
Sample records for basis relevanter biophysikalischer

  1. Um panorama da literatura relevante sobre Itaipu


    Espósito Neto, Tomaz


    A hidroelétrica brasileiro-paraguaia de Itaipu é considerada um marco relevante nas relações entre Brasil e Paraguai, pois criou um vínculo permanente entre os dois países. Ainda nos dias atuais Itaipu é uma das maiores geradoras de energia do mundo, responsável por mais de 25 por cento da energia gerada no Brasil e cerca de 95 por cento da eletricidade consumida no Paraguai. Os diversos reflexos da construção de Itaipu, em especial as mudanças na estrutura de poder no Cone Sul, são fenômenos...

  2. Un episodio relevante: la burbuja especulativa y la crisis inmobiliaria en perspectiva

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    José Manuel Naredo Pérez


    Full Text Available A juicio del autor, el episodio más relevante y condicionante para el territorio y el urbanismo de finales del siglo pasado y principios del actual, ha sido la enorme burbuja especulativa y la posterior crisis inmobiliaria que ha vivido el país. El pinchazo de esta burbuja ha forzado la crisis económica y también la del modelo inmobiliario que la posibilitó, invitando a reflexionar sobre él.

  3. Audición espacial en ambientes reverberantes: aspectos teóricos relevantes


    Claudia Arias; Oscar A. Ramos


    En ambientes reverberantes el sonido se propaga en múltiples direcciones sufriendo cambios físicos de importancia. El sistema auditivo debe se capaz de resolver la competencia perceptual que se produce entre el sonido original y sus reflexiones. En este artículo se presentan aspectos teóricos relevantes de la audición espacial con especial tratamiento del efecto precedente. Se trata de una estrategia inconciente que el individuo utiliza para enfrentar la información sonora conf...

  4. Habilidades sociales relevantes: percepciones de múltiples actores educativos

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    Carmen Paz Tapia-Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Las habilidades sociales son fundamentales para el desempeño docente, por tanto, su incorporación en la formación inicial también lo es. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido explorar el significado del constructo “habilidades sociales”. Se utilizó un diseño descriptivo y se conformó una muestra por conveniencia de 237 sujetos (profesores, académicos y estudiantes universitarios de la región chilena de La Araucanía. A cada grupo se le aplicó la técnica de redes semánticas naturales. Los resultados muestran que las habilidades empáticas-solidarias y habilidades de comunicación son las más relevantes para todos los participantes.

  5. Audición espacial en ambientes reverberantes: aspectos teóricos relevantes

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    Claudia Arias


    Full Text Available En ambientes reverberantes el sonido se propaga en múltiples direcciones sufriendo cambios físicos de importancia. El sistema auditivo debe se capaz de resolver la competencia perceptual que se produce entre el sonido original y sus reflexiones. En este artículo se presentan aspectos teóricos relevantes de la audición espacial con especial tratamiento del efecto precedente. Se trata de una estrategia inconciente que el individuo utiliza para enfrentar la información sonora conflictiva de los espacios reverberantes. Es el fenómeno perceptual de fusión espacial que ocurre cuando dos sonidos similares se presentan desde diferentes lugares, separados por un breve retardo de tiempo. El individuo escucha sólo un sonido que localiza según la dirección del sonido que llegó primero


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    Gregorio Clavijo Parrado


    Full Text Available Esta investigación de tipo descriptivo tuvo como objetivo general el acercamiento a la realidad social, económi - ca y demográfica de un sector de la comunidad de Cazucá, en aspectos considerados relevantes, tales como: vivienda, educación, ocupación, ingresos, gastos, edad y otros. Aunque la observación de campo se realizó en el sector cuatro de Cazucá (Soacha/Cundinamarca, se podría considerar como una muestra representativa de lo que podría estar sucediendo con el total de la comunidad. Dadas las características socioeconómicas de las familias, como unidades de observación, los resultados de - tectaron su vulnerabilidad a través de dimensiones tangibles y no tangibles relacionadas con la pobreza que, posteriormente, podrían ser objeto de indagación más profunda. Los resultados se socializarán con la comunidad y con las entidades y organismos que en Cazucá están o estén adelantando programas culturales, educativos, microempresariales y otros.

  7. Atributos Relevantes de Destinos Turísticos na Percepção de Internautas Brasileiros

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    Iomara Scandelari Lemos


    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo objetiva identificar, na percepção do turista brasileiro, a estrutura subjacente da importância de atributos que caracterizam os destinos turísticos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa do tipo survey disponibilizada em website e respondida por 471 internautas brasileiros. Utilizaram-se procedimentos estatísticos de análise fatorial; validade de construto; construção de escalas e análise fatorial confirmatória com modelagem de equações estruturais. Conclui-se que, tomados isoladamente, os atributos considerados mais relevantes foram: sensação de segurança; qualidade do aspecto visual do destino; sensação de não estar sendo explorado e facilidade de acesso ao destino turístico, totalizando 70,5% das respostas. Contudo, analisados em conjunto, três fatores respondem por 62,2% da variância explicada. Palavras-chave: análise fatorial; modelagem de equação estrutural; atributos relevantes de turismo. Abstract This article aims to identify, in the perception of Brazilian tourists, the subjacent structure of the importance of attributes that characterize the tourist places destinations. This research is a survey available on website and answered by 471 Brazilians internet users. It used statistical procedures such as factorial analysis, construct reliability, construction of scales and structural equation modeling for confirmatory factorial analysis. It was concluded that, taken alone, the attributes considered most important were: sensation of visiting a safety place, visual aspect quality of the tourism destination areas, sensation of not being exploited and facilities concerned to the tourism destination areas. These totalized 70.5% of responses. However, taken together, three factors account for 62.2% of variance explained. Keywords: factorial analysis; structural equation modeling; tourism's relevant attributes.

  8. Factores de riesgo relevantes asociados a las malformaciones congénitas en la provincia de Cienfuegos, 2008-2013


    Santos Solís, Mailé; Vázquez Martínez, Vivian; Torres González, Cristobal; Torres Vázquez, Grisel; Aguiar Santos, Daniela; Hernández Monzón, Hernán


    Fundamento: las malformaciones congénitas contribuyen de forma importante a la mortalidad infantil. Producen secuelas y resulta difícil su prevención. Objetivo: determinar factores de riesgo relevantes asociados a la aparición de malformaciones congénitas. Métodos: estudio observacional de casos y controles no pareados realizado en Cienfuegos en el período de enero de 2008 a diciembre de 2013, sobre un universo de 27 002 gestantes; las mujeres registradas con fetos o recién nacidos con malfor...

  9. ¿Cómo se traduce el curriculum formal en una experiencia escolar relevante para los alumnos de una escuela telesecundaria de México?

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    José de la luz Sánchez Tepatzi


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta parte de los resultados obtenidos en una investigación realizada entre los años 2009 y 2010 en una comunidad rural en México donde participaron 12 personas que abandonaron la escuela tele-secundaria. El estudio es de tipo cualitativo y las principales herramientas para obtener la información fueron la historia de vida y la entrevista abierta. La pregunta que orienta este artículo analiza las formas en cómo los alumnos traducen el curriculum formal en una experiencia escolar relevante y cómo influye tal significado en la permanencia. Los principales resultados señalan que la relación profesor-alumno, el trato entre pares y el apoyo de la familia, son elementos importantes para mejorar la permanencia y la calidad de los aprendizajes, así como para otorgar significado relevante a esa experiencia. En las conclusiones del estudio se muestra que el valor positivo hacia la escuela y la relevancia de la experiencia escolar, no son elementos suficientes para garantizar la permanencia, pues en esa decisión intervienen otros factores y razonamientos particulares. Es decir, cada alumno, en su mundo de vida construye un sentido de la realidad y este es el que orienta sus decisiones; una de ellas es permanecer o retirarse de la escuela. En este marco de relativa autonomía, los profesores estamos obligados a ofrecer a los alumnos la oportunidad de vivir una experiencia escolar relevante que les permita desenvolverse en un mundo complejo y aprender a lo largo de la vida, más allá de su condición y disposición para permanecer en la escuela.

  10. Factores relevantes del desarrollo profesional y de compensaciones en la carrera laboral del trabajador

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    Sergio Manuel Madero Gómez


    Full Text Available En la actualidad el desarrollo profesional y las compensaciones son temas relevantes dentro de la administración del personal en las empresas; por ello, en esta investigación se ha analizado un conjunto de 27 factores, que están relacionados con las áreas de recursos humanos, para poder conocer la importancia que tienen en la carrera laboral de las personas. Se recolectaron 348 cuestionarios mediante una encuesta electrónica, utilizando el software NCSS para su análisis. Entre los principales resultados destaca que los factores más sobresalientes en la carrera laboral para las mujeres mexicanas son el nivel educativo, las habilidades de comunicación y el apoyo familiar; mientras que para las mujeres estadounidenses son las habilidades para equilibrar su vida profesional y familiar, habilidades interpersonales y habilidades de comunicación.


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    Luiz Antonio de Camargo Guerrazzi

    Full Text Available RESUMO As pequenas empresas por seu relevante papel socioeconômico têm despertado crescente interesse da academia. Altas taxas de mortalidade associados às pequenas empresas têm sido objeto de pesquisas que investigam causas e fatores desencadeadores do declínio organizacional, fenômeno que antecede à morte da empresa. Neste artigo foi realizado um estudo bibliométrico em nove periódicos líderes na pesquisa em pequenas empresas, para obter uma visão geral e estrutural do conhecimento acumulado. Foi obtida uma amostra de 449 artigos relacionados ao declínio publicados entre 1989 e 2014. O método empregado permitiu a análise dos autores mais prolíficos, citações e obras com maior impacto, cocitações para entender a estrutura intelectual do campo e temas pesquisados para entender o foco da pesquisa. Foram empregadas técnicas de análise multivariada de dados como a análise fatorial exploratória e o escalonamento multidimensional (MDS. Foram identificados quatro principais temas pesquisados entrelaçando causas internas e externas como causadoras do declínio: empreendedorismo; administração estratégica e desempenho; inovação e evolução; liabilities (ameaças e ambiente. Este estudo indica que o declínio é desencadeado pela interação de causas internas e externas às empresas, fazendo um contraponto às pesquisas existentes que abordam ora umas ora outras e não estabelecem uma relação entre elas. Contribui para a academia com as bases sobre as quais novas pesquisas podem ser desenvolvidas e para a prática gerencial uma vez que identifica as causas do declínio e possibilita a tomada de decisões para neutralizá-las.

  12. A gerontologia e a interdisciplinaridade: aspectos relevantes para a enfermagem La gerontología e interdisciplinaridade: los aspectos relevantes para la enfermería Gerontology and interdisciplinarity: relevant aspects to nursing

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    Alessandra Conceição Leite Funchal Camacho


    Full Text Available Este artigo retrata a Gerontologia como área rica e cheia de lacunas a serem preenchidas pelas disciplinas que a compõem, indo além das abordagens convencionais à clientela idosa, visando a caminhos renovados para a Enfermagem, que, dentre tantas disciplinas, também está no processo construtivo de conhecimento. Tem como objetivo destacar a importância da Gerontologia para a atuação interdisciplinar, principalmente para Enfermagem, ressaltando o cliente idoso no contexto social. A interdisciplinaridade é instrumento condutor para Gerontologia em busca de mudanças que venham a somar conhecimentos e redundar em esforços no processo de desenvolvimento da área da saúde em relação ao cliente idoso e às diversas disciplinas que contemplam uma atuação relevante que, sem dúvida, permitem avanços para a Enfermagem.Este artículo retrata la Gerontología como área rica y llena de lagunas para ser resueltas por las disciplinas que la componen, yendo más allá de los abordajes convencionales a la población anciana, buscando caminos renovados para enfermería, que dentro de tantas disciplinas, también está en el proceso constructivo del conocimiento. Tiene como objetivo destacar la importancia de la gerontología para la actuación interdisciplinaria, principalmente para enfermería, resaltando al paciente anciano en el contexto social. La interdisciplinariedad La interdisciplinariedad es instrumento conductor para la Gerontología en busca de cambios que vengan a agregar conocimientos que redunden en esfuerzos para el proceso de desarrollo del área de la salud en relación con el cliente anciano, y las diversas disciplinas que contemplan una actuación relevante que, sin duda, permitan avances para enfermería.This article shows Gerontology as a rich area and full of gaps to be filled by the disciplines that form it, going beyond the conventional approaches to the elderly client and aiming at finding new Nursing paths as, among

  13. 2. biophysical work meeting. Papers; 2. Biophysikalische Arbeitstagung; Vortraege

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    The report comprises 18 papers held at the 2nd Biophysical Work Meeting, 11 - 13 September 1991 in Schlema, Germany. The history of biophysics in Germany particularly of radiation biophysics and radon research, measurements of the radiation effects of radon and the derivation of limits, radon balneotherapy and consequences of uranium ore mining are dealt with. (orig.) [Deutsch] Der Report enthaelt 18 Vortraege, die auf der 2. Biophysikalischen Arbeitstagung in Schlema vom 11. bis 13. September 1991 gehalten wurden. Es werden die Geschichte der Biophysik in Deutschland, speziell der Strahlenbiophysik und Radonforschung, Messungen von Radon und seinen Folgeprodukten, Epidemiologie und Strahlenbiologie zur Bestimmung der Strahlenwirkung des Radons und die Ableitung entsprechender Grenzwerte, Radon-Balneotherapie und Folgen des Uranerzbergbaus behandelt. (orig.)

  14. Identificación de indicadores relevantes del desempeño rse mediante la utilización de técnicas multicriterio

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    Marta de la Cuesta González


    Full Text Available Uno de los principios básicos de la gestión e información reportada en materia de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE es que se centre en los aspectos relevantes para la sociedad. Adicionalmente, la necesidad de realizar comparaciones entre empresas exige un esfuerzo sintetizador en la rendición de cuentas en RSE. Este trabajo se centra en la aplicación de técnicas de decisión multicriterio, concretamente procesos analíticos jerárquicos, para ofrecer una herramienta que permita medir el desempeño de RSE, con base en aquellos aspectos que son relevantes y materiales para empresas y stakeholders conjuntamente, en un contexto y sociedad determinados. El artículo explica cómo se aplicó la metodología de proceso de análisis jerárquico a una muestra de 10 sujetos (6 empresas españolas y 4 organizaciones de la sociedad civil española en la selección de los indicadores materiales en el reporte de RSE y los resultados alcanzados. Se identificaron 60 indicadores distribuidos en cuatro dimensiones: medioambiente, economía, gobierno corporativo y social. Esta última dimensión concentra el mayor número de indicadores y mezcla impactos sobre diferentes grupos de interés, por lo que es dividida en cuatro subdimensiones (recursos humanos, derechos humanos, responsabilidad del producto y sociedad, con el objeto de discernir con mayor detalle su complejidad.

  15. Mapa perceptual no contexto empresarial: aspectos relevantes para a sua elaboração

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    Luiza Venzke Bortoli


    Full Text Available Em um ambiente competitivo, torna-se indispensável posicionar-se melhor do que os concorrentes a fim de manter-se no mercado. O mapa perceptual é uma técnica que auxilia na visualização da posição que uma empresa ocupa no mercado em que está inserida. Os benefícios gerados por essa técnica já são vastamente difundidos no mercado consumidor, mas podem auxiliar executivos em tomadas de decisão a respeito do posicionamento de produtos e serviços no mercado industrial (B2B. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo ressaltar aspectos relevantes a serem considerados na elaboração do mapa perceptual no contexto empresarial. Para verificar a aplicação do mapa perceptual no B2B, foi escolhida uma empresa, cujo principal serviço era o inventário de mercadorias, que presta serviços a outras empresas, em especial varejistas. Para a elaboração do mapa, detectou-se dois atributos relevantes: a percepção sobre o custo do inventário para a empresa contratante; e a percepção sobre a contribuição estratégica do inventário para a gestão da empresa. Ao analisar as percepções dos profissionais quanto aos atributos, verificou-se diferenças decorrentes do setor em que trabalham, indicando que o pesquisador não deve estar restrito ao setor responsável pelo serviço analisado, mas deve obter uma visão ampla do funcionamento organizacional. Com o melhor entendimento da dinâmica organizacional da empresa contratante, a empresa prestadora de serviço pode construir sua proposta de valor para um serviço, posicionando-o de acordo com as percepções do mercado, obtendo maior vantagem competitiva. Como resultado deste estudo, sugere-se que, ao desenvolver o mapa perceptual para o B2B, o pesquisador atente-se para os seguintes pontos: i setor em que o respondente da pesquisa trabalha; ii presença de setores diretamente ligados ao serviço analisado ; iii setores que possam dialogar frequentemente com o responsável pelo serviço em foco; iv

  16. Classificação do conteúdo de documentos contábeis usando aprendizagem de máquina: o caso dos fatos relevantes

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    Brunna Hisla da Silva Sena


    Full Text Available El análisis de contenido de textos narrativos ha sido estudiado, en los últimos años, con más frecuencia. En diversos trabajos, se verifica la pesquisa con relación a su legibili - dad, comprensibilidad y el nivel de optimismo, neutralidad y pesimismo. Pero, el análisis de clasificación en lo referente a tendencias optimistas, pesimistas y neutras ha sido efectuado de forma muy laboriosa, pues demanda un análisis humano de los textos, justificando la creación de un análisis de textos de forma más rápida y objetiva, además de la tentativa de eliminación de la subjetividad. Delante de eso, el objetivo de este trabajo es proponer una clasificación automática de hechos relevantes contables, haciéndose un análisis del contenido de textos narrativos, con la utilización de herramientas computacionales de lec - tura y clasificación de textos. La idea es procurar contribuir con un ejemplo de aplicación de aprendizaje de máquina a la Ciencia Contable. Este análisis utilizó hechos relevantes ya analizados anteriormente en el trabajo de Pereira e Silva (2008. Los hechos ya clasifica - dos fueron utilizados como conjunto de entrenamiento para el programa, para que así éste pudiese clasificar otros datos desconocidos, no clasificados.

  17. Pase de guardia: información relevante y toma de decisiones en clínica médica: Estudio prospectivo Handoffs: relevant information and decision making in internal medicine: A prospective study

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    Andrea Vázquez


    Full Text Available Introducción. El pase de guardia es una actividad médica en la que se transfiere información y responsabilidad entre profesionales en situaciones de discontinuidad o transiciones en el cuidado de los pacientes. Los pases de guardia son fuente de errores médicos, a pesar de lo cual la programación formal en la competencia específica está ausente en los currículos de las residencias médicas. En este sentido, implementamos el proyecto educativo 'Pase de guardia oral y escrito en la residencia de clínica médica'. Materiales y métodos. Definimos el constructo 'información relevante' a partir de cinco ítems, uno sistémico y cuatro cognitivos. Se analizó la prevalencia de los déficits de información relevante y su repercusión sobre la práctica clínica. Resultados. En 230 protocolos de guardia, la prevalencia de déficits de información relevante fue del 31,3% (n = 72 y afectó tanto al ítem sistémico (11% como a los ítems con contenidos sustantivos (20%. Con información relevante, las conductas activas fueron del 34,6%, y las pasivas, del 65,4%; con déficits de información relevante, las activas fueron del 13,9%, y las pasivas, del 86,1%. Estas diferencias fueron significativas (p Introduction. Handoffs are medical activity which transfers information and responsibility among professionals in situations of discontinuity or transitions in patient care. Handoffs are source of medical errors and adverse events, which despite the formal programming of specific competencies are absent in the curricula of medical residencies. In this sense, we implemented the educational project 'Oral and written handoffs in internal medicine residency program'. Materials and methods. We defined the parameter relevant information with a systemic item and four other cognitive items; we assess the prevalence of relevant information deficits and the effects on the clinical practice in a prospective study. Results. In 230 protocols the prevalence of

  18. Los cinco sexos, o cómo establecemos fronteras categoriales moralmente relevantes en un mundo difuso y continuo

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    Gomila, Antoni


    Full Text Available It is generally assumed that moral realism requires a determined world, so that moral judgments can also be determined. From this point of view, genuine moral dilemmas, where two alternative judgments are equally well-grounded, would be a counter-example for moral realism. In this paper I argue against such a challenge to moral realism. Starting from the continuous and gradualist character of the constitutive criteria of our concepts, I show how indeterminacies and limit cases are to be expected where it can be impossible to determine the truth value of a proposition. The existence of fuzzy conceptual boundaries does not mean they cannot be crossed (that they are not useful, that they do not capture difference or relevant features from the point of view of the causal structure of reality and its intelligibility, quite the opposite: they serve to establish morally relevant differences. The very possibility of a community with common conceptual practices depends upon the existence of paradigmatic, central cases that exemplify a concept meaning or a moral valuation.Generalmente se considera que el realismo moral exige un mundo bien determinado, para que las valoraciones también puedan estarlo. Desde este punto de vista, los dilemas morales genuinos, donde no pueda establecerse la opción moralmente correcta porque haya razones igualmente poderosas para ambas alternativas, constituyen un desafío al realismo moral. En este trabajo argumento en contra de este tipo de ataque al realismo moral. Partiendo del carácter continuo y gradual de los criterios constitutivos de nuestros conceptos, muestro cómo cabe esperar precisamente casos límite, en los que aparentemente está indeterminada la verdad. Que existan fronteras conceptuales borrosas no significa que no puedan ser cruzadas (que no sean útiles, que no capten diferencias o aspectos relevantes desde el punto de vista de la estructura causal de la realidad y su inteligibilidad, al contrario





    El proyecto Fondef D07I1048 consistió en diseñar una metodología para el conocimiento y la toma de decisiones de actores sociales relevantes sobre América Latina. La aplicación de esta metodologia es de utilidad para ejecutivos y empresarios, que tienen interés en invertir (IED) en países de América Latina en el largo plazo, como así mismo a otros tomadores de decisión. Esta metodología creada está compuesta por un estudio de antecedentes cualitativos y cuantitativos que se constr...

  20. Clinically relevant incidental cardiovascular findings in CT examinations; Klinisch relevante kardiovaskulaere Zufallsbefunde bei CT-Untersuchungen

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    Voigt, P.; Fahnert, J.; Kahn, T.; Surov, A. [Universitaetsklinikum Leipzig, Klinik fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Leipzig (Germany); Schramm, D.; Bach, A.G. [Universitaetsklinikum Halle (Saale), Klinik fuer Radiologie, Halle (Germany)


    Incidental cardiovascular findings are a frequent phenomenon in computed tomography (CT) examinations. As the result of a dedicated PubMed search this article gives a systemic overview of the current literature on the most important incidental cardiovascular findings, their prevalence and clinical relevance. The majority of incidental cardiovascular findings are of only low clinical relevance; however, highly relevant incidental findings, such as aortic aneurysms, thromboses and thromboembolic events can also occasionally be found, especially in oncology patients. The scans from every CT examination should also be investigated for incidental findings as they can be of decisive importance for the further clinical management of patients, depending on their clinical relevance. (orig.) [German] Inzidentelle kardiovaskulaere Befunde sind ein haeufiges Phaenomen bei CT-Untersuchungen. Mit dieser Arbeit soll nach gezielter PubMed-Recherche ein systematischer Literaturueberblick ueber die wichtigsten kardiovaskulaeren Zufallsbefunde sowie deren Haeufigkeit und klinische Relevanz gegeben werden. Die Mehrzahl der inzidentellen kardiovaskulaeren Befunde sind klinisch nur von untergeordneter Bedeutung, allerdings werden immer wieder auch hochgradig relevante Zufallsbefunde wie beispielsweise Aortenaneurysmata oder - gerade bei onkologischen Patienten - Thrombosen und thrombembolische Ereignisse detektiert. Jede CT-Untersuchung sollte gezielt nach inzidentellen Befunden durchsucht werden, da diese je nach klinischer Relevanz von entscheidender Bedeutung fuer das weitere klinische Management des Patienten sein koennen. (orig.)

  1. Análisis comparativo de las variables más relevantes para el desarrollo

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    Roberto Jiménez Gómez


    Full Text Available Resumen En este artículo se analiza la evolución histórica de variables que han sido consideradas como relevantes para el desarrollo de Brasil, Chile, Corea del Sur, Finlandia e Irlanda, países donde en las últimas décadas se ha realizado una serie de transformaciones de índole social y económica que son interesantes contrastar con el desarrollo seguido por Costa Rica. A través de un análisis comparativo con estos países, se trata de identificar las lecciones aprendidas y las diferencias entre los indicadores de las variables estudiadas para inferir algunas conclusiones de su evolución en el largo plazo y su implicación en el desarrollo de los países en cuestión. Palabras Claves: Desarrollo, ingreso nacional bruto, competitividad, educación, desarrollo humano. Abstract This article analyzes the historical evolution of some variables that have been considered as relevant to the development of Brazil, Chile, South Korea, Finland and Ireland, which in recent decades made transformations on social, economic and a combination of both fields that can serve as a guide for other developing countries like Costa Rica. Through a comparative analysis of these countries, will be possible to take a note about the lessons learned and the differences between the selected indicators, and in fact, this scenario reflects the changes made and the position where you will find the country. Keywords: Development, GNI, competitiveness, education, human development.

  2. Ecological valuation of mechanic-biological waste treatment and waste combustion on the basis of energy balances and air pollutant balances; Oekologische Bewertung der mechanisch-biologischen Restabfallbehandlung und der Muellverbrennung auf Basis von Energie- und Schadgasbilanzen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wallmann, R.


    The work aims at an ecological valuation of air pollutant emissions and energy consumption as particularly relevant aspects of waste treatment and waste combustion plants, based on new scientific results, in order to draw up ecological budgets and make system comparisons in waste treatment. The target set is particularly effectively achieved by the following: documentation and scientific derivation of relevant boundary conditions, careful surveying and data processing for the purpose of making up an ecological budget, and objective valuation and interpretation of results. The high transparency of the methodics should be emphasized. They make the results obtained conclusive and verifiable. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die oekologische Bewertung der besonders relevanten Aspekte Abluftemissionen und Energieverbrauch von MBA und MVA auf Basis aktueller Forschungsergebnisse als Grundlage fuer Oekobilanzen und Systemvergleiche zur Restabfallbehandlung. Diese Zielvorgabe wird durch die Dokumentation und wissenschaftliche Herleitung relevanter Rahmenbedingungen, sorgfaeltige Erhebung und Aufbereitung der Daten unter Gesichtspunkten der Erstellung einer Oekobilanz und letztendlich aufgrund der objektiven Bewertung und Interpretation der Ergebnisse im besonderen Masse erreicht. Besonders hervorzuheben hierbei ist die hohe Transparenz bei der methodischen Vorgehensweise. Die ermittelten Ergebnisse sind somit nachvollziehbar und ueberpruefbar. (orig.)

  3. A sucessão da empresa familiar : importância dos pactos parassociais e outros instrumentos relevantes para a preservação da empresa e da propriedade familiar


    Nóbrega, João Rafael de Farias Furtado


    O tema A sucessão da empresa familiar: importância dos pactos parassociais e outros instrumentos relevantes para a preservação da empresa e da propriedade familiar foi escolhido em decorrência do panorama atual em que se encontram as empresas familiares brasileiras, considerando especialmente sua alta taxa de mortalidade, que é, contraditoriamente, tão elevada quanto sua importância no cenário econômico nacional. Por esse motivo, ao longo do trabalho, serão abordados temas relac...

  4. Análisis de los elementos teóricos y prácticos más relevantes en el ámbito de la intervención con alumnado TEA


    Jiménez Samper, Beatriz


    El presente proyecto trata de analizar los componentes teóricos y prácticos más relevantes en el ámbito de la intervención, tanto dentro de la escuela como fuera de ella, del alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista. Es importante abordar esta problemática desde diferentes terapias, partiendo de la base de que cada niño o niña tiene unas características personales individuales que hacen que le funcione mejor un tipo de tratamiento u otro. Es decir, que, aunque estas personas compartan unas...

  5. Características relevantes de la simulación energética de viviendas unifamiliares

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    García-Alvarado, R.


    Full Text Available Energy simulation systems allow analyzing the environmental quality and demand of buildings, but they must have reliable and proper procedures. This paper identifies relevant conditions of energy simulation systems for the study of single-family homes, based on the analysis of a dozen programs and various experiences in south central Chile. A review of capabilities was conducted, simulating the same case in all systems and making interviews with expert users. Besides it studied the incidence of background data and different strategies for analysis the environmental performance of housing. Revealing significant characteristics in the energy study of detached residential buildings. Finally it suggests reviewing certain conditions to ensure the effectiveness of the environmental analysis and subsequent actions.Los sistemas de simulación energética de edificios permiten analizar la calidad y demanda ambiental de las construcciones, pero deben contar con procedimientos fiables y pertinentes. Este artículo identifica condiciones relevantes de la simulación energética de viviendas unifamiliares, basado en el análisis de una docena de programas y distintas experiencias en el centro sur de Chile. Desarrollando una revisión de capacidades de los sistemas, a través de la simulación de una misma vivienda y entrevistas a usuarios expertos. Además de estudiar incidencias de los antecedentes y distintas estrategias de análisis para el mejoramiento ambiental de viviendas. Revelando características significativas para el estudio energético de construcciones habitacionales aisladas. Finalmente sugiere revisar ciertas condiciones de los sistemas para asegurar la efectividad de los análisis ambientales y de las acciones subsecuentes.

  6. Estimating the CCSD basis-set limit energy from small basis sets: basis-set extrapolations vs additivity schemes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spackman, Peter R.; Karton, Amir, E-mail: [School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Western Australia, Perth, WA 6009 (Australia)


    Coupled cluster calculations with all single and double excitations (CCSD) converge exceedingly slowly with the size of the one-particle basis set. We assess the performance of a number of approaches for obtaining CCSD correlation energies close to the complete basis-set limit in conjunction with relatively small DZ and TZ basis sets. These include global and system-dependent extrapolations based on the A + B/L{sup α} two-point extrapolation formula, and the well-known additivity approach that uses an MP2-based basis-set-correction term. We show that the basis set convergence rate can change dramatically between different systems( is slower for molecules with polar bonds and/or second-row elements). The system-dependent basis-set extrapolation scheme, in which unique basis-set extrapolation exponents for each system are obtained from lower-cost MP2 calculations, significantly accelerates the basis-set convergence relative to the global extrapolations. Nevertheless, we find that the simple MP2-based basis-set additivity scheme outperforms the extrapolation approaches. For example, the following root-mean-squared deviations are obtained for the 140 basis-set limit CCSD atomization energies in the W4-11 database: 9.1 (global extrapolation), 3.7 (system-dependent extrapolation), and 2.4 (additivity scheme) kJ mol{sup –1}. The CCSD energy in these approximations is obtained from basis sets of up to TZ quality and the latter two approaches require additional MP2 calculations with basis sets of up to QZ quality. We also assess the performance of the basis-set extrapolations and additivity schemes for a set of 20 basis-set limit CCSD atomization energies of larger molecules including amino acids, DNA/RNA bases, aromatic compounds, and platonic hydrocarbon cages. We obtain the following RMSDs for the above methods: 10.2 (global extrapolation), 5.7 (system-dependent extrapolation), and 2.9 (additivity scheme) kJ mol{sup –1}.

  7. Estimating the CCSD basis-set limit energy from small basis sets: basis-set extrapolations vs additivity schemes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spackman, Peter R.; Karton, Amir


    Coupled cluster calculations with all single and double excitations (CCSD) converge exceedingly slowly with the size of the one-particle basis set. We assess the performance of a number of approaches for obtaining CCSD correlation energies close to the complete basis-set limit in conjunction with relatively small DZ and TZ basis sets. These include global and system-dependent extrapolations based on the A + B/L α two-point extrapolation formula, and the well-known additivity approach that uses an MP2-based basis-set-correction term. We show that the basis set convergence rate can change dramatically between different systems( is slower for molecules with polar bonds and/or second-row elements). The system-dependent basis-set extrapolation scheme, in which unique basis-set extrapolation exponents for each system are obtained from lower-cost MP2 calculations, significantly accelerates the basis-set convergence relative to the global extrapolations. Nevertheless, we find that the simple MP2-based basis-set additivity scheme outperforms the extrapolation approaches. For example, the following root-mean-squared deviations are obtained for the 140 basis-set limit CCSD atomization energies in the W4-11 database: 9.1 (global extrapolation), 3.7 (system-dependent extrapolation), and 2.4 (additivity scheme) kJ mol –1 . The CCSD energy in these approximations is obtained from basis sets of up to TZ quality and the latter two approaches require additional MP2 calculations with basis sets of up to QZ quality. We also assess the performance of the basis-set extrapolations and additivity schemes for a set of 20 basis-set limit CCSD atomization energies of larger molecules including amino acids, DNA/RNA bases, aromatic compounds, and platonic hydrocarbon cages. We obtain the following RMSDs for the above methods: 10.2 (global extrapolation), 5.7 (system-dependent extrapolation), and 2.9 (additivity scheme) kJ mol –1


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    Yuri Rahayu


    Full Text Available Abstract –  Accounting reform movement was born with the aim of structuring the direction of improvement . This movement is characterized by the enactment of the Act of 2003 and Act 1 of 2004, which became the basis of the birth of Government Regulation No.24 of 2005 on Government Accounting Standards ( SAP . The general,  accounting is based on two systems,  the cash basis  and the accrual basis. The facts speak far students still at problem with differences to the two methods that result in a lack of understanding on the treatment system for recording. The purpose method of research is particularly relevant to student references who are learning basic accounting so that it can provide information and more meaningful understanding of the accounting method cash basis and Accrual basis. This research was conducted through a normative approach, by tracing the document that references a study/library that combines source of reference that can be believed either from books and the internet are processed with a foundation of knowledge and experience of the author. The conclusion can be drawn that basically to be able to understand the difference of the system and the Cash Basis accrual student base treatment requires an understanding of both methods. To be able to have the ability and understanding of both systems required reading exercises and reference sources.   Keywords : Reform, cash basis, accrual basis   Abstrak - Gerakan reformasi akuntansi dilahirkan dengan tujuan penataan ke arah perbaikan. Gerakan ini  ditandai dengan dikeluarkannya  Undang-Undang tahun 2003 dan Undang-Undang No.1 Tahun 2004  yang menjadi dasar lahirnya Peraturan Pemerintah No.24 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah (SAP . Pada umumnya pencatatan akuntansi di dasarkan pada dua sistem yaitu basis kas (Cash Basis dan basis akrual  (Accrual Basis. Fakta berbicara Selama ini mahasiswa masih dibinggungkan dengan perbedaan ke dua metode itu sehingga

  9. Advanced Test Reactor Safety Basis Upgrade Lessons Learned Relative to Design Basis Verification and Safety Basis Management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    G. L. Sharp; R. T. McCracken


    The Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) is a pressurized light-water reactor with a design thermal power of 250 MW. The principal function of the ATR is to provide a high neutron flux for testing reactor fuels and other materials. The reactor also provides other irradiation services such as radioisotope production. The ATR and its support facilities are located at the Test Reactor Area of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL). An audit conducted by the Department of Energy's Office of Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance (DOE OA) raised concerns that design conditions at the ATR were not adequately analyzed in the safety analysis and that legacy design basis management practices had the potential to further impact safe operation of the facility.1 The concerns identified by the audit team, and issues raised during additional reviews performed by ATR safety analysts, were evaluated through the unreviewed safety question process resulting in shutdown of the ATR for more than three months while these concerns were resolved. Past management of the ATR safety basis, relative to facility design basis management and change control, led to concerns that discrepancies in the safety basis may have developed. Although not required by DOE orders or regulations, not performing design basis verification in conjunction with development of the 10 CFR 830 Subpart B upgraded safety basis allowed these potential weaknesses to be carried forward. Configuration management and a clear definition of the existing facility design basis have a direct relation to developing and maintaining a high quality safety basis which properly identifies and mitigates all hazards and postulated accident conditions. These relations and the impact of past safety basis management practices have been reviewed in order to identify lessons learned from the safety basis upgrade process and appropriate actions to resolve possible concerns with respect to the current ATR safety


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    Miguel Angel Moyano Santiago


    Full Text Available Los planes de salud de las comunidades autónomas pueden incorporar criterios de desarrollo sostenible en su elaboración. No se han realizado análisis al respecto o propuestas de elaboración e indicadores. El objetivo fue la elaboración de un panel de indicadores de seguimiento orientados al desarrollo sostenible que contribuyan a gestionar los impactos económicos, sociales y medioambientales de los sistemas sanitarios. Método: Se utilizó una variación del método RAND/UCLA o técnica de Delphi modificada. El proceso consistió en un análisis bibliográfico y de contexto de las materias y asuntos relacionados con sanidad y responsabilidad social tomando como base ISO 26000:2010. Se realizó una encuesta mediante muestreo intencional a una selección de 70 miembros expertos de los grupos de interés identificados y un grupo de discusión para determinar el consenso sobre los asuntos tratados en la encuesta. La investigación fue realizada en 2015. Resultados: De la revisión bibliográfica se obtuvieron 33 asuntos relacionados con sanidad incluidos en ISO 26000:2010. De la encuesta, 7 resultaron relevantes con alto consenso, 8 de relevancia y consenso medio y 18 con menor relevancia y alto nivel de disenso. El grupo de expertos excluyó 4 de los 18 asuntos con menor consenso. Conclusiones: 29 de los 33 asuntos incluidos en el trabajo, repartidos en las 7 materias fundamentales contenidas en la guía ISO 26000 de responsabilidad social, resultaron relevantes para los grupos de interés en relación con su posible inclusión en los planes de salud. Se elaboró un panel de indicadores.


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    Camila Akemi Sakamoto


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Esse trabalho trata do estudo de sensibilidade de um equipamento de termografia, em que foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros relevantes na obtenção de termogramas: (1 influência das reflexões (superfície refletante e obstáculos, (2 influência do gradiente de temperatura, (3 influência da cor (temperatura ambiente e radiação solar e (4 influência da distância da câmera infravermelha ao objeto. Dessa maneira, de caráter experimental, foi realizada em ambiente de laboratório uma análise e interpretação da avaliação dos parâmetros relevantes na obtenção de termogramas, sendo que foi possível avaliar as potencialidades da termografia infravermelha conseguindo com os diferentes ensaios a determinação da temperatura superficial dos materiais e componentes, bem como pode ser verificado a importância do conhecimento da sensibilidade das técnicas de ensaio utilizadas em medições para a avaliação do desempenho físico de corpos de prova. Por meio dos parâmetros estudados foi possível concluir que há muitas influências, como por exemplo, a refletividade e a atenuação atmosférica, que podem produzir uma análise incorreta ou até mesmo incapacitar a visualização de algum problema patológico presente. É preciso então, além de conhecimento do assunto, ter atenção a todos os fatores externos de forma a serem detectados e eliminados, ou ainda levados em consideração na hora da execução da técnica da termografia infravermelha para que sejam minimizados. ABSTRACT: This paper presents a sensitivity study of a thermography equipment, in which evaluated the following parameters relevant to the achievement of thermographs: (1 influence of reflections (refletante surface and obstacles, (2 influence of temperature gradient, (3 influence of color (ambient temperature and solar radiation and (4 influence of distance from infrared camera to the object. In this way, a laboratory analysis and interpretation of

  12. Contabilidade: aspectos relevantes da epopéia de sua evolução

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    Sérgio de Iudícibus


    Full Text Available Trata o presente ensaio, como objetivo principal, de aspectos relevantes da epopéia da evolução da Contabilidade, através das várias fases históricas de seu desenvolvimento, desde o estado de simples método de escrituração baseado nas partidas dobradas até sua maturação como ciência social aplicada de forte fundo econômico. Ao longo do trabalho são analisados os vários enfoques, abordagens e teorias, bem como circunstâncias históricas e outras que possam explicar a Contabilidade enquanto ciência genuinamente social. Na interpretação mais atualizada dessa disciplina, a cientificidade contábil deve ser procurada, preferencialmente, numa série de características como, por exemplo: no entendimento e mensuração aplicados aos elementos do patrimônio; na preponderância do valor econômico em lugar de simples custos ou preços; no caráter preditivo das demonstrações contábeis; na introdução do fator risco e do conceito do valor do dinheiro no tempo nas avaliações contábeis, bem como na consideração de custos imputados e de oportunidade etc. A Contabilidade pontifica pela observação das características anteriormente vistas e pela incorporação, em seu arcabouço conceitual, da premissa da prevalência da essência sobre a forma, no campo do conhecimento social aplicado, de natureza econômico-financeira, com ramificações nas áreas de produtividade, ambiental e social e com evidentes conotações quantitativas quanto à sua mecânica patrimonial. É claro que, para efeito de pesquisa e para realçar certas dimensões, a Contabilidade pode ser estudada sob as mais variadas ênfases, como a ética, a macroeconômica, a institucional e social, a comportamental, a sistêmica e a histórica, entre outras, só que a Contabilidade é muito mais que qualquer dessas suas abordagens individualmente tomadas. No fundo, um dos objetivos deste trabalho é, também, subsidiariamente, o de ajudar a responder, pelo menos em

  13. Investigación contable, un estudio bibliométrico: identificación de publicaciones relevantes y examen de la estructura intelectual

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    Florencia Verónica Pedroni


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo examina la investigación contabl e de las dos últimas décadas, definida como estudios publicados en seis revistas académicas de contabilidad entre 1995 y 2014. Específicamente tiene por objetivos identificar los artículos relevantes (trabajos más citados y reconocer los grupos de conocim iento en contabilidad, explorando la estructura intelectual de la disciplina. Como consecuencia del análisis de citación se individualizan las 56 publicaciones más citadas. Por su parte, los resultados del análisis factorial y de co - citación permiten disti nguir cinco agrupaciones del conocimiento contable (earnings management; disclosure; estados financieros y mercado de capitales; gobernanza corporativa y costo de capital. La semejanza de estos hallazgos con los provenientes de estudios bibliométricos sim ilares brinda evidencia de una estructura intelectual relativamente sólida de la disciplina contable. Los resultados aquí presentados son de especial relevancia para académicos del área contable , pues ofrecen una visión aproximada del marco general en el cu al las investigaciones específicas deberán integrarse.

  14. Um estudo exploratório dos fatores relevantes na decisão de compra de produtos orgânicos.

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    Marta Sambiase Lombardi


    Full Text Available Nos últimos anos, com o consumo crescente de alimentos mais naturais, têm surgido questionamentos sobre a competitividade de produtos orgânicos em relação a outras fontes de alimentos, como os convencionais, transgênicos, ecológicos e outros. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo foi identificar os fatores relevantes na decisão de consumo de alimentos orgânicos. Para tanto foi utilizada uma amostra composta de 138 consumidores do Estado de São Paulo. O tratamento dos dados foi realizado por meio de técnicas da estatística descritiva e multivariada, a análise fatorial. Os resultados evidenciaram cinco principais fatores de competitividade: (a aspectos legais e de certificação; (b ética da empresa; (c preço e comercialização; (d influências políticas; (e questões ambientais. Outro resultado importante foi a identificação da melhora do meio ambiente como o aspecto que mais influencia os consumidores na tomada de decisão de compra de produtos orgânicos. Por fim, este estudo sugere ajustar a demanda de produtos orgânicos, que se mostrou favorável a um consumidor exigente, tornando-os, assim, uma realidade viável e acessível a um mercado crescente.

  15. System requirements and design description for the document basis database interface (DocBasis)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lehman, W.J.


    This document describes system requirements and the design description for the Document Basis Database Interface (DocBasis). The DocBasis application is used to manage procedures used within the tank farms. The application maintains information in a small database to track the document basis for a procedure, as well as the current version/modification level and the basis for the procedure. The basis for each procedure is substantiated by Administrative, Technical, Procedural, and Regulatory requirements. The DocBasis user interface was developed by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)

  16. 26 CFR 1.1014-4 - Uniformity of basis; adjustment to basis. (United States)


    ...) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Basis Rules of General Application § 1.1014-4 Uniformity of basis... to property acquired by bequest, devise, or inheritance relate back to the death of the decedent... prescribing a general uniform basis rule for property acquired from a decedent is, on the one hand, to tax the...

  17. Selection and examination of types of waste relevant to underground disposal. Final report; Auswahl und Untersuchung UTD-relevanter Abfallarten. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reichelt, C. [GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit Neuherberg GmbH, Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Tieflagerung; Brasser, T. [GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit Neuherberg GmbH, Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Tieflagerung; Bahadir, M. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Oekologische Chemie und Abfallanalytik; Fischer, R. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Oekologische Chemie und Abfallanalytik; Lorenz, W. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Oekologische Chemie und Abfallanalytik; Petersen, C. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Oekologische Chemie und Abfallanalytik


    In order to do justice to the principle laid down in the Waste Management Technical Code that wastes disposed of underground in salt rock formations should remain clear of the biosphere for an indefinite time and without the need for later remedial measures and in order to realise the concept of so-called pollution-free disposal (mainly in non-saline formations) it is necessary to have verified knowledge on the types of waste concerned, the geological and hydrogeological conditions at the disposal site and in its surroundings, and on the future development of the entire disposal system. The long-term safety of a disposal site (or that of any kind of underground disposal of materials) depends on whether water or aqueous solutions can act on the host rock or on the wastes deposited in it, the extent to which this can result in dissolving processes and/or contaminant mobilisation and, finally, on whether this can conceivably lead to an impairment of the intended barriers and to a disposal of contaminants in the nearer or farther surroundings of the underground disposal site. This means in particular that the wastes themselves and their reactivity with fluid components in geological systems must be well-known or else examined and duly assessed. The following final report therefore is intended as a contribution to creating the requisite database for types of waste relevant to underground disposal. It has been possible here to collect important information on arising waste quantities and critical waste constituents and assess their hazard potential and so provide a basis for further research and development work. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Der in der TA Abfall formulierte Grundsatz, bei der Ablagerung von Abfaellen in untertaegigen Anlagen im Salzgestein die Abfaelle dauerhaft und nachsorgefrei von der Biosphaere fernzuhalten, wie auch die Realisierung des Konzeptes der sog. immissionsneutralen Ablagerung (vornehmlich in nichtsalinaren Formationen) erfordern gesicherte

  18. Aspectos relevantes en la biología de Cetengraulis mysticetus (Günther (Pisces: Engraulidae en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica.

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    Jorge Arturo Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Cetengraulis mistycetus es una anchoveta americana, que se encuentra localizada en la Costa Americana desde México hasta Perú. Su valor comercial es relevante en la parte interna del Golfo de Nicoya, ya que la flota artesanal tradicional la utiliza como carnada viva para la línea de anzuelos. En el presente estudio, se determinó la edad de la primera madurez sexual en 12,6 cm, la proporción sexual fue de 1:1,2 machos por hembra, para la época de mayor desove. La fecundidad total se estimo entre 48.498 oocitos en las tallas de 16 a 18,9 cm y de 98.278 oocitos en las tallas que van de 19 a 21,9 cm. La fecundidad relativa estimada fue de 813 oocitos por gramo de pez para el primer grupo de talla y de 1.145 oocitos por gramo de pez para el segundo. En el estudio biométrico, solamente la longitud dorsal fue la única relación que varió entre sexos siendo isométrica para hembras y alométrica negativa en machos, en el resto de relaciones el comportamiento entre sexos fue similar.

  19. Safety Basis Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    R.J. Garrett


    As part of the internal Integrated Safety Management Assessment verification process, it was determined that there was a lack of documentation that summarizes the safety basis of the current Yucca Mountain Project (YMP) site characterization activities. It was noted that a safety basis would make it possible to establish a technically justifiable graded approach to the implementation of the requirements identified in the Standards/Requirements Identification Document. The Standards/Requirements Identification Documents commit a facility to compliance with specific requirements and, together with the hazard baseline documentation, provide a technical basis for ensuring that the public and workers are protected. This Safety Basis Report has been developed to establish and document the safety basis of the current site characterization activities, establish and document the hazard baseline, and provide the technical basis for identifying structures, systems, and components (SSCs) that perform functions necessary to protect the public, the worker, and the environment from hazards unique to the YMP site characterization activities. This technical basis for identifying SSCs serves as a grading process for the implementation of programs such as Conduct of Operations (DOE Order 5480.19) and the Suspect/Counterfeit Items Program. In addition, this report provides a consolidated summary of the hazards analyses processes developed to support the design, construction, and operation of the YMP site characterization facilities and, therefore, provides a tool for evaluating the safety impacts of changes to the design and operation of the YMP site characterization activities

  20. Safety Basis Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    R.J. Garrett


    As part of the internal Integrated Safety Management Assessment verification process, it was determined that there was a lack of documentation that summarizes the safety basis of the current Yucca Mountain Project (YMP) site characterization activities. It was noted that a safety basis would make it possible to establish a technically justifiable graded approach to the implementation of the requirements identified in the Standards/Requirements Identification Document. The Standards/Requirements Identification Documents commit a facility to compliance with specific requirements and, together with the hazard baseline documentation, provide a technical basis for ensuring that the public and workers are protected. This Safety Basis Report has been developed to establish and document the safety basis of the current site characterization activities, establish and document the hazard baseline, and provide the technical basis for identifying structures, systems, and components (SSCs) that perform functions necessary to protect the public, the worker, and the environment from hazards unique to the YMP site characterization activities. This technical basis for identifying SSCs serves as a grading process for the implementation of programs such as Conduct of Operations (DOE Order 5480.19) and the Suspect/Counterfeit Items Program. In addition, this report provides a consolidated summary of the hazards analyses processes developed to support the design, construction, and operation of the YMP site characterization facilities and, therefore, provides a tool for evaluating the safety impacts of changes to the design and operation of the YMP site characterization activities.

  1. Estudio osteométrico y selección de variables relevantes para clasificación de rostros en estudios de antropología forense

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    Soncini, Julieta A.


    Full Text Available Se espera que este estudio contribuya a los análisis de identificación de restos óseos humanos, al proponer esta nueva vía de reducción del universo de búsqueda en la comparación de fotografías de personas en vida/ fichas pre - mortem y restos óseos N.N. En la presente investigación se han establecido un número mínimo de quince variables craneométricas para la clasificación de cráneos y la determinación de aquellas más relevantes para la diferenciación morfológica facial. La base de datos utilizada consta de una muestra de 159 cráneos y 31 variables craneométricas. Algunos de los análisis que hemos realizado con los datos obtenidos incluyen Técnicas Geométricas, Clasificaciones No Supervisadas, Clustering (Agrupamientos, Medidas de Similitud, Criterios de Clustering, Algoritmos Simples de Búsqueda de Clusters, Clasificadores de Mínima Distancia por Funciones Discriminantes - Lineales y el Algoritmo k-Medias.

  2. La irrupción del imaginario social, las subjetividades y los sujetos en las ciencias sociales como asunto relevante para la investigación en educación

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    Claudia Patricia Sierra


    Full Text Available Distintas disciplinas han cuestionado la dicotomía de la ciencia moderna entre mundo objetivo y mundo subjetivo. Autores como Durand, Bachelard, Cassirer, Castoriadis, Zemelman, Wunenburger, Ibáñez, entre otros, complejizaron el análisis del sujeto “racional” moderno y del sujeto “histórico” marxista, revalorando lo simbólico y la construcción de significaciones sobre la realidad como asuntos relevantes para comprender las dinámicas sociales. Sus cuestionamientos han permitido el surgimiento de miradas más complejas e investigaciones ancladas en otros horizontes. Este artículo hace énfasis en la importancia de lo imaginario para las ciencias sociales, particularmente en su relación con la constitución de subjetividades y sujetos, planteando posibles rastreos del tema en prácticas educativas populares.

  3. Synthesis and Properties of Bio-based and Renewable Polymeric Products

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Iqbal, Muhammad


    De ontwikkeling van nieuwe of verbeterde polymere producten is een relevante uitdaging, op zowel industrieel als academisch niveau, gezien milieuproblematiek en dan vooral de ophoping van afval. Verder is een toekomst met een gelimiteerde beschikbaarheid van olie als basis materiaal voor de polymeer

  4. Aspectos relevantes dos SAD nas organizações: um estudo exploratório Relevant aspects from DSS in organizations: an empirical investigation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Zenaide Clericuzi


    Full Text Available A informação vem auxiliando as organizações a alcançarem seus objetivos num ambiente de crescente concorrência, exigindo delas rapidez, flexibilidade e alta percepção. A abrangência cada vez maior do uso dos Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão (SAD como suporte na solução de problemas tem como proposta o processamento de informação para reduzir a incerteza e resolver conflitos. Este artigo tem como objetivo fazer uma investigação sobre os SAD nas organizações brasileiras. Para tal, foi conduzida uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, sobre o assunto, foram utilizados questionários que investigaram os SAD nas empresas brasileiras e aspectos relevantes destes sistemas.Information is supporting organizations to reach theirs objectives. Competition is increasing in organizational environment, requiring capability, flexibility and high perception. Decision Support Systems (DSS are becoming greater as a tool for solution of problems, processing information to reduce uncertain in decision problems and deciding conflicts. The objective of this paper is reports a study about DSS in organizations. For such an empirical investigation of literature in DSS and an empirical research were done. Questionnaires had been used to investigate the relevant aspects of SAD in the Brazilian companies.

  5. Atitudes frente a aspectos relevantes da prática médica: estudo transversal randomizado com alunos de segundo e sexto anos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Rainha Mascia

    Full Text Available Estudo transversal com duas amostras randomizadas de 50 alunos do segundo e 50 do sexto ano de graduação em Medicina. Foi aplicado um questionário com questões abertas e a escala "Instrumento de avaliação de atitudes de estudantes de medicina frente a aspectos relevantes da prática médica" (Colares, 2002. A escala contém 52 questões referentes à: 1. Aspectos psicológicos e emocionais nas doenças orgânicas e mentais; 2. Manejo de situações relacionadas à morte; 3. Atenção primária à saúde; 4. Aspectos relacionados à doença mental; 5. Contribuição do médico ao avanço científico da medicina; 6. Outros aspectos relacionados à atuação médica e às políticas de saúde. As atitudes são categorizadas em positivas, negativas e conflitantes. Observou-se que os estudantes apresentaram atitudes positivas frente a pelo menos três dos seis aspectos abordados; os alunos do segundo ano e do sexto ano apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significativa (chi² = 6,901, g.l. = 1, p < 0,05 nas atitudes relacionadas ao fator 2 (manejo de situações relacionadas à morte.

  6. Aspectos Relevantes Acerca de la Producción de Maíz y Trigo Bajo la Perspectiva de Datos en Painel

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    Dilamar Dallemole


    Full Text Available O comércio internacional de commodities tem intensificado um processo de significativas transformações no setor agropecuário, base das principais cadeias agroalimentares, nas mais variadas regiões. Regulamentações supranacionais acabam por ser incorporadas ao processo produtivo que, associadas ao aumento na demanda por alimentos, intensificam as exigências e pressionam a produção no campo. Envolto a tais condicionantes, os mercados de milho e trigo ajustam-se e evoluem de acordo com estes novos paradigmas e, por serem responsáveis por expressivos impactos socioeconômicos, torna-se oportuno identificar aspectos relevantes acerca da produção e compreender a dinâmica de suas relações. Sob essa perspectiva, o horizonte volta-se para a determinação dos condicionantes da produção de milho e trigo, por meio da identificação das categorias de maior influência. Empregou-se o modelo analítico de Dados em Painel, no sentido de mensurar quais categorias são responsáveis pelas alterações na oferta, com as devidas correlações e tendências. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de políticas moderadas de ajuste de câmbio, incentivo às exportações e ao consumo, pois tratam-se dos fatores mais importantes no que se refere a impactos sobre a produção nestes mercados.

  7. Important factors for BPR success in manufacturing firms Fatores relevantes para o êxito de reengenharia de processos em empresas de manufatura

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    Tor Guimaraes


    aqui definido em três diferentes aspectos: metas e objetivos do projeto, benefícios obtidos do projeto, e o impacto no desempenho da empresa. A partir dos resultados da pesquisa, são apresentadas recomendações para que os gerentes foquem sua atenção e recursos nos fatores relevantes ao êxito e procedam de forma a minimizar o risco de fracasso. Questionários foram enviados pelo correio a gerentes e diretores de auditoria interna de 586 empresas de manufatura selecionadas aleatoriamente. Obteve-se uma amostra de 135 questionários, representando uma taxa de resposta de 22 por cento. De modo geral, as empresas não estão enfatizando algumas das mais importantes atividades e tarefas recomendadas na literatura de reengenharia, tais como mudança para processos de negócio orientados para o mercado, o elemento que adiciona valor a cada atividade de negócios e aplicação da inovação tecnológica adequada. Baseado nos resultados, recomenda-se à alta administração que não se engaje em projetos de reengenharia antes de ter assegurado a presença dos fatores de êxito considerados relevantes na pesquisa. Embora os resultados sejam baseados em empresas de manufatura, os mesmos podem ser generalizados para outros setores.

  8. Optimized Basis Sets for the Environment in the Domain-Specific Basis Set Approach of the Incremental Scheme. (United States)

    Anacker, Tony; Hill, J Grant; Friedrich, Joachim


    Minimal basis sets, denoted DSBSenv, based on the segmented basis sets of Ahlrichs and co-workers have been developed for use as environmental basis sets for the domain-specific basis set (DSBS) incremental scheme with the aim of decreasing the CPU requirements of the incremental scheme. The use of these minimal basis sets within explicitly correlated (F12) methods has been enabled by the optimization of matching auxiliary basis sets for use in density fitting of two-electron integrals and resolution of the identity. The accuracy of these auxiliary sets has been validated by calculations on a test set containing small- to medium-sized molecules. The errors due to density fitting are about 2-4 orders of magnitude smaller than the basis set incompleteness error of the DSBSenv orbital basis sets. Additional reductions in computational cost have been tested with the reduced DSBSenv basis sets, in which the highest angular momentum functions of the DSBSenv auxiliary basis sets have been removed. The optimized and reduced basis sets are used in the framework of the domain-specific basis set of the incremental scheme to decrease the computation time without significant loss of accuracy. The computation times and accuracy of the previously used environmental basis and that optimized in this work have been validated with a test set of medium- to large-sized systems. The optimized and reduced DSBSenv basis sets decrease the CPU time by about 15.4% and 19.4% compared with the old environmental basis and retain the accuracy in the absolute energy with standard deviations of 0.99 and 1.06 kJ/mol, respectively.

  9. 10 CFR 830.202 - Safety basis. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Safety basis. 830.202 Section 830.202 Energy DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY NUCLEAR SAFETY MANAGEMENT Safety Basis Requirements § 830.202 Safety basis. (a) The contractor responsible for a hazard category 1, 2, or 3 DOE nuclear facility must establish and maintain the safety basis...

  10. 75 FR 75896 - Basis Reporting by Securities Brokers and Basis Determination for Stock (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Internal Revenue Service 26 CFR 1 [TD 9504] RIN 1545-BI66 Basis Reporting by Securities Brokers and Basis Determination for Stock Correction In rule document 2010-25504 beginning on page 64072 in the issue of Monday, October 18, 2010, make the following corrections: Sec. 1...


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    Silvio Aparecido Crepaldi


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 RESUMO Nos últimos anos, cresceu notavelmente o interesse mútuo entre o Brasil e a China. Na década de 1990 ambos os países se esforçaram para promover a multi-polarização do poder mundial e fortalecer a cooperação entre países em desenvolvimento. Brasil e China trabalham com vistas à consolidação de uma parceria estratégica, o que tem impulsionado as relações bilaterais; mas há ainda desafios a serem superados. Com esta realidade surge uma lacuna na bibliografia sobre os aspectos relevantes da aproximação Brasil e China. Assim, a carência de bibliografias voltadas ao assunto que incluam o estudo desta aproximação e seus reflexos, motiva à pesquisa visando sanar essas deficiências. Pretende-se analisar as relações comerciais sino-brasileiras de 1984 a 2002 e explorar o significado do conceito de parceria estratégica no relacionamento dos dois países. Antes disso, contudo, são indispensáveis algumas ponderações extraídas da sua análise global, permitindo a melhor reflexão e apontamento de conclusões sobre as relevantes matérias tratadas na referida aproximação Brasil e China. Em conseqüência do cenário exposto, a problemática pode ser sintetizada na seguinte questão: "como Brasil e China deveriam interagir entre si para obter uma inserção mutuamente vantajosa no mundo globalizado?". As informações referentes ao tema aproximação entre Brasil e China foram obtidas mediante pesquisa bibliográfica. O volume das transações comerciais entre Brasil e China vem evoluindo rapidamente e a China tornou-se recentemente o maior parceiro comercial do Brasil na Ásia. Há ainda enormes potencialidades comerciais a serem exploradas. Ao mesmo tempo, a economia chinesa consegue gerar empregos urbanos em escala astronômica. Somente nos primeiros 9 (nove meses deste ano, foram criados cerca de 8 milhões de postos de trabalho nas cidades

  12. 75 FR 6166 - Basis Reporting by Securities Brokers and Basis Determination for Stock (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Internal Revenue Service 26 CFR Parts, 1, 31, and 301 [REG-101896-09] RIN 1545-Bl66 Basis Reporting by Securities Brokers and Basis Determination for Stock Correction In proposed rule document E9-29855 beginning on page 67010 in the issue of Thursday, December 17, 2009, make...

  13. 75 FR 3666 - Basis Reporting by Securities Brokers and Basis Determination for Stock; Correction (United States)


    ... Basis Reporting by Securities Brokers and Basis Determination for Stock; Correction AGENCY: Internal... on Thursday, December 17, 2009, relating to reporting sales of securities by brokers and determining... 3, in the preamble, under paragraph heading ``a. Form and Manner of New Broker Reporting...

  14. OP-Planungssysteme: Eine empirische Studie


    Kristof, R.


    Die Studie - erstellt auf Basis einer Befragung von Softwareunternehmen - gibt Auskunft über relevante Parameter der OP-Planung im Krankenhaus, erforderliche Funktionalitäten eines entsprechenden DV-gestützten Planungssystems und den softwareseitigen Status quo bezüglich dieser Punkte. Wobei die OP-Planung sich hier auf die Ablauforganisation von Operationen und ihre ressourcen- sowie terminbezogene Planung bezieht.

  15. Aspectos relevantes no diagnóstico de dort e fibromialgia Important aspects of diagnosing work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD and fibromyalgia

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    JF Alencar


    Full Text Available CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A dor crônica e difusa encontra-se presente tanto nas Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos (LER/Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (DORT como na Fibromialgia, trazendo dificuldades diagnósticas, preventivas e terapêuticas para profissionais da saúde envolvidos no tratamento de acometidos. OBJETIVOS: Analisar os aspectos relevantes na emissão dos diagnósticos de DORT e Fibromialgia na percepção de médicos assistenciais e peritos. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo, 75 médicos (36 assistenciais e 39 peritos responderam a questões estruturadas e abertas sobre aspectos considerados relevantes na emissão de diagnóstico destas síndromes. RESULTADOS: As respostas dos dois grupos foram correlacionadas pelo teste de Spearman (α=0,05 e submetidos ao método de Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC. Os médicos assistenciais tenderam a valorizar o fator "quadro clínico e tempo de evolução", enquanto os médicos peritos tenderam a apontar "história ocupacional" na definição do diagnóstico de LER/DORT. Já para o diagnóstico de Fibromialgia, os peritos tenderam a apontar o fator "quantidade de tender points", enquanto os médicos assistenciais indicaram mais frequentemente "característica da dor". Apesar dessas discretas discrepâncias, alta correlação (r=0,85, ρ=0,01 foi identificada entre os grupos quando apontaram aspectos comuns e distintos no estabelecimento do diagnóstico para as duas síndromes. Os relatos também enfatizaram a necessidade da investigação de riscos presentes no trabalho para a definição de um diagnóstico mais preciso. CONCLUSÕES: Nesse sentido, objetivando uniformizar condutas avaliativas, preventivas e terapêuticas para médicos, fisioterapeutas e demais profissionais envolvidos no atendimento dessas síndromes, seria recomendável maior divulgação dos critérios utilizados por entidades internacionais no diagnóstico da Fibromialgia e a inclusão de treinamento para identifica

  16. The biological basis of radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steel, G.G.; Adams, G.E.; Horwich, A.


    The focus of this book is the biological basis of radiotherapy. The papers presented include: Temporal stages of radiation action:free radical processes; The molecular basis of radiosensitivity; and Radiation damage to early-reacting normal tissue





    O presente estudo tem por objeto analisar o guardião da Constituição no Brasil, partindo da análise das bases teóricas, da história do controle de constitucionalidade brasileiro e mesmo das críticas ao modelo consagrado na Constituição de 1988. Desse modo, o trabalho pretende investigar como o Supremo Tribunal Federal tornou-se o guardião da Constituição brasileira, bem como, através de análise jurisprudencial, o que a referida Corte extrai de tão relevante competência. T...

  18. Understanding and capturing NSSS design basis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palo, W.J.; Miller, B.


    Changes to, and technical evaluations of nuclear generating station designs are often warranted. Comprehensive documentation and understanding of the NSSS Design Basis are essential to support these activities. Effective configuration management tools are also needed to maintain the plant within design basis limits. Efficient design basis reconstitution can be realized via: In-depth understanding of the design process; Utilization of effective data collection methodology; State of the art data basing tools. A database can be created to generate a Design Basis Manual (DBM). This database can communicate electronically with other plant databases. A living document vice a static snapshot of the plant design is the goal. A design basis database can serve as the cornerstone for a global electronic information control system

  19. BWR NSSS design basis documentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vij, R.S.; Bates, R.E.


    In 1985 an incident at Toledo Edison's Davis Besse plant caused the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to re-evaluate the technical information that the utilities had readily available to support the design of their plants. The Design Basis programs, currently on going in most U.S. utilities, have been the nuclear industry's response to the needs identified by this re-evaluation. In order to understand the Design Basis programs which have been implemented by the U.S. nuclear utilities, it is necessary to understand the problem as it was perceived by the nuclear industry (the utilities, the original NSSS designers and the regulators) after the Davis-Besse incident, the subsequent programs undertaken by the industry under the leadership of INPO and NUMARC, the NRC's actions, and the overall evolution of the industry's vision in relation to this problem. This paper presents the history of the design basis efforts from the first recognition of the problem by the NRC after the Davis-Besse incident, describes the actions taken by the NRC, INPO, NUMARC, the U.S. utilities and the NSSS designers, and brings the problem statement up-to-date in relation to the vision presently held by the U.S. nuclear industry. It then presents a technical discussion to develop a detailed definition of design basis information to support the problem statement. The information originally supplied by the NSSS designers during the plant design and construction is discussed as well as its relationship to the previously defined design basis information. This section of the paper concludes by defining the additional information needed by nuclear utilities to satisfy the requirements developed from the problem statement. Having developed a definition of the additional information (i.e., information not originally supplied during design and construction) required to solve the design basis problem as it is presently perceived by the U.S. nuclear industry, the paper then discusses design basis

  20. Localifecation of variable-basis topological systems | Solovyov ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The paper provides another approach to the notion of variable-basis topological system generalizing the fixed-basis concept of S. Vickers, considers functorial relationships between the categories of modified variable-basis topological systems and variable-basis fuzzy topological spaces in the sense of S.E. Rodabaugh ...


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    Adriano Leal Bruni


    Full Text Available Um domínio apropriado dos conceitos básicos da Contabilidade e uma análise das suas características são essenciais para o desenvolvimento da Teoria Contábil. O processo de tomada de decisões financeiras exige o conhecimento de valores econômicos adequados, o que se torna cada vez mais demandado pelos usuários da Contabilidade. Este trabalho, portanto, buscou aferir a compreensão de alguns termos explorados no contexto da disciplina Teoria da Contabilidade, tais como ativos, passivos, goodwill, receitas, despesas, ganhos e perdas. Examinou-se uma amostra composta por 591 alunos matriculados em cursos de Ciências Contábeis que já haviam frequentado a disciplina Teoria da Contabilidade em instituições de ensino superior localizadas na cidade de Salvador (BA. A análise dos resultados por meio de uma regressão logística indica que a relação desempenho do discente e titulação do docente é mais significativa que a relação desempenho do discente e tipo da IES, contudo, de forma geral, conceitos superficiais sobre os tópicos tratados nesse trabalho foram citados em todos os níveis. Os resultados evidenciaram, em geral, falhas na compreensão de conceitos contábeis relevantes para a formação do aluno, refletindo majoritariamente uma visão superada ou, no mínimo, conservadora. Quando comparados por tipo de instituição de ensino, os resultados indicam que estudantes de instituições públicas possuem melhor domínio dos conceitos considerados neste estudo. A compreensão melhora um pouco mais quando a titulação do docente evolui de especialista para mestre e deste para doutor.

  2. A risk-informed framework for establishing a beyond design basis safety basis for external hazards

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amico, P. [Hughes Associates, Inc, Baltimore, MD (United States); Anoba, R. [Hughes Associates, Inc, Raleigh, NC (United States); Najafi, B. [Hughes Associates, Inc., Los Gatos, CA (United States)


    The events at Fukushima Daiichi taught us that meeting a deterministic design basis requirement for external hazards does not assure that the risk is low. As observed at the plant, the two primary reasons for this are failure cliffs above the design basis event and that combined hazard effects are not considered in design. Because the possible combinations of design basis exceedences and external hazard combinations are very large and complex, an approach focusing only on the most important ones is needed. For this reason, a risk informed approach is the most effective approach, which is discussed in this paper. (author)

  3. Dynamical basis set

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blanco, M.; Heller, E.J.


    A new Cartesian basis set is defined that is suitable for the representation of molecular vibration-rotation bound states. The Cartesian basis functions are superpositions of semiclassical states generated through the use of classical trajectories that conform to the intrinsic dynamics of the molecule. Although semiclassical input is employed, the method becomes ab initio through the standard matrix diagonalization variational method. Special attention is given to classical-quantum correspondences for angular momentum. In particular, it is shown that the use of semiclassical information preferentially leads to angular momentum eigenstates with magnetic quantum number Vertical BarMVertical Bar equal to the total angular momentum J. The present method offers a reliable technique for representing highly excited vibrational-rotational states where perturbation techniques are no longer applicable

  4. Design basis 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Larsen, G.; Soerensen, P. [Risoe National Lab., Roskilde (Denmark)


    Design Basis Program 2 (DBP2) is comprehensive fully coupled code which has the capability to operate in the time domain as well as in the frequency domain. The code was developed during the period 1991-93 and succeed Design Basis 1, which is a one-blade model presuming stiff tower, transmission system and hub. The package is designed for use on a personal computer and offers a user-friendly environment based on menu-driven editing and control facilities, and with graphics used extensively for the data presentation. Moreover in-data as well as results are dumped on files in Ascii-format. The input data is organized in a in-data base with a structure that easily allows for arbitrary combinations of defined structural components and load cases. (au)

  5. Relevant factors for tacit knowledge transfer within organizations: an exploratory study Fatores relevantes à transferência de conhecimento tácito em organizações: um estudo exploratório

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    Bernardo Lemos


    Full Text Available Knowledge and management of such knowledge have been studied for some time now in the field of Management. However, in the 1990s, with the growth in the economy based on intangible assets, companies needed more than an unstructured approach to corporate knowledge management to succeed in this new competitive environment. Therefore, this article aims to identify, in an exploratory way, the relevant factors for tacit knowledge transfer within a major Brazilian oil company trough a case study. This study reviews the literature concerning tacit knowledge transfer within organizations, and using a quantitative approach based on exploratory factorial analysis, it collects facts in order to identify the relevant factors for tacit knowledge transfer within the organization under study. It can be said that idiosyncratic factors, the knowledge management strategy adopted by the company, and its organizational structure are the critical elements for the success of tacit knowledge transfer within the organization under analysis. Finally, three propositions arising from the results obtained are then consolidated and presented in order that they may be tested in a future explanatory study and the research limitation are unveiled.O conhecimento tem sido estudado há bastante tempo dentro da área de Gestão. Entretanto, a partir da década de 1990, com o crescimento da economia baseada em ativos intangíveis, as empresas passaram a preocupar-se com o conhecimento existente em suas organizações, assim como com o seu gerenciamento. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é identificar, exploratoriamente, por meio de um estudo de caso, quais são os fatores relevantes à transferência de conhecimento tácito em uma grande empresa petrolífera brasileira. A presente pesquisa analisa parte relevante da bibliografia acerca da transferência de conhecimento tácito em organiza��ões e, usando abordagem quantitativa baseada em análise fatorial exploratória, coleta

  6. Basis set construction for molecular electronic structure theory: natural orbital and Gauss-Slater basis for smooth pseudopotentials. (United States)

    Petruzielo, F R; Toulouse, Julien; Umrigar, C J


    A simple yet general method for constructing basis sets for molecular electronic structure calculations is presented. These basis sets consist of atomic natural orbitals from a multiconfigurational self-consistent field calculation supplemented with primitive functions, chosen such that the asymptotics are appropriate for the potential of the system. Primitives are optimized for the homonuclear diatomic molecule to produce a balanced basis set. Two general features that facilitate this basis construction are demonstrated. First, weak coupling exists between the optimal exponents of primitives with different angular momenta. Second, the optimal primitive exponents for a chosen system depend weakly on the particular level of theory employed for optimization. The explicit case considered here is a basis set appropriate for the Burkatzki-Filippi-Dolg pseudopotentials. Since these pseudopotentials are finite at nuclei and have a Coulomb tail, the recently proposed Gauss-Slater functions are the appropriate primitives. Double- and triple-zeta bases are developed for elements hydrogen through argon. These new bases offer significant gains over the corresponding Burkatzki-Filippi-Dolg bases at various levels of theory. Using a Gaussian expansion of the basis functions, these bases can be employed in any electronic structure method. Quantum Monte Carlo provides an added benefit: expansions are unnecessary since the integrals are evaluated numerically.

  7. Theoretical basis for dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlsson, G.A.


    Radiation dosimetry is fundamental to all fields of science dealing with radiation effects and is concerned with problems which are often intricate as hinted above. A firm scientific basis is needed to face increasing demands on accurate dosimetry. This chapter is an attempt to review and to elucidate the elements for such a basis. Quantities suitable for radiation dosimetry have been defined in the unique work to coordinate radiation terminology and usage by the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, ICRU. Basic definitions and terminology used in this chapter conform with the recent ''Radiation Quantities and Units, Report 33'' of the ICRU

  8. 76 FR 78182 - Basis Reporting by Securities Brokers and Basis Determination for Debt Instruments and Options... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Internal Revenue Service 26 CFR Part 1 [REG-102988-11] RIN 1545-BK05 Basis Reporting by Securities Brokers and Basis Determination for Debt Instruments and Options..., November 25, 2011 (76 FR 72652) relating to reporting by brokers for transactions related to debt...

  9. Parallel Algorithms for Groebner-Basis Reduction (United States)


    22209 ELEMENT NO. NO. NO. ACCESSION NO. 11. TITLE (Include Security Classification) * PARALLEL ALGORITHMS FOR GROEBNER -BASIS REDUCTION 12. PERSONAL...All other editions are obsolete. Productivity Engineering in the UNIXt Environment p Parallel Algorithms for Groebner -Basis Reduction Technical Report

  10. Implantación de la moneda única europea en aplicación del Tratado de Maastricht y la crisis del sistema monetario europeo durante el periodo de convergencia económica : factores relevantes para la estabilidad cambiaria y análisis positivo del proceso de uni


    Gomez Ortiz, Miguel Ángel


    Se analizan las variables relevantes del proceso de unión monetaria así como el funcionamiento del Sistema Monetario Europeo y el contenido del Tratado de Maastricht. Con esta base se plantea la preferencia de una moneda única como el mecanismo más idóneo para lograr optimizar el proceso de unión económica y monetaria de la Comunidad Europea, realizándose un análisis histórico e institucional tanto de la evolución monetario-financiera de la Comunidad como del mecanismo de cambios e intervenci...

  11. 14 CFR 152.315 - Reporting on accrual basis. (United States)


    ...) AIRPORTS AIRPORT AID PROGRAM Accounting and Reporting Requirements § 152.315 Reporting on accrual basis. (a... 14 Aeronautics and Space 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Reporting on accrual basis. 152.315 Section... financial reports on an accrual basis. (b) If records are not maintained on an accrual basis by a sponsor or...

  12. A convenient basis for the Izergin-Korepin model (United States)

    Qiao, Yi; Zhang, Xin; Hao, Kun; Cao, Junpeng; Li, Guang-Liang; Yang, Wen-Li; Shi, Kangjie


    We propose a convenient orthogonal basis of the Hilbert space for the quantum spin chain associated with the A2(2) algebra (or the Izergin-Korepin model). It is shown that compared with the original basis the monodromy-matrix elements acting on this basis take relatively simple forms, which is quite similar as that for the quantum spin chain associated with An algebra in the so-called F-basis. As an application of our general results, we present the explicit recursive expressions of the Bethe states in this basis for the Izergin-Korepin model.

  13. Development of new auxiliary basis functions of the Karlsruhe segmented contracted basis sets including diffuse basis functions (def2-SVPD, def2-TZVPPD, and def2-QVPPD) for RI-MP2 and RI-CC calculations. (United States)

    Hellweg, Arnim; Rappoport, Dmitrij


    We report optimized auxiliary basis sets for use with the Karlsruhe segmented contracted basis sets including moderately diffuse basis functions (Rappoport and Furche, J. Chem. Phys., 2010, 133, 134105) in resolution-of-the-identity (RI) post-self-consistent field (post-SCF) computations for the elements H-Rn (except lanthanides). The errors of the RI approximation using optimized auxiliary basis sets are analyzed on a comprehensive test set of molecules containing the most common oxidation states of each element and do not exceed those of the corresponding unaugmented basis sets. During these studies an unsatisfying performance of the def2-SVP and def2-QZVPP auxiliary basis sets for Barium was found and improved sets are provided. We establish the versatility of the def2-SVPD, def2-TZVPPD, and def2-QZVPPD basis sets for RI-MP2 and RI-CC (coupled-cluster) energy and property calculations. The influence of diffuse basis functions on correlation energy, basis set superposition error, atomic electron affinity, dipole moments, and computational timings is evaluated at different levels of theory using benchmark sets and showcase examples.

  14. Riesz basis for strongly continuous groups.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zwart, Heiko J.

    Given a Hilbert space and the generator of a strongly continuous group on this Hilbert space. If the eigenvalues of the generator have a uniform gap, and if the span of the corresponding eigenvectors is dense, then these eigenvectors form a Riesz basis (or unconditional basis) of the Hilbert space.

  15. TreeBASIS Feature Descriptor and Its Hardware Implementation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Spencer Fowers


    Full Text Available This paper presents a novel feature descriptor called TreeBASIS that provides improvements in descriptor size, computation time, matching speed, and accuracy. This new descriptor uses a binary vocabulary tree that is computed using basis dictionary images and a test set of feature region images. To facilitate real-time implementation, a feature region image is binary quantized and the resulting quantized vector is passed into the BASIS vocabulary tree. A Hamming distance is then computed between the feature region image and the effectively descriptive basis dictionary image at a node to determine the branch taken and the path the feature region image takes is saved as a descriptor. The TreeBASIS feature descriptor is an excellent candidate for hardware implementation because of its reduced descriptor size and the fact that descriptors can be created and features matched without the use of floating point operations. The TreeBASIS descriptor is more computationally and space efficient than other descriptors such as BASIS, SIFT, and SURF. Moreover, it can be computed entirely in hardware without the support of a CPU for additional software-based computations. Experimental results and a hardware implementation show that the TreeBASIS descriptor compares well with other descriptors for frame-to-frame homography computation while requiring fewer hardware resources.

  16. Dynamik des Kaufverhaltens im Bio-Sortiment


    Buder, Fabian; Hamm, Ulrich; Bickel, Malte; Bien, Barbara; Michels, Paul


    Das Gesamtziel des vorliegenden Forschungsprojekts war es, eine detaillierte Informationsgrundlage zum tatsächlichen Kaufverhalten von deutschen Haushalten bei ökologischen Lebensmitteln auf der Basis von Haushaltspaneldaten zu erstellen. Dazu sollten zum einen relevante Aspekte des Kaufverhaltens von Haushalten bei Öko-Lebensmitteln im Zeitverlauf von 2004 bis 2008 analysiert und zum anderen die Einflussfaktoren des Kaufverhaltens bei Öko-Lebensmitteln für das Jahr 2008 identifiziert werden....

  17. Genetic basis of atrial fibrillation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar Campuzano


    Full Text Available Atrial fibrillation is the most common sustained arrhythmia and remains as one of main challenges in current clinical practice. The disease may be induced secondary to other diseases such as hypertension, valvular heart disease, and heart failure, conferring an increased risk of stroke and sudden death. Epidemiological studies have provided evidence that genetic factors play an important role and up to 30% of clinically diagnosed patients may have a family history of atrial fibrillation. To date, several rare variants have been identified in a wide range of genes associated with ionic channels, calcium handling protein, fibrosis, conduction and inflammation. Important advances in clinical, genetic and molecular basis have been performed over the last decade, improving diagnosis and treatment. However, the genetics of atrial fibrillation is complex and pathophysiological data remains still unraveling. A better understanding of the genetic basis will induce accurate risk stratification and personalized clinical treatment. In this review, we have focused on current genetics basis of atrial fibrillation.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raimundo Nonato Lima Filho


    Full Text Available Un dominio apropiado de los conceptos básicos de la Contabilidad y un análisis de sus características son esenciales para el desarrollo de la Teoría Contable. El proceso de toma de decisiones financieras exige el conocimiento de valores económicos adecuados, lo que se torna cada vez más demandado por los usuarios de la Contabilidad. Este trabajo, por tanto, buscó aferir la comprensión de algunos términos explotados en el contexto de la disciplina Teoría de la Contabilidad, tales como activos, pasivos, goodwill, ingresos, gastos, ganancias y pérdidas. Se examino una muestra compuesta por 591 alumnos matriculados en cursos de Ciencias Contables que ya habían frecuentado la disciplina Teoría de la Contabilidad en instituciones de enseñanza superior localizadas en la ciudad de Salvador (BA. El análisis de los resultados por medio de una regresión logística indica que la relación desempeño del discente y titulación del docente es más significativa que la relación desempeño del discente y tipo de la IES, sin embargo, de forma general, conceptos superficiales sobre los tópicos tratados en ese trabajo fueron citados en todos los niveles. Los resultados evidenciaron, en general, fallos en la comprensión de conceptos contables relevantes para la formación del alumno, reflejando mayoritariamente una visión superada o, como mínimo, conservadora. Cuando comparados por tipo de institución de enseñanza, los resultados indican que estudiantes de instituciones públicas poseen mejor dominio de los conceptos considerados en este estudio. La comprensión mejora un poco más cuando la titulación del docente evoluciona de especialista para maestro y de éste para doctor.

  19. Myelography conducted on an outpatient basis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kausch, W


    The introduction of the non-ionogenic product metrizamide made lumbosacral myelography a low-risk, invasive diagnostic procedure. Examination carried out on an outpatient basis does not involve greater risks or side effects than examination on a inpatient basis. However, it is essential that - apart from informing the patient properly - the patient shows discipline and remains available for the examining physician during a period of 36 hours.

  20. 9 CFR 590.130 - Basis of billing plants. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Basis of billing plants. 590.130... of Service § 590.130 Basis of billing plants. Overtime and/or holiday services shall be billed to the official plant on the basis of each 15 minutes of overtime and/or holiday service performed by each...

  1. Empirical projection-based basis-component decomposition method (United States)

    Brendel, Bernhard; Roessl, Ewald; Schlomka, Jens-Peter; Proksa, Roland


    Advances in the development of semiconductor based, photon-counting x-ray detectors stimulate research in the domain of energy-resolving pre-clinical and clinical computed tomography (CT). For counting detectors acquiring x-ray attenuation in at least three different energy windows, an extended basis component decomposition can be performed in which in addition to the conventional approach of Alvarez and Macovski a third basis component is introduced, e.g., a gadolinium based CT contrast material. After the decomposition of the measured projection data into the basis component projections, conventional filtered-backprojection reconstruction is performed to obtain the basis-component images. In recent work, this basis component decomposition was obtained by maximizing the likelihood-function of the measurements. This procedure is time consuming and often unstable for excessively noisy data or low intrinsic energy resolution of the detector. Therefore, alternative procedures are of interest. Here, we introduce a generalization of the idea of empirical dual-energy processing published by Stenner et al. to multi-energy, photon-counting CT raw data. Instead of working in the image-domain, we use prior spectral knowledge about the acquisition system (tube spectra, bin sensitivities) to parameterize the line-integrals of the basis component decomposition directly in the projection domain. We compare this empirical approach with the maximum-likelihood (ML) approach considering image noise and image bias (artifacts) and see that only moderate noise increase is to be expected for small bias in the empirical approach. Given the drastic reduction of pre-processing time, the empirical approach is considered a viable alternative to the ML approach.

  2. System Design and the Safety Basis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ellingson, Darrel


    The objective of this paper is to present the Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC (BJC) Lessons Learned for system design as it relates to safety basis documentation. BJC has had to reconcile incomplete or outdated system description information with current facility safety basis for a number of situations in recent months. This paper has relevance in multiple topical areas including documented safety analysis, decontamination and decommissioning (D and D), safety basis (SB) implementation, safety and design integration, potential inadequacy of the safety analysis (PISA), technical safety requirements (TSR), and unreviewed safety questions. BJC learned that nuclear safety compliance relies on adequate and well documented system design information. A number of PIS As and TSR violations occurred due to inadequate or erroneous system design information. As a corrective action, BJC assessed the occurrences caused by systems design-safety basis interface problems. Safety systems reviewed included the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) Fluorination System, K-1065 fire alarm system, and the K-25 Radiation Criticality Accident Alarm System. The conclusion was that an inadequate knowledge of system design could result in continuous non-compliance issues relating to nuclear safety. This was especially true with older facilities that lacked current as-built drawings coupled with the loss of 'historical knowledge' as personnel retired or moved on in their careers. Walkdown of systems and the updating of drawings are imperative for nuclear safety compliance. System design integration with safety basis has relevance in the Department of Energy (DOE) complex. This paper presents the BJC Lessons Learned in this area. It will be of benefit to DOE contractors that manage and operate an aging population of nuclear facilities

  3. 7 CFR 58.132 - Basis for classification. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Basis for classification. 58.132 Section 58.132 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards... Milk § 58.132 Basis for classification. The quality classification of raw milk for manufacturing...

  4. 42 CFR 403.200 - Basis and scope. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Basis and scope. 403.200 Section 403.200 Public... PROVISIONS SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS Medicare Supplemental Policies § 403.200 Basis and scope. (a... intent of that section is to enable Medicare beneficiaries to identify Medicare supplemental policies...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sánchez Tepatzi José de la luz


    Full Text Available Resumen:En este artículo se presenta parte de los resultados obtenidos en una investigación realizada entre los años 2009 y 2010 en una comunidad rural en México donde participaron 12 personas que abandonaron la escuela tele-secundaria. El estudio es de tipo cualitativo y las principales herramientas para obtener la información fueron la historia de vida y la entrevista abierta. La pregunta que orienta este artículo analiza las formas en cómo los alumnos traducen el curriculum formal en una experiencia escolar relevante y cómo influye tal significado en la permanencia. Los principales resultados señalan que la relación profesor-alumno, el trato entre pares y el apoyo de la familia, son elementos importantes para mejorar la permanencia y la calidad de los aprendizajes, así como para otorgar significado relevante a esa experiencia. En las conclusiones del estudio se muestra que el valor positivo hacia la escuela y la relevancia de la experiencia escolar, no son elementos suficientes para garantizar la permanencia, pues en esa decisión intervienen otros factores y razonamientos particulares. Es decir, cada alumno, en su mundo de vida construye un sentido de la realidad y este es el que orienta sus decisiones; una de ellas es permanecer o retirarse de la escuela. En este marco de relativa autonomía, los profesores estamos obligados a ofrecer a los alumnos la oportunidad de vivir una experiencia escolar relevante que les permita desenvolverse en un mundo complejo y aprender a lo largo de la vida, más allá de su condición y disposición para permanecer en la escuela.Abstract: This article I share part of the results of an investigation developed during the 2009 and 2010 year in a rural community in Mexico. In this study participated 12 persons who left school tele-secondary. The study is qualitative and the main methodological tools were the history of life and the open interview. The question that guides this research, it examines the

  6. 42 CFR 417.470 - Basis and scope. (United States)


    ...) MEDICARE PROGRAM HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS, COMPETITIVE MEDICAL PLANS, AND HEALTH CARE PREPAYMENT PLANS Medicare Contract Requirements § 417.470 Basis and scope. (a) Basis. This subpart implements those... section 1876(c), (g), (h), and (i) of the Act that pertain to the contract between CMS and an HMO or CMP...

  7. 45 CFR 148.306 - Basis and scope. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Basis and scope. 148.306 Section 148.306 Public... FOR THE INDIVIDUAL HEALTH INSURANCE MARKET Grants to States for Operation of Qualified High Risk Pools § 148.306 Basis and scope. This subpart implements section 2745 of the Public Health Service Act (PHS...

  8. Density Functional Theory and the Basis Set Truncation Problem with Correlation Consistent Basis Sets: Elephant in the Room or Mouse in the Closet? (United States)

    Feller, David; Dixon, David A


    Two recent papers in this journal called into question the suitability of the correlation consistent basis sets for density functional theory (DFT) calculations, because the sets were designed for correlated methods such as configuration interaction, perturbation theory, and coupled cluster theory. These papers focused on the ability of the correlation consistent and other basis sets to reproduce total energies, atomization energies, and dipole moments obtained from "quasi-exact" multiwavelet results. Undesirably large errors were observed for the correlation consistent basis sets. One of the papers argued that basis sets specifically optimized for DFT methods were "essential" for obtaining high accuracy. In this work we re-examined the performance of the correlation consistent basis sets by resolving problems with the previous calculations and by making more appropriate basis set choices for the alkali and alkaline-earth metals and second-row elements. When this is done, the statistical errors with respect to the benchmark values and with respect to DFT optimized basis sets are greatly reduced, especially in light of the relatively large intrinsic error of the underlying DFT method. When judged with respect to high-quality Feller-Peterson-Dixon coupled cluster theory atomization energies, the PBE0 DFT method used in the previous studies exhibits a mean absolute deviation more than a factor of 50 larger than the quintuple zeta basis set truncation error.

  9. 12 CFR 505.1 - Basis and scope. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Basis and scope. 505.1 Section 505.1 Banks and Banking OFFICE OF THRIFT SUPERVISION, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT § 505.1 Basis and scope. (a) This part is issued by the Office of Thrift Supervision (“OTS”) as a supplement to the...

  10. The Matlab Radial Basis Function Toolbox

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Scott A. Sarra


    Full Text Available Radial Basis Function (RBF methods are important tools for scattered data interpolation and for the solution of Partial Differential Equations in complexly shaped domains. The most straight forward approach used to evaluate the methods involves solving a linear system which is typically poorly conditioned. The Matlab Radial Basis Function toolbox features a regularization method for the ill-conditioned system, extended precision floating point arithmetic, and symmetry exploitation for the purpose of reducing flop counts of the associated numerical linear algebra algorithms.

  11. Coulomb interaction in the supermultiplet basis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruzha, Ya.Kh.; Guseva, T.V.; Tamberg, Yu.Ya.; Vanagas, V.V.


    An approximate expression for the matrix elements of the Coulomb interaction operator in the supermultiplet basis has been derived with the account for the orbitally-nonsymmetric terms. From the general expression a simplified formula for the Coulomb interaction energy has been proposed. On the basis of the expression obtained the contribution of the Coulomb interaction to the framework of a strongly restricted dynamic model in the light (4≤A≤40) and heavy (158≤A≤196) nuclei region has been studied. 19 refs.; 4 tabs

  12. Assessing the utility of phase-space-localized basis functions: Exploiting direct product structure and a new basis function selection procedure. (United States)

    Brown, James; Carrington, Tucker


    In this paper we show that it is possible to use an iterative eigensolver in conjunction with Halverson and Poirier's symmetrized Gaussian (SG) basis [T. Halverson and B. Poirier, J. Chem. Phys. 137, 224101 (2012)] to compute accurate vibrational energy levels of molecules with as many as five atoms. This is done, without storing and manipulating large matrices, by solving a regular eigenvalue problem that makes it possible to exploit direct-product structure. These ideas are combined with a new procedure for selecting which basis functions to use. The SG basis we work with is orders of magnitude smaller than the basis made by using a classical energy criterion. We find significant convergence errors in previous calculations with SG bases. For sum-of-product Hamiltonians, SG bases large enough to compute accurate levels are orders of magnitude larger than even simple pruned bases composed of products of harmonic oscillator functions.

  13. Assessing the utility of phase-space-localized basis functions: Exploiting direct product structure and a new basis function selection procedure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, James; Carrington, Tucker


    In this paper we show that it is possible to use an iterative eigensolver in conjunction with Halverson and Poirier’s symmetrized Gaussian (SG) basis [T. Halverson and B. Poirier, J. Chem. Phys. 137, 224101 (2012)] to compute accurate vibrational energy levels of molecules with as many as five atoms. This is done, without storing and manipulating large matrices, by solving a regular eigenvalue problem that makes it possible to exploit direct-product structure. These ideas are combined with a new procedure for selecting which basis functions to use. The SG basis we work with is orders of magnitude smaller than the basis made by using a classical energy criterion. We find significant convergence errors in previous calculations with SG bases. For sum-of-product Hamiltonians, SG bases large enough to compute accurate levels are orders of magnitude larger than even simple pruned bases composed of products of harmonic oscillator functions.

  14. Probing community nurses' professional basis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schaarup, Clara; Pape-Haugaard, Louise; Jensen, Merete Hartun


    Complicated and long-lasting wound care of diabetic foot ulcers are moving from specialists in wound care at hospitals towards community nurses without specialist diabetic foot ulcer wound care knowledge. The aim of the study is to elucidate community nurses' professional basis for treating...... diabetic foot ulcers. A situational case study design was adopted in an archetypical Danish community nursing setting. Experience is a crucial component in the community nurses' professional basis for treating diabetic foot ulcers. Peer-to-peer training is the prevailing way to learn about diabetic foot...... ulcer, however, this contributes to the risk of low evidence-based practice. Finally, a frequent behaviour among the community nurses is to consult colleagues before treating the diabetic foot ulcers....

  15. Technical basis for tumbleweed survey requirements and disposal criteria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    J. D. Arana


    This technical basis document describes the technique for surveying potentially contaminated tumbleweeds in areas where the Environmental Restoration Contractor has jurisdiction and the disposal criteria based on these survey results. The report also discusses the statistical basis for surveys and the historical basis for the assumptions that are used to interpret the surveys

  16. Technical Basis for Tumbleweed Survey Requirements and Disposal Criteria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arana, J.D.


    This technical basis document describes the technique for surveying potentially contaminated tumbleweeds in areas where the Environmental Restoration Contractor has jurisdiction and the disposal criteria based on these survey results. The report also discusses the statistical basis for surveys and the historical basis for the assumptions that are used to interpret the surveys

  17. Heavy quarkonium in a holographic basis

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    Yang Li


    Full Text Available We study the heavy quarkonium within the basis light-front quantization approach. We implement the one-gluon exchange interaction and a confining potential inspired by light-front holography. We adopt the holographic light-front wavefunction (LFWF as our basis function and solve the non-perturbative dynamics by diagonalizing the Hamiltonian matrix. We obtain the mass spectrum for charmonium and bottomonium. With the obtained LFWFs, we also compute the decay constants and the charge form factors for selected eigenstates. The results are compared with the experimental measurements and with other established methods.

  18. Determination of Design Basis Earthquake ground motion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kato, Muneaki [Japan Atomic Power Co., Tokyo (Japan)


    This paper describes principle of determining of Design Basis Earthquake following the Examination Guide, some examples on actual sites including earthquake sources to be considered, earthquake response spectrum and simulated seismic waves. In sppendix of this paper, furthermore, seismic safety review for N.P.P designed before publication of the Examination Guide was summarized with Check Basis Earthquake. (J.P.N.)

  19. Determination of Design Basis Earthquake ground motion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kato, Muneaki


    This paper describes principle of determining of Design Basis Earthquake following the Examination Guide, some examples on actual sites including earthquake sources to be considered, earthquake response spectrum and simulated seismic waves. In sppendix of this paper, furthermore, seismic safety review for N.P.P designed before publication of the Examination Guide was summarized with Check Basis Earthquake. (J.P.N.)

  20. 26 CFR 1.1336-1 - Basis of recovered property. (United States)


    ... benefits by reason of the basis determined under subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, that it would be... recovered it has an unadjusted basis of $100. After $70 depreciation has been allowed on A, an allocation is sought which would give A an unadjusted basis of $60. Since this is less than the depreciation which is...

  1. Approaching the basis set limit for DFT calculations using an environment-adapted minimal basis with perturbation theory: Formulation, proof of concept, and a pilot implementation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mao, Yuezhi; Horn, Paul R.; Mardirossian, Narbe; Head-Gordon, Teresa; Skylaris, Chris-Kriton; Head-Gordon, Martin


    Recently developed density functionals have good accuracy for both thermochemistry (TC) and non-covalent interactions (NC) if very large atomic orbital basis sets are used. To approach the basis set limit with potentially lower computational cost, a new self-consistent field (SCF) scheme is presented that employs minimal adaptive basis (MAB) functions. The MAB functions are optimized on each atomic site by minimizing a surrogate function. High accuracy is obtained by applying a perturbative correction (PC) to the MAB calculation, similar to dual basis approaches. Compared to exact SCF results, using this MAB-SCF (PC) approach with the same large target basis set produces <0.15 kcal/mol root-mean-square deviations for most of the tested TC datasets, and <0.1 kcal/mol for most of the NC datasets. The performance of density functionals near the basis set limit can be even better reproduced. With further improvement to its implementation, MAB-SCF (PC) is a promising lower-cost substitute for conventional large-basis calculations as a method to approach the basis set limit of modern density functionals.

  2. 26 CFR 1.167(g)-1 - Basis for depreciation. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Basis for depreciation. 1.167(g)-1 Section 1.167... for depreciation. The basis upon which the allowance for depreciation is to be computed with respect... property at that time, is the basis for computing depreciation. [T.D. 6500, 25 FR 11402, Nov. 26, 1960...

  3. Temas ambientais relevantes Relevant environmental issues

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eneas Salati


    Full Text Available NESTE trabalho, são indicados os principais temas ambientais para o Brasil, num futuro próximo (2022. Impactos do aumento da temperatura são estudados através de cenários, que podem modificar o balanço hídrico em algumas regiões, tendo sido observado um aumento da ordem de 0,78ºC no período de 1917 a 2003, na região de Piracicaba. Para a região amazônica, foi observado um aumento de 0,56ºC durante o século XX. Tanto o desmatamento quanto as Mudanças Climáticas Globais atuam na direção de um aumento da temperatura, enquanto o desmatamento influi na direção de uma diminuição das precipitações. O desmatamento provoca, ainda, uma grande perda de biodiversidade, sendo estimadas em uma perda entre 8.000 até 34.000 espécies, considerando-se que o desmatamento aumenta em 1% ao ano.THIS PAPER indicates the environmental issues that must necessarily be approached, in Brazil, in a near future (2022. A study was made on some aspects of the effects of deforestation and Global Climate Change. A temperature rise around 0,78% has been observed during period of 1917 and 2003 in the Piracicaba region. For the Amazon region a rise of 0,56% was observed the 20th Century. The existing information indicates that not only deforestation but also Global Climate Changes act upon temperature rise. Deforestation has direct influence in precipitation decrease. The consequences of Global Climate Change are still unknown, being that some models indicate a precipitation rise and others a decrease. Deforestation also provokes great biodiversity loss, estimated between 8.000 to 34.000 species, considering that deforestation raises 1% per year.

  4. Authorization basis requirements comparison report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brantley, W.M.


    The TWRS Authorization Basis (AB) consists of a set of documents identified by TWRS management with the concurrence of DOE-RL. Upon implementation of the TWRS Basis for Interim Operation (BIO) and Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs), the AB list will be revised to include the BIO and TSRs. Some documents that currently form part of the AB will be removed from the list. This SD identifies each - requirement from those documents, and recommends a disposition for each to ensure that necessary requirements are retained when the AB is revised to incorporate the BIO and TSRs. This SD also identifies documents that will remain part of the AB after the BIO and TSRs are implemented. This document does not change the AB, but provides guidance for the preparation of change documentation.

  5. Authorization basis requirements comparison report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brantley, W.M.


    The TWRS Authorization Basis (AB) consists of a set of documents identified by TWRS management with the concurrence of DOE-RL. Upon implementation of the TWRS Basis for Interim Operation (BIO) and Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs), the AB list will be revised to include the BIO and TSRs. Some documents that currently form part of the AB will be removed from the list. This SD identifies each - requirement from those documents, and recommends a disposition for each to ensure that necessary requirements are retained when the AB is revised to incorporate the BIO and TSRs. This SD also identifies documents that will remain part of the AB after the BIO and TSRs are implemented. This document does not change the AB, but provides guidance for the preparation of change documentation

  6. The Dirac Equation in the algebraic approximation. VII. A comparison of molecular finite difference and finite basis set calculations using distributed Gaussian basis sets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Quiney, H. M.; Glushkov, V. N.; Wilson, S.; Sabin,; Brandas, E


    A comparison is made of the accuracy achieved in finite difference and finite basis set approximations to the Dirac equation for the ground state of the hydrogen molecular ion. The finite basis set calculations are carried out using a distributed basis set of Gaussian functions the exponents and

  7. Percepción de los Graduandos en Ciencias Contables de Salvador (BA Sobre los Conceptos Relevantes de la Teoría de la Contabilidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raimundo Nonato Lima Filho


    Full Text Available Un dominio apropiado de los conceptos básicos de la Contabilidad y un análisis de sus características son esenciales para el desarrollo de la Teoría Contable. El proceso de toma de decisiones financieras exige el conocimiento de valores económicos adecuados, lo que se torna cada vez más demandado por los usuarios de la Contabilidad. Este trabajo, por tanto, buscó aferir la comprensión de algunos términos explotados en el contexto de la disciplina Teoría de la Contabilidad, tales como activos, pasivos, goodwill, ingresos, gastos, ganancias y pérdidas. Se examinó una muestra compuesta por 591 alumnos matriculados en cursos de Ciencias Contables que ya habían frecuentado la disciplina Teoría de la Contabilidad en instituciones de enseñanza superior localizadas en la ciudad de Salvador (BA. El análisis de los resultados por medio de una regresión logística indica que la relación desempeño del discente y titulación del docente es más significativa que la relación desempeño del discente y tipo de la IES, sin embargo, de forma general, conceptos superficiales sobre los tópicos tratados en ese trabajo fueron citados en todos los niveles. Los resultados evidenciaron, en general, fallos en la comprensión de conceptos contables relevantes para la formación del alumno, reflejando mayoritariamente una visión superada o, como mínimo, conservadora. Cuando comparados por tipo de institución de enseñanza, los resultados indican que estudiantes de instituciones públicas poseen mejor dominio de los conceptos considerados en este estudio. La comprensión mejora un poco más cuando la titulación del docente evoluciona de especialista para maestro y de éste para doctor.

  8. Fundamentals of futures, options, basis and derivatives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jones, D. [TD Securities Inc., Toronto, ON (Canada)


    Characteristic features of futures and options contracts, basis differentials and derivatives were defined and explained. A futures contract refers to an exchange-traded supply contract between a buyer and a seller where the buyer is obligated to take delivery and the seller is obligated to provide delivery of a fixed amount of a commodity at a predetermined price at a specified location. In contrast, an option contract gives the purchaser the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the underlying commodity at a certain price on or before an agreed date. Basis differential refers to the discount between two distinct delivery points to reflect the relative value of a commodity, such as natural gas, at those points. Advantages and disadvantages of futures and options contacts, the factors affecting options pricing, and basis differentials, and the methods of calculating basis differentials were described. The nature and intricacies of derivatives, their benefits, in particular their use as a tool for the effective management of the volatilities associated with the oil and gas industry were explained. Their shortcomings such as the high liquidity risk, were also described. Examples of derivative transactions were provided to illustrate the interrelationships of futures/options/derivatives, and their role in financial risk management.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kappes, J.A.


    The purpose of this analysis is to identify the preliminary design basis events (DBEs) for consideration in the design of the Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR). For external events and natural phenomena (e.g., earthquake), the objective is to identify those initiating events that the MGR will be designed to withstand. Design criteria will ensure that radiological release scenarios resulting from these initiating events are beyond design basis (i.e., have a scenario frequency less than once per million years). For internal (i.e., human-induced and random equipment failures) events, the objective is to identify credible event sequences that result in bounding radiological releases. These sequences will be used to establish the design basis criteria for MGR structures, systems, and components (SSCs) design basis criteria in order to prevent or mitigate radiological releases. The safety strategy presented in this analysis for preventing or mitigating DBEs is based on the preclosure safety strategy outlined in ''Strategy to Mitigate Preclosure Offsite Exposure'' (CRWMS M andO 1998f). DBE analysis is necessary to provide feedback and requirements to the design process, and also to demonstrate compliance with proposed 10 CFR 63 (Dyer 1999b) requirements. DBE analysis is also required to identify and classify the SSCs that are important to safety (ITS)

  10. Fundamentals of futures, options, basis and derivatives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, D.


    Characteristic features of futures and options contracts, basis differentials and derivatives were defined and explained. A futures contract refers to an exchange-traded supply contract between a buyer and a seller where the buyer is obligated to take delivery and the seller is obligated to provide delivery of a fixed amount of a commodity at a predetermined price at a specified location. In contrast, an option contract gives the purchaser the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the underlying commodity at a certain price on or before an agreed date. Basis differential refers to the discount between two distinct delivery points to reflect the relative value of a commodity, such as natural gas, at those points. Advantages and disadvantages of futures and options contacts, the factors affecting options pricing, and basis differentials, and the methods of calculating basis differentials were described. The nature and intricacies of derivatives, their benefits, in particular their use as a tool for the effective management of the volatilities associated with the oil and gas industry were explained. Their shortcomings such as the high liquidity risk, were also described. Examples of derivative transactions were provided to illustrate the interrelationships of futures/options/derivatives, and their role in financial risk management

  11. From BASIS to MIRACLES

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tsapatsaris, Nikolaos; Willendrup, Peter Kjær; E. Lechner, Ruep


    Results based on virtual instrument models for the first high-flux, high-resolution, spallation based, backscattering spectrometer, BASIS are presented in this paper. These were verified using the Monte Carlo instrument simulation packages McStas and VITESS. Excellent agreement of the neutron count...... are pivotal to the conceptual design of the next generation backscattering spectrometer, MIRACLES at the European Spallation Source....

  12. Measurement of basis weight by radiation gauge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buchnea, A.


    For accurate measurement of the basis weight (mass per unit area) of a material such as paper between a radioactive source and an ionization chamber the apparatus is calibrated by using a plurality of standards of known basis weight to provide a relationship between basis weight and the output current of the chamber which includes at least terms of the second order and preferably terms of higher orders. The major portion of the radiation path is enclosed in airtight chambers which are sufficiently rigid that the density therein is independent of ambient temperature and pressure variations. The accuracy is increased by measuring ambient temperature and pressure fluctuations, and linearly compensating for resultant density variations in the air gap through which the paper web passes. A wheel holding the standards is induced by a motor and a perforated encoding disc. (author)

  13. Thermodynamic basis for effective energy utilization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rogers, J. T.


    A major difficulty in a quantitative assessment of effective energy utilization is that energy is always conserved (the First Law of Thermodynamics). However, the Second Law of Thermodynamics shows that, although energy cannot be destroyed, it can be degraded to a state in which it is of no further use for performing tasks. Thus, in considering the present world energy crisis, we are not really concerned with the conservation of energy but with the conservation of its ability to perform useful tasks. A measure of this ability is thermodynamic availability or, a less familiar term, exergy. In a real sense, we are concerned with an entropy-crisis, rather than an energy crisis. Analysis of energy processes on an exergy basis provides significantly different insights into the processes than those obtained from a conventional energy analysis. For example, process steam generation in an industrial boiler may appear quite efficient on the basis of a conventional analysis, but is shown to have very low effective use of energy when analyzed on an exergy basis. Applications of exergy analysis to other systems, such as large fossil and nuclear power stations, are discussed, and the benefits of extraction combined-purpose plants are demonstrated. Other examples of the application of the exergy concept in the industrial and residential energy sectors are also given. The concept is readily adaptable to economic optimization. Examples are given of economic optimization on an availability basis of an industrial heat exchanger and of a combined-purpose nuclear power and heavy-water production plant. Finally, the utility of the concept of exergy in assessing the energy requirements of an industrial society is discussed.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    'Designing in Safety' is a desired part of the development of any new potentially hazardous system, process, or facility. It is a required part of nuclear safety activities as specified in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Order 420.B, Facility Safety. This order addresses the design of nuclear related facilities developed under federal regulation IOCFR830, Nuclear Safety Management. IOCFR830 requires that safety basis documentation be provided to identify how nuclear safety is being adequately addressed as a condition for system operation (e.g., the safety basis). To support the development of the safety basis, a safety analysis is performed. Although the concept of developing a design that addresses 'Safety is simple, the execution can be complex and challenging. This paper addresses those complexities and challenges for the design activity of a system to treat sludge, a corrosion product of spent nuclear fuel, at DOE's Hanford Site in Washington State. The system being developed is referred to as the Sludge Treatment Project (STP). This paper describes the portion of the safety analysis that addresses the selection of design basis events using the experience gained from the STP and the development of design requirements for safety features associated with those events. Specifically, the paper describes the safety design process and the application of the process for two types of potential design basis accidents associated with the operation of the system, (1) flashing spray leaks and (2) splash and splatter leaks. Also presented are the technical challenges that are being addressed to develop effective safety features to deal with these design basis accidents.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    'Designing in Safety' is a desired part of the development of any new potentially hazardous system, process, or facility. It is a required part of nuclear safety activities as specified in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Order 420.B, Facility Safety. This order addresses the design of nuclear related facilities developed under federal regulation IOCFR830, Nuclear Safety Management. IOCFR830 requires that safety basis documentation be provided to identify how nuclear safety is being adequately addressed as a condition for system operation (e.g., the safety basis). To support the development of the safety basis, a safety analysis is performed. Although the concept of developing a design that addresses 'Safety is simple, the execution can be complex and challenging. This paper addresses those complexities and challenges for the design activity of a system to treat sludge, a corrosion product of spent nuclear fuel, at DOE's Hanford Site in Washington State. The system being developed is referred to as the Sludge Treatment Project (STP). This paper describes the portion of the safety analysis that addresses the selection of design basis events using the experience gained from the STP and the development of design requirements for safety features associated with those events. Specifically, the paper describes the safety design process and the application of the process for two types of potential design basis accidents associated with the operation of the system, (1) flashing spray leaks and (2) splash and splatter leaks. Also presented are the technical challenges that are being addressed to develop effective safety features to deal with these design basis accidents

  16. Molecular basis of familial hypercholesterolemia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bruikman, Caroline S.; Hovingh, Gerard K.; Kastelein, John J. P.


    Purpose of review To provide an overview about the molecular basis of familial hypercholesterolemia. Recent findings Familial hypercholesterolemia is a common hereditary cause of premature coronary heart disease. It has been estimated that 1 in every 250 individuals has heterozygous familial

  17. 26 CFR 1.996-5 - Adjustment to basis. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 10 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Adjustment to basis. 1.996-5 Section 1.996-5 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Domestic International Sales Corporations § 1.996-5 Adjustment to basis. (a) Addition to...

  18. 26 CFR 1.1014-3 - Other basis rules. (United States)


    ... inheritance or transmission taxes shall be deemed to be its fair market value and no alternate valuation date... Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Basis Rules of General Application § 1.1014-3 Other basis rules. (a) Fair market value. For...

  19. Mixtures of truncated basis functions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langseth, Helge; Nielsen, Thomas Dyhre; Rumí, Rafael


    In this paper we propose a framework, called mixtures of truncated basis functions (MoTBFs), for representing general hybrid Bayesian networks. The proposed framework generalizes both the mixture of truncated exponentials (MTEs) framework and the mixture of polynomials (MoPs) framework. Similar t...

  20. Knowledge basis in safety culture for researchers and practitioners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vieira Neto, Antonio S.; Barroso, Antonio C.O.; Goncalves, Adriana


    This paper presents the main characteristics of the knowledge basis in safety culture which is being developed at the IPEN-CNEN/SP, one of the Brazilian nuclear institutes of research. The main objective of this basis is to organize the information about safety culture found in the literature and to make it available to researchers and practitioners. The first stage of the development of this basis is already finished being the subject of this work. (author)

  1. Indicadores de carga del cuidado familiar de personas con enfermedad crónica: relevantes en salud pública / Cost indicators of family care of people with chronic disease: relevant in public health / Os indicadores de maior peso no cuidado familiar de doentes crônicos: são relevantes na saúde pública

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucy Barrera-Ortiz, Enf., Mg.


    cuidado familiar de personas con enfermedad crónica: relevantes en salud pública. MedUNAB 2015; 18(2:125-134] Introduction: Addressing chronic illness implies having an outline of objective, pertinent, accurate, reliable, and cost-effective measures. Objective: This paper’s objective is to establish a system of indicators required to measure the relative cost of family care of people with chronic disease. Metodology: Starting with the “Model for the Reduction of Care Burden of Chronic Disease” MDCC- EC, and based on the UN SIMEGE Guide, for the development of indicators in order to measure and monitor the processes aimed at reducing the cost of family care of chronic disease. Results: The methodology proposed in the UN SIMEGE Guide allowed the construction of indicators for five characteristics associated with family care for people with chronic disease. These characteristics are described as a fundamental component of the MDCC-EC and they include:The care access, care continuity, care safety, the self-care capacity and the social support with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs. Conclusions: The 19 indicators established allow the measurement of the cost of family care for people with chronic disease. This measurement is necessary and indispensable to know, understand, guide and correct implementation of strategies, actions and results of the implementation of MDCC-EC in relation to ill people and their families. These indicators are essential in order to communicate the results of the fulfillment of the goals for how the conceptual theoretical approaches of the MDCC-EC are met in compliance with the requirements of users of services and to continue improving the given services adding value to them. [Barrera-Ortiz L, Carreño SP, Carrillo GM, Chaparro-Díaz L, Gómez OJ, Sánchez-Herrera B, Vargas-Rosero E. Cost indicators of family care of people with chronic disease: relevant in public health. MedUNAB 2015; 18(2:125-134] Introdução: Na

  2. Commentaries on Hilbert's Basis Theorem | Apine | Science World ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The famous basis theorem of David Hilbert is an important theorem in commutative algebra. In particular the Hilbert's basis theorem is the most important source of Noetherian rings which are by far the most important class of rings in commutative algebra. In this paper we have used Hilbert's theorem to examine their unique ...

  3. Optimal Piecewise Linear Basis Functions in Two Dimensions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brooks III, E D; Szoke, A


    We use a variational approach to optimize the center point coefficients associated with the piecewise linear basis functions introduced by Stone and Adams [1], for polygonal zones in two Cartesian dimensions. Our strategy provides optimal center point coefficients, as a function of the location of the center point, by minimizing the error induced when the basis function interpolation is used for the solution of the time independent diffusion equation within the polygonal zone. By using optimal center point coefficients, one expects to minimize the errors that occur when these basis functions are used to discretize diffusion equations, or transport equations in optically thick zones (where they approach the solution of the diffusion equation). Our optimal center point coefficients satisfy the requirements placed upon the basis functions for any location of the center point. We also find that the location of the center point can be optimized, but this requires numerical calculations. Curiously, the optimum center point location is independent of the values of the dependent variable on the corners only for quadrilaterals.

  4. Basis reduction for layered lattices

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    E.L. Torreão Dassen (Erwin)


    htmlabstractWe develop the theory of layered Euclidean spaces and layered lattices. With this new theory certain problems that usually are solved by using classical lattices with a "weighting" gain a new, more natural form. Using the layered lattice basis reduction algorithms introduced here these

  5. Doubly stochastic radial basis function methods (United States)

    Yang, Fenglian; Yan, Liang; Ling, Leevan


    We propose a doubly stochastic radial basis function (DSRBF) method for function recoveries. Instead of a constant, we treat the RBF shape parameters as stochastic variables whose distribution were determined by a stochastic leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV) estimation. A careful operation count is provided in order to determine the ranges of all the parameters in our methods. The overhead cost for setting up the proposed DSRBF method is O (n2) for function recovery problems with n basis. Numerical experiments confirm that the proposed method not only outperforms constant shape parameter formulation (in terms of accuracy with comparable computational cost) but also the optimal LOOCV formulation (in terms of both accuracy and computational cost).

  6. Utilização da entropia informacional na seleção de indicadores financeiros mais relevantes para tomada de decisão no setor público: o caso dos estados brasileiros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Sérgio Almeida-Santos

    Full Text Available O propósito do artigo consiste em verificar, dentre uma seleção não aleatória de indicadores financeiros aplicados às demonstrações contábeis do setor público, quais deles possuem o maior peso ou nível de informação, medidos por meio da entropia informacional. Trata-se uma pesquisa quantitativa do tipo documental e descritiva, em que é pesquisado o caso dos estados brasileiros. Firmado na teoria da informação, na qual a entropia é propagada, são selecionados intencionalmente oito indicadores financeiros de análise de balanços aplicados exclusivamente a entidades governamentais. Ao proceder com cálculo da entropia informacional sobre os indicadores selecionados - aqueles de caráter orçamentário apresentaram um grau de entropia máxima; os de caráter patrimonial - apresentaram grau de entropia mínima; isto permite uma breve conclusão, em que indicadores orçamentários, por ser regrados pelos limites da LRF, são considerados dentro da ótica da entropia informacional como indicadores irrelevantes, ao passo que os indicadores patrimoniais são tidos por ela como relevantes, por apresentarem maior peso/grau de informação.

  7. Genetic basis of chronic pancreatitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jansen, JBMJ; Morsche, RT; van Goor, Harry; Drenth, JPH


    Background: Pancreatitis has a proven genetic basis in a minority of patients. Methods: Review of the literature on genetics of pancreatitis. Results: Ever since the discovery that in most patients with hereditary pancreatitis a mutation in the gene encoding for cationic trypsinogen (R122H) was

  8. Quadratic Hedging of Basis Risk

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hardy Hulley


    Full Text Available This paper examines a simple basis risk model based on correlated geometric Brownian motions. We apply quadratic criteria to minimize basis risk and hedge in an optimal manner. Initially, we derive the Föllmer–Schweizer decomposition for a European claim. This allows pricing and hedging under the minimal martingale measure, corresponding to the local risk-minimizing strategy. Furthermore, since the mean-variance tradeoff process is deterministic in our setup, the minimal martingale- and variance-optimal martingale measures coincide. Consequently, the mean-variance optimal strategy is easily constructed. Simple pricing and hedging formulae for put and call options are derived in terms of the Black–Scholes formula. Due to market incompleteness, these formulae depend on the drift parameters of the processes. By making a further equilibrium assumption, we derive an approximate hedging formula, which does not require knowledge of these parameters. The hedging strategies are tested using Monte Carlo experiments, and are compared with results achieved using a utility maximization approach.

  9. Quantum Dynamics with Short-Time Trajectories and Minimal Adaptive Basis Sets. (United States)

    Saller, Maximilian A C; Habershon, Scott


    Methods for solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation via basis set expansion of the wave function can generally be categorized as having either static (time-independent) or dynamic (time-dependent) basis functions. We have recently introduced an alternative simulation approach which represents a middle road between these two extremes, employing dynamic (classical-like) trajectories to create a static basis set of Gaussian wavepackets in regions of phase-space relevant to future propagation of the wave function [J. Chem. Theory Comput., 11, 8 (2015)]. Here, we propose and test a modification of our methodology which aims to reduce the size of basis sets generated in our original scheme. In particular, we employ short-time classical trajectories to continuously generate new basis functions for short-time quantum propagation of the wave function; to avoid the continued growth of the basis set describing the time-dependent wave function, we employ Matching Pursuit to periodically minimize the number of basis functions required to accurately describe the wave function. Overall, this approach generates a basis set which is adapted to evolution of the wave function while also being as small as possible. In applications to challenging benchmark problems, namely a 4-dimensional model of photoexcited pyrazine and three different double-well tunnelling problems, we find that our new scheme enables accurate wave function propagation with basis sets which are around an order-of-magnitude smaller than our original trajectory-guided basis set methodology, highlighting the benefits of adaptive strategies for wave function propagation.

  10. 29 CFR 541.605 - Fee basis. (United States)


    ... DELIMITING THE EXEMPTIONS FOR EXECUTIVE, ADMINISTRATIVE, PROFESSIONAL, COMPUTER AND OUTSIDE SALES EMPLOYEES Salary Requirements § 541.605 Fee basis. (a) Administrative and professional employees may be paid on a...

  11. Efficient computation of smoothing splines via adaptive basis sampling

    KAUST Repository

    Ma, Ping


    © 2015 Biometrika Trust. Smoothing splines provide flexible nonparametric regression estimators. However, the high computational cost of smoothing splines for large datasets has hindered their wide application. In this article, we develop a new method, named adaptive basis sampling, for efficient computation of smoothing splines in super-large samples. Except for the univariate case where the Reinsch algorithm is applicable, a smoothing spline for a regression problem with sample size n can be expressed as a linear combination of n basis functions and its computational complexity is generally O(n3). We achieve a more scalable computation in the multivariate case by evaluating the smoothing spline using a smaller set of basis functions, obtained by an adaptive sampling scheme that uses values of the response variable. Our asymptotic analysis shows that smoothing splines computed via adaptive basis sampling converge to the true function at the same rate as full basis smoothing splines. Using simulation studies and a large-scale deep earth core-mantle boundary imaging study, we show that the proposed method outperforms a sampling method that does not use the values of response variables.

  12. Efficient computation of smoothing splines via adaptive basis sampling

    KAUST Repository

    Ma, Ping; Huang, Jianhua Z.; Zhang, Nan


    © 2015 Biometrika Trust. Smoothing splines provide flexible nonparametric regression estimators. However, the high computational cost of smoothing splines for large datasets has hindered their wide application. In this article, we develop a new method, named adaptive basis sampling, for efficient computation of smoothing splines in super-large samples. Except for the univariate case where the Reinsch algorithm is applicable, a smoothing spline for a regression problem with sample size n can be expressed as a linear combination of n basis functions and its computational complexity is generally O(n3). We achieve a more scalable computation in the multivariate case by evaluating the smoothing spline using a smaller set of basis functions, obtained by an adaptive sampling scheme that uses values of the response variable. Our asymptotic analysis shows that smoothing splines computed via adaptive basis sampling converge to the true function at the same rate as full basis smoothing splines. Using simulation studies and a large-scale deep earth core-mantle boundary imaging study, we show that the proposed method outperforms a sampling method that does not use the values of response variables.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report provides the technical basis for high efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) for Hanford tank farm ventilation systems (sometimes known as heating, ventilation and air conditioning [HVAC]) to support limits defined in Process Engineering Operating Specification Documents (OSDs). This technical basis included a review of older technical basis and provides clarifications, as necessary, to technical basis limit revisions or justification. This document provides an updated technical basis for tank farm ventilation systems related to Operation Specification Documents (OSDs) for double-shell tanks (DSTs), single-shell tanks (SSTs), double-contained receiver tanks (DCRTs), catch tanks, and various other miscellaneous facilities.

  14. Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Project Safety Basis Implementation Strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The objective of the Safety Basis Implementation is to ensure that implementation of activities is accomplished in order to support readiness to move spent fuel from K West Basin. Activities may be performed directly by the Safety Basis Implementation Team or they may be performed by other organizations and tracked by the Team. This strategy will focus on five key elements, (1) Administration of Safety Basis Implementation (general items), (2) Implementing documents, (3) Implementing equipment (including verification of operability), (4) Training, (5) SNF Project Technical Requirements (STRS) database system

  15. Total Positivity of the Cubic Trigonometric Bézier Basis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xuli Han


    Full Text Available Within the general framework of Quasi Extended Chebyshev space, we prove that the cubic trigonometric Bézier basis with two shape parameters λ and μ given in Han et al. (2009 forms an optimal normalized totally positive basis for λ,μ∈(-2,1]. Moreover, we show that for λ=-2 or μ=-2 the basis is not suited for curve design from the blossom point of view. In order to compute the corresponding cubic trigonometric Bézier curves stably and efficiently, we also develop a new corner cutting algorithm.

  16. Exploratory Shaft Facility design basis study report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Langstaff, A.L.


    The Design Basis Study is a scoping/sizing study that evaluated the items concerning the Exploratory Shaft Facility Design including design basis values for water and methane inflow; flexibility of the design to support potential changes in program direction; cost and schedule impacts that could result if the design were changed to comply with gassy mine regulations; and cost, schedule, advantages and disadvantages of a larger second shaft. Recommendations are proposed concerning water and methane inflow values, facility layout, second shaft size, ventilation, and gassy mine requirements. 75 refs., 3 figs., 7 tabs

  17. Radioactive Waste Management BasisApril 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perkins, B K


    This Radioactive Waste Management Basis (RWMB) documents radioactive waste management practices adopted at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) pursuant to Department of Energy (DOE) Order 435.1, Radioactive Waste Management. The purpose of this Radioactive Waste Management Basis is to describe the systematic approach for planning, executing, and evaluating the management of radioactive waste at LLNL. The implementation of this document will ensure that waste management activities at LLNL are conducted in compliance with the requirements of DOE Order 435.1, Radioactive Waste Management, and the Implementation Guide for DOE Manual 435.1-1, Radioactive Waste Management Manual. Technical justification is provided where methods for meeting the requirements of DOE Order 435.1 deviate from the DOE Manual 435.1-1 and Implementation Guide.

  18. Design basis programs and improvements in plant operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Metcalf, M.F.


    Public Service Electric and Gas (PSE and G) Company operates three commercial nuclear power plants in southern New Jersey. The three plants are of different designs and vintages (two pressurized water reactors licensed in 1976 and 1980 and one boiling water reactor licensed in 1986). As the industry recognized the need to develop design basis programs, PSE and G also realized the need after a voluntary 52-day shutdown of one unit because of electrical design basis problems. In its drive to be a premier electric utility, PSE and G has been aggressively active in developing design basis documents (DBDs) with supporting projects and refined uses to obtain the expected value and see the return on investment. Progress on Salem is nearly 75% complete, while Hope Creek is 20% complete. To data, PSE and G has experienced success in the use of DBDs in areas such as development of plant modifications, development of the reliability-centered maintenance program, procedure upgrades, improved document retrieval, resolution of regulatory issues, and training. The paper examines the design basis development process, supporting projects, and expected improvements in plant operations as a result of these efforts


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saparuddin Siregar


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Apakah Distribusi Bagi Hasil Cash Basis Berkeadilan Bagi Deposan Bank Syariah? Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis metode pendistribusian bagi hasil bank syariah di Indonesia dengan berfokus kepada penerapan basis kas. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kritis berdasarkan teori keadilan yang menekankan pada analisis koherensi atau konsistensi. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa distribusi bagi hasil basis kas tidak diterapkan secara konsisten untuk seluruh stakeholder bank syariah. Hal ini menyebabkan penerimaan yang lebih rendah untuk deposan. Studi ini merekomendasikan perlunya revisi terhadap standar akuntansi syariah agar menerapkan basis akrual pada semua bentuk distribusi bagi hasil. Abstract: Is Cash-Basis Profi-and-Loss Sharing Distribution Just for Islamic Bank Depositors? This article aims to analyze the distribution method of the profi sharing of Islamic bank in Indonesia which focusing in the application of cash basis. This article uses a critical approach which based in a theory of justice that emphasizes on the analysis of coherence or consistency. The study shows that the distribution of cash basis profi sharing are not applied consistently to all stakeholders in Islamic banks. This causes the lower receipts for depositors. This study recommends for a revision of the sharia accounting standards which apply to all forms of accrual basis for the profi sharing distribution.

  20. ¿Qué es una pregunta? Fundamentos pragmalingüísticos para la democratización de los géneros administrativo y judicial || What is a question? Pragmatics basis for the democratization of the administrative and legal genres

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Martínez Villarroya


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los documentos jurídicos y administrativos son difíciles de entender. ¿Hay forma de corregirlos? Una de las técnicas principales en aras de la claridad es la de hacer preguntas. La fundamentación de nuestra tesis la encontramos en las teorías más relevantes de la pragmalingüística, en algunos textos clásicos y en bibliografía reciente sobre lenguaje claro y literacidad en español. Es posible y necesario fundamentar las propuestas del lenguaje claro en función de los efectos cognitivos que producen en el receptor del mensaje. Aquí, pues, dotamos de bases científicas al movimiento y contribuimos a atacar el escepticismo con el que se recibe.   Abstract: Legal and administrative documents are difficult to understand; Is there a proper way to correct them? One of the main techniques for the sake of clarity is to ask questions. The basis of our thesis is found in the most relevant theories of the pragmatics, in some classic texts and in recent bibliography about plain language and literacy. It is possible to defend the use of plain language in terms of the cognitive effects. We will endow the scientific bases of plain language and, therefore, we will contribute to attack the scepticism with which it is received.

  1. Organizing the engineering basis of works during NPP construction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorodinskij, Yu.Kh.; Finberg, L.K.; Shapiro, V.I.


    Experience in organization of the system of engineering basis of works during the Khmelnitskij NPP construction, aimed at providing the applicability of the software complex realized with a computer when solving the problems arising before the service of engineering basis of works, is described. Calculational complex for solving the problems on the engineering basis of works includes the SM-2420 processor, immediate access and external storages on MD with capacity not less than 1 and 60 Mbit correspondignly, terminal multiplexer, VTA 2000-15 video terminals, not less than 10 pieces of videotons and not less than two SM-6315 alphanumerical printers

  2. Preventive maintenance basis: Volume 1 -- Air-operated valves. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Worledge, D.; Hinchcliffe, G.


    US nuclear plants are implementing preventive maintenance (PM) tasks with little documented basis beyond fundamental vendor information to support the tasks or their intervals. The Preventive Maintenance Basis project provides utilities with the technical basis for PM tasks and task intervals associated with 40 specific components such as valves, electric motors, pumps, and HVAC equipment. This report provides an overview of the PM Basis project and describes use of the PM Basis database. This document provides a program of PM tasks suitable for application to Air Operated Valves (AOV's) in nuclear power plants. The PM tasks that are recommended provide a cost-effective way to intercept the causes and mechanisms that lead to degradation and failure. They can be used, in conjunction with material from other sources, to develop a complete PM program or to improve an existing program. Users of this information will be utility managers, supervisors, craft technicians, and training instructors responsible for developing, optimizing, or fine-tuning PM programs

  3. The pointer basis and the feedback stabilization of quantum systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, L; Chia, A; Wiseman, H M


    The dynamics for an open quantum system can be ‘unravelled’ in infinitely many ways, depending on how the environment is monitored, yielding different sorts of conditioned states, evolving stochastically. In the case of ideal monitoring these states are pure, and the set of states for a given monitoring forms a basis (which is overcomplete in general) for the system. It has been argued elsewhere (Atkins et al 2005 Europhys. Lett. 69 163) that the ‘pointer basis’ as introduced by Zurek et al (1993 Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 1187), should be identified with the unravelling-induced basis which decoheres most slowly. Here we show the applicability of this concept of pointer basis to the problem of state stabilization for quantum systems. In particular we prove that for linear Gaussian quantum systems, if the feedback control is assumed to be strong compared to the decoherence of the pointer basis, then the system can be stabilized in one of the pointer basis states with a fidelity close to one (the infidelity varies inversely with the control strength). Moreover, if the aim of the feedback is to maximize the fidelity of the unconditioned system state with a pure state that is one of its conditioned states, then the optimal unravelling for stabilizing the system in this way is that which induces the pointer basis for the conditioned states. We illustrate these results with a model system: quantum Brownian motion. We show that even if the feedback control strength is comparable to the decoherence, the optimal unravelling still induces a basis very close to the pointer basis. However if the feedback control is weak compared to the decoherence, this is not the case. (paper)

  4. Cellular Basis for ADT-Induced Acceleration of Sarcopenia (United States)


    1 AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-14-1-0454 TITLE: Cellular Basis for ADT-Induced Acceleration of Sarcopenia PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Joe V...AND SUBTITLE Cellular Basis for ADT-Induced Acceleration of Sarcopenia 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER W81XWH-14-1-0454 5c. PROGRAM...cell function and thereby regenerative capability contribute to the acceleration of sarcopenia observed in prostate cancer patients undergoing ADT

  5. A comparison of the behavior of functional/basis set combinations for hydrogen-bonding in the water dimer with emphasis on basis set superposition error. (United States)

    Plumley, Joshua A; Dannenberg, J J


    We evaluate the performance of ten functionals (B3LYP, M05, M05-2X, M06, M06-2X, B2PLYP, B2PLYPD, X3LYP, B97D, and MPWB1K) in combination with 16 basis sets ranging in complexity from 6-31G(d) to aug-cc-pV5Z for the calculation of the H-bonded water dimer with the goal of defining which combinations of functionals and basis sets provide a combination of economy and accuracy for H-bonded systems. We have compared the results to the best non-density functional theory (non-DFT) molecular orbital (MO) calculations and to experimental results. Several of the smaller basis sets lead to qualitatively incorrect geometries when optimized on a normal potential energy surface (PES). This problem disappears when the optimization is performed on a counterpoise (CP) corrected PES. The calculated interaction energies (ΔEs) with the largest basis sets vary from -4.42 (B97D) to -5.19 (B2PLYPD) kcal/mol for the different functionals. Small basis sets generally predict stronger interactions than the large ones. We found that, because of error compensation, the smaller basis sets gave the best results (in comparison to experimental and high-level non-DFT MO calculations) when combined with a functional that predicts a weak interaction with the largest basis set. As many applications are complex systems and require economical calculations, we suggest the following functional/basis set combinations in order of increasing complexity and cost: (1) D95(d,p) with B3LYP, B97D, M06, or MPWB1k; (2) 6-311G(d,p) with B3LYP; (3) D95++(d,p) with B3LYP, B97D, or MPWB1K; (4) 6-311++G(d,p) with B3LYP or B97D; and (5) aug-cc-pVDZ with M05-2X, M06-2X, or X3LYP. Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. Seismic methodology in determining basis earthquake for nuclear installation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ameli Zamani, Sh.


    Design basis earthquake ground motions for nuclear installations should be determined to assure the design purpose of reactor safety: that reactors should be built and operated to pose no undue risk to public health and safety from earthquake and other hazards. Regarding the influence of seismic hazard to a site, large numbers of earthquake ground motions can be predicted considering possible variability among the source, path, and site parameters. However, seismic safety design using all predicted ground motions is practically impossible. In the determination of design basis earthquake ground motions it is therefore important to represent the influences of the large numbers of earthquake ground motions derived from the seismic ground motion prediction methods for the surrounding seismic sources. Viewing the relations between current design basis earthquake ground motion determination and modem earthquake ground motion estimation, a development of risk-informed design basis earthquake ground motion methodology is discussed for insight into the on going modernization of the Examination Guide for Seismic Design on NPP

  7. Speech/Nonspeech Detection Using Minimal Walsh Basis Functions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pwint Moe


    Full Text Available This paper presents a new method to detect speech/nonspeech components of a given noisy signal. Employing the combination of binary Walsh basis functions and an analysis-synthesis scheme, the original noisy speech signal is modified first. From the modified signals, the speech components are distinguished from the nonspeech components by using a simple decision scheme. Minimal number of Walsh basis functions to be applied is determined using singular value decomposition (SVD. The main advantages of the proposed method are low computational complexity, less parameters to be adjusted, and simple implementation. It is observed that the use of Walsh basis functions makes the proposed algorithm efficiently applicable in real-world situations where processing time is crucial. Simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm achieves high-speech and nonspeech detection rates while maintaining a low error rate for different noisy conditions.

  8. 42 CFR 438.700 - Basis for imposition of sanctions. (United States)


    ... SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS MANAGED CARE Sanctions § 438.700 Basis for imposition of... among enrollees on the basis of their health status or need for health care services. This includes termination of enrollment or refusal to reenroll a recipient, except as permitted under the Medicaid program...

  9. The resonating group method in an harmonic oscillator basis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silvestre-Brac, B.; Gignoux, C.; Ayant, Y.


    The scattering states for a general many body system is formulated within the resonating group method. The resulting Lippman-Schwinger equation is solved in an harmonic oscillator basis for which a number of advantages are emphasized. The analytical formula giving the free propagator in that basis is fully derived

  10. Canonical three-body angular basis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matveenko, A.V.


    Three-body problems are basic for the quantum mechanics of molecular, atomic, or nuclear systems. We demonstrate that their variational solution for rotational states can be greatly simplified. A special choice of coordinates (hyperspherical) and of the kinematics (body-fixed coordinate frame) allows one to choose basis functions in a form that makes the angular coupling trivial. (author)

  11. Ellipsoidal basis for isotropic oscillator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kallies, W.; Lukac, I.; Pogosyan, G.S.; Sisakyan, A.N.


    The solutions of the Schroedinger equation are derived for the isotropic oscillator potential in the ellipsoidal coordinate system. The explicit expression is obtained for the ellipsoidal integrals of motion through the components of the orbital moment and Demkov's tensor. The explicit form of the ellipsoidal basis is given for the lowest quantum numbers. 10 refs.; 1 tab. (author)

  12. Variáveis relevantes no processo terapêutico para a aquisição do onset complexo na fala de crianças com desvio fonológico Relevant variables in the therapeutic process for the consonant clusters acquisition in the speech of children with phonological disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vanessa Giacchini


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: apresentar variáveis relevantes no processo terapêutico de aquisição do onset complexo (OC em crianças que realizam a simplificação dessa estrutura. MÉTODO: participaram do estudo quatro crianças com diagnóstico de desvio fonológico (DF, com idades entre 5:4 a 7:7, que utilizavam a estratégia de alongamento compensatório (EAC, possuíam [r] e [l] no seu inventário fonético e realizavam a simplificação do OC. As crianças foram submetidas a diferentes modelos terapêuticos e, a partir dos dados obtidos nas sondagens, realizaram-se análises das variáveis linguísticas e extralinguísticas relevantes durante o processo terapêutico. A análise dos dados de fala foram realizadas por meio do programa estatístico VARBRUL. RESULTADOS: a variável gravidade do desvio foi a que o programa selecionou como relevante para a produção correta do OC, para sua simplificação e para a distorção da líquida da estrutura. Ele apontou que quando o sujeito é submetido à terapia articulatória (TA, há maior probabilidade de ocorrência de produção correta de CCV, realização de distorção e metátese. O fonema /d/ se mostrou favorecedor da estratégia de metátese. A substituição da líquida foi influenciada pela variável sujeito e pelo tipo de líquida formadora do OC. CONCLUSÃO: quanto às variáveis, a gravidade do DF mostra-se importante tanto para o sucesso da terapia (produção correta de CCV, como para o uso de estratégias de reparo. Observou-se que aplicar tipos de terapia distintos faz com que as crianças respondam de forma diferenciada a cada um deles, com melhor desempenho na TA.PURPOSE: to provide relevant variable aspects in the therapeutic process of consonant clusters (CC acquisition in children but maintains the CCV simplification. METHOD: four children diagnosed with phonological disorders, aged 5:4 to 7:7 took part in the study, using the strategy of compensatory lengthening, having [r] and [l] in the

  13. Integral Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) Facility conceptual basis for design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of the Conceptual Basis for Design is to provide a control document that establishes the basis for executing the conceptual design of the Integral Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) Facility. This conceptual design shall provide the basis for preparation of a proposal to Congress by the Department of Energy (DOE) for construction of one or more MRS Facilities for storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and transuranic (TRU) waste. 4 figs., 25 tabs

  14. Establishing 'design basis threat' in Norway

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maerli, M.B.; Naadland, E.; Reistad, O.


    Full text: INFCIRC 225 (Rev. 4) assumes that a state's physical protection system should be based on the state's evaluation of the threat, and that this should be reflected in the relevant legislation. Other factors should also be considered, including the state's emergency response capabilities and the existing and relevant measures of the state's system of accounting for and control of nuclear material. A design basis threat developed from an evaluation by the state of the threat of unauthorized removal of nuclear material and of sabotage of nuclear material and nuclear facilities is an essential element of a state's system of physical protection. The state should continuously review the threat, and evaluate the implications of any changes in that threat for the required levels and the methods of physical protection. As part of a national design basis threat assessment, this paper evaluates the risk of nuclear or radiological terrorism and sabotage in Norway. Possible scenarios are presented and plausible consequences are discussed with a view to characterize the risks. The need for more stringent regulatory requirements will be discussed, together with the (positive) impact of improved systems and procedures of physical protection on nuclear emergency planning. Special emphasis is placed on discussing the design basis threat for different scenarios in order to systemize regulatory efforts to update the current legislation, requirement for operators' contingency planning, response efforts and the need for emergency exercises. (author)

  15. 21 CFR 120.9 - Legal basis. (United States)


    ... CONSUMPTION HAZARD ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL CONTROL POINT (HACCP) SYSTEMS General Provisions § 120.9 Legal basis. Failure of a processor to have and to implement a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP... implementation of its HACCP system. ...

  16. Constitutional Basis for the Enforcement of ''Executive'' Policies that ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Although "executive" policies remain an important governance tool, there appears to be confusion on the status and possible basis for their judicial enforcement in South Africa. The aim of this article is to critically reflect on the status and possible constitutional basis for the enforceability of "executive" policies that give effect ...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    KRIPPS, L.J.


    This technical basis document was developed to support the documented safety analysis (DSA) and describes the risk binning process and the technical basis for assigning risk bins for natural event hazard (NEH)-initiated accidents. The purpose of the risk binning process is to determine the need for safety-significant structures, systems, and components (SSC) and technical safety requirement (TSR)-level controls for a given representative accident or represented hazardous conditions based on an evaluation of the frequency and consequence. Note that the risk binning process is not applied to facility workers, because all facility worker hazardous conditions are considered for safety-significant SSCs and/or TSR-level controls

  18. 26 CFR 1.723-1 - Basis of property contributed to partnership. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Basis of property contributed to partnership. 1... property contributed to partnership. The basis to the partnership of property contributed to it by a.... Since such property has the same basis in the hands of the partnership as it had in the hands of the...

  19. Student Learning of Basis, Span and Linear Independence in Linear Algebra (United States)

    Stewart, Sepideh; Thomas, Michael O. J.


    One of the earlier, more challenging concepts in linear algebra at university is that of basis. Students are often taught procedurally how to find a basis for a subspace using matrix manipulation, but may struggle with understanding the construct of basis, making further progress harder. We believe one reason for this is because students have…

  20. Solar Power Tower Design Basis Document, Revision 0

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report contains the design basis for a generic molten-salt solar power tower. A solar power tower uses a field of tracking mirrors (heliostats) that redirect sunlight on to a centrally located receiver mounted on top a tower, which absorbs the concentrated sunlight. Molten nitrate salt, pumped from a tank at ground level, absorbs the sunlight, heating it up to 565 C. The heated salt flows back to ground level into another tank where it is stored, then pumped through a steam generator to produce steam and make electricity. This report establishes a set of criteria upon which the next generation of solar power towers will be designed. The report contains detailed criteria for each of the major systems: Collector System, Receiver System, Thermal Storage System, Steam Generator System, Master Control System, and Electric Heat Tracing System. The Electric Power Generation System and Balance of Plant discussions are limited to interface requirements. This design basis builds on the extensive experience gained from the Solar Two project and includes potential design innovations that will improve reliability and lower technical risk. This design basis document is a living document and contains several areas that require trade-studies and design analysis to fully complete the design basis. Project- and site-specific conditions and requirements will also resolve open To Be Determined issues.

  1. Preventive maintenance basis: Volume 31 -- Relays -- timing. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Worledge, D.; Hinchcliffe, G.


    US nuclear power plants are implementing preventive maintenance (PM) tasks with little documented basis beyond fundamental vendor information to support the tasks or their intervals. The Preventive Maintenance Basis project provides utilities with the technical basis for PM tasks and task intervals associated with 40 specific components such as valves, electric motors, pumps, and HVAC equipment. This document provides a program of preventive maintenance tasks suitable for application to timing relays. The PM tasks that are recommended provide a cost-effective way to intercept the causes and mechanisms that lead to degradation and failure. They can be used in conjunction with material from other sources, to develop a complete PM program or to improve an existing program

  2. Preventive maintenance basis: Volume 30 -- Relays -- control. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Worledge, D.; Hinchcliffe, G.


    US nuclear power plants are implementing preventive maintenance (PM) tasks with little documented basis beyond fundamental vendor information to support the tasks or their intervals. The Preventive Maintenance Basis project provides utilities with the technical basis for PM tasks and task intervals associated with 40 specific components such as valves, electric motors, pumps, and HVAC equipment. This document provides a program of preventive maintenance tasks suitable for application to control relays. The PM tasks that are recommended provide a cost-effective way to intercept the causes and mechanisms that lead to degradation and failure. They can be used in conjunction with material from other sources, to develop a complete PM program or to improve an existing program

  3. Simulant Basis for the Standard High Solids Vessel Design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peterson, Reid A. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Fiskum, Sandra K. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Suffield, Sarah R. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Daniel, Richard C. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Gauglitz, Phillip A. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Wells, Beric E. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    The Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) is working to develop a Standard High Solids Vessel Design (SHSVD) process vessel. To support testing of this new design, WTP engineering staff requested that a Newtonian simulant and a non-Newtonian simulant be developed that would represent the Most Adverse Design Conditions (in development) with respect to mixing performance as specified by WTP. The majority of the simulant requirements are specified in 24590-PTF-RPT-PE-16-001, Rev. 0. The first step in this process is to develop the basis for these simulants. This document describes the basis for the properties of these two simulant types. The simulant recipes that meet this basis will be provided in a subsequent document.

  4. ITER technical basis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Following on from the Final Report of the EDA(DS/21), and the summary of the ITER Final Design report(DS/22), the technical basis gives further details of the design of ITER. It is in two parts. The first, the Plant Design specification, summarises the main constraints on the plant design and operation from the viewpoint of engineering and physics assumptions, compliance with safety regulations, and siting requirements and assumptions. The second, the Plant Description Document, describes the physics performance and engineering characteristics of the plant design, illustrates the potential operational consequences foe the locality of a generic site, gives the construction, commissioning, exploitation and decommissioning schedule, and reports the estimated lifetime costing based on data from the industry of the EDA parties.

  5. ITER technical basis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Following on from the Final Report of the EDA(DS/21), and the summary of the ITER Final Design report(DS/22), the technical basis gives further details of the design of ITER. It is in two parts. The first, the Plant Design specification, summarises the main constraints on the plant design and operation from the viewpoint of engineering and physics assumptions, compliance with safety regulations, and siting requirements and assumptions. The second, the Plant Description Document, describes the physics performance and engineering characteristics of the plant design, illustrates the potential operational consequences foe the locality of a generic site, gives the construction, commissioning, exploitation and decommissioning schedule, and reports the estimated lifetime costing based on data from the industry of the EDA parties

  6. 26 CFR 1.1015-5 - Increased basis for gift tax paid. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 11 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 true Increased basis for gift tax paid. 1.1015-5... TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Basis Rules of General Application § 1.1015-5 Increased basis for gift tax paid. (a) General rule in the case of gifts made on or before December 31, 1976. (1)(i) Subject to...

  7. 26 CFR 1.806-4 - Change of basis in computing reserves. (United States)


    .... For the taxable year 1959, S elects to revalue such reserves on a net level premium basis under... 26 Internal Revenue 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Change of basis in computing reserves. 1.806-4... TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Investment Income § 1.806-4 Change of basis in computing reserves. (a) In...

  8. The finite element method its basis and fundamentals

    CERN Document Server

    Zienkiewicz, Olek C; Zhu, JZ


    The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals offers a complete introduction to the basis of the finite element method, covering fundamental theory and worked examples in the detail required for readers to apply the knowledge to their own engineering problems and understand more advanced applications. This edition sees a significant rearrangement of the book's content to enable clearer development of the finite element method, with major new chapters and sections added to cover: Weak forms Variational forms Multi-dimensional field prob

  9. Radioactive Waste Management Basis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perkins, B.K.


    The purpose of this Radioactive Waste Management Basis is to describe the systematic approach for planning, executing, and evaluating the management of radioactive waste at LLNL. The implementation of this document will ensure that waste management activities at LLNL are conducted in compliance with the requirements of DOE Order 435.1, Radioactive Waste Management, and the Implementation Guide for DOE Manual 435.1-1, Radioactive Waste Management Manual. Technical justification is provided where methods for meeting the requirements of DOE Order 435.1 deviate from the DOE Manual 435.1-1 and Implementation Guide.

  10. The molecular basis of peanut allergy (United States)

    Peanut allergens can trigger a potent and sometimes dangerous immune response in an increasing number of people. The molecular structures of these allergens form the basis for understanding this response. This review describes the currently known peanut allergen structures, and discusses how modif...

  11. Um panorama da literatura relevante sobre Itaipu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomaz Espósito Neto


    The Brazilian-Paraguayan hydroelectric of Itaipu is considered an important milestone in the relations between Brazil and Paraguay, as it has created a permanent bond between the two countries. Nowadays, Itaipu is still one of the most important generators of electric energy in the world, being responsible for over 25 percent of the energy generated in Brazil and about 95 percent of the electricity consumed in Paraguay. The various consequences of the construction of Itaipu, in particular the changes occurred in the power balance structure in Cone Sul are phenomena that have been largely studied, and there is a multiplicity of interpretations on the theme. This paper aims to provide an overview of the relevant literature on Itaipu.

  12. Intracellular recovery - basis of hyperfractionation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hagen, U.; Guttenberger, R.; Kummermehr, J.


    The radiobiological basis fo a hyperfractionated radiation therapy versus conventional fractionation with respect to therapeutic gain, i.e., improved normal tissue sparing for the same level of tumour cell inactivation, will be presented. Data on the recovery potential of various tissues as well as the kinetics of repair will be given. The problem of incomplete repair with short irradiation intervals will be discussed. (orig.) [de

  13. Basis for NGNP Reactor Design Down-Selection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    L.E. Demick


    The purpose of this paper is to identify the extent of technology development, design and licensing maturity anticipated to be required to credibly identify differences that could make a technical choice practical between the prismatic and pebble bed reactor designs. This paper does not address a business decision based on the economics, business model and resulting business case since these will vary based on the reactor application. The selection of the type of reactor, the module ratings, the number of modules, the configuration of the balance of plant and other design selections will be made on the basis of optimizing the Business Case for the application. These are not decisions that can be made on a generic basis.

  14. Basis of valve operator selection for SMART

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, H. S.; Lee, D. J.; See, J. K.; Park, C. K.; Choi, B. S.


    SMART, an integral reactor with enhanced safety and operability, is under development for use of the nuclear energy. The valve operator of SMART system were selected through the data survey and technical review of potential valve fabrication vendors, and it will provide the establishment and optimization of the basic system design of SMART. In order to establish and optimize the basic system design of SMART, the basis of selection for the valve operator type were provided based on the basic design requirements. The basis of valve operator selection for SMART will be used as a basic technical data for the SMART basic and detail design and a fundamental material for the new reactor development in the future

  15. Basis of valve operator selection for SMART

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, H. S.; Lee, D. J.; See, J. K.; Park, C. K.; Choi, B. S


    SMART, an integral reactor with enhanced safety and operability, is under development for use of the nuclear energy. The valve operator of SMART system were selected through the data survey and technical review of potential valve fabrication vendors, and it will provide the establishment and optimization of the basic system design of SMART. In order to establish and optimize the basic system design of SMART, the basis of selection for the valve operator type were provided based on the basic design requirements. The basis of valve operator selection for SMART will be used as a basic technical data for the SMART basic and detail design and a fundamental material for the new reactor development in the future.

  16. Simple and efficient LCAO basis sets for the diffuse states in carbon nanostructures. (United States)

    Papior, Nick R; Calogero, Gaetano; Brandbyge, Mads


    We present a simple way to describe the lowest unoccupied diffuse states in carbon nanostructures in density functional theory calculations using a minimal LCAO (linear combination of atomic orbitals) basis set. By comparing plane wave basis calculations, we show how these states can be captured by adding long-range orbitals to the standard LCAO basis sets for the extreme cases of planar sp 2 (graphene) and curved carbon (C 60 ). In particular, using Bessel functions with a long range as additional basis functions retain a minimal basis size. This provides a smaller and simpler atom-centered basis set compared to the standard pseudo-atomic orbitals (PAOs) with multiple polarization orbitals or by adding non-atom-centered states to the basis.

  17. 40 CFR 465.20 - Applicability; description of the galvanized basis material subcategory. (United States)


    ... galvanized basis material subcategory. 465.20 Section 465.20 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) EFFLUENT GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS COIL COATING POINT SOURCE CATEGORY Galvanized Basis Material Subcategory § 465.20 Applicability; description of the galvanized basis material...

  18. Authorization basis status report (miscellaneous TWRS facilities, tanks and components)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stickney, R.G.


    This report presents the results of a systematic evaluation conducted to identify miscellaneous TWRS facilities, tanks and components with potential needed authorization basis upgrades. It provides the Authorization Basis upgrade plan for those miscellaneous TWRS facilities, tanks and components identified.

  19. Authorization basis status report (miscellaneous TWRS facilities, tanks and components)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stickney, R.G.


    This report presents the results of a systematic evaluation conducted to identify miscellaneous TWRS facilities, tanks and components with potential needed authorization basis upgrades. It provides the Authorization Basis upgrade plan for those miscellaneous TWRS facilities, tanks and components identified

  20. Semen Basis Sebagai Insulator Terhadap Therma Shock Di Bawah Restorasi Logam




    Restorasi yang terbuat dari bahan logam dapat menghantarkan perubahan suhu yang berasal dari makanan dan minuman ke pulpa sehingga menyebabkan perasaan yang tidak nyaman pada pasien. Untuk menanggulangi hal ini maka diperlukan semen basis yang diletakkan di bawah restorasi logam sebagai semen insulator. Penggunaan semen basis dengan tujuan sebagai insulator terhadap perubahan suhu tergantung pada ketebalan dentin yang tersisa setelah preparasi kavitas. Penggunaan semen basis hanya diindika...

  1. Perancangan Replikasi Basis Data Mysql Dengan Mekanisme Pengamanan Menggunakan Ssl Encryption


    Yuliansyah, Herman


    Karena faktor pentingnya data dan informasi pada organisasi small medium business (SMB), maka diperlukan suatu replikasi basis data sehingga jika terjadi suatu keadaan force majure, organisasi tersebut tidak akan mengalami kehilangan data. Replikasi basis data ini melibatkan paling sedikit 2 sistem basis data yang terhubung dalam suatu jaringan komputer. Konsep CIA Triad yaitu Confidentiality, Integrity dan Availability, merupakan dasar keamanan untuk mengelola data dan informasi. Keterkaitan...



    Herman Yuliansyah


    Karena faktor pentingnya data dan informasi pada organisasi small medium business (SMB), maka diperlukan suatu replikasi basis data sehingga jika terjadi suatu keadaan force majure, organisasi tersebut tidak akan mengalami kehilangan data. Replikasi basis data ini melibatkan paling sedikit 2 sistem basis data yang terhubung dalam suatu jaringan komputer. Konsep CIA Triad yaitu Confidentiality, Integrity dan Availability, merupakan dasar keamanan untuk mengelola data dan informasi. Keterkaitan...

  3. Surface interpolation with radial basis functions for medical imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carr, J.C.; Beatson, R.K.; Fright, W.R.


    Radial basis functions are presented as a practical solution to the problem of interpolating incomplete surfaces derived from three-dimensional (3-D) medical graphics. The specific application considered is the design of cranial implants for the repair of defects, usually holes, in the skull. Radial basis functions impose few restrictions on the geometry of the interpolation centers and are suited to problems where interpolation centers do not form a regular grid. However, their high computational requirements have previously limited their use to problems where the number of interpolation centers is small (<300). Recently developed fast evaluation techniques have overcome these limitations and made radial basis interpolation a practical approach for larger data sets. In this paper radial basis functions are fitted to depth-maps of the skull's surface, obtained from X-ray computed tomography (CT) data using ray-tracing techniques. They are used to smoothly interpolate the surface of the skull across defect regions. The resulting mathematical description of the skull's surface can be evaluated at any desired resolution to be rendered on a graphics workstation or to generate instructions for operating a computer numerically controlled (CNC) mill

  4. Large-Eddy Simulation Using Projection onto Local Basis Functions (United States)

    Pope, S. B.

    In the traditional approach to LES for inhomogeneous flows, the resolved fields are obtained by a filtering operation (with filter width Delta). The equations governing the resolved fields are then partial differential equations, which are solved numerically (on a grid of spacing h). For an LES computation of a given magnitude (i.e., given h), there are conflicting considerations in the choice of Delta: to resolve a large range of turbulent motions, Delta should be small; to solve the equations with numerical accuracy, Delta should be large. In the alternative approach advanced here, this conflict is avoided. The resolved fields are defined by projection onto local basis functions, so that the governing equations are ordinary differential equations for the evolution of the basis-function coefficients. There is no issue of numerical spatial discretization errors. A general methodology for modelling the effects of the residual motions is developed. The model is based directly on the basis-function coefficients, and its effect is to smooth the fields where their rates of change are not well resolved by the basis functions. Demonstration calculations are performed for Burgers' equation.

  5. Development of a low-temperature refrigerant on the basis of carbon dioxide; Entwicklung eines Tieftemperaturkaeltemittels auf Basis von Kohlendioxid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goepfert, Tobias; Hesse, Ullrich [Technische Univ. Dresden (Germany). Bitzer-Stiftungsprofessur fuer Kaelte-, Kryo- und Kompressorentechnik


    With the help of known substance properties and derived calculation correlations the mixtures were identified on the basis of R744, which are suitable as a cryogenic refrigerant in the range -50 to -100 degrees Celsius. A prediction and assessment of the suitability of the mixtures is made and the still unknown material properties are shown, which are required for detailed evaluation. [German] Mit Hilfe von bekannten Stoffeigenschaften und abgeleiteten Berechnungskorrelationen wurden Gemische auf der Basis von R744 identifiziert, welche sich als Tieftemperaturkaeltemittel im Bereich von -50 bis -100 Grad Celsius eigenen. Es wird eine Prognose und Abschaetzung der Eignung der Stoffgemische vorgenommen und es werden die noch unbekannten Stoffeigenschaften dargestellt, die zur genauen Bewertung benoetigt werden.

  6. Localized atomic basis set in the projector augmented wave method

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Ask Hjorth; Vanin, Marco; Mortensen, Jens Jørgen


    We present an implementation of localized atomic-orbital basis sets in the projector augmented wave (PAW) formalism within the density-functional theory. The implementation in the real-space GPAW code provides a complementary basis set to the accurate but computationally more demanding grid...

  7. TWRS authorization basis configuration control summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mendoza, D.P.


    This document was developed to define the Authorization Basis management functional requirements for configuration control, to evaluate the management control systems currently in place, and identify any additional controls that may be required until the TWRS [Tank Waste Remediation System] Configuration Management system is fully in place


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herman Yuliansyah


    Full Text Available Karena faktor pentingnya data dan informasi pada organisasi small medium business (SMB, maka diperlukan suatu replikasi basis data sehingga jika terjadi suatu keadaan force majure, organisasi tersebut tidak akan mengalami kehilangan data. Replikasi basis data ini melibatkan paling sedikit 2 sistem basis data yang terhubung dalam suatu jaringan komputer. Konsep CIA Triad yaitu Confidentiality, Integrity dan Availability, merupakan dasar keamanan untuk mengelola data dan informasi. Keterkaitan antara faktor replikasi data dan keamanan informasi sangat perlu diperhatikan untuk diteliti lebih lanjut sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan faktor keamanan data dalam jaringan komputer.Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan melakukan pengumpulan data terkait topik penelitian melalui studi pustaka, observasi, dan membuat pengujian di laboratorium dengan membuat simulasi replikasi basis data tanpa mekasnisme pengamanan dan melakukan pengujian keamanan komunikasinya kemudian membandingkannya dengan replikasi data dengan mekanisme pengamanan dengan SSL serta melakukan pengujian keamanan komunikasinya melalui proses penyadapan paket data yang dikirimkan dari server master dan server slave.Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan yaitu replikasi basis data MySQL dengan tanpa mekanisme pengamanan SSL memunculkan celah kemanan karena pesan yang dikirimkan dalam bentuk pesan plain tidak tersantikan. Sedangkan melalui penambahan dukungan SSL telah memberikan manfaat keamanan terhadap replikasi basis data MySQL, hal ini dibuktikan bahwa hasil proses penyadapan pesan terlihat paket data yang dikomunikasikan dari server master ke server slave sudah dalam keadaan terenkripsi.Kata Kunci : Replikasi basis data, MySQL, SSL Encryption.

  9. Selection of design basis event for modular high temperature gas-cooled reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Hiroyuki; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Ohashi, Hirofumi


    Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been investigating safety requirements and basic approach of safety guidelines for modular High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) aiming to increase internarial contribution for nuclear safety by developing an international HTGR safety standard under International Atomic Energy Agency. In this study, we investigate a deterministic approach to select design basis events utilizing information obtained from probabilistic approach. In addition, selections of design basis events are conducted for commercial HTGR designed by JAEA. As a result, an approach for selecting design basis event considering multiple failures of safety systems is established which has not been considered as design basis in the safety guideline for existing nuclear facility. Furthermore, selection of design basis events for commercial HTGR has completed. This report provides an approach and procedure for selecting design basis events of modular HTGR as well as selected events for the commercial HTGR, GTHTR300. (author)

  10. Diffusion Forecasting Model with Basis Functions from QR-Decomposition (United States)

    Harlim, John; Yang, Haizhao


    The diffusion forecasting is a nonparametric approach that provably solves the Fokker-Planck PDE corresponding to Itô diffusion without knowing the underlying equation. The key idea of this method is to approximate the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation with a discrete representation of the shift (Koopman) operator on a set of basis functions generated via the diffusion maps algorithm. While the choice of these basis functions is provably optimal under appropriate conditions, computing these basis functions is quite expensive since it requires the eigendecomposition of an N× N diffusion matrix, where N denotes the data size and could be very large. For large-scale forecasting problems, only a few leading eigenvectors are computationally achievable. To overcome this computational bottleneck, a new set of basis functions constructed by orthonormalizing selected columns of the diffusion matrix and its leading eigenvectors is proposed. This computation can be carried out efficiently via the unpivoted Householder QR factorization. The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm will be shown in both deterministically chaotic and stochastic dynamical systems; in the former case, the superiority of the proposed basis functions over purely eigenvectors is significant, while in the latter case forecasting accuracy is improved relative to using a purely small number of eigenvectors. Supporting arguments will be provided on three- and six-dimensional chaotic ODEs, a three-dimensional SDE that mimics turbulent systems, and also on the two spatial modes associated with the boreal winter Madden-Julian Oscillation obtained from applying the Nonlinear Laplacian Spectral Analysis on the measured Outgoing Longwave Radiation.

  11. Preventive maintenance basis: Volume 21 -- HVAC, air handling equipment. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Worledge, D.; Hinchcliffe, G.


    US nuclear plants are implementing preventive maintenance (PM) tasks with little documented basis beyond fundamental vendor information to support the tasks or their intervals. The Preventive Maintenance Basis project provides utilities with the technical basis for PM tasks and task intervals associated with 40 specific components such as valves, electric motors, pumps, and HVAC equipment. This report provides an overview of the PM Basis project and describes use of the PM Basis database. Volume 21 of the report provides a program of PM tasks suitable for application to HVAC-Air Handling Equipment. The PM tasks that are recommended provide a cost-effective way to intercept the causes and mechanisms that lead to degradation and failure. They can be used, in conjunction with material from other sources, to develop a complete PM program or to improve an existing program. Users of this information will be utility managers, supervisors, craft technicians, and training instructors responsible for developing, optimizing, or fine-tuning PM programs

  12. Preventive maintenance basis: Volume 15 -- Rotary screw air compressors. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Worledge, D.; Hinchcliffe, G.


    US nuclear plants are implementing preventive maintenance (PM) tasks with little documented basis beyond fundamental vendor information to support the tasks or their intervals. The Preventive Maintenance Basis project provides utilities with the technical basis for PM tasks and task intervals associated with 40 specific components such as valves, electric motors, pumps, and HVAC equipment. This report provides an overview of the PM Basis project and describes use of the PM Basis database. Volume 15 of the report provides a program of PM tasks suitable for application to rotary screw air compressors in nuclear power plants. The PM tasks that are recommended provide a cost-effective way to intercept the causes and mechanisms that lead to degradation and failure. They can be used, in conjunction with material from other sources, to develop a complete PM program or to improve an existing program. Users of this information will be utility managers, supervisors, craft technicians, and training instructors responsible for developing, optimizing, or fine-tuning PM programs

  13. Using piecewise sinusoidal basis functions to blanket multiple wire segments

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Lysko, AA


    Full Text Available This paper discusses application of the piecewise sinusoidal (PWS) basis function (BF) over a chain of several wire segments, for example as a multiple domain basis function. The usage of PWS BF is compared to results based on the piecewise linear...

  14. Optimization of the variational basis in the three body problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simenog, I.V.; Pushkash, O.M.; Bestuzheva, A.B.


    The procedure of variational oscillator basis optimization is proposed to the calculation the energy spectra of three body systems. The hierarchy of basis functions is derived and energies of ground and excited states for three gravitating particles is obtained with high accuracy. 12 refs

  15. The neurocognitive basis of feature integration

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Keizer, André Willem


    One of the most striking features of the brain is that it is modular; it consists of often highly specialized areas. This modular organization requires efficient communication in order to integrate the information that is represented in distinct brain areas. In my thesis, I studied the neural basis

  16. An evolutionary basis for pollination ecology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Willemstein, S.C.


    In the introduction and chapter 2 the incentives and way of reasoning are given for the description of an evolutionary basis of pollination ecology. Starting from the until recently rather anecdotical character of the study of pollination ecology as a whole, and in the absence of large-scale

  17. Accelerating GW calculations with optimal polarizability basis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Umari, P.; Stenuit, G. [CNR-IOM DEMOCRITOS Theory Elettra Group, Basovizza (Trieste) (Italy); Qian, X.; Marzari, N. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA (United States); Giacomazzi, L.; Baroni, S. [CNR-IOM DEMOCRITOS Theory Elettra Group, Basovizza (Trieste) (Italy); SISSA - Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste (Italy)


    We present a method for accelerating GW quasi-particle (QP) calculations. This is achieved through the introduction of optimal basis sets for representing polarizability matrices. First the real-space products of Wannier like orbitals are constructed and then optimal basis sets are obtained through singular value decomposition. Our method is validated by calculating the vertical ionization energies of the benzene molecule and the band structure of crystalline silicon. Its potentialities are illustrated by calculating the QP spectrum of a model structure of vitreous silica. Finally, we apply our method for studying the electronic structure properties of a model of quasi-stoichiometric amorphous silicon nitride and of its point defects. (Copyright copyright 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  18. Support open access publishing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ekstrøm, Jeannette


    Projektet Support Open Access Publishing har til mål at få opdateret Sherpa/Romeo databasen ( med fagligt relevante, danske tidsskrifter. Projektet skal endvidere undersøge mulighederne for at få udviklet en database, hvor forskere på tværs af relevante tidsskriftsinformati......Projektet Support Open Access Publishing har til mål at få opdateret Sherpa/Romeo databasen ( med fagligt relevante, danske tidsskrifter. Projektet skal endvidere undersøge mulighederne for at få udviklet en database, hvor forskere på tværs af relevante...

  19. Design basis tropical cyclone for nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The general characteristics of tropical cyclones are discussed in this Safety Guide, with particular emphasis on their pressure and wind structures in the light of available data. General methods are given for the evaluation of the relevant parameters of a Probable Maximum Tropical Cyclone (PMTC), which can be used as the Design Basis Tropical Cyclone (DBTC); these parameters then serve as inputs for the derivation of a design basis surge and a design basis wind. A possible method is also given for the evaluation of the PMTC pressure and wind field based on an approach valid primarily for a particular region. This method depends on the results of a theoretical study on the tropical cyclone structure and makes use of a large amount of data, including aircraft reconnaissance observations for 170 most intense tropical cyclones near the coast of Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines for the period 1960-1974, as well as detailed analyses of all the extreme storms along the Gulf of Mexico and the east coast of the USA during 1900-1978, for the determination of the necessary parameters

  20. Composite fermion basis for two-component Bose gases (United States)

    Meyer, Marius; Liabotro, Ola

    The composite fermion (CF) construction is known to produce wave functions that are not necessarily orthogonal, or even linearly independent, after projection. While usually not a practical issue in the quantum Hall regime, we have previously shown that it presents a technical challenge for rotating Bose gases with low angular momentum. These are systems where the CF approach yield surprisingly good approximations to the exact eigenstates of weak short-range interactions, and so solving the problem of linearly dependent wave functions is of interest. It can also be useful for studying CF excitations for fermions. Here we present several ways of constructing a basis for the space of ``simple CF states'' for two-component rotating Bose gases in the lowest Landau level, and prove that they all give a basis. Using the basis, we study the structure of the lowest-lying state using so-called restricted wave functions. We also examine the scaling of the overlap between the exact and CF wave functions at the maximal possible angular momentum for simple states. This work was financially supported by the Research Council of Norway.

  1. Assessment of WWER fuel condition in design basis accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bibilashvili, Yu.; Sokolov, N.; Andreeva-Andrievskaya, L.; Vlasov, Yu.; Nechaeva, O.; Salatov, A.


    The fuel behaviour in design basis accidents is assessed by means of the verified code RAPTA-5. The code uses a set of high temperature physico-chemical properties of the fuel components as determined for commercially produced materials, fuel rod simulators and fuel rod bundles. The WWER fuel criteria available in Russia for design basis accidents do not generally differ from the similar criteria adopted for PWR's. 12 figs., 11 refs

  2. Representation and Metrics Extraction from Feature Basis: An Object Oriented Approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fausto Neri da Silva Vanin


    Full Text Available This tutorial presents an object oriented approach to data reading and metrics extraction from feature basis. Structural issues about basis are discussed first, then the Object Oriented Programming (OOP is aplied to modeling the main elements in this context. The model implementation is then discussed using C++ as programing language. To validate the proposed model, we apply on some feature basis from the University of Carolina, Irvine Machine Learning Database.

  3. Dynamical pruning of static localized basis sets in time-dependent quantum dynamics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    McCormack, D.A.


    We investigate the viability of dynamical pruning of localized basis sets in time-dependent quantum wave packet methods. Basis functions that have a very small population at any given time are removed from the active set. The basis functions themselves are time independent, but the set of active

  4. The aug-cc-pVnZ-F12 basis set family: Correlation consistent basis sets for explicitly correlated benchmark calculations on anions and noncovalent complexes. (United States)

    Sylvetsky, Nitai; Kesharwani, Manoj K; Martin, Jan M L


    We have developed a new basis set family, denoted as aug-cc-pVnZ-F12 (or aVnZ-F12 for short), for explicitly correlated calculations. The sets included in this family were constructed by supplementing the corresponding cc-pVnZ-F12 sets with additional diffuse functions on the higher angular momenta (i.e., additional d-h functions on non-hydrogen atoms and p-g on hydrogen atoms), optimized for the MP2-F12 energy of the relevant atomic anions. The new basis sets have been benchmarked against electron affinities of the first- and second-row atoms, the W4-17 dataset of total atomization energies, the S66 dataset of noncovalent interactions, the Benchmark Energy and Geometry Data Base water cluster subset, and the WATER23 subset of the GMTKN24 and GMTKN30 benchmark suites. The aVnZ-F12 basis sets displayed excellent performance, not just for electron affinities but also for noncovalent interaction energies of neutral and anionic species. Appropriate CABSs (complementary auxiliary basis sets) were explored for the S66 noncovalent interaction benchmark: between similar-sized basis sets, CABSs were found to be more transferable than generally assumed.

  5. Canonical basis for type A4 (II) - Polynomial elements in one variable

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Yuwang; Ye Jiachen


    All the 62 monomial elements in the canonical basis B of the quantized enveloping algebra for type A 4 have been determined. According to Lusztig's idea, the elements in the canonical basis B consist of monomials and linear combinations of monomials (for convenience, we call them polynomials). In this note, we compute all the 144 polynomial elements in one variable in the canonical basis B of the quantized enveloping algebra for type A 4 based on our joint note. We conjecture that there are other polynomial elements in two or three variables in the canonical basis B, which include independent variables and dependent variables. Moreover, it is conjectured that there are no polynomial elements in the canonical basis B with four or more variables. (author)

  6. Hanford Generic Interim Safety Basis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lavender, J.C.


    The purpose of this document is to identify WHC programs and requirements that are an integral part of the authorization basis for nuclear facilities that are generic to all WHC-managed facilities. The purpose of these programs is to implement the DOE Orders, as WHC becomes contractually obligated to implement them. The Hanford Generic ISB focuses on the institutional controls and safety requirements identified in DOE Order 5480.23, Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports

  7. Hanford Generic Interim Safety Basis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lavender, J.C.


    The purpose of this document is to identify WHC programs and requirements that are an integral part of the authorization basis for nuclear facilities that are generic to all WHC-managed facilities. The purpose of these programs is to implement the DOE Orders, as WHC becomes contractually obligated to implement them. The Hanford Generic ISB focuses on the institutional controls and safety requirements identified in DOE Order 5480.23, Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports.

  8. 26 CFR 1.1014-1 - Basis of property acquired from a decedent. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Basis Rules of General Application § 1.1014-1 Basis of... for purposes of the Federal estate tax. Accordingly, the general rule is that the basis of property..., principally, property acquired by bequest, devise, or inheritance, and, in the case of decedents dying after...

  9. Basis-Independent Analysis of the sneutrino Sector in R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grossman, Yuval


    In R-parity-violating supersymmetric models (with a conserved baryon number), there are no quantum numbers that distinguish the lepton-doublet and down-type Higgs supermultiplets. As a result, the R-parity-violating parameters depend on the basis choice for these superfields, although physical observables are independent of the choice of basis. This paper presents a basis-independent computation of the sneutrino/antisneutrino squared-mass splitting in terms of basis-independent quantities. Techniques are developed for an arbitrary number of sneutrino generations; specific results are provided for the one, two and three generation cases

  10. 29 CFR 99.205 - Basis for determining Federal awards expended. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Basis for determining Federal awards expended. 99.205 Section 99.205 Labor Office of the Secretary of Labor AUDITS OF STATES, LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Audits § 99.205 Basis for determining Federal awards expended. (a) Determining Federal awards...

  11. 46 CFR 177.310 - Satisfactory service as a design basis. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Satisfactory service as a design basis. 177.310 Section... (UNDER 100 GROSS TONS) CONSTRUCTION AND ARRANGEMENT Hull Structure § 177.310 Satisfactory service as a design basis. When scantlings for the hull, deckhouse, and frames of the vessel differ from those...

  12. Molecular basis sets - a general similarity-based approach for representing chemical spaces. (United States)

    Raghavendra, Akshay S; Maggiora, Gerald M


    A new method, based on generalized Fourier analysis, is described that utilizes the concept of "molecular basis sets" to represent chemical space within an abstract vector space. The basis vectors in this space are abstract molecular vectors. Inner products among the basis vectors are determined using an ansatz that associates molecular similarities between pairs of molecules with their corresponding inner products. Moreover, the fact that similarities between pairs of molecules are, in essentially all cases, nonzero implies that the abstract molecular basis vectors are nonorthogonal, but since the similarity of a molecule with itself is unity, the molecular vectors are normalized to unity. A symmetric orthogonalization procedure, which optimally preserves the character of the original set of molecular basis vectors, is used to construct appropriate orthonormal basis sets. Molecules can then be represented, in general, by sets of orthonormal "molecule-like" basis vectors within a proper Euclidean vector space. However, the dimension of the space can become quite large. Thus, the work presented here assesses the effect of basis set size on a number of properties including the average squared error and average norm of molecular vectors represented in the space-the results clearly show the expected reduction in average squared error and increase in average norm as the basis set size is increased. Several distance-based statistics are also considered. These include the distribution of distances and their differences with respect to basis sets of differing size and several comparative distance measures such as Spearman rank correlation and Kruscal stress. All of the measures show that, even though the dimension can be high, the chemical spaces they represent, nonetheless, behave in a well-controlled and reasonable manner. Other abstract vector spaces analogous to that described here can also be constructed providing that the appropriate inner products can be directly

  13. Technical Basis Document for PFP Area Monitoring Dosimetry Program

    CERN Document Server

    Cooper, J R


    This document describes the phantom dosimetry used for the PFP Area Monitoring program and establishes the basis for the Plutonium Finishing Plant's (PFP) area monitoring dosimetry program in accordance with the following requirements: Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 835, ''Occupational Radiation Protection'' Part 835.403; Hanford Site Radiological Control Manual (HSRCM-1), Part 514; HNF-PRO-382, Area Dosimetry Program; and PNL-MA-842, Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual.

  14. PFP total operating efficiency calculation and basis of estimate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The purpose of the Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) Total Operating Efficiency Calculation and Basis of Estimate document is to provide the calculated value and basis of estimate for the Total Operating Efficiency (TOE) for the material stabilization operations to be conducted in 234-52 Building. This information will be used to support both the planning and execution of the Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) Stabilization and Deactivation Project's (hereafter called the Project) resource-loaded, integrated schedule

  15. Technical Basis Document for PFP Area Monitoring Dosimetry Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    COOPER, J.R.


    This document describes the phantom dosimetry used for the PFP Area Monitoring program and establishes the basis for the Plutonium Finishing Plant's (PFP) area monitoring dosimetry program in accordance with the following requirements: Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 835, ''Occupational Radiation Protection'' Part 835.403; Hanford Site Radiological Control Manual (HSRCM-1), Part 514; HNF-PRO-382, Area Dosimetry Program; and PNL-MA-842, Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual

  16. Assessment of WWER fuel condition in design basis accident

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bibilashvili, Yu; Sokolov, N; Andreeva-Andrievskaya, L; Vlasov, Yu; Nechaeva, O; Salatov, A [Vsesoyuznyj Nauchno-Issledovatel` skij Inst. Neorganicheskikh Materialov, Moscow (Russian Federation)


    The fuel behaviour in design basis accidents is assessed by means of the verified code RAPTA-5. The code uses a set of high temperature physico-chemical properties of the fuel components as determined for commercially produced materials, fuel rod simulators and fuel rod bundles. The WWER fuel criteria available in Russia for design basis accidents do not generally differ from the similar criteria adopted for PWR`s. 12 figs., 11 refs.

  17. Preliminary Evaluation Methodology of ECCS Performance for Design Basis LOCA Redefinition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, Dong Gu; Ahn, Seung Hoon; Seul, Kwang Won


    To improve their existing regulations, the USNRC has made efforts to develop the risk-informed and performance-based regulation (RIPBR) approaches. As a part of these efforts, the rule revision of 10CFR50.46 (ECCS Acceptance Criteria) is underway, considering some options for 4 categories of spectrum of break sizes, ECCS functional reliability, ECCS evaluation model, and ECCS acceptance criteria. Since the potential for safety benefits and unnecessary burden reduction from design basis LOCA redefinition is high relative to other options, the USNRC is proceeding with the rulemaking for design basis LOCA redefinition. An instantaneous break with a flow rate equivalent to a double ended guillotine break (DEGB) of the largest primary piping system in the plant is widely recognized as an extremely unlikely event, while redefinition of design basis LOCA can affect the existing regulatory practices and approaches. In this study, the status of the design basis LOCA redefinition and OECD/NEA SMAP (Safety Margin Action Plan) methodology are introduced. Preliminary evaluation methodology of ECCS performance for LOCA is developed and discussed for design basis LOCA redefinition

  18. 6 CFR 13.3 - Basis for civil penalties and assessments. (United States)


    ... 6 Domestic Security 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Basis for civil penalties and assessments. 13.3 Section 13.3 Domestic Security DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES § 13.3 Basis for civil penalties and assessments. (a) Claims. (1) Except as provided in...

  19. 18 CFR 367.13 - Accounting to be on accrual basis. (United States)


    ... ACT General Instructions § 367.13 Accounting to be on accrual basis. (a) The service company is... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Accounting to be on accrual basis. 367.13 Section 367.13 Conservation of Power and Water Resources FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY...

  20. 45 CFR 160.402 - Basis for a civil money penalty. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Basis for a civil money penalty. 160.402 Section... RELATED REQUIREMENTS GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Imposition of Civil Money Penalties § 160.402 Basis for a civil money penalty. (a) General rule. Subject to § 160.410, the Secretary will impose a...

  1. epsilon : A tool to find a canonical basis of master integrals (United States)

    Prausa, Mario


    In 2013, Henn proposed a special basis for a certain class of master integrals, which are expressible in terms of iterated integrals. In this basis, the master integrals obey a differential equation, where the right hand side is proportional to ɛ in d = 4 - 2 ɛ space-time dimensions. An algorithmic approach to find such a basis was found by Lee. We present the tool epsilon, an efficient implementation of Lee's algorithm based on the Fermat computer algebra system as computational back end.

  2. 47 CFR 64.4000 - Basis and purpose. (United States)


    ..., termination, and billing of customer telephone service accounts. ... 47 Telecommunication 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Basis and purpose. 64.4000 Section 64.4000 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) COMMON CARRIER SERVICES (CONTINUED) MISCELLANEOUS...

  3. EuroFIR eBASIS: application for health claims submissions and evaluations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kiely, M.; Black, L.J.; Plumb, J.


    Background: The European Food Information Resource (EuroFIR) network has established the eBASIS (Bioactive Substances in Food Information System) online food composition and biological effects database for plant-derived bioactive compounds (phytochemicals). On the basis of submitted evidence......, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) expert panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies assesses whether claims made under articles 13.1, 13.5 or 14 of the Regulation (EC) 1924/2006, which governs the use of nutrition and health claims on foods, are scientifically justified. This report evaluates...... the eBASIS biological effects database in the preparation and evaluation of health claims dossiers. Methods: The eBASIS biological effects database is a compilation of expert-evaluated data extracted from the literature, prioritising human intervention studies to investigate health effects...

  4. 10 CFR 72.94 - Design basis external man-induced events. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Design basis external man-induced events. 72.94 Section 72... WASTE Siting Evaluation Factors § 72.94 Design basis external man-induced events. (a) The region must be examined for both past and present man-made facilities and activities that might endanger the proposed...

  5. Technical Basis Document for PFP Area Monitoring Dosimetry Program

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    COOPER, J.R.


    This document describes the phantom dosimetry used for the PFP Area Monitoring program and establishes the basis for the Plutonium Finishing Plant's (PFP) area monitoring dosimetry program in accordance with the following requirements: Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 835, ''Occupational Radiation Protection'' Part 835.403; Hanford Site Radiological Control Manual (HSRCM-1), Part 514; HNF-PRO-382, Area Dosimetry Program; and PNL-MA-842, Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual.

  6. Aspectos Relevantes de la Organización del Poder Judicial Español: Selección y Formación de Jueces, la Reforma de la Secretaria Judicial y la Figura del Secretario Judicial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Polignano Godoy


    Full Text Available El presente artículo, a fin de contribuir a los estudios sobre la política judicial, la gestión y la administración de la justicia en Brasil, ofrece una visión general de algunos aspectos relevantes de la organización del Poder Judicial español a saber, la selección y formación de los magistrados, la reforma de la secretaria judicial y la figura del secretario judicial, que son temas de interés actual en vista de las similitudes socio-culturales y jurídicas, y la coincidencia entre los problemas que enfrentan los poderes judiciales de Brasil y España. Aunque no contenga una sugestión de "importación" de soluciones acríticas extranjeras, propone una profundización del estudio de estos puntos, con el fin de evaluar los posibles impactos positivos que tuvieron en el caso español y verificar si no serían medidas interesantes a aplicarse en el escenario brasileño, especialmente en el caso de la secretaria judicial, cuya función consiste en aliviar el juez de la gestión de la unidad administrativa y de trabajos "burocráticos", para centrarse en la función judicial, al mismo tiempo en que permitiría la centralización y la especialización de la gestión y del trabajo administrativo.

  7. Point Set Denoising Using Bootstrap-Based Radial Basis Function. (United States)

    Liew, Khang Jie; Ramli, Ahmad; Abd Majid, Ahmad


    This paper examines the application of a bootstrap test error estimation of radial basis functions, specifically thin-plate spline fitting, in surface smoothing. The presence of noisy data is a common issue of the point set model that is generated from 3D scanning devices, and hence, point set denoising is one of the main concerns in point set modelling. Bootstrap test error estimation, which is applied when searching for the smoothing parameters of radial basis functions, is revisited. The main contribution of this paper is a smoothing algorithm that relies on a bootstrap-based radial basis function. The proposed method incorporates a k-nearest neighbour search and then projects the point set to the approximated thin-plate spline surface. Therefore, the denoising process is achieved, and the features are well preserved. A comparison of the proposed method with other smoothing methods is also carried out in this study.

  8. Criteria Document for B-plant's Surveillance and Maintenance Phase Safety Basis Document

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This document is required by the Project Hanford Managing Contractor (PHMC) procedure, HNF-PRO-705, Safety Basis Planning, Documentation, Review, and Approval. This document specifies the criteria that shall be in the B Plant surveillance and maintenance phase safety basis in order to obtain approval of the DOE-RL. This CD describes the criteria to be addressed in the S and M Phase safety basis for the deactivated Waste Fractionization Facility (B Plant) on the Hanford Site in Washington state. This criteria document describes: the document type and format that will be used for the S and M Phase safety basis, the requirements documents that will be invoked for the document development, the deactivated condition of the B Plant facility, and the scope of issues to be addressed in the S and M Phase safety basis document

  9. 45 CFR 170.400 - Basis and scope. (United States)



  10. Basis Risk and Net Interest Income of Banks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mielus Piotr


    Full Text Available The results of the banking sector are shaped primarily by commissions and net interest income. Net interest income is determined by the difference between the profitability of bank assets and liabilities. In the case when a different method is used to determine interest for each side of the balance sheet, there occurs a basis risk that may lead to the deterioration in the net interest income of the sector. This is the situation in the Polish banking sector, which is characterized by the presence of variable interest rates for long-term assets and fixed interest rates for short-term liabilities. The study aims to verify the following thesis: in an environment of falling interest rates we can observe the deterioration in net interest income of the banking sector, as a result of the materialization of the basis risk. The authors of the article state that the source of the basis risk is the mismatch between the reference rate used to define the interest flow of loans and the actual cost of financing the balance through term deposits collected from non-financial entities.

  11. The Labour Contract as a Basis of Appearance of Labour Relations


    Вишновецька, Світлана Василівна; Національний авіаційний університет; Такаджі, Людмила Геннадіївна; Національний авіаційний університет


    The article is devoted to research of labour contract as a basis of appearance of labour relations. The problems of conclusion of labour contract, its entry into force, the time of appearance of the labour relationship are very topical. The labour contract is the main form of realization of the right to work, a basis of appearance of labour relations that makes legal base for their functioning. Before December 28th, 2014 the actual admission to work was a basis of appearance of labour relatio...

  12. Technical basis document for external events

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    OBERG, B.D.


    This document supports the Tank Farms Documented Safety Analysis and presents the technical basis for the FR-equencies of externally initiated accidents. The consequences of externally initiated events are discussed in other documents that correspond to the accident that was caused by the external event. The external events include aircraft crash, vehicle accident, range fire, and rail accident

  13. Gaussian basis functions for highly oscillatory scattering wavefunctions (United States)

    Mant, B. P.; Law, M. M.


    We have applied a basis set of distributed Gaussian functions within the S-matrix version of the Kohn variational method to scattering problems involving deep potential energy wells. The Gaussian positions and widths are tailored to the potential using the procedure of Bačić and Light (1986 J. Chem. Phys. 85 4594) which has previously been applied to bound-state problems. The placement procedure is shown to be very efficient and gives scattering wavefunctions and observables in agreement with direct numerical solutions. We demonstrate the basis function placement method with applications to hydrogen atom–hydrogen atom scattering and antihydrogen atom–hydrogen atom scattering.

  14. The Reason for the Efficiency of the Pian-Sumihara Basis


    Childs, S. J.; Reddy, B. D.


    A logical explanation as to why the choice of the Pian-Sumihara basis (as a linear basis to approximate stress) leads to greater efficiency in enhanced strain problems, is presented. An Airy stress function and the consequent selective simplification resulting from the differentiation of an implied, single, parent approximating polynomial, are the essence of this argument.

  15. Transuranic waste storage and assay facility (TRUSAF) interim safety basis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gibson, K.D.


    The TRUSAF ISB is based upon current facility configuration and procedures. The purpose of the document is to provide the basis for interim operation or restrictions on interim operations and the authorization basis for the TRUSAF at the Hanford Site. The previous safety analysis document TRUSAF hazards Identification and Evaluation (WHC 1977) is superseded by this document

  16. Single-particle basis and translational invariance in microscopic nuclear calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ehfros, V.D.


    The approach to the few-body problem is considered which allows to use the simple single-particle basis without violation of the translation invariance. A method is proposed to solve the nuclear reaction problems in the single-particle basis. The method satisfies the Pauli principle and the translation invariance. Calculation of the matrix elements of operators is treated

  17. Hypoplasia of the basi-occipital bone and persistance of the spheno-occipital synchondrosis in a patient with transitory supplementary fissure of the basi-occipital

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wackenheim, A.


    The author had the opportunity to observe the progressive development of a special form of basilar impression characterized by transitory supplementary fissure of the basi-occipital bone, persistance of the spheno-occipital synchondrosis and hypoplasia of the basi-occipital. He proposes to dissociate the general concept of basilar impression and to consider anatomo-clinical entities such as the example described in this paper. (orig.)

  18. On the performance of atomic natural orbital basis sets: A full configuration interaction study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Illas, F.; Ricart, J.M.; Rubio, J.; Bagus, P.S.


    The performance of atomic natural orbital (ANO) basis sets has been studied by comparing self-consistant field (SCF) and full configuration interaction (CI) results obtained for the first row atoms and hydrides. The ANO results have been compared with those obtained using a segmented basis set containing the same number of contracted basis functions. The total energies obtained with the ANO basis sets are always lower than the one obtained by using the segmented one. However, for the hydrides, differential electronic correlation energy obtained with the ANO basis set may be smaller than the one recovered with the segmented set. We relate this poorer differential correlation energy for the ANO basis set to the fact that only one contracted d function is used for the ANO and segmented basis sets

  19. Point Set Denoising Using Bootstrap-Based Radial Basis Function.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khang Jie Liew

    Full Text Available This paper examines the application of a bootstrap test error estimation of radial basis functions, specifically thin-plate spline fitting, in surface smoothing. The presence of noisy data is a common issue of the point set model that is generated from 3D scanning devices, and hence, point set denoising is one of the main concerns in point set modelling. Bootstrap test error estimation, which is applied when searching for the smoothing parameters of radial basis functions, is revisited. The main contribution of this paper is a smoothing algorithm that relies on a bootstrap-based radial basis function. The proposed method incorporates a k-nearest neighbour search and then projects the point set to the approximated thin-plate spline surface. Therefore, the denoising process is achieved, and the features are well preserved. A comparison of the proposed method with other smoothing methods is also carried out in this study.

  20. Qudit-Basis Universal Quantum Computation Using χ(2 ) Interactions (United States)

    Niu, Murphy Yuezhen; Chuang, Isaac L.; Shapiro, Jeffrey H.


    We prove that universal quantum computation can be realized—using only linear optics and χ(2 ) (three-wave mixing) interactions—in any (n +1 )-dimensional qudit basis of the n -pump-photon subspace. First, we exhibit a strictly universal gate set for the qubit basis in the one-pump-photon subspace. Next, we demonstrate qutrit-basis universality by proving that χ(2 ) Hamiltonians and photon-number operators generate the full u (3 ) Lie algebra in the two-pump-photon subspace, and showing how the qutrit controlled-Z gate can be implemented with only linear optics and χ(2 ) interactions. We then use proof by induction to obtain our general qudit result. Our induction proof relies on coherent photon injection or subtraction, a technique enabled by χ(2 ) interaction between the encoding modes and ancillary modes. Finally, we show that coherent photon injection is more than a conceptual tool, in that it offers a route to preparing high-photon-number Fock states from single-photon Fock states.

  1. Qudit-Basis Universal Quantum Computation Using χ^{(2)} Interactions. (United States)

    Niu, Murphy Yuezhen; Chuang, Isaac L; Shapiro, Jeffrey H


    We prove that universal quantum computation can be realized-using only linear optics and χ^{(2)} (three-wave mixing) interactions-in any (n+1)-dimensional qudit basis of the n-pump-photon subspace. First, we exhibit a strictly universal gate set for the qubit basis in the one-pump-photon subspace. Next, we demonstrate qutrit-basis universality by proving that χ^{(2)} Hamiltonians and photon-number operators generate the full u(3) Lie algebra in the two-pump-photon subspace, and showing how the qutrit controlled-Z gate can be implemented with only linear optics and χ^{(2)} interactions. We then use proof by induction to obtain our general qudit result. Our induction proof relies on coherent photon injection or subtraction, a technique enabled by χ^{(2)} interaction between the encoding modes and ancillary modes. Finally, we show that coherent photon injection is more than a conceptual tool, in that it offers a route to preparing high-photon-number Fock states from single-photon Fock states.

  2. EuroFIR eBASIS: application for health claims submissions and evaluations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kiely, M.; Black, L.J.; Plumb, J.; Kroon, P.; Hollman, P.C.H.; Larsen, J.C.; Speijers, G.; Kapsokefalou, M.; Sheehan, D.; Gry, J.; Finglas, P.M.


    Background: The European Food Information Resource (EuroFIR) network has established the eBASIS (Bioactive Substances in Food Information System) online food composition and biological effects database for plant-derived bioactive compounds (phytochemicals). On the basis of submitted evidence, the

  3. The physical basis of chemistry

    CERN Document Server

    Warren, Warren S


    If the text you're using for general chemistry seems to lack sufficient mathematics and physics in its presentation of classical mechanics, molecular structure, and statistics, this complementary science series title may be just what you're looking for. Written for the advanced lower-division undergraduate chemistry course, The Physical Basis of Chemistry, Second Edition, offers students an opportunity to understand and enrich the understanding of physical chemistry with some quantum mechanics, the Boltzmann distribution, and spectroscopy. Posed and answered are questions concerning eve

  4. Explicit appropriate basis function method for numerical solution of stiff systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Wenzhen; Xiao, Hongguang; Li, Haofeng; Chen, Ling


    Highlights: • An explicit numerical method called the appropriate basis function method is presented. • The method differs from the power series method for obtaining approximate numerical solutions. • Two cases show the method is fit for linear and nonlinear stiff systems. • The method is very simple and effective for most of differential equation systems. - Abstract: In this paper, an explicit numerical method, called the appropriate basis function method, is presented. The explicit appropriate basis function method differs from the power series method because it employs an appropriate basis function such as the exponential function, or periodic function, other than a polynomial, to obtain approximate numerical solutions. The method is successful and effective for the numerical solution of the first order ordinary differential equations. Two examples are presented to show the ability of the method for dealing with linear and nonlinear systems of differential equations

  5. Technical basis document for natural event hazards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    CARSON, D.M.


    This technical basis document was developed to support the Tank Farms Documented Safety Analysis (DSA), and describes the risk binning process and the technical basis for assigning risk bins for natural event hazards (NEH)-initiated representative accident and associated represented hazardous conditions. The purpose of the risk binning process is to determine the need for safety-significant structures, systems, and components (SSC) and technical safety requirement (TSR)-level controls for a given representative accident or represented hazardous conditions based on an evaluation of the frequency and consequence. Note that the risk binning process is not applied to facility workers, because all facility worker hazardous conditions are considered for safety-significant SSCs and/or TSR-level controls. Determination of the need for safety-class SSCs was performed in accordance with DOE-STD-3009-94, ''Preparation Guide for US Department of Energy Nonreactor Nuclear Facility Documented Safety Analyses'', as described in this report

  6. Fusion basis for lattice gauge theory and loop quantum gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delcamp, Clement [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics,31 Caroline Street North, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2Y5 (Canada); Department of Physics Astronomy and Guelph-Waterloo Physics Institute, University of Waterloo,Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 (Canada); Dittrich, Bianca; Riello, Aldo [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics,31 Caroline Street North, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2Y5 (Canada)


    We introduce a new basis for the gauge-invariant Hilbert space of lattice gauge theory and loop quantum gravity in (2+1) dimensions, the fusion basis. In doing so, we shift the focus from the original lattice (or spin-network) structure directly to that of the magnetic (curvature) and electric (torsion) excitations themselves. These excitations are classified by the irreducible representations of the Drinfel’d double of the gauge group, and can be readily “fused” together by studying the tensor product of such representations. We will also describe in detail the ribbon operators that create and measure these excitations and make the quasi-local structure of the observable algebra explicit. Since the fusion basis allows for both magnetic and electric excitations from the onset, it turns out to be a precious tool for studying the large scale structure and coarse-graining flow of lattice gauge theories and loop quantum gravity. This is in neat contrast with the widely used spin-network basis, in which it is much more complicated to account for electric excitations, i.e. for Gauß constraint violations, emerging at larger scales. Moreover, since the fusion basis comes equipped with a hierarchical structure, it readily provides the language to design states with sophisticated multi-scale structures. Another way to employ this hierarchical structure is to encode a notion of subsystems for lattice gauge theories and (2+1) gravity coupled to point particles. In a follow-up work, we have exploited this notion to provide a new definition of entanglement entropy for these theories.

  7. Fusion basis for lattice gauge theory and loop quantum gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delcamp, Clement; Dittrich, Bianca; Riello, Aldo


    We introduce a new basis for the gauge-invariant Hilbert space of lattice gauge theory and loop quantum gravity in (2+1) dimensions, the fusion basis. In doing so, we shift the focus from the original lattice (or spin-network) structure directly to that of the magnetic (curvature) and electric (torsion) excitations themselves. These excitations are classified by the irreducible representations of the Drinfel’d double of the gauge group, and can be readily “fused” together by studying the tensor product of such representations. We will also describe in detail the ribbon operators that create and measure these excitations and make the quasi-local structure of the observable algebra explicit. Since the fusion basis allows for both magnetic and electric excitations from the onset, it turns out to be a precious tool for studying the large scale structure and coarse-graining flow of lattice gauge theories and loop quantum gravity. This is in neat contrast with the widely used spin-network basis, in which it is much more complicated to account for electric excitations, i.e. for Gauß constraint violations, emerging at larger scales. Moreover, since the fusion basis comes equipped with a hierarchical structure, it readily provides the language to design states with sophisticated multi-scale structures. Another way to employ this hierarchical structure is to encode a notion of subsystems for lattice gauge theories and (2+1) gravity coupled to point particles. In a follow-up work, we have exploited this notion to provide a new definition of entanglement entropy for these theories.

  8. Design basis document open-item resolution and reportability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gambhir, S.K.; Livingston, B.R.; Purcell, J.J.; Erickson, E.A.


    In the process of reconstituting the design bases for older nuclear power plants, information or references may not be available to fully define the design requirements or to document and verify the adequacy of the design. Also, information that is in conflict with other data is identified. The missing and conflicting information must be reconstituted in order to adequately document the design bases of the plant. For these operating facilities, the identification, tracking, and resolution of missing or conflicting information is very important when the reporting requirements stipulated by 10CFR21, 10CFR50.72, and 10CFR50.73 are considered. Additionally, controlled documentation (calculations, drawings, etc.) used to develop the design basis documents may contain conflicting data. In some cases, conflicts between the as-built design and licensing or design basis requirements established in specific commitments to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission may be identified. Furthermore, concerns regarding the adequacy of safety-related systems or components to perform their required function may be identified that would warrant prompt action by the licensee. The approach discussed in this paper was used by Omaha Public Power District for the ongoing design basis reconstitution effort at the Fort Calhoun nuclear plant

  9. PFP total process throughput calculation and basis of estimate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The PFP Process Throughput Calculation and Basis of Estimate document provides the calculated value and basis of estimate for process throughput associated with material stabilization operations conducted in 234-52 Building. The process throughput data provided reflects the best estimates of material processing rates consistent with experience at the Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) and other U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sites. The rates shown reflect demonstrated capacity during ''full'' operation. They do not reflect impacts of building down time. Therefore, these throughput rates need to have a Total Operating Efficiency (TOE) factor applied

  10. 40 CFR 227.17 - Basis for determination. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 24 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Basis for determination. 227.17 Section 227.17 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) OCEAN DUMPING... living marine resources. (b) For all proposed dumping, full consideration will be given to such...

  11. 47 CFR 25.101 - Basis and scope. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Basis and scope. 25.101 Section 25.101 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) COMMON CARRIER SERVICES SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS... 501(c)(6) of the International Maritime Satellite Telecommunications Act, and titles I through III of...

  12. The Evidential Basis of Decision Making in Plant Disease Management. (United States)

    Hughes, Gareth


    The evidential basis for disease management decision making is provided by data relating to risk factors. The decision process involves an assessment of the evidence leading to taking (or refraining from) action on the basis of a prediction. The primary objective of the decision process is to identify-at the time the decision is made-the control action that provides the best predicted end-of-season outcome, calculated in terms of revenue or another appropriate metric. Data relating to disease risk factors may take a variety of forms (e.g., continuous, discrete, categorical) on measurement scales in a variety of units. Log 10 -likelihood ratios provide a principled basis for the accumulation of evidence based on such data and allow predictions to be made via Bayesian updating of prior probabilities.

  13. Closed fringe demodulation using phase decomposition by Fourier basis functions. (United States)

    Kulkarni, Rishikesh; Rastogi, Pramod


    We report a new technique for the demodulation of a closed fringe pattern by representing the phase as a weighted linear combination of a certain number of linearly independent Fourier basis functions in a given row/column at a time. A state space model is developed with the weights of the basis functions as the elements of the state vector. The iterative extended Kalman filter is effectively utilized for the robust estimation of the weights. A coarse estimate of the fringe density based on the fringe frequency map is used to determine the initial row/column to start with and subsequently the optimal number of basis functions. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated with several noisy fringe patterns. Experimental results are also reported to support the practical applicability of the proposed method.

  14. OSR encapsulation basis -- 100-KW

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meichle, R.H.


    The purpose of this report is to provide the basis for a change in the Operations Safety Requirement (OSR) encapsulated fuel storage requirements in the 105 KW fuel storage basin which will permit the handling and storing of encapsulated fuel in canisters which no longer have a water-free space in the top of the canister. The scope of this report is limited to providing the change from the perspective of the safety envelope (bases) of the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) and Operations Safety Requirements (OSR). It does not change the encapsulation process itself

  15. A complete basis for a perturbation expansion of the general N-body problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laing, W Blake; Kelle, David W; Dunn, Martin; Watson, Deborah K


    We discuss a basis set developed to calculate perturbation coefficients in an expansion of the general N-body problem. This basis has two advantages. First, the basis is complete order-by-order for the perturbation series. Second, the number of independent basis tensors spanning the space for a given order does not scale with N, the number of particles, despite the generality of the problem. At first order, the number of basis tensors is 25 for all N, i.e. the problem scales as N 0 , although one would initially expect an N 6 scaling at first order. The perturbation series is expanded in inverse powers of the spatial dimension. This results in a maximally symmetric configuration at lowest order which has a point group isomorphic with the symmetric group, S N . The resulting perturbation series is order-by-order invariant under the N! operations of the S N point group which is responsible for the slower than exponential growth of the basis. In this paper, we demonstrate the completeness of the basis and perform the first test of this formalism through first order by comparing to an exactly solvable fully interacting problem of N particles with a two-body harmonic interaction potential

  16. The Oblique Basis Method from an Engineering Point of View

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gueorguiev, V G


    The oblique basis method is reviewed from engineering point of view related to vibration and control theory. Examples are used to demonstrate and relate the oblique basis in nuclear physics to the equivalent mathematical problems in vibration theory. The mathematical techniques, such as principal coordinates and root locus, used by vibration and control theory engineers are shown to be relevant to the Richardson - Gaudin pairing-like problems in nuclear physics.

  17. 42 CFR 423.771 - Basis and scope. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Basis and scope. 423.771 Section 423.771 Public Health CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICARE PROGRAM VOLUNTARY MEDICARE PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFIT Premiums and Cost-Sharing Subsidies for Low...

  18. 42 CFR 493.1800 - Basis and scope. (United States)


    ... laboratories that perform clinical diagnostic tests on human specimens when those laboratories are found to be... specified in the statute. (2) The Clinical Laboratories Improvement Act of 1967 (section 353 of the Public...) STANDARDS AND CERTIFICATION LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS Enforcement Procedures § 493.1800 Basis and scope. (a...

  19. 42 CFR 431.300 - Basis and purpose. (United States)


    ...) MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS STATE ORGANIZATION AND GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Safeguarding Information on... specifies State plan requirements, the types of information to be safeguarded, the conditions for release of... 42 Public Health 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Basis and purpose. 431.300 Section 431.300 Public...

  20. M4GB : Efficient Groebner Basis algorithm

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R.H. Makarim (Rusydi); M.M.J. Stevens (Marc)


    textabstractWe introduce a new efficient algorithm for computing Groebner-bases named M4GB. Like Faugere's algorithm F4 it is an extension of Buchberger's algorithm that describes: how to store already computed (tail-)reduced multiples of basis polynomials to prevent redundant work in the reduction

  1. Spherical radial basis functions, theory and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Hubbert, Simon; Morton, Tanya M


    This book is the first to be devoted to the theory and applications of spherical (radial) basis functions (SBFs), which is rapidly emerging as one of the most promising techniques for solving problems where approximations are needed on the surface of a sphere. The aim of the book is to provide enough theoretical and practical details for the reader to be able to implement the SBF methods to solve real world problems. The authors stress the close connection between the theory of SBFs and that of the more well-known family of radial basis functions (RBFs), which are well-established tools for solving approximation theory problems on more general domains. The unique solvability of the SBF interpolation method for data fitting problems is established and an in-depth investigation of its accuracy is provided. Two chapters are devoted to partial differential equations (PDEs). One deals with the practical implementation of an SBF-based solution to an elliptic PDE and another which describes an SBF approach for solvi...

  2. Fast radial basis functions for engineering applications

    CERN Document Server

    Biancolini, Marco Evangelos


    This book presents the first “How To” guide to the use of radial basis functions (RBF). It provides a clear vision of their potential, an overview of ready-for-use computational tools and precise guidelines to implement new engineering applications of RBF. Radial basis functions (RBF) are a mathematical tool mature enough for useful engineering applications. Their mathematical foundation is well established and the tool has proven to be effective in many fields, as the mathematical framework can be adapted in several ways. A candidate application can be faced considering the features of RBF:  multidimensional space (including 2D and 3D), numerous radial functions available, global and compact support, interpolation/regression. This great flexibility makes RBF attractive – and their great potential has only been partially discovered. This is because of the difficulty in taking a first step toward RBF as they are not commonly part of engineers’ cultural background, but also due to the numerical complex...

  3. Evolution of Safety Basis Documentation for the Fernald Site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, T.; Kohler, S.; Fisk, P.; Krach, F.; Klein, B.


    The objective of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Fernald Closure Project (FCP), in suburban Cincinnati, Ohio, is to safely complete the environmental restoration of the Fernald site by 2006. Over 200 out of 220 total structures, at this DOE plant site which processed uranium ore concentrates into high-purity uranium metal products, have been safely demolished, including eight of the nine major production plants. Documented Safety Analyses (DSAs) for these facilities have gone through a process of simplification, from individual operating Safety Analysis Reports (SARs) to a single site-wide Authorization Basis containing nuclear facility Bases for Interim Operations (BIOs) to individual project Auditable Safety Records (ASRs). The final stage in DSA simplification consists of project-specific Integrated Health and Safety Plans (I-HASPs) and Nuclear Health and Safety Plans (N-HASPs) that address all aspects of safety, from the worker in the field to the safety basis requirements preserving the facility/activity hazard categorization. This paper addresses the evolution of Safety Basis Documentation (SBD), as DSAs, from production through site closure

  4. Space cutter compensation method for five-axis nonuniform rational basis spline machining

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yanyu Ding


    Full Text Available In view of the good machining performance of traditional three-axis nonuniform rational basis spline interpolation and the space cutter compensation issue in multi-axis machining, this article presents a triple nonuniform rational basis spline five-axis interpolation method, which uses three nonuniform rational basis spline curves to describe cutter center location, cutter axis vector, and cutter contact point trajectory, respectively. The relative position of the cutter and workpiece is calculated under the workpiece coordinate system, and the cutter machining trajectory can be described precisely and smoothly using this method. The three nonuniform rational basis spline curves are transformed into a 12-dimentional Bézier curve to carry out discretization during the discrete process. With the cutter contact point trajectory as the precision control condition, the discretization is fast. As for different cutters and corners, the complete description method of space cutter compensation vector is presented in this article. Finally, the five-axis nonuniform rational basis spline machining method is further verified in a two-turntable five-axis machine.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ketut Sumadi


    Full Text Available Tourism is a favourite sector in improving Bali revenue and kind of tourismdeveloped is cultural one. In cultural tourism, it takes place meaning modification ofcultural practice by krama (member of traditional village in order to cultural capitalcan survive in the middle of tourism dynamic condition. This research entitled“Cultural capital as tourism development basis in traditional village of Kuta”, byproposing three problems, namely how is the process of cultural capital as tourismdevelopment basis, what factors can motivate tourism capital as tourism developmentbasis, and what is the meaning of cultural capital as tourism development basis.The research is conducted using qualitative method and cultural studiesapproach, so data analysis is conducted in descriptive qualitative and interpretativeones. Selection of traditional village of Kuta as research location based onconsideration that traditional village of Kuta having integrated tourism facilities forfacilities addressed to member of traditional village. The review about culturalcapital as the tourism development basis in this traditional village of Kuta, eclecticstheories consisting of Hegemonic theory of Gramsci, co-modification theory of KarlMarx and Adorno, discourse-power/knowledge and truth theory of Foucoult anddeconstruction theory of Derrida.Based on the research output, it can be known: (1 Cultural capital process astourism development basis in traditional village of Kuta is inseparable fromforeigners arrival in traditional village of Kuta, the entrance of Military (TheCooperative Center of Arm Force in managing Kuta beach and the occurrence ofBali bombing tragedy on October 12th, 2002; (2 The factors that motivate culturalcapital as the tourism development basis in traditional village of Kuta, such asmotivation and the necessity of tourists visiting traditional village of Kuta, tourismhegemony, changing of life philosophy of member of traditional village fromidealism into


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen Paz Castro Correa


    Full Text Available Así como la concepción del riesgo y su terminología han variado en el tiempo, la perspectiva disciplinar de su abordaje también ha cambiado. Enfoques derivados de las ciencias naturales, aplicadas y sociales no permiten aún generar una teoría consistente y coherente del riesgo, difi cultando una gestión efectiva que facilite su estimación e intervención desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar. Asimismo, el riesgo no puede considerarse solamente de forma objetiva cuando se busca su reducción dada las múltiples interpretaciones y perspectivas de los distintos actores sociales que confl uyen. La percepción social del riesgo se presenta como uno de los factores relevantes en el ámbito de los riesgos naturales, pues permite incorporar estas subjetividades pudiendo encontrar soluciones más realistas a los desastres. El presente trabajo evalúa esta componente para la ciudad de La Serena, IV Región de Coquimbo, mediante su relación con el nivel socioeconómico, factores de autoprotección y capacidad de autogestión, respecto de la amenaza de tsunami propiciada por la sismicidad en un país como Chile, considerado mundialmente el más sísmico del mundo, al ubicarse en la zona de subducción y deslizamiento de las Placas de Nazca y Sudamericana. Se observa una clara segregación de los estratos socioeconómicos, en los distritos La Compañía Alta e Intendencia, encontrando zonas con mayor vulnerabilidad. Los resultados indican que la percepción de riesgo está relacionada con aspectos sociales, corroborando entonces el carácter social que posee el riesgo.

  7. Experimental investigations on the basis for intellectual property rights. (United States)

    Fast, Anne A; Olson, Kristina R; Mandel, Gregory N


    Lay people routinely misunderstand or do not obey laws protecting intellectual property (IP), leading to a variety of (largely unsuccessful) efforts by policymakers, IP owners, and researchers to change those beliefs and behaviors. The current work tests a new approach, inquiring whether lay people's views about IP protection can be modified by arguments concerning the basis for IP rights. Across 2 experiments, 572 adults (recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk) read 1 of 6 arguments about the basis for IP protection (incentives, natural rights, expressive rights, plagiarism, commons, or no argument). Participants then reported their general support for IP protection. Participants also reported their evaluations of 2 scenarios that involved infringement of IP rights, including cases in which there were mitigating experiences (e.g., the copier acknowledged the original source), and completed several demographic questions. Three primary findings emerged: (a) exposure to the importance of the public commons (and to a lesser extent, exposure to the argument that plagiarism is the basis of IP protection) led participants to become less supportive of IP protection than the incentives, natural rights, expressive rights, and control conditions; (b) people believed that infringement was more acceptable if the infringer acknowledged the original creator of the work; and (c) older adults and women were especially likely to see infringement as problematic. These findings illustrate several ways in which lay beliefs are at odds with legal doctrine, and suggest that people's views about IP protection can be shaped in certain ways by learning the basis for IP rights. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  8. Oceanographic model and radiological basis for control of radionuclide releases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hagen, A.A.


    Since it first prepared the provisional Definition of high-level radioactive waste unsuitable for dumping at sea and Recommendations for those radioactive wastes dumped under special permit in 1974, the IAEA has kept the Definition and Recommendations under continuing review. The oceanographic basis for the definition is being re-evaluated, based on a 1983 Report from the IMO/FAO/UNESCO/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution (GESAMP), and the radiological basis is being updated, based on a Report from an IAEA Advisory Group Meeting held in 1982. The differences in the current radiological and oceanographic bases and the updating of both the GESAMP Report on modelling and the review of the radiological basis are delineated. In addition, a discussion of the future course of the Agency's activities in this area is given. (author)

  9. Defense-in-depth approach against a beyond design basis event

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoang, H., E-mail: [GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, 1989 Little Orchard St., 95125 San Jose, California (United States)


    The US industry, with the approval of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, is promoting an approach to add diverse and flexible mitigation strategies, or Flex, that will increase the defense-in-depth capability for the nuclear power plants in the event of beyond design basis event, such as at the Fukushima Dai-ichi station. The objective of Flex is to establish and indefinite coping capability to prevent damage to the fuel in the core and spent fuel pool, and to maintain the containment function by utilizing installed equipment, on-site portable equipment and pre-staged off-site resources. This capability will address both an extended loss of all Ac power and a loss of ultimate heat sink which could arise following a design basis event with additional failures, and conditions from a beyond design basis event. (author)

  10. Defense-in-depth approach against a beyond design basis event

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoang, H.


    The US industry, with the approval of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, is promoting an approach to add diverse and flexible mitigation strategies, or Flex, that will increase the defense-in-depth capability for the nuclear power plants in the event of beyond design basis event, such as at the Fukushima Dai-ichi station. The objective of Flex is to establish and indefinite coping capability to prevent damage to the fuel in the core and spent fuel pool, and to maintain the containment function by utilizing installed equipment, on-site portable equipment and pre-staged off-site resources. This capability will address both an extended loss of all Ac power and a loss of ultimate heat sink which could arise following a design basis event with additional failures, and conditions from a beyond design basis event. (author)

  11. 42 CFR 494.1 - Basis and scope. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Basis and scope. 494.1 Section 494.1 Public Health CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) STANDARDS... or adopted by voluntary consensus standards bodies, unless their use would be inconsistent with...

  12. 50 CFR 228.1 - Basis and purpose. (United States)


    ... regulations with respect to the taking and importing of animals from each species of marine mammals under the... Wildlife and Fisheries NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MARINE MAMMALS NOTICE AND HEARING ON SECTION 103(d) REGULATIONS § 228.1 Basis and...

  13. The Biological Basis of Learning and Individuality. (United States)

    Kandel, Eric R.; Hawkins, Robert D.


    Describes the biological basis of learning and individuality. Presents an overview of recent discoveries that suggest learning engages a simple set of rules that modify the strength of connection between neurons in the brain. The changes are cited as playing an important role in making each individual unique. (MCO)

  14. 29 CFR 1975.2 - Basis of authority. (United States)


    ... Relating to Labor (Continued) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (CONTINUED) COVERAGE OF EMPLOYERS UNDER THE WILLIAMS-STEIGER OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT OF 1970 § 1975.2 Basis... Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, is derived mainly from the Commerce Clause of the Constitution...

  15. 47 CFR 17.1 - Basis and purpose. (United States)


    ... antenna structure owners. The standards are referenced from two Federal Aviation Administration (FAA... STRUCTURES General Information § 17.1 Basis and purpose. (a) The rules in this part are issued pursuant to the authority contained in Title III of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, which vest...

  16. 42 CFR 412.521 - Basis of payment. (United States)


    ... PROSPECTIVE PAYMENT SYSTEMS FOR INPATIENT HOSPITAL SERVICES Prospective Payment System for Long-Term Care Hospitals § 412.521 Basis of payment. (a) Method of payment. (1) Under the prospective payment system, long... furnished to Medicare beneficiaries. (2) The amount of payment under the prospective payment system is based...

  17. Considering a non-polynomial basis for local kernel regression problem (United States)

    Silalahi, Divo Dharma; Midi, Habshah


    A common used as solution for local kernel nonparametric regression problem is given using polynomial regression. In this study, we demonstrated the estimator and properties using maximum likelihood estimator for a non-polynomial basis such B-spline to replacing the polynomial basis. This estimator allows for flexibility in the selection of a bandwidth and a knot. The best estimator was selected by finding an optimal bandwidth and knot through minimizing the famous generalized validation function.

  18. Identificação dos fatores relevantes na decisão da alocação dos recursos econômicos visando um trânsito seguro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Érico Veras Marques


    Full Text Available A municipalização do trânsito no Brasil, a partir do final da década de 1990, transformou o município em um importante agente social no cenário contemporâneo da educação no trânsito. A expansão das receitas dos órgãos executivos de trânsito coloca em pauta novos desafios de atuação do município, exigindo maior profissionalismo na aplicação dos recursos arrecadados, num contexto social que espera que os municípios produzam e transpareçam resultados efetivos de suas ações. Diante desta realidade, a possibilidade de se identificarem os fatores capazes de traduzir a complexa problemática de aplicação dos recursos arrecadados dos órgãos executivos de trânsito não é uma tarefa simples. A maioria das iniciativas para isso acaba falhando, principalmente pela multiplicidade de aspectos a serem considerados na abordagem do problema. Muitas vezes são omitidos ou desprezados os aspectos que deveriam ser contemplados, resultando em simplificações que acabam por produzir estruturas de avaliação incapazes de representar a realidade do processo. O presente estudo propõe-se a identificar os fatores relevantes na tomada de decisão para aplicação dos recursos arrecadados com multas de trânsito, a partir das visões dos diversos especialistas de trânsito e dos gestores de órgãos executivos de trânsito das capitais brasileiras. A identificação desses fatores foi possível a partir da utilização da Técnica Delphi, a qual foi realizada através de sete rodadas de entrevistas com 12 especialistas e aplicação de um questionário junto aos gestores de 10 das maiores capitais do pais. O produto final da pesquisa foi a construção da estrutura hierárquica desses fatores e suas respectivas dimensões.

  19. 42 CFR 488.430 - Civil money penalties: Basis for imposing penalty. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil money penalties: Basis for imposing penalty... PROCEDURES Enforcement of Compliance for Long-Term Care Facilities with Deficiencies § 488.430 Civil money penalties: Basis for imposing penalty. (a) CMS or the State may impose a civil money penalty for either the...

  20. Analysis of the national common curriculum basis and physical education in focus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laine Rocha Moreira


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the manuscript of the National Common Curriculum Basis and it comprehends the conception of Physical Education. It identifies the concept attributed to physical education by the National Common Curriculum Basis. Methodologically, it uses a bibliographic and documentary analysis (National Common Curriculum Basis, the dialectic as method and applying content analysis to process data. It verifies that the National Common Curriculum Basis identifies the physical education in the language field and it affiliates to an eclecticism regarding to their conception and specific body of knowledge, generating inconsistency in content and the formative processes of this knowledge field. It concludes that the manuscript materializes an alliance between education and capital, defending the central hierarchical groups’ interests, transforming the right to education in marketing service.

  1. 40 CFR 35.162 - Basis for allotment. (United States)


    ... STATE AND LOCAL ASSISTANCE Environmental Program Grants Water Pollution Control (section 106) § 35.162... are presented in Table 1 of this section, with their associated elements, sub-elements, and supporting... made on the basis of the cumulative change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by the U.S...

  2. 340 waste handling facility interim safety basis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    VAIL, T.S.


    This document presents an interim safety basis for the 340 Waste Handling Facility classifying the 340 Facility as a Hazard Category 3 facility. The hazard analysis quantifies the operating safety envelop for this facility and demonstrates that the facility can be operated without a significant threat to onsite or offsite people.

  3. 340 waste handling facility interim safety basis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    VAIL, T.S.


    This document presents an interim safety basis for the 340 Waste Handling Facility classifying the 340 Facility as a Hazard Category 3 facility. The hazard analysis quantifies the operating safety envelop for this facility and demonstrates that the facility can be operated without a significant threat to onsite or offsite people

  4. Dynamical basis sets for algebraic variational calculations in quantum-mechanical scattering theory (United States)

    Sun, Yan; Kouri, Donald J.; Truhlar, Donald G.; Schwenke, David W.


    New basis sets are proposed for linear algebraic variational calculations of transition amplitudes in quantum-mechanical scattering problems. These basis sets are hybrids of those that yield the Kohn variational principle (KVP) and those that yield the generalized Newton variational principle (GNVP) when substituted in Schlessinger's stationary expression for the T operator. Trial calculations show that efficiencies almost as great as that of the GNVP and much greater than the KVP can be obtained, even for basis sets with the majority of the members independent of energy.

  5. Thermodynamic basis for cluster kinetics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hu, Lina; Bian, Xiufang; Qin, Xubo


    Due to the inaccessibility of the supercooled region of marginal metallic glasses (MMGs) within the experimental time window, we study the cluster kinetics above the liquidus temperature, Tl, to acquire information on the fragility of the MMG systems. Thermodynamic basis for the stability...... of locally ordered structure in the MMG liquids is discussed in terms of the two-order-parameter model. It is found that the Arrhenius activation energy of clusters, h, is proportional to the chemical mixing enthalpy of alloys, Hchem. Fragility of the MMG forming liquids can be described by the ratio...

  6. Technical basis and evaluation criteria for an air sampling/monitoring program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gregory, D.C.; Bryan, W.L.; Falter, K.G.


    Air sampling and monitoring programs at DOE facilities need to be reviewed in light of revised requirements and guidance found in, for example, DOE Order 5480.6 (RadCon Manual). Accordingly, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) air monitoring program is being revised and placed on a sound technical basis. A draft technical basis document has been written to establish placement criteria for instruments and to guide the ''retrospective sampling or real-time monitoring'' decision. Facility evaluations are being used to document air sampling/monitoring needs, and instruments are being evaluated in light of these needs. The steps used to develop this program and the technical basis for instrument placement are described

  7. Basis expansion model for channel estimation in LTE-R communication system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ling Deng


    Full Text Available This paper investigates fast time-varying channel estimation in LTE-R communication systems. The Basis Expansion Model (BEM is adopted to fit the fast time-varying channel in a high-speed railway communication scenario. The channel impulse response is modeled as the sum of basis functions multiplied by different coefficients. The optimal coefficients are obtained by theoretical analysis. Simulation results show that a Generalized Complex-Exponential BEM (GCE-BEM outperforms a Complex-Exponential BEM (CE-BEM and a polynomial BEM in terms of Mean Squared Error (MSE. Besides, the MSE of the CE-BEM decreases gradually as the number of basis functions increases. The GCE-BEM has a satisfactory performance with the serious fading channel.

  8. Preventive maintenance basis: Volume 19 -- HVAC -- chillers and compressors. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Worledge, D.; Hinchcliffe, G.


    US nuclear power plants are implementing preventive maintenance (PM) tasks with little documented basis beyond fundamental vendor information to support the tasks or their intervals. The Preventive Maintenance Basis project provides utilities with the technical basis for PM tasks and task intervals associated with 40 specific components such as valves, electric motors, pumps, and HVAC equipment. This document provides a program of preventive maintenance tasks suitable for application to HVAC -- Chillers and Compressors. The PM tasks that are recommended provide a cost-effective way to intercept the causes and mechanisms that lead to degradation and failure. They can be used in conjunction with material from other sources, to develop a complete PM program or to improve an existing program

  9. 41 CFR 105-50.303 - Cost basis in lieu of fees. (United States)


    ... § 105-50.303 Cost basis in lieu of fees. Where the cost of services is to be recovered on other than a... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Cost basis in lieu of fees. 105-50.303 Section 105-50.303 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal Property...

  10. Determination of a Basis for Design of a Yam (Dioscorea Spp ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Manual separation is both tedious and expensive, so the work reported here was done to determine a suitable basis for the design of a mechanical minisett sorter. Results from this study showed that the minisetts cut from the regions of the parent tuber can be separated on the basis of characteristic dimensions of arc length ...

  11. Comparison of Property-Oriented Basis Sets for the Computation of Electronic and Nuclear Relaxation Hyperpolarizabilities. (United States)

    Zaleśny, Robert; Baranowska-Łączkowska, Angelika; Medveď, Miroslav; Luis, Josep M


    In the present work, we perform an assessment of several property-oriented atomic basis sets in computing (hyper)polarizabilities with a focus on the vibrational contributions. Our analysis encompasses the Pol and LPol-ds basis sets of Sadlej and co-workers, the def2-SVPD and def2-TZVPD basis sets of Rappoport and Furche, and the ORP basis set of Baranowska-Łączkowska and Łączkowski. Additionally, we use the d-aug-cc-pVQZ and aug-cc-pVTZ basis sets of Dunning and co-workers to determine the reference estimates of the investigated electric properties for small- and medium-sized molecules, respectively. We combine these basis sets with ab initio post-Hartree-Fock quantum-chemistry approaches (including the coupled cluster method) to calculate electronic and nuclear relaxation (hyper)polarizabilities of carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, cis-diazene, and a medium-sized Schiff base. The primary finding of our study is that, among all studied property-oriented basis sets, only the def2-TZVPD and ORP basis sets yield nuclear relaxation (hyper)polarizabilities of small molecules with average absolute errors less than 5.5%. A similar accuracy for the nuclear relaxation (hyper)polarizabilites of the studied systems can also be reached using the aug-cc-pVDZ basis set (5.3%), although for more accurate calculations of vibrational contributions, i.e., average absolute errors less than 1%, the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set is recommended. It was also demonstrated that anharmonic contributions to first and second hyperpolarizabilities of a medium-sized Schiff base are particularly difficult to accurately predict at the correlated level using property-oriented basis sets. For instance, the value of the nuclear relaxation first hyperpolarizability computed at the MP2/def2-TZVPD level of theory is roughly 3 times larger than that determined using the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set. We link the failure of the def2-TZVPD basis set with the difficulties in predicting the first-order field

  12. UAV Control on the Basis of 3D Landmark Bearing-Only Observations. (United States)

    Karpenko, Simon; Konovalenko, Ivan; Miller, Alexander; Miller, Boris; Nikolaev, Dmitry


    The article presents an approach to the control of a UAV on the basis of 3D landmark observations. The novelty of the work is the usage of the 3D RANSAC algorithm developed on the basis of the landmarks' position prediction with the aid of a modified Kalman-type filter. Modification of the filter based on the pseudo-measurements approach permits obtaining unbiased UAV position estimation with quadratic error characteristics. Modeling of UAV flight on the basis of the suggested algorithm shows good performance, even under significant external perturbations.

  13. Technical basis for the aboveground structure failure and associated represented hazardous conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    GOETZ, T.G.


    This technical basis document describes the risk binning process and the technical basis for assigning risk bins for the aboveground structure failure representative accident and associated represented hazardous conditions. This document was developed to support the documented safety analysis

  14. Analisis Sektor Basis dalam Hubungannya dengan Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Kabupaten Batang Hari

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syaiful Syaiful


    Full Text Available The purpose of the study is to (1 analyze the economy sector which become basis sector with its development rates in Batang Hari Regency, (2 the correlation between the developments of basis sector with employment and to (3 analyze the policy of local government on developing that basis sector through bibliography methods on secondary PDRB data according to constant price 2000 of Batang Hari Regency and Jambi Province from 2003 to 2012 and also employment data in the same periods and regency.  This analysis uses Location Quotient (LQ model and Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ model.  Whereas the correlation between the developments of basis sector with employment uses Pearson’s Coefficient Of Correlation. The output of LQ analysis shows that there are four economy sectors as basis sector (LQ >1 in Batang Hari, which are agricultures, industry and manufactures, trades, hotels, restaurants, and another distinction service. While from the DLQ analysis, there are four sectors identified can be a basis sector in the future (DLQ >1, which are mining and excavation, electricity, gases and fresh water, transportation and communications, and distinction sectors.  Only distinction sector which is identified as basis sector nowadays as well as in the future.  From the study of the PDRB rate in Batang Hari from 2003 to 2013 shows that average growth rate of agriculture, industry and manufactures, trades, hotels and restaurants are relatively smaller than other sectors in Batang Hari, excluding distinction sectors which are higher. Pearson’s Coefficient Of Correlation analysis evinces there only two basis sectors which its growth has a strong and positive correlation with employment in Batang Hari, which are distinction and trades with hotels and restaurants. The PDRB growth of these sectors moving in the direction of the employment rates.  In the agriculture and manufacture industry sectors, the correlation with employment is low and very weak

  15. Neurobiological Basis of Insight in Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    Xavier, Rose Mary; Vorderstrasse, Allison


    Insight in schizophrenia is defined as awareness into illness, symptoms, and need for treatment and has long been associated with cognition, other psychopathological symptoms, and several adverse clinical and functional outcomes. However, the biological basis of insight is not clearly understood. The aim of this systematic review was to critically evaluate and summarize advances in the study of the biological basis of insight in schizophrenia and to identify gaps in this knowledge. A literature search of PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and EMBASE databases was conducted using search terms to identify articles relevant to the biology of insight in schizophrenia published in the last 6 years. Articles that focused on etiology of insight in schizophrenia and those that examined the neurobiology of insight in schizophrenia or psychoses were chosen for analysis. Articles on insight in conditions other than schizophrenia or psychoses and which did not investigate the neurobiological underpinnings of insight were excluded from the review. Twenty-six articles met the inclusion criteria for this review. Of the 26 articles, 3 focused on cellular abnormalities and 23 were neuroimaging studies. Preliminary data identify the prefrontal cortex, cingulate cortex, and regions of the temporal and parietal lobe (precuneus, inferior parietal lobule) and hippocampus as the neural correlates of insight. A growing body of literature attests to the neurobiological basis of insight in schizophrenia. Current evidence supports the neurobiological basis of insight in schizophrenia and identifies specific neural correlates for insight types and its dimensions. Further studies that examine the precise biological mechanisms of insight are needed to apply this knowledge to effective clinical intervention development.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cezar Verbicaro Moreira PAIS


    Full Text Available This paper aims the analysis of the main aspects ofthe law 12.441/2011, which introduced the Individual Limited Liability Company to the Brazilian legislation, through the Civil Code of 2002. Inspired by the foreign law, the EIRELI created a new legal entity that enables the creation of a LLC by an individual entrepreneur. However, the dimness of the law 12.441/2011 brought differing interpretations to the practical application of the institution. Considering the challenges imposed by the new law, by the bills that aim its reform, by the Constitutional Suit that questions the validity of its requirements and by the imminence of a new business law codification, it’s considered necessary to analyze the practical feasibility of this new institution in Corporate Law.

  17. Auxiliary basis expansions for large-scale electronic structure calculations. (United States)

    Jung, Yousung; Sodt, Alex; Gill, Peter M W; Head-Gordon, Martin


    One way to reduce the computational cost of electronic structure calculations is to use auxiliary basis expansions to approximate four-center integrals in terms of two- and three-center integrals, usually by using the variationally optimum Coulomb metric to determine the expansion coefficients. However, the long-range decay behavior of the auxiliary basis expansion coefficients has not been characterized. We find that this decay can be surprisingly slow. Numerical experiments on linear alkanes and a toy model both show that the decay can be as slow as 1/r in the distance between the auxiliary function and the fitted charge distribution. The Coulomb metric fitting equations also involve divergent matrix elements for extended systems treated with periodic boundary conditions. An attenuated Coulomb metric that is short-range can eliminate these oddities without substantially degrading calculated relative energies. The sparsity of the fit coefficients is assessed on simple hydrocarbon molecules and shows quite early onset of linear growth in the number of significant coefficients with system size using the attenuated Coulomb metric. Hence it is possible to design linear scaling auxiliary basis methods without additional approximations to treat large systems.

  18. 50 CFR 18.70 - Basis and purpose. (United States)


    ... importing of animals from each species of marine mammals under his jurisdiction; and (3) prescribe... PLANTS (CONTINUED) MARINE MAMMALS Notice and Hearing on Section 103 Regulations § 18.70 Basis and purpose. (a) Sections 101(a)(2), 101(a)(3)(A), and 101(b) of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (16 U.S...

  19. Groebner basis, resultants and the generalized Mandelbrot set

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Geum, Young Hee [Centre of Research for Computational Sciences and Informatics in Biology, Bioindustry, Environment, Agriculture and Healthcare, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)], E-mail:; Hare, Kevin G. [Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., N2L 3G1 (Canada)], E-mail:


    This paper demonstrates how the Groebner basis algorithm can be used for finding the bifurcation points in the generalized Mandelbrot set. It also shows how resultants can be used to find components of the generalized Mandelbrot set.

  20. Groebner basis, resultants and the generalized Mandelbrot set

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Geum, Young Hee; Hare, Kevin G.


    This paper demonstrates how the Groebner basis algorithm can be used for finding the bifurcation points in the generalized Mandelbrot set. It also shows how resultants can be used to find components of the generalized Mandelbrot set.

  1. Preventive maintenance basis: Volume 16 -- Power operated relief valves, solenoid actuated. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Worledge, D.; Hinchcliffe, G.


    US nuclear plants are implementing preventive maintenance (PM) tasks with little documented basis beyond fundamental vendor information to support the tasks or their intervals. The Preventive Maintenance Basis project provides utilities with the technical basis for PM tasks and task intervals associated with 40 specific components such as valves, electric motors, pumps, and HVAC equipment. This report provides an overview of the PM Basis project and describes use of the PM Basis database. This volume 16 of the report provides a program of PM tasks suitable for application to power operated relief valves (PORV's) that are solenoid actuated. The PM tasks that are recommended provide a cost-effective way to intercept the causes and mechanisms that lead to degradation and failure. They can be used, in conjunction with material from other sources, to develop a complete PM program or to improve an existing program. Users of this information will be utility managers, supervisors, craft technicians, and training instructors responsible for developing, optimizing, or fine-tuning PM programs

  2. Basis for calculations in the topological expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levinson, M.A.


    Investigations aimed at putting the topological theory of particles on a more quantitative basis are described. First, the incorporation of spin into the topological structure is discussed and shown to successfully reproduce the observed lowest mass hadron spectrum. The absence of parity-doubled states represents a significant improvement over previous efforts in similar directions. This theory is applied to the lowest order calculation of elementary hadron coupling constant ratios. SU(6)/sub W/ symmetry is maintained and extended via the notions of topological supersymmetry and universality. Finally, efforts to discover a perturbative basis for the topological expansion are described. This has led to the formulation of off-shell Feynman-like rules which provide a calculational scheme for the strong interaction components of the topological expansion once the zero-entropy connected parts are known. These rules are shown to imply a topological asymptotic freedom. Even though the nonlinear zero-entropy problem cannot itself be treated perturbatively, plausible general assumptions about zero-entropy amplitudes allow immediate qualitative inferences concerning physical hadrons. In particular, scenarios for mass splittings beyond the supersymmetric level are described

  3. A Scientific Basis for Climate Policy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Scientific Council on Climate Issues has been commissioned by the Swedish Government to provide a scientific assessment as a basis for the work of the Climate Committee, the all-party committee for the review of climate policy. An important part of this task is to provide a basis and recommendations for Swedish climate policy targets at national, EU and international level. In the opening chapters, the Council looks at climate change, its reasons and its consequences for ecosystems and society. The Council then makes recommendations concerning Swedish climate policy targets at global, EU and national levels, aimed at averting dangerous impact on the climate. In the concluding chapters, the Council presents a number of possible measures and policy instruments, and outlines the likely costs involved if the goals are to be achieved. Taken as a whole, the document represents a comprehensive basis for policy decisions that consider what needs to be achieved to reduce the risks of climate impact and what is actually achievable, i.e. decisions involving trade-offs between economic benefits and costs. The Council considers: that the EU's GHG emissions compared to the 1990 level should be reduced by 30-40 % by 2020 and by 75-90 % by 2050 if the Union is to take its share of the global responsibility for achievement of the two-degree target; that Sweden's GHG emissions compared to the 1990 level should be reduced by 20-25 % by 2020 and by 70-85 % by 2050 if Sweden is to take its share of the global responsibility for achievement of the two-degree target; that a national emission target for Sweden should be formulated as a target with deductible emissions allowances, i.e., that assessment of target achievement is based on the amount of emission allowances allocated or auctioned by Sweden to activities covered by the EU emissions trading scheme rather than the actual volume of emissions from these activities. The Council has provided an overview of possible measures for

  4. Preventive maintenance basis: Volume 37 -- Main turbine EHC hydraulics. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Worledge, D.; Hinchcliffe, G.


    US nuclear power plants are implementing preventive maintenance (PM) tasks with little documented basis beyond fundamental vendor information to support the tasks or their intervals. The Preventive Maintenance Basis project provides utilities with the technical basis for PM tasks and task intervals associated with 40 specific components such as valves, electric motors, pumps, and HVAC equipment. This document provides a program of preventive maintenance tasks suitable for application to the main turbine EHC hydraulic fluid and associated components. The PM tasks that are recommended provide a cost-effective way to intercept the causes and mechanisms that lead to degradation and failure. They can be used in conjunction with material from other sources, to develop a complete PM program or to improve an existing program

  5. Interim safety basis compliance matrix for Trenches 31 and 34

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ames, R.R.


    The tables provided in this document identify the specific requirements and basis for the administrative controls established in the Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) Solid Waste Burial Ground (SWBG) Interim Safety Basis (ISB) for operation of the Project W-025, Mixed Waste Lined Landfill (Trenches 31 and 34). The tables document the necessary controls and implementing procedures to ensure compliance with the requirements of the ISB. These requirements provide a basis for future Unreviewed Safety Questions (USQ) screening of applicable procedure changes, proposed physical modifications, tests, experiments, and occurrences. Table 1 provides the SWBG interim Operational Safety Requirements administrative controls matrix. The specific assumptions and commitments used in the safety analysis documents applicable to disposal of mixed wastes in Trenches 31 and 34 are provided in Table 2. Table 3 is provided to document the potential engineered and administrative mitigating features identified in the Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) for disposal of mixed waste

  6. Structural Basis for Target Protein Regcognition by Thiredoxin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maeda, Kenji


    Ser) and a mutant of an in vitro substrate alpha-amylase/subtilisin inhibitor (BASI) (Cys144Ser), as a reaction intermediate-mimic of Trx-catalyzed disulfide reduction. The resultant structure showed a sequence of BASI residues along a conserved hydrophobic groove constituted of three loop segments...... of Trx-fold proteins glutaredoxin and glutathione transferase. This study suggests that the features of main chain conformation as well as charge property around disulfide bonds in protein substrates are important factors for interaction with Trx. Moreover, this study describes a detailed structural......Thioredoxin (Trx) is an ubiquitous protein disulfide reductase that possesses two redox active cysteines in the conserved active site sequence motif, Trp-CysN-Gly/Pro-Pro-CysC situated in the so called Trx-fold. The lack of insight into the protein substrate recognition mechanism of Trx has to date...

  7. Investigaciones relevantes en el Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología en la década 2000-2009 Relevant researches in the Institute of Hematology and Immunology during 2000-2009

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa M. Lam-Díaz


    Full Text Available A partir de la creación en 1966 del Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología (IHI, se abrieron nuevas perspectivas para el desarrollo e integración de estas especialidades en Cuba. Con el decursar de los años, estas posibilidades se han ido haciendo realidad y se han aportado diversos resultados que han permitido incrementar en nuestro país, los conocimientos sobre diferentes aspectos vinculados con estas especialidades. En el IHI se hace una selección periódica de los temas priorizados de investigación y con estos se confeccionan los planes de investigación a corto, mediano y largo plazo. Sobre esta base, en la última década se han establecido los objetivos priorizados y se han seleccionado los resultados científico-técnicos más relevantes. El presente artículo muestra la relación de estos resultados y describe la contribución de cada uno de ellos al desarrollo científico-técnico alcanzado por la institución durante la década 2000-2009.From the creation in 1996 of the Institute of Hematology and Immunology (IHI new perspectives were opened for the development and integration of theses specialties in Cuba. In the course of time, these possibilities became reality yielding different features linked to these specialties. In the IHI a periodic selection is made of the priority subjects of research and with its use the short, medium and long-term research plans are designed. On this base during the past decade have been established the priority objectives and the more relevant scientific-technical results have been selected describing the contribution of each to scientific-technical development for our institution during 2000-2009.

  8. Learning Methods for Radial Basis Functions Networks

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Neruda, Roman; Kudová, Petra


    Roč. 21, - (2005), s. 1131-1142 ISSN 0167-739X R&D Projects: GA ČR GP201/03/P163; GA ČR GA201/02/0428 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : radial basis function networks * hybrid supervised learning * genetic algorithms * benchmarking Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 0.555, year: 2005

  9. The Emotional and Moral Basis of Rationality (United States)

    Boostrom, Robert


    This chapter explores the basis of rationality, arguing that critical thinking tends to be taught in schools as a set of skills because of the failure to recognize that choosing to think critically depends on the prior development of stable sentiments or moral habits that nourish a rational self. Primary among these stable sentiments are the…

  10. An Inverse Kinematic Approach Using Groebner Basis Theory Applied to Gait Cycle Analysis (United States)



  11. Modeling multivariate time series on manifolds with skew radial basis functions. (United States)

    Jamshidi, Arta A; Kirby, Michael J


    We present an approach for constructing nonlinear empirical mappings from high-dimensional domains to multivariate ranges. We employ radial basis functions and skew radial basis functions for constructing a model using data that are potentially scattered or sparse. The algorithm progresses iteratively, adding a new function at each step to refine the model. The placement of the functions is driven by a statistical hypothesis test that accounts for correlation in the multivariate range variables. The test is applied on training and validation data and reveals nonstatistical or geometric structure when it fails. At each step, the added function is fit to data contained in a spatiotemporally defined local region to determine the parameters--in particular, the scale of the local model. The scale of the function is determined by the zero crossings of the autocorrelation function of the residuals. The model parameters and the number of basis functions are determined automatically from the given data, and there is no need to initialize any ad hoc parameters save for the selection of the skew radial basis functions. Compactly supported skew radial basis functions are employed to improve model accuracy, order, and convergence properties. The extension of the algorithm to higher-dimensional ranges produces reduced-order models by exploiting the existence of correlation in the range variable data. Structure is tested not just in a single time series but between all pairs of time series. We illustrate the new methodologies using several illustrative problems, including modeling data on manifolds and the prediction of chaotic time series.

  12. Theoretical basis for graphite stress analysis in BERSAFE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harper, P.G.


    The BERSAFE finite element computer program for structural analysis has been extended to deal with structures made from irradiated graphite. This report describes the material behaviour which has been modelled and gives the theoretical basis for the solution procedure. (author)

  13. Configuration mixing calculations with basis states obtained from constrained variational methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, H.G.; Schroeder, H.P.


    Configuration mixing calculations have been performed in 20 Ne using basis states which are energetically the lowest-lying solutions of the constrained Hartree-Fock equations with an angular momentum constraint of the form 2 > = J(J + 1), For J = 6, very good agreement with the lower-lying 6 + states in an exact eigenvalue spectrum has been obtained with relatively few PAV-K mixed CHF basis states. (orig.)

  14. 26 CFR 1.705-2 - Basis adjustments coordinating sections 705 and 1032. (United States)


    ... distributions. (i) This paragraph (b)(2) applies in situations where a corporation owns a direct or indirect... (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Partners and Partnerships § 1.705-2 Basis adjustments... is attributable to the difference between the adjusted basis of the partnership assets absent the...

  15. Information management needs for Fort Calhoun's design basis reconstitution project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beach, D.R.; Erickson, E.A.; Gambhir, S.K.; Parsons, R.D.


    While the need for information management is not new to the nuclear industry or Omaha Public Power District (OPPD), the interrelationship among design information, multiple systems, and design basis issues has necessitated the management of this information in new ways. The project team involved in the reconstitution of the design basis for OPPD's Fort Calhoun nuclear station has experienced the need for the developed effective methods for managing the vast amount of interrelated information associated with this effort. This management of information has been necessary to ensure that design basis documents (DBDs) adequately reflect the interrelated nature of component, system, and plant design; are complete and accurate; and are produced and maintained in a cost-effective manner. Fort Calhoun's aggressive design basis reconstitution project began in early 1987. The present scope of the project includes the production of 52 system and plant level DBDs; currently the project is ∼50% complete with DBDs in various stages of completion, from pilot DBDs through DBDs with approved formats, which have been issued for use. The experience in producing these documents has lead to a growing understanding of the special need for information management in each stage of the project. The development of the information tracking and management processes for the various stages of DBD development has proven to be cost-effective and gives a level of assurance that information has been included in the DBDs consistently and accurately

  16. Beam-hardening correction in CT based on basis image and TV model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Qingliang; Yan Bin; Li Lei; Sun Hongsheng; Zhang Feng


    In X-ray computed tomography, the beam hardening leads to artifacts and reduces the image quality. It analyzes how beam hardening influences on original projection. According, it puts forward a kind of new beam-hardening correction method based on the basis images and TV model. Firstly, according to physical characteristics of the beam hardening an preliminary correction model with adjustable parameters is set up. Secondly, using different parameters, original projections are operated by the correction model. Thirdly, the projections are reconstructed to obtain a series of basis images. Finally, the linear combination of basis images is the final reconstruction image. Here, with total variation for the final reconstruction image as the cost function, the linear combination coefficients for the basis images are determined according to iterative method. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, the experiments are carried out on real phantom and industrial part. The results show that the algorithm significantly inhibits cup and strip artifacts in CT image. (authors)

  17. Basis of the nuclear magnetic resonance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bahceli, S.


    The aim of this book which is translated from English language is to explain the physical and mathematical basis of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). There are nine chapters covering different aspects of NMR. In the firs chapter fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics are given at a level suitable for readers to understand NMR fully. The remaining chapters discuss the magnetic properties of nucleus, the interactions between atoms and molecules, continuous wave NMR, pulsed NMR, nuclear magnetic relaxation and NMR of liquids

  18. teacidng ecological principles as a basis for understanding

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    using strategies based on the food chain concept, but most respondents were ... ecology and form the basis for an understanding of the food web concept which, .... web for the system by: a) filling in the blocks provided. (figure 3), b) writing ...

  19. Physiological basis for allelopathic potential of different wheat ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Meanwhile, allelopathic potential was also enhanced. It was explained well by physiological basis of fluorescence kinetics. Fm' and F was induced to increase, furthermore, photosynthesis system PSII would be expressed superiorly under arid press. Significant relationship among growth traits, florescence kinetics and ...

  20. Higher-Order Hierarchical Legendre Basis Functions in Applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kim, Oleksiy S.; Jørgensen, Erik; Meincke, Peter


    The higher-order hierarchical Legendre basis functions have been developed for effective solution of integral equations with the method of moments. They are derived from orthogonal Legendre polynomials modified to enforce normal continuity between neighboring mesh elements, while preserving a high...

  1. Multiscale finite element methods for high-contrast problems using local spectral basis functions

    KAUST Repository

    Efendiev, Yalchin


    In this paper we study multiscale finite element methods (MsFEMs) using spectral multiscale basis functions that are designed for high-contrast problems. Multiscale basis functions are constructed using eigenvectors of a carefully selected local spectral problem. This local spectral problem strongly depends on the choice of initial partition of unity functions. The resulting space enriches the initial multiscale space using eigenvectors of local spectral problem. The eigenvectors corresponding to small, asymptotically vanishing, eigenvalues detect important features of the solutions that are not captured by initial multiscale basis functions. Multiscale basis functions are constructed such that they span these eigenfunctions that correspond to small, asymptotically vanishing, eigenvalues. We present a convergence study that shows that the convergence rate (in energy norm) is proportional to (H/Λ*)1/2, where Λ* is proportional to the minimum of the eigenvalues that the corresponding eigenvectors are not included in the coarse space. Thus, we would like to reach to a larger eigenvalue with a smaller coarse space. This is accomplished with a careful choice of initial multiscale basis functions and the setup of the eigenvalue problems. Numerical results are presented to back-up our theoretical results and to show higher accuracy of MsFEMs with spectral multiscale basis functions. We also present a hierarchical construction of the eigenvectors that provides CPU savings. © 2010.

  2. Simple quantal model for collision-induced dissociation: An Airy basis calculation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hunt, P.M.; Sridharan, S.


    New matrix elements for the Airy continuum basis are employed to find quantum mechanical dissociation probabilities for the the forced Morse oscillator. The calculations performed illustrate the ease with which the continuously infinite Airy basis can be manipulated, and they illustrate the transition from vibrational enhancement to vibrational inhibition of diatomic breakup. The forced Morse oscillator model thus reproduces the behavior of more complicated collinear collision-induced dissociation systems

  3. 45 CFR 98.46 - Nondiscrimination in admissions on the basis of religion. (United States)


    ... religion. 98.46 Section 98.46 Public Welfare DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GENERAL ADMINISTRATION... Requirements § 98.46 Nondiscrimination in admissions on the basis of religion. (a) Child care providers (other... contracts under the CCDF shall not discriminate in admissions against any child on the basis of religion. (b...

  4. 26 CFR 1.732-1 - Basis of distributed property other than money. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Basis of distributed property other than money... property other than money. (a) Distributions other than in liquidation of a partner's interest. The basis of property (other than money) received by a partner in a distribution from a partnership, other than...

  5. Linear response calculation using the canonical-basis TDHFB with a schematic pairing functional

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ebata, Shuichiro; Nakatsukasa, Takashi; Yabana, Kazuhiro


    A canonical-basis formulation of the time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (TDHFB) theory is obtained with an approximation that the pair potential is assumed to be diagonal in the time-dependent canonical basis. The canonical-basis formulation significantly reduces the computational cost. We apply the method to linear-response calculations for even-even nuclei. E1 strength distributions for proton-rich Mg isotopes are systematically calculated. The calculation suggests strong Landau damping of giant dipole resonance for drip-line nuclei.

  6. Accurate correlation energies in one-dimensional systems from small system-adapted basis functions (United States)

    Baker, Thomas E.; Burke, Kieron; White, Steven R.


    We propose a general method for constructing system-dependent basis functions for correlated quantum calculations. Our construction combines features from several traditional approaches: plane waves, localized basis functions, and wavelets. In a one-dimensional mimic of Coulomb systems, it requires only 2-3 basis functions per electron to achieve high accuracy, and reproduces the natural orbitals. We illustrate its effectiveness for molecular energy curves and chains of many one-dimensional atoms. We discuss the promise and challenges for realistic quantum chemical calculations.

  7. Model's sparse representation based on reduced mixed GMsFE basis methods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jiang, Lijian, E-mail: [Institute of Mathematics, Hunan University, Changsha 410082 (China); Li, Qiuqi, E-mail: [College of Mathematics and Econometrics, Hunan University, Changsha 410082 (China)


    In this paper, we propose a model's sparse representation based on reduced mixed generalized multiscale finite element (GMsFE) basis methods for elliptic PDEs with random inputs. A typical application for the elliptic PDEs is the flow in heterogeneous random porous media. Mixed generalized multiscale finite element method (GMsFEM) is one of the accurate and efficient approaches to solve the flow problem in a coarse grid and obtain the velocity with local mass conservation. When the inputs of the PDEs are parameterized by the random variables, the GMsFE basis functions usually depend on the random parameters. This leads to a large number degree of freedoms for the mixed GMsFEM and substantially impacts on the computation efficiency. In order to overcome the difficulty, we develop reduced mixed GMsFE basis methods such that the multiscale basis functions are independent of the random parameters and span a low-dimensional space. To this end, a greedy algorithm is used to find a set of optimal samples from a training set scattered in the parameter space. Reduced mixed GMsFE basis functions are constructed based on the optimal samples using two optimal sampling strategies: basis-oriented cross-validation and proper orthogonal decomposition. Although the dimension of the space spanned by the reduced mixed GMsFE basis functions is much smaller than the dimension of the original full order model, the online computation still depends on the number of coarse degree of freedoms. To significantly improve the online computation, we integrate the reduced mixed GMsFE basis methods with sparse tensor approximation and obtain a sparse representation for the model's outputs. The sparse representation is very efficient for evaluating the model's outputs for many instances of parameters. To illustrate the efficacy of the proposed methods, we present a few numerical examples for elliptic PDEs with multiscale and random inputs. In particular, a two-phase flow model in

  8. Accident beyond the design basis management with the coolant loss at the NPP with WWER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skalozubov, V.I.; Klyuchnikov, A.A.; Kolykhanov, V.N.


    The analysis of status and experience of development on modelling and accident beyond the design basis management, including the severe accidents, at the nuclear power plants is carried out. The methodical providing of manuals on the accident beyond the design basis management with the coolant loss on the basis of simulated critical system configurations providing the necessary safety function performance on reactor unit is proposed. The project of symptom-oriented manuals on accident beyond the design basis management with the coolant loss on the serial power unit with WWER-1000 on the basis of developed methodical providing and well known results of deepened safety analysis is presented.

  9. Technical basis for the ITER-FEAT outline design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This ITER EDA Documentation Series issue summarizes the results of the ITER Engineering Design Activities on the technical basis for the ITER-FEAT outline design. This issue also comprises some physical analysis activities as well as structure and goals of the Physics Expert Group activities.

  10. Technical basis for the ITER-FEAT outline design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA Documentation Series issue summarizes the results of the ITER Engineering Design Activities on the technical basis for the ITER-FEAT outline design. This issue also comprises some physical analysis activities as well as structure and goals of the Physics Expert Group activities

  11. 340 Waste Handling Facility interim safety basis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bendixsen, R.B.


    This document establishes the interim safety basis (ISB) for the 340 Waste Handling Facility (340 Facility). An ISB is a documented safety basis that provides a justification for the continued operation of the facility until an upgraded final safety analysis report is prepared that complies with US Department of Energy (DOE) Order 5480.23, Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports. The ISB for the 340 Facility documents the current design and operation of the facility. The 340 Facility ISB (ISB-003) is based on a facility walkdown and review of the design and operation of the facility, as described in the existing safety documentation. The safety documents reviewed, to develop ISB-003, include the following: OSD-SW-153-0001, Operating Specification Document for the 340 Waste Handling Facility (WHC 1990); OSR-SW-152-00003, Operating Limits for the 340 Waste Handling Facility (WHC 1989); SD-RE-SAP-013, Safety Analysis Report for Packaging, Railroad Liquid Waste Tank Cars (Mercado 1993); SD-WM-TM-001, Safety Assessment Document for the 340 Waste Handling Facility (Berneski 1994a); SD-WM-SEL-016, 340 Facility Safety Equipment List (Berneski 1992); and 340 Complex Fire Hazard Analysis, Draft (Hughes Assoc. Inc. 1994)

  12. Satisfiability of logic programming based on radial basis function neural networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamadneh, Nawaf; Sathasivam, Saratha; Tilahun, Surafel Luleseged; Choon, Ong Hong


    In this paper, we propose a new technique to test the Satisfiability of propositional logic programming and quantified Boolean formula problem in radial basis function neural networks. For this purpose, we built radial basis function neural networks to represent the proportional logic which has exactly three variables in each clause. We used the Prey-predator algorithm to calculate the output weights of the neural networks, while the K-means clustering algorithm is used to determine the hidden parameters (the centers and the widths). Mean of the sum squared error function is used to measure the activity of the two algorithms. We applied the developed technique with the recurrent radial basis function neural networks to represent the quantified Boolean formulas. The new technique can be applied to solve many applications such as electronic circuits and NP-complete problems

  13. Satisfiability of logic programming based on radial basis function neural networks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hamadneh, Nawaf; Sathasivam, Saratha; Tilahun, Surafel Luleseged; Choon, Ong Hong [School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang (Malaysia)


    In this paper, we propose a new technique to test the Satisfiability of propositional logic programming and quantified Boolean formula problem in radial basis function neural networks. For this purpose, we built radial basis function neural networks to represent the proportional logic which has exactly three variables in each clause. We used the Prey-predator algorithm to calculate the output weights of the neural networks, while the K-means clustering algorithm is used to determine the hidden parameters (the centers and the widths). Mean of the sum squared error function is used to measure the activity of the two algorithms. We applied the developed technique with the recurrent radial basis function neural networks to represent the quantified Boolean formulas. The new technique can be applied to solve many applications such as electronic circuits and NP-complete problems.

  14. 77 FR 14972 - Discrimination on the Basis of Disability in Federally Assisted Programs and Activities (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 34 CFR Part 104 Discrimination on the Basis of Disability in Federally... regulations, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in federally assisted programs and...\\ which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability \\2\\ in federally assisted programs or...

  15. Working group 1A - basis for the standard-safety

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Whipple, C.


    This paper presents a summary of the progress made by working group 1A (Basis for the Safety Standard) during the Electric Power Research Institute's EPRI Workshop on the technical basis of EPA HLW Disposal Criteria, March 1993. This group discussed the semantics of terms within the standard 40 CFR Part 191, the implementation of this standard, the advanced notice of rulemaking, the issue of emitting carbon-14 through a gaseous pathway, the strategy of dealing with standards for contamination of drinking water and groundwater, the 100,000 year time frame, and the analysis of specific comments. The specific comments dealt with the cost effectiveness of the standard, the dose histogram for populations and individuals, groundwater definition and the underlying technology driver for this standard

  16. Design-Load Basis for LANL Structures, Systems, and Components

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    I. Cuesta


    This document supports the recommendations in the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Engineering Standard Manual (ESM), Chapter 5--Structural providing the basis for the loads, analysis procedures, and codes to be used in the ESM. It also provides the justification for eliminating the loads to be considered in design, and evidence that the design basis loads are appropriate and consistent with the graded approach required by the Department of Energy (DOE) Code of Federal Regulation Nuclear Safety Management, 10, Part 830. This document focuses on (1) the primary and secondary natural phenomena hazards listed in DOE-G-420.1-2, Appendix C, (2) additional loads not related to natural phenomena hazards, and (3) the design loads on structures during construction.

  17. Analysis of basis at Eastern hubs and the impact of gas from Sable Island

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mortensen, P.; Schlesinger, B.; Ratra, A.


    The major changes that are happening in natural gas markets in the northeast region of North America can be attributed to the introduction of Sable Island as a new source of gas supply, new domestic industrial markets for gas in Atlantic Canada and Northern New England, and major growth in gas-fired electric power generation. This report presented a long term outlook for new Canadian gas supplies to the northeastern North American market with particular reference to prices and basis relationships that will develop between major existing and potential market centres in the area. The development of pipeline transmission and merchant power plant construction in the region was also reviewed. Four potential scenarios were examined for the period to 2010 via a model-based approach. Emerging basis trends under various market conditions were projected. The key observations from the analysis are that the basis between Northeast city gates and the major producing areas will probably increase greatly by 2010. The rise in basis is mostly due to growth in gas demand while changes in gas supply will have only a minor impact on basis. It was also suggested that reference levels of gas production from Sable Island will not alter prices in a significant manner, but higher levels of gas production from Sable Island will benefit Sable producers and Northeast consumers. Basis impacts are moderated when enough pipeline capacity exists to enable toll discounting. The report also stated that there is little risk to the basis impact when gas demand is greater than forecasted. Fluctuations will occur around the general basis trend. 18 refs., 26 tabs., 39 figs

  18. The power of simplification: Operator interface with the AP1000R during design-basis and beyond design-basis events

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, M. G.; Mouser, M. R.; Simon, J. B.


    The AP1000 R plant is an 1100-MWe pressurized water reactor with passive safety features and extensive plant simplifications that enhance construction, operation, maintenance, safety and cost. The passive safety features are designed to function without safety-grade support systems such as component cooling water, service water, compressed air or HVAC. The AP1000 passive safety features achieve and maintain safe shutdown in case of a design-basis accident for 72 hours without need for operator action, meeting the expectations provided in the European Utility Requirements and the Utility Requirement Document for passive plants. Limited operator actions may be required to maintain safe conditions in the spent fuel pool (SFP) via passive means. This safety approach therefore minimizes the reliance on operator action for accident mitigation, and this paper examines the operator interaction with the Human-System Interface (HSI) as the severity of an accident increases from an anticipated transient to a design basis accident and finally, to a beyond-design-basis event. The AP1000 Control Room design provides an extremely effective environment for addressing the first 72 hours of design-basis events and transients, providing ease of information dissemination and minimal reliance upon operator actions. Symptom-based procedures including Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs), Abnormal Operating Procedures (AOPs) and Alarm Response Procedures (ARPs) are used to mitigate design basis transients and accidents. Use of the Computerized Procedure System (CPS) aids the operators during mitigation of the event. The CPS provides cues and direction to the operators as the event progresses. If the event becomes progressively worse or lasts longer than 72 hours, and depending upon the nature of failures that may have occurred, minimal operator actions may be required outside of the control room in areas that have been designed to be accessible using components that have been designed

  19. Conceptual basis for the european sustainability footprint




    Sustainability is central to the policy objectives of the European Commission (EC), but a widely accepted integrated sustainability assessment framework in support of policy analysis and development is currently lacking. Here, we describe the conceptual basis for the proposed European Sustainability Footprint (ESF) - an integrated sustainability assessment framework for establishing a baseline and tracking trends with respect to the sustainability of European production and consumption. This ...

  20. The basis spline method and associated techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bottcher, C.; Strayer, M.R.


    We outline the Basis Spline and Collocation methods for the solution of Partial Differential Equations. Particular attention is paid to the theory of errors, and the handling of non-self-adjoint problems which are generated by the collocation method. We discuss applications to Poisson's equation, the Dirac equation, and the calculation of bound and continuum states of atomic and nuclear systems. 12 refs., 6 figs

  1. A Comparison of the Behavior of Functional/Basis Set Combinations for Hydrogen-Bonding in the Water Dimer with Emphasis on Basis Set Superposition Error


    Plumley, Joshua A.; Dannenberg, J. J.


    We evaluate the performance of nine functionals (B3LYP, M05, M05-2X, M06, M06-2X, B2PLYP, B2PLYPD, X3LYP, B97D and MPWB1K) in combination with 16 basis sets ranging in complexity from 6-31G(d) to aug-cc-pV5Z for the calculation of the H-bonded water dimer with the goal of defining which combinations of functionals and basis sets provide a combination of economy and accuracy for H-bonded systems. We have compared the results to the best non-DFT molecular orbital calculations and to experimenta...

  2. 7 CFR 330.102 - Basis for certain regulations. (United States)


    ... of the Plant Protection Act, the Secretary may prohibit or restrict the importation, entry... 7 Agriculture 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Basis for certain regulations. 330.102 Section 330.102 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION...

  3. Radial Basis Function Based Quadrature over Smooth Surfaces (United States)


    Radial Basis Functions φ(r) Piecewise Smooth (Conditionally Positive Definite) MN Monomial |r|2m+1 TPS thin plate spline |r|2mln|r| Infinitely Smooth...smooth surfaces using polynomial interpolants, while [27] couples Thin - Plate Spline interpolation (see table 1) with Green’s integral formula [29

  4. Technical Basis for PNNL Beryllium Inventory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johnson, Michelle Lynn


    The Department of Energy (DOE) issued Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 850, “Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program” (the Beryllium Rule) in 1999 and required full compliance by no later than January 7, 2002. The Beryllium Rule requires the development of a baseline beryllium inventory of the locations of beryllium operations and other locations of potential beryllium contamination at DOE facilities. The baseline beryllium inventory is also required to identify workers exposed or potentially exposed to beryllium at those locations. Prior to DOE issuing 10 CFR 850, Pacific Northwest Nuclear Laboratory (PNNL) had documented the beryllium characterization and worker exposure potential for multiple facilities in compliance with DOE’s 1997 Notice 440.1, “Interim Chronic Beryllium Disease.” After DOE’s issuance of 10 CFR 850, PNNL developed an implementation plan to be compliant by 2002. In 2014, an internal self-assessment (ITS #E-00748) of PNNL’s Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program (CBDPP) identified several deficiencies. One deficiency is that the technical basis for establishing the baseline beryllium inventory when the Beryllium Rule was implemented was either not documented or not retrievable. In addition, the beryllium inventory itself had not been adequately documented and maintained since PNNL established its own CBDPP, separate from Hanford Site’s program. This document reconstructs PNNL’s baseline beryllium inventory as it would have existed when it achieved compliance with the Beryllium Rule in 2001 and provides the technical basis for the baseline beryllium inventory.

  5. 29 CFR 794.109 - Statutory basis for inclusion of activities in enterprise. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Statutory basis for inclusion of activities in enterprise... Act The âenterpriseâ § 794.109 Statutory basis for inclusion of activities in enterprise. The “enterprise” for purposes of enterprise coverage under section 3(s) and the exemption provision in section 7(b...

  6. Emergency procedures beyond design basis ''Feed and Bleed''

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dominguez Bautista, M.T.; Campuzano Pena, F.


    The incorporation of Beyond-Design-Basis Emergency Procedures, also called the Emergency Manual or Severe Accident Manual, has been an important step forward in nuclear power plant safety. These procedures cover situations in which the deterministic criteria used in plant design have been contravened. In such situations new accident scenarios, unforeseen system actions or a combination of both, need to be considered. Establishing these procedures is actually the last in a sequence of activities the sequence includes definition of scenarios, study of their phenomena, analysis of optional system actions, verification of their effectiveness and finally, implementation of the procedure. The systematization of these new strategies is supported by the results of the probabilistic analyses which serve in this case to pinpoint the objectives of these strategies. This paper describes the application of this methodology in the definition of a procedure for heat sink recovery on the secondary side (feed and bleed) if this has been totally or partially lost in a beyond-design-basis event. (Author)

  7. Central waste complex interim safety basis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cain, F.G.


    This interim safety basis provides the necessary information to conclude that hazards at the Central Waste Complex are controlled and that current and planned activities at the CWC can be conducted safely. CWC is a multi-facility complex within the Solid Waste Management Complex that receives and stores most of the solid wastes generated and received at the Hanford Site. The solid wastes that will be handled at CWC include both currently stored and newly generated low-level waste, low-level mixed waste, contact-handled transuranic, and contact-handled TRU mixed waste

  8. Generalized Aliasing as a Basis for Program Analysis Tools

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    O'Callahan, Robert


    .... This dissertation describes the design of a system, Ajax, that addresses this problem by using semantics-based program analysis as the basis for a number of different tools to aid Java programmers...

  9. The basis property of eigenfunctions in the problem of a nonhomogeneous damped string

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Łukasz Rzepnicki


    Full Text Available The equation which describes the small vibrations of a nonhomogeneous damped string can be rewritten as an abstract Cauchy problem for the densely defined closed operator \\(i A\\. We prove that the set of root vectors of the operator \\(A\\ forms a basis of subspaces in a certain Hilbert space \\(H\\. Furthermore, we give the rate of convergence for the decomposition with respect to this basis. In the second main result we show that with additional assumptions the set of root vectors of the operator \\(A\\ is a Riesz basis for \\(H\\.

  10. 26 CFR 1.1502-31 - Stock basis after a group structure change. (United States)


    ... transaction, P's basis in S's stock is reduced by the fair market value of the asset. (2) Allocable share—(i... redetermination equals the percentage (by fair market value) of the former common parent's stock subject to the... adjustment to the basis of P's stock under § 1.1502-32(b). (2) Election. The election described in paragraph...

  11. Molecular basis and regulation of OTULIN-LUBAC interaction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elliott, Paul R.; Al-Saoudi, Sofie Vincents; Marco-Casanova, Paola


    Ub. Now, we show that OTULIN binds via a conserved PUB-interacting motif (PIM) to the PUB domain of the LUBAC component HOIP. Crystal structures and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments reveal the molecular basis for the high-affinity interaction and explain why OTULIN binds the HOIP PUB domain...

  12. Scientific basis of development and application of nanotechnologies in oil industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mirzajanzadeh, A.; Maharramov, A.; Abdullayev, R.; Yuzifzadeh, Kh.; Shahbazov, E.; Qurbanov, R.; Akhmadov, S.; Kazimov, E; Ramazanov, M.; Shafiyev, Sh.; Hajizadeh, N.


    Development and introduction of nanotechnologies in the oil industry is one of the most pressing issues of the present times.For the first time in the world practice scientific-methodological basis and application practice of nanotechnologies in oil industry is developed on the basis of uniform, scientifically proven approach by taking into account the specificities of oil and gas industry.The application system of such nanotechnologies was developed in oil and gas production.Mathematical models of nanotechnological processes, i.e. c haos regulation a nd hyper-accidental process were offered. Nanomedium and nanoimpact on the w ell-layer s ystem was studied. Wide application results of nanotechnologies in SOCAR's production fields in oil and gas production are shown.Research results of N ANOSAA o n the basis of N ANO + NANO e ffect are described in the development.For the first time in world practice N ANOOIL , N ANOBITUMEN , N ANOGUDRON' and N ANOMAY' systems on the basis of machine waste oil in the drilling mud were developed for the application in oil and gas drilling. Original property, e ffect of super small concentrations a nd n anomemory i n N ANOOIL a nd N ANOBITUMEN s ystems was discovered.By applying N ANOOIL , N ANOBITUMEN a nd N ANOMAY s ystems in the drilling process was discovered: the increase of linear speed, early turbulence, decrease of hydraulic resistance coefficient and economy in energy consumption.Hyper-accidental evaluation of mathematical expectation of general sum of values of the surface strain on the sample data is spelled out with the various experiment conditions. Estimated hyper-accidental value of the mathematical expectation allows us to offer practical recommendations for the development of new nanotechnologies on the basis of rheological parameters of oil.

  13. Polynomial realization of the Uq (sl(3)) Gel'fand-(Weyl)-Zetlin basis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dobrev, V.K.; Truini, P.


    We give an explicit realization of the U ≡ U q (sl(3)) Gel'fand-(Weyl)-Zetlin (GWZ) basis as polynomial functions in three variables. This realization is obtained in two complementary ways. First we establish a 1-to-1 correspondence between the abstract GWZ basis and explicit polynomials in the quantum subgroup U + of the raising generators. We then use an explicit construction of arbitrary lowest weight (holomorphic) representations of U in terms of three variables on which the generators of U are realized as q-difference operators. Applying the GWZ corresponding polynomials in this realization to the lowest weight vector (the function 1) produces one realization of our GWZ basis. Another realization of the GWZ polynomial basis is found by the explicit diagonalization of the operators of isospin I-circumflex 2 , third component of isospin I-circumflex z , and hypercharge Y-circumflex, in the same realization as q-difference operators. The result is that the eigenvectors can be written in terms of q-hypergeometric polynomials in our three variables. Finally we construct an explicit scalar product (adapting the Shapovalov form to our setting). Using it we prove the orthogonality of our GWZ polynomials for which we use both realizations. This provides a polynomial construction for the orthonormal GWZ basis. We work for generic q, leaving the root of unity case for a following paper. It seems that our results are new also in the classical situation (q=1). (author). 20 refs

  14. A Bayesian spatial model for neuroimaging data based on biologically informed basis functions. (United States)

    Huertas, Ismael; Oldehinkel, Marianne; van Oort, Erik S B; Garcia-Solis, David; Mir, Pablo; Beckmann, Christian F; Marquand, Andre F


    The dominant approach to neuroimaging data analysis employs the voxel as the unit of computation. While convenient, voxels lack biological meaning and their size is arbitrarily determined by the resolution of the image. Here, we propose a multivariate spatial model in which neuroimaging data are characterised as a linearly weighted combination of multiscale basis functions which map onto underlying brain nuclei or networks or nuclei. In this model, the elementary building blocks are derived to reflect the functional anatomy of the brain during the resting state. This model is estimated using a Bayesian framework which accurately quantifies uncertainty and automatically finds the most accurate and parsimonious combination of basis functions describing the data. We demonstrate the utility of this framework by predicting quantitative SPECT images of striatal dopamine function and we compare a variety of basis sets including generic isotropic functions, anatomical representations of the striatum derived from structural MRI, and two different soft functional parcellations of the striatum derived from resting-state fMRI (rfMRI). We found that a combination of ∼50 multiscale functional basis functions accurately represented the striatal dopamine activity, and that functional basis functions derived from an advanced parcellation technique known as Instantaneous Connectivity Parcellation (ICP) provided the most parsimonious models of dopamine function. Importantly, functional basis functions derived from resting fMRI were more accurate than both structural and generic basis sets in representing dopamine function in the striatum for a fixed model order. We demonstrate the translational validity of our framework by constructing classification models for discriminating parkinsonian disorders and their subtypes. Here, we show that ICP approach is the only basis set that performs well across all comparisons and performs better overall than the classical voxel-based approach

  15. Basis and rational for standardization in radiation protection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Besar, Idris


    The historical background for the standardization in radiation protection with special reference to the dose limits recommended by the ICRP which include tolerance dose, maximum permissible dose, and the present recommendation based on the ICRP 26 are presented. The basis and rational for the establishment of these limits are discussed.

  16. Basis and rational for standardization in radiation protection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Idris Besar


    The historical background for the standardization in radiation protection with special reference to the dose limits recommended by the ICRP which include tolerance dose, maximum permissible dose, and the present recommendation based on the ICRP 26 are presented. The basis and rational for the establishement of these limits are discussed

  17. Infective basis in childhood leukaemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinlen, Leo


    Leukaemia in children has often been suspected of having an infective basis (as specifically identified in certain animal species) but, until recently, formal studies had gone no further than to show that it does not markedly cluster in time and space. Many infective illnesses, however, are uncommon responses to infections that are mainly spread by the majority of infected individuals who are not ill. These include, for example, glandular fever and certain types of meningitis. Such illnesses are not contagious and do not normally cluster. The possibilities that childhood leukamia might belong to this class of infective illnesses and be subject to increases in incidence as a result of epidemics of an underlying infection were suggested by the well-known excesses near Sellafield and Dounreay. (author)

  18. Structural basis for target protein recognition by the protein disulfide reductase thioredoxin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maeda, Kenji; Hägglund, Per; Finnie, Christine


    Thioredoxin is ubiquitous and regulates various target proteins through disulfide bond reduction. We report the structure of thioredoxin (HvTrxh2 from barley) in a reaction intermediate complex with a protein substrate, barley alpha-amylase/subtilisin inhibitor (BASI). The crystal structure...... of this mixed disulfide shows a conserved hydrophobic motif in thioredoxin interacting with a sequence of residues from BASI through van der Waals contacts and backbone-backbone hydrogen bonds. The observed structural complementarity suggests that the recognition of features around protein disulfides plays...... a major role in the specificity and protein disulfide reductase activity of thioredoxin. This novel insight into the function of thioredoxin constitutes a basis for comprehensive understanding of its biological role. Moreover, comparison with structurally related proteins shows that thioredoxin shares...

  19. Factorization of products of discontinuous functions applied to Fourier-Bessel basis. (United States)

    Popov, Evgeny; Nevière, Michel; Bonod, Nicolas


    The factorization rules of Li [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 13, 1870 (1996)] are generalized to a cylindrical geometry requiring the use of a Bessel function basis. A theoretical study confirms the validity of the Laurent rule when a product of two continuous functions or of one continuous and one discontinuous function is factorized. The necessity of applying the so-called inverse rule in factorizing a continuous product of two discontinuous functions in a truncated basis is demonstrated theoretically and numerically.

  20. Atributos Relevantes para el Diagnóstico Automático de Eventos de Tensión en Redes de Distribución de Energía Eléctrica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victor Barrera Núñez


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se aborda el diagnóstico de eventos o perturbaciones de tensión registradas en subestaciones de distribución. La aparición de dichos eventos se debe a causas diversas que van desde faltas en la red, el arranque de motores de inducción, energización de transformadores y conmutación de bancos de capacitores. Se propone la caracterización de estos eventos de tensión a partir de atributos extraídos directamente de la forma de onda, y que se relacionan con los fenómenos físicos asociados tanto con las causas de los eventos, como con su localización relativa respecto del punto de medida. Se ha estudiado la relevancia de dichos atributos mediante un análisis estadístico de la varianza (MANOVA. Los atributos más relevantes se han utilizado para la obtención de reglas de clasificación mediante algoritmos de aprendizaje automático. Los resultados fueron obtenidos empleando datos de 484 eventos reales y 38 eventos simulados. Abstract: This paper focuses on diagnosis of voltage events collected in power distribution networks. Fault networks, induction motor starting, transformer energization and capacitor bank switching cause voltage events. A characterization of voltage events using attributes directly extracted from the voltage and current waveforms is done in this paper. The used attributes are highly related with the event root-cause as well as the relative location of the event source with respect to the measurement point. The relevance of each attribute has been assessed applying a statistical analysis of variance (MANOVA. The most relevant attributes have been used as input to rule-extraction algorithms in order to extract classification rules. The results were obtained using 484 real-world and 38 synthetic voltage events. Palabras clave: Análisis estadístico, Calidad de la potencia eléctrica, Atributos, Eventos de tensión, Sistema basado en reglas, Keywords: Statistical analysis, power quality

  1. Unsupervised learning of a steerable basis for invariant image representations (United States)

    Bethge, Matthias; Gerwinn, Sebastian; Macke, Jakob H.


    There are two aspects to unsupervised learning of invariant representations of images: First, we can reduce the dimensionality of the representation by finding an optimal trade-off between temporal stability and informativeness. We show that the answer to this optimization problem is generally not unique so that there is still considerable freedom in choosing a suitable basis. Which of the many optimal representations should be selected? Here, we focus on this second aspect, and seek to find representations that are invariant under geometrical transformations occuring in sequences of natural images. We utilize ideas of 'steerability' and Lie groups, which have been developed in the context of filter design. In particular, we show how an anti-symmetric version of canonical correlation analysis can be used to learn a full-rank image basis which is steerable with respect to rotations. We provide a geometric interpretation of this algorithm by showing that it finds the two-dimensional eigensubspaces of the average bivector. For data which exhibits a variety of transformations, we develop a bivector clustering algorithm, which we use to learn a basis of generalized quadrature pairs (i.e. 'complex cells') from sequences of natural images.

  2. A ONU e o desenvolvimento econômico: uma interpretação das bases teóricas da atuação do PNUD The UN and economic development: an interpretation on the theoretical basis of the UNDP’s action

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Guilherme Rocha Machado


    Full Text Available O Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD se destaca como importante órgão da Organização das Nações Unidas para a questão do desenvolvimento. Ele também é responsável pela elaboração e publicação do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH. O PNUD atua em mais de 166 países e exerce influência importante na teoria e nas práticas relacionadas ao desenvolvimento econômico. É muito relevante ter elementos que possam esclarecer os reais alcances e limites de atuação deste Programa. Assim o objetivo deste artigo é identificar, sistematizar e interpretar de forma crítica a base teórica do paradigma do desenvolvimento humano, no qual se fundamenta a atuação do PNUD. A abordagem das capacidades de Amartya Sen constitui a base teórica do paradigma do desenvolvimento humano. Essa abordagem é bastante conveniente à natureza pragmática e consensual da atuação do PNUD, pois propõe um foco maior na expansão das capacidades individuais, mas sem pleitear por mudanças estruturais na ordem econômica internacional.The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP is an important body of the United Nations for development issues. It is also responsible for the construction and publication of the Human Development Index (HDI. The UNDP is present in more than 166 countries and exerts an influence on the theory and practice of economic development. It is very important to define the elements which allow the establishment of limits to the UNDP’s action. The purpose of this paper is to identify, classify and critically explain the theoretical basis for the paradigm of human development, on which its line of work has been based. The capabilities approach developed by Amartya Sen is the theoretical basis for the paradigm of human development. This approach is very convenient for the pragmatic and consensual nature of the UNDP’s action because it proposes a greater focus on the expansion of individual capabilities, but

  3. BaSi2 formation mechanism in thermally evaporated films and its application to reducing oxygen impurity concentration (United States)

    Hara, Kosuke O.; Yamamoto, Chiaya; Yamanaka, Junji; Arimoto, Keisuke; Nakagawa, Kiyokazu; Usami, Noritaka


    Thermal evaporation is a simple and rapid method to fabricate semiconducting BaSi2 films. In this study, to elucidate the BaSi2 formation mechanism, the microstructure of a BaSi2 epitaxial film fabricated by thermal evaporation has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. The BaSi2 film is found to consist of three layers with different microstructural characteristics, which is well explained by assuming two stages of film deposition. In the first stage, BaSi2 forms through the diffusion of Ba atoms from the deposited Ba-rich film to the Si substrate while in the second stage, the mutual diffusion of Ba and Si atoms in the film leads to BaSi2 formation. On the basis of the BaSi2 formation mechanism, two issues are addressed. One is the as-yet unclarified reason for epitaxial growth. It is found important to quickly form BaSi2 in the first stage for the epitaxial growth of upper layers. The other issue is the high oxygen concentration in BaSi2 films around the BaSi2-Si interface. Two routes of oxygen incorporation, i.e., oxidation of the Si substrate surface and initially deposited Ba-rich layer by the residual gas, are identified. On the basis of this knowledge, oxygen concentration is decreased by reducing the holding time of the substrate at high temperatures and by premelting of the source. In addition, X-ray diffraction results show that the decrease in oxygen concentration can lead to an increased proportion of a-axis-oriented grains.

  4. A representation basis for the quantum integrable spin chain associated with the su(3) algebra

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hao, Kun [Institute of Modern Physics, Northwest University, Xian 710069 (China); Cao, Junpeng [Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter, Beijing (China); Li, Guang-Liang [Department of Applied Physics, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian 710049 (China); Yang, Wen-Li [Institute of Modern Physics, Northwest University, Xian 710069 (China); Beijing Center for Mathematics and Information Interdisciplinary Sciences, Beijing 100048 (China); Shi, Kangjie [Institute of Modern Physics, Northwest University, Xian 710069 (China); Wang, Yupeng [Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter, Beijing (China)


    An orthogonal basis of the Hilbert space for the quantum spin chain associated with the su(3) algebra is introduced. Such kind of basis could be treated as a nested generalization of separation of variables (SoV) basis for high-rank quantum integrable models. It is found that all the monodromy-matrix elements acting on a basis vector take simple forms. With the help of the basis, we construct eigenstates of the su(3) inhomogeneous spin torus (the trigonometric su(3) spin chain with antiperiodic boundary condition) from its spectrum obtained via the off-diagonal Bethe Ansatz (ODBA). Based on small sites (i.e. N=2) check, it is conjectured that the homogeneous limit of the eigenstates exists, which gives rise to the corresponding eigenstates of the homogenous model.

  5. Determination of many-electron basis functions for a quantum Hall ground state using Schur polynomials (United States)

    Mandal, Sudhansu S.; Mukherjee, Sutirtha; Ray, Koushik


    A method for determining the ground state of a planar interacting many-electron system in a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane is described. The ground state wave-function is expressed as a linear combination of a set of basis functions. Given only the flux and the number of electrons describing an incompressible state, we use the combinatorics of partitioning the flux among the electrons to derive the basis wave-functions as linear combinations of Schur polynomials. The procedure ensures that the basis wave-functions form representations of the angular momentum algebra. We exemplify the method by deriving the basis functions for the 5/2 quantum Hall state with a few particles. We find that one of the basis functions is precisely the Moore-Read Pfaffian wave function.

  6. Technical basis for the internal dosimetry program at the Y-12 Plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashley, J.C.; Barber, J.M.; Snapp, L.M.; Turner, J.E.


    Since the beginning of plant operations. almost all work with radioactive materials has involved isotopes associated with uranium, enriched or depleted in U 235 . While limited quantities of isotopes of elements other than uranium are present, workplace monitoring and precess knowledge have established that internal exposure from these other isotopes is insignificant in comparison with uranium. While the changing plant mission may necessitate the consideration of internal exposure from other isotopes at some point in time, only enriched and depleted uranium will be considered in this basis document. The portions of the internal dosimetry technical basis which may be unique to the Y-12 Plant is considered in this manual. This manual presents the technical basis of the routine in vivo and in vitro bioassay programs including choice of frequency, participant selection criteria, and action level guidelines. Protocols for special bioassay will be presented in the chapters which described the basis for intake, uptake, and dam assessment. A discussion of the factors which led to the need to develop a special biokinetic model for uranium at the Y-12 Plant, as well as a description of the model's basic parameters, are included in this document

  7. The static response function in Kohn-Sham theory: An appropriate basis for its matrix representation in case of finite AO basis sets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kollmar, Christian; Neese, Frank


    The role of the static Kohn-Sham (KS) response function describing the response of the electron density to a change of the local KS potential is discussed in both the theory of the optimized effective potential (OEP) and the so-called inverse Kohn-Sham problem involving the task to find the local KS potential for a given electron density. In a general discussion of the integral equation to be solved in both cases, it is argued that a unique solution of this equation can be found even in case of finite atomic orbital basis sets. It is shown how a matrix representation of the response function can be obtained if the exchange-correlation potential is expanded in terms of a Schmidt-orthogonalized basis comprising orbitals products of occupied and virtual orbitals. The viability of this approach in both OEP theory and the inverse KS problem is illustrated by numerical examples

  8. Modeling Marine Electromagnetic Survey with Radial Basis Function Networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agus Arif


    Full Text Available A marine electromagnetic survey is an engineering endeavour to discover the location and dimension of a hydrocarbon layer under an ocean floor. In this kind of survey, an array of electric and magnetic receivers are located on the sea floor and record the scattered, refracted and reflected electromagnetic wave, which has been transmitted by an electric dipole antenna towed by a vessel. The data recorded in receivers must be processed and further analysed to estimate the hydrocarbon location and dimension. To conduct those analyses successfuly, a radial basis function (RBF network could be employed to become a forward model of the input-output relationship of the data from a marine electromagnetic survey. This type of neural networks is working based on distances between its inputs and predetermined centres of some basis functions. A previous research had been conducted to model the same marine electromagnetic survey using another type of neural networks, which is a multi layer perceptron (MLP network. By comparing their validation and training performances (mean-squared errors and correlation coefficients, it is concluded that, in this case, the MLP network is comparatively better than the RBF network[1].[1] This manuscript is an extended version of our previous paper, entitled Radial Basis Function Networks for Modeling Marine Electromagnetic Survey, which had been presented on 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 17-19 July 2011, Bandung, Indonesia.

  9. Technical Details on Beyond Design Basis Event Pilot Evaluations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    None, None


    The primary focus of the BDBE pilot project was the review of BDBE analysis and mitigation features at four DOE nuclear facilities representing a range of DOE sites, nuclear facility types/activities, and responsible program offices. The pilots looked at (1) how beyond design basis accidents were evaluated and documented in the facility Documented Safety Analysis, (2) potential BDBE vulnerabilities and margins to failure of facility safety features as obtained from general area and specific system walkdowns and design documents reviews, and (3) preparations made in facility and site emergency management programs to respond to severe accidents. It also evaluated whether draft BDBE guidance on safety analysis and emergency management could be used to improve the analysis of and preparations for mitigating severe and beyond design basis accidents. The details of these activities are organized in this report as described below.

  10. The power of simplification: Operator interface with the AP1000{sup R} during design-basis and beyond design-basis events

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Williams, M. G.; Mouser, M. R.; Simon, J. B. [Westinghouse Electric Company, 1000 Westinghouse Drive, Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (United States)


    The AP1000{sup R} plant is an 1100-MWe pressurized water reactor with passive safety features and extensive plant simplifications that enhance construction, operation, maintenance, safety and cost. The passive safety features are designed to function without safety-grade support systems such as component cooling water, service water, compressed air or HVAC. The AP1000 passive safety features achieve and maintain safe shutdown in case of a design-basis accident for 72 hours without need for operator action, meeting the expectations provided in the European Utility Requirements and the Utility Requirement Document for passive plants. Limited operator actions may be required to maintain safe conditions in the spent fuel pool (SFP) via passive means. This safety approach therefore minimizes the reliance on operator action for accident mitigation, and this paper examines the operator interaction with the Human-System Interface (HSI) as the severity of an accident increases from an anticipated transient to a design basis accident and finally, to a beyond-design-basis event. The AP1000 Control Room design provides an extremely effective environment for addressing the first 72 hours of design-basis events and transients, providing ease of information dissemination and minimal reliance upon operator actions. Symptom-based procedures including Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs), Abnormal Operating Procedures (AOPs) and Alarm Response Procedures (ARPs) are used to mitigate design basis transients and accidents. Use of the Computerized Procedure System (CPS) aids the operators during mitigation of the event. The CPS provides cues and direction to the operators as the event progresses. If the event becomes progressively worse or lasts longer than 72 hours, and depending upon the nature of failures that may have occurred, minimal operator actions may be required outside of the control room in areas that have been designed to be accessible using components that have been

  11. 77 FR 64564 - Implementation of Regulatory Guide 1.221 on Design-Basis Hurricane and Hurricane Missiles (United States)


    ...-Basis Hurricane and Hurricane Missiles AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission. ACTION: Proposed interim...-ISG-024, ``Implementation of Regulatory Guide 1.221 on Design-Basis Hurricane and Hurricane Missiles....221, ``Design-Basis Hurricane and Hurricane Missiles for Nuclear Power Plants.'' DATES: Submit...

  12. Complete CRM documentation as a basis for successfull Churn Management; Wie aus Rueckholung Vorbeugung wird. Vollstaendige Kundenkontakthistorie als Basis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johannssen, T. [ConTakt GmbH, Itzehoe (Germany)


    The contribution explains modern customer relationship management strategies for electric utilities. The role of a complete and detailed documentation of the CRM history is explained as a basis for establishing reliable customer loyalty, winning back lost customers, or preventing customers from changing their power service. (orig./CB) [German] Erkenntnisse aus der Kundenrueckgewinnung sind eine wertvolle Grundlage fuer Kuendigungspraevention. Bei durchdachtem Vorgehen koennen sie mit den gesammelten Erfahrungen sogar schon im Vorfeld Kuendigungen verhindern. (orig./CB)

  13. The Tucson-Melbourne Three-Body Force in a Translationally-Invariant Harmonic Oscillator Basis (United States)

    Marsden, David; Navratil, Petr; Barrett, Bruce


    A translationally-invariant three-body basis set has been employed in shell model calculations on ^3H and ^3He including the Tucson-Melbourne form of the real nuclear three-body force. The basis consists of harmonic oscillators in Jacobi coordinates, explicitly avoiding the centre of mass drift problem in the calculations. The derivation of the three-body matrix elements and the results of large basis effective interaction shell model calculations will be presented. J. L. Friar, B. F. Gibson, G. L. Payne and S. A. Coon; Few Body Systems 5, 13 (1988) P. Navratil, G.P. Kamuntavicius and B.R. Barrett; Phys. Rev. C. 61, 044001 (2000)

  14. Nonlinear System Identification via Basis Functions Based Time Domain Volterra Model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yazid Edwar


    Full Text Available This paper proposes basis functions based time domain Volterra model for nonlinear system identification. The Volterra kernels are expanded by using complex exponential basis functions and estimated via genetic algorithm (GA. The accuracy and practicability of the proposed method are then assessed experimentally from a scaled 1:100 model of a prototype truss spar platform. Identification results in time and frequency domain are presented and coherent functions are performed to check the quality of the identification results. It is shown that results between experimental data and proposed method are in good agreement.

  15. Canister storage building design basis accident analysis documentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This document provides the detailed accident analysis to support HNF-3553, Spent Nuclear Fuel Project Final Safety Analysis Report, Annex A, ''Canister Storage Building Final Safety Analysis Report.'' All assumptions, parameters, and models used to provide the analysis of the design basis accidents are documented to support the conclusions in the Canister Storage Building Final Safety Analysis Report

  16. Conceptual basis for developing of trainig models in complex ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper presents conceptual basis for developing of training models of interactive assembling system for automatic building of application software systems, ... software generation, such as: program module compatibility, formalization of computer interaction and choosing of formal model for human machine interface.

  17. Investigation of the Genetic Basis of Tetracycline Resistance in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Purpose: To determine the prevalence and genetic basis of tetracycline resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. Methods: One hundred and thirty (130) clinical isolates of S. aureus were collected from Khyber Teaching. Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan. Susceptibility to antibiotics (doxycycline, tetracycline and minocycline) was.

  18. On the physical basis of a theory of human thermoregulation. (United States)

    Iberall, A. S.; Schindler, A. M.


    Theoretical study of the physical factors which are responsible for thermoregulation in nude resting humans in a physical steady state. The behavior of oxidative metabolism, evaporative and convective thermal fluxes, fluid heat transfer, internal and surface temperatures, and evaporative phase transitions is studied by physiological/physical modeling techniques. The modeling is based on the theories that the body has a vital core with autothermoregulation, that the vital core contracts longitudinally, that the temperature of peripheral regions and extremities decreases towards the ambient, and that a significant portion of the evaporative heat may be lost underneath the skin. A theoretical basis is derived for a consistent modeling of steady-state thermoregulation on the basis of these theories.

  19. Resilient Control Systems Practical Metrics Basis for Defining Mission Impact

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Craig G. Rieger


    "Resilience” describes how systems operate at an acceptable level of normalcy despite disturbances or threats. In this paper we first consider the cognitive, cyber-physical interdependencies inherent in critical infrastructure systems and how resilience differs from reliability to mitigate these risks. Terminology and metrics basis are provided to integrate the cognitive, cyber-physical aspects that should be considered when defining solutions for resilience. A practical approach is taken to roll this metrics basis up to system integrity and business case metrics that establish “proper operation” and “impact.” A notional chemical processing plant is the use case for demonstrating how the system integrity metrics can be applied to establish performance, and

  20. ALWR utility requirements - A technical basis for updated emergency planning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leaver, David E.W.; DeVine, John C. Jr.; Santucci, Joseph


    U.S. utilities, with substantial support from international utilities, are developing a comprehensive set of design requirements in the form of a Utility Requirements Document (URD) as part of an industry wide effort to establish a technical foundation for the next generation of light water reactors. A key aspect of the URD is a set of severe accident-related design requirements which have been developed to provide a technical basis for updated emergency planning for the ALWR. The technical basis includes design criteria for containment performance and offsite dose during severe accident conditions. An ALWR emergency planning concept is being developed which reflects this severe accident capability. The main conclusion from this work is that the likelihood and consequences of a severe accident for an ALWR are fundamentally different from that assumed in the technical basis for existing emergency planning requirements, at least in the U.S. The current technical understanding of severe accident risk is greatly improved compared to that available when the existing U.S. emergency planning requirements were established nearly 15 years ago, and the emerging ALWR designs have superior core damage prevention and severe accident mitigation capability. Thus, it is reasonable and prudent to reflect this design capability in the emergency planning requirements for the ALWR. (author)

  1. Polarization functions for the modified m6-31G basis sets for atoms Ga through Kr. (United States)

    Mitin, Alexander V


    The 2df polarization functions for the modified m6-31G basis sets of the third-row atoms Ga through Kr (Int J Quantum Chem, 2007, 107, 3028; Int J. Quantum Chem, 2009, 109, 1158) are proposed. The performances of the m6-31G, m6-31G(d,p), and m6-31G(2df,p) basis sets were examined in molecular calculations carried out by the density functional theory (DFT) method with B3LYP hybrid functional, Møller-Plesset perturbation theory of the second order (MP2), quadratic configuration interaction method with single and double substitutions and were compared with those for the known 6-31G basis sets as well as with the other similar 641 and 6-311G basis sets with and without polarization functions. Obtained results have shown that the performances of the m6-31G, m6-31G(d,p), and m6-31G(2df,p) basis sets are better in comparison with the performances of the known 6-31G, 6-31G(d,p) and 6-31G(2df,p) basis sets. These improvements are mainly reached due to better approximations of different electrons belonging to the different atomic shells in the modified basis sets. Applicability of the modified basis sets in thermochemical calculations is also discussed. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Incomplete basis-set problem. V. Application of CIBS to many-electron systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McDowell, K.; Lewis, L.


    Five versions of CIBS (corrections to an incomplete basis set) theory are used to compute first and second corrections to Roothaan--Hartree--Fock energies via expansion of a given basis set. Version one is an order by order perturbation approximation which neglects virtual orbitals; version two is a full CIBS expansion which neglects virtual orbitals; version three is an order by order perturbation approximation which includes virtual orbitals; version four is a full CIBS expansion which includes orthogonalization to virtual orbitals but neglects virtual orbital coupling terms; and version five is a full CIBS expansion with inclusion of coupling to virtual orbitals. Results are presented for the atomic and molecular systems He, Be, H 2 , LiH, Li 2 , and H 2 O. Version five is shown to produce a corrected Hartree--Fock energy which is essentially in agreement with a comparable SCF result using the same expanded basis set. Versions one through four yield varying degrees of agreement; however, it is evident that the effect of the virtual orbitals must be included. From the results, CIBS version five is shown to be a viable quantitative procedure which can be used to expand or to study the use of basis sets in quantum chemistry


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Imam Kuswardayan


    Full Text Available Dalam pembuatan sistem aplikasi basis data berbasis web, perancangan antarmuka pengguna (presentation layer dan lapisan bisnis (bussiness layer merupakan tahap yang dilalui setelah pemahaman terhadap kebutuhan pengguna sistem. Adanya pola atau keteraturan dalam implementasi tahap ini menyebabkan pengembangan sistem akan lebih efisien jika menggunakan suatu aplikasi yang dapat menghasilkan kerangka dasar aplikasi web dengan cepat untuk kedua lapisan tersebut dan bahkan beserta kode programnya. Pada penelitian ini telah diimplementasikan suatu perangkat lunak yang selanjutnya disebut QuickASP. QuickASP membangkitkan kode ASP untuk membangun  homepage otomatis. Untuk membangkitkan kode ASP, QuickASP membutuhkan komponen berupa basis data dan file Cascading Style Sheets (CSS. Proses awal yang dilakukan QuickASP dalam membangkitkan kode program ASP adalah membaca informasi basis data berupa tabel-tabel, nama field dan tipe data. Setelah itu QuickASP akan membangkitkan file-file ASP beserta file-file pendukungnya berdasarkan hasil pengaturan tampilan halaman web yang dilakukan oleh pengguna.Uji coba QuickASP dilakukan pada tiga jenis basis data yaitu Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, dan Oracle. Dari hasil uji coba tersebut, QuickASP terbukti dapat membangkitkan homepage otomatis beserta fungsi–fungsi yang disediakan untuk modifikasi record dan fungsi navigasi.Kata kunci: QuickASP, file cascading style sheets, kode program ASP.

  4. Guidance on the Implementation of Modifications to Mitigate Beyond Design Basis Accidents

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dermarkar, F.; Marczak, J.; O’Neill, M., E-mail: [Ontario Power Generation, Pickering, Ontario (Canada)


    Following the events at Fukushima, Canadian Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) procured equipment and initiated modifications to improve response capability for Beyond Design Basis Accidents (BDBA). These changes were not typical of other design modifications to the nuclear power plants and reinforced the need for additional guidance for modifications to address BDBA. This paper describes the guidance that was developed to guide the design, procurement, installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment and modifications to mitigate BDBAs. The guidance developed prescribes a graded approach based on a categorization of the nature of the modification. Four categories of modifications are introduced, with the distinction being the degree of interface with existing design basis systems, structures and components (SSCs). This has resulted in a cost-effective means of implementing additional capability to mitigate BDBA conditions, and yet ensure the design basis capability of SSCs is maintained. (author)

  5. Design-Basis Flood Estimation for Site Characterization at Nuclear Power Plants in the United States of America

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prasad, Rajiv; Hibler, Lyle F.; Coleman, Andre M.; Ward, Duane L.


    The purpose of this document is to describe approaches and methods for estimation of the design-basis flood at nuclear power plant sites. Chapter 1 defines the design-basis flood and lists the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) regulations that require estimation of the design-basis flood. For comparison, the design-basis flood estimation methods used by other Federal agencies are also described. A brief discussion of the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency for estimation of the design-basis floods in its member States is also included.

  6. Design-Basis Flood Estimation for Site Characterization at Nuclear Power Plants in the United States of America

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prasad, Rajiv; Hibler, Lyle F.; Coleman, Andre M.; Ward, Duane L.


    The purpose of this document is to describe approaches and methods for estimation of the design-basis flood at nuclear power plant sites. Chapter 1 defines the design-basis flood and lists the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) regulations that require estimation of the design-basis flood. For comparison, the design-basis flood estimation methods used by other Federal agencies are also described. A brief discussion of the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency for estimation of the design-basis floods in its member States is also included.

  7. Whole-coal versus ash basis in coal geochemistry: a mathematical approach to consistent interpretations (United States)

    Geboy, Nicholas J.; Engle, Mark A.; Hower, James C.


    Several standard methods require coal to be ashed prior to geochemical analysis. Researchers, however, are commonly interested in the compositional nature of the whole-coal, not its ash. Coal geochemical data for any given sample can, therefore, be reported in the ash basis on which it is analyzed or the whole-coal basis to which the ash basis data are back calculated. Basic univariate (mean, variance, distribution, etc.) and bivariate (correlation coefficients, etc.) measures of the same suite of samples can be very different depending which reporting basis the researcher uses. These differences are not real, but an artifact resulting from the compositional nature of most geochemical data. The technical term for this artifact is subcompositional incoherence. Since compositional data are forced to a constant sum, such as 100% or 1,000,000 ppm, they possess curvilinear properties which make the Euclidean principles on which most statistical tests rely inappropriate, leading to erroneous results. Applying the isometric logratio (ilr) transformation to compositional data allows them to be represented in Euclidean space and evaluated using traditional tests without fear of producing mathematically inconsistent results. When applied to coal geochemical data, the issues related to differences between the two reporting bases are resolved as demonstrated in this paper using major oxide and trace metal data from the Pennsylvanian-age Pond Creek coal of eastern Kentucky, USA. Following ilr transformation, univariate statistics, such as mean and variance, still differ between the ash basis and whole-coal basis, but in predictable and calculated manners. Further, the stability between two different components, a bivariate measure, is identical, regardless of the reporting basis. The application of ilr transformations addresses both the erroneous results of Euclidean-based measurements on compositional data as well as the inconsistencies observed on coal geochemical data

  8. The Associative Basis of Scientific Creativity: A Model Proposal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esra Kanli


    Full Text Available Creativity is accepted as an important part of scientific skills. Scientific creativity proceeds from a need or urge to solve a problem, and in-volves the production of original and useful ideas or products. Existing scientific creativity theories and tests do not feature the very im-portant thinking processes, such as analogical and associative thinking, which can be consid-ered crucial in creative scientific problem solv-ing. Current study’s aim is to provide an alter-native model and explicate the associative basis of scientific creativity. Emerging from the re-viewed theoretical framework, Scientific Asso-ciations Model is proposed. This model claims that, similarity and mediation constitutes the basis of creativity and focuses on three compo-nents namely; associative thinking, analogical thinking (analogical reasoning & analogical problem solving and insight which are consid-ered to be main elements of scientific associa-tive thinking.

  9. Growth of BaSi2 film on Ge(100) by vacuum evaporation and its photoresponse properties (United States)

    Trinh, Cham Thi; Nakagawa, Yoshihiko; Hara, Kosuke O.; Kurokawa, Yasuyoshi; Takabe, Ryota; Suemasu, Takashi; Usami, Noritaka


    We have successfully grown a polycrystalline orthorhombic BaSi2 film on a Ge(100) substrate by an evaporation method. Deposition of an amorphous Si (a-Si) film on the Ge substrate prior to BaSi2 evaporation plays a critical role in obtaining a high-quality BaSi2 film. By controlling substrate temperature and the thickness of the a-Si film, a crack-free and single-phase polycrystalline orthorhombic BaSi2 film with a long carrier lifetime of 1.5 µs was obtained on Ge substrates. The photoresponse property of the ITO/BaSi2/Ge/Al structure was clearly observed, and photoresponsivity was found to increase with increasing substrate temperature during deposition of a-Si. Furthermore, the BaSi2 film grown on Ge showed a higher photoresponsivity than that grown on Si, indicating the potential application of evaporated BaSi2 on Ge to thin-film solar cells.

  10. 42 CFR 411.53 - Basis for conditional Medicare payment in no-fault cases. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Basis for conditional Medicare payment in no-fault... Limitations on Medicare Payment for Services Covered Under Liability or No-Fault Insurance § 411.53 Basis for conditional Medicare payment in no-fault cases. (a) A conditional Medicare payment may be made in no-fault...

  11. Continuum contributions to dipole oscillator-strength sum rules for hydrogen in finite basis sets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oddershede, Jens; Ogilvie, John F.; Sauer, Stephan P. A.


    Calculations of the continuum contributions to dipole oscillator sum rules for hydrogen are performed using both exact and basis-set representations of the stick spectra of the continuum wave function. We show that the same results are obtained for the sum rules in both cases, but that the conver......Calculations of the continuum contributions to dipole oscillator sum rules for hydrogen are performed using both exact and basis-set representations of the stick spectra of the continuum wave function. We show that the same results are obtained for the sum rules in both cases......, but that the convergence towards the final results with increasing excitation energies included in the sum over states is slower in the basis-set cases when we use the best basis. We argue also that this conclusion most likely holds also for larger atoms or molecules....

  12. Contributions of polarizabilities to four basis polarizations of electromagnetic media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bukina, E.N.; Dubovik, V.M.


    All contributions to four basis polarizations of an arbitrary electromagnetic medium at the expense of mixed polarizabilities up to fourth rank tensors are presented. Some concrete examples are considered

  13. The inherited basis of human radiosensitivity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gatti, R.A.


    Certain individuals cannot tolerate 'conventional' doses of radiation therapy. This is known to be true of patients with ataxia-telangiectasia and ligase IV deficiency. Although in vitro testing may not correlate completely with clinical radiosensitivity, fibroblasts and lymphoblasts from patients with both of these disorders have been clearly shown to be radiosensitive. Using a colony survival assay (CSA) to test lymphoblastoid cells after irradiation with 1 Gy, a variety of other genetic disorders have been identified as strong candidates for clinical radiosensitivity, such as Nijmegen breakage syndrome, Mre11 deficiency, and Fanconi's anemia. These data are presented and considered as a starting-point for the inherited basis of human radiosensitivity

  14. Tensor Basis Neural Network v. 1.0 (beta)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This software package can be used to build, train, and test a neural network machine learning model. The neural network architecture is specifically designed to embed tensor invariance properties by enforcing that the model predictions sit on an invariant tensor basis. This neural network architecture can be used in developing constitutive models for applications such as turbulence modeling, materials science, and electromagnetism.

  15. Canister storage building design basis accident analysis documentation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document provides the detailed accident analysis to support HNF-3553, Spent Nuclear Fuel Project Final Safety Analysis Report, Annex A, ''Canister Storage Building Final Safety Analysis Report.'' All assumptions, parameters, and models used to provide the analysis of the design basis accidents are documented to support the conclusions in the Canister Storage Building Final Safety Analysis Report.

  16. The neurological basis of occupation. (United States)

    Gutman, Sharon A; Schindler, Victoria P


    The purpose of the present paper was to survey the literature about the neurological basis of human activity and its relationship to occupation and health. Activities related to neurological function were organized into three categories: those that activate the brain's reward system; those that promote the relaxation response; and those that preserve cognitive function into old age. The results from the literature review correlating neurological evidence and activities showed that purposeful and meaningful activities could counter the effects of stress-related diseases and reduce the risk for dementia. Specifically, it was found that music, drawing, meditation, reading, arts and crafts, and home repairs, for example, can stimulate the neurogical system and enhance health and well-being, Prospective research studies are needed to examine the effects of purposeful activities on reducing stress and slowing the rate of cognitive decline.

  17. Internal dosimetry technical basis manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The internal dosimetry program at the Savannah River Site (SRS) consists of radiation protection programs and activities used to detect and evaluate intakes of radioactive material by radiation workers. Examples of such programs are: air monitoring; surface contamination monitoring; personal contamination surveys; radiobioassay; and dose assessment. The objectives of the internal dosimetry program are to demonstrate that the workplace is under control and that workers are not being exposed to radioactive material, and to detect and assess inadvertent intakes in the workplace. The Savannah River Site Internal Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual (TBM) is intended to provide a technical and philosophical discussion of the radiobioassay and dose assessment aspects of the internal dosimetry program. Detailed information on air, surface, and personal contamination surveillance programs is not given in this manual except for how these programs interface with routine and special bioassay programs

  18. Internal dosimetry technical basis manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The internal dosimetry program at the Savannah River Site (SRS) consists of radiation protection programs and activities used to detect and evaluate intakes of radioactive material by radiation workers. Examples of such programs are: air monitoring; surface contamination monitoring; personal contamination surveys; radiobioassay; and dose assessment. The objectives of the internal dosimetry program are to demonstrate that the workplace is under control and that workers are not being exposed to radioactive material, and to detect and assess inadvertent intakes in the workplace. The Savannah River Site Internal Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual (TBM) is intended to provide a technical and philosophical discussion of the radiobioassay and dose assessment aspects of the internal dosimetry program. Detailed information on air, surface, and personal contamination surveillance programs is not given in this manual except for how these programs interface with routine and special bioassay programs.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    KRIPPS, L.J.


    This document describes the qualitative evaluation of frequency and consequences for double shell tank (DST) and single shell tank (SST) representative flammable gas accidents and associated hazardous conditions without controls. The evaluation indicated that safety-significant SSCs and/or TSRS were required to prevent or mitigate flammable gas accidents. Discussion on the resulting control decisions is included. This technical basis document was developed to support of the Tank Farms Documented Safety Analysis (DSA) and describes the risk binning process for the flammable gas representative accidents and associated represented hazardous conditions. The purpose of the risk binning process is to determine the need for safety-significant structures, systems, and components (SSC) and technical safety requirement (TSR)-level controls for a given representative accident or represented hazardous condition based on an evaluation of the event frequency and consequence.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    KRIPPS, L.J.


    This document describes the qualitative evaluation of frequency and consequences for DST and SST representative flammable gas accidents and associated hazardous conditions without controls. The evaluation indicated that safety-significant structures, systems and components (SSCs) and/or technical safety requirements (TSRs) were required to prevent or mitigate flammable gas accidents. Discussion on the resulting control decisions is included. This technical basis document was developed to support WP-13033, Tank Farms Documented Safety Analysis (DSA), and describes the risk binning process for the flammable gas representative accidents and associated represented hazardous conditions. The purpose of the risk binning process is to determine the need for safety-significant structures, systems, and components (SSC) and technical safety requirement (TSR)-level controls for a given representative accident or represented hazardous condition based on an evaluation of the event frequency and consequence.

  1. Molecular basis for mitochondrial signaling

    CERN Document Server


    This book covers recent advances in the study of structure, function, and regulation of metabolite, protein and ion translocating channels, and transporters in mitochondria. A wide array of cutting-edge methods are covered, ranging from electrophysiology and cell biology to bioinformatics, as well as structural, systems, and computational biology. At last, the molecular identity of two important channels in the mitochondrial inner membrane, the mitochondrial calcium uniporter and the mitochondrial permeability transition pore have been established. After years of work on the physiology and structure of VDAC channels in the mitochondrial outer membrane, there have been multiple discoveries on VDAC permeation and regulation by cytosolic proteins. Recent breakthroughs in structural studies of the mitochondrial cholesterol translocator reveal a set of novel unexpected features and provide essential clues for defining therapeutic strategies. Molecular Basis for Mitochondrial Signaling covers these and many more re...

  2. 42 CFR 411.110 - Basis for determination of nonconformance. (United States)


    ... SERVICES MEDICARE PROGRAM EXCLUSIONS FROM MEDICARE AND LIMITATIONS ON MEDICARE PAYMENT Limitations on... disability, or eligible on the basis of ESRD. (2) The nondifferentiation clause for individuals with ESRD. (3) The equal benefits clause for the working aged. (4) The obligation to refund conditional Medicare...

  3. Genetic Basis for Saccharomyces cerevisiae Biofilm in Liquid Medium

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Kaj Scherz; Bojsen, Rasmus Kenneth; Gro Rejkjær Sørensen, Laura


    than free-living cells. We investigated the genetic basis for yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, biofilm on solid surfaces in liquid medium by screening a comprehensive deletion mutant collection in the S1278b background and found 71 genes that were essential for biofilm development. Quantitative...

  4. Accuracy of Lagrange-sinc functions as a basis set for electronic structure calculations of atoms and molecules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Sunghwan; Hong, Kwangwoo; Kim, Jaewook; Kim, Woo Youn


    We developed a self-consistent field program based on Kohn-Sham density functional theory using Lagrange-sinc functions as a basis set and examined its numerical accuracy for atoms and molecules through comparison with the results of Gaussian basis sets. The result of the Kohn-Sham inversion formula from the Lagrange-sinc basis set manifests that the pseudopotential method is essential for cost-effective calculations. The Lagrange-sinc basis set shows faster convergence of the kinetic and correlation energies of benzene as its size increases than the finite difference method does, though both share the same uniform grid. Using a scaling factor smaller than or equal to 0.226 bohr and pseudopotentials with nonlinear core correction, its accuracy for the atomization energies of the G2-1 set is comparable to all-electron complete basis set limits (mean absolute deviation ≤1 kcal/mol). The same basis set also shows small mean absolute deviations in the ionization energies, electron affinities, and static polarizabilities of atoms in the G2-1 set. In particular, the Lagrange-sinc basis set shows high accuracy with rapid convergence in describing density or orbital changes by an external electric field. Moreover, the Lagrange-sinc basis set can readily improve its accuracy toward a complete basis set limit by simply decreasing the scaling factor regardless of systems

  5. Novel Polynomial Basis with Fast Fourier Transform and Its Application to Reed-Solomon Erasure Codes

    KAUST Repository

    Lin, Sian-Jheng


    In this paper, we present a fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm over extension binary fields, where the polynomial is represented in a non-standard basis. The proposed Fourier-like transform requires O(h lg(h)) field operations, where h is the number of evaluation points. Based on the proposed Fourier-like algorithm, we then develop the encoding/ decoding algorithms for (n = 2m; k) Reed-Solomon erasure codes. The proposed encoding/erasure decoding algorithm requires O(n lg(n)), in both additive and multiplicative complexities. As the complexity leading factor is small, the proposed algorithms are advantageous in practical applications. Finally, the approaches to convert the basis between the monomial basis and the new basis are proposed.

  6. The reduced basis method for the electric field integral equation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fares, M.; Hesthaven, J.S.; Maday, Y.; Stamm, B.


    We introduce the reduced basis method (RBM) as an efficient tool for parametrized scattering problems in computational electromagnetics for problems where field solutions are computed using a standard Boundary Element Method (BEM) for the parametrized electric field integral equation (EFIE). This combination enables an algorithmic cooperation which results in a two step procedure. The first step consists of a computationally intense assembling of the reduced basis, that needs to be effected only once. In the second step, we compute output functionals of the solution, such as the Radar Cross Section (RCS), independently of the dimension of the discretization space, for many different parameter values in a many-query context at very little cost. Parameters include the wavenumber, the angle of the incident plane wave and its polarization.

  7. Conjugate schema and basis representation of crossover and mutation operators. (United States)

    Kazadi, S T


    In genetic search algorithms and optimization routines, the representation of the mutation and crossover operators are typically defaulted to the canonical basis. We show that this can be influential in the usefulness of the search algorithm. We then pose the question of how to find a basis for which the search algorithm is most useful. The conjugate schema is introduced as a general mathematical construct and is shown to separate a function into smaller dimensional functions whose sum is the original function. It is shown that conjugate schema, when used on a test suite of functions, improves the performance of the search algorithm on 10 out of 12 of these functions. Finally, a rigorous but abbreviated mathematical derivation is given in the appendices.

  8. Pricing and simulation for real estate index options: Radial basis point interpolation (United States)

    Gong, Pu; Zou, Dong; Wang, Jiayue


    This study employs the meshfree radial basis point interpolation (RBPI) for pricing real estate derivatives contingent on real estate index. This method combines radial and polynomial basis functions, which can guarantee the interpolation scheme with Kronecker property and effectively improve accuracy. An exponential change of variables, a mesh refinement algorithm and the Richardson extrapolation are employed in this study to implement the RBPI. Numerical results are presented to examine the computational efficiency and accuracy of our method.

  9. Calculating vibrational spectra with sum of product basis functions without storing full-dimensional vectors or matrices. (United States)

    Leclerc, Arnaud; Carrington, Tucker


    We propose an iterative method for computing vibrational spectra that significantly reduces the memory cost of calculations. It uses a direct product primitive basis, but does not require storing vectors with as many components as there are product basis functions. Wavefunctions are represented in a basis each of whose functions is a sum of products (SOP) and the factorizable structure of the Hamiltonian is exploited. If the factors of the SOP basis functions are properly chosen, wavefunctions are linear combinations of a small number of SOP basis functions. The SOP basis functions are generated using a shifted block power method. The factors are refined with a rank reduction algorithm to cap the number of terms in a SOP basis function. The ideas are tested on a 20-D model Hamiltonian and a realistic CH3CN (12 dimensional) potential. For the 20-D problem, to use a standard direct product iterative approach one would need to store vectors with about 10(20) components and would hence require about 8 × 10(11) GB. With the approach of this paper only 1 GB of memory is necessary. Results for CH3CN agree well with those of a previous calculation on the same potential.

  10. Application of Trapezoidal-Shaped Characteristic Basis Functions to Arrays of Electrically Interconnected Antenna Elements

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maaskant, R.; Mittra, R.; Tijhuis, A.G.; Graglia, R.D.


    This paper describes a novel technique for generating the characteristic basis functions (CBFs) used to represent the surface currents on finite arrays of electrically interconnected antenna elements. The CBFs are high-level basis functions, defined on subdomains in which the original problem is

  11. Relativistic theory of nuclear magnetic resonance parameters in a Gaussian basis representation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kutzelnigg, Werner; Liu Wenjian


    The calculation of NMR parameters from relativistic quantum theory in a Gaussian basis expansion requires some care. While in the absence of a magnetic field the expansion in a kinetically balanced basis converges for the wave function in the mean and for the energy with any desired accuracy, this is not necessarily the case for magnetic properties. The results for the magnetizability or the nuclear magnetic shielding are not even correct in the nonrelativistic limit (nrl) if one expands the original Dirac equation in a kinetically balanced Gaussian basis. This defect disappears if one starts from the unitary transformed Dirac equation as suggested by Kutzelnigg [Phys. Rev. A 67, 032109 (2003)]. However, a new difficulty can arise instead if one applies the transformation in the presence of the magnetic field of a point nucleus. If one decomposes certain contributions, the individual terms may diverge, although their sum is regular. A controlled cancellation may become difficult and numerical instabilities can arise. Various ways exist to avoid these singularities and at the same time get the correct nrl. There are essentially three approaches intermediate between the transformed and the untransformed formulation, namely, the bispinor decomposition, the decomposition of the lower component, and the hybrid unitary transformation partially at operator and partially at matrix level. All three possibilities were first considered by Xiao et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 126, 214101 (2007)] in a different context and in a different nomenclature. Their analysis and classification in a more general context are given here for the first time. Use of an extended balanced basis has no advantages and has other drawbacks and is not competitive, while the use of a restricted magnetic balance basis can be justified.

  12. Learning Mixtures of Truncated Basis Functions from Data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langseth, Helge; Nielsen, Thomas Dyhre; Pérez-Bernabé, Inmaculada


    In this paper we investigate methods for learning hybrid Bayesian networks from data. First we utilize a kernel density estimate of the data in order to translate the data into a mixture of truncated basis functions (MoTBF) representation using a convex optimization technique. When utilizing a ke...... propose an alternative learning method that relies on the cumulative distribution function of the data. Empirical results demonstrate the usefulness of the approaches: Even though the methods produce estimators that are slightly poorer than the state of the art (in terms of log......In this paper we investigate methods for learning hybrid Bayesian networks from data. First we utilize a kernel density estimate of the data in order to translate the data into a mixture of truncated basis functions (MoTBF) representation using a convex optimization technique. When utilizing......-likelihood), they are significantly faster, and therefore indicate that the MoTBF framework can be used for inference and learning in reasonably sized domains. Furthermore, we show how a particular sub- class of MoTBF potentials (learnable by the proposed methods) can be exploited to significantly reduce complexity during inference....

  13. Flammable gas deflagration consequence calculations for the tank waste remediation system basis for interim operation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Vleet, R.J., Westinghouse Hanford


    This paper calculates the radiological dose consequences and the toxic exposures for deflagration accidents at various Tank Waste Remediation System facilities. These will be used in support of the Tank Waste Remediation System Basis for Interim Operation.The attached SD documents the originator`s analysis only. It shall not be used as the final or sole document for effecting changes to an authorization basis or safety basis for a facility or activity.

  14. 42 CFR 456.1 - Basis and purpose of part. (United States)


    ... admission review) 1902(a)(30)1903(g)(1)(C) 1903(i)(4) Subpart D—Utilization Control: Mental Hospitals... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS UTILIZATION CONTROL General Provisions § 456.1 Basis and purpose of part. (a) This part prescribes requirements concerning control of the utilization of Medicaid services...

  15. O que a epidemiologia pode ainda fazer de relevante?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marisa de Souza Cardim


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma sucinta revisão de alguns aspectos da epidemiologia ainda mal conhecidos, - por serem polêmicos ou cujo desenvolvimento é recente ou apenas se esboça. Enquanto método, haveria duas epidemiologias: uma em que se esmera cada vez mais no rigor metodológico e análise sofisticada dos dados em computador; a outra contenta-se com métodos simples, alia-se fortemente com as ciências sociais, a economia e as ciências do comportamento, - com o objetivo de achar soluções para os problemas de saúde. A importância das conseqüências dos fatores sócio-econômicos sobre a saúde foi avaliada a partir de publicações das pesquisas epidemiológica e clínica; aquela importância aumentou no primeiro tipo de pesquisa e tende a desaparecer no segundo. A questão de avaliar o estado de saúde de populações ficou sem avançar, pois, sem operacionalizar indicadores de saúde positiva, de fato avalia-se estado de doença. Enfim, reconheceu-se o advento algo original de um desdobramento promissor da epidemiologia: o estudo das representações da Antropologia, tais como mitos, crenças, comportamento e instituições.Some new approaches on the use of epidemiology were concisely reviewed in this paper. Firstly, the importance of the health consequences of socio-economic factors, which have increased in epidemiologic research, and decreased too much in studies from the clinical research area. The population's health state evaluation was then discussed, when was remarked that without operational indicators of positive health that evaluation is necessarily limited. Attention was also paid to progress in methods, from which two epidemiologic approaches have been developed. In one of them rigour in methods and in data analysis by computer are endlessly searched for, while health solve-problem is focused in the other. Therefore, epidemiology cannot be separated from social, economic and behavior sciences, which altogether may achieve that goal.

  16. O que a epidemiologia pode ainda fazer de relevante?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marisa de Souza Cardim


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma sucinta revisão de alguns aspectos da epidemiologia ainda mal conhecidos, - por serem polêmicos ou cujo desenvolvimento é recente ou apenas se esboça. Enquanto método, haveria duas epidemiologias: uma em que se esmera cada vez mais no rigor metodológico e análise sofisticada dos dados em computador; a outra contenta-se com métodos simples, alia-se fortemente com as ciências sociais, a economia e as ciências do comportamento, - com o objetivo de achar soluções para os problemas de saúde. A importância das conseqüências dos fatores sócio-econômicos sobre a saúde foi avaliada a partir de publicações das pesquisas epidemiológica e clínica; aquela importância aumentou no primeiro tipo de pesquisa e tende a desaparecer no segundo. A questão de avaliar o estado de saúde de populações ficou sem avançar, pois, sem operacionalizar indicadores de saúde positiva, de fato avalia-se estado de doença. Enfim, reconheceu-se o advento algo original de um desdobramento promissor da epidemiologia: o estudo das representações da Antropologia, tais como mitos, crenças, comportamento e instituições.

  17. Aspectos relevantes sobre tuberculose para profissionais de saúde

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Daronco


    Full Text Available A Tuberculose (TB é uma patologia infectocontagiosa com clínica ampla cujo agentecausador é o Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Bacilo de Koch, uma micobactéria aeróbia estrita. Apesar de tratar-se dedoença antiga, que acomete seres humanos há séculos, sendo uma importante causa de morte no mundo inteiro,diferentes pesquisas do Ministério da Saúde apontam números preocupantes no tocante a novos casos. Materiais eMétodos: O presente artigo de revisão procura, de forma objetiva e clara, explicitar os principais aspectos de interessepara profissionais de saúde no tocante a Tuberculose doença. O artigo divide-se em tópicos: Defi nição, Sintomatologia,Diagnóstico, Tratamento, Multirresistência, Profi laxia, Formas de Contágio e Formas de Prevenção. Foram utilizadasreferências atuais sobre o tema, incluindo Manuais, Guidelines e Artigos científicos diversos de bases de dados comoUp to Date e Science Direct. Discussão: Sinais e sintomas da doença aumentam o grau de suspeição da mesma, oque torna o pedido de exames para confirmação da infecção dentro de tempo hábil para instituição da terapêuticaadequada. Assim como diagnóstico e tratamento, medidas para evitar o contágio, em serviços de saúde, locaiscom aglomerações humanas e em residências, são de fundamental importância no combate a tuberculose. Osprofissionais de saúde devem atentar para possíveis casos de resistência aos fármacos e as indicações de profilaxia,pois tais variáveis são de extrema relevância no controle da disseminação da doença. Conclusão: Por tratar-se dedoença infecciosa que pode acometer todas as classes sociais, além de possuir formas diferentes de acometimento,o conhecimento básico acerca da Tuberculose é deveras imprescindível em serviços de saúde, desde a atençãoprimária até os centros de saúde com alta tecnologia.

  18. 26 CFR 1.742-1 - Basis of transferee partner's interest. (United States)


    ... under the general basis rules for property provided by part II (section 1011 and following), subchapter... death or at the alternate valuation date, increased by his estate's or other successor's share of...

  19. Neuroanatomical basis for recognition primed decision making. (United States)

    Hudson, Darren


    Effective decision making under time constraints is often overlooked in medical decision making. The recognition primed decision making (RPDM) model was developed by Gary Klein based on previous recognized situations to develop a satisfactory solution to the current problem. Bayes Theorem is the most popular decision making model in medicine but is limited by the need for adequate time to consider all probabilities. Unlike other decision making models, there is a potential neurobiological basis for RPDM. This model has significant implication for health informatics and medical education.

  20. 77 FR 60959 - Basis of Indebtedness of S Corporations to Their Shareholders; Hearing Cancellation (United States)


    ... Basis of Indebtedness of S Corporations to Their Shareholders; Hearing Cancellation AGENCY: Internal... Revenue Code; relating to basis of indebtedness of S corporations to their shareholders. DATES: The public... rulemaking and notice of public hearing instructed those interested in testifying at the public hearing to...

  1. Minimization of Basis Risk in Parametric Earthquake Cat Bonds (United States)

    Franco, G.


    A catastrophe -cat- bond is an instrument used by insurance and reinsurance companies, by governments or by groups of nations to cede catastrophic risk to the financial markets, which are capable of supplying cover for highly destructive events, surpassing the typical capacity of traditional reinsurance contracts. Parametric cat bonds, a specific type of cat bonds, use trigger mechanisms or indices that depend on physical event parameters published by respected third parties in order to determine whether a part or the entire bond principal is to be paid for a certain event. First generation cat bonds, or cat-in-a-box bonds, display a trigger mechanism that consists of a set of geographic zones in which certain conditions need to be met by an earthquake’s magnitude and depth in order to trigger payment of the bond principal. Second generation cat bonds use an index formulation that typically consists of a sum of products of a set of weights by a polynomial function of the ground motion variables reported by a geographically distributed seismic network. These instruments are especially appealing to developing countries with incipient insurance industries wishing to cede catastrophic losses to the financial markets because the payment trigger mechanism is transparent and does not involve the parties ceding or accepting the risk, significantly reducing moral hazard. In order to be successful in the market, however, parametric cat bonds have typically been required to specify relatively simple trigger conditions. The consequence of such simplifications is the increase of basis risk. This risk represents the possibility that the trigger mechanism fails to accurately capture the actual losses of a catastrophic event, namely that it does not trigger for a highly destructive event or vice versa, that a payment of the bond principal is caused by an event that produced insignificant losses. The first case disfavors the sponsor who was seeking cover for its losses while the

  2. Management of efficiency of agricultural production on the basis of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Management of efficiency of agricultural production on the basis of margin approach. ... Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences ... and systematized to the management of production costs of agricultural products, the proposed definition ...

  3. An Improved Setpoint Determination Methodology for the Plant Protection System Considering Beyond Design Basis Events

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, C.J.; Baik, K.I.; Baek, S.M.; Park, K.-M.; Lee, S.J.


    According to the nuclear regulations and industry standards, the trip setpoint and allowable value for the plant protection system have been determined by considering design basis events. In order to improve the safety of a nuclear power plant, an attempt has been made to develop an improved setpoint determination methodology for the plant protection system trip parameter considering not only a design basis event but also a beyond design basis event. The results of a quantitative evaluation performed for the Advanced Power Reactor 1400 nuclear power plant in Korea are presented herein. The results confirmed that the proposed methodology is able to improve the nuclear power plant's safety by determining more reasonable setpoints that can cover beyond design basis events. (authors)

  4. Structural basis for cyclophellitol inhibition of a β-glucosidase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gloster, Tracey M.; Madsen, Robert; Davies, Gideon J.


    The structural basis for b-glucosidase inhibition by cyclophellitol is demonstrated using X-ray crystallography, enzyme kinetics and mass spectrometry. The natural product was shown to bind by a covalent bond in the active site of the enzyme. This bond is formed by ring-opening of the epoxide...

  5. Correlation consistent basis sets for lanthanides: The atoms La–Lu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lu, Qing; Peterson, Kirk A., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164-4630 (United States)


    Using the 3rd-order Douglas-Kroll-Hess (DKH3) Hamiltonian, all-electron correlation consistent basis sets of double-, triple-, and quadruple-zeta quality have been developed for the lanthanide elements La through Lu. Basis sets designed for the recovery of valence correlation (defined here as 4f5s5p5d6s), cc-pVnZ-DK3, and outer-core correlation (valence + 4s4p4d), cc-pwCVnZ-DK3, are reported (n = D, T, and Q). Systematic convergence of both Hartree-Fock and correlation energies towards their respective complete basis set (CBS) limits are observed. Benchmark calculations of the first three ionization potentials (IPs) of La through Lu are reported at the DKH3 coupled cluster singles and doubles with perturbative triples, CCSD(T), level of theory, including effects of correlation down through the 4s electrons. Spin-orbit coupling is treated at the 2-component HF level. After extrapolation to the CBS limit, the average errors with respect to experiment were just 0.52, 1.14, and 4.24 kcal/mol for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd IPs, respectively, compared to the average experimental uncertainties of 0.03, 1.78, and 2.65 kcal/mol, respectively. The new basis sets are also used in CCSD(T) benchmark calculations of the equilibrium geometries, atomization energies, and heats of formation for Gd{sub 2}, GdF, and GdF{sub 3}. Except for the equilibrium geometry and harmonic frequency of GdF, which are accurately known from experiment, all other calculated quantities represent significant improvements compared to the existing experimental quantities. With estimated uncertainties of about ±3 kcal/mol, the 0 K atomization energies (298 K heats of formation) are calculated to be (all in kcal/mol): 33.2 (160.1) for Gd{sub 2}, 151.7 (−36.6) for GdF, and 447.1 (−295.2) for GdF{sub 3}.

  6. Assessment Of Source Term And Radiological Consequences For Design Basis Accident And Beyond Design Basis Accident Of The Dalat Nuclear Research Reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luong Ba Vien; Le Vinh Vinh; Huynh Ton Nghiem; Nguyen Kien Cuong; Tran Tri Vien


    The paper presents results of the assessment of source terms and radiological consequences for the Design Basis Accident (DBA) and Beyond Design Basis Accident (BDBA) of the Dalat Nuclear Research Reactor. The dropping of one fuel assembly during fuel handling operation leading to the failure of fuel cladding and the release of fission products into the environment was selected as a DBA for the analysis. For the BDBA, the introduction of a step positive reactivity due to the falling of a heavy block from the rotating bridge crane in the reactor hall onto a part of the platform where are disposed the control rod drives is postulated. The result of the radiological consequence analyses shows that doses to members of the public are below annual dose limit for both DBA and BDBA events. However, doses from exposure to operating staff and experimenters working inside the reactor hall are predicted to be very high in case of BDBA and therefore the protective actions should be taken when the accident occurs. (author)


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    To support the assessment of inspection findings as part of the risk-informed inspection in the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (USNRC's) Reactor Oversight Process (ROP), risk inspection notebooks, also called significance determination process (SDP) notebooks, have been developed for each of the operating plants in the United States. These notebooks serve as a tool for assessing risk significance of inspection findings along with providing an engineering understanding of the significance. Plant-specific notebooks are developed to capture plant-specific features, characteristics, and analyses that influence the risk profile of the plant. At the same time, the notebooks follow a consistent set of assumptions and guidelines to assure consistent treatment of inspection findings across the plants. To achieve these objectives, notebooks are designed to provide specific information that are unique both in the manner in which the information is provided and in the way the screening risk assessment is carried out using the information provided. The unique features of the SDP notebooks, the approaches used to present the information for assessment of inspection findings, the assumptions used in consistent modeling across different plants with due credit to plant-specific features and analyses form the technical basis of the SDP notebooks. In this document, the unique features and the technical basis for the notebooks are presented. The types of information that are included and the reasoning/basis for including that information are discussed. The rules and basis for developing the worksheets that are used by the inspectors in the assessment of inspection findings are presented. The approach to modeling plants' responses to different initiating events and specific assumptions/considerations used for each of the reactor types are also discussed


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This technical basis document was developed to support RPP-23429, Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis for the Demonstration Bulk Vitrification System (PDSA) and RPP-23479, Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis for the Contact-Handled Transuranic Mixed (CH-TRUM) Waste Facility. The main document describes the risk binning process and the technical basis for assigning risk bins to the representative accidents involving the release of dried radioactive waste materials from the Demonstration Bulk Vitrification System (DBVS) and to the associated represented hazardous conditions. Appendices D through F provide the technical basis for assigning risk bins to the representative dried waste release accident and associated represented hazardous conditions for the Contact-Handled Transuranic Mixed (CH-TRUM) Waste Packaging Unit (WPU). The risk binning process uses an evaluation of the frequency and consequence of a given representative accident or represented hazardous condition to determine the need for safety structures, systems, and components (SSC) and technical safety requirement (TSR)-level controls. A representative accident or a represented hazardous condition is assigned to a risk bin based on the potential radiological and toxicological consequences to the public and the collocated worker. Note that the risk binning process is not applied to facility workers because credible hazardous conditions with the potential for significant facility worker consequences are considered for safety-significant SSCs and/or TSR-level controls regardless of their estimated frequency. The controls for protection of the facility workers are described in RPP-23429 and RPP-23479. Determination of the need for safety-class SSCs was performed in accordance with DOE-STD-3009-94, Preparation Guide for US. Department of Energy Nonreactor Nuclear Facility Documented Safety Analyses, as described below

  9. Broadening soybean genetic basis in the northeast of China

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    The bottle neek of advancement of soybean breeding inthe Northeast of China is the lack of genetic diversity of the parents used in cross breeding.In order to overcome this constrained condition,under the sponsorship of China National Committe of Natural Science Fundation,a network project with the topic"Broadening and Improving of the Genetic Basis of the Northeast Soybeans" was established in 1990,and the Northeast agricultural University was apointed to take charge of the project.The project included the following four items:I.Breeding high yield and improved quality Northeast Soybeans,directed by Hcilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciencee .II.Development of new soybean gerplasms highly resistant to diseases epidemic in Northeast China directed by Northeast Agricultural University.Ⅲ.Exploitation of the potential of wild and semicultivated soybeans for broadening and improving the genetic basis of Northeast soybeans,directed by Jilin Academy of Agricultural Science.Ⅳ.Improving methods and technique for development of new soybean genetic resources.directed by Nanjing Agricultural University .Each item contained several research subjects conducted by research workers of different institutes of agricultural sicences.During the period 1991-1992.considerable promising new germplasms had been discovered or developed.The new germplasms not only possessed specific improved characters but also behaved with appropriate ecological types adapted to different conditions of Northeast.Among the numerous new germplasms developed.Gong Jio 8757-3 had a protein content of 49.41%,100 seed weight 16-17g,and acceptable agronomic characters,which was considered a very valuable new high protein content germplasm.Such developed new germplasma with enforced and imprved genetic basis will be used primarily as parents in soybean cross breeding.

  10. Physics basis of ITER-FEAT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimada, M.; Campbell, D.J.; Wakatani, M.; Ninomiya, H.; Ivanov, N.V.; Mukhovatov, V.


    This paper reviews Physics R and D results obtained since the publication of the ITER Physics Basis document. The heating power required for the LH transition has been re-assessed, including recent results from C-Mod and JT-60U and it has been found that the predicted power is a factor of two lower than the previous projection. For predicting ITER-FEAT performance, a conservative scaling IPB98(y,2) has been adopted for the energy confinement, producing confinement times ∼20% lower than those derived from the IPB98(y,1) law. While energy confinement degradation at high density remains a serious issue, recent experiments suggest that good confinement is achievable in ITER at n/n G ∼0.85 with high triangularity. The estimated runaway electron energy has been reduced to ∼20MJ, since recent experiments show that runaway electrons disappear for q 95 leq2. (author)

  11. The inherited basis of human radiosensitivity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gatti, R.A. [Univ. of California, School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA (United States). Experimental Pathology


    Certain individuals cannot tolerate 'conventional' doses of radiation therapy. This is known to be true of patients with ataxia-telangiectasia and ligase IV deficiency. Although in vitro testing may not correlate completely with clinical radiosensitivity, fibroblasts and lymphoblasts from patients with both of these disorders have been clearly shown to be radiosensitive. Using a colony survival assay (CSA) to test lymphoblastoid cells after irradiation with 1 Gy, a variety of other genetic disorders have been identified as strong candidates for clinical radiosensitivity, such as Nijmegen breakage syndrome, Mre11 deficiency, and Fanconi's anemia. These data are presented and considered as a starting-point for the inherited basis of human radiosensitivity.

  12. Biochemical Basis of Sestrin Physiological Activities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ho, Allison; Cho, Chun-Seok; Namkoong, Sim; Cho, Uhn-Soo; Lee, Jun Hee (Michigan)


    Excessive accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and chronic activation of mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) complex 1 (mTORC1) are well-characterized promoters of aging and age-associated degenerative pathologies. Sestrins, a family of highly conserved stress-inducible proteins, are important negative regulators of both ROS and mTORC1 signaling pathways; however, the mechanistic basis of how Sestrins suppress these pathways remains elusive. In the past couple of years, breakthrough discoveries about Sestrin signaling and its molecular nature have markedly increased our biochemical understanding of Sestrin function. These discoveries have also uncovered new potential therapeutic strategies that may eventually enable us to attenuate aging and age-associated diseases.

  13. Configuration management after design basis reconstitution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Purcell, J.J.; Livingston, B.R.


    Over the last few years, Fort Calhoun station (FCS) has implemented a number of programs to enhance plant operability and readiness. The design basis document (DBD) reconstitution project was the cornerstone of this effort. Vendor manual upgrade, operating procedures upgrade, plant equipment data-base verification, equipment labeling, and warehousing improvements were also implemented as part of this improvement program. With the completion of these programs, plant documentation was current to the baselines established by each program, and a configuration management program (CMP) was established to maintain this level of accuracy throughout the remaining life of FCS. Change control throughout the organization has been reviewed and upgraded to ensure that all changes are evaluated for impact to the design bases

  14. Rotor Pole Shape Optimization of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motors Using the Reduced Basis Technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available In this paper, a magnet shape optimization method for reduction of cogging torque and torque ripple in Permanent Magnet (PM brushless DC motors is presented by using the reduced basis technique coupled by finite element and design of experiments methods. The primary objective of the method is to reduce the enormous number of design variables required to define the magnet shape. The reduced basis technique is a weighted combination of several basis shapes. The aim of the method is to find the best combination using the weights for each shape as the design variables. A multi-level design process is developed to find suitable basis shapes or trial shapes at each level that can be used in the reduced basis technique. Each level is treated as a separated optimization problem until the required objective is achieved. The experimental design of Taguchi method is used to build the approximation model and to perform optimization. This method is demonstrated on the magnet shape optimization of a 6-poles/18-slots PM BLDC motor.

  15. Localized orbitals vs. pseudopotential-plane waves basis sets: performances and accuracy for molecular magnetic systems

    CERN Document Server

    Massobrio, C


    Density functional theory, in combination with a) a careful choice of the exchange-correlation part of the total energy and b) localized basis sets for the electronic orbital, has become the method of choice for calculating the exchange-couplings in magnetic molecular complexes. Orbital expansion on plane waves can be seen as an alternative basis set especially suited to allow optimization of newly synthesized materials of unknown geometries. However, little is known on the predictive power of this scheme to yield quantitative values for exchange coupling constants J as small as a few hundredths of eV (50-300 cm sup - sup 1). We have used density functional theory and a plane waves basis set to calculate the exchange couplings J of three homodinuclear Cu-based molecular complexes with experimental values ranging from +40 cm sup - sup 1 to -300 cm sup - sup 1. The plane waves basis set proves as accurate as the localized basis set, thereby suggesting that this approach can be reliably employed to predict and r...

  16. Localized orbitals vs. pseudopotential-plane waves basis sets: performances and accuracy for molecular magnetic systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Massobrio, C.; Ruiz, E.


    Density functional theory, in combination with a) a careful choice of the exchange-correlation part of the total energy and b) localized basis sets for the electronic orbital, has become the method of choice for calculating the exchange-couplings in magnetic molecular complexes. Orbital expansion on plane waves can be seen as an alternative basis set especially suited to allow optimization of newly synthesized materials of unknown geometries. However, little is known on the predictive power of this scheme to yield quantitative values for exchange coupling constants J as small as a few hundredths of eV (50-300 cm -1 ). We have used density functional theory and a plane waves basis set to calculate the exchange couplings J of three homodinuclear Cu-based molecular complexes with experimental values ranging from +40 cm -1 to -300 cm -1 . The plane waves basis set proves as accurate as the localized basis set, thereby suggesting that this approach can be reliably employed to predict and rationalize the magnetic properties of molecular-based materials. (author)

  17. Minimum Cycle Basis and All-Pairs Min Cut of a Planar Graph in Subquadratic Time

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wulff-Nilsen, Christian


    equivalent to the minimum cycle basis problem for planar graphs. We also obtain O(n3/2 log n) time and O(n3/2) space algorithms for finding, respectively, the weight vector and a Gomory-Hu tree of G. The previous best time and space bound for these two problems was quadratic. From our Gomory-Hu tree...... show that this is optimal if an explicit represen- tation of the basis is required. We then present an O(n3/2 log n) time and O(n3/2) space algorithm that computes a minimum cycle basis implicitly. From this result, we obtain an output-sensitive algorithm that explicitly computes a minimum cycle basis...... in O(n3/2 log n + C) time and O(n3/2 + C) space, where C is the total size (number of edges and vertices) of the cycles in the basis. These bounds reduce to O(n3/2 log n) and O(n3/2), respectively, when G is unweighted. We get similar results for the all-pairs min cut problem since it is dual...

  18. Multifunctionality of forestry as basis for creating gross innovational forestry product

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nikolai Mikhailovich Bolshakov


    Full Text Available The article is devoted to theoretical and methodological issues of defining the essence, role and place of multifunctional forest economy (MFFE from the perspective of the scientific rationale of the state forest policy, which contributes to transference of the forest sector to the innovative basis with the emphasis on the regeneration issues. The system-regeneration approach is used as a methodological tool, which is the combination of principles and analysis of the forest sector as a complicated social-economical system based on the methodology of the regeneration process. On the basis of objective economic laws and regulations, a political-economic analysis is carried out to find out the system interrelation of the quality of forest resource use and productivity of social labour in the forest sector. Common features in the circulation of the functions of forestry capable of creating a special form of an innovation, gross innovational forestry product are identified. A model of a multifunctional forestry providing an opportunity to predict the characteristics of innovational products in complex systems is suggested. This model makes the basis for research of the innovative changes potentional for modernization of the innovative forest product.

  19. Current-voltage curves for molecular junctions computed using all-electron basis sets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bauschlicher, Charles W.; Lawson, John W.


    We present current-voltage (I-V) curves computed using all-electron basis sets on the conducting molecule. The all-electron results are very similar to previous results obtained using effective core potentials (ECP). A hybrid integration scheme is used that keeps the all-electron calculations cost competitive with respect to the ECP calculations. By neglecting the coupling of states to the contacts below a fixed energy cutoff, the density matrix for the core electrons can be evaluated analytically. The full density matrix is formed by adding this core contribution to the valence part that is evaluated numerically. Expanding the definition of the core in the all-electron calculations significantly reduces the computational effort and, up to biases of about 2 V, the results are very similar to those obtained using more rigorous approaches. The convergence of the I-V curves and transmission coefficients with respect to basis set is discussed. The addition of diffuse functions is critical in approaching basis set completeness

  20. Guidance on the implementation of modifications to mitigate beyond design basis accidents

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harris, S.; Marczak, J.; O' Neill, M. [Ontario Power Generation, Pickering, ON (Canada)


    Following the events at Fukushima, Canadian Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) procured equipment and initiated modifications to improve response capability for Beyond Design Basis Accidents (BDBA). These changes were not typical of other design modifications to the nuclear power plants and reinforced the need for additional guidance for modifications to address BDBA. This paper describes the guidance that was developed to guide the design, procurement, installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment and modifications to mitigate BDBAs. The guidance developed prescribes a graded approach based on a categorization of the nature of the modification. Four categories of modifications are introduced, with the distinction being the degree of interface with existing design basis systems, structures and components (SSCs). This has resulted in a cost-effective means of implementing additional capability to mitigate BDBA conditions, and yet ensure the design basis capability of SSCs is maintained. Operating experience with use of the guidance is also discussed. (author)

  1. Guidance on the implementation of modifications to mitigate beyond design basis accidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harris, S.; Marczak, J.; O'Neill, M.


    Following the events at Fukushima, Canadian Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) procured equipment and initiated modifications to improve response capability for Beyond Design Basis Accidents (BDBA). These changes were not typical of other design modifications to the nuclear power plants and reinforced the need for additional guidance for modifications to address BDBA. This paper describes the guidance that was developed to guide the design, procurement, installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment and modifications to mitigate BDBAs. The guidance developed prescribes a graded approach based on a categorization of the nature of the modification. Four categories of modifications are introduced, with the distinction being the degree of interface with existing design basis systems, structures and components (SSCs). This has resulted in a cost-effective means of implementing additional capability to mitigate BDBA conditions, and yet ensure the design basis capability of SSCs is maintained. Operating experience with use of the guidance is also discussed. (author)

  2. MRD-CI potential surfaces using balanced basis sets. IV. The H2 molecule and the H3 surface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wright, J.S.; Kruus, E.


    The utility of midbond functions in molecular calculations was tested in two cases where the correct results are known: the H 2 potential curve and the collinear H 3 potential surface. For H 2 , a variety of basis sets both with and without bond functions was compared to the exact nonrelativistic potential curve of Kolos and Wolniewicz [J. Chem. Phys. 43, 2429 (1965)]. It was found that optimally balanced basis sets at two levels of quality were the double zeta single polarization plus sp bond function basis (BF1) and the triple zeta double polarization plus two sets of sp bond function basis (BF2). These gave bond dissociation energies D/sub e/ = 4.7341 and 4.7368 eV, respectively (expt. 4.7477 eV). Four basis sets were tested for basis set superposition errors, which were found to be small relative to basis set incompleteness and therefore did not affect any conclusions regarding basis set balance. Basis sets BF1 and BF2 were used to construct potential surfaces for collinear H 3 , along with the corresponding basis sets DZ*P and TZ*PP which contain no bond functions. Barrier heights of 12.52, 10.37, 10.06, and 9.96 kcal/mol were obtained for basis sets DZ*P, TZ*PP, BF1, and BF2, respectively, compared to an estimated limiting value of 9.60 kcal/mol. Difference maps, force constants, and relative rms deviations show that the bond functions improve the surface shape as well as the barrier height

  3. Some considerations about Gaussian basis sets for electric property calculations (United States)

    Arruda, Priscilla M.; Canal Neto, A.; Jorge, F. E.

    Recently, segmented contracted basis sets of double, triple, and quadruple zeta valence quality plus polarization functions (XZP, X = D, T, and Q, respectively) for the atoms from H to Ar were reported. In this work, with the objective of having a better description of polarizabilities, the QZP set was augmented with diffuse (s and p symmetries) and polarization (p, d, f, and g symmetries) functions that were chosen to maximize the mean dipole polarizability at the UHF and UMP2 levels, respectively. At the HF and B3LYP levels of theory, electric dipole moment and static polarizability for a sample of molecules were evaluated. Comparison with experimental data and results obtained with a similar size basis set, whose diffuse functions were optimized for the ground state energy of the anion, was done.

  4. Epidemiologic measures of risk as a basis for legal compensation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeighami, E.A.; Walsh, P.J.; Morris, M.D.; Jones, T.D.


    The scientific basis for compensation of persons developing cancer who have a documented history of exposure to radiation or other carcinogens is an important legal issue. The measure Relative Attributable Risk (RAR) has been proposed as a basis for determining eligibility for compensation. The purpose of this report is to present results of an analysis of the magnitude and sources of uncertainty in the RAR measure. The range of 1/10 6 /rad-year to 6/10 6 /rad-year was chosen as a reasonable range of excess-risk estimates for thyroid cancer based on published estimates. The use of such a range in risk estimates produces very wide variability in RAR estimates. Uncertainty in underlying incidence levels and in dosimetry are other major factors contributing to large variability in estimated RAR levels

  5. Infinite occupation number basis of bosons: Solving a numerical challenge (United States)

    Geißler, Andreas; Hofstetter, Walter


    In any bosonic lattice system, which is not dominated by local interactions and thus "frozen" in a Mott-type state, numerical methods have to cope with the infinite size of the corresponding Hilbert space even for finite lattice sizes. While it is common practice to restrict the local occupation number basis to Nc lowest occupied states, the presence of a finite condensate fraction requires the complete number basis for an exact representation of the many-body ground state. In this work we present a truncation scheme to account for contributions from higher number states. By simply adding a single coherent-tail state to this common truncation, we demonstrate increased numerical accuracy and the possible increase in numerical efficiency of this method for the Gutzwiller variational wave function and within dynamical mean-field theory.

  6. MR-guided dynamic PET reconstruction with the kernel method and spectral temporal basis functions (United States)

    Novosad, Philip; Reader, Andrew J.


    Recent advances in dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) reconstruction have demonstrated that it is possible to achieve markedly improved end-point kinetic parameter maps by incorporating a temporal model of the radiotracer directly into the reconstruction algorithm. In this work we have developed a highly constrained, fully dynamic PET reconstruction algorithm incorporating both spectral analysis temporal basis functions and spatial basis functions derived from the kernel method applied to a co-registered T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) image. The dynamic PET image is modelled as a linear combination of spatial and temporal basis functions, and a maximum likelihood estimate for the coefficients can be found using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. Following reconstruction, kinetic fitting using any temporal model of interest can be applied. Based on a BrainWeb T1-weighted MR phantom, we performed a realistic dynamic [18F]FDG simulation study with two noise levels, and investigated the quantitative performance of the proposed reconstruction algorithm, comparing it with reconstructions incorporating either spectral analysis temporal basis functions alone or kernel spatial basis functions alone, as well as with conventional frame-independent reconstruction. Compared to the other reconstruction algorithms, the proposed algorithm achieved superior performance, offering a decrease in spatially averaged pixel-level root-mean-square-error on post-reconstruction kinetic parametric maps in the grey/white matter, as well as in the tumours when they were present on the co-registered MR image. When the tumours were not visible in the MR image, reconstruction with the proposed algorithm performed similarly to reconstruction with spectral temporal basis functions and was superior to both conventional frame-independent reconstruction and frame-independent reconstruction with kernel spatial basis functions. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a joint spectral

  7. Creating the strategic basis for corporate environmental management - a case study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Lars Bjørn


    The concept of Strategic Environmental Audit is introduced, as a first attempt to develop an operational tool, which can be used to develop a corporate environmental strategy in order to create the strategic basis for a sound response to the environmental challenge. The initial concept of develop...... of developing environmental strategies using the SEA concept is illustrated by a case study.......The concept of Strategic Environmental Audit is introduced, as a first attempt to develop an operational tool, which can be used to develop a corporate environmental strategy in order to create the strategic basis for a sound response to the environmental challenge. The initial concept...

  8. Bijlage 3 bij RIVM-rapport 601714022 Specifieke verontreinigende en drinkwater relevante stoffen onder de Kaderrichtlijn water : Selectie van potentieel relevante stoffen voor Nederland

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smit CE; Wuijts S; SEC


    Dit rapport is een bijlage bij rapport 601714022

    Factsheets nieuwe stoffen
    De 'factsheets' in deze bijlage zijn opgesteld in het Engels om de uitwisseling van informatie in internationaal verband te vergemakkelijken.

  9. Weighing the legal basis for housing rights in Zimbabwe | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Dec 13, 2016 ... Weighing the legal basis for housing rights in Zimbabwe ... through the Safe and Inclusive Cities partnership with the UK's Department for International Development. ... Transforming the slum: The case of Mumbai's M-Ward.

  10. The generative basis of natural number concepts. (United States)

    Leslie, Alan M; Gelman, Rochel; Gallistel, C R


    Number concepts must support arithmetic inference. Using this principle, it can be argued that the integer concept of exactly ONE is a necessary part of the psychological foundations of number, as is the notion of the exact equality - that is, perfect substitutability. The inability to support reasoning involving exact equality is a shortcoming in current theories about the development of numerical reasoning. A simple innate basis for the natural number concepts can be proposed that embodies the arithmetic principle, supports exact equality and also enables computational compatibility with real- or rational-valued mental magnitudes.

  11. Sense Training as Basis for Aesthetic Experience

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Bente Dahl


    . It is a special problem for design engineers, who must guarantee the aesthetic, ethical and utilitarian qualities of products in a product development process. It does not matter whether they or other designers have conceived the product idea. It has been found that sense training can open up to aesthetic...... and train their specification of the basis for aesthetic experiences. The context for the study is a course and a project in interaction design about designing rehabilitation products, where undergraduate students must develop a project program with focus on theoretical scientific research and experiment...

  12. Conductance calculations with a wavelet basis set

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thygesen, Kristian Sommer; Bollinger, Mikkel; Jacobsen, Karsten Wedel


    We present a method based on density functional theory (DFT) for calculating the conductance of a phase-coherent system. The metallic contacts and the central region where the electron scattering occurs, are treated on the same footing taking their full atomic and electronic structure into account....... The linear-response conductance is calculated from the Green's function which is represented in terms of a system-independent basis set containing wavelets with compact support. This allows us to rigorously separate the central region from the contacts and to test for convergence in a systematic way...

  13. Accurate and balanced anisotropic Gaussian type orbital basis sets for atoms in strong magnetic fields (United States)

    Zhu, Wuming; Trickey, S. B.


    In high magnetic field calculations, anisotropic Gaussian type orbital (AGTO) basis functions are capable of reconciling the competing demands of the spherically symmetric Coulombic interaction and cylindrical magnetic (B field) confinement. However, the best available a priori procedure for composing highly accurate AGTO sets for atoms in a strong B field [W. Zhu et al., Phys. Rev. A 90, 022504 (2014)] yields very large basis sets. Their size is problematical for use in any calculation with unfavorable computational cost scaling. Here we provide an alternative constructive procedure. It is based upon analysis of the underlying physics of atoms in B fields that allow identification of several principles for the construction of AGTO basis sets. Aided by numerical optimization and parameter fitting, followed by fine tuning of fitting parameters, we devise formulae for generating accurate AGTO basis sets in an arbitrary B field. For the hydrogen iso-electronic sequence, a set depends on B field strength, nuclear charge, and orbital quantum numbers. For multi-electron systems, the basis set formulae also include adjustment to account for orbital occupations. Tests of the new basis sets for atoms H through C (1 ≤ Z ≤ 6) and ions Li+, Be+, and B+, in a wide B field range (0 ≤ B ≤ 2000 a.u.), show an accuracy better than a few μhartree for single-electron systems and a few hundredths to a few mHs for multi-electron atoms. The relative errors are similar for different atoms and ions in a large B field range, from a few to a couple of tens of millionths, thereby confirming rather uniform accuracy across the nuclear charge Z and B field strength values. Residual basis set errors are two to three orders of magnitude smaller than the electronic correlation energies in multi-electron atoms, a signal of the usefulness of the new AGTO basis sets in correlated wavefunction or density functional calculations for atomic and molecular systems in an external strong B field.

  14. Accurate and balanced anisotropic Gaussian type orbital basis sets for atoms in strong magnetic fields. (United States)

    Zhu, Wuming; Trickey, S B


    In high magnetic field calculations, anisotropic Gaussian type orbital (AGTO) basis functions are capable of reconciling the competing demands of the spherically symmetric Coulombic interaction and cylindrical magnetic (B field) confinement. However, the best available a priori procedure for composing highly accurate AGTO sets for atoms in a strong B field [W. Zhu et al., Phys. Rev. A 90, 022504 (2014)] yields very large basis sets. Their size is problematical for use in any calculation with unfavorable computational cost scaling. Here we provide an alternative constructive procedure. It is based upon analysis of the underlying physics of atoms in B fields that allow identification of several principles for the construction of AGTO basis sets. Aided by numerical optimization and parameter fitting, followed by fine tuning of fitting parameters, we devise formulae for generating accurate AGTO basis sets in an arbitrary B field. For the hydrogen iso-electronic sequence, a set depends on B field strength, nuclear charge, and orbital quantum numbers. For multi-electron systems, the basis set formulae also include adjustment to account for orbital occupations. Tests of the new basis sets for atoms H through C (1 ≤ Z ≤ 6) and ions Li + , Be + , and B + , in a wide B field range (0 ≤ B ≤ 2000 a.u.), show an accuracy better than a few μhartree for single-electron systems and a few hundredths to a few mHs for multi-electron atoms. The relative errors are similar for different atoms and ions in a large B field range, from a few to a couple of tens of millionths, thereby confirming rather uniform accuracy across the nuclear charge Z and B field strength values. Residual basis set errors are two to three orders of magnitude smaller than the electronic correlation energies in multi-electron atoms, a signal of the usefulness of the new AGTO basis sets in correlated wavefunction or density functional calculations for atomic and molecular systems in an external strong B

  15. Modified binders on the basis of flotation tailings (United States)

    Shapovalov, N. A.; Zagorodnyuk, L. Kh; Shchekina, A. Yu; Gorodov, A. I.


    The article proposes compositions of efficient modified composite binders on the basis of portland cement and flotation tailings; the new binders attain the ultimate compressive stress that is twice as high as that of the cement stone. At that, use of annually growing volume of flotation tailings in the production of the composite binder is a rational way for recycling this type of waste and allows saving the planet's natural resources.

  16. Changing pulse-shape basis for molecular learning control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cardoza, David; Langhojer, Florian; Trallero-Herrero, Carlos; Weinacht, Thomas; Monti, Oliver L.A.


    We interpret the results of a molecular fragmentation learning control experiment. We show that in the case of a system where control can be related to the structure of the optimal pulse matching the vibrational dynamics of the molecule, a simple change of pulse-shape basis in which the learning algorithm performs the search can reduce the dimensionality of the search space to one or two degrees of freedom

  17. Electrochemistry as a basis for radiochemical generator systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bentley, G.E.; Steinkruger, F.J.; Wanek, P.M.


    Ion exchange and solvent extraction techniques have been used extensively as the basis for radiochemical generators exploiting the differences in absorption behavior between the parent nuclide and its useful daughter nuclide. Many parent/daughter pairs of nuclides have sufficiently different polarographic half wave potentials so that their electrochemical behavior may be exploited for rapid separation of the daughter from the parent with minimal contamination of the product with the parent isotope

  18. Basis set convergence on static electric dipole polarizability calculations of alkali-metal clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza, Fabio A. L. de; Jorge, Francisco E.


    A hierarchical sequence of all-electron segmented contracted basis sets of double, triple and quadruple zeta valence qualities plus polarization functions augmented with diffuse functions for the atoms from H to Ar was constructed. A systematic study of basis sets required to obtain reliable and accurate values of static dipole polarizabilities of lithium and sodium clusters (n = 2, 4, 6 and 8) at their optimized equilibrium geometries is reported. Three methods are examined: Hartree-Fock (HF), second-order Moeller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), and density functional theory (DFT). By direct calculations or by fitting the directly calculated values through one extrapolation scheme, estimates of the HF, MP2 and DFT complete basis set limits were obtained. Comparison with experimental and theoretical data reported previously in the literature is done (author)

  19. Basis set convergence on static electric dipole polarizability calculations of alkali-metal clusters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Souza, Fabio A. L. de; Jorge, Francisco E., E-mail: [Departamento de Fisica, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, 29060-900 Vitoria-ES (Brazil)


    A hierarchical sequence of all-electron segmented contracted basis sets of double, triple and quadruple zeta valence qualities plus polarization functions augmented with diffuse functions for the atoms from H to Ar was constructed. A systematic study of basis sets required to obtain reliable and accurate values of static dipole polarizabilities of lithium and sodium clusters (n = 2, 4, 6 and 8) at their optimized equilibrium geometries is reported. Three methods are examined: Hartree-Fock (HF), second-order Moeller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), and density functional theory (DFT). By direct calculations or by fitting the directly calculated values through one extrapolation scheme, estimates of the HF, MP2 and DFT complete basis set limits were obtained. Comparison with experimental and theoretical data reported previously in the literature is done (author)

  20. Birth registration is the basis for advancing gender equality and ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Feb 22, 2018 ... Birth registration is the basis for advancing gender equality and children's rights ... family ties and relationships, and an important tool for social protection. ... a health facility or government provider, and enrollment in school.

  1. A Hartree–Fock study of the confined helium atom: Local and global basis set approaches

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Young, Toby D., E-mail: [Zakład Metod Komputerowych, Instytut Podstawowych Prolemów Techniki Polskiej Akademia Nauk, ul. Pawińskiego 5b, 02-106 Warszawa (Poland); Vargas, Rubicelia [Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Básicas e Ingenierías, Departamento de Química, San Rafael Atlixco 186, Col. Vicentina, Iztapalapa, D.F. C.P. 09340, México (Mexico); Garza, Jorge, E-mail: [Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Básicas e Ingenierías, Departamento de Química, San Rafael Atlixco 186, Col. Vicentina, Iztapalapa, D.F. C.P. 09340, México (Mexico)


    Two different basis set methods are used to calculate atomic energy within Hartree–Fock theory. The first is a local basis set approach using high-order real-space finite elements and the second is a global basis set approach using modified Slater-type orbitals. These two approaches are applied to the confined helium atom and are compared by calculating one- and two-electron contributions to the total energy. As a measure of the quality of the electron density, the cusp condition is analyzed. - Highlights: • Two different basis set methods for atomic Hartree–Fock theory. • Galerkin finite element method and modified Slater-type orbitals. • Confined atom model (helium) under small-to-extreme confinement radii. • Detailed analysis of the electron wave-function and the cusp condition.

  2. Preliminary tank characterization report for single-shell tank 241-TX-101: best-basis inventory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kupfer, M.J.


    This document is a preliminary Tank Characterization Report (TCR). It only contains the current best-basis inventory (Appendix D) for single-shell tank 241-TX-101. No TCRs have been previously issued for this tank, and current core sample analyses are not available. The best-basis inventory, therefore, is based on an engineering assessment of waste type, process flowsheet data, early sample data, and/or other available information. The Standard Inventories of Chemicals and Radionuclides in Hanford Site Tank Wastes describes standard methodology used to derive the tank-by-tank best-basis inventories. This preliminary TCR will be updated using this same methodology when additional data on tank contents become available

  3. Preliminary tank characterization report for single-shell tank 241-TY-102: best-basis inventory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Place, D.E.


    This document is a preliminary Tank Characterization Report (TCR). It only contains the current best-basis inventory (Appendix D) for single-shell tank 241-TY-102. No TCRs have been previously issued for this tank, and current core sample analyses are not available. The best-basis inventory, therefore, is based on an engineering assessment of waste type, process flowsheet data, early sample data, and/or other available information. The Standard Inventories of Chemicals and Radionuclides in Hanford Site Tank Wastes describes standard methodology used to derive the tank-by-tank best-basis inventories. This preliminary TCR will be updated using this same methodology when additional data on tank contents become available

  4. Preliminary tank characterization report for single-shell tank 241-TX-113: best-basis inventory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Place, D.E.


    This document is a preliminary Tank Characterization Report (TCR). It only contains the current best-basis inventory (Appendix D) for single-shell tank 241-TX-113. No TCRs have been previously issued for this tank, and current core sample analyses are not available. The best-basis inventory, therefore, is based on an engineering assessment of waste type, process flowsheet data, early sample data, and/or other available information. The Standard Inventories of Chemicals and Radionuclides in Hanford Site Tank Wastes describes standard methodology used to derive the tank-by-tank best-basis inventories. This preliminary TCR will be updated using this same methodology when additional data on tank contents become available

  5. 76 FR 71919 - Corporate Reorganizations; Allocation of Basis in “All Cash D” Reorganizations (United States)


    ... issuing temporary regulations that provide guidance regarding the determination of the basis of stock or securities in a reorganization where no stock or securities of the issuing corporation is issued and... the share of stock of the issuing corporation to which the basis, if any, of the stock or securities...

  6. Correlation consistent basis sets for actinides. I. The Th and U atoms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peterson, Kirk A., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164-4630 (United States)


    New correlation consistent basis sets based on both pseudopotential (PP) and all-electron Douglas-Kroll-Hess (DKH) Hamiltonians have been developed from double- to quadruple-zeta quality for the actinide atoms thorium and uranium. Sets for valence electron correlation (5f6s6p6d), cc − pV nZ − PP and cc − pV nZ − DK3, as well as outer-core correlation (valence + 5s5p5d), cc − pwCV nZ − PP and cc − pwCV nZ − DK3, are reported (n = D, T, Q). The -PP sets are constructed in conjunction with small-core, 60-electron PPs, while the -DK3 sets utilized the 3rd-order Douglas-Kroll-Hess scalar relativistic Hamiltonian. Both series of basis sets show systematic convergence towards the complete basis set limit, both at the Hartree-Fock and correlated levels of theory, making them amenable to standard basis set extrapolation techniques. To assess the utility of the new basis sets, extensive coupled cluster composite thermochemistry calculations of ThF{sub n} (n = 2 − 4), ThO{sub 2}, and UF{sub n} (n = 4 − 6) have been carried out. After accurately accounting for valence and outer-core correlation, spin-orbit coupling, and even Lamb shift effects, the final 298 K atomization enthalpies of ThF{sub 4}, ThF{sub 3}, ThF{sub 2}, and ThO{sub 2} are all within their experimental uncertainties. Bond dissociation energies of ThF{sub 4} and ThF{sub 3}, as well as UF{sub 6} and UF{sub 5}, were similarly accurate. The derived enthalpies of formation for these species also showed a very satisfactory agreement with experiment, demonstrating that the new basis sets allow for the use of accurate composite schemes just as in molecular systems composed only of lighter atoms. The differences between the PP and DK3 approaches were found to increase with the change in formal oxidation state on the actinide atom, approaching 5-6 kcal/mol for the atomization enthalpies of ThF{sub 4} and ThO{sub 2}. The DKH3 atomization energy of ThO{sub 2} was calculated to be smaller than the DKH2

  7. Grid and basis adaptive polynomial chaos techniques for sensitivity and uncertainty analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perkó, Zoltán, E-mail:; Gilli, Luca, E-mail:; Lathouwers, Danny, E-mail:; Kloosterman, Jan Leen, E-mail:


    The demand for accurate and computationally affordable sensitivity and uncertainty techniques is constantly on the rise and has become especially pressing in the nuclear field with the shift to Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty methodologies in the licensing of nuclear installations. Besides traditional, already well developed methods – such as first order perturbation theory or Monte Carlo sampling – Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) has been given a growing emphasis in recent years due to its simple application and good performance. This paper presents new developments of the research done at TU Delft on such Polynomial Chaos (PC) techniques. Our work is focused on the Non-Intrusive Spectral Projection (NISP) approach and adaptive methods for building the PCE of responses of interest. Recent efforts resulted in a new adaptive sparse grid algorithm designed for estimating the PC coefficients. The algorithm is based on Gerstner's procedure for calculating multi-dimensional integrals but proves to be computationally significantly cheaper, while at the same it retains a similar accuracy as the original method. More importantly the issue of basis adaptivity has been investigated and two techniques have been implemented for constructing the sparse PCE of quantities of interest. Not using the traditional full PC basis set leads to further reduction in computational time since the high order grids necessary for accurately estimating the near zero expansion coefficients of polynomial basis vectors not needed in the PCE can be excluded from the calculation. Moreover the sparse PC representation of the response is easier to handle when used for sensitivity analysis or uncertainty propagation due to the smaller number of basis vectors. The developed grid and basis adaptive methods have been implemented in Matlab as the Fully Adaptive Non-Intrusive Spectral Projection (FANISP) algorithm and were tested on four analytical problems. These show consistent good performance

  8. Grid and basis adaptive polynomial chaos techniques for sensitivity and uncertainty analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perkó, Zoltán; Gilli, Luca; Lathouwers, Danny; Kloosterman, Jan Leen


    The demand for accurate and computationally affordable sensitivity and uncertainty techniques is constantly on the rise and has become especially pressing in the nuclear field with the shift to Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty methodologies in the licensing of nuclear installations. Besides traditional, already well developed methods – such as first order perturbation theory or Monte Carlo sampling – Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) has been given a growing emphasis in recent years due to its simple application and good performance. This paper presents new developments of the research done at TU Delft on such Polynomial Chaos (PC) techniques. Our work is focused on the Non-Intrusive Spectral Projection (NISP) approach and adaptive methods for building the PCE of responses of interest. Recent efforts resulted in a new adaptive sparse grid algorithm designed for estimating the PC coefficients. The algorithm is based on Gerstner's procedure for calculating multi-dimensional integrals but proves to be computationally significantly cheaper, while at the same it retains a similar accuracy as the original method. More importantly the issue of basis adaptivity has been investigated and two techniques have been implemented for constructing the sparse PCE of quantities of interest. Not using the traditional full PC basis set leads to further reduction in computational time since the high order grids necessary for accurately estimating the near zero expansion coefficients of polynomial basis vectors not needed in the PCE can be excluded from the calculation. Moreover the sparse PC representation of the response is easier to handle when used for sensitivity analysis or uncertainty propagation due to the smaller number of basis vectors. The developed grid and basis adaptive methods have been implemented in Matlab as the Fully Adaptive Non-Intrusive Spectral Projection (FANISP) algorithm and were tested on four analytical problems. These show consistent good performance both


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yayik Kartika Sari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa keadaan pertumbuhan ekonomi, pengembangan sektor basis ekonomi, dan faktor yang memiliki pengaruh dominan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Blora tahun 1990-2013 dengan menggunakan alat analisis basis ekonomi dan persamaan simultan dengan metode Two Stage Least Squared (2SLS. Variabel endogen dalam penelitian ini adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi, pendapatan asli daerah, dan upah minimum, sedangkan variabel eksogennya adalah angkatan kerja, tabungan, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah, dan jumlah penduduk. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 3 sektor basis ekonomi di Kabupaten Blora yang diperoleh dari analisis basis ekonomi yaitu sektor pertambangan dan galian; sektor pertanian; dan sektor keuangan, persewaan, dan jasa perusahaan. Berdasarkan hasil uji persamaan simultan menunjukkan bahwa variabel tabungan, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah, upah minimum, dan jumlah penduduk merupakan faktor yang memiliki pengaruh dominan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Blora. Saran dalam penelitian ini adalah Pemerintah Kabupaten Blora harus mengembangkan ketiga sektor basis ekonomi dan faktor yang berpengaruh dominan tersebut serta harus melakukan proteksi terutama untuk sektor basis ekonomi, sehingga dapat membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Blora.  The purpose of this research was to determine and analyze the condition of economic growth, the economic base sector for development, and factors which have a dominant influence on the economic growth in Blora years 1990-2013 and used analysis of the economic base and the analysis of simultaneous equations with Two Stage Least Square method (2SLS. The rate of economic growth, regional income, and the minimum wage is an endogenous variable, while the labor force, savings, regional government expenditure, and resident are exogenous variable. The results showed that there are three sectors of the economic base in Blora

  10. Distinguishing the elements of a full product basis set needs only projective measurements and classical communication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Pingxing; Li Chengzu


    Nonlocality without entanglement is an interesting field. A manifestation of quantum nonlocality without entanglement is the possible local indistinguishability of orthogonal product states. In this paper we analyze the character of operators to distinguish the elements of a full product basis set in a multipartite system, and show that distinguishing perfectly these product bases needs only local projective measurements and classical communication, and these measurements cannot damage each product basis. Employing these conclusions one can discuss local distinguishability of the elements of any full product basis set easily. Finally we discuss the generalization of these results to the locally distinguishability of the elements of incomplete product basis set

  11. 6 CFR 13.1 - Basis, purpose, scope and effect. (United States)


    ... 6 Domestic Security 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Basis, purpose, scope and effect. 13.1 Section 13.1 Domestic Security DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL... Security on or after October 12, 2005. (2) Program fraud cases initiated by any component of the Department...

  12. Genetic diversity of maize genotypes on the basis of morpho ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Genetic diversity of maize genotypes on the basis of morpho-physiological and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Ashish Kumar, Arunita Rakshit, Naresh K Mangilipelli, Y Varalaxmi, T Vijayalakshmi, Jainender M Vanaja, SK Yadav, B Venkateswarlu, M Maheswari ...

  13. 25 CFR 900.145 - On what basis may the Secretary deny a waiver request? (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false On what basis may the Secretary deny a waiver request... EDUCATION ASSISTANCE ACT Waiver Procedures § 900.145 On what basis may the Secretary deny a waiver request... written finding. The finding must clearly demonstrate (or be supported by controlling legal authority...

  14. 76 FR 71878 - Corporate Reorganizations; Allocation of Basis in “All Cash D” Reorganizations (United States)


    ... where no stock or securities of the issuing corporation is issued and distributed in the transaction... stock of the issuing corporation to which the basis, if any, of the stock or securities surrendered will... stock of the issuing corporation to which the basis, if any, of the stock or securities surrendered will...

  15. Technical Basis - Spent Nuclear Fuels (SNF) Project Radiation and Contamination Trending Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    ELGIN, J.C.


    This report documents the technical basis for the Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Program radiation and contamination trending program. The program consists of standardized radiation and contamination surveys of the KE Basin, radiation surveys of the KW basin, radiation surveys of the Cold Vacuum Drying Facility (CVD), and radiation surveys of the Canister Storage Building (CSB) with the associated tracking. This report also discusses the remainder of radiological areas within the SNFP that do not have standardized trending programs and the basis for not having this program in those areas

  16. Advanced Fuel Cycle Cost Basis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D. E. Shropshire; K. A. Williams; W. B. Boore; J. D. Smith; B. W. Dixon; M. Dunzik-Gougar; R. D. Adams; D. Gombert; E. Schneider


    This report, commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), provides a comprehensive set of cost data supporting a cost analysis for the relative economic comparison of options for use in the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI) Program. The report describes the AFCI cost basis development process, reference information on AFCI cost modules, a procedure for estimating fuel cycle costs, economic evaluation guidelines, and a discussion on the integration of cost data into economic computer models. This report contains reference cost data for 25 cost modules—23 fuel cycle cost modules and 2 reactor modules. The cost modules were developed in the areas of natural uranium mining and milling, conversion, enrichment, depleted uranium disposition, fuel fabrication, interim spent fuel storage, reprocessing, waste conditioning, spent nuclear fuel (SNF) packaging, long-term monitored retrievable storage, near surface disposal of low-level waste (LLW), geologic repository and other disposal concepts, and transportation processes for nuclear fuel, LLW, SNF, transuranic, and high-level waste.

  17. Advanced Fuel Cycle Cost Basis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D. E. Shropshire; K. A. Williams; W. B. Boore; J. D. Smith; B. W. Dixon; M. Dunzik-Gougar; R. D. Adams; D. Gombert


    This report, commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), provides a comprehensive set of cost data supporting a cost analysis for the relative economic comparison of options for use in the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI) Program. The report describes the AFCI cost basis development process, reference information on AFCI cost modules, a procedure for estimating fuel cycle costs, economic evaluation guidelines, and a discussion on the integration of cost data into economic computer models. This report contains reference cost data for 26 cost modules—24 fuel cycle cost modules and 2 reactor modules. The cost modules were developed in the areas of natural uranium mining and milling, conversion, enrichment, depleted uranium disposition, fuel fabrication, interim spent fuel storage, reprocessing, waste conditioning, spent nuclear fuel (SNF) packaging, long-term monitored retrievable storage, near surface disposal of low-level waste (LLW), geologic repository and other disposal concepts, and transportation processes for nuclear fuel, LLW, SNF, and high-level waste.

  18. Advanced Fuel Cycle Cost Basis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D. E. Shropshire; K. A. Williams; W. B. Boore; J. D. Smith; B. W. Dixon; M. Dunzik-Gougar; R. D. Adams; D. Gombert; E. Schneider


    This report, commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), provides a comprehensive set of cost data supporting a cost analysis for the relative economic comparison of options for use in the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI) Program. The report describes the AFCI cost basis development process, reference information on AFCI cost modules, a procedure for estimating fuel cycle costs, economic evaluation guidelines, and a discussion on the integration of cost data into economic computer models. This report contains reference cost data for 25 cost modules—23 fuel cycle cost modules and 2 reactor modules. The cost modules were developed in the areas of natural uranium mining and milling, conversion, enrichment, depleted uranium disposition, fuel fabrication, interim spent fuel storage, reprocessing, waste conditioning, spent nuclear fuel (SNF) packaging, long-term monitored retrievable storage, near surface disposal of low-level waste (LLW), geologic repository and other disposal concepts, and transportation processes for nuclear fuel, LLW, SNF, transuranic, and high-level waste.

  19. Ultrasound beam transmission using a discretely orthogonal Gaussian aperture basis (United States)

    Roberts, R. A.


    Work is reported on development of a computational model for ultrasound beam transmission at an arbitrary geometry transmission interface for generally anisotropic materials. The work addresses problems encountered when the fundamental assumptions of ray theory do not hold, thereby introducing errors into ray-theory-based transmission models. Specifically, problems occur when the asymptotic integral analysis underlying ray theory encounters multiple stationary phase points in close proximity, due to focusing caused by concavity on either the entry surface or a material slowness surface. The approach presented here projects integrands over both the transducer aperture and the entry surface beam footprint onto a Gaussian-derived basis set, thereby distributing the integral over a summation of second-order phase integrals which are amenable to single stationary phase point analysis. Significantly, convergence is assured provided a sufficiently fine distribution of basis functions is used.

  20. Discerning The Motivational Basis For Trade Unionism In Public And ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Discerning The Motivational Basis For Trade Unionism In Public And Private ... private businesses are very clear to the actors of industrial relations; those of their ... selfish interests; unions in the public sector ought to function as uplift unions, ...

  1. Cold Vacuum Drying Facility Design Basis Accident Analysis Documentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    PIEPHO, M.G.


    This document provides the detailed accident analysis to support HNF-3553, Annex B, Spent Nuclear Fuel Project Final Safety Analysis Report, ''Cold Vacuum Drying Facility Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR).'' All assumptions, parameters and models used to provide the analysis of the design basis accidents are documented to support the conclusions in the FSAR

  2. Rating environmental noise on the basis of noise maps

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miedema, H.M.E.; Borst, H.C.


    A system that rates noise on the basis of noise maps has been developed which is based on empirical exposure-response relationships, so that effects in the community will be lower if the system gives a better rating. It is consistent with noise metrics and effect endpoint chosen in the EU, i.e., it

  3. Radioactive Waste Management BasisSept 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goodwin, S.S.


    This Radioactive Waste Management Basis (RWMB) documents radioactive waste management practices adopted at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) pursuant to Department of Energy (DOE) Order 435.1, Radioactive Waste Management. The purpose of this RWMB is to describe the systematic approach for planning, executing, and evaluating the management of radioactive waste at LLNL. The implementation of this document will ensure that waste management activities at LLNL are conducted in compliance with the requirements of DOE Order 435.1, Radioactive Waste Management, and the Implementation Guide for DOE manual 435.1-1, Radioactive Waste Management Manual. Technical justification is provided where methods for meeeting the requirements of DOE Order 435.1 deviate from the DOE Manual 435.1-1 and Implementation Guide.

  4. On-line learning in radial basis functions networks


    Freeman, Jason; Saad, David


    An analytic investigation of the average case learning and generalization properties of Radial Basis Function Networks (RBFs) is presented, utilising on-line gradient descent as the learning rule. The analytic method employed allows both the calculation of generalization error and the examination of the internal dynamics of the network. The generalization error and internal dynamics are then used to examine the role of the learning rate and the specialization of the hidden units, which gives ...



    R. A. Kopytov


    The paper considers an approach which is based on non-conventional mechanisms of management style formation. The preset level of sustainable management is maintained by self-organized environment created in the process of management style transformation in efficient management principles. Their efficiency is checked within an adaptive algorithm. The algorithm is developed on the basis of combination of evaluative tools  and base of operational  proves. The operating algorithm capability is te...

  6. Interim Safety Basis for Fuel Supply Shutdown Facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This ISB, in conjunction with the IOSR, provides the required basis for interim operation or restrictions on interim operations and administrative controls for the facility until a SAR is prepared in accordance with the new requirements or the facility is shut down. It is concluded that the risks associated with tha current and anticipated mode of the facility, uranium disposition, clean up, and transition activities required for permanent closure, are within risk guidelines

  7. Generating QCD amplitudes in the color-flow basis with MadGraph

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hagiwara, Kaoru; Takaesu, Yoshitaro


    We propose to make use of the off-shell recursive relations with the color-flow decomposition in the calculation of QCD amplitudes on MadGraph. We introduce colored quarks and their interactions with nine gluons in the color-flow basis plus an Abelian gluon on MadGraph, such that it generates helicity amplitudes in the color-flow basis with off-shell recursive formulae for multi-gluon sub-amplitudes. We demonstrate calculations of up to 5-jet processes such as gg→5g, u anti u→5g and uu→uuggg. Although our demonstration is limited, it paves the way to evaluate amplitudes with more quark lines and gluons with MadGraph. (orig.)

  8. Cold Vacuum Drying facility design basis accident analysis documentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    CROWE, R.D.


    This document provides the detailed accident analysis to support HNF-3553, Annex B, Spent Nuclear Fuel Project Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), ''Cold Vacuum Drying Facility Final Safety Analysis Report.'' All assumptions, parameters, and models used to provide the analysis of the design basis accidents are documented to support the conclusions in the FSAR. The calculations in this document address the design basis accidents (DBAs) selected for analysis in HNF-3553, ''Spent Nuclear Fuel Project Final Safety Analysis Report'', Annex B, ''Cold Vacuum Drying Facility Final Safety Analysis Report.'' The objective is to determine the quantity of radioactive particulate available for release at any point during processing at the Cold Vacuum Drying Facility (CVDF) and to use that quantity to determine the amount of radioactive material released during the DBAs. The radioactive material released is used to determine dose consequences to receptors at four locations, and the dose consequences are compared with the appropriate evaluation guidelines and release limits to ascertain the need for preventive and mitigative controls

  9. Basis, evidences and consequences of the inherent stellar encocooning

    CERN Document Server

    Celis, L


    Based on 7093 observations with photoelectrical photometrical measurements of 191 Mira stars, the following equations (from the papers [1] to [18]) give the basis to establish the Inherent Stellar Encocooning with the spectro-photometric characteristics of the red giant variable stars, especially the Miras, which have large amplitudes (approx 50% of giant variables). The specific basis that justifies a progressive covering with ionized molecules, cold gases, dust and grains are: The relation of the visual amplitudes A sub v =A sub r +E sub A whose real luminosity separate the intrinsic pulsation and amplitude excess effects due to the presence of molecules [145] and an opaque envelope of cool gases; The relation of the visual absolute magnitudes M sub v =M sub v sub r (P)+M sub a (delta sub T sub i sub O V) which is affected by an inherent absorption and/or occultation, and; The relation that defines the probable absolute luminosity and depends on the period and the (Sa) spectral type at maximum M sub v =-2.2...

  10. Cold Vacuum Drying facility design basis accident analysis documentation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    CROWE, R.D.


    This document provides the detailed accident analysis to support HNF-3553, Annex B, Spent Nuclear Fuel Project Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), ''Cold Vacuum Drying Facility Final Safety Analysis Report.'' All assumptions, parameters, and models used to provide the analysis of the design basis accidents are documented to support the conclusions in the FSAR. The calculations in this document address the design basis accidents (DBAs) selected for analysis in HNF-3553, ''Spent Nuclear Fuel Project Final Safety Analysis Report'', Annex B, ''Cold Vacuum Drying Facility Final Safety Analysis Report.'' The objective is to determine the quantity of radioactive particulate available for release at any point during processing at the Cold Vacuum Drying Facility (CVDF) and to use that quantity to determine the amount of radioactive material released during the DBAs. The radioactive material released is used to determine dose consequences to receptors at four locations, and the dose consequences are compared with the appropriate evaluation guidelines and release limits to ascertain the need for preventive and mitigative controls.

  11. Charge transfer interaction using quasiatomic minimal-basis orbitals in the effective fragment potential method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Peng; Gordon, Mark S.


    The charge transfer (CT) interaction, the most time-consuming term in the general effective fragment potential method, is made much more computationally efficient. This is accomplished by the projection of the quasiatomic minimal-basis-set orbitals (QUAMBOs) as the atomic basis onto the self-consistent field virtual molecular orbital (MO) space to select a subspace of the full virtual space called the valence virtual space. The diagonalization of the Fock matrix in terms of QUAMBOs recovers the canonical occupied orbitals and, more importantly, gives rise to the valence virtual orbitals (VVOs). The CT energies obtained using VVOs are generally as accurate as those obtained with the full virtual space canonical MOs because the QUAMBOs span the valence part of the virtual space, which can generally be regarded as “chemically important.” The number of QUAMBOs is the same as the number of minimal-basis MOs of a molecule. Therefore, the number of VVOs is significantly smaller than the number of canonical virtual MOs, especially for large atomic basis sets. This leads to a dramatic decrease in the computational cost

  12. Physically self-consistent basis for modern cosmology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khlopov, M.Yu.


    Cosmoparticle physics appeared as a natural result of internal development of cosmology seeking physical grounds for inflation, baryosynthesis, and nonbaryonic dark matter and of particle physics going outside the Standard Model of particle interactions. Its aim is to study the foundations of particle physics and cosmology and their fundamental relationship in the combination of respective indirect cosmological, astrophysical, and physical effects. The ideas on new particles and fields predicted by particle theory and on their cosmological impact are discussed, as well as the methods of cosmoparticle physics to probe these ideas, are considered with special analysis of physical mechanisms for inflation, baryosynthesis, and nonbaryonic dark matter. These mechanisms are shown to reflect the main principle of modern cosmology, putting, instead of formal parameters of cosmological models, physical processes governing the evolution of the big-bang universe. Their realization on the basis of particle theory induces additional model-dependent predictions, accessible to various methods of nonaccelerator particle physics. Probes for such predictions, with the use of astrophysical data, are the aim of cosmoarcheology studying astrophysical effects of new physics. The possibility of finding quantitatively definite relationships between cosmological and laboratory effects on the basis of cosmoparticle approach, as well as of obtaining a unique solution to the problem of physical candidates for inflation, mechanisms of baryogenesis, and multicomponent dark matter, is exemplified in terms of gauge model with broken family symmetry, underlying horizontal unification and possessing quantitatively definite physical grounds for inflation, baryosynthesis, and effectively multicomponent dark-matter scenarios

  13. The genetic basis of DOORS syndrome : an exome-sequencing study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Campeau, Philippe M.; Kasperaviciute, Dalia; Lu, James T.; Burrage, Lindsay C.; Kim, Choel; Hori, Mutsuki; Powell, Berkley R.; Stewart, Fiona; Felix, Temis Maria; van den Ende, Jenneke; Wisniewska, Marzena; Kayserili, Huelya; Rump, Patrick; Nampoothiri, Sheela; Aftimos, Salim; Mey, Antje; Nair, Lal D. V.; Begleiter, Michael L.; De Bie, Isabelle; Meenakshi, Girish; Murray, Mitzi L.; Repetto, Gabriela M.; Golabi, Mahin; Blair, Edward; Male, Alison; Giuliano, Fabienne; Kariminejad, Ariana; Newman, William G.; Bhaskar, Sanjeev S.; Dickerson, Jonathan E.; Kerr, Bronwyn; Banka, Siddharth; Giltay, Jacques C.; Wieczorek, Dagmar; Tostevin, Anna; Wiszniewska, Joanna; Cheung, Sau Wai; Hennekam, Raoul C.; Gibbs, Richard A.; Lee, Brendan H.; Sisodiya, Sanjay M.

    Background Deafness, onychodystrophy, osteodystrophy, mental retardation, and seizures (DOORS) syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of unknown cause. We aimed to identify the genetic basis of this syndrome by sequencing most coding exons in affected individuals. Methods Through a search

  14. Beyond-design-basis accident management in the RF regulation documents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bukrinskij, A.M.


    The article observes the issues of the management of beyond-design-basis accidents (BDBA) in the existing regulations in Russia. The ideology of the approach to the definition of the BDBA list to formulate the management guidelines has been proposed [ru

  15. Quality of Gaussian basis sets: direct optimization of orbital exponents by the method of conjugate gradients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kari, R.E.; Mezey, P.G.; Csizmadia, I.G.


    Expressions are given for calculating the energy gradient vector in the exponent space of Gaussian basis sets and a technique to optimize orbital exponents using the method of conjugate gradients is described. The method is tested on the (9/sups/5/supp/) Gaussian basis space and optimum exponents are determined for the carbon atom. The analysis of the results shows that the calculated one-electron properties converge more slowly to their optimum values than the total energy converges to its optimum value. In addition, basis sets approximating the optimum total energy very well can still be markedly improved for the prediction of one-electron properties. For smaller basis sets, this improvement does not warrant the necessary expense

  16. A Model for Understanding the Genetic Basis for Disparity in Prostate Cancer Risk (United States)


    AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-15-1-0529 TITLE: A Model for Understanding the Genetic Basis for Disparity in Prostate Cancer Risk PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR...AND SUBTITLE A Model for Understanding the Genetic Basis for Disparity in Prostate Cancer Risk 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER W81XWH-15-1...STATEMENT Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in

  17. Pediatric transplantation using hearts refused on the basis of donor quality. (United States)

    Bailey, Leonard L; Razzouk, Anees J; Hasaniya, Nahidh W; Chinnock, Richard E


    There is always more demand than supply of organs in pediatric heart transplantation. Yet, potential donor organs are regularly declined for a variety of reasons, among them donor organ quality as determined by United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) refusal code 830 or its equivalent. For the study group institutional and UNOS databases (July 2000 to December 2008) were reviewed to examine outcomes of pediatric heart transplantation using donor hearts that had been previously refused one or more times because of organ quality. Variation between outcomes of this cohort and recipients who received primarily offered heart grafts in a single institution was analyzed. In 29 recipients, transplantation or retransplantation was with heart grafts previously declined on the basis of quality. Recovery distances (p actuarial survival was 74% +/- 10.5%. At the present time, 24 of the 29 recipients (83%) are alive. These results do not vary statistically from those experienced by 84 recipients of 86 primarily offered donor organs during the same time. Despite longer distance recovery (ie, longer graft cold ischemic times), outcomes of pediatric heart transplantation using donor heart grafts refused on the basis of organ quality are highly competitive. Pediatric donor hearts should seldom be declined on the basis of organ quality (UNOS code 830).

  18. Best Basis Inventory Maintenance Tool (BBIM) Database Description and User Guide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    TRAN, T.T.


    The Best Basis Inventory Maintenance Tool (BBIM) is a computer database application with built-in calculations that model the chemical composition of the Hanford tank wastes in terms of three fundamental parameters: (1) Analyte concentration; (2) Waste density; and (3) Waste volume. Using these parameters, the BBIM is able to calculate for all of the Best-Basis constituents in each of the 177 tanks: (1) Total tank waste inventories; (2) Phase-based inventories; and (3) Phase-based concentrations. Calculations are handled differently depending upon the pedigree or type of the underlying data; for example, the input concentration could be in solid units, such as ''ug/g'' or in liquid units, such as ''ug/mL''. In each of these cases, there would be slight variations to the basic inventory calculation formula (Concentration - Density - Volume). In addition to calculating inventories, the BBIM also documents the source of the underlying data and how the calculations were performed. An enhancement is planned for 1Q00 to account for wastes transferred between tanks. When this is in place, the BBIM will be able to reflect ongoing Tank Farm operations, and will continuously (with a slight lag behind operational activities) maintain the documented best-basis inventory


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leo Willyanto Santoso


    Full Text Available The existing of database processing is needed by many institutions and companies. Database is not only to get information faster, it is also enlarging their service to customer. For companies, this advantage can increase competency. Because of this reason, many companies using manual processing turn to database. As mentioned above, database reverse engineering process has became a necessity for database developers to understand the structure of any databases. Commonly, this structure is modeled in some notations of Entity Relationships Diagram (ERD. The graphical visualization of database structure in an ERD can use many notations, so it is easy to understand. One of the approaches, which are easy to understand, is Object Role Modeling (ORM diagram. By reverse engineering the mapping process to relation schema of a database, ERD generation from a data definition language script of Oracle can be done. For more flexibility, this application is constructed web based with Servlets technology that is propertied by JavaTM 2 SDK. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Kehadiran pemrosesan basis data diperlukan oleh berbagai institusi dan perusahaan. Basis data tidak hanya mempercepat pemerolehan informasi, tetapi juga dapat meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pelanggan. Bagi perusahaan, keuntungan seperti ini dapat meningkatkan daya saingnya terhadap perusahaan lain. Hal ini pulalah yang mendorong banyak perusahaan yang menggunakan pemrosesan manual mulai beralih memanfaatkan basis data. Sejalan dengan hal di atas, proses reverse engineering terhadap suatu basis data menjadi suatu kebutuhan bagi perancang basis data untuk mengetahui struktur dari sebuah basis data. Struktur tersebut biasanya dimodelkan dalam bentuk Entity Relationships Diagram (ERD. Penggambaran struktur basis data dalam sebuah ERD dapat menggunakan berbagai notasi agar menjadi lebih mudah dimengerti. Salah satu notasi yang pendekatannya mudah dipahami adalah notasi Object Role Modeling (ORM diagram

  20. New basis set for the prediction of the specific rotation in flexible biological molecules

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baranowska-Łaczkowska, Angelika; Z. Łaczkowski, Krzysztof Z. Łaczkowski; Henriksen, Christian


    are compared to those obtained with the (d-)aug-cc-pVXZ (X = D, T and Q) basis sets of Dunning et al. The ORP values are in good overall agreement with the aug-cc-pVTZ results making the ORP a good basis set for routine TD-DFT optical rotation calculations of conformationally flexible molecules. The results...