren Hilfe die Analyse des Infektionsprozesses erleichtert wird. Dabei hat sich gezeigt, dass mit Oberflächenrekonstruktionsverfahren die Topografie der Zelloberfiäche korrekt dargestellt werden kann, während die Darstellung der Farbstoffverteilungen besser durch ein Texture-Mapping-Verfahren gelingt. Die Rekonstruktionen konnten insbesondere durch den Einsatz von stereoskopischen Visualisierungstechniken detailgenau analysiert werden.

  14. On the making of a system theory of life: Paul A Weiss and Ludwig von Bertalanffy's conceptual connection. (United States)

    Drack, Manfred; Apfalter, Wilfried; Pouvreau, David


    In this article, we review how two eminent Viennese system thinkers, Paul A Weiss and Ludwig von Bertalanffy, began to develop their own perspectives toward a system theory of life in the 1920s. Their work is especially rooted in experimental biology as performed at the Biologische Versuchsanstalt, as well as in philosophy, and they converge in basic concepts. We underline the conceptual connections of their thinking, among them the organism as an organized system, hierarchical organization, and primary activity. With their system thinking, both biologists shared a strong desire to overcome what they viewed as a "mechanistic" approach in biology. Their interpretations are relevant to the renaissance of system thinking in biology--"systems biology." Unless otherwise noted, all translations are our own.

  15. Liquid metals. Coexistence line, critical parameters, compressibility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Filippov, L.P.


    Formulae to calculate four characteristic parameters of liquid metals (density, compressibility, critical temperature and individual parameter) according to four initial data are obtained: two values of vapor density and two values of vapor pressure. Comparison between experimental and calculation results are presented for liquid Cs, Na, Li, K, Rb

  16. Harmony Search Based Parameter Ensemble Adaptation for Differential Evolution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rammohan Mallipeddi


    Full Text Available In differential evolution (DE algorithm, depending on the characteristics of the problem at hand and the available computational resources, different strategies combined with a different set of parameters may be effective. In addition, a single, well-tuned combination of strategies and parameters may not guarantee optimal performance because different strategies combined with different parameter settings can be appropriate during different stages of the evolution. Therefore, various adaptive/self-adaptive techniques have been proposed to adapt the DE strategies and parameters during the course of evolution. In this paper, we propose a new parameter adaptation technique for DE based on ensemble approach and harmony search algorithm (HS. In the proposed method, an ensemble of parameters is randomly sampled which form the initial harmony memory. The parameter ensemble evolves during the course of the optimization process by HS algorithm. Each parameter combination in the harmony memory is evaluated by testing them on the DE population. The performance of the proposed adaptation method is evaluated using two recently proposed strategies (DE/current-to-pbest/bin and DE/current-to-gr_best/bin as basic DE frameworks. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed adaptation technique compared to the state-of-the-art DE based algorithms on a set of challenging test problems (CEC 2005.

  17. A software for parameter estimation in dynamic models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Yuceer


    Full Text Available A common problem in dynamic systems is to determine parameters in an equation used to represent experimental data. The goal is to determine the values of model parameters that provide the best fit to measured data, generally based on some type of least squares or maximum likelihood criterion. In the most general case, this requires the solution of a nonlinear and frequently non-convex optimization problem. Some of the available software lack in generality, while others do not provide ease of use. A user-interactive parameter estimation software was needed for identifying kinetic parameters. In this work we developed an integration based optimization approach to provide a solution to such problems. For easy implementation of the technique, a parameter estimation software (PARES has been developed in MATLAB environment. When tested with extensive example problems from literature, the suggested approach is proven to provide good agreement between predicted and observed data within relatively less computing time and iterations.

  18. Statistical inference involving binomial and negative binomial parameters. (United States)

    García-Pérez, Miguel A; Núñez-Antón, Vicente


    Statistical inference about two binomial parameters implies that they are both estimated by binomial sampling. There are occasions in which one aims at testing the equality of two binomial parameters before and after the occurrence of the first success along a sequence of Bernoulli trials. In these cases, the binomial parameter before the first success is estimated by negative binomial sampling whereas that after the first success is estimated by binomial sampling, and both estimates are related. This paper derives statistical tools to test two hypotheses, namely, that both binomial parameters equal some specified value and that both parameters are equal though unknown. Simulation studies are used to show that in small samples both tests are accurate in keeping the nominal Type-I error rates, and also to determine sample size requirements to detect large, medium, and small effects with adequate power. Additional simulations also show that the tests are sufficiently robust to certain violations of their assumptions.

  19. Parameter Uncertainty on AGCM-simulated Tropical Cyclones (United States)

    He, F.


    This work studies the parameter uncertainty on tropical cyclone (TC) simulations in Atmospheric General Circulation Models (AGCMs) using the Reed-Jablonowski TC test case, which is illustrated in Community Atmosphere Model (CAM). It examines the impact from 24 parameters across the physical parameterization schemes that represent the convection, turbulence, precipitation and cloud processes in AGCMs. The one-at-a-time (OAT) sensitivity analysis method first quantifies their relative importance on TC simulations and identifies the key parameters to the six different TC characteristics: intensity, precipitation, longwave cloud radiative forcing (LWCF), shortwave cloud radiative forcing (SWCF), cloud liquid water path (LWP) and ice water path (IWP). Then, 8 physical parameters are chosen and perturbed using the Latin-Hypercube Sampling (LHS) method. The comparison between OAT ensemble run and LHS ensemble run shows that the simulated TC intensity is mainly affected by the parcel fractional mass entrainment rate in Zhang-McFarlane (ZM) deep convection scheme. The nonlinear interactive effect among different physical parameters is negligible on simulated TC intensity. In contrast, this nonlinear interactive effect plays a significant role in other simulated tropical cyclone characteristics (precipitation, LWCF, SWCF, LWP and IWP) and greatly enlarge their simulated uncertainties. The statistical emulator Extended Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (EMARS) is applied to characterize the response functions for nonlinear effect. Last, we find that the intensity uncertainty caused by physical parameters is in a degree comparable to uncertainty caused by model structure (e.g. grid) and initial conditions (e.g. sea surface temperature, atmospheric moisture). These findings suggest the importance of using the perturbed physics ensemble (PPE) method to revisit tropical cyclone prediction under climate change scenario.

  20. Bayesian estimation of Weibull distribution parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bacha, M.; Celeux, G.; Idee, E.; Lannoy, A.; Vasseur, D.


    In this paper, we expose SEM (Stochastic Expectation Maximization) and WLB-SIR (Weighted Likelihood Bootstrap - Sampling Importance Re-sampling) methods which are used to estimate Weibull distribution parameters when data are very censored. The second method is based on Bayesian inference and allow to take into account available prior informations on parameters. An application of this method, with real data provided by nuclear power plants operation feedback analysis has been realized. (authors). 8 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs

  1. One-parameter Darboux transformations in thermodynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosu, Haret C.


    The quantum oscillator thermodynamic actions are the conjugate intensive parameters for the frequency in any frequency changing process. These oscillator actions fulfill simple Riccati equations. Interesting Darboux transformations of the fundamental Planck and pure vacuum actions are discussed here in some detail. It is shown that the one-parameter 'Darboux-Transformed-Thermodynamics' refers to superpositions of boson and fermion excitations of positive and negative absolute temperature, respectively. A Darboux generalization of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem is also briefly sketched

  2. Graph Treewidth and Geometric Thickness Parameters


    Dujmović, Vida; Wood, David R.


    Consider a drawing of a graph $G$ in the plane such that crossing edges are coloured differently. The minimum number of colours, taken over all drawings of $G$, is the classical graph parameter "thickness". By restricting the edges to be straight, we obtain the "geometric thickness". By further restricting the vertices to be in convex position, we obtain the "book thickness". This paper studies the relationship between these parameters and treewidth. Our first main result states that for grap...

  3. Selecting Design Parameters for Flying Vehicles (United States)

    Makeev, V. I.; Strel'nikova, E. A.; Trofimenko, P. E.; Bondar', A. V.


    Studying the influence of a number of design parameters of solid-propellant rockets on the longitudinal and lateral dispersion is an important applied problem. A mathematical model of a rigid body of variable mass moving in a disturbed medium exerting both wave drag and friction is considered. The model makes it possible to determine the coefficients of aerodynamic forces and moments, which affect the motion of vehicles, and to assess the effect of design parameters on their accuracy

  4. Clearing up the kinetics in high temperature fuel cells SOFC. Final report; Aufklaerung der Kinetik in Hochtemperatur-Brennstoffzellen SOFC. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stimming, U


    In this work, the kinetics of the oxygen reduction of the SOFC cathode are to be detailed, i.e., depending on the parameters of electrode potential, temperature and oxygen partial pressure, they are to be examined with impedance spectroscopy and quasi-stationary current/voltage measurements. From the dependence of the impedances and the current density on the temperature and the oxygen partial pressure, apparent activation energies and pre-exponential factors as well as apparent reaction orders are to be determined, in order to obtain information on possible reaction mechanisms. These investigations should be carried out not only on standard cathode material (La{sub 1-x}Sr{sub x}MnO{sub 3}, LSM) but also on modified LSM cathodes. This modification should consist either of the addition of noble metal catalysts or in a change of the composition of the cathode material, and should lead to increased catalytic activity of the cathode. In addition, using the example of the standard cathode, different possible reaction mechanisms should be compared by a computer simulation of the current/voltage measurements and impedance spectra. (orig.) [Deutsch] In dieser Arbeit soll die Kinetik der Sauerstoffreduktion an der SOFC Kathode detailliert, d.h. in Abhaengigkeit der Parameter Elektrodenpotential, Temperatur und Sauerstoffpartialdruck mit Impedanzspektroskopie und quasi-stationaeren Strom/Spannungsmessungen untersucht werden. Aus den Abhaengigkeiten der Impedanzen und der Stromdichte von der Temperatur und vom Sauerstoffpartialdruck sollen scheinbare Aktivierungsenergien und prae-exponentielle Faktoren sowie scheinbare Reaktionsordnungen bestimmt werden, um Hinweise auf moegliche Reaktionsmechanismen zu erhalten. Diese Untersuchungen sollen nicht nur am Standardkathodenmaterial (La{sub 1-x}Sr{sub x}MnO{sub 3}, LSM), sondern auch an modifizierten LSM-Kathoden durchgefuehrt werden. Diese Modifizierung soll entweder im Zusatz von Edelmetallkatalysatoren oder in einer Aenderung

  5. ECOS - analysis of sensitivity to database and input parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sumerling, T.J.; Jones, C.H.


    The sensitivity of doses calculated by the generic biosphere code ECOS to parameter changes has been investigated by the authors for the Department of the Environment as part of its radioactive waste management research programme. The sensitivity of results to radionuclide dependent parameters has been tested by specifying reasonable parameter ranges and performing code runs for best estimate, upper-bound and lower-bound parameter values. The work indicates that doses are most sensitive to scenario parameters: geosphere input fractions, area of contaminated land, land use and diet, flux of contaminated waters and water use. Recommendations are made based on the results of sensitivity. (author)

  6. A new concept of safety parameter display system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martinez, A.S.; Oliveira, L.F.S. de; Schirru, R.; Thome Filho, Z.D.; Silva, R.A. da.


    A general description of Angra-1 Parameter Display System (SSPA), a real time and on-line computerized monitoring system for the parameters related to the power plant safety is presented. This system has the main purpose of diminish the load on the Angra-1 power plant operators at an emergency event by supplying them with the additional tools serving as the basis for a prompt identification of the accident. The SSPA is a kind of safety parameter display system whose concept was introduced after Three Mile Island accident in USA. The SSPA comprises two nuclear applications independently considered. They are included into the Parameters Monitoring Integrated System (SIMP) and the safety critical function system (SFCS). (Author) [pt

  7. New evaluation of 238U neutron resonance parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Derrien, Herve; Leal, Luiz C.; Larson, Nancy M.


    The neutron resonance parameters of 238 U were obtained in the energy range 1 keV to 20 keV from a SAMMY Reich-Moore analysis of high resolution transmission measurements performed at ORELA. In the energy range 1 keV to 10 keV, the analysis used as prior values the ENDF/B-VI resonance parameters. The analysis in the energy range 10 keV to 20 keV resulted in the creation of a set of resonance parameters for the representation of the cross section in this energy range. The results are compared to the ENDF/B-VI evaluation. Some statistical properties of the new resonance parameters are examined. (author)

  8. Extraction of Dunham coefficients from Murrell-Sorbie parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim Teikcheng


    A set of relationships between parameters of the Dunham and Murrell-Sorbie potential energy function is developed. By employing Taylor series expansion and comparison of terms arranged in increasing order of bond length, a set of Dunham coefficients is obtained as functions of Murrell- Sorbie parameters. The conversion functions reveal the importance of factorials in extracting Dunham coefficients from Murrell-Sorbie parameters. Plots of both functions, based on parameters of the latter, reveal good correlation near the equilibrium bond length for a group of diatomic molecules. Potential function relations, such as that shown in this paper, are useful when the preferred/reliable data is based on a potential function different from that adopted in available computational software. (orig.)

  9. LMFBR plant parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document contains up-to-date data on existing or firmly decided prototype or demonstration LMFBR reactors (Table I), on planned commercial size LMFBR according to the present status of design (Table II) and on experimental fast reactors such as BOR-60, DFR, EBR-II, FERMI, FFTF, JOYO, KNK-II, PEC, RAPSODIE-FORTISSIMO (Table III). Only corrected and revised parameters submitted by the countries participating in the IWGFR are included in this document

  10. Qualitative Parameters of Practice during University Studies (United States)

    Stasiunaitiene, Egle; Norkute, Odeta


    In this article, relevance of practice during university studies is highlighted, as well as the main stages of its organisation, qualitative parameters, as well as criteria and indicators that validate them are defined. Discussion on the idea that taking into consideration qualitative parameters of organising practice as a component of studies…

  11. Incorporating model parameter uncertainty into inverse treatment planning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lian Jun; Xing Lei


    Radiobiological treatment planning depends not only on the accuracy of the models describing the dose-response relation of different tumors and normal tissues but also on the accuracy of tissue specific radiobiological parameters in these models. Whereas the general formalism remains the same, different sets of model parameters lead to different solutions and thus critically determine the final plan. Here we describe an inverse planning formalism with inclusion of model parameter uncertainties. This is made possible by using a statistical analysis-based frameset developed by our group. In this formalism, the uncertainties of model parameters, such as the parameter a that describes tissue-specific effect in the equivalent uniform dose (EUD) model, are expressed by probability density function and are included in the dose optimization process. We found that the final solution strongly depends on distribution functions of the model parameters. Considering that currently available models for computing biological effects of radiation are simplistic, and the clinical data used to derive the models are sparse and of questionable quality, the proposed technique provides us with an effective tool to minimize the effect caused by the uncertainties in a statistical sense. With the incorporation of the uncertainties, the technique has potential for us to maximally utilize the available radiobiology knowledge for better IMRT treatment

  12. Estimating Soil Hydraulic Parameters using Gradient Based Approach (United States)

    Rai, P. K.; Tripathi, S.


    The conventional way of estimating parameters of a differential equation is to minimize the error between the observations and their estimates. The estimates are produced from forward solution (numerical or analytical) of differential equation assuming a set of parameters. Parameter estimation using the conventional approach requires high computational cost, setting-up of initial and boundary conditions, and formation of difference equations in case the forward solution is obtained numerically. Gaussian process based approaches like Gaussian Process Ordinary Differential Equation (GPODE) and Adaptive Gradient Matching (AGM) have been developed to estimate the parameters of Ordinary Differential Equations without explicitly solving them. Claims have been made that these approaches can straightforwardly be extended to Partial Differential Equations; however, it has been never demonstrated. This study extends AGM approach to PDEs and applies it for estimating parameters of Richards equation. Unlike the conventional approach, the AGM approach does not require setting-up of initial and boundary conditions explicitly, which is often difficult in real world application of Richards equation. The developed methodology was applied to synthetic soil moisture data. It was seen that the proposed methodology can estimate the soil hydraulic parameters correctly and can be a potential alternative to the conventional method.

  13. Environmental Transport Input Parameters for the Biosphere Model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    M. A. Wasiolek


    This analysis report is one of the technical reports documenting the Environmental Radiation Model for Yucca Mountain Nevada (ERMYN), a biosphere model supporting the total system performance assessment (TSPA) for the geologic repository at Yucca Mountain. A graphical representation of the documentation hierarchy for the ERMYN is presented in Figure 1-1. This figure shows relationships among the reports developed for biosphere modeling and biosphere abstraction products for the TSPA, as identified in the ''Technical Work Plan: for Biosphere Modeling and Expert Support'' (TWP) (BSC 2003 [163602]). Some documents in Figure 1-1 may be under development and not available when this report is issued. This figure provides an understanding of how this report contributes to biosphere modeling in support of the license application (LA), but access to the listed documents is not required to understand the contents of this report. This report is one of the reports that develops input parameter values for the biosphere model. The ''Biosphere Model Report'' (BSC 2003 [160699]) describes the conceptual model, the mathematical model, and the input parameters. The purpose of this analysis is to develop biosphere model parameter values related to radionuclide transport and accumulation in the environment. These parameters support calculations of radionuclide concentrations in the environmental media (e.g., soil, crops, animal products, and air) resulting from a given radionuclide concentration at the source of contamination (i.e., either in groundwater or volcanic ash). The analysis was performed in accordance with the TWP (BSC 2003 [163602]). This analysis develops values of parameters associated with many features, events, and processes (FEPs) applicable to the reference biosphere (DTN: M00303SEPFEPS2.000 [162452]), which are addressed in the biosphere model (BSC 2003 [160699]). The treatment of these FEPs is described in BSC (2003 [160699

  14. Environmental Transport Input Parameters for the Biosphere Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wasiolek, M. A.


    This analysis report is one of the technical reports documenting the Environmental Radiation Model for Yucca Mountain Nevada (ERMYN), a biosphere model supporting the total system performance assessment (TSPA) for the geologic repository at Yucca Mountain. A graphical representation of the documentation hierarchy for the ERMYN is presented in Figure 1-1. This figure shows relationships among the reports developed for biosphere modeling and biosphere abstraction products for the TSPA, as identified in the ''Technical Work Plan: for Biosphere Modeling and Expert Support'' (TWP) (BSC 2003 [163602]). Some documents in Figure 1-1 may be under development and not available when this report is issued. This figure provides an understanding of how this report contributes to biosphere modeling in support of the license application (LA), but access to the listed documents is not required to understand the contents of this report. This report is one of the reports that develops input parameter values for the biosphere model. The ''Biosphere Model Report'' (BSC 2003 [160699]) describes the conceptual model, the mathematical model, and the input parameters. The purpose of this analysis is to develop biosphere model parameter values related to radionuclide transport and accumulation in the environment. These parameters support calculations of radionuclide concentrations in the environmental media (e.g., soil, crops, animal products, and air) resulting from a given radionuclide concentration at the source of contamination (i.e., either in groundwater or volcanic ash). The analysis was performed in accordance with the TWP (BSC 2003 [163602]). This analysis develops values of parameters associated with many features, events, and processes (FEPs) applicable to the reference biosphere (DTN: M00303SEPFEPS2.000 [162452]), which are addressed in the biosphere model (BSC 2003 [160699]). The treatment of these FEPs is described in BSC (2003 [160699], Section 6.2). Parameter values

  15. Scanning anisotropy parameters in complex media

    KAUST Repository

    Alkhalifah, Tariq Ali


    Parameter estimation in an inhomogeneous anisotropic medium offers many challenges; chief among them is the trade-off between inhomogeneity and anisotropy. It is especially hard to estimate the anisotropy anellipticity parameter η in complex media. Using perturbation theory and Taylor’s series, I have expanded the solutions of the anisotropic eikonal equation for transversely isotropic (TI) media with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI) in terms of the independent parameter η from a generally inhomogeneous elliptically anisotropic medium background. This new VTI traveltime solution is based on a set of precomputed perturbations extracted from solving linear partial differential equations. The traveltimes obtained from these equations serve as the coefficients of a Taylor-type expansion of the total traveltime in terms of η. Shanks transform is used to predict the transient behavior of the expansion and improve its accuracy using fewer terms. A homogeneous medium simplification of the expansion provides classical nonhyperbolic moveout descriptions of the traveltime that are more accurate than other recently derived approximations. In addition, this formulation provides a tool to scan for anisotropic parameters in a generally inhomogeneous medium background. A Marmousi test demonstrates the accuracy of this approximation. For a tilted axis of symmetry, the equations are still applicable with a slightly more complicated framework because the vertical velocity and δ are not readily available from the data.

  16. Scanning anisotropy parameters in complex media

    KAUST Repository

    Alkhalifah, Tariq Ali


    Parameter estimation in an inhomogeneous anisotropic medium offers many challenges; chief among them is the trade-off between inhomogeneity and anisotropy. It is especially hard to estimate the anisotropy anellipticity parameter η in complex media. Using perturbation theory and Taylor’s series, I have expanded the solutions of the anisotropic eikonal equation for transversely isotropic (TI) media with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI) in terms of the independent parameter η from a generally inhomogeneous elliptically anisotropic medium background. This new VTI traveltime solution is based on a set of precomputed perturbations extracted from solving linear partial differential equations. The traveltimes obtained from these equations serve as the coefficients of a Taylor-type expansion of the total traveltime in terms of η. Shanks transform is used to predict the transient behavior of the expansion and improve its accuracy using fewer terms. A homogeneous medium simplification of the expansion provides classical nonhyperbolic moveout descriptions of the traveltime that are more accurate than other recently derived approximations. In addition, this formulation provides a tool to scan for anisotropic parameters in a generally inhomogeneous medium background. A Marmousi test demonstrates the accuracy of this approximation. For a tilted axis of symmetry, the equations are still applicable with a slightly more complicated framework because the vertical velocity and δ are not readily available from the data.

  17. Mathematical modelling and laser measurement technique of combustion processes. Final report 1994-1996; Mathematische Modellierung und Lasermesstechnik von Verbrennungsvorgaengen. Abschlussbericht 1994 - 1996

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Due to financial boundary conditions and greater industrially orientated targets, the project was restructured in its third phase. The general theme `Mathematical modelling and laser measurement technique of combustion processes` was made more precise by the central questions of the Sub-heading `Modelling and validation`. It applies equally as target for the three part projects (a) Modelling process, (b) Standard flames (c) Coal and solid combustion, soot formation, radiation. Due to the preliminary work done, good progress was achieved in all projects, in some cases discoveries were made and new types of projects were developed. The quality and quantity of the basic data as input parameters for modelling and validation data as test parameters for the prediction of the models was expanded further by comparison of different methods of measurement. [Deutsch] Aufgrund der finanziellen Randbedingungen und der staerker industrieorientierten Zielsetzungen wurde das Projekt in seiner dritten Phase neu strukturiert. Das Generalthema `Mathematische Modellierung und Lasermesstechnik von Verbrennungsvorgaengen` wurde um die zentralen Fragestellungen als Zwischenueberschrift praezisiert: `Modellierung und Validierung`. Sie gilt fuer die drei Teilprojekt (a) Modellierungsverfahren (b) Standardflammen (c) Kohle- und Feststoffverbrennung, Russbildung, Strahlung in gleichem Mass als Zielsetzung. In allen Vorhaben konnten aufgrund der geleisteten Vorarbeit gute Fortschritte erzielt werden, in einigen Faellen Entdeckungen gemacht und neuartige Verfahren entwickelt werden. Die Qualitaet und Quantitaet der Basisdaten als Eingangsgroessen fuer die Modellierung und der Validierungsdaten als Testgroessen fuer die Voraussagen der Modelle konnten durch Vergleich unterschiedlicher Messmethoden generell weiter ausgebaut werden. (orig.)

  18. UPSILON'(10.01) resonance parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niczyporuk, B.; Zeludziewicz, T.; Chen, K.W.; Hartung, R.


    The resonance parameters of the UPSILON'(10.01) were measured using the LENA detector at the DORIS e + e - storage ring. We obtained a mass of M(UPSILON') = (10 013.6 +- 1.2 +- 10.0) MeV and an electronic width of GAMMAsub(ee)(UPSILON') = (0.53 +- 0.07sup(+0.09)sub(-0.05) keV. The upper limit set to the μ-pair branching ratio is 3.8% which implies a lower limit on the total UPSILON' widUPSILON parameters we obtain a mass difference M(UPSILON') - M(UPSILON) = (552.0 +- 1.3 +- 10.0) MeV and GAMMAsub(ee)UPSILON')/ = 0.43 +- 0.07sup(+0.05)sub(-0.00). (orig.)

  19. Parameter Identification by Bayes Decision and Neural Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kulczycki, P.; Schiøler, Henrik


    The problem of parameter identification by Bayes point estimation using neural networks is investigated.......The problem of parameter identification by Bayes point estimation using neural networks is investigated....

  20. Assessment of the impact of a parameter estimation method for the Nash Model on selected parameters of a catchment discharge hydrograph

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kołodziejczyk Katarzyna


    Full Text Available An analysis of the usefulness of two parameter calculation methods (N and k parameters for the Nash Model was performed to transform effective rainfall into discharge based on two rainfall episodes gauged at the Kostrze gauging station as well as urban development data for the city of Cracow for 2014 and data obtained from a soil and agriculture map. The methods were the Rao et al. method and the Bajkiewicz-Grabowska method for regression relationships between instantaneous unit hydrograph model parameters and the physiographic parameters of a catchment. Effective rainfall was calculated for each rainfall episode using the SCS-CN method. A direct discharge hydrograph was calculated based on an effective rainfall hyetograph and using the Nash Model. Research has found that both studied methods yield comparable results, which indicates that both methods of effective rainfall transformation into discharge are useful. In addition, it has been shown that the impact of the Nash Model parameter estimation method on discharge hydrographs is minimal.