
Sample records for autoinmune latente del

  1. Nueva definición, prevalencia, caracterización y tratamiento de la diabetes autoinmune latente del adulto A new definition, prevalence, characterization, and treatment of the latent autoimmune diabetes of adult

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    Eduardo Cabrera Rode


    Full Text Available La diabetes autoinmune latente del adulto es una forma de diabetes autoinmune que está presente en algunos sujetos equívocamente clasificados como diabéticos tipo 2. La progresión del daño autoinmune de las células ß en esta entidad es más lenta que en los niños con diabetes tipo 1. Las personas que la padecen, al momento del diagnóstico, presentan una mayor preservación de la función de las células ß que aquellos con la diabetes tipo 1 clásica. Su diagnóstico actual está basado en 3 características: edad igual o superior a 30 años (aunque se pueda encontrar también en sujetos con edades inferiores a 30 años; la presencia de al menos 1 de los 5 autoanticuerpos contra los antígenos pancreáticos de las células de los islotes (autoanticuerpos antiislotes [ICA], antidescarboxilasa del ácido glutámico [AGAD], anticuerpos contra la tirosina fosfatasa [AIA2] y contra el transportador del catión zinc dentro las células de los islotes [AZnT8], y la necesidad de requerimientos de insulina, al menos 6 meses después del diagnóstico. Está presente en el 10 % de los individuos con diabetes tipo 2 con edades ³35 años y en el 25 % de los menores de 35. Se han descrito varios genes de susceptibilidad para ella, que incluyen los genes HLA DR3/DR4 y DQB1*0201/DQB1*0302, DQB1*0602, MHC clase I relacionados con la cadena A (MICA, así como del alelo VNTR clase I, entre otros, los que la asemejan o diferencian tanto de la diabetes tipo 1 clásica como de la tipo 2. Estudios prospectivos sobre la función de las células ß muestran que los sujetos que tienen múltiples autoanticuerpos asociados a diabetes tipo 1, desarrollan un fallo de la función de las células ß dentro de los primeros 5 años de duración de la diabetes, mientras que la mayoría de aquellos con solo AGAD ó ICA desarrollan el fallo de la función de estas células después de los 5 años. En estas personas puede ocurrir un fallo de la función de las células

  2. Encefalitis autoinmune en pediatría

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    Juan Carlos García-Beristáin


    Full Text Available La encefalitis es un desorden inflamatorio del encéfalo que deriva en un estado mental alterado, crisis convulsivas, déficits neurológicos focales, acompañado usualmente de signos de inflamación en el líquido cefalorraquídeo y hallazgos en la resonancia magnética que pueden ir desde normalidad hasta anormalidades extensas. La encefalitis puede ocurrir como resultado de una infección primaria del sistema nervioso central, o bien, por un proceso autoinmune desencadenado por una infección, vacuna o neoplasia oculta. La encefalitis autoinmune involucra varios tipos de entidades con diferentes fisiopatologías, el entender estas entidades nos ayuda a utilizar los recursos y elementos diagnósticos necesarios, así como la mejor estrategia terapéutica.

  3. Seroprevalencia del Virus Linfotrópico Humano de células T tipo 1 (HTLV-1 en pacientes con tiroiditis autoinmune.

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    Ricardo Mori


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir la seroprevalencia de infección por HTLV-1 en pacientes con tiroiditis autoinmune. Material y Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado en pacientes con tiroiditis autoinmune que acudieron al consultorio de Endocrinología del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia entre octubre del 2008 y enero del 2010. Se usó un cuestionario estructurado para obtener datos epidemiológicos y clínicos, paralelamente, se revisaron las historias clínicas para obtener datos de laboratorio. A los participantes se les tomó una muestra de sangre para el diagnóstico de HTLV-1 mediante prueba de ELISA y confirmación por Western Blot, previa firma de consentimiento informado. Resultados: Durante el período de estudio, se atendieron 285 pacientes con tiroiditis autoinmune. Se incluyeron 145 pacientes (50,9%; la edad media fue 48,1 ± 15 años y 135 (93,1% fueron de sexo femenino. Tres pacientes tuvieron infección por HTLV-1, con una prevalencia estimada de 2,1% (IC 95%: 0-4,4%. Los seropositivos fueron de sexo femenino y tuvieron el diagnóstico de Enfermedad de Graves hipertiroidea. La frecuencia de infección por HTLV-1 en este grupo fue de 5% (3/60; IC 95%: 0-11%. No se encontró diferencia significativa entre los pacientes HTLV-1 positivos y negativos en cuanto a características demográficas, clínicas y de laboratorio. Conclusión: La prevalencia de infección por HTLV-1 en los pacientes con tiroiditis autoinmune fue similar a la prevalencia estimada para la población peruana en general.(Rev Med Hered 2010;21:180-186.

  4. Tiroiditis no-autoinmunes

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    Leonardo F. L Rizzo


    Full Text Available El término tiroiditis comprende un grupo de enfermedades de la glándula tiroides caracterizado por la presencia de inflamación, abarcando entidades autoinmunes y no-autoinmunes. Pueden manifestarse como enfermedades agudas con dolor tiroideo severo (tiroiditis subaguda y tiroiditis infecciosas, y condiciones en las cuales la inflamación no es clínicamente evidente, cursando sin dolor y presentando disfunción tiroidea y/o bocio (tiroiditis inducida por fármacos y tiroiditis de Riedel. El objetivo de esta revisión es aportar un enfoque actualizado sobre las tiroiditis no-autoinmunes cubriendo sus aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos.

  5. Anticuerpos anti 21 hidroxilasa séricos en pacientes con anticuerpos antifracción microsomal: Síndrome poliendocrino autoinmune Seric 21- hydroxilase antibodies in patients with anti-microsomal fraction antibodies: Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome

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    Silvia Botta


    Full Text Available El síndrome poliendocrino autoinmune (SPA es la asociación de enfermedades endocrinas autoinmunes con otros desórdenes autoinmunes no endocrinos. Los tipos 1, 2 y 4 presentan adrenalitis autoinmune, esto indica la presencia de autoanticuerpos, y su marcador serológico específico es el anti 21 hidroxilasa (a21-OH. El SPA tipo 2 es la asociación de adrenalitis, enfermedad tiroidea y/o diabetes mellitus inducidas por autoanticuerpos. Como componentes menores, pueden estar asociados entre otros, vitiligo, alopecia y miastenia. Nuestros objetivos fueron: establecer la prevalencia de a21-OH séricos en pacientes con anticuerpos anti fracción microsomal (AFM positivos, enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune y/o afecciones endocrinas y no endocrinas autoinmunes; diagnosticar formas incompletas de SPA y estudiar individuos con probable riesgo de progresión a un SPA completo. Estudiamos 72 pacientes AFM positivos y 60 sujetos tomados como grupo control, AFM negativos. Hallamos a21-OH elevados en dos pacientes: A= 47 U/ml, hipotiroidismo autoinmune y miastenia; y B= 8.75 U/ml, hipotiroidismo autoinmune y vitiligo; ambos con ausencia de insuficiencia adrenal. La prevalencia de a21-OH encontrada fue del 2.8%. Las pacientes A y B corresponden a un SPA tipo 2 incompleto y latente en relación al componente adrenal. Considerando a los a21-OH marcadores de enfermedad autoinmune latente, el eventual riesgo de evolución hacia la afección clínica sugiere la necesidad de estrechos controles clínicos y bioquímicos periódicos.Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome (APS is the association of autoimmune endocrine diseases, with other autoimmune nonendocrine disorders. APS types 1, 2 and 4 include autoimmune adrenalitis; this suggests the presence of autoantibodies. A specific serological marker for these is the anti 21- hydroxilase autoantibody (a21-OH. APS type 2 is the association of autoimmune adrenalitis, to autoimmune thyroid disease and/or diabetes mellitus, all

  6. Anticoagulante lúpico en enfermedades autoinmunes Lupus anticoagulant in autoimmune diseases

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    Dunia de la C Castillo González


    Full Text Available El tromboembolismo venoso es una complicación reconocida en diferentes enfermedades autoinmunes. Se ha establecido que la detección del anticoagulante lúpico (AL y posiblemente los anticuerpos anticardiolipina (AAC tipo Ig G en título alto y medio, ayuden a identificar pacientes con riesgo de trombosis. Estudiamos el AL en 81 pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes: 25 pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES, 28 pacientes con púrpura trombocitopénica idiopática (PTI, 15 con anemia hemolítica autoinmune (AHAI y 13 que se incluyeron en el grupo de otras enfermedades, que comprendían vasculitis cutánea de pequeños vasos, enfermedad mixta del tejido conectivo, artritis reumatoidea y esclerodermia. El AL se encontró en el 19,7 % del total de los estudiados: 16 % en pacientes con LES, 21,4 % en pacientes con PTI y 40 % en la AHAI. En el grupo de otras enfermedades no se halló ningún paciente con el AL positivo. El 56,3 % de los pacientes con AL positivo presentaron alguna manifestación atribuible al síndrome antifosfolípido (SAFVenous thromboembolism is a well-known complication in different autoimmune diseases. It has been established that detection of lupus anticoagulant (LA and possibly IgG type anticardiolipin antibodies (AAC in high and medium titers help to identify patients with thrombosis risk. We studied LA in 81 patients with autoimmune erythomatous lupus, 28 patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, 15 with autoimmune hemolytic anemia and 13 patients who were included in the group covering other diseases such as small vessel skin vasculitis, combined disease of the connective tissue, rheumatoid arthritis and sclerodermia. LA was found in 19,7 % of the total number of cases, in 16% of patients with LES, 21,4 % of those with ITP and 40 % of cases with AIHA. In the group of other diseases, there was no patient with positive LA. 56,3 % of patients with positive AL showed some manifestations related to

  7. Thyroid autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases Anticuerpos antitiroideos en enfermedades autoinmunes

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    Regina M. Innocencio


    Full Text Available Abnormalities in the thyroid function and thyroid autoantibodies have been frequently described in patients with autoimmune diseases but seldom in antiphospholipid syndrome patients. In order to determine the prevalence of thyroid function and autoimmune abnormalities, we compared serum thyrotropin (TSH, serum free thyroxine (T4 levels, thyroid antithyroglobulin (TgAb and antithyroperoxidase (TPOAb levels of 25 patients with systemic sclerosis, 25 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 13 patients with antiphospholipid syndrome to a control group of 113 healthy individuals. Evaluation included a thorough clinical examination with particular attention to thyroid disease and a serologic immune profile including rheumatoid factor, antinuclear and anticardiolipin antibody measurements. Subclinical hypothyroidism (4.2Ciertas anormalidades en la función tiroidea y anticuerpos antitiroideos han sido frecuentemente descriptos en pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes, y más raramente en pacientes con el síndrome antifosfolipídico. Para determinar la prevalencía de anormalidades en la función tiroidea y de autoinmunidad, comparamos los niveles séricos de tirotropina (TSH tiroxina libre en suero (T4 anticuerpos antitiroglobulina (TgAb y antitiroperoxidasa (TPOAb en 25 pacientes con esclerosis sistémica, 25 pacientes con artritis reumatoidea y 13 pacientes con el síndrome antifosfolipídico con un grupo control de 113 individuos aparentemente sanos. La evaluación incluyó un completo examen clínico con particular atención para las enfermedades de la tiroides y una evaluación inmunológica incluyendo dosaje del factor reumatoideo, anticuerpos antinucleares y anticardiolipina. Hipotiroidismo subclínico (4.2

  8. Enfermedades Autoinmunes, tratamiento con Trichuris suis y otros helmintos

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    Iñigo Pallardo Fernández


    Full Text Available Objetivos: La "Hipótesis de la Higiene" postula sobre los efectos inmunomoduladores inducidos por agentes infecciosos en los seres humanos. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es indagar sobre las evidencias de esa hipótesis y sobre sus aplicaciones en el campo del tratamiento de las enfermedades autoinmunes, haciendo especial hincapié tanto en los mecanismos de acción en los que se basan estas aplicaciones como en los resultados reales obtenidos. Además analizará la posible evolución de estas terapias, especialmente a la sombra de las controversias éticas que surgen de la aplicación de estos tratamientos en relación a si es lícito causar una infección para curar otra patología, como es el caso que nos ocupa. Resultados: Actualmente existen resultados prometedores de ensayos clínicos sobre terapias helmínticas aplicadas al tratamiento de enfermedades autoinmunes como son la enfermedad de Crohn y la colitis ulcerosa, resumidos en el apartado de resultados de este artículo. Igualmente prometedora es la gran variedad de ensayos clínicos que actualmente están en curso sobre la aplicación de la terapia helmíntica al tratamiento de diversas patologías en las que está involucrado el sistema inmunológico, como son: asma, rinitis alérgica, artritis reumatoide, esclerosis múltiple, diabetes Mellitus tipo I, encefalomielitis autoinmune, obesidad, autismo, etc que han llevado a identificar cuáles son los parásitos indicados en el tratamiento de este amplio espectro de enfermedades. Sin embargo es necesario indicar que no todos los helmintos son inmunorreguladores y, por lo tanto útiles en el tratamiento de estas enfermedades y que, los que lo son, no son útiles en el tratamiento de todas las enfermedades de origen inmunológico sino que presentan una marcada especificidad. Es más, la utilidad de éstos presenta una variabilidad importante, no sólo dependiente de la enfermedad de origen inmunológico a tratar, sino tambi

  9. Manifestaciones clínicas y paraclínicas de la hepatitis autoinmune en 48 pacientes de la ciudad de Medellín, 1980-2004

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    Jorge Hernando Donado Gómez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir las características clínicas, bioquímicas, histológicas, sociodemográficas y de tratamiento de los pacientes con hepatitis autoinmune (HAI. Metodología: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de una serie de casos con 48 pacientes de la ciudad de Medellín con diagnóstico de HAI según los criterios del Grupo Internacional de Hepatitis Autoinmune. Resultados: la edad promedio al momento del diagnóstico fue 34 años, 40 pacientes (83.3% eran mujeres. Los hallazgos clínicos más frecuentes fueron fatiga (89.6% e ictericia (81.3%. Las medianas de los hallazgos de laboratorio pretratamiento fueron: AST 626 U/L, ALT 547.5 U/L, bilirrubina total 5.64 mg/dL, bilirrubina directa 3.4 mg/dL. Las medianas de los valores de laboratorio postratamiento fueron: AST 40.5 U/L, ALT 44.4 U/L, bilirrubina total 1.1 mg/dL, bilirrubina directa 0.4 mg/dL (p <0.000. El valor promedio de las gamaglobulinas fue 2.2 g/dL; 81.3% de los pacientes tuvieron biopsia hepática y de ellos 97.4% ten ían hallazgos compatibles con HAI. Cuarenta pacientes tenían anticuerpos antinucleares positivos. Se hallaron enfermedades autoinmunes concurrentes en 19 pacientes, la más frecuente fue la tiroiditis. El tratamiento más frecuentemente administrado fue prednisona más azatioprina en 56.3% de los pacientes. Cuarenta y un pacientes (85.4% respondieron completamente y 12 (25% recayeron. Conclusiones: las características sociodemográficas de este grupo de pacientes no son comparables con las encontradas en otras series. Los hallazgos clínicos, histológicos y bioquímicos son similares a los reportados en la literatura, lo que no se observó con las enfermedades autoinmunes asociadas. La mayoría de los pacientes pertenecen al subtipo 1 de la enfermedad.

  10. Pancreatitis autoinmune asociada a fibrosis retroperitoneal: evolución tras dos años de seguimiento Autoimmune pancreatitis associated with retroperitoneal fibrosis: outcome after 24 months of follow-up

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    M. Romero


    Full Text Available Introducción: la pancreatitis autoinmune es un tipo de pancreatitis crónica caracterizado por un infiltrado linfoplasmocitario y una elevación de IgG e IgG4, que se ha descrito asociada a diversas manifestaciones extrapancreáticas y enfermedades autoinmunes, lo cual apoya la teoría de un mecanismo autoinmune fisiopatólogico de base. Caso clínico: presentamos el caso de un varón que debutó simultáneamente con una pancreatitis autoinmune asociada a fibrosis retroperitoneal y lesión de la vía biliar extrapancreática, con respuesta total tras tratamiento con corticoides durante 4 meses y ausencia de recurrencia tras 24 meses de seguimiento. Discusión: la pancreatitis autoinmune es un tipo de pancreatitis crónica que probablemente forme parte de un proceso sistémico autoinmune, cuyas manifestaciones extrapancreáticas más frecuentes son la fibrosis retroperitoneal y las lesiones de la vía biliar extrapancreática. Su correcto diagnóstico e inicio precoz del tratamiento puede favorecer la resolución completa de las lesiones, principalmente en los casos de bajo grado de actividad, con menor probabilidad de recurrencia.Introduction: autoimmune pancreatitis is a kind of chronic pancreatitis characterized by the presence of lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and severely elevated serum IgG and IgG4, which has been associated to many extrapancreatic lesions and other autoimmune disorders, leading to the theory of an autoimmune mechanism involved in the pathogenesis of this disease. Case report: we report the case of a man who simultaneously presented with autoimmune pancreatitis associated with retroperitonal fibrosis, and a lesion of the extrapancreatic bile duct, with total response to corticosteroid treatment for 4 moths and absence of recurrence after 24 months of follow-up. Discussion: autoimmune pancreatitis is a kind of chronic pancreatitis that is probably a part of a systemic autoinmune disease, with retroperitoneal fibrosis and

  11. Polimorfismo del TNF-alpha en autoinmunidad y tuberculosis.

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    Paula A. Correa


    Full Text Available El factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNF-a está incriminado tanto en enfermedades autoinmunes como en infecciosas. En el presente estudio se examinó el polimorfismo de la región promotora -308 del gen del TNF-a en enfermedades autoinmunes [lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES, artritis reumatoidea (AR, síndrome de Sjögren primario (SSp] y en tuberculosis. La genotipificación del polimorfismo -308 del TNF-a se realizó en ADN de pacientes con AR (N=165, LES (N=118, SSp (N=67, tuberculosis (N=138 y controles sanos (N=419, mediante reacción en cadena de la polimerasa con polimorfismos en los tamaños de los fragmentos de restricción (PCR-RFLP. El alelo TNF2 se asoció con la AR (OR=1,6; IC95% 1,2-2,3, p=0,008, el LES (OR=2,3; IC95% 1,6-3,3, p

  12. Anemia hemolítica autoinmune postinfección por virus de la hepatitis A. Informe de caso; Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia associated to hepatitis A. Case report

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    Claudia Lucía Sossa Melo, MD


    Full Text Available La anemia hemolítica autoinmune se asocia con una variedad de virus hepatotrópicos, en particular citomegalovirus (CMV, virus del Epstein-Barr y de la hepatitis B. No es frecuente dentro de la historia natural de la hepatitis A, la aparición de anemia hemolítica, y cuando se presenta, generalmente se asocia a deficiencia de glucosa-6-fosfato deshidrogenasa. Presentamos el caso de un paciente de sexo masculino sin hemólisis previa, con astenia e ictericia de dos meses de evolución y hepatomegalia 14 cm por debajo del reborde costal derecho. Los hallazgos en los exámenes de laboratorios mostraron anemia hemolítica con Coombs directo positivo, anticuerpos tipo inmunoglobulina M contra el virus de la hepatitis A positivos, niveles de bilirrubinas 20 veces y aminotrasferasas cuatro veces por arriba del rango normal; con estos datos el paciente fue diagnosticado como hepatitis A complicada con anemia hemolítica y probable hepatitis autoinmune asociada, por lo que se inició manejo con corticoides, alcanzándose mejoría clínica. Resaltamos la importancia de descartar la infección por el virus de la hepatitis A como posible etiología de anemia hemolítica autoinmune.______________________________________________________________________ Acute auto inmune haemolytic anaemia is associated with a variety of hepatotropic viruses, in particular cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr virus and hepatitis B. The typical course of hepatitis A is rarely complicated with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Wepresent the case of a man without previous haemolysis, he had been unwell for two months with fatigue and jaundice, the liver edge was palpable and tender 14 cm below the costal margin. Clinical chemistry showed haemolytic anaemia with positive direct coombs test, immunoglobulin M antibodies to hepatitis A virus were detected, the total bilirrubin concentration 20 times the upper and transaminase 4 times upper limit for normal levels; with this

  13. Síndrome autoinmune en la paraparesia tropical espástica/ mielopatía asociada a la infección por el virus linfotrópico humano tipo I de la costa pacífica colombiana

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    Felipe García


    Full Text Available Introducción. Trabajos previos han aportado evidencias de que en la paraparesia espástica tropical/mielopatía asociada con el virus linfotrópico humano tipo I, existe un componente autoinmune asociado a su patogénesis. Objetivo. Evaluar el estado autoinmune y la existencia de mimetismo molecular en pacientes con paraparesia espástica tropical del pacífico colombiano. Materiales y métodos. A partir de muestras de plasma de 37 pacientes con paraparesia espástica tropical/mielopatía asociada al HTLV-I, 10 con leucemia de células T del adulto, 22 individuos portadores asintomáticos y 20 seronegativos para el HTLV-I, se determinaron niveles plasmáticos de anticuerpos antinucleares y anticardiolipina-2 y de interferón-??e interleucina- 4. Se evaluó, por Western blot, la reactividad cruzada de plasmas contra proteínas obtenidas de varias fuentes celulares normales del sistema nervioso. Además, se estudió la reactividad cruzada de plasmas de seropositivos y del anticuerpo monoclonal LT4 anti-taxp40 en secciones de médula espinal de ratas Wistar no infectadas. Resultados. El 70,2% y el 83,8% de los pacientes con paraparesia espástica tropical fueron reactivos para anticuerpos ANA y ACL-2, respectivamente, en contraste con los de leucemia de células T del adulto y los seropositivos asintomáticos (P<0,001. Además, el 70,3% y el 43,2% de los pacientes con paraparesia espástica tropical tuvieron niveles detectables de IFN-?? e IL-4, respectivamente. El anticuerpo LT4 anti tax-p40 y los plasmas de paraparesia espástica tropical/mielopatía asociada al HTLV-I mostraron una reacción cruzada con una proteína de PMr 33-35 kDa, obtenida del núcleo de neuronas de la médula espinal de ratas Wistar no infectadas. Conclusión. Se obtuvieron evidencias que apoyan la existencia de un síndrome autoinmune mediado por mimetismo molecular como parte de la etiopatogénesis de la degeneración axonal observada en la paraparesia esp


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    Juan-Manuel Anaya


    Full Text Available El desarrollo de enfermedades autoinmunes es un tema de suma importancia cuando de vacunas se trata, dado el riesgo que pueden tener éstas de favorecer fenómenos de autoinmunidad en individuos susceptibles. La relación riesgo/beneficio de desarrollar enfermedades autoinmunes luego de la vacunación contra el virus del papiloma humano (VPH aún no se ha resuelto. Los datos disponibles son limitados para ofrecer conclusiones definitivas. Dado el aumento reciente de reporte de efectos adversos, se espera que estudios con suficiente tamaño muestral, en diversas poblaciones, confirmen la seguridad de la vacunación contra el VPH en niñas con enfermedades autoinmunes. Un análisis personalizado de cada paciente, que incluya la evaluación de autoinmunidad personal y familiar, podría ser sugerido, aunque no hay estudios que demuestren que sea costo-efectivo. Por lo tanto, la farmacovigilancia permanente de esta vacuna sigue siendo de suma importancia.

  15. Síndrome Poliglandular Autoinmune Tipo II: Posible Asociación con HLA DRB1*-DQB1* Possible association of Type II Autoimmune Polyendrocrine Syndrome with HLA DRB1*-DQB1*


    M.S. Mallea Gil; M.C. Ballarino; M.M. Aparicio; K. Bertini; M.C. Ridruejo; S. Gimenez; P. Galarza; A. Perusco; S. Roveto; D. Rimoldi


    Los síndromes poliendocrinos autoinmunes (APS) asocian enfermedades endocrinas autoinmunes con otros desórdenes autoinmunes no endocrinos. El APS tipo II se caracteriza por compromiso primario suprarrenal, tiroideo y/o DM tipo I. Presentamos un paciente masculino de 46 años que fue internado por astenia, adinamia, hiporexia, severa disminución de peso, mareos y vómitos. Antecedente de obesidad y diabetes diagnosticada 3 años antes. Presentaba hipotensión arterial, hiperpigmentación de mucosas...

  16. Diabetes autoinmune latente del adulto o diabetes tipo 1 de lenta progresión: definición, patogenia, clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento Latent autoimmune diabetes of the adult or type 1 diabetes of slow progression: definition, pathogeny, clinic, diagnosis and treatment

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    Eduardo Cabrera Rode


    Full Text Available Se sabe que la diabetes mellitus es un síndrome heterogéneo que tiene como elemento común una hiperglucemia crónica, como consecuencia de una deficiencia de insulina o una insuficiente efectividad de su acción. Nos propusimos en este trabajo describir los aspectos más relevantes de la diabetes autoinmune del adulto (LADA y exponer el resultado de nuestra experiencia. Se considera que un sujeto la padece cuando es clasificado inicialmente como diabético tipo 2, el inicio es después de los 34 años, tiene generalmente peso corporal, normal o bajo y en un tiempo relativamente corto necesita tratamiento insulínico para lograr un buen control metabólico y presenta además una mayor asociación con la producción de anticuerpos antiislotes (ICA, antiglutámico descarboxilasa (AGAD65, microsomales tiroideos y antigástricos parietales, con una susceptibilidad genética por la presencia de haplotipos HLA-DR. Al momento del diagnóstico clínico puede presentar o no una insulinodeficiencia. Se ha demostrado que la insulinoterapia es el tratamiento ideal para los individuos con LADA, con el mismo se ha evidenciado una alta tasa de conversión negativa de los ICA con un incremento de los niveles de péptido C en el suero. Por el contrario, el tratamiento con sulfonilureas produce una persistencia de los ICA, los que probablemente sean responsables de una destrucción progresiva de las células b del páncreas. Por tanto, estas observaciones justifican la elección de la insulinoterapia desde el mismo momento del diagnóstico.It is known that diabetes mellitus is an heterogeneous syndrome that has as a common element a chronic hyperglycaemia resulting from an insulin deficiency or from an insufficient effectiveness of its action. It is our purpose to describe the most significant aspects of the autoimmune diabetes of the adult and to show the result of our experience. It is considered that subjects suffer from it when they are initially classified


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    DRA. M. Gabriela Sanzana G.


    En las “Diabetes Atípicas” (no incluidas en la clasificación ADA, se mencionan la DM tipo 2 en niños y adolescentes, favorecida por el aumento de la obesidad y del sedentarismo; la diabetes propensa a la cetosis, que debutan en cetoacidosis, con etiopatogenia y evolución de DM2; los Latent Autoinmune Diabetes of Adults (LADA, DM tipo 1 de lenta aparición y la diabetes postrasplante.

  18. Casos estandarizados en reumatología. Enfermedades autoinmunes sistémicas


    Nolla Solé, Joan Miquel


    Introducción. Las enfermedades autoinmunes sistémicas, denominadas también colagenosis o conectivopatías, constituyen una heterogéneo grupo de procesos que presentan en común: los fenómenos de autoinmunidad, que tienen valor patogénico y, en muchas ocasiones, diagnóstico y que posibilitan la definición de subgrupos pronósticos y terapéuticos, así como la afección simultánea de diversos órganos y sistemas corporales, circunstancia que confiere a las entidades un gran polimorfismo clínico ...

  19. Enfermedades del tejido conectivo: Importancia del diagnóstico precoz


    G. Patricia Abumohor, Dra.


    Las Enfermedades del Tejido Conectivo (ETC) son entidades de baja prevalencia en la población general. Son de naturaleza inflamatoria y autoinmune, tienden a la cronicidad y al compromiso de muchos parénquimas, órganos y tejidos, dejando en ellos daño estructural y funcional. Dado lo anterior, amenazan la vida o disminuyen la expectativa y calidad de vida. El diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz de estas entidades, permite cambiar su curso y muchas veces lograr remisión. Es por lo tanto de suma i...

  20. Sindromes endocrinos autoinmunes: cuándo sospechar y estudiar un sindrome poliglandular (SPG)


    B. María Carolina Letelier, Dra.


    Los síndromes poliglandulares autoinmunes comprenden un amplio espectro de trastornos endocrinos. Estos síndromes incluyen trastornos monogénicos como el síndrome poliglandular tipo 1 (tipo juvenil) y trastornos genéticos complejos como el síndrome poliglandular tipo 2 (tipo adulto). Estos trastornos se basan en la presencia de infiltración linfocitaria de la glándula afectada, anticuerpos órgano-específico en sangre, defectos en la inmunidad celular y asociación con los genes de los antígeno...

  1. Posible participación del sistema complemento en el desarrollo de manifestaciones autoinmunes en la leucemia linfocítica crónica Possible role of the complement system in the development of autoimmune manifestations in chronic lymphocytic leukemias

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    Rinaldo Villaescusa Blanco


    Full Text Available Se efectuó la medición de la actividad de la vía clásica, alternativa, factor B, factor D, así como la cuantificación de C1q, C3 y C4 del sistema complemento en 27 pacientes con leucemia linfocítica crónica de tipo B (LLC-B CD5+ estadificados en 2 grupos: 12 pacientes en fase poco avanzada de la enfermedad (estadios 0, I, II y 15 en fase avanzada (estadios III, IV. Se demostró una disminución de la actividad de la vía clásica y de la concentración de C1q y C4 en 10 pacientes en fase avanzada, 7 de los cuales tenían asociada una anemia hemolítica autoinmune (AHAI; en el grupo en fase poco avanzada de la enfermedad no se demostraron deficiencias de complemento ni manifestaciones autoinmunes. Los datos obtenidos sugieren la posible participación del sistema complemento en el mantenimiento de la tolerancia inmunológica, cuya ruptura pudiera provocar la síntesis de anticuerpos antieritrocitarios, y por lo tanto, la anemia hemolítica que se asocia en determinados pacientes en fase avanzada de la enfermedadThe measurement of the activity of the classical pathway, the alternative pathway, factor B, factor D, as well as the quantification of Clq, C3 and C4 of the complement system were made in 27 patients with type B chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL-B CD5+, classified into 2 groups: 12 patients at little advanced stage of the disease (stages 0, I, II and 15 patients at advanced stage (stages III, IV. It was proved that the activity of the classical pathway and the concentration of Clq and C4 lowered in 10 patients at advanced stage, 7 of them also had autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Neither complement deficiencies nor autoimmune manifestations were shown in the group of patients at little advanced stage of the disease. Collected data indicates the possible involvement of the complement system in keeping the immune tolerance, the rupture of which may cause the synthesis of anti-erythrocyte antibodies and thus, the hemolytic anemia that

  2. Enfermedades del tejido conectivo: Importancia del diagnóstico precoz

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    G. Patricia Abumohor, Dra.


    Full Text Available Las Enfermedades del Tejido Conectivo (ETC son entidades de baja prevalencia en la población general. Son de naturaleza inflamatoria y autoinmune, tienden a la cronicidad y al compromiso de muchos parénquimas, órganos y tejidos, dejando en ellos daño estructural y funcional. Dado lo anterior, amenazan la vida o disminuyen la expectativa y calidad de vida. El diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz de estas entidades, permite cambiar su curso y muchas veces lograr remisión. Es por lo tanto de suma importancia tenerlas en mente y sospecharlas como entidades de enfermedad e iniciar un tratamiento oportuno.

  3. Síndrome de Turner y tiroiditis autoinmune Turner´s syndrome and autoimmune thyroiditis

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    Tamara Fernández Teruel


    Full Text Available Paciente de 13 años de edad, del sexo femenino, quien presenta los siguientes antecedentes patológicos familiares: madre que padece de hipertensión arterial, padre con úlcera péptica; sin lazos de consanguinidad entre los progenitores. Antecedentes prenatales: gestación a término de 38 semanas que corresponde al segundo embarazo, signo de menos y escaso incremento de la altura uterina. Motivo de consulta: baja talla. Al examen físico de la paciente se encuentra piel seca y áspera, panículo adiposo aumentado, cubitus valgus, teletelia, implantación baja del cabello y en tridente, así como acortamiento del cuarto metacarpiano. Glándula tiroides: aumentada de volumen ± 25 gramos, superficie lisa, no dolorosa, no se precisan nódulos. Maniobra de Chvostek negativa, no vello sexual, genitales externos de aspecto femenino y estadio I de desarrollo de mamas (Tanner I. Estudios complementarios realizados: TSH 32,6 mU/L, anticuerpos antimicrosomales positivo, anticuerpos antiislotes pancreáticos positivo, cromatina oral 12 %, FSH 68,8 UI/L (elevado, LH 12,5 UI/L (elevado, estrógenos 18 pmol/L. (disminuido, prolactina 72 mU/L (disminuido. En resumen, se trata de una paciente con diagnóstico de síndrome de Turner y enfermedad autoinmune del tiroides, que cursa con hipotiroidismo clínico.A 13-years-old female patient, who presents with the following family pathological history: mother with blood hypertension, father with peptic ulcer; no blood relationship between parents. Prenatal history: term pregnancy of 38 weeks of a second pregnancy, minus sign and little increase of uterine height. Reason for appointment: low height. On physical exam, the patient´s skin was dry and rough, augmented adipose pannicle, cubitus valgus, telethelia, low implantation of hair in trident position as well as shortening of fourth metacarpal. Thyroidal gland: increased volume of ± 25 grams, smooth surface, no pain, no nodules were detected. Negative Chvostek

  4. Frequency Of Pancreatic Beta-Cell Autoimmunity Markers In Patients With Autoimmune Thyroid Disease Frecuencia de marcadores de autoinmunidad beta pancreática en pacientes con enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune

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    María E. Primo


    Full Text Available A total of 305 ambulatory patients recruited at the Division of Endocrinology, Hospital de Clínicas, University of Buenos Aires, with autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD were studied to search for associations between autoimmune thyroid disease and presence of serum markers of autoimmune diabetes mellitus. Screening for markers of pancreatic beta-cell autoimmunity was performed by radioligand binding assays (RBA as follows: autoantibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GADA and proinsulin (PAA were determined in all sera, whereas autoantibodies to protein tyrosine phosphatase (IA-2A and insulin (IAA were additionally measured in 200 sera randomly selected from the total collection. In addition, every GADA positive serum among the remaining 105 sera was systematically tested for the presence of IA-2A and IAA. In the cohort of 305 AITD patients 22 (7.2% were previously diagnosed as type 1, type 2 or insulin-requiring type 2 diabetics. Ten of these patients presented serum marker positivity specific for β-cell autoantigens and 12 were marker negative. On the other hand, considering the majority of non-diabetic AITD patients (n=283, β-cell marker positivity was detected in 17 individuals (6.0%. The prevalence of autoimmune diabetes markers was much higher in the studied population than in the general population utilized as a control group, and GADA was the most frequent marker.Se investigó la asociación entre enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune y la presencia de marcadores séricos de diabetes mellitus en 305 pacientes ambulatorios con enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune reclutados en la División Endocrinología. La búsqueda de marcadores de autoinmunidad contra las células beta pancreáticas se realizó por la técnica de unión de radioligandos (RBA como se detalla a continuación: se determinaron autoanticuerpos contra la decarboxilasa del ácido glutámico (GADA y proinsulina (PAA en todos los sueros, mientras que los anticuerpos contra la prote

  5. Papel de hemo oxigensa-1 en la artritis inducida por transferencia de suero K/BxN. Caracterización del modelo experimental


    Brines Juan, Rita


    La Artritis Reumatoide (AR) es una enfermedad sistémica, crónica y de carácter autoinmune que produce daño articular en los pacientes. Cursa con la degradación del hueso subcondral y del cartílago articular causando un gran dolor; además de ser una enfermedad incapacitante, puede provocar síntomas extraarticulares que afecten a otros órganos. El estudio de la patogenia y del tratamiento de la AR se desarrolla en gran medida sobre modelos animales de artritis experimental. En la actualidad...

  6. Hepatitis inmune temprana en el curso del síndrome de Sjögren en pediatría


    Baar Z., Alejandro; Harris D., Paul; Talesnik G., Eduardo; Duarte G. de C., Ignacio


    La hepatitis inmune corresponde a una enfermedad necroinflamatoria del hígado, de causa desconocida, asociada a la presencia de autoanticuerpos circulantes. Puede presentarse aisladamente, o en asociación a otras enfermedades autoinmunes. Entre estas, destaca el síndrome de Sjögren, que compromete preferentemente a las glándulas salivales, aunque puede afectar a cualquier segmento del tubo digestivo, especialmente el hígado. Reportamos el caso de una niña de 12 años de edad, portadora de Sínd...

  7. Factores latentes del desarrollo en los municipios de la Región de Murcia.

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    José Alberto Hermoso Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Un concepto de gran importancia dentro de la Economía lo constituye el desarrollo de una población, y en particular, el desarrollo económico-comercial de poblaciones. En nuestro caso, nos centraremos en los municipios de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia, con el fin de analizar las analogías y diferencias existentes entre ellos. En este trabajo, determinaremos factores latentes del desarrollo de los municipios de la Región de Murcia, a través de un conjunto de variables de carácter económico-comercial observadas sobre dichas poblaciones. Asimismo, analizaremos si existen diferencias de tipo económico-comercial, entre grupos homogéneos para el desarrollo, de municipios de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia y obtendremos una representación gráfica del posicionamiento relativo de éstos, aplicando el Análisis Canónico de Poblaciones.

  8. Estructura Latente de las Funciones Ejecutivas en Adolescentes: Invarianza Factorial a través del Sexo

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    Vanessa Arán Filippetti


    Full Text Available Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron (i analizar la estructura latente de las Funciones Ejecutivas (FE en adolescentes y (ii comprobar su invarianza factorial (i,e., configural, métrica, escalar, estructural y residual a través del sexo. Se trabajó con una muestra de 125 adolescentes de 11 a 15 años de edad de ambos sexos a los que se administró diferentes tareas de FE. Se empleó Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC y AFC Multigrupo (AFCMG. El AFC ofreció apoyo para la estructura de tres factores separados pero relacionados: (i Memoria de trabajo, (ii Flexibilidad Cognitiva y (iii Inhibición. Además, el AFCMG reveló que la estructura de tres factores es invariante a través del sexo, lo que permite la comparación entre los grupos de los componentes hallados. Finalmente, el análisis multivariado de varianza (MANOVA reveló diferencias significativas en el factor Flexibilidad Cognitiva a favor de las mujeres. Se discuten los resultados en términos de la naturaleza dimensional del constructo en adolescentes y de las diferencias de rendimiento cognitivo en función del sexo.

  9. Latent Class Models in the Assessment of Education: The Case of Students’ Academic Attainment in Elementary Education in Zacatecas Modelos de Clase Latente en la Evaluación de la Educación. El Caso del Aprovechamiento Escolar en la Educación Primaria de Zacatecas.

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    Francisco Muro González


    Full Text Available Based on an advanced statistical method (Latent Class Analysis, the author jointly examines two crucial factors in the assessment of students? performance in elementary school: School attainment and teacher education ( based on teachers? results in tests taken to earn their teaching credentials. Data from files in the 2001 Archives for the State of Zacatecas, Mexico are used to make this analysis. The author shows that when working with latent class models, one can make a more significant in depth analysis because by virtue of using this method, it is viable to construct suitable clusters and to segment the data files more efficiently in order to find differentiated effects of parameters in the population. A partir de una metodología de estadística avanzada, la de análisis de clase latente, el autor analiza conjuntamente dos archivos cruciales en la evaluación del desempeño de los estudiantes de primaria: los de factor aprovechamiento escolar y factor preparación profesional (o resultados de los exámenes de carrera magisterial. El autor utiliza para ello los archivos correspondientes al año 2001 del estado de Zacatecas. En el texto se muestra que al trabajar con modelos de clase latente se puede ganar significativamente en profundidad en el análisis, pues mediante este método es viable construir clusters adecuados y segmentar eficientemente el archivo de datos para encontrar efectos diferenciados de los parámetros en la población.

    1En el año del 2003 tuve la oportunidad de realizar un estudio para la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del gobierno del estado de Zacatecas, México, motivo por el cual se me dio acceso a los datos referidos.

  10. Diagnóstico y tratamiento de los síndromes de sobreposición de hepatitis autoinmune

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    O. Aguilar-Nájera


    En la actualidad, aún existe controversia acerca de si los síndromes de sobreposición son entidades diferentes o la presencia de 2 enfermedades coexistentes. Deben ser buscados en los pacientes con hepatitis autoinmune que tienen datos de colestasis ya que sabemos que su comportamiento tiende a ser más agresivo con mayores tasas de cirrosis y necesidad de trasplante hepático así como pobre respuesta al tratamiento, el cual debe ser dirigido al fenotipo principal. Hacen falta definiciones estandarizadas que permitan su estudio en ensayos clínicos controlados.


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    Yeny Acosta-Ampudia


    Full Text Available

    Desde el año 2015 el mundo se vio enfrentado al renacer de una nueva epidemia por el virus del Zika (vZIKA, cuyas complicaciones neurológicas hicieron que en Febrero de 2016 la Organización Mundial de la Salud declarara la epidemia como una “emergencia de salud pública de importancia internacional”. En el presente artículo se revisan las características de este virus y su asociación con el síndrome de Guillain-Barré, a través de una posible respuesta autoinmune contra gangliósidos mediante mimetismo molecular, en el contexto de la ecología autoinmune.



    Since 2015 the world is facing a new outbreak of Zika virus (ZIKV. The sudden increase in neurological complications associated with ZIKV prompted the World Health Organization to declare this outbreak in February 2016 a “public health emergency of international concern”. This article reviews the main characteristics of ZIKV and its association with Guillain-Barre syndrome, in the context of autoimmune ecology, through a possible molecular mimicry against gangliosides.

  12. Effect of stimulus intensity on latent inhibition: A case for generalization decrement

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    Gabriel Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En dos experimentos se empleó la técnica de aversión condicionada al sabor en ratas para examinar el efecto de la intensidad del estímulo expuesto sobre la inhibición latente. En el Experimento 1 se valoró el efecto de la exposición de un sabor dulce en distintas concentraciones sobre la tasa de adquisición de su condicionamiento posterior. Los resultados de este experimento mostraron un mayor efecto de inhibición latente tras la exposición del sabor en igual concentración a la empleada durante el condicionamiento (grupo EI que tras su exposición en una concentración mayor (grupo EM o menor (grupo Em. Además, esta atenuación del efecto de inhibición latente en las condiciones de cambio en la concentración resultó menor en el grupo EM que en el grupo Em. El Experimento 2 demostró que la generalización de las propiedades aversivas condicionadas al sabor fue mayor entre las concentraciones empleadas en el grupo EM que en el grupo Em. Estos resultados sugieren que el aparente efecto de la intensidad del estímulo en la inhibición latente podría ser explicado en términos de decremento en la generalización.

  13. Modalidades terapéuticas en la fase latente prolongada del trabajo de parto Therapeutic modalities in the prolonged latent phase of labor

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    Danilo Nápoles Méndez


    Full Text Available En el trabajo de parto, la distocia de fase latente constituye una entidad clínica relacionada con el aumento de la morbilidad y mortalidad materna y perinatal. En este artículo se exponen las modalidades de tratamiento para el trastorno de esta fase del trabajo de parto, a fin de que los obstetras posean alternativas terapéuticas que posibiliten una mayor preparación en la toma de decisiones. Asimismo, se describen tanto las formas de terapia conservadora (reposo terapéutico, como las de la activa. Se concluye que el tratamiento activo no invasivo de base etiológica con misoprostol y la terapia activa con oxitocina y rotura artificial de membranas tardía, son modalidades empleadas en obstetricia con resultados satisfactorios.Dystocia of latent phase constitutes a clinical entity related to the increase of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality during labor. The treatment modalities for the disorder of this phase of labor are exposed in this work, so that the obstetricians have therapeutic alternatives which facilitate a greater preparation in the decision-making process. The ways for conservative therapy (therapeutic rest and active therapy are also described. It is concluded that the non-invasive active treatment of etiological basis with misoprostol and the active therapy with oxytocin and late artificial rupture of membranes are the modalities used in obstetrics with satisfactory results.

  14. Especies reactivas del oxígeno y balance redox, parte I: aspectos básicos y principales especies reactivas del oxígeno Oxygen reactive species and redox balance, part I: basic aspects and main oxygen reactive species

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    Gregorio Martínez Sánchez


    Full Text Available El balance redox ha sido reconocido, de forma cada vez más creciente, como un componente crítico del proceso de envejecimiento; la iniciación y desarrollo de enfermedades de notable morbilidad y mortalidad (aterosclerosis, cáncer, enfermedades del sistema nervioso central, enfermedades autoinmunes, daño por isquemia-reperfusión, entre otras y respuestas celulares, inducidas por el estrés oxidativo. Estrechamente vinculado con el estrés oxidativo está la generación de especies reactivas de oxígeno las cuales provocan daño celular directo, además de actuar como segundos mensajeros intracelulares al modular las vías de transducción de señales. En el presente trabajo se recogen los principales antecedentes de las investigaciones relacionadas con este tema y se describen las más importantes características de las especies reactivas del oxígeno.The redox balance has been increasingly recognized as a critical component of the aging process; the onset and development of diseases causing dramatic morbidity and mortality (atherosclerosis, cancer, central nervous system diseases, autoinmune diseases, ischemia-reperfusion damage, among others and oxidative stress-induced cellular responses. Closely related to oxidative stress is the generation of oxygen reactive species, which cause direct cell damage in addition to acting as second intracellular messengers when modulating signal transduction pathways. The present paper presented the main antecedents of pieces of research related to this topic and described the most important characteristics of the oxygen reactive species.

  15. La crisis latente del Darwinismo

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    Abdalla, Maurício


    Full Text Available In this article I will be analyzing the Darwinist paradigm in the biological science, discussing its capacity to give satisfactory understanding of the new data from biochemistry, microbiology and genetics. The general aim of this analysis is to contribute for the debate about the statute of the scientific theories. Its specific aim is to reflect upon a possible crisis of the Darwinist paradigm, which could corroborate the conception of scientific theories as something historically transitory, and not as definitive discoveries.

    El presente artículo analiza el paradigma darwinista en las ciencias biológicas a partir de la pregunta sobre su capacidad de explicar satisfactoriamente los nuevos datos obtenidos de la bioquímica, la microbiología y la genética. El objetivo general del análisis es contribuir con una discusión acerca del estado de las teorías científicas y el objetivo específico es reflexionar sobre una posible crisis del paradigma darwinista, lo que corroboraría la concepción de las teorías científicas como algo históricamente transitorio y no como descubrimientos definitivos.

  16. Noves tècniques per a la detecció de la tuberculosi latent


    Rivas, Inmaculada


    Espanya és un dels països industrialitzats amb major índex de tuberculosi, especialment entre els afectats pel VIH i les persones drogodependents, però la infecció acostuma a romandre latent en la majoria dels casos. La prova in vivo tradicional, coneguda com a PPD, consisteix en un test cutani que pot donar falsos positius o falsos negatius. Aquest estudi ha diagnosticat tuberculosi latent gràcies a dos nous mètodes in vitro, entre la població drogodependent de l'àrea metropolitana de Barcel...

  17. Hepatitis autoinmune en la edad pediátrica Autoimmune hepatitis in pediatric patients

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    R. García Romero


    Full Text Available Introducción: la hepatitis autoinmune es una enfermedad inflamatoria de origen desconocido responsable de una destrucción progresiva del hígado y evolución hacia la cirrosis. Objetivo: el objetivo es evaluar las características de las hepatitis autoinmunes en la población infantil. Material y métodos: estudio retrospectivo de pacientes diagnosticados en nuestro servicio en los últimos 10 años. Las variables analizadas son: edad, sexo, forma de presentación, función hepática, inmunoglobulinas, autoinmunidad, histología, tratamiento, necesidad de trasplante y evolución clínica. Según la positividad de los auto-anticuerpos se clasifican en tipo I (ANA y/o ASMA y tipo II (LKM-1. Resultados: se diagnostica a siete pacientes, 5 mujeres (71,5% y 2 varones (28,5%; tipo I 5 y tipo II dos pacientes. La edad al diagnóstico es 21 meses a 12 años. En el tipo I la presentación clínica es como hepatitis aguda en 3 casos y 2 pacientes con insuficiencia hepática progresiva. Las tipo II se diagnostican tras un hallazgo analítico siendo asintomáticas. La elevación de transaminasas (x10 su valor se observa en el 71,5% e hipergammaglobulinemia en el 85%. El tratamiento instaurado es azatioprina y corticosteroides con un tiempo medio de remisión de 14 meses. Dos pacientes recaen al retirar corticosteroides. Conclusión: las formas de presentación son variadas y puede ser indistinguible a una hepatitis viral. Se debe sospechar ante una elevación de las aminotransferasas y la presencia de hipergammaglobulinemia. Con buenos resultados el tratamiento recomendado sería azatioprina y corticosteroides. Existen altos porcentajes de recaídas al retirar la corticoterapia por lo que algunos pacientes precisarían de dosis mínimas para mantener la remisión.Background: autoimmune hepatitis (AIH is an inflammatory disease of unknown origin that is responsible for progressive liver necrosis and ultimately cirrhosis. Objective: our aim was to evaluate

  18. Trasplante de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas en enfermedades autoinmunes Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in autoimmune diseases

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    Flavio Albarracín


    Full Text Available El trasplante de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas, células con capacidad de autorrenovación y reconstitución de todos los tipos de células sanguíneas, se utiliza en el tratamiento de numerosas enfermedades potencialmente letales incluyendo leucemias y linfomas. Hoy en día es posible además aplicarlo en el tratamiento de enfermedades autoinmunes graves, como esclerosis múltiple, lupus eritematoso sistémico o esclerosis sistémica, resistentes a la terapia convencional. Estudios en modelos animales nos demuestran que la transferencia de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas podría revertir el proceso de autoinmunidad, un fenómeno que puede explicarse mediante diferentes mecanismos. El resultado de los estudios clínicos que se están llevando a cabo, así como también estudios en pacientes y modelos animales, ayudarán a determinar el rol que el transplante de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas puede jugar en el tratamiento de enfermedades autoinmunes.Transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells, which are capable of self renewal and reconstitution of all types of blood cells, can be a treatment for numerous potential lethal diseases, including leukemias and lymphomas. It may now be applicable for the treatment of severe autoimmune diseases, such as therapy-resistant multiple sclerosis, lupus and systemic sclerosis. Studies in animal models show that the transfer of hematopoietic stem cells can reverse autoimmunity. The outcome of ongoing clinical trials, as well as of studies in patients and animal models, will help to determine the role that stem-cell transplantation can play in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

  19. Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune hepatitis Diagnóstico y tratamiento de la hepatitis autoinmune

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    Maycos Leandro Zapata Muñoz


    Full Text Available Autoimmune hepatitis is a chronic, progressive disease, more frequent in women than in men, and of unknown etiology. Histologically, it is characterized by mononuclear cell infiltration in the portal tract, and biochemically by elevation of transaminases, hypergammaglobulinemia, and the presence of liver specific autoantibodies. Response to immunosuppressive treatment is generally good and the resolution of inflammation, both biochemically and histologically, is achieved in 87% of patients in 3 years after immunosuppressive treatment is started. Several studies have shown that in the absence of treatment the disease progresses rapidly to fibrosis, and the mortality rate is higher than 80% in the 5 years following diagnosis in untreated patients. Nevertheless, even if the patient has liver fibrosis, treatment decreases the inflammatory response and the histological progression of fibrosis. Life expectancy of patients who respond to treatment exceeds 90% at 10 years, and is 80% at 20 years; however, 10-15% of patients do not have satisfactory response to medical treatment. Standard treatment and new therapeutic options are reviewed in this article. La hepatitis autoinmune (HAI es una enfermedad crónica, progresiva, más frecuente en mujeres y de etiología desconocida, caracterizada histológicamente por infiltrado de células mononucleares en el tracto portal y bioquímicamente por hipertransaminasemia e hipergamaglobulinemia y por la presencia de autoanticuerpos específicos para el hígado. La respuesta al tratamiento inmunosupresor es generalmente buena y la resolución tanto bioquímica como histológica de la inflamación se logra en el 87% de los pacientes en tres años después de haber iniciado dicho tratamiento. Diversos estudios han demostrado que, en ausencia de tratamiento, la enfermedad lleva rápidamente a fibrosis y la tasa de mortalidad es mayor del 80% a los cinco años del diagnóstico. Por el contrario, si el paciente ya

  20. Diseño de un plan estratégico en el Instituto de Enfermedades Autoinmunes Renato Guzmán - IDEARG S.A.S.


    Jiménez Serrano, Lorena; Ortegon Lancheros, Carolina


    IDEARG S.A.S es una Institución Prestadora de Servicios de Salud dedicada a la atención de pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes. Dentro de su ordenación se encuentra una planta de personal organizada y comprometida con el progreso de la empresa. Sin embargo, existe una sentida necesidad de implementar estrategias que permitan el fortalecimiento interno de la institución y su posicionamiento en el mercado como una de las empresas de mayor prestigio en su campo de acción. Resulta oportuno...

  1. Rol de las células T regulatorias en esclerosis múltiple Role of T-regulatory cells in multiple sclerosis

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    Juan Ignacio Rojas


    Full Text Available La esclerosis múltiple (EM es una enfermedad inflamatoria autoinmune desmielinizante del sistema nervioso central (SNC. La mayoría de las enfermedades autoinmunes se originan por la activación anormal de la respuesta inflamatoria contra auto-antígenos (la mayoría de ellos desconocidos a la fecha como consecuencia de la pérdida de la tolerancia periférica. Las células T-regulatorias constituyen un grupo esencial de linfocitos T encargados del mantenimiento de la tolerancia periférica, la prevención de enfermedades autoinmunes y la limitación de enfermedades inflamatorias crónicas. Teniendo en cuenta la importancia de la tolerancia periférica, las células T-regulatorias serían componentes cruciales en el escenario fisiopatológico de los procesos autoinmunes, incluyendo la EM. El presente trabajo recopila los conocimientos actuales sobre la función de las células T-regulatorias en la EM, la enfermedad autoinmune desmielinizante del SNC más prevalente en los seres humanos.Multiple sclerosis (MS is an autoimmune inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS. Most of autoimmune diseases arise by an abnormal activation of the inflammatory response against self-antigens (most of them unknown up to date as a consequence of dysfunction in peripheral tolerance. Regulatory T-cells are essential for maintaining peripheral tolerance, preventing autoimmune diseases and limiting chronic inflammatory conditions. Based on that knowledge, T-regulatory cells have emerged as a key component of the physiopathology of autoimmune diseases including MS. This review compiles the current knowledge on the role and function of T-regulatory cells in MS, the most prevalent CNS autoimmune disease in humans.

  2. Prevalencia de infección tuberculosa latente en trabajadores de salud de establecimientos del primer nivel de atención. Lima, Perú

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    Mirtha Gabriela Soto Cabezas

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Con el propósito de disponer de información sobre los riesgos para infección por tuberculosis, la Dirección General de Epidemiología del Ministerio de Salud, desarrolló una vigilancia centinela en establecimientos de salud de la Provincia constitucional del Callao, dicha vigilancia incluyó el diagnóstico de infección tuberculosa latente (ITL mediante la aplicación del método IGRA. El objetivo del presente estudio fue estimar la prevalencia de ITL en trabajadores de salud de un área con alta carga de enfermedad de tuberculosis. La prevalencia de ITL en trabajadores de salud fue 56%. En trabajadores con más de 10 años de servicio la prevalencia se incrementó a 63% y en trabajadores con más de 35 años de servicio se encontraron prevalencias entre 58 y 60%. Existe una alta prevalencia de ITL en trabajadores de salud de establecimientos del primer nivel de atención, identificándose al mayor tiempo de servicio, como uno de los principales factores de riesgo.

  3. Pancreatitis autoinmune: pseudotumor inflamatorio, afectación multifocal, hipertensión portal y evolución a largo plazo Autoimmune pancreatitis: inflammatory pseudotumor, multifocal fibrosclerosis, portal hypertension, and long-term outcome

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    J. L. Beristain


    Full Text Available La pancreatitis autoinmune es una enfermedad recientemente caracterizada y que en la actualidad constituye un reto diagnóstico especialmente su diferenciación con el cáncer de páncreas. Su evolución a largo plazo es poco conocida, presentándose un caso estudiado a lo largo de 14 años y mostrando su evolución clínica, bioquímica y morfológica. Paciente mujer de 54 años que debuta con un cuadro de ictericia obstructiva y molestias abdominales inespecíficas y constatación en la TAC de un aumento de la cabeza del páncreas, todo ello sugestivo de neoplasia de páncreas. Fue intervenida evidenciándose un aumento difuso de todo el páncreas descartándose malignidad intraoperatoriamente, realizando únicamente colecistectomía y coledocoduodenostomía, quedando diagnosticada entonces como pancreatitis crónica. Durante los años posteriores fueron apareciendo diferentes procesos autoinmunes como asma, sialoadenitis y colangitis esclerosante secundaria, así como episodios recurrentes de ictericia e insuficiencia pancreática endocrina y exocrina. La aparición de estas complicaciones y la detección de niveles séricos elevados de IgG4 y de anticuerpos antianhidrasa carbónica II condujo a la reevaluación de la histología inicial concluyendo finalmente con el diagnóstico de pancreatitis autoinmune al evidenciarse una infiltración linfocitaria y plasmacitaria IgG4+, así como fibrosis y flebitis obliterativa. En los últimos años se ha añadido a las anteriores complicaciones una fibrosis retroperitoneal con hipertensión portal, varices esofágicas y esplenomegalia.Autoimmune pancreatitis is a recently characterized disease that still constitutes a diagnostic challenge, especially regarding differential diagnosis from neoplasia. Long-term outcome is poorly known. We herein report a case of a patient with autoimmune pancreatitis and 14 years of follow-up, and show its clinical, biochemical, and morphological characteristics. A 54

  4. Enfermedad celiaca en niños del noroeste de México: características clínicas de 24 casos


    N. Sotelo Cruz; A.M. Calderón de la Barca; J.G. Hurtado Valenzuela


    Antecedentes: La enfermedad celiaca (EC) es una enteropatía autoinmune inducida por el gluten del trigo dietético, con serias consecuencias si no se diagnostica y trata tempranamente. Hay además otras alteraciones asociadas a la ingestión de gluten, que es importante conocer, por su multiplicidad de presentaciones clínicas. Objetivos: Describir los patrones más comunes de presentación de EC y alteraciones asociadas al gluten en niños de la región noroeste de México, con incipiente conocimi...

  5. Mecanismos de la aterosclerosis y enfermedad cardiovascular en enfermedades autoimnunes sistémicas: integración de análisis inmunológicos, moleculares y epigenéticos


    Pérez Sánchez, Carlos


    Las enfermedades autoinmunes son el resultado de una interacción entre factores genéticos predisponentes, una alteración del sistema inmune y factores ambientales desencadenantes. Numerosos estudios epidemiológicos han demostrado que patologías autoinmunes sistémicas como la Artritis Reumatoide (AR), el Síndrome Antifosfolípido (SAF), y el Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico (LES), presentan una elevada incidencia de eventos cardiovasculares y aterosclerosis y, como consecuencia, altos ratios de mort...

  6. Humedad de equilibrio y calor latente de vaporización del ajonjolí. Sésamun indicum L.

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    Julio E. Ospina M.


    Full Text Available El ajonjolí (Sésamun indicum L., es una oleaginosa originaria de África y cultivada en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales de Asia y América. A los 110 días de sembrada se cosecha la semilla la cual se utiliza como materia prima especialmente en la industria de grasas y aceites comestibles. Actualmente se pierden en Colombia, un alto porcentaje de semillas durante el proceso de secado natura en el campo. Debido a la falta de información técnica, científica en secado y almacenamiento del grana de ajonjolí se procedió a estudiar la metodología para determinar, el contenido de humedad por el método de la estufa, las curvas y modelo para cuantificar la humedad de equilibrio y el calor latente de vaporización.


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    Full Text Available Los modelos de demanda de viajes utilizan principalmente los atributos modales y las características socioeconómicas como variables explicativas. También se ha establecido que las actitudes y percepciones influyen en el comportamiento de los usuarios. Sin embargo, las variables psicológicas del individuo condicionan la conducta del usuario. En este estudio se incluyó la variable latente personalidad, en la estimación del modelo híbrido de elección discreta, el cual constituye una buena alternativa para incorporar los efectos de los factores subjetivos. La variable latente personalidad se evaluó con la prueba psicométrica 16PF de validez internacional. El artículo analiza los resultados de la aplicación de este modelo a una población de empleados y docentes universitarios, y también propone un camino para la utilización de pruebas psicométricas en los modelos híbridos de elección discreta. Nuestros resultados muestran que los modelos híbridos que incluyen variables latentes psicológicas son superiores a los modelos tradicionales que ignoran los efectos de la conducta de los usuarios.

  8. Diabetes autoinmune del adulto en diabéticos tipo 2: frecuencia y características LADA in type 2 diabetics: frequency and characteristics

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    Eduardo Cabrera-Rode


    Full Text Available Se realizó este trabajo para conocer frecuencia, características clínico-bioquímicas, inmunológicas y genéticas de la diabetes autoinmune en adultos (LADA en 1 000 diabéticos tipo 2 con edades ³ 35 años con distintos tiempos de duración de la diabetes. Se les determinó glucemia, anticuerpos antiislotes pancreáticos (ICA, anti-GAD65, anti-ICA512bdc/IA2, antimicrosomales tiroideos (AMT, antigástricos parietales (AGP, antinucleares (AN, microalbuminuria y péptido C en ayunas. Se encuestaron y se registraron algunas características clínicas. Se dividieron en 2 grupos según la presencia de ICA. Todos los diabéticos tipo 2 + para autoanticuerpos antiislotes (ICA y/o anti-GAD65 fueron identificados como LADA. Se detectó el 3,4 % de diabético tipo 2 con ICA +, en los diabéticos tipo 2 ICA- el 22,0 % presentó anticuerpos anti-GAD65. Se encontró que los diabéticos tipo 2 ICA+ eran más jóvenes, la duración de su diabetes era menor, presentaron menor IMC, disminución de los niveles de péptido C en ayunas, menos antecedentes familiares (padres de DM2, valores menores en las tensiones arteriales diastólicas y sistólicas, mayor presencia de anticuerpos anti-GAD65, AMT y AGP en comparación con los diabéticos tipo 2 ICA-. Se observó que los diabéticos tipo 2 ICA+ (LADA tienen características específicas que los asemejan a los diabéticos tipo 1, esto implicaría variaciones importantes en su tratamiento y evolución con respecto a los diabéticos tipo 2 ICA-. Se observó una baja frecuencia de ICA y alta de GAD en los diabéticos tipo 2 cubanos, las cuales fueron diferentes a la encontrada en poblaciones caucasianas. Los anticuerpos anti-GAD65 fueron superiores a los ICA para detectar los LADA. Las características clínicas e inmunológicas de estos pacientes muestran la lenta progresión de la destrucción autoinmune de las células b con implicaciones terapéuticas.This paper was aimed at knowing the frequency, clinico

  9. Detección del virus del enanismo amarillo de la cebolla (OYDV y el virus latente común del ajo (GCLV en ajo (Allium sativum L costarricense

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    Anny Vannesa Guillén Watson


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades virales son responsables de pérdidas importantes en el rendimiento del cultivo de ajo alrededor del mundo, ya que limitan su producción. En esta investigación se analizó material de ajo costarricense para determinar la incidencia de los virus: Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV y Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus (OYDV, mediante la técnica DAS-ELISA, con el fin de conocer el estado fitosanitario del material criollo. Se utilizaron bulbos de campo de apariencia normal (N, normales con túnica amarilla (TA y con deformaciones (D; y hojas de campo normales (N, sintomáticas (S y con presencia de posibles vectores  virales (VT. Se analizaron vitroplantas producto de la introducción de ápices de 1,0 y 0,5cm de longitud procedentes de dientes normales (N y con túnica amarilla (TA; así como dos lotes de bulbillos obtenidos in vitro de introducciones de ápices de 1,0cm de largo a partir de bulbos de apariencia normal. Se encontró que el 33% de los bulbos de campo analizados para GCLV fueron positivos (TA, mientras que OYDV se detectó en el 100%, sin importar la apariencia. El 100% de las hojas fue positivo para GCLV, y para OYDV soloaquellas de apariencia normal (33%. El 100% de las vitroplantas no presentaron infección de GCLV, mientras que para OYDV solo las introducidas de ápices de 1,0cm provenientes de bulbos con túnica amarillenta no mostraron incidencia. Se determinó GCLV en el 100% de lasmuestras para ambos lotes de bulbificación in Vitro, y OYDV solo en el 50%. Se concluye que los virus OYDV y GCLV están presentes en el ajo costarricense y se detectaron mediante la técnica DASELISA, con una alta incidencia en el material local y con infección diferencial según el órgano analizado. Se recomienda combinar diversas metodologías junto con el cultivo de ápices in vitro, para obtener mayor eficacia en la limpieza viral, lo que contribuiría a incrementar el valor y potenciar el cultivo de la semilla local.

  10. Latent heat coldness storage; Stockage du froid par chaleur latente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dumas, J.P. [Pau Univ., Lab. de Thermodynamique et Energetique, LTE, 64 (France)


    This article presents the advantages of latent heat storage systems which use the solid-liquid phase transformation of a pure substance or of a solution. The three main methods of latent heat storage of coldness are presented: ice boxes, encapsulated nodules, and ice flows: 1 - definition of the thermal energy storage (sensible heat, latent heat, thermochemical storage); 2 - advantages and drawbacks of latent heat storage; 3 - choice criteria for a phase-change material; 4 - phenomenological aspect of liquid-solid transformations (phase equilibrium, crystallisation and surfusion); 5 - different latent heat storage processes (ice boxes, encapsulated nodules, two-phase refrigerating fluids); 6 - ice boxes (internal and external melting, loop, air injection, measurement of ice thickness); 7 - encapsulated nodules (nodules, tank, drainage, advantage and drawbacks, charge and discharge); 8 - two-phase refrigerating fluids (composition, ice fabrication, flow circulation, flow storage, exchangers). (J.S.)

  11. Latent palmprint matching. (United States)

    Jain, Anil K; Feng, Jianjiang


    The evidential value of palmprints in forensic applications is clear as about 30 percent of the latents recovered from crime scenes are from palms. While biometric systems for palmprint-based personal authentication in access control type of applications have been developed, they mostly deal with low-resolution (about 100 ppi) palmprints and only perform full-to-full palmprint matching. We propose a latent-to-full palmprint matching system that is needed in forensic applications. Our system deals with palmprints captured at 500 ppi (the current standard in forensic applications) or higher resolution and uses minutiae as features to be compatible with the methodology used by latent experts. Latent palmprint matching is a challenging problem because latent prints lifted at crime scenes are of poor image quality, cover only a small area of the palm, and have a complex background. Other difficulties include a large number of minutiae in full prints (about 10 times as many as fingerprints), and the presence of many creases in latents and full prints. A robust algorithm to reliably estimate the local ridge direction and frequency in palmprints is developed. This facilitates the extraction of ridge and minutiae features even in poor quality palmprints. A fixed-length minutia descriptor, MinutiaCode, is utilized to capture distinctive information around each minutia and an alignment-based minutiae matching algorithm is used to match two palmprints. Two sets of partial palmprints (150 live-scan partial palmprints and 100 latent palmprints) are matched to a background database of 10,200 full palmprints to test the proposed system. Despite the inherent difficulty of latent-to-full palmprint matching, rank-1 recognition rates of 78.7 and 69 percent, respectively, were achieved in searching live-scan partial palmprints and latent palmprints against the background database.

  12. Seguimiento multidisciplinario en el control del penfigoide de membranas mucosas

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    Fabiano Jeremias


    Full Text Available El término penfigoide de membranas mucosas designa un grupo de enfermedades vesículo-bulosas autoinmunes crónicas, que afectan predominantemente mucosas. El presente artículo describe dos casos clínicos de penfigoide de membranas mucosas con compromiso gingival y tuvo como objetivo resaltar la importancia de un correcto diagnóstico de la lesión y discutir la conducta terapéutica. Fueron realizados diversos exámenes complementares como, examen de Nikolsky, biopsia incisional, investigación de células LE y de anticuerpos antinucleares, además de la evaluación de médicos especializados en dermatología y oftalmología. Fue fundamental la substitución de dentífricos, la orientación nutricional y psicológica, el cuidado con la higiene, además del uso de corticoides tópicos. Hubo periodos de remisión y exacerbación del cuadro clínico durante el seguimiento, fue necesario el ajuste en la terapéutica y refuerzo en los cuidados con la higiene bucal. Es muy importante la interacción multidisciplinaria en la atención de estos casos para el control del tratamiento y seguimiento, además de reforzar todas las orientaciones y cuidados en lo que se refiere a la salud bucal y cautela en el uso de corticoides.

  13. La Antracnosis del olivo y su efecto en la calidad del aceite

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    Moral, J.


    Full Text Available Olive (Olea europaea subsp. europaea var. europaea is one of the first domesticated and cultivated trees that is widely distributed in the Mediterranean regions. The Anthracnose, caused by the two complex fungal species Colletotrichum acutatum and C. gloeosporioides, is the most important disease adversely affecting the olive oil quality. Even so, the effect of Anthracnose on oil quality is largely unknown and many questions remain unanswered. This offers a unique opportunity to study how Colletotrichum species, cultivars, infection type (latent or visible and severity, and other factors that may affect different parameters of oil quality, such us acidity, peroxide value, K232, K270, phenolic compounds, or alkyl esters. This review focuses on the current knowledge of the biology, epidemiology, and management of Anthracnose and its effect on olive oil quality.El olivo (Olea europaea subsp. europaea var. europaea es uno de los primeros cultivos leñosos domesticados. Actualmente el olivo se encuentra ampliamente distribuido por todas las regiones de clima mediterráneo. La Antracnosis, causada por las especies complejas Colletotrichum acutatum y C. gloeosporioides, es la enfermedad del olivo que más afecta a la calidad del aceite. Aun así, el efecto de la Antracnosis en la calidad del aceite es ampliamente desconocido. Por lo que creemos esencial que se afronten estudios encaminados a dilucidar el efecto de las especies del patógeno, el cultivar de olivo y el tipo (latente o visible y severidad de las infecciones de la aceituna en los distintos parámetros de calidad del aceite como la acidez, índice de peróxidos, K232, K270, compuestos fenólicos o ésteres alquílicos. Esta revisión presenta los conocimientos actuales sobre la biología, epidemiología, control, y efecto en la calidad del aceite de la Antracnosis del olivo.

  14. Latent-trait latent-class analysis of selfdisclosure in the work environment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maij - de Meij, A.M.; Kelderman, H.; van der Flier, H.


    Based on the literature about self-disclosure, it was hypothesized that different groups of subjects differ in their pattern of self-disclosure with respect to different areas of social interaction. An extended latent-trait latent-class model was proposed to describe these general patterns of

  15. Latent-trait latent-class analysis of selfdisclosure in the work environment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maij - de Meij, A.M.; Kelderman, H.; van der Flier, H.


    Based on the literature about self-disclosure, it was hypothesized that different groups of subjects differ in their pattern of self-disclosure with respect to different areas of social interaction. An extended latent-trait latent-class model was proposed to describe these general patterns of

  16. Identificación de factores de predicción del incumplimiento terapéutico en adultos mayores hipertensos de una comunidad del sur de Chile Identifying predictive factors for therapy nonadherence among hypertensive, older adults from a community in southern Chile

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    Sara Mendoza-Parra


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar factores de predicción del incumplimiento terapéutico en adultos ma yores hipertensos a partir de su dependencia funcional, trastornos de memoria, percepción de bienestar, maltrato y depresión en una región del sur de Chile. MÉTODOS: Estudio cuantitativo exploratorio en una muestra de 211 adultos mayores hiper tensos (29,1% de los atendidos en el Programa Cardiovascular del Centro de Salud Familiar San Pedro, en la provincia de Concepción, Región del Bío Bío, Chile. Se aplicaron siete ins trumentos: el cuestionario abreviado de Pfeiffer para el estado mental, la escala de Yesavage para la depresión geriátrica, la escala de maltrato senil, la escala moral del Centro Geriátrico de Filadelfia, la escala de conductas en salud y las escalas de Lawton y Katz para medir la ca pacidad de realizar actividades instrumentales y básicas de la vida diaria, respectivamente. Mediante el análisis de componentes principales se definieron variables latentes. RESULTADOS: Se determinaron dos variables latentes: vinculación con el medio -medida a partir de las variables depresión, maltrato y satisfacción con el medio- y autonomía -medida a partir de las variables estado mental y capacidad para realizar actividades instrumentales y básicas-. Estas variables latentes explicaron 39,7% y 20,7% del incumplimiento terapéutico, respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES: Las variables latentes propuestas pueden emplearse como factores de predic ción del incumplimiento terapéutico de los adultos mayores con hipertensión arterial. Las cau sas del incumplimiento terapéutico no pueden medirse solamente en los establecimientos de salud, es necesario conocer el entorno primario en el hogar y adecuar la atención sanitaria a partir de las necesidades que allí se detecten.OBJECTIVE: To identify the predictive factors associated with therapy nonadherence among hypertensive older adults, based on functional dependency, memory disorders, self


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    Priscila Maria da Silva Gomes


    Full Text Available El lupus eritematoso (LE se incluye entre las llamadas enfermedades del tejido conectivo y se divide en una forma sistémica lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES y una forma eritematoso piel lupus cutáneo (LEC. La LE es una enfermedad autoinmune heterogénea y multisistémica caracterizada por la producción de anticuerpos que combaten su propio cuerpo en lugar de antígenos que luchan. El lupus es una enfermedad con mayor frecuencia entre las edades de 20 a 50 años, que afecta a más mujeres que hombres que implican, en la mayoría de los casos, los pacientes con antecedentes familiares de lupus y otras enfermedades autoinmunes.

  18. Latent-Trait Latent-Class Analysis of Self-disclosure in the Work Environment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maij - de Meij, A.M.; Kelderman, H.; van der Flier, H.


    Based on the literature about self-disclosure, it was hypothesized that different groups of subjects differ in their pattern of self-disclosure with respect to different areas of social interaction. An extended latent-trait latent-class model was proposed to describe these general patterns of

  19. Uso del Propanolol en Hipertiroidismo

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    Alfredo Jácome Roca


    Full Text Available

    Cuando el organismo se encuentra expuesto a concentraciones elevadas de T4 y/o de T3. La fracción libre de estas hormonas es la que ejerce su función biológica, mientras que la mayor parte de la concentración total está ligada a proteínas transportadoras, formando un reservorio hormonal tiroideo.

    El estado hipermetabólico observado en el hipertiroidismo, variable en severidad de acuerdo con niveles hormonales, causa y edad, produce síntomas que pueden relacionarse con una actividad simpático-mimética excesiva y a un aumento del catabolismo. Aunque los tratamientos clásicos del hipertiroidismo incluyen las tioureas, el yodo radiactivo y la cirugía, preferidos en forma prioritaria de acuerdo con la causa y con la edad, en la mayoría de los casos debe realizarse un bloqueo beta-adrenérgico como tratamiento coadyuvante, precisamente para antagonizar la excesiva actividad simpático-mimética (1.

    Las causas más frecuentes del síndrome hipertiroideo son la Enfermedad de Graves, el bocio no dular tóxico (anteriormente llamado Enfermedad de Plummer, el adenoma tóxico, la toroiditis subaguda de De Quervain y la tirotoxicosis factitia o la iatrogénica. Hay causas más raras como la Hashitoxicosis, los TSH-omas, los tumores trofoblásticos, el estruma ovárico y el hipertiroidismo yodo-inducido. Situaciones especiales se consideran el hipertiroidismo durante el embarazo o la cirugía, la crisis o tormenta tirotóxica y las complicaciones cardiacas.

    El Graves se caracteriza por un bocio difuso hiperfuncionante asociado a exoftalmos y mixedema pretibial, con presencia de inmunoglobulinas estimulantes de la tiroides (TSI, por lo que hace parte de la llamada Enfermedad Tiroidea Autoinmune y del Síndrome Poliglandular Autoinmune. El bocio nodular tóxico, observado en personas de mayor edad, es más bien un proceso evolutivo de un bocio presente por muchos años, con un cuadro clínico no siempre florido.

    Muchas de

  20. Latent classification models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langseth, Helge; Nielsen, Thomas Dyhre


    parametric family ofdistributions.  In this paper we propose a new set of models forclassification in continuous domains, termed latent classificationmodels. The latent classification model can roughly be seen ascombining the \\NB model with a mixture of factor analyzers,thereby relaxing the assumptions...... classification model, and wedemonstrate empirically that the accuracy of the proposed model issignificantly higher than the accuracy of other probabilisticclassifiers....

  1. Lupus glomerulonephritis and other autoimmune glomerulonephritis


    María Ruiz-Olivares; Guillermo Arturo Cañadas-De la Fuente; José Luis Gómez-Urquiza; Rafael Fernández Castillo


    La glomerulonefritis es un término empleado para expresar la proliferación e inflamación endocapilar del glomérulo renal, que clínicamente puede manifestarse de numerosas formas e incluso permanecer asintomática. En su etiología se encuentran múltiples mecanismos, como la participación de microorganismos y parásitos, aunque es destacable el mecanismo autoinmune en el que se identifican varios componentes del sistema inmune, entre ellos el sistema del complemento. Un ejemplo de este último mec...

  2. Repercusión perinatal de los trastornos inmunológicos del embarazo Perintal effect of immunological disorders during pregnancy

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    Rafael J. Manotas Cabarcas


    Full Text Available

    En esta revisión se analizan varios trastornos de índole inmunológica, comprobada o supuesta, que ocurren durante el embarazo, a saber: hipertensión, diabetes mellitus, hipertiroidismo, hipotiroidismo, trombocitopenia aloinmune y autoinmune, lupus eritematoso sistémico y miastenia gravis. En cada caso se describen la patogénesis y los efectos perinatales y se hacen consideraciones diagnósticas y terapéuticas para la orientación del obstetra y del pediatra.

    Several disorders of proven or supposed immunological nature, that occur during pregnancy are described, namely: arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, alloimmune and autoimmune thrombocytopenia, erythematous systemic lupus and myastenia gravis. The pathogenesis and perinatal effects of each one are described and diagnostic and therapeutic considerations are made for orientation of obstetricians and pediatricians.

  3. The Latent Structure of Autistic Traits: A Taxometric, Latent Class and Latent Profile Analysis of the Adult Autism Spectrum Quotient (United States)

    James, Richard J.; Dubey, Indu; Smith, Danielle; Ropar, Danielle; Tunney, Richard J.


    Autistic traits are widely thought to operate along a continuum. A taxometric analysis of Adult Autism Spectrum Quotient data was conducted to test this assumption, finding little support but identifying a high severity taxon. To understand this further, latent class and latent profile models were estimated that indicated the presence of six…

  4. Internet en las elecciones del 2003


    Delia Crovi Druetta


    La importancia de Internet como recurso para la comunicación política, se hizo latente por primera vez en una contienda electoral en México. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar los alcances y límites de esta tecnología, en el contexto del reciente proceso electoral de 2003.

  5. Latent-Trait Latent-Class Analysis of Self-Disclosure in the Work Environment (United States)

    Maij-de Meij, Annette M.; Kelderman, Henk; van der Flier, Henk


    Based on the literature about self-disclosure, it was hypothesized that different groups of subjects differ in their pattern of self-disclosure with respect to different areas of social interaction. An extended latent-trait latent-class model was proposed to describe these general patterns of self-disclosure. The model was used to analyze the data…

  6. Modeling Nonlinear Change via Latent Change and Latent Acceleration Frameworks: Examining Velocity and Acceleration of Growth Trajectories (United States)

    Grimm, Kevin; Zhang, Zhiyong; Hamagami, Fumiaki; Mazzocco, Michele


    We propose the use of the latent change and latent acceleration frameworks for modeling nonlinear growth in structural equation models. Moving to these frameworks allows for the direct identification of "rates of change" and "acceleration" in latent growth curves--information available indirectly through traditional growth…

  7. Hipotiroidismo en el embarazo


    Macchia, Carla Lorena; Sánchez-Flórez, Javier Augusto


    Introducción: el hipotiroidismo se presenta entre el 0,5 y 2,5% de todos los embarazos. La frecuencia es mayor si se consideran poblaciones de riesgo, como pacientes portadoras de enfermedades autoinmunes. Durante la gestación temprana existe dependencia de hormonas tiroideas maternas, puesto que la tiroides fetal es incapaz de elaborar sus productos hasta después del primer trimestre. En este periodo, toda situación de carencia puede ejercer efectos indeseables. Objetivo: el objetivo del pre...

  8. Aportaciones a la transición del hiero I al hierro II en el centro de la cuenca del udero

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    Full Text Available En la diversidad de publicaciones que se ponen al alcance del investigador, y que son referidas a la Edad del Hierro, entendida de una manera amplia, se viene observando, en el manejo terminológico más bien, una serie de cuestiones que quedan latentes entre las diferentes tomas de postura; pero que, salvo excepciones, no dan pie a una discusión o puesta en común de las mismas, y que entendemos son de capital importancia para la zona objeto de la presente comunicación.

  9. Longitudinal Research with Latent Variables

    CERN Document Server

    van Montfort, Kees; Satorra, Albert


    This book combines longitudinal research and latent variable research, i.e. it explains how longitudinal studies with objectives formulated in terms of latent variables should be carried out, with an emphasis on detailing how the methods are applied. Because longitudinal research with latent variables currently utilizes different approaches with different histories, different types of research questions, and different computer programs to perform the analysis, the book is divided into nine chapters. Starting from some background information about the specific approach, short history and the ma

  10. Tiroiditis autoinmune inducida por interferón en pacientes con infección por virus de la hepatitis C. Interferon-induced autoimmune thyroiditis in a patient with hepatitis C virus infection

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    José L. Pinto


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de un varón de 43 años de edad, sin antecedentes patológicos de importancia, que acudió por elevación asintomática de la alanino aminotransferasa (ALT. El paciente negó ser bebedor crónico de alcohol. Se hizo el diagnóstico serológico de infección activa por hepatitis C y la biopsia de hígado reveló inflamación crónica activa. Con estos resultados, se inició tratamiento con interferón-alfa y ribavirina. Durante el tratamiento de 48 semanas, el paciente presentó anticuerpos antitiroideos positivos con variaciones en sus niveles de tirotropina (TSH y hormonas tiroideas. En el seguimiento postratamiento, el paciente continuó con hipertiroidismo por enfermedad de Graves. La tiroiditis autoinmune es una complicación frecuente del uso de interferón en pacientes con hepatitis C. En algunos casos se presenta como hipertiroidismo por enfermedad de Graves. Se debe evaluar la función tiroidea y los anticuerpos antitiroideos antes y durante el tratamiento con interferón.A 43 year old man presented with asymptomatic elevation of alanine aminotransferase (ALT and no relevant past history. The patient denied being a chronic alcohol drinker. Work-up revealed an active hepatitis C, and liver biopsy showed active inflammation. Treatment was started with interferon-alfa and ribavirin. During the 48 weeks of treatment, the patient developed positive thyroid antibodies with varying level of thyrotropin (TSH and thyroid hormones. At follow-up after treatment, the patient continued with hyperthyroidism due to Graves’ disease. Autoimmune thyroiditis is a common complication of using interferon in patients with hepatitis C. In some cases, it is presented as hyperthyroidism because of Graves’ disease. Thyroid function and thyroid antibodies should be evaluated before and during treatment with interferon.

  11. Prevalencia de enfermedad celíaca en pacientes con hepatopatías crónicas


    Crivelli, Adriana N.


    La enfermedad celíaca (EC) es definida como una enteropatía crónica del intestino delgado mediada por mecanismos inmunes, precipitada por la exposición al gluten y prolaminas relacionadas de la dieta, en individuos genéticamente predispuestos. Diversas enfermedades hepáticas pueden asociarse a la EC. El espectro del compromiso hepático en la EC es muy amplio e incluye, entre otros, enfermedad hepática criptogenética (desde leve a severa), hepatitis autoinmune, colangitis esclerosante primaria...

  12. Bucal considerations in the treatment of patients with scleroderma: Report of two cases


    Hernández Arenas, Y; Montalvo Acosta, S; Díaz Caballero, A


    La esclerodermia pertenece a un grupo de enfermedades autoinmunes del tejido conectivo, que produce: inflamación, disfunción vascular y fibrosis excesiva del tejido conectivo de soporte de la piel y los órganos viscerales. A nivel bucal se evidencian afecciones como xerostomía, microstomía, caries y enfermedad periodontal. El tratamiento odontológico requiere un manejo integral por parte de los profesionales, que comprenda las patologías orales presentes y los síntomas permanentes característ...

  13. Síndrome de superposición en esclerodermia: a propósito de un caso


    Valencia-Caballero, Víctor; Cornejo, Mijail; Caso-Pérez, Diana; Huamaní, Charles


    Introducción: Distintos rasgos de enfermedades pueden coexistir en la enfermedad mixta del tejido conectivo, a diferencia del síndrome de superposición u overlap, que es la presentación de varias enfermedades autoinmunes que cumplen con sus criterios diagnósticos en un paciente. Caso clínico: Nosotros presentamos el caso de una mujer de 32 años tratada por esclerodermia durante cuatro años, que en una nueva evaluación se le diagnosticó lupus y polimiositis, conocido como síndrome de superposi...

  14. Stability of latent class segments over time

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mueller, Simone


    Dynamic stability, as the degree to which identified segments at a given time remain unchanged over time in terms of number, size and profile, is a desirable segment property which has received limited attention so far. This study addresses the question to what degree latent classes identified from...... logit model suggests significant changes in the price sensitivity and the utility from environmental claims between both experimental waves. A pooled scale adjusted latent class model is estimated jointly over both waves and the relative size of latent classes is compared across waves, resulting...... in significant differences in the size of two out of seven classes. These differences can largely be accounted for by the changes on the aggregated level. The relative size of latent classes is correlated at 0.52, suggesting a fair robustness. An ex-post characterisation of latent classes by behavioural...

  15. Síndrome de Evans en lactantes


    Flores-Montes, Olivia Alejandra; Escobar-Orduño, Martha Cecilia; Lozano-Garcidueñas, Mónica; Valle-Leal, Jaime Guadalupe


    Introducción: El síndrome de Evans se caracteriza por la disminución de, al menos, dos líneas celulares en ausencia de otros diagnósticos. Anteriormente, se definía como el desarrollo simultáneo o secuencial de trombocitopenia inmune primaria y anemia hemolítica autoinmune sin etiología específica. Se ha reportado una incidencia del 37% y una mortalidad del 10% de este síndrome. Casos clínicos: Se presenta la información clínica y la evolución del síndrome de Evans en dos pacientes lactant...

  16. La variable latente calidad medida a través del modelo de Rasch.

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    Guerrero, Mª M.


    Full Text Available La obtención de aceites de oliva de calidad requiere unos cuidados especiales en todas y cada una de las sucesivas fases de elaboración de los mismos, es una cadena que comienza en el olivo y termina en el consumo. Condición indispensable para ello es conocer las características organolépticas del aceite (a fin de potenciar sus atributos y eliminar, en la medida de los posible, sus defectos, y la influencia del proceso de elaboración en las mismas. El control y medida de estos caracteres se hará mediante las catas, realizadas por expertos catadores utilizando para ello las fichas de cata del Consejo Oleícola Internacional. El modelo de Rasch, que emplearemos para obtener la evaluación sensorial de los aceites de oliva virgen, nos permitirá no sólo dar una calificación organoléptica global al aceite (que ya podemos realizar sin necesidad de aplicar ningún método, siguiendo la metodología de valoración del Consejo Oleícola Internacional, sino también clasificar y medir los factores sensoriales que intervienen en la calidad, lo que nos permitirá realizar las acciones oportunas encaminadas a obtener aceites de oliva de cualidades óptimas.

  17. Representações de masculinidades latentes em aulas de física do ensino médio

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    Josimeire M. Julio


    Full Text Available El estudio caracteriza aspectos latentes de masculinidades que traen implicaciones para el aprendizaje individual y colectivo de una clase de la escuela secundaria. Clases de física del primer año de una escuela secundaria fueron acompañadas a lo largo de un año. A microanálisis de una secuencia de seis clases - gravadas en audio y en video - envolviendo una actividad que simula el trabajo de una comunidad científica, caracteriza las interacciones predominantes entre los jóvenes. Las masculinidades destacadas se movilizan en torno del estímulo frente a situaciones desafiantes y de competición, de la curiosidad por el fenómeno investigado, del desafío a las reglas establecidas en la conducción de la actividad. Entre las implicaciones del estudio, se destaca la necesidad de tener en cuenta las manifestaciones de masculinidades que puedan comprometer el desarrollo de las actividades en la clase y el funcionamiento de los grupos de aprendizaje.

  18. Biomarkers of latent TB infection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ruhwald, Morten; Ravn, Pernille


    For the last 100 years, the tuberculin skin test (TST) has been the only diagnostic tool available for latent TB infection (LTBI) and no biomarker per se is available to diagnose the presence of LTBI. With the introduction of M. tuberculosis-specific IFN-gamma release assays (IGRAs), a new area...... of in vitro immunodiagnostic tests for LTBI based on biomarker readout has become a reality. In this review, we discuss existing evidence on the clinical usefulness of IGRAs and the indefinite number of potential new biomarkers that can be used to improve diagnosis of latent TB infection. We also present...... early data suggesting that the monocyte-derived chemokine inducible protein-10 may be useful as a novel biomarker for the immunodiagnosis of latent TB infection....

  19. Análisis del comportamiento del consumidor: medición cuantitativa del servicio en estudiantes de administración de una universidad acreditada en Barranquilla

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    Gustavo R. Henríquez Fuentes


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es resultado de una investigación que se realizó en una Universidad acreditada de la ciudad de Barranquilla, con una muestra de aproximadamente 90 estudiantes, sobre una población total de 1143 estudiantes del programa de Administración de Empresas. El objetivo principal consistió en revelar las variables latentes que permitan conocer el comportamiento del consumidor (estudiantes y el desarrollo de un modelo para la medición del servicio. Se presentan resultados empíricos, a partir del método cuantitativo y técnicas de estadística inferencial como el análisis factorial y clusterización. Los resultados permitieron conocer a través de las dimensiones de la escala Servqual, lo que demandan los estudiantes, así como reconocer dos grupos. Se propone, además, el rediseño de la encuesta SERVQUAL, adaptándola a una tipo Likert, así como correr los datos en procesadores estadísticos como Statgraphics y SSPS para realizar el análisis de la información. Abstract This research was conducted at an accredited University in the city of Barranquilla, from a sample of about 90 students, out of a total population of 1143 students of their Business Administration program. This article is the result of an investigation, presenting empirical results through the use of a quantitative technique method and inferential statistics such as factor analysis and clustering. The main objective is to reveal the latent variables that show consumer behavior on students and the development of a model for service measurement. It is proposed for application on the consumer psychology when being served, the redesign of the SERVQUAL survey, through a survey Likert, running statistical data processors like Statgraphics and SSPS for the analysis of information. The results allowed to know through the dimensions of the Servqual scale, what students require , thus recognizing two groups.


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    Mikhail Kleymenov


    Full Text Available УДК 343Purpose of the article is to study the specific legal and informational nature of the unsolved crime in comparison with the phenomenon of delinquency, special study and analysis to improve the efficiency of law enforcement.Methods of research are abstract-logical, systematic, statistical, study of documents. The main results of research. Unsolved crime has specific legal, statistical and informational na-ture as the crime phenomenon, which is expressed in cumulative statistical population of unsolved crimes. An array of unsolved crimes is the sum of the number of acts, things of which is suspended and not terminated. The fault of the perpetrator in these cases is not proven, they are not considered by the court, it is not a conviction. Unsolved crime must be registered. Latent crime has a different informational nature. The main symptom of latent crimes is the uncertainty for the subjects of law enforcement, which delegated functions of identification, registration and accounting. Latent crime is not recorded. At the same time, there is a "border" area between the latent and unsolved crimes, which includes covered from the account of the crime. In modern Russia the majority of crimes covered from accounting by passing the decision about refusal in excitation of criminal case. Unsolved crime on their criminogenic consequences represents a significant danger to the public is higher compared to latent crime.It is conducted in the article a special analysis of the differences and similarities in the unsolved latent crime for the first time in criminological literature.The analysis proves the need for radical changes in the current Russian assessment of the state of crime and law enforcement to solve crimes. The article argues that an unsolved crime is a separate and, in contrast to latent crime, poorly understood phenomenon. However unsolved latent crime and have common features and areas of interaction.

  1. Latent geometry of bipartite networks (United States)

    Kitsak, Maksim; Papadopoulos, Fragkiskos; Krioukov, Dmitri


    Despite the abundance of bipartite networked systems, their organizing principles are less studied compared to unipartite networks. Bipartite networks are often analyzed after projecting them onto one of the two sets of nodes. As a result of the projection, nodes of the same set are linked together if they have at least one neighbor in common in the bipartite network. Even though these projections allow one to study bipartite networks using tools developed for unipartite networks, one-mode projections lead to significant loss of information and artificial inflation of the projected network with fully connected subgraphs. Here we pursue a different approach for analyzing bipartite systems that is based on the observation that such systems have a latent metric structure: network nodes are points in a latent metric space, while connections are more likely to form between nodes separated by shorter distances. This approach has been developed for unipartite networks, and relatively little is known about its applicability to bipartite systems. Here, we fully analyze a simple latent-geometric model of bipartite networks and show that this model explains the peculiar structural properties of many real bipartite systems, including the distributions of common neighbors and bipartite clustering. We also analyze the geometric information loss in one-mode projections in this model and propose an efficient method to infer the latent pairwise distances between nodes. Uncovering the latent geometry underlying real bipartite networks can find applications in diverse domains, ranging from constructing efficient recommender systems to understanding cell metabolism.

  2. Data on the interexaminer variation of minutia markup on latent fingerprints. (United States)

    Ulery, Bradford T; Hicklin, R Austin; Roberts, Maria Antonia; Buscaglia, JoAnn


    The data in this article supports the research paper entitled "Interexaminer variation of minutia markup on latent fingerprints" [1]. The data in this article describes the variability in minutia markup during both analysis of the latents and comparison between latents and exemplars. The data was collected in the "White Box Latent Print Examiner Study," in which each of 170 volunteer latent print examiners provided detailed markup documenting their examinations of latent-exemplar pairs of prints randomly assigned from a pool of 320 pairs. Each examiner examined 22 latent-exemplar pairs; an average of 12 examiners marked each latent.

  3. Análisis estructural e invarianza de medición del MBI-GS en trabajadores peruanos (Structural Analysis and Measurement Invariance of MBI-GS in Peruvian Workers

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    Manuel Fernández-Arata


    Full Text Available Resumen La medición del burnout ha evolucionado con la creación de varios instrumentos y modelos. El Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS es uno de estos instrumentos para medir tres constructos definicionales del burnout: (1 agotamiento emocional, (2 eficacia profesional y (3 indiferencia. Fue creado para un amplio rango de ocupaciones, pero pocas veces se ha verificado su estructura latente e invarianza de medición en Latinoamérica. El presente estudio analiza esta estructura latente y la invarianza de medición del MBI-GS en una muestra de 940 trabajadores peruanos de varias ocupaciones. Se aplicó la metodología de ecuaciones estructurales mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio, así como la invarianza de medición entre varones y mujeres, imponiendo restricciones sucesivamente más estrictas. Los resultados verificaron satisfactoriamente la estructura de tres dimensiones latentes del MBI-GS, y la invarianza de sus parámetros entre hombres y mujeres. Se discute las implicaciones de los resultados. Abstract The measurement of burnout has evolved into the creation of various tools and models. The Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS is one of these instruments used to measure three definitional constructs of burnout: (1 emotional exhaustion, (2 professional efficiency, and (3 indifference. It was created for a wide range of occupations, but its latent structure and invariance of measurement in Latin America has rarely been verified. The present study analyzes the latent structure and the invariance of measurement of MBI-GS in a sample of 940 Peruvian workers in various occupations. The methodology of structural equations was applied through the confirmatory factor analysis, as well as the invariance of measurement between men and women, imposing restrictions successively more strict. The results satisfactorily verified the structure of three-dimensional latent MBI-GS, and the invariance of its

  4. A flexible latent class approach to estimating test-score reliability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Palm, D.W.; van der Ark, L.A.; Sijtsma, K.


    The latent class reliability coefficient (LCRC) is improved by using the divisive latent class model instead of the unrestricted latent class model. This results in the divisive latent class reliability coefficient (DLCRC), which unlike LCRC avoids making subjective decisions about the best solution

  5. On the explaining-away phenomenon in multivariate latent variable models. (United States)

    van Rijn, Peter; Rijmen, Frank


    Many probabilistic models for psychological and educational measurements contain latent variables. Well-known examples are factor analysis, item response theory, and latent class model families. We discuss what is referred to as the 'explaining-away' phenomenon in the context of such latent variable models. This phenomenon can occur when multiple latent variables are related to the same observed variable, and can elicit seemingly counterintuitive conditional dependencies between latent variables given observed variables. We illustrate the implications of explaining away for a number of well-known latent variable models by using both theoretical and real data examples. © 2014 The British Psychological Society.

  6. Extraction of latent images from printed media (United States)

    Sergeyev, Vladislav; Fedoseev, Victor


    In this paper we propose an automatic technology for extraction of latent images from printed media such as documents, banknotes, financial securities, etc. This technology includes image processing by adaptively constructed Gabor filter bank for obtaining feature images, as well as subsequent stages of feature selection, grouping and multicomponent segmentation. The main advantage of the proposed technique is versatility: it allows to extract latent images made by different texture variations. Experimental results showing performance of the method over another known system for latent image extraction are given.

  7. Fitting Latent Cluster Models for Networks with latentnet

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    Pavel N. Krivitsky


    Full Text Available latentnet is a package to fit and evaluate statistical latent position and cluster models for networks. Hoff, Raftery, and Handcock (2002 suggested an approach to modeling networks based on positing the existence of an latent space of characteristics of the actors. Relationships form as a function of distances between these characteristics as well as functions of observed dyadic level covariates. In latentnet social distances are represented in a Euclidean space. It also includes a variant of the extension of the latent position model to allow for clustering of the positions developed in Handcock, Raftery, and Tantrum (2007.The package implements Bayesian inference for the models based on an Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. It can also compute maximum likelihood estimates for the latent position model and a two-stage maximum likelihood method for the latent position cluster model. For latent position cluster models, the package provides a Bayesian way of assessing how many groups there are, and thus whether or not there is any clustering (since if the preferred number of groups is 1, there is little evidence for clustering. It also estimates which cluster each actor belongs to. These estimates are probabilistic, and provide the probability of each actor belonging to each cluster. It computes four types of point estimates for the coefficients and positions: maximum likelihood estimate, posterior mean, posterior mode and the estimator which minimizes Kullback-Leibler divergence from the posterior. You can assess the goodness-of-fit of the model via posterior predictive checks. It has a function to simulate networks from a latent position or latent position cluster model.

  8. Consecuencias del desempleo en la salud mental de una muestra de jóvenes angoleños


    José Manuel Tomás; Melchor Gutiérrez; Irene Fernández


    Entre los efectos del desempleo en la salud mental, destacan problemas de confianza, depresión y pérdida de recursos psicosociales. El objetivo es investigar las variables atenuantes del estrés sobre la salud mental en desempleados jóvenes angoleños mediante un modelo estructural con variables latentes. Se probaron los efectos del apoyo social, la resiliencia y las estrategias de afrontamiento sobre la salud mental, controlando por los efectos de ser económicamente suficiente. Para poner a ...

  9. Latent variable models are network models. (United States)

    Molenaar, Peter C M


    Cramer et al. present an original and interesting network perspective on comorbidity and contrast this perspective with a more traditional interpretation of comorbidity in terms of latent variable theory. My commentary focuses on the relationship between the two perspectives; that is, it aims to qualify the presumed contrast between interpretations in terms of networks and latent variables.

  10. Manejo del plagas de árboles frutales deciduos durante el invierno


    Geisel, Pamela M; Seaver, Donna C


    La época latente de invierno es el momento para tratar los árboles frutales contra plagas como la cochinilla, los ácaros, el perforador del duraznero, los áfidos y los hongos como el torque de hoja y el barrenillo. ¡Que aproveche! Spanish edition of “Winter Pest Management in Backyard Deciduous Fruit Trees” (Publication 8368).

  11. Heteroscedastic Latent Trait Models for Dichotomous Data. (United States)

    Molenaar, Dylan


    Effort has been devoted to account for heteroscedasticity with respect to observed or latent moderator variables in item or test scores. For instance, in the multi-group generalized linear latent trait model, it could be tested whether the observed (polychoric) covariance matrix differs across the levels of an observed moderator variable. In the case that heteroscedasticity arises across the latent trait itself, existing models commonly distinguish between heteroscedastic residuals and a skewed trait distribution. These models have valuable applications in intelligence, personality and psychopathology research. However, existing approaches are only limited to continuous and polytomous data, while dichotomous data are common in intelligence and psychopathology research. Therefore, in present paper, a heteroscedastic latent trait model is presented for dichotomous data. The model is studied in a simulation study, and applied to data pertaining alcohol use and cognitive ability.

  12. Merchandising. Alternativa estratégica del marketing en el punto de venta


    Cruz, Darwin


    Conociendo que entre las funciones de Merchandising, están las técnicas de colocación se productos, las mismas que han alcanzado madurez a partir del desarrollo de las ventas por el sistema auto-selección, donde las compras que realiza el cliente no necesitasen de la presencia del vendedor.Es necesario, hoy en día, que las empresas cubran de la mejor manera todas las necesidades o deseos latentes que puede tener el cliente. Por esta razón, todo lo que trata el Merchandising, tiene que esta...

  13. Latent lifestyle preferences and household location decisions (United States)

    Walker, Joan L.; Li, Jieping


    Lifestyle, indicating preferences towards a particular way of living, is a key driver of the decision of where to live. We employ latent class choice models to represent this behavior, where the latent classes are the lifestyles and the choice model is the choice of residential location. Thus, we simultaneously estimate lifestyle groups and how lifestyle impacts location decisions. Empirical results indicate three latent lifestyle segments: suburban dwellers, urban dwellers, and transit-riders. The suggested lifestyle segments have intriguing policy implications. Lifecycle characteristics are used to predict lifestyle preferences, although there remain significant aspects that cannot be explained by observable variables.

  14. Tropical Gravity Wave Momentum Fluxes and Latent Heating Distributions (United States)

    Geller, Marvin A.; Zhou, Tiehan; Love, Peter T.


    Recent satellite determinations of global distributions of absolute gravity wave (GW) momentum fluxes in the lower stratosphere show maxima over the summer subtropical continents and little evidence of GW momentum fluxes associated with the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). This seems to be at odds with parameterizations forGWmomentum fluxes, where the source is a function of latent heating rates, which are largest in the region of the ITCZ in terms of monthly averages. The authors have examined global distributions of atmospheric latent heating, cloud-top-pressure altitudes, and lower-stratosphere absolute GW momentum fluxes and have found that monthly averages of the lower-stratosphere GW momentum fluxes more closely resemble the monthly mean cloud-top altitudes rather than the monthly mean rates of latent heating. These regions of highest cloud-top altitudes occur when rates of latent heating are largest on the time scale of cloud growth. This, plus previously published studies, suggests that convective sources for stratospheric GW momentum fluxes, being a function of the rate of latent heating, will require either a climate model to correctly model this rate of latent heating or some ad hoc adjustments to account for shortcomings in a climate model's land-sea differences in convective latent heating.

  15. Learning Latent Vector Spaces for Product Search

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Gysel, C.; de Rijke, M.; Kanoulas, E.


    We introduce a novel latent vector space model that jointly learns the latent representations of words, e-commerce products and a mapping between the two without the need for explicit annotations. The power of the model lies in its ability to directly model the discriminative relation between

  16. Latent inhibition as a function of US intensity in a two-stage CER procedure

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    Gumersinda Alonso


    Full Text Available En el experimento que presentamos se examinó el efecto de la intensidad del estímulo incondicionado (EI sobre la inhibición latente (IL, empleando un procedimiento de respuesta emocional condicionada (REC de dos fases, con ratas como sujetos experimentales. Se utilizó un tono como estímulo preexpuesto y estímulo condicionado (EC, y una descarga, de intensidad baja (0.3 mA o alta (0.7 mA, como EI. Se empleó un diseño factorial 2 x 2. El primer factor fue la condición de preexposición (72 preexposiciones o sin preexposición y el segundo factor fue la intensidad de la descarga (baja o alta. Se observó un efecto de IL más duradero en la condición de intensidad baja que en la condición de intensidad alta. Se discute la posibilidad de que la intensidad del EI module o bien un proceso de restauración de la atención al EC durante el condicionamiento o bien un cambio contextual, responsable de la atenuación del efecto de IL en la condición de intensidad alta, respecto a la condición de intensidad baja.

  17. Cytokine profile in patients with early latent syphilis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zakharov S.V.


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to study the change in the content of the most active cytokines (interleukins 6 and 10 during the formation of the immune response in patients with latent early syphilis, as well as to study the possible relationship between the concentrations of these cytokines and the duration of the disease. In 50 patients with early latent syphilis, the concentration of interleukins 6 and 10 in serum was studied. The serum level of interleukins was studied by the enzyme immunoassay. A statistically significant increase in the concentration of interleukin 6 in the blood of patients with latent syphilis and decrease in the interleukin 10 concentration in comparison with healthy people was established. At the same time, in patients with latent syphilis with term of infection for more than 1 year, interleukin 10 has been expressed, as compared with healthy people and, especially, with patients with syphilis with a duration of infection of up to 1 year. Along with this, a lower degree of increase in the concentration of interleukin 6 in patients with latent syphilis with a duration of infection over 1 year has been established, as compared with patients with latent syphilis with a term of infection up to 1 year, against the background of its increased concentration as compared with a group of healthy individuals.

  18. "Curriculitis autoinmune": Una no tan nueva enfermedad del currículo


    Salas,Sofía P; Sánchez D,Ignacio; Larios G,Guillermo; Jeria D,Álvaro; Pertuzé S,Cristóbal


    Thirty years ago, Abrahamson described the main curriculum problems in undergraduate medical education as "diseases of the curriculum". Based on our own experience and knowledge, we propose the inclusión of a new condition named "autoimmune curriculitis", which is produced by the students themselves. In this condition, the students are who decide to "swell" the curriculum, by excessively participating in múltiple intra and extramural activities, competing to markedly improve their academic pe...

  19. [sup 31]P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy: Impaired energy metabolism in latent hyperthyroidism. [sup 31]Phosphor-Kernspinspektroskopie: Gestoerter Energiestoffwechsel bei latenter Hyperthyreose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Theissen, P. (Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Univ. Koeln (Germany)); Kaldewey, S. (Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Univ. Koeln (Germany)); Moka, D. (Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Univ. Koeln (Germany)); Bunke, J. (Philips Medizin Systeme, Hamburg (Germany)); Voth, E. (Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Univ. Koeln (Germany)); Schicha, H. (Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Univ. Koeln (Germany))


    [sup 31]Phosphorous magnetic resonance spectroscopy allows an in vivo examination of energy metabolism. The present study was designed to evaluate whether in patients with latent hyperthyroidism alterations of muscle energy metabolism could be found similar to those observed in patients with overt hyperthyroidism. In 10 patients with overt hyperthyroidism before therapy and 20 with latent hyperthyroidism (also without therapy) and in 24 healthy volunteers magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the calf muscle was performed within a 1.5-Tesla magnet. Muscle concentrations of phosphocreatine, inorganic phosphate, and ATP were quantified compared to an external standard solution of K[sub 2]HPO[sub 4]. In the patients with overt hyperthyroidism and with latent hyperthyroidism a significant decrease of phosphocreatine was found. Further, the ATP concentration in patients with latent and manifest hyperthyroidism tended towards lower values. There were no significant differences in the decrease of phosphocreatine and ATP between both patient groups. Therefore, this study for the first time shows that alterations of energy metabolism in latent hyperthyroidism can be measured and that they are similar to those observed in overt hyperthyroidism. (orig.)

  20. A developmental study of latent absolute pitch memory. (United States)

    Jakubowski, Kelly; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Stewart, Lauren


    The ability to recall the absolute pitch level of familiar music (latent absolute pitch memory) is widespread in adults, in contrast to the rare ability to label single pitches without a reference tone (overt absolute pitch memory). The present research investigated the developmental profile of latent absolute pitch (AP) memory and explored individual differences related to this ability. In two experiments, 288 children from 4 to12 years of age performed significantly above chance at recognizing the absolute pitch level of familiar melodies. No age-related improvement or decline, nor effects of musical training, gender, or familiarity with the stimuli were found in regard to latent AP task performance. These findings suggest that latent AP memory is a stable ability that is developed from as early as age 4 and persists into adulthood.

  1. Classification criteria of syndromes by latent variable models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Janne


    patient's characteristics. These methods may erroneously reduce multiplicity either by combining markers of different phenotypes or by mixing HALS with other processes such as aging. Latent class models identify homogenous groups of patients based on sets of variables, for example symptoms. As no gold......The thesis has two parts; one clinical part: studying the dimensions of human immunodeficiency virus associated lipodystrophy syndrome (HALS) by latent class models, and a more statistical part: investigating how to predict scores of latent variables so these can be used in subsequent regression...... standard exists for diagnosing HALS the normally applied diagnostic models cannot be used. Latent class models, which have never before been used to diagnose HALS, make it possible, under certain assumptions, to: statistically evaluate the number of phenotypes, test for mixing of HALS with other processes...

  2. Latent Transition Analysis with a Mixture Item Response Theory Measurement Model (United States)

    Cho, Sun-Joo; Cohen, Allan S.; Kim, Seock-Ho; Bottge, Brian


    A latent transition analysis (LTA) model was described with a mixture Rasch model (MRM) as the measurement model. Unlike the LTA, which was developed with a latent class measurement model, the LTA-MRM permits within-class variability on the latent variable, making it more useful for measuring treatment effects within latent classes. A simulation…

  3. A Probability Distribution over Latent Causes, in the Orbitofrontal Cortex. (United States)

    Chan, Stephanie C Y; Niv, Yael; Norman, Kenneth A


    The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) has been implicated in both the representation of "state," in studies of reinforcement learning and decision making, and also in the representation of "schemas," in studies of episodic memory. Both of these cognitive constructs require a similar inference about the underlying situation or "latent cause" that generates our observations at any given time. The statistically optimal solution to this inference problem is to use Bayes' rule to compute a posterior probability distribution over latent causes. To test whether such a posterior probability distribution is represented in the OFC, we tasked human participants with inferring a probability distribution over four possible latent causes, based on their observations. Using fMRI pattern similarity analyses, we found that BOLD activity in the OFC is best explained as representing the (log-transformed) posterior distribution over latent causes. Furthermore, this pattern explained OFC activity better than other task-relevant alternatives, such as the most probable latent cause, the most recent observation, or the uncertainty over latent causes. Our world is governed by hidden (latent) causes that we cannot observe, but which generate the observations we see. A range of high-level cognitive processes require inference of a probability distribution (or "belief distribution") over the possible latent causes that might be generating our current observations. This is true for reinforcement learning and decision making (where the latent cause comprises the true "state" of the task), and for episodic memory (where memories are believed to be organized by the inferred situation or "schema"). Using fMRI, we show that this belief distribution over latent causes is encoded in patterns of brain activity in the orbitofrontal cortex, an area that has been separately implicated in the representations of both states and schemas. Copyright © 2016 the authors 0270-6474/16/367817-12$15.00/0.

  4. Learning Latent Structure in Complex Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mørup, Morten; Hansen, Lars Kai

    such as the Modularity, it has recently been shown that latent structure in complex networks is learnable by Bayesian generative link distribution models (Airoldi et al., 2008, Hofman and Wiggins, 2008). In this paper we propose a new generative model that allows representation of latent community structure......Latent structure in complex networks, e.g., in the form of community structure, can help understand network dynamics, identify heterogeneities in network properties, and predict ‘missing’ links. While most community detection algorithms are based on optimizing heuristic clustering objectives...... as in the previous Bayesian approaches and in addition allows learning of node specific link properties similar to that in the modularity objective. We employ a new relaxation method for efficient inference in these generative models that allows us to learn the behavior of very large networks. We compare the link...





    La enfermedad celiaca (EC), es un desorden autoinmune intestinal crónico con un fuerte componente genético, asociado a genes HLA-002 o HLA-008. La prevalencia en Europa de la EC se estima en el 1%, sin embargo en América del Sur no hay una estimación de la prevalencia de EC y no se conoce si la étina se relaciona con la baja frecuencia de la enfermedad o simplemente es el reflejo del subdiagóstico en la zona. El análisis de la presencia de genes nativos se puede realizar a través de la búsque...

  6. Morphometry of latent palmprints as a function of time. (United States)

    Barros, Rodrigo M; Faria, Bruna E F; Kuckelhaus, Selma A S


    In many crimes, the elapsed time between production and collecting fingermark traces is crucial. and a method able to detect the aging of latent prints would represent an improvement in forensic procedures. Considering that as the latent print gets older, substantial changes in the relative proportion of individual components secreted by skin glands could affect the morphology of ridges, morphometry could be a potential tool to assess the aging of latent fingermarks. Then, considering the very limited research in the field, the present work aims to evaluate the morphometry of latent palmprint ridges, as a function of time, in order to identify an aging pattern. The latent marks were deposited by 20 donors on glass microscope slides considering pressure and contact angle, and then were maintained under controlled environmental conditions. The morphometric study was conducted on marks developed with magnetic powder in 7 different time intervals after deposition (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 days); 60 ridges were evaluated for each developed mark. The results showed that: 1) the method for the replacement and mixing of skin secretions on the palm was appropriate to ensure reproducibility of latent prints, and 2) considering the studied group, there was a time-dependent reduction in the width of ridges and on the percentage of visible ridges over 30 days. Results suggest the possibility of using the morphometric method to determine an aging profile of latent palmprints on glass surface, aiming for forensic purposes. © 2013.

  7. Revelado de manchas latentes: efectividad del luminol y evaluación de su efecto sobre el estudio del DNA Development of latent stains: effectiveness of luminol and evaluation of its effect on DNA analysis


    A. Castelló Ponce; M. Álvarez Seguí; M. Miquel Feucht; F.A. Verdú Pascual


    Con frecuencia, las ropas manchadas de sangre durante un acto violento son lavadas para tratar de eliminar los vestigios. El análisis del DNA mediante PCR ha dotado a la criminalística de la posibilidad de estudiar indicios mínimos que, con otros métodos, sería imposible analizar. Este tipo de muestra plantea una mayor dificultad en la detección de la mancha. En el presente trabajo se analiza la sensibilidad del luminol para encontrar manchas de sangre invisibles. Sobre estas manchas se inten...

  8. Incorporating direct marketing activity into latent attrition models

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schweidel, David A.; Knox, George


    When defection is unobserved, latent attrition models provide useful insights about customer behavior and accurate forecasts of customer value. Yet extant models ignore direct marketing efforts. Response models incorporate the effects of direct marketing, but because they ignore latent attrition,

  9. Latent fingerprints on different type of screen protective films

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuttana Sudjaroen


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research was to study the quality of latent fingerprint on different types of screen protective films including screen protector, matte screen protector, anti-fingerprint clear screen protector and anti-fingerprint matte screen protector by using black powder method in developing latent fingerprints. The fingerprints were performed by 10 volunteers whose fingers (right index, right thumb, left index and left thumb were stubbing at different types of screen protective films and subsequently latent fingerprints were developed by brushing with black powder. Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS counted the numbers of minutiae points from 320 latent fingerprints. Anti-fingerprint matte screen protective film produced the best quality of latent fingerprint with an average minutiae point 72.65, followed by matte screen protective film, clear screen protective film and anti-fingerprint clear screen protective film with an average minutiae point of 155.2, 135.0 and 72.65 respectively. The quality of latent fingerprints developed between a clear and a matte surface of screen protective films showed a significant difference (sig>0.05, whereas the coat and the non-coat with anti-fingerprint chemical revealed a non-significant difference (sig<0.05 in their number of minutiae points.

  10. Aspectos toxicológicos e inmunológicos del veneno del escorpión Tityus pachyurus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Valderrama


    :AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

    Actualmente se han descrito 1.500 especies de escorpiones, representadas en 12 familias. La familia Buthidae es la de mayor importancia médica, representada en Colombia por cuatro géneros. El veneno está compuesto por proteínas (neurotoxinas, aisladas e identificadas por cromatografía, electroforesis y ensayos de competición, las cuales actúan sobre canales iónicos, liberando neurotransmisores, que determinan el cuadro clínico del envenenamiento. Mediante ELISA, Western Blot e IEF, se ha demostrado que hay reactividad cruzada entre los venenos de un mismo género. En Colombia, los aspectos del escorpionismo

  11. Interexaminer variation of minutia markup on latent fingerprints. (United States)

    Ulery, Bradford T; Hicklin, R Austin; Roberts, Maria Antonia; Buscaglia, JoAnn


    Latent print examiners often differ in the number of minutiae they mark during analysis of a latent, and also during comparison of a latent with an exemplar. Differences in minutia counts understate interexaminer variability: examiners' markups may have similar minutia counts but differ greatly in which specific minutiae were marked. We assessed variability in minutia markup among 170 volunteer latent print examiners. Each provided detailed markup documenting their examinations of 22 latent-exemplar pairs of prints randomly assigned from a pool of 320 pairs. An average of 12 examiners marked each latent. The primary factors associated with minutia reproducibility were clarity, which regions of the prints examiners chose to mark, and agreement on value or comparison determinations. In clear areas (where the examiner was "certain of the location, presence, and absence of all minutiae"), median reproducibility was 82%; in unclear areas, median reproducibility was 46%. Differing interpretations regarding which regions should be marked (e.g., when there is ambiguity in the continuity of a print) contributed to variability in minutia markup: especially in unclear areas, marked minutiae were often far from the nearest minutia marked by a majority of examiners. Low reproducibility was also associated with differences in value or comparison determinations. Lack of standardization in minutia markup and unfamiliarity with test procedures presumably contribute to the variability we observed. We have identified factors accounting for interexaminer variability; implementing standards for detailed markup as part of documentation and focusing future training efforts on these factors may help to facilitate transparency and reduce subjectivity in the examination process. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

  12. Latent variables and route choice behavior

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prato, Carlo Giacomo; Bekhor, Shlomo; Pronello, Cristina


    In the last decade, a broad array of disciplines has shown a general interest in enhancing discrete choice models by considering the incorporation of psychological factors affecting decision making. This paper provides insight into the comprehension of the determinants of route choice behavior...... and bound algorithm. A hybrid model consists of measurement equations, which relate latent variables to measurement indicators and utilities to choice indicators, and structural equations, which link travelers’ observable characteristics to latent variables and explanatory variables to utilities. Estimation...

  13. A quantitative analysis on latent heat of an aqueous binary mixture. (United States)

    Han, Bumsoo; Choi, Jeung Hwan; Dantzig, Jonathan A; Bischof, John C


    The latent heat during phase change of water-NaCl binary mixture was measured using a differential scanning calorimeter, and the magnitude for two distinct phase change events, water/ice and eutectic phase change, were analyzed considering the phase change characteristics of a binary mixture. During the analysis, the latent heat associated with each event was calculated by normalizing the amount of each endothermic peak with only the amount of sample participating in each event estimated from the lever rule for the phase diagram. The resulting latent heat of each phase change measured is 303.7 +/- 2.5 J/g for water/ice phase change, and 233.0 +/- 1.6 J/g for eutectic phase change, respectively regardless of the initial concentration of mixture. Although the latent heats of water/ice phase change in water-NaCl mixtures are closely correlated, further study is warranted to investigate the reason for smaller latent heat of water/ice phase change than that in pure water (335 J/g). The analysis using the lever rule was extended to estimate the latent heat of dihydrate as 115 J/g with the measured eutectic and water/ice latent heat values. This new analysis based on the lever rule will be useful to estimate the latent heat of water-NaCl mixtures at various concentrations, and may become a framework for more general analysis of latent heat of various biological solutions.

  14. poLCA: An R Package for Polytomous Variable Latent Class Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Drew A. Linzer


    Full Text Available poLCA is a software package for the estimation of latent class and latent class regression models for polytomous outcome variables, implemented in the R statistical computing environment. Both models can be called using a single simple command line. The basic latent class model is a finite mixture model in which the component distributions are assumed to be multi-way cross-classification tables with all variables mutually independent. The latent class regression model further enables the researcher to estimate the effects of covariates on predicting latent class membership. poLCA uses expectation-maximization and Newton-Raphson algorithms to find maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters.

  15. Prevalence and risk factors of latent Tuberculosis among ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Latent Tuberculosis treatment is a key tuberculosis control intervention. Adolescents are a high risk group that is not routinely treated in low income countries. Knowledge of latent Tuberculosis (TB) burden among adolescents may influence policy. Objectives: We determined the prevalence and risk factors of ...

  16. Assessing Trust and Effectiveness in Virtual Teams: Latent Growth Curve and Latent Change Score Models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael D. Coovert


    Full Text Available Trust plays a central role in the effectiveness of work groups and teams. This is the case for both face-to-face and virtual teams. Yet little is known about the development of trust in virtual teams. We examined cognitive and affective trust and their relationship to team effectiveness as reflected through satisfaction with one’s team and task performance. Latent growth curve analysis reveals both trust types start at a significant level with individual differences in that initial level. Cognitive trust follows a linear growth pattern while affective trust is overall non-linear, but becomes linear once established. Latent change score models are utilized to examine change in trust and also its relationship with satisfaction with the team and team performance. In examining only change in trust and its relationship to satisfaction there appears to be a straightforward influence of trust on satisfaction and satisfaction on trust. However, when incorporated into a bivariate coupling latent change model the dynamics of the relationship are revealed. A similar pattern holds for trust and task performance; however, in the bivariate coupling change model a more parsimonious representation is preferred.

  17. Isquemia microvascular miocárdica, un compromiso asintomático en esclerosis sistémica


    Rausch, Gretel


    La Esclerosis Sistémica (ES) es una enfermedad autoinmune y multisistémica, cuya afectación básica es una lesión vascular generalizada, que produce isquemia y fibrosis secundaria del tejido comprometido. El compromiso miocárdico primario (sin compromiso pulmonar o renal), es frecuente, y un grave factor de riesgo de muerte. Junto con la fibrosis pulmonar y la hipertensión pulmonar, es una de las principales causas de mortalidad. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas

  18. Impacto de la resiliencia en pacientes con Artritis Reumatoide


    Beltrán García, Jonathan Camilo; Zapata Gómez, Elizabeth


    Introducción: La artritis reumatoide (AR) es una enfermedad autoinmune-inflamatoria, que compromete las articulaciones diartrodiales. Tiene una importante repercusión sistémica que incluye la depresión; por lo tanto, tiene un severo impacto sobre la calidad de vida. Es posible que mecanismos de defensa, tales como la resiliencia, puedan amortiguar dicho impacto. Metodología: estudio de corte transversal, multicéntrico (análisis inicial dentro del grupo AR, con muestra no probabilística d...

  19. Latent semantic analysis. (United States)

    Evangelopoulos, Nicholas E


    This article reviews latent semantic analysis (LSA), a theory of meaning as well as a method for extracting that meaning from passages of text, based on statistical computations over a collection of documents. LSA as a theory of meaning defines a latent semantic space where documents and individual words are represented as vectors. LSA as a computational technique uses linear algebra to extract dimensions that represent that space. This representation enables the computation of similarity among terms and documents, categorization of terms and documents, and summarization of large collections of documents using automated procedures that mimic the way humans perform similar cognitive tasks. We present some technical details, various illustrative examples, and discuss a number of applications from linguistics, psychology, cognitive science, education, information science, and analysis of textual data in general. WIREs Cogn Sci 2013, 4:683-692. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1254 CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The author has declared no conflicts of interest for this article. For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  20. A coarse to fine minutiae-based latent palmprint matching. (United States)

    Liu, Eryun; Jain, Anil K; Tian, Jie


    With the availability of live-scan palmprint technology, high resolution palmprint recognition has started to receive significant attention in forensics and law enforcement. In forensic applications, latent palmprints provide critical evidence as it is estimated that about 30 percent of the latents recovered at crime scenes are those of palms. Most of the available high-resolution palmprint matching algorithms essentially follow the minutiae-based fingerprint matching strategy. Considering the large number of minutiae (about 1,000 minutiae in a full palmprint compared to about 100 minutiae in a rolled fingerprint) and large area of foreground region in full palmprints, novel strategies need to be developed for efficient and robust latent palmprint matching. In this paper, a coarse to fine matching strategy based on minutiae clustering and minutiae match propagation is designed specifically for palmprint matching. To deal with the large number of minutiae, a local feature-based minutiae clustering algorithm is designed to cluster minutiae into several groups such that minutiae belonging to the same group have similar local characteristics. The coarse matching is then performed within each cluster to establish initial minutiae correspondences between two palmprints. Starting with each initial correspondence, a minutiae match propagation algorithm searches for mated minutiae in the full palmprint. The proposed palmprint matching algorithm has been evaluated on a latent-to-full palmprint database consisting of 446 latents and 12,489 background full prints. The matching results show a rank-1 identification accuracy of 79.4 percent, which is significantly higher than the 60.8 percent identification accuracy of a state-of-the-art latent palmprint matching algorithm on the same latent database. The average computation time of our algorithm for a single latent-to-full match is about 141 ms for genuine match and 50 ms for impostor match, on a Windows XP desktop system with 2

  1. Association between latent toxoplasmosis and cognition in adults: a cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Gale, S D; Brown, B L; Erickson, L D; Berrett, A; Hedges, D W


    Latent infection from Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is widespread worldwide and has been associated with cognitive deficits in some but not all animal models and in humans. We tested the hypothesis that latent toxoplasmosis is associated with decreased cognitive function in a large cross-sectional dataset, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). There were 4178 participants aged 20-59 years, of whom 19.1% had IgG antibodies against T. gondii. Two ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models adjusted for the NHANES complex sampling design and weighted to represent the US population were estimated for simple reaction time, processing speed and short-term memory or attention. The first model included only main effects of latent toxoplasmosis and demographic control variables, and the second added interaction terms between latent toxoplasmosis and the poverty-to-income ratio (PIR), educational attainment and race-ethnicity. We also used multivariate models to assess all three cognitive outcomes in the same model. Although the models evaluating main effects only demonstrated no association between latent toxoplasmosis and the cognitive outcomes, significant interactions between latent toxoplasmosis and the PIR, between latent toxoplasmosis and educational attainment, and between latent toxoplasmosis and race-ethnicity indicated that latent toxoplasmosis may adversely affect cognitive function in certain groups.

  2. A Non-Gaussian Spatial Generalized Linear Latent Variable Model

    KAUST Repository

    Irincheeva, Irina; Cantoni, Eva; Genton, Marc G.


    We consider a spatial generalized linear latent variable model with and without normality distributional assumption on the latent variables. When the latent variables are assumed to be multivariate normal, we apply a Laplace approximation. To relax the assumption of marginal normality in favor of a mixture of normals, we construct a multivariate density with Gaussian spatial dependence and given multivariate margins. We use the pairwise likelihood to estimate the corresponding spatial generalized linear latent variable model. The properties of the resulting estimators are explored by simulations. In the analysis of an air pollution data set the proposed methodology uncovers weather conditions to be a more important source of variability than air pollution in explaining all the causes of non-accidental mortality excluding accidents. © 2012 International Biometric Society.

  3. A Non-Gaussian Spatial Generalized Linear Latent Variable Model

    KAUST Repository

    Irincheeva, Irina


    We consider a spatial generalized linear latent variable model with and without normality distributional assumption on the latent variables. When the latent variables are assumed to be multivariate normal, we apply a Laplace approximation. To relax the assumption of marginal normality in favor of a mixture of normals, we construct a multivariate density with Gaussian spatial dependence and given multivariate margins. We use the pairwise likelihood to estimate the corresponding spatial generalized linear latent variable model. The properties of the resulting estimators are explored by simulations. In the analysis of an air pollution data set the proposed methodology uncovers weather conditions to be a more important source of variability than air pollution in explaining all the causes of non-accidental mortality excluding accidents. © 2012 International Biometric Society.

  4. Valoración médico-laboral del trabajador con Síndrome de Sjögren

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maider Usarbarrena Ekiza


    Full Text Available El Síndrome de Sjögren (SS es una patología inflamatoria crónica, infradiagnosticada y de etiología desconocida, que se caracteriza por la infiltración linfocitaria de las glándulas exocrinas. La sintomatología puede ser muy variada. Inicialmente, lo más común es que se presente sequedad de mucosas (principalmente oculares y bucales; también se puede asociar a otras enfermedades autoinmunes, y hasta en el 65% de los casos, se pueden presentar manifestaciones extraglandulares, pudiéndose afectar cualquier parte del organismo. En muchos casos, la sintomatología inicial es leve, achacándose habitualmente a un posible disconfort en el puesto de trabajo. A esto hay que añadir que a nivel laboral no existe literatura específica en la que poder basarse para realizar una adecuada valoración médico-laboral. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido crear una herramienta que englobe, por una parte, la vigilancia de la salud específica, y por otra, definir (aunque sea de forma orientativa, los criterios para poder realizar una correcta valoración de la capacidad laboral en los trabajadores con Síndrome de Sjögren.

  5. Latent-failure risk estimates for computer control (United States)

    Dunn, William R.; Folsom, Rolfe A.; Green, Owen R.


    It is shown that critical computer controls employing unmonitored safety circuits are unsafe. Analysis supporting this result leads to two additional, important conclusions: (1) annual maintenance checks of safety circuit function do not, as widely believed, eliminate latent failure risk; (2) safety risk remains even if multiple, series-connected protection circuits are employed. Finally, it is shown analytically that latent failure risk is eliminated when continuous monitoring is employed.

  6. Exposing Latent Information in Folksonomies for Reasoning (United States)


    1.73 $.") SKOS /reference/20081001/ Spiteri, L.F. (2007) "The structure and form of folksonomy tags: The road to the...Exposing Latent Information in Folksonomies for Reasoning January 14, 2010 Sponsored by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DOD...DATES COVERED (From - To! 4/14/2009-12/23/2009 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Exposing Latent Information in Folksonomies for Reasoning Sa. CONTRACT

  7. Polytomous latent scales for the investigation of the ordering of items

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ligtvoet, R.; van der Ark, L.A.; Bergsma, W. P.; Sijtsma, K.


    We propose three latent scales within the framework of nonparametric item response theory for polytomously scored items. Latent scales are models that imply an invariant item ordering, meaning that the order of the items is the same for each measurement value on the latent scale. This ordering

  8. Bayesian latent feature modeling for modeling bipartite networks with overlapping groups

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Philip H.; Mørup, Morten; Schmidt, Mikkel Nørgaard


    Bi-partite networks are commonly modelled using latent class or latent feature models. Whereas the existing latent class models admit marginalization of parameters specifying the strength of interaction between groups, existing latent feature models do not admit analytical marginalization...... by the notion of community structure such that the edge density within groups is higher than between groups. Our model further assumes that entities can have different propensities of generating links in one of the modes. The proposed framework is contrasted on both synthetic and real bi-partite networks...... feature representations in bipartite networks provides a new framework for accounting for structure in bi-partite networks using binary latent feature representations providing interpretable representations that well characterize structure as quantified by link prediction....

  9. Latent Growth and Dynamic Structural Equation Models. (United States)

    Grimm, Kevin J; Ram, Nilam


    Latent growth models make up a class of methods to study within-person change-how it progresses, how it differs across individuals, what are its determinants, and what are its consequences. Latent growth methods have been applied in many domains to examine average and differential responses to interventions and treatments. In this review, we introduce the growth modeling approach to studying change by presenting different models of change and interpretations of their model parameters. We then apply these methods to examining sex differences in the development of binge drinking behavior through adolescence and into adulthood. Advances in growth modeling methods are then discussed and include inherently nonlinear growth models, derivative specification of growth models, and latent change score models to study stochastic change processes. We conclude with relevant design issues of longitudinal studies and considerations for the analysis of longitudinal data.

  10. Handbook of latent variable and related models

    CERN Document Server

    Lee, Sik-Yum


    This Handbook covers latent variable models, which are a flexible class of models for modeling multivariate data to explore relationships among observed and latent variables.- Covers a wide class of important models- Models and statistical methods described provide tools for analyzing a wide spectrum of complicated data- Includes illustrative examples with real data sets from business, education, medicine, public health and sociology.- Demonstrates the use of a wide variety of statistical, computational, and mathematical techniques.

  11. Aspects of physicochemical methods for the detection of latent fingerprints

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knowles, A.M.


    This paper reviews physicochemical methods of detecting latent finger-prints on a wide range of materials commonly found at the scene of a crime, with particular emphasis placed on the newer autoradiographic techniques. This is set against a description of studies on the fundamental nature of the latent fingerprint and its host substrate, with a brief review of the history of reagents used in latent fingerprint examination. (author)

  12. Estudio de nuevos marcadores de inflamación en enfermedades del intestino


    Olmos Juste, Raquel


    La enfermedad celiaca (EC) se define como un proceso autoinmune multisistémico debido a una pérdida de tolerancia frente a proteínas de la dieta como al gluten de cereales. Las proteínas que causan esta enfermedad reciben el nombre de prolaminas y están presentes en el trigo (gliadinas), cebada (hordeínas), centeno (secalinas) y avena (aveínas). El único tratamiento que actualmente existe se basa en realizar una dieta libre de gluten (DSG), que da lugar a la desaparición de los...

  13. Latent M. tuberculosis infection--pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention strategies. (United States)

    Druszczyńska, Magdalena; Kowalewicz-Kulbat, Magdalena; Fol, Marek; Włodarczyk, Marcin; Rudnicka, Wiesława


    One third of the earths population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), but only 5-10% of the infected individuals develop active tuberculosis (TB) over their lifetime. The remaining 90-95% stay healthy and are called latently infected individuals. They are the biggest reservoir of the tubercle bacilli and identifying the cases of latent TB is a part of the global plan of TB control. From the clinical point of view detection of latent TB infections (LTBI) in individuals with the highest active TB risk including cases of HIV infection, autoimmune inflammatory diseases or cancer, is a priority. This review summarizes the recent findings in the pathogenesis of latent TB, its diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

  14. Fronteras porosas: la minería ilegal y el narcotráfico como amenazas latentes a la seguridad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana Isabel Ocampo Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El crimen transnacional se ha consolidado como una amenaza latente para la seguridad del Estado colombiano y de otros países de la región demandando acciones estratégicas por parte de la fuerza pública que vayan más allá de las operaciones conjuntas y coordinadas exigiendo, por su capacidad y dinamismo, que se actúe bajo un marco de interoperabilidad. En este sentido, se da a conocer un análisis descriptivo de dos de las principales amenazas transnacionales que afectan algunos países latinoamericanos y un planteamiento de la autora sobre cuál debe ser la estrategia para enfrentar este tipo de desafíos. El presente artículo de reflexión se desarrolla en tres fases con un enfoque de investigación cualitativo y de tipo de revisión documental descriptiva y propositiva. La primera corresponde a un análisis sobre la evolución del concepto de seguridad y el crimen transnacional, la segunda al estudio del caso específico del narcotráfico y la minería ilegal, y la tercera a las recomendaciones que se plantean con el fin de evidenciar por qué se debe hacer frente de manera coordinada y bajo un marco de cooperación e integración entre los Estados.

  15. Aspectos éticos en Pediatría, las inmunodeficiencias primarias

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    Martha Leonor Paradoa Pérez


    Full Text Available Las inmunodeficiencias primarias son enfermedades genéticas, caracterizadas por infecciones crónicas devastadoras que conllevan a la muerte, al desarrollo de tumores y a enfermedades autoinmunes, y la mayoría de estas enfermedades cursan en la edad pediátrica. Desde la última década del pasado siglo, el desarrollo de la tecnología, el surgimiento del Proyecto del Genoma Humano y la profundización en los aspectos bioéticos, han dado lugar a especificidades en la atención médica e investigativa del paciente pediátrico y del que desarrolla una enfermedad inmunológica. Este trabajo recoge los aspectos bioéticos más importantes y los dilemas éticos con los que se enfrenta el inmunólogo pediátrico en la atención al paciente con inmunodeficiencia primaria, el cual demanda la atención de, prácticamente, todas las especialidades pediátricas.

  16. Transferencia de grasa autóloga en esclerodermia localizada y multicéntrica


    Lott-Caldeira, Alberto-Magno; Robles-Mejía, Martin-Bienvenido; Marrou-Pautrat, Walter


    La esclerodermia es una enfermedad autoinmune multisistémica caracterizada por una inflamación crónica del tejido conectivo. Intentando encontrar la técnica ideal para obtener el mejor resultado quirúrgico posible con un abordaje menos invasivo, proponemos la utilización de injertos autólogos de grasa para tratar las deformidades producidas por esta patología. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con diagnóstico de esclerodermia, difusa, multicéntrica, con compromiso extenso y severo de la car...

  17. Morfea o esclerodermia localizada juvenil: caso clínico


    Strickler, Alexis; Gallo, Silvanna; Jaramillo, Pedro; de Toro, Gonzalo


    Introducción: La morfea o esclerodermia localizada juvenil (ELJ) es una enfermedad autoinmune, inflamatoria, crónica, lenta y progresiva del tejido conectivo, de causa desconocida, que afecta preferentemente la piel y los tejidos subyacentes. Objetivos: Comunicar un caso de esclerodermia localizada juvenil en una escolar, y contribuir a un diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno de esta patología. Caso clínico: Niña de 8 años con placas induradas hipopigmentadas, de distribución lineal en la extre...

  18. Satisfacción de programas sociales. El caso del programa de abasto de leche Liconsa

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    Adolfo Cogco


    Full Text Available El programa Abasto Social de Leche, que otorga esta bebida de manera subsidiada a personas enestado de pobreza, es uno de los más antiguos en México. El producto ha pasado por diversosmejoramientos de corte nutricional y de imagen; en este el artículo se presentarán los hallazgos sobrela satisfacción que tienen los beneficiarios del programa, a través del uso de una metodologíaintegral que abarca la gestión del mismo, la perspectiva de los beneficiarios en diversos ámbitosy el aspecto comunitario. Los resultados, obtenidos por medio de un modelo de ecuaciones estructuralescon variables latentes, señalan que la población objetivo se encuentra satisfecha con el programa.

  19. Towards an HIV-1 cure: measuring the latent reservoir (United States)

    Bruner, Katherine M.; Hosmane, Nina N.; Siliciano, Robert F.


    The latent reservoir of HIV-1 in resting memory CD4+ T cells serves as a major barrier to curing HIV-1 infection. While many PCR- and culture-based assays have been used to measure the size of the latent reservoir, correlation between results of different assays is poor and recent studies indicate that no available assay provides an accurate measurement of reservoir size. The discrepancies between assays are a hurdle to clinical trials that aim to measure the efficacy of HIV-1 eradication strategies. Here we describe the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches to measure the latent reservoir. PMID:25747663

  20. Ridge Width Correlations between Inked Prints and Powdered Latent Fingerprints. (United States)

    De Alcaraz-Fossoul, Josep; Barrot-Feixat, Carme; Zapico, Sara C; Mancenido, Michelle; Broatch, Jennifer; Roberts, Katherine A; Carreras-Marin, Clara; Tasker, Jack


    A methodology to estimate the time of latent fingerprint deposition would be of great value to law enforcement and courts. It has been observed that ridge topography changes as latent prints age, including the widths of ridges that could be measured as a function of time. Crime suspects are commonly identified using fingerprint databases that contain reference inked tenprints (flat and rolled impressions). These can be of interest in aging studies as they provide baseline information relating to the original (nonaged) ridges' widths. In practice, the age of latent fingerprints could be estimated following a comparison process between the evidentiary aged print and the corresponding reference inked print. The present article explores possible correlations between inked and fresh latent fingerprints deposited on different substrates and visualized with TiO 2 . The results indicate that the ridge width of flat inked prints is most similar to fresh latent fingerprints , and these should be used as the comparison standard for future aging studies. © 2017 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  1. Study of noninvasive detection of latent fingerprints using UV laser (United States)

    Li, Hong-xia; Cao, Jing; Niu, Jie-qing; Huang, Yun-gang; Mao, Lin-jie; Chen, Jing-rong


    Latent fingerprints present a considerable challenge in forensics, and noninvasive procedure that captures a digital image of the latent fingerprints is significant in the field of criminal investigation. The capability of photography technologies using 266nm UV Nd:YAG solid state laser as excitation light source to provide detailed images of unprocessed latent fingerprints is demonstrated. Unprocessed latent fingerprints were developed on various non-absorbent and absorbing substrates. According to the special absorption, reflection, scattering and fluorescence characterization of the various residues in fingerprints (fatty acid ester, protein, and carbosylic acid salts etc) to the UV light to weaken or eliminate the background disturbance and increase the brightness contrast of fingerprints with the background, and using 266nm UV laser as excitation light source, fresh and old latent fingerprints on the surface of four types of non-absorbent objects as magazine cover, glass, back of cellphone, wood desktop paintwork and two types of absorbing objects as manila envelope, notebook paper were noninvasive detected and appeared through reflection photography and fluorescence photography technologies, and the results meet the fingerprint identification requirements in forensic science.


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    Full Text Available La cadena z es una proteína transmembranal que se encuentra en los linfocitos T, uno de los tipos de células más importantes en el sistema inmune adaptativo, haciendo parte de un complejo multimérico que se ubica en la superficie de la célula y que se encarga, por un lado, del reconocimiento antigénico y por otro, de la transmisión de señales durante la activación de la misma. Esta proteína es una de las que primero se fosforila luego de la estimulación a través del receptor y se sabe que es esencial en los primeros eventos de señalización. Dobles mutantes de esta molécula muestran una respuesta adaptativa inadecuada; así mismo, se ha visto que su expresión está alterada en cáncer y en algunas enfermedades auto-inmunes. La fosforilación en residuos de tirosina que se encuentran en los motivos de activación de residuos de tirosina de los receptores inmunes (ITAMs, de los cuales hay tres en la región citoplasmática, ha demostrado ser uno de los eventos principales durante la activación. En este reporte se presenta la caracterización de la estructura primaria de la cadena z en los monos del nuevo mundo Aotus nancymaae; la secuencia de aminoácidos se dedujo a partir de la secuencia nucleotídica de su cADN. Las moléculas de Aotus presentaron una identidad del 95.5 y del 95.7% con la molécula de humano en las secuencias de nucleótidos y de aminoácidos, respectivamente. Una comparación de la proteína por regiones, mostró una identidad del 100% en la región extracelular y la conservación de residuos y regiones importantes en el resto de la molécula; esto incluye aminoácidos polares en la región transmembranal y los ITAMs en la región citoplasmática. Los resultados sugieren que la proteína de Aotus es plenamente funcional y que los procesos de activación de los linfocitos T se suceden de manera similar a lo descrito en humanos. El resultado mostrado aquí soporta las evidencias previas en el sentido de que las

  3. Latent tuberculosis in nursing professionals of a Brazilian hospital

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    Valim Andréia


    Full Text Available Abstract Tuberculosis (TB is considered an occupational disease among health-care workers (HCWs. Direct contact with TB patients leads to an increased risk to become latently infected by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence of latent M. tuberculosis minfection among nursing professionals of a hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, assessed by tuberculin skin test (TST. From November 2009 to May 2010, latent M. tuberculosis infection was assessed by TST in 55 nursing professionals. Epidemiological information was collected using a standardized questionnaire. A positive TST result (> or = 10 mm was observed in 47.3% of the HCWs tested. There was no significant difference in TST positivity when duration of employment or professional category (technician or nurse was evaluated. The results of this work reinforce the need for control measures to prevent latent M. tuberculosis infection among nursing professionals at the hospital where the study was conducted.

  4. Primiparous women's preferences for care during a prolonged latent phase of labour. (United States)

    Ängeby, Karin; Wilde-Larsson, Bodil; Hildingsson, Ingegerd; Sandin-Bojö, Ann-Kristin


    To investigate primiparous women's preferences for care during a prolonged latent phase of labour. A qualitative study based on focus groups and individual interviews and analysed with inductive content analysis. Sixteen primiparous women with a prolonged latent phase of labour >18 hours were interviewed in five focus groups (n = 11) or individually (n = 5). One main category emerged "Beyond normality - a need of individual adapted guidance in order to understand and manage an extended latent phase of labour" which covers the women's preferences during the prolonged latent phase. Five categories were generated from the data: "A welcoming manner and not being rejected", "Individually adapted care", "Important information which prepares for reality and coping", "Participation and need for feedback" and "Staying nearby the labour ward or being admitted for midwifery support". Women with a prolonged latent phase of labour sought to use their own resources, but their needs for professional support increased as time passed. A welcoming attitude from an available midwife during the latent phase created a feeling of security, and personally adapted care was perceived positively. Women with a prolonged latent phase of labour preferred woman-centred care. Midwives play an important role in supporting these women. Women's need for midwifery-support increases as the time spent in latent phase increases. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Gene variants associated with antisocial behaviour: a latent variable approach. (United States)

    Bentley, Mary Jane; Lin, Haiqun; Fernandez, Thomas V; Lee, Maria; Yrigollen, Carolyn M; Pakstis, Andrew J; Katsovich, Liliya; Olds, David L; Grigorenko, Elena L; Leckman, James F


    The aim of this study was to determine if a latent variable approach might be useful in identifying shared variance across genetic risk alleles that is associated with antisocial behaviour at age 15 years. Using a conventional latent variable approach, we derived an antisocial phenotype in 328 adolescents utilizing data from a 15-year follow-up of a randomized trial of a prenatal and infancy nurse-home visitation programme in Elmira, New York. We then investigated, via a novel latent variable approach, 450 informative genetic polymorphisms in 71 genes previously associated with antisocial behaviour, drug use, affiliative behaviours and stress response in 241 consenting individuals for whom DNA was available. Haplotype and Pathway analyses were also performed. Eight single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from eight genes contributed to the latent genetic variable that in turn accounted for 16.0% of the variance within the latent antisocial phenotype. The number of risk alleles was linearly related to the latent antisocial variable scores. Haplotypes that included the putative risk alleles for all eight genes were also associated with higher latent antisocial variable scores. In addition, 33 SNPs from 63 of the remaining genes were also significant when added to the final model. Many of these genes interact on a molecular level, forming molecular networks. The results support a role for genes related to dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, glutamate, opioid and cholinergic signalling as well as stress response pathways in mediating susceptibility to antisocial behaviour. This preliminary study supports use of relevant behavioural indicators and latent variable approaches to study the potential 'co-action' of gene variants associated with antisocial behaviour. It also underscores the cumulative relevance of common genetic variants for understanding the aetiology of complex behaviour. If replicated in future studies, this approach may allow the identification of a

  6. Tratamento da tuberculose de infecção latente: As recomendações actuais Latent tuberculosis infection treatment: Current recommendations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R Duarte


    Full Text Available O diagnóstico e tratamento da infecção latente por Mycobacterium tuberculosis reduz significativamente o risco de desenvolvimento de tuberculose activa e a transmissão da doença na comunidade. O rastreio da tuberculose infecção latente deve passar pela exclusão de doença activa (inquérito de sintomas e radiografia pulmonar e avaliação da resposta imunológica ao M. tuberculosis através dos testes actualmente ao dispor, como o teste tuberculínico e os testes IGRA (interferon-gamma release assay. A escolha do esquema de tratamento deve ter em linha de conta a eficácia, a adesão e os efeitos colaterais associados ao mesmo Este documento actualiza as recomendações sobre tratamento da tuberculose infecção latente. São apresentadas indicações sobre quem deve ser rastreado e revistos os esquemas de tratamento.Diagnosis and treatment of latent infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (LTBI, significantly reduces the risk of developing active tuberculosis and the transmission of the disease in the community. LTBI screening must pass by the exclusion of active disease (symptoms enquiry and chest radiography and assessment of immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis testing with the tests currently available - tuberculin skin test and interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA. The choice of treatment must take into account the efficacy and side effects associated with the same. This document provides updated recommendations on latent tuberculosis infection treatment. Topics covered include whom to test for TB and reviewed LTBI treatment regimens.

  7. Calculating latent frequencies of systems with local damping

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kolonits, Ferenc


    Modal analysis of damped systems often cannot proceed with common real-eigenvalue techniques. The system of equilibrium equations leads to a matrix with elements being quadratic functions of a parameter λ. The values of that which make the matrix singular are the latent roots, while the solutions of the associated homogenous equation are the latent vectors. They are the (generally complex) characteristic frequencies and the mode shapes of the system, respectively. Although the theory is well developed, the numerical application is open to refinements yet. A reduction to better-known real-domain subtasks deserves attention. With a theorem of Popper and Gaspar, a n x n λ-matrix problem can be cut in two: into n-size asymmetric real matrices having as eigenvalues the n lower and n upper latent roots, ranked by absolute value. This approach may be of use for systems with high number of degrees of freedom while damped by a relatively few concentrated devices. It might fit also an earthquake analysis, where the lower portion of eigenvalues is customarily what counts. The dampers appear in the splitting algorithm as restricted-size modifications, ready for use by the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury identity. The task is re-traced this way to a more usual real-asymmetric eigenproblem. A requirement of convergence is that the lower and upper n-set of latent values must be distinct. With odd-number degrees of freedom and neither over-damped, i.e. all latent roots being complex, this condition is surely violated. For such cases, a supplemental algorithm is proposed

  8. Behaviorism, latent learning, and cognitive maps: needed revisions in introductory psychology textbooks. (United States)

    Jensen, Robert


    This paper critically assesses the scholarship in introductory psychology textbooks in relation to the topic of latent learning. A review of the treatment of latent learning in 48 introductory psychology textbooks published between 1948 and 2004, with 21 of these texts published since 1999, reveals that the scholarship on the topic of latent learning demonstrated in introductory textbooks warrants improvement. Errors that persist in textbooks include the assertion that the latent learning experiments demonstrate unequivocally that reinforcement was not necessary for learning to occur, that behavioral theories could not account for the results of the latent learning experiments, that B. F. Skinner was an S-R association behaviorist who argued that reinforcement is necessary for learning to occur, and that because behavioral theories (including that of B. F. Skinner) were unable explain the results of the latent learning experiments the cognitive map invoked by Edward Tolman is the only explanation for latent learning. Finally, the validity of the cognitive map is typically accepted without question. Implications of the presence of these errors for students and the discipline are considered. Lastly, remedies are offered to improve the scholarship found in introductory psychology textbooks.

  9. Generalized latent variable modeling multilevel, longitudinal, and structural equation models

    CERN Document Server

    Skrondal, Anders; Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia


    This book unifies and extends latent variable models, including multilevel or generalized linear mixed models, longitudinal or panel models, item response or factor models, latent class or finite mixture models, and structural equation models.

  10. Latent Class Analysis of Criminal Social Identity in a Prison Sample

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boduszek Daniel


    Full Text Available This study aimed to examine the number of latent classes of criminal social identity that exist among male recidivistic prisoners. Latent class analysis was used to identify homogeneous groups of criminal social identity. Multinomial logistic regression was used to interpret the nature of the latent classes, or groups, by estimating the associationsto number of police arrests, recidivism, and violent offending while controlling for current age. The best fitting latent class model was a five-class solution: ‘High criminal social identity’ (17%, ‘High Centrality, Moderate Affect, Low Ties’ (21.7%, ‘Low Centrality, Moderate Affect, High Ties’ (13.3%,‘Low Cognitive, High Affect, Low Ties’ (24.6%, and ‘Low criminal social identity’ (23.4%. Each of the latent classes was predicted by differing external variables. Criminal social identity is best explained by five homogenous classes that display qualitative and quantitative differences.

  11. Current management options for latent tuberculosis: a review

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    Norton BL


    Full Text Available Brianna L Norton, David P HollandDepartment of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USAAbstract: Tuberculosis remains the world’s second leading infectious cause of death, with nearly one-third of the global population latently infected. Treatment of latent tuberculosis infection is a mainstay of tuberculosis-control efforts in low-to medium-incidence countries. Isoniazid monotherapy has been the standard of care for decades, but its utility is impaired by poor completion rates. However, new, shorter-course regimens using rifamycins improve completion rates and are cost-saving compared with standard isoniazid monotherapy. We review the currently available therapies for latent tuberculosis infection and their toxicities and include a brief economic comparison of the different regimens.Keywords: isoniazid, rifampin, rifapentine, tuberculin skin test, interferon-gamma release assay

  12. Inmunopatogenia de la artritis reumatoidea: Conceptos actuales

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    Virginia Torres Lima


    Full Text Available Se informa que la artritis reumatoidea es una enfermedad autoinmune inflamatoria y sistémica, cuya causa aún no se ha precisado, pero es de suponer varios factores que son importantes en su patogenia, entre ellos, factores ambientales, genéticos (asociados con el complejo principal de histocompatibilidad y con los genes que codifican la síntesis de inmunoglobulina, del receptor de célula T, citocinas y moléculas de adhseión. Estos factores, al interactuar, median el daño articular propio de la enfermedad, con participación de los sucesos de la respuesta inmune. También se mencionan otros mecanismos de daño articular por activación de oncogenes, que regulan tanto la apoptosis, como la activación de enzimas proteolíticas que contribuyen a la formación del pannusIt is reported that rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoinmune inflammatory disease whose causes are yet unelear but several factors are supposed to be important in its pathogenesis such as environmental factors and genetic factors (linked to the main histocompatibility complex and to coding genes for the synthesis of inmunoglobulin, T-cell receptors, cytokines and adhesive molecules. When these factors interact, they mediate the articular damage inherent to the disease where inmune response events also participate. Additionally, other mechanisms of articular damage by oncogene priming are presented. They regulate both apoptosis and proteolytic enzime priming contributing to pannus formation

  13. Harry Potter and the sorcerer's scope: latent scope biases in explanatory reasoning. (United States)

    Khemlani, Sangeet S; Sussman, Abigail B; Oppenheimer, Daniel M


    What makes a good explanation? We examine the function of latent scope, i.e., the number of unobserved phenomena that an explanation can account for. We show that individuals prefer narrow latent scope explanations-those that account for fewer unobserved effects-to broader explanations. In Experiments 1a-d, participants found narrow latent scope explanations to be both more satisfying and more likely. In Experiment 2 we directly manipulated base rate information and again found a preference for narrow latent scope explanations. Participants in Experiment 3 evaluated more natural explanations of unexpected observations, and again displayed a bias for narrow latent scope explanations. We conclude by considering what this novel bias tells us about how humans evaluate explanations and engage in causal reasoning.

  14. Dynamic Latent Classification Model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhong, Shengtong; Martínez, Ana M.; Nielsen, Thomas Dyhre

    as possible. Motivated by this problem setting, we propose a generative model for dynamic classification in continuous domains. At each time point the model can be seen as combining a naive Bayes model with a mixture of factor analyzers (FA). The latent variables of the FA are used to capture the dynamics...

  15. A Latent Class Approach to Estimating Test-Score Reliability (United States)

    van der Ark, L. Andries; van der Palm, Daniel W.; Sijtsma, Klaas


    This study presents a general framework for single-administration reliability methods, such as Cronbach's alpha, Guttman's lambda-2, and method MS. This general framework was used to derive a new approach to estimating test-score reliability by means of the unrestricted latent class model. This new approach is the latent class reliability…

  16. Tuberculosis and latent tuberculosis infection among healthcare workers in Kisumu, Kenya. (United States)

    Agaya, Janet; Nnadi, Chimeremma D; Odhiambo, Joseph; Obonyo, Charles; Obiero, Vincent; Lipke, Virginia; Okeyo, Elisha; Cain, Kevin; Oeltmann, John E


    To assess prevalence and occupational risk factors of latent TB infection and history of TB disease ascribed to work in a healthcare setting in western Kenya. We conducted a cross-sectional survey among healthcare workers in western Kenya in 2013. They were recruited from dispensaries, health centres and hospitals that offer both TB and HIV services. School workers from the health facilities' catchment communities were randomly selected to serve as the community comparison group. Latent TB infection was diagnosed by tuberculin skin testing. HIV status of participants was assessed. Using a logistic regression model, we determined the adjusted odds of latent TB infection among healthcare workers compared to school workers; and among healthcare workers only, we assessed work-related risk factors for latent TB infection. We enrolled 1005 healthcare workers and 411 school workers. Approximately 60% of both groups were female. A total of 22% of 958 healthcare workers and 12% of 392 school workers tested HIV positive. Prevalence of self-reported history of TB disease was 7.4% among healthcare workers and 3.6% among school workers. Prevalence of latent TB infection was 60% among healthcare workers and 48% among school workers. Adjusted odds of latent TB infection were 1.5 times higher among healthcare workers than school workers (95% confidence interval 1.2-2.0). Healthcare workers at all three facility types had similar prevalence of latent TB infection (P = 0.72), but increasing years of employment was associated with increased odds of LTBI (P Kenya which offer TB and HIV services are at increased risk of latent TB infection, and the risk is similar across facility types. Implementation of WHO-recommended TB infection control measures are urgently needed in health facilities to protect healthcare workers. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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    Vladimir V. Markelov


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe data presented in this manuscript suggest a pivotal role of the central nervous system (CNS in the regulation of immune status. We describe here that some neurochemical disturbances may provoke development of various diseases including multiple sclerosis. Some theoretic and practical backgrounds, how to improve the multiple sclerosis sufferers and patients with other autoimmune disorders, are also given.RESUMENLos datos que presentamos en este manuscrito, sugieren un papel guia del sistema nervioso central (SNC en la regulación del estado inmune. Describimos aquí que varias alteraciones neuroquímicas pueden provocar el desarrollo de varias enfermedades, incluyendo esclerosis múltiple. También se comenta acerca del trasfondo teórico y práctico, y cómo mejorar a víctimas y pacientes con esclerosis múltiple y otras alteraciones autoinmunes.

  18. A Multinomial Probit Model with Latent Factors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Piatek, Rémi; Gensowski, Miriam


    be meaningfully linked to an economic model. We provide sufficient conditions that make this structure identified and interpretable. For inference, we design a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler based on marginal data augmentation. A simulation exercise shows the good numerical performance of our sampler......We develop a parametrization of the multinomial probit model that yields greater insight into the underlying decision-making process, by decomposing the error terms of the utilities into latent factors and noise. The latent factors are identified without a measurement system, and they can...

  19. La tiroiditis bifásica: un patrón fisiopatológico en las tiroiditis


    Marsiglia, Italo


    La disfunción tiroidea es una observación común en el curso evolutivo de las tiroiditis. En las fases avanzadas de la tiroiditis crónica autoinmune es muy frecuente el hallazgo de hipotiroidismo clínico o subclínico, como consecuencia del reemplazo glandular por la fibrosis y atrofia resultantes. El hipotiroidismo permanente también es una secuela común en la tiroiditis silente y poco frecuente en la tiroiditis subaguda. Por otra parte, se conoce como “tiroiditis destructiva”, al proceso infl...

  20. Genetic manipulation of the pancreas cell and gene therapy approaches for type 1 diabetes /


    Ayuso López, Eduard


    Consultable des del TDX La diabetes de tipo 1 resulta de la destrucción autoinmune de las células ß pancreáticas, que conduce a una falta en la producción de insulina y la consiguiente hiperglucemia. La terapia sustitutiva con inyecciones subcutáneas de insulina permite a los pacientes llevar un vida activa, sin embargo esta terapia es imperfecta y no evita la aparición de graves complicaciones secundarias. El transplante de páncreas o islotes pancreáticos se ha realizado con éxito en algu...

  1. Abordaje laparoscópico de la acalasia análisis clínico, de calidad de vida y funcional /


    Marinello, Franco Guillermo


    INTRODUCCIÓN La Acalasia es un trastorno esofágico primario con etiología desconocida. Por posibles causas genéticas, virales o autoinmunes, existe una inflamación mioentérica que conlleva a una destrucción neuronal inhibitoria. Esta destrucción tiene como resultado final la falla de relajación del EEI y la aperistalsis esofágica. Existen diversos tratamientos para tratar la Acalasia, ninguno de ellos curativo. La miotomía de Heller demostró ser el tratamiento con mejores resultados a largo p...

  2. Original article Latent classes of criminal intent associated with criminal behaviour

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Boduszek


    Full Text Available Background This study aimed to examine the number of latent classes of criminal intent that exist among prisoners and to look at the associations with recidivism, number of police arrests, type of offending (robbery, violent offences, murder, and multiple offences, and age. Participants and procedure Latent class analysis was used to identify homogeneous subgroups of prisoners based on their responses to the 10 questions reflecting criminal intent. Participants were 309 male recidivistic prisoners incarcerated in a maximum security prison. Multinomial logistic regression was used to interpret the nature of the latent classes, or groups, by estimating the association between recidivism and latent classes of criminal intent while controlling for offence type (robbery, violent offences, murder, and multiple offences, number of arrests, and age. Results The best fitting latent class model was a three-class solution: ‘High criminal intent’ (49.3%, ‘Intermediate criminal intent’ (41.3%, and ‘Low criminal intent’ (9.4%. The latent classes were differentially related to the external variables (recidivism, violent offences, and age. Conclusions Criminal intent is best explained by three homogeneous classes that appear to represent an underlying continuum. Future work is needed to identify whether these distinct classes of criminal intent may predict engagement in various types of criminal behaviour.

  3. Desarrollo histórico del Principio de Separación de Poderes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Díaz Bravo


    Full Text Available En este artículo, que parte de una investigación relativa a la ordenación del poder político y la separación de poderes, el autor analiza la evolución histórica del principio de separación de poderes del Estado y pone de manifiesto la problemática del poder desde los tiempos más lejanos: la antigua Grecia, donde se formulan las primeras doctrinas relativas a la sociedad, su ordenación y la posición de los individuos, pasando por la trasformación desde la etapa feudal hasta el Estado absoluto, hasta los procesos revolucionarios más importantes relativos a la nueva configuración del poder, es el caso inglés, norteamericano y francés. Se observa cómo en ninguna de dichas etapas, a pesar de más de un milenio de tiempo transcurrido, ha dejado de ser un problema latente la ordenación del poder político, y en particular la articulación de dicho poder en la estructura del Estado, en sus diversas funciones y atribuciones. Resulta del todo importante conocer y entender la ordenación del Estado democrático y la evolución de uno de sus pilares más importantes, la separación de poderes.

  4. Competing risk model for reduction in life expectancy from radiogenic latent cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davis, H.T.


    Because of the large number of persons who could potentially receive low doses of radiation as a result of a nuclear reactor accident, the number of fatalities from latent cancers is generally larger than the early, or prompt, fatalities. For this reason the latent cancer fatality risk of reactor accidents is perceived as being more important than the early fatality risk. In addition, there exists the temptation to add the latent cancer fatality risk to the early fatality risk for the purpose of comparing reactor accident risks to other risks that society is exposed to, such as automobile accidents, airplane accidents, hurricanes, etc. However, the impact on the individual, and society as a whole, due to latent cancer fatalities is significantly different from the impact produced by early fatalities. Early fatalities generally result in appreciable life shortening for the affected individual while latent cancer fatalities generally result in very limited life shortening. A mathematical model was developed to express the reduction in life expectancy due to latent radiogenic cancer as a function of dose received

  5. Avoiding and Correcting Bias in Score-Based Latent Variable Regression with Discrete Manifest Items (United States)

    Lu, Irene R. R.; Thomas, D. Roland


    This article considers models involving a single structural equation with latent explanatory and/or latent dependent variables where discrete items are used to measure the latent variables. Our primary focus is the use of scores as proxies for the latent variables and carrying out ordinary least squares (OLS) regression on such scores to estimate…

  6. PET CT Identifies Reactivation Risk in Cynomolgus Macaques with Latent M. tuberculosis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philana Ling Lin


    Full Text Available Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection presents across a spectrum in humans, from latent infection to active tuberculosis. Among those with latent tuberculosis, it is now recognized that there is also a spectrum of infection and this likely contributes to the variable risk of reactivation tuberculosis. Here, functional imaging with 18F-fluorodeoxygluose positron emission tomography and computed tomography (PET CT of cynomolgus macaques with latent M. tuberculosis infection was used to characterize the features of reactivation after tumor necrosis factor (TNF neutralization and determine which imaging characteristics before TNF neutralization distinguish reactivation risk. PET CT was performed on latently infected macaques (n = 26 before and during the course of TNF neutralization and a separate set of latently infected controls (n = 25. Reactivation occurred in 50% of the latently infected animals receiving TNF neutralizing antibody defined as development of at least one new granuloma in adjacent or distant locations including extrapulmonary sites. Increased lung inflammation measured by PET and the presence of extrapulmonary involvement before TNF neutralization predicted reactivation with 92% sensitivity and specificity. To define the biologic features associated with risk of reactivation, we used these PET CT parameters to identify latently infected animals at high risk for reactivation. High risk animals had higher cumulative lung bacterial burden and higher maximum lesional bacterial burdens, and more T cells producing IL-2, IL-10 and IL-17 in lung granulomas as compared to low risk macaques. In total, these data support that risk of reactivation is associated with lung inflammation and higher bacterial burden in macaques with latent Mtb infection.

  7. Skin Resistivity Value of Upper Trapezius Latent Trigger Points

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    Elżbieta Skorupska


    Full Text Available Introduction. The skin resistivity (SkR measurement is commonly recommended for acupoints measurement, but for trigger points (TrPs only one study is available. The purpose of the study was to evaluate SkR for latent TrPs compared to non-TrPs and the surrounding tissue. Material and Methods. Forty-two healthy volunteers with unilateral latent upper trapezius TrPs (12 men, 30 women aged 21–23 (mean age: 22.1 ± 0.6 y participated in the study. Keithley electrometer 610B was used for measuring SkR (Ag/AgCl self-adhesive, disposable ground electrode: 30 mm diameter. SkR was measured for latent TrPs and compared to opposite non-TrPs sites and the surrounding tissue. Results. The SkR decrease of TrPs-positive sites as compared to TrPs-negative sites and the surrounding tissue was confirmed. However, no statistically significant difference in the SkR value occurred when all data were analyzed. The same was confirmed after gender division and for TrPs-positive subjects examined for referred pain and twitch response presence. Conclusion. SkR reactive changes at latent TrPs are possible but the results were not consistent with the previous study. Thus, caution in applying SkR to latent TrPs isolation is recommended and its clinical use should not be encouraged yet. Further studies, especially on active TrPs, are yet required.

  8. Noticias de la ciencia

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    Oscar F. Ramos M.


    Full Text Available Efectos anti-androgenicos del ddt : El DDT es un pesticida órganoclorado desarrollado durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y actualmente de uso común para el control de la malaria. / Clonacion y caracterización de un tercer locus implicado en la enfermedad de Alzheimer: La enfermedad de Alzheimer es un trastorno degenerati vo del sistema nervioso central, el cual se manifiesta en el adulto por pérdida progresiva de la memoria hasta la demencia total. / caracterización molecular de un Autoantigeno involucrado en la Esclerosis múltiple:  La esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad autoinmune que se caracteriza por una destrucción de la mielina mediada por los linfocitos T, B Y los macrófagos.

  9. Latent variable modeling%建立隐性变量模型

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    @@ A latent variable model, as the name suggests,is a statistical model that contains latent, that is, unobserved, variables.Their roots go back to Spearman's 1904 seminal work[1] on factor analysis,which is arguably the first well-articulated latent variable model to be widely used in psychology, mental health research, and allied disciplines.Because of the association of factor analysis with early studies of human intelligence, the fact that key variables in a statistical model are, on occasion, unobserved has been a point of lingering contention and controversy.The reader is assured, however, that a latent variable,defined in the broadest manner, is no more mysterious than an error term in a normal theory linear regression model or a random effect in a mixed model.

  10. Accuracy of latent-variable estimation in Bayesian semi-supervised learning. (United States)

    Yamazaki, Keisuke


    Hierarchical probabilistic models, such as Gaussian mixture models, are widely used for unsupervised learning tasks. These models consist of observable and latent variables, which represent the observable data and the underlying data-generation process, respectively. Unsupervised learning tasks, such as cluster analysis, are regarded as estimations of latent variables based on the observable ones. The estimation of latent variables in semi-supervised learning, where some labels are observed, will be more precise than that in unsupervised, and one of the concerns is to clarify the effect of the labeled data. However, there has not been sufficient theoretical analysis of the accuracy of the estimation of latent variables. In a previous study, a distribution-based error function was formulated, and its asymptotic form was calculated for unsupervised learning with generative models. It has been shown that, for the estimation of latent variables, the Bayes method is more accurate than the maximum-likelihood method. The present paper reveals the asymptotic forms of the error function in Bayesian semi-supervised learning for both discriminative and generative models. The results show that the generative model, which uses all of the given data, performs better when the model is well specified. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. 31P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy: Impaired energy metabolism in latent hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Theissen, P.; Kaldewey, S.; Moka, D.; Bunke, J.; Voth, E.; Schicha, H.


    31 Phosphorous magnetic resonance spectroscopy allows an in vivo examination of energy metabolism. The present study was designed to evaluate whether in patients with latent hyperthyroidism alterations of muscle energy metabolism could be found similar to those observed in patients with overt hyperthyroidism. In 10 patients with overt hyperthyroidism before therapy and 20 with latent hyperthyroidism (also without therapy) and in 24 healthy volunteers magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the calf muscle was performed within a 1.5-Tesla magnet. Muscle concentrations of phosphocreatine, inorganic phosphate, and ATP were quantified compared to an external standard solution of K 2 HPO 4 . In the patients with overt hyperthyroidism and with latent hyperthyroidism a significant decrease of phosphocreatine was found. Further, the ATP concentration in patients with latent and manifest hyperthyroidism tended towards lower values. There were no significant differences in the decrease of phosphocreatine and ATP between both patient groups. Therefore, this study for the first time shows that alterations of energy metabolism in latent hyperthyroidism can be measured and that they are similar to those observed in overt hyperthyroidism. (orig.) [de

  12. Latent class factor and cluster models, bi-plots and tri-plots and related graphical displays

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Magidson, J.; Vermunt, J.K.


    We propose an alternative method of conducting exploratory latent class analysis that utilizes latent class factor models, and compare it to the more traditional approach based on latent class cluster models. We show that when formulated in terms of R mutually independent, dichotomous latent

  13. A solar air collector with integrated latent heat thermal storage

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    Klimes Lubomir


    Full Text Available Simulations of the behaviour of a solar air collector with integrated latent heat thermal storage were performed. The model of the collector was created with the use of coupling between TRNSYS 17 and MATLAB. Latent heat storage (Phase Change Material - PCM was integrated with the solar absorber. The model of the latent heat storage absorber was created in MATLAB and the model of the solar air collector itself was created in TRNSYS with the use of TYPE 56. The model of the latent heat storage absorber allows specification of the PCM properties as well as other parameters. The simulated air collector was the front and back pass collector with the absorber in the middle of the air cavity. Two variants were considered for comparison; the light-weight absorber made of sheet metal and the heat-storage absorber with the PCM. Simulations were performed for the climatic conditions of the Czech Republic (using TMY weather data.

  14. Latent class models for classification

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermunt, J.K.; Magidson, J.


    An overview is provided of recent developments in the use of latent class (LC) and other types of finite mixture models for classification purposes. Several extensions of existing models are presented. Two basic types of LC models for classification are defined: supervised and unsupervised

  15. On Latent Growth Models for Composites and Their Constituents. (United States)

    Hancock, Gregory R; Mao, Xiulin; Kher, Hemant


    Over the last decade and a half, latent growth modeling has become an extremely popular and versatile technique for evaluating longitudinal change and its determinants. Most common among the models applied are those for a single measured variable over time. This model has been extended in a variety of ways, most relevant for the current work being the multidomain and the second-order latent growth models. Whereas the former allows for growth function characteristics to be modeled for multiple outcomes simultaneously, with the degree of growth characteristics' relations assessed within the model (e.g., cross-domain slope factor correlations), the latter models growth in latent outcomes, each of which has effect indicators repeated over time. But what if one has an outcome that is believed to be formative relative to its indicator variables rather than latent? In this case, where the outcome is a composite of multiple constituents, modeling change over time is less straightforward. This article provides analytical and applied details for simultaneously modeling growth in composites and their constituent elements, including a real data example using a general computer self-efficacy questionnaire.

  16. Piecewise Linear-Linear Latent Growth Mixture Models with Unknown Knots (United States)

    Kohli, Nidhi; Harring, Jeffrey R.; Hancock, Gregory R.


    Latent growth curve models with piecewise functions are flexible and useful analytic models for investigating individual behaviors that exhibit distinct phases of development in observed variables. As an extension of this framework, this study considers a piecewise linear-linear latent growth mixture model (LGMM) for describing segmented change of…

  17. Rapid detection of drug metabolites in latent fingermarks. (United States)

    Hazarika, Pompi; Jickells, Sue M; Russell, David A


    Magnetic particles functionalised with anti-cotinine antibody have been used to image latent fingermarks through the detection of the cotinine antigen in the sweat deposited within the fingerprints of smokers. The antibody-magnetic particle conjugates are readily applied to latent fingerprints while excess reagents are removed through the use of a magnetic wand. The results have shown that drug metabolites, such as cotinine, can be detected and used to image the fingermark to establish the identity of an individual within 15 minutes.

  18. Effects of latent toxoplasmosis on autoimmune thyroid diseases in pregnancy. (United States)

    Kaňková, Šárka; Procházková, Lucie; Flegr, Jaroslav; Calda, Pavel; Springer, Drahomíra; Potluková, Eliška


    Toxoplasmosis, one of the most common zoonotic diseases worldwide, can induce various hormonal and behavioural alterations in infected hosts, and its most common form, latent toxoplasmosis, influences the course of pregnancy. Autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD) belong to the well-defined risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a link between latent toxoplasmosis and maternal AITD in pregnancy. Cross-sectional study in 1248 consecutive pregnant women in the 9-12th gestational weeks. Serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroperoxidase antibodies (TPOAb), and free thyroxine (FT4) were assessed by chemiluminescence; the Toxoplasma status was detected by the complement fixation test (CFT) and anti-Toxoplasma IgG enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Overall, 22.5% of the women were positive for latent toxoplasmosis and 14.7% were screened positive for AITD. Women with latent toxoplasmosis had more often highly elevated TPOAb than the Toxoplasma-negative ones (p = 0.004), and latent toxoplasmosis was associated with decrease in serum TSH levels (p = 0.049). Moreover, we found a positive correlation between FT4 and the index of positivity for anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibodies (p = 0.033), which was even stronger in the TPOAb-positive Toxoplasma-positive women, (p = 0.014), as well as a positive correlation between FT4 and log2 CFT (p = 0.009). Latent toxoplasmosis was associated with a mild increase in thyroid hormone production in pregnancy. The observed Toxoplasma-associated changes in the parameters of AITD are mild and do not seem to be clinically relevant; however, they could provide new clues to the complex pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid diseases.

  19. Latent effectiveness of desiccant wheel: A silica gels- water system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rabah, A. A.; Mohamed, S. A.


    A latent heat effectiveness model in term of dimensionless groups? =f (NTU, m * ,Crm * ) for energy wheel has been analytically derived. The energy wheel is divided into humidification and dehumidification sections. For each section macroscopic mass differential equations for gas and the matrix were applied. In this process local latent effectiveness (? c ,? h ) for the humidification and dehumidification section of the wheel were obtained. The Latent effectiveness of the wheel is then derived form local effectiveness [? =f (? c ,? h)]. The model is compared with the existing experimental investigation and manufacturer data for energy wheel. More than 90% of the experimental data within a confidence limit of 95%. (Author)

  20. Intercept Centering and Time Coding in Latent Difference Score Models (United States)

    Grimm, Kevin J.


    Latent difference score (LDS) models combine benefits derived from autoregressive and latent growth curve models allowing for time-dependent influences and systematic change. The specification and descriptions of LDS models include an initial level of ability or trait plus an accumulation of changes. A limitation of this specification is that the…

  1. Large-scale weakly supervised object localization via latent category learning. (United States)

    Chong Wang; Kaiqi Huang; Weiqiang Ren; Junge Zhang; Maybank, Steve


    Localizing objects in cluttered backgrounds is challenging under large-scale weakly supervised conditions. Due to the cluttered image condition, objects usually have large ambiguity with backgrounds. Besides, there is also a lack of effective algorithm for large-scale weakly supervised localization in cluttered backgrounds. However, backgrounds contain useful latent information, e.g., the sky in the aeroplane class. If this latent information can be learned, object-background ambiguity can be largely reduced and background can be suppressed effectively. In this paper, we propose the latent category learning (LCL) in large-scale cluttered conditions. LCL is an unsupervised learning method which requires only image-level class labels. First, we use the latent semantic analysis with semantic object representation to learn the latent categories, which represent objects, object parts or backgrounds. Second, to determine which category contains the target object, we propose a category selection strategy by evaluating each category's discrimination. Finally, we propose the online LCL for use in large-scale conditions. Evaluation on the challenging PASCAL Visual Object Class (VOC) 2007 and the large-scale imagenet large-scale visual recognition challenge 2013 detection data sets shows that the method can improve the annotation precision by 10% over previous methods. More importantly, we achieve the detection precision which outperforms previous results by a large margin and can be competitive to the supervised deformable part model 5.0 baseline on both data sets.

  2. Reliability measures in item response theory: manifest versus latent correlation functions. (United States)

    Milanzi, Elasma; Molenberghs, Geert; Alonso, Ariel; Verbeke, Geert; De Boeck, Paul


    For item response theory (IRT) models, which belong to the class of generalized linear or non-linear mixed models, reliability at the scale of observed scores (i.e., manifest correlation) is more difficult to calculate than latent correlation based reliability, but usually of greater scientific interest. This is not least because it cannot be calculated explicitly when the logit link is used in conjunction with normal random effects. As such, approximations such as Fisher's information coefficient, Cronbach's α, or the latent correlation are calculated, allegedly because it is easy to do so. Cronbach's α has well-known and serious drawbacks, Fisher's information is not meaningful under certain circumstances, and there is an important but often overlooked difference between latent and manifest correlations. Here, manifest correlation refers to correlation between observed scores, while latent correlation refers to correlation between scores at the latent (e.g., logit or probit) scale. Thus, using one in place of the other can lead to erroneous conclusions. Taylor series based reliability measures, which are based on manifest correlation functions, are derived and a careful comparison of reliability measures based on latent correlations, Fisher's information, and exact reliability is carried out. The latent correlations are virtually always considerably higher than their manifest counterparts, Fisher's information measure shows no coherent behaviour (it is even negative in some cases), while the newly introduced Taylor series based approximations reflect the exact reliability very closely. Comparisons among the various types of correlations, for various IRT models, are made using algebraic expressions, Monte Carlo simulations, and data analysis. Given the light computational burden and the performance of Taylor series based reliability measures, their use is recommended. © 2014 The British Psychological Society.

  3. Longitudinal Physical Activity Patterns Among Older Adults: A Latent Transition Analysis. (United States)

    Mooney, Stephen J; Joshi, Spruha; Cerdá, Magdalena; Kennedy, Gary J; Beard, John R; Rundle, Andrew G


    Most epidemiologic studies of physical activity measure either total energy expenditure or engagement in a single activity type, such as walking. These approaches may gloss over important nuances in activity patterns. We performed a latent transition analysis to identify patterns of activity types as well as neighborhood and individual determinants of changes in those activity patterns over two years in a cohort of 2,023 older adult residents of New York City, NY, surveyed between 2011 and 2013. We identified seven latent classes: 1) Mostly Inactive, 2) Walking, 3) Exercise, 4) Household Activities and Walking, 5) Household Activities and Exercise, 6) Gardening and Household Activities, and 7) Gardening, Household Activities, and Exercise. The majority of subjects retained the same activity patterns between waves (54% unchanged between waves 1 and 2, 66% unchanged between waves 2 and 3).Most latent class transitions were between classes distinguished only by one form of activity, and only neighborhood unemployment was consistently associated with changing between activity latent classes. Future latent transition analyses of physical activity would benefit from larger cohorts and longer follow-up periods to assess predictors of and long-term impacts of changes in activity patterns.

  4. Latent factors and route choice behaviour

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prato, Carlo Giacomo

    . A reliable dataset was prepared through measures of internal consistency and sampling adequacy, and data were analyzed with a proper application of factor analysis to the route choice context. For the dataset obtained from the survey, six latent constructs affecting driver behaviour were extracted and scores...... on each factor for each survey participant were calculated. Path generation algorithms were examined with respect to observed behaviour, through a measure of reproduction with deterministic techniques of the routes indicated in the answers to the survey. Results presented evidence that the majority...... and Link Nested Logit. Estimates were produced from model specifications that considered level-of-service, label and facility dummy variables. Moreover, a modelling framework was designed to represent drivers’ choices as affected by the latent constructs extracted with factor analysis. Previous experience...

  5. A Taxonomy of Latent Structure Assumptions for Probability Matrix Decomposition Models. (United States)

    Meulders, Michel; De Boeck, Paul; Van Mechelen, Iven


    Proposed a taxonomy of latent structure assumptions for probability matrix decomposition (PMD) that includes the original PMD model and a three-way extension of the multiple classification latent class model. Simulation study results show the usefulness of the taxonomy. (SLD)

  6. Rapid visualization of latent fingermarks using gold seed-mediated enhancement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chia-Hao Su


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Fingermarks are one of the most important and useful forms of physical evidence in forensic investigations. However, latent fingermarks are not directly visible, but can be visualized due to the presence of other residues (such as inorganic salts, proteins, polypeptides, enzymes and human metabolites which can be detected or recognized through various strategies. Convenient and rapid techniques are still needed to provide obvious contrast between the background and the fingermark ridges and to then visualize latent fingermark with a high degree of selectivity and sensitivity. Results In this work, lysozyme-binding aptamer-conjugated Au nanoparticles (NPs are used to recognize and target lysozyme in the fingermark ridges, and Au+-complex solution is used as a growth agent to reduce Au+ from Au+ to Au0 on the surface of the Au NPs. Distinct fingermark patterns were visualized on a range of professional forensic within 3 min; the resulting images could be observed by the naked eye without background interference. The entire processes from fingermark collection to visualization only entails two steps and can be completed in less than 10 min. The proposed method provides cost and time savings over current fingermark visualization methods. Conclusions We report a simple, inexpensive, and fast method for the rapid visualization of latent fingermarks on the non-porous substrates using Au seed-mediated enhancement. Au seed-mediated enhancement is used to achieve the rapid visualization of latent fingermarks on non-porous substrates by the naked eye without the use of expensive or sophisticated instruments. The proposed approach offers faster detection and visualization of latent fingermarks than existing methods. The proposed method is expected to increase detection efficiency for latent fingermarks and reduce time requirements and costs for forensic investigations.

  7. Gene Variants Associated with Antisocial Behaviour: A Latent Variable Approach (United States)

    Bentley, Mary Jane; Lin, Haiqun; Fernandez, Thomas V.; Lee, Maria; Yrigollen, Carolyn M.; Pakstis, Andrew J.; Katsovich, Liliya; Olds, David L.; Grigorenko, Elena L.; Leckman, James F.


    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine if a latent variable approach might be useful in identifying shared variance across genetic risk alleles that is associated with antisocial behaviour at age 15 years. Methods: Using a conventional latent variable approach, we derived an antisocial phenotype in 328 adolescents utilizing data from a…

  8. Interferon-gamma release assay for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection: A latent-class analysis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tan N Doan

    Full Text Available Accurate diagnosis and subsequent treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI is essential for TB elimination. However, the absence of a gold standard test for diagnosing LTBI makes assessment of the true prevalence of LTBI and the accuracy of diagnostic tests challenging. Bayesian latent class models can be used to make inferences about disease prevalence and the sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests using data on the concordance between tests. We performed the largest meta-analysis to date aiming to evaluate the performance of tuberculin skin test (TST and interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs for LTBI diagnosis in various patient populations using Bayesian latent class modelling.Systematic search of PubMeb, Embase and African Index Medicus was conducted without date and language restrictions on September 11, 2017 to identify studies that compared the performance of TST and IGRAs for LTBI diagnosis. Two IGRA methods were considered: QuantiFERON-TB Gold In Tube (QFT-GIT and T-SPOT.TB. Studies were included if they reported 2x2 agreement data between TST and QFT-GIT or T-SPOT.TB. A Bayesian latent class model was developed to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of TST and IGRAs in various populations, including immune-competent adults, immune-compromised adults and children. A TST cut-off value of 10 mm was used for immune-competent subjects and 5 mm for immune-compromised individuals.A total of 157 studies were included in the analysis. In immune-competent adults, the sensitivity of TST and QFT-GIT were estimated to be 84% (95% credible interval [CrI] 82-85% and 52% (50-53%, respectively. The specificity of QFT-GIT was 97% (96-97% in non-BCG-vaccinated and 93% (92-94% in BCG-vaccinated immune-competent adults. The estimated figures for TST were 100% (99-100% and 79% (76-82%, respectively. T-SPOT.TB has comparable specificity (97% for both tests and better sensitivity (68% versus 52% than QFT-GIT in immune-competent adults

  9. Latent Toxoplasma gondii infection leads to improved action control. (United States)

    Stock, Ann-Kathrin; Heintschel von Heinegg, Evelyn; Köhling, Hedda-Luise; Beste, Christian


    The parasite Toxoplasma gondii has been found to manipulate the behavior of its secondary hosts to increase its own dissemination which is commonly believed to be to the detriment of the host (manipulation hypothesis). The manipulation correlates with an up-regulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission. In humans, different pathologies have been associated with T. gondii infections but most latently infected humans do not seem to display overt impairments. Since a dopamine plus does not necessarily bear exclusively negative consequences in humans, we investigated potential positive consequences of latent toxoplasmosis (and the presumed boosting of dopaminergic neurotransmission) on human cognition and behavior. For this purpose, we focused on action cascading which has been shown to be modulated by dopamine. Based on behavioral and neurophysiological (EEG) data obtained by means of a stop-change paradigm, we were able to demonstrate that healthy young humans can actually benefit from latent T. gondii infection as regards their performance in this task (as indicated by faster response times and a smaller P3 component). The data shows that a latent infection which is assumed to affect the dopaminergic system can lead to paradoxical improvements of cognitive control processes in humans. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Chromatin Structure of Epstein-Barr Virus Latent Episomes. (United States)

    Lieberman, Paul M


    EBV latent infection is characterized by a highly restricted pattern of viral gene expression. EBV can establish latent infections in multiple different tissue types with remarkable variation and plasticity in viral transcription and replication. During latency, the viral genome persists as a multi-copy episome, a non-integrated-closed circular DNA with nucleosome structure similar to cellular chromosomes. Chromatin assembly and histone modifications contribute to the regulation of viral gene expression, DNA replication, and episome persistence during latency. This review focuses on how EBV latency is regulated by chromatin and its associated processes.

  11. A Review of the Latent and Manifest Benefits (LAMB) Scale (United States)

    Muller, Juanita; Waters, Lea


    The latent and manifest benefits (LAMB) scale (Muller, Creed, Waters & Machin, 2005) was designed to measure the latent and manifest benefits of employment and provide a single scale to test Jahoda's (1981) and Fryer's (1986) theories of unemployment. Since its publication in 2005 there have been 13 studies that have used the scale with 5692…

  12. Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analyses (PLSA in Bibliometric Analysis for Technology Forecasting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wang Zan


    Full Text Available Due to the availability of internet-based abstract services and patent databases, bibliometric analysis has become one of key technology forecasting approaches. Recently, latent semantic analysis (LSA has been applied to improve the accuracy in document clustering. In this paper, a new LSA method, probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA which uses probabilistic methods and algebra to search latent space in the corpus is further applied in document clustering. The results show that PLSA is more accurate than LSA and the improved iteration method proposed by authors can simplify the computing process and improve the computing efficiency

  13. Molecular diagnosis of human papillomavirus in the development of cervical cancer Diagnóstico molecular del virus del papiloma humano en el desarrollo del cáncer cervical

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    Lourdes Gutiérrez-Xicoténcatl


    Full Text Available Cervical cancer (CC is a major public health problem in developing countries and its most significant etiological risk factor is infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV. The main approach to date for the prevention of CC has been through screening programs, using the cervical smear (PAP test to detect precursory lesions. The sensitivity and specificity of the PAP smear depend on the skills of the observer to recognize and classify a variety of cellular abnormalities. The development of early diagnoses to detect HPV infection has been a problem as cytology and colposcopy identify the lesion at an advanced stage. Therefore, molecular approaches have become more successful for early CC diagnosis. These molecular techniques recognize HPV DNA sequences by DNA hybridization, PCR-RFLP, hybrid capture and reverse line blot systems. Unfortunately, these systems cannot determine whether the HPV infection is active, latent or persistent. Thus, immunological techniques such as Western blot and ELISA have been designed to follow the immune response against the virus, and they can also be used to identify the stage of the infection. Several companies have developed, manufactured and merchandised gene-based testing systems for the screening, monitoring and diagnosis of HPV. Our review and comments focus on the critical analysis of existing products and their use in clinical practice as well as on immunological systems used mainly in research, but that may be applied in large population screening programs.El cáncer cervical (CC es el mayor problema de salud pública en países en vías de desarrollo, al ser la infección por el virus del papiloma humano (HPV el factor etiológico más importante de esta enfermedad. Actualmente, el principal acercamiento para la prevención del CC ha sido a través de programas de detección oportuna del cáncer, lo cual se ha realizado a través del estudio citológico del Papanicolaou (Pap para la detección de lesiones

  14. Latent class models in financial data analysis

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    Attilio Gardini


    Full Text Available This paper deals with optimal international portfolio choice by developing a latent class approach based on the distinction between international and non-international investors. On the basis of micro data, we analyze the effects of many social, demographic, economic and financial characteristics on the probability to be an international investor. Traditional measures of equity home bias do not allow for the existence of international investment rationing operators. On the contrary, by resorting to latent class analysis it is possible to detect the unobservable distinction between international investors and investors who are precluded from operating into international financial markets and, therefore, to evaluate the role of these unobservable constraints on equity home bias.

  15. The Integration of Continuous and Discrete Latent Variable Models: Potential Problems and Promising Opportunities (United States)

    Bauer, Daniel J.; Curran, Patrick J.


    Structural equation mixture modeling (SEMM) integrates continuous and discrete latent variable models. Drawing on prior research on the relationships between continuous and discrete latent variable models, the authors identify 3 conditions that may lead to the estimation of spurious latent classes in SEMM: misspecification of the structural model,…

  16. Characterization of a Latent Virus-Like Infection of Symbiotic Zooxanthellae▿ (United States)

    Lohr, Jayme; Munn, Colin B.; Wilson, William H.


    A latent virus-like agent, which we designated zooxanthella filamentous virus 1 (ZFV1), was isolated from Symbiodinium sp. strain CCMP 2465 and characterized. Transmission electron microscopy and analytical flow cytometry revealed the presence of a new group of distinctive filamentous virus-like particles after exposure of the zooxanthellae to UV light. Examination of thin sections of the zooxanthellae revealed the formation and proliferation of filamentous virus-like particles in the UV-induced cells. Assessment of Symbiodinium sp. cultures was used here as a model to show the effects of UV irradiance and induction of potential latent viruses. The unique host-virus system described here provides insight into the role of latent infections in zooxanthellae through environmentally regulated viral induction mechanisms. PMID:17351090

  17. Characterization of a latent virus-like infection of symbiotic zooxanthellae. (United States)

    Lohr, Jayme; Munn, Colin B; Wilson, William H


    A latent virus-like agent, which we designated zooxanthella filamentous virus 1 (ZFV1), was isolated from Symbiodinium sp. strain CCMP 2465 and characterized. Transmission electron microscopy and analytical flow cytometry revealed the presence of a new group of distinctive filamentous virus-like particles after exposure of the zooxanthellae to UV light. Examination of thin sections of the zooxanthellae revealed the formation and proliferation of filamentous virus-like particles in the UV-induced cells. Assessment of Symbiodinium sp. cultures was used here as a model to show the effects of UV irradiance and induction of potential latent viruses. The unique host-virus system described here provides insight into the role of latent infections in zooxanthellae through environmentally regulated viral induction mechanisms.

  18. The latent effect of inertia in the modal choice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cherchi, Elisabetta; Meloni, Italo; Ortúzar, Juan de Dios


    The existence of habit (leading to inertia) in the choice process has been approached in the literature in a number of ways. In transport, inertia has been studied mainly using “long panel” data, or mixed revealed and stated preference data. In these studies inertia links the choice made in two...... approaches. We assume that inertia is revealed by past behaviour and affects also the initial condition, but we recognise that past behaviour is only an indicator of habitual behaviour, the true process behind the formation of habitual behaviour being latent. We estimate a hybrid choice model using a set...... of revealed and stated mode choice preferences collected in Cagliari (Italy). We found a significant latent inertia in the revealed preference data, indicating that inertia affects the initial conditions. The latent inertia is revealed by the frequency of past behaviour but the effect of trip frequency...

  19. Using standard serology blood tests to diagnose latent syphilis

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    G. L. Katunin


    Full Text Available Goal. To conduct a comparative assessment of the results of regulated serological tests obtained as a result of blood tests in patients suffering from latent syphilis. Materials and methods. The authors examined 187 patient medical records with newly diagnosed latent syphilis in FGBU GNTsDK (State Research Center for Dermatology, Venereology and Cosmetology, Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, in 2006-2015. The results of patient blood tests were analyzed with the use of non-treponemal (microprecipitation test/RPR and treponemal (passive hemagglutination test, immune-enzyme assay (IgA, IgM, IgG, IFabs, immunofluorescence test and Treponema pallidum immobilization test serology tests. Results. According to the results of blood tests of latent syphilis patients, the largest number of positive results was obtained as a result of treponemal serology tests such as immune-enzyme assay (100%, passive hemagglutination test (100% and IFabs (100%. The greatest number of negative results was observed in non-treponemal (microprecipitation test/RPR serology tests: in 136 (72.7% patients; evidently positive results (4+ test results were obtained in 8 (4.3% patients only. According to the results of a comparative analysis of blood tests in patients suffering from latent syphilis obtained with the use of treponemal serology tests, the greatest number of evidently positive results (4+ was noted for the passive hemagglutination test (67.9%. Negative treponemal test results were obtained with the use of the immunofluorescence test and Treponema pallidum immobilization test (21.9% and 11.8% of cases, respectively. Moreover, weakly positive results prevailed for the immunofluorescence test: in 65 (34.7% patients. Conclusion. These data confirm that the following treponemal tests belong to the most reliable ones for revealing patients suffering from latent syphilis: immune-enzyme assay, passive hemagglutination test and IFabs.

  20. Modeling Psychological Attributes in Psychology – An Epistemological Discussion: Network Analysis vs. Latent Variables (United States)

    Guyon, Hervé; Falissard, Bruno; Kop, Jean-Luc


    Network Analysis is considered as a new method that challenges Latent Variable models in inferring psychological attributes. With Network Analysis, psychological attributes are derived from a complex system of components without the need to call on any latent variables. But the ontological status of psychological attributes is not adequately defined with Network Analysis, because a psychological attribute is both a complex system and a property emerging from this complex system. The aim of this article is to reappraise the legitimacy of latent variable models by engaging in an ontological and epistemological discussion on psychological attributes. Psychological attributes relate to the mental equilibrium of individuals embedded in their social interactions, as robust attractors within complex dynamic processes with emergent properties, distinct from physical entities located in precise areas of the brain. Latent variables thus possess legitimacy, because the emergent properties can be conceptualized and analyzed on the sole basis of their manifestations, without exploring the upstream complex system. However, in opposition with the usual Latent Variable models, this article is in favor of the integration of a dynamic system of manifestations. Latent Variables models and Network Analysis thus appear as complementary approaches. New approaches combining Latent Network Models and Network Residuals are certainly a promising new way to infer psychological attributes, placing psychological attributes in an inter-subjective dynamic approach. Pragmatism-realism appears as the epistemological framework required if we are to use latent variables as representations of psychological attributes. PMID:28572780

  1. Endogenous Opioid-Masked Latent Pain Sensitization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pereira, Manuel P; Donahue, Renee R; Dahl, Jørgen B


    UNLABELLED: Following the resolution of a severe inflammatory injury in rodents, administration of mu-opioid receptor inverse agonists leads to reinstatement of pain hypersensitivity. The mechanisms underlying this form of latent pain sensitization (LS) likely contribute to the development of chr...

  2. Enfermedad pulmonar intersticial asociada a rituximab

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    Marcelo Fernández Casares


    Full Text Available La introducción en la práctica clínica del anticuerpo anti-CD20 rituximab ha mejorado sustancialmente el pronóstico de diversas enfermedades autoinmunes y hematológicas. Con el incremento de su uso ha aumentado el registro de efectos adversos, entre ellos la toxicidad pulmonar. Una de sus complicaciones más serias es la enfermedad pulmonar intersticial, entidad potencialmente fatal que debe ser considerada en pacientes que han recibido rituximab y presentan disnea, fiebre y tos sin clara evidencia de infección. Presentamos un caso de enfermedad pulmonar intersticial asociada a rituximab.

  3. Perbandingan Hasil Deteksi Plagiarisme Dokumen dengan Metode Jaro-Winkler Distance dan Metode Latent Semantic Analysis

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    Tinaliah Tinaliah


    Full Text Available Various methods are applied in the application of plagiarism detection to help check the similarity of a document. Jaro-Winkler Distance can measure the distance between two strings. However, this method basically depends on the position of the word. Latent Semantic Analysis emphasizes the words contained in the document regardless of its linguistic character. This study compares the results of plagiarism detection using the Jaro-Winkler Distance and the Latent Semantic Analysis method. From comparing results of  Jaro-Winkler Distance method and Latent Semantic Analysis method, Jaro-Winkler Distance method is better than Latent Semantic Analysis method if using the same test data. Jaro-Winkler Distance method will give plagiarism result 100% and Latent Semantic Analysis method will give plagiarism result 97,14%. Beragam metode diterapkan dalam aplikasi deteksi plagiarisme untuk membantu mengecek tingkat kesamaan sebuah dokumen. Metode Jaro-Winkler Distance dapat mengukur kesamaan antara dua buah string dan sangat bergantung pada urutan atau posisi kata. Latent Semantic Analysis mementingkan kata-kata yang terkandung di dalam dokumen tanpa memperhatikan karakter linguistiknya. Penelitian ini melakukan perbandingan hasil deteksi plagiarisme dengan menggunakan metode Jaro-Winkler Distance dan metode Latent Semantic Analysis. Hasil pendeteksian plagiarisme dokumen menggunakan metode Jaro-Winkler Distance memberikan hasil yang lebih baik daripada metode Latent Semantic Analysis, yaitu jika data yang dibandingkan sama persis maka akan menghasilkan nilai plagiat sebesar 100%, sedangkan metode Latent Semantic Analysis menghasilkan nilai plagiat sebesar 97,14%.

  4. Latent cluster analysis of ALS phenotypes identifies prognostically differing groups.

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    Jeban Ganesalingam


    Full Text Available Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS is a degenerative disease predominantly affecting motor neurons and manifesting as several different phenotypes. Whether these phenotypes correspond to different underlying disease processes is unknown. We used latent cluster analysis to identify groupings of clinical variables in an objective and unbiased way to improve phenotyping for clinical and research purposes.Latent class cluster analysis was applied to a large database consisting of 1467 records of people with ALS, using discrete variables which can be readily determined at the first clinic appointment. The model was tested for clinical relevance by survival analysis of the phenotypic groupings using the Kaplan-Meier method.The best model generated five distinct phenotypic classes that strongly predicted survival (p<0.0001. Eight variables were used for the latent class analysis, but a good estimate of the classification could be obtained using just two variables: site of first symptoms (bulbar or limb and time from symptom onset to diagnosis (p<0.00001.The five phenotypic classes identified using latent cluster analysis can predict prognosis. They could be used to stratify patients recruited into clinical trials and generating more homogeneous disease groups for genetic, proteomic and risk factor research.

  5. Visualizing Confidence Bands for Semiparametrically Estimated Nonlinear Relations among Latent Variables (United States)

    Pek, Jolynn; Chalmers, R. Philip; Kok, Bethany E.; Losardo, Diane


    Structural equation mixture models (SEMMs), when applied as a semiparametric model (SPM), can adequately recover potentially nonlinear latent relationships without their specification. This SPM is useful for exploratory analysis when the form of the latent regression is unknown. The purpose of this article is to help users familiar with structural…

  6. Defining a Family of Cognitive Diagnosis Models Using Log-Linear Models with Latent Variables (United States)

    Henson, Robert A.; Templin, Jonathan L.; Willse, John T.


    This paper uses log-linear models with latent variables (Hagenaars, in "Loglinear Models with Latent Variables," 1993) to define a family of cognitive diagnosis models. In doing so, the relationship between many common models is explicitly defined and discussed. In addition, because the log-linear model with latent variables is a general model for…

  7. Effect of Latent Heat Released by Freezing Droplets during Frost Wave Propagation. (United States)

    Chavan, Shreyas; Park, Deokgeun; Singla, Nitish; Sokalski, Peter; Boyina, Kalyan; Miljkovic, Nenad


    Frost spreads on nonwetting surfaces during condensation frosting via an interdroplet frost wave. When a supercooled condensate water droplet freezes on a hydrophobic or superhydrophobic surface, neighboring droplets still in the liquid phase begin to evaporate. Two possible mechanisms govern the evaporation of neighboring water droplets: (1) The difference in saturation pressure of the water vapor surrounding the liquid and frozen droplets induces a vapor pressure gradient, and (2) the latent heat released by freezing droplets locally heats the substrate, leading to evaporation of nearby droplets. The relative significance of these two mechanisms is still not understood. Here, we study the significance of the latent heat released into the substrate by freezing droplets, and its effect on adjacent droplet evaporation, by studying the dynamics of individual water droplet freezing on aluminum-, copper-, and glass-based hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces. The latent heat flux released into the substrate was calculated from the measured droplet sizes and the respective freezing times ( t f ), defined as the time from initial ice nucleation within the droplet to complete droplet freezing. To probe the effect of latent heat release, we performed three-dimensional transient finite element simulations showing that the transfer of latent heat to neighboring droplets is insignificant and accounts for a negligible fraction of evaporation during microscale frost wave propagation. Furthermore, we studied the effect of substrate thermal conductivity on the transfer of latent heat transfer to neighboring droplets by investigating the velocity of ice bridge formation. The velocity of the ice bridge was independent of the substrate thermal conductivity, indicating that adjacent droplet evaporation during condensation frosting is governed solely by vapor pressure gradients. This study not only provides key insights into the individual droplet freezing process but also

  8. New developing reagent for latent fingermark visualization: Fuller’s earth (Multani Mitti

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    Pallavi Thakur


    Full Text Available A number of methods have been reported in the literature for the development of latent fingermarks on different surfaces. This paper reports a new and simple powdering method which is non-toxic and has been employed on different substrates successfully for the development and visualization of latent fingermarks up to the time period of 6 days in varying temperature conditions. In this investigation a less expensive, simple and easily available fuller’s earth (Multani Mitti powder has been used to decipher the latent fingermarks on different substrates namely black cardboard box, clear glass, coverslip box, steel surface, laminated wooden sheet, clear plastic, colored plastic bag and surface of highlighter pen. It is observed that it gives very clear results on majority of substrates and can be successfully used for the development and visualization of latent fingermarks.

  9. Factores asociados a la infección tuberculosa latente en los contactos de pacientes afectados

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    Miquel Alsedà


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Una vez obtenidas unas cifras aceptables en la identificación y el tratamiento de los enfermos tuberculosos, se plantea una intervención para evitar la aparición de nuevos casos. Las personas con una infección tuberculosa latente (ITL reciente tienen un mayor riesgo de desarrollar una enfermedad tuberculosa. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la prevalencia de ITL y sus factores asociados en los contactos de pacientes tuberculosos. Métodos: Se estudiaron los contactos de estos pacientes examinados en el Centro de Prevención y Control de la Tuberculosis de Lleida en el período 1991-1997. Se recogieron factores asociados con el caso índice (demográficos, radiográficos, bacteriológicos y terapéuticos y el resultado de la prueba de la tuberculina en los contactos y sus datos demográficos. También se recogieron datos del caso índice relacionados con la infección por el VIH, el uso de drogas por vía parenteral y el consumo excesivo de alcohol. Como medida de asociación, se calcularon las odds ratio (OR crudas y ajustadas (ORa. Resultados: La prevalencia global de ITL en los contactos fue del 36,1% (780 de 2.161. En el análisis multivariante se detectó una mayor frecuencia de ITL en los contactos mayores de 14 años (ORa = 3,34; intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 2,51-4,45, en los convivientes (ORa = 1,96; IC del 95%, 1,59-2,42, en los contactos de caso índice con una localización pulmonar de la enfermedad (ORa = 1,54; IC del 95%, 1,01-2,35, en los de caso índice con baciloscopia positiva en las muestras respiratorias (ORa = 1,51; IC del 95%, 1,15-1,99, en los de caso índice con patrón de cavitaciones en la radiografía de tórax (ORa = 1,27; IC del 95%, 1,01-1,61 y en los de casos índice con demora en el inicio del tratamiento (ORa = 1,31; IC del 95%, 1,05-1,62. Conclusiones: La prevalencia global de ITL en los contactos de enfermos tuberculosos es elevada. Entre los factores estudiados, la demora en el

  10. Latent Fundamentals Arbitrage with a Mixed Effects Factor Model

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    Andrei Salem Gonçalves


    Full Text Available We propose a single-factor mixed effects panel data model to create an arbitrage portfolio that identifies differences in firm-level latent fundamentals. Furthermore, we show that even though the characteristics that affect returns are unknown variables, it is possible to identify the strength of the combination of these latent fundamentals for each stock by following a simple approach using historical data. As a result, a trading strategy that bought the stocks with the best fundamentals (strong fundamentals portfolio and sold the stocks with the worst ones (weak fundamentals portfolio realized significant risk-adjusted returns in the U.S. market for the period between July 1986 and June 2008. To ensure robustness, we performed sub period and seasonal analyses and adjusted for trading costs and we found further empirical evidence that using a simple investment rule, that identified these latent fundamentals from the structure of past returns, can lead to profit.

  11. Shallow and Deep Latent Heating Modes Over Tropical Oceans Observed with TRMM PR Spectral Latent Heating Data (United States)

    Takayabu, Yukari N.; Shige, Shoichi; Tao, Wei-Kuo; Hirota, Nagio


    The global hydrological cycle is central to the Earth's climate system, with rainfall and the physics of its formation acting as the key links in the cycle. Two-thirds of global rainfall occurs in the Tropics. Associated with this rainfall is a vast amount of heat, which is known as latent heat. It arises mainly due to the phase change of water vapor condensing into liquid droplets; three-fourths of the total heat energy available to the Earth's atmosphere comes from tropical rainfall. In addition, fresh water provided by tropical rainfall and its variability exerts a large impact upon the structure and motions of the upper ocean layer. Three-dimensional distributions of latent heating estimated from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Precipitation Radar (TRMM PR)utilizing the Spectral Latent Heating (SLH) algorithm are analyzed. Mass-weighted and vertically integrated latent heating averaged over the tropical oceans is estimated as approx.72.6 J/s (approx.2.51 mm/day), and that over tropical land is approx.73.7 J/s (approx.2.55 mm/day), for 30degN-30degS. It is shown that non-drizzle precipitation over tropical and subtropical oceans consists of two dominant modes of rainfall systems, deep systems and congestus. A rough estimate of shallow mode contribution against the total heating is about 46.7 % for the average tropical oceans, which is substantially larger than 23.7 % over tropical land. While cumulus congestus heating linearly correlates with the SST, deep mode is dynamically bounded by large-scale subsidence. It is notable that substantial amount of rain, as large as 2.38 mm day-1 in average, is brought from congestus clouds under the large-scale subsiding circulation. It is also notable that even in the region with SST warmer than 28 oC, large-scale subsidence effectively suppresses the deep convection, remaining the heating by congestus clouds. Our results support that the entrainment of mid-to-lower-tropospheric dry air, which accompanies the large

  12. Hyperammonemic encephalopathy after urinary diversion. Diet therapy. Encefalopatía hiperamoniémica tras cistectomía radical y derivación urinaria. Tratamiento nutricional


    Moriana, Miriam; Martinez-Ibañez, Juncal; Civera, Miguel; Martínez-Valls, José Francisco; Ascaso Gimilio, Juan Francisco


    La diabetes tipo 1 se asocia a otras enfermedades autoinmunes,con más frecuencia a tiroiditis linfocitaria o a celiaquía. En la última década se ha descrito algunos casos de encefalitis límbica asociados a diabetes tipo 1, tiroiditis u otros procesos autoinmunes, incluso en edad pediátrica.

  13. A Cell Culture Model of Latent and Lytic Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection in Spiral Ganglion. (United States)

    Liu, Yuehong; Li, Shufeng


    Reactivation of latent herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) in spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) is supposed to be one of the causes of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. This study aims to establish a cell culture model of latent and lytic HSV-1 infection in spiral ganglia. In the presence of acyclovir, primary cultures of SGNs were latently infected with HSV-1 expressing green fluorescent protein. Four days later, these cells were treated with trichostatin A (TSA), a known chemical reactivator of HSV-1. TCID50 was used to measure the titers of virus in cultures on Vero cells. RNA from cultures was detected for the presence of transcripts of ICP27 and latency-associated transcript (LAT) using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. There is no detectable infectious HSV-1 in latently infected cultures, whereas they could be observed in both lytically infected and latently infected/TSA-treated cultures. LAT was the only detectable transcript during latent infection, whereas lytic ICP27 transcript was detected in lytically infected and latently infected/TSA-treated cultures. Cultured SGNs can be both latently and lytically infected with HSV-1. Furthermore, latently infected SGNs can be reactivated using TSA, yielding infectious virus.

  14. The Latent Class Model as a Measurement Model for Situational Judgment Tests

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    Frank Rijmen


    Full Text Available In a situational judgment test, it is often debatable what constitutes a correct answer to a situation. There is currently a multitude of scoring procedures. Establishing a measurement model can guide the selection of a scoring rule. It is argued that the latent class model is a good candidate for a measurement model. Two latent class models are applied to the Managing Emotions subtest of the Mayer, Salovey, Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test: a plain-vanilla latent class model, and a second-order latent class model that takes into account the clustering of several possible reactions within each hypothetical scenario of the situational judgment test. The results for both models indicated that there were three subgroups characterised by the degree to which differentiation occurred between possible reactions in terms of perceived effectiveness. Furthermore, the results for the second-order model indicated a moderate cluster effect.

  15. Prevalence of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among professionals of the primary healthcare network

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    Tássia Silvana Borges


    Full Text Available Objective: To estimate the prevalence of latent M. tuberculosis infection and identify characteristics related to latent infection among workers of the primary healthcare network.Methods: Cross-sectional, observational and descriptive study, conducted in 2011, included 137 basic health workers who performed their activities in a municipality. Interviews were carried out addressing characteristics of exposure at work (BCG vaccination, length of time working in the health system, potential exposure to tuberculosis, HIV infection, use of corticosteroids, diabetes, use of tobacco or alcohol and subsequently performed tuberculin skin test (TST. Data was analyzed with Fischer and Student’s t-test (p < 0.05. Results: Health professionals were mostly women (n=126, 92% with mean age of 35.3 (± 9.1 years. Among the reactors, 25 (55.5% sought medical care, and of these, 7 (28% underwent prophylactic treatment. The prevalence of latent tuberculosis was 32.8%. Of the characteristics evaluated, only smoking (OR 3.03; 95%CI 1.05-8.77 was associated with latent infection. Conclusion: The estimated prevalence of latent M. tuberculosis infection among the evaluated health workers was 32.8%. As for the characteristics studied, it was not possible to relate them to latent infection among workers in primary healthcare network, with the exception of the smoking habit. doi: 10.5020/18061230.2014.p269

  16. Manifestaciones mucocutáneas del liquen plano: Revisión bibliográfica

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    Orlando L Rodríguez Calzadilla


    Full Text Available El liquen plano es una enfermedad de la piel y las mucosas que aparece con relativa frecuencia. Las lesiones de las membranas mucosas son de color blanquecino y persisten durante años después que desaparecen las lesiones de la piel. El odontólogo la diagnostica con frecuencia por mostrar sus primeros síntomas y signos en la mucosa bucal. Se caracteriza por la aparición de un infiltrado inflamatorio en banda y degeneración vacuolizante de la capa basal del epitelio, hechos que hacen pensar en una reacción autoinmune celular como base del proceso. Dos fenómenos importantes se describen en la respuesta inmunitaria celular: la expresión de antígenos de histocompatibilidad leucocitaria (HLA-DR y la molécula de adhesión intercelular-1 (ICAM-1. Se han reportado casos de transformación maligna en el liquen plano eritematoso o erosivo. El pronóstico del liquen plano es satisfactorio, cura en un tiempo promedio de 2 a 6 meses, pero existen casos cuya evolución se hace crónica y permanece durante años. Se realizó esta revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de actualizar sobre este tema a estudiantes, estomatólogos y médicos en nuestra provincia.Lichen planus is a skin and mucous disease that is relatively frequent. Mucous membrane lesions are white-coloured and persisted for years after the skin lesions have disappeared. The odontologist often diagnoses it because its first symptoms and signs occurred in the oral mucous membrane. It is characterized by a band inflammatory infiltrate and vacuolizing degeneration of the basal layer of epithelium, events that might indicate an autoimmune cell reaction as a basis of the process. Two important phenomena are described in the immune cell response: the leukocyte histocompatibility antigen expression (HLA-DR and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1. There have been reported cases of malignant transformation in erythematous or erosive lichen planus. The prognosis of lichen planus is

  17. Evaluation of HIV Risk Reduction and Intervention Programs via Latent Growth Model. (United States)

    Wang, Jichuan; Siegal, Harvey A.; Falck, Russel S.; Carlson, Robert G.; Rahman, Ahmmed


    Demonstrates how the latent growth model can be applied to the evaluation of programs targeting HIV risk behavior among drug users. Multigroup piecewise latent growth models were fit to longitudinal data with three repeated response measures. Participants were 430 drug users and their sex partners. (SLD)

  18. A Composite Likelihood Inference in Latent Variable Models for Ordinal Longitudinal Responses (United States)

    Vasdekis, Vassilis G. S.; Cagnone, Silvia; Moustaki, Irini


    The paper proposes a composite likelihood estimation approach that uses bivariate instead of multivariate marginal probabilities for ordinal longitudinal responses using a latent variable model. The model considers time-dependent latent variables and item-specific random effects to be accountable for the interdependencies of the multivariate…

  19. Full Text or Abstract? : Examining Topic Coherence Scores Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Syed, S.; Spruit, M.


    This paper assesses topic coherence and human topic ranking of uncovered latent topics from scientific publications when utilizing the topic model latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) on abstract and full-text data. The coherence of a topic, used as a proxy for topic quality, is based on the

  20. The Latent Structure of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in an Adult Sample (United States)

    Marcus, David K.; Norris, Alyssa L.; Coccaro, Emil F.


    The vast majority of studies that have examined the latent structure of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents have concluded that ADHD has a dimensional latent structure. In other words, ADHD symptomatology exists along a continuum and there is no natural boundary or qualitative distinction (i.e., taxon) separating youth with ADHD from those with subclinical inattention or hyperactivity/impulsivity problems. Although adult ADHD appears to be less prevalent than ADHD in youth (which could suggest a more severe adult ADHD taxon), researchers have yet to examine the latent structure of ADHD in adults. The present study used a sample (N = 600) of adults who completed a self-report measure of ADHD symptoms. The taxometric analyses revealed a dimensional latent structure for inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and ADHD. These findings are consistent with previous taxometric studies that examined ADHD in children and adolescents, and with contemporary polygenic and multifactorial models of ADHD. PMID:22480749

  1. Alexithymia and psychosocial problems among Italian preadolescents. A latent class analysis approach. (United States)

    Mannarini, Stefania; Balottin, Laura; Toldo, Irene; Gatta, Michela


    The study, conducted on Italian preadolscents aged 11 to 13 belonging to the general population, aims to investigate the relationship between the emotional functioning, namely, alexithymia, and the risk of developing behavioral and emotional problems measured using the Strength and Difficulty Questionnaire. The latent class analysis approach allowed to identify two latent variables, accounting for the internalizing (emotional symptoms and difficulties in emotional awareness) and for the externalizing problems (conduct problems and hyperactivity, problematic relationships with peers, poor prosocial behaviors and externally oriented thinking). The two latent variables featured two latent classes: the difficulty in dealing with problems and the strength to face problems that was representative of most of the healthy participants with specific gender differences. Along with the analysis of psychopathological behaviors, the study of resilience and strengths can prove to be a key step in order to develop valuable preventive approaches to tackle psychiatric disorders. © 2016 Scandinavian Psychological Associations and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. The latent structure of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in an adult sample. (United States)

    Marcus, David K; Norris, Alyssa L; Coccaro, Emil F


    The vast majority of studies that have examined the latent structure of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents have concluded that ADHD has a dimensional latent structure. In other words, ADHD symptomatology exists along a continuum and there is no natural boundary or qualitative distinction (i.e., taxon) separating youth with ADHD from those with subclinical inattention or hyperactivity/impulsivity problems. Although adult ADHD appears to be less prevalent than ADHD in youth (which could suggest a more severe adult ADHD taxon), researchers have yet to examine the latent structure of ADHD in adults. The present study used a sample (N = 600) of adults who completed a self-report measure of ADHD symptoms. The taxometric analyses revealed a dimensional latent structure for inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and ADHD. These findings are consistent with previous taxometric studies that examined ADHD in children and adolescents, and with contemporary polygenic and multifactorial models of ADHD. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. New Treatment Regimen for Latent Tuberculosis Infection

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    In this podcast, Dr. Kenneth Castro, Director of the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, discusses the December 9, 2011 CDC guidelines for the use of a new regimen for the treatment of persons with latent tuberculosis infection.

  4. Forensic Discrimination of Latent Fingerprints Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Chemometric Approaches. (United States)

    Yang, Jun-Ho; Yoh, Jack J


    A novel technique is reported for separating overlapping latent fingerprints using chemometric approaches that combine laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and multivariate analysis. The LIBS technique provides the capability of real time analysis and high frequency scanning as well as the data regarding the chemical composition of overlapping latent fingerprints. These spectra offer valuable information for the classification and reconstruction of overlapping latent fingerprints by implementing appropriate statistical multivariate analysis. The current study employs principal component analysis and partial least square methods for the classification of latent fingerprints from the LIBS spectra. This technique was successfully demonstrated through a classification study of four distinct latent fingerprints using classification methods such as soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA) and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). The novel method yielded an accuracy of more than 85% and was proven to be sufficiently robust. Furthermore, through laser scanning analysis at a spatial interval of 125 µm, the overlapping fingerprints were reconstructed as separate two-dimensional forms.

  5. Space-time latent component Modeling of Geo-referenced health data


    Lawson, Andrew B.; Song, Hae-Ryoung; Cai, Bo; Hossain, Md Monir; Huang, Kun


    Latent structure models have been proposed in many applications. For space time health data it is often important to be able to find underlying trends in time which are supported by subsets of small areas. Latent structure modeling is one approach to this analysis. This paper presents a mixture-based approach that can be appied to component selction. The analysis of a Georgia ambulatory asthma county level data set is presented and a simulation-based evaluation is made.

  6. Translating latent trends in food consumer behavior into new products


    Gellynck, Xavier; Kühne, Bianka; Van Wezemael, Lynn; Verbeke, Wim


    For successful product development it is important to explore the latent changes in consumer behavior prior to the product development process. The identification of a latent trend before the manifestation moment can be achieved by trend analysis. Trend analysis delivers insights that explore the future in order to identify prospective consumers and new product ideas, but also includes a feeling for the currents in market and technology. Hence, the aim is to identify emerging weak signals in ...

  7. Estimators for longitudinal latent exposure models: examining measurement model assumptions. (United States)

    Sánchez, Brisa N; Kim, Sehee; Sammel, Mary D


    Latent variable (LV) models are increasingly being used in environmental epidemiology as a way to summarize multiple environmental exposures and thus minimize statistical concerns that arise in multiple regression. LV models may be especially useful when multivariate exposures are collected repeatedly over time. LV models can accommodate a variety of assumptions but, at the same time, present the user with many choices for model specification particularly in the case of exposure data collected repeatedly over time. For instance, the user could assume conditional independence of observed exposure biomarkers given the latent exposure and, in the case of longitudinal latent exposure variables, time invariance of the measurement model. Choosing which assumptions to relax is not always straightforward. We were motivated by a study of prenatal lead exposure and mental development, where assumptions of the measurement model for the time-changing longitudinal exposure have appreciable impact on (maximum-likelihood) inferences about the health effects of lead exposure. Although we were not particularly interested in characterizing the change of the LV itself, imposing a longitudinal LV structure on the repeated multivariate exposure measures could result in high efficiency gains for the exposure-disease association. We examine the biases of maximum likelihood estimators when assumptions about the measurement model for the longitudinal latent exposure variable are violated. We adapt existing instrumental variable estimators to the case of longitudinal exposures and propose them as an alternative to estimate the health effects of a time-changing latent predictor. We show that instrumental variable estimators remain unbiased for a wide range of data generating models and have advantages in terms of mean squared error. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  8. Perceptions of care in women sent home in latent labor. (United States)

    Hosek, Claire; Faucher, Mary Ann; Lankford, Janice; Alexander, James


    To assess perceptions of care from woman discharged from an obstetrical (OB) triage unit or a labor and delivery unit with a diagnosis of false or latent labor in order to determine factors that may increase or decrease the woman's satisfaction with care. Descriptive, convenience sample. One hundred low-income pregnant women at term presenting for care in latent labor consented to participate in a telephone survey. The survey was based on the relevant research about care of women in early labor and the Donabedian quality improvement framework assessing structure, process, and outcomes of care. Forty-one percent of women did not want to be discharged home in latent labor. Common reasons included women stating they were in too much pain or they were living too far from the birth setting. Eating, drinking, and comfort measures were the most common measures women cited that would have made them feel better when in the hospital. A reoccurring response from women was their desire for very clear and specific written instructions about how to stay comfortable at home and when to return to the hospital. Comfort measures in the birth setting, including in triage, should include a variety of options including ambulation and oral nutrition. Detailed and specific written instructions about early labor and staying comfortable while at home have value for women in this survey regarding their perceptions of care. Results from this survey of low-income women suggest that a subset of women in latent labor just do not want to go home and this may be related to having too much pain and/or travel distance to the hospital. Hospital birth settings also have an opportunity to create a care environment that provides services and embodies attributes that women report as important for their satisfaction with care in latent labor.

  9. Systematic identification of latent disease-gene associations from PubMed articles. (United States)

    Zhang, Yuji; Shen, Feichen; Mojarad, Majid Rastegar; Li, Dingcheng; Liu, Sijia; Tao, Cui; Yu, Yue; Liu, Hongfang


    Recent scientific advances have accumulated a tremendous amount of biomedical knowledge providing novel insights into the relationship between molecular and cellular processes and diseases. Literature mining is one of the commonly used methods to retrieve and extract information from scientific publications for understanding these associations. However, due to large data volume and complicated associations with noises, the interpretability of such association data for semantic knowledge discovery is challenging. In this study, we describe an integrative computational framework aiming to expedite the discovery of latent disease mechanisms by dissecting 146,245 disease-gene associations from over 25 million of PubMed indexed articles. We take advantage of both Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) modeling and network-based analysis for their capabilities of detecting latent associations and reducing noises for large volume data respectively. Our results demonstrate that (1) the LDA-based modeling is able to group similar diseases into disease topics; (2) the disease-specific association networks follow the scale-free network property; (3) certain subnetwork patterns were enriched in the disease-specific association networks; and (4) genes were enriched in topic-specific biological processes. Our approach offers promising opportunities for latent disease-gene knowledge discovery in biomedical research.

  10. Non-destructive forensic latent fingerprint acquisition with chromatic white light sensors (United States)

    Leich, Marcus; Kiltz, Stefan; Dittmann, Jana; Vielhauer, Claus


    Non-destructive latent fingerprint acquisition is an emerging field of research, which, unlike traditional methods, makes latent fingerprints available for additional verification or further analysis like tests for substance abuse or age estimation. In this paper a series of tests is performed to investigate the overall suitability of a high resolution off-the-shelf chromatic white light sensor for the contact-less and non-destructive latent fingerprint acquisition. Our paper focuses on scanning previously determined regions with exemplary acquisition parameter settings. 3D height field and reflection data of five different latent fingerprints on six different types of surfaces (HDD platter, brushed metal, painted car body (metallic and non-metallic finish), blued metal, veneered plywood) are experimentally studied. Pre-processing is performed by removing low-frequency gradients. The quality of the results is assessed subjectively; no automated feature extraction is performed. Additionally, the degradation of the fingerprint during the acquisition period is observed. While the quality of the acquired data is highly dependent on surface structure, the sensor is capable of detecting the fingerprint on all sample surfaces. On blued metal the residual material is detected; however, the ridge line structure dissolves within minutes after fingerprint placement.

  11. Reactivation of Latent HIV-1 Expression by Engineered TALE Transcription Factors. (United States)

    Perdigão, Pedro; Gaj, Thomas; Santa-Marta, Mariana; Barbas, Carlos F; Goncalves, Joao


    The presence of replication-competent HIV-1 -which resides mainly in resting CD4+ T cells--is a major hurdle to its eradication. While pharmacological approaches have been useful for inducing the expression of this latent population of virus, they have been unable to purge HIV-1 from all its reservoirs. Additionally, many of these strategies have been associated with adverse effects, underscoring the need for alternative approaches capable of reactivating viral expression. Here we show that engineered transcriptional modulators based on customizable transcription activator-like effector (TALE) proteins can induce gene expression from the HIV-1 long terminal repeat promoter, and that combinations of TALE transcription factors can synergistically reactivate latent viral expression in cell line models of HIV-1 latency. We further show that complementing TALE transcription factors with Vorinostat, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, enhances HIV-1 expression in latency models. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that TALE transcription factors are a potentially effective alternative to current pharmacological routes for reactivating latent virus and that combining synthetic transcriptional activators with histone deacetylase inhibitors could lead to the development of improved therapies for latent HIV-1 infection.

  12. Reactivation of Latent HIV-1 Expression by Engineered TALE Transcription Factors.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Perdigão

    Full Text Available The presence of replication-competent HIV-1 -which resides mainly in resting CD4+ T cells--is a major hurdle to its eradication. While pharmacological approaches have been useful for inducing the expression of this latent population of virus, they have been unable to purge HIV-1 from all its reservoirs. Additionally, many of these strategies have been associated with adverse effects, underscoring the need for alternative approaches capable of reactivating viral expression. Here we show that engineered transcriptional modulators based on customizable transcription activator-like effector (TALE proteins can induce gene expression from the HIV-1 long terminal repeat promoter, and that combinations of TALE transcription factors can synergistically reactivate latent viral expression in cell line models of HIV-1 latency. We further show that complementing TALE transcription factors with Vorinostat, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, enhances HIV-1 expression in latency models. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that TALE transcription factors are a potentially effective alternative to current pharmacological routes for reactivating latent virus and that combining synthetic transcriptional activators with histone deacetylase inhibitors could lead to the development of improved therapies for latent HIV-1 infection.

  13. Latent Heat Storage Through Phase Change Materials

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    IAS Admin

    reducing storage volume for different materials. The examples are numerous: ... Latent heat is an attractive way to store solar heat as it provides high energy storage density, .... Maintenance of the PCM treated fabric is easy. The melted PCM.

  14. Stress-induced light scattering method for the detection of latent flaws on fine polished glass substrates. (United States)

    Sakata, Y; Sakai, K; Nonaka, K


    Fine polishing techniques, such as the chemical mechanical polishing treatment, are one of the most important technique to glass substrate manufacturing. Mechanical interaction in the form of friction occurs between the abrasive and the substrate surface during polishing, which may cause formation of latent flaws on the glass substrate surface. Fine polishing-induced latent flaws may become obvious during a subsequent cleaning process if glass surfaces are corroded away by chemical interaction with the cleaning liquid. Latent flaws thus reduce product yield. In general, non-destructive inspection techniques, such as the light-scattering methods, used to detect foreign matters on the glass substrate surface. However, it is difficult to detect latent flaws by these methods because the flaws remain closed. Authors propose a novel inspection technique for fine polishing-induced latent flaws by combining the light scattering method with stress effects, referred to as the stress-induced light scattering method (SILSM). SILSM is able to distinguish between latent flaws and particles on the surface. In this method, samples are deformed by an actuator and stress effects are induced around the tips of latent flaws. Due to the photoelastic effect, the refractive index of the material around the tip of a latent flaw is changed. This changed refractive index is in turn detected by a cooled charge-coupled device camera as variations in light scattering intensity. In this report, surface latent flaws are detected non-destructively by applying SILSM to glass substrates, and the utility of SILSM evaluated as a novel inspection technique.

  15. Repeatability and reproducibility of decisions by latent fingerprint examiners.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bradford T Ulery

    Full Text Available The interpretation of forensic fingerprint evidence relies on the expertise of latent print examiners. We tested latent print examiners on the extent to which they reached consistent decisions. This study assessed intra-examiner repeatability by retesting 72 examiners on comparisons of latent and exemplar fingerprints, after an interval of approximately seven months; each examiner was reassigned 25 image pairs for comparison, out of total pool of 744 image pairs. We compare these repeatability results with reproducibility (inter-examiner results derived from our previous study. Examiners repeated 89.1% of their individualization decisions, and 90.1% of their exclusion decisions; most of the changed decisions resulted in inconclusive decisions. Repeatability of comparison decisions (individualization, exclusion, inconclusive was 90.0% for mated pairs, and 85.9% for nonmated pairs. Repeatability and reproducibility were notably lower for comparisons assessed by the examiners as "difficult" than for "easy" or "moderate" comparisons, indicating that examiners' assessments of difficulty may be useful for quality assurance. No false positive errors were repeated (n = 4; 30% of false negative errors were repeated. One percent of latent value decisions were completely reversed (no value even for exclusion vs. of value for individualization. Most of the inter- and intra-examiner variability concerned whether the examiners considered the information available to be sufficient to reach a conclusion; this variability was concentrated on specific image pairs such that repeatability and reproducibility were very high on some comparisons and very low on others. Much of the variability appears to be due to making categorical decisions in borderline cases.

  16. Prevalence of latent alpha-herpesviruses in Thoroughbred racing horses. (United States)

    Pusterla, Nicola; Mapes, Samantha; David Wilson, W


    The objective of this study was to detect and characterize latent equine herpes virus (EHV)-1 and -4 from the submandibular (SMLN) and bronchial lymph (BLN) nodes, as well as from the trigeminal ganglia (TG) of 70 racing Thoroughbred horses submitted for necropsy following sustaining serious musculoskeletal injuries while racing. A combination of nucleic acid precipitation and pre-amplification steps was used to increase analytical sensitivity. Tissues were deemed positive for latent EHV-1 and/or -4 infection when found PCR positive for the corresponding glycoprotein B (gB) gene in the absence of detectable late structural protein gene (gB gene) mRNA. The EHV-1 genotype was also determined using a discriminatory real-time PCR assay targeting the DNA polymerase gene (ORF 30). Eighteen (25.7%) and 58 (82.8%) horses were PCR positive for the gB gene of EHV-1 and -4, respectively, in at least one of the three tissues sampled. Twelve horses were dually infected with EHV-1 and -4, two carried a latent neurotropic strain of EHV-1, six carried a non-neurotropic genotype of EHV-1 and 10 were dually infected with neurotropic and non-neurotropic EHV-1. The distribution of latent EHV-1 and -4 infection varied in the samples, with the TG found to be most commonly infected. Overall, non-neurotropic strains were more frequently detected than neurotropic strains, supporting the general consensus that non-neurotropic strains are more prevalent in horse populations, and hence the uncommon occurrence of equine herpes myeloencephalopathy. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Climate forcing and response to idealized changes in surface latent and sensible heat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ban-Weiss, George A; Cao Long; Pongratz, Julia; Caldeira, Ken; Bala, Govindasamy


    Land use and land cover changes affect the partitioning of latent and sensible heat, which impacts the broader climate system. Increased latent heat flux to the atmosphere has a local cooling influence known as 'evaporative cooling', but this energy will be released back to the atmosphere wherever the water condenses. However, the extent to which local evaporative cooling provides a global cooling influence has not been well characterized. Here, we perform a highly idealized set of climate model simulations aimed at understanding the effects that changes in the balance between surface sensible and latent heating have on the global climate system. We find that globally adding a uniform 1 W m -2 source of latent heat flux along with a uniform 1 W m -2 sink of sensible heat leads to a decrease in global mean surface air temperature of 0.54 ± 0.04 K. This occurs largely as a consequence of planetary albedo increases associated with an increase in low elevation cloudiness caused by increased evaporation. Thus, our model results indicate that, on average, when latent heating replaces sensible heating, global, and not merely local, surface temperatures decrease.

  18. Transcriptional regulation of latent feline immunodeficiency virus in peripheral CD4+ T-lymphocytes. (United States)

    McDonnel, Samantha J; Sparger, Ellen E; Luciw, Paul A; Murphy, Brian G


    Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), the lentivirus of domestic cats responsible for feline AIDS, establishes a latent infection in peripheral blood CD4+ T-cells approximately eight months after experimental inoculation. In this study, cats experimentally infected with the FIV-C strain in the asymptomatic phase demonstrated an estimated viral load of 1 infected cell per approximately 10(3) CD4+ T-cells, with about 1 copy of viral DNA per cell. Approximately 1 in 10 proviral copies was capable of transcription in the asymptomatic phase. The latent FIV proviral promoter was associated with deacetylated, methylated histones, which is consistent with a condensed chromatin structure. In contrast, the transcriptionally active FIV promoter was associated with histone acetylation and demethylation. In addition, RNA polymerase II appeared to be paused on the latent viral promoter, and short promoter-proximal transcripts were detected. Our findings for the FIV promoter in infected cats are similar to results obtained in studies of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 latent proviruses in cell culture in vitro studies. Thus, the FIV/cat model may offer insights into in vivo mechanisms of HIV latency and provides a unique opportunity to test novel therapeutic interventions aimed at eradicating latent virus.

  19. Changes in latent fingerprint examiners' markup between analysis and comparison. (United States)

    Ulery, Bradford T; Hicklin, R Austin; Roberts, Maria Antonia; Buscaglia, JoAnn


    After the initial analysis of a latent print, an examiner will sometimes revise the assessment during comparison with an exemplar. Changes between analysis and comparison may indicate that the initial analysis of the latent was inadequate, or that confirmation bias may have affected the comparison. 170 volunteer latent print examiners, each randomly assigned 22 pairs of prints from a pool of 320 total pairs, provided detailed markup documenting their interpretations of the prints and the bases for their comparison conclusions. We describe changes in value assessments and markup of features and clarity. When examiners individualized, they almost always added or deleted minutiae (90.3% of individualizations); every examiner revised at least some markups. For inconclusive and exclusion determinations, changes were less common, and features were added more frequently when the image pair was mated (same source). Even when individualizations were based on eight or fewer corresponding minutiae, in most cases some of those minutiae had been added during comparison. One erroneous individualization was observed: the markup changes were notably extreme, and almost all of the corresponding minutiae had been added during comparison. Latents assessed to be of value for exclusion only (VEO) during analysis were often individualized when compared to a mated exemplar (26%); in our previous work, where examiners were not required to provide markup of features, VEO individualizations were much less common (1.8%). Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

  20. Fitting and interpreting continuous-time latent Markov models for panel data. (United States)

    Lange, Jane M; Minin, Vladimir N


    Multistate models characterize disease processes within an individual. Clinical studies often observe the disease status of individuals at discrete time points, making exact times of transitions between disease states unknown. Such panel data pose considerable modeling challenges. Assuming the disease process progresses accordingly, a standard continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) yields tractable likelihoods, but the assumption of exponential sojourn time distributions is typically unrealistic. More flexible semi-Markov models permit generic sojourn distributions yet yield intractable likelihoods for panel data in the presence of reversible transitions. One attractive alternative is to assume that the disease process is characterized by an underlying latent CTMC, with multiple latent states mapping to each disease state. These models retain analytic tractability due to the CTMC framework but allow for flexible, duration-dependent disease state sojourn distributions. We have developed a robust and efficient expectation-maximization algorithm in this context. Our complete data state space consists of the observed data and the underlying latent trajectory, yielding computationally efficient expectation and maximization steps. Our algorithm outperforms alternative methods measured in terms of time to convergence and robustness. We also examine the frequentist performance of latent CTMC point and interval estimates of disease process functionals based on simulated data. The performance of estimates depends on time, functional, and data-generating scenario. Finally, we illustrate the interpretive power of latent CTMC models for describing disease processes on a dataset of lung transplant patients. We hope our work will encourage wider use of these models in the biomedical setting. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. Examination of the change in latent statuses in bullying behaviors across time. (United States)

    Ryoo, Ji Hoon; Wang, Cixin; Swearer, Susan M


    Involvement in bullying and victimization has been mostly studied using cross-sectional data from 1 time point. As such, much of our understanding of bullying and victimization has not captured the dynamic experiences of youth over time. To examine the change of latent statuses in bullying and victimization, we applied latent transition analysis examining self-reported bullying involvement from 1,180 students in 5th through 9th grades across 3 time points. We identified unobserved heterogeneous subgroups (i.e., latent statuses) and investigated how students transition between the unobserved subgroups over time. For victimization, 4 latent statuses were identified: frequent victim (11.23%), occasional traditional victim (28.86%), occasional cyber and traditional victim (10.34%), and infrequent victim (49.57%). For bullying behavior, 3 latent statuses were identified: frequent perpetrator (5.12%), occasional verbal/relational perpetrator (26.04%), and infrequent perpetrator (68.84%). The characteristics of the transitions were examined. The multiple-group effects of gender, grade, and first language learned on transitions across statuses were also investigated. The infrequent victim and infrequent perpetrator groups were the most stable, and the frequent victim and frequent perpetrator groups were the least stable. These findings suggest instability in perpetration and victimization over time, as well as significant changes, especially during school transition years. Findings suggest that school-based interventions need to address the heterogeneity in perpetrator and victim experiences in adolescence.

  2. Rapid quantification of the latent reservoir for HIV-1 using a viral outgrowth assay.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gregory M Laird

    Full Text Available HIV-1 persists in infected individuals in a stable pool of resting CD4(+ T cells as a latent but replication-competent provirus. This latent reservoir is the major barrier to the eradication of HIV-1. Clinical trials are currently underway investigating the effects of latency-disrupting compounds on the persistence of the latent reservoir in infected individuals. To accurately assess the effects of such compounds, accurate assays to measure the frequency of latently infected cells are essential. The development of a simpler assay for the latent reservoir has been identified as a major AIDS research priority. We report here the development and validation of a rapid viral outgrowth assay that quantifies the frequency of cells that can release replication-competent virus following cellular activation. This new assay utilizes bead and column-based purification of resting CD4(+ T cells from the peripheral blood of HIV-1 infected patients rather than cell sorting to obtain comparable resting CD4(+ T cell purity. This new assay also utilizes the MOLT-4/CCR5 cell line for viral expansion, producing statistically comparable measurements of the frequency of latent HIV-1 infection. Finally, this new assay employs a novel quantitative RT-PCR specific for polyadenylated HIV-1 RNA for virus detection, which we demonstrate is a more sensitive and cost-effective method to detect HIV-1 replication than expensive commercial ELISA detection methods. The reductions in both labor and cost make this assay suitable for quantifying the frequency of latently infected cells in clinical trials of HIV-1 eradication strategies.

  3. Accounting for standard errors of vision-specific latent trait in regression models. (United States)

    Wong, Wan Ling; Li, Xiang; Li, Jialiang; Wong, Tien Yin; Cheng, Ching-Yu; Lamoureux, Ecosse L


    To demonstrate the effectiveness of Hierarchical Bayesian (HB) approach in a modeling framework for association effects that accounts for SEs of vision-specific latent traits assessed using Rasch analysis. A systematic literature review was conducted in four major ophthalmic journals to evaluate Rasch analysis performed on vision-specific instruments. The HB approach was used to synthesize the Rasch model and multiple linear regression model for the assessment of the association effects related to vision-specific latent traits. The effectiveness of this novel HB one-stage "joint-analysis" approach allows all model parameters to be estimated simultaneously and was compared with the frequently used two-stage "separate-analysis" approach in our simulation study (Rasch analysis followed by traditional statistical analyses without adjustment for SE of latent trait). Sixty-six reviewed articles performed evaluation and validation of vision-specific instruments using Rasch analysis, and 86.4% (n = 57) performed further statistical analyses on the Rasch-scaled data using traditional statistical methods; none took into consideration SEs of the estimated Rasch-scaled scores. The two models on real data differed for effect size estimations and the identification of "independent risk factors." Simulation results showed that our proposed HB one-stage "joint-analysis" approach produces greater accuracy (average of 5-fold decrease in bias) with comparable power and precision in estimation of associations when compared with the frequently used two-stage "separate-analysis" procedure despite accounting for greater uncertainty due to the latent trait. Patient-reported data, using Rasch analysis techniques, do not take into account the SE of latent trait in association analyses. The HB one-stage "joint-analysis" is a better approach, producing accurate effect size estimations and information about the independent association of exposure variables with vision-specific latent traits

  4. Consecuencias del desempleo en la salud mental de una muestra de jóvenes angoleños

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Manuel Tomás


    Full Text Available Entre los efectos del desempleo en la salud mental, destacan problemas de confianza, depresión y pérdida de recursos psicosociales. El objetivo es investigar las variables atenuantes del estrés sobre la salud mental en desempleados jóvenes angoleños mediante un modelo estructural con variables latentes. Se probaron los efectos del apoyo social, la resiliencia y las estrategias de afrontamiento sobre la salud mental, controlando por los efectos de ser económicamente suficiente. Para poner a prueba este modelo se ha contado con una muestra de 283 angoleños con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 30 años. El modelo se estimó en EQS 5.7. Los resultados indican un ajuste adecuado del modelo. Estos resultados apuntan a que apoyo social, resiliencia y estrategias de afrontamiento tienen un efecto atenuante sobre las consecuencias negativas del desempleo en la salud mental. Entre las implicaciones derivadas de este estudio destaca la necesidad de potenciar el apoyo de los padres, así como la necesidad de las instituciones sociales de encontrar modos de promover la búsqueda activa de empleo. Se discuten también los resultados obtenidos a la luz de la evidencia anterior y se sugieren las limitaciones derivadas del carácter transversal y de la muestra incidental del estudio.

  5. Robust Measurement via A Fused Latent and Graphical Item Response Theory Model. (United States)

    Chen, Yunxiao; Li, Xiaoou; Liu, Jingchen; Ying, Zhiliang


    Item response theory (IRT) plays an important role in psychological and educational measurement. Unlike the classical testing theory, IRT models aggregate the item level information, yielding more accurate measurements. Most IRT models assume local independence, an assumption not likely to be satisfied in practice, especially when the number of items is large. Results in the literature and simulation studies in this paper reveal that misspecifying the local independence assumption may result in inaccurate measurements and differential item functioning. To provide more robust measurements, we propose an integrated approach by adding a graphical component to a multidimensional IRT model that can offset the effect of unknown local dependence. The new model contains a confirmatory latent variable component, which measures the targeted latent traits, and a graphical component, which captures the local dependence. An efficient proximal algorithm is proposed for the parameter estimation and structure learning of the local dependence. This approach can substantially improve the measurement, given no prior information on the local dependence structure. The model can be applied to measure both a unidimensional latent trait and multidimensional latent traits.

  6. Dorsal bundle lesions do not affect latent inhibition of conditioned suppression. (United States)

    Tsaltas, E; Preston, G C; Rawlins, J N; Winocur, G; Gray, J A


    Three experiments are reported which examine the effects of lesions of the dorsal ascending noradrenergic bundle (DB) on latent inhibition using a conditioned suppression procedure in rats. In none of the experiments did the DB lesion have any effect, despite changes in the extent of latent inhibition and in the control procedures used to assess it. The results are discussed in relation to the attentional theory of DB function.

  7. Managing latent tuberculosis infection and tuberculosis in children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. Carvalho


    Full Text Available Tuberculosis (TB is a major cause of childhood morbidity and mortality worldwide. The aim of this review is to describe the management of the child with TB and latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI.To develop this article, a working group reviewed relevant epidemiological and other scientific studies and established practices in conducting LBTI and TB in children. The article describes how to manage the child with LTBI, considering transmission and infectiousness of tuberculosis, contact screening and prioritization of contacts and recommendations on treatment of children with LTBI and how to manage the child with TB considering the susceptibility of children to developing tuberculosis, epidemiology and classification of tuberculosis in children, diagnosis and treatment. Keywords: Tuberculosis, Pediatric, Childhood, Latent tuberculosis infection

  8. Portal hypertensive polyps, a new entity?

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    Verónica Martín-Domínguez

    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso clínico de una mujer de 62 años de edad, con antecedentes de cirrosis hepática secundaria a hepatitis autoinmune, hipertensión portal y coagulopatía, quien presenta en gastroscopia, unas lesiones polipoideas, semipediculadas, polilobuladas en la región prepilórica, que se extirpan y cuya anatomía patológica se describe como pólipos hiperplásicos con edema, congestión vascular e hiperplasia del músculo liso, sin displasia ni cambios adenomatosos, correspondientes a "pólipos de la hipertensión portal" (PHP.

  9. Latent memory facilitates relearning through molecular signaling mechanisms that are distinct from original learning. (United States)

    Menges, Steven A; Riepe, Joshua R; Philips, Gary T


    A highly conserved feature of memory is that it can exist in a latent, non-expressed state which is revealed during subsequent learning by its ability to significantly facilitate (savings) or inhibit (latent inhibition) subsequent memory formation. Despite the ubiquitous nature of latent memory, the mechanistic nature of the latent memory trace and its ability to influence subsequent learning remains unclear. The model organism Aplysia californica provides the unique opportunity to make strong links between behavior and underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms. Using Aplysia, we have studied the mechanisms of savings due to latent memory for a prior, forgotten experience. We previously reported savings in the induction of three distinct temporal domains of memory: short-term (10min), intermediate-term (2h) and long-term (24h). Here we report that savings memory formation utilizes molecular signaling pathways that are distinct from original learning: whereas the induction of both original intermediate- and long-term memory in naïve animals requires mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation and ongoing protein synthesis, 2h savings memory is not disrupted by inhibitors of MAPK or protein synthesis, and 24h savings memory is not dependent on MAPK activation. Collectively, these findings reveal that during forgetting, latent memory for the original experience can facilitate relearning through molecular signaling mechanisms that are distinct from original learning. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Statistical inference based on latent ability estimates

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoijtink, H.J.A.; Boomsma, A.

    The quality of approximations to first and second order moments (e.g., statistics like means, variances, regression coefficients) based on latent ability estimates is being discussed. The ability estimates are obtained using either the Rasch, oi the two-parameter logistic model. Straightforward use

  11. Variable importance in latent variable regression models

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kvalheim, O.M.; Arneberg, R.; Bleie, O.; Rajalahti, T.; Smilde, A.K.; Westerhuis, J.A.


    The quality and practical usefulness of a regression model are a function of both interpretability and prediction performance. This work presents some new graphical tools for improved interpretation of latent variable regression models that can also assist in improved algorithms for variable

  12. Space-time latent component modeling of geo-referenced health data. (United States)

    Lawson, Andrew B; Song, Hae-Ryoung; Cai, Bo; Hossain, Md Monir; Huang, Kun


    Latent structure models have been proposed in many applications. For space-time health data it is often important to be able to find the underlying trends in time, which are supported by subsets of small areas. Latent structure modeling is one such approach to this analysis. This paper presents a mixture-based approach that can be applied to component selection. The analysis of a Georgia ambulatory asthma county-level data set is presented and a simulation-based evaluation is made. Copyright (c) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  13. Confidence Intervals for a Semiparametric Approach to Modeling Nonlinear Relations among Latent Variables (United States)

    Pek, Jolynn; Losardo, Diane; Bauer, Daniel J.


    Compared to parametric models, nonparametric and semiparametric approaches to modeling nonlinearity between latent variables have the advantage of recovering global relationships of unknown functional form. Bauer (2005) proposed an indirect application of finite mixtures of structural equation models where latent components are estimated in the…

  14. Barcelona - Talent Latent 09 / Ahto Sooaru

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sooaru, Ahto


    Fotonäitusest "Talent Latent 09" Barcelonas Arts Santa Monica kunstikeskuses. Loetletud näitusel eksponeeritud fotode autorid. Pikemalt Rafael Milach'i (sünd. 1978), Lucia Ganieva, Javier Marquerie Thomas'i (sünd. 1986), Amaury da Cunha (sünd. 1976) töödest. Lühidalt ka teistest näitustest Arts Santa Monica kunstikeskuses

  15. Transcriptional Regulation of Latent Feline Immunodeficiency Virus in Peripheral CD4+ T-lymphocytes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brian G. Murphy


    Full Text Available Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV, the lentivirus of domestic cats responsible for feline AIDS, establishes a latent infection in peripheral blood CD4+ T-cells approximately eight months after experimental inoculation. In this study, cats experimentally infected with the FIV-C strain in the asymptomatic phase demonstrated an estimated viral load of 1 infected cell per approximately 103 CD4+ T-cells, with about 1 copy of viral DNA per cell. Approximately 1 in 10 proviral copies was capable of transcription in the asymptomatic phase. The latent FIV proviral promoter was associated with deacetylated, methylated histones, which is consistent with a condensed chromatin structure. In contrast, the transcriptionally active FIV promoter was associated with histone acetylation and demethylation. In addition, RNA polymerase II appeared to be paused on the latent viral promoter, and short promoter-proximal transcripts were detected. Our findings for the FIV promoter in infected cats are similar to results obtained in studies of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1 latent proviruses in cell culture in vitro studies. Thus, the FIV/cat model may offer insights into in vivo mechanisms of HIV latency and provides a unique opportunity to test novel therapeutic interventions aimed at eradicating latent virus.

  16. Estimating Non-Normal Latent Trait Distributions within Item Response Theory Using True and Estimated Item Parameters (United States)

    Sass, D. A.; Schmitt, T. A.; Walker, C. M.


    Item response theory (IRT) procedures have been used extensively to study normal latent trait distributions and have been shown to perform well; however, less is known concerning the performance of IRT with non-normal latent trait distributions. This study investigated the degree of latent trait estimation error under normal and non-normal…

  17. Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection


    Tang, Patrick; Johnston, James


    Opinion statement The treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is an essential component of tuberculosis (TB) elimination in regions that have a low incidence of TB. However, the decision to treat individuals with LTBI must consider the limitations of current diagnostic tests for LTBI, the risk of developing active TB disease, the potential adverse effects from chemoprophylactic therapy, and the importance of treatment adherence. When an individual has been diagnosed with LTBI and ac...

  18. The latent structure of oppositional defiant disorder in children and adults. (United States)

    Barry, Tammy D; Marcus, David K; Barry, Christopher T; Coccaro, Emil F


    An understanding of the latent structure of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is essential for better developing causal models, improving diagnostic and assessment procedures, and enhancing treatments for the disorder. Although much research has focused on ODD-including recent studies informing the diagnostic criteria for DSM-5-research examining the latent structure of ODD is sparse, and no known study has specifically undertaken a taxometric analysis to address the issue of whether ODD is a categorical or dimensional construct. To address this gap, the authors conducted two separate studies using a set of taxometric analyses with data from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (child study; n = 969) and with data from a large mixed sample of adults, which included participants reporting psychiatric difficulties as well as healthy controls (adult study; n = 600). The results of a variety of non-redundant analyses across both studies revealed a dimensional latent structure for ODD symptoms among both children and adults. These findings are consistent with previous studies that have examined latent structure of related constructs (e.g., aggression, antisocial behavior) as well as studies that have examined the dimensional versus categorical structure of ODD using methods other than taxometric analysis. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Lupus eritematoso sistémico en ratones MRL lpr/lpm y knockouts del receptor de quimioquina CCR2


    Camarasa Lillo, Natalia


    INTRODUCCIÓN El lupus eritematoso sistémico es una enfermedad autoinmune cuya principal manifestación y debut de la enfermedad es la glomerulonefritis mediada por complejos inmunes. Los ratones MRL/MpJ-Fas lpr/J (MRL/lpr) llevan una mutación en el gen Fas de la apoptosis que da lugar a una proliferación de linfocitos autoreactivos y son considerados un modelo de ratón que reproduce muy bien la enfermedad lúpica en el humano, con linfadenopatía asociada a proliferación aberrante de células T,...

  20. Building latent class trees, with an application to a study of social capital

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Bergh, M.; Schmittmann, V.D.; Vermunt, J.K.


    Researchers use latent class (LC) analysis to derive meaningful clusters from sets of categorical variables. However, especially when the number of classes required to obtain a good fit is large, interpretation of the latent classes may not be straightforward. To overcome this problem, we propose an

  1. Cross-Informant Agreement on Child and Adolescent Withdrawn Behavior: A Latent Class Approach (United States)

    Rubin, David H.; Althoff, Robert R.; Walkup, John T.; Hudziak, James J.


    Withdrawn behavior (WB) relates to many developmental outcomes, including pervasive developmental disorders, anxiety, depression, psychosis, personality disorders and suicide. No study has compared the latent profiles of different informants' reports on WB. This study uses multi-informant latent class analyses (LCA) of the child behavior checklist…

  2. Discriminative latent models for recognizing contextual group activities. (United States)

    Lan, Tian; Wang, Yang; Yang, Weilong; Robinovitch, Stephen N; Mori, Greg


    In this paper, we go beyond recognizing the actions of individuals and focus on group activities. This is motivated from the observation that human actions are rarely performed in isolation; the contextual information of what other people in the scene are doing provides a useful cue for understanding high-level activities. We propose a novel framework for recognizing group activities which jointly captures the group activity, the individual person actions, and the interactions among them. Two types of contextual information, group-person interaction and person-person interaction, are explored in a latent variable framework. In particular, we propose three different approaches to model the person-person interaction. One approach is to explore the structures of person-person interaction. Differently from most of the previous latent structured models, which assume a predefined structure for the hidden layer, e.g., a tree structure, we treat the structure of the hidden layer as a latent variable and implicitly infer it during learning and inference. The second approach explores person-person interaction in the feature level. We introduce a new feature representation called the action context (AC) descriptor. The AC descriptor encodes information about not only the action of an individual person in the video, but also the behavior of other people nearby. The third approach combines the above two. Our experimental results demonstrate the benefit of using contextual information for disambiguating group activities.

  3. Residual Structures in Latent Growth Curve Modeling (United States)

    Grimm, Kevin J.; Widaman, Keith F.


    Several alternatives are available for specifying the residual structure in latent growth curve modeling. Two specifications involve uncorrelated residuals and represent the most commonly used residual structures. The first, building on repeated measures analysis of variance and common specifications in multilevel models, forces residual variances…

  4. Bayesian modeling of ChIP-chip data using latent variables.

    KAUST Repository

    Wu, Mingqi


    BACKGROUND: The ChIP-chip technology has been used in a wide range of biomedical studies, such as identification of human transcription factor binding sites, investigation of DNA methylation, and investigation of histone modifications in animals and plants. Various methods have been proposed in the literature for analyzing the ChIP-chip data, such as the sliding window methods, the hidden Markov model-based methods, and Bayesian methods. Although, due to the integrated consideration of uncertainty of the models and model parameters, Bayesian methods can potentially work better than the other two classes of methods, the existing Bayesian methods do not perform satisfactorily. They usually require multiple replicates or some extra experimental information to parametrize the model, and long CPU time due to involving of MCMC simulations. RESULTS: In this paper, we propose a Bayesian latent model for the ChIP-chip data. The new model mainly differs from the existing Bayesian models, such as the joint deconvolution model, the hierarchical gamma mixture model, and the Bayesian hierarchical model, in two respects. Firstly, it works on the difference between the averaged treatment and control samples. This enables the use of a simple model for the data, which avoids the probe-specific effect and the sample (control/treatment) effect. As a consequence, this enables an efficient MCMC simulation of the posterior distribution of the model, and also makes the model more robust to the outliers. Secondly, it models the neighboring dependence of probes by introducing a latent indicator vector. A truncated Poisson prior distribution is assumed for the latent indicator variable, with the rationale being justified at length. CONCLUSION: The Bayesian latent method is successfully applied to real and ten simulated datasets, with comparisons with some of the existing Bayesian methods, hidden Markov model methods, and sliding window methods. The numerical results indicate that the

  5. Homeostatic proliferation fails to efficiently reactivate HIV-1 latently infected central memory CD4+ T cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Bosque


    Full Text Available Homeostatic proliferation ensures the longevity of central memory T-cells by inducing cell proliferation in the absence of cellular differentiation or activation. This process is governed mainly by IL-7. Central memory T-cells can also be stimulated via engagement of the T-cell receptor, leading to cell proliferation but also activation and differentiation. Using an in vitro model of HIV-1 latency, we have examined in detail the effects of homeostatic proliferation on latently infected central memory T cells. We have also used antigenic stimulation via anti-CD3/anti-CD28 antibodies and established a comparison with a homeostatic proliferation stimulus, to evaluate potential differences in how either treatment affects the dynamics of latent virus populations. First, we show that homeostatic proliferation, as induced by a combination of IL-2 plus IL-7, leads to partial reactivation of latent HIV-1 but is unable to reduce the size of the reservoir in vitro. Second, latently infected cells are able to homeostatically proliferate in the absence of viral reactivation or cell differentiation. These results indicate that IL-2 plus IL-7 may induce a detrimental effect by favoring the maintenance of the latent HIV-1 reservoir. On the other hand, antigenic stimulation efficiently reactivated latent HIV-1 in cultured central memory cells and led to depletion of the latently infected cells via virus-induced cell death.

  6. Los cuentos de Armonía Somers: una poética del derrumbamiento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noelia Montoro Martínez


    Full Text Available Tras el pseudónimo de Armonía Somers (1914-1994 se oculta una narradora que puede calificarse de “rara”. Su dificultad, así como dicha “rareza”, parecen convertirla en una autora marginal, sobre todo en comparación con otras figuras de su misma generación, la del 45. Con respecto a su obra, la crítica ha estado enfrentada, sosteniendo posturas antagónicas. Su osadía narrativa, tanto en las novelas como en los cuentos, ha generado un mundo latente poblado de personajes, de situaciones y de ...

  7. Substantiation for Approaches to Treatment of Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T.M. Tykhonova


    Conclusions. Analysis of carbohydrate metabolism on the manifestation stage and over time development of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults as well as reduction of β-cells insulin-producing function associated with autoimmune insulitis and progressing while the development of this form of disease, substantiate the rational for insulin administration as this form of diabetes has been diagnosed. If patients with latent autoimmune diabetes in adults have metabolic syndrome clusters it is quite reasonable to add metformin to insulin.

  8. Extra Heat Loss Through Light Weight Roofs Due to Latent Heat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rode, Carsten


    that changes phase at the terminals of its passage.Note however, that convection of air most often will have an important effect on the overall heat flow - but that is a different topic.Macroscopic latent heat transferConsider the following scenario: Initially, moisture is present in its condensed or frozen......This report is one in a series of papers in Task 5 of IEA Annex 24 on how moisture and air movements affect the energy performance of building constructions. The effect of latent heat flow will be demonstrated by means of an example: a light weight flat roof.Latent heat flow is one of three...... processes by which moisture affects energy performance:Higher thermal conductivityMoist materials have higher thermal con-ductivity than when they are dry. This is because thermally conducting moisture replaces the better insulating air in the pores of the materials. Moisture also enhan-ces the thermal...

  9. Do gender and directness of trauma exposure moderate PTSD's latent structure? (United States)

    Frankfurt, Sheila B; Armour, Cherie; Contractor, Ateka A; Elhai, Jon D


    The PTSD diagnosis and latent structure were substantially revised in the transition from DSM-IV to DSM-5. However, three alternative models (i.e., anhedonia model, externalizing behavior model, and hybrid model) of PTSD fit the DSM-5 symptom criteria better than the DSM-5 factor model. Thus, the psychometric performance of the DSM-5 and alternative models' PTSD factor structure needs to be critically evaluated. The current study examined whether gender or trauma directness (i.e., direct or indirect trauma exposure) moderates the PTSD latent structure when using the DSM-5 or alternative models. Model performance was evaluated with measurement invariance testing procedures on a large undergraduate sample (n=455). Gender and trauma directness moderated the DSM-5 PTSD and externalizing behavior model and did not moderate the anhedonia and hybrid models' latent structure. Clinical implications and directions for future research are discussed. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

  10. Pre-clinical cognitive phenotypes for Alzheimer disease: a latent profile approach. (United States)

    Hayden, Kathleen M; Kuchibhatla, Maragatha; Romero, Heather R; Plassman, Brenda L; Burke, James R; Browndyke, Jeffrey N; Welsh-Bohmer, Kathleen A


    Cognitive profiles for pre-clinical Alzheimer disease (AD) can be used to identify groups of individuals at risk for disease and better characterize pre-clinical disease. Profiles or patterns of performance as pre-clinical phenotypes may be more useful than individual test scores or measures of global decline. To evaluate patterns of cognitive performance in cognitively normal individuals to derive latent profiles associated with later onset of disease using a combination of factor analysis and latent profile analysis. The National Alzheimer Coordinating Centers collect data, including a battery of neuropsychological tests, from participants at 29 National Institute on Aging-funded Alzheimer Disease Centers across the United States. Prior factor analyses of this battery demonstrated a four-factor structure comprising memory, attention, language, and executive function. Factor scores from these analyses were used in a latent profile approach to characterize cognition among a group of cognitively normal participants (N = 3,911). Associations between latent profiles and disease outcomes an average of 3 years later were evaluated with multinomial regression models. Similar analyses were used to determine predictors of profile membership. Four groups were identified; each with distinct characteristics and significantly associated with later disease outcomes. Two groups were significantly associated with development of cognitive impairment. In post hoc analyses, both the Trail Making Test Part B, and a contrast score (Delayed Recall - Trails B), significantly predicted group membership and later cognitive impairment. Latent profile analysis is a useful method to evaluate patterns of cognition in large samples for the identification of preclinical AD phenotypes; comparable results, however, can be achieved with very sensitive tests and contrast scores. Copyright © 2014 American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Sensible and latent heat forced divergent circulations in the West African Monsoon System (United States)

    Hagos, S.; Zhang, C.


    Field properties of divergent circulation are utilized to identify the roles of various diabatic processes in forcing moisture transport in the dynamics of the West African Monsoon and its seasonal cycle. In this analysis, the divergence field is treated as a set of point sources and is partitioned into two sub-sets corresponding to latent heat release and surface sensible heat flux at each respective point. The divergent circulation associated with each set is then calculated from the Poisson's equation using Gauss-Seidel iteration. Moisture transport by each set of divergent circulation is subsequently estimated. The results show different roles of the divergent circulations forced by surface sensible and latent heating in the monsoon dynamics. Surface sensible heating drives a shallow meridional circulation, which transports moisture deep into the continent at the polar side of the monsoon rain band and thereby promotes the seasonal northward migration of monsoon precipitation during the monsoon onset season. In contrast, the circulation directly associated with latent heating is deep and the corresponding moisture convergence is within the region of precipitation. Latent heating also induces dry air advection from the north. Neither effect promotes the seasonal northward migration of precipitation. The relative contributions of the processes associated with latent and sensible heating to the net moisture convergence, and hence the seasonal evolution of monsoon precipitation, depend on the background moisture.

  12. Some children with autism have latent social skills that can be tested

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hrdlička, M.; Urbánek, Tomáš; Vacová, M.; Beranová, Š.; Dudová, I.


    Roč. 13, March (2017), s. 827-833 ISSN 1178-2021 Institutional support: RVO:68081740 Keywords : autism * latent social skills * Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised * Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule * prediction Subject RIV: AN - Psychology OBOR OECD: Psychology (including human - machine relations) Impact factor: 2.198, year: 2016 autism -have-latent-social-skills-that-can-be-tested-peer-reviewed-article-NDT

  13. Some children with autism have latent social skills that can be tested

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hrdlička, M.; Urbánek, Tomáš; Vacová, M.; Beranová, Š.; Dudová, I.


    Roč. 13, March (2017), s. 827-833 ISSN 1178-2021 Institutional support: RVO:68081740 Keywords : autism * latent social skills * Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised * Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule * prediction Subject RIV: AN - Psychology OBOR OECD: Psychology (including human - machine relations) Impact factor: 2.198, year: 2016 social -skills-that-can-be-tested-peer-reviewed-article-NDT

  14. Influence of WFIKKN1 on BMP1-mediated activation of latent myostatin. (United States)

    Szláma, György; Vásárhelyi, Viktor; Trexler, Mária; Patthy, László


    The NTR domain of WFIKKN1 protein has been shown to have significant affinity for the prodomain regions of promyostatin and latent myostatin but the biological significance of these interactions remained unclear. In view of its role as a myostatin antagonist, we tested the assumption that WFIKKN1 inhibits the release of myostatin from promyostatin and/or latent myostatin. WFIKKN1 was found to have no effect on processing of promyostatin by furin, the rate of cleavage of latent myostatin by BMP1, however, was significantly enhanced in the presence of WFIKKN1 and this enhancer activity was superstimulated by heparin. Unexpectedly, WFIKKN1 was also cleaved by BMP1 and our studies have shown that the KKN1 fragment generated by BMP1-cleavage of WFIKKN1 contributes most significantly to the observed enhancer activity. Analysis of a pro-TGF-β -based homology model of homodimeric latent myostatin revealed that the BMP1-cleavage sites are buried and not readily accessible to BMP1. In view of this observation, the most plausible explanation for the BMP1-enhancer activity of the KKN1 fragment is that it shifts a conformational equilibrium of latent myostatin from the closed circular structure of the homodimer to a more open form, making the cleavage sites more accessible to BMP1. On the other hand, the observation that the enhancer activity of KKN1 is superstimulated in the presence of heparin is explained by the fact KKN1, latent myostatin, and BMP1 have affinity for heparin and these interactions with heparin increase the local concentrations of the reactants thereby facilitating the action of BMP1. Furin: EC; BMP1, bone morphogentic protein 1 or procollagen C-endopeptidase: EC © 2016 The Authors. The FEBS Journal published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Federation of European Biochemical Societies.

  15. Latent factor structure of a behavioral economic marijuana demand curve. (United States)

    Aston, Elizabeth R; Farris, Samantha G; MacKillop, James; Metrik, Jane


    Drug demand, or relative value, can be assessed via analysis of behavioral economic purchase task performance. Five demand indices are typically obtained from drug purchase tasks. The goal of this research was to determine whether metrics of marijuana reinforcement from a marijuana purchase task (MPT) exhibit a latent factor structure that efficiently characterizes marijuana demand. Participants were regular marijuana users (n = 99; 37.4% female, 71.5% marijuana use days [5 days/week], 15.2% cannabis dependent) who completed study assessments, including the MPT, during a baseline session. Principal component analysis was used to examine the latent structure underlying MPT indices. Concurrent validity was assessed via examination of relationships between latent factors and marijuana use, past quit attempts, and marijuana expectancies. A two-factor solution was confirmed as the best fitting structure, accounting for 88.5% of the overall variance. Factor 1 (65.8% variance) reflected "Persistence," indicating sensitivity to escalating marijuana price, which comprised four MPT indices (elasticity, O max , P max , and breakpoint). Factor 2 (22.7% variance) reflected "Amplitude," indicating the amount consumed at unrestricted price (intensity). Persistence factor scores were associated with fewer past marijuana quit attempts and lower expectancies of negative use outcomes. Amplitude factor scores were associated with more frequent use, dependence symptoms, craving severity, and positive marijuana outcome expectancies. Consistent with research on alcohol and cigarette purchase tasks, the MPT can be characterized with a latent two-factor structure. Thus, demand for marijuana appears to encompass distinct dimensions of price sensitivity and volumetric consumption, with differential relations to other aspects of marijuana motivation.

  16. Mental toughness latent profiles in endurance athletes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joanna S Zeiger

    Full Text Available Mental toughness in endurance athletes, while an important factor for success, has been scarcely studied. An online survey was used to examine eight mental toughness factors in endurance athletes. The study aim was to determine mental toughness profiles via latent profile analysis in endurance athletes and whether associations exist between the latent profiles and demographics and sports characteristics. Endurance athletes >18 years of age were recruited via social media outlets (n = 1245, 53% female. Mental toughness was measured using the Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ, Psychological Performance Inventory-Alternative (PPI-A, and self-esteem was measured using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE. A three-class solution emerged, designated as high mental toughness (High MT, moderate mental toughness (Moderate MT and low mental toughness (Low MT. ANOVA tests showed significant differences between all three classes on all 8 factors derived from the SMTQ, PPI-A and the RSE. There was an increased odds of being in the High MT class compared to the Low MT class for males (OR = 1.99; 95% CI, 1.39, 2.83; P<0.001, athletes who were over 55 compared to those who were 18-34 (OR = 2.52; 95% CI, 1.37, 4.62; P<0.01, high sports satisfaction (OR = 8.17; 95% CI, 5.63, 11.87; P<0.001, and high division placement (OR = 2.18; 95% CI, 1.46,3.26; P<0.001. The data showed that mental toughness latent profiles exist in endurance athletes. High MT is associated with demographics and sports characteristics. Mental toughness screening in athletes may help direct practitioners with mental skills training.

  17. Escenarios de la conflictividad: elecciones municipales en la Corona de Castilla afines del siglo XVII

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Las elecciones municipales en los pueblos de la Corona de Castilla hacen aflorar las tensiones propias de cualquier comunidad organizada. A finales del siglo XVII estas tensiones parecen agudizarse, o mostrarse por primera vez allí donde no eran patentes. Tal es el caso de Carrascosa del Campo (provincia de Cuenca. La pugna por el control del ayuntamiento y sus recursos enfrenta a dos familias, pero la realidad se encarga de redimensionar la pugna familiar convirtiéndola en una pugna política entre dos bandos, mucho más complejos que los entramados familiares. La violencia individual se recubre de política y provoca la intervención del Consejo de Castilla.ABSTRACT: Municipal elections in the villages of the Crown of Castile bring out the usual tensions of any organised community. Towards the end of the XVIIth century these tensions seem to become more acute, or else they surface for the first time in places where they had been latent. Such is the case of Carrascosa del Campo, in the province of Cuenca. Two families compete there for the control of the village council, but this dispute between families develops eventually into a political fight between factions of a complexity which goes considerably beyond that of family networks. Individual violence acquires a political colouring and provokes the intervention of the Council of Castile.

  18. Polarization-based and specular-reflection-based noncontact latent fingerprint imaging and lifting (United States)

    Lin, Shih-Schön; Yemelyanov, Konstantin M.; Pugh, Edward N., Jr.; Engheta, Nader


    In forensic science the finger marks left unintentionally by people at a crime scene are referred to as latent fingerprints. Most existing techniques to detect and lift latent fingerprints require application of a certain material directly onto the exhibit. The chemical and physical processing applied to the fingerprint potentially degrades or prevents further forensic testing on the same evidence sample. Many existing methods also have deleterious side effects. We introduce a method to detect and extract latent fingerprint images without applying any powder or chemicals on the object. Our method is based on the optical phenomena of polarization and specular reflection together with the physiology of fingerprint formation. The recovered image quality is comparable to existing methods. In some cases, such as the sticky side of tape, our method shows unique advantages.

  19. Hidden Markov latent variable models with multivariate longitudinal data. (United States)

    Song, Xinyuan; Xia, Yemao; Zhu, Hongtu


    Cocaine addiction is chronic and persistent, and has become a major social and health problem in many countries. Existing studies have shown that cocaine addicts often undergo episodic periods of addiction to, moderate dependence on, or swearing off cocaine. Given its reversible feature, cocaine use can be formulated as a stochastic process that transits from one state to another, while the impacts of various factors, such as treatment received and individuals' psychological problems on cocaine use, may vary across states. This article develops a hidden Markov latent variable model to study multivariate longitudinal data concerning cocaine use from a California Civil Addict Program. The proposed model generalizes conventional latent variable models to allow bidirectional transition between cocaine-addiction states and conventional hidden Markov models to allow latent variables and their dynamic interrelationship. We develop a maximum-likelihood approach, along with a Monte Carlo expectation conditional maximization (MCECM) algorithm, to conduct parameter estimation. The asymptotic properties of the parameter estimates and statistics for testing the heterogeneity of model parameters are investigated. The finite sample performance of the proposed methodology is demonstrated by simulation studies. The application to cocaine use study provides insights into the prevention of cocaine use. © 2016, The International Biometric Society.

  20. [Latent Class Analysis of Gambling Activities among Korean Adolescents]. (United States)

    Kang, Kyonghwa; Kim, Hyeongsu; Park, Ae Ran; Kim, Hee Young; Lee, Kunsei


    The aim of this study is to identify the types of gambling among adolescents and provide basic prevention information regarding adolescents' gambling problems. Secondary data from representative national survey on 2015 Youth Gambling Problems of Korea Center on Gambling Problems were used. Using latent class analysis (LCA), 13 gambling types such as offline and online games of 14,011 adolescents were classified, and gambling experiences and characteristics were analyzed. The subgroups of adolescent gambling were identified as four latent classes: a rare group (84.5% of the sample), a risk group (1.0%), an offline group (11.9%), and an expanded group (2.6%). The types and characteristics of gambling among the latent classes differed. In the risk group, adolescents participated in online illegal sports betting and internet casino, and gambling time, gambling expenses, and the number of gambling types were higher than other groups. Gambling frequently occur among adolescent, and the subtypes of gambling did not reveal homogeneous characteristics. In order to prevent adolescent gambling problems, it is a necessary to develop tailored prevention intervention in the nursing field, which is appropriate to the characteristics of adolescent gambling group and can help with early identification. © 2018 Korean Society of Nursing Science.

  1. Metodología de aplicación del deterioro del Valor de los Activos Fijos de Acuerdo a la NIIF 1 Adopción por primera vez, NIC 16 Propiedad, planta y equipo y NIC 36 Deterioro del valor de los activos aplicado a la compañía Petroleos de los Shyris-PETROSHYRIS S.A.


    Martínez Velasco, María Fernanda


    El deseo de uniformidad contable, latente a lo largo del tiempo, se ha hecho apremiante en los últimos años. Las causas de esta urgencia en lograr uniformidad de la información contable, merece destacar la globalización de los negocios y de los mercados de capitales, así como, la financiación internacional que van adquiriendo las empresas, estos y otros parámetros han determinado la creciente necesidad de un cambio en materia económica a nivel mundial. Por lo cual las NIIF (...

  2. Broad CTL response is required to clear latent HIV-1 due to dominance of escape mutations (United States)

    Deng, Kai; Pertea, Mihaela; Rongvaux, Anthony; Wang, Leyao; Durand, Christine M.; Ghiaur, Gabriel; Lai, Jun; McHugh, Holly L.; Hao, Haiping; Zhang, Hao; Margolick, Joseph B.; Gurer, Cagan; Murphy, Andrew J.; Valenzuela, David M.; Yancopoulos, George D.; Deeks, Steven G.; Strowig, Till; Kumar, Priti; Siliciano, Janet D.; Salzberg, Steven L.; Flavell, Richard A.; Shan, Liang; Siliciano, Robert F.


    Despite antiretroviral therapy (ART), HIV-1 persists in a stable latent reservoir1, 2, primarily in resting memory CD4+ T cells3, 4. This reservoir presents a major barrier to the cure of HIV-1 infection. To purge the reservoir, pharmacological reactivation of latent HIV-1 has been proposed5 and tested both in vitro and in vivo6–8. A key remaining question is whether virus-specific immune mechanisms including cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) can clear infected cells in ART-treated patients after latency is reversed. Here we show that there is a striking all or none pattern for CTL escape mutations in HIV-1 Gag epitopes. Unless ART is started early, the vast majority (>98%) of latent viruses carry CTL escape mutations that render infected cells insensitive to CTLs directed at common epitopes. To solve this problem, we identified CTLs that could recognize epitopes from latent HIV-1 that were unmutated in every chronically infected patient tested. Upon stimulation, these CTLs eliminated target cells infected with autologous virus derived from the latent reservoir, both in vitro and in patient-derived humanized mice. The predominance of CTL-resistant viruses in the latent reservoir poses a major challenge to viral eradication. Our results demonstrate that chronically infected patients retain a broad spectrum viral-specific CTL response and that appropriate boosting of this response may be required for the elimination of the latent reservoir. PMID:25561180

  3. Cost-effectiveness of post-landing latent tuberculosis infection control strategies in new migrants to Canada. (United States)

    Campbell, Jonathon R; Johnston, James C; Sadatsafavi, Mohsen; Cook, Victoria J; Elwood, R Kevin; Marra, Fawziah


    The majority of tuberculosis in migrants to Canada occurs due to reactivation of latent TB infection. Risk of tuberculosis in those with latent tuberculosis infection can be significantly reduced with treatment. Presently, only 2.4% of new migrants are flagged for post-landing surveillance, which may include latent tuberculosis infection screening; no other migrants receive routine latent tuberculosis infection screening. To aid in reducing the tuberculosis burden in new migrants to Canada, we determined the cost-effectiveness of using different latent tuberculosis infection interventions in migrants under post-arrival surveillance and in all new migrants. A discrete event simulation model was developed that focused on a Canadian permanent resident cohort after arrival in Canada, utilizing a ten-year time horizon, healthcare system perspective, and 1.5% discount rate. Latent tuberculosis infection interventions were evaluated in the population under surveillance (N = 6100) and the total cohort (N = 260,600). In all evaluations, six different screening and treatment combinations were compared to the base case of tuberculin skin test screening followed by isoniazid treatment only in the population under surveillance. Quality adjusted life years, incident tuberculosis cases, and costs were recorded for each intervention and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were calculated in relation to the base case. In the population under surveillance (N = 6100), using an interferon-gamma release assay followed by rifampin was dominant compared to the base case, preventing 4.90 cases of tuberculosis, a 4.9% reduction, adding 4.0 quality adjusted life years, and saving $353,013 over the ensuing ten-years. Latent tuberculosis infection screening in the total population (N = 260,600) was not cost-effective when compared to the base case, however could potentially prevent 21.8% of incident tuberculosis cases. Screening new migrants under surveillance with an interferon

  4. Ultra high temperature latent heat energy storage and thermophotovoltaic energy conversion


    Datas Medina, Alejandro; Ramos Cabal, Alba; Martí Vega, Antonio; Cañizo Nadal, Carlos del; Luque López, Antonio


    A conceptual energy storage system design that utilizes ultra high temperature phase change materials is presented. In this system, the energy is stored in the form of latent heat and converted to electricity upon demand by TPV (thermophotovoltaic) cells. Silicon is considered in this study as PCM (phase change material) due to its extremely high latent heat (1800 J/g or 500 Wh/kg), melting point (1410 C), thermal conductivity (~25 W/mK), low cost (less than $2/kg or $4/kWh) and a...

  5. Forensic Chemistry: The Revelation of Latent Fingerprints (United States)

    Friesen, J. Brent


    The visualization of latent fingerprints often involves the use of a chemical substance that creates a contrast between the fingerprint residues and the surface on which the print was deposited. The chemical-aided visualization techniques can be divided into two main categories: those that chemically react with the fingerprint residue and those…

  6. The Latent Class Structure of Chinese Patients with Eating Disorders in Shanghai. (United States)

    Zheng, Yuchen; Kang, Qing; Huang, Jiabin; Jiang, Wenhui; Liu, Qiang; Chen, Han; Fan, Qing; Wang, Zhen; Chen, Jue; Xiao, Zeping


    Eating disorder is culture related, and the clinical symptoms are different between eastern and western patients. So the validity of feeding and eating disorders in the upcoming ICD-11 guide for Chinese patients is unclear. To explore the latent class structure of Chinese patients with eating disorder and the cross-cultural validity of the eating disorder section of the new ICD-11 guide in China. A total of 379 patients with eating disorders at Shanghai Mental Health Center were evaluated using the EDI questionnaire and a questionnaire developed by researchers from 2010 to 2016. SPSS 20.0 was used to enter data and analyze demographic data, and Latent GOLD was employed to conduct latent profile analysis. According to the results of latent profile analysis, patients with eating disorder were divided into five classes: low-weight fasting class (23.1%), non-fat-phobic binge/purge class (21.54%), low-fat-phobic binge class (19.27%), fat-phobic binge class (19.27%), and non-fat-phobic low-weight class (16.76%). Among the clinical symptoms extracted, there were significant differences in Body Mass Index (BMI), binge eating behavior, self-induced vomiting, laxative use and fat-phobic opinion; while there was no significant difference in restrictive food intake. Based on the clinical symptoms, there are five latent classes in Chinese patients with eating disorder, which is in accordance with the diagnostic categories of feeding and eating disorder in ICD-11. However, further work is needed in improving the fat-phobic opinion of patients with eating disorder and clarifying the BMI standard of thinness in the Chinese population.

  7. Application of a latent class analysis to empirically define eating disorder phenotypes. (United States)

    Keel, Pamela K; Fichter, Manfred; Quadflieg, Norbert; Bulik, Cynthia M; Baxter, Mark G; Thornton, Laura; Halmi, Katherine A; Kaplan, Allan S; Strober, Michael; Woodside, D Blake; Crow, Scott J; Mitchell, James E; Rotondo, Alessandro; Mauri, Mauro; Cassano, Giovanni; Treasure, Janet; Goldman, David; Berrettini, Wade H; Kaye, Walter H


    Diagnostic criteria for eating disorders influence how we recognize, research, and treat eating disorders, and empirically valid phenotypes are required for revealing their genetic bases. To empirically define eating disorder phenotypes. Data regarding eating disorder symptoms and features from 1179 individuals with clinically significant eating disorders were submitted to a latent class analysis. The resulting latent classes were compared on non-eating disorder variables in a series of validation analyses. Multinational, collaborative study with cases ascertained through diverse clinical settings (inpatient, outpatient, and community). Members of affected relative pairs recruited for participation in genetic studies of eating disorders in which probands met DSM-IV-TR criteria for anorexia nervosa (AN) or bulimia nervosa and had at least 1 biological relative with a clinically significant eating disorder. Main Outcome Measure Number and clinical characterization of latent classes. A 4-class solution provided the best fit. Latent class 1 (LC1) resembled restricting AN; LC2, AN and bulimia nervosa with the use of multiple methods of purging; LC3, restricting AN without obsessive-compulsive features; and LC4, bulimia nervosa with self-induced vomiting as the sole form of purging. Biological relatives were significantly likely to belong to the same latent class. Across validation analyses, LC2 demonstrated the highest levels of psychological disturbance, and LC3 demonstrated the lowest. The presence of obsessive-compulsive features differentiates among individuals with restricting AN. Similarly, the combination of low weight and multiple methods of purging distinguishes among individuals with binge eating and purging behaviors. These results support some of the distinctions drawn within the DSM-IV-TR among eating disorder subtypes, while introducing new features to define phenotypes.

  8. Diagnóstico y clasificación molecular del virus BK en receptores de trasplante renal


    Riva, Omar; Cobos, Marisa; Raimondi, J. Clemente


    La infección primaria por virus BK ocurre durante la infancia permaneciendo latente en el tracto urogenital. En individuos que presentan alteraciones en la inmunidad celular, el virus se reactiva haciendo posible su detección en orina y sangre. En receptores de trasplante renal, la nefropatía producida por el virus BK puede llevar a la pérdida de la función del injerto. El virus BK es miembro de la familia Polyomaviridae, presenta un genoma de ADN circular doble cadena unido en forma covalent...

  9. Resveratrol Reactivates Latent HIV through Increasing Histone Acetylation and Activating Heat Shock Factor 1. (United States)

    Zeng, Xiaoyun; Pan, Xiaoyan; Xu, Xinfeng; Lin, Jian; Que, Fuchang; Tian, Yuanxin; Li, Lin; Liu, Shuwen


    The persistence of latent HIV reservoirs presents a significant challenge to viral eradication. Effective latency reversing agents (LRAs) based on "shock and kill" strategy are urgently needed. The natural phytoalexin resveratrol has been demonstrated to enhance HIV gene expression, although its mechanism remains unclear. In this study, we demonstrated that resveratrol was able to reactivate latent HIV without global T cell activation in vitro. Mode of action studies showed resveratrol-mediated reactivation from latency did not involve the activation of silent mating type information regulation 2 homologue 1 (SIRT1), which belonged to class-3 histone deacetylase (HDAC). However, latent HIV was reactivated by resveratrol mediated through increasing histone acetylation and activation of heat shock factor 1 (HSF1). Additionally, synergistic activation of the latent HIV reservoirs was observed under cotreatment with resveratrol and conventional LRAs. Collectively, this research reveals that resveratrol is a natural LRA and shows promise for HIV therapy.

  10. Development of molecular tests for the detection of ILAR and latent viruses in fruit trees. (United States)

    Roussel, S; Kummert, J; Dutrecq, O; Lepoivre, P; Jijakli, M H


    The detection throughout the year of latent and ILAR viruses in fruit tress by classical serological tests appear to be unreliable. We have developed RT-PCR tests for a reliable detection of latent and ILAR viruses in fruit trees. These assays were then simplified to allow the direct use of crude plant extracts instead of total RNA preparations, and the analyses of pooled samples. In this way, such RT-PCR protocols are suitable for a routine diagnosis of latent and ILAR viruses in fruit tree certification.

  11. A stable latent reservoir for HIV-1 in resting CD4+ T lymphocytes in infected children (United States)

    Persaud, Deborah; Pierson, Theodore; Ruff, Christian; Finzi, Diana; Chadwick, Karen R.; Margolick, Joseph B.; Ruff, Andrea; Hutton, Nancy; Ray, Stuart; Siliciano, Robert F.


    HIV-1 persists in a latent state in resting CD4+ T lymphocytes of infected adults despite prolonged highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). To determine whether a latent reservoir for HIV-1 exists in infected children, we performed a quantitative viral culture assay on highly purified resting CD4+ T cells from 21 children with perinatally acquired infection. Replication-competent HIV-1 was recovered from all 18 children from whom sufficient cells were obtained. The frequency of latently infected resting CD4+ T cells directly correlated with plasma virus levels, suggesting that in children with ongoing viral replication, most latently infected cells are in the labile preintegration state of latency. However, in each of 7 children who had suppression of viral replication to undetectable levels for 1–3 years on HAART, latent replication-competent HIV-1 persisted with little decay, owing to a stable reservoir of infected cells in the postintegration stage of latency. Drug-resistance mutations generated by previous nonsuppressive regimens persisted in this compartment despite more than 1 year of fully suppressive HAART, rendering untenable the idea of recycling drugs that were part of failed regimens. Thus the latent reservoir for HIV-1 in resting CD4+ T cells will be a major obstacle to HIV-1 eradication in children. PMID:10749578

  12. Parálisis Parcial del Nervio Oculomotor Secundaria a Zoster Sine Herpete: Reporte de Un Caso

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    Oscar L. Rueda O.


    Full Text Available Introducción: Herpes Zoster es la reactivación del Virus Varicela Zóster en los ganglios sensoriales y/o autonómicos, típicamente caracterizado por dolor profundo de distribución dermatómica y erupciones vesiculares en piel. De manera infrecuente, puede presentarse el Zoster Sine Herpete, condición en la cual se presenta la distribución dermatómica del dolor en ausencia de lesiones dérmicas, convirtiendo el diagnóstico en un reto clínico. Caso clínico: Hombre de 69 años con dolor periorbitario, epifora, ptosis y pérdida de la aducción del ojo derecho. Los estudios imagenológicos y de laboratorio fueron normales, descartando así las principales causas de parálisis del nervio oculomotor. Se hizo diagnóstico presuntivo de Zoster Sine Herpete y se inició prueba terapéutica con valaciclovir, observándose resolución total de la sintomatología seis semanas después. Discusión: Este caso puede ser el primero en describir una parálisis parcial dolorosa del nervio oculomotor como única manifestación clínica de la reactivación del Virus Varicela Zóster y busca alertar al personal médico sobre una enfermedad latente que hace de sus reapariciones una gama de presentaciones no siempre fáciles de identificar.

  13. Cooperación inter-empresarial como estrategia competitiva de las PYME del estado Mérida (Venezuela

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    Marlene Peñaloza


    Full Text Available La importancia de las estrategias cooperativas en la competitividad de las empresas es creciente. El propósito del artículo es analizar la cooperación inter-empresarial como estrategia competitiva de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME del estado Mérida - Venezuela, examinando factores que influyen en la misma, como tamaño de la empresa, nivel educativo del gerente, innovación y posición competitiva. Al efecto, se plantearon 4 hipótesis de trabajo. La población en estudio fue de 18.994 empresas. El diseño muestral utilizado es el muestreo aleatorio estratificado con afijacion proporcional por costos, con un error de estimación del ±5,7% y un nivel de confianza de 95%. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 226 empresas de los sectores industrial, construcción, comercial y servicios. Como instrumento de recolección de información se emplea un cuestionario de treinta (30 preguntas realizada a propietarios/gerentes. Los resultados se analizaron mediante el modelo de clases latentes (MCL. Los hallazgos revelan influencia de los factores precitados en la conformación de acuerdos y/o diferencias y similitudes entre empresas con alianza y sin alianza. Entre las conclusiones destacan baja propensión a las alianzas, carácter inicial del proceso, siendo la pequeña empresa del sector servicios la más proclive a seguir esta estrategia.

  14. A Latent Class Regression Analysis of Men's Conformity to Masculine Norms and Psychological Distress (United States)

    Wong, Y. Joel; Owen, Jesse; Shea, Munyi


    How are specific dimensions of masculinity related to psychological distress in specific groups of men? To address this question, the authors used latent class regression to assess the optimal number of latent classes that explained differential relationships between conformity to masculine norms and psychological distress in a racially diverse…

  15. Latent class analysis of the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale symptoms in obsessive-compulsive disorder. (United States)

    Delucchi, Kevin L; Katerberg, Hilga; Stewart, S Evelyn; Denys, Damiaan A J P; Lochner, Christine; Stack, Denise E; den Boer, Johan A; van Balkom, Anton J L M; Jenike, Michael A; Stein, Dan J; Cath, Danielle C; Mathews, Carol A


    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is phenomenologically heterogeneous, and findings of underlying structure classification based on symptom grouping have been ambiguous to date. Variable-centered approaches, primarily factor analysis, have been used to identify homogeneous groups of symptoms; but person-centered latent methods have seen little use. This study was designed to uncover sets of homogeneous groupings within 1611 individuals with OCD based on symptoms. Latent class analysis models using 61 obsessive-compulsive symptoms collected from the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale were fit. Relationships between latent class membership and treatment response, sex, symptom severity, and comorbid tic disorders were tested for relationship to class membership. Latent class analysis models of best fit yielded 3 classes. Classes differed only in frequency of symptom endorsement. Classes with higher symptom endorsement were associated with earlier age of onset, being male, higher Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale symptom severity scores, and comorbid tic disorders. There were no differences in treatment response between classes. These results provide support for the validity of a single underlying latent OCD construct, in addition to the distinct symptom factors identified previously via factor analyses. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. New approaches for examining associations with latent categorical variables: applications to substance abuse and aggression. (United States)

    Feingold, Alan; Tiberio, Stacey S; Capaldi, Deborah M


    Assessments of substance use behaviors often include categorical variables that are frequently related to other measures using logistic regression or chi-square analysis. When the categorical variable is latent (e.g., extracted from a latent class analysis [LCA]), classification of observations is often used to create an observed nominal variable from the latent one for use in a subsequent analysis. However, recent simulation studies have found that this classical 3-step analysis championed by the pioneers of LCA produces underestimates of the associations of latent classes with other variables. Two preferable but underused alternatives for examining such linkages-each of which is most appropriate under certain conditions-are (a) 3-step analysis, which corrects the underestimation bias of the classical approach, and (b) 1-step analysis. The purpose of this article is to dissuade researchers from conducting classical 3-step analysis and to promote the use of the 2 newer approaches that are described and compared. In addition, the applications of these newer models-for use when the independent, the dependent, or both categorical variables are latent-are illustrated through substantive analyses relating classes of substance abusers to classes of intimate partner aggressors.

  17. Effect of acycloguanosine treatment of acute and latent herpes simplex infections in mice. (United States)

    Field, H J; Bell, S E; Elion, G B; Nash, A A; Wildy, P


    Systemic treatment of mice with the nucleoside analog 9-(2-hydroxyethoxymethyl)guanine (acycloguanosine [aciclovir]) was found to be highly effective against acute type 1 herpes simplex virus infection of the pinna. The drug ablated clinical signs and reduced virus replication both in tissue local to the inoculation site and within the nervous system. Provided that moderate-sized virus inocula were used, acycloguanosine treatment reduced or prevented the establishment of a latent infection in the dorsal root ganglia relating to the sensory nerve supply of the ear. However, although it aborted artificially produced infections in dorsal root ganglia, acycloguanosine was found not to be effective against the latent infection once established. This finding strongly indicated that latent herpes simplex virus in mice can exist in a nonreplicating form.

  18. A Framework for Reproducible Latent Fingerprint Enhancements. (United States)

    Carasso, Alfred S


    Photoshop processing of latent fingerprints is the preferred methodology among law enforcement forensic experts, but that appproach is not fully reproducible and may lead to questionable enhancements. Alternative, independent, fully reproducible enhancements, using IDL Histogram Equalization and IDL Adaptive Histogram Equalization, can produce better-defined ridge structures, along with considerable background information. Applying a systematic slow motion smoothing procedure to such IDL enhancements, based on the rapid FFT solution of a Lévy stable fractional diffusion equation, can attenuate background detail while preserving ridge information. The resulting smoothed latent print enhancements are comparable to, but distinct from, forensic Photoshop images suitable for input into automated fingerprint identification systems, (AFIS). In addition, this progressive smoothing procedure can be reexamined by displaying the suite of progressively smoother IDL images. That suite can be stored, providing an audit trail that allows monitoring for possible loss of useful information, in transit to the user-selected optimal image. Such independent and fully reproducible enhancements provide a valuable frame of reference that may be helpful in informing, complementing, and possibly validating the forensic Photoshop methodology.

  19. Latent heat of traffic moving from rest (United States)

    Farzad Ahmadi, S.; Berrier, Austin S.; Doty, William M.; Greer, Pat G.; Habibi, Mohammad; Morgan, Hunter A.; Waterman, Josam H. C.; Abaid, Nicole; Boreyko, Jonathan B.


    Contrary to traditional thinking and driver intuition, here we show that there is no benefit to ground vehicles increasing their packing density at stoppages. By systematically controlling the packing density of vehicles queued at a traffic light on a Smart Road, drone footage revealed that the benefit of an initial increase in displacement for close-packed vehicles is completely offset by the lag time inherent to changing back into a ‘liquid phase’ when flow resumes. This lag is analogous to the thermodynamic concept of the latent heat of fusion, as the ‘temperature’ (kinetic energy) of the vehicles cannot increase until the traffic ‘melts’ into the liquid phase. These findings suggest that in situations where gridlock is not an issue, drivers should not decrease their spacing during stoppages in order to lessen the likelihood of collisions with no loss in flow efficiency. In contrast, motion capture experiments of a line of people walking from rest showed higher flow efficiency with increased packing densities, indicating that the importance of latent heat becomes trivial for slower moving systems.

  20. Lanthanide mixed ligand chelates for DNA profiling and latent fingerprint detection (United States)

    Menzel, E. R.; Allred, Clay


    It is our aim to develop a universally applicable latent fingerprint detection method using lanthanide (rare-earth) complexes as a source of luminescence. Use of these lanthanide complexes offers advantages on several fronts, including benefits from large Stokes shifts, long luminescence lifetimes, narrow emissions, ability of sequential assembly of complexes, and chemical variability of the ligands. Proper exploitation of these advantages would lead to a latent fingerprint detection method superior to any currently available. These same characteristics also lend themselves to many of the problems associated with DNA processing in the forensic science context.

  1. Age is associated with latent tuberculosis in nurses

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    Naesinee Chaiear


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate risk factors for developing latent tuberculosis (LTB in Thai nurses. Methods: A comparison study was conducted at Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen, Thailand. Clinical factors were compared between persons with tuberculin conversion and those without tuberculin conversion identified by tuberculin skin test. Results: There were 173 eligible persons with the LTB (34.7%. There were five workplaces where participants worked regularly including the general ward, surgical ward, pediatric ward, medical ward and critical care ward. In a multivariate model, two factors were significantly associated with LTB including age and history of tuberculosis in colleagues. The adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval of both variables were 1.056 (1.004–1.104 and 0.202 (0.044– 0.941. Conclusions: Older age is associated with latent tuberculosis in nurses. LTB should be screened routinely and treated if diagnosed for nurses.

  2. When do latent class models overstate accuracy for diagnostic and other classifiers in the absence of a gold standard? (United States)

    Spencer, Bruce D


    Latent class models are increasingly used to assess the accuracy of medical diagnostic tests and other classifications when no gold standard is available and the true state is unknown. When the latent class is treated as the true class, the latent class models provide measures of components of accuracy including specificity and sensitivity and their complements, type I and type II error rates. The error rates according to the latent class model differ from the true error rates, however, and empirical comparisons with a gold standard suggest the true error rates often are larger. We investigate conditions under which the true type I and type II error rates are larger than those provided by the latent class models. Results from Uebersax (1988, Psychological Bulletin 104, 405-416) are extended to accommodate random effects and covariates affecting the responses. The results are important for interpreting the results of latent class analyses. An error decomposition is presented that incorporates an error component from invalidity of the latent class model. © 2011, The International Biometric Society.

  3. The application of seasonal latent variable in forecasting electricity demand as an alternative method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sumer, Kutluk Kagan; Goktas, Ozlem; Hepsag, Aycan


    In this study, we used ARIMA, seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) and alternatively the regression model with seasonal latent variable in forecasting electricity demand by using data that belongs to 'Kayseri and Vicinity Electricity Joint-Stock Company' over the 1997:1-2005:12 periods. This study tries to examine the advantages of forecasting with ARIMA, SARIMA methods and with the model has seasonal latent variable to each other. The results support that ARIMA and SARIMA models are unsuccessful in forecasting electricity demand. The regression model with seasonal latent variable used in this study gives more successful results than ARIMA and SARIMA models because also this model can consider seasonal fluctuations and structural breaks

  4. Latent tuberculosis in HIV positive, diagnosed by the M. tuberculosis specific interferon-gamma test

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brock, Inger; Ruhwald, Morten; Lundgren, Bettina


    Although tuberculosis (TB) is a minor problem in Denmark, severe and complicated cases occur in HIV positive. Since the new M. tuberculosis specific test for latent TB, the QuantiFERON-TB In-Tube test (QFT-IT) became available the patients in our clinic have been screened for the presence of latent...

  5. Recovery of latent fingerprints and DNA on human skin. (United States)

    Färber, Doris; Seul, Andrea; Weisser, Hans-Joachim; Bohnert, Michael


    The project "Latent Fingerprints and DNA on Human Skin" was the first systematic research in Europe dealing with detection of fingerprints and DNA left by offenders on the skin of corpses. One thousand samples gave results that allow general statements on the materials and methods used. The tests were carried out according to a uniform trial structure. Fingerprints were deposited by natural donors on corpses. The latent fingerprints were treated with magnetic powder or black fingerprint powder. Afterward, they were lifted with silicone casting material (Isomark(®)) or gelatine foil. All lifts were swabbed to recover DNA. It was possible to visualize comparable and identifiable fingerprints on the skin of corpses (16%). In the same categories, magnetic powder (18.4%) yielded better results than black fingerprint powder (13.6%). The number of comparable and identifiable fingerprints decreased on the lifts (12.7%). Isomark(®) (14.9%) was the better lifting material in comparison with gelatine foil (10.1%). In one-third of the samples, DNA could be extracted from the powdered and lifted latents. Black fingerprint powder delivered the better result with a rate of 2.2% for full DNA profiles and profiles useful for exclusion in comparison with 1.8% for the magnetic powder traces. Isomark(®) (3.1%) yielded better results than gelatine foil (0.6%). © 2010 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  6. Latent cooling and microphysics effects in deep convection (United States)

    Fernández-González, S.; Wang, P. K.; Gascón, E.; Valero, F.; Sánchez, J. L.


    Water phase changes within a storm are responsible for the enhancement of convection and therefore the elongation of its lifespan. Specifically, latent cooling absorbed during evaporation, melting and sublimation is considered the main cause of the intensification of downdrafts. In order to know more accurately the consequences of latent cooling caused by each of these processes (together with microphysical effects that they induce), four simulations were developed with the Wisconsin Dynamical and Microphysical Model (WISCDYMM): one with all the microphysical processes; other without sublimation; melting was suppressed in the third simulation; and evaporation was disabled in the fourth. The results show that sublimation cooling is not essential to maintain the vertical currents of the storm. This is demonstrated by the fact that in the simulation without sublimation, maximum updrafts are in the same range as in the control simulation, and the storm lifespan is similar or even longer. However, melting was of vital importance. The storm in the simulation without melting dissipated prematurely, demonstrating that melting is indispensable to the enhancement of downdrafts below the freezing level and for avoiding the collapse of low level updrafts. Perhaps the most important finding is the crucial influence of evaporative cooling above the freezing level that maintains and enhances mid-level downdrafts in the storm. It is believed that this latent cooling comes from the evaporation of supercooled liquid water connected with the Bergeron-Findeisen process. Therefore, besides its influence at low levels (which was already well known), this evaporative cooling is essential to strengthen mid-level downdrafts and ultimately achieve a quasi-steady state.

  7. Una aproximación al significado biológico del polimorfismo del Complejo Mayor de Histocompatibilidad. El modelo de la asociación HLA y ARJ

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    Gloria Garavito


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Llevar a cabo una actualización del estado del arte acerca del significado biológico del polimorfismo del sistema genético Complejo Mayor de Histocompatibilidad (CMH. Revisar la literatura relacionada con la asociación de los antígenos de histocompatibilidad en el humano (HLA y la susceptibilidad o resistencia al desarrollo de la artritis reumatoidea juvenil (ARJ. Presentar un modelo hipotético para la comprensión de la susceptibilidad genética a desarrollar ARJ. Fuente de datos. Las referencia bibliográficas que soportan este artículo se obtuvieron a través de búsquedas en las siguientes bases de datos: Pubmed, Ovid, Ebsco. Inicialmente se encontraron 139 artículos, de los cuales se seleccionaron 75. Se incluyó también información del desarrollo de un proyecto de investigación de nuestro grupo, «Polimorfismo molecular de los antígenos HLA en ARJ» (cod. Colciencias 1215-04-280-96. Resultados. L artritis reumatoidea juvenil (ARJ es la enfermedad más común en la práctica reumatológica pediátrica y la menos estudiada inmunogenéticamente. A diferencia de la artritis reumatoide (AR del adulto, la ARJ tiene ciertas variantes clínicas, lo que la hace más interesante desde el punto de vista genético (fenotipos. En su etiopatogenia se han identificado varios factores que en su conjunto explicarían el inicio y la perpetuación de la respuesta inflamatoria que afecta las articulaciones y tejidos vecinos, y que de no ser controlados llegan a destruirlos, tal como sucede en otras enfermedades autoinmunes. La patogénesis de la enfermedad puede determinarse por alteraciones a nivel de complejo trimolecular, constituido por un antígeno putativo, el receptor de linfocitos T y el Complejo Mayor de Histocompatibilidad (CMH. Nuestro grupo durante los últimos 4 años ha estado estudiando la asociación entre ARJ y el polimorfismo de los alelos HLA DRB1* y DQB1* en niños mestizos de nuestro país. Los resultados son

  8. Managerial performance and cost efficiency of Japanese local public hospitals: a latent class stochastic frontier model. (United States)

    Besstremyannaya, Galina


    The paper explores the link between managerial performance and cost efficiency of 617 Japanese general local public hospitals in 1999-2007. Treating managerial performance as unobservable heterogeneity, the paper employs a panel data stochastic cost frontier model with latent classes. Financial parameters associated with better managerial performance are found to be positively significant in explaining the probability of belonging to the more efficient latent class. The analysis of latent class membership was consistent with the conjecture that unobservable technological heterogeneity reflected in the existence of the latent classes is related to managerial performance. The findings may support the cause for raising efficiency of Japanese local public hospitals by enhancing the quality of management. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  9. Upper atmosphere tidal oscillations due to latent heat release in the tropical troposphere

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    J. M. Forbes


    Full Text Available Latent heat release associated with tropical deep convective activity is investigated as a source for migrating (sun-synchronous diurnal and semidiurnal tidal oscillations in the 80–150-km height region. Satellite-based cloud brightness temperature measurements made between 1988 and 1994 and averaged into 3-h bins are used to determine the annual- and longitude-average local-time distribution of rainfall rate, and hence latent heating, between ±40° latitude. Regional average rainfall rates are shown to be in good agreement with climatological values derived from surface rain gauge data. A global linearized wave model is used to estimate the corresponding atmospheric perturbations in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere (80–150 km resulting from upward-propagating tidal components excited by the latent heating. The annual-average migrating diurnal and semidiurnal components achieve velocity and temperature amplitudes of order 10–20 m s–1 and 5–10 K, respectively, which represent substantial contributions to the dynamics of the region. The latent heat forcing also shifts the phase (local solar time of maximum of the semidiurnal surface pressure oscillation from 0912 to 0936 h, much closer to the observed value of 0944 h.

  10. Detection of latent prints by Raman imaging (United States)

    Lewis, Linda Anne [Andersonville, TN; Connatser, Raynella Magdalene [Knoxville, TN; Lewis, Sr., Samuel Arthur


    The present invention relates to a method for detecting a print on a surface, the method comprising: (a) contacting the print with a Raman surface-enhancing agent to produce a Raman-enhanced print; and (b) detecting the Raman-enhanced print using a Raman spectroscopic method. The invention is particularly directed to the imaging of latent fingerprints.

  11. Estudio del virus JC, agente causal de la leucoencafalopatía multifocal progresiva, en pacientes de esclerosis múltiple recurrente-remitente tratados con Natalizumab


    Domínguez Mozo, María Inmaculada


    La esclerosis múltiple (EM) es una enfermedad desmielinizante inflamatoria crónica que afecta al sistema nervioso central (SNC) y cuyo origen es presumiblemente autoinmune, siendo en los países desarrollados la segunda causa de discapacidad entre personas jóvenes después de los accidentes de tráfico. Durante los últimos años se han desarrollado, o actualmente están en ensayo clínico, una gran cantidad de fármacos para tratar esta patología. Entre todos ellos cabe destacar natalizumab, u...

  12. Proliferation of latently infected CD4+ T cells carrying replication-competent HIV-1: Potential role in latent reservoir dynamics (United States)

    Hosmane, Nina N.; Kwon, Kyungyoon J.; Bruner, Katherine M.; Capoferri, Adam A.; Rosenbloom, Daniel I.S.; Keele, Brandon F.; Ho, Ya-Chi


    A latent reservoir for HIV-1 in resting CD4+ T lymphocytes precludes cure. Mechanisms underlying reservoir stability are unclear. Recent studies suggest an unexpected degree of infected cell proliferation in vivo. T cell activation drives proliferation but also reverses latency, resulting in productive infection that generally leads to cell death. In this study, we show that latently infected cells can proliferate in response to mitogens without producing virus, generating progeny cells that can release infectious virus. Thus, assays relying on one round of activation underestimate reservoir size. Sequencing of independent clonal isolates of replication-competent virus revealed that 57% had env sequences identical to other isolates from the same patient. Identity was confirmed by full-genome sequencing and was not attributable to limited viral diversity. Phylogenetic and statistical analysis suggested that identical sequences arose from in vivo proliferation of infected cells, rather than infection of multiple cells by a dominant viral species. The possibility that much of the reservoir arises by cell proliferation presents challenges to cure. PMID:28341641

  13. Proliferation of latently infected CD4+ T cells carrying replication-competent HIV-1: Potential role in latent reservoir dynamics. (United States)

    Hosmane, Nina N; Kwon, Kyungyoon J; Bruner, Katherine M; Capoferri, Adam A; Beg, Subul; Rosenbloom, Daniel I S; Keele, Brandon F; Ho, Ya-Chi; Siliciano, Janet D; Siliciano, Robert F


    A latent reservoir for HIV-1 in resting CD4 + T lymphocytes precludes cure. Mechanisms underlying reservoir stability are unclear. Recent studies suggest an unexpected degree of infected cell proliferation in vivo. T cell activation drives proliferation but also reverses latency, resulting in productive infection that generally leads to cell death. In this study, we show that latently infected cells can proliferate in response to mitogens without producing virus, generating progeny cells that can release infectious virus. Thus, assays relying on one round of activation underestimate reservoir size. Sequencing of independent clonal isolates of replication-competent virus revealed that 57% had env sequences identical to other isolates from the same patient. Identity was confirmed by full-genome sequencing and was not attributable to limited viral diversity. Phylogenetic and statistical analysis suggested that identical sequences arose from in vivo proliferation of infected cells, rather than infection of multiple cells by a dominant viral species. The possibility that much of the reservoir arises by cell proliferation presents challenges to cure. © 2017 Hosmane et al.

  14. Longitudinal mixed-effects models for latent cognitive function

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Hout, Ardo; Fox, Gerardus J.A.; Muniz-Terrera, Graciela


    A mixed-effects regression model with a bent-cable change-point predictor is formulated to describe potential decline of cognitive function over time in the older population. For the individual trajectories, cognitive function is considered to be a latent variable measured through an item response

  15. Evaluation of AFIS-Ranked latent fingerprint matched templates

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Krish, Ram P.; Fierrez, Julian; Ramos, Daniel; Veldhuis, Raymond N.J.; Wang, Ruifang; Klette, Reinhard; Rivera, Mariano; Satoh, Shin'ichi


    The methodology currently practiced in latent print examination (known as ACE-V) yields only a decision as result, namely individualization, exclusion or inconclusive. From such a decision, it is not possible to express the strength of opinion of a forensic examiner quantitatively with a scientific

  16. When Factorization Meets Heterogeneous Latent Topics:An Interpretable Cross-Site Recommendation Framework

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    辛欣; 林钦佑; 魏骁驰; 黄河燕


    Data sparsity is a well-known challenge in recommender systems. Previous studies alleviate this problem by incorporating the information within the corresponding social media site. In this paper, we solve this challenge by exploring cross-site information. Specifically, we examine: 1) how to effectively and efficiently utilize cross-site ratings and content features to improve recommendation performance and 2) how to make the recommendation interpretable by utilizing content features. We propose a joint model of matrix factorization and latent topic analysis. Heterogeneous content features are modeled by multiple kinds of latent topics. In addition, the combination of matrix factorization and latent topics makes the recommendation result interpretable. Therefore, the above two issues are simultaneously solved. Through a real-world dataset, where user behaviors in three social media sites are collected, we demonstrate that the proposed model is effective in improving recommendation performance and interpreting the rationale of ratings.

  17. Confirmación de un modelo explicativo del estrés y de los síntomas psicosomáticos mediante ecuaciones estructurales Confirmation of a descriptive model of stress and psychosomatic symptoms using structural equations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mónica Teresa González Ramírez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar mediante ecuaciones estructurales un modelo del estrés que integra la explicación de los síntomas psicosomáticos y la teoría transaccional del estrés. MÉTODOS: Se seleccionó una muestra representativa, aleatoria y estratificada de estudiantes de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México. Los sujetos se seleccionaron a partir del listado de alumnos proporcionado por la facultad. Se utilizaron cuestionarios de autoevaluación con adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para valorar cada una de las variables incluidas en el modelo. Los resultados se analizaron con el programa AMOS 5.0, empleando el método de máxima verosimilitud. Asimismo, se compararon el modelo estructural con variables observables y un modelo con variables latentes endógenas. RESULTADOS:Los resultados obtenidos confirman parcialmente el modelo presentado y corroboran los efectos del estrés y el cansancio emocional sobre los síntomas psicosomáticos, y de la autoestima, la autoeficacia y el apoyo social sobre el estrés. El modelo con variables observables (c²/gl = 2,87; GFI (índice de bondad del ajuste = 0,985; AGFI (índice de bondad de ajuste corregido = 0,946; RMSEA (error de aproximación cuadrático medio = 0,072; IFI (índice de ajuste incremental = 0,982 tiene mejor ajuste que el modelo con variables latentes (c²/gl = 3,74; GFI = 0,924; AGFI = 0,876; RMSEA = 0,09, IFI = 0,927. En ambos casos, el ajuste es adecuado. CONCLUSIONES:El modelo presentado constituye el principal aporte de este trabajo. Se trata de un modelo explicativo de síntomas psicosomáticos, con buen ajuste, que explica el 24,3% de la varianza al utilizar variables observables y el 39,4% al utilizar variables latentes.OBJECTIVES:To evaluate a descriptive model of stress that integrates an explanation of psychosomatic symptoms with the transactional theory of stress. METHODS:A random and stratified representative sample was selected from

  18. Extending dynamic segmentation with lead generation : A latent class Markov analysis of financial product portfolios

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Paas, L.J.; Bijmolt, T.H.A.; Vermunt, J.K.


    A recent development in marketing research concerns the incorporation of dynamics in consumer segmentation.This paper extends the latent class Markov model, a suitable technique for conducting dynamic segmentation, in order to facilitate lead generation.We demonstrate the application of the latent

  19. Space Flight-Induced Reactivation of Latent Epstein-Barr Virus (United States)

    Stowe, Raymond P.; Barrett, Alan D. T.; Pierson, Duane L.


    Reactivation of latent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) may be an important threat to crew health during extended space missions. Decreased cellular immune function has been reported both during and after space flight. Preliminary studies have demonstrated increased EBV shedding in saliva as well as increased antibody titers to EBV lytic proteins. We hypothesize that the combined effects of microgravity along with associated physical and psychological stress will decrease EBV-specific T-cell immunity and reactivate latent EBV in infected B-lymphocytes. If increased virus production and clonal expansion of infected B-lymphocytes are detected, then pharmacological measures can be developed and instituted prior to onset of overt clinical disease. More importantly, we will begin to understand the basic mechanisms involved in stress-induced reactivation of EBV in circulating B-lymphocytes.

  20. Transcriptional Reprogramming during Effector-to-Memory Transition Renders CD4+ T Cells Permissive for Latent HIV-1 Infection. (United States)

    Shan, Liang; Deng, Kai; Gao, Hongbo; Xing, Sifei; Capoferri, Adam A; Durand, Christine M; Rabi, S Alireza; Laird, Gregory M; Kim, Michelle; Hosmane, Nina N; Yang, Hung-Chih; Zhang, Hao; Margolick, Joseph B; Li, Linghua; Cai, Weiping; Ke, Ruian; Flavell, Richard A; Siliciano, Janet D; Siliciano, Robert F


    The latent reservoir for HIV-1 in resting memory CD4 + T cells is the major barrier to curing HIV-1 infection. Studies of HIV-1 latency have focused on regulation of viral gene expression in cells in which latent infection is established. However, it remains unclear how infection initially becomes latent. Here we described a unique set of properties of CD4 + T cells undergoing effector-to-memory transition including temporary upregulation of CCR5 expression and rapid downregulation of cellular gene transcription. These cells allowed completion of steps in the HIV-1 life cycle through integration but suppressed HIV-1 gene transcription, thus allowing the establishment of latency. CD4 + T cells in this stage were substantially more permissive for HIV-1 latent infection than other CD4 + T cells. Establishment of latent HIV-1 infection in CD4 + T could be inhibited by viral-specific CD8 + T cells, a result with implications for elimination of latent HIV-1 infection by T cell-based vaccines. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  1. Effect of Acycloguanosine Treatment on Acute and Latent Herpes Simplex Infections in Mice (United States)

    Field, Hugh J.; Bell, Susanne E.; Elion, Gertrude B.; Nash, Anthony A.; Wildy, Peter


    Systemic treatment of mice with the nucleoside analog 9-(2-hydroxyethoxymethyl)guanine (acycloguanosine [aciclovir]) was found to be highly effective against acute type 1 herpes simplex virus infection of the pinna. The drug ablated clinical signs and reduced virus replication both in tissue local to the inoculation site and within the nervous system. Provided that moderate-sized virus inocula were used, acycloguanosine treatment reduced or prevented the establishment of a latent infection in the dorsal root ganglia relating to the sensory nerve supply of the ear. However, although it aborted artificially produced infections in dorsal root ganglia, acycloguanosine was found not to be effective against the latent infection once established. This finding strongly indicated that latent herpes simplex virus in mice can exist in a nonreplicating form. PMID:464587

  2. Automatic sleep classification using a data-driven topic model reveals latent sleep states

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koch, Henriette; Christensen, Julie Anja Engelhard; Frandsen, Rune


    Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Model application was tested on control subjects and patients with periodic leg movements (PLM) representing a non-neurodegenerative group, and patients with idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder (iRBD) and Parkinson's Disease (PD) representing a neurodegenerative group......Background: The golden standard for sleep classification uses manual scoring of polysomnography despite points of criticism such as oversimplification, low inter-rater reliability and the standard being designed on young and healthy subjects. New method: To meet the criticism and reveal the latent...... sleep states, this study developed a general and automatic sleep classifier using a data-driven approach. Spectral EEG and EOG measures and eye correlation in 1 s windows were calculated and each sleep epoch was expressed as a mixture of probabilities of latent sleep states by using the topic model...

  3. Failure of PCR to Detect Treponema pallidum ssp. pertenue DNA in Blood in Latent Yaws.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Marks

    Full Text Available Yaws, caused by Treponema pallidum ssp. pertenue, is a neglected tropical disease closely related to venereal syphilis and is targeted for eradication by 2020. Latent yaws represents a diagnostic challenge, and current tools cannot adequately distinguish between individuals with true latent infection and individuals who are serofast following successful treatment. PCR on blood has previously been shown to detect T. pallidum DNA in patients with syphilis, suggesting that this approach may be of value in yaws. We performed real-time PCR for Treponema pallidum ssp. pertenue on blood samples from 140 children with positive T. pallidum Particle Agglutination (TPPA and Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR tests and 7 controls (negative serology, all collected as part of a prospective study of yaws in the Solomon Islands. All samples were also tested by a nested PCR for T. pallidum. 12 patients had clinical evidence of active yaws whilst 128 were considered to have latent yaws. 43 children had high titre rapid plasma reagins (RPRs of ≥1:32. PCR testing with both assays gave negative results in all cases. It is possible that the failure to detect T. pallidum ssp. pertenue in blood reflects lower loads of organism in latent yaws compared to those in latent infection with T. pallidum ssp. pertenue, and/or a lower propensity for haematogenous dissemination in yaws than in syphilis. As the goal of the yaws control programme is eradication, a tool that can differentiate true latent infection from individuals who are serofast would be of value; however, PCR of blood is not that tool.

  4. Failure of PCR to Detect Treponema pallidum ssp. pertenue DNA in Blood in Latent Yaws. (United States)

    Marks, Michael; Katz, Samantha; Chi, Kai-Hua; Vahi, Ventis; Sun, Yongcheng; Mabey, David C; Solomon, Anthony W; Chen, Cheng Y; Pillay, Allan


    Yaws, caused by Treponema pallidum ssp. pertenue, is a neglected tropical disease closely related to venereal syphilis and is targeted for eradication by 2020. Latent yaws represents a diagnostic challenge, and current tools cannot adequately distinguish between individuals with true latent infection and individuals who are serofast following successful treatment. PCR on blood has previously been shown to detect T. pallidum DNA in patients with syphilis, suggesting that this approach may be of value in yaws. We performed real-time PCR for Treponema pallidum ssp. pertenue on blood samples from 140 children with positive T. pallidum Particle Agglutination (TPPA) and Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) tests and 7 controls (negative serology), all collected as part of a prospective study of yaws in the Solomon Islands. All samples were also tested by a nested PCR for T. pallidum. 12 patients had clinical evidence of active yaws whilst 128 were considered to have latent yaws. 43 children had high titre rapid plasma reagins (RPRs) of ≥1:32. PCR testing with both assays gave negative results in all cases. It is possible that the failure to detect T. pallidum ssp. pertenue in blood reflects lower loads of organism in latent yaws compared to those in latent infection with T. pallidum ssp. pertenue, and/or a lower propensity for haematogenous dissemination in yaws than in syphilis. As the goal of the yaws control programme is eradication, a tool that can differentiate true latent infection from individuals who are serofast would be of value; however, PCR of blood is not that tool.

  5. The epigenetic landscape of latent Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus genomes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Günther

    Full Text Available Herpesvirus latency is generally thought to be governed by epigenetic modifications, but the dynamics of viral chromatin at early timepoints of latent infection are poorly understood. Here, we report a comprehensive spatial and temporal analysis of DNA methylation and histone modifications during latent infection with Kaposi Sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV, the etiologic agent of Kaposi Sarcoma and primary effusion lymphoma (PEL. By use of high resolution tiling microarrays in conjunction with immunoprecipitation of methylated DNA (MeDIP or modified histones (chromatin IP, ChIP, our study revealed highly distinct landscapes of epigenetic modifications associated with latent KSHV infection in several tumor-derived cell lines as well as de novo infected endothelial cells. We find that KSHV genomes are subject to profound methylation at CpG dinucleotides, leading to the establishment of characteristic global DNA methylation patterns. However, such patterns evolve slowly and thus are unlikely to control early latency. In contrast, we observed that latency-specific histone modification patterns were rapidly established upon a de novo infection. Our analysis furthermore demonstrates that such patterns are not characterized by the absence of activating histone modifications, as H3K9/K14-ac and H3K4-me3 marks were prominently detected at several loci, including the promoter of the lytic cycle transactivator Rta. While these regions were furthermore largely devoid of the constitutive heterochromatin marker H3K9-me3, we observed rapid and widespread deposition of H3K27-me3 across latent KSHV genomes, a bivalent modification which is able to repress transcription in spite of the simultaneous presence of activating marks. Our findings suggest that the modification patterns identified here induce a poised state of repression during viral latency, which can be rapidly reversed once the lytic cycle is induced.

  6. High-temperature thermocline TES combining sensible and latent heat - CFD modeling and experimental validation (United States)

    Zavattoni, Simone A.; Geissbühler, Lukas; Barbato, Maurizio C.; Zanganeh, Giw; Haselbacher, Andreas; Steinfeld, Aldo


    The concept of combined sensible/latent heat thermal energy storage (TES) has been exploited to mitigate an intrinsic thermocline TES systems drawback of heat transfer fluid outflow temperature reduction during discharging. In this study, the combined sensible/latent TES prototype under investigation is constituted by a packed bed of rocks and a small amount of encapsulated phase change material (AlSi12) as sensible heat and latent heat sections respectively. The thermo-fluid dynamics behavior of the combined TES prototype was analyzed by means of a computational fluid dynamics approach. Due to the small value of the characteristic vessel-to-particles diameter ratio, the effect of radial void-fraction variation, also known as channeling, was accounted for. Both the sensible and the latent heat sections of the storage were modeled as porous media under the assumption of local thermal non-equilibrium (LTNE). The commercial code ANSYS Fluent 15.0 was used to solve the model's constitutive conservation and transport equations obtaining a fairly good agreement with reference experimental measurements.

  7. Prognostic factors for tuberculosis development in children with latent tuberculous infection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. V. Korneva


    Full Text Available Goal of the study: to detect specific immune response in children with latent tuberculous infection and define factors to forecast the development of the active disease in this group.Materials and methods. The changes in clinical, X-ray and immunological data were analyzed in 127 children when latent tuberculous infection was diagnosed and after 12 months of follow-up. The number of immunological tests was done for evaluation of humoral and cellular immunity in those suffering from latent tuberculous infection and active disease.Results. The obtained results showed high negative prognostic relevance of exposure to tuberculosis, concurrent disease, refusal to have preventive treatment and low efficiency of short-course preventive treatment, specific features of humoral and cellular immunity were defined which could be used as additional forecasting criteria for active tuberculosis development in children with latent tuberculous infection. 

  8. Reactivation of latent HIV-1 by new semi-synthetic ingenol esters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pandeló José, Diego [Departamento de Genética, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 21941-902 (Brazil); Bartholomeeusen, Koen [Department of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology, University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94143-0703 (United States); Delveccio da Cunha, Rodrigo; Abreu, Celina Monteiro [Departamento de Genética, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 21941-902 (Brazil); Glinski, Jan [PlantaAnalytica LLC, Danbury, CT 06810 (United States); Barbizan Ferreira da Costa, Thais; Bacchi Rabay, Ana Flávia Mello; Pianowski Filho, Luiz Francisco [Kyolab Laboratories, Valinhos, São Paulo 13273-105 (Brazil); Dudycz, Lech W. [Lex Company Research Laboratories, Shirley 01464, MA (United States); Ranga, Udaykumar [Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru 560064 (India); Peterlin, Boris Matija [Department of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology, University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94143-0703 (United States); Pianowski, Luiz Francisco [Kyolab Laboratories, Valinhos, São Paulo 13273-105 (Brazil); Tanuri, Amilcar [Departamento de Genética, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 21941-902 (Brazil); Aguiar, Renato Santana, E-mail: [Departamento de Genética, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 21941-902 (Brazil)


    The ability of HIV to establish long-lived latent infection is mainly due to transcriptional silencing of viral genome in resting memory T lymphocytes. Here, we show that new semi-synthetic ingenol esters reactivate latent HIV reservoirs. Amongst the tested compounds, 3-caproyl-ingenol (ING B) was more potent in reactivating latent HIV than known activators such as SAHA, ingenol 3,20-dibenzoate, TNF-α, PMA and HMBA. ING B activated PKC isoforms followed by NF-κB nuclear translocation. As virus reactivation is dependent on intact NF-κB binding sites in the LTR promoter region ING B, we have shown that. ING B was able to reactivate virus transcription in primary HIV-infected resting cells up to 12 fold and up to 25 fold in combination with SAHA. Additionally, ING B promoted up-regulation of P-TEFb subunits CDK9/Cyclin T1. The role of ING B on promoting both transcription initiation and elongation makes this compound a strong candidate for an anti-HIV latency drug combined with suppressive HAART. - Highlights: • 3-caproyl-ingenol (ING B) reactivates latent HIV better than SAHA, ingenol 3,20-dibenzoate, TNF-α, PMA and HMBA. • ING B promotes PKC activation and NF-kB translocation to the nucleus. • ING B activates virus transcription of B and non-B subtypes of HIV-1. • ING B activates HIV transcription in infected primary resting CD4+ T cells. • ING B induces higher levels of P-TEFb components in human primary cells.

  9. Detecting New Words from Chinese Text Using Latent Semi-CRF Models (United States)

    Sun, Xiao; Huang, Degen; Ren, Fuji

    Chinese new words and their part-of-speech (POS) are particularly problematic in Chinese natural language processing. With the fast development of internet and information technology, it is impossible to get a complete system dictionary for Chinese natural language processing, as new words out of the basic system dictionary are always being created. A latent semi-CRF model, which combines the strengths of LDCRF (Latent-Dynamic Conditional Random Field) and semi-CRF, is proposed to detect the new words together with their POS synchronously regardless of the types of the new words from the Chinese text without being pre-segmented. Unlike the original semi-CRF, the LDCRF is applied to generate the candidate entities for training and testing the latent semi-CRF, which accelerates the training speed and decreases the computation cost. The complexity of the latent semi-CRF could be further adjusted by tuning the number of hidden variables in LDCRF and the number of the candidate entities from the Nbest outputs of the LDCRF. A new-words-generating framework is proposed for model training and testing, under which the definitions and distributions of the new words conform to the ones existing in real text. Specific features called “Global Fragment Information” for new word detection and POS tagging are adopted in the model training and testing. The experimental results show that the proposed method is capable of detecting even low frequency new words together with their POS tags. The proposed model is found to be performing competitively with the state-of-the-art models presented.

  10. Characterization of Chemokine Receptor Utilization of Viruses in the Latent Reservoir for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (United States)

    Pierson, Theodore; Hoffman, Trevor L.; Blankson, Joel; Finzi, Diana; Chadwick, Karen; Margolick, Joseph B.; Buck, Christopher; Siliciano, Janet D.; Doms, Robert W.; Siliciano, Robert F.


    Latently infected resting CD4+ T cells provide a long-term reservoir for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and are likely to represent the major barrier to virus eradication in patients on combination antiretroviral therapy. The mechanisms by which viruses enter the latent reservoir and the nature of the chemokine receptors involved have not been determined. To evaluate the phenotype of the virus in this compartment with respect to chemokine receptor utilization, full-length HIV-1 env genes were cloned from latently infected cells and assayed functionally. We demonstrate that the majority of the viruses in the latent reservoir utilize CCR5 during entry, although utilization of several other receptors, including CXCR4, was observed. No alternative coreceptors were shown to be involved in a systematic fashion. Although R5 viruses are present in the latent reservoir, CCR5 was not expressed at high levels on resting CD4+ T cells. To understand the mechanism by which R5 viruses enter latent reservoir, the ability of an R5 virus, HIV-1 Ba-L, to infect highly purified resting CD4+ T lymphocytes from uninfected donors was evaluated. Entry of Ba-L could be observed when virus was applied at a multiplicity approaching 1. However, infection was limited to a subset of cells expressing low levels of CCR5 and markers of immunologic memory. Naive cells could not be infected by an R5 virus even when challenged with a large inoculum. Direct cell fractionation studies showed that latent virus is present predominantly in resting memory cells but also at lower levels in resting naive cells. Taken together, these findings provide support for the hypothesis that the direct infection of naive T cells is not the major mechanism by which the latent infection of resting T cells is established. PMID:10933689

  11. Latent log-linear models for handwritten digit classification. (United States)

    Deselaers, Thomas; Gass, Tobias; Heigold, Georg; Ney, Hermann


    We present latent log-linear models, an extension of log-linear models incorporating latent variables, and we propose two applications thereof: log-linear mixture models and image deformation-aware log-linear models. The resulting models are fully discriminative, can be trained efficiently, and the model complexity can be controlled. Log-linear mixture models offer additional flexibility within the log-linear modeling framework. Unlike previous approaches, the image deformation-aware model directly considers image deformations and allows for a discriminative training of the deformation parameters. Both are trained using alternating optimization. For certain variants, convergence to a stationary point is guaranteed and, in practice, even variants without this guarantee converge and find models that perform well. We tune the methods on the USPS data set and evaluate on the MNIST data set, demonstrating the generalization capabilities of our proposed models. Our models, although using significantly fewer parameters, are able to obtain competitive results with models proposed in the literature.

  12. New Treatment Regimen for Latent Tuberculosis Infection

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    In this podcast, Dr. Kenneth Castro, Director of the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, discusses the December 9, 2011 CDC guidelines for the use of a new regimen for the treatment of persons with latent tuberculosis infection.  Created: 3/15/2012 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP).   Date Released: 3/15/2012.

  13. Getting the "Kill" into "Shock and Kill": Strategies to Eliminate Latent HIV. (United States)

    Kim, Youry; Anderson, Jenny L; Lewin, Sharon R


    Despite the success of antiretroviral therapy (ART), there is currently no HIV cure and treatment is life long. HIV persists during ART due to long-lived and proliferating latently infected CD4+ T cells. One strategy to eliminate latency is to activate virus production using latency reversing agents (LRAs) with the goal of triggering cell death through virus-induced cytolysis or immune-mediated clearance. However, multiple studies have demonstrated that activation of viral transcription alone is insufficient to induce cell death and some LRAs may counteract cell death by promoting cell survival. Here, we review new approaches to induce death of latently infected cells through apoptosis and inhibition of pathways critical for cell survival, which are often hijacked by HIV proteins. Given advances in the commercial development of compounds that induce apoptosis in cancer chemotherapy, these agents could move rapidly into clinical trials, either alone or in combination with LRAs, to eliminate latent HIV infection. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. How to get rid of W: a latent variables approach to modelling spatially lagged variables

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Folmer, H.; Oud, J.


    In this paper we propose a structural equation model (SEM) with latent variables to model spatial dependence. Rather than using the spatial weights matrix W, we propose to use latent variables to represent spatial dependence and spillover effects, of which the observed spatially lagged variables are

  15. How to get rid of W : a latent variables approach to modelling spatially lagged variables

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Folmer, Henk; Oud, Johan


    In this paper we propose a structural equation model (SEM) with latent variables to model spatial dependence. Rather than using the spatial weights matrix W, we propose to use latent variables to represent spatial dependence and spillover effects, of which the observed spatially lagged variables are

  16. The Latent Structure of Secure Base Script Knowledge (United States)

    Waters, Theodore E. A.; Fraley, R. Chris; Groh, Ashley M.; Steele, Ryan D.; Vaughn, Brian E.; Bost, Kelly K.; Veríssimo, Manuela; Coppola, Gabrielle; Roisman, Glenn I.


    There is increasing evidence that attachment representations abstracted from childhood experiences with primary caregivers are organized as a cognitive script describing secure base use and support (i.e., the "secure base script"). To date, however, the latent structure of secure base script knowledge has gone unexamined--this despite…

  17. Latent Partially Ordered Classification Models and Normal Mixtures (United States)

    Tatsuoka, Curtis; Varadi, Ferenc; Jaeger, Judith


    Latent partially ordered sets (posets) can be employed in modeling cognitive functioning, such as in the analysis of neuropsychological (NP) and educational test data. Posets are cognitively diagnostic in the sense that classification states in these models are associated with detailed profiles of cognitive functioning. These profiles allow for…

  18. A latent transition model of the effects of a teen dating violence prevention initiative. (United States)

    Williams, Jason; Miller, Shari; Cutbush, Stacey; Gibbs, Deborah; Clinton-Sherrod, Monique; Jones, Sarah


    Patterns of physical and psychological teen dating violence (TDV) perpetration, victimization, and related behaviors were examined with data from the evaluation of the Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships initiative, a dating violence primary prevention program targeting middle school students. Latent class and latent transition models were used to estimate distinct patterns of TDV and related behaviors of bullying and sexual harassment in seventh grade students at baseline and to estimate transition probabilities from one pattern of behavior to another at the 1-year follow-up. Intervention effects were estimated by conditioning transitions on exposure to Start Strong. Latent class analyses suggested four classes best captured patterns of these interrelated behaviors. Classes were characterized by elevated perpetration and victimization on most behaviors (the multiproblem class), bullying perpetration/victimization and sexual harassment victimization (the bully-harassment victimization class), bullying perpetration/victimization and psychological TDV victimization (bully-psychological victimization), and experience of bully victimization (bully victimization). Latent transition models indicated greater stability of class membership in the comparison group. Intervention students were less likely to transition to the most problematic pattern and more likely to transition to the least problem class. Although Start Strong has not been found to significantly change TDV, alternative evaluation models may find important differences. Latent transition analysis models suggest positive intervention impact, especially for the transitions at the most and the least positive end of the spectrum. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  19. Reactivation of Latent Epstein-Barr Virus; A Comparison After Gamma Rays and Proton Treatment (United States)

    Mehta, Satish K.; Plante, Ianik; Bloom, David C.; Stowe, Raymond; Renner, Ashlie; Wu, Honglu; Crucian, Brian; Pierson, Duane L.


    Among different unique stressors astronauts are exposed to during spaceflight, cosmic radiation constitutes an important one that leads to various health effects. In particular, space radiation may contribute to decreased immunity, which has been observed in astronauts during short and long duration missions, as evidenced by several changes in cellular immunity and plasma cytokines levels. Reactivation of latent herpes viruses, either directly from radiation or resulting from perturbation in the immune system, is also observed in astronauts. While EBV is one of the eight human herpes viruses known to infect more than 90% human adults and stays latent for the life of the host without normally causing adverse effects of reactivation, increased reactivation in astronauts is well-documented, though the mechanism of this increase is not understood. In this work, we have studied the effect of two different types of radiations, Cs-137 gamma and 150-MeV proton on the reactivation rates of the Epstein - Barr virus (EBV) in vitro in EBV latent cell lines at doses of 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 Gy. While we find that both types of radiations reactivated latent EBV in vitro, we observe that at equivalent doses, early response is stronger for protons but with time, the reactivation induced by gamma rays is more persistent. These differences between the protons and gamma rays curves in latent virus reactivation challenge the common paradigm that protons and gamma rays have similar biological effects.

  20. Mycobacteria-specific cytokine responses as correlates of treatment response in active and latent tuberculosis. (United States)

    Clifford, Vanessa; Tebruegge, Marc; Zufferey, Christel; Germano, Susie; Forbes, Ben; Cosentino, Lucy; McBryde, Emma; Eisen, Damon; Robins-Browne, Roy; Street, Alan; Denholm, Justin; Curtis, Nigel


    A biomarker indicating successful tuberculosis (TB) therapy would assist in determining appropriate length of treatment. This study aimed to determine changes in mycobacteria-specific antigen-induced cytokine biomarkers in patients receiving therapy for latent or active TB, to identify biomarkers potentially correlating with treatment success. A total of 33 adults with active TB and 36 with latent TB were followed longitudinally over therapy. Whole blood stimulation assays using mycobacteria-specific antigens (CFP-10, ESAT-6, PPD) were done on samples obtained at 0, 1, 3, 6 and 9 months. Cytokine responses (IFN-γ, IL-1ra, IL-2, IL-10, IL-13, IP-10, MIP-1β, and TNF-α) in supernatants were measured by Luminex xMAP immunoassay. In active TB cases, median IL-1ra (with CFP-10 and with PPD stimulation), IP-10 (CFP-10, ESAT-6), MIP-1β (ESAT-6, PPD), and TNF-α (ESAT-6) responses declined significantly over the course of therapy. In latent TB cases, median IL-1ra (CFP-10, ESAT-6, PPD), IL-2 (CFP-10, ESAT-6), and IP-10 (CFP-10, ESAT-6) responses declined significantly. Mycobacteria-specific cytokine responses change significantly over the course of therapy, and their kinetics in active TB differ from those observed in latent TB. In particular, mycobacteria-specific IL-1ra responses are potential correlates of successful therapy in both active and latent TB. Copyright © 2017 The British Infection Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Forensic applications of infrared imaging for the detection and recording of latent evidence. (United States)

    Lin, Apollo Chun-Yen; Hsieh, Hsing-Mei; Tsai, Li-Chin; Linacre, Adrian; Lee, James Chun-I


    We report on a simple method to record infrared (IR) reflected images in a forensic science context. Light sources using ultraviolet light have been used previously in the detection of latent prints, but the use of infrared light has been subjected to less investigation. IR light sources were used to search for latent evidence and the images were captured by either video or using a digital camera with a CCD array sensitive to IR wavelength. Bloodstains invisible to the eye, inks, tire prints, gunshot residue, and charred document on dark background are selected as typical matters that may be identified during a forensic investigation. All the evidence types could be detected and identified using a range of photographic techniques. In this study, a one in eight times dilution of blood could be detected on 10 different samples of black cloth. When using 81 black writing inks, the observation rates were 95%, 88% and 42% for permanent markers, fountain pens and ball-point pens, respectively, on the three kinds of dark cloth. The black particles of gunshot residue scattering around the entrance hole under IR light were still observed at a distance of 60 cm from three different shooting ranges. A requirement of IR reflectivity is that there is a contrast between the latent evidence and the background. In the absence of this contrast no latent image will be detected, which is similar to all light sources. The use of a video camera allows the recording of images either at a scene or in the laboratory. This report highlights and demonstrates the robustness of IR to detect and record the presence of latent evidence.

  2. Altered intrinsic functional connectivity in the latent period of epileptogenesis in a temporal lobe epilepsy model. (United States)

    Lee, Hyoin; Jung, Seungmoon; Lee, Peter; Jeong, Yong


    The latent period, a seizure-free phase, is the duration between brain injury and the onset of spontaneous recurrent seizures (SRSs) during epileptogenesis. The latent period is thought to involve several progressive pathophysiological events that lead to the evolution of the chronic epilepsy phase. Hence, it is vital to investigate the changes in the latent period during epileptogenesis in order to better understand temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), and to achieve early diagnosis and appropriate management of the condition. Accordingly, recent studies with patients with TLE using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) have reported that alterations of resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) during the chronic period are associated with some clinical manifestations, including learning and memory impairments, emotional instability, and social behavior deficits, in addition to repetitive seizure episodes. In contrast, the changes in the intrinsic rsFC during epileptogenesis, particularly during the latent period, remain unclear. In this study, we investigated the alterations in intrinsic rsFC during the latent and chronic periods in a pilocarpine-induced TLE mouse model using intrinsic optical signal imaging (IOSI). This technique can monitor the changes in the local hemoglobin concentration according to neuronal activity and can help investigate large-scale brain intrinsic networks. After seeding on the anatomical regions of interest (ROIs) and calculating the correlation coefficients between each ROI, we established and compared functional correlation matrices and functional connectivity maps during the latent and chronic periods of epilepsy. We found a decrease in the interhemispheric rsFC at the frontal and temporal regions during both the latent and chronic periods. Furthermore, a significant decrease in the interhemispheric rsFC was observed in the somatosensory area during the chronic period. Changes in network configurations during

  3. Using latent growth curve modeling in clinical treatment research: An example comparing guided self-change and cognitive behavioral therapy treatments for bulimia nervosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sam A. Hardy


    Full Text Available Este estudio experimental muestra la utilidad de los modelos multigrupo de curva de crecimiento latente por etapas en investigación clínica, concretamente en la evaluación y comparación de los efectos de tratamiento. Sesenta y dos pacientes femeninas (media de edad = 28,1; DT = 8 con bulimia nerviosa fueron asignadas al azar a: a un auto-tratamiento guiado compuesto por un manual de autocuidados más ocho sesiones quincenales de terapia cognitivo conductual (TCC, o b a 16 sesiones semanales de terapia cognitivo conductual (TCC. Ambos grupos mostraron mejorías significativas durante el tratamiento, aunque la TCC mostró mayor mejoría. Sin embargo, el tratamiento auto-guiado evidenció una mejoría más continuada después del tratamiento. Ambos programas mostraron variabilidad en la eficacia durante el tratamiento al menos en un resultado, mientras que el auto-tratamiento mostró una mayor variabilidad que la TCC durante el seguimiento en dos resultados. Los niveles de la línea de base estaban relacionados con los niveles en el seguimiento, particularmente en el tratamiento auto-guiado. Los modelos de curva latente ofrecen un análisis rico de estos datos y resuelven importantes cuestiones sobre las diferencias en la efectividad de los dos programas de tratamiento.

  4. A Modified Electrostatic Adsorption Apparatus for Latent Fingerprint Development on Unfired Cartridge Cases. (United States)

    Xu, Jingyang; Zhang, Ziyuan; Zheng, Xiaochun; Bond, John W


    Visualization of latent fingerprints on metallic surfaces by the method of applying electrostatic charging and adsorption is considered as a promising chemical-free method, which has the merit of nondestruction, and is considered to be effective for some difficult situations such as aged fingerprint deposits or those exposed to environmental extremes. In fact, a portable electrostatic generator can be easily accessible in a local forensic technology laboratory, which is already widely used in the visualization of footwear impressions. In this study, a modified version of this electrostatic apparatus is proposed for latent fingerprint development and has shown great potential in visualizing fingerprints on metallic surfaces such as cartridge cases. Results indicate that this experimental arrangement can successfully develop aged latent fingerprints on metal surfaces, and we demonstrate its effectiveness compared with existing conventional fingerprint recovery methods. © 2016 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  5. Does Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Have a Dimensional Latent Structure? A Taxometric Analysis (United States)

    Marcus, David K.; Barry, Tammy D.


    An understanding of the latent structure of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is essential for developing causal models of this disorder. Although some researchers have presumed that ADHD is dimensional and others have assumed that it is taxonic, there has been relatively little research directly examining the latent structure of ADHD. The authors conducted a set of taxometric analyses using data from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (ns between 667–1078). The results revealed a dimensional latent structure across a variety of different analyses and sets of indicators, for inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and ADHD. Furthermore, analyses of correlations with associated features indicated that dimensional models demonstrated stronger validity coefficients with these criterion measures than dichotomous models. These findings jibe with recent research on the genetic basis of ADHD and with contemporary models of ADHD. PMID:20973595

  6. A Bayesian approach to estimate sensible and latent heat over vegetated land surface

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. van der Tol


    Full Text Available Sensible and latent heat fluxes are often calculated from bulk transfer equations combined with the energy balance. For spatial estimates of these fluxes, a combination of remotely sensed and standard meteorological data from weather stations is used. The success of this approach depends on the accuracy of the input data and on the accuracy of two variables in particular: aerodynamic and surface conductance. This paper presents a Bayesian approach to improve estimates of sensible and latent heat fluxes by using a priori estimates of aerodynamic and surface conductance alongside remote measurements of surface temperature. The method is validated for time series of half-hourly measurements in a fully grown maize field, a vineyard and a forest. It is shown that the Bayesian approach yields more accurate estimates of sensible and latent heat flux than traditional methods.

  7. Does attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder have a dimensional latent structure? A taxometric analysis. (United States)

    Marcus, David K; Barry, Tammy D


    An understanding of the latent structure of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is essential for developing causal models of this disorder. Although some researchers have presumed that ADHD is dimensional and others have assumed that it is taxonic, there has been relatively little research directly examining the latent structure of ADHD. The authors conducted a set of taxometric analyses using data from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (ns between 667 and 1,078). The results revealed a dimensional latent structure across a variety of different analyses and sets of indicators for inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and ADHD. Furthermore, analyses of correlations with associated features indicated that dimensional models demonstrated stronger validity coefficients with these criterion measures than dichotomous models. These findings jibe with recent research on the genetic basis of ADHD and with contemporary models of ADHD.

  8. Latent semantics as cognitive components

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Michael Kai; Mørup, Morten; Hansen, Lars Kai


    Cognitive component analysis, defined as an unsupervised learning of features resembling human comprehension, suggests that the sensory structures we perceive might often be modeled by reducing dimensionality and treating objects in space and time as linear mixtures incorporating sparsity...... emotional responses can be encoded in words, we propose a simplified cognitive approach to model how we perceive media. Representing song lyrics in a vector space of reduced dimensionality using LSA, we combine bottom-up defined term distances with affective adjectives, that top-down constrain the latent......, which we suggest might function as cognitive components for perceiving the underlying structure in lyrics....

  9. Experimental Examination of Bacteriophage Latent-Period Evolution as a Response to Bacterial Availability


    Abedon, Stephen T.; Hyman, Paul; Thomas, Cameron


    For obligately lytic bacteriophage (phage) a trade-off exists between fecundity (burst size) and latent period (a component of generation time). This trade-off occurs because release of phage progeny from infected bacteria coincides with destruction of the machinery necessary to produce more phage progeny. Here we employ phage mutants to explore issues of phage latent-period evolution as a function of the density of phage-susceptible bacteria. Theory suggests that higher bacterial densities s...

  10. Prevalence and risk factors of latent Tuberculosis among ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    termine the risk factors of prevalent LTBI. We used a mixed effects binomial model with a logarithmic link function to estimate prevalence ratios (PR) for risk fac- tors of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). Ethical consideration. The study was approved by the Makerere University. School of Public Health–Higher Degrees and ...

  11. Effect Of Prolonged Monocular Occlusion On Latent Nystagms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    H.J. Simonsz (Huib); G. Kommerell (Guntram)


    textabstractThe authors recorded nystagmus during seeing with one eye in eight patients with latent nystagmus (LN) before and after two or three days of prolonged occlusion of the better eye (POBE). Before POBE, the slow-phase speed of the nystagmus (SPS) was usually higher when the better eye was

  12. La responsabilidad social en empresas del valle de toluca (méxico. un estudio exploratorio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Mercado Salgado, Ph.D


    Full Text Available En un mundo globalizado, el sector empresarial no puede seguir negando la necesidad de adoptar la responsabilidad social como estrategia para alcanzar beneficios externos e internos, pues sigue latente cierto comportamiento dominante de rechazo hacia ella. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación exploratoria, no experimental, es describir la responsabilidad social en empresas del Valle de Toluca (México mediante cuatro componentes: ética empresarial, preservación del medio ambiente, calidad de vida en el trabajo y vinculación empresa-sociedad, en una muestra no probabilística de 31 empresas. Los resultados reflejan que las empresas se encuentran en el nivel inicial de filantropía, detectándose la voluntad de la alta dirección y de los accionistas como factores que podrían favorecer la adopción de la responsabilidad social. Queda para futuras investigaciones incrementar la muestra e incluir el desempeño económico en este tipo de estudios.

  13. Association of Stressful Life Events with Psychological Problems: A Large-Scale Community-Based Study Using Grouped Outcomes Latent Factor Regression with Latent Predictors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Akbar Hassanzadeh


    Full Text Available Objective. The current study is aimed at investigating the association between stressful life events and psychological problems in a large sample of Iranian adults. Method. In a cross-sectional large-scale community-based study, 4763 Iranian adults, living in Isfahan, Iran, were investigated. Grouped outcomes latent factor regression on latent predictors was used for modeling the association of psychological problems (depression, anxiety, and psychological distress, measured by Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12, as the grouped outcomes, and stressful life events, measured by a self-administered stressful life events (SLEs questionnaire, as the latent predictors. Results. The results showed that the personal stressors domain has significant positive association with psychological distress (β=0.19, anxiety (β=0.25, depression (β=0.15, and their collective profile score (β=0.20, with greater associations in females (β=0.28 than in males (β=0.13 (all P<0.001. In addition, in the adjusted models, the regression coefficients for the association of social stressors domain and psychological problems profile score were 0.37, 0.35, and 0.46 in total sample, males, and females, respectively (P<0.001. Conclusion. Results of our study indicated that different stressors, particularly those socioeconomic related, have an effective impact on psychological problems. It is important to consider the social and cultural background of a population for managing the stressors as an effective approach for preventing and reducing the destructive burden of psychological problems.

  14. Association of Stressful Life Events with Psychological Problems: A Large-Scale Community-Based Study Using Grouped Outcomes Latent Factor Regression with Latent Predictors (United States)

    Hassanzadeh, Akbar; Heidari, Zahra; Hassanzadeh Keshteli, Ammar; Afshar, Hamid


    Objective The current study is aimed at investigating the association between stressful life events and psychological problems in a large sample of Iranian adults. Method In a cross-sectional large-scale community-based study, 4763 Iranian adults, living in Isfahan, Iran, were investigated. Grouped outcomes latent factor regression on latent predictors was used for modeling the association of psychological problems (depression, anxiety, and psychological distress), measured by Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), as the grouped outcomes, and stressful life events, measured by a self-administered stressful life events (SLEs) questionnaire, as the latent predictors. Results The results showed that the personal stressors domain has significant positive association with psychological distress (β = 0.19), anxiety (β = 0.25), depression (β = 0.15), and their collective profile score (β = 0.20), with greater associations in females (β = 0.28) than in males (β = 0.13) (all P < 0.001). In addition, in the adjusted models, the regression coefficients for the association of social stressors domain and psychological problems profile score were 0.37, 0.35, and 0.46 in total sample, males, and females, respectively (P < 0.001). Conclusion Results of our study indicated that different stressors, particularly those socioeconomic related, have an effective impact on psychological problems. It is important to consider the social and cultural background of a population for managing the stressors as an effective approach for preventing and reducing the destructive burden of psychological problems. PMID:29312459

  15. Tissue-specific control of latent CMV reactivation by regulatory T cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maha Almanan


    Full Text Available Cytomegalovirus (CMV causes a persistent, lifelong infection. CMV persists in a latent state and undergoes intermittent subclinical viral reactivation that is quelled by ongoing T cell responses. While T cells are critical to maintain control of infection, the immunological factors that promote CMV persistence remain unclear. Here, we investigated the role of regulatory T cells (Treg in a mouse model of latent CMV infection using Foxp3-diphtheria toxin receptor (Foxp3-DTR mice. Eight months after infection, MCMV had established latency in the spleen, salivary gland, lung, and pancreas, which was accompanied by an increased frequency of Treg. Administration of diphtheria toxin (DT after establishment of latency efficiently depleted Treg and drove a significant increase in the numbers of functional MCMV-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Strikingly, Treg depletion decreased the number of animals with reactivatable latent MCMV in the spleen. Unexpectedly, in the same animals, ablation of Treg drove a significant increase in viral reactivation in the salivary gland that was accompanied with augmented local IL-10 production by Foxp3-CD4+T cells. Further, neutralization of IL-10 after Treg depletion significantly decreased viral load in the salivary gland. Combined, these data show that Treg have divergent control of MCMV infection depending upon the tissue. In the spleen, Treg antagonize CD8+ effector function and promote viral persistence while in the salivary gland Treg prevent IL-10 production and limit viral reactivation and replication. These data provide new insights into the organ-specific roles of Treg in controlling the reactivation of latent MCMV infection.

  16. Autismo y vacunas pediátricas

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    Alejandro Roque Valdés


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo es un artículo de revisión que pretende abordar un tema tan controvertido como actual: la posible asociación causal que se ha querido establecer entre el autismo y las vacunas infantiles. A partir de la última década del siglo XX se producen una serie de cambios en la clasificación, nomenclatura y criterios diagnósticos del autismo. Los hallazgos de estudios epidemiológicos llevados a cabo bajo estos nuevos ponderados han revelado que las tasas de prevalencia del autismo son en la actualidad muy superiores a las de hace 15 años. Entre los factores que se esgrimen para explicar este fenómeno están las vacunas, y entre los mecanismos que se invocan para tratar de inculpar a las vacunas en la etiología del autismo están el exceso de mercurio derivado del tiomersal que se emplea como conservante de las mismas y procesos autoinmunes que de forma directa o indirectamente actúan sobre el SNC, induciendo lesiones a nivel de la mucosa intestinal, lo cual favorecerá la absorción de macromoléculas, antígenos y toxinas que una vez en el torrente sanguíneo llegarían al SNC produciendo allí las lesiones responsables de la génesis del autismo.

  17. Peces del Noroeste del Ecuador


    Barriga, Ramiro


    La ictiofauna del occidente del Ecuador es poco conocida. Los peces del noroccidente son diferentes a los del suroccidente del Ecuador. 34 familias y 82 especies fueron colectadas que equivale al 11 % de las especies de peces continentales registradas en el Ecuador. Icteogeográficamente se sabe que la costa ecuatoriana posee dos provincias: la del Pacifico Norte y la del Guayas, se determinó que el límite de las dos provincias es el río Santiago ya que las especies del mencionado río so...

  18. Short-term memory development: differences in serial position curves between age groups and latent classes. (United States)

    Koppenol-Gonzalez, Gabriela V; Bouwmeester, Samantha; Vermunt, Jeroen K


    In studies on the development of cognitive processes, children are often grouped based on their ages before analyzing the data. After the analysis, the differences between age groups are interpreted as developmental differences. We argue that this approach is problematic because the variance in cognitive performance within an age group is considered to be measurement error. However, if a part of this variance is systematic, it can provide very useful information about the cognitive processes used by some children of a certain age but not others. In the current study, we presented 210 children aged 5 to 12 years with serial order short-term memory tasks. First we analyze our data according to the approach using age groups, and then we apply latent class analysis to form latent classes of children based on their performance instead of their ages. We display the results of the age groups and the latent classes in terms of serial position curves, and we discuss the differences in results. Our findings show that there are considerable differences in performance between the age groups and the latent classes. We interpret our findings as indicating that the latent class analysis yielded a much more meaningful way of grouping children in terms of cognitive processes than the a priori grouping of children based on their ages. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Bayesian leave-one-out cross-validation approximations for Gaussian latent variable models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vehtari, Aki; Mononen, Tommi; Tolvanen, Ville


    The future predictive performance of a Bayesian model can be estimated using Bayesian cross-validation. In this article, we consider Gaussian latent variable models where the integration over the latent values is approximated using the Laplace method or expectation propagation (EP). We study...... the properties of several Bayesian leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation approximations that in most cases can be computed with a small additional cost after forming the posterior approximation given the full data. Our main objective is to assess the accuracy of the approximative LOO cross-validation estimators...

  20. Multilevel Latent Class Analysis: Parametric and Nonparametric Models (United States)

    Finch, W. Holmes; French, Brian F.


    Latent class analysis is an analytic technique often used in educational and psychological research to identify meaningful groups of individuals within a larger heterogeneous population based on a set of variables. This technique is flexible, encompassing not only a static set of variables but also longitudinal data in the form of growth mixture…

  1. Studies of Latent Acidity and Neutral Buffered Chloroaluminate Ionic Liquids

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Osteryoung, Robert


    Studies on ionic liquids composed of aluminum chloride and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride were carried out, with emphasis on understanding and explaining acidity and latent acidity in "neutral buffered" melts...

  2. GARP (LRRC32) is essential for the surface expression of latent TGF-β on platelets and activated FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (United States)

    Tran, Dat Q.; Andersson, John; Wang, Rui; Ramsey, Heather; Unutmaz, Derya; Shevach, Ethan M.


    TGF-β family members are highly pleiotropic cytokines with diverse regulatory functions. TGF-β is normally found in the latent form associated with latency-associated peptide (LAP). This latent complex can associate with latent TGFβ-binding protein (LTBP) to produce a large latent form. Latent TGF-β is also found on the surface of activated FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs), but it is unclear how it is anchored to the cell membrane. We show that GARP or LRRC32, a leucine-rich repeat molecule of unknown function, is critical for tethering TGF-β to the cell surface. We demonstrate that platelets and activated Tregs co-express latent TGF-β and GARP on their membranes. The knockdown of GARP mRNA with siRNA prevented surface latent TGF-β expression on activated Tregs and recombinant latent TGF-β1 is able to bind directly with GARP. Confocal microscopy and immunoprecipitation strongly support their interactions. The role of TGF-β on Tregs appears to have dual functions, both for Treg-mediated suppression and infectious tolerance mechanism. PMID:19651619

  3. GARP (LRRC32) is essential for the surface expression of latent TGF-beta on platelets and activated FOXP3+ regulatory T cells. (United States)

    Tran, Dat Q; Andersson, John; Wang, Rui; Ramsey, Heather; Unutmaz, Derya; Shevach, Ethan M


    TGF-beta family members are highly pleiotropic cytokines with diverse regulatory functions. TGF-beta is normally found in the latent form associated with latency-associated peptide (LAP). This latent complex can associate with latent TGFbeta-binding protein (LTBP) to produce a large latent form. Latent TGF-beta is also found on the surface of activated FOXP3(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs), but it is unclear how it is anchored to the cell membrane. We show that GARP or LRRC32, a leucine-rich repeat molecule of unknown function, is critical for tethering TGF-beta to the cell surface. We demonstrate that platelets and activated Tregs co-express latent TGF-beta and GARP on their membranes. The knockdown of GARP mRNA with siRNA prevented surface latent TGF-beta expression on activated Tregs and recombinant latent TGF-beta1 is able to bind directly with GARP. Confocal microscopy and immunoprecipitation strongly support their interactions. The role of TGF-beta on Tregs appears to have dual functions, both for Treg-mediated suppression and infectious tolerance mechanism.

  4. A model for the latent heat of melting in free standing metal nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Jeong-Heon; Deinert, Mark R.


    Nanoparticles of many metals are known to exhibit scale dependent latent heats of melting. Analytical models for this phenomenon have so far failed to completely capture the observed phenomena. Here we present a thermodynamic analysis for the melting of metal nanoparticles in terms of their internal energy and a scale dependent surface tension proposed by Tolman. The resulting model predicts the scale dependence of the latent heat of melting and is confirmed using published data for tin and aluminum

  5. GARP (LRRC32) is essential for the surface expression of latent TGF-β on platelets and activated FOXP3+ regulatory T cells


    Tran, Dat Q.; Andersson, John; Wang, Rui; Ramsey, Heather; Unutmaz, Derya; Shevach, Ethan M.


    TGF-β family members are highly pleiotropic cytokines with diverse regulatory functions. TGF-β is normally found in the latent form associated with latency-associated peptide (LAP). This latent complex can associate with latent TGFβ-binding protein (LTBP) to produce a large latent form. Latent TGF-β is also found on the surface of activated FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs), but it is unclear how it is anchored to the cell membrane. We show that GARP or LRRC32, a leucine-rich repeat molecule ...

  6. Investigating design: A comparison of manifest and latent approaches

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cash, Philip; Snider, Chris


    This paper contributes to the on-going focus on improving design research methods, by exploring and synthesising two key interrelated research approaches e manifest and latent. These approaches are widely used individually in design research, however, this paper represents the first work bringing...

  7. Estimate of the latent flux by the energy balance in protected cultivation of sweet pepper

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cunha, A.R. da; Escobedo, J.F.; Klosowski, E.S.


    The aim of this work was to characterize and bring into relationship the net radiation with the latent heat flux equivalent to water mm, in sweet pepper crops in the field and in protected cultivation. The estimate of latent heat flux was made by the energy balance method through the Bowen ratio. Instantaneous measures were made of net radiation (Rn), sensitive (H) and latent (LE) heat fluxes, heat flux into the soil (G), and of psychrometers gradients in the crop canopy. In protected cultivation, the conversion of the available net radiation in total dry matter and fruit productivity was more efficient than in the field, in spite of lower amounts of global solar radiation received by the crop. Ratios of G/Rn and LE/Rn were lower, and that of H/Rn was higher in protected cultivation, with an equivalent latent heat flux in millimeters, 45.43% lower than that determined in the field. Available net radiation and energy losses were also lower in protected cultivation, showing a higher water use efficiency. (author) [pt

  8. Latency-Associated Expression of Human Cytomegalovirus US28 Attenuates Cell Signaling Pathways To Maintain Latent Infection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benjamin A. Krishna


    Full Text Available Reactivation of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV latent infection from early myeloid lineage cells constitutes a threat to immunocompromised or immune-suppressed individuals. Consequently, understanding the control of latency and reactivation to allow targeting and killing of latently infected cells could have far-reaching clinical benefits. US28 is one of the few viral genes that is expressed during latency and encodes a cell surface G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR, which, during lytic infection, is a constitutive cell-signaling activator. Here we now show that in monocytes, which are recognized sites of HCMV latency in vivo, US28 attenuates multiple cell signaling pathways, including mitogen-activated protein (MAP kinase and NF-κB, and that this is required to establish a latent infection; viruses deleted for US28 initiate a lytic infection in infected monocytes. We also show that these monocytes then become potent targets for the HCMV-specific host immune response and that latently infected cells treated with an inverse agonist of US28 also reactivate lytic infection and similarly become immune targets. Consequently, we suggest that the use of inhibitors of US28 could be a novel immunotherapeutic strategy to reactivate the latent viral reservoir, allowing it to be targeted by preexisting HCMV-specific T cells.

  9. Detecting Latent Prints on Stone and Other Difficult Porous Surfaces via Indanedione/Zinc Chloride and Laser

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    Shiquan LIU


    Full Text Available Lasers and alternate light sources have been recognized as effective tools for latent print detection for over three decades. Luminescence often increases friction ridge contrast to reveal impressions otherwise undetectable. Indanedione/zinc chloride excited by a forensic light source is widely recognized as an effective process for developing latent prints on porous surfaces. This study was designed to evaluate the use of a combination of luminescence excitation and indanedione with zinc chloride to detect latent prints on stones, bricks, and similar difficult porous surfaces. The wavelengths evaluated included 400 nm (violet, 447 nm (blue, 532 nm (green, and 645 nm (red. Latent prints were deposited on a variety of porous surfaces including bricks, cement stones, wood, and cotton fabric, all commonly encountered at crime scenes in China. The surfaces were examined using white light (light-emitting diode flashlight and laser light sources separately, both before and after treatment with indanedione/zinc chloride. The goal of this study was to evaluate various light sources for their effectiveness in detecting impressions developed by indanedione/zinc chloride on difficult porous surfaces. Results indicated that latent prints on some brick and cement stone surfaces may be effectively detected using 532 nm laser excitation after indanedione/zinc chloride processing.

  10. Latent variable method for automatic adaptation to background states in motor imagery BCI (United States)

    Dagaev, Nikolay; Volkova, Ksenia; Ossadtchi, Alexei


    Objective. Brain-computer interface (BCI) systems are known to be vulnerable to variabilities in background states of a user. Usually, no detailed information on these states is available even during the training stage. Thus there is a need in a method which is capable of taking background states into account in an unsupervised way. Approach. We propose a latent variable method that is based on a probabilistic model with a discrete latent variable. In order to estimate the model’s parameters, we suggest to use the expectation maximization algorithm. The proposed method is aimed at assessing characteristics of background states without any corresponding data labeling. In the context of asynchronous motor imagery paradigm, we applied this method to the real data from twelve able-bodied subjects with open/closed eyes serving as background states. Main results. We found that the latent variable method improved classification of target states compared to the baseline method (in seven of twelve subjects). In addition, we found that our method was also capable of background states recognition (in six of twelve subjects). Significance. Without any supervised information on background states, the latent variable method provides a way to improve classification in BCI by taking background states into account at the training stage and then by making decisions on target states weighted by posterior probabilities of background states at the prediction stage.

  11. Straightforward fabrication of black nano silica dusting powder for latent fingerprint imaging (United States)

    Komalasari, Isna; Krismastuti, Fransiska Sri Herwahyu; Elishian, Christine; Handayani, Eka Mardika; Nugraha, Willy Cahya; Ketrin, Rosi


    Imaging of latent fingerprint pattern (aka fingermark) is one of the most important and accurate detection methods in forensic investigation because of the characteristic of individual fingerprint. This detection technique relies on the mechanical adherence of fingerprint powder to the moisture and oily component of the skin left on the surface. The particle size of fingerprint powder is one of the critical parameter to obtain excellent fingerprint image. This study develops a simple, cheap and straightforward method to fabricate Nano size black dusting fingerprint powder based on Nano silica and applies the powder to visualize latent fingerprint. The nanostructured silica was prepared from tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and then modified with Nano carbon, methylene blue and sodium acetate to color the powder. Finally, as a proof-of-principle, the ability of this black Nano silica dusting powder to image latent fingerprint is successfully demonstrated and the results show that this fingerprint powder provides clearer fingerprint pattern compared to the commercial one highlighting the potential application of the nanostructured silica in forensic science.

  12. Clonal deleted latent membrane protein 1 variants of Epstein-Barr virus are predominant in European extranodal NK/T lymphomas and disappear during successful treatment. (United States)

    Halabi, Mohamad Adnan; Jaccard, Arnaud; Moulinas, Rémi; Bahri, Racha; Al Mouhammad, Hazar; Mammari, Nour; Feuillard, Jean; Ranger-Rogez, Sylvie


    Extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphomas (NK/TL), rare in Europe, are Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) associated lymphomas with poor outcomes. Here, we determined the virus type and analyzed the EBV latent membrane protein-1 (LMP1) gene sequence in NK/TL from French patients. Six clones of viral LMP1 were sequenced by Sanger technology in blood from 13 patients before treatment with an l-asparaginase based regimen and, for 8 of them, throughout the treatment. Blood LMP1 sequences from 21 patients without any known malignancy were tested as controls. EBV Type A was identified for 11/13 patients and for all controls. Before treatment, a clonal LMP1 gene containing a 30 bp deletion (del30) was found in 46.1% of NK/TL and only in 4.8% of controls. Treatment was less effective in these patients who died more rapidly than the others. Patients with a deleted strain evolving toward a wild-type strain during treatment reached complete remission. The LMP1 gene was sequenced by highly sensitive next-generation sequencing technology in five NK/TL nasopharyngeal biopsies, two of them originating from the previous patients. Del30 was present in 100% of the biopsies; two viruses at least coexisted in three biopsies. These results suggest that del30 may be associated with poor prognosis NK/TL and that strain evolution could be used as a potential marker to monitor treatment. © 2016 UICC.

  13. Temporal analysis of text data using latent variable models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mølgaard, Lasse Lohilahti; Larsen, Jan; Goutte, Cyril


    Detecting and tracking of temporal data is an important task in multiple applications. In this paper we study temporal text mining methods for Music Information Retrieval. We compare two ways of detecting the temporal latent semantics of a corpus extracted from Wikipedia, using a stepwise...

  14. Genetic Epidemiology of Polyautoimmunity and Common Autoimmunity in Colombia — Proof of Principle


    Castiblanco Quinche, John Enrique


    Introducción: Las enfermedades autoinmunes (EA) son responsables de una gran porción de discapacidad y morbilidad a nivel mundial. Generalmente, las investigaciones científicas se centran en una sola enfermedad, aunque los fenotipos autoinmunes podrían estar representados por efectos pleiotrópicos en genes no-específicos al presentar mecanismos inmunogenéticos similares. Múltiples casos de una sola enfermedad dentro de familia son evidentes, y aún más sorprendente son los individuos en aquell...

  15. Abstract: Inference and Interval Estimation for Indirect Effects With Latent Variable Models. (United States)

    Falk, Carl F; Biesanz, Jeremy C


    Models specifying indirect effects (or mediation) and structural equation modeling are both popular in the social sciences. Yet relatively little research has compared methods that test for indirect effects among latent variables and provided precise estimates of the effectiveness of different methods. This simulation study provides an extensive comparison of methods for constructing confidence intervals and for making inferences about indirect effects with latent variables. We compared the percentile (PC) bootstrap, bias-corrected (BC) bootstrap, bias-corrected accelerated (BC a ) bootstrap, likelihood-based confidence intervals (Neale & Miller, 1997), partial posterior predictive (Biesanz, Falk, and Savalei, 2010), and joint significance tests based on Wald tests or likelihood ratio tests. All models included three reflective latent variables representing the independent, dependent, and mediating variables. The design included the following fully crossed conditions: (a) sample size: 100, 200, and 500; (b) number of indicators per latent variable: 3 versus 5; (c) reliability per set of indicators: .7 versus .9; (d) and 16 different path combinations for the indirect effect (α = 0, .14, .39, or .59; and β = 0, .14, .39, or .59). Simulations were performed using a WestGrid cluster of 1680 3.06GHz Intel Xeon processors running R and OpenMx. Results based on 1,000 replications per cell and 2,000 resamples per bootstrap method indicated that the BC and BC a bootstrap methods have inflated Type I error rates. Likelihood-based confidence intervals and the PC bootstrap emerged as methods that adequately control Type I error and have good coverage rates.

  16. The effect of DNA recovery on the subsequent quality of latent fingermarks. (United States)

    Fieldhouse, Sarah; Oravcova, Eliska; Walton-Williams, Laura


    The recovery of DNA and fingermark evidence from the same site can be problematic on account of potential contamination from fingermark visualisation techniques, and/or the destructive capability of the DNA recovery method. Forensic investigators are therefore often required to choose which evidence type to recover, or to recover both evidence types from different sites. Research typically documents the effects of fingermark visualisation techniques on the subsequent recovery of DNA, whereas this research has investigated the effects of DNA recovery on the quality of subsequently recovered latent fingermarks. Eccrine rich, sebaceous rich, and 'normal' latent fingermarks were deposited onto five substrates: glass; aluminium; textured plastic; varnished wood; photocopier paper and aged from 4h to 4 weeks. Approximately half of the control fingermarks were developed without DNA recovery on all substrates. The remaining samples were subjected to one of five DNA recovery methods prior to fingermark development. Pre and post DNA recovered fingermarks were graded for quality, and AFIS correlations scores were obtained and analysed for statistically significant differences using Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests and Friedman tests. All of the DNA recovery methods reduced the quality of latent fingermarks on glass surfaces. Flocked swabs and gel lifts were the least destructive DNA recovery methods on the remaining surfaces, except for aluminium sheet metal. The quality of latent fingermarks deposited onto glossed wood and textured plastic and paper were less affected by dry swabbing. Wet swabbing and tape lifting were very damaging methods of DNA recovery. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Explicit estimating equations for semiparametric generalized linear latent variable models

    KAUST Repository

    Ma, Yanyuan


    We study generalized linear latent variable models without requiring a distributional assumption of the latent variables. Using a geometric approach, we derive consistent semiparametric estimators. We demonstrate that these models have a property which is similar to that of a sufficient complete statistic, which enables us to simplify the estimating procedure and explicitly to formulate the semiparametric estimating equations. We further show that the explicit estimators have the usual root n consistency and asymptotic normality. We explain the computational implementation of our method and illustrate the numerical performance of the estimators in finite sample situations via extensive simulation studies. The advantage of our estimators over the existing likelihood approach is also shown via numerical comparison. We employ the method to analyse a real data example from economics. © 2010 Royal Statistical Society.

  18. Substrate stiffness promotes latent TGF-β1 activation in hepatocellular carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pang, Mingshu; Teng, Yao; Huang, Jianyong; Yuan, Yuan; Lin, Feng; Xiong, Chunyang


    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) was usually coupled with increased stiffness of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and elevated level of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1). However, the mechanism by which substrate rigidity modulated TGF-β1 signaling transduction remained unknown. This paper investigated the molecular mechanism of how matrix stiffness regulating TGF-β1 signaling in HCC cells. By means of stiffness tunable collagen I-coated polyacrylamide (PA) gels, we found that the expressions of β1 integrin, p-FAK Y397 and p-Smad2 upregulated on stiffer gels as well as the content of TGF-β1 in culture media of HCC cells, which were inhibited by RGD blocking peptides, Y-27632 (ROCK inhibitor) or Blebbistatin (myosin II inhibitor). Cellular traction force was also significantly higher when plated on stiffer substrates but dramatically decreased after treatment with Y-27632 or Blebbistatin. Furthermore, the upregulation of p-Smad2 in the HCC cells on stiffer PA gels induced by exogenetic latent TGF-β1 was downregulated in the presence of RGD peptides. The nuclear translocation of Smad2 induced by latent TGF-β1 was inhibited by Y-27632 or Blebbistatin. Our results suggested that the extracellular matrix stiffness regulated latent TGF-β1 activation by cytoskeletal tension in HCC cells, showing that matrix stiffness was a key regulator involving the TGF-β1 activity in HCC cells. The current study presented a mechanism of how hepatocirrhosis developed into liver cancer. - Highlights: • TGF-β1 signaling pathway regulated by ECM stiffness was studied in hepatocellular carcinoma. • Matrix stiffness promoted latent TGF-β1 activation via β1 integrin-FAK-Rho GTPase pathway. • A mechanism of how hepatocirrhosis developed into liver cancer was presented.


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    Full Text Available The problem of optimal control of epidemic through vaccination and isolation, taking into account latent period is considered. The target function is minimized - functionality summarizing costs on epidemic prevention and treatment and also considering expenses on infected people left at the end of control T who may be a new source of epidemic. On the left endpoint of the integration segment initial data is given - quantity of infected and confirmed people at the moment t, the right endpoint is free. The dynamic constraints are written by way of a system of simple differential equations describing the speed of changes of number of subjected to infection and number of already infected. Besides the inhomogeneous communi- ty is considered, consisting of four age groups (babies, preschool children, school children and adults. The speed of vaccina- tion (number of vaccinated per a time unit and isolation speed are used as the control functions. There are some restrictions on control above and below. The latent period is described by the constant h and is part of the equation describing the con- tamination speed of people as a retarding in argument t, i.e. a person being in a latent period infects others not being aware of his disease. For problem solving Pontryagin maximum principle is used where it can be seen that the control is piecewise constant. The result of numerical implementation of discrete problem of optimal control is given. The conclusions are made that the latent period significantly influence the incidence rate and as consequence the costs on epidemic suppression. The programme based on the programming language Delphi gives an opportunity to estimate the scale of epidemic at different initial data and restrictions on control as well as to find an optimal control minimizing costs on epimedic suppression.

  20. Realist identification of group-level latent variables for perinatal social epidemiology theory building. (United States)

    Eastwood, John Graeme; Jalaludin, Bin Badrudin; Kemp, Lynn Ann; Phung, Hai Ngoc


    We have previously reported in this journal on an ecological study of perinatal depressive symptoms in South Western Sydney. In that article, we briefly reported on a factor analysis that was utilized to identify empirical indicators for analysis. In this article, we report on the mixed method approach that was used to identify those latent variables. Social epidemiology has been slow to embrace a latent variable approach to the study of social, political, economic, and cultural structures and mechanisms, partly for philosophical reasons. Critical realist ontology and epistemology have been advocated as an appropriate methodological approach to both theory building and theory testing in the health sciences. We describe here an emergent mixed method approach that uses qualitative methods to identify latent constructs followed by factor analysis using empirical indicators chosen to measure identified qualitative codes. Comparative analysis of the findings is reported together with a limited description of realist approaches to abstract reasoning.

  1. A latent transition analysis of bullying and victimization in Chinese primary school students.

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    Yiqin Pan

    Full Text Available Bullying is a social phenomenon that impacts a large number of children and young people, worldwide. This study aimed to longitudinally examine the development of bullying and victimization in Chinese students in grades 4, 5, and 6. We used latent class analysis to empirically identify groups of youth with different bullying and victimization patterns, and then used latent transition analysis to explore the movement of children between these latent classes over time. Results showed that: (1 across the three time points, students could be classified into four classes: bullies, victims, bully-victims, and non-involved children; and (2 students in the non-involved class tended to remain in that class when moving to higher grades, students in the bully and victims classes tended to transition to the non-involved class, while students in the bully-victims class tended to transition to the bullies class. Thus, future intervention should be implemented to prevent bully-victims from bullying behaviors.


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    Miroljub Ivanović


    Full Text Available The aim of this research was to define structure relations of latent dimension violence among peers structure, characteristics and parent’s educational attitudes. In this research participated 134 basketball players (mini-jam, younger pioneers and pioneers. The research was conducted using the PRONA questionnaire for peers violence evaluation (Maksimovic and collaborators, 2008. Analysing the main components space of peers’ violence, three main components have been determined as dangerous behaviour exposure, announced victim and physiological violence. Mutual relation of these latent personality characteristics examinees dimensions and educational attitudes of their parents has been determined using the Pirson’s correlation coefficien.

  3. Symptom Cluster Research With Biomarkers and Genetics Using Latent Class Analysis. (United States)

    Conley, Samantha


    The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of latent class analysis (LCA) and examples from symptom cluster research that includes biomarkers and genetics. A review of LCA with genetics and biomarkers was conducted using Medline, Embase, PubMed, and Google Scholar. LCA is a robust latent variable model used to cluster categorical data and allows for the determination of empirically determined symptom clusters. Researchers should consider using LCA to link empirically determined symptom clusters to biomarkers and genetics to better understand the underlying etiology of symptom clusters. The full potential of LCA in symptom cluster research has not yet been realized because it has been used in limited populations, and researchers have explored limited biologic pathways.

  4. Scintigraphy in detection of latent inflammatory foci in patients with pseudarthroses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woy-Wojciechowski, J.; Zawadzinski, S.


    Treatment of infected pseudarthroses is one of the most difficult problems in orthopaedic surgery. Presence of latent inflammatory foci may be a serious complication after bone grafting. In 14 cases of pseudarthroses radioisotope scanning demonstrated in 5 cases presence of additional latent inflammatory foci which gave cues as to the type and extent of surgical treatment. In all these cases evaluation of the local condition by X-ray examination was insufficient. Isotope scanning was useful for a radical surgical treatment making possible complete eradication of the inflammation and reducing thus the risk of inflammation recurrence at the site of the operation performed for achieving bone union or for implanting bone graft. (author)

  5. Mode choice models' ability to express intention to change travel behaviour considering non-compensatory rules and latent variables

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    Nobuhiro Sanko


    Full Text Available Disaggregate behaviour choice models have been improved in many aspects, but they are rarely evaluated from the viewpoint of their ability to express intention to change travel behaviour. This study compared various models, including objective and latent models and compensatory and non-compensatory decision-making models. Latent models contain latent factors calculated using the LISREL (linear structural relations model. Non-compensatory models are based on a lexicographic-semiorder heuristic. This paper proposes ‘probability increment’ and ‘joint probability increment’ as indicators for evaluating the ability of these models to express intention to change travel behaviour. The application to commuting travel data in the Chukyo metropolitan area in Japan showed that the appropriate non-compensatory and latent models outperform other models.

  6. Autoinmunidad tiroidea: Recuerdos personales (1957-1959

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    Efraim Otero Ruiz


    Full Text Available

    He creído importante transcribir estas reminiscencias, pues hacen parte del sudor y esfuerzo que muchos colombianos hemos brindado para contribuir con nuestro grano de arena a investigaciones que, en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, transformaron y dieron nueva luz al pensamiento inmunológico.

    Puede decirse que en la segunda mitad de la década de los años 5Os se vivió una de las épocas más excitantes en el Departamento de Medicina del Columbia- Presbyterian Medical Center (Presbyterian Hospital o PH en la calle 168 de la ciudad de Nueva York. El Director (Chairman del Departamento era el Profesor Robert F. Loeb, uno de los internistas más prestigiosos del mundo, coautor del texto de Medicina Interna de Cecil Loeb, la biblia médica para los no iniciados. Alrededor de él se congregaba -como podía observarse los martes en las Clínicas Endocrinas Combinadas, celebradas en el enorme torreón o anfiteatro que databa de comienzos del siglo- la élite del conocimiento médico y científico, personas que sacaban tiempo de sus investigaciones para dictar las diversas cátedras: Severo Ochoa -el Premio Nobel español, tan adusto como su nombre- en genética, -proveniente del New York Hospital que compartía con Presbyterian y con Bellevue el triunvirato de la medicina interna y las clínicas combinadas-; Sydney Werner y Ken Sterling (tiroides, Dana Atchley (electrolitos, cetoacidosis diabética y Seymour Lieberman (suprarrenales en endocrinología; Franklin Hanger en Hepatología; Beatrice Seegal en inmunología y transplantes; y, por supuesto, como profesores visitantes, Salomón Berson y Rosalyn Yalow (diabetes procedentes del Hospital de Veteranos del Bronx, sin contar con los innumerables profesores asistentes o visitantes, más jóvenes, que después brillarían con luz propia. Se asistía no sólo a la primera infancia de la nueva genética (nacida con la doble hélice de Watson y Crick en 1953 sino del atrevido concepto

  7. Latent constructs of the autobiographical memory questionnaire: a recollection-belief model of autobiographical experience. (United States)

    Fitzgerald, Joseph M; Broadbridge, Carissa L


    Many researchers employ single-item scales of subjective experiences such as imagery and confidence to assess autobiographical memory. We tested the hypothesis that four latent constructs, recollection, belief, impact, and rehearsal, account for the variance in commonly used scales across four different types of autobiographical memory: earliest childhood memory, cue word memory of personal experience, highly vivid memory, and most stressful memory. Participants rated each memory on scales hypothesised to be indicators of one of four latent constructs. Multi-group confirmatory factor analyses and structural analyses confirmed the similarity of the latent constructs of recollection, belief, impact, and rehearsal, as well as the similarity of the structural relationships among those constructs across memory type. The observed pattern of mean differences between the varieties of autobiographical experiences was consistent with prior research and theory in the study of autobiographical memory.

  8. Partial Granger causality--eliminating exogenous inputs and latent variables. (United States)

    Guo, Shuixia; Seth, Anil K; Kendrick, Keith M; Zhou, Cong; Feng, Jianfeng


    Attempts to identify causal interactions in multivariable biological time series (e.g., gene data, protein data, physiological data) can be undermined by the confounding influence of environmental (exogenous) inputs. Compounding this problem, we are commonly only able to record a subset of all related variables in a system. These recorded variables are likely to be influenced by unrecorded (latent) variables. To address this problem, we introduce a novel variant of a widely used statistical measure of causality--Granger causality--that is inspired by the definition of partial correlation. Our 'partial Granger causality' measure is extensively tested with toy models, both linear and nonlinear, and is applied to experimental data: in vivo multielectrode array (MEA) local field potentials (LFPs) recorded from the inferotemporal cortex of sheep. Our results demonstrate that partial Granger causality can reveal the underlying interactions among elements in a network in the presence of exogenous inputs and latent variables in many cases where the existing conditional Granger causality fails.

  9. Measurement Uncertainty in Racial and Ethnic Identification among Adolescents of Mixed Ancestry: A Latent Variable Approach (United States)

    Tracy, Allison J.; Erkut, Sumru; Porche, Michelle V.; Kim, Jo; Charmaraman, Linda; Grossman, Jennifer M.; Ceder, Ineke; Garcia, Heidie Vazquez


    In this article, we operationalize identification of mixed racial and ethnic ancestry among adolescents as a latent variable to (a) account for measurement uncertainty, and (b) compare alternative wording formats for racial and ethnic self-categorization in surveys. Two latent variable models were fit to multiple mixed-ancestry indicator data from…

  10. Humedad de equilibrio y calor latente de vaporización del ajonjolí. Sésamun indicum L.


    Julio E. Ospina M.; Sandra P. Cuervo A.


    El ajonjolí (Sésamun indicum L.), es una oleaginosa originaria de África y cultivada en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales de Asia y América. A los 110 días de sembrada se cosecha la semilla la cual se utiliza como materia prima especialmente en la industria de grasas y aceites comestibles. Actualmente se pierden en Colombia, un alto porcentaje de semillas durante el proceso de secado natura en el campo. Debido a la falta de información técnica, científica en secado y almacenamiento del ...

  11. Reanimación del paciente quemado Resuscitation of burned patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Antonio Hoyos Franco


    :HyphenationZone>21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

    Las quemaduras extensas pueden generar gran morbilidad y altas tasas de mortalidad determinadas tanto por las lesiones mismas como por la calidad de la reanimación inicial. Si esta es adecuada, puede prevenir la evolución hacia una mayor profundidad de la lesión primaria y, por ende, mejorar el pronóstico del paciente. El objetivo de esta revisión fue recopilar informaci

  12. Latent myostatin has significant activity and this activity is controlled more efficiently by WFIKKN1 than by WFIKKN2


    Szláma, György; Trexler, Mária; Patthy, László


    Myostatin, a negative regulator of skeletal muscle growth, is produced from myostatin precursor by multiple steps of proteolytic processing. After cleavage by a furin-type protease, the propeptide and growth factor domains remain associated, forming a noncovalent complex, the latent myostatin complex. Mature myostatin is liberated from latent myostatin by bone morphogenetic protein 1/tolloid proteases. Here, we show that, in reporter assays, latent myostatin preparations have significant myos...

  13. National policies on the management of latent tuberculosis infection: review of 98 countries (United States)

    Jagger, Ann; Reiter-karam, Silke; Getahun, Haileyesus


    Abstract Objective To review policies on management of latent tuberculosis infection in countries with low and high burdens of tuberculosis. Methods We divided countries reporting data to the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Tuberculosis Programme into low and high tuberculosis burden, based on WHO criteria. We identified national policy documents on management of latent tuberculosis through online searches, government websites, WHO country offices and personal communication with programme managers. We made a descriptive analysis with a focus on policy gaps and deviations from WHO policy recommendations. Findings We obtained documents from 68 of 113 low-burden countries and 30 of 35 countries with the highest burdens of tuberculosis or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated tuberculosis. Screening and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection in people living with HIV was recommended in guidelines of 29 (96.7%) high-burden and 54 (79.7%) low-burden countries. Screening for children aged countries. In most high-burden countries the recommendation was symptom screening alone before treatment, whereas in all low-burden countries it was testing before treatment. Some low-burden countries’ policies did not comply with WHO recommendations: nine (13.2%) recommended tuberculosis preventive treatment for travellers to high-burden countries and 10 (14.7%) for patients undergoing abdominal surgery. Conclusion Lack of solid evidence on certain aspects of management of latent tuberculosis infection results in national policies which vary considerably. This highlights a need to advance research and develop clear, implementable and evidence-based WHO policies. PMID:29531416

  14. Latent structure and construct validity of the reinforcement sensitivity questionnaire

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    Mitrović Dušanka


    Full Text Available The Revised reinforcement sensitivity theory contains three basic systems: Behavioral inhibition system (BAS, Behavioral activation system (BIS and the Fight/ Flight/ Freeze (FFF system. In this model, BIS is a system for detection of potential conflict or threat, and FFFS differs three basic patterns of reaction to actual or perceived danger. In Study 1, which was aimed at the examination of the latent structure of the RSQ, was conducted on a sample of 472 participants of both genders. The best - fitting model suggests that, at the top level of hierarchy, three dimensions exist, which are analogous to the BIS, BAS and FFF. The last dimension contains three subordinate dimensions, which represent the subsystems of the FFF. Study 2, in which 203 subjects participated, was aimed at examination of the relations between the dimensions of the Revised reinforcement sensitivity theory and dimensions of the PEN model. Confirmatory factor analyses of the RSQ and EPQ-R dimensions revealed that the best-fitting model comprised three latent dimensions, the first one being analogous to the BIS - Neuroticism, the second one to the BAS - Extraversion, and the third to the Aggressiveness- Psychoticism. The structure of the latent dimensions is in accordance with the expectations. The results state that fear and anxiety (which neurophysiological distinction is emphasized by Gray, are substantively similar on the behavioral level. Also, the results suggest that the Freeze dimension is probably closer to the BIS system than to the FFF.

  15. Ativação da proteína TGFbetaI latente em pulmão irradiado in vivo Latent TGFbeta1 activation in the lung irradiated in vivo

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    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar no pulmão, por imunohistoquímica, a localização das proteínas TGFbeta1 latente e TGFbeta1 ativa, se ocorre ativação radioinduzida da proteína TGFbeta1 latente e a distribuição das fibras colágenas em diversos períodos de tempo após irradiação. MÉTODOS: 32 camundongos isogênicos (C57BL foram divididos em dois grupos: GI (não irradiado com 12 animais e GII (irradiado com 20 animais. Os animais do GII receberam radiação gama (telecobaltoterapia, 60Co, com rendimento de 0,97Gy/min, dose única de 7Gy em corpo inteiro. Os camundongos dos grupos I e II foram sacrificados por estiramento cervical nos períodos de 1, 14, 30 e 90 dias após irradiação. RESULTADOS: Os pulmões irradiados apresentaram: 1 congestão vascular e espessamento dos septos alveolares aos 30 dias e mais intensamente aos 90 dias depois da irradiação; 2 aumento significante da deposição de colágeno em todos os períodos de tempo após irradiação; 3 fraca ativação da proteína TGFbeta1 latente em um dia e intensa aos 14 dias depois da irradiação em brônquios e alvéolos. Nossos resultados sugerem que células dos brônquios e alvéolos podem participar do complexo mecanismo de fibrose pulmonar radioinduzida atuando como fontes da proteína TGFbeta1 ativa.PURPOSE: assess the latent and active TGFb1 localization in the lung, whether or not radiation induces latent TGFbeta1 activation, and the distribution of collagen fibers in the irradiated lung. METHODS: Thirty two C57BL mice were randomly assigned in two groups: GI (non irradiated animals and GII (irradiated animals. The mice from GII received a single whole ¾ body radiation dose of 7Gy, using a 60Co source at a dose rate of 0.97 Gy/min. They were sacrificed by cervical dislocation at 1, 14, 30 and 90 days after radiation. RESULTS: The irradiated lungs showed: 1 vascular congestion and thickness of the alveolar septa 30 days and more intense 90 days after irradiation; 2

  16. Latent fingermark development using low-vacuum vaporization of ninhydrin. (United States)

    Chen, Chun-Chieh; Yang, Chao-Kai; Liao, Jeh-Shane; Wang, Sheng-Meng


    The vacuum technique is a method of vaporizing a solid material to its gas phase, helping deposit reagents gently on target surfaces to develop latent fingermarks. However, this application is rarely reported in the literature. In this study, a homemade fume hood with a built-in vacuum control system and programmable heating system designed by the Taiwan Criminal Investigation Bureau is introduced. Factors that affect the instrument's performance in developing fingermarks are discussed, including the quantity of chemicals for vaporization, heating program arrangement, and paper of different materials. The results show that fingermarks are effectively developed by vaporizing solid ninhydrin. This would be an alternative application in selecting a solvent-free method for protecting the environment and reducing health hazards in the lab. In terms of the heating program, the result indicates that under a low-vacuum condition (50 mTorr), 80-90 °C is a suitable temperature range for ninhydrin vaporization, allowing ninhydrin to be vaporized without bumping and waste. In terms of the performance on different material papers, this instrument demonstrates its capacity by developing latent fingermarks on thermal paper without discoloration or damaging the original writing, and the same results are also observed on Taiwan and United States banknotes. However, a coherent result could be hardly obtained using the same vaporization setting because different banknotes have their own surface features and water absorption ability or other unique factors may influence the effect of ninhydrin deposition. This study provides a reliable application for developing latent fingermarks without using solvents, and it is also expected to contribute to environmental protection along with the trend of green chemistry technology. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Dissociative Experiences are Associated with Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in a Non-clinical Sample: A Latent Profile Analysis (United States)

    BOYSAN, Murat


    Introduction There has been a burgeoning literature considering the significant associations between obsessive-compulsive symptoms and dissociative experiences. In this study, the relationsips between dissociative symtomotology and dimensions of obsessive-compulsive symptoms were examined in homogeneous sub-groups obtained with latent class algorithm in an undergraduate Turkish sample. Method Latent profile analysis, a recently developed classification method based on latent class analysis, was applied to the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) item-response data from 2976 undergraduates. Differences in severity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms, anxiety and depression across groups were evaluated by running multinomial logistic regression analyses. Associations between latent class probabilities and psychological variables in terms of obsessive-compulsive sub-types, anxiety, and depression were assessed by computing Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients. Results The findings of the latent profile analysis supported further evidence for discontinuity model of dissociative experiences. The analysis empirically justified the distinction among three sub-groups based on the DES items. A marked proportion of the sample (42%) was assigned to the high dissociative class. In the further analyses, all sub-types of obsessive-compulsive symptoms significantly differed across latent classes. Regarding the relationships between obsessive-compulsive symptoms and dissociative symptomatology, low dissociation appeared to be a buffering factor dealing with obsessive-compulsive symptoms; whereas high dissociation appeared to be significantly associated with high levels of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Conclusion It is concluded that the concept of dissociation can be best understood in a typological approach that dissociative symptomatology not only exacerbates obsessive-compulsive symptoms but also serves as an adaptive coping mechanism. PMID:28360635

  18. Epstein-Barr Virus: The Path from Latent to Productive Infection. (United States)

    Chiu, Ya-Fang; Sugden, Bill


    The intrinsic properties of different viruses have driven their study. For example, the capacity for efficient productive infection of cultured cells by herpes simplex virus 1 has made it a paradigm for this mode of infection for herpesviruses in general. Epstein-Barr virus, another herpesvirus, has two properties that have driven its study: It causes human cancers, and it exhibits a tractable transition from its latent to its productive cycle in cell culture. Here, we review our understanding of the path Epstein-Barr virus follows to move from a latent infection to and through its productive cycle. We use information from human infections to provide a framework for describing studies in cell culture and, where possible, the molecular resolutions from these studies. We also pose questions whose answers we think are pivotal to understanding this path, and we provide answers where we can.

  19. Espectro clinicopatológico de las tiroiditis


    Marsiglia, Italo


    El espectro clinicopatológico de las tiroiditis abarca, desde la rara tiroiditis aguda o supurativa hasta la más rara tiroiditis de Riedel. Las tiroiditis subaguda y silente (y su variante postpartum) también son enfermedades no comunes, mientras que la tiroiditis crónica autoinmune o enfermedad de Hashimoto resulta la tiroiditis y la enfermedad autoinmune órgano específica más frecuente, responsable de la mayor parte de los casos de hipotiroidismo. Efectivamente, en las áreas geográficas no ...

  20. El cuerpo del monstruo en "Los Premios" de Julio Cortázar.

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    María Luiza Teixeira Batista


    Full Text Available ENGLISH: In this paper, we intend to analyze the first novel of Julio Cortázar, Los Premios, published in 1960. Our analysis is centered on the figure of the monster that is concealed in the description and in the actions of the characters. It is known that the appearance is one of the aspects that characterize the monster. It is also known that, through history, it is a creature that causes fear, a representation of dreadfulness, a personal creation that gets stronger for its capacity of mystery. SPANISH: En este trabajo, nos propondremos a analizar la primera novela de Julio Cortázar, Los Premios, publicada en 1960. Nuestro análisis abordará la figura del monstruo que seencuentra latente tanto en la descripción como en las acciones de los personajes. Se sabe que apariencia del monstruo es uno de los aspectos que lo caracteriza como tal. Se sabe también que, a través de la historia, el monstruo es aquel ser que causa miedo y espanto, el depositario de los horrores in-mundo, una creación popular que se veengrandecida por su capacidad de misterio.

  1. Esclerosis múltiple: aspectos generales y abordaje farmacológico Multiple sclerosis: general features and pharmacologic approach

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    Nielsen Lagumersindez Denis


    Full Text Available La esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad autoinmune, inflamatoria y desmielinizante del sistema nervioso central, de etiología desconocida y evolución crónica. Existen diferentes hipótesis etiológicas que hablan de una estrecha interrelación entre factores genéticos predisponentes y factores ambientales disímiles, capaces de desencadenar la respuesta autoinmune a nivel del sistema nervioso central. La hipótesis de la patogenia autoinmune se basa en estudios en modelos experimentales y hallazgos en biopsias de pacientes afectados por la enfermedad. Datos acumulativos reportan que el estrés oxidativo desempeña una función fundamental en la patogénesis de la esclerosis múltiple. Las especies reactivas de oxígeno generadas por macrófagos han sido implicadas como mediadoras de la desmielinización y el daño axonal, tanto en la encefalomielitis autoinmune experimental, como en la esclerosis múltiple propiamente. El diagnóstico de la enfermedad es difícil porque no existe una única prueba confirmatoria. El tratamiento de la esclerosis múltiple abarca el tratamiento de los relapsos agudos y los síntomas, así como la modificación de la enfermedad. Estos aspectos requieren un enfoque individualizado, basado en la evolución de esta afección y la tolerabilidad de los tratamientos. Además de la dieta, entre los tratamientos no farmacológicos para la esclerosis múltiple se recomienda la terapia física. Por otra parte, se han realizado varios ensayos clínicos en los que se han empleado extractos naturales, suplementos nutricionales y otros agentes con resultados alentadores. La farmacología ha dotado a los neurólogos de un amplio arsenal de fármacos de probada eficacia; sin embargo, los resultados de los laboratorios de investigación en los últimos años hacen muy probable que las posibilidades terapéuticas aumenten considerablemente en el futuro.Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune, inflammatory and desmyelinization

  2. Pathways of early fatherhood, marriage, and employment: a latent class growth analysis. (United States)

    Dariotis, Jacinda K; Pleck, Joseph H; Astone, Nan M; Sonenstein, Freya L


    In the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79), young fathers include heterogeneous subgroups with varying early life pathways in terms of fatherhood timing, the timing of first marriage, and holding full-time employment. Using latent class growth analysis with 10 observations between ages 18 and 37, we derived five latent classes with median ages of first fatherhood below the cohort median (26.4), constituting distinct early fatherhood pathways representing 32.4% of NLSY men: (A) Young Married Fathers, (B) Teen Married Fathers, (C) Young Underemployed Married Fathers, (D) Young Underemployed Single Fathers, and (E) Young Later-Marrying Fathers. A sixth latent class of men who become fathers around the cohort median, following full-time employment and marriage (On-Time On-Sequence Fathers), is the comparison group. With sociodemographic background controlled, all early fatherhood pathways show disadvantage in at least some later-life circumstances (earnings, educational attainment, marital status, and incarceration). The extent of disadvantage is greater when early fatherhood occurs at relatively younger ages (before age 20), occurs outside marriage, or occurs outside full-time employment. The relative disadvantage associated with early fatherhood, unlike early motherhood, increases over the life course.

  3. A comparative study of matrix metalloproteinase and aggrecanase mediated release of latent cytokines at arthritic joints. (United States)

    Mullen, Lisa; Adams, Gill; Foster, Julie; Vessillier, Sandrine; Köster, Mario; Hauser, Hansjörg; Layward, Lorna; Gould, David; Chernajovsky, Yuti


    Latent cytokines are engineered by fusing the latency associated peptide (LAP) derived from transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) with the therapeutic cytokine, in this case interferon-β (IFN-β), via an inflammation-specific matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) cleavage site. To demonstrate latency and specific delivery in vivo and to compare therapeutic efficacy of aggrecanase-mediated release of latent IFN-β in arthritic joints to the original MMP-specific release. Recombinant fusion proteins with MMP, aggrecanase or devoid of cleavage site were expressed in CHO cells, purified and characterised in vitro by Western blotting and anti-viral protection assays. Therapeutic efficacy and half-life were assessed in vivo using the mouse collagen-induced arthritis model (CIA) of rheumatoid arthritis and a model of acute paw inflammation, respectively. Transgenic mice with an IFN-regulated luciferase gene were used to assess latency in vivo and targeted delivery to sites of disease. Efficient localised delivery of IFN-β to inflamed paws, with low levels of systemic delivery, was demonstrated in transgenic mice using latent IFN-β. Engineering of latent IFN-β with an aggrecanase-sensitive cleavage site resulted in efficient cleavage by ADAMTS-4, ADAMTS-5 and synovial fluid from arthritic patients, with an extended half-life similar to the MMP-specific molecule and greater therapeutic efficacy in the CIA model. Latent cytokines require cleavage in vivo for therapeutic efficacy, and they are delivered in a dose dependent fashion only to arthritic joints. The aggrecanase-specific cleavage site is a viable alternative to the MMP cleavage site for the targeting of latent cytokines to arthritic joints. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  4. Osteoporosis grave con aplastamientos vertebrales en dermatomiositis juvenil: Efecto del tratamiento con alendronato oral Severe osteoporosis with vertebral crushes in juvenile dermatomyositis: Effect of oral alendronate therapy

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    Cristina Tau


    Full Text Available Los glucocorticoides son usados comúnmente para el tratamiento de enfermedades inflamatorias, autoinmunes, enfermedades malignas, y en la prevención de rechazo de órganos trasplantados. Un efecto secundario frecuente del tratamiento prolongado es la pérdida de masa ósea que se produce por varios mecanismos y es causa de osteoporosis y fracturas vertebrales. El tratamiento con disfosfonatos ha sido propuesto para esta situación. Presentamos un caso clínico de osteoporosis grave en una niña con dermatomiositis juvenil, que respondió favorablemente al tratamiento con disfosfonatos orales.Glucocorticoids are used for the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, cancer, and in prevention of organ rejects. A frequent secondary effect of longterm treatment with corticoids is the loss of bone mass, caused by several mechanisms: decrease in the intestinal calcium absorption, increase of the renal calcium excretion at the distal renal tubule, suppressive effect on the osteoblast and also in apoptosis of osteoclasts, inhibition in local production of IGF I (Insulin-like growth factor and IGFBPs (binding IGF I proteins necessary for bone metabolism, and decrease on osteocalcin production. Longterm treatment with corticoids is associated with osteoporosis and vertebral fractures. To improve this condition, treatment with bisphosphonates has been proposed. We present here a clinical case of a girl with dermatomyositis and severe osteoporosis with vertebral crushes, who responded well to oral bisphophonate treatment.

  5. Assessing Factors Related to Waist Circumference and Obesity: Application of a Latent Variable Model


    Dalvand, Sahar; Koohpayehzadeh, Jalil; Karimlou, Masoud; Asgari, Fereshteh; Rafei, Ali; Seifi, Behjat; Niksima, Seyed Hassan; Bakhshi, Enayatollah


    Background. Because the use of BMI (Body Mass Index) alone as a measure of adiposity has been criticized, in the present study our aim was to fit a latent variable model to simultaneously examine the factors that affect waist circumference (continuous outcome) and obesity (binary outcome) among Iranian adults. Methods. Data included 18,990 Iranian individuals aged 20–65 years that are derived from the third National Survey of Noncommunicable Diseases Risk Factors in Iran. Using latent variabl...

  6. Patient safety in the operating room: an intervention study on latent risk factors

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    van Beuzekom Martie


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Patient safety is one of the greatest challenges in healthcare. In the operating room errors are frequent and often consequential. This article describes an approach to a successful implementation of a patient safety program in the operating room, focussing on latent risk factors that influence patient safety. We performed an intervention to improve these latent risk factors (LRFs and increase awareness of patient safety issues amongst OR staff. Methods Latent risk factors were studied using a validated questionnaire applied to the OR staff before and after an intervention. A pre-test/post-test control group design with repeated measures was used to evaluate the effects of the interventions. The staff from one operating room of an university hospital acted as the intervention group. Controls consisted of the staff of the operating room in another university hospital. The outcomes were the changes in LRF scores, perceived incident rate, and changes in incident reports between pre- and post-intervention. Results Based on pre-test scores and participants’ key concerns about organizational factors affecting patient safety in their department the intervention focused on the following LRFs: Material Resources, Training and Staffing Recourses. After the intervention, the intervention operating room - compared to the control operating room - reported significantly fewer problems on Material Resources and Staffing Resources and a significantly lower score on perceived incident rate. The contribution of technical factors to incident causation decreased significantly in the intervention group after the intervention. Conclusion The change of state of latent risk factors can be measured using a patient safety questionnaire aimed at these factors. The change of the relevant risk factors (Material and Staffing resources concurred with a decrease in perceived and reported incident rates in the relevant categories. We conclude that

  7. Mediation Analysis in a Latent Growth Curve Modeling Framework (United States)

    von Soest, Tilmann; Hagtvet, Knut A.


    This article presents several longitudinal mediation models in the framework of latent growth curve modeling and provides a detailed account of how such models can be constructed. Logical and statistical challenges that might arise when such analyses are conducted are also discussed. Specifically, we discuss how the initial status (intercept) and…

  8. Latent hardening size effect in small-scale plasticity (United States)

    Bardella, Lorenzo; Segurado, Javier; Panteghini, Andrea; Llorca, Javier


    We aim at understanding the multislip behaviour of metals subject to irreversible deformations at small-scales. By focusing on the simple shear of a constrained single-crystal strip, we show that discrete Dislocation Dynamics (DD) simulations predict a strong latent hardening size effect, with smaller being stronger in the range [1.5 µm, 6 µm] for the strip height. We attempt to represent the DD pseudo-experimental results by developing a flow theory of Strain Gradient Crystal Plasticity (SGCP), involving both energetic and dissipative higher-order terms and, as a main novelty, a strain gradient extension of the conventional latent hardening. In order to discuss the capability of the SGCP theory proposed, we implement it into a Finite Element (FE) code and set its material parameters on the basis of the DD results. The SGCP FE code is specifically developed for the boundary value problem under study so that we can implement a fully implicit (Backward Euler) consistent algorithm. Special emphasis is placed on the discussion of the role of the material length scales involved in the SGCP model, from both the mechanical and numerical points of view.

  9. Latent hardening size effect in small-scale plasticity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bardella, Lorenzo; Panteghini, Andrea; Segurado, Javier; Llorca, Javier


    We aim at understanding the multislip behaviour of metals subject to irreversible deformations at small-scales. By focusing on the simple shear of a constrained single-crystal strip, we show that discrete Dislocation Dynamics (DD) simulations predict a strong latent hardening size effect, with smaller being stronger in the range [1.5 µm, 6 µm] for the strip height. We attempt to represent the DD pseudo-experimental results by developing a flow theory of Strain Gradient Crystal Plasticity (SGCP), involving both energetic and dissipative higher-order terms and, as a main novelty, a strain gradient extension of the conventional latent hardening. In order to discuss the capability of the SGCP theory proposed, we implement it into a Finite Element (FE) code and set its material parameters on the basis of the DD results. The SGCP FE code is specifically developed for the boundary value problem under study so that we can implement a fully implicit (Backward Euler) consistent algorithm. Special emphasis is placed on the discussion of the role of the material length scales involved in the SGCP model, from both the mechanical and numerical points of view. (paper)

  10. Surface latent heat flux as an earthquake precursor

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    S. Dey


    Full Text Available The analysis of surface latent heat flux (SLHF from the epicentral regions of five recent earthquakes that occurred in close proximity to the oceans has been found to show anomalous behavior. The maximum increase of SLHF is found 2–7 days prior to the main earthquake event. This increase is likely due to an ocean-land-atmosphere interaction. The increase of SLHF prior to the main earthquake event is attributed to the increase in infrared thermal (IR temperature in the epicentral and surrounding region. The anomalous increase in SLHF shows great potential in providing early warning of a disastrous earthquake, provided that there is a better understanding of the background noise due to the tides and monsoon in surface latent heat flux. Efforts have been made to understand the level of background noise in the epicentral regions of the five earthquakes considered in the present paper. A comparison of SLHF from the epicentral regions over the coastal earthquakes and the earthquakes that occurred far away from the coast has been made and it has been found that the anomalous behavior of SLHF prior to the main earthquake event is only associated with the coastal earthquakes.

  11. Application of UV and X-Ray radiation for refreshing of old latent fingerprints in the cyanoacrylate fuming technique - preliminary study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Radiceska, Pavlina; Ristova, Mimoza


    The work described below focuses on enhancement/refreshment of older latent fingerprints onto a non porous (glass) surface. The aging of the fingerprints is a major problem of the forensic science, because of the compound’s degradation under the influence of a variety of atmospheric parameters, in addition to the time factor. The humidification extent on the latent fingerprints appeared to be one of the critical factors for the deposition of the cyanoacrylate on the finger-marks, since the unsaturated bonds from lipid content from the latent fingerprints serve as active water condensation centers. In the present work we show results from the enhancement of aged latent fingerprint details by activation of the humidity condensation centers with exposition to UV or X-ray radiation prior to their developing into the cyanoacrylate fuming chamber. The aging of the latent fingerprints on glass surfaces with the time for given conditions was established. A term “critical day” was introduced as the day when the detectable details from the latent fingerprints dropped to one half of the initial number of details, recovered from identical fresh latent fingerprint. As the fingerprints were aged to the “critical day”, one third of the samples were exposed to a UV for 15 minutes, another third to 15 minutes of X-ray radiation and the last third was kept unexposed. All the samples were developed into a single cyanoacrylate fuming process. The results showed that in both UV and X-ray cases, a considerable enhancement/refreshment, in approximately 50% of the aged latent fingerprints, has been achieved with only a short term irradiation (15 minutes). (Author)

  12. Providing detailed information about latent tuberculosis and compliance with the PPD test among healthcare workers in Israel: A randomized controlled study

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    Danielle Taubman


    Conclusions: Compliance for latent TB screening is low among HCWs in northeastern Israel. Providing detailed information about latent TB was not associated with increased test compliance. Understanding existing disparities in screening rates and potential barriers to latent TB screening among HCWs is important in order to move forward and successfully increase screening rates.

  13. Refreshing the Aged Latent Fingerprints with Ionizing Radiation Prior to the Cyanoacrylate Fuming Procedure: A Preliminary Study. (United States)

    Ristova, Mimoza M; Radiceska, Pavlina; Bozinov, Igorco; Barandovski, Lambe


    One of the crucial factors determining the cyanoacrylate deposit quality over latent fingerprints appeared to be the extent of the humidity. This work focuses on the enhancement/refreshment of age-degraded latent fingerprints by irradiating the samples with UV, X-ray, or thermal neutrons prior to the cyanoacrylate (CA) fuming. Age degradation of latent fingerprints deposited on glass surfaces was examined through the decrease in the number of characteristic minutiae counts over time. A term "critical day" was introduced for the time at which the average number of identifiable minutiae definitions drops to one-half. Fingerprints older than their "critical day" were exposed to either UV, X-ray, or thermal neutrons. Identical reference samples were kept unexposed. All samples, both reference and irradiated, were developed during a single CA fuming procedure. Comparative latent fingerprint analysis showed that exposure to ionizing radiation enhances the CA fuming, yielding a 20-30% increase in average minutiae count. © 2015 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  14. The Latent Reservoir for HIV-1: How Immunologic Memory and Clonal Expansion Contribute to HIV-1 Persistence (United States)

    Murray, Alexandra J.; Kwon, Kyungyoon J.; Farber, Donna L.; Siliciano, Robert F.


    Combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV-1 infection reduces plasma virus levels to below the limit of detection of clinical assays. However, even with prolonged suppression of viral replication with ART, viremia rebounds rapidly after treatment interruption. Thus ART is not curative. The principal barrier to cure is a remarkably stable reservoir of latent HIV-1 in resting memory CD4+ T cells. Here we consider explanations for the remarkable stability of the latent reservoir. Stability does not appear to reflect replenishment from new infection events but rather normal physiologic processes that provide for immunologic memory. Of particular importance are proliferative processes that drive clonal expansion of infected cells. Recent evidence suggests that in some infected cells, proliferation is a consequence of proviral integration into host genes associated with cell growth. Efforts to cure HIV-1 infection by targeting the latent reservoir may need to consider the potential of latently infected cells to proliferate. PMID:27382129

  15. Stimulation of HIV-1-specific cytolytic T-lymphocytes facilitates elimination of latent viral reservoir after virus reactivation (United States)

    Shan, Liang; Deng, Kai; Shroff, Neeta S.; Durand, Christine; Rabi, S. Alireza.; Yang, Hung-Chih; Zhang, Hao; Margolick, Joseph B.; Blankson, Joel N.; Siliciano, Robert F.


    Summary Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) suppresses HIV-1 replication but cannot eliminate the virus because HIV-1 establishes latent infection. Interruption of HAART leads to a rapid rebound of viremia. Life-long treatment is therefore required. Efforts to purge the latent reservoir have focused on reactivating latent proviruses without inducing global T-cell activation. However, the killing of the infected cells after virus reactivation, which is essential for elimination of the reservoir, has not been assessed. Here we show that after reversal of latency in an in vitro model, infected resting CD4+ T cells survived despite viral cytopathic effects, even in the presence of autologous cytolytic T-lymphocytes (CTL) from most patients on HAART. Antigen-specific stimulation of patient CTLs led to efficient killing of infected cells. These results demonstrate that stimulating HIV-1-specific CTLs prior to reactivating latent HIV-1 may be essential for successful eradication efforts and should be considered in future clinical trials. PMID:22406268

  16. Modeling change in learning strategies throughout higher education: a multi-indicator latent growth perspective. (United States)

    Coertjens, Liesje; Donche, Vincent; De Maeyer, Sven; Vanthournout, Gert; Van Petegem, Peter


    The change in learning strategies during higher education is an important topic of research in the Student Approaches to Learning field. Although the studies on this topic are increasingly longitudinal, analyses have continued to rely primarily on traditional statistical methods. The present research is innovative in the way it uses a multi-indicator latent growth analysis in order to more accurately estimate the general and differential development in learning strategy scales. Moreover, the predictive strength of the latent growth models are estimated. The sample consists of one cohort of Flemish University College students, 245 of whom participated in the three measurement waves by filling out the processing and regulation strategies scales of the Inventory of Learning Styles--Short Versions. Independent-samples t-tests revealed that the longitudinal group is a non-random subset of students starting University College. For each scale, a multi-indicator latent growth model is estimated using Mplus 6.1. Results suggest that, on average, during higher education, students persisting in their studies in a non-delayed manner seem to shift towards high-quality learning and away from undirected and surface-oriented learning. Moreover, students from the longitudinal group are found to vary in their initial levels, while, unexpectedly, not in their change over time. Although the growth models fit the data well, significant residual variances in the latent factors remain.

  17. Coordination of KSHV Latent and Lytic Gene Control by CTCF-Cohesin Mediated Chromosome Conformation (United States)

    Kang, Hyojeung; Wiedmer, Andreas; Yuan, Yan; Robertson, Erle; Lieberman, Paul M.


    Herpesvirus persistence requires a dynamic balance between latent and lytic cycle gene expression, but how this balance is maintained remains enigmatic. We have previously shown that the Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus (KSHV) major latency transcripts encoding LANA, vCyclin, vFLIP, v-miRNAs, and Kaposin are regulated, in part, by a chromatin organizing element that binds CTCF and cohesins. Using viral genome-wide chromatin conformation capture (3C) methods, we now show that KSHV latency control region is physically linked to the promoter regulatory region for ORF50, which encodes the KSHV immediate early protein RTA. Other linkages were also observed, including an interaction between the 5′ and 3′ end of the latency transcription cluster. Mutation of the CTCF-cohesin binding site reduced or eliminated the chromatin conformation linkages, and deregulated viral transcription and genome copy number control. siRNA depletion of CTCF or cohesin subunits also disrupted chromosomal linkages and deregulated viral latent and lytic gene transcription. Furthermore, the linkage between the latent and lytic control region was subject to cell cycle fluctuation and disrupted during lytic cycle reactivation, suggesting that these interactions are dynamic and regulatory. Our findings indicate that KSHV genomes are organized into chromatin loops mediated by CTCF and cohesin interactions, and that these inter-chromosomal linkages coordinate latent and lytic gene control. PMID:21876668

  18. Use of a Latent Topic Model for Characteristic Extraction from Health Checkup Questionnaire Data. (United States)

    Hatakeyama, Y; Miyano, I; Kataoka, H; Nakajima, N; Watabe, T; Yasuda, N; Okuhara, Y


    When patients complete questionnaires during health checkups, many of their responses are subjective, making topic extraction difficult. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop a model capable of extracting appropriate topics from subjective data in questionnaires conducted during health checkups. We employed a latent topic model to group the lifestyle habits of the study participants and represented their responses to items on health checkup questionnaires as a probability model. For the probability model, we used latent Dirichlet allocation to extract 30 topics from the questionnaires. According to the model parameters, a total of 4381 study participants were then divided into groups based on these topics. Results from laboratory tests, including blood glucose level, triglycerides, and estimated glomerular filtration rate, were compared between each group, and these results were then compared with those obtained by hierarchical clustering. If a significant (p topic model and hierarchical clustering grouping revealed that, in the latent topic model method, a small group of participants who reported having subjective signs of urinary disorder were allocated to a single group. The latent topic model is useful for extracting characteristics from a small number of groups from questionnaires with a large number of items. These results show that, in addition to chief complaints and history of past illness, questionnaire data obtained during medical checkups can serve as useful judgment criteria for assessing the conditions of patients.

  19. Modeling change in learning strategies throughout higher education: a multi-indicator latent growth perspective.

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    Liesje Coertjens

    Full Text Available The change in learning strategies during higher education is an important topic of research in the Student Approaches to Learning field. Although the studies on this topic are increasingly longitudinal, analyses have continued to rely primarily on traditional statistical methods. The present research is innovative in the way it uses a multi-indicator latent growth analysis in order to more accurately estimate the general and differential development in learning strategy scales. Moreover, the predictive strength of the latent growth models are estimated. The sample consists of one cohort of Flemish University College students, 245 of whom participated in the three measurement waves by filling out the processing and regulation strategies scales of the Inventory of Learning Styles--Short Versions. Independent-samples t-tests revealed that the longitudinal group is a non-random subset of students starting University College. For each scale, a multi-indicator latent growth model is estimated using Mplus 6.1. Results suggest that, on average, during higher education, students persisting in their studies in a non-delayed manner seem to shift towards high-quality learning and away from undirected and surface-oriented learning. Moreover, students from the longitudinal group are found to vary in their initial levels, while, unexpectedly, not in their change over time. Although the growth models fit the data well, significant residual variances in the latent factors remain.

  20. Tratamento da tuberculose de infecção latente. As recomendações actuais

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    R. Duarte


    Full Text Available Resumo: O diagnóstico e tratamento da infecção latente por Mycobacterium tuberculosis reduz significativamente o risco de desenvolvimento de tuberculose activa e a transmissão da doença na comunidade. O rastreio da tuberculose infecção latente deve passar pela exclusão de doença activa (inquérito de sintomas e radiografia pulmonar e avaliação da resposta imunológica ao M. tuberculosis através dos testes actualmente ao dispor, como o teste tuberculínico e os testes IGRA (interferon-gamma release assay. A escolha do esquema de tratamento deve ter em linha de conta a eficácia, a adesão e os efeitos colaterais associados ao mesmo Este documento actualiza as recomendações sobre tratamento da tuberculose infecção latente. São apresentadas indicações sobre quem deve ser rastreado e revistos os esquemas de tratamento. Abstract: Diagnosis and treatment of latent infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (LTBI, significantly reduces the risk of developing active tuberculosis and the transmission of the disease in the community. LTBI screening must pass by the exclusion of active disease (symptoms enquiry and chest radiography and assessment of immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis testing with the tests currently available – tuberculin skin test and interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA. The choice of treatment must take into account the efficacy and side effects associated with the same. This document provides updated recommendations on latent tuberculosis infection treatment. Topics covered include whom to test for TB and reviewed LTBI treatment regimens. Palavras-chave: Tuberculose, tuberculose infeccao latente, tratamento, preventivo, Key words: Tuberculosis, latent tuberculosis infection, treatment, preventive

  1. Prevalence of latent tuberculosis and treatment adherence among patients with chronic kidney disease in Campo Grande, State of Mato Grosso do Sul

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    Aucely Corrêa Fernandes Chagas


    Full Text Available Introduction The primary strategy for tuberculosis control involves identifying individuals with latent tuberculosis. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of latent tuberculosis in chronic kidney disease (CKD patients who were undergoing hemodialysis in Campo Grande, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, to characterize the sociodemographic and clinical profiles of patients with latent tuberculosis, to verify the association between sociodemographic and clinical characteristics and the occurrence of latent tuberculosis, and to monitor patient adherence to latent tuberculosis treatment. Methods This epidemiological study involved 418 CKD patients who were undergoing hemodialysis and who underwent a tuberculin skin test. Results The prevalence of latent tuberculosis was 10.3%. The mean patient age was 53.43±14.97 years, and the patients were predominantly men (63.9%. The population was primarily Caucasian (58.6%; half (50% were married, and 49.8% had incomplete primary educations. Previous contact with tuberculosis patients was reported by 80% of the participants. Treatment adherence was 97.7%. Conclusions We conclude that the prevalence of latent tuberculosis in our study population was low. Previous contact with patients with active tuberculosis increased the occurrence of latent infection. Although treatment adherence was high in this study, it is crucial to monitor tuberculosis treatment administered to patients in health services to maintain this high rate.

  2. Latent interaction effects in the theory of planned behaviour applied to quitting smoking. (United States)

    Hukkelberg, Silje Sommer; Hagtvet, Knut A; Kovac, Velibor Bobo


    This study applies three latent interaction models in the theory of planned behaviour (TPB; Ajzen, 1988, Attitudes, personality, and behavior. Homewood, IL: Dorsey Press; Ajzen, 1991, Organ. Behav. Hum. Decis. Process., 50, 179) to quitting smoking: (1) attitude × perceived behavioural control on intention; (2) subjective norms (SN) × attitude on intention; and (3) perceived behavioural control × intention on quitting behaviour. The data derive from a longitudinal Internet survey of 939 smokers aged 15-74 over a period of 4 months. Latent interaction effects were estimated using the double-mean-centred unconstrained approach (Lin et al., 2010, Struct. Equ. Modeling, 17, 374) in LISREL. Attitude × SN and attitude × perceived behavioural control both showed a significant interaction effect on intention. No significant interaction effect was found for perceived behavioural control × intention on quitting. The latent interaction approach is a useful method for investigating specific conditions between TPB components in the context of quitting behaviour. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed. © 2013 The British Psychological Society.

  3. Cross-covariance functions for multivariate random fields based on latent dimensions

    KAUST Repository

    Apanasovich, T. V.; Genton, M. G.


    The problem of constructing valid parametric cross-covariance functions is challenging. We propose a simple methodology, based on latent dimensions and existing covariance models for univariate random fields, to develop flexible, interpretable

  4. Mental toughness latent profiles in endurance athletes. (United States)

    Zeiger, Joanna S; Zeiger, Robert S


    Mental toughness in endurance athletes, while an important factor for success, has been scarcely studied. An online survey was used to examine eight mental toughness factors in endurance athletes. The study aim was to determine mental toughness profiles via latent profile analysis in endurance athletes and whether associations exist between the latent profiles and demographics and sports characteristics. Endurance athletes >18 years of age were recruited via social media outlets (n = 1245, 53% female). Mental toughness was measured using the Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ), Psychological Performance Inventory-Alternative (PPI-A), and self-esteem was measured using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE). A three-class solution emerged, designated as high mental toughness (High MT), moderate mental toughness (Moderate MT) and low mental toughness (Low MT). ANOVA tests showed significant differences between all three classes on all 8 factors derived from the SMTQ, PPI-A and the RSE. There was an increased odds of being in the High MT class compared to the Low MT class for males (OR = 1.99; 95% CI, 1.39, 2.83; Pathletes who were over 55 compared to those who were 18-34 (OR = 2.52; 95% CI, 1.37, 4.62; Pathletes. High MT is associated with demographics and sports characteristics. Mental toughness screening in athletes may help direct practitioners with mental skills training.

  5. Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Transcriptional Heterogeneity in Latent and Reactivated HIV-Infected Cells. (United States)

    Golumbeanu, Monica; Cristinelli, Sara; Rato, Sylvie; Munoz, Miguel; Cavassini, Matthias; Beerenwinkel, Niko; Ciuffi, Angela


    Despite effective treatment, HIV can persist in latent reservoirs, which represent a major obstacle toward HIV eradication. Targeting and reactivating latent cells is challenging due to the heterogeneous nature of HIV-infected cells. Here, we used a primary model of HIV latency and single-cell RNA sequencing to characterize transcriptional heterogeneity during HIV latency and reactivation. Our analysis identified transcriptional programs leading to successful reactivation of HIV expression. Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Homosexualidad latente en el cine


    Sánchez del Pulgar Legido, Rosa Mª


    Desde el principio del siglo XX en los Estados Unidos y Europa, las personas vivían su homosexualidad a escondidas por temor a las leyes que la castigaban; el cine pues, les representa del mismo modo creando una subcultura en la que pueden ser ellos mismos. La cinematografía clásica y los años posteriores se componen de numerosos filmes cargados de representaciones homosexuales de manera oculta. Interpretados desde una lectura queer, conoceremos las mil maneras de sugerir a los gais y a las l...

  7. Latent segmentation based count models: Analysis of bicycle safety in Montreal and Toronto. (United States)

    Yasmin, Shamsunnahar; Eluru, Naveen


    The study contributes to literature on bicycle safety by building on the traditional count regression models to investigate factors affecting bicycle crashes at the Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) level. TAZ is a traffic related geographic entity which is most frequently used as spatial unit for macroscopic crash risk analysis. In conventional count models, the impact of exogenous factors is restricted to be the same across the entire region. However, it is possible that the influence of exogenous factors might vary across different TAZs. To accommodate for the potential variation in the impact of exogenous factors we formulate latent segmentation based count models. Specifically, we formulate and estimate latent segmentation based Poisson (LP) and latent segmentation based Negative Binomial (LNB) models to study bicycle crash counts. In our latent segmentation approach, we allow for more than two segments and also consider a large set of variables in segmentation and segment specific models. The formulated models are estimated using bicycle-motor vehicle crash data from the Island of Montreal and City of Toronto for the years 2006 through 2010. The TAZ level variables considered in our analysis include accessibility measures, exposure measures, sociodemographic characteristics, socioeconomic characteristics, road network characteristics and built environment. A policy analysis is also conducted to illustrate the applicability of the proposed model for planning purposes. This macro-level research would assist decision makers, transportation officials and community planners to make informed decisions to proactively improve bicycle safety - a prerequisite to promoting a culture of active transportation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Incorporating Latent Variables into Discrete Choice Models - A Simultaneous Estimation Approach Using SEM Software

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dirk Temme


    Full Text Available Integrated choice and latent variable (ICLV models represent a promising new class of models which merge classic choice models with the structural equation approach (SEM for latent variables. Despite their conceptual appeal, applications of ICLV models in marketing remain rare. We extend previous ICLV applications by first estimating a multinomial choice model and, second, by estimating hierarchical relations between latent variables. An empirical study on travel mode choice clearly demonstrates the value of ICLV models to enhance the understanding of choice processes. In addition to the usually studied directly observable variables such as travel time, we show how abstract motivations such as power and hedonism as well as attitudes such as a desire for flexibility impact on travel mode choice. Furthermore, we show that it is possible to estimate such a complex ICLV model with the widely available structural equation modeling package Mplus. This finding is likely to encourage more widespread application of this appealing model class in the marketing field.

  9. Latent uncertainties of the precalculated track Monte Carlo method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Renaud, Marc-André; Seuntjens, Jan [Medical Physics Unit, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1A4 (Canada); Roberge, David [Département de radio-oncologie, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec H2L 4M1 (Canada)


    Purpose: While significant progress has been made in speeding up Monte Carlo (MC) dose calculation methods, they remain too time-consuming for the purpose of inverse planning. To achieve clinically usable calculation speeds, a precalculated Monte Carlo (PMC) algorithm for proton and electron transport was developed to run on graphics processing units (GPUs). The algorithm utilizes pregenerated particle track data from conventional MC codes for different materials such as water, bone, and lung to produce dose distributions in voxelized phantoms. While PMC methods have been described in the past, an explicit quantification of the latent uncertainty arising from the limited number of unique tracks in the pregenerated track bank is missing from the paper. With a proper uncertainty analysis, an optimal number of tracks in the pregenerated track bank can be selected for a desired dose calculation uncertainty. Methods: Particle tracks were pregenerated for electrons and protons using EGSnrc and GEANT4 and saved in a database. The PMC algorithm for track selection, rotation, and transport was implemented on the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) 4.0 programming framework. PMC dose distributions were calculated in a variety of media and compared to benchmark dose distributions simulated from the corresponding general-purpose MC codes in the same conditions. A latent uncertainty metric was defined and analysis was performed by varying the pregenerated track bank size and the number of simulated primary particle histories and comparing dose values to a “ground truth” benchmark dose distribution calculated to 0.04% average uncertainty in voxels with dose greater than 20% of D{sub max}. Efficiency metrics were calculated against benchmark MC codes on a single CPU core with no variance reduction. Results: Dose distributions generated using PMC and benchmark MC codes were compared and found to be within 2% of each other in voxels with dose values greater than 20% of

  10. Latent uncertainties of the precalculated track Monte Carlo method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Renaud, Marc-André; Seuntjens, Jan; Roberge, David


    Purpose: While significant progress has been made in speeding up Monte Carlo (MC) dose calculation methods, they remain too time-consuming for the purpose of inverse planning. To achieve clinically usable calculation speeds, a precalculated Monte Carlo (PMC) algorithm for proton and electron transport was developed to run on graphics processing units (GPUs). The algorithm utilizes pregenerated particle track data from conventional MC codes for different materials such as water, bone, and lung to produce dose distributions in voxelized phantoms. While PMC methods have been described in the past, an explicit quantification of the latent uncertainty arising from the limited number of unique tracks in the pregenerated track bank is missing from the paper. With a proper uncertainty analysis, an optimal number of tracks in the pregenerated track bank can be selected for a desired dose calculation uncertainty. Methods: Particle tracks were pregenerated for electrons and protons using EGSnrc and GEANT4 and saved in a database. The PMC algorithm for track selection, rotation, and transport was implemented on the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) 4.0 programming framework. PMC dose distributions were calculated in a variety of media and compared to benchmark dose distributions simulated from the corresponding general-purpose MC codes in the same conditions. A latent uncertainty metric was defined and analysis was performed by varying the pregenerated track bank size and the number of simulated primary particle histories and comparing dose values to a “ground truth” benchmark dose distribution calculated to 0.04% average uncertainty in voxels with dose greater than 20% of D max . Efficiency metrics were calculated against benchmark MC codes on a single CPU core with no variance reduction. Results: Dose distributions generated using PMC and benchmark MC codes were compared and found to be within 2% of each other in voxels with dose values greater than 20% of the

  11. Linear latent variable models: the lava-package

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holst, Klaus Kähler; Budtz-Jørgensen, Esben


    are implemented including robust standard errors for clustered correlated data, multigroup analyses, non-linear parameter constraints, inference with incomplete data, maximum likelihood estimation with censored and binary observations, and instrumental variable estimators. In addition an extensive simulation......An R package for specifying and estimating linear latent variable models is presented. The philosophy of the implementation is to separate the model specification from the actual data, which leads to a dynamic and easy way of modeling complex hierarchical structures. Several advanced features...

  12. Exploring galaxy evolution with latent space walks (United States)

    Schawinski, Kevin; Turp, Dennis; Zhang, Ce


    We present a new approach using artificial intelligence to perform data-driven forward models of astrophysical phenomena. We describe how a variational autoencoder can be used to encode galaxies to latent space, independently manipulate properties such as the specific star formation rate, and return it to real space. Such transformations can be used for forward modeling phenomena using data as the only constraints. We demonstrate the utility of this approach using the question of the quenching of star formation in galaxies.


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    Rodolfo Durán V.


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de este artículo es estimar si el establecimiento del seguro de depósitos explícito en Costa Rica es viable o no, así como, exponer las principales características de dicho sistema de protección.Adicionalmente, se considera oportuno iniciar el debate sobre un tema que ha sido postergado y que debería ser de interés en el ámbito financiero nacional. Por tanto, es necesario animar la discusión de este tema en foros bancarios para ir generando ideas alternativas y conclusiones que contribuyan con el fortalecimiento y desarrollo del sistema financiero y no esperar hasta que la crisis sistémica (peligro latente de contagio sobre el resto del sistema se muestre a la vuelta de la esquina.El riesgo de las crisis sistémicas ha llevado a muchos países a estudiar e implementar sistemas de seguro de depósitos (SSD, con el interés de minimizar el efecto dominó o contagio que podría generar una corrida de fondos bancarios, dada una situación de desconfianza en los depositantes por la pérdida de sus recursos, producto de la quiebra de un banco.En Costa Rica, el establecimiento del seguro de depósitos explícito debe formar parte de la agenda de estudio de las Reformas del Sistema Financiero, puesto que el SSD junto con la función de prestamista de última instancia y la supervisión prudencial conforman los cimientos de seguridad básica de un sistema financiero moderno e inmerso en la globalización.Por su parte, los resultados de la estimación del seguro de depósitos para nuestro país, mostraron que la implementación es viable desde el punto de vista financiero, según criterio de expertos. Además, el impacto estimado sobre el margen financiero se considera insignificante para los participantes en el sistema bancario. Por tanto, se estaría rompiendo con el mito de que el seguro de los depósitos vendría a ser un impuesto adicional importante, sino más bien un beneficio, en el sentido de la mayor confianza y

  14. Some children with autism have latent social skills that can be tested

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hrdlicka M


    Full Text Available Michal Hrdlicka,1 Tomas Urbanek,2 Maria Vacova,1 Stepanka Beranova,1 Iva Dudova1 1Department of Child Psychiatry, Charles University Second Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Motol, Prague, 2Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic Background: The idea of latent social skills in autism emerged as a possible interpretation of the rapid (but temporary improvement of autistic subjects in oxytocin studies. We tested a hypothesis that a normal response to Item No 59 “Secure Base” from the third version of the Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised (ADIR-59 could indicate the presence of latent social skills in autism.Methods: We examined 110 autistic children (88 boys and 22 girls with a mean age of 6.0±2.5 years (range: 2.2–14.8 years using the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS – Generic. A diagnosis of mental retardation was established in 68 autistic children (62%.Results: The difference in the ADOS social domain between children aged ≤5 years on one side and children older than 5 years on the other side was significant in subjects with normal responses to ADIR-59 (9.60 vs 6.47; P=0.031 but not in those with abnormal responses to ADIR-59 (10.62 vs 9.63; P=0.537. In a predictive model, lower ADOS social domain scores were predicted by older age (P=0.001, lower scores on the ADIR-59 (P=0.01, and the absence of mental retardation (P=0.049.Conclusion: The results support the hypothesis that the normal response to item ADIR-59 “Secure Base” indicates the presence of latent social skills in autism that might foretell further social growth in older autistic subjects. Keywords: autism, latent social skills, Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, prediction

  15. Brain Macrophages in Simian Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected, Antiretroviral-Suppressed Macaques: a Functional Latent Reservoir. (United States)

    Avalos, Claudia R; Abreu, Celina M; Queen, Suzanne E; Li, Ming; Price, Sarah; Shirk, Erin N; Engle, Elizabeth L; Forsyth, Ellen; Bullock, Brandon T; Mac Gabhann, Feilim; Wietgrefe, Stephen W; Haase, Ashley T; Zink, M Christine; Mankowski, Joseph L; Clements, Janice E; Gama, Lucio


    A human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection cure requires an understanding of the cellular and anatomical sites harboring virus that contribute to viral rebound upon treatment interruption. Despite antiretroviral therapy (ART), HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) are reported in HIV-infected individuals on ART. Biomarkers for macrophage activation and neuronal damage in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of HIV-infected individuals demonstrate continued effects of HIV in brain and suggest that the central nervous system (CNS) may serve as a viral reservoir. Using a simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)/macaque model for HIV encephalitis and AIDS, we evaluated whether infected cells persist in brain despite ART. Eight SIV-infected pig-tailed macaques were virally suppressed with ART, and plasma and CSF viremia levels were analyzed longitudinally. To assess whether virus persisted in brain macrophages (BrMΦ) in these macaques, we used a macrophage quantitative viral outgrowth assay (MΦ-QVOA), PCR, and in situ hybridization (ISH) to measure the frequency of infected cells and the levels of viral RNA and DNA in brain. Viral RNA in brain tissue of suppressed macaques was undetectable, although viral DNA was detected in all animals. The MΦ-QVOA demonstrated that the majority of suppressed animals contained latently infected BrMΦ. We also showed that virus produced in the MΦ-QVOAs was replication competent, suggesting that latently infected BrMΦ are capable of reestablishing productive infection upon treatment interruption. This report provides the first confirmation of the presence of replication-competent SIV in BrMΦ of ART-suppressed macaques and suggests that the highly debated issue of viral latency in macrophages, at least in brain, has been addressed in SIV-infected macaques treated with ART. IMPORTANCE Resting CD4 + T cells are currently the only cells that fit the definition of a latent reservoir. However, recent evidence suggests that HIV

  16. Providing detailed information about latent tuberculosis and compliance with the PPD test among healthcare workers in Israel: a randomized controlled study. (United States)

    Taubman, Danielle; Titler, Nava; Edelstein, Hana; Elias, Mazen; Saliba, Walid


    The compliance of screening for latent tuberculosis (TB) with the tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) test is very low among healthcare workers (HCWs) in Israel. This randomized controlled study uses the Health Belief Model (HBM) as a conceptual framework to examine whether providing more information about latent TB and the PPD test increases the response rate for PPD screening among HCWs. All candidate HCWs for latent TB screening were randomly allocated to one of the following two invitations to perform the PPD test: regular letter (control group, n=97), and a letter with information about latent TB and the PPD test (intervention group, n=196). 293 HCWs were included (185 nurses, and 108 physicians). Overall, 36 (12.3%) HCWs were compliant with the PPD test screening. Compliance with PPD testing in the intervention group was not statistically different from the control group, RR 0.87 (95% CI, 0.46-1.65). Compliance for latent TB screening is low among HCWs in northeastern Israel. Providing detailed information about latent TB was not associated with increased test compliance. Understanding existing disparities in screening rates and potential barriers to latent TB screening among HCWs is important in order to move forward and successfully increase screening rates. Copyright © 2013 Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Preferences, benefits, and park visits: a latent class segmentation analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kemperman, A.D.A.M.; Timmermans, H.J.P.


    This study describes and predicts segments of urban park visitors to support park planning and policy making. A latent class analysis is used to identify segments of park users who differ regarding their preferences for park characteristics, benefits sought in park visits, and sociodemographics.

  18. Effect of [gamma]-irradiation on latent tracks of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film (United States)

    Hiroki, A.; Asano, M.; Yamaki, T.; Yoshida, M.


    The pre-treatment effect of γ-irradiation on latent tracks of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) films bombarded with swift heavy ions was investigated by electric conductometry and scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation. The Xe-ion bombarded PET films were etched for 6 h in 0.2 M NaOH aqueous solution at 70 °C to prepare track-etched membranes. As γ-irradiation doses increased in the range of 0-160 kGy, the surface pore diameter obtained by SEM observation decreased while that obtained by conductometry became large. This inconsistent result between the two methods was due to an increase in the crosslinked region in the latent tracks caused by γ-irradiation.

  19. Bifactor latent structure of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)/oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) symptoms and first-order latent structure of sluggish cognitive tempo symptoms. (United States)

    Lee, SoYean; Burns, G Leonard; Beauchaine, Theodore P; Becker, Stephen P


    The objective was to determine if the latent structure of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) symptoms is best explained by a general disruptive behavior factor along with specific inattention (IN), hyperactivity/impulsivity (HI), and ODD factors (a bifactor model) whereas the latent structure of sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT) symptoms is best explained by a first-order factor independent of the bifactor model of ADHD/ODD. Parents' (n = 703) and teachers' (n = 366) ratings of SCT, ADHD-IN, ADHD-HI, and ODD symptoms on the Child and Adolescent Disruptive Behavior Inventory (CADBI) in a community sample of children (ages 5-13; 55% girls) were used to evaluate 4 models of symptom organization. Results indicated that a bifactor model of ADHD/ODD symptoms, in conjunction with a separate first-order SCT factor, was the best model for both parent and teacher ratings. The first-order SCT factor showed discriminant validity with the general disruptive behavior and specific IN factors in the bifactor model. In addition, higher scores on the SCT factor predicted greater academic and social impairment, even after controlling for the general disruptive behavior and 3 specific factors. Consistent with predictions from the trait-impulsivity etiological model of externalizing liability, a single, general disruptive behavior factor accounted for nearly all common variance in ADHD/ODD symptoms, whereas SCT symptoms represented a factor different from the general disruptive behavior and specific IN factor. These results provide additional support for distinguishing between SCT and ADHD-IN. The study also demonstrates how etiological models can be used to predict specific latent structures of symptom organization. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  20. Perceived consequences of female labor-force participation: a multilevel latent-class analysis across 22 countries (Consecuencias percibidas de la participación femenina en el mercado de trabajo: un análisis multinivel de clases latentes en 22 países

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angelika Glöckner-Rist


    quantitatively in their level of traditionality. Two further subgroups are characterized by a unique tendency to defend working mothers against criticism. From 1994 to 2002 the sizes of traditional subgroups decrease, and there is also some change in the composition of country segments.Este trabajo analiza si existen diferentes patrones de tradicionalismo en los diferentes países sobre la percepción de un impacto negativo de la participación laboral de las madres en sus hijos y en su vida familiar. Para ello se identificaron, de forma simultánea, subgrupos de tradicionalismo a nivel individual y segmentos de países con diferentes patrones de tradicionalismo de sus ciudadanos, a través de un análisis multinivel de clases latentes (ML-LC de las respuestas a tres preguntas del módulo Familia y Roles de Género del International Social Survey Program (ISSP, que se aplicó en 22 países en los años 1994 y 2002. Se identificaron seis subgrupos de nivel individual y cinco segmentos de países. La estructura de los subgrupos a nivel individual es casi idéntica en ambos años. Cuatro subgrupos a nivel individual difieren solamente de manera cuantitativa en su nivel de tradicionalismo. Dos subgrupos más se caracterizan por una tendencia a defender de la crítica a las madres que trabajan. De 1994 a 2002 el tamaño de los subgrupos tradicionales disminuye, y también se ha producido algún cambio en la composición de los segmentos de países.

  1. Complete genome sequence of currant latent virus (genus Cheravirus, family Secoviridae)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Petrzik, Karel; Koloniuk, Igor; Přibylová, Jaroslava; Špak, Josef


    Roč. 161, č. 2 (2016), s. 491-493 ISSN 0304-8608 Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : Stranded-RNA * complete genome sequence * Currant latent virus Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology Impact factor: 2.058, year: 2016

  2. "Latent" infection with Toxoplasma gondii: association with trait aggression and impulsivity in healthy adults. (United States)

    Cook, Thomas B; Brenner, Lisa A; Cloninger, C Robert; Langenberg, Patricia; Igbide, Ajirioghene; Giegling, Ina; Hartmann, Annette M; Konte, Bettina; Friedl, Marion; Brundin, Lena; Groer, Maureen W; Can, Adem; Rujescu, Dan; Postolache, Teodor T


    Latent chronic infection with Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), a common neurotropic pathogen, has been previously linked with suicidal self-directed violence (SSDV). We sought to determine if latent infection with T. gondii is associated with trait aggression and impulsivity, intermediate phenotypes for suicidal behavior, in psychiatrically healthy adults. Traits of aggression and impulsivity were analyzed in relationship to IgG antibody seropositivity for T. gondii and two other latent neurotropic infections, herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1) and cytomegalovirus (CMV). One thousand community-residing adults residing in the Munich metropolitan area with no Axis I or II conditions by SCID for DSM-IV (510 men, 490 women, mean age 53.6 ± 15.8, range 20-74). Plasma samples were tested for IgG antibodies to T. gondii, HSV-1 and CMV by ELISA. Self-reported ratings of trait aggression scores (Questionnaire for Measuring Factors of Aggression [FAF]) and trait impulsivity (Sensation-Seeking Scale-V [SSS-V]) were analyzed using linear multivariate methods. T. gondii IgG seropositivity was significantly associated with higher trait reactive aggression scores among women (p impulsive sensation-seeking (SSS-V Disinhibition) among younger men (p impulsivity, personality traits considered as endophenotypes for SSDV, are associated with latent T. gondii infection in a gender and age-specific manner, and could be further investigated as prognostic and treatment targets in T. gondii-positive individuals at risk for SSDV. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  3. Identification of Chinese medicine syndromes in persistent insomnia associated with major depressive disorder: a latent tree analysis. (United States)

    Yeung, Wing-Fai; Chung, Ka-Fai; Zhang, Nevin Lian-Wen; Zhang, Shi Ping; Yung, Kam-Ping; Chen, Pei-Xian; Ho, Yan-Yee


    Chinese medicine (CM) syndrome (zheng) differentiation is based on the co-occurrence of CM manifestation profiles, such as signs and symptoms, and pulse and tongue features. Insomnia is a symptom that frequently occurs in major depressive disorder despite adequate antidepressant treatment. This study aims to identify co-occurrence patterns in participants with persistent insomnia and major depressive disorder from clinical feature data using latent tree analysis, and to compare the latent variables with relevant CM syndromes. One hundred and forty-two participants with persistent insomnia and a history of major depressive disorder completed a standardized checklist (the Chinese Medicine Insomnia Symptom Checklist) specially developed for CM syndrome classification of insomnia. The checklist covers symptoms and signs, including tongue and pulse features. The clinical features assessed by the checklist were analyzed using Lantern software. CM practitioners with relevant experience compared the clinical feature variables under each latent variable with reference to relevant CM syndromes, based on a previous review of CM syndromes. The symptom data were analyzed to build the latent tree model and the model with the highest Bayes information criterion score was regarded as the best model. This model contained 18 latent variables, each of which divided participants into two clusters. Six clusters represented more than 50 % of the sample. The clinical feature co-occurrence patterns of these six clusters were interpreted as the CM syndromes Liver qi stagnation transforming into fire, Liver fire flaming upward, Stomach disharmony, Hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency, Heart-kidney noninteraction, and Qi deficiency of the heart and gallbladder. The clinical feature variables that contributed significant cumulative information coverage (at least 95 %) were identified. Latent tree model analysis on a sample of depressed participants with insomnia revealed 13 clinical

  4. Estimation of bulk transfer coefficient for latent heat flux (Ce)

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Sadhuram, Y.

    The bulk transfer coefficient for latent heat flux (Ce) has been estimated over the Arabian Sea from the moisture budget during the pre-monsoon season of 1988. The computations have been made over two regions (A: 0-8 degrees N: 60-68 degrees E: B: 0...

  5. Taxometric evidence of a dimensional latent structure for depression in an epidemiological sample of children and adolescents. (United States)

    Liu, R T


    A basic phenomenological question of much theoretical and empirical interest is whether the latent structure of depression is dimensional or categorical in nature. Prior taxometric studies of youth depression have yielded mixed findings. In a step towards resolving these contradictory findings, the current taxometric investigation is the first to utilize a recently developed objective index, the comparison curve fit index, to evaluate the latent structure of major depression in an epidemiological sample of children and adolescents. Data were derived from Mental Health of Children and Young People in Great Britain surveys. Participants were administered a structured diagnostic interview to assess for current depression. Parents (n = 683) were interviewed for children aged 5-16 years, and child interviews (n = 605) were conducted for those aged 11-16 years. MAMBAC (mean above minus below a cut), MAXEIG (maximum eigenvalue) and L-Mode (latent mode) analyses provided convergent support for a dimensional latent structure. The current findings suggest that depression in youth is more accurately conceptualized as a continuous syndrome rather than a discrete diagnostic entity.

  6. Latent period and temporal aspects of lung cancer among miners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Shiquan; Yang Xiaoou; Yang Lan; Meng Xianyu; Liu Shengen; You Zhanyun


    Data of lung cancer happened in the miners of this reported mine area is of great value to investigate the temporal aspects of miner's lung cancer, owing to its plenty of cases, longterm follow up and mining as child miners in early years before liberation of China. This preliminary analysis showed that the induction-latent period increased with the decrease of age at the year-of-first-employment in this mine and the protraction of follow up. In other words, even they were exposed since childhood, the excess of lung cancer never appeared until certain age for carcinogenesis. Therefore, the long-term follow up and comprehensive analysis of induction-latent period, underground duration-of-employment, time and age at start of mining would be helpful to properly estimating risk level, discovering the cause and predicting the trend of lung cancer incidence. There is no evidence to show whether child miners are more sensitive than adult miners working at the same exposure conditions

  7. Metáforas obsesivas e ideogramas [marcas del surrealismo en la construcción del discurso de Le Corbusier

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Rojo de Castro


    Full Text Available Para los surrealistas, la manifestación de los aspectos sublimes de la realidad requiere la presencia simultánea del paradigma y de su deformación, de su forma estable y su fractura. Sea este paradigma el lenguaje –garante de la coherencia semántica por medio de la estructura sintáctica–, el marco –el mecanismo para diferenciar la realidad de su representación– o la estructura anatómica –sobre cuya apariencia se sustenta la naturalidad orgánica o, al menos, se representación. En una improbable aunque innegable coincidencia con el surrealismo, Le Corbusier aprovecha los conflictos latentes para construir un discurso más ambicioso que el de la razón, superponiendo estrategias e instrumentos contrapuestos. Y la sensibilidad surrealista que invade la experiencia de París en los años de la posguerra le ofrece los recursos para integrar el conflicto en el discurso de la arquitectura como conexiones improbables e imprevistas entre “realidades más o menos lejanas”.

  8. Acetone facilitated DNA sampling from electrical tapes improves DNA recovery and enables latent fingerprints development. (United States)

    Feine, Ilan; Shpitzen, Moshe; Geller, Boris; Salmon, Eran; Peleg, Tsach; Roth, Jonathan; Gafny, Ron


    Electrical tapes (ETs) are a common component of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) used by terrorists or criminal organizations and represent a valuable forensic resource for DNA and latent fingerprints recovery. However, DNA recovery rates are typically low and usually below the minimal amount required for amplification. In addition, most DNA extraction methods are destructive and do not allow further latent fingerprints development. In the present study a cell culture based touch DNA model was used to demonstrate a two-step acetone-water DNA recovery protocol from ETs. This protocol involves only the adhesive side of the ET and increases DNA recovery rates by up to 70%. In addition, we demonstrated partially successful latent fingerprints development from the non-sticky side of the ETs. Taken together, this protocol maximizes the forensic examination of ETs and is recommended for routine casework processing. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Interaction between Helicobacter pylori and latent toxoplasmosis and demographic variables on cognitive function in young to middle-aged adults. (United States)

    Gale, Shawn D; Erickson, Lance D; Brown, Bruce L; Hedges, Dawson W


    Helicobacter pylori and latent toxoplasmosis are widespread diseases that have been associated with cognitive deficits and Alzheimer's disease. We sought to determine whether interactions between Helicobacter pylori and latent toxoplasmosis, age, race-ethnicity, educational attainment, economic status, and general health predict cognitive function in young and middle-aged adults. To do so, we used multivariable regression and multivariate models to analyze data obtained from the United States' National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which can be weighted to represent the US population. In this sample, we found that 31.6 percent of women and 36.2 percent of men of the overall sample had IgG Antibodies against Helicobacter pylori, although the seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori varied with sociodemographic variables. There were no main effects for Helicobacter pylori or latent toxoplasmosis for any of the cognitive measures in models adjusting for age, sex, race-ethnicity, educational attainment, economic standing, and self-rated health predicting cognitive function. However, interactions between Helicobacter pylori and race-ethnicity, educational attainment, latent toxoplasmosis in the fully adjusted models predicted cognitive function. People seropositive for both Helicobacter pylori and latent toxoplasmosis - both of which appear to be common in the general population - appear to be more susceptible to cognitive deficits than are people seropositive for either Helicobacter pylori and or latent toxoplasmosis alone, suggesting a synergistic effect between these two infectious diseases on cognition in young to middle-aged adults.

  10. Interaction between Helicobacter pylori and latent toxoplasmosis and demographic variables on cognitive function in young to middle-aged adults.

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    Shawn D Gale

    Full Text Available Helicobacter pylori and latent toxoplasmosis are widespread diseases that have been associated with cognitive deficits and Alzheimer's disease. We sought to determine whether interactions between Helicobacter pylori and latent toxoplasmosis, age, race-ethnicity, educational attainment, economic status, and general health predict cognitive function in young and middle-aged adults. To do so, we used multivariable regression and multivariate models to analyze data obtained from the United States' National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which can be weighted to represent the US population. In this sample, we found that 31.6 percent of women and 36.2 percent of men of the overall sample had IgG Antibodies against Helicobacter pylori, although the seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori varied with sociodemographic variables. There were no main effects for Helicobacter pylori or latent toxoplasmosis for any of the cognitive measures in models adjusting for age, sex, race-ethnicity, educational attainment, economic standing, and self-rated health predicting cognitive function. However, interactions between Helicobacter pylori and race-ethnicity, educational attainment, latent toxoplasmosis in the fully adjusted models predicted cognitive function. People seropositive for both Helicobacter pylori and latent toxoplasmosis - both of which appear to be common in the general population - appear to be more susceptible to cognitive deficits than are people seropositive for either Helicobacter pylori and or latent toxoplasmosis alone, suggesting a synergistic effect between these two infectious diseases on cognition in young to middle-aged adults.

  11. Stability of alcohol use and teen dating violence for female youth: A latent transition analysis. (United States)

    Choi, Hye Jeong; Elmquist, JoAnna; Shorey, Ryan C; Rothman, Emily F; Stuart, Gregory L; Temple, Jeff R


    Alcohol use is one of the most widely accepted and studied risk factors for teen dating violence (TDV). Too little research has explored longitudinally if it is true that an adolescent's alcohol use and TDV involvement simultaneously occur. In the current study, we examined whether there were latent status based on past-year TDV and alcohol use and whether female adolescents changed their statuses of TDV and alcohol use over time. The sample consisted of 583 female youths in seven public high schools in Texas. Three waves of longitudinal data collected from 2011 to 2013 were utilised in this study. Participants completed self-report assessments of alcohol use (past-year alcohol use, number of drinks in the past month and episodic heavy drinking within the past month) and psychological and physical TDV victimisation and perpetration. Latent transition analysis was used to examine if the latent status based on TDV and alcohol use changed over time. Five separate latent statuses were identified: (i) no violence, no alcohol; (ii) alcohol; (iii) psychological violence, no alcohol; (iv) psychological violence, alcohol; and (v) physical and psychological violence, alcohol. Latent transition analysis indicated that adolescents generally remained in the same subgroup across time. This study provides evidence on the co-occurrence of alcohol use and teen dating violence, and whether teens' status based on dating violence and alcohol use are stable over time. Findings from the current study highlight the importance of targeting both TDV and substance use in intervention and prevention programs. [Choi HJ, Elmquist J, Shorey RC, Rothman EF, Stuart GL,Temple JR. Stability of alcohol use and teen dating violence for female youth: Alatent transition analysis. Drug Alcohol Rev 2017;36:80-87]. © 2017 Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs.

  12. Machine-assisted verification of latent fingerprints: first results for nondestructive contact-less optical acquisition techniques with a CWL sensor (United States)

    Hildebrandt, Mario; Kiltz, Stefan; Krapyvskyy, Dmytro; Dittmann, Jana; Vielhauer, Claus; Leich, Marcus


    A machine-assisted analysis of traces from crime scenes might be possible with the advent of new high-resolution non-destructive contact-less acquisition techniques for latent fingerprints. This requires reliable techniques for the automatic extraction of fingerprint features from latent and exemplar fingerprints for matching purposes using pattern recognition approaches. Therefore, we evaluate the NIST Biometric Image Software for the feature extraction and verification of contact-lessly acquired latent fingerprints to determine potential error rates. Our exemplary test setup includes 30 latent fingerprints from 5 people in two test sets that are acquired from different surfaces using a chromatic white light sensor. The first test set includes 20 fingerprints on two different surfaces. It is used to determine the feature extraction performance. The second test set includes one latent fingerprint on 10 different surfaces and an exemplar fingerprint to determine the verification performance. This utilized sensing technique does not require a physical or chemical visibility enhancement of the fingerprint residue, thus the original trace remains unaltered for further investigations. No particular feature extraction and verification techniques have been applied to such data, yet. Hence, we see the need for appropriate algorithms that are suitable to support forensic investigations.

  13. The Oncolytic Virus MG1 Targets and Eliminates Cells Latently Infected With HIV-1: Implications for an HIV Cure. (United States)

    Ranganath, Nischal; Sandstrom, Teslin S; Burke Schinkel, Stephanie C; Côté, Sandra C; Angel, Jonathan B


    Cells latently infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) evade immune- and drug-mediated clearance. These cells harbor intracellular signaling defects, including impairment of the antiviral type I interferon response. Such defects have also been observed in several cancers and have been exploited for the development of therapeutic oncolytic viruses, including the recombinant Maraba virus (MG1). We therefore hypothesized that MG1 would infect and eliminate cells latently infected with HIV-1, while sparing healthy uninfected cells. Preferential infection and elimination by MG1 was first demonstrated in cell lines latently infected with HIV-1. Following this, a reduction in HIV-1 DNA and inducible HIV-1 replication was observed following MG1 infection of latently infected, resting CD4+ T cells generated using an in vitro model of latency. Last, MG1 infection resulted in a reduction in HIV-1 DNA and inducible HIV-1 replication in memory CD4+ T cells isolated from effectively treated, HIV-1-infected individuals. Our results therefore highlight a novel approach to eliminate the latent HIV-1 reservoir. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

  14. Evaluating measurement models in clinical research: covariance structure analysis of latent variable models of self-conception. (United States)

    Hoyle, R H


    Indirect measures of psychological constructs are vital to clinical research. On occasion, however, the meaning of indirect measures of psychological constructs is obfuscated by statistical procedures that do not account for the complex relations between items and latent variables and among latent variables. Covariance structure analysis (CSA) is a statistical procedure for testing hypotheses about the relations among items that indirectly measure a psychological construct and relations among psychological constructs. This article introduces clinical researchers to the strengths and limitations of CSA as a statistical procedure for conceiving and testing structural hypotheses that are not tested adequately with other statistical procedures. The article is organized around two empirical examples that illustrate the use of CSA for evaluating measurement models with correlated error terms, higher-order factors, and measured and latent variables.

  15. Tratamento da tuberculose de infecção latente. As recomendações actuais

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    R. Duarte


    Full Text Available Resumo: O diagnóstico e tratamento da infecção latente por Mycobacterium tuberculosis reduz significativamente o risco de desenvolvimento de tuberculose activa e a transmissão da doença na comunidade. O rastreio da tuberculose infecção latente deve passar pela exclusão de doença activa (inquérito de sintomas e radiografia pulmonar e avaliação da resposta imunológica ao M. tuberculosis através dos testes actualmente ao dispor, como o teste tuberculínico e os testes IGRA (interferon-gamma release assay. A escolha do esquema de tratamento deve ter em linha de conta a eficácia, a adesão e os efeitos colaterais associados ao mesmo Este documento actualiza as recomendações sobre tratamento da tuberculose infecção latente. São apresentadas indicações sobre quem deve ser rastreado e revistos os esquemas de tratamento.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (5: 809-814 Abstract: Diagnosis and treatment of latent infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (LTBI, significantly reduces the risk of developing active tuberculosis and the transmission of the disease in the community. LTBI screening must pass by the exclusion of active disease (symptoms enquiry and chest radiography and assessment of immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis testing with the tests currently available – tuberculin skin test and interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA. The choice of treatment must take into account the efficacy and side effects associated with the same. This document provides updated recommendations on latent tuberculosis infection treatment. Topics covered include whom to test for TB and reviewed LTBI treatment regimens.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (5: 809-814 Palavras-chave: Tuberculose, tuberculose infecção latente, tratamento, preventivo, Key words: Tuberculosis, latent tuberculosis infection, treatment, preventive

  16. Indentifying Latent Classes and Testing Their Determinants in Early Adolescents' Use of Computers and Internet for Learning (United States)

    Heo, Gyun


    The purpose of the present study was to identify latent classes resting on early adolescents' change trajectory patterns in using computers and the Internet for learning and to test the effects of gender, self-control, self-esteem, and game use in South Korea. Latent growth mixture modeling (LGMM) was used to identify subpopulations in the Korea…

  17. Food deprivation enhances both autoshaping and autoshaping impairment by a latent inhibition procedure. (United States)

    Sparber, S B; Bollweg, G L; Messing, R B


    The influence of food deprivation on acquisition of autoshaped operant behavior was measured. In one study separate groups of young, male rats that were deprived to 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, and 95% of ad lib weight were subjected to an autoshaping procedure in which a 6 s delay was interposed between lever retraction (which occurred when rats made a lever touch, or automatically after 15 s) and food pellet delivery. In a second study, groups of rats were deprived to 80% or 90% of ad lib weight prior to testing in a latent inhibition variation of the same autoshaping procedure. This was done to determine if greater food deprivation would enhance learning which, because of the latent inhibition manipulation, is manifest as less lever-directed behavior. Greater food deprivation was associated both with fast acquisition of autoshaped lever responding and with more reliable failure to increase lever responding in the latent inhibition paradigm. Thus, increasing food deprivation was associated with enhanced acquisition regardless of whether the required performance was an increase or a failure to increase the same behavior, indicating a specific effect on learning. Copyright © 1991. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  18. Humedad de equilibrio y calor latente de vaporización del ajonjolí. sésamun indicum l.


    Ospina M., Julio E.; Cuervo A., Sandra P.


    El ajonjolí (Sésamun indicum L.), es una oleaginosa originaria de África y cultivada en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales de Asia y América. A los 110 días de sembrada se cosecha la semilla la cual se utiliza como materia prima especialmente en la industria de grasas y aceites comestibles. Actualmente se pierden en Colombia, un alto porcentaje de semillas durante el proceso de secado natura en el campo. Debido a la falta de información técnica, científica en secado y almacenamiento del ...

  19. Latent organizations in the film industry: contracts, rewards and resources

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ebbers, J.J.; Wijnberg, N.M.


    The main aim of this article is to study the extent to which the project-based organization (PBO) and the latent organization determine the actual behavior of actors in a project-based industry and how this is mediated by the types of contracts and rewarding practices these organizational forms

  20. Latent Inhibition in an Insect: The Role of Aminergic Signaling (United States)

    Fernandez, Vanesa M.; Giurfa, Martin; Devaud, Jean-Marc; Farina, Walter M.


    Latent inhibition (LI) is a decrement in learning performance that results from the nonreinforced pre-exposure of the to-be-conditioned stimulus, in both vertebrates and invertebrates. In vertebrates, LI development involves dopamine and serotonin; in invertebrates there is yet no information. We studied differential olfactory conditioning of the…

  1. La superaci??n del modelo del ??ngel del hogar:


    Hurtado Mu??oz, M??nica


    La Tesis Doctoral titulada "La superaci??n del modelo del "??ngel del hogar". Recuperaci??n de la escritora Leonor Canalejas y Fustegueras (1869-1945)" aborda, en primer lugar, un an??lisis sociol??gico de las circunstancias que rodearon a la mujer espa??ola en el cambio de siglo en el ??mbito social y educativo, en un intento de esclarecer las caracter??sticas propias del contexto en el que la mujer accede a la intelectualidad en general y a la literatura en particular. Esta parte concluye q...

  2. Investigation of Mediational Processes Using Parallel Process Latent Growth Curve Modeling (United States)

    Cheong, JeeWon; MacKinnon, David P.; Khoo, Siek Toon


    This study investigated a method to evaluate mediational processes using latent growth curve modeling. The mediator and the outcome measured across multiple time points were viewed as 2 separate parallel processes. The mediational process was defined as the independent variable influencing the growth of the mediator, which, in turn, affected the growth of the outcome. To illustrate modeling procedures, empirical data from a longitudinal drug prevention program, Adolescents Training and Learning to Avoid Steroids, were used. The program effects on the growth of the mediator and the growth of the outcome were examined first in a 2-group structural equation model. The mediational process was then modeled and tested in a parallel process latent growth curve model by relating the prevention program condition, the growth rate factor of the mediator, and the growth rate factor of the outcome. PMID:20157639

  3. Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of the Adult (LADA in a Brazilian Indian

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    João Paulo Botelho Vieira Filho

    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Latent autoimmune diabetes of the adult (LADA as originally described represents perhaps as many as 10 -- 20% of adult-onset patients with diabetes. DESIGN: case report. CASE REPORT: A 38-year-old Brazilian Xavante-Jê Indian with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of the Adult (LADA is described, coming from the Sangradouro community in Poxoréu, Mato Grosso. The onset of diabetes after reaching 25 years of age, the evolution to insulin deficiency after a period of insulin-independence and the presence of auto-antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD characteristic of LADA were present. This patient may represent the first case of LADA in a Brazilian with full Indian heritage. Further studies are necessary to verify the prevalence of this new type of diabetes in this population that does not have Caucasoid admixture and has a particular environmental background.

  4. Mixture Item Response Theory-MIMIC Model: Simultaneous Estimation of Differential Item Functioning for Manifest Groups and Latent Classes (United States)

    Bilir, Mustafa Kuzey


    This study uses a new psychometric model (mixture item response theory-MIMIC model) that simultaneously estimates differential item functioning (DIF) across manifest groups and latent classes. Current DIF detection methods investigate DIF from only one side, either across manifest groups (e.g., gender, ethnicity, etc.), or across latent classes…

  5. Análisis del comportamiento de mercado de la pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus en Costa Rica

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    Olman Quirós Madrigal


    Full Text Available La pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus es una planta que pertenece a la familia de las cactaceae, que se puede consumir como fruta fresca o procesada como pulpa; sin embargo, en Costa Rica su uso no está muy difundido, por lo que el mercado meta es la población de origen nicaragüense residente en el país, quienes catalogan el producto como de consumo tradicional o masivo.Es por esto que resulta importante retomar el estudio de los componentes del mercado, en donde se destaca no sólo por ser una fruta con componentes nutricionales que aportan beneficios a la salud humana, sino tambien porque suple una demanda latente y su cultivo puede ser una actividad alternativa para productores de zonas con condiciones agroecológicas adversas. En relación con el abastecimiento del producto en el mercado nacional, se enfatiza que su procedencia es nacional pero principalmente se importa como fruta fresca y pulpa de Nicaragua y, en menor grado, de Colombia.El precio de la pitahaya en el mercado nacional está estrechamente relacionado con los precios de importación, ya que la oferta principal proviene del producto importado, por lo que ha tenido un comportamiento creciente al pasar, de US$0,574 en el año 2003, a US$1,18 por kg en el 2007.

  6. Escleritis posterior: a propósito de un caso

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    Isabel Ambou Frutos

    Full Text Available Las enfermedades inflamatorias de la esclera son infrecuentes. Involucran tanto la esclera como la epiesclera y se caracterizan por su cronicidad, dolor y por ser una causa potencial de ceguera. Su asociación con enfermedades sistémicas, frecuentemente de causa autoinmune, y la aparición de graves complicaciones oculares, conllevan una terapia sistémica agresiva con antinflamatorios no esteroideos, corticoesteroides y agentes inmunosupresores, los cuales se pueden utilizar solos o combinados. Presentamos el caso de un paciente masculino de 37 años de edad quien acudió al Cuerpo de Guardia por dolor ocular intenso, asociado a ojo rojo, disminución de la agudeza visual y cifras elevadas de tensión ocular del ojo derecho, a quien le fue diagnosticada una escleritis posterior.

  7. Dermatomiositis y síndrome de evans asociado a infección por HTLV-1

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    David Loja-Oropeza


    Full Text Available Paciente mujer de 55 años de edad, natural de Ayacucho, con antecedente de dermatomiositis desde hace 3 años, recibió tratamiento irregular con prednisona. Dos meses antes del ingreso presenta anemia hemolítica autoinmune y púrpura trombocitopénica idiopática, recibió pulsos de metilprednisolona y transfusión de paquetes globulares. Al ingreso, soporosa, mal estado general, marcada pérdida ponderal, deshidratada, livedo reticularis en miembros inferiores, onicodistrofia y onicolisis múltiple en los dedos de ambos pies. Western Blot positivo para HTLV-1. Evoluciona con hipoglicemia recurrente. Reportamos un caso de dermatomiositis y síndrome de Evans presentados en el contexto de una infección por virus linfotrópico humano tipo 1.

  8. Using existing questionnaires in latent class analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anne Molgaard; Vach, Werner; Kent, Peter


    BACKGROUND: Latent class analysis (LCA) is increasingly being used in health research, but optimal approaches to handling complex clinical data are unclear. One issue is that commonly used questionnaires are multidimensional, but expressed as summary scores. Using the example of low back pain (LBP......), the aim of this study was to explore and descriptively compare the application of LCA when using questionnaire summary scores and when using single items to subgrouping of patients based on multidimensional data. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Baseline data from 928 LBP patients in an observational study were...

  9. Use of latent variables representing psychological motivation to explore citizens’ intentions with respect to congestion charging reform in Jakarta

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    Sugiarto Sugiarto


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to investigate the intentions of Jakarta citizens with respect to the electronic road pricing (ERP reform proposed by the city government. Utilizing data from a stated preference survey conducted in 2013, we construct six variables representing latent psychological motivations (appropriateness of ERP adoption; recognition that ERP can mitigate congestion and improve the environment; car dependency (CDC; awareness of the problems of cars in society; inhibition of freedom movement caused by ERP; and doubts about the ability of ERP to mitigate congestion and environment problems. A multiple-indicators multiple-causes (MIMIC model is developed to investigate the effects of respondents’ socio-demographics (causes on the latent constructs in order to gain better understanding of the relationship between respondents’ intentions and the observed individual’s responses (indicators obtained from the stated preference survey. The MIMIC model offers a good account of whether and how socio-demographic attributes and individual indicators predict the latent variables of psychological motivation constructs. Then, we further verify the influences of the latent variables, combining them with levy rate patterns and daily mobility attributes to investigate significant determining factors for social acceptance of the ERP proposal. A latent variable representations based on the generalized ordered response model are employed in our investigations to allow more flexibility in parameter estimation across outcomes. The results confirm that there is a strong correlation between latent psychological motivations and daily mobility attributes and the level of social acceptance for the ERP proposal. This empirical investigation demonstrates that the latent variables play more substantial role in determining scheme’s acceptance. Moreover, elasticity measures show that latent attributes are more sensitive compared to levies and daily mobility

  10. Targeting the latent cytomegalovirus reservoir with an antiviral fusion toxin protein

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krishna, B A; Spiess, K; Poole, E L


    Reactivation of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) in transplant recipients can cause life-threatening disease. Consequently, for transplant recipients, killing latently infected cells could have far-reaching clinical benefits. In vivo, myeloid cells and their progenitors are an important site of HCMV ...

  11. Latent human error analysis and efficient improvement strategies by fuzzy TOPSIS in aviation maintenance tasks. (United States)

    Chiu, Ming-Chuan; Hsieh, Min-Chih


    The purposes of this study were to develop a latent human error analysis process, to explore the factors of latent human error in aviation maintenance tasks, and to provide an efficient improvement strategy for addressing those errors. First, we used HFACS and RCA to define the error factors related to aviation maintenance tasks. Fuzzy TOPSIS with four criteria was applied to evaluate the error factors. Results show that 1) adverse physiological states, 2) physical/mental limitations, and 3) coordination, communication, and planning are the factors related to airline maintenance tasks that could be addressed easily and efficiently. This research establishes a new analytic process for investigating latent human error and provides a strategy for analyzing human error using fuzzy TOPSIS. Our analysis process complements shortages in existing methodologies by incorporating improvement efficiency, and it enhances the depth and broadness of human error analysis methodology. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd and The Ergonomics Society. All rights reserved.

  12. Construcción de un índice de satisfacción del cliente mediante ecuaciones estructurales. Caso de estudio: clientes (personas naturales de un banco nacional

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    María Fernanda Castrillón


    Full Text Available La satisfacción del cliente es una variable importante para la gestión del servicio de los bancos; sin embargo, comúnmente es medida con metodologías que no tienen en cuenta: primero, que desde el punto de vista estadístico, es una variable sujeta a errores de medida y segundo, la posible interrelación de las variables que la determinan.Así mismo, debido al alto grado de abstracción del concepto, para la medición del nivel de satisfacción de los clientes con su banco, se requiere de una metodología que permita descomponer el concepto en dimensiones del servicio y estas a su vez en indicadores. La metodología empleada es la modelización mediante sistemas de ecuaciones estructurales, tomando como base para su especificación, consideraciones teóricas y variables latentes detectadas por medio de un análisis factorial. De esta forma, se construye una medida basada en la relación de algunos indicadores de servicio con las dimensiones de imagen,producto y procesos, que subyacen la estructura del nivel de satisfacción. Los resultados del modelo presentado en este trabajo, permiten una mejor comprensión de una estructura sencilla de la satisfacción de los clientes con el servicio de un banco y plantea una línea base de análisis para este concepto.

  13. A new method of artificial latent fingerprint creation using artificial sweat and inkjet printer. (United States)

    Hong, Sungwook; Hong, Ingi; Han, Aleum; Seo, Jin Yi; Namgung, Juyoung


    In order to study fingerprinting in the field of forensic science, it is very important to have two or more latent fingerprints with identical chemical composition and intensity. However, it is impossible to obtain identical fingerprints, in reality, because fingerprinting comes out slightly differently every time. A previous research study had proposed an artificial fingerprint creation method in which inkjet ink was replaced with amino acids and sodium chloride solution: the components of human sweat. But, this method had some drawbacks: divalent cations were not added while formulating the artificial sweat solution, and diluted solutions were used for creating weakly deposited latent fingerprint. In this study, a method was developed for overcoming the drawbacks of the methods used in the previous study. Several divalent cations were added in this study because the amino acid-ninhydrin (or some of its analogues) complex is known to react with divalent cations to produce a photoluminescent product; and, similarly, the amino acid-1,2-indanedione complex is known to be catalyzed by a small amount of zinc ions to produce a highly photoluminescent product. Also, in this study, a new technique was developed which enables to adjust the intensity when printing the latent fingerprint patterns. In this method, image processing software is used to control the intensity of the master fingerprint patterns, which adjusts the printing intensity of the latent fingerprints. This new method opened the way to produce a more realistic artificial fingerprint in various strengths with one artificial sweat working solution. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Do gamblers eat more salt? Testing a latent trait model of covariance in consumption. (United States)

    Goodwin, Belinda C; Browne, Matthew; Rockloff, Matthew; Donaldson, Phillip


    A diverse class of stimuli, including certain foods, substances, media, and economic behaviours, may be described as 'reward-oriented' in that they provide immediate reinforcement with little initial investment. Neurophysiological and personality concepts, including dopaminergic dysfunction, reward sensitivity and rash impulsivity, each predict the existence of a latent behavioural trait that leads to increased consumption of all stimuli in this class. Whilst bivariate relationships (co-morbidities) are often reported in the literature, to our knowledge, a multivariate investigation of this possible trait has not been done. We surveyed 1,194 participants (550 male) on their typical weekly consumption of 11 types of reward-oriented stimuli, including fast food, salt, caffeine, television, gambling products, and illicit drugs. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to compare models in a 3×3 structure, based on the definition of a single latent factor (none, fixed loadings, or estimated loadings), and assumed residual covariance structure (none, a-priori / literature based, or post-hoc / data-driven). The inclusion of a single latent behavioural 'consumption' factor significantly improved model fit in all cases. Also confirming theoretical predictions, estimated factor loadings on reward-oriented indicators were uniformly positive, regardless of assumptions regarding residual covariances. Additionally, the latent trait was found to be negatively correlated with the non-reward-oriented indicators of fruit and vegetable consumption. The findings support the notion of a single behavioural trait leading to increased consumption of reward-oriented stimuli across multiple modalities. We discuss implications regarding the concentration of negative lifestyle-related health behaviours.


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    Valeria Gogni


    Full Text Available Tanto a nivel teórico como práctico, no existe un consenso acerca de qué se entiende por Calidad de Vida dado que este concepto posee un carácter complejo y multidimensional. En algunos casos, la satisfacción de vida se equipara con la Calidad de Vida y se refiere a la evaluación subjetiva que realiza un individuo del grado en el cual sus necesidades, deseos y metas más importantes se encuentran realizadas. Se asume que la satisfacción de vida total de una persona consiste en una amplia suma de satisfacciones en áreas particulares de la vida que son valoradas o juzgadas importantes, considerando que es un estado fluctuante y no un rasgo constante [6]. Campbell [4] plantea que la satisfacción de una persona en un área particular se integra con diversas componentes que cubren los distintos aspectos de la vida de una persona y que son evaluados subjetivamente por los individuos tanto en lo referido a la importancia en su contexto vital, como en relación a su felicidad o bienestar en dichos aspectos. En este trabajo, se evalúa la validez de este modelo teórico en la población de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, mediante el ajuste de un modelo de Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio de segundo orden, aplicado a los ítems de una prueba que mide la calidad de vida percibida por los sujetos. El modelo se aplicó sobre una muestra de 1336 individuos de entre 18 y 65 años y los resultados del Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio muestran que la calidad de vida percibida por los sujetos está en estrecha relación con su nivel de satisfacción con una serie dimensiones o factores latentes: Ambiente o hábitat del sujeto, su Necesidad de trascendencia,las Redes sociales que lo contienen, y su Crecimiento Personal.

  16. Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of latent, active and recombinantly expressed aurone synthase, a polyphenol oxidase, from Coreopsis grandiflora

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Molitor, Christian; Mauracher, Stephan Gerhard; Rompel, Annette, E-mail: [Universität Wien, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Wien (Austria)


    Latent and active aurone synthase purified from petals of C. grandiflora (cgAUS1) were crystallized. The crystal quality of recombinantly expressed latent cgAUS1 was significantly improved by co-crystallization with the polyoxotungstate Na{sub 6}[TeW{sub 6}O{sub 24}] within the liquid–liquid phase-separation zone. Aurone synthase (AUS), a member of a novel group of plant polyphenol oxidases (PPOs), catalyzes the oxidative conversion of chalcones to aurones. Two active cgAUS1 (41.6 kDa) forms that differed in the level of phosphorylation or sulfation as well as the latent precursor form (58.9 kDa) were purified from the petals of Coreopsis grandiflora. The differing active cgAUS1 forms and the latent cgAUS1 as well as recombinantly expressed latent cgAUS1 were crystallized, resulting in six different crystal forms. The active forms crystallized in space groups P2{sub 1}2{sub 1}2{sub 1} and P12{sub 1}1 and diffracted to ∼1.65 Å resolution. Co-crystallization of active cgAUS1 with 1,4-resorcinol led to crystals belonging to space group P3{sub 1}21. The crystals of latent cgAUS1 belonged to space group P12{sub 1}1 and diffracted to 2.50 Å resolution. Co-crystallization of recombinantly expressed pro-AUS with the hexatungstotellurate(VI) salt Na{sub 6}[TeW{sub 6}O{sub 24}] within the liquid–liquid phase separation zone significantly improved the quality of the crystals compared with crystals obtained without hexatungstotellurate(VI)

  17. Assessing DSM-5 latent subtypes of acute stress disorder dissociative or intrusive? (United States)

    Armour, Cherie; Hansen, Maj


    Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) was first included in the DSM-IV in 1994. It was proposed to account for traumatic responding in the early post trauma phase and to act as an identifier for later Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Unlike PTSD it included a number of dissociative indicators. The revised DSM-5 PTSD criterion included a dissociative-PTSD subtype. The current study assessed if a dissociative-ASD subtype may be present for DSM-5 ASD. Moreover, we assessed if a number of risk factors resulted in an increased probability of membership in symptomatic compared to a baseline ASD profile. We used data from 450 bank robbery victims. Latent profile analysis (LPA) was used to uncover latent profiles of ASD. Multinomial logistic regression was used to determine if female gender, age, social support, peritraumatic panic, somatization, and number of trauma exposures increased or decreased the probability of profile membership. Four latent profiles were uncovered and included an intrusion rather than dissociative subtype. Increased age and social support decreased the probability of individuals being grouped into the intrusion subtype whereas increased peritraumatic panic and somatization increased the probability of individuals being grouped into the intrusion subtype. Findings are discussed in regard to the ICD-11 and the DSM-5. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Visualization of latent fingerprints beneath opaque electrical tapes by optical coherence tomography (United States)

    Liu, Kangkang; Zhang, Ning; Meng, Li; Li, Zhigang; Xu, Xiaojing


    Electrical tape is found as one type of important trace evidence in crime scene. For example, it is very frequently used to insulate wires in explosive devices in many criminal cases. The fingerprints of the suspects were often left on the adhesive side of the tapes, which can provide very useful clues for the investigation and make it possible for individual identification. The most commonly used method to detect and visualize those latent fingerprints is to peel off each layer of the tapes first and then adopt the chemical methods to develop the fingerprints on the tapes. However, the peeling-off and chemical development process would degrade and contaminate the fingerprints and thus adversely affect the accuracy of identification. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a novel forensic imaging modality based on lowcoherence interferometry, which has the advantages of non-destruction, micrometer-level high resolution and crosssectional imaging. In this study, a fiber-based spectral-domain OCT (SD-OCT) system with {6μm resolution was employed to obtain the image of fingerprint sandwiched between two opaque electrical tapes without any pre-processing procedure like peeling-off. Three-dimensional (3D) OCT reconstruction was performed and the subsurface image was produced to visualize the latent fingerprints. The results demonstrate that OCT is a promising tool for recovering the latent fingerprints hidden beneath opaque electrical tape non-destructively and rapidly.



    Benazeer Hassan K. Ibrahim *, Victor Jose


    Solar cooking is the simplest, safest, most convenient way to cook food without consuming fuels or heating up the kitchen. All the conventional solar cooker designs have the disadvantage of inability to cook during off-shine and night hours.This disadvantage can be eliminated if the solar cooker is designed with thermal storage arrangement. In this paper, a hybrid solar cooker with evacuated tube collector and latent thermal storage unit and alternate electric heatingsource is simulated. The...

  20. The Latent Structure of Psychopathy in Youth: A Taxometric Investigation (United States)

    Vasey, Michael W.; Kotov, Roman; Frick, Paul J.; Loney, Bryan R.


    Using taxometric procedures, the latent structure of psychopathy was investigated in two studies of children and adolescents. Prior studies have identified a taxon (i.e., a natural category) associated with antisocial behavior in adults as well as children and adolescents. However, features of this taxon suggest that it is not psychopathy but…

  1. Reversible enlargement of the hypophysis in clinically latent hypothyroidism

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schuemichen, C.


    A case is reported, in which the combination of high TT/sub 3/- and FT/sub 4/ plasma levels, increased TSH basal secretion and enlargement of the pituitary gland did not reflect secondary hyperthyroidism, but was cuased by clinically latent hypothyroidism, probably due to thyroid hormone antibodies. High doses of thyroid hormones lowered the TSH and prolactin basal secretion, and reduced the enlargement of the pituitary gland.

  2. Reversible enlargement of the hypophysis in clinically latent hypothyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuemichen, C.


    A case is reported, in which the combination of high TT 3 - and FT 4 plasma levels, increased TSH basal secretion and enlargement of the pituitary gland did not reflect secondary hyperthyroidism, but was cuased by clinically latent hypothyroidism, probably due to thyroid hormone antibodies. High doses of thyroid hormones lowered the TSH and prolactin basal secretion, and reduced the enlargement of the pituitary gland. (orig.) [de

  3. The Blind Men and the Elephant: Identification of a Latent Maltreatment Construct for Youth in Foster Care (United States)

    Gabrielli, Joy; Jackson, Yo; Tunno, Angela M.; Hambrick, Erin P.


    Child maltreatment is a major public health concern due to its impact on developmental trajectories and consequences across mental and physical health outcomes. Operationalization of child maltreatment has been complicated, as research has used simple dichotomous counts to identification of latent class profiles. This study examines a latent measurement model assessed within foster youth inclusive of indicators of maltreatment chronicity and severity across four maltreatment types: physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, and neglect. Participants were 500 foster youth with a mean age of 12.99 years (SD = 2.95 years). Youth completed survey questions through a confidential audio computer-assisted self-interview program. A two-factor model with latent constructs of chronicity and severity of maltreatment revealed excellent fit across fit indices; however, the latent constructs were correlated .972. A one-factor model also demonstrated excellent model fit to the data (χ2 (16, n = 500) =28.087, p =.031, RMSEA (0.012 – 0.062) =.039, TLI =.990, CFI =.994, SRMR =.025) with a nonsignificant chi-square difference test comparing the one- and two-factor models. Invariance tests across age, gender, and placement type also were conducted with recommendations provided. Results suggest a single-factor latent model of maltreatment severity and chronicity can be attained. Thus, the maltreatment experiences reported by foster youth, though varied and complex, were captured in a model that may prove useful in later predictions of outcome behaviors. Appropriate identification of both the chronicity and severity of maltreatment inclusive of the range of maltreatment types remains a high priority for future research. PMID:28254690

  4. An Optimized DNA Analysis Workflow for the Sampling, Extraction, and Concentration of DNA obtained from Archived Latent Fingerprints. (United States)

    Solomon, April D; Hytinen, Madison E; McClain, Aryn M; Miller, Marilyn T; Dawson Cruz, Tracey


    DNA profiles have been obtained from fingerprints, but there is limited knowledge regarding DNA analysis from archived latent fingerprints-touch DNA "sandwiched" between adhesive and paper. Thus, this study sought to comparatively analyze a variety of collection and analytical methods in an effort to seek an optimized workflow for this specific sample type. Untreated and treated archived latent fingerprints were utilized to compare different biological sampling techniques, swab diluents, DNA extraction systems, DNA concentration practices, and post-amplification purification methods. Archived latent fingerprints disassembled and sampled via direct cutting, followed by DNA extracted using the QIAamp® DNA Investigator Kit, and concentration with Centri-Sep™ columns increased the odds of obtaining an STR profile. Using the recommended DNA workflow, 9 of the 10 samples provided STR profiles, which included 7-100% of the expected STR alleles and two full profiles. Thus, with carefully selected procedures, archived latent fingerprints can be a viable DNA source for criminal investigations including cold/postconviction cases. © 2017 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  5. Vertical Profiles of Latent Heat Release over the Global Tropics using TRMM Rainfall Products from December 1997 to November 2002 (United States)

    Tao, W.-K.; Lang, S.; Simpson, J.; Meneghini, R.; Halverson, J.; Johnson, R.; Adler, R.


    NASA Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) precipitation radar (PR) derived rainfall information will be used to estimate the four-dimensional structure of global monthly latent heating and rainfall profiles over the global tropics from December 1997 to November 2000. Rainfall, latent heating and radar reflectivity structures between El Nino (DJF 1997-98) and La Nina (DJF 1998-99) will be examined and compared. The seasonal variation of heating over various geographic locations (i.e., oceanic vs continental, Indian ocean vs west Pacific, Africa vs. S. America ) will also be analyzed. In addition, the relationship between rainfall, latent heating (maximum heating level), radar reflectivity and SST is examined and will be presented in the meeting. The impact of random error and bias in stratiform percentage estimates from PR on latent heating profiles is studied and will also be presented in the meeting. The Goddard Cumulus Ensemble Model is being used to simulate various mesoscale convective systems that developed in different geographic locations. Specifically, the model estimated rainfall, radar reflectivity and latent heating profiles will be compared to observational data collected from TRMM field campaigns over the South China Sea in 1998 (SCSMEX), Brazil in 1999 (TRMM-LBA), and the central Pacific in 1999 (KWAJEX). Sounding diagnosed heating budgets and radar reflectivity from these experiments can provide the means to validate (heating product) as well as improve the GCE model. Review of other latent heating algorithms will be discussed in the workshop.

  6. Prevalence Estimation and Validation of New Instruments in Psychiatric Research: An Application of Latent Class Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis (United States)

    Pence, Brian Wells; Miller, William C.; Gaynes, Bradley N.


    Prevalence and validation studies rely on imperfect reference standard (RS) diagnostic instruments that can bias prevalence and test characteristic estimates. The authors illustrate 2 methods to account for RS misclassification. Latent class analysis (LCA) combines information from multiple imperfect measures of an unmeasurable latent condition to…

  7. Measuring what latent fingerprint examiners consider sufficient information for individualization determinations.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bradford T Ulery

    Full Text Available Latent print examiners use their expertise to determine whether the information present in a comparison of two fingerprints (or palmprints is sufficient to conclude that the prints were from the same source (individualization. When fingerprint evidence is presented in court, it is the examiner's determination--not an objective metric--that is presented. This study was designed to ascertain the factors that explain examiners' determinations of sufficiency for individualization. Volunteer latent print examiners (n = 170 were each assigned 22 pairs of latent and exemplar prints for examination, and annotated features, correspondence of features, and clarity. The 320 image pairs were selected specifically to control clarity and quantity of features. The predominant factor differentiating annotations associated with individualization and inconclusive determinations is the count of corresponding minutiae; other factors such as clarity provided minimal additional discriminative value. Examiners' counts of corresponding minutiae were strongly associated with their own determinations; however, due to substantial variation of both annotations and determinations among examiners, one examiner's annotation and determination on a given comparison is a relatively weak predictor of whether another examiner would individualize. The extensive variability in annotations also means that we must treat any individual examiner's minutia counts as interpretations of the (unknowable information content of the prints: saying "the prints had N corresponding minutiae marked" is not the same as "the prints had N corresponding minutiae." More consistency in annotations, which could be achieved through standardization and training, should lead to process improvements and provide greater transparency in casework.

  8. Generalized reduced rank latent factor regression for high dimensional tensor fields, and neuroimaging-genetic applications. (United States)

    Tao, Chenyang; Nichols, Thomas E; Hua, Xue; Ching, Christopher R K; Rolls, Edmund T; Thompson, Paul M; Feng, Jianfeng


    We propose a generalized reduced rank latent factor regression model (GRRLF) for the analysis of tensor field responses and high dimensional covariates. The model is motivated by the need from imaging-genetic studies to identify genetic variants that are associated with brain imaging phenotypes, often in the form of high dimensional tensor fields. GRRLF identifies from the structure in the data the effective dimensionality of the data, and then jointly performs dimension reduction of the covariates, dynamic identification of latent factors, and nonparametric estimation of both covariate and latent response fields. After accounting for the latent and covariate effects, GRLLF performs a nonparametric test on the remaining factor of interest. GRRLF provides a better factorization of the signals compared with common solutions, and is less susceptible to overfitting because it exploits the effective dimensionality. The generality and the flexibility of GRRLF also allow various statistical models to be handled in a unified framework and solutions can be efficiently computed. Within the field of neuroimaging, it improves the sensitivity for weak signals and is a promising alternative to existing approaches. The operation of the framework is demonstrated with both synthetic datasets and a real-world neuroimaging example in which the effects of a set of genes on the structure of the brain at the voxel level were measured, and the results compared favorably with those from existing approaches. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  9. Historia deldel = History of Padel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernardino Javier Sánchez-Alcaraz Martínez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo resume la historia del deporte deldel. Existen dos versiones sobre el origen deldel. La primera versión relaciona los antecedentes deldel con los de otros deportes de raqueta como el tenis o el bádminton, siendo su origen común el jeu de la paume francés. Posteriormente, surgen variantes en Estados Unidos como el Paddle Tennis y el Platform Tennis, siendo versiones reducidas del tenis, pero con elementos muy comunes al pádel actual. La segunda versión, aprobada por la Federación Internacional de Pádel, afirma que este deporte nació en México, en 1969, a través del empresario Enrique Corcuera.--------------------------------------------------------------------This research summarizes the history of paddle sport. There are two versions about the origin of paddle. The first version relates the history of paddle with other racket sports like tennis or badminton, and its common origin of the Jeu de Paume French. Later, in in the United States, appear two sports called Paddle Tennis and Platform Tennis, which are reduced versions of tennis sport, but these have lot of common characteristics with paddle. The second version, approved by the International Padel Federation, said the sport was born in Mexico in 1969, through the businessman Enrique Corcuera.

  10. Personality types in childhood: relations to latent trajectory classes of problem behavior and overreactive parenting across the transition into adolescence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Akker, A.L.; Deković, M.; Asscher, J.J.; Shiner, R.L.; Prinzie, P.


    This study investigated relations among children's personality types, trajectories of internalizing and externalizing problems, and overreactive parenting across 6 years. Latent Class Analysis of the Big 5 personality dimensions (modeled as latent factors, based on mother, father and teacher

  11. Differences between pediatric and adult celiac disease Diferencias entre la enfermedad celiaca infantil y del adulto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Rodrigo Sáez


    Full Text Available Introduction: celiac disease (CD is a common autoimmune condition (involves 1-2% of the general population that develops at any age in life but manifests differently in children and adults. Objectives: to analyze clinical differences in disease expression between both groups, as well as findings at the time of diagnosis. Methods: a retrospective study of a series of patients diagnosed with CD during childhood ( 14 years. Results: a total of 187 patients were included, of which 43 were children and 144 were adults. Among clinical manifestations in children classic presentation forms predominated -34 patients (79% versus 20 adult patients (14% (p Introducción: la enfermedad celiaca (EC es un proceso frecuente (afecta al 1-2% en población general, de naturaleza autoimmune, que aparece a cualquier edad de la vida, pero que se presenta de forma diferente en el niño que en el adulto. Objetivos: analizar las diferencias clínicas en las formas de expresión de la enfermedad entre ambos grupos, así como los hallazgos al momento del diagnóstico. Métodos: estudio retrospectivo de una serie de pacientes diagnosticados, en la infancia ( 14 años. Resultados: se incluyeron un total de 187 pacientes, de los cuales 43 eran niños y 144 adultos. En las manifestaciones clínicas de los niños, predominaron las formas de presentación clásicas, 34 casos (79% frente a los adultos 20 casos (14% (p < 0,001 (OR = 23,4; IC-95%: 9,8-56,1. Por el contrario, en estos predominaron las formas atípicas, siendo la anemia el hallazgo más frecuente en 61 casos (42% frente a 8 casos (19% en los niños (p < 0,01. En los adultos existía un mayor retraso diagnóstico con una media de 10 ± 9 años, frente a los niños, que es de 1 ± 2 años (p < 0,001. Encontramos en los adultos una mayor frecuencia de enfermedades autoinmunes asociadas (24,3%, frente al 9,3% en niños (p < 0,05. Respecto a los marcadores serológicos, la TGt-2 fue más frecuentemente positiva en los ni

  12. Distinct ontogenic patterns of overt and latent DGAT activities of rat liver microsomes. (United States)

    Waterman, Ian J; Price, Nigel T; Zammit, Victor A


    We have studied the ontogeny of the two functional diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) activities (overt and latent) during postnatal development in rat liver. We find that the ontogenic patterns of the two are highly distinct. Overt DGAT shows a transient rise in activity up to day 4 postnatally, after which it declines until weaning; thereafter, it increases steadily to reach high adult values that may contribute to the high rates of turnover of cytosolic triacylglycerol (TAG). By contrast, latent DGAT activity increases continuously during the suckling period but falls sharply upon weaning onto chow but not onto a high-fat diet. Rates of TAG secretion by hepatocytes are higher than in the adult during the first 7 days after birth, and are largely dependent on the mobilization of the abundant intrahepatocyte TAG as a source of acyl moieties. When the hepatic steatosis is cleared (after day 7) the TAG secretion rate declines by 80% to reach adult values. Quantification of the content of mRNA for the DGAT1 and DGAT2 genes does not show correlation with either of the DGAT activities. We conclude that post-translational modification may play an important role in the overt and latent distribution of DGAT activity in the liver microsomal membrane.

  13. Realizing the Latent Potential in the Part-Time Student Workforce (United States)

    Evans, Carl; Richardson, Mark


    The purpose of this article is to challenge employers to make the best use of the latent potential of their part-time student workforce and to retain this talent postgraduation. The authors report research which shows that increasing numbers of university students are working part-time alongside their degree studies, while at the same time…

  14. Cyclist–motorist crash patterns in Denmark: A latent class clustering approach

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaplan, Sigal; Prato, Carlo Giacomo


    to prioritize safety issues and to devise efficient preventive measures. Method: The current study focused on cyclist–motorist crashes that occurred in Denmark during the period between 2007 and 2011. To uncover crash patterns, the current analysis applied latent class clustering, an unsupervised probabilistic...

  15. Efficiency gains of photovoltaic system using latent heat thermal energy storage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tan, Lippong; Date, Abhijit; Fernandes, Gabriel; Singh, Baljit; Ganguly, Sayantan

    This paper presents experimental assessments of the thermal and electrical performance of photovoltaic (PV) system by comparing the latent heat-cooled PV panel with the naturally-cooled equivalent. It is commonly known that the energy conversion efficiency of the PV cells declines with the increment

  16. Latent Virus Reactivation in Space Shuttle Astronauts (United States)

    Mehta, S. K.; Crucian, B. E.; Stowe, R. P.; Sams, C.; Castro, V. A.; Pierson, D. L.


    Latent virus reactivation was measured in 17 astronauts (16 male and 1 female) before, during, and after short-duration Space Shuttle missions. Blood, urine, and saliva samples were collected 2-4 months before launch, 10 days before launch (L-10), 2-3 hours after landing (R+0), 3 days after landing (R+14), and 120 days after landing (R+120). Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA was measured in these samples by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) DNA was measured in the 381 saliva samples and cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA in the 66 urine samples collected from these subjects. Fourteen astronauts shed EBV DNA in 21% of their saliva samples before, during, and after flight, and 7 astronauts shed VZV in 7.4% of their samples during and after flight. It was interesting that shedding of both EBV and VZV increased during the flight phase relative to before or after flight. In the case of CMV, 32% of urine samples from 8 subjects contained DNA of this virus. In normal healthy control subjects, EBV shedding was found in 3% and VZV and CMV were found in less than 1% of the samples. The circadian rhythm of salivary cortisol measured before, during, and after space flight did not show any significant difference between flight phases. These data show that increased reactivation of latent herpes viruses may be associated with decreased immune system function, which has been reported in earlier studies as well as in these same subjects (data not reported here).

  17. STARD-BLCM: Standards for the Reporting of Diagnostic accuracy studies that use Bayesian Latent Class Models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kostoulas, Polychronis; Nielsen, Søren S.; Branscum, Adam J.


    The Standards for the Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) statement, which was recently updated to the STARD2015 statement, was developed to encourage complete and transparent reporting of test accuracy studies. Although STARD principles apply broadly, the checklist is limited to studies......-BLCM (Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic accuracy studies that use Bayesian Latent Class Models), will facilitate improved quality of reporting on the design, conduct and results of diagnostic accuracy studies that use Bayesian latent class models....

  18. A Probabilistic Recommendation Method Inspired by Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    WenBo Xie


    Full Text Available The recent decade has witnessed an increasing popularity of recommendation systems, which help users acquire relevant knowledge, commodities, and services from an overwhelming information ocean on the Internet. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA, originally presented as a graphical model for text topic discovery, now has found its application in many other disciplines. In this paper, we propose an LDA-inspired probabilistic recommendation method by taking the user-item collecting behavior as a two-step process: every user first becomes a member of one latent user-group at a certain probability and each user-group will then collect various items with different probabilities. Gibbs sampling is employed to approximate all the probabilities in the two-step process. The experiment results on three real-world data sets MovieLens, Netflix, and show that our method exhibits a competitive performance on precision, coverage, and diversity in comparison with the other four typical recommendation methods. Moreover, we present an approximate strategy to reduce the computing complexity of our method with a slight degradation of the performance.

  19. The relevance of security: A latent domain of attachment relationships. (United States)

    Mannarini, Stefania; Boffo, Marilisa


    In the present study an adult attachment dimension, latent to the constructs of security, anxiety, and avoidance, was hypothesized, wherein security was expected to occupy the most relevant position. Furthermore, the reciprocal functioning of attachment constructs and their interactions with self-esteem were explored. Four hundreds and thirty-four Italian university students responded to two adult attachment questionnaires (Attachment Style Questionnaire and Adult Attachment Questionnaire) and to the Rosenberg Self-esteem scale. A Many-Facet Rasch Measurement modeling approach was adopted. The main results can be summarized as follows: (a) security, anxiety, and avoidance are nested under one latent attachment dimension; (b) security occupies the most prominent position on the dimension; (c) security is positively associated with a moderate level of attachment anxiety and negatively related to avoidance; and (d) a positive interaction between self-esteem and security, and a negative relation between self-esteem and anxiety, were detected. Theoretical, clinical, and empirical implications of the results are further discussed. © 2013 Scandinavian Psychological Associations and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Disrupted latent decision processes in medication-free pediatric OCD patients. (United States)

    Erhan, Ceyla; Bulut, Gresa Çarkaxhiu; Gökçe, Sebla; Ozbas, Duru; Turkakin, Esin; Dursun, Onur Burak; Yazgan, Yanki; Balcı, Fuat


    Decision-making in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder has typically been investigated in the adult population. Computational approaches have recently started to get integrated into these studies. However, decision-making research in pediatric OCD populations is scarce. We investigated latent decision processes in 21 medication-free pediatric OCD patients and 23 healthy control participants. We hypothesized that OCD patients would be more cautious and less efficient in evidence accumulation than controls in a two alternative forced choice (2AFC) task. Pediatric OCD patients were less efficient than controls in accumulating perceptual evidence and showed a tendency to be more cautious. In comparison to post-correct decisions, OCD patients increased decision thresholds after erroneous decisions, whereas healthy controls decreased decision thresholds. These changes were coupled with weaker evidence accumulation after errors in both groups. The small sample size limited the power of the study. Our results demonstrate poorer decision-making performance in pediatric OCD patients at the level of latent processes, specifically in terms of evidence accumulation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.