
Sample records for area marina protegida

  1. Documento de conceptualización del sistema de monitoreo del Subsistema de Áreas Marinas Protegidas en Colombia. Invemar, GEF y PNUD.


    Batista Morales, Angélica; Gómez López, Diana Isabel; Navarrete Ramírez, Sandra Milena; Alonso, David


    En los últimos 20 años Colombia ha logrado avances importantes para la consolidación del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas -Sinap. Específicamente para el tema de Áreas Marinas Protegidas (AMP), en el año 2001, la Política Nacional Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sostenible de los Espacios Oceánicos y las Zonas Costeras e Insulares de Colombia-Pnaoci” (MMA, 2001) platea como meta especifica el establecimiento de un Subsistema de Áreas Marinas Protegidas-SAMP como parte del Sin...

  2. Diseño de una metodología para la gestión sostenible de los recursos en áreas marinas protegidas


    Garcia Aranda, Cesar; Molina Garcia, Agustin; Gonzalez San Martin, M. Blanca


    La nueva Política Marina Integrada de la Unión Europea (UE) tiene como objetivo general la optimización y sostenibilidad de la explotación del mar. En este contexto, la figura de las Áreas Marinas Protegidas (AMPs) se plantea como un valioso instrumento para avanzar en la ordenación y gestión sostenible de los recursos marinos, permitiendo una gran variedad de alternativas en función del objetivo de conservación, el nivel de protección y las diferentes posibilidades de aprovechamiento de...

  3. Areas naturales protegidas de Puerto Rico (United States)

    William A. Gould; Maya Quinones; Mariano Solórzano; Waldemar Alcobas; Caryl Alarcon


    En este mapa mostramos las areas naturales protegidas designadas para la conservacion de los recursos naturales en Puerto Rico y regiones reguladas por ley con el potencial de mejorar la conservacion de los mismos. La designacion de areas protegidas es un proceso dinamico debido a que es el resultado de la constante evolucion de valores en los diferentes sectores de la...

  4. Analisis espacial de las areas protegidas terrestres de Puerto Rico (United States)

    M. Quinones; W.A. Gould; J. Castro-Prieto; S. Martinuzzi


    En este mapa de investigacion describimos las areas protegidas terrestres de Puerto Rico basado en elementos naturales y antropogenicos del paisaje. Utilizamos datos geoespaciales para calcular la extension y representatividad de elementos del paisaje dentro de las areas protegidas de Puerto Rico, i.e., cobertura del terreno (Gould et al. 2007), asentamientos urbanos...

  5. Identificación de las prioridades de conservación de la biodiversidad marina y costera en Costa Rica

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    Juan José Alvarado


    Full Text Available Costa Rica es un país reconocido por su alta diversidad de especies y ecosistemas, tanto en sus ambientes terrestres como marinos. A pesar de esta importancia, presenta un rezago en la conservación y manejo de la biodiversidad marina y costera, con respecto a la terrestre. Para el año 2006, la superficie marina protegida era de 5 208.8km² y 331.5km de línea costera, en 20 áreas silvestres protegidas. El país ha logrado importantes avances en la selección de sitios prioritarios para la conservación de la biodiversidad terrestre y de aguas continentales, aunque pocos esfuerzos se han realizado hasta el momento en la planificación marina. En este trabajo se muestra el análisis y resultados de un proceso de identificación de vacíos en la representatividad de la biodiversidad marina y costera en el sistema de áreas protegidas de Costa Rica. El estudio se construyó a partir de la información espacial disponible sobre la presencia y distribución de la biodiversidad marina y costera, el establecimiento de metas de conservación y el análisis de amenazas sobre la integridad ecológica de la biodiversidad. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo la selección de sitios prioritarios mediante técnicas de optimización espacial, y la sobreposición con la actual capa de áreas marinas protegidas, para finalmente identificar los vacíos en la representatividad. En total, se identificaron 19 076km² de vacíos de conservación, 1 323km² en el Caribe y 17 753km² en el Pacífico. Se plantean recomendaciones dirigidas hacia la ampliación y fortalecimiento del sistema de áreas marinas protegidas del país, en el cual se usan los vacíos identificados como marco de referencia. Se espera que los resultados presentes sean parte de la base científica necesaria para la planificación de la conservación y uso sostenible de la biodiversidad marina en el país.

  6. Identificación de las prioridades de conservación de la biodiversidad marina y costera en Costa Rica

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    Juan José Alvarado


    Full Text Available Costa Rica es un país reconocido por su alta diversidad de especies y ecosistemas, tanto en sus ambientes terrestres como marinos. A pesar de esta importancia, presenta un rezago en la conservación y manejo de la biodiversidad marina y costera, con respecto a la terrestre. Para el año 2006, la superficie marina protegida era de 5 208.8km² y 331.5km de línea costera, en 20 áreas silvestres protegidas. El país ha logrado importantes avances en la selección de sitios prioritarios para la conservación de la biodiversidad terrestre y de aguas continentales, aunque pocos esfuerzos se han realizado hasta el momento en la planificación marina. En este trabajo se muestra el análisis y resultados de un proceso de identificación de vacíos en la representatividad de la biodiversidad marina y costera en el sistema de áreas protegidas de Costa Rica. El estudio se construyó a partir de la información espacial disponible sobre la presencia y distribución de la biodiversidad marina y costera, el establecimiento de metas de conservación y el análisis de amenazas sobre la integridad ecológica de la biodiversidad. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo la selección de sitios prioritarios mediante técnicas de optimización espacial, y la sobreposición con la actual capa de áreas marinas protegidas, para finalmente identificar los vacíos en la representatividad. En total, se identificaron 19 076km² de vacíos de conservación, 1 323km² en el Caribe y 17 753km² en el Pacífico. Se plantean recomendaciones dirigidas hacia la ampliación y fortalecimiento del sistema de áreas marinas protegidas del país, en el cual se usan los vacíos identificados como marco de referencia. Se espera que los resultados presentes sean parte de la base científica necesaria para la planificación de la conservación y uso sostenible de la biodiversidad marina en el país.Identification of Marine and Coastal biodiversity conservation priorities in Costa Rica. Costa


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    Paramo Jorge


    Full Text Available Las pesquerías marino-costeras están bajo amenaza de colapso debido al incrementodel esfuerzo pesquero y los impactos antropogénicos que directa e indirectamentedegradan el hábitat y los sistemas ecológicos de los cuales depende la actividadpesquera. La pesca acompañante (bycatch y los descartes globales equivalen a untercio (1/3 de la biomasa total desembarcada. Particularmente, el bycatch de lapesca de arrastre de camarón en aguas tropicales representa el 27 % de todos losdescartes globales, lo cual para el manejo de las pesquerías es un serio problemaecológico. Por lo tanto, hay una necesidad de medidas de manejo adicionales a lasusadas tradicionalmente, que contribuyan a proteger los recursos pesqueros y mejorarla producción pesquera. Las Áreas Marinas Protegidas (AMPs han emergido comouna herramienta para la conservación marina y el manejo de pesquerías. El propósitodel trabajo es identifi car potenciales AMPs para el manejo de los recursos pesqueros 124demersales mediante un análisis de la relación entre la distribución espacial deaspectos poblacionales y ecológicos de estos recursos en la zona norte del Caribecolombiano con las características del hábitat (temperatura, salinidad, profundidad,tipo de sedimento. Se estableció la relación de la estructura poblacional de los pecesdemersales con las condiciones del hábitat, que resultó importante cuando se quiereidentifi car AMPs como una herramienta de manejo pesquero sostenible bajo unenfoque ecosistémico. Mediante modelación espacial se calculó el área de distribuciónespacial de los peces demersales (5805.8 km2 y de ésta, los juveniles se encontraronentre Dibulla y el Río Buritaca en un área de 393.1 km2 y en La Guajira se encontróel área de mayor diversidad 297.0 km2, las cuales representan un 11.9 % del área dedistribución espacial de los peces demersales. Se plantea la implementación de ÁreasMarinas Protegidas de Múltiples Usos (AMP-MU en estos

  8. Patrimonio Natural y Reservas Marinas

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    Raquel de la Cruz Modino


    Full Text Available Las reservas marinas intentan preservar ciertas zonas de especial interés biológico de los excesos de la pesca con el fin de asegurar la protección, la regeneración y el desarrollo de los recursos marinos. Con ellas se aspira a regular las diferentes actividades que en estas áreas se llevan a cabo y conjugar los usos turísticos y recreativos que se pueden realizar con la conservación de sus valores naturales. Sin embargo, por norma general, la regulación sobre los usos que pueden desarrollarse en áreas naturales especialmente frágiles como éstas, se restringe a establecer una serie de limitaciones sobre las actividades que son llevadas a cabo en la zona. La implantación de figuras como éstas, dentro de un contexto turístico, puede alentar y promover el desarrollo de actividades recreativas frente a los usos tradicionales, que han podido quedar limitados en el área protegida

  9. Conducta Sexual Protegida en Adolescentes Mexicanos


    Citlalli Pérez de la Barrera; Susan Pick


    El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar predictores psicosociales de conducta sexual protegida en adolescentes. La muestra estuvo constituida por 113 hombres y 65 mujeres mexicanos estudiantes de bachillerato, entre los 14-20 años de edad. Se aplicaron una serie de instrumentos a saber: conocimientos y creencias sobre sexualidad, habilidades para la toma de decisiones, comunicación asertiva y conducta sexual protegida. Los resultados mostraron que la habilidad de comunicación ...

  10. Costa Rica’s Marine Protected Areas: status and perspectives

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    Juan José Alvarado


    Full Text Available With 51 100km2 of terrestrial area and 589 000km² of national waters, Costa Rica is considered one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity. It has approximately 3.5% of the world marine species. In the last four decades, Costa Rica has done a considerable effort to create a representative system of Protected Areas (PA, mainly terrestrial. We present an assessment of the current situation of the Marine Protected Areas (MPA in Costa Rica, through an historical analysis, and an evaluation of their distribution, coverage and management categories. Costa Rica has 166 protected areas covering 50% of the coastline; of these 20 are MPAs, classified as National Parks (90.6%, National Wildlife Refuges (6.6%, Wetlands (1.5%, Biological Reserves (1%, and one Absolute Natural Reserve (0.3%. According to IUCN criteria, 93.7% correspond to category II, 5% to IV and 1.3% to I. The marine protected surface is 5 296.5km², corresponding to 17.5% of the territorial waters and 0.9% of the Exclusive Economic Zone. The median distance between MPAs is 22.4km in the Pacific and 32.9km along the Caribbean. The median size is close to 54km². The main threats to MPAs are the lack of coordination between governmental agencies, limited economic resources, restricted patrolling and control, poor watershed management, and rampant coastal alteration.Con 51 100km2 de área terrestre y 589 000km² de aguas jurisdiccionales, Costa Rica es considerado uno de los países con mayor biodiversidad. Posee aproximadamente 3.5% de las especies marinas del mundo. En las últimas cuatro décadas, Costa Rica ha dedicado un esfuerzo significativo para la creación de Áreas Protegidas (AP, principalmente terrestres. Aquí presentamos un diagnóstico de la situación actual de las Áreas Marinas Protegidas (AMP en Costa Rica, a través de un análisis histórico, su distribución, cobertura y categorías de manejo. Costa Rica posee 166 áreas protegidas que cubren 50% de la l

  11. Caracterización ambiental de la zona de alimentación de tortugas marinas en el litoral del municipio de Guasave, Sinaloa.


    Graciano Obeso, Adalid


    Las áreas marinas protegidas (AMPs) son herramientas de conservación muy relevantes para la protección de ecosistemas y para contribuir a generar un uso adecuado de los recursos naturales. La zona marino costera del municipio de Guasave se encuentra ubicada en la región sur del Golfo de California en un área de surgencias costeras estacionales y en la que ocurren una gran cantidad de especies de importancia comercial así como de interés para la conservación. Estudios previos han caracterizado...

  12. El manejo del área marina y costera protegida Actam Chuleb y los beneficios económicos que genera a los usuarios del municipio de San Felipe, Yucatán, México

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    Wilian de Jesús Aguilar Cordero


    Full Text Available El área marina y costera protegida (AMyCP Actam Chuleb se ubica en la costa oriente del estado de Yucatán, en el municipio de San Felipe, donde se realizó el estudio con el fin de caracterizar el manejo de los recursos naturales y estimar los beneficios de uso directo. La metodología se desarrolló en dos etapas; en la primera se identificaron y analizaron las prácticas de manejo y conservación, los bienes y los principales usuarios por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas y un diagnóstico participativo; en la segunda etapa, se estimó el valor de los beneficios económicos de uso directo y su relevancia en la estructura de actividades económicas de la comunidad por medio una encuesta a los usuarios directos. Los resultados mostraron que no existe un plan de manejo comunitario, sólo se cuenta con una normativa que no es cumplida a cabalidad por la comunidad y que hay una falta de conocimientos, participación y comunicación de los actores sociales para el manejo adecuado y una correcta toma de decisiones. Existe una marcada centralización de poderes, además, los usuarios perciben con mayor facilidad los beneficios de uso directo, generados por la pesca y el turismo, debido a su tangibilidad.

  13. ¿Es la cobertura forestal conservada y restaurada por las zonas protegidas?: El caso de dos áreas silvestres protegidas en el Pacífico Central de Costa Rica

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    J Antonio Guzmán Q


    Full Text Available Resumen:Cambios en el uso del suelo son principalmente consecuencia de las acciones antropogénicas. La actual transformación agrícola y urbana en Costa Rica ha generado preguntas acerca de la efectividad de la conservación y restauración dentro de las áreas protegidas. En este documento nosotros analizamos los patrones de cambio del uso del suelo entre tres periodos: 1997, 2005 y 2010 en términos de magnitud, dirección y velocidad a través de mapas categóricos generados por la foto-interpretación para dos áreas silvestres protegidas y sus áreas aledañas: Parque Nacional La Cangreja (LCNP, el Refugio de Vida Silvestre Rancho Mastatal (RMWR y sus áreas aledañas (SA, esta última compuesta por área de un kilómetro de radio fuera de los límites de las áreas protegidas. La matriz que describe el paisaje dentro de las áreas protegidas es la cobertura natural, compuesta principalmente por la cobertura forestal y tacotales. Encontramos que la cobertura natural más abundante para ambas áreas protegidas fue cubierta forestal en todos los años estudiados. La estabilidad y las grandes áreas de la cubierta forestal en LCNP y RMWR para 2005 y 2010 reflejan que las políticas, las acciones de manejo y vigilancia tienen un impacto positivo en la conservación y restauración de los hábitats naturales en esta zona del Pacifico Central Costarricense. Sin embargo, la alta complejidad del paisaje de SA en 1997, 2005 y 2010 son una prueba de presión antropogénica sobre estas áreas protegidas y sugieren una ineficacia de los gobiernos locales para monitorear y disminuir los cambios de uso del suelo que podrían obstaculizar la gestión, conservación y restauración de especies dentro de las áreas protegidas.

  14. Análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de la respuesta inmune humoral A Plasmodium falciparum en personas protegidas y no protegidas

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    Martha Lucía Moreno


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se buscaron diferencias en los patrones de reconocimiento de proteínas de Plasmodium falciparum por anticuerpos de pacientes con distintos grados de inmunidad protectiva. Evaluamos 50 sueros provenientes de un área hiperendémica, de personas que mostraron un grado de protección, 50 sueros de personas no protegidas que sufrían infecciones activas y 30 sueros de personas que nunca tuvieron malaria. Los anticuerpos se estudiaron por los métodos de inmunoprecipitación y de inmunotransferencia, y se buscó presencia o ausencia de cada banda en alguno de los grupos. Se encontró un nivel de anticuerpos más alto y un patrón de reconocimiento más complejo en los sueros de personas no protegidas. Sólo un anticuerpo, que reconoce una proteína de 99 kDa, y que fue encontrado en el 40% de las personas protegidas parece tener alguna relación (aunque débil con protección. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la respuesta inmune humoral es más un indicativo de una infección reciente que de un estado de protección.

  15. Environmental and ecological changes associated with a marina. (United States)

    Rivero, Natalie K; Dafforn, Katherine A; Coleman, Melinda A; Johnston, Emma L


    Anthropogenic modifications to waterways are common and their ecological consequences must be understood to effectively conserve local biodiversity. The facilitation of recreational boating activities often requires substantial alteration of natural areas, however the environmental and ecological consequences of such alterations are rarely described in the scientific literature. In this study, ecological and physico-chemical conditions were investigated in a recreational boating marina, located inside a marine park on the south-east coast of Australia. Recruitment panels were deployed for 8 weeks both inside and outside the marina, and differences in the composition of the developing fouling communities were observed. The recruitment of taxa, which often have short-lived larvae, was increased inside the marina (bryozoans, spirorbids and sponges) while the recruitment of taxa, which often have longer-lived larvae, was reduced or absent (barnacles, solitary ascidians and non-spirorbid polychaetes). Differences were also observed in environmental conditions inside the marina cf. directly outside. The marina environment had higher turbidity, temperature and pH along with higher concentrations of lead and copper in suspended sediments, while flow rates and trapped sediment loads were reduced inside the marina. The differences observed in the study suggest that there may be marked environmental changes associated with marina developments. The potential ecological consequences of these changes should be a primary consideration during the planning process, particularly for developments in locations of notable ecological value.

  16. Allelopathic effect of Chattonella marina var. marina (Raphidophyceae) on Gymnodinium catenatum (Dinophycea). (United States)

    Fernández-Herrera, Leyberth J; Band-Schmidt, Christine J; López-Cortés, David J; Hernández-Guerrero, Claudia J; Bustillos-Guzmán, José J; Núñez-Vázquez, Erick


    The allelopathic effect of the raphidophyte Chattonella marina var. marina on the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum was determined. Both species are harmful algal bloom forming algae, produce toxic metabolites, and can co-exist in the environment. In general, raphidophytes tend to dominate over dinoflagellates, which may indicate an allelopathic effect of the former algae. Strains of C. marina var. marina and G. catenatum isolated from Bahía de La Paz were cultured in bi-algal cultures with and without cell contact. Additionally, cultures of G. catenatum were exposed to cell-free culture filtrates of the raphidophyte to test whether soluble allelopathic molecules are active. During late stationary phase, both species were cultivated in mixed cultures for 72h using the following cell abundance proportions: 20×10 3 cellsL -1 : 20×10 3 cellsL -1 (1:1; G. catenatum: C. marina); 10×10 3 cellsL -1 : 20×10 3 cellsL -1 (1:2), and 20×10 3 cellsL -1 : 10×10 3 cellsL -1 (2:1). Cells of G. catenatum were also exposed to different volumes of cell filtrates of C. marina (10, 20, and 50mL) using the same cell abundance proportions for 24h. Samples were taken daily for cell counts and microscopic observations. Growth inhibition was higher when there was cell contact between both species, however mortality of G. catenatum was also observed without direct cell contact, indicating that toxic metabolites are liberated to the culture medium. Changes in cell morphology of G. catenatum occurred in the presence of cells and filtrates of C. marina, such as loss of flagella and motility, swelling, loss of girdle and sulci, prominent nucleus, rupture of cell membrane, and cell lysis. Induction of temporary cysts was also observed. These results suggest that toxic metabolites are liberated to the medium by C. marina, affecting G. catenatum by inhibiting its growth and causing changes in its life history, providing new insights of interactions between raphidophytes and

  17. Aprendiendo acerca de las áreas protegidas


    Sandra Garcés Jaramillo


    Seguramente la definición más utilizada de Área Protegida es la de UICN (Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza): "Un área de tierra y/o mar especialmente dedicada a la protección y mantenimiento de la biodiversidad biológica y de recursos naturales y culturales asociados, manejados a través de medios legales u otros medios efectivos".

  18. Aprendiendo acerca de las áreas protegidas

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    Sandra Garcés Jaramillo


    Full Text Available Seguramente la definición más utilizada de Área Protegida es la de UICN (Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza: "Un área de tierra y/o mar especialmente dedicada a la protección y mantenimiento de la biodiversidad biológica y de recursos naturales y culturales asociados, manejados a través de medios legales u otros medios efectivos".

  19. An assessment of site suitability for marina construction in Istanbul, Turkey, using GIS and AHP multicriteria decision analysis. (United States)

    Gumusay, Mustafa Umit; Koseoglu, Gokalp; Bakirman, Tolga


    Marinas play a key role in sea transportation and tourism. The problem of an insufficient marina capacity has revealed in terms of sea traffic due to the demographic structure and increasing tourism potential of Istanbul which is the biggest metropolitan city of Turkey and has around 600-km-long coastline. Therefore, the study area is mainly focused on the Marmara Sea shoreline of Istanbul. Rather than traditional methods, a rapid and cost-effective solution which considers natural and urban environment conditions is essential to satisfy the need for a marina site selection. Thanks to the latest improvements in geographic information systems, it is convenient to perform location selection analysis of marinas taking advantages of geology, land use, demography and accessibility data sets. The goal of this study is to define the areas that are appropriate for building marinas, with the use of topographic and demographic data in a present shoreline applying analytical hierarchy process multicriteria decision-making method. In this study, erosion, landslide, tsunami, land use, geologically hazardous areas, transfer lines, sea traffic data, neighbourhood scale population, age patterns and house income data have been used. Analytical hierarchy process method is used to give a weight to each data set, and a grading system has been developed for the area selection of marinas. The result maps of the analysis that show study area as classified into four categories from good to not suitable are presented. It is possible to create a decision support system for upper scale plans that enable authorities to perform analysis accurately, cost and time effectively using the proposed methodology that integrates multiple data sets with different scales and types.

  20. Sustentabilidade econômica das áreas protegidas no brasil: lacunas institucionais para a consolidação de alternativas

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    Ana Lucia Camphora


    Full Text Available La sustentabilidad económica de la gestión de las áreas protegidas de Brasil es un tema en la agenda reciente, en que prevalecen omisiones relativas por falta de información sistematizada y actualizada acerca del presupuesto de las áreas protegidas del Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservación. Más que identifi car y cuantifi car alternativas a las reducidas fuentes fi nancieras, se busca una mayor visibilidad sobre sus componentes institucionales. Dada su relevancia, el tema integración del proyecto de ampliación territorial de las áreas protegidas, en la medida en que cada nueva hectárea 'protegida en papel', implica una mayor demanda de recursos financieiros, materiales y humanos para su gestión. En ese sentido, el examen de los impasses institucionales y operacionales para la captación y aplicación de esos recursos, sirve para propiciar elementos analíticos esenciales para profundizar el entendimento sobre algunos impasses institucionales recurrentes en el proceso. Sobre un enfoque institucional, la expansión territorial de las áreas protegidas tropieza en estructuras tecno-burocráticas poco dinámicas para imprimir operacionalizaciones y consolidar las fuentes financeras efectivas y potenciales. Se espera que esas contribuiciones propicien progresos en las reflexiones sobre los contextos nacionales de América Latina y el Caribe.

  1. Adaptive comanagement of a marine protected area network in Fiji. (United States)

    Weeks, Rebecca; Jupiter, Stacy D


    Adaptive management of natural resources is an iterative process of decision making whereby management strategies are progressively changed or adjusted in response to new information. Despite an increasing focus on the need for adaptive conservation strategies, there remain few applied examples. We describe the 9-year process of adaptive comanagement of a marine protected area network in Kubulau District, Fiji. In 2011, a review of protected area boundaries and management rules was motivated by the need to enhance management effectiveness and the desire to improve resilience to climate change. Through a series of consultations, with the Wildlife Conservation Society providing scientific input to community decision making, the network of marine protected areas was reconfigured so as to maximize resilience and compliance. Factors identified as contributing to this outcome include well-defined resource-access rights; community respect for a flexible system of customary governance; long-term commitment and presence of comanagement partners; supportive policy environment for comanagement; synthesis of traditional management approaches with systematic monitoring; and district-wide coordination, which provided a broader spatial context for adaptive-management decision making. Co-Manejo Adaptativo de una Red de Áreas Marinas Protegidas en Fiyi. © 2013 The Authors. Conservation Biology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc., on behalf of the Society for Conservation Biology.

  2. Áreas protegidas prioritarias para la investigación y el monitoreo de la biodiversidad en Nicaragua

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    Antonio Mijail Pérez


    Full Text Available LA PRIORIZACIÓN DE ÁREAS PROTEGIDAS PARA LA INVESTIGACIÓN Y EL MONITOREO de la biodiversidad es una necesidad de la mayoría de los países, incluyendo los más desarrollados, ya que la disponibilidad de recursos financieros para estos efectos es siempre limitada. En el presente trabajo se presentan las áreas protegidas seleccionadas como prioritarias para la realización de monitoreo e investigación en biodiversidad en Nicaragua, así como se detalla la herramienta multicriterio diseñada para tal efecto. Aplicando la citada herramienta se obtuvo un listado de 16 áreas el cual fue completado por consulta con la comunidad científica, por dos áreas más para un total de 18 áreas protegidas prioritarias para el monitoreo y la investigación de la biodiversidad en el país.

  3. Saprobic analysis to Marina coastal, Semarang city (United States)

    Nuriasih, D. M.; Anggoro, S.; Haeruddin


    Semarang city is one of coastal city in Indonesia, that antropogenic activities have impact to coastal of Semarang, including Marina beach. Therefore, it is important to study the quality of seawater related with antropogenic activities. The research purpose was to analyze the saprobic level of Marina beach as an indicator of marine pollution. This case study research used survey method. Purposive method was used for sampling the seawater at five stations at the beach. This research can be concluded that TSI (Tropic Saprobic Index) higher than standard that indicated the Marina Beach Seawaters polution at level of β - Mesosaprobic.

  4. Effects of algae-mat thickness on survival and growth of eelgrass (Zostera marina) seedlings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Jonas; Olesen, Birgit

    A major bottle-neck for eelgrass (Zostera marina) re-colonization is seedling survival and patch establishment as mortality rates among the young seedlings are high even in areas where light conditions and physical exposure should support survival. Since little is known about the reasons for the ......A major bottle-neck for eelgrass (Zostera marina) re-colonization is seedling survival and patch establishment as mortality rates among the young seedlings are high even in areas where light conditions and physical exposure should support survival. Since little is known about the reasons...

  5. ¿Son Sostenibles las Áreas Protegidas? Biorentas y Eficiencia del Gasto

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    Marcos Adamson Badilla


    Full Text Available Costa Rica a pesar de su relativo pequeño tamaño ostenta un privilegiado lugar entre las 20 naciones que presentan la mayor intensidad de áreas protegidas por Km2. Este esfuerzo se ha materializado en lo que actualmente se conoce como Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación (SINAC, el cual es el principal bioactivo que soporta la estrategia de desarrollo ecoturístico de ese país. Este artículo por un lado, ofrece un aporte teórico en economía de las áreas protegidas. Introduce conceptos como biobeneficios económicos y biorentas netas, principal atractivo, entre otros. Su aplicación a la experiencia costarricense permite concluir que: a existe un potencial muy importante de generación de biobeneficios económicos de las áreas silvestres protegidas, las cuales han sido superavitarias; b pese a lo anterior, los resultados evidencian que el SINAC no esta optimizando la capacidad de generación de biobeneficios; c que la práctica ha sido simplemente acumular esas biorentas netas y no re-invertirlas en el sistema; d lo cual es paradójico, a la luz de los grandes retos que enfrenta el país para consolidar territorial y biológicamente un sistema que ya evidencia una importante y acelerada biodepreciacion; e la cual conducirá a la insosteniblidad de todo el sistema. Al final se presentan varias recomendaciones de política económica ambiental y de manejo del sistema para lograr su sosteniblidad económica y biológica.

  6. Evolução das tipologias e categorias de áreas protegidas no Brasil Evolution of typologies and categories of protected areas in Brazil

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    Rodrigo Medeiros


    Full Text Available As áreas protegidas são importante instrumento de conservação dos recursos naturais. Elas começaram a ser territorialmente demarcadas no Brasil nos anos 30 e, desde então, passaram por longo processo de amadurecimento que levou à criação de distintas tipologias e categorias. Este trabalho visa analisar a evolução dessas áreas no Brasil, buscando compreender sua lógica de criação e a inserção nos principais contextos políticos nacionais e internacionais. Discutem-se ainda aspectos relativos à gestão do sistema atual.Protected areas are an important instrument for the conservation of natural resources. They were firstly demarcated in Brazil in the 1930s and, since then, they went through a long process of evolution resulting in the creation of a series of distinct typologies and categories of protected areas. The present study aims to analyze the evolution of these categories of protected areas in Brazil, in order to evaluate the logic behind their creation as well as their insertion in the main national and international political contexts. Aspects related to the management of the actual system are also herein discussed.


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    Juárez-López P


    Full Text Available Los objetivos del presente artículo son presentar la situación actual de la horticultura protegida en Nayarit, México y visualizar su probable crecimiento y desarrollo con la implementación de un clúster agroindustrial en el sur. Se describe, de manera general, la situación actual de la horticultura en México, se indican algunos factores agronómicos que favorecen este sistema de producción en el estado y se presenta la situación actual del establecimiento de invernaderos como parte del Clúster Agroindustrial del Sur de Nayarit; asimismo, se visualizan posibles beneficios socioeconómicos con su implementación. Se concluyó que la horticultura protegida en Nayarit está en rápido crecimiento y desarrollo. Se espera que con la puesta en marcha del Clúster Agroindustrial se impulse la economía y el sector agrícola de la entidad; se prevé también un incremento en la exportación de hortalizas y que aumenten las opciones de empleo de ingenieros agrónomos.

  8. Louisiana Marinas and Boat Launches, Geographic NAD83, LOSCO (2004) [marinas_LOSCO_2004 (United States)

    Louisiana Geographic Information Center — The dataset defines the location and supplemental information for marinas and boat launches in southern Louisiana. The boat launch database includes public and...

  9. El conocimiento ambiental del visitante de las áreas naturales protegidas. Estudio de caso Parque Nacional "Cumbres del Ajusco"


    Arias González, María del Consuelo


    Las áreas naturales protegidas representan un importante producto para la actividad turística debido a la belleza de sus paisajes y su diversidad biológica. El ecoturismo ha cobrado especial relevancia para la conservación de las áreas protegidas, para el disfrute del ser humano y para contribuir al desarrollo económico de las comunidades locales. El visitante, por ser uno de los actores principales dentro de estos espacios, constituye un factor determinante para su conservación. Algunos estu...

  10. Nickel, vanadium, and lead as indicators of sediment contamination of marina, refinery, and shipyard areas. (United States)

    Pereira, Thayane Lúcia; Wallner-Kersanach, Mônica; Costa, Luiza Dy Fonseca; Costa, Daniel Pereira; Baisch, Paulo Roberto Martins


    Metallic elements found in the aquatic environment may originate in areas where petroleum is refined and vessels are maintained and repaired. This study aims to assess contamination caused by nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and vanadium (V) in sediment of the Lagoa dos Patos estuary (RS, Brazil) and to evaluate them as indicators of areas under the influence of petroleum products and antifouling paints. Surface sediments were collected in summer and in winter in areas of marinas, shipyards, refinery, and a control station. High Pb and V concentrations in shipyards and at the Yacht Club showed that some organisms may be affected by toxicity. High Pb results of the index of geoaccumulation (Igeo) were found at the Yacht Club and shipyards. Al, Ni, and V had similar distribution in the sediment in both seasons. Ni and V had high relation in winter at the Yacht Club and at the Santos Shipyard, thus suggesting that these elements come mainly from petroleum products. The same happened to the relations between Pb and V, as well as Pb and Ni at the Santos Shipyard. These elements are employed as useful tools as indicators to identify places with moderate to high localized anthropogenic inputs of petroleum derivatives and antifouling paints.

  11. Concentrations of some elements in the coastal sea sediments. Bays with marinas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Obhodas, J.; Kutle, A.; Valkovic, V.


    Surface sediments and sediment cores from two bays in the Adriatic sea (Punat Bay and Soline Bay, Croatia) have been analyzed for a number of elements, in particular: Ti, V, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, As and Pb, by using XRF. Maps of elemental distribution in surface sediments show increased concentrations for some elements present in antifouling paints (Cu, Zn, Pb) near the service areas in the villages or marinas. Core profiles for these elements were used to evaluate the environmental impact of newly constructed marinas. Source partition indicates the influence of other sources located in near by villages. The critical factor in these considerations was shown to be water exchange with the open sea. (author)

  12. Esteroles libres de la estrella marina echinaster sentus

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    Rosabel Segura de Correa


    Full Text Available La fracción lipídica de la estrella marina Echinaster sentus se estudió para conocer su composición esterólica. Las estrellas marinas son especies de invertebrados-que pertenecen al phylumechinodermata de la clase Asteroidea. Poseen entre otros componentes esteroides de tipo saponina, esteróles libres polihidroxilados y monohidroxilados.

  13. Texture and composition of the Rosa Marina beach sands (Adriatic coast, southern Italy: a sedimentological/ecological approach

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    Moretti Massimo


    Full Text Available Beach sands from the Rosa Marina locality (Adriatic coast, southern Italy were analysed mainly microscopically in order to trace the source areas of their lithoclastic and bioclastic components. The main cropping out sedimentary units were also studied with the objective to identify the potential source areas of lithoclasts. This allowed to establish how the various rock units contribute to the formation of beach sands. The analysis of the bioclastic components allows to estimate the actual role of organisms regarding the supply of this material to the beach. Identification of taxa that are present in the beach sands as shell fragments or other remains was carried out at the genus or family level. Ecological investigation of the same beach and the recognition of sub-environments (mainly distinguished on the basis of the nature of the substrate and of the water depth was the key topic that allowed to establish the actual source areas of bioclasts in the Rosa Marina beach sands. The sedimentological analysis (including a physical study of the beach and the calculation of some statistical parameters concerning the grain-size curves shows that the Rosa Marina beach is nowadays subject to erosion.

  14. Dynamic Changes in Bacterial Population and Corresponding Exoenzyme Activity in Response to a Tropical Phytoplankton Bloom Chattonella marina

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    Anit M. Thomas


    Full Text Available The raphidophyte Chattonella marina (Subrahmanyan Hara & Chihara bloom which causes lethal effects on marine ecosystem has been reported intermittently from Indian waters. In the present study, periodic samplings were made in a Chattonella marina bloom area, off Mahe, on 27 and 29 October and 1 November 2011 (in different phases of the bloom to assess the associated bacterial population and their exoenzyme activity. Microbial community composition of Chattonella marina bloom revealed a twentyfold increase in bacterial load over the nonbloom area. The bacterial genera, Micrococcus, Flavobacterium, Vibrio, and Pseudomonas, increased significantly during the declining phase of the bloom. An assessment of the extracellular enzyme production also showed a marked increase in percentage of bacterial strains, potent in protease production, suggesting the possible role of proteolytic bacteria in bloom crash. This study reveals the bacterial community succession during the bloom and indicates that bacteria play an important role in bloom regulation.

  15. Proyecto integral Marina del Sol S.A.

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    Alfredo Palacios Barra


    Full Text Available El megaproyecto Marina del Sol del Gran Concepción, se emplaza en el sector del canal Ifarle a espaldas del Aeropuerto Carriel Sur en la comuna de Talcahuano. Recientemente entró a funcionar el Casino Marina del Sol, el que está inscrito en el marco de los 15 proyectos autorizados en el 2006 por la Superintendencia de Juego que buscan promover el desarrollo de este sector a nivel del país.

  16. Armastus teeb tugevaks / Marina Laikjõe ; interv. Verni Leivak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laikjõe, Marina, 1967-


    Turismifirma Tez Tour tegevjuht ning reisifirma Travel-In juht Marina Laikjõe vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad tema tegevust ja karjääri turisminduses, suhteid kolleegidega ning perekonna toetust raske haigusega võitlemise ajal. Kommenteerivad Reet Kivi, Tiit Pärnik. Lisa: Marina Laikjõe

  17. [Epidemiology of urinary calculi in the Marina Alta (Alicante) region]. (United States)

    Romero Pérez, P; Amat Cecilia, M


    An epidemiological study on urolithiasis was conducted in the Borough of Marina Alta from December 1989 to December 1990. The Health Care region of Marina Alta includes 11 health care areas, all centralized into one single Local Hospital offering service to an estimated population of 125,290 inhabitants, which experiences a remarkable increase over the summer months. During the study period 1,792 patients, 350 (20%) of which were lithiasis cases were seen in the Urology Unit. 2.80 per thousand of the studied population had urolithiasis-related signs. Incidence is higher in males than in females, as well as in patients with prior lithiasic diseases, surgery and urinary infections. Urinary infection was present in 20% of patients. Nine percent of patients had some type of associated urinary malformation. The most frequent mineral composition of the lithiasis was: Calcium oxalate (52%), uric acid (20%) and oxalate plus uric acid (9%).

  18. Marina Laikjõe : palm on eestlasele puhkuse sünonüüm / Marina Laikjõe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laikjõe, Marina, 1967-


    Reisikorraldusfirma Domina World Traveli tegevjuht Marina Laikjõe annab ülevaate eestlaste reisimisharjumustest, populaarsematest sihtkohtadest ning prognoosib võimalikke trende Eesti turismiturul.

  19. Conservación de un área protegida con uso recreativo: ¿Se puede lograr que los visitantes dejen menos basura?


    Cingolani, Ana María; Barberá, Ivan; Renison, Daniel; Barri, Fernando Rafael


    Uno de los problemas de las áreas protegidas en zonas de afluencia masiva es la acumulación de basura abandonada por algunos visitantes. Evaluamos, en playas ribereñas de un área protegida de las sierras de Córdoba, si es posible reducir la basura abandonada por los visitantes utilizando herramientas de la interpretación ambiental. La técnica utilizada consistió en el pedido personalizado al visitante de no dejar basura, acompañado del ejemplo de juntar la basura abandonada en la playa. Reali...

  20. Conservación de un área protegida con uso recreativo: ¿Se puede lograr que los visitantes dejen menos basura?


    Cingolani, Ana M.; Barberá, Iván; Renison, Daniel; Barri, Fernando R.


    Uno de los problemas de las áreas protegidas en zonas de afluencia masiva es la acumulación de basura abandonada por algunos visitantes. Evaluamos, en playas ribereñas de un área protegida de las sierras de Córdoba, si es posible reducir la basura abandonada por los visitantes utilizando herramientas de la interpretación ambiental. La técnica utilizada consistió en el pedido personalizado al visitante de no dejar basura, acompañado del ejemplo de juntar la basura abandonada en la playa. Reali...

  1. Hydrocarbon pollution from marinas in estuarine sediments (United States)

    Voudrias, Evangelos A.; Smith, Craig L.


    A measure of the impact of marinas on three Eastern Virginia estuarine creeks was obtained by a study of hydrocarbons in their sediments. Two of the creeks support considerable marine activity, including pleasure boat marinas, boat repair facilities, and commercial fishing operations. The third creek, which served as a control, is seldom used by boats, and is surrounded by marsh and woodland. Sediments from the creeks with marinas contained significantly higher levels of both aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons than did the control. Differences in the concentrations of certain oil-pollution indicators, such as the 17α,21β-hopane homologs and phytane, and low molecular weight aromatic hydrocarbons, are indicative of light petroleum fractions. Most of the aromatic hydrocarbons from all creeks, however, appear to have a pyrogenic origin. Although hydrocarbons from three probable origins (petroleum, pyrogenesis, and recent biosynthesis) were detected in all locations, the petroleum-derived and pyrogenic hydrocarbons were of only minor importance relative to the biogenic hydrocarbons in the control creek.

  2. Draft genome of the emerging pathogen, Kocuria marina, isolated from a wild urban rat

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    Shih Keng Loong

    Full Text Available Kocuria marina has recently emerged as a cause for catheter-related bloodstream infections in patients with underlying health complications. One K. marina strain was recently isolated from the lung tissues of a wild urban rat (Rattus rattus diardii caught during rodent surveillance. Here, we present the draft genome of the first K. marina animal isolate, K. marina TRE150902.

  3. Differences in SEM-AVS and ERM-ERL predictions of sediment impacts from metals in two US Virgin Islands marinas. (United States)

    Hinkey, Lynne M; Zaidi, Baqar R


    Two US Virgin Islands marinas were examined for potential metal impacts by comparing sediment chemistry data with two sediment quality guideline (SQG) values: the ratio of simultaneously extractable metals to acid volatile sulfides (SEM-AVS), and effects range-low and -mean (ERL-ERM) values. ERL-ERMs predicted the marina/boatyard complex (IBY: 2118 microg/g dry weight total metals, two exceeded ERMs) would have greater impacts than the marina with no boatyard (CBM: 231 microg/g dry weight total metals, no ERMs exceeded). The AVS-SEM method predicted IBY would have fewer effects due to high AVS-forming metal sulfide complexes, reducing trace metal bioavailability. These contradictory predictions demonstrate the importance of validating the results of either of these methods with other toxicity measures before making any management or regulatory decisions regarding boating and marina impacts. This is especially important in non-temperate areas where sediment quality guidelines have not been validated.

  4. Planejamento turístico em áreas protegidas

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    Andrea de Castro Panizza


    Full Text Available A Península de Valdés, situada na Patagônia Argentina, é uma área natural protegida de 4 000 km². Abriga grande diversidade de espécies animais, sendo também uma área de reprodução de mamíferos marinhos. Sua organização espacial propõe pontos de observação e trilhas sinalizadas nas reservas de fauna. O acesso e a circulação são controlados e a visitação turística é aberta somente em alguns setores. A entrada na Península é paga, porém os visitantes provenientes do Mercosul pagam meia!La Pénin...

  5. Reflexões sobre o contributo dos instrumentos de gestão para a resiliência de áreas protegidas em Portugal

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    Catarina Fonseca


    Full Text Available A Rede Nacional de Áreas Protegidas ocupa cerca de 8,5% do território continental. O planeamento e gestão destas áreas revela-se essencial para a sustentabilidade do território. No entanto, os sistemas a gerir são complexos e dinâmicos, sujeitos à influência de múltiplos fatores, endógenos e exógenos, que induzem mudanças imprevisíveis e não acauteladas. Neste contexto de incerteza, é evidente que a gestão das áreas protegidas deve incorporar mecanismos capazes de lidar com a instabilidade que afeta estes ecossistemas. Este artigo analisa a gestão das áreas protegidas à luz da teoria da resiliência e reflete sobre o papel dos instrumentos atualmente disponíveis, em particular dos planos de ordenamento. Também é discutida a necessidade de planos flexíveis e resilientes, capazes de manter a sua função e aderência à realidade territorial.

  6. Structure, Aboveground Biomass, and Soil Characterization of Avicennia marina in Eastern Mangrove Lagoon National Park, Abu Dhabi (United States)

    Alsumaiti, Tareefa Saad Sultan

    Mangrove forests are national treasures of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and other arid countries with limited forested areas. Mangroves form a crucial part of the coastal ecosystem and provide numerous benefits to society, economy, and especially the environment. Mangrove trees, specifically Avicennia marina, are studied in their native habitat in order to characterize their population structure, aboveground biomass, and soil properties. This study focused on Eastern Mangrove Lagoon National Park in Abu Dhabi, which was the first mangrove protected area to be designated in UAE. In situ measurements were collected to estimate Avicennia marina status, mortality rate (%), height (m), crown spread (m), stem number, diameter at breast height (cm), basal area (m), and aboveground biomass (t ha-1 ). Small-footprint aerial light detection and ranging (LIDAR) data acquired by UAE were processed to characterize mangrove canopy height and aboveground biomass density. This included extraction of LIDAR-derived height percentile statistics, segmentation of the forest into structurally homogenous units, and development of regression relationships between in situ reference and remote sensing data using a machine learning approach. An in situ soil survey was conducted to examine the soils' physical and chemical properties, fertility status, and organic matter. The data of soil survey were used to create soil maps to evaluate key characteristics of soils, and their influence on Avicennia marina in Eastern Mangrove Lagoon National Park. The results of this study provide new insights into Avicennia marina canopy population, structure, aboveground biomass, and soil properties in Abu Dhabi, as data in such arid environments is lacking. This valuable information can help in managing and preserving this unique ecosystem.

  7. The protozoa dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina contains selenoproteins and the relevant translation apparatus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osaka, Takashi; Beika, Asa; Hattori, Asuka; Kohno, Yoshinori; Kato, Koichi H.; Mizutani, Takaharu


    In the phylogenetic tree, selenoproteins and the corresponding translation machinery are found in Archaea, Eubacteria, and animals, but not in fungi and higher plants. As very little is known about Protozoa, we searched for the presence of selenoproteins in the primitive dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina, belonging to the Protoctista kingdom. Four selenoproteins could be obtained from O. marina cells cultured in the presence of 75 Se. Using O. marina or bovine liver cytosolic extracts, we could serylate and selenylate in vitro total O. marina tRNAs. Moreover, the existence of a tRNA Sec could be deduced from in vivo experiments. Lastly, an anti-serum against the specialized mammalian translation elongation factor mSelB reacted with a protein of 48-kDa molecular mass. Altogether, our data showed that O. marina contains selenoproteins and suggests that the corresponding translation machinery is related to that found in animals

  8. ¿Qué tan bien representados están los mamíferos mexicanos en la red federal de áreas naturales protegidas del país? How well represented are Mexican mammals in the natural protected area network?

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    Luis-Bernardo Vázquez


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron la eficiencia y eficacia de la red de áreas naturales protegidas (ANPs federales de México para representar la riqueza de especies de mamíferos terrestres. Para determinar el porcentaje de especies no protegidas, se sobrepuso una gradilla de celdas de 0.5° x 0.5° con datos de riqueza de especies en el mapa de las ANPs y se comparó con conjuntos equivalentes de áreas seleccionados al azar. Mediante optimización se estimó cuántas celdas adicionales complementarían a las ANPs y cuántas áreas bastarían para proteger todas las especies al menos una vez. Los resultados indican que cerca de la quinta parte del total de especies, un tercio de las endémicas y un tercio de las vulnerables, no están protegidas. En conjuntos de celdas elegidos al azar se representan más especies que en el total de celdas cubiertas por ANPs. En la península de Baja California, la vertiente del Pacífico, la sierra Madre Occidental y el sur del país (Oaxaca se concentra el mayor número de especies no protegidas. Para complementar las celdas con ANPs se requieren 25 celdas adicionales y bastarían conjuntos óptimos de 38 celdas para representar todas las especies al menos una vez. Nuestros resultados pueden ayudar a mejorar la selección de nuevas ANPs para ganar en eficacia y eficiencia al representar a las especies de mamíferos aún no protegidas.We evaluated the efficacy and efficiency of the federal network of natural protected areas (NPAs to represent the species richness of terrestrial mammals. We overlapped a 0.5° x 0.5° grid with data on species richness with the map of NPAs, to determine the proportion of unprotected species. We compared this with equivalent sets of cells, chosen randomly. In addition, through optimization we determined how many additional cells will complement the NPAs and how many cells will represent all species at least once. We found that nearly 1/5 of the total species, 1/3 of the endemics and 1/3 of the

  9. Evaluating the antibacterial and anticandidal potency of mangrove, Avicennia marina

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    Aseer Manilal


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate the antibiotic activity of mangrove plant, Avicennia marina (A. marina against human and shrimp pathogens and to delineate bioactive constituents by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS profiling. Methods: The antimicrobial activity of the different polar and non-polar extracts of A. marina was inspected by well diffusion technique against 16 bacterial pathogens and two fungal pathogens. Results: Of the six organic extracts examined, methanolic extract of A. marina fairly repressed the growth of all bacterial and fungal pathogenic strains tested. In general, mangrove extract was more active against the bacterial pathogens while against yeasts, the activity was lesser. The antibiotic activity was attributed to the presence of diverse bioactive secondary metabolites. The chemical profiling of the methanolic extract was performed by GC combined with mass spectrometry. The results of GC-MS showed that the main phytoconstituents were benzeneethanol,4-hydroxy- (RT = 12.173, followed by benzaldehyde,3-methyl- (RT = 6.811. Finally, the GC-MS data evinced that the antimicrobial activity of A. marina was due to the synergistic effect of all constituents or the activity of major constituents. Conclusions: Considering the urgent need of novel antibiotics, the present study brings out a new insight on the exploration of mangroves for antibiotic production in future.

  10. Phenology of Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh. in a Disjunctly-zoned ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Avicennia marina in Gazi Bay, Kenya, displays a disjunct zonation pattern across the intertidal zone with a seaward and a landward A. marina fringe. Earlier studies revealed significant differences in its vegetation structure, physiognomy, root system and leaf morphology, which can be attributed to salinity and tidal ...


    Marine sediments around urban areas serve as catch basins for anthropogenic particles containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Using incubations with gut fluids extracted from a deposit-feeding polychaete (Arenicola marina), we determined the digestive bioavailability ...

  12. Assessment of Marinas in the Mediterranean and the Position of Turkey

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    Evrim Pinar Genc


    Full Text Available The most important organizations for developing and advertisingthe yacht tourism in a country are the marinas.Yachting tourism, being a part of maritime sector tends to playa part in the tourist activities and provides important resourcesfor the general economy.In this study, the developments in yachting tourism are aplainedby considering the cu"ent status of the marinas in theMedite"anean countries. Basic characteristics of different marinasof the Medite"anean countries will be discussed and alsostatistical figures will be given. The yachting routes and the potentialof Turkey will be analyzed by emphasizing operational,infrastructural and service characteristics. The factors thatshould be taken into consideration and the methods used formarina marketing will be explained. By considering strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and threats, a SWOT analysis will bemade for Turkey marinas. Suggestions will be given fur furtherdevelopment of marina management in Turkey.

  13. Marina Kaljurand : Venemaad ei tohi karta! Siin pole midagi karta! / Marina Kaljurand ; interv. Jaanus Piirsalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaljurand, Marina, 1962-


    Intervjuu kolm aastat Moskvas töötanud Eesti suursaadiku Marina Kaljurannaga, kes vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad Eesti-Vene suhteid, saadikutööd, diplomaatiat, aprillirahutusi, naiste osakaalu diplomaatide seas ja erilisi suhteid patriarh Aleksius II-ga


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    Mercedes Delgado Fernández


    Full Text Available

    Madidi es considerada el área de conservación de mayor biodiversidad del corredor internacional de áreas protegidas “Vilcabamba Amboró”, que corresponde a los países de Perú y Bolivia. La pobreza y las amenazas al Parque Nacional Madidi, con la no existencia de métodos que permitan desarrollar y obtener productos y/o servicios compatibles con el  manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales, la adaptación al cambio climático, la conservación y desarrollo de las áreas protegidas, constituyen el problema abordado.  

    La metodología que se presenta considera la experiencia con el Café Madidi, los factores de oportunidad del Parque Nacional Madidi, el  Modelo “Estrella para dirigir el cambio” y el nuevo rol que le otorga la Constitución Política del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia para la generación de economías sostenibles. Se muestra el valor de la transición de una Unidad Estratégica de Negocio clásica  a un enfoque de Empresa con Gestión Integrada de la Calidad, propia de áreas protegidas, fortaleciendo los valores culturales y las propias formas de organización de las comunidades. 

  15. Sustentabilidade em áreas protegidas brasileiras: a universidade pública e o ecoturismo de conhecimento

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    José Pedro Da Ros


    Full Text Available O presente artigo discute o ecoturismo em áreas protegidas e sua interface com as novas demandas do turismo relacionadas à busca de conhecimentos. Propõe-se um tipo de turismo que não limita, como geralmente acontece na prática, suas atividades à simples contemplação e consumo dos bens “naturais” ou dos bens culturais: ao contrário, o que pretende é a interação dos ecoturistas com tais bens, em ações que envolvem o conhecer. Trata-se de um modelo de gestão de ecoturismo para as áreas protegidas brasileiras do Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação da Natureza, com cuidados efetivos relacionados à sustentabilidade possível, protagonizando comunidades locais, que se apoie na produção e socialização de conhecimentos científicos e populares e que seja mediado, em seu desenvolvimento, por universidades públicas e instituições afins.

  16. Impactos socioambientales de la gestión del agua en el área natural protegida de Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila

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    Sandra Eloisa Ortiz Acosta


    Full Text Available El área natural protegida Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila, posee un ecosistema desértico valioso, con endemismos y humedales Ramsar, que ha resultado perjudicado por las ac- tividades económicas no reguladas, como la agricultura y el turismo. Las acciones de gestión implementadas por la Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas y la Comi- sión Nacional del Agua también han tenido repercusiones socioambientales. Por ello, el objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar los impactos sociales y ambientales derivados de la gestión del agua en esta área natural protegida, a través de la aplicación de entrevistas semiestructuradas a actores clave. La información se analizó mediante una adaptación a la metodología de la teoría fundamentada. A partir de los resultados, se concluyó que los daños socioambientales se deben a que las instituciones no han logrado compatibilizar las políticas de conservación con las de aprovechamiento sustentable de los recursos naturales, lo que contribuye al deterioro del ecosistema y a la inconformidad de la población.

  17. 75 FR 4783 - Federal Consistency Appeal by Villa Marina Yacht Harbour, Inc. (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Federal Consistency Appeal by Villa Marina Yacht Harbour, Inc. AGENCY: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA... days, closure of the decision record in an administrative appeal filed by Villa Marina Yacht Harbour...

  18. Evaluación de un cluster bajo agricultura protegida en México


    Padilla-Bernal, Luz Evelia; Reyes-Rivas, Eliver; Pérez-Veyna, Óscar


    El naciente cluster de tomate bajo agricultura protegida en Zacatecas enfrenta el reto de participar en los mercados globales de una manera sostenible; una respuesta viable para ello es elevar su capacidad de upgrading. En este trabajo se determina la relación entre la eficiencia colectiva en el upgrading del cluster. La información se obtuvo a través de un cuestionario aplicado a técnicos de las unidades de producción (UP), el cual se complementó con entrevistas a propietarios o gerentes, in...

  19. The Phenomenon of the Marina Development to Support the European Model of Economic Development

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    Joanna Kizielewicz


    Full Text Available The development of marinas on the seas, rivers, lakes and canals of Europe occurs in two different forms: (1 as a private investment project, and (2 as an urban municipal investment. Both forms of investment and development of marinas satisfy the criteria of entrepreneurship, which is important for each global and European economy. The purpose of this research is explanation of the possibilities for development of marinas and their immediate and distant destination which supports the development of the local economy. The scientific and research achievements were applied and, for the purpose of transparency, a case study showing several marinas and the examples of two basic models of development are presented. Structurally, this research consists of two parts, namely (1 a theoretical part, where a definition of nautical tourism and its classification are presented and (2 the development of specific indicators of marinas in Europe are explored.

  20. La competitividad sistémica de la industria del tomate de agricultura protegida en Zacatecas

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    Luz Evelia Padilla Bernal


    Full Text Available La industria del tomate de agricultura protegida en Zacatecas ha crecido aceleradamente en los últimos años; sin embargo, hay poca información sobre ella. Los productores están haciendo grandes inversiones sin una base sólida de información. La apertura comercial y la globalización de los mercados, así como las nuevas tendencias en el sector agroalimentario están impactando la competitividad. En este trabajo se determina el nivel de competitividad de la industria del tomate bajo agricultura protegida de Zacatecas, a fin de proveer elementos que apoyen el diseño de políticas para el desarrollo de una competitividad sustentable. Se desarrolla a través de una evaluación a la industria bajo un enfoque empresarial aplicando un modelo de competitividad sistémica. La información se obtuvo a través de entrevistas a técnicos, propietarios de las agroempresas, investigadores y autoridades gubernamentales. Las unidades de producción exportadoras y las de alta tecnología son las que tienen mejor posición competitiva

  1. Influence of neighboring plants on shading stress resistance and recovery of eelgrass, Zostera marina L.

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    Camilla Gustafsson

    Full Text Available Stressful environments may enhance the occurrence of facilitative interspecific interactions between plants. In several regions, Zostera marina occurs in mixed assemblages. However, the potential effects of plant diversity on stress responses and stability properties of Z. marina are poorly understood. We investigated the resistance and recovery of Z. marina subjected to shading (1 mo in a field experiment lasting 2.5 mo. We shaded Z. marina planted in mono- and polycultures (Potamogeton perfoliatus, P. pectinatus, P. filiformis in a factorial design (Shading×Richness at 2 m depth. We estimated the resistance and recovery of Z. marina by measuring four response variables. Polyculture Z. marina lost proportionally less biomass than monocultures, thus having a greater resistance to shading. In contrast, after a 1 mo recovery period, monocultures exhibited higher biomass gain, and a faster recovery than polycultures. Our results suggest that plant species richness enhances the resistance of Z. marina through facilitative mechanisms, while the faster recovery in monocultures is possibly due to interspecific competition. Our results highlight the need of a much better understanding of the effects of interspecific interactions on ecosystem processes in mixed seagrass meadows, and the preservation of diverse plant assemblages to maintain ecosystem functioning.

  2. Diurnal effects of anoxia on the metabolome of the seagrass Zostera marina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hasler-Sheetal, Harald; Holmer, Marianne; Weckwerth, Wolfram


    Environmental metabolomics has become interesting in marine ecological studies. One example is the revealing of new insights in stress response of Zostera marina. This is essential to understand how, at which level and to what extend aquatic plants adapt, tolerate and react to environmental...... stressors. We exposed Z. marina to water column anoxia and assessed the diurnal metabolomic response by GC-TOF-MS based metabolomics identifying 109 known and 217 unknown metabolites. During day time photosynthetic oxygen production prevents severe effects of anoxia on the metabolome (complete set of small...... the applicability of metabolomics to assess environmental stress responses of Zostera marina....

  3. 18 CFR 1304.403 - Marina sewage pump-out stations and holding tanks. (United States)


    ... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Marina sewage pump-out... OTHER ALTERATIONS Miscellaneous § 1304.403 Marina sewage pump-out stations and holding tanks. All pump... purposes of inspection; (i) Spill-proof features adequate for transfer of sewage from all movable floating...

  4. Differing effects of eelgrass Zostera marina on recruitment and growth of associated blue mussels Mytilus edulis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reusch, B.H.T.


    I studied the effects of habitat structure, provided by an eelgrass Zostera marina canopy, on shell growth rate and recruitment of co-occurring blue mussels Mytilus edulis in the Western Baltic Sea. M. edulis in clumps consisting of 10 and 30 individuals were tagged and placed in unvegetated areas

  5. 76 FR 37650 - Safety Zone; 4th of July Festival Berkeley Marina Fireworks Display Berkeley, CA (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; 4th of July Festival Berkeley Marina Fireworks Display Berkeley, CA AGENCY: Coast... the 4th of July Festival Berkeley Marina Fireworks Display. Unauthorized persons or vessels are... display. Background and Purpose The City of Berkeley Marina will sponsor the 4th of July Festival Berkeley...

  6. Rapid assessment of the bryozoan, Zoobotryon verticillatum (Delle Chiaje, 1822) in marinas, Canary Islands. (United States)

    Minchin, Dan


    A rapid assessment, using the abundance and distribution range method, was used to evaluate the status of a large branching bryozoan, Zoobotryon verticillatum attached to the immersed part of marina pontoons in the Canary Islands. Colonies were also found attached to the hulls of leisure craft berthed alongside pontoons at three marinas in Lanzarote during 2012. Low levels of abundance and distribution of the bryozoan occurred in marinas with a freshwater influence whereas in a sheltered marina lacking direct freshwater inputs colonies occurred at ∼2 per metre of combined pontoon length. While the occurrence of this bryozoan is recent it may be expected to occur elsewhere in Macaronesia most probably spread by leisure craft. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Role of commercial harbours and recreational marinas in the spread of non-indigenous fouling species. (United States)

    Ferrario, Jasmine; Caronni, Sarah; Occhipinti-Ambrogi, Anna; Marchini, Agnese


    The role of commercial harbours as sink and source habitats for non-indigenous species (NIS) and the role of recreational boating for their secondary spread were investigated by analysing the fouling community of five Italian harbours and five marinas in the western Mediterranean Sea. It was first hypothesised that NIS assemblages in the recreational marinas were subsets of those occurring in commercial harbours. However, the data did not consistently support this hypothesis: the NIS pools of some marinas significantly diverged from harbours even belonging to the same coastal stretches, including NIS occurring only in marinas. This study confirms harbours as hotspots for marine NIS, but also reveals that numbers of NIS in some marinas is higher than expected, suggesting that recreational vessels effectively facilitate NIS spread. It is recommended that this vector of NIS introduction is taken into account in the future planning of sustainable development of maritime tourism in Europe.


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    Made Natha Dwipayana


    Full Text Available Differences between expectation and perception of visitor about service quality of a travel agency were the background of this research which is entitled “Visitor’s Perception And Expectation of Service Quality At Marina Srikandi Tour And Travel In Padang Bai. Through this research, a thought to maintain professionalism of travel agency with qualified standards, understand different visitor expectations was a major thing that want to be achieved. Background of problem in this research was divided into two problems, such as (1 what are visitor expectation and perception about service quality at Marina Srikandi Tour and travel? (2 How is the visitor’s satisfaction about service quality which is given by Marina Srikandi Tour and travel? Based on the background of problems above, there were two aims of study in this research, they are: (1 to know visitor expectation and perception about service quality at Marina Srikandi Tour and travel, and (2 to know visitor’s satisfaction about service quality which is given by Marina Srikandi Tour and travel.

  9. Antifouling biocides in German marinas: Exposure assessment and calculation of national consumption and emission. (United States)

    Daehne, Dagmar; Fürle, Constanze; Thomsen, Anja; Watermann, Burkard; Feibicke, Michael


    The authorization of biocidal antifouling products for leisure boats is the subject of the European Union Biocides Regulation 528/2012. National specifics may be regarded by the member states in their assessment of environmental risks. The aim of this survey was to collect corresponding data and to create a database for the environmental risk assessment of antifouling active substances in German surface waters. Water concentrations of current antifouling active substances and selected breakdown products were measured in a single-sampling campaign covering 50 marinas at inland and coastal areas. Increased levels were found for Zn, Cu, and cybutryne. For the latter, the maximum allowable concentration according to Directive 2013/39/EU was exceeded at 5 marinas. For Cu, local environmental quality standards were exceeded at 10 marinas. Base data on the total boat inventory in Germany were lacking until now. For that reason, a nationwide survey of mooring berths was conducted by use of aerial photos. About 206 000 mooring berths obviously used by boats with a potential antifouling application were counted. The blind spot of very small marinas was estimated at 20 000 berths. Seventy-one percent of berths were located at freshwater sites, illustrating the importance of navigable inland waterways for leisure boat activities and underlining the need for a customized exposure assessment in these areas. Moreover, the national consumption of all antifouling products for leisure boats was calculated. The total amount of 794 tonnes/annum (t/a) consisted of 179 t/a of inorganic Cu compounds, 19 t/a of organic cobiocides, and 49.5 t/a of Zn. With regard to weight proportion, 141 t/a Cu and 40 t/a Zn were consumed. Assuming an emission ratio of 50% during service life, 70.5 t/a of Cu amounted to 15% of all external sources for Cu release to German surface waters. These figures highlight the need for mitigation measures. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2017;13:892-905. © 2017 The

  10. A massive update of non-indigenous species records in Mediterranean marinas

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    Aylin Ulman


    Full Text Available The Mediterranean Sea is home to over 2/3 of the world’s charter boat traffic and hosts an estimated 1.5 million recreational boats. Studies elsewhere have demonstrated marinas as important hubs for the stepping-stone transfer of non-indigenous species (NIS, but these unique anthropogenic, and typically artificial habitats have largely gone overlooked in the Mediterranean as sources of NIS hot-spots. From April 2015 to November 2016, 34 marinas were sampled across the following Mediterranean countries: Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Greece, Turkey and Cyprus to investigate the NIS presence and richness in the specialized hard substrate material of these marina habitats. All macroinvertebrate taxa were collected and identified. Additionally, fouling samples were collected from approximately 600 boat-hulls from 25 of these marinas to determine if boats host diverse NIS not present in the marina. Here, we present data revealing that Mediterranean marinas indeed act as major hubs for the transfer of marine NIS, and we also provide evidence that recreational boats act as effective vectors of spread. From this wide-ranging geographical study, we report here numerous new NIS records at the basin, subregional, country and locality level. At the basin level, we report three NIS new to the Mediterranean Sea (Achelia sawayai sensu lato, Aorides longimerus, Cymodoce aff. fuscina, and the re-appearance of two NIS previously known but currently considered extinct in the Mediterranean (Bemlos leptocheirus, Saccostrea glomerata. We also compellingly update the distributions of many NIS in the Mediterranean Sea showing some recent spreading; we provide details for 11 new subregional records for NIS (Watersipora arcuata, Hydroides brachyacantha sensu lato and Saccostrea glomerata now present in the Western Mediterranean; Symplegma brakenhielmi, Stenothoe georgiana, Spirobranchus tertaceros sensu lato, Dendostrea folium sensu lato and Parasmittina egyptiaca now

  11. A massive update of non-indigenous species records in Mediterranean marinas. (United States)

    Ulman, Aylin; Ferrario, Jasmine; Occhpinti-Ambrogi, Anna; Arvanitidis, Christos; Bandi, Ada; Bertolino, Marco; Bogi, Cesare; Chatzigeorgiou, Giorgos; Çiçek, Burak Ali; Deidun, Alan; Ramos-Esplá, Alfonso; Koçak, Cengiz; Lorenti, Maurizio; Martinez-Laiz, Gemma; Merlo, Guenda; Princisgh, Elisa; Scribano, Giovanni; Marchini, Agnese


    The Mediterranean Sea is home to over 2/3 of the world's charter boat traffic and hosts an estimated 1.5 million recreational boats. Studies elsewhere have demonstrated marinas as important hubs for the stepping-stone transfer of non-indigenous species (NIS), but these unique anthropogenic, and typically artificial habitats have largely gone overlooked in the Mediterranean as sources of NIS hot-spots. From April 2015 to November 2016, 34 marinas were sampled across the following Mediterranean countries: Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Greece, Turkey and Cyprus to investigate the NIS presence and richness in the specialized hard substrate material of these marina habitats. All macroinvertebrate taxa were collected and identified. Additionally, fouling samples were collected from approximately 600 boat-hulls from 25 of these marinas to determine if boats host diverse NIS not present in the marina. Here, we present data revealing that Mediterranean marinas indeed act as major hubs for the transfer of marine NIS, and we also provide evidence that recreational boats act as effective vectors of spread. From this wide-ranging geographical study, we report here numerous new NIS records at the basin, subregional, country and locality level. At the basin level, we report three NIS new to the Mediterranean Sea ( Achelia sawayai sensu lato , Aorides longimerus , Cymodoce aff. fuscina ), and the re-appearance of two NIS previously known but currently considered extinct in the Mediterranean ( Bemlos leptocheirus, Saccostrea glomerata ). We also compellingly update the distributions of many NIS in the Mediterranean Sea showing some recent spreading; we provide details for 11 new subregional records for NIS ( Watersipora arcuata , Hydroides brachyacantha sensu lato and Saccostrea glomerata now present in the Western Mediterranean; Symplegma brakenhielmi , Stenothoe georgiana , Spirobranchus tertaceros sensu lato , Dendostrea folium sensu lato and Parasmittina egyptiaca now present in

  12. Complete genome of Cobetia marina JCM 21022T and phylogenomic analysis of the family Halomonadaceae (United States)

    Tang, Xianghai; Xu, Kuipeng; Han, Xiaojuan; Mo, Zhaolan; Mao, Yunxiang


    Cobetia marina is a model proteobacteria in researches on marine biofouling. Its taxonomic nomenclature has been revised many times over the past few decades. To better understand the role of the surface-associated lifestyle of C. marina and the phylogeny of the family Halomonadaceae, we sequenced the entire genome of C. marina JCM 21022T using single molecule real-time sequencing technology (SMRT) and performed comparative genomics and phylogenomics analyses. The circular chromosome was 4 176 300 bp with an average GC content of 62.44% and contained 3 611 predicted coding sequences, 72 tRNA genes, and 21 rRNA genes. The C. marina JCM 21022T genome contained a set of crucial genes involved in surface colonization processes. The comparative genome analysis indicated the significant differences between C. marina JCM 21022T and Cobetia amphilecti KMM 296 (formerly named C. marina KMM 296) resulted from sequence insertions or deletions and chromosomal recombination. Despite these differences, pan and core genome analysis showed similar gene functions between the two strains. The phylogenomic study of the family Halomonadaceae is reported here for the first time. We found that the relationships were well resolved among every genera tested, including Chromohalobacter, Halomonas, Cobetia, Kushneria, Zymobacter, and Halotalea.

  13. Marina Abramović on kohal / Bianka Marran

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Marran, Bianka


    Jugoslaavia kunstniku Marina Abramovići performance'itest. Pikemalt tema teosest "The Artist is Present" New Yorgi Moodsa Kunsti Muuseumis 14. märtsist 31. maini 2010. Koostööst saksa fotograafi ja performance'ikunstniku Ulay'ga (kodanikunimi Frank Uwe Laysiepen)

  14. Rhizosphere microbiome metagenomics of gray mangroves (Avicennia marina) in the Red Sea

    KAUST Repository

    Alzubaidy, Hanin S.; Essack, Magbubah; Malas, Tareq Majed Yasin; Bokhari, Ameerah; Motwalli, Olaa Amin; Kamanu, Frederick Kinyua; Jamhor, Suhaiza; Mokhtar, Noor Azlin; Antunes, Andre; Simoes, Marta; Alam, Intikhab; Bougouffa, Salim; Lafi, Feras Fawzi; Bajic, Vladimir B.; Archer, John A.C.


    To our knowledge, this is the first metagenomic study on the microbiome of mangroves in the Red Sea, and the first application of unbiased 454-pyrosequencing to study the rhizosphere microbiome associated with A. marina. Our results provide the first insights into the range of functions and microbial diversity in the rhizosphere and soil sediments of gray mangrove (A. marina) in the Red Sea.

  15. Massive decline of Cystoseira abies-marina forests in Gran Canaria Island (Canary Islands, eastern Atlantic

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    José Valdazo


    Full Text Available Brown macroalgae within the genus Cystoseira are some of the most relevant “ecosystem-engineers” found throughout the Mediterranean and the adjacent Atlantic coasts. Cystoseira-dominated assemblages are sensitive to anthropogenic pressures, and historical declines have been reported from some regions. In particular, Cystoseira abies-marina, thriving on shallow rocky shores, is a key species for the ecosystems of the Canary Islands. In this work, we analyse changes in the distribution and extension of C. abies-marina in the last decades on the island of Gran Canaria. This alga dominated the shallow rocky shores of the entire island in the 1980s; a continuous belt extended along 120.5 km of the coastline and occupied 928 ha. In the first decade of the 21st century, fragmented populations were found along 52.2 km of the coastline and occupied 12.6 ha. Today, this species is found along 37.8 km of the coastline and occupies only 7.4 ha, mainly as scattered patches. This regression has been drastic around the whole island, even in areas with low anthropogenic pressure; the magnitude of the decline over time and the intensity of local human impacts have not shown a significant correlation. This study highlights a real need to implement conservation and restoration policies for C. abies-marina in this region.

  16. Del “mar es de todos” al mar reservado: turistas, poblaciones de pescadores y reservas marinas en Canarias

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    José J. Pascual


    Full Text Available Los patrones de desarrollo de las últimas décadas en Canarias y en otras zonas del Estado han originado nuevos usos del espacio marítimo y litoral. Frente a los tradicionales vinculados a la pesca, ahora dominan frecuentemente los turísticos y recreativos. La naturaleza, construida o recreada, se convierte especialmente en los últimos años en un atractivo clave para muchos destinos. En este contexto, las reservas marinas intentan preservar ciertas zonas de especial valor biológico de los excesos de la pesca, a la vez que deberían conjugar los usos turísticos y recreativos a realizar en tales espacios con la conservación de sus valores naturales. En Canarias han constituido uno de los instrumentos claves de la política de conservación y gestión de pesquerías en las áreas costeras de las Islas. Actualmente hay tres en funcionamiento, siguiendo una tendencia cada vez más general en todo el mundo. Pero a la vez que con ellas se controla la extracción de recursos por los profesionales, se impulsan una serie de usos vinculados a determinadas formas de turismo que han generado importantes transformaciones en las poblaciones vinculadas a estas zonas protegidas. Otros impactos inducidos por el turismo o la acuicultura han alterado también sus estrategias económicas o el uso de los espacios tanto en tierra como en el mar

  17. Sostenibilidad financiera de áreas naturales protegidas en Ecuador, situación y perspectivas


    Aguirre Clavijo, Marcela


    Durante los últimos años, Ecuador ha realizado grandes avances para asegurar la estabilidad financiera de las áreas protegidas. La actual Constitución Política (2008) señala que las políticas de gestión ambiental se aplicarán de manera transversal y obligatoria, declara como estratégico al patrimonio natural, y refuerza el rol planificador y administrador del Estado con la consiguiente responsabilidad de impulsar su financiamiento. Así también, compromete la participación de ot...

  18. Antifouling paint booster biocides (Irgarol 1051 and diuron) in marinas and ports of Bushehr, Persian Gulf. (United States)

    Saleh, Abolfazl; Molaei, Saeideh; Sheijooni Fumani, Neda; Abedi, Ehsan


    In the present study, antifouling paint booster biocides, Irgarol 1051 and diuron were measured in ports and marinas of Bushehr, Iran. Results showed that in seawater samples taken from ports and marinas, Irgarol was found at the range of less than LOD to 63.4ngL(-1) and diuron was found to be at the range of less than LOD to 29.1ngL(-1) (in Jalali marina). 3,4-dichloroaniline (3,4-DCA), as a degradation product of diuron, was also analyzed and its maximum concentration was 390ngL(-1). Results for analysis of Irgarol 1051 in sediments showed a maximum concentration of 35.4ngg(-1) dry weight in Bandargah marina. A comparison between the results of this study and those of other published works showed that Irgarol and diuron pollutions in ports and marinas of Bushehr located in the Persian Gulf were less than the average of reports from other parts of the world. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua benefits from the availability of seagrass (Zostera marina nursery habitat

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    Richard J. Lilley


    Full Text Available The Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua is a species of significant economic and historic importance but infamous for its decline. Apart from overfishing, the causes of this decline and its subsequent lack of recovery remain largely unresolved. Indeed, the degree to which specific habitats are important for this species remains unquantified at the scale of North Atlantic. Here, the literature on the role of eelgrass meadows (Zostera marina as valuable nursery habitat for the Atlantic cod is reviewed and synthesized. Evidence is presented on relative densities of Atlantic cod in shallow water environments and in eelgrass meadows in comparison to alternative habitats. In addition, evidence pertaining to the ’viability gains’ attributed to the use of eelgrass meadows as nursery habitat (growth and survival by juvenile Atlantic cod is analyzed. Although juvenile Atlantic cod use of Z. marina is found to be facultative, when possible, available literatures indicates that they may select Z. marina as a nursery habitat where they are found in high density (average of at least 246 ha−1. From their use of Z. marina habitat the juvenile Atlantic cod receives viability benefits from it, improving their chances of reaching maturation. This paper provides strong evidence that eelgrass meadows are of significant importance to contributing to Atlantic cod stocks. Keywords: Zostera marina, Eelgrass, Gadus morhua, Fisheries, Juveniles, Nursery habitat

  20. Entamoeba marina n. sp.; a New Species of Entamoeba Isolated from Tidal Flat Sediment of Iriomote Island, Okinawa, Japan. (United States)

    Shiratori, Takashi; Ishida, Ken-Ichiro


    The genus Entamoeba includes anaerobic lobose amoebae, most of which are parasites of various vertebrates and invertebrates. We report a new Entamoeba species, E. marina n. sp. that was isolated from a sample of tidal flat sediment collected at Iriomote Island, Okinawa, Japan. Trophozoites of E. marina were 12.8-32.1 μm in length and 6.8-15.9 μm in width, whereas the cysts were 8.9-15.8 μm in diam. and contained four nuclei. The E. marina cells contained a rounded nucleus with a small centric karyosome and uniformly arranged peripheral chromatin. Although E. marina is morphologically indistinguishable from other tetranucleated cyst-forming Entamoeba species, E. marina can be distinguished from them based on the combination of molecular phylogenetic analyses using SSU rDNA gene and the difference of collection sites. Therefore, we propose E. marina as a new species of the genus Entamoeba. © 2015 The Author(s) Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology © 2015 International Society of Protistologists.


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    Marco Antonio Huerta García


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se evalúa el potencial ecoturístico de 27 sitios ubicados en áreas naturales protegidas (ANP del municipio de Santa María Huatulco, al sur de México. En una primera parte se exponen los antecedentes del proyecto denominado «Corredor ecoturístico comunitario Huatulco» (CECH y de las ANP donde se distribuye geográficamente: Parque Nacional Huatulco y Sistema Comunal de Áreas Protegidas; en un segundo apartado, se presentan 88 indicadores organizados en los ámbitos natural, social y económico, los cuales son evaluados en la zona de estudio para revelar las desigualdades territoriales que existen a lo largo del CECH. Los resultados más importantes de la investigación apuntan a una diferenciación clara entre aquellos espacios que se han insertado en forma intensa y reciente en la dinámica de la economía turística con los que aún no lo están.

  2. Biodynamic modelling and the prediction of accumulated trace metal concentrations in the polychaete Arenicola marina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Casado-Martinez, M. Carmen; Smith, Brian D.; DelValls, T. Angel; Luoma, Samuel N.; Rainbow, Philip S.


    The use of biodynamic models to understand metal uptake directly from sediments by deposit-feeding organisms still represents a special challenge. In this study, accumulated concentrations of Cd, Zn and Ag predicted by biodynamic modelling in the lugworm Arenicola marina have been compared to measured concentrations in field populations in several UK estuaries. The biodynamic model predicted accumulated field Cd concentrations remarkably accurately, and predicted bioaccumulated Ag concentrations were in the range of those measured in lugworms collected from the field. For Zn the model showed less but still good comparability, accurately predicting Zn bioaccumulation in A. marina at high sediment concentrations but underestimating accumulated Zn in the worms from sites with low and intermediate levels of Zn sediment contamination. Therefore, it appears that the physiological parameters experimentally derived for A. marina are applicable to the conditions encountered in these environments and that the assumptions made in the model are plausible. - Biodynamic modelling predicts accumulated field concentrations of Ag, Cd and Zn in the deposit-feeding polychaete Arenicola marina.


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    Full Text Available Las asociaciones entre aves marinas y mamíferos marinos es un evento común en todos los mares y océanos del mundo. Muchos autores han denominado estas asociaciones como relaciones comensalistas, oportunistas o parasitarias, según el efecto que dicha interacción resulte sobre una o ambas especies relacionadas. Con la finalidad de describir la existencia de agrupaciones entre Sotalia guianensis y aves marinas en la porción sur del Golfo de Venezuela, desde junio 2011 a junio 2012 se realizaron observaciones en plataformas móviles de grupos de este cetáceo y aves marinas, utilizando el protocolo "group-follow" bajo la metodología de "Ad libitum sampling". Todos los avistamientos fueron georreferenciados, realizándose anotaciones de la ocurrencia o no-asociación con aves marinas, de igual forma, se registró la especie y el número de aves presentes al momento de la interacción. Se realizaron 721 avistamientos, de los cuales en 197 eventos se registró asociación entre aves marinas y Sotalia guianensis. Las especies de aves marinas residentes que presentaron mayor frecuencia en eventos de asociación con S. guianensis fueron: Fregata magnificens (49%; n=98, Phalacrocorax brasilianus (29,5%; n=59 y Pelecanus occidentalis (22,5%; n=45; siendo Thalasseus maxima (71%; n=142 la única especie migratoria. Durante las observaciones realizadas en el período de muestreo se notó la presencia de una especie de golondrina (Riparia riparia en un solo evento de agrupación con Sotalia guianensis. Dichas asociaciones aves-delfines, sólo fueron observadas cuando notables congregaciones de peces fueron registrados, donde el o los grupos de delfines realizaban alguna actividad con grandes movimientos de agua, lo que pudiese permitir a las aves realizar un menor gasto energético en la ubicación y la captura de la presa.

  4. De novo assembly and characterization of the transcriptome of seagrass Zostera marina using Illumina paired-end sequencing.

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    Fanna Kong

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The seagrass Zostera marina is a monocotyledonous angiosperm belonging to a polyphyletic group of plants that can live submerged in marine habitats. Zostera marina L. is one of the most common seagrasses and is considered a cornerstone of marine plant molecular ecology research and comparative studies. However, the mechanisms underlying its adaptation to the marine environment still remain poorly understood due to limited transcriptomic and genomic data. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we explored the transcriptome of Z. marina leaves under different environmental conditions using Illumina paired-end sequencing. Approximately 55 million sequencing reads were obtained, representing 58,457 transcripts that correspond to 24,216 unigenes. A total of 14,389 (59.41% unigenes were annotated by blast searches against the NCBI non-redundant protein database. 45.18% and 46.91% of the unigenes had significant similarity with proteins in the Swiss-Prot database and Pfam database, respectively. Among these, 13,897 unigenes were assigned to 57 Gene Ontology (GO terms and 4,745 unigenes were identified and mapped to 233 pathways via functional annotation against the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway database (KEGG. We compared the orthologous gene family of the Z. marina transcriptome to Oryza sativa and Pyropia yezoensis and 11,667 orthologous gene families are specific to Z. marina. Furthermore, we identified the photoreceptors sensing red/far-red light and blue light. Also, we identified a large number of genes that are involved in ion transporters and channels including Na+ efflux, K+ uptake, Cl- channels, and H+ pumping. CONCLUSIONS: Our study contains an extensive sequencing and gene-annotation analysis of Z. marina. This information represents a genetic resource for the discovery of genes related to light sensing and salt tolerance in this species. Our transcriptome can be further utilized in future studies on molecular adaptation to

  5. Potential sources of bacteriological pollution for two bays with marinas in Trinidad

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    Christine Ann Bullock


    Full Text Available Welcome Bay and Chaguaramas Bay in the northwest peninsula of Trinidad contain large marinas and smaller sections of bathing beaches.Bacteriological surveys were conducted at both bays to assess water quality and to determine potential sources of pollution.These surveys were conducted during the wet season of 1996 and the dry season of 1997.Eleven sample stations were established at Welcome Bay and 12 at Chaguaramas Bay.Freshwater samples were collected from rivers and drains within the survey area.Marine water samples were collected from marinas,bathing beaches and inshore and outer areas at both bays.Five water samples were collected from each sampling station during the wet season of 1996 and six during the dry season of 1997.The membrane filter technique was used to determine faecal coliform and Escherichia coli levels in all samples. There was a seasonal effect on water quality,with significantly higher faecal coliform levels in the wet season, when water quality was not in compliance with international standards.This represents a potential health risk in bathing areas.Water quality was better at the outer area of both bays.Water quality at the inner bay areas was most likely adversely affected by land-based sources of pollution identified in this study.These sources include three drains and two rivers,which discharged into the bays.Yachts were apparently not a source of sewage pollution:there was no significant relationship between yacht number and faecal coliform levels.Las bahías Welcome y Chaguaramas en la península noroeste de Trinidad tienen grandes marinas y secciones pequeñas de playas para bañistas.Se realizaron sondeos bacteriológicos en ambas bahías para determinar la calidad del agua y para señalar fuentes potenciales de contaminación.Estos sondeos fueron realizados durante la época lluviosa de 1996 y la seca de 1997.Once estaciones de muestreo se establecieron en Bahía Welcome y doce en Bahía Chaguaramas.Muestras de

  6. Utilização de gordura protegida durante o terço inicial da lactação de vacas leiteiras em pastagem de coast-cross

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    Vilela Duarte


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o aumento na densidade energética de um concentrado quando se usa uma fonte comercial de gordura protegida, fornecida para vacas da raça Holandesa em pastagem de coast-cross-1 (Cynodon dactylon (L. Pers., durante o terço inicial da lactação. Foram utilizadas 14 vacas, todas no início da lactação e recebendo 9, 6 e 3 kg/vaca/dia de concentrado (23,5% de proteína bruta e 80% de NDT, no terço inicial (até 90 dias, médio (91 a 180 dias e final (de 181 a 273 dias, respectivamente. Esses animais foram distribuídos, usando blocos casualizados, em dois tratamentos (sete vacas cada determinados pelo fornecimento ou não de 700 g/vaca/dia da gordura protegida. Usou-se cerca eletrificada para auxiliar no manejo da pastagem, que se baseou em pastejo rotativo, com um dia de ocupação dos piquetes e o período de descanso variando de 25 a 32 dias no verão e no inverno, respectivamente. As produções médias de leite nos três períodos avaliados aumentaram (P<0,05 de 18,4, 15,2 e 13,7 kg/vaca/dia para 21,3, 17,1 e 14,4 kg/vaca/dia, com o suprimento de gordura protegida nos primeiros 90 dias do experimento. A taxa de lotação média das pastagens foi de 4,6 vacas/ha, o que possibilitou produções médias diárias de leite, no decorrer do experimento, de 72,4 kg/ha corrigido para 3,5% de gordura para o tratamento testemunha, e de 80,4 kg/ha com o uso da gordura protegida.

  7. La política ambiental pública en el sector extractivismo petrolero ecuatoriano, con énfasis en áreas naturales protegidas. Caso de estudio: bloque 12-15, empresa pública Petroamazonas.


    Orbe Bastidas, Sofía Alejandra


    La presente investigacio?n aborda la problema?tica en torno a la poli?tica ambiental pu?blica en el sector extractivo petrolero ecuatoriano, con e?nfasis en a?reas naturales protegidas, el intere?s de esta tesis es estudiar como incide la poli?tica ambiental pu?blica en el marco garantista de derechos en la gestio?n ambiental de la empresa pu?blica Petroamazonas en los Bloques 12 y 15, ya que representa el referente de la gestio?n ambiental “responsable” y “sustentable” de la industria hidroc...

  8. Marina Kaljurand: hoolimata kõigest oli möödunud aasta ikkagi hea aasta / Marina Kaljurand ; interv. Igor Taro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaljurand, Marina, 1962-


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke 3. jaan., lk. 5. Postimehe poolt aasta inimeseks valitud Eesti suursaadik Venemaal vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad hinnangut 2007. aastale, pronkssõduriga seotud sündmuste üleelamist Moskvas, Venemaa poliitikute suhtumist Eestisse, Eesti-Vene suhteid. Kommenteerivad: Urmas Paet, Tiit Matsulevitš, Toomas Hendrik Ilves. Lisa: Marina Kaljurand; Pronkssõduri-sõda

  9. Pluralidad y lagunas jurídicas en ecoleyes relacionadas con áreas naturales protegidas de competencia estatal en México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesús Ignacio Castro Salazar


    Full Text Available En este artículo se diserta sobre la pluralidad y las lagunas jurídicas en las áreas naturales protegidas en México, por considerarlas un instrumento de conservación clave para cientos de especies y ecosistemas. El estudio se realizó a escala nacional con base en la legislación vigente hasta finales de 2015, con el objetivo de identificar las lagunas legales relacionadas con dichas áreas; primero se presenta el estado del arte y el enfoque teórico-conceptual que guió al estudio, y luego se describe la metodología empleada, basada principalmente en análisis de contenido. También se muestran los resultados y las discusiones sobre la pluralidad de las leyes en la materia, y además las lagunas existentes en ellas. Entre los primeros destaca que, a pesar de que en casi todos los estados hay áreas naturales protegidas, la mayoría no cuenta con leyes para su regulación, y también sobresale que muchas autorizan el autoconsumo, aunque no lo definen.

  10. Physiological Responses of Oxyrrhis marina to the Altered Fatty Acid Composition of Virally Infected Emiliania huxleyi (United States)

    Goode, A.; Fields, D.; Martinez-Martinez, J.


    Emiliania huxleyi is a coccolithophore that forms some of the largest phytoplankton blooms in the ocean. E. huxleyi abundance, distribution, and composition of essential fatty acids make them a key component in marine food webs. E. huxleyi-specific viruses have been shown to control the bloom duration and change the lipid composition of E. huxleyi cells. Alteration of essential fatty acids at the base of the food web may have downstream effects on trophic interactions. Oxyrrhis marina has been studied extensively, and is used as a micrograzer model organism. We investigated differential physiological responses of O. marina to a diet ( 100:1 prey:predator ratio) of virallyinfected versus uninfected E. huxleyi cells over a maximum 7-day period. Our results showed higher O. marina grazing rates on uninfected cells (phuxleyi cells. This suggests a higher nutritional value of infected cells and/or better assimilation by O. marina of infected cells' carbon. In the marine environment this would translate into larger carbon transport to higher trophic levels when blooms become infected.

  11. Rhizosphere O2 dynamics in young Zostera marina and Ruppia maritima

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jovanovic, Zeljko; Pedersen, Mia Østergaard; Larsen, Morten


    Zostera marina and Ruppia maritima often share the same habitat, but R. maritima appears more resistant to environmental stress. We investigated the impact of light intensity and water column O2 concentrations on radial oxygen loss (ROL), in young specimens of Z. marina and R. maritima. Planar......, respectively. These values declined by 71 and 60% in darkness. However, both species were able to maintain ROL as long as ambient O2 levels remained >50% air saturation. The calculated ROL integrated over a 24 h cycle was 48.8 ± 10.6 nmol O2 plant−1 d−1 (n = 3) for R. maritima and 30% less for Z. marina...

  12. Las áreas naturales protegidas frente a la actividad hidrocarburífera. Las organizaciones ambientalistas y la gobernanza ambiental en el Ecuador. El caso del Parque Nacional Yasuní.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karen Andrade Mendoza


    Full Text Available Las áreas naturales protegidas en el Ecuador enfrentan situaciones críticas tanto en su manejo administrativo, en el control del uso de los recursos por las poblaciones aledañas, como por la presencia de actividades extractivas de recursos naturales no renovables. La actividad petrolera ha tenido un papel importante en la transformación y degradación de la naturaleza, los ecosistemas y los grupos sociales que habitan en la Amazonía ecuatoriana. El caso del Parque Nacional Yasuní (PNY es un claro ejemplo de cómo la conservación y manejo de las áreas protegida en el Ecuador están condicionadas a las prioridades del Estado...

  13. The identity of zostera marina var. angustifolia Hornemann (Potamogetonaceae)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hartog, den C.


    Since Hornemann (Fl. Dan. 9, 1816, p. 3, pl. 1501) published the name Zostera marina var. angustifolia together with a very poor drawing and the extremely short diagnosis ‘foliis subenerviis’ several interpretations of the identity of this taxon have been given. Some authors regarded it as a

  14. Photosystem Trap Energies and Spectrally-Dependent Energy-Storage Efficiencies in the Chl d-Utilizing Cyanobacterium, Acaryochloris Marina (United States)

    Mielke, Steven P.; Kiang, Nancy Y.; Blankenship, Robert E.; Mauzerall, David


    Acaryochloris marina is the only species known to utilize chlorophyll (Chl) d as a principal photopigment. The peak absorption wavelength of Chl d is redshifted approx. 40 nm in vivo relative to Chl a, enabling this cyanobacterium to perform oxygenic phototrophy in niche environments enhanced in far-red light. We present measurements of the in vivo energy-storage (E-S) efficiency of photosynthesis in A. marina, obtained using pulsed photoacoustics (PA) over a 90-nm range of excitation wavelengths in the red and far-red. Together with modeling results, these measurements provide the first direct observation of the trap energies of PSI and PSII, and also the photosystem-specific contributions to the total E-S efficiency. We find the maximum observed efficiency in A. marina (40+/-1% at 735 nm) is higher than in the Chl a cyanobacterium Synechococcus leopoliensis (35+/-1% at 690 nm). The efficiency at peak absorption wavelength is also higher in A. marina (36+/-1% at 710 nm vs. 31+/-1% at 670 nm). In both species, the trap efficiencies are approx. 40% (PSI) and approx. 30% (PSII). The PSI trap in A. marina is found to lie at 740+/-5 nm, in agreement with the value inferred from spectroscopic methods. The best fit of the model to the PA data identifies the PSII trap at 723+/-3 nm, supporting the view that the primary electron-donor is Chl d, probably at the accessory (ChlD1) site. A decrease in efficiency beyond the trap wavelength, consistent with uphill energy transfer, is clearly observed and fit by the model. These results demonstrate that the E-S efficiency in A. marina is not thermodynamically limited, suggesting that oxygenic photosynthesis is viable in even redder light environments.

  15. Effects of coexistence between the blue mussel Mytilus edulis and eelgrass Zostera marina on sediment biogeochemistry and plant performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vinther, H.F.; Norling, P.; Kristensen, Per Sand


    The habitat-modifying suspension-feeding mussel, Mytilus edulis, may have facilitating or inhibiting effects on seagrass meadows depending on the environmental conditions. We investigated the effects of M. edulis on sediment biogeochemistry in Zostera marina meadows under eutrophic conditions...... in Flensborg fjord, Denmark. Sediment and plant samples were collected at ten stations; five with Z. marina (Eelgrass) and five with Z. marina and M. edulis (Mixed) and at two unvegetated stations; one with mussels (Mussel) and one with sand (Sand). The Mixed sediment was enriched in fine particles (2-3 times...... significantly reduced at Mixed stations suggesting inhibiting effect of M. edulis on Z. marina. Negative correlations between eelgrass measures and sediment sulphide at Mixed stations indicate that presence of mussels increase sulphide invasion in the plants. A survey of 318 stations in Danish fjords suggests...

  16. Contaminación marina en el Perú.


    Guillen., Oscar; Ashtu, Victor; Aquino, Rosa


    Inventario de las principales fuentes de contaminación marina, debido a los desechos domésticos e industriales, hidrocarburos de petróleo e hidrocarburos clorinados, afín de mostrar el estado actual de la contaminación y su problemática, así como su legislación. Informe IMARPE; n° 77, 1980, 70 p. IMARPE

  17. Eesti suursaadik Moskvas : "Okupatsiooni eest vastutab režiim" / Marina Kaljurand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaljurand, Marina, 1962-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, 31. jaan. 2007, lk. 2. Eesti Vabariigi erakorraline ja täievoliline suursaadik Vene Föderatsioonis Marina Kaljurand andis Venemaa Interneti-väljaandele online-intervjuu

  18. Liver histopathology in the cane toad, Rhinella marina (Amphibia: Bufonidae), induced by Ortleppascaris sp. larvae (Nematoda: Ascarididae). (United States)

    Silva, Jefferson P E; da Silva, Djane C B; Melo, Francisco T V; Giese, Elane G; Furtado, Adriano P; Santos, Jeannie N


    Exposure to parasites is considered to be an important factor in the development of many diseases and histopathologies which are the result of the parasite-host interaction. The present study evaluated the impact of natural infection by larvae of Ortleppascaris sp. (Nematoda: Ascaridida) in the liver of the cane toad Rhinella marina (Linnaeus, 1758). Larvae were encysted in nodules delimited by collagenous fibers and fibroblasts or freely within the hepatic parenchyma, provoking a clear response from the host. The histological examination of the liver revealed viable larvae in a number of different developmental stages, as well as cysts filled with amorphous material and cell residues and surrounded by dense fibrotic tissue. The infection of the liver by these larvae induces a significant increase in the area occupied by melanomacrophages and a reduction or deficit in the vascularization of the liver, hypertrophy of the hepatocytes, vacuolar bodies, and cytoplasmatic granules. Focal concentrations of inflammatory infiltrates were observed enclosing the unencapsulated early-stage larvae. These results indicate that infection by Ortleppascaris sp. induces severe physiological problems and histopathological lesions in the liver of R. marina .

  19. Propuesta metodológica para la zonificación funcional de áreas naturales protegidas terrestres desde la perspectiva del paisaje. Methodological proposal for functional zoning of terrestrial natural areas protected from the landscape perspective.

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    Adonis Maikel RAMÓN PUEBLA


    Full Text Available La división de un área natural protegida en zonas de manejo es un proceso arduo y complejo, para lo cual es necesario un sistema de evaluación y clasificación de la superficie del territorio en cuestión que permita el reconocimiento en el terreno de los sitios donde se llevarán a cabo las acciones para la protección y el manejo de los valores y recursos del área. El presente trabajo propone una guía metodológica que describe, analiza y privilegia como soporte teórico-metodológico la Geoecología de los Paisajes como vía para llegar a la propuesta de zonificación funcional de un Área Natural Protegida terrestre, partiendo de la delimitación, clasificación y cartografía de las unidades de paisaje con el empleo de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica; el análisis de algunas de las propiedades sistémicas de los paisajes y el cálculo de indicadores como naturalidad, heterogeneidad, peligro, estabilidad y sensibilidad entre otros, así como la evaluación de los potenciales y los conflictos de uso como parte del diagnóstico, permitirá realizar la propuesta de zonificación funcional con una visión integral del territorio y determinar para cada zona y subzona las acciones a desarrollar para mitigar los impactos, atenuar o eliminar las amenazas, mejorar la salud de los objetos de conservación y proteger los valores en cada una de las áreas identificadas con problemas.The division of a protected natural area in managed territories is a difficult and complex process for which an assessment and classification system of the surface of the territory, allowing the recognition of the places, where actions to protect the manage values and the resources of the area will be carried out, is necessary. This paper proposes a methodological guide, describes, assesses and favors, as a theoretical and methodological medium, the Geoecology of Landscapes as a means to reach the functional zoning proposal of a terrestrial protected area from

  20. Characterization of single nucleotide polymorphism markers for eelgrass (Zostera marina)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ferber, Steven; Reusch, Thorsten B. H.; Stam, Wytze T.; Olsen, Jeanine L.

    We characterized 37 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) makers for eelgrass Zostera marina. SNP markers were developed using existing EST (expressed sequence tag)-libraries to locate polymorphic loci and develop primers from the functional expressed genes that are deposited in The ZOSTERA database

  1. Baltoscandali avavad vigurmarss ja Schubert / Marina Steinmo ; interv. Eva Kübar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Steinmo, Marina


    Baltoscandali teatrifestivalil esineva Eesti päritolu Rootsi tantsija ja koreograafi Charlotte Engelkesi klassikalisel muusikal põhinevatest lavastustest "Forellen and Me" ja "Miss Very Wagner" (dramaturg, teksti ja etenduse kontseptsiooni autor on Marina Steinmo)

  2. The radiological exposure of the population of the European Community from radioactivity in North European marine waters Project 'Marina'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Project Marina was set up by the Commission of the European Communities in 1985 to look at the radiological impact of radionuclides, both natural and anthropogenic, in northern European marine waters. This paper is a summary of project Marina's work and its conclusions

  3. La Infantería de Marina, una fuerza para el siglo XXI

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    González Muñoz, Francisco


    Full Text Available Not available

    Nuestra Infantería de Marina es la más antigua del mundo. Sus orígenes se remontan al Tercio de Ñapóles de 1537, y desde entonces sus fuerzas han mantenido su tradición naval y expedicionaria con una permanente vinculación a la Armada. Tras una referencia histórica a las diferentes campañas en que ha participado la Infantería de Marina, el que fue su Comandante General durante los últimos cuatro años nos introduce en las vicisitudes y proceso de evolución de este Cuerpo como componente esencial de la Fuerza Anfibia de la Flota, destacando su versatilidad y capacidad de respuesta a las exigencias de hoy día para actuar como vanguardia de la proyección del poder naval en los nuevos escenarios estratégicos que se nos presentan. El artículo es una excelente síntesis para quien desee conocer qué.esy cómo opera la Infantería de Marina, cuáles son sus capacidades, medios, organización y estructura, y cómo está adaptándose para afrontar los desafíos del futuro a medio plazo.

  4. Síntesis, caracterización y ensamblaje de nanopartículas de oro protegidas por monocapas moleculares


    Viudez Navarro, Alfonso J.


    En la presente Memoria se estudia la síntesis de nanopartículas de oro protegidas por monocapas moleculares y su caracterización mediante diferentes técnicas tanto espectroscópicas, microscópicas como electroquímicas. El estudio se enfoca en la influencia del tamaño de las nanopartículas en las propiedades de la capa protectora y se hace una extensión al caso límite de la superficie en dos dimensiones. Por último se lleva a cabo la construcción de ensamblajes de las nanopartículas sobre sustr...

  5. An examination of photoacclimatory responses of Zostera marina transplants along a depth gradient for transplant-site selection in a disturbed estuary (United States)

    Li, Wen-Tao; Kim, Seung Hyeon; Kim, Jae Woo; Kim, Jong-Hyeob; Lee, Kun-Seop


    Growth and photosynthetic responses of Zostera marina transplants along a depth gradient were examined to determine appropriate transplanting areas for seagrass restoration. Seagrass Z. marina was once widely distributed in the Taehwa River estuary in southeastern Korea, but has disappeared since the 1960s due to port construction and large scale pollutant inputs from upstream industrial areas. Recently, water quality has been considerably improved as a result of effective sewage treatment, and the local government is attempting to restore Z. marina to the estuary. For seagrass restoration in this estuary, a pilot transplantation trial of Z. marina at three water depths (shallow: 0.5 m; intermediate: 1.5 m; deep: 2.5 m relative to MLLW) was conducted in November 2008. The transplant shoot density increased gradually at the intermediate and deep sites, whereas the transplants at the shallow site disappeared after 3 months. To find the optimal transplantation locations in this estuary, the growth and photosynthetic responses of the transplants along a depth gradient were examined for approximately 4 months following transplantation in March 2009. In the 2009 experimental transplantation trial, shoot density of transplants at the shallow site was significantly higher than those at the intermediate and deep sites during the first 3 months following transplantation, but rapidly decreased approximately 4 months after transplantation. The chlorophyll content, photosynthetic efficiency (α), and maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) of the transplants were significantly higher at the deep site than at the shallow site. Shoot size, biomass and leaf productivity were also significantly higher at the deep site than at the shallow site. Although underwater irradiance was significantly lower at the deep site than at the shallow site, transplants at the deep site were morphologically and physiologically acclimated to the low light. Transplants at the shallow site exhibited high

  6. Algunos digéneos de Rhinella marina (Anura: Bufonidae en Colombia Some digeneans of Rhinella marina (Anura: Bufonidae in Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauricio Bechara


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 40 sapos Rhinella marina Linnaeus, 1758 (24 machos y 16 hembras del Valle de Aburrá, Antioquia, Colombia, 8 de los cuales se encontraron parasitados por 2 especies de digéneos: Pseudosonsinotrema chabaudi (Caballero y Caballero, 1969 Sullivan, 1974 (Pleurogenidae (primer registro para Colombia y para el hospedero y Mesocoelium monas (Rudolphi, 1819 Freitas, 1958 (Brachycoeliidae, previamente registrado para este país. De las 2 especies de helmintos recolectadas, la que alcanzó los mayores niveles de prevalencia (40% y abundancia media (14.7 fue P. chabaudi en San Antonio de Prado, y la intensidad promedio más elevada fue para M. monas, en los sapos de Barbosa (46.7.Eight of 40 Rhinella marina Linnaeus, 1758 (24 males and 16 females from Aburrá Valley, Antioquia, Colombia, were infected with 2 digenea species: Pseudosonsinotrema chabaudi (Caballero y Caballero, 1969 Sullivan, 1974 (Pleurogenidae, which represents new host and country records, and Mesocoelium monas (Rudolphi, 1819 Freitas, 1958 (Brachycoeliidae, which was previously reported for the country. Pseudosonsinotrema chabaudi in San Antonio de Prado reached the highest prevalence levels (40% and mean abundance (14.7, whereas the highest mean intensity was recorded for M. monas in cane toads from Barbosa (46.7.


    Zostera marina distribution is circum-global and tolerates a wide range of environmental conditions. Consequently, it is likely that populations have adapted to local environmental conditions of light, temperature and nutrient supply. We compared Z. marina growth dynamics over a ...

  8. Recolonization of intertidal Zostera marina L. (eelgrass) following experimental shoot removal (United States)

    The recovery of eelgrass (Zostera marina) from physical disturbances is understudied and no attention has been given to the likely differences in damage recovery rates between the continuous lower intertidal perennial meadows and higher intertidal eelgrass patches. In the present...

  9. Rhizosphere microbiome metagenomics of gray mangroves (Avicennia marina) in the Red Sea

    KAUST Repository

    Alzubaidy, Hanin S.


    Mangroves are unique, and endangered, coastal ecosystems that play a vital role in the tropical and subtropical environments. A comprehensive description of the microbial communities in these ecosystems is currently lacking, and additional studies are required to have a complete understanding of the functioning and resilience of mangroves worldwide. In this work, we carried out a metagenomic study by comparing the microbial community of mangrove sediment with the rhizosphere microbiome of Avicennia marina, in northern Red Sea mangroves, along the coast of Saudi Arabia. Our results revealed that rhizosphere samples presented similar profiles at the taxonomic and functional levels and differentiated from the microbiome of bulk soil controls. Overall, samples showed predominance by Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes, with high abundance of sulfate reducers and methanogens, although specific groups were selectively enriched in the rhizosphere. Functional analysis showed significant enrichment in ‘metabolism of aromatic compounds’, ‘mobile genetic elements’, ‘potassium metabolism’ and ‘pathways that utilize osmolytes’ in the rhizosphere microbiomes. To our knowledge, this is the first metagenomic study on the microbiome of mangroves in the Red Sea, and the first application of unbiased 454-pyrosequencing to study the rhizosphere microbiome associated with A. marina. Our results provide the first insights into the range of functions and microbial diversity in the rhizosphere and soil sediments of gray mangrove (A. marina) in the Red Sea.

  10. The ichthyotoxic alga Chattonella marina induces Na+, K+-ATPase, and CFTR proteins expression in fish gill chloride cells in vivo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang, Janet Y.M.; Wong, Chris K.C.; Au, Doris W.T.


    Our previous studies demonstrated that the ichthyotoxic Chattonella marina stimulated proliferation of branchial chloride cell (CC) and induced osmotic distress akin to hyperactive elimination of ions in fish (Rhabdosargus sarba). To ascertain the in vivo effects of C. marina on key CC ion transporters, the localization and expression of Na + , K + -ATPase (NKA) and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) proteins in response to C. marina exposure were investigated, using a quantitative immunocytochemical approach. The polarized distributions of NKA (α subunit) and CFTR proteins in branchial CCs of R. sarba remained unchanged under C. marina exposure. However, significant inductions of these two ion-transporters were detected in CCs of fish after 6 h exposure. By real-time PCR, no significant changes in gill NKA and CFTR mRNA expressions were detected, suggesting a post-transcriptional pathway is likely involved in regulating the ion transporters abundance. This study is the first to demonstrate the in vivo effects of harmful algal toxin on NKA and CFTR protein expressions in gill transepithelial cells. Taken together, an augmentation of branchial CCs together with hyper-stimulation of NKA and CFTR in CCs attribute to the rapid development of osmotic distress in C. marina susceptible fish

  11. The Importance of Zostera marina to a Local Food Web Based on the Analysis of Compound Specific Isotopes in Maquoit Bay, Gulf of Maine (United States)

    Doolittle, H. A.; Johnson, B. J.; Ambrose, W. G.; Locke, W.; Harris, C. M.


    Zostera marina (also known as eelgrass) is an important primary producer in near shore ecosystems in the Gulf of Maine, providing both habitat and nutrients for a variety of organisms (e.g., crustaceans, polychaetes, gastropods, and fish). The purpose of this study is to use compound specific δ13C analyses of essential amino acids to determine the degree to which organic matter derived from isotopically distinct primary producers (e.g., eelgrass, phytoplankton, and epiphytic algae) contribute to the diets of snails, shrimp, and fish in an eelgrass system in Casco Bay. Maquoit Bay, located in northwestern Casco Bay, in the Gulf of Maine, is a shallow estuarine system that is characterized by silt and clay sized sediments and the presence of extensive eelgrass beds. Amino acid concentrations and δ13C compositions were determined for a variety of sample-types collected in July-August, 2010, from three sites in the study area, including muscle tissue from Tautogolabrus adspersus (cunner), Gasterosteus aculeatus (3-spined stickleback), Nassarius obsoletus (snail), and Mysis spp. (shrimp), seston (i.e., phytoplankton), Z. marina, and epiphytic algae. TFAA amino acid derivatives of the total hydrolyzate were analyzed by GC-FID for amino acid concentration, and by GC-c-IRMS- for carbon isotope composition. Muscle tissue was dominated by glutamic and aspartic acids, and leucine, whereas Zostera marina was dominated by aspartic and glutamic acids, and proline. Phenylalanine and leucine in Z. marina are approximately 10 ‰ enriched in 13C relative to these same amino acids in the seston. The carbon isotope values of these essential amino acids are significantly more enriched in 13C for N. obsoletus than for T. adspersus, G. aculeatus, and Mysis spp. These data suggest that organic matter derived from Z. marina and/or epiphytic algae is more important in the diets of N. obsoletus, and organic matter derived from seston is more important for the diets of T. adspersus, G

  12. Orígenes familiares y carrera profesional de Julián de Arriaga, Secretario de Estado de Marina e Indias (1700-1776

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    María Baudot Monroy


    Full Text Available La Secretaria de Marina surgida de las reformas administrativas de Felipe V con la finalidad de ocuparse específicamente de los asuntos de la Marina, fue dirigida durante el siglo xviii por diez y seis secretarios de Estado de Marina. Actualmente sólo contamos con estudios solventes sobre aquellos cuya gestión reformadora de la Marina destacó sobre la de los demás. Julián de Arriaga fue uno de los secretarios de Marina de los que apenas conocíamos unos rasgos. Este trabajo nos acerca al tiombre que fue y a su familia, y da a conocer su carrera como marino de guerra, desarrollada durante la primera mitad del siglo, antes de acceder a la cartera de Marina. One of the reforms that king Philip V did to modernice the Spanish administration was to create a ministry for the Navy. During the 18th century this ministry had sixteen different ministers. For the moment we know only the biography of the most outstanding ministers, those who did fundamental reforms for the Spanish Navy. Julián de Arriaga is one of the ministers of the Navy of whom we know only some few characteristics. This article deals with his family and his career as a naval oficer before his promotion to the ministry in 1754.

  13. Assessment of biotic response to heavy metal contamination in Avicennia marina mangrove ecosystems in Sydney Estuary, Australia. (United States)

    Nath, Bibhash; Chaudhuri, Punarbasu; Birch, Gavin


    Mangrove forests act as a natural filter of land-derived wastewaters along industrialized tropical and sub-tropical coastlines and assist in maintaining a healthy living condition for marine ecosystems. Currently, these intertidal communities are under serious threat from heavy metal contamination induced by human activity associated with rapid urbanization and industrialization. Studies on the biotic responses of these plants to heavy metal contamination are of great significance in estuary management and maintaining coastal ecosystem health. The main objective of the present investigation was to assess the biotic response in Avicennia marina ecosystems to heavy metal contamination through the determination of metal concentrations in leaves, fine nutritive roots and underlying sediments collected in fifteen locations across Sydney Estuary (Australia). Metal concentrations (especially Cu, Pb and Zn) in the underlying sediments of A. marina were enriched to a level (based on Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines) at which adverse biological effects to flora could occasionally occur. Metals accumulated in fine nutritive roots greater than underlying sediments, however, only minor translocation of these metals to A. marina leaves was observed (mean translocation factors, TFs, for all elements micro-nutrients, Cu, Ni, Mn and Zn) were greater than non-essential elements (As, Cd, Co, Cr and Pb), suggesting that A. marina mangroves of this estuary selectively excluded non-essential elements, while regulating essential elements and limiting toxicity to plants. This study supports the notion that A. marina mangroves act as a phytostabilizer in this highly modified estuary thereby protecting the aquatic ecosystem from point or non-point sources of heavy metal contamination. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. The potential of mangrove Avicennia marina and A. Alba from Nguling district, Pasuruan, East Java as an antioxidant (United States)

    Iranawati, F.; Muhammad, F.; Fajri, H.; Kasitowati, R. D.; Arifin, S.


    Free radicals are highly reactive molecules due to unpaired electron in their outer orbital. Excess of free radicals inside human body as consequences of environmental exposure such cigarette smoke may lead to degenerative diseases such as diabetic, cancer etc. This negative effect can be limited by the utilization of natural antioxidant substances, especially produced from plant. Avicennia alba dan A. marina are mangrove species that widely distributed in Indonesia and are expected potential as antioxidant. The objective of this study is to evaluated Avicennia alba dan A. marina potency as antioxidant performed with DPPD (1,1-diphenyl-β-picryl hydrazyl) method. Leaf and bark of Avicennia alba dan A. marina were collected from Nguling District, Pasuruan, East Java. Results shows that based on 50% inhibition Concentration (IC50), Avicennia alba leaf were categorized had a very high antioxidant potential (IC50 14,85 ppm) whereas the bark were categorized had a weak antioxidant potential IC50 167,17 ppm). For A. marina, the leaf were categorized had a moderate antioxidant (IC50 123,23 ppm) whereas the bark were categorized had a weak antioxidant potential (IC50 198,15 ppm).

  15. Litter Decomposition Rate of Avicennia marina and Rhizophora apiculata in Pulau Dua Nature Reserve, Banten

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    Febriana Siska


    Full Text Available Litter decomposition rate is useful method to determine forest fertility level. The aims of this study were to measure decomposition rate, and analyze the nutrient content released organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphor from Avicennia marina and Rhizophora apiculata litters during the decomposition process. The research was conducted in the Pulau Dua Nature Reserve, Serang-Banten on A. marina and R. apiculata forest communities. Litter decomposition rate measurements performed in the field. Litter that has been obtained with the trap system is inserted into litter bag and than tied to the roots or trees to avoid drifting sea water. Litter decomposition rate was measured every 15 days and is accompanied by analysis of the content of organic C , total N and P. Our research results showed decomposition rate of A. marina (k= 0.83 was higher than that of R. apiculata (k= 0.41. Differences of  leaf anatomical structure and sea water salinity  influenced to the rate of litter decomposition. Organic C released was declined with longer of litter decomposition, on the contrary of releasing N and P nutrients.

  16. A tale of two seagrasses: Comparing the science and management of Zostera marina and Zostera japonica in the Pacific Northwest - CERF (United States)

    On the Pacific coast of North America, at least two congeners of Zostera occur: native Z. marina, and introduced, Z. japonica. Z. marina is protected by State and Federal laws as essential fish habitat. Z. japonica is considered “invasive” and therefore, ecologicall...

  17. Effects of bioadvection by Arenicola marina on microphytobenthos in permeable sediments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chennu, Arjun; Volkenborn, Nils; De Beer, Dirk; Wethey, David S.; Woodin, Sarah A.; Polerecky, Lubos


    We used hyperspectral imaging to study short-term effects of bioturbation by lugworms (Arenicola marina) on the surficial biomass of microphytobenthos (MPB) in permeable marine sediments. Within days to weeks after the addition of a lugworm to a homogenized and recomposed sediment, the average

  18. en un área natural protegida en Baja California Sur

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    Elizabeth Olmos-Martínez


    Full Text Available Aquí se aborda el concepto de pobreza, enmarcado en el contexto de un área natural protegida (ANP, con la metodología propuesta por la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (SEDESOL, cuya política pública maneja tres categorías para medirla: pobreza alimentaria, pobreza de capacidades y pobreza de patrimonio. El estudio de caso se efectuó en el ejido San Jorge (ESJ, ubicado dentro de la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra La Laguna (REBISLA, en Baja California Sur. El análisis está basado en datos recolectados en entrevistas a los pobladores del lugar; se consideró el ingreso real diario per cápita, el cual indica si la persona es capaz de satisfacer las necesidades comprendidas en cada categoría, con un ingreso mínimo indispensable. Los resultados indican que la pobreza en la zona, de 2000 a 2004, no varió significativamente. Se concluyó que los habitantes del ESJ son pobres, según los propios parámetros de SEDESOL, y que su condición no ha mejorado, aunque viven en un ANP. Se analizan algunas alternativas que podrían ayudar a amortiguar este rezago.

  19. Seasonal acclimation in metabolism reduces light requirements of eelgrass (Zostera marina)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Staehr, Peter Anton; Borum, Jens


    We investigated the ability of eelgrass (Zostera marina) to adjust light requirements to seasonal changes in temperature, light and nutrient conditions through changes in metabolism, pigment and nutrient content. In agreement with expectations we found that rates of respiration and light saturate...... in a future climate scenario, suggested that expected increases in temperature and nutrient run-off have synergistic negative effects, especially in clear waters, stressing the importance of continued efforts to improve water clarity of coastal waters.......We investigated the ability of eelgrass (Zostera marina) to adjust light requirements to seasonal changes in temperature, light and nutrient conditions through changes in metabolism, pigment and nutrient content. In agreement with expectations we found that rates of respiration and light saturated...... a positive carbon balance increased exponentially with increasing temperature but less so for summer-acclimated than for winter-acclimated plants. However, combining EC vs temperature models for whole-plants with data on daily light availability showed that seasonal acclimation in metabolism increased...

  20. Valoración económica del patrimonio natural: las áreas naturales protegidas

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    Zaniel I. Novoa Goicochea


    Full Text Available Economic Valuation of the natural patrimony: Protected Natural AreasThis paper offers some knowledge about the utility of Economic Valuation of Assets out of  market methods, to allow management in general and as a guide to the planning of natural areas with valuable ecologic and landscaping aspects. Here, I show the importance of the Protected Natural Areas (ANP in the national economy and their economic value. I describe the most used techniques in the valuation of ANPs with special attention to the direct using values through the application of cost of travel and contingent valuation methods.As an example of the use of these techniques, I present the application results at the Private Conservation Area-El Cañoncillo Natural Forest, with the objective to analyze the pertinence of the economic valuation by the adoption of conservation practices.El presente artículo brinda conocimientos sobre la utilidad de los métodos de valoración económica de los bienes sin mercado, tanto para su gestión en general como para que sirva de guía para la planificación de áreas naturales ecológica y paisajísticamente valiosas en particular. Muestra la importancia de las áreas naturales protegidas (ANP en la economía nacional y su valoración económica. Se describen las técnicas más usadas en la valoración de las ANP, con especial atención en los valores de uso directo a través de la aplicación de métodos de costo de viaje y de valoración contingente (CVVC.Como ejemplo de uso y potencial de estas técnicas se presentan los resultados de su aplicación en el Área de Conservación Privada Bosque Natural El Cañoncillo, con el objetivo de analizar la viabilidad de la valoración económica por medio de la adopción de prácticas de conservación.


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    Neme Yamil Doumet Chilán


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo elaborar un plan de manejo ecoturístico en el área protegida provincial Camarones del cantón Jama. Este estudio forma parte de la estructura de un plan de manejo ejecutado por el Gobierno Provincial de Manabí para la creación de esta área protegida. Fue necesario desarrollar los siguientes estudios y procesos metodológicos: diagnóstico turístico situacional, zonificación, senderización, e implementación de facilidades y señalética turística. Se utilizó manuales de la UICN y Sistema de Áreas de Conservación Provincial (SACP, además programas de georeferenciación y equipos de GPS. Con esto se busca el uso sustentable y la gestión ecoturística de los recursos existentes. Se observa que en los estudios de diagnóstico y zonificación se determina que el área posee una infinidad de recursos naturales y altos indicadores de biodiversidad, se trata de un ecosistema que está en peligro de desaparecer. Es importante la aplicación de un plan de manejo que sirva como línea base para la gestión de los recursos naturales y culturales. La investigación sirvió como fundamento para el análisis, gestión y ejecución de proyectos ecoturísticos que permitirán el desarrollo de actividades vinculadas al turismo y a la sustentabilidad. Los documentos que se generaron estarán a disposición y vinculados a los Ministerios de Ambiente y Turismo.

  2. Blue carbon stocks in Baltic Sea eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rohr, Maria Emilia; Bostrom, Christoffer; Canal-Vergés, Paula


    Although seagrasses cover only a minor fraction of the ocean seafloor, their carbon sink capacity accounts for nearly one-fifth of the total oceanic carbon burial and thus play a critical structural and functional role in many coastal ecosystems. We sampled 10 eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows....... The C-org stock integrated over the top 25 cm of the sediment averaged 627 g C m(-2) in Finland, while in Denmark the average C-org stock was over 6 times higher (4324 g Cm-2). A conservative estimate of the total organic carbon pool in the regions ranged between 6.98 and 44.9 t C ha(-1). Our results...... in Finland and 10 in Denmark to explore seagrass carbon stocks (C-org stock) and carbon accumulation rates (C-org accumulation) in the Baltic Sea area. The study sites represent a gradient from sheltered to exposed locations in both regions to reflect expected minimum and maximum stocks and accumulation...

  3. The influence of CO2 enrichment on net photosynthesis of seagrass Zostera marina in a brackish water environment

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    Liina Pajusalu


    Full Text Available Seagrasses are distributed across the globe and their communities may play key roles in the coastal ecosystems. Seagrass meadows are expected to benefit from the increased carbon availability which might be used in photosynthesis in a future high CO2 world. The main aim of this study was to examine the effect of elevated pCO2 on the net photosynthesis of seagrass Zostera marina in a brackish water environment. The short-term mesocosm experiments were conducted in Kõiguste Bay (northern part of Gulf of Riga, the Baltic Sea in June-July 2013 and 2014. As the levels of pCO2 naturally range from ca. 150 μatm to well above 1000 μatm under summer conditions in Kõiguste Bay we chose to operate in mesocosms with the pCO2 levels of ca. 2000, ca. 1000 and ca. 200 μatm. Additionally, in 2014 the photosynthesis of Z. marina was measured outside of the mesocosm in the natural conditions. In the shallow coastal Baltic Sea seagrass Z. marina lives in a highly variable environment due to seasonality and rapid changes in meteorological conditions. This was demonstrated by the remarkable differences in water temperatures between experimental years of ca. 8°C. Thus, the current study also investigated the effect of elevated pCO2 in combination with short-term natural fluctuations of environmental factors, i.e. temperature and PAR on the photosynthesis of Z. marina. Our results show that elevated pCO2 alone did not enhance the photosynthesis of the seagrass. The photosynthetic response of Z. marina to CO2 enrichment was affected by changes in water temperature and light availability.

  4. Accumulation and Distribution of Lead and Copper in Avicennia marina and Rhizophora apiculata from Balok Mangrove Forest, Pahang, Malaysia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamaruzzaman, B.Y.; Sharlinda, M.Z.R.; John, B.A.; Waznah, A.S.


    Bioaccumulation of lead and Copper in Avicennia marina and Rhizophora apiculata was studied. Samples of leaves, barks and roots were collected from Balok mangrove forest, Pahang. Pb and Cu accumulation was higher in Avicennia marina root tissue compared to bark and leaf but lower than surrounding sediment level. The average concentration of Pb in A. marina leaf, bark, root and sediment was observed to be 5.39 ppm, 3.63 ppm, 18.21 ppm and 23.13 ppm, and average Cu concentration was 4.13 ppm, 4.27 ppm, 4.81 ppm and 12.33 ppm, respectively. R. apiculata also showed higher concentration of Pb and Cu in root tissue compared to bark and leaf tissues but lower than surrounding sediment. The average concentration of Pb in R. apiculata leaf, bark, root and sediment was observed to be 4.30 ppm, 2.97 ppm, 22.45 ppm and 31.23 ppm, respectively. The average Cu concentration was 2.93 ppm, 4.71 ppm, 4.81 ppm and 15.52 ppm, respectively. Results of concentration factors (CF) showed that the accumulation of Pb and Cu was higher in A. marina than in R. apiculata. (author)

  5. Bioaccumulation of trace elements by Avicennia marina

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    Kandasamy Kathiresan


    Full Text Available Objective: To analyze the concentrations of 12 micro-nutrients (Al, B, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn in different plant parts of Avicennia marina and its rhizosphere soil of the south east coast of India. Methods: The samples were acid digested, then analyzed by using inductively coupled plasma system (ICP-Optical Emission Spectrophotometer. Results: Levels of metals were found in the decreasing order: Cd>Co>Ni>Pb>B >Cr>Zn>Mg>Mn>Cu>Fe>Al. The soil held more levels of metals than plant parts, but within the permissible limits of concentration. Bark and root accumulated higher levels of trace elements in a magnitude of 10-80 folds than other plant parts. The overall bioaccumulation factor in the sampling sites of Vellar, Pichavaram and Cuddalore was 2.88, 1.42 0.47 respectively. Essential elements accumulate high in mature mangroves forest while non-essential elements accumulate high in the industrially polluted mangroves. Conclusions: The ratio between essential and non-essential elements was found higher in young mangrove forest than that in mature mangrove forest and polluted mangrove areas. Thus, the ratio of accumulation can be used as an index of the growth and pollution status of mangroves.

  6. An Assessment of the Accumulation Potential of Pb, Zn and Cd by Avicennia marina (Forssk. Vierh. in Vamleshwar Mangroves, Gujarat, India

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    Isaiah Nirmal KUMAR


    Full Text Available The study deals with the accumulation of Pb, Zn and Cd in an important mangrove species, Avicennia marina (Forssk. Vierh., in the Vamleshwar mangrove ecosystem, near Narmada estuary, West coast of Gujarat, India with height differences of 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 meters and carried out under field conditions during October, 2009. The site was located on 213011.55 N latitude and 724353.68 E longitude. Mangrove receives heavy metal pollution from upstream areas of Narmada estuary and highly populated settlements. However, little is known about the capacity of mangrove plants to take up and store heavy metals in them. Water, sediment and plant parts such as roots, stems and leaves were analyzed for finding the trace metal accumulation of different height groups by Inductive Coupled Plasma Analyser (ICPA. Amount of the content of metals found in the water, sediment and plant parts were in the order of Pb>Zn>Cd. The average contents of heavy metals in the waters were 57.83 mg l-1 for Pb, 3.89 83 mg l-1 for Zn and 0.42 mg l-1 for Cd. It was observed that the average contents of Pb (73.6 mg l-1, Zn (8.1 mg l-1 and Cd (0.73 mg l-1 in the sediments were below the critical soil concentrations. The concentrations of heavy metals in different parts of Avicennia marina were in the order Roots>stem>leaf except for Cd, but Cd found higher in leaf. The ranges of the content of heavy metals in plants were 18.5-102.2 mg l-1 for Pb, 3.5-19.5 mg l-1 for Zn and 0.2-4.1 mg l-1 for Cd. The concentrations of all heavy metals in Avicennia marina except Pb were falling within the normal range and were much more in the plants have the highest height. The present study has shown the potential of Avicennia marina as a phytoremediation species for selected heavy metals in many mangrove ecosystems.

  7. Diurnal effects of anoxia on the metabolome of the seagrass Zostera marina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hasler-Sheetal, Harald; Fragner, Lena; Holmer, Marianne


    We investigated the response, adaptation and tolerance mechanisms of the temperate seagrass Zostera marina to water column anoxia. We exposed Z. marina to a diurnal light/dark cycle under anoxia and assessed the metabolic response by measuring the metabolome with gas chromatography coupled to mass...... spectrometry (GC–MS). During anoxia and light exposure the roots showed an altered metabolome whereas the leaves were only marginally affected, indicating that photosynthetically derived oxygen could satisfy the oxygen demand in the leaves but not in the roots. Nocturnal anoxia caused a biphasic shift...... in the metabolome of roots and leaves. The first phase, after 15 h under anoxia and 3 h of darkness showed a fast increase of lactate, pyruvate, GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid), succinate, alanine and a decrease in glutamate and glutamine. The second phase, after 21 h under anoxia and 9 h of darkness showed a decrease...

  8. The effect of aqueous extract of Avicennia marina (Forsk. Vierh. leaves on liver enzymes' activity, oxidative stress parameters and liver histopathology in male diabetic rats

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    Akram Hamzevi


    Full Text Available Background: Avicennia marina has antioxidant and anti-diabetic properties. This study was conducted to examine the effect of aqueous extract of A. marina on liver enzymes' activity, oxidative stress parameters and liver histopathology in diabetic rats. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 28 male rats were allocated into the equal groups of control, diabetic control and experimental diabetic 1 and 2. The diabetes in diabetic control and experimental diabetic groups was induced using an intraperitoneal injection of 120 mg/kg alloxan. The experimental diabetic groups received the aqueous extract of A. marina (100 and 200 mg/kg, i.p. in alternate days for one month. Sterile distilled water was injected to the animals of control and diabetic control groups. At the end of the treatment period, serum levels of ALT, AST, GGT and ALP were measured. Then, levels of SOD, GST, CAT and MDA were measured in the liver tissue. The liver sections were prepared and examined by an optical microscope. Results: Results showed that administration of the A. marina extract (100 and 300 mg/kg, ip to the diabetic rats significantly decreased the serum levels of liver enzymes and tissue level of MDA. Also, the activity of the liver tissue's antioxidant enzymes was increased (P<0.05. The A. marina extract dose-dependently decreased liver damages in diabetic rats. Conclusion: Administration of the A. marina extract improves liver tissue oxidative stress indices and decreases the serum level of liver enzymes. Also, A. marina extract improves liver tissue injuries induced by diabetes.

  9. Usando patrones de biodiversidad para la evaluación y diseño de áreas protegidas: las serpientes de la provincia de Santa Fe (Argentina como ejemplo Using biodiversity patterns for assessment and design protected areas: snakes of Santa Fe province (Argentina as example

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    de los valores de prioridad de conservación, áreas de endemismos, similitud y complementariedad indicó que poblaciones de todos los taxones de serpientes de Santa Fe pueden ser conservadas si se protegen adecuadamente tres celdas ubicadas en los extremos noroeste (Chaco Seco, noreste (Chaco Húmedo-valle del Paraná y sureste (Pampeana. Las dos primeras no tienen áreas protegidas, y la tercera celda tiene una pequeña reserva, una isla en el río Paraná, que no contiene ecosistemas pampeanos. El Chaco Seco no tiene reservas presentando la mayor deficiencia de áreas protegidas. La superficie de áreas protegidas es insuficiente y no están adecuadamente distribuidas en relación con los patrones de biodiversidad debido a la falta de criterios científicos para su selección. Este problema, sumado a graves deficiencias de implementación, hacen poco efectivo el sistema de reservas de Santa Fe para proteger a las serpientes y posiblemente a la biodiversidad provincialSnakes are usually persecuted by people and few are considered in biodiversity conservation strategies, being protected areas essential for their preservation. We analysed species richness and biogeographical patterns of the snakes of Santa Fe province, Argentina, to prioritise areas for their conservation and to assess if the existent reserves coincide with these areas. Species richness and distributional patterns were established from 2,532 specimens, obtained on field samplings and revision of collections, supplemented with bibliographical records and a regional database of 8,000 specimens. Areas of endemism were determined and compared with phytogeographical divisions. Santa Fe was divided in 16 cells of one degree of latitude and longitude, to compare species richness, similarity and complementarity. We applied a method to prioritise cells for conservation according to species richness and a conservative value of each taxa. Species richness in Santa Fe greatly increased with decreasing latitude

  10. A new marine measure enhancing Zostera marina seed germination and seedling survival

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sousa, Ana I.; Valdemarsen, Thomas; Lillebø, Ana I.


    Seagrass global distribution has declined in the last decades due to many causes, and the implementation of recovery programmes as well as the development of new restoration techniques are needed. This work describes the development of an innovative restoration measure to enhance Zostera marina (...

  11. Zostera marina (eelgrass) growth and survival along a gradient ofnutrients and turbidity in the lower Chesapeake Bay (United States)

    Moore, K.A.; Neckles, H.A.; Orth, R.J.


    Survival of transplanted Zostera marina L. (eelgrass), Z. marina growth,and environmental conditions were studied concurrently at a number of sitesin a southwestern tributary of the Chesapeake Bay to elucidate the factorslimiting macrophyte distribution in this region. Consistent differences insurvival of the transplants were observed, with no long-term survival at anyof the sites that were formerly vegetated with this species but thatcurrently remain unvegetated. Therefore, the current distribution of Z.marina likely represents the extent of suitable environmental conditions inthe region, and the lack of recovery into historically vegetated sites is notsolely due to lack of propagules. Poor long-term survival was related toseasonally high levels of water column light attenuation. Fall transplantsdied by the end of summer following exposure to levels of high springturbidity (K(d) > 3.0). Accumulation of an epiphyte matrix during the latespring (0.36 to 1.14 g g-1 dry wt) may also have contributed to thisstress. Differences in water column nutrient levels among sites during thefall and winter (10 to 15 ??M dissolved inorganic nitrogen and 1 ??Mdissolved inorganic phosphates) had no observable effect on epiphyteaccumulation or macrophyte growth. Salinity effects were minor and there wereno symptoms of disease. Although summertime conditions resulted indepressions in growth, they did not alone limit long-term survival. It issuggested that water quality conditions enhancing adequate seagrass growthduring the spring may be key to long-term Z. marina survival and successfulrecolonization in this region.

  12. El sistema de áreas naturales protegidas y su rol para la conservación del agua : Aproximación al conocimiento de la presencia de diferentes cuerpos de aguas en el Sistema Provincial de Áreas Naturales Protegidas de la provincia de Buenos Aires


    Romero, María Cristina


    El Sistema de Áreas Naturales Protegidas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (SANP) está regulado por la ley 10907 (B.O. 6/6/90) reglamentada por el decreto 218/94 y modificada por la ley 12.459 (B.O. 26/7/2000). El mismo permite la protección de la biodiversidad de los diferentes ecosistemas de la provincia, a través de la conformación de unidades de conservación funcionales (Reservas Naturales), las que nos brindan servicios ambientales para la sociedad, como protección de sectores de cuencas h...


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    Isis Maria Cunha Lustosa


    Full Text Available O artigo versa sobre a (UC Unidade de Conservação– (RPPN Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural e oEcoturismo como elementos de discussão – se há porparte da legislação de áreas protegidas particulares ocompromisso do reconhecimento das populações tradicionaise/ou residentes, bem como da efetiva participaçãodestas na conservação da natureza em RPPN tomando-se como base artigos do Decreto nº 1922/05.06.1996e da Lei nº 9.985/18.07.2000 do (SNUC Sistema Nacionalde Unidades de Conservação, o qual, insere a RPPNcomo área protegida oficial de propriedade particular reconhecidapelo (IBAMA Instituto Brasileiro de RecursosNaturais Renováveis, em âmbito federal, ou por órgãosestaduais do meio ambiente. Essa área é reconhecidatotal ou parcial por decisão do proprietário, permanecena sua posse e domínio com gravame de perpetuidade.O IBAMA considera que a RPPN proteja os recursosambientais pela relevância da sua biodiversidade, peloaspecto paisagístico ou por características ambientaisque justifiquem sua recuperação, concebendo-a atividadesque julgam não interferir negativamente na biodiversidade– a educação ambiental, os projetos científicose o turismo ecológico. Ou: a RPPN é mais um espaçoemergente em prol da turistificação de área protegidacriada na ideologia do ecoturismo?

  14. Inventario de las macroalgas dulceacuícolas y marinas de Costa Rica


    Bernecker Lucking, Andrea; Morales Zurcher, María


    Contiene un listado sobre los diferentes grupos de algas, sobre todo las macro algas de agua dulce y marinas para aumentar la lista de especies de algas de Costa Rica. Universidad de Costa Rica UCR::Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Biología

  15. Nuevas aportaciones a la ictiofauna marina de Galicia


    Bañón, R.; Cerdeira, J.D.; Ferreiro, P.; Sande, C.M.


    El número de especies de peces nuevas o raras en Galicia se ha incrementado en los últimos años gracias a un mayor esfuerzo científico y un contacto más estrecho con el sector pesquero, lo cual ha permitido obtener un mejor conocimiento de la ictiofauna marina (Bañón, 2002). En este trabajo se aportan nuevas citas sobre la presencia de cuatro especies de osteictios raras o poco conocidas para las aguas de Galicia. La biometría de los ejemplares analizados se da e...

  16. Diagnostico de flora, fauna terrestre y aves marinas en el Área Marina Costera Protegida Francisco Coloane. Informe Final.



    De acuerdo con el compromiso contraído por la Fundación Centro de Estudios del Cuaternario Fuego-Patagonia y Antártica (CEQUA) ante la Secretaría Ministerial de Bienes Nacionales XII Región Magallanes y Antártica Chilena, se eleva a consideración de la Unidad Técnica el presente informe que contiene las siguientes partes: a.-Identificar espacialmente los tipos de hábitat en el AMCP “Francisco Coloane”. b.- Determinar la distribución y abundancia relativa de las poblaciones de ...

  17. The Existing Condition of Mangrove Region of Avicenia marina, Its: Distribution and Functional Transformation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmad Herison


    Full Text Available Mangrove ecosystem existence is important for environment and other organisms because of its ecological and economical values, so that management and preservation of mangrove ecosystem are needed. The purpose of this research was to determine the existing condition of mangrove, both its distribution and its functional transformation in Indah Kapuk Coastal Area. Avicennia marina becomes important as wave attenuation, a form of abrasion antidote. Transect-Square and Spot-Check methods were used to determine the existing condition of A.marina mangrove forests. Autocad program, coordinate converter, Google Earth, Google Map, and Arc View were applied in process of making mangrove distribution map. In western of research location exactly at Station 1 and Station 2, the density value of mangrove was 450 and 825 tree ha-1, respectively with sparse category because they were contaminated by waste and litter. In eastern of research location namely Station 3, Station 4, and Station 5 the mangroves grow well with density value of 650 (sparse, 1,500 (very dense, and 1,200 tree ha-1 (fair, respectively, eventhough the contamination still happened. The mangrove forests around the stations do not function as wave attenuation because there were many waterfront constructions which have replaced the function of mangrove forests to damp the wave. In short, it can be stated that the mangrove's function has changed in a case of wave attenuation. The function of mangrove forests is not determined by mangrove forest density but it is determined by mangrove's free position.

  18. Análisis preliminar de la estructura primaria y secundaria del ARNtTrp en tortugas marinas

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    Harvey Infante-Rojas


    Full Text Available Actualmente existen siete especies de tortugas marinas, todas amenazadas o en riesgo inminente de extinción. Los estudios con ADN mitocondrial han permitido hacer acercamientos sobre filogenia, evolución, rutas migratorias y centros de dispersión, además para la identificación de polimorfismos y haplotipos, siendo base para planes de manejo y conservación. El presente estudio representa la primera descripción comparada de la estructura primaria y secundaria del ARNtTrp mitocondrial en tortugas marinas. Se realizó un alineamiento múltiple de 26 secuencias del gen que codifica para el ARNtTrp y se propuso la estructura secundaria utilizando el programa ARWEN. Se identificaron potenciales interacciones terciarias por homología comparada con el ARNtTrp de mamíferos. Los resultados mostraron una secuencia consenso de 76 bases con siete regiones conservadas que representan el 76 % de la molécula. Se identificaron polimorfismos que representan tres haplotipos para C. caretta, dos para C. mydas y uno para cada una de las demás especies. Las estructuras secundarias mostraron cambios nucleotídicos puntuales para cada especie y también mostraron que el tallo aceptor, el brazo TψC y el bucle anticodón son motivos conservados en el ARNtTrp de las tortugas marinas. Se encontró un enlace no canónico tipo A-A en el tallo DHU que podría considerarse característico de tortugas marinas. Además, se obtuvo una estructura secundaria consenso en donde se identificaron las siete regiones conservadas, seis posibles interacciones terciarias y el bucle DHU como región variable.

  19. Effects of conventional and biodegradable microplastics on a marine ecosystem engineer (Arenicola marina) and sediment nutrient cycling. (United States)

    Green, Dannielle Senga; Boots, Bas; Sigwart, Julia; Jiang, Shan; Rocha, Carlos


    Effects of microplastic pollution on benthic organisms and ecosystem services provided by sedimentary habitats are largely unknown. An outdoor mesocosm experiment was done to realistically assess the effects of three different types of microplastic pollution (one biodegradable type; polylactic acid and two conventional types; polyethylene and polyvinylchloride) at increasing concentrations (0.02, 0.2 and 2% of wet sediment weight) on the health and biological activity of lugworms, Arenicola marina (Linnaeus, 1758), and on nitrogen cycling and primary productivity of the sediment they inhabit. After 31 days, A. marina produced less casts in sediments containing microplastics. Metabolic rates of A. marina increased, while microalgal biomass decreased at high concentrations, compared to sediments with low concentrations or without microplastics. Responses were strongest to polyvinylchloride, emphasising that different materials may have differential effects. Each material needs to be carefully evaluated in order to assess their risks as microplastic pollution. Overall, both conventional and biodegradable microplastics in sandy sediments can affect the health and behaviour of lugworms and directly or indirectly reduce primary productivity of these habitats. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Chasing the Intangible: a Conversation on Theatre, Language, and Artistic Migrations with Irish Playwright Marina Carr

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    Valentina Rapetti


    Full Text Available Offally born Marina Carr is amongst the most prolific, influential and internationally renowned Irish playwrights of our times. Since her debut on the avant-garde side of the Dublin theatre scene in the late Eighties, she has had  seventeen plays professionally produced, both in and outside Ireland. Her earlier work is influenced by Samuel Beckett’s Absurdist drama, while in her most mature and recent plays she draws on both classical and Irish mythology, Greek tragedies and Shakespeare’s poetics. In this interview, Marina Carr recalls and discusses some pivotal moments of her upbringing and career; she also speaks about language, landscape, dream

  1. Genome-wide transcriptomic responses of the seagrasses Zostera marina and Nanozostera noltii under a simulated heatwave confirm functional types. (United States)

    Franssen, Susanne U; Gu, Jenny; Winters, Gidon; Huylmans, Ann-Kathrin; Wienpahl, Isabell; Sparwel, Maximiliane; Coyer, James A; Olsen, Jeanine L; Reusch, Thorsten B H; Bornberg-Bauer, Erich


    Genome-wide transcription analysis between related species occurring in overlapping ranges can provide insights into the molecular basis underlying different ecological niches. The co-occurring seagrass species, Zostera marina and Nanozostera noltii, are found in marine coastal environments throughout the northern hemisphere. Z. marina is often dominant in subtidal environments and subjected to fewer temperature extremes compared to the predominately intertidal and more stress-tolerant N. noltii. We exposed plants of both species to a realistic heat wave scenario in a common-stress-garden experiment. Using RNA-seq (~7million reads/library), four Z. marina and four N. noltii libraries were compared representing northern (Denmark) and southern (Italy) locations within the co-occurring range of the species' European distribution. A total of 8977 expressed genes were identified, of which 78 were directly related to heat stress. As predicted, both species were negatively affected by the heat wave, but showed markedly different molecular responses. In Z. marina the heat response was similar across locations in response to the heatwave at 26°C, with a complex response in functions related to protein folding, synthesis of ribosomal chloroplast proteins, proteins involved in cell wall modification and heat shock proteins (HSPs). In N. noltii the heat response markedly differed between locations, while HSP genes were not induced in either population. Our results suggest that as coastal seawater temperatures increase, Z. marina will disappear along its southern most ranges, whereas N. noltii will continue to move north. As a consequence, sub- and intertidal habitat partitioning may weaken in more northern regions because the higher thermal tolerance of N. noltii provides a competitive advantage in both habitats. Although previous studies have focused on HSPs, the present study clearly demonstrates that a broader examination of stress related genes is necessary. Copyright

  2. Effects of salinity and water temperature on the ecological performance of Zostera marina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nejrup, Lars Brammer; Pedersen, Morten Foldager


    We tested the effects of salinity and water temperature on the ecological performance of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in culture-experiments to identify levels that could potentially limit survival and growth and, thus, the spatial distribution of eelgrass in temperate estuaries. The experiments ...

  3. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in recreational marina sediments of San Diego Bay, southern California. (United States)

    Neira, Carlos; Vales, Melissa; Mendoza, Guillermo; Hoh, Eunha; Levin, Lisa A


    Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations were determined in surface sediments from three recreational marinas in San Diego Bay, California. Total PCB concentrations ranged from 23 to 153, 31-294, and 151-1387ngg -1 for Shelter Island Yacht Basin (SIYB), Harbor Island West (HW) and Harbor Island East (HE), respectively. PCB concentrations were significantly higher in HE and PCB group composition differed relative to HW and SIYB, which were not significantly different from each other in concentration or group composition. In marina sediments there was a predominance (82-85%) of heavier molecular weight PCBs with homologous groups (6CL-7CL) comprising 59% of the total. In HE 75% of the sites exceeded the effect range median (ERM), and toxicity equivalence (TEQ dioxin-like PCBs) values were higher relative to those of HW and SIYB, suggesting a potential ecotoxicological risk. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. EPA Region 1 Environmentally Sensitive Areas (United States)

    This coverage represents polygon equivalents of environmentally sensitive areas (ESA) in EPA Region I. ESAs were developed as part of an EPA headquarters initiative based on reviews of various regulatory and guidance documents, as well as phone interviews with federal/state/local government agencies and private organizations. ESAs include, but are not limited to, wetlands, biological resources, habitats, national parks, archaeological/historic sites, natural heritage areas, tribal lands, drinking water intakes, marinas/boat ramps, wildlife areas, etc.

  5. An Assessment of the Accumulation Potential of Pb, Zn and Cd by Avicennia marina (Forssk. Vierh. in Vamleshwar Mangroves, Gujarat, India

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isaiah Nirmal KUMAR


    Full Text Available The study deals with the accumulation of Pb, Zn and Cd in an important mangrove species, Avicennia marina (Forssk. Vierh., in the Vamleshwar mangrove ecosystem, near Narmada estuary, West coast of Gujarat, India with height differences of 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 meters and carried out under field conditions during October, 2009. The site was located on 21�30�11.55�� N latitude and 72�43�53.68�� E longitude. Mangrove receives heavy metal pollution from upstream areas of Narmada estuary and highly populated settlements. However, little is known about the capacity of mangrove plants to take up and store heavy metals in them. Water, sediment and plant parts such as roots, stems and leaves were analyzed for finding the trace metal accumulation of different height groups by Inductive Coupled Plasma Analyser (ICPA. Amount of the content of metals found in the water, sediment and plant parts were in the order of Pb>Zn>Cd. The average contents of heavy metals in the waters were 57.83 mg l-1 for Pb, 3.89 83 mg l-1 for Zn and 0.42 mg l-1 for Cd. It was observed that the average contents of Pb (73.6 mg l-1, Zn (8.1 mg l-1 and Cd (0.73 mg l-1 in the sediments were below the critical soil concentrations. The concentrations of heavy metals in different parts of Avicennia marina were in the order Roots>stem>leaf except for Cd, but Cd found higher in leaf. The ranges of the content of heavy metals in plants were 18.5-102.2 mg l-1 for Pb, 3.5-19.5 mg l-1 for Zn and 0.2-4.1 mg l-1 for Cd. The concentrations of all heavy metals in Avicennia marina except Pb were falling within the normal range and were much more in the plants have the highest height. The present study has shown the potential of Avicennia marina as a phytoremediation species for selected heavy metals in many mangrove ecosystems.

  6. Políticas de conservación y manejo de áreas naturales protegidas en la Amazonía Norte del Ecuador.


    Espinosa Garcés, María Fernanda


    A pesar de que la problemática de las Áreas Protegidas está vinculada a las formas y prioridades nacionales que imprime cada tendencia y estilo político; hemos creido que la Amazonía constituye, por sus características, una interesante unidad analítica, en la que las estrategias y políticas de conservación se manifiestan de manera privilegiada, al constituir un espacio de gran conflictividad social, pero, a la vez, de especial interés ecológico y cultural. Efectivamente, la Amazonia guarda un...

  7. Reglamentos indígenas en áreas protegidas de Bolivia: el caso del Pilón Lajas

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    José Francisco Márquez Guerra


    Full Text Available Durante los últimos años, los enfoques de planificación ecorregional de los programas de conservación han jugado un papel destacado en la configuración y gestión de los territorios indígenas en superposición o colindancia con las Áreas Protegidas en la Amazonía boliviana. Esto se evidencia en el apoyo técnico, jurídico y financiero brindado por las grandes ONG a los procesos participativos para la concepción, implementación y aplicación de instrumentos de gestión territorial y de recursos naturales indígenas como los estatutos y reglamentos comunitarios, entre otros. A partir de un trabajo etnográfico sobre las comunidades de la Reserva de Biosfera y Tierra Comunitaria de Origen Pilón Lajas, este texto describe cómo, en medio de estos procesos de juridificación de las instituciones indígenas, los actores de la conservación pretenden contribuir a la compatibilidad entre los estatutos y reglamentos indígenas y los instrumentos de gestión del Área Protegida. Encontramos que en esta operación de traducción de los objetivos de la conservación a la realidad local se movilizan dos conceptos de legitimación atribuidos a la condición indígena: la ancestralidad y la territorialidad. Los resultados muestran que con la utilización del primero, los actores de la conservación recrean una identidad ecológica para los indígenas, mientras que con el segundo recrean un espacio indígena con vocación de conservación. Se discute si los instrumentos resultantes de la compatibilización toman en cuenta la cosmología y el modo de existencia indígena en relación con los seres no humanos y el espacio.

  8. Sulfide Intrusion and Detoxification in the Seagrass Zostera marina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hasler-Sheetal, Harald; Holmer, Marianne


    Gaseous sulfide intrusion into seagrasses growing in sulfidic sediments causes little or no harm to the plant, indicating the presence of an unknown sulfide tolerance or detoxification mechanism. We assessed such mechanism in the seagrass Zostera marina in the laboratory and in the field...... as sulfate throughout the plant. We conclude that avoidance of sulfide exposure by reoxidation of sulfide in the rhizosphere or aerenchyma and tolerance of sulfide intrusion by incorporation of sulfur in the plant are likely major survival strategies of seagrasses in sulfidic sediments....

  9. Direct uptake of canopy rainwater causes turgor-driven growth spurts in the mangrove Avicennia marina. (United States)

    Steppe, Kathy; Vandegehuchte, Maurits W; Van de Wal, Bart A E; Hoste, Pieter; Guyot, Adrien; Lovelock, Catherine E; Lockington, David A


    Mangrove forests depend on a dense structure of sufficiently large trees to fulfil their essential functions as providers of food and wood for animals and people, CO2 sinks and protection from storms. Growth of these forests is known to be dependent on the salinity of soil water, but the influence of foliar uptake of rainwater as a freshwater source, additional to soil water, has hardly been investigated. Under field conditions in Australia, stem diameter variation, sap flow and stem water potential of the grey mangrove (Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh.) were simultaneously measured during alternating dry and rainy periods. We found that sap flow in A. marina was reversed, from canopy to roots, during and shortly after rainfall events. Simultaneously, stem diameters rapidly increased with growth rates up to 70 μm h-1, which is about 25-75 times the normal growth rate reported in temperate trees. A mechanistic tree model was applied to provide evidence that A. marina trees take up water through their leaves, and that this water contributes to turgor-driven stem growth. Our results indicate that direct uptake of freshwater by the canopy during rainfall supports mangrove tree growth and serve as a call to consider this water uptake pathway if we aspire to correctly assess influences of changing rainfall patterns on mangrove tree growth.

  10. Phenology and Growth dynamics of Avicennia marina in the Central Red Sea

    KAUST Repository

    Almahasheer, Hanan


    The formation of nodes, stem elongation and the phenology of stunted Avicennia marina was examined in the Central Red Sea, where Avicennia marina is at the limit of its distribution range and submitted to extremely arid conditions with salinity above 38 psu and water temperature as high as 35° C. The annual node production was rather uniform among locations averaging 9.59 node y−1, which resulted in a plastocron interval, the interval in between production of two consecutive nodes along a stem, of 38 days. However, the internodal length varied significantly between locations, resulting in growth differences possibly reflecting the environmental conditions of locations. The reproductive cycle lasted for approximately 12 months, and was characterized by peak flowering and propagule development in November and January. These phenological observations provide a starting point for research and restoration programs on the ecology of mangroves in the Central Red Sea, while the plastochrone index reported here would allow calculations of the growth and production of the species from simple morphological measurements.

  11. Phenology and Growth dynamics of Avicennia marina in the Central Red Sea (United States)

    Almahasheer, Hanan; Duarte, Carlos M.; Irigoien, Xabier


    The formation of nodes, stem elongation and the phenology of stunted Avicennia marina was examined in the Central Red Sea, where Avicennia marina is at the limit of its distribution range and submitted to extremely arid conditions with salinity above 38 psu and water temperature as high as 35° C. The annual node production was rather uniform among locations averaging 9.59 node y−1, which resulted in a plastocron interval, the interval in between production of two consecutive nodes along a stem, of 38 days. However, the internodal length varied significantly between locations, resulting in growth differences possibly reflecting the environmental conditions of locations. The reproductive cycle lasted for approximately 12 months, and was characterized by peak flowering and propagule development in November and January. These phenological observations provide a starting point for research and restoration programs on the ecology of mangroves in the Central Red Sea, while the plastochrone index reported here would allow calculations of the growth and production of the species from simple morphological measurements. PMID:27892956

  12. Outbreak of Paratyphoid Fever Among Naval Personnel in Peru (Brote de Fiebre Paratifoidea Entre Personal de la Marina Del Peru.) (United States)


    son menosde 2Okniquecaiusania nvar comun Cs la tifoidea cldsica producida por S parte de las infecciones hunanas La fiebre Isv’lht la parat-foidea. par...TITLE (Include Secunty Clasifi4tin) Brote de Fiebre Parutifoidea Entre Personal de la Marina del Peru 1.PERSON4AL AUTHORCS) Pazzagllia G; Wgnall FS...CLASSIFIATIO F THIS PAGE All othe~redmtons areobolete. ZINCLASSIITIED Best Avai~lable Copy BROTE Dl FIEBRE PARATIFOIDEA ENTRE PERSONAL DE1 LA MARINA DEL PERU G

  13. Characterisation of esterases as potential biomarkers of pesticide exposure in the lugworm Arenicola marina (Annelida: Polychaeta)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hannam, Marie L.; Hagger, Josephine A.; Jones, Malcolm B.; Galloway, Tamara S.


    Here, we identify and characterise cholinesterase (ChE) and carboxylesterase (CbE) activities in the body tissues of the sediment dwelling worm Arenicola marina. Exposure to the organophosphorus pesticide azamethiphos yielded an in vitro IC 50 of 5 μg l -1 for propionylcholinesterase (PChE). PChE was significantly inhibited in vivo after a 10 day exposure to 100 μg l -1 azamethiphos, equivalent to the recommended aquatic application rate (ANOVA; F = 2.75, P = 0.033). To determine sensitivity to environmental conditions, A. marina were exposed for 10 days to field collected sediments. PChE activity was significantly lower in worms exposed to sediments from an estuary classified to be at high risk from point source pollution by the UK Environment Agency (ANOVA; F = 15.33, P < 0.001). Whilst causality cannot be directly attributed from these latter exposures, they provide an important illustration of the potential utility of esterase activity as a biomarker of environmental quality in this ecologically relevant sentinel species. - This paper provides a preliminary characterisation of esterase enzyme activities in the tissues and body fluids of the sediment dwelling worm Arenicola marina and explores their potential use as biomarkers of organophosphorus pesticide exposure in the marine environment

  14. Characterisation of esterases as potential biomarkers of pesticide exposure in the lugworm Arenicola marina (Annelida: Polychaeta)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hannam, Marie L. [Ecotoxicology and Stress Biology Research Centre, School of Biological Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon, PL4 8AA (United Kingdom)], E-mail:; Hagger, Josephine A.; Jones, Malcolm B.; Galloway, Tamara S. [Ecotoxicology and Stress Biology Research Centre, School of Biological Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon, PL4 8AA (United Kingdom)


    Here, we identify and characterise cholinesterase (ChE) and carboxylesterase (CbE) activities in the body tissues of the sediment dwelling worm Arenicola marina. Exposure to the organophosphorus pesticide azamethiphos yielded an in vitro IC{sub 50} of 5 {mu}g l{sup -1} for propionylcholinesterase (PChE). PChE was significantly inhibited in vivo after a 10 day exposure to 100 {mu}g l{sup -1} azamethiphos, equivalent to the recommended aquatic application rate (ANOVA; F = 2.75, P = 0.033). To determine sensitivity to environmental conditions, A. marina were exposed for 10 days to field collected sediments. PChE activity was significantly lower in worms exposed to sediments from an estuary classified to be at high risk from point source pollution by the UK Environment Agency (ANOVA; F = 15.33, P < 0.001). Whilst causality cannot be directly attributed from these latter exposures, they provide an important illustration of the potential utility of esterase activity as a biomarker of environmental quality in this ecologically relevant sentinel species. - This paper provides a preliminary characterisation of esterase enzyme activities in the tissues and body fluids of the sediment dwelling worm Arenicola marina and explores their potential use as biomarkers of organophosphorus pesticide exposure in the marine environment.

  15. Monitoring of the booster biocide dichlofluanid in water and marine sediment of Greek marinas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hamwijk, C.; Schouten, A.; Foekema, E.M.; Ravensberg, J.C.; Collombon, M.T.; Schmidt, K.; Kugler, M.


    Dichlofluanid (N-dichlorofluoromethylthio-N′-dimethyl-N- phenylsulphamide) is used as booster biocide in antifouling paints. The occurrence of dichlofluanid and its metabolite DMSA (N′-dimethyl-N-phenyl- sulphamide) was monitored in seawater and marine sediment from three Greek marinas. Seawater and

  16. Principales características hidrogeoquímicas del acuífero de Balerma-Las Marinas (Almería

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    Martínez Vidal, J. L.


    Full Text Available The Balerma-Las Marinas aquifer, which features mainly Pliocene calcarenite rocks, is one of the three distinct hydrogeological units that have been identified in the Campo de Dalías area of Almería. Its hydrogeochemistry has been established by analyzing one hundred and eight samples from different points along the aquifer. The high sodium chloride content of the water is put down to fairly recent relative changes in the sea and continent levels, which have left saline water trapped by a series of blocks that divide the aquifer into various separate compartments. This relative lack of hydraulic continuity between the aquifer and the sea, together with fact that its resources are not subject to overuse, make it very unlikely that marine intrusion is the cause of the high saline content of the water. The conclusion to be drawn is that these waters are not very suitable either for human consumption or for irrigation.El acuífero de Balerma-Las Marinas, esencialmente integrado por calcarenitas pliocenas, constituye una unidad hidrogeológica de las tres diferenciadas en el Campo de Dalías. Sobre la base de ciento ocho análisis químicos de muestras de agua recogidas en otros tantos puntos acuíferos se llega a establecer la hidrogeoquímica del acuífero; el predominio de aguas de facies clorurada sódica es interpretado como relicto de movimientos relativos mar-continente, recientes, unido a la existencia de una serie de bloques que compartimentan el acuífero y que han hecho posible que permanezca entrampada el agua salobre. La escasa explotación a que está sometido el acuífero y la baja continuidad hidráulica existente entre el acuífero y el mar descartan los procesos de intrusión marina como responsables del alto contenido salino de las aguas. Consecuentemente con lo expuesto, las aguas tienen calidad mediocre a mala, tanto para consumo humano como para su uso agrícola.

  17. Restoring Eelgrass (Zostera marina) from Seed: A Comparison of Planting Methods for Large-Scale Projects

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Orth, Robert; Marion, Scott; Granger, Steven; Traber, Michael


    Eelgrass (Zostera marina) seeds are being used in a variety of both small- and large-scale restoration activities and have been successfully used to initiate recovery of eelgrass in the Virginia seaside coastal lagoons...

  18. The genome of the seagrass Zostera marina reveals angiosperm adaptation to the sea

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Olsen, Jeanine; Rouzé, Pierre; Verhelst, Bram; Lin, Yao-Cheng; Bayer, Till; Collen, Jonas; Dattolo, Emanuela; De Paoli, Emanuele; Dittami, Simon; Maumus, Florian; Michel, Gurvan; Kersting, Anna; Lauritano, Chiara; Lohaus, Rolf; Töpel, Mats; Tonon, Thierry; Vanneste, Kevin; Amirebrahimi, Mojgan; Brakel, Janina; Boström, Christoffer; Chovatia, Mansi; Grimwood, Jane; Jenkins, Jerry W; Jueterbock, Alexander; Mraz, Amy; Stam, Wytze T; Tice, Hope; Bornberg-Bauer, Erich; Green, Pamela J; Pearson, Gareth A; Procaccini, Gabriele; Duarte, Carlos M; Schmutz, Jeremy; Reusch, Thorsten B H; Van de Peer, Yves


    Seagrasses colonized the sea on at least three independent occasions to form the basis of one of the most productive and widespread coastal ecosystems on the planet. Here we report the genome of Zostera marina (L.), the first, to our knowledge, marine angiosperm to be fully sequenced. This reveals

  19. Light-promoted rhodopsin expression and starvation survival in the marine dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina.

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    Zhiling Guo

    Full Text Available The discovery of microbial rhodopsins in marine proteobacteria changed the dogma that photosynthesis is the only pathway to use the solar energy for biological utilization in the marine environment. Although homologs of these rhodopsins have been identified in dinoflagellates, the diversity of the encoding genes and their physiological roles remain unexplored. As an initial step toward addressing the gap, we conducted high-throughput transcriptome sequencing on Oxyrrhis marina to retrieve rhodopsin transcripts, rapid amplification of cDNA ends to isolate full-length cDNAs of dominant representatives, and quantitative reverse-transcription PCR to investigate their expression under varying conditions. Our phylogenetic analyses showed that O. marina contained both the proton-pumping type (PR and sensory type (SR rhodopsins, and the transcriptome data showed that the PR type dominated over the SR type. We compared rhodopsin gene expression for cultures kept under light: dark cycle and continuous darkness in a time course of 24 days without feeding. Although both types of rhodopsin were expressed under the two conditions, the expression levels of PR were much higher than SR, consistent with the transcriptomic data. Furthermore, relative to cultures kept in the dark, rhodopsin expression levels and cell survival rate were both higher in cultures grown in the light. This is the first report of light-dependent promotion of starvation survival and concomitant promotion of PR expression in a eukaryote. While direct evidence needs to come from functional test on rhodopsins in vitro or gene knockout/knockdown experiments, our results suggest that the proton-pumping rhodopsin might be responsible for the light-enhanced survival of O. marina, as previously demonstrated in bacteria.


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    Ivo García Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available En el Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna de Cuatrociénegas, Coahuila, una de las áreas protegidas con mayor actividad turística en México, se estudiaron entre los años 2008 y 2014 los conflictos derivados de la dinámica turística desde una perspectiva espacial y con base en una metodología de triangulación que combinó la observación participante con entrevistas a actores clave y dos encuestas, una a pobladores locales y otra a visitantes. El estudio evidenció que el desarrollo del turismo en Cuatrociénegas ha ido acompañado de efectos negativos sobre el medio físico, la economía y la dinámica social, los cuales pasan inadvertidos para turistas y pobladores locales. Los primeros, aunque saben que visitan una ANP, no son conscientes de los servicios ambientales que presta a la sociedad en general y de la responsabilidad que tienen de contribuir a protegerla. Por su parte, los segundos afirman terminantemente que el turismo es un factor de desarrollo y pocas veces cuestionan los intereses de quienes se benefician de esta actividad.

  1. O desmatamento na Amazônia e a importância das áreas protegidas

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    Leandro Valle Ferreira


    Full Text Available O MODELO da ocupação demográfica da Amazônia legalnos últimos cinqueta anos tem levado a níveis significativos de desmatamento, resultante de múltiplos fatores, tais como a abertura de estradas pioneiras, o crescimento das cidades, a ampliação de pecuária extensiva, a acelerada exploração madeireira e a crescente agricultura intensiva de monoculturas. A área cumulativa desmatada na Amazônia legal brasileira chegou a cerca de 653.000 km² em 2003, correspondendo a 16,3% da região. Este estudo visou a determinar o desmatamento dentro e fora dos atuais Unidades de Conservação (UC e Terras Indígenas (TI na Amazônia legal, nos estados de Mato Grosso, Rondônia e Pará, que, juntos, corresponderam por mais de 90% do desmatamento observado entre 2001 e 2003. Os resultados mostraram que o desmatamento foi cerca de dez a vinte vezes menor dentro das Unidades de Conservação e Terras Indígenas do que em áreas contíguas fora delas. Isto demonstra a importância dessas áreas protegidas para diminuir o processo do desmatamento nos três estados. Isto refuta a hipótese generalizada de que estas áreas não cumprissem a sua função principal na conservação e uso racional dos recursos na Amazônia legal.DEMOGRAPHIC occupation of the Brazilian Legal Amazon within the past 50 years has lead to significant levels of deforestation as the result of several factors such as new road construction, urban growth, expansion of extensive cattle ranching, increasing timber extraction, and rising intensive agriculture of monocultures. The cumulative deforested area in Brazil's Legal Amazonia was approximately 653,000 km² in 2003, correspondingto 16,3% of the region. This study sought to assess deforestation within or near to protected areas (conservation units and indigenous reserves in Legal Amazonia in the states of Mato Grosso, Rondônia, and Pará that jointly were responsible for more than 90% of regional deforestation from 2001 to 2003

  2. 77 FR 37604 - Safety Zone; Fourth of July Fireworks, Berkeley Marina, Berkeley, CA (United States)


    ...: The Coast Guard will enforce a 1,000 foot safety zone around the Berkeley Pier in position 37[deg]51... Zone; Fourth of July Fireworks, Berkeley Marina, Berkeley, CA AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION: Notice of enforcement of regulation. SUMMARY: The Coast Guard will enforce the safety zone for the Berkeley...

  3. 78 FR 29022 - Safety Zone; Fourth of July Fireworks, Berkeley Marina, Berkeley, CA (United States)


    ... Guard will enforce a 1,000 foot safety zone around the Berkeley Pier in approximate position 37[deg]51... Zone; Fourth of July Fireworks, Berkeley Marina, Berkeley, CA AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION: Notice of enforcement of regulation. SUMMARY: The Coast Guard will enforce the safety zone for the Berkeley...

  4. Lethal effects of ichthyotoxic raphidophytes, Chattonella marina, C. antiqua, and Heterosigma akashiwo, on post-embryonic stages of the Japanese pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata martensii. (United States)

    Basti, Leila; Nagai, Kiyohito; Go, Jiyoji; Okano, Sho; Oda, Tatsuya; Tanaka, Yuji; Nagai, Satoshi


    contact and physical disturbance of their cells by larval cilia, H. akashiwo, C. marina and C. antiqua became immotile and shed their glycocalyx. The trochophores and larvae were observed trapped in a conglomerate of glycocalyx and mucus, most probably a mixture of larval mucous and raphidophyte tricosyts and mucocytes. All motile stages of pearl oyster larvae showed a typical escape behavior translating into increased swimming in an effort to release themselves from the sticky mucous traps. The larvae subsequently became exhausted, entrapped in more heavy mucous, lost their larval cilia, sank, become immotile, and died. Although other toxic mediators could have been involved, the results of the present study indicate that all three raphidophytes were harmful only for motile stages of pearl oysters, and that the physical disturbance of their cells upon contact with the ciliary structures of pearl oyster larvae initiated the harmful mechanism. The present study is the first report of lethal effects of harmful Chattonella spp. towards larvae of a bivalve mollusc. Blooms of H. akashiwo, C. antiqua and C. marina occur in all major cultivation areas of P. fucata martensii during the developmental period of their larvae. Therefore, exposure of the motile early-life stages of Japanese pearl oysters could adversely affect their population recruitment. In addition, the present study shows that further research with early-life development of pearl oysters and other bivalves could contribute to improving the understanding of the controversial harmful mechanisms of raphidophytes in marine organisms. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Redes sociales y Áreas Naturales Protegidas en la Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey, Nuevo León

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    Gabriela de la Mora-de la Mora


    Full Text Available A partir del análisis de las dinámicas de interacción entre actores sociales clave, vinculados a la gestión de las áreas naturales protegidas y a la protección de los servicios ambientales hidrológicos en la Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey ( zmm , Nuevo León, se analizan las acciones que se llevan a cabo para lograr los objetivos de conservación. Se utiliza el análisis de redes para comprender la estructura y densidad de las relaciones sociales establecidas y su influencia en la definición de la gobernanza ambiental actual en la región, lo que permite destacar la exis - tencia de alianzas estratégicas en materia de conservación y al mismo tiempo la falta de comunicación en otros sectores.

  6. High ammonium availability amplifies the adverse effect of low salinity on eelgrass Zostera marina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villazán, Beatriz; Salo, Tiina Elina; Brun, Fernando G.


    Climate change intensifies the frequency and intensity of rainfall events, which increases the discharge of freshwater and nutrients to coastal areas. This may lower salinity and increase nutrient availability and, thus, affect estuarine eelgrass populations. We studied the interactive effect...... of increasing NH4+ levels and low salinity on estuarine eelgrass Zostera marina, grown in microcosm at various combinations of NH4+ enrichment (0, 10 and 25 µM) and salinity (5, 12.5 and 20). Increasing NH4+ had a positive effect on eelgrass performance as long as salinity was kept at ambient level (20). N...... enrichment was followed by an increase in pigments, photosynthesis and various growth variables and a decrease in stored carbon concentrations (sucrose and starch). Low salinity had an overall negative effect on plant fitness; pigment concentration, photosynthesis and growth were reduced while mortality...

  7. A survey of antifoulants in sediments from Ports and Marinas along the French Mediterranean coast. (United States)

    Cassi, Roberto; Tolosa, Imma; de Mora, Stephen


    Due to deleterious effects on non-target organisms, the use of organotin compounds on boat hulls of small vessels (ports and marinas along the France Mediterranean coastline (Cote d'Azur) and analysed for organotin compounds, Irgarol 1051, Sea-nine 211, Chlorothalonil, Dichlofluanid and Folpet. Every port and marina exhibited high levels of organotin compounds, with concentrations in sediments ranging from 37 ng Sn g(-1) dry wt in Menton Garavan to over 4000 ng Sn g(-1) dry wt close to the ship chandler within the port of Villefranche-sur-Mer. TBT degradation indexes suggested that fresh inputs are still made. Among the other antifoulants monitored, only Irgarol 1051 exhibited measurable concentrations in almost every port, with concentrations ranging from 40 ng g(-1) dry wt (Cannes) to almost 700 ng g(-1) dry wt (Villefranche-sur-Mer, ship chandler).

  8. Iguanas and Salmonella marina infection in children: a reflection of the increasing incidence of reptile-associated salmonellosis in the United States. (United States)

    Mermin, J; Hoar, B; Angulo, F J


    To investigate clinical aspects and risk factors for Salmonella serotype Marina infection in the United States. We identified all isolates of S Marina reported in 1994 to the National Salmonella Surveillance System. Patients were interviewed about demographic information, clinical course, diet, travel history, and contact with reptiles before illness. Twenty-six (81%) of 32 patients were infants (iguana exposure, only 4 (14%) touched the reptile, and only 12 respondents (43%) realized that it might have been the source of infection. Seven (32%) of 22 families who owned an iguana at the time of illness continued to own an iguana when contacted a median of 28 weeks later. Persons who thought that the iguana was the source of infection were more likely to have given away or sold the pet than those who did not. Four isolates (13%) were from blood. Bacteremia was associated with taking antibiotics during the 30 days before S Marina infection (odds ratio: 24; 95% confidence interval: 1.2-1309). S Marina infection is a potentially serious illness associated with iguana exposure, and it reflects the larger problem of reptile-associated salmonellosis. Many parents do not know that owning an iguana puts their children at risk for Salmonella infection. Pediatricians, veterinarians, and pet store owners should inform their patients and customers of the potential risks of owning reptiles and provide appropriate preventive education.

  9. Marina Caffiero (Hg.: Rubare le anime. Roma: Viella 2008

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    Rita Unfer Lukoschik


    Full Text Available In den Akten des päpstlichen Staatsarchivs und der römischen jüdischen Gemeinde finden sich zeitgenössische Zeugnisse für die im päpstlichen Rom vom 16. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert nicht seltene Zwangskonvertierung jüdischer Mädchen und Frauen zum Katholizismus. Eines der wertvollsten Dokumente dieser Konversionspraxis liegt nunmehr in einer kommentierten Neuedition vor: das Tagebuch der 1749 sich erfolgreich der versuchten Zwangskonvertierung widersetzenden 18-jährigen Anna del Monte. In ihrer Einleitung ordnet die Herausgeberin Marina Caffiero dieses außergewöhliche Einzelschicksal in die zeitgleich und parallel laufenden Assimilations- und Emanzipationsprozesse ein, die sich in der mit aufklärerischem Gedankengut ‚infizierten‘ jüdischen Oberschicht Roms im 18. Jahrhundert abzeichneten.Contemporary reports on the forced conversion of Jewish girls and woman to Catholicism, not a rare occurrence in papal Rome from the 16th to the 19th centuries, can be found in the files of the official papal archive and the Roman Jewish community. One of the most valuable documents of this conversion practice has now been published in a new annotation edition: The diary of 18-year-old Anna del Monte, who was able to successfully resist the attempted forced conversion in 1749. In her introduction the editor Marina Caffiero places this extraordinary individual fate within the concurrent and parallel processes of assimilation and emancipation. These emerge in 18th century Rome’s Jewish upper class, which was “infected” with Enlightenment ideas.

  10. [Vitamin B12-independent strains of Methylophaga marina isolated from Red Sea algae]. (United States)

    Li, Ts D; Doronina, N V; Ivanova, E G; Trotsenko, Iu A


    Two strains (KM3 and KM5) of halophilic methylobacteria isolated from Red Sea algae do not require vitamin B12 for growth and can use methanol, methylamine, dimethylamine, trimethylamine, dimethyl sulfide, and fructose as sources of carbon and energy. The cells of these strains are gram-negative motile monotrichous (strain KM3) or peritrichous (strain KM5) rods. The strains are strictly aerobic and require Na+ ions but not growth factors for growth. They are oxidase- and catalase-positive and reduce nitrates to nitrites. Both strains can grow in a temperature range of 4 to 37 degrees C (with optimal growth at 29-34 degrees C), at pH between 5.5 and 8.5 (with optimal growth at pH 7.5-8.0), and in a range of salt concentrations between 0.5 and 15% NaCl (with optimal growth at 5-9% NaCl). The phospholipids of these strains are dominated by phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol and also include phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine, and cardiolipin. The dominant fatty acids are C(16:1omega7c) and C(16:0). The major ubiquinone is Q8. The cells accumulate ectoin, glutamate, and sucrose as intracellular osmoprotectants. The strains implement the 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate-dependent variant of the ribulose monophosphate pathway. The G+C content of the DNA is 44.4-44.7 mol %. Analysis of the 16S rRNA genes showed that both strains belong to Gammaproteobacteria and have a high degree of homology (99.4%) to Methylophaga marina ATCC 35842T . Based on the data of polyphasic taxonomy, strains KM3 and KM5 are identified as new strains M. marina KM3 (VKM B-2386) and M. marina KM5 (VKM B-2387). The ability of these strains to produce auxins (indole-3-acetic acid) suggests their metabolic association with marine algae.

  11. Phylogeographic differentiation versus transcriptomic adaptation to warm temperatures in Zostera marina, a globally important seagrass

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jueterbock, Alexander; Franssen, S. U.; Bergmann, N.; Gu, J.; Coyer, J. A.; Reusch, T. B. H.; Bornberg-Bauer, E.; Olsen, J. L.


    Populations distributed across a broad thermal cline are instrumental in addressing adaptation to increasing temperatures under global warming. Using a space-for-time substitution design, we tested for parallel adaptation to warm temperatures along two independent thermal clines in Zostera marina,


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    Full Text Available A partir de las esponjas marinas se han obtenido gran cantidad de sustancias con potencial antitumoral. En este estudio se realizó la evaluación de la actividad citotóxica, de cinco  fracciones de la esponja marina del Caribe colombiano Topsentia ophiraphidites en las líneas celulares Jurkat y CHO, mediante las pruebas de MTT y azul de tripano. Sólo la fracción número 4 (T4 presentó actividad citotóxica significativa, obteniendo una concentración inhibitoria media (IC50 de 33 µg/mL para las células Jurkat y 58 µg/mL para las células CHO, sugiriendo la necesidad de realizar posteriores ensayos de genotoxicidad y efectos sobre el ciclo celular.

  13. [Prevalence and characteristics of multiple sclerosis in the health district of the Marina Alta]. (United States)

    García-Gallego, A; Morera-Guitart, J

    To determine the prevalence and characteristics of multiple sclerosis (EM) in the Marina Alta health district. A descriptive, retrospective study localizing cases (crossed register method). Day of prevalence: 1/05/01. Registers of the area analyzed: hospital admission, Neurology Clinic, Emergency Department of the hospital and Health Centres. The criteria of Poser were used for diagnosis. We analyzed the demographic, clinical and paraclinical aspects of the episodes and treatment (interferon-beta). Male/female ratio: 2.4. Average age: 46.6 years. Prevalence of definite EM: 40.3/100,000. Prevalence of autochthonous cases of EM: 28.7/100,000. Average age at onset: 32.6 years. Average duration of illness: 12.5 years. Commonest clinical form: remitting relapsing (48.1%), followed by progressive relapsing (7%), benign (5.5%) and primary progressive (1.8%). 5.5% died, all with the progressive secondary form. EDSS disability: greater in the progressive secondary form. Magnetic resonance (MR) was the commonest investigation used (84% of the results in concordance and 13% normal). Positive BOC in 70% of cases. We studied 202 episodes. The systems most affected were: sensory and pyramidal. Worsening of EDSS after recovery from the episode: 51.7%. 29% received interferon-beta, with five cases (31%) of major side effects (one psychotic outbursts, three with neutropenia and one generalized allergic reaction). In the Marina Alta the prevalence of EM adjusted for the autochthonous population is in the medium risk zone. The clinical features and course of the disease in our patients are similar to those seen in other national and foreign series. The most worthwhile tests were cranial MR and BOC CSF. Treatment with interferon-beta requires strict control in view of the high frequency of serious side effects seen.

  14. Eelgrass (Zostera marina) food web structure in different environmental settings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thormar, Jonas Gjaldbæk; Hasler-Sheetal, Harald; Baden, Susanne


    his study compares the structure of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) meadows and associated food webs in two eelgrass habitats in Denmark, differing in exposure, connection to the open sea, nutrient enrichment and water transparency. Meadow structure strongly reflected the environmental conditions...... composition and food web structure also differed markedly between sites with the eutrophicated, enclosed site having higher biomass of consumers and less complex food web. These relationships resulted in a column shaped biomass distribution of the consumers at the eutrophicated site whereas the less nutrient...

  15. [Growth adaptability of Zostera marina at different habitats of the Swan Lake in Rongcheng, China]. (United States)

    Guo, Mei Yu; Li, Wen Tao; Yang, Xiao Long; Zhang, Xiu Mei; Liu, Jian Ying; Li, Chang Jun


    Eelgrass (Zostera marina), a seagrass species widely distributed in the coastal regions of northern hemisphere, has suffered with a great decline due to a variety of anthropogenic and environmental stresses. In order to examine the adaptability of eelgrass to different environmental stresses, studies on the morphology and reproductive capacity of eelgrass had been carried out monthly from November 2014 to October 2015 at four different habitats of the Swan Lake, including patch area inintertidal area and subtidal area, eelgrass meadow edge, and eelgrass meadow area. The results showed significant spatio-temporal variations in the morphological parameters and branch frequency of eelgrass shoots at different habitats of the Swan Lake. The highest values of leaf length, leaf width, aboveground/belowground biomass, and internode length/diameter were observed in the meadow area, i.e., 78.54 cm, 7.93 mm, 7.03 and 3.88, respectively, while the highest branch frequency was observed in the meadow edge (88.4%). The plasticity index for aboveground/belowground biomass was higher (ranging from 0.77 to 0.92) at the four habitats, but those for the leaf width was slightly lower (ranging from 0.41 to 0.64). The number of spathes in each shoot showed no significant difference at different habitats, whereas the number of spathes per unit area was significantly different. Clonal reproduction was more dominant in meadow area than in the patch area where human disturbance was high.

  16. Evaluación de un cluster bajo agricultura protegida en México

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    Luz Evelia Padilla-Bernal


    Full Text Available El naciente cluster de tomate bajo agricultura protegida en Zacatecas enfrenta el reto de participar en los mercados globales de una manera sostenible; una respuesta viable para ello es elevar su capacidad de upgrading. En este trabajo se determina la relación entre la eficiencia colectiva en el upgrading del cluster. La información se obtuvo a través de un cuestionario aplicado a técnicos de las unidades de producción (UP, el cual se complementó con entrevistas a propietarios o gerentes, investigadores y funcionarios gubernamentales; posteriormente, se hizo una clasificación de las UP por nivel tecnológico aplicando la técnica de análisis de conglomerado con lo que se obtuvo el índice de eficiencia colectiva, el tipo de gobernanza de las cadenas de valor con las que se relacionan las agroempresas y los tipos de upgrading logrados. Se encontró que las economías externas fueron más dominantes que las acciones conjuntas; la eficiencia colectiva y el upgrading se encuentran positivamente relacionados; asimismo, se observó que el alto nivel tecnológico es condición necesaria, más no suficiente, para que las agroempresas permanezcan competitivas en el mercado global, por lo que se requiere elevar su capacidad de upgrading.

  17. Atlas de Riesgo Ambiental Aplicado en Marinas del Espacio SUDOE


    Avendaño Castro, Pablo A.


    RESUMEN: Se analizan 418 marinas del sudoeste europeo utilizando una metodología de evaluación de riesgo ambiental diseñada en el IH Cantabria por Gómez et al. (2016). La zona de estudio es la zona costera del área elegible SUDOE y la región de la Macaronesia, comprendiendo las naciones de Francia (sudoeste), España, Portugal y Reino Unido (Gibraltar). Se obtiene el valor del riesgo ambiental a partir de la estimación de las consecuencias (factores de navegación, dragado y entorno), vulnerabi...

  18. Mechanisms of seed dormancy in an annual population of Zostera marina (eelgrass) from the Netherlands)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Harrison, P.G.


    Mechanisms of dormancy of seeds from an annual population of the seagrass Zostera marina L. (eelgrass) in the SW Netherlands were investigated in the laboratory. Both physiological dormancy (a requirement for reduced salinity for germination) and physical dormancy (imposed by the seed coat) existed

  19. Vegetación marina en la elaboración de bloques multinutritivos para la alimentación de rumiantes

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    Arturo F. Castellanos Ruelas


    así como sus interacciones. Los resultados indicaron que la vegetación marina tuvo un elevado contenido en proteína y en materia mineral. Al incrementar la melaza en la formulación arriba del 35 % ó el CaOH más allá del 5 %, se redujo la carga máxima de los BM (P<0.01. Lo mismo sucedió al incrementar la urea arriba del 6 % (P<0.05. Se concluye que es factible el empleo de vegetación marina como fuente de proteína y minerales en la elaboración de BM, logrando materiales con buena dureza.

  20. Sensitivity of Coastal Environments and Wildlife to Spilled Oil: Central California: MGT (Management Area Polygons) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set contains boundaries of Coast Guard facilities; management areas; marinas; marine sanctuaries; national forests; national, regional, and state parks;...

  1. Distribution, structure and function of Nordic eelgrass (Zostera marina) ecosystems: implications for coastal management and conservation. (United States)

    Boström, Christoffer; Baden, Susanne; Bockelmann, Anna-Christina; Dromph, Karsten; Fredriksen, Stein; Gustafsson, Camilla; Krause-Jensen, Dorte; Möller, Tiia; Nielsen, Søren Laurentius; Olesen, Birgit; Olsen, Jeanine; Pihl, Leif; Rinde, Eli


    This paper focuses on the marine foundation eelgrass species, Zostera marina , along a gradient from the northern Baltic Sea to the north-east Atlantic. This vast region supports a minimum of 1480 km 2 eelgrass (maximum >2100 km 2 ), which corresponds to more than four times the previously quantified area of eelgrass in Western Europe.Eelgrass meadows in the low salinity Baltic Sea support the highest diversity (4-6 spp.) of angiosperms overall, but eelgrass productivity is low (borders. Nevertheless, ensuring awareness of their vulnerability remains challenging. Given the areal extent of Nordic eelgrass systems and the ecosystem services they provide, it is crucial to further develop incentives for protecting them. © 2014 The Authors. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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    Jérôme FOURNIER


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os diferentes aspectos da proteção do ambiente litorâneo abordando três pontos essenciais. O primeiro evoca a instalação de áreas marinhas protegidas (AMP em um contexto socioeconômico e político, destacando seu funcionamento e a noção de “ efeito reserva”. O segundo mostra a importância das AMP na proteção da biodiversidade marinha. Finalmente, o terceiro ponto exemplifica a avaliação do meio natural e aborda, de maneira geral, o valor econômico das espécies e da “Natureza” na ocorrência de degradação. Contributions of the marine protected areas for the conservation and management of the marine environment Abstract This article presents the various aspects of the littoral environmental protection by approaching three important points. The first evokes the installation of the marine surfaces protected in a socio-economic and political context. The operation of the reserves and the concept of “ reserve effect “ are explained. The second explains the interest of MPA to protect the marine biodiversity. Lastly, the third point shows the evaluation of the natural environment and more generally of the economic value of the species and “Nature” in the event of degradation.

  3. Incidencias del fortalecimiento de la Marina Mercante Colombiana en la competitividad logística nacional

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    Diego Edison Cabuya Padilla


    Full Text Available La presente investigación se enmarca en la línea de investigación “Gestión Marítima, Fluvial y Portua-ria” específicamente en el tema de “Desarrollo de la Marina Mercante”, del grupo de investigación de la Facultad de Administración de la Escuela Naval de Cadetes “Almirante Padilla”. El propósito de la investigación fue determinar de qué manera afecta el fortalecimiento de la marina mercante a la com-petitividad logística de Colombia; estudiando los índices de competitividad mediante una revisión y análisis de la bibliografía, teoría, encuestas y datos especializados de los temas en cuestión, y un análisis estadístico de los datos de los índices de desempeño logístico a nivel internacional

  4. Adenosine deaminase production by an endophytic bacterium (Lysinibacillus sp.) from Avicennia marina. (United States)

    Kathiresan, Kandasamy; Saravanakumar, Kandasamy; Sahu, Sunil Kumar; Sivasankaran, Muthu


    The present study was carried out with the following objectives: (1) to isolate the endophytic bacilli strains from the leaves of mangrove plant Avicennia marina, (2) to screen the potential strains for the production of adenosine deaminase, (3) to statistically optimize the factors that influence the enzyme activity in the potent strain, and (4) to identify the potent strain using 16S rRNA sequence and construct its phylogenetic tree. The bacterial strains isolated from the fresh leaves of a mangrove A. marina were assessed for adenosine deaminase activity by plating method. Optimization of reaction process was carried out using response surface methodology of central composite design. The potent strain was identified based on 16S rRNA sequencing and phylogeny. Of five endophytic strains, EMLK1 showed a significant deaminase activity over other four strains. The conditions for maximum activity of the isolated adenosine deaminase are described. The potent strain EMLK1 was identified as Lysinibacillus sp. (JQ710723) being the first report as a mangrove endophyte. Mangrove-derived endophytic bacillus strain Lysinibacillus sp. EMLK1 is proved to be a promising source for the production of adenosine deaminase and this enzyme deserves further studies for purification and its application in disease diagnosis.

  5. Effects of Bioadvection by Arenicola marina on Microphytobenthos in Permeable Sediments.

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    Arjun Chennu

    Full Text Available We used hyperspectral imaging to study short-term effects of bioturbation by lugworms (Arenicola marina on the surficial biomass of microphytobenthos (MPB in permeable marine sediments. Within days to weeks after the addition of a lugworm to a homogenized and recomposed sediment, the average surficial MPB biomass and its spatial heterogeneity were, respectively, 150-250% and 280% higher than in sediments without lugworms. The surficial sediment area impacted by a single medium-sized lugworm (~4 g wet weight over this time-scale was at least 340 cm2. While sediment reworking was the primary cause of the increased spatial heterogeneity, experiments with lugworm-mimics together with modeling showed that bioadvective porewater transport from depth to the sediment surface, as induced by the lugworm ventilating its burrow, was the main cause of the increased surficial MPB biomass. Although direct measurements of nutrient fluxes are lacking, our present data show that enhanced advective supply of nutrients from deeper sediment layers induced by faunal ventilation is an important mechanism that fuels high primary productivity at the surface of permeable sediments even though these systems are generally characterized by low standing stocks of nutrients and organic material.

  6. Effects of Bioadvection by Arenicola marina on Microphytobenthos in Permeable Sediments. (United States)

    Chennu, Arjun; Volkenborn, Nils; de Beer, Dirk; Wethey, David S; Woodin, Sarah A; Polerecky, Lubos


    We used hyperspectral imaging to study short-term effects of bioturbation by lugworms (Arenicola marina) on the surficial biomass of microphytobenthos (MPB) in permeable marine sediments. Within days to weeks after the addition of a lugworm to a homogenized and recomposed sediment, the average surficial MPB biomass and its spatial heterogeneity were, respectively, 150-250% and 280% higher than in sediments without lugworms. The surficial sediment area impacted by a single medium-sized lugworm (~4 g wet weight) over this time-scale was at least 340 cm2. While sediment reworking was the primary cause of the increased spatial heterogeneity, experiments with lugworm-mimics together with modeling showed that bioadvective porewater transport from depth to the sediment surface, as induced by the lugworm ventilating its burrow, was the main cause of the increased surficial MPB biomass. Although direct measurements of nutrient fluxes are lacking, our present data show that enhanced advective supply of nutrients from deeper sediment layers induced by faunal ventilation is an important mechanism that fuels high primary productivity at the surface of permeable sediments even though these systems are generally characterized by low standing stocks of nutrients and organic material.

  7. Protected areas in mountains

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    Hamilton, L. S.


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    The importance of a global Protected Areas Network in sustaining appropriate mountain development is presented in this paper. Present status of the world’s “official” Protected Areas in the UN List, and the proportion that are in mountain areas, and including international designations (World Heritage and Biosphere Reserves. Current and future challenges in the management of these special areas are also commented.

    El autor destaca la importancia de una Red Mundial de Espacios Protegidos para el desarrollo sostenible de las montañas. Comenta luego el estatus actual de las Áreas Protegidas “oficiales” del Mundo en la Lista de las Naciones Unidas y qué proporción de ellas forma parte de las montañas, sin olvidar las figuras internacionales de protección como Patrimonio de la Humanidad y Reservas de Biosfera. Para terminar, se discuten los problemas de gestión actuales y futuros de estas áreas tan especiales

  8. Moderate Increase in TCO2 Enhances Photosynthesis of Seagrass Zostera japonica, but Not Zostera marina: Implications for Acidification Mitigation

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    Cale A. Miller


    Full Text Available Photosynthesis and respiration are vital biological processes that shape the diurnal variability of carbonate chemistry in nearshore waters, presumably ameliorating (daytime or exacerbating (nighttime short-term acidification events, which are expected to increase in severity with ocean acidification (OA. Biogenic habitats such as seagrass beds have the capacity to reduce CO2 concentration and potentially provide refugia from OA. Further, some seagrasses have been shown to increase their photosynthetic rate in response to enriched total CO2 (TCO2. Therefore, the ability of seagrass to mitigate OA may increase as concentrations of TCO2 increase. In this study, we exposed native Zostera marina and non-native Zostera japonica seagrasses from Padilla Bay, WA (USA to various levels of irradiance and TCO2. Our results indicate that the average maximum net photosynthetic rate (Pmax for Z. japonica as a function of irradiance and TCO2 was 3x greater than Z. marina when standardized to chlorophyll (360 ± 33 μmol TCO2 mg chl−1 h−1 and 113 ± 10 μmol TCO2 mg chl−1 h−1, respectively. Additionally, Z. japonica increased its Pmax ~50% when TCO2 increased from ~1,770 to 2,051 μmol TCO2 kg−1. In contrast, Z. marina did not display an increase in Pmax with higher TCO2, possibly due to the variance of photosynthetic rates at saturating irradiance within TCO2 treatments (coefficient of variation: 30–60% relative to the range of TCO2 tested. Our results suggest that Z. japonica can affect the OA mitigation potential of seagrass beds, and its contribution may increase relative to Z. marina as oceanic TCO2 rises. Further, we extended our empirical results to incorporate various biomass to water volume ratios in order to conceptualize how these additional attributes affect changes in carbonate chemistry. Estimates show that the change in TCO2 via photosynthetic carbon uptake as modeled in this study can produce positive diurnal changes in pH and

  9. [Marina de Vasconcellos and the social sciences in Rio de Janeiro: a study of the social circles]. (United States)

    Ribeiro, Adelia Maria Miglievich


    An investigation of the career of one of the "founding mothers" of the social sciences in Rio de Janeiro, Marina de Vasconcellos, successor of Arthur Ramos, is one way of understanding how anthropology was established in Rio de Janeiro. Conflicts and alliances, continuities and discontinuities, lie behind the pioneering Brazilian Society of Anthropology and Ethnology and the Institute of Social Sciences, both at Faculdade Nacional de Filosofia. Marina de Vasconcellos' professional life bore the marks of the clash between different schools of thought regarding anthropology at a time when university courses were being introduced. As a professor, she was committed to educating new professionals, and in 1968, she was steadfast in the struggle for university autonomy. The study leads to a reflection upon the criteria for success in academia, countering the view that this depends entirely on the publication of books and articles.

  10. Parámetros reproductivos y poblacionales de Thais chocolata (Duelos, 1832 (Gastropoda, Thaididae, en la reserva marina La Rinconada, Antofagasta, Chile Reproductive and population parameters of Thais chocolata (Duclos, 1832 (Gastropoda, Thaididae in La Rinconada marine reserve, Antofagasta, Chile

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    Marcela Cantillánez


    Full Text Available Para obtener antecedentes reproductivos y poblacionales de Thais chocolata que contribuyan a validar su actual normativa pesquera, se realizó un estudio en el área protegida de la reserva marina La Rinconada, Antofagasta, Chile, entre diciembre 2008 y enero 2010. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron a nivel reproductivo, que el desarrollo gonadal de la población es asincrónico, encontrándose ejemplares en diferentes etapas de maduración durante el año. Los individuos maduros se estratificaron entre 5 y 13 m de profundidad, y gran parte del año formaron agregaciones a 5 m de profundidad. Se determinaron períodos de mayor madurez en julio-agosto, y en noviembre-enero, manifestándose las agregaciones más importantes al final de ellos. Una relación se observó entre meses de mayor madurez y registro de agregaciones, con aquellos de mayor variación intradiaria de temperatura. A nivel poblacional los resultados permitieron estimar una población de 2,3*10(6 ejemplares, donde el 39% se encontró sobre la talla mínima legal (TML = 55 mm. Los parámetros de crecimiento mostraron crecimiento relativamente lento, que podría estar influenciado por la alta variabilidad que presenta la temperatura de fondo en este sector. Mientras que su talla crítica, y la talla de primera madurez sexual poblacional, resultaron ser mayores a la TML. Se determinó la necesidad de revisar la normativa pesquera actual de esta especie, y se demostró la efectividad de las reservas marinas propiciadas por el Estado en la conservación de los recursos marinos.Reproductive and population parameters of Thais chocolata that would contribute to the validation of the current extraction standards were obtained by performing a study in the protected area of La Rinconada Marine Reserve, Antofagasta, Chile, from December 2008 to January 2010. In terms of reproduction, the results revealed asynchronic gonad development in the population, with specimens in different stages of

  11. The effects of coal dust on photosynthetic performance of the mangrove, Avicennia marina in Richards Bay, South Africa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naidoo, G.; Chirkoot, D.


    Richards Bay, on the northern KwaZulu-Natal coast, is the largest coal exporting port in South Africa. The coal is stored at the Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT) prior to export. Dust from coal operations is a major problem in the Richards Bay area. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that coal dust adversely affects photosynthetic performance of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh., the dominant mangrove species in the harbour. Photosynthetic performance was determined on 10 trees by measuring carbon dioxide uptake and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters at two elevation sites and on upper and lower leaf surfaces that were covered or uncovered with coal dust. Measurements were made on five clear, sunny days at saturating light (>1000 μmol m -2 s -1 ) and high temperature (28-30 deg. C). Coal dust significantly reduced carbon dioxide exchange of upper and lower leaf surfaces by 17-39%, the reduction being generally greater on the lower leaf surface that is covered by a dense mat of trichomes and salt glands. The reduction in carbon dioxide exchange by coal dust was higher at the high elevation site that supported isolated dwarfed trees. The chlorophyll fluorescence data indicated that leaves coated with dust exhibited significantly lower photosystem II (PS II) quantum yield, lower electron transport rate (ETR) through PSII and reduced quantum efficiency of PSII (F v F m ). The chlorophyll fluorescence data supported the gas exchange measurements and are consistent with reduced photosynthetic performance of leaves coated with coal dust. - Coal dust reduced photosynthetic performance of the mangrove, Avicennia marina

  12. Contenido de metales pesados en hígado y plumas de aves marinas afectadas por el accidente del "Prestige" en la costa de Galicia


    M Pérez López; F Cid Galán; D Hernández Moreno; AL Oropesa Jiménez; AM López Beceiro; LE Fidalgo Álvarez; F Soler Rodríguez


    Las aves marinas son organismos situados en la cumbre de las cadenas alimentarias oceánicas, lo que permite su empleo en programas de biomonitorización para evaluar el efecto de los más diversos contaminantes sobre estos sensibles ecosistemas. En el presente trabajo se han analizado las concentraciones de distintos metales pesados (Pb, Zn, Cd y Cu) en hígado y plumas de tres especies de aves marinas (arao, frailecillo y alca) directamente afectadas por el vertido de crudo...

  13. New Insights into Different Reproductive Effort and Sexual Recruitment Contribution between Two Geographic Zostera marina L. Populations in Temperate China

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    Shaochun Xu


    Full Text Available Seagrasses are important components of global coastal ecosystems, and the eelgrass Zostera marina L. is widely distributed along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts in the temperate northern hemisphere, but limited datum related to the contribution of sexual reproduction to population recruitment have been reported. This study aimed to understand eelgrass sexual reproduction and population recruitment in Swan Lake (SLL, and Huiquan Bay (HQB was included for comparison. Random sampling, permanent quadrats or cores and laboratory seed germination-based experimental methods were employed. The flowering, seed production, seed banks, seed germination, seedling survival, and seedling growth of eelgrass were investigated from July 2014 to December 2015 to evaluate the contribution of sexual reproduction to population recruitment. Results indicated a dominant role of asexual reproduction in HQB, while sexual reproduction played a relatively important role in SLL. The highest flowering shoot density in SLL was 517.27 ± 504.29 shoots m−2 (June and represented 53.34% of the total shoots at the center site. The potential seed output per reproductive shoot and per unit area in SLL were 103.67 ± 37.95 seeds shoot−1 and 53,623.66 ± 19,628.11 seeds m−2, respectively. The maximum seed bank density in SLL was 552.21 ± 204.94 seeds m−2 (October. Seed germination mainly occurred from the middle of March to the end of May, and the highest seedling density was 296.88 ± 274.27 seedlings m−2 in April. The recruitment from seedlings accounted for 41.36% of the Z. marina population recruitment at the center site, while the sexual recruitment contribution at the patch site (50.52% was greater than that at the center site. Seeds in SLL were acclimated to spring germination, while in HQB, they were acclimated to autumn germination (early October–late November. Seed bank density in HQB was very low, with a value of 254.35 ± 613.34 seeds m−2 (early October

  14. Effects of filamentous macroalgae mats on growth and survival of eelgrass, Zostera marina, seedlings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Jonas; Olesen, Birgit; Krause-Jensen, Dorte


    A laboratory experiment was conducted to assess the effect of filamentous algae mats on the performance of seedlings of the eelgrass, Zostera marina. The seedlings were covered by three levels (3, 6 and 9 cm) of natural (Chaetomorpha linum) and imitation algae mats and it was hypothesized that th...

  15. Pembuatan Alur Pelayaran dalam Rencana Pelabuhan Marina Pantai Boom, Banyuwangi

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    Muhammad Didi Darmawan


    Full Text Available Pantai Boom merupakan pantai yang ada di Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Pantai ini terletak di Kelurahan Kampung Mandar, Kecamatan Banyuwangi, Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur. Pantai tersebut rencananya akan dibangun pelabuhan marina. Pelabuhan harus dilengkapi dengan beberapa fasilitas untuk mendukung rencana tersebut seperti salah satunya adalah alur pelayaran. Untuk membuat alur pelayaran diperlukan penelitian mengenai pasang surut, topografi dasar laut, serta jenis kapal yang melintas untuk memastikan kapal yang berlayar aman dari kemungkinan kecelakaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan data hasil pemeruman, data pasang surut yang diperoleh dari pengamatan langsung, serta berbagai jenis kapal yacht. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa rencana dermaga sebaiknya dibangun 60 meter menjorok ke arah laut dengan panjang dermaga 25 meter. Dalam keadaan air rendah terendah (LLWL, ketiga jenis kapal yang ditentukan dapat merapat ke rencana Dermaga Pelabuhan Marina Pantai Boom, Banyuwangi. Daerah yang tidak bisa dilewati pada saat LLWL, pada saat MSL daerah tersebut sudah dapat dilewati oleh ketiga jenis kapal tersebut. Pada keadaan muka air tinggi tertinggi (HHWL, Kapal Yacht Class 8 dan 6 dapat melewati sebagian perairan sungai Pantai Boom.         Waktu yang tidak tepat untuk melakukan pelayaran pada saat LLWL dari alur pelayaran yang telah dibuat yaitu antara pukul 04:00 – 06:00 WIB pada saat bulan November 2015-Februari 2016 dan pukul 16:00-18:00 pada saat bulan Juni-Agustus 2016. Sedangkan Waktu yang tepat untuk melakukan pelayaran pada saat HHWL yaitu antara pukul 20:00–23:00 WIB pada saat bulan Desember 2015- Maret 2016 dan pukul 8:00-11:00 pada saat bulan Juni-September 2016.


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    M Malaver


    Full Text Available en el refugio nacional de vida silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo, Costa rica, se creó en 1986 un programa para la protección y conservación de la población anidadora de tortugas marinas. Esta evaluación buscaba identificar los aspectos que predisponen a la población a actuar de una forma determinada utilizando el modelo metodológico denominado teoría de facetas; este modelo parte de una frase mapa que enmarca la hipótesis, y con la cual se elaboró el cuestionario de evaluación que se aplicó a 106 habitantes de la comunidad de Gandoca, lo que corresponde al 40% del total de pobladores según el instituto nacional de estadística y Censos (2000. en general, los resultados mostraron que la actitud de la población de Gandoca hacia el uso que se le debe dar a las tortugas marinas se basa en el elemento emocional, donde el turismo tiene gran aceptación, y donde existe en limitada medida la responsabilidad de las acciones hacia el objeto de la actitud.

  17. Effects of conventional and biodegradable microplastics on a marine ecosystem engineer (Arenicola marina) and sediment nutrient cycling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, Dannielle Senga; Boots, Bas; Sigwart, Julia; Jiang, Shan; Rocha, Carlos


    Effects of microplastic pollution on benthic organisms and ecosystem services provided by sedimentary habitats are largely unknown. An outdoor mesocosm experiment was done to realistically assess the effects of three different types of microplastic pollution (one biodegradable type; polylactic acid and two conventional types; polyethylene and polyvinylchloride) at increasing concentrations (0.02, 0.2 and 2% of wet sediment weight) on the health and biological activity of lugworms, Arenicola marina (Linnaeus, 1758), and on nitrogen cycling and primary productivity of the sediment they inhabit. After 31 days, A. marina produced less casts in sediments containing microplastics. Metabolic rates of A. marina increased, while microalgal biomass decreased at high concentrations, compared to sediments with low concentrations or without microplastics. Responses were strongest to polyvinylchloride, emphasising that different materials may have differential effects. Each material needs to be carefully evaluated in order to assess their risks as microplastic pollution. Overall, both conventional and biodegradable microplastics in sandy sediments can affect the health and behaviour of lugworms and directly or indirectly reduce primary productivity of these habitats. - Highlights: • Effects of conventional and biodegradable microplastics on lugworm habitats. • 0.2–2% microplastics (by weight) reduced microalgal biomass of sediment. • Biodegradable (PLA) and conventional (HDPE, PVC) microplastics had similar effects. • High doses (2% by sediment weight) of PVC altered metabolism of lugworms. • Microplastics altered burrowing activity of lugworms measured as casts. - Biodegradable and conventional microplastics altered activities of a key marine ecosystem engineer and reduced primary productivity of sandy sediments.

  18. Distribution, structure and function of Nordic eelgrass (Zostera marina) ecosystems : Implications for coastal management and conservation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bostrom, C; Baden, Susanne; Bockelmann, Anna-Christina; Dromph, Karsten; Fredrikssen, Stein; Gustafsson, Camilla; Krause-Jensen, Dorte; Moller, Tiia; Nielsen, Soren Laurentius; Olesen, Birgit; Olsen, Jeanine; Pihl, Leif; Rinde, Eli


    This paper focuses on the marine foundation eelgrass species, Zostera marina, along a gradient from the northern Baltic Sea to the north-east Atlantic. This vast region supports a minimum of 1480 km2 eelgrass (maximum >2100 km2), which corresponds to more than four times the previously quantified

  19. Photoacclimatory Responses of Zostera marina in the Intertidal and Subtidal Zones. (United States)

    Park, Sang Rul; Kim, Sangil; Kim, Young Kyun; Kang, Chang-Keun; Lee, Kun-Seop


    Photoacclimatory responses of the seagrass Zostera marina in the intertidal and subtidal zones were investigated by measuring chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters, photosynthetic pigments, leaf δ13C values, and shoot morphology in two bay systems. Intertidal plants had higher carotenoid concentrations than subtidal plants to avoid photodamage under excess light conditions during the day. The maximum relative electron transport rate (rETRmax) and minimum saturation irradiance (Ek) of the intertidal plants were higher than those of the subtidal plants, whereas photosynthetic efficiency (α) and maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) were higher in subtidal plants. The intertidal plants also had significantly greater Stern-Volmer non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) than that of the subtidal plants. These results suggest that the subtidal plants photoacclimated to use limited light more efficiently, and the intertidal plants exhibited photosynthetic responses to minimize photodamage at excess irradiance. The δ13C values of leaf tissues were more negative in the intertidal plants than those in the subtidal plants, suggesting that the intertidal plants used atmospheric or dissolved CO2 for photosynthesis during emersion. Effective quantum yield (ΔF/Fm´) in the intertidal plants decreased more slowly after emersion than that in the subtidal plants, indicating higher desiccation tolerance of the intertidal plants. The intertidal plants also recovered more rapidly from desiccation damage than the subtidal plants, suggesting photosynthetic adaptation to desiccation stress. The photosynthetic plasticity of Z. marina in response to variable environmental conditions most likely allows this species to occur in the intertidal and subtidal zones.

  20. Photoacclimatory Responses of Zostera marina in the Intertidal and Subtidal Zones.

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    Sang Rul Park

    Full Text Available Photoacclimatory responses of the seagrass Zostera marina in the intertidal and subtidal zones were investigated by measuring chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters, photosynthetic pigments, leaf δ13C values, and shoot morphology in two bay systems. Intertidal plants had higher carotenoid concentrations than subtidal plants to avoid photodamage under excess light conditions during the day. The maximum relative electron transport rate (rETRmax and minimum saturation irradiance (Ek of the intertidal plants were higher than those of the subtidal plants, whereas photosynthetic efficiency (α and maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm were higher in subtidal plants. The intertidal plants also had significantly greater Stern-Volmer non-photochemical quenching (NPQ than that of the subtidal plants. These results suggest that the subtidal plants photoacclimated to use limited light more efficiently, and the intertidal plants exhibited photosynthetic responses to minimize photodamage at excess irradiance. The δ13C values of leaf tissues were more negative in the intertidal plants than those in the subtidal plants, suggesting that the intertidal plants used atmospheric or dissolved CO2 for photosynthesis during emersion. Effective quantum yield (ΔF/Fm´ in the intertidal plants decreased more slowly after emersion than that in the subtidal plants, indicating higher desiccation tolerance of the intertidal plants. The intertidal plants also recovered more rapidly from desiccation damage than the subtidal plants, suggesting photosynthetic adaptation to desiccation stress. The photosynthetic plasticity of Z. marina in response to variable environmental conditions most likely allows this species to occur in the intertidal and subtidal zones.

  1. Understanding the Ecoydrology of Mangroves: A Simple SPAC Model for Avicennia Marina (United States)

    Perri, Saverio; Viola, Francesco; Valerio Noto, Leonardo; Molini, Annalisa


    Mangroves represent one of the most carbon-rich ecosystems in the Tropics, noticeably impacting ecosystem services and the economy of these regions. Whether the ability of mangroves to exclude and tolerate salt has been extensively investigated in the literature - both from the structural and functional point of view - their eco-hydrological characteristics remains largely understudied, despite the crucial link with productivity, efficient carbon storage and fluxes. In this contribution we develop a "first-order" Soil Plant Atmosphere Continuum model for Avicennia Marina, a mangrove able to adapt to hyper-arid intertidal zones and characterized by complex morphological and eco-physiological traits. Among mangroves, Avicennia marina is one of the most tolerant to salinity and arid climatic conditions. Our model, based on a simple macroscopic approach, takes into account the specific characteristics of the mangrove ecosystem and in particular, the salinity of the water in the soil and the levels of salt stress to which the plant may be subjected. Mangrove transpiration is hence obtained by solving the plant and leaf water balance and the leaf energy balance, taking explicitly into account the role of osmotic water potential and salinity in governing plant resistance to water fluxes. The SPAC model of Avicennia is hence tested against experimental data obtained from the literature, showing the reliability and effectiveness of this minimalist model in reproducing observed transpiration fluxes. Finally, sensitivity analysis is used to assess whether uncertainty on the adopted parameters could lead to significant errors in the transpiration assessment.

  2. Free and Bound Fatty-Acids and Hydroxy Fatty-Acids in the Living and Decomposing Eelgrass Zostera-Marina L

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    De Leeuw, J.; Rijpstra, W.I.C.; Nienhuis, P.H.


    Very early diagenetic processes of free, esterified and amide or glycosidically bound fatty acids and hydroxy fatty acids present in well documented samples of living and decomposing eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) were investigated. Free and esterified fatty acids decreased significantly over a period

  3. Aves marinas de las costas e islas colombianas

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    Dugand Armando


    Full Text Available La lista de aves marinas que presento en este artículo se refiere en su mayor parte a especies que varios autores (véase Obras citadas han señalado en las costas e islas marítimas de Colombia o en las aguas extraterritoriales del Mar Caribe y del Océano Pacífico inmediatamente próximas a este país. Los ejemplares examinados que menciono fuera de tales referencias pertenecen casi todos a la colección ornitológica del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales y se señalan con las siglas ICN. Unos pocos son del museo de historia natural del Colegio Biffi, en Barranquilla, a cuyo custodio, el Hermano Hildeberto María, doy las gracias por haberme permitido examinarlos. Los que señalo con las palabras Exped. Askoy, seguidas de un numero (de la serie del American Museum of Natural History, forman parte de una interesante colección que nos envió en 1942 el doctor Robert Cushman Murphy, actual Director del Departamento de Aves del American Museum of Natural History, Nueva York. Estos fueron obtenidos por la expedición oceanográfica que, bajo la dirección del doctor Murphy, realizaron en la goleta "Askoy" varios miembros de aquel museo, acompañados por el Comandante Eduardo Fallon, de la Marina Colombiana, en aguas del Pacifico desde Panamá hasta el Ecuador. La Expedición de la "Askoy", que duró de febrero a mayo de 1941, exploró varias bahías y ensenadas en el litoral del Chocó y del Departamento del Valle, así como las islas de Gorgona y Gorgonilla al norte de la costa de Nariño, y el peñón inhabitado de Malpelo, posesión oceánica colombiana situada a unos 500 kilómetros al occidente de Buenaventura, en la latitud de 3° 59' 07" N. y la longitud de 81° 34' 27" W. de Greenwich, según posición determinada por Murphy (1936, I, p. 319, fig. 49 .

  4. Expression and characterization analysis of type 2 metallothionein from grey mangrove species (Avicennia marina) in response to metal stress

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huang Guoyong, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Tropical Marine Environmental Dynamics, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510301 (China); State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640 (China); Wang Youshao [Key Laboratory of Tropical Marine Environmental Dynamics, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510301 (China)


    Metallothioneins (MTs) are a family of low-molecular-weight cysteine-rich proteins and are thought to play possible roles in metal metabolism or detoxification. To evaluate the roles of metallothioneins in metal homeostasis or tolerance in Avicennia marina, a real-time quantitative PCR protocol was developed to directly evaluate the expression of AmMT2 mRNA, when A. marina seedlings were exposed to different concentrations of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) or lead (Pb) for 3 and 7 d. Real-time quantitative PCR results indicated that the regulation of AmMT2 mRNA expression by Zn, Cu and Pb was strongly dependent on concentration and time of exposure. A significant increase in the transcripts of AmMT2 gene was also found in response to Zn, Cu and Pb, at least under some experimental conditions. When AmMT2 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21 as a carboxy-terminal extension of glutathione-S-transferase (GST), the transgenic bacteria showed an increased tolerance to Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd exposure as compared to control strains. Moreover, GST-AmMT2 was purified from E. coli cells grown in the presence of 400 {mu}M Zn, Cu, Pb or Cd. The purified GST-AmMT2 fusion protein could bind higher levels of all four metals than GST alone. Taken together, these data support the hypothesis that AmMT2 may be involved in processes of metal homeostasis or tolerance in A. marina.

  5. Endotoxin Structures in the Psychrophiles Psychromonas marina and Psychrobacter cryohalolentis Contain Distinctive Acyl Features

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    Charles R. Sweet


    Full Text Available Lipid A is the essential component of endotoxin (Gram-negative lipopolysaccharide, a potent immunostimulatory compound. As the outer surface of the outer membrane, the details of lipid A structure are crucial not only to bacterial pathogenesis but also to membrane integrity. This work characterizes the structure of lipid A in two psychrophiles, Psychromonas marina and Psychrobacter cryohalolentis, and also two mesophiles to which they are related using MALDI-TOF MS and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME GC-MS. P. marina lipid A is strikingly similar to that of Escherichia coli in organization and total acyl size, but incorporates an unusual doubly unsaturated tetradecadienoyl acyl residue. P. cryohalolentis also shows structural organization similar to a closely related mesophile, Acinetobacter baumannii, however it has generally shorter acyl constituents and shows many acyl variants differing by single methylene (-CH2- units, a characteristic it shares with the one previously reported psychrotolerant lipid A structure. This work is the first detailed structural characterization of lipid A from an obligate psychrophile and the second from a psychrotolerant species. It reveals distinctive structural features of psychrophilic lipid A in comparison to that of related mesophiles which suggest constitutive adaptations to maintain outer membrane fluidity in cold environments.

  6. Genome-wide transcriptomic responses of the seagrasses Zostera marina and Nanozostera noltii under a simulated heatwave confirm functional types

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Franssen, Susanne U.; Gu, Jenny; Winters, Gidon; Huylmans, Ann-Kathrin; Wienpahl, Isabell; Sparwel, Maximiliane; Coyer, James; Olsen, Jeanine; Reusch, Thorsten; Bornberg-Bauer, Erich

    Genome-wide transcription analysis between related species occurring in overlapping ranges can provide insights into the molecular basis underlying different ecological niches. The co-occurring seagrass species, Zostera marina and Nanozostera noltii, are found in marine coastal environments

  7. Turismo versus pesca artesanal. A propósito de la reserva marina de la isla de La Graciosa y los islotes del norte de Lanzarote

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    Gloria Cabrera Socorro


    Full Text Available La Reserva Marina de La Graciosa y los Islotes del Norte de Lanzarote (RMLGINL se creó en 1995 y, desde entonces, las actividades pesqueras de la población local y su cultura del mar han ido decreciendo progresivamente mientras que las actividades turísticas siguen emergiendo como la panacea en una pequeña isla, como La Graciosa, con no más de 600 habitantes. En este artículo tratamos de analizar cómo estos dos procesos están relacionados y qué papel está jugando la reserva marina en este caso. Usamos no sólo información cualitativa de los pescadores locales y de sus grupos domésticos, sino también cuantitativa contrastando algunos parámetros concretos como el número de pescadores y los barcos de pesca activos, los negocios relacionados con el sector servicios (restaurantes, apartamentos, etc., antes y después de implementación de la reserva marina. En este sentido, un importante elemento es la percepción de esta institución desde la población local, y la evolución de su actitud a favor o en contra. Estos procesos están relacionados con el diseño institucional de las reservas marinas en las Islas Canarias, en donde la participación de las poblaciones pesqueras locales está severamente limitada.


    We examined two populations of Zostera marina L. and one of Thalassia testudinum Banks ex Konig for presence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM). None of these plants showed any VAM colonization. In addition, we were unable to find any literature references on the presence o...

  9. Análisis de redes sociales para la gobernanza de un área protegida y su zona de amortiguación en el bosque templado del sur de Chile


    Mardones, Gonzalo


    Para transitar desde el manejo hacia la gobernanza de las áreas protegidas y sus zonas aledañas, se requiere el involucramiento y la colaboración de las comunidades locales, además de múltiples otros actores involucrados en la conservación y el desarrollo de dicho territorio. El presente trabajo presenta un análisis de redes sociales de los actores con interés y/o influencia en la zona de amortiguación del Parque Nacional Alerce Andino (PNAA) y la Reserva Nacional Llanquihue (RNLL), ubicado e...

  10. Characterization of a New Trioxilin and a Sulfoquinovosyl Diacylglycerol with Anti-Inflammatory Properties from the Dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina

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    Eun Young Yoon


    Full Text Available Two new compounds—a trioxilin and a sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol (SQDG—were isolated from the methanolic extract of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina cultivated by feeding on dried yeasts. The trioxilin was identified as (4Z,8E,13Z,16Z,19Z -7(S,10(S,11(S-trihydroxydocosapentaenoic acid (1, and the SQDG was identified as (2S-1-O-hexadecanosy-2-O-docosahexaenoyl-3-O-(6-sulfo-α-d-quinovopyranosyl-glycerol (2 by a combination of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR spectra, mass analyses, and chemical reactions. The two compounds were associated with docosahexaenoic acid, which is a major component of O. marina. The two isolated compounds showed significant nitric oxide inhibitory activity on lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW264.7 cells. Compound 2 showed no cytotoxicity against hepatocarcinoma (HepG2, neuroblastoma (Neuro-2a, and colon cancer (HCT-116 cells, while weak cytotoxicity was observed for compound 1 against Neuro-2a cells.

  11. Biodisponibilidad y especiación de arsénico en las algas marinas


    García Sartal, Cristina


    Las algas, desde un punto de vista alimenticio, constituyen una fuente de proteínas, aminoácidos esenciales, vitaminas, lípidos y minerales. Sin embargo, las algas también pueden acumular elementos no esenciales procedentes del agua marina circundante, entre ellos, el arsénico, elemento ampliamente reconocido por su toxicidad. La toxicidad del arsénico depende fundamentalmente de su especiación, resultando más toxicas las especies inorgánicas de arsénico que sus correspondie...

  12. Indice de la microflora marina de Venezuela: diatomeas, dinoflagelados y cocolitofóridos


    Díaz-Ramos, José Rafael


    Los estudios sobre el fitoplancton marino de Venezuela han sido realizados de manera regular desde mediados del siglo XX. Sin embargo, hasta ahora no se ha realizado un compendio de las especies encontradas que sirva como marco de referencia a los trabajos taxonómicos. En este trabajo se presenta por primera vez un índice de la microflora marina de Venezuela. El índice incluye sólo las diatomeas (89 especies céntricas y 186 especies pennadas), los dinoflagelados (ocho especies atecadas y 154 ...

  13. Eelgrass Blue Carbon-Quantification of Carbon Stocks and Sequestration Rates in Zostera Marina Beds in the Salish Sea (United States)

    Lutz, M. D.; Rybczyk, J.; Poppe, K.; Johnson, C.; Kaminsky, M.; Lanphear, M.


    Seagrass meadows provide more than habitat, biodiversity support, wave abatement, and water quality improvement; they help mitigate climate change by taking up and storing (sequestering) carbon (C), reportedly at rates only surpassed worldwide by salt marsh and mangrove ecosystems. Now that their climate mitigation capacity has earned seagrass ecosystems a place in the Verified Carbon Standard voluntary greenhouse gas program, accurate ecosystem carbon accounting is essential. Though seagrasses vary in carbon storage and accumulation greatly across species and geography, the bulk of data included in calculating global averages involves tropical and subtropical seagrasses. We know little regarding carbon stocks nor sequestration rates for eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows in the Pacific Northwest. The intent of our study was to quantify carbon stocks and sequestration rates in the central Salish Sea of Washington State. We gathered sediment cores over three bays, as close to 1 m in depth as possible, both on foot and while scuba diving. We measured bulk density, carbon concentration, carbon stock, grain size, and carbon accumulation rate with depth. Results from our study show lower estimated Corg concentration (mean = 0.39% C, SE=0.01, range=0.11-1.75, SE=0.01), Corg stock (mean=24.46 Mg ha-1, SE=0.00, range=16.31-49.99.70), and C sequestration rates (mean=33.96 g m-2yr-1, range=11.4-49.5) than those reported in published studies from most other locations. Zostera marina is highly productive, yet does not seem to have the capacity to store C in its sediments like seagrasses in warmer climes. These data have implications in carbon market trading, when determining appropriate seagrass restoration site dimensions to offset emissions from transportation, industry, and seagrass habitat disturbance. Awareness of lower rates could prevent underestimating the area appropriate for mitigation or restoration.

  14. Accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in the grey mangrove, Avicennia marina (Forsk.)Vierh.: biological indication potential

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    MacFarlane, G.R.; Pulkownik, A.; Burchett, M.D.


    Mangrove roots may serve as a sensitive bio-indicator for metal pollution in estuarine systems. - The accumulative partitioning of the heavy metals Cu, Pb and Zn in the grey mangrove, Avicennia marina, were studied under field conditions. Copper and Pb were accumulated in root tissue to levels higher than surrounding sediment levels. Zinc was accumulated to levels reflecting sediment concentrations. Strong linear relationships existed for all metals in sediments with metals in root tissue. Accumulation of Cu in leaf tissue followed a linear relationship at lower sediment concentrations, with an exclusion or saturation mechanism at higher sediment concentrations. Lead showed little mobility to leaf tissue. Zn showed restricted accumulation in leaf tissue, which correlated with sediment concentrations. Decreases in sediment pH were found to increase Zn accumulation to root tissue. Increasing concentrations of Pb and Zn in sediments resulted in a greater accumulation of Pb to both root and leaf tissue. A. marina roots may be employed as a biological indicator of environmental exposure of Cu, Pb and Zn and leaves for Zn, with temporal monitoring

  15. Metabolic engineering of the Chl d-dominated cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina: production of a novel Chl species by the introduction of the chlorophyllide a oxygenase gene. (United States)

    Tsuchiya, Tohru; Mizoguchi, Tadashi; Akimoto, Seiji; Tomo, Tatsuya; Tamiaki, Hitoshi; Mimuro, Mamoru


    In oxygenic photosynthetic organisms, the properties of photosynthetic reaction systems primarily depend on the Chl species used. Acquisition of new Chl species with unique optical properties may have enabled photosynthetic organisms to adapt to various light environments. The artificial production of a new Chl species in an existing photosynthetic organism by metabolic engineering provides a model system to investigate how an organism responds to a newly acquired pigment. In the current study, we established a transformation system for a Chl d-dominated cyanobacterium, Acaryochloris marina, for the first time. The expression vector (constructed from a broad-host-range plasmid) was introduced into A. marina by conjugal gene transfer. The introduction of a gene for chlorophyllide a oxygenase, which is responsible for Chl b biosynthesis, into A. marina resulted in a transformant that synthesized a novel Chl species instead of Chl b. The content of the novel Chl in the transformant was approximately 10% of the total Chl, but the level of Chl a, another Chl in A. marina, did not change. The chemical structure of the novel Chl was determined to be [7-formyl]-Chl d(P) by mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. [7-Formyl]-Chl d(P) is hypothesized to be produced by the combined action of chlorophyllide a oxygenase and enzyme(s) involved in Chl d biosynthesis. These results demonstrate the flexibility of the Chl biosynthetic pathway for the production of novel Chl species, indicating that a new organism with a novel Chl might be discovered in the future.

  16. The genome of the seagrass Zostera marina reveals angiosperm adaptation to the sea

    KAUST Repository

    Olsen, Jeanine L.


    Seagrasses colonized the sea1 on at least three independent occasions to form the basis of one of the most productive and widespread coastal ecosystems on the planet2. Here we report the genome of Zostera marina (L.), the first, to our knowledge, marine angiosperm to be fully sequenced. This reveals unique insights into the genomic losses and gains involved in achieving the structural and physiological adaptations required for its marine lifestyle, arguably the most severe habitat shift ever accomplished by flowering plants. Key angiosperm innovations that were lost include the entire repertoire of stomatal genes3, genes involved in the synthesis of terpenoids and ethylene signalling, and genes for ultraviolet protection and phytochromes for far-red sensing. Seagrasses have also regained functions enabling them to adjust to full salinity. Their cell walls contain all of the polysaccharides typical of land plants, but also contain polyanionic, low-methylated pectins and sulfated galactans, a feature shared with the cell walls of all macroalgae4 and that is important for ion homoeostasis, nutrient uptake and O2/CO2 exchange through leaf epidermal cells. The Z. marina genome resource will markedly advance a wide range of functional ecological studies from adaptation of marine ecosystems under climate warming5, 6, to unravelling the mechanisms of osmoregulation under high salinities that may further inform our understanding of the evolution of salt tolerance in crop plants7.

  17. Red de participación institucional en las áreas naturales protegidas de la península de Baja California

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    Nain Martínez


    Full Text Available con el análisis de redes sociales se estudió la gobernanza de las áreas naturales protegidas de la península de Baja California, a través de su red de participación de 2007 a 2011, y se encontró que ésta se amplió y diversificó. Además, se presentó un fortalecimiento de la escala de gestión regional y una mayor inclusión de los actores sociales interesados en el uso de los recursos y la conservación ambiental. Sin embargo, el efecto en los participantes sobre la red es diferenciado. Así, mientras las instituciones gubernamentales, los académicos y las organizaciones de la sociedad civil incrementaron su influencia, la participación de los actores comunitarios y privados fue restringida. Es necesario profundizar en la investigación sobre la gobernanza y mejorar los mecanismos de participación.

  18. La gobernanza participativa de áreas naturales protegidas. El caso de la Reserva de la Biosfera El Vizcaíno

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    Ludger Brenner


    Full Text Available A partir de los conceptos “aceptación” y “gobernanza” se analizan los grados y modalidades de aceptación del área natural protegida Reserva de la Biosfera El Vizcaíno por parte de los actores sociales involucrados en su ges- tión. Con base en 38 entrevistas a profundidad, realizadas en 2010, también se evalúan las consecuencias de dichas discrepancias para la gobernanza, con énfasis en las plataformas de participación que pretenden mitigar conflictos y promover la aceptación de la política ambiental en México. Se concluye que, aunque la gran mayoría de los actores acepte tanto su figura jurídica como las medidas aplicadas para implementar la normatividad ambiental, un grupo influyente de opositores limita considerablemente la eficacia de las plataformas de participación, establecidas durante la década pasada.

  19. Nutrient Dynamics in an Avicennia marina (Forsk. Vierh., Mangrove Forest in Vamleshwar, Gujarat, India

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    Isaiah Nirmal KUMAR


    Full Text Available The study was carried out to determine the nutrient budget of plants, sediments and nutrient dynamics in an Avicennia marina (Forsk. Vierh., dominated forest in Vamleshwar near Narmada estuary, West Coast of Gujarat for a period of one year from November 2008 to October 2009. The average tree height of the mangrove is 1.5 to 2 m without much vertical stratification. Allometric methodology was used to measure the biomass, and yield a figure of 86.47 t ha-1 and the litter fall rate amounted to 2.9 t ha-1. Nutrient stocks of N, P and K in this mangrove were 137.05, 14.38 and 241.29 kg ha-1, with an annual accumulation of 55.74, 12.38 and 83.94 kg ha-1, and an annual return of 51.30, 10.83 and 13.52 kg ha-1, respectively, in the form of litter. The annual uptake for N, P and K were 61.04, 14.28 and 97.46 kg ha-1, and turnover rates of N, P and K were estimated at 3, 6 and 14 years, respectively, for the study period. Flow coefficients, which reveal the dynamic processes of nutrients between mangrove plants and sediments, are also explained. The present study concluded that the A. marina dominated mangrove plantation is more efficient in nutrient use and conservation.

  20. Obtención de energía a partir de las corrientes marinas


    Echeverría Cabodevilla, Álvaro


    El objetivo del proyecto es evaluar la viabilidad de una granja de energía hidrocinética en los territorios marinos españoles. Como se puede observar en el desarrollo del estudio, el resultado es negativo. En España no existe una gran zona que pueda ser utilizada para crear una granja de energía hidrocinética. La energía hidrocinética es aquella que utiliza la energía cinética del agua marina para obtener electricidad, principalmente los movimientos de agua de las corrientes ma...

  1. Propiedades nutritivas y saludables de algas marinas y su potencialidad como ingrediente funcional


    Quitral R, Vilma; Morales G, Carla; Sepúlveda L, Marcela; Schwartz M, Marco


    Las algas marinas se han consumido en Asia desde tiempos remotos, mientras que en países occidentales su principal aplicación ha sido como agente gelificante y coloide para la industria de alimentos, farmacéutica y cosmética. Las algas son buena fuente de nutrientes como proteínas, vitaminas, minerales y fibra dietética, al respecto, la fibra dietética de algas es particularmente rica en fracción soluble. Si se comparan las algas con vegetales terrestres, se encuentran más componentes benefic...

  2. Implantación de placas solares para mejorar el consumo en calderas marinas


    Rodríguez Ramos, Miguel Daniel


    En el presente trabajo se realizarán cálculos a partir de un ciclo de vapor obtenido de una instalación de vapor marina. A partir de estos datos, se calculará el consumo de combustible. Al mismo tiempo se procederá a realizar los cambios oportunos en los valores de partida del ciclo debido a la instalación de las placas solares, y en consecuencia se calcularán nuevamente los valores de consumo, rendimiento, etc. Además, se tendrán en cuenta 3 disposiciones diferentes en l...

  3. Conservation value of a natural protected area in the state of Puebla, Mexico Valor de conservación de una área natural protegida en Puebla, México

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    Ernesto Iván Badano


    Full Text Available Mexico has several natural protected areas (NPAs managed by state administrations. However, the aims these NPAs are more closely related to local political contexts than to their importance as reservoirs of biodiversity. In this study, we assessed the conservation value of the park Flor del Bosque, in the state of Puebla. Since this park contains both, well-preserved and human-disturbed habitats, we compared the diversity of plants and birds between these habitat types. Later, to assess its conservation value, the total diversity of the park was compared with that from an external, unprotected site with similar vegetation structure. In the park, the diversity of both groups of organisms was higher at well-preserved rather than at disturbed habitats. Furthermore, the analyses indicated that the entire diversity of the park is substantially higher than that of the external site. Thus, we suggest that these type of studies should be promoted by the state governments to determine the conservation value of their NPAs and, therefore aid in the development of adequate management programs for these sites.México tiene varias áreas naturales protegidas (ANPs que dependen de los gobiernos estatales. Sin embargo, los objetivos de estas ANPs están más estrechamente vinculados a los contextos políticos locales que a su importancia como reservorios de la biodiversidad. En este estudio evaluamos el valor de conservación del parque ecológico Flor del Bosque, en el estado de Puebla. Debido a que el parque tiene hábitats bien conservados y antropogénicamente perturbados, comparamos la diversidad de plantas y aves entre esos tipos de hábitats. Después, para evaluar el valor de conservación, la diversidad total del parque fue comparada con la de un sitio externo, no protegido, con estructura similar en cuanto al tipo de vegetación. En el parque, la diversidad de plantas y aves fue más alta en los hábitats bien conservados que en los perturbados. Adem

  4. Presencia del tinamú canelo (Crypturellus cinnamomeus en dos áreas naturales protegidas del centro de Nuevo León, México

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    David Alberto Borré González


    Full Text Available Reportamos la presencia de dos individuos de Crypturellus cinnamomeus y proporcionamos evidencia fotográfica de dichos registros en el Monumento Natural Cerro de la Silla y Sierra “Cerro de la Silla”; áreas naturales protegidas de competencia federal y estatal respectivamente que forman parte del corredor biológico de la Sierra Madre Oriental para especies neotropicales. La importancia de la información que proporcionamos aquí sobre los registros realizados el 27 de mayo y 5 de julio de 2011 radica en que constituyen una ampliación en la distribución de esta especie sujeta a protección especial (Pr según la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, y a que se registra por primera vez en ambas vertientes del macizo montañoso Sierra de la Silla.

  5. Mortality rate estimation for eelgrass Zostera marina (Potamogetonaceae using projections from Leslie matrices

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    Olga Flores Uzeta


    Full Text Available The main goal of this study is to provide estimations of mean mortality rate of vegetative shoots of the seagrass Zostera marina in a meadow near Ensenada Baja California, using a technique that minimizes destructive sampling. Using cohorts and Leslie matrices, three life tables were constructed, each representing a season within the period of monthly sampling (April 1999 to April 2000. Ages for the cohorts were established in terms of Plastochrone Interval (PI. The matrices were projected through time to estimate the mean total number of individuals at time t, n(t as well as mortality. We found no statistical differences between observed and predicted mean values for these variables (t=-0.11, p=0.92 for n(t and t=0.69, p=0.5 for mean rate of mortality. We found high correlation coefficient values between observed and projected values for monthly number of individuals (r=0.70, p=0.007 and monthly mortality rates (r=0.81, p=0.001. If at a certain time t a sudden environmental change occurs, and as long as the perturbation does not provoke the killing of all the individuals of a given age i for 0 ≤ i ≤ x - 1, there will be a prevailing number of individuals of age or stage x at a time t+1. This nondestructive technique reduces the number of field visits and samples needed for the demographic analysis of Z. marina, and therefore decreases the disturbance caused by researches to the ecosystem. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (3: 1015-1022. Epub 2008 September 30El propósito principal de este estudio es el de proveer estimaciones de tasas promedio de mortalidad de tallos vegetativos de Zostera marina en una pradera cercana a Ensenada Baja California, utilizando una técnica que minimiza los muestreos destructivos para estos pastos marinos. Mediante la utilización de cohortes y matrices de Leslie, se construyeron tres tablas de vida, cada una representando a una estación dentro de período anual de muestreos mensuales (Abril 1999 a Abril 2000. Las edades

  6. Photosynthetic carbon fixation pathways in Zostera marina and three Florida seagrasses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beer, S.; Wetzel, R.G.


    The photosynthetic carbon fixation pathways of four seagrass species, Zostera marina L. from Alaska and Thalassia testudinum Banks ex Konig, Syringodium filiforme Kutz. and Halodule wrightii Aschers. from the Gulf of Mexico, were investigated with a /sup 14/C pulse-chase technique. All species were found to be principally of the C/sub 3/ type. However, Thalassia and Halodule had higher initial incorporation rates into organic acids than is typical for terrestrial C/sub 3/ plants. Of 11 seagrass species investigated thus far for C/sub 3/ or C/sub 4/ metabolism using this technique, 10 were found to be principally of the C/sub 3/ type while only one exhibited C/sub 4/ metabolism.

  7. Ecosystem Services of Avicennia marina in the Red Sea

    KAUST Repository

    Almahasheer, Hanan


    The Red Sea is an arid environment, without riverine inputs, oligotrophic waters and extreme temperature and salinity. Avicennia marina is the dominant vegetation in the shores of the Red Sea. However, little is known about their distribution, dynamics, and services. Therefore, the aim of this Ph.D. was to obtain the basic information needed to evaluate their role in the coastal ecosystems and quantify their services. With that objective we 1) estimated the past and present distribution of mangroves in the Red Sea, 2) investigated the growth, leave production and floration 3) examined the growth limiting factors 4) measured the nutrients and heavy metal dynamics in the leaves and 5) estimated carbon sequestration. We found an increase of about 12% in the last 41 years, which contrasts with global trends of decrease. The extreme conditions in the Red Sea contributed to limit their growth resulting in stunted trees. Hence, we surveyed Central Red Sea mangroves to estimate their node production with an average of 9.59 node y-1 then converted that number into time to have a plastochrone interval of 38 days. As mangroves are taller in the southern Red Sea where both temperature and nutrients are higher than the Central Red Sea, we assessed nutrient status Avicennia marina propagules and naturally growing leaves to find the leaves low in nutrient concentrations (N < 1.5 %, P < 0.09 %, Fe < 0.06) and that nutrients are reabsorbed before shedding the leaves (69%, 72% and 35% for N, P, and Fe respectively). As a result, we conducted a fertilization experiment (N, P, Fe and combinations) to find that iron additions alone led to significant growth responses. Moreover, we estimated their leaf production and used our previous estimates of both the total cover mangrove in the Red Sea along with plastochrone interval to assess their total nutrients flux per year to be 2414 t N, 139 t P and 98 t Fe. We found them to sequester 34 g m-2 y-1, which imply 4590 tons of carbon

  8. Ecosystem Services of Avicennia marina in the Red Sea

    KAUST Repository

    Almahasheer, Hanan


    The Red Sea is an arid environment, without riverine inputs, oligotrophic waters and extreme temperature and salinity. Avicennia marina is the dominant vegetation in the shores of the Red Sea. However, little is known about their distribution, dynamics, and services. Therefore, the aim of this Ph.D. was to obtain the basic information needed to evaluate their role in the coastal ecosystems and quantify their services. With that objective we 1) estimated the past and present distribution of mangroves in the Red Sea, 2) investigated the growth, leave production and floration 3) examined the growth limiting factors 4) measured the nutrients and heavy metal dynamics in the leaves and 5) estimated carbon sequestration. We found an increase of about 12% in the last 41 years, which contrasts with global trends of decrease. The extreme conditions in the Red Sea contributed to limit their growth resulting in stunted trees. Hence, we surveyed Central Red Sea mangroves to estimate their node production with an average of 9.59 node y-1 then converted that number into time to have a plastochrone interval of 38 days. As mangroves are taller in the southern Red Sea where both temperature and nutrients are higher than the Central Red Sea, we assessed nutrient status Avicennia marina propagules and naturally growing leaves to find the leaves low in nutrient concentrations (N < 1.5 %, P < 0.09 %, Fe < 0.06) and that nutrients are reabsorbed before shedding the leaves (69%, 72% and 35% for N, P, and Fe respectively). As a result, we conducted a fertilization experiment (N, P, Fe and combinations) to find that iron additions alone led to significant growth responses. Moreover, we estimated their leaf production and used our previous estimates of both the total cover mangrove in the Red Sea along with plastochrone interval to assess their total nutrients flux per year to be 2414 t N, 139 t P and 98 t Fe. We found them to sequester 34 g m-2 y-1, which imply 4590 tons of carbon

  9. A tale of two seagrasses: Comparing the science and management of Zostera marina and Zostera japonica in the Pacific Northwest (United States)

    On the Pacific coast of North America, at least two congeners of Zostera occur: native Zostera marina, and introduced, Z. japonica. Z. japonica is considered “invasive” and therefore, ecologically and economically harmful by some, while others consider it benign or perhaps benef...

  10. High genetic diversity and fine-scale spatial structure in the marine flagellate Oxyrrhis marina (Dinophyceae uncovered by microsatellite loci.

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    Chris D Lowe


    Full Text Available Free-living marine protists are often assumed to be broadly distributed and genetically homogeneous on large spatial scales. However, an increasing application of highly polymorphic genetic markers (e.g., microsatellites has provided evidence for high genetic diversity and population structuring on small spatial scales in many free-living protists. Here we characterise a panel of new microsatellite markers for the common marine flagellate Oxyrrhis marina. Nine microsatellite loci were used to assess genotypic diversity at two spatial scales by genotyping 200 isolates of O. marina from 6 broad geographic regions around Great Britain and Ireland; in one region, a single 2 km shore line was sampled intensively to assess fine-scale genetic diversity. Microsatellite loci resolved between 1-6 and 7-23 distinct alleles per region in the least and most variable loci respectively, with corresponding variation in expected heterozygosities (H(e of 0.00-0.30 and 0.81-0.93. Across the dataset, genotypic diversity was high with 183 genotypes detected from 200 isolates. Bayesian analysis of population structure supported two model populations. One population was distributed across all sampled regions; the other was confined to the intensively sampled shore, and thus two distinct populations co-occurred at this site. Whilst model-based analysis inferred a single UK-wide population, pairwise regional F(ST values indicated weak to moderate population sub-division (0.01-0.12, but no clear correlation between spatial and genetic distance was evident. Data presented in this study highlight extensive genetic diversity for O. marina; however, it remains a substantial challenge to uncover the mechanisms that drive genetic diversity in free-living microorganisms.

  11. Estado de la contaminación marina en litoral peruano en 1994 y 1995


    Sánchez Rivas, Guadalupe; Orozco Moreyra, Rita; Jacinto Tayco, María Elena


    Se da a conocer el estado de la contaminación marina en el periodo comprendido entre 1994 a 1995 en diferentes áreas del litoral peruano. En el trabajo se consideraron las principales fuentes terrestres de contaminación provenientes de los desechos domésticos e industriales, plaguicidas organoclorados, hidrocarburos de petróleo y metales pesados. Así mismo se evaluaron los efectos de ellos sobre el macrobentos en las áreas estudiadas, contrastando con ensayos de corta duración de toxicidad le...

  12. Significance of salinity and silicon levels for growth of a formerly estuarine eelgrass (Zostera marina) population (Lake Grevelingen, the Netherlands)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kamermans, P.; Hemminga, M.A.; De Jong, D.J.


    Since the early 1980s, the eelgrass, Zostera marina L., population in the saline Lake Gevelingen, The Netherlands, is rapidly declining. An earlier study, in which long-term data on eelgrass coverage in this former estuary were correlated with several environmental variables, showed only one

  13. Escenarios relacionados con la intrusión marina. Caso de estudio Cuenca Artemisa – Quivicán, Provincia Habana. La Habana – Cuba Escenarios relacionados con la intrusión marina. Caso de estudio Cuenca Artemisa – Quivicán, Provincia Habana. La Habana – Cuba

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    Manuel Núñez Lafitte


    Full Text Available Sea water intrusion is the process by which the sea water in an aquifer displaces the sweet water as consequence of a sensitive reduction of the hydraulic head, either for natural actions or for anthropic activity Sea water intrusion takes place in the coastal aquifers mainly independently to the predominant lithology. In this work the scenario analysis is approached by studying the effects that sea water intrusion in dry years would produce to the supply of underground water to the City of Havana and Havana Province, when there would be high exploitation of the aquifers without maintenance of recharge works such as in South Dike.There would be a cartography of the scenario in danger to show the presage of the penetration expressed in the longitude of the marine intrusion wedge, taking as contour conditions the variable that may be unfavorable for their temporal variation, such as precipitation and depression. The thickness of the sheet of sweet water is considered constant.La intrusión marina es el proceso por el cual el agua de mar desplaza en un acuífero el agua dulce como consecuencia de una reducción sensible de la carga hidráulica, ya sea por acciones naturales o por actividad antrópica.La intrusión marina tiene lugar principalmente en los acuíferos costeros independientemente a la litología predominante.En este trabajo se aborda el análisis del escenario que en el abasto de agua subterránea a la Ciudad de La Habana y Provincia Habana produciría la intrusión marina durante la ocurrencias de años secos, simultaneados, con altas explotaciones del acuífero y el no mantenimiento de obras de recarga como es el caso del Dique Sur.Se cartografía el escenario de peligro que muestra el pronóstico de la penetración expresada en longitud de la cuña de intrusión marina tomando como condiciones de contorno las variables que pueden ser desfavorables por su variación temporal, tales como la precipitación, explotación y abatimiento

  14. Potential effects of the invasive species Gracilaria vermiculophylla on Zostera marina metabolism and survival. (United States)

    Martínez-Lüscher, Johann; Holmer, Marianne


    The potential threat to seagrasses of the invasive algae, Gracilaria vermiculophylla was assessed through metabolic indicators under experimental conditions. Net leaf photosynthesis (LNP) and dark respiration (LDR) were measured from leaf segments of Zostera marina shoots under different loads of G. vermiculophylla (control, low 2.2kg FW m(-2) and high 4kg FW m(-2)) in mesocosm experiments separated in tanks at four temperatures (19, 23.5, 26 and 30 degrees C). LNP decreased in the presence of the high density G. vermiculophylla mat (25% on average), being the most severe reductions at 30 degrees C (35% less in high). LDR did not respond significantly to differences in algal biomass, whereas a progressive increase was found with increasing temperatures (3.4 times higher at 30 degrees C than at 19 degrees C). Sulphide in porewater was measured weekly in order clarify the role of sediment conditions on seagrass metabolism, and increased both with algal biomass (29% in high) and temperature (from 0.5mM at 26 degrees C to 2.6mM at 30 degrees C), but changes in LNP and LDR were not correlated with sulphide concentrations. Seagrass survival rates showed decreasing trend with algal biomass at all the temperatures (from 74% to 21% survival). G. vermiculophylla showed harmful effects on Z. marina metabolism and survival with synergistic effects of temperature suggesting greater impact of invasive species under future higher water temperatures.

  15. Effects of barium and cadmium on the population development of the marine nematode Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina. (United States)

    Lira, V F; Santos, G A P; Derycke, S; Larrazabal, M E L; Fonsêca-Genevois, V G; Moens, T


    Offshore oil and gas drilling often involves the use of fluids containing barium and traces of other heavy metals. These may affect the environment, but information on their toxicity to benthic biota remains scant. Here, we present results of a 10-day bioassay with the marine nematode Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina at different loads of barium (0-10 ,000 ppm nominal concentrations) and cadmium (0-12 ppm) in the range of concentrations reported from drilling-impacted sediments. Barium did not affect the fitness and population development of R. (P.) marina at concentrations up to 300 ppm, but did cause a decrease in population abundance and an increase in development time from concentrations of 400-2000 ppm onwards. Increased mortality occurred at 4800 ppm Ba. For cadmium, LOEC and EC₅₀ values for total population abundance were 2.95 and 8.82 ppm, respectively. Cd concentrations as low as 2.40 to 2.68 caused a decrease in the abundance of adult nematodes, indicating that assays covering more generations would likely demonstrate yet more pronounced population-level effects. Our results indicate that oil and gas drilling activities may potentially have important implications for the meiobenthos through the toxicity of barium and associated metals like cadmium. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Adición a la microflora de diatomeas de las aguas marinas de Cuba.


    Loza, S.; Sánchez, M.; Carmenate, M.; Siqueiros-Beltrones, D.


    Se presenta la información sobre la especie de diatomea Campylostylus normannianus (Greville, 1862) Gerloff, Natour & Rivera, 1978 encontrada en la bahía de Jigüey y que no había sido identificada en los estudios taxonómicos de las microalgas de Cuba, por lo que se pudiera considerar una contribución a la diversidad de las microalgas marinas del país. Este es un taxon que crece en ambientes hipersalinos. Sin embargo, en este ecosistema se presenta acompañada de otros taxa de diatomeas...

  17. Comparison of non-indigenous dwarf eelgrass (Zostera japonica) and native eelgrass (Z. marina) distributions in a northeast Pacific estuary: 1997-2014 (United States)

    This study addressed the following question: In a coastal estuary of the northeastern Pacific Ocean with a relatively large areal extent of the native eelgrass Zostera marina, is an expanding distribution of the non-indigenous dwarf eelgrass Z. japonica accompanied by a measurab...

  18. New Insights into Different Reproductive Effort and Sexual Recruitment Contribution between Two Geographic Zostera marina L. Populations in Temperate China. (United States)

    Xu, Shaochun; Wang, Pengmei; Zhou, Yi; Zhang, Xiaomei; Gu, Ruiting; Liu, Xujia; Liu, Bingjian; Song, Xiaoyue; Xu, Shuai; Yue, Shidong


    Seagrasses are important components of global coastal ecosystems, and the eelgrass Zostera marina L. is widely distributed along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts in the temperate northern hemisphere, but limited datum related to the contribution of sexual reproduction to population recruitment have been reported. This study aimed to understand eelgrass sexual reproduction and population recruitment in Swan Lake (SLL), and Huiquan Bay (HQB) was included for comparison. Random sampling, permanent quadrats or cores and laboratory seed germination-based experimental methods were employed. The flowering, seed production, seed banks, seed germination, seedling survival, and seedling growth of eelgrass were investigated from July 2014 to December 2015 to evaluate the contribution of sexual reproduction to population recruitment. Results indicated a dominant role of asexual reproduction in HQB, while sexual reproduction played a relatively important role in SLL. The highest flowering shoot density in SLL was 517.27 ± 504.29 shoots m -2 (June) and represented 53.34% of the total shoots at the center site. The potential seed output per reproductive shoot and per unit area in SLL were 103.67 ± 37.95 seeds shoot -1 and 53,623.66 ± 19,628.11 seeds m -2 , respectively. The maximum seed bank density in SLL was 552.21 ± 204.94 seeds m -2 (October). Seed germination mainly occurred from the middle of March to the end of May, and the highest seedling density was 296.88 ± 274.27 seedlings m -2 in April. The recruitment from seedlings accounted for 41.36% of the Z. marina population recruitment at the center site, while the sexual recruitment contribution at the patch site (50.52%) was greater than that at the center site. Seeds in SLL were acclimated to spring germination, while in HQB, they were acclimated to autumn germination (early October-late November). Seed bank density in HQB was very low, with a value of 254.35 ± 613.34 seeds m -2 (early October). However, seeds in HQB

  19. Distribuição da população e cobertura da terra: o lugar das Áreas Protegidas no Pará, Brasil em 2010

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    Álvaro de Oliveira D’Antona


    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a distribuição da população do Pará, a partir de dados do Censo Demográfico 2010 associados a dados de uso e cobertura da terra do TerraClass, dispostos em uma grade estatística. Verifica-se o papel de 113 Áreas Protegidas (AP - 46 Terras Indígenas, 51 Unidades de Conservação de Uso Sustentável e 16 Unidades de Conservação de Proteção Integral - no gradiente rural-urbano do ponto de vista populacional e em relação aos usos-coberturas da terra nelas existentes. Utilizando um Sistema de Informações Geográficas, os dados relativos às APs, ao uso e cobertura da terra e os censitários foram incorporados à grade estatística. O relacionamento espacial dos planos de informação nas células indica que a população do estado é bastante concentrada, uma tendência que se reproduz nas Áreas Protegidas (o coeficiente de Gini para a distribuição dos domicílios é superior a 0,9. As APs configuram-se como áreas menos populosas e mais florestadas em comparação ao restante do estado. Apesar da presença de extensas porções sem domicílios ocupados e da maior extensão de florestas do Pará (57%, identificam-se nestas áreas usos urbanos associados a outros usos e coberturas da terra. Os resultados indicam que as dinâmicas populacionais e as mudanças nos usos e cobertura da terra estão relacionadas de forma mais ampla, estimulando a reflexão sobre a urbanização e as mudanças no uso e cobertura da terra de forma mais integrada.

  20. Identificación de los residuos sólidos generados por el turismo dentro de un área natural protegida: caso Parque de los Venados

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    Amanda Legorreta Ramírez


    Full Text Available Los residuos sólidos dentro de las Áreas Naturales Protegidas (ANP son considerados una de las principales consecuencias negativas derivadas de la actividad turística, debido a que atentan contra la belleza del paisaje, además de representar daños potenciales a las especies animales y vegetales existentes. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer los tipos de residuos que se generan en el Parque de los Venados, para llevar a cabo esto, se realizó un trabajo de campo que permitiera identificar los tipos y cantidades de residuos, asimismo, se consultaron las Normas Oficiales Mexicanas recomendadas para este tipo de análisis, de igual manera, como parte de los objetivos del trabajo se identificaron tres fuentes generadoras de residuos dentro del Parque, en cada una de ellas se realizó el muestreo, caracterización por subproductos y determinación de peso volumétrico. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos se compararon con los datos reportados en la literatura para las zonas rurales y urbanas del país, en especial con los de la zona urbana de Toluca, con el objetivo de encontrar semejanzas entre los patrones de composición de los residuos de estas zonas y los encontrados en el Parque de los Venados. Este trabajo representa un primer esfuerzo en la identificación y análisis de la composición de residuos, dentro de un Área Natural Protegida (ANP, generados por la actividad turística, la aplicación de la metodología marcada por las Normas Oficiales y su adecuación a este análisis específico forman parte también de los objetivos perseguidos por la investigación, que es el conocimiento de la normatividad que involucra a las ANP, el turismo y los residuos sólidos.

  1. Identification of light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein genes of Zostera marina L. and their expression under different environmental conditions (United States)

    Kong, Fanna; Zhou, Yang; Sun, Peipei; Cao, Min; Li, Hong; Mao, Yunxiang


    Photosynthesis includes the collection of light and the transfer of solar energy using light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding (LHC) proteins. In high plants, the LHC gene family includes LHCA and LHCB sub-families, which encode proteins constituting the light-harvesting complex of photosystems I and II. Zostera marina L. is a monocotyledonous angiosperm and inhabits submerged marine environments rather than land environments. We characterized the Lhca and Lhcb gene families of Z. marina from the expressed sequence tags (EST) database. In total, 13 unigenes were annotated as ZmLhc, 6 in Lhca family and 7 in ZmLhcb family. ZmLHCA and ZmLHCB contained the conservative LHC motifs and amino acid residues binding chlorophyll. The average similarity among mature ZmLHCA and ZmLHCB was 48.91% and 48.66%, respectively, which indicated a high degree of divergence within ZmLHChc gene family. The reconstructed phylogenetic tree showed that the tree topology and phylogenetic relationship were similar to those reported in other high plants, suggesting that the Lhc genes were highly conservative and the classification of ZmLhc genes was consistent with the evolutionary position of Z. marina. Real-time reverse transcription (RT) PCR analysis showed that different members of ZmLhca and ZmLhcb responded to a stress in different expression patterns. Salinity, temperature, light intensity and light quality may affect the expression of most ZmLhca and ZmLhcb genes. Inorganic carbon concentration and acidity had no obvious effect on ZmLhca and ZmLhcb gene expression, except for ZmLhca6.

  2. Long-Term Field Study Reveals Subtle Effects of the Invasive Alga Sargassum muticum upon the Epibiota of Zostera marina.

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    Stacey DeAmicis

    Full Text Available Invasive species can alter coastal ecosystems both directly, e.g. through competition for substratum and nutrients, and indirectly. Indirect effects may be mediated by creation of dissimilar or inimical habitats, changes in predator and/or prey assemblages, alterations in associated biota, and perturbations of water movement and thermal regimes. Previous studies have shown that invasive algae can modify native habitat architecture, disrupt intricately linked food webs and alter epibiotic assemblages. In the UK, the seagrass Zostera marina supports a diverse epibiotic assemblage, influencing key factors such as sediment dynamics, depositional regime and trophic linkages. Increasing encroachment of the invasive alga Sargassum muticum into seagrass meadows changes the physical and chemical characteristics of the local environment and creates the potential for changes in the epibionts associated with the seagrass blades, threatening the integrity of the seagrass ecosystem. We investigated the effects of S. muticum invasion upon the epibiota of Z. marina in a drowned river valley in SW England seasonally from spring to autumn over four years in an in-situ manipulative experiment, comparing permanent quadrats with and without artificially introduced S. muticum. Epibiota were weighed, identified to the most detailed operational taxonomic unit (OTU possible, and unitary organisms were enumerated. Multivariate PERMANOVA+ analysis revealed significant differences in epibiont assemblages between Sargassum treatments. Linear mixed effects models indicated that differences in epibiota assemblage composition were not reflected as significant differences in mean biomass per sample, or number of epibiont OTUs per sample. We conclude that S. muticum invasion into Z. marina meadows may significantly alter the species composition and abundance distribution of epibiotic assemblages found on the blades of the seagrass. Thus S. muticum invasion could have more wide

  3. Vascular plants diversity of El Aribabi Conservation Ranch: A private natural protected area in northern Sonora, Mexico (United States)

    J. Jesus Sanchez-Escalante; Denise Z. Avila-Jimenez; David A. Delgado-Zamora; Liliana Armenta-Cota; Thomas R. Van Devender; Ana Lilia. Reina-Guerrero


    In northeastern Sonora, isolated Sky Island mountain ranges with desertscrub, desert grassland, oak woodland, and pine-oak forest have high biodiversity. El Aribabi Conservation Ranch in the Sierra Azul (from 30°51’13”N, 110°41’9”W to 30°46’38”N, 110°32’3”W) was designated a Private Protected Natural Area by the Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas in March...

  4. Selección de indicadores para la evaluación de las Áreas Marinas Protegidas


    Ojeda Martínez, Celia


    This publication has been developed in the framework of the project EMPAFISH ( (SSP8-006539) supported by the Commission of the European Communities within the Sixth Framework Programme.

  5. Aplicación de un programa de ludo motricidad para elevar el autoestima de las mujeres protegidas por la Fundación Casa de Refugio Matilde de la ciudad de Quito


    Flores Culqui, Marcia Graciela


    Trabajo de investigación cuyo objetivo es establecer la incidencia de la aplicación del programa de ludo motricidad en los niveles de la autoestima de las mujeres protegidas por la Fundación Casa de Refugio Matilde, de la ciudad de Quito, mujeres víctimas de maltrato intrafamiliar. La violencia intrafamiliar es todo patrón de conducta asociada a un ejercicio de poder desigual que se manifiesta en el uso de la violencia física, psicológica, patrimonial, omisión y/o económica o sexual. Al menos...

  6. An economical non-destructive method for estimating eelgrass, Zostera marina (Potamogetonaceae leaf growth rates: formal development and use in northwestern Baja California

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    Elena Solana-Arellano


    Full Text Available Seagrass beds provide much of the primary production in estuaries; host many fishes and fish larvae, and abate erosion. The present study presents original analytical methods for estimating mean leaf-growth rates of eelgrass (Zostera marina. The method was calibrated by using data collected in a Z. marina meadow at Punta Banda estuary in Baja California, Mexico. The analytical assessments were based on measurements of leaf length and standard regression procedures. We present a detailed explanation of the formal procedures involved in the derivation of these analytical methods. The measured daily leaf-growth rate was 10.9 mm d-1 leaf-1. The corresponding value projected by our method was 10.2 mm d-1 leaf-1. The associated standard errors were of 0.53 and 0.56 mm d-1 leaf-1 respectively. The method was validated by projecting leaf-growth rates from an independent data set, which gave consistent results. The use of the method to obtain the mean leaf growth rate of a transplanted plot is also illustrated. Comparison of our leaf-growth data with previously reported assessments show the significant forcing of sea-surface temperature on eelgrass leaf dynamics. The formal constructs provided here are of general scope and can be applied to equivalent eelgrass data sets in a straightforward manner. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (3: 1003-1013. Epub 2008 September 30.Las praderas de pastos marinos abaten la erosión y aportan gran parte de la productividad primaria de los esteros y son refugio de muchos peces y sus larvas. El presente trabajo introduce métodos analíticos para estimar las tasas medias de crecimiento foliar de Zostera marina L. y sus varianzas. La calibración del método se llevó a cabo utilizando datos de una pradera de esta fanerógama en el Estero de Punta Banda Baja California, México. Las referidas estimaciones analíticas, se basan en medias de longitud foliar y en procedimientos estandarizados de regresión. Dichas determinaciones son por

  7. Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Jamur Endofit Akar Bakau Avicennia Marina Terhadap Bakteri Staphylococcus Aureus Dan Escherichia Coli


    Liwang, Firdy


    : In this his study we used endophytic fungi isolated from the roots of mangrove Avicennia marina growing on tidal zone around Tasik Ria Minahasa, North Sulawesi. The fungi were isolated and then tested the antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Potato Dextrose agar was used in order to isolate the target fungi. The fungi began to grow on the second day after inoculation. Differentiation and purification processes to isolate the fungus obtained by observing f...

  8. Rezension zu: Marina Caffiero (Hg.: Rubare le anime. Roma: Viella 2008

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    Rita Unfer Lukoschik


    Full Text Available In den Akten des päpstlichen Staatsarchivs und der römischen jüdischen Gemeinde finden sich zeitgenössische Zeugnisse für die im päpstlichen Rom vom 16. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert nicht seltene Zwangskonvertierung jüdischer Mädchen und Frauen zum Katholizismus. Eines der wertvollsten Dokumente dieser Konversionspraxis liegt nunmehr in einer kommentierten Neuedition vor: das Tagebuch der 1749 sich erfolgreich der versuchten Zwangskonvertierung widersetzenden 18-jährigen Anna del Monte. In ihrer Einleitung ordnet die Herausgeberin Marina Caffiero dieses außergewöhliche Einzelschicksal in die zeitgleich und parallel laufenden Assimilations- und Emanzipationsprozesse ein, die sich in der mit aufklärerischem Gedankengut ‚infizierten‘ jüdischen Oberschicht Roms im 18. Jahrhundert abzeichneten.

  9. Bohemia as the Homeland of the Soul in the Letters of Marina Tsvetaeva to Anna Teskova

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    Massimo Tria


    Full Text Available The article examines the letters sent by Marina Tsvetaeva to the translator and public figure Anna Teskova, who was one of the few poet’s Czech intimate friends, whom she met during her stay in Czechoslovakia (1922-1925. In the first part of the paper the Author focuses on the echoes of Prague and its culture in this specific correspondence, trying to ascertain to which extent Marina Tsvetaeva was acquainted with the cultural world she lived in: the lack of knowledge of the Czech language and the limited relationships with Prague intellectuals didn’t allow her to get a deep insight of the Czech cultural milieu. The textual analysis of the letters, though, on the basis of key concepts as “родной”, “родина”, “честь”, confirms the presence of a persistent feeling of Prague-homesickness in Tsvetaeva’s psycho- logical world, which brought her to develop an alternative model of Homeland, substitute to her native Russia and to Germany, which disappointed her after the rise of the Nazi Regime. Through this unique correspondence (including the first part of her Verses dedicated to Bohemia we gain the certainty that Tsvetaeva discovered in Prague and in the Czech lands an idealized model of a pacific, beautiful and faithful Homeland.

  10. New Antioxidative Secondary Metabolites from the Fruits of a Beibu Gulf Mangrove, Avicennia marina

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    Cheng-Hai Gao


    Full Text Available Further chemical investigation of the fruits of the mangrove, Avicennia marina, afforded three new phenylethyl glycosides, marinoids J–L (1–3, and a new cinnamoyl glycoside, marinoid M (4. The structures of isolates were elucidated on the basis of extensive spectroscopic analysis and by comparison of the data with those of related secondary metabolites. The antioxidant activity of the isolates was evaluated using the cellular antioxidant assay (CAA, and compounds 1–4 showed antioxidant activities, with EC50 values ranging from 23.0 ± 0.71 μM to 247.8 ± 2.47 μM.

  11. Las áreas silvestres protegidas del estado como zonas de conservación de la naturaleza: El Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena

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    M. González


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo es una breve descripción del Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, un área protegida localizada en el sur de Chile, que se caracteriza por la presencia de paisajes montañosos de origen glaciar, con una serie de lagos, lagunas, y ríos, los cuales albergan especies endémicas de flora y fauna. Estas características convierten a este parque en uno de los más visitados a nivel nacional. Se discuten aspectos sobre conservación y manejo del parque.

  12. Asociación nodriza-protegida, diámetro y altura de cactáceas en relación a la altitud, en la quebrada huaje de la ciudad de puno, Perú


    Dennis Xavier, Huisa Balcon; Universidad Nacional del Altiplano – Puno


    RESUMENEl estudio se realizó durante los meses de mayo a julio del 2014, con 5 muestreos en total, siendo en la estación otoño que en esta zona se caracteriza por la ausencia de lluvias y descenso en la temperatura, estos factores hacen que los cactus modifiquen su morfología haciendo variar su diámetro y altura, los objetivos fueron: (a) Determinar la asociación nodriza-protegida de las especies encontradas y (b) Determinar la relación de la altitud con la altura y el diámetro de las cactáce...


    When non-native plant species invade a system they often change patterns of primary production. I evaluate the contribution of the seagrass Zostera marina and it's non-native congener Z. japonica to primary production in Yaquina Bay. Few measurements of Z. japonica production e...


    This study describes a hybrid technique of digitally classifying aerial photography used for mapping the intertidal habitat of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in Pacific Northwest USA estuaries. The large tidal range (2-3 m) in this region exposes most of this seagrass community at ...

  15. Experimental weed control of Najas marina ssp. intermedia and Elodea nuttallii in lakes using biodegradable jute matting

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    Markus A. Hoffmann


    Full Text Available The use of jute matting in managing the invasive aquatic macrophyte species Elodea nuttallii (Planch. H. St. John and Najas marina ssp. intermedia (Wolfg. ex Gorski Casper (Najas intermedia was studied in laboratory experiments and field trials. Four German lakes with predominant population of Najas intermedia or Elodea nuttalli were chosen for the experiment and areas between 150 and 300 m² were covered with jute textile. The effect of the matting on the growth of invasive and non-invasive macrophytes was determined through comparison with control transects. Biodegradable jute matting successfully suppressed the invasive macrophyte Najas intermedia and significantly reduced the growth of Elodea nuttalli in lakes. The results indicate that the capability of the matting to inhibit the growth of Elodea nuttallii and Najas intermedia depends on the mesh size of the jute weaving and that environmental conditions can affect its efficiency. Various indigenous species like Charales or Potamogeton pusillus L. were able to grow through the jute fabric and populate the treated areas. Until the end of the vegetation period, none of the invasive species were able to penetrate the covering and establish a stable population; in fact, in the subsequent year the jute matting affected only the spread of Najas intermedia. Jute matting proved to be an easy-to-use and cheap method to control the growth of Elodea nuttallii and Najas intermedia.

  16. Composición y riqueza de las comunidades de aves, muciélagos y escarabajos coprófagos asociados a agro-paisajes y áreas protegidas de un bosqeu tropical seco (Norte de Costa Rica)


    Carvajal Sánchez, José Pablo


    [ES] La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general analizar y comparar la composición y riqueza de las comunidades aves, murciélagos y escarabajos coprófagos presentes en seis tipos de cobertura vegetal: bosque ribereño, bosque secundario, charral, cercas vivas, pastizales (potreros), con alta y baja cobertura arbórea. La investigación se realiza en un área protegida del bosque seco tropical ¿Parque Nacional Palo Verde¿ y otra de agrocenósis, Cañas (N de Costa Rica). Los resultado...

  17. O tecer e o trajar: metáforas do empoderamento feminino em dois contos de Marina Colasanti

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    Enedir Silva Santos


    Full Text Available Os contos de Marina Colasanti transitam entre o real e o fantástico alinhavando ações que conduzem as relações humanas e seus dilemas. Suas narrativas curtas são retiradas das experiências diárias para suscitar reflexões muito mais abrangentes, pois são entrelaçados de palavras e situações que desvelam o cotidiano e o comportamento exigido da mulher. A partir da análise dos contos “A moça tecelã”, do livro Doze reis e a moça no labirinto do vento (1982, e “Plano matrimonial”, de Contos do amor rasgado (1982, evidenciamos de que forma a autora constrói, metaforicamente, na tessitura narrativa a roupa masculina e o trabalho da tecelã para refletir acerca do empoderamento da mulher. Os contos têm em comum a relação heterossexual das protagonistas intermediada pelos trajes masculinos, que se revestem de simbologia e revelam, no contexto literário, a explanação do lugar social da mulher e do homem, visto como uma das linhas que alinhavam a vivência humana. Desse modo, Marina Colasanti tece na trama discursiva as redes de significações reveladoras do fazer e do ser feminino.





    El turismo en las áreas naturales protegidas (AP) se desarrolla continuamente como consecuencia de diversos factores relacionados con la necesidad de explotar el capital natural (en especial en países en desarrollo) y la creciente demanda del sector turístico. Esta actividad supone una oportunidad y una amenaza para las AP y aumenta notablemente la exigencia a sus sistemas de gestión. Para conseguir una explotación turística sostenible, compatible con los objetivos de conservación de las AP, ...

  19. Contrasting oxygen dynamics in the freshwater isoetid Lobelia dortmanna and the marine seagrass Zostera marina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sand-Jensen, Kaj; Pedersen, Ole; Binzer, Thomas


    BACKGROUND: and Aims Submerged plants possess well-developed aerenchyma facilitating intra-plant gas-phase diffusion of O2 to below-ground tissues, which are usually buried in anoxic sediments. However, aquatic habitats differ in terms of O2 fluctuations in the water column and in O2 consumption...... roots and low O2 consumption of sediments means that sediment, aerenchyma and water are important O2 sources for respiration during the following night, while Z. marina relies on the water column as the sole source of O2 because its sediments are anoxic. These differences between L. dortmanna and Z...

  20. Genetic diversity in three populations of Avicennia marina along the eastcoast of India by RAPD markers. (United States)

    Hazarika, Dimendra; Thangaraj, M; Sahu, Sunil Kumar; Kathiresan, K


    Genetic diversity was analysed in three populations of the mangrove species, Avicennia marina by using random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR). Ten random decamer primers were used to score the diversity from three locations of eastcoast of India: Parangipettai (Tamil Nadu), Kakkinada (Andhra Pradesh) and Sundarbans (West Bengal). These primers produced 388 scorable DNA fragments, of which 252 (64.98%) were polymorphic, 182 (46.90%) were monomorphic, and 14 (3.61%) were unique. RAPD banding patterns displayed variations between and within the populations, while, there was no morphological variation.

  1. Optimización de recursos hídricos y armonización de sus usos: el Consorcio de Aguas de la Marina Baja

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    Antonio Gil Olcina


    Full Text Available En la Marina Baja, comarca alicantina de la seca región climática del Sureste Ibérico, el difícil desafío de conjugar el extraordinario desarrollo turístico y urbano de su franja litoral, que polariza Benidorm, con disponibilidades hídricas exiguas e irregulares, ha requerido un conjunto de actuaciones del mayor interés, para la optimización de éstas y la armonización de sus usos, protagonizadas por el Consorcio de Aguas de la Marina Baja. Dichas iniciativas incluyen: mayor y mejor regulación de recursos epigeos, potenciación sostenible de los subterráneos, y reutilización de aguas depuradas, con superposición de dos sistemas independientes -aguas blancas y depuradas-, que funcionan al unísono; sin que falte, para conjurar el riesgo extremo de una sequía prolongada e intensa, la posibilidad de emplear caudales foráneos.

  2. Prediction of post translational modifications in avicennia marina Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase: implication of glycation on the enzyme structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jabeen, U.; Salim, A.; Abbasi, A.


    3D homology model of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) from Avicennia marina (AMSOD) was constructed using the structural coordinates of Spinach SOD (SSOD). Prediction of post translational modification was done by PROSITE. The predicted sites were examined in the 3D model. AMSOD model was glycated using modeling software and changes in the structure was analyzed after glycation. The analysis revealed some potential sites and structural changes after glycation. (author)

  3. Release and Consumption of DMSP from Emiliania Huxleyi during grazing by Oxyrrhis Marina (United States)

    Wolfe, Gordon V.; Sherr, Evelyn B.; Sherr, Barry F.


    Degradation and release to solution of intracellular dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) from Emiliania huxleyi 370 was observed during grazing by the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina in 24 h bottle incubations. Between 30 and 70% of the lost algal DMSP was metabolized by the grazers without production of dimethylsulfide (DMS) when grazer densities were 150 to 450/ml. The rest was released to solution and about 30% was converted to DMS by bacteria associated with the grazer culture. These experiments demonstrate that grazing by herbivorous protists may be an important sink for DMSP in marine waters, removing a potential source of DMS. Microzooplankton grazing may also indirectly increase the production of DMS by transferring algal DMSP to the dissolved pool, making it available for bacterial metabolism.

  4. Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) on Z. marina seedlings, seed germination and shoot density from 2013-01-16 to 2015-09-11 (NCEI Accession 0156588) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Multiple experiments were conducted to determine the effects hydrogen sulfide had on seedlings and seed germination in the seagrass Zostera marina. One study...

  5. Remote Sensing of Shallow Coastal Benthic Substrates: In situ Spectra and Mapping of Eelgrass (Zostera marina in the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve of Canada

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    Tara Sharma


    Full Text Available Eelgrass (Zostera marina is a keystone component of inter- and sub-tidal ecosystems. However, anthropogenic pressures have caused its populations to decline worldwide. Delineation and continuous monitoring of eelgrass distribution is an integral part of understanding these pressures and providing effective coastal ecosystem management. A proposed tool for such spatial monitoring is remote imagery, which can cost- and time-effectively cover large and inaccessible areas frequently. However, to effectively apply this technology, an understanding is required of the spectral behavior of eelgrass and its associated substrates. In this study, in situ hyperspectral measurements were used to define key spectral variables that provide the greatest spectral separation between Z. marina and associated submerged substrates. For eelgrass classification of an in situ above water reflectance dataset, the selected variables were: slope 500–530 nm, first derivatives (R’ at 566 nm, 580 nm, and 602 nm, yielding 98% overall accuracy. When the in situ reflectance dataset was water-corrected, the selected variables were: 566:600 and 566:710, yielding 97% overall accuracy. The depth constraint for eelgrass identification with the field spectrometer was 5.0 to 6.0 m on average, with a range of 3.0 to 15.0 m depending on the characteristics of the water column. A case study involving benthic classification of hyperspectral airborne imagery showed the major advantage of the variable selection was meeting the sample size requirements of the more statistically complex Maximum Likelihood classifier. Results of this classifier yielded eelgrass classification accuracy of over 85%. The depth limit of eelgrass spectral detection for the AISA sensor was 5.5 m.

  6. Red de Repositorios IODE/COI/Unesco de acceso abierto en Ciencias Marinas en América Latina y el Caribe: OceanDocs

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    Andrea Cristiani


    Full Text Available Se presenta la organización, funciones y evolución de la red de repositorios de acceso abierto OceanDocs, particularmente la experiencia de instituciones vinculadas a las Ciencias Marinas en América Latina y el Caribe. En el marco de las Redes de Datos e Información Oceanográfica de la Comisión Oceanográfica Intergubernamental (COI de UNESCO, surgieron iniciativas de repositorios locales y regionales, que más tarde se consolidan y dan lugar a la red internacional de repositorios en Ciencias Marinas:  OceanDocs. En la actualidad esta red está integrada por repositorios institucionales, repositorios regionales y un repositorio central alojado por la COI. OceanDocs cuenta con políticas comunes definidas, un Grupo Directivo conformado por especialistas de distintas áreas que planifica y establece las directrices para la red, coordinadores nacionales y regionales, Unidades de Información a nivel institucional responsables de la carga de documentos, y una creciente comunidad de usuarios a nivel global.

  7. Environmental Impact Research Program. The Use of Fertilizer To Enhance Transplants of the Seagrasses Zostera marina and Halodule wrightii. (United States)


    Bot. Mar. 27:547-555. Smith, R.D., W.C. Dennison, and R.S. Alberte. 1984. Role of seagrass photosynthesis in root aerobic processes. Plant Physiol. 74...IMPACT RESEARCH PROGRAM * TECHNICAL REPORT EL-87-12 THE USE OF FERTILIZER TO ENHANCE TRANSPLANTS OF THE SEAGRASSES ZOSTERA MARINA AND HALODULE numerous attempts to transplant most of the North American seagrass species. Transplant ing technology also has rece ived increased at tent ion. b

  8. Aquatic Coleoptera from two protected areas of the Humid Chaco eco-region (Chaco Province, Argentina

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    María L. LIBONATTI


    Full Text Available Se presenta por primera vez una lista de las especies de coleópteros acuáticos que habitan en el parque nacional Chaco y en el refugio de vida silvestre El Cachapé, dos áreas protegidas pertenecientes a la ecorregión Chaco Húmedo. Se identificaron 122 especies incluidas en 45 géneros y 10 familias. Dos especies se citan por primera vez para la Argentina: Ora atroapicalis Pic y Ora semibrunnea Pic (Scirtidae. Once géneros (Dytiscidae: Anodocheilus Babington, Bidessonotus Régim - bart, Hemibidessus Zimmermann; Noteridae: Mesonoterus Sharp, Notomicrus Sharp; Hydraenidae: Hydraena Kugelann, Gymnochthebius Orchymont; Hydrophilidae: Chasmogenus Sharp, Chaetarthria Stephens; Scirtidae: Ora Clark, Scirtes Illiger y 41 especies son citados por primera vez en la provincia del Chaco. La alta diversidad de coleópteros acuáticos registrada destaca la importancia de estas áreas protegidas.

  9. Propuesta de puntos de interés geológico y minero en el Área Natural Protegida El Orito. Distrito Minero de Guanajuato, México

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    María Jesús Puy y Alquiza


    Full Text Available El Área Natural Protegida El Orito posee características litológicas, estructurales, geomorfológicas, mineras y de recursos naturales que merecen ser conocidas por su valor patrimonial. Se realizó una investigación como resultado de la cual se proponen y describen diez puntos de interés geológico, minero e histórico, con la finalidad de valorizar el patrimonio natural, y utilizarlo como alternativa turística para el desarrollo sustentable de dicha área. Los georrecursos, es decir, los puntos de interés geológico, minero e histórico como parte de los valores naturales y culturales, poseen una alta potencialidad para ser utilizados con el objeto de generar un turismo cultural que posibilite la conservación, protección y valoración de áreas naturales.

  10. The Influence of CO2 Enrichment on Net Photosynthesis of Seagrass Zostera marina in a Brackish Water Environment


    Pajusalu, Liina; Martin, Georg; Põllumäe, Arno; Paalme, Tiina


    Seagrasses are distributed across the globe and their communities may play key roles in the coastal ecosystems. Seagrass meadows are expected to benefit from the increased carbon availability which might be used in photosynthesis in a future high CO2 world. The main aim of this study was to examine the effect of elevated pCO2 on the net photosynthesis of seagrass Zostera marina in a brackish water environment. The short-term mesocosm experiments were conducted in Kõiguste Bay (northern part o...

  11. Denominaciones De Origen Protegidas (D.O.P. Y Turismo Gastronómico: Una Relación Simbiótica En Andalucía

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    Full Text Available El turismo gastronómico es una modalidad emergente de turismo muy demandada en la primera década del siglo XXI en la que el turista busca degustar los productos alimenticios típicos de la zona geográfica que visita, conocer el proceso productivo y disfrutar del patrimonio cultural y culinario de esos lugares. Este trabajo presenta un análisis de la relación entre los productos alimenticios asociados a denominaciones de origen e indicaciones geográficas protegidas (D.O.P. e I.G.P. y la potencialidad del turismo gastronómico. Se revisan las ventajas e inconvenientes que aporta el desarrollo del turismo gastronómico en Andalucía mediante un análisis DAFO. Destacan las rentas complementarias a las actividades agrícolas que generan este tipo de turismo, la puesta en valor del potencial turístico de zonas rurales y la conciliación de intereses de entidades públicas y privadas afectadas.

  12. Has the rapidly expanding invasive dwarf eelgrass Zostera japonica in Yaquina estuary, Oregon impacted the distribution of native eelgrass Zostera marina – a critical intertidal habitat? (United States)

    Native eelgrass, Zostera marina, occupies a significant portion of marine-dominated intertidal and near-subtidal sectors of many coastal estuaries. In recent decades an invasive congener, Z. japonica, has become established in many Pacific Northwest estuaries. We measured the h...

  13. 77 FR 9698 - Notice of Continuation of Visitor Services (United States)


    ... National Parks. AMIS002-89 Lake Amistad Resort Amistad National and Marina, LLC. Recreation Area. AMIS003-87 Rough Canyon Amistad National Marina, LLC. Recreation Area. CACH001-84 White Dove, Inc., Canyon de...

  14. Tutela dei crediti del gestore del porto turistico in Italia = Enforcement and settlement of the marina operator’s claims in Italy

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    Angelo Merialdi


    Full Text Available This paper contains a synthetic analysis of the remedies available under Italian law for the enforcement of claims of marinas towards their clients, with particular regard to the right of retention and conservative arrest of pleasure craft. It considers the reasons why the application of the remedy of retention is problematic in this field and conservative arrest is a preferable option.

  15. Distribution patterns of Syllidae (Annelida: Polychaeta from seagrass (Zostera marina and Z. noltei meadows in the Ensenada de O Grove (Galicia, NW Spain

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    Patricia Quintas


    Full Text Available This paper describes the distribution and composition of the syllid fauna inhabiting seagrass meadows in the Ensenada de O Grove (NW Spain. Samples were collected on muddy sediments colonized by either Zostera marina L., Zostera noltei Hornemann or by a mixed meadow with both species. Syllids were dominant (13340 individuals; 37% of total polychaete abundance, including 22 species (12 genera. The mixed meadows housed the highest number of species and the Z. noltei meadow had practically no syllids. The dominant species were Exogone naidina, Parapionosyllis elegans, Parexogone hebes and Prosphaerosyllis campoyi ( > 80% of total abundance. Carnivores (mainly species of Parapionosyllis, Amblyosyllis, and Streptosyllis were dominant, especially in muddy sand with either Z. marina or Z. noltei and sandy mud with a mixed meadow. The most important abiotic variables for explaining the composition and distribution of the syllid fauna were bottom water salinity, sorting coefficient and carbonate content. The highest number of species was recorded at sites with a high salinity and carbonate content and the lowest at sites with a high sorting coefficient.

  16. Tres grandes plataformas marinas Mar del Norte

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    Soulas, R.


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the different building stages of three large sea platforms. After studying the structure's main characteristics, preparing scale models and calculating ail the elements, platform construction was carried out in three stages: — Dry-dock construction of the hull base. — Installation in the water and finishing the structure. — Immersion and bridge installation. Finally, the necessary operations to move the platform to its definite location were carried out. The structures are formed by a parallelepiped hull of reinforced concrete, divided into compartments by means of vertical orthogonals panels on top of which 2 or 4 piles are placed to support the bridge.

    En este artículo se analizan las diversas etapas en la realización de tres grandes plataformas marinas. Después de un estudio de las características principales de la estructura, ensayos en modelo reducido y cálculo de todos los elementos, se procede a la construcción de las plataformas en tres fases: — Construcción en seco de la base del casco. — Colocación en el agua y acabado de la estructura. — Inmersión y colocación del puente. Por último, se realizan las operaciones necesarias para llevar la plataforma a su ubicación definitiva. Las estructuras están formadas por un casco paralelepipédico de hormigón armado, dividido en compartimientos mediante tabiques verticales ortogonales y sobre el que se han colocado 2 ó 4 pilas que soportan el puente.

  17. Genotype-specific responses to light stress in eelgrass Zostera marina, a marine foundation plant

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salo, Tiina Elina; Reusch, Thorsten B. H.


    , and their performance during light limitation and 4 wk of recovery was compared to non-shaded controls. In addition to growth and biomass, we investigated storage carbohydrates and quantified the expression of genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism, photosynthesis and control of oxidative stress. Plants showed......Within mono-specific meadows of clonal plants, genotypic diversity may functionally replace species diversity. Little is known about the variability in performance and plasticity of different genotypes towards anthropogenically induced stressors. In this field experiment we compared light......-limitation stress responses and recovery of different eelgrass Zostera marina genotypes to assess the variability in phenotypic plasticity and gene expression between different genotypes. Replicated monoculture plots of 4 genotypes were subjected to a simulated turbidity period of 4 wk using shading screens...

  18. Radioactivity in north European waters: report of Working Group 2 of CEC project MARINA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Camplin, W.C.; Aarkrog, A.


    The primary objective of Working Group 2 of Project MARINA was to consider recent measurements of environmental radioactivity in north European waters and to use this, and other information, to report likely magnitude of doses to the critical group from marine pathways. The monitoring data were supplemented, where appropriate, with predictions from simple models. The major sources of radioactivity studied were as follows: (i) liquid wastes from nuclear fuel reprocessing plants, (Sellafield, Dounreay, Cap de la Hague); (ii) liquid wastes from nuclear power plants and other major nuclear industry sites, (including Belgium, Denmark, France, Finland, GDR, FDR, Netherlands, Sweden, UK, USSR); (iii) solid waste disposal in the deep north-east Atlantic; (iv) fallout from Chernobyl; and (v) naturally-occurring radionuclides. (author)

  19. Conservación de la biodiversidad en Chile: Nuevos desafíos y oportunidades en ecosistemas terrestres y marinos costeros Biodiversity conservation in Chile: New challenges and opportunities in terrestrial and marine coastal ecosystems

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    Full Text Available La pérdida de la biodiversidad producida por el crecimiento demográfico, la demanda por recursos y la actividad productiva es contradictoria con el reconocimiento de su importancia. En ecosistemas terrestres, el Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas del Estado (SNASPE contiene cerca del 19 % del territorio de Chile continental; aunque no representa todos los ecosistemas con especies amenazadas, puede ser complementado implementando nuevas áreas protegidas públicas (AP y privadas (APP. El desarrollo de áreas marinas protegidas (AMP es incipiente, y algunas iniciativas comparten la responsabilidad de conservación con los usuarios locales. En Chile, un conjunto de reglamentos, normas legales y tratados internacionales promueven distintas oportunidades de conservación en ecosistemas terrestres y marinos costeros, de las cuales emergen nuevos desafíos. Entre estos destacan, estandarizar la clasificación de especies según categorías de conservación en un protocolo internacional y optimizar las metodologías para seleccionar áreas prioritarias, ambos criterios indispensables para decidir qué y dónde conservar. Otro desafío es integrar el valor intrínseco de la biodiversidad con los servicios ecosistémicos que presta para instaurar una cultura participativa. Esto mejoraría la efectividad de las distintas estrategias de protección y uso sustentable de la biodiversidad al incorporar la educación y la participación ciudadana desde una perspectiva biocultural. La educación fomenta la conservación de la naturaleza al hacernos conscientes de nuestro entorno; mientras que la participación involucra a los ciudadanos como un actor más en la toma de decisiones, procurando la aplicación efectiva de las estrategias de conservación de la biodiversidad.Biodiversity loss caused by population growth, the demand of resources and productive activities is inconsistent with the recognition of its importance. In terrestrial ecosystems, the

  20. Modelling reveals endogenous osmotic adaptation of storage tissue water potential as an important driver determining different stem diameter variation patterns in the mangrove species Avicennia marina and Rhizophora stylosa. (United States)

    Vandegehuchte, Maurits W; Guyot, Adrien; Hubeau, Michiel; De Swaef, Tom; Lockington, David A; Steppe, Kathy


    Stem diameter variations are mainly determined by the radial water transport between xylem and storage tissues. This radial transport results from the water potential difference between these tissues, which is influenced by both hydraulic and carbon related processes. Measurements have shown that when subjected to the same environmental conditions, the co-occurring mangrove species Avicennia marina and Rhizophora stylosa unexpectedly show a totally different pattern in daily stem diameter variation. Using in situ measurements of stem diameter variation, stem water potential and sap flow, a mechanistic flow and storage model based on the cohesion-tension theory was applied to assess the differences in osmotic storage water potential between Avicennia marina and Rhizophora stylosa. Both species, subjected to the same environmental conditions, showed a resembling daily pattern in simulated osmotic storage water potential. However, the osmotic storage water potential of R. stylosa started to decrease slightly after that of A. marina in the morning and increased again slightly later in the evening. This small shift in osmotic storage water potential likely underlaid the marked differences in daily stem diameter variation pattern between the two species. The results show that in addition to environmental dynamics, endogenous changes in the osmotic storage water potential must be taken into account in order to accurately predict stem diameter variations, and hence growth.


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    Olga Pavlovna Puchinina


    Full Text Available The author studies the peculiarities of repetition, being one of the ways to build syntactic relations in the represented speech structure, based on the prose by Marina Tsvetaeva. The article describes the different types of repetitions, their distinctive features and frequency of usage in the studied tests. The author describes different types of repetitions in the studied cases of represented speech from the point of view of their position. Repetition occurs at the beginning, end of sentences, beginning and end of a statement or paragraph, end of a statement and beginning of the next one; lexical items may be repeated in the middle of a statement. The morphology of repetitions, i.e., the way by what parts of speech the repeated words and structures are expressed, is of interest from the point of view of functional grammar. The author notes that Tsvetaeva repeats different parts of speech: conjunctions, prepositions, particles, nouns, pronouns, adverbs, numerals, verbs, modal words or a combination of two words. Moreover, due to her special intention, Tsvetaeva intensifies repetition through particular phonetic devices, such as alliteration, rhyme and rhythm, which make her prosaic works sound poetic. Purpose. The article is devoted to the topic of rendering another person’s speech, as it continues to be one of the most important issues of modern linguistics. The subject of analysis is repetition and its different types in the structure of represented speech on the material of prose texts by Marina Tsvetaeva. The author’s aims is to reveal the way these types of repetition (lexical, syntactic, semantic ones function in the structure of represented speech and what effect is achieved with their help. Methodology. The research has been conducted using the continuous sampling method and the quantitative estimation method, aimed to identify the frequency of using different types of repetition and repeated parts of speech and constructions in the

  2. Has the rapidly expanding invasive dwarf eelgrass Zostera japonica in Yaquina estuary, Oregon impacted the distribution of native eelgrass Zostera marina – a critical intertidal habitat? - CERF (United States)

    Native eelgrass, Zostera marina, occupies a significant portion of marine-dominated intertidal and near-subtidal sectors of many coastal estuaries. In recent decades an invasive congener, Z. japonica, has become established in many Pacific Northwest estuaries. We measured the h...

  3. La pesca comercial y el estudio de la fauna marina en la Argentina, 1890-1930

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    Susana V. Garcia


    Full Text Available Este trabajo examina la relación entre el desarrollo de la pesca comercial marítima y el estudio de la fauna marina en la Argentina de fines del siglo XIX y las primeras décadas del siglo XX. Se analizan las investigaciones ictiológicas, la comercialización de productos marítimos frescos y las oportunidades que ofrecieron los mercados urbanos para la formación de colecciones. También se focaliza en los inicios de la pesca de altura que posibilitaría la captura y estudio de nuevas especies así como la acumulación de información sobre el ambiente marino.

  4. The MARINA Risk Assessment Strategy: A Flexible Strategy for Efficient Information Collection and Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials. (United States)

    Bos, Peter M J; Gottardo, Stefania; Scott-Fordsmand, Janeck J; van Tongeren, Martie; Semenzin, Elena; Fernandes, Teresa F; Hristozov, Danail; Hund-Rinke, Kerstin; Hunt, Neil; Irfan, Muhammad-Adeel; Landsiedel, Robert; Peijnenburg, Willie J G M; Sánchez Jiménez, Araceli; van Kesteren, Petra C E; Oomen, Agnes G


    An engineered nanomaterial (ENM) may actually consist of a population of primary particles, aggregates and agglomerates of various sizes. Furthermore, their physico-chemical characteristics may change during the various life-cycle stages. It will probably not be feasible to test all varieties of all ENMs for possible health and environmental risks. There is therefore a need to further develop the approaches for risk assessment of ENMs. Within the EU FP7 project Managing Risks of Nanoparticles (MARINA) a two-phase risk assessment strategy has been developed. In Phase 1 (Problem framing) a base set of information is considered, relevant exposure scenarios (RESs) are identified and the scope for Phase 2 (Risk assessment) is established. The relevance of an RES is indicated by information on exposure, fate/kinetics and/or hazard; these three domains are included as separate pillars that contain specific tools. Phase 2 consists of an iterative process of risk characterization, identification of data needs and integrated collection and evaluation of data on the three domains, until sufficient information is obtained to conclude on possible risks in a RES. Only data are generated that are considered to be needed for the purpose of risk assessment. A fourth pillar, risk characterization, is defined and it contains risk assessment tools. This strategy describes a flexible and efficient approach for data collection and risk assessment which is essential to ensure safety of ENMs. Further developments are needed to provide guidance and make the MARINA Risk Assessment Strategy operational. Case studies will be needed to refine the strategy.

  5. Aerobic scope and cardiovascular oxygen transport is not compromised at high temperatures in the toad Rhinella marina. (United States)

    Overgaard, Johannes; Andersen, Jonas L; Findsen, Anders; Pedersen, Pil B M; Hansen, Kasper; Ozolina, Karlina; Wang, Tobias


    Numerous recent studies convincingly correlate the upper thermal tolerance limit of aquatic ectothermic animals to reduced aerobic scope, and ascribe the decline in aerobic scope to failure of the cardiovascular system at high temperatures. In the present study we investigate whether this 'aerobic scope model' applies to an air-breathing and semi-terrestrial vertebrate Rhinella marina (formerly Bufo marinus). To quantify aerobic scope, we measured resting and maximal rate of oxygen consumption at temperatures ranging from 10 to 40°C. To include potential effects of acclimation, three groups of toads were acclimated chronically at 20, 25 and 30°C, respectively. The absolute difference between resting and maximal rate of oxygen consumption increased progressively with temperature and there was no significant decrease in aerobic scope, even at temperature immediately below the lethal limit (41-42°C). Haematological and cardiorespiratory variables were measured at rest and immediately after maximal activity at benign (30°C) and critically high (40°C) temperatures. Within this temperature interval, both resting and active heart rate increased, and there was no indication of respiratory failure, judged from high arterial oxygen saturation, P(O2) and [Hb(O2)]. With the exception of elevated resting metabolic rate for cold-acclimated toads, we found few differences in the thermal responses between acclimation groups with regard to the cardiometabolic parameters. In conclusion, we found no evidence for temperature-induced cardiorespiratory failure in R. marina, indicating that maintenance of aerobic scope and oxygen transport is unrelated to the upper thermal limit of this air-breathing semi-terrestrial vertebrate.

  6. The MARINA Risk Assessment Strategy: A Flexible Strategy for Efficient Information Collection and Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials

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    Peter M. J. Bos


    Full Text Available An engineered nanomaterial (ENM may actually consist of a population of primary particles, aggregates and agglomerates of various sizes. Furthermore, their physico-chemical characteristics may change during the various life-cycle stages. It will probably not be feasible to test all varieties of all ENMs for possible health and environmental risks. There is therefore a need to further develop the approaches for risk assessment of ENMs. Within the EU FP7 project Managing Risks of Nanoparticles (MARINA a two-phase risk assessment strategy has been developed. In Phase 1 (Problem framing a base set of information is considered, relevant exposure scenarios (RESs are identified and the scope for Phase 2 (Risk assessment is established. The relevance of an RES is indicated by information on exposure, fate/kinetics and/or hazard; these three domains are included as separate pillars that contain specific tools. Phase 2 consists of an iterative process of risk characterization, identification of data needs and integrated collection and evaluation of data on the three domains, until sufficient information is obtained to conclude on possible risks in a RES. Only data are generated that are considered to be needed for the purpose of risk assessment. A fourth pillar, risk characterization, is defined and it contains risk assessment tools. This strategy describes a flexible and efficient approach for data collection and risk assessment which is essential to ensure safety of ENMs. Further developments are needed to provide guidance and make the MARINA Risk Assessment Strategy operational. Case studies will be needed to refine the strategy.

  7. Environmental management of works in pipelines at natural protected areas; Gestao ambiental em obras de faixas de dutos nas areas naturais protegidas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raul, Vanderlei Lourenco; Alves, Anibal Jose Constantino; Martini, Andrea Dietrich; Lima, Silvia Ferreira de; Campos, Cleber Lucio dos Santos; Ozorio, Tarcisio Faria; Melo Neto, Joao Evangelista de [PETROBRAS Transporte S. A. (TRANSPETRO), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The TRANSPETRO pipeway in the State of Sao Paulo crosses different scenarios, including Permanent Preservation Areas and Conservation Units, as the Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - PESM, which contains the most extensive Mata Atlantica fragment, with more than 315,000 hectares. The rigor of environmental organisms imposes a number of extra conditions to critical points to be considered in activities with interference in the conservation unit. It was studied the case of thirty two kilometer pipeline substitution of OSBAT pipeway, in the Sao Sebastiao city, in the area covered by the PESM, to know the effective of environmental controls adopted. It was able to analyze the results about the application of management instruments at different levels, including independent external audit, audit of the Company that realized the work activities and audit of the own specialized people of TRANSPETRO and PETROBRAS. (author)

  8. Methylarcula marina gen. nov., sp. nov. and Methylarcula terricola sp. nov.: novel aerobic, moderately halophilic, facultatively methylotrophic bacteria from coastal saline environments. (United States)

    Doronina, N V; Trotsenko, Y A; Tourova, T P


    A new genus, Methylarcula, with two new species, Methylarcula marina and Methylarcula terricola, are proposed for strains h1T and h37T of moderately halophilic facultatively methylotrophic bacteria isolated from the coastal saline habitats. These methylobacteria are aerobic, Gram-negative, asporogenous, non-motile, colourless rods that multiply by binary fission. Their cellular fatty acids profiles consist primarily of straight-chain unsaturated (C18:1; 70-80%), saturated (C18:0; 14-16%) and cyclopropane (C19:0; 5-6%) acids. The major ubiquinone is Q-10. The dominant phospholipids are phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine. Both strains could use methylamine, some sugars and organic acids as carbon and energy sources. They grew well under optimal conditions (29-35 degrees C, pH 7.5-8.5, 0.5-1.0 M NaCl) and accumulated intracellularly poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate and the compatible solute ectoine. The ectoine pool was found to increase upon increasing the external NaCl concentration and accounted for 18% of the dry cellular weight. Both strains oxidized methylamine by the N-methylglutamate (N-MG) pathway enzymes (gamma-glutamylmethylamide synthetase/lyase and N-MG synthetase/lyase) to formaldehyde and assimilated it via the icl- serine pathway. The DNA G+C content was 60-4 mol% for Methylarcula marina h1T and 57.1 mol% for Methylarcula terricola h37T. The DNA-DNA hybridization value between strains hl and h37 was 25-30%, although they had a low level of DNA relatedness (5-7%) with the type strains of the serine pathway methylobacteria belonging to the genera Methylobacterium, Aminobacter, Methylorhabdus and Methylopila. A comparative 16S rDNA sequence-based phylogenetic analysis placed the two species of Methylarcula into a separate branch of the alpha-3 subclass of the Proteobacteria. The type strains of the new species are Methylarcula marina h1T (= VKM B-2159T) and Methylarcula terricola h37T (= VKM B-2160T).

  9. Assessment of sediment quality in dredged and undredged areas of the Trenton Channel of the Detroit River, Michigan USA, using the sediment quality triad (United States)

    Besser, John M.; Giesy, John P.; Kubitz, Jody A.; Verbrugge, David A.; Coon, Thomas G.; Braselton, W. Emmett


    The “sediment quality triad” approach was used to assess the effects of dredging on the sediment quality of a new marina in the Trenton Channel of the Detroit River, and to evaluate spatial and temporal variation in sediment quality in the Trenton Channel. Samples were collected in November of 1993 (10 months after dredging) and characterized by chemical analysis, sediment bioassays, and assessment of benthic invertebrate communities. The three study components indicated little difference in sediment quality at dredged sites in the marina relative to nearby areas in the Trenton Channel, and little change in sediment quality of Trenton Channel sites relative to conditions reported in the mid-1980s. These results suggest that improvement in sediment quality in the Trenton Channel, due to dredging or natural processes, will depend on elimination of sediment “hot spots” and other upstream contaminant sources. Concentrations of chemical contaminants, especially metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, exceeded concentrations associated with effects on biota and were significantly correlated with results of sediment bioassays and characteristics of benthic communities. Laboratory sediment bioassays with Hyalella azteca andChironomus tentans produced better discrimination among sites with differing degrees of contamination than did characterization of benthic communities, which were dominated by oligochaetes at all sites in the marina and the Trenton Channel.

  10. An approach to 3D modeling of marine platforms in operation; Un enfoque al modelado 3D de plataformas marinas en operacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomez Camargo, Octavio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    During the useful life of the marine platforms it is of great importance to have an intelligent three-dimensional model, that faithfully represents the facilities, in order to optimize the operative and maintenance procedures as well as to have a real information of the condition of the equipment and of each one of the components to facilitate the decision making, to make a risk analysis and dangerous operation analyses (HAZOP) and to make designs of improvements, modernization, substitutions and extensions. At the moment, the marine platforms are being designed with CAD tools, reason why before its installation they have a 3D model, which is updated as the design advances, until arriving at the approved version for construction. Later, the digital model of the marine platform serves to guide in the construction and follow up the advance of the same. Similarly, the model 3D is due to update with respect to the changes that arise during the construction and installation, until the commissioning of the platform, nevertheless, many of these were constructed when these tools were not yet available, reason why it becomes necessary to construct the digital model according to the present condition they exhibit. In order to develop the digital model of the marine platforms in operation, the activities are grouped in three large stages: specification of scope, retrieval of the information and modeling. [Spanish] Durante la vida util de las plataformas marinas es de gran importancia contar con un modelo tridimensional inteligente, que represente fielmente las instalaciones, con la finalidad de optimizar los procedimientos operativos y de mantenimiento asi como de disponer de informacion real del estado de los equipos y de cada uno de los componentes para facilitar la toma de decisiones, para hacer analisis de riesgos y analisis de operaciones peligrosas (HAZOP) y para hacer disenos de mejoras, modernizaciones, sustituciones y ampliaciones. Actualmente, las plataformas

  11. Antifoulant (butyltin and copper) concentrations in sediments from the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Australia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haynes, David; Loong, Dominica


    Antifoulant concentrations are generally low in the Great Barrier Reef, although ship grounding sites present a previously unidentified significant source of antifoulant pollutants in the Great Barrier Reef. - Antifoulant concentrations were determined in marine sediments collected from commercial harbours, marinas, mooring locations on mid-shelf continental islands, and outer reef sites in four regions within the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area in 1999. Highest copper concentrations were present in sediments collected from commercial harbour sampling sites (28-233 μg Cu g -1 dry wt.). In contrast, copper concentrations in sediments collected from boat mooring sites on mid-shelf continental islands and outer reef sites were at background concentrations (i.e. -1 dry wt.). Butyltin was only detectable in four of the 42 sediments sampled for analysis, and was only present in sediments collected from commercial harbours (18-1275 ng Sn g -1 dry wt.) and from marinas (4-5 ng Sn g -1 dry wt.). The detection of tributyltin at marina sites implies that this antifoulant may continue to be used illegally on the hulls of smaller recreational vessels. Sediment samples were also collected opportunistically from the site of a 22,000 t cargo ship grounding in May 1999 at Heath Reef, in the far northern Great Barrier Reef. Butyltin concentrations were grossly elevated (660-340,000 ng Sn g -1 dry wt.) at the grounding site. The impact of residual antifoulants at large ship grounding sites should be recognised as a significant, long-term environmental problem unless antfoulant clean-up strategies are undertaken

  12. Recent invasion of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris of a natural protected area from the southern Sonoran Desert Invasión reciente de zacate buffel (Cenchrus ciliaris en un área natural protegida del desierto sonorense

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    Erick De la Barrera


    Full Text Available The Centro Ecológico de Sonora is a natural protected area where the natural vegetation remained undisturbed at least until 1997. Since then, Cenchrus ciliaris has become a prominent element of the vegetation because of disturbance. Climate, soil properties, population structure and biological activity for C. ciliaris were studied to gain understanding of the ecological mechanisms that favored the invasion by this exotic grass. Mean air temperature and annual rainfall were 24.8°C and 302 mm. The soil was a loamy-sand that was poor in most nutrients, but particularly rich in phosphorus. Pennisetum ciliare was the most abundant species at the Centro Ecológico, representing over one third of total plant ground cover. Basal area for individual plants ranged from less than 1 cm² to almost 1 m². Living leaves per plant increased with precipitation, peaking at 199 leaves in March 2005, and no living leaves were found after 103 days without rain. The environmental conditions prevalent at Centro Ecológico are very favorable for C. ciliaris, whose establishment was apparently triggered by a major disturbance caused by the development of housing projects.El Centro Ecológico de Sonora es un área natural protegida donde la vegetación autóctona permaneció sin disturbios por lo menos hasta 1997. Desde entonces, Cenchrus ciliaris se ha convertido en un elemento prominente de la vegetación. Se estudiaron el clima, las propiedades del suelo, la estructura de la población y la actividad biológica de C. ciliaris, como una aproximación al entendimiento de los mecanismos ecológicos que favorecieron la invasión por este pasto exótico. La temperatura media del aire y la precipitación anual fueron de 24.8 °C y 302 mm. El suelo fue una arena limosa pobre en minerales, pero particularmente rica en fósforo. Cenchrus ciliaris fue la especie herbácea más abundante en el Centro Ecológico, representando más de un tercio de la cobertura vegetal. El

  13. Multiple stressors threaten the imperiled coastal foundation species eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Chesapeake Bay, USA. (United States)

    Lefcheck, Jonathan S; Wilcox, David J; Murphy, Rebecca R; Marion, Scott R; Orth, Robert J


    Interactions among global change stressors and their effects at large scales are often proposed, but seldom evaluated. This situation is primarily due to lack of comprehensive, sufficiently long-term, and spatially extensive datasets. Seagrasses, which provide nursery habitat, improve water quality, and constitute a globally important carbon sink, are among the most vulnerable habitats on the planet. Here, we unite 31 years of high-resolution aerial monitoring and water quality data to elucidate the patterns and drivers of eelgrass (Zostera marina) abundance in Chesapeake Bay, USA, one of the largest and most valuable estuaries in the world, with an unparalleled history of regulatory efforts. We show that eelgrass area has declined 29% in total since 1991, with wide-ranging and severe ecological and economic consequences. We go on to identify an interaction between decreasing water clarity and warming temperatures as the primary drivers of this trend. Declining clarity has gradually reduced eelgrass cover the past two decades, primarily in deeper beds where light is already limiting. In shallow beds, however, reduced visibility exacerbates the physiological stress of acute warming, leading to recent instances of decline approaching 80%. While degraded water quality has long been known to influence underwater grasses worldwide, we demonstrate a clear and rapidly emerging interaction with climate change. We highlight the urgent need to integrate a broader perspective into local water quality management, in the Chesapeake Bay and in the many other coastal systems facing similar stressors. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Burial of Zostera marina seeds in sediment inhabited by three polychaetes: laboratory and field studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Delefosse, Matthieu; Kristensen, Erik


    The large number of seeds produced by eelgrass, Zostera marina, provides this plant with a potential to disperse widely and colonise newareas. After dispersal, seedsmust be buried into sediment for assuring long-term survival, successful germination and safe seedling development. Seedsmay be buried...... eelgrass seed bank at the ecosystemscale. Some species have a positive effect by burying seeds to shallow depths and thereby reducing seed predation and facilitating seed germination, while other species bury seeds too deep for successful seed germination and seedling development....... passively by sedimentation or actively through sediment reworking by benthic fauna.We evaluated the effect of three polychaetes on the burial rate and depth of eelgrass seeds. Burial was first measured in controlled laboratory experiments using different densities of Nereis (Hediste) diversicolor (400...

  15. Size matters: insights from an allometric approach to evaluate control methods for invasive Australian Rhinella marina. (United States)

    Beaty, Lynne E; Salice, Christopher J


    Invasive species are costly and difficult to control. In order to gain a mechanistic understanding of potential control measures, individual-based models uniquely parameterized to reflect the salient life-history characteristics of invasive species are useful. Using invasive Australian Rhinella marina as a case study, we constructed a cohort- and individual-based population simulation that incorporates growth and body size of terrestrial stages. We used this allometric approach to examine the efficacy of nontraditional control methods (i.e., tadpole alarm chemicals and native meat ants) that may have indirect effects on population dynamics mediated by effects on body size. We compared population estimates resulting from these control methods with traditional hand removal. We also conducted a sensitivity analysis to investigate the effect that model parameters, specifically those associated with growth and body size, had on adult population estimates. Incremental increases in hand removal of adults and juveniles caused nonlinear decreases in adult population estimates, suggesting less return with increased investment in hand-removal efforts. Applying tadpole alarm chemicals or meat ants decreased adult population estimates on the same level as removing 15-25% of adults and juveniles by hand. The combined application of tadpole alarm chemicals and meat ants resulted in approximately 80% decrease in adult abundance, the largest of any applied control method. In further support of the nontraditional control methods, which greatly affected the metamorph stage, our model was most sensitive to changes in metamorph survival, juvenile survival, metamorph growth rate, and adult survival. Our results highlight the use and insights that can be gained from individual-based models that incorporate growth and body size and the potential success that nontraditional control methods could have in controlling established, invasive Rhinella marina populations.

  16. Carbon sources and trophic structure in an eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) bed based on stable isotope and fatty acid analyses


    Jaschinski, Sybill; Brepohl, Daniela C.; Sommer, Ulrich


    Multiple stable isotope and fatty acid analyses were applied to examine food web dynamics in an eelgrass Zostera marina L. system in the western Baltic Sea. Samples of eelgrass, epiphytic algae, sand microflora, red algae, phytoplankton and main consumer species were collected in June 2002. delta C-13 values of primary producers ranged from -9.6%. for eelgrass to the most depleted value of -34.9%. for the most abundant red alga, Delesseria sanguinea, Epiphyte delta C-13 (-11.3 parts per thous...

  17. Alternativa de biofertilizante como medio de cultivo para el crecimiento poblacional de dos microalgas marinas empleadas en la camaronicultura


    Guerra Aznay, M.; Pérez Jar, L.; Leal Lorenzo, S.; Jaime Ceballos, B.; Jiménez Cabrera, R.; Pérez Díaz, S.; Bobadilla González, J.


    Con el propósito de evaluar el humus de lombriz roja californiana Eisenia foetida como biofertilizante para el crecimiento poblacional de dos microalgas marinas, fueron cultivadas Tetraselmis tetrathele y Chaetoceros muelleri en agua de mar enriquecida con cuatro diluciones (50; 200; 350 y 500 mL) de extracto líquido de humus. La especie T. tetrathele, cultivada en la dilución de 200 mL, no mostró diferencias con el patrón medio f/2 Guillard para los parámetros: concentración celu...

  18. Comparación ontogénica de la frecuencia de muda en Rhinella marina (Anura, Bufonidae Ontogenetic comparison of the molting frequency in Rhinella marina (Anura: Bufonidae

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    Teófila M. Triana


    Full Text Available La muda es un proceso de renovación de la capa externa de la epidermis (estrato corneo de los anfibios, la cual suministra protección contra daños, patógenos y pérdida de agua. Este trabajo evalúa la frecuencia de muda entre juveniles y adultos de Rhinella marina (Linnaeus, 1758 y la tasa de ocurrencia entre el día y la noche. Para esto, se realizaron dos observaciones diarias (7 am y 7 pm, entre Octubre de 2011 y Marzo de 2012, a tres grupos de individuos clasificados según su tamaño longitud rostro-cloaca, como adultos (promedio=80 mm, juveniles medianos (promedio=19 mm y juveniles pequeños (promedio=13 mm. Estos animales fueron colocados en terrarios en el laboratorio y marcados en el dorso a través de un punto hecho con un corrector de tinta. La muda se determinó por la pérdida total de la marca y una coloración brillante en el dorso. Se encontró una diferencia significativa (Kruskal-Wallis, H=19.84, pMolting is a process of constant renewal of the outer layer of epidermis (stratum corneum in amphibians, which provides a barrier against injury, pathogens and evaporative water loss. This paper evaluates the molting frequency between juveniles and adults of Rhinella marina (Linnaeus, 1758 and between the night and day time. Two daily observations, at 7 am and 7 pm, were made between October 2011 and March 2012 to three groups of individuals, classified by their size, snout vent length, as adults (mean=80 mm, medium juveniles (mean=19 mm and small juveniles (mean=13 mm. The animals were placed in terrariums in the laboratory and marked on their back with a spot of correction fluid. The molting was determined by the total loss of the mark and a bright color on the dorsal skin. We found a significant difference (Kruskal-Wallis, H=19.84, p<0.0001 in the molting frequency among the three groups: adults=7.5 days, medium juveniles=5.4 days, and small juveniles=5.3 days. Also, between the number of molting frogs during the night and day



    Alfaro-Shigueto, Joanna; University of Exeter, Penyrn, Cornwall, TR10 9EZ, United Kingdom.; Valqui, Juan; Centro de Ornitología y Biodiversidad (CORBIDI). Calle Santa Rita 105 Of. 202, Lima 33, Perú.; Mangel, Jeffrey C.; University of Exeter, Penyrn, Cornwall, TR10 9EZ, United Kingdom.


    La nutria marina Lontra felina es una especie en peligro de extinción cuyo rango de distribución es controversial, siendo considerada el área de Chimbote (9°10´S) como el límite norte de su distribución actual. Aquí se documenta por primera vez su presencia a 115 km al norte de Chimbote, en el puerto artesanal de Huanchaco (08°04´S). La discusión de esta nota científica busca promover la generación de investigaciones que esclarezcan tanto los factores que determinan la presencia de la nutria ...

  20. El Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina

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    Pérez Carrillo de Albornoz, Francisco J.


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    Se expone en este artículo la amplia labor que desarrolla el Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina (IHM y su participación en múltiples programas y proyectos nacionales e internacionales, representando a España y manteniendo relaciones permanentes de colaboración con diversas Organizaciones, Comisiones y Comités de carácter supranacional. Tras una síntesis histórica del IHM, cuyos orígenes en el Padrón Real de 1508 le otorgan la rimacía mundial como Instituto Hidrográfico, se describen detalladamente las actividades que desarrolla el Instituto en las diferentes áreas de su competencia (Hidrografia, Geodesia y Fotogrametría, Cartografía, Navegación, Oceanografía, destacando el intenso y continuado trabajo que realizan sus buques hidrográficos y el proceso de transformación que se está llevando a cabo para implantar las modernas tecnologías en todos estos campos de actuación. Haciendo honor a la cita de que «Europa aprendió a navegar en libros españoles», se recogen también en este artículo las numerosas publicaciones que continúa editando el Instituto, como responsable que es de mantener actualizada la cartografía náutica y sus correspondientes avisos y ayudas a la navegación, para finalizar con una referencia a la labor docente que desarrolla su Escuela de Hidrografía.

  1. Una aplicación del enfoque multiatributo para un producto agroalimentario con Denominación de Origen Protegida: El Jamón de Teruel

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    Joel Espejel Blanco


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo analiza la relación de la calidad percibida de un producto agroalimentario con Denominación de Origen Protegida (DOP como determinante de la intención de compra de los consumidores. A través de un estudio empírico, dirigido a consumidores españoles de Jamón de Teruel con DOP, y mediante el uso de ecuaciones estructurales, se obtienen unos resultados con base en la diferenciación entre los atributos intrínsecos y extrínsecos de dicho producto y cómo éstos influyen en la satisfacción y ésta en su intención de compra. A partir de los resultados obtenidos en el caso específico del Jamón de Teruel, podrían derivarse importantes estrategias de comercialización aplicables a productos agroalimentarios tanto con DOP como sin ella, haciendo especial hincapié tanto en los factores organolépticos como en los de imagen, para conseguir una mayor consolidación en el sector a partir del desarrollo de estrategias de marketing basadas en el sello de calidad de la DOP.

  2. Petróleo, seguridad ambiental y exploración petrolera marina en Colombia

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    Avellaneda Cusaría, Alfonso


    Full Text Available Este artículo reseña un siglo de las actividades petroleras en Colombia, sus consecuencias en los territorios indígenas, así como los riesgos ambientales y para la salud, destacando por -otra parte- el papel que han asumido algunas compañías para controlar esos riesgos. Se discute las implicaciones sociales y ambientales, directas e indirectas, de las distintas fases de las actividades petroleras en la parte continental del país, y sus relaciones históricas con los procesos de violencia donde ha habido explotación petrolera desde el siglo XX. Finalmente, se abre una discusión sobre la nueva política petrolera del Estado colombiano, con la exploración costa fuera y la ausencia de control ambiental para proteger los ecosistemas que subyacen la licitación de áreas para los próximos años, sin asumir el derecho internacional en la protección marina.

  3. Monitoring of the artificial reef fish assemblages of golfe juan marine protected area (France, North-Western Mediterranean

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    Bodilis Pascaline


    Full Text Available Artificial reefs were deployed within the Golfe-Juan marine protected area (Alpes-Maritimes coast, France, Northwestern Mediterranean created in 1981. This no-take area is fully protected since its establishment, except in 2004 when some anthropic activities were, exceptionally, authorized. Moreover, no park rangers to prevent poaching since 2002 occur. In order to carry out a long term monitoring of the artificial reef fish assemblages, underwater visual censuses (UVC were carried out in 1988, 1998 and 2008, according to a traditional standardized visual census method that taken into account all fish species. The complexification of some large reefs built with wide voide spaces called Bonna reefs appear to be a good solution to increase species richness and density. Species richness and density of the fish assemblages showed significant increase between 1988 and 1998. However the fast increasing was stopped from 1998 and 2008 probably due to a lack of law enforcement and poaching. Despite artificial reefs were deployed in MPA since at least 20 years, they did not show a real positive impact on fish assemblages. These results could be explained (i by a lack of law enforcement patrol within the protected areas during the last decade, and (ii by the one-year opening to fishing activities within MPA. The real effectiveness of the artificial reefs in sustaining fish assemblages is discussed and the necessity of a regular and efficient control by park rangers is highlighted.Recifes artificiais foram implantados na área protegida Golfe-Juan (costa dos Alpes-Maritimes, Noroeste do Mediterraneo criada em 1981. Esta área NTZ (Area de Restrição da Pesca é inteiramente protegida, desde seu estabelecimento, exceto em 2004, quando algumas atividades antropicas foram excepcionalmente autorizadas. Além disso, desde 2002, não houve nenhuma patrulha florestal para impedir a caça e pesca ilegais. . A fim realizar um monitoramento a longo prazo das assembl

  4. Actividad antibacteriana y antifúngica de extractos de algas marinas venezolanas

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    Nurby Ríos


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se evaluaron las propiedades bioactivas antibacterianas y antimicóticas de 33 extractos (etanol, diclorometano, hexano obtenidos de 11 especies de algas marinas recolectadas en las localidades de San Juan de Los Cayos y Chichiriviche, Estado Falcón, Venezuela. La actividad antibiótica y antimicótica de los extractos se evaluó mediante la aparición de halos de inhibición contra bacterias Gram positivas (Staphylococ- cus aureus, Gram negativas (Pseudomona aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli y el hongo Candida albicans. De los 33 extractos ensayados sólo 17 presentaron actividad antibacteriana (5 con etanol, 6 con diclorometano y 6 con hexano, resultando activos 14 frente a las especies Gram(- y 4 contra la especie Gram(+. Las especies algales que mostraron actividad antibacteriana fueron: Acanthophora sp., Bryothamnion triquetrum, Gracilaria sp., Gelidium sp., Caulerpa mexicana, Caulerpa sp., Caulerpa spp., Halimeda incras- sata, Ulva sp., Codium decorticatum, Sargassum sp. Ninguno de los extractos de algas ensayados presentó actividad antimicótica sobre Cándida albicans. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que las algas de la costa occidental de Venezuela, presentan compuestos bioactivos con actividad antibacteriana.

  5. The Structure of Genetic Diversity in Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) along the North Pacific and Bering Sea Coasts of Alaska (United States)

    Talbot, Sandra L.; Sage, Kevin; Rearick, Jolene; Fowler, Megan C.; Muñiz-Salazar, Raquel; Baibak, Bethany; Wyllie-Echeverria, Sandy; Cabello-Pasini, Alehandro; Ward, David H.


    Eelgrass (Zostera marina) populations occupying coastal waters of Alaska are separated by a peninsula and island archipelago into two Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs). From populations in both LMEs, we characterize genetic diversity, population structure, and polarity in gene flow using nuclear microsatellite fragment and chloroplast and nuclear sequence data. An inverse relationship between genetic diversity and latitude was observed (heterozygosity: R2 = 0.738, P < 0.001; allelic richness: R2 = 0.327, P = 0.047), as was significant genetic partitioning across most sampling sites (θ = 0.302, P < 0.0001). Variance in allele frequency was significantly partitioned by region only in cases when a population geographically in the Gulf of Alaska LME (Kinzarof Lagoon) was instead included with populations in the Eastern Bering Sea LME (θp = 0.128–0.172; P < 0.003), suggesting gene flow between the two LMEs in this region. Gene flow among locales was rarely symmetrical, with notable exceptions generally following net coastal ocean current direction. Genetic data failed to support recent proposals that multiple Zostera species (i.e. Z. japonica and Z. angustifolia) are codistributed with Z. marina in Alaska. Comparative analyses also failed to support the hypothesis that eelgrass populations in the North Atlantic derived from eelgrass retained in northeastern Pacific Last Glacial Maximum refugia. These data suggest northeastern Pacific populations are derived from populations expanding northward from temperate populations following climate amelioration at the terminus of the last Pleistocene glaciation.

  6. The structure of genetic diversity in eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) along the North Pacific and Bering Sea coasts of Alaska (United States)

    Talbot, Sandra L.; Sage, Kevin; Rearick, Jolene; Fowler, Megan C.; Muñiz-Salazar, Raquel; Baibak, Bethany; Wyllie-Echeverria, Sandy; Cabello-Pasini, Alehandro; Ward, David H.


    Eelgrass (Zostera marina) populations occupying coastal waters of Alaska are separated by a peninsula and island archipelago into two Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs). From populations in both LMEs, we characterize genetic diversity, population structure, and polarity in gene flow using nuclear microsatellite fragment and chloroplast and nuclear sequence data. An inverse relationship between genetic diversity and latitude was observed (heterozygosity: R2 = 0.738, P < 0.001; allelic richness: R2 = 0.327, P = 0.047), as was significant genetic partitioning across most sampling sites (θ = 0.302, P < 0.0001). Variance in allele frequency was significantly partitioned by region only in cases when a population geographically in the Gulf of Alaska LME (Kinzarof Lagoon) was instead included with populations in the Eastern Bering Sea LME (θp = 0.128–0.172; P < 0.003), suggesting gene flow between the two LMEs in this region. Gene flow among locales was rarely symmetrical, with notable exceptions generally following net coastal ocean current direction. Genetic data failed to support recent proposals that multiple Zostera species (i.e. Z. japonica and Z. angustifolia) are codistributed with Z. marina in Alaska. Comparative analyses also failed to support the hypothesis that eelgrass populations in the North Atlantic derived from eelgrass retained in northeastern Pacific Last Glacial Maximum refugia. These data suggest northeastern Pacific populations are derived from populations expanding northward from temperate populations following climate amelioration at the terminus of the last Pleistocene glaciation.

  7. Organotins in zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and sediments of the Quebec City Harbour area of the St. Lawrence River. (United States)

    Regoli, L; Chan, H M; de Lafontaine, Y; Mikaelian, I


    Toxic antifouling agents such as tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPT) have been released in aquatic ecosystems through the use of antifouling paint applied to ship hulls, pleasure crafts and fish nets and these compounds can bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms. The purpose of this study was 1) to assess the extent of the distribution of organotins from a contaminated marina to the St. Lawrence River system by measuring organotin concentrations in zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and in sediments collected from 9 sites along the St. Lawrence River near Quebec City in July 1998, and 2) to examine the histopathological condition of zebra mussel tissues from these sites. TBT concentrations in zebra mussels were between 37 and 1078 ng Sn g(-1) wet weight, with the highest value found in the Bassin Louise marina. Elevated concentrations were also found in two other marinas. The concentrations decreased sharply to background levels just outside the marinas. All butyltins were detected in all sediments analysed, with highest values found in the Bassin Louise marina. Phenyltins were detected in three of the nine sites in low concentrations (zebra mussels. There was a significant correlation between TBT in sediments and mussels. Gonadal development of zebra mussels varied largely between sites, and was negatively associated to TBT levels in mussel tissue. This study shows that TBT contamination remains a problem in localised freshwater sectors of the St. Lawrence River.

  8. Lanfrediella amphicirrus gen. nov. sp. nov. Nematotaeniidae (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea, a tapeworm parasite of Rhinella marina (Linnaeus, 1758 (Amphibia: Bufonidae

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    Francisco Tiago de Vasconcelos Melo


    Full Text Available The family Nematotaeniidae, tapeworms commonly found in the small intestines of amphibians and reptiles, includes 27 recognised species distributed among four genera: Bitegmen Jones, Cylindrotaenia Jewell, Distoichometra Dickey and Nematotaenia Lühe. The taxonomy of these cestodes is poorly defined, due in part to the difficulties of observing many anatomical traits. This study presents and describes a new genus and species of nematotaeniid parasite found in cane toads (Rhinella marina from eastern Brazilian Amazonia. The cestodes were collected during the necropsy of 20 hosts captured in the urban area of Belém, Pará. The specimens were fixed and processed for light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM and three-dimensional (3D reconstruction. Samples were also collected for molecular analyses. The specimens presented a cylindrical body, two testes and paruterine organs. However, they could not be allocated to any of the four existing nematotaeniid genera due to the presence of two each of dorsal compact medullary testes, cirri, cirrus pouches, genital pores, ovaries and vitelline glands per mature segment. Lanfrediella amphicirrus gen. nov. sp. nov. is the first nematotaeniid studied using Historesin analysis, SEM and 3D reconstruction, and it is the second taxon for which molecular data have been deposited in GenBank.

  9. Consumers' risk elimination in fuel supply chain. The Attica's Marinas yacht fuelling case study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liapis, Nikolaos [ELINOIL-HELLENIC PETROLEUM COMPANY, S.A., Kifisia (Greece); Zannikos, Fanourios [National Technical Univ. of Athens (Greece). Lab. of Fuels Technology and Lubricants


    Oil products distribution system is a complicated supply chain and includes a lot of uncertainties. A limited but quite interesting part of this system is yachting supply in marinas. Yachts usually are equipped with high efficiency and big horsepower modem engines; sea travelling is risky itself so fuel quality contributes significant in safety; many of the yachts are chartered for hired cruises and so operators have the right to purchase tax-free marine diesel, which creates conditions for smuggling and adulteration. All above create a great need for quality control in these fuels, as Greek oil companies do not apply at the moment Total Quality Management (TQM) for securing both quality specifications and quantity paid by the end user. In this research project the Laboratory of Fuel Technology and Lubricants of NTUA collected samples and analysed fuels delivered by tank trucks to yachts in six marinas in the district of Attica. These fuels were marketed by ELINOIL SA, a medium size oil distribution company, operating in Greece. ELINOIL has a market share of 6% of the Greek fuel market but is a market leader in yachting supply in Attica, having more than 50% of the specific market. Problems concerning fuel quality were analysed, direct or indirect causes were tracked, recorded and analysed, always in comparison with data from other Quality Control procedures applied from the company. A specially developed database was updated with facts and figures from incidents and quality issues covering this activity of the company during this period. The project, as it was targeted, detected the quality problems of the specific supply chain and ended to suggestions concerning the building of Quality Assurance System in yachting fuel supply. (orig.)

  10. Range-edge genetic diversity: locally poor extant southern patches maintain a regionally diverse hotspot in the seagrass Zostera marina. (United States)

    Diekmann, Onno E; Serrão, Ester A


    Refugial populations at the rear edge are predicted to contain higher genetic diversity than those resulting from expansion, such as in post-glacial recolonizations. However, peripheral populations are also predicted to have decreased diversity compared to the centre of a species' distribution. We aim to test these predictions by comparing genetic diversity in populations at the limits of distribution of the seagrass Zostera marina, with populations in the species' previously described central diversity 'hotspot'. Zostera marina populations show decreased allelic richness, heterozygosity and genotypic richness in both the 'rear' edge and the 'leading' edge compared to the diversity 'hotspot' in the North Sea/Baltic region. However, when populations are pooled, genetic diversity at the southern range is as high as in the North Sea/Baltic region while the 'leading edge' remains low in genetic diversity. The decreased genetic diversity in these southern Iberian populations compared to more central populations is possibly the effect of drift because of small effective population size, as a result of reduced habitat, low sexual reproduction and low gene flow. However, when considering the whole southern edge of distribution rather than per population, diversity is as high as in the central 'hotspot' in the North Sea/Baltic region. We conclude that diversity patterns assessed per population can mask the real regional richness that is typical of rear edge populations, which have played a key role in the species biogeographical history and as marginal diversity hotspots have very high conservation value. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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    Samuel Esteban Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El tipo de tecnología y el tipo de mercado de cada Denominación de Origen Protegida de vino (DOP se puede identificar a través de diferentes elementos. Utilizando como marco de referencia la teoría de los mundos de producción, puede dividirse el tipo de tecnología en especializada y estandarizada, considerando aspectos relacionados con el grado de genera lización del conocimiento y el nivel de automatización. El tipo de mercado puede dividirse en genérico y dedicado, tomando en consideración la predictibilidad de la demanda, en función del tamaño del mercado de destino y el nivel de personalización de la p roducción. Para identificar estas dimensiones en el sector del vino se ha propuesto una batería de indicadores y se ha analizado su utilidad , para seleccionar aquellos más adecuados. La superficie por bodega, concebida como la interacción del tamaño medio de la explotación vitícola y el número de viticultores por bodega, ofrece un alto potencial en la definición del eje de tipo de tecnología. Por su parte, el tipo de mercado puede ser caracterizado utilizando el tamaño medio de la marca de vino, como indica dor de segmentación de la producción.

  12. Synergistic effects of altered salinity and temperature on estuarine eelgrass (Zostera marina) seedlings and clonal shoots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salo, Tiina Elina; Pedersen, Morten Foldager


    investigated experimentally how different combinations of salinity and temperature affect the physiological performance of adult eelgrass (Zostera marina) shoots and seedlings. Plants were exposed to different combinations of salinity (salinity 5, 12.5 and 20) and temperature (15, 20 and 25 °C) in a 5-week...... and temperature. Seedlings had higher absolute mortality, while adult shoots were relatively more sensitive to unfavorable levels of salinity. Leaf tissue sucrose concentrations in both life stages decreased at low salinity, whereas salinity and temperature resulted in contrasting starch concentrations between...... seedlings and adult shoots. Our results show that altered salinity and temperature may have negative synergistic effects on eelgrass performance. Future climate changes may thus have serious impacts on eelgrass survival and performance....


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    Julián Mauricio Betancourt Portela


    Full Text Available El trabajo consistió en un plan de monitoreo que contó con una red de diez estaciones distribuidas en Bahía Málaga, y que fue realizado por muestreos trimestrales entre los años 2005 y 2006. En esos muestreos se evaluó la calidad de las aguas superficiales mediante la medición de las variables físicoquímicas, microbiológicas, tóxicos orgánicos, hidrocarburos y organoclorados. La cercanía a la Bahía de Buenaventura y la influencia de algunos esteros como Luisico, Valencia, Los Monos y La Sierpe favorece el aporte de materiales biogénicos (N, P, Si que sostienen la productividad primaria de Bahía Málaga, en la que aún no se evidencian riesgos ambientales por procesos de eutroficación. Los resultados muestran un buen estado la calidad de sus aguas y aportan elementos útiles para las autoridades locales, regionales y nacionales que actualmente gestionan el proceso de declaratoria de la bahía como Área Marina Protegida.

  14. Isla Gorgona, enclave estratégico para los esfuerzos de conservación en el Pacífico Oriental Tropical

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    Alan Giraldo


    Full Text Available La Gorgona, ubicada en el sector sur del Pacífico Colombiano, es un territorio insular que se encuentra a 35km en línea recta del margen continental. Aunque históricamente tuvo diferentes usos, desde 1984 conforma una de las áreas marinas protegidas más importantes del Pacífico Colombiano. Aquí se presenta la recopilación histórica del desarrollo de la investigación científica en isla Gorgona, localidad clave para los programas de conservación marino-costeros del Pacífico Colombiano y el corredor marino de conservación del Pacífico Oriental Tropical. La integridad ecológica del PNN Gorgona es aceptable pero deben mejorarse los indicadores asociados a las poblaciones de Bradypus variegatus y Proechymis simispinosus, ya que tienen un riesgo muy elevado de desaparición. Es fundamental continuar recopilando la información técnica necesaria para ajustar los estimadores de estado de conservación.

  15. Cetacean diversity and distribution in the coast of Gipuzkoa and adjacent waters, southeastern Bay of Biscay

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    Full Text Available Desde el año 2003, se ha realizado un seguimiento continuo a las poblaciones de cetáceos de la costa guipuzcoana, siguiendo los protocolos de muestreo de cetáceos en mar de la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos. Se ha estudiado la diversidad, la densidad, la distribución espacial y temporal de estas especies. Los resultados indican la presencia de 12 especies de cetáceos en el área, y la importancia de la misma para cinco de ellas, especialmente para el delfín mular (Tursiops truncatus. El delfín común (Delphinus delphis, el calderon de aleta larga (Globicephala melas, el delfín listado (Stenella coeruleoalba y el cifio de cuvier (Ziphius cavirostris son especies altamente representadas en el área. Se han definido las principales áreas de distribución de estas especies con el fin de dar los primeros pasos para la creación de un Área Marina Protegida en el área.

  16. Niveles de plomo y cadmio en agua marina y lapas (Patella vulgata L.) de la Ría de Vigo


    M. Pérez López; M.C Nóvoa; J. Alonso; M. A. García Fernández; M.J. Melgar


    El empleo de seres vivos para monitorizar la contaminación por metales pesados en los ecosistemas acuáticos es de extremo interés en el campo de la ecotoxicología. En el presente estudio se han recogido muestras de agua marina y de lapas (Patella vulgata L.) de distintos puntos de la Ría de Vigo, con la intención de determinar en ellos los niveles de plomo y cadmio, por medio de una técnica de voltamperometría. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron una relación estrecha entr...

  17. La zonificación y su aplicación en las Áreas Naturales Protegidas de uso Turístico de Quintana Roo

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    Romano Gino Segrado Pavón


    Full Text Available El presente estudio expone los hallazgos de la aplicación de la técnica de zonificación en las Áreas Naturales Protegidas (ANP de uso turístico del estado de Quintana Roo. La identificación de las ANP de uso turístico se realizó por medio de la revisión de documentos oficiales, mediante solicitudes de información a las instituciones públicas encargadas de la protección o administración de dichas áreas, con el apoyo de la Ley Federal de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública Gubernamental (LFTAIPG.Como resultado, se determinó que sólo un porcentaje limitado de las ANP del estado de Quintana Roo ha realizado estudios de zonificación, aunque tengan uso turístico intensivo y cobren una cuota de acceso al sitio. Finalmente, si bien existen leyes y reglamentos que protegen las ANP, la falta de aplicación de la zonificación, junto con el uso turístico, aceleran el proceso de deterioro de estas áreas, por lo que se propone dicha técnica básica de protección para estos lugares.

  18. De novo transcriptome analysis of pneumatophores (modified roots in the true mangrove species Avicennia marina and identification of the genes related to root gas exchange

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    Purushothaman Natarajan


    Full Text Available Mangroves plants which grow in estuaries naturally tolerate extreme conditions of high salinity (90 ppt and high light intensity. Avicennia marina is a true mangrove tree species with physiological adaptations like modified root system (pneumatophores and salt excretion glands in leaves as its one of the unique features to consider. The pneumatophores are a special type of roots with negative geotropism that project above the water surface or the level of flooded soils [1]. In contact with air these roots develop lenticels, which improve gas exchange between roots and environment [2]. In swamps and wetlands the presence of pneumatophores facilitates oxygen diffusion through the tissues, maintaining levels adequate for cellular respiration [3]. Objective of this study was to perform the whole transcriptome analysis of pneumatophore tissue of A. marina by Illumina sequencing and to identify putative genes involved in process of root gas exchange. We generated 19.73 million of paired-end reads and assembled into 86,856 unigenes with an average length of 772 bp. Further, annotation, tissue specific gene expression and genes related to root gas exchange will be presented.

  19. Isotopic signatures of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) as bioindicator of anthropogenic nutrient input in the western Baltic Sea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schubert, Philipp R.; Karez, Rolf; Reusch, Thorsten B.H.; Dierking, Jan


    Highlights: • Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) inputs are a global problem, but difficult to quantify. • We tested the use of eelgrass δ 15 N as proxy of such inputs in the Baltic Sea. • The method revealed distinct spatial patterns in sewage N across a eutrophic bay. • Traditional eutrophication measures corroborated the results from δ 15 N values. • Eelgrass δ 15 N ratios have high potential as proxy of sewage-derived N in the Baltic. -- Abstract: Eutrophication is a global environmental problem. Better management of this threat requires more accurate assessments of anthropogenic nitrogen (N) inputs to coastal systems than can be obtained with traditional measures. Recently, primary producer N isotopic signatures have emerged as useful proxy of such inputs. Here, we demonstrated for the first time the applicability of this method using the widespread eelgrass (Zostera marina) in the highly eutrophic Baltic Sea. Spatial availability of sewage N across a bay with one major sewage outflow predicted by eelgrass δ 15 N was high near and downstream of the outflow compared to upstream, but returned to upstream levels within 4 km downstream from the outfall. General conclusions were corroborated by traditional eutrophication measures, but in contrast to these measures were fully quantitative. Eelgrass N isotope ratios therefore show high potential for coastal screens of eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, and in other areas with eelgrass meadows

  20. Evidence for strain-specific exometabolomic responses of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi to grazing by the dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina.

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    Kelsey L Poulson-Ellestad


    Full Text Available The coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi forms massive blooms and plays a critical role in global elemental cycles, sequestering significant amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide on geological time scales via production of calcium carbonate coccoliths and emitting dimethyl sulfoniopropionate (DMSP which has the potential for increasing atmospheric albedo. Because grazing in pelagic systems is a major top-down force structuring microbial communities, the influence of grazers on E. huxleyi populations has been of interest to researchers. Roles of DMSP (and related metabolites in interactions between E. huxleyi and protist grazers have been investigated, however, little is known about the release of other metabolites that may influence, or be influenced by, such grazing interactions. We used high-resolution mass spectrometry in an untargeted approach to survey the suite of low molecular weight compounds released by four different E. huxleyi strains in response to grazing by the dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina. Overall, a strikingly small number of metabolites were detected from E. huxleyi and O. marina cells, but these were distinctly informative to construct metabolic footprints. At most, E. huxleyi strains shared 25% of released metabolites. Furthermore, there appeared to be no unified metabolic response in E. huxleyi strains to grazing; rather these responses were strain specific. Concentrations of several metabolites also positively correlated with grazer activities, including grazing, ingestion, and growth rates; however, no single metabolite responded uniformly across all strains of E. huxleyi tested. Regardless, grazing clearly transformed the constituents of dissolved organic matter produced by these marine microbes. This study addresses several technical challenges, and presents a platform to further study the influence of chemical cues in aquatic systems and demonstrates the impact of strain diversity and grazing on the complexity of

  1. Com'è profondo il mare Gli uominiche lo misurano, l'Istituto Idrografico della Marina

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    Alessandro Nobili


    Full Text Available Measuring sea depths: the Italian hydrographic InstituteSince 1873 the Italian Hydrographic Institute (Istituto Idrografico della Marina - IIM has been involved in sea depth measuring in order to improve safety of navigation. The main mission of the institute is to provide hydrographic services for waters of Italian national responsibility required by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS. This role requires the coordination and determination of policy and standards which covers both hydrographic surveying and charting, as well as contributing tothe coordination, exchange and standards related to geospatial data in general. IIM’s traditions and methods take their origins from the pioneers of hydrography; in this paper the author briefl y describes the main stages in IIM’s history, passing throught scientifi c and international activities and concludine with challenges and prospects of digital era.

  2. The Complex Transcriptional Response of Acaryochloris marina to Different Oxygen Levels

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    Miguel A. Hernández-Prieto


    Full Text Available Ancient oxygenic photosynthetic prokaryotes produced oxygen as a waste product, but existed for a long time under an oxygen-free (anoxic atmosphere, before an oxic atmosphere emerged. The change in oxygen levels in the atmosphere influenced the chemistry and structure of many enzymes that contained prosthetic groups that were inactivated by oxygen. In the genome of Acaryochloris marina, multiple gene copies exist for proteins that are normally encoded by a single gene copy in other cyanobacteria. Using high throughput RNA sequencing to profile transcriptome responses from cells grown under microoxic and hyperoxic conditions, we detected 8446 transcripts out of the 8462 annotated genes in the Cyanobase database. Two-thirds of the 50 most abundant transcripts are key proteins in photosynthesis. Microoxic conditions negatively affected the levels of expression of genes encoding photosynthetic complexes, with the exception of some subunits. In addition to the known regulation of the multiple copies of psbA, we detected a similar transcriptional pattern for psbJ and psbU, which might play a key role in the altered components of photosystem II. Furthermore, regulation of genes encoding proteins important for reactive oxygen species-scavenging is discussed at genome level, including, for the first time, specific small RNAs having possible regulatory roles under varying oxygen levels.

  3. The Complex Transcriptional Response of Acaryochloris marina to Different Oxygen Levels (United States)

    Hernández-Prieto, Miguel A.; Lin, Yuankui; Chen, Min


    Ancient oxygenic photosynthetic prokaryotes produced oxygen as a waste product, but existed for a long time under an oxygen-free (anoxic) atmosphere, before an oxic atmosphere emerged. The change in oxygen levels in the atmosphere influenced the chemistry and structure of many enzymes that contained prosthetic groups that were inactivated by oxygen. In the genome of Acaryochloris marina, multiple gene copies exist for proteins that are normally encoded by a single gene copy in other cyanobacteria. Using high throughput RNA sequencing to profile transcriptome responses from cells grown under microoxic and hyperoxic conditions, we detected 8446 transcripts out of the 8462 annotated genes in the Cyanobase database. Two-thirds of the 50 most abundant transcripts are key proteins in photosynthesis. Microoxic conditions negatively affected the levels of expression of genes encoding photosynthetic complexes, with the exception of some subunits. In addition to the known regulation of the multiple copies of psbA, we detected a similar transcriptional pattern for psbJ and psbU, which might play a key role in the altered components of photosystem II. Furthermore, regulation of genes encoding proteins important for reactive oxygen species-scavenging is discussed at genome level, including, for the first time, specific small RNAs having possible regulatory roles under varying oxygen levels. PMID:27974439

  4. Composición Esterólica de la Esponja Marina Xestospongia Muta

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    Carmenza Duque


    Full Text Available De la esponja marina Xestospongia muta recolectada en la bahía de Santa Marta, Caribe Colombiano, se aislaron por Cromatografía en Columna (CC sobre Silica gel, eluyendo con Benceno: Acetato de Etilo 10:2, dos fracciones esteróiicas; XMl (Rf = 0,28,Si02/Benceno; AcOEt 10:2 y XM2 (Rf = 0,24,SiO2/Benceno : AcOEt 10:2, Los esteróles presentes en estas dos fracciones fueron sometidos a Cromatografía Liquida de Alta Eficiencia (CLAE preparativa y analizados por Cromatografía de Gases (CG y Cromatografía de Gases acoplada en Espectometrla de Masas (CG-EM, Catorce esteróles fueron separados y 13 idenficados. La mayoría de ellos fueron 3n-0H-A^-Esteróles (Aproximadamente el 87% de los esteróles totales incluyendo al (24R + 24S-5,28-Estigmastadien-3i3-24-diol, mezclaepimérica por primera vez asi reportada en la naturaleza. El porcentaje restante correspondió a Estañóles y a un 6,2% de compuestos sin identificar.

  5. Rezension von: Karl Lenz, Marina Adler: Geschlechterverhältnisse. Einführung in die sozialwissenschaftliche Geschlechterforschung Band 1. Weinheim u.a.: Juventa Verlag 2010. — Karl Lenz, Marina Adler: Geschlechterbeziehungen. Weinheim u.a.: Juventa Verlag 2011.

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    Heike Kahlert


    Full Text Available Karl Lenz und Marina Adler orientieren sich in ihrem zweibändigen Lehrbuch zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Geschlechterforschung an der etablierten Unterscheidung zwischen Makro- und Mikrosoziologie. Im ersten Band werden theoretische Perspektiven der Geschlechterforschung und unterschiedliche Zusammenhänge zu Kultur nachgezeichnet sowie zentrale Themenfelder einer Sozialstrukturanalyse der Geschlechterordnung fokussiert, nämlich Recht, Politik, Bildung und Arbeit. Im zweiten Band stehen neben der Sozialisation ausgewählte Erträge der mikrosoziologischen Geschlechterforschung im Zentrum, nämlich Körper, Sexualität, persönliche Beziehungen, Devianz und Gewalt. In dieser überfälligen, informativen, sorgfältig recherchierten, aber auch vergleichsweise traditionellen und empirisch orientierten Einführung wird die Geschlechterforschung zwar in einer breiteren Diversity-Forschung verortet, das Verhältnis von Diversität und Geschlecht leider aber nicht reflektiert.

  6. Comparación de anomalías de gravedad derivadas de altimetría satelital con datos de gravedad marina en el margen continental Argentino

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    Ana Carolina Pedraza De Marchi

    Full Text Available En este trabajo se comparan grillas de anomalías de gravedad derivadas de misiones de altimetría satelital con anomalías de gravedad marina a partir de datos de cruceros en el margen continental argentino y zona oceánica adyacente. Se analizan las diferencias entre estas fuentes de datos, ya que es de esperar que éstas sean significativas en zonas costeras o de gradiente horizontal de gravedad abrupto como en el talud continental; se trata de identificar y delimitar dichas zonas. Asimismo se analizan los datos de barco de distintas campañas realizadas en épocas diferentes para organizarlos en una base de datos común, como parte de un proceso de compilación en el que se crearán versiones mejoradas con nuevas correcciones en la medida en que se incorporen más datos en el futuro. Se investiga cuál de las grillas de gravedad derivada de altimetría satelital presenta mejor ajuste con la compilación marina a fin de caracterizarla como la recomendable para su uso en posteriores aplicaciones. Se presentan aquí los resultados de la primera etapa completada en función del alcance los objetivos mencionados.

  7. Report and characterization of alternaria alternata (fr.) keissler on avicennia marina (forsk.) vierh forests of industrial yanb'a city, saudi arabia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abeer, H.; Huqail, A.A.; Allah, E.F.A.; Alqarawi, A.A.


    The present study was carried out to investigate the leaf spot disease of Avicennia marina (Forski) Vierh in Saudi Arabia. The leaf spot disease is reported for the first time in mangrove plants of SA. The symptoms of leaf spot disease and the morphological characters of the causal organism are also described. The radial growth and sporulation of A. alternata were variable with obvious trend on the different growth media. The optimum pH range for maximum growth was 6.0 to 6.5 and any fluctuation in pH caused significant decrease in linear growth of the mold. The chromatographic (TLC) analysis of chloroform extract of fungal culture broth indicated clearly that the mold was able to produce both alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether. The gas liquid chromatographic analysis of mycelial fatty acids demonstrated the presence of caproic, caprylic, lauric, myristic, palmitic, margaric, stearic, arachidic, myristoleic, palmitoleic, oleic, linoleic, ? linolenic, Cis-11 eicosenoic, eicosatrienoic and arachidonic fatty acids in the mycelia of the causal organism. The analysis of free amino acids in the mycelia of causal organism indicated the presence of 13 amino acids namely, alanine, threonine, valine, proline, methionine, tryptophan, tyrosine, lysin, cystin, glycine, asparatic acid, tyrosine, and phenyl alanine. The PCR product amplified with A. alternata DNA indicates that the 370-bp PCR product is a useful diagnostic tool to identify the causal organism in mangrove leaves. This study demonstrated that the causal organism of leaf spot disease of A. marina was typically similar to Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler via classical, biochemical and molecular characterization. (author)

  8. Population genetic structure of eelgrass (Zostera marina on the Korean coast: Current status and conservation implications for future management.

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    Jae Hwan Kim

    Full Text Available Seagrasses provide numerous ecosystem services for coastal and estuarine environments, such as nursery functions, erosion protection, pollution filtration, and carbon sequestration. Zostera marina (common name "eelgrass" is one of the seagrass bed-forming species distributed widely in the northern hemisphere, including the Korean Peninsula. Recently, however, there has been a drastic decline in the population size of Z. marina worldwide, including Korea. We examined the current population genetic status of this species on the southern coast of Korea by estimating the levels of genetic diversity and genetic structure of 10 geographic populations using eight nuclear microsatellite markers. The level of genetic diversity was found to be significantly lower for populations on Jeju Island [mean allelic richness (AR = 1.92, clonal diversity (R = 0.51], which is located approximately 155 km off the southernmost region of the Korean Peninsula, than for those in the South Sea (mean AR = 2.69, R = 0.82, which is on the southern coast of the mainland. South Korean eelgrass populations were substantially genetically divergent from one another (FST = 0.061-0.573, suggesting that limited contemporary gene flow has been taking place among populations. We also found weak but detectable temporal variation in genetic structure within a site over 10 years. In additional depth comparisons, statistically significant genetic differentiation was observed between shallow (or middle and deep zones in two of three sites tested. Depleted genetic diversity, small effective population sizes (Ne and limited connectivity for populations on Jeju Island indicate that these populations may be vulnerable to local extinction under changing environmental conditions, especially given that Jeju Island is one of the fastest warming regions around the world. Overall, our work will inform conservation and restoration efforts, including transplantation for eelgrass populations at the

  9. Valoración económica para la protección socioambiental de la vaquita marina, una especie endémica


    García Gómez, José; Chávez Nungaray, Erika


    Resumen: Las prácticas humanas irracionales sobre el medio ambiente hacen indispensable implementar medidas de protección, como la Reserva de la Biosfera del Alto Golfo de California y Delta del Río Colorado, para preservar el entorno natural y los hábitats, y así favorecer la diversidad biológica. En este trabajo se buscó determinar el soporte económico local, a través de la valoración de la vaquita marina, especie endémica en peligro de extinción que habita en la reserva, y también divulgar...

  10. Mortandad de aves marinas durante "El Niño 1997-98" en el litoral sur de San Juan de Marcona, Ica -Perú


    Manuel Apaza; Aída Figari


    Entre agosto de 1997 y abril de 1998, se evaluó, al sur de la punta guanera de San Juan de Marcona, la mortandad de las poblaciones de aves marinas. Especies de alimentación exclusivamente pelágica y de distribución restringida al ámbito de la Corriente Peruana, como las aves guaneras Pelecanus thagus, Sula variegata y Phalacrocorax bougainvillii, el pingüino Spheniscus humboldti y el zarcillo Larosterna inca, mostraron una correlación significativa en el comportamiento mensual, relacionados ...

  11. Efecto de la suplementación con grasa protegida sobre la producción y calidad de carne de toretes mexicanos doble propósito

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    German Mendoza M


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la respuesta productiva y calidad de la carne de toretes doble propósito a la adición de grasa protegida (GP en su dieta. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron 45 toretes comerciales (B. taurus x B. indicus, divididos en tres bloques de 15 animales, de acuerdo con su peso vivo en pequeños, medianos y grandes. Cada bloque fue dividido en tres subgrupos de 5 animales, asignados aleatoriamente a los tratamientos 0, 1.5 y 3% de GP, en un diseño de bloques completamente al azar. Resultados. No hubo diferencias (p>0.05 en comportamiento productivo. La grasa dorsal fue mayor (p0.05 en área del ojo de la costilla (AC ni pH de la carne. El contenido de proteína cruda de la carne incrementó (p0.05 entre tratamientos. Conclusiones. Adicionar GP a dietas para bovinos doble propósito en finalización no modificó la respuesta productiva, pero mejoró algunas características de la canal y de la carne. Se sugiere realizar más investigación, utilizando el mismo tipo de animales, con niveles mayores de GP a los usados en este estudio, ya que la respuesta pudiera mejorar.

  12. El modelo turístico de la Marina Alta: apuntes para una nueva etapa desde la sostenibilidad como referencia

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    J. Fernando Vera Rebollo


    Full Text Available El propósito de las siguientes reflexiones no es otro que aportar algunas ideas en el marco de un debate necesario sobre el modelo territorial-turístico de la Marina Alta, en el contexto de una nueva filosofía de desarrollo que lleva implícitos, como contenidos clave, la gestión racional de los recursos naturales y culturales y la calidad de vida de las poblaciones locales. Son aspectos a los que el turismo puede aportar argumentos, en tanto que su futuro como actividad ha de estar basado en la calidad, la gestión ambiental y la diferenciación de los espacios de destino

  13. Linking Arenicola marina irrigation behavior to oxygen transport and dynamics in sandy sediments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Timmermann, Karen; Banta, Gary T.; Glud, Ronnie Nøhr


    In this study we examine how the irrigation behavior of the common lugworm Arenicola marina affects the distribution, transport and dynamics of oxygen in sediments using microelectrodes, planar optodes and diagenetic modeling. The irrigation pattern was characterized by a regular recurring period...... and only in rare situations with very high pumping rates (>200 ml h-1) and/or a narrow feeding funnel (water....... concentration in the burrow was high (80% air saturation) and oxygen was detected at distances up to 0.7 mm from the burrow wall. Volume specific oxygen consumption rates calculated from measured oxygen profiles were up to 4 times higher for sediments surrounding worm burrows as compared to surface sediments....... Model results indicated that oxygen consumption also was higher in the feeding pocket/funnel compared to the activity in surface sediments. An oxygen budget revealed that 49% of the oxygen pumped into the burrow during lugworm irrigation was consumed by the worm itself while 23% supported the diffusive...

  14. The experimental studies of influence of hydrogen sulfide on species of eelgrass (Zostera japonica and Zostera marina) in Padilla Bay, coastal waters of southeast Alaska conducted from 2013-06-01 to 2013-09-30 (NCEI Accession 0137907) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Two species of eelgrass can be found in Padilla Bay, Washington (Zostera japonica and Zostera marina) and act as a bioindicators of ecosystem health. Many factors...

  15. Caracterización parcial y espectro antimicrobiano de substancias inhibitorias producidas por Alteromonas marinas

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    Jorge León


    Full Text Available Se caracterizan parcialmente substancias inhibitorias producidas por cepas marinas del género Alteromonas spp. Pruebas de precipitación de extractos crudos de sobrenadantes de las cepas N22.C y N11.6 con concentraciones saturantes de sulfato de amonio y filtrados en columnas de Sephadex G-25 muestran la producción de substancias inhibitorias (SI de naturaleza proteinácea. Otros ensayos de caracterización revelan que dichas substancias tienen un amplio espectro de actividad antibiótica frente a cepas de colección patógenas de peces, moluscos y crustáceos. Asimismo, muestran a las SI como termosensibles a 90oC en 45 min y con capacidad de mantener estabilidad inhibitoria dentro, del rango de pH de 3,0 a 9,0 hasta por 15 min. La actividad antibiótica de las substancias frente a Vibrio anguillarum NCMB 2133, V. anguillarum ATCC 19264 y Aeromonas salmonicida 67,79 fueron comparativamente equivalentes a 30 ppm del antibiótico oxitetraciclina (OTC.

  16. Radioactivity in north European waters: report of Working Group 2 of CEC project MARINA

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    Camplin, W C [Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Lowestoft (UK). Directorate of Fisheries Research; Aarkrog, A [Risoe National Lab., Roskilde (Denmark)


    The primary objective of Working Group 2 of Project MARINA was to consider recent measurements of environmental radioactivity in north European waters and to use this, and other information, to report the likely magnitude of doses to the critical group from marine pathways. The monitoring data were supplemented, where appropriate, with predictions from simple models. The major sources of radioactivity studied were as follows: (i) liquid wastes from nuclear fuel reprocessing plants; (ii) liquid wastes from nuclear power plants and other major nuclear industry sites; (iii) solid waste disposal in the deep north-east Atlantic; (iv) fallout from Chernobyl; and (v) naturally-occurring radionuclides. Some of the largest doses from marine pathways are predicted for naturally-occurring radionuclides. In this case, the dominant radionuclide is polonium-210 and the dominant pathway is via consumption of molluscan species. The highest doses from the nuclear industry were due to the operation of the reprocessing plant at Sellafield. Discharges from this site have been decreasing substantially in recent years and, as a consequence, doses have also been reducing. (author).

  17. Kocuria marina BS-15 a biosurfactant producing halophilic bacteria isolated from solar salt works in India (United States)

    Sarafin, Yesurethinam; Donio, Mariathasan Birdilla Selva; Velmurugan, Subramanian; Michaelbabu, Mariavincent; Citarasu, Thavasimuthu


    Biosurfactant screening was made among the eight halophilic bacterial genera isolated from Kovalam solar salt works in Kanyakumari of India. After initial screening, Kocuria sp. (Km), Kurthia sp. (Ku) and Halococcus sp. (Hc) were found to have positive biosurfactant activity. Biosurfactant derived from Kocuria sp. emulsified more than 50% of the crude oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, olive oil and kerosene when compared to the other strains. Further, Kocuria marina BS-15 derived biosurfactant was purified and characterized by TLC, FTIR and GC–MS analysis. The TLC analysis revealed that, the purified biosurfactants belong to the lipopeptide group. The IR spectrum results revealed that functional groups are R2C 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 111111111111 000000000000 111111111111 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 NN, alkenes and N–H. The GC–MS analysis confirmed the compound as Nonanoic acid and Cyclopropane with the retention time of 12.78 and 24.65, respectively. PMID:25473358

  18. Characterization of the Skin Microbiota of the Cane Toad Rhinella cf. marina in Puerto Rico and Costa Rica

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    Juan G. Abarca


    Full Text Available Rhinella marina is a toad native to South America that has been introduced in the Antilles, likely carrying high loads of microorganisms, potentially impacting local community diversity. The amphibian skin is involved in pathogen defense and its microbiota has been relatively well studied, however, research focusing on the cane toad microbiota is lacking. We hypothesize that the skin microbial communities will differ between toads inhabiting different geographical regions in Central America and the Caribbean. To test our hypothesis, we compared the microbiota of three populations of R. cf. marina toads, two from Costa Rican (native and one Puerto Rican (exotic locations. In Costa Rica, we collected 11 toads, 7 in Sarapiquí and 4 from Turrialba while in Puerto Rico, 10 animals were collected in Santa Ana. Separate swab samples were collected from the dorsal and ventral sites resulting in 42 samples. We found significant differences in the structure of the microbial communities between Puerto Rico and Costa Rica. We detected as much as 35 different phyla; however, communities were dominated by Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria. Alpha diversity and richness were significantly higher in toads from Puerto Rico and betadiversity revealed significant differences between the microbiota samples from the two countries. At the genus level, we found in Santa Ana, Puerto Rico, a high dominance of Kokuria, Niabella, and Rhodobacteraceae, while in Costa Rica we found Halomonas and Pseudomonas in Sarapiquí, and Acinetobacter and Citrobacter in Turrialba. This is the first report of Niabella associated with the amphibian skin. The core microbiome represented 128 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs mainly from five genera shared among all samples, which may represent the symbiotic Rhinella’s skin. These results provide insights into the habitat-induced microbial changes facing this amphibian species. The differences in the microbial

  19. Preselección de especies para la piscicultura marina en el Pacífico Sur de México

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    Sergio Escárcega Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Dada la diversidad de peces en el Pacífico Sur de México y el deterioro que enfrenta más de 50% de las pesquerías que en él existen, se requiere identificar a las especies con los mayores atributos acuícolas para promover su conservación y el desarrollo regional. Se analizaron 36 especies sobre tres precondiciones básicas: valor comercial, eurihalinidad y talla. Resultaron como especies de primera elección: el robalo prieto (Centropomus nigrescens, el mero (Epinephelus itajara y el guachinango del Pacífico (Lutjanus peru. La pesca constituye la mayor fuente de impacto ecológico en los océanos. La piscicultura marina tropical representa una vertiente productiva a impulsarse en México.


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    F. Belmonte Serrato


    Full Text Available El desarrollo de la agricultura intensiva y, especialmente, la ocupación agrícola de los fondos de las ramblas, ha ocasionado un desequilibrio sedimentario en las playas de Marina de COPE. Los retrocesos de la línea de costa oscilan entre 16 y 68 m y la disminución de la superficie se estima en un 50% de la correspondiente a 1956. Esto, ha reducido su capacidad de carga potencial que, para una intensidad de uso de 25 m2/usuario, ha pasado de 4.400 usuarios potenciales por día a 2.200. Lo que implica, para los meses de uso de estas playas, julio y agosto, una pérdida de capacidad de 130.000 usuarios.

  1. Determinación de los factores que inciden en la captura incidental de aves marinas en la flota palangrera pelágica chilena Determination of factors affecting the bycatch of seabirds in Chilean pelagic longline fleet

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    Andrés González


    Full Text Available Se analizó la relación entre la variabilidad de la tasa de captura incidental de aves marinas en la pesquería palangrera pelágica de pez espada (Xiphias gladius y diversos factores temporales, ambientales, espaciales y pesqueros, entre 2007 y 2009. Los resultados muestran que las operaciones de pesca de esta flota afectan principalmente a los albatros, grupo que concentra el 83,7% de la captura incidental de aves marinas registrada en el período. Esta captura incidental se debe en primera instancia a la presencia del Frente Subtropical del Pacífico Sur, sistema que provoca la sobreposición entre la actividad de esta flota con la distribución espacial de aves marinas durante la fase residente del período no reproductivo. La variabilidad en esta captura incidental estaría fuertemente relacionada a los estímulos visuales (medido mediante el porcentaje de luces químicas y porcentaje de calamar y las condiciones de luminosidad ambiental existentes en los períodos de forrajeo diurno y nocturno de estas aves marinas durante el calado (medido a través del desfase de la hora del ocaso con respecto a la hora de inicio del calado y fase lunar.We analized the relationship between the variability in the rate of seabird bycatch in pelagic longline fishery for swordfish (Xiphias gladius, and several temporary, environmental, spatial and fisheries factors for the fishing period from 2007 to 2009. The results show that the fishing operations of this fleet mainly affect the albatross, group that accounts for 83.7% of the incidental catch of seabirds recorded in the period. This bycatch is due primarily to the presence of the South Pacific Subtropical Front, a system that causes the overlap between the activities of this fleet with the spatial distribution of these seabird species during the resident phase of the nonbreeding period. By the other hand, the variability in bycatch would be strongly linked to visual stimuli (measured by the percentage of

  2. Biogeografía marina de Chile continental Marine biogeography of continental Chile

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    Full Text Available Por casi un siglo, varios autores han analizado los patrones de distribución de la fauna y flora marina del Pacífico de Sudamérica y de la costa de Chile en particular, con el propósito de establecer el número de las unidades biogeográficas presentes. Si bien los patrones generales actuales son relativamente bien conocidos, la mayoría de los estudios se ha enfocado en las discontinuidades distribucionales y en propuestas de clasificación más que en los factores y procesos dinámicos que han formado las unidades espaciales identificadas. Aun en el caso de las clasificaciones, las conclusiones publicadas se basan principalmente en el análisis de uno o pocos grupos seleccionados, y presentan diferencias importantes en los criterios de selección de los grupos, el número de especies involucrado y la metodología usada. Por otra parte, las discrepancias entre estudios específicos tienden a obscurecer un fenómeno relevante y de mayor escala como es la dinámica de las biotas, uno de los aspectos biogeográficos menos conocidos en Chile. En tal contexto, este trabajo presenta una revisión de literatura sobre la biogeografía marina de Chile y sus aspectos asociados, con los siguientes objetivos: (a resumir las características oceanográficas, climáticas y geomorfológicas de la costa continental de Chile; (b discutir 27 clasificaciones biogeográficas publicadas para la costa chilena, analizando los criterios y procedimientos usados por los autores, sus conclusiones principales, y la concordancia entre los estudios; (c evaluar los procesos dispersivos y vicariantes asociados a los desplazamientos y modificaciones de las biotas de la región, en función de los antecedentes disponibles sobre las condiciones existentes y los principales eventos ocurridos durante los períodos Terciario y Cuaternario; y (d proponer un escenario de cambio biogeográfico basado en determinantes históricas y su influencia en la formación, carácter y din

  3. Maaleht soovitab : Superstaarid esinevad Taskus. Monkist "Saaremaa valsini". Muusikapidu pärimusmuusika keskuses. Suvelõpupidu Marina külas. Hortus Musicus esineb Väravatornis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    18. sept. esinevad Tartus Tasku moe- ja vaba aja keskuses telekonkursil Eesti otsib Superstaari osalenud Jana Kask ja Arno Suislep ning saate "Kaks takti ette" võitja Margus Vaher. 18. sept. toimub Tallinna Kunstihoones kitarristide Tiit Pauluse ja Jaak Sooääre uue CD esitluskontsert. 19. sept. toimub Viljandi pärimusmuusika keskuses maailmamuusika-pidu. Suvelõpupeol 20. sept. Saarde vallas Grossi järve ääres Marina külas esinevad Virve Köster ja Audru Jõelaevanduse Punt. 20. sept. Tallinnas Väravatornis esineb vanamuusikaansambel Hortus Musicus

  4. Fidelización del mercado británico en el sector turístico de la comarca de la Marina Alta como consecuencia del Brexit.




    Last 23rd June, 2016, a referendum was held in Great Britain, which concluded with the YES on leaving the European Union. Currently we know that negotiations for the departure have begun, which will progress over a couple of years to achieve the wishes manifested by the British. We will focus the study on the Marina Alta region, receiving destination of a significant number of British tourists. In which the effects of the so-called Brexit caused by possible difficulties such as the closure...

  5. Desiccation risk drives the spatial ecology of an invasive anuran (Rhinella marina in the Australian semi-desert.

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    Reid Tingley

    Full Text Available Some invasive species flourish in places that impose challenges very different from those faced in their native geographic ranges. Cane toads (Rhinella marina are native to tropical and subtropical habitats of South and Central America, but have colonised extremely arid regions over the course of their Australian invasion. We radio-tracked 44 adult cane toads at a semi-arid invasion front to investigate how this invasive anuran has managed to expand its geographic range into arid areas that lie outside of its native climatic niche. As predicted from their low physiological control over rates of evaporative water loss, toads selected diurnal shelter sites that were consistently cooler and damper (and thus, conferred lower water loss rates than nearby random sites. Desiccation risk also had a profound influence on rates of daily movement. Under wet conditions, toads that were far from water moved further between shelter sites than did conspecifics that remained close to water, presumably in an attempt to reach permanent water sources. However, this relationship was reversed under dry conditions, such that only toads that were close to permanent water bodies made substantial daily movements. Toads that were far from water bodies also travelled along straighter paths than did conspecifics that generally remained close to water. Thus, behavioural flexibility--in particular, an ability to exploit spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the availability of moist conditions--has allowed this invasive anuran to successfully colonize arid habitats in Australia. This finding illustrates that risk assessment protocols need to recognise that under some circumstances an introduced species may be able to thrive in conditions far removed from any that it experiences in its native range.

  6. Study of protective effect of Avicennia marina hydroethanolic leaf extract on testes tissue and spermatogenesis in male rat induced with carbon tetrachloride

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    Z soleimani


    Full Text Available Aim: The toxic chemical compounds are widelyused in the world. Carbon tetrachloride which is used in hygiene industries caused tissue disorders. Medicinal plants have protective effects in body tissues. In this study the protective effect of Avicennia marina leaf extract (MLE on spermatogenesis in male rat were induced with ccl4 investigating. Method and materials: The 42 male rats with 220-250 gr body weight were divided randomly in 6 groups(n=7: control (taking normal saline,0.5ml/day, i,p , sham(taking olive oil, 0.5ml/day, i,p single dose,group induced by ccl4(carbon tetrachloride 1:1 with olive oil,0.5ml single dose, i,p, treated groups: (1,2 and3 by carbon tetrachloride 1:1 with olive oil,0.5ml single dose and 200mg/Kg, 400mg/Kg and 800mg/kg MLE /day for 96 hrs, i,p. After the examination the blood samples were collected from heart directly and testosterone , FSH, LH , sperm count, sperm motility and GSI were analyzed and the microscopic studies of testes tissue were done. All data were expressed as mean±SEM. and statistical significance differences were accepted at P<0.05. Results: Our results showed that the carbon tetrachloride has necrotic effect in testes. The number of sperm and motility were increased and microscopic study of testes tissue showed the necrosis and inflammation with decrease in spermatogonia and spermatocytes comparedwith ccl4 induced only group significantly (P<0.001 and treated groups were no changed. Conclusion: the Avicennia marina hydroethanolic extract has antioxidant and flavonoids compounds which can protect the testes tissues from toxic chemical agents.

  7. Monitoreo de tortugas marinas Lepidochelis olivaceae (paslama en playa La Flor - Rivas

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    Celia María Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available La tortuga marina Lepidochelis olivaceae desova en forma masiva, solamente en seis playas del mundo. Nicaragua cuenta con dos de estas playas en los sitios geográficos llamados ' “Chacocente", en el Departamento de Carazo y "La Flor", en San Juan del Sur. Esta especie de tortuga se caracteriza por presentar un movimiento sincronizado para su anidación en la playa, el cual se ha denominado arribadas. Durante 5 años consecutivos se realizó en el refugio de vida silvestre "La Flor", un monitoreo de la población anidante y se encontró que cada año durante el período de julio a enero, visitan esta playa aproximadamente, 3,000 a 12,000 tortugas, reportándose entre septiembre y octubre el pico más alto de la población anidante. Paralelo a este estudio, se realizó un diagnóstico rápido en las comunidades aledañas al refugio, el cual refleja que es una práctica tradicional de los pobladores, la extracción de huevos de tortuga para el consumo de la familia y para el comercio. Se considera, sin embargo, que esta práctica no representa económicamente una dependencia absoluta, ya que la población tiene otros tipos de actividades agropecuarias que contribuyen a su subsistencia.

  8. A new species of nematode (Molineidae) from Rhinella marina (Amphibia: Bufonidae) in Guerrero, México. (United States)

    Ruiz-Torres, Nallely; García-Prieto, Luis; Osorio-Sarabia, David; Violante-González, Juan


    Oswaldocruzia lamotheargumedoi n. sp., inhabiting the intestine of the cane toad, Rhinella marina (L.), in Laguna de Coyuca, Guerrero, México, is described here. The new species differs from 10 congeners infecting bufonid hosts because it has a type I bursa. In contrast, 7 of these species have type II bursa and 3 more a type III bursa. The species most similar to the species described herein is Oswaldocruzia pipiens Walton, 1929 . These 2 species share traits such as body size, bursa type, presence of cervical alae, and dorsal ray morphology. Nevertheless, both species can be distinguished based on the number of synlophe ridges at mid-body (54-56 for O. lamotheargumedoi vs. 45-48 for O. pipiens) and by the presence of a chitinous support in the long, and well developed, cervical alae of O. pipiens. In the new species, these structures are short, poorly developed, and lack chitinous support. Previous records of species of Oswaldocruzia in México include Oswaldocruzia subauricularis (Rudolphi, 1819) Travassos, 1917 in the Neotropical Realm and O. pipiens in the Nearctic.

  9. Proteasas extracelulares producidas por bacterias marinas aisladas de aguas contaminadas con efluentes pesqueros

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    Tito Sánchez


    Full Text Available Un total de 26 cepas de bacterias marinas con actividad proteolítica fueron aisladas de agua de mar contaminadas con efluentes pesqueros; las mismas que se evaluaron en base al crecimiento y formación de halos de actividad en Agar Marino suplementados con caseína al 1%, pH 8,0 e incubados a 25 ºC por 72 h. Cinco cepas, seleccionadas por presentar los mejores halos de actividad fueron evaluadas a su vez por su crecimiento y producción de proteasas a diferentes concentraciones de NaCl, rangos de temperatura y pH; siendo consideradas finalmente como bacterias halotolerantes, psicrotróficas y alcalófilas moderadas. Estas cepas también fueron evaluadas por su actividad proteolítica específica sobre la caseína, siendo la cepa CM48 (Pseudomonas sp. la que presentó la mejor actividad específica (17,38 U/mg a las 72 horas, y seguidas por las cepas CM45 (Alcaligenes sp. (12,09 U/mg y tres cepas de Aeromonas sp. (CM43, CM44 y CM46 con valores de 12,02; 10,07 y 10,10 U/mg respectivamente.

  10. El primer catálogo español de especies protegidas (1896: análisis de su contenido y autoría de Graells

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    Ferrero-García, J. J.


    Full Text Available A critical analysis of the number and composition of the birds that are strictly protected by the Royal Order of 25 November 1896, in which a catalogue of legally protected species was created for the first time in Spain, has been performed. This is a list developed by a public body, one of whose members was Mariano de la Paz Graells, a remarkable 19th century Spanish naturalist. The research has been carried out on bibliographic sources and archives, and its main result is the finding of the documentary evidence that proves the linkage of this illustrious scientist with the first Spanish regulation about wildlife protection.

    Se realiza un análisis crítico del número y composición de las aves estrictamente amparadas por la Real Orden de 25 de noviembre de 1896, por la que se creaba, por primera vez en España, un catálogo de especies legalmente protegidas. Se trata de un listado elaborado por un organismo público, entre cuyos componentes se encontraba Mariano de la Paz Graells, un emblemático naturalista español del siglo XIX. Se ha investigado en fuentes bibliográficas y archivos, hasta encontrar las pruebas documentales que vinculan a este ilustre científico con la primera norma española de protección de la fauna silvestre.

  11. Biodiversity of freshwater fish of a protected river in India: comparison with unprotected habitat

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    Uttam Kumar Sarkar


    Full Text Available In India, freshwater environments are experiencing serious threats to biodiversity, and there is an urgent priority for the search of alternative techniques to promote fish biodiversity conservation and management. With this aim, the present study was undertaken to assess the fish biodiversity within and outside a river protected area, and to evaluate whether the protected river area provides some benefits to riverine fish biodiversity. To assess this, the pattern of freshwater fish diversity was studied in river Gerua, along with some physicochemical conditions, from April 2000 to March 2004. For this, a comparison was made between a 15km stretch of a protected area (Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, and an unprotected one 85km downstream. In each site some physicochemical conditions were obtained, and fish were caught by normal gears and the diversity per site described. Our results showed that water temperature resulted warmest during the pre-monsoon season (25ºC and low during the winter (14-15ºC; turbidity considerably varied by season. In the protected area, a total of 87 species belonging to eight orders, 22 families and 52 genera were collected; while a maximum of 59 species belonging to six orders, 20 families and 42 genera were recorded from the unprotected areas. Cyprinids were found to be the most dominant genera and Salmostoma bacaila was the most numerous species in the sanctuary area. Other numerous species were Eutropiichthys vacha, Notopterus notopterus, Clupisoma garua and Bagarius bagarius. The results indicated more species, greater abundances, larger individuals, and higher number of endangered fishes within the sanctuary area when compared to the unprotected area. Analysis on the mean abundance of endangered and vulnerable species for the evaluated areas in the sanctuary versus unprotected ones indicated significant differences in fish abundance (pEn India los ambientes de agua dulce están experimentando una grave amenaza

  12. 75 FR 1741 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Determination That Designation of Critical Habitat... (United States)


    ... partners, such as Naturalia and La Comision Nacional de areas Protegidas (CONANP) and other partners on... for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2008, p. 5). Critical Habitat Critical habitat is defined in... the best available science, we will take the following steps to develop a proposal of critical habitat...


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    NKT Martuti


    Full Text Available Abstrak __________________________________________________________________________________________ Konversi kawasan mangrove menjadi lahan tambak ikan/udang merupakan penyebab utama rusaknya ekosistem mangrove di Indonesia. Eksploitasi kawasan mangrove yang terus menerus dilakukan berpotensi mereduksi keanekaragaman spesies tumbuhan yang memiliki peran dan fungsi utama secara ekologis. Dusun Tapak merupakan salah satu wilayah di Kota Semarang yang ekosistem mangrovenya masih terjaga. Pengumpulan data primer pada penelitian ini meliputi pengukuran sebaran vegetasi mangrove. Data vegetasi mangrove dianalisis untuk mendapatkan Indeks Nilai Penting (INP dan Indeks Keanekaragaman. Pada tingkat pertumbuhan pohon, Avicennia marina merupakan spesies yang memiliki nilai penting tertinggi pada S II (300 %, S III (287,14 %, dan S IV (186,08 %, sedangkan spesies Rhizophora mucronata memiliki nilai penting tertinggi pada S I (232,06. Berdasarkan hasil analisis vegetasi mangrove di Wilayah Tapak, terdapat 5 spesies mangrove yang berhasil dijumpai, yaitu Rhizophora mucronata, Avicennia marina, Excoecaria aghalloca, Brugueira cylindrical, dan Xylocarpus mocullensis. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan  bahwa Nilai Keanekaragaman mangrove wilayah Tapak rendah (0-0,469.  Hal ini dikarenakan ekosistem mangrove Wilayah Tapak merupakan ekosistem buatan, dengan jenis dan jumlah mangrove yang dominan terdiri dari Rhizophora mucronata dan Avicennia marina.   Abstract __________________________________________________________________________________________ The conversion of the mangrove conservation area into fish/shrimp ponds has been the major cause of the destruction of mangrove ecosystem in Indonesia. The ongoing exploitation of mangrove area potentially reduces the plant species diversity of the area. The mangrove area in Tapak Sub-Village of Semarang City is relatively conserved. The primary data collected in this research consisted of the mangrove vegetation

  14. 76 FR 57910 - Regulated Navigation Area; Route 24 Bridge Construction, Tiverton and Portsmouth, RI (United States)


    ... local marinas and businesses (such as waterside restaurants), or vessels who intend to transit in the..., design, or operation; test methods; sampling procedures; and related management systems practices) that...

  15. Offshore Energy Mapping for Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean: MARINA PLATFORM project (United States)

    Kallos, G.; Galanis, G.; Spyrou, C.; Kalogeri, C.; Adam, A.; Athanasiadis, P.


    Deep offshore ocean energy mapping requires detailed modeling of the wind, wave, tidal and ocean circulation estimations. It requires also detailed mapping of the associated extremes. An important issue in such work is the co-generation of energy (generation of wind, wave, tides, currents) in order to design platforms on an efficient way. For example wind and wave fields exhibit significant phase differences and therefore the produced energy from both sources together requires special analysis. The other two sources namely tides and currents have different temporal scales from the previous two. Another important issue is related to the estimation of the environmental frequencies in order to avoid structural problems. These are issues studied at the framework of the FP7 project MARINA PLATFORM. The main objective of the project is to develop deep water structures that can exploit the energy from wind, wave, tidal and ocean current energy sources. In particular, a primary goal will be the establishment of a set of equitable and transparent criteria for the evaluation of multi-purpose platforms for marine renewable energy. Using these criteria, a novel system set of design and optimisation tools will be produced addressing new platform design, component engineering, risk assessment, spatial planning, platform-related grid connection concepts, all focussed on system integration and reducing costs. The University of Athens group is in charge for estimation and mapping of wind, wave, tidal and ocean current resources, estimate available energy potential, map extreme event characteristics and provide any additional environmental parameter required.

  16. GIS based Hydrogeological Vulnerability Mapping of Groundwater Resources in Jerash Area-Jordan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hammouri, N [Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Hashemite University, Zarqa (Jordan); El-Naqa, A [Department of Water Management and Environment, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Hashemite University, Zarqa (Jordan)


    This paper presents groundwater vulnerability mapping for Jerash area, north Jordan generated using EPIK and DRASTIC models. These models have been implemented using GIS to delineate groundwater protection zones and to suggest a protection plan to improve groundwater quality of the major springs and wells. Most of the groundwater resources in the study area are polluted and bacteria and nitrate levels are high. Different sources of groundwater pollution have been identified. Domestic wastewater is considered as a major source of pollution. Urban runoff, fertilizers from agricultural return flows and solid waste disposal appear to be secondary sources. The most relevant vulnerability class of EPIK map is very high which accounts for about 41 % of the total area. While in the DRASTIC vulnerability map, areas with high vulnerability were only about 23 % of the total area. There is a good correlation between vulnerability maps obtained from both models with microbiological and chemical pollution evidences. There is also a good agreement between the areas classified as highly vulnerable and those that have high levels of pollution. [Spanish] El estudio de vulnerabilidad de aguas subterraneas en la region de Yerash, Jordania fue obtenido mediante las metodologias de EPIK y DRASTIC. Se uso GIS para mapear las zonas protegidas y para sugerir un plan de proteccion para mejorar la calidad del agua subterranea en los principales manantiales y pozos. Los niveles de contaminacion bacteriana y de nitratos son elevados. El efluente domestico es la fuente mas importante de contaminacion; vienen en segundo lugar la precipitacion en zonas urbanas, los fertilizantes agricolas y los desechos solidos. En el mapa de EPIK, la vulnerabilidad extrema abarca hasta 41% del area total; en cambio, en el mapa de DRASTIC las areas de alta vulnerabilidad ocupan solo un 23% del area. La correlacion de los datos de contaminacion microbiana y quimica con ambos mapas der vulnerabilidad es buena


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    Samuel Samuel


    Full Text Available Blasting in the process of planning the workshop production of new building and ship repair to play a role in providing blasting and paint on the block that will be of erection. As a result of blasting workshop facilities that do not have resulted in low production capacity that can be achieved by this workshop, namely three block ships per month. Capacity blasting and paint shop in this low resulted in low productivity process stage (stage the previous workshops which of course result in a decrease in vessel productivity in general.                 In penelitiaan aims to plan for blasting and paint shop facility which has been adjusted to the planned production capacity of PT. JASA MARINA INDAH II units.                 In this study it - thing to note is to understand the data - the data field for research conducted in terms of both technical and economic terms, with the blasting and paint shop facilities on the construction or repair of ships that have been planned, then the effectiveness of the work and production flow at. Jasa Marina Indah II units can be known.                 Based on the analysis and calculation of both technical and economical it can be identified by the workshop on the process of blasting Blasting efficiency is obtained for 2.55 hours, at 10.16 hours during the painting process, while economical in terms of labor costs can be reduced blasting cost is Rp.930000    for          paint       and         Rp.1.23million

  18. The impact of the herbicide atrazine on growth and photosynthesis of seagrass, Zostera marina (L.), seedlings. (United States)

    Gao, Yaping; Fang, Jianguang; Zhang, Jihong; Ren, Lihua; Mao, Yuze; Li, Bin; Zhang, Mingliang; Liu, Dinghai; Du, Meirong


    The impact of the widely used herbicide atrazine on seedling growth and photosynthesis of eelgrass was determined. The long-term impact of the herbicide atrazine (1, 10 and 100 μg/L) on growth of eelgrass Zostera marina (L.) seedlings, maintained in outdoor aquaria, was monitored over 4 weeks. Exposure to 10 μg/L atrazine resulted in significantly lower plant fresh weight and total chlorophyll concentration and up to 86.67% mortality at the 100 μg/L concentration. Short-term photosynthetic stress on eelgrass seedlings was determined and compared with adult eelgrass using chlorophyll fluorescence. The effective quantum yield in eelgrass seedlings was significantly depressed at all atrazine concentrations (2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 μg/L) even within 2 h and remained at a lower level than for adult plants for each concentration. These results indicate that atrazine presents a potential threat to seagrass seedling functioning and that the impact is much higher than for adult plants. Crown Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Screening of Salt-stress, Antioxidant Enzyme, and Antimicrobial Activity of Leave extracts of Mangroves Avicennia marina L. from Hodaidah, Yemen

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    Maher A. Al Maqtari


    Full Text Available In the present study the salinity stress, antioxidant enzyme and antimicrobial activities of leaf extract of Avicennia marinawere investigated. As visualized from SDS-PAGE, no differences was found in number of protein band, but the intensities of several protein bands having apparent molecular mass by reduced severely in salt treated samples with enhanced activities of CAT, POX and GPX. Escherichia coli (ATCC8739, Staphylococus aureus (ATCC 6538, and Bacillus subtilis (ATCC6633 and fungus (Candida albicans ATCC 2091, and Aspergillus niger ATCC 16404 were used as the test pathogenic bacteria and fungi, respectively in this study. The Avicennia marina extract possessed antibacterial activity against E. coli, S. aureus, and B. subtilis (12, 6, and 7 mm respectively, with antifungal activity against C. albicans and A. niger (9 and 10 mm.

  20. The interactive effects of the antifouling herbicides Irgarol 1051 and Diuron on the seagrass Zostera marina (L.). (United States)

    Chesworth, J C; Donkin, M E; Brown, M T


    The herbicides Irgarol 1051 (2-(tert-butylamino)-4-cyclopropylamino)-6-(methylthio)-1,3,5-triazine) and Diuron (3-(3',4'-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) are commonly incorporated into antifouling paints to boost the efficacy of the compound towards algae. Previous investigations have identified environmental concentrations of these herbicides as being a threat to non-target organisms, such as seagrasses. Their individual toxicity has been assessed, but they can co-occur and interact, potentially increasing their toxicity and the threat posed to seagrass meadows. Chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv:Fm) and leaf specific biomass ratio (representing plant growth) were examined in Zostera marina L. after a 10-day exposure to the individual herbicides. The EC20 for each herbicide was determined and these then used in herbicide mixtures to assess their interactive effects. Irgarol 1051 was found to be more toxic than Diuron with lowest observable effect concentrations for Fv:Fm reduction of 0.5 and 1.0 +/- microg/l and 10-day EC50 values of 1.1 and 3.2 microg/l, respectively. Plants exposed to Irgarol 1051 and Diuron showed a significant reduction in growth at concentrations of 1.0 and 5.0 microg/l, respectively. When Z. marina was exposed to mixtures, the herbicides commonly interacted additively or antagonistically, and no significant further reduction in photosynthetic efficiency was found at any concentration when compared to plants exposed to the individual herbicides. However, on addition of the Diuron EC20 to varying Irgarol 1051 concentrations and the Irgarol 1051 EC20 to varying Diuron concentrations, significant reductions in Fv:Fm were noted at an earlier stage. The growth of plants exposed to Diuron plus the Irgarol 1051 EC20 were significantly reduced when compared to plants exposed to Diuron alone, but only at the lower concentrations. Growth of plants exposed to Irgarol 1051 and the Diuron EC20 showed no significant reduction when compared to the growth of

  1. Conservation of eelgrass (Zostera marina) genetic diversity in a mesocosm-based restoration experiment. (United States)

    Ort, Brian S; Cohen, C Sarah; Boyer, Katharyn E; Reynolds, Laura K; Tam, Sheh May; Wyllie-Echeverria, Sandy


    Eelgrass (Zostera marina) forms the foundation of an important shallow coastal community in protected estuaries and bays. Widespread population declines have stimulated restoration efforts, but these have often overlooked the importance of maintaining the evolutionary potential of restored populations by minimizing the reduction in genetic diversity that typically accompanies restoration. In an experiment simulating a small-scale restoration, we tested the effectiveness of a buoy-deployed seeding technique to maintain genetic diversity comparable to the seed source populations. Seeds from three extant source populations in San Francisco Bay were introduced into eighteen flow-through baywater mesocosms. Following seedling establishment, we used seven polymorphic microsatellite loci to compare genetic diversity indices from 128 shoots to those found in the source populations. Importantly, allelic richness and expected heterozygosity were not significantly reduced in the mesocosms, which also preserved the strong population differentiation present among source populations. However, the inbreeding coefficient F IS was elevated in two of the three sets of mesocosms when they were grouped according to their source population. This is probably a Wahlund effect from confining all half-siblings within each spathe to a single mesocosm, elevating F IS when the mesocosms were considered together. The conservation of most alleles and preservation of expected heterozygosity suggests that this seeding technique is an improvement over whole-shoot transplantation in the conservation of genetic diversity in eelgrass restoration efforts.

  2. Conservation of eelgrass (Zostera marina genetic diversity in a mesocosm-based restoration experiment.

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    Brian S Ort

    Full Text Available Eelgrass (Zostera marina forms the foundation of an important shallow coastal community in protected estuaries and bays. Widespread population declines have stimulated restoration efforts, but these have often overlooked the importance of maintaining the evolutionary potential of restored populations by minimizing the reduction in genetic diversity that typically accompanies restoration. In an experiment simulating a small-scale restoration, we tested the effectiveness of a buoy-deployed seeding technique to maintain genetic diversity comparable to the seed source populations. Seeds from three extant source populations in San Francisco Bay were introduced into eighteen flow-through baywater mesocosms. Following seedling establishment, we used seven polymorphic microsatellite loci to compare genetic diversity indices from 128 shoots to those found in the source populations. Importantly, allelic richness and expected heterozygosity were not significantly reduced in the mesocosms, which also preserved the strong population differentiation present among source populations. However, the inbreeding coefficient F IS was elevated in two of the three sets of mesocosms when they were grouped according to their source population. This is probably a Wahlund effect from confining all half-siblings within each spathe to a single mesocosm, elevating F IS when the mesocosms were considered together. The conservation of most alleles and preservation of expected heterozygosity suggests that this seeding technique is an improvement over whole-shoot transplantation in the conservation of genetic diversity in eelgrass restoration efforts.

  3. Prólogo. Problemas de la gobernanza ambiental en el Ecuador


    Fontaine, Guillaume; Narváez, Iván


    Las áreas protegidas en la gobernanza ambiental global La gobernanza ambiental Las áreas protegidas son esenciales para la conservación y el manejo de la diversidad biológica y los ecosistemas. Además, constituyen un elemento clave para impulsar el desarrollo sostenible. En base a resultados de la investigación científica se ha mostrado la importancia de dichas áreas para mantener los servicios y productos ambientales. Tal es el caso de las áreas protegidas de montaña (que ayudan a regular lo...

  4. Algas marinas bentónicas de la Isla Gorgona, costa pacífica colombiana

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    Mónica Murillo Muñoz


    Full Text Available Se presenta el listado de las algas marinas bénticas del Parque Nacional Natural Isla Gorgona, el inventario corresponde a la flora algal asociada a los diferentes ambientes marinos de la isla, a saber: arrecifes coralinos y fondos blandos. El monitoreo de las comunidades de algas se llevó a cabo entre octubre de 2010 y mayo de 2011, se realizó una estimación de abundancia y cobertura para lo cual se establecieron transeptos paralelos a la línea de costa y se evaluó el porcentaje de cobertura en cuadrantes de 0.25m². Se reportó un total de 43 especies para los dos ambientes estudiados (coralino y fondos blandos, 24 Rhodophyta, 12 Clorophyta, 6 Ochrophyta y una Cyanobacteria. El grupo más representativo fue el perteneciente a la clase Rhodophyceae, que correspondió al 55.8% de la flora inventariada. Los resultados de nuevos registros en la isla ratifican su importancia fitogeográfica, por cuanto la composición florística insular contribuye significativamente a la biodiversidad de la costa pacífica colombiana, destacándose la presencia de arrecifes coralinos como los principales ambientes marinos para el desarrollo de la flora algal de la región.

  5. Evaluación de la efectividad de las áreas protegidas para contener procesos de cambio en el uso del suelo y la vegetación. ¿Un índice es suficiente? Evaluation of protected area effectiveness for preventing land use and land cover changes in Mexico. Is an index good enough?

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    Fernanda Figueroa


    Full Text Available Se examina la efectividad de 44 áreas protegidas federales (AP en México para evitar procesos de cambio en el uso del suelo y la vegetación (CUSV y se comparan los métodos y resultados con los de algunos estudios previos. Se cuantificó el porcentaje de superficie transformada (ST en 2002 y su tasa de cambio entre 1993 y de 2002 y se compararon las tasas de cambio observadas en las AP, en las áreas circundantes de cada AP y en sus respectivas ecorregiones. Se integró un índice de efectividad y se caracterizaron los procesos de CUSV en cada AP. En 2002, el 77% de las AP analizadas tenía menos de 20% de ST; casi 30% mostró una reducción en la ST, en tanto que en otro 30%, el incremento en la ST fue mayor que la tasa promedio de las AP analizadas. Poco más del 70% de las AP mostraron tasas de CUSV menores a las de sus áreas circundantes y en 80% de las AP, las tasas fueron menores que en sus ecorregiones. En general, estos resultados coinciden con estudios previos, pero existen variaciones según el enfoque metodológico utilizado. Consecuentemente, los índices de efectividad deben complementarse con una caracterización detallada de los procesos de CUSV y la interpretación de los resultados debe matizarse en función de los métodos.Effectiveness of 44 federal protected areas (PA for preventing land use and land cover changes (LULC in Mexico is examined, comparing results and methodological approaches used in previous studies. We quantified the percentage of transformed area (TS in 2002 and its rate of change between 1993 and 2002. We compared observed TS rate of change in PA, adjacent areas, and their ecoregions of location. An effectiveness index was build to produce a characterization of LULC processes developed for each PA. In 2002, 77% PA showed less than 20% covered by TS; nearly 30% of PA showed a reduction of TS. Additionally, in 30% of PA, TS increase exceeded the mean rate for all PA. More than 70% of PA showed lower LULC

  6. Combined use of bacterial community analysis techniques and geographic information systems (GIS) for the evaluation of anthropogenic impact in coastal waters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bosch, R.; Aguilo, M. M.; Martin-Cardona, C.; Nogales, B.


    Marinas and recreational boats have an impact in coastal environments because they constitute point sources for low intensity but recurrent pollution by oil hydrocarbons. Since marinas tend to be located in areas of great natural beauty, and/or of high value economic activities, the pollution they contribute is assumed to be important and increasing, through currently-available information is very incomplete. (Author)

  7. Flora cactológica y especies asociadas en el área natural protegida Sierra Corral de los Bandidos, Nuevo León, México Cactus list and asociated plants of the protected natural area Sierra Corral de Los Bandidos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

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    María del Pilar Carmona-Lara


    Full Text Available El área natural protegida (ANP Sierra Corral de los Bandidos ubicada en la sierra Madre Oriental, al noroeste de Monterrey, sufre el impacto de actividades antropológicas asociadas al matorral submontano (ganadería, agricultura, colecta y urbanismo, disminuyendo sus recursos naturales y amenazando sus especies endémicas, principalmente cactáceas. El propósito del estudio fue conocer la diversidad de cactáceas y especies asociadas en zonas de amortiguamiento y núcleo. Para ello se determinaron índices de riqueza y similitud utilizando un muestreo estratificado con cuadrantes a lo largo de transectos orientados por gradientes altitudinales según su zonificación. En total se registraron 112 taxa (30 cactáceas, 87 (24 cactáceas en zona de amortiguamiento y 80 (19 cactáceas en zona núcleo. Por su densidad, frecuencia y abundancia sobresalieron Echinocereus stramineus (Engelm. Engelm. ex F. Seitz, Cylindropuntia leptocaulis F. M. Knuth in Backeb et F. M. Knuth, Mammillaria melanocentra Poselg., Neolloydia conoidea (DC Britton et Rose, (Cactaceae; Erioneuron avenaceum (H. B et K. Tateoka, (Poaceae; Viguiera stenoloba S. F. Blake; Zexmenia hispida (Kunth A. Gray, (Asteraceae y Agave lechuguilla Torr, (Agavaceae. Existe diferencia significativa entre las poblaciones de cactus de las zonas del ANP, según Jacquard (13%, Sörensen (38% y Morisita (0.44. Ocho cactáceas (7 endémicas están registradas en algún estatus de la NOM-ECOL-059, 2001.The Sierra Corral de los Bandidos is a natural protected area located in the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range northwest of Monterrey city. This preserve suffers the impact of human activities in the form of cattle ranching, agriculture, harvest of wild plants, and urbanism, diminishing its natural resources and threatening its endemic species, especially from the cactaceae family. The purpose of this study was to obtain information on the diversity of cacti and associated species in the buffer and

  8. 78 FR 51061 - Special Anchorage Areas; Port of New York, NY (United States)


    ... yacht clubs and marinas within Sheepshead Bay have very few moorings capable of accommodating vessels... paragraphs (d)(6) through (8) mariners may contact the following boating clubs: Miramar Yacht Club (718) 769-3548; Port Sheepshead (917) 731-8607; or Sheepshead Yacht Club (718) 891- 0991. (ii) [Reserved...

  9. Algas marinas bentónicas de la costa noroccidental de Guerrero, México Benthic marine algae of the west coast of Guerrero, Mexico

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    Luz Elena Mateo-Cid


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de un estudio sobre algas marinas bentónicas en 7 localidades de la costa noroccidental de Guerrero, México. Se determinó la presencia de 163 especies de algas marinas. Se identificaron 17 especies de Cyanobacteria, 93 Rhodophyta, 28 Chlorophyta y 25 de Heterokontophyta. Se citan 54 registros nuevos para el litoral de Guerrero, 2 también nuevos, Myrionema strangulans Greville y Acrochaete ramosa (N.L.Gardner O'Kelly para la costa del Pacífico. Cada especie se acompaña de datos sobre su distribución en el área de estudio, su estado reproductivo, nivel de marea, hábitat, observaciones, epifitismo y número de herbario o de recolección. Se comparó la riqueza específica entre la estación climática de lluvias y la de secas. La división Rhodophyta dominó en términos de diversidad en relación con las 3 divisiones restantes. La ficoflora de la costa noroccidental de Guerrero es de afinidad tropical y más diversa en la época de secas.We present results on the study on benthic marine algae in 7 localities from the west coast of Guerrero, Mexico. We report 163 species: 17 Cyanobacteria, 93 Rhodophyta, 28 Chlorophyta and 25 Heterokontophyta. Fifty four are new records for Guerrero; while Myrionema strangulans Greville and Acrochaete ramosa (N.L.Gardner O'Kelly are new to the Pacific coast of Mexico. Each species includes data on its distribution, reproductive stages, tidal level, facies, epiphytism and herbarium's number. Species diversity was compared for 2 different climatic seasons. The Rhodophyta are dominant in terms of diversity in relation to the other groups. The algal flora of the northwest coast of Guerrero is tropical and the greatest diversity was found during dry seasons.

  10. High mortality of Zostera marina under high temperature regimes but minor effects of the invasive macroalgae Gracilaria vermiculophylla

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Höffle, Hannes; Thomsen, M.S.; Holmer, M.


    The present study tested for density-dependent effects of the invasive drift macroalgae Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss on growth and survival of the native eelgrass, Zostera marina L., under different temperature levels. Three weeks laboratory experiments were conducted in Odense......, Denmark, combining three algae densities (control, low 1.9 kg WW m2, high 4.5 kg WW m2) with typical Danish summer temperatures (18 C) and elevated temperatures (21 C and 27 C). There was a significant effect of temperature on shoot survival with on average 68% mortality in the high temperature treatment...... but almost no mortality at the two lower temperatures. The higher mortality was probably caused by high sulphide levels in the sediment pore water (0.6 mmol l1 at 18 C compared to 3.7 mmol l1 at 27 C). Above-ground growth of the surviving shoots was also significantly affected by temperature, with leaf...

  11. Evaluación de la actividad citotóxica, genotóxica y efecto sobre el ciclo celular de fracciones obtenidas a partir de la esponja marina Iotrochota birotulata


    De la Ossa, Andrés Mauricio


    Los organismos marinos constituyen una fuente importante de sustancias bioactivas con estructuras novedosas y con propiedades biológicas y farmacológicas potenciales.En este trabajo se evaluaron los efectos citotóxicos, genotóxicos y sobre el ciclo celular con las pruebas de azul de Tripano, MTT, ensayos de clonación, intercambio de cromatides hermanas (ICH), ensayo cometa (SCGE) y función de acumulación respectivamente de dos fracciones obtenidas de la esponja marina Iotrochota birotulata (c...

  12. Características bio-ecológicas en poblaciones de lombrices (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae de una sabana natural y una protegida en los llanos centrales de Venezuela

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    Luis Hernández


    Full Text Available Las lombrices de tierra tienen un papel importante en el ciclado de nutrientes y el mantenimiento de la fertilidad de los suelos. En este estudio se empleo el método de extracción manual para determinar la densidad y la biomasa de las lombrices de tierra en diferentes profundidades y en diferentes estaciones, seleccionando al azar cinco monolitos de 25cm2x30cm, ubicados en un área de 90x90m en una Sabana Protegida (SP y una Sabana Natural Intervenida (SNI. Adicionalmente, se estimó la densidad de los capullos, se analizaron las clases de etapas de desarrollo y se clasificaron los individuos en categorías ecológicas. Se estimó la humedad del suelo, la capacidad de campo, la temperatura, la densidad aparente y la textura del suelo. La SP presentó mejores condiciones físicas en el suelo que la SNI, mientras que la actividad de las lombrices de tierra estuvo limitada a los meses de lluvia y se observó un patrón de migración estacional en el perfil del suelo. En la SNI sólo se observó presencia de individuos en agosto y no se encontró diferencia significativa en sus biomasas con la SP. Los sistemas estuvieron dominados por individuos jóvenes con una categoría ecológica de tipo endo-anécica pertenecientes a la familia

  13. Impacto ambiental del turismo en áreas naturales protegidas; procedimiento metodológico para el análisis en el Parque Estatal El Ocotal, México

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    Carlos Pérez Ramírez


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, la actividad turística es promovida ampliamente en las áreas naturales protegidas, como una importante estrategia para el aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales, sustentada en el argumento del limitado impacto ambiental generado en el entorno natural. No obstante, la excesiva acumulación del número de visitantes en determinadas temporadas al año, así como la realización de actividades recreativas sin control alguno en determinados espacios naturales, ha propiciado la generación de significativos impactos ambientales. Tal es el caso del Parque Estatal El Ocotal (PEEO, ubicado en el Municipio de Timilpan, Estado de México, el cual desde su creación ha contemplado el desarrollo de las actividades turísticas como eje del aprovechamiento de los recursos, sin tomar en cuenta medidas enfocadas a la reducción de las implicaciones generadas. De esta forma, la investigación tuvo como principal objetivo, analizar las repercusiones ambientales de la actividad turística en el PEEO, con la finalidad de proponer una serie de medidas de mitigación sobre las características negativas, que permitan conservar las condiciones ambientales del lugar, así como potencializar los aspectos positivos que aseguren el adecuado desarrollo de la actividad turística. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo se emplearon dos instrumentos de evaluación: lista de verificación y matriz cruzada de impacto ambiental aplicada al turismo.

  14. Conectividad entre comunidades de decápodos asociadas a fondos infralitorales de algas y fanerógamas marinas. "Cuando pequeños fragmentos hacen un todo"


    Mateo-Ramírez, A. (Ángel); Urra, J. (Javier); Rueda, J.L. (José Luis); Marina-Ureña, P. (Pablo); García Raso, J.E. (José Enrique)


    La diversidad de especies es, de forma general, mayor en fondos con cobertura vegetal (p.e. fanerógamas marinas, algas fotófilas) que en fondos blandos sin vegetación, por lo que una pérdida parcial de pradera debería traer consigo una pérdida de diversidad. Sin embargo, el efecto de la fragmentación del hábitat dependerá de varios factores, incluyendo el número y tamaño de los parches, la distancia entre ellos y los tipos de hábitats próximos. En este trabajo se ha analizado este...


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    Vita Kartikasari


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Ekosistem mangrove cenderung dapat mengakumulasi unsur-unsur logam berat yang berada dalam perairan sekitar tumbuhan mengrove. Kajian ini dilakukan di muara sungai Babon, Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kemampuan tumbuhan mangrove, Avicennia murina, dalam mengakumulasi unsur logam berat Cr dan Pb; mengetahui organ (akar, cabang, dan daun yang paling banyak mengakumulasi unsur logam berat dan mengetahui peran tumbuhan mangrove dalam mengurangi kandungan logam berat (Cr dan Pb yang ada di perairan muara sungai Babon. Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua tahap. Tahap observasi pendahuluan ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis tumbuhan yang hidup di ekosistem mangrove dan menentukan keberadaan unsur logam berat dalam organ tumbuhan mangrove. Setelah observasi pendahuluan dapat ditentukan lokasi sampling yang ada tumbuhan mangrove A. marina dan lokasi yang tidak ada tumbuhan tersebut. Penelitian utama ditujukan untuk memperoleh data primer konsentrasi Cr dan Pb dengan cara mencuplik dari organ tumbuhan (akar, cabang dan daun, sedimen dan air. Cuplikan dibawa ke laboratorium untuk dikeringkan dengan Microwave Digestion MLS-1200 MEGA dan ditentukan kadar Cr dan Pbnya. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara statistik Uji Non Parametric Kruskal Wallis dan Uji Two Test Kolmogorov Smimov. Hasil penelitian menampakkian Cr terakumulasi lebih banyak daripada Pb di tumbuhan mlangrove. Kecepatan faktor biokonsentrasi untuk Cr adalah 1052.66 dan Pb adalah 349.54. Tempat konsentrasi tertinggi Cr dan Pb dalam organ tumbuhan berturut-turut: akar, cabang dan dedaunan. Daun menyerap unsur Pb lebih besar daripada cabang. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi Cr dan Pb di sedimen yang perairannya ditumbuhi mangrove lebilr besar dari pada di sedimen yang perairannya tanpa ditumbuhi mangrove. Konsentrasi unsur logam berat dalam perairan yang ditumbuhi magrove.   ABSTRACT Mangrove have a tendency to accumulate

  16. Quality uncertainty and allocation of decision rights in the European protected designation of origin Incertidumbre sobre la calidad y asignación de derechos de decisión en la denominación de origen protegida europea Incerteza da qualidade e atribuição de direitos de decisão na designação de origem protegida europeia

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    Gaetano Martino


    Full Text Available The paper considers some issue in the governance of the European Protected Designation of Origin (PDO. The PDO systems are the outcomes of both farmers and consumers expectations and connect the valorisation of the agricultural and rural resources of given territories to the quality of typical products. A critical point in the governance of the PDO systems is represented by the connection between the quality strategies and the uncertainty. The paper argues that the PDO systems can be thought of as strictly coordinated subsystems in which the ex post governance play a critical role in coping with quality uncertainty. The study suggests that the society's inducements given raise to complex organizational systems in which the allocation of decision rights to PDO collective organizations play a major role. The empirical analysis is carried out by examining ten Italian PDO systems in order to identify the decision rights allocated.Se consideran aquí algunos problemas en el gobierno de la denominación de origen protegida (DOP europea. Los sistemas de DOP resultan de las expectativas de agricultores y consumidores y establecen una relación entre la valoración de los recursos agrícolas y rurales de determinados territorios y la calidad de los productos típicos. Un punto crítico en la gestión de los sistemas DOP está representado por la relación entre las estrategias de calidad y la incertidumbre. En este estudio se argumenta que los sistemas DOP pueden ser vistos como subsistemas estrictamente coordenados, en los que el gobierno ex post desempeña un papel fundamental para hacer frente a la incertidumbre sobre la calidad. Se sugiere que los incentivos de la sociedad crean sistemas organizacionales complejos en los que la asignación de derechos de decisión a organizaciones colectivas de DOP representa un importante papel. Se lleva a cabo un estudio empírico por medio del análisis de diez sistemas DOP italianos, con el fin de identificar los

  17. Evaluación de un filtro biológico como unidad de post-tratamiento de aguas residuales utilizando conchas marinas como material de soporte

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    Andres Galindo


    Full Text Available En esta investigación se evaluó la eficiencia de un filtro biológico (FB a escala piloto, utilizando conchas marinas como material de soporte (MS para el post-tratamiento de aguas residuales municipales (ARM que provenían de un tratamiento previo anaerobio-aerobio. El FB se evaluó con diferentes cargas orgánicas, siendo los tiempos de retención hidráulicos (TRH estudiados: 12,85; 10,71; 8,57 y 6,43h. Los parámetros monitoreados fueron: pH, alcalinidad carbónica y total, temperatura, demanda química de oxígeno (DQO, demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO, ácidos grasos volátiles (AGV, nitrógeno total Kjeldahl (NTK, fósforo total, sólidos suspendidos totales (SST, volátiles (SSV y fijos (SSF. Las mejores eficiencias de remoción de materia orgánica se obtuvieron a TRH de 10,71h, registrando remociones de DQOT, DQOS y DBO5,20 en el orden de 51,5; 48,6 y 39,2%. Sin embargo, la mejor eficiencia en la remoción de sólidos suspendidos se observó en el TRH de 6,43h (SST, 29%, SSV, 23,8% y SSF, 50%. A pesar de recibir tratamiento previo, el número de coliformes totales y fecales afluentes al FB fueron altos, presentando órdenes hasta de 107NMP/100ml, la mayores eficiencias en la remoción de Coliformes totales y fecales fueron de 97,24 y 94,63%, respectivamente, registradas en el TRH de 12,85h. Se evidencia que las conchas marinas (Arca zebra son MS sostenibles y con ellas se logran reducciones satisfactorias de materia orgánica en el tratamiento de ARM.


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    Jorge Téllez López


    Full Text Available Durante los meses de enero a mayo de 2013, a través de la metodología propuesta por Alciaturi (2009; se realizó el análisis de los factores socioeconómicos involucrados en la cuenca del rio Cuale, Jalisco, México. Los resultados incluyeron aspectos relacionados con la dinámica demográfica, grado de marginación, nivel educativo, población económicamente activa, principales actividades económicas, comunidades rurales, descripción socioeconómica, potenciales de los recursos naturales, usos y aprovechamientos actuales; así como la situación jurídica de la tenencia de la tierra. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer cómo estos factores inciden sobre los recursos naturales de la cuenca. Con la finalidad de utilizar esta información para establecer la declaratoria del Área Natural Protegida Reserva de la Biosfera El Cuale, que es una herramienta que puede ayudar a asegurar la conservación de esta zona. Por lo tanto, se han incluido elementos de análisis social, económico y ambiental, puesto que estos factores han resultado determinantes en los procesos que inciden en la deforestación y cambio de uso de suelo.

  19. Combined impact of water column oxygen and temperature on internal oxygen status and growth of Zostera marina seedlings and adult shoots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Raun, Ane-Marie Løvendahl; Borum, Jens


    Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) occasionally experiences severe die-offs during warm summer periods with variable water column oxygen partial pressures (pO). Eelgrass is known to be very intolerant to tissue anoxia with reduced growth and increasing mortality after ≤12h anoxia in the dark...... at temperatures of ≥25°C. In the present study we experimentally examine the impact of combined water column oxygen and temperature on oxygen dynamics in leaf meristems of seedlings and adult shoots to better understand how stressful environmental conditions affect eelgrass oxygen dynamics and subsequent growth...... and mortality. There was a strong interaction between water column oxygen and temperature on meristem pO implying that eelgrass is rather resistant to unfavorable oxygen conditions in winter but becomes increasingly vulnerable in summer, especially at high temperatures. At 25°C meristems became anoxic...

  20. Effects of granulometric gradient on macrofaunal assemblages in Los Cristianos harbour (Tenerife, Canary Islands)


    Riera, Rodrigo; Monterroso, Óscar; Núñez, Jorge


    Along the rapid increase of coastal tourism worldwide, evidence is accumulating on the numerous environmental coastal impacts that it causes on marine environments. One of the most important anthropogenic pressures is the construction of marinas or recreational harbours. Typically, most of the studies provide snapshots of the spatial distribution of macrobenthic communities inside and outside of the marina area. However, there is no much information about sedimentary dynamics inside the harbo...

  1. Empleo de Imágenes satélites ópticas de alta resolución en el planeamiento de las operaciones en la Marina de Guerra del Perú


    Perez Medina, Roberto


    En el marco de la reciente adquisición del Sistema de Observación Terrestre realizada por el gobierno peruano, el objetivo de la tesis es formular una propuesta para implementar el empleo de imágenes satelitales en el planeamiento de las operaciones de la Marina. Al respecto, ha sido necesario analizar el estado actual del empleo de imágenes en el planeamiento de las operaciones, a fin de determinar sus fortalezas, debilidades y si son usadas en la actualidad de manera eficiente. La invest...

  2. Marine Environmental Planning Guide for the Hampton Roads/Norfolk Operating Area. (United States)


    algae of the American coast between Cape May, New Jersey, and Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, I. The Cyanophyta. Botanica Marina, 9, pp. 101-128, 1966...oBell, C. E. Marine microbiology, Chronica Botanica Co. Publ., Waltham, Mass., 240p., 194T. I 169 APPENDIX A. PHYSICAL DATA 169 76** 75 " 74 " 73 1264

  3. Reproduction, pollination and seed predation of Senna multijuga (Fabaceae in two protected areas in the Brazilian Atlantic forest

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    Marina Wolowski


    Full Text Available One important subject is to determine the effectiveness of conservation areas, where different management categories are being applied, to maintain effective sexual reproduction in plants and their interactions with animal groups. To evaluate this issue, we compared the phenology, reproductive success, pollination and pre-dispersal seed predation of the legume tree Senna multijuga in two differently managed protected areas in Southeastern Brazil: the Itatiaia National Park and the Environmental Protection Area of Serrinha do Alambari, from December 2007 to December 2008. Vegetative and reproductive phenodinamycs were registered monthly in 80 individuals; other evaluations included 104 observation hours for pollination (March-May 2008 in 51 inflorescences; besides, fruit counts, fecundity and seed predation. Sexual reproduction of S. multijuga depends on the transfer of pollen by large bees (Bombus, Centris, Epicharis and Xylocopa, as the species is self-incompatible. Bruchidae species of the genus Acanthoscelides and Sennius predate seeds. Vegetative and reproductive phenodynamics differed among sites. Our results indicated that ecological interactions were lower at the protected area, but the reproductive processes in S. multijuga were not ruptured or critically degraded. This reinforces the idea that landscape areas with intermediate levels of protection, such as environmental protection areas, are suitable as buffer zones, and thus, relevant to the conservation of ecological processes when associated with more strictly protected areas. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (4: 1939-1948. Epub 2011 December 01Es importante determinar la eficacia de las áreas de conservación cuando se están implementando diferentes categorías de manejo, y una forma de hacerlo es conociendo si se mantiene una reproducción sexual efectiva en las especies de plantas y sus interacciones con grupos de animales. Para evaluar esta cuestión, se comparó la fenología, el

  4. Registro de pecarí de labios blancos (Tayassu pecari en la región de la laguna de Términos, Campeche, México White lipped pecaries (Tayassu pecari recorded in the area of Términos Lagoon Campeche, México

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    Mircea G. Hidalgo-Mihart


    Full Text Available Se registró fotográficamente al menos un grupo de pecaries de labios blancos (Tayassu pecari en la Selva La Montaña, al suroeste del área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Silvestre Laguna de Términos, Campeche, México. El registro se realizó utilizando trampas cámara. La presencia de esta especie muestra la importancia que tiene la región Selva La Montaña para la conservación de la biodiversidad, especialmente para las especies protegidas.We report at least one group of white lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari in Selva La Montaña located in the southwestern portion of the Términos Lagoon Flora and Fauna Protection Area, Campeche, Mexico. The record was obtained using camera traps. The presence of this species in the area shows the importance of the region for biodiversity conservation, particularly for protected species.

  5. Patrones biogeográficos de los tenebriónidos epigeos (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae del Área Natural Protegida Península Valdés, Argentina: implicaciones para su conservación Biogeographic patterns of epigean tenebrionids (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae from Protected Natural Area Península Valdés, Argentina: implications for its conservation

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    Rodolfo Carrara


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio sobre los patrones biogeográficos de los tenebriónidos epigeos (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae que habitan el Área Natural Protegida Península Valdés (Chubut, Argentina, basado en datos de colecciones y material recolectado en viajes a la zona. Se presenta una lista exhaustiva de las especies en la que se consigna el grado de adaptación a la aridez de cada una de ellas; un análisis de la calidad del inventario y la estimación de la riqueza total de especies; una evaluación de los patrones de distribución y riqueza, y la identificación de áreas de significativa mayor riqueza o hotspots. Los resultados indicaron que 25 especies con diferente grado de adaptación a la aridez habitan la península, aunque se estima que la riqueza total del área debería ser de 27. Además, se reconoció que los rangos de distribución de los tenebriónidos siguen una distribución log-normal y que sólo 3 especies son endémicas. Espacialmente, la riqueza se distribuyó de forma agregada en la península y se determinaron 10 hotspots. Finalmente, considerando que en la península Valdés están permitidas actividades productivas que originan una importante degradación del hábitat, se examina la implicancia de los resultados para la conservación de los tenebriónidos epigeos.We conducted a study of the biogeographic patterns of epigean tenebrionids (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae that inhabit the Protected Natural Area Península Valdés (Chubut, Argentina, based on data obtained from collections and collecting trips. We present a comprehensive species list, where we detail the degree of adaptation to aridity shown by each species, an analysis of the quality of the inventory, an estimation of total species richness, and an evaluation of distribution and richness patterns, with the identification of areas of significantly greater richness or "hotspots". The results indicated that 25 species with different degrees of adaptation to aridity

  6. Interpretación socioambiental (ISA, herramienta para la gestión del uso público en las áreas protegidas. Estudio de caso: Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas de Guanacaste, Costa Rica

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    Olga García Hernández


    Full Text Available El Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas de Guanacaste, como muchas otras Áreas Protegidas del todo el mundo, está siendo objeto de una visitación sin precedentes. Ante este escenario, las comunidades aledañas son incorporadas en las iniciativas turísticas de base natural, como parte de la estrategia de aplicación del enfoque ecosistémico. Pero la realidad es mucho más compleja que esta simple fórmula de participación. ¿Están preparadas estas poblaciones para tal labor? ¿Pueden los guías locales despertar cierto interés por la conservación en un Tour? A través de la práctica de la investigación-acción, el tour de anidamiento de la tortuga baula (Demorchelys coriácea fue objeto de análisis de forma participativa con los agentes turísticos. El proceso indagatorio se realizó bajo el prisma de la Interpretación Socioambiental, como herramienta para la gestión del uso público en zonas de especial protección. El estudio reveló su efectividad así como el papel clave que representan las comunidades locales en este tipo de iniciativas.

  7. Interpretación socioambiental (ISA, herramienta para la gestión del uso público en las áreas protegidas. Estudio de caso: Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas de Guanacaste, Costa Rica

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    Olga Lucía Hernández


    Full Text Available El Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas de Guanacaste, como muchas otras Áreas Protegidas del todo el mundo, está siendo objeto de una visitación sin precedentes. Ante este escenario, las comunidades aledañas son incorporadas en las iniciativas turísticas de base natural, como parte de la estrategia de aplicación del enfoque ecosistémico. Pero la realidad es mucho más compleja que esta simple fórmula de participación. ¿Están preparadas estas poblaciones para tal labor? ¿Pueden los guías locales despertar cierto interés por la conservación en un Tour? A través de la práctica de la investigación-acción, el tour de anidamiento de la tortuga baula (Demorchelys coriácea fue objeto de análisis de forma participativa con los agentes turísticos. El proceso indagatorio se realizó bajo el prisma de la Interpretación Socioambiental, como herramienta para la gestión del uso público en zonas de especial protección. El estudio reveló su efectividad así como el papel clave que representan las comunidades locales en este tipo de iniciativas.

  8. Carbon isotope fractionation in the mangrove Avicennia marina has implications for food web and blue carbon research (United States)

    Kelleway, Jeffrey J.; Mazumder, Debashish; Baldock, Jeffrey A.; Saintilan, Neil


    The ratio of stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) is commonly used to track the flow of energy among individuals and ecosystems, including in mangrove forests. Effective use of this technique requires understanding of the spatial variability in δ13C among primary producer(s) as well as quantification of the isotopic fractionations that occur as C moves within and among ecosystem components. In this experiment, we assessed δ13C variation in the cosmopolitan mangrove Avicennia marina across four sites of varying physico-chemical conditions across two estuaries. We also compared the isotopic values of five distinct tissue types (leaves, woody stems, cable roots, pneumatophores and fine roots) in individual plants. We found a significant site effect (F3, 36 = 15.78; P 3.0‰) means that it may now be possible to partition the individual contributions of various mangrove tissues to estuarine food webs. Similarly, the contributions of mangrove leaves, woody debris and belowground sources to blue carbon stocks might also be quantified. Above all, however, our results emphasize the importance of considering appropriate mangrove tissue types when using δ13C to trace carbon cycling in estuarine systems.

  9. Actividad antibacteriana de extractos etanólicos de macroalgas marinas de la costa central del Perú

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    Claudio Magallanes


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la actividad antibacteriana de extractos etanólicos de 12 especies de macroalgas marinas. Los extractos fueron obtenidos de acuerdo al protocolo modificado de Vlachos et al. (1996. Cada extracto se enfrentó contra 5 cepas bacterianas de origen clínico y 6 no clínico perteneciente a los géneros Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Pseudomonas, Escherichia, Salmonella, Aeromonas y Vibrio. De 12 especies de algas ensayadas solamente 5 (Grateloupia doryphora, Ahnfeltiopsis durvillaei, Prionitis decipiens, Petalonia fascia y Bryopsis plumosa presentaron algún efecto antibacteriano. Asimismo, de 11 cepas bacterianas probadas solamente las cepas clínicas Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 y Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 y la cepa no clínica Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6633 fueron sensibles a los extractos algales. El extracto etanólico de B. plumosa presentó el mayor efecto antibacteriano contra las dos cepas de S. aureus, manifestándose en el mayor tamaño de sus halos de inhibición, mientras que el extracto de P. fascia mostró mayor espectro antibacteriano, inhibiendo a las 3 cepas mencionadas.

  10. Contraste empírico de la transferencia de tecnología en tres empresas de agricultura protegida en México

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    Carlos Gabriel Borbón Morales


    Full Text Available De acuerdo a algunos modelos teóricos de la transferencia de tecnología las empresas aprenden de otras empresas; en otras ocasiones las tecnologías se transfieren a partir de una política dirigida por el Gobierno donde las firmas, los centros de investigación y las instituciones de educación superior confluyen trasladando el conocimiento de un actor a otro; otro más, advierte la participación activa de la sociedad civil, que derivado de sus necesidades se transforma en el eje que articula el tránsito del conocimiento hacia su aplicación. En este trabajo se realiza un análisis de dichos modelos, con el fin de contrastarlos empíricamente utilizando casos de empresas que incorporan tecnología para la producción de hortalizas en invernaderos, caracterizando a sus actores, relacionando estas características y evaluando y las formas en las cuales estas empresas han vivido sus procesos de contacto, adaptación y modificación de la tecnología. Palabras clave: transferencia de tecnología, agricultura protegidaDe acuerdo a algunos modelos teóricos de la transferencia de tecnología las empresas aprenden de otras empresas; en otras ocasiones las tecnologías se transfieren a partir de una política dirigida por el Gobierno donde las firmas, los centros de investigación y las instituciones de educación superior confluyen trasladando el conocimiento de un actor a otro; otro más, advierte la participación activa de la sociedad civil, que derivado de sus necesidades se transforma en el eje que articula el tránsito del conocimiento hacia su aplicación. En este trabajo se realiza un análisis de dichos modelos, con el fin de contrastarlos empíricamente utilizando casos de empresas que incorporan tecnología para la producción de hortalizas en invernaderos, caracterizando a sus actores, relacionando estas características y evaluando y las formas en las cuales estas empresas han vivido sus procesos de contacto, adaptación y modificaci

  11. A Method for Calculating the Area of Zostera marina Leaves from Digital Images with Noise Induced by Humidity Content

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    Cecilia Leal-Ramirez


    Full Text Available Despite the ecological importance of eelgrass, nowadays anthropogenic influences have produced deleterious effects in many meadows worldwide. Transplantation plots are commonly used as a feasible remediation scheme. The characterization of eelgrass biomass and its dynamics is an important input for the assessment of the overall status of both natural and transplanted populations. Particularly, in restoration plots it is desirable to obtain nondestructive assessments of these variables. Allometric models allow the expression of above ground biomass and productivity of eelgrass in terms of leaf area, which provides cost effective and nondestructive assessments. Leaf area in eelgrass can be conveniently obtained by the product of associated length and width. Although these variables can be directly measured on most sampled leaves, digital image methods could be adapted in order to simplify measurements. Nonetheless, since width to length ratios in eelgrass leaves could be even negligible, noise induced by leaf humidity content could produce misidentification of pixels along the peripheral contour of leaves images. In this paper, we present a procedure aimed to produce consistent estimations of eelgrass leaf area in the presence of the aforementioned noise effects. Our results show that digital image procedures can provide reliable, nondestructive estimations of eelgrass leaf area.

  12. Ultraviolet radiation response of two heterotropy Antarctic marine bacterial; Respuesta a la radiacion ultravioleta de dos cepas bacterianas marinas heterotrofas antarticas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez, Edgardo A [Buenos Aires Univ. (Argentina). Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquimica; Ferreyra, Gustavo A; Mac Cormack, Walter P [Direccion Nacional del Antartico, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Instituto Antartico Argentino


    Two Antarctic marine bacterial strains, were exposed to different irradiance of ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation using several experimental protocols and interferential filters. Results showed that both, UV-A and UV-B radiation produce deleterious effects on two tested bacterial strains. The mortality values under UVB treatments were higher than those observed under UVA treatments. UVvi strain proved to be more resistant to UV radiation than the UVps strain. (author) [Spanish] Dos cepas marinas antarticas fueron expuestas a diferentes irradiancias de radiacion solar ultravioleta (UV) utilizando diferentes protocolos experimentales y filtros interferenciales. Los resultados mostraron que tanto la radiacion UV-A como UV-B produce efectos deletereos sobre las dos cepas bacterianas analizadas. Los valores de mortalidad bajo tratamiento UV-B fueron mayores que los observados bajo tratamiento UV-A. La cepa UVvi mostro mayor resistencia a la radiacion UV que la cepa UVps. (autor)

  13. The impact of the herbicide atrazine on growth and photosynthesis of seagrass, Zostera marina (L.), seedlings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Yaping; Fang Jianguang; Zhang Jihong; Ren Lihua; Mao Yuze; Li Bin; Zhang Mingliang; Liu Dinghai; Du Meirong


    Highlights: → Impact of the widely used herbicide atrazine on eelgrass seedlings was studied. → Atrazine presents a threat to eelgrass seedlings growth and photosynthesis. → The impact of atrazine on eelgrass seedlings is much higher than for adult plants. - Abstract: The impact of the widely used herbicide atrazine on seedling growth and photosynthesis of eelgrass was determined. The long-term impact of the herbicide atrazine (1, 10 and 100 μg/L) on growth of eelgrass Zostera marina (L.) seedlings, maintained in outdoor aquaria, was monitored over 4 weeks. Exposure to 10 μg/L atrazine resulted in significantly lower plant fresh weight and total chlorophyll concentration and up to 86.67% mortality at the 100 μg/L concentration. Short-term photosynthetic stress on eelgrass seedlings was determined and compared with adult eelgrass using chlorophyll fluorescence. The effective quantum yield in eelgrass seedlings was significantly depressed at all atrazine concentrations (2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 μg/L) even within 2 h and remained at a lower level than for adult plants for each concentration. These results indicate that atrazine presents a potential threat to seagrass seedling functioning and that the impact is much higher than for adult plants.

  14. Phylogeographic differentiation versus transcriptomic adaptation to warm temperatures in Zostera marina, a globally important seagrass. (United States)

    Jueterbock, A; Franssen, S U; Bergmann, N; Gu, J; Coyer, J A; Reusch, T B H; Bornberg-Bauer, E; Olsen, J L


    Populations distributed across a broad thermal cline are instrumental in addressing adaptation to increasing temperatures under global warming. Using a space-for-time substitution design, we tested for parallel adaptation to warm temperatures along two independent thermal clines in Zostera marina, the most widely distributed seagrass in the temperate Northern Hemisphere. A North-South pair of populations was sampled along the European and North American coasts and exposed to a simulated heatwave in a common-garden mesocosm. Transcriptomic responses under control, heat stress and recovery were recorded in 99 RNAseq libraries with ~13 000 uniquely annotated, expressed genes. We corrected for phylogenetic differentiation among populations to discriminate neutral from adaptive differentiation. The two southern populations recovered faster from heat stress and showed parallel transcriptomic differentiation, as compared with northern populations. Among 2389 differentially expressed genes, 21 exceeded neutral expectations and were likely involved in parallel adaptation to warm temperatures. However, the strongest differentiation following phylogenetic correction was between the three Atlantic populations and the Mediterranean population with 128 of 4711 differentially expressed genes exceeding neutral expectations. Although adaptation to warm temperatures is expected to reduce sensitivity to heatwaves, the continued resistance of seagrass to further anthropogenic stresses may be impaired by heat-induced downregulation of genes related to photosynthesis, pathogen defence and stress tolerance. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Identificación y diagnóstico de las fuentes de la basura marina en la costa de Manzanillo, Colima, México, durante las campañas de limpieza 2003-2006


    Silva-Iñiguez, L.; Gutiérrez-Corona, C.G.; Pérez-López, R.; Cervantes, O.


    Este trabajo describe los resultados obtenidos en las campañas de limpieza de las playas ubicadas en las bahías de Manzanillo (San Pedrito, Brisas y Salagua) y Santiago (Audiencia, Santiago y Miramar), México en el periodo 2003-2006. El análisis de los datos, permitió identificar las fuentes de los desechos, y elaborar un diagnóstico de la basura marina o costera en dichas playas. Los residuos más comunes y abundantes en todas las playas fueron las colillas de cigarro y taparoscas de plástico...

  16. Vínculos para la gestión: dinámicas socio-institucionales y perspectivas para el manejo integrado de la pesca artesanal en Laguna de Rocha (Uruguay

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    Ximena Lagos Miranda


    Full Text Available El área protegida Laguna de Rocha es un importante sitio para la conservación de la biodiversidad del Uruguay y alberga una de las comunidades de pescadores artesanales más antiguas del pais. En el marco del Manejo Costero Integrado, este trabajo analiza las dinámicas y vínculos socio-institucionales en el area protegida, en su trayectoria de conformación y en torno a la pesca artesanal del lugar. Asimismo, se discute como estos procesos y las características del sistema de gobernanza, permiten evaluar las capacidades del sector para el desarrollo de instrumentos de gestión integrada, tales como la certificación de pesquerías. La conformación del área protegida muestra un proceso de innovación socionstitucional que permitió la consolidación de una red de actores robustecidos para su gestión. El sistema de gobernanza del área, los vínculos de alta intensidad y los aprendizajes de 20 años de experiencias en torno a la conservación del área, potencian las capacidades para promover un proceso de certificación pesquera adecuado al contexto local. Sin embargo, las mayores limitantes se encuentran en la falta de voluntad a nivel gubernamental para politicas de largo plazo, debilidad en los mecanismos de comunicación y el desconocimiento del potencial de este tipo de instrumentos.

  17. Indice de la microflora marina de Venezuela: diatomeas, dinoflagelados y cocolitofóridos

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    José Rafael Díaz-Ramos


    Full Text Available Los estudios sobre el fitoplancton marino de Venezuela han sido realizados de manera regular desde mediados del siglo XX. Sin embargo, hasta ahora no se ha realizado un compendio de las especies encontradas que sirva como marco de referencia a los trabajos taxonómicos. En este trabajo se presenta por primera vez un índice de la microflora marina de Venezuela. El índice incluye sólo las diatomeas (89 especies céntricas y 186 especies pennadas, los dinoflagelados (ocho especies atecadas y 154 especies tecadas y los cocolitóforidos (24 especies a los cuales se les realizado una diagnosis formal e ilustraciones (dibujos y/o fotografias y que han sido reportados en la literatura científica (revistas y/o tesis de licenciatura o maestría. Esta ordenado según la clase, orden, familia y especie. Además, en el se cita al autor (es de cada taxón.ha.The marine phytoplankton of Venezuela has been studied on a regular basis since the mid 20th century. However, a species checklist that can be used as a framework for taxonomic studies is lacking. In this paper, an index of the marine microflora of Venezuela is presented for the first time. The index includes only those diatoms (89 centric and 186 pennate species, dinoflagellates (eight naked and 154 thecate species and coccolithophores (24 especies for which formal diagnosis and illustrations (drawings and/or photographs have been reported in the scientific literature (journals and/or first degree or master's theses. It is ordered alphabetically according to class, order, family, and species. It includes the author (s of the taxa.

  18. Assessment of heavy metal and petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in the Sultanate of Oman with emphasis on harbours, marinas, terminals and ports. (United States)

    Jupp, Barry P; Fowler, Scott W; Dobretsov, Sergey; van der Wiele, Henk; Al-Ghafri, Ahmed


    The assessment here includes data on levels of contaminants (petroleum hydrocarbons and heavy metals) in sediments and biomonitor organisms, including the eulittoral rock oyster Saccostrea cucullata and subtidal biomonitors, the barnacle Balanus trigonus and the antipatharian coral Antipathes sp., at harbours, marinas, terminals and large ports along the coastline of Oman. TBT levels in harbour and port sediments up to a maximum of 100ppb TBT dry weight are highlighted. Oysters contained concentrations up to 367ppm mg TPH/kg dry weight. The maximum levels of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were found in the subtidal sediments and barnacles at the oil tanker loading Single Buoy Mooring stations in Mina Al Fahal. In general, the levels of most of the contaminants analysed are at low to moderate concentrations compared to those in highly contaminated sites such as shipyards and dry docks, but continued monitoring is recommended especially during any dredging campaigns. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. CO{sub 2}-enrichment effects on eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) and bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana (Mert.)P.&R.)

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    Thorn, R.M. [Battelle/Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Sequim, WA (United States). Marine Sciences Lab.


    The author investigated the effect of CO{sub 2}-enrichment on productivity of two aquatic plant species (Zostera marina L., Nereocystis luetkeana (Mert.)P.&R.) that form significant components of coastal ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest. Short-term (i.e., 2-hr) experiments showed that doubling CO{sub 2} resulted in up to a 2.5-fold increase in Zostera net apparent productivity (NAP). Nereocystis NAP was increased 2.2-2.8 fold. In experiments involving seven enrichment treatments, NAP increased with increasing CO{sub 2} between ambient (1.0x) and 2.5x CO{sub 2} in both Zostera and Nereocystis. Nereocystis and Zostera NAP was lowest at highest (i.e., 5x) CO{sub 2} concentrations. In growth experiments, mean growth rate of Zostera increased with increasing CO{sub 2} during one of the two trials. It was concluded that increasing CO{sub 2} in the surface waters of the coastal ocean would predictably result in increased NAP of these two species. These results supplement limited published data showing that shallow estuarine and marine systems are vulnerable to increased carbon dioxide. 25 refs., 3 figs.

  20. Effects of rearing environment and population origin on responses to repeated behavioural trials in cane toads (Rhinella marina). (United States)

    Gruber, Jodie; Whiting, Martin J; Brown, Gregory; Shine, Richard


    Behavioural response to repeated trials in captivity can be driven by many factors including rearing environment, population of origin, habituation to captivity/trial conditions and an individual's behavioural type (e.g., bold versus shy). We tested the effect of rearing environment (captive raised common-garden versus wild-caught) and population origin (range-edge versus range-front) on the responses of invasive cane toads (Rhinella marina) to repeated exploration and risk-taking assays in captivity. We found that behavioural responses to identical assays performed on two occasions were complex and showed few consistent patterns based on rearing environment or population of origin. However, behavioural traits were repeatable across Trial Blocks when all sample populations were grouped together, indicating general consistency in individual toad behaviour across repeated behavioural assays. Our findings exemplify the complexity and unpredictability of behavioural responses and their effects on the repeatability and interpretation of behavioural traits across repeated behavioural assays in captivity. To meaningfully interpret the results from repeated behavioural assays, we need to consider how multiple factors may affect behavioural responses to these tests and importantly, how these responses may affect the repeatability of behavioural traits across time. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  1. Boom-to-bust. The scallop (Argopecten purpuratus fishery in the Pisco-Paracas region, southern Peruvian coast Auge y crisis: la pesquería de la concha de abanico (Argopecten purpuratus en la región Pisco-Paracas, costa sur del Perú

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    Ricardo M. González Hunt


    Full Text Available This paper examines scallop (Argopecten purpuratus booms experienced in the Pisco-Paracas Region of southern Peru, triggered by the 1982-1983 and the 1997-1998 mega-El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO events.The quiet fishing ports have been transformed by these booms, which have attracted outside stakeholders transforming the local society. Government institutions in their role as resource managers and environmental stewards have attempted to control access to a region that until recently contained the only marine protected area of Peru.This situation has led to rapid growth in the scallop industry, the overexploitation and depletion of the shellfish, creating a sustainability crisis. Furthermore, this paper examines contradictions and relationships across local, regional, national, and international scales.Este trabajo examina los ciclos de expansión (boom de la explotación de la concha de abanico (Argopecten purpuratus observados en la región Pisco-Paracas del sur del Perú, resultantes de los fenómenos El Niño de 1982-1983 y 1997-1998.Los apacibles puertos de pesca han sido transformados por estos booms productivos que han atraído actores externos y han generado un impacto en la sociedad local. Las instituciones gubernamentales, en su papel de administradores de recursos y protectores del medio ambiente, han tratado de controlar el acceso a una región que hasta hace poco contenía la única área marina protegida del Perú.Esta situación ha producido un rápido crecimiento de la industria de la concha de abanico, su sobreexplotación y el agotamiento de dicho recurso, y ha producido una crisis de sostenibilidad. Asimismo, este trabajo examina las contradicciones y las relaciones entre las escalas local, regional, nacional e internacional.

  2. Biocalcarenites as construction materials in Santa Marina de Aguas Santas Church at Cordoba, Spain

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    Meroño, J. E.


    Full Text Available This study consisted in characterizing the materials used to build Santa Marina de Aguas Santas Church at Cordoba and locating the original quarries. The techniques used in the lithological and chemical characterization included XRD, petrographic microscopy and electron dispersive scanning microscopy. The chemical index of weathering (CIW was used to quantify the state of stone decay. The lithology and different types of alterations observed were mapped. A comparison of the material on the building to ancient quarries identified “Naranjo” as the possible site where the stone was originally quarried.Para la caracterización litológica y determinación del grado de alteración de los materiales pétreos se han empleado las siguientes técnicas: difracción de rayos X (método del polvo, microscopía petrográfica (sobre lámina delgada y microscopía de barrido con EDS (energía dispersiva de rayos X, para determinar la composición química. El estado de degradación del material pétreo se ha cuantificado a partir del índice químico de alteración (CIW. Se han realizado cartografías sobre la fachada oeste: a de las litologías presentes y b de los diferentes tipos de alteración observados. La comparación de muestras del edificio con las de antiguas canteras ha permitido identificar la del Naranjo como la posible cantera de origen.

  3. Aplicación de la Tecnología SIG para la representación de información climática marina en el Atlántico Sur Application Of Gis Technology For The Representation Of Climate Marine Information In The South Atlantic Region

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    Elisa C. Nuré


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta una aplicación de la tecnología de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG a las bases de datos de información meteorológica marina generadas en función de procedimientos estadísticos recomendados por la Organización Meteorológica Mundial para la elaboración de Resúmenes Climáticos Marinos. Este SIG permite una visualización dinámica de valores extremos y frecuencias en forma de mapas, tablas y gráficos, tanto temporales como espaciales, así como de la distribución de las observaciones meteorológicas marinas en el Océano Atlántico Sudoccidental. La información climática regional marina elaborada utilizando esta tecnología, es de interés para toda ciencia o disciplina relacionada con el medio ambiente y constituye un valioso soporte para la planificación de tareas en el ámbito de la seguridad náutica, tanto para el Servicio de Hidrografía Naval como para otras instituciones que desarrollen actividades afines.This article shows a Geographic Information Systems (GIS application to marine climatic information data bases. These data bases are created following the World Meteorological Organization recommendations for applying statistical procedures to marine observations in order to elaborate Marine Climatic Summaries. This GIS allows a dynamic visualization of maps, tables and graphics showing extreme values and frequencies of meteorological variables in time and space as well as the marine meteorological observations distribution over the South Atlantic Ocean. The regional climatic marine information obtained using this technology, will be a useful tool for environmental related disciplines and, it will be also of valuable support for the safety of naval operations.

  4. Establishing a baseline for regional scale monitoring of eelgrass (Zostera marina) habitat on the lower Alaska Peninsula (United States)

    Hogrefe, Kyle R.; Ward, David H.; Donnelly, Tyrone F.; Dau, Niels


    Seagrass meadows, one of the world’s most widespread and productive ecosystems, provide a wide range of services with real economic value. Worldwide declines in the distribution and abundance of seagrasses and increased threats to coastal ecosystems from climate change have prompted a need to acquire baseline data for monitoring and protecting these important habitats. We assessed the distribution and abundance of eelgrass (Zostera marina) along nearly 1200 km of shoreline on the lower Alaska Peninsula, a region of expansive eelgrass meadows whose status and trends are poorly understood. We demonstrate the effectiveness of a multi-scale approach by using Landsat satellite imagery to map the total areal extent of eelgrass while integrating field survey data to improve map accuracy and describe the physical and biological condition of the meadows. Innovative use of proven methods and processing tools was used to address challenges inherent to remote sensing in high latitude, coastal environments. Eelgrass was estimated to cover ~31,000 ha, 91% of submerged aquatic vegetation on the lower Alaska Peninsula, nearly doubling the known spatial extent of eelgrass in the region. Mapping accuracy was 80%–90% for eelgrass distribution at locations containing adequate field survey data for error analysis.

  5. Análisis multicriterio del impacto potencial del turismo en la anidación de las tortugas marinas en Chalacatepec, Jalisco

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    Y. Flores-Monter


    Full Text Available Introducción: El litoral mexicano presenta hábitats aptos para la reproducción, refugio y crianza de tortugas marinas. Sin embargo, en la costa Chalacatepec, Jalisco, esta aptitud puede estar amenazada por el Proyecto Desarrollo Vistas (PDV, un complejo turístico mixto: hotelero, residencial, comercial y deportivo. El objetivo de la presente investigación, es evaluar el impacto potencial del turismo sobre la anidación de tortugas en dos etapas: a Preparación y construcción y b Operación y mantenimiento, como una herramienta de ayuda a la toma de decisiones en la conservación de las especies Lepidochelys olivácea (tortuga golfina, Chelonia agassizii (tortuga prieta y Dermochelys coriácea (tortuga laúd. Método: Se calculó la densidad de anidación (nidos por kilómetro y se utilizó el método de evaluación multicriterio (EMC discreto Proceso Analítico Jerárquico (PAJ, para estimar el impacto de 8 amenazas turísticas: desmonte y despalme, excavaciones, rellenos, contaminación sonora, residuos sólidos, presencia de personal de obra y construcciones provisionales, iluminación artificial del frente de playa y concentración de visitantes. Se construyó una matriz de comparación, se asignó un peso a cada amenaza, y mediante el uso de un SIG se generaron los mapas de impacto potencial del turismo. Resultados: Las amenazas con mayor peso o ponderación (eigenvector total fueron los rellenos (0.36482 y la concentración de visitantes (0.38194. La construcción y operación turística puede afectar el 59.8% de las anidaciones e impactar principalmente en la costa sur el km 1 (1 142 registros de nidos colectados y, en la costa norte el km 1 (329 nidos, km 3 (311 nidos, km 4 (268 nidos y km 5 (151 nidos. Discusión o Conclusión: La playa de anidación en Chalacatepec es de gran importancia para la protección y conservación de las tortugas marinas. La presente EMC fue una herramienta adecuada para estimar las consecuencias del

  6. Effect of abalone farming on seawater movement and benthic foraminiferal assemblage of Zostera marina in the inner bay of Wando, South Korea. (United States)

    Lee, Yeon Gyu; Choi, Yang Ho; Jeong, Da Un; Lee, Jung Sick; Kim, Yong Wan; Park, Jung Jun; Choi, Jae Ung


    Tidal current survey as well as geochemical and benthic foraminiferal analyses of sediment cores were conducted in an abalone farm and a Zostera bed to understand the degree to which the abalone farm facilities installed along a channel in a shallow sea affect the benthic environment and ecology. In the abalone farm, Ammonia beccarii-Pseudoparrella naraensis-Elphidium somaense-Rosalina globularis-Trochammina hadai and P. naraensis-E. somaense-A. beccarii-T. hadai assemblages appeared owing to an increase in the total nitrogen content from the biodeposits. The Zostera bed consisted of A. beccarii-P. naraensis-Buccella frigida-T. hadai assemblage owing to the gradual expansion of a brackish shallow-water environment by the rapidly decreasing current speed, and it may have flourished. Moreover, the total sulfur, Zn, Cr, and Cu contents in the sediments decreased remarkably more than those of the pre-abalone farming did, caused by the vigorous activity of Zostera marina physiology. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Benthic and fish population monitoring associated with a marine protected area in the nearshore waters of Grenada, Eastern Caribbean

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    Robert Anderson


    Full Text Available Annual benthic and fish population surveys were completed at five locations in the nearshore waters along Grenada´s southwest coast during 2008-2010. Two survey sites are located in a newly launched Marine Protected Area (MPA. Photo Quadrat (PQ and Point Line Intercept (PLI surveys were used to determine substrate cover. Algae was the primary live cover increasing significantly from 45.9% in 2008 to 52.7% in 2010 (PLI. Algae was also predominant (61.0%-59.3% in the PQ surveys although annual variation was not significant. Hard coral cover ranged from 16.5% to 15.4% (PLI and 11.4% to12.0% (PQ with no significant differences between years. Branching and encrusting corals occurred more frequently than massive corals. In the three annual surveys neither algal cover nor hard coral varied significantly between MPA and non-protected areas (PLI. Relative abundance of fishes along 30x2m belt transects did not vary significantly among years however density of fishes decreased significantly across years for most major groups. Chromis spp. dominated the survey sites at 65.2% in 2008 and 49.8% in 2010, followed by territorial damselfish,11.1% and 15.5%, wrasse increased from 7.3% to 15.5%. Both the substrate cover and fish survey data analyses indicated a stable but degraded community. Annual surveys are planned at these sites for the foreseeable future. Existing and future data from this project will be valuable in determining the efficacy of MPA management, guiding resource management decisions and monitoring the health status of Grenada’s valuable reef systemsUn estudio sobre poblaciones bentónicas y de peces fue realizado en cinco localidades en la zona costera en el suroeste de Grenada entre 2008 y 2010. Dos sitios se ubicaron en una Área Marina Portegida (AMP recientemente creada. Para determinar la cobertura se utilizaron foto-cuadrantes (FQ y transectos de intersección de puntos (TIP. Las algas fueron el principal componente del bentos

  8. Bibliografía sobre investigaciones marinas, oceanográficas, geológicas y atmosféricas en el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco y aguas adyacentes, Pacífico de Costa Rica

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    Jorge Cortés


    Full Text Available Isla del Coco, Pacífico de Costa Rica, ha sido visitada y se ha escrito sobre ella desde el Siglo XVI. Desde finales del Siglo XIX muchas expediciones han desarrollado investigaciones en el Isla. Aquí compilo las publicaciones sobre biología y geología marina, oceanografía física y química, ciencias atmosféricas y algunos temas sociales. Una lista de 599 artículos y capítulos, 41 libros, Suplementos, tesis, informes y un sitio de internet es incluida, y diez libros históricos donde se describen organismos y ambientes marinos de la Isla del Coco. La mayoría de las publicaciones (425 o 66.4% son sobre biodiversidad marina (descripciones, listas y distribuciones de especies. De los grupos que más publicaciones hay son de los gasterópodos (81 trabajos, decápodos (67 y peces óseos (66. No hay publicaciones de varios grupos de animales que han sido observados en Isla del Coco, por ejemplo, gusanos planos de vida libre, parásitos o nemertinos, entre otros. Temas con muchas publicaciones son: biogeografía con 65, ecología (61 y geología (48; los ecosistemas más estudiados son los arrecifes coralinos con 14 trabajos. Se necesitan más publicaciones en muchos tópicos, tales como el impacto sobre la flora y fauna del Parque Nacional Isla del Coco de la pesca ilegal y el cambio climático.

  9. TBT is still a matter of concern in Peru. (United States)

    Castro, Ítalo Braga; Iannacone, José; Santos, Sabino; Fillmann, Gilberto


    Tributyltin (TBT) environmental concentrations as well as imposex levels have been declining in several coastal areas worldwide. However, recent studies have shown that TBT contamination is still an important issue along some Latin American coastal areas. Thus, the incidence of imposex and butyltin compounds (BTs) in sediments and gastropod tissues was spatially and temporally (2009 and 2012) appraised in Lima (Peru) along potential TBT sources (harbors and marinas). Despite the general pattern of reduction close to Callao harbor, a clear increment in the levels of imposex (RPLI = 0.0 to 8.4 and 0.0 to 28.4/VDSI = 0.0 to 3.3 and 0.0 to 3.5) and TBT in tissues (25 to 112 and 62 to 146 ng Sn g -1 ) of Thaisella chocolata were seen from 2009 to 2012 in two sampling sites, respectively, located nearby a newly established marina. Thus, despite the international restrictions on the use of TBT-based antifouling paints are apparently reducing the inputs at international harbors, the present study clearly shows that marinas are still acting as important sources of TBT to the study area due possibly to the lack of legal restrictions on production, trading and/or use of TBT. The present findings reinforce what has been seen along many other Latin American coastal areas. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Desulfovibrio zosterae sp. nov., a new sulfate reducer isolated from surface-sterilized roots of the seagrass Zostera marina. (United States)

    Nielsen, J T; Liesack, W; Finster, K


    A sulfate-reducing bacterium, designated strain lacT, was isolated from surface-sterilized roots of the benthic macrophyte Zostera marina. Cells were motile by means of a single polar flagellum. Strain lacT utilized lactate, pyruvate, malate, ethanol, L-alanine, fumarate, choline and fructose with sulfate as electron acceptor. In addition, fumarate, pyruvate and fructose were also degraded without an external electron acceptor. Sulfate could be substituted with thiosulfate, sulfite and elemental sulfur. Optimal growth was observed between 32.5 and 34.5 degrees C, at an NaCl concentration of 0.2 M and in a pH range between 6.8 and 7.3. The G + C content of the DNA was 42.7 +/- 0.2 mol%. Desulfoviridin and catalase were present. Strain lacT contained c-type cytochromes. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and the fatty acid pattern grouped this isolate into the genus Desulfovibrio. However, strain lacT differs from all other described Desulfovibrio species on the bases of its 16S rRNA gene sequence, the G + C content, its cellular lipid pattern and the utilization pattern of substrates. These characteristics establish strain lacT (= DSM 11974T) as a novel species of the genus Desulfovibrio, for which the name Desulfovibrio zosterae sp. nov. is proposed.

  11. Marine spatial planning (MSP: A first step to ecosystem-based management (EBM in the Wider Caribbean

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    John C Ogden


    Full Text Available The rapid decline of coastal ecosystems of the Wider Caribbean is entering its fifth decade. Some of the best science documenting this decline and its causes has been done by the laboratories of the Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (AMLC. Alarmed at the trends, Caribbean conservation pioneers established marine protected areas (MPAs which spread throughout the region. Unfortunately, many have little or no protection and are now known to be too small to be effective in sustaining coastal ecosystems. Marine spatial planning (MSP holds much promise to encompass the large geographic scales of the ecological processes and human impacts that influence coastal ecosystems and adjacent lands. The AMLC, through the scientific expertise and the national political connections of its member institutions, is well-positioned to help implement a pilot project. MSP a first step in ecosystem-based management and has had considerable success elsewhere. It holds our best chance of sustaining human use and conserving the coral reefs and associated ecosystems. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (Suppl. 3: 71-79. Epub 2010 October 01.La rápida disminución de los ecosistemas costeros del Mar Caribe está entrando en su quinta década. Algunos de los mejores aportes científicos que documentan este descenso y sus causas han sido realizados por los laboratorios de la Asociación de Laboratorios Marinos del Caribe (ALMC. Alarmados por las tendencias, los pioneros de la conservación del Caribe establecieron áreas marinas protegidas (MPAs que se extendieron por toda la región. Desafortunadamente, muchas de estas áreas tienen poca o ninguna protección y ahora se conoce que son demasiado pequeñas para ser efectivas en el mantenimiento de los ecosistemas costeros. La planificación espacial marina (MSP es promisoria para englobar las grandes escalas geográficas de los procesos ecológicos y los impactos humanos que influyen en los ecosistemas costeros y las

  12. Modelado Energético de Convertidores Primarios para el Aprovechamiento de las Energías Renovables Marinas

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    Amable López


    this paper is to present the most common harnessing methods for different types of renewable energy from the sea, and to analyze energy models of the devices used for their exploitation. These models are required for the design of the device as well as for the studying of their dynamic behavior. The knowledge of these models is also necessary for dynamic simulation and for the design of control algorithms in order to achieve energy and economic optimizations. In this paper, some of the different types of ocean energy are presented and the interest in the development of specific devices for the exploitation of sea currents and waves is justified. A small classification based on the depth of water in the area where these devices are to be installed is presented too. For wave energy converters, which are generally resonant type, a general methodology is presented. The different fields of acting forces and methods for obtaining the time and frequency responses are analyzed. For devices for the exploitation of energy from sea currents, it is presented a simplified methodology of dynamic modeling that can be used in analysis of the particular device. It is taken into account the hydrodynamic profiles used in these devices, the data flow profile with depth and wave model together with the gearbox-generator set dynamics. The proposed methodology is applied to a specific case study, corresponding to a horizontal axis rotor from a device for harnessing of tidal energy. The obtained results allow to analyze the effects of wave and flow conditions of non uniform current over the most important energy variables. Palabras clave: energías renovables marinas, modelado y simulación, teoría del elemento de pala, modelado del recurso, absorbedor puntual, Keywords: marine renewable energies, modelling and simulation, blade element theory, resource modelling, point absorber

  13. Arquitectura y poder local: los orígenes de la comandancia de marina de Las Palmas

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    Javier Márquez Quevedo


    Full Text Available La construcción de edificaciones representativas del poder ha sido siempre una constante. En el caso de Canarias, una región pobre y alejada del centro político de Estado, esta arquitectura tomó una gran relevancia debido a su escasez. En una etapa de creciente rivalidad entre la capital provincial, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, y Las Palmas, ciudad que despuntaba con el auge del Puerto de La Luz, el deseo de contar cuanto antes con un vistoso edificio para la Comandancia de Marina tuvo un evidente objetivo político. Este artículo es un breve repaso a los orígenes de esta construcción y sus dificultades para realizarla.The representative authority building has ever been manifest. In Canary Islands, needy and distant region from metropolis, this architecture obtains large importance owing to her shortness. In the times of increasing competition between the chief town, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and Las Palmas, one place that expanding through Puerto de La Luz’s summit, to have a desire to count upon a showy commandership building rapidly it was an obvious political objective. In this essay, we will analyse the origins of this building and the objections in order to achieve it.

  14. Mortandad de aves marinas durante "El Niño 1997-98" en el litoral sur de San Juan de Marcona, Ica -Perú

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    Manuel Apaza


    Full Text Available Entre agosto de 1997 y abril de 1998, se evaluó, al sur de la punta guanera de San Juan de Marcona, la mortandad de las poblaciones de aves marinas. Especies de alimentación exclusivamente pelágica y de distribución restringida al ámbito de la Corriente Peruana, como las aves guaneras Pelecanus thagus, Sula variegata y Phalacrocorax bougainvillii, el pingüino Spheniscus humboldti y el zarcillo Larosterna inca, mostraron una correlación significativa en el comportamiento mensual, relacionados con la temperatura superficial del mar y con la ausencia del recurso anchoveta Engraulis ringens durante el evento "El Niño". Otras especies consideradas en el análisis presentaron una mortandad diferente, como la gaviota de Franklin Larus pipixcan y la gaviota gris Larus modestus, en ambos casos, las especies se alimentaron de recursos alternativos, como Calosoma sp. y Emeríta analoga, respectivamente.

  15. Describing the chemical singularity of the Spanish protected designations of origin for virgin olive oils in relation to oils from neighbouring areas

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    García-González, D. L.


    Full Text Available The protected designations of origin (PDOs have proven to be a successful regulatory framework to protect singular virgin olive oils that have distinctive properties. However, sometimes the registration of new PDOs and the demarcation of the geographical areas associated to them are based on administrative issues rather than objective chemical data. In this work, the chemical compositions of fatty acids, hydrocarbons, alcohols, sterols and methyl sterols have been used to prove the differences between a PDO virgin olive oil and the oils produced in the surrounding areas. Three cases were studied (PDO Estepa, PDO Montoro-Adamuz, and Campiña de Jaén which actually mean three different situations that combine variations in cultivar and pedoclimatic characteristics. The chemical compounds that showed a better ability to classify samples were selected by the Brown- Forsythe test, a particular modification of ANOVA, and this ability was later visualized in a principal component analysis. The oils from PDOs Estepa and Montoro-Adamuz showed clear differences in their chemical compositions, while the oils from Campiña de Jaén formed a group of samples which greatly overlapped with the oils from surrounding areas, probably due to the lack of variation in cultivar (Picual throughout the province of Jaén.

    Las denominaciones de origen protegidas (DOPs han demostrado ser un marco de regulación de éxito para la protección de aceites de oliva vírgenes singulares que tienen propiedades particulares. Sin embargo, en ocasiones, el registro de DOPs nuevas y la demarcación de las áreas geográficas asociadas a ellas se basan en aspectos administrativos más que en datos químicos objetivos. En este trabajo se emplea la composición química de ácidos grasos, hidrocarburos, alcoholes, esteroles y metilesteroles para demostrar las diferencias entre aceites de oliva vírgenes de denominaciones de origen protegidas y los aceites producidos en las

  16. Coastal Resources Atlas: Long Island: SOCECON (Socioeconomic Resource Points and Lines) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set contains human-use resource data for aquaculture sites, beaches, commercial fishing, historic sites, marinas, recreational fishing areas, and water...

  17. Fator de proteção solar: significado e controvérsias Sun protection factor: meaning and controversies

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    Sergio Schalka


    Full Text Available O Fator de Proteção Solar (FPS é o principal dado para quantificação da eficácia fotoprotetora de um filtro solar, sendo universalmente aceito. Seu método é baseado na determinação da Dose Eritematosa Mínima (DEM, definida como sendo a menor quantidade de energia necessária para o desencadeamento de eritema, em áreas de pele protegidas e não protegidas pelo produto em estudo. O valor do FPS é, então, calculado como a razão numérica entre a DEM da pele protegida e a da pele não protegida. A primeira publicação demonstrando um método para determinação do valor do FPS foi apresentada em 1978 pela agência norte-americana FDA, seguida por outras publicações do próprio FDA e de outras agências regulatórias internacionais. Apesar de ser considerado o método referência para quantificação da eficácia fotoprotetora de produtos tópicos, existem controvérsias na literatura acerca do método para determinação do FPS e sobre as implicações das reais condições de uso na proteção atingida na prática pelos usuáriosThe Sun Protection Factor (SPF is the most important data to quantify the effectiveness of a sunscreen, being universally accepted. The method is based on determining the minimum erythematous dose (MED, defined as the smallest amount of energy required for triggering the erythema, in areas of protected and unprotected skin. The SPF value is then calculated as the ratio between the MED of protected and unprotected skin. The first publication of a method for determining the SPF was presented in 1978 by the U.S. FDA agency, followed by other publications of FDA and other international regulatory agencies. Although considered the reference method for quantification of sunscreen efficacy of topical products, there are controversies in literature about the method for determining the SPF and the implications of the real conditions of use in the protection achieved in practice by users

  18. La tipificación del delito de ejecución extrajudicial en Colombia


    Buritica Trejos, Sandra Milena; Cubides Cardenas, Jaime Alfonso


    47 páginas. Las denominadas ejecuciones extrajudiciales ocurridas dentro del conflicto armado interno en Colombia se han investigado y juzgado dentro del tipo penal de Homicidio en Persona Protegida por cuanto a quienes se les ha ocasionado la muerte, han sido personas protegidas por el Derecho Internacional Humanitario (DIH). Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta las características propias en que operan los sujetos activos en desarrollo de las ejecuciones de civiles, es conveniente evaluar den...

  19. Análisis de vacíos de conservación en Costa Rica: propuesta de reordenamiento territorial en la periferia de la Reserva Biológica Alberto Manuel Brenes

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    Marvin Quesada


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Se propone el establecimiento de un área protegida en los linderos de la Reserva Biológica Alberto Manuel Brenes con el objetivo de proteger la biodiversidad y la riqueza hídrica de la zona. Para fundamentar la propuesta se analizaron los vacíos de conservación presentados en la Propuesta de Ordenamiento Territorial para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad (GRUAS II, la tenencia de la tierra, la conectividad con otras áreas silvestres protegidas, corredores biológicos ligados al área propuesta, las zonas de vida, las zonas de infiltración, la importancia hídrica y su aprovechamiento. Así mostrados los argumentos, se sugiere la creación de una zona protectora, ya que es compatible con los objetivos de conservación y con el desarrollo de actividades productivas sostenibles. ABSTRACT It is proposes to establish a protected area on the boundaries of the Alberto Manuel Brenes Biological Reserve with the aim of protect the area’s biodiversity and the water resources. In order to substantiate the proposal, it is analyzed the conservation gaps presented in the Territorial Planning Proposal for the Biodiversity Conservation (GRUAS II, land tenure, connectivity with other protected wilderness areas, biological corridors linked to the proposed area, life zones, infiltration areas, water value and its use. The creation of a protection zone is suggested, as it is compatible with the conservation objectives and the development of sustainable productive activities.

  20. Marinas e náutica no litoral brasileiro: aportes metodológicos introdutórios para a pesquisa e o planejamento territorial do turismo.

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    Daniel Hauer Queiroz Telles


    Full Text Available In this article it is analyzed the concept of territory from non-exclusive conceptions with the intention to understand the marines along the coast of Brazil. The aim is to contribute to the generation of scientific and technological knowledge on the subject, presenting a definition, a classification and a genesis, as well as, highlighting its social relevance. It presents a summarized literature review on the matter and stipulates the cross-scale perspective supported by the approaches that analyze the phenomenon in question. The approaches are based on the productive dimension and the identification of the urban environment; show the importance and necessity of new proposals on the subject matter. Classification and genesis of marinas in Brazil are presented in stages, it is emphasized the importance of tourism in territorial planning to act and narrow the gaps between knowledge and politics; whereas the nautical sector is no subject of discussion in the coastal zone of Brazil.

  1. La conservación de las aves más allá de las áreas naturales protegidas: el caso de la avifauna del Rancho Santa Elena, Hidalgo

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    Miguel Angel Martínez-Morales


    Full Text Available La conservación de la biodiversidad dentro de las áreas naturales protegidas (ANP no siempre es eficiente y suficiente, no obstante sus logros como uno de los instrumentos más consolidados de conservación. En este trabajo discutimos la pertinencia de considerar la información generada más allá de un ANP para elaborar e implementar su programa de manejo con una perspectiva de conservación regional; esto, a través de un ejercicio de comparación de la información generada sobre la avifauna dentro y fuera del ANP. En este marco, presentamos los avances en el conocimiento de la diversidad de aves en el bosque templado del Rancho Santa Elena (RSE, un conjunto predial ubicado en la Sierra de las Navajas, próximo al Parque Nacional El Chico (PNEC, en el estado de Hidalgo, México. Desde 2005 a la fecha hemos registrado 90 especies de aves a partir de muestreos con redes de niebla, del recorrido no sistemático de senderos y de observaciones incidentales. Estimamos que esta riqueza de especies representa aproximadamente el 70% de la riqueza esperada en el sitio. En contraste, en el PNEC se han registrado 74 especies desde 1974, de las cuales al menos ocho representan registros incorrectos o probablemente incorrectos. Asimismo, en el RSE hemos registrado una mayor diversidad de gremios trófico-conductuales y de especies endémicas a México que las registradas en el PNEC. Los inventarios y la generación de conocimiento más allá de las ANP pueden ser insumos importantes en la definición e implementación de sus estrategias de manejo, las cuales deben tener una perspectiva de conservación regional.

  2. Riverine Carbon and the Sedimentary Record on the Continental Shelves (United States)


    Geologia Marina (formerly Istituto di Geologia Marina) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Via Gobetti, 101 40129 Bologna, Italy phone: +39 (051...ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Istituto Scienze Marine, Sezione Geologia Marina,(formerly Istituto di Geologia Marina),Consiglio Nazionale delle

  3. Southeast Alaska ESI: SOCECON (Socioeconomic Resource Points) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set contains human-use resource data for airports, aquaculture sites, boat ramps, marinas, heliports, and log storage areas in Southeast Alaska. Vector...

  4. Aleutian Islands Coastal Resources Inventory and Environmental Sensitivity Maps: SOCECON (Socioeconomic Resource Points and Lines) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set contains human-use resource data for Coastal Resource Service Area (CRSA) boundaries, mineral sites, airports, boat ramps, marinas, and Coast Guard...


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    Jerjes Loayza Javier


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES-AR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Se busca comprender el fenómeno de los conflictos sociales en torno a la irrupción del Estado peruano en tierras legalmente protegidas, provocando malestar y profunda deslegitimación política de la representatividad democrática. Para ello se  analizan críticamente las contradicciones existentes entre el marco legal peruano e internacional más importante dirigido a proteger a las comunidades indígenas, el discurso del Estado amparado en la dicotomía “progreso-atraso” sustentadas por el Presidente de la República y las consecuencias de las prácticas políticas estatales desvinculadas del diálogo y el respeto hacia los pueblos originarios. Se hará especial énfasis en el conflicto social suscitado en las provincias de Bagua y Uctubamba ubicadas en la selva peruana en el año 2009, ya que éste trajo a colación un intenso debate en torno a un escenario no resuelto en nuestro país: la situación de los pueblos indígenas y sus derechos, aunque estipulados en la carta magna peruana, minimizados en la práctica, reforzando, así, el debate relacionado a la necesidad de una triple categoría Medio ambiente-población-sistema social. En adelante será necesario aunar tanto libertad econ


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    Robiel Alvarez García


    Full Text Available En la actualidad Cocodrilo se identifica como un asentamiento rural costero enclavado dentro del área protegida del Sur de la Isla de la Juventud. El poblado tomado como base para el estudio, morfológicamente revela una configuración estrecha y alargada, ocupando dentro de ella, una extensión superficial de 32,66 ha. Su longitud en el eje sureste-noroeste es de aproximadamente 1,7 km, mientras que el ancho varía entre 200 m y 400 m. En esta locación se desarrolla la actividad forestal y la pesca como principal sustento económico y precisamente a partir de considerar la voluntad de sus habitantes y la aprobación en el esquema de ordenamiento para el turismo en el archipiélago Los Canarreos, se propone, a través del diseño conceptual arquitectónico, urbanístico y ecosociocultural, la posibilidad de introducir un turismo responsable con el medio ambiente, partiendo de su reordenación para concebirlo como un Pueblo Turístico, pues la zona conserva un potencial importante para el desarrollo de este producto novedoso y exclusivo con vocación principal de naturaleza, náutica y cultura. Los resultados del diagnóstico, condujeron a proponer soluciones a los principales problemas ambientales, introduciendo tecnologías ecológicas, aplicando principios de la arquitectura bioclimática y bioambiental, con base en el desarrollo local participativo se logra una propuesta integradora de proyecto comunitario en un poblado con potencialidades para desarrollarse en su uso mixto turismo-comunidad. La concepción de este Pueblo Turístico contribuirá a la concientización y responsabilización de sus pobladores y visitantes con el cuidado, uso y conservación del medio ambiente natural, social y construido, previsto en el desarrollo de la localidad.

  7. Olaf Kapella, Christiane Rille-Pfeiffer, Marina Rupp, Norbert F. Schneider (Hg.: Die Vielfalt der Familie. Tagungsband zum 3. Europäischen Fachkongress Familienforschung. Opladen u.a.: Verlag Barbara Budrich 2009.

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    Isabelle Josephine Kürschner


    Full Text Available Der im Anschluss an die 3. Europäische Fachkonferenz für Familienforschung erschienene Sammelband Die Vielfalt der Familie von Olaf Kapella, Christiane Rille-Pfeiffer, Marina Rupp und Norbert F. Schneider greift wichtige Trends in der jüngeren Entwicklung familialen Zusammenlebens in Europa auf. Neben der Formenvielfalt und Dynamik werden unterschied-liche nationale und internationale Rahmenbedingungen und entsprechende Entwicklungen ins Blickfeld genommen.This anthology contains the presentations of the third European symposium on Family Research in June 2008. The articles illustrate from various research perspectives how families live together in modern Europe and what family means today. In addition to the variety of forms and dynamic, various national and international parameters and their respective developments are analyzed.

  8. 78 FR 5466 - Center for Scientific Review; Notice of Closed Meetings (United States)


    ... evaluate grant applications. Place: Dallas Marriott Suites Medical/Market Center, 2493 North Stemmons.... Agenda: To review and evaluate grant applications. Place: Marina del Rey Hotel, 13534 Bali Way, Marina... grant applications. Place: Marina del Rey Hotel, 13534 Bali Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292. Contact...

  9. An artificial water body provides habitat for an endangered estuarine seahorse species (United States)

    Claassens, Louw


    Anthropogenic development, especially the transformation of natural habitats to artificial, is a growing concern within estuaries and coastal areas worldwide. Thesen Islands marina, an artificial water body, added 25 ha of new estuarine habitat to the Knysna Estuary in South Africa, home to the Knysna seahorse. This study aimed to answer: (I) Can an artificial water body provide suitable habitat for an endangered seahorse species? And if so (II) what characteristics of this new habitat are important in terms of seahorse utilization? Four major habitat types were identified within the marina canals: (I) artificial reno mattress (wire baskets filled with rocks); (II) Codium tenue beds; (III) mixed vegetation on sediment; and (IV) barren canal floor. Seahorses were found throughout the marina system with significantly higher densities within the reno mattress habitat. The artificial water body, therefore, has provided suitable habitat for Hippocampus capensis, a noteworthy finding in the current environment of coastal development and the increasing shift from natural to artificial.

  10. Os Valores da paisagem como instrumento de gestão territorial na area de proteção ambiental da Baleia Franca Santa Catarina - Brasil


    dos Santos Delfino, Deisiane,


    Departament responsable de la tesi: Departament de Geografia A presente tese trata da gestão da paisagem como instrumento de gestão territorial em Áreas de Proteção Ambiental (APA) no Brasil. As APAs são unidades de conservação ambiental de uso sustentável, que permitem a presença de comunidades tradicionais e o desenvolvimento de atividades econômicas em seu interior. Representam 1/3 das áreas protegidas no País e demandam um novo olhar sobre a gestão territorial pelo grau de complexidade...

  11. Deterioration of eelgrass, Zostera marina L., meadows by water pollution in Seto Inland Sea, Japan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tamaki, Hitoshi; Tokuoka, Makoto; Nishijima, Wataru; Terawaki, Toshinobu; Okada, Mitsumasa


    Survival of transplanted Zostera marina L. (eelgrass) and environmental conditions (water quality, bottom sediments, sedimentation on leaves and flow regime) were studied concurrently in the center, edge, and at the outside of a eelgrass meadow located in a eutrophic coastal zone in northern Hiroshima Bay, Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Eelgrass transplants at the outside of the meadow declined significantly, whereas those at the center were consistently well established. Silt content in the bottom sediments at the outside was higher than that at the center. The sediment was oxic from the surface to 2 cm deep at the center, whereas those at the edge and the outside were reductive almost from the surface. The sediment characteristics typical in eutrophic water seemed to be a factor responsible for the deterioration of eelgrass meadows. Although suspended solid concentrations in the water columns were almost the same, the amount of sediments deposited on leaves of eelgrass at the outside was higher than that at the center of the meadow. The amount of the deposition at the outside seems to be enough to inhibit photosynthesis; i.e. photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) available for eelgrass was only 36% of that without any deposition. The deposition in the center, however, was small enough to allow 84% of the original PPFD. Flow rates, determined at 30 cm above the bottom, a half height of average eelgrass, suggested that the rate at the outside was not enough to remove deposited sediments from the surface of eelgrass leaves. Thus, the large amount of sediment deposition caused by water pollution and/or eutrophication seemed to be another factor to inhibit the survival of eelgrass at the outside edge of the meadow.

  12. Deterioration of eelgrass, Zostera marina L., meadows by water pollution in Seto Inland Sea, Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tamaki, Hitoshi; Tokuoka, Makoto; Nishijima, Wataru; Terawaki, Toshinobu; Okada, Mitsumasa


    Survival of transplanted Zostera marina L. (eelgrass) and environmental conditions (water quality, bottom sediments, sedimentation on leaves and flow regime) were studied concurrently in the center, edge, and at the outside of a eelgrass meadow located in a eutrophic coastal zone in northern Hiroshima Bay, Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Eelgrass transplants at the outside of the meadow declined significantly, whereas those at the center were consistently well established. Silt content in the bottom sediments at the outside was higher than that at the center. The sediment was oxic from the surface to 2 cm deep at the center, whereas those at the edge and the outside were reductive almost from the surface. The sediment characteristics typical in eutrophic water seemed to be a factor responsible for the deterioration of eelgrass meadows. Although suspended solid concentrations in the water columns were almost the same, the amount of sediments deposited on leaves of eelgrass at the outside was higher than that at the center of the meadow. The amount of the deposition at the outside seems to be enough to inhibit photosynthesis; i.e. photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) available for eelgrass was only 36% of that without any deposition. The deposition in the center, however, was small enough to allow 84% of the original PPFD. Flow rates, determined at 30 cm above the bottom, a half height of average eelgrass, suggested that the rate at the outside was not enough to remove deposited sediments from the surface of eelgrass leaves. Thus, the large amount of sediment deposition caused by water pollution and/or eutrophication seemed to be another factor to inhibit the survival of eelgrass at the outside edge of the meadow

  13. Pathways of trace metal uptake in the lugworm Arenicola marina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Casado-Martinez, M.C.; Smith, B.D.; Valls, T.A. del; Rainbow, P.S.


    Radiotracer techniques were used to determine the rates of trace metal (Ag, Cd and Zn) uptake and elimination (33 psu, 10 deg. C) from water and sediment by the deposit-feeding polychaete Arenicola marina, proposed as a test species for estuarine-marine sediments in whole-sediment toxicity tests. Metal uptake rates from solution increase with increasing dissolved metal concentrations, with uptake rate constants (± SE) (l g -1 d -1 ) of 1.21 ± 0.11 (Ag), 0.026 ± 0.002 (Zn) and 0.012 ± 0.001 (Cd). Assimilation efficiencies from ingested sediments were measured using a pulse-chase radiotracer feeding technique in two different lugworm populations, one from a commercial supplier (Blyth, Northumberland, UK) and the other a field-collected population from the outer Thames estuary (UK). Assimilation efficiencies ranged from 2 to 20% for Zn, 1 to 6% for Cd and 1 to 9% for Ag for the Northumberland worms, and from 3 to 22% for Zn, 6 to 70% for Cd and 2 to 15% for Ag in the case of the Thames population. Elimination of accumulated metals followed a two-compartment model, with similar efflux rate constants for Zn and Ag and lower rates of elimination of Cd from the slow pool. Efflux rate constants (± SE) of Zn and Ag accumulated from the dissolved phase were 0.037 ± 0.002 and 0.033 ± 0.006 d -1 whereas Cd was eliminated with an efflux rate constant one order of magnitude lower (0.003 ± 0.002 d -1 ). When metals were accumulated from ingested sediments, the efflux rate constants for the slow-exchanging compartment were of the same order of magnitude for the three metals, and of the same order of magnitude as those derived after the dissolved exposure for Zn and Ag (0.042 ± 0.004 and 0.056 ± 0.012 d -1 for Zn and 0.044 ± 0.012 and 0.069 ± 0.016 d -1 for Ag for the Northumberland and Thames populations, respectively). Cd accumulated from ingested sediments was eliminated with a rate constant not different from the fast-exchanging compartment after the water

  14. [Analysis of the patients who missed their appointments at the neurology clinic of the Marina Alta]. (United States)

    Morera-Guitart, J; Mas-Server, M A; Más-Sesé, G

    To analyze the frequency, reasons and characteristics of patients who missed their appointments (NP) at the Neurology Clinic (CEN). To compare the characteristics of the NP with the patients who did not miss their appointment. Suggest measures to reduce avoidable causes of NP. During the period 1/10/99 to 30/4/2000 the cases of NP were prospectively recorded and compared with a sample of patients who attended the CEN during the same period. We analyze the data on age, sex, distance of home from CEN, diagnosis, type of consultation and date of last consultation. The NP were contacted by phone and asked why they had not gone for their appointments. The reasons given were then classified as avoidable or unavoidable. Of the 1,842 consultations scheduled, 19% were NP. When the NP and the patients who did attend were compared we found statistically significant differences regarding the distance home/CEN. According to the diagnosis, the NP had more 'symptoms/signs' and other MIA, whilst those who attended the clinic had more 'neuropathies' and 'awaiting diagnosis'. The commonest avoidable reasons (55.8%) for NP were forgetting, administrative error and communication failure, and for unavoidable reasons (44.2%) physical disability, other priorities and improvement. There is a large proportion of NP in the CEN of the Marina Alta. The distance from home to CEN (over 25 km) was the main factor affecting the rate of NP. Since 56% of the NP were due to avoidable causes, strategies could be designed to reduce this percentage. In the NP group, the main causes were forgetting, administrative errors and communication failure.

  15. From TBT to booster biocides: Levels and impacts of antifouling along coastal areas of Panama. (United States)

    Batista-Andrade, Jahir Antonio; Caldas, Sergiane Souza; Batista, Rodrigo Moço; Castro, Italo Braga; Fillmann, Gilberto; Primel, Ednei Gilberto


    Antifouling biocides in surface sediments and gastropod tissues were assessed for the first time along coastal areas of Panama under the influence of maritime activities, including one of the world's busiest shipping zones: the Panama Canal. Imposex incidence was also evaluated in five muricid species distributed along six coastal areas of Panama. This TBT-related biological alteration was detected in three species, including the first report in Purpura panama. Levels of organotins (TBT, DBT, and MBT) in gastropod tissues and surficial sediments ranged from TBT inputs were observed in areas considered as moderate to highly contaminated mainly by inputs from fishing and leisure boats. Regarding booster biocides, TCMTB and dichlofluanid were not detected in any sample, while irgarol 1051, diuron and DCOIT levels ranged from TBT (149 ng Sn g -1 ) and irgarol 1051 (2.8 ng g -1 ), as well as relevant level of DCOIT (5.7 ng g -1 ), were detected in a marina used by recreational boats. Additionally, relatively high diuron values (14.1 ng g -1 ) were also detected in the Panama Canal associate to a commercial port. DCOIT concentrations were associated with the presence of antifouling paint particles in sediments obtained nearby shipyard or boat maintenance sites. The highest levels of TBT, irgarol 1051, and diuron exceeded international sediment quality guidelines indicating that toxic effects could be expected in coastal areas of Panama. Thus, the simultaneous impacts produced by new and old generations of antifouling paints highlight a serious environmental issue in Panamanian coastal areas. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Disturbance of eelgrass Zostera marina by commercial mussel Mytilus edulis harvesting in Maine: Dragging impacts and habitat recovery (United States)

    Neckles, Hilary A.; Short, Frederick T.; Barker, Seth; Kopp, Blaine S.


    We studied the effects of commercial harvest of blue mussels Mytilus edulis on eelgrass Zostera marina L. in Maquoit Bay, Maine, USA, at a hierarchy of scales. We used aerial photography, underwater video, and eelgrass population- and shoot-based measurements to quantify dragging impacts within 4 sites that had been disturbed at different times over an approximate 7 yr interval, and to project eelgrass meadow recovery rates. Dragging had disturbed 10% of the eelgrass cover in Maquoit Bay, with dragged sites ranging from 3.4 to 31.8 ha in size. Dragging removed above- and belowground plant material from the majority of the bottom in the disturbed sites. One year following dragging, eelgrass shoot density, shoot height and total biomass of disturbed sites averaged respectively 2 to 3%, 46 to 61% and model based on measured rates of lateral patch-expansion (mean 12.5 cm yr-1) and new-patch recruitment (mean 0.19 patches m-2 yr-1) yielded a mean bed recovery time of 9 to 11 yr following dragging, depending on initial degree of plant removal. Model simulations suggested that with favorable environmental conditions, eelgrass beds might recover from dragging disturbance in 6 yr; conversely, recovery under conditions less conducive to eelgrass growth could require 20 yr or longer. This study shows that mussel dragging poses a severe threat to eelgrass in this region and that regulations to protect eelgrass from dragging impacts would maintain the integrity of a substantial amount of habitat.

  17. Study of mangrove environment of Maharashtra coast using remote sensing data

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Jagtap, T.G.; Untawale, A.G.; Inamdar, S.N.

    Analysis of remote sensing data indicate approximately 210 km super(2) of the mangrove area along the Maharashtra coast in India. The dominant species along the coast are Rhizophora mucronata, Avicennia officinalis, A. marina, Sonneratia alba, S...

  18. 77 FR 24969 - National Institute on Aging; Notice of Closed Meetings (United States)


    ...; Notice of Closed Meetings Pursuant to section 10(d) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5... evaluate grant applications. Place: Marina del Rey Hotel, 13534 Bali Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292. Contact.... Place: Marina del Rey Hotel, 13534 Bali Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292. Contact Person: Bita Nakhai, Ph.D...

  19. On the profile evolution of three artificial pebble beaches at Marina di Pisa, Italy (United States)

    Bertoni, Duccio; Sarti, Giovanni


    In this paper, the profiles of three artificial coarse-grained beaches located at Marina di Pisa (Tuscany, Italy) were monitored from April 2008 to May 2009 in order to define the response of the beaches to major storms that occurred during the study. Two beaches are similar, the third differs in length and in the level of protection, being less than half the length of the others and devoid of an offshore submerged breakwater. The work was achieved by means of accurate topographic surveys intended to reconstruct the beach profile from the backshore up to the foreshore-upper shoreface transition (step). The surveys were performed with an RTK-GPS instrument, which provided extremely precise recording of the beach. The most significant features of the beaches were tracked during each survey; in particular, the landward foot of the storm berm, the crest of the storm berm, the coastline, and the step crest were monitored. Five cross-shore transects were traced on each beach. Along these transects, any meaningful slope change was recorded to obtain accurate sections of the beach. The field datasets were processed with AutoCAD software to compare the beach profile evolution during the year-long research. The results showed a comparable evolution of the twin beaches: the resulting storm berm retreat of about 15 to 19 m is a remarkable feature considering the coarse grain size and the offshore protection. Due to the absence of the breakwater, the third beach was characterized by even higher values of recession (over 20 m), and showed hints of wave reflection-related processes after the huge, steep storm berm had been formed and grown after the high energy events. These processes were not as evident on the twin beaches. These results underline the different response of three similar protection schemes, and the importance that frequent monitoring of the beach morphology holds when it comes to coastal management issues.

  20. Risk Analysis of Coastal Disaster of Semarang City, Indonesia (United States)

    Sunaryo; Ambariyanto; Sugianto, Denny Nugroho; Helmi, Muhammad; Kaimuddin, Awaluddin Halirin; Indarjo, Agus


    Coastal areas are highly vulnerable to disasters, as they are affected by events occurring both on land and at sea. In the development of cities in these areas, information on vulnerability levels is needed as a consideration in determining policy. This study aims to identify potential vulnerability of Semarang city, and to investigate the potential of hazard and disaster risk levels of the city. The study was conducted in 17 villages in the northern coastal area of Semarang. The assessment approach used was score analysis to some variables, i.e geomorphology, erosion, coastal slope, waves and socio-economic aspects. The research showed that the highest level of coastal vulnerability in the Semarang city were at three villages i.e.Terboyo Kulon, Terboyo Wetan and Trimulyo with value of 4.5; while the lowest level were at the Maron beach, Marina beach and Tanah Mas with value of 2.8. The highest potential coastal hazard in the Semarang city were at two villages i.e. Tanjung Mas and Tambak Lorok with value of 4.5; and the lowest value were in the village of Randugarut, Karanganyar, Tugurejo, Marina beach and Tanah Mas with value of 1.25.The highest level of coastal risk in the Semarang city were in the Trimulyo village with value of 3.13; and the lowest level were in the Marina beach and Tanah mas with value of 1.32.



    Finot, Víctor L; Marticorena, Clodomiro; Barrera, Juan A; Muñoz-Schick, Mélica; Negritto, María A


    La Región del Bío-Bío se encuentra en la zona sur de Chile central, considerado un hotspot de biodiversidad. Aunque es una región fuertemente intervenida por el hombre, principalmente por la agricultura, la forestación, la industrialización y la urbanización, tiene un bajo porcentaje de superficie protegida por el Sistema Nacional de Áreas Silvestres Protegidas del Estado (SNASPE). Por ello, documentar la biodiversidad de la región es una tarea ineludible. Se analizó la diversidad de la famil...

  2. Mitigación de los impactos del turismo en espacios naturales protegidos y mejora de su financiación a través de medidas económicas. El caso de la Comunidad de Madrid


    Rodríguez Rodríguez, David


    Se explora el potencial de medidas económicas, tanto en la mitigación de impactos del turismo como en la mejora de la financiación de las áreas protegidas de la Comunidad de Madrid. Para ello, se analizan diversos parámetros de uso público en áreas protegidas madrileñas, como el grado de conocimiento, uso y la valoración que tiene de los mismos, este último a través del método de valoración contingente.

  3. Captura incidental de tortugas marinas durante El Niño 1997-1998, en el norte del Perú Sea turtles by-catch during El Niño 1997-1998, in northern Perú

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    Javier Castro


    Full Text Available Se presenta evidencia del aumento de capturas incidentales de tortugas marinas en el norte del Perú, durante el fenómeno El Niño Oscilación del Sur (ENOS 1997-1998. El área de estudio se ubica frente a Lambayeque, entre 6°20'S y 7°10'S, y desde la costa hasta 35 mn mar afuera. Se analizaron y describieron los aparejos de enmalle por ser los que más interactuaban con estas tortugas, así como las características de las embarcaciones. Se registraron las tortugas capturadas por la flota artesanal entre enero 1996 y diciembre 1998; se identificó las especies capturadas y se analizó la captura por unidad de esfuerzo (CPUE; la información se correlacionó con la temperatura superficial del mar (TSM. Se analizó un total de 265 operaciones de pesca, capturándose un total de 383 tortugas, correspondiendo 80,4% a la tortuga pico de loro (Lepidochelys olivacea, 19,3% a la tortuga verde (Chelonia mydas y 0.2% a la tortuga carey (Eretmochelys imbricata. Se encontró una correlación altamente significativa entre las capturas de tortugas marinas y la TSM con un intervalo de confianza del 99% (Pearson; r = 0,787; σ = 0,000; N = 36. Se recomienda reforzar la colaboración entre entidades públicas y privadas para implementar medidas de manejo adecuadas para la conservación de estas especies amenazadas, sobre todo ante la eventualidad de un fenómeno ENOS.The main purpose of this work is to present evidence of sea turtles by-catch increase in northern Peru during the 1997-1998 El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO process. The study area is located off Lambayeque, between 6°20'S and 7°10'S, and from the coastline up to 35 nm offshore. The gillnet artisanal fishery was analyzed and described, since this was the fishing gear which most interact with sea turtles, the boat characteristics were evaluated as well. Sea turtle captures and species identification were registered from January 1996 until December 1998. The catch per unit effort (CPUE was

  4. Poliquetos (Annelida: Polychaeta como indicadores biológicos de contaminación marina: casos en Colombia

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    Vanessa Fernández Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El concepto de Indicador Biológico ha sido usado sin mayor precaución al momento de emplear ciertos organismos en programas de monitoreo ambiental, lo cual genera confusión. Uno de los objetivos de este trabajo fue resaltar la importancia en la consolidación de una definición precisa de este concepto a partir de información disponible, proponiendo una definición para el mismo. Las características ecológicas de los poliquetos permiten que, al estar en contacto permanente con diferentes tipos de contaminantes, respondan bioacumulando, disminuyendo o aumentando su abundancia, según sea la especie, hecho que posiciona este tipo de organismos como potenciales indicadores de contaminación marina. En este artículo se presenta de manera concreta un análisis de la literatura disponible para poliquetos en el campo de los indicadores biológicos, resaltando cómo éstos han sido usados en diferentes metodologías, con ejemplos a internacionales, así como una selección especial para Colombia. De los resultados más sobresalientes se encontró que Capitella capitata es la especie más estudiada al estar asociada con ambientes contaminados a causa del incremento de materia orgánica y es la única especie reportada en el país como indicador biológico usando las técnicas clásicas de bioindicación. Finalmente, se reitera la importancia de iniciar investigaciones sobre los aspectos ecológicos, ecotoxicológicos y bioensayos de laboratorio con otras especies de poliquetos para validar cuáles especies y por qué pueden ser consideradas como indicadores biológicos para el país.

  5. Comparación ontogénica de la frecuencia de muda en Rhinella marina (Anura, Bufonidae

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    Teófila M. Triana


    Full Text Available La muda es un proceso de renovación de la capa externa de la epidermis (estrato corneo de los anfibios, la cual suministra protección contra daños, patógenos y pérdida de agua. Este trabajo evalúa la frecuencia de muda entre juveniles y adultos de Rhinella marina (Linnaeus, 1758 y la tasa de ocurrencia entre el día y la noche. Para esto, se realizaron dos observaciones diarias (7 am y 7 pm, entre Octubre de 2011 y Marzo de 2012, a tres grupos de individuos clasificados según su tamaño longitud rostro-cloaca, como adultos (promedio=80 mm, juveniles medianos (promedio=19 mm y juveniles pequeños (promedio=13 mm. Estos animales fueron colocados en terrarios en el laboratorio y marcados en el dorso a través de un punto hecho con un corrector de tinta. La muda se determinó por la pérdida total de la marca y una coloración brillante en el dorso. Se encontró una diferencia significativa (Kruskal-Wallis, H=19.84, p<0.0001 en el periodo de muda entre los tres grupos de estudio: adultos=7.5 días, juveniles medianos=5.4 días, juveniles pequeños=5.3 días. También, en la frecuencia de animales que mudaron en el día y la noche (Ji-cuadrado, χ2=7.891, p=0.019, particularmente en los dos grupos de juveniles, quienes lo hicieron en la noche, ya que en los adultos no hubo una diferencia clara. Posiblemente, la mayor frecuencia de la muda en los juveniles puede relacionarse con su condición ontogénica, de un menor tamaño corporal, alta tasa metabólica y mayor tasa de desarrollo.


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    Sukanto Jatmiko


    Full Text Available In this globalization era technological advances growed very fast. In shipping industry of development process shipbuilding of principal feedstock to used steel plate, with construction tacking on using welder method.In this research purpose of lifted is know number of requirement (consumable electrode for welder SAW at block-block ship DCV 18500 DWT in PT. Jasa Marina Indah Semarang.At this experiment specimen applied is low carbon steel of type ST 42 with thickness of 12, 13, 14, 17, 19 dan 24 mm. Research is done by the way of making specimen at every plate thickness. Then is done path measurement of length, used electrode length, and weight flux applied at the welder.From result of gauging and data calculation welder at block DB 5(p/c/s, SS5A(p/s, SS 5B(p/s, UD 5C, and TB 102 (p/c/s will be known number of electrodes applied in welder SAW and number of flux used.

  7. Soil and Rhizosphere Associated Fungi in Grey Mangroves (Avicennia marina) from the Red Sea - A Metagenomic Approach

    KAUST Repository

    Simoes, Marta; Antunes, Andre; Ottoni, Cristiane A.; Amini, Mohammad Shoaib; Alam, Intikhab; Alzubaidy, Hanin S.; Mokhtar, Noor Azlin; Archer, John A.C.; Bajic, Vladimir B.


    Covering a quarter of the world’s tropical coastlines and being one of the most threatened ecosystems, mangroves are among the major sources of terrestrial organic matter to oceans and harbor a wide microbial diversity. In order to protect, restore, and better understand these ecosystems, researchers have extensively studied their microbiology, yet few surveys have focused on their fungal communities. Our lack of knowledge is even more pronounced for specific fungal populations, such as the ones associated with the rhizosphere. Likewise, the Red Sea grey mangroves (Avicennia marina) remain poorly characterized, and understanding of their fungal communities still relies on cultivation-dependent methods. In this study, we analyzed metagenomic datasets from grey mangrove rhizosphere and bulk soil samples collected in the Red Sea coast, to obtain a snapshot of their fungal communities. Our data indicated that Ascomycota was the dominant phylum (76%–85%), while Basidiomycota was less abundant (14%–24%), yet present in higher numbers than usually reported for such environments. Fungal communities were more stable within the rhizosphere than within the bulk soil, both at class and genus level. This finding is consistent with the intrinsic patchiness in soil sediments and with the selection of specific microbial communities by plant roots. Our study indicates the presence of several species on this mycobiome that were not previously reported as mangrove-associated. In particular, we detected representatives of several commercially-used fungi, e.g., producers of secreted cellulases and anaerobic producers of cellulosomes. These results represent additional insights into the fungal community of the grey mangroves of the Red Sea, and show that they are significantly richer than previously reported.

  8. Soil and Rhizosphere Associated Fungi in Grey Mangroves (Avicennia marina) from the Red Sea - A Metagenomic Approach

    KAUST Repository

    Simoes, Marta


    Covering a quarter of the world’s tropical coastlines and being one of the most threatened ecosystems, mangroves are among the major sources of terrestrial organic matter to oceans and harbor a wide microbial diversity. In order to protect, restore, and better understand these ecosystems, researchers have extensively studied their microbiology, yet few surveys have focused on their fungal communities. Our lack of knowledge is even more pronounced for specific fungal populations, such as the ones associated with the rhizosphere. Likewise, the Red Sea grey mangroves (Avicennia marina) remain poorly characterized, and understanding of their fungal communities still relies on cultivation-dependent methods. In this study, we analyzed metagenomic datasets from grey mangrove rhizosphere and bulk soil samples collected in the Red Sea coast, to obtain a snapshot of their fungal communities. Our data indicated that Ascomycota was the dominant phylum (76%–85%), while Basidiomycota was less abundant (14%–24%), yet present in higher numbers than usually reported for such environments. Fungal communities were more stable within the rhizosphere than within the bulk soil, both at class and genus level. This finding is consistent with the intrinsic patchiness in soil sediments and with the selection of specific microbial communities by plant roots. Our study indicates the presence of several species on this mycobiome that were not previously reported as mangrove-associated. In particular, we detected representatives of several commercially-used fungi, e.g., producers of secreted cellulases and anaerobic producers of cellulosomes. These results represent additional insights into the fungal community of the grey mangroves of the Red Sea, and show that they are significantly richer than previously reported.

  9. Antifouling paint particles: Sources, occurrence, composition and dynamics. (United States)

    Soroldoni, Sanye; Castro, Ítalo Braga; Abreu, Fiamma; Duarte, Fabio Andrei; Choueri, Rodrigo Brasil; Möller, Osmar Olinto; Fillmann, Gilberto; Pinho, Grasiela Lopes Leães


    Sources, occurrence, composition and dynamics of antifouling paint particles (APPs) were assessed in Patos Lagoon estuary (PLE), Southern Brazil. Ten areas including boatyards, a marina and artisanal fishing harbors were identified in the estuarine system as potential sources of APPs. The APPs generated in these areas were highly heterogeneous considering the size, shape and composition. Based on an estimate of antifouling paint usage and amount of boats in each studied area, artisanal fishing harbors could be the main source of particles to PLE. However, relatively high amounts of APPs, which ranged from 130 to 40,300 μg g -1 , were detected in sediments collected in front of boatyards and a marina. The uneven distribution of APPs levels among the sediment samples were probably due to the presence of diffuse sources (fishing harbors) associated to "hotspots" (boatyards and marina) along the study area. Additionally, data of settling experiment indicate that size, shape and density of APPs, combined to local hydrodynamics, appears to contribute to the mobility of these residues within the estuary. In the main channel of PLE, smaller particles tend to be transported to adjacent coastal zone while particles tend to be deposited in the sediment surface of sheltered areas. Since different trace metals, and booster biocides were detected in APPs that were not correctly disposed, these particles can be considered as an important source of contamination to aquatic environments. The present data suggest that APPs represent an environmental problem for aquatic systems in Brazil, since the country lacks legislation in addition to inefficient control mechanisms. An improvement in boat maintenance processes are urgently needed to avoid this continuous release of APPs into the aquatic systems. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Vitamin A values of wild-caught Cuban tree frogs (Osteopilus septentrionalis) and marine toads (Rhinella marina) in whole body, liver, and serum. (United States)

    Sullivan, Kathleen E; Fleming, Greg; Terrell, Scott; Smith, Dustin; Ridgley, Frank; Valdes, Eduardo V


    Recent issues surrounding captive amphibians are often nutritionally related problems, such as hypovitaminosis A. Although supplementation of frogs with vitamin A is a topic of investigation, the underlying issue is understanding vitamin A metabolism in amphibian species. To develop a range of "normal" vitamin A concentrations for captive amphibians, baseline vitamin A concentrations must be established in wild amphibian species. In this study, two species, Cuban tree frogs (Osteopilus septentrionalis; n = 59) and marine toads (Rhinella marina; n = 20) were collected from the wild as part of an invasive species control program at Zoo Miami, Miami, Florida. Serum, liver, and whole body samples were analyzed for vitamin A content. The Cuban tree frogs showed higher concentrations on average of vitamin A in serum (82.8 ppb), liver (248.3 IU/g), and whole body (5474.7 IU/kg) samples compared with marine toads (60.1 ppb; 105.3 IU/g; 940.7 IU/kg, respectively), but differences were not significant (P = 0.22). What can be considered "normal" values of vitamin A concentrations across different amphibian species requires further investigation. Although all amphibians collected in this study appeared healthy, a larger sample size of animals, with known health histories and diets, may provide stronger evidence of normal expectations.


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    Cesar Augusto Crovador Siefert


    Full Text Available A construção de parques eólicos tem sido adotada como uma alternativa para geração de energia renovável. Entretanto, um dos impactos mais evidenciados durante a sua implantação está relacionado a alterações na qualidade e estética da paisagem, sobretudo no entorno de áreas protegidas e com potencial turístico. Considerando duas alternativas para implantação do Complexo Eólico Campos Gerais, este artigo possui como objetivo avaliar impactos visuais na qualidade e estética da paisagem causados pela inserção de aerogeradores na região de entorno do Parque Estadual do Guartelá, região dos Campos Gerais do estado Paraná. Foram realizadas simulações em ambiente tridimensional para avaliar as alterações provocadas na paisagem a partir dos locais de contemplação do canyon do rio Iapó, avaliadas em conjunto com levantamentos de campo. Foram delimitadas quatro zonas de impacto visual, de acordo com a distância e ângulo entre os pontos de visada e os aerogeradores, definindo-se graus de impactos nulo, baixo, médio e alto. A solução locacional adotada minimizou significativamente o impacto visual dos aerogeradores em comparação com a alternativa inicialmente avaliada. Desta forma, considerando-se os ângulos de visada e as distâncias relativas entre os pontos de observação avaliados e os aerogeradores, constata-se que o Complexo Eólico Campos Gerais não impactará de forma significativa na qualidade visual e estética da paisagem do canyon do rio Iapó do Parque Estadual do Guartelá.

  12. Aspects of the ecology of meiofauna in Mngazana estuary, Transkei

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    of Mngazana estuary were monitored over a period of 15 months from April 1977 .... Salinity was measured at 5 and 15 cm in the sandy area by withd rawing a few ... marina roots and a large number of fiddler crabs (Uca pugilator). The beach ...

  13. Impact of payments for environmental services and protected areas on local livelihoods and forest conservation in northern Cambodia (United States)

    Clements, Tom; Milner-Gulland, E J


    The potential impacts of payments for environmental services (PES) and protected areas (PAs) on environmental outcomes and local livelihoods in developing countries are contentious and have been widely debated. The available evidence is sparse, with few rigorous evaluations of the environmental and social impacts of PAs and particularly of PES. We measured the impacts on forests and human well-being of three different PES programs instituted within two PAs in northern Cambodia, using a panel of intervention villages and matched controls. Both PES and PAs delivered additional environmental outcomes relative to the counterfactual: reducing deforestation rates significantly relative to controls. PAs increased security of access to land and forest resources for local households, benefiting forest resource users but restricting households’ ability to expand and diversify their agriculture. The impacts of PES on household well-being were related to the magnitude of the payments provided. The two higher paying market-linked PES programs had significant positive impacts, whereas a lower paying program that targeted biodiversity protection had no detectable effect on livelihoods, despite its positive environmental outcomes. Households that signed up for the higher paying PES programs, however, typically needed more capital assets; hence, they were less poor and more food secure than other villagers. Therefore, whereas the impacts of PAs on household well-being were limited overall and varied between livelihood strategies, the PES programs had significant positive impacts on livelihoods for those that could afford to participate. Our results are consistent with theories that PES, when designed appropriately, can be a powerful new tool for delivering conservation goals whilst benefiting local people. El Impacto de los Pagos por Servicios Ambientales y Áreas Protegidas sobre la Subsistencia Local y la Conservación del Bosque en el Norte de Camboya Resumen Los impactos

  14. Los colores de las conchas marinas en el antiguo occidente de México. El caso del Posclásico Seashell color in ancient western Mexico. The case of the Postclassic

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    Luis Gómez-Gastélum


    Full Text Available A partir de los estudios sobre la cosmovisión mesoamericana -en especial aquellos relacionados con el cuerpo humano y las significaciones del color-, se analizan los patrones de uso de las conchas marinas y los objetos elaborados con éstas en las sociedades prehispánicas del occidente de México durante el periodo Posclásico (1100-1350 d.C., con la finalidad de acercarse al simbolismo que les fueron otorgados por parte de quienes las utilizaron.Based on studies of Mesoamerican cosmology, especially with regard to the human body and the meaning of color, we analyzed the use patterns of seashells and objects made from seashells in the Pre-Hispanic societies of western Mexico in the Postclassic period (1100-1530 A.D.. The goal was to understand the symbolism given to these objects by the people who utilized them.

  15. Soil and Rhizosphere Associated Fungi in Gray Mangroves (Avicennia marina) from the Red Sea--A Metagenomic Approach. (United States)

    Simões, Marta Filipa; Antunes, André; Ottoni, Cristiane A; Amini, Mohammad Shoaib; Alam, Intikhab; Alzubaidy, Hanin; Mokhtar, Noor-Azlin; Archer, John A C; Bajic, Vladimir B


    Covering a quarter of the world's tropical coastlines and being one of the most threatened ecosystems, mangroves are among the major sources of terrestrial organic matter to oceans and harbor a wide microbial diversity. In order to protect, restore, and better understand these ecosystems, researchers have extensively studied their microbiology, yet few surveys have focused on their fungal communities. Our lack of knowledge is even more pronounced for specific fungal populations, such as the ones associated with the rhizosphere. Likewise, the Red Sea gray mangroves (Avicennia marina) remain poorly characterized, and understanding of their fungal communities still relies on cultivation-dependent methods. In this study, we analyzed metagenomic datasets from gray mangrove rhizosphere and bulk soil samples collected in the Red Sea coast, to obtain a snapshot of their fungal communities. Our data indicated that Ascomycota was the dominant phylum (76%-85%), while Basidiomycota was less abundant (14%-24%), yet present in higher numbers than usually reported for such environments. Fungal communities were more stable within the rhizosphere than within the bulk soil, both at class and genus level. This finding is consistent with the intrinsic patchiness in soil sediments and with the selection of specific microbial communities by plant roots. Our study indicates the presence of several species on this mycobiome that were not previously reported as mangrove-associated. In particular, we detected representatives of several commercially-used fungi, e.g., producers of secreted cellulases and anaerobic producers of cellulosomes. These results represent additional insights into the fungal community of the gray mangroves of the Red Sea, and show that they are significantly richer than previously reported. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  16. Soil and Rhizosphere Associated Fungi in Gray Mangroves (Avicennia marina from the Red Sea — A Metagenomic Approach

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    Marta Filipa Simões


    Full Text Available Covering a quarter of the world’s tropical coastlines and being one of the most threatened ecosystems, mangroves are among the major sources of terrestrial organic matter to oceans and harbor a wide microbial diversity. In order to protect, restore, and better understand these ecosystems, researchers have extensively studied their microbiology, yet few surveys have focused on their fungal communities. Our lack of knowledge is even more pronounced for specific fungal populations, such as the ones associated with the rhizosphere. Likewise, the Red Sea gray mangroves (Avicennia marina remain poorly characterized, and understanding of their fungal communities still relies on cultivation-dependent methods. In this study, we analyzed metagenomic datasets from gray mangrove rhizosphere and bulk soil samples collected in the Red Sea coast, to obtain a snapshot of their fungal communities. Our data indicated that Ascomycota was the dominant phylum (76%–85%, while Basidiomycota was less abundant (14%–24%, yet present in higher numbers than usually reported for such environments. Fungal communities were more stable within the rhizosphere than within the bulk soil, both at class and genus level. This finding is consistent with the intrinsic patchiness in soil sediments and with the selection of specific microbial communities by plant roots. Our study indicates the presence of several species on this mycobiome that were not previously reported as mangrove-associated. In particular, we detected representatives of several commercially-used fungi, e.g., producers of secreted cellulases and anaerobic producers of cellulosomes. These results represent additional insights into the fungal community of the gray mangroves of the Red Sea, and show that they are significantly richer than previously reported.

  17. Avicequinone C Isolated from Avicennia marina Exhibits 5α-Reductase-Type 1 Inhibitory Activity Using an Androgenic Alopecia Relevant Cell-Based Assay System

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    Ruchy Jain


    Full Text Available Avicennia marina (AM exhibits various biological activities and has been traditionally used in Egypt to cure skin diseases. In this study, the methanolic heartwood extract of AM was evaluated for inhibitory activity against 5α-reductase (5α-R [E.C.], the enzyme responsible for the over-production of 5α-dihydrotestosterone (5α-DHT causing androgenic alopecia (AGA. An AGA-relevant cell-based assay was developed using human hair dermal papilla cells (HHDPCs, the main regulator of hair growth and the only cells within the hair follicle that are the direct site of 5α-DHT action, combined with a non-radioactive thin layer chromatography (TLC detection technique. The results revealed that AM is a potent 5α-R type 1 (5α-R1 inhibitor, reducing the 5α-DHT production by 52% at the final concentration of 10 µg/mL. Activity-guided fractionation has led to the identification of avicequinone C, a furanonaphthaquinone, as a 5α-R1 inhibitor with an IC50 of 9.94 ± 0.33 µg/mL or 38.8 ± 1.29 µM. This paper is the first to report anti-androgenic activity through 5α-R1 inhibition of AM and avicequinone C.

  18. A climatological study of sea breeze clouds in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula (Alicante, Spain)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Azorin-Molina, C. [Grupo de Climatologia, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, Cataluna (Spain)]. E-mail:; Sanchez-Lorenzo, A. [Grupo de Climatologia, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, Cataluna (Spain); Calbo, J. [Grupo de Fisica Ambiental, Universidad de Girona, Campus Montilivi, Cataluna (Spain)


    Sea breezes blow under anticyclonic weather types, weak surface pressure gradients, intense solar radiation and relatively cloud-free skies. Generally, total cloud cover must be less than 4/8 in order to cause a thermal and pressure difference between land and sea air which allows the development of this local wind circulation. However, many numerical and observational studies have analyzed the ability of sea breezes to generate clouds in the convective internal boundary layer and in the sea breeze convergence zone. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to statistically analyze the impact of sea breezes on cloud types in the convective internal boundary layer and in the sea breeze convergence zone. The study area is located in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula (province of Alicante, Spain) and the survey corresponds to a 6-yr study period (2000-2005). This climatological study is mainly based on surface cloud observations at the Alicante-Ciudad Jardin station (central coastal plain) and on an extensive cloud observation field campaign at the Villena-Ciudad station (Prebetic mountain ranges) over a 3-yr study period (2003-2005). The results confirm the hypothesis that the effect of sea breezes on cloud genera is to increase the frequency of low (Stratus) and convective (Cumulus) clouds. Sea breezes trigger the formation of thunderstorm clouds (Cumulonimbus) at the sea breeze convergence zone, which also have a secondary impact on high-level (Cirrus, Cirrocumulus, Cirrostratus), medium-level (Altostratus, Altocumulus) and low-level clouds (Stratus, Stratocumulus, Nimbostratus) associated with the Cumulonimbus clouds (e.g., Cumulonimbus anvil). [Spanish] Las brisas marinas soplan bajo tipos de tiempo anticiclonicos, debiles gradientes de presion atmosferica, radiacion solar intensa y cielos practicamente despejados. Por lo general, la cobertura nubosa total debe ser inferior a 4/8 para que se genere un diferencial termico y de presion entre el aire sobre las

  19. Examining the impact of grazing on iron remineralization: effect of prey type on digestive vacuole pH (United States)

    Pritchard, K. R.; Nuester, J.; Twining, B.


    Most of the iron available to phytoplankton in high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll areas is regenerated by zooplankton grazers. The extent to which the bioavailability of this regenerated iron is a function of prey-type and the chemical conditions within digestive systems of zooplankton is unknown. The chemical composition of the prey, including silica frustules of diatoms and calcium carbonate coccoliths of cocolithophores, might buffer the acidity within a digestive vacuole and thereby influencing the resulting speciation and bioavailability of regenerated iron. In order to test the effect of prey-type on the chemical condition in the digestive vacuole of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina, we used the ratiometric fluorescent dye Lysosensor Yellow/Blue DND-160 in conjunction with confocal microscopy to measure and compare digestive vacuole acidity after feeding O. marina with either the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, the coccolithophore Emiliana huxleyi, or the chlorophyte Dunaliella tertiolecta. After feeding and loading O. marina with the Lysosensor dye, we recorded the total fluorescence (f) of the wavelength regions λ1=500-555 nm and λ2=410-490 nm using an excitation wavelength of 405 nm, and calculated the Lysosensor fluorescence ratio r=f(λ1)/f(λ2). External calibration curves show that this ratio (r) is inversely related to pH. In addition, we also measured the emission of chlorophyll fluorescence above 640 nm in order to identify prey within the grazers and study the timing chlorophyll degradation in conjunction with vacuole pH. After the initial addition of either prey, O. marina consumed 10 times and 2 times more D. tertiolecta cells than E. huxleyi and T. pseudonana cells, respectively. The clearance of the digestive vacuole measured as the disappearance of chlorophyll fluorescence is ca. twice as long for O. marina feeding on D. tertiolecta than on E. huxleyi or T. pseudonana. Initial r was inversely proportional to prey preference

  20. High mortality of Zostera marina under high temperature regimes but minor effects of the invasive macroalgae Gracilaria vermiculophylla (United States)

    Höffle, H.; Thomsen, M. S.; Holmer, M.


    The present study tested for density-dependent effects of the invasive drift macroalgae Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss on growth and survival of the native eelgrass, Zostera marina L., under different temperature levels. Three weeks laboratory experiments were conducted in Odense, Denmark, combining three algae densities (control, low 1.9 kg WW m -2, high 4.5 kg WW m -2) with typical Danish summer temperatures (18 °C) and elevated temperatures (21 °C and 27 °C). There was a significant effect of temperature on shoot survival with on average 68% mortality in the high temperature treatment but almost no mortality at the two lower temperatures. The higher mortality was probably caused by high sulphide levels in the sediment pore water (0.6 mmol l -1 at 18 °C compared to 3.7 mmol l -1 at 27 °C). Above-ground growth of the surviving shoots was also significantly affected by temperature, with leaf elongation rates being negatively affected, while the leaf plastochrone interval increased. Relative growth rate was significantly higher at 21 °C than at 18 °C or 27 °C, whereas rhizome elongation was significantly lowest at 27 °C. Elemental sulphur content in the plant tissues increased significantly with temperature and was up to 34 times higher (S 0 in rhizomes) at 27 °C compared to the lower temperatures. In contrast to the temperature effects, cover by G. vermiculophylla did not cause significant effects on any seagrass responses. However, there was a (non-significant) negative effect of algal cover at the highest temperature, where the seagrass is already stressed. The latter results suggest that more studies should test for interaction effects between temperature and other anthropogenic stressors given that temperature is predicted to increase in the near future.

  1. Desulfomusa hansenii gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel marine propionate-degrading, sulfate-reducing bacterium isolated from Zostera marina roots. (United States)

    Finster, K; Thomsen, T R; Ramsing, N B


    The physiology and phylogeny of a novel sulfate-reducing bacterium, isolated from surface-sterilized roots of the marine macrophyte Zostera marina, are presented. The strain, designated P1T, was enriched and isolated in defined oxygen-free, bicarbonate-buffered, iron-reduced seawater medium with propionate as sole carbon source and electron donor and sulfate as electron acceptor. Strain P1T had a rod-shaped, slightly curved cell morphology and was motile by means of a single polar flagellum. Cells generally aggregated in clumps throughout the growth phase. High CaCl2 (10 mM) and MgCl2 (50 mM) concentrations were required for optimum growth. In addition to propionate, strain P1T utilized fumarate, succinate, pyruvate, ethanol, butanol and alanine. Oxidation of propionate was incomplete and acetate was formed in stoichiometric amounts. Strain P1T thus resembles members of the sulfate-reducing genera Desulfobulbus and Desulforhopalus, which both oxidize propionate incompletely and form acetate in addition to CO2. However, sequence analysis of the small-subunit rDNA and the dissimilatory sulfite reductase gene revealed that strain P1T was unrelated to the incomplete oxidizers Desulfobulbus and Desulforhopalus and that it constitutes a novel lineage affiliated with the genera Desulfococcus, Desulfosarcina, Desulfonema and 'Desulfobotulus'. Members of this branch, with the exception of 'Desulfobotulus sapovorans', oxidize a variety of substrates completely to CO2. Strain P1T (= DSM 12642T = ATCC 700811T) is therefore proposed as Desulfomusa hansenii gen. nov., sp. nov. Strain p1T thus illustrates the difficulty of extrapolating rRNA similarities to physiology and/or ecological function.

  2. Aquatic Plant Control Research Program: The Rhizosphere Microbiology of Rooted Aquatic Plants. (United States)


    Aschers. Botanica Marina. 28:437-442. Schneider, R. W. 1984. Effects of nonpathogenic strains of Fusarium oxysporu f. sp. appi and a novel use of the...of amino acids by the rhizoplane microflora of Zostera marina L. and HaZoduie wriahtii Aschers. Botanica Marina. 27:23-27. 35 Smith, K. A. and R. S

  3. Practical Application of Sea Water Quality Mathematical Model for the Black Sea Coast of Sochi

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    Oleg A. Burunin


    Full Text Available The article deals with an application of the developed model of the sea water quality for forecasting of coastal waters indicators change in the artificial coastal water areas of Sochi. Results of the researches conducted in relation to yacht port «Grand Marina Sochi» are considered.

  4. Journal of Earth System Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Palaeoclimate, palaeoecological and palaeoshoreline studies were carried out for a 2.5 m deep sediment core deposited since ∼3700 yrs BP in the central part of Pichavaram mangrove wetland, Cauvery river delta. Presently, the study area is dominated by Avicennia officinalis, A. marina and Suaeda sp. with fringes of ...

  5. A Methodology for Determining Land Value and Associated Benefits Created from Dredged Material Containment. (United States)


    establish- ments (restaurants, hotels , and marinas), office buildings (HUD, EPA, L’Enfant Plaza, etc.), and low-, mid-, and high-rise apartment build...and redeveloped for hotel and restaurant activities with associated parking facilities. The area around and toward the city side of Navy Field is...specialty tourist activity center called Sea Port Village and consisl largely of boutiques and restaurants. Sit«.* zoning and area land use plans it). The

  6. Habitat use by wild boar Sus scrofa in Moncayo Nature Park, Spain

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    Rodrigues, Patrícia


    Full Text Available Habitat use by wild boar Sus scrofaz was examined during a three-year period in Moncayo Nature Park, a protected mountain area in the Iberian mountain system, Spain. Tracking indirect signs of activity was used to collect data on the species occurrence, according to vegetation type, topography, hunting activity, and season. The data were analysed using binary logistic regression. Habitat used by wild boar differed according seasons, management practices, and vegetation. Main selected habitats were at medium elevations (1,101-1,600 m in areas dominated by holm oak (Quercus ilex, beech (Fagus sylvatica and oak woods of Q. robur, Q. petraea and Q. pyrenaica. Non-hunting areas were selected over hunting areas. We found a seasonal variation in the habitat use of wild boar, with areas dominated by holm oak being used disproportionately in spring, and areas at medium elevations selected only during summer. The results also support the view that non-hunting areas provide a refuge for this species inside the protected area.Estudiamos el uso del hábitat por parte del jabalí Sus scrofa a lo largo de tres años en el Parque Natural del Moncayo, un área protegida de montaña en el Sistema Ibérico, España. Para ello rastreamos las huellas y señales de su actividad en función de la vegetación, topografía, actividad cinegética y estacionalidad. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando regresiones logísticas binarias. El hábitat usado por el jabalí difiere según las estaciones, gestión y vegetación. Los hábitat mayoritariamente seleccionados fueron las altitudes medias (1101-1600 m en áreas dominadas por la encina (Quercus ilex, haya (Fagus sylvatica y robles (Q. robur, Q. petraea y Q. pirenaica. Las zonas no cinegéticas fueron seleccionadas frente a las cinegéticas. Encontramos diferencias estacionales en el uso del hábitat, con un uso mayor al esperado de los encinares en primavera así como de altitudes medias durante el verano. Los

  7. 77 FR 60103 - Fresh Tomatoes From Mexico: Notice of Preliminary Results of Changed Circumstances Review and... (United States)


    ... de Horticultura Protegida, A.C., Union Agricola Regional de Sonora Productores de Hortalizas Frutas y Legtunbres, and Confederacion Nacional de Productores de Hortalizas, (collectively, ``Mexican tomato growers...

  8. Macroinvertebrados dulceacuícolas de la Isla del Coco, Costa Rica: especies y comparación con otras islas del Pacífico Tropical Oriental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo E. Gutiérrez-Fonseca


    Full Text Available La Isla del Coco es una isla oceánica localizada en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental a unos 492km de Cabo Blanco. La isla cuenta con un área terrestre de 24km² y un área marina protegida de 9 640km². Fue declarada Parque Nacional en 1978 y Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1997. Se realizó una gira de recolecta del 22 de mayo al 12 junio 2008. Se recolectaron macroinvertebrados acuáticos en 20 tramos de tres ríos (Genio, Chatham y Sucio y dos quebradas (Minuto y quebrada sin nombre atrás de estación de guarda parques. En 13 sitios se toma- ron parámetros fisicoquímicos. En total se recolectaron 455 individuos de 20 táxones de 15 familias de insectos acuáticos y otros macroinvertebrados. La familia Staphylinidae presentó la mayor abundancia seguida por Chironomidae, los dípteros fueron el orden con mayor riqueza taxonómica. Una relación entre distancia y número de familias se observó apoyando en parte la Teoría de Biogeografía de Islas. La relación mejoró al corregir área con elevación, indicando que islas montañosas tenían alta riqueza, posiblemente debido a la mayor intercepción de nubes que alimentan los ambientes dulceacuícolas que favorecen el establecimiento de la fauna acuática. Las variables ambientales fueron similares en todos los sitios.

  9. Resums


    Ballester Artigues, Teresa; Martí Domínguez, Vicente; Moreno Sáez, Francisco


    - La repressión de guerra en la Marina Alta.- Augusto Villalonga Alemany víctima de la represión de guerra en la Marina Alta.- El colegio de los marista y el asesinato del hermano Millán, su primer director.- La represión de postguerra en la Marina Alta. Vicisitudes de los vencidos y lista de los represaliados. 

  10. Indirect effects of predators control herbivore richness and abundance in a benthic eelgrass (Zostera marina) mesograzer community. (United States)

    Amundrud, Sarah L; Srivastava, Diane S; O'Connor, Mary I


    Herbivore communities can be sensitive to changes in predator pressure (top-down effects) and resource availability (bottom-up effects) in a wide range of systems. However, it remains unclear whether such top-down and bottom-up effects reflect direct impacts of predators and/or resources on herbivores, or are indirect, reflecting altered interactions among herbivore species. We quantified direct and indirect effects of bottom-up and top-down processes on an eelgrass (Zostera marina) herbivore assemblage. In a field experiment, we factorially manipulated water column nutrients (with Osmocote(™) slow-release fertilizer) and predation pressure (with predator exclusion cages) and measured the effects on herbivore abundance, richness and beta diversity. We examined likely mechanisms of community responses by statistically exploring the response of individual herbivore species to trophic manipulations. Predators increased herbivore richness and total abundance, in both cases through indirect shifts in community composition. Increases in richness occurred through predator suppression of common gammarid amphipod species (Monocorophium acherusicum and Photis brevipes), permitting the inclusion of rarer gammarid species (Aoroides columbiae and Pontogeneia rostrata). Increased total herbivore abundance reflected increased abundance of a caprellid amphipod species (Caprella sp.), concurrent with declines in the abundance of other common species. Furthermore, predators decreased beta diversity by decreasing variability in Caprella sp. abundance among habitat patches. Osmocote(™) fertilization increased nutrient concentrations locally, but nutrients dissipated to background levels within 3 m of the fertilizer. Nutrient addition weakly affected the herbivore assemblage, not affecting richness and increasing total abundance by increasing one herbivore species (Caprella sp.). Nutrient addition did not affect beta diversity. We demonstrated that assemblage-level effects of


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    Leonardo Castellanos


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false st1\\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} Del extracto orgánico de la esponja marina Cliona tenuis, recolectada en las Islas del Rosario (Colombia, Mar Caribe, fue obtenida la fracción lipídica, la cual presentó propiedades antifouling en pruebas en campo. Esta fracción fue separada por CC sobre gel de sílice hasta obtener fracciones de ésteres metílicos, glicéridos, glicolípidos, fosfolípidos y ácidos grasos libres, las cuales fueron identificadas por CCD y técnicas de dereplicación (RMN 1H y 13C. Posteriormente, las fracciones de glicéridos, glicolípidos y fosfolípidos fueron hidrolizadas y los ácidos obtenidos, junto con los provenientes de la fracción de ácidos grasos libres, fueron transformados en ésteres metílicos y todos se analizaron por CGAR-EM. Para ubicar las insaturaciones y ramificaciones, los ésteres metílicos se transformaron luego en sus correspondientes pirrolididas, las cuales también se analizaron por CGAR-EM. El estudio cromatográfico (valores de ECL y de los espectros de masas de los ésteres metílicos y de sus derivados pirrolididas permitió identificar 81 ácidos grasos diferentes, de los cuales no habían sido previamente reportados: los ácidos 4,8-hexadecadienoico, 11-metil-4,10-octadecadienoico, 6,9,12,14-icosatetraenoico, y 6,9,12,14,17-icosapentanoico.

  12. Identification and Analysis of Red Sea Mangrove (Avicennia marina) microRNAs by High-Throughput Sequencing and Their Association with Stress Responses

    KAUST Repository

    Khraiwesh, Basel; Pugalenthi, Ganesan; Fedoroff, Nina V.


    Although RNA silencing has been studied primarily in model plants, advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies have enabled profiling of the small RNA components of many more plant species, providing insights into the ubiquity and conservatism of some miRNA-based regulatory mechanisms. Small RNAs of 20 to 24 nucleotides (nt) are important regulators of gene transcript levels by either transcriptional or by posttranscriptional gene silencing, contributing to genome maintenance and controlling a variety of developmental and physiological processes. Here, we used deep sequencing and molecular methods to create an inventory of the small RNAs in the mangrove species, Avicennia marina. We identified 26 novel mangrove miRNAs and 193 conserved miRNAs belonging to 36 families. We determined that 2 of the novel miRNAs were produced from known miRNA precursors and 4 were likely to be species-specific by the criterion that we found no homologs in other plant species. We used qRT-PCR to analyze the expression of miRNAs and their target genes in different tissue sets and some demonstrated tissue-specific expression. Furthermore, we predicted potential targets of these putative miRNAs based on a sequence homology and experimentally validated through endonucleolytic cleavage assays. Our results suggested that expression profiles of miRNAs and their predicted targets could be useful in exploring the significance of the conservation patterns of plants, particularly in response to abiotic stress. Because of their well-developed abilities in this regard, mangroves and other extremophiles are excellent models for such exploration. © 2013 Khraiwesh et al.

  13. Identification and analysis of red sea mangrove (Avicennia marina microRNAs by high-throughput sequencing and their association with stress responses.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Basel Khraiwesh

    Full Text Available Although RNA silencing has been studied primarily in model plants, advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies have enabled profiling of the small RNA components of many more plant species, providing insights into the ubiquity and conservatism of some miRNA-based regulatory mechanisms. Small RNAs of 20 to 24 nucleotides (nt are important regulators of gene transcript levels by either transcriptional or by posttranscriptional gene silencing, contributing to genome maintenance and controlling a variety of developmental and physiological processes. Here, we used deep sequencing and molecular methods to create an inventory of the small RNAs in the mangrove species, Avicennia marina. We identified 26 novel mangrove miRNAs and 193 conserved miRNAs belonging to 36 families. We determined that 2 of the novel miRNAs were produced from known miRNA precursors and 4 were likely to be species-specific by the criterion that we found no homologs in other plant species. We used qRT-PCR to analyze the expression of miRNAs and their target genes in different tissue sets and some demonstrated tissue-specific expression. Furthermore, we predicted potential targets of these putative miRNAs based on a sequence homology and experimentally validated through endonucleolytic cleavage assays. Our results suggested that expression profiles of miRNAs and their predicted targets could be useful in exploring the significance of the conservation patterns of plants, particularly in response to abiotic stress. Because of their well-developed abilities in this regard, mangroves and other extremophiles are excellent models for such exploration.

  14. Identification and Analysis of Red Sea Mangrove (Avicennia marina) microRNAs by High-Throughput Sequencing and Their Association with Stress Responses

    KAUST Repository

    Khraiwesh, Basel


    Although RNA silencing has been studied primarily in model plants, advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies have enabled profiling of the small RNA components of many more plant species, providing insights into the ubiquity and conservatism of some miRNA-based regulatory mechanisms. Small RNAs of 20 to 24 nucleotides (nt) are important regulators of gene transcript levels by either transcriptional or by posttranscriptional gene silencing, contributing to genome maintenance and controlling a variety of developmental and physiological processes. Here, we used deep sequencing and molecular methods to create an inventory of the small RNAs in the mangrove species, Avicennia marina. We identified 26 novel mangrove miRNAs and 193 conserved miRNAs belonging to 36 families. We determined that 2 of the novel miRNAs were produced from known miRNA precursors and 4 were likely to be species-specific by the criterion that we found no homologs in other plant species. We used qRT-PCR to analyze the expression of miRNAs and their target genes in different tissue sets and some demonstrated tissue-specific expression. Furthermore, we predicted potential targets of these putative miRNAs based on a sequence homology and experimentally validated through endonucleolytic cleavage assays. Our results suggested that expression profiles of miRNAs and their predicted targets could be useful in exploring the significance of the conservation patterns of plants, particularly in response to abiotic stress. Because of their well-developed abilities in this regard, mangroves and other extremophiles are excellent models for such exploration. © 2013 Khraiwesh et al.

  15. Numerical simulation of oil spills in coastal areas using shallow water equations in generalised coordinates


    Novelli, Guillaume


    La contaminación generada por los vertidos accidentales de petróleo puede ser reducida si se actúa y si se toman las decisiones adecuadas a tiempo. Las simulaciones numéricas de vertidos de petróleo permiten predecir la evolución de las manchas de crudo. En este trabajo, el objetivo principal era de mejorar la precisión y el rango de aplicación del código SIMOIL desarrollando e integrando al código un modelo de predicción de corrientes marinas en aguas costeras. Se han derivado las ecuaciones...

  16. A combined effect of polybrominated diphenyl ether and aquaculture effluent on growth and antioxidative response of mangrove plants. (United States)

    Farzana, Shazia; Tam, Nora Fung Yee


    Mangrove wetland receives nutrient-rich aquaculture effluent (AE) from nearby farming activities and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) from the production and usage of flame retardants. The effects of BDE-209 (the most common PBDE congener), AE and their combination on two true mangrove species, namely Kandelia obovata and Avicennia marina, were compared in a 6-month microcosm study. Results showed that K. obovata was more sensitive to these contaminants than A. marina, as reflected by its enhanced production of leaf superoxide (O 2 -∗ ) by BDE-209 and root malondialdehyde (MDA) by the combined BDE-209 and AE treatment. The hormesis model showed that the combined effects of BDE-209 and AE on the production of MDA, O 2 -∗ and catalase (CAT) activity in K. obovata and A. marina were antagonistic except root O 2 -∗ in A. marina, but the effects on leaf superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in K. obovata, and root SOD and peroxidase (POD) activities in A. marina were synergistic. The defense mechanisms differed between treatment and species. The activities of SOD and POD were the main mechanisms to defend K. obovata and A. marina against BDE-209, but CAT in K. obovata and POD in A. marina were more important in defending the combined BDE-209 and AE treatment. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Feasibility Study of Economics and Performance of Solar Photovoltaics at the Former Fort Ord Army Base Site in Marina, California. A Study Prepared in Partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency for the RE-Powering America's Land Initiative: Siting Renewable Energy on Potentially Contaminated Land and Mine Sites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stoltenberg, B.; Konz, C.; Mosey, G.


    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in accordance with the RE-Powering America's Land initiative, selected the Former Fort Ord Army Base (FOAB) site in Marina, California, for a feasibility study of renewable energy production. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) provided technical assistance for this project. The purpose of this report is to assess the site for a possible photovoltaic (PV) system installation and estimate the cost, performance, and site impacts of different PV options. In addition, the report recommends financing options that could assist in the implementation of a PV system at the site.

  18. Fitoplancton y zooplancton en el área marina protegida de Isla Gorgona, Colombia, y su relación con variables oceanográficas en estaciones lluviosa y seca

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    Alan Giraldo


    Full Text Available Se estableció la variación en la abundancia y biomasa del fitoplancton y zooplancton en el ambiente pelágico de isla Gorgona durante octubre 2010 (época lluviosa y marzo 2011 (época seca, y se evaluó su grado de correlación con las condiciones hidrográficas de temperatura, salinidad, oxígeno disuelto y transparencia. Las aguas superficiales en los dos periodos fueron cálidas (>26°C y de bajas salinidades (34 y con bajas concentraciones de oxígeno (3.0ml/l. Se registraron 61 géneros de fitoplancton y 30 grupos de zooplancton, con mayores valores para la riqueza de géneros y abundancia del fitoplancton, y para la abundancia y biomasa del zooplancton en marzo que en octubre. Bacteriastrum, Chaetoceros, Coscinodiscus, Guinardia, Rhizosolenia y Skeletonema fueron los generous de fitoplancton más frecuentes durante ambos periodos de muestreo. Para el zooplancton los copépodos fueron el grupo dominante, seguido por los quetognatos y las apendicularias. Adicionalmente, la biomasa del zooplancton presentó una asociación positiva significativa con la temperatura superficial, la salinidad a 10m y la transparencia, y negativa con la concentración de oxígeno disuelto en superficie y a 10m.

  19. Impact of polychaetes (Nereis spp. and Arenicola marina on carbon biogeochemistry in coastal marine sediments†

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kristensen Erik


    Full Text Available Known effects of bioturbation by common polychaetes (Nereis spp. and Arenicola marina in Northern European coastal waters on sediment carbon diagenesis is summarized and assessed. The physical impact of irrigation and reworking activity of the involved polychaete species is evaluated and related to their basic biology. Based on past and present experimental work, it is concluded that effects of bioturbation on carbon diagenesis from manipulated laboratory experiments cannot be directly extrapolated to in situ conditions. The 45–260% flux (e.g., CO2 release enhancement found in the laboratory is much higher than usually observed in the field (10–25%. Thus, the faunal induced enhancement of microbial carbon oxidation in natural sediments instead causes a reduction of the organic matter inventory rather than an increased release of CO2 across the sediment/water interface. The relative decrease in organic inventory (Gb/Gu is inversely related to the relative increase in microbial capacity for organic matter decay (kb/ku. The equilibrium is controlled by the balance between organic input (deposition of organic matter at the sediment surface and the intensity of bioturbation. Introduction of oxygen to subsurface sediment and removal of metabolites are considered the two most important underlying mechanisms for the stimulation of carbon oxidation by burrowing fauna. Introduction of oxygen to deep sediment layers of low microbial activity, either by downward irrigation transport of overlying oxic water or by upward reworking transport of sediment to the oxic water column will increase carbon oxidation of anaerobically refractory organic matter. It appears that the irrigation effect is larger than and to a higher degree dependent on animal density than the reworking effect. Enhancement of anaerobic carbon oxidation by removal of metabolites (reduced diffusion scale may cause a significant increase in total sediment metabolism. This is caused by three

  20. Analysis of Toxic and Non-Toxic Alexandrium (Dinophyceae) Species Using Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequences (United States)


    Therriault, J.-C. (1988). Cladistic analysis of electrophoretic variants within the toxic dinoflagellate genus Protogonyaulax. Botanica Marina 31: 39- 51. 8... Botanica Marina 34: 575-587. Halegraeff, G. M., and Bolch, C.J. (1992). Transport of toxic dinoflagellate cysts via ship’s ballast water: implications...analysis of electrophoretic variants within the toxic dinoflagellate genus Protogonv-u.!a,. Botanica Marina 31: 39-51. Curran, J., Baillie, D.L

  1. A primer on wood as dock construction material (United States)

    Stan Lebow


    To be a successful marina owner and operator, it’s important to understand all the facets of one’s facility, including the intricacies of one part of the marina that most boaters take for granted: the docks. When it comes to dock construction, marinas have a wide-range of materials to choose from, with one of the most commonly used materials being preservative-treated...

  2. Assessment of Groundwater Quality of Udayagiri area, Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh, South India Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arveti Nagaraju


    Full Text Available Hydrogeochemical studies were carried out in and around Udayagiri area of Andhra Pradesh in order to assess the chemistry of the groundwater and to identify the dominant hydrogeochemical processes and mechanisms responsible for the evolution of the chemical composition of the groundwater. Descriptive statistics, correlation matrices, principal component analysis (PCA, together with cluster analysis (CA were used to gain an understanding of the hydrogeochemical processes in the study area. PCA has identified 4 main processes influencing the groundwater chemistry viz., mineral precipitation and dissolution, seawater intrusion, cation exchange, and carbonate balance. Further, three clusters C1, C2 and C3 were obtained. Samples from C1 contain high level of Cl− and may be due to the intensive evaporation and contamination from landfill leachate. Most of the samples from C2 are located closer to the sea and the high level of Na+ +K+ in these samples may be attributed to seawater intrusion. The geochemistry of water samples in C3 are more likely to originate from rock weathering. This has been supported by Gibbs diagram. The groundwater geochemistry in the study area is mostly of natural origin, but is influenced to some degree by human activity.    Evaluación de la calidad del agua subterránea a través de técnicas estadísticas multivariadas en el área Udayagiri, distrito Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, en el sur de India Resumen Se realizaron estudios hidrogeoquímicos en y alrededor del área Udayagiri de Andhra Pradesh para evaluar la química del agua subterránea e identificar los procesos hidrogeoquímicos dominantes y los mecanismos responsables de la evolución en la composición química del agua subterránea. Se utilizaron estadísticas descriptivas, matrices de correlación, análisis de componentes principales, al igual que análisis de grupos, para obtener y entender los procesos hidrogeoquímicos en el área de estudio. Los an

  3. Efficiency of Photosynthesis in a Chl d-Utilizing Cyanobacterium is Comparable to or Higher than that in Chl a-Utilizing Oxygenic Species (United States)

    Mielke, S. P.; Kiang, N. Y.; Blankenship, R. E.; Gunner, M. R.; Mauzerall, D.


    The cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina uses chlorophyll d to carry out oxygenic photosynthesis in environments depleted in visible and enhanced in lower-energy, far-red light. However, the extent to which low photon energies limit the efficiency of oxygenic photochemistry in A. marina is not known. Here, we report the first direct measurements of the energy-storage efficiency of the photosynthetic light reactions in A. marina whole cells,and find it is comparable to or higher than that in typical, chlorophyll a-utilizing oxygenic species. This finding indicates that oxygenic photosynthesis is not fundamentally limited at the photon energies employed by A. marina, and therefore is potentially viable in even longer-wavelength light environments.

  4. Role of seagrass photosynthesis in root aerobic processes. (United States)

    Smith, R D; Dennison, W C; Alberte, R S


    The role of shoot photosynthesis as a means of supporting aerobic respiration in the roots of the seagrass Zostera marina was examined. O(2) was transported rapidly (10-15 minutes) from the shoots to the root-rhizome tissues upon shoot illumination. The highest rates of transport were in shoots possessing the greatest biomass and leaf area. The rates of O(2) transport do not support a simple gas phase diffusion mechanism. O(2) transport to the root-rhizome system supported aerobic root respiration and in many cases exceeded respiratory requirements leading to O(2) release from the subterranean tissue. Release of O(2) can support aerobic processes in reducing sediments typical of Z. marina habitats. Since the root-rhizome respiration is supported primarily under shoot photosynthetic conditions, then the daily period of photosynthesis determines the diurnal period of root aerobiosis.

  5. Environmental license process complexity in natural protected areas: case of OSBAT pipeline operated by TRANSPETRO in the state of Sao Paulo; Complexidade do licenciamento ambiental em areas naturais protegidas: caso do duto OSBAT operado pela TRANSPETRO no estado de Sao Paulo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alves, Anibal Jose Constantino; Raul, Vanderlei Lourenco; Martini, Andrea Dietrich; Campos, Cleber Lucio dos Santos; Ozorio, Tarcisio Faria; Melo Neto, Joao Evangelista de; Lima, Silvia Ferreira de [PETROBRAS Transporte S. A. (TRANSPETRO), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    It presents the environmental license process enforced to obtain the Implementation License (LI) of the OSBAT pipeway part substitution, in the Sao Sebastiao city, State of Sao Paulo, with the analyses centered on the several public power instances and on the many special legal protection aspects around the natural area scenarios of the project interference. The license process had the duration of seventeen months, since the LI protocol and its emission. The process had the involvement of several organisms, the main part from the Sistema Nacional de Meio Ambiente - SISNAMA, and represented an interesting experience that can contribute to the agility of other license process of infrastructure works on protected natural areas, which has the incidence of an extensive legislation and activities restriction. (author)

  6. Acute thermal stressor increases glucocorticoid response but minimizes testosterone and locomotor performance in the cane toad (Rhinella marina.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edward J Narayan

    Full Text Available Climatic warming is a global problem and acute thermal stressor in particular could be considered as a major stressor for wildlife. Cane toads (Rhinella marina have expanded their range into warmer regions of Australia and they provide a suitable model species to study the sub-lethal impacts of thermal stressor on the endocrine physiology of amphibians. Presently, there is no information to show that exposure to an acute thermal stressor could initiate a physiological stress (glucocorticoid response and secondly, the possible effects on reproductive hormones and performance. Answering these questions is important for understanding the impacts of extreme temperature on amphibians. In this study, we experimented on cane toads from Queensland, Australia by acclimating them to mildly warm temperature (25°C and then exposing to acute temperature treatments of 30°, 35° or 40°C (hypothetical acute thermal stressors. We measured acute changes in the stress hormone corticosterone and the reproductive hormone testosterone using standard capture and handling protocol and quantified the metabolites of both hormones non-invasively using urinary enzyme-immunoassays. Furthermore, we measured performance trait (i.e. righting response score in the control acclimated and the three treatment groups. Corticosterone stress responses increased in all toads during exposure to an acute thermal stressor. Furthermore, exposure to a thermal stressor also decreased testosterone levels in all toads. The duration of the righting response (seconds was longer for toads that were exposed to 40°C than to 30°, 35° or 25°C. The increased corticosterone stress response with increased intensity of the acute thermal stressor suggests that the toads perceived this treatment as a stressor. Furthermore, the results also highlight a potential trade-off with performance and reproductive hormones. Ultimately, exposure acute thermal stressors due to climatic variability could impact

  7. Acute thermal stressor increases glucocorticoid response but minimizes testosterone and locomotor performance in the cane toad (Rhinella marina). (United States)

    Narayan, Edward J; Hero, Jean-Marc


    Climatic warming is a global problem and acute thermal stressor in particular could be considered as a major stressor for wildlife. Cane toads (Rhinella marina) have expanded their range into warmer regions of Australia and they provide a suitable model species to study the sub-lethal impacts of thermal stressor on the endocrine physiology of amphibians. Presently, there is no information to show that exposure to an acute thermal stressor could initiate a physiological stress (glucocorticoid) response and secondly, the possible effects on reproductive hormones and performance. Answering these questions is important for understanding the impacts of extreme temperature on amphibians. In this study, we experimented on cane toads from Queensland, Australia by acclimating them to mildly warm temperature (25°C) and then exposing to acute temperature treatments of 30°, 35° or 40°C (hypothetical acute thermal stressors). We measured acute changes in the stress hormone corticosterone and the reproductive hormone testosterone using standard capture and handling protocol and quantified the metabolites of both hormones non-invasively using urinary enzyme-immunoassays. Furthermore, we measured performance trait (i.e. righting response score) in the control acclimated and the three treatment groups. Corticosterone stress responses increased in all toads during exposure to an acute thermal stressor. Furthermore, exposure to a thermal stressor also decreased testosterone levels in all toads. The duration of the righting response (seconds) was longer for toads that were exposed to 40°C than to 30°, 35° or 25°C. The increased corticosterone stress response with increased intensity of the acute thermal stressor suggests that the toads perceived this treatment as a stressor. Furthermore, the results also highlight a potential trade-off with performance and reproductive hormones. Ultimately, exposure acute thermal stressors due to climatic variability could impact amphibians at

  8. Stress proteins and auxiliary anti-stress compounds in intertidal macroalgae Proteínas de estrés y compuestos anti-estrés auxiliares en algas marinas intermareales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edgardo Cruces


    Full Text Available Intertidal macroalgae are exposed to strong variation in the physical environment and thus, diverse anti-stress mechanisms are displayed by these organisms. Stress proteins (also called heat shock proteins, HSPs have been invoked as potential protective mechanism, especially during stressful action of temperature and solar radiation. Therefore, macroalgae have not normally been used as model organisms in studies of these molecules. The present study compiles the existing information from intertidal species in the context of major factors that have been reported to induce them, e.g. temperature, enhanced solar radiation, contaminants, etc. Additionally, in order to address the question whether the expression of these proteins operates in intertidal macroalgae complementarily with other protective mechanisms, a case study of induction of HSPs after exposure to UV radiation and high temperature in two upper littoral species, Ulva sp. and Porphyra columbina, from southern Chile is presented. In parallel, two well-known responses to stress, photoinhibition of photochemical reactions (Fv/Fm and ROS scavenging were measured. The results indicated that, although stress proteins were detected in a time span between 3 and 24 h, the responses were not correlated with photochemical and antioxidative response. Overall, the study outlines a potential role of stress proteins in ecophysiological responses developed to cope mainly with high temperature and UV radiation. However, other rapid metabolic adjustments (e.g. high thermo-tolerance of photosynthesis and efficient ROS scavenging, together with other biomolecules (mycosporines, phenols, polyamines, etc. and morpho-functional adaptations to the intertidal life (e.g. small size, high area/volume ratio are also important.Las macroalgas marinas intermareales están expuestas a extrema variación en las condiciones ambientales y por ello desarrollan una serie de mecanismos anti-estrés. Las proteínas de estr

  9. Trama trófica de una comunidad de peces en una pradera marina en el Caribe Venezolano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana López-Ordaz


    Full Text Available Las praderas marinas son consideradas sitios importantes de alimentación para una variedad de especies de peces, por lo que en estos sistemas son frecuentes las interacciones tróficas complejas. En el presente trabajo se describió la trama trófica de la ictiofauna en una pradera marina ubicada en el Caribe Venezolano. Adicionalmente, se propuso una medida de la intensidad de consumo de cada presa (IC, considerando dos variables: la abundancia y la frecuencia de uso. Se realizaron ocho muestreos (en 4 horarios: 6:00, 12:00, 18:00 y 24:00 horas en agosto 2005 y enero 2006. Se capturaron 51 especies pertenecientes a 29 familias siendo Haemulidae la más abundante y se identificaron 28 items alimenticios dentro de los cuales, Crustácea fue el más importante como recurso alimenticio. La importancia de los gremios tróficos considerando la abundancia y la riqueza taxonómica de especies fue: bentófago>herbívoro>piscívoro. Las características de la trama trófica fueron las siguientes: 1 una mayor proporción de cadenas cortas (dos eslabones, 2 un elevado número de especies intermedias. 3 un elevado consumo de bentos, 4 unas bajas intensidades de consumo y 5 un reducido número de especies involucradas en el mayor número de uniones tróficas estimadas. Se obtuvieron diferencias temporales (horarias y mensuales en el número de especies (totales, intermedias y topes, de uniones totales, en la conectividad y en la longitud máxima de cadena. No se observó una variación temporal en la conectancia y sus valores resultaron parecidos a los reportados para otros ambientes marinos con distinta riqueza de especies. Por el contrario, los valores de conectividad resultaron menores a los obtenidos en ambientes con menor riqueza de especies. Como en otros reportes, los parámetros tróficos estimados fueron poco sensibles a los cambios intracomunitarios. IC resultó bajo, a excepción de lo obtenido para los copépodos harpacticoides y las larvas de

  10. 76 FR 3640 - Notice of Closed Meetings (United States)


    ... and evaluate grant applications. Place: Marina del Rey Hotel, 13534 Bali Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292...: To review and evaluate grant applications. Place: Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center...

  11. 78 FR 3009 - Center for Scientific Review; Notice of Closed Meetings (United States)


    .... Agenda: To review and evaluate grant applications. Place: Marina del Rey Hotel, 13534 Bali Way, Marina... North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. Contact Person: Dianne Hardy, Ph.D., Scientific Review...

  12. Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity Journal Index for 1976 thru 1984, (United States)


    and Antibiotics. Venezuela Basin. Deep-Sea Research, v. 31, Botanica Marina, v. XXIV, p. 399-404. p. 403-414. Thompson, J. Dana (1978). Ocean Deserts...v. 29, n. 102, p. 286-295. Phytoplankton Extracellular Products. Botanica marina, v~. XXXVI, p. 375-381. Radl, C.J. and J.P. Welsh (1983). Inventory...Experiments tion and Antibiotics. Botanica Marina, v. XXIV, in the Indian River Estuary, Florida. Journal of p. 399-404. ?. Marine Research, v. 36, p, 569-593

  13. 77 FR 30021 - Center for Scientific Review Notice of Closed Meetings (United States)


    ... North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611. Contact Person: Toby Behar, Ph.D., Scientific Review Officer.... Agenda: To review and evaluate grant applications. Place: Marina del Rey Hotel, 13534 Bali Way, Marina...

  14. Ecuador y los objetivos del milenio : inversiones para la conservación del agua

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    Fabián Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente estudio analiza si se justifica la inversión en la protección del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (SNAP. El nivel de inversión del Estado ecuatoriano fue estimado a partir de las necesidades de financiamiento del SNAP. Los beneficios económicos fueron estimados a partir de la oferta de agua de las áreas protegidas que se encuentran a lo largo de la Cordillera de los Andes. La metodología para evaluar si es conveniente o no la inversión del Estado en la protección del SNAP fue la relación beneficio - costo (B/C. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que solo los valores piso de la relación B/C justifican la inversión del Estado.

  15. Top-down impact through a bottom-up mechanism: the effect of limpet grazing on growth, productivity and carbon allocation of Zostera marina L. (eelgrass). (United States)

    Zimmerman, Richard C; Kohrs, Donald G; Alberte, Randall S


    The unusual appearance of a commensal eelgrass limpet [Tectura depicta (Berry)] from southern California at high density (up to 10 shoot -1 ) has coincided with the catastrophic decline of a subtidal Zostera marina L. meadow in Monterey Bay, California. Some commensal limpets graze the chloroplast-rich epidermis of eelgrass leaves, but were not known to affect seagrass growth or productivity. We evaluated the effect on eelgrass productivity of grazing by limpets maintained at natural densities (8±2 shoot -1 ) in a natural light mesocosm for 45 days. Growth rates, carbon reserves, root proliferation and net photosynthesis of grazed plants were 50-80% below those of ungrazed plants, but biomass-specific respiration was unaffected. The daily period of irradiance-saturated photosynthesis (H sat ) needed to maintain positive carbon balance in grazed plants approached 13.5 h, compared with 5-6 h for ungrazed plants. The amount of carbon allocated to roots of ungrazed plants was 800% higher than for grazed plants. By grazing the chlorophyll-rich epidermis, T. depicta induced carbon limitation in eelgrass growing in an other-wise light-replete environment. Continued northward movement of T. depicta, may have significant impacts on eelgrass production and population dynamics in the northeast Pacific, even thought this limpet consumes very little plant biomass. This interaction is a dramatic example of top-down control (grazing/predation) of eelgrass productivity and survival operating via a bottom-up mechanism (photosynthesis limitation).

  16. San Antonio Creek Restoration, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (United States)


    Vandenberg Air Force Base Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Sambucus mexicana Blue elderberry Sonchus oleraceus * Common sow... Sonchus oleraceus Common sow-thistle exotic NI Spergularia bocconii Sand-spurry exotic FAC Spergularia marina Sand-spurry native FACW...border the existing roads within the project area. Both weedy non-native species adapted to frequent disturbance, such as sow thistle ( Sonchus

  17. Recent benthic foraminifera and sedimentary facies from mangrove swamps and channels of Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) (United States)

    Fiorini, Flavia; Odeh, Weaam A. S. Al; Lokier, Stephen W.; Paul, Andreas


    Zonation of Recent mangrove environments can be defined using benthic foraminifera, however, little is known about foraminifera from mangrove environments of the Arabian Gulf. The objective of this study is to produce a detailed micropaleontological and sedimentological analysis to identify foraminiferal associations in several coastline environments (mangrove swamps and channels) located on the eastern side of Abu Dhabi Island (UAE). Detailed sediment sampling collection in mangal environments of Eastern Abu Dhabi was carried out to assess the distribution of living and dead benthic foraminifera in different sedimentary facies in the mangal and in the surrounding area comprising natural environments of the upper and lower intertidal area (mud flats and channels) and areas modified by anthropogenic activities (dredged channels). The fine-grain sediments collected near mangrove (Avicenna marina) roots presented a high abundance of living and dead foraminifera tests. The assemblages in these samples show very low diversity and are almost entirely constituted of small-sized opportunistic species belonging to the genera Ammonia and Elphidium. In particular: • Samples collected on the mud flat and in ponds at the margin of the channel show a foraminiferal assemblage characterised by abundant foraminifera belonging to the genera Ammonia, Elphidium, Triloculina, Quinqueloculina, Peneroplis and Spirolina. • Samples collected in the lower (wet) intertidal area close to Avicenna marina roots, presented a low-diversity assemblage mostly comprising opportunistic foraminifera of the genera Ammonia and Elphidium along with rare miliolidae. • Samples from the upper intertidal area (dry) close to Avicenna marina roots, produced an assemblage exclusively composed of small-sized opportunistic Ammonia and Elphidium, together with abundant specimens belonging to the genera Trochammina. Throchammina specimens have not been previously recorded from Recent sedimentary samples of

  18. Producción de YTX por cultivos de Protoceratium reticulatum: variabilidad en el perfil de toxinas de diferentes cepas


    Paz, Beatriz


    Proyectos "Producción de toxinas marinas a partir de cultivos de dinoflagelados" CICYT, REN2001-2959-C04-01. "Producción de toxinas marinas a partir de cultivos de dinoflagelados" CICYT AGL2004-08241-C04-02/ALI". "Producción de toxinas liposolubles" (Ostreoscinas y Yessotoxinas). Subproyecto 1: "Producción de toxinas marinas por cultivos de dinoflagelados" del proyecto coordinado "Análisis de toxinas en alimentos de origen marino: Identificación de cultivos de los microorganismos res...

  19. Caracterización de los Sistemas de Áreas Naturales Protegidas en dos metrópolis Mexicanas

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    Gabriela de la Mora-de la Mora


    Full Text Available From a polycentric analysis applied to mezzo regional level are characterized the urban and peri-urban’s protected natural areas systems (PNAS in the Mexican cities of Guadalajara and Monterrey. These systems have been defned by the proximity of the PNA’s to the urban areas, but not by a policy perspective or an existing public policy. The protected natural areas comprised in both systems are administered and managed by diferent levels of government (federal, state and municipal, which are facing major challenges in their management because of the local urbanization processes. Being one of the most important issues, the lack of coordination and communication between government authorities at diferent levels. The research is conducted based on the analysis of documentary information specialized in these subjects and empirical data gathered through interviews with key stakeholders in each metropolis.

  20. Avicennia marina

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Apr 23, 2014 ... radical processes in embryonic axes of the white ... 1Plant Germplasm Conservation Research, School of Life Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Private .... location of staining as criteria (International Seed Testing Asso-.